Brockton and Its Centennial Chief Events as Town and City 1821-1921 The Organization and Story of its One Hundredth Anniversary June 12 -i8, 1921 WARREN P. LANDERS Editor Published by the City of Brockton, Massachusetts 1921 >'^ Copyright, 1921 By the City of Brockton, Massachusetts First Printing, December, 1921 Second Printing, February, 1922 Issued by Thic Standaki) Printing Company Brockton. Illustrations tnade by F. O. Ci-ark Engravin<; Company Boston. COMMITTEE ON CENTENNIAL BOOK Merle S. Getchell, Chairman Appointed May 10, 1921 Organized into working- groups : Text and Illustrations Warren P. Landers, Chairman Suzanne Cary Gruver Frank H. Whitmore Production William T. Card, Chairman Frank L. Erskine Harris W. Fleming Distribution George H. Leach, Chairman Merle S. Getchell William D. Thomas W < Q 3 w o CONTENTS Page Greetings from Men of Eminence 13 1821— Brockton's Cycle— 1921 14 Mayors Interpret City's Progress 31 Records in Shoes 33 Bryant and Brockton 39 Organizing the Centennial 45 Officers and Committees 46 Program and Budget 53 Centennial Week 55 The Formal Opening, Sunday 55 Pulpit Messages 44 Concert and Community Sing 71 Decorations and Exhibits, Monday 76 The Porter Memorial Service, Tuesday 79 Fraternal Night, Tuesday 87 The Pageant of Brockton /. 90 Organization and Budget 92 First Production, Wednesday 98 Second Production, Thursday 101 The Text of the Pageant 106 The Cast 163 High School Commencement, Friday 177 The Street Carnival, Friday 185 Sports Program, Saturday 186 High School Alumni Dance, Saturday 193 Financial Statements 195 For Centennial Week 195 For the Pageant 197 Retrospect and Appreciation 198 The City of Peace 200 NOTE In presenting this Book of BROCKTON AND ITS CEN- TENNIAL, the Editor desires to express appreciation for cour- tesies extended by the State, the Maiden and Brockton Libraries for privileges in research ; and to the Brockton Enterprise, The Transcript and TJic Boot and Shoe Recorder of Boston, for articles originally written by him for their columns. Thanks are also due The Brockton Enterprise and Tlic Brock- ton Times for the free use of news material in preparing The Story of Centennial Week ; to the Brockton Chamber of Com- merce for office and stenographic service ; to the photographers co-operating in producing the illustrations which greatly add to the permanent value of this Book ; and to all others whose dis- interested aid has been freely given. LIST OF HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS Page North Bridgewater, 1838 2 North Bridgewater, 1844 g Deed of Purchase, 1649 -^q Sachem Rock -in The Old Brown Church jg The First Mayor of Brockton 22 Brockton, 1921 (2) 39.76 The Old Red Shop ^IIIJ II 32 The Bryant Homestead _ 39 Porter Memorial Service gQ The Centennial Poster _ gg From Pageant Episodes : — Nature Spirits -^i^ Indian Encampment ]^J7 The First Settler ]^24 Rev. John Porter and Congregation 126 The First Town Meeting _ 131 Mis' Jones' School _ -^o^ The Quilting Bee -^on The Old Stage Coach 13g Veterans of the Civil ^^'ar 142 Visit of Christine Nilsson (2) 146-148 William Cullen Bryant Group 152 The Brockton Fair I55 Arrival of the City I57 Children of the Bryant Group 167 Going to Church ]^67 The Eldon Keith Field Igg The City Personified 200 1^ '^>^ < INTERPRET CITY'S PROGRESS Former Mayors Believe In Brockton The daily Enterprise of June 13th carried interesting interviews with former occupants of the Mayor's Chair. We reprint sentences having special interpre- tive and historic value. "Our city has been builded to its world-wide prestige by the pluck of her citizens. Its people's purpose has never flagged." — Col. John J. Whipple, Mayor 1886-87, 1894-95.* "With that spirit on the part of our people, our city will over- come every difficulty and will grow in every essential that makes for a splendid municipalitv." — ^laj. Charles Williamson, Mayor 1896-97. "I am happy to see Brockton enjoying its prosperous condition as the result of one hundred years of loyal effort displayed by the people who have lived here." — Emery M. Low, Mayor 1899. "From this delving into the past, let us gather renewed inspira- tion from these noble founders that we may better fulfill our part as citizens." — Edward H. Keith, Mayor 1904-05. "Tomorrow new men with new ideas will be the directing force in our city's activities. May they catch the spirit of brotherhood permeating all strata of society and every element in our com- munity."— John S. Kent, Mayor 1907-08-09. "Brockton has always maintained and still does, a higher stan- dard of living than that of other cities." — William H. Clifford, Mayor 1910. "Given the same co-operation, faith and resources and our growth in the next century will measure up to that in the one on which we so proudlv look back.'' — Charles M. Hickey, Mayor 1913. "The mind conceives a century hence a metropolis teeming with activities, a Brockton big with the best ideals of life." — John S. Burbank. Mayor 1915-16. "With the continued best efforts of every loyal citizen, the heritage to succeeding generations will be a community hard to surpass in comfort and happiness for its citizens." — \\'illiam L. Gleason, Mayor 1918-19-20. * Deceased, November 14, 1921. 31 RECORDS IN SHOES History and Incidents in a Hundred Years of Industry The industry that has made this community known in all quarters of the globe antedates the incorporation of the Town whose history covers the hundred years. The deed by which Massasoit transferred the Duxbury Plantation, out of which ter- ritory have been carved the Towns of Bridgewater, and East- and West-, and Brockton, was given for numerous articles, totaling in value about $30. Included were four moose-skins which Myles Standish, one of the signers, may have brought back from his adventures in the wilds, and which would be used for protection of feet as well as for clothing. We have then a starting point in 1649, a reference to that which makes Brockton outrank all other cities, the footgear of the original inhabitants, as well as that of the colonists. The Log of the Mayflower (Bradford's History) tells us that in 1628 the Plymouth settlers sent Isaac Allerton to England on an important mission, including the purchase of supplies. He thereby probably became the first importer of shoes and leather. But before that day (1623), according to Seth Bryant of Ash- mont ("Shoe and Leather Trade of a Hundred Years," 1891), Experience Mitchell, a passenger in the Ann, reached Plymouth. Later he moved to Duxbury, and as one of the earliest settlers in the Plantation came to (East) Bridgewater at a place locally called Joppa. There he established a tannery in 1650. His son, Ensign — later Colonel — Edward, and after him Cushing Mitchell, carried on the business for sixty years. So we may account for the fact that when North Bridgewater was incorporated as a Town in 1821, it was already the center of a leather-working people. Bradford Kingman, in his diverting history of North Bridge- water and Brockton, has an interesting account of men who have risen from the bench of the shoemaker to distinction in other pursuits. For a later period, and from the City of Brockton, William L. Douglas became (1905) Governor of the Commonwealth. 33 In a business sense, the City's chief end has been and is "feet." Prior to the date which the Celebration recalled (June 15, 1821), shoes were handsewed, then pegged and nailed. Machines were introduced in 1846. Early trade was largely controled by the village shoemaker in his annual or semi-annual visits to "shoe" the entire family. His "kit" was not so different in 1880 from that of the first Christian era or even earlier. Out of the Revolu- tionary Wrv came Thomas French of Randolph, a personality figuring in the beginnings of local industry. A tanner and cur- rier, he settled on the Blue Hill Turnpike. Mr. French employed others who had learned the shoe trade in camp or fort, and so began the life which has made Brockton, for he had many appren- tices. From Randolph came Micah Faxon, in the early teens of the nineteenth century, to the North Parish of Bridgewater. In 1811, he carried to Boston on horseback his first hundred pair of fine calf-skin, spring-heeled shoes. They were sold to Monroe & Nash, Long \Miarf, for the southern trade. Quick successors and competitors were Silas Packard and Col. Edward Southworth in a store that stood at the corner of Main and Court Streets. In 1820, William French engaged in shoe manufacture. Others early in the business were Zophar Field and Charles Southworth ; John May & Sidney Howard ; Zenas Brett, Benjamin Kingman, Nathan Jones, and Charles & Azra Keith at The Plains (Cam- pello). Markets were nearby owing to lack of transportation facilities. "The Keiths, the Packards, and the Leaches" have built up the City of Brockton — wrote Seth Bryant, who on his own voucher knew all the shoe dealers since 1800 at least through a period of seventy-one years. According to that authority, more shoes were made in the Second Congressional District than in any other in the United States. "Brockton is not the home of small plants" (Isaac H. Bailey, article C. Vol. I, "New England States," William T. Davis. Editor). Yet in the beginning this was not true. Little shops in many yards suggested a winter trade to fill the time and supple- ment the fish and farm of summer. Shoes were "given out" 100 35 < Oh o CJ lA O X c/^ 1X1 <: o o Q o < w pair at a time to "fit and make" and were kept thirty days to two months. Fitting the upper to the last, with lapstone and hammer, pounding the wet sole, fastening with nails, pegging sole and inner sole together — constituted the major processes. In 1837, North Bridgewater produced 79,000 pairs of boots and 22,300 pairs of shoes and employed 1,125 "hands." Then began the enlargement which today shows thirty thousand workers in sixty factories. George W. Bryant and Daniel S. Howard (1848-1888) were pioneers, as were Charles R. Ford, Martin L. Keith, Enos H. Reynolds, and others. In the early '60's, Peleg S. Leach engaged in business in a shop on the site of the present Police Station and later had large factories on Crescent and West Elm Streets. In 1865, 103,066 pairs of boots and over a million pairs of shoes were made. The increase over 1837 was of course due in a large measure to the sewing-machine. Readiness to adopt new methods and machinery seems to have characterized the town. A. & A. B. Keith were prominent in this respect, as were the Thayers, Samuel Herrod and George Stevens. In 1870, William L. Douglas came from Plymouth and for some years was foreman for Porter and Southworth. With a capital of $875, he opened a factory for himself in 1876. Preston B. Keith had started five years before and M. A. Packard began manufacturing in 1877. The late George E. Keith commenced his notable career in 1868 in company with William S. South- worth and in 1870 opened a shop on his own behalf. Daniel W. Field entered the employ of D. S. Howard in 1876. And it should be stated, as one recognizes the general amicable relations in so large an industrial center as the Brockton of today, that from the beginning of the Town a very considerable group of manufacturers has either come up from the bench or has had close associations with the mechanical end of the business. The number of cases shipped from Brockton in 1876 was 142,010. In 1919, the value had become by war needs and prices, $146,- 378,500. Even in the pre-war year of 1915, it was sixty millions. Now great plants with every modern facility are taking the place of the old-fashioned home-shops. Resourcefulness and versatil- 37 ity, as well as a reinitalion for reliable goods, have brought this marked development. When \\'illiam Cullen Bryant re- visited the community in which he had lived while completing his law studies (pp. 39-43 ) he wrote : "The whole place resounds, rather rattles, with the machinery of shoeshops, which turn out millions of shoes, not one of which I am told is sold in the place." The last statement would be hardly true today, though the output is even more widely distributed than fifty years ago. The City has developed a great trading center. A writer on the shoe industry raises the question. "Are we nearing the end of the growth which may safely be built on one great mdustry?" ( Seth Bryant.) When one takes into account the commercial importance of Brockton, the problem assumes a different aspect. In addition to the fac- tories for shoes and the thirty or more accessory shops, Brockton has so expanded its life that it ministers largely to a cordon of surrounding towns. Ten banks are further vouchers for thrift. It has often been observed that in great shoe towns education is above the average. Schools, libraries and neighborhoods so testify. "Peaceful and lawabiding (so Bailey) they live in and for each other." This picture — so far as it described the City, is drawn from two interesting facts : Brockton had an annual No-License record covering a period of thirty years. Further the Community has learned the Better Way of settling disputes. In her industrial life, labor has been carefully studied from many angles. Each side has recognized the point of view of the other. They have seen that through conciliation and arbitration they could as well serve their own ends. This is among the high gifts of Brockton to the country. A United States Bulletin for 1915 entitled "Boot and Shoe Industry in Massachusetts, a Vocation for Women," has these interesting comments : "Brockton shows civic interest and a degree of prosperity. There is little absenteeism on the part of factory owners whose families have, in some cases, been in the shoe business for a century. The factory draws the immigrant and, if not inefficient, keeps him. Employees own 90% of the homes in Brockton. 38 Courtesy of the IVilliam LiiHiii l',>\a)ii M.iihn.,:: .1 •',; laii.ui . THE BRYANT HOMESTEAD, BROCKTON. BRYANT AND BROCKTON Tlie Heritage Upon Which Was Built The Pageant Episode It is most desirable to cherish the traditions of one's own City. Whatever can be related as fact, that adds glory to the community, should be preserved. For two years the Editor had a vision of a Pageant centralized in our beginnings as a separate town and in the personality and youthful poetry of William Cullen Bryant. So far as the composition of some of the more notable poems of that era is concerned, this desire and gleam fade before the conclusions of critical scholars. We are not able to claim all that Bryant lovers and home-lovers had hoped. The matter under consideration has been somewhat extensively studied and the results of that research are here given. It will be noted, however, that the Poet who leads our American galaxy in point of time, was easily included in the June observance. Bryant was born November 3, 1794, at Cummington in this State. Local tradition still holds tenaciously to the story that the House bearing the Bryant tablet at 815 Belmont Street, was 39 his own birthplace. This was, however, the home of his grand- father, Dr. Phihp, and there his father. Dr. Peter Bryant, was born. August 12, 1767. The poet's mother was Sarah Snell, daughter of Ebenezer, who was also born in this Town. Both were readers and lovers of Poetry. Of his father, Bryant said that he "delighted in poetry ... he wrote verses himself." As a first claim for our community, we note his parents and the fact that the Poet received no small measure of encouragement and some degree of inheritance of his own rare gifts from North Bridgewater. Late in life Mr. Bryant began an autobiography which, had he continued, would have been an invaluable original source of information on certain disputed points. But for reasons not quite clear to his biographers, the attem])t was broken at a stage critical for authoritative data concerning his greatest work Thana topsis." "Undoubtedly it was to that poem," says \\'illiam Aspin- wall Bradley (Macmillan Company, 1905), "he had been leading up in his account of the literary influences to which he was sub- jected at this period," that is, early youth. Most reviewers con- clude that he ceased his narrative because of the uncertainty of the facts as they appeared in retrospect. Our second claim for the Centennial was one of residence. For in June, 1814, Bryant came to Bridgewater to continue law studies with William Baylies of West Bridgewater, "a well-in- structed jurist and a gentleman of cultivation and noble personal traits" ( Parke Godwin — the Poet's Son-in-law — in Life of Bry- ant, D. Appleton. 1883). Mr. Godwin notes, "It was a larger town than any he had }et lived in . . . conditions of intellectual life were ample." During this period, a little more than a year, he lived with his paternal grandfather, Dr. Philip Bryant, in the House bearing the tablet. He rode daily to Mr. Baylies' office on horseback. Passing his preliminary examination in August, 1814, he was admitted to the bar at Plymouth a year later. Our tliird claim is in poetry: As regards'Thanatopsis,"Ricliard Henry Stoddard, eminent student, in Memorial Edition of the Nezv York Sun following tlie Poet's death, wrote: "I cannot 40 fix the date nor the place where it was composed." He concludes from evidence available that it was written shortly after Bryant's 18th year. This is the conclusion of Charles Dudley Warner, writer and critic. His most intimate biographer, Mr. Godwin, tells us (pp. 149-152) that while the Poet was at Bridgewater his father had found the manuscript of"Thanatopsis"in his own desk, where the son had placed it ; that it was not published until September, 1817 (North American Review). This was after the poet had moved to Great Barrington and on the occasion of a request for contributions which he had not heeded but to which Dr. Peter responded, sending the editors such copy as he had before discovered. Godwin adds : ''Whether this was the first intimation that the younger Bryant received of the uses that had been made of his poems we cannot now tell." But all this would seem to separate North Bridgewater from the composition of what has been characterized as "the most remarkable poem ever written by a young man." Bradley, before quoted, writes that Mr. Bryant "finally accepted it as his own belief that Thanatop- sis was written at Cummington in the autumn of 1811," p. 28. Yet there were poems written in Bridgewater by William Cullen Bryant. At least three such are on record. In spite of the state- ment made by one biographer that "he missed his old surroundings and found nothing in the flat and rather tame landscape to stir his sensibilities," he had personal experiences and responded to the call of occasions. The poems are (1) "The Ode of the Fourth of July, 1814," beginning: "Well have ye fought, ye friends of man. Well w^as your valor shown ; The grateful nations breathe from war. The Tyrant lies o'erthrown." (2) "Ode to Death," composed after recovering from illness which had compelled return to Cummington, and having these opening lines : "O Thou whom the world dreadeth ! Art thou nigh To thy pale Kingdom, Death, to summon me ? While life's scarce tasted cup yet charms my eye, And yet my youthful blood is dancing free" ; 41 (3) "To a Friend on His iNIarriage'' (Parke Godwin, j). 