! THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FROM THE LIBRARY OF ERNEST CARROLL MOORE EndJ&y Hi Hall. HISTORY THE REFORMATION THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. VOLUME FIFTH THE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND. BY J. H. MERLE D'AUBIGNE", D. D. PRESIDENT OF THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL OF GENEVA, AND VICK PRESIDENT OF THE SOC1ETE EVANGEHQUE. TRANSLATED BY H. WHITE, B.A. TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE, M. A. AND PH. DR. HEIDELBERS THE TRANSLATION CAREFULLY REVISED BY DR. MERLE D'ACBIGNK. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, 150 NASSAU-STREET, NEW YORK. This volume is an exact reprint of the author's original English edition. In issuing it, the publishers express no sanction of any thing concerning which evangelical Chris- tians differ, as to the polity of the Church of Christ. J'appelle accessoire, 1'estat des affaires de ceste vie c&dn^ue et transitoire. J'appelle principal, le gouvernement spiritual auquel reluit souverainement la providence de Dieu. Theodore de Beze. By accessory, I mean the state of affairs in this frail and transitory life ; by principal, the spiritual government in which God's provideacc rules supreme. Theodore Beza. 1.5 PREFACE TO VOLUME FIFTH. IN the four previous volumes the author has described the origin and essential development of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century on the Continent ; he has now to relate the history of the Reformation in England. The notes will direct the reader to the principal sources whence the author has derived his information. Most of them are well known ; some, however, had not been pre- viously explored, among which are the later volumes of the State Papers published by order of Government, by a Com- mission of which the illustrious Sir Robert Peel was the first president. Three successive Home Secretaries, Sir James Graham, Sir George Grey, and the Honourable Mr S. H. Walpole, have presented the author with copies of the several volumes of this great and important collection: in some instances they were communicated to him as soon as printed, which was the case in particular with the seventh volume, of which he has made much use. He takes this opportunity of expressing his sincere gratitude to these noble friends of literature. The History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, was received with cordiality on the Continent, but it has had a far greater number of readers hi the British dominions and in the United States. The author looks upon the rela- 1689423 IV PREFACE. tions which this work has established between him and many distant Christians, as a precious reward for his labours. Will the present volume be received in those countries as favour- ably as the others? A foreigner relating to the Anglo- Saxon race the history of their Reformation is at a certain disadvantage ; and although the author would rather have referred his readers to works, whether of old or recent date, by native writers, all of them more competent than himself to accomplish this task, he did not think it becoming him to shrink from the undertaking. At no period is it possible to omit the history of the Re- formation in England from a general history of the Refor- mation of the Sixteenth Century ; at the present crisis it is less possible than ever. In the first place, the English Reformation has been, and still is, calumniated by writers of different parties, who look upon it as nothing more than an external political transfor- mation, and who thus ignore its spiritual nature. History has taught the author that it was essentially a religious transformation, and that we must seek for it in men of faith, and not, as is usually done, solely in the caprices of the prince, the ambition of the nobility, and the servility of the prelates. A faithful recital of this great renovation will perhaps show us 'that beyond and without the measures of Henry VIII. there was something everything, so to speak for therein was the essence of the Reformation, that which makes it a divine and imperishable work. A second motive forced the author to acknowledge the necessity of a true History of the English Reformation. An active party in the Episcopalian Church is reviving with zeal, perseverance, and talent, the principles of Roman-ca- tholicism, and striving to impose them on the Reformed Church of England, and incessantly attacking the founda- tions of evangelical Christianity. A number of young men PREFACE. V in the universities, seduced by that deceitful mirage which some of their teachers have placed before their eyes, are launching out into clerical and superstitious theories, and running the risk of falling, sooner or later, as so many have done already, into the ever-yawning gulf of Popery. We must therefore call to mind the reforming principles which were proclaimed from the very commencement of this great transformation. The new position which the Komish court is taking in England, and its insolent aggressions, are a third consid- eration which seems to demonstrate to us the present im- portance of this history. It is good to call to mind that the primitive Christianity of Great Britain perseveringly repelled the invasion of the popedom, and that after the definitive victory of this foreign power, the noblest voices among kings, lords, priests, and people, boldly protested against it. It is good to show that, while the word of God recovered its inalienable rights in Britain, in the sixteenth century, the popedom, agitated by wholly political interests, broke of itself the chain with which it had so long bound England. We shall see in this volume the English go- vernment fortifying itself, for instance under Edward III., against the invasions of Rome. It has been pretended in our days, and by others besides ultra-montanists, that the papacy is a purely spiritual power, and ought to be opposed by spiritual arms only. If the first part of this argument were true, no one would be readier than ourselves to adopt the conclusion. God forbid that any protestant state should ever refuse the completest liberty to the Roman-catholic doctrines. We certainly wish for reciprocity; we desire that ultra-montanism should no longer throw into prison the humble believers who seek consolation for themselves, and for their friends, in Holy Scripture. But though a deplorable fanaticism should still continue to transplant into VI PREFACE. the nineteenth century the mournful tragedies of the Middle Ages, we should persist in demanding the fullest liberty, not only of conscience, but of worship, for Roman-catholics in protestant states. We shbuld ask it in the name of justice, whose immutable laws the injustice of our adver- saries can never make us forget ; we should ask it on be- half of the final triumph of truth ; for if our demands proved unavailing, perhaps with God's help it might be otherwise with our example. When two worlds meet face to face, in one of which light abounds, and in the other darkness, it is the darkness that should disappear before the light, and not the light fly from before the darkness. We might go farther than this : far from constraining the English catholics in anything, we would rather desire to help them to be freer than they are, and to aid them in recovering the rights of which the Roman bishop robbed them in times posterior to the establishment of the papacy ; for instance, the election of bishops and pastors, which belongs to the clergy and the people. Indeed, Cyprian, writing to a bishop of Rome (Cor- nelius), demanded three elements to secure the legitimacy of episcopal election : " The call of God, the voice of the peo- ple, and the consent of the co-bishops."* And the coun- cil of Rome, in 1080, said : " Let the clergy and the people, with the consent of the apostolic see or of their metropolitan, elect their bishop." -J- In our days, days distinguished by great liberty, shall the church be less free than it was in the Middle Ages ? But if we do not fear to claim for Roman-catholics the rights' of the church of the first ages, and a greater liberty than what they now possess, even in the very seat of the * Divinum judicium, populi suffragium, co-episcoporum consensus. Epist. 55. f- Clerus et populus, apostolicse sedis, yel metropolitani sui oonsensu, pastorem sibi eligat. Mansi, xx. p. 533. PREFACE. Vli popedom, are we therefore to say that the state, whether under Edward III. or in later times, should oppose no barrier against Romish aggressions? If it is the very life and soul of popery to pass beyond the boundaries of religion^ and enter into the field of policy, why should it be thought strange for the state to defend itself, when attacked upon its own ground ? Can the state have no need of precautions against a power which has pretended to be paramount over Eng- land, which gave its crown to a French monarch, which obtained an oath of vassalage from an English king, and which lays down as its first dogma its infallibility and im- mutability ? And it was not only under Edward III. and throughout the Middle Ages that Rome encroached on royalty ; it has happened in modem times also. M. Mignet has recently brought to light some remarkable facts. On the 28th of June 1570, a letter from Saint Pius V. was presented to the catholic king Philip II. by an agent just arrived from Rome. " Our dear son, Robert Ridolfi," says the writer, " will ex- plain (God willing) to your majesty certain matters which concern not a little the honour of Almighty God We conjure your majesty to take into your serious consideration the matter which he will lay before you, and to furnish him with all the means your majesty may judge most proper for its execution." The pope's "dear son," accordingly, explained to the duke of Feria, who was commissioned by Philip to receive his communication, " that it was proposed to kill queen Elizabeth ; that the attempt would not be made Li London, Because it was the seat of heresy, but during one of her journeys ; and that a certain James G would undertake it." The same day the council met and deliberated on Elizabeth's assassination. Philip declared his willing- ness to undertake the foul deed recommended by his holi- ness ; but as it would be an expensive business, his ministers V1U PREFACE. hinted to the nuncio that the pope ought to furnish the money. This horrible but instructive recital will be found with all its details in the Histoire de Marie Stuart, by M. Mignet. vol. ii. p. 159, etc. It is true that these things took place in the sixteenth century; but the Romish church has canonized this priestly murderer, an honour conferred on a very small number of popes, and the canonization took place in the eighteenth century.* This is not a very distant date. And these theories, so calculated to trouble nations, are still to be met with in the nineteenth century. At this very moment there are writers asserting principles under cover of which the pope may interfere in affairs of state. The kings of Europe, terrified by the deplorable outbreaks of 1848, ap- pear almost everywhere ready to support the court of Rome by arms ; and ultra-montanism takes advantage of this to proclaim once more, " that the popedom is above the monar- chy ; that it is the duty of the inferior (the king) to obey the superior ; that it is the duty of the superior (the pope) to de- pose the sovereigns who abuse their power, and to condemn the subjects who resist it ; and, finally, that this public law of Christian Europe, abolished by the ambition of sove- reigns or the insubordination of peoples, should be revived." Such are the theories now professed not only by priests but by influential laymen, j- To this opinion belong, at the present hour, all the zeal and enthusiasm of Roman- ism, and this alone we are bound to acknowledge is con- sistent with the principles of popery. And accordingly it is to be feared that this party will triumph, unless we oppose it with all the forces of the human understating, of reli- gious and political liberty, and above all, of the word of * Acta canonisationis S. Pii. V. Romse, 1720, folio. } See in particular Le Catholicisme, le Liberalisme et le Socialisms, and other writings of Donoso Cortes, marquis of Valdegamas, one of the most distinguished members of the constitutional party in Spain. PREFACE. IX God. The most distinguished ofgan of public opinion in France, alarmed by the progress of these ultramontane doc- trines, said not long ago of this party : " In its eyes there exists but one real authority in the world, that of the pope. All questions, not only religious but moral and political, are amenable to one tribunal, supreme and infallible, the pope's. The pope has the right to absolve subjects of their oath of fidelity; subjects have the right to take up arms against their prince when he rebels against the decisions of the holy sec. This is the social and political theory of the Middle Ages."* Since the popedom asserts claims both spiritual and tem- poral, the church and the state ought to resist it, each in its own sphere, and with its peculiar arms: the church (by which I mean the believers), solely with Holy Scrip- ture ; the state with such institutions as are calculated to secure its independence. What ! the church is bound to de- fend what belongs to the church, and the state is not to defend what belongs to me state? If robbers should en- deavour to plunder two houses, would it be just and chari- table for one neighbour to say to the other, " I must defend my house, but you must let yours be stripped?" If the pope desires to have the immaculate conception of the Virgin, or any other religious doctrine, preached, let the fullest liberty be granted him, and let him build as many churches as he pleases to do it in : we claim this in the plainest lan- guage. But if the pope, like Saint Pius, desires to kill the Queen of England, or at least (for no pope in our days, were he even saint enough to be canonized, would conceive such an idea), if the pope desires to infringe in any way on the rights of the state, then let the state resist him with tried wisdom and unshaken firmness. Let us beware of an ultra-spiritualism which forgets the lessons of history, and * Journal des De'bats, 18th January 1853. I* X PBEFACE. overlooks the rights of kings and peoples. Wh'en it is found among theologians, it is an error ; in statesmen, it is a danger. Finally, and this consideration revives our hopes, there is a fourth motive which gives at this time a particular im- portance to the history we are about to relate. The Refor- mation is now entering upon a new phasis. The move- ment of the sixteenth century had died away during the seventeenth and eighteenth, and it was often to churches which had lost every spark of life that the historian had then to recount the narrative of this great revival. This is the case no longer. After three centuries, a new and a greater movement is succeeding that which we describe in these volumes. The principles of the religious regeneration, which God accomplished three hundred years ago, are now carried to the end of the world with the greatest energy. The task of the sixteenth century lives again in the nine- teenth, but more emancipated from the temporal power, more spiritual, more general; and it is the Anglo-Saxon race that God chiefly employs for the accomplishment of this universal work. The English Reformation acquires there- fore, in our days, a special importance. If the Reformation of Germany was the foundation of the building, that of Eng- land was its crowning stone. The work begun in the age of the apostles, renewed in the times of the reformers, should be resumed in our days with a holy enthusiasm ; and this work is very simple and very beautiful, for it consists in establishing the throne of Jesus Christ both in the church and on earth. Evangelical faith does not place on the throne of the church either human reason or religious conscientiousness, as some would have it; but it sets thereon Jesus Christ, who is both the knowledge taught and the doctor who teaches it ; who explains his word by the word, and by the light of his PREFACE. XI Holy Spirit ; who by it bears witness to the truth, that ia to say, to his redemption, and teaches the essential laws which should regulate the inner life of his disciples. Evan- gelical faith appeals to the understanding, to the heart, and to the will of .every Christian, only to impose on them the duty to submit to the divine authority of Christ, to listen, believe, love, comprehend, and act, as God requires. Evangelical faith does not place on the throne of the church the civil power, or the secular magistrate; biit it sets thereon Jesus Christ, who has said, / am King ; who imparts to his subjects the principle of life, who establishes his kingdom here on earth, and preserves and develops it ; and who, directing all mortal events, is now making the progressive conquest of th'e world, until he shall exercise in person his divine authority in the kingdom of his glory. Finally, evangelical faith does not place on the throne of the church priests, councils, doctors, or their traditions, or that vice-God (veri Dei vicem gerit in terris, as the Romish gloss has it), that infallible pontiff, who, reviving the errors of the pagans, ascribes salvation to the forms of worship and to the meritorious works of men. It sots thereon Jesus Christ, the great High-priest of his people, the God-man, who, by an act of his free love, bore in 6ur stead, in his atoning sacrifice, the penalty of sin ; who has taken away the curse from our heads, and thus become the creator of a new race. Such is the essential work of that Christianity, which the apostolic age transmitted to the reformers, and which it now transmits to the Christians of the nineteenth century. While the thoughts of great numbers are led astray in the midst of ceremonies, priests, human lucubrations, pontifical fables, and philosophic reveries, and are driven to and fro in the dust of this world, evangelical faith rises even to heaven, and falls prostrate before Him who sitteth on the throne. Xii PREFACE. The Keformation is Jesus Christ. "Lord, to whom shall we go, if not unto thee?" Let others follow the devices of their imaginations, or prostrate themselves beforS traditional superstitions, or kiss the feet of a sinful man King of glory, we desire but Thee alone ! ENEVA, March 1853. CONTENTS. BOOK XVII. ENGLAND BEFORE THE REFORMATION. CHAPTER I. g Introduction Work of the Sixteenth Century Unity and Diversity- Necessity of considering the entire Religious History of England- Establishment of Christianity in Great Britain Formation of Ecclesi- astical Catholicism in the Roman Empire Spiritual Christianity re- ceived by Britain Slavery and Conversion of Succat His Mission to Ireland Anglo-Saxons re-establish Paganism in England Col umba at lona Evangelical Teaching Presbytery and Episcopacy in Great Britain Continental Missions of the Britons An Omission, Page 17 CHAPTER U? Pope Gregory the Great Desires to reduce Britain Policy of Gregory and Augustine Arrival of the Mission Appreciation Britain supe- rior to Rome Dionoth at Bangor First and Second Romish Aggres- sionsAnguish of the Britons Pride of Rome Rome has recourse to the Sword Massacre Saint Peter scourges an Archbishop Oswald His Victory Gorman Mission of Oswald and Aldan Death of Oswald, 31 CHAPTER III. Character of Oswy Death of Aidan Wilfrid at Rome At Oswald's Court FInan and Colman Independence of the Church attacked Oswy's Conquests and Troubles Synodus PharensisCedda. Dege- neration The Disputation Peter, the Gatekeeper Triumph of Rome Grief of the Britons Popedom organized in England Papal Exul- tation Archbishop Theodore Cedda re-ordained Discord in the Church Disgrace and Treachery of Wilfrid His End Scotland attacked Adamnan lona resists A King converted by Architects The Monk Egbert at lona His History Monkish Visions Fall oflooa, 42 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. Clement Struggle between a Scotchman and an Englishman Word of God only Clement's Sxiccess His Condemnation Virgil and the Antipodes John Scotus and Philosophical Religion Alfred and the Bible Darkness and Popery William the Conqueror Wulston at Edward's Tomb Struggle between William and Hildebrand The Pope yields Ciesaropapia, Page 60 CHAPTER V. Anselm's Firmness Becket's Austerity The King scourged John be- comes the Pope's Vassal Collision between Popery and Liberty The Vassal King ravages his Kingdom Religion of the Senses and Superstition, * . . . 70 CHAPTER VI. Reaction Grostete Principles of Reform Contest with the Pope Sewal Progress of the Nation Opposition to the Papacy Conver- sion of Bradwardine Grace is Supreme Edward III. Statutes of Provisors and Prcemunire, 76 CHAPTER VII. The Mendicant Friars Their Disorders and Popular Indignation Wickliffe ms Success Speeches of the Peers against the Papal Tri- bute Agreement of Bruges Courtenay and Lancaster Wickliffe before the Convocation Altercation between Lancaster and Cour- tenay Riot Three Briefs against Wickliffe Wickliffe at Lambeth Mission of the Poor Priests Their Preachings and Persecutions Wickliffe and the Four Regents, , 83 CHAPTER VIII. The Bible Wickliffe's Translation Effects of its Publication Opposi- tion of the Clergy Wickliffe's Fourth Phasis Transubstantiation Excommunication Wickliffe's Firmness Wat Tyler The Synod The Condemned Propositions Wickliffe's Petition Wickliffe beforo the Primate at Oxford Wickliffe summoned to Rome His Answer The Trialogue His Death And Character His Teaching His Ec- clesiastical Views A Prophecy, 94 CHAPTER IX. The Wickliffites-Call for Reform Richard II. The First Martyr- Lord Cobham Appears before Henry V. Before the Archbishop His Confession and Death The Lollards, .... 107 CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. Learning at Florence The Tudors Erasmus visits England Sir Thomas More Dean Colet Erasmus and young Henry Prince Arthur and Catherine Marriage and Death Catherine betrothed to Henry Accession of Henry VIII. Enthusiasm of the Learned- Erasmus recalled to England Cromwell before the Pope Catherine proposed to Henry Their Marriage and Court Tournaments Henry's Danger, Page 113 CHAPTER XL The Pope excites to War Colet's Sermon at St Paul's The Flemish Campaign Marriage of Louis XII. and Princess Mary Letter from Anne Boleyn Marriage of Brandon and Mary Oxford Sir Thomas, More at Court Attack upon the Monasteries Colet's Household He preaches Reform The Greeks and Trojans, .... 126 CHAPTER XII. Wolsey His first Commission His Complaisance and Dioceses Cardi- nal, Chancellor, and Legate Ostentation and Necromancy His Spies and Enmity Pretensions of the Clergy, 135 CHAPTER XIII. The Wolves Richard Hun A Murder Verdict of the Jury Hun con- demned, and his Character vindicated The Gravesend Passage-boat A Festival disturbed Brown tortured Visit from his Wife A Martyr Character of Erasmus 1516 and 1517 Erasmus goes to Basle, 140 BOOK XVIII. THE REVIVAL OF THE CHUSCH. CHAPTER I. Tour reforming Powers Which reformed England ! Papal Reform ? Episcopal Reform 1 Royal Reform ? What is required in a legitimate Reform ! The Share of the Kingly Power Share of the Episcopal Au- thority High and Low Church Political Events The Greek and Latin New Testament Thoughts of Erasmus Enthusiasm and Anger Desire of Erasmus Clamours of the Priests Their Attack at Court Astonishment of Erasmus His Labours for this Work Edwird Lee ; bis Character Lee's Tragedy Conspiracy, .... 14!) CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. Effects of the New Testament in the Universities Conversations A Cambridge Fellow Bilney buys the New Testament The First Pas- sage His Conversion Protestantism, the Fruit of the Gospel The Vale of the Severn William Tyndale Evangelization at Oxford Bilney teaches at Cambridge Fryth Is Conversion possible ? True Consecration The Reformation has begun, . . . Page 160 CHAPTER III. Alarm of the Clergy The Two Days Thomas Man's Preaching True real Presence Persecutions at Coventry Standish preaches at St Paul's His Petition to the King and Queen His Arguments and Defeat Wolsey's Ambition First Overtures Henry and Francis Candidates for the Empire Conference between Francis I. and Sir T. Boleyn The Tiara promised to Wolsey The Cardinal's Intrigues with Charles and Francis, . 1(0 CHAPTER IV. Tyndale-Sodbury Hall Sir John and Lady Walsh Table-Talk -The Holy Scriptures The Images The Anchor of Faith A Roman Camp Preaching of Faith and Works Tyndale accused by the Priests They tear up what ho has planted Tyndale resolves to translate the Bible His first Triumph The Priests in the Taverns Tyndale sum- moned before the Chancellor of Worcester Consoled by an aged Doc- tor Attacked by a Schoolman His Secret becomes known He leaves SodburyHall, 177 CHAPTER V. Luther's Works in England Consultation of the Bishops The Bull of Leo X. published in England Luther's Books burnt Letter of Henry VIII. He undertakes to write against Luther Cry of Alarm Tra- dition and Sacramentalism Prudence of Sir T. More The Book presented to the Pope Defender of the Faith Exultation of the King, 188 CHAPTER VI. Wolsey's Machinations to obtain the Tiara He gains Charles V. Alli- ance between Henry and Charles Wolsey offers to command the Troops Treaty of Bruges Henry believes himself King of France Victories of Francis I. Death of Leo X 195 CHAPTER VII. The Just Men of Lincolnshire Their Assemblies and Teaching Agnes and Morden Itinerant Libraries Polemical Conversations Sarcasm Royal Decree and Terror Depositions and Condemnations Four Majtyra A Conclave Charl|s consoles Wolsey, , . 200 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. Character of Tyndalo He arrives in London He preaches The C'oth and the Ell The Bishop of London gives Audience to Tyndale He is dismissed A Christian Merchant of London Spirit of Love in the Re- formation Tyndale in Monmouth's House Fryth helps him to tran- slate the New Testament Importunities of the Bishop of Lincoln- Persecution in London Tyndale's Resolution He departs His In- dignation against the Prelates His Hopes, . . . Page 206 CHAPTER IX. .Bilney at Cambridge Conversions The University Cross-bearer A Leicestershire Farmer A Party of Students Superstitious Practices An obstinate Papist The Sophists Latimer attacks Stafford Bil- ney's Resolution Latimer hears Bilney's Confession Confessor con- verted New Life in Latimer Bilney preaches Grace Nature of the Ministry Latimer's Character and Teaching Works of Charity- Three Classes of Adversaries Clark and Dalaber, . . 216 CHAPTER X. Wolsey seeks the Tiara Clement VII. is elected Wolsey's Dissimu- lation Charles offers France to Henry Pace's Mission on this Subject Wolsey reforms the convents His secret Alliances Treaty between France and England Taxation and Insurrection False Charges against the Reformers Latimer's Defence Tenterden Steeple, 229 CHAPTER XI. Tyndale at Hamburg First two Gospels Embarrassment Tyndale at NVittemberg At Cologne The New Testament at Press Sudden Interruption Cochlaeus at Cologne Rupert's Manuscripts Discovery of Cochlaeus His Inquiries His Alarm Rincke and the Senate's Prohibition Consternation and Decision of Tyndale Cochlaeus writes to England Tyndale ascends the Rhine Prints two Editions at Worms Tyndale's Prayer, 236 CHAPTER XII. Worms and Cambridge St Paul resuscitated Latimer's Preaching Never Man spake like this Man Joy and Vexation at Cambridge Sermon by Prior Buckingham Irony Latimer's Reply to Bucking- ham The Students threatened Latimer preaches before the Bishop He is forbidden to preach The most zealous of Bishops Barnes the Restorer of Letters Bilney undertakes to convert him Barnes offers his Pulpit to Latimer -Fry th's Thirst for God Christmas Eve, 1525 Storm against Barnes Ferment in the Colleges Germany at Cam- bridgeMeetings at Oxford General Expectation, . , 246 10 CONTENTS* t BOOK XIX. THE ENGLISH NEW TESTAMENT AND THE COURT OP ROME, CHAPTER I. Church and State essentially distinct Their fundamental Principles What restores Life to the Church Separation from Rome necessary Reform and Liberty The New Testament crosses the Sea Is hidden in London Garret's Preaching and Zeal Dissemination of Scripture What the People find in it The Effects it produces Tyndale's Explanations Roper, More's Son-in-law Garret carries Tyndale's Testament to Oxford Henry and his Valet The Supplication of the Beggars Two Sorts of Beggars Evils caused by Priests More's Supplications of the Souls in Purgatory, . . . Page 2G1 CHAPTER II. The two Authorities Commencement of the Search Garret at Oxford His Flight His Return and Im'prisonment Escapes and takes Refuge with Dalaber Garret and Dalaber at Prayer The Magnifi- catSurprise among the Doctors Clark's Advice Fraternal Love at Oxford Alarm of Dalaber His Arrest and Examination He is tortured Garret and twenty Fellows imprisoned The Cellar Con- demnation and Humiliation, . . 273 CHAPTER III. Persecution at Cambridge Barnes arrested A grand Search Barnes at Wolsey's Palace Interrogated by the Cardinal Conversation be- tween Wolsey and Barnes Barnes threatened with the Stake His Fall and public Penance Richard Bayfield His Faith and Imprison- ment Visits Cambridge Joins Tyndale The Confessors in the Cellar at Oxford Four of them die The rest liberated, ... 