UC-NRLF 171 "120 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID DR. B. MITRE'S MATERIA MEDICA, OR Proiings of the principal AniDial and Vegetable Poisons or THE BRAZILIAN EMPIRE; AND THEIR APPLICATION IN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASE. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH AND ARRANGED ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN'S METHOD, BY CHARLES J. HEMPEL, M.D. FELLOW AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HOMOEOPATHIC COLLEGE ; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE HAHNKMANN SOCIETY OF LONDON, &C., &C. KEW-Y OEK : WILLIAM RADDE, No. 322 BROADWAY, PHILADELPHIA: RADEMACHER & SHEEK. BOSTON: OTIS CLAPP. ST. Louis : J. G. WESSELHOEFT. LONDON : JAMES EPPS, 112 GREAT RUSSELL-STREET, BLOOMSBUHY. MANCHESTER : H. TURNER, 41 PICCADILLY. 1854. ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by WILLIAM KADDE, In the Clerk's Office, of the District Court, for the Southern District of New-York. HENRY LUDWIQ, Printer, 45 Vesey-street. IS- TO THE BRAZILIAN PEOPLE. THOUGH the precious metals hidden in the Brazilian soil, may be never so abundant ; though the splendor of its precious stones, may be never so brilliant ; though the crops which the soil yields to the farmer, may be never so rich : yet there are, in the Brazilian empire, treasures of a far greater importance, and infinitely more necessary to human happiness. They are the powerful means which this vast country furnishes for the cure of disease. Previous to Hahnemann's discovery, we were ignorant of a positive method of determining the use of drugs. We knew that they existed, but we did not know how to use them ; and popular experience, more successful than the wisdom of the School, had alone picked up a few stray fragments from the rich harvest which had been abandoned for want of the proper means of gathering. Providence at last permitted Hahnemann and his disciples to discover the method of applying remedies to diseases in a positive and efficacious manner. The dominion of mere palliatives is at an end. Homoeopathy, by attacking the cause of dis- ease, destroys the chronic miasms, which are transmitted from generation to generation ; dries up the fountain-heads of epidemic and contagious diseases ; enables the infant- body, by a positive hygiene, to resist the deleterious in- fluences to which -it might be exposed in the course of its existence ; and, by preserving human life, which is the most precious capital of nations and the first element of their greatness, Homoeopathy will insure their prosperity, provided they adopt it without reserve. M3743G9 INTRODUCTION. We admire the bold hunter who skims the sharp points of the rocks, for the purpose of snatching the down from the little ones of the eider ; the indefatigable diver, who, by dint of patient toil, succeeds in bringing up the diamond from the sands of the river, or the pearl from the bosom of the sea. Should not the people of Brazil sympathise with the patient and courageous experimenters, who, under the auspices of Hahnemann, discover a world of wonderful uses in the neglected products of this country? The work which we here offer to the Brazilian people, is not a work of fiction intended to amuse, but a serious work detailing a series of painful sensations voluntarily endured by a few devoted men, who were desirous of finding out the therapeutic uses of the poisonous animals and plants, the pathogenetic symptoms of which will be found described in this volume. We shall be amply compensated for the patience and devotedness which the composition of such a work requires, by the consciousness that it will do its share in diminishing the sufferings of mankind. B. MURE, Rio Janeiro. NOTE TO THE READER : The symptoms in the following work, are arranged in groups of five ; the figures in the text indicate the numeri- cal order of these groups.^-Eo. CROTALUS CASCAVELLA. WE commence the publication of our provings by the symptoms of the Crotalus Cascavella, not so much on ac- count of the importance of the symptoms which the poison of this dangerous reptile produces on the healthy body; but because the unfortunate experiment which was attempted a few years ago, on a sick person, offers a fair opportunity of contrasting the hazardous and uncertain results of a merely clinical experimentation, with the positive advan- tages of Hahnemann's method of proving. A popular notion, and the therapeutics of the Old-School was gradually built up of such notions, attributed to the poison of the crotalus cascavella, the power of curing the elephantiasis of the Greeks, a malady which, in Brazil, goes by the name of morphea, or Lazarus' -evil. A disciple of Hahnemann might have verified this belief without any 6 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESI3. difficulty, and without endangering human life. But the Old-School who does not acknowledge our method of prov- ing, had to remain in doubt about this curative virtue of the cascavella, until a patient and physician would be found sufficiently bold and logical to apply to a frightful disease a still more frightful remedy. Mariano Jose Machado, fell a victim to his heroic attempt, and, by his death, dis- sipated the illusory hopes founded on the curative virtue of the poison of the cascavella. Now what conclusion shall we draw from this fact ? That the practitioner who advised the attempt, has been imprudent and censure- able ? God forbid that we should commit such an act of injustice. A patient has succumbed to a clinical experi- ment ; let us honor the heroic courage with which he braved the serpent's bite; let us honor the zeal of the practitioner, who persuaded him to risk a few years of a loathsome existence for the chance, though uncertain, of a cure. The unhappy Machado has been saved a few years of cruel suffering ; but what a joy it would have afforded him and his miserable fellow-sufferers, if the remedy for their loathsome disease had been known ! what a glory it would have been to the physician who should have con- ducted them to the haven of relief ! * * This case has been reported in detail, in the Medical Gazette of Paris, of the 5th of January, 1839, by the attending physicians, Mdia and Reis. We transcribe it for the benefit of our readers. Mariano Jose Machado, fifty years old, of athletic form, bilious- sanguine temperament, was afflicted with elephantiasis leontina Alibert. The whole body, especially the extremities, were insensible. The skin and the cellular tissue were thickened, hard, rugose and covered with tubercles which were somewhat raised but not ulcerated. A few pustules under the arms, looked like itch-pustules, and seemed to indi- cate a complication with this disease. The epidermis and nails began to alter, and the fingers had lost their normal shape. Internally, the patient felt quite well, enjoying both vigor of mind and body. After six years of suffering, he had come to the determination to try this dreadful experiment, which would either lead to death or a deliverance from his horrible affliction. On the morning of the fourth of September, at fifty minutes past eleven o'clock, he was bit by a rattle-snake, the crotalus cascavella, in GROTALUS CA8CAVELLA. However, a homicide has been committed on this occa- sion, and though the perpetrators may be free from blame, the two last fingers near the metacarpus. He felt neither the bite, nor the poison as it penetrated into the wound. A few drops of blood came out of the wound, and the hand began immediately to swell. In five minutes : slight feeling of coldness in the hands. Twelve o'clock : slight pain in the hollow of the hands. Twenty minutes : the hand swells a good deal. Thirty minutes : swelling of the jugular veins. Alteration of the features. Formication in the face. Fifty-five minutes : the sense of swelling extends through the whole forearm. Twenty minutes past one : trembling of the whole body. Thirty-six minutes past one : the head is affected, with frequent pulse, difficulty of moving the lips, disposition to slumber, constriction of the throat, violent pain in the whole arm, the hand swells more and more. Thirty-eight minutes past one : sense of chilliness ; the patient covers himself. Forty-eight minutes past one : pain in the tongue and larynx, increased pains and swelling of the bitten hand ; sense of coldness in the feet. Twenty-five minutes past two : difficulty of swallowing, anguish, copious sweat on the chest. Fifty minutes : weakness of the arms, nosebleed, anguish, now and then, restlessness, pulse 96. In three hours and forty minutes : pulse 100. Fifteen minutes: intensely vio- lent pains in the arms, restlessness. Thirty minutes : pulse 98, red face, continual bleeding of the nose. Thirty-five minutes : the patient drinks some wine and water without any difficulty, and changes his linen which was all wet from the perspiration. Intense redness all over. In four hours : pulse 100, the whole of the skin, especially on the bitten arm, is very red, violent pains in both arms, which do not leave the patient any rest, constriction of the throat, impeded respiration. Fifty minutes : pulse 104, the body is very hot all over, flow of saliva. In five hours, thirty minutes : torpor, copious emission of urine, thick, viscid saliva, which it is difficult to get out of the mouth, muscular debility, frequent moaning on account of the pains which he feels in the whole body, quiet breathing, pulse full and frequent, skin soft, the bitten hand swells enormously. In seven hours : som- nolence with moaning, after waking the pains in the arms are less, but he experiences violent pains in the chest, sensation of a lump in his throat, copious emission of urine, great difficulty of swallowing, white, viscid saliva, discharge of a bloody liquid from the nose, ina- bility to swallow a drink composed of water, sugar and brandy. In eight hours : the sweating abates, restlessness, moaning, emission of urine. In nine hours, ten minutes : the moaning ceases, deep sleep. In ten hours : takes an infusion of guaco, pulse 108, the bloody discharge from the nose ceases, shrivelling of the tuberculous formations on the arms and in the face, they exhibit an erysipelatous 8 BRAZILIAN PATHOOENESIS. yet we may justly condemn the deceitful science that has to resort to such dangerous practices, in order to augment its resources and enlarge its boundaries. Like unto the vile poisoner who, when his poisons fail him, resorts to the stiletto, as a means of gratifying his cupidity or his ambition, allopathy sacrifices human life, and, like him, will have an ignominious end. The solemn homicide, which was com- mitted a few years ago in this capital in the name of science, may be of use to the world, by hastening the glorious recog- nition of the homoeopathic healing art, in these distant re- gions. If it was permitted as recently as four years ago, redness. In ten hours, twenty minutes : emits two ounces of a natural urine, a few minutes' quiet sleep, without moaning. In ten hours, forty minutes : the pains abate a good deal, but he complains of pains in the thighs and feet, where he had felt a considerable coldness until now, pulse 108, ordinary thirst, the patient sits up in order to drink, and swallows the drink with ease. In eleven hours : takes four spoonfuls of a strong infusion of guaco. In eleven hours, forty-five minutes: emits a deeply-colored urine, pulse 119, the bitten hand and arm are very much inflamed and intensely painful, restlessness. In twelve hours: quiet sleep, disturbed by eructations, pulse 112, emission of urine. In twelve hours, thirty minutes : restlessness, screams, despair. In twelve hours, forty minutes : emission of urine, pulse 116, sensation of burning heat in the legs, which he un- covers. In thirteen hours : emission of urine, quiet, he takes an infusion of guaco. In fourteen hours : he sits up in bed, and drinks water, during which he moves about violently and screams. In fifteen hours : emission of urine, the swelling of the lower lips abates, the salivation ceases. In fifteen hours, forty-five minutes : pulse 110, involuntary motion of the right thumb and left foot. In seventeen hours : the patient feels very sick, pulse 100, frequent moaning. In nineteen hours : excessive debility, involuntary motion of the lower jaw, and lower extremities, bloody urine. In twenty hours : acceler- ated, intermitting pulse, increase of the convulsive motions, the swelling of the extremities, and the redness of the skin are less, ex- treme difficulty of swallowing, anxious respiration. In twenty hours, fifty minutes : diminution of the convulsive motions. In twenty hours, fifty-five minutes : the convulsions cease. In twenty-one hours : he takes an ounce of lizard-oil, which he swallows with difficulty. In twen- ty-one hours, thirty minutes : death. In a few minutes, the blue-colored body, swoll considerably. Twenty-three hours after death, the body had swollen enormously, was covered with blue and red spots, and smelt so horridly that no post-mortem examination could be made. HEMPEL. CROTALUS CASCAVELLA. 9 when the name of Hahnemann was scarcely known in this country, to kill a man for the purpose of trying a drug, we venture to say that, at this period, nobody would either dare to propose or accept such a murderous practice. It will be seen, in studying the symptoms which we have obtained from the poison of the crotalus, that there are very few among them which resemble the tuberculous lepra, and that this terrible malady will, therefore, have to be cured by some other means. Fortunately, homoeopathy teaches us the method of discovering a suitable remedy iu the place of the crotalus poison, which we now know has to be aban- doned as a remedy for lepra, and the success which we have already obtained, enables us to indulge the hope, that the Brazilian lepra, as well as the elephantiasis of the Arabs, will soon disappear entirely, under the operation of the suitable dynamised homoeopathic agent. The crotalus will become a useful adjunct to the lachesis proved by Doctor Hering ; it is my belief that it affects the organism longer and more thoroughly than the latter, and will effect many cures which had to remain incomplete under the use of lachesis. The serpent from which this poison has been extracted, was caught in the province of Ceara. In this operation I was aided by the young practitioner who alone, four years ago, had protested against the dangerous experiment which was made in the hospital of the leprous patients, of which he was at that time chief physician. His noble heart revolted against the practice of risking human life, for the sake of a medical doctrine, and, soon after, he imitated the glorious example which Hahnemann had set him fifty years previous, by abandoning a lucrative practice, and the direction of two hospitals. Having first protested against the bite which the reptile was caused to inflict upon his patient, he now volun- tarily exposed his own life for the purpose of extracting the poison, which was to be suitably attenuated in order to con- vert it into a curative agent. Several drops of the poison spirted on his face, and might have ended his life, if the inner corner of the eye had been touched as I first feared 1* 10 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENES1S. it was. At this day, Avhen his suspicions have been abun- dantly confirmed by the physiological provings, Dr. J. V. Martins, is one of the firmest adherents of our rising School. May he live to see the error which he had instinctively rejected, completely extinguished by the brilliant light of medical truth. This terrible serpent is found in the province of Ceara, whence it was brought to Rio Janeiro. This species gene- rally attains a length of from four to five feet but the animal from which the poison was taken for our provings, was three feet long. Its oval-triangular head one half of which is provided with shields, shows a round depression in front of the eyes, which are covered with a large elliptical shield, serving as a lid. The body is big, conical, its movements are sluggish ; its upper surface is covered with scales, the dorsal scales being keeled and somewhat lanceolate, the scales of the tail being quadrangular and smaller. The belly is provided with one hundred and seventy large transversal plates ; there are twenty-five plates belonging to the tail, the three first of which are divided in shields. The extremity of the tail is furnished with seven or eight capsules of the con- sistence of parchment which, when agitated, produce a shrill sound. The color of the crotalus is a yellowish-brown, much lighter under the belly, with twenty-four or twenty-six regular long rhomboidal lines on each side of the back. When irritated and during the excessive heat, the crotalus spreads a very fetid musk-like odor. The molar teeth which are few in number, but long and excessively poisonous, are inserted in exceedingly dilatable jaws. Every body knows that the poison of this reptile acts with a frightful intensity ; and it was not without great danger that Doctors Mure and Martins succeeded in obtaining a few drops of it, by com- pressing from the living animal the gland which secretes it. FIRST EXPERIMENT. 1. First day : Heavy pain in the back part of the orbit, and at the left eyebrow. Second day : Pain under the right orbit and at the forehead, right side. Third day : Dry CROTALU3 CASCAVELLA. 11 cough with tickling in the throat, at night. Fourth day ; Headache extending over the forehead and then the rest of the head. &. Fifth day : Smell all day like that of the crotalus, insipid, nauseous, like the odor perceived in a hospi- tal. Sixth day : Lancinations in various parts of the body. Seventh day ; Contraction with pressure at the right eye- ball which felt as if drawn out, Eighth day: Yellowish diarrho?a. - Ninth day : Pain in the middle of the forehead. 10- Tenth day: Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder. Eleventh day : Rheumatic pain in the left wrist. Twelfth day : Violent cramps in the heel. SECOND EXPERIMENT. (The drug is taken at 10 o'clock in the evening.) Spitting of black blood. 15. Prickling all over the body. Starting during sleep. Sleeplessness. Fright at night, without knowing about what. 20- Sleep in the morning. The tip of the nose is drawn up as by a string which is fas- tened to a central point of the forehead. Tingling in the throat. Salt taste in the mouth which cannot be removed by drinking sugarwater. 25- Pulse a little heavy. Small red conical pimples on the wrist. Painful pulling on the sides of the neck in turning the head. Feeling of coldness in the stomach, after having eaten. Sensation as if a peg were sticking in the middle portion of the liver. 30- Ach- ing pain at the gums, left side. Circular pain round the abdomen, terminating at the navel. Two lancinations under the right shoulder, as if with a dagger, arresting the breathing and reverberating in the chest. Sensation as of a grain of sand in the outer canthi of the eyes. Burning pinching at the pylorus. 35- Constriction in the thyroid body. Sen- sation as if the right lower limb, from the hip to the heel, were shorter ; this sensation, though illusory, causes him to limp. The left eye feels as if drawn towards the temple. Burning and constriction in the throat. Second day : Pain in the inner head. 40. The feet are cold. The arms are weak. Contusive feeling at the inner side of the right shoulder-blade. Painful heaviness in the 12 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS, loins. Appearance of a blue dazzling light before the eyes. 45. Borborygmi. Painful pressure in the temples. Desire to vomit. Sensation, below the breasts, of subcutaneous ul- ceratiori. Lancinations in the dorsal spine as from needles. 50- The prover imagines he hears some one walking behind him. The cranium presses on the brain on all sides like an iron helmet. Pulling in the pit of the stomach. Itching on the thighs. Titillating itching in the ears. 55. Swell- ing of the right ear. Deafness. Dreams about parties with illuminations; quarrels, battles. Frontal headache, as if the forehead would split, with weight above the eyes, especially at night. Pain in the stomach extending to the navel. 60- Weariness of the arms and lower limbs. Smarting in the nostrils. Cutting sensations all round the eyeball as if cut out with a pen-knife. Pain in the left cheek. Sweat and debility after eating. 65- Greenish spitting in the morn- ing. Sensation in the head, as if some living being were walking about in a circle. Shocks in the brain so violent that one is near losing one's equilibrium. Continual twitch- ing of the eyebrows, especially the left. Black, bloody froth around the lips, in the morning. 70- Tongue of a scarlet- red. Jerking in the fingers. Pain in the elbow as if the bones were pulled. Sensation as if a thread were rolling in the eye and were pulling the eyeball toward the temple. Acute pulling in the thigh, with momentary paralysis in the right pelvic extremity. 75. Acute lancinations in the right temple. Very thirsty. Belly-ache after drinking. Pressure in the whole abdomen, in the direction of the navel. The abdomen is exceedingly sensitive. 80- Great desire for food, suddenly passing off at the sight of the latter. Loath- ing of meat. Yellow rings around the eyes. Discharge of an albuminous substance from the rectum, preceded by tenes- mus and urging. Falling of the rectum for ten minutes. 85. Pain in the hollow of the hand. Third day. Pain in the chest which reaches as far as the back. Sensation as of an opening in the pit of the sto- mach through which air passes. Sleeplessness with agitations. Headache as if the forehead would split. 90' Headache, CROTALt/S CASCAVELLA. 13 nose-bleed, and excited feeling in consequence of having been roused from sleep suddenly. Drawing-up of the lower limb from the hip to the foot, with crampy pain. Leu- corrhoea. Small pimples on the hairy scalp. The toes re- main bent. 05- The nails are red. Sensation as of water in the chest, with efforts to throw it up, and sensation as if the heart were floating in a liquid. Constant yawning. Itching of the tongue. Smarting at the tips of the fingers. 100- Sensation as of dust in the throat. The pimples at first look like flea-bites, after which they become elevated like little cones and constitute the centres of an exfoliation less entensive than that caused by the elaps coralinus, with a little black speck remaining in the middle. Itching in the canthus of the eye. Acute sensation of burning and redness of the skin which is perceptibly sunken in at the opening of the right nostril. The prover imagines he hears some one moan. 105- The thorax and head feel as if pressed upon by an iron armor. Sensation as of bands round the ab- dornen. Pain in the elbows. Pain in the jugular veins when moving the neck. Abundant discharge of nasal mucus, at night. HO- Foul taste, or taste as of onions in the mouth until it is rinsed. Burning and prickling at the tip of the tongue. Swoon which passes off in the open air. Anorexia all day, and a good deal of appetite in the evening. Pain above the right breast. 115- The soup falls into the sto- mach quite suddenly, and lies there like a stone, with pain in the back. Stitch in the left side when drawing breath after drinking. Lancinations in the side. Fourth day. Violent lancinations in the uterus while washing one's-self with cold water, the lancinations become frightful when using warm water, with weight at the uterus. Itching under the feet. 120- Formication in the feet as high up as the ankles. Prickling in the bends of the knees. Faint feeling at the stomach. While in a clairvoyant state, he speaks to somebody who does not answer him. 125- Feeling of fright at night. First the blood is felt rising in the carotid arteries several times ; this is followed by a faint feeling and lastly by a sensation as if a valve were suddenly 14 BRAZILIAN PATHOQENEBIS. opened. Violent blow at the epigastrium. All his limbs tremble. Chilliness all over which continues even under the bed-cover. 130- Violent ache at the vertex, and sensitiveness of the hairy scalp to the touch. Extinction of the voice. Great weakness. Depression of spirits. Suffocative op- pression and fear of another paroxysm. 1B5- Sensation as if a red-hot iron were sticking in the vertex. The eyelids feel heavy. Pain in the lower gums as if they had been touched by a red-hot iron. Excessive weight at the dia- phragm. Continual contusive pain between the two shoulders, and sometimes slow and measured lancinations when inclin- ing backwards, as if a vertebra had been fractured. 140' Constrictive pain in the thyroid body as if strung together with a string. Fifth day. Coldness in the back after eating. Drawing from the neck to the epigastrium. Pain in the right clavicle. Weight on the orbits, at night. 145- The feet are icy- cold. Headache above the eyes, at ten o'clock in the morn- ing. Stomach-ache when eating, as if too empty. The heart feels as if beating from above downwards. Internal pain between the shoulders. 150- The inner nose is ulcerated. He is pursued all over by the idea of death, especially when alone. He can only think of death with great depression of spirits. Ineffectual desire to weep. Lancinations in the meatus and auditorius. 155- Ver- million-colored metrorrhagia. Paralysis of the tongue. She stands for ten minutes on the window r -sill, and she is arrested when on the point of precipitating herself out of the window. She rises suddenly at three o'clock, uttering two shrill cries and throwing herself forward. The vermillion- colored metrorrhagia with which she had been affected since the morning, disappears suddenly. 160- Profuse flow of tears. The hands are cold. The hands tremble. Loss of memory. Second attack at six o'clock, after which she seats herself in an arm-chair. 165- Burning forehead. Palpitation of the heart. Weeping. She plays with her fingers like a child. The suffocative oppression increases. 170- Magnetic state, she hears nothing, and again sees the CROTALUS CASCAVJSLLA, 15 phantom of death, an immense, black, fieshless skeleton ; her tears and mania increase. Vacant stare. Pressive points in the abdomen. Sixth day. Bone-pain and swelling of the left clavicle. Dream about a horse which is bathed in a pond and gets drowned gradually. 175- Piteous moaning during sleep. Even while .awake one feels as if one were falling out of bed. Acute pain at the sacro-lumbar articulation. Loss of consciousness, one hears and sees nothing. Coldness in the back. 180- Oppression of breathing, as though there were not air enough in the house. Contraction of -the toes, Desire for snow, without desiring either water or wine. Itching at the epigastrium. Heat in the thighs. 185' She exclaims several times : he is in the lions' den, but they will not bite him. At six o'clock in the evening, another fit of mania. Magnetic state, during which she does not answer any questions but hears a strange voice on her left side and behind her ; she follows it, and tilts against the doors which had been closed and which she scratches with her nails. Three very nearly similar attacks succeed each other, they are occasionally interrupted by silly laughter arid always end with a iiood of tears. She exclaims again : he is in the den, but the lions will not eat him. Seventh day. Fainting from hunger, before eating. 190. Contusive pain at the occiput. Somnolence the whole morn- ing. Another attack of mental alienation, she hears voices which she follows, and sheds a flood of tears. Her head feels heavy, with stupor. The humeral extremity of the left clavicle continues to swell. 195- Intermittent metrorr- hagia twice a day, and alternating with the paroxysms of mania. Involuntary emission of urine during sleep. Pain across the umbilical region, with alternate sensation of spreading out and pinching together. Swelling of the three last toes of the left foot. Excoriation and pustules on the toes of the left foot. 200- Suffocative oppression. Pain in the bones, especially in the joints, at the shoulder-blades, elbows, at the phalanxes of the fingers, at the knees, hip and under the toe-nails. Pressure at the right hip as with the 16 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. blade of a knife. The metrorrhagia ceases. She cannot bear seeing any one on her right side, without experiencing palpitation of the heart and a real fatigue from pleasure. Eighth day. 205- Dreams about enormous shaggy spiders walking towards one and attempting to crawl over one's per- son. Pain in the large psoas-muscle resembling lanci- nations. Suffocative oppression. A circular spot between the two breasts which is black at the upper and red at the lower portion. Hepatic spots of a bright-yellow color, or freckles on the upper part of the right hands. 210- Small red pimples on the left foot, like those which appeared on the hand on the second day of the proving. Obstinate con- stipation. Lancinations, as if stabbed with a knife, in the uterus and anus, especially while washing herself with cold water. Pains in the lower parts of the belly when taking a cold drink. Excessive sensitiveness of the epigastrium, which does not even allow the pressure of the clothes. 215- The molar teeth are excessively sensitive and set on edge. Vomiting after breakfast in consequence of drinking tepid water. Flushes of heat in the face. Violent itching at the calves. Small red pimples with a white tip. 220' While drinking cold water, the veins of the bend of the knee have a deep-black color. Buzzing in the ears while going down-stairs. Ninth day. Ache, at night, in the upper molares, with inflammation of the gums. Spitting of blood mixed with thick phlegm. Dreams about dead persons and phantoms. 225- Loathing of food. Very deaf, after a month. She feels as though her eyes were falling out. Slight pain under the lids. Discharge of white mucus from the mouth. 230. Discharge of a bright-red blood from the nose. The last phalanges feel as if broken. The tips of the fingers are blue. The nails are bare. Yellow complexion. 235- Pain in the left side. She feels uncomfortable in consequence of having her courses, and is out of humor on account of having them. Aversion to talking ; sensitive mood. Desire to move about. 240- She answers all questions with : no. Small red pimples all over. Tightness of the head, from above. CROTALUS CASCAVELLA. 17 Cramps in the arms, as if the nerves had been tied up in a knot during a venesection. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. MORAL AND MENTAL SPHERE : 1. She answers no, whenever she is asked a question. Sensitive mood. Aver- sion to talking. Sensation as if one were falling out of bed, even while awake. 5- Loss of consciousness. She ex- claims : he is in the lions' den, but they will not bite him. Magnetic state ; she hears a strange voice, follows it and tilts against the doors ; she has three such attacks, occasionally interrupted by laughter and tears. Ineffectual desire to weep. Loss of memory. 10. Magnetic state ; she hears nothing, and sees a black skeleton. Mania. He thinks he will die, especially when alone. Depression of spirits. Despair. 15- Anguish. HEAD : Sensation as of a red-hot iron in the vertex. Lan- cinations in right temple. Violent ache at the vertex. Burn- ing forehead. 20. Contusire pain at the occiput. Tight- ness of the head, from above. Her head feels heavy, with stupor. Sensation in the head as if some thing alive were walking about in a circle. Shocks in the brain. 25- Pain- ful pressure in the temples. Sensation as if the brain were pressed upon by an iron helmet. Headache as if the forehead would split, with weight above the eyes. Pain in middle of forehead. Pain in the interior of the head. 30- Pain under the right orbit and in right side of forehead. Frontal headache, afterwards all over the head. Sensitive- ness of the having scalp. EYES : Pain under the lids. Sensation as though her eyes would fall out. 35- Profuse lachrymation. Heavy pain at back part of orbit and left eyebrow. Vacant stare. Weight on the orbits, at night. The eyelids feel heavy. 40- Itching of the canthus. Yellow rings round the eyes. Blue dazzling light before the eyes. Twitching of the eye- brows. Sensation as if the eyeball were pulled towards the temple by a thread. 45- Sense of a grain of sand in the outer canthi. The left eye feels as if drawn towards the 18 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. temples. Contractive pressure at right eyeball, which felt as if drawn out. Cutting round the eyeball. EARS : Buzzing in the ears while going down-stairs. 50- Lancinations in the meatus auditorius. He imagines he hears some one walking behind him. Sensation as if some one were moaning. Titillating itching in the ears. Deafness. 55- Swelling of the right ear. FACE : Yellow complexion. Alteration of the features. Formication in the face. Flushes of heat in the face. Pain in left cheek. NOSE : 60- Ulceration of the inner nose. Discharge of a bloody liquid from the nose. Sense of burning and red- ness of the skin, with depression, at the orifice of the right nostril. Nosebleed. Smarting in the nostrils. 65- Insi- pid, nauseous smell all day, as in a hospital. The tip of the nose is drawn up. TEETH : Pain in lower gums as from a red-hot iron. Aching in the upper molares, at night, with inflammation of the gums. The molar teeth are sensitive and set on edge. 70' Aching pain in left gums. MOUTH : Paralysis of the tongue. Burning and prickling at the tip of the tongue. Itching of the tongue. Tongue of a scarlet-red. 75. Pain in the tongue. Spitting of black blood. Spitting of blood, mixed with thick phlegm. Dis- charge of white mucus from the mouth. Greenish spitting in the morning. 80- Black, bloody froth around the lips in the morning. Thick, viscid saliva which it is difficult to get out. TASTE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS : Salt taste in the mouth, not removed by drinking sugar-water. Taste as of onions in the mouth, before rinsing it. Aversion to food. 85. De- sire for snow. Desire for food, passing off on seeing it. Thirst. Fainting from hunger. Coldness in the back after eating. 90- Anorexia all day. The soup descends into the stomach quite suddenly, and lies there like a heavy body, with pain in the back. Stitch in the left side, after drinking when drawing breath. Colic after drinking. Aversion to CROTALUS CASCAVELLA. 19 meat. 95- Sweat and debility after eating. Desire to vomit. THROAT : Constriction of the throat. Sensation of a lump in his throat. Difficulty of swallowing. 100- Sense of dust in the throat. Burning and constriction in the throat. Tingling in the throat. STOMACH : Stomach-ache, when eating, as if too empty. Faint feeling at the stomach. 105- Pulling in pit of stomach. Sensation of an opening in pit of stomach, through which air passes. Pain from stomach to navel. Burning pinching at the pylorus. Feeling of coldness in the stomach, after eating. ABDOMEN : HO. Sensitiveness of the epigastrium. Pres- sive points in the abdomen. Lancing pains in the large psoas-muscle. Pains in lower part of belly when taking a cold drink. Pain across the umbilical region, with alternate sensation of spreading out and pinching together. H5- Itch- ing at the epigastrium. Shock at the epigastrium. Falling of the rectum. Weight at the diaphragm, Sense of bands round the abdomen. 