152) : "O'er Coke's black-letter i)age Trinmiing the lamp at eve, 'tis mine to pore Well pleased to see the venerable sage Unlock his treasured wealth of legal lore." This is highly suggestive of an atmosphere removed from lit- erary ])ursuits, but hardly prophetic when we recall that the same year (1815) in wdiich he was recognized as an attorney, he adopted letters as his profession. Excej)! for the composition— the actual manual work — we may include inspirational claims for the dainty verses of "The Yellow \'iolet." Godwin tells us that it was written "just before leaving Bridgewater, while oji a visit to Cujiunincjton," so that we may think that our own springtime in 1815 attuned his lyre: "Off in the sunless April day, Thy early smile has stayed my walk ; But midst the gorgeous blooms of May, I passed thee on thy humble stalk." That this thought is wholly reasonable, the writer is assured by a local authority upon the flora of the vicinity, who has seen this now scarce blossom and is certain that in Bryant's day, and near the old homestead, the flowers grew abundantly. It may be well to state in the interest of information that beside "Thanatopsis" two other well-known poems — sometimes attrib- uted to his residence here — must be yielded to different times and places : "To a Waterfowl" and "Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood." The former, Mr. Godwin tells us (pp. 143-4), was inspired by the poet's walk from Cummington to Plainfield, De- cember 15, 1816, when he was prospecting for location as attorney. That seven-mile exercise produced what Matthew Arnold re- garded as the best "short poem in the English language." On arrival at Plainfield, he wrote the lines. The "Inscription" was written at Cummington, so records his son-in-law (p. 142), in the forest before his father's house and first printed in 1817. l^'otu'th, from the angle of interest today, ]:)erhaps the most important : William Cullen Bryant visited ]jrf)ckton, August, 1874. 42 A little more than three months from the day that North Bridge- water changed its name (May 5, 1874), the poet revisited the scenes of his youth. In a letter to Dr. Orville Dewey, his pastor and friend in New York City, he wrote under date of the 20th of that month: "I went last week with my brother John to Plymouth, where I was admitted to the practise of law fifty-nine years ago. . . . On our return, we stopped at North Bridgewater. where my father and mother were born and there stumbled upon a Bryanr, 'a solid' man of North Bridgewater, now called Brockton, who took us to the house where my grandfather. Dr. Philip Bryant, lived, and to the graveyard where he and his wife Silence, lie buried beside my great grandparents. The whole place resounds, rather rattles, with the machinery of shoeshops, which turn out millions of shoes, not one of which, I am told, is sold in the place." This is an important letter and suggested the one outstanding relation of the Poet to the Pageant. Everyone at all acquainted with his poems has seen the portrait of the man as he then ap- peared. He died but four years later, June 12, 1878. The "solid" man to whom he refers was Henry L. Bryant, father of the late Walter Copeland Bryant, who with Mrs. Bryant was peculiarly interested in the preservation of the old Homestead. Mr. Bry- ant Sr. was then in business with his brother, George E., at the corner of Center Street, in a wooden structure well remembered by many Brocktonians. The visit of the Poet is still recalled by Miss Mary Jane Hayward. 19 Wales Avenue, at that time a clerk m Mr. Bryant's store. Miss Hayward told the writer that the Poet was, as so often represented, "tall, straight, handsome" in his eighty years, with majestic white beard and sharp, shining eyes. We are fortunate to have had these various links with so fine a mind, so good a man. The Pageant gained a real distinction m the representation made from these implications and facts of the life of William Cullen Bryant. 43 WILLIAM L. GLEASON, Mayor 1918-1920 P'irst Chairman of Centennial Committee ORGANIZING THE CENTENNIAL In April, 1919, the Editor of this Book called upon the Mayor of Brockton, William L. Gleason, at City Hall, suggesting an adequate observance of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Town of North Bridgewater, occurring in 1921. It was agreed that the writer should embody this thought in an open letter. The daily press readily supported the plan and on May 3rd both papers printed the communication with fitting comment by the Mayor, and appropriate editorials. The original letter called for a "remembrance in suitable civic, educational, industrial, commercial, and religious observance." It suggested as a proper memorial, "the creation of a central park or playground adequately representing Brockton's business ability, leadership and artistic sense." The formal opening, October 28, 1921, of the Eldon Keith Field, for athletics, opposite the High School, marked the realization of that idea. This memorial gift by his father, the late George E. Keith, was a fulfilment of Eldon Keith's own expressed desire for the youth of the City. Mayor Gleason at once appointed a Committee on Organiza- tion : from the Board of Aldermen, Joseph J. Lane, Leland W. Snow (deceased), Frederick A. MulHns. To these. President Roger Keith of the Common Council (later Mayor) added Coun- cilmen Edward L. Perkins, Arthur M. Bonney (deceased), Wil- liam D. Thomas, Philip J. Ryan, Herbert McGlone. The Com- mittee was completed by the following Citizens' Group, appointed by the Mayor: Willard F. Jackson, City Planning Board; Wil- liam T. Shinnick, Commander Brockton Post American Legion ; George H. Leach of the George E. Keith Company and Chairman of the local War Chest Fund; Merle S. Getchell, Headmaster High School; Patrick J. O'Byrne, President of the Brockton Joint Shoe Council and Rev. ^^'arren P. Landers. In September, 1919, this Committee after careful consideration named a general Committee of One Hundred, representing the City's varied interests and activities, which with later additions, continued through the Centennial. This larger Committee met at Public Library Hall, October 17, Mayor Gleason presidino-. Addresses outlining and emphasizing the possibilities of the cele- 45 bration were given by Frank H. Whitmore, librarian ; Mr. Get- chell, ]\Ir. Leach and John P. Meade, Deputy Commissioner of Labor, and others. Superintendent of Schools John F. Scully, sent a letter highly commending the Centennial. The beginnings of a permanent organization were made. On November 15, the General Committee met in ojh'u forum to receive practical sug- gestions for the observance. Anticipating the publication of this commemorative volume, Mr. Landers was designated Historian of the Centennial. The permanent organization effected, with such additions as were later thought advisable, was as follows : Centennial Officers and Committees Chainuaii — His Honor The Mayor, William L. Gleason. 1919- 20; His Honor The Mayor. Roger Keith. 1921. Honorary CJiairuicn — William L. Douglas, John J.Whipple,* Charles Williamson, Emery M. Low, David W. Battles, Edward H. Keith, John S. Kent, William H. Clifford, Harry C. Howard, Charles M. Hickey, John S. Burbank, Stewart B. McLeod. Secretary — W'arren P. Landers. Treasurer — Bernard Saxton. Vice Chairmen — C. Chester Eaton. Edward Gilmore. Fred B. Howard, Frank E. Packard, Warren A. Reed, John F. Scully. Executive Committee — His Honor Tlie Mayor, Chairman ; Adrian P. Cote, C. Chester Eaton, Merle S. Getchell. Pldward Gilmore. William L. Gleason, Charles P. Holland, Fred B. Howard. Harold C. Keith, John S. Kent, Warren P. Landers, George H. Leach, Warren A. Reed, licrnard Saxton, John F. Scully, Herbert L. Tinkham, Frank H. Whitmore; representing Brockon Agricultural Society: Fred F. Field, Harry C. Briggs, I'Vank L. Crocker, Charles H. Pope, Edward M. Thompson ; represculing the Municipal Finance Committee: ^^'illiam A. Bul- livant, Elmer A. Egan, Benjamin A. Hastings, Jolm Holmes, Gerald Kelk-hcr, Chester T. Swanson, William I). Thomas, War- ren Tirrell. •Deceased. 46 ROGER KEITH Centennial Mayor of Brockton Chairman of Executive Committee WARREN P. LANDKRS Secretary and Historian of the P.roc-kton Centennial Pageant Executive Committee — Frank H. Whitmore, Chair- man ; Willard F. Jackson, Executive Secretary ; Joseph F. Reilly, Corresponding Secretary ; John N. Howard, Treasurer ; William A. Bullivant, Harry W. Flagg, Airs. Suzanne Cary Gruver, War- ren S. Keith, Warren P. Landers. Educational and Exhibits Coiiuiiittcc — John F. Scully, Chair- man ; George W. Alden, Stephen P. Alden, Miss Annie L. Burke, Davis M. Debard, C. Chester Eaton, Frank L. Erskine, Charles R. Hillberg, Edgar P. Howard, Patrick J. O'Byrne, Mrs. Fred H. Packard, David Tyndall. Finance Comniittcc — George H. Leach, Chairman; William A. Bullivant, Charles D. Nevins, John J. O'Reilly, Frank E. Pack- ard, Lars Peterson, Bernard Saxton, William D. Thomas. Office and Headquarters Committee — Charles P. Holland, Chairman ; Joseph C. Crocker, Walter M. Dunbar, Robert C. Eraser, Edward L. Perkins. Pageant Comniittcc — -William T. Card, Chairman Pageant Book Committee ; Mrs. Oscar F. Emery, Chairman Pageant Cast Com- mittee ; Mrs. Alerton F. Ellis, Chairman Pageant Costumes Com- mittee ; Miss Mary E. Fish, Chairman Pageant Dancing Commit- tee ; Harry C. Smith, Chairman Pageant Lighting Committee ; Edgar P. Howard, Chairman Pageant Make-Up Committee ; George Sawyer Dunham, Chairman Pageant Music Committee ; Louis F. Eaton, Chairman Pageant Police, Public Safety and Sanitation Committee ; LeBaron Atherton, Cliairman Pageant Properties Committee ; Adrian P. Cote. Chairman Pageant Pub- licity Committee ; Chester A. Hickman, Chairman Pageant Re- hearsals Committee ; Emil Lagergren, Chairman Pageant Scenery Committee ; Miss Harriette M. Perkins, Chairman Pageant Sing- ing Committee ; Harry C. Briggs, Chairman Pageant Stage Con- struction and Grounds Committee; William B. Freeman, Chair- man Pageant Stage Management Committee ; Edward AL Thomp- son, Chairman Pageant Tickets Committee . Publicity Conunittec — Adrian P. Cote, Chairman; James H. Burke, William D. Dwyer, Joseph A. Messier, Michael ]\Ioran, Ralph G. Spaulding, Albert G. Smith. 49 speakers and (Jiiesfs Committee — John S. Kent, Chairman; Frank S. l-arnuin. Edward Gilmore, John P. Meade, Walter Rapp. Sports Coiiiiiiittee — Harold C. Keith. Chairman; Horace A. Keith, A. F. Nelson. Daniel \\'. Packard, Charles M. Park, E. ]\Iarion Roberts. Richard P. Whitman. Sunday Coniiiiittee — jMerle S. Getchell. Chairman; Mrs. John J. Brock, A. J. Freedman. Horace F. Holton. General Conunittee — Michael Abraczinsky, George W. Alden, Stephen P. Alden, LeBaron Atherton, Mrs. Lettie Kingsley Bar- den, Frank R. Barnard, David W. Battles, Stanton F. Bourne, Harry C. Briggs, Mrs. John J. Brock, William A. BuUivant, John S. Burbank, Miss Annie L. Burke, James H. Burke, L. M. Churbuck, William H. Clifford, Constantine Condikey, Mrs. Es- telle C. Copeland, John T. Corcoran, James Corey, Adrian P. Cote, Thomas F. Crawford, Frank L. Crocker, Oscar C. Davis, Davis M. Debard, William L. Douglas, William E. Doyle, Fred Drew, Walter M. Dunbar, George Sawyer Dunham, William D. Dwyer, C. Chester Eaton, Louis F. Eaton, Elmer A. Egan, Mrs. Oscar F. Emery, Frank L. Erskine, Frank S. Farnum, Fred F. Field. Fred F. Field, Jr., Miss Mary E. Fish, Harry W. Flagg, Robert C. Eraser, A. J. Freedman, Wilham B. Freeman, Merle S. Getchell. Edward Gilmore, William L. Gleason, Mrs. Suzanne Gary Gruver, Walter B. Hall, Benjamin A. Hastings, Charles M. Hickey, Chester A. Hickman, Charles R. Hillberg, Fred S. Hilton, William A. Hogan, Charles P. Holland, John Holmes, Horace F. Holton, George E. Horton, Edgar P. Howard, Fred B. Howard, Harry C. Howard, John N. Howard, Alexander Hutchinson, W'illard F. Jackson, Walter E. Johnson, Thomas F. Keefe, Ed- ward H. Keith, Harold C. Keith, Horace A. Keith, Roger Keith, Warren S. Keith, Gerald Kelleher, John S. Kent, Isaac S. Kibrick, Bartholomew F. Killilea, Mrs. Jennie Kovner, Emil Lagergren, Charles T. Laird, Warren P. Landers, Joseph J. Lane, George H. Leach, Emery M. Low, Hector E. Lynch, Jr., William G. McGlin- chey, Herbert McGlone, Clarence A. McLaughlin, Stewart B. McLeod, John P. Meade, Joseph A. Messier, Charles E. Moore, 50 GEORGE H. LEACH Chairman Finance Committee, Member of Executive and Book Committees JOHN N. HOWARD Treasurer, Pajjeant Committee Michael Moran, Allan C. Alorrison, Harold G. ]\Iorse. Frederick J. Mullins, A. F. Nelson, Charles D. Kevins, Carl Norton, Pat- rick J. O'Byrne, John L. O'Reilly. Ernest Ouelette, Daniel W. Packard, Frank E. Packard, Mrs. Fred H. Packard, Charles M. Park, Henry F. Parker, Ralph G. Paulding, Edward L. Perkins, Miss Harriette M. Perkins, Lars Peterson, Charles H. Pope, Walter Pratt. John I. RackliiTe, Clarence L. Randall. Walter Rapp, \\'arren A. Reed, Joseph F. Reilly, Horace Richmond, E. Marion Roberts, Henry Rubin, Philip J. Ryan. Bernard Sax- ton, William H. Scanlon, Bruno E. Schwartz, John F. Scully, John J. Sheehan, William T. Shinnick, Albert G. Smith, C. R. Storey, Chester T. Swanson. E. Eugene Thayer, \\"illiam D. Thomas, Edward M. Thompson, Herbert L. Tinkham, Warren Tirrell, Mrs. Warren Tirrell, Frank A. Tonis, Joseph C. Tougas, David Tyndall, John P. Unes, John J. Whipple.* Richard P. Whitman, Frank H. Whitmore, Alfred H. Wilbur, Harry H. Williams, Joseph L. Williams, Charles Williamson, Max E. Wind, Miss Ruth A. Woodward, E. J. Zuris. PROGRAM AND BUDGET Upon its appointment in October. 1919. the Executive Com- mittee carried forward the detail upon the basis of the following provisional program: Sunday. June 12. 1921: Suitable obser- vance in the Churches. Monday (Old Home Day), extending through the week : Educational and historical exhibits. Tues- day : Fraternal and social functions by Clubs and Lodges. Wed- nesday, June 15: The exact anniversary of the Centennial of the Incorporation of the Town of North Bridgewater out of which Brockton has grown — evening Pageant at the Fair Grounds. Thursday evening : Pageant. Friday : High School Commence- ment ; other school programs and reunions. Saturday : Free out- of-door s])orts in various ])arts of the City; evening. High School Alumni dance. Beginning May 3rd of Centennial Year, the Executive Committee held meetings each Tuesday in the Mayor's office, hearing reports and directly concerning itself with the success of the Event. •Deceased. 53 Representhig MUNICIPAL FINANCE COMMITTEE. Alderman, Ward 7. Councilman, Ward 4. President, Common Council Councilman, Ward 2. Councilman, Ward 3. Ward 1. Councilman, Ward 3. The history of the financial side of the Centennial is here sum- marized. Early in 1920, the City Government appropriated in its Budget $300 for incidental expenses in the preliminary ar- rangements. This was all that was requested, and of that amount only about $75 was expended, chiefly in the Secretary's depart- ment. For the Centennial detail, the Finance Committee, George H. Leach. Chairman, presented a carefully prepared budget upon the basis of which the municipal administration of 1921, Roger Keith, Mayor, passed an appropriation of $10,000. The Budget was as follows : Pageant Committee, Frank H. Whitmore, Chairman $8,000.00 Sunday Committee, Merle S. Getchell, Chairman 500.00 Publicity Committee, Adrian P. Cote, Chairman 1,000.00 Sports Committee, Harold C. Keith, Chairman 500.00 Educational and Exhibits Committee, John F. Scully, Chairman 100.00 Office and Headquarters Committee, Charles P. Hol- land, Chairman 1 , 1 1 5 .00 Speakers Committee, John S. Kent, Chairman 100.00 Finance Committee, George H. Leach, Chairman 0.00 Retail Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, William R. Cook, Chairman 500.00 $11,815.00 The Budget adopted by the Pageant Committee appears upon pag-e 97, in connection with the Story of the Pageant. All expenditures were made by City Treasurer's checks on proper vouchers approved by Committee Chairmen and the Finance Committee. For detail of actual cost and receipts in full for this memorable observance, the reader is referred to the state- ments printed following the final Program of the Week. THE FORMAL OPENING— SUNDAY, JUNE 12TH In keeping with the history of New England town foundings, the Centennial opened with divine worship, Sunday morning. There were large congregations in all Churches. Ministers and 55 people co-operated to make the hour memorable in recognition of Providence, in a note of gratitude, and in the emphasis upon the moral and religious forces whicli have made Brockton. The Committee in charge of the Day: Merle S. Getchell, Mrs. John J. Brock, Abram J. Freedman, Rev. Horace F. Holton, D. D., presented the Churches with an attractive uniform Order of Service which was generally used throughout the City. Its artistic cover was designed by Charles R. Knapp, teacher at the High School. AN ORDER OF DIVINE WORSHIP FOR CENTENNIAL SUNDAY The Organ Prelude A Hymn of Praise. "O Worship the King." Tune Hanover The Invocation by the Minister, the people remaining standing. Almighty God, our Lord and Father, who from of old hast caused thy people to live in communities, and who hast brought us together to dwell in this pleasant place, grant we beseech Thee the inspiration and the guidance of Thy Holy Spirit, as we begin this day the observance of the Centennial of our city's founding. Summon us by the memories of the past, to resolve to make the future great. The Lord's Prayer l)y all the people. An Anthem. The First Scripture Lesson. A Responsive Service. The Minister — I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. The People — Our feci shall stand within thy gates, Jerusalem. The Minister — Pray for the peace of Jerusalem : they shall prosper that love thee. The People — Peace be ■zcifliiii thy walls, aiui prosperity within thy palaces. The Minister — For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say. Peace be within thee. 56 MERLE S. GETCHELL Member of Executive and Chairman of Sunday Committee 3UNDAYJUNE.I2 PUBLIC¥OIOHIP 'nALLTHECHURLHES ^ "'-"'"'''" '^ COVER PACK Uniform Order of Worship, Drawn by Charles R. Knapp The People — Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good. The Minister — They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever. The People — .