283 CHAPTER IV. Luther's Letter to the King Henry's Anger His Reply Luther's Re- solutionPersecutions Barnes escapes Proclamations against the New Testament W. Roy to Caiaphas Third Edition of the New Testament The Triumph of Law and Liberty Hackett attacks the Printer Hackett's Complaints A Seizure The Year 1526 in Eng- land 293 CONTENTS. 11 CHAPTER V. Wolsey desires to be revenged The Divorce suggested Henry's Senti- ments towards the Queen Wolsey's first Steps Longland's Proceed ings Refusal of Margaret of Valois Objection of the Bishop of Tar- bes Henry's Uneasiness Catherine's Alarm Mission to Spain Page 300 CHAPTER VI. Anne Boleyn appointed Maid.of Honour to Catherine Lord Percy be- comes attached to her Wolsey separates them Anne enters Mar- garet's Household Siege of Rome ; Cromwell Wolsey's Intercession for the Popedom He demands the Hand of Rene'e of France for Henry Failure Anne reappears at Court Repels the King's Ad- vancesHenry's Letter He resolves to accelerate the Divorce Two Motives which induce Anne to refuse the Crown Wolsey's Opposi- tion, v. . . . . . . 307 CHAPTER VII. Bilney's Preaching His Arrest Arthur's Preaching and Imprisonment Bilney's Examination Contest between the Judge and the Prisoner Bilney's \^%akness and Fall His Terrors Two Waiits Arrival of the Fourth Edition of the New Testament Joy among the Believers, 317 CHAPTER VIII. The Papacy intercepts the Gospel The King consults Sir Thomas More Ecclesiastical Conferences about the Divorce The Universities- Clarke The Nun of Kent Wolsey decides to do the King's Will Mis- sion to the Pope Four Documents Embarrassment of Charles V. Francis Philip at Madrid Distress and Resolution of Charles Ha turns away from the Reformation Conference at the Castle of St Angelo Knight arrives in Italy His Flight Treaty between the Pope and the Emperor Escape of the Pope Confusion of Henry VIII. Wolsey's Orders- His Entreaties, . . . .325 CHAPTER IX. The English Envoys at Orvieto Their Oration to the Pope Clement gains Time The Envoys and Cardinal Sanctorum Quatuor Stratagem of the Pope Knight discovers it and returns The Transformations of Antichrist The English obtain a new Document Fresh Stratagem Demand of a second Cardinal-legate The Pope's new Expedient - End of the Campaign, 334 12 CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. Disappointment in England War declared against Charles V Wolsey desires to get him deposed by the Pope A new Scheme Embassy of Fox and Gardiner Their Arrival at Orvieto Their first Interview with Clement The Pope reads a Treatise by Henry Gardiner's Threats and Clement's Promise The Modern Fabius Fresh Inter- view and Menaces The Pope has not the Key Gardiner's Proposition Difficulties and Delays of the Cardinals Gardiner's last Blows Reverses of Charles V. in Italy The Pope's Terror and Concession The Commission granted Wolsey demands the Engagement A Loop- holeThe Pope's Distress, Page 343 CHAPTER XL Fox's Report to Henry and Anne Wolsey's Impression He demands the Decretal One of the Cardinal's petty Manoeuvres He sets his Conscience at Rest Gardiner fails at Rome Wolsey's new Perfidy The King's Anger against the Pope Sir T. More predicts Religious Liberty -Immorality of Ultramontane Socialism Erajmus invited Wolsey's last Flight Energetic Efforts at Rome Clement grants all Wolsey triumphs Union of Rome and England, . . 356 BOOK XX. THE TWO DIVORCESf CHAPTER I. Progress of the Reformation The two Divorces Entreaties to Anne Boleyn The Letters in the Vatican Henry to Anne Henry's Second Letter Third Fourth Wolsey's Alarm His fruitless Pro- ceedings He turns The Sweating Sickness Henry's Fears New Letters to Anne Anne falls sick ; her Peace Henry writes to her Wolsey's Terror Campeggio does not arrive All dissemble at Court, 366 CONTENTS. 13 CHAPTER II. Coverdale and Inspiration He undertakes to translate the Scriptures Ilia Joy and Spiritual Songs Tyball and the Laymen Coverdale preaches at Bumpstead Revival at Colchester Incomplete Societies and the New Testament Persecution Monmouth arrested and released, Page 379 CHAPTER III. Political Changes Fresh Instructions from the Pope to Campeggio His Delays He unbosoms himself to Francis A Prediction Arrival of Campcggio Wolsey's Uneasiness Henry's Satisfaction The Car- dinal's Project Campeggio's Reception First Interview with the Queen and with the King Useless Efforts to make Campeggio part with the Decretal The Nuncio's Conscience Public Opinion Meas ures taken by the King His Speech to the Lords and Aldermen Festivities Wolsey seeks French Support Contrariety, . 387 CHAPTER IV. True Catholicity Wolsey Harman's Matter West sent to Cologne- Labours of Tyndale and Fryth Rincke at Frankfort He makes a Discovery Tyndale at Marburg West returns to England His Tor- tures in the Monastery, 403 CHAPTER V. Necessity of the Reformation Wolsey's Earnestness with Da Casale An Audience with Clement VII. Cruel Position of the Pope A Judas Kiss A new Brief Bryan and Vannes sent to Rome Henry and Du Bellay Wolsey's Reasons against the Brief Excitement in London- Metamorphosis Wolsey's Decline His Anguish, . . . 409 CHAPTER VI. The Pope's Illness Wolsey's Desire Conference about the Members of the Conclave Wolsey's Instructions The Pope recovers Speech of the English Envoys to the Pope Clement willing to abandon England The English demand the Pope's Denial of the Brief Wolsey's Alarm Intrigues Bryan's Clearsightedness Henry's Threats Wolsey's new Efforts He calls for an Appeal to Rome, and retracts Wolsey and Du Bellay at Richmond The Ship of the State, . . 416 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. Discussion between the Evangelicals and the Catholics Union of Learn- ing and Life The Laity : Tewkesbury His Appearance before the Bishops' Court He is tortured Two Classes of Opponents A Theo- logical Due! Scripture and the Church Emancipation of the Mind Mission to the Low Countries Tyndale's Embarrassment Tonstall wishes to buy the Books Packington's Stratagem Tyndale departs for Antwerp His Shipwreck Arrival at Hamburg Meets Cover- dale, Page 425 CHAPTER VIII. The Royal Session Sitting of the l-8th June ; the Queen's Protest Sitting of the 21st June Summons to the King and Queen Catherine's Speech She retires Impression on the Audience The King's Decla- ration Wolsey's Protest Quarrel between the Bishops New Sitting Apparition to the Maid of Kent Wolsey chafed by Henry The Earl of Wiltshire at Wolsey's Private Conference between Catherine and the two Legates, 436 CHAPTER IX. The Trial resumed Catherine summoned Twelve Articles The Wit- nesses' Evidence Arthur and Catherine really married Campeggio opposes the Argument of Divine Right Other Arguments The Legates required to deliver Judgment Their Tergiversations Change in Men's Minds Final Session General Expectation Adjournment during Harvest Campeggio excuses this Impertinence the King'^ Indigna- tion Suffolk's Violence Wolsey's Reply He is ruined General Ac- cusations The Cardinal turns to an Episcopal Life, . . 446 CHAPTER X. Anne Boleyn at Hever She reads the Obedience of a Christian Man Is recalled to Court Miss Gainsford and George Zouch Tyndale's Book converts Zouch Zouch in the Chapel-Royal The Book seized Anne applies to Henry The King reads the Book Pretended In- fluence of the Book on Henry The Court at Woodstock The Park and its Goblins Henry's Esteem for Anne, .... 453 CHAPTER XI. Embarrassment of the Pope The Triumphs of Charles decide him He traverses the Cause to Rome Wolsey's Dejection Henry's Wrath His Fears Wolsey obtains Comfort Arrival of the two Legates at CONTEXTS. 15 Grafton Wolsey's Reception by Henry Wolsey and Norfolk at Din- ner Henry with Anne Conference between the King and the Cardi- nal Wolsey's Joy and Grief The Supper at Euston Campeggio's Farewell Audience Wolsey's Disgrace Campeggio at Dover He is accused by the Courtiers Leaves England Wolsey foresees his own Fall and that of the Papacy, Page 461 CHAPTER XII. A Meeting at Waltham Youth of Thomas Cranmer His early Educa- tion Studies Scripture for three years His Functions as Examiner The Supper at Waltham New View of the Divorce Fox communi- cates it to Henry Cranmer's Vexation Conference with the King Cranccr at the Boleyns, 472 CHAPTER XIII. Wolsey in the Cou~t of Chancery Accused by the Dukes Refuses to five pp th'., Gr3at Seal His Despair He gives up the Seal Order to denart His inventory Alarm The Scene of Departure Favourable Message from the King Wolsey's Joy His Fool Arrival at Esher, 479 CHAPTER XIV. Thomas More elected Chancellor A lay Government one of the grea.t Facts of the Reformation Wolsey accused of subordinating England to the Popj He implores the King's Clemency His Condemnation Cromwell at Et-her His Character He sets out for London Sir Christopher Hales recommends him to the King Cromwell's Interview with Henry in the Park A new Theory Cromwell elected Member of Parliament Opened by Sir Thomas More Attack on ecclesiastical Abuses Reforms pronounced by the Convocation Three Bills Ro- chester attacks them Resistance of the House of Commons Struggles Henry sanctions the three Bills Alarm of the Clergy and Distur- bances, 486 CHAPTER XV. The last Hour More's Fanaticism Debates in Convocation Royal Proclamation The Bishop of Norwich Sentiences condemned Lati- mer's Opposition The New Testament burnt The Persecution be- gins -Hitton Bayfield Tonsiall and Packington Bayfield arrested The Rector Patmore Lollards' Tower Tyndale and Patmore a Musician Freese the Painter Placards and Martyrdom of Bennet Thomas More and John Petit Bilney, 496 16 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. Wolsey's Terror Impeachment by the Peers Cromwell saves him The Cardinal's Illness Ambition returns to him His Practices in Yorkshire He is arrested by Northumberland His Departure Ar- rival of the Constable of the Tower Wolsey at Leicester Abbey Per- secuting Language He dies Three Movements : Supremacy, Scrip- ture, and Faith, . ... Page 510 HISTOKY OF THE KEFOKMATION, BOOK XVII. ENGLAND BEFORE THE REFORMATION. CHAPTER I. introduction Work of the Sixteenth Century Unity and Diversity- Necessity of considering the entire Religious History of England Establishment of Christianity in Great Britain Formation of Ecclesi- astical Catholicism in the Roman Empire Spiritual Christianity re- ceived by Britain Slavery and Conversion of Succat His Mission to Ireland Anglo-Saxons re-establish Paganism in England Columba at lona Evangelical Teaching Presbytery and Episcopacy in Great Britain Continental Missions of the Britons An Omission. THOSE heavenly powers which had lain dormant in the church since the first ages of Christianity, awoke from their slumber in the sixteenth century, and this awakening called the modern times into existence. The church was created anew, and from that regeneration have flowed the great de- velopments of literature and science, of morality, liberty, and industry, which at present characterize the nations of Christendom. None of these things would have existed without the Reformation. Whenever society enters upon a new era, it requires the baptism of faith. In the sixteenth century God gave to man this consecration from on high by leading him back from mere outward profession and the mechanism of works to an inward and lively faith. VOL. v. 2 18 UNITY AND DIVERSITY. This transformation was not effected without straggles struggles which presented at first a remarkable unity. On the day of battle one and the same feeling animated every bosom : affer the victory they became divided. Unity of faith indeed remained, but the difference of nationalities brought into the church a diversity of forms. Of this we are about to witness a striking example. The Reformation, which had begun its triumphal march in Germany, Switzerland, France, and several other parts of the continent, was des- tined to receive new strength by the conversion of a cele- brated country, long known as the Isle of Saints. This island was to add its banner to the trophy of Protestantism, but that banner preserved its distinctive colours. When England became reformed, a puissant individualism joined its might to the great unity. If we search for the characteristics of the British Refor- mation, we shall find that, beyond any other, they were social, national, and truly human. There is no people among whom the Reformation has produced to the same degree that morality and order, that liberty, public spirit, and ac- tivity, which are the very essence of a nation's greatness. Just as the papacy has degraded the Spanish peninsula, has the gospel exalted the British islands. Hence the study upon which we are entering possesses an interest peculiar to itself. In order that this study may be useful, it should have a character of universality. To confine the history of a people within the space of a few years, or even of a century, would deprive that history of both truth and life. We might in- deed have traditions, chronicles, and legends, but there would be no history. History is a wonderful organization, no part of which can be retrenched. To understand the present, we must know the past. Society, like man him- self, has its infancy, youth, maturity, and old age. Ancient or Pagan society, which had spent its infancy in the East in the midst of the antihellenic races, had its youth in the animated epoch of the Greeks, its manhood in the stern period of Roman greatness, and its old age under the decline of the empire. Modern society has passed through analpr THE GOSPEL CARRIED TO BRITAIN. 1& gous stages : at the time of the Reformation it attained that of the full-grown man. We shall now proceed to trace the destinies of the church in England, from the earliest times of Christianity. These long and distant preparations are one of the distinctive characteristics of its reformation. Before the sixteenth century this church had passed through two great phases. The first was that of its formation the second that of its corruption. In its formation it was oriento-apostolical. In its corruption it was successively national-papistical and royal-papistical. After these two degrees of decline came the last and great phasis of the Reformation. In the second century of the Christian era vessels were frequently sailing to the savage shores of Britain from the ports of Asia Minor, Greece, Alexandria, or the Greek colonies in Gaul. Among the merchants busied in calculat- ing the profits they could make upon tbe produce of the East with which their ships were laden, would occasionally be found a few pious men from the banks of the Meander or the Hermus, conversing peacefully with one another about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, and rejoicing at the prospect of saving by these glad tidings the pagans towards whom they were steering. It would appear that some British prisoners of war, having learnt to know Christ during their captivity, bore also to their fellow-countrymen the knowledge of, this Saviour. It may be, too, that some Christian soldiers, the Corneliuses of those imperial armies whose advanced posts reached the southern parts of Scotland, desirous of more lasting conquests, may have read to the people whom they had subdued, the writings of Matthew, John, and Paul. It is of little consequence to know whether one of these first converts was, according to tradition, a prince named Lucius. It is certain that the tidings of the Son of man, crucified and raised again, under Tiberius, spread through these islands more rapidly than the dominion of the emperors, and that before the end of the 20 CULDEES. second century many churches worshipped Christ beyond the walls of Adrian ; in those mountains, forests, and west- ern isles, which for centuries past the Druids had filled with their mysteries and their sacrifices, and on which even the Roman eagles had never stooped.* These churches were formed after the eastern type : the Britons would have re- fused to receive the type of that Rome whose yoke they detested. The first thing which the British Christians received from the capital of the empire was persecution. But Diocletian, by striking the disciples of Jesus Christ in Britain, only in- creased their number. f Many Christians from the southern part of the island took refuge in Scotland, where they raised their humble roofs, and under the name of Culdees prayed for the salvation of their protectors. When the surrounding pagans saw the holiness of these men of God, they aban- doned in great numbers their sacred oaks, their mysterious caverns, and their blood-stained altars, and obeyed the gentle voice of the Gospel. After the death of these pious refugees, their cells were transformed into houses of prayer.j: In 305 Constantius Chlorus succeeded to the throne of the Csesars, and put an end to the persecution. The Christianity which was brought to these people by merchants, soldiers, or missionaries, although not the eccle- siastical Catholicism already creeping into life in the Roman empire, was not the primitive evangelism of the apostles. The East and the South could only give to the North of what they possessed. The mere human period had suc- ceeded to the creative and miraculous period of the church. After the extraordinary manifestations of the Holy Ghost, which had produced the apostolic age, the church had been left to the inward power of the word and of the Comforter. * Britannorum inaccessa Romanis loca Christo vero subdita. (Ter- tullian contra Judseos, lib. vii.) This work, from its bearing no traces of Montanism, seems to belong to the .first part of Tertullian's life. See also Origen in Lucam, cap. i. liomil. 6. + Lactantius, de mortibus persecutorum, cap. xii. J Multi ex Brittonibus Christian! soevitiam Diocletiani timentes ad eos confugerant ut vita functorrm cellse in templa commutarentur Buchanan, iv. o. xxxv. FORMATION OF ECCLESIASTICAL CATHOLICISM. 21 But Christians did not generally comprehend the spiritual life to which they were called. God had been pleased to give them a divine religion ; and this they gradually assi- milated more and more to the religions of human origin. Instead of saying, in the 'spirit of the Gospel, the word of God first, and through it the doctrine and the life the doc- trine and the life, and through them the forms ; they said, forms first, and salvation by these forms. They ascribed to bishops a power which belongs only to Holy Scripture. Instead of ministers of the word, they desired to have priests ; instead of an inward sacrifice, a sacrifice offered on the altar ; and costly temples instead of a living church. They began to seek in men, in ceremonies, and in holy places, what they could find only in the Word and in the lively faith of the children of God. In this manner evan- gelical religion gave place to Catholicism, and by gradual degeneration in after-years Catholicism gave birth to popery. This grievous transformation took place more particularly in the East, in Africa, and in Italy. Britain was at first comparatively exempt. At the very time 1 that the savage Picts and Scots, rushing from their heathen homes, were devastating the country, spreading terror on all sides, and reducing the people to slavery, we discover here and there some humble Christian receiving salvation not by a clerical sacramentalism, but by the work of the Holy Ghost in the heart. At the end of the fourth century we meet with an illustrious example of such conversions. On the picturesque banks of the Clyde, not far from Glas- gow, in the Christian village of Bonavern, now Kilpatrick, a little boy, of tender heart, lively temperament, and inde- fatigable activity, passed the earlier days of his life. He was born about the year 372 A.D., of a British family, and was named Succat.* His father, Calpurnius, deacon of the church of Bonavern, a simple-hearted pious man, and his mother, Conchessa, sister to the celebrated Martin, arch- bishop of Tours,j and a woman superior to the majority of * In baptismo baud Patricium sed Succat a pareutibus fuisse dictum. Usser. Brit. Eccl. Antiq. p. 428. f Martini Turonum archiepiscopi consanguineam. Ibid. 22 SUCCAT HIS CONVERSION. her sex, had endeavoured to instil into his heart the doc- trines of Christianity ; but Succat did not understand them. He was fond of pleasure, and delighted to be the leader of his youthful companions. In the midst of his frivolities, he committed a serious fault. Some few years later, his parents having quitted Scot- land and settled in Armorica (Bretagne), a terrible calamity befell them. One day as Succat was playing near the sea- shore with two of his sisters, some Irish pirates, commanded by O'Neal, carried them all three off to their boats, and sold them in Ireland to the petty chieftain of some pagan clan. Succat was sent into the fields to keep swine.* It was while alone in these solitary pastures, without priest and without temple, that the young slave called to mind the Divine, lessons which his pious mother had so often read to him. The fault which he had committed pressed heavily night and day upon his soul: he groaned in heart, and wept. He turned repenting towards that meek Saviour of whom Conchessa had so often spoken ; he fell at His knees in that heathen land, and imagined he felt the arms of a father uplifting the prodigal son. Succat was then born from on high, but by an agent so spiritual, so internal, that he knew not " whence it cometh or whither it goeth." The gospel was written with the finger of God on the tablets of his heart. " I was sixteen years old," said he, " and knew not the true God; but in that strange land the Lord opened my unbelieving eyes, and, although late, I called my sins to mind, and was converted with my whole heart to the Lord my God, who regarded my low estate, had pity on my youth and ignor- ance, and consoled me as a father consoles his children."-J- Such words as these from the lips of a swineherd in the green pastures of Ireland set clearly before us the Christianity which in the fourth and fifth centuries converted many souls in the British isles. In after-years, Rome established the dominion of the priest and salvation by forms, independently * Cujus porcorum pastor erat. Usser. Brit. Eccl. Antiq. p. 431. t Et ibi Dominus aperuit sensum incredulitatis mese, ut vel sero remo rarem delicta mea, et ut converterer toto corde ad Dominum Deum meum. Patr. Confess. Usser. 431. EVANGELICAL FAITH. 23 of the dispositions of the heart ; but the primitive religion of these celebrated islands was that living Christianity whose substance is the grace of Jesus Christ, and whose power is the grace of the Holy Ghost. The herdsman from the banks of the Clyde was then undergoing those experiences wliteh so many evangelical Christians in those countries have sub- sequently undergone. " The love of God increased more and more in me," said he, " with faith and the fear of His name. The Spirit urged me to such a degree that I poured forth as many as a hundred prayers in one day. And even during the night, in the forests and on the mountains where I kept my flock, the rain, and snow, and frost, and sufferings which I endured, excited me to seek after God. At that time, I felt not the indifference which now I feel : the Spirit fermented in my heart."* Evangelical faith even then ex- isted in the British islands in the person of this slave, and of some few Christians born again, like him, from on high. Twice a captive and twice rescued, Succat, after returning to liis family, felt an irresistible appeal in his heart. It was his duty to carry the gospel to those Irish pagans among whom he had found Jesus Christ. His parents and his friends endeavoured in vain to detain him ; the same ardent desire pursued him in his dreams. During the silent watches of the night he fancied he heard voices calling to him from the dark forests of Erin : " Come, holy child, and walk once more among us." He awoke in tears, his breast filled with the keenest emotion.-]- He tore himself from the arms of his parents, and rushed forth not as heretofore with his play- fellows, when he would climb the summit of some lofty hill but with a heart full of charity in Christ. He departed ; " It was not done of my own strength," said he; "it was God who overcame all." Succat, afterwards known as Saint Patrick, and to which name, as to that of Saint Peter and other servants of God, * Ut ctiam in sylvis ct monte^ manebam, ct ante lucem cxcitabar ad orationem per nivcm, per gelu, per pluviam quia tune Spiritus in me fervebat. Pair. Confess. Usser. 432. f Valde compuuctua sum corde et sic expergefactus. Patr. Confess. Usser. 433. 24 PATRICK'S MISSION PELAGIUS. many superstitions have been attached, returned to Ireland, but without visiting Rome, as an historian of the twelfth century has asserted.* Ever active, prompt, and ingenious, he collected the pagan tribes in the fields by beat of drum, antl then narrated to them in their own tongue the history of the Son of God. Erelong his simple recitals exercised a divine power over their rude hearts, and many souls were converted, not by external sacraments or by the worship of images, but by the preaching of the word of God. The son of a chieftain whom Patrick calls Benignus, learnt from him to proclaim the Gospel, and was destined to succeed him. The court bard, Dubrach Mac Valubair, no longer sang druidical hymns, but canticles addressed to Jesus Christ. Patrick was not entirely free from the errors of the time ; perhaps he believed in pious miracles ; but generally speak- ing we meet with nothing but the gospel in the earlier days of the British church. The time no doubt will come when Ireland will again feel the power of the Holy Ghost, which had once converted it by the ministrations of a Scotchman. Shortly before the evangelization of Patrick in Ireland, a Briton named Pelagius, having visited Italy, Africa, and Palestine, began to teach a strange doctrine. Desirous of making head against the moral indifference into which most of the Christians in those countries had fallen, and which would appear to have been in strong contrast with the British austerity, he denied the doctrine of original sin, ex- tolled free-will, and maintained that, if man made use of all the powers of his nature, he would attain perfection. We do not find that he taught these opinions in his own coun- try ; but from the continent, where he disseminated them, they soon reached Britain. The British churches refused to receive this "pervers% doctrine," their historian tells us, "and to blaspheme the grace of Jesus Christ." f They do not appear to have held the strict doctrine of Saint Augus- tine : they believed indeed that man has need of an inward * Jocelinus, Vita in Acta Sanctorum. f- Verum Britanni cum neque suscipero dogma perversum, gratiam Christi blasphernando nulla teuus vellent. Beda, Hist. Angl., lib. i.- cap. irii. et xxi. SAXON INVASION. 25 change, and that this the divine power alone can effect ; but like the churches of Asia, from which they had sprung, they seem to have conceded something to our natural strength in the work of conversion ; and Pelagius, with a good inten- tion it would appear, went still further. However that may be, these churches, strangers to the controversy, were unac- quainted with all its subtleties. Two Gaulish bishops, Ger- manus and Lupus, came to their aid, and those who had been perverted returned into the way of truth.* Shortly after this, events of great importance took place in Great Britain, and the light of faith disappeared in pro- found night. In 449, Hengist and Horsa, with their Saxon followers, being invited by the wretched inhabitants to aid them against the cruel ravages of the Picts and Scots, soon turned their swords against the people they had come to assist. Christianity was driven back with the Britons into the mountains of Wales and the wild moors of Northumber- land and Cornwall. Many British families remained in the midst of the conquerors, but without exercising any religious influence over them. While the conquering races, settled at Paris, Ravenna, or Toledo, gradually laid aside their paganism and savage manners, the barbarous customs of the Saxons prevailed unmoderated throughout the kingdoms of the Heptarchy, and in every quarter temples to Thor rose above the churches in which Jesus Christ had been wor- shipped. Gaul and the south of Europe, which still exhib- ited to the eyes of the barbarians the last vestiges of Ro- man grandeur, alone had the power of inspiring some degree of respect in the formidable Germans, and of transforming their faith. From this period, the Greeks and Latins, and even the converted Goths, looked at this island with unut- terable dread. The soil, said they, is covered with ser- pents ; the air is thick with deadly exhalations ; the souls of the departed are transported thither at midnight from the shores of Gaul. Ferrymen, and sons of Erebus and Night, admit these invisible shades into their boats, and listen, with a shudder, to their mysterious whisperings. England, whence * Depravati viam corrcctionis agnoscereiit. Beda, Hist. Angl., lib. L cap. xvii. ct xxi. 2* B 26 PAGANISM KESTOKED. light was one clay to be shed over the habitable globe, was then the trysting-place of the dead. And yet the Christianity of the British isles was not to be annihilated by these bar- barian invasions ; it possessed a strength which rendered it capable of energetic resistance. In one of the churches formed by Succat's preaching, there arose about two centuries after him a pious man named Columba, son of Feidlimyd, the son of Fergus. Valuing the cross of Christ more highly than the royal blood that flowed in his veins, he resolved to devote him- self to the King of heaven. Shall he not repay to the country of Succat what Succat had imparted to his ? "I vill go," said he, " and preach the word of God ui Scot- land;"* for the word of God and not an ecclesiastical hier- archism was then the converting agency. The grandson of Fergus communicated the zeal which animated him to the hearts of several fellow-christians. They repaired to the seashore, and cutting down the pliant branches of the osier, constructed a frail bark, which they covered with the skins of beasts. In this rude boat they embarked in the year 565, and after being driven to and fro on the ocean, the little missionary band reached the waters of the Hebrides. Columba landed near the barren rocks of Mull, to the south of the basaltic caverns of Staffa, and fixed his abode in a small island, afterwards known as lona or Icolmkill, " the island of Columba's cell." Some Christian Culdees, driven out by the dissensions of the Picts and Scots, had already found a refuge in the same retired spot. Here the mission- aries erected a chapel, whose walls, it is said, still exist among the stately ruins of a later age.