Mr. ERMON ON T H S. Out-pouring of the HOLY GHOST. 3lie cut-four ing of the HOLY GHOST. SERMON Preach'd in BOSTON, May 13, 1741. On a day of prayer obferved by the firft Church there* to afk of Gop the effufion of his Sp i R i T. By Charles Chauncy, A. M* Paftor of faid Church, Hof. 10. iz. It is time tvfeek the LORD, till he come an& rain righteoufnefs upon us. Jfaiah. 44. 3. For I will pour water upon htm that is tkirjty y and foods upon the dry ground', I what they did not expect, and were much furprifed at, They were aftonijhed, becaufe, fays my text, on the Gen- tiles alfo was poured out the gift of the HOLY GHOST : In which words the three following things are obferva- ble, I. The gift here fpokenof-, viz. the HOLY GHOST. II. The perfons to whom he was given ; and thefq were the Gentiles alfo, i c e. the Gentiles as well as Jews ^ listh in common - 9 one as well as the other, without re~ fpcft of perfons. III. The manner of bellowing this gift; It was toovrea cut. Accordingly, thefe are the particulars we IhalJ briefly, con&der, and then apply to the occafions of the day. I. The firft thing obfervable in the text is, the fpoken of; viz. the HOLY GHOST. The HOLY GHOST, or HOLY SPJRJT, as the \vord is el fe where translated ; It's the name of the THIRD of the SACRED THREE. He is otherwife {lil'd fometimes, by way of emphafls, THE SPIRIT; fometimcs, the SPIRIT of GOD, the SPIRIT of CHRIST, the SPIRIT of grace, the SPIRIT of truth, the SPIRIT of holinefs ; fometimes, he is fpoken of as the COMFORTER, the SANCTIFIER, and the like. That glorious perfon is pointed out, under all thefe ap- pellations, in whofe name, as well as in the name of the FATHER and the SON, we are baptifed, and by this inftituted rite take upon us the character of Cbriftians. Only, let it be remembred, when the HOLY GHOST is fpoken of as a gift from GOD, we are not to underiland hereby the perfon, but the influences of this blejfcd SPIRIT. Not that the HOLY GHOST is nothing more than an emanation, operation or influence, fi-prn the FATHER, He is often reprefented, in the /*r HOLTGflOSTi 7 ^ a an 0we 9 who can pretend to no fuch extraordinary gifts,- But what fays the infpired Paul? Why, fpeaking to the Chriftians at Corinth^ concerning thefe very extraor- dinary gifts of the HOLY GHOST, he directs them to what was far more defirable. 1 Jhew unto you , fays he a a more excellent way-f. And this way he Jkewed to them, was that of Charity or -love. The true love of our neighbour^ fpringing from tout. to GOD, and a prin- ciple of faith in JESUS CHRI^T^S a gift far preferabk to * Ms ^, ify ig. f i Cor, 12, 31, m HOLT GHOST, $ to any of the miraculous gifts, the firft Chriftians were endowed with : And upon whomfoe^er GOD beftows this gift, he doe$ more for them, than if he enabled them to fyeak with the tongues of men or angels^ of gave them faith fa that they could remove mountains. This, *ris true, might make them more eminent in their own as well as in the efteerh of others ; but ^former would tender them letter in th'emfelves, arid far more acceptable in the fight of GOD. 'Tis worth our particular remark, the extraordinary gifts of the HOL? GHOST made no man the letter Chriftian. They did not fantlify his foul, or put hint in a (late df favour with GOD \ And if fanftified per- fons were thofe, oh whorn they were often Conferred, yet this was riot always the cafe. It was no certain argument of a man's being a good man, a fincere fer- vant of JESUS CHRIS? , that the HOLY Gkosf had come upon him in his extraordinary gifts. The Spirit of prophecy fell on Balaam? who made Jfrael to fin, and of whom it is teftified by an apoflle, that he loved the w'dges of unrighteciifnefs. And Judas, as well as the other apoftles, had the power bf working Jigns and won- tiers, and of cafting out Devils: Yea, bur SAVIOUR himlelf has declared, that he will, in the great day of judgment, fay unto many who have' prophefied in his namt, and. in his name caft out Devils, and in his name 'done many wonderful works, I never knew you : Depart from me, ye that work iniquity*. Thefe miraculous gifts were rather bellowed for the good of others, than the ferfons themfelves who had them. Tongues, fays the apoftle*}", are for a fign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe hot , They were intended as an open Mtejialion to the truth of the Chriftian religion ; which being now fettled in the world, there is no further ufe of them, fe i ~.. .. 1 ^ n * Mah, 7, 22, 23, j Cor. 19, 22. TO A Sermon on the out-pouring of I therefore go on to obferve, By the gift of the HOLY GHOST, we are to ft and, not only 'thefe extraordinary powers, but that ordinary influence, common to all ages of the Church, whereby the work of Divine grace is begun and carried on in the fouls of men, to their being prepared in this world for the bleffednefs of the world that is to come. Some, I am fenfible, are for confining the gift of the HOLY GHOST to the apoftolic age : But there is no ireafon for this. 5 Tis plain from the current ftrain of the whole new-teftament, that the gift of the HOLY GHOST is as neceffary for perfons in all after ages, as It was in the firji days of the Gofpel. 'Tis therefore declared in language extending to all times as well as Perfons*, except a man be born of the SPIRIT, he can- not enter into the 'kingdom of GOD \ and again, -\ If any man have not the SPIRIT of CHRIST, be is none of his 5 and yet again, fl Hereby we know that we dwell in Mm, and he in us, becaufe he hath given us of his SPIRIT. Nor by the gift of the SPIRIT, in this Senfe, are we to underftand barely the objective influence of re- pealed truths, or any improvements of nature that are fTieerly moral \ but that immediate presence and influ- ence of the HOLY GHOST, whereby a real power is communicated to the purpofes of religion. This is the true meaning of thofe numerous texts, wherein thofe who are real Chriftians,' are faid to be born of the SPI- R i T , to have the SP I R i f dwelling in their Hearts by faith \ to be ftrengthened with all might in the inner man by the SPIRIT ; to be led by the SPIRIT ; to walk in /^SPIRIT, and the like. By thefe phrafes, is pointed oat a fort of influence beyond what is meerJy natural or moral: 'Tis evidently their main fcope to reprefent the holy SPIRIT as all in all in the bufinefs of * John 3* j, f &om, 8. g 8 i John 4. 1$, the HOLT GHOST. if of pure and undefiled religion ; the beginner, the car- rier on, and the finifher of faith, yea, and of every thing elfe that is fpiritually good, in the hearts of fin- cere Chriftians : Nor will any thing fhort of this come up to the juft and full import of thefe expreflions. Nor is it any objection againft thefe operations of the HOLY GHOST, that we know not how he operates upon the humane mind. Men may, if they pleafe, take occafion from hence to fpeak contemptuoufly of this difpenfation of GOD'S Grace ; but 'tis, in true rea- fon, no argument againft the reality of a thing, that the manner of it can't be defcribed. Who can tell how his own Spirit operates on his own body, or his own body on his own Spirit ? And yet, there is nothing we are more fure of, than that they mutually operate on each other. And if it be no objection againft the mutual operation of foul and body upon one another, that we know not the modus of their operation, nei- ther is our ignorance as to the manner of the SPIRIT'$ operation on the hearts of Men, any objection againft the thing it felf : Nor is it at all incredible, that the GOD who made our fouls, and is perfectly acquainted with all their fprings of action, fhould be able to ope- rate upon them i and this, in a way fuited to their nature, and fo as not to break in, in the leaft, upon the juft exercife of their reafonable powers. It would argue but a low conception of the infinitely wife GOD to fuppofe the contrary. He that has all immediate accefs to our Spirits can certainly work upon them, and, in a reafonable way, influence them both to will and to do of bis own good pleafure ; And that the Di- vine ever-bleffed SPIRIT does really thus operate upon them, and in thus doing acts the part efpecially affigned hirrj in the affair of man's falvation, mgft be acknowledged to be the obvious fenfe of a great num- ber of texts, which can't, without the greateft violence^ t$ interpreted to any other meaning. But it will B a y A Sermon on the out-pouring of be amife, if we are a little particular in explaining thq gift of {he HOLY GHOST, as it means this internal operation ol his, which is common to all ages of the Church. And it confifts in the following things, j. In convincing men of Sin. This is the firft ope- ration 'of the SPIRIT upon the Sinner. Accordingly, fihis is particularly mentioned as one of the ends tot which the SPIRIT is faid to be given to men, even that he might reprove, or convince, tbern of firi*. And this he does by awakening