LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Gl FT OF iL-S*..Sii\pl..of-.D4)cumtitution of the United State;: during- the tirst century of its history, Was/un(/to7i: Government iwinting office, 1897. If,l^^ pp. 8°. {American Mstovical association. Annual repjort for 1896, vol. 3.) Baker, A. J. Annotated Constitution of the United States. Chicago: CaUaghan and company, 1891. Ixxxvii, {!), 279 pp. Bancroft, George. History- of the formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. Nein York: D. Appleton and company, 1882. 2 vols. 8^. Binney, Charles Chauncey. Restrictions upon local and special legis- lation in state constitutions. Philadelphia: Kay db brother, 1891^. vi, {2), 195 pp). 8^. Borgeaud, Charles. Adoption and amendments of constitutions in Europe and America. Translated b}" Charles D. Hazen. JTew York: Macmil/a/i co., 1895. xxi. (l). SoS pp. 12^. BoutTwell, George S. The Constitution of the United States at the end of the first century. Boston, U. S. A.: D. C. Heath cf; co., 1895. xviii, If.12 pp. 8-. BoTven, Francis, ed. Documents of the constitution of England and America, from Magna Charta to the Federal Constitution of 1789. With notes. Cambridge: John Bartlett, 1851^. v!i, (2), U2 pp. 5°. Brannon, Henrj'. A treatise on the rights and privileges guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Cincinnati: TF. 11. Anderson db co., 1901. ix, 562 j^J^- 8°. Bryant, Edwin Eustace. The Constitution of the United States, with notes of the decisions of the Supreme court thereon, from the organization of the court till October, 1900, Madison, Wis.: The Bernocraf jn'inting co., 1901. x, 418pp. 12-. 5 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Bryce, James. The American commonwealth. 3d edition. Com- pletely revised throughout. Neto York: IlaemiUan and CO.. 1893-1895. 2 voU. 8^. Bullitt, William Grigsb}^ Review of the Constitution of the United States; including changes by interpretation and amend- ment; for lawyers and those not learned in the law. Cincmnati: The R. Clarke CO.. 1899. ,rll, SUO p_p. 8°. Butler, Charles Henry. The treaty-making power of the United States. The Banks laiv piiblhhing co.., New York, 1902. 2 vols. 8^. Calhoun, John C. A disquisition on government and a discourse on the Constitution and government of the United States. Edited by Richard K. Cralle. Published under the direc- tion of the General Assembly of South Carolina. Columbia, S. C: Pri7itedhy A. S. Johnston, 1851. vii, IfiG pp. 8^. Carson, Hampton L., ed. History of the one hundredth anniversary of the promulgation of the Constitution .of- the United States. Philadelphia: J. B. Llpyincott co., 1889. 2 vols. Portraits. Plates. Facsimiles. 8^. Cooley, Thomas M. The general principles of constitutional law. 3d edition. By A. C. McLaughlin. Boston: Little, Brown d; CO., 1898. li, 1^3 pp. 12^. {The students'' series, vol. 7.) A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American union. 6th edition, with large additions, giving the results of the recent cases, by Alexis C. Angell. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1890. xcviii, 885 p/y. and otlur-^. Constitutional history of the United States as seen in the development of American law. A course of lectures before the Political science association of the University of Michigan. New York and London: G. P. Putnam- s sons, 1889. 296 pp. .9°. Coxe, Brinton. An essay on judicial power and unconstitutional leg- islation, being a commentary on parts of the Constitution of the United States. Philadelphia: Kay and Irothtr, 1893. xvi, Ji.15 pj). 8-. BOOKS ON THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 7 Curtis, George Ticknor. Constitutional history of the United States from their declaration of independence to the close of their civil war. In two volumes. Mw York: ILirper cfc hrothers, 1889-1896. 2 vols. 8"^. Elliot, Jonathan. The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution, as recommended by the general convention at Philadelphia, in 1787. 