-j- Some authors have placed Columba in the first rank after the apostles. :J: True, we do not find in him the faith of a Paul or a John ; but he lived as in the sight of God ; he mortified the flesh, and slept on the ground with a stone for his pillow. Amid * Praedicaturus verbum Dei. Usser. Antiq. p. 359. f I visited lona in 1845 with Dr Patrick M'Farlan, and saw these ruins. One portion of the building seems to be of primitive architec- ture. J Nulli post apostolos secundus. Notker. COLUMBA HIS TEACHING. 27 this solemn scenery, and among customs so rude, the form of the missionary, illumined by a light from heaven, shone with love, and manifested the joy and serenity of his heart. * Although subject to the same passions as ourselves, he wrestled against his weakness, and would not have one moment lost for the glory of God. He prayed and read, he wrote and taught, he preached and redeemed the time. With indefatigable activity he went from house to house, and from kingdom to kingdom. The king of the Picts was converted, as were also many of his people ; precious manu- scripts were conveyed to lona; a school of theology was founded there, in which the word was studied ; and many received through faith the salvation which is in Christ Jesus. Erelong a missionary spirit breathed over this ocean rock, so justly named " the light of the western world." The Judaical sacerdotalism which was beginning to ex- tend in the Christian church found no support in lona. They had forms, but not to them did they look for life. It was the Holy Ghost, Columba maintained, that made a ser- vant of God. When the youth of Caledonia assembled around the elders on these savage shores, or in their humble chapel, these ministers of the Lord would say to them: "The Holy Scriptures are the only rule of faith. {- Throw aside all merit of works, and look for salvation to the grace of God alone, f Beware of a religion which consists of out- ward observances : it is better to keep your heart pure be- fore God than to abstain from meats. One alone is your head, Jesus Christ. Bishops and presbyters are equal ; || they should be the husbands of one wife, and have their children in subjection."^ Qui de prosapia regali claruit , x Sed morum gratia magis emicuit. Usser. Antiq. p. 360. f Prolatis Sanctaj Scripturso testimoniis. Adomn. 1. i. c. 22. J Bishop Munter, Altbritische Kirche. Stud, und Krit. vi. 745. Meliores sunt ergo qui non magno opere jejunant, cor intrinsecua nitidum coram Deo soUicite servantes. Gildas in ejusd. Synod. Ap- pend. || In Hibernia episcopi et presbyteri unum sunt. Ekkehardi liber. ATX. Geschichte von S. Gall. i. 267. V Patrcm habui Calpornium diaconum filium quondam Potiti Presby- 28 PKESBYTERY AND EPISCOPACY. The sages of lona knew nothing of transubstantiation or of the withdrawal of the cup in the Lord's Supper, or of auricular confession, or of prayers to the dead, or tapers, or incense ; they celebrated Easter on a different day from Rome;* synodal assemblies regulated the affairs of the church, and the papal supremacy was unknown. -J- The sun of the gospel shone upon these wild and distant shores. In after-years, it was the privilege of Great Britain to recover with a purer lustre the same sun and the same gospel. lona, governed by a simple elder, J had become a mission- ary college. It has been sometimes called a monastery, but the dwelling of the grandson of Fergus in nowise resembled the popish convents. When its youthful inmates desired to spread the knowledge of Jesus Christ, they thought not of going elsewhere in quest of episcopal ordination. Kneel- ing in the chapel of Icolmkill, they were set apart by the laying on of the hands of the elders: they were called bishops, but remained obedient to the elder or presbyter of lona. They even consecrated other bishops: thus Finan laid hands upon Diuma, bishop of Middlesex. These British Christians attached great importance to the ministry ; but not to one form in preference to another. Presbytery and episcopacy were with them, as with the primitive church, almost identical. Somewhat later we find that neither the venerable Bede, nor Lanfranc, nor Anselm the two last teri. Patricii Confessio. Even as late as the twelfth century we meet with married Irish bishops. Bernard, Vita Malachise, cap. x. * In die quidem dominica alia tamen quam dicebat hebdomade celebra- bant. Beda, lib. iii. cap. iv. t Augustinus novam religionem docet dum ad unius episcopi ro- mani dominatum omnia revocat. Buchan. lib. v. cap. xxxvi. J Habere autem solet ipsa insula rectorem semper abbatem presby- tcrum cujus juri et omnis provincia et ipsi eliam episcopi, ordine inusi- tato, debeant esse subjecti, juxta exemplum primi doctoris illius qui non episcopus sed presbyter exstitit et monachus. Beda, Hist. Eccl., iii. cap. iv. Idem est ergo presbyter qui episcopus, et antequam diaboli instinctu studia in religione fierent communi presbyterorum concilio Ecclcsire gubernabantur. Indifierenter de episcopo quasi de presbytero est loquu- tus(Paulus) .... sciant episcopi se, magis consuetudine quam dispositionis dominicse veritate, presbyteris esse majores. Hieronymus ad Titum, i.5. CONTINENTAL MISSIONS. 29 were archbishops of Canterbury made any objection to the ordinatjpn of British bishops by plain presbyters.* The re- ligious and moral element that belongs to Christianity still predominated; the sacerdotal element, which characterizes human religions, whether among the Brahmins or elsewhere, was beginning to show itself, but. in Great Britain at least it held a very subordinate station. Christianity was still a religion and not a caste. They did not require of the ser- vant of God, as a warrant of his capacity, a long list of names succeeding one another like the beads of a rosary; they entertained serious, noble, and holy ideas of the minis- try; its authority proceeded wholly from Jesus Christ its head. , The missionary fire, which the grandson of Fergus had kindled in a solitary island, soon spread over Great Britain. Not in lona alone, but at Bangor and other places, the spirit of evangelization burst out. A fondness for travelling had already become a second nature in this people.-|- Men of God, burning with zeal, resolved to carry the evangelical torch tp the continent to the vast wildernesses sprinkled here and thexe with barbarous and heathen tribes. They did not set forth as antagonists of Rome, for at that epoch there was no place for suqh antagonism; but lona and Bangor, less illustrious than Rome in the history of nations, possessed a more lively faith than the city of the Caesars ; and that faith, unerring sign of the presence of Jesus Christ, gave those whom it inspired a right to evangelize the world, which Rome could not gainsay. The missionary bishopsf of Britain accordingly set forth and traversed the Low Countries, Gaul, Switzerland, Ger- many, and even Italy. The free church of the Scots and * Bishop Munter makes this remark in his dissertation On tJie An- ciint British Nation, about the primitive identity of bishops and priests, and episcopal consecration. Stud, und Krit. an. 1833. f Natio Scotorum quibus consuetude peregrinandi jam paene in oaturam con versa* est. Vita S. Galli, 47. \ They were called episcopi rfyionarii because they had no settled dincese. Autiquo tempore doctissimi sulebant magistri de Hibernia Brit- anniam. Gallium, Italiam venire, et iiiultos per ecclesiaa Christ! fc OUM profcctus. Aleuin, Epp. ccxxi. 30 COLUMUANUS. Britons did more for the conversion of central Europe than the half-enslaved church of the Romans. These missionaries were not haughty and insolent like the priests of Italy ; but supported themselves by the work of their hands. Colum- banus (whom we must not confound with Columba),* " feeling in his heart the burning of the fire which the Lord had kindled upon earth," f quitted Bangor in 590 with twelve other missionaries, and carried the gospel to the Burgundians, Franks, and Swiss. He continued to preach it amidst frequent persecutions, left his disciple Gall in Helvetia, and retired to Bobbio, where he died, honouring Christian Rome, but placing the church of Jerusalem above it, J exhorting it to beware of corruption, and declaring that the power would remain with it so long only as it re- tained the true doctrine (recta ratio}. Thus was Britain faithful in planting the standard of Christ in the heart of Europe. We might almost imagine this unknown people to be a new Israel, and Icolmkill and Bangor to have in- herited the virtues of Zion. Yet they should have done more: they should have preached not only to the continental heathens, to those in the north of Scotland and the distant Ireland, but also to the still pagan Saxons of England. It is true that they made several attempts; but while the Britons considered their conquerors as the enemies of God and man, and shuddered while they pronounced their name, the Saxons refused to be converted by the voice of their slaves. By ne- glecting this field, the Britons left room for other workmen, and thus it was that England yielded to a foreign power, be- neath whose heavy yoke it long groaned in vain. * Thierry, in his Hist, de la Conquite de I 'Angleterre, makes Columba and Columbanus one personage. Columba preached the Gospel in Scot- land about 560, and died in 597 ; Columbanus preached among the Bur- gundians in 600, and died in 615. f Ignitum igne Domini desiderium. Mabillon, Acj;a, p. 9. J Salva loci dominicae resurrectionis singulars prcerogativa. Columb. Vita, 10. Nefandi nominis Saxoni Deo hominibusque invisi. Gildas, De ex cidio Britannise. OBEUOKY TUB GREAT. 31 CHAPTER II. Pope Gregory the Great Desires to reduce Britain Policy of Gregory and Augustine Arrival of the Mission Appreciation Britain supe- rior to Rome Dionoth at Bangor First and Second Romish Aggres- sions Anguish of the Britons Pride of Rome Rome has recourse to the Sword Massacre Saint Peter scourges an Archbishop Oswald His Victory Corman Mission of Oswald and Aidan Death of Oswald. IT is matter of fact that the spiritual life had waned in Ita- lian Catholicism; and in proportion as the heavenly spirit had become weak, the lust of dominion had grown strong. The Roman metropolitans and their delegates soon became impatient to mould all Christendom to their peculiar forms. About the end of the sixth century an eminent man filled the see of Rome. Gregory was born of senatorial family, and already on the high road to honour, when he suddenly renounced the world, and transformed the palace of his fathers into a convent. But his ambition had only changed its object. In his views, the whole church should submit to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Rome. True, he rejected the title of universal bishop assumed by the patriarch of Con- stantinople ; but if he desired not the name, he was not the less eager for the substance.* On the borders of the West, in the island of Great Britain, was a Christian church inde- pendent of Rome : this must be conquered, and a favourable opportunity soon occurred. Before his elevation to the primacy, and while he was as yet only the monk Gregory, he chanced one day to cross a market in Rome where certain foreign dealers were exposing their wares for sale. Among them he perceived some fair- * He says (pp. lib. ix. ep. xii.) : De Constantinopolitana eoeleaia quis earn dubitct apostolicaa sedi esse subjectam 1 32 DETERMINES TO SUBDUE BRITAIN. haired youthful slaves, whose noble bearing attracted his attention. On drawing near them, he learned that the Anglo-Saxon nation to which they belonged had refused to receive the gospel from the Britons. When he afterwards became bishop of Eome, this crafty and energetic pontiff, " the last of the good and the first of the bad," as he has been called, determined to convert these proud conquerors, and make use of them in subduing the British church to the papacy, as he had already made use of the Frank monarchs to reduce the Gauls. Eome has often shown herself more eager to bring Christians rather than idolaters to the pope.* Was it thus with Gregory ? We must leave the question unanswered. Ethelbert, king of Kent, having married a Christian princess of Frank descent, the Eonym bishop thought the conjunc- ture favourable for his design, and despatched a mission un- der the direction of one of his friends named Augustine, A.D. 596. At first the missionaries recoiled from the task ap- pointed them ; but Gregory was firm. Desirous of gaining the assistance of the Frank kings, Theodoric and Theode- bert, he affected to consider them as the lords paramount of England, and commended to them the conversion of their subjects.-^ Nor was this all. He claimed also the support of the powerful Brunehilda, grandmother of these two kings, and equally notorious for her treachery, her irregularities r and her crimes ; and did not scruple to extol the good works and godly fear of this modern Jezebel.J Under such aus- pices the Eomish mission arrived in England. The pope had made a skilful choice of his delegate. Augustine pos- sessed even to a greater extent than Gregory himself a mix- ture of ambition and devotedness, of superstition and piety, of cunning and zeal. He thought that faith and holiness were less essential to the church than authority and power ; and that its prerogative was 'not so much to save souls as * We know the history of Tahiti and of other modern missions of the Romish church. f- Subjectos vestros. Opp. Gregorii, torn. iv. p. 334. $. Prona in bonis operibua... in omnipotentis Dei timore. Ibid. torn. ii. p. 835. ARRIVAL OF THE MISSION. 33 (.0 collect all the human race under the sceptre of Rome.* Gregory himself was distressed at Augustine's spiritual pride, and often exhorted him to humility. Success of that kind which popery desires soon crowned the labours of its servants. The forty-one missionaries hav- ing landed in the isle of Thanet, in the year 597, the king of Kent consented to receive them, but in the open air, for fear of magic. They drew up in such a manner as to pro- duce an effect on the rude islanders. The procession was opened by a monk bearing a huge cross on which the figure of Christ was represented : his colleagues followed chanting their Latin hymns, and thus they approached the oak ap- pointed for the place of conference. They inspired sufficient confidence in Ethelbert to gain permission to celebrate their worship in an old ruinous chapel at Durovern (Canterbury), where British Christians had in former times adored the Saviour Christ. The king and thousands of his subjects received not long after, with certain forms, and certain Christian doctrines, the errors of the Roman pontiffs as purgatory, for instance, which Gregory was advocating with the aid of the most absurd fables.t Augustine baptized ten thousand pagans in one day. As yet Rome had only set her foot in Great Britain; she did not fail erelong to establish her kingdom there. We should be unwilling to undervalue the religious ele- ment now placed before the Anglo-Saxons, and we can readily believe that many of the missionaries sent from Italy desired to work a Christian work. We think, too, that the Middle Ages ought to be appreciated with more equitable sentiments than have always been found in the persons who have written on that period. Man's conscience lived, spoke, and groaned during the long dominion of popery; and like a plant growing among thorns, it often succeeded in forcing a passage through the obstacles of traditionalism and hierarchy, to blossom in the quickening sun of God's grace. The Christian element is even strongly * We find the same idea in Wiseman, Lect. ix., On the principal doo trines and practices of the Catholic Church. Loud. 1836. t Hoepfner, De origine dogmatis do purgatorio. Halle, 1792. B2 34 BRITAIN SUPERIOR TO ROME. marked in some of the most eminent men of the theocracy in Anselm for instance. Yet as it is our task to relate the history of the struggles which took place between primitive Christianity and Ro- man-catholicism, we cannot forbear pointing out the supe- riority of the former in a religious light, while we acknow- ledge the superiority of the latter in a political point of view. We believe (and we shall presently have a proof of it)* that a visit to lona would have taught the Anglo- Saxons much more than their frequent pilgrimages to the banks of the Tiber. Doubtless, as has been remarked, these pilgrims contemplated at Rome " the noble monuments of antiquity," but there existed at that time in the British islands and it has been too often overlooked a Chris- tianity which, if not perfectly pure, was at least better than that of popery. The British church, which at the beginning of the seventh century carried faith and civilization into Burgundy, the Vosges mountains, and Switzerland, might well have spread them both over Britain. The influence of the arts, whose civilizing influence we are far from depre- ciating, would have come later. But so far was the Christianity of the Britons from con- verting the Saxon heptarchy, that it was, alas! the Ro- manism of the heptarchy which was destined to conquer Britain. These struggles between the Roman and British churches, which fill all the seventh century, are of the highest importance to the English church, for they establish clearly its primitive liberty. They possess also great in- terest for the other churches of the West, as showing in the most striking characters the usurping acts by which the papacy eventually reduced them beneath its yoke. Augustine, appointed archbishop not only of the Saxons, but of the free Britons, was settled by papal ordinance, first at London and afterwards at Canterbury. Being at the head of a hierarchy composed of twelve bishops, he soon attempted to bring all the Christians of Britain under the Roman jurisdiction. At that time there existed at Bangor,-f- * In the history of Oswald, king of Northumberland. t Bann-cor, the choir on tho steep hill. Carlisle, Top. Diet. Wales. DIONOTH AT BANGOR. 35 in North Wales, a large Christian society, amounting to nearly three thousand individuals, collected together to work with their own hands,* to study, and to pray, and from whose bosom numerous missionaries (Columbanus was among the number) had from time to time gone forth. The president of this church was Dionoth, a faithful teacher, ready to serve all men in charity, yet firmly convinced that no one should have supremacy in the Lord's vineyard. Although one of the most influential men in the British church, he was somewhat timid and hesitating ; he would yield to a certain point for the love of peace ; but would never flinch from his duty. He was another apostle John, full of mildness, and yet condemning the Diotrephes, who love to have pre-emin- ence among the brethren. Augustine thus addressed him : " Acknowledge the authority of the Bishop of Rome." These are the first words of the papacy to the ancient Christians of Britain. " We desire to love all men," meekly replied the venerable Briton : " and what we do for you, we will do for him also whom you call the pope. But he is not entitled to call himself the father of fathers, and the only submission we can render him is that which we owe to every Chris- tian.''-!- This was not what Augustine asked. He was not discouraged by this first check. Proud of the pallium which Rome had sent him, and relying on the swords of the Anglo-Saxons, he convoked in 601 a general assem- bly of British and Saxon bishops. The meeting took place in the open air, beneath a venerable oak, near Wigornia (Worcester or Hereford), and here occurred the second Romish aggression. Dionoth resisted with firmness the extravagant pretensions of Augustine, who again summoned him to recognise the authority of Rome.J Another Briton protested against the presumption of the Romans, who as- cribed to their consecration a virtue which they refused to * Are unicuiquc dabatur, ut ex opere manuum quotidiano se posset in victu necessario contiuere. Preuves do I'hist. do Bretagne, ii. 25. f Istam obedientiam DOS sumus parati dare et solvere ei et cuique Christiana continue. Wilkins, Cone. M. Brit. i. 26. Dionothus de non approbaud* apud eos Romanorum auctoritate dis- putabat. I bid. 24. 36 DISTRESS OP THE BRITONS. that of lona or of the Asiatic churches. * The Britons, exclaimed a third, " cannot submit either to the haughtiness of the Romans or the tyranny of the Saxons." f To no pur- pose did the archbishop lavish his arguments, prayers, cen- sures, and miracles even ; the Britons were firm. Some of them who had eaten with the Saxons while they were as yet heathens, refused to do so now that they had submitted to the pope. :{: The Scotch were particularly inflexible ; for one of their number, by name Dagam, would not only take no food at the same table with the Romans, but not even under the same roof. Thus did Augustine fail a second time, and the independence of Britain appeared secure. And yet the formidable power of the popes, aided by the sword of the conquerors, alarmed the Britons. They imag- ined they saw a mysterious decree once more yoking the nations of the earth to the triumphal car of Rome, and many left Wigornia uneasy and sad at heart. How is it possible to save a cause, when even its defenders begin to despair ? It was not long before they were summoned to a n*ew coun- cil. " What is to be done ?" they exclaimed with sorrowful forebodings. Popery was not yet thoroughly known : it was hardly formed. The half-enlightened consciences of these believers were a prey to the most violent agitation. They asked themselves whether, in rejecting this new power, the} might not be rejecting God himself. A pious Christian, who led a solitary life, had acquired a great reputation in the surrounding district. Some of the Britons visited him, and inquired whether they should resist Augustine or follow him. || " If he is a man of God, follow him," replied the hermit. " And how shall we know that ?" " If he is meek and hum- * Ordinationesque more asiatico eisdem contulisse. Wilkins, Cone. M. Brit. 24. f In communionem admittere vel Romanorum fastuin vel Saxonum tyrannidem. Ibid. 26. t According to the apostolic precept, 1 Cor. v. 9-11. Dagamus ad nos veniens, non solum cibum irobiscum, sed nee in eodem hospitio quo vescebamur, sumere noluit. Beda, lib. ii. cap. iv. || Ad quendam virum sanctum et prudentem qui apud eos anachoreti- cam ducere vitam solebat, consulentes an ad prsedicationem Augustinisuas doserere traditiones deberent. Beda, Hist. Eccl. lib. ii. cap. ii. PRIDE OF ROMS. '61 ble of heart, he bears Christ's yoke ; but if he is violent and proud, he is not 'of God." " What sign shall we have of his humility ?" " If he rises from his sent when you enter the room." Thus spoke the oracle of Britain : it would have been better to have consulted the Holy Scriptures. But humility is not a virtue that flourishes among Romish pontiffs and legates : they love to remain seated while others court and worship them. The British bishops entered the council-hall, and the archbishop, desirous of indicating his superiority, proudly kept his seat.* Astonished at this sight, the Britons would hear no more of the authority of Rome. For the third time they said No they knew no other master but Christ. Augustine, who expected to see these bishops prostrate their churches at his feet, was surprised and indig- nant. He had reckoned on the immediate submission of Britain, and the pope had now to learn that his missionary' had deceived him Animated by that insolent spirit which is found too often in the ministers of the Romish church, Augustine exclaimed : "" If you will not receive brethren who bring you peace, you shall receive enemies who will bring you war. If you will not unite with us in show- ing the Saxons the way of life, you shall receive from them the stroke of death."-f- Having thus spoken, the haughty archbishop withdrew, and occupied his last days in preparing the accomplishment of his ill-omened prophecy4 Argu- ment had failed : now for the sword ! Shortly after the death of Augustine, Edelfrid, one of the Anglo-Saxon kings, and who was still a heathen, collected a numerous army, and advanced towards Bangor, the centre of British Christianity. Alarm spread through those feeble churches. They wept and prayed. The sword of Edelfrid drew nearer. To whom can they apply, or where shall they * Factumquo est ut venicntibus illis sederet Augustinus in sella. Beda, Hist. Eccl. lib. ii. cap. ii. t Si pacem cum fructibus accipcre nollent, bcllum ab hostibus forent accepturi Ibid. J Ipsum Augustinnm hujus belli non modo consciam sed et impulsoren exstitisse. Wilkins adds, that the expression found in Bede, concerning the death of Augustine, is a parenthesis foisted in by Romanist writers, and not found in tho Saxon manuscripts. Cone. Brit. p. 26. 38 ROME HAS RECOURSE TO THE SWORD. find help ? The magnitude of the danger seemed to reca.,'1 the Britons to their pristine piety : not to men, but to the Lord himself will they turn their thoughts. Twelve hun- dred and fifty servants of the living God, calling to mind what are the arms of Christian warfare, after preparing them- selves by fasting, met together in a retired spot to send up their prayers to God.* A British chief, named Brocmail, moved by tender compassion, stationed himself near them with a few soldiers ; but the cruel Edelfrid, observing from a distance this band of kneeling Christians, demanded: "Who are these people, and what are they doing?" On being informed, he added : " They are fighting then against us, although unarmed ;" and immediately he, ordered his soldiers to fall upon the prostrate crowd. Twelve hundred of them were slain.-j* They prayed and they died. The Saxons forthwith proceeded to Bangor, the chief seat of Christian learning, and razed it to the ground. Romanism was triumphant in England. The news of these massacres filled the country with weeping and great mourning ; but the priests of Romish consecration (and the venerable Bede shared their sentiments) beheld in this cruel slaughter the accomplishment of the prophecy of the holy pontiff Augus- tine ; \ and a national tradition among the Welsh for many ages pointed to him as the instigator of this cowardly but- chery. Thus did Rome loose the savage pagan against the primitive church of Britain, and fastened it all dripping with blood to her triumphal car. A great mystery of iniquity was accomplishing. But while the Saxon sword appeared to have swept every- thing from before the papacy, the ground trembled under its feet, and seemed about to swallow it up. The hierarchical rather than Christian conversions effected by the priests of Rome were so unreal that a vast number of neophytes sud- denly returned to the worship of their idols. Eadbald, king * Ad memoratam aciem, peracto jejunio triduano, cum aliis orandi causa convenerant. Beda, lib. ii.' cap. ii. f* Extinctos in ea pugna ferunt de his qui ad orandum venerunt Tiros circiter mille ducentos. Ibid. t Sic completum est presajiium s;:ncti poEtificis Augustini. Ibid. SAINT PETER SCOURGES AN ARCHBISIIOP. 