their attention, bringing them to confideration, and 'giving them fuch a fight of fin as they never had before. When the SPIRIT con- yin^es of fin, he opens the finners eyes, fo that he fees it to be an qvil and bitter thing, that he has for- faken the LORI) his GOD. He has now an appre- henfion pf fin a$ what is hateful to the Divine majefty, and dreadful in its effects and confequences - 9 He has p'ow a view of himfelf as a.n object pfvwrath, and heir pf helj, and in danger every morpent of being made rnjferable Jn that future place of torment : And from his apprehenfjon of fin, aqd of his own immanent ha- zard as under the guilt of it, he is filled with uneaft- ftefb ', bitterly reflects upon himfelf, arid feels all that inward diilreft which is the r^fult of a cahfcioufnefs of guilr, an actual clear view ot himfelf 'as in a (late, wherein he d'efcrves to be fent away to be made im- Jiappy in ^he place of blacknefs of darknefs. orne, perhaps, may 'think, there is no need of this perception 'of fin, and uneafinefs from' a fenfe of guilt ;' l>ut"us ordinarily rteceffary, as that without which there Can t> e n P fuch thing as a real and thorovy conv,erfion to Gop * TO before, !tis a matc^r of nect(Tity in re- Ipedc of adult. perf(?ns-, thofe among them particularly, intvtad of being reftrained from fin from their . , ' earlv ~ "* Joijn 1 6. 8." : the HOLT GHOST. 13 early Childhood, have given the reins to their !ufts ? and gone on adding iniquity to tranfgrefiion. J Ti$ Seldom, if ever, that a faving change is effected in fuch, but 'tis preceeded with bitter reflections on their pad fecurity and folly, and uneafy fenfations from an apprehcnfion of themfelves as obnoxious to the Divine vengeance. Tho* it ought to be particularly remembred here, that the degrees of diftrefs, from a confcioufnefs of fin and fear of wrath, are vaftly various in different per- fons. In fome ? tis greater, in others fmaller ; in fome 'tis of longer, in others of fhorter continuance ; in all, that are favingly brought home to GOD in, JESUS CHRIST, the concern of foul is fufficient to put: them effectually upon the ufe of appinted means in order- to their obtaining mercy ; but in none, is this diftrefs excited to fo great a degree as to put them befide themfelves, unlefs from their own weaknefs, or igno- rance, or fome faulty caufe or other, which ought noc to be afcribed to the SPIRIT of GOD. And it may be worth remembring likewife, that this conviflion of fin is a thing quite different from con- verfwn. 'Tis only the firft j:ep towards it, a prepa- ration of mind making way for it: Nor unit fs it end in this bleffed change, will it fignify any thing, if per- fons are under ever fo deep diftrefs. This mould be veil confidered by fuch as may be under convictions. You may not from hence conclude your felves to be in a good ftate. The fight you have of fin as an evil thing, the apprehenfion you have of your felves as ob- jects 'of wrath, and the uneafmefs you may be under herefrom, are nothing niore than the tendencies towards tfmverfib.%. And let me tell you, there may be the former and not the latter. You may turn out fhameful a.pc(lates from GOD after very ferious imprefllons, \ery (Irong convictions, yea, and great zeal in an at- tendance on rejigious duties. O take hted, you don** make *4 A Sermon on the out-pouring of make a righteoufnefs of your convictions, that you don't place them in the room of CHRIST, in the room of true Gofpel repentance ! Don't fuffer your felves to reft in convictions ! Jf you place your religion here, and attain no higher, they will do you no good ; yea, notwithftanding your convictions, tho' they have (truck you to the earth, you will certainly be excluded hea- ven, and be fent away to hell. Realife it, the great defign of conviction is to put you upon the ufe of the inftituted means of falvation. Their ufe is to fhew you your, need of CHRIST, to open to you the value of grace, and quicken you, with a becoming importunity, to feek GOD'S face and favour: And if they are not improv'd for thefe purpofes, they will be of no fpiri- tual fervice to you. O fix it in your minds as a furc truth, that you may have even the ftrongeft convicti- ons, and no faving good follow upon them ! And it i$ often thus ; yea, in refpect of many with whom it is thus, they are the worfe, and not the better for their convictions. Sinners who have been furprized with fearfulnefs, under an apprehenfion of fin and guilt, have often turn'd out the worft of men, the moft har- den'd and abandon'd to i-.ll that is good. The latter end with them has been worfe than the beginning. You are therefqre, at prefent, in a critical (late ; and mould look v/ell to your felves, leaft, after having efcaped the pollutions that are in the world through luft, you fjiould turn away from the holy commandment deli- vered to you. But I muft not enlarge, 2. Another operation, included in this gift of the HOLY GHOST, is that whereby he produces in men true go f pel faiib. This faith is much celebrated in the writings of the new teftament. 5 Tis every where re- preferued as the grand charafferiftic of a true Chrtftian. ?Tis indeed that without which 'tis imppffible to pleafe Gpp \ yea, *as by this, and this,.few, that we are HOLT GHOST. tf juftifed through the LORD JESUS CHRIST, without th* deeds of the law. This faith is varioufly exhibited to us ; fometimes in metaphorical language, but more commonly in plain, eafy words. And the thing in- tended by it, is not meerly an affent of the mind to gofpel truths : This indeed there will be ; the man who has true faith embraces the Scripture revelation i yea^ the whole Scheme of Chriftian Doflrine, fo far as he has an understanding of it, and he will have an undefftan- ding of it fo far as it is abfolutely necelfary ; But then, his faith is not a meer fpeculative thing, but fuch an inward, ftrong perfuafion as will operate in gertsral agreably to the truths he profeffes to believe : In par- ticular^ he is fo fully perfuaded of the glorious things fpoken of concerning CHRIST, hisperfon and mediato- rial undertaking for fmners, that he acknowledges no other SAVIOUR, nor has dependance upon any but him % yea, fo clearly fatisfied is he of the ability and readinefs of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to be a SA- VIOUR to him, of the fulnefs of grace and merit there is in him, that he ventures his all on him, his foul and his eternal concerns 5 trufting in him, and in him alone for righteoufnefs and eternal life. He efteems himfelf an unprofitable fervant^ after he has done his beft ; and as having done no more than it was his duty to do. He counts all things but lofs for the eX* cellency of the knowledge of CHRIST JESUS his LORD ; yea, he counts them but dung, that he may win CHRIST, and be found in him^ not having on bis own righteoufnefs which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of CHRIST, the righteoufnefs which is of GOD by faith. This is the true Chriftian faith : And 'tis to make Us the fubjects of this/#f/, that the HOLY GHOST is -poured out. *Tis not the meer refult of that teftimony of the SPIRIT, the evidence of miracles^ by which the Gtfptl has been confirmed, as a revelation from SOD 5 bus l6 A Sermon on the out potifing vf but is the produce of that internal work of bis upon th mind of the finner, whereby, the eyes of his underftan- ding being opened, he has fuch a view of the fuitabie- nefs of the gofpel method of falvation in general, and of the lovelinefs of CHRIST in particular, his all-fuffi- ciency to be his SAVIOUR, as that he is peffuaded and enabled to embrace him as fuchj giving himfelf *jp to him, to be inftruded, governed and faved by him. The fcripture is every where full in it, that this faith is of the operation of the SPIRIT. Hencd *tis particularly mentioned among the fruits of the SPIRIT*; and is exprefly fpoken of, as of the ope- ration 0/"Goo-f, and as the gift of GOD [[. And when Simon Peter profeffed his faith in CHRIST, in thofe words, Thou art CHRIST the SON of the living GOD ^ JESUS faid unto him, Flejh and blood hath not revealed it to thee^ but my FATHER which is in heaven^. 3. Another operation, included in the gift of the HOLY GHOST, is the change whereby men are made -new creatures. We every where read, in the infpir'd writings,- of a Change, which 'tis necefTary Sinners fhould pafs under, as ever they would hope, according to the tenour of the Gofpel covenant, to be admitted into the coming kingdom of GOD. This change is fpoken of under a variety of names. 'Tis fometimcs called converfion^ fometimes regeneration^ fometimes 'tis compar'd to a refurre^iion^ and fometimes to a neiv creation. The fame thing is intended in all thefe phrafes ; even that change which is made in men, when they become true Ghriftians / ; Not that there is any change effedted in them, phyfically fpeakingi their natural powers and faculties are ftill the fame: But. in the religious and moral fenfe, they are ftrangelf ahered. There is a change wrought both in their hearts * Gal 5. 