-^.s- tlic mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people. The Minister — For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous ; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity. The People — Do good O Lord, unto those that he good, and to them that are upright in their hearts. The Minister — And I hear a great voice out of heaven saying, Minister and People, All — Behold the tabernacle of God is zvith men, and He will dwell with them and they shall be His peo- ple and God Himself shall be with them and be their God. The Gloria The Second Scripture Lesson A Hymn— "Our God our help in ages past" Tune St. Anne The Morning Prayer, Including the "Prayer for Our City," Rauschenbusch A Response by the Choir The Reception of the Morning Offering The Offertory by the Choir The Announcements A Hymn — "Faith of our fathers" Tune St. Catherine The Sermon 59 HORACE F. HOLTON, 1). \). Member of Sunday Committee, Compiler Uniform Order of Worship A Closing Hymn.— The Brockton Centennial Hymn. Tune, Harwell ("Hark, Ten Thousand Harps and Voices") Come, ye loyal sons of Brockton, Tell the tale with joyful lays; Sing the earnest faith and effort Leading to these "Memory Days." Looking backward down the years. Can we help but give God praise ? Alleluia,— Alleluia,— Alleluia.— Amen. Country village, infant city; Onward, upward, lead the pace Till one hundred years have measured What they held of strength and grace. Sturdy forebears, striving on. We with pride your history trace. Alleluia.— Alleluia,— Alleluia.— Amen. Let us honor those who built you. Made you, city that we know; Native born or since adopted, Station high or station low, All have builded who have striven ; We now reap what they did sow. Alleluia. — Alleluia. — Alleluia. — Amen. Thus one hundred years have vanished — Save to memory, lost to view ; What shall be the message left us, \Mien Centennial passes too ? — Effort ; courage ; strength ; and will ; Brockton's sons by faith renew. Alleluia.— Alleluia.— Alleluia.— Amen. — ArtJutr L. Ativood. 61 A Final Service of Prayer. Minister and the People Grant, O Lord, that we may never forget that we are the citizens of no mean city, nor may we he ever unmindful that it can truly prosper only as we are dominated by the ideals of true religion, expressed in our daily lives by acts of justice, righieousness and good will. To this end help us now, and in the years to come, build strong and sure the Church of our God in the heart of our city. The Choir — "Amen" The Benediction The Organ Postlude THE BROCKTON CHURCHES— JUNE, 1921 Organised 1737 — First Parish Congregational Church. \\'ithout a minister. 1827 — The New Jerusalem Church. Rev. Russell Eaton, Minister. 1830 — Pearl Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. John S. Bridgford, Minister. 1837 — South Congregational Church. Rev. Seeley K. Tompkins, Minister. 1842 — Central Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Joseph Cooper, Minister. 1850 — Porter Congregational Church. Rev. Horace F. Holton, Minister. 1856— St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Very Rev. Bartholomew F. Killilea, Pastor. 1858 — First Universalist Church. Rev. George Wilson Scudder, Minister. 1867 — First Swedish Ev. Lutheran Church. Rev. Peter hVoeberg, Minister. 1868— St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Rev. David B. Matthews, Rector. 1876 — First Baptist Church. Rev. James Holmes, Minister. 62 1878 — Swedish Congregational Church. Rev. Axel Bergstedt, Minister. 1879— South Street Methodist Episcopal. Rev. George Ehner Mossman, Minister. 1881— Unity Church. Rev. Samuel B. Xobbs. Minister. 1883 — Swedish Baptist Church. Rev. A. Alfred Engdahl, ^Minister. 1884 — Wales Ave. Baptist Church. Rev. L. M. Olmstead, Minister. 1886— North Baptist Church. Rev. F. W. French, Minister. 1887 — Advent Christian Church. Rev. James McLaughlin, IMinister. 1887— Warren Ave. Baptist Church. No minister. 1889— Franklin ]\lethodist Church. Rev. Charles H. VanNatter, Minister. 1890 — Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. G. Setterstrom, Minister. 1893— Olivet Alemorial C. and M. Alliance. Rev. F. L. Allen, Minister. 1893— Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Rev. Victor Choquette, Pastor. 1896 — A\'aldo Congregational Church. Rev. Charles M. Crooks, Minister. 1896— St. Edward's Catholic Church. Rev. T. F. Brannan, Pastor. 1897— Messiah Baptist Church. Rev. Benjamin G. Brawley, Minister. 1897 — Lincoln Congregational Church. Rev. Martin C. Jennings, Minister. 1897 — Wendell Avenue Congregational Church. Rev. Alvin P. Cummins, Minister. 1898 — First Church of Christ, Scientist. Mrs. Gertrude Tilden Thompson, First Reader. 63 1899— United Presbyterian Clinrch. Rev. Samnel A. Jackson, ^Minister. 19C0 — Agudas Achim Synagogue. Rabl)i A. S. Borvick. 1902 — .St. Margaret's Catholic Churcli. Rev. Alexander Hamilton, Tastor. 1903 — St. Rocco's Catholic Church. Rc'w jdhn Svagsdz, Pastor. 1910 — St. Cohnan's Catholic Church. Rev. \\ illiam J. Fennessy, Pastor. 1911 — Anshe Svard Synagogue. Rabbi A. S. Borvick. 191-1 — Our Lady of Ostrabrama Catholic Church. Rev. Ignatius E. Limont, Pastor. 1916— Greek Orthodox Catholic Church. Rev. George Gazetas, Pastor. 1920— Alartland Ave. Baptist Church. Rev. E. \\'. Mitchell, Minister. CENTENNIAL SUNDAY PULPIT MESSAGES Space will not permit more than a brief abstract from the excellent discourses of the Day. It was evident that much thought had been given to the Anniversary, and the preachers readily rose to the great occasion. The h^iRST Parish Congregational Church "There is something greater than teams and regiments which blaze their way through one season, one war, one generation, and that is the regiment that fights on from generation to generation, holds a common i)urpose with rdl has been and all that is to be great ; is comrade with all the fine free hearts of the centuries, the church of Jesus Christ. "lUit the church, a Congregation;d church, an old Congrega- tional church! Isn't it rather out of the glow and movement of things today, a thinking church in an age when people just want to ])lay? A self-res])onsible church in an age when people leave 64 even the souls of their children to the public schools and the movies and look to government and the labor union to make the Kingdom of Heaven? "The world says the church alone can save society and then insists the church shall stand for nothing society doesn't like. The world wants the church's saving equalities, but demands that the church become delic|uescent, liquidate, and have no saving c|ualities. Tf the church is narrow-minded, so is a board of health. We are satisfied that the one way rum can be handled is by prohibition. Narrow-minded ! So is a mother and the more narrow-minded she is the better mother she is. The JVall Street Journal, Roger Babson, the cabinet minister, do not mean the 'church' when they say the church alone can save society. Cer- tainly they do not mean this timid thing that is split up into 240 different camps. They mean Jesus Christ. It is God who is going to save the world." — The Rev. J. Lee Mitchell, Attlehoro. The Porter Congregational Church "\Miat Brockton needs for the future is the right sort of folks for her citizenship. It is more and better religion that Brockton needs. This religion must not be the religion of individualism, which, in its emphasis, doctrines, ceremonies and governments, divides men into opposing ecclesiastical camps. It must be the religion that solidifies men, that emphasizes the great social re- quirements of religion, righteousness, justice and brotherliness. A religion that knows no creed nor caste nor race in the great family of God, and in the glorious commonwealth of the souls of men. "And the manifestation of the spirit of true religion which we must have will come in the spirit of victorious faith. Faith in ourselves, faith in our institutions, faith in our city and in her future, a faith that every citizen will back with all the energy and money and influence which he has. We must have the faith that can look down through the years and see a richer, happier 65 o Brockton, filled with enthusiastic loyal citizens all working to- gether for the good of all in the spirit of the Master, and then will set out resolutely to realize the dream : " 'That sees beyond the years An alabaster city gleam Undimmed by human tears.' " —Hie Rev. Horace F. Holton, D.D., Pastor. The South Congregatioxal Church Emphasizing the fact that the town was builded upon a reli- gious Christian foundation, the first settlers being gathered into one religious community, Rev. Seeley K. Tompkins, D.D., Pastor, outlined the growth of the City, the building of Churches and the succeeding expansion of a Century. He compared the development of Brockton with that of the West. During the gold strikes, communities were established with gold as the objective and inspiring factor. The churches appeared later in their history, to instruct the people in the manner of living. The speaker expressed the hope that evidences of greater pros- perity would mark the second century of the City's life. He urged the congregation to a finer displa}^ of faith in God, to a nobler patriotism. The First Baptist Church The evening sermon was an appreciation of the City from ex- perience covering four years. "Brockton can be well proud of its large number of Christian business men, the splendid co-operation of the press, with all religious activities destined to bring good to the municipality, the wonderful Christian work accomplished by the Visiting Nurse Association and local hospitals, and the Christian fellowship and brotherhood found among the ministers and churches. "There has never been a city equal or bigger in size where I have found such a large number of public-spirited noble Christian 67 citizens, nearly all of whom are tied up with some active church or community work for Christian advancement. The rising- generation can look back with pride upon the present business men whose ability to make money and the money itself is turned into Christian channels to promote Christian enterprises. "Thanks to the newspapers, the ministers do not preach to small congregations." — llic Rev. Jaii'cs Holmes, Pastor. St. Paul's Episcopal Church The Rector described Brockton as : "A very progressive city, a desirable place to live in. It is the largest shoe city in the world and has beautiful churches, fine school houses, with largest High school in this part of the country, a splendid library, a great Y. M. C. A. and Y. \\\ C. A., a very efficient fire department, a very able police force, enterprising and well-edited news- papers, playgrounds and other civic attractions. All denote prog- ress and enterprise and speak well for the caliber of the men who have contributed of their time, thought, labor and money to make the first 100 years of this city count for so much prosperity." He added that it was the mission of the church to assist, where possible, in beautifying the city in appearance as well as purifying it from evil agencies, making the city a place of beauty and a place of helpfulness and purity. —The Rez'. David B. Matthetcs, S.T.D., Rector. The Central AIetiiodist Church "Social life is to 1)C undcrgirded by moral considerations. How can we l)uild our City of I'rutli? We are to be true to the good men who laid the foundations of the city. Loyalty to those who have labored and sufi'ered in the ])ast constitutes a fine element of citizenship. We should be true to the neighborly feeling that seeks the good of all. In a city of this size, we become known to each other. Civic virtue should incline us to social helpfulness. Love of city should lead us to seek the good of all its citizens. 68 "We should be true to the best things in the hfe of the city for the sake of example and influence. A good citizen is a moral asset of unmeasurable value. In the city, life is jammed together and oin- personal influence is correspondingly large. We should be true to the things that make our future secure. To education, which should be free, broad, ethical, and practical ; to law, which should have from all of us respect and obedience. We must be true to religion, the life and power of all that is truest and best in the world or the future. From that source of highest good may arise the spirit and power of the finest citizenship." — The Rev. Joseph Cooper, Pastor. The Pearl Street Methodist Church "Are we God-fearing and God-serving citizens? Surely a question of grave importance asked in all relations to human life. Oh, how much we are dependent upon God for the advancement of city civilization and advantages ! Yet as in the old city of Enoch, there exists in ours of today much opposition to God, higher humanity and good citizenship. "When an individual neglects his God, his church, he takes away a factor for city improvement. The great problem of the day is to make a God-fearing and serving environment. Our prosperity is based on qualities of faith, temperance, service and thrift, the products of religious life. Personal righteousness must enter into city life. We must study civic problems." —The Rev. John S. Bridgford, D.D., Pastor. The Church of the New Jerusalem The Pastor stated that years ago people went to church whether they wanted to or not, but that today people follow their own inclinations. Although there seems to be a falling away from church attendance, he was optimistic in regard to the matter, say- ing that the natural desire to go to church would come back to the masses of the people, in time. He also said that while children 69 must be made to go to church and Sunday school, the real Christian spirit in the heart of man should not be forced, but must come from a natural desire. He urged that this desire in the hearts of the people of Brockton be encouraged. — The Rev. Russell Eaton, Pastor. The Church of the Unity. The Minister commended the work of the city and spoke of the high morals which prevail. He commented on the fact that so many people owned their own homes. He hoped the time would come when we might have a religion of America, not one brought across the water. He expressed the hope that before the next hundred years should elapse, it would be possible to attend a church service which could be enjoyed without passing a number of perfectly good churches because one could not believe in them. The word picture was of a religion of America such as all might enjoy, though not accepting it in all particulars, and he expressed the hope that labor disagreements and industrial misunderstandings might soon be a thing of the past. The theme was "You will confer the greatest benefits on your city, not by raising its roof, but by exalting its souls." — Tlie Rev. Samuel B. Nohhs, Pastor. The Universalist Church "We have learned to work together with a good degree of Christian brotherliness, and have developed a commendable civic morale. We must continue and improve upon the policies of the past that have made us a great city. We should keep before us the goal of an ideal city. One of the most important things is to continue to place the emphasis on the church first. The teachings of religion have nurtured all that is noblest and best in the lives of the citizens of Brockton and have been the chief factor in developing the moral fiber of our people. If we are to conserve our city and build it greater, we must look sharply to the development of our home life. 70 We have learned many lessons in working together. We have built up a world-wide reputation as leaders in adjusting industrial conditions on a fair basis. Brockton has become famous for the practice of arbitration and it is our privilege to carry that great Christian principle of the fair deal forward to the highest point. Another thing which will make for the greatness of our city is to improve our recreation facilities that we may learn to play together and become better acquainted. We ought to seek to make a wise use of our leisure time by making the most of our opportunities for recreation and true neighborliness and breaking down barriers of class or race or creed. — The Rev. George Wilson Scudder, Pastor. Other Church Topics "Making the City Glad"— The Rev. Martin C. Jennings, Lin- coln Congregational. "The Prosperity of the City"— Rabbi A. S. Bervick. Agudas Achim Synagogue. "A Sure Foundation" — The Rev. Benjamin Brawley, Messiah Baptist. "A Promise for Brockton"— The Rev. Samuel A. Jackson, United Presbyterian. "The City of God"— The Rev. Peter Froeberg, D.D., Swedish Lutheran. CONCERT AND COMMUNITY SING— SUNDAY AFTERNOON Following the morning exercises by the Churches, was a most appropriate assembly at the Fair Grounds at 5 o'clock when 15,000 men, women and children formally opened the Centennial week. The program planned by the Sunday Committee carried the official warrant in the presence and message of His Honor, Mayor Roger Keith, who read a Proclamation setting apart the week 71 of remembrance. Alartland's Band of fifty pieces, Mace Gay, conductor, and a huge chorus led by George Sawyer Dunham, furnished music. In the singing of hymns and songs, the great audience enthusiastically joined. The following program was rendered : March — "America Victorious" Baglev The Band Songs — "America" "Come, Thou Almighty King" Selections by the Band — From "Rigoletto" Verdi Overture from "William Tell" Rossini "The Stars and Stripes Forever" Sousa Centennial Proclamation — Mayor Keith "Whereas on June 15, 1921, the community known as the City of Brockton will be 100 years old, and "Wliereas, hundreds of people are now enthusiastically ren- dering service in order that this event may be suitably marked, and "Whereas, our City with its usual spirit desires to com- memorate as a whole this Anniversary, "I do therefore set aside the week of June 12th to 18th for fitting observation thereof, for the welcome of returning citi- zens for the promotion of personal friendship, for the proper climax to 100 years of sv:ccessful growth, for the first step in our second century. "May Almighty God continue to bless and prosper our City. "Given under my hand and seal this seventh day of June, A. D., 1921." Roger Keith, Mayor. A Prayer for Our City — Written by Walter Rauschenbusch Read by The Rev. Horace F. Holton, D.D., Pastor Porter Congregational Church Singing — "Centennial Hymn" Written for the Anniversary I'y Arthur L. Atwood, Brockton "Battle Hymn of the Republic" "Love's Old Sweet Song" "Dixie" 72 ADRIAN P. COTE Member of the Executive, Chairman of Publicity Committee Suite — "Don Quixote" Safranck 1 Spanish \'illage 2 Danza 3 Dulcinea 4 Don Quixote Singing — "Sniiles" "Old Folks at Home" "There's a Long, Long Trail" Grand Selection by the Band — Songs from The Old Folks Lake The program concluding with a remarkable rendering of "The Star Spangled Banner," by the audience and band. (Centennial Hymn received award offered by Sunday Committee. Included in Morning Order of Services, page 61.) MONDAY: DECORATIONS AND EXHIBITS The City presented a gala day appearance. In accord with the suggestions of the Executive Committee, corporations and citi- zens made lavish use of the colors. An appropriation of $500 was granted as encouragement to the merchants. The Official Banner hung across Main Street, just north of Crescent, at- tracted much attention. The Chamber of Commerce co-operated in a unique way : numerous small evergreens in cement receptacles were placed along the walks throughout the business section. Among the notable decorations aside from ])ubHc buildings, were those of the Commercial Club. Fraternal houses, factories and business blocks generally recognized the occasion and fairly blossomed with flags, bunting and special designs. It is not too much to say that never in Brockton's history has there been such a genuine and unanimous desire to make the City attractive. Early in the Centennial planning historic and memorial exhibits were projected. The Chamber of Commerce, through the retail Merchant's Bureau, William R. Cook, Chairman, undertook a definite campaign for individual publicity in window and press 74 FRED E. HILTON Secretary Chamber of Commerce, Member of General Committee advertising, having a distinctive Centennial flavor. There was an admirable response and the stores were rewarded by the crowds which viewed their efforts. Edgar P. Howard exhibited a collection of water color sketches in the window of the millinery store of Miss Celia Burke. Among them : "The First Shipment of Shoes from North Bridgewater," (1811) ; Mis' Jones" School with her Rewards of Merit; "Main Street in 1837." One of the notable memorials was the desk used by the Selectmen in drawing up papers creating the new Town of North Bridgewater, in 1821. Edison Electric Company gave prominent place to a portrait of Mr. Edison (see p. 25) and pictures of its plants in this vicinity. At Brassard's Variety Store, 222 Court Street, were exhibited by Charles S. W. Sanford, two photographs showing the First Steam Fire Engine and first Hose Cart. The pictures were taken at Perkins Park, 1876, the year of their commission. Am- brose Kane & Co., Enterprise Building, showed sketches and etchings of early North Bridgewater and Brockton. A variety of old furniture, heirlooms and firearms were displayed in Wil- son's Smoke Shop, Main Street. Storey & Co., Washburn Block, made a most interesting exhibit of priceless gowns under the title, "Fashion Show of the 1860 Period." Among them that worn at her wedding by Mrs. Ellen K. Joslyn (Mrs. Elisha H.) in 1857, and also the wedding gown of Mrs. Georgietta A. Reed (Mrs. William). 