39 of Kent, was himself among the number of apostates. Such reversions to paganism are not unfrequent in the history of the Romish missions. The bishops fled into Gaul : Melli- tus and Justus had already reached the continent in safety, and Lawrence, Augustine's successor, was about to follow them. While lying in the church, where he had desired to pass the night before leaving England, he groaned in spirit as he saw the work founded by Augustine perishing in his hands. He saved it by a miracle. The next morning he presented himself before the king with his clothes all disor- dered and his body covered with wounds. " Saint Peter," he said, " appeared to me during the night and scourged me severely because I was about to forsake his flock." * The scourge was a means of moral persuasion which Peter had forgotten in his epistles. Did Lawrence cause these blows to be inflicted by others or did he inflict them himself or is the whole account an idle dream? "We should prefer adopting the latter hypothesis. The superstitious prince, excited at the news of this supernatural intervention, eagerly acknowledged the authority of the pope, the vicar of an apostle who so mercilessly scourged those who had the mis- fortune to displease him. If the dominion of Rome had then disappeared from England, it is probable that the Britons, regaining their courage, and favoured in other respects by the wants which would have been felt by the Saxons, would have recovered from their defeat, and would have imparted their free Christianity to their conquerors. But now the Roman bishop seemed to remain master of England, and the faith of the Britons to be crushed for ever. But it was not so. A young man, sprung from the energetic race of the conquerors, was about to become the champion of truth and liberty, and almost the whole island to be freed from the Roman yoke. Oswald, an Anglo-Saxon prince, son of the heathen and cruel Edelfrid, had been compelled by family reverses to take refuge in Scotland, when very young, accompanied by his brother Oswy and several other youthful chiefs. He had * Apparuit ei beatissimus apostolorum princeps, ct multo ilium tern* poro sccrcta) noctis flagellis acrioribus afficiens. Beda, lib. ii. cap. ri. 40 OSWALD'S VICTORY. acquired the language of the country, been instructed in the truths of Holy Writ, converted by the grace of God, and baptized into the Scottish church.* He loved to sit at the feet of the elders of lona and listen to their words. They showed him Jesus Christ going from place to place doing good, and he desired to do so likewise ; they told him that Christ was the only head of the church, and he promised never to acknowledge any other. Being a single-hearted generous man, he was especially animated with tender com- passion towards the poor, and would take off his own cloak to cover the nakedness of one of his brethren. Often, while mingling in the quiet assemblies of the Scottish Christians, he had desired to go as a missionary to the Anglo-Saxons. It was not long before he conceived the bold design of lead- ing the people of Northumberland to the Saviour ; but being a prince as well as a Christian, he determined to begin by reconquering the throne of his fathers. There was in this young Englishman the love of a disciple and the courage of a hero. At the head of an army, small indeed, but strong by faith in Christ,-}- he entered Northumberland, knelt with his troops in prayer on the field of battle, and gained a signal victory over a powerful enemy, 634 A.D. To recover the kingdom of his ancestors was only a part v/f his task. Oswald desired to give his people the benefits of the true faith.J The Christianity taught in 625 to King Edwin and the Northumbrians by Pendin of York had dis- appeared amidst the ravages of the pagan armies. Oswald requested a missionary from the Scots who had given him an asylum, and they accordingly sent one of the brethren named Gorman, a pious but uncultivated and austere man. He soon returned dispirited to lona : " The people to whom you sent me," he told the elders of that island, "are so obstinate that we must renounce all idea of changing their manners." As Aidan, one of their number, listened to this * Cum magna nobilium juventute apud Scotos sive Pictos exulabant, ibique ad doctrinam Scottorum cathechisati et baptismatis gratia sunt re- creati. Beda, lib. iii. cap. i. r Superveniente cum parvo exercitu, sed fide Christ! munito. Ibid. $ Desiderans totam cui prseesse ccepit gentem fidei Christianae gratia tnibui. Ibid. cap. iii. MISSIONS OF AIDAN AND OSWALD. 41 report, he said to himself: "If thy love had been offered to this people, oh, my Saviour, many hearts would have been touched! I will go and make Thee known Thee who breaketh not the bruised reed!" Then, turning to the mis- sionary with a look of mild reproach, he added : " Brother, you have been too severe towards hearers so dull of heart. You should have given them spiritual milk to drink until they were able to receive more solid food." All eyes were fixed on the man who spoke so wisely. " Aidan is worthy of the episcopate," exclaimed the brethren of lona ; and, like Timothy, he was consecrated by the laying on of the hands of the company of elders.* Oswald received Aidan as an angel from heaven, and as the missionary was ignorant of the Saxon language, the king accompanied him everywhere, standing by his side, and interpreting his gentle discourses.-f- The people crowded joyfully around Oswald, Aidan, and other missionaries from Scotland and Ireland, listening eagerly to the Word of God.\ The king preached by his works still more than by his words. One day during Easter, as he was about to take his seat at table, he was informed that a crowd of his subjects, driven by hunger, had collected before his palace gates. Instantly he ordered the food prepared for himself to be carried out and distributed among them, and taking the silver vessels which stood before him, he broke them in pieces and commanded his servants to divide them among the poor. He also introduced the knowledge of the Saviour to the people of Wessex, whither he had gone to marry the king's daughter ; and after a reign of nine years, he died at the head of his army while repelling an invasion of the idolatrous Mercians, headed by the cruel Penda (5th August 642 A.D.) As he fell he exclaimed : " Lord, have mercy on * Aydanfis accepto gradu episcopatus, qno tempore eodem monasterio Segenius abbas et presiyter praefuit. Beda, lib. iii. cap.v. When Bcde tells us that a plain priest was president, he excludes the idea that there were bishops in the assembly. See 1 Timothy iv. 14. f- Evangelisante antistite, ipse Rex suis ducibus ac ministris interpres verbi existeret coelestis. Beda, lib. iii. cap. iii. J C'onflucbairt ad audiendum verbum Dei populi gaudentes. Ibid. YOU T. 8 42 * DEATH OF OSWALD. the souls of my people!" This youthful prince has left a name dear to the churches of Great Britain. His death did not interrupt the labours of the mission- aries. Their meekness and the recollection of Oswald en- deared them to all. As soon as the villagers caught sight of one on the high-road, they would throng round him, begging him to teach them the Word of life* The faith which the terrible Edelfrid thought he had washed away in the blood of the worshippers of God, was re-appearing in every direction ; and Rome, which once already in the days of Honorius had been forced to leave Britain, might be per- haps a second time compelled to flee to its ships from be- fore the face of a people who asserted their liberty. CHAPTER III. Character of Oswy Death of Aidan Wilfrid at Rome At Oswald's Court Finan and Colman Independence of the Church attacked Oswy's Conquests and Troubles Synodus Pharensis Cedda Dege- neration The Disputation Peter, the Gatekeeper Triumph of Rome Grief of the Britons Popedom organized in England Papal Exul- tationArchbishop Theodore Cedda re-ordained Discord in the Church Disgrace and Treachery of Wilfrid His End Scotland attacked Adamnan Tona resists A King converted by Architects The Monk Egbert at lona His History Monkish Visions Fall of lona. THEN uprose the papacy. If victory remained with the Britons, their church, becoming entirely free, might even in these early times head a strong opposition against the papal monarchy. If, on the contrary, the last champions of liberty are defeated, centuries of slavery awaited the Christian church. We shall have to witness the struggle that took place erelong in the very palace of the Northumbrian kings. Oswald was succeeded by his brother Oswy, a prince in- structed in the free doctrine of the Britons, but whose religion * Mox congregati in unum yicani, verbum vita ab illo expetere cura- bftnt. Beda, no. ill. cap. xxvi CHAEACTER OF O8WY. 43 was all external. His heart overflowed with ambition, and he shrank from no crime that might increase his power. The throne of Deira was filled by his relative Oswin, an amiable king, much beloved by his people. Oswy, conceiving a deadly jealousy towards him, marched against him at the head of an army, and Oswin, desirous of avoiding bloodshed, took shelter with a chief whom he had loaded with favours. But the latter offered to lead Oswy's soldiers to his hiding- place ; and at dead of night the fugitive king was basely assassinated, one only of his servants fighting in his defence. The gentle Aidan died of sorrow at his cruel fate.* Such was the first exploit of that monarch who surrendered Eng- land to the papacy. Various circumstances tended to draw Oswy nearer Rome. He looked upon the Christian religion as a means of combining the Christian princes against the heathen Penda, and such a religion, in which expediency predominated, was not very unlike popery. And further, Oswy's wife, the proud Eanfeld, was of the Romish com- munion. The private Chaplain of this bigoted princess was a priest named Romanus, a man worthy of the name. He zealously maintained the rites of the Latin church, and ac- cordingly the festival of Easter was celebrated at court twice in the year ; for while the king, following the eastern rule, was joyfully commemorating the resurrection of our Lord, the queen, who adopted the Roman ritual, was keeping Palm Sunday with fasting and humiliation.-}- Eanfeld and Romanus would often converse together on the means of winning over Northumberland to the papacy. But the first stop was to increase the number of its partisans, and th opportunity soon occurred. A young Northumbrian, named Wilfrid, w.as one day ad initted to an audience of the queen. He was a comely mar of extensive knowledge, keen wit, and enterprising charactei of indefatigable activity, and insatiable ambition. J In thi- * Aydanus duodecimo post occisioncm regis quern amabat die, de seculi ablatus. Beda, lib. iii. cap. xiv. t Cum rex pascha dominicum solutis jcjuniis faceret, tune regina cum Buis persistens adhuc in jejunio diem Palmarum celebraret. Ibid. cap. xz* $ Acris erat ingenii gratia vennsti rultus, alacritate actionis. Beda, lib. T. p. 135. 44 WILFRID AT ROME, interview he remarked to Eanfeld : " The way which the Scotch teach us is not perfect ; I will go to Rome and learn in the very temples of the apostles." She approved of his project, and with her assistance and directions he set out for Italv. Alas ! he was destined at no very distant day to chain the whole British church to the Roman see. After a short stay tit Lyons, where the bishop, delighted at his talents, would have desired to keep him, he arrived at Rome, and immediately became on the most friendly footing with Arch- deacon Boniface, the pope's favourite councillor. He soon discovered that the priests of France and Italy possessed more power both in ecclesiastical and secular matters than the humble missionaries of lona ; and his thirst for honours was inflamed at the court of the pontiffs. If he should suc- ceed in making England submit to the papacy, there was no dignity to which he might not aspire. Henceforward this was his only thought, and he had hardly returned to North- umberland before Eanfeld eagerly summoned him to court. A fanatical queen, from whom he might hope everything a king with no religious convictions, and enslaved by political interests a pious and zealous prince, Alfred, the king's son, who was desirous of imitating his noble uncle Oswald, and converting the pagans, but who had neither the discernment nor the piety of the illustrious disciple of lona : such were the materials Wilfrid had to work upon. He saw clearly that if Rome had gained her first victory by the sword of Edelfrid, she could only expect to gain a second by craft and management. He came to an understanding on the subject with the queen and Romanus, and having been placed about the person of the young prince, by adroit flattery he soon gained over Alfred's mind. Then finding himself secure of two members of the royal family, lie turned all his attention to Oswy. The elders of lona could not shut their eyes to the dan- gers which threatened Northumberland. They had sent Finan to supply Aidan's place, and this bishop, consecrated by the presbyters of lona, had witnessed the progress of popery at the court ; at first humble and inoffensive, and then increasing year by year in ambition and audacity. He AND AT OSWY'S COUKT. 45 had openly opposed the pontiff's agents, and his frequent contests had confirmed him in the truth.* He was dead, and the presbyters of the Western Isles, seeing more clearly than ever the wants of Northumbria, had sent thither Bishop Colman, a simple-minded but stout-hearted man, one de- termined to oppose a front of adamant to the wiles of the seducers. Yet'Eanfeld, Wilfrid, and Romanus were skilfully dig- ging the mine that was to destroy the apostolic church of Britain. At first Wilfrid prepared his attack by adroit in- sinuations ; and next declared himself openly in the king's presence. If Oswy withdrew into his domestic circle, he there found the bigoted Eanfeld, who zealously continued the work of the Roman missionary. No opportunities were neglected : in the midst of the diversions of the court, at table, and even during the chase, discussions were perpet- ually raised on the controverted doctrines. Men's minds became excited : the Romanists already assumed the air of conquerors ; and the Britons often withdrew full of anxiety and fear. The king, placed between his wife .and his faith, and wearied by these disputes, inclined 'first to one side, and then to the other, as if he would soon fall altogether. The papacy had more powerful motives than ever for coveting Northumberland. Oswy had not only usurped the throne of Deira, but after the death of the cruel Penda, who fell in battle in 654, he had conquered his states with the exception of a portion governed by his son-in-law Peada, the son of Penda. But Peada himself having fallen in a conspiracy said to have been got up by his wife, the daughter of Oswy, the latter completed the conquest of Mercia, and thus united the greatest part of England under his sceptre. Kent alone at that time acknowledged the jurisdiction of Rome: in every other province, free ministers, protected by the kings of Northumberland, preached the gospel. This wonderfully simplified the question. If Rome gained over ^swy, she would gain England : if she failed, she must sooner or later leave that island altogether. * Apertum vcritatis adversarium reddidit, says the Romanist Bede, lib. r. p. 135. 46 CONQUESTS AND TROUBLES OP OSWY. This was not all. The blood of Oswyn, the premature death of Aidan, and other things besides, troubled the king's breast. He desired to appease the Deity he had offended, and not knowing that Christ is the door, as Holy Scripture tells us, h,e sought among men for a doorkeeper who would open to him the kingdom of heaven. He was far from be- ing the last of those kings whom the necessity of expiat- ing their crimes impelled towards Romish practices. The crafty Wilfrid, keeping alive both the hopes and fears of the prince, often spoke to him of Rome, and of the grace to be found there. He thought that the fruit was ripe, and that now he had only to shake the tree. " "We must have a public disputation, in which the question may be settled once for all," said the queen and her advisers ; " but Rome must take her part in it with as much pomp as her adver- saries. Let us oppose bishop to bishop." A Saxon bishop named Agilbert, a friend of Wilfrid's, who had won the affec- tion of the young prince Alfred, was invited by Eanfeld to the conference, and he arrived in Northumberland attended by a priest named Agathon. Alas ! poor British church, the earthen vessel is about to be dashed against the vase of iron. Britain must yield before the invading march of Rome. On the coast of Yorkshire, at the farther extremity of a quiet bay, was situated the monastery of Strenseshalh, or Whitby, of which Hilda, the pious daughter of King Edwin, was abbess. She, too, was desirous of seeing a termination of the violent disputes which had agitated the church since Wilfrid's return. On the shores of the North Sea* the strug- gle was to be decided between Britain and Rome, between the East and the West, or, as they said then, between Saint John and Saint Peter. It was not a mere question about Easter, or certain rules of discipline, but of the great doc- trine of the freedom of the church under Jesus Christ, or its enslavement under the papacy. Rome, ever domineering, desired for the second time to hold England in its grasp, not * This conference is generally known as the Synodus Pharensis (from Strenceshalh, sinus Phari). " Hodie Whitbie dicitur (White cay), et ost villa ia Eboracensi littore satis nota." Wilkins, Concil. p. 37, note. SYNODUS PHAEENSIS CEDDA. 47 by moans of the sword, but by her dogmas. With her usual cunning she concealed her enormous pretensions under se- condary questions, and many superficial thinkers were de- ceived by this manoeuvre. The meeting took place in the convent of Whitby. The king and his son entered first ; then, on the one side, Column, with the bishops and elders of the Britons ; and on the other Bishop Agilbert, Agathon, Wilfrid, Romanus, a deacon named James, and several other priests of the Latin confes- sion. Last of all came Hilda with her attendants, among whom was an English bishop named Cedda, one of the most active missionaries of the age.* He had at first preached the Gospel in the midland districts, whence he turned his footsteps towards the Anglo-Saxons of the East, and after converting a great number of these pagans, he had returned to Finan, and, although an Englishman, had received Epis- copal consecration from a bishop who had been himself ordained by the elders of lona. Then proceeding westwards, the indefatigable evangelist founded churches, and appointed elders and deacons wherever he went.-J- By birth an Eng- lishman, by ordination a Scotchman, everywhere treated with respect and consideration, he appeared to be set apart as me- diator in this solemn conference. His intervention could not however, retard the victory of Rome. Alas ! the primitive evangelism had gradually given way to an ecclesiasticism, coarse and rude in one place, subtle and insinuating in another. Whenever the priests were called upon to justify certain doctrines or ceremonies, instead of referring solely to the word of God, that fountain of all light, they maintained that thus St James did at Jerusalem, St Mark at Alexan- dria, St John at Ephesus, or St Peter at Rome. They gave the name of apostolical canons to rules which the apostles had never known. They even went further than this : at Rome and in the East, ecclesiasticism represented itself to be " Presby ten Cedda et Adda et Berti et Duina, quorum ultimus natione Scota, cacteri fuere Angli. Beda, lib. iii. cap. xxi. f Qui accepto gradu episcopatus et majore auctoritate coeptum opus explens, fecit per loca ecclesias, presbyteros et diaconos ordinavit. Beda, lib. iii. cap. sxii. 48 THE DISPUTATION, a law of God, and from a state of weakness, it thus became a state of sin. Some marks of this error were already be- ginning to appear in the Christianity of the Britons. King Oswy was the first to speak : " As servants of one and the same God, we hope all to enjoy the same inheritance in heaven ; why then should we not have the same rule of life here below ? Let us inquire which is the true one, and folloAV it." " Those who sent me hither as bishop," said Colman, " and who gave me the rule which I observe, are the beloved of God. Let us bewaro how we despise their teaching, for it is the teaching of Columba, of the blessed evangelist John,* and of the churches over which that apostle presided." " As for us," boldly rejoined Wilfrid, for to. him as to the most skilful had bishop Agilbert intrusted the defence of their cause, " our custom is that of Rome, where the holy apostles Peter and Paul taught ; we found it in Italy and Gaul, nay, it is spread over every nation. Shall the Picts and Britons, cast on these two islands, on the very confines of the ocean, dare to contend against the whole world ? 7 However holy your Columba may have been, will you prefer him to the prince of the apostles, to whom Christ said, Thou art Peter, and I will give unto thee the keys of tJie kingdom of heaven ? " Wilfrid spoke with animation, and his words being skil- fully adapted to his audience, began to make them waver. He had artfully substituted Columba for the apostle John, from whom the British church claimed descent, and op- posed to St Peter a plain elder of lona. Oswy, whose idol was power, could not hesitate between paltry bishops and that pope of Rome who commanded the whole world. Al- ready imagining he saw Peter at the gates of paradise, with the keys in his hand, he exclaimed with emotion: "Is it true, Colman, that these words were addressed by our Lord to Saint Peter?" " It is true." " Can you prove that simi- * Ipsum est quod beatus evangelista Johannes, discipulus specialito? Domino dilectus. Bcda, lib. iii. cap. xxv. t Pictos dico ac Brittones, cum quibus de duabus ultimis oceani insulis contra totum orbem stulto laborc pugnant. Ibid. TRIUMPH OF ROME. -19 lar powers were given to your Coluraba?" The bishop re- plied, " We cannot ;" but he might have told the king : " John, whose doctrine we follow, and indeed every disciple, has received in the same sense as St Peter the power to re- mit sins, to bind and to loose on earth and in heaven."* But the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures was fading away in lona, and the unsuspecting Colman had not observed Wil- frid's stratagem in substituting Columba for Saint John. Upon this Oswy, delighted to yield to the continual solicita- tions of the queen, and, above all, to find some one who would admit him into the kingdom of heaven, exclaimed, " Peter is the doorkeeper, I will obey him, lest when I ap- pear at the gate there should be no one to open it to me."-^ The spectators, carried away by this royal confession, has- tened to give in their submission to the vicar of St Peter. Thus did Rome triumph at the Whitby conference. Oswy forgot that the Lord had said : / am he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth.% It was by ascribing to Peter the servant, what belongs to Jesus Christ the master, that the papacy reduced Britain. Oswy stretched out his hands, Rome riveted the chains, and the liberty which Oswald had given his church seemed at the last gasp. Colman saw with grief and consternation Oswy .and his subjecfs bending their knees before the foreign priests. He did not, however, despair of the ultimate triumph of the truth. The apostolic faith could still find shelter in the old sanctuaries of the British church in Scotland and Ireland. Immovable in the doctrine he had received, and resolute to uphold Christian liberty, Colman withdrew with those who would not bend beneath the -yoke of Rome, and returned to Scotland. Thirty Anglo-Saxons, and a great number of Britons, shook off the dust of their feet against the tents of the Romish priests. The hatred of popery became more in- tense day by day among the remainder of the Britons. De- John xx. 23 ; Matth. XYiii. 18. t Ne forte mo adveniento ad fores regni ocelorum, non sit qui reaerct. Dcda, lib. iii. cap. xxv. J John x. 9 ; Rev. iii. 7. 3* C 50 SORROW OF THE BRITONS. termined to repel its erroneous dogmas and its illegitimate dominion, they maintained their communion with the Eastern Church, which was more ancient than that of Rome. They shuddered as they saw the red dragon of the Celts gradually retiring towards the western sea from before the white dragofl of the Saxons. They ascribed their misfortunes to a horrible conspiracy planned by the iniquitous ambition of the foreign monks, and the bards in their chants cursed the negligent ministers who defended not the flock of the Lord against the wolves of Rome.* But vain were their lamentations ! The Romish priests, aided by the queen, lost no time. Wilfrid, whom Oswy desired to reward for his triumph, was named bishop of Northumberland, and he immediately visited Paris to receive episcopal consecration in due form. He soon returned, and proceeded with singular activity to establish the Romish doctrine in all the churches.f Bishop of a diocese extending from Edinburgh to Northampton, en- riched with the goods which had belonged to divers monas- teries, surrounded by a numerous train, served upon gold and silver plate, Wilfrid congratulated himself on having espoused the cause of the papacy ; he offended every one who approached him by his insolence, and taught England how wide was the difference between the humble ministers of lona and a Romish priest. At the same time Oswv^ com- ing to an understanding with the king of Kent, sent another priest named Wighard to Rome to learn the pope's inten- tions respecting the church in England, and to receive con- secration as archbishop of Canterbury. There was no epis- copal ordination in England worthy of a priest ! In the meanwhile Oswy, with all the zeal of a new convert, ceased not to repeat that " the Roman Church was the catholic and apostolic church," and thought night and day on the means of converting his subjects, hoping thus (says a pope) to redeem his own soul4 The arrival of this news at Rome created a great sensa- * Horse Britannicse, b. ii. p. 277. t Ipse perplura catholicse observations moderamina ecclesiis Anglo- rum sua doctrina contulit. Beda, lib. iii. cap. xxviii. J Omnes subjectos suos meditatur die ac nocte ad fidem catholicam atquo apostolicam pro SUES anima) redemptione coiiyerti. Ibid. cap. xxix, EXULTATION OF THE POPE. ' 51 lion. Vitalian, who then filled the episcopal chair, and was as insolent to his bishops as he was fawning and servile to the emperor, exclaimed with transport: "Who would not be overjoyed!* a king converted to the true apostolic faith, a people that believes at last in Christ the Almighty God!" For many long years this people had believed in Christ, but they were now beginning to believe in the pope, and the pope will soon make them forget Jesus the Saviour. Vita- lian wrote to Oswy, and sent him not copies of the Holy Scriptures (which were already becoming scarce at Rome), but relics of the Saints Peter, John, Lawrence, Gregory, and Pancratius ; and being in an especial manner desirous of rewarding Queen Eanfeld, to whom with Wilfrid belonged the glory of this work, he offered her a cross, made, as he assured Tier, out of the chains of St Peter and St Paul.-f- " Delay not," said the pope in conclusion, " to reduce all your island under Jesus Christ," or in other words, under the bishop of Rome. The essential thing, however, was to send an archbishop from Rome to Britain ; but Wighard was dead, and no one seemed willing to undertake so long a journey.:}: There was not much zeal in the city of the pontiffs : and the pope was compelled to look out for a stranger. There happened at that time to be in Rome a man of great reputa- tion for learning, who had come from the east, and adopted the rites and doctrines of the Latins in exchange for the knowledge he had brought them. He was pointed out to Vitalian as well qualified to be the metropolitan of England. Theodore, for such was his name, belonging by birth to the churches of Asia Minor, would be listened to by the Britons in preference to any other, when he solicited them to aban- don their oriental customs. The Roman pontiff, however, fearful perhaps that he might yet entertain some leaven of his former Greek doctrines, gave him as companion, or rather as overseer, a zealous African monk named Adrian. * Quis enim audiens hsec suavia non Iretetur 1 Beda, lib. iii. cap. zzix. t Conjugi, no-trie spiritual! flliae, crucem Ibid. Minime voluimus nunc reperire pro longinquitate itinoris. Ibid. Ut diligenter attenderet, nc quid ille contrarium veritati, fidei. Gras- corum more, in ecclesiam cui praessetintroduceret. Ibid. lib. IT. cap. i. 52 CEDDA KE-ORDAINED. Theodore began the great crusade against British Chris- tianity ; and, endeavouring to show the sincerity of his con- version by his zeal, he traversed all England in company with Adrian,* everywhere imposing on the people that eccle- siastical supremacy to which Rome is indebted for her poli- tical supremacy. The superiority of character which distin- guished Saint Peter, Theodore transformed into a superiority of office. For the jurisdiction of Christ and his word, he substituted that of the bishop of Rome and of his decrees. He insisted on the necessity of ordination by bishops who, in an unbroken chain, could trace back their authority to the apostles themselves. The British still maintained the validity of their consecration ; but the number was small of those who understood that pretended successors of the apos- tles, who sometimes carry Satan in their hearts," are not true ministers of Christ ; that the one thing needful for the church is, that the apostles themselves (and not their suc- cessors only) should dwell in its bosom by their word, by their teaching, and by the Divine Comforter who shall be with it for ever and ever. The grand defection now began : the best were sometimes the first to yield. When Theodore met Cedda, who had been consecrated by a bishop who had himself received ordi- nation from the elders of lona, he said to him : " You have not been regularly ordained." Cedda, instead of standing up boldly for the truth, gave way to a carnal modesty, and re- plied : " I never thought myself worthy of the episcopate, and am ready to lay it down." " No," said Theodore, " you shall remain a bishop, but I will consecrate you anew ac- cording to the catholic ritual."