■ ■^■■mappmMvvH I I 'mi I 'l l! ' llllil K li !l THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES No. l? / To 'Mlr^. \y/M.ic?<^^^Jtz/:.. With Compliments of yUn A^^o^..^^^^ g6t Fifth Avenue, New York. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Robert L. Stuart NEW YORK: PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & COMPANY. MDCCCLXXXIV. * z S^3 c. INTRODUCTORY. This library is the product of leisure intervals snatched from the busy occupations of mercantile life during a series of years, — from 1828 until 1872, when Mr. Stuart retired from business. From that time to the last month of the year 1882, when he died, he devoted himself to his favorite pursuit, of augmenting and enriching his library. Mr. Stuart's love of letters prompted him to its for- mation ; and he was aided in his labor of love by his friend Dr. J. G. Cogswell, whose rare bibliographical knowledge and critical acumen are sufficiently evinced in the planning, collecting and cataloguing of the Astor Library in its early years. Mr. Stuart also had the benefit of the services of Mr. R. H. Browne, as librarian, and to this gentleman's ripe experience in bibliography, the Col- lection is in no small degree indebted for its choice acquisitions. This Catalogue, which represents over ten thousand volumes, is the index to the collection ; to obtain any adequate estimate of its value, therefore, an appeal must be made to its pages. When to a cultivated and scholarly taste are applied the resources of fortune, it naturally follows that the result will be a choice assemblage of works of authority and renown. Mr. Stuart's library is one of unusual in- terest and importance, alike as to its wide range and scope, and the intrinsic value and character of the books. The accepted adage that character is predicated of the choice of INTRODUCTORY. personal associates, is no less true when applied to the choice of books. This, indeed, has been affirmed by the author of "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table," who remarks, that " the first thing naturally, when one enters a scholar's study or library is, to look at his books. One gets a notion very speedily of his taste and the range of his pursuits, by a glance at his book-shelves." And here we might also cite a stanza from " rare Ben Jonson," which is no less in point : " When I would know thee, my thought looks Upon thy well-made choice of friends and books, — ■ Then do I know thee, and behold thy ends, In making thy friends books, and thy books friends." "If," as Emerson remarks, "they prize books most, who are themselves wise," then the founder and possessor of a rich and well- appointed library may be regarded, in this respect at least, as both wise and happy. " The pleasant books, that silently among Our household treasures, take familiar places. And are to us, as if a living tongue Spoke from the printed leaves, or pictured faces," like some richly freighted argosy, bring to us the concentrated wit and wisdom of the past and the present. Said Dean Stanley, " What a world of ideas is opened to us by a library. What a feast there is in a single good book ! " As we linger among these legacies of learning and genius, we seem to catch inspiration from their presence, and feel conscious of that talismanic spell, that " lifts us unawares, out of our meaner cares." vi INTRODUCTORY. Perchance among the multitudinous tomes of antique lore that grace this collection, may be found many a musty old folio in its grim monastic vellum, that was endeared to its collector simply by the charm of its rarity. Or it may be that some quaint and saintly missal, with its brilliantly emblazoned illuminations, the prod- uct of patient monkish ingenuity and industry, became an object of his special regard, as well for its historic interest and associations, as its artistic beauty. Or again, it may be some exquisite example of typographic excellence, — the skilful work of an Aldus, an Elzevir, a Bodoni, or a Baskerville. In glancing over the Stuart Library, the eye is dazzled by the splendor of its appearance, — such an array of superb bindings greets the eye on every side. Not only are the works it comprises the best editions obtainable — in many instances, large paper copies — but stately productions are here to be found, especially in the depart- ments of the fine arts, archaeology, architecture and natural history, that for the artistic skill of the drawings and brilliancy of the im- pressions, may be regarded as unsurpassed. In a word, it seems to be a rich parterre of nectared sweets, garnered from the whole arcana of knowledge. No wonder, therefore, that pleasant memories and loving associations should cluster around such a " Paradise of Daintie Devices," enshrined as this is, amid the splendors of all that decora- tive art could achieve. As already intimated, the library contains many works of rare value and interest ; it is deemed expedient therefore to prefix a few slight references to some of the more important, which might other- wise pass unnoticed. The Catalogue is alphabetical, under the authors' names, with vii INTRODUCTORY. the single exception of biblical and liturgical literature. This form has been preferred to one of classification, as being of more ready- reference. One of the first works of note claiming attention is Audubon's great work on American Ornithology, forming four large folio volumes. This is a production, that for the fidelity to nature in its pictures, as well as the romantic interest of its details may be regarded as unexcelled, if not unequalled by any other. The illustra- tions, numbering nearly four hundred, are representations of Ameri- can birds, all life size, and carefully colored. Each is so faithfully portrayed that you catch an idea of the bird's habits and nature, as well as its plumage. Another naturalist, of scarcely less renown, Gould, has produced a magnificent series of illuminated works on the birds of Europe, Asia, Australia, the Himalayas and the humming birds. The entire series is here, forming thirty-five folio volumes profusely embellished with brilliantly colored pictures. In the same category should be named the splendid productions of Elliot, the naturalist. Many other illustrated works in natural history, botany, and the other branches of human lore will be found under their authors' names. Here are also various collections of original drawings of alg«, of autographs, etc. The great collection of Bibles, with missals and liturgies, num- bering 440 — a prominent feature in this library — will be found on page 38, extending to page 80. As the more important of these, comprising a manuscript of the Bible of the XHIth century and an early printed edition at Venice, 1480, are accompanied with annotations, it is not necessary to describe them in these pre- liminary notes. The same may also apply to several other viii INTRODUCTORY. works, including a choice copy of Dibdin's " Literary Reminis- cences " illustrated, etc. The library is rich in works of fine art, such as the Galleries of Munich, Versailles, Dresden, the Vatican, Dusseldorf, Pitti Palace, Florence, the " Musee Frangais " and the " Mus6e Royal," etc. In the department of archaeology are many important works, in- cluding the stately work of Lord Kingsborough on Mexican hiero- glyphics, in nine folio volumes. With these suggestive hints, the reader may safely be left to the impulse of his own fancy in the use of the following pages. F. S. New York, 18S4. IX CATALOGUE. A A, PIETER VAN DER, publisher. Beschryving van Spanjen en Portugal. Leyden, 1707. Folio. Compiled from various sources. Effigies Virorum ac Foeminarum illustrium, in Grsecis aut Latinis, et in quocunque Orbis Terrarum spatio. 301 full page plates. Leyden. Folio. ABBADIE, Jaques. Letters shewing the relations of faith to sense. Translated by J. W. Hamersley. London. i2mo. ABBOTT, Jacob. A summer in Scotland. Illustrated. New York, 1848. i2mo. ABBOTT, John S. C. The empire of Russia, from the remotest periods to the present time. New York, i860. i2mo. Italy, from the earliest period to the present day. Illustrated. New York, i860. i2mo. A'BECKETT, Gilbert A. Comic history of England. Illustrated. London, 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. Comic history of Rome. Illustrated. London. 8vo. ABEL, Clarke. Narrative of a journey in the interior of China. Illustrated. London, 1818. 4to. ABENHAMIN. The civil wars of Granada ; and the history of the factions of the Zegries and Abencerrages, to the final conquest by Ferdinand and Isabella. Translated from the Arabic and the Spanish. London, 1803. i2mo. ACHETA, DoMESTiCA, See Budgen, L. M. CATALOGUE OF ACKERMANN, Rudolph, editor and publisher. Flowers of loveliness. Thirty-six groups of female figures, emblematic of flowers. With poetical illustrations. London. Folio. ■ — - — History of Madeira. With a series of twenty-seven coloured engravings. London, 1821. 4to. History of the abbey church of St. Peter's, Westminster, its antiquities and monuments. London, 1812. 2 vols. 4to. — History of the university of Cambridge, its colleges, halls, and public buildings. Illustrated. London, 1815. 2 vols. 4to. — History of the university of Oxford, its colleges, halls, and public buildings. With coloured lithographs. London, 18 14. 2 vols. Folio. Microcosm of London. London. 3 vols. Folio. Picturesque tour of the English lakes. Illustrated with forty- eight coloured views by F. H. Fielding, and J. Walton. London, 1821. Folio. ADAIR, James. History of the American Indians. Containing an account of their origin, language, manners and customs, etc. Lon- don, 1775. 4to. ADALBERT, Heinrich W., Prince of Prussia. Travels in the south of Europe and in Brazil : with a voyage up the Amazon. Trans- lated by R. H. ScHOMBURGK and J. E. Taylor. With an intro- duction by Alex, von Humboldt. London, 1849. 2 vols. 8vo. ADAM, M. T. The millennium ; being a series of discourses. New York, 1837. i2mo. ADAM, Robert. Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia. Plates and text. London, 1764. Folio. ADAM, Victor. A month of 1830, or the memorable days of July and August. Historical sketches composed and drawn upon stone. With notes in French and English. Preceded by a summary of the French revolution from 1789 to 1830. Paris, 1830-1S31. 4to. 2 THE STUART LIBKAKV. ADAMS, C. B. Catalogue of shells, collected at Panama, with notes on their synonymy, station, and geographical distribution. New York, 1852. i2mo. ADAMS, Charles Francis, editor. Works of John Adams, with his life and notes. Illustrated. Boston, 1856. 10 vols. 4to. ADAMS, Henry and Arthur. The genera of recent moUusca, ar- ranged according to their organization. Illustrated. London, 1858. 3 vols. 8vo. ADAMS, John. Works, with his life and notes by his grandson, C. F. Adams. Illustrated. Boston, 1856. 10 vols. 410. ADAMS, Nehemiah. The friends of Christ in the New Testament. Boston, 1853. 8vo. ADAMS, W. H. Davenport. The bird world. Illustrated by H. Gia- coMELLi. London, 1878. 8vo. History, topography and antiquities of the Isle of Wight. Illus- trated and described. London, 1858. 4to. ADDISON, C. G. The Knights Templars. Illustrated. London, 1854. i2mo. ADDISON, Joseph. Miscellanies in prose and verse. Illustrated. Glasgow, 1754. 3 vols. i8mo. — Works, including the whole contents of Bp. Hurd's edition, with letters and other pieces ; and Macaulay's essay on his life and works. Edited with notes by G. W. Greene. New York, 1854. 6 vols. i2mo. — and many others. Domestic happiness portrayed. New York, 1835. i6mo. ADVICE to the officers of the British army. A fac-simile reprint of the sixth London edition of 1783. With introduction and notes. Anonymous. New York, 1867. 8vo. Only 120 copies printed Large paper. 3 CATALOGUE OF ^SOP. Fables, with a life of the author. Illustrated. New York, 1865. i2mo. Same, with fifty-six illustrations by H. L. Stephens. New York, 1868. 4to. Same. Done into English verse by Edmund Arwaker. London, 1708. lamo. Same. Illustrated by H. L. Stephens, and lithographed by J. BiEN. New York, 1867. 4to. Large paper. See also Phcedrus, Latin version. AGASSIZ, Louis J. R. Contributions to the natural history of the United States. Boston, 1857-62. Vols. 1-4. 410. Same. On the origin of species. From the American journal of science and arts. Vol. xxx., July, 1880. Lake Superior ; its physical character, vegetation, and animals, compared with those of other and similar regions. With a narra- tive of the tour, by J. E. Cabot. Illustrated. Boston, 1850. 8vo. — Thayer expedition. Scientific results of a journey in Brazil. — Geology and physical geography of Brazil, by Ch. Fred. Hartt. With maps and illustrations. Boston, 1870. 8vo. — and Mrs. Journey in Brazil. Boston, 1869. 8vo. and Gould. Principles of zoology, touching the natural ar- rangement of animals. Illustrated. Boston, 1848. i2mo. AGNEW, David C. A. Protestant exiles from France in the reign of Louis XIV., or the Huguenot refugees in Great Britain and Ire- land. London, 187 i. 2 vols. 8vo. AGOSTINI, Didon A. Dialoghi alle Medaglie, Inscrittioni et Altre Antichita. Tradotti di lingua Spagnuola in Italiana da D. O. Sada. Illustrated. Rome, 1592. Folio. AGRICULTURAL society. See New York state agricultural society. AIKIN, Arthur. Manual of mineralogy. Philadelhia, 1815. i6mo. 4 THE STUART I.IBKAKY. AIKIN, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of king Charles the first. Lon- don, 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. Memoirs of the court of king James the first. London, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. Memoirs of the court of queen Elizabeth. T^ondon, 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. AINSVVORTH, William H. The flitch of bacon, or the custom of Dunmow ; a tale of English home. Illustrated. London, 1854. i6mo. AITON, John. The lands of the Messiah, Mahomet, and the pope, as visited in 1S51. London, 1852. 8vo. AKENSIDE, Mark. The pleasures of imagination. A poem. Lon- don, 1744. 4to. Poetical works. Edited by Alexander Dyce. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1865. i2mo. — Poetical works, with a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. i2mo. AKERMAN, John Y. Introduction to the study of ancient and mod- ern coins. Illustrated. London, 1848. i6mo. Numismatic manual. Illustrated. London, 1840. i2mo. ALBEMARLE, Earl of. See Keppel, G. 1., Earl of Albemarle. ALBERT, Duke of Saxony Tractatus proportionum. Black letter, dated 1502. See Petrarch, F., epistole, with which it is bound. ALBOQUERQUE, Afonso d'. Commentaries of the great Afonso d'Alboquerque. Translated by W. DeGrav Birch. London, Hakluyt Society, 1877. 2 vols. 8vo. ALBUM autographique, exposition universelle, peinture, sculpture, archi- tecture, 368 gravures. L'art, i Paris en 1S67. Paris, 1867. Folio. ALBUM omatissimum. Ornamented with various scraps. 1846. 4to. 5 CATALOGUE OF ALBUM pintoresco herbato. Jalapa, 1869. Folio. An artistic and beautiful arrangement of flowers, ferns, plants, etc., into bou- quets, designs and landscape scenery. ALBUM von fiinfzig photographien darstellend die vorziiglichsten gemalde in den koniglich pinakotheken von Mlinchen. Leipzig. 4 vols. Folio. Title and names in German and French. ALCIATI, Andrea. Emblemata denuo ab ipso autore recognita, ac quae desiderabantur, imaginibus locupletata. London, 1566. i6mo. Curious wood-cuts and borders for each page. ALEXANDER, Archibald. Biographical sketches of the founder and principal alumni of the Log college. Princeton, 1845. i2mo. The canon of the Old and New Testaments ascertained, or the Bible complete without the apocrypha and unwritten traditions. Philadelphia, 1851. i2mo. Evidences of the authenticity, inspiration, and canonical author- ity of the Holy Scriptures. Philadelphia, 1836. i2mo. History of the Israelitish nation from their origin. Philadel- phia, 1853. 8vo. Outlines of moral science. New York, 1852. i2mo. — Practical sermons to be read in families and social meetings. Philadelphia, 1850. 8vo. — Thoughts on religious experience. Philadelphia, 1844. i6mo. ALEXANDER, Henry C. Life of Joseph Addison Alexander. Illus- trated. New York, 1879. 2 vols. i2mo. ALEXANDER, James W. American mechanic and workingman. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 vols, in i. i6mo. American Sunday school and its adjuncts. Philadelphia, 1856. lOmo. Consolation : in discourses addressed to the suffering people of God. New York, 1853. Svo. 6 THE STUART LIBRARY. ALEXANDER, James W. Discourses on common topics of Christian faith and practice. New York, i860. 8vo. Faith : treated in a series of discourses. New York, 1862. i2mo. Life of Archibald Alexander. Illustrated. New York, 1854. 8vo. Plain words to a young communicant. New York, 1859. i6mo. — The revival and its lessons. Fugitive papers having reference to the great awakening. New York, 1859. i6mo. — Sacramental discourses. New York, i860. i2mo. — Thoughts on family worship. Philadelphia, 1847. i2mo. — Thoughts on preaching ; being contributions to homiletics. New York, 1861. i2mo. — Life of. Si-c- Hall, J. ALEXANDER, Joseph Addison. The Acts of the apostles explained. New York, 1859. 2 vols. i2mo. The earlier prophecies of Isaiah. New York, 1846. 8vo. The later prophecies of Isaiah. New York, 1S47. 8vo. The Gospel according to St. Mark. New York, 1859. i2mo. The Gospel according to St. Matthew. New York, 1861. i2mo. — The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Discourses. Illustrated. London, 1862. i2mo. The Psalms, translated and explained. New York, 1850. 3 vols. i2mo. — Sermons. New York, i860. 2 vols. i2mo. ALFIO Balzani ; or extracts from the diary of a proscribed Sicilian. Anonymous. New York, 1861. i2mo. 7 CATALOGUE OF ALFORD, Henry. How to study the New Testament, the Gospels, the Acts of the apostles. London, 1865. i6mo. A plea for the queen's English. London, 1864. i2mo. ALG^. Album containing specimens, with botanical names of algae, or sea-weed. 4to. ALG^. Treasures of the deep, or specimens of Scottish sea-weeds. Glasgow, 1851. 8vo. ALG^. Ocean flowers, or specimens of British sea-weeds. Collected on south west coast of Devon. With botanical names. ALG^. Ocean flowers, by Agnes B. Smith. Containing specimens without names. ALG^. Sea-mosses ; many from Cape Cod. With botanical names. Folio. ALISON, Archibald. Essays on the nature and principles of taste, with corrections by Abraham Mills. New York, 1854. i2mo. History of Europe, from the commencement of the French revolution to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. With por- traits. Edinburgh, i849-'5o. 14 vols. 8vo. ALLAN, John. Catalogue of his library and antiquarian collection, with the names of purchasers and the price. New York, 1865. 8vo. Collection Allaniana. A collection of engravings ; arranged by John Allan. 1837. Folio. ALLASON, Thomas. Picturesque views of the antiquities of Pola, in Istria. Plates engraved by W. B. Cooke and others. London, 1819. Folio. ALLEN, David O. India, ancient and modern, geographical, histori- cal, political, social, and religious. Illustrated. Boston, 1856. 8vo. ALLEN, Ethan. Narrative of his captivity from 1775 to 1778, con- 8 THE STUART LIBRARY. taining his voyages and travels. Written by himself. Walpole, N. H., 1807. i6mo. ALLEN, George. Life of Philidor, musician and chess-player. With essay on Philidor by T. von Hevdebrand and der Lasa. Phila- delphia, 1863. 8vo. ALLEN, J. FisK. Culture and treatment of the grape-vine. New York, 1853. i2mo. ALLEN, Mrs. Brasseva. Pastorals, elegies, odes, epistles, and other poems. Abingdon, Md., 1806. i6mo. Scarce. ALLEN, Thomas. Lancashire illustrated. See Austin, S., and others. ALLEN, William, and Thompson, T. R. H. Expedition sent by her majesty's government to the river Niger, in 1841, under command of Capt. H. D. Trotter. London, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. ALLIBONE, S. Austin. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, to the latter half of the nine- teenth century. Philadelphia, 1871. 3 vols. 4to. ALLOM, Thomas. Constantinople and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor, illustrated. With an historical account, and descriptions of plates by the Rev. Robert Walsh. London. 4to. France illustrated. Exhibiting its landscape scenery, antiquities, military and ecclesiastical architecture, etc. With descriptions by the Rev. G. N. Wright. London. 3 vols. 4to. — Illustrations of the counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Lin- coln, and Rutland, with historical and topograpical descriptions, by T. Noble and T. Rose. London. 4to. — Views in the Tyrol. After sketches by Johanna V. Isser, etc. With letterpress descriptions by a companion of Hofer. London. 4to. — Same. London. 410. Illustrations of Scotland. See Beattie, William. CATALOGUE OF ALLOM, Thomas. Illustrations of China. See Wright, G. N. Illustrations of Devonshire and Cornwall. See Britton, John. ALMEIDA, William B. d'. Life in Java. London, 1864. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. ALPHAND, A. Les promenades de Paris, Etude sur I'art des jardins et arboretum. 487 gravures sur bois, 80 sur acier, 23 chromolitho- graphies. Paris, i867-'73. 2 vols. Folio. ALPINE Club. See Ball, J. and Kennedy, E. S., editors. ALSOP, George. Character of the province of Maryland, with a col- lection of historical letters and notes, by J. G. Shea. New York, 1869. 8vo. ALVEMART, Octavian d'. Costume of Turkey. See Miller, Wm. AMARI, Michele. History of the war of the Sicilian vespers. Edited by the earl of Ellesmere. London, 1850. 3 vols. i2mo. AMERICA ; or, an exact Description of the West-Indies : More espe- cially of those Provinces which are under the dominion of the King of Spain. Faithfully represented by N. N. Gent. London, 1655. i8mo. AMERICAN and foreign Christian union. i85o-'s3. New York. vols. 1-4. 8vo. AMERICAN annual cyclopedia and register of important events. 1861-1865. See Appleton, D. and Co. AMERICAN antiquarian society. Transactions. Archseologia Ameri- cana. Illustrated. Worcester, i82o-'74. 6 vols. 8vo. AMERICAN Bible society. Catalogue of its library. New York, 1855. 8vo. First to seventeenth annual report. i8i7-'33. New York. 3 vols. Svo. 10 THE STUART LIBRARY. AMERICAN Bible society. Twenty-sixth to fifty-fourth annual re- port, 1842-1870. New York. 9 vols. 8vo. Fifty-eighth annual report. New York, 1874. 8vo. Jubilee memorial ; being a review of its first fifty years' work. By Isaac Ferris. New York, 1867. 8vo. AMERICAN board of commissioners for foreign missions. Memorial volume of the first fifty years. Boston, 1861. 8vo. Annual reports, 1853-1868. Forty-fourth to fifty-eighth report. Boston. 4 vols. 8vo. — Missionary herald. Boston, 1834-38. Vols. 30-34. 8vo. AMERICAN convent as a school for protestant children. Protestant Episcopal society. New York, 1869. i6mo. AMERICAN geographical society's journal for 1872 and 1876. New York, 1873 and '78. Vols. 3 and 8. 8vo. AMERICAN home missionary society. The home missionary and pas- tor's journal. Vols. 9-32. New York, 1837-60. 24 vols. 8vo. AMERICAN institute. Transactions and annual reports for 1850, 1853, 1857, 1870, 1871, 1872. Albany. 5 vols. 8vo. AMERICAN military biography. Lives of the officers of the revolu- tion ; also life of La Fayette. Illustrated. Cincinnati, 1829. i2mo. AMERICAN missions to the heathen, from their commencement to the present time (1840). Worcester, 1840. 8vo. AMERICAN monthly magazine and critical review. From May 1817 to February 1819. New York. 4 vols. 8vo. AMERICAN museum of natural history. Photographic album. See Central Park. CATALOGUE OF AMERICAN naturalist. An illustrated magazine. Edited by A. S. Packard, Jr., E. S. Morse, A. Hyatt, and F. W. Putnam. Salem (Mass.), 1867-1S72. Vols. 1-6. 8vo. Same. 1 867-1 870. Vols. 1-4. AMERICAN pomological society. Proceedings of the eighth session, i860. Rochester, i860. 8vo. AMERICAN protestant magazine. New York, 1845-9. 5 ^'o's. 8vo. AMERICAN revolution in scripture style. See Bartgis, M. AMERICAN year-book and national register for 1869. Edited by David N. Camp. Hartford, 1869. 8vo. AMICI, Domenico. Raccolta di trenta vedute degli obelischi, scelte fontane e chiostri di Roma. Rome, 1839. Folio. ANBUREY, Thomas. Travels through the interior parts of America. In a series of letters. London, 1789. 2 vols. Svo. ANCIENT history. Chronological tables, synchronistically and ethno- graphically arranged. Oxford, 1835. Folio. ANDAGOYA, Pascual de. Narrative of the proceedings of Pedrarias Davilla [1514] in the provinces of Tierra Firme ; and of the dis- covery of the South Sea and the coasts of Peru and Nicaragua. Translated by C. R. Markham. London, Hakluyt Society, 1865. Svo. ANDERSON, Benjamin. Narrative of a journey to Musardu. New York, 1870. i2mo. ANDERSSON, Charles John. Lake Ngami ; or, explorations and discoveries in the wilds of south-western Africa. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1856. Svo. The Okavango river ; a narrative of travel, exploration and ad- venture. Illustrated. London, 1861. 8vo. ANDERSON, Christopher. The annals of the English Bible, from 1484 to 1844. Illustrated. London, 1845. 2 vols. Svo. THE STUART LIBRARY. ANDERSON, James. Ladies of the reformation ; memoirs of dis- tinguished female characters. Illustrated. London, 1857. izmo. Ladies of the covenant ; memoirs of distinguished female char- acters. Glasgow, 1855. i6mo. Same. Illustrated. Glasgow, 185 i. i6mo. — Martyrology of Bass Rock. See Bass Rock. ANDERSON, J. Corbet. Biblical monuments. See Rule, W. H. ANDERSON, John. Chronicles of the kirk. Scenes and stories from the history of the church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1849. i6mo. ANDERSON, R. B. Norse mythology ; or, the religion of our fore- fathers, and the myths of the eddas. Illustrated. Chicago, 1875. i2mo. ANDERSON, William. The popular Scottish biography, being lives of eminent natives of Scotland. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1842. i6mo. ANDRE, John. Cow-chace, in three cantos ; published on occasion of Wayne's attack on the Refugees' Block-house on Hudson's River, July 21, 1780. New York, 1780. i2mo. Portrait inserted. ANDREWS, Charles. The prisoners' memoirs, or Dartmoor prison and the horrid massacre, April 6, 1815. New York, 1852. i6mo. ANDREWS, Henry C. Botanist's repository, comprising coloured en- gravings of new and rare plants, with botanical descriptions in Latin and English, after the Linnaean system. London, 1816. 10 vols. 4to. The heathery ; or a monograph of the genus erica : containing coloured engravings with Latin and English descriptions, etc. Lon- don, 1845. 6 vols. 8vo. ANDREWS, James. Flora's gems : or the treasures of the parterre. Twelve bouquets, drawn and coloured from nature. With poetical illustrations by Louisa Anne Twamlev. London. 4to. 13 CATALOGUE OF ANDREWS, W. S. Illustrations of the West-Indies. With descrip- tion of the islands in the Caribbean sea, gulph of Mexico, and Florida. London. 4to. ANGAS, George French. The Kafirs illustrated in a series of draw- ings ; also portraits of the Hottentot, Malay, Fingo, and other races in southern Africa. With sketches, etc. London, 1849. Folio. New Zealand illustrated. London, 1847. Folio. — South Australia illustrated. London, 1847. Folio. ANGLER'S guide ; or, complete fisher's manual for the United States. Anonymous. New York, 1857. izmo. ANNALES du musee et de I'ecole moderne des beaux-arts. Salon de 1808 par Landon, et 1808-^ 24 par Blrand. Illustrated. Paris, 1808-28. 2 vols. izmo. ANNAN, William. Letters on Psalmody. A review of the leading arguments for the exclusive use of the book of Psalms. Philadel- phia, 1859. i6mo. ANNUAL of scientific discovery, or year-book of facts in science and art, 1850-1870. Illustrated. Boston. 20 vols. i2mo. ANNUAL record of science and industry, 1871, 1873, 1874, and 1878. Edited by Spencer F. Baird. New York. 4 vols, iznio. ANNUAL record for 1872-73. A compendium of scientific progress and discovery. Edited by A. E. Beach. New York, 1872. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. ANNUAL register. Arcana of science and art for 1838. London, 1838. i6mo. ANSON, George. Voyage round the world in 1740-44. Compiled and published by Richard Walter. Illustrated. London, 1748. 4to. ANSTED, David T. and others* Natural history of the inanimate creation. London, i860. i2mo. • Ansted, Breen, Smith, Scoffern, and Lowe. 14 THE STUART LIBRARY. ANTE-NICENE Christian library. Sec Roberts, A. ANTIQUITATES Americanas sive scriptores septentrionales rerum ante- Columbianarum in America (Latin and Norwegian). Copenhagen, 1837. Folio. ANTONINUS, Marcus. His conversation with himself ; with the pre- liminary discourse of Gataker and Dacier's memoir. Translated by Jeremy Collier. Illustrated. London, 1708. i2mo. APOSTOLIC fathers. Genuine epistles. Translated by William, lord bishop of Canterbury ; arranged by W. Adams. Illustrated. Hart- ford, 1834. i2mo. APPLETON, Daniel and Co. Catalogue of American and English books. Illustrated. New York, 1855. 8vo. Cyclopaedia of biography. Original memoirs. Edited by Fran- cis L. Hawks. Illustrated. New York, 1856. 4to. — New American cyclopaedia ; a popular dictionary of general knowledge. Edited by Ripley and Dana. New York, 1863. 16 vols. 8vo. Same. Annuals, from 1861 to 1865. New York. 5 vols. ARABIAN nights' entertainments. The adventure of Hunch-back, and the stories connected with it. With illustrative prints engraved by William Daniell, from pictures by Robert Smirke. London, 1814. Folio. See also Lane, Edward W. ARAGO, Jacques E. Voyage round the world in the Uranie and Phy- sicienne corvettes. By Captain Freycinet, during 1817-20. In a series of letters to a friend. Illustrated. London, 1823. 4to. . See also Freycinet, L. C. D. de. ARCHER, John W. Vestiges of Old London ; a series of etchings from original drawings. With descriptions and notices. London, 185 1. 4to. ARCHITECTURE, Palace of ; a romance of art and history. Over 200 illustrations. London, 1840. 4to. 15 CATALOGUE OF ARCTIC world ; its plants, animals, and natural phenomena. With a historical sketch of Arctic discovery. Anonymous. London, 1876. 4to. ARIOSTO, LuDOVico. Orlando Furioso. Translated into English verse with notes, by William Stewart Rose. London, 1823. 8 vols. 1 2 mo. Orlando Furioso. Tutto ricorretto et di nuove figure adornato. Venice, 1560. 4to. ARMSTRONG, John. Life of Richard Montgomery. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Amer. biog. vol. i. Life of Anthony Wayne. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Amer. biog. vol. 4. ARMSTRONG, William, and others. Recent discussions on the aboli- tion of patents for inventions, with suggestions on copyright. London, 1869. 8vo. ARNAUD, Henri. The glorious recovery by the Vaudois of their valleys ; with their previous history, by H. D. Acland. Illustrated. London, 1827. 8vo. ARNOT, Hugo. History of Edinburgh from the earliest accounts to the year 1780, with the improvements of the city from 1780 to 1816, embellished with an elegant plan. Edinburgh, 1816. 1 2 mo. ARNOT, William. Life of James Hamilton. Illustrated. London, 1870. i2mo. The race for riches. Six lectures applying the word of God to the traffic of men. London, 185 i. i5mo. ARSCOT, Alexander. Some considerations relating to the present state of the Christian religion. Printed by B. Franklin. Phila- delphia, 1732. i8mo. ART exhibition at the metropolitan fair, in aid of the United States sanitary commission. Catalogue. New York, 1864. 4to. 16 THE STUART LIBRARY. ART and nature under an Italian sky. See Italy. ART, Magazine of. Illustrated. London. 8vo. ART, pictorial and industrial : an illustrated magazine, 1870-1871. London. 2 vols. 4to. ART treasures of America. See Strahan, Edward, editor. ART treasures of the United Kingdom, 1857. See Waring, J. B. ART Journal. London, 1849-1879. 31 vols. 4to. Same. Illustrated catalogue of the exhibition of 1851. London, 1 85 1. 4to. ART Union. A monthly journal of the fine arts. Illustrated. Lon- don, i839-'48. 10 vols. 4to. ARTAMOF, PiOTRE. La Russie, historique, monumentale, et pittor- esque. Avec la collaboration de M. J. G. D. Armengaud. Paris, 1862. 2 vols. Folio. ARTHUR of Little Britain, History of. A romance of chivalry, from the French, by John Bourchier. Illustrated. London, 1814. 8vo. ARTHUR, T. S. The three eras of a woman's life ; maiden, wife, and mother. Illustrated. Philadelphia, i860. i6mo. and Carpenter, W. H. Histories of the states of Georgia, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Vermont, and Virginia. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1852. 5 vols. i6mo. ARTHUR, William. The duty of giving away a stated proportion of our income. Philadelphia, 1857. i6mo. Italy in transition. London, i860. i2mo. The successful merchant ; sketches of the life of Samuel Budget. New York, 1S53. i2mo. ARTIS, Edmund T. Antediluvian phytology, illustrated by a collec- tion of the fossil remains of plants peculiar to the coal formations of Great Britain. London, 1838. 410. 2 17 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' fund annual, 1868. A collection of twenty photographs from original designs. Philadelphia, 1868. Folio. ASHER, G. M., editor. Henry Hudson, the navigator. The original documents collected, etc., with introduction. Hakluyt Society. Lon- don, i860. 8vo. ASHLEY, John. Memoirs and Considerations concerning the Trade and Revenues of the British colonies in America. London, 1740. i2mo. ASKEW, Anne. Writings. In British refonners. Vol. 3. ASTOR library. Catalogue and index to catalogue. New York, 1851- 57. 5 vols. 8vo. ASTRONOMICAL figures. (Containing 12 figures.; London, 1849. 4to. ATKINSON, Joseph M. The true path, or the young man invited to the Saviour. In a series of lectures. Philadelphia, i860. i6mo. ATKINSON, Thomas W. Oriental and western Siberia. Seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, etc. Illustrated. London, 1858. 8vo. Travels in the upper and lower Amoor and the Russian acqui- sitions on the confines of India and China. Illustrated. London, 1861. 8vo. ATLAS. General atlas, with plans of the principal cities of the world. Published by the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. With index to the principal places in the world, by J. Mickle- BURGH. London, 1854. 2 vols, in i. Folio. ATLAS pour servir a I'histoire des diff^rents voyages au tour du monde. 1775. Folio. ATTACHE in Madrid ; or sketches of the court of Isabella II. Trans- lated from the German. Anonymous. New York, 1856. i2nio. 18 THE STUART LIBRARY. AUBIGN't, J. H. Merle u'. See Merle d'Aubigni;. AUDEBERT, Jean B. Histoire naturelle des singes et des makis. Paris, 1810. Folio. 62 coloured plates. AUDSLEY, George A., and Bowes, J. L. Keramic art of Japan. Illustrated in colors. Liverpool, 1875. 2 vols. Folio. See also Addenda. AUDSLEY, W. and G. Illuminations to Byron's prisoner of Chillon. See Byron. AUDUBON, John James. Birds of America, from drawings made in the United States and their territories. New York, 1840-44. 7 vols. 4to. The birds of America. From original drawings. Published by the author. London, 1827-45. 4 vols. Elephant folio. Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America ; accompanied by descrip- tions of the objects represented in the work entitled Birds of America, etc. Edinburgh, 1831-39. 5 vols. 8vo. and Bachman, John. Quadrupeds of North America. Col- oured plates. New York, 1849-51. 3 vols. 4to. The viviparous quadrupeds of North America. New York, 1846-54. 3 vols. 4to. Same. Plates. New York, 1845. 3 '^o's. Folio. AUER, Alois. Die entdeckung des naturselbstdruckes, oder die erfin- dung von ganzen herbarium, stoffen, spitzen, stickereien, und iiber- traupt alien originalien und copien, durch das original selbst herzustellen, ohne dass man einer zeichnung oder gravure auf die bisher iibliche weise durch menschenhiinde bedarf. Vienna, 1854. 4to. AUGHEY, John H. The iron furnace ; or slavery and secession. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1863. i6ma 19 CATALOGUE OF AUGUSTINE, AuRELius Saint. Manuell or little booke on the con- templation of Christ or of God's worde. With cuts. London, 1850. i8mo. Reprint of the original of 1577. Opuscula varia. Round letter, illuminated initials. Titles underlined with red. No title page. Colophon gives the date 1472. Sex questiones contra paganos. London, 1497. 4to. Black letter, fine copy. Clear and beautiful printing. AUMALE, Henri E. P. L., Due d'Orkaris. History of the princes de Conde, i6th and 17th century. From the French. Illustrated. London, 1872. 2 vols. 8vo. AUSTEN-LEIGH, J. E. A memoir of Jane Austen. London, 1870. 8vo. AUSTIN, S. H. J., and Pyne, C. and G. Lancashire illustrated. With descriptions, by Thomas Allen. London, 1832. 4to. AUTEROCHE, Chappe d'. See Chappe d'Auteroche. AUTOGRAPHIC mirror. Autographic letters and sketches of illus- trious and distinguished men of past and present times. London. Folio. Same. London, 1865-6. 2 vols. 4to. AUTOGRAPHIC mirror. Inedited autographs of illustrious and dis- tinguished men of past and present times. London. Folio. AUTOGRAPH letters, documents, etc., comprising many that are very scarce and valuable ; chiefly American. 4to. AUTOGRAPHS. Three hundred autographs of the dukes and peers of England, 1831-1832-1833, with engraved arms. 4to. See also Brevoort, J. C. AVIGNON, F. d'. Gallery of illustrious Americans. See Brady, M. B., etc. AYTOUN, William E. Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, and other poems. Edinburgh, 1856. i6mo. 20 B THE STUART LIBRARY. ACHMAN, John. Quadrupeds of North America. See Audu- bon, J. J. BACK, George. Arctic land expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish river, in 1833-35. Illustrated. London, 1836. 4to. BACKUS, Charles. The Scripture doctrine of regeneration consid- ered, in six discourses. Hartford, 1800. i8mo. BACON, Francis. Essays. With annotations by Richard Wjiatelv. New York, 1857. Svo. Of the Advancement of Learning, of the Partition of Sciences, IX bookes, written in Latin. Interpreted by Gilbert Wats. Ox- ford, 1640. 4to. Portrait and engraved title. Works. Collected and edited by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath. Cambridge, Mass., 1863. 15 vols. Svo. Only 100 copies printed. Same. Illustrated. London, 1778. 5 vols. 4to. From the bibliothique De Rosny, whose arms are stamped on the covers. BACON, Mary A. Flowers and their kindred thoughts. Illuminated by Owen Jones. London, 1848. 8vo. Beautifully embossed cover. BADGER, Barber. The naval temple ; a history of the battles of the United States navy from 1794. Illustrated. Boston, 1816. Svo. BAGSTER, Samuel and Sons, publishers. The Bible in every land, a history of the Sacred Scriptures in every language and dialect, illustrated with specimens. London, 1848. 410. The Holy vessels and furniture of the Tabernacle of Israel ; on a uniform scale. With descriptive text. London, 4to. See also Bible, Bagster's editions. BAILEY, John E. Life of Thomas Fuller, with notices of his books, his kinsmen, and his friends. London, 1874. Svo. 21 CATALOGUE OF BAINES, Thomas. Explorations in south-west Africa ; being an ac- count of a journey in 1861-62. London, 1864. 8vo. — Liverpool in 1859. The port and town, and the harbor, docks and commerce of the Mersey. Embellished with a plan. London, 1859. i2mo. — The Victoria falls of Zambesi river, sketched on the spot dur- ing the journey of J. Chapman and T. Baines. London, 1865. Folio. BAIRD, Henry M. The life of Robert Baird. Illustrated. New York, 1866. i2mo. Modern Greece : a narrative of residence and travels. Illus- trated. New York, 1856. i2mo. BAIRD, Robert. Religion in America. An account of the evangeli- cal, with notices of the unevangelical denominations in the United States. New York, 1856. 8vo. Sketches of protestantism in Italy, past and present. Including notice of the Waldenses. Boston, 1845. i2mo. BAIRD, Spencer F., Cassin, John, and Lawrence, George N. Birds of North America ; the descriptions of species based chiefly on the collections in the Smithsonian institution. With atlas of one hun- dred plates. Philadelphia, i860. 2 vols. 4to. Brewer, T. M., and Ridgway, R. History of North Amer- ican birds. Illustrated. Boston, 1874. 3 vols. 4to. BAKER, Richard. A chronicle of the Kings of England, from the Roman government to the death of James I. With a continuation to 1660, by E. Phillips. Also a second continuation containing the reigns of Charles I. and others, to George I. London, 1730. Folio. BAKER, Samuel W. Ismailia : the expedition to central Africa for the suppression of the slave-trade, organized by Ismail, khedive of Egypt. New York, 1875. 8vo. The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the Hararan Arabs. Illustrated. London, 1S68. 8vo. THE STUART LIBRARY. BALCH, William S. Ireland, as I saw it. The character, condition and prospects of the people. New York, 1850. i2mo. BALDWIN, John D. Ancient America, in notes on American archae- ology. Illustrated. New York, 1872. izmo. BALDWIN, William C. African hunting and adventure from Natal to the Zambesi, from 1852 to i860. Illustrated. London, 1863. 8vo. BALE, John. Actes of English votaries, comprehendynge their un- cha.st practises, collected from their legends. London, (?) 1583. 8vo. Black letter. Writings. In British refonners, vol. 12. BALFOUR, F. M. A monograph on the development of elasmobranch fishes. London, 1878. 8vo. BALL, Charles. History of the Indian mutiny. Illustrated with battle scenes, portraits, maps, etc. New York. 2 vols. 4to. Italy illustrated. See Stafford, W. C. BALL, John, and Kennedy, E. S., editors. Peaks, passes, and gla- ciers ; excursions by the Alpine club. Illustrated. London, 1S59 and 1862. 2 vols. i2mo. BALLADS. See English ballads, Scottish ballads, etc. BALLANTINE, James. The gaberlunzie's wallet. Illustrated. Edin- burgh, 1843. 8vo. The miller of Deanhaugh. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1844. 8vo. BALLARD, Edward. Memorial volume of the Popham celebration. August, 1862, of the colony planted in 1607. Illustrated. Port- land, 1863. 8vo. 23 CATALOGUE OF BALLINGALL, William, publisher. Edinburgh, past and present ; its associations and surroundings, drawn with pen and pencil. Edin- burgh, 1877. 8vo. BALNAVES, Henry. Writings. In British reformers. Vol. 3. BALZAC, HoNORfi de. Contes drolatiques, i6"' edition. Illustree de 425 dessins par Gustave Dor£. Paris, 18 — . i2mo. Les femmes ; types, caracteres et portraits. Notice biogra- phique par le Bibliophile Jacob. 14 portraits. Paris. 8vo. BANCROFT, Edward. An essay on the natural history of Guiana, in South America. London, 1769. i2mo. BANCROFT, George. History of the United States from the discov- ery of the American continent, to 1782. Boston, 1861-1875. 10 vols. 8vo. Memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lin- coln, Feb. 12, 1866. Illustrated. Washington, 1866. 8vo. BANGOR, Thomas, Lord Bishop. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Feb. 17, 1737. London, 1738. i2mo. BANVARD, John. Private life of a king : suppressed memoirs of George IV. of England. New York, 1875. i2mo. BAR, Jacques — Charles. Recueil de tous les costumes religieux et militaires, avec un abrege historique et chronologique. Enrichi de notes et de planches coloriees. Paris, 1778. 6 vols. Folio. BARBACOVI, F. V. Compendium of the literary history of Italy. Translated from the Italian. Edinburgh, 1835. i2mo. BARBARO, Josafa, and Contarini, Ambrogio. Travels to Tana and Persia. Translated by W. Thomas and S. A. Rov, and edited by Lord Stanley, of Alderley. Hakluyt Society. London, 1873. 8vo. 24 THE STUART LIBRARY. BARBER, John W. Historical collections of the state of New York. Illustrated. New York, 1851. 8vo. BARBOSA, DuARTE. Description of the coasts of east Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Translated by H. E. J. Stanley. Ilakluyt Society. London, 1866. 8vo. BARCLAY, Alexander. Stultifera Nauis. The ship of foolcs, wherein is shewed the folly of all states, with divers other workes adopted into the same ; very profitable and fruitful for all men. Translated out of Latin into English, by Alexander Barclay, Priest. The J. Cawood edition. London, 1570. 410. Fine title copy. Founded upon tlic original work of this name by Sedastia.n Brandt. See Brandt, S. BARCLAY, J. T. City of the great King : Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be. Philadelphia, 1858. 8vo. BARETTI, Joseph. A dictionary, Spanish and English, and English and Spanish. London, 1794. 4to. Spanish and English dictionary. See Neumann, C. F. BARHAM, R. H. D. Ingoldsby legends ; or, mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esq. Annotated edition. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. BARKER, Jacob. The conspiracy trials of 1826 and 1827, with an introduction, by R. D. Turner. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1864. i6mo. BARKER, William B. Lares and penates ; or Cilicia and its govern- ors. Illustrated. London, 1853. 8vo. BARLASS, William. Sermons on practical subjects. With corre- spondence between the author and the Rev. John Newton. New York, 181 8. 8vo. BARLOW, Joel. The Columbiad, a poem. Illustrated. Philadel- phia, 1807. 4to. 25 CATALOGUE OF BARNARD, Frederick A. P. The metric system of weights and measures ; an address before the university of New York. New York, 1872. 8vo. BARNARD, George N., photographer. Photographic views of Sher- man's campaign. Nashville, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, At- lanta, march to the sea, and the raid through the Carolinas. From negatives taken in the field. New York. Folio. BARNARD, J. G. The isthmus of Tehuantepec. Illustrated. New York, 1852. 8vo. BARNES, Robert. Writings. In British reformers. Vol. 2. BARNUM, H. L. The spy unmasked ; or, memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch. Taken from his own lips in short-hand. Illustrated. New York, 1828. 8vo. 25 plates inserted. BARNUM, Samuel W. Romanism as it is ; an exposition of the Roman catholic system, for the use of the American people. Illus- trated. Hartford, 187 i. 8vo. BARON, John. Life of Edward Jenner, with illustrations of his doc- trines and selections from his correspondence. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. BARRY, P. International trade of the United States and England. Chicago, 1858. 8vo. BARTGIS, Mathias, publisher. The history of the American revolu- tion in scripture style. Frederick Co., Md., 1823. i8mo. Caricature portrait of Washington. EARTH, Henry. Travels and discoveries in north and central Africa in 1849-55. Illustrated. New York, 1857. 3 vols. 8vo. Same. New York, 1857. 5 vols. 8vo. BARTLETT, John R. Catalogue of books relating to the state of Rhode Island ; with notes. Providence, 1864. 4to. 150 copies printed. 26 THE STUART LIHKARY. BARTLETT, John R. A glossary of words and phrases colloquially used ill the United States. New York, 1849. 8vo. Familiar quotations ; tracing to their source passages and phrases in common use. Boston, 1864. i6mo. History of the destruction of H. B. M. schooner Gaspee, in Narragansett bay, June 10, 1772. Providence, 1861. 8vo. 125 Copies privately printed. Literature of the rebellion ; a catalogue of books on the civil war in the United States and on American slavery. Boston, 1866. 4to. Only 60 quarto copies printed. Personal narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonera, and Chihuahua ; in i85C3-'53. With maps and illustrations. New Youk, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. BARTLETT, William H. The Danube, its history, scenery, and topography illustrated. Edited by William Beattie. London, 1844. 4to. Les beautds du Bosphore, orne d'une suite de vues de Constan- tinople, et de ses environs. Description par J. Pardoe. Traduit par L. de Bauclas. London, 1838. 4to. Beauties of the Bosphorus. Letterpress by Julia Pardoe. London, 1S39. 4to. Canadian scenery illustrated. The literary department by N. P. Willis. London, 1842. 2 vols. 4to. Same. Steel-plate engravings. Proofs before letters. Lon- don. Folio. Same. 2 vols, in i. London. Folio. — Illustrations of American scenery. With descriptions, by N. P. Willis. London, 1840. 2 vols. 4to. — Scotland illustrated in a series of views by Bartlett, Allom, Memes, etc. Edited by Wm. Beattie. London, 1838. 2 vols. 4to. 27 CATALOGUE OF BARTLETT, William H. Illustrations of Switzerland. Edited by Wm. Beattie. London, 1836. 2 vols. 4to. Illustrations of the Christian in Palestine, by Henry Steebing. London. 4to. Nile boat ; or, glimpses of the land of Egypt. Illustrated. New York, 1851. 8vo. — The overland route. Illustrated. London, 1851. 8vo. — The Pilgrim fathers, or the founders of New England in the reign of James I. Illustrated. London, 1855. 4to. — The ports, harbours, watering-places, and coast scenery of Great Britain. With descriptions by William Beattie. London, 1842. 2 vols. 4to. — Scenery and antiquities of Ireland, illustrated in one hundred and twenty engravings. With text by J. Stirling Coyne, N. P. Willis, etc. London. 2 vols. 4to. Same. Proof impressions before letters. Folio. — and Brockedon, W. Illustrations of the Waldenses ; or, protestant valleys of Piedmont, Dauphiny, and the Ban de la Roche. With descriptions by William Beattie. London, 1838. 4to. — Leitch, Cockburn, and others. The Rhine, Italy, and Greece ; in a series of drawings from nature. With descriptions by G. N. Wright. London, 1846. 2 vols. 4to. — and others. Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, etc., illustrated. With descriptions by John Carne. London, 1837. 2 vols. 4to. BARTOLOZZI, F., and others. One hundred and fifty-five prints. En- graved from original pictures and drawings by Guercino, Michael Angelo and others. London. 2 vols. Folio. BARTON, Benjamin H., and Castle, Thomas. The British flora medica ; or, history of the medicinal plants of Great Britain. Illus- trated by a coloured figure of each plant. London, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. 28 TIIK STUART LIliRARY. BARTON, William P. C. A flora of North America. Illustrated by coloured figures drawn from nature. Philadelphia, 1821-23. 3 vols. 4to. • Vegetable materia medica of the United States ; or medical botany. Illustrated by coloured engravings. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 vols, in I. 4to. BASAN, Pierre Francois. Collection de cent-vingt estampes gravies d'apr^s les tableaux et dessins qui composoient le cabinet de M. PouLLAiN, (16c6d6 en 1780. Pr^cddd d'un abreg<5 historique de la vie des auteurs qui la composent. Paris, 1781. 4to. Recueil d'estampes gravees d'apres les tableaux du cabinet de M. LE Due DE Choiseul. Paris, 1771. 4to. BASS ROCK. Its civil and ecclesiastical history, by J. McCrie ; geology by Hugh Miller ; martyrology by James Anderson ; zoology and botany by Profs. Fleming and Balfour. Illustrated. Edinburgh. i2mo. BATE, C. Spence. Catalogue of the specimens of amphipodous Crus- tacea in the collection of the British museum. London, 1862. 8vo. BATEMAN, James. The orchidacDe of Mexico and Guatemala. Lon- don, 1843. Folio. editor. A second century of orchidaceous plants. Selected from " Curtis' botanical magazine " since the issue of the " First century." London, 1867. 4to. BATES, Henry Walter. Naturalist on the river Amazons. Illus- trated. London, 1863. 2 vols. i2mo. BATES, William. Harmony of the Divine attributes in man's redemp- tion. Philadelphia. i2mo. BATTY, John. German scenery from drawings made in 1820. Letter- press in English and French. London, 1823. 410. BATTY, Robert. Hanoverian and Saxon scenery. With descriptive text in English and French. London, 1829. Folio. CATALOGUE OF BATTY, Robert. Select views of some of the principal cities of Europe. With illustrative notices. London, 1832. 4to. Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium, and Holland. A series of views. London, 1826. 410. — Welsh scenery ; from drawings by Batty. London, 1S25. 4to. BAUER, Francis. Genera filicum ; or illustrations of the ferns and other allied genera, with additions and descriptive letterpress, by Sir William J. Hooker. London, 1842. 4to. BAXTER, M. Louis Napoleon the destined monarch of the world. With nine diagrams and two maps. Philadelphia, 1867. i6mo. BAXTER, Richard. A call to the unconverted. New York, 1831. i8mo. The reformed pastor : showing the nature of the pastoral work. New York, i860. 8vo. — Saints' everlasting rest. Philadelphia, 1847. i2mo. Same. London, 1659. i2mo. With quaint title plate. BAXTER, William E. The Tagus and the Tiber, or notes of travel in Portugal, Spain and Italy in 1 850-1. London, 1852. 2 vols. i2mo. BAYLEY, J. R. Sketch of the early history of the catholic church on the island of New York. New York, 1870. i2mo. BAYLIE, Robert. Errours and Induration, are the great sins and the great judgements of the time. A sermon before the House of Peers in 1645. London, 1645. i6mo, paper. BAYLIES, Francis. Historical memoir of the colony of New Ply- mouth, from the flight of the Pilgrims into Holland. Illustrated. Boston, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. Boston, 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. 30 THE STUART IJHRARY. BAYLY, Thomas II. Songs and ballads, grave and gay, with a mem- oir. Philadelphia, 1844. i2mo. Bound in same volume with Berangcr's poems. BEADLE, J. H. Life in Utah ; or the mysteries and crimes of mor- monism. Illustrated. Puiladklpiha, 1870. lamo. BEAMES, Thomas. The rookeries of London. London, 1852. i2mo. BEAMISH, North L. Discovery of America by the Northmen. Il- lustrated. London, 1841. 8vo. BEARD, Thomas. The Theatre of Ood's ivdgements. Revised and augmented. London, 163 i. i2mo. BEATTIE, James. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1865. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. i2mo. BEATTIE, William. The castles and abbeys of England, from the national records, early chronicles and other standard authors. Illus- trated. London. 2 vols. 4to. Over 200 engravings. editor. The Danube illustrated. See Bartlett, W. H. The ports, etc., of Great Britain. See Bartlett, W. H. Scotland illustrated. See Bartlett, W. H. and others. Illustrations of Switzerland. See Bartlett, W. H. The Waldenses ; or protestant valleys of Piedmont, Dauphiny, and the Ban de la Roche. See Bartlett, W. H., a7id Brocke- DON, W. BEAUCHESNE, A. de. Louis XVII., his life, his suffering, his death ; the captivity of the royal family in the temple. Translated by W. Hazlitt. Illustrated. London, 1853. 2 vols. i2mo. BEAUFOY, Mark. Mexican illustrations, founded upon facts, with the condition of the Mexicans in 1825-7. Illustrated. London, 1828. 8vo. 31 CATALOGUE OF BEAUJOUR, Louis F. de. Sketch of the United States of North America, from 1800 to 1810. Translated by William Walton. London, 1814. 8vo. BEAUMONT, Adelbert de. Sketches in Denmark, Sweden, Lapland, and Norway. 26 colored plates mounted on boards. London. Folio. BEAUMONT, Albanis. Travels through the Rhstian Alps, in 1786, from Italy to Germany, through Tyrol. With ten large aqua tinta engravings. London, 1792. Folio. BEAUMONT, Francis, and Fletcher, John. Fifty comedies and tragedies. All in one volume. Published from the authors' origi- nal copies, the songs to each play being added. London, 1679. Folio. BECK, Edward. Carte en relief de la Suisse. Berne, 1868. Folio. BECKMANN, John. History of inventions, discoveries and origins. Translated from the German by W. Johnston. Revised and en- larged by W. Francis and J. W. Griffith. London, 1846. 2 vols. i6mo. BECON, Thomas. Writings. In British refoiTners. Vol. 10. BEDE, Venerable. Complete works in Latin, with an English trans- lation of the historical works and a life of the author, by J. A. Giles. London, 1843. 6 vols. 8vo. BEDFORD, Francis. Pictorial illustrations of Torquay and its neigh- borhood. A series of photographic views. London. 8vo. BEECH ER, Catherine E. Evils suffered by American women and children ; the causes and remedy. New York, 1846. 8vo. Bound in same volume with Houston, Thomas, which see. BEECH ER, Edward. Conflict of ages, or the great debate on the moral relations of God and man. Boston, 1853. i2mo. Papal conspiracy exposed, and protestantism defended. New York, 1855. i2mo. 32 THE STUART LIBRARY. BEECHER, Henry Ward. Prayers from Plymouth pulpit. New York, 1868. i2mo. Sermons. Plymouth church. New York, 18C8. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. First to eighth series, 1869-1872. New York, 8 vols. 8vo. BEECHEY, F. W. Voyage of discovery towards the north pole, in the ships Dorothea and Trent, under command of Captain David Buchan, 1818. London, 1843. 8vo. Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's strait, to co-operate with the polar expedition : performed in H. M. S. Blossom, in 1825-28. London, 1831. 2 vols. 4to. Same. Zoology by Owen, Gray, Buckland, and others. Illustrated with coloured plates. London, 1839. 4to. — and Beechey, H. W. E.xpedition to explore the northern coast of Africa, from Tripoly eastward ; in 1821-22. An account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica ; and the Pentapolis. London, 1828. 4to. Bl&GIN, Emile. Voyage pittoresque en Espagne et en Portugal. Il- lustrations de MM. R. Fr^res. Paris. 8vo. BELCHER, Edward. The last of the Arctic voyages ; the expedition in H. M. S. Assistance. Illustrated. London, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. — Voyage of H. M. S. Samarang during 1843-46 ; employed in surveying the islands of the Eastern archipelago. With notes on the natural history of the islands. London, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. - Same. Zoology, edited by Arthur Adams. Illustrated. London, 1850. 4to. — Voyage round the world in H. M. S. Sulphur, in 1836-42. In- cluding details of the naval operations in China, 1840-41. Illus- trated. London, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. BELDEN, E. Porter. New York, past, present and future ; compris- ing a history of the city. Illustrated. New York, 1849. i2mo. 3 33 CATALOGUE OF BELINAYE, Henry. The sources of health and disease in communi- ties ; or elementary views of hygiene. Boston, 1833. i6mo. BELKNAP, Jeremy. A discourse commemorating the discovery of America by Columbus, delivered before the Massachusetts Histor- ical Society on the tri-centennial of that event, Oct. 23, 1792. Boston, 1792. i2mo. BELL, Catherine D. Margaret Cecil, or I can, because I ought. Ne\v York, 1852. i2mo. BELL, Charles. The hand, its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design. London, 1833. 8vo. Bridgewater treatise. BELL, Henry G. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. Illustrated. New York, 1831. 2 vols. i8mo. BELL, James. A system of geography, popular and scientific. Illus- trated with maps and engravings. London, 1853. 6 vols. 8vo. BELL, William A. New tracks in North America. A journal of travel and adventure, in 1867-8. Illustrated. London, 1869. 2 vols. 8vo. BELLAMY, J. Critical examination of the objections made to the new translation of the Bible. London, 1820. 8vo. BELLEGARDE, Jean B. M. Complete collection of voyages made into North and South America. From Columbus to this present time. Translated from the French. London, 1711. i6mo. BELLOY, Auguste, Marquis. Christopher Columbus and the discov- ery of the new world. Translated by R. S. H. With six etch- ings and fifty-one engravings on wood, by Leopold Flameng. New York, 1878. 4to. BELOE, William. Julia, or last follies. Illustrated. London, 179S. i2mo. Rare, privately printed. 34 THE STUART l.ir.RARY. BELZONI, Giovanni B. Operations and recent discoveries within the pyramids, etc., in Egypt and Nubia. London, 1820. 4to. BENEDICT, David. History of ail religions as divided into pagan- ism, Mahometanism, Judaism, and Christianity. Providence, 1824. i2mo. BENGER, Elizabeth O. Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, queen of Bo- hemia, daughter of king James I. Including sketches of the state of society in Holland and Germany in the 17th century. London, 1825. 2 vols. i2mo. Memoirs of Mary queen of Scots, with anecdotes of the court of Henry II. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 vols. i2mo. BENJAMIN, J. J. II. Eight years in Asia and Africa. From 1846 to 1855. With preface by Dr. B. Seemann. Hanover, 1859. Svo. BENNETT, GEORGE. Gatherings of a naturalist in Australasia. Observations on the animal and vegetable productions. London, 1S60. Svo. Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir coast, Singa- pore, and China. Being the journal of a naturalist. London, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. BENNETT, James. History of the dissenters from 1808 to 1838. London, 1839. i2mo. and BoGUE, David. History of the dissenters from the revo- lution in 16S8 to 1808. London, 1808. 4 vols. izmo. BENNETT, J. W. Ceylon and its capabilities : natural resources, pro- ductions and commercial facilities. Illustrated. London, 1843. 410. Selection of rare and curious fishes found on the coast of Cey- lon. With letter-press descriptions. London, 185 i. 4to. BENOIST, Philippe, etc. Paris dans sa splendeur, monuments, vues, scenes historiques, descriptions et histoire. Texte par Audiganne. etc. Paris, 1863. 3 vols. Folio. 35 CATALOGUE OF BENSON, Egbert. Memoir on names. See New York historical society. Vindication of the captors of Major Andr^. Fac-simile reprint of the edition of 1817. New York, 1865. i2mo. BENTLEY, Charles. Twelve views in the interior of Guiana, with descriptive letter-press by Robert H. Schomburgk. London, 1 841. Folio. BENTON, Thomas H. Thirty years' view, or a history of the work- ing of the American government for thirty years, from 1820 to 1850, by a senator of thirty years. New York, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. BENZONI, Girolamo. History of the New World. Travels in Amer- ica, 1541-1556. Translated and edited by W. H. Smith. Hakluyt Society. London, 1857. 8vo. Novae novi orbis Historise libri tres, Calvetonis Opera Industria- que, ex Italicis Latini facti. Geneva, 1578. i8mo. BERANGER, Pierre Jean de. CEuvres completes. Nouvelle Edition revue par I'auteur, illustree de 52 belles gravures sur acier. Paris, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. Songs in English, with a sketch of the author's life, by R. VV. Griswold. Philadelphia, 1844. i2mo. BERENDSOHN, B. S. Album von Hamburgischer costume. Ham- burg. i2mo. Colored lithogjaphs. BERJEAU, J. Ph. Le bibliophile illustrt5 ; avec la collaboration de Lacroix, Brunet, Holtrop, Bernard, Delepierre, et autres. London, 1862. 410. Canticum canticorum, reproduced in facsimile from the Scrive- rius copy in the British museum. London, i860. Folio. Early Dutch, German and English printers' marks. London, 1866. 8vo. 36 THE STUART LIBRARY. BERJEAU, Ph. Charles. The horses of antiquity, middle ages, and renaissance, from the earliest monuments down to the i6lh century. Illustrated. London, 1864. 410. Varieties of dogs, as they are found in old sculptures, pictures. engravings, and books. London, 18C5. 8vo. BERKELEY, Everard. The world's laconics, or the best thoughts of the best authors. With an introduction by William B. Spkague. Illustrated. New York, 1853. i2mo. BERLIN. Gallery royal and new museum of. See Payne, A. H. BERNAK, J. M. Album of the lands of the Bible. 50 original views, drawn from nature. Printed in colours, with a map of Palestina. With descriptive notes by T. H. von Schubert and J. Roth. Text in English, German, and French. London, 1855. 8vo. BERNATZ, John M. Scenes in Ethiopia. Designed from nature. With descriptions of the plates, and extracts from a journal of travel in that country. London, 1852. Folio. BERNERS, Juliana. The Book containing the Treatises of Hawk- ing : Hunting ; Coat-Armour ; Fishing ; and Biasing of Arms as printed at Westminster, by Wvnkyn de Worde ; the Year of the Incarnation of our Lord, 1496. Reprint, fac-simile. London, 1810. 8vo. Black letter. Curious wood-cuts. Clasps. The original folio edition is called by Dibdin, in the Bibliotlieca Spenceriana : " a volume of most uncommon rarity, and held in prodigious estimation by the curious in ancient English lore." The first half of this reprint consists of biographical and bibliographical researches connected with these "Books of St. Albans," as they are sometimes called. BERNSTEIN, A. Popular books on natural science, for practical use in every household. New York, 1869. i2mo. BEROALDUS, Philippus. Orationes. Black letter, no date. Sec Pe- trarch, F. Epistole, bound in same volume. BERRIAN, William. Historical sketch of Trinity church, New York. New York, 1847. Svo. 37 CATALOGUE OF BERTRAM, James G. The harvest of the sea. Illustrated. New York, 1866. 8vo. BEST treasure, or the unsearchable riches of Christ. No title page. BETHAM, William. Etruscan literature and antiquities investigated. Dublin, 1842. 2 vols. Svo. BETHUNE, George W. Expository lectures on the Heidelberg cate- chism. New York, 1864. 2 vols. Svo. Fruit of the Spirit. Philadelphia, 1839. lamo. — Memoirs of Mrs. Joanna Bethune, with an appendi.x containing extracts from her writings. New York, 1863. i2mo. — Orations and occasional discourses. New York, 1850. ismo. BEVERIDGE, William. Theological works. With portrait. Oxford, i842-'8. 12 vols. 8vo. BEZA, Theodore. Translation of the New Testament. Geneva, 1583. Svo. BIBLES. Part I. Foreign. — II. English antique. — III. English modem. — IV. New Testa- ments, foreign. — V. New Testaments, English antique. — VI. New Testaments, English modem. — VII. New Testaments, Revision of 1881. — VIII. Parts of the Bible, foreign. — IX. Parts of the Bible, English. — X. Bible concordances. — XI. Bible dictionaries. — XII. Bible illustrations. — XIII. Liturgies. part I. FOREIGN. BIBLIA Sacra Latina. Manuscript of the thirteenth century. " Circa, 1250." Beautifully written in a minute character on vellum of the purest quality, in double columns, with the capitals illuminated in gold and colors. The initial letter to Genesis is a curious and uncommon specimen of early art, exhibiting in the letter I no less than eight representations of Christ, concluding with the crucifi.xion, below which is a death's head. Several of the other capitals contain miniatures of the saints. This MS. formerly belonged to the Austin friars, and is headed with the following inscription : " Biblia priesens est Monastcrii Divx 38 THE STUART LIBRARY. Mari^ de Populo Rom.-c Sac. Ordinis I'ratrum lieremitarum Divi Augustini." It was purchased at the sale of the celebrated Libri collection. Scv ' ' Private libraries of New York, " pa^e 400. BIBLIA Sacra. Begin [F] Rater ambrosius tua mi | chi munuscula pcrferens, etc. [Genesis begins fol. 4, col. 2 I] N principio creauit deus celu 't terra. End [Fol. 493 verso, col. 2, lin 7.] mini firi ihesu cristi cQ omnibis vobis ame. Gothic letter. H. Eggestein. Strasburg, 1469. Folio. Without title-page, pagination or signatures ; 493 leaves, printed in double columns, 45 lines to a full column ; the versos of foil. 124 and 330 are blank ; the initials and rubrics arc MS. throughout. Date approximate and conjectural. The type and paper betray the printer. BIBLIA Sacra. [According to the vulgate translation, with the Glossa ordinaria of VValafridus Strabo and the Glossa interlinearis of Anselmus Scolasticus.] Begin Epistola beati Hieronimi pres- biteri ad Paulinum presbiteru . . . incipit. [Folio 3 verso :] Glossa ordinaria incipit [Fol 5 recto :] [I] N pricipio creauit de' terra, etc. Gothic letter. Venice ? 1480. 4 vols. Folio. This is marked by the binder "versus 1472," but both Pettigrew in the Biblio- theca Sussexiana and Stevens in the catalogue of the Caxton celebration of 1877, fix the date as above, 1480? This Bible has been minutely collated by Le Long (Bibliotheca Sacra, iii., 365), from a copy he met with in the library of the Doctors of the Sorbonne. It is distin- guished from all others by having what is called the ordinary gloss ; a comment- ary selected from the Fathers, and other writers, — the original of which is attrib- uted to Walafrid Strabo, a writer of the gth century. He was a scholar of Rabanus Maurus, and monk of Fulda, and became afterwards abbot of Reiche- nau, in the diocese of Constance. There is also an interlineary gloss, of which Anselm, a scholar and deacon of Laon, in France, who flourished at the end of the nth and beginning of the 12th century, is supposed lo be the author. There are no titles to this edition of the Bible, which Le Long and Masch describe as the first and only one of its kind, and of extremely rare occurrence. . . . It is an immense and magnificent work. It is printed on a very large folio, and the paper is peculiarly white and thick. The typography is unique ; it resembles the edition of the Fontibus ex Grads of 14S1 ; but it differs from it in many respects. . . . Masch notices some points of agreement in the typog- raphy of this Bible and that of 1481, which edition is distinguished as being the first in which the diphthong rr is printed with a simple e, having a kind of hook appended to it. The water-mark of the paper, a bull's head with a flower between the horns, forming a figure resembling a cross, is met with in the pres- ent Bible and in that of 1481. The readings of this Bible also correspond in general with the editions of 1479 and 148T. There are no titles to the volumes ; 39 CATALOGUE OF neither are there any prefatory pieces from which any particulars respecting the edition may be known. There are neither catch-words nor numerals ; but there are signatures. There is a running title, and the chapters of the books are dis- tinguished by a large Roman numeral. The initial capitals are written in. The date is uncertain, but probably 14S0 or 14S1. . . . The sacred text is disposed in two columns, and between each line is the interlineary gloss. The ordinary gloss is disposed around the body of the text at the head and foot of the page, and in the outer and inner margins. The first three volumes contain the Old and the fourth the New Testament. SiV Bibliotheca SussexiaiKi, volume I. part 2, page 330. It has large painted initials, and the wide margin at the foot of the first page of each volume is beautifully decorated with the arms of a former possessor in gold and colors, ornamented with drawings of flowers. It is a perfect copy, tho' that in the library of the Sorboune has been considered the only perfect one. The copy in the collection of the duke of Sussex was imperfect in many p.irticulars, and the librarian. Dr. Pettigrew, says : " I have never been able to find another, by which it might be made complete." BIBLIA Sacra Latina. Black letter manuscript on vellum, with 500 pages, double column, 130 illuminated initials. Title pages and first chapters of both Testaments missing. In case. Date uncer- tain. i6mo. Similar copy, but more perfect, with multiple-illustrated initials, without date. Binding dilapidated, formerly had clasps, much worm-eaten. i6mo. BIBLIA Integra, summata ; distincta : supe meda utriusque testa- meti recordatus illustrata. [Fol. a 2 recto :] Incipit epistola beati Hieronymi ad Paulinu, etc. [New Test. Fol. i recto :] Incipit epistola beati Hieronymi ad Damasum, etc. [Fol. A. i recto.] Interpretationes Nomina Hebraico. Gothic letter. Per Johanen froben de Hammelburck. Basle, 1491. 8vo. 491 leaves, without pagination or catch words, printed in double columns, 56 lines to a full column. This is said to be the first Bible printed in octavo, or small form, and is hence called the first edition of the "poor man's Bible." It is also one of the first books printed by Froben. Sec Caxton Celebration of 1877, page 108. DEN BIBLE, inhoudende het oude ende nieuve Testament, ghecb- rigeert na dat oprecht Latinsh exemplaer. 1553. Folio. Engraved title, torn. 150 cuts. 40 THE STUART LIHRARY. BIBLIA Magna. Biblia cum concordantiis vctcris et novi testa- ment!, et sacrorum canonum : necnon additionibus in marginibus varietatis diversorum textuum : ac etiam canonibus antiquis quat- tuor Evangcliorum. Novissime autcm additc sunt concordantirx; ex viginti libris Josephi de antiquitatibus ct bello Judaico excerpte. Que solerti cura nuperrime repurgata est et excusa : ubi pluribus scadebat mendis. London, 1525. Folio. The title-page, mostly printed in red, has a quaint wood-cut of St Jerome extracting a thorn from a lion's paw. Before and around him arc Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Bibles, wide open. A singular engraving represents the crea- tion of the world, God in a garden, surrounded by sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, trees, birds, beasts, and fishes. BIBLIA Sacra, ad optima quaeque veteris, ut vocant tralationis ex- emplaiia summa diligentia parique fide castigata. London, 1562. Folio. Wood-cuts in the text. Same. London, 1569. Folio. BIBLIA Sacra, ex postremis doctorum vigiliis, etc. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1563. i2mo. With apocrypha. BIBLIA, das ist Die gantze heilige Schrifften, Deudsch, nach Martin Luther. Wittemberg, 1576. 2 vols. Folio. Colored illustrations. With embossed portrait of Luther on the covers. BIBLIA Sacra, Testamenti Veteris, sive libri canonici ; accesserunt libri Apochryphi, et Novum Testament. Theodoro Beza, inter- prete. Tremellius et Junius, editores. Bishop, Newcomb and R. Barker. London, 1593 and 1592. 4to. The New ante-dates the Old Testament. Same. Hanover, 1623-24. Folio. LA BIBLIA, que cs Los Sacros Libros del Vieio y Nuevo Testa- mento, segundo edicion. Revista y conferida con Los Textos He- breos y Griegos y con diversas translaciones. For Cypriano de Valera. Amsterdam, 1602. Folio. This is the second edition of the version of Cassiodorus de Reyna, revised, corrected and compared with the originals, and with other translations by Cyprian de Valera. It commences with an exhortation to the Christian reader, from 41 CATALOGUE OF which it appears that the attention of Valera was engaged twenty years on this work. It was printed at the expens3 of several pious men. The notes in this edition are new. In a few places, and, with great caution, the text has been changed from De Reyna's edition. These two editions are the only ones trans- lated into Spanish directly from the originals. The Psalms are said to possess more than the fidelity and beauty of the English translation of 1611, while the Lamentations of Jeremiah are quite equal to the Hebrew. Only two other copies of this book are kru>wn to exist. See Private Libraries of Neto York, page 400. BIBLIA Sacr.\, dat is de geheele heylighe scrifture na den listen Roomischen text. Black letter. With over 1000 fine engravings, and extra plates by Sadeler Van Sichern. Antwerp, 1657. 2 vols. Folio. BIBLIA Sacra vulgatje editionis Sixti V., Clementis VIII. Pont. Max. auctoritatse recognita ; notis chronologicis, historicis et geo- graphicis illustrata. Dezallier. Paris, 1691. 4to. BIBLIA, das ist Die Heilige Schrift alles und neues Testaments nacli Martin Luther. Germantown, 1763. 8vo. Brass clasps. LEABHRAICHEAN an T-seann Tiomnaidh agus an Tiomnaidh Nuadh : air an tarruing o na ceud chanuinibh chum Gaelic Alba- naich. British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1807. iSmo. LA SAINTE Bible, contenant le vieux et le nouveau Testament : imprim^e sur I'edition stereotype de Londres, et selon I'edition de I'annee 1805 : revue et corrigee avec soin d'apres les textes Hd- breu et Grec. Printed by J. Seymour for "the New York Bible Society." New York, 1S15. i6mo. LA SAINTE Bible, en Latin et en Francois. Suivie d'un diction- naire etymologique geographique, et archc'logique. Paris, 1828-34. 13 vols. 8vo. LA SAINTE Bible, qui contient Le Vieux et le Nouveau Testa- ment, revue sur les originaux, par David Martin. 3d edition. American Bible Society. New York, 1846. i2mo. LA SACRA BiBLiA, che contiene il Vecchio e il Nuovo Testamento, tradotta in lingua Italiana da Giovanni Diodati. Dai torchi di Spottiswood e Shaw, Stampatory. London, 1850. i8mo. 42 THE STUAKT LIBRARY. LA BIBLIA Sagrada. Traducia en EspaRol, version cotejada cuidadosamcnte con las lenguas antiguas. New York, 1852. i2mo. Same. Ni;w York, 1856. izmo. LA SAINTE Bible. Traduction nouvelle selon la Vulgate, desseins de GusTAVE DoRfi. Tours, 1866. 2 vols. Folio. Elegantly bound in full morocco, gilt. BIBLIA Sacra polyglotta, textus antiquitus receptas, necnon versiones, Anglicam, Germanicam, Italicam, Gallicam et Hispanicam, com- plectentia. Acccdunt prologmena, auctore Samuel Lee. Bag- sters. London. 2 vols. Folio. PART 11. — ENGLISH ANTIQUE. "BREECHES Bible," Genesis 3: 7. Genevan version. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, with most profitable annota- tions upon all the hard places ; with apocrypha and index. Illus- trated. Geneva, 1560. 8vo. "The Golden Legende " of William Caxton, 1483, uses the word " brechis" but this is the first complete Bible in which it is used. It occurs also in the follow- ing. — Same. Black letter. Second folio edition. R. Jugge. Lon- don, 1572. Folio. No title pages, and leaves wanting from the beginning and end of both Testa- ments. Contains a double version of the Psalms. Same. Genevan version, C. Barker. London, 1577. 4to. Rev. ig. 4. Alleluia omitted. — Same. Genevan version, Christopher Barker. London, 1583. Folio. Fine copy- Same. Black letter, deputies of C. Barker. London, 1594. 8vo. Same. Red line edition. R. Barker. London, 1602. 4to. 43 CATALOGUE OF "BREECHES Bible." Old Testament not dated, New Testament Beza's translation. Imprinted by Robert Barker. London, 1607. 1 2 mo. Has an elaborately engraved title page. Same. With apocrypha, concordance, prayer book and Psal- ter. R. Barker. London, 1608. 8vo. Same. Genevan version, black letter. R. Barker. London, 1610. 4to. — Same. R. Barker. London, 16 10. 2 vols. izmo. Same. With apocrypha and Psalter, wood-cuts, R. Barker. London, 16 lo. i2mo. Same. R. Barker. London, 1615. i2mo. Remarkable for the omission of the word "Holy" from the title page, which has a heart-shaped border, engraved on wood. THE BIBLE in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume. Archbishop Cranmer's version, black letter, wood-cuts in titles, wants title to Old Testament and leaves at beginning and end. Robert Carmardon. Rouen, 1566. Folio. This is the translation which used to be chained to a pillar in churches, and from which the Psalms in the prayer-book are taken. Bound in calf, red edges, much tool-work. "THE BISHOPS' Bible." The holy Byble, conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe, set foorth by aucthoritie. 1575. 4to. Richard Jugge was undoubtedly printer, but Richard Kele, John Walley, I.ucas Harrison, John Judson, William Norton, and perhaps Francis Coldock, bore the expense with him. — Cotton. Same. Title-page of Old Testament, part of preface and last of Revelation missing. Title to N. T. : "1 The Newe Tes- tament of our Sauior lesus Christe." Curious wood-cms and initials. No date or place. In perfect condition it is a very great rarity. It was undertaken by royal command, and obtained its name from several bishops having been employed upon the revision of it. The direction of the whole was entrusted to the successor of Cranmer, the archbishop Parker. The bishops' names v.'cre William Alley, Richard Davis, Edwin Sandys, 44 THE STUART LIBRARY. Andrew Pearson, Thomas Becon, Andrew Penie, Robert Ilorne, Thomas Cole, Edmund Grindal, William Barlow, John Parkhurst, Richard Cox, Kdmund Guesl and Gabriel Goodman. This revised translation by Parker remained "the author- ized" till the time of James I. — Same. Except the Psalms, which are Cranmer's. Black letter. Deputies of C. Barker. London, 1595. Folio. Curious wood-cuts. Old Testament title wanting. GENEVAN Version. Black letter, according to the Ebrew and Greeke, etc., with apocrypha. Deputies of C. Barker. London, 1592. 