22, f Col. i, 12, 8 Eph, 2, 8, Mat, 16. 16, r;. the HOLT GfJOSt - *7 hearts and lives; in all their inward principles as well as outward behaviour in the world. They are, as ic were, new moulded and fafhioned. They have other thoughts and fentioients, other fprings of aftion^ other views and aims j they are fo altered as to be quite other perfons, they have another temper of mind, ano- ther tafte, and relifll, another heart and foul, and they lead another kind of life,', are pious towards GOD, righ- teous towards men, and fober in refpect of themfelves. This is the change we muft pals under, in order to our being made meet for the. inheritance of the faints in light. And 'tis to effect this change, that the HOLT .GHOST, is given: Nor can it be effected in -any way but by his operations in us. It is not the produce of tneer reafon, nor of external revelation. It is not bro'c about by the bare influence of moral motives^ whether they are fetch'd from the law or the Gofpel : N6j but it is an effgtt , of the power of the SPIRIT, working effectually in them that believe. And 'tis every where in the bible fpoken of as fuch. This is the juft import of the metaphors, under which this change is figur'd out to us. That of a new creation points .our view di- rectly to GOD as the author of "converfion. If this were an eafy burinefs, a matter within the reach of men's own power* what. they could accompliuH by an act of their own free will, it Would never have been fet forth under this fimiiitudq. To create is the known prerogative of GOD : And the firft thing moft obvi- oufly occurring to our. minds fro.m this refemblance . is^ that the new creature is the workman/hip of Go i> . The fame thought is fuggefted from the metaphor of a re- furrettion, under which this change is fometimes' fpoken of. Raifmg the dead befpeaks the agency of GOD. 'Tis therefore natural, and almoft unavoidable, when we read of converfion under this figure,- to conclude it to be a work beyond the power of man, and as requiring a v Sivinf fewer to effect it. C But iS A Sermon on the out- pouring of But be fides metaphors^ there are plain texts to oufr purpofe. Says the infpired Paul^ treating of this mat- ter, * 'We are HIS werkmanjhip^ created in CHRIST JESUS to good works. And we find the blefifed GOD himfclf befpeaking his people, by way of promife, in fuch terms as thofe, -f A new heart alfo will I give unto you, and a new fpirit will 1 put within you : and I will take away the flony heart out of your fiejh^ and I will give you a heart of flejh. The like promife we have ag;in [], -And I will put a new heart within you ; and 1 'will take the flony heart out of ycur fiejh^ and give you an heart of Jlejh. 'Tis'as plain, from thefe and many Other texts that might eafily be mentioned, as words can make it, that the change ngnifred by converfion or the new creature^ is the work of GOD ; his work by his holy SPIRIT, which he gives to men to effect this change in thrm. But fome, perhaps, may be fo curious as to afk how does the HOLY GHOST produce this change in men ? And to fuch the anfwcr is, this is one of thofe things, concerning which we know but very little : Nor ought our ignorance, as to the manner of this pro- duction, to be efteemed the leaft objection againft the truth of the thing. We know not the manner in the natural ; and why fhould it be thought ftrange if we know not the manner in the fpiritual creation ? The methods of operation, in the Kingdom of grace^ and in the Kingdom of nature^ are both alike fecret and myfte- rious : And we have no more reafon therefore to ob- ject againft the former than the latter. 'Tis no argu- ment againft the formation of children, that we know ftot how the lones grow in the womb of her that is with child - y neither is it of any validity againft the formation of the new man, that we know not precifely the way and manner in which the Divine SPIRIT exerts himfelf in * ph. 2, 10. f Ezek, 36, 26,- . U Chap, n, ver. t$* the HOLT GHOST. 19 in die produ&ion of this fpiritual workman/hip : They are both fearful and wonderful. Thus much indeed we know in general, that in new making men, the Divine SPIRIT acts in, and upon. them, in a way fuited to their nature as Men^ in a way that agrees with their character as moral agents. He fo manages the matter, as that they are changed inco new men, in a method perfectly harmonizing with their feveral powers, fo as that they oppofe not one another,. but are preferved in due dependance and fubordinaiiojci to each other. Light is commanded to. fhme inro ihe under/landing, the enlighten'd under/landing ^ifcts and governs the will, and the will the feveral ' affettions of the foul and powers of the body : But to fay precifily how the HOLY GHOST enlightens the mind, and then captivates the will, and then prefer ves the affeftions an4 fafffons in due harmony, and conducts the life in the- way of holinefs; thefe things, I fay, are di^cuftks ia this difpenfation of grace : And as they are fuch, trig lefs we puzzle our felves or others about them, the bet- ter. The thing is certain, Men are fometimts new made; and when they are fo, 'tis as evident from ihe Scripture, that 'tis GOD by his SPIRIT, that new makes them. Let us fee to it, that we be in the num- ber of thofe who are new creatures^ and as to the way and manner in which it pleafes GOD to bring this about, we need not be at all concerned about it. To goon, 4. Another thing, included in this gift of the HOLY GHOST, is his exciting fincere Chriftians to, and affift^ ing them in, the practice of their duty, to their increa- fing in grace, and perfevering therein unto the end, There is need of the HOLY GHOST not only to turn, men from the power of (in and Satan unto GOD, but ? when they are thus changed, to ftir them up to acti- vity in the work of GOD and their Soul's ftlvation, ancj C 3 to ao A Sermon on the out-pourtng of to affift them in it. If left to themfelves, the beft Chriftians, thofe that are Tulleft of faith and Holinefs", and every other grace, would foon lofe their vigour : nor without the continual aids of the Divine SPIRIT wpqid they be able to honour CHRIST, and adorn their profeffion by a converfation becoming the Gofpd. '"JThe HOLY GHOST therefore is given to them, to 'ex- cite good motions in them, to animate their refolutions, to quicken their graces and afTift them in the exercife of mem, to their running the way of GOD ? S command- rnents with ftrength and vigour, with chearfulnefs and delight. This is certainly the language of Scripture upon 'this head". Ffence that prayer of holy 'David y * Quicken me according to thy word ! and again, "f Quicken ihou me in thy way!' And hence alib thofe pious ac- knowledgments of his, || Thy word, i. e/'as enliven'd by thy SPIRIT, bath Quickened me. And again, / will 'never forget thy precepts , for with them thou haft quickened me. '" And the HOLY GHOST is faid to dwell tn the' hearts of good 'Chnftians ; and they are repre- iented as led by the SPIRIT, and as walking in the .SPIRIT. The plain meaning of ail which texts is, at feafi thus much, the HOLY GHOST is given to good men to be their excitement in duty 5 t;heir conti- nual help in the practice of it. And 'tis vowing to the fame prefence and influence of the HO'LY GHOS'T, tKey'are enabled to grow in grace, and in a conformity to the image and exanv j-le of their 5avioqr ; to be mpre weaned from this ^'orld, ant] prepared for a better! Tri on'e word;' 'tis owing to the fame influence dill, that 'they are' kept trom failing; and preferved throngii faff h unto flilvatron. And indeed, fuch are their in- dilpoFrcions ' withifi 5 and 'fuch their 'ten^ptaticns tokhout \ flicH is the fubti'lty of Satan, luch the fo ares >i !.-:... i, : ; \ >-: v -.-., .,.., - .1 /. ^r * Fi>.bci 119; 25. f V&!-, ^5. (I ver. 50. ver. 93, - . , ~ ' tbc HOUf GHOST. 11 pF the world, and fiich their own weaknefs, that it could not be expected, but they fliould draw back tq perdition, were they not under the fpecial and continual guidance of the HOLY GHOST : And to this it is always attributed in Scripture, that they are preferved unto CH R IST'S heavenly kingdom. Hence the apojlle fpeaks of them, * as thofe who are kept by the power of OD, through faith, unto fahation. Hence alfo that Doxology in the Epijlle of Jude, -f Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to prefent you faultleft before the 'pre fence of his glory with exceeding Joy, to the only wife GOD our SAVIOUR, be glory and majefly^ dq- minion and power, both now and ever. Amen. 5. Another thing contained in thtgift of the HoLy GHOST is fupport and confolation under fufferings and afflictions. Frequent mention is made of this in the writings of the new Teftament. When the apoftle Paul fought to GOD for grace, in* a time of great tryal, that was the anfwer of GOD to him, || My grace is fufficient for ihee , for my Jlrength is made per f eft in weaknefs. And hear how this Tame apojlle triumphs over difficulties, and all manner of fufferings, in the power ot this grace of the SPIRIT of GOD. There- fore I take pleafure in infirmities, in reproach^, in ne- Cfffities, in perfections, for CHR isT*sfake. And other$ alfo have been ftrengthened, with all might, to all long fuffering, according to the glorious power of the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST, which has been given to them. 