120- Pressure in abdomen, towards the navel. The abdomen is sensitive. Discharge of an al- buminous substance from the rectum, preceded by tenesmus. Borborygmi. Sense of a peg sticking in the middle of the liver. 125- Circular pain round the abdomen, terminating at the navel. STOOL : Constipation. Yellowish diarrheea. URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS: Emission of a deeply- colored urine. Metrorrhagia (vermillion-colored). 130- Feels uncomfortable in consequence of having her courses. Metrorrhagia alternating with mania. Lancination in uterus, especially when washing one's self with warm water, with weight at the uterus. Leucorrhoea. BRONCHIAL SYMPTOMS : Aphonia. 135- Pain in the larynx. Dry cough, with tickling in the throat, at night. CHEST : Round spot between the breasts, black above and red below. Swelling of the humeral extremity of the left clavicle. Palpitation of the heart. 140- Suffocative oppression. Oppression of breathing, as from want of air. 20 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Bone pain and swelling of the left clavicle. Anxious breathing. The heart feels as if beating from above down- wards. 145- The thorax feels as if encased in iron. Pain in the right clavicle. Violent pains in the chest. Pain above the right breast. Sensation of water in the chest, and as if the heart were floating in a liquid. 150- Copious sweat on the chest. Ulcerative feeling under the breast. BACK : Coldness in the back. Slow lancinations between the shoulders, when inclining backwards. Acute pain at the sacro-lumbar articulation. 155. Internal pain between the shoulders. Contusive pain between the shoulders. Lan- cination in the dorsal spine, as from needles. Painful heavi- ness in the loins. Contusive feeling at inner side of right shoulder-blade. NECK: 160- Constrictive pain in thyroid body. Swelling of the jugular veins. He feels the blood rise in the carotid arteries, followed by faint feeling and sensation as if a valve were opening. Drawing from the neck to the epigastrium. Pain in the jugular veins when moving, the neck. 165' Constriction in thyroid body. Painful pulling in the sides of the neck when turning the head. UPPER EXTREMITIES: Lancinations under the right shoulder arresting the breathing. The bitten hand and arm are inflamed and very painful. Sensation of swelling in the forearm. Violent pain in the whole arm. Weakness of the arms. 170- Cramps in the arms as ifthe nerves had been tied up in a knot, during a venesection. Rheumatic pain in right shoulder. Trembling of the hands. Slight pain in the hollow of the hand. Pulling pain in the elbows. 175- Pain in the elbows. Enormous swelling of the hand. Feeling of coldness in the hand. Jerking in the fingers. Smarting of the tips of the fingers. 180. The tips of the fingers are blue. The last phalanges feel as if broken. She plays with her fingers. Nails are red. The nails are bare. 185- Rheumatic pain in left wrist. LOWER EXTREMITIES : Sensation as if the whole right lower limb were shorter ; this causes him to limp. Acute pulling in the thigh, with momentary paralysis. Itching on CROTALUS CASCAVELLA. 21 the thighs. Drawing-up of the lower limb, with crampy pain. 190- Pressure at right hip as from a knife, Heat in the thighs. Sense of burning heat in the legs. Prickling in the bends of the knees. Itching of the calves. 195- Cold feet. Sense of coldness in the feet. The feet are icy-cold. Itching under the feet. Formication in the feet. 200- The toes remain bent. Contraction of the toes. Swelling of the three last toes of the left foot. Violent cramp of the heel. SLEEP : Sudden rising at three in the morning, and utter- ing two shrill cries, with throwing herself forward. 205- Dreams about dead persons and phantoms. Dreams about spiders attempting to crawl over her. Disposition to slumber. Somnolence, the whole morning. Moaning during sleep. 210- Involuntary urination during sleep. Dream about a horse which is drowned in a pond. Yawning. Dreams about illuminations, quarrels. Sleeplessness. 215- Start- ing during sleep. Fright at night, without knowing about what. FEVER : Chilliness all over. Sense of chilliness. Pulse heavy. 220. Pulse 98 to 104. CUTANEOUS SVMPTOMS : Bright-yellow spots on upper part of right hand. Red pimples on left foot. Red pimples all over. Red pimples with white tips. 225- Pustules on the left toes. Pimples on the hairy scalp. Pimples resem- bling flea-bites, afterwards becoming raised and exfoliating, leaving a black point in the centre. Red pimples on the wrist. GENERAL SYMPTOMS : Pain in left side. 230. Trem- bling of the whole body. She cannot see any one on her right side without feeling a palpitation of the heart, and a real fatigue from pleasure. Desire to move about. Pain in the joints, shoulder-blades, elbows, &c. Trembling of the limbs. 235- Weakness. Torpor. Pains in the whole body, inducing a moaning. Swoon. Lancinations in the side. 240- Prickling all over. Weariness of the arms and lower limbs. Lancinations in various parts of the body. 22 BRAZIL! N PATHEGENESIS. ELAPS CORALLINUS. ELAPS. ELAPS VENUSTISSIMUS (SPIX.) VIPERA CORALLINA The elaps corallinus is found quite frequently in the woods all along the coast of Brazil, and its bite is much dreaded. Its colors are more brilliant and more agree- ably combined than those of any other serpent in Brazil. Its head is small, covered with large polygonal scales ; it swells behind and is continuous with the neck from which it is scarcely distinguished as regards size. It has round and small eyes ; the jaws which are little dilatable, are furnished with sharp teeth accompanied by fangs that rest on the ve- nomous glands. The body is about two feet and a half in length ; it is round, rather big in proportion to the head, and terminates in a sharp tail. The upper part is covered with smooth romboidal scales ; the belly is covered with two hundred transverse shields ; the tail numbers fifty shields, which are disposed in two parallel rows. Its colors are dis- posed in the shape of rings of a vermillion-red, alternating with black rings, each two rings being separated by circular lines of a greenish white. The upper part of the head is black ; likewise the first colored ring of the neck : the CLAPS CORALL1XU8. 23 shields of the jaws are white, and are separated from each other by black lines. As in the case of the crotalus cascarella, the poison was taken from the living reptile, not without danger. As soon as I had determined to institute provings with the poison of the cobra-coral, several of these reptiles were, at my request, brought to me on the same day, so frequent are they in the forests of Sahy. The animal which I selected was wrapt up in a piece of linen-cloth, and, after its head had been steadied with a little wooden pin, some eight or ten drops of poison were pressed out of its jaws by means of a pair of steel-pincers, which I received on one hundred grains of sugar of milk, and at once subjected to the process of trituration in my mechanical mortar. They received six thousand successive turns. One grain of this mass was tri- turated a second time, and a grain of this second trituration a third time, each receiving three thousand turns. Even while triturating the drug in my mortar, the most striking effects were produced by the simple emanations ascending from it. This phenomenon, however, is observed whenever I cause a somewhat active drug to be triturated in the mortar. The symptoms which I have collected, are not a great many, but they can be depended upon. Most of the symp- toms were experienced by several provers, and some of them have already been confirmed by treatment, among which may be mentioned the oppression in going up-stairs, the vesicular eruption on the feet and the deafness This last symptom is of great importance on account of its being so obstinate. For pulmonary affections the poison of the cobral may likewise prove a valuable remedy, especially for the second stage of phthisis, characterised by bloody cough and derangement of the digestive functions. It may likewise be serviceable in mental alienation and cutaneous eruptions. The special action which this poison seems to exercise on the right side, the paralysis, the lancinations, have ap- peared to me worthy of attention. The gyratory motions, the desire to move to and fro, the scaling off of the epidermis and several symptoms relating to the disposition and the mind, 24 BRAZILIAN PATHOOENESIS. seem to deserve the attention of the philosophical phy- sician. There certainly exist remarkable analogies between the symptoms of the cobral and those of the lachesis. The dif- ferences, however, are sufficiently numerous to refute the doctrine that all serpent-poisons act almost alike and that the cobral, for instance, may be resorted to as a perfect succeda- neum of the lachesis. I am convinced of the contrary to such an extent that it is my belief that the poison of serpents alone would, if sufficiently proved, furnish the safest and most rapid means of combating all human infirmities. Every epoch in the history of the world is undoubtedly possessed of thera- peutic means which are more particularly homoeopathic to the general character of the ruling maladies. Hence it is probable that when the human species shall have been freed from the miasms which now undermine its vitality, the simple flowers on the fields will be sufficient to control the remain- ing indispositions. Whereas we, unfortunate heirs of the chronic miasms of all ages,lepra, scrofula, syphilis and a host of other subtle plagues, are compelled to employ the most frightful agents in order to meet the intensity of our diseases. First to third day. 1. Reveries in the day-time, one ima- gines one is receiving blows. One imagines one hears some one speak. One hears talking without comprehend- ing. Absence of mind. 5- Nightmare and congestion about the head. Anxious dreams. Weight in the right parietal region and pain which penetrates to the nape of the neck. Beating at regular intervals in the nape of the neck, like the ticking of a clock. Weight in the forehead and above the orbits. 10- Boring pain from the vertex to the right eyebrow. Pain on the right side, which seems to be seated in the cerebellum. Sweat on the forehead and nape of the neck. The head falls forward with violence. Pain- ful constriction in the temples and eyes. 15. Violent throbbing of the external carotid. Horrid pains when inclining the head backwards ; less when inclining it forwards. Tension in the nape of the neck. Stiffness which prevents the head being turned. Sensation as of a ELAI'S COKALLIXUS. 25 foreign body in the right temple. 20- Lancinations in the outer angle of the left eye. Boring pain from the lower jaw to the right eye, and then from the right eyelid to the ear. Desire to close one's eyes as in fever. Sharp pricking in the inner canthi of the eyes. Aching pains around the eyes, with vanishing of sight. 25. Continual buzzing as from a fly in the meatus auditorius. Constant deafness. Ringing in the ears. Discharge of a serous fluid from the left ear. Distressing prickling in the superior nasal fossa. 30- Swelling of the gums on the last three molar teeth. Prick- ling as if caused by strong spice, after having triturated the drug. Prickling at the tip of the tongue. Sour eructations, desire for cold water, ice. Loathing of food, acidity after every mouthful of food. 35. Pressive constriction in the throat. Burning from the larynx to the tongue as from pep- permint, with desire for fresh air. The food descends in the oesophagus as if turned round like a screw. At other times the soup falls heavily and precipitately, as if through a me- tallic tube into the stomach, which trembles violently. Watery, yellowish diarrhrea. which is mixed with slime, at- tended with rumbling in the bowels. 40. Urine almost red. Urine profuse. Urine red. Constriction of the sphincter. Continual discharge of prostatic fluid. 45. Thickening of the skin of the prepuce, with inflammation. Excoriation on the back of the penis, which causes a continual itching. Weakness of the genital powers, impotence. Lancinations and prickings in the penis. Weight and swelling of the testicles. 50. Spitting of black coagula of blood, with painful tearing as if proceeding from the heart. Almost constant cough. Sensation in the chest and at the sternum as if the pleura) would be torn off, and as if the two lungs would be separated from each other by force. Inability to incline to the right side, in consequence of a very painful pulling in the right lung. Violent itching, drawing, pricking at the epigastrium, which hinders drawing a full breath. 55. A chronic loss of breath when going up-stairs, disappears after the second day of the proving. Violent fit of dry cough which finally ends in raising black blood, with frightful tear- 26 BRAZILIAN PATIIOGENESIS. ing pains in every part of the lungs, and especially in the right side, at the upper part of the chest. Taste of blood in the mouth previous to the paroxysm of cough, succeeded by a desire to vomit. Burning in the hands while preparing the drug. Prickling in the back of the right hand. 60. Pull- ing in the right hand, which extends to the ring-finger. Pains in the elbows. Crampy constriction in the phalanxes of the fingers and under the nails. Lancinations and prick- ling in the back of the hand. The blood remains congested in the hand, which is of a violet color and as if paralysed ; it has to be kept erect in order to prevent the congestion. 65. A black blood spirts out of the finger when pricking it ever so little. Vesicular eruption on the feet. Pains in the knees. Pains in the knees as if bruised and contused, es- pecially in the left knee, which does not bear contact, and where the pain is as keen as if the part had been sprained. Third to sixth day. Sensitiveness of the right side. 70- Inability to rise in the morning inconsequence of the pain in the right side. Slight phlyctaenae make their appearance here and there, especially on the extremities ; the epidermis sur- rounding them sometimes scales off. Drowsy the whole day, but sleepless nights. Dreaming about the business of the day. Pain in the forehead. 75- Red eyebrows. The eye is extremely sensitive to cold water. Stoppage of the right nostril, improved by resting on the same side. Bad smell from the nose. Pulling in the oesophagus. 80. Violent headache, if the desire for food is not satisfied on the instant. SufYocative oppression after eating. Bloating of the stomach after eating. Pulling in the pit of the stomach. Violent hunger. 85. Pressure at the right hypochondrium. Pressure in the left side, which extends to the vertebral column. Dull pain in the right lung, worse when walking. Congestion of blood to the throat, which is caused by the pain in the lung. Sense of spraining and stiffness in the knee-joint. Seventh day. 90- Painful pressure at the nape of the neck, as if the cerebellum had settled downwards. Eyes red and inflamed. Blood oozes from the eyes. Glassy look. Bitter, ELAPS CORALLINES. 27 salt taste in the mouth. 95- Noisy and violent borborigmi. Stitch in the side. Falling of the rectum. Hoarse voice. Violent beating of the the heart. 100- Pain as if bruised in the sides of the neck. Painful drawing at the inner side of the arm, from the axilla to the wrist, but felt especially at the bend of the elbow. The right hand feels as if paralysed. Shuddering from the hand to the shoulder when dipping the former into cold water. A good deal of distress in the whole abdomen. 105- The left foot is swollen and blue, with red spots. Drawing-up of the feet. Twitching in the parotid gland. The saliva tastes salt. Crusty eruption over the ear and a part of the check. HO. Itching in the ear, in the evening. Red urine, with cloudy sediment. Pinching sen- sation at the helix and lobe of the ear. Discharge of a greenish-yellow liquid from the ear, in the morning. Painful- ness of the parotid gland. 115. Itching pimple on the legs. Discharge of blood from the ear. Swelling of the inguinal gland. The left groin is painful to contact. Colic with urging to stool. 120- Blackish and frothy diarrhoea. The urine is very thick and deposits a red sediment. SECOND EXPERIMENT. First day. Tension in the nape of the neck and inability to turn the head. Dark, almost red complexion. Pain in the urethra while urinating. 125- Pricking in the left gums. Desire for food, with aversion to eating. Lassitude in the limbs. Prickling under the toe-nails. Sense of excoriation at the nape of neck. 130- Violent pains in the lumbar region, like a band extending to the uterus. Weight at the uterus. Weight at the stomach after eating. Acidity, nausea and faint feeling. Weight at the left side of the uterus. 135- Unquenchable thirst. Feeling of cold- ness in the chest after drinking. The lower limbs give way. Pain in the right instep as after a forced journey. Colic gradually spreading all through the colon, from the caecum to the rectum. 140. Sleeplessness with uneasiness. Weight at the vagina, in consequence of an attack of hys- teric colic. After a continued congestion of the blood to 28 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. the thoracic viscera, it seems to rush to the viscera of the abdomen. Prickling in the uterus, vagina and pubic region, extending to the epigastrium, with painful lancinations. Lancinations at the umbilicus from above downward, extend- ing to the womb. 145- Vomiting of green bile, followed by bilious diarrhoea. Buzzing in the ear. In cleaning the meatus auditorius, small balls of hardened and black wax are taken from it. Second day. Dull pain in the right lung, worse while walking, with distress and rush of blood to the throat. Prick- ling and pulling in the right lung. 150. Blear-eyedness. Constriction of the thorax as by a corset. Pressure under the right arm. White, albuminous leucorrhcea. Sensation as of sand in the eyes. 155- Discharge of white and watery mucus from the nose. Constant tickling at the nose. Great weight at the uterus when rising, worse during a walk. Coryza when exposed to the least current of air ; sneezing. Acute coritusive pain at the inner side of the left leg, and sensation as if something were rising and descending in the tibia. 160- Difficulty of opening the eyes. Sensation as if long and white filaments were floating before the eyes. In closing the eyes, every thing looks red, dotted with black points. Itching in the right meatus auditorius. Stoppage in the 03sophagus, after eating, as if a sponge had lodged there. 165- The beverage is arrested in the oesophagus as by a spasmodic contraction of this organ, after which it falls heavily into the stomach. Lancinations from above down- ward in the posterior muscles of ths trunk, from the occiput to the sacrum, attended with pains in the temples. Lanci- nations in the soles of the feet, while seated ; they disappear by walking. Pains in the forehead. Discharge of black blood, between the menstrual periods. 170- In the morn- ing the hairy scalp, at the occipital protuberance, feels as if raw. Violent itchingin the vagina. Prickling as with thousands of pins. Aching pain in the leftside. Cramps in the calves, worse in the afternoon. Third day. 175- Breakfast agrees pretty well, but the dinner distresses him. Very sensitive to the cold. Warmth ELAPS CORALLINUS. 29 in the hollow of the hand, after dinner. Coldness in the back. Blear-eyed. 180- Sensation, in the right eye, of a gauze having a bluish-white or mother-of-pearl color. Sense of stiffness and spraining in the knee-joint. Dispo- sition to faint. Sleeplessness or else drowsiness, with dis- tressing dreams about the business of the day. 185- Lan- cinations in the vagina. Heat in the left nostril, and swell- ing of the nasal septum. Weight in the vagina, on the left side, and acute pain which prevents her from going up-stairs. Sensations in the abdomen as of a tube which can suddenly be closed by means of a valve, and through which a column of some liquid is poured into the abdomen, where a violent rumbling takes place. The left eyebrow is painful and drawn down. 190- Eructation tasting like spoiled eggs in the throat. Lancinations which proceed simultaneously from the groins and cross each other at the symphysis pubis. Violent diarrhoea, consisting of sanguinolent mucus and yellow bile, whereas it had been green heretofore. Sensation, while walking, of a black disk of four inches in diameter, at the distance of a few paces from the eye. Discharge of black blood with stool, with acute colic as though the intestines would be twisted together. 195. Stye at the left eye, with violent lancination. Tickling and reddish streaks of the sclerotica. Red spot on the knee-pan. Violent colic as though the intestines would become twisted amongst each other. Bloody dysentery, followed by sleep. 200- The menses appear before their regular period. Pressure between the shoulders. Greyish gauze before the eyes, like a cloud, which becomes thicker ; at first it is of the size of a penny, and spreads until finally it covers the whole field of vision. Sensation as if an iron bar were pressing on the loins. Lan- cination in the stye on the left eye. 205- Lancinations in the dorsal muscles, especially in raising the arms. The right side is numb and as if paralysed, from the shoulder to the knee. Pulling at the cardiac orifice, with sensation of hunger and boring feeling extending to the vertebral column. Pain in the spinal marrow, from the nape of the neck to the sacro-lumbar articulation. The neck remains twisted when 30 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENKSIS. turning it, with constriction in the thyroid gland. Crampy constriction at the bend of the elbow, especially when mov- ing it. 210- Weight in the stomach after the introduction of food ; it turns, with desire to vomit. Constrictive pain at the bend of the elbow and knee. Itching in the meatus auditorius. This itching spreads in the interior of the cheek all along the duct of steno. Watery saliva. 215' The viscous saliva is more abundant. Changing one's position is painful, one would like to remain seated or lying. Diarrhoaa consisting of undigested food. The teeth are loose; one is unable to chew bread. Loose cough. Fourth day. 220- Complete paralysis of the right side, with inability to rise in the morning. Violent itching in the left eye. Complete blindness for five minutes. The right hand is benumbed ; a stitch is felt through the thickness of the metacarpus. Smarting under the nails. 225- Painful drawing at the inner part of the arm, from the axilla to the wrist ; but especially distressing at the spot where the prover had been bled. Small red tetter at the corner of the right nostril, spreading to the cheek, with tickling. Stoppage of the nostrils, one has to breathe by the mouth. StuTocative oppression while eating. 230. Violent distress throughout the thoracic viscera. Cyanosis and reddish spots of the extremities. Violent itching under the axilla, and appearance of a tetter. The blood rushes to the right hand, which is of a violet color and as if paralysed. Shuddering up to the shoulder when dipping the hand in water. 285- The arm and hand are swollen, blueish, and covered with red spots, like- wise the right leg and foot. Cramps in the whole of the right side. Cramps in the calves. Swelling of the stom- ach. Acute lancinations, from time to time, in the fourth toe of the left foot, as if pierced by a needle. 240- Quick and transitory lancinations in the back, sides and arms. Pain at the roots of the hairs on the occiput. Fruit and cold drinks lie in the stomach like ice. Sudden colic, with diarrhoea. Lancinations and stitches in the upper part of each lung. 245- Bloat in the region of the diaphragm. After taking a cold drink, shuddering from the head to tho ELAPS CORAL1.INUS. 31 feet, and chattering of the teeth. Lancinations in the inner side of the knee. Lancinations from the root of the nose to the ear. Sensitiveness in the pit of the stomach. 250- The tips of the fingers peel off, which is painful. Redness and pain under the nails, the parts look as if raw. Biting one's hand during sleep, without waking. Pressure between the shoulders. Liquids descend in the (Esophagus with a sound like glou-glou. 255- The nose continues to swell and the pain extends to the ear. Prickling in the eyebrows, especially the left. Acute pain in the iliac bone, on the right side, as though the crest were swollen and the periosteum inflamed. The right leg up to the knee is cold as ice. Fron- tal headache. 260- Discharge of black, liquid blood from the bowels. Borborygmi and noisy flatulence. Constriction of the sphincter, a quarter of an hour after the discharge. The peristaltic motion of the intestines takes place from below upwards ; the blood seems to flow backwards in the abdomen, with violent pain and frightful palpitations, suc- ceeded by lancinations which prevent walking. Fifth day. Dreams about dead persons ; she kisses dead persons, falls into pits where her feet get entangled ; she walks sideways. 265- Quarrelsome, irritable mood, with agitation of the mind. Good appetite. The heel begins to peel off the same as the fingers. While dreaming she bites her fore-arm. Vertigo so as to fall forwards. 270- Sen- sation as if falling forward, though ihe prover remains im- moveable. When raising the hand to the right side of the nape of the neck, a penetrating pain is feet which spreads to the ear. Stitch in the side, a whole day. The breathing through the nose is interrupted. One hears some one talking. 275- Violent itching of the hairy scalp. Sixth day. Strange illusion of hearing ; she heard whist- ling and ringing, and rises to see where it is. Frightful dreams ; she buries a dead person and, with a knife, digs about in his wounds. Afterwards the experiences a burning remorse and sheds a flood of tears. She dreams that she has a fight with a man condemned to the galleys. 280. Desire to strike and pick a quarrel. Mental excitements. 32 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Itching of the soles of the feet, which continue to peel off. Small pimple with a good deal of itching. Slight discharge of a clear mucus from the urethra. 285- At the least con- trariety the body shudders and the blood boils, with prick- lings. Lassitude in all the limbs. Seventh day. Desire to go to the country and play about in the grass. Desire to be alone ; for days she remains in the corner of the anti-chamber. Sound sleep. Plans about travelling, &c. 290, She hears distant whistling. Bread tastes flat, like the triturated poison which had been swal- lowed for the purpose of proving it. She wants to leave the house at the moment when she is going to bed. She retires to a distant room to work. Irresistible desire to cry out with all her might. 295- Loathing of meat, bananas, and par- ticularly bread. Desire for oranges, acids, and especially for sour beef. Profuse cold sweat all over the body. Eighth day. During a whole month, bread does not mix up with other food, it returns by the nose the whole day, whereas the other kinds of food are either digested naturally or thrown up again by the mouth. Metrorrhagia. 300- Violent aversion to light ; one prefers to be in the dark. Violent diarrhoea, continued. Breaking out of little pimples with an oval base, they dry up and are followed by desqua- mation of the epidermis. Ninth day. Complete loss of appetite, she eats nothing but oranges. Bruising pain in the upper portion of the del- toid muscle, as if she had received a violent blow on the shoulder. 305. Tongue black or of a dark-red color. The tetter at the wing of the nose peels off. Yellow, irre- gular spots on the hand and around the ringers, over a con- siderable space. A red, transversal bar of an inch in thick- ness is seen in opening the eyes, and a red disk when shut- ting them. Boils on the arm. 310- Profound ennui. De- pression of spirits ; desire to be in a deep cavern, where no- body can be seen. Absence of thought. Complete loss of one's self, so that the time passes away without one being conscious of it in the least. Tenth day. After eating an orange and bread, he orange ELAPS CORALLINUS. 33 returns by the mouth and the bread by the nose. 315- Coldness at the back part of the thighs. Furfuraceous tetter and itching at the hairy scalp. She feels hungry and yet is unable to eat. Small miliary pimples upon a red base at the corner of the nose. Violent hunger. 320- Burning in the stomach which extends to the duodenum. SufTocative oppression after eating. Pain in the right side, as if in the pleura, striking to the axilla. Constant hunger which can- not be appeased on account of the continual vomiting. Small suppurating pimples on the hands, ringers, wrists, gums, at the inside of the cheeks. 325- Violent itching at the ab- domen, especially while walking. Innumerable white pimples at the inside of the thighs, which get inflamed in the day-time and prevent one from walking in the evening. Burning of the eyebrows. Drowsy in the day-time, espe- cially at two o'clock, and sleepless at night. Tickling at the root of the nose, as from worms. 330- Tongue swollen and whitish, in the morning. Bloating around the eyes which appear sunken in the morning. The arterial blood spirts from the nose and ears. Formication at the anus as if a worm were gnawing at the parts. Suppression of urine. 335- Tickling and frightful formication at the vulva. Very thirsty ; desire for rnilk. Cold sweat all over. Slow diges- tion, one has to drink after every mouthful that one swallows. Excessive horror of rain. 340- Discharge of a black blood from the womb. Noise as from a valve closing in the trachea and causing a column of air to ascend to the pharynx. Eleventh day. Discharge of blood from the ear. The bread returns by the nose. Twelfth day. Loathing of bread and other food. 345- Decided taste for oranges and salad. Watery vomiting in the morning. Ellyptical pimples full of serum. Acute pains in the descending colon. Small red pimples at the tips of the fingers. Thirteenth day. 350- The gums become loose near to the roots of the teeth. The intestines seem to turn violently about one other, after which they feel for a few moments as if twisted together like a cord, and then are suddenly strung 34 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. together as by a knot, causing a sensation as if the abdomen would be choked from side to side. Extreme sensation of coldness after drinking and as if ice-water were rising and descending through a cylindrical opening in the left lungs. Vomiting of food. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. MENTAL AND MORAL : 1. He imagines he is receiving blows. Absence of mind. Horror of rain. Complete for- getfulness of one's-self. 5- She wants to go out at the moment of retiring to bed. Irresistible desire to cry out. Vertigo, she falls forwards. Depression of spirits, she de- sires to be in a cavern, alone. Desire for country-air and sport. 10- Desire for solitude. Plans about travelling, &c^ Quarrelsome. HEAD : Pain in cerebellum, right side. The hairy scalp at the occipital protuberance feels raw, in the morning. 15. Painful constriction in the temples and eyes. Horrid pains when inclining the head backwards. Weight in fore- head. Weight in right parietal region and pain penetrating to the nape of the neck. Sensation as of a foreign body in right temple. 20- Pain in the forehead. Boring pain from vertex to right eyebrow. Pain at the roots of the hairs on the occiput. Itching of the hairy scalp. FACE: Dark complexion. 25- Itching in the ear and cheek. Lancinations from the root of the nose to the ear. Boring pain from the lower jaw to the right eye, and then from the right eyelid to the ear. EAR ; Pinching at helix and lobule. Itching in the ear. 30- The cerumen is hardened and black. Itching in the right meatus. Deafness. Illusion of hearing, she hears a whistling and ringing. He imagines he hears some one speak. 35. Ringing. Constant buzzing in the meatus. Buzzing. Discharge of a serous fluid from the left ear. Discharge of blood from the ear. 40- Discharge of a greenish-yellow liquid from the ear, morning. EYES : Stye at left eye, withlancination. Tickling and red streaks of the sclerotica. The left eyebrow is painful ELAPS CORALLINUS. 35 and drawn down. Blood oozes from the eyes. 45 Blind- ness for some minutes. Violent itching in the left eye. Prickling in the eyebrows. Aversion to light. Burning of the eyebrows. 50- Bloating around the eyes, in the morning. Aching pain around the eyes, with vanishing of sight. Sharp prickling in the inner canthi. Desire to close one's eyes. Lancinaiion in outer canthus of left eye. 55- The eye is sensitive to -cold water. Red eyebrows Eyes red and inflamed. Difficulty of opening the eyes. Sand in the eyes. 60- Blear-eyed. Glassy look. Sen- sation in the right eye as of a gauze of a blueish-white or mother-of-pearl color. Black disk at a few feet from the eye, when walking. Greyish gauze before the eyes, gradu- ally spreading over the whole field of vision. 65- Red bar before the eyes when opening them, and a red disk when shutting them. When closing the eyes, every thing looks red, dotted with black points. Sense of long, white fila- ments before the eyes. NOSE : Tickling at the nose. Stoppage of right nostril. 70- Bad smell from the nose. Distressing prickling in the superior nasal fossa. Tickling at the root of the nose. Swelling of the nose, with pain extending to the ear. Stop- page of the nostrils. 75- Heat in left nostril, and swell- ing of the septum. White and watery mucus is discharged from the nose. TEETH: The teeth are loose. Prickling in left gums. Swelling of the gums on the last three molares. 80- Loose- ness of the gums at the roots of the teeth. MOUTH : Salt tasting saliva. Bitter, salt taste in mouth. Prickling at the tip of the tongue. Tongue swollen and whitish, in the morning. 85- Tongue black or dark-red. THROAT : The beverage is arrested in the oasophagus as by a spasmodic contraction of this organ, after which it de- scends like a heavy weight. Pulling in the oesophagus. Constriction with pressure, in the throat. Sensation as if the food turned like a screw while passing down. 90- Burning as from peppermint, from the larynx to the tongue. Sensation as of a valve in the trachea causing a column of 36 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. air to ascend in the pharynx. Stoppage in the oesophagus, after eating, as if a sponge had lodged there. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Vomiting of green bile, followed by bilious diarrhoea. Weight at the stomach, after eating. 95- Acidity, with nausea and faint feeling. Violent thirst. Cold feeling in the chest, after drinking. Desire for food, with aversion to eating. Desire for food causing a vio- lent headache, unless satisfied at once. 100- Violent hunger. SufTocative oppression after eating. Bloating of the stomach after eating. Acidity after every mouth- ful of food. Aversion to food. 105- Desire for cold water, ice. Sour eructation. Sense of coldness after drinking, as if ice-water were rising and descending through an opening in the left lung. She has to drink after every mouthful she swallows. Watery vomiting in the morning. HO- She feels hungry, but is unable to eat. Hunger, with continual vomiting, preventing one from appeasing the hunger. Aver- sion to meat, bread. Desire for oranges, acid. Loss of ap- petite. 