2d ed. Washingkni: For the editor., 1836. Ji vols. 8'^. Vol. 1 contains the Journal of the Federal Convention, Luther Mar- tin's letter, Yates's minutes, the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, and other illustrative material on the Constitution. The Federalist, 1787-1788. The Federalist papers are printed in vol. 9 of the works of Alexan- der Hamilton, edited by Henry Cabot Lodge, New York, 1886, and .separately, under the same editorship, New York, 1888. Numerous other editions are noted in Paul Leicester Ford's "Bibliography of the Constitution," printed in George Ticknor Curtis' s "Constitutional History of the United States," vol. 2, pp. 708-766, New York, 1896. The edition by P. L. Ford, New York, 1898, is also to be noted, and there have been reprints in series, with special introductions. The question of the authorship of "The Federalist" is discussed by E. G. Bourne in the "American historical review" for April and July, 1897, and October, 1898, and by P. L. Ford in the same periodical for July, 1897. Professor Bourne's arguments are reprinted in his "Essays in historical criticism," New York, 1901, and Mr. Ford's in the introduction to his edition of "The Federahst." Senator Lodge also considers the question of authorship in the edi- tions by him noted above. Fisher, Sydney George. The evolution of the Constitution of the United States, showing that it is a development of progress- ive history and not an isolated document struck off at a given time or an imitation of English or Dutch forms of government. Philadelphia: J. B. Lip2nncottcom2Xiny.,1897. 398 pp. 12^. Fiske, John. Civil government in the United States considered with some reference to its origins. Boston: Houghton^ Mifflin and company., \1890\. xxx, 360 pp. Folded sheet. 12'\ The critical period of American history, 1T83-1789. Boston and New York: Houghton., Mifflin & Co. .,1899. xviii^ 368 pp. 8'-. Ford, Paul Leicester, ed. Essays on the Constitution of the United States, published during its discussion by the people, 1T87-88. Brooklyn., N. Y: Historical printing cl ah, 1892. viii., Ji^J^ pp. 8-. 8 ' • LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Contents Sullivan, James, The Letters of "Cassius;" Winthrop, James, The letters of "Afjrippa;" Gerry, En)ri(lge, Replies to "A landholder;" Ellsworth, Oliver, Letters of "A landholder;" Williams, William, A letter to "A landholder;" Sherman, Roger, The letters of "A countryman;" Sherman, Roger, Letters of "A citizen of New- Haven;" Clinton, George, The letters of "Cato;" Hamilton, Alex- ander, The letters of "Csesar;" Yates, Robert, The letters of "Syd- ney;" Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, Cursory remarks on the Constitu- tion; Chase, Samuel, A letter of "Caution;" Carroll, Daniel, A letter of "A friend to the Constitution;" Letters of Luther ]\Iartin; Roane, Spencer, A letter of "A plain dealer;" Williamson, Hugh, Remarks on the Constitution; Pinekney, Charles, A letter of "A steady and fipen Republican;" Bibliography; Index. Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, published during its discussion by the people, 1787-88. Brooklyn, X. Y., 1888. ' r///, (^), k^l pp. 8°. Contents: Gerry, P^lbridge, Observations on the new Constitution, and on the Federal and State Conventions, by a Columbian Patriot; Webster, Noah, An examination into the leading princijiles of the Federal Constitution, by a Citizen of America; Jay, Jphn, An address to the people of the State of New York, on the subject of the Consti- tution, by a Citizen of New York; Smith, Melancthon, Address to the people of the state of New York, by a Plebeian; Webster, Pelatiah, The weakness of Brutus exposed: or some remarks in vindication of the Constitution, by a Citizen of Philadelphia; Coxe, Tench, An exam- ination of the Constitution of the United States of America, by an American Citizen; Wilson, James, Speech on the Federal Constitution, delivered in Philadelphia; Dickinson, John, Letters of Fabius on the Federal Constitution; Hanson, Alexander Contee, Remarks on the proposed plan of a Federal government, by Aristides; Randolph, Edmund, Letter on the Federal Constitution; Lee, Richard Henry, Observations of the system of government proposed by the late Con- vention, by a Federal Farmer; Mason, George, Objections to the Fed- eral Constitution; Iredell, James, Observations on George Mason's oljjections to the Federal Constitution, by INIarcus; Ramsay, David, An address to the freemen of South Carolina on the Federal Consti- tution, by Civis; Biljliography of the Constitution, 1787-1788; Refer- ence list to the history and literature cf the Constitut'on, 1787-88; Index. Foster, Roger. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, historical and juridical, with observations upon the ordinary provisions of State constitutions and a comparison with the constitutions of other countries. Vol. 1. Boston: TJw Boston hool' conqxtny, 1895. tuh', 71Sj>p. 8-': Frothingham, Richard. The rise of the republic of the United States. Boston: L!tth\ Brown db eo., 1872. o::vii, {2), 6JfO 2U>- ^^^ Groodno-w, F. J. Comparative administrative law. An analysis of the administrative systems, national and local, of the United States, England, France, and Germany. Cr. I*. Putnohi's fn: Little^ Brovyn i& co., 1898. xxviti, 265 jyp- 8^. Hamilton, Alexander. The works of Alexander Hamilton, edited ])y Henry Cabot Lodge. Vol. 1. iV^?/j York <& London: G. P. Putnam'' s so7is, 1885. ximi, 581 pp. Frontispiece {portrait). 8°. ' ' Federal Constitution " : " Propositions for a constitution of govern- ment," pp. 331-333; "Constitution of government by the people (jf the United States of America," pp. 334-352; " Brief of speech on sul)- mitting his plan of constitution," pp. 353-360; Speeches in the Federal Convention, pp. 361-400; "Impressions as to the new Constitution," pp. 400-403; "Comments on the opposition to the Constitution," pp. 403-409. " Convention of New York " : " Speech on the compromises of the Constitution," pp. 413-427; "Speech on the Constitution resumed," pp. 427-448; "Speech on the Senate of the United States," pp. 448- 496; "Brief of argument on the Constitution of the United States," pp. 497-500; "Draft of proposed ratification of the Constitution of the United States, with specified amendments," pp. 500-505. Hare, J. I. Clark. American constitutional law. Boston: Little, Brown ^ and eompa^iy.^ 1889. 2 vols. 8^. Hart, Albert Bushnell. Introduction to the stud}- of federal govern- ment. Boston: Girin <& compariy., 1891. 200 p)p>' 8"-'. {Harvard liistm'ical nionograiyhs.^ no. 2.) Hill, Mabel. Liberty documents with contemporar}- exposition and critical comments drawn from various writers. Edited, with an introduction by Albert Bushnell Hart. L^omjrnans, Green, and co., Neio YorJi, [t^^!c^] 1901. xxviii, jj58pp. 8°. Hoist, Hermann Eduard von. The constitutional and political history of the United States. Translated from the German by John J. Lalor. Chicago: Callaghan ch eo., 1876-1892. 8 vols. 8^. The constitutional law of the United States of America. Authorized edition, translated by Alfred Bishop Mason. Chicago: CaUaghan p. * 8^. Jameson, John Franklin, ed. Essays on the constitutional history of the United States in the formative period, 1775-1789. By graduates and former members of the Johns Hopkins University. Boston and New York: Houghton^ Mlfflj'in tfc co., 1889. xv, 322 pp. <9°. Kerr, Clara Hannah. The origin and development of the United States Senate. Ithaca^ N. Y.: Andrus d; Ohtcrch, 1895. vi, 197 pp. 8°. Landon, Judson S. The constitutional history and government of the United States, lievised edition. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company., 1900. vii, (1), U7pp. 8°. Lieber, Francis. On civil liberty and self-government. 3d edition revised. Edited by Theodore D. Woolsey. Fhiladelpliia: J. B. Lippincott p. 8^. Rawle, William. A view of the Constitution of the United States of America. 2d ed. Philadeljjhia: Philip H. Nicklin, 1829. 3J^9 pp. 8°. Richardson, Hamilton P. The journal of the Federal Convention of 1787 analyzed. San Francisco: The Mur dock press ^ 1899. 