1874. \\'ilson's Studio presented in its wall-window, a collection of old photographs made by David T. Burrell, a pioneer in Brock- ton. This group, gathered half a century ago, included a print of the late George E. Keith. Plymouth County Trust Company showed in two windows, the Old and New. pictures illustratin-^ the community through the middle and present i:)eriods of devel- opment. Many of these were loaned by Frank E. Packard. The photograph of the factory owned by Peleg S. Leach, standing upon the present site of the Police Station, attracted much atten- tion. One of the most instructive contributions to the educa- 77 tional side of the Celebration was made through the press: The Times illustrating its issues with pictures of present public build- ings and The Enterprise exhibiting a valuable series of old views illustrating special articles. Glazier, photographer, showed a picture of the Grover disaster of 1905. At tlu- Pulilic Library, Mr. W'hitniore and his associates ar- ranged a unitjue exhibit of women's costumes from 1840 to the present, made from fashion i:)lates. In the Art room, many photograplis of Colonial furniture were shown. Fraser Dry Goods Co. had an artistic display, centering in two shawls of ye olde tyme. One is the property of Airs. A, G. A\'aterman, date of 1826; and the other, a Paisley, owned by Mrs. Silas Daven- port, and belonging to the same period. Cook & Tyndall Co. showed dress goods of 1848 and other interesting mementos. Appropriately the collection of portraits of the principals of the High School was completed and exhibited Centennial Week. Headmaster ]\Ierle S. Getchell, seventh in the succession, was responsible for the securing of this important contribution to local educational history. The group includes: J. G. Leavitt, 1864- 1866; Alfred Laws, 1866-1868; Edward W. Rice, 1868-1869; Alonzo Meserve, 1869-1870; Edward Parker, January, 1871-1906 as principal, afterward teacher of American history and principal emeritus until October, 1914, when retired by law ; Charles T. C. Whitcomb, 1906-1914. Among the residences having special historical significance and so indicated were the Bryant Homestead, Belmont Street (see pp. 39-43 ), owned today by the William Cullen Bryant Asso- ciation, and the house built in 1881 by former-Governor William L. Douglas on West Elm Street, now occupied by Charles R. Storey. Notable interest was taken in the Centennial by local banks : Brockton National issued a gold souvenir medal carrying a design . symbolic of the progress of the city. These were widely distrib- uted. Plymouth County Trust Company published a four-page folder with views of Brockton and a historical and interpretive article. 78 THE PORTER MEMORIAL SERVICE /;/ Coiiimciiioratioii of flic Ministry of the First Pastor, The Reveren d John Por ter, 1740-1800 While not originally a part of the Centennial observance as planned by the Central Committee, the exercises held on Tuesday afternoon, June 14, at the grave of the First Minister of the North Parish of Bridgewater, readily became important in the week's recognition of formative influences. The ceremonies were held in the old First Parish Cemetery on Main Street nearly opposite Grove, on the grounds lately acquired by a new corpora- tion of descendents of Mr. Porter's contemporaries, for improve- ment and perpetual care. The exercises were in charge of The Rev. ^^'arren P. Landers, representing the First Parish, and The Rev. Horace F. Holton, D.D., Minister of Porter Church. They were assisted by The Rev. Seeley K. Tompkins. D.D.. Minister of the South Congrega- tional Church and a quartet consisting of Miss Theresa Sprague. Miss Ellen Nelson, Louis Carroll and John R. Jones, singing hymns of the period. During the exercises the chimes in the First Parish tower played appropriately. After a selection by the quartet and scripture reading from Ecclesiasticus XLIV by Dr. Tompkins, prayer was offered by Dr. Holton. On behalf of the Churches, a Memorial wreath was then placed upon the headstone by Suzanne Cary Gruver and Bertha Corliss Landers, of the Pilgrim Daughters of First Parish, and Mrs. O. W. Adams and Mrs. William H. Thayer of the United Workers of Porter Church. The first address follows : A Portrait of the First Minister of North B ridge w.xter By Rev. Warren P. Landers Upon early 18th Century canvas it is my privilege to sketch a portrait of the First Minister of the North Parish of Bridge- water. 79 John Porter was a native of Abington, our nearby neighbor on the east, where he was born in 1716. His parents, Samuel and Mary Porter, in accord with the godly habit of their genera- tion, dedicated him to the gospel ministry. For that period of New England history, Harvard College was the only considerable center of education. There pious folk sent their sons. Graduates were chiefly candidates for the sacred ofifice, even as among cultured people the clergy formed the leading class. At twenty, John Porter had graduated. Records are not clear as to his life for the next three years (1736-39), but we assume that, after the manner of the times, he studied divinity with some leading clergyman, fitting himself both for the polemic work in which the pulpit of that day so much delighted and for the pastoral service to which he later gave wisdom and zeal. When he was twenty-three, Mr. Porter candidated for the Fourth Church in Bridgewater. This Parish had been set apart in 1739. Its meeting house, begun two years before, was not finished till 1749. It occupied a site not far from the present First Parish Congregational Church, whose chimes just rang in beautiful cadence Wesley's hymn — "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," composed in the year of Mr. Porter's actual pastoral beginning in this community. He was called to the Church August 25, 1740, and ordained to the Christian ministry the 15th of October following. The edifice was a simple board structure without steeple, bell or chimney. \\'armth was supplied from the pulpit. Diamond- shaped panes filled the windows. It was gradually completed according to funds and the wishes of individual families. Pews were erected by purchasers of floor space, as required. The records show men's and women's galleries approached by separate stairs, and also a distinct section for the few colored people of that day. Amidst such material conditions, in a straggling New England village still under foreign control, Mr. Porter began his long ministry of sixty years. "His qualifications, both natural and acquired," quaintly wrote Bradford Kingman, "were peculiarly 81 respectable." His mind was alert. While not controversial as many in his veneration, he was an able defender of the Faith as he ri'cei\e(l it. and for the period of stress through which the Colonists passed in '76 and in succeeding years he manifested a patriotic spirit which endeared him to the entire countryside. Among the factors to which he himself attributed usefulness, was his acquaintance, later ripening into friendship, with that renowned spiritual leader, George Whitfield, who visited America (1738) just prior to Mr. Porter's coming to the Parish and again in 1744. On this last itinerary, the famous preacher came to Boston. During the weeks following November 24th, Whitfield preached "in the southern part of the province." It was then, presumably, that he occupied the pul])it, whose mini.ster we are commemorating. Recalling the friendship of Whitfield for Wes- ley, we can see how the forces of evangelical teaching moved upon Mr. Porter and doubtless accounted for the revivals which were later recalled in a historical address given in 1820 (Daniel Hun- tington, 1812-33, First Church; 1840-53, South Church). There Mr. Huntington says that in "six successive periods Mr. Porter was gladdened by a powerful effusion of the Holy Spirit and enlargement of the Church." Under such dispensation and with the needs of the growing parish, a new meeting house was dedi- cated in 1763. In his first sermon in the second edifice, the pastor preached from the words: "The glory of this latter House shall be greater than of the former" (Haggai 11:9). An illustration of his resourcefulness is in what Dr. Francis E. Clark acknowledges to have been in spirit and practice a true Christian Endeavor Society. Within two years of his begin- ning here, he organized a reading and prayer circle among his young ])eople. One article provided for a roll-call and the over- sight of absentees. In the interest of Christian training, Mr. Porter Inter ])ublished an address, "The Evangelical Plan: An Attempt to Form Right Notions and to Establish Them in the Minds of People." We sometimes think of old days in New England towns as wholly ([uiet and peaceful. It is true that they were pastoral 82 in simplicity but there were years of stress in the life of the State. Men of this Parish furnished bone and sinew for military expeditions during Mr. Porter's ministry — French and Indian, and the Revolution. Judging from the roll of soldiers supplied by Old Bridgewater, we can justly infer that Mr. Porter's patri- otic utterances fired zeal and kept unflagging the defence and support of the home-lines. An interesting side-light upon the times as well inchcating the spirit of this Minister, may be seen in a homely event which took place on the birthday of Napoleon Bonaparte, August 15, 1769. It was a famous donation party and while it swelled the "180 pounds per year" agreed upon in the 1740 "call," it served to distinguish alike the spirit of Parson and People. Young women — ninety-seven in all — met at the minister's house and presented Mrs. Porter for family uses 3,322 "knots" of linen, tow, cotton, and woolen yarn, which they had spun for that purpose. This was in the days of strong anti- British sentiment, and the presentation was intended to convey that idea in the colonial products. After strictly home refresh- ments, all repaired to the Church, where Mr. Porter preached on Dorcas and her good works. The service closed with an original hynm composed by the pastor. This reference brings us to the family of the Early Minister, which was considerable and influential in its legacy to the Town and State. Mr. Porter first married Olive Johnson of Canter- bury, Connecticut, who with her child died in 1749. Later he wedded Mary Huntington of Lebanon of that State, with whom he lived for fifty years and to whose character and devotion he owed much for success and reputation. She died November 22, 1801. There were eight children in this household. Three be- came ministers : John, Huntington, and Eliphalet. The first rose to rank of Major in the Revolutionary War. The others served for fifty years with distinction in their father's calling. A daughter, Mary, married a clergyman. Jonathan became a surgeon and was lost at sea. David died in youth. Two other daughters were Olive and Sybil. Mr. Porter continued to serve the Church actively till 1800, 83 when in response to his request, the Parish gave him a colleague in his labors. The pulpit privileges were divided still, for in February, 1802, the aged clergyman preached from the text: "I Must Work the Works of Him That Sent Me While It Is Day." Three weeks later, March 12, 1802, he passed into the land where is no night. Venerated in life and lamented in death, today a grateful people recalls liis \irtues and deeds. And so they brought him hither. Tenderly the Fathers laid him in this place hallowed by many such occasions in his long ministry. Here they wrote, as we may read after a lapse of more than a hundred years : THEY THAT BE WISE SHALL SHINE AS THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE FIRMAMENT; AND THEY THAT TURN MANY TO RIGHTEOUSNESS AS THE STARS FOR EVER AND EVER. It is a gracious thought that in our Centennial year this God's Acre is to be renovated and beautified by the descendants of his office bearers in that First Church to which this modern City owes so much for strength and goodness. May we be increasingly worthy of such a heritage. May the Churches which perpetuate his memory give themselves to their tasks in these commanding times with sincere and untiring devo- tion. Refreshed by these Centennial Days may this community be strengthened for its social, industrial and civic life. The second address was in part as follows : — The Influence of the Early New England Minister By Rev. Horace F. Holton, D.D. It is well for us to come aside for an hour in this Centennial Week, into this neglected old ])arisli burying-ground, to lay a wreath on the grave of the man who was the first minister in this community. To my mind this cemetery is symbolic of the forgetfulness that is in tlic minds of many New l^>nglanders con- cerning the most powerful influence that helped to shape the character and destiny of this part of the United States, in which we take such rightful pride. 84 New England owes her place of influence in this land of ours to the sturdy men and women whom she reared on her rock-ribbed farms, and in her quiet country villages, and then scattered all over the land, to be leaders in industry, and to be examples of integrity and righteousness. Those folks were moulded by the home, the school and the church of those days. And all three of these agencies were, in almost every community, dominated and inspired by a single outstanding personality, the village min- ister, of whom John Porter, the man whom we are here to honor, was a faithful and consistent example. A thoughtless age like ours is too apt to be satisfied with super- ficial judgments. We recall the hard and often narrow aspects of the characters of some of the New England divines, and we read with amazement of their heated controversies over abstract theological questions in which we are no longer interested. We read of their strivings of soul, and of their doubts as to their own salvation, and their gloomy discourses about hell, and we are apt to conclude that they were kill-joys, frantically leading their people into the barren pastures of bigotry. But a more careful study of their lives reveals them as men of extraordinary charac- ter. They were far better than their theology. The fact that the most of them had pastorates lasting a lifetime is a revelation of their human qualities. They went to a place and settled for life among their people. They spent long hours in painstaking study ; we read of some of them who made it a practice to be in their studies from 14 to 16 hours every day. They were men of real and intense personal devotion. They often had a very humble idea of themselves but they always had a very exalted idea of their calling. Those were days when there were few if any newspapers, and little communication with the outside world, and the minister was the only college-educated man in his community. The result was that he was looked up to by all. From him they received their ideas about this world and the next. He was their guide in government as well as in religion. It is not too much to say that the whole life of America has been shaped for good by these men 85 to the r Mil r i: r' ;,r '"" k -i-T^C -ipj^ Pageant FAIR GROUNDS June 15-16, 1921 EXHIBITS . ^Xr/M.?tr^2 ' ^''««^^ June 12-18-1921 cp:ntennial poster Drawn by Cliarlcs W. Holmes of God, who, by their learning, their piety and their practical wisdom led their people along the ways of God, and shaped their lives according to the austere pattern which they found in their Bible. The quartet sang "There is a Land of Pure Delight," and the exercises closed with Benediction by Mr. Landers. FRATERNAL NIGHT— TUESDAY, JUNE 14 The Centennial Committee made large provision for social opportunity. It emphasized for the week Old Home features, but Tuesday evening was set aside for special expression. Upwards of a hundred Clubs and Lodges planned Open House Night. As has been noted elsewhere, their advance guards came early to North Bridgewater and have through the years been conspicuous in their success. They have in general contributed to the social, benevolent and civic life of the Community. On Fraternal Night, many organizations presented carefully prepared programs; some included historical addresses of special value. One of the most notable gatherings was at the Commercial Club where its waiting list of sixty were special guests. Presi- dent J. Frank Beal introduced D. Brewer Eddy, one of the Secre- taries of the American Board for Missions of Boston, as speaker. The address was historical and inspirational, and stressed the need of the preservation of the old ideals by industrial leaders today. Dr. Ezra W. Clark made the principal address before the Anchor Lodge, I. O. O. F., M. U., and the scarlet degree was conferred on a large class of candidates. Refreshments were served by a committee in charge of Harold E. Allen. There were many special guests. The Masonic event of the evening was at Paul Revere Hall, where the exercises were in charge of John N. Howard, W. M. Musical selections by the South Congregational quartet and luncheon preceded the addresses. Former Mayor David W. Bat- tles, a Past Master of the Lodge, traced the history of Masonry in North Bridgewater since the dispensation organizing a lodge 87 in February, 1856. \\'arren P. Landers, Chaplain, Joseph Webb Lodge, Boston, and of BaaHs Sanford Lodge of this City, empha- sized the spirit of brotherhood as the assurance and safeguard of the future. An elaborate program was presented by Massasoit Lodge, Can- ton Nemasket, Unity Encampment, and the four Rebekah Lodges of Brockton, at Canton Hall. Nature dances, selections by the orchestra, solos, readings, refreshments and the presentation of a chair to Major Daniel W. Packard, were features of the evening. Grand Lodge officers were in attendance. The Knights of Pythias interpreted the spirit of the occasion: Damocles Lodge met in the Temple where interesting exercises were held including a Flag address (June 14) by the Rev. Joseph Cooper of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Montello Lodge entertained its auxiliary, Sabrina A. Erye Camp, and out-of-town a brief address and greatly enjoyed an evening which also in- cluded a musical entertainment. Brockton Divisions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians kept open house under direction of a committee at the head of which was County President John J. Sheehan. Postmaster Edward Gilmore gave a history of the organization and Mayor Keith brought the greetings of the City. Knights of Sherwood Forest (Brockton Conclave) entertained visiting members, including Supreme Quartermaster General, L. A. Main. Addresses and refreshments were enjoyed. The Brockton Nest of Owls met in specially decorated quarters, welcomed guests and listened to talks by Supreme Organizer Robert Simpson and William D. Dwyer. There was a program of entertainment. The Young Men's Hebrew Association held a social and re- ceived Mayor Keith as guest. Interwoven with national colors were the Zionist light blue and white decorations. A committee of which Abraham Horowitz was chairman, served refreshments. 