8vo. Same. OUl 'I'estament, 1608? New Testament authorized ver- sion. Black letter. Robert Barker. London, 161 7. Folio. Old Testament title-page missing. DOUAY Version, out of the authentical Latin, with annotations for clearing controversies in religion. Douav, 1609. 2 vols. i2mo. THE AUTHORIZED Version. Newly translated out of the originall Tongues and with former Translations diligently compared and revised, by his majesties speciall commandment. Appointed to be read in churches. Robert Barker. London, 161 i. Folio. Perfect, with rare map, engraved title-pages. This is the first or standard issue of the 1611 version. There was another separate issue of it the same year, dis- tinct throughout every leaf. This pair, the parents of millions of our Bibles, we shall distinguish by calling the first the Great He Bible and the other the Great She Bible, from those respective readings of Ruth 3:15; the one read- ing "he measured si.\ measures of barley and laid it on her: and He went into the city;" the other "and She went into the city." . . . Mr. Francis Fry, after long and patient investigation, has pronounced decidedly in favor of the He Bible being the original ; while Mr. Scrivener reverses his decision. Our own researches have led us to the same opinion as Mr. Fry. We do not find any authority for calling it the Authorized Version; the words "Appointed to be read in churches" meaning not authorized, but simply how the Scriptures were pointed out or "ap- pointed" for pubUc reading. This "Appointment" was afterwards shunted into the Prayer- Book and left out of the Bibles. How "appointed" came to mean "authorized" is a puzzle. The 1602 "Bishops'" Bible, on which the present version was modeled, has both words. ... It was never, we believe, formally authorized, by Parliament, King, Privy Council, or Convocation, but it by slow degrees grew into use by a higher authority than any of these, viz. : the universal 45 CATALOGUE OF law of superiority and the people's own choice. [Condensed from the Caxton Celebration, pages log and no.] "This is the first of the two editions issued in 1611, and by far the rarest, for though I have had several copies of the second issue, I never had but one of the first." — Note on Jly-kaf. GENEVAN Version. References, with apocrypha and Psaher. Illus- trated. Robert Barker. London, 1612. 8vo. AUTHORIZED Version. By his Majesties speciall commandement. Black letter, wood-cuts around titles, blank pages inserted. Rob- ert Barker. London, 1613. 3 vols. Folio. Same. No blank pages. London, 1613. i vol. Folio. — Black letter. Robert Barker. London, 1617. Folio. Same printer as "Great He Bible" of 1611, but follows the "Great She Bible," in Ruth 3 : 15, last clause. See under that edition. There is so much general resemblance between the editions of 161 1, 1613, 1634 and 1640 that attention to the minutia here given is necessary for their identification. All the more because imperfect copies of the 1611 edition (the most desirable) are continually made up v.'ith the prolegomena of the later editions, with fraudulent intent. I have met with copies of all the four later editions, to which the titles of the 1611 edition had been put, to make appar- ently fine copies of the first edition. The full title of the 1611 edition is : The Holy Bible, Conte>-ning the Old Tes- tament and the New ; Newly Translated out of the Originall tongues & with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, by his Maiesties speciall comanderaent. Appointed to be red in Churches. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the King's most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom. 1611. The title is within a beautiful design, engraved on copper: at the foot "C. Boel fecit in Richmont." Then follows another title, in letter-press, within a wood-cut border. The Dedication to King James, three pages, comes next. This commences in all five editions with a beautiful vignette, the whole breadth of the page; and is immediately follow'ed by the letter-press in the editions of 1611 and 1613 ; while, in those of 1617, 1634 and 1640 there is a cut of the royal arms, the letters C. R. crowned, being above the escutcheon in the two last mentioned. The fir>t line of the heading is in 1611 : 1 TO THE MOST; in 1613 : § TO THE MOST; in 1617: TO THE MOST; 1634: Same; 1640: TO THE MOST HIGH. In the 1611 edition the word OF in the 6th line is printed OE, and in the gth line CHRIST is spelt CHKIST. The Address begins with a very handsome initial letter, 27 lines being in tliis page in the l5n and 1613 editions, and 13 fines in the other three editions. It terminates on the third page by II lines in the two former, and 24 lines in the three latter, followed by this mark "•.■" in 1611 and 1617, and "*»*" in 1613, 1634 and 1640. After 46 THE STUART LIIiRARY. this comes a large Vignette, which has a black line on cither side in the edition of 1634. Then follows the Address of "The Translators to the Reader," 11 pages, and after this in 1611, 1613 and 1634 the Genealogies, 36 pngcs, of which in the 1st edition the title is surrounded by two black lines, while that of 1613 is within a single narrow ornamental border, and that of 1634 'n ^ double border. The Kalendar, 12 pages. An Almanacke for xxxix yecres, beginning 1603 in the first three editions and 1632 in the two last. To finde Easter for- eucr, I page — Order of the Psalmcs, l page — Lessons proper for Holy days, 1 page. On the reverse of D4 is the list of liooks. This leaf may be thus dis- tinguished : The head-line printed in red is, in l6ll and 1613 : "The names and order of all the Bookes of" in 1617 : "The names and order of all the Bookes" in 1640 : "The names and order of all the books of the Old and New." This leaf, in the edition of 1634 has the tible "to find Easter foreuer," on the recto. In 1611 the l and 2 Chronicles are printed I and 2 " Corithians." which error is corrected in later editions. The preliminary leaves are in all 35 in 161 1, 1617 and 1634 and 17 in the other two. After these, in the edition of 1611, there follows a map of Canaan on two leaves, engraved on copper by Renold Elftrack, on the back of which is printed an alphabetical table of all the names therein. Here all similarity between the editions of 1611 and 1613 ceases; the type of the latter being considerably smaller, and the edition of 1640 may be at once known by the Marginal Readings being printed in small Roman letter, while in the other four they are in Italics. See Lea Wilson. Bibles, etc., page 97. — With long preface "to the reader," apocrypha and references. Cover stamped 1632. 410. Engraved frontispiece. — Conteyning the Old Te.stament and the New, with apocrypha, notes and tables of contents. Barker, and Assignes of John Bill. London, 1633. Folio. New Testament Beza's. Engraved title and cuts in the text. Same. Preceded by prayer-book and followed by Psalter. Lon- don, 1633. 4to. — Same. Black letter. London, 1640. Folio. — With prayer-book, genealogies, map, apocrypha and Psalter. Illustrated titles. Printed by Barker and the Assignes of John Bill. London, 1634. 8vo. — Same, without prayer-book. London, 1634. 8vo. 47 CATALOGUE OF AUTHORIZED Version. With apocrypha and Psalter. Buck and Daniel, University press. Cambridge, 1638. Folio. Red line border. Acts 6:3. Error of the press, for "ye," read we. Black letter. With prayer-book, apocr>'pha and Psalter. Printed by Buck and Daniel. Cambridge, 1639. 8vo. Out of the originall, by his Majesties special! commandement, with most profitable Annotations. Amsterdam, 1642. Folio. Cuts around titles. With prayer-book and Psalter. Field. Cambridge, 1666. 8vo. Four title-pages. Newly translated by his Majesties speciall command. With prayer-book. Psalter, concordance and apocrypha. Field. Cam- bridge, 1668. 8vo. Engraved titles. Bill, Barker, Newcome and Hills, printers. London, 1678. 8vo. Engraved title. Colophon has the names of Pitt, Parker, Lake and Guy. Thea- ter, Oxford, 1680. Folio. Engraved titles. Tliis copy was the property of Samuel Maverick, a celebrated enjTaver of New York. — Preceded by prayer-book and followed by Psalter. Charles Bills, and executrix of Thomas Newcome. London, 1706. Folio. Scarce. Contains prayer " for the Healing of the King's evil." — With the annotations which accompany the Genevan edition. Reprinted from the folio of 1708. 17 15. Folio. Brass comers and clasps. Illustrated by above 500 Historys curiously engraved by J. Cole. From Designs of ye best masters. T. and R. Baskett. Ox- ford, 1 7 15. 4to. — With apocrypha and indexes. Illustrated. University press. John Baskett. Oxford, 1727. Folio. With prayerbook, apocrypha and index. Illustrated. T. and R. Baskett. Oxford, 1736. 4to. 48 THE STUART LUiKAKY. AUTHORIZED Version. With apocrypha, index and Psalter. T. and R. Baskett. Oxford, 1742. 410. With apocrypha and prayer-book. Thomas Baskett & Assigns of Robert Baskett. London, 1751. Folio. T. and R. Baskett. London, 1766. 8vo. These publishers' Bibles are noted for the beauty of their typography, but some are so marred by errors of the press as to be called " Baskelts-ful o{ mistakes ! " In one case "vinegar" for vineyard. — Stevens. — References. Watson. Edinburgh, 1722. i6mo. Engraved titles. - — - With over one thousand inserted plates, after designs of the Italian and Flemi.sh masters. Some proof impressions, etchings, etc. Bentham. Cambridge, 1762. 5 vols. Folio, Bound in full Turkey morocco. This is known as " the standard edition," and was chiefly destroyed by fire, only six copies being known to have been pre- served. The text was carefully collated with preceding editions, and the punctua- tion particularly attended to. No less than 30,495 new references were inserted in the m.nrgin. The pains bestowed upon this edition has rendered it the standard from which all future copies have emanated. Dr. Blayney, Regius professor of Hebrew at Oxford, and an eminent Biblical critic, gives an account of it in the Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 39, page 517. — With apocrypha, references and index. Illustrated. John Archdeacon, University printer. Cambridge, 1768. 4to. — With apocrypha, references and index. Wright and Gill, University printers. Oxford, 17C9. 4to. Dr. Blayney 's standard edition. - — With apocrypha and annotations. Illustrated with many fine plates. Baskerville. Birmingham, 1788-9. 2 vols. 4to. Called " Baskerville's edition," from John Baskerville, an English printer, cele- brated for his great improvements in typography. His editions are much admired and sought after. — With index and Psalter. Kerrs. Edinburgh, 1789. 8vo. 4 49 CATALOGUE OF AUTHORIZED Version. With apocrypha, index and concordance. Collins. Trenton, 1791. 410. • ■ "Cabinet Bible." Ornamented with engravings by James Fit- TLER, from celebrated pictures by old masters. London, 1795. 4 vols. 8vo. Same, in 2 vols. London, 1795. 8vo. By his Majesties speciale command. 2 vols. ist ends with Solomon's Song, and Psalter. 2d has Psalter and Epitome of Bible History. University press. Cambridge, 1795. i8mo. With a few Select Notes and embellished with Engravings. Heptinstall. London, 1795. 2 vols. Folio. Words usually italicized are marked with a dot under one of the vowels. With Apocrypha. Illustrated. John Thompson and Abraham Small. " Hot-pressed." Philadelphia, 1798. 2 vols. Folio. Curious frontispiece : Moses with face veiled. COVERDALE'S Translation. 1535. Reprinted from the copy in the Susse-x library for Samuel Bagster. London, 1838. 410. Same. London, 183S. In 3 vols. 8vo. DOUAY Version. Translated from the Vulgate, the Old Testament first published at Douay in 1609 ; the New Testament at Rheims in 1582, with notes by G. L. Haydock. Illustrated. Dublin, 1852. 2 vols. Folio. Same. Notes abridged by F. C. Husenbeth. Illustrated. Lon- don. 2 vols. Folio. Annotations by Dr. Challoner. Illustrated. New York. 4to. With annotations, references, index, etc. ; with the approbation of the delegate of the apostolic see. Illustrated. Dublin, 1865. 4to. WYCLIFFE'S Translation. Translated from the Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers, with the apocrypha. Edited by For- SHALL and Madden. University press. Oxford, 1850. 4 vols. 4to. SO TIIK STUART LHiRAKY. HART 111. — ENGLISH, MODERN. AUTHORIZED Version. Paragraph. With apocrypha and prefaces to separate books. For John Reeves. London, 1802. 9 vols. 4to. Large paper. I. Tiinotliy 5 ; 2i, for "discharge" read charge. (ist vol. ends with Job.) Blair and Bruce. Edinburgh, 1802. 2 vols. 24mo. Self-interpreting. Second American edition. Sage & Clough. New York, 1806. Folio. With apocrypha and references. Clarendon press. Oxford, 1807. 3 vols. Folio. Large paper. This is considered one the most correct editions of the author- ized version, and was printed as a rival to the standard edition of the king's printer, publislied in London in 1807. See Private Libraries of New York, p. 399. Same. Edinburgh, 181 i. i6mo. Large paper. — " Stereotype edition." Clarendon press. By Bensley, Cooke & Collingwood, University printers. Oxford, 1813. 24mo. — With apocrypha, explanatory notes of Ostervald, index and concordance. Illustrated. Collins. New York, 1814. 4to. — Oxford, 1815. 24mo. — Stereotyped by E. & J. White for the American Bible society. New York, 181 8. 8vo. — Paragraph. Old and New Testaments, arranged in historical and chronological order, after Lightfoot, by George Townsend. London, i82i-'5. 4 vols. i2mo. " A work of great difficulty executed with much cire and attention." Arch- deacon Nares says it is "digested with such skill and illustrated with such notes, as prove the author to have studied his task with deep attention and distinguished judgment." — Bib. Sussex, vol. 2, page 361. Illustrated with 1095 plates. Collingwood. Oxford, 1827. 6 vols. 1 2 mo. 51 CATALOGUE OF AUTHORIZED Version. Matthew Henry's exposition of the Old and New Testament. With text inserted, practical remarks and observations. London, 1828. 3 vols. 8vo. With memoir and portrait. With explanatory notes, practical observations and marginal references. By Thomas Scott. New York, 1828. 5 vols. 4to. With apocrypha, marginal notes and references, index and tables. Embellished with maps and historical engravings. M'Car- ty & Davis. Philadelphia, 1829. 410. — - — American Bible society. New York, 1829. 8vo. — ■ Stereotyped by A. Chandler for the American Bible society. New York, 1830. i2mo. — (Pica.) Illustrated. University press. Collingwood. Oxford, 1831. 8vo. — An exact reprint, page for page, of the authorized version pub- lished in 161 1. University press. Collingwood. Oxford, 1833. 4to. — " Superfine edition." For the auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book society. New York, 1836. i6mo. ■ — From the authorized Oxford edition. Hogan & Thompson. Philadelphia, 1836. i8mo. — With apocrypha and index. University press. Cambridge, 1837. 4to. — Illustrated. With tables of contents. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Andrus, Judd & Franklin. Hartford, 1838. 24mo. — (Minion.) American Bible society. New York, 1838. i6mo. Same. 3Sth edition. New York, 1841. i6mo. Same. 25th edition. New York, 1857. i6mo. — Same, ist edition. New York. 1862. i6mo. Same, ist edition. New York, 1S62. *i6mo. 52 Till". STUART LIISRARY. AUTHORIZED Version. (Minion.) American Bible society. New York, 1862. i6mo. Same. 2d edition. New York, 1862. i6mo. Same. Reference. 4th edition. New York, 1864. i2mo. American Bible society. New York, 1839. lamo. With original notes, pictorial illustrations and maps. Knight London, 1838-9. 4 vols. 4to. Uncut, cloth. Same. London, 1847. 410. — American Bible society. New York, 1840. i2mo. — Comprehensive. With general introduction, notes, references, parallel passages and indexes. Reprint of Bagster's London edition. Hartford, 1841. 4to. — ("Ruby.") Collingwood. University press. Oxford, 1841. 24mo. — Pictorial. With over one thousand engravings after celebrated pictures. Redfield. New York, 1843. 4to. — With the references and readings of Bagster's Polyglot. Illus- trated. Philadelphia, 1844. i2mo. — With apocrypha, references and brief commentary by T. J. HussEY. Smith. London, 1844. 3 vols. 8vo. — (Brevier.) American Bible society. 4th edition. New York, 1846. i2mo. — Same. 7th edition. New York, 1847. i2mo. Same. 30th edition. New York, 1869. i2mo. Same. New York, 1873. i2mo. — ■ " Illuminated Bible." Readings, references, apocrypha, indexes, concordances. Sixteen hundred wood cuts. Harpers. New York, 1846. Folio. 53 CATALOGUE OF AUTHORIZED Version. With apocrypha. Illustrated with fine steel engravings. Eyre and Spottiswoode. London, 1847. 4to. Imperial Family Bible. With notes, references, tables and in- dexes. Illustrated by superb engravings from the most admired productions of ancient and modern art. Blackie. Glasgow, 1847. Folio. (Nonpareil Reference.) American Bible society. nth edition. New York, 1848. i2mo. Same. 13th edition. New York, 1851. lamo. Same. i6th edition. New York, 1S57. i2mo. ' Same. 77th edition. New York, i860. i2mo. With marginal notes, indexes and tables and Psalter. Cowan & Co. Edinburgh, 1850. 4to. With references. Cowan & Co. Edinburgh, 1852. i6mo. ■ — With Psalter, and translations and paraphrases in verse. James Lumsden & Son. Glasgow, 1852. i8mo. — With annotations, various readings and parallel passages, diffi- culties explained, and the whole text opened. By Matthew Pool. Carters. New York, 1852. 3 vols. 8vo. — Annotated Paragraph. With prefaces, and new selection of references. Genesis to Solomon's Song. Norton. New York, 1853. 8vo. — (Pica.) University press. Oxford, 1853. 8vo. — With Psalter and marginal references. Revised and improved by Robert Lee. Cowan & Co. Edinburgh, 1854. i8mo. Brass bound, with clasps. Same. Edinburgh, 1855. i8mo. Clasps. Same. Edinburgh, 1855. i8mo. Same. Without references. Edinburgh, 1855. i8mo. 54 THE STUART LIBRARY. AUTHORIZED Version. (Great primer demy folio.) University press. Oxford, 1855. Folio. ("Ruby.") University press. Oxford, 1855. 24010. — Standard Imperial quarto Bible. Printed from stereo-copper plates, with index, harmony of Gospels, and tables. Peck and Bliss. Philadelphia, 1855. Folio. — Alden and Beardsley. Auburn and Rochester, 1855. 24mo. Limp covers, tuck. — (Pica.) American Bible society. New York, 1855. 4 vols. 8vo. Same. New York, 1857. i vol. 8vo. Same. References. New York, 1863. i vol. 4to. Same. New York, 1874. 4 vols. 8vo. Same. (Agate.) 14th edition. New York, 1856. i8mo. Same. i6th edition. New York, 1856. i8mo. Same. 25th edition. New York, 1858. i8mo. Same. 29th edition. New York, 1859. i8mo. - — (English.J " Imperial quarto." New York, 1856. Folio. — With references and various readings, apocrypha. Whilt & Yost. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 vols, in i. 410. Mezzotint plates. — With Psalter and sacred music. Cowan «& Co. Edinburgh, 1857. i8mo. — (Pearl.) With psalter. Eyre and Spottiswoode. London, 1857. 24mo. In brass binding, clasps. Same. Levant binding. London, 1857. 24mo. 55 CATALOGUE OF AUTHORIZED Version. (Diamond.) American Bible society. 4th edition. New York, 1857. 32mo. Same. Reference. 5th edition. New York, 1857. 32mo. Same. Reference, ist edition. New York, 1857. iSmo. Same. (Small pica.) New York, 1857. 8vo. Same. New York, 1868. 8vo. (Small pica.) William Collins. Glasgow, 1858. 8vo. — Same. With Psalter. Glasgow, 1858. 8vo. (Pearl Reference.) Glasgow, 1858. 24mo. — Same. Glasgow, 1859. 24mo. Same. With Scott's commentary, abridged. Glasgow, 1859. i8mo. — (Small pica.) Eyre and Spottiswoode. London, 1859. 8vo. (Nonpareil Reference.) University press. Oxford, i860. 24mo. Same. Oxford, i860. 24mo. Limp covers. - (Nonpareil Reference.) With index and maps. Eyre and Spot- tiswoode. London, i860. i6mo. — (Pearl Reference.) London, i860. i6mo. — (Pica "8vo" Reference.) University press. Oxford, i860. i6mo. Brass bound, clasps. — (Ruby.) University press for the British and foreign Bible so- ciety. Cambridge, i860. i6mo. — (Minion Reference.) Eyre and Spottiswoode. London, 1861. i2mo. 56 THE STUART LIIJRARY. AUTHORIZED Version. Family Bible. With brief notes and in- struction.s, references and colored maps. American Tract society. New York, i86i. 410. Same. New York, 1861. 4to. Finely bound. Same. New York, 1861. 3 vols. 410. Same. New York, 1861. Single vol. 4to. Same. New York, i86i. 410. Finely bound. Same. New York, 1861. 410. Finely bound. Same. New York, 1861. 4to. Finely bound. Same. New York, 1861. 410. FULLARTON'S Translation. The old and new covenants, literally and idiomatically translated out of the original languages by R. Young Fullarton. London, 1S63. i2mo. AUTHORIZED Version. (Minion.) Eyre and Spottiswoode. Lon- don, 1865. 24mo. Elegantly bound in limp calf gilt, companion to a prayer-book in silk-lined case, date of the latter, 1S50. Illustrated. With wood-cuts in the te.xt, and numerous inserted steel plates from the masters. New York, 1866. 5 vols. 4to. (Bourgeois.) American Bible society. New York, 1868. i2mo. Same. (Great Primer.) " Imperial quarto." New York, 1869. Folio. — (Pica Reference.) Oxford, 1876. i6mo. Limp covers, with flaps. — The annotated Bible. Being a household commentary upon the Holy Scriptures by J. H. Blunt. I. Genesis to Esther. Riving- tons. London, 1878. 3 vols. 4to. 57 CATALOGUE OF AUTHORIZED Version. Paragraph. Large print, with maps. Bag- sters. London. 4 vols. i2mo. Comprehensive. Various readings, marginal notes, general and special introductions, philological and explanatoi7 notes, table of contents, analysis and compendium, indexes, with colored maps. Bagsters. London. 4to. "Fac -simile, large, polyglot." With colored maps. Bagsters. London. i2mo. Same. Limp covers. Bagsters. London. i2mo. With commentary wholly Biblical. Colored maps. Bagsters. London. 6 vols. 8vo. Illustrated Pocket Bible : with four thousand explanatory ques- tions for the use of the young. Bagsters. London. i8mo. — English Version of the Polyglot, printed to interleave with the uniform editions of the Hebrew and versions in Greek, etc. Bag- sters. London. i6mo. Same. Bagsters. London. i6mo. Limp covers. Same. Bagsters. London. iSmo. Same. With prayer-book and Psalter. Bagsters. London. i6mo. — " Miniature Quarto." With references, introductory and conclud- ing remarks, explanatory notes, colored maps, and Cruden's con- cordance. Bagsters. London. 8vo. — Annotated Paragraph. With apocrypha, from the Oxford edition. Leavitt & Allen. New York. 4to. Elegant tinted plates. Same. Leavitt. New York. 4to. — Devotional family Bible by Alexander Fletcher. With practi- cal and experimental reflections and marginal references. Illus- trated. Virtue. London. 2 vols. Folio. Same. London. Folio. 58 THE STUART LIISRARY. AUTHORIZED Version. Family Devotional. With copious notes and reflections and valuable marginal references. By Matthew Henry. Illustrated. London Printing & Publishing Co. London. 2 vols. 4tO. Imperial Family. With apocrypha. Illustrated with select rare and curious engravings after eminent painters. 4 vols. Folio. (Nonpareil.) Teachers'. References, index, concordance, table, maps, etc. Eyre and Spottiswoode. London. i6mo. (Pearl.) References, index and maps. Eyre and Spottiswoode. London. i6mo. — (Pica.) References, maps and index. Eyre and Spottiswoode. London. 24mo. — (Nonpareil.) Reference. University press. Cambridge. i6mo. Brass bound. Clasps. — (Small pica.) With colored title and illustrations. Printed at the University press. Cambridge. 8vo. — Royal Family Bible. With notes, introductions, and an essay on Bible history by John Stoughton. Illustrated. London. 4to. — Self-interpreting. Edited by John Brown, with explanatory notes, etc., and many additional from Scott, Henry, etc., with a memoir. Illustrated. Glasgow. 410. Same. New edition, with notes bv Henry Cooke. Em- bellished with numerous highly finished steel engravings from paintings by the masters. Johnson, Fry & Co. New York. Folio. — With notes, references and concordance. Illustrated with more than nine hundred cuts. Cassell. London. 4to. — With references and index. Eyre and Spottiswoode. London. i6mo. 59 CATALOGUE OF PART IV. — NEW TESTAMENTS, FOREIGN. NOVUM Testamentum Graecum. Illustrated. Pickering. London, 1828. 4Smo. NEW TESTAMENT, Persian. Henry Martyn's translation. Rich- ard Watts, printer for British and foreign Bible society. London, 1837. 8vo. The first edition from Henry Martyn's MS., was printed in 181O at Calcutta, under the superintendence of his native helper, Meer Seid AJi, by the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society. The first London edition, edited by the eminent orien- talist, Samuel Lee, was printed in 1827, and reprinted in 1S37, of which edition this is a copy, by the British and Foreign Bible Society. The translation is from the original Greek, and is remarkable not only for its strict fidelity to the text, but for its astonishing conformity to the niceties of the Persic idioms. By the Persians it is called a masterpiece of perfection. The Persic and Hindustani translations of Henry Martyn are at this day in as high repute as ever.— [See Bible in every Land. Bagsters, page 55. J NOUVEAU TESTAMENT de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ, traduit sur la Vulgate par De Sacy. 2d edition. American Bible society. New York, 1838. 24mo. Tuck binding. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. 7th edition. American Bible society. New York, 1850. i6mo. Interleaved with English. NUEVO TESTAMENTO de nuestro sefior Jesu-Christo, version cote- jada cuidadosamente con las antiguas traducciones, y revisada con arreglo al original Griego. (Bourgeois, " i2mo.") 4th edition. American Bible society. New York, 1854. i6mo. Interleaved with English. EL NUEVO TESTAMENTO de nuestro sefior Jesu Cristo traducido en Espaiiol. (Bourgeois.) 6th edition. American Bible society. New York, 1859. i8mo. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM, cum Epistula Barnabs et Fragmentis Pastoris. Ex Codice Sinaitico, accurate descripsit ^. Fr. C. Tisch- ENDORF. LeIPSIG, 1863. 4tO. 60 THK STUART IJIiRARY. NEW TESTAMENT. Greek text after Scholz, and English Hexapla, exhibiting six translations of the New Testament : Wiclif, 1380 ; Tyndale, 1534 ; Cranmer, 1539 ; Genevan, 1557 ; Anglo-Rhenish, 1582, authorized, 161 1. Bagsters. London. 4to. PAKT V. — NEW TESTAMENTS, ENGLISH ANTIQUE. NEW TESTAMENT. Translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza, whereunto are adjoyned large expositions of hard places. Englished by L. ToMsoN. Geneva, 1583. 8vo. Black letter. " Handsomest and best edition. Perfect." NEW TESTAMENT. The text of the New Testament of lesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latino by the Papists of the traiterous Seminarie at Rhemes. With arguments and annotations. Where- unto is added the translation out of the original Greeke commonly used in the Church of England, with a confutation of all such arguments, glosses and annotations as contain manifest impietie, of heresie, treason and slander, against the Catholike Church of God and the true teachers thereof, or the translations used in the Church of England ; the whole worke perused and enlarged in divers places by the Author's owne hand before his death, with sundrie quotations and authorities out of Holy Scriptures, Counsels, Fathers and Historie more amply than in the former editions by W. FvKE in Diuintie. Printed for Thomas Adams. London, 16 17. Folio. NEW TESTAMENT. With Psalter. Robert Young. Edinburgh, 1633. iofte. Paris, 1508. i6mo. HEURES, a I'usage de Rome tout au long sans ries requerir. Avec les figures Frangois i I'usage, et la de function de Hierusalem. Paris, 15 18. i2mo. Illustrated with 18 full-page miniatures hand painted, colored initials, wood- cut borders. On the title-page is the device of the Hardouins. Hercules res- cuing Dejanira from the Centaur, also a coat-of-arms used by them, a fac-simile of which is given by Dibdin in his Decamerou, vol. 2, p. 56. MISSALE Romanum. Red and black, red initials, engraved borders and plates. London, 1673. Folio. MISSALE Romanum, ex decreto sacro sancti Concilii Tridentini, ad exemplar Romanum anni 1856, Initialibus Literis et Imaginibus splendidissimis exornatum. Vienna, 1861. Folio. Gorgeously bound, with colored thumb-pieces for turning the leaves. Same. Vienna, 1861. Folio. Without thumb-pieces. 77. CATALOGUE OF MISSALE RoMANUM. Hore beate marie virginis secundu usum Pari- sienu. Paris, 15 io. i8mo. In Latin and French, black letter. Engraved title-page. With numerous wood-cuts, colored initials inserted by hand. On the back it is lettered " Heures Favart. " OFFICE DE LA Semaine sainte. Latin et Fran9ois, k I'usage de Rome at de Paris. Nicolas Pepie, dditeur. Paris, 1712. lamo. PAROISSIEN RoMAiN, contenant les offices de tous les Dimanches et des principales Fetes de I'ann^e en latin et en fran9ais, extrait du Breviaire et du Missel de Rome meme, augmente des Prieres durant la Messe. Paris, 1855. iSmo. Splendidly illuminated in gold and colors. Clasps. In Latin and French. HEURES DE LA Reine Anne de Bretagne. A perfect fac-simile of this celebrated MS., superbly printed on heavy paper, matching the original vellum. With 64 large full-page miniatures, including the celebrated series of the months of the year, each page ornamented with a border in gold and colors, composed of flowers, plants, birds, insects (with the contemporary scientific names affixed). 2 volumes. Volume 2, Appendix, contains a French translation of the Latin of volume 1, with notices by the Abbe Delaunay ; a cata- logue of the plants represented in the borders, etc. L. Curmer. Paris, 1861. 4to. In Latin and French, sumptuously bound in full crimson Levant morocco ; the sides most elaborately ornamented with an interlaced pattern of elegant design in mosaic, formed by an inlay of parti-colored moroccos (green, black, blue, etc.), the design most carefully outlined in gold, the whole entwined with a delicate tracery of oak-leaves and branches, worked in gold by a combination of small tools ; a centre of blue morocco, with large fleur-de-lys, and four small circular vignettes with symbols of the four Evangelists, etc. The back is inlaid and tooled with the same motive. Inside of covers of light morocco, entirely covered with fleur-de-lys, etc., and surrounded with a broad border of black morocco, on which is worked an oak-leaf design, in outline, the ground filled v,i;h gold stip- ple, executed throughout with single stops. Fly leaves of blue moire-antique, full gilt leaves, etc., etc. Each leaf mounted on silk guards. The Appendi.\ is also full bound in crimson crushed Levant morocco, emblematically tooled, with inside linings of blue silk, surrounded with borders of gold. The two volumes carefully inclosed in a neat morocco case. This exceptionally choice example of ornamen- tal book-binding is from the hands of M. Bosquet of Bruxelles and was executed expressly for competition at the World's Fair in Paris 1878, where it was ad- judged a medal. The design is entirely original and worked out with a combina- 78 THE STUART LIBRARY. lion of small tools, requiring the utmost care and patience in its execution. Above a year was occupied in the work, and the estimated cost some 3,000 francs — !J!6oo. This fac-simile reprint was puljlished under the patronage of Louis Napoleon, the edition limited to 8(X> copies, and the stones destroyed. Copies can only be obtained occasionally upon the distribution of some private library. The original is supposed to have been the work of Jean Bourdichon in 1507. Same. Paris, i86i. 410. Less sumptuous binding. LES £VANGILES des dimanches et fetes de I'ann^e, avec miniatures et encadremenls en chromo-lithographie, copies sur les plus beaux manuscrits de toutes les epoques. Leon Curmer. Paris, 1864. 2 vols. 4to. In French and Latin, elegantly bound and each volume in a case. CLASS 4. — JEWISH. PRAYERS for Spanish and Portuguese Jews. Translated by Isaac Pinto. New York, a.m., 5526 [1765]. i2mo. JEWISH evening and morning synagogue service. From the Hebrew by A. Alexander. London, a.m., 5531 [1770]. Volume 2. i2mo. CLASS 5. — PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. PRAYER-BOOK and Psalter of the protestant Episcopal church of the United States. Hugh Gaine. New York, 1793. i2mo. PRAYER-BOOK and Psalter. A. Hanford. New York, 1838. 8vo. PRAYER-BOOK and Psalter. Lippincott. Philadelphia, 1850. i2mo. PRAYER-BOOK and Psalter. New York, 1853. i8mo. PRAYER-BOOK and Psalter. New York, 1858. 24mo. PRAYER-BOOK and Psalter. Dana & Co. New York, 1856. i8mo. PRAYER-BOOK and Psalter. Stanford & Delisser. New York, 1858. i6mo. 79 CATALOGUE OF PRAYER-BOOK and Psalter. (Bourgeois.) New York, 1858. 24010. PRAYER-BOOK and Psalter. (Long primer.) Randolph. Rich- mond, Va., 1863. 8vo. CLASS 6. SWISS. PRAYER-BOOK of the canton of Zurick in Switzerland. Liturgia Tigurina, translated from the Helvetian. London, 1693. i8mo. BIBLE. King James' version. An inquiry into the history of the originals thereof ; when, where and by whom written, — how pre- served and handed down. New York, 1868. 8vo. BIBLE in the public schools. Arguments before the superior court of Cincinnati, with the opinion and decision of the court. Anony- mous. Cincinnati, 1870. 8vo. BIBLICAL Cabinet ; or hermeneutical, exegetical and philological library. Edinburgh. 36 vols. 1835-48. i6mo. Each work is entered under its author's name. BICKERSTETH, Edward H. The Rock of ages, or Scripture testi- mony to the One Eternal Godhead. Philadelphia. i2mo. Treatise on the Lord's supper, adapted to the services of the protestant Episcopal church in the United States. Philadelphia, 1831. i8mo. Yesterday, to-day, and forever. New York, 1869. i2mo. BICKMORE, Albert S. Travels in the East Indian archipelago. Illustrated. New York, 1869. 8vo. BICKNELL, W. I. Natural history of the Scriptures, and guide to general zoology. Illustrated. London. i6mo. Public buildings of Paris and its environs in the middle of the 19th century ; being a series of engravings from original paintings. London. 2 vols. i2mo. 80 THE STUART LIBRARY. BIEDMA, LuYS Hernandez de. Narratives of the career of Her- nando de Soto in thie conquest of Florida, as told by a Knight of Eloas, and in a relation by L. H. de Biedma, factor of the expe- dition. Translated by Buckingha.m Smith. New York, 1866. 8vo. No. 5 of Bradford series, which see. BIGELOW, L. J. Bench and bar : their wit, humor, asperities, and amenities. Illustrated. New York, 187 i. 8vo. BIGMORE, E. C. and Wvman, C. \V. H. Bibliography of printing, with notes and illustrations. London, 1880. Vol. i. i2mo. BIGOT, Jacques. Copie d'une lettre 6scrite par p^re Jacques Bigot, I'an 1684 pour les Abnaquis de la mission de F. de Sales. New York, 1858. i2mo. Limited edition, certified copy. Relation de ce qui s'est pass^ dans la mission Abnaquise, Tan- nic 1684. New York, 1858. i2mo. Limited edition, certified copy. BIGOT, Vincent. Relation de ce qui s'est pass^ dans la mission des Abnaquis &, L'Acadie, I'annee 1701. New York, 1858. izmo. Limited edition. BIGSBY, John J. The shoe and canoe, or pictures of travels in the Canadas. Illustrated. London, 1850. 2 vols. i2mo. BIGSBY, Robert. Old places revisited ; or, the antiquarian enthusiast. London, 1851. 3 vols. 8vo. BILLINGS, Robert W. The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland illustrated. Edinburgh, 1845-52. 4 vols. 410. BILLOIN, Fourmois, Huart, etc. Souvenirs de la fete donnee le 26 Septembre, 1848, par le cercle artistique et litt^raire. See Dero-Becker, iditeur. BILLROTH, GusTAv. Commentary on the epistles of Paul to the Corinthians. Translated by W. L. Alexander. Edinburgh, 1837. 2 vols. i6mo. 6 8i CATALOGUE OF BILNEY, Thomas. Writings. In British Reformers. Vol. i. BINNEY, Amos. Terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States. Edited by A. A. Gould. Illustrated. Boston, 185 i. 3 vols. 8vo. See also Binney, W. G. BINNEY, Rev. Amos. Theological compend. New York, 1840. i8mo. BINNEY, Horace. An inquiry into the formation of Washington's farewell address. Philadelphia, 1859. 8vo. BINNEY, W. G. The terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States. Boston, 1859. Vol. IV. 8vo. A continuation of " Terrestrial mollusks," by BiNNEY, A., which see. BINNS, John. Recollections of his life ; twenty-nine years in Europe, and fifty-three in the United States. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1854. i2mo. BINNS, R. W. A century of pottery in the city of Worcester ; being a history of the Royal porcelain works, from 1751 to 1851. To which is added a short account of the Celtic, Roman, and the mediaeval pottery of Worcestershire. Illustrated. London, 1865. 8vo. BIRDS. The book of cage birds. Anonymous. Philadelphia, 1842. i6mo. BISHOP, George. New England judged by the Spirit of the Lord. London, 1703. ismo. BISHOP, J. Leander. History of American manufactures, 1608-1866. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1866. 3 vols. 8vo. BIZOT, Pierre. Histoire metallique de la Republique de Hollande. Illustrated. Paris, 1587. Folio. BLACHETTE ei ZotcK. Manuel du fabricant et du raffineur de Sucre ; augmentee par Julia de Fontenelle. Planches. Paris, 1833. i8mo. 82 THE STUART LIBRARY. BLACKBURN, Henkv. Artists and Arabs. Illustrated. London, 1868. 8vo. The Pyrenees ; a description of summer life at French watering places. Illustrated by Dori5. London, 1867. 8vo. Same. London, 1867. 8vo. Travelling in Spain, in the present day. Illustrated. London. 1866. i2mo. BLACKBURN, William M. Admiral Coligny and the rise of the Huguenots. Philadelphia, 1869. 2 vols. lamo. Aonio Paleario and his friends. Also " The benefit of Christ's death." Philadelphia, 1866. i6mo. — • College days of Calvin. Philadelphia, 1865. i6mo. — William Farel and the story of the Swiss reform. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1865. i6mo. — Ulrich Zwingli, the patriotic reformer, a history. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1868. i2mo. — Young Calvin in Paris, and the little flock that he fed. Phila- delphia, 1865. i2mo. BLACKIE, W. G. The imperial gazetteer ; a general dictionary of geography. Illustrated. Glasgow, 1855. 2 vols. 4to. BLACK LETTER. Three specimens of old black letter print ; in prose and verse, without titles or date, or printer's name. Folio. BLACKMANTLE, Bernard. The English spy. With portraits of the illustrious and notorious. Illustrations designed by Robert Cruik- shank. London, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. BLACKWOOD, Alicia. Scutari, the Bosphorus, and the Crimea. Twenty-four sketches. Ventnor, Isle ok Wight, 1857. 2 vols. Folio. 83 CATALOGUE OF BLACKWOOD, Frederick T., Lord Dufferin. Letters from high lati- tudes. Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1867. i2mo. BLACKWOOD'S Edinburgh magazine. October, 1819, to June, 1822. Vols. 6-1 1. Edinburgh. 6 vols. 8vo. Same. American edition, July, 1835, to June, 1837, and July, 1843, to Dec, 1S54. New York. 27 vols. 8vo. BLADES, William. Catalogue of books printed by William Caxton, with the press mark of every copy. London, 1865. 12 mo. editor. The dictes and sayings of the Philosophers. A fac- simile reproduction of the first book printed in England by Wil- liam Caxton, in 1477. London, 1877. 4to. The original is " the first, with printer's name, and place and date of print- ing." — Catalogue of Caxton celebratioti. The life and typography of William Caxton, England's first printer. Illustrated. London, 1861. 2 vols. 4to. BLAGDON, Francis W. A brief history of ancient and modern In- dia, from the earliest period to the terminus of the Mahratta war. With views in the kingdom of Mysore. Illustrated with colored engravings. London, 1805. Folio. BLAIR, Hugh. Sermons. London, 1821. 5 vols. 8vo. BLAIR, Robert. The grave : a poem. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1858. 8vo. Life, containing autobiography from 1593 to 1636. With sup- plement by William Row. Edited by Thomas McCrie. Edin- burgh, 1848. Svo. BLAIR, Samuel. Works, containing a collection of sermons on vari- ous subjects, together with several treatises. Philadelphia, 1754. i6mo. BLAKE, E. Vale, editor. Arctic experiences ; containing Capt. George E. Tyson's wonderful drift on the ice-floe ; a history of 84 THE STUART LIBRARY. the Polaris expedition, the cruise of the Tigress, and rescue of the Polaris survivors. To which is added a general Arctic chronology. New York, 1874. 8vo. BLAKEY, Robert. History of the philosophy of the mind ; embrac- ing the opinions of all writers on mental science from the earliest period to the present time. London, 1850. 4 vols. 8vo. History of political literature from the earliest times. London, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. BLANC, Charles. History of the painters of all nations. With their portraits, illustrations of their most celebrated works, etc., by M. Armagua. London, 1853. 410. BLANCHARD, Claude. Journal 1780-178-5. Translated from a French manuscript by W. Duane, and edited by T. Balch. Al- bany, 1876. 8vo. BLANFORD, W. T. Geology and zoology of Abyssinia, made by the British expedition in 1867-8. With illustrations and geological map. London, 1870. i2mo. Zoology and geology of eastern Persia. See Persian boundary commission. BLEECKER, Ann Eliza. Posthumous works in prose and verse. With a collection of essays by M. V. Faugeres. Illustrated. New York, 1793. i6mo. BLEEKER, Leonard. Order-book ; in the early part of the expedi- tion under Gen. James Clinton in the campaign of 1779. New York, 1865. i2mo. BLESSINGTON, Margaret P. G., Countess. The belle of a season: a poem. Illustrated by A. E. Chalon. London. 4to. editor. Heath's book of beauty. See Heath, Charles. BLODGETT, Lorix. Climatology of the United States and of the temperate latitudes of the North American continent. With iso- thermal rain charts. Philadelphia, 1857. 8vo. 85 CATALOGUE OF BLOEMAERT, Abraham. Aan de konstkundige en konstlievende leronimus Tonneman en Dionis Muilman. Utrecht, 1740. Folio. 152 plates. BLOODGOOD, S. DeWitt. The sexagenary ; or, reminiscences of the revolution. Illustrated. Albany, 1866. 8vo. With eighteen inserted plates. BLUME, Charles L. Cognomine Rumphius. Rumphia, sive commen- tationes botanicse imprimis de plantis Indiae Orientalis, tum penitus incognitis tum quae in libris Rhudii, Rumphii, Roxburghii, Wallichii, aliorum recensentur. Leyden, 1835-48. 4 vols. Folio. Flora Javse nee non insularum adjacentium, adjutore Joanne Baptista Fischer. Cum tabulis lapidi aerique incisis. Brussels, 1828-1858. 4 vols. Folio. BLUNT, Anne, Lady. Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates. Edited, with a preface, etc., by W. S. B. Illustrated. New York, 1879. 8vo. BLUNT, Henry. Nine lectures upon the history of Saint Peter. London, 1837. i2mo. Twelve lectures upon the history of Saint Paul. London, 1837. 2 vols. i2mo. BOARDMAN, Henry A. Bible in the counting-house. Philadel- phia, 1854. i2mo. The Bible in the family ; or hints on domestic happiness. Phil- adelphia, 1854. 8vo. The prelatical doctrine of the apostolical succession examined ; with a delineation of the high church systems. Philadelphia, 1844. i2mo. Two discourses on the popular objections to the doctrine of election. Philadelphia, 1849. i8mo. BOESE, Thomas. Public education in the city of New York ; its history, condition, and statistics. New York, 1869. 8vo. 86 THE STUART T.IRRARY. BOGUE, David. Court album : a series of portraits of the female aristocracy. London, 1857. 4to. and Bennett. The dissenters. See Bennett, James. BOHN, Henry G. General catalogue of books, containing natural history, prints, science, language, etc. London, 1848. Volume i. 8vo. Hand-book of proverbs, comprising Ray's collection and large additions. London, i860, izmo. . publisher. Old England's worthies : a gallery of portraits from authentic copies, accompanied by full and original biographies. With wood-cuts and twelve illuminated engravings. London, 1853. Folio. BOIS-DUVAL, J. A. Entomologie du voyage de I'Astrolabe. See DuMONT D'Urville. BOISSARD, Jean J. Icones, virorum illustrium, natalium eorundem succincta notatio singulis adjuncta, in cere per T. DeBry. Frank- fort, 1598. 2 vols. i2mo. These volumes contain portraits and biograpliies of the following illustrious British divines and statesmen, among others: John Fisher, Sir Thomas More, Thomas Cranmer, George Buchanan. BOLLAERT, William. Researches in New Grenada, Equador, Peru and Chile. Illustrated. London, i860. 8vo. The wars of succession of Portugal and Spain from 1826 to 1840. Illustrated. London, 1S70. 2 vols. 8vo. BOLTON, W. J. The evidences of Christianity. Boston, 1S54. i2mo. BONAPARTE, Charles L. J. L. American ornithology ; or the natural history of birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson. With figures drawn, engraved and coloured from nature. Phila- delphia, 1825-1833. 4 vols. Folio. BONAR, Andrew A. Memoir and remains of Rev. Robert M. McCheyne. Philadelphia, 1844. i2mo. 87 CATALOGUE OF BONAR, Andrew A., and McCheyne, R. M. Narrative of a mission of inquiry to the Jews, from the church of Scotland. Philadel- phia, 1845. i2mo. BONAR, HoRATius. Hymns of faith and hope. New York, 1862. i6mo. The word of promise : a handbook to the promises of Script- ure. Boston. i8mo. BONAVENTURA, Frater. Regimen conscientite et preparatio ad missam. Cologne. "About 1470." lamo. Black letter, colored initials written in, well preserved. BONER, Charles. Chamois hunting in the mountains of Bavaria and in the Tyrol. Illustrated. London, i860. i2mo. Transylvania ; its products and its people. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1865. 8vo. BONIFACI, Sancti, martyris, primi Moguntini archiepiscopi Epistolae. Nicolaus Serarius, editor. Mentz, 1605. 8vo. Fine illustrated title. BONNECHOSE, Emile de. The reformers before the reformation. Translated from the French. New York, 1844. 8vo. Bound in same volume with Houston, Thomas, which see. BONNEVILLE, Pierre F. Traite des monnaies d'or et d'argent qui circulent chez les differens peuples. Illustrated. Paris, 1806. Folio. BONOMI, Joseph. Nineveh and its palaces. The discoveries of Botta and Layard, applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ. London, 1853. 8vo. BONTIER, Pierre and LeVerrier, Jean. The Canarian ; or, book of the conquest and conversion of the Canarians in 1402, by Jean de Bethencourt. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. Hakluyt society. London, 1872. 8vo. BONWICK, James. The last of the Tasmanians, or the black war of Van Diemen's Land. Illustrated. London, 1870. 8vo. 88 THE STUART LIURARY. BOOK of costume ; or annals of fashion, from the earliest period to the present lime, by a lady of rank. Illustrated with upwards of 200 engravings on wood. London, 1847. 8vo. BOOKS, catalogues of, offered at auction, trade and parcel sales, also by booksellers and publishers. izmo. BOOTH, David. An analytical dictionary of the English language. Corrected edition. London, 1836. 4to. BOOTH, Mary L. History of the city of New York. Illustrated. New York, 1859. 8vo. Same. New York, 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. BOOTH, W. B. Illustrations of the camelliae, etc. See Chandler, Alfred. BORDE, Andrew. The Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge. Reprinted from the edition of 1542. London, 1814. 8vo. Black letter, curiously illustrated. BORGO, Lucia P. di. Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionolita. Venice, 1494. Folio. Extremely rare. Many initials colored by hand. BORROW, George. Lavengro ; the scholar — the gypsy — the priest. Illustrated. New York, 1851. i2mo. BOSSANGE, Hector. Catalogue de livres, with ist, 2d, and 5th sup- plements. Illustrated. Paris, i847-'53. 4 vols. 8vo. BOSTON, Thomas. Collection of sermons. Edinburgh, 1772. i6mo. Discourses on human nature in its four-fold state. Philadel- phia. i2mo. BOSTON massacre. Sec Orations. Also Bowdoin, James. BOSWELL, Henry. Picturesque views of the Antiquities of England and Wales, being a grand copperplate repository of Elegance, Taste, and Entertainment, more neat, accurate, extensive, and numerous, as well as cheaper, than any that are yet extant. London, 1786. Folio. Over 500 plates. 89 CATALOGUE OF BOSWELL, James. Life of Samuel Johnson. Elucidated by copious notes. London. 4 vols. i2mo. BOUCHER, Jonathan. View of the causes and consequences of the American Revolution. London, 1797. 8vo. BOUILLON, P., peintre. Musde des antiques, dessine et grave, avec notices explicatives par Saint-Victor. Paris. 3 vols. Folio. Large paper, full-page plates, proofs. BOUQUET, General. Historical account of his expedition against the Ohio Indians. Illustrated. Cincinnati, 1868. 8vo. BOURGEOIS, C. Les dessins des nouveaux jardins de la France. See Laborde, A. L. J. BOURNE, H. B. Fox. English seamen under the Tudors. London, 1868. 2 vols. i2mo. BOURNE, W. O. History of the public school society. New York, 1870. 8vo. BOUTELL, Charles. Arms and armour in antiquity and the middle ages ; also a description of modern weapons. From the French. Illustrated. London, 1869. 8vo. Bible dictionary for the use of all readers and students of the Holy Scriptures. London. 8vo. — Monumental brasses and slabs ; an historical and descriptive notice of the incised monumental memorials of the middle ages. Illustrated. London, 1847. 8vo. BOUVASSfe, L'Abbe J. J. La Touraine ; histoire et monuments. Il- lustrations par Karl G£rardet et Francis. Paris, 1856. Folio. BOUYER, Frederic. La Guyane Franfaise. Notes et souvenirs d'un voyage, en 1862-1863. Illustr6 par Riou. Paris, 1867. 4to. BOVEE, C. Nestell. Thoughts, feelings and fancies. New York, 1857. i2mo. BOWDEN, John. The naturalist in Norway. Notes on the wild ani- mals, birds, fishes, and plants of that country. London, 1869. i2mo. 90 THE STUART LII5KARY. BOWDITCH, N. Ingersoll. History of the Massachusetts general hospital. Illustrated. Boston, 1851. 8vo. BOWDOIN, James, atid others. A narrative of the massacre in Boston, March 5, 1770. Illustrated. New York, 1849. 8vo. BOWEN, Francis. Life of Baron Steuben. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. g. Life of Benjamin Lincoln. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog. , new scries, vol 13. - Life of James Otis. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., nno series, vol. I. - Life of Sir William Phips. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. 7. BOVVER, Archibald. History of the popes, from the foundation of the see of Rome. London, 1748. 7 vols. 4to. BOWES, James L. Keramic art of Japan. See Audslev, George A. BOWLES, Samuel. Across the continent. Illustrated. Springfield, 1868. i2mo. BOWMAN, S. M., and Irwin, R. B. Sherman and his campaigns. New York, 1865. 8vo. BOWRING, John. The decimal system, its numbers, coins, and ac- counts. Illustrated. London, 1S54. i2mo. The kingdom and people of Siam ; with a narrative of the mis- sion to that country in 1855. London, 1857. 2 vols. 8vo. — Visit to the Philippine islands. Illustrated. London, 1859. 8vo. BOWYER, Robert, publisher. A series of engravings, illustrating those important events recorded in the Sacred Scriptures, which have been selected as subjects for their pencils by Raffaelle, Rubens, Carvaggio, Vandyke, Poussin and other old masters. With critical notices by John Landseer. London, 1825. Folio. 91 CATALOGUE OF BOYD, James R. Memoir of the life, cliaracter and writings of Philip Doddridge, with selections from his correspondence. Illustrated. New York, i860. i2mo. BOYD, William H. New York city tax-book. List of persons, etc., taxed on the assessors' book 1S56-7. New York, 1857. i2mo. BOYDELL, John and Josiah, publishers. Collection of portraits of royal and illustrious personages, together with select specimens of the British, Flemish and Italian schools, in the galleries of the Duke of Devonshire, Marquis of Stafford and Earl Spencer. En- graved in mezzotint by John and Thomas Smith. London, 1805. 4 vols. Folio. BOYER, A. Nouveau dictionnaire Francois-Anglois et Anglois-Fran- cois, corrig6 et augment^ par Chambaud et Roeinet. Paris, 1785. 2 vols. Svo. BOYLE, Robert. Treatises on the high veneration man's intellect owes to God. London, 1836. i6mo. BOYNTON, Charles B. History of the navy during the rebellion. Illustrated. New York, 1S67-8. 2 vols. Svo. BOYNTON, Edward C. History of West Point, and the origin and progress of the United States military academy. New York, 1864. 4to. BRACKENBERRY, George. The campaign in the Crimea: an his- torical sketch. Illustrated by 40 plates from drawings taken on the spot by Wm. Simpson. London, 1855. Svo. BRACKENRIDGE, Hugh H. Incidents of the *insurrection in the western parts of Pennsylvania in 1794. Philadelphia, 1795. i2mo. BRADFORD, Alexander W. American antiquities and researches * Sometimes called the whiskey rebellion. 92 THE STUART LIIiKARY. into the origin and liistory of the red race. New York, 1843. 8vo. BRADFORD club series. New York, i859-'67. 7 vols. 8vo. Contents : i. Indian attack on Hatfield and Deerfield ; 2. The croakers, by J. R. Drake and F. G IIalleck ; 3. French fleet under Count De Grasse ; 4. Anthology of New Nethcrland, by H. C. MuRPHY ; 5. Career of HernJdo de Soto, by H. DE BlEDMA ; 6. Northern invasion of October, 1780. Notes by II. U. Hough ; 7. Correspondence of Col. John Laurens. Limited editions, privately printed. Large paper. BRADFORD, John. Writings. In British reformers. Vol. 6. BRADFORD, William. Celebration of his two hundredth birth-day. See Wallace, John William. Sketches of the country, character, and costume in Portugal and Spain, made in 1 808-1 809. Engraved and coloured, with descrip- tions of each subject. London, 1809. Folio. BRADSHAW, T. Views in the Mauritius, or Isle of France, drawn from nature by T. Bradshaw, and on stone by William Rider. With memoir and descriptions. London, 1832. Folio. BRADY, M. B. Recollections of the art exhibition, Metropolitan fair, New York, 1864, in aid of the United States sanitary commission. A series of photographs. New York, 1864. 4to. , Avignon, F. d' and Lester, C. E. Gallery of illustrious Americans, containing the portraits and biographical sketches of twenty-four eminent citizens, since the death of Washington. From daguerreotypes by Brady. Engraved by D'Avignon, and edited by C. E. Lester. New York, 1850. Folio. BRADY, William. The kedge-anchor, or young sailors' assistant in all appertaining to modern seamanship. Illustrated. New York, 1854. 8vo. BRAMHALL, John. Works ; with a life of the author and a collec- tion of his letters. Oxford, 1842. 4 vols. 8vo. 93 CATALOGUE OF BRAND, John. Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain, illustrating the origin of customs, ceremonies and supersti- tions. Illustrated. London, 1853. 3 vols. i6mo. Same. London, 1877. i vol. i2mo. BRANDE, William T. Ten lectures on organic chemistry. Arranged by J. ScoFFERN. London, 1854. i6mo. and Cox, G. W. A dictionary of science, literature and art. London, 1865. 3 vols. Svo. Same. London, 1867. Svo. BRANDT, Gerard. History of the Reformation and other ecclesiastical transactions in and about the Low-Countries, from the beginning of the eighth century down to the famous synod of Dort. Translated from the original Low-Dutch. London, 1720-23. 4 vols. Folio. BRANT, Sebastian. Stultifera navis mortalium, in qua Fatui affectus, mores, conatus atque studia, quibus vita hsec nostra, in omni hominum genere, statet, cunctis Sapientiae cultoribus depinguntur, etc. Translated by J. Locher. Basle. i6mo. See Barclay, Alexander, for English version. Curious colored wood-cuts. "Few books are more pleasing to the eye, and more gratifying to tlie fancy, tlian the early editions of tlie ' Sti;ltifera Navis.' . . . . It is an early and very popular satire on the various follies of mankind The cuts have not only a considerable degree of merit and curiosity, as ancient specimens of the art of wood-engraving, but likewise for the manner in which the subjects have been treated."— Z?/*!//". BRAY, Mrs. Ann Eliza. Life of Thomas Stothard, with personal re- miniscences, his portrait and numerous illustrations from his works. London, 1851. i2mo. Same. With added volume of his engravings in scrap-book style. London, 1851. lamo. BRAYLEY, Edward W. Topographical history of Surrey. Illustrated. London, 1850. 5 vols. Svo. Descriptions of Devonshire and Cornwall. See Brixton, John. 94 THE STUAKT LIBRARY. BRECKINRIDGE, Robert J. The knowledge of God objectively considered ; being the first part of theology as a science of positive truth. New York, 1858. Svo. Memoranda of foreign travel. A pilgrimage through some of the states of western Europe. Baltimore, 1845. 2 vols. i2mo. BREED, W. P. Anthropos. Philadelphia, 1865. i6mo. Jenny Geddes, or Presbyterianism and its great conflict with despotism. Philadelphia, 1869. i2mo. BREES, S. C. Pictorial illustrations of New Zealand. London, 1849. Folio. BREHM, Christian L. Cassell's book of birds. Te.xt from the Ger- man, by T. R. Jones. London, 1870. Vols, i and 2. 8vo. BREMER, Fredrika. Hertha. Translated by Mary Howitt. New York, 1856. i2mo. [Later title: The four sisters.] The homes of the New World ; impressions of America. Trans- lated by Mary Howitt. New York, 1854. 2 vols. i2mo. BREVOORT, John C. Fac-simile autographs of distinguished per- sonages. Folio. Notes on some figures of Japanese fish, by the artists of the U. S. Japan expedition. Illustrated. 4to. Verrazano the navigator : a paper read before the American geographical society, Nov. 28, 187 1. New York, 1874. Svo. BREWER, E. CoBHAM. Dictionary of phrase and fable. London. 1 2 mo. BREWER, T. M. History of North American birds. See Baird, S. F. BREWSTER, David. Memoirs of the life, writings, and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. Edinburgh, 1855. 2 vols. Svo. BRICKELL, John. The Natural History of North Carolina, with an account of the inhabitants. Illustrated. Dublin, 1743. i2mo. 95 CATALOGUE OF BRIDGEWATER treatises. See Bell, Buckland, Chalmers, Kidd< KiRBY, Prout, Roget and Whewell. BRIGHT, William. Chapters of early English church history. Ox- ford, 1878. 8vo. BRINTON, Daniel G. The myths of the New World ; a treatise on the symbolism and m)^hology of the red race in America. New York, 1868. izmo. BRISTED, John. America and her resources ; a view of the character of the American people. London, 1S18. 8vo. BRITAIN'S Remembrancer, being Thoughts on the proper Improve- ment of the present Juncture. Anonymous. New York, 1748. i8mo. BRITISH and foreign Bible society. Reports from 1S05 to 1830. London. 9 vols. 8vo. BRITISH art. Gems of. With choice specimens of poetry, history, and romance. Illustrated with thirty superb line engravings. New York, 1S55. 4to. BRITISH art, Royal gallery of. See Finden, W. & E. BRITISH artists. Modern gallery. Anonymous. London, 1836 8vo. BRITISH Colonies in America ; constitutional right of Great Britain to tax. Anonymous. London, 176S. i2mo. BRITISH Dominions in North America. History from the first Dis- covery of that vast Continent by Sebastian Cabot in 1497 to the present glorious Establishment as confirmed by the late treaty of Peace in 1763. In fourteen books with a map. Anonymous. London, 1773. 8vo. BRITISH essayists. Modern. Macaulay, Alison, Smith, Wilson, Carlyle, Jeffrey, Talfourd & Stephen, and Mackintosh. Portraits. Phila- delphia, 1846. 8 vols. 8vo. BRITISH essayists. See Chalmers, Alexander, 96 THE STUART LIBRARY. BRITISH gallery of pictures ; a selection of the most admired pro- ductions of the modern school, from the galleries and private col- lections of Great Britain. 50 line engravings executed in the high- est style. With descriptive letterpress. I^ondon. Folio. BRITISH gallery of pictures, selected from the most admired produc- tions of the old masters in Great Britain, accompanied by de- scriptions, historical and critical, by Tresham, Ottlev and Tom- kins. London, 1818. Folio. BRITISH Museum. Catalogue of the Arundel manuscripts therein, with colored plates. London, 1834. Folio. BRITISH Museum. Catalogue of the Burney manuscripts therein, with colored plates. London, 1840. Folio. BRITISH poets. Aldinc edition With a memoir and portrait of each author. Subscriber's copy. London, 1866. 52 vols. i2mo. 100 copies printed. No. 26, large paper. BRITISH poets. With a memoir and portrait of each author. Uni- versity press, Cambridge. Boston, 1866. 130 vols. i2mo. One hundred copies printed. Number 82. BRITISH reformers. Philadelphia, 1S42. 12 vols. i2mo. Contents : volume i. Wickliff to Bilncy ; 2. Tindal, Frith and Barnes ; 3. Edward VI., Parr, Balnaves, etc.; 4. Latimer; 5. Hooper; 6. Bradford; 7. Ridley and Philpot ; 8. Cranmer, Rogers, Careless, etc. ; 9. Knox ; 10. Becon ; II. Jewell; 12. Fox, Bale and Coverdale. BRITTON, John. The architectural antiquities of Great Britain. Rep- resented and illustrated in a series of views, elevations, plans, sec- tions and details of ancient English edifices, with historical and de- scriptive accounts of each. London, 1835. 5 vols. 4to. Cathedral antiquities. Historical and descriptive accounts, with 311 illustrations of English cathedrals. The engravings by Le Keux, Mackenzie, Cattermole, Taylor, Cresey, Gandy and Bartlett. London, 1836. 5 vols. 4to. Chronological history and graphic illustrations of Christian archi- tecture in England. Also eighty-six plates of plans, sections, etc. London, 1835. 410. 7 97 CATALOGUE OF BRITTON, John. Woburn abbey, etc. See Robinson, P. F. and Braley, with others. Beauties of England and Wales ; or delineations, topographical, historical, and descriptive of each county. With introduction by J. N. Brewer. Illustrated. London, i8oi- i8. 1 8 vols, bound in 26. 8vo. Historical and topographical descriptions of Devonshire and Cornwall. Illustrated from drawings by Allom, and others. Lon- don, 1832. 4to. Illustrations of public buildings. See Pugin, A. W. BROCK, William. A biographical sketch of Henry Havelock. Illus- trated. London, 1858. iSmo. BROCKEDON William. Illustrations of the passes of the Alps, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. London, 1828. 2 vols. 4to. Road-book from London to Naples. Illustrated with 25 views. London, 1835. 4to. BROCKETT, F. L. The lodge of Washington ; a history of the Alex- andria Washington lodge. No. 22. Illustrated. Alexandria, 1876. 8vo. BRODHEAD, John R. Colonial history of New York. See O'Cal- laghan, E. B. BROMLEY, G. W. and Co. Atlas of the entire city of New York. From actual surveys and official records. New York, 1879. Folio. Atlas of the 19th and 2 2d wards, New York city. Philadel- phia, 1880. Folio. BROMLEY, Thomas. The way to the Sabbath of rest, or the new birth. Germantown, 1759. i6mo. BRONGNIART, Alexandre. Description m^thodique du musde c^ra- mique de la manufacture Royale de porcelaine de Sevres. Par A. Brongniart et D. Riocreux. Paris. 1845. 4to. 98 THK STUART IJBRARY. BROOK, Benjamin. History of religious liberty from the first propa- gation of Christianity in Britain to the death of George III. Lon- don, 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. Lives of the Puritans, from the reformation under queen Eliza- beth, to the act of uniformity in 1662. London, 1813. 3 vols. Svo. BROOKE, Arthur de Capell. Sketches in Spain and Morocco. Illustrated. London, 1831. 2 vols. Svo. BROOKS, Phillips. Sermons. New York, 1879. i2mo. BROOKS, T. B. and others. Geological survey of Michigan, upper peninsula. Illustrated. New York, 1873. Svo. BROTHERHEAU, William. Book of the signers of the declaration of independence. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1861. Folio. Centennial book of the signers ; being fac-similc letters of each signer of the declaration of independence. Illustrated. Philadel- phia, 1875. Folio. BROUGHAM, John, atid Elderkin J., editors. Lotos leaves ; origi- nal stories, poems, and essays, by the great writers of America and England. Illustrated. Boston, 1875. 8^0. BROWN, James. A history of the Highlands, and of the Highland clans, from the Stuart papers. Illustrated. London, 1852. 4 vols. Svo. BROWN, John. Philological tracts. Edinburgh, 1835-1844. 3 vols. i6mo. BROWN, John. Horse subsecivse. Locke and Sydenham, with other occasional papers. Edinburgh, 1859-61. 2 vols. i2mo. Spare hours. Second series. Illustrated. Boston, 1S66. i6mo. BROWN, J. Newton. Encyclopedia of religious knowledge. Illus- trated. Fessenden and Co. Brattleboro, 1838. 410. 99 CATALOGUE OF BROWNE, J. Ross. Report of the debates in the convention of Cali- fornia, on the formation of the state constitution. Washington, 1850. Svo. Report on the mineral resources of the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains. Washington, 1868. Svo. BROWNE, Junius Henri. Four years in Secessia ; adventures within and beyond the Union lines. Illustrated. Hartford, 1S65. i2mo. BROWNE, Matthew. Chaucer's England. Illustrated. London, 1869. 2 vols. lamo. BROWN, Richard. Domestic architecture : containing a history of the science, and the principles of designing public edifices, etc. Also observations on rural residences, etc. London, 1842. 4to. BROWN, Robert. The races of mankind. Being a description of the characteristics, manners and customs of the human family. Illus- trated. London. 4 vols, in 2. 4to. BROWN, Thomas. Illustrations of the land and fresh-water conchol- ogy of Great Britain and Ireland, drawn and coloured. London, 1845. 8vo. BROWN, Thomas. Self-explanatory history and life of Jesus Christ, with the lives of the apostles and evangelists. Illustrated. Lon- don, 181 8. Folio. BROWN, Thomas. Religio medici. Illustrated. Boston, 1S62. 8vo. BROWN, William. Antiquities of the Jews, and their customs. Illus- trated. London, 1820. 2 vols. i2mo. BROWN, William. History of the propagation of Christianity among the heathen since the reformation. Edinburgh, 1854. 3 vols. Svo. BROWN, William. Memoir and select remains of John Brown of Haddington. Philadelphia, 1856. i8mo. 100 THE STUART LIliKAKV. BROWN, William. Select views of the royal palaces of Scotland. With descriptions by the Rev. John Jamieson. Glasgow, 1840. 4to. BROWNING, W. S. The history of the Huguenots during the six- teenth century. London, 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. BROWNLEE, W. C. An earnest appeal to Christians on the duty of making efforts and sacrifices for the conversion of the world. New York, 1836. i8mo. Roman catholic religion viewed in the light of prophecy and history. New York, 1843. i8mo. Secret instructions of the Jesuits. Translated from the Eatin, with a historical sketch. New York. i8mo. BRUNET, Jacques C. Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres. Illustrated. Paris, i860. 6 vols. 8vo. BRUSH, Christine C. Colonel's opera cloak. " No name series." Anonymous. Boston, 1880. i6mo. BRUSH, George J. System of mineralogy. See Dana, James D. BRUTE, Walter. Writings. In British reformers. Vol. I. BRY, J. Theodore and Israel de. The collection of voyages known as De Bry's has no collective title. Each part has its own distinc- tive title. The voyages to America are comprised in thirteen parts. Contents of this collection : America. Parts 1-9; 3 vols. Frankfort, 1590. Folio. Same. Parts 1-6; i vol. Frankfort, 1590. Folio. Reprint. Brief and true report of the new found land of Vir- ginia, etc. Frankfort, 1590. 4to. BRYAN, Michael. Biographical and critical dictionary of painters and engravers, from the revival of the art under Cimabue and the alleged discovery of engraving by Finiguerra, to the present time. New edition, revised and enlarged by Stanley. London, 1849. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF BRYANT festival at the Century. Illustrated edition. New York, 1865. 4to. Same. New York, 1865. 4to. BRYANT, William Cullen. Library of poetry and song. Being choice selections from the best poets. New York, 1S71. Svo. Picturesque America, or the land we live in. With illustrations by eminent American artists. New York, 1873. 2 vols. Folio. Poems. Collected and arranged by the author. New York, 1854. Svo. — Poems. Illustrated. New York, 1854. Svo. — Poetical works. Collected and arranged by the author. Illus- trated. New York, 1878. i2mo. and Gay, S. H. Popular history of the United States, from 1492 to 1876. With sketch of the pre-historic period, etc. Illus- trated. New York, 1876-81. 4 vols. Svo. BRYCE, James. Ten years of the church of Scotland, from 1833 to 1S43. With an historical retrospect from 1560. Edinburgh, 1850. 2 vols. Svo. BUBBEL en Windnegotie in Vrankryk Engeland in den Jaare 1720. Tafereel. 1720. Folio. Comical, illustrated expose of Law's "Mississippi bubble." See also "South SEA bubble," and Law, John. BUCHANAN, George. History of Scotland. Translated from the Latin ; with notes and a continuation by James Aikman. Illus- trated. Glasgow, 1827. 4 vols. Svo. BUCHANAN, James. Comfort in affliction : a series of meditations. New York, 1842. i2mo. BUCHANAN, Robert. The ten years' conflict ; the history of the dis- ruption of the church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1849. 2 vols. Svo. 102 TFIE STUART LIBRARY. BUCKE, Charles. Beauties, hannonies, and sublimities of nature ; with notes, commentaries, and illustrations. London, 1837. 3 vols. 8vo. BUCKINGHAM, John. Journals. See Knight, Madame. BUCKINGHAM, J. S. Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, includ- ing a journey from Bagdad by Mount Zagros to Hamadan, the ancient Ecbatana, etc. London, 1829. 4to. BUCKINGHAM, L. F. A. Belgium, the Rhine, etc., illustrated. 5^.? Wright, G. N. BUCKLAND, Frank. Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. Illus- trated. London, 1875. i2mo. BUCKLAND, William. Geology and mineralogy, considered with reference to natural theology. London, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. Bridgewater treatise. BUCKLEY, Theodore A. The great cities of the ancient world, in their glory and their desolation. Illustrated. London, 1852. i6mo. BUDD, Thomas. Good order established in Pennsylvania and New Jersej'. New York, 1865. 8vo. BUDGEN, L. M. Episodes of insect life. By Acheta Domestica. London, 1849-51. 3 vols. 8vo. BUFFON, George L. L. Comte's book of birds ; edited and abridged from the text of Buffon. Translated by Benjamin Clarke. Illus- trated. London, 1841. 8vo. BULFINCH, Thomas. The age of fable, or beauties of mythology. Boston, 1863. i2mo. Legends of Charlemagne. Illustrated. Boston, 1863. lamo. BULLEN, George. Catalogue of the library of the British and foreign Bible society. London, 1S57. 8vo. 103 CATALOGUE OF BULLEN, George, editor. Caxton celebration, South Kensington. Catalogue of the collection of antiquities connected with the art of printing. London, 1877. 8vo. Limited edition, large paper. BULWER-LYTTON, Edward, Lord Lytton. Pilgrims of the Rhine. London, 1840. i2mo. BUNDY, Richard. Sermons. With lectures on the church-catechisnx London, 1740. 2 vols. 8vo. BUNGENER, L. F. History of the council of Trent. Edited, with a summary of its acts, by J. M'Clintock. New York, 1855. i2mo. The preacher and the king, or Bourdaloue in the court of Louis XIV.; being an account of the pulpit eloquence of that era. Boston, 1853. i2mo. BUNYAN, John. Divine emblems, or temporal things spiritualized. With a preface by Alexander Smith. London. i6mo. The Holy war made by Shaddai upon Diabolus. Philadel- phia, 1841. i8mo. Illustrated edition of his select works ; with his life by Josiah Conder, and expository lectures by R. Maguire. London. 410. Same. Illustrations by C. R. Conder. See Conder, Claude R. Pilgrim's progress, as originally published ; being a fac-simile reproduction of the first edition of 1678. Illustrated. London, 1875. i6mo. Pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. Cambridge, 1S64. i6mo. — Pilgrim's progress, with explanatory notes by Thomas Scott, and a life by Josiah Conder. Embellished with 25 engravings. Philadelphia, 1844. 8vo. Silk velvet binding, clasps. — Pilgrim's progress, with illustrations by Charles Bennett, and a preface by Charles Kingslev. London, i860. i2mo. 104 THE STUART LIBRARY. BUNYAN, John. Pilgrim's progress. With one hundred illustrations by F. Barnard, and others. London, 1880. 4to. Pilgrim's progress. With sixty-five original illustrations by David and Wm. B. Scott, and an essay by Lord Macaulav. London, 1865. 410. Works, with introductions, notes, and life. Edited by George Offor. Glasgow, 1851. 3 vols. 4to. BURCHELL, William J. Travels in the interior of southern Africa. Illustrated. London, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. BURDER, George, editor. A complete history of the Holy Bible, from the text of Laurence Howell. Illustrated. London, 1806. 3 vols. i2mo. BURDER, William. Religious ceremonies and customs. On the basis of the work of Bernard Picart. Illustrated. London, 1841. 8vo. BURGH, N. P. Treatise on sugar machinery ; including the process of producing sugar from the cane. Illustrated. London, 1863. Folio. BURGOYNE, Lieut. Gen. John. Orderly book, from his entry into the state of New York until his surrender at Saratoga, i6th Oct., 1777 ; from the original manuscript, deposited at Washington's headquarters, Newburgh, N. Y. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. Portrait. Albany, i860, izmo. Same. Albany, i860. i2mo. A state of the expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons. Written and collected by himself. London, 1780. 4to. BURKE, Edmund. Works. With portrait. Boston, 1S66. 12 vols. 8vo. BURK, John. History of Virginia, from its first settlement to the present day. Petersburg, 1804. 4 vols. 8vo. 105 CATALOGUE OF BURKE, John. Memoirs accompanying the portrait gallery of distin- guished females, including beauties of the courts of George IV. and William IV. London, 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. Full page steel portraits. BURKE, Peter. Public and domestic life of Edmund Burke. Lon- don, 1854. i2mo. BURLEY, Walter. De Primo et ultimo instanti. Black letter, dated 1502. See Petrarch, F., Epistole, with which it is bound. BURNABY, Andrew. Travels in North America in 1759-60. With observations on the state of the colonies. London, 1775. 8vo. BURN.A.P, George. Life of Leonard Calvert, first governor of Mary- land. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., m7v series, vol. g. BURNET, Gilbert. History of his own time, from the restoration of king Charles II. to the conclusion of the treaty of peace at Utrecht. London, 181 5. 4 vols. 8vo. — History of the reformation of the Church of England. Illus- trated. London, 1850. 2 vols. 4to. — Memoires of the lives and actions of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton, Castleherald, etc. Illustrated. London, 1677. Folio. BURNETT, Gilbert T. Encyclopaedia of useful and ornamental plants ; consisting of coloured figures of plants, with descriptions, mode of culture, etc. Edited by M. A. Burnett. London, 1S52. 2 vols. 4to. BURNHAM, Gordon W. Proceedings at the inauguration of the statue of Daniel Webster, Central Park, July 4th, 1876. Illus- trated. New York, 1876. Folio. BURNS, Robert. Auld lang syne. Illustrated by George Harvey. Edinburgh, 1859. Folio. Complete works ; poems, songs, and correspondence. Illustrated by Bartlett, Allom, and others. With life, notices, etc., by Allan Cunningham. London. 8vo. 106 rilK STUART LIBRARY. BURNS, Robert. Cottar's Saturday night. Illustrated by John Faed. Edinburgh, 1853. 4to. Life and works. By P. Hately Waddell. Portraits and illus- trations in colours. Glasgow, 1867. 4to. Life and works. Edited by Rohert Chambers. Edinburgh, 1856. 4 vols. 8vo. — Poetical works. London, 1839. 3 vols. i6mo. — Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 3 vols. izmo. — Poetical works. With sketch of the author's life and portrait. Boston, 1865. 3 vols. i2mo. — The soldier's return. Illustrated by John Faed. Edinburgh(?) 1857. Folio. — Songs ; engraved by Stocks, Forrest, and others, from the paintings of Harvey, Macculloch, and others. With a portrait after the original by Nasymth, engraved by Robinson. Edin- burgh, 1861. Folio. Tam O'Shanter. Illustrated by John Faed. Edinburgh, 1855. Folio. BURROW, E. I. Elements of conchology, according to the Linnsean system. Illustrated by twenty-eight plates drawn from nature. London, 1844. i2mo. BURT, N. C. The far east; or letters from Egypt, Palestine and other lands of the Orient. Illustrated. Cincinnati, 1869. i2mo. BURTON, John Hill. The book-hunter, etc. Edinburgh, 1862. i6mo. History of Scotland from Agricola's invasion to the extinction of the last Jacobite insurrection. New York, 1875. 8 vols. i2mo. The Scot abroad. London, 1864. 2 vols. i6mo. 107 CATALOGUE OF BURTON, Richard F. Abeokuta and the Cameroons mountains. An exploration. London, 1863. 2 vols. lamo. E.xplorations of highlands of the Brazil ; with a full account of the gold and diamond mines, etc. London, i86g. 2 vols. Svo. First footprints in east Africa ; or, an exploration of Harar. Il- lustrated. London, 1856. Svo. Lake regions of central Africa. A picture of exploration. Illus- trated. London, i860. 2 vols. 8vo. Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. New York, 1856. i2mo. BURTON, Robert. Anatomy of melancholy ; what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures. By Demo- CRiTus, Junior. Illustrated. Boston, 1859. 3 vols. i2mo. " The only book that ever took me out of bed two hours sooner than I wished to rise." — Samuel Johnson. BURTON, Robert. Two journeys to Jerusalem by English pilgrims, proving the Jews to be the first inhabitants of America. Illus- trated. London, 1704. i8mo. Scarce. " Nathaniel Crouch, bookseller, was the real author, but assumed the above name." — Biblioth. Brit. BURY, Lady C. Diary illustrative of the times of George the Fourth, with letters from queen Caroline. Anonymous. Philadelphia, 1838. i6mo. BURY, Mrs. Edward. Selection of hexandrian plants belonging to the orders amaryllidfe and liliaceffi. Engraved by R. Havell. London, 1831. Folio. BUSH, Mrs. Forbes. Memoirs of the queens of France. Illustrated. London, 1843. 2 vols. i2mo. BUSH, Richard J. Reindeer, dogs, and snow-shoes ; a journal of Si- berian travel and explorations in 1865-1867. Illustrated. New York, 187 i. i2mo. BUSHNELL, Charles I. An arrangement of tradesmen's cards, political tokens, also election medals, etc., of the United States, in the last sixty years. Illustrated. New York, 1858. i2mo. 108 THE STUART I.HiRARV. BUTLER, Alban. The lives of the fathers, martyrs and other prin- cipal saints. Illustrated. Nkw York, 1833. 12 volumes, bound in 4. 8vo. BUTLER, Joseph. Analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the course of nature ; with preface and notes. Illustrated. London, 1 860. i6mo. Fifteen sermons, preached at the Roll's chapel : to which is added a charge to the clergy of Durham. London, 1836. i6mo. BUTLER, Samuel. Hudibras ; with Dr. Grey's annotations. Illus- trated. London, 1819. 3 vols. 8vo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 2 vols. i2mo. Poetical works. With life, critical dissertation, and notes, by George Gilfillan. New York, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 2 vols. i2mo. BUTLER, William A. Two millions. New York, 1858. i6mo. BUYERS, William. Recollections of northern India ; with obser\'a- tions on the origin, customs, etc., of the Hindoos. London, 1848. 8vo. BYEFIELD, Nathanael. An account of the late revolution in New England. New York, 1865. i2mo. BYRD, William. History of the dividing line between Virginia and North Carolina as run in 1728-29. Printed from the original manuscript. Richmond, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. Limited edition. BYRON, George G. N., Lord Byron. Childe Harold's pilgrimage : a romaunt. London, 1845. 8vo. Don Juan. Baltimore, 1825. 2 vols. 24mo. — Life, writings, opinions, and times, by an English gentlemaa London, 1825. 