115. Bread returns by the nose, and does not mix up with the other kinds of food, for a month. Bread tastes flat, like the poison. Fruit and cold drinks feel like ice in the stomach. Shuddering and chattering of the teeth, after taking a cold drink. Suffocative oppression while eating. 120- Eructations tasting like spoiled eggs. The dinner dis- tresses him. Pulling in pit of stomach. The food descends violently into the stomach, which trembles. STOMACH : Burning in the stomach. 125- Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach. Swelling of the stomach. Pulling at the cardiac orifice, with sense of hunger and boring to the spine. Weight in stomach, with desire to vomit, after eating. ABDOMEN : Lancinations from the navel to the womb. Pains in the loins as from a band, extending lo the uterus. Colic spreading from the coscum to the rectum. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Colic, with urging to stool. Bor- borygmi. 130- Falling of rectum. Distress in abdomen. Pressure in right hypochondrium. Itching, drawing and pricking at epigastrium, hindering breathing. The intes. tines turn about one another, and then feel twisted as by a cord, and strung together in a knot, with strangulating sensa- ELAPS CORAL'LIXUS. 87 tion in the abdomen. 140' Formication at the anus, as from worms. Acute pains in the descending colon. Itching at the abdomen, especially when walking. Sensation as if the blood in the abdomen were flowing backwards, with violent pain and palpitations, succeeded by lancinations. Sudden colic, with diarrhoea. 145- Bloat in region of diaphragm. Sense of an iron bar pressing on the loins. Sen- sation in the abdomen as of a tube which can be closed by a valve and through which liquid is poured into the abdomen. Lancinations from both groins to the symphysis pubis. STOOL : Blackish and froth, diarrhoea. 150- Lien- teria. Constriction of the sphincter. Watery, yellowish diarrhoea, with slime, also rumbling. Discharge of black, liquid blood from the bowels. Constriction of the sphincter, after bloody stool. 155- Bloody dysentery. Diarrhoea con- sisting of bile and bloody mucus. Discharge of black blood at stool, with colic as though the bowels would be twisted. URINARY AND SEXUAL : Red urine, with cloudy sedi- ment. Thick urine with red sediment. 160- Pain in urethra while urinating. Red urine. Suppression of urine. Discharge of mucus from the urethra. Itching excoriation on the back of the penis. 165. Impotence. Lancinations and prickings in the penis. Weight and swelling of the testes. The skin of the prepuce is thick and inflamed. Discharge of prostatic fluid. 170- Discharge of black blood between the menses. Prickling in the uterus, vagina and pubic region. W r hite, albuminous leucorrhoea. \Veight at the uterus. Weight at the vagina, after an attack of hysteric colic. 175- Horrid formication at the vulva. Discharge of black blood from the womb. Metrorrhagia. Itching in the vagina. Premature menses. 180- Weight in the vagina, with acute pain preventing her from going up- stairs. BRONCHIAL : Coryza from the least currents of air. Constant cough. Fit of dry cough which ends in raising black blood, with tearing pains in every part of the lungs and especially in right side, superiorly. Taste of blood in mouth before coughing. 185. Loose cough. Hoarse- ness. Chronic loss of breath on going up-stairs. Violent 38 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. distress in the chest. Sensation as if the pleura would be torn, and as if the lungs would be split by force. CHEST: 190- Spitting of black blood, with painful tear- ing as if proceeding from the heart. Constriction of the chest. Stitches in upper part of each lung. Painful pulling in right lung on which account he is unable to lean to the right side. Dull pain in right lung, worse when walking. 195 Dull pain in right lung, worse when walking, with rush of blood to the throat. Prickling and pulling in right lung. Palpitation of the heart. BACK : Lancinations in the corsal muscles. Pain in the whole spinal marrow. 200' Pressure between the shoulders. Coldness in the back. Lancinations from the occiput to the sacrum, with pain in the temples. NECK : Sense of excoriation at the nape of the neck. Painful pressure at nape of neck. 205- The parotid glands are painful. Bruising pain in sides of neck. Twitching in the parotid glands. Tension in nape of neck. Stiff- ness of the neck. 210- Beating in the nape of neck, like the ticking of a clock. Throbbing of the external carotid. When raising the hand to the right side of the neck, a penetrating pain in feet, spreading to the ear. The neck remains twisted when turned. UPPER EXTREMITIES: Painful drawing at the inner side of the arm. 215- Itching under the axilla, with tetter. The arm and hand are swollen, blueish, covered with red spots, also the right leg and foot. Bruising pain in the deltoid muscle. Painful drawing from axilla to wrist, at inner side. Crampy constriction at the bend of the elbow. 220- Pains in the elbows. Warmth in the hollow of the hand, after dinner. The right hand feels numb, with a stitch through the metacarpus. The hand looks congested, and is as if paralysed. Lancinations in the back of the hands. 225- Pulling in right hand. Prickling in the back of the right hand. Burning in the hands while pre- paring the drug. The right hand feels as if paralysed. Smarting under the nails. 230- The tips of the fingers peel off. Redness and pain under the nails, the parts look ELAPS CORALLINUS. 39 as if raw. Crampy constriction in the phalanxes and under the nails. LOWER EXTREMITIES : The lower limbs give way. Acute pain in the right iliac bone, as though the crest were swollen and inflamed. 235- Coldness behind the thighs. Cramps in the calves. Lancination at inner side of the knee. Cramps in the calves. Icy-coldness of the right legs. 240- Pains in the knees, especially the left, as if bruised and contused. Sense of spraining and stiffness in the knee-joint. Contusive pain at inner side of left leg, with sensation as if something were rising and descending in the tibia. The soles of the feet itch and peel off. Draw- ing-up of the feet. 245- The left foot is swollen and blue, with red spots. Pain in the right instep, as from walking. Lanciriations in the soles of the feet while seat- ed, ceasing when walking. Darlings in the left fourth toe, now and then. The heel peels off. 250- Prickling under the toe-nails. FEVER : Sensitive to cold. Sweat on the forehead and nape of neck. The arm shudders when dipping the hand in water. Shuddering of the arm when dipping the hand into cold water. 255- Cold sweat all over. SLEEP : Sleeplessness with uneasiness. Drowsy all day, no sleep at night. Dreams about previous business. Nightmare, with congestion about the head. . 260- Anxious dreams. She dreams that she buries a dead person and digs in his wounds with a knife. She dreams that she is fighting with a man condemned to the galleys. She bites his hand during sleep. Dreams about dead persons, she kisses them and falls into pits. 265- Dreams about business. CUTANEOUS : Red spot on the knee-pan. Boils on the arm. Crusty eruption on the ear and cheek. Itching pimple on the legs. Vesicular eruption on the feet. 270- Phlyctaenae here and there, especially on the extremities. Pimples full of serum. Red pimples at the tips of the fingers. Miliary pimples at the corner of the nose, upon a red base. Furfuraceous tetter at the hairy scalp. 275- Suppurating pimples on the hands, fingers, wrists, gums, &c. Numerous 40 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. white pimples at the inside of the thighs, inflamed in the day- time. Little pimples, followed by desquamation. Yellow spots on the hand and fingers. Red tetter from the corner of the right nostril to the cheek. GENERAL : 280- Lassitude in the limbs. Congestion first to the chest, then the abdomen. Stitch in the side. Pressure in left side, extending to the vertebral column. Black blood spirts out of the finger when pricked 285- The right side feels sensitive, with inability to rise in the morning. Prickling as by spice, after triturating the drugs. Spirting of arterial blood from the nose and ears. Pain in the right side, up to the axilla. Stitch in the side. 290. Lassitude in all the limbs. At the least contrariety the body shudders and the blood boils, with prickling. Cramps in the right side. Quick lancinations in the back, sides and arms. The extremities look blue, with reddish spots. 295- Paralysis of the right side. The right side is numb and as if paralysed. Constrictive pain at the bend of the elbow and knee. A change of position is painful. Aching in left side. 300- Disposed to faint. PEDICULUS CAPITIS (COMMON LOUSE). It is scarcely necessary to give a description of this species which is sufficiently known ; we shall content our- selves with indicating the principal characteristics which distinguish it from the other vermin living on the surface of the human body. The louse is of an oval form; flattened, longer than the crab-louse ; its head is very small ; its thorax is composed of of three not very distinct rings ; the abdomen is all of one piece, rounded off on the sides ; it is ash-colored, whereas the crab-louse is entirely white. The lice which have been made use of in our provings, were taken from the head of a healthy child of five years. Even before undertaking this experiment we expected to derive from it important results. We entertained the belief PEDICULUS CAPITIS. 41 that nature pointed out to us the louse as a specific for the hereditary psora, in which belief we were strengthened by the fact that psorin develops the lice-malady in healthy per- sons. And we are now prepared to affirm that we have found the louse one of the most useful agents in diseases of children. We offer the following pathogenesis with a sin- cere pleasure which none but those who devote themselves to such patient investigations, can appreciate . * SYMPTOMATIC ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. MORAL AND MENTAL : 1. Depression of spirits. Dul- ness of feeling. Merry in the evening. Very merry. 5- Irascible. Sad without cause. Sensation as if raised off the ground by the hair. She is waked in the night by an attack of dizziness, and inability to open the eyes. Dizziness while walking ; the cerebellum feels compressed, with beating and an acute pain on rising in the morning. HEAD. 10. Frontal headache. Headache at intervals, and abating all at once. Headache in the evening. Heavi- ness of the head. Dulness of the head, on rising, with beating in the right temple. 15. Heaviness at the vertex. Violent headache, with dizziness and nausea, in the forenoon. Violent headache, worse on stooping. Headache, with nausea, when walking. Violent headache, and darting in the forehead, when walking. 20- Dull pain in the head, on rising from bed. Headache and pressure at the nasal eminence. Lancinations in the forehead. Dartings in the forehead. Dartings in the right parietal bone. 25- Inter- mittent darlings in the head, worse when stooping. Heat about the head. Itching of the hairy scalp, in front. Con- traction of the hairy scalp. Itching of the left temple. 30- Itching of the hairy scalp. Shuddering over the left side of the hairy scalp. Falling of the hair. FACE: Dark complexion. Warmth of the face, after- noon. 35- Itching of the beard. The face is red and bloated. Sweat in the face. Scarlet-redness of the face. * To avoid unnecessary repetition, the natural order of the symptoms has been left out, it being nearly the same as Hahnemann's arrangement. Ed. 42 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Itching at the right lower part of the face. 40- Heat in the face,. Tingling pain in the right cheek. Itching of the face and hairy scalp. The left cheek is swollen. NOSE : Tickling and prickling at the left wing of the nose. 45- Inflammation of the nasal fossae. Dartings in the root of the nose. Itching of the tip of the nose. EARS: Itching in the left ear, evening. Buzzing in the ears. 50- Hot ears. Itching of the right ear. Whizzing in the ears, when whistling. Cracking in the right ear, when eating. EYES: Itching of the left eyelid. 55- Rings around the eyes. Dilatation of the pupils. Smarting of the eyes as from weeping. The eyes feel weary, are red and smart. Sensation as of sand in the eyes. 60- Smarting around the eyes. TEETH : The lower jaw feels tired, as from chewing too much. Darlings in the right upper molares. MOUTH : The lips are black and cracked. Dry, swollen and red lips. 65- Burning and prickling on the border of the tongue, which is red and cracked. GASTRIC : Hunger, with inability to swallow ; the pharynx seems to contract, followed by fainting and desire to vomit, at noon. Aversion to food. Constant nausea in the evening. Difficult digestion, with contraction of the stomach. 70- Colic and diarrhoea after dinner. THROAT : Sore throat, getting worse until evening. Scraping in the throat. Sore throat every evening. Transi- tory choking, especially after supper. 75- Dryness of the throat. Scraping at the tonsils, when swallowing. Sore throat, with constriction of the pharynx. Constant swal- lowing of saliva. STOMACH, &c. : Stomach-ache, and darlings in the umbi- lical region. 80- Violent colic. Slight colic. STOOL: Sofl stool, in the evening. Diarrhoea evening and next morning. Hard and scanty stool. URINARY, GENITAL, &c. : 85- Frequent and copious dis- charge of a watery, yellow-greenish urine. Red urine. Yellow, clear urine. Frequent and copious micturition. PEDICULUS CAPITIS. 43 Continual erection, without desire. 90- Leucorrhcea. Shifting pain in the uterus, in the evening. Painful stitch in the uterus. Painful darlings, heat and itching in the uterus. BRONCHIAL, CHEST: Thirst with hoarseness, towards evening. 95- Dry and convulsive cough. Numbness while drawing breath. Pain in the breasts, when drawing breath. Pain in the chest, worse when touched. Oppres- sion on the chest, in the evening. BACK: 100- Tickling at the nape of the neck and between the shoulders. Itching of the nape of the neck and back. Frequent pain in the loins, when standing. Itching of the back. EXTREMITIES : Bruising pain on the shoulders and arms. 105- Darting at the arms. Itching of the forearm, in the evening. Pain in the bend of the right arm. Itching of the forearm, in the evening. Tickling at the left wrist. HO. Tickling at the wrists. Darting in the back of the left hand. Itching at the backs of the hands. Itching of the back of the hand, with redness and swelling of the veins. Tremor of the hands. 115- Darting and itching at the first phalanx of the middle-finger. Tingling in the tips of the middle and index fingers. Itching at the ring-finger. Itching of first phalanx of right index- fiiiger. Redness and itching at the right hip. 120- Itch- ing as from nettles in the bend of the thigh. The skin on the left thigh peels off. Weakness of the lower limbs. The knee and upper portion of the left lower limb feel tired. Violent lancination above the left knee-pan. 125- Beating above the left knee-pan. Weariness of the knees, especially the left, in the evening. Intense itching at the right instep. Cold sweat at the feet, followed by excessive coldness, in the evening. Ganglion under the foot, hard, swollen, and painful when walking. SLEEP, FEVER : 130- Yawning. Drowsy. Uneasy sleep. Restless night. Frequent waking. 135- Dreams about a mob, then amorous dreams with an emission. Con- fused dreams about being pursued. He dreams that he is 44 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. dissecting one of his friends. He dreams that he sees people skate on the Seine, in summer. She dreams that she sees acquaintances walk on water. 140- She dreams that she is sick in a dirty hospital, full of vermin ; water flows from her mouth. Dream about large-lice. She dreams that she sees a large, black figure flying to the clouds. He dreams that he is to die in a prison, whence he escapes by crawling out. Shuddering all over, eight or ten times in succession. 145- Shuddering in the evening. Shuddering and twitching. Fever. CUTANEOUS : Pimples in the face, on the forehead, temples, chin, &c., vesicular with a black point in the centre. Miliary pimples at the nape of the neck, on a red base. 150- Red pimples on the hands, passing off soon. Red, in- flamed pimples on the temples, shoulders, arms, legs. In- flamed pimples on the back, red all around, white in the middle, with a black point in the centre. Red inflamed pimples in the face, evening. Smarting pimples on the back, white at their tips. 155- Red inflamed pimples on the left shoulder and arm. White blotches above the left breast. A number of small pimples on the left knee, black at the centre. Small red pimples on the feet, on taking them out of the warm water. Red pimples on the shoulders. 160- Small red pimples and itching on the right calf. Red pimples with a black point in the middle, on the right side of the neck. Miliary pimples on the calves, with itching. Miliary eruption at the inside of the thighs, with itching. Former pimples at the nape of the neck reappear. 105- Miliary pimples at the inside of the arms. White pimples on the forehead. GENERAL : Increase of physical strength. Swelling of the breasts, face, and then of the whole body. Itching all over. 170- Face, hands and feet look red. Tickling all over. Starting when sitting or lying in the evening. Prick- ling all over, the whole day. Prickling all over, especially at the front part of the thigh. 175- Weariness, dizziness, faint feeling. Shivering, heat and dryness of the extremities. Itching of the skin. Heaviness. Itching here and there, at night. F.LEIS GUINEENSIS. 45 ELEIS GUINEENSIS. (JACQ.) ELE. PALM-TREE. This species is spread all over South-America ; it prefers cultivated and sunny regions. Its trunk, which is from 25 to 30 feet high, is covered by the persistent bases of the leaves. The top-leaves form a thick tuft ; they are large, pennate, with numerous folicles, ensiform, alternate and ses- sile, attached to a strong rachis or spike the petioler portion of which is garnished with long and sharp prickles. The flowers are monoecious with a papyraceous perianthus hav- ing six divisions. The male flowers have six stamens and three internal, erect and converging folioles. They form ramose spathes in fusiform masses, placed between the bases of the leaves. The female flowers are scattered ; the ovary is sub-cylindrical, surmounted by a short style with a bilobate stigma. The fruit is oval, oleaginous, of a reddish yellow, 46 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. surrounded by a hard and angular pericarp. We have had it drawn of a large size in comparison to the tree. The fruit is triturated. First day (in the morning). 1. Ennui when alone. Bitter eructations. Nausea. Drowsiness in the day-time. 5- Heat in the face. Throbbing pain in the nape of the neck. (In the afternoon) : pain in the middle of the chest, as if pricked by pins. The breathing is embarrassed. Hammer- ing pain all through the head. 10- Vacillating gait. Loss of appetite. Beating at the left arm, as if drumming on it with the finger. Second day. Swelling of the right leg. Pain at the foot when walking, whenever the foot touches the ground. 15- The same pain is felt when touching the sole of the foot with the hand. Itching all over. He feels strong and healthy. Small vesicles on the swollen leg. They break when pressed upon, a little fluid spirting out. 20- Similar vesicles break out on the left leg, arm and on various other parts of the body, without any swelling. Merry mood, and laughter, even when alone. Remembrance of a former shipwreck. Pain at the right knee as from a blow. Pains at the right leg as if stung. 25- Continual itching all over. Pain as if con- tused at the right side of the chest. Swelling, roughness and itching of the skin of the right leg. The skin seems to be thicker. Acute pain at the lower past of the left leg, as if a penknife had been thrust in. Third day. 30- The leg is less swollen. Colic after tak- ing a cold drink. Sadness. Pain at the bend of the knee, as from a blow. Desire to vomit. 35- Violent colic. Weak- ness of the legs. At candle light the sight becomes confused; when writing he makes the letters much larger than usual. Throbbing pain in the calves. Breathing embarrassed, with a sigh. 40- Hammering pain at the tibia, nape of the neck and right foot. Pains in the right shoulder, as from a blow. The sight is weaker than before. Shuddering. White urine. 45. Blackish stool. Constructive : pain around the neck as if a string were tied round. Good ap- ELEIS GUINEEKSIS. 47 petite. Out of humor. Disobedient. 50- Wants to cry (weep). Fourth day. The foot swells up more and more. Ham- mering pain in the foot all the time. Lancinations in the throat when swallowing. Pain in the abdomen, with sen- sation as if bruised. 55- Throbbing toothache. Prickling in the larynx when drawing breath. He approaches his hand to the fire without burning himself, whereas another person got burnt at the same distance. An hour after, he feels very keenly that he had been burnt. Stinging pain in the throat when swallowing saliva. Fifth day. 60- Bad smell in the mouth, after drinking water. Cough with lancinations in the sides. Heat in the tongue when taking dinner, so violent that he was obliged to stop eating. Sixth day. The swelling of the leg increases. The vesi- cles on the right leg and foot have dried. Other vesicles break out on the left leg and arm. Tenth day. 65- After a complete disappearance of all the symptoms, he smells of the drug and afterwards takes 10 drops of the mother-tincture. After taking them, bad smell in the mouth. Foul eructations. Merry mood. Hammer- ing in the temple. 70- Lancinations in the right side of the chest, every 5 minutes, less during rest. Breaking out of vesicles which are full of water and larger than the former ones. Itching every 5 minutes, especially at the legs. On each side of the pit of the stomach the skin appears thicker, with pain in the last false ribs as if a peg were stuck in there. Eleventh day. Swelling of the right eye. 75- He is unable to look at an object steadily. Lancinations in various parts of the body, especially when going down-stairs. Tumor at the left arm. No sleep at night in consequence of the violent itch'ing. Swelling of the left eye. 80- Fre- quent diarrhrea. He vomits up a cake as soon as he had eaten it. 48 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENES1S. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. MENTAL AND MORAL : 1. Out of humor. Sad. Ennui when alone. Merry. HEAD, &c. : 5- Hammering in the temple. Hammering in the head. Hot face. EYES, EARS, NOSE ; Swelling of the left eye. Swelling of the right eye. 10- Unable to look at an object steadily. Confused sight at candle-light. Throbbing toothache. Bad smell in the mouth, after drinking water. Violent heat in the tongue when taking his dinner. GASTRIC : 15. Foul eructations. Colic, after taking a cold drink. Desire to vomit. Nausea. Bitter eructations. 20- Loss of appetite. He throws up cake immediatelly after eating it. Shootings in the throat when swallowing. Bruis- ing pain in abdomen. STOOL: Black stool. 25- Frequent diarrhoea. White urine. Prickling in larynx when drawing breath. Cough, with lancinations in the sides. Lancinations in the right side of the chest, less during rest. 30- Contusive pain at right side of chest. Embarrassed breathing. Pricking pain in middle of chest. Constrictive pain around the neck. Throbbing pain in nape of neck. EXTREMITIES: 35- Swelling at the left arm. Beating at the left arm. The hand gets burnt when holding it near the fire. Swelling of the right leg. Throbbing pain in the calves. 40- Sharp sticking pain at lower part of left leg. Swelling, roughness and itching of right leg. Pain at the right leg as if stung. Bruising pain at the bend of the knee. Bruising pain at the right knee. 45- Pain at the foot when walking or touching the sole. Drowsy. Shuddering. Itching all over. The skin on each side of the stomach appears thicker, with sticking pain in the last false ribs. 50- Itching every few minutes, especially at the legs. Ve- sicles here and there, containing a fluid. Vesicles on the swollen leg, containing a fluid. Hammering pain at the tibia, nape of the neck and foot. Vacillating gait. Lancinations in various parts, especially when going down-stairs. MIMOSA. HUMILIS. 49 MIMOSA HUMILIS. (WILD.) HIM, This species which is one of the smallest of the genus Mimosa, is found in the prairies around Rio-Janeiro. Its stem is feeble, rather woody, ramose, pubescent above and covered with very sharp prickles. The leaves are bipinnate, the pinnae being three- or four-paired, with small, linear foli- oles, which close at the least contact ; there are from 6 to 12 on each side of the spike. The flowers are small, sessile, forming pretty silky tufts of a violet color. The fruit is somewhat triangular, flattened, covered with long and stiff* hairs, and surrounded by a persistent pericarp, divided in two capsules, each of which contains one seed. First day. 1. Twitching of the arm, which extends even to the chest. Smarting pain in the legs, with lameness of the knee. Headache, with weakness of the stomach. Stom- ach-ache after breakfast. 5- Drowsiness. Flatulence and rumbling in the bowels. Yawning. Ptyalism. Shuddering. 10- Trembling of the legs. Lancinations in the legs and hands. Sneezing. Coryza and discharge from the nose. 50 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Inflamed eyes. 15- Papulae on the left leg. Constipation. Depression of spirits. Second day. Frequent waking at night. Dry cough in the morning. 20' Stomach-ache after breakfast. Vertigo. Halo around the candlelight. Numbness of the hands. Stillness of the bends of the knees. 25. Sense of heal in the head. The head seems larger than usual. Yawning. Indolent indifference. Flatulent colic in the evening. 30- Frequent stools, with colic. Papulous excrescence of the size of an almond on the right leg, painful and itching. The same swelling at the instep. Drowsy in the evening. Diffi- cult breathing. Third day. 35- Inflammatory swelling of the scrotum. Itching of the eyes. Pressure at the nape of the neck and the right temple. Papulous excrescence at the tendo-Achil- les. Dimness of vision. 40- Pain in the sides of the head. Diarrhea. Fourth day. Swelling of the left ankle, with redness, tension and lancinations. The excrescences on the leg dis- appear ; similar ones appear on the left arm. Easy stool. 45- Numbness of the arm and right hand, passing off when moving the parts. The left eye becomes inflamed. Want of breath. Fifth day. Bleeding of the gums. The papulae disappear. 50- Acute lancinations, now in the legs, then in the arms. Violent lancinations in the back as from a penknife. Drowsy in the evening, with frequent waking at night. Sixth day. Inflammatory swelling of the left hand. Shud- dering. Eighth day. 55- Flatulence. Diarrhoea. Tenth day. Diarrhoea. Whizzing in the ears. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. HEAD, &c.: 1. Vertigo. Indifference. Depression of spirits. Pain in the sides of the head. 5. Headache, with weak stomach. Heat in the head. The head feels as if swollen. Coryza, fluent. Itching of the eyes. 10- Dimness of sight. The left eye is inflamed. Inflamed eyes. Whizzing in the ears. Bleeding of the gums. CERVUS BRAZILICUS. 61 GASTRIC SYMPTOMS, &c. : 15- Ptyalism. Stomach-ache after breakfast. Flatulent colic. Diarrhoea. Easy stool. 20- Frequent stools with colic. Rumbling. Dry cough. Oppressed breathing. EXTREMITIES : Pressure at nape of neck. 25- Lan- cinations in the back. Twitching of the arm. Smarting in the legs, with lame knee. Trembling of the legs. Lan- ciriations in the legs and hand. 30- Stiffness of the bends of the knees. Numbness of the arm and right hand. Lan- cinations in the legs and arms. Inflammatory swelling of the left hand. Swelling of left ankle, with redness. 35 Yawning. Drowsy. Shuddering. PapulaG on left leg and arm. Papulous excrescence on the right leg and instep. CERVUS BRAZILICUS (NoBis). CERV. BRAZILIAN STAG; GUAZOUTI. PORTUGi GOUAZOUPITA. This stag whose forms are extremely fine and graceful, inhabits the forests of Brazil. Its size is about the same as that of our stag. Its skin the color of which never changes, is of a brownish fallow, being rather lighter towards the abdomen, the posterior part of the thighs and the tail. The 62 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. inferior surface of the lower jaw, the part above and below the eyes, the interior of the ears and the abdomen are white; a black line encircles the jaws and gradually disappears under the lower one. The eyes of the guazouti are black, it has no canine teeth; its mouth, which is very slender, tapers to a muzzle. The horns which, in every case, are not very high and extremely regular, are at first straight ; they curve forward in the second year, send forth three ant- lers, the anterior being placed about two inches above the burr, which is turned a little inward, and the other two at the superior and posterior part of the staff. The horns be- come bigger as they grow older, but the number of antlers remains the same. We triturate the skin, which should be used fresh and covered with the hair. First day. 1. Copper taste in the mouth, and a sensation of heat in the throat when taking the drug. Light or coma- tose sleep, with dreams about men who are dressed in black, about pistol-shots, imprisonment. Uneasiness. At five o'clock in the morning, the head feels heavy and dull, especially the front part. 5- Constant heat in head. At half past nine the left side of the tongue feels hurt. Languid feeling, he wants to lie down. Unable to work. Sensation of goose- flesh as if some one were cutting cork close to him. 10. Repeated yawning. He feels cold though he is wrapt up well. Slumbers from half past two to three o'clock. Slight diarrhoea. 15. The heat in the face increases (at four o'clock). Dark-red spots, with inflammation of the right side of the face. Head dull and heavy. Heat about the legs. At six o'clock, slight pain around the navel, which, however, does not last long. 20- Pricking at the right nasal wing. At noon, the head feels compressed as by a band tied together at the nape of the neck. Bruising sen- sation in the left toes. Frequent pain, now in the left but- tock, and then in the thigh. The left leg feels weak. 25. Small callosity above the internal ankle of the left foot. General feeling of weariness and of being bruised. Second day. Restless sleep as the first night. Wakes several times at night, always preoccupied with the idea of CERVUS BRAZ1LICUS. 53 quarrelling with somebody who frightened him. The dulness continues. 30- Weight at the forehead. Tight feeling at the inner side of the right leg, with red spots. Appear- ance like incipient erysipelas. Shuddering with twitching. Yawning. 35- Intermitting pain in the right groin after walking. Taste of doughy bread in the mouth. The sight is very sensitive to light, he cannot open his eyes in a spot which is illumined by the sun. At eight o'clock in the evening, pain in the right groin as if pricked with a pin, in the direction of the joint, for a quarter of an hour. The same pain is felt in the navel in a recumbent posture. Third day. 40- Numbness of the arm on which he had been lying at night. Hardness of the left leg, with lanci- nalions. Mottled appearance of the face. Red and humid spots on the left leg. Quiet and short sleep, he wakes four times at night. 45- Dulness of the head : same weight at the forehead. Heat in the right leg, where the red spot is ; this is sensitive to contact. Taste as of doughy bread in the mouth. Depression of spirits in the day-time. Erection in the evening, with desire to lie down. Fourth day. 50- Numbness of the hands and legs. Unea- siness in the left leg. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. HEAD, &c.: 1. Depression of spirits. Weight at forehead. The head feels heavy and dull. Heat in the head. 5- The head feels compressed as by a band tied behind. Sensitiveness to light. Left side of the tongue feels sore. Taste oT doughy bread. Copper taste in mouth, with heat in throat. 10. Mottled appearance of the face. Hot face. Pricking at right nasal wing. Pain in right groin after walking. Prick- ing pain in the right groin and navel. 15. Slight pain around the navel. Diarrhoea. Erection. EXTREMITIES, &c.: Numbness of the arm on which he had been lying. The left leg feels weak. 20- Tight feeling at inside of right leg, with red spots. Hardness of the left leg, with lancinations. Heat at the legs. Heat in the right leg, where the red spot is. Bruising sen- 54 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. sation in left toes. 25. Uneasiness in left leg Restless sleep. Yawning. Quiet sleep, with frequent waking. Dreams about men dressed in black, about imprisonment, &c. 30- Yawning. Shuddering with twitching. Sensation of gooseflesh. Cold feeling. He feels weary and sore. 35- Languor. Numbness of the hands and legs. Incipient ery- sipelas. Callosity above the left inner ankle. Red and hu- mid spots on left leg. 40- Dark-red inflamed spots in face, right side. GUANO AUSTRALIS. This substance, which has been used for some years past as manure, is found on the coasts of Patagonia and princi- pally on the Lobos Island near the coast of Peru. We have proved the different varieties of guano, and likewise the crys- talline particles formed by the condensation of ammonical vapors which rise from the guano in abundance. Our hope to discover in these crystals a more active normal agent, has not been realized, so that, in the end, we have found the freshest possible guano preferable for medicinal purposes. It is triturated in the same way as all other substances. First day. 1. Internal shuddering for three minutes in the morning. Violent headache. Pain in the forehead when inclining the head forward, at 6 o'clock in the morning. Vio- lent itching at the back, and painful smarting after scratching, at 7 o'clock in the morning. 5- Formication in the right nasal fossa, at 7 and a half o'clock. Pain with pinching behind the ears, at 8 o'clock in the morning. Dizziness, objects turn from below upward, at 9 o'clock in the morning. Nausea wiih profuse flow of saliva. Pale face with faint feeling, at noon. 10. Lassitude, at half past two in the afternoon. Desire to vomit, at half past two in the afternoon. While eating, pain at the pit of the stomach and desire to vomit. Profuse sweat all over, after eating. Aching in the forehead and temples, worse when stooping, at half past three. 15. Pain at the styloid process of the left wrist. Pain in the lungs which stops the breathing, for three minutes. GLJANO AUSTRALIS. 55 Swelling of the right index-finger. Itching of the genital organs. Water feels extremely cold to the hands, they feel like ice when keeping them in the water a little longer. 20- Pain at the feet which prevents one from pressing them to the ground, at 5 o'clock in the evening. Red spot, with itching at the back, and smarting pain after scratching. Vio- lent headache as if the head were incased in iron. Second day. Beating at the left commissure of the lips, at 6 o'clock in the morning. Itching in the right nostril and frequent sneezing, for one hour, at half past G o'clock. 