2Ji,Jt, 2)2>- 8^. Schouler, .Tames. Constitutional studies, state and federal. JVe^v York: Dodd, Mead and coTiipany, 1897. xii.,332p)p. 12^.' Sergeant, Thomas. Constitutional law. Being a collection of points arising upon the Constitution and jurisprudence of the United States which have been settled by judicial decision and practice. Philadelphia: Abraham Small, 1822. (2), 4,15, (1) pp. 8^. Stephens, Alexander H. A constitutional view of the war between the states; its causes, character, conduct, and results. Pre- sented in a series of colloquies at Liberty Hall. National puhlishing company, Philadelphia, Pa. \etc.^ [1868-1870.] 2 vols. Frontispiece. Plates. <9°. BOOKS ON THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 13 Stevens, C. Ellis. Sources of the Constitution of the United States considered in relation to colonial and English history. New York: Macimllan and co.^ 1894^. ivlii\ (7), 277 pp. 12^. Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; with a preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states before the adoption of the Constitution, .5th edition by Melville M. Bigelow. Boston: Little^ Browti, and coinpainj^ 1891. 2 vols. S'-'. Thayer, James Bradley. Cases on constitutional law. With notes. Cambridge: Charles W. Sever, 18.95. 2 vols. <§°. Thorpe, Francis N. The constitutional history of the United States. Chicago: Callaghan c& company, 1901. 3 vols. 8^. Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. Translated by Henry Reeve, with a critical and biographical introduction by John Bigelow. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1899. 2 vols. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8^. {The loorWs great hooks.) ToTvle, Nathaniel C. A history and analysis of the Constitution of the United States. 2d ed. Boston: Little, Brown and company, 1861. ix, (3), 444PP' ^°' Tucker, John Randolph. The Constitution of the United States. A critical discussion of its genesis, development, and inter- pretation. Edited bj- Henry St. George Tucker. Chicago: Callaghan <& co., 1899. 2 vols. 8^. United States. Bureau of rolls and library. Documentary history of the Constitution of the United States of America, 1786-1870. Derived from records, manuscripts, and rolls deposited in the Bureau of rolls and library of the Department of state. Washington: Dept. of state, 1891^-1900 [1901]. 3 vols. i^°. Published originally in parts, as Appendix I-V of Bulletin of the "Bureau of rolls and library" no. 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9, 1893-97 (no. 9 issued 1900). Reprinted according to a concurrent resolution passed by the Sen- ate Jan. 24, 1901, and by the Hou^e of representatives Feb. 9, 1901. Vol. Ill has an appendix (not included in the original ed. ) "Addi- tional notes by Madison for the introduction to his notes of debates in the Federal convention," pp. 796a-796o. Warfield, Ethelbert D. The Kentucky resolutions of 1798. An his- torical study. New York & London: G. P. PutnarrCs sons, 1887. Ix, (1), 203 jjp. 12^. 14 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS. Whiting, William. War powers under the Constitution of the United States. 43d ed. Boston: Lee and Shepard^ 1871. xxviii, 695 pp. 8^. Wilson, Woodrow. Congressional government: a studj' in American politics. 12th ed. Bosto7i: Houghton., Miffiin and company., 1896. vi, (^), SJflf, pp. i^^. The state. Elements of historical and practical politics. Rev. ed. Boston: D. C. Heath (& CO., 1898. xxvv, {1\ 656 pp. 5°. Woodburn, James Albert. The American republic and its govern- ment, an analysis of the government of the United States, with a consideration of its fundamental principles and of its relations to the states and territories. O. P. PutnaniJs sons., New York and London., 1903. v, (7), JflO pp. 8°. {American politics.) The making of the Constitution, a syllabus of "Madison's Journal of the Constitutional Convention " together with a few outlines based on "The Federalist." Chicago: Scott ^ Foresman <& co., 1898. (^), vii, S-Jfi, (^), pp. 8'-^. Woolsey, Theodore D wight. Political science; or, the state. Theo- retically and practically considered. New York: Scrihne^'., Armstrong d: company^ 1878. 2 vols. 8°. o THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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