3 vols. 8vo. 109 CATALOGUE OF BYRON, George G. N., Lord Byron. Poetical works. London, 185 i. 10 vols. i6mo. Poetical works. With a life and portrait. Boston, 1866. 10 vols. i2mo. The prisoner of Chillon. Illuminated by W. and G. Audslev. London, 1865. 4to. c ABELL, J. L. The testimony of modern science to the unity of mankind. With an introduction by James W. Alexander. New York, 1859. i2mo. CABINET-MAKER'S assistant : original designs for modern furniture. Glasgow, 1853. Folio. CABRERA, Paul F. Investigation and research into the history' of the Spanish Americans. See Delrio, Antonio. CADDELL, Cecelia M. History of the missions in Japan and Para- guay. New York. i2mo. C^SAR. Csesaris, Caii Julii, quae extant. Notis illustravit J. God- vinus, in usum Delphini. Notes translated by Thomas Clark. Philadelphia, 1817. 8vo. CAITHNESS, Earl of. Lectures on popular and scientific subjects. London, 1877. i2mo. CALAMY, Edmund. The non-conformist's memorial : the lives of two thousand ministers ejected from the church of England. Illus- trated. London, 1802. 3 vols. i2mo. CALDESI and Montecchi. Photographs of the "gems of the art treasures exhibition." Manchester, 1857. See Colnaghi, Paul and DoMiNicK. CALHOUN, John C. Works : a disquisition on government, etc., and speeches. New York, 1854. 4 vols. 8vo. CALMET, AuGUSTiN. Commentaire litteral sur tous les Livres de I'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. Latin and French. Illus- trated. Paris, i724-'6. 8 volumes bound in 9. Folio. Till'; STUART I.IUKARV. CALMET, AuGUSTiN. Dictionary of the Holy Bible with the Riblical fragments. Edited by Charles Taylor. Illustrated. London, 1847. 5 vols. 4to. CALVERT, George H. The gentleman. Boston, 1863. i6mo. CALVETO, Urban, translator. Nova; orbis historiae. See Benzoni, G. CALVIN, John. Commentaries on the epistles of Paul to the Gala- tions and Ephesians. Translated by W. Pringle. Edinburgh, 1841. lOmo. In.stitutes of the Christian religion ; from the Latin. Collated with the French by Allen, and a memoir by Mackensie. New York, 18 19. 4to. Same. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 8vo. Same. Translated from the Latin by T. Norton. Imprinted by Anne Grififin. London, 1634. 4to. — Letters. Compiled from the original manuscripts, and edited with notes, by Jules Burnet. Translated from the original Latin and French. Philadelphia. 4 vols. 8vo. — Treatise on relics. Translated from the French original. Edin- burgh, 1854. i2mo. and Storrs, D. G. C. Expositions of the epistles of Paul to the Philippians and Colossians. Translated by R. Johnston. Edinburgh, 1842. i6mo. CAMERON, Verney L. Across Africa. Illustrated. New York, 1877. 8vo. CAMPAN, J. L. H. G., Madame de. Memoirs of the private life of Marie Antoinette, queen of France and Navarre. London, 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. CAMPBELL, Alexander. History of poetry in Scotland, from the 13th century to present time (1798). To which are subjoined songs of the Lowlands of Scotland, with designs by David Allan. Edinburgh, 1798. 8vo. Limited edition. Ill CATALOGUE OF CAMPBELL, Charles. Orderly book of the American army under General Andrew Lewis. March to August, 1776. Richmond, 1S60. i2mo. Privately printed. CAMPBELL, George. Lectures on ecclesiastical history. London, 1840. Svo. CAMPBELL, James. Excursions, adventures, and field-sports in Cey- lon. London, 1843. 2 vols. Svo. CAMPBELL, John. Travels in south Africa, undertaken at the re- quest of the missionary society. London, 1S15. Svo. Travels in south Africa. Narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country. With map and colored engravings. Lon- don, 1822. 2 vols. Svo. CAMPBELL, J. F. Frost and fire, natural engines, tools and chips, with sketches taken at home and abroad. Anonymous. Edin- burgh, 1S65. 2 vols. Svo. CAMPBELL, Robert. A pilgrimage to my motherland and a journey among the Egbas and Yorubas of central Africa. Illustrated. New York, 1861. i6mo. CAMPBELL, Thomas. Gertrude of Wyoming. In W. L. Stone's poetry and history of Wyoming. Albany, 1864. i2mo. Letters from the South ; written during a journey to Algiers, etc. Philadelphia, 1S36. i6mo. The pleasures of hope. Illustrated. London, 1855. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. CAMPBELL, William W. Annals of Tryon county, or the border war- fare of New York. New York, 1831. Svo. CANANI, LuiGi. Gli edifizj di Roma antica cogniti per alcune reliquie, 112 THE STUART I.fl'.RARY. descritti e dimonstrati ncll' intcra loro architettura. Rome, 1848- '56. 6 vols. Folio. 3 volumes contain the text and 3 the plates, which number 698. CANANI, LuiGi. Ricerche sul gcnere di architettura proprio degli antichi Giudei, ed in particolarc sul Tempio di Gerusalemme. Rome, 1845. Folio. CANDLISH, Robert S. Contributions towards the exposition of the book of Genesis. Edinburgh, 1844. i6mo. Life in a risen Saviour. Phil.vdelphia, 1858. i2mo. Scripture characters and miscellanies. Edinburgh, 1850. 8vo. CANOVA, Antonio. Works in sculpture and modelling. Engraved in outline by Henry Moses ; with descriptions by the Countess Albrizzi, and a biographical memoir by Count Cicognara. Lon- don, 1849. 3 vols. 4to. CAPPER, John. The three presidencies of India ; a history of the rise and progress of the British India possessions. Illustrated. London, 1853. 8vo. CARELESS, John. Letters. In British reformers. Vol. 8. CAREY, Mathew. A short account of the malignant fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia. Phil.\delphia, 1793. 8vo. CARLETON, Will. Farm ballads. Illustrated. New York, 1875. 1 2 mo. CARLETON, William. Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. Illustrated. London, 1S64. 2 vols. Svo. CARLSBAD. Photograph album of views therein. 32mo. CARLYLE, Alexander, Minister of Inveresk. Autobiography, with memorials of men and events of his time. Illustrated. Edin- burgh, i860. 8vo. CARLYLE, Gavin, editor. The Geneva conference of the evangelical alliance, September, i86i. Edinburgh, 1862. 8vo. 8 113 CATALOGUE OF CARLYLE, Thomas. History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the great. London, 1859. 6 vols. 8vo. CAROLINA. Case of the Protestant Dissenters therein ; showing how Law has ended in the Total subversion of Church and State. Anonymous. London, 1706. i2mo. CARPEGNA, Caspar. Rariora maximi moduli numismata, selecta ex bibliotheca ejus. Illustrated. Amsterdam, 1685. 24mo. CARPENTER, S. C. Select American speeches, forensic and par- liamentary. Philadelphia, 1815. 2 vols. 8vo. CARPENTER, William B. Vegetable physiology. London, 1859. i6mo. Vegetable physiology and systematic botany. Edited by Edwin Lankester, London, i860. i6mo. CARPENTER, W. H. Histories of the States. See Arthur, T. S. CARPENTER. William W. Travels and adventures in Mexico ; 2,500 miles performed on foot. New York, 185 i. i2mo. CARRIAGE-BUILDER'S and harness-malcer's art journal. London, i860. Vol. I. Folio. CARROLL, B. R. South Carolina historical collections. Illustrated. New York, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. CARROLL, George D. Diamonds from brilliant minds ; gems of poesy, quotations, and proverbs. New York, 1881. i6mo. CARTER, Thomas. Medals of the British army, and how they were won. Illustrated. London, 1861. 3 vols. i2mo. CARVAJAL, Nicolas de Godoy. Pompa Funeral en la muerte y Exequias del Doctor D. Joan de Salzedo. Mexico, 1626. i2mo. CARVER, Jonathan. Travels through the interior parts of North America in 1766-1768. Illustrated. London, 1779. 8vo. CASPAR, Joseph. Denkmaler der kunst. See Guhl, Ernst. CASSELL'S book of birds. See Brehm, C. L. 114 THE STUART LIBRARY. CASSELL'S popular natural history. Illustrated. London. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. CASSIN, John. Illustrations of the birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. With a general synopsis of North American ornithology, 1853 to 1855. Philadelphia, 1862. 410. CATACOMBS of Rome. Anonymous. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1854. i2mo. CATECHISM US Romanus, ex decreto Concilii Tridentini, ad parochos, Pil Quinti Pont. max. jussu cditus. Dillingen, 1567. i8mo. In embossed vellum wilh clasps. CATES, William. Encyclopedia of chronology. See Woodward and Cates. CATESBY, Mark. The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama islands ; containing the figures of birds, beasts, fishes, ser- pents, insects and plants. Colored figures drawn and etched by himself. With descriptions in English and French. London, 1754. 2 vols. Folio. CATHCART, J. F. Illustrations of Himalayan plants. With descrip- tions and analysis by J. D. Hooker. Plates by W. H. Fitch. London, 1855. Folio. CATHEDRALS and halls of Europe, lithographed from designs by Chapuy and others. With inserted plates. Folio. No title page. CATLIN, George. Illustrations of the manners, customs, and condi- tion of the North American Indians ; in a series of letters and notes. Illustrated. London, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. 9th edition. London, 1S57. 8vo. Same. Portfolio. Hunting scenes and amusements of the Rocky mountains and prairies of America. New York, 1S45. Folio. — Notes of eight years' travel and residence in Europe, with his North American Indian collection. Illustrated. London, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. "S CATALOGUE OF CATLOW, Agnes. The conchologist's nomenclator. A catalogue of all the recent species of shells. London, 1845. 8vo. CATROU, Francois, and Rouill^, Pierre. The Roman history ; with notes historical, geographical, and critical. With maps, plates, and medals. From the year of Rome I. to the year of Rome UCCV. Done into English from the original French. London, 1728-35. 6 vols. Folio. CATS, Jacob, and Farlie, Robert. Moral emblems, with aphorisms, adages, and proverbs of all ages and nations. With illustrations from designs found in their works, by John Leighton. Translated and edited, with additions, by Richard Pigot. London, 1865. 8vo. CATTERMOLE, R. Historical annual. The great civil war of Charles L and his parliament. Illustrated by George Catter- MOLE. Vol. 2, being Heath's picturesque annual for 1845. Lon- don, 1845. 8vo. CATULLUS, C. Valerius, Tibullus et Propertius. Opera. Illus- trated. London, 1824. 48mo. CAULFIELD, James. Portraits, memoirs, and characters of remark- able persons, from the reign of Edward the Third to the revolu- tion. A new edition with additional rare portraits. London, 18 13. 3 vols. 8vo. CAUNTER, Hobert. The picture Bible, or a pictorial history of the Old and New Testaments ; with 144 lithographic illustrations, by J. Martin and R. Westall. London. i2mo. and Daniell. Oriental annual. Sec Daniell, W. CAUSSIN, Nicholas. The Holy Court, in five tomes ; — on the mo- tives which should e.xcite men of quality to Christian perfection, etc., bound in one volume. Translated from the French. London, 1663. Folio. Curious engraved frontispiece, original design. CAVALCASELLE, G. B. Early Flemish painters. See Crowe, J. A. A new history of painting in Italy. See Crowe, J. A. 116 THE STUART LIBRARY. CAVE, William. Apostolici ; or the History of the Lives, Acts, Death, and Martyrdoms of the Primitive Fathers, for the first three hundred years suceeeding the apostIe.s. Illustrated. London, 1716. Folio. Lives of Jesus and his apostles. See Taylor, Jeremy. CAVELIER, John, anc/ others. Early voyages up and down the Mis- sissippi. See Shea, J. G. CAVENDISH, George. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. London, 1852. 8vo. CAWDREY, Daniel. The good Man a publick good, i. passively; 2. actively; as was Manifested in a Sermon, etc. London, 1643. i6mo. Paper. CAXTON, William. Arte and crafte to knowe well to dye, abredged. Translated out of French in to Englysshe, the 15th day of June, 1490. Facsimile reprint. 4to. Two leaves of an old missal in Latin blacli letter, printed on vellum in black and red, are used for an envelope. Wood-cut of Christ on the cross thereon. The Game of the Chesse. A reproduction of the first work printed in England [1476], containing 23 wood cuts, by Vincent FiGGiNS. London, 1855. 4to. "There is very little about chess in the work; each separate piece being used merely as a peg whereon to hang an anecdotical essay on the various duties of mankind." In the Caxton celebration catalogue, 1877, this is called the "second" book, and the first place is given to the Recuyell of the Histories of Troye, dated 1474 ? CAZIN, AcHiLLE. The phenomena and laws of heat. Translated and edited by Elihu Rich. Illustrated. London, 1868. i6mo. CELLARIUS, . Fashionable dancing. Illustrated by Gavorni. London, 1847. i2mo. CELLIEZ, Mile. A. Les Reines d'Espagne, suivies des Reines de Portugal. Portraits. Paris. 8vo. CENTENNIAL exhibition, Philadelphia, 1S76. Illustrated catalogue. With illustrations from designs by eminent artists. New York, 1876. 4to. 117 CATALOGUE OF CENTRAL PARK. A description of the New York Central Park. Anonymous. With illustrations by A. F. Bellows. New York, 1869. Svo. Photographic album of the American museum of natural history. Published by G. L. Feuardent & Co. New York. iS plates. — Photographic views of Central Park in 1862. 31 plates. - See also Guild, W. H. CENTURY of orchidaceous plants selected from Curtis' botanical mag- azine. Illustrated by coloured figures by Fitch. The descriptions by Sir William Jackson Hooker. With an introduction on cul- ture, etc., by J. C. Lyons. London, 1851. 4to. CERTAIN Inducements to well-minded people who are here straitned in their Estates, or otherwise, to transport themselves into the West Indies. New York, 1865. i2mo. Only 250 copies printed. CERVANTES, Saavedra Miguel de. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the Spanish. Embellished with engravings from pictures painted by Robert Smirke. London, 1858. 4 volumes bound in 8. 4to. Inserted plates. Edition de luxe. Don Quixote. Translated from the Spanish. Illustrated. Exeter, 1828. 4 volumes. 24mo. L'ingenieux Hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Mancha. Traduction de Louis Viardot, avec les dessins de Gustave Dor£. Paris, 1863. 2 volumes. Folio. CESNOLA, Louis Palma di. Cyprus : its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. A narrative of researches and excavations during ten years' residence in that island. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1878. Svo. 118 THE STUART LIBRARY. CHAFFERS, William. Marks and monograms on pottery and porce- lain, with short historical notices of each manufactory, and an essay on the vasa lictilia of England. Illustrated. London, 1863. 8vo. CHALMERS, Alexander, editor. British essayists. With portraits. Boston, 1866. 38 vols. izmo. Contents. — ^Volumes i to 4, Tatler ; 5 to 12, Spectator; 13 to 15, Guardian; 16 to iS, Rambler; 19 to 21, Adventurer; 22 to 24, World; 25 and 26, Connois- seur; 27, Idler; 2S and 29, Mirror; 30 and 31, Lounger; 32 to 34, Observer; 35 to 37, Lool4cr-on ; 38, Index. CHALMERS, George, editor. The poetic remains of some of the Scotish kings, now first collected. Illustrated. London, 1824. 1 2 mo. CHALMERS, Thomas. Discourses on the Christian revelation in con- nection with modern astronomy. New York, 1834. 8vo. On the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectual con- stitution of man. London, 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. Bridgewater treatise. Sermons from 1798 to 1847, and posthumous works. Edited by W. Hanna. New York, 185 i. lamo. — Works. New York, 1840. 7 vols. i2mo. CHALON, A. E. Illustrations of the belle of a season. See Blessing- TON, M. P. G., Countess of. CHAMBERLi\YN, John, editor. Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere gentium linguas versa. Amsterdam, 1715. i2mo. CHAMBER of commerce. See New York City. CHAMBERS, Robert. Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen. New edition, with a supplemental volume by Thomas Thomson. Portraits. Glasgow, 1855. 5 vols. 8vo. Land of Burns. See Hill, D. O. Illustrations, etc. 119 CATALOGUE OF CHAMBERS, Robert. Popular rhymes, fireside stories and amuse- ments of Scotland. Anonymous. Edinburgh, 1842. 8vo. CHAMBERS, William. Memoir of Robert Chambers, with autobio- graphic reminiscences of William Chambers. Illustrated. Edin- burgh, 1872. i6mo. CHAMPLAIN, Samuel. Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in 1599-1602. With maps and illustrations. Translated by Alice WiLMERE. Hakluyt society. London, 1869. 8vo. CHANDLER, Alfred, and Booth, W. B. Illustrations and descrip- tions of the plants which compose the natural order camellia, and of the varieties of camellia Japonica in Great Britain. London, 1831. Folio. CHANDLER, Peleg W. American criminal trials. Illustrated. Bos- ton, 1861. 2 vols. i6mo. CHANDLER, Richard. Life of William Waynflete, bishop of Win- chester. London, 181 i. 8vo. CHANNING, Edward T. Life of William Ellery. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. 6. CHANTRY, F. L. Peak scenery ; or excursions in Derbyshire ; for picturesque observation. Engraved by W. B. and G. Cooke. With description by E. Rhodes. London, 1818. 2 vols, in i. 4to. CHAPMAN, James. Travels in the interior of south Africa, com- prising iifteen years' hunting and trading. Illustrated. London, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. CHAPMAN, J. G. American drawing-book, or manual for the ama- teur. New York, 1847. 4to. CHAPPE d' Auteroche, Jean, Ahb^. Voyage en Siberia en 1761, contenant les moeurs, les usages des Russes et I'Etat actuel de cette puissance ; la description g^ographique, etc. Enrichi de cartes geographique, de plans, de profils du terreins ; de gravures qui repr^sentent les usages des Russes, etc. Paris, 1768. 2 vols. 4to. THE STUART LIBRARY. CHARITY and the clergy ; being a review by a protestant clergyman of the "New Themes" controversy. Philadelphia, 1853. i6mo. CHARITY " boom," The. A poem. Anonymous. New York, 1880. i2mo. CHARLES the First and the causes of the Civil War. An Essay towards attaining a 'i'rue Idea of his character and reign, compiled from the most authentic historians. Anonymous. London, 1780. izmo. Arms of Katharine, countess of Effingham, on the fly-leaf. CHARLES, Mrs. Elizabeth. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family, by two of themselves. New York, 1864. i2mo. Cripple of Antioch and other scenes from Christian life in early times. New York, 1864. i6mo. — Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan : a story of the times of White- field and the Wesleys. New York, 1866. i2mo. — The Early dawn, or Christian life in England in the olden time. New York, 1864. i2mo. — The martyrs of Spain and the liberators of Holland. Anony- mous. New York, 1865. i6mo. CHARLESTON, Siege of, by the British fleet and army under the command of Admiral Arbuthnot and Sir Henry Clinton, which ter- minated with the surrender of that place on the 12th of May, 1780. Portrait. Anonymous. Albany, 1867. 8vo. Only 100 copies printed on large paper. CHARLEVOIX, Peter FRA^'CIS Xavier de. History and general description of New France. Translated with notes by J. G. Shea. Portraits. New York, i866-'72. 6 vols. 4to. Journal of a voyage to North America. Containing the geo- graphical description and natural history of that country, particu- larly Canada. Translated from the French. London, 1761. 2 vols. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF CHARNOCK, Stephen. Doctrine of regeneration. Selected from his writings. Philadelphia. i2mo. CHATTERTON, Thomas. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 2 vols. i2mo. CHATTO, William A. History of wood engraving. See Illus- trated London News. Gems of wood engraving. CHAUCER, Geoffrey. Canterbury Tales. With essay, notes, and glossary by Thomas Tyrwhitt. Oxford, 1798. 2 vols. 4to. Canterbury Tales. With the notes and glossary of Thomas Tyrwhitt, and illustrations by Edward Corbould. London, 1854. i6mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 6 vols. ismo. CHAUMETON, Francois P., Chamberet, Jean B., et Poiret, Jean L. M. Flore medicale. Peinte par M""= E. P et par M. J. Turpin. Paris, 1833-35. ^ ^°^^- 4'^o- CHAUMONOT, Pierre J. M. La vie, ecrite par lui-meme, missio- naire dans la Nouvelle France, I'an 1688. New York, 1858. i2mo. Limited edition, No. 41. Suite de la vie du, par un Pere de la meme Compagnie, avec la mani&re d'oraison du v^n^rable Pere Ecrite par lui-meme. New York, 1858. i2mo. Limited edition, No. 39. CHAUNCY, Charles. The plain doctrine of the justification of a sinner in the sight of God. London, 1659. i6mo. CHECKLEY, John. His tryal for publishing Leslie's short method with Deists. See Leslie, C. CHEEVER, George B. Right of the Bible in our public schools. New York, 1854. i6mo. CHEEVER, Henry T. Reel in a bottle, or Jack in the doldrums. New York, 1852. i2mo. 122 THE STUART LIBRARY. CHEFS d'ceuvre de I'art antique architecture, peinture, etc., premiere serie. Monument de la vie des anciens. Texte par M. Romou. Paris, 1867. 3 vols. 4to. Same. Paris, 1867. 2 vols. 4to. — Same. Deuxicme serie. Monuments de la peinture et de la sculpture. Texte par M. F. Lenormant. Paris, 1867. 4 vols. 4to. — Same. Paris, 1867. 410. CHEMNITZ. Conchylienwerk. See Martini. CHENU, J. C. Manuel de conchyliologie et de jial^ontologie concho- logique. Illustrated. Paris, 1859. 4to. Illustrations conchyliologiques, ou description et figures des coquilles classdes suivant Lamarck. Paris. 4 vols. Folio. CHEVALIER, Michel. On the probable fall in the value of gold, and the commercial and social consequences. Translated from the French. New York, 1859. 8vo. CHEVALIER, Nicolas. Histoire de Guillaume III., Roy d'Angle- terre. Prince d'Orange, etc., par m^dailles et autres monumens publics. Illustrated. Amsterdam, 1692. 410. CHEYNELL, Francis. The man of honour described, in a sermon before the house of Lords in 1645. London, 1645. i6mo. CHICHESTER, Francis, Lord Bishop. Sermon, preached before the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 21, 1734. London, 1735. i2mo. CHICHESTER, John, Lord Bishop. Sermon, preached before the So- ciety for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, February 15, 170I. London, 1706. i2mo. CHILD, David L. The culture of the beet and manufacture of beet sugar. Illustrated. Boston, 1840. i2mo. 123 CATALOGUE OF CHILD, Francis J., editor. English and Scottish ballads. Boston, i860. 8 vols. izmo. Same. Boston, 1866. 8 vols. i2mo. CHILDREN in Heaven, or the infant dead redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Compiled by W. E. S. Philadelphia, 1865. 8vo. CHINA, Our relations with. The gage of the two civilizations. Shall Christendom waver? Anonymous. Macao, i860. 8vo. CHODZKO, Alexander. Specimens of the popular poetry of Persia. London, 1842. 8vo. CHORLEY, Henry F. Illustrative notices to medallion portraits of the authors of England. See Collas, A. CHORLTON, William. Cold grapery, from direct American practice. Illustrated. New York, 1853. lamo. CHOULES, John O. Origin and history of missions. See Smith, Thomas. CHRISTIAN library. The. A reprint of popular religious works. New York, 1836. 6 vols, bound in 3. 8vo. CHRISTIAN life. Ears of the spiritual harvest ; or, narratives of the Christian life. Philadelphia. i2mo. CHRISTIAN retrospect and register, for 1850 and 1855. Edited by Robert Baird. New York. izmo. CHRISTIAN Sabbath. A series of discourses by N. L. Rice and others. New York, 1863. izmo. CHRISTIAN spectator, Quarterly. Conducted by an association of gentlemen. New Haven, 1833. Vol. 5. 8vo. CHRISTIAN'S magazine, designed to promote the knowledge and in- fluence of evangelical truth and order. New York, i8o8-'ii. 4 vols. i2mo. CHRISTMAS carols. Illuminated from ancient manuscripts in the British museum. London. i6mo. 124 THE STUAKT LIHRAKV. CHRONICLES of the crusades ; being contemporary narratives of the crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion, by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey ue Vinsauf ; and of the crusade of Saint Louis, Ijy lord John De Joinville. With illustrative notes and an index. London, 1848. i2mo. CHURCH, Benjamin. History of King Philip's war. With an intro- duction and notes by H. M. Dexter. Boston, 1865. 8vo. Only 250 copies printed, large paper. History of the eastern expeditions of 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696 and 1704 against the Indians and French. With an introduction and notes by H. M. Dexter. Map. Boston, 1867. 8vo. Only 250 copies printed, l.irge paper. CHURCHILL, Charles. Poetical works. With a memoir and por- trait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 2 vols. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. CHURCHILL, Charles H. Mount Lebanon. A ten years' resi- dence, from 1842 to 1852, describing the manners, customs, and religion of its inhabitants. London, 1853. 3 vols. 8vo. CHURTON, Edward, and Jones, W. B. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Illustrated by comment, and sketches from photographs. London, 1865. 2 vols. i2mo. CICERO, Marcus Tullius. Cato Major. A discourse of Old Age [De Senectute]. With explanatory notes. All in English. Printed by B. Fratiklin. Philadelphia, 1744. i2mo. " De Officiis." Marcus Tullius Ciceroe's three bookes of duties, to Marcus his sonne, turned out of latine into english by Nicolas Grimalde, whereunto the latine is adioyned. R. Tottill. London, 1858. i8mo. Black letter. Reprint. Epistolse familiares ad Lentulum. Commentum Hubertini clerici Crescentinatis. Venice, 1485. Folio. 125 CATALOGUE OF CICERO, Marcus Tullius. Orationes qusedam selectae, notis Anglicis illustratae, cura et studio Thomas Dugdale, jun. Philadelphia, 1815. 8vo. CIEZA DE LEON, Pedro de. Travels, 1532-1550. Contained in the first part of his chronicle of Peru. Translated by C. R. Mark- ham. Hakluyt society. London, 1864. 8vo. CIGCOGNARA, Leopoldo. Storia della scultura dal sue risorgimento in Italia, fino al secolo di Canova. Tavole 185. Prato, 1823. Folio. Storia della scultura per servire di continuazione alle opera di Winckelmann e di Agincourt. Edizione seconda. Prato, 1824. 7 vols. 8vo. CIOCCI, Raffaelo. Iniquities and barbarities practiced at Rome in the nineteenth century. Philadelphia, 1845. i2mo. CLAPPERTON, Hugh. Discoveries in Africa. See Denham, Dixon. CLARENDON, Ea7-l of. See Hyde, Edward, earl of Clarendon. CLARK, Edward L. Daleth ; or, the homestead of the nations. Egypt illustrated. Boston, 1864. 8vo. CLARK, Edwin. The Britannia and Conway tubular bridges. Pub- lished under the supervision of Robert Stephenson. London, 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. Plates, i vol. Folio. CLARK, E. Warren. Life and adventure in Japan. New York, 1878. i6mo. CLARK, William J., Jr. Great American sculptures. With twelve superb steel engravings. India proofs. New York, 1878. 410. CLARKE, Edward D. Travels in Russia, Tartary and Turkey. New York, 1813. i6mo. CLARKE, McDonald. Poems. New York, 1836. i6mo. 126 THE STUART LIBRARY. CLARKE, Mary CowjiiiN. World-noted women ; or types of womanly attributes of all lands and ages. Illustrated with seventeen engrav- ings on steel, from original designs, by Charles Staal. New York, 1858. 4to. CLARKE, Samuel. Martyrologie. Illustrated. London, 1651. 4to. No title page. CLAUDE, Le Lorrain. Liber veritatis, or a collection of prints after his original designs, in the collection of the duke of Devonshire, executed by Richard Earlom, with a descriptive catalogue. Lon- don, 1819. 3 vols. Folio. CLAVIGERO, D. Franceso Saverio. History of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexican historians from Manuscripts and An- cient Paintings of the Indians. Illustrated by Charts and other Copper-plates ; to which are added Critical Dissertations on the Land, the Animals and the Inhabitants of Mexico. Translated from the original Italian by Charles Cullen. London, 1787. 2 vols. 4to. CLAVIJO, RuY Gonzalez de. Narrative of the embassy to the court of Timour at Samarcand, 1 403-1 406. Translated by C. R. Mark- ham. Halduyt society. London, 1869. 8vo. CLAY, Henry. Life, correspondence, and speeches. By Calvin Col- TON. New York, 1864. 6 vols. 8vo. CLELAND, James. History of the high-school of Glasgow, its history from 1825 to 1877, by T. MuiR. With a memoir of Dr. Cleland by J. C. Burns. Glasgow, 1878. 8vo. CLEVELAND, Charles D. A compendium of English literature chronologically arranged. Philadelphia, 1854. i2mo. CLEVELAND, Henry R. Life of Henry Hudson. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog , vol. lO. CLEVELAND, N. Descriptive notices of Greenwood and Mount Auburn. See Smillie, J. 127 CATALOGUE OF CLEVELAND, N. Greenwood. A directory for visitors. Illustrated. New York, 1849. i6mo. CLEVELAND, Parker. An elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology. Illustrated by six plates. Boston, 1822. i2mo. CLINTON, Sir Henry. His narrative relative to his conduct during his command of the King's troops in North America, particularly in 1781. Portrait. New York, 1783. lamo. CLOSS, A. Switzerland ; its mountains and valleys. With four hun- dred and eighteen illustrations after original drawings. New York, 1879. Folio. CLOSS, G., DiEZ, W., and others. The Bavarian highlands and the Salz- kammergut. With an account of the hunters, poachers, and peasantry of these districts, by H. Schmid and Karl Steiler. Illustrated. London, 1874. Folio. GLUTTON, Henry. Illustrations of mediaeval architecture in France, from the accession of Charles VI. to the demise of Louis XII. With historical and professional remarks. London, 1856. Folio. Tinted lithographs. COATES, Reynell. First lines of physiology ; being an introduction to the science of life. Philadelphia, 1S47. i2mo. COATS, William. Geography of Hudson's bay in voyages between 1727 and 1751. Edited by John Barrow. Hakluyt society. Lon- don, 1852. 8vo. COBBETT, William. "Peter Porcupine." The bloody buoy thrown out as a warning to the Political Pilots of America. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1796. i8mo. A history of the protestant reformation in England and Ireland. London, 1829. 2 vols. 4to. COBBOLD, T. Spencer. Entozoa : an introduction to the study of helminthology, with reference more particularly to the internal parasites of man. London, 1864. 8vo. COBHAM, Lord. See Oldcastle, John, Lord Cobham. 128 THE STUART LIHKAKV. COCKBURN, Henry. Memorials of his time. Edinburgh, 1856. 8vo. COCKBURN, James. "The Major." Views to illustrate the route of the Simplon. Drawn on stone, by J. Harding. London, 1822. Folio. Swiss scenery. With descriptive text. London, 1820. Bvo. Views to illustrate the route of Mont Cenis. Drawn on stone by C. Hullmandel. London, 1822. Folio. CODDINGTON, David .S. Speeches and addresses ; with a biograph- ical memoir. New York, 1866. 8vo. COESVELT, W. G. Collection of pictures. See Joubert, F. COFFIN, Charles Carleton. The boys of '76 : a history of the battles of the revolution. Illustrated. New York, 1877. 8vo. COGHILL, J. Henry. Abroad : journal of a tour through Great Britain and on the continent. New York, 1868. i2mo. The family of Coghill, 1377 to 1879; with some sketches of their maternal ancestors, the Slingsbys of Scriven hall. 1135 to 1879. Illustrated. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo. COGHLAN, Airs. Margaret. Memoirs ; written by herself. With introduction and notes. Illustrated. New York, 1864. 8vo. With autograph letter and 22 plates inserted. COHEN, C. C. Mechanics' assistant. See Vale, G. COINS and medals. Catalogue of a collection belonging to the duke of Devonshire, sold at auction March 18, 1844. London, 1844. i2mo. Catalogue of a valuable cabinet formed by J. D. Cuff, sold at auction, June 8, 1854. London, 1854. i2mo. Catalogue of a valuable collection, the property of the late John Thane, sold at auction, April 19, 1819. London, 1819. 1 2 mo. 9 "9 CATALOGUE OF COINS and medals. Catalogue of a valuable collection of the late Robert Abdy, sold at auction, June 14, 1841. London, 1841. 1 2 mo. Catalogue of a very select cabinet, the property of Lord Holmesdale, sold at auction, July 8, 1850. London, 1850. izmo. — Sales catalogues of the collections of Messrs. Miles, Durrant, Alchorne, Stokes and Loscombe. London, i82o-'55. i2mo. GOLDEN, Cadwallader. History of the five Indian Nations of Canada. London, 1750. i2mo. The history of the five Indian nations depending on the province of New York. With introduction and notes, by J. G. Shea. New York, 1866. 8vo. Reprinted exactly from Bradford's New York edition [1727]. Life of Robert Fulton. New York, 1S17. 8vo. COLEMAN, Charles. The mythology of the Hindus. With notices of various mountain and island tribes, and an appendix comprising the minor avatars, and the mythological and religious terms, etc., of the Hindus. London, 1832. 4to. COLEMAN, Lyman. Historical text-book and atlas of Biblical geogra- phy. Philadelphia, 1855. 4to. COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor. Poems. Edited by Derwent and Sara Coleridge. London, 1852. i6mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. The rime of the ancient mariner. Illustrated by Gustave Dor£. New York, 1876. Folio. COLES, Elisha. Discourse of God's sovereignty. Philadelphia, 1854. i2mo. COLLAS, Achille. Medallion portraits of the authors of England, engraved from the works of British artists. With illustrative notices by H. F. Chorley. London, 1838. 4to. 130 THE STUART LIBRARY. COLLIER, JiiRF.MY. Ecclesiastical history of Great Britain from the first planting of Christianity to the end of Charles IL's reign. London, 1852. 9 vols. 8vo. COLLIER, John Payne. A bibliographical and critical account of the rarest books in the English language. New York, 1866. 4 vols. i2mo. A book of Roxburghe ballads. Illustrated. London, 1847. 8vo. COLLIER, Joseph A. The Christian home, or religion in the family. Philadelphia, 1859. i2mo. COLLIER, William F. History of English literature, in a series of biographical sketches. New York, 1867. i2mo. COLLINGWOOD, Cuthbert. Rambles of a naturalist on the shores and waters of the China sea. London, 1868. 8vo. COLLINS, William. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. i2mo. COLNAGHI, Paul and Dominick, publishers. Gems of the "art treasures exhibition," Manchester, 1857. Photographed by Signori Caldesi and Montecchi. Modern and ancient series. London, 1858. 2 vols. Folio. COLQUHOUN, P. Treatise on the wealth, power, and resources of the British empire. With statistical tables. London, 18 15. 410. COLTON, Calvin. Life, etc., of Henry Clay. Si-e Clav, Henry. COLTON, Charles C. Lacon ; or many things in few words. New York, 1S32. 2 vols, in i. i6mo. COLTON, George W. Atlas of the world, illustrating physical and political geography. New York, 1855. 2 vols. Folio. COLUMBIAN Phenix and Boston review. Vol. I., for 1800. With eu- logies on Washington and portraits of him. Boston, 1800. i2mo. 131 CATALOGUE OF COLUMBUS, Christopher. Epistola de Insulis in mari Indico nup. invetis ; quam vir Aliander d' Losco in Latina convertit. i8mo. Fac-simile, black-letter of 1493. First voyage to America ; personal narrative, from a manuscript recently discovered in Spain. Translated from the Spanish. Anon- ymous. Boston, 1827. Svo. Letters, with other original documents relating to his four voy- ages to the New World. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. Hakluyt Society. London, 1847. Svo. Same. Second edition. 1870. Svo. Notes on Columbus. New York, 1S65. 4to. COLVIN, Verplanck. Report of the topographical survey of the Adirondack wilderness of New York for 1S73. Illustrated. Al- bany, 1S74. 8vo. COLWELL, Stephen. New themes for the protestant clergy. With notes. Philadelphia, 1S53. i2mo. COMBE, William. The tour of Doctor Syntax in search of the pic- turesque. With an interesting biography of the author. London, 1864. Svo. Colored plates. COMESTOR, Petrus. Historica scholastica. Black-letter. Liitials colored. Strasburg, 1483. Folio. Same. A beautiful manuscript of the 13th century. Vel- lum, colored initials, wide margin. Svo. " He received his surname from the rapidity with which he devoured the Script- ures ; was bom in the twelfth century, became chancellor of the university of Paris, but, exhausted by severe application and study, he retired and became a canon regular of St. Victor in the same city, where he died in October, iigS. This is his chief production." — See Bibliotheca Stissexiana, volume I, part I, page 249. COMMERCE et des marchandises, dictionnaire du : encyclopedie du commer^ant. Paris, 1839. 2 vols. 4to. 132 THE STUART I.IIiRARY. COMTE, AcHiLLE Joseph. Book of birds. Edited and abridged from the text of Buffon. See Buffon, G. L. L. COMTE, AuGusTE. The positive philosophy, freely translated and condensed by Harriet Martineau. London, 1853. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. COMYN, Robert. History of the western empire from Charlemagne to Charles V. London, 185 i. 2 vols. 8vo. CONCHYLIOLOGIE, Journal de. Publie sous la direction de Crosse, Fischer et Bernardi. 3° serie. Paris, i85i-'8i. 21 vols. i2mo. CONCHOLOGICA Indica. Illustrations of the land and fresh water shells of British India. Edited by Hanley and Theobald. Illus- trated. London, 1876. 4to. CONCHOLOGY. Thirty-nine plates of shells, drawn by hand and colored. Folio. C0ND6, Josi5 Antonio. History of the dominion of the Arabs in Spain. Translated from the Spanish, by Mrs. J. Foster. Portrait. London, 1854. 3 vols. i6mo. CONDER, Claude Reignier. Pictorial scenes from pilgrim's prog- ress. London, 1869. 4to. See also Bunyan, John. CONEY, John. Beauties of continental architecture, in a series of views of ancient cathedrals and other remarkable public buildings in France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. 28 plates and 56 vignettes, with letter press description. London, 1843. Folio. Engravings of ancient cathedrals, hotels-de-ville, etc., in France, Holland, Germany, and Italy. With illustrative descriptions. Lon- don, 1842. Folio. Shepherd, George, atid others. Architectura ecclesiastica Lon- dini ; being a series of views of the cathedral and churches in London, etc. With essay on early English architecture, and de- scriptional remarks, by Charles Clarke. London, 1819. Folio. 133 CATALOGUE OF CONFEDERATE states of North America. Bills and bonds, from ten cents to five thousand dollars, in portfolio, loose. Folio. CONFERENCE on missions, held in i860, at Liverpool. London, i860. 8vo. CONFESSION of Faith, owned and consented unto by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches Assembled at Boston, in New Eng- land, May 12, 1680. Being the second Session of that Synod. Boston, 1680. i8mo. Presentation copy from the Secretary, Edward Rawson. CONGREGATIONAL church. Ancient platforms of the Congrega- tional churches of New England. Hartford, 1845. i8mo. CONGRESS held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774. Journal of the proceedings. Philadelphia, 1774. i2mo. CONNECTICUT historical society collections. Hartford, i860. Vol. I. 8vo. CONOLLY, M. F. Fifiana ; or memorials of the East of Fife. Glas- gow, 1869. 8vo. CONSTABLE, Henry. An essay on the measure of Christian liber- ality. London, 1853. 8vo. Gold and the gospel. Ulster prize essays. CONSTITUTION of United States. Sr^ United States. CONTANSEAU, L^on. Pocket dictionary of the French and English languages. London, 1876. 24mo. CONTARINO, Ambrogio. Travels to Tana and Persia. See Barbaro, Josafa. CONYBEARE, John J. Observations on the poetry of our Anglo- Saxon ancestors. Three letters addressed to Henry Ellis, F. R. S. 4to. Taken from Vol. XVII. of archseologia. CONYBEARE, W. J., and Howson, J. S. The life and epistles of St. Paul. Illustrated. London, 1854. 2 vols. 4to. 134 THE STUART LIBRARY. COOKE, Edward, translator. A Just and Seasonable Reprehension of Naked Breasts and Shoulders. Written by a Grave and Learned Papist. Preface by Richard Baxter. London, 1678. i8mo. COOK, George. A general and historical view of Christianity, its origin, progress, doctrines, polity, etc. Edinburgh, 1822. 3 vols. 8vo. COOK, George H. Geology of New Jersey. Newark, 1868. 4to. Maps to accompany the above. By G. M. Hopkins, C. E. Folio. COOK, James. Three voyages round the world, 1768-1771. Illus- trated with maps and engravings on wood and steel. London. 2 vols. 4to. COOK, Russell S., editor. The Christian Sabbath ; its authority, duties, benefits and civil relations : a series of discourses. New York, 1863. i2mo. COOKE, Edward W. and George. Views in London and its vicinity. Engraved by George Cooke, after sketches by Edward W. Cooke. London, 1834. Folio. COOKE, G. and W. J., and others. Picturesque views on the eastern coast of England. See Stark, James. COOKE, John Esten. Stonewall Jackson ; a military biography. With a portrait and maps. New York, 1866. 8vo. COOKE, W. B. Illustrations of the Thames scenery. London, 1829. 4to. and G. engravers. Descriptions to the plates of Thames scenery. London, 181 8. 8vo. COOLEY, James Ewing. The American in Egypt, with rambles through Arabia Petrsa and the Holy Land, in 1839-40. Illus- trated. New York, 1842. 8vo. 13s CATALOGUE OF COOPER, James Fenimore. 1 2 mo. Novels. New York, 1859. 34 vols. CONTENTS. Afloat and ashore. Bravo ; a Venetian story. Chainbearer. Crater ; or, Vulcan's peak. Deerslayer ; or, the first war-path. Headsman ; or, the Abbey des Vignerons. Heidenmaaer ; or, the Benedictines. Home as found. Sequel to Homeward bound. Homeward bound. Jack Tier ; or, the Florida reef. Last of the Mohicans. Lionel Lincoln ; or, the leaguer of Boston. Mercedes of Castile ; or, voyage to Cathay. Miles Wallingford. Sequel to Afloat and ashore. Monikins. Ned Myers ; or, life before the mast. Oak openings ; or, the bee hunter. Pathfinder ; or, the inland sea. Pilot ; a tale of the sea. Pioneers ; or, the sources of the Susque- hanna. Prairie. Precaution. Red Rover. Redskins. Satanstoe. Sea Lions ; or, the lost sealers. Spy ; a tale of the neutral grounds. Two Admirals. Water-Witch. Ways of the hour. Wept of Wish-ton-wish. Wing and Wing ; or, Le Feu-foUet. Wyandotte ; or, the hutted knoll. — Travelling bachelor ; or notions of the Americans. New York, 1859. i2mo. - Same. London, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. History of the navy of the United States. Illustrated. New York, 1854. 8vo. COOPER, J. G. and Sucklev G. Natural history of Washington ter- ritory, with much relating to Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oregon, and California. Illustrated. New York, 1859. 4to. COOPER, R. and Page, R. Fifty wonderful portraits. Engraved from authentic originals. London, 1824. 4to. COOPER, Thomas. Admonition against Martin Mar-prelate. See Puritan discipline tracts. COOPER, Tho.mpson, editor. Men of the time : a dictionary of con- temporaries, containing biographical notices. London, 1S72. 8vo. 136 THE STUART LIBRARY. CORBET, Richard. Poems; to which is added his "Oratio in funus Henrici principi.s." Edited by O. Gilchrist. London, 1807. i2mo. CORBETT, M. The Oriental key to the Sacred Scriptures. Rites, usages, and domestic manners of Eastern countries. Philadel- phia, 1837. iSmo. CORDINER, Charles. Antiquities and scenery of the North of Scot- land ; Letters to Thomas Pennant. Illustrated. London, 1780. 8vo. CORNER, John. Portraits of celebrated painters. With medallions from their best performances, and authentic memoirs. London, 1825. 4to. Same. London, 1825. 4to. CORNWALLIS, Kinahan. Royalty in the new world ; or the prince of Wales in America. Illustrated. New York, i860. i2mo. CORRARIO, HiERONYMO. Numismata serea selectiora maximi moduli e Museo Pisano. Illustrated. Venice. Folio. CORRY, John. The life of George Washington, first president and commander-in-chief of the armies of the United States of America. Illustrated. New York, 1809. i6mo. CORSET and the crinoline ; a book of modes and costumes from re- motest periods to the present time, by W. B. L. Illustrated. London. i2mo. CORTEZ, Hernando. Fifth letter to the emperor Charles V., con- taining an account of his expedition to Honduras. Translated by P. de Gayangos. Hakluyt Society. London, 1868. 8vo. COSAS de Espana ; or going to Madrid via Barcelona. Anonymous. New York, 1855. i2mo. COSTA, Da. See Da Costa. COSTE, Pascal. Monuments modernes de la Perse ; mesures, des- sines et decrits. Paris, 1S67. Folio. Numerous plates, some double and colored. CATALOGUE OF COSTELLO, Dudley. A tour through the valley of the Meuse : with the legends of the Walloon country and the Ardennes. Illustrated. London, 1846. i2mo. COSTELLO, Louisa S. Memoirs of eminent English women. Illus- trated. London, 1844. 4 vols. 8vo. The rose-garden of Persia. Poems. London, 1845. izmo. COSTUME du moyen age, d'apres les manuscrits, les peintures et les monuments contemporains ; pT6c6di d'une dissertation sur les moeurs et les usages de cette ^poque. Illustrated. Brussels, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. COSTUMES. Album of ancient and modern costumes, from a.d. 843 to 1843, of royal and distinguished ladies. Folio. COTMAN, John S. Engravings of sepulchral brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk ; to illustrate the ecclesiastical, military, and civil costume, etc., in that county. With introduction by D. Turner, and notes by Sir Samuel R. Meyrick, and others. London, 1839. 2 vols. Folio. COTTAFAVI. Gaetano. Raccolta delle principali vedute Roma e suoi contorni. Rome, 1843. Folio. COTTON, Charles. The complete angler, etc. 3*1?^ Walton, Isaac. COTTON, Henry. Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from the year 1505 to 1850. With specimens and descriptions. Illustrated. Oxford, 1852. 8vo. The five books of Maccabees in English. With notes and illus- trations. Oxford, 1832. 8vo. COTTON, John. The Bloudy Tenent washed and made white in the bloud of the Lambe. How farre liberty of Conscience should be given. London, 1647. i6mo. — Treatise of the covenant of grace, as it is dispensed to the elect seed effectually unto Salvation. London, 167 i. iSmo. — True Constitution of a particular visible Church, proved by Scripture. London, 1642. i2mo. 138 THE STUART LIBRARY. COUARD, C. L. Life of Christians during the first three centuries of the church. Translated by L. J. Bernays. Edinburgh, 1841. 1 6 mo. COUCHt, J. Galerie du Palais-Royal, grav^e d'aprfes les tableaux des differentes ^coles qui la composent ; avec une description par de FoNTENAi, Morel, etc. Paris, i 786-1808. 3 vols. Folio. COUES, Elliott. Birds of the north-west. A hand-book of the ornithology of the region drained by the Missouri and its tribu- taries. Washington, 1874. 8vo. COUNCIL OF Trent. Doctrinal decrees and canons. With notes by W. C. Brownlee. New York, 18 — . i8mo. COUTTS, W. G. "The Games." A nicht wi' Burns, and other poems. New York, i860. 8vo. COVENANTERS in Scotland. Anonymous. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vols. i8mo. COVENTRY and Litchfield, Edward, Lord Bishop of. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20, 1718. London, 1719. i2mo. COVERDALE, Miles. Remains ; containing prologues to the transla- tion of the Bible, etc. Edited for the Parker society by George Pearson. Cambridge, 1846. 8vo. Writings. In British reformers. Vol. 12. COWAN, John. The science of a new life. Illustrated. New York, 1874. Svo. COWDIN, Elliot C. France in 1870-1. An address delivered before the Cooper union, Feb. to, 1872. New York, 1872. 8vo. Report to the department of state on silk and silk manufac- tures. Washington, 1868. Svo. COWPER, William. Poems. With a memoir by John McDiarmid. Edinburgh, 1838. i8mo. Poetical works. London, 1843. 3 vols. i8mo. 139 CATALOGUE OF COWPER, William. Poetical works. Edited by Robert Bell. London, 1854. 3 vols. i6mo. Poetical works. London, 1853. 2 vols. Bvo. — Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. — Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1865. 3 vols. i2mo. — The task ; a poem. Illustrated by Birket Foster. New York, 1855. 8vo. COX, F. A. Biographical annals of the Hebrews. See Hale, W. H. COX, G. W. Dictionary of science, etc. See Brande, W. T. COX, Robert. Literature of the Sabbath question. Edinburgh, 1865. 2 vols. i2mo. COXE, John R., editor. Emporium of the arts and sciences. Illus- trated. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 vols. i2mo. COYNE, J. Stirling. Illustrations, etc., of Ireland. See Bartlett, W. H. COZZENS, IssACHAR. Geological history of Manhattan or New York island. With map of the island, etc. New York, 1843. 8vo. CRABB, George. English synonymes. With copious illustrations and explanations, drawn from the best writers. New York, 1854. 8vo. CRAIG, John, translator. History of the protestant church in Hun- gary from the reformation to 1850. With introduction by Merle d'Aubign^. Boston, 1854. i2mo. A new, universal, technological, etymological and pronouncing dictionary of the English language. Illustrated. London, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. CRAIK, George L. and MacFarlane. Pictorial history of England to 1820. London, 1846-49. 8 vols. 8vo. 140 THE STUART LIBRARY. CRANMER, Thomas. Writings. In British reformers. Vol. 8. CRANTZ, David. History of Greenland ; including an account of the mission carried on by the united brethren. Illustrated. London, 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. CRAWFORD, Alexander W., Lord Lindsay. Sketches of the history of Christian art. London, 1847. 3 vols. 8vo. CRAYON, The. A journal devoted to the graphic arts. Illustrated. New York, iSss-'y. 4 vols. 8vo. CRESY, Edward. Architectural antiquities of Rome. See Taylor, G. L. CRICHTON, Andrew. History of Arabia and its people. London, 1853. i2mo. CRISP, Stephen. Sermons by Stephen Crisp, one of the antient preachers amongst the Quakers. Philadelphia, 1773. i6mo. Bound with " Mighty Distroyer," which see. CROCKETT, Henry C. The American in Europe; being "guesses and calculations " on men and manners. Illustrated. London. 4to. CROLY, George. Poetical works. Illustrated. London, 1830. 2 vols. i2mo. CROMWELL, Oliver. Letters and speeches. With elucidations by Thomas Carlyle. New York, 1845. 2 vols. i2mo. Same. Third edition, enlarged. Illustrated. London, 1850. 4 vols. i2mo. CRONICLE of Yeres, from the begynnynge of the World. Anony- mous. Reprint, fac-simile. Original printed at London, 1552. i8mo. Only 100 copies printed. CRONISE, Titus F. Natural wealth of California. With a detailed description of each county. San Francisco, 1868. 8vo. 141 CATALOGUE OF CROSS-BEARER. A vision. Poems published by American tract soci- ety. Boston, i86i. i2mo. CROUCH, Edmund A. An illustrated introduction to Lamarck's con- cholog)'. Translated from the French. With twenty-two plates. London, 1827. 4to. CROWE, EvRE Evans. The history of France London, i858-'68. 5 vols. 8vo. CROWE, J. A. and Cavalcaselle, G. B. The early Flemish painters ; notices of their lives and works. Illustrated. London, 1857. i2mo. A new history of painting in Italy from the 2d to i6th cen- tury. Illustrated. London, i864-'6. 3 vols. i2mo. CRUDEN, Alexander. Concordance of the Old and New Testa- ments. London, 1865. 4to. Same. Edited by C. S. Carey. London, 1865. i6mo. CRUIKSHANK, George. ]\Iy sketch-book. New York. 410. A series of comic illustrations. CRUSADES. See Chronicles of the crusades. GUMMING, John. Apocalyptic sketches ; or lectures on the book of Revelation. London, 1849. izmo. Same. Second series. London, 1851. i2mo. — Apocalyptic sketches ; or lectures on the seven churches of Asia Minor. London, 1851. i2mo. — The church before the flood. London, 1853. izmo. — Daily family devotion ; or guide to family worship : a hymn, a portion of Scripture and a prayer for every morning and evening. London, 1854. 4to. — Family prayers for each morning and evening in the year. Philadelphia, 1S55. 2 vols. i2mo. 142 THE STUART MliRARV. GUMMING, John. Foreshadows; or, lectures on our Lord's mira- cles. London, 1851. 12010. Foreshadows ; or, lectures on our Lord's parables. London, 1852. i2mo. The Hammersmith protestant discussion. The controversial dis- cu.ssion between John Gumming and Daniel French, on the dif- ferences between protestantism and popery, held at Hammersmith in 1839. London, 1S54. i2mo. Prophetic studies ; or, lectures on the book of Daniel. London, 1850. i2mo. Sabbath morning readings on the Old Testament. Book of Genesis. Boston, 1854. i2mo. — The tent and the altar ; or, sketches from patriarchal life. Boston, 1S54. i2mo. — Voices of the day. London. i2mo. — Voices of the dead. London. i2mo. Voices of the night. London. i2mo. "The sale of Dr. Cumming's works has exceeded that of the productions of any other theological writer of the day." — Allibone. GUMMINGS, Thomas S. Historic annals of the National academy of design. New York drawing association, etc. With occasional dot- tings by the wayside, from 1825 to the present time. Philadel- phia, 1865 8vo. With inserted portraits. GUMMINGS, Maria S El Fureidis. Boston, i860. i2mo. "Miss C. is also the authoress of The lamplighter, of which 70,000 copies were issued the first year." — Allibone. GUNDALL, Joseph, editor. Examples of ornament selected chiefly from works of art in the British museum, etc. Drawn from origi- nal sources, by Francis Bedford, Thomas Scott, Thomas Mac- QUOiD, and Henry O'Neill. London, 1855. Folio. 143 CATALOGUE OF CUNNINGHAM, Allan, editor. The anniversary ; or, poetry and prose for 1829. London, 1829. 4to. Gallery of pictures by the first masters of the English and for- €\gsx schools, with biographical and critical dissertations. London. 2 vols, in I. 4to. CUNNINGHAM, George G. History of England, in the lives of Englishmen. Illustrated. London, 1853. 8 vols. 8vo. "This excellent work is beyond all praise."- — AlUbone. CUNNINGHAM, Peter. Story of Nell Gwyn, and the sayings of Charles the Second, related and collected. London, 1852. i2mo. With many inserted plates. CUNNINGHAM, Robert O. Natural history of the strait of Magel- lan and west coast of Patagonia, made during the voyage of H. M. ship Nassau, in 1866-69. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1871. i2mo. CUNNINGHAM, William. The reformers and the theology of the reformation. Edinburgh, 1866. 8vo. Theological lectures. New York, 1878. 8vo. CURIOUS articles, selected from the gentleman's magazine. London, 1809. 3 vols. i2mo. CURMER, Leon, ed'.teur. Les Anglais, peints par eux-memes, par les sommites litt^raires de I'Angleterre, dessins de Kinny Meadous, traduction de Labedollierre. Illustrated. Paris, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. Les Franfais peints par eux-memes ; encyclopedic morale du 19""= siecle. Colored wood-cuts. Paris, 1841-2. 5 vols. 8vo. Volumes I and 2, marked " Province." Les Fran^ais, peints par eux-memes. Illustrated, wood-cuts colored. Paris, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. CURTIS, William. Flora Londinensis ; or, plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London. With their 144 THE STUART LIBRARY. several names according to Linnxus, and a description of each plant in Latin and English. London, 1777. 5 vols. I'olio. " Of unrivalled excellence." — Monthly Review. CURZON, Robert, Jr. Visits to the monasteries of the Levant. Illustrated. London, 1851. izmo. GUSHING, Luther S. Rules of proceeding and debate in delibera- tive assemblies. Boston, 1866. iSmo. "The standard for legislative bodies of the U. S." GUSHMAN, Robert. The first sermon ever preached in New Eng- land in 1621 [that was printed]. New York, 1858. i6mo. "On the sin and danger of self-love." Mr. C. was a layman, and one of the founders of the Plymouth colony. CUSTINE, AsTOLPHE DE. Russia. Translated from the French. New York, 1854. izmo. GUVIER, George G. L. F. D. Essay on the theory of the earth. With mineralogical notes by Jameson, and geological observations by Mitchell. Illustrated. New York, 1818. i2mo. " Extending the principles laid down in his comparative anatomy to the study of paleontology, he has rendered immense service to geology." — Appleton's cychpadia. D ABLON, R. p. Glaude. Relation de ce qui s'est pass^ de plus remarquable aux missions des freres de la compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France les ann^es 1673 \ 1679. New York, i860. 8vo. DA GOSTA, Isaac. The four witnesses ; being a harmony of the Gos- pels on a new principle. Translated by D. D. Scott. New York, 1855. 8vo. Israel and the Gentiles ; contributions to the historj' of the Jews from the earliest time to the present day. New York, 1855. i2mo. DAFFORNE, James H. T. K., and others. The sculpture gallery. A se- ries of eighty-one engravings. Accompanied with descriptive prose and illustrative poetry by James Dafforne, T. K. Hervev, and oth- ers. With essay on sculpture, ancient and modem. London. 4to. D'AGINGOURT, J. B. L. Seroux. See Seroux. 10 145 CATALOGUE OF DAILLfi, Jean. Exposition of the epistle of St. Paul to the Colos- sians. Translated by J. Sherman. Philadelphia. 8vo. Exposition of the epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians. Trans- lated by J. Sherman. Philadelphia. 8vo. Treatise on the right use of the fathers in the decision of con- troversies existing at this day in religion. Philadelphia, 1856. 1 2 mo. DALCHO, Frederick. Historical account of the protestant Episcopal church in South Carolina. Charleston, 1820. 8vo. DALL, William H. Alaska and its resources. Illustrated. Boston, 1870. 8vo. DALLAS, Robert C. History of the Maroons, from their origin to the establishment of their chief tribe at Sierra Leone ; including the expedition to Cuba, for the purpose of procuring Spanish chas- seurs ; and the state of the island of Jamaica for the last ten years, with a succinct history of the island. Illustrated. London, 1803. 2 vols. i2mo. "Contains much curious and interesting matter." — Allibone. DALTON, Henry G. History of British Guiana ; comprising a gen- eral description of the colony. Illustrated. London, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. DALYELL, John G. Powers of the Creator displayed in the crea- tion : or, observations on life amidst the various forms of animated nature. With comments and illustrations. London, 1851-58. 3 vols. 4to. " This work places the author in the first rank as an origfinal investigator." — Mag. of nat. hist, Rare and remarkable animals of Scotland, represented from living subjects. Containing 109 colored plates. London, 1847-48. 2 vols. 4to. DANA, Charles A., editor. Household book of poetry. New York, 1859. 4to. " A success. " — Tuckerman. 146 THE STUART I.IIiliARY. DANA, Charles A., editor. 'J'hc United States illustrated ; in views of city and country. With descriptive and historical articles. New York. 2 vols. 4to. DANA, David D. The fireman ; the fire departments of the United States. With a full account of all large fires. Illustrated. Bos- ton, 1858. i2mo. DANA, James D. Corals and coral islands. Illustrated. New York, 1872. 8vo. Manual of geology ; treating of the principles of the science with special reference to American geological history. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1863. 8vo. Structure and classification of zoophytes. Philadelphia, 1846. Folio. Synopsis of the report on zoophytes of the U. S. exploring ex- pedition around the world under C. Wilkes, in 1838-1842. New Haven, 1859. 8vo. A system of mineralogy ; comprising the most recent discoveries. Illustrated by six hundred wood-cuts. New York, 1854. 2 vols, in 1 . 8vo. "This work does great honor to America." — London Alhenaum. Zoophytes, geology and Crustacea. See Wilkes, C. and Brush, George J. A system of mineralogy. Descriptive mineralogy, comprising the most recent discoveries. New York, 1868. 8vo. DANGER of the Church of England from a General assembly of Covenanters in Scotland. London, 1706. i2mo. DANIELL, William. Engravings of the adventure of Hunchback, from pictures painted by Robert Smirke. See Arabian nights, etc. DANIELL, William. A voyage round the north and north-west coast of Scotland, and the adjacent islands. With a series of views. London. Folio. 147 CATALOGUE OF DANIELL, William, and Gaunter, Hobert. Oriental annual ; or scenes in India. With 22 engravings. London, 1836. 8vo. DANSEY, James C. The English crusaders ; containing an account of all the English knights who formed part of the expedition for the recovery of the Holy Land. Illustrated by four hundred coats of arms, etc., illuminated in gold and colours. London, 1850. 4to. Only 40 copies printed for sale. DANTE, Alighieri. Divine comedy. Translated by Henry Wads- worth Longfellow. Boston, 1867. 3 vols. 8vo. Divine comedy. Translated into English verse by J. C. Wright. Illustrated by Flaxman. London, 1859. i2mo. La Divina commedia. Illustrated. London, 1823. 2 vols. 48mo. — L'Enfer de, avec les dessins de Gustave Dore. Traduction Frangaise de pere Angelo Fiorentino, accompagnee du texte Italien. Paris, 1861. Folio. — The new life. Translated, with essays and notes, by Charles Eliot Norton. Boston, 1867. 8vo. DARCIE, Abraham, tratislator. Annales of the true and Royall His- tory of the famous Empresse Elizabeth, Queene of England, France and Ireland, etc., etc. London, 1625. 2 vols. 8vo. From the French. DARLEY, Felix O. G. Compositions in outline from Judd's Mar- garet. Engraved by Konrad Huber. New York, 1856. 4to. Illustrations of the legend of Sleepy Hollow. Designed and etched for the American art-union. New York, 1849. 4to. — ■ Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle. Designed and etched for the American art-union. 4to. DARRAS, J. E. General history of the catholic church, from the commencement of the Christian era to the present time. From the French. Illustrated. Nevv' York, 1865. 4 vols. 8vo. 148 THE STUART LIBKARV. DARWIN, Charles. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. With illustrations. London, 187 i. 2 vols. izmo. Expression of the emotions in man and animals. With illustra- tions. New York, 1873. i2mo. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. Lon- don, 1869. i2mo. Variation of animals and plants under domestication. Illus- trated. London, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. D'AUBIGNlfe, J. H. Merle. See Merle d'Aubign^. DAVENPORT, John. Aphrodisiacs and anti-aphrodisiacs. Three essays on the powers of reproduction. With some account of the judicial "congress" as practiced in France during the seventeenth century. London, 1869. 8vo. DAVENPORT, John I. Directory of the registered voters of New York city, arranged by streets and house numbers. New York, 1877. 8vo. DAVIES, C. M. History of Holland and the Dutch nation, from the beginning of the tenth century to the end of the eighteenth. Lon- don, 1 85 1. 3 vols. 8vo. " A valuable work, long wanted." — Lend. Athenaum. DAVIES, Samuel. Religion and patriotism the constituents of a Good Soldier; a sermon, from the Philadelphia edition. London, 1756. i2mo. " His sermons are highly esteemed for elegance of style, as well as masterly treatment of important subjects." — Diet, of Am. Hog. DAVILLIER, Ch. L'Espagne. Illustree de 300 gravures dessindes sur bois par Gustave Dori5. Paris, 1874. 4to. Spain. Translated by J. Thomson. Illustrated by Gustave Dor£. New York, 1876. Folio. Same. New York, 1876. Folio 149 CATALOGUE OF DAVIS, A. History of New Amsterdam. Illustrated. New York, 1854. i2mo. DAVIS, W. W. H. The Spanish conquest of New Mexico. Illus- trated. DOYLESTOWN, Pa., 1869. Svo. DAWSON, Henry B. The Assault on Stony Point, by General An- thony Wayne, July 16, 1779. Prepared for the New York histori- cal society, and read at its regular monthly meeting, April i, 1862. AVith a map, fac-similes, and illustrative notes. Illustrated. Mor- RiSANiA, 1863. 4to. Limited edition. Same. Large paper, with plates. Morrisania, 1863. 4to. — The case of Elizabeth Rutgers versus Joshua Waddington, de- termined in the mayor's court in New York, Aug. 7, 1786, etc. Morrisania, 1866. Svo. — The gazette series. Yonkers, 1866. 4 vols. Svo. Only 26 copies printed for private circulation. — Gleanings from the harvest field of American history. Part IV. Diary of David How, a private in Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent's regiment of the Massachusetts line in the army of the American revolution : with illustrative notes. Morrisania, 1S65. Svo. Only 250 copies, large paper. — Same. Part 6. Major-General Israel Putnam. Correspond- ence with the editor of the Hartford Daily Post, by " Selah," and Henry B. Dawson. Morrisania, i860. Svo. — The magazine miscellany. Morrisania, 1866. 4 vols. Svo. Only 15 copies printed privately. — The park and its vicinity, in the city of New York. Morrisa- nia, 1867. 4to. — Record of the trial of Joshua Hett Smith, for alleged com- plicity in the treason of Benedict Arnold, 1780. Morrisania, 1866. Svo. 150 THE STUART LIBRARY. DAY by day ; a book of private prayers. Anonymous. New York, 1867. 48010. DEAKIN, Richard. Ferns of Britain, and their allies ; comprising equisetacejc, filiacea;, lycopodiacea:, and marsileacese. London, 1857. 8vo. Florigraphia Britannica ; or, engravings and descriptions of the flowering plants and ferns of Britain. Vols. 1-3. London, 1857. 3 vols. 8vo. DEAN, Amos. History of religion and government in Europe, and of the British constitution. Albany, 1876. 8vo. DEANE, Charles. Memoir of George Livermore. Prepared by reso- lution of the Massachusetts historical society. Cambridge, 1869. 4to. DEANE, James. Ichnographs from the sandstone of the Connecticut river. Boston, 1861. 4to. DEANE, John B. The worship of the serpent, traced throughout the world. Illustrated. London, 1833. 8vo. DEANE, Silas. Papers in relation to his case, now first published from the original manuscripts. Philadelphia, 1855. 8vo. He was U. S. minister to France. DE BRY. See Brv, Theodore de. DE CARDONNEL, Adam. Numismata Scotiae, or a series of the Scottish coinage from the reign of William to the Union. Illus- trated. Edinburgh, 1786. 410. DECLARATION of independence. See United States. DECLOUX ef Doury, archiicctes. Histoire archdologique, descrip- tive et graphique de la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais. Paris, 1857. Folio. DE COSTA, Benjamin F. Lake George ; its scenes and characteris- tics. With sketches of Schroon lake, the lakes of the Adirondacks and Lake Luzerne. Illustrated. New York, 1879. i2mo. CATALOGUE OF DE COSTA, Benjamin F. The Northmen in Maine, and a chapter on the discovery of Massachusetts Bay. Albany, 1870. 8vo. Sketches of the coast of Maine and Isles of Shoals. Illustrated. New York, 1869. i2mo. DE FOE, Daniel. La vie et les aventures de Robinson Crusoe. Illustrated. Paris, 1801. 4 vols. i2mo. "All ages and people hang delighted over Robinson Crusoe, and will continue to do so while the world lasts." — Charles Lamb. DE LA BECHE, Henry T. Geological manual. Philadelphia, 1832. 8vo. "A truly Baconian volume ; a sort of Novum Organon of Geology." DELAFIELD, John, Jr. An inquiry into the origin of the antiqui- ties of America. With an appendix by James Lakey. New York, 1839. 4to. Colored plates. DELAFIELD, Richard. Report on the art of war in Europe in 1854-56. Washington, 1861. 4to. He was ordered to Europe by the U. S. gov't., to observe the Crimean war. Report made to the senate. DE LA PALME, M. Le livre de mes petits-enfants. Dessins par H. GiACOMELLi. Paris, 1S66. 8vo. Delicate borders, wood-cuts. DE LA PLACETTE, M. The death of the righteous ; or the way of holy dying. From the French, by L. F. Bayard. New York, 1833. i6mo. DELAWARE and Hudson canal co. versus the Pennsylvania coal co. New York, 1858. 13 vols. 8vo. Contents: Pleadings and testimony. 1858. 7 vols.; Arguments of counsel for the defendants. 1S63. 5 vols.; E.xhibits. i vol. DE-LA- WARRE, Lord. Relation of, Gouernour and Captaine Generall of the Colonie planted in Virginea. London, 1611. 8vo. Twenty copies, fac-simile. Delaware is the modern form of his name. THE STUART LIBRARY. tale\f D^-LltON, M., LabM. Under the ban. I.e maudit, a talcT^f the nine- teenth century. From the French. New York, 1864. 8vo. DE LIEFDE, John. Six months among the charities of Europe. Illustrated. London, 1865. 2 vols. izmo. DELL, William. The Trial of Spirits, both in Teachers and Hearers ; the Discovery of the Anti-Christian Clergy. Reprinted from the London edition of 1666, by Benj. Franklin. Philadelphia, 1790. 1 6 mo. The writer was ejected in 1662. DELPECH, F. S. Iconographie des contemporains ; ou portraits des personnes, avec les fac-simile de I'^criture de chacune d'elles, etc., etc. Paris, 1832. 2 vols. Folio. DELRIO, Antonio. Description of the ruins of an ancient city dis- covered near Palenque in Spanish America. Translated from the original manuscript report. Followed by a critical investigation and research into the history of the Americans, by Paul Felix Cabrera. London, 1822. 4to. DEMAREST, David D. History of the reformed protestant Dutch church. New York, 1856. i6mo. DEMAREST, John T. Tran.slation and exposition of the first epistle of the apostle Peter. New York, 1851. i2mo. and Gordon, W. R. Christianity ; or essays on the coming and kingdom of Christ. New York, 1867. r2mo. DENHAM, Dixon, and Clapperton, Hugh. Narrative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa in 1822-24. London, 1826. 4to. "An invaluable work." — Allibonc. DENNISTOUN, James. Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino ; illustrating the arms, arts, and literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630. Illus- trated. London, 185 i. 3 vols. 8vo. DENON, Dominique V. Voyages dans la basse et la haute Egypt, pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte. London, 1809. 2 vols. 4to. The author was director-general of museums and superintendent of mints under Napoleon Bonaparte. CATALOGUE OF DENON, Dominique V. Voyages dans la basse et la haute Egypt, pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte. Planches du voyage, etc. Folio. DENTON, Daniel. Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands. New York, 1845. 8vo. " Reprint of the London edition of 1670, of which only three copies are known to be in the United States." — AUibone. DERO-BECKER, Miteur. Souvenirs de la fete donnee le 26 Septem- bre 1848 par le cercle artistique et litt^raire. Dessin^s et litho- graphies par MM. Billoin, etc. Brussels, 1849. Folio. DE SANCTIS, L. Rome, Christian and papal. Sketches. New York, 1856. i2mo. DE TILLEMONT, Le Nain. See Le Nain. DE VEER, Gerit. Three voyages by the northeast towards Cathay and China by the Dutch, in 1594-96. Edited by C. T. Beke. Hakhiyt society. London, 1853. 8vo. Three voyages of William Barents to the Arctic regions, 1594- 96. With introduction by K. Beynen. Hakluyt society. London, 1876. 8vo. Same as preceding. DEVERIA, Jacques J. M. A. Les hommes c61ebres de ITtalie. Re- cueil par Legouve, etc. 28 portraits en pied. Dessin^s par De- veria et graves sur acier. Paris, 1845. 8vo. DEW-DROP of the sunny South. A story written from every-day life. Anonymous. Philadelphia, 1851. i6mo. DEWITT, Thomas. Discourse delivered in the North reformed Dutch church in New York Aug., 1856. New York, 1856. 8vo. DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall. A bibliographical, antiquarian and pic- turesque tour in France and Germany. Illustrated. London, 1 82 1. 3 vols. 8vo. 154 I'lIE STUART I.TBRARY. DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall. A bibliographical, antiquarian and pic- turesque tour in France and Germany. Illustrated. London, 1821. 12 vols. 4to. A choice copy on large paper, extensively illustrated, with additional plates, and an autograph letter from the author. There are also original etchings and India proofs, and a specimen of the original autograph writing of Torquato Tasso and his father licrnardo Tasso. Same. Second edition. London, 1829. i2rao. " One of the most beautiful and covctable books of modem times." — Robert Southey " One of tlic most handsome which ever came from the British press." — VValtir Scotl. ... " The amount paid to engravers alone approached £,S,ovo." — Allibone. A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in the north- ern counties of England and Scotland. Illustrated. London, 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. — The bibliographical decameron ; or ten days' pleasant discourse on illuminated manuscripts, etc. Illustrated. London, 1817. 3 vols. 4tO. "If the gods could read, they would never be without a Dtcameron in their side pockets." — Ceo. //. Freeling. — Bibliomania or book-madness, a bibliographical romance. Illus- trated. London, 1842. 2 vols. 4to. Same. London, 1842. 4to. Same. London, 1842. 8vo. Key to characters personified pencilled on fly-leaves. Same. New and improved edition. London, 1876. 8vo. Same. London, 181 i. i2mo. "The Bibliomania is one of the most extraordinary literaiy gratifications I have enjoyed for years."— /rojri- Disraeli. — Bibliotheca Spenceriana ; a descriptive catalogue of books of the 15th century, in the library of the earl of Spencer. London, 1S14. 7 vols, bound in 8. Folio. Profusely illustrated, with autograph of the author. 155 CATALOGUE OF DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall. Catalogue of books lately in the library of the Duke di Cassano Serra. London, 1823. 4to. The director; a weekly literary journal. London, 1807. 2 vols. 8vo. — Introduction to the rare editions of Greek and Latin classics, and polyglot Bibles. Second edition. Illustrated. London, 1804. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. Fourth edition. London, 1827. 4to. Large paper. — The library companion, or young man's guide and old man's comfort in the choice of a library. London, 1825. 8vo. "Second and best edition. Fine copy." — Reminiscences of a literary life. Illustrated. London, 1836. I vol. bound in 2. 4to. Subscription copy, large paper, with autograph letters ; 2 to the original sub- scriber. Miss Currer, and a third to Sir M. M. Sylies. Also contains inserted portraits. Same. London, 1836. 8vo. " Of all Englishmen that ever lived there never was one better suited to make a dry study attractive and a learned subject plain This magician [Dibdin] could with his pen dress up a begrimed, uncouth-looking volume in more attractive style than could binder with most cunning tools." — Allibone. — The Sunday library, or the protestant's manual. Sermons from eminent divines. London, 1850. 6 vols. i6mo. Typographical antiquities, begun by Ames, and augmented by Herbert. Illustrated. London, 1810-19. 4 vols. 4to. DICK, Thomas. Celestial scenery. Illustrated. New York, 1838. izmo. The Christian philosopher ; or the connection of science and philosophy with religion. Illustrated. Glasgow. 2 vols. i6mo. On the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge. Illustrated. Glasgow, 1833. i6mo. THE STUART LIBRARY. DICK, Thomas. The philosophy of a future state. Illustrated. Glas- gow. i6mo. The philosophy of religion ; or an illustration of the moral laws of the universe. Illustrated. Glasgow. i6mo. DICKENS, Charles. Bleak house. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1854. 8vo. Christmas storie.s, and pictures from Italy. Philadelphia, 1853. 8vo. — Dombey and son. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1852. 8vo. — Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Illustrated. Phil- adelphia, 1841. 8vo. Old curiosity shop and other tales. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1 84 1. 8vo. — Oliver Twist. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1841. 8vo. — The personal history of David Copperfield. Illustrated. Phil- adelphia, 1853. 8vo. — Posthumous papers of the Pickwick club. Illustrated. Phila- delphia, 1841. 8vo. — Sketches by Boz, illustrative of every-day life and every-day people. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1841. 8vo. Novels and sketches. Illustrated. London, 1871. 12 vols. 8vo. CONTENTS : Bamaby Rudge. Bleak house. David Copperfield. Dombey and son. Little Dorrit. Martin Chuzzlewit. Nicholas Nickleby. Oliver Twist. Tale of two cities. Old curiosity shop. Our mutual friend. Pickwick papers. Sketches by Boz. Household words; a weekly journal. London, i85o-'s4. 9 vols. 8vo. 157 CATALOGUE OF DICKENS, Charles. Cyclopedia of best thoughts. Compiled by F. G. DE Fontaine. New York, 1882. 4to. DICKENS' dictionary. See Pierce, G. A., and Wheeler, W. A. "Of English writers of the comic order, Dickens is not only the most distin- guished, but the first." — Land, quart, rev. DICKESON, MoNTROViLLE AV. The American numismatic manual ; the money of the aborigines and colonial and United States coins. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1859. 4to. DICKIE, George. Typical forms. See M'Cosh, James. DICKINSON, Austin, editor. The national preacher; or original monthly sermons. New York, 1826-1830. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. DICKINSON, Richard W. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, histor- ically and logically reviewed. Philadelphia, 1S65. i6mo. DICKINSON'S comprehensive pictures of the great exhibition of 1851. From the originals painted for prince Albert by Nash, Haghe and Roberts. London, 1854. 2 vols. Folio. 55 colored plates with te.xt. DICTIONNAIRE pittoresque d'histoire naturelle et des phdnomenes de la nature. M. E.-E. Gu^rin, ^diteur. Paris, 1833-9. 9 vols. 8vo. DIELMANN, VON, Bamberger tind Wegelin. Der Rheinische tourist. Frinnerungs-Blaetter. In stahl gestochen von W. Lang und Ru- dolf. Frankfort. 4to. DIES, A. C, Reinhart, C, et Mechau, J. Collection ou suite de vues pittoresques de I'ltalie. Dessinees d'apres nature et gravdes ^ I'eau forte a Rome. Contenant 62 planches. Nuremberg, 1802. Folio. DIEULAFAIT, Louis. Diamonds and precious stones; a popular ac- count of gems. Translated by Fanchon Sanford. Illustrated. New York, 1874. i2mo. DILL, Edward M. The mystery solved : Ireland's miseries; the grand cause and cure. Edinburgh, 1852. i6mo. 158 THE STUART LIBRARY. DILLON, C. Account of the inquisition at Goa. Translated from the French. London, 1815. 8vo. DILLON, Frank. Sketches in the island of Madeira. London, 1850. Folio. DILLON, John B. History of Indiana, from its earliest exploration by Europeans to 1816, and from 1816 to 1856. Illustrated. In- dianapolis, 1859. 8vo. DINNIES, Afrs. Anna P. The floral year. With flowers drawn and coloured from nature. Each flower illustrated with a poem. Bos- ton, 1847. i2mo. " Her pieces are marked with unusual grace and tenderness." — Griswold. DIONSYSIUS, Halicarnassus. Origines ; sive Antiquitates Romani. Treves, 1480. 4to. Very rare and valuable, without title ; initials hand-painted, as in all earliest books. DISNEY, John. Museum Disneium ; being a description of a collection of ancient marbles, specimens of ancient bronze, and various ancient fictile vases, in the possession of John Disney, at the Hyde, near Ingatestone. London, 1849. Folio. "Evincing the learning and elegance of mind of their accomplished author." — Classical tuuscum. DISOW.W, Gabriel P. The earliest churches of New York and its vicinity. New York, 1865. 8vo. DISRAELI, Isaac. Curiosities of literature. With a view of the life and writings of the author, by his son. Cambridge, Mass., 1864. 4 vols. 8vo. " He deser%es the lasting gratitude of posterity." — Allibone. DISTRESSED State of the Town of Boston. A letter from one in the Country to his friend in Boston upon a pamphlet so Entituled. Anonymous. Boston, 1720. i6mo. DISTURNELL, John. New York as it v/as and as it is. New York, 1S76. izmo. 159 CATALOGUE OF DISTURNELL, John. Sailing on the great lakes and rivers of Amer- ica. With map and embellishments. Philadelphia, 1874. i2mo. DIX, John A. A winter in Madeira, and a summer in Spain and Florence. Illustrated. New York, 1853. i2mo. DIX, Morgan. Sermons, doctrinal and practical. New York, 1878. 1 2 mo. DIX, William G. The university of the South ; an address at Beer- sheba springs, Tennessee. Nashville, 1859. i2mo. DIXON, William Hepworth. New America. With illustrations from original photographs. Philadelphia, 1867. i2mo. Personal history of Lord Bacon. From unpublished papers. Boston, 1861. 