25. Great weakness. She remains at the spot where she hap- pened to have located herself. Third day. Painful ganglion on the left arm, with redness and itching ; when scratching the arm, it remains insensible until the skin was off; lasts for half an hour, at 6 o'clock in the morning. Headache : he feels as if the head were open- ed, at 8 o'clock in the morning. Smarting ganglion below the right calf, hindering walking, and lasting until night. Fourth day. 30- Nausea, one cannot bear seeing persons eat, at 7 o'clock in the morning. Painful ganglion at the left elbow. Small itching pimples. Violent beating of the heart ; feeble breathing, for five minutes. Large hard and red place on the back, with pricklings as from a thousand pins. This sensation commences at 9 o'clock and lasts all night. Fifth day. 35- Profuse sweat on the arms and hands ; the skin on the thighs is insensible ; a prick is not felt ; for two days they are covered with little pimples. Cramp at the pit of the stomach before eating. Sixth day. Violent pain at the right knee, as though pieces of fiesh would be torn from him, at 7 o'clock in the morning. Burning under the soles of the feet, she cannot keep her shoes on. Cramp at the left thumb, for an instant. Seventh day. 40. Sensation as if the gums were cut with pen-knives, after which thoy bleed for half on hour, at 6 o'clock in the morning. Formication in the right nostril, for five minutes, at 10 o'clock. Sensation of hammering in the nape of the neck, at o o'clock in the afternoon. Pain in the 56 BRAZILIAN PATHOOENESIS. abdomen as if pierced by sharp points, at 9 o'clock in the evening. Eighth day. Tongue white and thickly coated. 45- Bitter bilious taste in the mouth, at 6 o'clock in the morning. Deep sleep. She dreams that she is playing with wild beasts. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. HEAD, &c.: 1. Dizziness, objects turn from below upward. Headache. Headache as if the head were encased in iron. Headache as if the head would split. 5. Aching pain in forehead and temples. Pain in forehead when inclining the head forward. Pale face, with faint feeling. Pinching pain behind the ears. Cutting in the gums, followed by bleeding. 10. Tongue coated white. Beating at the left commissure of the lips. Formication in right nasal fossa. Itching in right nostril, with sneezing. GASTRIC, &c. : Bilious taste in mouth. 15. Cramp at pit of stomach before eating. Nausea, cannot bear see- Jng people eat. Pain at pit of stomach, with desire to vomit, while eating. Sweat all over, after eating. Nausea, with flow of saliva. 20- Desire to vomit. Sharp piercing- sticking pain in abdomen. Itching of the genital organs. Palpitation of the heart. Pain in the lungs, arresting the breathing. EXTREMITIES, &c.: 25- Hammering sensation in nape of neck. Itching of the back,with smarting after scratching. The hands feel like ice in cold water. Pain at the left wrist. Swelling of the right index-finger. 30. Cramp at the left thumb. Burning at the soles. Pain at the feet when press- ing them to the ground. Pain at right knee, as if the flesh would be torn off. Internal shuddering, in the morning. 35. She dreams that she is playing wild beasts. Itching, red spot on the back. Hard and red spot on the back, with pricklings. Smarting ganglion below the right calf. Pain- ful ganglion on left arm, with redness. 40- Weakness, no desire to stir. Lassitude. Profuse sweat on the arms and hands, with insensibility of the skin and little pimples. IIIPrOMANK MANCINELLA. 57 HIPPOMANE MANCINELLA. -(L.) HIPP. MANCINELLA VENENATA, TUSS. Although the poisonous properties of the mancinella have been very much exaggerated, it is nevertheless a very poi- sonous tree, which, happily, becomes more and more rare, owing to its being rooted up with great care wherever it shows itself. It is a tree from 12 to 15 feet high, with a trunk having a white and soft wood and covered with a grey- ish bark. Its branchy top gives it the appearance of a European fruit-tree. Its leaves are alternate, oval-acute, some, what cordate at their base, with fine indentations, and a red gland at their apex. They are attached to long petioles ; stipulate while young. Flowers mono'ichous, forming long terminal spikes, the male flowers being above, the female below or at the axilla of the leaves. The male flowers have a bifid perianth whence emanate the stamens, the united filaments of which form a column that supports the anthers. The female flowers have a perianth with two or three divi- sions and a rudimentary foliole; the ovary is round and superior ; style straight, terminating in 6 or 7 red, radiating, reflexed stigmata. The fruit is round, pulpy, from 5 to 6 3* 58 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. inches in diameter, umbilicate at the top, and inclosing a wooden kernel with seven monosperm compartments. The fresh leaves are triturated. When we were informed that a mancinella had been discovered near Rio, we re- quested Mr. Ackermann, a pupil of the institute, to repair to the spot for the purpose of verifying the identity of the plant, and collecting its juice. Having accomplished his mission, he drunk, a portion of the liquid, on the 10th of January, 1847, in a public sitting of the institute. He was joined in the proving by several of our pupils. Some of the following symptoms were so violent, that they had to be counteracted by antidotes. The pathogenesis of the mancinella is one of the most precious additions which our Brazilian provers have furnished to our Materia Medica. Prover : M. E. T. Ackermann. FIRST PROVING. First day. 1, Merry mood, desire to sing. Is disposed to take every thing in good part. Buzzing in the ears and whizzing like the wind, when walking. Urine scanty and whitish. 5. Sensation of heat and trembling in the chest. Constant eructations like volumes of air. Watery vomiting. Violent pain in the abdomen, as if he had been struck by the point of a stick. Second day, 10 Heavy sleep, and late waking. Evanes- cent ideas. Sensation of paralysis immediately after ris- ing, his hand trembles a good deal ; he is unable to open the door of his room. Absence of thought. Disposed to be silent. Deep tranquillity of mind, in the morning. 15 Sadness. Drowsy after breakfast. Embarassed breathing when falling asleep again. Redness of the skin. Sweat in the palm of the hands whereas the rest of the body is per- fectly dry. 20e Pain at the lower part of the head, and weight as if he had knocked it against any thing. Small pimples. Beating pain at the left side of the neck. Pain all around the neck like beats with a hammer. Pain at the right side of the head while hearing the strokes on an anvil, he felt as though he were struck with a hammer.- 25. HIPPOMANE MANCINELLA. 59 Pain at the nape of the neck and forehead when stooping; it is a dull, confused pain which he cannot describe. In the day-time the hands become red. Sense of weight over the eyes. His nose is looser than usual. Pain all round the head as from a blow after having remained in the sun for a time. 30 Redness and heat of the ears. Alternate hun- ger and loss of appetite. Weak stomach. Loathing. Pro- fuse urine, but always a little white. 35* Acute pain with weight in the pit of the stomach, for a minute. Eructation during an expiration, like a volume of hot air, which ascends to the mouth with a feeling of oppression. Metallic taste in the mouth. White expectoration. Beating 'pain in the ab- domen after breakfast. 40i Disagreeable sensation while hearing the noise of a saw. When hearing blows with a hammer the counter-shock is felt in the whole body. He alternately lays himself down and raises himself again. Swelling of the veins of the hands. Constant pain all day, in the wrist and metacarpus, as if strings were tied round very tightly. 45 Three slight beats on the arm, as if touched with the finger. Easy stool. The face is yellow and the body red. Copious emission of wind. Weak all over in the day-time. 50- Two attacks of colic and diar- rhoea, with pulling and pinching in the bowels, at midnight. Third day. Sad, then merry dreams. Every thing is un- pleasant to him. The headache continues and renders him impatient. Feeling of tenderness and deep pity. 55. Profuse and whitish urine. The chest dilates a good deal, when drawing breath, even with the mouth closed. The chest feels bruised, with embarrassed respiration. The con- strictive pain at the wrist shifts to the middle of the arm for an hour, after which it returns again to the wrist. Fourth day. Lancinating pain in the left temple. 60. Buzzing in the ears, and drumming noise when walking against the wind. Lancinating pain in the chest. Prickings through the heart. The moral emotions are accompanied by an indescribable malaise, beating pain in the chest and loss of speech. When making the least exertion, he is at- tacked with violent cough and painful prickings in the throat. 60 BRAZILIAN PATHEOENESIS. 65' When commencing to talk, a sudden suffocation and violent beatings in the chest. Suffocation and beatings in the chest when attempting to cough. Beating pain in the head and nape of the neck, with inability to bend the head forwards for the purpose of writing. Weak chest. Thirst every hour in the day-time ; desire for water, with aversion to wine or any other liquor. 70- The weakness increases. Sad- ness. Colic and diarrhoea. Full and frequent inspirations. Urine clear and abundant, but whitish. 75. Lancinations in the bladder when commencing to urinate, he feels relieved after urinating. Pulling and dragging pain in the bowels. Fifth day. Headache. Pain in the chest when making the least motion. The breathing is no longer embarrassed. 80- Extraordinary desire to smoke. Pricking in the feet when sitting. Weakness all over. Pain in the bends of the knees as if bruised. 85- Constriction round the thighs and legs as if a thread had been tied around. Lancinations in the groins. Sexual desire. Continual thirst in the day- time. Dry mouth. 90- Depression of spirits. Sadness. Cold extremities. Profuse and clear urine. Deep sleep in the day-time. 95- Aversion to work. Sixth day. Dream about ghosts and phantoms. Head- ache. Sad in the morning. Increasing thirst in the day- time, until evening. 100- Heaviness all over. Profuse and clear urine. Loathing of every thing. Aversion to work. Desire to lie down. Seventh day. 105- Headache with vertigo, especially in the morning, after eating a piece of bread. Sensation as of a blow in the abdomen, followed by stool. Formication in the right hip, and lancinations when walking. Continual thirst. Sadness. 110- Clear and profuse urine. Eighth day. The urine becomes natural again. Ninth day. The previous symptoms disappear. Active jnind, disposed to work. Good appetite. Eleventh day.- 115- Tetter of an inch in diameter on the left arm; it disappears on the following day. Beating pain in the neck, abating for a few moments by reclining the head. Pricking in tt^e mouth when eating bread. Desire to remain HIPPOMANE MANCINELLA. 61 lying. Frequent stool. 120- Swelling of the left ankle. Pricking for two hours at the left knee-joint. Twelfth day. Lancinating pain in the head. Heaviness at the head. Pain at the head after thinking, as from ban- daging the head from temple to temple with the skin of a bladder. 125. Confused pain in the head when writing. Lancinating pain in the head, as soon as one sets about eating. Contusive pain at the clavicles, when turning the head right or left. SECOND PROVING. First day. (The drug was taken at half past seven in the evening.) One hour after, violent headache, with painful lancinations. The pains continued all night, with sleeplessness. Second day. 130* The headache continues, especially at the temples and above the eyes. Acute pain at the elbow- joints. Taste of blood in the mouth. Rheumatic pain at the shoulder-blade. Repeated, violent lancinations in the right side of the abdomen. 135. Lancinations at irregular intervals, in the left shoulder-blade and muscles, from the left side of the chest. Headache all day. Constant dryness in the throat. Taste of blood in the mouth all day. Third day. Painful lancinations in the head, temples, and over the eyes. 140 Intense lancinating pains in the left side. Lancinations in the hypochondria and shoulder- blades. The pain at the elbow-joint continues. Lancina- tion in the right knee-joint. Excessive heaviness and dulness of the head. 145 Constant drowsiness. Inces- sant headache. Intense, lancinating and constrictive pain in the muscles of the upper part of the right arm, for more than an hour. Continued formication in both feet, especially the left. Taste of blood in the mouth, as if blood had as- cended in the throat, and had left the taste of it in the mouth. 150 Frequent and violent lancinations in the abdomen and bowels. Almost complete loss of appetite. Comatose, con- stantly drowsy. The head feels very heavy, with constant pain in it. 62 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Fourth day. No sleep at night. 155. The headache becomes intolerable. Taste of blood in the mouth. Attack of diarrhoea, with pain and tenesmus. First a natural stool, followed by frequent, painful discharges, first of black, fetid substances, then of a watery liquid ; the attack lasts upwards of two hours. Lancination in the muscles of the right knee, also in the ribs and right side. 160. Pains in the hypo- chondria. Lancinating pain in the bowels. Lancinating pain in the left shoulder. The headache continues. Com- plete loss of appetite. 185. No sleep. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. 1 MENTAL AND MORAL : Taciturn. Deep repose of mind. Evanescent ideas. Merry. 5. Sadness. Feeling of ten- derness. Sad, then merry dreams. HEAD : Heaviness and dulness of the head. Lancinating pain in the head. 10. Pain at the head, as if bandaged all round, after thinking. Headache with vertigo, after eating bread in the morning. Headache, especially in the temples, and above the eyes. Violent headache with pain- ful lancinations. Pain as from a blow all round the head, when staying in" the sun. Weight above the eyes. 15. Pain at nape of neck and forehead, when stooping. Pain and weight at lower part of the head. Lancinating pain in left temple. FACE, GASTRIC : Face yellow, and body red. 20. Buzz- ing in the ears. Redness and heat of the ears. Buzzing and whizzing in the ears. Dry mouth. Loathing. 25. Loathing of every kind of food. Loss of appetite*. Watery vomiting. Desire to smoke. Thirst every hour, with aver- sion to wine or liquor. 30. Alternate hnnger, and loss of appetite. Pricking in the mouth when eating bread. Eruc- tations, like volumes of air rising upwards. Hot air rises during an expiration. Taste of blood in the mouth. 35. Metallic taste in mouth. Dryness of the throat. STOMACH, BOWELS : Weak stomach. Acute pain and weight in pit of stomach. Lancinations in the groins. 40. Pulling and dragging pain in the bowels. Sensation as HIPPOMANE MANCINELLA. 63 of a blow in the abdomen, followed by stool. Violent lan- cinations in right side of abdomen. Pains in the hypochon- dria. Lancinations in abdomen and bowels. 45. Stick- ing pain in abdomen. Beating pain in abdomen, after break- fast. Flatulence. STOOL, URINARY, GENITAL : Easy stool. Colic and diarrho3a, with pulling and pinching in the bowels. 50. Diarrhoea, with pain and teriesmus. Natural stool, followed by painful discharges, first of black and fetid, then of watery, liquid substances. Frequent stool. Dartings in the bladder, when commencing to urinate. Profuse urine, rather white. 55. Urine scanty and whitish. CHEST : Full and frequent inspirations. Weak chest. Contusive pain at the clavicles when turning the head. Sense of heat and trembling in the chest. 60. Suffoca- tion and beating in the chest, when attempting to talk or laugh. Violent cough and painful prickings in the throat, after the least exertion. The chest feels bruised, with op- pressed breathing. Lancinating pain in the chest. Con- siderable dilatation of the chest, when drawing breath. 65. Embarrassed breathing. Prickings through the heart. BACK, EXTREMITIES :' Beating pain at left side of neck, or all around it. Pain at right side of neck as if struck with a hammer. Rheumatic pain at the shoulder-blade. 70. Dartings in the left shoulder-blade and muscles, from the left side of the chest. Beating pain in the neck, abating when reclining the head. Lancinating pain in the left shoulder. Intense darting and constrictive pain in the muscles of the upper part of the right arm. Tetter on left arm. 75. Slight beats on the arms as with a finger. Acute pain at the elbow-joints. Constrictive pain in wrist and metacarpus, all day, shifting to the arm. His hand trembles after rising, as if paralyzed. Sweat in the palm of the hand. 80. The veins of the hand are swollen. Formication in the right hip, and lancinations when walking. Constrictions around he thighs and legs. Bruising pain in the bends of the knees. Pricking at left knee-joint. 85. Dartings in the 64 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENES1S. right knee-joint. Swelling of the left ankle. Pricking in the feet when sitting. Formication in the feet. SLEEP, &c. : Heavy sleep. 90 No sleep at night. Dream about ghosts and phantoms. Constant drowsiness. Deep sleep in the day-time. Red skin. 95. Pimples. Desire to lie down. Aversion to work. Indescribable malaise, with beating pain in the chest and loss of speech. Nervousness, the blows of a hammer produce a counter- shock in the whole body. 100 Beating pain in the head and nape of the neck, with inability to bend the head for- wards. Cold extremities. Heaviness all over. Painful dartings in the head, temples, and above the eyes. Darting in the muscles of the right knee, ribs and right side. J05. Weakness in the day-time. HURA BRAZILIENRIS. 65 HURA BRAZILIENSIS. (WILLD.) HURA. ASSACU. OASSACU. THIS plant inhabits the equatorial regions of South- Ameri- ca, the provinces of Para, Jlio-Negro, and the neighborhood of the Amazon, where it is very frequent. It resembles the hura crepitans ; its leaves are alternate, somewhat cordate, rounded, glabrous, serrate ; rolled up and stipulate while young. The petiole is provided at its top with two large glands. Flowers monoechous ; the male flowers having a short, urceolate perianth, and covered with a scaly bract ; they form elongated, peduncled, terminal husks. The fe- male flowers, which are twice as long as those of the hura crepitans, have their perianth resting against the ovary, which is surmounted by a long and infundibiliform style, terminated by a stellate stigma ; they are solitary and placed near the male flowers. It is from this tree that the Indians draw the milky juice called Assacu by the Brazilians. A man affected with lepra, and who had sought refuge in the solitary regions of the Amazone, took, by the advice of an Indian whom he met there, a considerable quantity of a juice known under the name of Assacu, flowing from the 66 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESI3. trunk of a tree, which has been described by Willdenow, under the name of hura braziliensis. He was cured ; and the president of the province of Para, informed the imperial government of it. Since then, this juice has been very generally used by leprous patients without, however, curing them. The first and third provers of this drug, on a voyage to Brazil, in 1842, had both been attacked with the lepra. Under homeeopathic treatment they seemed both to have got well, though one might have inferred from the gravity of their symptoms, that they had been palliated rather than cured. The frightful symptoms of compression of the spinal marrow, which supervened in the case of one of the provers, point to the Assacii. as a powerful remedy for various forms of myelitis. The symptoms of nervous excitement, the twitching, the irritability of the temperament exhibited by all the provers, favor the doctrine that the lepra is a particular lesion of the nervous system. If the exanthems and the insensibility of the skin characteristic of the lepra, have been less marked in our provings, it is undoubtedly because these phenomena belong to some chronic form which a continued use of the drug and a real poisoning are alone capable of producing. These four provings have been instituted with a single drop of the fifth attenuation. It is our rule to avoid repeating the dose lest the chronological succession of the symptoms which we regard as important, should be disturbed. We do not believe that repeated doses can do much good, arid if a prover should not experience any effects from one dose, we should prefer dropping this proving, and resort to some other drug, to which his organism should be more sensible. First prover : Aug. Joly, 29 years of age, bilious-nervous temperament, healthy constitution. First day. Took one drop of the 5th attenuation at ten o'clock at night. lo One hour after, itching at the ribs and sternum, at the biceps and the posterior parts of the right arm. Doughy mouth, in the morning, on waking. Dreams about a ball, HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 67 about houses in process of erection. In the morning, itching at the arms, legs, outer parts of the tibia. 5 The upper and lower eyelids are inflamed and blueish. Itching at the right arm, at the lower and inner portion of the humerus, owing to a little pimple which is forming. Taste of blood in the mouth. Whizzing in the ears, especially the right. Clusters of miliary pimples on the back, arms, legs and chest. 10. Irritated by the least contrariety. Desire to vomit, sick stomach. Rheumatic pain at the left arm. He looks weary as if he had been carousing all night, though he slept well all night. Pinching at the right side of the tongue. 15. Laricination in the canal of the urethra. Prickling around the eyes, and especially around the right one. Sensation as if small pimples would break out on the inside of the eyelids. Nervous beating in the eyelids. Rheu- matic pain at the sacrum, especially when stooping. 20* Con- tusive pain at the lumbar region. Miliary eruption in the joints. Second day. Dry mouth in the morning. Acute pain in the lumbar region and at the sacrum, as from a fall. Smoky taste of the water which is drank at breakfast. 25 Pain in the ilio-femoral articulation. Pain all along the left thigh. Sneezing, and frequent blowing, as when a catarrh is about setting in, followed by involuntary discharge from the nose of a lemon-colored mucus, with tickling. Constant pain in the lower part of the lumbar regions, worse when stooping or sitting down. Lancinating pain at the top of the head. 30i Slight desire to vomit at eleven o'clock in the morning. Dizziness. He dreams that he was swimming in a river with ,warm and dark-green water ; afterwards that he was on a plantation in Brazil, where men drew water from a yellow pond. Moist, intermittent heat, mounting every fifteen minutes from the feet to the face. Prickling at the right eye. 35 Sense of heat mounting to the clavicles. (At a quarter of ten o'clock :) Dry nose, he cannot blow it ; with itching at the interior of the nose. Third day. In the morning, the pain at the sacrum had disappeared. (At ten o'clock and a half:) The pain at the sacrum returns worse, after moving a box. Burning at the 68 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. right index-finger, a red spot extending from the nail to the second phalanx. Numbness ; almost amounting to insensi- bility. 40 (At half past twelve :) Pain as from a splinter under the thumb-nail. In the evening, tickling under the arms and along the dorsal spine. 'No sleep at night, frequent waking, feverish agitation. Fourth day. Heat in the hands, in the morning. At two o'clock, a small vesicular pimple on the back of the left hand ; for four hours. 45. Stiffness in the trapezoid muscle, near its attachment at the occiput. Pain at the left fore-arm as from a blow. Small vesicular pimples, and itching at the ribs, arms, and at every prominent process of the bones. Fifth day. In the morning, the pimples on the arms have almost disappeared ; there remains only a little itching at the sternum. Heat at the tips of the right fingers. 50 Sen- sation as if a small portion of the nail of the right index- finger had become detached. At half past six in the evening, heat and passing sweat. At half past seven in the evening, sensation of burning, smarting on the left side of the chin, in the beard, as from an incipient tetter. Sensation under the masseter muscle, as from a recent blow on the parotid. At eight o'clock in the evening, the spot becomes sensible to contact ; a small swelling is observed extending below the zygomatic arch. 55 Sensation at the supinator muscle of the forearm, as from an incipient tetter. Small pimples on the inner surface of the lower lip. Stiffness of the trape- zoid muscle and the neck. Prickling as from dust, at the border of the lower lid of the right eye. 60. Itching at the back, legs, arms, at the same time. Sixth day. Fleshy excrescenses on the inner surface of the lips. At four o'clock, weariness in the legs, in going up- stairs. At eight o'clock in the evening, painful stiffness of the neck. The pain in the masseter muscle, which had already decreased in the morning, disappeared entirely in the the evening. Weight in the testicles in walking, at five o'clock in the evening. 65* Taste of blood in the throat before breakfast. Seventh day. Itching at the right lower eyelid, as if a HURA BRAZ1LIENSIS. 69 pirnple would appear. At three o'clock, sensation as of dust in the left eye. Sense of weight at the eyes, as if they had been strained. Eighth day. No sleep all night. 70 Pressive pain at the cranium. Heat in the nails of the left hand. Ninth day. Straining sensation in the upper part of the sacrum, preventing him from standing erect, at noon. Taste of blood in the throat before breakfast. Sputa mixed with blood. 75 Sense of giving way in the knee-joint, in going down-stairs, at two o'clock. At four o'clock, pain in the renal region, which keeps increasing ; it decreases at five o'clock. Prickling in the left eye, and intolerable itching, with nervous irritation which spreads to the heart, but passes off soon. Tenth day. Prickling in the left eye as from dust. Smarting sensation in the beard as from a pimple, at each hair, at nine o'clock. 80t Burning sensation at the inner canthus of the right eye, at half past nine in the evening. The carunculae lachrymales look inflamed. Eleventh day. Itching at the anterior surface of the tibia, at night, and smarting sensation as from a tetter. Appear- ance of a small red circle, with a small dark-red pimple in the middle ; followed by peeling off. Itching at the hairy scalp, especially behind and in the mastoid process, as from a tet- ter. 85 Sensation as if he had torn off a hang-nail, or as from a splinter in the ring-finger of the left hand. At ten o'clock, smarting at the bend of the right elbow, on the outside. Twelfth day. Tickling at the left arm, with small vesicu- lar pimples. Itching in the beard, with small pimples which form a crust under the chin. Itching and small crusty pim- ples on the hairy scalp. 90 Constrictive sensation at the anus ; at half past five o'clock. Thirteenth day. Painful sensation at the upper and late- ral portions of the sacrum, as if strained or bruised. Clus- ters of small miliary pimples at the bend of the elbow, with redness around the pimples after scratching them. The pimples cease to be vesicular ; other pimples appear on the 70 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. insteps. Prickling sensation in the eyes all day, with red- ness and smarting at the border of the lids. 95. Sensa- tion as if there were dust or foreign bodies in the eyes. The right eye is more sensible than the left. Weariness in the legs, after noon. Pain in the left knee as from a sprain, with lancinations below the pain, Fourteenth day. Contractive sensation below, and at the right side of the coccyx. 100. Rheumatic pain at the left side of the neck, the splenius, complexus and trapezoides muscles. Fifteenth day. Rheumatic pain at the neck, with diffi- culty of turning the head to the left side, in the morning. Pain in the head like a weight on the skull, extending to the mastoid processes. Sense of loathing with nausea, Oppression at the stomach when standing erect. 105. Pale face, with rings around the eyes and redness at the margin of the eyelids. Pains in the head like a beating in the sides and at the vertex, reverberating in the mastoid processes, and extending to the sterno-mastoid muscles. Sense of constriction in the upper part of the throat. Yel- lowish, heavy and frothy expectoration, ever since he took his drug. The affective sphere is very active. HO. Painful stiffness of the neck, which prevents one from turn- ing the head to the left side. Sensation, in closing the eyes, as though the eyelids were cold. Pain from the occi- put to the vertex, with 'beating, and acute pains. Sixteenth day. Horrid pain in the sacro-lumbar region, at the articulation of the last lumbar vertebra and sacrum, when attempting to raise a weight. Pain as when straining a ligament ; numb pain in the left thigh, along the course of the sciatic nerve. 115. Inability to stoop without ex- periencing acute pains in the sacro-lumbar region ; he is obliged to lie down. Fainting when trying to sit down, caused by the violence of the pain at the sacrum ; sense of tearing. Nervous spasms, convulsions, cramps in the calves and toes during the fainting spell. Sense of shud- dering at the rectum. Tickling like worms creeping along in the rectum. 120. In spite of the pains, he slept pretty HUKA BRAZILIENSIS. 71 well in the night, from the fifteenth to the sixteenth. De- sire to urinate, every half hour. He urinates a long time. Watery urine, with a greenish tint. Cramp in the right middle, and ring-finger. 125- Pulse interrupted for two minutes, ringing in the ears, roaring in the head, beating in the temples. During and after the fainting-spell disposition to love everybody, especially those around you. He often thinks of death, but he is not afraid of dying; he even feels as though he would die without regret. He reproaches himself with everything bad he has done, even the lease trifles, and considers nimself very guilty for having done them. During the nervous attacks, he thinks of his salva- tion. The sense of smell is very acute, he eren smells persons at a distance. Seventeenth day. 13ft. The pain at the sacrum seems to decrease, but he fs not yet able ta rise from bed, nor stir about in it, he has to remain lying on the back. He has an appetite, but eats little. A sort of painful glandular swelling behind the masseter muscle, below the right ear. Dul'ness of the head, in front. Sense of oppression at the forehead. Eighteenth day, 135- Frequent waking at night. He wakes earlier than usual. Doughy mouth, in trie morning. Foul, bloody sputa, of the color of chocolate with milk. The pain at the sacrum is feebler, it seems to have spread over a larger space, rises a little towards the dorsal and lumbar muscles, and to the dorsal vertebrae. f|0- The heao?, above the eyebrows, is still somewhat dull. Weakness in the finger-joints and wrists. The gland at the neck con- tinues painful, with lancinations. Taste of blood in the throat. Flushes of heat. 145- The breathing is painfuf, as if there were a sore in the lumbar region. Nineteenth day. Deep and long sleep. Nosebleed, in the morning. Pimple at the forehead. Weight above the eyes, he is unable to read* long. 150- Sense of weariness in the arms, though lying down. The pain at the sacrum decreases ; sometimes, however, it rises again to the cervi- cal vertebrae. Prickling in the eyes. A cluster of pimples breaks out at the wrist, on the external and inferior surface 72 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENES1S. of the radius ; they are vesicular, (like those which he had after his return from Brazil.) Bloating sensation in the eyes. 155. Throbbing at the sacrum, without pain. Pale face, eyes sunken, with redness around the eyelids. Twentieth day. No stool from the sixteenth to the twen- tieth day. Hard and difficult stool. The pain at the sa- crum is much less, though he still feels a violent throbbing in this region, but painless. 160- Rose at eight o'clock, his legs were weak and his head felt heavy ; he laid down again an hour after, with very cold feet. He feels a pain at the iliac bones, though not all the time. There are fever pimples on the arm, and the remaining pimples contain a little water which spirts out when pressed. Sensation in the glutei muscles as if bruised. Full and slow painless beatings in the sacro-lumbar region. Twenty-first day. 165- Restless night, dreams about crime, dead bodies, children with their heads half cut off, and of others whose heads were being cut. Pain in the glutei muscles as if bruised, now on the right, then on the left side. Pain as if bruised at the sacrum, with heat mounting to the face, at nine o'clock in the morning, shortly after rising. Cramp in the toes. Beatings in the left temple. 170- Painful stitch and beating sensation between the shoulder- blades. Twenty-second day. Lascivious dream with emission. Heat mounting to the face, with oppression of the chest. Acute pain in one of the right toes. Weight at the sacrum, but less bruising in the glutei muscles ; weakness in the knee-joints, with cracking, either in going up or down-stairs, 175- Sensation as if a warm liquid were flowing from a sore in the lumbar region. Heat mounting to the face, at seven o'clock in the evening. Weakness of the legs in going up or down-stairs. Twenty-third day. Restless night, heat and sweat all night. Dream about work, vast business. 180- Dizziness at two o'clock, waves before the eyes ; the sight becomes dim when writing. Sparks and zigzag movements before the eyes, when walking or sitting. Weak legs. Weight in the HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 73 upper lids. Frontal headache. 185. Pressure at the fore- head, with damp coldness at the feet and hands. The head- ache extends to eyebrows and eyes. Short-lasting oppres- sion at the throat, in the region of the tonsils. The eyes are red, with blue dark margins ; face pale, yellow, dull. Less pain in the renal region ; but he is unable to stand any length of time without experiencing an uneasiness in the stomach which extends to the chest with oppression. 190. Sclerotica red, inflamed, and the capillaries injected. Beat- ing pressure at the sclerotica. Weakness of the knee-joint, when walking or going up and down-stairs. Hiccough four hours after eating. Twenty-fourth day. Restless sleep. 195. Slight prick- ling pain at the sacro-lumbar articulation, in going up-stairs. Sense of oppression at the chest. Twenty-fifth day. Pressure at the forehead. Heat in the sacro-lumbar region; sense of oppression at the chest, and rush of blood to the larynx, with suffocative oppression ; taste of blood and tearing in the chest. Twenty-sixth day Restless sleep. 200- Throbbing and weakness in the sacro-lumbar region. Nausea while riding in a carriage, before breakfast. Sense of heat in the renal region, after a long ride in a carriage. Slight aching pain at the forehead and vertex. Twenty -seventh day- Restless sleep. 205. Beatings in the lumbar region, with slight pullings or shudderings. Weakness in the lumbar region. Weakness in the knee- joint; sense as if sprained, after a walk. Twenty-eighth day. Restless sleep, with dreams about work, wild beast devouring meat in a public slaughter-house. Sense of heat with throbbing and fatigue in the lumbar re- gion and above the iliac bones. 