88 FRANK H. WHITMORE Chairman of the Pageant Committee Member of Executive and Book Committees The Spanish ^^'ar \^eterans. jNIajor James A. Frye Camp, entertained its auxiharv, Sabrina A. Frye Camp, and out-of-town guests. A banquet was served. Jeremiah E. SulHvan, past com- mander, reviewed the history of North Bridgewater. Shoe City \\'heehnen observed the night at headcjuarters in Clark's Block. Pictures of old-time cycle riders were exhibited and a greeting received from A. H. Matson, first president of the Club. Entertainment and refreshments were the order. Presi- dent C. Arthur Lendh was toastmaster. Club Nationale held a dancing party at headquarters on Court Street. An orchestra of five pieces furnished music for one hun- dred couples. Exhibition dances and a collation were features of the evening. The Young Men's Christian Association expanded the Night idea and made its program cover the Day. Tennis, swimming and checker championships and a "final" in a handball tourna- ment, won by C. F. Leighton, were important events. A Pop Concert was given at the Y. W. C. A. by the Brockton's Business Woman's Club. An orchestra and vocal soloists fur- nished music. There were dancing and refreshments. Among other organizations reporting Open House, but with no formal program, were : Brockton Aerie, F. O. E. ; Brockton Lodge, B. P. O. E.; Brockton Lodge, L. O. O. M.; Seville Council, K. of C. THE PAGEANT OF BROCKTON At the Fair Grounds, Wednesday and TJuirsday Evenings, June 15 and 16 In a Year of Pageantry, Brockton's contribution was a distinct triumph from the historic, artistic and civic points of view. The author, Su/.anne Cary Gruver, is entitled to great ])raise for her eminent gift to Centennial Week. Community life was expressed in visible form through action, color and groujiing, dealing with a notable tlicnic. l)y an uncommon caste, and reaching a Finale 90 LINWOOD TAFT Director of the Pageant of Brockton '^f wondrous beauty and inspiration. The Founding of the Town and its development, with pictures of history in many departments of human interest, were shown in the episodes pre- sented by more than 1,600 persons. From the time the Week's Program took definite shape, it crystalized into this form of memorial education and entertain- ment. Aj)art from the fine co-operation of Committees and par- ticipants, a high local reason for the successful presentations of the Pageant, was in its staging at the Brockton Fair Grounds, wdiere great events so often occur. The Agricultural Society management not only tendered the use of the Grounds and grand- stand seating accommodations, but co-operated in every way with generosity of tiiue, service and experience. The public accepted the challenge to its interest and attendance. In setting up the Pageant, the Chairman, Frank H. Whitmore, Public Librarian, gathered about him a group of workers who made its production their chief business for many weeks. When finally completed, the directing personnel of The Pageant was as follows : Executive Couunittee — Frank H. Whitmore, Chairman; Wil- lard F. Jackson, Executive Secretary ; Joseph F. Reilly, Corre- .sponding Secretary ; John N. Howard. Treasurer ; William A. BuUivant, Harry W. Flagg, Mrs. S. J. Gruver, Warren S. Keith, Warren P. Landers. Director — Linwood Taft. Author — Suzanne Cary Gruver. Musical Director — George Sawyer Dunham. Production Committees Book — William T. Card, Chairman; Mrs. S. J. Gruver, Warren P. Landers. Cast — Mrs. Oscar F. Emery, Chairman ; Mrs. W. A. Sampson, Mrs. A. A. Wilbur, Mrs. Merton Willis. Dancing — Miss Mary E. Fish, Chairman ; Miss Ruble Capen, Miss Marie Cote, Miss Florence Lavy, Miss Ida Horton, Miss Mae McGee. 92 PAGEANT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1. Representing: City Council, 4. Treasurer. 7. Civic Representative 2. Legal Advisor. 5. Chairman. 8. Centennial Secretary. 3. Author. 6. Executive Secretary. 9. Corresponding Secretary. JOHN F. SCULLY Vice Chairman of Centennial Executive Committee Lighting — Harry C. Smith, Chairman ; J. J. Cahill, L. M. Churbuck. Costumes — Mrs. ]\I. F. ElHs, Chairman; Airs. J. [. Boyd, As- sistant Chairman; Mrs. W. B. Caswell, Miss Violet Ellis, Miss Katherine Field, Miss Marjorie Field, Mrs. Charles Groce, Miss Margaret Howard, Mrs. Erwin Reynolds, Miss Helen L. Tew, Mrs. C. G. WiUard. Make L'>— Edgard P. Howard, Chairman ; W. Fred Allen, Mrs. Arthur Blackey, Mrs. George W. R. Hill, George W. R. Hill, Mrs. H. B. Holmes, George Hull, Mrs. A. S. Kenney, Fred W. Sargent, Mrs. Harold Swain, Harold Swain. Music — George Sawyer Dunham. Chairman ; A. G. Baldwin, G. A. Boucher, T. Francis Burke, J. J. Cahill. Joseph E. Feeley. C. Lottie French, W. E. McGunnigle, Edward L. Pearson, Paulin Peterson, Morris Rafkin, F. A. Tonis. Properties — LeBaron Atherton, Chairman ; George W. Adams, U. A. Avery, Benjamin Taber. Publicity — Adrian P. Cote, Chairman ; James H. Burke, Fred E. Hilton, Ralph G. Paulding, Joseph F. Reilly, Albert G. Smith. Rehearsals — Chester A. Hickman, Chairman; David Irving, George W. Livie. Scenery — Emil Lagergren, Chairman ; Giovanni Castano, Leslie Chamberlain, Joseph Rodolphele. Singing — Miss Harriette M. Perkins, Chairman ; John Daley, Miss Ellen Freberg, Hjalmar Freberg, Miss Grace A. James, Ernest W. Stedman. Stage Construction and Grounds — Harry C. Briggs, Chairman ; C. H. Pope, Edward M. Thompson. Stage Management — William B. Freeman. Chairman ; Alden Howard, Norman Petrie, Ernest W. Stedman. Tickets — Edward M. Thompson, Chairman ; Frank L. Crocker, Ralph P. Jackson, Horace Mann. Auto Parking — Fred Drew, Chairman ; F .E. Constans, P. G. Flint. Police and Public Safety — Louis F. Eaton, Chairman; Walter Gilday, Angus Kennedy. 95 WILLIAM H. FRKEMAN Chairman Pageant Stage Management The Executive Committee met regularly each Friday. On the evening of May 6th there wa.s a dinner-conference of the Com- mittees and associated workers, at the Palace Hotel. The speakers were Chairman Whitmore ; Mayor Keith ; Dr. Horace F. Holton, who aroused much enthusiasm for the local production by his interpretation of the Pageant of St. Louis in 1914; Secretary Landers ; and Linwood Taft, Boston, elected Pageant Director in March. Mr. Taft had been a Director of Pageantry, School of Education, University of Missouri ; Director of Pageant of Savannah, 1919; member of Council of National Defence; lec- turer Drama School League, Chicago, August, 1920. The following budget adopted by the Pageant Executive Com- mittee, John N. Howard, treasurer, was announced : Stage, $1,000; music, $1,000; Director (ten percent), $800; costumes, $500; grounds, $500; lighting, $500; advertising, $500; printing, $500; writer of Pageant Book, $400; properties, $300; scenery, $500; tickets, $75; sanitary, $25; reserve for incidentals, $1,400 — total, $8,000, appropriated by City government. The spirit of co-operation was clearly shown in the readiness with which varied Church, Civic, and Fraternal groups assumed responsibility for the sixteen Episodes. After conferences with leaders. Director Taft appointed regular rehearsals for all, finals being held at the Fair Grounds. Friday and Monday evenings, June 10th and 13th. There a huge stage had been erected directly opposite the grandstand and consequently in full view of the quarter-stretch. A background of hundreds of evergreen trees and a brilliant electrical lighting effect, combined with vari-colored and lustrous apparel, produced a scene never to be forgotten. By the dates mentioned, public interest had been developed and the informal performances were witnessed by large assemblies. At the actual presentations of the Pageant the attend- ance was 50,000. Had the plans included other appearances, an equal number would have thronged the grounds to see the highly gorgeous, historic and instructive creation. 97 THE BIRTHDAY— \\EDNESDAY. JUNE 15— FIRST PAGEANT PRODUCTION According to the suggestion of the Executive Committee, the exact date of the Centennial was specially marked from its beginning to the Day's close. The acceptance of the Act creating the Town of North Bridgewater was on June 15. 1821. On that date one hundred years later the City which had developed re- called with fitting ceremony the early fact. xA.t 7 o'clock a general welcome was accorded the Day by bell and whistle throughout the City. Churches and factories — the spiritual and material — joined in exalting the hour. It was as rare a day in June as the calendar ever bore. There was an air of expectancy, for great interest centered in the forthcoming Pageant. Long before sunset, people gathered at the Fair Grounds — many with supper baskets — to secure good location in the unreserved* section of the grandstand. At the hour of beginning, stand and quarter stretch held twenty thousand, eagerly watching the colorful moving pictures upon the stage and listen- ing to the accompanying orchestra and highly-trained and re- sponsive chorus. The special guests of the evening were Governor and Mrs. Channing H. Cox, his aides, Captain Brown, and Major Warren S. Keith, of this City, wath Mrs. Keith. The Governor's party was met by Mayor Keith and his mother. Mrs. Horace A. Keith ; former Mayor John S. Kent, chairman of the speakers and guests committee, and Mrs. Kent ; and State Councillor and Mrs. Harry H. Williams. On arrival at the station, they were at once conveyed to the Pageant ground where they occupied boxes throughout the evening. The Governor at the close expressed himself in enthusiastic terms: "It was fine; quite wonderful. It was unusual also to see such a crowd and to have such ciuict jjrevail. All seemed to sense the spirit of the Pageant. . . . Brockton should be proud of this wonderful spectacle." * 7.000 free seats. 98 Representinj^ THE BROCKTON FAIR MANAGEMENT. JOHN S. KENT Member of ICxeeiitive and Cliairman of Speakers and (iuests Committee The Selectmen of many nearby towns were also in attendance, occupying reserved seats, as guests of the City. They were most cordial in their expressions of appreciation. Sergeant Stephen J. Bryan was in charge of the Police detail. Scout Commissioner Carroll F. Deady superintended the Boy Scouts, serving as ushers and messengers. Louis F. Eaton repre- sented the Centennial Committee as chairman of police and public safety. Congratulations were very general and Mr. Whitmore voiced the satisfaction of the Pageant Committee in recognizing "the spirit of co-operation and initiative everywhere found." George Sawyer Dvmham, Director of Music, said : "The program was well received by the vast audience. I was satisfied. The size of the production added to the difficult out-door conditions, but I am well pleased with the accomplishment of the chorus." THURSDAY— JUNE 16— SECOND PAGEANT PRODUCTION The great success of the previous evening was itself prophecy for interest and attendance the Second Night. The principal guests were members of the Massachusetts Mayors' Club, present on invitation of the Central Committee through Mayor Keith. City Hall was the first place of assembly and after its inspection, the party was served luncheon in the Commissary Building of the W. L. Douglas Shoe Company. At 2.30, the Hig-h School was visited, and later the Eldon Keith Field for school athletics, also the Fred F. Field Dutchland Farm. At 4.00, the guests were conducted through the new Number 11 George E. Keith Co. factory. Dinner v/as served at the Com- mercial Club at 6.00. Mayor Keith received the Club with Former Mayors Burbank, McLeod, Gleason and Hickey. Former Mayor Charles H. Adams of Melrose, President of the Mayor's Club, oflfered congratulations and thanks at the dinner, both to the Mayor of Brockton and to the City. 101 CHAIRMEN OF PAGEANT PRODUCTION COMMITTEES. 1. Book. 4. Dancin^f. 7. Music. 2. Cast. 5. Lighting. 8. Properties 3. Costumes. 6. Make-up. 9. Publicity. CHAIRMEN OF PAGEANT PRODUCTION COMMITTEES. 1. Rehearsals, 2. Scenery. 3. Singing. 4. Stage Construction 6. Auto Parking and Grounds. 7. Tickets 5. Stage Management. 8. Police and Public Safety. Those present at Dinner were : Mayors, Parker B. Flanders, Haverhill ; Charles B. Ashley, New Bedford ; Patrick A. Sulli- van, ]\larlboro; Edgar B. Stone, Quincy, with Mrs. Stone; Roger Keith, Brockton, with Mrs. Keith. Former Mayors, Stewart B. ]\IcLeod, with Mrs. McLeod ; Harry C. Howard, with Mrs. Howard; John S. Kent; Charles Williamson; Emery AI. Low, with ]Mrs. Low; John S. Bnrbank ; William L. Gleason, with Mrs. Gleason ; Charles j\L Hickey ; David W. Battles ; and Edward H. Keith — all of Brockton; Edward F. Brown and Mrs. Brown of Marlboro ; Charles F. McCarthy, Marlboro ; John B. Tracy and Mrs. Tracy of Taunton ; Charles A. Buckley and Mrs. Buckley, Chicopee; Charles H. Adams, Melrose; George H. Fall and Mrs. Fall, Maiden ; C. F. Lynch and Mrs. Lynch, Lawrence. Com- missioners, George Munsey, with Mrs. Munsey ; and George L. Martin, Haverhill. Aldermen, James F. Collins, Frank A. Mc- Nulty, Harrison T. Borden, Clifton W. Bartlett, Thomas Kirk- ham, and former Alderman Charles M. Carroll ; City Clerk Walter H. B. Remington, all of New Bedford; W. D. Rockwood and Mrs. Rockwood, Cambridge ; Asa T. Newhall and Mrs. Newhall, Lynn; Arthur B. Curtis, Miss Ella F. Hall, and Mrs. Alfred S. Hall, Revere ; Miss Blanche F. McGuire, Rockland ; John O'Hare ; John O'Hearne and Mrs. O'Hearne ; Councilman Gerald Kelleher, City Physician W. D. Ducy, City Engineer Harold S. Crocker, Lee Kedian, Frank R. Barnard, Adrian P. Cote, Clerk of the Common Council ; Mrs. Edith M. Blanchard, Secretary to the Mayor; and City Clerk J. Albert Sullivan, all of Brockton. The Day closed with the Pageant and the fine qualities of the preceding evening were, if possible, improved upon and the entire production elicited highest praise from the 30,000 spectators. Among important persons in attendance outside the Mayors' Club, were Frank Chouteau Brown and Mrs. Brown of Boston, guests of the Pageant author, Suzanne Gary Gruver. Mr. Brown is president of the American Pageant Association and therefore an expert critic. He gave out this statement: "One of the finest productions 1 ever witnessed in this country; one that has impressed and pleased me more than I can express 104 in words. Particularly I was impressed by the artistic setting, the use of two levels — the high level of the stage, with the track as a lower one— both of which were used so skilfully that it enhanced rather than detracted from the value of the spectacle. I may say whole-heartedly that Brockton is to be congratulated on what it has achieved." The great assembly was most responsive. It followed the movement with enthusiasm; noted with applause the wonderful lighting effects and was quick to catch the spirit of both speech and action. From episode to episode, through to the finale, interest was sustained at a high plane and appreciation most marked. The Pageant Director, Linwood Taft, said at the close of the evening : "I wish to pay a special tribute to the faithful and efficient service of the episode leaders. They devoted more time to their work than the public has any conception of. I received hearty co-operation from all sides— the cast, members of committees, stage managers and immediate assistants and from George Sawyer Dunham and Mace Gay. who had charge of the music. I con- sider Brockton's Pageant to be one of the most successful I have ever directed." Mrs. Gruver properly recognized the values of the production: "I feel the Pageant has accomplished great things. It awakens civic pride, groups all in one united work, stimulates the imagin- ation and makes many realize for the first time the true greatness of their own community. I wish to express my appreciation for the wonderful co-operative .spirit of all who had a part. It was this spirit which was the secret of its success." And thus it passed into History. 