-]- The British minister sub- mitted. Rome, triumphant, felt herself strong enough to deny the imposition of hands of the elders of lona, which she had hitherto recognised. The most steadfast believers took refuge in Scotland. * Peragrata insula tota, rectum vivendi ordinem disscminabat. Beda, lib. iv. cap. ii. + Cum Ceadda Episcopum argueret non fuisse rite consecratum, ipse (Theodorus) ordinatiouem ejus denuo catholica ratione consummavit. Ibid. DISCORD IN THE CHURCH. 53 In this manner a church in some respects deficient, but still a church in which the religious element held the .fore- most place, was succeeded by another in which the clerical element predominated. This was soon apparent : questions of authority and precedence, hitherto unknown among the British Christians, were now of daily occurrence. Wilfrid, who had fixed his residence at York, thought that no one deserved better than he to be primate of all England ; and Theodore on his part Avas irritated at the haughty tone as- sumed by this bishop. During the life of Oswy, peace was maintained, for Wilfrid was his favourite ; but erelong that prince fell ill ; and, terrified by the near approach of death, he vowed that if he recovered he would make a pilgrimage to Rome and there end his days.* " If you will be my guide to the city of the apostles," he said to Wilfrid, " I will give you a large sum of money." But his vow was of no avail ; Oswy died in the spring of the year 670 A. D. The Wit&n set aside prince Alfred, and raised his youngest brother Egfrid to the throne. The new monarch, who had often been offended by Wilfrid's insolence, denounced this haughty prelate to the archbishop. Nothing could be more agreeable to Theodore. He assembled a council at Hert- ford, before which the chief of his converts were first sum- moned, and presenting to them, not the holy scripture but the canons of the Romish church,j he received their solemn oaths : such was the religion then taught in England. But this was not all. " The diocese of our brother Wilfrid is so extensive," said the primate, " that there is room in it for four bishops." They were appointed accordingly. Wilfrid indignantly appealed from the primate and the king to the pope. "Who converted England, who, if not I? and it is thus I am rewarded!" Not allowing himself to be checked by the difficulties of the journey, he set out for Rome attended by a few monks, and Pope Agathon assem- bling a council (679), the Englishman presented his com- plaint, and the pontiff declared the destitution to be illegal. * Ut si ab infirmitate salraretur, etiam Romam venire, ibique ad Iocs sancta vitam finire. Bcda, lib. iv. cap. ii. t Quibus statim protnli eundem Hbrum canomim. Ibid. cap. T. 54 WILFRID'S DISGRACE AND TREACHERY. Wilfrid immediately returned to England, and haughtily presented the pope's decree to the king. But Egfrid, who was not of a disposition to tolerate these transalpine man- ners, far from restoring the see, cast the prelate into prison, and did not release him until the end of the year, and then only on condition that he would immediately quit North- umbria. Wilfrid for we must follow even to the end of his life that remarkable man, who exercised so great an influence over the destinies of the English church Wilfrid was de- termined to be a bishop at any cost. The kingdom of Sussex was still pagan ; and the deposed prelate, whose in- defatigable activity we cannot but acknowledge, formed the resolution of winning a bishopric, as other men plan the conquest of a kingdom. He arrived in Sussex during a period of famine, and having brought with him a number of nets, he taught the people the art of fishing, and thus gained their affections. Their king Edilwalch had been baptized ; his subjects now followed his example, and Wilfrid was placed at the head of the church. But he soon manifested the disposition by which he was animated : he furnished supplies of men and money to Geadwalla, king of Wessex, and this cruel chieftain made a fierce inroad into Sussex, laying it waste, and putting to death Edilwalch, the pre- late's benefactor. The -career of the turbulent bishop was not ended. King Egfrid died, and was succeeded by his brother Alfred, whom Wilfrid had brought up, a prince fond of learning and religion, and emulous of the glory of his uncle Oswald. The ambitious Wilfrid hastened to claim his see of York, by acquiescing in the partition ; it was restored to him, and he forthwith began to plunder others to enrich himself. A council begged him to submit to the decrees of the church of England ; he refused, and having lost the esteem of the king, his former pupil, he undertook, notwith- standing his advanced years, a third journey to Rome. Knowing how popes are won, he threw himself at the pontiffs feet, exclaiming that " the suppliant bishop Wilfrid, the humble slave of the servant of God, implored the favour of our most blessed lord, the pope universal." The bishop HIS END SCOTLAND ATTACKED ADAMNAN. 55 could not restore his creature to his see, and the short re- mainder of Wilfrid's life was spent in the midst of the richea his cupidity had so unworthily accumulated. Yet he had accomplished the task of his life : all England was subservient to the papacy. The names of Oswy and of Wilfrid should be inscribed in letters of mourning in the annals of Great Britain. Posterity has erred in permitting them to sink into oblivion ; for they were two of the most influential and energetic men that ever flourished in Eng- land. Still this very forgetfulness is not wanting in gene- rosity. The grave in which the liberty of the church lay buried for nine centuries is the only monument a mourn- ful one indeed that should perpetuate their memory. But Scotland was still free, and to secure the definitive triumph of Rome, it was necessary to invade that virgin soil, over which the standard of the faith had floated for so many years. Adamnan was then at the head of the church of lona, the first elder of that religious house. He was virtuous and learned, but weak and somewhat vain, and his religion had little spirituality. To gain him was in the eyes of Rome to gain Scotland. A singular circumstance favoured the plans of those who desired to draw him into the papal communion. One day during a violent tempest, a ship coming from the Holy Land, and on board of which was a Gaulish bishop named Arculf, was wrecked in the neighbourhood of lona.* Arculf eagerly sought an asylum among the pious inhabit- ants of that island. Adamnan never grew tired of hearing the stranger's descriptions of Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and Golgotha, of the sun-burnt plains over which our Lord had wandered, and the cleft stone which still lay before the door of the sepulchre.-}- The elder of lona, who prided himself on his learning, noted down Arculfs conversation, and from it composed a description of the Holy Land. As soon as his book was completed, the desire of making these wondrous Vi tempestatis in occidentalia Britannia; littora delatus est. Beda, lib. v. cap. xvi. f Lapis qui ad ostium monumenti positus erat, fiesus cst. Ibid, cap rvii. 56 EESISTANCE OF IONA. things more widely known, combined with a little va> Jty, and perhaps othet motives, urged him to visit the court of Northumberland, where he presented his work to the pious King Alfred,* who, being fond of learning and of the Chri. t Sacerdotio privans, reduci facit in custodiam. Concilium Romannm. Ibid. Propter istas cnim, persecutiones et inimicitias et maledictioncs multorum populorum patior. Ibid. 64 VIRGIL AKD THE ANTIPODES. were opened, and Clement had hardly crossed the threshold before he began to protest boldly against human authority in matters of faith : the word of God is the only rule. Upon this Boniface applied to Rome for the heretic's condemna- tion, and accompanied his request by a silver cup and a garment of delicate texture.* The pope decided in synod that if Clement did not retract his errors, he should be de- livered up to everlasting damnation, and then requested Boniface to send him to Rome under a sure guard. We here lose all traces of the Scotchman, but it is easy to con- jecture what must have been his fate. Clement was not the only Briton who became distinguished in this contest. Two fellow-countrymen, Sampson and Virgil, who preached in central Europe, were in like manner persecuted by the Church of Rome. Virgil, anticipating Galileo, dared maintain that there were other men and ano- ther world beneath our feet.-j- He was denounced by Boni- face for this heresy, and condemned by the pope, as were other Britons for the apostolical simplicity of their lives. In 813, certain Scotchmen who called themselves bishops, says a canon, having appeared before a council of the Roman church at Chalons, were rejected by the French prelates, because, like St Paul, they ivorTced with their own hands. Those enlightened and faithful men were superior to their time : Boniface and his ecclesiastical materialism were bet- ter fitted for an age in which clerical forms were regarded as the substance of religion. Even Great Britain, although its light was not so pure, was not altogether plunged in darkness. The Anglo-Saxons imprinted on their church certain characteristics which dis- tinguished it from that of Rome ; several books of the Bible were translated into their tongue, and daring spirits on the one hand, with some pious souls on the other, laboured in a direction hostile to popery. At first we see the dawning of that philosophic rational- * Poculum argenteum et sindonem unam. Gemuli Ep. Bonifacii epis- tola ad Papam, Labbei concilia ad ann. 745. .f Perversa doctrina quod alius mundus et alii homines sub terra eiut. Zacharise papae Ep. ad Bouif. Labbei concilia, vi. p. 152. DUNS SCOTUS. 65 ism, which gives out a certain degree of brightness, but which can neither conquer error nor still less establish truth. In the ninth century there was a learned scholar in Ireland, who afterwards settled at the court of Charles the Bald. He was a strange mysterious man, of profound thought, and as much raised above the doctors of his age by the boldness of his ideas, as Charlemagne above the princes of his day by the force of his will. John Scot Erigena that is, a native of Ireland and not of Ayr, as some have supposed was a meteor in the theological heavens. "With a great philoso- phic genius he combined a cheerful jesting disposition. One day, while seated at table opposite to Charles the Bald, the latter archly inquired of him : " What is the distance be- tween a Scot and a sot ?" " The width of the table," was his ready answer, which drew a smile from the king. While the doctrine of Bede, Boniface, and even Alcuin was tradi- tional, servile, and, in one word, Romanist, that of Scot was mystical, philosophic, free, and daring. He sought for the truth not in the word or in the Church, but in himself: " The knowledge of ourselves is the true source of religious wisdom. Every creature is a theophany a manifestation of God ; since revelation presupposes the existence of truth, it is this truth, which is above revelation, with which man must set himself in immediate relation, leaving him at liberty to show afterwards its harmony with scripture, and the other theophanies. We must first employ reason, and then author- ity. Authority proceeds from reason, and not reason from authority."* Yet this bold thinker, when on his knees, could give way to aspirations full of piety : " Lord Jesus," exclaimed he, " I ask no other happiness of Thee, but to understand, unmixed with deceitful theories, the word that Thou hast inspired by thy Holy Spirit ! Show thyself to those who ask for Thee alone!" But while Scot rejected on the one hand certain traditional errors, and in particular the doctrine of transubstantiation, which was creeping into the church, he was near falling as regards God and the * Prius ratione utendum ac deinde auctoritate. Auctoritas ex vcra ratione processit, ratio vero nequaquam ex auctoritato. De div. pr- destin. vor,. v. 4 66 ALFRED AND THE BIBLE. world into other errors savouring of pantheism.* The phil- osophic rationalism of the contemporary of Charles the Bald the strange product of one of the obscurest periods of his- tory (850) was destined after the lapse of many centuries to be taught once more in Great Britain as a modern inven- tion of the most enlightened age. While Scot was thus plumbing the depths of philosophy, others were examining their Bibles ; and if thick darkness had not spread over these first glimpses of the dawn, per- haps the Church of Great Britain might even then have begun to labour for the regeneration of Christendom. A youthful prince, thirsting for intellectual enjoyments, for domestic happiness, and for the word of God, and who sought, by frequent prayer, for deliverance from the bondage of sin, had ascended the throne of Wessex, in the year 871. Alfred being convinced that Christianity alone could rightly mould a nation, assembled round him the most learned men from all parts of Europe, and was anxious that the English, like the Hebrews, Greeks, and Latins, should possess the holy Scripture in their own language. He is the real patron of the biblical work, a title far more glorious than that of founder of the university of Oxford. After having fought more than fifty battles by land and sea, he died while trans- lating the Psalms of David for his subjects, -j- After this gleam of light thick darkness once more settled upon Great Britain. Nine Anglo-Saxon kings ended their days in monasteries ; there was a seminary in Rome from which every year fresh scholars bore to England the new forms of popery ; the celibacy of priests, that cement of the Romish hierarchy, was established by a bull about the close of the tenth century ; convents were multiplied, considerable possessions were bestowed on the Church, and the tax of Peter's pence, laid at the pontiff's feet, proclaimed the triumph of the papal system. But a reaction soon took place : England collected her forces for a war against the papacy a war at one time secular and at another spiritual. * Deum in omnibus esse. De dmsione nature, b. 74. f A portion of the law of God translated by Alfred may be found in Wilkins, Concilia, i. p. 1 86, et seq. WILUAM THE CONQUEROR. 67 William of Normandy, Edward III., Wickliffe, and the Re- formation, are the four ascending steps of Protestantism in England. A proud, enterprising, and far-sighted prince, the illegiti- mate son of a peasant girl of Falaise and Robert the Devil, duke of Normandy, began a contest with the papacy which lasted until the Reformation. William the Conqueror, hav- ing defeated the Saxons at Hastings in 1066 A.D., took possession of England, under the benediction of the Roman pontiff. But the conquered country was destined to conquer its master. William, who had invaded England in the pope's name, had no sooner touched the soil of his new kingdom, than he learned to resist Rome, as if the ancient liberty of the British Church had revived in him. Being firmly resolved to allow no foreign prince or prelate to possess in his dominions a jurisdiction independent of his own, he made preparations for a conquest far more difficult than that of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom. The papacy itself furnished him with weapons. The Roman legates prevailed on the king to dispossess the English episcopacy in a mass, and this was exactly what he wished. To resist the papacy, William desired to be sure of the submission of the priests , of England. Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury, was re- moved, and Lanfranc of Pavia, who had been summoned from Bee in Normandy to fill his place, was commissioned by the Conqueror to bend the clergy to obedience. This prelate, who was regular in his life, abundant in almsgiving, a learned disputant, a prudent politician, and a skilful me- diator, finding that he had to choose between his master King William and his friend the pontiff Hildebrand, gave the prince the preference. He refused to go to Rome, not- withstanding the threats of the pope, and applied himself resolutely to the work the king had intrusted to him. The Saxons sometimes resisted the Normans, as the Britons had resisted the Saxons; but the second struggle was less glorious than the first. A synod at which the king was present having met in the abbey of Westminster, William commanded Wulston, bishop of Worcester, to give up his crosier to him. The old man rose, animated with holy fer- 68 WULSTON AT EDWARD'S TOMB. vour : " king," he said, " from a better man than you I received it, and to him only will I return it."* Unhappily this "better man" was not Jesus Christ. Then approach- ing the tomb of Edward the Confessor, he continued: "0 my master, it was you who compelled me to assume this office ; but now behold a new king and a new primate who promulgate new laws. Not unto them, master, but unto you, do I resign my crosier and the care of my flock." With these words Wulston laid his pastoral staff on Edward's tomb. On the sepulchre of the confessor perished the liberty of the Anglo-Saxon hierarchy. The deprived Saxon bishops were consigned to fortresses or shut up in convents. The Conqueror being thus assured of the obedience of the bishops, put forward the supremacy of the sword in opposi- tion to that of the pope. He nominated directly to all vacant ecclesiastical offices, filled his treasury with the riches of the churches, required that all priests should make oath to him, forbade them to excommunicate his officers without his con- sent, not even for incest, and declared that all synodal de- cisions must be countersigned by him. " I claim," said he to the archbishop one day, raising his arms towards heaven, . " I claim to hold in this hand all the pastoral staffs in my kingdom." -f- Lanfranc was astonished at this daring speech, but prudently kept silent,:}: for a time at least. Episcopacy connived at the royal pretensions. Will Hildebrand, the most inflexible of popes, bend before William? The king was earnest in his desire to enslave the Church to the State ; the pope to enslave the State to the Church : the collision of these two mighty champions threatened to be terrible. But the haughtiest of pontiffs was seen to yield as soon as he felt the mail-clad hand of the Conqueror, and to shrink unresistingly before it. The pope filled all Christendom with confusion, that he might deprive princes of the right of investiture to ecclesiastical * Divino animi ardore repento inflammatus, regi inquit : Melior te his me ornavit cui et reddam. Wilkins, Concilia, i. 367. f Respondit rex et dixit se velle omnes baculos pastorales Angliaj in manu sua tenere. Script. Anglic. Loud. 1652, fol. p. 1327. Lanfranc ad haec miratus est, sed propter majores ecclesiae Christi utilitates, quas sine rege perficere non potuit, ad tempus siluit. Ibid. THE ^OPE GIVES WAY. 69 dignities : William would not permit him to interfere with that question in England, and Hildebrand submitted. The king went even farther : the pope, wishing to enslave the clergy, deprived the priests of their lawful wives ; William got a decree passed by the council of Winchester in 1076 to the effect that the married priests living in castles and towns should not be compelled to put away their wives.* This was too much : Hildebrand summoned Lanfranc to Rome, but William forbade him to go. " Never did king, not even a pagan," exclaimed Gregory, "attempt against the holy see what this man does not fear to carry out! "7 To console himself, be demanded payment of the Peter's pence, and an oath of fidelity. William sent the money, but re- fused the homage; and when Hildebrand saw the tribute which the king had paid, he said bitterly: "What value can I set on money which is contributed .with so little honour I" J William forbade his clergy to recognise the pope, or to publish a bull without the royal approbation, which did not prevent Hildebrand from styling him " the pearl of princes." " It is true," said he to his legate, " that the English king does not behave in certain matters so re- ligiously as we could desire Yet beware of exasperating him We shall win him over to God and St Peter more surely by mildness and reason than by strictness or se- verity." || In this manner the pope acted like the archbishop siluit : he was silent. It is for feeble governments that Rome reserves her energies. The Norman kings, desirous of strengthening their work, constructed Gothic cathedrals in the room of wooden churches, in which they installed their soldier-bishops, as if they were strong fortresses. Instead of the moral power and the humble crook of the shepherd, they gave them secular power * Sacerdotes vcro in castellis vel in ricis habitantes habentes uxores, non cogantur nt dimittant. Wilkins, Concilia, i. p. 3C7. f Nemo enim omnium regum, etiam paganorum Greg. lib. vii. Ep. i. ad Hubert. J Pecunias sine honore tributas, quanti pretii habeain. Ibid. Gemma priucipnm csse meruisti. Ibid. Ep. xxiii. ad Gulielm. || Facilius leuitatis dulcedine ac rationis ostcnsione, quain austeritnfo vel rigore justitiao. Ibid. Ep. v. ad Hugonem. 70 C^ESAROPAPIA. and a staff. The religious episcopate was succeeded by a political one. William Rufus went even to greater lengths than his father. Taking advantage of the schism which divided the papacy, he did without a pope for ten years ; leaving abbeys, bishoprics, and even Canterbury vacant, and scandalously squandering their revenues. Csesaropapia (which transforms a king into a pope) having thus attained its greatest excess, a sacerdotal reaction could not fail to take place. The papacy is about to rise up again in England, and roy- alty to decline two movements which are always found combined in Great Britain. CHAPTER V. Anselm's Firmness Becket's Austerity The King scourged John be- comes the Pope's Vassal Collision between Popery and Liberty The Vassal King ravages his Kingdom Religion of the Senses and Superstition. WE are now entering upon a new phase of history. Roman- ism is on the point of triumphing by the exertions of learned men, energetic prelates, and princes in whom extreme im- prudence was joined with extreme servility. This is the era of the dominion of popery, and we shall see it unscrupu- lously employing the despotism by which it is characterized. A malady having occasioned some degree of remorse in the king, he consented to fill up the vacancy in the archi- episcopal see. And now Anselm first appears in England. He was born in an Alpine valley, at the town of Aosta in Piedmont. Imbibing the instructions of his pious mother Ermenberga, and believing that God's throne was placed on the summit of the gigantic mountains he saw rising around him, the child Anselm climbed them in Iris dreams, and re- ceived the bread of heaven from the hands of the Lord. Unhappily in after-years he recognised another throne in the ANBELM. 7) jhurch of Christ, and bowed his head before the chair of St Peter. This was the man whom William II. summoned in 1093 to fill the primacy of Canterbury. Anselm, who was then sixty years old, and engaged in teaching at Bee, refused at first : the character of Rufus terrified him. " The church of England," said he, " is a plough that ouglii to be drawn by two oxen of equal strength. How can you yoke together an old and timid sheep like me and that wild bull? " At length he accepted, and concealing a mind of great power under an appearance of humility, he had hardly arrived in England before he recognised Pope Urban II., demanded the estates of his see which the treasury had seized upon, refused to pay the king the sums he demanded, contested the right of in- vestiture against Henry I., forbade all ecclesiastics to take the feudal oath, and determined that the priests should forth- with put away their wives. Scholasticism, of which An- selm was the first representative, freed the church from the yoke of royalty, but only to chain it to the papal chair. The fetters were about to be riveted by a still more ener- getic hand ; and what this great theologian had begun, a great worldling was to carry on. At the hunting parties of Henry II. a man attracted the attention of his sovereign by his air of frankness, agreeable manners, witty conversation, and exuberant vivacity. This was Thomas Becket, the son of an Anglo-Saxon and a Sy- rian woman. Being both priest and soldier, he was appoint- ed at the same time by the king prebend of Hastings and governor of the Tower. "When nominated chancellor of England, he showed himself no less expert than Wilfrid in misappropriating the wealth of the minors in his charge, and of the abbeys and bishoprics, and indulged in the most extravagant luxury. Henry, the first of the Plantagenets, a man of undecided character, having noticed Becket's zeal in upholding the prerogatives of the crown, appointed him archbishop of Canterbury. " Now, sire," remarked the pri- mate, with a smile, "when I shall have to choose between God's favour and yours, remember it is yours that I shall sacrifice." Becket, who, as keeper of the seals, had been the most 72 THOMAS BECKET OPPOSES THE KING. magnificent of courtiers, affected as archbishop to be the most venerable of saints. He sent back the seals to the king, assumed the robe of a monk, wore sackcloth filled with vermin, lived on the plainest food, every day knelt down to wash the feet of the poor, paced the cloisters of his cathedra! with tearful eyes, and spent hours in prayer before the altar. As champion of the priests, even in their crimes, he took under his protection one who to the crime of seduction had added the murder of his victim's father. The judges having represented to Henry that during the first eight years of his reign a hundred murders had been com- mitted by ecclesiastics, the king in 1164 summoned a coun- cil at Clarendon, in which certain regulations or constitu- tions were drawn up, with the object of preventing the encroachments of the hierarchy. Becket at first refused to sign them, but at length consented, and then withdrew into solitary retirement to mourn over his fault. Pope Alexan- der III. released him from his oath ; and then began a fierce and long struggle between the king and the primate. Four knights of the court, catching up a hasty expression of their master's, barbarously murdered the archbishop at the foot of the altar in his. own cathedral church (A. D. 1170). The people looked upon Becket as a saint : immense crowds came to pray at his tomb, at which many miracles were worked.* " Even from his grave," said Becket's partisans, " he renders his testimony in behalf of the papacy." Henry now passed from one extreme to the other. He entered Canterbury barefooted, and prostrated himself be- fore the martyr's tomb : the bishops, priests, and monks, to the number of eighty, passed before him, each bearing a scourge, and struck three or five blows according to their rank on the naked shoulders of the king. In former ages, so the priestly fable ran, Saint Peter had scourged an arch- bishop of Canterbury : now Rome in sober reality scourges the back of royalty, and nothing can henceforward check her victorious career. A Plantagenet surrendered England to * In loco passionis et ubi sepultus est, paralytici curantur, cceci videnl surdi audiunt. Jolian. Salisb. Epp. 286, JOHN TEE POPE'S VASSAL. 