'It was eminently thus, in the firft days of the Gofpel, with the ConfeiTors and Martyrs for the name and caufe of CHRIST. The ftrength of GOD was vifi- % bly perfected in many of thefe, who, being weak, were yet made ftrbng : to fuffer for his fake. To what elfe can it be afcribed, that they were enabled to en- counter j Pet. i, 5. f ve?, 24, 25, || 2 Cor, 12. 9. ver. IQ, J iw % , , - i }-< s ] -, , - ; -r. , ;-5 l :*' f *S& az A Sermon on the out-pouring of counter fo many deaths, with fo much caimnefs and patience, with fo much chearfulnefs and holy rejoicing ? How elfe can it be accounted for, that they fhould be ready to give themfelves up to be tortured, not accept- ing deliverance; that they fliould be willing to undergo the tryal of cruel mockings and fcourgings, yea^ moreover ^ of bonds and imprifonment , that they fhould fubmit to be ftoned, to be fawn afunder, to be Jlain with the/word; that they fhould be content to wander about in Jheep* Jkins and goat- Jkins ^ being deftitute, afflicJed^ tormented: I fay, to what can it be attributed, that they fhould be willing to fubmit to thefe fufferings, and be able to go through them with courage, and patience, and even joy, but to this, that they were divinely affifted ? The power of the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST was with them, fupporting, encouraging and ftrengthning them : And to this it was owing, that they were both willing and able to fuffer any thing for the honour of him, who had loved them, and died for them. And the fame power of the fame SPIRIT is ready to be with us, under all the tryals and fufferings, we are called to p ifs through, in the courfe of providence. The fame plefTed SPIRIT, which was given to them is promifed to us alfo , and 'tis now often ft en, that he is a fupport 'id comfort, in a glorious degree, to fincere Chriftians, in proportion to what they are called to endure ; yeaj and fuch is the fenfe they fometimes have of the con- foLuions of GOD, that they are able to exult, in the midft of the heavicft tryals, in the language of the holy ^pofile Paul, * Blejfed be GOD, even /hofe, who have Joy without faith. Men may pretend what they pleafe, but if they are not pofTeft of faith t that faith I mean, which is a living principle of grace in the Heart, and will evidence it felf to be fo by its genuine influence on the life, their Joy is only a fire of their own kindling ; and tho' they walk in the light of their fire, and in the jparks which they have kindled^ yet may they, notwithstanding, receive this at the hand of GOD, they ma) lie down in for row. And 6, 4, f Hebv 6; tie HOLT GHOST. 25- And as this Joy, if it be produced by the SPIRIT of GOD, will fpring from he art -purifying faith ^ fo will k make thofe who have it humble. They'll be for exalting GOD, and abafing themfelves. An illuftrious example of this we have in the great apoftle of the Gentiles. No meer man, it may be, ever more aboun- ded in Joy than he ; and yet, who more filled with humility ? By the grace of GOD, fays he,* 7 am what I am. And again,")" 1 lwe\ yet not 7, but CHRIST livctb in me. And comparing himfelf with his fellow- labourers in the work of the LORD, that is his lan- guage [|, I am the leajl of the apoftles, and not meet to be called an apoftle ; yea, he fpeaks of himfelf , as lefs than the leaft of all Saints. And this humble frame of foul is ever a concomitant of true fpiritual joy and con- folation 'in the LORD. It difpofes perfons to entertain a low thought of themfelves. So far are they from boafling of their own goodnefs, that they wonder at the grace of GOD, in taking notice of fuch unworthy creatures as they are. They are not of the Spirit of the Pharifees in the gofpel, who trufted in themfelves that they were righteous^ and defpifed others : On the contrary, that is a juft reprefentation of their true tem- per, in lowlihefe of mind, efteeming others better than themfelves. Moreover, this Joy^ if it be of the HOLY GHOST, will obfcrve, at leaft fo far as it is under his guidance, a juft decorum in the way and manner of expr effing it felf. It won't be oftentatious, difcovering a forward- nefs to fliow it felf in fuch methods as are out of the v/ay, and carry the face of a defire to be feen of men. It will chufe rather in private to vent it felf in acknow- ledgments of praife to GOD, than in the ftreels, and public places of concourfe : This is too like the Pharifees, v/ho lov'd to pray in the corners of the ftreets, that they D might V * i Cor. 15. 10. f Gal. 2. 20. J i Cor. 15. 9, Eph. 3. 8, 1(5 A Sermon on the out-pouring of might ie feen of men : Nor does it feem fo congruous a thing to behold this joy operating in LAUGHTER. *Tis, in its nature, a lober, rational fatisfactiori and de- light i and ,is converfant about the moft ferious and awful matters. A difpofition to laughter feems there- fore to favour too much of levity, to be an appendage of this joy. 5 Tis indeed too frnfual a mode of ex- prcffing fo Divine a paffion, and approaches too n-ear to the way, in which the men of the world exprefs that joy, which has the things of time and fenfe for its proper object : Nor does it difcover that awe and re- verence, that holy fear and caution, with which this Joy ought always to be mixt, as it has to do with the infinite majefty of heaven, and the everlafting concerns of our fouls, In fine, it deferves our further confideration here, that the pajjlonate part of this Joy, the fenfible working Of it, is widely different in different perlons, according to the different turn of their natural tempers. Some are of a ductile make, their paffions foft, and apt to carry them into tranfports. And if perfons of this moveable difpofition are more fenfibly affected, than .others of a firm and fteady frame of mind, 'tis no other than might be expected : But, perhaps, a fettled, permanent com- pofure and delight of foul, arifing from the teftimony of a good confcience, is the moft defirable fenfe, iri which we can be pcfleft of the joys of religion ; at leaft, in ordinary cafes : To be fure, whoever have this peace of GOD, this joy of the LORD, they are bleffcd perfons, tho' they know not the meaning of thofe raptures fome others may experience \ and the ftate of mind they are brought to, they may allure themfelves, is an effect of the HOLY GHOST, which has been at work in them. 7. The laft thing, the time will allow me to men- tion, as contained in (bis gift, is the wtnefi of the SPI- RIT. the HOLT GHOST. 17 RIT, That is to fay, that influence of the HOLY GHOST whereby he fatisfies good Chriftians of their adoption into GOD'S family, and intereft in the promifes of the Gofpel covenant. The holy apoftle Paul is very exprefs in taking notice of this inftance of the SPIRIT'S operation. Hence he applies to thofe, who are led by the SPIRIT, and are the Sons of GOD, in that language, * But ye have received the SP i R i T of adoption, whereby ye cry, Abba, father. Parallel whtreto are thofe words of his, in his Epiftle to the Galatians -f% And because ye are Sons, GOD hath fent forth /^SPIRIT of his SON, into your hearts, crying, Abba, father. But the moft obfervable text to this purpofr, is that in Rom. 8. i(J 17. tfhe SPIRIT it felf beareth witnefi with cur Spi- rits, that we are the children &f GOD : And if children* then Heirs, heirs of GOD, and joint heirs with CnRisTf Some, perhaps, from this text, may expert an im- mediate whifper from the SPIRIT, or fome fecret eJC- traordinary impulfe, alluring them, they are the chil- dren of GOD. And J deny not but the HOLY GHOST can, if he pleafes, in this way, make it evident to a. man, that he is an heir to the inheritance of the Saints in light : But this does not appear to be the way of the; SPIRIT'; witnej]ing\ and it may be dangerous for perfons to ground their hopes of heaven upon meer impulfes and irnpreffions : Efpecially, will this be dan- gerous, if they fet up thefe things in the room of the written word, or depend upon them in oppofition to it. Multitudes have by degrees come to this, and dreadful have been the deluftons they have been betrayed into, They have even miftook, not only the workings of their own imaginations, but the fuggeftions of S4tan. t for undoubted dictates of the HOLY GHOST. This witnefs of the SPIRIT is always agreable tQ the Scripture, a,nd lies, principally in twq things. 