210- Paleness, cold hands and feet, with weakness all over while the pains last. Twenty-ninth day. Dream about revolution, gun-shots, de- molition of some public edifice ; he walked among the ruins. Sense of well-being, in the morning on rising. Doughy mouth every morning, with sputa that has the color of choco- late with cream, and foetid smell. Spits blood in the morning 4 74 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. that seems to come deep out of the throat. 215. Swelling of the left lower gums, over the molar teeth, outside, with toothache in this region. Small pimples on the right knee, with smarting as from a tetter and painful itching when touch- ing them ; they emit a fluid when pressed upon ; itching at the tibiae. Thirtieth day. The swelling of the gums continues, but the toothache is less. The cheek threatens to swell. Taste of blood in the mouth and throat, very marked, with scratch- ing or tearing sensation when drawing breath. 220. Head- ache at two o'clock, as from a nail in the vertex, with vio- lent toothache, swelling of the gums, after a walk. Beatings in the left side of the face, extending up to the eye. The feet, and mostly tbe whole body are constantly damp and cold, with weakness. Uneasiness at the stomach. His breakfast does not seem to sit well on his stomach ; he eats with a good appetite, however (from the twenty-fourth day). Thirty-first day. Restless night. Intolerable erections, sexual dreams, with emissions. 225. Large pimples on the legs, around the root of each hair. In the evening, large pimples, swollen, like mosquito-bites, with violent itching, and raw feeling when touched. Thirty-second day. Weakness, with painful stitch in the lumbar region. Uneasiness in the stomach, every day after the noon-meal. Violent headache on the left side. Thirty-third day. 230. Sense of tearing and spraining in back when sitting (for one minute). Spitting of blood, with sense of rawness in the throat and the respiratory passages, after talking. Contractive sensation on the skin of the fore- head. Pimples all over the body, similar to those above de- scribed ; suffocative sensation rising to the larynx. Thirty-fourth day. Taste of blood in the mouth during an embrace. 235. General emaciation. Inability to in- cline forward ; he can only walk by reclining the trunk back- wards ; when inclining forward ever so little, he feels a pull- ing in the lumbar region and is obliged to straighten himself. Thirty-fifth day. Uneasiness at the stomach from the noon-meal until four in the afternoon. Irritable mood. fcURA 75 Thirty-eighth day. Frequent desire to urinate. 240. Clear urine, after a return of the pain in the sacro-lumbaf region. Tearing sensation in the renal region ; acute pain, with faint feeling and pale face. Forty-sixth day. Cold sweat at night. Fifty-fifth day. Pale, sickly face; rings around the eyes, Red lips. 245. Emaciation. Weakness in the sacrd-* lumbar region. Dimness of sight, and prickling in the -eye- lids. (From this period, he gradually gets better.) Second prover : Chr. Dieudonne Joly, twenty-four yeard old, sanguine-nervous temperament, robust constitution. At eight o'clock in the evening, took one dose of assacii of the fifth attenuation. First day. Contraction of the papillae on the tongue, im- mediately. 250. Heaviness of the head. Acute pain in the right kidney while walking, with urging to urinate, at nine o'clock in the evening; for two minutes. Second day. In the morning, while walking, pain as if sprained in the left coxo-femoral articulation, for some mo- merits. Prickling at the margin of the eyelids, in the day- time. Face looks weary, with rings around the eyes. 255. Lancinations in the left index and thumb. Dull lancinations in the right hand. Itching at the left side and calf. Stitch in the right index-finger at eight o'clock in the evening. Feeling as of sand in the left eye, at ten o'clock. Third eZay. 260. Nocturnal emission. Sneezing at noon, as when a catarrh is about setting in. At two o'clock, dark redness and almost complete insensibility of the sides of the neck in the region of the sterno-cleido-mastoideus-muscles ; he pricks the parts and does not feel any pain until one hour after. Fourth day. No sleep at night, and drowsy in the day- time. Livid complexion at noon. 265. At nine o'clock in the evening, itching at the left eyelids. Fifth day. "Violent nosebleed, at seven o'clock in the morning. Stinging in the ball of the right thumb. Slight pain in the medius of the left hand. Sixth day. Itching at the margin of the left eyelids. 76 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS, 270* At noon, pimple at the right lower part of the lower jaw. At ten o'clock in the evening, in bed, smarting and itching of the puncta lachrymalis and the left lower eyelid. Seventh day. At two o'clock: Aching pain like a stitch in the side, under the right lower ribs, for one minute, Tenth day.-^M three o'clock in the afternoon, slight colic, and nausea. Dull and heavy head, with weak legs. Eleventh day. '275. At eleven o'clock, hypochondria, sad- ness, despair ; he imagines that he is abandoned by his family. Twelfth day. Fatigue, and weakness of sight. Thirteenth day. Eyes red, with weak sight, he reads with difficulty. The upper and lower limbs feel weak. Fourteenth day. Eyes weary, sight weak. 280- Short, dull, painful lancinations in the pectoral muscles, rather in- ternal, without impeding the breathing. Fifteenth day. Weariness of the eyes, pressure at the superior portion of the orbits. Headache. At nine o'clock in the evening, lancinating pain in the biceps and triceps muscles of the arm, similar pain between the shoulder-blade and the spinal column, in the trapezoid muscle. The throat feels dry and irritated, compelling one to cough. 285* Dryness of the glottis ; causing a cough as from a cold, Sixteenth day. -Itching at the margin of the eyelids. Seventeenth day. -Sense of stoppage in the ears ; after- wards as if air-bubbles were passing through the left ear (for two or three seconds). Small smarting pimples on the lower part of the right leg. Twenty-third day. Diarrhoea. Twenty-seventh day. 290- Nocturnal emission. Weight at the frontal muscle. Heat about the head. Painful stitch in the ileo-coecal region, recurring several times when walk- ing or moving about. Slight nausea. Thirtieth day. 295- Pain as from weariness in the outer portion of the left crural muscle when pressing upon it. Thirty-first day>-~- This pain is very marked and continues all day. HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 77 Thirty-second day. Violent headache in the left side of the head. Thirty-third day. Headache in the side of the head. Thirty-fourth day. In the evening, slight pain in the lum- bar muscles as from weariness. Thirty-fifth day. 300. The weariness in the loins conti- nues in the morning. At 9 o'clock in the evening, slight pain as from weariness, with an acute lancination in the lumbar region, for one second. Thirty-sixth day. At noon, long-lasting lancinating pain under the left big toe. A good appetite for some days past. Thirty-seventh day. 305- Hard, scanty and difficult stool. Absence of mind. Not disposed to work. Peevish. Red eyelids. 310- Lazy, weary. Constant yawning. Thirty-eighth day. Hungry, two hours after a copious meal. Tightness at the stomach, in the evening. Thirty-ninth day. At five o'clock in the morning, violent sensation of hunger, with tensive and pressive pain at the stomach ; when lying, the pain extends to the umbilical re- gion. 315- The pain during a walk continues ; pressure after eating ; painful sensation of hunger. Acute pain at the stomach, with constant hunger. Frequent desire to uri- nate. The urine deposits a white sediment. At noon, pres- sive pain at the stomach, before and after eating. 320- Acute pain, like a stitch, at the anterior surface of the right lung, which hinders breathing. Absence of mind, he makes many mistakes, mistakes one month for another, for several days. He mistakes the street twice. During the last days of the proving, frequent urination with whitish deposit. Third prover : Mme Al. j. 26 years old, sanguine tempera- ment, good constitution. First day. Took one dose of the 5th attenuation, at 10 o'clock in the evening. In the morning on waking, doughy taste in the mouth, and great drowsiness. 325. She dreams about death, burial. Small painful pimples on the left side of the tongue. Burn- ing at the stomach. Stiffness at the nape of the neck. Weakness of the legs and arms. 330. Nausea at two 78 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. o'clock. Fever: face of a scarlet-red, hands burning-hot. Depression of spirits, has no desire to do any thing, nothing pleases him. White spots on the tongue. Frequent desire to urinate. 335. Feeling of weariness all over. Sense of pain with heat at the sacrum. Second day. Lancinating pain, zig-zag, in the uterus, at half past six in the morning. Slight leucorrhoea. Dry cough. 340. Pain in the groin, compressive sensation as during parturition. Lanciriation from the lumbar region to the coccyx. Third day. Restless night, frequent waking. On waking, sense of weariness, as if strained. Acute pain in the palm of the left hand, proceeding from the index, and describing a circle extending to the carpal articulation of the thumb. 345. Very weary, especially the left leg. At half past 12, third night, writhing colic. Violent diarrhoea at one o'clock, with pains similar to those which she had experienced on her return from a voyage to Brazil. Fetid stool, with white little worms. 350. The diarrhoea continues and is suc- ceeded by a great weakness of the chest. Violet-colored cheeks. Heat in the cheeks and temples. Red forehead. Small miliary vesicles on the right cheek, on the middle of the forehead and on the left cheek. 355- Listless, she attends to things as if she took no sort of interest in them. Fifth day. Dreams about a church-yard ; she placed torches on the graves. On waking, her face is bloated and scarlet-red. Blotches on the right cheek, similar to those which she had after her return from a voyage to Brazil (at this time an enormous crusty tetter commenced in this way). Intolerable heat at the chest, at two o'clock, violent pain and burning sensation at. the sternum. Sixth day. 360- Restless sleep. Nervousness, impa- tience, at half past 12. Dry heat in the hands. Seventh day. Small vesicular pimple at the right wrist- joint. Marked feeling of heaviness from the parietal bone to the lower attachment of the stemo-mastoideus muscle, at the upper side of the sternum. 365- At two o'clock: the BRAZILIENSIS. 79 weight, at times, descends to the forehead, with heat. Small pimple on the right wrist, red at its base, containing a fluicl. Eighth day. No sleep. Twisting pain in the left side, or lancinations around the pelvis ; the pain passes off soon and extorts cries from her, at 9 o'clock in the morning. Burn- ing all over. Ninth day. 370. Twisting pain at the scapulo-humeral articulation. Acute pain under the breast. Half past twelve : the pain at the scapulo-humeral articulation recurs from time to time with great violence. Five o'clock in the evening: the pain is constant but less, always of the same kind. Half past nine : miliary eruption in the face. 375. Small red pimples on the right cheek, smarting on the right cheek, the eruption first showed itself at 7 o'clock in the morning. Mi- liary eruption on the shoulders, with itching, in the evening. Red vesicular pimples, they break when pressed upon, and discharge a smart stream of water. Tenth day. Dulness of the head, in the morning, on ris- ing. Red face, the little pimples are less apparent. 380- Pain at the stomach, as from hunger, though she is not hun- gry. She swallows her saliva. She has to eat to quiet her pain. Eleventh day. Headache, slight beating at the forehead, during a considerable portion of the night. The headache continues with a heaviness in the forehead, in the morning. Twelfth day. 385- Small pimples on the back, with itching. Nosebleed, at 8 o clock. Hard stool for 8 days. Nosebleed, at 10 o'clock. Thirteenth day. 300- Restless night, dream about a sea- voyage. Heaviness of the head, nosebleed on rising. Head- ache, heaviness with beating in the forehead, all day. Red pimples on the shoulders, with pricking when touched. Lan- cination and pricking in the left little finger, three or Tour different times. Fourteenth day. 395- Hot and red face. Itching red pimples on the shoulders. Fifteenth day. Sense as of crumbs in the eyes. Sclerotica 80 BRAZILIAN PATHOGEXESIS. red, with margins around the eyes, red eyelids, red face. Red pimples on the sides of the hips, smarting. Sixteenth day. 400. Sharp pain, followed by an acute lancinating pain about the heart. Seventeenth day. A.t eight o'clock in the morning, sharp, lancinating pain, by fits and starts, at the right side of the sacrum, more or less violent. Ten o'clock in the evening; wry neck on the right side. Eightee?ith day. While slumbering, sensation as if she were hanging three feet from the ground. Sensation as if she would fall into a ditch. 405- Coldness and heat, al- ternating at night. Nineteenth day. Acute pain at the left hip, at 9 o'clock in the morning. The pain recurs at 9 o'clock in the evening, and continues for several days at the same hour. Pain at the uterus as if compressed. Pain at the heart, which is at times very sharp, almost unbearable. 410- The breathing is arrested ; this pain makes her very uneasy. Lancinating pain in the head. Twentieth day. Pain at the left knee, as if sprained. Twenty-first day. Writhing colic, and diarrhoea, five times in the day. Twenty-second day. Restless night. 415- In the even- ing, pain at the loins and on each side of the ovary. Vio- lent lancinations with prickling, afterwards lancinating pain in the vagina ; appearance of the menses, but very slight. Twenty-third day. Pain in the uterus as if a sharp in- strument were thrust in. Lancinating pain above the left breast. Pain at the right little toe, like an intermittent throbbing, with intolerable prickling, at half past 10 o'clock in the evening. Twenty-fourth day. 420- Sleep disturbed by a violent itching caused by small pimples on the shoulders. In the morning, the pain of the little toe returns, but it does not last as long as the day previous. Pain in the renal region, with sense of weariness in the region of the sacrum, Cold and heavy pain at the left hip. Painful pricking in the wrist and along the left hand, between the middle and ring-finger. HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 81 Twenty -fifth day. 425- Prickings and stitch above the left breast, hindering breathing, whether walking or sitting. Acute pain when drawing breath. Twenty-sixth day. Sense as if sprained in the left knee and cracking when walking. Twenty-eighth day. Restless night. Desire to cry. 430- Fever, inability to close her hand. Sad, vexing thoughts. Twenty-ninth day. Sensation as if floating in the air. No sleep. Starting in bed. 435- Sensation as if she were falling to the ground. Lancinating pain under the heart ; it continues, more or less feeble. Bad digestion, the stomach feels yet full since supper. Thirtieth day. Restless night, starting during sleep. Sense of weariness in the lumbar region, all night. 440- Pain at the sacrum as from a recent blow, this pain increases until four o'clock in the evening. Pressure at the sacrum, with weariness in the left thigh. Heaviness at the sacrum, when sitting. Sensation as if worms were crawling in the pos- terior and external portion of the sacrum. Thirty-first day. The pain at the sacrum obliges her to keep bent ; this pain shifts up and down from the sacrum to the left thigh, and is accompanied by chattering of the teeth, which interrupts the speech, and by cold hands and feet. 445. Quickly -passing tingling and twisting pain in the right leg, at three o'clock in the evening, when lying. Twisting pain extending from the sacrum into the left leg, and oblig- ing her to lie down. Every paroxysm of pain excites a nervous laugh, with moanings like those of a sick child. Sensation as if dogs had bitten her where the pain is felt. Sensation as if she had a plaster at the region of the kidneys. 450. The pain descends along the vastus externus muscle. Mottled face, in the beginning of the proving it became red, now it is sometimes pale. She cannot walk, without fearing to fall. No solicitude for the future, generally speaking; tears with ennui ; she thinks of death without fearing it. The pain at the sacrum is worse when sitting, and obliges her to lie down. Thirty-second day. 455- Sleep during the the night, but 82 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. the pain in the renal region returns as soon as she rises from bed. The pain is seated in the sacro-lumbar articulation ; it extends to the glutei muscles with sensation as though she were gnawed by dogs. At times the right thumb feels numb. Thirty-third day. Pain in the vertebral column. Sense of luxation, with pain in the glutei muscles, of the same na- ture as the day previous. Thirty-fourth day. 460- Twisting sensation in the groin. Nosebleed, when lying. Vesicular pimples all over, with red spots as if the skin had been rubbed. Large blotches on the legs like mosquito-bit.es. Sensation in the renal region and buttocks as if gnawed by dogs. 465. Continual sneez- ing for two hours, Thirty-seventh day. -Sensation in the thighs, as if bitten by dogs. The pimples increase during an increase of tem- perature, and leave large red spots in the renal region and on the hips. Since she had the pains in the sacrum, she is unable to sleep or rest on the stomach. Thirty-eighth day. Uneasiness, sometimes she cries in the street. 470- Acute headache, like a circle which rolls quickly over the forehead. Dizziness. Profuse nose- bleed from both nostrils. The nosebleed is preceded by a smell of blood. Red face, with little pimples between the skin and flesh. 475- Heat at the face. Sensation as if the skin of the face were stretched too much. Frequent emission of watery urine. Sense of coldness in the right- thigh. Fortieth day. 480- Dreams about dead bodies, assassins, decayed oxen, yellow water. Continual nosebleed, especially in the morning. The pains in the renal region decrease. Forty-third day. Nervous twitching at the left lower eyelid. Forty-fifth day. Flow of sad thoughts ; she imagines she will lose somebody who is dear to her. 485- She cries every moment, and, for several days past imagines she is see- ing the dead person before her eyes. Fifty-eighth day. Painful sensibility of the whole right half of the head, especially when touching it. Lancinations HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 83 in the jaws, pain at the right arm. Impatience, anger ; she bites her hands, arid gets mad because her ideas flow too slowly. Fourth prover : Mile E. R. 17 years, sanguine tempera- ment, good constitution. 490- At 8 o'clock in the morn- ing, the ball of the thumb of each hand is painful. 9 o'clock : her feelings are excited and she cries a good deal. 10 o'clock : numbness of the right index, every minute. Half past 10 : cold and clammy feet, followed by heat for three hours. Half past 11 : short lancinations in the last two left molares, lower jaw; numbness in the bend of the right arm. 495. Lancination in the right index-finger, and especially in the articulation of the last phalanx. Sensation of a small ball under the left breast; at the same time, lancination under the left shoulder, for 5 minutes. At noon, large red spot on the lower part of the left cheek. Half past 12 : heat at the face, for half an hour. Half past 12 : small pimples on the left cheek, above the nose and near the lower lip ; they are red, with a small white point in the middle. 500- At two o'clock, beating in the right index-finger. At half past 2, lancination in the gums. At a quarter past four ; pain in the gums corresponding to the left eye, with heat in the face. Burning in the left cheek, weight at the eyes, lanci- nating pains in the ears. Pain at the outer ankle, as from a blow. 505- Frontal headache, at half past 9 in the evening. Cold sweat on the face. Pressure in the orbits, as from a violent headache. The teeth and gums are painful when pressing the teeth against each other ; the pain extends to the nose. Toothache on the left side. Second day. 510. Half past seven, white-coated tongue. Slight pain shifting from the left ear, where it commenced, to the left orbit. Small pimple at the inside of the left elbow, causing a smart itching. Half past 7, lancinations in the right side, every second. Cold feet, 515- Eight o'clock, pain as if the right arm had been stretched a long time, contusive pain at the back of the right hand, especially at the middle-finger. Lancinations in the gums on the right side. Itching at the forehead. Small pimples at the fore- 84 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. head. Suffocative oppression in the chest, especially when thinking of any thing contrary. 520- The oppression as- cends and immediately after descends again. Heat mount- ing to the face. Pain at the sternum. Lancinations in the temples. Pain in the gums on the left side. 525- Dis- couraged, does not wish to do any thing. Weight at the arms. Suffocaiive oppression in the chest. Ten o'clock in the evening, pain in the orbits as from a violent headache, or as from looking fixedly at the same object. Third day. Half past 6 in the morning, the right cheek is quite swollen, without toothache. 530- Red pimple on the left cheek, in the middle, and on the left side of the neck, with a good deal of itching. Nine o'clock, beating at the right side of the thorax, almost under the shoulder. Half past 3, pain at the right wrist ; all the veins and fibres hurt her. Half past 8, oppression at the stomach. Twisting colic. 535- Nine o'clock, heat at the face. Half past 10, desire to cry. Since taking the drug, the least thing irri- tates her ; at such times she feels oppressed, with desire to cry, she blushes, sighs a good deal, several times a day. Less appetite. Pain at the chest, especially the left breast, when lying; the pain gradually passes to the right side. Fourth day. 540- Since the first day, she wakes sooner than previously; her sleep was heavy and she was unable to open her eyes. Now she opens them easily, and the ideas come to her at once. Half past 5, shuddering all over, she feels oppressed, wants to cry. Colic, with cold feet. Eight o'clock, the shuddering extends over the legs ; she feels op- pressed and has cold feet. 545- Nine o'clock, prickling at the tongue on the left, side, causing a good deal of water to accumulate in her mouth. Nervous pain shifting speedily from the orbits to the forehead, and disappearing at once. She sighs a good deal. Ten o'clock, she feels sick at the stomach, as from hunger, generally she is not hungry till noon. Hungry, sometimes shortly after a meal. 550- Pain as from pressing strongly on a sore behind the right ear, and under the neck, at the larynx ; pain when moving the head. Cold r eet, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Hunger, with pain in the HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 85 stomach, at 11 o'clock. Tightness at the root of the nose, for an instant. Short lancinations all over the face, with tightness of the head emanating from the temples. 555- Slight contusive pain under the false right ribs. Fifth day. At noon, oppression hindering breathing. Op- pression in the chest, causing her to sigh a good deal. Numb- ness of the head. The face, and head, from the vertex, pain her horribly. 560- Contusive pain between the ring- and little ringer, only for a moment ; reaching up to the elbow. Tightness at the back of the head. Pain as from weariness in front of and behind the neck. Frequent desire to urinate. The left cheek is very red. 565- Redness of the wing of the nose. Shuddering along the back and legs while taking breakfast. At 5 o'clock, oppression and sighs. Pain in the ear, and half of the jaw, followed by pricking in the ear. At a quarter 'past 5 o'clock, colic and shuddering. 570- At 8 o'clock, pain as from weariness between the shoulders. At 9 o'clock, oppression on the chest. She sighs a good deal. Internal trembling. Cold sweat on the feet. 575. At half past 10, red blotch on the right shoulder ; hot feet, after ly- ing down, in bed. Sixth day. At G o'clock, colic, with diarrhoea and inter- nal trembling. Shuddering at half past 6. Red spot and and itching at the forearm. At 7 o'clock, colic with diar- rhoea and shuddering. 580. Nervous laughter which cau- ses her to shudder. Cold feet, shuddering in the left leg. At 8 o'clock, cracking in the right forearm. Lancination in the left gums, reaching to the right ear. At a quarter past 8, red spot like a flea bite, on the back of the left hand. 585- Dulness of the head, with weight at the orbits. Cold feet, especially the left. At 9 o'clock, oppression on the chest, with sighing. At 11 o'clock, weight at the orbits, as from sleep. Crampy pain at the right w r rist, shifting to the arm and then to the axilla. 590- Colic at the sto- mach. Oppression and sighing. Trembling of the right arm, and beating at the anterior surface of the wrist. At a quarter past 11, rheumatic pain at the right shoulder. Small vesi- cular pimples on the lower lip, itching a good deal. BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Pain as from having been lying in a wrong position, under the arm, under the right sight side of the chest. Painful beating above the right breast. Painful lancinations in the head, striking to the ear and the left teeth, and then shift- ing to the upper part of the orbit. Drowsy at noon. Pain between the shoulders, worse by pressing against the ster- num. 600- Contusive pain at the left leg. Painful stitch at the outer breast, extending under the arm. Hungry, but satiated at once. Itching at the right outer ankle. Numb- ness of the right arm, as far as the left index-finger, all the muscles hurt him. 605. At one o'clock, formication in the soles of the feet. At half past one, contusive pain in the back, at the hips and in the renal region. Strong pressure at the left temple. Drowsy at 2 o'clock. Colic at half past 8. 610- At 4, beating at the outer side of the right wrist. Nervous shuddering all through the chest, and passing be- tween the shoulders. Lancination from the left side of the head to the eye, temples, above the ear and in the lower jaw. Whizzing in the ears. Pain at the stomach as from hunger. 615. Lancination in the left breast. Lancination in the first phalanx of the middle-finger. At 4, toothache on the left side, affecting the eyes. Violent pain in the back as if weary, and affecting the lumbar region. Pain at the stomach, op- pression, sighs. 620- Lancination in the left gums. At 4, beating in the right external ankle. Lancination in the whole jaw. Redness, and heat mounting to the face ; cheeks and forehead are redder than the rest of the face. At half past 8, oppression, pain at the stomach, as from hunger. Seventh day. 625. At 6, colic, diarrhoea and shuddering. At 8, merry, with desire to laugh, followed by shuddering in the head and legs. Cold feet. Lancination in the left lower gums, tightness of the nose, felt even in the jaw. Feelings excited, oppressed, as from some great misfortune. 630. Nervous pain below the bend of the right elbow, descending to the ring- and little fingers, at 10 in the morning. Painful pressure on the left shoulder, which is very sensitive, at 11 in the morning. Beating at the right shoulder. At 11, lan- cination in the gums and left eye. Stiff neck, the least motion HURA BRA2ILIENSIS, 87 causes a pain in the nape of the neck and gums. 635. Weight at the eyes and in the head. Numbness at the nape of the neck. Sensation as of a bar through the jaws, from ear to ear, with tightness of the head. Tightness at the root of the nose. 640- The teeth are painful when chewing. Pain in the back, under the right shoulder, accompanied by beatings in the chest. Cold feet at one o'clock. Beatings in the right side of the chest. Heat in the face and drowsy after dinner. 645- Weight at the orbits. Pain in the side, with lancinations in the right breast. Pain in the bend of the right elbow, worse when moving it. Beating at the lip of the right index-finger. Suffocative oppression, causing her to sigh a good deal. 650- Colic, yawning. Beatings at the tip of the tongue, on the left side. At half past 2, pain in the renal region when sitting. Heat and pain in all the toes. Numb pain from the wrist to the upper part of the right arm. 655- Stiffness and beating in the left side of the neck, especially when moving the head. At half past 8 in the evening, beating in the right orbit, afterwards in the sides. Beating at the root of the nose. Painful stitches in the right side, hindering breathing. At a quarter past 10, aching and contusive pain in the right side. 660. Pain as from weariness below the right shoulder. Head heavy and dull, the least motion affects her eyes and the region of the orbits. Lancinations in the gums and heat in the face. Eighth day. At 6, colic and diarrhrea. Lancination in the left breast, at 2 in the evening. 665. Pain in the right renal region. At noon, pimple on the forehead, left side. At 2, heat in the face. At 4, beating in the right, and some- times left orbit. At 6, painful stitch in the right side, hinder- ing breathing. 670- At 7, sadness, desire to weep. Rush of blood to the head. Heat in the face. At 10, nosebleed. At 11, cold and clammy feet, while lying down. 675. Hot feet, some time after. Ninth day. At 6, pain in the right thigh, high up, at the outer side, causing her to limp. Painful stitch in the left breast. At half past 7, desire to weep, oppression as from some e.motion. At half past 8, desire to weep, the least trifle 88 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. makes her sad ; she starts when hearing a door opened sud- denly. 680- She is oppressed and breathes heavily. Pain in the right wrist, striking to each ringer. Hot face. Great desire to weep, even while singing, followed by oppression, at half past 9 in the morning; she weeps. Acute nervous pain from the shoulder to the left breast. 685- Pain at the bend of the right elbow. Heaviness in the eyes and desire to sleep, at a quarter of one. Beating in the left side of the abdomen. Beating in the pit of the stomach, rever- berating in the whole chest. Frequent ineffectual urging to slool. 690- Tight pain above the ears, with numbness of the jaw. Heaviness in the whole head. Lancination in the left lower gums ; shortly after, lancination in the upper gums. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Hot face. 695. Loud whizzing in the left ear. Drowsy. Numbness of the gums. Deep sighing, yawning. Mounting of heat to the face, now and then. 700- Pain in the left gums striking to the eye and behind the ear. At one o'clock, heat, no appetite. Lan- cinations in the gums, reverberating in the whole head. Vio- lent beating at the left temple. Numbness of the left wrist, the whole hand in painful. 705- Acute pain in the left gums, the whole left side of the head is numb. Warm hands- arid cold sweat, at 3 in the afternoon. Tenth day. Torpor of the head, with numbness in the upper gums and the muscles of the eye. Pain at the right hip, at one o'clock. Tightness at the epigastrium ; her feel- ings are very much excited, as if some misfortune should happen to her, at 2 in the afternoon. 710- Pain in the right ear. Pain in the left cheek and gums. Beating in the arm and right wrist. Weight at the right orbit, at 3. Little ap- petite. 715- Cold sweat in the face, at half past 6. Suf- focative oppression. Drowsy, at half past 8. Hot face, at 9. Eleventh day. Restless sleep. 720- Doughy mouth, at 6 in the morning. Inflammation of the left puncta lacry- malis. Pain at the right gums and cheek, at noon. Burning of the cheeks, from one to four. Twelfth day. Small pimples in the face, at 6 in the morn- ing. 725. Pain in the renal regions, at 9. Weakness of HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 89 the legs. Beating under the right hip. Pain at the gums, at 11. At 2 in the afternoon, pain and beating under the left shoulder. 730- At 8, small pimples on the chin, itching a good deal. At half past 8 in the evening, colic and cold sweat. Thirteenth day. Eyes bloated, surrounded by margins. Colic and diarrhoea. Uneasiness when lying down. 735. Leucorrhcea. The period sets in 8 days before its time. Profuse menses. At half past G, lancination in the left gums. At 7, lancinations in the jaw. 610- Tightness at the root of the nose. Numbness of the right arm. At 9, whizzing in the right ear. Pain and beating on the right shoulder. At 10, beating in the left little finger, thumb and index-finger. 745. Burning at the whole hand. Violent itching at the index-finger, the whole of the left arm is painful, especially the wrist-joint. At half past 1 0, beating pain near the right internal ankle . Hot feet. Toothache, on the left side. 750- At 11, pain and itching at the left foot, violent pain in the whole of the right foot. Violent pain near the inner canthus of the left eye. Pain in the left wrist-joint. Beating in the right index- finger. At noon, bloating of the lower eyelids. 755- Redness on the left side of the nose. Pain in the wrist and bend of the left arm. Contusive pain at the right knee. Pain in the left gums. Pain in the legs as from weariness. 760- At 2, lancinating pain shifting from the knees to the right elbow, then to the shoulder, to the right foot, right wrist, arid lastly to the knees. At half past 2, nervous pain in the renal region. Pain behind and in the right ear. Colic. Pain in the left gums, striking to the root of the nose. 765- Pain in the left wrist. Pain as from weariness in the back, near the left shoulder. Whizzing in the right ear. Pain as if her arm were pulled violently. Painful stiffness in the left side of the neck. Fourteenth day. 770. At half past (5, pain in the wrist. Pain behind the head and in the neck, reverberating in the left gums. Stiff neck. Pain and beating in the elbow, at the right forearm and in the bend of the left elbow. Rheu- matic pain in the right shoulder, passing under the arm 775- Painful stitch in the left breast. At noon, the left foot 90 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. burns, the right foot is cold. Heat and pain at the right index- finger. At half past one, heat at the feet, especially the right foot. Pain at the right little toe. 780- At 2, pain at the tip of the tongue. At 10, pain in the left gums. Fifteenth day. At 10 in the morning, pain at the gums. Suffbcative oppression of the chest. At 9 in the evening, nervous trembling of the right arm. Sixteenth day. 785- At noon, beating at the right middle and index-finger. Seventeenth day. Dreams about purchases. At half past 9, pain at the right arm, shifting to the little finger. Pain at the left breast, almost under the shoulder. Numbness of the right wrist. 