73 the pope, and the pope gave him authority to subdue Ire- land* Rome, who had set her foot on the neck of a king, was destined under one of the sons of Henry II. to set it on the neck of England. John being unwilling to acknowledge an archbishop of Canterbury illegally nominated by Pope In- nocent III., the latter, more daring than Hildebrand, laid the kingdom under an interdict. Upon this John ordered all the prelates and abbots to leave England, and sent a monk to Spain as ambassador to Mahomet-el-Nasir, offer- ing to turn Mahometan and to become his vassal. But as Philip Augustus was preparing to dethrone him, John made up his mind to become a vassal of Innocent, and not of Ma- homet which was about the same thing to him. On the 15th May 1213, he laid his crown at the legate's feet, de- clared that he surrendered his kingdom of England to the pope, and made oath to him as to his lord paramount. { A national protest then boldly claimed the ancient liber- ties of the people. Forty-five barons, armed in complete mail, and mounted on their noble war-horses, surrounded by their knights and servants and about two thousand soldiers, met at Brackley during the festival of Easter in 1215, and sent a deputation to Oxford, where the court then resided. " Here," sakl they to the king, " is the charter which conse- crates the liberties confirmed by Henry II., and which you also have solemnly sworn to observe." "Why do they not demand my crown also?" said the king in a furious passion, and then with an oath,J: he added: "I will not grant them liberties which will make me a slave." This is the usual language of weak and absolute kings. Neither would the nation submit to be enslaved. The barons occu- pied London, and on the 15th June 1215, the king signed the famous Magiia Charta at Runnymede. The political * Significasti si quidem nobis, fill carissime, te Hiberniae insulam ad subdendum ilium populum velle intrare, nos itaque gratum et acceptum habemus ut pro dilatandis ecclesiae terminis insulam ingrediaris. Ad- rian IV., Bulla 1154 in Rymer, Acta Publica. + Resignavit coronam suam in manus domini papa;. Matth. ParL<, J98et207. J Cum juramento furibunds. Ibid. 213 4* D 74 POPERY AND LIBERTY IN COLLISION. protestantism of the thirteenth century would have done but little, however, for the greatness of the nation, without the religious protestantism of the sixteenth. This was the first time that the papacy came into collision with modern liberty. It shuddered in alarm, and the shock was violent. Innocent swore (as was his custom), and then declared the Great Charter null and void, forbade the king under pain of anathema to respect the liberties which he had confirmed,* ascribed the conduct of the barons to the in- stigation of Satan, and ordered them to make apology to the king, and to send a deputation to Rome to learn from the mouth of the pope himself what should be the government of England. This was the way in which the papacy wel- comed the first manifestations of liberty among the na- tions, and made known the model system under which it claimed to govern the whole world. The priests of England supported the anathemas pro- nounced by their chief. They indulged in a thousand jeers and sarcasms against John about the charter he had ac- cepted : " This is the twenty-fifth king of England not a king, not even a kingling but the disgrace of kings a king without a kingdom the fifth wheel of a waggon the last of kings, and the disgrace of his people ! I would not give a straw for him Fuisti rex nunc fex, (once a king, but now a clown.)" John, unable to support his disgrace, groaned and gnashed his teeth and rolled his eyes, tore sticks from the hedges and gnawed them like a maniac, or dashed them into fragments on the ground, f The barons, unmoved alike by the insolence of the pope and the despair of the king, replied that they would maintain the charter. Innocent excommunicated them. "Is it the pope's business to regulate temporal matters?" asked they. " By what right do vile usurers and foul simoniac& domineer over our country and excommunicate the whole world ? " The pope soon triumphed throughout England. His vas- * Sub intimatione anathematis prohibentes ne dictus rex earn obser- vare praesumat. Matth. Paris, 224. t Arreptos baculos et stipites more furiosi nunc corrodere, nunc corro- BOS confringere. Ibid. 222, JOHN RAVAGES ENGLAND HIS DEATH. 75 flal John, having hired some bands of adventurers from the continent, traversed at their head the whole country from the Channel to the Forth. These mercenaries carried desolation in their track : they extorted money, made prisoners, burnt the barons' castles, laid waste their parks, and dishonoured their wives and daughters.* The king would sleep in a house, and the next morning set fire to it. Blood-stained assassins scoured the country during the night, the sword in one hand and the torch in the other, marking their progress by murder and conflagration. 7 Such was the enthroniza- tion of popery in England. At this sight the barons, over- come by emotion, denounced both the king and the pope : "Alas! poor country!" they exclaimed. "Wretched Eng- land! And thou, pope, a curse light upon thee!"J The curse was not long delayed. As the king was re- turning from some more than usually successful foray, and AS the royal waggons were crossing the sands of the Wash, the tide rose and all sank in the abyss. This accident filled John with terror : it seemed to him that the earth was about to open and swallow him up ; he fled to a convent, where he drank copiously of cider, and died of drunkenness and fright. || Such was the end of the pope's vassal of his armed missionary in Great Britain. Never had so vile a prince been the involuntary occasion to his people of such great benefits. From his reign England may date her enthusiasm for liberty and her dread of popery. During -this time a great transformation had been accom- plished. Magnificent churches and the marvels of religious art, with ceremonies and a multitude of prayers and chant- ings dazzled the eyes, charmed the ears, and captivated the senses; but testified also to the absence of every strong * Uxores et filiaa suas ludibrio expositas. Matth. Paris, 231. + Discurrebant sicarii caede humana cruentati, noctivagi, incendiafii, strictis ensibus. Ibid. Sic barones lacrymantcs et lamentantes regem et papam maledix- erunt. Ibid. 234. Aperta est in mediis fluctibus terra et Yoraginis abyssus, quse ab- sorbuerunt universa cum hominibus et equis. Ibid. 242. y Novi ciceris potatione nimis repletus. Ibid. 1216. 76 REACTION. moral and Christian disposition, and the predominance of worldliness in the church. At the same time the adoration of images and relics, saints, angels, and Mary the mother of God, the worships of latria, doulia, and Tiyperdoulia* the real Mediator transported from the throne of mercy to the seat of vengeance, at once indicated and kept up among the people that ignorance of truth and absence of grace which characterize popery. All these errors tended to bring about a reaction : and in fact the march of the Eeformation may now be said to begin. England had been, brought low by the papacy: it rose up again by resisting Eome. Grostete, Bradwardine, and Ed- ward III. prepared the way for Wickliffe, and Wickliffe for the Reformation. CHAPTER VI. Reaction Grostete Principles of Reform Contest with the Pope Sewal Progress of the Nation Opposition to the Papacy Conver- sion of Bradwardine Grace is Supreme Edward III. Statutes of Provisors and PrtBmunire. IN the reign of Henry III., son of John, while the king was conniving at the usurpations of Rome, and the pope ridicul- ing the complaints of the barons, a pious and energetic man, of comprehensive understanding, was occupied in the study of the Holy Scriptures in their original languages, and bow- ing to their sovereign authority. Robert Grostfite (Great- head or Capita] was born of poor parents in the county of Lincolnshire, and being raised to the see of Lincoln in 1235, when he was sixty years of age, he boldly undertook to reform his diocese, one of the largest in England. Nor was this all. At the very time when the Roman pontiff, who had hitherto been content to be called the vicar of Saint * The Romish church distinguishes three kinds of worship : latria, that paid to God ; doulia* to saints ; and hyperdoulia, to the Virgin Mary. QROSTETE REFORMING PRINCIPLES. 77 Peter, proclaimed himself the yicar of God,* and was order- ing the English bishops to find benefices for three hun- dred Romans^ Grostete was declaring, that " to follow a pope who rebels against the will of Christ, is to separate from Christ and his body ; and if ever the time should come when all men follow an erring pontiff, then will be the great apostasy. Then will true Christians refuse to obey, and Rome will be the cause of an unprecedented schism." J Thus did he predict the Reformation. Disgusted at the avarice of the monks and priests, he visited Rome to demand a reform. " Brother," said Innocent IV. to him with some irritation, " 7s thine eye evil because I am good ? " The English bishop exclaimed with a sigh : " money, money ! how great is thy power especially in this court of Rome ! " A year had scarcely elapsed before Innocent commanded the bishop to give a canonry in Lincoln cathedral to his in- fant nephew. Grostete replied : " After the sin of Lucifei there is none more opposed to the gospel than that which ruins souls by giving them a faithless minister. Bad pas- tors are the cause of unbelief, heresy, and disorder. Those who introduce them into the church are little better than antichrists, and their culpability is in proportion to their dignity. Although the chief of the angels should order me to commit such a sin, I would refuse. My obedience forbids me to obey ; and therefore I rebel." Thus spoke a bishop to his pontiff: his obedience to the word of God forbade him to obey the pope. This was the principle of the Reformation. " Who is this old driveller that in his dotage dares to judge of my conduct ? " exclaimed Innocent, whose wrath was appeased by the intervention of certain cardinals. Grostete on his dying bed professed still Non puri hominis sed reri Dei viccm gerit in terris. Innocent III. Epp. lib. vi. i. 335. t Ut trecentis Romania in primis beneficiis vacantibus providerent. Matth. Paris, ann. 1240. J Absit et quod ha?c scdes ct in ea proesidentes causa sint schismatis apparcntis. Ortinnus Gratius, ed. Brown, fol. 251. Obedienter non obedio sed contradico et rcbello. Matth. Paris, ad. aim. 1252. 78 COKTEST WITH THE POPE PROGRESS OF THE NATION. more clearly the principles of the reformers ; he declared that a heresy was " an opinion conceived by carnal motives, con- trary to Scripture, openly taught and obstinately defended," thus asserting the authority of Scripture instead of the authority of the church. He died in peace, and the public voice proclaimed him " a searcher of the Scriptures, an ad- versary of the pope, and despiser of the Romans." * Inno- cent, desiring to take vengeance on his bones, meditated the exhumation of his body, when one night (says Matthew of Paris) the bishop appeared before him. Drawing near the pontiff's bed, he struck him with his crosier, and thus addressed him with terrible voice and threatening look : -J- '' Wretch ! the Lord doth not permit thee to .have any power over me. Woe be to thee ! " The vision disappeared, and the pope, uttering a cry as if he had been struck by some sharp weapon, lay senseless on his couch. Never after did he pass a quiet night, and pursued by the phantoms of his troubled imagination, he expired while the palace re-echoed with his lamentable groans. Grostete was not single in his opposition to the pope. Sewal, archbishop of York, did the same, and " the more the pope cursed him, the more the people blessed him." \ " Moderate your tyranny," said the archbishop to the pon- tiff, "for the Lord said to Peter, Feed my sheep, and not shear them, flay them, or devour them" The pope smiled and let the bishop speak, because the king allowed the pope to act. The power of England, which was constantly in- creasing, was soon able to give more force to these protests. The nation was indeed growing in greatness. The mad- ness of John, which had caused the English people to lose * Scripturarum sedulus perscrutator diversarum, Romanorum malleus et contemptor. Matth. Paris, vol. ii. p. 876, fol. Lond. 1640. Sixteen of his writings (Sermones et epistolse) will bo found in Brown, app. ad Fasciculum. f Nocte apparuit ei episcopus vultu severe, intuitu austero, ac voce terribili. Ibid. 883. t Quanto magis a papa maledicebatur,tanto plus a populo benediceba- tur. Ibid, ad ann. 1257. Pasce oves meas, non tonde, non excoria, non eviscera, vel devorando <> tisume. Ibid, ad ann. 1258. OPPOSITION TO THE PAPACY. 79 their continental possessions, had given them more unity and power. The Norman kings, being compelled to renounce entirely the country which had been their cradle, had at length made up their minds to look upon England as their home. The two races, so long hostile, melted one into the other. Free institutions were formed ; the laws were studied; and colleges were founded. The language began to assume a regular form, and the ships of England were already for- midable at sea. For more than a century the most brilliant victories attended the British armies. A king of France was brought captive to London : an English king was crowned at Paris. Even Spain and Italy felt the valour of these proud islanders. The English people took their station in the foremost rank. Now the character of a nation is never raised by halves. When the mighty ones of the earth were seen to fall before her, England could no longer crawl at the feet of an Italian priest. At no period did her laws attack the papacy with so much energy. At the beginning of the fourteenth century an Eng- lishman having brought to London one of the pope's bulls a bull of an entirely spiritual character, it was an excom- munication was prosecuted as a traitor to the crown, and would have been hanged, had not the sentence, at the chan- cellor's intercession, been changed to perpetual banishment.* The common law was the weapon the government then op- posed to the papal bulls. Shortly afterwards, in 1307, King Edward ordered the sheriffs to resist the arrogant pretensions of the Romish agents. But it is to two great men in the fourteenth century, equally illustrious, the one in the state, and the other in the church, that England is indebted for the development of the protestant element in England. In 1346, an English army, 34,000 strong, met face to face at Crecy a French army of 100,000 fighting men. Two in- dividuals of very different characters were in the English host. One of them was King Edward III., a brave and am- bitious prince, who, being resolved to recover for the royal authority all its power, and for England all her glory, had " Fuller's Church History, cent. xiv. p. 90, fol. Lond. 1655. 80 BRADWARDINE 's CONVERSION. undertaken the conquest of France. The other was his chaplain Bradwardine, a man of so humble a character that his meekness was often taken for stupidity. And thus it was that on his receiving the pallium at Avignon from the hands of the pope on his elev.ation to the see of Canterbury, a jester mounted on an ass rode into the hall and petitioned thepontiffto make him primate msiea.d of that imbecile priest. Bradwardine was one of the most pious men of the age, and to his prayers his sovereign's victories were ascribed. He was also one of the greatest geniuses of his time, and occupied the first rank among astronomers, philosophers, and mathematicians.* The pride of science had at first alienated him from the doctrine of the cross. But one day while in the house of God and listening to the reading of the Holy Scriptures, these words struck his ear : It is not of him that tvilleth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy. His ungrateful heart, he tells us, at first rejected this humiliating doctrine with aversion. Yet the word of God had laid its powerful hold upon him ; he was converted to the truths he had despised, and immediately began to set forth the doctrines of eternal grace at Merton College, Oxford. He had drunk so deep at the fountain of Scripture that the traditions of men concerned him but little, and he was so absorbed in adoration in spirit and in truth, that he remarked not outward superstitions. His lectures were eagerly listened to and circulated through all Europe. The grace of God was their very essence, as it was of the Refor- mation. With sorrow Bradwardine beheld Pelagianism everywhere substituting a mere religion of externals for inward Christianity, and on his knees he struggled for the salvation of the church. "As in the times of old, four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal strove against a single prophet of God ; so now, Lord," he exclaimed, " the num- ber of those who strive with Pelagius against thy free grace cannot be counted. t They pretend not to receive grace * His Arithmetic and Geometry have been published ; but I am not aware if that is the case with his Astronomical Tables. t Quot, Domine, hodie cum Pelagio pro hbero arbitrio contra gra- tuitam gratiam tuam pugnant? De causa Dei atlversus Pelagium, Hbritres, Lond. 1618. EDWARD HI. 81 freely, but to buy it.* The will of men (they say) should precede, and thine should follow : theirs is the mistress, and thine the servantf Alas! nearly the whole world is walking in error in the steps of Pelagius.J Arise, Lord, and judge thy cause." And the Lord did arise, but not until after the death of this pious archbishop in the days of Wickliffe, who, when a youth, listened to the lectures at Merton College and especially in the days of Luther and of Calvin. His contemporaries gave him the name of the profound doctor. If Bradwardine walked truthfully in the path of faith, his illustrious patron Edward advanced triumphantly in the field of policy. Pope Clement IV. having decreed that the first two vacancies in the Anglican church should be con- ferred on two of his cardinals : " France is becoming Eng- lish" said the courtiers to the king : " and by way of com- pensation, England is becoming Italian." Edward, desirous of guaranteeing the religious liberties of England, passed with the consent of parliament in 1350 the statute of Pro- visors, which made void every ecclesiastical appointment contrary to the rights of the king, the chapters, or the patrons. Thus the privileges of the chapters and the liberty of the English Catholics, as well as the independence of the crown, were protected against the invasion of foreigners ; and im- prisonment or banishment for life was denounced upon all offenders against the law. This bold step alarmed the pontiff. Accordingly, three years after, the king having nominated one of his secretaries to the see of Durham a man without any of the qualities becoming a bishop the pope readily confirmed the appoint- ment. When some one expressed his astonishment at this, the pope made answer : " If the king of England had nomi- nated an ass, I would have accepted him." This may re- mind us of the ass of Avignon ; and it would seem that this humble animal at that time played a significant part in the * Ncquaquam gratuita scd vcmlita. Do causa* Dei advcrsns Pelagium, libri tres, Lond. 1618. ^^~ f Suamvoluntatem pra:ireutdominam,tuamsubsequiutanciliam. Ibid % Totus paene mundua post Pelagium abiit in errorem. Ibid. D2 82 STATUTES OF PROVISOES AND PE^EMUNIRK. elections to the papacy. But be that as it may, the pope withdrew his pretensions. " Empires have their term," ob- serves an historian at this place ; " when once they have reached it, they halt, they retrograde, they fall."* The term seemed to be drawing nearer every day. In the reign of Edward III., between 1343 and 1353, again in 1364, and finally under Richard II. in 1393, those stringent laws were passed which interdicted all appeal to the court of Rome, all bulls from the Roman bishop, all excommunica- tions, &c., in a word, every act infringing on the rights of the crown; and declared that whoever should bring such documents into England, or receive, publish, or execute them, should be put out of the king's protection, deprived of their property, attached in their persons, and brought before the king in council to undergo their trial according to the terms of the act. Such was the statute of Prcemunire. -\- Great was the indignation of the Romans at the news of this law : " If the statute of mortmain put the pope into a sweat," says Fuller, " this of prcemunire gave him a fit of fever." One pope called it an " execrable statute," " a horrible crime."J Such are the terms applied by the pon- tiffs to all that thwarts their ambition. Of the two wars carried on by Edward the one against the king of France, and the other against popery the latter was the most righteous and important. The benefits which this prince had hoped to derive from his brilliant victories at Crecy and Poitiers dwindled away almost entirely before his death ; while his struggles with the papacy, founded as they were on truth, have exerted even to our own days an indis- putable influence on the destinies of Great Britain. Yet the prayers and the conquests of Bradwardine, who proclaimed * Habent imperia sues terminos ; hue cum venerint, sistunt, retro cedunt, ruunt. Fuller's Hist. cent. xiv. p. 116. f The most natural meaning of the word prcemunire (given more par- ticuarly to the act of 1393) seems to be that suggested by Fuller, cent. xiv. (p. 148) : to fence and fortify the regal power from foreign assault See the whole bill, ibid. p. 145-147. J Execrabile statutum fcedum et turpe facinus. Martin V. to the Duke of Bedford, Fuller, cent, xiv p. 148. THE BEGGING FRIARS. 83 in that fallen age the doctrine of grace, produced effects still greater, not only for the salvation of many souls, but for the liberty, moral force, and greatness of England. CHAPTER VII. The Mendicant Friars Their Disorders and Popular Indignation Wickliffe His Success Speeches of the Peers against the Papal Tri- bute Agreement of Bruges Courtenay and Lancaster WicklifFe before the Convocation Altercation between Lancaster and Cour- tenay Riot Three Briefs against Wickliffe Wickliffe at Lambeth Mission of the Poor Prietts Their Preachings and Persecutions Wickliffe and the Four Regents. THUS in the first half of the fourteenth century, nearly two hundred years before the Reformation, England appeared weary of the yoke of Rome. Bradwardine was no more ; but a man who had been his disciple was about to succeed him, and without attaining to the highest functions, to ex- hibit in his person the past and future tendencies of the church of Christ in Great Britain. The English Reforma- tion did not begin with Henry VIII. : the revival of the sixteenth century is but a link in the chain commencing with the apostles and reaching to us. The resistance of Edward III. to the papacy without had not suppressed the papacy within. The mendicant friars, and particularly the Franciscans, those fanatical soldiers of the pope, were endeavouring by pious frauds to monopolize the wealth of the country. " Every year," said they, " Saint Francis descends from heaven to purgatory, and delivers the souls of all those who were buried in the dress of his order." These friars used to kidnap children from their parents and shut them up in monasteries. They affected to be poor, and with a wallet on their back, begged with a piteous air from both high and low ; but at the same time they dwelt in palaces, heaped up treasures, dressed in costly garments, 84 INDIGNATION AGAINST THEIR DISORDER and wasted their time in luxurious entertainmc., <.* The least of them looked upon themselves as lords, and those who wore the doctor's cap considered themselves kings. While they diverted themselves, eating and drinking at their well-spread tables, they used to send ignorant un- educated persons in their place to preach fables and legends to amuse and plunder the people. t If any rich man talked of giving alms to the poor and not to the monks, they ex- claimed loudly against such impiety, and declared with threatening voice : " If you do so we will leave the country, and return accompanied by a legion of glittering helmets. "t Public indignation was at its height. " The monks and priests of Rome," was the cry, " are eating us away like a cancer. God must deliver us or the people will perish Woe be to them ! the cup of wrath will run over. Men of holy church shall be despised as carrion, as dogs shall they be cast out in open places."^ The arrogance of Rome made the cup run over. Pope Urban V., heedless of the laurels Avon by the conqueror at Crecy and Poitiers, summoned Edward III. to recognise him as legitimate sovereign of England, and to pay as feu- dal tribute the annual rent of one thousand marcs. In case of refusal the king was to appear before him at Rome. For thirty-three years the popes had never mentioned the tribute accorded by John to Innocent III., and which had always been paid very irregularly. The conqueror of the Valois was irritated by this insolence on the part of an Italian bishop, and called on God to avenge England. From Oxford came forth the avenger. John Wickliffe, born in 1324, in a little village in York- shire, was one of the students who attended the lectures of the pious Bradwardine at Merton College. He was in the flower of his age, and produced a great sensation in the uni- versity. In 1348, a terrible pestilence, which is said to have * When they have overmuch riches, both in great waste houses and precious clothes, in great feasts and many jewels and treasures. Wickliffe's Tracts and Treatises, edited by the Wickliffe Society, p. 224. t Ibid r 240. t Come again with bright heads. Ibid. WickluTe, The Last Age of the Church. JOHN WICKLIFFE. 85 carried off half the human race, appeared in England after successively devastating Asia and the continent of Europe. This visitation of the Almighty sounded like the trumpet of the judgment-day in the heart of Wickliffe. Alarmed at the thoughts of eternity, the young man for he was then only twenty-four years old passed days and nights in his cell groaning and sighing, and calling upon God to show him the path he ought to follow.* He found it in the Holy Scriptures, and resolved to make it known to others. He commenced with prudence; but being elected in 1361 warden of Balliol, and in 1365 warden of Canterbury Col- lege also, he began to set forth the doctrine of faith in a more energetic manner. His biblical and philosophical studies, his knowledge of theology, his penetrating mind, the purity of his manners, and his unbending courage, rendered him the object of general admiration. A profound teacher, like his master, and an eloquent preacher, he demonstrated to the learned during the course of the week what he intended to preach, and on Sunday he preached to the people what he had previously demonstrated. His disputations gave strength to his sermons, and his sermons shed light upon his dispu- tations. He accused the clergy of having banished the Holy Scriptures, and required that the authority of the word of God should be re-established in the church. Loud accla- mations crowned these discussions, and the crowd of vulgar minds trembled with indignation when they heard these shouts of applause. Wickliffe was forty years old when the papal arrogance stirred England to its depths. Being at once an able politi- cian and a fervent Christian, he vigorously defended the rights of the crown against the Romish aggression, and by his arguments not only enlightened his fellow-countrymen generally, but stirred up the zeal of several members of both houses of parliament. The parliament assembled, and never perhaps had it been summoned on a question which excited to so high a degree the emotions of England, and indeed of Christendom. The * Long debating and deliberating with himself, with many secret sighs. Foxe, Acts and Monument?, i. p. 485, fol. Loud. 1684. 86 THE LORDS AGAINST THE PAPAL TRIBUTE. debates in the House of Lords were especially remarkable : all the arguments of Wickliffe were reproduced. " Feudal tribute is due," said one, " only to him who can grant feudal protection in return. Now how can the pope wage war to protect his fiefs ?" " Is it as vassal of the crown or as feudal superior," asked another, " that the pope demands part of our property ? Urban V. will not accept the first of these titles Well and good! but the English people will not acknowledge the second." " Why," said a third, " was this tribute originally granted ? To pay the pope for absolving John His demand, then, is mere simony, a kind of cleri- cal swindling, which the lords spiritual and temporal should indignantly oppose." " No," said another speaker, " England belongs not to the pope. The pope is but a man, subject to sin ; but .Christ is the Lord of lords, and this kingdom is held directly and solely of Christ alone."* Thus spoke the lords inspired by Wickliffe. Parliament decided unanimously that no prince had the right to alienate the sovereignty of the kingdom without the consent of the other two estates, and that if the pontiff should attempt to proceed against the king of England as his vassal, the nation should rise in a body to maintain the independence of the crown. ' To no purpose did this generous resolution excite the wrath of the partisans of Eome ; to no purpose did they as- sert that, by the canon law, the king ought to be deprived of his fief, and that England now belonged to the pope : " No," replied Wickliffe, " the canon law has no force when it is opposed to the word of God." Edward III. made Wickliffe one of his chaplains, and the papacy has ceased from that hour to lay claim in explicit terms at least to the sove- reignty of England. When the pope gave up his temporal he was desirous, at the very least, of keeping up his ecclesiastical pretensions, and to procure the repeal of the statutes of Prcemunire and Provisors. It was accordingly resolved to hold a conference * These opinions are reported by Wickliffe, in a treatise preserved in the Selden MSS. and printed by Mr J. Lewis, in his History of Wickliffe, App. No 30, p. 349. He was present during the debate ; quam audivi in juodam concilia a dominis secularibvs. AGREEMENT OF BRUGES COURTENAY AND LANCASTER. 