8vo. DODD, William. Thoughts in prison. With his last prayer and other miscellaneous pieces. Boston, 1777. i6mo. An English clergyman, executed for forgery, June 27, 1777, at Tyburn. DODDRIDGE, Philip. Rise and progress of religion in the soul. Philadelphia, 1843. i2mo. Sermons on various subjects. London, 1826. 4 vols. 8vo. DODGE, Richard I. The hunting grounds of the great west. With an introduction by W. Blackmore. Illustrated. London, 1877. 8vo. DODGE, William E. Old New York ; a lecture, delivered at associ- ation hall, April 27, 1880. Illustrated. New York, iSSo. 8vo. DOGGETT, John, Jr. New York city directory, from 1842 to 1851 inclusive. New York. 9 vols. 8vo. DOLLMAN, Francis T. Examples of antient pulpits existing in England. Selected and drawn from sketches and measurements taken on the spot. With descriptive letter-press. London, 1849. 4to. 30 plates, of which 3 are highly finished in colors. 160 THE STUART LIIiKARY. DOMBRAIN, H., Smith, W. G., Burbigk, F. W., and Dean, Richard. The floral magazine. Figures and descriptions of the choicest new flowers. London, 1872-1881. 10 vols. 410. DOMENECH, Emmanuel. Seven years' residence in the great deserts of North America. Illustrated. London, i860. 2 vols. 8vo. DON, George. General history of the dichlamydeous plants ; compris- ing complete descriptions of the different orders. Arranged accord- ing to the natural system. London, 1831-1838. 4 vols. 410. DONALDSON, James. Ante-Nicene Christian library. See Roberts, A. DONALDSON, Thomas. Architectura numismatica ; or architectural medals of classic antiquity. Illustrated with one hundred lithographs. London, 1859. 8vo. DONNE, John. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Bos- ton, 1866. i2mo. "The greatest wit, though not the greatest poet of our nation." — Dryden. DONOVAN, Edward. Natural history of British fishes ; including sci- entific and general descriptions, and coloured plates from original drawings. London, 1802-1808. 5 vols, in 3. 8vo. Natural history of British insects. Illustrated by coloured fig- ures, from living specimens. London, 1813. 16 vols, in S. 8vo. Natural history of British quadrupeds ; consisting of coloured figures, with scientific and general descriptions arranged after the manner of Linnaeus. London, 1820. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Natural history of British shells ; systematically arranged in the Linnaan manner. London, i 802-1 S04. 5 vols, in 3. 8vo. DOPPEL, J., U7id KuRZ, M. Berlin und Potsdam ; mit 24 ansichten nach der natur, gezeihnet gestochen und herausgegeben. Ihre ver- gangenheit, gegenwart und zukunst geschildert Von Beta. Munich, 8vo. DORAN, John. Table traits, with something on them. London, 1S54. i2mo. n 161 CATALOGUE OF DORE, GusTAVE. The legend of the wandering Jew. A series of twelve designs. With explanatory introduction. London. Folio. Illustrations. See Bible ; also Blackburn, H. ; Cervantes, S. ; Coleridge, S. T. ; Dante, A. ; Davillier, Ch. ; Hood, T. ; La Fontaine, J. de ; L'Epine, E. ; Milton, J. ; Rasp, R. E. ; Taine, H. A. ; Tennyson, A. DOUBLEDAY, Thomas. A financial, monetary, and statistical history of England from 1688. London, 1859. 8vo. DOUGLAS, CoRwiN, and Parker. Catalogues of their libraries, sold at auction. New York, 1856. 8vo. DOUGLAS, Sir Robert. The peerage of Scotland : containing an historical account of the nobility of that kingdom. With continua- tion by J. P. Wood. Edinburgh, 1813. 2 vols. Folio. DOWIE Dens o' Yarrow. Illustrated by J. Noel Paton. Edin- burgh (?), i860. Folio. "Founded on a fatal rencontre in the early part of the I7ih century." — Chambers' Scottish ballads. DOWLING, John. The history of Romanism from the earliest cor- ruptions to the present time. Illustrated. New York, 1857. 8vo. Same. New York, 1871. 4to. "Proved and authenticated by accredited Papal writers." — Giusiiniani. DOWNE, Bishop. A sermon preached at the Publique Faste the ninth of Feb., in St. Marie's, Oxford. Oxford, 1643. i6mo. Paper. DOWNEY, William S. Proverbs. New York, 1856. i6mo. DOWNING, Andrew J. The architecture of country houses. Illus- trated. New York, 1854. 8vo. Cottage residences ; or a series of designs for rural cottages and cottage villas. New York, 1844. 8vo. The fruits and fruit-trees of America. Culture, propagation, and management. New York, 1869. 8vo. Same. With coloured engravings. New York, 1850. 8vo. 'AH his writings have freshness, charm, and value." — Quart, rev. 162 Tlir. STL-ART LIBRARY. DOYLE, James E. A chronicle of England from b.c. 55 to a.d. 1485, written and illustrated. The designs engraved and printed in colors by Evans. London, 1S64. 4to. DOYLE, Martin, editor. The illustrated book of domestic poultry. London, 1854. 8vo. DOYLE, Richard. The foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson. Illustrations. London, 1854. 4to. DRAKE, Francis S. Dictionary of American biography, including men of the time. With supplement. Boston, 1872. 4to. DRAKE, Joseph Rodman, and Halleck, F. G. The croakers. First complete edition. With portrait. New York, i860. 8vo. No. 2 of Bradford Series, which see. DRAKE, Samuel A. Nooks and corners of the New England coast. Illustrated. New York, 1875. 8vo. DRAKE, Samuel G. Book of the Indians, or biography and history of the Indians of North .\merica. Illustrated. Boston, 1841. 8vo. " A work of high authority for f.icts." History and antiquities of Boston, from 1630 to 1770. With notes critical and illustrative. Boston, 1857. 410. editor. The old Indian chronicle ; being a collection of exceed- ing rare tracts ; written and published in the time of king Philip's war, by persons residing in the country ; to which are now added an introduction and notes, with a map. Boston, 1867. 8vo. DRAPER, John W. History of the American civil war. Illustrated. New York, t868. 3 vols. 8vo. DRAYTON, John. Memoirs of the American revolution, as relating to South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia. Illustrated. Charleston, 1821. 2 vols. 8vo. A view of South Carolina, as respects her natural and civil concerns. Illustrated. Charleston, 1802. 8vo. 163 CATALOGUE OF DRESDEN gallery. Fifty of the finest examples of the old masters of this famous gallery, reproduced in permanent photography. With descriptive letter press. London, 1S75. Folio. DRESDEN gallery. Die vorziiglichsten gemalde der Koniglichen galerie in Dresden. Nach den originalen auf stein gezeichnet. Nebst erklarungen in historischer und artistischer hinsicht in Deutscher und Franzosischer sprache. Herausgegeben von Franz Hanfstaengl. Dresden, 1836. Folio. Same. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, i860. Folio. DRESDEN gemaldegallerie, Meisterwerke der 30 blatter, nach den originalen in kupfer gestochen, mit erklarendem text von Carl Clauss. iJbertragen in die Englische und Franzosische sprache. Dresden. Folio. DRESDEN, Royal gallery of. S^-e Payne, A. H. DRESSES of different nations, Ancient and Modern, particularly old English dresses, after the designs of Holbein, Vandyke, Hollar and others, with Historical Remarks, and the Habits of the principal characters on the English stage. Text in French and English, Full page illustrations. London, 1757-72. 4 vols. 8vo. DRUMMOND, W. H. The large game, and natural history of south and south-east Africa. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1875. 8vo. DRURY, B. Paxson. A fruitful life. Experiences and missionary labors of Stephen Paxson. Philadelphia, 1882. i2mo. DRURY, Drew. Illustrations of exotic entomology, containing figures and descriptions of foreign insects. A new edition, with additional matter by J. O. Westwood. London, 1837. 3 vols. 410. " Unsurpassed in beauty and accuracy." — Encyc. Brit. DRYDEN, John. Poetical works. Edited by Robert Bell. Lon- don. 3 vols. i6mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 5 vols. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 5 vols. i2mo. 164 THE STUART LIBRARY. DUBLIN exhibition. Illustrated catalogue of the exhibition of art- industry in Dublin, 1853. London. 4to. DUBOIS, Charles. An epitome of Lamarck's arrangement of testacea. LoNuoN, 1824. i6mo. DU BOIS, William E. Coins of all nations. See Eckfeldt, J. R. DUBOURG M. Views of the remains of ancient buildings in Rome and its vicinity. With a descriptive and historical account of each subject. London, 1820. Folio. DUCAREL, Andrew C. A Series of above two hundred Coins of the Antient Kings of England, exhibited in sixteen copper plates, and illustrated in twelve letters. With author's portrait. London, i757- 8vo. DU CHAILLU, Paul B. Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa. Map and illustrations. London, 1S61. 8vo. Journey to Ashango-land ; and further penetration into equa- torial Africa. Illustrated. New York, 1867. 8vo. DUER, William A. Reminiscences of an old New Yorker. With 30 steel plates. New York, 1867. 4to. Only 35 copies printed, brge paper. DUSSELDORF gallery. Photographs, etc. See Turner, A. A. DUFF, Alexander. Missionary addresses. With papers on female education. Edinburgh, 1850. i6mo. India and India missions, including sketches of Hinduism. Edinburgh, 1840. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the author. The Indian rebellion, its causes and results. New York, 1858. i6mo. The world-wide crisis. An address at the opening of the gen- eral assembly of the free church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1873. 1 2 mo. DUFFERIN, Lorc^. See Blackwood. Frederick Temple, ZorJ Duf- ferin. 165 CATALOGUE OF DUFFIELD, John T., editor. The Princeton pulpit. New York, 1852. 8vo. DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, Henri L. Traite des arbres et arbustes que Ton cultive en pleine terre en Europe, et particulierement en France. Paris, 1825. 7 vols. Folio. DUMAS, Alexander. Pictures of travel in the south of France. Illustrated. London. i2mo. DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules S. C. Voyage de la corvette I'Astro- labe execute par order du roi, pendant les anndes 1826-1829. Paris, 1830-34. Se compose des parties suivantes : Histoire da voyage, rc'digee par Dumont d'Urville. 5 vols. 8vo. Et un atlas. 2 vols. Folio. * Meteorologie, magnetisme, temperature de la mer, etc., memoire redige par M. Arago. i vol. 8vo. Botanique. Text par MM. Lesson, jeune, et A. Richard. I vol. 8vo. Atlas. I vol. Folio. Zoologie, redigee par MM. Quoy et Gaimard. 5 vols. 8vo. Atlas. 2 vols. Folio. Entomologique, redigee par M. Latreille. I vol. 8vo. * Hydrographie. Atlas, redigee par M. Dumont d'Urville. * Meteorology and atlas of hydrography not in this set. DUNCAN, Jonathan. The history of Guernsey ; with occasional notices of Jersey, Alderney and Sark. London, 1841. 8vo. History of Russia. London, 1854. i2mo. DUNCAN, Mrs. America as I found it. By the mother of Mary Lundie Duncan. Illustrated. New York, 1852. i6mo. Memoir of Mary Lundie Duncan, by her mother. New York, 1842. i2mo. DUNLAP, William. History of the New Netherlands ; province and state of New York. Illustrated. New York, 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. History of New York, for schools. New York, 1855. 2 vols. i8mo. History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States. New York, 1834. 2 vols, bound in 6. 8vo. With many inserted plates. 166 THE STUAKT MBRARY. DUNLOP, John. Memoirs of Spain during tiic reigns of Philip IV. and Charles II., from 1621 to 1700. Edinburgh, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. DUNRAVEN, Earl of. See Quin, W. T., Earl of Dunraven. DUPLESSI-BERTAUX, J. Tableaux historiques de la rdvolulion Francaise, ou analyse des principaux ^vfenemens qui ont eu lieu en France depuis la premiere assemblde des notables tcnue ^ Ver- sailles en 1787. Chacun de ces portraits est accompagn^ d'une notice historique et d'un cam^e, compost et grav^ k I'eau-forte, par J. Duplessi-Bertaux. Paris, 181 7. 2 vols. Folio. DURER, Albert. Passio Christi. Die kleine passion. The little pas- sion. Reproduced in fac-simile. Edited by W. C. Prime. New York, 186S. 410. The passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Edited by Henry Cole; with fac-simile wood-cuts. London, 1844. i2mo. Life, etc. See Scott, W. B. "Durer is the most celebrated painter of the 16th century, better known out of Germany as a designer and engraver." — Appleton. DURRIE, Daniel S. and Isabel. Catalogue of the librarj' of the state historical society, Wisconsin. Madison, 1873. 2 vols. 8vo. DU SARTEL, O. La porcelaine de Chine. Origines, fabrication, decors et marques. La porcelaine de Chine en Europe. Cla.sse- ment, chronologique, imitations, contrefafons. Paris, 1881. Folio. DUTCH church. Centennial and dedication of the North Dutch church, May 25th, 1869. Illustrated. New York, 1869. 8vo. DUYCKINCK, Evert A. History of the war for the Union : civil, military and naval. Illustrated by Alonzo Ciiappel. New York, 1865. 3 vols. 8vo. and George L. Cyclopedia of American literature, embracing personal and critical notices of authors. With portraits, autographs and other illustrations. New York, 1S66. 2 vols, in 4 parts. 4to. 167 CATALOGUE OF DWIGHT, Theodore. American magazine and family newspaper. New York, 1845-6-7. 3 vols. 8vo. DYER, William. Christ's Famous Titles and a Believer's Golden Chain, Handled in divers Sermons ; Together with His Cabinet of Jewels, or a Glimse of Zion's Glory. Edinburgh, 1750. 24mo. In limp leather binding and case. E ADIE, John. An analytical concordance to the Holy Script- ures, or the Bible presented under distinct and classified heads or topics. Boston, 1857. 8vo. editor. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures on the basis of Cruden. New York, 1850. 8vo. EARLE, Augustus. Narrative of a nine months' residence in New Zealand in 1827. With a journal of a residence in Tristan d'Acunha. London, 1832. i2mo. " Much curious information in a very agreeable manner." — LoiiJ. Athen. EARS of the spiritual harvest ; or, narratives of the Christian life. Anonymous. Philadelphia. i2mo. EASTLAKE, Charles L. Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery and other details. Illustrated. London, 1872. i2mo. History of the Gothic revival ; or attempt to show how the taste for mediaeval architecture, which lingered in England during the last centuries, has since been encouraged and developed. Illustrated. London, 1872. 8vo. EASTMAN, Mary H. American aboriginal portfolio. Illustrated by S. Eastman. Philadelphia, 1853. 4to. EASTON, John. Narrative of the causes which led to Philip's Indian war of 1675 and 1676 ; with other documents concerning this event in the office of the secretary of state of New York. Prepared from the originals, with an introduction and notes, by Franklin B. Hough. With a map. Albany, 1858. i2mo. Large paper. 168 THE STUART LIBRARY. EATON, Charlotte A. Rome in the nineteenth century ; containing a complete account of the ruins of the ancient city, the remains of the middle ages, and the monuments of modern times. With re- marks on the fine arts, the museums of sculpture and painting, the manners, customs, and religious ceremonies of the ancient Romans. Illustrated. London, i860. 2 vols. i6mo. EATON, Daniel C. The ferns of North America ; colored figures and descriptions. With synonymy and geographical distribution of the ferns, including the ophioglossiaceae, of the United States of America and the British North American possessions. The drawings by J. H. Emerton and C. E. Faxon. Salem, i879-'8o. 2 vols. 4to. EBRARD, J. H. A. The gospel history ; a compendium of critical in- vestigations on the four gospels. Translated by James Martin. Edinburgh, 1863. 8vo. ECCLESIASTICAL architecture of Italy. See Knight, H. G. ECCLESTON, James. An introduction to English antiquities ; in- tended as a companion to the history of England. Illustrated. London, 1847. 8vo. "A seasonable and judicious work." — Ediii. rev. ECHO, The. With other poems. " Printed at the porcupine press by Pasquin Petronius." New York, 1807. 8vo. With many inserted plates. ECHOES from the living grave. By a convict in Sing-Sing prison. New York, 1869. i6mo. ECKFELDT, Jacob R., and Du Bois, Wm. E. A manual of the gold and silver coins of all nations, struck within the past century. Il- lustrated. Philadelphia, 1842. 8vo. ECKHEL, Joseph H. Choix des Pierres Gravdes du Cabinet Imperial des Antiques representees en 40 Planches d^crites et expliqudes. Vienna, 1788. Folio. ECONOMIST, weekly commercial times, bankers' gazette and railway monitor. London, 1845. Vols, i and 2. 4to. 169 CATALOGUE OF EDERSHEIM, Alfred. History of the Jewish nation. Edinburgh, 1857. 8vo. EDGAR, Samuel. The variations of popery. London, 1838. 8vo. "A strange commentary on infallibility, unity, uninterrupted succession, etc." — Lend, Presb. rev. EDINBURGH clergy. Sketches. Anonymous. Edinburgh, 1832. 8vo. EDINBURGH dehneated : comprising fifty views of the principal buildings, streets and picturesque scenery. Anonymous. London, 1833. i2mo. ENDINBURGH encyclopaedia. Second American edition. New York, 1832. 18 vols. 4to. EDINBURGH review, from January, 1844, to October 1854. Volumes 79 to 99. New York. Bound in 10 vols. 8vo. EDWARD VI., King of England. Writings. In British refonners. Vol. 3. EDWARDS, Amelia B. A thousand miles up the Nile. With upwards of 70 illustrations on wood by G. Pearson, after finished drawings executed on the spot by the author. London, 1877. 8vo. EDWARDS, Bryan. Historical survey of the island of Saint Domingo, together with an account of the Maroon negroes in the island of Jamaica, and a history of the war in the West Indies in 1793 and 1794. Also a tour through the several islands of Barbadoes, St. Vincent, Antigua, Tobago and Grenada, in the years 1791 and 1792, by Sir William Young. Illustrated with copper plates. London, 1801. 8vo. " Excellent. Very full and minute." — Stevenson. EDWARDS, Edward. Libraries and founders of libraries. New York, 1865. Svo. Lives of the founders of the British museum ; with notices of its chief augmentors and other benefactors, 1570-1870. Illustrated, London, 1870. 8vo. 170 TIIIC STUART LIBKARV. EDWARDS, Edward. Memoirs of libraries; including a handbook of library economy. Illu.stratcd. London, 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. " Valuable. Several years in preparation." — Allibone. EDWARDS, John E. Random sketches and notes of European travel in 1856. New York, 1857. i2mo. EDWARDS, Jonathan. History of the work of redemption. Phila- delphia, 1843. i2mo. " Exhibits a mclhod entirely new, discovering originality and accuracy ; though a mere outline of what the author intended." — IVilUams. Marks of a work of a True Spirit. Glasgow, 1742. iCmo. Bound with a miscellaneous collection whose initial title is the " Best Treas- ure," whicli see. Thoughts concerning the present revival of Religion in New England, Abridged. London, 1745. i8mo. " Jonathan Edwards, greatest of the sons of men." — Robert Hall. EDWARDS, Peter. Candid reasons for renouncing the principles of anti-paedobaptism. Philadelphia. i8mo. " An argument of unusual power and conclusiveness." EDWARDS and Sons, publishers. The Medallic History of England, to the Revolution. With forty plates. London, 1790. Folio. EGERTON, Francis F. L. G., Earl of Ellesmere. The pilgrimage, and other poems. London, 1856. 8vo. "Deserves high praise." — Land. Allien. EHNINGER, John W. Autograph etchings by American artists. Produced by a new application of photographic art. With selec- tions from American poets. New York, 1859. 4to. ELDERKIN, John. Lotos leaves. See Brougham, J. ELIOT, John. The Harmony of the Gospels, in the Holy History of the Humiliation and Sufferings of Jesus Christ, from his Incarna- tion to his Burial. Boston, 1678. i2mo. "The Apostle — and truly I know not who, since Paul, better deserves that name." — Edward Everett. 171 CATALOGUE OF ELIZABETH, Charlotte. Pseudonj'm. See Tonna, Mrs. C. E. ELLESMERE, £ar/ of. See Egerton, F. L. G. ELLET, Elizabeth F. The women of the American revolution. Il- lustrated. New York, 1853. 3 vols. i2mo. " Neither ephemeral in value nor limited in application." — Lond. Athen. ELLICOTT, Andrew. Journal : containing remarks on the situation, soil, rivers, natural productions, etc., on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Gulf of Mexico. With six maps and appendix. Philadelphia, 1803. 4to. ELLINWOOD, F. F. The great conquest ; or miscellaneous papers on missions. New York, 1876. lamo. ELLIOT, Daniel G. Monograph of the paradiseidte, or birds of para- dise. New York, 1873. Folio. Monograph of the phasianidse, or family of pheasants. New York, 1872. 2 vols. Folio. Monograph of the pittidas, or family of ant thrushes. New York, 1863. Folio. Monograph of the tetraoninge, or family of the grouse. New York, 1865. Folio. The new and heretofore unfigured species of the birds of North America. New York, 1869. 2 vols. Folio. ^^1? also Addenda. ELLIOTT, Charles. The Sabbath. Philadelphia, 1867. i6mo. ELLIOTT, Charles W. Pottery and porcelain, from early times down to the Philadelphia exhibition of 1S76. With 165 illustrations, and the most important marks and monograms. New York, 1878. 8vo. ELLIS, George E. Centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Bos- ton by the British army, March 17, 1776. Illustrated. Boston, 1876. 4to. 172 TIIK STUART LIUKAkV. ELLIS, Gkorge E. Life of Anne Hutchinson, etc. Boston, 1855. 1 6 mo. In Sparks' Am. l)iog., ne'!u series, vol. 6. Life of John Mason, of Connecticut. Boston, 1855. lOmo. In Sparks' Am. biog., new series, vol. 3. - Life of William Penn. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., tte7u series, vol. 12. ELLIS, Sarah S. Family secrets ; or hints to those who would make home happy. New York, 1841. i8mo. Select works ; comprising women, wives, and daughters of Eng- land, etc. New York, 1844. 8vo. "She has one end in view: the moral improvement and edification more par- ticularly of her own sex." — Lond. lit. gazette. ELMES, James, editor. A thought book. Boston, 1851. i6mo. ELPHINSTONE, Mountstuart. The history of India : the Hindoo and Mahommedan periods. Illustrated. London, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. " A work of tlie greatest authority and learning." — Sir Robert Peel, ELWOOD, Mrs. A. K. Memoirs of the literary ladies of England, from the commencement of the last century. Illustrated. London, 1843. 2 vols. i2mo. "Comprises our Blue Stockings. A work of great TazTA."^John Bull. ELY, John, Lord Bishop. Truth and Excellency of the Gospel. Ser- mon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20, 17 12-13. London, 17 13. i2mo. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 21, 1723. London, 1723. i2mo. EMANUEL, Harry. Diamonds and precious stones ; their history, value and distinguishing characteristics, with simple tests for their identification. London, 1865. 8vo. 173 CATALOGUE OF EMBURY, Emma C. American wild flowers in their native haunts. With twenty coloured plates, etc., by E. Whitehead. New York, 1845. 4to. "Graceful and pointed diction, inculcating lessons of a pure moral tendency." — Griswold. EMELIANE, Gabriel d'. Frauds of Romish monks and priests. Anonymous. London, 1691. i6mo. EMERSON, George B. Report on the trees and shrubs growing nat- urally in the forests of Massachusetts. By the commissioners of the zoological and botanical survey of the state. Boston, 1846. 8vo. Reports on the fishes, reptiles, and birds of Massachusetts. By the commissioners of the zoological and botanical survey of the state. Boston, 1839-41. 2 vols. Svo. "Replete with interest, both of things old and new, rare and well-known." — Hovey^s mag. EMERSON, William. Historical sketch of the first church in Boston. With two sermons on leaving the old and entering the new house. Boston, 181 2. 8vo. EMMET, Thomas A. Catalogue of his library. New York, 1868. 4to. 60 copies printed privately. EMORY, W. Helmslev. Notes of a military reconnoisance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California. Washing- ton, 1848. Svo. Report on the United States and Mexican boundary survey. Washington, 1857. 2 vols. 4to. ENAULT, Louis. Angleterre, Ecosse, Irelande ; voyage pittoresque. Illustr^ de gravures. Types par Gavarni. Paris, 1859. Svo. ENCYCLOPEDIA of contemporary biography of New York city. Illustrated. New York, 1878. 2 vols. 4to. ENGLAND'S Vanity; or the Voice of God against the monstrous Sin of Pride in Dress and Apparel ; wherein Naked Breasts and 174 THE STUART LIBRARY. Shoulders, and a hundred more fooleries are condemned. By a Compassionate Conformist. Illustrated. London, 1683. i8mo. ENGLEFIELU, Sir Henky C. Description of the beauties, antiqui- ties and geological phenomena of the Isle of Wight. Illustrated. London, 1816. Folio. " A work every way worthy of a writer of taste, and extensive, various and accurate information." — Edinb. rev. ENGLES, William M. Rills from the fountain of wisdom ; or the book of Proverbs. Philadelphia, 1845. izmo. " No one should be without tliis little volume." — Allibone. ENGLISH and Scottish ballads. See Child, F. J. ENGLISH and Scottish songs. From the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Anonymous. Illustrated. London. i2mo. ENGLISH forests and forest trees ; historical, legendary, and descrip- tive. Illustrated. Anonymous. London, 1853. 8vo. ENGLISH poems. A collection of some of the most celebrated poems in the language. With biographical notices. Chaucer to Tennyson, 1350-1860. Illustrated. London, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. ERASMUS, Desiderius. L'eloge de la Folie. Traduit par M. Guen- DEViLLE. Illustrated. Neuchatel, 1777. i2mo. Written in Latin. A witty satire, especially of the mendicant monks. — • Enchiridion Militis Christiani. Apvd loannem Frobenivm. Basle, 1519. i2mo. The first edition of his works was condemned to the flames by pope Paul IV. ERMAN, Adolph. Travels in Siberia : northwards, down the Obi, to the polar circle, and southwards to the Chinese frontier. From the German by W. D. Cooley. London, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. ERNESTI, J. A. Principles of Biblical interpretation. Translated by C. H. Therret. Edinburgh, 1843-48. 2 vols. i6mo. 175 CATALOGUE OF ERSKINE, Ralph. Beauties ; being a selection of the most striking illustrations of Gospel doctrine contained in his works. With notes by Samuel McMillan. London. 2 vols. 8vo. " Highly evangelical ; the production of a mind very strongly attached to truth, devotional and zealous." — Williams. Faith's plea upon God's Word. A Sermon. Glasgow, 1769. i6mo. Bound with a miscellaneous collection, whose initial title is the "Best Treas- ure," which see. ESPY, James P. Report on meteorology. Washington, 1850. 4to. ESQUEMELING, John, and Ringrove, Basil. History of the Buca- niers of America. An account of their assaults on the West In- dies. Illustrated. London, 1695. i2mo. " Esquemeling was a buccaneer. .Sir Henry Morgan obtained a verdict of £200 against the publisher for libel." — Allibone. EUCLID. The Elements of Geometric of the most ancient Philoso- pher, of Megara. Faithfully (now first) translated into the Englishe tongue by H. Billingslev. With a very fruitfull Prseface made by M. I. Dee. London, 1570. Folio. This is the first English edition. The title is within a curious emblematic border, and the work has MS. notes, by a cotemporary, in Latin. Belonged to Schumacher. "Euclid's name is nearly synonymous with geometry." — Thomas. EUSEBIUS, Pamphilus, Bishop of Casarea in Palestine. Ecclesiasti- cal history, translated from the Greek by C. F. Cruse. London, 1858. i6mo. " He has been called the father of ecclesiastical history. He wrote in an im- partial and moderate spirit. ' — Thomas. EUTAXIA, or the Presbyterian liturgies. Historical sketches, by a minister of that church. New York, 1855. i6mo. EVAGRIUS' ecclesiastical history, in six books, from a.d. 431 to 594. A new translation from the Greek. London, 1846. i2mo. "He is surnamed the scholastic. His work is respectable in authenticity and style. " — Thomas. EVANS, D. Morier. The commercial crisis 1847-8, being facts and figures illustrative of the events of the period. London, 1848. 1 2 mo. 176 THE STUART LIBRARY. EVANS, Lewis. Analysis of a Map of the middle British Colonies in America. Illustrated. Printed by B. Franklin. Piiii-adelphia, 1755. 8vo. EVELYN, John. Silva ; or a discourse of forest trees, and the propa- gation of timber. To which is added the terra ; a philosophical discourse of earth. With notes, by A. Hunter. London, 1825. 2 vols. 4to. "While Brit.iin retains her nwful situation among the nations of Europe, the Sylva of Evelyn will endure with her triumphant oaks." — Disraeli. EVERETT, Alexander H. Life of Joseph Warren. New York, 1854. i6mo. Life of Patrick Henry. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. i. EVERETT, Edward. Life of George Washington. Illustrated. New York, i860. 410. With one hundred and thirty-four illustrations, mostly portraits. Life of John Stark. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am, biog., vol. i. Orations and speeches on various occasions. Portrait. Boston, 1 85 3. 2 vols. 8vo. " If Webster is the Michael Angelo of American oratory, Everett is the Ra- phael." — Characteristics of literature. EWALD, Heinrich. The history of Israel, translated from the Ger- man. Edited by R. Martineau. London, 1869. 4 vols. 8vo. EWBANK, Thomas. Account of hydraulic and other machines for raising water ; the mechanic arts and steam engine. Illustrated. New York, 1842. Svo. "Full of the gossip of the art." — Land. Athen. EYE, A. Von, U7id Falke, Jacob. Kunst und leben der vorzeit von beginn des Mittelalters bis zu anfang des 19. yahrhunderts, in skiz- zen nach original-denkmalem, fur kiinstler und kunst-freunde. Gezeichnet und radirt von Willibald Mauer. Nuremberg, 1858. 2 vols. 4to. 12 177 CATALOGUE OF F AED, John. Illustrations to Burns' Cottar's Saturday night. See Burns, R. FAIRBAIRN, James. Crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland. Revised by Laurence Butters. Illustrated. Edinburgh, i860 2 vols. 8vo. FAIRBANKS, George R. History and antiquities of St. Augustine, Florida. Illustrated. New York, 1858. 8vo. FAIRFAX correspondence. Memoirs of the reign of Charles the First. Edited by George W. Johnson. London, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. Memorials of the civil war. Edited by Robert Bell ; forming the concluding volumes of the Fairfax correspondence. Portraits. London, 1849. 2 vols. i2mo. " The Fairfax MSS. preserve a vigour and freshness, which contrast most agreeably Vfith the formal histories of the period." FAIRFIELD, Francis G. The clubs of New York, their origin, progress, and condition. Illustrated. New York, 1873. i2mo. FAIRFIELD, Genevieve G. Irene, and other tales. Boston, 1853. 8vo. FAIRFIELD, Afrs. Jane. The life of Sumner L. Fairfield. Illus- trated. New York, 1847. i2mo. " Highly creditable to Mrs. F.'s sensibility and conjugal affection." — Allibone. FAIRFIELD, Sumner L. Poems. Philadelphia, 1841. Svo. FALCONER, William. Poetical works. With a memoir. Aldine edi- tion. London, 1866. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. The shipwreck. A poem. With life of the author by J. S. Clarke. Illustrated. London, 1871. Svo. " None but a great poet could have written this; but he must have been also a thorough sailor." — Allibone. FALDA, Gio. Battista. Li Giardini di Roma, con le loro piante alzate e vedute in prospettiva. Rome. Folio. 178 THE STUART LIBRARY. FALKE, Jacob von. Art in the house. Historical, etc., studies on the decoration of the dwelling. Translated and edited, with notes, by Charles C. Perkins. Illustrated with chromo-lithographs, etc., by Prang. Boston, 1879. 4to. Kunst und leben der vorzeit. Sir Eve, A. von. FALKENER, Edward. The museum of classical antiquities ; a series of papers on ancient art. Illustrated. London, 1855. Svo. FAMILY magazine. Volumes I., II. and III. New York, i833-'6. Svo. FAMILY worship. A series of prayers adapted to domestic worship. By one hundred and eighty clergymen of Scotland. New York, 1S54. I vol. in 2. Svo. FAMIN, Colonel. E.xplication de peintures, bronzes et statues ^rotiques de la mus^e Royal de Naples. See Naples. FANNING, David. Narrative, giving an account of his adventures in North Carolina from 1775-83, written by himself. Richmond, Va., 1 86 1. Svo. 50 copies privately printed. FARINI, LuiGi C. The Roman state from 1815 to 1850. Translated from the Italian by W. E. Gladstone. London, 1851. 4 vols. Svo. " Farini was a popular Italian statesman, historian and orator." — Thomas. FARMER, A. W. A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies. New York, 1775. i6mo. ■ The Congress Canvassed, or an examination into the Conduct of the Delegates at their Grand Convention. New York, 1774. i6mo. Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress, Held at Philadelphia Sept. 5, 1774. New York, 1774. i6mo. — The other side of the Question ; or, A Defense of the Liberties of North America in answer to a late Friendly Address on the subject of political confusions. New York, 1774. i6mo. 179 CATALOGUE OF FARMER, A. W. A View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies ; including a Method of Determining their present Disputes. New York, 1774. i6mo. Same. New York, 1774. i6mo. What think ye of Congress Now ? An Enquiry How Far The Americans are Bound to Abide by and Execute the Decisions of the late Congress? New York, 1774. i6mo. FARNHAM, J. Thomas. Adventures and travels in California. Illus- trated. New York, 1855. 8vo. FARRAR, F. W. Ephphatha ; or the amelioration of the world. New York, 1880. i2mo. FAURIEL, C. C. History of Provengal poetry. Translated from the French. With notes by G. J. Adler. New York, i860. 8vo. FEARNSIDE, William G. The Thames. See Tombleson. and Harral, Thos., editors. History of London. Illustrated by views, etc. See Woods, John. FEATHERSTONHAUGH, George W. Canoe voyage up the Min- nay Sotor. London, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. FEATLEY, Daniel. The Dippers Dipt; or the Anabaptists Duck'd and Plung'd over Head and Eares, at a Disputation in Southwark. Portrait. London, 165 i. izmo. " The kind of eloquence and instruction in vogue at that period." — Ormr. FELLOWES, W. D. Historical sketches of Charles the First ; including the king's trial and execution. Illustrated. London, 1828. 4to. FELT, Joseph B. An historical account of Massachusetts currency. Boston, 1839. 8vo. FELTON, Cornelius C. Life of William Eaton. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. g. 180 THE STUART LIBRARY. FliNELON, Francois de S. de i.a M. Les aventures de T616maque. Illustrated. Paris, i8ii. 2 vols. lamo. " Louis XIV. suspected this was a covert satire of his despotic regime, and tried to suppress it," — 7'lwmas. Conversations with M. de Ramsai on the truth of religion. Translated from the French by A. \l. Sili.iman. 1869. 8vo. FERGUSON, William, .\merica by river and rail ; or notes by the way on the New World and its people. London, 1856. 8vo. FERGUSSON, James. Illustrations of the rock-cut temples of India. Te.xt to accompany the folio volume of plates. London, 1845. 8vo. Same. Plates, on stone, by T. C. Dibdin. London, 1845. Folio. Picturesque illustrations of ancient architecture in Hindostan. London, 1847. Folio. " Exquisite specimens of artistic skill ; every scene and place faithfully re- corded." — Loud, art union. Rude stone monuments in all countries ; their age and uses. With two hundred and thirty-four illustrations. London, 1S72. 8vo. FERN, Fannie. See Parton, Sarah P. FERRARIO, GiULio. II costume antico e moderno o storia : Africa, America, Europa, Asia. Florence, 1823-6. 17 vols. 8vo. FERRY, Gabriel. Vagabond life in Mexico. New^ York, 1856. i2mo. FESSENDEN, William P. Memorial addresses on his life and character, delivered to Congress, December 14, 1869. Illustrated. Washington, 1870. 8vo. FEUCHTWANGER, Lewis. Popular treatise on gems, in reference to their scientific value. New York, 1838. 8vo. Same. Illustrated. New York, 1867. i2mo. 181 CATALOGUE OF FIELD, Henry M. From Egypt to Japan. New York, 1S77. i2mo. From the lakes of Killamey to the Golden Horn. New York, 1877. i2mo. The Irish confederates and the rebellion of 1798. New York, 1851. i2mo. "Has all the charm of a romance." — Irish Amcricatt. FIELDING, F. H., and Walton, J. Forty-eight coloured illustrations of English lakes, etc. See Ackermann, R. FIGUIER, Louis. The human race. Illustrated by two hundred and forty-three engravings on wood, and eight chromolithographs. New York, 1873. 8vo. Les insectes. Ouvrage illustre de 605 figures. Paris, 1867. 8vo. The ocean world : being a description of the sea and some of its inhabitants. From the French. Illustrated. New York, 1872. i2mo. — Reptiles and birds. Edited by Parker Gilmore. Illustrated. London, 1869. 8vo. — The vegetable world : being a history of plants, with their bo- tanical descriptions and peculiar properties. Illustrated. London, 1867. 8vo. — The world before the deluge. Twenty-five ideal landscapes of the ancient world, designed by Riou, etc. From the French. New York, 1866. 8vo. FILHOL, Michel A. Galerie du Musee de France ; redigee par J. Lavall£e. Full page steel plates. Paris, 1814. 11 vols. 8vo. FILSON, John. Discovery, Settlement, and present state of Kentucky. Daniel Boon's war Narrative. With map and portrait. London, 1793. i2mo. " Bears every mark of authenticity." — Rich. FINDEN, Edward. Illustrations of the life and works of lord 182 THE STUART LIBRARY. Byron. With information on the subjects of the. engravings by W. Brockedon. London, 1833. 3 vols. 4to. FINDEN, William and Edward. Biblical keepsake ; or, landscape illustrations of the Holy Scriptures. With descriptions by T. Hart- well. London, 1827. Svo. Book of the boudoir ; or the court of queen Victoria. Portraits from paintings by eminent artists, engraved by W. and E. Finden. London, 1842. Folio. Gallery of beauty, or court of queen Victoria. Edited by P. G. Patmore. London. Folio. Portraits of the female aristocracy of the court of queen Vic- toria. London, 1849. 2 vols. Folio. The royal gallery of British art. London. 2 vols, in i. Folio. Full page steel plates. Tableaux of national character, beauty, and costume. Contain- ing a series of sixty-one illustrations, engraved by W. and E. Fin- den. With original tales in prose and poetry, by the Countess OF Blessington, and others. London, 1843. 2 vols. Folio. Same. The affections, etc. Sec Mitford, Mary Russell. FINLAY, Hugh. Journal, as surveyor of the post roads on the con- tinent of North America, during his survey of the post offices be- tween Falmouth and Casco bay, in the province of Massachusetts, and Savannah, in Georgia, i773-'4. Brooklyn, 1867. 8vo. FIRESIDE companion : a literary, biographical, and anecdotical book for all seasons. A compilation from many authors. Illustrated. London. i2mo. FISCHER, Joseph E. Commencement de veues et de facades princi- pales dans la ville et aux fauxbourgs de Vienne ; dont le public aura h. attendre la suite avec le terns. Folio. In German and French. FISH, George T. American manual of parliamentary law, or the com- mon law of deliberative assemblies. New York, 1881. iSmo. 183 CATALOGUE OF FISH, Henry C. Pulpit eloquence. Deceased divines. New York, 1856. 2 vols. 8vo. Pulpit eloquence of the nineteenth century. New York, 1857. 8vo. FISHER-BOY, The. By "Willie Triton." Illustrated. Boston, i860. i2mo. FISHER, Edward. The Marrow of Modern Divinity. In two parts. Part I. The Covenant of works and the Covenant of Grace. Part 2. An Exposition of the Ten Commandments. Philadelphia, 1726. i2mo. "A noted person among the learned." — A then. Oxon. FISHER, Richard S. Statistical gazetteer of the United States, with returns of the seventh census. New York, 1858. 8vo. The book of the world. Illustrated. New York, 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. FISHER, Son and Co., publishers. Drawing-room scrap-books for 1838 and 1840. With poetical illustrations by L. E. L. and Mary Ho WITT. London, 1838-40. 4to. Same. For 1837. London, 1837. 4to. See also Norton, C. E. T. FISHER, Thomas, edito?-. A series of antient, allegorical, historical and legendary paintings in fresco, discovered in 1804 on the walls of the chapel of the Trinity, belonging to the gild of the Holy Cross at Stratford-upon-Avon ; also a plan of the chapel, fac- similes of grants and indulgences, seals, extracts from the register, etc. London, 1836. Folio. Only 120 copies printed. FITCH, Samuel S. A treatise on health, its aids and hindrances, the causes and cure of disease, and laws of life. New York, 1857. 8vo. FITTLER, James. Illustrations of the cabinet Bible. See Bible. 184 THE STUART LIBRARY. FITZ-ROY, Robert and others. Narrative of the surveying voyages of H. M. S. Adventure and Beagle, between 1826 and 1836. Illus- trated. London, 1839. 3 vols. 8vo. Same. Appendi.K to vol. 2. Illustrated. Same. Zoology. Superintended by C. Darwin. 3 vols. : i. Mammalia, edited by Owen and Waterhouse ; 2. Birds, by J. Gould ; 3. Fish, by L. Jenvns, and reptilia, by T. Bell. Lon- don, i84o-'42. 4to. FLAMANDS, Hollandais et Allemands galerie des peintres. See Le Brun, C. FLAMENG, Leopold. Etchings designed and engraved for De Bel- loy's Christopher Columbus. See Bellov, A. FLAVEL, John. The Fountain of life ; or, a display of Christ. New York. i2mo. "The true savour of plain, lively, useful preaching." — Cotton Mather. FLAXMAN, John. Compositions from the tragedies of ^schylus. Engraved by Thomas Piroli and Frank Howard. London, 1 83 1. 8vo. The Odyssey of Homer. Engraved from the compositions of John Flaxman, London, 1805. 4to. " Klaxman's designs excel all modern art." — Canova. FLEETWOOD, John. The life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the apostles and evangelists. Illustrated. London. 4to. FLEMING, Robert. Rise and fall of papacy in the Revelation of St. John. New York. i8mo. FLEMING and Balfour. Zoology and botany of Bass Rock. See Bass Rock. FLETCHER, Alexander. A guide to family devotion ; a hymn. Scripture and prayer for every morning and evening, with an appendi.x of prayers and hymns. London. 4to. 185 CATALOGUE OF FLETCHER, Francis. The world encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. With introduction by W. S. W. Vaux. HaMiiyt society. London, 1854. 8vo. FLETCHER, Giles. Of the Russe commonwealth, 15S8. Edited by E. A. Bond. Hakluyt society. London, 1856. 8vo. " Suppressed for fear of offending the Russian court." — Allibone. and others. Sacred poetry of the seventeenth century. Lon- don, 1836. 2 vols. i6mo. FLETCHER, James. The history of Poland, from the earliest period to the present time. Illustrated. London, 1831. 8vo. FLETCHER, James C, a7id Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches. Illustrated. Bos- ton, 1866. 8vo. FLEURIMONT, C. R. M6dailles du Regne de Louis XV. Paris, 1765. Folio. Seventy full-page plates with ornamented borders. FLIESSBACH, Ferdinand. Munzsammlung gold- und silbermunzen sammtlicher Lander und Stadte. Leipzig, 1856. 8vo. FLORAL magazine. Sec Dombr.\ni and others. FLORAL world, and garden guide. Volumes 1-3. London, 1858-60. 3 vols. 8vo. FLORENCE of Worcester. His chronicle. See Worcester. FLORENCE Galerie du palais Pitti. Gravee sur cuivre par les meilleurs artistes Italiens, et illustree par una soci^td de gens de lettres. Florence, 1842. 4 vols. Folio. Tableaux, statues, bas-reliefs, et camees de la galerie de Flo- rence et du palais Pitti. Dessins par Wicar, peintre, et gravees sous la direction de C. L. Masquelier. Avec les explications par Mongez. Paris, 1789. 4 vols. Folio. Same. Camees. Paris, 1789. 2 vols. Folio. 186 THE STUART LIBRARY. FLORIAN, Jean P. (Euvres; Gonzalve de Courdoue. Illustrated. Paris, 1795. 24010. FLORIDA. Discovery and conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Fer- DiNANDO De Soto. Written by a gentleman of Elvas. Translated by Richard Hakluyt. With introduction by W. B. Rye. Hak- luyt society. London, 1851. 8vo. FLORUS, Lucius .A.nn;EUS. Rerum Romanarum lihri duo priores. Editore Laurentio Begero. Berlin, 1704. Folio. FLOWERS. A beautiful collection of drawings of flowers, water colors on vellum. By a German artist of the seventeenth century. From the Sagrado collection at Venice. No title page. 410. See reference on inside of cover. FOLKES, Martin. Tables of English silver and gold coins, first pub- lished in 1736 and now reprinted. Illustrated, with portrait. Lon- don, 1763. 4to. " Justly ranked among the most useful as well as splendid literary characters of which England can boast." — Dibdiii. FONRLANQUE, Edward Barrington de. Niphon and Pe-che-li ; or, two years in Japan and northern China. London, 1863. 8vo. FONTAINE, Jean la. See La Fontaine. FONVIELLE, Wilfred de. Thunder and lightning. Translated from the French and edited by T. L. Phipson. Illustrated. London, 1868. i6mo. FOOTE, Edward B. Medical common sense ; applied to the causes, prevention and cure of chronic diseases. Illustrated. New York, 1863. i2mo. FOOTE, William H. Sketches of North Carolina. New York, 1846. 8vo. Sketches of Virginia, historical and biographical. Illustrated. Philadelphia, i85o-'5s. 2 vols. 8vo. FORBES, Charles S. Iceland : its volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers. London, i860. i2mo. 187 CATALOGUE OF FORBES, Edward. Natural history of the European seas. Edited and continued by Robert Godwin-Austen. London, 1859. i6mo. FORBES, Frederic E. Five years in China ; from 1842 to 1847. London, 1848. izmo. FORBES, James. Illustrations to oriental memoirs. With explanatory notices. London, 1835. 4to. Oriental memoirs ; a narrative of seventeen years' residence in India. London, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. "Of all works on India this is the most sterlingly valuable." — Land. Atlas. FORBES, James D. Norway and its glaciers visited in 1851. Fol- lowed by journals of excursions in the high Alps of Dauphin^, Berne, and Savoy. Edinburgh, 1853. 8vo. FORCE, Peter. Tracts on the origin, settlement and progress of the colonies in North America from the discovery to 1776. Washing- ton, 1836-46. 4 vols. 8vo. He was president of the National Institute. FOREIGN quarterly review from October, 1843, to July, 1846. Vol- umes 32 to 36. New York. Bound in 3 vols. 8vo. FORESTER, Thomas. Rambles in the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. With notices of their history, antiquities and condition. Illustrated. London, 1861. 8vo. Norway and its scenery. Comprising the journal of a tour, by Edward Price, with additions, and a road-book for tourists. With hints to anglers and sportsmen. London, 1853. i2mo. Paris and its environs. An illustrated handbook. London, 1859. i2mo. FORNEY, John W. Anecdotes of public men, originally published in the Washington Sunday chronicle and Philadelphia press. New York, 1873. i6mo. FORREST, Lieut. Col. Picturesque tour along the rivers Ganges and Jumna, in India. Twenty-four coloured views, a map, and vig- THE STUART LIRRARV. nettes. With illustrations historical and descriptive. London, 1824. 4to. FORREST, Mary. Women of the south distinguished in literature. Illustrated with portraits on steel. New York, 1861. 8vo. FORREST, Wii.i.iAM S. Historical and descriptive sketches of Norfolk, Virginia, and vicinity. Illustrated. Philadklpiiia, 1853. 8vo. FORRY, Samuel. The climate of the United States and its endemic influences. New York, 1842. 8vo. FORSTER. See also Foster. FORSTER, Edward. The British gallery of engravings, from pictures of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch, and English schools. London, 1807. Folio. FORSTER, Henry R. Pocket peerage of Great Britain and Ireland : revised by the nobility. London, 1853. i8mo. The Stowe catalogue, priced and annotated. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1848. 8vo. FORTNUM, C. Drury E. A descriptive catalogue of the Majolica, Hispano-Moresco, Persian, Damascus, and Rhodian wares, in the Kensington museum ; with historical notices, marks, monograms, etc. London, 1873. 8vo. Beautifully illustrated in colours. FORTUNE, Robert. A journey to the capitals of Japan and China. Illustrated. London, 1863. 8vo. " A genuine book, full of interest and amusement." — Lond. Athen. A residence among the Chinese : inland, on the coast, and at sea, from 1853 to 1856. Illustrated. London, 1857. 8vo. Two visits to the tea countries of China, and the British tea plantations in the Himalaya. London, 1853. 2 vols. i2mo. FOSTER. See also Forster. FOSTER, Andrew. Life of Americus Vespucius. See Lester, C. E. 189 CATALOGUE OF FOSTER, BiRKET. Illustrations of Cowper's task. See Cowper, Wm. The Rhine and its picturesque scenery. Illustrated. See May- hew, Henry. FOSTER, James. Discourses on all the principal branches of natural religion and social virtue. London, 1749. 2 vols. 8vo. " No preacher ever maintained an enthusiastic popularity for a longer period." FOSTER, John. Lectures delivered at Broadmead chapel, Bristol. London, 1858. 2 vols. i2nio. " Unequalled for vivid description and profound instruction." — Land. Patriot. FOSTER, John W. The Mississippi valley ; its physical geography, with sketches of its resources and development. Illustrated. Chi- cago, 1869. 8vo. Pre-historic races of the United -States of America. Chicago, 1874. 8vo. — and Whitney, J. D. Report on the geology and topography of a portion of the lake Superior land district in Michigan. Part I. Copper lands. Washington, 1850. 8vo. FOSTER, John Y. New Jersey in the great rebellion. Illustrated. Newark, 1868. 8vo. FOSTER, Lillian. Wayside glimpses, north and south. New York, i860. i2mo. FOUGASSES, Thomas de. Generall historic of the magnificent state of Venice, out of all authors ancient and moderne. Englished by W. Shute. Illustrated. London, 16 12. Folio. FOURNIER, E. Histoire de I'imprimerie. See Lacroix, P. FOWLER, William C. Memorials of the Chaunceys ; including presi- dent Chauncey, his ancestors and descendants. Illustrated. Bos- ton, 1858. 8vo. FOWLER, William W. Ten years in Wall street ; or life and experi- ence on 'change. Illustrated. Hartford, 1870. 8vo. IQO THE STUARr LIIIRARY. FOXE, John. Acts and monuments; the great persecutions wrought by' Romish prelates. Illustrated. London, 1841. 8 vols. 8vo. Same. London, 1632. 3 vols. Folio. Acts and monuments of the cliurch ; containing the history and sufferings of the martyrs. Illustrated. London, 1850. 4to. Book of martyrs; the lives, sufferings and triumphant deaths of the primitive and protestant martyrs, from the commencement of Christianity. Illustrated. Ni.w York, 1852. i2mo. The new and complete book of martyrs. Edited by Paul Wright. Illustrated. New York. 2 vols. 8vo. No title page. English martyrology. Abridged by Mrs. C. E. Tonna. Phila- delphia, 1843. 2 vols. i2mo. Writings. In Briti.",!! reformers, vol. 12. " Ex erudilorum numero Johannes Foxus M.nrtyrologiiim, indefesso veritalis studio, magna cum laude contexuit."— CawaVw. FRANCE in 1789. Forty revolutionary portraits. Paris. 8vo. FRANCE, Galerie du musee de. See Filhol, M. A. FRANCHERE, Gabriel. Narrative of a voyage to the north-west coast of America in 1811-1814. Translated and edited by J. V. Huntington. New York, 1854. i2mo. FRANCIS, Convers. Life of John Eliot, the apostle to the Indians. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. 5. Life of Sebastian Rale. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks" Am. biog., new series, vol. 7. FRANCIS, John W. Old New York; or, reminiscences of the past sixty years. With a memoir of the author by H. T. Tuckerman. Illustrated. New York, 1865. 4 vols. 4to. Only 100 copies printed. With many inserted plates. FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Autobiography. With a narrative of his pub- lic 'life and services by H. H. Weld. Illustrated. New York, 1849. 8vo. 191 CATALOGUE OF FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Before the Privy Council, White Hall chapel. London, 1774. Illustrated. Philadelphia, i860. 8vo. Father Abraham's Speech to a great Number of People, intro- duced by " Poor Richard." New Haven. i6mo. Paper. A very rare book. Private correspondence. Comprising a series of letters written between 1753 and 1790. Edited by W. T. Franklin. London, 1 81 7. 4to. Works. With notes and a life of the author by Jared Sparks. Boston, 1840. 10 vols. 8vo. FRANKLIN correspondence. Letters to Benjamin Franklin from his family and friends, 1751-1790. New York, 1859. 4to. FRANKLIN, John. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea in 1819-1822. London, 1823. 4to. Second journey in 1825-27, including an account of the progress of a detachment to the eastward by John Richardson. London, 1828. 4to. FRANKLIN, J. Illustrations of the Psalms of David. See Bible. FRANZETTI, Agapito, scultore. Raccolta di num°. 320 vedute si antiche che moderne della citta di Roma e di alcuni luoghi subur- bani. Rome. i2mo. ERASER, James B. Journal of a tour through part of the snowy range of the Himala mountains, and to the sources of the rivers Jumna and Ganges. London, 1820. 410. Travels and adventures in the Persian provinces on the southern banks of the Caspian sea. London, 1826. 4to. "Replete with spirit, interest and information." — Land, court jour. FRASER, Louis. Zocilogica typica ; or figures of new and rare mam- mals and birds, of the zoological society of London. London, 1S49. Folio. FRASER, Robert W. Moriah ; or sketches of the sacred rites of ancient Israel. Philadelphia. i6mo. 192 'IIII", SIUAKT LIBRARY. FRAUENFELD, Georg. Die algen der Dalmatischen kiistc mit hinzu- filgung der von kUtzing im Adriatischen meere (Iberhaupt aufgeftihr- ten arten, mit darsteliung eines theils derselben im natursclbstdruck. Vienna, 1855. 410. FREDERICKS, Alfred. Illustrations of a Midsummer night's dream. Sec Shakespeare, W. FREEMAN, Edward .\. History of the Norman conquest of Eng- land. Illustrated. Oxford, 1873. 4 vols. i2mo. FREER, Martha W. Life of .Marguerite d'Angouleme queen of Navarre, sister of Francis I. king of France. London, 1856. 2 vols. i2mo. FREHER, D. Paulus. Theatrum virorum eruditione clarorum. Variis in scenis rcpresentantur. Nuremberg, 1688. 2 vols. Folio. Diograpliies of about 3000 men of letters. — Thomas. FREMONT, John C. Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and north California in 1843-44. Washington, 1845. 8vo. FRENEAU, Philip. Poems relating to the American revolution. With memoir and notes by E. A. Duyckinck. New York, 1865. 4to. 54 plates inserted, many of great rarity, also autograph letter of the editor. 100 copies printed. This copy No. 22. FRENCH, Benjamin F. Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida. With notes. New York, iS6g. 8vo. Historical memoirs of Louisiana from the first settlement of the colony. Portrait. New York, 1853. 8vo. FRENCH, Daniel. The Hammersmith discussion. See Cumming, John. FRESHFIELD, Douglas W. Travels in the central Caucasus and Bashan. New York, 1869. i2mo. 13 193 CATALOGUE OF FREYCINET, Louis C. D. de. Voyage autour du monde sur les corvettes I'Uranie et la Physicienne pendant les annees 1817-1820. Paris, i 824-1 844. 7 vols, in 410 and 4 atlas in folio. Histoire du voyage. 2 vols, et atlas de 112 planches. Rccherches sur les langues. I vol. Zoologie. I vol. et atlas de g6 planches. Botanique. i vol. et atlas de 120 planches. Observations du pendule. i vol. Observations magnetiques. i vol. Meteorologie. I vol. Hydrographie. I vol. et atlas de 22 planches. • Not in this collection. See also Arago, J. Letters, etc. FRISWELL, J. Hain. Familiar words ; an index verborum or quota- tion handbook. London, 1866. i6mo. The gentle life : essays in aid of the formation of character. Anonymous. London, 1866. 2 vols. i6mo. FRITH, Francis. Egypt and Palestine, photographed and described. London. 2 vols. Folio. FRITH, John. Writings. In British reformers, vol. 2. FROBISHER, Martin. Three voyages in search of a passage to Cathaia and India by the north-west, 1576-8. Hakluyt society. London, 1S67. 8vo. FROEHNER, W. La verrerie antique. Description de la collection Charvet. Le Pecq, 1879. Folio. FROISSART, John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries ; from the reign of Edward 11. to the corona- tion of Henry IV. Translated from the French by Thomas Johnes. London, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. London, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. - Same. With coloured plates. London, 1839. 2 vols, bound in 4. 8vo. 194 THE STUAKT LIIiRARY. FROISSART, John. See also Humphreys, H. N. Illuminated illus- trations. " He gives a brilliant, but superficial picture of his times, and seems not to recognize the existence of any class except the noblesse." — Thomas. FROM Dawn to dark in Italy ; a tale of the reformation in the six- teenth century. Anonymous. Illustrated. Philadelphia. i6mo. FRONSPERGER, Leonhart. Von kaiserlichen kreigsrechten malefitz schuldhandlen ordnung und regiment. Illustrated. Frankfort-on- the-Main, 1565. Folio. Bound in parchment, with clasps. FROST, John. Pictorial history of the world. Ancient, middle ages, and modern. Philadelphia, 1846. 3 vols. 8vo. FROTHINGHAM, Richard, Jr. History of the siege of Boston and of the battles of Le-xington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. Also an account of the Bunker Hill monument. Illustrated. Boston, 185 i. 8vo. Life and times of Joseph Warren. Boston, 1865. 8vo. FROUD, Victor, Mtcur. Panthdon des illustrations Fran9aises au 19°"= sifecle, comprenant un portrait, une biographic et un auto- graphe de chacun des hommes les plus marquants, etc. Public sous la direction de Victor Froud. Paris. 3 vols. Folio. FROUDE, James A. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. London, 1862-72. 12 vols. 8vo. " Its peculiar merit is its wealth of unpublished manuscripts." — Edinb. rev. FRY, B. St. James. Prize essay. See Syste.matic beneficence. FRY, Caroline. Daily readings. Passages of Scripture selected for social readings, with applications. Philadelphia. i2mo. FRY, Francis. Description of the Great Bible, 1539 ; also of the editions of the authorized version printed in 1611, 1613, 1617, 1634 and 1640. London, 1865. Folio. On fine vellum, with facsimile cuts. 195 CATALOGUE OF FRY, W. H. A complete treatise on artificial fish-breeding. Trans- lated from the French and edited from the English reports. Illus- trated. New York, 1854. i^mo. FRYXELL, Anders. History of Sweden. Translated from the origi- nal and edited by Mary Howitt. London, 1844. 2 vols, in i. i2mo. "Very popular." — Thomas. FULLER, Henry W. On rheumatism, gout and sciatica ; their pa- thology, symptoms and treatment. New York, 1854. Svo. FULLER, Thomas. Church history of Britain, from the birth of Jesus Christ until 1648. Notes by Jas. Nichols. London, 1842. 3 vols. Svo. " Never was there such a medley." — Ediiib. rev. The history of the holy war. London, 1840. i6mo. The history of the worthies of England. A new edition, con- taining brief notices of the most celebrated worthies who have flourished since the time of Fuller. With explanatory notes and copious indexes. Portrait. London, 1840. 3 vols. Svo. " Fascinating store-house of gossiping anecdote and quaintness." — Land, retrosp. The holy state and the profane state. London, 1S40. i6mo. "Proposes examples for imitation and their opposites for abhorrence." — Lot:d. retrosp. A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof. With the history of the Old and New Testament acted thereon. Illustrated. London, 1650. Folio. "One of the most curious works ever written on the Scriptures." — Ornie. FURMAN, Gabriel. Notes geographical and historical relating to the town of Brooklyn on Long Island. With notes and a memoir of the author. Brooklyn, 1865. 4to. A reprint of the edition of 1824. Only too copies printed. On large paper. FUSELI, Henry. Lectures on painting, delivered at the Royal acad- emy. With additional observations and notes. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1830. 4to. 196 G THE STUART LinRARY. AGE, Thomas. A new survey of the West Indies. Being a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the Main land of America. London, 1699. izmo. " Copied verbatim from Nicholas' Conquest of Weast India." — Southty. GALE, Roger, translator. The Knowledge of Medals ; or Instructions for those who apply themselves to the Study of Medals. From the French. London, 1697. i2mo. GALERIE Imp6riale et Royal. See Haas, C., ^diteur. GALLENGA, Antonio. History of Piedmont. London, 1855. 3 vols. 12 mo. GALLERY of one hundred British engravings ; a series of interesting and attractive subjects, from paintings by forty of the most emi- nent modern artists. London, 8vo. GALLERY of portraits, with memoirs ; published under the superintend- ence of the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Lon- don, i833-'7. 7 vols. 8vo. GALLOWAY, Joseph. His examination by a committee of the house of commons. Edited by Thomas Balch. Philadelphia, 1855. 8vo. 250 copies printed. GALVANO, Antonio. Discoveries of the world from their first origi- nal unto 1555. Corrected, quoted, and published by R. Hakluyt. Hakluyt society. London, 1862. 8vo. GAMA, Vasco da. Three voyages and viceroyalty, from the Lendas da India of Caspar Correa. Translated by H. E. J. Stanley. Hakluyt society. London, 1869. 8vo. GAMMELL, William. Life of Roger Williams. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog. , new serit's, vol. 4. Life of Samuel Ward. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., new series, vol. 9. 197 CATALOGUE OF GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA, the Inca. Royal commentaries of the Yncas. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. Hakluyt so- ciety. London, 1869. 2 vols. 8vo. The Royal commentaries of Peru. Translated from the Spanish, by P. Rycaut. Illustrated. London, 1688. Folio. "Esteemed for its fidelity and accuracy." — Thotnas. GARDEN, Alexander. Anecdotes of the revolutionary war in Amer- ica. With sketches of character. Charleston, 1822. 4to. Reprinted in Brooklyn, 1865. 4to. Large paper edition^ No. 146. "Authorities for the history of the period." — Drake. GARDINER, Allen F. Journey to the Zoolu country in south Africa, in 1835. London, 1836. Bvo. GARDNER, James. The faiths of the world ; an account of all relig- ions and religious sects. Illustrated. Edinburgh. 2 vols. 4to. GARDNER, John. Longevity ; the means of prolonging life after middle age. Boston, 1875. i2mo. GARLAND, R. French cathedrals ; from drawings taken upon the spot. Engraved by B. Winkles. With historical and descriptive account. London, 1837. 4to. GARNEAU, F. X. History of Canada from its discovery till 1840-1. Translated, with notes, by Andrew Bell. Illustrated. Toronto, 1876. 2 vols. 8vo. GASPARIN, Valerie B., Comtesse de. Vesper. Translated from the French, by Mary L. Booth. Illustrated. New York, 1863. i6mo. The near and the Heavenly horizons. New York, 1862. i2mo. GASPEY, Thomas, a7id Tyrrell, H. History of England under the reign of George III., George IV., William IV., and queen Vic- toria. Illustrated. London. 4 vols. 4to. GASTALDI, Bartolomeo. Lake habitations and pre-historic remains in the turbaries and marl-beds of northern and central Italy. Illustrated. London, 1865. 8vo. 198 THE STUART LIBRARY. GASTON, Hugh. Scripture account of the faith and practice of Ciiristians. Phii.adf.lpiiia, 1830. 8vo. "A substitute for the larger common-place books." — Hornc. GASTRELL, Francis. Christian institutes ; being the faith and duty of a Christian. London, 1822. 2 vols, in i. 24010. "A concordance of parallel passages." — Home. GAULT, Robert. Popery, the man of sin and the son of perdition. New York, 1854. i2mo. GAUTIER, Th^ophile. Wanderings in Spain. Illustrated. London, 1853. i2mo. " Original and brilliant." — Thomas. GAVARD, Ch., iditeur. Galerics historiques de Versailles ; publiees par ordre du roi, sous la direction de MM. Gavard. Paris, 1837. 16 vols. Folio. Galeries historiques dc Versailles ; collection de gravures r^duites d'aprcs les dcssins originau.x, et pr^c^d^e d'une notice par J. Janin. Paris, 1838. 8vo. GAVIN, Anthony. Anti-popery ; or, history of the popish church. Philadelphia, 1837. i2mo. " An extraordinary expose of the system of popery." GAVIT, Daniel. Combined directories of Jersey City, Hoboken and Hudson, i854-'5. Jersey City, 1854. i2mo. GAY, John. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 2 vols. i2mo. GAYARRE, Charles. History of Louisiana. The French domination. Illustrated. New York, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. Presei-ves the vernacular of the first settlers. GEIKE, Cunninghasi. Hours with the Bible; or, the Scriptures in the light of modern discovery and knowledge. Illustrated. New York, 18S3. 5 vols. i2mo. GELL, William. The topography of Rome and vicinity. Revised by E. H. BuNBURY. Map in separate volume. London, 1846. 8vo. " Replete with what is valuable." — T end. lil. gaz. 199 CATALOGUE OF GEMS of ancient art ; or, select specimens from the old masters. Consisting of forty engravings by eminent artists. London. 4to. GENEVA award. See Moore, Charles B. GENEVA conference. See Carlyle, Gavin. GENTLEMAN'S magazine. See Curious articles from the same. GEORGE, Mrs. Anita. Annals of the queens of Spain from the conquest of the Goths to the reign of Isabel IL Illustrated. New York, 1850. 2 vols. i2mo. " Impugpis the integrity of Isabella's motives, — differing entirely from Pres- cott." — LonJ. A then. GEORGE, Hereford B. The Oberland and its glaciers : explored and illustrated with ice-axe and camera. With twenty-eight photo- graphic illustrations, and map. London, 1866. 4to. GEORGIA historical society. Collections. Savannah, i840-'2. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. Savannah, i84o-'2. 8vo. GERARD, Alexander. Narrative of a journey. See Lloyd, W. GERNING, J. J. voN. Picturesque tour along the Rhine, from Mentz to Cologne. With coloured engravings from drawings by M. ScHUETz. Translated by John Black. London, 1820. 4to. GEROME, J. L. G^rome. Edited by Edward Strahan. New York, 1881. Folio. Special limited edition. GERVASI, Nicola. Ruins of Poestum. 8 plates. With description in Italian. No title page. Folio. GESS, T. W. Revelation of God in his Word. Translated by W. Brown. Edinburgh, 1841. i6mo. GESSNER, Salomon. La mort d'Abel, et le premier navigateur. Translated from the German. Paris. i8mo. 200 THE STUART LIKKAKY. GHUY, De Marcenay de. CEuvre. Get oeuvre consiste en diffdrens morceaux d'histoire, portraits, etc., d'aprfes le Pousin, Vandick, Rembrandt, le Brun et autres maitres. Paris, 1772 ? Folio. GIACOMELLI, H. Illustrations du livre de mes petits-enfants. See De la Palme, M. GIBBON, Edward. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Illustrated. London, 1848. 8 vols. 8vo. Same. With index. New York, 1852. 6 vols. i2mo. "A splendid, but a dangerous guide." — IVarren. GIBSON, James, editor. The Scottish protestant. Glasgow, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. GIESELER, John C. L. A compendium of ecclesiastical history. Translated from the German by S. Davidson. Edinburgh, 1854. 5 vols. 8vo. GILBERT, John. Drawings illustrating the book of Job. With ex- planatory notes by James Hamilton. New York, 1858. 8vo. Proverbs of Solomon illustrated by historical parallels. Introduc- tion by Jas. Hamilton. New York, 1859. i2mo. GILBERT, Linda. Sketch of her life and work among the unfortunate classes. Autobiographical. Illustrated. New York, 1876. i2mo. GILES, John A. Six old English chronicles. London, 1848. i2mo. Contents ; Ethelwerd. Asser's life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth. Gildas. Nemrius. Richard of Cirencester. GILFILLAN, James. The Sabbath ; viewed in the light of reason, revelation and history. New York, 1862. i2mo. GILL, William, arid Gandy, F. Pompeiana ; the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii. Illustrated with numerous plates, some colored. London, 1852. 8vo. GILLET, R. H. Life and times of Silas Wright. Illustrated. Albany, 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. 20 1 CATALOGUE OF GILLETT, E. H History of the Presbyterian church in the United States. Philadelphia, 1864. 2 vols. i2mo. The life and times of John Huss ; or the Bohemian reformation of the fifteenth century. Boston, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. GILLIES, John. Historical collections relating to remarkable periods of the success of the Gospel. With additions by Horatius Bonar. Kelso, 1845. ^"^o. GILLISS, James M. United States naval astronomical expedition to the southern hemisphere during 1849-50-51-52. Vols. 1-2-3-6. Washington, 1855-56. 4to. No more published. GILLY, William S. An excursion to the mountains of Piemont in 1823. Illustrated. London, 1825. 8vo. A memoir of Felix Neff, pastor of the high Alps, and of his labors among French protestants. Illustrated. London, 1840. i6mo. — The romaunt version of the gospel of St. John ; from MSS. in Trinity college, Dublin. Illustrated. London, 1848. 8vo. — Vigilantius and his times. London, 1844. Svo. Waldensian researches ; during a second visit to the Vaudois of Piemont. London, 1831. Svo. "Exceedingly interesting; details from actual observation." — Land. Athai. GILROY, Clinton G. The art of weaving by hand and power. With an account of its rise and progress, ancient and modern. Il- lustrated. New York, 1844. 8vo. GIRAULT DE SAINT - FARGEAU, Eus£be. Les beautds de la France. Gravies par Skelton et d'Oherti. Paris, 1855. 4to. GIRTIN, James. Seventy-five portraits of celebrated painters, from authentic originals. London, 1817. 410. GIRTIN, T. Picturesque views. See Turner, J. M. W. 202 THE STUART LIBRARY. GLADSTONE, VV. E. The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance, 'i'o which is added a history of the Vatican council, by Philip Schaff. New York, 1875. 8vo. GLEASON'S pictorial. Volume 11., January to June, 1852. Boston. Folio. GLEIG, George R. Memoirs of the life of Warren Hastings. Lon- don, 1 84 1. 3 vols. 8vo. GLENNIE, L D. Views on the continent ; lithographed from his own sketches. London, 1841. Folio. GLOCESTER, Willia.m, Lord Bishop. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 21, 1766. London, 1766. i2mo. GLOUCESTER, Joseph, Lord Bishop. Sermon preached before the society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts, Feb. 18, 1S25. London, 1826. i2mo. GLOVER, Mr. Substance of the evidence on the petition presented by the West India Planters to the House of Commons, March i6th, 1775. London, 1775. ^^o. GOBAT, Samuel. Journal of three years' residence in Abyssinia. New York, 1850. i2mo. GODBY, James. Italian scenery ; representing the manners, customs, and amusements of Italy. Containing thirty-two coloured engravings from original drawings by P. Van Lerberghi. The narrative, in French and English, by M. Buonaiuti. London, 1806. Folio. GODDARD, Delano A. The Mathers weighed in the balances and not found wanting. Boston, 1870. iSmo. GODEY'S lady's book from 1840 to 1852. Illustrated. Philadelphia. 13 vols. 8vo. GODONNESCHE, M. 54 Medallions de Louis XV. 1715-1736. Il- lustrated. Paris. 8vo. GODWIN, George. The churches of London. Illustrated. London, 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. 203 CATALOGUE OF GODWIN, Parke. A popular view of the doctrines of Charles Fourier. New York, 1844. 8vo. Bound in same volume with Houston, Thomas, which see. GOETHE, JoHANN Wolfgang von. Faust ; eine tragOdie. Mit zeich- nungen von Engelbert Seibertz. Stuttgart, 1854. 2 vols, in one. Folio. " One of the most wonderful productions of genius." — Thomas. Faust ; a tragedy, from the German. With notes by Charles T. Brooks. Boston, 1857. i2mo. — Faust ; A tragedy. Translated into English verse by J. Birch. Illustrated. London, 1839. 2 vols. 4to. — Poems and ballads. Translated by W. E. Avtoun and T. Martin. Edinburgh, 1859. i6mo. — Reineke fuchs. Mit zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach. Gestochen von R. Rahn und A. Sleigh. Stuttgart, 1846. 410. GOLD and the Gospel. The Ulster prize essays, by H. Constable, R. Spence, J. Ross, and others. London, 1853. 8vo. See topics under their names. GOLDEN hills ; a tale of the Irish famine. Illustrated. Philadel- phia. i6mo. GOLDICUTT, John. Antiquities of Sicily. With descriptive letter- press. London, 1818. Folio. GOLDSMID, Frederick J. Introduction to geography of eastern Persia. See Persian boundary commission, vol. i. GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Chefs d'osuvre. Traduits en Francais par M. DE Russev. New York, 1815. i6mo. In French and English. Deserted village. Illustrated by the etching club. New York, 1855. i2mo. Same. London, 1857. i2mo. " A mirror of the author's heart." — Irving. 204 tup: STUART LIliRARV. GOLDSMITH, Oliver. History of England ; continued by Morei, Slopf.r and Bartlett. Illustrated. London. 2 vols. 8vo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1865. izmo. Poetical works. With life, by Macaulay. Illustrated. Phila- delphia, 1857. 8vo. Works. Edited by Peter Cunningha.m. London, 1854. 4 vols. 8vo. GOMEZ, Isaac, Jr. Selections of a father for the use of his children. In prose and verse. New York, 1820. 8vo. GOODALE, Stephen L. Sixth and seventh annual reports of the secretary of the Maine board of agriculture, 1861-1862. Augusta, 1861-2. 8vo. GOODE, William. The Divine rule of faith and practice. Phila- delphia, 1842. 2 vols. 8vo. GOODRICH, C. B. The world of science. See Silliman, B., Jr. GOODRICH, Frank B. The tribute book ; a record of the munifi- cence, self-sacrifice, and patriotism of the American people during the war of the Union. Illustrated. New York, 1865. 4to. GOODRICH, Samuel G. Illustrated natural history of the animal kingdom. With 1400 engravings. New York, 1S59. 2 vols. 8vo. Pictorial geography of the world ; a system of universal geog- raphy, popular and scientific. Illustrated. Boston, 1854. 2 vols. 4to. "'Peter Parley' put into circulation more than seven million volumes of his own publications, — all inculcating pure morality." — Griswold. GORDON, J. F. S. The catholic in Scotland, from the suppression of the hierarchy in 1603 till the present time. Illustrated. Glasgow, 1869. 8vo. 205 CATALOGUE OF GORDON, J. F. S. Monasticon ; an account of all the abbeys, priories, collegiate churches, and hospitals in Scotland, at the refor- mation. Illustrated. Vol. i. Glasgow, 1868. 8vo. Scotichronicon ; comprising bishop Keith's catalogue of Scottish bishops, and treatises on the Culdees. Illustrated. Vol. i. Glas- gow, 1867. 8vo. GORDON, Mrs. Memoir of John Wilson, "Christopher North." With an introduction, by R. S. Mackensie. Illustrated. New York, 1863. 8vo. GORDON, William R. Christianity, etc. See Demarest, John T. Particular Providence, in distinction from general. Illustrated by a course of lectures on the history of Joseph. New York, 1855. i2mo. GORE, Catherine F. Rose fanciers' manual. London, 1838. i2mo. GORGES, Ferdinando. America Painted to the Life ; the True His- tory of the Spaniards' Proceedings in the Conquest of the Indians. London, 1659. i6mo. GORRINGE, Henry H. Egyptian obelisks. Fifty-one full-page illus- trations. New York, 1882. Folio. GOSSARD, Fire. Motifs de penitence et de saintetd Chr^tienne pour tous les jours du mois. Turin, 1769. iSmo. Printed on vellum GOSSE, Philip H. Ancient and modern history of the rivers of the Bible. London. 8vo. GOTTFRIEDT, J. L. Historische Chronica. Illustrated. Frankfort, 1 7 10. Folio. GOUGE, William. The whole armor of God ; or the Spirituall Fur- niture which God hath prouided. London, 16 16. i6mo. " The father of the London ministers." — Leigh. GOULBURN, Edward M. Thoughts on personal religion. Christian life in devotion and practice. London, 1867. i6mo. 206 THE STUART LIBRARY. GOULD, Augustus A. Mollusca and shells of the United States ex- ploring expedition of 1838- '42, under Wilkes; being volume 12 of the narrative. Plates. Boston, 1852. Folio. Additional atlas to same. Phii-adelphia, 1856. Folio. Report on the invertebrata of Massachusetts, by order of legis- lature ; comprising mollusca. Edited by Binnev. Illu.strated. Boston, 1870. 8vo. Principles of zoology. See Agassiz, L. GOULD, John. Birds of Asia. London, 1850-83. 7 vols. Folio. Birds of Australia. London, 1848. 7 vols. Folio. Birds of Europe. London, 1837. 5 vols. Folio. Birds of Great Britain. London, 1873. 5 vols. Folio. A century of birds from the Himalaya mountains. London, 1832. Folio. Introduction to the trochilidse, or family of humming-birds. London, 1861. 8vo. See also Martin, W. C. L. Mammals of Australia. London, 1863. 3 vols. Folio. — Monograph of the odontophorinse, or partridges of America. London, 1850. Folio. — Monograph of the ramphastida:, or family of toucans. London, 1854. Folio. — Monograph of the trochilidre, or family of humming-birds. Lon- don, 1 86 1. 5 vols. Folio. — See also Addenda. GOULD, S. Baring-. Curious myths of the middle ages. Illustrated. London, 1867. i2mo. GOUPIL, F. Albums of paintings of the masters. Photographed. Paris. 7 vols. 4to. 207 CATALOGUE OF GOWER, Ronald, editor. The great historic galleries of England. Illustrated. New York, 1882. Folio. GOWER, Stanley. Things Now-a-doing : or the Churches travaile Of the Child of Reformation now-a-bearing. London', 1644. i6mo. Paper. GRASSE, J. G. Th. Handbuch der alten numismatik von den altes- ten zeiten auf Constantin d. Gr. Leipzig, 1856. 8vo. GRAHAM, Isabella. The power of faith exemplified in her life and writings. New York, 1S43. i2mo. GRAHAM, John. Scottish national melodies. New York, 1841. 410. GRAHAM, Maria. Journal of a residence in Chile, in 1822, and a voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823. Illustrated. London, 1824. 4to. Journal of a residence in India. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1S12. 4to. Journal of a voyage to Brazil and residence there from 1821 to 1823. Illustrated. London, 1824. 410. She was the wife of Sir Augustus Callcott and known as lady Callcott. GRAHAME, James. The history of the United States of North America, from the plantation of the colonies till the declaration of independence. London, 1836. 4 vols. i2mo. " The best work on the subject, previous to Mr. Bancroft's." — Pnscott. GRAHAME, Nellie. The step-mother's recompense ; or Mrs. Eller- ton's trials and reward. Philadelphia, 1864. i6mo. GRAINGER, James. The sugar-cane ; a poem, with notes. Lon- don, 1764. 4to. GRANITE Songster; comprising the songs of the Hutchinson family, without the music. Boston, 1847. i6mo. GRANT, Asahel. The Nestorians ; or the lost tribes. Containing evidence of their identity and Scripture prophecy. New York, 1 841. i2mo. "Much curious and interesting information." — I^nd. Athrn. 208 THE STUART LIBRARY. GRANT, E. R. Beet-root sugar, and cultivation of the beet. Boston, 1866. i6mo. GRANT, James A. A walk across Africa ; or, domestic scenes from my Nile journal. London, 1864. 8vo. GRANT, J. P. Memoir and correspondence of Mrs. Grant Laggan. Illustrated. London, 1845. 3 vols. i2mo. GRANT, Mrs., of Laggan. Letters from the mountains, from 1773 to 1803. Edited by her son, J. P. Grant. London, 1845. 2 vols. i2mo. Memoir and correspondence. Edited by her son, J. P. Grant. Illustrated. London, 1845. 3 vols. i2mo. GRANVILLE, A. B. 'I'he spas of England. Illustrated. London, 1841. 3 vols. i2mo. The spas of Germany. Illustrated. London, 1838. 8vo. GRAPHIC, The London. An illustrated paper. See London Graphic. GRATTAN, Thomas C. The history of the Netherlands. Illustrated. London, 1850. i6mo. GRAVIER, Jacques. Relation ou journal du voyage en 1700, depuis le pays des Illinois jusqu'il, I'embouchure du Mississipi. New York, 1859. i2mo. Large paper edition. "The original spelling of the 'father of waters' was Meche Sebe. Tonti suggested Miche Sepe ; Father Laval, Michispi ; Labatt, Misispi ; Marquette made it Mississipi, which is the modem French of our Mis- sissippi." GRAY, Asa. Botany of United States exploring expedition. See Wii.KES, Charles. The genera of the plants of the United States. Illustrated by figures and analyses from nature by Isaac Sprague. Super- intended, and with descriptions, etc., by Asa Gray. Boston, 1848-49. 