790. Beating at the right shoulder. Lanci- nation in the left gums. At half past 10, pain in the whole right hand. Pain in the right orbit. Pain at the left wrist and in the whole hand. 795- Pain in extending the left arm. At noon, nervous shuddering. Burning pain with red spot above the right elbow. Nervous pain shifting from the eye to the gums, with beating at the left temple. Violent beating in the left side of the thorax, under the shoulder. 800- Heaviness at the left orbit. Lancinations in the right wrist and thumb. Drowsy, at 2. Numbness of the arm. At 3, pain in the back and chest. 805. Beating at the right temple. Violent pain like a stitch, in the left breast. At 2, slight itch- ing at the knee, below the lower lip, changing to an acute pain when rubbed, which lasts all day. Eighteenth day. Dreams about mutilated bodies, dead bo- dies, with the arms cut off. At half past 6, pain under the lower lip, with swelling on the left side, and a large red pimple in the centre of the swelling. 810- At 8, pain and prickling at the right shoulder. Beating above the right knee. At 5, cold feet, hot face. Nineteenth day. Dreams about children, prisoners being set free. At half past 8, cold feet. 815- At 3, pain in the orbits and forehead. At half past 4, pain at the gums passing to the left eye. Pain at the right, wrist, between the thumb and index-finger, also near the bend of the arm. Nervous beatino-in the left orbit. The skin on the forehead feels HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 91 stretched. 820- Impatient; she wants to break every thing. Absence of mind at work. She imagines she is alone in the world and lost. Weeping without cause, followed by nervous laugh. Sad, melancholy ; she thinks of the fu- ture, feels unhappy. Twentieth day. 825- At one o'clock in the afternoon, sickness at the stomach after eating. Hemicrania, pains all through the head. Drowsy, with nausea. Tightness of the back part of the head. Sharp pain behind the ears. 830- The least thing hurts her, causing horrible pains in the fore- head, temples and under the chin. Lancination behind the neck, on the left side. Beating in the left breast. Cold feet. At 5, shuddering all the time. 835. Headache when walking. Horrible pain and beating in the chest. Involuntary closing of the eyelids. Pain in the gums. In- ternal trembling. 840- Rush of blood to the head ; she turns red. Twenty-first day. From the llth to the 21st day, profuse menses with leucorrhosa. At half past 2, pain and beating in the left shoulder. At 3, beating in the left side of the head. Drowsy : heaviness of the head. Twenty-second day. 845- No sleep. Colic with diar- rhoea, from the 18th day. Heaviness of the head. From the 23d to the 28th day, horrible colic, every morning, with diarrhoea, and pains in the middle of the back. Nervous, she starts when a chair is moved with a little noise. 850. She turns red, and her chest feels oppressed. Every day, after breakfast, she has an attack of oppression on the chest. Difficult digestion after breakfast ; after noon she turns pale. Thirty-third day. She feels hot at the hands, feet arid face, though the hands are cold and clammy to contact ; she thinks this is likewise the case with her feet and face. Cold sweat on the face and body. Thirty-fourth day. 855- The eyes are bloated and small- er. Painful pimples when touched, on the left cheek and at the eyebrows. Thirty-fifth day. Starting from the least noise. Yawns all the evening. 92 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Thirty-eighth day. Violent pain in the chest, shifting to the left breast, sometimes to the right, especially when mov- ing the arm. 860. Headache. Thirty-ninth day. Pain and sense of weariness in the renal region. Dreams about travelling and parties. Drowsy at one in the afternoon. Hot face. 865- Coryza. Face dull and dark, with paleness, mottled with red spots. Pain in the renal region, as from falling on the sacrum. Copper taste in the mouth. Pain in left side hindering breathing. 870- Inflammation of the right eye. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SYMPTOMS ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. MENTAL AND MORAL : 1. Sensation as if floating in the air. Dizziness. She imagines she sees a dead person, and cries. Sensation as if falling to the ground. 5- Sen- sation as if hanging three feet from the ground. Listless. Absence of mind, he makes mistakes. She imagines she is alone in the world. Laughter with shuddering. 10. Weeping, followed by a nervous laugh. Sad, thinks of the future. Desire to weep, with oppression and tendency to start. Merry, with desire to laugh, followed by shuddering in the head and legs. Depression of spirits. 15. Im- patience, because her ideas flow too slowly. Impatience. Peevish. Sadness, despair, he imagines he is abandoned. Thinks of his salvation during a paroxysm. 20- Irritable. HEAD : Lancinating pain at the top of the head. Beating pain from the occiput to the vertex. Pain in the head, like a weight. Headache down to the eyebrows and eyes. 25- Contractive sensation in the skin of the forehead. Head- ache as from a nail in the vertex. Aching pain at the fore- head and vertex. Headache on the left side. Semilateral headache. 30. Heat about the head. Slight beating at the forehead. Weight at the frontal muscle. Dulness of the head, in the morning. The right half of the head is pain- fully sensitive. 35. Headache as if a circle were rolling over the forehead. Frontal headache. Dulness of the head, with weight at the orbits. Numbness of the head. The HURA BRA2ILIENSIS. 93 face and head, from the vertex pain her horribly. 40- Tightness at the back of the head. Painful darting in the head, striking to the ear, teeth, and then shifting to the orbit. Pressure at left temple. Heaviness of the head. Tightness of back part of the head. 45- Rush of blood to the head. Beating in left side of head. Headache. Hemicrania. Heaviness of the head. 50- Torpor of the head, with numbness of the upper gums and muscles of the eye. FACE : Weary look. Burning smarting in the beard, left side. Hot face. Swelling below the zygoma, with sensi- tiveness to contact. 55. Pale face, with sunken eyes. Beating in the left side of the face. Livid complexion. The face looks weary. Sensation as if the skin of the face were stretched too much. 60- Mottled face, red and pale alter- nately. Cold sweat in the face. Lancinations all over the face, with tightness proceeding from the temples. Swelling of the right cheek. The left cheek is very red. 65- Cold sweat in the face. Mounting of heat to the face. Burn- ing of the cheeks. EYES : Bloated eyes. Inflammation of the left eye. 70- Beating in left orbit. Pain in the orbits and forehead. Heaviness at left orbit. Pain shifting from the eye to the gums. Pain in right orbit. 75- Beating in the orbits. Beating in the right orbit, afterwards in the sides. Nervous pain shifting from the orbits to the forehead. Pressure in the orbits as from a severe headache. Sensation as of crumbs in the eyes. 80. Redness of the sclerotica, with margins around the eyes, red lids. Weariness of the eyes, with pressure at the superior portion of the orbits. Weak sight. Dimness of si^ht and prickling in the lids. Beating pressure at the sclerotica. 85. Red eyes, with pale face. Prickling in the eyes. Bloating in the eyes. Sense as of dust in the eyes. Violent pain near the left inner canthus. 90. Inflammation of left puncta lachrymalis. Smarting and itching of the puncta lachrymalis, in the evening, in bed. Burning at right inner canthus. Involuntary closing of the eyelids. Bloating of the lower eyelids. 95. Twitching of left lower eyelid. Itching at the eyelids. Prickling at 94 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENES1S. the margin of the eyelids, in the day-time. Sensation of coldness in the lids when closing them. Beating in the lids. 100- Sparks and zig-zag before the eyes. Dizziness, with waves before the eyes. EARS : Stoppage of the ears, as if air-bubbles were pass- ing through the left ear. Pain shifting from the left ear to the orbit. Lancinating pains in the eats. 105- Pain in the ear and jaw, followed by pricking in the ear. Pain in the right ear. Tight pain above the ears, with numbness of the jaw. Pain in the right ear. Whizzing in right ear. HO. Sharp pain behind the ears. NOSE : Dry nose, with itching inside. Redness on the left side of the nose. Redness of the wing of the nose, Beating at the root of the nose. 115. Nosebleed. Tight- ness at the root of the nose. TEETH : The teeth and gums are painful when pressed against each other. Short lancinations in the last two mo- lares. Toothache on left side, affecting the eyes. 120- Lancination in left lower gums, with tightness of the nose and jaw. Darting in the gums and left eye. Sensation as of a bar through the jaws, from ear to ear. The teeth are painful when chewing. Lancinations in the jaws. 125. Numbness of the gums. Pain in left gums striking to the eye, Lancinations in the gums, affecting the whole head. Acute pain in the left gums, the whole left side of the head being numb. Pain in the right gums and cheek. ISO- Pain in left gums. Toothache on left side. Lancination in the left gums. Swelling of the left lower gums, with toothache. MOUTH : Beating at the tip of the tongue. 135. Pain at the tip of the tongue. Pricking at the tongue, with flow of water. White-coated tongue. White spots on the tongue, Contraction of the papillae on the tongue, immediately. 140- Pain under the lower lip, with swelling and a red pimple in the centre of it. Fleshy growths on the inner surface of the lips. GASTRIC : Coppery taste in mouth. Doughy taste every morning, with chocolate-colored sputa and fetid smell. S'moky taste of the water. 145. Violent sensation of HURA HJTAZILIEN-SI3. 95 hunger early in the morning, with tensive and pressive pain? at the stomach. Difficult digestion after breakfast. Sick at the stomach, after eating. Hungry, shortly before a meaL She has to eat to quiet her pain at the stomach. 150- Hungry after a good meaL Uneasiness after dinner, every day. Loathing and nausea. STOMACH : Oppression at the stomach, when standing. Uneasiness in the stomach and chest, after standing. 155* Tightness at the stomach, evening. Burning at the stomach. Oppressive pain- at the stomach, before and after eating. Pain at the stomach, with oppression, sighs-. Beating in pit of stomach, affecting the whole chest. ABDOMEN : 160- Pain in the renal region as from falling on the sacrum. Pain and feeling of weariness in the renal region. Colic with diarrhoea, also every morning. Colic and cold sweat, or diarrhoea. Pain in the renal region. 165, Tightness at the epigastrium, with excited feelings. Beat- in left side of abdomen. Colic with diarrhoea and shuddering. Twisting colic. Twisting sensation in the groin. 170' Pain in the renal region, with sense of weariness in the sacrum. Sensation as of a plaster in the region of the kidneys. Pain at the loins and on each side of the ovary. Lancinations around the pelvis, extorting cries. Compress- ive pain in the groin. 175. Painful stitch in tbe ileo-cce- cal region, again when stirring. Acute pain in- the right kidney, while walking. Tearing sensation in the renal region. Sense of heat in the renal region. Shuddering at the rectum. 180. Constrictive sensation at tihe anus. STOOL, URINE: Ineffectual: urging to stool. Constipation, Hard stool. Diarrhoea succeeded by weakness of the chest, 185. Fetid &tool with white little worms. Lancination in the- urethra. Watery urine with a greenish tint. Urine with white sediment. Frequent desire to urinate, 190. Fre- quent emission of watery urine. SEXUAL : Nocturnal emission. Distressing erections'. Taste of blood in the mouth, during an embrace. Weight in the testicles in walking. 195. Profuse menses with leu- corrhoea. Premature ami profuse raenaesv Lancinating 96 BRAZILIAN PATKOGENESIS. pain in the vagina. Compressive pain at the uterus. Lan- cinating pain in the uterus, in zig-zag. 200. Pain in the uterus as if a sharp instrument were thrust in. Leucor- rhoea. BRONCHIAL, CHEST : Dry cough. Constant sneezing. Dry throat, she has to cough. 205. SufTocative sensation rising to the larynx. Sense of constriction in the upper part of the throat. Sneezing, with discharge of lemon-colored mucus from the nose. Pain behind the right ear and at the larynx as from pressing on a sore. Spitting of blood, with sense of rawness in the throat and the respiratory passages, after talking. 210- Spits blood, coming deep out of the throat. Yellowish, heavy and frothy expectoration. Op- pression of the chest, with rush of blood to the larynx, taste of blood, and tearing in the chest. Shifting pain in the chest. Severe pain and beating in the chest. 215. Beating in left breast. Pain in left side, hindering breathing. Stitch- like pain in the left breast. Suffocative oppression of the chest. Painful stitch in the left breast. 220- Deep sigh- ing. Pain from the shoulders to the left breast. Oppressed and heavy breathing. Painful stitch in left breast. SufTo- cative oppression, with sighing. 225. Darting in left breast. Aching and contusive pain in the right side. Pain- ful stitches in the right side, hindering breathing. Lanci- nation in left breast. Painful stitch at the outer breast, ex- tending under the arm. 230. Painful beating above the right breast. Pain at the right side as if strained. Contu- sive pain under the false right ribs. Sensation as of a small ball under the left breast. Acute pain when drawing breath. 235. Stitch above the left breast, hindering breathing. Acute pain under the breast. Stitchlike pain at the anterior surface of right lung, hindering breathing. Pain and burning at the sternum. Intolerable heat at the chest. 240- Painful lancinations in the pectoral muscles. Stitch-like pain under the right lower ribs. Rheumatic pain at the sternum when stooping. Lancinating pain under the heart. NECK : Painful glandular swelling below the right ear. 245. Painful stiffness of the neck. Rheumatic pain at left HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 97 side of neck. Dark redness and numbness of the sides of the neck, even a prick is not felt. Heaviness along the side Df the neck. Wry neck on the right side. 250- Pain as from weariness in front of, and behind the neck. Numbness at the nape of the neck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Stiffness and beating in left side of neck. Painful stiffness in left side of neck. 255. Darting behind the neck, left side. BACK : Tickling under the arms and along the dorsal spine. Horrid pain in the sacro-lumbar region, when at- tempting to raise a weight. Contractive sensation below the coccyx. Pain in the glutei muscles and sacrum, with heat mounting to the face. 200- Painful stitch and beating between the shoulder-blades. Sensation as of a warm liquid flowing from a sore in the lumbar region. Throbbing at the sacrum. Painful breathing as from a sore in the lumbar region. Beating in the lumbar region, with slight pulling or shuddering. 265. Sense of heat, with throbbing and fa- tigue, in the lumbar region. Prickling pain at the sacro- lumbar articulation in going up-stairs. Inability to stoop for- ward, he then feels a pulling in the lumbar region. Weak- ness in the sacro-lumbar region. Tearing and spraining in the back, when sitting. 270. Painful weariness in the loins. Twisting pain at the scapulo-humeral articulation. Pain in the sacrum, accompanied by chattering of teeth. Twisting pain in the sacrum, exciting a nervous laugh, with moanings. Pressure at the sacrum, with weariness in left thigh. 275. Sense of worms crawling in the sacrum. Pain in the sacrum as if gnawed by dogs. Sense of weari- ness in the lumbar region. Heaviness at the sacrum when sitting. Pains in the sacrum preventing sleep, she has to lie on her stomach. UPPER EXTREMITIES : 280. Pain between the shoulders, worse when pressing against the sternum. Pain in the back as if weary, affecting the lumbar region. Pain and beating in left shoulder. Pain and prickling at right shoulder. Weary pain near the left shoulder, behind. 285- Vio- lent beating under the left shoulder. Beating at the right 5 98 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. shoulder. Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder. Painful beating on the right shoulder, in the left little finger, thumb, &c. Pain under the right shoulder, behind, with beating in the chest. 290- Painful pressure on the left shoulder. Rheu- matic pain at the right shoulder. Pain at the right arm, shifting to the little finger. Numbness of the arm. Burn- ing pain above the right elbow, with red spot. 295- The left arm is painful, with violent itching of the index-finger. Trembling of the right arm. Pain as if her arm were pulled. Pain in the bend of the left arm. Numbness of right arm. 300- Pain in the bend of the right elbow. Numb pain from the wrist to the upper part of the right arm. Crampy pain at right wrist, shifting to the axilla. Pain at the right wrist, all the veins and fibres hurt. Painful prickings in the wrist and along the left hand. 305- Pimple at the wrist, on a led base. Pain at the right wrist. Dartings in right wrist and thumb. Numbness of the right wrist. Pain in the wrists. 310- Numbness of the left wrist, the hand being painful. Pain in right wrist, striking to each finger. Beating in the arm and right wrist. Nervous pain from the right elbow to the ring- and little fingers. Cracking in right forearm. 315- Numbness of the right arm, all the muscles hurt him. Trembling of the right arm. Weight at the arms. Lanci- nating pain in the muscles of the upper arm ? and in the tra- pezoid muscle. Sense of weariness in the arm, though ly- ing down. 320- Pain in whole right hand. Burning at the whole hand. Coritusive pain at the back of the right hand. The ball of the thumb of each hand is painful. Acute pain in the palm of the left hand, proceeding from the index to the thumb in a circle. 325. Dry heat in the hands. Dartings in the right hand. Heat in the nails of the left hand and at the tips of the right fingers. Beating at right middle and index-finger. Heat and pain at right index-finger. 330. Beating at the tip of the right index-finger. Darting in first phalanx of middle-finger. Contusive pain between the ring- and little fingers. Numbness of the right index-finger. Lancination and pricking in left little finger. 335. Stitch in the right index-finger. Slinging in the ball of the right HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 99 thumb. Weakness of the finger-joints and wrists. Sensa- tion as if a portion of the nail of the right index-finger had become detached. Sensation as of a splinter in the ring- finger. 340. Lancination in the right index-finger. LOWER EXTREMITIES : Beating under the right hip. Pain in right hip. Cold and heavy pain at the left hip. Acute pain at the left hip. 345. Pain as if sprained in the left hip-joint, when walking. Pain in right thigh, high up, causing her. to limp. Sensation in the thighs, as if bitten by dogs. Sense of coldness in the right thigh. Weary pain on the left thigh, when pressed upon. 350- Pain along the left thigh. Pain in the legs as from weariness. Contusive pain at left leg. Tingling and twisting pain in the right leg. Itching and smarting at the tibia, in front, at night. 355. Beating above the right knee. Slight itch- ing at the knee, changing to an acute pain when rubbed. Contusive pain at right knee. Spraining sensation in left knee, with cracking when walking. Pain at the left knee as if sprained. 360. Pain as from a sprain in left knee, with darlings below the pan. "Violent pain in the feet. Beating pain near the right inner ankle. The left foot burns, the right foot is cold. Cold and clammy feet, while lying down. 365. Beating in the right outer ankle. Formi- cation in the soles of the feet. Bruising pain at the outer ankle. Cold and clammy feet, followed by heat. Heat and pain in the toes. 370. Intermittent throbbing pain at the right little toe, with prickling. Lancinating pain under the left big toe. Cramp in the toes. Pain as from a splinter under the toe-nail. SLEEP: Frequent yawning. 375. No sleep. Drowsy, with nausea. Restless sleep. Heavy sleep at first, after- wards easy sleep and ready awakening to consciousness. Starting during sleep. 380- Restless night, heat and sweat all night. Drowsy in the afternoon. Dreams about travelling. Dreams about dead bodies. Dreams about pur- chases. 385. Dreams about prisoners. Dreams about dead bodies, decayed oxen, assassins. Dreams about a churchyard, she places torches on the graves. Dreams about 100 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENES1S. a sea-voyage. Dreams with emissions. 390. Dreams about a revolution, &c. Restless sleep, with dreams about wild beasts in a slaughter-house. Dreams about children with their head half cut off. He dreams, that he was swim- ming in a river with warm and green water. FEVER : Moist heat mounting from the feet to the face. 395. Pulse interrupted with roaring in the head. The body feels damp and cold. Cold sweat at night. Burning all over. Alternate coldness and heat at night. 400- Fever, with inability to close her hands. Shuddering all over, with oppression. Shuddering along the back and legs while taking breakfast. Shuddering through the chest and between the shoulders. Cold feet, with shuddering in the left leg. 405. Warm hands and cold sweat. Cold feet and hot face. Shuddering. Cold feet with shuddering. She turns red and her chest feels oppressed. 410- Cold sweat on the face and body. CUTANEOUS : Miliary eruption in the joints. Vesicular pimples on left arm, with itching. Miliary pimples at the bend of the elbow, with redness around. Small red circle on the tibia, with red pimple in the middle. 415. Pimples all over, similar to those on the legs. Small smarting pim- ples on the right knee, containing a fluid. Large pimples on the legs, around the root of each hair. Painful pimples on the left side of the tongue. Smarting red pimples on the right cheek. 420- Itching, red pimples on the shoulders. Smarting red pimples on the side of the hips. Vesicular pimples all over, with red spots. Miliary eruption in the face. Large blotches on the legs. 425. Pimples leaving red spots behind. Small itching pimple at the inside of the left elbow. Itching and pimples at the forehead. Large red spot on the lower part of the left cheek. Small, red pimples on the left cheek, with a white point in the middle. 430. Red blotch on the right shoulder. Red spot and itching at the forearm. Red spot on the back of the left hand. Red pimples on the left cheek. Small vesicular pimples on the lower lip, itching. 435. Pimples in the face and on the chin. The skin on the forehead feels stretched. Face mottled HURA BRAZILIENSIS. 101 with red spots. Painful pimples on left cheek and eyebrows. Itching of the back, legs, arms. 440. Contusive pain in the back and the hips. Lancinating pain shifting from the knees to the right elbow, shoulder, right foot, &c. Uneasy when lying down. Pain in the back and chest. The hands, feet and face feel hot to her, but clammy to others. 445. Liable to starting. Internal trembling. Weakness of the legs and arms. Sense of weariness as if strained, on wak- ing. Weakness of the extremities. 450. Emaciation. Pale- ness, cold hands and feet, with weakness during the pains. Fainting spell, with spasms, cramps in the calves and toes. LEPIDIUM BONARIENSE (D. C.). LEP. MASTRUCO. THIS plant is very common in the neighborhood of Rio, where it is found along the roads and in stony regions. It is herbaceous, with numerous glabrous, erect stems, attaining a 102 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. height of from twenty to thirty inches ; the radical leaves are petiolate, finely indented; the superior leaves are alter- nate, sessile and almost linear. It blossoms in September. The flowers, which form terminal spikes, are supported by filiform pedicles ; calix with four folioles ; corol small, cru- ciform, with four hypozynous petals, six tetradynamous sta- mens, short style, small, subelliptical pod, which is somewhat crenated at the top ; root fibrous, simple, erect. The fresh leaves are triturated. In Brazil the Lepidium bonariense is used for similar pur- poses as the Arnica. It is universally used in domestic prac- tice. The pathogenesis of this plant may be perhaps wel- come to our profession. First day. 1, Sleeps well until midnight ; no sleep since then ; has pains all over when stirring. Heat all over, with dull pain ; she had the most pain on the left side. Violent pain in the left arm before rising ; she cannot stretch it ; the more she covers it, the greater is the pain; the pain ceases on uncovering the arm. Second day. Dizziness at nine in the morning; her head fell forward and she imagined the floor was sinking under her; every thing turned with her. 5, At eleven, heat in the face, left side. Dull pain at the stomach, followed by desire to vomit. Cold as when she had her spasms. Hunger after dinner. In the evening, hot face. 10. Pain as if scratched, for an hour, followed by heat, at the feet. Beat- ing pain above the left ear. Acute stitching pain in the lower gums, for an hour. Itching in the right ear, worse when stooping, for half an hour. Dreams that she is talking with dead people ; very restless. 15. Sad on waking. Third day. On rising, pain as from a crown pressing on her head. Pain round the right ear, as if pricked with pins, ceasing by rubbing the part ; for a quarter of an hour. Stitch in the right lung for five minutes. Pain at eminence in the left cheek, with redness. 20. Heat in the mouth, on the left side, as from eating spice. Palpitation of the heart, felt in the side, with violent pain hindering breathing; worse when stooping, ceasing when lying down. At noon, boring LEPIDIUM BONARIENSE. 103 pain at the vertex, left side, extending to the ear. Heat in the nose, and sensation as of a current of cold air in the left nasal fossa. Pain in the nape of the neck, right side, ceas- ing by rubbing the part and moving the neck. 25 Sen- sation as if a knife were slowly penetrating into the heart, ceasing when pressing for a few minutes strongly against the region of the heart. Prickings at the shoulder-blade, ex- tending along the right side of the neck. Itching at the right nostril. Pricking at the skin, followed by itching. Pricking in the ear, down the jaw. 30 Lancination in the right breast, less when standing erect. Stitching pain under the axilla, in a half-moon shape. Prickings between the breasts. Pain as from a band on the right side, worse when pressed upon, hindering breathing. Lancination in the spine of the shoulder-blade, shifting to the other shoulder ; less when standing erect. 35. Prickings in the left hy- pochondrium. Stitch under the axilla. Desire for choco- late, salad, green fruit. Great thirst for vinegar. Lancination in the heart, in the evening. 40 Oppression after eating. Convulsive trembling of the heart. Pain at the pit of the stomach after eating, worse when walking, or when touching the part. The blood which is discharged on the second day of the courses is darker and coagulated. Fourth day. Band in the side as the day before. 45 Passing lancinations in the abdomen, sides and breasts. Lan- cinations from the elbow to the shoulder-blade. Heaviness and pressure on the bladder when urinating. The menses cease after twenty-four hours. Short sleep. 50 Desire to vomit all night. Formication above the left shoulder. Slight spitting of blood after coughing. Cutting as with a penknife below the left breast. Heat in the throat with de- sire to vomit, and noise in the ears when swallowing the sa- liva. 55. Constrictive pain in the head. Vertigo, with disposition to fall forward. Thick expectoration, which it is difficult to get loose, with roaring in the ears. Painful stitch at the knee, less when walking. Stitch in the cheeks. 60 Lancinations under the axilla. Colic in the umbilical region. Hard hearing. Throbbing at the epigastrium. Very sad, 104 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. thinks of sickness. 65. Pain in the bone of the left thumb, with trembling when attempting to use it. When at- tempting to read her eyes fill with tears. Fifth day. Sad, uneasy, quarrelsome, dissatisfied, deep Sixth day. Dim eye as if looking through a white gauze; when looking at the sky, the air looks gray. Her left eye is full of water; the pain is worse when moving, it follows the eyebrow, for six hours. 70 Crampy pain at the right ring-finger, extending to the elbow, contracting the flexor communis digitorum, with redness at the lower part of the nail; for twenty minutes, it passes off in the open air. Toothache on the right side, at one o'clock. Water in the eye, worse in the open air, ending with itching, for ten min- utes. Heat in the corner of the left nostril, and stitch at the tip of the nose, for fifteen minutes. Pain at the fore- head, with beating in the left side, for ten minutes. 75. Merry, she laughs about every thing. Desire to vomit after dinner, when inclining her head forward. Difficult digestion, weight on the stomach. Salt, thick and difficult sputa. Pains for five minutes, from the shoulder to the middle of the "back, with lancinations hindering breathing. 80 Pain passing quickly through the right side of the head, from the top of the left parietal bone to the eyebrow. Desire for tea. Lancinations in the ears. Pain at the cardia as if cut with a penknife, short-lasting. Thirst, dry mouth. 85. No sleep at night, the whole body feels tired as in the third night. Seventh day. Pain in the left lung, striking through the back, and worse when carrying any thing heavy ; for twelve hours. Stitch in the left side; when drawing breath, the pain is felt like a cut with a knife, and, after a short interval, coalesces with the former pain ; three times. Urine clear, white and not very thick. Sense as of a string at the right breast, painless. 90 Pain in the teeth of the left lower jaw, striking to the ear, and rendering her deaf for three min- utes. She feels as if a string were pulled from the shoul- der to the ear. Toothache, the teeth are soft and on edge, LEPIDIUM BONARIENSE. 105 all day ; every day since she took the drug, not at night. Violent drawing pain from the shoulder to the ear, hindering the motion of the head for three minutes. Shuddering, with paleness, and margins around the eyes. 95 The fever abates by covering herself and exciting a profuse perspira- tion ; it is succeeded by malaise. Eighth day. Cough at night, light sleep. Sad dreams, with fear on waking, for a quarter of an hour. Itching at the tongue, like prickings, for five minutes. Itching at the nip- ples, swelling of the glands, hardness of the breasts ; the itching does not last long. 100* Pain at the pit of the stomach, which strikes to the left breast and shifts about ; stitch in both places at the same time. Itching under the chin, from ear to ear ; proceeding from the throat. Dry hack- ing cough which causes a desire to spit, and, after repeated efforts, produces a salt saliva. Pain in the left lower jaw, extending to the shoulder, for five minutes. Pain as if a pen- knife were thrust in, with itching at the biceps muscle. 105 Pricking at the temple with itching, which spreads all over, all day. Pain at the shoulder-blade as if a pin were stuck through the bone, for three minutes. Pain in the middle- finger, while running, the finger remained stretched for some minutes. Pain from the left hip to the knee, with weakness of the leg which abates when sitting down. Pain and beat- ing in the left jaw, for ten minutes. H0 Vertigo and de- sire to vomit in the evening. Cough with hoarse voice. SECOND PROVING. First day. Heavy sleep, with numbness on waking ; sen- sation as if the whole body were bruised. Drawing pain from the throat to the arm ; her tongue is thick as if very much swollen. Second day. The left arm is very numb, pain in the left shoulder, as if beaten by hammers. 115. Stitching pain at the pit of the stomach, after eating. Crampy pain in the right hand, followed by shuddering all over. Third day. No sleep until midnight. At seven in the morning, itching at the corner of the right lip. ,Nose swol- 5* 106 BRAZILIAN PATHEGENESIS. len on the left side, with pain, which is less in the open air and worse when the parts are touched. 120. Painless la- chrymation. Itching on the back of the hands. Weariness. Desire to vomit, worse after half an hour ; passes off by stirring about. Pain in the pit of the stomach as from a band cutting the body in two, for half an hour. 125, Pain at the bend of the knee, as if a tendon were slowly drawn in- wards. Buzzing in the left ear. Rheumatic pain at the right shoulder-blade, for some minutes. Drowsy from noon to three o'clock. Headache above the orbits and in the temples, worse when raising the eyes or touching the parts. 130* Pain in the pectoralis major, commencing under the axilla, and, in a few minutes, extending to the heart. Worm-colic in the lower part of the abdomen, for five minutes, with in- effectual effort to go to stool, and with tenesmus. Frequent yawning. Pain at the right arm, like a blow with the ham- mer, and numbness. Vertigo while steadying a basin with water, the head inclining forward. 135. Pain in the right cheek, passing off by pressing on the bony eminence. Com- pression as by a band around the waist, especially at the epi- gastrium. Feeling of weakness in the stomach, with faint feeling. Crampy pain in the right side of the neck, extend- ing to various parts of the shoulder and arm ; relieved by pressure. Colic caused by the damp air. 140. Coldness at the stomach, extending over the chest as far as the throat. Pain with twitching of the muscles under the right breast, extending and diminishing towards the axilla. Rheumatic pain and stiffness of the left index-finger, which remains stretched for some minutes. Contusive pain at the right hip, lessened by pressure. A cake remains arrested in the oeso- phagus, after which it suddenly falls into the stomach with a shaking sensation; the same symptom is experienced in drink- ing. 145. Heat at the tip of the tongue as from spice, and sensation as if the papilloe would expand and open. The abdominal functions are regular. Dark urine. Stitching pain in the left axilla. Shuddering and cold sweat in the air. 150. Violent coryza, inflammation, itching at the nose. The limbs feel bruised. Desire for cressis, with loathing when LEPIDIUM BONARIENSE. 107 seeing it. Contraction of the leg, with stiffness of the bend of the knee. Fourth day. Sensation as if a knife were plunged into the epigastrium from without inwards. 155- Dry cough, with loss of breath. Violent shock across the middle of the back. Throbbing in the head, from within outwards, causing her to incline the head forwards. She imagines she is abandoned in a church-yard, pursued by a phantom, and cries though nobody hears her, with loss of voice next morning. Lancination from the ear to the shoulder. 160- Beating in the forehead, causing her to incline her head forward, not long. Sensation like a blow at the left big toe. Merry after the sadness of the previous days (curative effects). Desire for fruit and loathing of food. Fifth day. Bleeding from the right nostril, the blood is black and coagulated, with itching. 