105 SUZANNE CARV (iRUVKR Author of "The Pat^eant of Brockton" Member of the Centennial Hook Committee The Book of the Pageant of Brockton Written by Suzanne Cary Gruver ee-for-All Class" races. The 154 ^} BROCKTON FAIR OF TODAY, c red shirts of the "Hancock" hrenien give color to the scene. The engine is proudly displayed and the broom given to the company as a trophy of victory over twenty-five other contestants in the "Fireman's Trial" of the day. Members of the baseball nines, the "King Philips" from Rock- land and tlie "Howards" from Brockton, are seen "passing" ball." A carrvall drives in. bearing the placard, "Charter Member," filled to overflowing with children and guests of the family, "free admission" being one of the assured privileges of charter members. ARRIVAL OF THE CITY 1881. Episode Il\ — Scene III. Heralds : Richard Allen, Harold Ellis. George Franklin Jacobs, Kenneth Sampson. Bearer of City Charter: Mrs. H. B. Caswell. Industry: Mrs. H. C. Nichols. Faith : Mrs. W. E. Shaw. The City : Mrs. Roger Keith. Education : Mrs. Carlton Leach. Tolerance : Mrs. William Wells. Justice: Mrs. W. R. J. Marks. Peace : Mrs. Justin Keith. Thrift : Mrs. I. A. Rogers. Perseverance : Mrs. Henry Perkins. Charity : Mrs. C. F. Bachelder. Truth: Mrs. F. W. Wormelle. Prosperity : Mrs. Emory C. Wixon. Temperance : Mrs. Harris Fleming. Bearers of Seal : Mrs. Raymond Drake, Mrs. Warren Packard. Procession of the Arts: Op])ortunity Circle. Procession of tlie Industries: Joint Shoe Council. In charge of Woman's Club, Mrs. Ralph G. .Swain. Leader. 15(J v^ ARRIVAU OF THE CITY. r [A dream of many years was realized, when, on April 9, 1881, the Act of Incorporation of the City of Brockton was passed by the Legislature. The inaugural ceremonies took place in the "Opera House" in Bryant Block. Chairman H. H. Packard of the Board of Selectmen presided. In presenting the Mayor-elect, Ziba C. Keith, he referred to him as "the first Mayor of the first city of Plymouth County." Governor Long brought the greetings of the State of Massa- chusetts in an address of congratulation and encouragement to the new city: "This is an event which, transforming your town into a city of 15,000 inhabitants, with a valuation of nearly $7,- 000,000, marks the rapid growth and the centering of great manu- facturing and business interests. Let us endeavor to be worthy of the Old Colony, worthy of our ancient Plymouth County, of the Commonwealth, of the old town unsurpassed in the character of its people, — in the contributions it has made to every depart- ment of the intelligent progress of Massachusetts."] A fanfare of trumpets is heard in the distance. This is followed by the strains of a stately march. Four Heralds, announcing the coming of the City, enter blowing golden trumpets. The Bearer of the City Charter follows. Beneath a canopy, upheld by four Civic Virtues : Faith, Tolerance, Industry and Education, comes the City. She is attended by eight other Civic Virtues : Justice, Peace, Perseverance, Thrift, Prosperity, Truth, Charity, Tem- perance. Bearers of the City Seal follow. The City takes her place upon the throne, surrounded by her attendants. The Her- alds again sound their truni])ets. Processions of the City's Arts and Industries enter. Among the Arts are : Music, Painting, Drama, Sculpture, Song, Dancing, Elocution, Poetry, Architec- ture, Engraving, Embroidery, and Photography. The industries include the manufactures of Shoes, Lasts, Boxes, Shoe Patterns, Shoe Tools, Machinery, Knives, Webbing, Rands, Welts, Box Toes, Heels, Dies, Leather, Brooms, Black- ing, Garments, and Hardware. 158 SONG OF THE CITY Music by Edzvard Elgar. The City walks in queenly state, Rejoice, O children free ! Guard well her future, and the fate Of Civic majesty. Of Justice, may her sceptre be, Her jewel, golden Youth, Her royal robe, sweet Charity, Her diadem, fair Truth. Sing the City's glory ! Unity, her shield. Visions of our fathers. In her power revealed. Onward still her progress, Fair be her renown, God who made men brothers, Star with Peace her crown ! ARBITRATION AND INDUSTRIAL PEACE* Episode IV. — Scene IV. Discord : Daisy Driver. Arbitration : Marion Pope. In 1898, the Boot and Shoe Workers' Union otTered to the employers in the shoe trade and their employees, a plan by which arbitration of industrial disputes could be substituted for strikes and lockouts. It was no wonder that business men of vision and acumen, having in mind the experience of the previous decade and looking forward to the future in the marketing of the product through their own stores, realized the need of joining with employees in the introducing of arbitration into the industrial life of Brockton. Within five years nearly all the shoe manufactur- ing concerns of the city adopted this plan and have since utilized its principles as a basis for regulating atYairs witli the emplovees. * Omitted in production. 159 For more than a score of years. IJrocktoii has i)raclically elim- inated the strike and lockout from its industrial life, established jiermanent relations between workman and employer and given to the world practical demonstrations of a program by which rea- son, instead ut torce, can decide the issues arising Ix'tween labor and capital. ] * The City views from her dais the coming of her Arts and Industries. They arrive to stately music and take place either side her throne. The Industries are a united group. Peace and Justice stand near the City's dais, prominent among the Civic Virtues. There is a clash in the harmonious music. The figure of Dis- cord, in yellow-green, appears. At her approach there is a move- ment of tmrest among the grou]) of Industries. Peace trembles as she advances menacingly toward her : she raises a protesting hand. Discord continues her threats and Peace sadly steps down from her place and leaves the City. Discord whispers words of dissension into the ears of the Industries. The group separates into two factions — representing now Labor and Capital. The leaders a])i)eal to the City. She bids Justice decide between them, justice, balancing in her golden scales the arguments i)resented. announces that Arbitration alone can settle the grievances. Arbi- tration is summoned. She listens impartially to both leaders. Discord is driven away. Then, uniting the two factions into a solid group again, she summons Peace, who returns gladly to her place near the City's throne. * From information furnished by Mr. John P. Meade, Deputy State Commissioner of Labor. Interlude: ELhXTRICITY'S TOUCH In 1883, the newlN'-incoi-jJorated city of r)roclash: Harry W. Norman Two Duxbury Men : William Price, .„. „ Walter Watts First Settler: J. William MacPherson Wife: Mrs. Elsie R. Clough Child : Pearl Blanchard other Settlers : George M. Adams Harold D. Bent David Bowles Everett L. Emery Irving S. Fisher Roy E. Jennings Carl A. Loring 163 Harry W. Sails Emory (". Wixou EPISODE I— SCENE 3 The First Setticr ami the New En.!::lau(l riiniate In eharjre of the Soutli I'arish Club Episode Leader: Alice Sliiirtleft" Nature : Mrs. John 1<\ Scully Spirits of the Forest Helen Bassett Eleanor Kutler Winifred Hamilton Hetty Kendall Glailys I.arncr Mildred Manning Ha/.el I'crcy Ruth Ward Winds North : Marie Cot6 South : Ida Ilorton East : Florence Davy West : E. Ru'.iie Capen Winter Dorothy lUunpus Doris Fislier Marjorie (Jove Adelaide Kinji Doris Lane Frances Randall Grace Reilly GunhiUl Wennergren Summer Ruth Bassett Dorothy Borroughs Amy Ellis Ida Fogge Marion L. Keith r.catriic O'l'.ricii Kosaniund Sinclair Barbara Willis Spring Catherine Fartlett Margaret Clough Doris Jones Beatrice Pierce Evelyn ^NI eld rum Louise Perkins Leora Lutz Helen Woodard Autumn Adele Cunningham Barbara Dailey Harriet Folsoin Rita Littlefield Christine McPherson Frances Miller Ellen Perkins Helen Rudden EPISODE II — SCENE 1 Church-Going In charge of the Porter and Colonial Clubs Episode Leaders : Mrs. B. D. Colwell, Mrs. L. T. Briggs Song Leader : Grace James Rev. John Porter : Rev. Warren P. T^anders Mrs. Porter: Mrs. Eilward Plummer Children : Eldon Briggs Harriet Chase l'aulin<' Chase r.arh.ira Di-ake I'liilip S. Holmes .Monzo Johnson Charles 'I'allon Ruth E. \'auglin 'rilhing-.Man : lOniory Wixon Man and Wife (I'iliiou Style) : Budd D. Colwell, Madaleine Ellis Deacons Cai)t. Isaac Packard : Charles Barden Deacon Ivlson : Jesse I'erkins Jonathan Cary : Eben Tilden Dr. I'hilii. Bryant: Albert II. Gifford ('apt. r.aiiiabas Howard : Walter Love joy Isaacher Snell, Es(|. : Allison Baldwin Josiah Perkins : Henrv Perkins Jabez Fi
halet Kingman : Frank Kingman Rev. Diiniel Huntington : yi. A. Davis Slni-ekeeper : Robert Eraser 164 Doctor : George A. Thatcher Inn Keeper : George Priest Storekeeper : Paul Jones Lawyer : Bernard Saxton Prominent Citizen : J. Frank Beal Doctor : H. A. Keith Notary and Justice of Peace : Harold Keith Storekeeper : Harry H. Williams Farmers William G. Allen George E. Boiling William F. Daly Davis M. DeBard Raymond E. Drake Charles R. Felton Nahum Gillespie Samuel W. Goddard Everett 8. Hall Henry C. Hatch Frank S. Howard Lester S. Howard Paul Jones Isaac Kil)rick Fred B. Leonard Laborers W. B. Atwood B. W. Iris P. F. Johnson Michael D. Long Robert W. MacMillan Alfred W. Nelson Fred L. Packard Warren B. Packard A. Roger Perkins Frank L. Price Warren S. Shaw A. Loring Smith George W. Smith F. W. Sproul Henrv C. Svlvester Frank A. Ton is Wilford H. Wallace Alfred H. Wilbur Micah Faxon : F. S. Faxon EPISODE II — SCENE 3 Mis' Jones' School In charge of the Grade Teachers' Club Episode Leader : Persis H. Maxson Mrs. Nathan Jones : Arlena F. Russell Pupils Evelyn Barry Sue A. Cousens Ruth W. Elliott Nellie W. Emery Gertrude Flaherty Minetta Goodell Katherine L. Flint Helen K. Howard Hattic L. Leonard Nellie MacArthur Louise N. Marvel Bertha M. Ogden Helen P. Robbins Ellen C. Rooney Inez E. Smith Mary J. Southwick Edith L. Sullivan Jeanette Tbibjideau Geneva M. Young EPISODE II — SCENE 4 Quilting Bee In charge of the Ten Times One Club Episode Leader : Mrs. Sprague S. Baker Mistress Kingman : Mrs. Charles R. Storey Mr. Kingman : Charles R. Storey Fiddler : Laurence C. Shaw Guests Mrs. Clarence Baker, 2nd Mrs. Albert Bolster Marie Buchanan Mrs. Lloyd A. Emery Mrs. Fred F. Field Mrs. Andrew C. Gibbs Blanche Holmes "^Irs. George W. Howland Mrs. Harold V. Lawson Mrs. Laurence S. Miller Mrs. Lewis E. Rye Mrs. Lawrence C. Shaw Mrs. Harold S. Swain Mrs. Herbert M. Willis Clarence :\I. Baker, 2nd Sprague S. Baker Arthur Bartlett Albert Bolster A. T. Eldridge Chas. O. Emerson, Jr. Lloyd A. Emery Andrew C. Gibbs Billy Holmes Dudley Davidson Jack Davidson Philip Davidson ''barles Hellander George W. Hi. ,v laud Harold Lawson Lawrence L. INIiller Emil Ohmert Lewis E. Harold S. Swain William Wells George Randall Stanley Randall Audrey Renaud Barbara Swain EPISODE III— SCENE 1 Coming of Railroad In charge of the Maids and Matrons Club Episode Leader : Mrs. George C. Keyes Shoe Manufacturer : Lester Packard An Old Lady : Mrs. Clinton W. Delano Postmaster Southwick : Ernest Jackson A Citizen : Chester Gilbert Stage Driver Jabez Gould : F. Ernest Mackie A Surveyor : G. Ernest Spear Small Boy : Ralph Spear Station Agent Bennett : Norman Petrie Town's People : Mrs. Alfred G. Barufleld Dorothy B>irnham ' rs Joseph Burnham Mrs. A. T. Ensor Mrs. H. F. Mohr IMrs. Lester Packard 165 Catherine Riley A. G. Harntield Henry F. Mohr Phyllis Ensor Ernestine Jackson Albert Tonikins Lester Packard, Jr. Mrs. Paul Field Mrs. Edgar Ward Mrs. James Hasey Mrs. Percy Janes Mrs. Thomas Hartling Mrs. George Young Mrs. Frank Dickenson Mrs. Percy Grotcn Mrs. Arthur Ward Mrs. George Wilson Mrs. Harry I^anes Mrs. Bert Moore Mrs. Oliver Poole Mrs. Margaret Duffleld Ruth Field Madeline Dickenson Cleta Bearse Mildred Field Elinore Hartling Ernest Tonikins Mary Field Evelyn Ward EPISODE III — SCENE 2 Civil War In charge of the Douglas Employes' Relief Association Episode Leader : Wm. F. Brady J. R. Perkins : Emil F. Ohmert Capt. I. Richmond : P. D. Richmond Dr. Hichborn : George Packard Johnson C. L. Sproul : G. W. Alden A. L. Harmon : T. F. Crawford Spirit of War : Anna Cot* Volunteer : J. B. :Maefarlane Citizen : W. G. Smith Galen Edson : Leroy B. Perkins Volunteer : William K. Carroll Volunteer : Rosse Burrill W. J. Martland : Mace Gay Woman : Evangeline Crawford Fletcher Webster Post No. 13, G. A. R. Com. Winflold S. Groton George Bartlett Stanton F. Bourne Andre"v C. Gibbs George Grant Oliver Hayes F. Holmes M. Holmes Albert Ilowland Adam Lcmoiit Edward .Mottau Hugh Reilly Samuel Wade Women's Relief Corps Josie Carter: President Mrs. O. C. lUair Josie Bourne Lizzie Brett Nellie Cook Nettie Coolidge >Largaret Crawford '■'.velyn lluilou Jeanette Sherman Alice Stoddard Florence Swift Annie Tower Camp 17 R. B. Grover, Sons of Veterans J. B. McFarland : Captain Herbert Benton Thomas Crawford Earle Groten Harry Higgins Herbert Jobnsuu George Lord Walter Moore John Ordway Frank Southworth Harold Thompson Daughters of Veterans Eva Crawford : President Hattie Balcom Nellie Cook Clara Fitzgerald Effle Ford Mary Ford Annie McFarland Mary Norris L. Jennie Sampson Eva Smith W. J. Martland Band. 1861^ W. J. Martland Band, 1921 W. J. ISIartlnud : Mace Gay. Leader Amasa S. Glover : Frank Abltott Thaddeus M. Packard : Ernest Bouldry George B. Sturtevant : Louis Carroll Robert S. White : Wilson P. Crafts Lucius H. Packard : Walter II. Damon Henry C. Packard : J. F. Doherty Richard B. Atkinson : J. B. Edson William Dubois : Ralph Goodwin George A. Bates : John Hoban Samuel C. Perkins : Damon Hoyt Isaac C. Dunham : William Julius John B. Emmes : E. F. Manning Joseph Kennedy : W. T. Nickerson Fernando DeArgome : Waldo Packard Minot Thayer : Elmer C. Shaw Nathaniel Carver: Guy Smith John Calnan : Charles Sullivan James S. Bean : li. A. Wardwell Louis A. Beaumont : Earle Wells Charles M. Capin : Ernest Wineburg Battery E — First Regiment Field Artillery, Mass. National Guard, Brockton, Mass. Capt. Lawrence Kingman Carl II. Anderson Battiste Bonaparte Fred Chamberlain Edward A. Connell Francis J. Connell Andrew O. Cole Owen F. Conway Eugene F. Connolly George Edwards Richard Faxon Roger C. Fisher Eugene GIngras Francis Ilenneby Kdbcrt D. Keith llirain M. KIniliall Augustus L. Lockciti 166 CHILDREN FROM THE BRYANT GROUP. Photo by Jacobs. GOING TO CHURCH I'lLl.luN S rN I.E. Photo by Jacobs. .Tosoph W. Lavcrty Louis Lincoln .Tiisrpli \V. Mannix •Lniirs E. >hM'abe Williaiii ('. McCabe IMwar.l W. :\IeCabe William Milntyre Harry M. Morse Clyde F. Moody .Tosi'ph Xooimi) Lewis J. iiiKiuiiau George R. Wood Douglas Employees' Relief Margaret Adams Inez Ahlen Evelyn Anderson Mrs. MaiKl Bagnell Doris P.eal Leona lirady Edith Krown Mrs. P,. Burgess Esther G. Christiansen Hazel Conley Zee Coolidge Lucy Darney Gertrude Doherty Sadie Decoste Ruth Fagan Laui-a Elder Kertha Edwards Gladys Fay Charlotte Flanagan Dia Flanagan lyillian Green Mabel Green Gladys Ilennessy ^Lnhelle Higgins Marion F. Howard (iunhild Hjehnstedt Evelyn McCue Helen S. Matthews Etta Martin Mildred Lipper Grace Lingham Anna Labombard Madeline G. Kenney Rachel McDonald Tina MacDonald Esther Moberg Dorothy Monroe Margaret Murphy Lucy McSweeney Eva Nelson Ebba Xelson Eli/abeth OT.rien Nellie Oixden I'.eriha N. I'etkon Helen Quinn Volga Ryberg Kernadette Seney Regit! a Seney Martha Sharron Mi hired Sheehnn Mary A. Smith Hazel Spillane ALarion Stewart Ruth Sweeney -Nellie Thorne'll ALni'ion Tower Ceeelia Welch Mabel W<-Ils Ada Winchester William F. Bradley E. Blankinship T. Brides C. F. Burnham Ward Jtutts P. P.ydwo William K. Carroll Arthur Cole George Cowing George Clement H. Dame M. Delorey Association H. Derosier J. Dorgan Carl Engstrom Kenneth Erskiue H. C. Forbush S. C. Gav Allen Griffin H. GuUbrants Dan Ilealev Harry W. "llill Charles M. Horton Herbert Hubbard P. E. Jackson Emil Johnson Lloyd L. Johnson Melvin Knight M. J. Lavelle J. Mack Gabriel Marrese William Marston G. H. .Mather W. F. McBride A. MacDonald J. MacDonald Joseph ^IcGeary J. F. McLean Christopher Moore Leon li. Nevins James P. O'Connell Emil Ohmert Patrick Peterson Wallace Peterson J. Petrucelli Leroy P.. Perkins Ralph Reed Joseph Savage George Scheufele Joseph Severage W. G. Smith H. Stone J. J. Sullivan W. E. Sweeney John J. Toomey Roy Wass IMarshall Wright EPISODE III— SCENE 3 Visit of Christine Nilsson In charg(> of Lutheran Male Chorus Episode Leader : Emil Lagergren Director of Music: Hjalmer Freberg Mile. Nilsson : Ellen Nelson Vieuxtemps, vi(dinist: Edward White Siirnor Brignoli : Joseph Rodophele Gisnor Verger: Wilfred Richard Miss Cary: Nora A. Lagergren Pastor Lindeblad : Conrad P.. Mansbach Little Girl : P.arbara Elizabeth Appleton Ma.\ Strakosch : Bruno Arratta 168 Accompanist : Charles Phillips Male Chorus — Hjalmer Freberg, Director First Tenors Aflolph E. Anderson Albert Anderson Arthur Anderson William N. Anderson Bertel Lawson Byron Mansbach Frank Moberg Oeorge Swanson Second Tenors Arthur Hollertz Waldemar Jacobson Mallard Nelson Ragnar Paulson Oscar Pearson Carl G. Poison Walter Sondeen Baritones Axel M. Anderson Evald C. Anderson Carl Freberg Fred Hylen Vincent Hylen Carl Lawson Arthur Moberg Eldon Steele Basses Everett Burgess C. Fred Hillberg Carl N. Johnson Frank E. Johnson Oeorge Kullman Earl W. Mansbach Sander Olson Everett W. Nelson Herbert Otterberg Martin Otterberg Enar Peterson Chester T. Swanson Audience Mrs. Alma Anderson Esther Anderson Margaret Anderson Hilden Cullunberg Mrs. Mamie Drowns Ruth Drowns Mrs. Oscar Enlund Irene Enlund Mrs. Ellen Freberg Mrs. Clara Freberg Mrs. Harry Gustafson Harry Gustafson Ruth Hillberg Arthur Ilammerquist Alice HilUicrg Mrs. Minnie Hillberg Mrs, Emma Hillberg Anna .Johnson Mrs. Edith Johnson Evelyn Johnson Waldberg .Tobnson ISfrs. Annie Johnson Harry Johnson Ro.v Johnson Thea Johnson Jennie Kinberg Mildred IJndblom Nannie Lagerstrand Mrs. Florence Lindskog Mrs. Minnie Lofgren Mrs. J. Lundin Ella Moberg Mrs. Selma Moberg Ida Nelson Neale R. Nelson Otto Nelson Roy Nelson Mrs. S. Olson Mathilda Ostlund Ella Paulson Dora Patterson Mrs. Lillie Petterson Ranghild Poison Mrs. Ella Ryder Mrs. Jennie Steele Ethel Steele Robert Tillgren Mrs. Eva Werner Mrs. Eba Wingren EPISODE III — SCENE 4 Rechristening the Town In charge of the Walk -Over Club Episode Leader : Philip Cot6 Song Leader : E. W. Stedman B. O. Caldwell: Kenneth D. Hamilton C. C. Bixby. Master of Ceremonies : James P. Keith R. H. Kimball, Proposer of Toast : Ernest W. Stedman H. W. Robinson, Merchant : F. A. Winship A. T. Jones, Editor : Charles F. Winsor Charles R. Ford, Selectman : G. Edgar Russell Isaac Kingman : William J. Loheed Welcome H. Wales, Selectman : Elijah Keith Townspeople Fred Aakre Alfred Albanese E. Albenault Edward Alger Charles Allen Agnes Anderson Charles Anderson Herman Anderson Milton Anderson Victor Anderson Axel Asker Clinton Atwood Lilly Backlund Vera Backlund F. Baker J. W. Behn Otto Benson Henry Borden L. Brenner Frank Broudeun Earl Brown John Brown Thomas Brown H. Bruce James Burke John Butten Henri Castunguay W. Campbell 169 Pearl Gary S. Castaia W. Cerce J. Chandler Jesse Chapman C. D. Chase F. Clrell M. Cleary W. Clearv Alton Cook Esther Cotter J. Creedon Euclid Croce Bridget Daley R. Dalton Elizalioth Desmond Georjre Dixon Charles Driscoll Milnkins Thonuis Johnson Walter Johnson Harry Jones Harry Junior Justin Keith Roy Kellerman George KeM(\v M. A. Kingman Orris Kinney (Jeorge C. Knowles Nazaery Lemoine Louis Lenard A. H. Leonard Kenneth Leonard Vestor Leonard Josephus Letoureau John P. Lewis Leon Lewis Charles Lincoln George Lincoln Everett