2 vols. 8vo. 14 209 CATALOGUE OF GRAY, Asa. Manual of the botany of the northern United States. Revised edition, including Virginia, Kentucky, and all east of the Mississippi. With six plates. New York, 1859. 8vo. " Remarkable for correctness and perspicuity." — Silliman. GRAY, George R. The genera and species of birds ; distinguishing those contained in the British museum. London, 1869. 3 vols. 8vo. GRAY, John E. Catalogue of the bones of mammalia in the British museum. London, 1862. 8vo. Catalogue of carnivorous, pachydermatous and edentate mam- malia in the British museum. London, 1869. 8vo. — Catalogue of the mammalia and birds of New Guinea in the British museum. London, 1859. 8vo. — Catalogue of monkeys, lemurs and fruit-eating bats in the British museum. London, 1870. 8vo. — Catalogue of seals and whales in the British museum. London, 1866. 8vo. Hand-list of the specimens of shield reptiles in the British mu- seum. London, 1873. 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of postage stamps for the use of collectors. London, 1866. i6mo. Illustrations of Indian zoology, chiefly selected from the collec- tion of Major General Hardwicke. London, i83o-'34. 2 vols. Folio. Colored plates. " He was at the head of the natural history department of the British museum." — Allihone. GRAY, Thomas. Elegy in a country churchyard. Illuminated by Owen Jones. London, 1846. 8vo. Beautifully embossed cover, holly leaves and berries. "Gray's elegy pleases instantly and eternally." — Byro;:. Poems. Printed by Bodoni. Parma, 1793. 4to. THE STUART LIBRARY. GRAY, Thomas. Poems ; to which are added memoirs of his life and writings by W. Mason. Illustrated. York, 1778. 4 vols. i6mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. lamo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1865. i2mo. GRAYJACKETS ; and how they lived, fought and died for Dixie. By a confederate. Anonymous. Richmond, 1867. 8vo. GREAT-EASTERN steamship. Pictorial history. London. 410. GREELEY, Horace. The American conflict ; a history of the great rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-1864. Illustrated. Hartford, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. GREEN. See also Greene. GREEN, AsHBEL. Lectures on the shorter catechism of the Presby- terian church in the United States. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vols. i2mo. Life : written between his 82d and 84th years. Edited by J. H. Jones. Illustrated. New York, 1849. 8vo. GREEN, Henry. Shakespeare and the emblem writers ; an exposition of their similarities of thought and expression. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1870. 8vo. GREEN, Jacob. A monograph of trilobites of North America ; with coloured models of the species. Philadelphia, 1832. i6mo. GREEN, Mary A. E. Lives of the princesses of England, from the Norman conquest. London, i85o-'5. 6 vols. i2mo. GREEN, Samuel. Biblical and theological dictionary. London, 1850. i6mo. GREEN, William H. The argument of the book of Job unfolded. New York, 1874. i2mo. CATALOGUE OF GREEN, William H. Moses and the prophets. New York, 1883. 1 2 mo. A reprint of articles by W. Robertson Smith and Dr. A. Kuenen, reviewed by W. H. Green. GREENE. See also Green. GREENE, Albert G. Recollections of the Jersey prison ship ; from the original manuscripts of Captain Thomas Dring. Edited by H. B. Dawson. Morrisania, 1865. 4to. GREENE, George W. Life of Nathanael Greene. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., tit'w senes, vol. 10. GREENLEAF, Jonathan. History of the churches of all denomina- tions in the city of New York. New York, 1846. i8mo. GREENWELL, Dora. The patience of hope. With an introduction by J. G. Whittier. Boston, 1863. i6mo. A present Heaven. Boston, 1863. i6mo. GREGOROVIUS, Ferdinand. Corsica; picturesque, historical, and social. Translated from the German, by E. J. Morris. Illus- trated. Philadelphia, 1855. i2mo. GREGORY, D. S. Why four gospels? New York, 1877. i2mo. GREGORY, George. A new and complete dictionary of the arts and sciences. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1816. 3 vols, in 6. 8vo. GREGORY, J. G. Earth's eventide and the bright dawn of the eter- nal day. London, 1869. i6mo. GREGORY, Olinthus. Letters on the evidences, doctrines, and du- ties of the Christian religion. London, 1867. i6mo. " No book is so well calculated to give the young just views of revealed relig- ion." — Robert Hall. GRESWELL, William P. Annals of Parisian typography. With an account of the earliest typographical establishments of Paris. Illus- trated. London, 181 8. 8vo. THE STUART LIBRARY. GREVILLE, Charles C. F. Journal of the reigns of king George IV. and king William IV. Edited by Henry Reeve. London, '875- 3 'voh. 8vo. GREVILLE, Robert K. Scottish cryptogamic flora ; or coloured fig- ures and descriptions of cryptogamic plants, belonging chiefly to the order /ungi. Edinburgh, 1823-28. 6 vols. Svo. GREY, C. Early years of the prince consort. Compiled under the direction of her majesty, queen Victoria. Illustrated. London, 1867. Svo. GREY, Zaify Jane. Writings. In British reformers, volume 3. GRIFFIS, William E. The Mikado's empire. Book i. History of Japan, 660 B.C.— a.d. 1872. Book 2. Personal experiences, obser- vations, and studies in Japan, i87o-'74. Illustrated. New York, 1876. 8vo. GRIMM, Herman. Life of Michael Angelo. Translated by Fanny E. Bunnett. Boston, 1866. 2 vols. Svo. Large paper edition. GRINDLAY, Robert M. Scenery, costumes and architecture ; chiefly on the western side of India. London, 1830. Folio. Beautifully coloured plates. "A beautiful and splendid work." — Pro/. Wilson. GRISCOM, John H. Memoir of John Griscom. Illustrated. New York, 1S59. Svo. John Griscom was a Quaker, and Prof, of chemistry and natural philosophy. Uses and abuses of air. With remarks on the ventilation of houses. Illustrated. New York, 1S54. i6mo. GRISWOLD, RuFUS W. The republican court ; or American society in the days of Washington. With 21 portraits of distinguished women. New York, 1S55. 410. "The perfection of typography and binding." — Emperor of Brazil. GROTE, George. History of Greece: i. Legendary Greece; 2. Gre- cian history to the reign of Peisistratus at Athens. London, 1854. 12 vols. Svo. "Has won for himself the title of the historian of Greece." — Edinb. rev. 213 CATALOGUE OF GRUNER, Lewis. The decorations of the garden-pavilion in the grounds of Buckingham palace. With introduction by Mrs. Jame- son. London, 1846. Folio. Fresco decorations and stuccoes of churches and palaces in Italy, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. With descrip- tions. London, 1854. Folio. Same. Descriptions of the plates. London, 1854. 4to. "An eminent artist of splendid works." — T/iomas. GUALTHERE, Tigurine R. An hundred, three score and fifteene Homelyes or sermons uppon the Actes of the Apostles. 1572. 4to. Black letter. — " An eminent Swiss divine, son-in-law of Zwingle." — Thomas. GUARANO, Jacopo. Oracoli, Auguri, Aruspici, Sibille indovini della Religione pagana tratti da Antichissimi monument!. Venice, 1792. Folio. GUARD, Theodore de la. Pseudonym. See Ward, N. GUBERNATIS, Angelo de. Zoological mythology ; or the legends of animals. New York, 1872. 2 vols. Svo. GUNTHER, Albert. Catalogue of the batrachia salientia in the British museum. London, 1858. Svo. Catalogue of the fishes in the collection of the British museum. London, i 859-1 S70. 8 vols. Svo. GUERANGER, Dom. Sainte Cecile et la societe Romaine au.x deux premiers siecles. Ouvrage contenant 2 chromolithographies, 5 planches en taille-douce et 250 gravures sur bois. Paris, 1874. 4to. GUERIN, Eugenie de. Journal. Edited by G. S. Treeutien. London, 1S65. i2mo. Letters. Edited by G. S. Trebutien. London, 1S66. i2mo. GUl&RIN, M. F. E. Dictionnaire pittoresque d'histoire naturelle et des phdnom^nes de la nature. R^dige par une societe de natural- istes. Paris, 1S34-39. 12 vols. 410. 9 volumes of text and 3 of plates. GUHL, Ernst, and Caspar, Joseph. Denkmaler der kunst zur Uber- 214 THE STUART LIBRARY. siclit ihrcs cntwickelungs-ganges von den ersten kUnstlcrischen ver- suchen bis zu den standpunkten der gegenwart. Vol. i. Altcn kunst ; 2. Romantischen kunst. Stuttgart, 1851. 2 vols. 410. GUIDICKIN.S, F. W. An answer to Mr. Horace Walpole's doubts, etc. See Walpole, Horace. Historic doubts, etc. GUILD, Reuben. The librarian's manual ; a treatise on bibliography. List of works and sketches of public libraries. Illustrated. New York, 1858. 8vo. Lias. KENDALL, Edward A. Travels through the northern parts of the United States. New York, 1809. 3 vols. 8vo. KENNEDY, E. S. Peaks, etc. See Ball, John. KENNEDY, John. The Divine life ; a book of facts and histories. Philadelphia, izmo. • — The natural history of man, or popular chapters on ethnography. London, 185 i. i6mo. Rest under the shadow of the great Rock. London. i6mo. — Work and conflict ; or the Divine life in its progress. London. i6mo. KENNEDY, White. Bibliothecse Americanae Primordia ; the foundation of an American Library. Writings to the Society for the propaga- tion of the Gospel in Foreign parts. London, 1713. i2mo. 265 CATALOGUE OF KENNET, White. Lets and impediments. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Feb. 15, 17;^. London, 1712. i2mo. KENNETT, Basil. Antiquities of Rome ; in two parts. With essays on learning and education. Illustrated. London, 1837. lamo. "First published in l6g6, and for nearly a century the standard school-book on the subject." — AUibone. KENRICK, John. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. New York, 1852. 2 vols. i2mo. KEPPEL, George T., Earl of Albemarle. Fifty years of my life. Il- lustrated. New York, 1876. i2mo. Personal narrative of a journey [overland] from India to Eng- land in 1824. London, 1827. 4to. "A most entertaining volume." — Loud. lit. gazette. KEPPEL, Henry. E.xpedition to Borneo of H. M. S. Dido for the suppression of piracy. London, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. KERSHAW, S. W. Art treasures of the Lambeth library ; a descrip- tion of the illuminated manuscripts, etc. Illustrated. London, 1873. 8vo. KEYSER, Rudolph. Religion of the Northmen. Translated by B. Pennock. New York, 1854. i2mo. KEYSERLING, Alex. von. Geology of Russia. See Murchi- SON, R. I. KIDD, John. On the adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man. London, 1833. 8vo. Bridgewater treatise. KIDDER, D. P. Brazil, etc. See Fletcher, J. C. KIDDER, Frederic. Military operations in eastern Maine and Nova Scotia during the revolution. Illustrated. Albany, 1S67. 8vo. The expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell, and his encounters with the Indians. Illustrated. Boston, 1865. 4to. 266 THE STUAKT I.IIJKAKY. KIENER, L-C. Species gcnc-ral et iconographie des coquilles vivants; comprenant la collection du museum d'histoire de Paris, etc. Paris, io vols. 8vo. CONTENTS : Ailees, coluraellaires, and turritcUcs, each i vol. ; enroulccs and purpurifires, each 2 vols. ; canalifires, 3 vols. "Ce grand ct bcl ouvrage est classe selon les systimes de Cuvier et Lamarck." — Brunei. KILLEN, J. M. Our companions in glory ; or society in Heaven con- templated. New York, 1862. i6mo. Our friends in Heaven. Philadelphia. i6mo. KILLEN, W. D. The ancient church ; its history, doctrine, worship, and constitution, traced for the first three hundred years. Lon- don, 1859. 8vo. KIMBALL, Richard B., editor. Life in Santo Domingo, by a settler. New York, 1873. lamo. An extensive contributor to the Knickerbocker mag. and Putnam's monthly. KINDERFLEY, Edward C. The very joyous, pleasant, and refreshing history of the feats, exploits, triumphs, and atchievements of the good knight without fear and without reproach ; the gentle Lord de Bayard. Set forth in English. London, 1848. i2mo. Reprint. The knight lived from 1476 to 1524. KING, Charles W. The Gnostics and their remains, ancient and mediaeval. Illustrated. London, 1864. 8vo. KING, Clarence. Report of the geological exploration of the 40th parallel. Vols. 3 and 5. Washington, 1870. 4to. KING, Edward, Lord Kingsborough. Antiquities of Mexico ; fac-sim- iles of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics. Together with the monuments of New Spain by Dupaix. Coloured plates. Lon- don, 1831-48. 9 vols. Folio. "Cost the author his life. Ha\nng expended over ;/^30,ooo on this magnificent work, he went to prison rather than pay an unjust claim of his paper maker ; was attacked with fever and died. If he had lived a year longer, he would have inherited a fortune of ^^'40,000 a year." — Rich. 267 CATALOGUE OF KING, Jonas. Missionary to Syria and Greece. A memoir by F. E H. H. New York, 1879. i2mo. KING, Richard. Journey to tlie shores of the Arctic ocean. Lon- don, 1847. 2 vols. i2mo. Naturalist to Back's Arctic expedition, 1833-35. KING, Richard J. Hand-book to the cathedrals of England. Illus- trated. London, 1861-64. 4 vols. i2mo. KINGLAKE, Alexander W. Invasion of the Crimea ; its origin and an account of its progress down to the death of lord Raglan. Ed- inburgh, 1863. 4 vols. 8vo. Author of Eothen. " A brilliant writer." — Alison. KINGSBOROUGH, Lord. See King, Edward, Lord Kingsborough. KINGSLEY, James L. Life of Ezra Stiles. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., new series, vol. 6. KINLOCH, Francis. Eulogy on George Washington. Reprint of the edition of 1800. New York, 1867. 8vo. Edition of 60 copies privately printed, with portrait. KINSEY, W. M. Portugal illustrated. London ? 1828. Bvo. KIPP, William I., editor. Recantation ; or, the confessions of a con- vert to Romanism. New York, 1S46. i6mo. KIRBY, R. S. Wonderful and scientific museum. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1803-4. 6 vols. 8vo. Very scarce. Wonderful and eccentric museum. Illustrated. London, 1820. 3 vols. 8vo. " An extraordinary collection." KIRBY, William. On the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation of animals, and in their history, habits and instincts. Illustrated. London, 1835. 2 vols. 8vo. Bridgewater treatise. KIRK, John Foster. History of Charles the bold, duke of Burgundy Philadelphia, 1S64. 3 vols. 8vo. 268 THE STUART LIBRARY. KIRKLAND, Frazar. Cyclopoedia of commercial and business anec- dotes, interesting reminiscences and facts in all ages and countries. Illustrated. New York, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. KIRKLAND, Mrs. Caroline M. Book of home beauty. With twelve portraits of American ladies, from drawings by Charles Martin, engraved on steel. New York, 1852. Folio. Same. New York, 1852. 4to. " Unquestionably one of our best writers. She has a certain freshness of style, wit, approximating humor, interspersed with pure fun ; and she describes with great verisimilitude." — Poe. KIRKTEN, James. The secret and true history of the church of Scot- land from the restoration to the year 1678. With an account of the murder of archbishop Sharp, by James Russell. Edited from the MS. by C. K. Sharpe. Portraits. Edinburgh, 1817. 4to. " Carries with it an authenticity scarcely pretended to by other authors of the time."—lValh'r Scotl. KIRWAN. See Murray, Nicholas. KITTO, John. Daily Bible illustrations ; being original readings for a year, especially designed for the family. Illustrated. New York, 1854. 4 vols. i6mo. The history of Palestine. Boston, 1852. i2mo. Pictorial life of our Saviour. London, 1852. 8vo. Pictorial Sunday book. London, 1848. 4to. Same. London, 1848. 4to. " Kitto's life is as instructive as his labours ; and both present an unequalled picture of triumph over obstacles." — Eadie. KLENCKE, Philipp, F. H. Alexander von Humboldt ; a biographical monument. Translated by Juliette Bauer. London, 1852. iimo. KLOSE, Charles L. Memoirs of prince Charles Stuart, count of Al- bany, commonly called the young pretender. With notices of the rebellion in 1745. London, 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. 269 CATALOGUE OF KLUNZINGER, C. B. Upper Egypt : its people and its products. New York, 1878. 8vo. KNAPP, F. Chemical technology ; or chemistry applied to arts and manufactures. Vol. in. London, 1851. 8vo. KNE ELAND, Samuel. An American in Iceland. Illustrated. Bos- ton, 1876. i2mo. KNICKERBOCKER gallery. A testimonial to the editor of the Knickerbocker magazine, from its contributors. With 48 steel por- traits. New York, 1855. 8vo. " The co-editors were Dr. Francis, Dr. Griswold, R. B. Kimball, Geo. P. Morris, and F. W. Shelton. " — Drake. KNIGHT, Charles, editor and publisher. London pictorially illustrated. London, 1841-43. 6 vols, in 3. 4to. Old England. A pictorial museum of regal antiquities, etc. London, 1845. 2 vols, in i. Folio. Pictorial edition of the wprks of Shakespeare. See Shake- speare, W. The pictorial gallery of arts. Vol. i. Useful arts ; vol. 2, Fine arts. London. 2 vols. Folio. Pictorial museum of animated nature. Illustrated with four thousand wood engravings. London. 2- vols, in i. 4to. Same. London. 2 vols. 4to. — William Caxton, the first English printer. Illustrated. London, 1844. i8mo. "Mr. Knight is one of the first literary benefactors of the age." — AlHbone. KNIGHT, Helen C. Hannah More ; or life in hall and cottage. New York, 1851. i2mo. Same. New York, 1862. lamo. KNIGHT, Henry G. Ecclesiastical architecture of Italy, from the time of Constantine to the fifteenth century. With introduction and text by Henry Gaily Knight. London, 1843. 2 vols. Folio. Same. London, 1843. 2 vols. Folio. 270 THE STUART LIIiRARY. KNIGHT, Madam, and Buckingham, Rev. John. Journals. From the original manuscripts. New York, 1825. i2mo. KNIGHT, Richard P. A discourse on the worship of Priapus, and its connection with the mystic theology of the ancients. To which is added an essay on the worship of the generative powers during the middle ages of western Europe. London, 1865. 8vo. KNIP, Madame, ni'e Pauline de Courcelles. Les pigeons. Le texte par C. J. Themminck. Coloured plates. Paris, 181 i. Folio. " Un bel ouvmge. " — Brutiet. KNOX, John. The ressoning which was betuix the Abbote of Cro- saguell and John Knox concerning the masse in the year 1562. Edinburgh, 181 2. 8vo. BInck-Ietter ; fac-simile of the edition of 1563. Writings. In British reformers, vol. g. " He who never feared the face of man." KNOX, VicESiMus. Christian philosophy ; or the evidence and excel- lence of revealed religion. London, 1836. i6mo. " Presses powerfully the importance of seeking divine teaching." — Bickersteth. KONIG, GusTAv. Fifty designs illustrating the life of Martin Luther, the German reformer ; with the rise and progress of the reformation in Germany. London, 1855. Svo. Same. In fifty pictures ; to which is added a sketch of the rise and progress of the reformation in Germany. London, 1853. 4to. Same. London, 1855. Svo. Same. In forty-eight historical engravings. With explana- tions by archdeacon Hare, continued by Susanna Winkworth. New York, 1S57. 4to. See also Labouchere, P. A. KCEPPEN, Adolphus L. The world in the middle ages ; an historical geograph}'. New York, 185.1. Folio. A work highly commended by George Ticknor. .T7I CATALOGUE OF KOHL, JOHANN G. Popular history of the discovery of America, from Columbus to Franklin. Translated from the German by R. R. Noel. London, 1862. 2 vols. i2mo. " One of the best writers of travels of recent times.' — Thomas. KOHLRAUSCH, Frederick. A history of Germany, from the earliest period to the present time. London, 1844. 8vo. KOSTER, Henry. Travels in Brazil. Illustrated. London, 1S17. 2 vols. 8vo. " A faithful picture of a very interesting stage in the progress of society." — Southey. KOTZEBUE, Otto von. Voyage of discovery into the South sea and Beering's straits, for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage, in 1815-18. Illustrated. London, 1821. 3 vols. 8vo. KRAPF, J. Lewis. Travels, researches, and missionary labours during an eighteen years' residence in eastern Africa. Illustrated. Lon- don, i860. 8vo. KRASINSKI, Valerian. Sketch of the religious history of the Sla- vonic nations. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1851. Svo. KRAUS, JOHANN U. Historische Bilder Bibel des Alten und Neuen Testaments. Illustrated. Augsburg, 1705. Folio. With engraved descriptive text. Same. Augsdurg, 1705. Folio. KRETSCHMER, Albert, and Rohrbach, Carl. The costumes of all nations from the earliest times to the nineteenth century ; ex- hibiting the dresses and habits of all classes, regal, ecclesiastical, etc. London, 1882. 4to. KRUMMACHER, Friedrich A. Cornelius the centurion. Translated by J. W. Ferguson. Edinburgh, 1839. i6mo. Professor of theology at Duisburg. KRUSENSTERN, Adam J. von. Voyage round the world, in 1803- 1806. Translated from the German by R. B. Hoppner. London, 1 813. 2 vols. 4to. " Tr.inslated into the principal European languages." — Thomas. 272 THE STUART LIBRA RY. KUGLER, Franz T. Handbook of painting ; the Italian schools. Translated from the German. Edited with notes by C. L. East- lake. Illustrated. London, 1855. 2 vols. i2mo. Professor of the history of art in the academy at Uerlin. KURR, J. G. The mineral kingdom. With coloured illustrations of the most important minerals, rocks, and petrifactions. Edinburgh, 1859. Folio. KURZ, M. Berlin und Potsdam. See Doppel, J. ABANOFF, Alexandre. Lettres, instructions et m^moires de Marie Stuart, rcine d'^cosse. London, 1844. 8vo. T AB LABARTE, Jules. Histoire des arts industriels au moyen age et i I'^poque de la renaissance. Text. Paris, i864-'6. 4 vols. 8vo. Album. Paris, 1864. 2 vols. 4to. LABILLARDIERE, Jacques J. H. Voyage in search of La Perouse ; performed by order of the constituent assembly, during 1791-94. Translated from the French. Illustrated. London, 1800. 4to. " Ouvrage estime, dont les exemplaires sont tres-communs. " — Brunei. LABORDE, Alexandre, L. J. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France, et de ses anciens chateaux. Mel6e d'observations sur la vie de la campagne et la composition des jardins. Les dessins par C. Bourgeois. Paris, 1808. Folio. Versailles, ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1841. 8vo. LABOUCHERE, Pierre A. Illustrations of the life of Martin Luther. Engraved in line after original paintings by Labouchere. With letter-press descriptions by J. H. Merle d'Aubign£. London, 1862. Folio. See also Konig, Gustav. LABOULAYE, Edouard R. L. Paris in America. Translated by Mary L. Booth. New York, 1863. i2mo. " Ingenious and witty. He was a warm friend of the Union during the late civil war." — Thomas. LACHARLERIE, H. de. Dessins de Paul et Virginie. See St. Pierre, B. de. 18 273 CATALOGUE OF LACIAR, J. D. Patriotism of Carbon county, Pennsylvania. Illustrated. Mauch Chunk, 1867. 8vo. LACROIX, Paul. " Bibliophile Jacob." Les arts au moyen age et a I'epoque de la renaissance. Ouvrage illustre de 19 planches chro- molithographiques et de 400 gravures sur bois. Paris, 187 i. 4to. " Un ouvrage fort curieux, et il a eu du succes." — Brunei. The arts in the middle ages, and at the period of the re- naissance. Illustrated with 19 chromo-lithographic prints and over 400 wood-cuts. London, 1870. 8vo. Same. New York, 1870. 8vo. "Valuable and important." — Thomas. — Costumes historiques de la France, avec un texte descriptif, precede de I'histoire de la vie privee des Frangais. 3 vols, and appendix in one volume. P.\ris. 8vo. Colored plates. — Recueil curieux de pieces originales, rares ou in^dites en prose et en vers sur le costume et les revolutions de la mode en France, pour servir d'appendice aux costumes historiques de la France. Paris. 8vo. — XVIII"^ siecle institutions, usages et costumes, France 1700-1789. Ouvrage illustre de 21 chromolithographies et de 350 gravures sur bois. Paris, 1875. 4to. — Galerie des femmes de George Sand. 24 gravures en taille- douce sur acier. Paris, 1843. 8vo. — Manners, customs, and dress during the middle ages and during the renaissance period. Illustrated. London, 1874. 8vo. — McEurs, usages et costumes au moyen age, et a I'epoque de la renaissance. Ouvrage illustre de 15 planches chromolithographiques et de 440 gravures. Paris, 1871. 4to. — Sciences and lettres au moyen age et k I'epoque de la renais- sance. Ouvrage illustr^ de 13 chromolithographies et de 400 gra- vures sur bois. Paris, 1877. 4to. 274 THE STUART LIURAKV. LACROIX, Paul. Vie militaire et religieuse au moyen age, et a I'epoque de la renaissance. Ouvrage illustre de 14 chromolitho- graphies et de 409 figures sur bois. Paris, 1873. 410. FouKNiER, E., et Serk, F. Histoire de rimprimerie et des arts et professions qui se rattachent i la typographic, etc. Illustr^. Paris, 1852. Svo. LA FONTAINE, Jean de. Fables, avec les dessins de Gustave DoRii. Paris, 1867. 2 vols. Folio. Fables. Paris. 2 vols. i8mo. Fables. Translated into English verse by Walter Thornburv. With illustrations by Gustave DoriS. London. 410. "In the first rank among fabulists." — Hallam. LAFOY, J. B. M. U. The complete coiffeur ; an essay on the art of adorning natural and creating artificial beauty. In English and French. Illustrated. New York, 1S17. i6mo. Poetry among the earliest efforts of Samuel Woodworth, author of Thi old oaken bucket. LAHONTAN, N., Baron. New voyages to North America, containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent. To which is added a dictionary of the Algonkine language, which is generally spoke in North America. Illustrated. Done unto English from the French. London, 1703. 2 vols. i2mo. "A native of Gascony ; came to Canada as a soldier in 1683." LAING, David. Select remains of the ancient popular poetry of Scot- land, Edinburgh, 1822. Svo. Only 108 copies printed, and nearly all destroyed by fire, Nov., 1824. LAING, Samuel. Journal of a residence in Norway, during 1834-36 ; to inquire into the moral and political economy of that country. London, 1836. 8vo. Notes of a traveller, on the social and political state of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe. London, 1842. Svo. 275 CATALOGUE OF LAING, Samuel. Observations on the social and political state of Den- mark, and the duchies of Sleswick and Holstein in 1851 ; being the third series of the notes of a traveler on the social and political state of the European people. Map. London, 1852. 8vo. Observations on the social and political state of the European people in 1848-49. Being the second series of the notes of a traveller. London, 1850. Svo. — Tour in Sweden in 1838 ; observations on the moral, political. and economical state of the Swedish nation. London, 1839. Svo. " Next to Humboldt, the first of living travellers." — Loud, and Westm. rev. LALAISSE, Hip., et Benoist, F£lix. Galerie Armoricaine. Costumes et vues pittoresques de la Bretagne. Nantes. 2 vols. Folio. LAMARCK, Jean B. P. A. de Monet. See Dubois, Charles, for an epitome of Lamarck's arrangement of testacea. LAMARTINE, Alphonse de. History of the French revolution of 1848. Translated from the French. With portraits. London, 1857. i6mo. " Characterized by a more candid spirit and more wholesome sympathies than previous writers." — Edinb. rev. LAMB, Charles and Mary. Works. Illustrated. London, 1850. 4 vols. lamo. LAMB, Mrs. Martha J. History of the city of New York ; its origin, rise and progress. Illustrated. New York, 1877. 2 vols. 8vo. LANDAFF, Richard, Lord Bishop. Sermon preached before the So- ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20''', 1761. London, 1761. i2mo. LANDER, Thomas D. Memorial of the royal progress in Scotland. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1843. 4to. LANDMANN, George. Historical, military, and picturesque observa- tions on Portugal. Illustrated. London, 1818. 2 vols. Folio. LANDON, Letitia E. Poetical illustrations for Fishers' drawing-room scrap-books. See Fisher and Son. 276 THE STUART LTIiRARY. LANDSEER, Edwin. Early works. A brief sketch of the life of the artist ; illustrated by photographs of sixteen of his most popular works. With a complete list of his exhibited pictures. London, 1869. 4to. " Unrivalled in the representation of animals. In truth he has opened an entire new mine in this branch of art." — Alison. LANDSEER, Thomas. Monkeyana ; or, men in miniature. Part 2. London, 1827. 4to. LANK, Edward VV. Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. Illustrated. London, 1835. 2 vols. i6mo. Same. Edited by W. S. Poole. London, i860. 8vo. " Nothing can he more accurate." — Roberts. translator. The Arabian nights' entertainments. Illustrated. London, 1841. 3 vols. 8vo. Same. Boston, 1853. 8vo. See also Arabian nights' entertainments. The adventures of hunchback. "All the springs of the desert have less refreshed the Arabs than these de- lightful tales." — Leigh Hunt. LANGE, John P. Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. Translated from the German, by P. Sch.'^ff and others. New York, 1872-4. 17 vols. 8vo. LANGSDORFF, Georg H. von. Voyages and travels in various parts of the world, during 1 803-1807. Illustrated. London, 1813. 2 vols. 4to. Naturalist, attached to Krusenstern's expedition to the north. LANMAN, Charles. Dictionary of the United States congress. With biographical sketches. Philadelphia, 1859. 8vo. Private secretary to Daniel Webster, and librarian to Congress. This work passed through six editions. LANMAN, Ja.mes H. History of Michigan, civil and topographical. Illustrated. New York, 1839. 8vo. Uncle of the preceding. 277 CATALOGUE OF LANTERN of light. Written about a. d. 1400. In British reformers, vol. i. LANZI, LuiGi. History of painting in Italy, from the period of the revival of the fine arts to the end of the i8th century. Translated from the original Italian by Thomas Roscoe. London, 1828. 6 vols in 5. i2mo. " Ouvrage tres-estime." — Brunei. LA PEYRERE, Isaac de. Description of Greenland in 1644. Edited by A. White. Hakluyt society. London, 1855. 8vo. LARWOOD, Jacob, and Hotten, J. C. The history of sign-boards, from the earliest times to the present. Illustrated. London, 1866. 1 2 mo. LAS CASAS, Bartoloe, Obispo de Chiapa. Carta a los muy Rev. y charissimos padres, 1554. London, 1854. 8vo. LASPEE, Henry de. Calisthenics ; or, the elements of bodily culture, designed for practical education. Illustrated. London, 1865. 8vo. LATHAM, Robert G. A dictionary of the English language, founded on Samuel Johnson's. London, 1866. 2 vols, bound in 4. 4to. " A learned and laborious inquiry into the abstruse points in general gram- mar." — Land. Athen. Nationalities of Europe. London, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. LATHROP, A. C. Memoir of Asahel Grant, missionary to the Nes- torians. New York, 1847. i8mo. LATIMER, Hugh. Sermons and letters. In British reformers, vol. 4. " More than any other man promoted the ref- ormation by his preaching." — Gilpin. LATOUR, A. Lacarriere. Historical memoir of the war in west Florida and Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1816. 8vo. LAUD, AViLLiAM. Works. Oxford, 1847. 2 vols. i2mo. Archbishop of Canterbury, 1633. " Never did, said or wrote anything above the capacity of an old woman ; but was a prodigy of parts and learning." — Samuel Johnson. 278 THE STUART LIBRARY. LAUREL HILL cemetery, near Philadelphia. Guide ; with numerous illustrations. The designs by John Notman, architect. Phila- delphia, 1844. 4to. LAURENS, John. Army correspondence in the years lyy-j-'S; now first printed from original letters addressed to his father, Henry Laurens, president of congres.s. With a memoir by William Gil- more SiMMs. New York, 1867. 8vo. No. 7 of Bradford Club scries, which see. (Only 75 copies privately printed, large paper.) LAURENT, Henri, e'diteur. Lc musee Napoldon, d6di6 S, sa majesty I'empereur et roi ; ou recueil de gravures d'apr&s les plus beaux tableaux, statues et bas-reliefs choisis dans la collection impc^-riale. Avec description des sujets, notices litt^raires et discours sur les arts. Paris, 181 2. Folio. Le musde royal ; ou recueil de gravures d'apr^s les plus beaux tableaux, statues et bas-reliefs de la collection royale. Avec de- scription des sujets, notices litteraires et discours sur les arts, dddid au roi. Paris, 1818. Folio. "Collections magnifiques." — Brunei. LAURIE, Thom.'^s. Dr. Grant and the mountain Nestorians. Boston, 1S53. i2mo. Contains the most correct map of the Nestorian country. LAVATER, Johann C. Essays on physiognomy ; for the promotion of the knowledge and the love of mankind. Translated from the German by Thomas Holcroft. Illustrated. London, 1789. 3 vols. 8vo. A friend and correspondent of Goethe. LAW, John. A full and impartial account of the Company of the Mis- sissippi, or French East-India-Company projected by him. In French and English. London, 1720. i2mo. "Projector of the most stupendous swindle ever conceived."— /Fat?,/. See also South sea and Bubbel. LAWRENCE, Amos. Extracts from his diary and correspondence. Edited by his son, W. R. Lawrence. Illustrated. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 279 CATALOGUE OF LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas. Engravings from his choicest works, by McInnes, Jackson, Philips, etc. London. Folio. Succeeded Sir Joshua Reynolds as first painter to the king. LAWSON, John. A new voyage to Carolina. Description and natural history of that country, etc. London, 1709. 8vo. "An intelligent observer, enterprising and circumspect; but he fell a victim to the jealousy of the Indians, who burned him at the stalce." — Drake. LAWSON, John P. The Bible cyclopaedia ; containing the biography, geography and natural history of the Holy Scriptures. Illustrated. Edinburgh. 3 vols. 4to. History of the Episcopal church of Scotland from the reforma- tion to the revolution. Edinburgh, 1844. Bvo. History of the Scottish Episcopal church from the revolution to the present. Edinburgh, 1843. 8vo. ■'Sliows ability, industry and impartiality." — Ch. and state gaz. Scotland delineated. A series of views of Edinburgh and its environs, and of the principal cities and towns, etc. From drawings by Sir William Allan and others. With descriptions, historical notices, etc. London. Folio. LAYARD, Austen H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; being the result of a second expedition, undertaken for the British museum. With maps, plans and illustrations. New York, 1853. 8vo. Popular account of discoveries at Nineveh. Arranged from his large volume. Illustrated. New York, 1852. 121110. Second series of the monuments of Nineveh. From drawing's made during a second expedition to Assyria. Seventy-one plates. London, 1853. Folio. " Tousles archeologues, tous les geographes unissent leurs vobt pour la publication des observations de M. Layard." — Acad, dcs iiueriptioiis. LEACH, William E. The zoological miscellany ; descriptions of new or interesting animals. Illustrated by Nodder. London, 1814 and 1817. 3 vols. 8vo. 280 THE STUART UBRARY. LEAKE, Isaac Q. Memoir of the life and times of General John Lamb, and his correspondence with Washington, etc. Albany, 1850. 8vo. LEAR, Edward. Illustrated excursions in Italy. London, 1846. 4to. Illustrations of the family of psittacidae, or parrots. Containing forty-two lithographic plates drawn from life. London, iP.^z. Folio. LE BRUN, Charles. Galerie des Peintres Flamands, Hollandais et Allemands. Ouvrage enrichi de 201 Planches gravies d'apr^s les meilleurs Tableaux de ces Maitres ; avec un Texte explicatif. Paris, 1792. 2 vols, bound in 3. Folio. Lithographic drawings illustrative of the relations between the human physiognomy and that of the brute creation. From designs by Charles Le Brun. London, 1827. Folio. President of the royal academy and director of the Gobelin manufactory. LECHFORD, Thomas. Plain dealing ; or news from New England. With introduction and notes by J. H. Trumbull. Boston, 1867. i2mo. Edition 285 copies. LE DUG, VioLLET. See Viollet-le-Duc. LEE, Samuel. Contemplations on Mortality ; wherein the Terrors of Death are laid open, and the Joyes of Communion with Christ. Boston, 1693. i8mo. The Joy of Faith ; or a Treatise opening the true Nature of Faith, its lowest stature and Distinction from Assurance, with a Scripture Method to attain both, by the Influence and Aid of Divine Grace. Boston, 1687. iSmo. A learned non-conformist minister, settled at Bristol, R. I. LEE, Samuel. Prolegomena ad Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, sumptibus Bagsters. London. 2 vols. Folio. A profound scholar and eminent divine ; died in 1852. LEE, Mrs. Sarah, formerly Mrs. T. E. Bowditch. Trees, plants, and flowers : their beauties, uses, and influences. With illustrations drawn and coloured by James Andrews. London, 1864. 8vo. 281 CATALOGUE OF LEECH, John. Follies of the year. A series of coloured etchings from Punch's pocket-books, 1844-1864. With some notes by Shirley Brooks. London. 8vo. "Acquired great reputation by his caricatures." — Allibone. LEEDS, Lewis W. Lectures on ventilation, delivered in Franklin in- stitute, Philadelphia, 1866-67. New York, 1868. 8vo. LEEMAMS, Conradus. ^gyptische monumenten van het Nederland- sche museum van Oudheden te Leyden, uitgegeven op last der hooge regering. Leyden, 1839. Folio. LEGEND of Mary, queen of Scots, and other ancient poems from MSS. of the i6th century. With notes, etc. Anonymous. Lon- don, 1810. 4to. LEGER, Jean. Histoire gendrale des Eglises £vangeliques des vallees de Piemont, ou Vaudoises. Leyden, 1669. 2 vols in i. Folio. LEGOUVE, Schcelcher, Didier, etc. Les hommes celebres de I'ltalie. See Deveria, J. J. M. A. LE HAY. Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant, tires sur les tableaux peints d'apres nature en 1707 et 1708, par les ordres de M. de Ferriol, ambassadeur de Roi a la Porte. Et gravees en 17L2 et 17 13, par les soins de Mr. Le Hay. Paris, 17 14. Folio. LEIGHTON, John. The life of man, symbolised by the months of the year, in a series of illustrations ; and pourtrayed in their sea- sons and phases, with passages selected from ancient and modern authors, by Richard Pigot. London, 1866. 4to. Moral emblems, illustrated. See Cats, J., and Farlie, R. LELAND, John. A view of the principal Deistical writers, that have appeared in England in the last and present (iS*) century. With an appendix by W. L. Brown, and introduction by C. R. Ed- munds. London, 1837. Svo. " Too much cannot be said in its commendation." — AIliboi:e. LEMPERTZ, Heinrich. Bilder-hefte zur geschichte des bucherhandels und der mit demselben verwandten kiinste und gewerde. Cologne, 1853-65. Folio. 282 THE STUART LIIiRARY. LEMPRIERE, John. Classical dictionary ; containing all proper names mentioned in antient authors. New edition, enlarged by !•". I). Le.mpriere. London, 1839. 4to. " This book enjoyed a wide popularity." — Thomas. LE NAIN, TiLLKMONT L. S. de. Ecclesiastical memoirs of the si.x first centuries ; made good by citations from original authors, with chronological table. Translated from the French. Illustrated. London, 1833. 2 vols. Folio. " A Port-Royalist ; eminently modest ; his works highly esteemed." — Thomas. LENOIR, Alexandre. Recueil de gravures pour servir d I'histoire des arts en France, prouv^e par Ics monumens. Paris, 181 i. Folio. "II a soustrait de prtScieux monuments de la sculpture, qui. sans lui, n'e.\- isteraient plus." — Brioicl. LENORMANT, Ch. Elite des monuments ceramographiques ; ma- tdriaux pour I'histoire des religions et des moeurs de I'antiquite. Rassembles et comments par Ch. Lenormant et J. De Witte. 4 vols, text and 4 vols, plates. Paris, 1844. 8 vols. Folio. " Consacre a ce qu'on appellc Vases Etrusques." — Brunei. LENORMANT, M. F. Texte des chefs-d'oeuvre de I'art antique. See Chefs d'ieuvre, etc. Deuxieme serie. LENS, Andrii. Le costume ; ou essai sur les habillements et les usages de plusieurs peuples de I'antiquite. Liege, 1776. 8vo. " Ouvrage estime." — Brin-ct. LEONOWENS, Anna H. The English governess at the Siamese court : being six years in the royal palace. Illustrated. Boston, 1870. i2mo. t L'EPINE, Ernest. Le l^gende de croquemitaine. Illustrce par Gus- TAVE Dor£. Paris, 1863. 410. LE POIS, Antoine. Discours sur les M^dalles et Graveures antiques, principalement Romaines. Illustrated. Paris, 1579. 8vo. "Ouvrage curieux et assez recherche." — Brunei. 283 CATALOGUE OF LEPSIUS, Richard. Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and the penin- sula of Sinai, in 1842-45. Edited by K. R. H. Mackenzie. Lon- don, 1853. 8vo. " Bunsen and Humboldt persuaded the king of Prussia to place Lepsius at tlie head of this Egyptian expedition." — Thomas. LERBERGHI, P. van. Italian scenery ; representing the manners, customs, and amusements of the different states of Italy. With coloured engravings from the original drawings, by James Godbv. The narrative by M. Buonahjti. London, 1806. Folio. LE SAGE, Alain R. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. Edition augmentee de notes historiques et litt^raires par Francois de Neuchateau. Paris, 1844. iSmo. "The charge of plagiarism is refuted by the editor." — Thomas. Abrege de I'histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane par N. Wano- STROCHT. New York, 1818. i6mo. The adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. Translated from the French, by T. Smollet. Illustrated. New York, 1854. 8vo. Same. London, 1819. 3 vols. i2mo. 15 colored plates, increased by insertions to nearly 200. "Admirable and nat- ural pictures of human life in all conditions and phases." — Thomas. LESLIE, Charles. A Short and Easie i\Iethod with the Deists, — with John Checkley's Tryal for publishing it. London, 1723 and 1738. i2mo. See note at end of book. " No single theological work has received so much praise. Its reprints are innumerable." — Dibdin. Theological works. Oxford, 1832. 7 vols. 8vo. " Leslie was the ablest defender of orthodoxy, at the close of the 17th cen- tury." — Dibdin. LESQUEREUX, Leo. The cretaceous flora of the Western states. See United States geological survey, volume 6. LESSIUS, Leonard. Sir Walter Raleigh's Ghost appearing to request the translation of De Providcntia numinis, v.'ritten against Atheists. Illustrated. London, 165 i. i8mo. A Flemish Jesuit, lecturer on theology at Louvain. 284 THE STUART LIUKAKV. Lp;SSOR, A., anil Richard P. Botanique du voyage de I'AstroIabe. Sec DuMONT D'Urvii.i.i:. LESTER, C. Edwakds. America's advancement ; the progress of the United States during their first century. Illustrated by loo superb engravings on steel, embellishing scenery, history, biography, states- manship, literature, science and art. New York, 1876. 4to. Formerly U. S. consul at Genoa. Gallery of illustrious Americans. See Brady, M. B., etc. and Foster, A. Life and voyages of Americus Vespucius, and discovery of the new world. Illustrated. New York, 1846. 8vo. LETTERS to a nobleman on the conduct of the war in the middle colonics. Anonymous. With plans. London, 1779. i2mo. LETTS, J. M. California illustrated ; including a description of the Panama and Nicaragua routes. New York, 1853. 8vo. LETTSON, William N., translator. The fall of the Niebelungers ; otherwise the book of Kriemhild, the Niebelungenlied. London. 1850. i2mo. " The name Niebelungen is said to be derived from an ancient Burgundian race or family, v.hose downfall forms the subject of the poem." — Thomas. LEVAILLANT, Francois. See Vaillant, Francois le. LE VERRIER, Jean. The Canarian. See Bontier, Pierre. LEVY, Edmond. Histoire de la peinture sur verre en Europe, et par- ticulierement en Belgique. Planches en couleur par J. B. Capperon- nier. Brussels, i860. Folio. LEWALD, Fanny. The Italians at home. Translated from the Ger- man by the Countess d'Avigdor. London, 184S. 2 vols. lamo. Miss L. married Adolf Stahr, the author. LEWIN, Thomas. The life and epistles of St. Paul. Illustrated. New York, 1875. 2 vols. 410. "We can hardly lay it down, without concluding its perusal." — Eng. rev. LEWIN, T. H. Wild races of south-eastern India. London, 1870 1 2 mo. 28s CATALOGUE OF LEWIS, Dio. The new gymnastics ; for men, women and children. Boston, 1873. i2mo. LEWIS, Elisha J. American sportsman ; containing hints to sportsmen, notes on shooting, and the habits of tlie game birds and wild fowl of America. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1857. 8vo. " Practical suggestions, useful to every votary of dog and gun." LEWIS, John. History of the several translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English ; and of the most remarkable editions of them since the invention of printing. London, 1739. 8vo. Very rare. "Dull, but important." — Orme. "Stands in direful need of re- vision." — Dibdin. The Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton of the Weald of Kent, the First Printer in England. With portrait. London, 1737. 8vo. "Wants lucid order and agreeable style . . . Among the dullest of all bio- graphical memoirs." — Dibdin. LIBERIANA Basilica. Cenni storici intorno la Basilica liberiana oggi di Santa Maria Maggiore. Descritta da Filippo Gerardi. Folio. No title-page. LIBRARIES, British. See Wvnken, Wm. LIBRI-CARRUCCI, Guillaume. Collection. Monuments in^dits ou peu connus, faisant partie du cabinet de Guillaume Libri, et qui se rapportent \ I'histoire des arts du dessin consid6res dans leur appli- cation i I'omament des livres. London, 1S62. Folio. Same. Seconde edition, augmentee de plusieurs planches. London, 1864. Folio. " M. Libri, — en meme temps bibliophile, bibliographe, et surtout bibliopole." — Bntnet. — Catalogue of his collection of splendid manuscripts, chiefly on vellum, sold March, 1S59. London, 1859. 8vo. '■ He was appointed inspector-general of the libraries of France. On a false charge of purloining, he was condemned to imprisonment, but escaped to Lon- don." — ■ Thomas. 286 THE STUART LIBRARY. LICHENSTEIN, Henry. Travels in southern Africa, in 1803-1806. Translated from the German, by Anne Plumtre. London, 181 2. 4to. "Appointed director of the zoological museum of Berlin, which under him be- came one of the largest. He was an eminent ornithologist." — Thomas. LICHFIELD and Coventry, Richard, Lord Bishop. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 16, 1732. London, 1733. i2mo. LIEBIG, Justus. Organic chemistry, in its applications to agriculture and physiology. Cambridge, 1841. i2mo. "One of the greatest chemists of the century; founded the first model labora- tory in Germany." — Thomas. LIEBERT, AuGUSTiN, c'diteur. Galerie du Luxembourg, des musses palais et chateau.x royau.x de France, contenant la collection des tableau.x de I'ucole Fran^aise, depuis David. Paris, 1828. Folio. LIECHTENSTEIN, Marie. Holland hou.se. Illustrated. London, 1874. 2 vols. 4to. LIGHT, Major Henry. Original sketches of Sicilian scenery. Draw- ings by P. De Wint. London, 1823. 4to. LIME-STREET lecture. Defense of some important doctrines of the Gospel. In twenty-six sermons. Philadelphia. 8vo. LINCOLN, Abraham. Legislative honors to his memory. Governor Fenton's message, and obsequies of the President. Albany, 1865. 8vo. LINDEN, John. Iconographie des orchids. Avec la collaboration de J. E. Planchon, M. G. Reichenbach, et G. Luddemann. Vol. 1. Brussels, i860. Folio. LINDLEY, John. Ladies' botany ; or, a familiar introduction to the study of the natural system of botany. London. 2 vols. Svo. Prof, of botany at University college, London, from lS2g. ■ Sweet, R., and Don, D. Ornamental flower-garden and shrubbery, containing coloured figures and descriptions. Selected from the works of John Lindley, R. Sweet, and D. Don. With hints on culture, propagation, etc., by a practical horticul- turist. London, 1854. 4 vols. 8vo. 287 CATALOGUE OF LINDSAY, John. A view of the coinage of Ireland ; with some ac- count of the ring money. Illustrated with over one hundred and fifty engravings. Cork, 1839. 4to. "An important addition to our numismatic and historical knowledge." — Lond. lit. gaz. LINDSAY, Lord. See Cravvford, Alexander M., Lord Lindsay. LINSCHOTEN, John H. Discourse of voyages into y^ Easte and West Indies. Printed by John Wolfe. London, 159S. 4to. LINTON, William. Sketches in Italy. Sketches in 1828-29, drawn on stone, with historical and descriptive references, etc. London, 1832. 2 vols, in I. Folio. LIPPINCOTT, J. B., publisher. A complete pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary. Edited by Thomas Baldwin and others. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1855. 8vo. LIPPINCOTT, Mrs. Sarah J. C. Haps and mishaps of a tour in Europe. Boston, 1S54. i2mo. Nee Clarke; better known as "Grace Greenwood." "Her writings are emi- nently characteristic, strictly national and decisively individual." — Henry Giles. LIQUORS. The manufacture, imitation, adulteration, and production of foreign wines, brandies, gins, rums, and liquors. By a practical chemist. Anonymous. Philadelphia, i860. i2mo. LISIANSKY, Urev. Voyage round the world, in 1S03-1806, in the ship Neva. London, 1814. 4to. " Un voyage dont le but principal etait d'etablir une communication entre les provinces de Russie, par le moyen de I'ocean " — Briiiiet. LITCHFIELD and Coventry, John, Lord Bishop. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 16, 170*. London, 1705. i2mo. LITERARY and scientific repository and critical review. Volumes iii. and IV. New York, 182 1-2. 8vo. LIVERMORE, George. An historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, citizens, and soldiers. Boston, 1863. 8vo. THE STUART LIBRARY. LIVERSEEGE, Henry. Engravings from his works. Full-page steel plates. London, 1832. Folio. LIVINGSTON, John. Portraits of eminent Americans now living ; with memoirs. New York, 1854. 8vo. LIVINGSTONE, David. La.st journals in central Africa from 1865 to his death. Continued by a narrative of his last moments, etc., by Horace Waller. Illustrated. New York, 1875. 8vo. — Missionary travels and researches in south Africa. Illustrated. New York, 1865. 8vo. Same. London, 1857. 8vo. — and Charles. E.xpedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries. 1858-1864. Illustrated. New York, 1866. 8vo. LIVY. Titi Livii Patavini historiarum ab urbe condita libri, qui ex- tant, XXXV. Cum universae historiae epitomis a Carolo Sigonio emendatis. Apud Faultttn Manutium Aldi F. Venice, 1555. 4to. LIZAR, W. H. Views of the principal cities and towns in Scotland. With descriptions by John Wilcox. Edinburgh. i8mo. LLOID, Lodowick. The consent of time, desciphering the errours of the Grecians in their Olympiads. London, 1590. lamo. LLORENTE, Jean A. History of the inquisition of Spain from the time of its establishment to the reign of Ferdinand Vll. Illus- trated. London, 1826. 8vo. "The only authentic history of the inquisition." — Prescott. LLOYD, L. Scandinavian adventures, during a residence of upwards of twenty years. Illustrated. London, 1854. 8vo. LLOYD, William, and Gerard, A. Narrative of a journey from Caunpoor to the Himalayas. London, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. LOCKE, John. Thoughts on education. With notes by J. A. St. John. London, 1836. i6mo. "He appears to have exaggerated the efficacy of education." — Hallam. LOCKHART, Charles. History of Hampshire. See Woodward, B. B. 19 289 CATALOGUE OF LOCKHART, John G. Ancient Spanish ballads ; historical and ro- mantic. Translated with notes, by J. G. Lockhart. Illustrated. The borders and ornamental vignettes by Owen Jones. London, 1856. 4to. " A more appropriately, as well as beautifully, embellished volume was never offered." — Edinh. rev. Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott. Paris, 1838. 4 vols. Svo. "Most impressive and instructive, awakening the deepest sympathies." — Chan- cellor Kent. LODGE, Edmund. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, engraved from authentic pictures. With biographical memoirs. London, 1821-34. 4 vols. Folio. " These short biographies are very models of taste, and as characteristic as the portraits themselves." — Dibditi. See also Holbein, Hans, Portraits, etc. LOFTIE, W. J. A century of Bibles ; or the authorized version, from 161 1 to 171 1, with lists of Bibles in the British museum. Illus- trated. London, 1872. 8vo. Large paper. Same. London, 1872. i2mo. Same. London, 1872. i2mo. LOFTUS, William K. Travels and researches in Chaldaea and Susiana ; with an account of excavations at Warka, the " Erech " of Nimrod, and Shush, " Shushan the palace," of Esther, in 1849-52. New York, 1857. Svo. " An indefatigable traveller and zealous explorer." — LonJ. Allien. LOGAN, James. Description, etc., of the clans of the Scottish High- lands. See McIan, R. R. Illustrations, etc. The Scottish Gael ; or Celtic manners as preserved among the Highlanders. Illustrated. Hartford, 1846. Svo. LOGAN, W. H. A pedlar's pack of ballads and songs. With illus- trative notes. Edinburgh, 1869. izmo. 290 rUE STUART LII5KARV. LONDON art-union. Prize annual for 1848. London, 1848. Folio. Same. London, 1847. Folio. LONDON catalogue of book.s published in Great Britain from 1831 to 1835. London, 1855. 8vo. LONDON e.\hibition of 1851. Ofificial descriptive and illustrated cata- logue. London, 185 i. 3 vols. 8vo. Reports of the juries. London. 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. and the Crystal Palace. See Tallis, John, & Co. LONDON Graphic. 1869-1872. 6 voLs. Folio. LONDON international exhibition of 1862. Chromolithographs of art and sculpture. See Waring, J. B. Illustrated catalogue printed for Her Majesty's commissioners. London, 1862. 2 vols. Folio. LONDON post-office directory for 1S56 and 1858. London. 2 vols. 4to. LONDON, Real life in ; rambles and adventures of Bob Tallyho and Tom Dashali, by an amateur. Illustrated. London, 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. LONDON zoological society. Gardens and menagerie delineated. London, 1835. 2 vols. i2mo. Vol. I, quadrupeds ; vol. 2, birds. Transactions, 1835-1866. London. 4to. Proceedings, 1S48-18S1. Illustrated. London. 2 vols. 8vo. LONG, C. CHAiLLii. Central Africa ; naked truths of naked people. Illustrated. New York, 1877. 8vo. LONGFELLOW, Henry W. Complete works. Illustrated. Boston, 1866. 7 vols. i2mo. The golden legend. Illustrated. Boston, 1855. i2mo. Hyperion. Illustrated. Boston, 1853. 8vo. 291 CATALOGUE OF LONGFELLOW, Henry W. Poems. Boston, 1854. 2 vols. i2mo. Poems. Illustrated. Boston, 1855. 8vo. Poetical works. Illustrated. Boston, 1881. 2 vols. 4to. Poetical works, including his translations and notes. London. 4to. Seaside and fireside. Boston, 1850. i2mo. Voices of the night, and other poems. Illustrated. Boston, 1852. 8vo. " His poetry expresses a universal sentiment, in the simplest and most melodious manner." — G. IV. Cur/is. LONG ISLAND historical society. Memoirs. Brooklyn, i867-'69. 2 vols. Svo. LONGMAN AND Co., publishers. Illuminated calendars for 1845 and 1849, after the style of the mediaeval missals. London, 1845 and 1849. 2 vols. 8vo. LONGVVORTH, David. American almanac. New York register and city directory, 1810-11. Astronomical calculations by Andrew Beers. New York, 1810. i2mo. LONGWORTH, Thomas. American almanac. New York register and city directory for 1826 to 1842, inclusive. New York. 17 vols. i2mo. LORD, John K. The naturalist in Vancouver island and British Columbia. Illustrated. London, 1866. 2 vols. Svo. LORGUES, RosELLY de. See Roselly de Lorgues. LORIMER, James. Constitutionalism of the future ; or, Parliament the mirror of the nation. Edinburgh, 1865. i2mo. LORIMER, John G. Historical sketch of the protestant church of France. Philadelphia, 1842. i2mo. LORING, James S. The hundred Boston orators from 1770 to 1852. With historical gleanings on our republican institutions. Boston, 1852. 8vo. He was 30 years a bookseller in Boston. 292 THE STUART LIURAKY. LORRIS, GuiLLAUME DE, and Meung, Jean ije. Le Rommant de la Rose, nouvellement Revea et corrig(5 oultre les pr(ic6dentes Im- pressions. Paris, 1529. 241110. With wood-cuts and illuminated pictures and initials. " Jolie edition. Les excmplaires bien conserves sunt rarcs ct trLS-recherchcs." — ISnnirl. LORY, I., AND J. 0/ Ncufchatel. Picturesque tour from Geneva to Milan by the way of the Simplon. Thirty-six coloured views. With descriptions by F. Schoberl. London, 1820. 4to. " Copic du grand ouvrage publie \ Paris en 181 1." — Brunei. LOSE, Federigo. Terra cotta architecture of North Italy, I2th-i5th centuries, from drawings and restorations. With 48 colored illus- trations and wood-cut sections. Edited by L. Gruner. London, 1867. Folio. LOSKIEL, George Henry. History of the mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. Translated from the German. Illustrated. London, 1794. 8vo. Drawn up from the accounts of Spangenburg and Zeisburger. LOSSING, Benson J. Eminent Americans ; comprising brief biog- raphies of 330 distinguished persons. Illustrated. New York, 1857. 8vo. History of the United States. For families and libraries. Illus- trated. New York, 1857. 8vo. Home of Washington ; and its associations, historical, biographical and pictorial. New York, 1865. 4to. — The Hudson, from the wilderness to the sea. Illustrated by 306 wood-cuts and steel frontispiece. New York, 1866. 8vo. — Life and times of Philip Schuyler. Illustrated. New York, i860. 2 vols. i2mo. — National history of the United States. Illustrated. New York, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. — Pictorial field-book of the revolution. Illustrated. New York, 1 85 1. 2 vols. Svo. "One of the most useful books of reference." — Edward Everett. 293 CATALOGUE OF LOSSING, Benson J. Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812. Illus- trated. New York, 1869. 8vo. Pictorial history of the civil war in the United States of Amer- ica. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1866. 3 vols. Svo. — Statesman's manual. See Williams, Edwin. LOTHROP, Samuel K. Life of Samuel Kirkland. Boston, 1855. 1 6 mo. In Sparks' Am. biog. , new series, vol. 15. LOUBAT, J. F. The medallic history of the United States of Amer- ica, 1776-1876. With 170 etchings by Jules Jacquemart. New York, 1878. 2 vols. 4to. LOUDON, Jane, wife of J. C. Loudon. British wild flowers. With coloured plates. London. 4to. "A perfect vade-mecum of the art." — Land. lit. gaz. The ladies' flower-garden. With coloured plates. London. 4 vols. 4to. CONTENTS : 1. Ornamental greenhouse plants. | 3. Ornamental annuals. 2. Ornamental bulbous plants. | 4. Ornamental perennials. LOUDON, John C. Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum ; or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, pictorially and botanically delineated and explained. In four volumes of letter-press and four of octavo and quarto plates. London, 1844. 8 vols. Encyclopaedia of plants. Edited by Mrs. Loudon, assisted by G. Dow and others. London, 1855. 8vo. " Mr. Loudon was landscape-gardener, a man of extensive information, un- tiring energy and great benevolence." — AUibone. LOUIS XIV et ses amours. Galerie historique. Paris, 1824. 4to. Containing five portraits. Sumamed"the great." "Though his internal ad- ministration was bad, he succeeded in passing himself off on his people as a being above humanity." — Macaulay. LOUISIANA. Historical collections ; with introduction by B. F. French. New York, 1846-52. 4 vols. Svo. 294 THE STUART LIBRARY. LOUVRE. Notice cles tableaux exposes dans les galcries dii mus6e national, par Both de Tauzia. Paris, 1881. izmo. LOW, David. The breeds of the domestic animals of the British Islands. Illustrated with plates. London, 1842. 2 vols in i. Folio. Prof, of agriculture in the university of Edinburgh. LOWE, E. J. Ferns ; British and exotic. London, 1856-60. 8 vols. 8vo. LOWE, Richard T. History of the fishes of Madeira. With original figures from nature, by Norton and Young. London, 1843-60. 8vo. LOWELL, James Russell. The Biglow papers, edited by "Homer Wilbur." Boston, 1854. i2mo. A political satire. A fable for critics ; a series of jokes by a wonderful quiz. New York, 1848. i2mo. "A master in verse, a true man, a learned scholar, a philosopher and a satirist without gM."—yfUiiom. LOWNDES, William T. Bibliographer's manual of English literature. London, 1857. 4 vols. ismo. " An invaluable work." — Allibonc. LOWRIE, John C. Manual of missions ; or sketches of the foreign missions of the Presbyterian church. With maps New York 1854. 8vo. Manual of the foreign missions of the Presbyterian church in the United States. New York, 1868. i2mo. Missionary papers. New York, 18S1. i2mo. Two years in upper India. New York, 1850. i2mo. LOWRIE, John ]\I. Adam and his times. Philadelphia. 1861. i6mo. Esther and her times ; lectures on the book of Esther. Phila- delphia, 1859. i6mo. 295 CATALOGUE OF LOWRIE, John M. The Hebrew lawgiver. Philadelphia, 1865. 2 vols. i6mo. The life of David. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1869. i6mo. — The prophet Elisha. To which is prefixed a memoir of the author. Philadelphia, 1869. i2mo. — The translated prophet. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1868. 1 6 mo. A week with Jesus ; or lessons learned in His company. Phil- adelphia. i6mo. LOWRIE, Walter. Memoirs of Walter M. Lowrie, missionary to China. Edited by his father. Illustrated. New York, 1849. 8vo. LUBBOCK, Sir John. Pre-historic times ; as illustrated by ancient re- mains, and the manners and customs of modern savages. New York, 1872. 8vo. LUCAN, (Marcus Ann^us Lucanus). Pharsalia. Translated, with notes, by H. T. Rilev. London, 1853. i2mo. Treats of the civil war between Cxsar and Pompey. LUDEWIG, Hermann E. The literature of American local history ; a bibliographical history. New York, 1846. 8vo. LUDLOW, Fitz-Hugh. Heart of the continent : a record of travel across the plains and in Oregon. Illustrated. New York, 1870. 8vo. LUBKE, WiLHELM. Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the middle ages. Translated by L. A. Wheatley. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1873. 8vo. History of sculpture, from the earliest ages to the present time. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Illustrated. London, 1872. 2 vols. 8vo. LUEDERITZ, C. G., publislier. Thirty colored lithographs of the no- bility of different countries. Berlin. Folio. 296 THE STUAKT LIBRARY. LUNETTES, Henry. The American gentleman's guide to politeness and fashion. Illustrated. New York, 1857. i2mo. " Good only to intimidate the vulgar, and furnish fun to those who do not fancy fun is ungentecl." — Ij>ni/. A then. LUTHER, Martin. Biblia ; das ist die Heilige Schrift altes und neues Testaments. Wittemberg, 1576. Folio. Sec also Bible. A Commentarie upon the epistle of St. Paul to the Galathians. Translated from the Latin. London, 1580. i2mo. — Life, written by himself. Collected and arranged by M. MicH- elet. Translated by Wm. Hazlitt. London, 1846. i2mo. — Table-talk. Translated and edited by William Hazlitt ; with his life by Alexander Chalmers. Illustrated. London, 1857. i6mo. LUXEMBOURG, Galerie du. See Liebert, Augustin, /diteur. Galerie de Rubens, dite du Luxembourg ; ouvrage compost de vingt-cinq estampes, soit en couleur, soit en noir. Avec I'explication historique et all^gorique de chaque sujet. Paris. Folio. LYCEUM of natural history of New York. Vols. 1-10. New York, 1824-1874. 10 vols. 8vo. LYELL, Sir Charles. Principles of geology ; or the modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants. Illustrated with maps, plates and woodcuts. New York, 1853. 8vo. " Evinces talent, knowledge and research." — Loud. A then. Travels in North America, with geological observations on the United States. Illustrated. New York, 1845. i2mo. LYNCH, W. F. United States' expedition to the river Jordan and the Dead sea. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1852. Svo. " This expedition has thrown more light on that region than any previous." — Boussingault. 297 CATALOGUE OF LYRA, Nicolas de. Postilla sup. Psalteriu, una cum hymnis et can- ticis. Paris, 1472. 8vo. " Si Lyra non lyrasset, Lutherus non saltasset." " If Lyra had not harped on Profanation, Lutlier liad never planned the Reformation." LYTTON. See Bulwer-Lytton. M ACAULAY, Thomas B., Lord. History of England from the accession of James II. London, 1849-55. 4 vols. Svo. Lays of ancient Rome. Illustrated. London, 1865. Svo. " Has all the attributes of a great historian but impartiality. "— 77!(j«aj. MACAULEY, James. Natural, statistical and civil history of the state of New York. New York, 1829. 3 vols. Svo. McCABE, James D., Jr. Lights and shadows of New York life. Illus- trated. Philadelphia, 1872. Svo. McCALL, Major Hugh. History of Georgia ; containing brief sketches of the most remarkable events up to the present time. Portrait. Savannah, 181 i. 2 vols. i2mo. " Has its merits, but from scanty materials." — Sparks. McCHEYNE, Robert M. Narrative of a mission to the Jews, etc. See BoNAR, A. A. McCLELLAN, George B. Exploration of Red river. See Marcy, R. B. McCLINTOCK, Francis L. Voyage of the Fox. Narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. Illustrated. London, 1859. Svo. McCOOK, Henry C. Historic decorations at the Pan-Presbyterian council 1880. Philadelphia, 1880. 4to. McCOSH, James. Christianity and positivism ; lectures on natural theology and apologetics, in Union theological seminary. New York, 1S71. i2mo. The emotions. New York, 1880. i2mo. 298 THE STUART I.IUKARV, McCOSIi, James. Examination of Mill's philosophy ; being a defence of fundamental truth. New York, 1866. 8vo. The intuitions of tiie mind, inductively considered. New York, 1866. 8vo — The method of the divine government, physical and moral. New York, 1863. 8vo. "Generally regarded as one of the first books of the z^c"— Charles /lodge. — The Scottish philosophy ; biographical, expository, critical, from Ilutcheson to Hamilton. New York, 1875. 8vo. — The supernatural in relation to the natural. New York, 1862. 1 2 mo. arid Dickie, George. Typical forms and special ends in crea- tion. New York, i860. 8vo. McCREA, Jane. Life ; with an account of Burgoyne's expedition of 1777. New York, 1853. i6mo. McCRIE, Thomas. Ecclesiastical history of Bass Rock. See Bass Rock. History of the progress and suppression of the reformation in Italy in the sixteenth century. Edinburgh, 1827. 8vo. "Never been superseded. The best account."— JF^/ot. rev. Life of Andrew Melville, with the ecclesiastical and literary his- tory of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1824. 2 vols. i2mo. Life of John Knox. The reformation in Scotland, etc. With appendix consisting of letters and other papers. New York, 1813. 8vo. Life of John Knox ; containing illustrations of the history of the reformation in Scotland. Philadelphia. Svo. " His curiosity in whatever concerns the history of his country is ever active and indefatigable. " — Mackenzie. — Progress and suppression of the reformation in Spain. Phila- delphia, 1842. i2mo. 299 CATALOGUE OF MACDONALD, James M. Book of Ecclesiastes explained. New York, 1856. i2mo. McDonald, Mary N. Poems. New York, 1844. 8vo. McDOUGAL, George F. The voyage of H. M. discovery-ship Reso- lute to the Arctic regions, in search of Sir John Franklin, 1852-54. London, 1857. 8vo. MACDUFF, John R. The footsteps of Saint Paul. New York, 1855. i6mo. MACFARLANE, Charles. Japan ; an account, geographical and his- torical. New York, 1854. lamo. " One of the most industrious of modem writers." — Allibom. Kismet ; or the doom of Turkey. London, 1853. i6mo. " Kismet " is the Arabic word for fate. Pictorial history of England. See Craik, George L. MACGILLIVRAY, Willia.m. The conchologist's text-book ; embracing the arrangements of Lamarck and Linnjeus. Illustrated. Edin- burgh, 1845. i6mo. Regius professor of natural history in the university of Aberdeen. MACGREGOR, John. Commercial . statistics ; a digest of the produc- tive resources of all nations. London, 1850. 5 vols. 8vo. "Deservedly eminent as an economist and statistician." — Land. Allien. MACHIAVEL, Nicholas. The art of war, in seven books ; with hints relative of warfare, by a gentleman of New York state. Albany, 1815. i2mo. History of Florence, and of the affairs of Italy, from the ear- liest times to the death of Lorenzo the magnificent. Together with the Prince, and various historical tracts. A new translation. Portrait. London, 1854. i6mo. "Enough to immortalize the author. Judicious, clear and elegant history." — Hallam, 300 THE STUART LIBRARY. McIAN, R. R. The clans of the Scottish Highlands; illustrated by figures displaying their dress, tartans, arms, etc., from original sketches by R. R. McIan. With descriptions and historical mem- oranda of character, mode of life, etc., by James Logan. Lon- don, 1845. 2 vols. Folio. " Unsurpassed in its way. Of the highest authority." MACINTYRE, James J. The cross and the crescent as standards in war ; and the abuses of the cross by the bishops of Rome. Lon- don, 1854. Svo. MACKAY, Charles. The Salamandrine. Illustrated. London, 1853. 4to. MACKAY, Mrs. Colonel. The Wycliffites ; or England in the fifteenth century. New York, 1847. lamo. "A superior book of its class."— Scottish Guardian. M'KENNEY, Col. Thomas L., and Hall, James. History of the In- dian tribes of North America ; with biographical sketches and anec- dotes. With one hundred and twenty portraits from the Indian gallery at Washington. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 vols. Folio. Same. Philadelphia, 1848-50. 3 vols. Svo. Col. McK. \v.is the first superintendent of the bureau of Indian affairs, when organized in connection with the department of war. MACKENZIE, Sir Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Lawrence, through the continent of North America, to the frozen and Pacific oceans, in 1789-93. London, 1801. 410. "The whole work leaves an impression of correctness and veracity."— Z^rt/ Jeffrey. MACKENZIE, Alexander S. Life of Stephen Decatur. Boston 1855. i6mo. ' In Sparks' Am. biog., new series, vol. 11. A year in Spain, by " a young American," (Alexander Slidell, afterwards as above). New York, 1836. 2 vols. i6mo. " Quite the fashionable book of the day, and spoken of in the highest terms in the highest cKrzXas."— Washington Irving. 301 CATALOGUE OF MACKENZIE, Mrs. Colin. Life in the mission, the camp, and the zenind ; or six years in India. New York, 1853. 2 vols. i2mo. MACKENZIE, G. Mum, and Irby, A. P. Travels in the Slavonic provinces of Turkey-in-Europe. Illustrated. London, 1867. 8vo. MACKIE, John M. Life of Samuel Gorton. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., new series, vol. 5. Life of Tai-ping-wang, chief of the Chinese insurrection. New York, 1857. i2mo. MACKNIGHT, James. A new literal translation, from the original Greek, of all the apostolical epistles. London, 1S21. 6 vols. 8vo. " Learning without pedantry, and piety without enthusiasm." — Dibdin. McLAUCHLAN, Thomas. The early Scottish church ; the ecclesiasti- cal history of Scotland from the first to the twelfth century. Ed- inburgh, 1865. 8vo. MACLEAN, John. History of the college of New Jersey, from its origin in 1746 to 1854. Philadelphia, 1877. 2 vols. 8vo. He was Prof, of chemisbry and nat. hist, in tlie colleije. McLEOD, Alexander. Life and power of true Godliness. New York, 1845. i2mo. Pastor of the first reformed Presb. church in N. Y. city. MACLEOD, Donald. Memoir of Norman Macleod. Illustrated. New York, 1876. 2 vols. 8vo. McLEOD, Lyons. Travels in eastern Africa. With a narrative of a residence in Mozambique London, i860. 2 vols. i2mo. MACLEOD, Norman. Eastward. London, 1866. 8vo. A Scottish divine, successively minister at London, Dalkeith and Glasgow. Good words for 1865-1866-1867-1869. London. 4 vols. 8vo. McMULLEN, Thomas. Hand-book of wines ; practical, theoretical and historical. With a description of foreign spirits and liqueurs. New York, 1852. i2mo. 302 THF, STUART LIHRARY. MACNISII, RoiiF.RT. The philosophy of sleep. New York, 1834. i2mo. " The most valuable contribution which philosophy, poetry and physical science combined have lately made to the study of man's nature." — Edinb. weekly chron. McPHERSON, Duncan. Antiquities of Kertch, and researches in the Cimmerian Bosphorus, etc. London, 1857. Folio. "A graceful addition to the library of the antiquary." — Lond. Athen. MADDEN, Frederic W. History of Jewish coinage, and of money in the Old and New Testaments. With 254 wood-cuts and a plate of alphabets, by F. M. Fairholt. London, 1864. 8vo. MADDEN, Richard R. Phantasmata ; or illusions and fanaticisms of protean forms, productive of great evils. Illustrated. London, 1857. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. " Citations and original matter make up a volume of considerable interest." — London Athenirum. The shrines and sepulchres of the old and new world ; records of pilgrimage in many lands. London, 1851. 2 vols. 8vo. — The Turkish empire, in its relations with Christianity and civili- zation. Portrait. London, 1862. 8vo. MAGAZINE of American history ; with notes and queries. See Stevens, John A., editor, etc. Same. Reprinted. With introduction and notes by John A. Vinton. Boston, 1866. 8vo. MAHON, Lord. See Stanhope, Ph. Henry, Earl of. MAIDMENT, James. A book of Scottish pasquils, 1568-1715. Illus- trated. Edinburgh, 1868. i2mo. editor. Scotish (sic) ballads and songs. Edinburgh, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. 16 copies printed on thick paper, this copy being No. I. MAINE board of agriculture. Report. See Goodale, Stephen L. MAINE historical society. Collections. Illustrated. Portland, 1831-59. 6 vols. 8vo. 303 CATALOGUE OF MAINE historical society. Collections. Second series. Vol. i. Port- land, 1869. 8vo. MAITLAND, Samuel R. The dark ages; a series of essays on the state of religion and literature in the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries. London, 1844. 8vo. " A publication of great ability, and of high and sound principles." — Lend, quart, rev. MAITLAND, William. History and survey of London, from its foun- dation to the present time. Illustrated. London, 1756. 2 vols. Folio. Partly compiled from JoH.»J Stow's survey of London, 1598. MAJOR, Richard H., editor. Early voyages to Australia, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the time of Captain Cook. Hakluyt society. London, 1859. 8vo. India in the fifteenth century ; being a collection of narratives of voyages to India. Hakluyt society. London, 1857. 8vo. Life of prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator ; and its results. Illustrated. London, 1868. 8vo. MALAKOZOOLOGISCHE blatter als fortsetzung der zeitschrift fur malakozoologie von Menke und Peiffer. Mit 3 lithographirten tafeln. First series: 25 vols, in 12. New series: 3 vols, in i. Cassel, 1854-81. i2mo. MALAN, S. C. The gospel according to St. John. Translated from the eleven oldest versions, except the Latin, and compared with the English. London, 1862. 4to. MALHERBE, Alf. Monographic des pieides ; ou histoire naturelle des pieides, picumnin^s, yungin^s ou torcols. 2 vols, text, and 2 vols. plates. Metz, 1861-62. 4 vols. Folio. MALKIN, A. T. Historical parallels ; Greece and Rome. London, 1846. 3 vols, in I. i8mo. MALLET, Paul H. Northern antiquities ; or a description of the ancient Danes and others. Translated from the French. London, 1770. 2 vols. 8vo. The title of the original is : Introduction i I'histoire de Danemark. THE STUART LIBRARV. MALMESBURY, William of. Chronicle of the kings of England, from the earliest period to the reign of king Stephen. With notes by J. A. Giles. Illustrated. London, 1847. i6mo. "Highly prized for accuracy, veracity and critical judgment."— ZViowaj. MALPIERE, D. Bazin uk. La Chine ; Moeurs, usages, costumes, arts et mdtiers, peines civiles et militaires, c(5r6monies religieuses, monu- ments et paysagcs, d'apri;s les dessins originaux du Perk Casti- GLioNE, du peintre Chinois Pu-QuA, de W. Alexandre, Chambers, Dadley, etc., par MM. Di^veria, R^gnier, Schaal, Schmit, ViDAL, et autres artistes connus. Paris, 1825. 2 vols. Folio. " Ouvrage publie en 30 livraisons. Chaque livraison comprcnd 6 lithographies, colorices avec soin." — Brunei. MAM MATT, Edward. Collection of geological facts and obser\-ations, to elucidate the formation of the Ashby coal-fields. Illustrated. Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 1834. 4to. " The result of forty years' experience." — Allibone. MANGIN, Arthur. Les jardins ; histoire et description. Dessins par Anastasi, Daubigny, V. Foulquier, Francais, W. Freeman, H. GiACOMELLi, et Lancelot. Tours, 1867. 4to. Mysteries of the ocean. Translated from the French. Illus- trated. London, 1868. 8vo. MANN, Herman. Memoirs of an American young lady, Mrs. Deborah (Sampson) Gannet ; being a Continental Soldier for nearly three years. By an American citizen. Illustrated. Dedham, 1797. i6mo. MANSFIELD, C. B. Paraguay, Brazil and the Plate. Letters written in 1852-3. With a memoir by Charles Kingsley. Illustrated. Cambridge, 1856. i2mo. MANSFIELD, Edward D. Life and military services of Winfield Scott. Illustrated. New York, 1862. i2mo. Mr. M. was a West Point graduate and subsequently an editor in Cincinnati. MANTELL, Gideon A. Wonders of geology. With colored plates. London, 1838. 2 vols. i6mo. "A work of delightful entertainment as well as instruction." — Land. med. jour. *° 305 CATALOGUE OF MANTZ, Paul. Les chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture Italienne ; contenant vingt planches chromolithographiques par Kellerhoven. Paris, 1870. Folio. MANUAL of devotion for soldiers and sailors ; forms of prayer, Bible compend, catechism and hymns. Philadelphia, 1847. i6mo. MANUSCRIPT, Arabic. In colors. With illuminated title and closing page. 172 pages, 13 lines to the page. i8mo. In case, labeled "Persian MSS." French ; Livre de Sainte Meditacyon, en Cognoissance de soy- mesmes. " Superb, with miniature of the author, who is described as Docteur en Theologie et Chancellier de Notre Dame de Paris. Upon vellum, morocco, silk linings, back richly small-tooled, bound by BozERAiN." 4to. — Latin ; on vellum. Black letter, 800 pages, double columns, 42 lines in a column. Entitled : " Summa Virtutum." Thirteenth century. i2mo. — Letter, in French, of the time of Louis xvi ; on vellum. The date 1789 in one corner. Leaves stamped: "Paris." 8vo. MANUSCRIPT man. Anonymous. Philadelphia. i6mo. MAPLESON, T. W. Gwilt. Illuminations. Lays of the v.'estern world. Illuminated. New York, 4to. Pearls of American poetry. Illuminated in gold and colors. Gothic letters. New York. 8vo. Heavy beveled covers. MARBOIS, Barbe. History of Louisiana ; particularly of the cession of that colony to the United States of America. With an intro- ductory essay on the constitution and government of the United States. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1830. 8vo. MARCH, Charles W. Sketches and adventures in Madeira, Portugal, and the Andalusias of Spain. New York, 1856. 12 mo. " One of the most agreeable American books of travel." — Land, press. 306 THE STUAkT LIBKAKV. MARCOY, Paul. Voyaj^e h travers I'Amerique du Sud ; de I'oc^an Pacifique i 1 ocean Atlantique. lUustrc- de 626 vues, types et paysages, par E. Riou. Paris, 1869. 2 vols. 410. Same. Journey across South America. Half-volume. 11. London, 1872. 4to. MARCY, R. B., ant/ McCi.ellan, G. B. Exploration of the Red river of Louisiana in 1852. Maps in separate volume. Washington, 1854. 8vo. MARGUERITE, J?eine de Navarre. Heptameron Fran9ais, Nouvelles. Illustrated. Berne, 1780. 