8. i^ f Qtei(K i8 A Serwon en tke out-pouring of in producing in us the difpofuion of GOD*S children, which is done in the work of regeneration, whcrtby we are form'd to a Divine likenefs, and made, as it were, living images of our FATHER in heaven. And then, fecondly> in helping us to fee in our felves this filial frame and temper of Soul, and fa to fee it as from hence to be clearly perfuaded of our intereft in the rights of the Sons of GOD. The frft of thefe is the proper Gofpel evidence to the privi ledge of adoption \ the fecond, that by which jt is made evident to us that this pri vi ledge is ours ; and by both is compleated the witnefs of the SPIRIT, that influence of his, whereby we are allured that we are GOD'S children. Let me add here, and I may do it with the greateft boldnefs, that where there is not a work of grace in the heart, it can never be witnefied to a man, that he is a child of GOD ; for he is not: And by whatever impulies, impreflipns, or revelations, he is made to be- lieve that he is, he is certainly under the influence of a heated imagination, or a fpiric of delufion. The, Divine SPIRIT, as Mr. HENRY obferves, " wit- refTes to none, the pri v Hedges of children, that have not the nature and difpofition of children"; No, but he " ttftifies our adoption, as Mr. BURKITT'J words are, by evidencing to us pur fancYification! And all this, as he addst, is done, not by fudden impulfes, and immediate infpirations, which is the ivitmffing of the SPI RIT, Entbufeajls pretend to, but the SPIRIT wit- wjfes in 'a way of argumentation. Thus, vyhoever re- pents, believes and obeys the Gofpel, fays the Scrip- ture, (hall be faved *, but the SPIR IT helps us to fee that we do fo, and accordingly enables us to infer and conclude that we fliall be faved.'* - But I am fenft- t>le I have 'been too long in explaining" to you, what y/e aje to underitand by the gift of tbe Ho^ y GHOST*. in Ioc : - . : \ " ; : ' . the HOLY GHOST. 19 I therefore haften, to the next pbfervable in the text, viz. II. The Perfom to whom the HOLY GHOST is faid to have been given > and thefe wtre the Gentiles alft. I e. both Jews and Gentiles, the one as well as the Other, without refpecl of pc-rions. The Jews were formerly the people of GOD ? in di- ftinction from all others. The LORD was their GOD fo as he was not the GOD of other nations. He had felected them out of the reft of the world, to be in- ftrucled, conduced and blcfied by him beyond any other people : They are therefore called a cbofen gene- ration-^ a peculiar people-, and to them, as the apoftle fpeaks, pertained the adoption, and the glory, and the giving the law, and the covenant, and the promifes of GOD. And they had a high conceit of themselves, on account of this didinction, GOD had made between them, and the ether nations of the earth ; encouraging a hope, as if it would alvrays continue : Nor could they be reconciled to the thought of an enlargement of GOD'S covenant, fo as to bring others upon a level with them in regard of the favour of GOD, and thel happinefs of heaven. The apoftles themfelves; and this, even after the death and refurredion of CHRIST, were too much under the influence of this Jewijb Spi- rit. And it was, in an extraordinary manner, by a yifion from heaven, that Peter was /hewed not to call- any man common or unclean. And it was upon h's preaching, in confluence of this Divine revelation, iq that drain, I perceive of a truth, that God is no refpeffer. of perfons-, but in every nation, he that fear eth God and tvorketh righteoufnefs is accepted of him -, I fay, it was upon Peter's preaching in fuch language as this, tluc C|OD ov/ned the truth of what he delivered, by a mi- raculous effuf^on of the HOLY GHOST, even while he was preaching, upon all his hearers promifcuoufly, borfy jo A Sermon OH the out-pouring of Jews and Gentiles. And it was this pouring out of the SPIRIT upon the Gentiles in common with the Jews, that was the occafion of the aftonifhment we read of, in the former part of the verfe, in which is the text. The Jews could not tell what to make of it, to fee that GOD took as much notice of the Gentiles as of them : It was a mighty furprize to them , yea, there was fcarce a greater ftone of (tumbling to them, than the calling of the Gentiles. This was a myftery hid in GOD from ages and generations, and not made manifeft to the Saints until now*. We of the Gentiles, who were aliens from the common-wealth of Jfrael, and ft rangers from the covenant of promife, and far off from GOD, were now made nigh by the blood of CHRIST j for he is our peace, and hath made both Jews and Gentiles one, having broken down the middle wall of partition between tis, and having preached peace to us who were afar off, as well as to them that were nigh. And my text is a (landing glorious evidence of an Equality between Jews and Gentiles, in regard of the gift of the Ho L Y GH os T . For he was given to both thefe forts of perfons, with- out diftinction ; Nor is there, as to this matter, any refpe6b of perfons with GOD. He puts no difference Between Jew and Greek ; but is rich to all that call upon him : And whoever the perfons be that do fo, whether they be Jews or Gentiles, whether they be bend or free, male or female, they mall, without regarding the one any more than the other, have granted to them the gift of the HOLY GHOST. It is promifed equally to Jill the varying kinds of finners, and they have all equal encouragement to apply to the father of mercies for it. They are all one in CHRIST JESUS ; He came equjJIy to be a SAVIOUR to them all, and he is equally ready to impart of his SPIRIT to them all, to fulfil ?n them the good pleafure of his goodnefs, and the 3. .9. the HOLT G HOST. 3t work of Faith with power. But I muft go on to thfi laft thing taken notice of in the text, Vs. r. III. The manned of beftowing this^z// of the HOLY GHOST. It wzs poured out . i. e. GOD was pleafed to beftow it largely and plentifully. He fo beftowed it, as that they * were filled with the SPIRIT; as that they were all made to partake of this gift* Like a plentiful fhower flf rain, the HOLY GHOST came down upon the whole aJftmUy, he fell upon every perfon pre- fent j they had each one a fenfible perception of his influences, and were enabled herefrom to fpeak with tongues i and magnify GOD. The miraculous gifts of the HOLY GHOST, were thofe efpecially, in which he was now poured out ; but 'tis probable, he fell like-* wife, in a plentiful manner, in his more ordinary influ- ences 5 and that numbers were enlightned and humbled, and put, at leaft, under a hopeful pfofpedt of being converted and faVed. To be fure, the HOLY GHOST was thus poured out, in the firft days of the Gofpel. i. e. in his graces as well as gifts - 9 to the ends of faith and fanc~tification y as well as to enable men to Jhew Jigns and wonders. Hence, when the apoftle is fpeak ing of regeneration^ as accompanied with juflification, and a hope of eternal life, he attributes it to the HOLY GHOST Jhed) or poured out, on us^ abundantly) through JESUS CHRIST, our SAVIOUR*. And this manner of giving the HOLY GHOST, the pouring him out, the beftowing him on great numbers of perfons, as well as in large and abundant meafurcs, is one of the things particularly prophefied of, as what fhould be the glory of Gofpel- times. The texts to this purpofe are very obfervable. Says GOD himfelf, Ifa. 44. 3. I will pour out my SPIRIT upon thy feed y and my bleffing on thy offspring. And again, Zach. 12. 10. * Tit 3, 6, 3 1 A Sermon on tie out- pouring of I will pour out upon the houfe of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerufalsm, the SPIRIT of grace and of Application ; and they floall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they jhall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only Son, and Jhall bs in bitternefs for him, as one that is in bitternefs for a firft born. And yet again, Joel 2. 28. // Jhall come to pafs afterward, that 1 will pcur out my SPIRIT upon all flejh. Thefe texts, to be fure, the two lad of them, principally look forward to Gofpel times \ and they had a marvellous accom- plimment in the firft days of Chriftianity, not 'only in the miraculous gifts, with which multitudes were then filled, but in the graces of the SPIRIT, they were enabled to live in the exemplary exercife of, to the aftonifhment of all beholders. But, perhaps, thefe prophefies may look forward Mill, and point our view to thole times that are yet to come, when the little Jlone cut out without hands, Jhall become a great mountain, and fdl the whole earth , when the kingdom, and the dominion, and the great nefs of the king- dom, under the whole heaven, Jhall be given to the people of the faints of the mcft high ; when the- blindnefs that has happened to Ifrael Jhall be removed, and the fulnefs of the Gentiles come in ; and the new heavens, and the new eanh be created, wherein dwelleth right eoufnefs. For my felf, I am not ashamed to own, I am one of thofe who look, according to the promije of GOD , for a far more glorious ftate of things, both among Jews and Gentiles, than has ever yet been feen ; a ftate of things, wherein he that has the key of the bottomlefs pit Jhall lay hold on the Dragon, that old ferpent, which is the devil and fat an, and bind him a thou fan d years, and caft him into the bottomlefs pit> and Jhut him up, and fet a fsal upon him, that he Jhould deceive the nations no more, till the thoufand years Jhould be fulfilled : The effect .whereof will be that univerfal prevalence of , kvt$ pwft, and all thofe chriftian Graces, which transform tie HOLT GHOST. 