Linehan James John liivingston William Looney Harold Lothup Andrew Ijouzan Eugene Madan E. A. Mansfield William Marshall p]dwar(l McCarthy George McCauley W. D. McKay Harry Menzie Ingar Michalson William Mm,. Clarence Mooie George Moore Walter :\foore I>ester Morey (Jeorge Morse Itobert ^Murray David Nason Rali)li Nason Walter Nason F. L. Nickerson W. J. Overing A. Ij. Packard C. II. Packard Edwin Packard 172 Fred Packard Kenneth Packard Lester Packard P. H. Packard John D. Palin W. J. Phillips L. A. Porter Tony Postelli \V. P. Prout Lawrence Rankin W. J. Rankin Lester Raymond Frank Reed L. E. Remolds O. S. Reynolds Perley Reynolds Arthur Rhiie Frank H. Rhue Arthur Robinson D. E. Robinson Xeal Robinson John Rogers Frank Rolfe H. 8. Rollins S. B. Sarty William Savage J. B. Schofleld Ralph Senter Arthur Shaw George Silvia Cecil Simpson H. C. Simpson Russell Simpson Stanley Simpson Edward Smith Richard Smith Robert Smith Fred Snell Edwin Snow H. H. A. Snow H. M. Snow Ira N. Snow Herbert Spaulding A. Deane Stebbins B. Stewart E. R. Stewart Stephen Stone Andrew Sturson James W. Sweany Roy L. Terrill Jerry Thomas Charles Thompson H. R. Tihbetts E. E. Tilton James Totman Fred B. Tower Edward Twomey Leon Wade James Wagner Paul Wagner H. J. Walker B. S. Walsh Harry White J. B, White William White George Whiting Bernard Wilber D. E. Wilber Robert Williams Charles Willis Everett Willis H. Elliott Willis J. Sumner Willis Stewart Willis Harold Willison Hubbard Willison W. S. Willison Charles A. Wilson Edward Winberg George S. Wood Allen Woodward EPISODE IV — SCENE 3 Arrival of the City In charge of Woman's Club Episode Leader : Mrs. R. G. Swain Four Heralds : Richard Allen, Harold Ellis, George Franklin Jacobs, Charles Fuller, Jr, Bearer of City Charter : Mrs. H. B. Caswell Industry : Mrs. H. C. Nichols The City : Mrs. Roger Keith Education : Mrs. Carlton Leach Justice : Mrs. W. J. R. Marks Thrift : Mrs. A. I. Rogers Charity : Mrs. C. F. Batchelder Prosperity : Mrs. Emory C. Wixon Bearers of City Seal : Mrs. Raymond Drake. Mrs. Warren Packard Faith : Mrs. W. E. Shaw Tolerance : Mrs. William Welles Peace : Mrs. Justin Keith Perseverance : Mrs. Henrv Perkins Truth : Mrs. F. W. Wormelle Temperance : Mrs. Harris Fleming Procession of Arts In charge of Opportunitv Circle Mrs. Otis Brown : Leader Music : Golda Weimert Painting : Mildred Weimert Drama : Alice Abercrombie Sculpture : Mildred Abercrombie Song : Bertha Porter Elocution : Mildred Niles Dancing : Frances Flynn Engraving : Daisy Miller Photography : Grace Burbank Poetry : Ethie Stone Embroidery : Ethel Witherell Architecture : Helen Rollins EPISODE IV — SCENE 4 Arbitration and Industrial Peace* In charge of Joint Shoe Council Spirit of Electricity. Alice Thibeault FINALE Yankee Division Club Harold Bennett James Cavanaugh Edward D. Cleveland Perc.v Covert Forrest Cousins Arthur Fortier William L. Hallet. Secretary James W. Kedian Herbert Meurling Stephen Parker Earl Soule Robert Stephenson. Presick Nettie Reynolds Bertha Sperry Margaret Stevenson Ella Veaney Elizabeth Whitman Mildred L. Woodward Knights of Sherwood Forest Martin J. Burke Roderick Donnell Daniel J. Frawley William Hinds Frank J. Kelliher William H. Moriarty Paul M. Perrior James P. Sullivan Louis Varncy Joseph Ward La Societe des Artisans Canadiens Francals Pierre Dedard Edward Belineau Camille Coutier Gelas Deslauriers Arthur Desormier Evangeliste Lacouture Louis Leveque Alfred Oullette Charles Poitras Frank X. Trinque L'Union St. Jean Baptiste of America Con sell ir> Benjamin Allaire Zenou Iteniiit Dolor Cormier Joseph Geliiias Amedie Labelle Conseil 278 Mrs. Clairmout Rose Mamel Angle Nouillette Cora Vaeher Corinne Vigneron Clan :\racDonald No. 75, O. S. C. John liallum George I'.ricknell Peter I'.rouss(>;iu R. W. Brown Anilrew Deiudiar Samuel Duff Edward Dwyer J. Keay Maurice O'Donnell Arthur Welch Kniglits of Pythias Henry Allen Ralph Burrill Eric G. Eke Harold Elliott Leon Gold Peter TIngan Edward Lawrence Dennis T,ewis Howard T-eonai'd Axel Oberg Enterprise Lodge No. 18, K. of P. James Black John W. Brown Joseph Brown Hillery Gales Alexander Hargrove Henry McClendon Thomas Reid George W. Sadler Lsaiah Scott A. B. Torrence Masonic Order Donald Atwood Calvin R. I'.arrett Irving L. Bumpus Duncan W. Edes Henry F. Hobart John X. Howard Herbert J. Pratt W. Everett Shaw George W. Smith Robert Smith Massaiioag Tribe No. Ill, Improved Order of Red Men Sumner P.. Churchill Fred Gruber Eddy D. Hitchings Oliver Nash G. Fred Nelson J. A. Sherman Edward Simmons George Stetson Walter P.. Stetson Arthur K. Thomas Rebekah Lodges Ellen Lee Lodge Julia Foster Olive Howes May Kellerman Beatrice Lodge Mabel Beedam Christabel Otis Helen Spinney Independent Lodge Ida Dunn Nellie Small Peerless Lodge Ruby Truesdale Grace Willis Pythian Sisters Dione Temple Mrs. A. M. Burnley Mrs. P.ertha Irving Mrs. Vera Xash :\lrs. Eva I. Ward Montello Temple Mrs. llattie Alger Mrs. May Allen Mrs. Elsie ^larine J. A. Hill Temple Mrs. Marian Madeau Mrs. Emma IMain Mrs. Annie Thompson Order of Owls II. Cormier E. Doherty O. Heglan G. Keen W. Kellev W. :\Iadan 175 D. McCarthy L. Nash M. O'Donnell W. Kcanldu Massarhusi'tts Catholic Order of Foresters Sr. Thomas Court, No. 2'.> Owen l\ Canary Jerry Crowley William G. McGliiichy Thomas 0"Connell Thomas Walsh r.rockton Court No. 82 Michael E. Milan John Spillane Fr. :McNulty Court No. IT'.I Dennis Coffey John Murphy Dr. McQueeney Court No. lilj Fred F. Whalen Ancient Order of Hibernians Allie Creedon Chris F. Corcoran Stephen T. Duggan John C. Grady Michael Ilallinan Michael Hyland Phillip McCaul Charles B. O'Neil Darwood Sheehan J. Russell Sullivan Ladies' Auxiliary, A. O. H. Annie Griffin Mrs. Margaret Hallisey Alice Kelliher Marie Kelliher Agnes Lee Grace McKeever Sadie McKeever Mary Moynihan Nellie O'Brien Mrs. Lillian M. Smith G. U. O. O. P. W. H. Allen George Gabriel Andrew Gale R. Hargrove H. S. Johnson Edward J (din son James Jones J. E. Kersey J. E. Manning E. J. Manning J. M. Smith J. A. Young I>adv Somerset Lodge of Daughters of St. George Kli/.al>cth r.ird Martha I'.ird Rose Brown Mrs. Alice Clapstick Mrs. Annie Crawford Lillian Decoste Mrs. Ada Grant Mrs. Gertnule Lambert Mrs. Nellie Mann Mrs. Emilia Kublira Household (if Ruth Xo. 1351 — Grand I'nited Order of Odd Fellows Mollie J. r.tillock I'.essie Daniels Iva Hargrove Matilda Howell Lillian W. Jackson Lelia Kersey Lena Manning Annie Mitchell Cornelia Rawlins Mary Turner N. E. O. P. Mayflower Lodge Mrs. Esther L. Jenison Newel L. Drake Banner Lodge Aubrey Stewart Mrs. Edith Whiting Ponemah Lodge John Paul Mrs. Lina Paul Fidelity Lodge Henry Davis Mrs. Eva Griggs Tucawanda Lodge Joseph Trainer Mrs. Sadie lines Court General Lawton. F. of A. William Batson Theophil Chassey James Hogan John H. Ray Fred C. Stone Court Crescent. Foresters of America Alfred MacDonald Tony Panazzo Daniel Grey Harry Ellis Frank Duncan 176 CENTENNIAL YEAR HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT FRIDAY, JUNE 17 That the annual exercises attending the graduation at the High School should fall in this Anniversary A\'eek was a most happy circumstance. The City is justly proud of its educational develop- ment and the rank which its High School maintains. Through the courtesy of Headmaster ]\Ierle S. Getchell and the School Board, the graduation hour was changed from evening to after- noon, to free the former for any possible Pageant postponement. The occasion was memorable in every detail. C. Harold Porter of the School Board presided and made an address from wdiich w^e c|uote : "America and the world are looking to the schools with the hope of finding therein the proper solution of the many problems that confront them. If America is to be a strong, united, intelli- gent and capable leader of nations and hold the respect of the rest of the world she must build her future citizens out of her school systems. If we fail with education America will fail sooner or later, and who of you would allow that Star Spangled Banner to fail in anything that is just and ris^ht and for whose glory our brave boys fought and fell in the late war in order thar American principles of justice and right might l)e spared for the world. Support your schools with such loyaltv as has never been equalled in the past, keep your children in school at least until they have completed a High School course and then if you can possibly do so, give them the further advantage of a college course. Brockton people have always stood loyally by their schools in the past and I have no doubt they will in the future." The program ])roceeded with Flag Salute by School and Audi- ence. After an Overture by the School Orchestra, praver was ofifered by The Rev. Peter Froeberg. D.D., of the First Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church. ''On to Battle" was sung bv the graduating class. The Welcome to Parents and Guests Avas voiced by Charles Edward Hemiessy, President of the Seniors, who said •■n part: 177 "We begin to understand how fortunate we are in completing our High School course. We recall the days when our mothers and fathers made sacrifices for us — sacrifices that the world will never know. If for nothing else than those two recollections, we have contracted an unpayable debt. For your far-sightedness and your sacrifice we can never repay you, mothers and fathers ; words cannot express our gratitude and appreciation. We can only strive to be worthy of it." Owen R. Lovejoy, Secretary of the National Child Labor Commission, New York City, gave the address to the Graduates. A brief abstract of his forceful and inspirational speech follows: "Inertia is one of the most precious but one of the most dan- gerous of our possessions. I would like to suggest two or three requisites in the American educational system, which is the least practical, for it wastes power, energy, resources and time. Today in our country there are two million little children working who should be in school. America, with its wealth and resources, does not need to harness little children. Education should be for every one. Thousands of men and women without a chance in life are appealing to us for a square deal. In the army camps during the world war, five and a half-million men were illiterate ; of these, four millions were what we are pleased to call real Americans. Some of the programmes for Americanization are all at fault. Education is reciprocal. The new Americans who come to our shores have something to give as well as we. We must work out things together." ]\Ir. Lovejoy referred to the Centennial observance and said all the graduates should be here 100 years hence, for there seems to be no use in keeping to the tradition of less than 100 years for a life. Better a lifetime of 150 or 200 years, he said. He paid a tribute to the practical education of Brockton's record in agri- culture. He said that he never thought of this City in connection with raising potatoes but rather with the manufacture of shoes, but when he considered the matter it looked to be reasonable that all could not be engaged in the manufactures. The Graduating Class sang "To Thee. O Country," and Chair- man Porter introduced His Honor the Mayor. Roger Keith. Before presenting the diplomas, Mayor Keith said : "Today you graduate. It was very thoughtful of our ancestors 179 and predecessors to found this community at such a time that the celebration of its 100th anniversary should lall in }-our com- mencement week. The co-operation of your class and the school authorities in arranging your graduating events in such a manner that they fit in with other Centennial affairs, is indicative of the spirit of Brockton people, and shows a willingness to aid in all events that tend towards the development of civic spirit. "You are receiving these diplomas which represent a certain standing in certain studies, but they also represent an intangible quality. They stand for lessons which you cannot have failed to have learned, if this High School is conducted properly, as we all believe it is. From contact with yovir fellow students, you have learned to meet people under all conditions, to meet on the same level your neighbors. As you go to your higher education or otit to your everyday work, you will find this ability to main- tain your equilibrium under all conditions, a big asset. "One of the chief things in our life is to be prepared to do our every duty well. Your High School course should enable you to make the utmost of the abilities that you have, and if we do our every duty as it comes to us according to otir ability, strong in the confidence that we are right, we do not need to worry over the future. A firm step and sure information which you should have gathered here, will attend to that. "This diploma marks an accomplishment in your life, but not a stopping place. As soon as one act is complete, you must start on some new work, idea, or phase, in order to have continued hajjpiness. "Your High School education has taught you the value of time, and the fact that we control our own actions in that time, and that it is up to us to accomplish the desired results. The minutes are ours to use." Diplomas were then presented to the following: Marion Leslie Alden, Priscilla Howard Alden, Irma Adelaide Augustine, Delphine Barron Avery, Doris Evelyn Beal, Charlotte May Berger, Barbara Bergstrom, Elizabeth Blumberg, Kathryn Marguerite Brown, Anna Calnan Burke, Bernice Bradshaw Campbell, Alice Frances Mary Carroll, Grace MacGregor Carson, Esther Alice Chamberlain, Rhoda Ruth Cohen, Stella May Cooper, Verna Ethelyn Cox, Margaret Mary Creedon, Emma Croke. 181 Grace Ellen Daniels, Mildred Phipps Ellis, Merideth Churchill Farnum, Clara Louise Farren, Jessie Banks Jeanette Ferguson, Dorothea Agnes Flood, Edith Ingeborg Forsberg, Ruth Elizabeth Freeman, Arlene Linnea Froeberg, Arlene Gardner, Gladys Myrtle Gardner, Helen Regina Gilmore, Esther Rita Gizzarelli, Frances Grady, Teresa Nora Grady, Hannah Green, Helen Gertrude Greenwood, Kathleen Gibbs Gunderson, Dorothy Gurney, Helen Kasmier Hanson, Florence Edith Heacock, Grace Frances Hodgson, Esther Pauline Holmes, Edna Marie Johnson, Florence Evelyn Johnson, Hazel Gudrun Johnson, Ruth Dagmar Johnson, Mary Angela Kane, Margaret Denise Kelleher, Edith Howes Kelley, Mary Kess, Margaret Marcellina King, Constance Kingman, Bernice Louise Knowles, Marie Louise LaMontague, Amy Gertrude Lawson, Lillie Elizabeth Lawson, Anna Catherine Lind, Ellen Rose Linehan. Alice Leah MacDonald, Sadie Winifred MacDougall, Mary Regina Mackedon, Doris Mildred Mackie, Ellen Frances Martin, Grace Doris Martin, Ruth Luella Matson, Blanche Irene Maver, Alice Mae McCarthy, Helen Josephine McCarthy, Alice Virginia McCormick, Norine Gertrude McKenney. Camille Agnes Mitchell, Louise Gertrude Mongeau, Florence Louise Monks, Blanche Pauline Moreau, Margaret Gertrude Mullen, Katherine Louise Murphy. Ruby Marion Nelson, Mary Catherine Noone. Miriam Norris, Grace Edith Noyes, Celia xA.gnes Nugent, Alice Marie Oddie, Lola Shepard Packard, Florence Katherine Papineau, Hilda Cornell Percy, Amity Ruth Perkins, Katherine Perkins, Bessie Reiser, Alleine Marion Ricard, Stella Beatrice Rollins, Anna Virginia Rosequist, Theodora Gladys Royster, Minnie Rusacow. Alice Frost Shaw, Viola Gretchen Shaw, Gladys Goldie Small, Evelyn Stone, Ina Sara Stone, Mary Margaret Taylor, Constance Rebecca Travis, Doris Adeline Tripp, Laurene Mildred Turner, Louise Ellington Turner, Marguerite Emma Varnum, Madge Wainwright, Rose Alice Whelan, Eleanor Agnes Wilson, Elsa Anna Wollin, Alice Fyrn Woods, Ella Louise Young, Martha Ingeborg Younggren. Tony Ralph Alexander, Frederick Emmel Allen, Alvar 182 Emanuel Aronson, Charles Weldon Bean, Frank Gerald Bendell, William Joseph Bulman, Ernest Nelson Chamberlain, Lloyd Francis Churchill, John Shaw Coolidge, George William Edward Coots, Ion Henri De Arcost Cornwell. Herbert Timothy Creedon, George Frederick Dennehy, Edward Joseph Derosier, George Francis Donovan, Lewis Robert Dretler, Eugene Wynford Dunbar, Howard Hunter Dunbar. John Francis Ford, Franklin Leroy Foster. Clark Kimbali French, Otto Froehlich, Howard Merton Gardner, Lewis Glazer, Charles Carl Golding. Sebastian Abraham Goldstein, Joseph Gale Gurney, Chesley Frank Hammond, Chester Elmer Harris, Charles Edward Hennessy, Ralph Edward Higgins, Herbert Turney Hill, David Stanley Holmes, John Patrick Horrigan, Daniel Alexander Huntley, Vincent Carl Hylen. Paul Lincoln Jones, Earl Laurier Kempton. Melvin Mason King, Albert Liguori La Chapelle, Stanley Clark Lane, Antonio Astuto Lauria, Evald Benjamin Lawson, Kenneth Winslow MacGregory, Edward Joseph Mahoney, David Palmer Matthews, John Joseph McGee, Ralph Francis McGlone, Isaac George Miller, Lewis Miller, Arthur Malachi Moynihan, Emory Raymond Neal, George John Nelson, John Jeffrey O'Brien, Charles Frank Oliver, Jr., Arthur Neal Parmenter, Paul Francis Perrier, William Martland Perry, Anthony Edward Peters. Isadore Rafkin, Louis Creed Roland, Allie Rosen, John Peter Sakas, Guy Lawrence Scanlan, John Joseph Sheehan, Murray Shultz, Bernard Francis Smith, Chester Merle Spear, George Edward Tanner, Harry Tenser, Raymond Woodruff Turner, Balfour Stirling Tyndall, Joseph John Van Riper, Hubert Gordon Wall, James Francis Welch. Ernest Houghton White. Arthur Joseph Wilde, Frederick Allen Wilde, William Roland Winsor, Leroy Reynolds Woodard. Three-year course : Sarah Theresa Connelly, Rose Feldman, Rena Ferranti, Esther Foster, Ida Louise Hall, Alice Ingaborg Hammerquist, Elsa Clara Magdalene Lindberg, Lillian Claire Madden, Sarah Poole McCoUigan. Ruth Elizabeth McGee. Mary Agnes McSweeney, Agnes Cecelia Reardon, Ethel Veronica Reardon, Mildred Louise Tillman, Etta Zelinsky, John Robert 183 Dunn. W'illiani Leavitt, Joseph iVlexis Minini, Helge Skotfrid Persson, Harold Carl Sunstrom, Louise Martha Fickett. The honor pupils : Priscilla Howard Alden, Doris Evelyn Beal, Jessie Banks, Jeanette Ferguson, Esther Rita Gizzarelli, Hannah (irecn, Ida Louise Hall, Ruth Dagmar Johnson, Mary Angela Kane, Margaret Denise Kelleher, ALargaret j\Lu"cellina King". Aniy Gertrude Lawson, Elsa Clara IMagdalene Lindberg, Ellen Rose Linehan, Mary Regina Mackedon, Margaret Gertrude ]\Iullen, Alice jNIarie Oddie, Florence Katherine Pai)ineau. Katherine Perkins, Agnes Cecelia Reardon, Alleine Marion Recird, Gladys Goldie Small, Constance Rebecca Travis, Madge Wainwright, Rose Alice Whelan, Eleanor Agnes Wilson, George Francis Donovan, Franklin Leroy Foster, Melvin Mason King, Antonio Astuto Lauria, Kenneth Winslow MacGregory, Arthur Joseph Wilde, Frederick Allen Wilde. The Class Colors were Lavendar and WHiite ; the Alotto, "On to Success." At the close of the exercises the class joined in singing the ode written by Miss Lawrence Mildred Turner and set to music by Miss Miriam Norris. The benediction was pronounced by Mr. Froeberg, and the orchestra i)layed a recessional. SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS A notable feature of the Class Day (Wednesday) Exercises was the award of Scholarships. In this particular, the School has a wide reputation. Since the organization of the Fund which perpetuates the name of Sarah Jane Pettee, long a superior teacher in the School, the list of Scholarships has been increased to twelve, with an annual income of upwards of $1,500. The awards for this Centennial Year were: James Edgar, $150, to Evald Lawson. Joseph Hewett, $150 each, to Stanley C. Lane and Melvin King. Brockton Agricultural Society, 1919, $100, and 1920, $100, to Charles F. Oliver, Jr. Sarali jane I'ettee, $100, to F. Leroy Foster. 