3 vols. i2mo. MARIANA, Juan de. General history of Spain. From the first peo- pling of it by Tubal, till the death of King Ferdinand. With a con- tinuation to the death of King Philip III. To which are added two supplements ; the first by F. Ferdinand Camargo y Salcedo, the other by F. Basil Varen de Soto ; bringing it down to the pres- ent reign, 1669. The whole translated from the Spanish by Capt. John Stevens. London, 1699. Folio. " The original is generally esteemed the most valuable work of the kind in the Spanish language. ' ' — Thomas. MARION, F. Wonders of optics. Translated from the French, and edited, by Charles W. Quin. Illustrated. London, 1868. i6mo. MARKHAM, Clements R. Cuzco ; with an account of the history, etc., of the Incas. And Lima ; with a sketch of the government, history of the republic, etc. Illustrated. London, 1856. i2mo. editor. Expeditions into the valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated and edited by C. R. Markha.m. Hakluyt society. London, 1859. 8vo. Narrative of the rites and laws of the Yncas. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. Hakluyt society. London, 1873. 8vo. Reports on the discovery of Peru. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. Hakluyt society. London, 1872. 8vo. 3°7 CATALOGUE OF MARKHAM, Clements R. Travels in Peru and India. With maps and illustrations. London, 1862. 8vo. MARNIER, Xavier. Voyage pittoresque en Allemagne. Illustrations de MM. R. Freres. Paris, i86o. 8vo. MARRIAGE licenses, issued by the secretary of the province of New York, previous to 1784. See New Yurk state. MARRY AT, C. B. A diary in America ; with remarks on its institu- tions. New York, 1839. i2mo. MARRYAT, Frank S. Mountains and mole hills ; or, recollections of a burnt journal. Illustrated. London, 1855. 8vo. "Considered one of the best works on California and gold hunting." — AlHl/one. -■ Borneo and the Indian archipelago. With drawings of costume and scenery. London, 1848. 4to. The drawings are from the sketches of the author, a son of Capt. M., the famous novelist. MARRYAT, Horace. Residence in Jutland, the Danish Isles, and Copenhagen. London, i860. 2 vols. i2mo. MARRYAT, Joseph. A history of pottery and porcelain, mediseval. With coloured plates and numerous wood-cuts. London, 1868. 8vo. "Enriched with information of the rarest kind." — Loud. exam. MARSDEN, William. History of Sumatra ; containing an account of the government, laws, customs and manners, etc. London, 1784. 4to. "A work nearly approaching perfection." — DiMiii. MARSH, Mrs. Anne C. Tales of the woods and fields. New York, 1836. i6mo. " Her great strength lies in a minute exhibition of character." — Lottd. sped MARSH, Miss Catharine. English hearts and English hands ; or, the railway and the trenches. Illustrated. New York, 1858. i6mo. A mission to the navvies constructing the crystal palace. 308 THE STUART LIBRARY. MARSH, Mrs. M. A. The protestant reformation in France ; or, his- tory of the Ilugonots. Illustrated. London, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. Philadelphia, 185 i. lamo. MARSHALL, Stephen. God's master-piece: A sermon preached to the House of Peers in 1645. London, 1645. i6mo. Paper. Meroz cursed ; or a sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons. London, 1641. i6mo. Paper. A sacred Panegyrick ; or a Sermon of Thanksgiving, preached to the two houses of Parliament. London, 1644. i6mi-). Paper The Strong Helper ; opened in a sermon before the House of Commons in 1645. London, 1645. i6mo. Paper. A noted Commonwealth Presbyterian divine. MARSHALL, T. VV. M. Christian missions : their agents and their results. New York, 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. MARTENS, Friedrich. Voyage to Spitzbergen [in 167 1]. Edited by A. White. Hakluyt society. London, 1855. 8vo. MARTIAL, (Martialis, Marcus Valerius). Epigrams. Translated into English prose. Each epigram accompanied by one or more verse translations. London, i860. i2mo. Hi.s estimate of his own works is: "Sunt bona, sunt quxdam mediocria, sunt plura mala." MARTIN, Charles. Civil costumes of England, from the conquest to the present period. From tapestry, illuminated MSS., etc. Etched by L. Martin. London, 1842. 410. 61 coloured plates. "The only authentic work."— Allibone. Twelve portraits of American ladies. See Kirkland, Mrs., Book of home beauty. MARTIN, David. Historic des ouden en Nieuwen Testaments. With over 400 illustrations. P. Mortier. Amsterdam, 1700. 2 vols Folio. Called " Mortier's " History, but really after Martin, 1639-1721. "Enjoys a high reputation." — Thomas. CATALOGUE OF MARTIN, Edwarc W. Behind the scenes in Washington ; a descrip- tion of the federal capital. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1873. 8vo. MARTIN, Francois X. History of Louisiana, from the earliest period. New Orleans, 1827. 2 vols. i2mo. He was chief justice of tlie state supreme court. History of North Carolina, from the earliest period. New Or- leans, 1829. 2 vols. i2mo. MARTIN, Frederick. The statesman's year-book for 1864, 1865, 1866 and 1877. London. 4 vols. i2mo. MARTIN, Henri. History of France. Translated by Mary L. Booth. Portraits. Age of Louis XIV., 2 vols. ; Decline of the monarchy, 2 vols. Boston, 1865-6. 4 vols. 410. 75 copies printed on large paper. MARTIN, John, editor. Illustrations ; landscape, historical and anti- quarian, to the poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. London, 1834. 4to. Landscape illustrations of the Waverley novels. With descriptions of the views. London, 1834. 4to. Portraits of the principal female characters in the Waverley novels. To which are added landscape illustrations. London, 1834. 4to. Illustrations of Paradise lost. See Milton, John, and West- all, R. Illustrations of the picture Bible. See Bible. MARTIN, Mar-prelate. Controversial tracts. See Puritan disci- pline. MARTIN, R. Montgomery. The history, antiquities, topography and statistics of eastern India. London, 1S38. 3 vols. 8vo. " Most valuable collection." — Asiat. jour. 310 THE STUART LIBRARY. MARTIN, R. MoNTGOMF.Rv. Australia ; comprising New South Wales, Victoria, South and West Austraha. Illustrated. London, 1853. 8vo. editor. Tallis' illustrated atlas and modern history of the world. London, 1851. 410. MARTIN, W. C. L. General history of humming-birds, or the tro- chilidrc. With especial reference to the collection of J. Gould. London, 1852. i6mo. MARTINDALE, James B. United States law directory for 1875-6. New York, 1875. 8vo. MARTINEAU, Harriet. History of England during the thirty years' peace, 1S16-1846. London, 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. Introduction to the history of the peace, from 1800 to 1815. London, 1815. 8vo. Society in America. New York, 1837. 2 vols. lamo. "The best, the truest, the fullest and most philosophical work on the social condition of the United States." — London Spectator. MARTINI, F. und Chemnitz, J. Grosses conchylienwerk. Neue reich vermehrte von H. C. Kuster. Nuremberg, i844-'5o. 7 parts. 4to. Bulimus and achatina, i part ; auriculacea, i part ; helicina, I part ; helix, 4 parts. "Cet ouvrage est un des plus importants, et il est assez bien exe'cute." — Brunei. MARTYN, Henry. Translation of the New Testament into Persian. London, 1837. 8vo. See note in BinLE. MARTYN, Thomas, and Lettice, John, translators. The antiquities of Herculaneum. Translated from the Italian ; containing the pic- tures and te.xt. London, 1773. 4to. This is volume i ; all published. 3" CATALOGUE OF MARTYROLOGY. The western or bloody assizes ; the hves and trials of eminent protestants, from 1678. Illustrated. London, 1873. i6mo. MARVELL, Andrew. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. i2mo. " His Latin poems are his best." — Edinb. rev. MARVIN, William. Report on general averages. International con- gress. New York, 1866. 8vo. Treatise on the law of wreck and salvage. Boston, 1858. 8vo. MARVY, Louis. Sketches after English landscape painters. With short notices by W. M. Thackeray. London. Folio. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. A collection of portraits of Mary, queen of Scots. With a brief sketch of her life. Illustrated. New York, 1863. Folio. Collections relative to her funerals. Edinburgh, 1822. i2mo. " This is a unique copy, illustrated with a number of portraits and other pict- ures." Only 125 copies printed. Love letters to James, earl of Bothwell ; with her love sonnets and marriage contracts, by Hugh Campbell. London, 1824. 8vo. MARYLAND historical collections. Baltimore, i844-'5i. 2 vols. 8vo. MARYLAND papers ; relating chiefly to the Maryland line during the revolution. Edited by Tkomas Balch. Philadelphia, 1857. 8vo. 150 copies printed. MARYLAND ; a Relation. Reprinted from the London edition of 1635. Edited by F. L. Hawks. New York, 1865. i2mo. Only 200 copies printed. MASKELL, William, editor. A description of the ivories, ancient and mediaeval, in the South Kensington museum. Published for the science and art department of the committee of council on educa- tion. London, 1872. 8vo. Photograph plates. 312 THE STUART LIBRARY, MASON, Colonel. Costumes of China, and punishments of China. See Miller, William. Costumes of various countries. MASON, John. Christian morals ; or discourses on human. Divine, Christian, and social virtues. London, 1761. 2 vols. 8vo. Practical discourses on subjects in Divinity. London, 1754. 4 vols. 8vo. Treatise on self-knowledge. London, 1822. 24mo. "The best manual of practical Cliristianity. " — Lowndes. MASON, Major John. A brief History of the Pequot War. With notes by Thomas Prince. Fac-simile of the edition of 1736. New York, 1869. i2mo. MASON, John M. Complete works. Edited by E. Mason. New York, 1850. 4 vols. i2mo. "Justly regarded as one of the brightest ornaments of the Western hemi- sphere." — Robert Hall. Essays on Episcopacy, and the apology for apostolic order and its advocates, reviewed. New York, 1844. i2mo. Oration on Alexander Hamilton ; pronounced before the society of the Cincinnati, July 31, 1804. Portrait. New York, 1804. i2mo. Plea for sacramental communion, on catholic principles. New York, 1816. 8vo. MASON, William. Spiritual treasury : meditations for morning and evening of each day in the year. Philadelphia. 2 vols. i2mo. A devout English layman of the last century. " A sweet savour of Jesus' name, free grace and perfect salvation." — Romainc. MASSACHUSETTS. Papers relating to public events in that state, preceding the revolution. From Dr. Elwyn's collection. Philadel- phia, 1856. 8vo. MASSACHUSETTS historical society. Collections ; first to fourth series, 1806-63. Boston. 36 vols. 8vo. Proceedings, selected from the records. Boston, iS55-'03. 4 vols. Svo. 313 CATALOGUE OF MASSEY, William. History of England during the reign of George the Third. London, i85s-'63. 4 vols. 8vo. "The idler's history of England." — Lond. Athtn. MASTERPIECES of French art. Sec Viardot, Louis, and others. MATHER, Cotton. The Everlasting Gospel. The Gospel of Justi- fication By the Righteousness of God, As 'tis Held and Preach'd in the Churches of New England. Boston, 1700. i8mo. Grace defended. A censure on the Ungodliness By which the Glorious Grace of God is too commonly abused. A Sermon. Boston, 1712. iSmo. — India Christiana. A Discourse Delivered unto the Commis- sioners for the Propagation of the Gospel among the American Indians. Boston, 1721. iSmo. — The Life and Death of the Reverend Mr. John Eliot, who was the First Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. Lon- don, 1694. iSmo. Same. With author's autograph. London, 1694. iSmo. — Magnalia Christi Americana ; or the Ecclesiastical History of New England from its First Planting in the year 1620, unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. In seven books, with a map. London, 1702. 4to. Very rare. " Liber quidem superstitionis plenus, utilis tamen illis qui nasum habent. " — Meusel, — Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion ; or, the character and happiness of a Virtuous Woman, in a Discourse. " Cloath your- selves with the Silk of Piety, the Satin of Sanctity, the Purple of Modesty. So the Almighty God will be a Lover of you." — Ter- tullian. Cambridge, 1692. i8mo. — The Present State of New England, Considered in a Discourse on the Necessities and Advantages of a Public Spirit in every man. Boston, 1690. iBmo. — Psalterium Americanum. Anonymous. Boston, 1718. i8mo 314 THE STUAKT LIBRARY. MATHER, Cotton. Reasonable Religion ; or the Truths of the Christian Religion demonstrated ; with the Religion of the Closet and Family Religion urged. London, 1713. i8mo. Sermon, manuscript, from Ephesians 1:3. " Blessed be God." Dated January 23d, 1701. Portrait. i8mo. Small offers Towards the Service of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Four Discourses accommodated unto the Design of Practical Godliness. Boston, 1689. i8mo. Unum necessarium. Awakenings for the Unregenerate ; handled in a Discourse especially for the rising generation. Bos- ton, 1693. i8mo. A vision in the Temple. The Lord of Hosts .\dored, and the King of Glory proclaimed, at the Opening of the New Brick Meet- ing House in the North part of Boston. Boston, 1721. 24mo. Winter meditations. Directions how to employ the leisure of Winter for the Glory of God. With a Preface by John Higgin- soN. Boston, 1693. iSmo. Winter Piety. A Very Brief Essay on the methods of Piety ; wherein a Serious Christian may Propose to meet with his Blessed Saviour, at the Temple in the Winter. A sermon. Boston, 17 12. 24mo. Witchcraft Delusion in New England ; its rise, progress, and termination. With additions, by Robert Calef. Edited by S. G. Drake. Fac-similc reprint of 1693 edition. Roxbury, 1866. 3 vols. 1 2 mo. Large paper, only 280 copies printed. Zelotes. A Zeal For the House of God Blown up ; in a Ser- mon unto an Assembly of Christians in the South part of Boston, on their first Entrance into a New Edifice. Boston, 17 17. 24mo. King Philip's war. See Mather, Increase. "Cotton Mather was the greatest redeemer of time I ever knew." — Dr. Chaun- eey. The motto over his library door was : " Be short ! " j'D CATALOGUE OF MATHER, Eleazer. A serious Exhortation to the present and suc- ceeding Generation in New England. Boston, 1678. i6mo. Uncle of the preceding, and first minister of Northampton, Mass. MATHER, Increase. Discourse Concerning Comets ; wherein the Nature of Blazing Stars is inquired into ; as also two Sermons on the late Blazing Stars. Boston, 1683. i8mo. Heaven's Alarm to the World ; or A Sermon, wherein is shewed. That Fearful Sights and Signs in Heaven are the presages of great Calamities at hand. Boston, 1682. i8mo. Same. Boston, 1682. i8mo. — The mystery of Christ opened and applied, in several sermons. Boston, 1686. i8mo. — The Revolution in New England Justified, and the People there Vindicated from the Aspersions cast upon them by Mr. John Palm- er, in his pretended answer to the Declaration published by the inhabitants of Boston, etc. Reprint of the edition of 1691. Bos- ton, 1773. i6mo. — The right way to shake off a Viper ; an essay upon a case Too commonly calling for Consideration. Boston, 1720. i8mo. — A Sermon preached at the Lecture in Boston in New England the iSth of the ist moneth 1674, when two men were Executed, who had Murthered their Master. Boston, 1685. i8mo. — Some important Truths about Conversion, Delivered in sundry Sermons. London, 1674. iSmo. — and Cotton. History of king Philip's war. With introduction and notes, by S. G. Drake. Illustrated. Albany, 1862. 8vo. " Increase was Cotton Mather's father, and a man of learning, piety, and inde- fatigable industry. " — Albbone. MATHER, Nathaniel. A Sermon wherein is shewed That it is the Duty, and should be the Care of Believers on Christ, to live in the Constant Exercise of Grace. Boston, 1684. iSmo. Brother of Increase, and minister both in England and Holland. 316 THE STUART LIBRARV. MATHER, Richard. Journal, 1635. His life and death, 1670. Bos- ton, 1850. 1 2 mo. The first of the family ; emigrated to JJoston, 1635, pastor in Dorchester, 1636, till his death. MATHER, Samuel. Life of Cotton Mather, late pastor of the North church in Boston, who died February 13, 1727-8. Boston, 1729. I 21X10. Same. Boston, 1729. i2mo. Samuel was the son of Cotton, and one of his father's and grandfather's suc- cessors in the pastorate. See also JENNINGS, D. — The Lord's Prayer ; or a New Attempt to recover the Right Ver- sion and Genuine Meaning of that I'rayer. Boston, 1766. i2mo. MATHER, Samuf.l. Observations on the Holy Scriptures ; Useful to be considered in the Daily Reading of the Lively Oracles. Lon- don, 1707. i8mo. This Samuel was son of Richard. MATHERS, The. Weighed in the balances and not found wanting. See GoDDARD, D. A. MATHEWS, James M. Recollections of persons and events, chiefly in the city of New York. New York, 1865. 8vo. A divine of the Reformed church, chancellor of the Univ. of the city of N. Y. MATTHEW and Mark. Family commentary on their gospels ; se- lected from the works of various expositors. Edinburgh, 1843. 8vo. MATTHEW of Westminster. See Westminster, Matthew of. MAUCOMBLE, Jean F. D. Histoire abr^g^e des antiquit^s de la ville de Nismes. Illustrated. NtMES, 17S9. i2mo. MAUND, B. The botanic garden ; consisting of highly finished repre- sentations of hardy ornamental flowering-plants, cultivated in Great Britain. With names, classes, etc. Vols. 1-6. London, 1825-1836. 6 vols. 8vo. A monthly publication, 13 volumes in all ; discontinued in 1850. MAURY, Lieut. Matthew F. Physical geography of the sea. New York, 1855. 8vo. 317 CATALOGUE OF MAURY, Lieut. Matthew F. Physical geography of the sea. With addenda. New York, 1857. 8vo. " He has used his honorable position as supt. of the Nat"l observatory at Washington, in forwarding objects of the highest importance to all nations." — Edinb. rev. MAXIMILIAN, Alexander P., Prince of Neuwied. Travels in Brazil in 1815-17. Illustrated. London, 1820. 4to. Travels in the interior of North America. Translated from the German, by H. E. Llovd. With the original series of eighty-one elaborately-coloured plates, i vol. imperial folio. Text, i vol. quarto. London, 1844. 2 vols. " A large portion of the birds of this museum were collected by prince Maxi- milian, uncle of the emperor." — Cat. Am. miis. nut. hist. N. Y. MAXWELL, John S. The Czar, his court and people ; including a tour in Norway and Sweden. New York, 1848. i2mo. " His scholarship and sound judgment must secure high esteem for the book." — Princeton rev. MAXWELL, William H. Wild sports of the West ; interspersed with legendary tales and local sketches. London, 1850. i6mo. "The author is a true sportsman." — Prof. Wilson. MAY, B., Y Ca. Album pintoresco de la isla de Cuba. 26 plates and map of Havana. 4to. MAY, Walter W. Fourteen sketches made during the voyage in search of Sir John Franklin. With a short account of each draw- ing. London. Folio. MAYER, Brantz. Captain Canot ; or twenty years of an African slaver. Illustrated. New York, 1854. i2mo. "A graphic exposure of the horrors of the slave-trade. At least 12 editions were called for, the first two years after its publication." — Allilone. Mexico, as it was and as it is. Illustrated. New York, 1844. 8vo. MAYHEW, Henry. London labour and London poor. Illustrated. London, 185 i. 8vo. 318 THE STUART LIBRARY. MAYHEW, Henry. London labour and London poor. Extra volume. London, 1862. 8vo. "A precise and scientific diagnosis of London street life."— rac/rraMrt. — The Rhine and its picturesque scenery, described. Rotterdam to Mayence. Illustrated by Birket Foster. London, 1856. Svo. MAYNARD, L'Abd^ V. La Sainte Vierge. Ouvrage illustrd de 14 chromolithographies, 3 photogravures et 200 gravures. Paris, 1877. 4to. MAYNARDE, Thomas. Sir Francis Drake, his voyage, 1595. With Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico. Edited by W. D. CooLEV. Hakluyt society. London, 1849. Svo. MAYO, Robert. A new system of mythology ; giving a full account of the idolatry of the pagan world. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1815. 4 vols. i2mo. MEAD, Peter B. See Horticulturist, etc. MEADE, Richard W. A treatise on naval architecture and ship-build- ing. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1S69. Svo. MEDAILLES coulees et ciselees en Italic, aux XV et XVP siecles. Recueil general sous la direction dc M. Paul Delaroche. Paris, 1834. Folio. MEDAILLES de I'empire Frangais et de I'Empereur Napoleon. Partie du tr^sor numismatique et glyptique, sous la direction de Paul Delaroche et autres. Paris, 1S40. Folio. MEDAILLES de Peuples et de Villes, qui n'ont point encore et^ publiees. Recueil. Paris, 1763. 6 vols. Svo. Contents: VoL 1. Europe; 2. Asia; 3. Greece; 4. Rome; 5 Africa; 6. Supplement. MJ&DAILLES Fran^aises. Cabinet, in book form, bronze. 410. MEDAILLES Franfaises depuis le regne de Charles VII. jusqu'k celui de Louis XVL Partie du tr^sor numismatique et glyptique sous la direction de Paul Delaroche et autres. Paris, 1S37. Folio. 319 CATALOGUE OF MEDAILLES, La science des. Avec des remarques historiques et critiques. Illustrated. Paris, 1739. 2 vols. i6mo. MEDAILLES sur les principau.x ^v^nements du regne entier de Louis- le-Grand. Avec des explications historiques. Anonymous. Paris, 1723. Folio. "Les explications sont par Charpentier, Tallemand, Racine, Despreaux et autres. " — Brunei. MEIKLE, James. Solitude sweetened ; or, miscellaneous meditations on various religious subjects, written in distant parts of the world. New York, 1810. i6mo. He was a Scotch surgeon. Tlie original edition was published in Edinburgh, 1803. MELMOTH, William. Great importance of a religious life, con- sidered. London, 1822. 24mo. " This work is famous as having been ascribed to the first Earl of Egmont by Horace Walpole. One hundred thousand copies were printed after Melmoth's death in 1743." — Thomas. MELVILLE, Andrew. Life. With the ecclesiastical and literary his- tory of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1824. 2 vols. i2mo. MELVIN, James. Journal of the expedition to Quebec in the year 1775, under the command of Benedict Arnold. Illustrated. New York, 1857. 8vo. lOO copies privately printed. MENDOZA, Juan G. de. History of the kingdom of China and the situation thereof. Edited by G. T. Staunton. With introduction by R. H. Major. Hakliiyt society. London, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. MENESTRIER, Claude F. Histoire du Rois Louis le Grand, par les Medailles, Emblems, et Devises. Illustrated. Paris, 1692. 4to. MENNECHET, Edouard. Le Plutarque Fran^ais ; vies des hommes et femmes illustres de la France. Avec leurs portraits en pied. Paris, i835-'4o. 7 vols. 8vo. Colored plates. MENTEATH, Mrs. A. Stuart. Lays of the kirk and covenant. Ed- inburgh, 1850. 4to. 320 THE STUART I.IliKARY. MENZEL, Wolfgang. The history of Germany, from the earliest period to the present time. 'I'ranslalecl from the fourth German edition by Mrs. George Horrocks. Portraits. London, 1859. 3 vols. i6mo. " A German critic and liltc'rateur, who attacked the old CIcrman school and the followers of Goethe." — Thomas. MENZIES, Sutherland. Royal favorites. London, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. MERBECKE, John. The Book of Common Prayer. Noted. Fac- simile reprint of the edition of 1550. London, 1844. 8vo. " This gives the musical notes without change, showing what parts of the ser- vice were chanted in the reign of Edward VI." — Thomas. MERCANTILE library in New York. Catalogue. New York, 1850. 8vo. MERIAN, Matthieu. La danse des morts ; comme elle est d^peinte dans la louable et celebre ville de Basle ; pour servir de mirror de la nature humaine. Basle, 1789. i2mo. In French and German. The original German edition was dated 1649. MERKEL, Carl. Biblische geschichten in bildern, nach den vier Evangelien. Erfunden und gezeichnet. Berlin, 1853. 8vo. Large paper. Colored, full-jiage plates, descriptive text. MERLE D'AUBIGNE, Jean H. History of the great reformation of the sixteenth centur}% in Germany, etc. New York, 1841. 4 vols. 8vo. Prof, of hist, in Geneva, Switzerland. History of the reformation in Europe, in the time of Calvin. New York, 1873. 8 vols. ismo. History of the reformation in the sixteenth century. With notes and numerous portraits. Glasgow. 8 vols. 8vo. " His works obtained great popularity, especially in the U. S." — Thomas. Letter-press descriptions of Labouchere's illustrations of the life of Martin Luther. See Labouchere. 21 321 CATALOGUE OF MERLE D'AUBIGNE, Jean H. The protector (Oliver Cromwell) ; a vindication. New York, 1873. i2mo. MESSMER, J. A. Sammlung alt, ober- und niederdeutscher gemalde. Eine aiiswahl photographischer nachbildungen aus der chemaligen boisseree'schen gallerie, jetzt in der kgl. pinakothek zu Miinchen. Munich, 1862. Folio. METCALFE, Samuel L. Caloric ; its mechanical, chemical and vital agencies in the phenomena of nature. London, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. Dr. M. was Prof, of chemistry in Transylv. Univ., Ky. METEYARD, Eliza. The life of Josiah Wedgwood, from his private correspondence and family papers. With a sketch of the art of pottery in England. Illustrated. London, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Miss M. was best known by her nom d^ plume, " Silverpen." METHODIUS, Saint. Opusculi divinarum revelationa. Illustrated with 55 curious cuts. Black letter. No title page. 1572 (?). i2mo. He translated the Bible into Slavonic, in the gth century. METROPOLITAN fair in 1S64. See United States sanitary commis- sion. See also Brady, M. B. Photographic recollections, etc. METTERNICH, Richard, Prince, editor. Memoirs of prince [Clemens] Metternich, 1773-1815. Translated by Mrs. Alex. Napier. New York, 1880. 2 vols. 8vo. The son, the editor, succeeded his father as Austrian minister to Paris. MEUNG, Jean de. "Clopinel." Le Rommant de la Rose. See LoRRis, G. de. So sumamed from his lameness. "He wrote the principal part of this, one of the earliest French poems, beg^n by Lorris." — Thomas. MEXIA, Pedro, and others. Archaio-Ploutos ; containing Ten following Bookes to the former Treasurie of Auncient and moderne times. London, 1619. Folio. " Mexia was historiographer to Charles V. of Spain." — Ticknor, 322 THE STUART I.IRRARV. MEXICO. Sketches of the campaign in Northern Mexico, during 1846 and 1847. Anonymous. Illustrated. New York, 1853. i2mo. MEYER, Ytux. Collection de costumes Suisses originaux. Accom- pagnee d'un texte explicatif. Zurich, 1837. i6mo. MEYER, Hermann J. Universum ; oder abbildung und beschreibung des schenswcrthesten und merkwiirdigsten der natur and kunst auf der ganzen erde. New York, 1852. lamo. MEYRICK, John. Catalogue of his elegant and valuable library, sold April, 1806. London, 1806. i2mo. MEYRICK, Samuel R. Critical enquiry into antient armour, as it ex- isted in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman conquest to the reign of king Charles II. Illustrated by illuminated engravings. With a glossary of military terms of the middle ages. London, 1842. 3 vols. Folio. "The incomparable armory." — fVa/Ur Scotl. MICALI, Giuseppe. Monumenti per servire alia storia degli antichi popoli Italiani ; raccoiti, esposti e pubblicati. Florence, 1822. Folio. " Dans cet ouvrage, donne fort peu de temps avant sa mort, I'auteur avail modifie ses idees de la civilisation Etrusque." — Bruint. MICHAUX, F. Andrew. The North American sylva ; or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Illustrated by 156 coloured copperplate engravings. Translated from the French, by J. Jay Smith. Philadelphia, 1852. 3 vols. 4to. See also Nuttall, Thomas. " He spent about eleven years in exploring the botanical resources of the country." — Thomas, MICHELET, Jules. L'oiseau. Illustrde de 210 vignettes sur bois, dessindes par H. Giacomelli. Paris, 1867. 4to. MICHIGAN Southern and Northern Indiana railroad company ; State laws relating to. New York, 1855. i2mo. MIDDLETON, Conyers. Letters from Rome ; showing an exact con- formity between popery and paganism. With the author's defence. New York, 1847. i6nio. Chief librarian of the univ. of Cambridge, Eng. " Never was there a mind keener or more critical." — Macaulay. 323 CATALOGUE OF MIDDLETON, Sir Henry. Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco islands. Edited by B. Corney. Hakluyt society. London, 1855. 8vo. In the service of the British East India Co. MIGHTY Distroyer displayed, in some account of spirituous distilled liquors. Anonymous. Philadelphia, 1774. i6mo. MH.BERT, J. Itineraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties laterales de I'Amdrique du Nord. D'apr^s les dessins originaux pris sur les lieux. Paris, 1828-29. 2 vols. 4to. With atlas, folio. MILES, Pliny. Nordurfari ; or rambles in Iceland. New York, 1854. i6mo. Best known by his signature, " Communipaw, " as foreign correspondent of co- emporary journals. MILL, James. History of British India. With notes and continuation by H. H. Wilson. Maps. London, 1848. 9 vols. 8vo. " Unsurpassed in the main excellencies attainable by historical writers." — Grote. MILL, John Stuart. Dissertations and discussions ; political, philo- sophical and historical. Boston, 1865. 3 vols. i2mo. Principles of political economy ; with some of their applications to social philosophy. New York, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. Son of James, above, and some time editor of the Westminster review. MILLER, George B. Sermons on some of the fundamental principles of the gospel. New York, i860. i2mo. Professor in Hartwick [Lutheran] seminary. MILLER, Hugh. The footprints of the Creator ; or the Asterolepis of Stromness. With a memoir of the author, by L. Agassiz. Bos- ton, 1850. i2mo. A refutation of "Vestiges of the creation." Geology of Bass Rock. See Bass Rock. " Shows how a very humble spot may be invested with peculiar charms, from clustering scientific and historic associations." — Land. Christ, obs. 324 THE STUART I.IIiRARY. MILLER, Hugh. My schools and schoolmasters ; or the story of my education. An autobiography. Illustrated. Boston, 1854. izmo. " Written for the working-class, but profitable to men of literature and science." — Land. lit. gaz. The old red sandstone ; or, new walks in a new field. Boston, 1854. izmo. " His works on geology are written in a style so beautiful and poetical as to throw plain geologists like myself entirely into the shade."— J/z/rc ,*<>««. Testimony of the rocks ; or geology in its bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealed. With memorials of the death and character of the author. Illustrated. Boston, 1857. izmo. Crazed by over-work, he took his life the night succeeding the completion of this work. MILLER, John. A description of the province and city of New York ; with plans of the city and several forts, as they existed in the year 1695. Now first printed from the original manuscript. London, 1843. izmo. Same. New edition, with notes, by J. G. Shea. New York, i86z. 410. MILLER, Samuel. Letters from a father to his sons in college. Philadelphia, 185Z. izmo. Pastor of the Brick church, N. Y., and prof, in Princeton theol. sem. Letters on clerical manners and habits. Philadelphia, 1852. izmo. "The excellent writer lived his book." — Allibone. - Life of Jonathan Edwards. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog. , vol. S. - The primitive and apostolical order of the church of Christ vin- dicated. Philade'.phia, 1840. izmo. "Always instructive, calm and accurate."— y. W. Alexander. MILLER, Thomas. History of the Anglo-Saxons, from the earliest period to the Norman conquest ; compiled from the best authori- ties, including Sharon Turner. Illustrated with engravings after drawings by W. Harvey. London, 1856. i6mo. 325 CATALOGUE OF MILLER Thomas, editor. Picturesque views. See Turner, J. M. W., and GiRTiN, T. MILLER, William, editor and publisher. Costumes of various coun- tries, viz. : Costume of Austria. In fifty coloured engravings. With descriptions, and an introduction by M. B. DE Moleville. London, 1804. Folio. Costume of China. Illustrated by sixty coloured engravings. With explanations in English and French. By George H. Mason. London, 1S06. Folio. Punishments of China. In twenty-two coloured engravings. Explanations in English and French. London, 1S08. Folio. Costume of Great Britain. Designed, engraved and written by W. H. Pvne. London, iSoS. Folio. Costume of the Russian empire. In seventy-three coloured engravings. De- scriptions in English and French. London, 1803. Folio. Costume of Turkey. In a series of coloured engravings. With descriptions in English and French. London, 1802. Folio. Military costume of Turkey. In coloured engravings. London, 181S. Folio. MILLIN, AuBiN L. Histoire metallique de la revolution Franpaise ; ou recueil des m^dailles et monnaies. Illustrated. Paris, 1806. 4to. " Cet ouvrage nous retrace un assez grand nombre d'ediSces, qui le vandalisme revolutionnaire a fait disparaitre. " — Brunei. MILLS, Abraham. The ancient Hebrews. The world before the flood. New York, 1856. i2mo. " An industrious compiler." — Peahody. MILLS, Charles. The history of chivalry ; or knighthood and its times. London, 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. No printed titles; engraved plates. " E.xecuted with learning, fidelity and ele- gance." — Land, monthly rev. History of the crusades, for the recovery and possession of the Holy Land. Illustrated. London, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. " He wrote always with the ghost of Gibbon presiding over his library table." — Mrs. Ttiomson, 326 THE STUART LIBRARY. MILLS, Charles. History of Muhammedanism ; the life and character of the Arabian prophet, and the present state of his religion. London, i8i8. 8vo. "Admirable, neglected works, in a style too ambitious." — Mrs. Thomson. MILMAN, Henry Hart. History of Christianity, from the birth of Christ to the abolition of paganism in the Roman empire. Lon- don, 1840. 3 vols. 8vo. "A learned and himinoiis work." — Prescott. History of the Jews, from the earliest period to modern timesu New York, 1864. 3 vols. i2mo. " Has many serious theological defects." — Bickersteth. History of Latin Christianity, including that of the popes to Nicolas V. London, 1854. 6 vols. 8vo. — Life of Quintius Horatius Flaccus. Illustrated. London, 1854. 8vo. " Unique in idea and execution." — Land, chron. MILNER, Joseph. History of the church of Christ ; with additions by Isaac Milner. London, 1819. 5 vols. Svo. "Mosheim's the history of sinners ; and Milner's the history of saints." — Dibdin. MILNER, Thomas. Descriptive atlas of astronomy, and of physical and political geography. London. 4to. Gallery of nature. A pictorial and descriptive tour through creation. London, 1852. 8vo. Russia ; its rise and progress, tragedies and revolutions. Illus- trated. London, 1856. Svo. "Just the sort of book for the general reader." — Land, builder. MILTON, John. Le Paradis perdu ; traduction du Chateaubriand. Precede de reflexions sur la vie et les Merits de Milton, par Lamar- TTNE ; et enrichi de 25 magnifiques estampes originates, gravees au burin sur acier. Paris, 1863. Folio. Paradise lost ; illustrated by Gustave Dor!£. Edited with notes and a life of Milton by Robert Vaughan. London. Folio. 327 CATALOGUE OF MILTON, John. Paradise lost. With illustrations by John Martin London, 1833. 8vo. " In Paradise Lost we feel as if we were admitted to the outer court of the Infinite." — Edward Everelt. Poetical works. London, 1851. 3 vols. i6rho. — Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. — Poetical works. With a memoir by J. Montgomery. Illustrated. New York. 2 vols. i2mo. — Poetical works. With notes, and a life of the author, by John MiTFORD. Philadelphia, 1864. 2 vols. 4to. — Poetical works. With notes of various commentators. To which are added illustrations ; with some account of the life of Milton, by Henry John Todd. Containing a verbal index to the whole of Milton's poetry. London, 1801. 7 vols. 4to. — Prose works. Philadelphia, 1864. 2 vols. 4to. Prose works. With a life of the author, translations, and critical remarks, by Charles Symmons. London, 1806. 7 vols. 4to. Select prose works. With notes by J. A. St. John. London, 1836. 2 vols. i6mo. Works. In verse and prose. Printed from the original editions ; with a life of the author, by John Mitford. London, 1863. 8 vols. 8vo. " Milton is as great a writer in prose as in verse." — Chateaubriand. MINNESOTA. Geological survey. See Owen, David D. MINTORN, John atid Horatio. Hand-book for modelling wax flowers. London, 1853. iSmo. MINTURN, Robert B., Jr. From New York to Delhi, by way of Rio de Janeiro, Australia and China. Illustrated. New Yoric, 1858. i2mo. 328 THE STUAKT I.iriRARY. MINUTES of a conspiracy against tiic liberties of America. Reprint of the London edition of 1786. Philadelphia, 1865. 410. MISCEJ.LANEOUS collection of engravings, "tableaux des Franf:ais," in colored stipple-work, after designs of Angelica Kauffman and others. Folio. No title page. MR. GHIM'S dream. Anonymous. New York, 1878. i2mo. MITCHELL, Donald G. "Ik Marvel." The lorgnette, or studies of the town, by an opera goer. Illustrated. New York, 1850. i2mo. Complete in 2 vols. Originally published in numbers. • Reveries of a bachelor ; or a book of the heart. Illustrated. New York, 1851. i2mo. "One of the choicest specimens of half romance and half essay." — frilcrnat'l maj^. MITFORD, Mary Russell, editor. Findens' tableaux of the affections ; a series of picturesque illustrations of the womanly virtues. From paintings by W. Perring. With contributions in prose and poetry. London, 1838. Folio. " Her powers are always regulated by good taste, genuine simplicity and natural feeling." — Land, monthly mag. MIVART, St. George. On the genesis of species. New York, 1871. i2mo. MCEURS et coutumes des peuples ; ou collection de tableaux reprd- sentant les usages remarquables des diverses nations du monde. Paris, 1811. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Colored plates. MOWES, Henry. Minister of Andouse. From the German, by S. Jackson. Edinburgh, 1S39. i6mo. MOFFAT, James C. A comparative history of religions. Ancient and later Scriptures. New York, 1873. 2 vols. i2mo. Prof, of Greek in the coll. of N. J. MOHAMMED. Al-Koran. Corani textus Arabicus. Recensuit, indi- cesque addidit G. Fluegel. Leipsig, 1858. Svo. 329 CATALOGUE OF MOHAMMED. The Koran. About 1700? i6mo. A very finely written Arabic manuscript, in red and black ; 185 leaves on thick vellum, excellently preserved. MOLINA. Album of photographs. Relics of the stone age in Mexico or Central America. 4 vols. i8mo. Marked "Molina Sol 60." Belonged to "Geo. Latimer, St. John's, Pto. Rico." MOLTZHEIM, A. de. L'artillerie Franpaise. Costumes, — uniforms, — materiel ; depuis le moyen age jusqu'a nos jours. Ouvrage orne de 64 planches en couleur, reproduites d'apres les originaux. Paris, 1870. Folio. MONASTIER, Antoine. A history of the Vaudois church, and of the Vaudois of Piedmont Translated from the French. London, 1848. i2mo. MONETTE, John W. History of the discovery and settlement of the valley of the Mississippi. Illustrated. New York, 184S. 2 vols. 8vo. MONGEZ, Antoine. Iconographie Romaine. Partie premiere, par A. Q. ViscoNTi. Vols. 2, 3, 4. Paris, 1824-26. Folio. MONITORY letters to church members. Anonymous. Philadelphia, 1855. i2mo. MONKHOUSE, W. Cosmo. Master-pieces of English art. With sketches of some of the most celebrated of the deceased painters of the English school, from the time of Hogarth to the present day. Illustrated with twenty-six photographs. London, 1869. 4to. MONOD, Adolphe. Lucilla ; or, the reading of the Bible. New York, 1843. i8mo. An eminent Swiss protestant minister. MONSTRELET, Enguerrand de. Chronicles of England, France and Spain. Translated by T. Johnes. Illustrated. London, 1849. 2 vols. 8vo. Fill the space between Froissart and Comines, 1400 to 1444. THK STUART LIIiKAKV. MONTAGNANI-MIRABILI, Petri P., sumptilms. Schola Italica artis pictoriai ; sive tabulce insigniores in Romanis ijinacothecis adscr- vatae, tabulis sere incisis. Nunc primura editae. Rome, 1806. Folio. MONTAGU, Frederic, editor. The ages of female beauty. Illus- trated in a series of engravings, from drawings by the most emi- nent artists. London, 1838. 4to. MONTAGU, Lady Mary Wortley. Letters and works. Edited by her great-grandson. Lord Warncliffe. Paris, 1837. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. " Her letters are ranked among the finest specimens of epistolary composition." — Thomas. MONTEIRO, Joachim J. Angola and the river Congo. Illustrated. New York, 1876. i2mo. MONTFAUCON, Bernard de. L'Antiquit^, e.xpliqu^e et representee en figures. French and Latin. 5 vols, bound in 10, and 5 sup- plements. Paris, \i\<)-2i,. 15 vols. Folio. "Ce grand receuil, est aujourd'hui fort arriere ; mais il conserve tou jours a peu pr4s son ancienne valeur.'' — Brunei. Antiquitates Graecae et Romanse ; explanatae a Schatzio. Notas criticas adjecit Semler. Text and plates. Bergen, 1757. 2 vols. 4to. MONTGOMERY, James. Poetical works. With a life and portrait. Boston, 1865. 5 vols. i2mo. Sacred poems and hymns, for public and private devotion. New York, 1854. i6mo. "Delicacy, tenderness, and sacred feeling mark his effusions." — Dibdin. MONTGOMERY, James E. The cruise of admiral D. G. Farragut, in 1867-68, in the flagship Franklin. Illustrated. New York, 1869. 8vo. MONTHLY register and review of the United States, from the date of their independence to the present time. Charleston, 1808. 8vo. 11^ CATALOGUE OF MONTIGNY, M. de, et aittres. Relation de la mission du Missisipi du seminaire de Quebec, en 1700. New York, 1861. 8vo. MOODEY, Joshua. The great Sin of Formality in God's worship ; or the Formal Worshipper proved a Lyar and Deceiver ; being a Sermon preacht at the Weekly Lecture in Boston. Boston, 1691. i8mo. " Minister of Portsmouth, N. H. His opposition to the witchcraft excitement cost him his place in Boston." — Drake. MOON, G. Washington. The Dean's English ; a criticism on the dean of Canterbury's essays on the Queen's English. New York., 1865. i6mo. MOOR, Major Edward. The Hindu Pantheon. Illustrated. London, 1810. 4to. " He served several campaigns in India, obtaining the rank of major." — Thomas. MOORCROFT, William, and Trebeck, George. Travels in the Himalayan provinces of Hindustan and the Panjab ; in Ladakh and Kashmir ; in Peshawar, Kabul, Kunduz, and Bokhara. Edited by H. H. Wilson. London, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. " Moorcroft spent several years, exploring hitherto unknown parts of Hindos- tan. " — Thomas. MOORE, Charles B. The Geneva award. Insurance claims, and especially the claims of mutual insurance companies. New York, 1873. 8vo. MOORE, Frank. Diary of the American revolution, from newspapers and original documents. Illustrated. New York, i860. 2 vols. 8vo. His patriotic works have received the endorsement of Bancroft, Hawks, Cha- pin, etc. editor. Rebellion record ; a diary of American events. With documents, narratives, illustrative incidents, poetry, etc. Illustrated, vols. i-ii. New York, 1861-1868. 11 vols. 8vo. Songs and ballads of the American revolution. With notes and illustrations. New York, 1856. i6mo. " Should have been done long ago, but now done at last, and well done." — Putnam^ s mag. THE STUART LIIiKARY. MOORE, Gf.orgf.. Man and his motives. London, 1848. izmo. " llcathful, benevolent, philanthropic, comprehensive and sublime." — Chh. and stale j^az. Power of the soul over the body ; considered in relation to health and morals. London, 1846. 8vo. "Full of the sublimest interest." — Loiid. alias. The use of the body in relation to the mind. London, 1846. i2mo. "Supplies welcome materials for thought." — Bril. quart, rev. MOORE, George H. The treason of Charles Lee, major general, second in command in the American army of the revolution. Illus- trated. New York, i860. 8vo. Formerly librarian of the N. Y. historical society. Now sup't. of Lenox library. MOORE, J. S. Pictorial book of ancient ballad poetrj' of Great Britain ; to which are added a selection of modern imitations and some translations. London, 1853. 8vo. MOORE, N. F. Historical sketch of Columbia college, in the city of New York. New York, 1846. i2mo. President 1842-49. MOORE, Thomas. The floral magazine ; comprising figures and de- scriptions of popular garden flowers. Vols. i-io. London, 1861- 187 1. 10 vols. 4tO. editor. Illustrations of orchidaceous plants ; a series of one hundred figures, chiefly selected from the botanical register and British flower-garden. With directions for cultivating. London 1857. 8vo. Curator of the botanic garden. Chelsea. MOORE, Thomas. Irish melodies. Illustrated by D. Maclise. Lon- don, 1866. i6mo. Same. London, i86o. 8vo. Same. With ten beautiful illustrations. Philadelphia, 185 i. 4to. "Distances everything akin to the great family of illustrated hooVs."— Lor.d. art union. CATALOGUE OF MOORE, Thomas. Lalla Rookh ; an oriental romance. Illustrated. London, 1863. 8vo. "Delicate passion, in language brilliant and powerful." — Dibdin. Life of Lord Byron ; with his letters and journals. London, 1851. 6 vols. i6mo. Memoirs of the life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. New York, 1853. 2 vols. lamo. "Follows Curran's advice; 'When you can't talk sense, talk metaphor.'" — Land, quart, rev. Paradise and the peri. Illuminated by Owen Jones and Henry Warren. London. 4to. Beautifully embossed binding. A part of Lalla Rookh. Poetical works. As corrected by himself in 1843. With memoir by M. Balmanno. New York, 1S51. 2 vols, in i. 4to. Poetical works. Collected by himself. New York, 1853. 10 vols. i6mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1865. 6 vols. i2mo. MOORE gallery. A series of forty-eight steel engravings, illustrative of many of the most beautiful passages of his poems. With his- torical and critical notices. New York. 8vo. MOORE, T. V. The last days of Jesus. Philadelphia, 1858. i6mo. MOORE, William V. Indian wars of the United States, from the dis- covery to the present time. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1850. 8vo. MOQUIN-TANDON, a. Histoire naturelle des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de France: illustr^ de 54 planches. Paris, 1855. 3 vols. 8vo. Prof, of nat. hist, and member of the Acad, of sciences. MORE, Cresacre. Life of Sir Thomas More. With biographical pref- ace, notes, and other illustrations by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. Illustrated with twenty-eight portraits. London, 1828. 8vo. The writer was great-grandson of Sir Thomas. "With him you might imagine yourself in the Academy, with Plato. ... In Moro mihi videor extinctus." — Erasmus. 334 THE STUART MHRARY, MORE, Hannah. Coelebs in search of a wife. Anonymous. New York, i8io. 2 vols. i8mo. "I have been kept up night after night, reading \t."—lVilt>er/orce. Complete works. Illustrated. New York, 1835. 7 vols. izmo. Sacred dramas. Boston, 181 1. i2mo. "From life's dawn to its late decline, she sowed, over a wide field, only seeds of virtue." — Mrs. Sigoumey. MORE, Henry. A modest enquiry into the mystery of iniquity ; the true idea of Anti-Christianism. London, 1664. 410. "The celebrated Platonist, one of our greatest divines and philosophers."— Samuel Johnson. MOREAU, J. M. Lettres d'H^loise et d'Abailard ; d'apres ses dessins et sous la direction de Moreau le jeune. Src HtLOiSE et Abailard. MORELLIUS, Andrea. Thesaurus Morellianus ; sive Christ. ScHLEGii, SiG. Havercampi, et Ant. Fr. Goru commentaria in xn. priorum impp. roman. numisinata conquisita et delin., cum prccfat. Petri Wesselingh. Illustrated. Amsterdam, 1752. 3 vols. Folio. Left unfinished. Thesaurus Morellianus ; sive Familiarum Romanarum Numismata omnia, diligentissime undique conquisita, ad ipsorum nummorum fidem accuratissime delineata, et juxta ordincm Fulvu Ursini et Caroli Patini disposita. Nunc primum edidit Sigebert Haver- camp. Amsterdam, 1734. Folio. " Noted for his profound knowledge of numismatics." — Thomas. MORGA, Antonio de. Philippine islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, and China, at the close of the xvi. centurj'. Translated, with notes, by H. E. J. Stanley. Hakluyt society. London, 1868. 8vo. The original work was printed in 1609. MORGAN, Lewis H. The American beaver and his works. Illus- trated. Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo. 335 CATALOGUE OF MORIER, James. Second journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, in 1810-16, etc. Illustrated. London, 1 81 8. 4to. " As British envoy to the court of Persia, he possessed superior opportunities." — Stevenson. MORISON, Douglas. Views of the ducal palaces and hunting-seats of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. London, 1846. Folio. MORISON, John. The fathers and founders of the London mission- ary society. Illustrated with 21 portraits. London, 1844. 8vo. " Lucid, ample, catholic, and eminently useful." — Eclec. rev. The protestant reformation in all countries ; including sketches of the reformed churches. London, 1843. 8vo. MORLAND, Samuel. The History of the Evangelical Churches Of the Valleys of Piemont ; with a naked Relation of the Bloudy Massacre, 1655. Illustrated. London, 1658. 4to. Verj- rare. " Compiled during his abode in Geneva, in quality of His High- ness' Commissioner Extraordinary, for the Affairs of the said Valleys for the dis- tribution of the Collected Moneys, among the remnant of those poor distressed People. ' ' — Revel. MORNAY, Philip of. Lord of Plessie Merlie. A worke concerning the Trunesse of the Christian Religion, written in French. Begunne to be translated into English by Sir Philip Sidney, and, at his request, finished by Arthur Golding. London, 1604. i2mo. MORRELL, John R. Algeria ; the topography and history, political, social and natural, of French Africa. Illustrated. London, 1854. MORRELL, T. H. Original autograph letters of the presidents of the United States ; collected by T. H. Morrell. With portraits. New York, 1858. 4to. MORRIS, Beverley R. British game birds and wildfowl. Illustrated with sixty coloured plates. London, 1849. 4to. MORRIS, Francis O. Natural history of British moths. Containing nearly 2,000 coloured specimens. London, 187 i. 4 vols. 8vo. THE STUAKT LIBRARY. MORRIS, George P. Deserted birds, and other productions. Nf,w York, 1853. 4to. " He is recognized as the song-writer of America." — Tiukcriitait. MORSE, Jedidiah. Washingtoniana ; containing a biographical sketch of the late Gen. George Washington ; with various outlines of his character. Embellished with a good likeness. Balti.more, 1800. i6mo. "The father of American geography ; member of the Mass. hist, soc., etc."— Drake. MORSE, Samuel F. B. Foreign conspiracy against the liberties of the United States. New York, 1847. i8mo. Eldest son of the preceding ; inventor of the electric telegraph. MORTIMER, Mrs. J. Practical family commentary on the four gos- pels. New York, 1853. 8vo. MORTON, Nathaniel. New-England's Memorial, with special refer- ence to the Colony of New-Plymouth. Boston, 1772. i6mo. "The richest treasury existing of the period." — N. Am. rev. MOSES, Henry, engraver. Ancient vases from the collection of Sir Henry Englefield ; drawn and engraved. Fifty-one plates, twelve new. London, 1848. 4to. — Collection of antique vases, altars, paterae, tripods, candelabra, sarcophagi, etc., from various museums and collections, engraved on 170 plates. With historical essays. London, 1814. 8vo. — Works of Canova, engraved in outline. See Canova, Antonio. MOSHEIM, John L. Ecclesiastical historj-, from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the i8th century. London, 1842. 2 vols. 8vo. Fine copy. Same. London, 1826. 4 vols. 8vo. " Mosheim was chancellor of the univ. of Gettingen, and this his great work. It was written in Latin, and translated into French and German, as well as English. " — Thomas. MOSS, Lemuel. Annals of the United States Christian commission. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1S68. 8vo. 22 337 CATALOGUE OF MOTLEY, John Lothrop. History of the United Netherlands, from the death of WilHam the Silent to the twelve years' truce, 1609. Portraits. London, 1867-8. 4 vols. 8vo. Life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland ; with a view of the primary causes and movements of the thirty years' war. Illustrated. London, 1874. 2 vols. Svo. Rise of the Dutch republic. A history. London, 1869. 3 vols. Svo. "It will leave its distinct mark on the American mind." — Licber. MOTTE, C. Plan figuratif des barricades de Paris des 27, 28 et 29 Juillet, 1830. Paris. A large atlas on cloth, 4x5 ft. MOUAT, Frederick J. Adventures and researches among the Anda- man islanders. London, 1863. 8vo. MOUHOT, Alexandre H. Travels in the central parts of Indo- China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos, during 1858-1860. Illustrated. London, 1864. 2 vols. Svo. MOULTON, Joseph W. History of the state of New York, including its aboriginal and colonial annals ; in 2 parts, with later additions, bound together. Portrait. New York, i824-'43. Svo. John V. N. Yates' name is given as chief editor, but he is not entitled to such mention. See note in book. MOULTRIE, Major-General William. Memoirs of the American revo- lution, so far as it related to North and South Carolina, and Geor- gia. New York, 1802. 2 vols. i2mo. "Written while a prisoner. He was exchanged for Gen. Burgoyne, 1782." — Viake. MOURT, G. Relation, or journall of the plantation at Plymouth. With introduction and notes, by H. M. Dexter. Boston, 1865. 1 2 mo. Edition 250 copies. " This was abridged by Purchas, and another edition edited by Geo. B. Cheever." — Drake. 338 TIIK STUAKT LIRRAKY. MUDIE, James. Historical and critical account of a grand series of national medals dedicated to George IV. Illustrated. London, 1820. 4to. MULLER, George. Life of trust ; being a narrative of the Lord's dealings. Written by himself. Edited by H. L. Wavland. Bos- ton, 1S61. Svo. MULLER, MAX. Lectures on the science of language, delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain. New York, 1862. i2mo. • • Lectures on the science of religion ; with a paper on Buddhist Nihilism, and a translation of the Dhammapada or "path of vir- tue." New York, 1872. i2mo. Professor of modern European languages and literature in the university of Oxford. ' MULLER, William. Sketches of the age of Francis I. London. Folio. MUNZKUNDE, Neuste. Abbildung und beschreibung der jetzt cour- firenden gold- und silbermiinzen. Illustrated. Leipzig, 1853. 2 vols. i2mo. MUHLENBERG, William A. " I would not live alway," evangelized by its author. New York, 1871. Svo. MUIR, Thomas. The history of the high school of Glasgow; with a historical account of the grammar school. Glasgow, 1878. 4to. MUIRHEAD, John. Dissertations on the fccderal transactions be- tween God and His church. Kelso, 1782. izmo. MULDER, Gerard J. The chemistry of wine. Edited by H. Bence Jones. London, 1857. i6mo. Prof, of chemistry in Utrecht. MULLINS, Mrs. Life by the Ganges ; or faith and victory-. Phila- delphia, 1867. lamo. MUNICH picture galleries. See Payne, A. H. 339 CATALOGUE OF MUNKACSY, Michel. Le Christ devant Pilate. Conference faite k la society de Saint Jean, par Gabriel Desire Laverdant. The text 8vo ; the plates folio. Paris, iSSi. 2 vols. His family name is Lieb. Munkacsy [Mooncacliy] was assumed from his birth- place, Munkacs, in Hungar)'. MUNSELL, Joel. The annals of Albany. Illustrated. Albany, 1850. 4 vols. i2mo. A chronology of paper and paper-making. Illustrated. Albany, 1864. 8vo. The original edition, printed for presentation only, was issued in 1856. MUNSTER, Sebastian. La Cosmographie universelle ; receuille de chasque bon autheur et approuve, tant des historiens, comme de ceux qui ont descrit les lieux particuliers. Illustrated. Basle, 1555. Folio. The first edition, in Latin, appeared 1550. " But of Munster, speak long and largely ; for I reveled even in the loan of a copy of it." — Thus far Dibdin, who gives in his Decameron, fac-similes of several of the cuts. In the 5th book there is an account of America. Many of the cuts are engraved by Manuel Deutsch. MURCHISON, Sir Roderick I., Vernueil, E. de, and Keyserling, Alex. von. The geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural mountains. London, 1845. 2 vols. 4to. Vol. I. Geology, in English. 2. Palaeontology, in French. Murchison was president of the royal geolog. soc. MURPHY, D. B. Beauties of the court of king Charles, the Second ; a series of portraits. With memoirs biographical and critical, by Mrs. Jameson. London, 1833. 4to. MURPHY, Henry C. Anthology of New Netherland ; or translations from the early Dutch poets of New York. With memoirs of their lives. Illustrated. New York, 1865. 8vo. Only 125 copies privately printed, large paper. No. 4 of Bradford club series, which see. translator. Vertoogh van Nieu Nederland und Breeden Raedt. (Representation from New Netherlands and Broad advice.) Two rare tracts ; printed in i649-'5o. Translated from the Dutch, by H. C. Murphy. New York, 1854. 4to. See also Vries, D. P. DE. 340 THK STUART LIBRARY. MURPHY, James C. The Arabian antiquities of Spain. London, 1815. Folio. "Ill every respect a match for the mighty French work on the antiquities of Egypt. ' ' — Dibdin. MURRAY, Alexander S. Manual of mythology ; for the use of schools, art students, and general readers. Illustrated. London, 1873. i6mo. MURRAY, Hon. Amelia M. Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada. New York, 1856. i6mo. " Certain reflections on slavery in America led to her retirement from her position at the court of queen Victoria." — Allibone. MURRAY, Andrew. Geographical distribution of mammals. London, 1866. 4to. MURRAY, Charles A. Travels in North America, during 1834-36 ; and a visit to Cuba and the Azore islands. London, 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. A nephew of Hon. Amelia M. "Has imperturbable good humour." — Prescott. MURRAY, Hugh. History of British India. London, 1855. i2mo. " Esteemed for the wide range of information." — Edinb. advertiser. MURRAY, J.AMES. Sermons to asses, to doctors in divinity, to lords spiritual, and to ministers of state. London, 18 19. i2mo. MURRAY, John, publisher. English costumes. 50 colored plates, with description. No title. London, 1813. 8vo. "His career as a publisher is, perhaps, unrivalled." — Thomas. MURRAY, LiNDLEV. Power of religion on the mind, in retirement, affliction, and at the approach of death. New York, 1868. i2mo. This celebrated English grammarian was a Quaker. MURRAY, Nicholas, " Kirwan." Letters to the Rt. Rev. John Hughes, Roman catholic bishop of New York ; and Bishop Hughes confuted. New York, 1S49. 3 vols, in i. i2mo. "Circulated largely and translated into several languages." — Thomas. 341 CATALOGUE OF MURRAY, Nicholas, " Kirwan." Men and things, as I saw them in Europe. New York, 1853. izmo. "Striking incidents and facts." — Episc. quart, rev. Preachers and preaching. New York, i860. i2mo. Romanism at home. Letters to Roger B. Taney. New York, 1852. izmo. MURRAY, R. DuNDAS. The cities and wilds of Andalucia. Illus- trated. London, 1850. 2 vols. i2mo. ' ' Interesting and instructive. " — Lond. atlas. MURRAY, William H. H. Adventures in the wilderness ; or camp- life in the Adirondacks. Illustrated. Boston, 1869. i6mo. MURRAY STREET church. Discourses delivered in Murray St. church, on Sabbath evenings in 1830; by Dr. Spring and others. New York, 1830. 8vo. Very rare. MUSART, Charles. Adolescens Academicus sub institutione Salomo- nis. Engraved title and symbolical plates. Antwerp, 1633. i6mo. MUS6e des Antiques. See Bouillon, P. MUSEE des Armes, rares, ancienes et Orientales de Sa Majesty L'Em- pereur de toutes les Russies. Carlsruhe. Folio. MUSEE Fran9ais. See Robillard et Laurent, Miteurs. MUSEE Napoleon. See Laurent, Henri, t'ditettr. See also Piroli, Thomas. MUSEE Royal. See Laurent, Henri, ^diteur. MUSfiE Royal de Naples. See Naples. MUSEUM Worsleyanum ; or a collection of antique basso-relievos, bus- tos, statues and gems. With views of places in the Levant, taken on the spot in the years lySs-';. London, 1824. 2 vols. Folio. An Italian text on alternate pages. "Sir Richard Worsley was governor of tlie Isle of Wight." — Thomas. 342 THE STUART LIBRARY. MUSSET, Paul E. de. Voyaj^e pittoresquc en Italic. Illustrations dc MM. R. Fk^res. Paris, 1854. 8vo. The celebrated novelist. HUSTON, Alexis. The Israel of the Alps; a history of the persecu- tions of the Waldenses. Translated by William Hazlitt. Illus- trated. London, 1852. i2mo. Same. Translated by J. M(intgomerv. Glasgow, 1857. 2 vols. 8vo. MYERS, Mrs. Sarah A. Margaret Gordon; or, can I forgive? Illus- trated. Philadelphia, 1869. i2mo. Self-sacrifice ; or, the pioneers of Fuegia. Philadelphia, i86r. i6mo. MY old house ; or, the doctrine of changes. Anonymous. Edin- burgh, 1835. i2mo. N ACK, James. The legend of the rocks, and other poems. New York, 1827. i6mo. Deaf and dumb from childhood. " His effusions are meritorious." — Allibone. NAPHEGYI, Gador. The album of language. Illustrated by the Lord's Prayer in one hundred languages. With historical descrip- tions, etc. Philadelphia, 1869. Folio. NAPIER, Mark. Montrose and the covenanters ; their characters and conduct. London, 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. ' ' Composed from domestic papers of the Montrose family, and other private documents. " — Allibone. NAPLES. Musee royal de Naples ; peintures, bronzes et statues €to- tiques du cabinet secret. Avec leur explication par le Colonel Famin. Contenant soixante gravures. Paris, 1857. 410. NAPOLEON III., Emperor of Fratue. Political and historical works. With an original memoir of his life to 1852, and occasional notes. London, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. "His works are a melange of liberal principles and praetorian domination." 343 CATALOGUE OF NARES, Robert. Glossary of words requiring illustration in English authors, particularly Shakespeare. With additions by Halliwell AND Wright. London, 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. " One of the founders of the British critic." — Thomas. NARRAGANSETT CLUB publications. First series. Providence, 1866-74. 6 vols. 8vo. Subscribers' edition, limited, large paper. Contents : Vol. I : Biographical Introduction to the Writings of Roger Will- iams ; edited by R. A. Guild. Key into the language of America ; edited by J. H. Trumbull. Letter of John Cotton. Mr. Cotton's Letter Examined and answered ; edited by R. A. Guild. 2. John Cotton's Answer to Roger Will- iams ; edited by J. L. Diman. Queries of Highest Consideration ; edited by R. A. Guild. 3. The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution ; edited by S. L. Caldwell. 4. The Bloody Tenent yet more Bloody ; edited by S. L. Caldwell. 5. George Fo.x Digg'd out of his Burrowes ; edited by J. L. Diman. 6. Letters of Roger Williams. NASH, John. The royal pavilion at Brighton. Illustrated in colors. London, 1820. Folio. He was also architect of Haymarket theatre, Buckingham palace, etc. NASH, Joseph. Illustrations of the mansions of England in the olden time. First, second, third, and fourth series. London, 1830-1849. 4 vols. Folio. Same. Supplemental volume. With views of the interior and exterior of Windsor Castle. London, 1852. Folio. Same. Re-edited by J. C. Anderson ; with the original 104 illustrations of the first four series, carefully reduced and litho- graphed, by S. Stanesby. London, 1869. 5 vols. Folio. "i volume text, 4 plates. " A splendid work." — AlUboiie. " Mr. Nash was a distinguished painter of architecture."— Thomas. NASON, Elias. Charles Henry Frankland ; or Boston in colonial times. Albany, 1865. 8vo. Large paper. "A good specimen of antiquarian biography." — Drake. NATIONAL Academy of sciences. Report for 1863. Washington, 1864. 8vo. NATIONAL board of trade. Proceedings of the first, seventh, and eighth annual meetings. Boston and Chicago, 1868, 1875 and 1876. 8vo. 344 THE STUART LIBRARY. NATIONAL gallery, London. Sec Jones, , publisher, etc. NATIONAL gallery of American landscapes. New York. Folio. NATIONAL portrait gallery of illustrious and eminent personages of the nineteenth century ; with memoirs. London. 5 vols. 4to. NATTES, John C. The beauties of Scotland ; illu.strated in a series of views. Engraved in lines, by J. Fittler. London. 4to. Versailles, Paris, et Saint Denis ; ou, une suite de vues, pour servir \ I'illustration de la capitale de France et des environs. Avec une description historique. London. Folio. NATURAL history cabinet of the state of New York. Catalogue of, and of the annexed historical and antiquarian collection. Albany, 1853. 8vo. NAYLER, Sir George. The coronation of king George the Fourth, 1821. Illustrated with coloured plates. London, 1839. Folio. "The most remarkable monument of royal splendour ever published." NEAL, Daniel. The history of the Puritans, from 1517 to 1688; comprising an account of their principles. With notes by J. O. CrfouLEs. Illustrated. New York, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. •'Madox's vindication of the church of England is a useful corrective."— Hallam. NEALE, John M. History of the Holy Eastern church. London, 1 85 1. 2 vols. 8vo. NEANDER, J. August Wm. The epistle of Paul to the Philippians, and the general epistle of James ; practically and historically con- sidered. Translated from the German. Edinburgh, 185 i. i2mo. General history of the Christian religion and church. Translated by J. ToRREY. Illustrated. Boston, 1S54. 5 vols. 8vo. The history of the Christian religion and church during the three first centuries. Translated from the German, by H. J. Rose. Philadelphia, 1S43. 8vo. "The greatest church historian of the nineteenth century."— 5<-/5<;/: 345 CATALOGUE OF NEARING home ; comforts and counsels for the aged. Compiled for the Presbyterian board of publication. Philadelphia, i868. 8vo. NEBEL, Carl. The war between the United States and Mexico illustrated ; embracing pictorial drawings of all the principal con- flicts. With a description of each battle, by George W. Kendall. New York, 1851. Folio. Mr. Kendall accompanied Taylor and Scott, as newspaper correspondent. NEBRASKA territory. Geological survey of a portion. See Owen, David D. NEFF, Felix. Memoir, by W. S. Gilly. Illustrated. London, 1840. i6mo. Missionary among the Swiss mountaineers. NEILL, Edward D. History of Minnesota ; from the earliest French explorations to the present time. Philadelphia, 1858. 4to. He was secretary of the Minn. hist. soc. NEILL, William. Autobiography ; with a selection from his sermons, by J. H. Jones. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1861. i2mo. Presbyterian minister, editor of the Presb. mag. NELSON, David. Cause and cure of infidelity. New York, 1841. 1 2 mo. Causa y el remedio de la incredulidad. New York. lamo. Spanish version of the preceding. " An excellent work, republished fre- quently. " — A llibone. NETHERCLIFT, Frederick G. Autograph souvenir ; a collection of autograph letters, etc., executed in fac-simile. With transcriptions and occasional translations, by Richard Sims. London, 1S65. 4to. NEUESTE bilder-gallerie aus dein monchs-kloster-leben ; mit 50 kup- fern. New York, 1851. i8mo. Satirical pictures. NEUMANN, and Baretti. A pocket dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. Philadelphia. i8mo. Same. New York, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. 346 THE STUART I.IHRARY. NEW ENGLAND'S Deplorable State, By Reason of a Covetous and Treacherous Governour and Pusillanimous Counsellors. London, 1708. i6mo. NEW ENGLAND'S First P'ruits : in respect, 1. of the Conversion of Indians, 2. Of the Colledge of Cambridge. With Divers other Speciall matters Concerning that Countrey. From the London edition of 1643. New York, 1865. lamo. Only 250 copies printed. NEW-ENGLISH Affairs ; Further Queries upon their Present State by S. E. From the London edition of 1689. New York, 1865. i2mo. Only 250 copies printed. NEW HAMPSHIRE historical society. Collections. Concord, 1824- '66. 8 vols. 8vo. NEW JERSEY. Geological survey, 1840. See Rogers, Henry D. Same. 1868. See Cook, George H. NEW JERSEY historical society. Collections. Newark, i846-'58. 5 vols. 8vo. Proceedings. Newark, i847-'5o. 2 vols. 8vo. NEW TESTAMENT, apocryphal ; being all now extant, attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ and His apostles, not in- cluded by the compilers. London, 1820. 8vo. NEW THEMES condemned ; or, thirty opinions upon " New Themes " and its "Reviewer." Philadelphia, 1853. i2mo. NEW YORK city directory, by John Doggett, Jr., 1842-51, and John F. Trow, 1854-83. New York. 39 vols. 8vo. Same. Mercantile and general, by John F. Jones. New York, 1805. i2mo. See also Longworth, D. and T., and Rode, C. R. 347 CATALOGUE OF NEW YORK city. Documents, reports, etc., viz. : — Manual of the corporation of New York, 1841-1870. New York. 28 vols. i2mo. — Board of aldermen. Proceedings, 1849-1859. New York. 21 vols. i2nio. — Board of education. Reports, 1854-1863. New York. 9 vols. 8vo. — Chamber of commerce. Reports, 1858-1882. New York. 20 vols. 8vo. Same. Colonial records, 1 768-1 784. With biographical sketches. Illustrated. New York, 1867. 4to. — City inspector's report, 1855. New York. 8vo. — Commissioners of Central Park. Reports, 1859-1867. New York. 6 vols. 8vo. — Commissioners of public parks. Reports, 1871-72. New York. 2 vols. 8vo. — Comptroller's report, 1863-64. New York. 2 vols. 8vo. — County volunteer committee. Call of July, 1864. Report. New York, 1864. 8vo. — Croton aqueduct department. Reports, 1854-57. New York. 9 vols. 8vo. — Fire department. Reports, 1865-1868. New York. 2 vols. 8vo. Harbor commission. Reports, 1856-1857. New York, 1864. 8vo. — Official documents, addresses, etc., of George Opdvke, mayor, during 1862-1S63. New York, 1S66. 8vo. — Quarantine and sanitary convention, 1859. New York. 8vo. 348 THE STUART LIBRARY. NEW YORK city. Citizens' association. Report upon the sanitary condition of tiie city. New York, 1865. 8vo. Expos6 of the facts concerning the proposed elevated patent railway enterprise in the city of New York. With maps. New York, 1866. 8vo. NEW YORK association for improving the condition of the poor. First to twenty-seventh reports. New York, 1845-70. 4 vols. 8vo. NEW YORK Bible society. Annual reports, from 1841 to 1853. New York. 8vo. NEW YORK city, College of. Catalogue of its library, Part 1. Alphabetical. New York, 1877. 8vo. NEW YORK city during the American revolution. Being a collection of original papers from the manuscripts in the possession of the Mercantile library association of New York city. New York, i86r. 4to. The Tomlinson collection. NEW YORK historical society. Address delivered at the two-hun- dredth birth-day of Mr. William Bradford, by John W. Wallace. Albany, 1863. 8vo. With inserted plates. Commemoration of the battle of Harlem Plains, on its one- hundredth anniversary. Oration by John Jay. New York, 1876. 8vo. Memoir read before the society, in December, 1816, by Egbert Benso.v, on Indian names, etc. New York, 181 7. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph and manuscript cor- rections. 15 inserted plates. Same. Second edition. With notes. Jamaica, 1825. i2mo. — Catalogue of the printed books in the library. New York, 1859. 8vo. Comprising the 4th and 5th volumes of the collections, second series. 349 CATALOGUE OF NEW YORK historical society. Collections. 1809, 1814, 1821, 1829. New York, 181 1-29. 5 vols. 8vo. Same. Second series, 1841, 1849, 1857. New York. 3 vols. 8vo. The 4th and 5th volumes of this series are comprised in the catalogue of printed books. Same. Publication fund series. Vols. 1-12, 1868-79. New York. 12 vols. 8vo. — Proceedings. 1843-1849. New York. 7 vols. 8vo. NEW YORK hospital. Charter and laws relating thereto. By-laws and regulations. New York, 1856. 8vo. NEW YORK literary and philosophical society ; instituted in 1814. Transactions. Vol. i. New York, 1815. 8vo. NEW YORK Mirror. Vols. 6 to 19. New York, 1829-41. 12 vols. Folio. Several vols, contain two years. NEW YORK pulpit in the revival of 1858 ; a memorial volume of sermons, by twenty-five clergymen. New York, 1858. i2mo. NEW YORK society. Alphabetical and analytical catalogue of its library, and supplement thereto. New York, 1850 and 1841. Svo. NEW YORK, Province of. Marriage licenses issued by its secretary, previous to 1784. Albany, i860. Svo. NEW YORK state. Documents, reports, etc., etc., viz. : Adjutant general. Report, 1863. Albany, 1863. 8vo. Auditor of the tolls. Report, 1862. Trade and tonnage of the canals of New York. 8vo. Calendar of historical manuscripts, relating to the war of the revolution. Albany, 1868. 2 vols. 4to. — Canal commissioner. Report, 1862. Albany, 1863. 8vo. 350 Tlir; STUART LIBRARY. NEW YORK State. Committee on the sanitary condition of New York city. Report, 1859. Albany, 1859. 8vo. Geological survey. Natural hi.story of New York. Albany, 1842-66. 25 vols, in 23. 4to. CONTENTS : General introduction, by James E. De Kay. Alhany, 1842. 4to. Part I. Zoology ; by jAMiis E. De Kay. Aldany, 1842-44. 5 vols. In 4, and I vol. of plates. 4to. Part n. Flora ; by John Torrey. Albany, 1843. 2 vols. 410. Part in. Mineralogy ; by Lewis C. Beck. Alhany, 1842. 410. Part IV. Geology ; by W. W. Mather, E. E.mmons, E. Vanuxem, and James Hall. Albany, 1842-43. 4 vols, in 5. 410. Geological map of the state. Folded in 410. Part V. Palaeontology ; by James Hall. Albany, 1847-66. 4 vols, in 5. 4to. Part VI. Agriculture ; by E. Emmons. With plates. Albany, 1846-54. 5 vols. 4to. Manual for the use of the legislature. Albany, 1852. Same. Albany, 1861-1864. Same. Albany, 1869-1870. Medical society. Transactions, 1858. Albany, 1858. 8vo. Prison association. Report, 1869. Albany, 1870. 8vo. Regents of the university. Reports, 1857, i860, 1863, 1873. Albany. 4 vols. 8vo. Same. Boundaries of the state, 1873. Albany. 8vo. Revised statutes, 1827-1828. Albany, 1829. 3 vols. 8vo. - State engineer. Annual reports, 1854, 1862, 1863, 1866, 1867, 1S71. Albany. 6 vols. 8vo. Supt. of banking department. Report, 1857. Albany, 1857. 8vo. Supt. of public instruction. Report, 1863. Albany, 1863. 8vo. 351 CATALOGUE OF NEW YORK state. Supt. of insurance department. Report, 1862. Albany, 1863. 8vo. Trustees of the New York state library. Report, 1857. Albany, 1858. 8vo. See also New York state library, catalogue, etc. NEW YORK society in the olden time. See Olden time in New York. NEW YORK state agricultural society. First and second reports of the special committee on the epizootic disease, known as the rin- derpest. Albany, 1867. 8vo. Transactions. With abstract of proceedings of county societies. Vols. VL to xxxn., 1846 to 1876. Albany. 21 vols. 8vo. NEW YORK state library. Catalogue, general, law, maps, manuscripts, medals, and bibliography. New York, 1855-8. 4 vols. 8vo. NEWCOME, William. New covenant. Illustrated by notes, philo- logical and explanatory. Dublin, 1796. 8vo. NEWDEGATE, C. N. Collection of the customs' tariffs of all na- tions ; ' from a translation of M. Hubner's work, brought down through 1854. London, 1855. 410. NEWTON, Charles T. Travels and discoveries in the Levant. Illus- trated. London, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. NEWTON, G. Stuart. Gems of British art. Engraved in mezzotint, by eminent artists. With a memoir of his life, by Henry Mur- ray. London, 1843. Folio. NEWTON, John. Cardiphonia ; or the utterance of the heart in the course of a real correspondence. Philadelphia. i2mo. Works. Sermons, letters on religious subjects, cardiphonia, hymns, and poems. With memoirs. Edinburgh, 1835. Svo. ' Same. Illustrated. London, 1824. 6 vols. Svo. "A converted slave-trader; his works manifest rich Christian experience." — BickersUlk. THE STUART LIBRARY. NEWTON, Thomas. Dissertations on the prophecies. London, 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. "Laborious, perspicuous and judicious, but hardly original." — Williams. NICHOLLS, Benj. E. The mine explored ; or help to the reading of the Bible. Philadelphia, 1853. i2mo. NICHOLLS, J. F. Remarkable life, adventures and discoveries of Sebastian Cabot. London, 1869. i2mo. NICHOLS, John. Illustrations of the literary history of the eighteenth century. London, 1851-1858. 8 vols. 8vo. Volumes 7 and 8 by John B. Nichols, his son. Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century. London, 181 2- 1815. 9 vols. 8vo. Volume 7 contains indexes to volumes 1-7-8-9. " The best furnished ware- house of all that relates to the history of the period." — Lord John Russell. NICHOLSON, Edward B., and Tedder, Henry R. Transactions and proceedings of the conference of librarians held in London, Octo- ber, 1877. Illustrated. London, 1878. 410. NICHOLSON, James B. Manual of the art of book -binding ; contain- ing full instructions in the different branches of forwarding, gilding and finishing ; also the art of marbling book edges and paper. Il- lustrated. Philadelphia, 1856. i2mo. NICOLAS, Nicholas H. History of the orders of knighthood of the British empire ; of the order of the Guelphs of Hanover ; and of the medals, clasps, and crosses conferred for naval and military servi- ces. London, 1842. 4 vols. Folio. NIEBUHR, Barthold G. Lectures on ancient history, from the earliest times to the taking of Alexandria by Octavianus ; comprising the history of the Asiatic nations, the Egyptians, Greeks, Macedo- nians and Carthaginians. Translated by Leonhard Schmitz. Il- lustrated. London, 1852. 3 vols. 8vo. " Would have been first, if he could have communicated as well as he investi- gated." — Macaulay. 23 353 CATALOGUE OF NIEL, P. G. J. Portraits des personnages Frangais les plus illustres du XVP siecle ; reproduits, en fac-simile, sur les originaux, des- sin^s aux crayons de couleur par divers artistes contemporains. Paris, 184S. 2 vols. Folio. 48 portraits, brilliant impression (subscriber's copy), with text on Holland paper, and each plate stamped. The plate of Maximilian erroneously lettered as Henry I., which only occurred on the first proofs of this plate. NOAH, MoRDECAi M., editor. Book of Jasher ; referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel. New York, 1840. Svo. Discourse on the evidences of the American Indians being the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. New York, 1837. 8vo. " A distinguished Jewish writer, editor, etc. He attempted to gather all the Jews on Grand Island, to build a new Jenisalem, but unsuccessfully." — Allibone. NOBLE, T., and Rose, T. Historical and topographical descriptions of views in the counties of Chester, Derby, etc. See Allom, T. NOLTE, Vincent. Fifty years in both hemispheres ; or reminiscences of the life of a former merchant. From the German. New York, 1854. i6mo. NORDHOFF, Charles. California, for health, pleasure, and residence. Illustrated. New York, 1876. Svo. NORRIS, William H. The Christian ministry, a gift of the Holy Ghost and a manifestation of his abiding presence in the church. Burlington, N. J., 1858. lamo. Bound in same vol. with Van Rensselaer on Bp. Doane. NORTH-AMERICAN bibliographic institution, editor. Our globe ; a picturesque album. Vol. i, comprising numbers i to 52. Phila- delphia. 8vo. NORTH BRITISH review, from May, 1844, to August, 1S54. Vols. i. to XX. Edinburgh. Bound in 13 vols. Svo. NORTON, Caroline E. S. Fisher's drawing-room scrap-book, 1S46. An illustrated book of poems. London, 1846. 4to. See also Fisher and son. NORTON, Charles B. Literary gazette and publishers' circular. 1852- 1853. New York. 2 vols. 4to. 354 THE STUART LIliRARV. NORTON, Herman. Persecutions at Madeira, in 1843 and 1846. New York, 1852. i8mo. Startling facts for American protestants. Progress of Roman- ism. Preceded by a life of the author, by II. P. Tappan. New York, 1853. iSmo. NORTON, John. The Orthodox Evangelist ; or a Treatise Wherein many Great evangelical Truths Are briefly Discussed. London, 1657. i6mo. Three choice and profitable Sermons upon Sevcrall Texts of Scripture. Cambridge, 1664. i6mo. Dissenting minister in New England. " An author of no less learning than modesty. " — Fuller. NORTON, John N. Full proof of the ministry. New York, 1855. i2mo. NORWICH, Chari.es, Lord Bishop. Sermon preached before the So- ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 17, 172- London, 1710. i2mo. NORWICH, Philip, Lord Bishop. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 15, 1765. London, 1765. izmo. NOTT, Charles C. Sketches of the war ; a series of letters to the North Moore Street school of New York. New York, 1865. i2mo. NOTT, J. C, and Gliddon, G. R. Indigenous races of the earth ; or ethnological enquiry, including monographs on special departments, by A. Maury, F. Pulszky, and J. A. Meigs. With communica- tions from J. Leidv and I.. Agassiz. Philadelphia, 1857. 410. Types of mankind ; or ethnological researches. Illustrated by selections from the papers of S. G. Morton, and by contributions from L. Agassiz, W. Usher, and H. S. Patterson. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1854. 8vo. NOUAILLE, M. de. Un officier de I'arm^e, etc. Journal de la guerre du Micissippi centre les Chicachas, 1739-40. Tir6 a 100 exem- plaires. New York, 1859. i2mo. 355 CATALOGUE OF NOVUM Italiae theatrum ; sive accurata descriptio ipsius Urbium, Pa- latiorum, Sacrarum ^dium, etc. Juxta delineationes defuncti D. JoHANNis Blaeu. The Hague, 1724. 4 vols. Folio. NOYES, George R. New Testament. Translated from the Greek te.xt of TiSCHENDORF. BOSTON, 1869. I2mO. NUMMI Britannici Historia ; or, an Historical Account of English Money, from the conquest to the uniting of the two kingdoms by King James, and to the present time. Anonymous. Illustrated. London, 1626. i2mo. NUNEZ, Alvar C. de Vaca. Relation of. Translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. Illustrated. New York, 1871. 4to. Large paper, only loo copies printed. NUTTALL, Thomas. North American sylva ; or, a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia, not described in the work of F. Andrew Michau.x. Illustrated by 127 fine plates. Philadelphia, 1852. 3 vols. 4to. Being the 4tli volume of Michaux and Nuitall's North American sylva. Ornithology of the United States and of Canada. Land and water birds. Illustrated. Cambridge, 1832. 2 vols. i2mo. Prof, of nat. hist, at Harvard, 1822 to 1834. o BERKIRCH, Baroness. Memoirs, written by herself. Edited by the Count de Montbrun. London. 3 vols. 8vo. O'CALLAGHAN, E. B., editor. Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New York, 1C03 to 1778. Pro- cured in Holland, England, and France, by John Romeyn Brod- head, agent. With a general index. Albany, 1856-58. 10 vols. 4to. — Documentary history of the state of New York, 1641 to 1779. Illustrated. Albany, 1850-51. 4 vols. 4to. — List of editions of the Holy Scriptures, printed in America be- fore i860. Albany, 1861. 4to. 356 THE STUART LIBRARY. O'CALLAGHAN, E. B., editor. Register of New Netherland, 1626 to 1674. Albany, 1865. 8vo. Voyaj^e of George Clarke to America. With introduction and notes. Illustrated. Albany, 1867. 8vo. Some time in the ofTice of tlic secretary of state. OCKLEY, Simon. History of the Saracens ; comprising the lives of Mohammed and his successors, with an account of their most re- markable battles, etc. Lonuon, 1857. i6mo. Professor of Arabic at Cambridge. Gibbon commends this work OFFOR, George. Memoir of William Tyndale, the martyr. First published with Bagster's edition of Tyndale's New Testament. London, 1836. izmo. Fine red-line edition. OGILBY, John. America ; being the latest and most accurate descrip- tion of the new world. Collected from most authentick authors, augmented with later observations, and adorned with maps and sculptures. London, 167 i. Folio. "A Scottish litterateur and printer." — Thomas. OGILVIE, John. The imperial dictionary, English, on the basis of Webster's. Illustrated. Glasgow, 1853. 2 vols. 410. OGILVY, Mrs. D. Book of Highland minstrelsy. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1846. 8vo. OHIO historical and philosophical society. Journal, part l, vol. i. Containing the act of incorporation, by-laws, etc. Columbus, 1872. 1 2 mo. Same. Transactions. Vol. i. Cincinnati, 1839. 8vo. OLD MAIDS ; their varieties, characters and conditions. Anonymous. London, 1835. lamo. OLD sights with new eyes ; travels in Europe. By a Yankee. New York, 1854. i6mo. OLDEN time in New York. i. New York society in olden time. 2. Traces of American lineage in England. New York, 1872. 8vo. 357 CATALOGUE OF OLDCASTLE, John, Lord Cohham. Writings. In British reformers, vol. I. OLIPHANT, Margaret O. W. Life of Edward Irving. Illustrated by his journals and correspondence. New York, 1862. 8vo. The makers of Florence : Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their city. With a portrait of Savonarola, engraved by C. H. Jeens, and illustrations from drawings of Delamotte. London, 1876. 8vo. OLIVER, Isabella. Poems on various subjects. Carlisle, 1805. i6mo. OLIVER, Peter. Puritan commonwealth. An historical review of the Puritan government in Massachusetts. Boston, 1856. 8vo. "Strongly criticises the Puritans; reviewed by J. \V. Thornton and G. E. Ellis."— Z'raM OLIVER, S. P. Madagascar and the Malagasy. With sketches in the provinces. Illustrated. London, 1862. 8vo. OLSHAUSEN, Hermann. Biblical commentary on the New Testa- ment. Translated from the German by A. C. Kendrick. New York, i859-'6o. 6 vols. Svo. " A German protestant theologian and professor. This work is highly com- mended. " — Thomas. OMNIPOTENCE of loving-kindness ; being the results of a lady's seven months' work among the fallen in Glasgow. Anonymous. New York, 1867. i6mo. O'NEIL, A. Dictionary of Spanish painters ; comprehending simply that part of their biography immediately connected with the arts, from the 14th century to the iSth. Illustrated. London. i833-'4. Svo. OPDYKE, George. Addresses, etc. See New York city. ORATIONS delivered at the request of the inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to commemorate the massacre of March 5th, 1770. Bos- ton, 1785. iSmo. ORDERLY book of the northern army at Ticonderoga and Mt. Inde- 358 THE STUART LIDRARY. pendence, from October 17, 1776, to January 8, 1777. With bio- graphical and explanatory notes and appendix. Albany, 1859. i2mo. ORDRONAUX, John, translator. Code of health of the school of Salernum. Translated into English verse. With notes and appen- dix. Philadelphia, 1870. 4to. Printed in Latin and Hnglish. ORIUNA, Dessertation upon. London, 1751. 8vo. Said to be empress or queen of England ; the supposed wife of Carausius, monarch and emperor of Britain. ORLEANS. See Aumale, H. E. P. L. Due d' Orleans. ORLEANS, Le Due d' . Description des principales pierres gravies de son cabinet. Illustrated. Paris, 1780. 2 vols. Folio. See Vatout, J., and Qu^not, J. P. Galerie, etc. ORLEANS, Pierre Joseph d'. History of the two Tartar conquerors of China. From the French, with father Pereira's journey in Tartary. Translated and edited by the Earl of Ellesmere. Hakluyt soeicty. London, 1854. 8vo. ORME, William. Memoirs, including letters and select remains, of John Urquhart. With notice by Alex. Duff. Philadelphia, 1855. i2mo. OROSII, Pauli, Historia. Venice, 1483. 4to. He was a pupil of Augustine, and wrote this general history about 400. This is a beautiful specimen of early printing, and this edition very scarce. The places for the initials are left blank, to be filled in by hand. ORTEL, Jerome. Schone Bildnus in Kupffergestoechen Altes und Neues Testament. Numerous illustrations, ornamented borders. Nuremburg, 1610. i2mo. Fine hog-skin cover. Motto : " Dum spiro, spero." ORTELIUS, Abraham. Deorum, dearumque Capita, ex antiquis nu- mismatibus. Illustrata a F. F. Sweertio. Antwerp, 16 12. i6mo. " .A.n eminent geographer; the Ptolemy of his age." — Thomas. ORTON, James. The Andes and the Amazon ; or across the continent of South America. Illustrated. New York, 1871. i2mo. 359 CATALOGUE OF OSBURN, William. The monumental history of Egypt ; as recorded on the ruins of her temples, palaces and tombs. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. " Upwards of 1200 new engravings. A beautiful and valuable work." — Allibone. OSTERVALD, Jean F. Explanatory notes to the Bible. New York, 18 14. 4to. OTIS, F. N. History of the Panama railroad, and of the Pacific mail steamship company. Illustrated. New York, 1867. i2mo. OTTLEY, William Y. An inquiry concerning the invention of print- ing. With an introduction by J. P. Berjeau. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1863. 4to. Keeper of the prints in the British museum. and ToMKiNS, P. W. Engravings of the Marquis of Stafford's collection of pictures in London. With remarks on each picture. London, 1818. 4 vols, bound in 2. Folio. OUSELEY, Si>- William G. Description of views in South America, from original drawings, made in Brazil. With notes. London, 1852. 8vo. Views in South America, from original drawings. London. Folio. He was British minister to Buenos Ayres, etc. OVERBECK, Friedrich. Darstellungen aus den Evangelien ; nach vierzig original zeichnungen. Dusseldorf. Folio. " One of the most illustrious German painters, who chose almost exclusively Scripture subjects." — Thomas. OVERBECK, Henry. Illustrations of the Holy Gospels. New York, 1856. Folio. OVID (Ovidius, Puelius Naso). Metamorphoses ; in Latin and Eng- lish. Translated into English by B. Picart ; and into French, with historical explications, by Banier. Adorned with sculptures by Bernard Picart and other able masters. Amsterdam, 1732. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Large paper, very scarce. 360 THE STUART LIBRARY. OVID (OviDius, PuBLius Naso). Metamorphoses. Literally translated into English prose. With copious notes and explanations by H. T. Riley. London, 1858. i6nio. Les metamorphoses d'Ovide. Traduction nouvelle, avec le texte Latin, par M. G. T. Villenave. Orncl-e de gravures d'apres les dessins de MM. Lebarbier, Monsiau et Moreau. Paris, 1806. 4 vols. Folio. OWEN, David D. Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and a portion of Nebraska. Philadelphia, 1852. 4to. " Elegant in typography and able in science." — SilHiitan. OWEN, John. An humble testimony unto the goodness and severity of God. In a discourse. Edinburgh, 1737. i6mo. Bound with a miscellaneous collection, whose initial title is " Best Treasure," which see. Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit, and the difference between grace and morality. Abridged. Philadelphia. i2mo. The doctrine of justification by faith, through the imputation of the righteousness of Christ. Philadelphia. 8vo. Temptation, and the mortification of sin in believers. Phila- delphi.a.. i2mo. and others. Strength out of Weaknesse ; or the Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians of New England. London, 1652. i6mo. He died in 16S3. " In his writings John Owen was preeminently the great theologian of his age." — Eiicyc. Brit. OWEN, John. History of the origin and first ten years of the British and foreign Bible society. London, i8r6. 2 vols. 8vo. He was principal secretary of the society till his death in 1S22. OWEN, W. F. W. Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar ; in H. M. ships Leven and Barra- couta. London, 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. 361 CATALOGUE OF OXEN FORD, John, editor. Illustrated book of French songs ; from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centur}-. Translated from the French. London, 1855. i2mo. OXFORD chronological tables of history. Sec Ancient history. OZANNE, T. D. The South as it is ; or twenty-one years' experience in the Southern states of America. London, 1863. i2mo. P AETEL, Fr. Catalog den conchylien-sammlung, nebst uebersicht des angewandten systems. Berlin, 1873. Svo. PAEZ, Ramon. Wild scenes in South America. New York, 1862. i2mo. PAGE, R. Fifty wonderful portraits. See Cooper, R. PAGE, Thomas J. La Plata, the Argentine confederation, and Para- guay. A narrative of exploration in 1853-56. Illustrated. New York, 1853. Svo. Commander in the U. S. navy. PALACIO, Diego G. de. Carta dirijida al Rey de Espafia, ano 1576. Edited by E. G. Squier. New York, i860. i2mo. PALEY, William. Natural theology ; with an introduction, by Henry, Lord Brougham, and the author's notes. Illustrated edition. London, 1835. i2mo. "An argument combined and presented witli skill and ability." — AlUbone. A view of the evidences of Christianity. London, 1819. 2 vols. i2mo. "By felicity of arrangement, he has given the air of novelty to the old." — Channing. PALFREY, John G. History of New England during the Stuart dynasty. Boston, 1865. 3 vols. 8vo. Same. Boston, 1865. 3 vols. Svo. — Life of William Palfrey. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., new series, vol. 7. " Col. P. was paymaster in the revolutionary army, and one of Washington's aids. The writer is a grandson." — Drake. 362 THE STUART LIUKAKY, PALGRAVE, William G. A year's journey through central and east- ern Arabia, 1862-63. London, 18C6. 2 vols. 8vo. " It is a long lime since we have liad so excellent a book of travels. "—Xi;«one. PARKINSON, James. Organic remains of a former world ; the miner- alized remains of the vegetables of the antediluvian world. Illus- trated. London, 1811. 3 vols. 4to. " Replete with interest and instruction." — Mantell. PARKMAN, Francis. France and England in North America ; a series of historical narratives. Boston, 1866, 1867-1869. 3 parts. 8vo. Only 75 copies printed. Contents : Part i. Pioneers of France in the new world. 2. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. 3. Discovery of the great west. History of the conspiracy of Pontiac, and the war of the North American tribes. Boston, 1S66. Svo. Limited edition of 75 for subscribers. " Few historical writers combine such rare gifts." — J. Baring-Gould. 364 THIi; STUART LIIiKARY. PARKYNS, Mansi'IKLd. Life in Abyssinia ; being notes collected during three years' residence and travels. Illustrated. New York, 1854. 2 vols. i2mo. PARNELL, Thomas. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. lamo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1865. i2mo. " Parnell conveys the warmest thoughts in the simplest language." — Goldsmith, PAUQUET Brothers, engravers. Illustrations of English and foreign costume, from the fifteenth century to the present day. After the designs of Albert Durer, and others. London, 1875. 4to. Modes et costumes historiques ; dessin^s et graves d'apr^s les meilleurs maitres de chaque ^poque, et les documents les plus authentiques. Paris. 4to. Same. Paris. 4to. PARR, Catherine, Queen of Henry VIII. Writings. In British reformers, vol. 3. PARRIS, E. T., Cattermole, G., Herbert, J. R., and Corbould, E. Gems of beauty. See Heath, Charles. PARRY, Sir William E. Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; in 1819-20. London, 1821. 4to. Second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in 1821-1823, in H. M. ships Fury and Hecla. Illustrated. London, 1824. 4to. " He obtained the reward of £i,ooo offered to the navigator who should pene- trate the Arctic circle, beyond 110° \V." — Thomas. PARSONS, S. B. The rose ; its history, poetry, culture, and classifi- cation. New York, 1847. 4to. PARTON, James. Caricature and other comic art, in all times and many lands. Illustrated. New York, 1877. 8vo. 365 CATALOGUE OF PARTON, James. Life and times of Aaron Burr. Illustrated. New York, 1858. i2mo. "Almost a model biography." — Mackenzie. Life of Andrew Jackson. Illustrated. New York, i860. 3 vols. 8vo. "The best biogr.iphy of an American statesman." — Land, critic, Life and times of Benjamin Franklin. Illustrated. New York, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. " A living and animated portrait of his great subject." — N. Am. rev. and others. Sketches of men of progress. Embellished with handsome steel portraits. New York, i87o-'7i. 410. PARTON, Sarah P., " Fannie Fern." Fern leaves from Fanny's port- folio. Auburn, 1853. i2mo. " She is no imitator. Her inspiration comes from nature." — Hart. Ruth Hall ; a domestic tale of the present time. New York, 1855. i2mo. "Over 50,000 copies sold within eight months." — Allibotte. PASHLEY, Robert. Travels in Crete. Illustrated. London, 1837. 2 vols. 8vo. "Throws light on the philosophy of human history." — Brit, and for. quart, rev. PATIN, Charles. Imperatorum Romanorum numismata ex tere, medijE et minimae formae, descripta et enarrata. Illustrated. Paris, i6g6. Folio. PATON, J. Noel. Illustrations. See The Dowie Dens o' Yarrow. PATTEN, J. Alexander. Lives of the clergy of New York and Brooklyn. Two hundred biographies. Illustrated. New York, 1874. 8vo. Same. New York, 1874. 8vo. PATTERSON, John B. Illustrations of the farewell discourse of Jesus : lectures on the fourteenth, fifteenth and si.\teenth chapters of the gospel of St. John. Edinburgh, 1859. 8vo. 366 THE STUART LIBRARY. PATTERSON, Maj.-Gen'l. Rohert. Campaign of the valley of the Shenandoah, in 1861. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1865. 8vo. PATTERSON, Robert. Fables of infidelity and facts of faith. Cin- cinnati, 1864. 12010. Presbyterian clergyman. PATTON, Francis L. The inspiration of the Scriptures. Philadel- phia, 1869. i6mo. PAUL, William. The rose garden; embracing the history of the rose, and containing an arrangement of the most esteemed varieties. With coloured plates. London, 1848. 8vo. PAULDING, J. Affairs and men of New Amsterdam, in the time of governor Peter Stuyvesant. New York, 1843. i6mo. PAULDING, James K. Salmagundi. See Irving, Washington. PAULI, Reinhold. Life of Alfred the Great; translated from the German. To which is appended Alfred's Anglo-Sa.xon version of Orosius; with a literal English translation, and an Anglo-Saxon alphabet and glossary, by B. Thorpe. Illustrated. London, 1857. i6mo. "A native German, resident in England; a learned investigator of Anglo-Saxon literature."— .^//;*(7Hc. PAYNE, A. H. Berlin and its treasures ; views of the principal build- ings. With a selection from the Royal picture gallery and new museum, engraved in the first style on steel. Leipzig. 4to. Book of art. With the celebrated galleries of Munich ; selec- tion of subjects engraved after pictures by old and modern masters. With descriptive text and a history of art. Dresden. 2 vols. 4to. Orbis pictus ; or book of beauty for every table. Engraved from the works of the most eminent painters of all countries. Dresden. 410. - Royal Dresden gallery ; a selection of subjects engraved after pictures by the great masters. Dresden. 2 vols. 410. 367 CATALOGUE OF PEABODY, Oliver W. B. Life of Israel Putnam. New York, 1854. i6mo. Life of John Sullivan. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. 3. PEABODY, William B. O. Life of Alexander Wilson. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. 2. Life of Cotton Mather. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. 6. Life of David Brainard ; missionary to the Indians. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. 8. Life of James Oglethorpe, the founder of Georgia. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Amer. biog., vol. 2. The Peabody brothers were twins. "They consecrated their endowments and attainments to truth, progress, humanity and religion." — N. A. Rev. PEACHEY, Mrs. The royal guide to wax flower modelUng. Illus- trated. London, 185 i. lamo. PEARCE, Zachary. Sermon preached before the Society for the Prop- agation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20, 1729. London, 1730. i2mo. "Judicious and admirable."— i(7«(2'. gent's mag. PECK, John M. Life of Daniel Boone. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., neiu series, vol. 13. PECOCK, Reynold, Bishop. Writings. In British reformers, vol. I. His name is sometimes given : Reginald Peacock. PEGGE, Samuel. Coins of Cunobelin ; Anglo-Sa.xon remains and coins of the archbishop of Canterbury. Illustrated. London, i856-'72. 8vo. PENHALLOW, Samuel. History of the wars of New England with the eastern Indians. Cincinnati, 1859. 8vo. Chief justice of the superior court of New Hampshire. 368 THK STUART LIBKAKY. PENNANT, Thomas. Journey from London to Dover and the Isle of Wiglit. Illustrated. London, iSoi. 2 vols, in i. 4to. " Whatever he touched, he beautified." — Blackwood. PENNSYLVANIA. Auditor general's annual report for 1868, of the railroad, canal and telegraph companies. Harrisburg, 1869. 8vo. Geology of. See Rogers, Henry D. Historical Review of the Constitution and Government. Anony- mous. London, 1759. 8vo. PENNSYLVANIA historical society. Memoirs. Philadelphia, 1826- •67. 8 vols. 8vo. PENNY magazine of the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge, 1832. Illustrated. New York, 1833. 4to. PEPYS, Samuel. Diary and correspondence. With life and notes by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. London, 1848. 5 vols. i2mo. "Of very great interest and curiosity." — Lord Jeffrey. PERAU, Gabriel L. L'abbtf dc. Description historique de I'Hotel Royal des Invalides. Avec les Plans, Coupes, Elevations Gdomd- trales de ces Edifices et les Peintures et Sculptures de I'Eglise, dessin^es et gravees par Cochin. Paris. 1756. Folio. Due de Cogny's copy. PERCIER, Charles, et Fontaine, P. F. L. Choix des plus c^lebres maisons de plaisance de Rome et de ses environs. Paris, 1809. Folio. PERCY, Thomas, Bishop. " Folio manuscript." Ballads and romances. Edited by J. W. Hales and F. J. Furnivall. London, 1867. 3 vols. 8vo. " Folio manuscript." Loose and humorous songs. Edited by J. W. Hales and F. J. Furnivall. London, 1S67. 8vo. " Percy's attention to poetry has given grace and splendor to his studies of antiquity. " — Samuel Johnson. PEREAU, John H. Principles of interpretation of the Old Testament. Translated by P. Forbes. Edinburgh, 1835-40. 2 vols. i6mo. 24 369 CATALOGUE OF PEREZ DE Villa-Amil. See Villa-Amil. PERKINS, Charles C. Italian sculptors ; being a history of sculpt- ure in Italy. London, 1668. 4to. Tuscan sculptors ; their lives, works, and times. With illustra- tions from original drawings and photographs. London, 1864. 2 vols. 4to. "Well rewards study, and is tastefully illustrated." — Land, reader. PERKINS, Henry. Catalogue of his library, formed at the beginning of the present century. Manuscripts, vellum, etc. Illustrated. London, 1873. 4to. PERKINS, Justin. Residence of eight years in Persia, among the Nestorian Christians. Illustrated. Andover, 1843. 8vo. PERNE, Andrew. Gospell Courage ; or. Christian Resolution for God and his truth. A sermon. London, 1643. i6mo. Paper. PEROUSE, J. F. G. DE LA. Voyage round the world, performed in 1785-1788, by the Boussole and Astrolabe ; under the superintend- ence of L. A. Milet-Mureau. Translated from the French. Lon- don, 1807. 3 vols. 8vo. Same. Atlas. Folio. "Sailed in Aug, 17S5. The last letter received from him was dated Feb. 7, 17S8. About 1826 it was ascertained that he and his party perished by ship- wreck. " — Thomas. PERRAULT, Charles. Les contes de fees. Dessins par Gustave DoRif. Paris, 1863. Folio. " Member of the French academy. He owes his immortality chiefly to fairy tales, which have obtained great success in the nursery." — Thomas. PERRING, J. S. The pyramids of Gizeh. From actual survey and admeasurement. Illustrated by notes and references to the several plans. With sketches taken upon the spot, by E. A. Andrews. Also remarks on the hieroglyphics, by S. Birch. In 3 parts. London, 1839-42. Folio. 370 THE STUART I.IHRAKY. PERRY, Matthew C, Commodore. Expedition of an American squad- ron to the China seas and Japan, 1852-1854. Compiled by F. L. Hawks. Washington, 1856. 3 vols. 410. Same. New York, 1857. 4to. "One of the most finished books ever written." — Triibner. PERRY, William S. Papers relating to the history of the church in Pennsylvania, from 1680 to 1778. 1871. 410. Large paper edition. Papers relating to the history of the church in Virginia, from 1650 to 1776. 1870. 4to. I^rge paper, privately printed. PERSIAN boundary commission, 1870-72. Eastern Persia. With colored illustrations. London, 1876. 2 vols. 8vo. Contents : Vol. i. Geography, with narratives, by Majors St. John, Lovett, and Euan Smith, and an introduction by Sir Frederick John Goldsmid ; 2. Zoology and geology by VV. T. Ulanford. PESCHEL, Oscar. The races of man and their geographical distribu- tion. From the German. New York, 1876. i2mo. PETERKIN, Alexander, editor. The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland : wherein the headis and conclusionis are specially expressed and contained. Reprint. Edinburgh, 1839. 8vo. PETERMAN, a. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer anstalt. Gotha, i855-'7. 3 vols. 8vo. PETERS, Samuel A. General history of Connecticut, from its first settlement. With a description of the country. London, 1781. 1 2 mo. "Its narrations are independent of time, place, and probability." — Drake. " He is satirized in Trumbull's McFingall, under the name of Parson Peter." — TAamas. PETITOT, Jean. Les dmaux du musee imperial du Louvre. Portraits de personnages historiques et de femmes celebres du siecle de Louis XIV. Graves au burin par M. L. Ceroni. Paris, 1S62 2 vols. 4to. 371 CATALOGUE OF PETRARCH, Francisco [surnamed " Pet." in original]. Epistole familiares. Princeps edition. Venice, 1492. i2mo. Also bound with it : Orations of Beroaldus, and treatises of Burley, and Albert of Saxony. The two latter black letter, dated 1502. Le Rime. Illustrated. London, 1822. 481110. Sonnets, triumphs, and other poems. Translated into English verse. With life by Thomas Campbell. London, 1859. i2mo. " He lays bare his soul to those around." PETRIE, G. Bartlett, and Baynes, C. R. Illustrations of Ireland. With descriptions by G. N. Wright. London. 4to. PETTIGREW, Thomas J. Bibliotheca Sussexiana. A descriptive catalogue, with notices, of the books in the library of the duke of Sussex. Illustrated. London, 1827. 2 vols. 4to. PFEIFFER, Ida. A lady's voyage round the world. Translated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. New York, 1852. i2mo. Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian north. Translated from the German, with notes. Illustrated. London, 1852. i2mo. PFEIFFER, Louis G. K. Novitates conchologicse, series prima. Mol- lusca extramarina. Illustrated. Cassel, 1860-69. 3 vols. 4to. In Latin and French. PH^DRUS. Phffidri, Aug. Liberti Fabularum ^Esopiarum Libri V. Notis illustravit in usum serenissimi principis Nassauii, David HOOGSTRATANUS. AMSTERDAM, I70I. 8vO. Numerous copper-plate medallions and other illustrations. PHELAN, Michael. The game of billiards. Illustrated. New York, 1858. i6mo. PHELPS, Richard H. A history of the Newgate of Connecticut, at Simsbury, now East Granby. Illustrated. Albany, i860. i2mo. PHILADELPHIA centennial exhibition, 1876. Catalogue of the British section. Illustrated. London, 1876. Svo. Official catalogue. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1876. Svo. 372 THE STUAKT LIHRARY. PHIL. Derry, the western boy, who became a missionary. Anony- mous. Philadelphia, 1875. i6mo. PPIILELFI, Francisci, Epistoloe. Venice, 1485. 4to. "A very rare and curious specimen of printing, published 35 years after the invention of the art." The author was a learned Italian professor, " Filelfo Francesco," in Italian. Same. i2mo. This has no date, place, or printer's name, but is " sold by William Wester- m.iu at Antwerp." PHILIP, Robert. Redemption ; or, a new song in Heaven. New York, 1835. i8mo. PHILLIPS, Alfred A. The bouquet for 1847. Beautifully embel- lished. New York, 1847. 8vo. PHILLIPS, PIenry. Pomarium Britannicum ; an historical and botani- cal account of fruits known in (Ireat Britain. London, 1823. 8vo. PHILLIPS, Henry, Jr. Historical sketches of the paper currency of the American colonies. Roxbury, 1865-6. 2 vols. i2mo. 50 copies printed. PHILOSTORGIUS. Ecclesiastical history. See Sozomen. PHILPOT, John. Examinations and letters. In British reformers, vol. 7. PHIPPS, Constantine H., Marguis of Normandy. A year of revolu- tion. From a journal kept in Paris in 1848. London, 1857. 2 vols. Svo. English ambassador to France. PHIPPS, Constantine J., Lord Mulgrave. Voyage towards the North Pole, in 1773. With maps and illustrations. London, 1775. 410. "An unsuccessful attempt to discover a north-west passage." — Tliomas. PHIPS, William. Life of his excellency, Governour of the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Written by one intimately acquainted with him. London, 1697. i8mo. 373 CATALOGUE OF PICART, Bernard. Ceremonies et coutumes religieuses des peuples idolatres ; representees par Figures. Illustrated. Ajisterda.m, 1723. 2 vols. Folio. Same. Amsterdam, 1731. 7 vols. Folio. Gemmae antiquas caelatse, Sculptorum nominibus insignitae. Com- mentariis illustravit P. de Stosch. Amsterdam, 1724. Folio. In Latin and French. Naaukeurige Beschryving der Uitwendige. Godts dienst-plichten, kerk-zeden en gewoontens van alle volkeren der Waereldt, en kunstige tafereelen afgemaalt. Overgezet A. Monbach. The Hague, 1727. 6 vols. Folio. The temple of the muses ; or the principal histories of fabulous antiquity, represented in si.xty sculptures. With explication and re- marks, etc. Amsterdam, 1833. Folio. " Ficart was a French designer and engraver, who obtained a high reputation." — Thomas. PICKERING, Charles. Geographical distribution of animals and plants, and races of man, etc. U. S. exploring expedition. See Wilkes, Charles. PICKETT, Albert J- History of Alabama, and, incidentally, of Georgia and Mississippi. Illustrated. Charleston, 1851. 2 vols. i2mo. PICTET, Benedict. Christian theology. Translated from the Latin, by F. Reyroux. Philadelphia. i2mo. Swiss protestant, professor of Divinity at Geneva in 1702-24. PICTORIAL history of the Bible. See Bible illustrations. PICTORIAL history of the Russian war 1854-56. With maps, plans, and wood engravings. Anonymous. Edinburgh, 1856. 8vo. PICTURES of society, grave and gay ; from the pencils of celebrated artists and the pens of popular authors. New York, 1866. 8vo. PICTURESQUE America. See Bryant, W. C, editor. PICTURESQUE representations of the dress and manners of the Aus- trians. Illustrated by 50 colored engravings, with descriptions. London, 1814. Svo. 374 THE STUART LIBRARY. PIDGEON, William. Traditions of De-coo-dah and antiquarian re- searches. Illustrated. Ni.w York, 1858. 8vo. Account of the mound-builders. PIERCE, Gilbert A., and Wheeler, W. A. The Dickens dictionary. Illustrated. Boston, 1872. i2mo. PIEP.OTTI, Ermete. Jerusalem explored ; being a description of the ancient and modern city. With numerous illustrations, consisting of views, ground plans, and sections. Translated by Thomas George BoNNEY. London, 1864. 2 vols. Folio. PIGAFETTA, Francesco A., and others. First voyage round the world, by Magellan [1519-1522]. Translated by Lord Stanley, of Alderley. Hakluyt society. London, 1874. 8vo. PIGNOTTI, Lorenzo. The history of Tuscany ; an account of the revival of letters, sciences and arts, including memoirs of the family of the Medici. Translated from the Italian by John Browning. Illustrated. London, 1826. 4 vols. i2mo. Professor of natural philosophy at Pisa, many years. PIGOT, J., AND Co. Commercial directory of Ireland, Scotland and north England, 1820 to 1822 inclusive. Manchester, 1820. i2mo. PIGOT, Richard, editor. Moral emblems. See Cats, J., and Far- lie, R. PIKE, Nicolas. Sub-tropical rambles in the land of the Aphanapteryx ; adventures in the island of Mauritius. New York, 1873. 8vo. PILKINGTON, Matthew. General dictionary of painters. Contain- ing memoirs of the lives and works of the most eminent professors of the art of painting. Additions by A. Cunningham and R. A. Davenport. London, 1852. 8vo. PINDAR'S works. With various readings, notes and emendations by Alexander Negris. Edinburgh, 1835. i6mo. PINE, John and Robert E. Designs for Henry Justice's engraved edition of Virgil. See Virgil. 375 CATALOGUE OF PINELLO, Bartolommeo. Twenty-seven etchings, illustrative of Italian manners and costume. Rome, 1844. Folio. PINKERTON, John. Essay on medals ; or an introduction to ancient and modern coins and medals. Illustrated. London, 1808. 2 vols. in I. i2mo. A general collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world. Illustrated. London, 1808- 14. 17 vols. 4to. The Scotish Gallery ; or Portraits of Eminent Persons of Scot- land. With brief accounts of their characters. London, 1799. Folio. Large paper. "A man of considerable learning, but more pedantry." — Allibo/ie. PIROLI, Thomas, engraver. Les monumens antiques du musde Napo- leon ; dessin^s et graves. Avec une explication par J. G. Schweig- HAEUSER, publics par F. et P. Piranesi, Freres. Paris, i8o4-'6. 4 vols. 8vo. PITRE-CHEVALIER. Bretagne et Vendue. Histoire de la revolu- tion Fran9aise dans I'ouest. lUustr^e. Paris. 8vo. PITTI Palace. See Florence. Galerie de Florence et du palace Pitti. PLAGUE. A short account of the plague. Anonymous. Philadel- phia, 1774. i6mo. Bound with Mighty Distroyer. which see. PLANCHE, James R. A cyclopedia of costume ; or dictionary of dress, including notices of contemporaneous fashions on the con- tinent. Vol. I. Dictionary ; 2. History. Illustrated. London, 1876-9. 2 vols. 4to. An English dramatist and composer. PLANS for churches and parsonages ; published under the direction of the central committee of the general Congregational convention, October, 1852. New York, 1853. 4to. 376 THE STUART LIBRARY. PLANTA, Joseph. History of the Helvetic confederacy. London, 1807. 3 vols. 8vo. A Swiss historian, principal librarian of the British museum, from 1799. PLANTATION, The. A Southern quarterly journal, for i860. New York. 2 vols. 8vo. PLETTENBERG, Graefin. Gcistliches Stamm-Buch, 1752. 8vo. " Manuscript, on vellum, with colored pictures. Finished in the highest style of German art. Each drawing has on the back an autograph inscription of vari- ous persons of high rank, who have dedicated the respective subjects to the countess. The following are some of the subjects : S. Kunicundis (with the Prussian Device beneath) ; Kespice in Faciem Christi ; Aut Pati, aut Mori (with Elijah fed by the ravens beneath) ; Vir Dolorum (Christ bearing his cross) ; S. Joseph (with the Infant Christ); S. Francis Xavier ; (Two Hearts, Skeleton Arm wth wreath of Flowers), very good ; (River with Boat, Garden on Shore, Dove with Olive Branch, Hills in the Distance) ; S. Mater Teresia ; Benedicam tibi coram Domino, Gen. 21. Rebecca diligebat Jacob, Gen. 25 ; Santa Rosa Maria de Lira ; L'eternite Heureuse ou Malheureusc de'pcnd d'un moment (a beautiful miniature of a Nun) ; Saint Anthony ; S. Antonie de Padua ; (Heart Pierced with arrows) ; S. Theresia (in Pen and Ink) very fine." PLUMER, William S. Grace of Christ, or sinners saved by un- merited kindness. Philadelphia, 1853. i2mo. The law of God as contained in the ten commandments ; ex- plained and enforced. Philadelphia, 1S64. i2mo. Prof, of theology in Penn. and S. C, successively. PLUMLEY, G. S. The Presbyterian church throughout the world ; from the earliest to the present times. Illustrated. New York, 1874. Svo. POCO MAS. Pseudonym. Scenes and adventures in Spain from 1835 to 1840. London, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. POE, Edgar A. The conchologist's first book ; a system of testaceous malacology, for the use of schools. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1840. lOmo. " An almost verbatim copy of Thos. Brown's text-book of conchologj-, Glasgow, 1833." — AlUbone. POEMS. Book of celebrated poems ; containing forty-one of the most popular poems in the English language. Illustrated. London, 1854. Svo. 377 CATALOGUE OF POLAND, PiETRO S. Historie of the Councel of Trent; conteining eight Bookes. Written in Italian, and faithfully translated into English by Nathanael Brent. Unto this second Edition are added divers observable Passages. London, 1629. Folio. POLITENESS, Manual of; comprising the principles of etiquette for persons of both sexes. Anonymous. Philadelphia, 1852. i8mo. POLLARD, Edward A. The lost cause ; a new southern history of the war of the confederates. Illustrated. New York, 1866. 8vo. Southern history of the war. New York, 1862-65. 3 vols. 8vo. POLO, Marco. Travels. Translation of Marsden revised ; with a selection of his notes. Edited by T. Wright. London, 1854. 1 2 mo. Marsden's translation appeared in iSi8. " As a discoverer, he ranks with Alexander the great and Columbus." — Walckenaer. PONCE, Nicolas. Collection des tableaux et Arabesques antiques trouv^s i Rome, dans les ruines des thermes de Titus. Rome, 1805. Folio. 77 copper plates. PONTOPPIDAN, Erich, the younger. Natural history of Norway. Translated from the Danish. With map and illustrations. Lon- don, 1755. 2 parts in i vol. Folio. Chancellor of the uiiiv. of Copenhagen. POOL, Matthew. Bible annotations. New York, 1852. 8 vols. 8vo. a non-conformist divine, ejected in 1662. POOLE, William F. The Tyler Davidson fountain, given by Henry Probasco to the city of Cincinnati. With photographic illustrations. Cincinnati, 1872. 4to. Author of the index to periodical literature. POPE, Alexander. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. — Poetical works. With a memoir. London, 185:. i6mo. 378 THE STUART LIBRARY. POPE, Alexander. Translation of the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. See Homer. " Never were such talents and such drudgery united ; his faults arc numberless, and so arc his beauties." — Cowper. PORTE-CRAYON. See Strother, D. H. PORTER, John L. The giant cities of Bashan, and Syria's holy places. New York, 187 i. lamo. PORTEU.S, Bkilbv. Lectures on the gospel of St. Matthew ; deliv- ered in Westminster. London, 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. " Practical and popular." — Bickersteth. ■ Sermons on several subjects. London, 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. Tracts on various subjects. London, 1836. 8vo. PORTFOLIO ; a monthly magazine, conducted by Joseph Dennie, " Oliver Oldschool." 2d, 3d, and 4th series. Illustrated. New York, 1809-1S20. 24 vols. i2mo. PORTRAITS of eminent conservatives and statesmen ; with genealogi- cal and historical memoirs. London. 2 vols. 410. POSTLEWAYT, Malachy. The universal dictionary of trade and commerce. London, 1766. 2 vols. Folio. POTTER, Henry C. Religion in action. Sermon preached in Grace church, May i8, 1873. New York, 1873. i2mo. Some ways of strengthening and extending the total abstinence movement. New York, 1S78. i2mo. POTTER, John. Archseologia Grsca ; or, the antiquities of Greece. A new edition, with a life of the author by R. Anderson, and an appendix by G. Dunbar. With maps and engravings. Edin- burgh, 1S32. 2 vols. i2mo. " Written when he was a student, aged 23." — HaUam. POTTER, Paraclete. The infantry- exercise of the United States army. Abridged for the use of the militia. Illustrated. Pough- keepsie, 1820. i6mo. 379 CATALOGUE OF POTTS and Wainwright, Controversy between. By an anti-sectariaa Anonymous. New York, 1844. Svo. Bound in same vol. with Houston, Thomas, which see. POUCHET, Felix A. L'univers. Les infiniment grands et les infini- ment petits. Paris, 1868. Svo. POUCHET, M. Memoir upon the late war in North America, between French and English, 1755-60. Translated and edited by Frank- lin B. Hough. Roxbury, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. POUND, D. J. The drawing-room portrait-gallery of eminent person- ages. Engraved on steel. London. Folio. POWELL, Ja.mes W. Exploration of the Colorado River of the west, and its tributaries, in 1S69-72. Illustrated. Washington, 1875. 4to. POWER, Philip B. Pivot words of Scripture. London, 1866. i2mo. A prolific and popular writer, incumbent of Christ's church, Worthing. PRAYER. Manual of devotion, for soldiers and sailors. Philadel- phia. i2mo. PRAYERS for social and family worship. Prepared by a committee of the general assembly of the church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1859. i2mo. PRENDEVILLE, James. Photographic fac-similes of the antique gems, formerly possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski. Accom- panied by descriptions and illustrations, selected from classical authors. With an essay on ancient gems and gem engraving. Photographs by Collins. London, 1859. 2 vols. 4to. PRESBYTERIAN church. Act of the associate Presbytery, concerning the doctrine of Grace. Edinburgh, 1742. i6mo. Bound with a miscellaneous collection, whose initial title is "Best treasure," which see. Brick church memorial, 1856. New York, 1861. Svo. — Brief history of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church, from 1808 to 1877. New York. i6mo. 380 TTIE STUAKT I.IHKARY. PRESBYTERIAN church. Collection of the acts, deliverances and testimonies of the supreme judicatory of the Presbyterian church in America, to the present time. With notes and documents. By Samuel J. Baird. Philadki.i'hia, 1855. 8vo. Council at Philadelphia, 1880. Proceedings. Edited by Dales and Patterson. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo. Same, condensed ; with decorations of the hall, by H. C. McCooK. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo. — First general council, at Edinburgh, July, 1877. Edinburgh, 1877. 4to. Second general council of the Presbyterian alliance, at Philadel- phia, 1880. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo. — First to eighteenth annual report of the board of foreign mis- sions, 1838-1855. New York. 2 vols. 8vo. — Home and foreign record of the Presbyterian church in the United States. Vols. 2 to 7, 1851-56. Philadelphia. 6 vols. 8vo. — Minutes of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States, 1821-1882. Philadelphia. 24 vols. 8vo. — Presbyterian memorial offering, 1870-1871. New York. 8vo. — Presbyterian reunion. A memorial volume, 1837-187 1. New York, 1870. 8vo. Records of the Presbyterian church in the United States, from 1706 to 1788. Philadelphia. 8vo. — The foreign missionary, 1851-1882. Vols. 10 to 40. New York. 31 vols. 8vo. — The foreign missionary chronicle, 1833-1849. Vols, i to 17. New York. 17 vols. 8vo. — See also Gillett, E. H., Lowrie, J. C, McCook, H. C, Plum- ley, G. S., Van Rensselaer, C, Webster, R. PRESBYTERIAN clergyman looking for the church. Anonymous. New York, 1853. i2mo. 381 CATALOGUE OF PRESBYTERIAN hospital. Dedicatory exercises, October lo, 1872. Also first to eighth annual report, 1868-1876. New York. 8vo. PRESBYTERIAN review. Vol. 11. New York, 1881. 8vo. PRESCOTT, William H. History of the conquest of Mexico. With a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican civilization, and the life of the conqueror, Hernando Cortes. Portrait. New York, 1843. 3 vols. Svo. " A work of no ordinary ability, research, and vigor." — A''. Am. rev. History of the conquest of Peru. With a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas. New York, 185 i. 2 vols. Svo. Portraits. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the catholic. New York, 1853. 3 vols. Svo. ' ' Written in a style worthy of Xenophon. " — IValpole. History of the reign of Philip the Second, king of Spain. Boston, 1855. 3 vols. Svo. Portraits. " Brille pour une chaleur d'ame, qui ne se concile pas toujours avec I'impartialite." — • Vapereau. Life of Charles Brockden Brown. New York, 1S54. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. i. PRIAULX, Osmond de Beauvoir. Quasstiones Mosaicae ; or the first part of the book of Genesis, compared with the remains of ancient religions. London, 1854. Svo. PRICE, Lake. Interiors and exteriors in Venice. Lithographed from the original drawings, by Joseph Nash, 1843. London, 1843. Folio. Tauromachia ; or the bull-fights of Spain. Illustrated by twenty- six plates, representing the most remarkable incidents and scenes. London, 1852. Folio. PRICE, Thomas. Memoir of William Wilberforce. Boston, 1834. iSmo. PRICHARD, James C. Natural history of man. Edited and enlarged by Edwin Norris. Illustrated. London, 1855. 2 vols. Svo. 382 THE STUART I.IBRARV. PRICHARD, James C. Physical history of mankind. London, 1836- 47. 5 vols. 8vo. Contents : Vol. i. General introduction ; 2. African races ; 3. Ethnography of Europe ; 4. Asiatic nations ; 5. Oceanic and American nations. Six ethnological maps, illustrative of the natural history of man. London. Folio. "I am amazed at his attainments and his prodigious faculty of attaining." — John Foster. PRIDEAUX, Humphrey. Historical connection of the Old and New Testaments. With additions by M'Caul and Wheeler. Illus- trated. London, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. With additions by M'Caul. London, 1845. ^vo. "Much esteemed and often reprinted." — Thomas. - True nature of the imposture, fully display'd in the life of Mahomet. London, 1723. i2mo. '"Once held in high esteem." — Thomas. PRIME, E. D. G. Around the world ; sketches of travel. Illustrated. New York, 1874. i2mo. Forty years in the Turkish empire. Memoirs of the Rev. William Goodell, missionary. New York, 1876. 8vo. PRIME, Samuel I. Fifteen years of prayer in the Fulton street meet- ing. New York, 1872. i2mo. Irenaeus' letters. Originally published in the New York Ob- server. New York, 1881. i2mo. Letters from Switzerland. Illustrated. New York, i860. i2mo. — Power of prayer at the Fulton street and other meetings, in 1857-58. New York, 1859. i2mo. " 100,000 copies printed in various languages, up to 1864." — Allibofie. — Travels in Europe and the East. Illustrated. New York, 1855. 2 vols. i2mo. — Walking with God ; the life hid with Christ. New York, 1872. i8mo 383 CATALOGUE OF PRIME, William C. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. New York, 1S57. i2mo. Brother of the preceding. " Extravagant occasionally, but amusing and original." — Lend. Allien. Coins, medals, and seals, ancient and modern ; illustrated and described. New York, 1864. 8vo. Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations ; with tables of factory and artists' marks. Illustrated. New York, 1878. 8vo. PRIMITIVE church offices. Essays on. Reprinted from the Prince- ton Review ; v/ith author's additions. Anonymous. New York, 1851. izmo. PRINCE, Thomas. Extraordinary Events, the Doings of God, and marvellous in pious eyes. A Sermon preached in Boston on Thanks- giving, July 18, 1745. Boston, 1745. lamo. The Salvations of God in 1746, in part set forth, in a Sermon at the South Church, in Boston, Nov. 27, 1746, Thanksgiving. Boston, 1746. ismo. Sermon delivered in the South Church, Boston, August 14, 1746, on the victory of Culloden. London, 1747. ismo. "One of our great men, but too credulous." — Dr. Chauney. PRINCE Society publications. Boston, 1863-1S77. 6 vols. 8vo. CONTENTS : Andros tracts. With notes and a memoir of Sir Edmund j\ndros, by W. H. Whitmore. 1863-74. 3 vols. Sir William Alexander, and American colonization. With memoir by E. F. Si-AFTEr. 1873. John Wheelwright. His writings, etc. With memoir by C. H. Bell. 1876. Voyages of the Northmen to America. Edited, with an introduction, by E. F. Slafter. 1S77. The Hutchinson Papers ; a Collection of Original Papers, rela- tive to the History of Massachusetts Bay. Albany, 1S65. 8vo. A reprint of the edition of 1769. 384 THE STUART LIBRARY. PRINCE Society publications. New England's Prospects ; a true, lively and Experimental! description of that part of America commonly called New Kngland ; discovering the State of that Countrie, both as it Stands to our new-come English Planters ; and to the Old Native inhabitants, by William Wood. Albany, 1865. 8vo. A reprint of Uie edition of 1634. Same. Letters written from New England, a. d. 1686, by John Dunton, in which are described his voyages by sea,' his travels on land, etc. With notes and an appendix by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1867. 8vo. Only 150 copies printed. PRINCE of peace ; or, lays of Bethlehem, selected from the British poets. Illustrated. New York, 1858. i2mo. PRINCETON review and Biblical repository. Original series : vol. 9 to 43, 1837-1871. New series: vol. i to 10, 1872-1879. Phila- delphia and New York. 44 vols. 8vo. PRIOR, Matthew. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 2 vols. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. " Ilis serious poetry is as heavy, as his familiar style is light."— //'. CATALOGUE OF SHERIDAN, Louisa H., editor. The diadem ; a book for the boudoir. Illustrated. London. Folio. She married Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry Wyatt. SHERLOCK, Thomas. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 17, 1715. Lon- don, 1716. i2mo. "His sermons are master-pieces of argument and eloquence." — Wharton. SHERMAN, WiLLiA.M T. Memoirs ; written by himself. New York, 1875. 2 vols. 8vo. Campaigns. See Bowman, S. M., and Irwin, R. B. SHERWOOD, Mrs. Mary M. Life ; chiefly autobiographical. Edited by Sophia Kelly. Illustrated. London, 1857. 8vo. A prolific writer of moral and religious tales. SHIP of Fools. See Barclay, A. See also Brant, S. An edition printed in London, about 1662, reads : " Ship of Fools, Fully Frought and Richly Laden with Asses, Fools, Jack-daws, Ninnihammers, Cox- combs, Slender-wits, Shallow-brains, Paper-skuls, Simpletons, Nickumpoops, Wise- akers, Dunces, and Blockheads ; Declaring their several Natures. Manners, and Constitutions ; the occasion why this Ship was built ; with the pLices of their in- tended voyage, and a list of the Officers that bear command therein." SHIPTON, Anna. The secret of the Lord. London. i8mo. Tell Jesus. Recollections of Emily Gosse. Philadelphia, 1868. i6mo. SHORT, John T. The North Americans of antiquity. Their origin, migrations, and type of civilization considered. New York, 1880. Svo. SHUCKFORD, Samuel. The sacred and profane history of the world connected. Illustrated. London, 1858. 2 vols. 8vo. Designed as a continuation of Prideaux. SIDNEY, Samuel. The three colonies of Australia : New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Illustrated. London, 1853. Svo. " The most complete picture of .Vustralia. " — Land. Athen. 432 THE STUAKT I.IHRAKY. SIEBOLD, Philip F. von. Flora Japonica, sive plantae, quas in im- perio Japonico collcgit dcscripsit, ex parte in ipsis locis pingcndas curavit. Digessit Ur. J. G. Zuccarini. Leyden, 1835. Folio. Manners and customs of the Japanese. London, 1841. 12 mo. Nippon. Archiv zur beschreibung von Japan und dessen Ne- bcn- und Schutzlandern ; Jezo mit den siidlichen Kurilen, Krafto, Koorai und den Liukin-Inseln, nach Japanischen, und Europaiscl:en Schriften und cigenen Beobachtungen. 6 vols. 4to and 2 vols, plates folio. Leyden, 1852. 8 vols. Collation : Text und sicin-tafeln. Abthcilung I. Mathemalische und physiche geographic von Reiche Nippon. II. Volk und slaat, lieschreibung der bcwohncr, ihrer sittcn und Gebrauche, etc. III. Mytliologic, geschichtc, archaologie, und numismatik IV. Kunste und wissenscliaften. V. Religion, untcr dem titel : Pantheon von Nippon. VI. Land- wirthschaft, kiinstfleiss und handel. VII. Ncben- und Schutzlander von Japan. *#* Folio tafcln und gartcn zahlcn fUr doppelt. SIGNATUS. The sealed servants of our God Appearing with two witnesses, to produce a well-established assurance of their being children of the Lord Almighty ; a Boston Lecture. Anonymous. Boston, 1727. i8mo. SIGOURNEY, Mrs. Lvdia H. Illustrated poems. With designs by D.'\RLEY. Philadelphia, 1856. 8vo. Past meridian. Hartford, 1857. lamo. — Pleasant memories of pleasant lands. Illustrated. Boston, 1856. i6mo. — Water-drops. New York, 1850. i6mo. Zinzendorff, and other poems. New York, 1836. i2mo. " Rightly called 'the American Hemans.'" — Blackwood. SILLIMAN, Benjamin. Manual on the cultivation of the sugar cane. Washington, 1833. 8vo. "The Nestor of American science. " 28 433 CATALOGUE OF SILLIMAN'S journal of science. ist, 2d, and 3d series, 1818-1881. New Haven. 120 vols. 8vo. With index to first series. SILLIMAN, B. Jr., and Goodrich, C. R., editors. The world of science, art, and industry. Illustrated from examples in the New York exhibition, 1853-54. With 500 illustrations. New York, 1854. 4to. SIMMONDS, P. L. Commercial products of the vegetable kingdom. London, 1854. 8vo. SIMON, James. Essay on Irish coins and foreign monies in Ireland. With Snelling's supplement. Illustrated. Dublin, 1810. 4to. " The most valuable of all publications on British coinage." — Riiding. SIMON, Pedro. Expedition of Pedro de Ursura and Lope de Aguirre, in search of El Dorado and Omagua, 1560-61. Translated by W. BoLLAERT. With introduction by C. R. Markham. Hakluyt society. London, 1861. 8vo. SIMONIN, Louis. Mines and miners ; or, underground life. Trans- lated from the French by H. W. Bristow. Illustrated. London, 1868. 8vo. SIMPSON, Brig.-Genl James H. Journal of a military reconnais- sance from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Navajo country. Phila- delphia, 1852. 8vo. SIMPSON, Robert. Traditions of the covenanters ; or, gleanings among the mountains. Philadelphia. 3 vols. iSmo. A Scotch divine, whose works were first published in Edinburgh. SIMPSON, William. Illustrations of the campaign in the Crimea. See Brackenberry, George. The seat of war in the East. Lithograph plates. First and second series. London, 1855-6. 2 vols, in i. Folio. SIMS, Clifford S. Origin and signification of Scottish surnames. Albany, 1862. 8vo. 434 THE STUART LIIJRAKY. SINCLAIR, Catherine. Holiday house ; a series of tales. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1849. i6nio. Lord and lady Harcourt ; or, country hospitalities. Philadel- phia, 1851. i2mo. An English lady of noble birth. " Her pen was ever ready for the illustra- tion and enforcement of truth." — I,onJ. sped. SINDING, Paul C. History of .Scandinavia. Illustrated. New York, 1858. izmo. SINGER, Samuel Wellkk. Researches into the history of playing cards. With illustrations of the origin of printing and engraving on wood. London, 1816. 4to. With portrait of Mr. Singer inserted. " The fac-simile engravings on wood cannot be surpassed." — Dibdin. SIRET, Adolphe. Dictionnaire historlque des peintres de toutes les ^coles. Brussels, 1848. 4to. SISMONDI, J. C. L. Simonde de. Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. Lon- don, 1853. 2 vols. i2mo. History of the crusades against the Albigenses, in the thirteenth century. London, 1826. 8vo. An eminent Swiss historian, of Tuscan extraction. SITGREAVES, Capt. Lorenzo. Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado rivers. Washington, 1854. 8vo. Embraces the natural history of the expedition. SKELTON, John. Poetical works. With a memoir. Boston, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. SKELTON, Joseph. Pictorial illustrations of the Chateau d'Eu, from its foundation to the present time. With an account of the visit of the queen of England to the queen of France. Text by M. J. Valout. London, 1843. Folio. SKELTON et d'Oherti. Les beauties de la France. See Girault de Saint-Fargeau, E. CATALOGUE OF SKENE, William F. Chronicles of the Picts and Scots. PubHshed under the authority of the lords commissioners. Edinburgh, 1867. 8vo. SKINNER, Capt. Joseph, editor. Present state of Peru ; comprising its geography, natural history, customs, etc. Drawn from original and authentic documents, and embellished by 20 engravings of costumes, etc. London, 1805. 4to. "Chiefly from the Mercurio Peruano." — Allihore. SLANG dictionary ; or the vulgar words, street phrases, and " fast " expressions of high and low society. Illustrated. London, 1865. i2mo. SLATYER, William. The History of Great Britaine from the first peopling of this Island to this present Raigne of King James, in Latin and English verse. Illustrated. London, 1621. 4to. Very rare and perfect. "His Latin is superior to his English poetrj'. " — Atlun. Oxon. SLEEMAN, W. H. Rambles and recollections of an Indian official. London, 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. Colored lithographs. " Replete with valuable information." — For. quart, rev. SLEIDAN, John. General History of the Reformation of the Church, from the Errors and Corruptions of the Church of Rome, began by Martin Luther. Written in Latin and faithfully Englished by" E. BoHUN. London, 1689. Folio. Portrait. "His original name was Philipsohn. He was born at Sleida, near Cologne." — Tlioiitas. SLEZER, John. Theatrum Scotise. Containing the prospects of their majesties' castles and palaces. Towns and colleges, and Ruins of many abbeys, churches, etc. Illustrated. London, 1693. Folio. " Invaluable to the antiquary." — Allibone. SLOAN, Samuel. Model architect. A series of original designs for cottages, villas, suburban residences, etc. Philadelphia, 1852. Folio. Coloured and tinted lithographs. THE STUART I.IBRARV. SLOANE, Sir Hans. A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nicves, S. Christopher, and Jamaica; with the natural history of the last of those islands. Illustrated with the figures of the Things described, in large copjier-platcs, as big as the life. London, 1707-1725. 2 vols. Folio. "A man of great benevolence and unwearied industry."— ////lionr. SMILES, Samuel. Life of a .Scotch naturalist ; Thomas Edward. With portrait and illustrations, by George Reiu. New York, 1877. i2mo. Robert Dick, baker, of Thurso, geologist and botanist. Illus- trated. New York, 1879. i2mo. "No more interesting works published."— ATeri/iro/,: SMILLIE, James. Rural cemeteries of America. Greenwood and Mount Auburn. Illustrated. With descriptive notices by N. Cleaveland. New York, 1846. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. SMIRKE, Robert. Illustrations of Don Quixote. See Cervantes. Illustrations of Hunch-back. See Arabian nights, etc. SMITH. See also Smvth. SMITH, Sir Andrew. Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa ; collected by the expedition of i834-'36. Illustrated. London,' 1S39. s vols. 4to. . Very scarce. "Originally contributed to scientific periodicals. "—/////<5i>nA SMITH, B. M. Family religion ; or the domestic relations as regulated by Christian principles. Philadelphia, 1859. i2mo. Prize essay. SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Charles H. Ancient costume of Great Britain and Ireland, from the seventh to the sixteenth century. With de- scriptions and illustrations. London, 1848. Folio. Natural history of the human species. Illustrated. London, 1852. i6mo. SMITH, Charles J. Autographs of royal, noble, learned, and remark- able personages in English history. From Richard Second to Charles Second, etc. With memoirs and extracts from the original documents, by John G. Nichols. London, 1829. Folio. 437 CATALOGUE OF SMITH, Charles J. Historical and literary curiosities ; consisting of fac-similes of original documents, scenes of remarkable events and localities ; birth-places, portraits, etc., of eminent literary characters, etc. London, 1852. 4to. SMITH, Edward. Foods. Illustrated. New York, 1873. i2mo. SMITH, Elbert H. Black Hawk, and scenes in the West ; a national poem, by a Western tourist. Illustrated. New York, 1848. i2mo. SMITH, George. Assyrian discoveries ; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873-74. Illus- trated. New York, 1875. Svo. Catalogue of his books. Bibles, engravings, early editions of Shakespeare, etc., sold July, 1867. London, 1867. 8vo. The Chaldean account of Genesis, from the cuneiform inscrip- tions. Illustrated. New York, 1876. Svo. The life of Alexander Duff. With an introduction by W. M. Taylor. Illustrated. New York, 1879. 2 vols. Svo. SMITH, Henry B. A memorial of Anson G. Phelps, Jr., with his funeral sermon by G. L. Prentiss. Illustrated. New York, i860. i2mo. SMITH, Sir James E. Lachesis Lapponica ; or a tour in Lapland. From the original manuscript of Linnjeus. Illustrated. London, I Sir. 2 vols. Svo. " He found botany severe ; — he left it of easy acquisition to all." — Illust. of lit. SMITH, Captain John. Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New England. Illustrated. Boston, 1865. Svo. Reprint of the edition of 1631. Description of New England ; or observations and discoveries in 1614. Illustrated. Boston, 1865. Svo. Reprint of the London edition of 1616. The Generall Historic of Virginia, New England and the Sum- mer Isles. Illustrated. London, 1624. 410. 438 THE STUART LIBRARY. SMITH, Captain John. The Generall Historic of Virginia, New Eng- land and the Summer Isles. Illustrated. London, 1632. 4to. " His style is simple and concise, and his descriptions free from false oma- ment." — De Tocqu.ville. A true relation of Virginia. With an introduction and notes by Charles Deane. Map. Boston, 1866. 8vo. Only 280 copies printed, large paper. Reprint of the edition of 1608. True travels, adventures, and observations, in Europe, Asia, Affrica and America, from 1593 to 1629. London, 1630. 4to. Same. Illustrated. Richmond, 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. "Capt. John Smith is the most distinguished meml)er of the most numerous family of all the tribes of men ! None enjoy the renown which attaches to this traveler, soldier, sailor, and ruler ; who was equally at home in Turkey and in America. " — Allibone. SMITH, John and Thomas. Collection of portraits of royal and illus- trious personages. With select specimens of the British, Flemish, and Italian schools. Engraved in mezzotint. London, 1805. 4 vols. Folio. SMITH, John Jay. See Horticulturist, etc. and Watson, John F., editors. American historical and literary curiosities. Reliques, antiquities, and modern autographs. New York, 1852. Folio. Large paper. Same. Second series. New York, i860. Folio. Same. Second series. New York, 1861. Folio. SMITH, John R. Catalogue of twenty-five thousand choice books, English and foreign. London, i860, ismo. " Distinguished for industry and literary taste." — Saunders. SMITH, JosiAH D. Truth in love. Sermons. With preface by J. M. Platt, and introduction by M. W. Jacobus. Philadelphia, 1864. izmo. SMITH, Joshua H. Narrative of the causes which led to the death of Major Andrd To which is added a monody on the death of Major Andre, by Miss Seward. London, 1808. i2mo. 439 CATALOGUE OF SMITH, J. V. C. Pilgrimage to Egypt. Explorations on the Nile ; manners, customs, and institutions of the people. Illustrated. Boston, 1852. i2mo. Mayor of Boston, medical professor in New York, etc. SMITH, Matthew Hale. Bulls and bears of New York. With the crisis of 1873, and the cause. Illustrated. Hartford, 1874. i2mo. Sunshine and shadow in New York. Illustrated. Hartford, 1872. 8vo. Prolific and imaginative historian; his nom de plume : "Burleigh." SMITH, Peter. Sermon preached before the honorable house of commons at their Monethly Fast, May 29, 1644. London, 1644. i6mo. Paper. SMITH, S. Compton. Chile con carne ; or the camp and the field. Illustrated. New York, 1857. i2mo. SMITH, Samuel. History of the Colony of Nova-Cssaria ; containing an account of its first settlement to the year 1721, with some particulars since ; and a short view of its present state. Burling- ton, N. J., 1765. 8vo. Same. Burlington, 1765. 8vo. " A judicious and authentic compilation." — Rich. SMITH, Samuel. Memoirs of a soldier of the revolution, 1776-86 ; written by himself. With preface and notes, by C. I. Bushnell. Illustrated. New York, i860. Svo. Privately printed. SMITH, Seba. Letters of J. Downing, Major Downingville militia, 2d Brigade, to Mr. Dwight, of the New York Daily Advertiser. New York, 1834. i8mo. "Very genuine humor, of a certain sort." — Giiswold. SMITH, SOUTHWOOD. Philosophy of health ; or an exposition of the physiological and sanitary conditions conducive to human longevity and happiness. London, 1865. Svo. SMITH, Thomas. The scientific library ; or repository of useful and polite literature. Illustrated. New York, 1815. 6 vols. 24mo. 440 THE STUART LIBRARY. SMITH, Thomas, and Choules, J. O. Origin and iiistory of missions. Containing the labors of missionaries ; forming a complete mission- ary repository. Illustrated. Boston, 1832. 2 vols. 410. SMITH, William. Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. Fac- simile of the London edition of 1755. New York, 1865. i2mo. 200 copies printed. Same. New York, 1865. i2mo. History of the province of New York, from the first discovery to the year 1732. London, 1757. 8vo. Same. Second edition. From the press of Mathew Carey. Philadelphia, 1792. 8vo. SMITH, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. Illus- trated. Boston, 1870. 8vo. "A work of the highest authority." — C. A. Goodrich. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. Illustrated. Boston, 1870. 3 vols. 8vo. "A long-existing void supplied, with equal learning, judgment, and good taste. — Lond. gent's mag. Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. Illustrated. Bos- ton, 1S70. 2 vols. 8vo. " I have derived from these works great assistance and instruction."— Cro/,r. The illustrated history of the Bible, being a complete account of the events narrated in the Sacred Scriptures. Edited by A. P. Haves. Illustrated. New York, 1871. 8vo. New Testament history, with an introduction, connecting the history of the Old and New Testaments. Illustrated. London, 1866. i2mo. "A model of accuracy, compactness, and completeness."— AraaZ/i. — Old Testament history, from the creation to the return of the Jews from captivity. New York, 1S66. i2mo. 441 CATALOGUE OF SMITHSONIAN contributions to knowledge. Vols. 1-19. Washing- ton, 1 848-1 874. 19 vols. 4to. SMITHSONIAN institution. Annual reports from 1853 to 1874. Washington. 21 vols. 8vo. SMITHSONIAN miscellaneous collections. Washington, 1862-1S74. 12 vols. 8vo. SMYTH, C. PiAZZi. Our inheritance in the great pyramid. Illustrated. London, 1864. i2mo. " We commend this book to all lovers of genuine goodness, stubborn mathe- matics, and adventurous theorizing." — Loud, quart, rev. SMYTH, William. Lectures on modern history, from the irruption of the modern nations to the close of the American revolution. Lon- don, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. " Teaches readers how to read history for themselves." — Sparks, SMYTH, Rear-Admiral W. H. ^des Hartwellianse ; or notices of the manor and mansion of Hartwell. London, 1851. 4to. Privately printed. Addenda were made in 1864. SMYTHE, Mrs. W. J. Ten months in the Fiji islands ; with an intro- duction and appendix, by Colonel W. J. Smvthe. Illustrated. Oxford, 1864. 8vo. SNELLING, Thomas. Seventy-one plates of gold and silver coin, with their weight, fineness and value. London, 1762. 8vo. A view of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England, from the Norman conquest to the present time. With copper plates. Lon- don, 1762. 4to. "One of the most esteemed numismatical writers." — Lil. of poUt. ccoii. SNODGRASS, W. D. Discourses on the apostolical succession. Troy, 1844. i6mo. SNOWDEN, James R. A description of ancient and modern coins in the cabinet collection of the mint of the United States. Illustrated. Philadelphia, i860. 8vo. The medals of Washington ; national and miscellaneous medals in the museum of the mint. With notices of the directors, from 1792 to 1 85 1. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1861. 4to. 79 fac -simile engravings. 442 TIUC STUART LIURAKV. SOCCUS. Sermones. Vol. i, De Sanctis ; vol. 2, Dc Dominicis diebus. Strasburg, 1480. 2 vols. 4to. Gothic letters, illuminated initials, no title page. Same, as to vol. i, De Sancti.s. Strasburg, 1484. 410. Soccus was a learned ecclesiastic of the fifteenth century. These works arc fine specimens of early printing, in an excellent state of preservation. SOCRATES, surnamed Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical history in seven books, from Constantinc ; a period of 140 years. From the Greek. London, 1853. i6mo. SOLIS, Antonio de. History of the Conquest of Mexico, By the Spaniards. Done into English from the Original Spanish by Thomas Townsend. Illustrated. London, 1724. Folio. Same. London, 1738. 2 vols. i2mo. " It will doubtless be as imperishable as the language in which it is written, or the memory of the events which it records." — Pnscctl. SOLTYKOFF, Alexis, Prince. Voyages dans I'lnde. Illustr^e de litho- graphies i deux teintes. Paris. Svo. SOLVYNS, Balthasar. Costumes de I'Hindostan ; dessin^s dans rinde en 1798-1799, et representds en soixante planches cnluminccs. Avec les explications en Anglais et en Fran^ais. London, 1807. Folio. Flemish artist, long resident in India. SOMERVILLE, Mrs. Mary. Personal recollections from early life to old age. Edited by her daughter. Illustrated. Boston, 1S74. 1 2 mo. An eminent Scotch astronomer and scientific writer. SORTAIN, Joseph. Count Arensberg ; or the days of Martin Luther. Brighton, 1853. 2 vols. i2mo. SOTHEBY, S.VMUEL. Typography of the fifteenth century ; being speci- mens of the productions of the early continental printers. A collec- tion of fac-similes. Edited by S. L. Sothebv. London, 1845 Folio. "Indispensable to the bibliographer." — Atlibone. 443 CATALOGUE OF SOTHEBY, S. Leigh. Principia typographica. The block-books ; delineations of Scripture history of the 15th century. Illustrated. London, 1858. 3 vols. Folio. Only 250 copies printed. Unpublished documents, marginal notes and memoranda on the autographs of Philip Melanchthon and of Martin Luther. With numerous fac-similes ; and observations upon the varieties of style in the handwriting of these illustrious reformers. London, 1840. Folio. "Son of Samuel, and a zealous and intelligent bibliographer." — Allibone. SOULE, Frank, ajid others. The annals of San Francisco ; the history, settlement, progress and condition of California. With memoirs of citizens. Illustrated. New York, 1855. 8vo. SOUTH, Robert. Sermons preached upon several occasions. Ox- ford, 1842. 5 vols. i2mo. " Buy them forthwith ; for they will delight the very cockles of thy heart." — Sottthey. SOUTHALL, James C. The recent origin of man; as illustrated by geology and the modern science of pre-historic archaeology. Illus- trated. Philadelphia, 1875. 8vo. SOUTH CAROLINA historical society. Collections. Charleston, 1857-9. 3 vols. 8vo. Transactions. Volume i. Charleston, 1857. 8vo. SOUTHEY, Robert. History of Brazil, with maps. London, 1817- '22. 3 vols. 4to. "My amusement, and solace, and spring of instruction." — Walter Scott. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 10 vols. i2mo. " The predominant qualities of his poetry are picturesqueness, sweetness of sentiment, and purity of diction." — Judge Story. SOUTH-SEA bubble, and the numerous fraudulent projects to which it gave rise in 1720; a beacon to the unwary. Anonymous. Illus- trated. London, 1825. i8mo. Sec also Bubbel en Windnegotie . . . Tafereel ; and Law, John. 444 THE STUART MURAKY, SOUTHWORTH, Ai.van S. Four thousand miles of African travel: a journey up the Nile and through the Soudan, to the confines of central Africa. Illustrated. Nkw York, 1875. 8vo. SOWERHY, Gi-.OKGK R. Catalogue of shells in the collection of the late earl of Tanker\'ille. London, 1825. Svo. Illustrated index of British shells ; containing figures of all the recent species, with names and other information. London, 1859. 4to. Thesaurus conchyliorum ; or, monographs of the genera of shelliS. Illustrated. London, i847-'66. 3 vols. 410. SOWERBY, G. B., Jr. Conchological illustrations. With numerous colored plates. London, 1841. izmo. Conchological manual. Illustrated by upwards of six hundred and sixty figures. London, 1846. Svo. SOWERBY, James. British mineralogy ; or, colored figures intended to elucidate the mineralogy of Great Britain. London, 1804-1 i. 6 vols. Svo. Volume 6 treats of exotics. He was father of Geo. B., and grandfather of Geo. B., Jr., and all were eminent as naturalists. SOZOMEN. Ecclesiastical history from a. d. 324 to 440 ; translated from the Greek. Also Philostorgius' history epitomized by Pho- Tius. London, 1855. i6mo. " Sozomen was deficient in judgment, but his style is commended."— Thomas. SPANHEIM, EzEKiEL. Dissertationes de praestantia et usu Numisma- tum antiquorum. Variorum Numismatum iconibus illustrata. D. Elzevir. Amsterdam, 1661. Svo. An eminent Swiss scholar and numismatist. SPARKS, Jared. Library of American biography. New York, 1853. 10 vols. i6mo. Same. 2d edition. New York, 1848. 15 vols. i6mo. Life and treason of Benedict Arnold. New York, 1854. i6mo. Am. biog., vol. 3. 445 CATALOGUE OF SPARKS, Jared. Life of cavelier de la Salle. Boston, 1855. i6mo. Am. biog. , tiew series, vol. i. Life of Charles Lee. Boston, 1855. i6mo. Am. bioEf., new series, vol. 8. - Life of count Pulaski. Boston, 1855. i6mo. Am. biog., neio scries, vol. 4. - Life of Ethan Allen. New York, 1854. i6mo. Am. biog., vol. i. — Life of father Marquette. Boston, 1854. i6mo. Am. biog., vol. 10. — Life of Gouverneur Morris ; with selections from his correspond- ence and miscellaneous papers. Boston, 1832. 3 vols. 8vo. — Life of John Ledyard, the American traveller. Boston, 1855. 1 6 mo. Am. biog., new series, vol. 14. — Life of John Ribault. Boston, 1855. i6mo. Amer. biog., new series, vol. 7. " The great merits of Mr. Sparks are rever- ence for truth, soundness of judgment, and exhausting fulness." — Griswold. SPAULDING, Elbridge G. History of the legal-tender paper money, issued during the great rebellion. Buffalo, 1869. 8vo. SPECTATOR, The. With lives of the writers. 8 vols. i6mo. SPECULUM Romanae magnificentiae, omnia fere quaecunq. in urbe monumenta e.xtant, partim juxta antequam, partim ju-xta hodiernam formam, accuratiss. delineata repraesentans. Accesserunt non paucae, tum antiquarum tum modernarum rerum, LTrbis figurae, nunquam antehac a:dito2. 1681. Folio. " Recueil de liS gravures, assez bonnes." — Brunei. SPEER, William. The oldest and the newest empire : China and the United States. Illustrated. Hartford, 1870. 8vo. SPEKE, John H. Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1863. 8vo. " The first European to cross central Africa, from north to south." — Murchison. 446 THE STUART LIBRARY. SPENCE, Robert. A guide to Christian liberality. London, 1853. 8vo. Gold and the Gospel. Ulster prize essays. SPENCER, Capi. Edmund. Travels in Circa.ssia, Krim 'I'artary, etc. London, 1837. 2 vols. 8vo. Travels in western Caucasus. London, 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. SPENSER, Edmund. Poetical works. London, 1852. 5 vols. i6mo. Same. Text carefully revised and illustrated with notes original and selected. With memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 5 vols. 1 2 mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldinc edition. London, 1866. 5 vols. i2mo. Works. With the principal illustrations of various commentators. To which are added notes, etc., by Rev. Henry Wood. London, 1805. 8 vols. 8vo. " Spenser is preeminently tlu sacred poet of England." — Keble. SPIERS, A., and Surenne, G. Standard pronouncing dictionary of the French and English languages. New York, 1866. i2mo. SPOONER, Shearjashub. A biographical history of the fine arts ; or memoirs of the lives and works of eminent painters, engravers, sculptors and architects, from the earliest ages to the present time. Portraits. New York, 1865. 2 vols. 4to. Contains 12,000 notices. " His self-sacrificing devotion to the fine arts, de- served a better reward than he ever found." — AlHborur. SPOTTISWOODE, John. History of the church of Scotland ; from A. d. 203 to the end of James VI's reign. Illustrated. Edin- burgh, 185 1. 3 vols. 8vo. "Written at the command of king James VI., who told him to 'write the truth and spare not." " — Nicohon. SPOTTISWOODE miscellany ; a collection of original papers and tracts, illustrating ecclesiastical history in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. 447 CATALOGUE OF SPRAGUE, William B. Annals of the American pulpit ; or commem- orative notices of American clergymen of various denominations. Illustrated. New York, 185 7 -'63. 9 vols. 8vo. "An honor to the American church." — Bib. Sac. Letters to young men, founded on the history of Joseph. Albany, 1846. i6mo. Life of Timothy Dwight, president of Yale college. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Amer. biog., >u'w series, vol. 4. SPRING, Gardiner. Attractions of the Cross ; obligations and hopes of Christianity. New York, 1847. i2mo. Contrast between good and bad men ; illustrated by the biog- raphy and truths of the Bible. New York, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. First things ; lectures on the great facts first revealed to man- kind. New York, 1855. 2 vols. i2mo. — Obligations of the world to the Bible. Philadelphia, 1846. i2mo. — Personal reminiscences of his life and times. New York, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. — Power of the pulpit. New York, 1848. i2mo. " Plein de vigeur et d'energie." — Vapereau. SPURGEON, Charles H. Sermons. Third series. New York, 1857. 1 2 mo. " 310,000 copies of the American reprints of his sermons sold between 1856 and l86g." — AUibone. The saint and his Saviour. New York, 1858. i2mo. SQUIER, Ephraim G. Antiquities of the state of New York, with a supplement on the antiquities of the West. Illustrated. Buffalo, 1 85 1. 8vo. Monograph of authors who have written on the languages of Central America. New York, i86i. i2mo. 100 copies printed. 448 THE STUART LIBRARY, SQUIER, Ephraim G. Nicaragua ; its people, scenery, monuments, and the proposed inter-oceanic canal. Illustrated. New York, 1853. 8vo. "Of the utmost interest and importance." — Ritttr. rem. Incidents of travel and exploration in the land of the Incas. Illustrated. New York, 1877. ^vo. Mr. Squier was U. S. commissioner to Peru. STACKHOUSE, Thomas. A history of the Holy Bible, from the beginning of the world to the establishment of Christianity. Lon- don, 1 81 7. 3 vols. 4to. With author's portrait. "Decidedly inferior to Shuckford and Prideaux." — Ornie. STADE, Hans. Captivity, in 1547-1555, among the wild tribes of eastern Brazil. Translated by A. Tootal, and annotated by R. F. Burton. Hakluyt society. London, 1874. 8vo. STAFFORD, W. C, and Ball, Charles. Italy illustrated ; a com- plete history of the past and present condition of the Italian states. London. 2 vols. 8vo. STAMPART, Francisco de, et Brenner, Antonio de. Prodromus seu prseambulare lumen reserati portentosae magnificentiae theatri quo omnia ad aulam Caesaream, etc. Vienna. Folio. In Latin and German. STANFIELD, R. a., Roberts, R. A., Harding, Prout, Leitch, Brockedon, and others. Italy, classical, historical and picturesque. In a series of views, with descriptions. Preceded by an essay on Italy and the Italians, by Camillo Mapei. Glasgow, 1847. Folio. STANHOPE, John S. Olympia ; or, topography illustrative of the actual state of the plain of Olympia, and of the ruins of the city of Elis. London, 1824. Folio. STANHOPE. Philip H., 5/'// Earl, formerly Lord Mahon. History of England, from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Aix-la-Cha- pelle. London, i836-'54. 7 vols. 8vo. 29 449 CATALOGUE OF STANHOPE, Philip H., t,th Earl, formerly Lord Mahon. Life of Beli- sarius. London, 1S29. 8vo. He was lord rector of the university of Aberdeen. STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn. Lectures on the history of the East- ern church. With an introduction on the study of ecclesiastical history. New York, 1862. 8vo. " His style is warm, rich and genial." — Krauth. Lectures on the historj' of the Jewish church. With maps and plans. ist and 2d series. London, 1863 and 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Sinai and Palestine, in connection with their history. With maps and plans. New York, 1857. 8vo. "Few books of travel present such evidence of extensive erudition and active research." — Edinburgh review. STANLEY, George. Classified synopsis of the principal painters of the Dutch and Flemish schools. Including an account of the early German masters. London, 1855. i2mo. STANLEY, Henry M. Coomassie and Magdala ; the story of two British campaigns in Africa. Illustrated. New York, 1874. Svo. Through the Dark Continent ; or the sources of the Nile, around the great lakes of equatorial Africa, and down the Living- stone river to the Atlantic ocean. Illustrated. New York, 1879. 