165- Pain in the right eye as from some round weight, resting upon it, with itching in the inner canthus. Pain in the shoulder extending around the neck like a band, with stitch in the pit of the stomach and nape of the neck. Pricking and pressing pain around the head. Crampy pain in the left hand. The nose bleed continues until one o'clock, when it becomes violent, with red and bright blood. Sixth day. 170' Deep sleep. Pain as if a penknife were stuck along the jaw, short-lasting. Crampy pain be- hind the neck, for five minutes. Short pain from the temple to the chin, as if the face were cut with a razor. Beating in the pit of the stomach, with pricking, worse when drawing breath, not long. 175- Pain from the left ear to the lower part of the neck, along the course of the carotid, worse when inclining the head toward the right. The left ear feels as if stopped up, she does not hear any thing with it. Loathing of meat. Seventh day. Pain in the back as from a nail, extending to the intra-scapular region. Pain in the right side arresting the breathing. t80- Shuddering all over as when the fever commences. Heat after the cold, especially in the renal region. Constrictive pain at the heart, extending to 108 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. the left axilla. Desire to vomit, for half an hour. Pricking at the tip of the middle-finger, drawing it up, so that she is unable to stretch it. THIRD PROVING. First day. -185' Very drowsy, shuddering in the legs as before an attack of fever, very short. At 8, stitch in the left side, disappearing of itself. At 11, tightness in the forehead as if pressed upon, for 15 minutes. Constant physical and moral torpor. Constant dull pain in the head. 190- Fre- quent yawning. Desire to vomit before eating. Violent headache at 4 in the afternoon. Dull pain in the abdomen, especially on the right side, not aggravated by pressure. Headache with heat at the fore-part of the vertex. 195- Absence of ideas ; inability to think, with indifference for everything. Comatose condition without being able to sleep. Weight at the eyelids, with desire to close them. The outer air feels very fresh. Pricking in the left side of the face. 200- Thirst. Desire for coffee. Internal heat, and restlessness after lying down, she has to get up again. Pulling at the forehead and at the root of the nose. Heat in the stomach, with feeling of dryness and irritation. 205. Throbbing in the back, which seems to proceed from the aorta. Aversion to milk. Desire to walk about. Passing heat in the back, followed by a general shuddering. Second day. No sleep at night, general restlessness followed by prickings all over, all night. 210- Eyelids weary, she raises them with difficulty all night. At 4, pains in the abdomen, on the right side, the same as the night previous. Third day. The same restlessness, as the night before, followed by sleeplessness. Pain in the left arm, she is scarcely able to raise it, not long. Sickness at the stomach, followed by a desire to vomit, before a meal, 215- Lan- cinations in the right eye, without redness, for three hours. Fourth day. Sickness at the stomach before eating. Weariness in the legs for three hours. Heat in the back, not long, followed by shuddering. LEPIDIUM BONARIENSE. 109 FOURTH PROVING. Second day. At 10 in the morning, pain all along the trunk, from above downwards. 220- Pulling in the course of the left sartorius muscle. At 2, pain in the left gluteus maximus, as if contracted and twisted. At 6, pain as if cut with a penknife, under the left axilla. Third day. Laming pain at the left arm, when holding it still for a time. Dreams about dead bodies, at night. Fourth day. 225- At 11, distress at the pit of the stomach, with desire to vomit. Physical and moral prostration, loss of appetite, loathing of food. At 2, heat in the head, with cold sweat and a little fever. Constant desire to gape. At 6, heat in the head, no sweat. 230- Diarrhoea. At 8 in the evening, violent colic, less when sitting, flatulence from the bowels. Sour eructations. Fifth day. At 7 in the morning, the abdomen feels sen- sitive as if sore. Sensitiveness of the hairy scalp. 235- Short breathing. The abdomen feels better. At 11, burn- ing in the eyes. At 12, quick beating on the right shoulder, as with a little hammer, for a minute. At 2, stitch in the abdomen, on the left side. 240- From 4 to 7, faint feeling in the stomach. Sixth day. At half past 6, pain in the gluteus maximus, for one hour. Seventh day. At 3, palpitation of the heart. At night, while lying, suffocative fit. Foul eructations all day. 245- Nightly pain in the whole abdomen. At 5, buzzing in the right ear, for two minutes. FIFTH PROVING. First day. Violent lancinations in the right side of the chest for a few minutes, below the third rib, every few mo- ments. Acute pain at the inner side of the right tibia. Second day. Heaviness of the body. 250- Drowsy all day. Bad night, nervous restlessness. Pains in the left brain, spreading from above the left eye (which experiences a contractive sensation) to the vertex, the back part of the head, and lastly to the nape of the neck where they remain 110 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. seated for a time. The pains seem to be seated in the cere- bral membranes, and succeed each other, never appear simultaneously. Sharp stitching pain, in the region of the heart, with lancinations under the false ribs. Violent head- ache, as if a hammer were beating inside and as if the brain were bounding in an empty space, for half an hour. 255- Sharp pain in the right lower jaw-bone, all the teeth being sound. Palpitation of the heart. Third day. Night less restless. Sleeps all the time. Heaviness of the head, with an undefined feeling of malaise in the brain, especially on the left side. 260- Painful sensation at the right zygoma, for a short time. Fourth day. On waking, acute pains in the head and posterior cervical muscles. Intense lancinating pains in the muscles of the right hand, and its phalangeal articulations. Two hours, similar sensations in the right shoulder-blade, accompanied by pains 'in the right wrist, all these pains are well marked, but short. Fifth day. Restless nighr, without any apparent cause ; no sleep. Sixth day. 265- Prickling in the eyes, in the evening, as from some astringent body. Eyeball and lids congested. Lancinations in the right shoulder-blade. Seventh day- Continual redness and pain in the eyes. Lancinating pains above the eyes and in the temples. Eighth day. 270- Eyes still red, but less ; no prickling. Ninth day. Eyes well. Thirteenth day. Acute and repeated pains in the cervical muscles, and those of the left shoulder-blade. Violent head- ache in the morning, which lasts until 2 o'clock. Fourteenth day. Heavy and drowsy. Fifteenth day. 275- Recurrence of the pains in the neck and shoulder-blade, in the morning. Heavy and drowsy ; unable to apply himself to a serious work ; at 3, continued his work with ease. Sixteenth day. Acute pains in the muscles of the neck and shoulder-blade. Violent headache, in the evening, with LEPIDIUM BONARIENSE. Ill sense of compression in the forehead ; from temple to temple. Dry mouth and throat. Seventeenth to nineteenth day. 280- Violent headache, all day, from ten every morning until night. Violent palpitation of the heart. Violent pains in the muscles of the neck, thigh and left leg, frequently recurring, but short. (Rising of air in the evening, without acidity). Twentieth day. No headache. Same symptoms as on the preceding days, in the muscles of the left side. 285- Passing palpitations. Eructations. Loathing of food, espe- cially meat. Pains in the maxillary bones, as if all the teeth were affected. Twenty-first day. Lancination above the left eye and in the left temple. 290- Lancinations in the left jaw-bone. No appetite, loathing of meat. Twenty-second and -third day. No appetite. Pains in the left side of the head. 295- Palpitations of the heart. Twenty-fourth day. The stomach feels better. Slight darlings in the head, always on the left side. Twenty-fifth day. The appetite returns. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. MENTAL AND MORAL : 1. She imagined the floor was sinking under her. Inability to think. She imagines she is pursued by a phantom in a church-yard, cries, with loss of voice next morning. Vertigo, with desire to .vomit. 5. Vertigo when stooping slightly. Sad and quarrelsome. HEAD : Painful pressure on the head. Headache, with heat at front-part of vertex. Headache above the orbits and in the temples. 10. Constrictive pain in the head. Head- ache, with sense of compression in forehead. Beating head- ache, as if the brain were bounding. Pains in the left brain, spreading to the occiput and nape of the neck. Boring pain in the vertex. 15. Pricking and pressing pain round the head. Throbbing in the head, causing one to bend it for- ward. Pricking at the temple, and itching all over. Tight- ness of the forehead. Pulling at the forehead and root of 112 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. the nose. 20- Lancinations in left side of the head. Heaviness of the head, with indescribable malaise in the brain, especially the left. Heat in the head, with cold sweat and fever. Sensitiveness of the hairy scalp. FACE, EYKS, EARS : Pain in the right cheek, passing off by pressing on the bone. 25- Pricking in left side of the face. Cutting pain from the temple to the chin, across the face. Heat in left side of the face. Heat in the corner of the left nostril, with stitch in the tip. Nose swollen and painful on the left side. 30- Coryza, inflammation, itching of the nose. Discharge of black blood from the right nostril. Heat in the nose, with sensation as of a current of cold air in left nasal fossa. Buzzing in the right ear. Beating pain above the left ear. 35- Itching in the right ear, worse when stooping. Darlings in the ears. Buzzing in left ear. Pricking pain round the right ear. Prickling in the eyes. 40- Burning in the eyes. Eyelids weary at night. Red- ness and pains of the eyes. Darlings in the right eye. Dimness of sight as if looking through a white gauze. 45- Lachrymation, with itching. Pain in right eye as from a round weight resting upon it. TEETH, JAWS : Slicking pain in the jaw. Painful beating in the left jaw. Lancinations in the left jaw. 50- Pains in the jaws, as if in the teeth. Pain in the lower teeth, with deafness. Toothache, as if soft and on edge. Stitching pain in the lower gums. Itching under the chin, from ear to ear. MOUTH, THROAT : 55. Pricking itching at the tongue. Drawing pain from the tongue to the arm, with sensation as if the tongue were swollen. Smarting at the tip of the tongue. Dry mouth and throat. Heat in the throat with desire to vomit and noise in the ears on swallowing. GASTRIC : 60. Aversion to meat. Desire for tea. De- sire for fruit, with loathing of food. Desire for cressis, with loathing when seeing it. Desire for chocolate and salad, vinegar. 65. Desire for coffee. Desire to vomit. Sour eructations. Foul eructations. Prostration with loathing of food. 70. Loathing of food. A cake descends LEPIDIUM BONARIENSE. 113 into the stomach suddenly, with a shaking sensation. Op- pression after eating. STOMACH, BOWELS : Faint feeling in stomach. Distress in pit of stomach, with desire to vomit. 75- Heat in stomach, with feeling of dryricss. Sickness at the stomach, followed by a desire to vomit, before eating. Pain at the pit of the stomach, after eating. Stitching pain in the pit of the stomach after eating. Weak feeling in the stomach. 80- Pain in the pit of the stomach, as if cut through. Beating and pricking in the pit of the stomach. Throbbing at the epigastrium. The abdomen feels sensitive. Cut- ting pain at the cardia. 85- Lancinations in the abdomen and sides. Worm-colic, with teriesmus. Compression as by a band round the waist. Colic in damp air. Sense as of a knife being plunged into the epigastrium. 90- Colic. Stitch in left side of abdomen. STOOL, URINARY, &c. : Diarrho3a. Weight and pressure at the bladder when urinating. Dark urine. BRONCHIAL : 95. Dry cough, with loss of breath. Cough with hoarseness. Hacking cough, with salt saliva. Cough with slight spitting of blood. Salt, thick sputa. 100- Stitch in the right lung. Pain in the right side, arrest- ing the breathing. Twitching pain in the muscles under the right breast. Coldness from the stomach to the throat. Pain in the pectoralis major. 105. Sense as of a string at the right breast. Pain in the left lung, through to the back. Itching at the nipples, swelling of the glands, hard- ness of the breasts. Sensation as of a band in the side. Pricklings between the breasts. HO. Pain all along the trunk. Lancinations in the right chest. Shortness of breath. Palpitation of the heart, with pain hindering breathing. Convulsive trembling of the heart. H5. Sense as of a knife slowly penetrating into the heart. Constrictive pain at the heart, extending to the left axilla. Palpitation of the heart. Sharp stitching pain in the region of the heart, with lancinations under the false ribs. BACK : Acute pains in the muscles of the neck and shoulder-blade. 120- Pricklings from the shoulder-blade 114 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. along the right side of the neck. Sensation as if a string were pulled from the shoulder to the ear. Crampy pain in right side of the neck, extending to the arm. Darting from the ear to the shoulder. Pain from the shoulder round the neck, like a band, with a stitch in the pit of the stomach and nape of the neck. 125. Crampy pain behind the neck. Pain in the side of the neck, worse when turn- ing the head to the right side. Throbbing in the back, Passing heat in the back, followed by shuddering all over. Darting in the spine of the shoulder-blade, shifting to the other shoulder. 130. Pains from the shoulder to the back, with lancinations hindering breathing. Sticking pain at the shoulder-blade. Shock across the back. Pain in the back as from a nail. UPPER EXTREMITIES : Stitching pain in the left axilla. 135- Formication above the left shoulder. Pain under the left axilla, as if cut with a penknife. Quick throbbing on the right shoulder. Violent pain in left arm, worse when covered ; she cannot stretch it. Pain as from a blow at the right arm, with numbness. 140- Numbness of the left arm, with pain in the shoulder as if beaten by hammers. Darting from the elbow to the shoulder-blade. Pain in left arm, she can scarcely raise it. Laming pain at left arm, when, holding it still. Crampy pain in left hand. 145- Itching on the back of the hands. Crampy pain in the right hand, followed by shuddering all over. Lancinating pains in the muscles of the right hand and shoulder-blades. Rheumatic pain and stiffness of left index-finger. Crampy pain at the right ring-finger. 150- Pain in the bone of the left thumb, with trembling when attempting to use it. Prickling at the tip of the middle-finger, which draws it up. LOWER EXTREMITIES: Contusive pain at the right hip. Pulling along the left sartoritis muscle. Pain in left gluteus maximus as if contracted. 155- Contraction of the leg, with stiffness of the bend of the knee. Acute pain at inner side of right tibia. Pain from the left hip to the knee, with weakness of the leg. Pain in the bend of the knee as if a tendon were slowly drawn inwards. Pain as if scratched at PANACEA. 115 the feet, followed by heat. 160- Sense as of a blow at the left big toe. SLEEP, &c. : Desire to gape. No sleep after midnight, with pains all over when stirring. Comatose condition, but no sleep. Heavy sleep, with numbness and sense as if bruised on waking. 165. Drowsy, and shuddering in the legs. Restless at night, followed by prickings all over. Heavy and drowsy. Restless night. Suffocative fit at night. 170. She dreams that she is talking with dead per- sons. Sad dreams with fear on waking. Dreams about dead bodies. Internal heat with restlessness ; she has to rise. Heat after the cold, especially in the renal region. 175. Shuddering and cold sweat in the air. Violent pain in the muscles of the neck, thigh and left leg. The limbs feel bruised. PANACEA. WE regret to say that we lost the drawings and the notes which we had collected about the tree called by the Brazilians "panacea" on account of the many ailments for which they use it. It is called in Brazil, azougue dos pobres (mercury of the poor), cabedula, and erva carneira. This tree is exceedingly common in Brazil ; knowing its name, foreign homoeopathists will find it perhaps easier to procure the plant. First day. 1. Heaviness in the forehead, worse when drowsy, at 10 in the evening. Heat followed by considerable cold, at half past 10. Second day. Bitter mouth, in the morning after rising, at 5. Pain at the shoulder-blade by turning the head to the left side. 5- Nausea. Spasmodic yawning arrested sud- denly. Cramp from the index-finger to the elbow. Violent headache, worse when inclining to the left side, at 6. Pain at the forehead and temples. 10- Pain at the loins as if bruised, at 6. Globus hystericus at the pit of the stomach, she cannot lace herself. Hunger, with loathing of food. 116 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Fainting turn. Pain from the right wrist to the elbow. 15- Vertigo with increase of the headache, at 6. Heaviness of the head. Drowsy. Tearing, from the chest to the throat, at 7. Pain like a blow with a hammer, at the left shoulder. 20- Dizziness, she inclines backwards as if she would fall, at half past 7 in the evening. Pain at the navel as if cut. by a penknife, all around the abdomen and terminating in the loins. Heat at the tongue, with sensation as if little drops of ice-water were upon it, at 9 in the morn- ing. Pain at the temples as if in a vice. Very drowsy at noon, with heaviness of the eyes. 25. Cramps from the feet to the bends of the knees. Empty feeling in the stomach, with desire to eat. Hunger causing a burning at the stomach. The knees give way, at 4 in the evening. De- sires to be alone. 30. Shuddering in the open air, at 7 in the evening. She cannot kneel for any length of time. Pain in the chest, rising upwards, with pulling. Pain above the orbits as if a rusty saw were rapidly moved across the part. Sensation as if the toe-nail were torn off. 35. Weariness as after a long journey, at 8 in the evening. Third day. Numbness of the left hand, it cannot be stirred, at 6 in the morning. Pain as if stabbed with a knife, in the sides and navel. Pain in a decayed tooth, as if a penknife were thrust in, at 7 in the morning. Aching pain at the vertex, with dizziness ; this pain shifts to the left eye, followed by sensation as if a rocket were rushing out of it, at half past 7. 40- Sense of choking at 9 in the morning. Trembling of the right hand. Dissatisfied with herself, every thing is unpleasant to her. Headache which increases her dissatisfaction. Shuddering all over. HAHNEMANN'S ARRANGEMENT. HEAD, &c.: Vertigo. Dissatisfied with herself, more so when she has the headache. Pain at the temples as if in a vice. Aching pain at the vertex with dizziness, shifting to the left eye, with sensation as if a rocket were rushing out of it. Heaviness in the forehead. Headache worse when in- clining the head to the left side. Sawing pain above the SOLANUM TUBEROSUM ^EGROTANS. 117 orbits. Pain in a decayed tooth, as if a penknife were thrust in. Heat at the tongue, with sensation as if little drops of ice-water were upon it. Sense of choking. GASTRIC, &c. : Hunger with burning at the stomach. Nausea. Hunger, with loathing of food. Bitter mouth, after rising from bed. Globus hystericus at the pit of the stomach. Empty feeling in the stomach. Pain in the sides and navel as if stabbed with a knife. Cutting pain, from the navel all around the abdomen. Pulling pain in the chest. Tearing from the chest to the throat. Pain at the loins as if bruised. EXTREMITIES : Pain at the shoulder-blade when turning the head to the left side. Pain in the right fore-arm. Trembling of the right hand. Numbness of the left hand. Cramp from the index-finger to the elbow. Cramps in the legs. Sensation as if the toe-nails were torn off. Pain at left shoulder as from a blow. Spasmodic yawning. Shuddering all over. Shuddering in the open air. Heat followed by cold. Weariness. Fainting turn. SOLANUM TUBEROSUM ^EGROTANS. SOL. T. JEG. DISEASED POTATO. A description of the potato in a work destined for European pharmaceutists and physicians, would be entirely useless ; so well and so universally known is this plant in Europe. However, since our work will get into the hands of persons who are less familiar with the productions of the European continent, we deem it advisable to subjoin a drawing and a short description of this plant. The potato is a native of Chili ; it is an herbaceous plant, with a branchy stem about one or two feet high. Its leaves are pinnatifid, with leaflets that are oval, entire, slightly hairy on their lower surface and almost opposite. Smaller folioles sometimes arise between the larger ones. The flowers constitute corymbs either erect or inclined ; calice in five parts ; corol of a white violet with five equal divisions ; five stamens attached to the basis of the corol ; one style and stigma, fleshy berry with two chambers. 118 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. The roots develop tubercles of different sizes and called potatoes. The potato-rot first reveals itself by brown spots irregularly distributed through the interior of the tubercles ; gradually these spots are transformed into white points of a cottonny appearance which may be compared to the cryp- togamia termed byssus, and found on damp wood. From this point a general process of decomposition sets in, and the potato exhales an insupportable nauseous odor. In our provings we have made use of a potato in an entire state of decomposition, without, however, being completely rotten ; there were brown portions intermingled with those byssus- shaped parts described above. HOMCEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF THE POTATO-ROT. Human pathology is not the only field of the homosopa- thist. He should take an interest in every species of suffering, and endeavor to restore the harmony of the organic kingdom wherever it has been disturbed by some accidental cause. Homoeopathy is a vast, unitary science. The healing art is one ; there is no such thing as one healing art for man and another for the animal, though it is on man that we should prove our drugs because he is the complex of the various kingdoms of nature. SOLANUM TUBEROSUM ^EGROTANS. 119 The question now occurs, how is the potato-rot to be treat- ed? It is evident that the great point is to prevent the dis- ease, and, for this purpose, we must endeavor to remove the cause. Principiis obsta, has ever been the fundamental rule of medical treatment. In order to attain this end, we have deemed it necessary first to ascertain the effects which the diseased potato would produce on a healthy person and afterwards to find out what drugs produce similar effects. We might have instituted our provings on the potato itself, and, among a number of drugs, might have discovered the one that would produce a disease similar to the rot. But this mode of investigation would have been too long and uncertain, whereas the proving on the human body is simple and direct, and is, we think, the true mode which Providence has designed we should pursue even in regard to the potato-rot. It is true, man cannot be assimilated to the myriads of or- ganized beings that surround us ; man constitutes the highest link in the chain of beings ; he is the complex of the animal life on our globe, and the most perfect type to which all in- ferior existences can be referred ; he is a microcosm con- taining all the wonders of the universe ; he is the responsible administrator of this earth. Man alone is able to produce a true pathogenesis by revealing the most evanescent as well as the most characteristic and most permanent symptoms, or lesions of sensation. On plants and animals we can only perceive disordered functions, disorganizations ot tissues, or acute pains as manifested by gestures or cries ; but the truly dynamic action can only be properly perceived and described by man. The veterinary homceopathist does very well in selecting his remedy by the human pathogenesis. Why should not the same mode be applicable to vegetables ? We have in vited our fellow-beings to try it; we have not only invited them to teach, and to cure, and to make themselves sick, in order to discover the true means of healing ; but we have encouraged them to suffer themselves to be persecuted, and even imprisoned, as a reward for their labors of love, we have 120 BRAZILIAN .PATHOGENESIS. said to them ; whilst the world is hesitating whether it should accept or reject the blessing offered by Hahnemann, let us lose no time ; there are other regions where the evi is still triumphant, and where truth is not even known by- name ; let us expel error from its last hiding-places. And we have never failed in meeting corresponding souls that would hear us and follow us. And thus it is that homoeo- pathy, this physical reflex of the Christian redemption, com- bats evil by itself, pursuing it from region to region until it shall have been exterminated from the world. Now let us describe the practical part of our proving. From the first, frontal headaches, with pressure above the orbits, have been observed with much regularity not only by the three provers whose symptoms are published, but also by other provers who continued the proving only for a few days. Until the 20th day, these headaches were often accom- panied by fever, with chill, heat, sweat, shudderings followed by sore throat, cough and greenish mucous expectoration. The palpitation of the heart which occurs during the whole period of the proving, and with particular violence at the end of the third proving, appears to be represented in the case of the second prover by violent muscular pulsations occurring in the same chronological order. The hard, large- sized, fragmentary stools, and their painful expulsion which sometimes caused a falling of the rectum ; the frequent emission of flatulence preceded or accompanied by colic, with sensitiveness of the abdominal integuments in the case of the first prover, are very constant symptoms of this drug ; they were observed from the first and increased until the last days of the proving. We will likewise point to the general or partial weakness, which, in the case of the third prover, were followed by violent pains in the loins. The white coating of the tongue which was observed on the first day, gradually limited itself to a yellow line along the middle. Among the less general symptoms which were observed during the whole time of the proving, we may note the want of appetite, the bitter taste of food, the cutaneous SOLANUM TUBEROSUM ^IGROTANS. 121 eruptions, the swelling of the mucous membrane of the palate, the thick urine, and lastly the pain in the groin or the right ileo-femoral articulation. In the emotive sphere the drug induced a great irritability. The dreams about a change of form occurred very generally to the three provers. The second prover had the same dreams on two successive nights. After a careful comparison of the symptoms of the Solanum tuberosum aegrotans with those of the other known remedies of our Materia Medica, we have found them to agree with the symptoms of the following drugs which we enumerate in the order of their importance : 1. Bryonia ; 9. Pulsatilla ; 2. Arsenicum ; 10. Graphites ; 3. Plumbum; 11. Alumina; 4. Nux-vomica ; 12. Mercurius ; 5. Sepia ; 13. Natrum-mur. ; 6. Strontiana ; 14. Ignatia ; 7. Viola-tricolor; 15. Calcarea, 8. Squilla ; We have no doubt that Bryonia and Arsenicum will pre- vent the rot ; but, to be frank, we believe that, in this case at least, the isopathic method of treatment will prove more successful than the homoeopathic. It is well known that the mode of preparing our drugs for medicinal purposes, modifies their action a good deal. This result is principally obtained by rubbing them down with sugar of milk, which is riot an inert substance as Hahnemann believed, but is on the con- trary endowed with the most useful powers of action. The sugar of milk effects a preliminary digestion of the drug, and, by imparting to it vital qualities, fits it for medicinal purposes. Do we not know that certain animal products are preferable to corresponding mineral substances ? Is not the calcarea prepared from the oyster-shell preferable to the chemically prepared carbonates and phosphates of lime ? Are not the poisons of serpents destined to occupy the first rank among the polychrests ? 6 122 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. To return to our subject, the medicinal preparation obtained from the diseased potato is not the original poison as used by nature, but the poison modified in consequence of its having been previously engrafted on a living tubercle. Our mode of inoculating either the isopathic or homoeo- pathic preparation is as follows. Before putting the potato in the ground we perforate it with a big needle, and into this hole we insert a single globule of the third attenuation. This operation is simple and easy. It can be applied on a large scale and we think that by its means the potato will be preserved for a long time yet to the European con- tinent. First prover : Van-Dyck, 26 years old, of a sanguine nervous temperament and a robust constitution. First day. 1. Painful stitch in the right side, a few mo- ments after taking the drug. Acidity and eructations, at 9 in the evening. Second day. On waking, weight above the eyes and in the forehead, as the morning after being intoxicated. Shud- dering and sensation of cold internally, at noon. 5- Scanty and difficult stool, in the shape of small hard balls, in the evening. Third day- He dreams that he is to dress and draw the body of a drowned man ; this body bounded up every moment and fell back either on his clothes or on his drawing board. The mucuous membrane of the palate seems to detach itself here and there. Cross ; he blames every thing, and cannot bear that any thing near him should be disturbed. Fourth day. Difficult stool in small red balls. Fifth day. 10- Stool as above. Sixth day. Horrid colic, as if the bowels were violently twisted ; 15 minutes after, hard and copious stool, followed by two almost liquid stools (at night). Seventh day. Copious and liquid diarrhoea, of a greenish yellow, in the morning. Prickling around the eyelids ; on their internal surface they are red and congested. Tongue coated white. 15. White sordes on the teeth. (Profuse lachrymation). Little appetite. Pulse rather agitated. SOLANUM TUBEROSUM .EGROTANS. 123 Eighth day. The median line of the abdomen from the sternum to the hypogastrium is painful to the touch. 20- Thirst. Little appetite. Sensation of warmth about the head, at 4 in the evening. Ninth day. Dreams about magic, men being transformed into speaking animals, changes at night, &c. Heat in the canal of the urethra, after urinating. 25- The urine de- posits a yellowish sediment. Small pimples on the back, causing a violent itching. Sneezing in going up-stairs. Tenth day. Heaviness on the eyes. Slight beating in the temples. 30- Mounting of heat to the head from time to time. Eleventh day. Pricking around the eyelids, on waking. Itching of the back. Sweat on doing the least work. Heaviness of the head. Twelfth day. 35- Heaviness in the head which is at times very violent, especially when raising the head again after stooping. Smarting and prickling in the eyes. No stool for five days past. Thirteenth day. Heaviness of the head, worse in the morning than evening. Ordinary stool. 40- Difficult digestion. Sneezing after going up-stairs. Likes to loiter about. Fourteenth day. Heaviness of the head. Ordinary stool. 45. He would like to go to bed, but is too lazy, at 10 in the evening. Pains in the thighs, above the knee-pan. Fifteenth day. (Lachrymation on waking). Slight heavi- ness of the head. Greenish yellow coating on the tongue, along the middle. 50- White slime on the teeth. Head- ache at noon. Lancinations in the region of the heart. Chilliness with chattering of the teeth. Smarting at the eyes, in the evening. 55- Not much appetite. Sneezing. Lips cracked, bleeding and almost raw. Sixteenth day. Smarting at the eyelids. Tongue slightly coated white. 60- White mucus on the teeth. Dreams about his daily business. Flatulence and eructations. Agi- tated pulse. Sneezing at 4 in the afternoon. 65* Smart- ing and prickling at the eyes. 124 BRAZILIAN PATHOQENESIS. Seventeenth day. Colic followed by two stools at 4 in the morning. The right umbilical region is painful to contact. Eighteenth day. Colic. Not much appetite. 70. Sneez- ing at 5 in the evening. Nineteenth day. Prickling in the throat, inducing cough. Dry cough. Twenty-third day. Heaviness of the head on waking. Twenty-fourth day. Headache aggravated by the smell of alcohol and disappearing at 3 in the evening. Twenty-fifth day. 75- Colic on waking. Frequent emis- sion of flatulence. Pains between the shoulders (at 10 in the evening). Twenty-sixth day. He dreams that his hands are cut in pieces. Tickling in the throat causing a cough. Second prover : Charles Dieudonne Jolly, 24 years old, nervous-sanguine temperament, robust constitution. First day. 80. Pressure at the root of the nose. Dreams about religious things. Seco7id day. Heaviness of the head, in the morning. The head and especially the forehead, feel dull as during a catarrh, all the afternoon. Colic after eating. 85- Sexual dream, followed by a dream about women that are changed to animals. Third day. Frequent emission of flatulence, in the morn- ing. Tongue slightly coated white, in the morning. Colic and twisting in the stomach after eating. Salt taste in the throat. 90- Pressure in the forehead and above the orbits. Fifth day. Slight yellowish-white coating on the tongue, in the morning. Heat in the face, at half past 4 in the afternoon. Pain as if sprained at the right coxo-femoral articulation, posteriorly. Flow of ideas, at 5. 95- Beat- ing at the middle portion of the triceps brachialis, at 8. Seventh day. Wakes very early since the third day. Itching at the ball of the thumb, at 9 in the evening. Eighth day. Wakes very early. Thin yellowish coating on the tongue, in the morning. 100- Prickling in the lumbar muscles, at 6 in the afternoon. SOLANUM TUBEROSUM ^EGROTANS. 125 Ninth day. Stitch in the left ring-finger, at 7 in the morning. Stitch and sharp pinching in the right groin, near the inguinal ring ; this pain was felt shortly after an ordinary stool, while raising one leg as if one would mount three steps at once, at 11 in the morning. Beating in the left thigh at 4 in the afternoon, while sitting. Drowsy at half past 7, waking very early. Tenth day. 105- Beating under the right shoulder, at 9 in the evening. Drowsy at 8 o'clock in the evening. Eleventh day. Weight in the left testicle, the whole day, also in the evening while sitting. Twelfth day. Violent pulsations at the lower part of the vastus internus muscle, in. a demi-circle, for an hour and a half, in the morning. Thirteenth day. Beating in the lumbar muscles at 4 in the afternoon. Fourteenth day. HO- Headache. Repeated sneezing, at half past 8 in the evening. Fifteenth day. Sense of weariness in the muscles of the right thigh, after walking. Involuntary crowding of hetero- genous ideas on one's mind while listening to a discourse or attending to some work ; frequently during the proving. Sixteenth day. Tongue coated white, in the morning. 