33 transform Men into a likenefs to GOD, and make them happy in the participation of the fruits of his favour. And to this happy ftate of things do thefe prophe- fes, which fpeak of the pouring out of the SPIRIT, finally look : Nor will they have their full completion, till the earth Jhdll be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters* wver the feds. When the fet time for this will comrtiencei is a fecret the FATHER hath kept in his own breaft : And 'tis known only to him, what inftrurnents and means he will make ufe of in bringing to pafs this great event \ but whatever the means or the inftrurrients are, the work will be chiefly his : It will not be accomplifh'd by their might, but by the power of the SP i R i T of the LOR D of hofts \ his SP i- RIT poured oiit upon the world, in fuch abundant meafures, and upon fuch vaft multitudes, as has been hitherto unknown. This pouring out of the SpikiT therefore is what we fhould pray for, as that only which will be effectual to the fetting up GOD'S KING upon his holy hill of Zion, fo as to have t&e heathen for his in- beritance, and the uttermoft parts of the earih for his poffiffion. But I muft now proceed to the APPLICATION. And* i. Let us take occafion, from what has been offer'd, to examine each one of us, whether the gift of the HOLY GHOST has been poured out upon us. This is a matter it very nearly concerns us all to enquire into. For if any man have not the SPIRIT of CH R IST, he is none of his. He is no difciple of CHRIST 3 he has no intereft in the favour of GOD, nor in the merits of the SAVIOUR ; he is yet in his ling, a child of wrath, and an heir to Hell. Can you then be too follicitous to know, whether you have tbis gift, which is a matter t)f fuch everlafting importance ? You may come to a comfortable fatisfaclion as to this from what has .been E You 34 A Sermon on the out-pouring of You will eafily collect thence, wherein this gift does Hot confift ; that it does not lie in vifions, and revelati- ons, and 'Trances. None of th^ie things are mentioned any where in the bible, as 'fuch evidences of the SPI- JUT in us, as will argue our belonging to CHRIST JESUS: Nay, even in the days of the Apoftles, they were no proof of a real good character. Perfons, in thofe times, might fee vtftons, andjbew ftgns ; yea, and c aft out Devils, and do many wonderful works, and after all be doom'd to a departure from CHRIST, to dwell with devouring fire. The gift of the HOLY GHOST, in a fenfe that will denominate you the children /Goo, and Heirs to heaven lies not in things of this nature 5 but in ihofe internal operations that are common to all good Cbrijlians, and have been lo in all ages, and in all -places, from the days of CHRIST. Would you know, my brethren, whether the HOLY GHOST his been poured out upon you, fo as that you may conclude your felves to be interefted in CHRIST, and in fuch a ftate as that you may expect the falva- tion of your Souls, you may, by the help of grace, come to a good hope of this, by aiking your felves fuch queftions as thefe. What have been my perceptions of Sin ? Have I ever had any forrowful reflections in my breaft, at the thought that I am a finner ? Has a fenfe of fin been grievous to me ? Have 1 had upon my mind a confci- oufnefs of guilt? Have I had a view ot my feJf as ex- pofed to the wrath of almighty GOD, and been in con- cern hereat, and inquifitive how I might efcape? If you can't fay thus of your felves, you have reafon to be afraid of your condition. You, to be fure, have reafon to be fo, who han't been under reftraints from (in, but have walked in the way of your owti hearts, and in the fight of your own eyes, adding iniquity Jo tranfgref- fton. Is it reafonable to think fuch finners, as you are, ihould be brought to a right mind, without Tevere and bitter the HO IT GHOST. 5? bitter reflexions on your felves ? 'Tis not poflible, you; fhould have a juft conception of your felves, and of the real truth of your character, and not be in deep anxiety of Soul : Nor may you imagine, you have been fa* vingly chang'd from a ftate ot fin to a (late ot grace, if you have had no remorfe ot confcience, no uncafi^ nefs in your breads on account of your fins, no fear of the Divine majtrfty, nor of the vengeance of the eter- nal world. Such, whofe cafe this is, have upon them; the fad marks of being to this day in the gall of bitter- nefs, and in tbe bonds of iniquity. And oh ! of how many, may it be feared, is this the juft character ! Ar$ there not multitudes at eafe in Zion> who have upon their minds no concern about their fins, no fear of th$ Divine wrath -, but are going on calmly and quietly in the broad way to death and hell ? If there are any here prefent, whofe confciences tell them, they are the men, let me befeech you, as you love your fouls, and would not be the deftroyers of them, to bethink your felves. Whether you will believe it or not, you are, as finners againft the GOD that made ypu, the proper objects of hell, and nothing keeps you out of that place of weeping and walling and gnafhing of teeth, but the patience of a provoked Gop, which may even this day come to an end with you. And is this a condition to be eafy in ? O be convinced pf your danger ! You are certainly in circumftances of amazing hazard : O realize it to be fo ! and bow your knee to the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESVS CHRIST, befeeching him, with a becoming importunity of loul, to have mercy upon you. Your help is only in GOD, through JESUS CHRIST. O cry mightily to him! tie may Jbear from heaven, and convert and fave you. But if upon inquiry you Ihould find, you have been under uneafy fenfations from a confcioufnefs of fin ancj guilt, reft not fatisfied with this \ but go on and in^ quire, how thefe ferceptions have operated^ what has E 3 beea 36* A Sermon on the out-pouring of been the effect of them. In themfelves, convifttons arc no fufiicient evidence of a good (late. You may have roared out by reafon of the difquietnefs within you, and yet be at a diftance from GOD and grace. Don't be content that you have been under awakenings, but examine into their iffue. Have you herefrom feeo your need of CHRIST ? Have you repaired to him as the SAVIOUR of undone finners ? Have you been ena- bled to place your truft in him, and in him alone for righteoufnefs and eternal life? Are you become new men? Have you experienced that change, which will denomi. are you the children of GOD, and born from above ? Be crirical in your inquiry into this matter. Is the change you have paffed under, a change only in, your affections ? Is it nothing more than a little out- ward reformation ? Does it lie only in an attendance cnfermons and leftures ? Or is it indeed a change from the power of fin and fatan, a change into the likenefs of GOD ? Have you, in truth, been made partakers of the Divine nature ? Have you been transformed, by the renewing of your mind, into the image of CHRIST JESUS? "Unlefs the Image : of the Devil has been de- laced in you, and yoO have been realiy chang'd into a refemblance" to the bleffed GOD, and his SON JESUS CHR IST, notwithftanding all' your other experiences, be they what they will, and as many and as great as; they will, you are yet in your fins; yoij are yet in fuch a (late, as that if you mould go out of the world with- out a further chance, you would certainly mifs of hea- ven, and be fent a*way to hell. ' And Jet me tell you, if you have indeed been re.- r.ewedin the fpirit of 'your minds, it will {hew it ftrlf in your lives." The change that has been wrought in you will have an influence upon your whole outward ccn- cTucl: and behaviour/ You will leave off former finij, and' put in practice neglected duties.' ; &s the grace of (3o D 'teacjies, 7011^ will deny ungqdlinf fs," aacj worldly O;j ; ; "- \ " - (i ' - ! b "'^ ; ; "iua - the HOLT GHOST. 