2 vols. Svo. STANLEY, Thomas. History of philosophy ; containing the lives, opinions, actions, and discourses of the philosophers of every sect. Illustrated with the effigies of some of them. London, 1687. Folio. "Of great reputation for learning, benevolence, and integrity." — Allibone. STANLEY, William. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20, 1705. Lon- don, 1708. i2mo. STANSBURY, Howard. Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. Philadelphia, 1852. 8vo. " Important contribution to geography and natural history." — Land. lit. gazette. TlIK STUART LIUKARY. STANSBURY, Joseph, and Odkll, Jonathan. Loyal verses relating to the American revolution. Edited by Winthrop Sargent. Al- bany, i860. 8vo. See also Sargknt, WrNTHROP. STARK, Caleh. Memoir and official correspondence of Gen. John Stark, etc. Concorh, i860. 8vo. STARK, James. Picturesque view.s, on and near the eastern coast of England. Engraved by G. and W. J. Cooke and othens. With descriptions by J. W. Robberds. London, 1834. 4to. STARLING, Elizabeth. Noble deeds of woman ; or examples of female courage and virtue. Boston, 1859. i2mo. STEANE, Edward. The religious condition of Christendom. Lon- don, 1859. 8vo. Pastor of a Baptist church at Cambcrwell. STEBBING, Henry. The Christian in Palestine ; with drawings re- cently taken on the spot, by W. H. Bartlett. .SV^ Bart- let t, W. H. STEDMAN, C. History of the Origin, Progress, and Termination of the American War; with maps and Plans. London, 1794. 2 vols. 4to. " He was an officer in the British army, and this work is said to have been compiled by Wm. Thomson." — Allibone. STEEL, John H. An analysis of the mineral waters of Saratoga and Ballston ; with their medical qualities. Saratoga, 1838. ismo. STEENACKERS, F.-F. Histoire des ordres de chevaler^e, et dcs dis- tinctions honorifiques en France. Paris, 1867. 4to. STEIGER, WiLHELM. Exposition of the first epistle of Peter. Trans- lated by P. Fairbairn. Edinburgh, 1836. 2 vols. i6mo. STEINMETZ, Andrew. History of the Jesuits ; from the foundation of their society to its suppression by pope Clement XIV. Illus- trated. London, 1848. 3 vols. 8vo. He was a Jesuit, but left the order and became a protestant and l.iw\er. STEPHEN, Thomas. History of the church of Scotland from the ref- ormation to the present. Illustrated. London, 1843. 4 vols. 8vo. 45 1 CATALOGUE OF STEPHENS, Alexander H. Constitutional view of the late war between the states ; its causes and results. Illustrated. Philadel- phia, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. STEPHENS, Ann S. Fashion and famine. New York, 1854. i2mo. STEPHENS, Frederic G. Flemish relics, architectural, legendary and pictorial ; as connected with public buildings in Belgium. Illustrated by photographs. London, 1866. 8vo. "Interesting and well conceived." — Land, reader. STEPHENS, Henry L. Illustrations of the fables of yEsop. See ^SOP. " E.xhibit genius of the highest order." — Lend, art journal. Original designs for nursery tales, i. Cock Robin. 2. Fox and Geese. 3. Five little Pigs. 4. Frog that would a wooing go. 5. House that Jack built. 6. Old Mother Hubbard. New York. Folio. Only 100 copies, proofs, printed for subscribers. Same. New York, 1866. 2 vols. 4to. STEPHENS, James F. Illustrations of British entomology; or a synopsis of indigenous insects. With coloured figures. London, 1828-35. '2 ^o\s. and supplement. 8vo. Vols. 1-5. Haustellata, 5 volumes; vols. 6-12. Mandibulata, 7 volumes; sup- plement, 1846. "The best yet." — Magazine of natural history. STEPHENS, John L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. Illustrated. New York, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land. With map and engravings. New York, 1837. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. "None better or more satisfactory." — London monthly review. Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland. With map and engravings. New York, 1838. 2 vols. i6mo. "A pleasant, personal narrative of travels." — London AtheneEum. Incidents of travel in Yucatan. Illustrated. New York, 1843 2 vols. 8vo. "The Harpers paid Mr. Stephens $30,000 in a few years." — Triibner. 452 THK STUART LIBRARY. STEVENS, AiiEi.. Prize essay. See Systematic beneficence. STEVENS, EnwARD '1'. Flint chips. A guide to pre-historic archae- ology ; as illustrated by the collection in Blackmore museum, Salisbury. Illustrated. London, 1870. 8vo. STEVENS, Henrv. Account of the proceedings at the dinner given by Mr. George Peabody to the Americans connected with the great exhibition, at the London coffee house, Ludgate Hill, October 27, 1 85 1. London, 1851. 4to. Presentation copy from Mr. I'cabody. Historical and geographical notes, from 1453 to 1530. Illus trated. New Haven, 1869. 8vo. Catalogue of the American books in the library of the British museum, 1856. London, 1866. 8vo. The nucleus was the librar)' of E. A Crowninshield of Boston, costing about 1 1 0,000. Historical nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana; or a descriptive account of my collection of rare books relating to .\merica. Lon- don, 1842. 2 vols. i6rao. Printed in the best style, intended as a manual for collectors. History of the Oxford Caxton memorial Bible. London, 1878. 24mo. Same. London, 1878. 24mo. The Bibles in the Caxton exhibition, 1877, from the first in 1450 to 1877. Illustrated. London, 1878. 8vo. Brings Eible bibliography down to date. Photo-bibliography ; or a word on printed card catalogues of old, rare, beautiful, and costly books, and how to make them on a cooperative system. Illustrated. London, 1878. 24mo. " The well-known American bibliophilist, Henry Stevens, of Vermont."— ^n- nals of Bodleian library, Ox/orJ. STEVENS, John, editor and translator. New collection of voyages and travels into several parts of the world ; none of them ever before printed in English. London, 171 i. 2 vols. 8vo. 453 CATALOGUE OF STEVENS, John A., editor. Magazine of American history ; with notes and queries. With portraits. Vols. 1-5, in 10 parts. New York, i877-'8i. 10 vols. 8vo. STEVENS, John A., Jr. See New York City, Chamber of com- merce. STEVENS, Simon, editor. The Tehuantepec railway ; its location, feat- ures and advantages, under the La Sere grant of 1869. New York, 1869. Svo. Author's presentation copy. STEVENS, William B. The parables of the New Testament, prac- tically unfolded. Philadelphia, 1855. Svo. Episcopal bishop of Pennsylvania. STEVENSON, John. Sanctification through the truth. London, 1864. 1 2 mo. The second advent. Suggestions for Scripture study. London, 1864. i2mo. Vicar of Patri.xboume, Kent. STEVENSON, William F. Praying and working. New York, 1863. i6mo. Minister in Dublin. "Will be read with interest and sympathy." — Land. At hen. STEWART, Charles S. Private journal of a voyage to the Pacific ocean and residence at the Sandwich Islands, 1822-5. Illustrated. New York, 1828. i2mo. " An exceedingly interesting work." — N. Am. rev, STEWART, John. The stable book ; on the management of horses. With notes and additions by A. B. Allen. Illustrated. New York, i860. i2mo. Veterinary surgeon. " Of the greatest utility." — Sporting magazine. STEWART, K. J. A geography for beginners. Illustrated. Rich- mond, Va., 1864. i6mo. " Said to have been printed in England; one of the ' Palmetto series, for the Confederate States.' " — Atlibone. 454 THE STUART LIBRARY. STIELER, Joseph. Galcric do 26 portraits dc fcmmes, peintc d'aprts nature. Photographic^c en format reduit. Munich. i6mo. Text in Gcrm.in .nnd French. STIELER, Karl, Wachenhusen, H., and Hacklander. F. W. The Rhine, from its source to the sea. Translated l)y G. C. T. Bart- ley. With four hundred and twcnty-fivc illustrations. London, 1878. Folio. STILES, Ezra. History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I. Illustrated. Hartford, 1794. i2mo. Prcs. of Yale College. " Deserving of notice." — Edinburi^h review, The United States elevated to Glory and Honor ; a Sermon preached before the Governor and General Assembly of Connecti- cut, at Election, May 8, 1783. New Haven, 1783. izmo. " One of the purest and best gifted men of his age." — Chancelhr KcnI. STILES, Henry R. Bundling ; its origin, progress and decline in America. Albany, 1869. i6mo. History of the city of Brooklyn. Illustrated. Brooklyn, 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. Letters from the prisons and prison ships of the revolution. Wallabout prison ship series, Nos. i and 2. NEVi^ York, 1865. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. Same. Large paper. New York, 1865. 2 vols. 410. STIRLING, WILLIA^r. Cloister life of the emperor Charles the Fifth. London, 1853. i2mo. "Of remarkable interest." — English cyclopctdia of biography. STITH, William. History of the First Discovery and settlement of Virginia. Williamsburg, 1747. i2mo. Same. Fac-simile reprint. New York, 1865. 8vo. Same. New York, 1865. 8vo. "Affords some curious details." — Dc Tocqueznlle. 455 CATALOGUE OF STOCKDALE, John J. The history of the inquisitions ; including the secret transactions of those horrific tribunals. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1810. 4to. Fine copy. STOCQUELER, J. H. Life of the duke of Wellington. Illustrated. London, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. STODDARD, Major Amos. Sketches, historical and descriptive, of Louisiana. Philadelphia, 181 2. 8vo. An officer in the revolutionary army. STODDARD, Richard Henry. Melodies and madrigals ; mostly from the old English poets. New York, 1866. i6mo. "A poet of whom America may well be proud." — Miss Mitford. STOERK, J. Bordeau.x et ses vins. Album de vingt-cinq photogra- phies. Avec texte en Fran^ais, Allemand et Anglais. Bordeaux, 1868. 4to. STOKES, J. LoRT. Discoveries in Australia ; with an account of the coasts and rivers explored and surveyed in 1837-43, etc. Illus- trated. London, 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. " Will be read with interest." — London AiJifiiuum. STONE, John S. Memoir of the life of James Milnor. Illustrated. New York, 1848. Svo. STONE, William L. Life and times of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, or Red Jacket. With a memoir of the author, by his son. Albany, 1866. Svo. — Life of Joseph Brant, " Thayendanegia ; " including the Indian wars of the revolution. Illustrated. New York, 1838. 2 vols. Svo. — Narrative of the festivities in honor of the completion of the Erie canal. Illustrated. New York, 1825. 8vo. — Poetry and history of Wyoming ; containing Campbell's Ger- trude, and the history of Wyoming to the present century. Al- bany, 1864. i2mo. " Editor of the N. V. Commercial Advertiser, which he conducted with great ability. " — Thomas. 456 THE STUART LIBRARY. STONE, William L., Jr. Life and times of Sir William Johnson. Albany, 18C5. 2 vols. 8vo. Reminiscences of Saratoga and Ballston. Illustrated. New York, 1875. i:;mo. Son of the preceding STONEHENGE. S^c- Walsh, J. H. STOTHARD, Charles A. Monumental effigies of Great Britain ; from the Norman conquest to the reign of Henry the Eighth. With introduction and descriptions by Alfred John Kempe. London, 1817. Folio. Kempe was his brother-in-law. " He is the model whom every antiriuarian artist must follow, if he wishes to excel." — Lout/on quarUrly reviiw. STOTHARD, Thomas. India proofs of his designs and engravings. In a scrap-book. See Bray, Mrs. "He was father of the preceding, and called by Turner, equally eminent, 'the Giotto of England.'" — I.i'slit. STOUGHTON, John. Essay on Bible history. With introduction to royal family Bible. London. 410. STOUPPE, J. B., editor. Collection or narrative concerning the mas- sacre of protestants, dwelling in the vallies of Piedmont. London, 1655. i6mo. STOWE, Calvin E. Origin and history of the books of the Bible, both canonical and apocryphal. Illustrated. Hartford, 1868. 8vo. STOWE, Mrs. Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's cabin ; or, life among the lowly. Illustrated. Boston, 1852. 2 vols. i2mo. Wife of the preceding. " The number of copies of this book amount to mill- ions, and it has been translated into a score of languages." — Allibone. STOWELL, W. H. History of the Puritans in England. London, 1850. i2mo. See also Wilson, Daniel. STRABO. Geography. Literally translated by H. C. Hamilton, and W. Falconer. London, 1854. 3 vols. i2mo. 457 CATALOGUE OF STRACHEY, William. History of travaile into Virginia Britannia, 1610. Edited by R. H. Major. Hakluyt society. London, 1849. 8vo. STRAHAN, Edward, editor. The art treasures of America. Phila- delphia, 1879. 3 vols. Folio. Edition de luxe. STRANG, John. Glasgow and its clubs ; or, glimpses of the condi- tion, manners, etc., of the city. London, 1856. 8vo. STRANGE, Robert. Collection of historical engravings, from pictures by the most celebrated painters. With descriptive remarks on the same. London. Folio. " The father of the line manner of engraving in Britain." STRAWBERRY-HILL; a description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole at Strawberry-hill, near Twickenham, Middlesex. With an inventory of the furniture, pictures, curiosities, etc. Strawberry- hill, 1784. 4to. STREET, George E. Brick and marble in the middle ages. Notes of a tour in the north of Italy. Illustrated. London, 1855. 8vo. Some account of architecture in Spain. Illustrated. London, 1865. 8vo. STRETTON, Charles. Sport and sportsmen ; a book of recollections. London, 1866. 8vo. STRICKLAND, Agnes. Lives of the last four princesses of the royal house of Stuart. New York, 1872. 8vo. Lives of the seven bishops, committed to the Tower in 1688. Illustrated with personal letters from the Bodleian library. London, 1866. i2mo. — Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. With portraits of every queen. London, 1852. 8 vols. 8vo. Same. A series of portraits of distinguished female sovereigns. With biographical and historical sketches. 8vo. 458 THE STUART LIBRARY. STRICKLAND, Agnes. Lives of the queens of Scotland, and Eng- lish princesses, connected with the regal succession of Great Brit- ain. With portraits. EDiNiiURr.n, i852-'56. 8 vols. izmo. "Her interesting volumes are particularly valuable for the copious extracts which they contain, from curious unpublished documents."— /'/■««//. STRICKLAND, W. P. History of the American Bible society ; revised and brought down to the present time. Illustrated. New York 1856. 8vo. STRONG, A. B. The American flora : or history of plants and wild flowers ; containing the natural history, etc., of over six thousand plants. With coloured engravings. New York, 1847. 4to. STRONG, P. R. "Awful," and other jingles. Illustrated. New York, 1871. i2mo. STROOBANT, F. Monuments d'architecture et de sculpture, en Belgique; dessinds d'apres nature et lithographies. Notices histo- rique, par F. Stappaerts. Brussels. 2 vols. Folio. STROTHER, D. H. "Porte Crayon." Virginia illustrated; containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan. New York, 1857. 8vo. STRUTHERS, John. History of Scotland, from the union to 1748. Illustrated. Glasgow, 1827. 2 vols. 8vo. "Good works of a good man, who deserves well of his country." — Scottish Guardian. STRUTT, Jacob G. Sylva Britannica ; or portraits of forest trees dis- tinguished for their antiquity, magnitude or beauty. Drawn from nature. London, 1826. Folio. STRUTT, Joseph. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England ; illustrated by engravings. To which is pre- fi.xed an introduction, containing a description of the ancient habits in use among mankind, from the earliest period. With critical and explanatory notes, by J. R. Planchi5. London, 1842. 2 vols. 4to. Regal and ecclesiastical antiquities of England ; from Edward the confessor to Henry the Eighth. With notes by J. R. Planch^. London, 1842. 4to. 459 CATALOGUE OF STRUTT, Joseph. Sports and pastimes of the people of England. Illustrated. With index, by William Hone. London, 1855. 8vo. "These amusing papers entitle his memory to great respect." — Dibdiii. STRYPE, John. Annals of the reformation, and establishment of religion in the church of England, during queen Elizabeth's happy- reign. Oxford, 1824. 4 vols, bound in 7. i2mo. "A painful and laborious collector, who never omits the most trivial matter." — Hume. STUART. Memoires of the family of the Stuarts. An historical ac- count of the lives of those his Majesty's progenitors of that name, that were kings of Scotland. London, 1683. i6mo. STUART, Andrew. Genealogical history of the Stewarts ; with an ac- count of the origin and generations of the Stuarts. London, 1798. 8vo. STUART, Charles B. Naval and mail steamers of the United States. Illustrated. New York, 1853. Folio. The naval drj'-docks of the United States. Illustrated. New York, 1852. Folio. "No American work will compare with this, in beauty of execution and intrin- sic yahxe'' ^Journal of Franklin Institute. STUART, Isaac W. Life of Nathan Hale, the martyr-spy of the revolution. Illustrated. Hartford, 1S56. lamo. Son of Moses Stuart, mentioned below. STUART, James, and Revett, Nicholas. The antiquities of Athens, measured and delineated. Vol. i, text ; vol. 2, plates. London, 1825. 2 vols. Folio. "A work of surprising exactness; a collection of the noblest specimens of Grecian art." — Eustace. STUART, John S. and Charles E. The costume of the clans. With observations upon the literature, etc., of the Highlands, during the middle ages, etc. Edinburgh, 1845. Folio. STUART, Mary, Queen of Scots. See Mary Stuart, etc. STUART, Moses. Commentary on the book of Proverbs. New York, 1852. i2mo. 460 THE STUART I.IIiRAKV. STUART, Moses. Commentary on tlic epistle to the Romans. Nkw York, 1835. 8vo. Treatise on the syntax of the New Testament dialect. Edin- burgh, 1835. i6mo. " One of the most eminent of modem pliilolofjists, and the father of Biblical science in America." — AUiboiic. STUART, Robert. A dictionary of architecture ; historical, descriptive, topographical, decorative, theoretical and mechanical. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1854. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Historical and descriptive anecdotes of steam engines and their inventors. Illustrated. London, 1829. 2 vols. i8mo. " Valuable to amateur, master and workman." — Allibone. STUART, WiLLiA.M D. Memoirs ; with copious extracts from his diary and letters, together with an appendix. Philadelphia, 1865. i6mo. STUBBES, Philip. The anatomic of abuses ; reprinted from the third edition of 1535, under the superintendence of W. B. U. D. Turn- Bui.L. London, 1836. i2mo. STUCKLE, Henry. Interoceanic canals ; an essay on the location for a ship-canal across the American continent. Illustrated. New York, 1870. 8vo. STURLUSON, Snorro. The Heimskringla ; or, chronicle of the kings of Norway. Translated from the Icelandic by Samuel Laing. London, 1844. 3 vols. 8vo. Has been translated into several languages. Sometimes catalogued under Snorro. STURM, Christopher C. Evening devotions, for every day in the year. Translated by Robert Huish. London, 1838. 8vo. Illustrations of his family devotions. London, 1823-24. i6mo. Inserted plates of the seasons and months. - Morning devotions, for ever}^ day in the year. Translated by Robert Huish. London, 1838. 8vo. 4C1 CATALOGUE OF STURM, Christopher C. Morning communings with God ; or devo- tional meditations for every day in the year. Translated by W. Johnstone. Si.xth edition. London, 1847. i^Jmo. Same. Seventh edition. London, 1858. i6mo. Same. Translated by Gaspey and Schieges. Illustrated. London. 2 vols. 4to. — Reflections on the works of God in nature and providence. Translated by A. Clarke. New York, 1833. 8vo. — and Tride, G. Family devotions, for every morning and even- ing throughout the year. Translated from the German by T. W. Gaspey and H. Schieges. With explanations, etc., by Thomas Gaspey. Illustrated. London. 2 vols. 410. Preacher at Magdeburg and Hamburg. STURT, John, illustrator. A compleat History of The Holy Bible. Adorn'd with above 150 Cuts. Savoy, 17 16. 3 vols. i2mo. Illustrations of the Old and New Testament. See Wesley, S. History in verse, etc. Prayer-book and Psalter of the church of England, beautifully engraved. 17 17. i2mo. See note in Bible. STYLES, Joseph C. Modern reform examined ; or the union of North and South on the subject of slavery. Philadelphia, 1857. i2mo. SUCKLEY, G. Natural history of Washington territory. See Cooper, J. G. SUE, Eugene. The mysteries of Paris. Illustrated. London, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. The wandering Jew. Illustrated. London, 1844. 3 vols. 8vo. " His works obtained great popularity, and were frequently translated." — Thomas. SUHR, C. Hamburgische trachten, gezeichnet und gestochen. Ber- lin, 1822. Folio. 462 THE STUART LIBRARY. SULLY, Maximilien de B^thune, Due de. Memoirs. Translated from the French. With historical introduction, attributed to Wal- ter Scott. London, 1856. 4 vols. i6mo. Memoirs : with the trial of Francis Ravaillac, and an appendix. Edinburgh, 1819. 5 vols. 8vo. "A French statesman of great merit and celebrity, councillor to Henry IV." — TItomai. SUMMERLY, Felix, editor. The home treasury. Tales from Spen- ser's Faerie queen ; and heroic talcs of ancient Greece. Illustrated. London, 1844. i6mo. "This was the nom de plume of Henry Cole, superintendent of the South Kensington museum. " — Allibone. SUMNER, William H. History of East Boston ; with biographical sketches of its early proprietors. Illustrated. Boston, 1869. 8vo. SURREY, Earl of. See Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey. SUTHERLAND, Peter C. Journal of a voyage in Baffin's bay and Barrow's straits, in 1850-1851 ; performed by the ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, in search of the Erebus and Terror, etc. Illustrated. London, 1852. 2 vols. lamo. "A painst.iking, intelligent di.iry." — London literary gazette. SWAINSON, William. E.xotic conchology ; or figures and descrip- tions of rare shells, drawn on stone. Edited by S. Hanlev. Lon- don, 1 84 1. 4to. Zoological illustrations ; figures and descriptions of interesting animals from ornithology, entomology, and conchology. First and second series. London, i 820-1 831. 6 vols. 8vo. " From the pen and pencil of undoubtedly the first ornithologist of the day." — Wood. SWALLOW, G. C. First and second annual reports of the geological survey of Missouri. Jefferson City, 1855. 8vo. SWAN, Joseph, engraver. The lakes of Scotland ; after paintings by John Fleming. Many prints on India paper. Glasgow. Folio. 463 CATALOGUE OF SWARBRECK, S. D. Sketches in Scotland. Drawn from nature, and on stone. London, 1845. P'olio. "For Scotland, what Nash's and Richardson's Mansions are for England and •Wales." SWEET, Robert. Cistinese. The natural order of cistus, or rockrose. Illustrated by coloured figures. With descriptions of all the dis- tinct species, etc. London, 1825-1830. 8vo. See also Lindley, John. SWIFT, Jonathan. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Boston, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 3 vols. i2mo. "In the first rank of agreeable moralists in verse." —Hazlitl. Works. With notes, and a life of the author, by Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1824. 19 vols. 8vo. "His style is characterized by an equable flow of easy language." — Samiie Johnson. SWINBURNE, Henry. Picturesque tour through Spain. With twenty engravings, by Watts, Medland, and others. London, 1806. Folio. "Replete with learning and curious information." — Land, monthly review. SWINTON, William. History of the seventh regiment, national guard, state of New York, in the rebellion. Illustrated. New York, 1870. 8vo. Army correspondent of the New York Times. SYLLACIUS, Nicolaus. De insulis meridiani atque Indici maris, nuper inventis. With translation into English. Illustrated. New York, i860. 4to. Only 152 copies privately printed, for James Lenox. SYSTEMATIC beneficence. Three prize essays : The great reform, by Abel Stevens. The great question, by Lorenzo White. Properly consecrated, by B. St. James Fry. New York, 1856. i8mo. 464 T THE STUART LIBRARY. AAFK, John. History of the orders of St. John of Jerusalem knights hospitallers, and templars of Rhodes and Malta' London, 1852. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. TACITUS, Caius Cornelius. Works. With an essay on his life and genius. Notes, supplement, etc., by Arthur Murphy. London, 181 1. 8 vols. 8vo. " The first historian who applied the science of philosophy to the study of facts." — Gibbon. TAINE, HiPPOLVTE A. A tour through the Pyrenees. Translated by J. Safford Fiske. With illustrations by Gustave Dor£. New York, 1875. Svo. TALLIS, John, and ot-r^ks, publishers. History and description of the Crystal palace, and the exhibition of the world's fair in 185L Illustrated. London. 3 vols. 410. TALLMADGE, Col. Benjamin. Memoir, prepared by himself. IIJus- trated. New York, 1858. Svo. '■ Had the custody of Major Andre until his execution."— ZJra/tr. TAPPAN, Henry P. A step from the new world to the old, and back again. With thoughts on the good and evil in both. New York, 1852. 2 vols. i6mo. University education. New York, 1851. i2mo. "A polished gentleman, a profound scholar, a Christian philosopher."— A^crtA American review. TARDIEU, . Bible illustrations. 195 plates. No title page. Thomas gives the names of eight engravers of this name, of whom Pierre A. chose sacred themes. TARDIEU, Ambrose. La colonne de la grande arm^e d'Austerlitz, ou de la Victoire : monument triomphal ^rig^ en bronze, sur la place Vendome de Paris. Paris, 1822. 4to. TARTANS of the clans, etc. See Scotland. TASSO, Torquato. La Gerusalemme liberata. Illustrated. London, 1822. 2 vols. 48mo. 30 465 CATALOGUE OF TASSO, ToRQUATO. Jerusalem delivered. Translated into English Spenserian verse. With a life of the author, by J. H. Wiffen. London, 1826. 3 vols. 8vo. "This is, in the strict sense, the great epic poem of modern times." — Hal- lam. TASSONI, Alessandro. La secchia rapita ; or, the rape of the bucket. A heroi-comical poem. From the Italian, by J. Atkinson. Illustrated. London, 1825. 2 vols. i2mo. " Greatly admired for its humor ; founded on the carrying off of a wooden bucket from Bologna to Modena." — Thomas. TASTER, Sabine C. A. V. Mme. Voyage en France. Tours, 1853. 8vo. TATE and Brady. First eight Psalms of David, in metre. 1695. i6mo. Earliest specimen ; superseded Stemhold and Hopkins. TATTERSALL, George. Pictorial gallery of English race-horses ; containing portraits of all the winners of the Derby, etc., during the last 20 years. Illustrated. London, 1850. 8vo. TAVERNIER, John B. Six voyages through Turkey into Persia and the East-Indies in 1670. Made English by J. Phillips. Illus- trated. London, 1678. Folio. From the French ; obtained a wide popularity and was translated into several languages. TAYLOR, Bayard. Cyclopedia of modern travel ; a record of adven- ture, exploration and discovery, for the past fifty years. Illustrated. Cincinnati, 1856. 8vo. The lands of the Saracen ; or pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain. Illustrated. New York, 1855. i2mo. "Full of fresh and genuine interest." — London leader. Poems of the Orient. Boston, 1855. i6mo. "His poems are of intrinsic excellence, and rich with promise." — North American review. TAYLOR, Charles. Apostolic baptism ; facts and evidences on the subjects and mode of Christian baptism. Illustrated. New York, 1843. i6mo. 466 THE STUART LIBRAkV. TAYLOR, Edward S. The history of playing cards ; with anecdotes of their use in conjuring, fortune-telling and card-sharping. Illus- trated. London, 1865. lOmo. TAYLOR, G. L., atid Cresy, Edward. Architectural antiquities of Rome. London, 182 i. 2 vols. Folio. TAYLOR, James, and others. Pictorial history of Scotland ; from the Roman invasion to the close of the Jacobite rebellion, A.D. 79- 1746. Illustrated. London, 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. Same. London, 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. TAYLOR, Jeremy. Discourse of the liberty of prophesying. London, 1836. i6mo. " To Taylor's principles may be traced the clearer reasonings of Locke, and, finally, the toleration act itself." — London quarterly review. Holy living and dying ; together with prayers containing the whole duty of a Chri.stian. Illustrated. London, i860. i6mo. Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Revised by R. Philip ; also lives of the apostles, by W. Cave. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1844. 4to. The rule and exercise of holy dying. Boston, 1864. 12 mo. Same. London, 1850. i6mo. Same. Philadelphia, 1857. i6mo. The rule and exercise of holy living. London, 1852. i6mo. — Same. Philadelphia, 1857. i6mo. — Same. Boston, 1864. i2mo. — and Cave, William. Antiquitatse Christianse. History of the life and death of the Holy Jesus, and his apostles. Illustrated. London, 1675. Folio. "Jeremy Taylor is the greatest ornament of the English pulpit, up to the middle of the 17th century." — Hallam. 467 CATALOGUE OF TAYLOR, John. All the works of John Taylor, the Water Poet; col- lected into one volume, by the author. With sundry new additions, corrected and revised. London, 1630. 4to. "He was a waterman and innkeeper. His poems were very popular in their day. " — Allibone. TAYLOR, Richard C. Statistics of coal, including mineral bituminous substances ; with statistics of the iron manufacture. Additions, by S. S. Haldeman. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1855. 8vo. TAYLOR, Rowland. Letters. In British reformers, vol. 8. TAYLOR, William M. The ministry of the Word. New York, 1876. i2mo. TAYLOR, William, of Norwich. Historic survey of German poetry ; interspersed with various translations. London, i828-'3o. 3 vols. Svo. " He speaks no language but the Taylorian, but for his sake I have studied and learned it." — Mackintosh. TEDDER, Henry R. Conference of librarians. See Nicholson, Edward B. TEGG, William. Dictionary of chronology ; or historical and statistical register, from the birth of Christ to the present time. New York, 1871. i2mo. TEMPLE, Sir Grenville, and others. The shores and islands of the Mediterranean. With analysis of the Mediterranean and descriptions of the plates, by the Rev. G. N. Wright. London. 2 vols. 4to. TEMPSKY, GusTAVus F. von. Mitla ; a journey in Mexico, Guate- mala and Salvador, in 1853-55. Edited by J. S. Bell. Illus- trated. London, 1858. Svo. TENIERS, David. Schilder-throoneel. In 't welck vertoont worden Italia-ensche principale schilderijen, die hy met sijne handt ghetee- ckent inde in 't coper, doen snijden hust wyt de schilder-camer ; vay den Doorluchtighsten Arts-Hertogh in 't croff van Brussel. Brus- sels, 1660. Folio. " There were two Flemish painters of this name, father and son ; of whom the son was the more famous. " — Thomas. 468 THK STUART LinRARY. TENISON, Louisa. Castile and Andalucia. Illustrated. Londov 1853- 4to. TENNENT, Sir J. Emerson. Belgium. London, 1841. 2 vols i2mo. "Uh own name was Emerson, but he assumed that of his father-in-bw • wnting under each."— A//iiotte. TENNYSON, Alfred. Elaine. Illustrated by Gustave Dori^ New York, 1867. Folio. Idyls of the king. Illustrated by Gustave Dori?. London 1868. 2 vols. Folio. "The purest English written, since the Bible was translated. "-.ffnViV/i 9uart»-/y rfvinv. Poems. Boston, 1865. 2 vols. i6mo. " His words gleam like pearls and opals ; like rub.es and emeralds. "-i5a^'„,. Vivien. Illustrated by Gustave Dor^. New York, 1868. Folio. TERENCE. Terentii Publii Afri opera. Illustrated. London, 182. 48mo. "'■ '■ His works are models of elegant diction and pure l^Wx^xt^."— Thomas. TERNISIEN d'Haudricourt. Pastes de la nation Frangaise, et des puissances allides ; ou galerie de tableaux pittoresques, graves par d'habiles artistes. Accompagnis d'un te.xte explicatif. Paris 1807-14. 2 vols. Folio. ' TEXIER, Charles, and Pullan, R. P. Byzantine architecture ; illus- trated by examples of edifices erected in the East, during the earliest ages of Christianity. With descriptions. London, 1864. Folio. " French commissioner, to explore the antiquities of Asia Minor." THACHER, Peter. A sermon occasioned by the death of General George Washington, and preached Feb. 22, 1800, before the Gov- ernor, Council and Legislature of Massachusetts. Boston, i8co. i2mo. Minister of the Brattle street church, Boston. THACKERAY, William M. The adventures of Philip on his way through the world. With a shabby-genteel story. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. " One of the works by which he will be best known to posterity."— /,7>S« Bull. 469 CATALOGUE OF THACKERAY, William M. Ballads and tales. London, 1869. 8vo. Barry Lyndon, Samuel Titmarsh and great Hoggarty diamond. Illustrated. London, 1868. 8vo. The book of snobs ; and sketches and travels in London. Illus- trated. London, 1869. 8vo. — Burlesques. Illustrated. London, 1869. 8vo. — Catherine, Little travels, and Fitz-Boodle papers. Illustrated. London, 1869. 8vo. The Christmas books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Illustrated. London, 1868. 8vo. — Denis Duval, Lovel the widower, and other stories. Illustrated. London, 1869. 8vo. — The four Georges, and the English humorists. Illustrated. London, 1869. 8vo. " An airy, humorous and brilliant picture of English Hfe and manners." — Lon. don Atheimum. — History of Henry Esmond, written by himself. Illustrated. London, 1868. 8vo. " A reproduction of the manners of 150 years ago " — Edinburgh review. — The history of Pendennis ; his fortunes and his misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy. Illustrated. London, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. — The Irish sketch book ; and notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Illustrated. London, 1869. 8vo. — The Newcomes. Illustrated. London, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. " His master-piece, and one of the master-pieces of English fiction." — Loud. Allien. — The Paris sketch book of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh, and memoirs of Yellowplush. Illustrated. London, 1868. 8vo. Roundabout papers ; and the second funeral of Napoleon. Illus- trated. London, 1869. 8vo. 470 THE STUART LIBRARY. THACKERAY, William M. Short notices of sketches after English landscape painters. See Marvy, L. Vanity fair ; a novel without a hero. Illustrated. London, 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. "A book which is .is sure of immortality, as ninety-nine hundredths o( modern novels are of annihilation." — Edinb. review. The Virginians; a tale of the last century. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. THANE, John. British autography. A collection of fac-similcs of the hand-writing of royal and illustrious personages ; with their authen- tic portraits. London. 3 vols. 4to. THIERRY, AuGUSTiN. History of the conquest of England by the Normans. Translated by William Hazlitt. London, 1856. i6mo. THIERS, Louis A. History of the French revolution. Translated, with notes, etc., by F. Shoberl. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1843. 4 vols. 8vo. "A work which enjoyed much popularity, especially with the liberal party." — Thomas. THOLUCK, Friedrich A. G. Commentary on the epistle to the He- brews. Translated by James Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1842. 2 vols. i6mo. Exposition of St. Paul's epistle to the Romans. Translated by R. Menzies. Edinburgh, 1842-8. 2 vols. i6mo. Hours of Christian devotion. Translated by R. Menzies. Edinburgh, 1870. 8vo. " Professor of theology in Berlin and Ilalle, .ind one of the most eminent teachers of evangelical doctrines." THOM, Alexander. Almanac and official directory of Great Britain for 1 86 1. London. 8vo. THOMAS a Kempis. See Kempis, Thomas a. THOMAS, Edward. Coins of the Patan sultans of Hindustan. Illus- trated. London, 1847. 8vo. 471 CATALOGUE OF THOMAS, Frederick W. John Randolph, William Wirt and others. Philadelphia, 1S53. lamo. Son of Ebenezer S. , another historian. THOMAS, Gabriel. An historical and geographical account of the province and country of Pensilvania, and of New Jersey in America. With a map of both countries. New York, 1848. 4to. A lithograph copy of the London edition of 1698. Same. New York, 1848. ismo. " Quaker ; residing in the United States from 1682 to 1697." — Drake. THOMAS, Isaiah. History of printing in America ; with a biography of printers and an account of newspapers. With illustrative plates. Worcester, i8io. 2 vols. i2mo. Distinguished as printer, journalist and publisher. THOMAS, Joseph. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. Philadelphia, 1870. 2 vols. 4to. "The most convenient and learned work of the kind." THOMPSON, Benjamin F. History of Long Island, from its discov- ery and settlement to the present time. Illustrated. New York, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. THOMPSON, Mary W. Sketches of the beneficiaries of the colored home, in the city of New York. New York, 1851. i2mo. THOMS, William J. Book of the court ; exhibiting the English nobility and gentry, officers of state and royal household. Lon- don, 1844. 8vo. Human longevity. Its facts and its fictions. Illustrated by ex- amples. London, 1873. i2mo. THOMSON, Andrew. In the Holy Land. London, 1S74. i2mo. "None wielded more vigourously the weapons of spiritual warfare." — Chalmers. THOMSON, Charles. Old Testament. Translated from the Septua- gint. Philadelphia, 1808. 4 vols. i2mo. Very rare. " Highly creditable ; the only English translation." — Orme. 472 ■IIIK STUART LIBRARY. THOMSON, J. Illustrations of China and its people. A series of two hundred photographs, with descriptions of the places and people represented. London, 1873. 5 vols. Folio. THOM.SON, Jami-.s. Complete poetical works. With life, etc., by George Gii.fii.lan. New York, 1854. 8vo. Poetical works. With a memoir and portrait. IIoston, 1866. 2 vols. i2mo. Poetical works. With memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, 1866. 2 vols. i2mo. "His mode of thought and expression is original." — Samuel Johnson. The seasons. Illustrated by John Bell, and others. London, 1847. 8vo. " Written with jjrc.it force and fervour." — JIazHll. THOMSON, Richard. Historical essay on the magna charta of king John. With explanatory notes and other illustrations. London, 1829. 8vo. Pictorial margins, large paper. " As beautifully adorned, as learnedly compiled." — Southcy. THORNBURY, Walter. A tour round England. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1870. 2 vols. i2mo. THORNLEY, Margaret. Skeleton themes, intended to assist in teaching and acquiring the art of composition. Edinburgh, 1851. i6mo. " Skilfully arranged." — Eclectic review. The true end of education, and the means adapted to it. .\ series of familiar letters. Edinburgh, 1846. i6mo. " Possesses many and great excellencies." — Mothers' magazine. THORNTON, Henry. Family prayers, and prayers on the ten com- mandments. Edited by M. Eastburn. New York, i860. i2mo. THORNTON, John W. The landing at Cape Anne ; or the charter of the first permanent colony of the Massachusetts company. Illus- trated. Boston, 1854. 8vo. "Given with gfreat learning and ingenuity." — Edward Everett. 473 CATALOGUE OF THORPE, Benjamin. Northern mythology ; the traditions and super- stitions of Scandinavia, Germany and Netherlands. Illustrated. London, 1851. 3 vols. i2mo. An eminent Anglo-Saxon scholar. THORPE, Thomas B. A voice to America ; or the model republic, its glory and its fall, applied to the present crisis. Anonymous. New York, 1855. i2mo. " Widely known as a military annalist." — Allibone. THORPE, William. Writings. In British reformers, vol. i. THORWALDSEN, Albert B. Intera collezione di tutte le opere in- ventate e scolpite, incisa a contorni. 116 full page plates. Rome, 1 83 1. 2 vols, in I. Folio. "One of the most eminent of modern sculptors ; son of a Danish wood-carver." — Thomas. THOUGHTS of a Dying man ; a faithful Report of Matters uttered by many in the Last Minutes of their Lives. Anonymous. Boston, 1697. 24mo. THURY, Hericart de. Description des catacombes de Paris. Pre- c^dee d'un precis historique sur les catacombes de tous les peuples. Planches. Paris, 1S15. i2mo. TIBULLUS, Albus. See Catullus. TICKELL, Thomas. Poetical works. With a memoir. Boston, 1865. 1 2 mo. "The happiest of any occasional writer of his day." — Mathias. TICKNOR, Anna E. Life of Joseph Green Cogswell, as sketched in his letters. Illustrated. Cambridge, 1874. 8vo. Only 222 copies, privately printed. TICKNOR, George. History of Spanish literature. Second edition. New York, 1854. 3 vols. 8vo. Same. Third edition. Boston, 1866. 8vo. Only 100 copies printed. "It is well worth a life-lime to achieve such a work." — Washington Irving. 474 THE STUAKl' I.lliRAKY. TICKNOR, George. Life of William Ilickling Prescott. Boston, 1864. 4to. "Our best literary Ijiograpliy." — A'ew York Tribune. TILGHMAN, Tench. Memoir. With his journals and letters hitherto unpublished; al.so his portrait. Albany, 1876. 8vo. TILLEMONT de Le Nain, L. S. See Le Nain. TILLEY, Henry A. Japan, the Amoor, and the Pacific. A voyage of circumnavigation in the Russian corvette Rynda, in 1858-60. Illustrated. London, 1861. 8vo. TILLOTSON, John. History of Palestine and the Holy Land. With Chambers' history of the crusades. Illustrated. New York, 1875. i2mo. Palestine ; its holy sites and sacred story. Illustrated. Lon- don. 8vo. TIMES, John. Nooks and corners of English life. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1867. i2mo. " lie has the rare faculty of clear and accurate condensation." — Land. Lancet. TINDAL, Nicholas. History of England, from the Revolution to the accession of George II. A continuation of Rapin's History of England, of which he was the translator. To which is added a history of the medals of the reign of Queen Anne and King George I. Illustrated. Second edition. London, 1744-47. 2 vols, in 3 parts. Folio. With several hundred additional prints inserted. Same. Third edition. Illustrated with the heads of the Kings, Queens, etc., also with maps, medals, and other plates. London, 1744-7. 2 vols, in 3 parts. Folio. Same. Harrison's edition. With a general index. London, 1786-89. 3 vols. Folio. — See Rapin, Paul de, Sieur de Thoyras. TINDALL, William. Writings. In British reformers, vol. 2. 475 CATALOGUE OF TISCHENDORF, JE. Fr. C, editor. Novum Testamentum ; cum epis- tola Barnab^ et fragmentis Pastoris, ex codice Sinaitico. Leip- siG, 1863. 4to. Professor of Biblical palaeography at Leipsig. TITFORD, W. J. Sketches towards a hortus botanicus Americanus; or coloured plates (with catalogue) of new and valuable plants of West Indies, North and South America, etc. Arranged after the Linnaean system. London, 181 i. 4to. TITSINGH, Isaac. Annates des empereurs du Japon. Accompagn6 de notes par M. J. Klaproth. Paris, 1834. 4to. Illustrations of Japan. Memoirs of the sovereigns, feasts, and ceremonies. From the French, by F. Shoberl. Coloured plates. London, 1822. 4to. A Dutch diplomatist ; Batavian ambassador to Pekin. TITTMANN, C. C. Sacred meditations on the gospel of St. John. Translated by J. Young. Edinburgh, 1844. 2 vols. i6mo. TOD, James. Annals and antiquities of Rajast'han ; or, the central and western Rajpoot states of India. Illustrated. London, 1S29. 2 vols. 4to. Lieutenant-colonel in the East India ser\'ice. TODD, Henry J. Vindication of our authorized translation of the Bible ; in answer to objections by Bellamy and Burges. Lon- don, 1819. i2mo. TOPFFER, Rodolphe. Nouveaux voyages en zigzag a la Grande Chartreuse, autour du Mont Blanc. Illustr^s d'apres les dessins originaux de Topffer. Paris, 1854. 8vo. "A series of humorous sketches, which attracted general admiration." — Thomas. TOMBLESON, . The Thames. With map and illustrations. Edited by W. G. Fearnside. London. 4to. TOMES, Robert. Battles of America by sea and land. Naval and military history of the country. With biographies of naval and military commanders. Illustrated. New York, 1859. 3 vols. 4to. 476 THE STUAKT I.IIiKARY. TOMKINS, Pf.ltro W. Marquis of Stafford's collection. See Ottley, VV. Y. TOMLINE, George. Memoirs of the life of William Pitt. London, 182 1. 3 vols. i2mo. " Ilis name was Prctyman ; but he assumed Tomline, to secure a fortune left him, conditionally." — Thomas. TONNA, Mrs. C. E. -'Charlotte Elizabeth." English martyrology. See Fox, John. Flornl biography ; or, chapters on flowers. New York, 1843. i2mo. The flower garden. New York, 1842. izmo. Judah's Lion. New York, 1843. i2mo. Personal recollections. New York, 1843. i2mo Principalities and powers in heavenly places. New York, 1843. i2mo. Siege of Derry. New York, 1841. i2mo. "Her works are widely circulated, and very useful." — Allibone. TOPLADY, Augustus M. Historic proof of the doctrinal Calvinism of the church of England, etc., etc. London, 1774. 2 vols. 8vo. "Defended his principles with great energy." — Williams. TORINO, La galleria Reale di ; illustrata da Roberto d'Azeglio. Turin, i836-'46. 4 vols. Folio. Numerous full-page plates. TORRENS, Henry D. Travels in Ladak, Tartary, and Kashmir. London, 1863. 8vo. Lieut. Colonel Royal Welsh Fusileers — "Amusing and instructive." — Land. Times. TORREY, John. Compendium of the flora of the northern and mid- dle states. New York, 1826. i6mo. Presented his herbarium and library to Columbia College. 477 CATALOGUE OF TORREY, Samuel. A Plea for the Life of Dying Religion, from the Word of the Lord ; in a Sermon Election Day, May i8, 1683. Boston, 1683. i6mo. TOWERSON, Gabriel. An Explication of the Decalogue or Ten Commandments ; with reference to the Catechism of the church of England. London, 1676. Folio. TOWNSEND, George. Old and New Testaments ; arranged in his- torical and chronological order, after Lightfoot. London, 1821- 25. 4 vols. i2mo. TRACES of the Roman and Moor ; or twice-trodden tracks through Lombardy and the Spains, by a bachelor. Illustrated. New York, 1853. i2mo. TRANCHEPAIN, Mire St. A. de. Relation du Voyage des premieres Ursulines i la Nouvelle Orleans, et de leur etablissement en cette ville, in 1727. New York, 1859. i2mo. Large paper. Reprint. TREBECK, George. Travels in the Himalayan provinces. See Moor- CROFT, William. TREDGOLD, Thomas. Practical essay on the strength of cast iron and other metals. Illustrated. London, 1S31. 8vo. TRENCH, Richard C. English, past and present. New York, 1855. 1 2 mo. " Excites curiosity and stimulates inquiry." — Marsh. TRENCH, W. Steuart. Realities of Irish life. Boston, 1869. i6mo. " Can scarcely be surpassed." — American Ulerary gazette. TRESHAM, Henry, and others. The British gallery of pictures; be- ing a collection of twenty engravings from the old masters in Great Britain. With descriptions. London. Folio. Same. Containing 25 coloured plates on boards. London, 1818. Folio. TRIAL of the seven Bishops in the court of the King's Bench, A.D. 1688. Anonymous. London, 1739. i2mo. 478 THE STUART LIBRARY. TRINITY Church, New York. Charter. New York, ,697. .^mo. Scarce. TRIPP, Alonzo. Crests from the ocean world ; a voyage to Europe principally in France, Belgium, and England. Boston, i8=;n' i2mo. ■^^' TRISTRAM, Henry B. The great .Sahara; wanderings south of the Atlas mountain.s. Illustrated. London, i86o. izmo. " Naive and prolix." — North American review. TROLLOPE, Thomas A. Italy, from the Alps to Mount Etna. Illus- trated. New York, 1877. Folio. A summer in Brittany. Edited by Frances Trollope. Lon- don, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. "A pleasant record of summer IxvcvitX."— London Atluncrum. TRONSON, J. M. Voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary and various parts of the coasts of China. London, 1859. 8vo. "Replete with varied and valuable information."— Z<7»a'<;» Press. TROTTER, William E., editor. Select illustrated topography of thirty miles around London ; views of various places. Engraved by W. Floyd, and others. London. 4to. Bound with Wood's illustrated London. TROW, John F., publisher. New York city directory ; from 1854 to 1883, inclusive. H. Wilson compiler through 1878. New York, 30 vols. 8vo. TRiJBNER, Nicolas. Bibliographical guide to American literature; books published in the United States the last forty years. Lon- don, 1859. i2mo. An eminent publisher, bibliographer and philologist. TRUMBULL, Benjamin. Complete history of Connecticut, civil and ecclesiastical. Illustrated. New Haven, 181S. 2 vols. 8vo. Of substantial merit and uncommon m\.a«(&?« Athenaum. WENDOVER, Roger de. Flowers of history ; comprising the history of England, from the descent of the Saxons to 1235 ; formerly as- cribed to Matthew Paris. Translated from the Latin, by J. A. Giles. London, 1849. 2 vols. i6mo. WESLEY, John. Thoughts upon slavery. Philadelphia, 1774. i6mo. Bound with "Mighty Distroyer." 504 THE STUART LIBRARY. WESLEY, Samuel. The History of the Old and New Testament, at- tempted in verse ; and adorned with three hundred and thirty sculptures. The cuts done by J. Sturt. London, 1716. 3 vols. i6mo. Father of the prcccdintj, wlio was the great Methodist. "Possessed considera- ble learning." — Ormc. WESSELY, J. E. A new pocket-dictionary of the English and German languages. Leipzig, 1881. i8mo. WEST, Benjamin. Gallery of pictures painted by West ; engraved in outline by Henry Moses. London, 1811. Folio. " His great power of composition and judicious selection of time in the execu- tion of a subject were admirable." — Thomas Sully. WESTALL, William. Australian scenery. Engraved by Byrne. 4to. Nine plates. Great Britain, illustrated. Engraved by E. Finden, with descrip- tions by T. MouLE. London. 4to. WESTCOTT, Thompson. Centennial portfolio, 1876. A souvenir of the exhibition at Philadelphia. 50 lithographic views ; with descrip- tions. Philadelphia, 1876. 8vo. WESTGARTH, William. Victoria, late Australia Felix; the colony and its gold miners. Edinburgh, 1853. 8vo. "A valuable and authentic work." — Loudon Alhenirum. WEST INDIA sketch book. Anonymous. London, 1834. 2 vols. i2mo. WEST INDIES. A description of the Spanish Islands and settlements on the coast of the West Indies. Anonymous. Illustrated with maps and plans. London, 1774. 8vo. WESTMINSTER abbey. See Ackermann, R. WESTMINSTER abbey ; an elegiac and historical poem. Anonymous. 8vo. WESTMINSTER assembly's shorter catechism ; explained by way of question and answer. Philadelphia. i2mo. 5°S CATALOGUE OF WESTMINSTER, Matthew of. The flowers of history ; especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain, to the year 1307. Trans- lated by C. D. YoNGE. London, 1853. 2 vols. i6mo. WESTMINSTER review, from August, 1843, to October, 1854. Vols. 40 to 62. New York. 23 vols, bound in 11. 8vo. WEST POINT U. S. military academy. Catalogue of its library, to the close of 1852. Illustrated. New York, 1853. 8vo. WESTWOOD. J. O. Fac-similes of the miniatures and ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish manuscripts. Drawn on stone, by W. R. Tymms. Chromolithographed by Day and Son. London, 1868. Folio. " So beautiful and so perfect as to be marvelous." Palaeographia Sacra pictoria ; being a series of illustrations of the ancient versions of the Bible, copied from illuminated manu- scripts. London, 1843-45. Folio. Same. London, 1846. 4to. Large paper. Gilt and floriated plates. " Best reproductions, in magnificent works ; of the highest interest." — Dresser. WEY, Francis. Rome. Containing three hundred and forty-five engravings on wood, and a plan of Rome. With an introduction, by W. W. Story. New York, 1872. Folio. WHAREY, James. Sketches of church history. Philadelphia, 1840. i8mo. WHEATON, Henry. History of the Northmen or Danes, and Nor- mans ; from the earliest times to the conquest of England, by William of Normandy. London, 1831. 8vo. Same. London, 1S31. 8vo. "Evinces the enthusiasm of an antiquarian, the liberality of a scholar, and the enlightened toleration of a citizen of the world." — Washington Irvint;. - Life of William Pinkney. New York, 1854. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., vol. 6 506 THE STUART MlikARY. WHEELER, John II. Historical sketches of North Carolina, fiom 1584 to 1851. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1851. 8vo. " A great amount of useful and minute information." — Swain. WHEELER, J. Talboys. The life and travels of Herodotus. Illus- trated. London, 1855. 2 vols. i2mo. WHEELER, William A. Dickens dictionary. See Pierce, G. A. Dictionary of noted names of fiction ; with pseudonyms and popular appellations. Boston, 1866. 8vo. WHEWELL, William. Astronomy and general physics ; considered with reference to natural theology. London, 1836. 8vo. Bridgewater treatise. " None eould have done greater justice to the subject."— Edinburgh review, WHITCHER, Mrs. Frances M. Widow Bedott papers. With an in- troduction by Alice B. Neal. Illustrated. New York, 1856. i2mo. WHITE. Sec also Whyte. WHITE, Liatt. George F. Views in India ; chiefly among the Hima- laya mountains, in 1829-31-32. With notes and descriptive illus- trations. London, 1836. 2 vols. Folio. Same. Edited by Emma Roberts. London. 410. WHITE, Henry Kirke. Poetical works. With a memoir and por- trait. Boston, 1865. i2mo. Poetical works. With memoir and portrait. Aldine edition. London, i866. i2mo. " His poetry, emanating directly from his own heart, appeals irresistibly to that of his reader." — Nicolas. WHITE, Lorenzo. Prize essay. See Systematic beneficence. WHITEFIELD, George. Eighteen sermons. Taken in short hand by Joseph Gurney. New York, 1809. i6mo. The Nature and necessity of our New Birth in Christ Jesus, in order to salvation. A Sermon. London, 1738. i6mo. Paper. 507 CATALOGUE OF WHITEFIELD, George. Further discovery of the Present state of the Indians in New England, concerning the progress of the Gospel among them. A reprint. New York, 1865. ismo. Limited edition. Strength out of Weakness ; or a Glorious manifestation of the further progress of the Gospel among the Indians in New England. Reprint. New York, 1865. i2mo. Only 250 copies printed. " He was a great and a Iioly man ; amongst the foremost of the heroes of philanthropy ; and, as a preacher, without a superior, or a rival." — Stephen. WHITEHEAD, William A. Contributions to the early history of Perth Amboy and vicinity. Illustrated. New York, 1856. 8vo. " A zealous antiquary, and an accomplished writer." — Pcabody, WHITING, Henry. Life of Zebulon Montgomery Pike. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog. , new series, vol. 5. WHITNEY, JosiAH D. The metallic wealth of the United States. Philadelphia, 1854. 8vo. " A work of great value." — Alliboiie. The Yosemite book ; a description of the Yosemite valley and the adjacent region of the Sierra Nevada, and big trees of Cali- fornia. With maps and photographs. New York, 1868. 4to. Geological survey of Iowa. See Hall, James. Report on geology, etc. See Foster, J. W. WHITTLESEY, Charles. Life of John Fitch. Boston, 1855. i6mo. In Sparks' Am. biog., new series, vol. 6. WHYMPER, Frederick. The sea ; its stirring story of adventure, peril and heroism. Illustrated. London. 4to. Travel and adventure in the territory of Alaska, formerly Rus- sian America. Illustrated. New York, 1869. i2mo. " Abounds in attractive descriptions, and contains much matter of scientific value." — American literary gazette. 508 THE STUART I.IIJRARV. WHYTE, James C. History of the British turf. London, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. WICAR, Jean B. J. ^'^^r Florence. Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti. WICKES, Charles. Illustrations of the spires and towers of the medioeval churches of England. London, 1843-1859. Folio. 72 plates. Valuable. WICKLIFFE, John. The Bible. Translated from the vulgate. Lon- don, 1848. 8vo. See also Bible. Unpublished religious treatises. Black letter MS. on vellum, bound in dark morocco, gilt. 1350. i8mo. CoNTE.NTS : (a.) Commentary on the first commandment [heaste] and on the other commandments, (b.) "Off the ten heestis." (c.) Commentarj' on the Pater Noster. (d.) Here suen dyverse Ch.apitris e.vcitynge men to hevcnli dcsiir. (e.) "ThcCouncell off Christ." (f.) " The Chartre off Hevene." (g.) On the Love of Ihesu. (h.) "Off vcrri mekenes." (i.) "Off the Effect of manes will." (k.) Of aclif lyf & contcmplatif lyf. (1.) The myrrour of chastete. Writings. In British reformers, vol. I. " Vir excellenti ingenio, magno animo, et pietate solida praestans." — Jablonski. WILBRAHAM, Capt. Richard. Travels in the Trans - Caucasian provinces of Russia, etc., in 1837. London, 1839. 8vo. WILCOCKE, Samuel H. History and description of the republic of Buenos Ayres. Illustrated with colored plates. London, 1820. Svo. WILD, Charles. Select examples of architectural grandeur in Bel- gium, Germany, and France. Twenty-four sketches drawn on the spot, and etched by J. Le Keux, and others. London, 1843. Folio. " None knevi' better how to select and delineate the beauties of architecture." — London Athcnawit. WILKES, Capt. Charles. United States exploring expedition, during the years 1 838-1 842. Philadelphia, 1845. 5 vols, and atlas. 4to. Same. Philadelphia, 1845. 5 vols. 4to. 509 CATALOGUE OF WILKES, Capt. Charles. United States exploring expedition, during the years 1838-1842. Additional volumes, viz. : ZoSphytes, by James D. Dana. Philadelphia, 1848. 410. Same. Atlas of sixty-one plates. Philadelphia, 1848. Folio. Races of man, by Charles Pickering. Boston, 1848. 4to. Same. With additions, by J. C. Hall. London, 1856. i6mo. Geology, by James D. Dana. New York. 410. Same. Atlas of twenty-one plates. New York. Folio. Crustacea, by Jajies D. Dana. 2 parts. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 vols. 410. Botany, by AsA Gray. New York, 1854. 4to. Same. Atlas of 100 plates. New York, 1857. Folio. Geographical distribution of animals and plants, by C. Pickering. Boston, 1854. 4to. " The record and the narrative, in its complete state, does both him and his country much honor." — London Athenaum. WILKIE, Sir David. Sketches in Turkey, Syria, and Egypt, 1840- 184 1. Drawn on stone by Joseph Nash. London, 1843. Folio. WILKIE gallery ; a selection of the best pictures of the late Sir David WiLKiE ; including his Spanish and Oriental sketches. With notices, biographical and critical. London. 4to. " His works were popular from the first, because the public could understand his subjects ; and natural expression is always responded to." — Leslie. WILKINS, Sir Charles, translator. The Bhagvat-Geeta ; or Dialogues of Kreeshna and Arjoon. In eighteen lectures, with notes. Lon- don, 1785. 8vo. Only 261 copies printed. "The father of Sanskrit literature." WILKINSON, Sir John. The Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs. To which is added an introduction to the study of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, by Samuel Birch. Illustrated. London, 1857. i2mo. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. London, 1841. 2 vols., and i vol. plates. 8vo. "Indefatigable in research, full of learning, accurate in facts; he has, at the same time, treated his subject with the enthusiasm of genius, and the liveliness of poetry " — Lord Rippon. THE STUART LIBRARY. WILKS, Theodore C. History of Hampshire. See Woodward, B. B. WILLARD, Samuel. A compleat Body of Divinity; in expository lectures on the Assembly's Catechism. Boston, 1726. Folio. " This is, wilhout doubt, the first miscellaneous folio volume published in America. " — Gowan. The Doctrine of the Covenant of Redemption, Briefly Opened and Improved. Preface, by Increase Mather. Boston, 1693. i8mo. The Duty of a People that have Renewed their Covenant with God, opened and urged in a Sermon. Boston, 1680. lOmo. The Truly Blessed Man ; or the Way to be Happy, here and Forever: Sermons on Psalm 32. Boston, 1700. iSmo. He was pastor of Old South church, and president of Harvard college. WILLETT, William M. A narrative of the military actions of Col. Marinus Willett. Illustrated. New York, 1831. 8vo. Taken chiefly from his own MSS., by his son, the editor. WILLIAM OF Malmesbury's chronicle. See Malmesbury, William OF. WILLIAMS, Charles. The Alps. Switzerland, and the north of Italy. With numerous engravings. London, 1854. 4to. WILLIAMS, Edwin, and Lossing, B. J. Statesman's manual ; presi- dents' messages, 1789 to 1858. With documents. Illustrated. New York, 1S58. 4 vols. 8vo. WILLIAMS, Frederick S. Our iron roads ; their histor>', construction and social influences. Illustrated. London, 1852. 8vo. WILLIAMS, George. The Holy City; historical, topographical and antiquarian notices of Jerusalem. Illustrated. London, 1849. 2 vols. 8vo. WILLIAMS, Helen B. The sprag boy ; or faithful in the least. Illus- trated. Philadelphia, 1881. i6mo. WILLIAMS, Henry T. Pacific tourist. Illustrated transcontinental guide of travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific. New York, 1876. 8vo. 5" CATALOGUE OF WILLIAMS, Hugh W. Select views in Greece ; with classical illustra- tions. London, 1829. 2 vols, in i. 4to. "His views of Athens will live as long as her memory." — Prof. Wilson. WILLIAMS, John L. The territory of Florida ; or sketches of its topography, civil and natural history. New York, 1837. 8vo. "Very accurate and impartial." — American quatierly review. WILLIAMS, Roger. A Paraenetick ; or Humble Addresse to the Parliament and Assembly for (not Loose but) Christian Libertie. Anonymous. London, 1644. i6mo. " He was the first person in modem Christendom to assert in its plenitude, the doctrine of the liberty of conscience." — Bancroft. WILLIS, Browne. A survey of the Cathedrals of York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, etc. Illustrated. London, 1727. 4to. " Devoted his life to antiquarian pursuits, and works of charity." — Allihone. WILLIS, Nathaniel P. American scenery. Illustrated. See Bart- LETT, W. H. Canadian scenery. Illustrated. See Bartlett, W. H. — Letters from under a bridge, and poems. Illustrated. London, 1840. 8vo. Poems of early and after years. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1854. 4to. Summer cruise in the Mediterranean. New York, 1S53. i2mo. " His prose and poetry are alike distinguished for exquisite finish and melody." — Grisiuold. WILLMOTT, Robert A., editor. The poets of the nineteenth cent- ury. Illustrated. London, 1859. 8vo. WILLYAMS, Cooper. Selection of views in Egypt, Palestine, Rhodes, Italy, Minorca, and Gibraltar. With descriptions in English and French. London, 1822. Folio. Voyage up the Mediterranean in the ship Swiftsure, under com- mand of Sir Horatio Nelson. With a description of the battle of the Nile, in 1798. London, 1802. Folio. " The first, the most particular, and the most authentic account." — London gentleman' s magazine. THE STUART LIDRARY. WILSON, Alexander. American ornithology ; or natural history of the birds of the United States. Engraved and coloured from original drawings, taken from nature. With supplement containing a sketch uf the author, and a hLstory of those birds, which were intended to compose part of his ninth volume, by George Ord. Philadelphia, 1808-25. 9 ^o's. 4to. " His name will be held in lasting remembrance, as the founder of American ornithology." — Allihone. "Not before or since equalled in its matter or its plates." — Leslie. WILSON, Andrew. The abode of snow ; observations on a tour through to the upper valleys of the Himalaya. New York, 1875. 1 2 mo. WILSON, Bird. Memoir of William White, bishop of the protestant Episcopal church. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1839. 8vo. WILSON, Daniel. Archaeology and pre-historic annals of Scotland. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1851. 8vo. Same. Second edition. Illustrated. London, 1863. 2 vols 8vo. "Antiquities, invested with all the charms of graceful literature." — Westminster review. — Life of Jane McCrea. With an account of Burgoyne's expedi- tion, in 1777. New York, 1853. i6mo. — Memorials of Edinburgh, in the olden time. Illustrated. Edin- burgh, 1872. 4to. "Will do him honor in his native city, so long as the ancient capital of Scot- land stands." — London literary gazette. The Pilgrim fathers. London, 1850. i2mo. WILSON, Erasmus. Healthy skin : a popular treatise on the skin and hair; their preservation and management. London, 1866. i6mo. WILSON, Henry. Rise and fall of the slave power in America. Boston, 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. " He has added another to his many good services to the nation and to the cause of freedom." — North American review. 33 S13 CATALOGUE OF WILSON, Horace H. The Visnu Purina ; a system of Hindu my- thology. Translated from the Sanscrit. London, 1840. 4to. Professor of Sanskrit at Oxford, librarian to the East India Company, director of the Royal Asiatic society, etc., etc. WILSON, James, and others. Missionary voyage to the southern Pa- cific ocean ; in 1 796-1 79S, in the ship Duff, commanded by cap- tain James Wilson. Compiled from journals of the officers and missionaries. Illustrated. London, 1799. 4to. WILSON, John. Noctes ambrosianse, by " Christopher North " of Blackwood's magazine ; Maginn, Lockhart, Hogg and others, 1819 to 1824. Illustrated. New York, 1S63. 5 vols. 8vo. Land of Burns. See Hill, D. O. Illustrations, etc. " A writer of most ardent and enthusiastic genius, whose eloquence is as the rush of many waters." — Ha Ham. WILSON, John M. Historical, traditionary, and imaginative tales of the Borders and of Scotland. With a glossary of Scotch words. Illustrated. New York, 1847. 5 vols. 8vo. " Sales in Great Britain exceeded 150,000 copies. These tales should always accompany Sir Walter Scott's works." — Allibont. WILSON, Joseph M. Presbyterian historical almanac. Vols 3 to 9. Philadelphia, 1861-7. 7 vols. 8vo. WILSON, Lea. Bibles, Testaments, Psalms and other books of the Holy Scriptures in his collection. London, 1845. 8vo. " The collations of this valuable catalogue are accurate and minute." — H. Cot- ton. WILSON, Robert A. Mexico and its religion. Illustrated. New York, 1855. i2mo. " Very amusing and instructive." — London critic. WILSON, William. Bryologia Britannica ; containing the mosses of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1855. 8vo. 61 plates, including 25 new ones. WILSON, Rev. William. Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Edin- burgh, 1859. i2mo. 514 THE STUART LIBRARY. WILSON, Commissary. Orderly book. Expedition of the British and provincial army against Ticonderoga and Crown Point. Albany, 1857. izmo. WINANT, D. D., editor. Billiards without a master. With rules, etc., by Michael Phelan, and treatise on the origin, etc., of billiards. New York, 1850. 8vo. WINCKELMANN, Johann J. Histoire de I'Art, chez les Anciens. Traduite de I'Allemand ; avec des Notes historiques et critiques de diffcrens Auteurs. Illustrated. Paris, i 794-1803. 3 vols. Svo. An eminent German critic. " This is his chef-d'auvre, appearing in German in 1764." — Thomas. Monumenti antichi inediti, spiegati ed illustrati. Ro.me, 1767. 3 vols. Folio. " Ouvrage trcs-rccherche." — Briinet. " His style is warm with the glow of sustained enthusiasm, yet calm, dignified and harmonious." — Sime. WINES, Enoch C. Commentary on the laws of the ancient Hebrews. Philadelphia, 1853. Svo. Essay on temptation. Philadelphia, 1865. i6mo. Treatise on regeneration. Philadelphia, 1863. i6mo. Professor of mental and moral philosophy, etc. WINES, English. New art of making above twenty sorts. More pleasant and Agreeable to the English Constitution than those of France. By W. Y., M.D. London, 1694. i8mo. WINGFIELD, Edward M. A discourse of Virginia, 1608-90. From the original MS. Edited by Charles Deane. Boston, 1859. Svo. Only too copies. Editor's presentation copy. WINKELMANN. See Winckelmann. WINKLE, R. B. Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales. With historical and de- scriptive accounts. London, 185 i. 3 vols. 4to. 178 plates. WINKLES, B. French cathedrals. See Garland, R. 51S CATALOGUE OF WINKWORTH, Catharine. Lyra Germanica ; hymns for the Sun- days and chief festivals of the Christian year. Translated from the German. Illustrated. London, 1865. 8vo. Lyra Germanica. Second series. The Christian Life ; translated from the German. New York, 1859. i6mo. " These translations are now in every one's hands." — London quarterly review, 1862. WINSLOW, Margaret E. Marion ; or safe in the shadow of the Rock. Philadelphia, 1881. i6mo. WINSLOW, OcTAVius. The precious things of God. New York, 1861. i6mo. WINTERBOTHAM, W. Historical, geographical, commercial and philosophical view of the United States of America. Vol. 2. New York, 1796. 8vo. Complete in 4 vohimes. WINTHROP, John. History of New England, from 1630 to 1649 ; from his original manuscripts. With notes, by James Savage. Portrait. Boston, 1853. 2 vols. Svo. "A bolder spirit never dwelt, a truer heart never beat in any bosom." — President Quincy. WINTHROP, Robert C. Life and letters of John Winthrop. Bos- ton, 1864. Svo. WISCONSIN geological survey. See Owex, David D. WISCONSIN historical society. Collections. Madison, 1855-68. 5 vols, in 4. 8vo. WISCONSIN. State historical society library catalogue. See Durrie, Daniel S. WISE, John. A vindication of the government of New England churches. Boston, 1772. i6mo. "Minister of Ipswich, Mass. This work was first published in 1717." — Drake. WISE, John R. The new forest ; its history and its scenery. With 63 illustrations and 2 maps. London, i860. 8vo. " Quite worthy of the subject ; which is the highest praise we can give it." — London bookseller. THE STUART LIBRARY. WITHERSPOON, John. Essays nn important subjects, intended to establish the doctrine of Salvation by Grace. London, 1765. i6mo. "Eloquent, perspicuous, evangelical, and practical." — Bickersteth. WITSIUS, Herman. The ("Economy of the Covenants between God and Man. Translated from the Latin. Dublin, 1774. 3 vols. 1 2 mo. Sacred dissertations on the Lord's prayer. Translated by W. Pringle. Edinburgh, 1839. i6mo. Professor of theology at Utrecht. WOLF, Johann. Lectionum memorabilium et reconditarum Centenarii XVL Illustrated. Lavinga, 1600. 2 vols. Folio. ' ' Scarce and much sought for. " — Brunei. WOLF, Joseph. Zoological sketches, made for the London society, from animals in their vivarium in Regent's park. Edited by P. L. Sclater, secretary. Illustrated. London, i86i. 2 vols. Folio. In full Turkey morocco, gilt. "Splendid drawings; without exception, the finest ever made." — Quaritch. WOLFE, Udolphe, editor and publisher. Grand civic and military demonstration, in honor of the removal of the remains of James Munroe, fifth president of the United States, from New York to Virginia. New York, 1858. 8vo. WOLFF, Joseph. Travels and adventures [in Asia]. London, 186 i. 8vo. " Undertaken for the illustration of Christian philanthropy." — London Athenaum. WONDERFUL magazine, (The new). A collection of remarkable trials, biographies of wonderful characters, curious histories, adven- tures, etc. Illustrated. London. 2 vols. i2mo. WOOD, Edward J. The wedding-day in all ages and countries. London, 1869. i2mo. "Very entertaining, and will attract many readers." — London examiner. WOOD, James. Old and new theology. Scripture doctrines which have divided the Presbyterian church. Philadelphia, 1838. t6mo. 517 CATALOGUE OF WOOD, John G. Homes without hands. Being a description of ani- mals, classed according to their principles of construction. Illus- trated. London, 1865. 8vo. Insects at home. Their structure, habits, and transformations. Illustrated. New York, 1872. 8vo. Natural history of man ; being an account of the manners and customs of the uncivilized races of men. Illustrated. London, 1868-70. 2 vols. 8vo. "One of our most popular writers on natural history." WOOD, L. J. Sketches in Normandy. Lithographic illustrations. London, 1838. Folio. WOOD, Robert. The ruins of Palmyra and Balbec. Plates and text. London, 1827. Folio. no plates. " The pomp of the buildings has not a nobler air than the sim- plicity of the narration. " — Walpole. WOOD, Silas. Sketch of the first settlement of several towns on Long Island ; with their political condition, to the end of the revolution. Illustrated. Brooklyn, 1S28. 8vo. WOOD, William. General conchology; or a description of shells, ar- ranged according to the Linnaean system. With si.\ty colored plates. London, 1835. 8vo. Confinecl to univalves and bivalves. Inde.x testaceologicus : an illustrated catalogue of British and foreign shells. With 2,800 colored figures. Revised edition by S. Hanley. London, 1856. 8vo. " The best work on shells." — Allilone. WOODS, John. History of London ; illustrated by views of London and Westminster. Edited by William Gray Fearnside and Thomas Harral. London. 4to. WOODWARD, B. B. History of the United States. See Bartlett, W. H. History of Wales, from the earliest times to its final incorpora- tion with the kingdom of England. London, 1852. 4to. "A work of considerable research." — London literary gazette. 5«8 THE STUART LIBRARY. WOODWARD, B. B, and Gates, W. Encyclopedia of chronology; historical and biographical. Boston, 1872. 8vo. Wii.KS, T. C, and Lockmart, Ciiarlf.s. History of Hamp- shire, or the county of Southampton ; including the Isle of Wight. Illustrated. London. 3 vols. 4to. WOODWARD, G. M. Eccentric excursions ; or literary and pictorial sketches of character in England and South Wales. With charac- teristic prints. London, 1816. 4to. WOODWARD, T. P. Manual of the mollusca ; or rudimentary treatise of recent and fossil shells. Supplement. Illustrated. London, 1856. i6mo. "A model of accuracy and careful compression."— Zo»a'ff« Athenceum. WOODWARD, W. Elliot, editor. Records of Salem witchcraft. Cop- ied from the original documents. Roxbury, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. Only 215 copies privately printed, on large paper. WOOLEY, Charles. A two years' journal in New York, and part of its territories, in America, in 1679. With notes by E. B. O'Cal- laghan. New York, i860. 8vo. Only 50 copies printed. WOOLSEY, Theodore D., and others. The first century of the re- public ; a review of American progress. New York, 1876. 8vo. WORCESTER, Florence of. His chronicle, with the two continua- tions ; comprising annals of English history, from the departure of the Romans, to the reign of Edward L Translated from the Latin, with notes and illustrations, by Thomas Forester. Lon- don, 1854. i6mo. "Compiled from Marianus Scotus, and the Saxon c\\xQn\c\e.."— Wright. WORCESTER, Joseph E. A dictionary of the English language. Boston, i860. 4to. An historical atlas. Boston, 1828. 4to. Universal and critical dictionary of the English language ; with Walker's key. Boston, 1846. 8vo. " In all his works he exhibits a conscientious love of accuracy, as well as intel- ligence ; stamping them with superior value in the estimation of all whose favor- able judgment is most to be desired."— 0. W. B. Peabody. CATALOGUE OF WORDSWORTH, Dorothy. Recollections of a tour made in Scot- land, A. D. 1803. Edited by Principal Shairp. New York, 1874. i6mo. WORDSWORTH, William. Poetical works. London, 1849. 6 vols. i8mo. Poetical works. With a sketch of his life, and portrait. Bos- ton, 1865. 7 vols. i2mo. " His poems, more than those of any other modern poet, contain passages so startling, that their perusal forms an epoch in the intellectual life of every stu- dent of sensibility and taste." — Waller. WORLIDGE, Thomas. Select Collection of Drawings from Curious Antique Gems ; most of them in the possession of the Nobility and Gentry of this kingdom. Etched after the manner of Rem- brandt. London, 1768. 2 vols. 4to. " Really printed after 17S0, but ante-dated, to appear under the date when the plates were originally issued." — Allibone. WORNUM, Ralph N. Epochs of painting characterized : a sketch of painting, ancient and modern. Illustrated. London, 1859. 8vo. " Clear and well written." — London builder. Some account of the life and works of Hans Holbein, painter, of Augsburg. Illustrated. London, 1867. 4to. — The Turner gallery ; a series of sixty engravings from the principal works of Joseph Mallord William Turner. With a memoir, and illustrative text. London. Folio. "All his v/ritings are marked by careful research, judicious criticism, and good feeling. " — Knight. WORTH, GoRHAM A. Random recollections of Albany, from 1800 to 1808. Illustrated. With notes, by the publisher (Joel Munsell). Albany, 1866. 8vo. Privately printed. WOUVERMANS, Philippe. (Euvres Hollandois, gravies d'apres ses meilleurs tableaux, etc. Par J. Moyreau. Paris, 1737. 2 vols. Folio. 520 THE STUART LIBRARY. WRANGELL, Vice-Admiral, Ferdinand P. von. Narrative of an ex- pedition to the polar sea, in 1820-23. Edited by E. Sabine. London, 1840. Svo. Governor of the Russian possessions. WRIGHT, George N., editor. China ; in a series of views, displaying its scenery, architecture, and social habits. Drawn by Thomas Allom. London. 4 vols, in 2. 410. Same. London. 4to. France illustrated. Sec Allom, Thomas. Ireland illustrated. See Petrie, G., and others. The Mediterranean, etc. See Temple, G., and others. The Rhine, Italy and Greece. See Bartlett, W. H., and others. and Buckingham, L. F. A. Belgium, the Rhine, Italy, Greece, and the Mediterranean. Illustrated by Allom, Cockburn, Bart- lett, and others. London. 2 vols. 4to. WRIGHT, Julia McNair. The oath-keeper of Forano ; a tale of Italy and her evangel. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1S76. lamo. WRIGHT, Roi5ert. Life of Major-General James Wolfe ; founded on original documents, and illustrated by his correspondence. Lon- don, 1864. Svo. " Has done his best to put the man as he was, before us." — London reader. WRIGHT, Samuel. A treatise on being bom again, without which no man can be saved. With additions by Thomas Hawes. Philadel- phia, 181 2. i6mo. " Shows much knowledge of the heart." — Bickersteih. WRIGHT, Thomas. Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English. London, 1857. 2 vols. i2mo. Early Christianity in Arabia ; a historical essay. London, 1855. i2mo. "An example of careful research and honest criticism." — London Athenaum. CATALOGUE OF WRIGHT, Thomas, editor. Early travels in Palestine; comprising the narratives of Arculf, and (eight) others. London, 1848. i2mo. "No volume of Bohn's antiquarian library is superior to this." — Londcin literary gazette. History and topography of the county of Essex. Illustrated by a series of views. London, 1836. 2 vols. 4to. History of caricature and grotesque, in literature and art. With illustrations from various sources, by Fairholt. London, 1865. Svo. " Learned, entertaining and instructive." — London art journal. History of domestic manners and sentiments in England, during the middle ages. Illustrated. London, 1862. 8vo. History of France ; from the earliest period to the present time. Illustrated. London. 3 vols. 4to. History of Ireland; from the earliest period of the Irish annals to the present time. Illustrated. London. 3 vols. 4to. History of Scotland ; from the earliest period to the present time. Illustrated with portraits. London. 3 vols. 4to. — Roll of arms of the princes, barons, and knights who attended king Edward I. to the siege of Cserlaverock in 1300. From the British museum. The coat-armours emblazoned in gold and colours. London, 1864. Folio. Womankind in western Europe, from the earliest times to the 17th century. Illustrated. London, 1869. i2mo. Same. London, 1869. i2mo. Replete with curious information. WYATT, M. DiGBY. The industrial arts of the 19th century. Illus- trations from specimens produced by every nation, at the exhibition of 185 1. London, 185 i. 2 vols. Folio. Specimens of ornamental art, workmanship in gold, silver, iron, brass, and bronze. From the twelfth to the nineteenth centuries. London, 1852. Folio. 522 THE STUART LIBRARY. WYATT, M. DiGBY. Art of illuminating. See Tymms, W. R. " Master of the highest order of art criticism."— j!>«