87 at Bruges to treat of this question, and Wickliffe, who had been created doctor of theology two years before, proceeded thither with the other commissioners in April 1374. They came to an arrangement in 1375 that the king should bind himself to repeal the penalties denounced against the ponti- fical agents, and that the pope should confirm the king's ecclesiastical presentations.* But the nation was not pleased with this compromise. " The clerks sent from Rome," said the Commons, " are more dangerous for the kingdom than Jews or Saracens ; every papal agent resident in England, and every Englishman living at the court of Rome, should be punished with death." Such was the language of the Good Parliament. In the fourteenth century the English nation called a parliament good which did not yield to the papacy. Wickliffe, after his return to England, was presented to the rectory of Lutterworth, and from that time a practical activity was added to his academic influence. At Oxford he spoke as a master to the young theologians ; in his parish he addressed the people as a preacher and as a pastor. " The Gospel," said he, " is the only source of religion. The Roman pontiff is a mere cut-purse,f and, far from having the right to reprimand the whole world, he may be lawfully reproved by his inferiors, and even by laymen." The papacy grew alarmed. Courtenay, son of the Earl of Devonshire, an imperious but grave priest, and full of zeal for what he believed to be the truth, had recently been ap- pointed to the see of London. In parliament he had resisted Wickliffe's patron, John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, third son of Edward III., and head of the house of that name. The bishop, observing that the doctrines of the reformer were spreading among the people, both high and low, charged him with heresy, and summoned him to appear before the convocation assembled in St Paul's Cathedral. On the 19th February 1377, an immense crowd, heated with fanaticism, thronged the approaches to the church and * Rymer, yii. p. 33, 83-88. t The proud worldly priest of Rome, and the most cursed of clippers and purse-kervers. Lewis, History of Wickliffe, p. 37. Oxford, 1820. 88 WICKXIFFE BEFORE THE CONVOCATION. filled its aisles, while the citizens favourable to the Reform remained concealed in their houses. Wickliffe moved for- ward, preceded by Lord Percy, marshal of England, and sup- ported by the Duke of Lancaster, who defended him from purely political motives. He was followed by four bachelors of divinity, his counsel, and passed through the hostile mul- titude, who looked upon Lancaster as the enemy of their liberties, and upon himself as the enemy of the church. 11 Let not the sight of these bishops make you shrink a hair's breadth in your profession of faith," said the prince to the doctor. " They are unlearned ; and as for this concourse of people, fear nothing, we are here to defend you."* When the reformer had crossed the threshold of the cathedral, the crowd within appeared like a solid wall ; and, notwithstand- ing the efforts of the earl-marshal, Wickliffe and Lancaster could not advance. The people swayed to and fro, hands were raised in violence, and loud hootings re-echoed through the building. At length Percy made an opening in the dense multitude, and Wickliffe passed on. The haughty Courtenay, who had been commissioned by the archbishop to preside over the assembly, watched these strange movements with anxiety, and beheld with displeas- ure the learned doctor accompanied by the two most power- ful .men in England. He said nothing to the Duke of Lan- caster, who at that time administered the kingdom, but turn- ing towards Percy observed sharply : " If I had known, my lord, that you claimed to be master in this church, I would have taken measures to prevent your entrance." Lancaster coldly rejoined : " He shall keep such mastery here, though you say nay." Percy now turned to Wickliffe, who had re- mained standing, and said : " Sit down and rest yourself." At this Courtenay gave way to his anger, and exclaimed in a loud tone : " He must not sit down ; criminals stand be- fore their judges." Lancaster, indignant that a learned doc- tor of England should be refused a favour to which his age alone entitled him (for he was between fifty and sixty) made answer to the bishop : " My lord, you are very arrogant ; * Foxe, Acts, i. p. 487, fol. Loud. 1684. ALTERCATION. 89 take care or I may bring down your pride, and not yours only, but that of all the prelacy in England."* " Do me all the harm you can," was Courtenay's haughty reply. The prince rejoined with some emotion : " You are insolent, my lord. You think, no doubt, you can trust on your family but your relations will have trouble enough to protect themselves." To this the bishop nobly replied : " My con- fidence is not in my parents nor in any man ; but only in God, in whom I trust, and by whose assistance I will be bold to speak the truth." Lancaster, who saw hypocrisy only in these words, turned to one of his attendants, and whispered in his ear, but so loud as to be heard by the bystanders : " I would rather pluck the bishop by the hair of his head out of his chair, than take this at his hands." Every impartial reader must confess that the prelate spoke with greater dig- nity than the prince. Lancaster had hardly uttered these imprudent words before the bishop's partisans fell upon him and Percy, and even upon Wickliffe, who alone had remained calm.-j- The two noblemen resisted, their friends and ser- vants defended them, the uproar became extreme, and there was no hope of restoring tranquillity. The two lords escaped with difficulty, and the assembly broke up in great confu- sion. On the following day the earl-marshal having called upon parliament to apprehend the disturbers of the public peace, the clerical party, uniting with the enemies of Lancaster, filled the streets with their clamour ; and while the duke and the earl escaped by the Thames, the mob collected before Percy's house broke down the doors, searched every cham- ber, and thrust their swords into every dark corner. "When they found that he had escaped, the rioters, imagining that he was concealed in Lancaster's palace, rushed to the Savoy, at that time the most magnificent building in the kingdom. They killed a priest who endeavoured to stay them, tore down the ducal arms, and hung them on the gallows like those of a traitor. They would have gone still farther if the bishop had not very opportunely reminded them that they Fuller, Church Hist. cent. xiv. p. 135. t Fall furiously on the lords. Ibid. 136 VOL. V. 5 90 RIOT WICKLIFFE AT LAMBETH. were in Lent. As for "Wickliffe, he was dismissed with an injunction against preaching his doctrines. But this decision of the priests was not ratified by the people of England. Public opinion declared in favour of Wickliffe. "If he is guilty," said they, "why is he not punished ? If he is innocent, why is he ordered to be silent ? If he is the weakest in power, he is the strongest in truth !" And so indeed he was, and never had he spoken with such energy. He openly attacked the pretended apostolical chair, and declared that the two antipopes who sat at Rome and Avignon together made one antichrist. Being now in oppo- sition to the pope, Wickliffe was soon to confess that Christ alone was king of the church ; and that it is not possible for a man to be excommunicated, unless first and principally he be excommunicated by himself.* Rome could not close her ears. Wickliffe's enemies sent thither nineteen propositions which they ascribed to him, and in the month of June 1377, just as Richard II., son of the Black Prince, a child eleven years old, was ascending the throne, three letters from Gregory XI., addressed to the king, the archbishop of Canterbury, and the university of Oxford, denounced Wickliffe as a heretic, and called upon them to proceed against him as against a common thief. The archbishop issued the citation : the crown and the uni- versity were silent. On the appointed day, "Wickliffe, unaccompanied by either Lancaster or Percy, proceeded to the archiepiscopal chapel at Lambeth. " Men expected he should be devoured," says an historian ; "being brought into the lion's den."-}- But the burgesses had taken the prince's place. The assault of Rome had aroused the friends of liberty and truth in Eng- land. " The pope's briefs," said they, " ought to have no effect in the realm without the king's consent. Every man is master in his own house." The archbishop had scarcely opened the sitting, when Sir Louis Clifford entered the chapel, and forbade the court, on the part of the queen-mother, to proceed against the re- * Vaughan's Wickliffe, Appendix, vol. i. p. 434. t Fuller's Church Hist. cent. xiv. p. 137. MISSION OF THE POOR PRIESTS. 91 former. The bishops were struck with a panic-fear ; " they bent their heads," says a Roman-catholic historian, " like a reed before the wind."* Wickliffe retired after handing in a protest. " In the first place," said he, " I resolve with my whole heart, and by the grace of God, to be a sincere Chris- tian ; and, while my life shall last, to profess and defend the law of Christ so far as I have power." -j- "Wickliffe's enemies attacked this protest, and one of them eagerly maintained that whatever the pope ordered should be looked upon as right. "What!" answered the reformer; "the pope may then exclude from the canon of the Scriptures any book that displeases him, and alter the Bible at pleasure?" Wickliffe thought that Rome, unsettling the grounds of infallibility, had transferred it from the Scriptures to the pope, and was desirous of restoring it to its true place, and re-establishing authority in the church on a truly divine foundation. A great change was now taking place in the reformer. Busying himself less about the kingdom of England, he occupied himself more about the kingdom of Christ. In him the political phasis was followed by the religious. To carry the glad tidings of the gospel into the remotest hamlets, was now the great idea which possessed Wickliffe. If begging friars (said he| stroll over the country, preaching the legends of saints and the history of the Trojan war, we must do for God's glory what they do to fill their wallets, and form a vast itinerant evangelization to convert souls to Jesus Christ. Turning to the most pious of his disciples, he said to them : " Go and preach, it is the sublimest work ; but imitate not the priests whom we see after the sermon sitting in the alehouses, or at the gaming-table, or wasting their time in hunting. After your sermon is ended, do you visit the sick, the aged, the poor, the blind, and the lame, and succour them according to your ability." Such was the new practical theology which Wickliffe inaugurated it was that of Christ himself. * Walsingham, Hist. Anglioe Major, p. 203. f 1 Propono et rolo ease ex integro Christianus, et quamdiu manscrit in me halitus, profitens Yerbo et opere legem Christ!. Vaughan's Wickliffe, i. D. 426. 92 PREACHING AND PERSECUTION. The " poor priests," as they were called, set off barefoot, a staff in their hands, clothed in a coarse robe, living on alms, and satisfied with the plainest food. They stopped in the fields near some village, in the churchyards, in the market- places of the towns, and sometimes in the churches even.* The people, among whom they were favourites, thronged around them, as the men of Northumbria had done at Aidan's preaching. They spoke with a popular eloquence that entirely won over those who listened to them. Of these missionaries none was more beloved than John Ashton. He might be seen wandering over the country in every direction, or seated at some cottage hearth, or alone in some retired crossway, preaching to an attentive crowd. Missions of this kind have constantly revived in England at the great epochs of the church. The " poor priests" were not content with mere polemics : they preached the great mystery of godliness. " An angel could have made no propitiation for man," one day exclaimed their master Wickliffe ; " for the nature which has sinned is not that of the angels. The mediator must needs be a man ; but every man being indebted to God for everything that he is able to do, this man must needs have infinite merit, and be at the same time God."-j- % The clergy became alarmed, and a law was passed com- manding every king's officer to commit the preachers and their followers to prison.^ In consequence of this, as soon as the humble missionary began to preach, the monks set them- selves in motion. They watched him from the windows of their cells, at the street-corners, or from behind a hedge, and then hastened off to procure assistance. But when the constables approached, a body of stout bold men stood forth, with arms in their hands, who surrounded the preacher, and zealously protected him against the attacks of the clergy. Carnal weapons were thus mingled with the preachings of the word of peace. The poor priests returned to their mas- ter : Wickliffe comforted them, advised with them, and then * A private statute made by the clergy. Foxe, Acts, i. p. 503. f Exposition of the Decalogue. J Foxe, Acts, i. p. 503. WICKLIFFE AND THE FOUR REGENTS. 93 they departed once more. Every day this evangelization reached some new spot, and the light was thus penetrating into every quarter of England, when the reformer was sud- denly stopped in his work. Wickliffe was at Oxford in the year 1379, busied in the discharge of his duties as professor of divinity, when he fell dangerously ill. His was not a strong constitution ; and work, age, and, above all, persecution had weakened him. Great was the joy in the monasteries ; but for that joy to be complete, the heretic must recant. Every effort was made to bring this about in his last moments. The four regents, who represented the four religious orders, accompanied by four aldermen, hastened to the bedside of the dying man, hoping to frighten him by threatening him with the vengeance of Heaven. They found him calm and serene. " You have death on your lips," said they ; " be touched by your faults, and retract in our presence all that you have said to our injury." Wickliffe remained silent, and the monks flattered themselves with an easy victory. But the nearer the reformer approached eternity, the greater was his horror of monkery. The consolation he had found in Jesus Christ had given him fresh energy. He begged his servant to raise him on his couch. Then, feeble and pale, and scarcely able to support himself, he turned to- wards the friars, who were waiting for his recantation, and opening his livid lips, and fixing on them a piercing look, he said with emphasis : " I shall not die, but live ; and again declare the evil deeds of the friars." We might almost pic- ture to ourselves the spirit of Elijah threatening the priests of Baal. The regents and their companions looked at each other with astonishment. They left the room in confusion, and the reformer recovered to put the finishing touch to the most important of his works against the monks and against the pope.* * Petrie's Church History, i. p. 604. 94 THE BIBLE. CHAPTER VIII. The Bible Wickliffe's Translation Effects of its Publication Opposi- tion of the Clergy Wickliffe's Fourth Phasis Transubstantiation Excommunication Wickliffe's Firmness Wat Tyler The Synod The Condemned Propositions Wickliffe's Petition Wickliffe before the Primate at Oxford Wickliffe summoned to Rome His Answer The Trialogue His Death And Character His Teaching His Ec- clesiastical Views A Prophecy. WICKLIFFE'S ministry had followed a progressive course. At first he had attacked the papacy ; next he preached the gospel to the poor ; he could take one more step and put the people in permanent possession of the word of God. This was the third phase of his activity. Scholasticism had banished the Scriptures into a myste- rious obscurity. It is true that Bede had translated the Gospel of St John ; that the learned men at Alfred's court had translated the four evangelists ; that Elfric in the reign of Ethelred had translated some books of the Old Testament; that an Anglo-Norman priest had paraphrased the Gospels and the Acts ; that Richard Rolle, " the hermit of Ham- pole," and some pious clerks fn the fourteenth century, had produced a version of the Psalms, the Gospels, and Epistles : but these rare volumes were hidden, like theological cu- riosities, in the libraries of a few convents. It was then a maxim that the reading of the Bible was injurious to the laity ; and accordingly the priests forbade .it, just as the Brahmins forbid the Shasters to the Hindoos. Oral tradi- tion alone preserved among the people the histories of the Holy Scriptures, mingled with legends of the saints. The time appeared ripe for the publication of a Bible. The in- crease of population, the attention the English were be- ginning to devote to their own language, the development which the system of representative government had received, the awakening of the human mind all these circumstances favoured the reformer's design. WICKL1FFE TRANSLATES THE BIBLE. 95 Wickliffe was ignorant indeed of Greek and Hebrew ; but was it nothing to shake off the dust which for ages had covered the Latin Bible, and to translate it in-to English ? He was a good Latin scholar, of sound understanding, and great penetration ; but above all he loved the Bible, he un- derstood it, and desired to communicate this treasure to others. Let us imagine him in his quiet study: on his table is the Vulgate text, corrected after the best manu- scripts ; and lying open around him are the commentaries of the doctors of the church, especially those of St Jerome and Nicholas Lyrensis. Between ten and fifteen years he steadily prosecuted his task; learned men aided him with their advice, and one of them, Nicholas Hereford, appears to have translated a few chapters for him. At last in 1380 it was completed. This was a great event in the religious history of England, who, outstripping the nations on the continent, took her station in the foremost rank in the great work of disseminating the Scriptures. As soon as the translation was finished, the labour of the copyists began, and the Bible was erelong widely circulated either wholly or in portions. The reception of the work surpassed Wickliffe's expectations. The Holy Scriptures exercised a reviving influence over men's hearts ; minds were enlightened ; souls were converted ; the voices of the " poor priests " had done little in comparison with this voice; something new had entered into the world. Citizens, sol- diers, and the lower classes welcomed this new era with acclamations ; the high-born curiously examined the un- known book ; and even Anne of Luxemburg, wife of Richard II., having learnt English, began to read the Gospels dili- gently. She did more than this : she made them known to Arundel, archbishop of York and chancellor, and afterwards a persecutor, but who now, struck at the sight of a foreign lady of a queen, humbly devoting her leisure to the study of such virtuous books* commenced reading them himself, and rebuked the prelates who neglected this holy pursuit. " You could not meet two persons on the highway," says a * Foxe, Acta, i. p. 578. 96 OPPOSITION OP THE CLERGY. contemporary writer, " but one of them was "Wickliffe's dis- ciple." Yet all in England did not equally rejoice : the lower clergy opposed this enthusiasm with complaints and male- dictions. " Master John Wickliffe, by translating the gos- pel into English," said the monks, " has rendered it more acceptable and more intelligible to laymen and even to women, than it had hitherto been to learned and intelli- gent clerks ! The gospel pearl is everywhere cast out and trodden under foot of swine." * New contests arose for the reformer. Wherever he bent his steps he was violently attacked. " It is heresy," cried the monks, " to speak oi Holy Scripture in English." -{ " Since the church has ap- proved of the four Gospels, she would have been just as able to reject them and admit others ! The church sanctions and condemns what she pleases Learn to believe in the church rather than in the gospel." These clamours did not alarm Wickliffe. " Many nations have had the Bible in their own language. The Bible is the faith of the church. Though the pope and all his clerks should disappear from the face of the earth," said he, " our faith would not fail, for it is founded on Jesus alone, our Master and our God." But Wickliffe did not stand alone : in the palace as in the cot- tage, and even in parliament, the rights of Holy Scripture found defenders. A motion having been made in the Upper House (1390) to seize all the copies of the Bible, the Duke of Lancaster exclaimed : " Are we then the very dregs of humanity, that we cannot possess the laws of our religion in our own tongue ?"{ Having given his fellow-countrymen the Bible, Wickliffe began to reflect on its contents. This was a new step in his onward path. There comes a moment when the Christian, saved by a lively faith, feels the need of giving an account to himself of this faith, and this originates the science of * Evangelica margarita spargitur et a porois conculcatur. Knyghton, De eventibus Angliae, p. 264. f It is heresy to speak of the Holy Scripture in English. Wickliffo's Wicket, p. 4. Oxford, 1612, quarto. J Weber, Akatholische Kirchen, i. p. 81, FOURTH PHASE OF WICKLIFFE. 97 theology. This is a natural movement : if the child, who at first possesses sensations and affections only, feels the want, as he grows up, of reflection and knowledge, why should it not be the same with the Christian? Politics home mis- sions Holy Scripture had engaged Wickliffe in succes- sion ; theology had its turn, and this was the fourth phase ot his life. Yet he did not penetrate to the same degree as the men of the sixteenth century into the depths of the Christian doctrine ; and he attached himself in a more especial manner to those ecclesiastical dogmas which were more closely con- nected with the presumptuous hierarchy and the simoniacal gains of Rome, such as transubstantiation. The Anglo- Saxon church had not professed this doctrine. " The host is the body of Christ, not bodily but spiritually ," said Elfric in the tenth century, in a letter addressed to the Archbishop of York ; but Lanfranc, the opponent of Berengarius, had taught England that at the word of a priest God quitted heaven and descended oa the altar. Wickliffe undertook to overthrow the pedestal on which the pride of the priesthood was founded. " The eucharist is naturally bread and wine," he taught at Oxford in 1381; "but by virtue of the sacra- mental words it contains in every part the real body and blood of Christ." He did not stop here. " The consecrated wafer which we see on the altar," said he, " is not Christ, nor any part of him, but his efficient sign."* He oscillated between those two shades of. doctrine; but to the first he more habitually attached himself. He denied the sacrifice of the mass offered by the priest, because it was substituted for the sacrifice of the cross offered up by Jesus Christ ; and rejected transubstantiation, because it nullified the spiritual mid living presence of the Lord. When Wickliffe's enemies heard these propositions, they appeared horror-stricken, and yet in secret they were de- lighted at the prospect of destroying him. They met together, examined twelve theses he had published, and pro- nounced against him suspension from all teaching, imprison- ment, and the greater excommunication. At the same time * Efficax cjus signum. Conclusio 1 Vaughan, ii. p. 436, App. 5* j, 98 WICKLIFFE'S FIRMNESS. his friends became alarmed, their zeal cooled, and many of them forsook him. The Duke of Lancaster, in particular, could not follow him into this new sphere. That prince had no objection to an ecclesiastical opposition which might aid the political power, and for that purpose he had tried to en- list the reformer's talents and courage ; but he feared a dog- matic opposition that might compromise him. The sky was heavy with clouds ; "Wickliffe was alone. The storm soon burst upon him. One day, while seated in his doctoral chair in the Augustine school, and calmly ex- plaining the nature of the eucharist, an officer entered the hall, and read the sentence of condemnation. It was the design of his enemies to humble the professor in the eyes of his disciples. Lancaster immediately became alarmed, and hastening to his old friend begged him ordered him even - to trouble himself no more about this matter. Attacked on every side, "Wickliffe for a time remained silent. Shall he sacrifice the truth to save his reputation his repose perhaps his life ? Shall expediency get the better of faith, Lancaster prevail over Wicklitfe ? No : his courage was invincible. " Since the year of our Lord 1000," said he, " all the doctors have been in error about the sacrament of the altar except, perhaps, it may be Berengarius. How canst tliou, priest, who art but a man, make thy Maker ? What ! the thing that groweth in the fields that ear which thou pluckest to-day, shall be God to-morrow! As you cannot make the works which He made, how shall ye make Him who made the works?* Woe to the adulterous gene- ration that believeth the testimony of Innocent rather than of the Gospel."f Wickliffe called upon his adversaries to refute the opinions they had condemned, and finding that they threatened him with a civil penalty (imprisonment), he appealed to the king. The time was not favourable for such an appeal. A fatal circumstance increased Wickliffe's danger. Wat Tyler and a dissolute priest named Ball, taking advantage of the ill- Wycleff's Wyckett, Tracts, pp. 27C, 279. f Vac generation! adulterse quso plus credit testimonio Innocentii quam ieusui Evangelii. Confessio, Vaughanj ii. 453, A pp.. . THE SYNOD CONDEMNED PROPOSITIONS. 99 will excited by the rapacity and brutality of the royal tax- gatherers, had occupied London with 100,000 men. John Ball kept up the spirits of the insurgents, not by expositions of the gospel, like Wickliffe's poor priests, but by fiery com- ments on the distich they had chosen for their device : When Adam delved and Ere span, Who was then the gentleman ! There were many who felt no scruple in ascribing these dis- orders to the reformer, who was quite innocent of them ; and Courtenay, bishop of London, having been translated to the see of Canterbury, lost no time in convoking a synod to pro- nounce on this matter of Wickliffe's. They met in the middle of May, about two o'clock in the afternoon, and were proceeding to pronounce sentence when an earthquake, which shook the city of London and all Britain, so alarmed the members of the council that they unanimously demanded the adjournment of a decision which appeared so manifestly rebuked by God. But the archbishop skilfully turned this strange phenomenon to his own purposes : " Know you not," said he, " that the noxious vapours which catch fire in the bosom of the earth, and give rise to these phenomena which alarm you, lose all their force when they burst forth ? Well, in like manner, by rejecting the wicked from our com- munity, we shall put an end to the convulsions of the church." The bishops regained their courage ; and one of the primate's officers read ten propositions, said to be Wick- liffe's, but ascribing to him certain errors of which he was quite innocent. The following most excited the anger of the priests : " God must obey the devil.* After Urban VI. we must receive no one as pope, but live according to the manner of the Greeks." The ten propositions were con- demned as heretical, and the archbishop enjoined all persons to shun, as they would a venomous serpent, all who should preach the aforesaid errors. " If we permit this heretic to appeal continually to the passions of the people," said the * Quod Deus debet obedire diabolo. Mansi, xxvi. p. 695. Wickliflb denied having written or spoken the sentiment here ascribed to him. 100 WICKLIFFE'S PETITION. primate to the king, "our destruction is inevitable. We must silence these lollards these psalm-singers."* The king gave authority " to confine in the prisons of the state any who should maintain the condemned propositions. 