37 lufts, and live foberly, and righteoufly, and godlily in the world. You will attend the duties of piety, be- come men of prayer, the devout worfhippers of GOD, in the clofet, in the family, and in the place where he records his name. You will keep under reftraint your pafiions of wrath, and anger, and hatred ; you will abftain from all filthy talking and jefting : And as for the grofs ads of uncleannefs and intemperance, they will not be fo much as named among you. In fine, you will do to others as you would they mould do to you. You will put away lying, and fpeak every man truth with his neighbour. You will be fair and equi- table in your treatment of mankind ; honed in your dealings ; faithful to your promiies : All clamour and evil-fpeaking, you will lay afide ; with all flandering, backbiting, tading and tale- bearing: And you will (as the eled of GOD) put on bowels of mercies, kind* nefs, humblenefs of mind, meeknefs, long fuffering ; forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, as GOD for CHRIST'S fake forgiveth you. And above all thefe things, you will put on chavity, which is the bond of pertedtnefs. In one word, there will be an amendment of your carriage in all the relations you fuftain. You will be better hufbands and wives ; bet- ter parents and children ; better mafters and feryants : You will be better neighbours, better friends, better fubjecls ; yea, you will be better in every Jlation^ and in every condition of life : Nor otherwife may you think you have been renewed after the image of him that created you. Let no man deceive you ; he that doth righteoufnefs, is righteous, even as he 13 righteous: He that commitreth fin is of the Devil. In this the children pf GOD are manjfeft, and the children of the D,eviJ : Whpfoe. vet doth not righteoufnefs i$ not of GOB, neither he $hat loyeth, npt his brother. Some, perhaps, may thinlt $efe things of no great 'i byt deceive ; npt ypu.? 'feives^ irnpofe not 3 8 A Sermon on the out-pouring of on your own Souls; the work of the SI^IRIT, where* ever it is favingly wrought, will have an influence upon the whole man, not only the heart, but the life : And 'ris a vain thing, in any man, to pretend he has the SPIRIT, in his faving influences, if, in his out- ward life, he is habitually unconformed to the Gofpel. Where ever there is true faith, that faith, whereby we jire juftified freely of GOD's grace, without the deeds of the law, thro 9 the redemption that is in JESUS CHRIST, there will be a holy life : And if 6ur faith does not exprefs it felf this way, 'tis that dead faith, the apoftle James fpeaks of, which is of no account with GOD : And notwithftanding fuch a faith, a man may perifh ; yea, if he has no better a faith, he certainly will perifh : The mouth of the LORD hath fpoken it. Thefe are the things, my brethren, by which you are to make tryal of your felves, whether the HOLY GHOST has been poured out upon you. And a number of you, I truft, have reafon, upon the tryal, to fay, it has been fo with you : Yea, the SPIRIT himfelf, I would hope, has witnejjed with your Spirits, that you are the children of GOD ; and if children, then heirs ; beirs of GOD, and joint-heirs with CHRIST, to the in- Iperitance incorruptible, undefled, and that fadeth not away, rejerved in heaven for you. And if, from this teftirnony of the SPIRIT, with that of your own con- icience, you are rilled with peace, and enabled to re- joice in hope of the glory to be hereafter revealed, you are happy among men ! You have within you the juft grounds of a holy joy, and 'tis no wonder if you are glad : You, if any perfons on earth, have reafon to rejoice. Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous! and again I fay, rejoice : Yet, Jet your joy be mixt with a becoming caution. Rejoice with trembling! Be not high-minded, but fear. Take heed, you be not elated with pride. Q jet humility, in all the lowly expreflions, pf it ? b? ever the attendant of your joy, ! And HOLT GHOST. 39 And let not thofc be too much difcouraged, who have not this joy of affurance. You may not from hence conclude that the SPIRIT has not been given to you. AfTurance, however definable \ yet* is not effenttal. A man may be a fincere Chriftian without it : Yet, let me call upon you, not to reft fatisfied while in uncer- tainty about the ftate of your fouls , but to give all diligence, as the apoftle exhorts, to make your calling and election Jure. Think no pains too much, if, by any means, you may come to know that the SPIRIT dwel- leth in you. *Twill be a fpring of comfort to you, all along in life, through all the varying conditions of it ; and 'twill make even the thought of death pleafant to us. But 'tis time that 1 draw towards a clofe 5 and this I ihall do by only adding in the 2. Second place, That we have reafon from what has been faid, to be feeking to GOD for the out-pouring of his SPIRIT. This is the defign of this day's folemnity ; nor will any one object againft a thing fo reafonable as Jup 'plica- tion to GOD for the gift of the HOLY GHOST. This is a neceffary gift , that indeed without which nothing elfe will be effectual to our having that tem- per of mind formed in us, without which we fhall never be qualified for an admifllon into the coming and eternal kingdom of GOD, We may not be fuffi- ciently apprehenfive of it, but 'tis a certain truth, 'tis only by the SPIRIT of GOD, fin can be rooted out of our hearts, and the difpofitions of holinefs implanted there. No means, nor inftruments, will of themfelves be able to effect this. It can be accomplifh'd by no power, but that of the divine SPIRIT. And is it then a needlefs thing to make our prayer to Gop for his SPIRIT ? There is nothing we can go to him for, thar is a matter of greater neceffity, And A Sermon on the out-pou'n'ng of And prayer upon this occafion is the more proper, as it's the way we are direded to in the bible, iri order to ouf obtaining the SPIRIT. Our SAVIOUR has commanded tis to afk this gift of our heavenly FATHER*: And GOD himfe'lf has faid, he will be in- quired of by his people to beftow it upon themf. And O encoura'ge merit have we to pray for the holy SPIRIT! Our SAVIOUR promifed, before he left the world, that his SPIRIT fhould abide with his Chdrch for ever ; and has exprefsly declared, that if we ajk [|, we Jhall receive ; if we feek, we Jk all find ; if we knock) it Jhall be opened to us : Yea, he has con- defcended to argue with us, to convince us of the rea- dinefs of our hea 1 venly FATHER, to give us his holy SPIRIT, if we fuitably feek to him herefor. If y^ being evil, know bow to give good gifts unto your chil- dren y how much more Jhall your heavenly FATHER give the holy SPIRIT/*? them that ajk him ? We whd are parents know the working of our bowels towards our children : We feel tf ithin our felves, tho* we arc evil and finful, a ftrong properifion to' hearkeri to theif cry ; and if we are fometimes unable, We are never un- -billing to beftow upon them thofe good things, they afk of us, which we know are needful for them : And fhall we fufpedt that gbodrtefs of our heavenly FA- THER, in compare with which, the tender mercies of men are cruelty ? Shall earthly, felfifli, finful parents give good gilts to their children, and fhall not our FATHER in heaven much more give his holy SPI- RIT to them that alk him ? 'Tis unreafonable, 'tis bife and ungrateful to harbour in our minds the lead doubt or hefuation as to this matter. For he is GOD and not man ; and therefore infinitely more kind and "inerciful than the moft tender-hearted parents on earth* Having ii. 9. f Ezek, 36, 39. | Luk, n, 9, $ Luk. u, 13* HOLT GHOST. 41 Having therefore fuch ftrong encouragement, let us proftrate before the throne of GOD, and pray to him for the out-pouring of his S P i R i f\ Let us pray, that he may be .poured -out upon the Church of CrtR IST in general , that there may be W revival of true primitive Chriftianity. Religion, it may be, was never at a lower ebb, in the profefling world, than at this day. 