1«4 Kenneth Bradford Laird, $100, to George Leroy Stone. Edward Parker, $100, to Miss Bernice Knowles. Brockton College Club, $100, to Miss Alice AI. Oddie. Brockton University Club. $100, to Antonio A. Lauria. Twentieth Century Catholic Club, $100, to Rose Alice Whelai Twentieth Century Cathohc Club, $100, to George Donovan. Launfoai Ahmini. $100, to Antonio A. Lauria. B'nai B'rith, $100, to Hannah Green. THE STREET CARNIVAL While not a part of the original official program, the Carnival Friday evening, under the direction of the local Post of the American Legion, A. Leroy Latham, Commander, will be recalled as a picturesque and novel addition to a remarkable week. Main Street from Centre to Crescent was a boulevard for pedestrians only. The carnival spirit was unmarred by any disorder as the merry-makers danced, showered confetti, sang or listened to the music of bands or soloists. Windows everywhere along the way were filled with spectators. The Committee, at the head of which was City Clerk J. Albert Sullivan, had secured the services of the American Legion band of 25 pieces, led by John C. Burke and stationed at Cook and Tyndall's store, and Martland's, with Mace Gay, conductor, in the balcony at the James Edgar Company. Their programs varied with the mood of the crowds though each group furnished opening numbers that were highly appreciated. A perfect evening as June can ofifer, a spirit in keeping with the Centennial, the lighting efifects of the new White Way, con- spicuous Carnival costumes and Anniversary decorations, com- bined to secure effects both memorable and joyous. 185 OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS PROGRAM— SATURDAY, JUNE 18 The Committee on Out-of-Door Sports, under the direction of Harold C. Keith, made early and ample preparation for this successful Centennial feature. Frequent meetings of entry lead- ers, and a dinner at the Commercial Club for group directors — were parts of careful planning. Awards of watches, cups, medals were exhibited in the jowelry shops and interest otherwise stimulated through the press and widely circulated announcements. There were over 200 entries and throughout the City individuals and organizations co-operated to make Saturday the 18th a mem- orable atheltic occasion. It proved to be the most complete pro- gram of sporting events ever staged here in one day. Large crowds witnessed the games and trials of strength in sixteen sections of Brockton. The Committees organized and functioning were : Mr. Keith, Chairman ; Sidney A. Davidson, Secretary ; Daniel W. Packard, Horace A. Keith, A. J. Freedman, Raymond J. Richards and Joseph F. Reilly. The group chair- men were : Track, E. Marion Roberts ; tennis, Walter A. For- bush; swimming, Ralph W. Fish; golf, L. Damon Howard; box- ing, Fred Eldridge ; cricket and bowling on the green, John Tower ; baseball, Arthur E. Staff ; tug-of-war, James V. Gridley ; muster, Charles C. Rogers; prizes, H. Loring Smith, H. E. Hew- ett and San ford K. Gurney. The Entry Lists and the Winners On Walk-Over Field. High School 100-yard dash: Wallace H. Terry, Arthur Ker- sey, David Goldberg, Raymond Turner, Fred Irving, Chester E. Harris, Kennth MacGregory, Lester LaPorte, Chris Clifford, Jr. (Lincoln School), Carleton Valentine, John McGee, Leo Healy, Roman Kaminski, Edw. Grovannulli, Geo. Watt, Clarence E. Gaboon ; won by Raymond Turner. Brockton High high jumj) : Wallace Terry, David Goldberg, Harold Warren, Raymond Turner, Fred Irving, Lester LaPorte, 186 HAROLD C. KEITH Chairman Sports Committee, Member of Executive Committee Q i4 ^ Morris Straffin (grammar), Molyneaitx Mathews, Clarence Ca- hoon ; won by Molyneaux Matthews, 5 ft., 2^^^ in. ; Harold War- ren, second. Senior 100-yard dash : Louis Luti, Joshua Morrison, Nomas Reed, Harold Warren, Arthur F. Wilson, P. M. Moncewicz, John E. \Velch, Richard H. Lewis, Leonard Forknall, Rudolph Bryan. Ralph E. Reed, Leroy B. Perkins. James L. Todd ; won by Peter AL Moncewicz. graduate of Annapolis. Senior high jump: Louis Luti, John E. Welch, Richard H. Lewis, Nomas T. Reed, E. W. Bowen, Jas. L. Todd, Rudolph F. Byron, ErroU Grasse, Harold Warren ; won by Richard H. Lewis, 5ft., 4 in. Senior 880 yards : Louis Luti, Gaston Luti, Carl E. Varney, Watslo A. Vinks, Nomas Reed, P. M. Moncewicz, Arthur F. Wilson, Paul Goforth, Leroy B. Perkins, Edw. Mullins, R. B. Eldredge, Joseph Spadea, Joseph Young, Francis A. Burnes ; won by Peter M. Moncewicz. Aquatic Sports. Junior swimming, 40 yards, at Y. M. C. A., 15 years and under: Alvah Heve, Theodore Dean, Lawrence Rinaldo, Thomas Sulli- van, Leon Parkinson, Chester Gonier. Raymond Curley, Harold Winner, Julian E. Mossman, Russell A. Baker, Jack Pillsbury ; won by Leon Parkinson ; Alvah Howe, second. Junior swimming, 60 yards, 15 years and under: Alvah Heve, Theodore R. Dean, Lawrence Rinaldo, Thomas Sullivan, Leon Parkinson, Chester Gonier, Raymond Curley, Harold Winner, Julian E. Mossman ; won by Julian E. Mossman ; Alvah Heve, second. Junior diving, 15 years and under, at Y. M. C. A.: Theodore R. Dean. L. ^^^endell Estey, Thomas Sullvian, Leon Parkinson, B. Deokinian, Chester Gonier, Raymond Curley, Harold Winner. Tony Cerci ; won by Leon Parkinson ; \\'endell Estes, second. Senior 60-yard swim: Rexford Dean, L. H. Ellershaw, Arthur E. Keay, Herbert Hill, Samuel Hymoff, Anthony Muto, J. E Mack; won by Arthur E. Keay; Rexford Dean, second. Senior 100-yard swim: L. H. Ellershaw, Arthur E. Keay, Herbert Hill, Samuel Hymoff, Anthony Muto, J. E. Mack; won by Arthur E. Keay ; L. H. Ellershaw, second. 189 Senior swininiiiig-. diving: Rexford Dean, Arthur E. Keay, Samuel Hymott ; won by Rexford Dean ; Arthur E. Keay, second. Girls' diving, under 16: Martha Cooper, Rose AIcGinnis, Glenna Bntman : won by Rose McGinnis ; Glenna Butman, second. Girls' swimming, 40 yards, at Y. W. C. A., under 16 years : Rachel Farrington, Betty Kendall, Glenna R. Butman, Martha Cooper; won by Glenna Butman; Betty Kendall, second. Girls' swimming, 100 yards, 16 years and under : Rachel Far- rington. Betty Kendall, Glenna R. Butman ; won by Glenna But- man ; Betty Kendall, second. Women's swimming, 100 yards : Marian H. Sargent, Helen ]\Iarden. Frances Millett, Margaret Flanagan ; won by Margaret Flanagan; Helen Marden, second. \\'omen's swimming. 60 yards, over 16 years, at Y. W. C. A.: Margaret Flanagan, Marian Sargent, Helen Marden, M. Evelyn Leary, Katherine Flanagan, Frances Millett ; won by Margaret Flanagan ; Marian Sargent, second. Women's diving, over 16 years, at Y. W. C. A. : Margaret Flanagan, M. Evelyn Leary, Katherine Flanagan; won by Mar- garet Flanagan ; Evelyn Leary, second. Tennis, men's singles, at Y. M. C. A. : Manual Glazer, Eugene G. Cote, F. R. Burgess, C. W. Burrill, A. J. Couble, Henry L. Perkins, C. F. Leighton, R. W. Allen, Francis O'Connell, Eric Harnesk, Earl Grindle, Proctor James ; won by C. F. Leighton. Women's tennis, at Y. W. C. A. : Helen Marden, Jessie Ricker, Marion Sargent, Blanche Benson, Gladys Knapp, Grace Williams, Alvina Kuplast, Glenna Day; won by Grace Williams. Tug of war, Edgar Playground : M. A. Packard Co. — Fred Seaquist. Joe Duquette. Frank Humbert, F. McDonald, Jake Bocianouski. H. Perrault, capt. ; Highway Dept. — M. Lyons, P. Gilmartin, C. Monahan. H. Scott, J. Leland ; Club Nationale — Oliver Plausse, Jef Baribeault, A. Hendi, Louis Grasse, J. Bus- sier, Alf Podner. E. A. Dupre, coach, Eli Maynard, capt. ; Clan MacDonald— Robert Watt, Jas. L. Keay, Ed Dwyer, R. W. Brown. Daniel Camen ; A. O. H. — Daniel Sullivan. Mark Fitz- maurice, John ITyde, John Sheehan, Barney Gillen. Won by Club Xationale. 190 SYDNEY A. DAVIDSON Secretary Sports Committee. Industrial relay race: \\\ L. Douglas Co. — Louis Luti, Leroy Perkins, Ernest Jocoy, Ralph Reed ; Geo. E. Keith Co. — R. Dean, F. Rabbv, R. Bryan, H. Smith; National Biscuit Co. — W. E. Cahill, J. F. McCall, E. J. Mullins, Fred White. Won by W. L. Douglas Co. ; National Biscuit Co., second. Golf, at Country Club and Thorny Lea, all day: Alen — L. D. Howard, H. S. Kussmaul, James Conroy, T. M. Farrell, H. L. Rapp, A. W. Barlow. W. H. Gary, A. M. Smith. Ben Stone, L. Q. White. ]\L L. Dohertv, Arthur T- Chase. W. AL Partridge, B. O. Chenev, C. T- Porter. Jr.. A.' L Loheed, C. W. Holmes, R. E. Drake, C. \\\ Bixbv, A. F. Nelson, E. W. Barrett. W. F. Fortin. Arthur Fisher. W. R. Tennev, R. P. ^^^^itman. W. H. Wallace, E. L. Wallace. E. W^ Bailey. E. A. Burrill, F. S. Far- num, G. H. Leach, R. P. Whitman, won by L. Damon Howard, H. S. Kussmaul, second. Women — Mrs. D. B. Tuholski, Mrs. L. Holmes Dalton. Mrs. Robert Jenkins. Mrs. Raymond Drake, Mrs. Henry Rapp, Miss Margaret Bartlett, Mrs. H. Kussmaul, Miss Ruth Davis, Miss Fannie B. Clark. Mrs. John Doherty, Mrs. Tom Farrell. IMiss INLarie Buchanan, Miss Euthenia W^allace, 191 Mrs. Frank E. Colili. Aliss Reiui Atwood. Miss Babette Packard, Mrs. iM-ank Jrnkiiis. Mrs. Clarence Howes, Mrs. H. B. Whit- comb. Mrs. lulith Caswell, Mrs. B. O. Cheney, Mrs. Walter Forbnsh. Miss Harriet Gardner, Mrs. C. F, Batchelder, Mrs. Henry Perkins, won by Mrs. L. Holmes Dalton. Mrs. Frank Jenkins, second. Bowling on the green, Cross Street: Charles N. Fenn, Jos. Hyde. George Gardner, Edw. Sabin, Thomas Bird, William Temple, ^^'illiam Poole, Edgar \\'ard, H. A. Turner, Jos. Acton, Geo. E. Jowett, A. W. Poole, Ernest Mann, Jos. Grundy, Arthur Gale, Fred A. Grant, Frank Wilson, Thomas Williams, John Towers, J. J. Dalphy, Benj. Coy, Thomas H. Ely, L. Eayres, David Tyndall, John Loney, Geo. Astill, Fred Wilson, William Roe, Charles Sargent, R. Hunter ; won by William Roe ; John Towers, second. Cricket, Cross Street : Hub Gore Workers — Thomas Orton, capt., Lester Williams, F. A. Grant, William Poole, Ernest Grant, Charles Keen, J. Towers, William Grant, Thomas Bird, T. Smith, George Flowers, Stephen Mosley ; Shoe Workers — James War- ren, capt., V. Roe, A. Gennaco, A. Mosley, J. Keough, E. Ashley, T. Apjohn, T. Williams, George Jowitt, C. Fenn, T. Luckman. Won by Hub Gore, Stephen Mosley, first ; Thomas Orton, second. BOXING BOUTS There were eight bouts in the Armory with the following sum- marized results : 108-Pound Class, final : George LaBate, Brockton, beat Young Wedge, Brockton, two rounds. 115-Pound Class, semi-finals: Owen Maguire, Bridgewater, beat Tony Eudico, Brockton, two rounds ; final, Maguire beat Dan Pierce, Brockton, one round. 125-Pound Class, semi-finals: Harold Cornwall, Brockton, beat Gerald Webster, North Easton, one round ; Tippy Fay, Brockton, beat Frank Connolly, Brockton, three rounds, referee's decision; Winnie Anderson. North Easton, beat Fay, three rounds; final, Anderson beat Cornwall, three rounds. 145-Pound Class : Henry C. Bohlin, Brockton, beat Frank Welch, Brockton, two rou::ds. 192 BASEBALL GAMES The great American Game was represented on several dia- monds : At Walk-Over Park, the W. L. Douglas team won against the Walk-Overs, 5 to 0. At the John L. O'Donnell Playground, St. Colmans won over St. Edwards, 5 to 3. The Graysing Cluh defeated the Clark A. C. nine, at Edgar Playground, 7 to 3. On the Parmenter Playground, the Goddard team won the grammar school championship against the Perkins nine, 3 to L FIREMEN'S MUSTER Preceded by the Hancock Band with drum corps of the other competing "tubs" the participants in the fireman's muster at the Fair Grounds, Saturday afternoon, marched to the field of contest where the play-out was made. The strong cross-wind pre- vented high records but the Protectors succeeded in passing the two hundred-foot mark. In the finish the results were as follows : Protector, Montello : 201 feet, and 5 and 1-2 inches; Enterprise, Campello. 198 feet, 9 and 3-4 inches ; Hancock, Brockton, 191 feet, 7 and 5-8 inches. The prize was a silver shield, and a purse of $365 from friends of Protector and Hancock companies. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI DANCE— SATURDAY EVENING, TUNE 18 The Centennial Events closed on Saturday evening with the annual High School reunion and Alumni dance in the School Assembly Hall. The graduating class of the Centennial Year was host to about five hundred. In the receiving line were Dr. Percy T. Burtt, vice-president of the Alumni Association, and Mrs. Burtt ; Headmaster and Mrs. Merle S. Getchell ; John F. Scully, Superintendent of Schools, and Mrs. Scully ; the officers of the Class of 1921. Class colors were everywhere in evidence and the floral decorations most effective. Music was furnished by Copp's Orchestra. Re- freshments were served during intermissions. 193 The Grand March was led by Charles E. Hennessy, president, and Miss Louise E. Turner, vice-president. The line then formed with class officers : Treasurer, Joseph Gurney ; secretary, Miss Miriam Norris ; executive committee, Miss Stella Cooper, Miss Jessie Ferguson, Miss Eleanor Wilson, Charles Oliver, Jr., and Chester Spear; Harry O'Sullivan, president of the junior class with ushers ; school and graduates. The entire affair was a happy ending to a Never-To-Be-For- gotten Week. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The citizens of Brockton should realize that the greatest care was given by the Centennial Committees to the expenditure of the $10,000 appropriated by the 1921 Administration for the Anniversary. The Budget forecast (see pp. 55 and 97) was most carefully guarded, with the result that a considerable amount was available with which partly to underwrite this Commemorative Volume and leave unexpended a balance in the City Treasury. The report of City Auditor Chester T. Swanson, under date of October 25, is as follows : Statement of Receipts and Expenditures, 1921 Receipts Appropriation for Pageant Committee $8,000.00 Appropriation for other committees 2,000.00 Total Appropriation $10,000.00 Grandstand Tickets $3,835.00 Concessions 149.00 Pageant Books 703.00 Costume Rental 35.00 Miscellaneous 1.95 Total Receipts 4,723.95 Total Receipts and Appropriation $14,723.95 195 Expenditures Paiieaiit Committee Expen- ditures $6,73 1.18 Other committee expendi- tures 3,384.74 Total I<:xi)enditurc.s 10,115.92 l^alance $4,608.03 Classified Expenditures Salaries and Wages $2,360.00 Stage 1 , 1 50.00 Band and Music 913.31 Lighting 696.29 Pageant Books 675.00 Costumes 626.72 Decorations 550.00 Advertising 5 1 1 .28 Sports 490.66 Scenery 446.50 Printing, Stationery and Postage 416.20 Grounds 343.00 Policing 307.36 Properties 209.91 Miscellaneous 151.37 Programs 133.50 Tickets 44.72 Pageant Poster Prizes 30.00 Prize Hymn 25.00 Photos 20.10 Rent 15.00 $10,115.92 For the central feature of the observance, the Pageant, the treasurer, John N. Howard, made his final statement as here shown : 196 Condensed Financial Statement of Pageant Committee Sept. 8, 1921 Receipts Grandstand tickets $3,835.00 ^^ogr^ms 703.00 Concessions J49 qq Costume Rental 35 00 $4,722.00 Allotment from City of Brockton appropriation for Centennial Observance 8 000.00 $12,722.00 Expenditures Stage and Bandstand $1,150.00 Grounds 343.00 Lighting 59529 Music 774 51 Scenery 444.00 Costumes 547.07 Advertising and Publicity 31.00 Program ; 686J9 Author 400.00 Director 844.87 Properties 190.62 Tickets 73.22 Sanitary 12*80 Miscellaneous 562.21 Total Expenditures $6,756.08 Balance in hands of City Treasurer 5.965.92 $12,722.00 John N. Howard, Treasurer. 197 RETROSPECT AND APPRECIATION So came and went Brockton's Centennial. It left a most sat- isfactory memory in all particulars. Visitors and residents were unanimous in recognizing the high character of the Observance. As Chairman of the Central Committee, Mayor Roger Keith thus appraised the event : "I believe 1 am expressing the sentiment of the entire popula- tion of Brockton, and thousands who were our guests, when I say that the celebration of the 100th anniversary of North Bridge- water was successful beyond all anticipation. The hundreds who took part and the thousands that attended the various events of the week, especially the pageant and the street carnival, showed the true spirit of civic pride and co-operation, which was alone responsible for the magnificent success of our Centennial. "Nothing but the highest praise has been expressed and the Brockton people should feel proud of the reputation they have established throughout this commonwealth and the nation. Brock- ton has never failed to go 'over the top' and the 100 per cent, success of the Centennial reflects credit upon each and every one of its citizens." Reviewing the week, the Secretary of the Centennial Commit- tee said : "The thanks of the Central Committee is due to all individuals, organizations and corporations, which have unitedly made the 1921 Centennial a notable achievement. "While formal and specific official appreciation will be voiced by the Executive Committee at an early meeting, this statement has the indorsement of all who have been intimately associated in planning the great event. "Beginning with Sunday and extending through the week the co-operation of the citizens of Brockton with chairmen and direc- tors of numerous programmes has been most marked. The community has accepted the blessing of rare June days and has responded to the challenge of the Anniversary in its various forms of observance. 198 "The observance has quickened our spirit through memory of the past. Our sense of indebtedness has been enlarged and our good purposes renewed. The Centennial brought pleasure and high educational values to the people and added to the fair name of our City." Both Pageant and Executive Committees later sent out per- sonal and general letters of thanks to the many organizations and individuals who contributed to the high success of the varied prog^rams, and to them this book is dedicated. Photo by Jacobs THE CITY PERSONIFIED IN THE CENTENNIAL PAGEANT By Mrs. Roger Keith. 199 THE CITY OF PEACE O Home and City of us all, Whate'er our tongue or name, Our voices join in Church and hall To sing The Fathers' fame. Hope lifts within each trusting breast, That from our God above May come to us and with us rest. The gifts of faith and love ; That we may show in glowing deed The truths we often voice ; That men may see and gladly read. And in our lives rejoice. Here may we learn to work and plan. To sec each other's good, To worship God and honor man In one great Brotherhood — Warrcii Prince Landers. 200 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482