1 ' Day by day the circle contracted around Wickliffe. The prudent Repingdon, the learned Hereford, and even the elo- quent Ashton, the firmest of the three, departed from him. The veteran champion of the truth which had once gathered a whole nation round it, had reached the days when " strong men shall bow themselves," and now, when harassed by persecution, he found himself alone. But boldly he uplifted his hoary head and exclaimed : " The doctrine of the gospel shall never perish; and if the earth once quaked, it was because they condemned Jesus Christ." He did not stop here. In proportion as his physical strength decreased, his moral strength increased. Instead of parrying the blows aimed at him, he resolved on dealing more terrible ones still. He knew that if the king and the nobility were for the priests, the lower house and the citizens were for liberty and truth. He therefore presented a bold petition to the Commons in the month of November 1382. "Since Jesus Christ shed his blood to free his church, ) demand its freedom. I demand that every one may leave those gloomy walls [the convents], within which a tyran- nical law prevails, and embrace a simple and peaceful life under the open vault of heaven. I demand that the pool inhabitants of our towns and villages be not constrained U furnish a worldly priest, often a vicious man and a heretic, with the means of satisfying his ostentation, his gluttony, and his licentiousness of buying a showy horse, costly saddles, bridles with tinkling bells, rich garments, and soft furs, while they see their wives, children, and neighbours, dying of hunger."-}- The House of Commons, recollecting that they had not given their consent to the persecuting statute drawn up by the clergy and approved by the king * From Mien to sing ; as beggards (beggars) from beggen. ^ + A complaint of John Wycleff. Tracts and Treatises edited by the Wlokliffe Society, p. 263, WICKLIFFE BEFORE THE PRIMATE. 101 and the lords, demanded its repeal. Was the Reformation about to begin by the will of the people ? Courtenay, indignant at this intervention of the Commons, and ever stimulated by a zeal for his church, which would have been better directed towards the word of God, visited Oxford in November 1382, and having gathered round him a number of bishops, doctors, priests, students, and laymen, summoned Wickliffe before him. Forty years ago the re- former had come up to the university : Oxford had become his home and now it was turning against him 1 "Weak- ened by labours, by trials, by that ardent soul which preyed upon his feeble body, he might have refused to appear. But Wickliffe, who never feared the face of man, came be- fore them with a good conscience. We may conjecture that there were among the crowd some disciples who felt their hearts bum at the sight of their master; but no outward sign indicated their emotion. The solemn silence of a court of justice had succeeded the shouts of enthusiastic youths. Yet Wickliffe did not despair : he raised his venerable head, and turned to Courtenay with that confident look which had made the regents of Oxford shrink away. Growing wroth against the priests of Baal, he reproached them with dis- seminating error in order to sell their masses. Then he stopped, and uttered these simple aud energetic words: " The truth shall prevail ! " * Having thus spoken he pre- pared to leave the court : his enemies dared not say a word ; and, like his divine master at Nazareth, he passed through the midst of them, and no man ventured to stop him. He then withdrew to his cure at Lutterworth. He had not yet reached the harbour. He was living peacefully among his books and his parishioners, and the priests seemed inclined to leave him alone, when another blow was aimed at him. A papal brief summoned him to Rome, to appear before that tribunal which had so often shed the blood of its adversaries. His bodily infirmities convinced him that he could not obey this summons. But if Wickliffe refused to hear Urban, Urban could not choose but hear Wickliffe. The church was at that time divided * Finaliter veritaa vincet eos. Vaughan, Appendix, ii. p. 453. 102 WICKLUTE SUMMONED TO ROME, between two chiefs : France, Scotland, Savoy, Lorraine, Castile, and Aragon acknowledged Clement VII. ; while Italy, England, Germany, Sweden, Poland, and Hungary acknowledged Urban VI. Wickliffe shall tell us who is the true head of the church universal. And while the two popes were excommunicating and abusing each other, and selling heaven and earth for their own gain, the reformer was confessing that incorruptible Word, which establishes real unity in the church. " I believe," said he, " that the gospel of Christ is the whole body of God's law. I believe that Christ, who gave it to us, is very God and very man, and that this gospel revelation is, accordingly, superior to all oth*er parts of Holy Scripture.* I believe that the bishop of Rome is bound more than all other men to submit to it, for the greatness among Christ's disciples did not consist in worldly dignity or honours, but in the exact following of Christ in his life and manners. No faithful man ought to follow the pope, but in such points as he hath followed Jesus Christ. The pope ought to leave unto the secular power all temporal dominion and rule : and thereunto effec- tually more and more exhort his whole clergy If I could labour according to my desire in mine own person, I would surely present myself before the bishop of Rome, but the Lord hath otherwise- visited me to the contrary, and hath taught me rather to obey God than men."-{- Urban, who at that moment chanced to be very busied in his contest with Clement, did not think it prudent to begin another with Wickliffe, and so let the matter rest there. From this time the doctor passed the remainder of his days in peace in the company of three personages, two of whom were his particular friends, and the third his constant ad versary: these were Aletheia, Phronesis, and Pseudes. Al- etheia (truth) proposed questions ; Pseudes (falsehood) urged * This is the reading of the Bodleian manuscript" and be [by] this it passes all other laws." In Foxe, Wickliffe appears to ascribe to Christ himself this superiority over all Scripture, a distinction hardly in the mind of the reformer or of his age. f An Epistle of J. Wickliffe to Pope Urban VI. Foxe, Acts, i. p. 507, fol. Lond. 1684 ; also Lewis (Wickliffe), p. 333, Append. THE TRIALOGUE DEATH OP WICKLTFFE. 103 objections; and Phronesis (understanding) laid down the sound doctrine. These three characters carried on a con- versation (trialogue) in which great truths were boldly pro- fessed. The opposition between the pope and Christ be- tween the canons of Romanism and the Bible was painted in striking colours. This is one of the primary truths which the church must never forget. "The church has fallen," said one of the interlocutors in the work in question, " be- cause she has abandoned the gospel, and preferred the laws of the pope. Although there should be a hundred popes in the world at once, and all the friars living should be trans- formed into cardinals, we must withhold our confidence unless so far as they are founded in Holy Scripture."* These words were the last flicker of the torch. Wickliffe looked upon his end as near, and entertained no idea that it would come in peace. A dungeon on one of the seven hills, or a burning pile in London, was all he expected. " Why do you talk of seeking the crown of martyrdom afar?" asked he. " Preach the gospel of Christ to haughty prelates, and martyrdom will not fail you. What ! I should live and be silent? never! Let the blow fall, I await its com- ing-"t The stroke was spared him. The war between two wicked priests, Urban and Clement, left the disciples of our Lord in peace. And besides, was it worth while cutting short a life that was drawing to a close ? Wickliffe, there- fore, continued tranquilly to preach Jesus Christ; and on the 29th December 1384, as he was in his church at Lutter- worth, in the midst of his flock, at the very moment that he stood before the altar, and was elevating the host with trembling hands, he fell upon the pavement struck with paralysis. He was carried to his house by the affectionate friends around him, and after lingering forty-eight hours resigned his soul to God on the last day of the year. Thus was removed from the church one of the boldest V * Ideo si essent centum papa?,^t omnes fratres essent versi in cardi- nales, non deberet concedi sententise suae in materia fidei, nisi de quanto so fundaverint in Scriptnra. Trialogus, lib. iv. cap. vii. f Vaughan's Life of Wickliffe, ii. p. 215, 257. 104 WICKLIFFE'S CHARACTER. witnesses to the truth. The seriousness of his language, the holiness of his life, and the energy of his faith, had intimidated the popedom. Travellers relate that if a lion is met in the desert, it is sufficient to look steadily at him, and the beast turns away roaring from the eye of man. Wick- liffe had fixed the eye of a Christian on the papacy, and the affrighted papacy had left him in peace. Hunted down un- ceasingly while living, he died in quiet, at the very moment when by faith he was eating the flesh and drinking the blood which gave eternal life. A glorious end to a glorious life. The Reformation of England had begun. Wickliffe is the greatest English reformer he was in truth the first reformer of Christendom, and to him, under God, Britain is indebted for the honour of being the fore- most in the attack upon the theocratic system of Gregory VII. The work of the Waldenses, excellent as it was, can- not be compared to his. If Luther and Calvin are the fathers of the Reformation, Wickliffe is its grandfather. Wickliffe, like most great men, possessed qualities which are not generally found together. While his understanding was eminently speculative his treatise on the Reality of universal Ideas* made a sensation in philosophy he pos- sessed that practical and active mind which characterizes the Anglo-Saxon race. As a divine, he was at once scriptural and spiritual, soundly orthodox, and possessed of an inward and lively faith. With a boldness that impelled him to rush into the midst of danger, he combined a logical and consist- ent mind, which constantly led him forward in knowledge, and caused him to maintain with perseverance the truths he had once proclaimed. First of all, as a Christian, he had devoted his strength to the cause of the church; but he was at the same time a citizen, and the realm, his nation, and his king, had also a great share in his unwearied activity. He was a man complete. If the man is admirable, his teaching is no less so. Scrip- ture, which is the rule of truth,^hould be (according to his views) the rule of reformation, and we must reject every * Da universalibus realibus. WICKLIFFE'S TEACHING HIS ECCLESIASTICAL VIEWS. 105 doctrine and every precept which does not rest on that foundation.* To believe in the power of man in the work of regeneration is the great heresy of Rome, and from that error has come the ruin of the church. Conversion proceeds from the grace of God alone, and the system which ascribes it partly to man and partly to God is worse than Pelagian- ism. -j- Christ is everything in Christianity; whosoever abandons that fountain which is ever ready to impart life, and turns to muddy and stagnant waters, is a madman. J Faith is a gift of God ; it puts aside all merit, and should banish all fear from the mind. The one thing needful in the Christian life and in the Lord's Supper js not a vain formalism and superstitious rites, but communion with Christ according to the power of the spiritual h'fe. || Let Christians submit not to the word of a priest but to the word of God. In the primitive church there were but two orders, the deacon and the priest : the presbyter and the bishop were one.^[ The sublimest calling which man can attain on earth is that of preaching the word of God. The true church is the assembly of the righteous for whom Christ shed his blood. So long as Christ is in heaven, in Him the church possesses the best pope. It is possible for a pope to be condemned at the last day because of his sins. Would men compel us to recognise as our head " a devil of hell?"** Such were the essential points of Wick- liffe's doctrine. It was the echo of the doctrine of the apostles the prelude to that of the reformers. In many respects Wickliffe is the Luther of England; but the times of revival had not yet come, and the English * Auctoritas Scripturse sacra, qua est lex Christ!, infinitum excedit quam libet scripturam aliam. Dialog. [Trialogus] lib. iii. cap. xxx. ; see in particular cap. xxxi. + Ibid, de prsedestinatione, de peccato, de gratia, &c. t Ibid. lib. iii. cap. xxx. Fidem a Deo infusam sine aliqua trepidatione fidei coutraria. Ibid, lib. ni. cap. ii. y || Secundum rationem spiritualis et virtualis existentise. Ibid. lib. iv. cap. viii. U Fuit idem presbyter atque episcopns. Ibid. lib. iv. cap. XT. ** Vaughan's Life of Wickliffe, ii. p. 307. The Christian public Is much Indebted to Dr Vanghan for his biography of this reformer. J 106 A PROPHECY. reformer could not gain such striking victories over Rome as the German reformer. While Luther was surrounded by an ever-increasing number of scholars and princes, who con- fessed the same faith as himself, Wickliffe shone almost alone in the firmament of the church. The boldness with which he substituted a living spirituality for a superstitions formalism, caused those to shrink back in affright who had gone with him against friars, priests, and popes. Erelong the Roman pontiff ordered him to be thrown into prison, and the monks threatened his life;* but God protected him, and he remained calm amidst the machinations of his adversaries. " Antichrist," said he, " can only kill the body." Having one foot in the grave already, he foretold that, from the very bosom of monkery, would some day pro- ceed the regeneration of the church. " If the friars, whom God condescends to teach, shall be converted to the prim- itive religion of Christ," said he, " we shall see them aban- doning their unbelief, returning freely, 'with or without the permission of Antichrist, to the primitive religion of the Lord, and building up the church, as did St Paul."-j- Thus did Wickliffe's piercing glance discover, at the dis- tance of nearly a century and a half, the young monk Luther in the Augustine convent at Erfurth, converted by the epistle to the Romans, and returning to the spirit of St Paul and the religion of Jesus Christ. Time was hastening on to the fulfilment of this prophecy. " The rising sun of the Reformation," for so has Wickliffe been called, had appeared above the horizon, and its beams were no more to be extinguished. In vain will thick clouds veil it at times; the distant hill-tops of Eastern Europe will soon reflect its rays ; ^ and its piercing light, increasing in brightness, will pour over all the world, at the hour of the church's renovation, floods of knowledge and of life. * Multitude fratrum mortem tuam multipliciter machinantur. Dialog., lib. iv. cap. iv. t Aliqui fratres quos Deus docere dignatur relicta sua perfidia redibunt libere ad religionem Christi primaevam, et tune sedificabunt eo- lesiam, sicut Paulus. Ibid., lib. iv. cap. xxx. J John Husa in Bohemia. THE WICKLHTITES. 107 CHAPTER IX. The Wickliffitea Call for Reform Richard II. The First Martyr- Lord Cobham Appears before Henry V. Before the Archbishop His Confession and Death The Lollards. WICKLIFFE'S death manifested the power of his teaching. The master being removed, his disciples set their hands to the plough, and England was almost won over to the re- former's doctrines. The Wickliffites recognised a ministry independent of Rome, and deriving authority from the word of God alone. " Every minister," said they, " can admini- ster the sacraments and confer the cure of souls as well as the pope." To the licentious wealth of the clergy they opposed a Christian poverty, and to the degenerate asceticism of the mendicant orders, a spiritual and free life. The townsfolk crowded around these humble preachers ; the sol- diers listened to them, armed with sword and buckler to defend them ;* the nobility took down the images from their baronial chapels ;f and even the royal family was partly won over to the Reformation. England was like a tree cut down to the ground, from whose roots fresh buds are shoot- ing out on every side, erelong to cover all the earth beneath their shade4 This augmented the courage of "Wickliffe's disciples, and in many places the people took the initiative in the reform. The walls of St Paul's and other cathedrals were hung with placards aimed at the priests and friars, and the abuses of which they were the defenders; and in 1395 the friends of * Assistere solent gladio et pelta stipati ad eorum defensionem. Knygh- ton, lib. v. p. 2660. f Milites cum ducibus et comitibus erant prsecipue eis adhaerentes. Ibid. Quasi germinantes multiplicati sunt nimis et impleverunt ubique orbemregni. Ibid. These " ConclurioneJ' are reprinted by Lewi(Wick- liffc), p. 337. 108 CALL FOE REFORM. the Gospel petitioned parliament for a general reform. " The essence of the worship which comes from Rome," said they, consists in signs and ceremonies, and not in the efficacity of the Holy Ghost ; and therefore it is not that which Christ has ordained. Temporal things are distinct from spiritual things : a king and a bishop ought not to be one and the same person." * And then, from not clearly understanding the principle of the separation of the functions which they proclaimed, they called upon parliament to " abolish celi- bacy, transubstantiation, prayers for the dead, offerings to images, auricular confession, war, the arts unnecessary to life, the practice of blessing oil, salt, wax, incense, stones, mitres, and pilgrims' staffs. All these pertain to necro- mancy and not to theology." Emboldened by the absence of the king in Ireland, they fixed their Twelve Conclusions on the gates of St Paul's and Westminster Abbey. This became the signal for persecution. As soon as Arundel, archbishop of York, and Braybrooke, bishop of London, had read these propositions, they hastily crossed St George's Channel, and conjured the king to return to England. The prince hesitated not to comply, for his wife, the pious Anne of Luxemburg, was dead. Richard, during childhood and youth, had been committed in succes- sion to the charge of several guardians, and like children (says an historian), whose nurses have been often changed, he thrived none the better for it. He did good or evil, according to the influence of those around him, and had no decided inclinations except for ostentation and licentious- ness. The clergy were not mistaken in calculating on such a prince. On his return to London he forbade the parlia- ment to take the Wickliffite petition into consideration ; and having summoned before him the most distinguished of its supporters, such as Story, Clifford, Latimer, and Montacute, he threatened them with death if they continued to defend their abominable opinions. Thus was the work of the re- former about to be destroyed. But Richard had hardly withdrawn his hand from the gospel, when God (says the annalist) withdrew his hand * Rex et episcopus in una persona, &c. Knyghton, lib. v. p. 2660. HENRY IV. THE FIRST MARTYR. 109 from him.* His cousin, Henry of Hereford, son of the fa- mous duke of Lancaster, and who had been banished from England, suddenly sailed from the continent, landed in York- shire, gathered all the malcontents around him, and was ac- knowledged king. The unhappy Richard, after being for- mally deposed, was confined in Pontefract castle, where he soon terminated his earthly career. The son of Wickliffe's old defender was now king : a re- form of the church seemed imminent ; but the primate Amn- del had foreseen the danger. This cunning priest and skil- ful politician had observed which way the wind blew, and deserted Richard hi good time. Taking Lancaster by the hand, he put the crown on his head, saying to him : " To consolidate your throne, conciliate the clergy, and sacrifice the Lollards." " I will be the protector of the church," re- plied Henry IV., and from that hour the power of the priests was greater than the power of the nobility. Rome has ever been adroit in profiting by .revolutions. Lancaster, in his eagerness to show his gratitude to the priests, ordered that every incorrigible heretic should be burnt alive, to terrify his companions.f Practice followed close upon the theory. A pious priest named William Saw- tre had presumed to say : " Instead of adoring the cross on which Christ suffered, I adore Christ who suffered on it."J He was dragged to St Paul's ; his hair was shaved off; a layman's cap was placed on his head; and the primate handed him over to the mercy of the earl-marshal of England. This mercy was shown him he was burnt alive at Smith- field in the beginning of March 1401. Sawtre was the first martyr to protestantism. Encouraged by this act of faith this auto da /e the clergy drew up the articles known as the " Constitutions of Arundel," which forbade the reading of the Bible, and styled the pope, "not a mere man, but a true God." The L - lards' tower, in the archiepiscopal palace of Lambeth, was * Foxe, Acts, i. p. 584, fol. Lend. 1684. + Ibid. p. 586. This is the statute known as 2 Henry IV. c. 15, the first actual law in England against heresy. J Ibid. p. 589. Not of pure man but of true God, hare in earth. Ibid. p. 596. 110. PERSECUTION LORD COBHAM. soon filled with pretended heretics, many of whom carved on the walls of their dungeons the expression of their sor- row and their hopes : Jesus amor meus, wrote one of them.* To crush the lowly was not enough : the Gospel must be driven from the more exalted stations. The priests, who were sincere in their belief, regarded those noblemen as mis- leaders who set the word of God above the laws of Rome, and accordingly they girded themselves for the work. A few miles from Rochester stood Cowling Castle, in the midst of the fertile pastures watered by the Medway, The fair Medwaya that with wanton pride Forms silver mazes with her crooked tide.t In the beginning of the fifteenth century it was inhabited by Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham, a man in high favour with the king. The " poor priests" thronged to Cowling in quest of Wickliffe's writings, of which Cobham had caused numerous copies to be made, and whence they were circu- lated through the dioceses of Canterbury, Rochester, Lon- don, and Hertford. Cobham attended their preaching, and if any enemies ventured to interrupt them, he threatened them with his sword.j: " I would sooner risk my life," said he, " than submit to such unjust decrees as dishonour the everlasting Testament." The king would not permit the clergy to lay hands on his favourite. But Henry V. having succeeded his father in 1413, and passed from the houses of ill-fame he had hitherto frequent- ed, to the foot of the altars and the head of the armies, the archbishop immediately denounced Cobham to him, and he was summoned to appear before the king. Sir John had understood Wickliffe's doctrine, and experienced in his own person the might of the divine Word. " As touching the pope and his spirituality," he said to the king, " I owe them neither suit nor service, forasmuch as I know him by the * " Jesus is my love." These words are still to be read in the tower. f Blackmore. i Eorum prsedicationibus nefariis interfuit, et contradictores, si quos repererat, minis et terroribus et gladii secularis potentia compescuit. Rymer, Fcedera, torn. iv. pars 2, p. 50. COBHAM BEFORE THE ARCHBISHOP. Ill Scriptures to be the great antichrist."* Henry thrust aside Cobham's hand as he presented his confession of faith : " I will not receive this paper, lay it before your judges." When he saw his profession refused, Cobham had recourse to the only arm which he knew of out of the gospel. The differences which we now settle by pamphlets were then very com- monly settled by the sword : " I offer in defence of my faith to fight pr life or death with any man living, Christian or pagan, always excepting your majesty." f Cobham was led to the Tower. On the 23d September 1413, he was taken before the ecclesiastical tribunal then sitting at St Paul's. " We must believe," said the primate to him, " what the holy church of Rome teaches, without demanding Christ's authority." "Believe!" shouted the priests, "believe!" "I am willing to believe all that God desires," said Sir John ; " but that the pope should have authority to teach what is contrary to Scripture that I can never believe." He was led back to the Tower. The word of God was to have its martyr. On Monday, 25th September, a crowd of priests, canons, friars, clerks, and indulgence-sellers, thronged the large hall of the Dominican convent, and attacked Lord Cobham with abusive language. These insults, the importance of the moment for the Reformation of England, the catastrophe that must needs close the scene : all agitated his soul to its very depths. When the archbishop called upon him to confess his offence, he fell on his knees, and lifting up his hands to heaven, exclaimed : " I confess to Thee, God ! and acknowledge that in my frail youth I seriously offended Thee by my pride, anger, intemperance, and impurity : for these offences I implore thy mercy!" Then standing up, his face still wet with tears, he said : " I ask not your abso- lution : it is God's only that I need."J The clergy did not despair, however, of reducing this high-spirited gentleman : they knew that spiritual strength is not always conjoined with bodily vigour, and they hoped to vanquish by priestly * Foxe, Acts, rol. i. p. 636, fol. f Ibid. p. 637. J Quod nullam absolutionem iu hac parte peterot a nobis, sed a solo Deo. Rymer, Fcedera, p. 51. 112 LORD COBHAM'S DEATH. sophisms the man who dared challenge the papal champions to single combat. " Sir John," said the primate at last, " you have said some very strange things : we have spent much time in endeavours to convince you, but all to no effect. The day passeth away : you must either submit yourself to the ordinance of the most holy church " " I will none otherwise believe than what I have told you. Do with me what you will." " "Well then, we must needs do the law," the archbishop made answer. Arundel stood up; all the priests and people rose with him and uncovered their heads. Then holding the sentence of death in his hand, he read it with a loud clear voice. " It is well," said Sir John ; " though you condemn my body, you can do no harm to my soul, by the grace of my eternal God." He was again led back to the Tower, whence he escaped one night, and took refuge in Wales. He was re- taken in December 1417, carried to London, dragged on a hurdle to Saint Giles's fields, and there suspended by chains over a slow fire, and cruelly burned to death. Thus died a Christian, illustrious after" the fashion of his age a cham- pion of the word of God. The London prisons were filled with Wickliffites, and it was decreed that they should be hung on the king's account, and burnt for God's.* The intimidated Lollards were compelled to hide them- selves in the humblest ranks of the people, and to hold their meetings in secret. The work of redemption was proceed- ing noiselessly among the elect of God. Of these Lollards, there were many who had been redeemed by Jesus Christ ; but in general they knew not, to the same extent as the evangelical Christians of the sixteenth century, the quick- ening and justifying power of faith. They were plain, meek, and often timid folks, attracted by the word of God, affected at the condemnation it pronounces against the errors of Rome, and desirous of living according to its command- ments. God had assigned them a part and an important part too in the great transformation of Christianity. Their humble piety, their passive resistance, the shameful treat- * Incendio propter Deum, suspendio propter regem. Thorn. Walden- sis in proemio. Raynald, ann. 1414. No 16. LEARNING AT FLORENCE. 113 ment which they bore with resignation, the penitent's robes with which they were covered, the tapers they were com- pelled to hold at the church-door all these things betrayed the pride of the priests, and filled the most generous minds with doubts and vague desires. By a baptism of suffering, God was then preparing the way to a glorious reformation. CHAPTER X. Learning at Florence The Tudors Erasmus visits England Sir Thomas More Dean Colet Erasmus and young Henry Prince Arthur and Catherine Marriage and Death Catherine betrothed to Henry Accession of Henry VIII. Enthusiasm of the Learned Erasmus recalled to England Cromwell before the Pope Catherine proposed to Henry Their Marriage and Court Tournaments Henry's Danger. THIS reformation was to be the result of two distinct forces the revival of learning and the resurrection of the word of God. The latter was the principal cause, but the former was necessary as a means. Without it the living waters ot the gospel would probably have traversed the age, like summer streams which soon dry up, such as those which had burst forth "here and there during the middle ages ; it would not have become that majestic river, which, by its inundations, fertilized all the earth. It was necessary to discover and examine the original fountains, and for this end the study of Greek and Hebrew was indispensable. Lol- lardism and humanism (the study of the classics) were the two laboratories of the reform. We have seen the prepara- tions of the one, we must now trace the commencement of the other ; and as we have discovered the light in the lowly valleys, we shall discern it also on the lofty mountain tops. About the end of the fifteenth century, several young Englishmen chanced to be at Florence, attracted thither by