'Tis indeed, in general, not- withftanding what GOD may be doing, in here ani there a particular place^ in a fad, decayed, languifhing, and almoft dead condition. To be fure, it is fo in regard of the real power of Godlinefs, in the room of which has been introduced, and taken place, meer form and external appearance, a thoufand fuperftitions and fopperies ; and what .is worfe than all, a fpirit of tyranny, whereby thefe things have been bound upon the consciences of men, to the eating out the very bow- els of true vital Chriftianity : Yea, by far the greater part of the nations, who call themfelves the people of GOD, as profefling fubjedion to him through JESUS CHRIST, have, in a dreadful degree, corrupted his worfhip, and perverted his truths ; teaching for Doc- trines, the commandments of men, and bowing the knee to faints and angels together with CHRIST, and making ufe of them as well as bint> for mediators and mtercejfors : Nor may it be expected, they ihould ever be in a better date, till GOD ihall work powerfully and generally upon the hearts of men, by his holy SPI- RIT. We have fucfr a paflage as that, * Until the SPIRIT be poured upon us from on high^ and the wil- dernefs be a fruitful field^ and the fruitful field be counted for a for eft. You obferve, the pouring out of the SPI- R i T, and the wildernefs becoming fruitful^ are connected with each other. The Church of GOD will' never be recovered out of that defolate, barren condition it is in* F but 32, 4& A Sermon on the out- pouring of but by the plentiful effufion of the SPIRIT , and when! e^er it fhall pleafe GOD thus to pour out his SPIRIT, it fhall revive and flourifh, and be as the field which the LORD hath blefied. This is what we Ihould pray for -, and it fhould infpire our prayers with faith and fervour, to confider the many promifes, which feem, in their ultimate intention, to look forward to the toft days-, fome of which, I have already mentioned t6 you; Let us pray likewife for the pouring out of the SPH R i T upon our nation : Nor did they ever Hand more in need of prayer for this bleffmg, than at prefent. There are, it is to be hoped, a good number ftill left, of whom it may be faid, they are good men, and full of faith and of the HOLY GHOST : But for the nation in general, it never was, perhaps, in a more corrupt and degenerate ftate, than at this day. The truths of GOD were never more difowned ; the revelations of GOD wsre never more difbslieved ; and the ways of GOD were never more deferted, for the ways of fin which lead to death and hell. The language, in which the holy GOD addreft to his people Ifrael of old, may pertinently be applied to them, * Hear, heavens ! end give ear, O earth ! for the LORD hath fpoken : I have nourijhed, and brought up children, and they have rebelled againft me. Ah! finful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a feed of evil doers ; they have forfaken the LORD, they have provoked the holy one of Ifrael to an- ger, they are gone backward. We cannot more pro- perly exprefs our regards to them than by our prayers to GOD, to pour out his SPIRIT on them, to their effectual humiliation and repentance: And the more fervent we are in our fupplications for this mercy, the more fhall we difcover a true chriftian affection for them. Let " Ife, , _2, 4. the HOLT GHOST. Let us pray alfo, for the out- pouring of the SPIRIT upon our land. There is room for prayer in this re- fpect. A concern, I am fenfible, has been generally awaken'd in the minds of people, in one place and ano- ther : And it has, I truft, been of fpiritual advantage to many ; who, it may be hopejj, have been either fcwingly converted to GOD, or enlivened and quicker? d in the work of religion, and their foul's everlafting falva- tion. There are, I doubt not, a number in this land, upon whom GOD has gracioufly Jhed the influences of his bl.effed SPIRIT ; and we ought to be thankful for what of the SPIRIT, we have reafon to hope there is among us : But there is yet need of prayer ; and the more fo, as fo many things have arifen among us, which are a difhonour to GOD, and may have a ten- dency greatly to gbftrudt the progrefs of real and fub- ftantial religion. Alas ! what unchriftian heats and animofities are there in many places, to the dividing and breaking in pieces of churches and towns ? What a fpirit of rafh, cenforious, uncharitable judging pre- vails too generally all over the land ? What bitternefs and wrath and clamour, what evil fpeaking, reviling and flandering, are become common ; and among thole too, who would be counted good chriftians? How alienated are many minifters from each other, and how inftrumental of hurting rather than promoting one ano- ther's ufefulnefs ? What prejudices are there in the minds of too many people againft the ftanding miniftry* tho' perhaps as faithful a one as any part of the world is favour'd with ? And how general is the difpofitiori they difcover to flock after every weak and illiterate EXHORT ER, to the contempt of their paftors, who have fpent, it may be, the mod of their days, in faith- ful fer vices for their fouls ? How heated are the ima- ginations of a great many, and into what excefles do they betray them f .Thefo 44 ^ Serwon on the out-pouring $f Thefe and fuch like things, it is too evident to be difowned, are grown too common, not in a fmgle place only, but in moft places throughout the country. How they may appear to fome others I know not^ but to me, I confefs, they afford no. comfortable pro- fpecl:. I can j t but think it is now a fpfyial feafon ,for prayer. Let us unite in our cries to the GOD, who dwelleth on high. Let us pray for. a general effu- Jton of the SP i R i T upon the land \ and ,that he may come down, not only as a Spirit of humiliation and fanftification, but as a Spirit of wifdom, that* fo they who are zealous may be prudently and knowingly fo ; and they who are 'pious exemplarily fo, adorning the doctrine of GOD their SAVIOUR in all things, and cutting off occafion from them who might be glad of occafion to fpeak evil of them. In fine, Let us the people of GOD, who ufually worfhip in this place, fray for the out-pouring of the SPIRIT upon our felves more particularly. BlefTed be GOD, we are not wholly without the influences of his SPIRIT. Some, we truft, have had experience of his operations on their fouls. The LORD increafe the'r number! The LORD grant, that the SPIRIT may fall from on high on the whole congregation ! Let us pray that it may be fo ; that the HOLY GHOST may be poured out^ both upon Pajiors and people, upon high and low, rich and poor, male and female, bond and free, old and young, to the revival of the things which remain and are ready to die. This is the bltfling we are come to afk of GOD. O let us be importunate in our cries to Vim for it ! Let us pray with an importunity that fhall pier9e even heaven. And let us not think it enough that we join together in the public prayers of this day \ but let us go on, with our prayers. Let us each one pray to GOD by; our fclveS) and with our families z And Jet us pray, and ce.ife not. AwJ the fJOLT GHOST. 4$ And while we pray for the SPIRIT, let us beware of every thing that may have a tendency to prevent his iiv fluences being Ihed upon us. Let us be upon our guard againft all fin, and thofe fins in fpecial, by which GOD may be provok'^to withhold from us his blefTed SPIRJT. Let us take heed, that we don't harbour prejudices in our minds againft the SPIRIT, his office and work upon the hearts of finners : And while we are ready to, give to the divine SPIRIT the honour of t'.ofe operations that are truly his, let us maintain a, care that we don't reflecl: difgrace upon him by ma- king him the author of thpfe things, which are unwor- thy of him: The SPIRIT may be difhonoured both thefe ways ; and perhaps he has been as much re- proach'd by the latter as he has been flighted by the former. We mould alfo be diligent in our attendance on all means , efpeciajly tbe word preached. Sabbaths muft be obferved. GOD muft be waited on at his houfe \ his worjhip regarded ; his word, in the miniftry of it, attended to r GOD is often prefent by his SP i R i T , when the word is difpenfed. We read in my text of many up - on whom the HOLY GHOST fell, while they were hearing the word. And 'tis obferved of the Galatians*. that they received the SPIRIT by the heareng of faith. i. e. the preaching of the word of faith > the GofpeKof CHRIST. But then, you muft not think, that hearing of Sermons is all that is neceffary. You muft fo hear as to find time for meditation^ felf- examination, and. a ferious felf- application. And you muft come to hear without any previous biajs upon your minds, without prepofTeffions and prejudices againft either the word^ or the difpenfer of it. You muft come with mind$ open to conviction, willing to receive the truth, as it > is * Chap. j. t 46 d Sermon on the put-pouring, &c. is in JESUS ; otherwife the beft preaching in the world will be of no fervice to you. In a word, you muft make it the great bufmefs of your lives to obtain the influences of the holy SPIRIT. This, you muft efteem, the main thing ; and here you rnuft lay out your chief ftrength. This muft be your continual care. You muft make it your main bufi- nefs ; fubordinating your other affairs to this which is of the greateft importance. And if it (hall pieafe GOD to pour out bis SPIRIT upon us, then (hall we remember from whence we are fallen, and repent and do our firft works 5 then will the work of religion profper among us, Tinners be awa- ken'd, humbled and converted, and faints be quicken'd and enlivened. Then (hall we flourifli like the palm- tree, and grow like the cedar in Lebanon, and being Elanted in the courts of our GOD, (hall bring forth uit, even till old age, to (hew that the LORD is up- right : Which GOD of his infinite mercy grant for the fake of CHRIST JESUS, to whom be glory for evef and ever. AMEN. FINIS. \ --V 1 '