115- Contraction and beating at the left superior eyelid, at 7 in the evening. Slight colic and copious flatulence all night. Seventeenth day. Restless sleep. Flatulence in the evening. Hard and scanty stool. Eighteenth day. 120- He dreams that he will fall from a tower. Violent beating of the heart in raising himself. Pricking in the right side of the tongue, from noon until 3. Roughness in the throat, with thirst, in the evening. Cough and yellowish mucous expectoration, at night. Nineteenth day. 125. He dreams that he is in danger of falling from the roof of a house. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the internal alveolar margin of the two incisores and the left canine tooth. Violent frontal headache and coryza all day. Pain as if sprained at the right scapuio- 126 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIi. humeral articulation, after having rested on the elbow, in the evening, in bed. Restless night. Twentieth day. 130. Confused dreams. Agitated pulse in the morning. Coryza. Twenty-first day. Confused dreams. Frontal headache. 135- Coryza. Agitated pulse. Sweats all over, in the morn- ing, in bed. Strong pulsations at the perineum, loins and right ring-finger, at half past 4. Violent frontal headache at 5 in the afternoon, while walking. HO. Large, hard, fragmentary stool. Urinates all the time during stool. Twenty-third day. Strong pulsations in the vertebral region, in the morning while lying. Whizzing in the left ear, at 5 in the evening. Disposed to remember past jour- neys ; flow of ideas about theories, &c. Twenty-fourth day. 145. Aching pain in the right hypo- gastric region, towards the ring, after a long walk. Twenty-fifth day. Reddish urine, with mucus floating in it. Third prover : Mme Al. /***, 26 years old, of sanguine temperament, good constitution. First day. Tearing in the chest and throat, immediately. Second day. Sexual dream. Dull colic in the hypo- gastric region, at night. Third day. 150- Dream about witchcraft. Difficult di- gestion accompanied by twisting in the stomach, after break- fast and dinner. Hard and knotty stool ; after stool, renewed urging, with smarting at the anus. Falling of the rectum. Sense of contraction at the sphincter. 155- After stool, the rectum alternately descends and returns again. The falling of the rectum is accompanied by shuddering all over, for ten minutes. Fifth day. Palpitation of the heart, at 11 in the evening, while lying. Sixth day. Palpitation of the heart, at 7 in the morning. Colic at the stomach, after eating, at 6 in the evening. Seventh day. 100. Tearing in the throat, at 8 in the morning. Tongue coated white. Eighth day. Restless sleep, she dreams that she is eating SOLANUM TUBEROSUM jEGROTANS. 127 human flesh. The least thing puts her out of humor. Palpi- tation of the heart, at noon. 165- Palpitation of the heart, at 11 in the evening, at three different periods. Ninth day. Thick tongue, at 2 in the morning. Eleventh day. Restless sleep. Cold sweat at night, while lying. Twelfth day. Sense of spraining in the ileo-femoral arti- culation, causing a pain in the womb ; while making a trifling exertion. 170- Flatulence ; sometimes is unable to expel them. Headache. Contraction of the sphincter ani. Lan- cinating pain at the forehead, until 9 in the evening. Twisting colic. 175. Stool always hard and difficult. Heat at the anus, after stool. Weeping of the right eye, for some mi- nutes. Frequent urging to stool. Shuddering all over, every moment, at 9 in the evening. 180- Eructations in the evening. Flatulence in the evening. Quarrelsome mood. Thirteenth day. No sleep. Heat all over, with sweat. 185. Agitated pulse. She dreams that she is floating in a river and cannot get out. Flushes of heat in the face, now and then, especially while eating. These flushes are fol- lowed by chilliness. (Is unable to close her hand). 190- Irregular pulse, at times feeble, at others strong. Frontal headache with dulness, and disposition to incline forwards. Lazy. Weary all over, she has to lie down, at noon. Little appetite. 195. Pressure at the chest. Thirst. Shivering while drinking cold water, or washing her face with it. Headache ceasing for a while and then recom- mencing again. Lancinations with sensation as if the brain would fly to pieces, in going up-stairs. 200. Vivid red- ness on the right malar eminence. Small red pimples on the cheeks. Shuddering now and then. Congestion of the sclerotica. Red face at three in the evening. 205. Flush of heat all over, at half past 3. Sensation, while stooping as if the brain would bound in the skull. Heat at the vertex, which spreads all over, at 4. Sensation in the left hypo- chondrium as if a spring were rolled out. Sense of fainting, she has to stand still. 210. Acute pain in the right pectoralis major when drawing breath. Borborygmi. Twisting 128 BRAZILIAN PATHOOENESIS. ing of the bowels, at half past 10. Colic and shuddering. Dry cough in the evening. 215- Headache decreases in the evening. Flatulence. Red and hot face. The skin of the face peels slightly. Fourteenth day. Heat at night, disturbing the sleep. 220. Sense of weariness in the limbs, on waking. Dulness of the forehead. Tongue coated white. In the morning, taste of raw potatoes. Menstrual blood rose-colored, at 9 in the morning. 225. Borborygmi, in the morning. At the least movement she feels as if a hollow body were turning rapidly round in the chest, with a rattling noise ; she then fancies she will faint, at 8 in the morning. Frontal head- ache all day. Smarting and painful sensation at the fifth dorsal vertebra, when the clothes rub against the part. Little appetite. 230. Stiffness of the posterior cervical muscles. Dark redness and warmth of the cheeks. Heat all over in cold and damp weather. The menstrual flow is interrupted. Repeated sneezing, followed by a slight cough, every evening at 5, from the tenth day. 235. Smell of blood, as if nosebleed would take place, at 7 in the morning. Fifteenth day. Restless sleep. Last evening's dinner does not sit well on her stomach, with acidity at night. Doughy mouth, in the morning. Weariness all over, when rising, 240. Drawing pain in the right lower limb, posteriorly, from the gluteus maximus to the heel. The menstrual flow is interrupted. When bending the knee, pulling pain in the posterior and internal muscles of the thigh. Hypochondria. Sadness. 245- Every thing is disagree- able to her, she would like to go far away. Small pimples on the lower part of the neck and on the right knee, they are very red at the base, with a white point in the centre ; they disappear in an hour. Sense of weight in the nape of the neck, at half past 11. The head feels heavy, she can scarce- ly keep it erect. Pain as from weariness in the back and the posterior muscles of the thighs and arms. 250- Dul- ness of the head. Pain as if bruised, hindering her move- ments in bed. Very hot hands. Slight nosebleed, at 11 in the morning. She walks with difficulty, she fears, she will SOLANUM TUBEROSTJM JEGROTANS. 129 lose her muscular powers. 255. The pain is worse in the day-time and less in the evening. The menstrual flow is interrupted. The epidermis of the face peels off. Numerous small pimples on the face. Desire to stretch. Sixteenth day. 260- No sleep ; disturbed sleep. Oppres- sion; owing to the dinner of last evening not sitting well on her stomach, she has to rise at 3 in the morning. Eruc- tations followed by rumbling in the stomach, ceasing after drinking a glass of water with sugar. Tongue coated white, with a yellow line along the middle. (She would like to break every thing, on account of not being able to under- stand a certain phrase). 265- Doughy mouth, in the night. Alternate heat and shuddering, in the night. (Has the taste of potatoes in the mouth, all night, from last evening's dinner). Beating in the left temple. Stiffness in the poste- rior cervical muscles. 270. The sacrum is painful when touched or during a walk. After eating, choking and diffi- culty of breathing, caused by dryness of the mouth. Very fine pimples and intolerable itching at the labia majora. Seventeenth day. Restless sleep. Is roused at 4 in the morning by a stomach-ache with eructations, for an hour. 275- Headache during a half-slumber. Heaviness at the vertex in the evening. Shuddering and burning, in the evening, in bed. Palpitation of the heart, while lying down. Ringing in the ears as if she would faint. 280. Acute stitch-like pain in the left side, preventing her from turning about in bed. The hair in the axilla sticks together. Eighteenth day. Heaviness at the vertex. Disturbed sleep. Pain at the stomach and redness of the face after breakfast. Nineteenth day. 285- Feels well all over. Prickings at the right internal surface of the sternum. Twentieth day. Sore throat; she is unable to swallow her saliva, in the evening. Distressing pain in the lumbar region, she cannot keep herself erect. Twenty-first day. She feels as if a piece of flesh had grown out in her throat. 290. Lancinating pain in the left iliac region, less in the right. Good appetite. Is un- 6* 130 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. able to walk erect. Complains a good deal about her pain in the loins. Twenty-second day. She is waked by a violent shrill cough which last five hours. 295- The pains in the loins are worse when stooping. Acute pain as if the sacrum were out of place. The pain in the loins causes her to cry out; she walks bent forward, at 11. The least movement causes her an acute pain in the sacro-lumbar articulation. Pain in the posterior part of the right thigh as if a penknife were thrust in. 300- Pain in the left gluteus muscle, accom- panied by nausea. Sensation as if something would become detached from the sacrum. She can neither remain standing nor sitting. Pressure as from an iron bar at the sacro-lum- bar articulation, obliging her to lie down when she feels bet- ter. Formication at the sacrum. 305- Cough as from obstruction of the pharynx. Twenty-third day. Restless sleep. Acute lancinating pain above the right breast, for two hours, in the morning. Pain as if sprained all along the vertebral column, and extend- ing down the posterior muscles of the lower limbs to the heels. The face is dark red. 310- She walks inclined forwards. Heaviness in the stomach, her dinner does not sit well on her stomach, at 9 in the evening. Walking is hindered by the pain in the lumbar vertebrae. Desire for coffee. Twenty-fourth day. Her dinner hurts her all night. 315. Palpitation of the heart, in the night, three different times. Colic with loud emission of flatulence. Incoherent dreams. The pain in the loins is less. Twisting pain through the uterus, at nine in the evening. Twenty-ffth day. 320. Itching wakes her at four in the morning. Dreams about a witch, actors changing to yellow and black. Sense of spraining in the right groin. Slight nosebleed, at six in the evening. Thick urine, with ap- pearance of white mucus some time after standing. Twenty-sixth day. 325. Dreams about fire, then a comedy. The urine continues to show white flocks after standing. Twenty-seventh-day. Slight nosebleed after supper. Vio- lent itching at the labia majora, at two. SOLANUM TUBEROSUM jEGROTANS. 131 Twenty-ninth day. Hard, difficult and large stool. Thirtieth day. 33(K Dreams about a revolution, about a city being destroyed by fire and the sword. Sour eructations exciting her cough. Smarting and itching at the vulva, at two in the afternoon. Thirty-second day. Canine hunger at dinner. Acidity, bitterness and regurgitations after dinner. 335. Hard and large stool. Difficult, fragmentary stool. Painful stool, mak- ing the tears rush to her eyes ; the sclerotica becomes red in consequence of the efforts she is obliged to make. Soapy pale-yellow urine. Colic along the large gut, at nine in the evening. Thirty-third day. 340 Pulling at the stomach, at two in the morning. Mouth dry. Large, dry, hard, difficult stool. Stool breaking off after one half is expelled. Pain and smarting at the rectum, caused by the violent efforts required to expel the stool. 345. Not disposed to work, at eight in the evening. Irresistible drowsiness. Turbid urine, of a dingy-yellow, and covered with an oily pellicle. Dreams about persecutions. Stitches during sleep as though needles were stuck in the spinal marrow; this wakes her. 350. Starting during sleep. Dry mouth with tearing sensation in the chest, at two in the morning. She rises in the night, imagining that thieves are hidden behind the curtains, but she dares not look behind and begs somebody else to do it. Thirty-fourth day. Restless sleep. Anxiety on waking. 355. Cracked tongue, in the morning. Violent palpitations and pulsations with sensation as though the heart were turn- ing about very briskly. The flatulence presses on the uterus. Hard, dry, large stool, expelled with difficulty, and causing the tears to rush to her eyes. Regurgitations and eructations at three. 360 ( Noisy flatulence, at nine in the evening. Thirty-fifth day. Light sleep. Hoarseness on waking. White-coated tongue. Desire for liquor and oranges. Thirty-sixth day. 365t Dry cough day and night. Thirty-seventh day. Dry cough on waking. Burning in the hand and all over. Hard and tense pulse. Tongue white in the middle and red at the tip. 370, Pain at the 132 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. vertex. Sensation as of water splashing in the head. The posterior cervical muscles are stiff. Scarlet-redness of the cheeks. Headache aggravated by work. 375. In bed the sweat smells like potatoes. Tongue very red. Burning hands, with somewhat uneasy pulse. Thirty-eighth day. The breasts have been painful during the whole time of the proving, the pain is worse when mov- ing the arms, it then seems to become seated at the external border of the pectoralis major. Feels chilly all over, cannot get warm, at half past five in the evening. 380. Scarlet- redness of the cheeks. After dinner, her clothes feel too tight. Dry cough for six minutes, at half past ten in the evening. Her thoughts dwell upon her future, which she imagines will be wretched. Fortieth day. Dry cough, in the evening. 385. Dull colic in the lower abdomen. Forty-first day. Premature menses. Discharge of black coagulated blood. For five days the menstrual blood has a very fetid smell, similar to the smell of spoiled fish. Turbid urine of a dingy yellow, depositing a copious whitish sedi- ment. Forty-second day. 390 Burning thirst, as though her mouth were salt. Twitching of the right lower limb. Sen- sitiveness of the hairy scalp and of the roots of the hairs. Tearing at the vertex ; she cannot bear the least covering on her head. Forty-third day. Hoarseness on rising which disappears immediately. The same hoarseness in the evening, not long. Forty-fourth day, 395. Tearing sensation in the throat, with accumulation of phlegm which it is difficult to get loose. Expectoration consisting of yellowish lumps. The phlegm seems to cover the whole anterior portion of the throat. The pain in the throat disappears after talking and stirring about. Sensitiveness of the hairy scalp, every day ; she feels a pulling in it which does not allow her to bear the comb. 400. In the morning, raising of black coagulated blood. In the morning she blows bloody mucus from the nose. Nose- bleed every morning, from forty-second to forty-fourth day. SOLANUM TUBEROSUM JEGROTANS. 133 She dreams of battles, dead bodies and an immense pool of blood. Forty-fifth day. She dreams about green men, covered with moss and living in the water ; these men were changed to dogs. Forty-sixth day. 405* At dinner, the dishes taste to her bitter as gall. Forty-seventh day. Sensation as of some obstacle in her throat which she is unable to expel, followed by the expecto- ration of a small, hard, yellowish-gray lump. The urine de- posits less, though still turbid. When attempting to sing, violent palpitations of the heart prevent her from articulating the sound ; her breathing is stopped, she feels as though she would faint. (Her face is scarlet-red.) Fiftieth day. 410t Strong palpitations of the heart, with oppression, and disposition to faint. She is on the point of fainting, a glass of water brings her to. Fifty- first day. Palpitation of the heart. Fifty-second day. Heat on the malar eminences and fore- head, when going out to the open air. Palpitations of the heart, after supper. 415* The palpitation was irregular, stopped for a moment, and then reappeared with redoubled vigor. These palpitations are accompanied by oppressions, less when lying down. Alternate subcutaneous pulsations or beatings above the knee-pan, in the two legs. She does not wish to hear anything in explanation and is out of humor. Red face, and congestion of blood to the sclerotica. Fifty-third day. 420. Palpitation of the heart the whole day. It is caused by the act of swallowing. The palpita- tion is instantaneous and corresponds to the superior portions of the thorax. (Her lower limbs tremble on account of the hunger.) ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. EMOTIVE SPHERE. 1, Quarrelsome, irritable mood. Dread of work. Hypochondriac mood. She wants to enjoy a change of scenery, &c. She fancies she is miserable, and dwells much on the future. 134 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENES1S. SENTIENT SPHERE. 5 Crowd of ideas. His attention is easily disturbed by other things. HEAD : Heat in the head, evening. Heaviness of the head ; in the vertex ; on stooping and then raising the head again. Catarrhal dulness of the head, especially the fore- head. 10, Headache at noon ; increased by the smell of spirits. The head feels too heavy, she has to make an effort to support it. Pressure above the eyes, on waking. In the forehead : violent pain, all day ; stitching pain ; with dulness of the head, and disposition to fall forwards Slight beating in the temples. 15, Sensation as if the hair would be torn out on the vertex. EYES : Prickling about the lids, the surface of which is red. Spasmodic contraction and twitching of the left upper lid. Burning in the lids. Prickling and burning in the eyes. 20. Congestion of the conjunctiva. Lachrymation on waking. EARS : Ringing in the left ear. NOSE : Repeated sneezing, followed by feeble cough. Nosebleed. FACE : 25* Face hot and red. Mounting of heat to the face, now and then. Upper lip bleeding, cracked. TEETH : Swelling of the mucous membrane of the inner margin of the two incisores. Teeth covered with white mucus. MOUTH : 30, Dry mouth. Salt taste. Taste of raw po- tatoes. The mucous membrane of the velum palati seems to become detached here and there. Tongue swollen, cracked, early in the morning ; coated white or yellowish-white ; or coated white, with red tip, or yellowish along the median line. 35. Prickling in the right half of the tongue. THROAT : Inflamed fauces, she is unable to swallow the saliva. APPETITE : Canine hunger. Food tastes bitter as gall- Great desire for liquor and oranges. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS : 40. Eructations followed by rumbling in the stomach. Sour eructations causing a cough. Acidity, SOLANUM TUBEROSUM ^EGROTANS. 135 bitterness, and gulping-up, after eating. Cardialgia after breakfast, dinner, and supper. STOMACH : Pain in the stomach, with red face, after break- fast. 45 Spasmodic pains, griping-tearing at night. ABDOMEN : Pains and working in the bowels, early in the morning. Painfulness of the abdomen to contact along the median line. In the abdomen : pain after eating ; spasmodic pains, as though the bowels became twisted together ; dull pains in the hypogastric region, at night ; pain with chilli- ness ; rumbling : the clothes cause a feeling of tightness. Emission of flatulence, also with colic. 50t Pain, as if sprained, in the right groin. STOOL AND ANUS: Frequent urging to stool. Stool scanty, with straining, passing off in small, black lumps ; she has to strain until tears come ; hard, large, lumpy ; with violent burning in the anus and rectum ; hard and large, followed by two liquid stools. Copious, greenish-yellow diarrhoeic stool. Constipation for five days. 55i Violent colic previous to stool. Alternate protrusion and retraction of the rectum during stool, with feeling of chilliness in the body. URINARY ORGANS : Urine reddish, mingled with mucus. Thick urine ; it becomes covered with white mucus after standing ; turbid, of a dingy-yellow, with copious white sedi- ment ; turbid, dingy-yellow, covered with an oily pellicle. Pain in the urethra, after urinating. SEXUAL PARTS: 60. Weight in the right testicle, the whole day. Suppression of the menses. Menses smelling of foul fish, mixed with black coagula. Small pimples and intolerable itching of the labia. Spasmodic pains striking through the uterus. 65. Burning and itching in the va- gina, WINDPIPE : In the windpipe : tearing, prickling, with cough ; tearing, with phlegm ; sensation as of an obstacle, followed by cough and expectoration of a lump of hard, yel- lowish-gray mucus. Hoarseness, on walking. Cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus, at night. Dry cough, day and night. 70 Cough, as from stoppage in the pharynx. Expectoration of lumps of black blood, early in the morning. 136 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. CHEST : Constriction and difficulty of breathing, caused by dryness of the mouth. Oppression after supper. Tear- ing in the chest, also with dryness of the mouth. 75. Sensation, on making the least motion, as though a hollow- body were moving about in the chest quickly and with a noise, after which she fancies she will faint, early in the morning. Prickling as from a thousand pins, on the inner surface of the sternum. Violent stitching pain above the right breast. The mammae are painful, especially when raising the arm. Congestions to the chest. 80. Acute pain in the left side, like a stitch. Painful stitches in the right side. Palpitation of the heart, for moments ; at night ; when lying; when raising one's-self; as though the heart would turn; with fainting feeling; with oppression of the chest (less when lying) ; irregular (after eating). BACK: Violent beating in the spine, early, when lying. Prickling sensation in the spine, during sleep, waking her. 85. Stinging pain in the large dorsal muscle, right side, when drawing breath. Burning and painful sensation on the fifth dorsal vertebra, caused by the friction of the clothes. Sen- sation of weariness in the whole back. Stiffness in the muscles of the back. Sense of weight in the back part of the neck. 90. Sensation as if something on the os-sacrum became detached. Pain at the sacrum, when walking or touching the part. Tingling at the os-sacrum. Beating in right shoulder. Prickling in the psoas-muscles. 95. Vio- lent beating in the loins. Pain in the lumbar vertebrae, im- peding walking. Intolerable pain in the lumbar region, obliging her to walk bent. UPPER EXTREMITIES : Feeling of weariness in the muscles, posteriorly. Pain as if sprained, in the right upper arm, after leaning on the elbow. 100. Beating in the middle portion of the triceps brachealis. Heat in the hands. Stinging in the left little finger. Beating in the right ring-finger. LOWER EXTREMITIES : Acute pains in the hip-joint, caused by the least motion. 105. Painful pressure on the hip-joint, as with an iron bar, compelling her to lie down. In the left gluteus muscle: beating; pain, accompanied by SOLANUM TUBEROSUM ^EGROTANS. 137 loathing. Lancinations in the posterior part of the right thigh. Weary feeling in the muscles of the right side, after walking. Feeling of dislocation in the hip-joint, with pain in the womb, after a slight exertion. HO. Shooting pain in the posterior and inferior femoral muscles, when bending the knee. Beating in the internal femoral muscles. Alternate beating and throbbing above the patella, in both limbs. Pain as if sprained, in the whole of the vertebral column, striking through the posterior parts of the thigh, and extending down to the heels. Drawing pain in the posterior part of the right lower limb, from the glutens muscle down to the heel. GENERAL SYMPTOMS : 115, General and partial debility. Debility, she is about to faint. Weariness in all the limbs, on waking. Pain as if bruised, in bed, preventing her from stirring. Cold water causes a sense of oppression. SKIN : 120* Small pimples on the back ; causing a violent itching. Small red pimples on the cheeks. The skin in the face peels off a little. SLEEP : Irresistible drowsiness. Very sleepy in the evening. 125, Restless sleep. Starting from sleep, as in affright. Sleepless. Confused dreams, about fires, revolu- tion, corpses, thieves, &c. Amorous dream. 130. He dreams that he is to dress or draw the body of a drowned person, but is prevented in consequence of the body falling all the time on the clothes or paper, Dreams about men who become transformed to talking animals. He dreams that his hands are cut to pieces. He dreams that he is falling from a steeple. 135, She dreams that she is eating human flesh. She dreams that she is swimming in a river, and that she cannot get out of it. FEVER : Chilliness and sensation of internal coldness. Coldness, with chattering of teeth. Repeated chilly creep- ings through the whole body, in the evening. 140, Feel- ing of coldness all over, she is unable to get warm, her cheeks being very red, in the afternoon. Heat all over, with sweat. Violent paroxysms of heat, suddenly passing through the whole body, and proceeding from the vertex. Alternate burning heat and chilliness, at night, in bed. Exhalations from the skin, when performing the least work. 145, 138 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Sweat all over, early in the morning, in bed. Cold night- sweat. The sweat smells of potatoes, in bed. Pulse irri- tated ; irregular; hard and tense. PLUMBAGO LITTORALIS (Noeis). P. LIT. PICAO DA PRAIA. THIS is a creeper, inhabiting the shores in the bay of Rio Janeiro. Its stem is herbaceous, rounded, covered with short and rather stiff hairs. Its leaves are simple, opposite, gradually tapering to a short channelled petiole adhering to that of the opposite side, and forming tufts at certain intervals whence arise adventitious roots. They have a smooth, trapezoid, coarsely intended limb. The flowers form little axillary heads, with from 15 to 20 flowers each, arising from an involucre with five divisions and supported by a somewhat filiform pedicle. Calix tubulous, monophyllous, with five teeth, and much shorter than the tube of the corol. The corol is monopetalous, of a yellowish white, tubulous, puffed up at its extremity, with five reflexed ' divisions, and five stamens with bilocular, connivent anthers which are longer than the corol. Ovary one-celled, flat at the top, whence proceeds a slender style, terminated by PLUMBAGO LITTERALIS. 139 a glandular stygma which is longer than the stamens. Fruit monospermous, elongated, with a crustaceous integument which is covered with a number of stiff hairs that are bent over, and which presents irregular longitudinal fur- rows. The root is perennial and ramose. We employ the leares. First day. I. Weakness of the joints of the lower ex- tremities, immediately. Vertigo. Slight pain in the right side of the neck, for five minutes. Body and head are very warm. 5- Cold extremities. Violent sexual desire at 11, disappearing afterwards during the remainder of the day. Second day. Headache in the morning. Pain in the sides of the chest. Weakness of the lower limbs. 10. Aversion to every thing. Taciturn. Acute pain in the left ear, for some minutes. Hot face, with sickness at the stomach. Passing pain in the left arm. 15. Passing pain in the left lower limb, for ten minutes. Very drowsy after noon. Headache after a walk. Acute pain in the left lower limb, in the evening. In the evening, pain in the limbs. 20- Pain in the head. Internal heat. At night, very hot internally. Pulse hard and small. Passing and lancinating pains in various parts. 25- Lancinations in various parts of the head. Lancinating pain in the kidneys ; the parts were all painful as if pricked. Pain at the right shoulder. Painful burning pricking at the right shoulder. Catarrhal sore throat. 30- Frequent and scanty flow of saliva. Passing pains at the neck. Constant pain in the head. Slight sense of heaviness at the stomach. Sense of chilli- ness at every motion. 35- Vertigo for 3 or 4 minutes, after eating. Heat in the eyes. Sensitive smell all day. Constant headache, especially in the forehead. Pain in the left limbar region. 40. Heaviness of the head, with ver- tigo. Drowsy after 9. No stool, red urine. Third day. Pain in the right lower limb, in the morning. Pain at the neck. 45- Heaviness of the head and on the eyelids. Taciturn. Sad. Extremely languid. Pricking in various parts of the thorax. 50. Unable to lean on an arm, on account of the pain in the thorax. Pain in the 140 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. temples. Weak stomach. Painful palpitation of the heart. Heat in the limbs. 55- Hot arms with cold hands. At 9 in the evening, hard and small pulse, pain in the right lower limb, all day. Vertigo. Heaviness of the head. Drowsy. 60- Heat in the eyes. Passing pains in various parts of the trunk. Passing pain at thehumerus. Constant pain at the right hip and lower limb. Passing pains at the neck. 65- Sexual desire as above. Headache. Internal heat, coming and going momentarily. Pain in the ribs when bending forward ; feeble pulse. Pain and constriction of the throat. 70- After a walk, heat in the head lasting all day. Pains here and there, which seem to shift. Red urine. Excessive heat about the head. Fourth day. Aversion to every thing, in the morning. 75- Pain in the neck. Pain at the back. Headache. Heat in the face. Pain in the stomach. 80- Pain at the heart. Pain in the chest when straining. Pain at the humerus when lifting any thing. Slight headache above the brows. Pal- pitation of the heart. 85- Agitated pulse. Ulceration of the commissure of the lips. Constant pain in the iliac region. Milk-colored spittle. .Easy discharge of urine. 90- When drawing breath, pain below the last false ribs, left side. The same pain on the right side, less lasting' Stool hard, inodorous. Headache, at night. Pain, with difficult breathing. 95- Little saliva. An old pain in the chest is worse. Fifth day. Profuse saliva in the morning. Inflammation and lachrymation of the left eye. Lips dry and cracked at the corners. 100- Heaviness at the stomach. Extreme languor. Hot fever, vertigo, uneasy pulse. Acute pains all over for three hours. Pain in the ribs and at the nape of the neck, in the evening. 105- Violent pain in the eyes. Frontal headache. Taciturn for some lime. Painful stitch in the region of the heart. Stomach-ache. HO. Pains in the joints hindering movement. Sixth day. Stomach-ache. Pain in the back, while sitting. Languor and general prostration. Profuse saliva. 115. Bitter mouth. Headache. Pain here and there. The PLUMBAGO LITTERALIS. 141 right lower limb is always painful. 120- White-colored spittle. Seventh day. Pain in the belly. Pain at the right shoulder. Frightful dreams, about dead bodies. 125- Pair} in the forehead. Heaviness in the stomach. Eighth day. Pain in the joints. Pain at the right ribs. Pain in the forehead. 130. Slight pain at the right shoulder. Pain in the lower limbs. Passing pains above the right ear. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. HEAD, &c.: 1. Vertigo after eating. Vertigo. Taciturn. Ex- cessive heat about the head. 5 Darlings in the head. Pain in the temples. Frontal headache. Sensitive smell, all day. Acute pain in the left ear. 10. Heat in the eyes. Inflammation and running of the left eye. GASTRIC, &c. : Profuse saliva. Ulceration of the commissure of the lips. Milky spittle. 15. Bitter mouth. Aversion to every thing. Painful constriction of the throat. Sore throat. Heavi- ness at the stomach. 20- Pain in the iliac region. Pain in the kidneys as if pricked. Pain below the false ribs when drawing breath. Costiveness with red urine. Violent sexual desire. CHEST, &c.: 25. Pain at the right ribs. Prickings in the chest. Pain in the chest, on which account he is un- able to lean on the arm. Pain in the sides of the chest. Painful stitch in the region of the heart. 30. Pain at the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Passing pains at the neck. Pain in the back. Pain at the right shoulder. 35. Pain at the humerus when lifting any thing. Burning pricking at right shoulder. Weakness of the joints of the lower limbs Weakness of the lower limbs. Drowsy. 40- Dreams about dead bodies. Hot arms with cold hands. Internal heat, coming and going. Sense of chilliness when stirring. Heat in the limbs. 45. Very hot, internally, at night. Pulse hard and small. Prostration. Darting pains here and there. Acute pains all over, for three hours. 50. Pain in the joints. 142 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. SOLANUiM OLERACEUM. (VELLOZ.) SOL. OL. PORTUG. I GYQUIRIOBA, JUQUERIOBA. THIS is an herbaceous plant with a creeping and some- what ligneous, cylindrical stem, the upper branches being covered with short and crooked thorns. The leaves, of a dark green, are alternate, irregularly pennate ; the folioles are long, lanceolate, almost sessile on a thorny spike ; there are from 7 to 9, those at the top being the largest. The flowers are supported by ramose pedicles, which do not grow out of axils ; calice campanulate, with five divisions ; corolla of a greenish white, monopetalous, with five equal, rotaceous, somewhat reflexed divisions alternating with those of the calix. Five stamens with erect, converging and bilo- cular anthers ; their filaments are short, with the exception of one, which is longer than the rest. Ovary oval, sur- mounted by a filiform style. Berry spherical with two com- partments, of a dark green, with white spots. This solanum grows on the shores around Rio Janeiro, in damp and shady places. We employ the flower. 1. Scanty urine. Short-lasting menses. Toothache at night. Acute catarrh. # Suffocating cough. Pain in SOLANUM OLERACEUM. 143 the face. Toothache. Pain and swelling of the face and throat, with inflammation. No sleep for two nights. 10. Stye on the right lower eyelid. Swelling of a cervical glands. Continual redness of the face. Difficult digestion. Pain at the internal canthi of the eyes. 15- Inflammation of the left upper eyelid. Tickling at the lower limbs. Pus- tules all over, first white, then red, with an intolerable itch- ing now and then. Lancinating pain in the stomach not last- ing long. Sense of chilliness in the left side of the chest, after drinking. 20- Violent pain in the left cheek, spread- ing over the whole face. Discharge of fetid yellow mucus from the left nostril. Sadness. Irritable. Drowsiness with headache. 25. Herpetic eruption at the ankle. Nettle- rash fever. Sore throat. Itching. Ptyalisrn. 30- No appetite. Tongue coated white. No sleep. Drowsy for four hours in the middle of the day. Discharge of white mucus from the vagina. 35- Swelling of the mammary glands with profuse effusion of milk, on the second day. Drowsy all day. Shortly after taking the drug the breasts of a negro-woman of 60 years began to swell and discharged a quantity of milk. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. 1. Sad. Irritable. Toothache. Pain in the face, also with swelling of the face and throat, and inflammation. Redness of the face. 5. Pain in left cheek, spreading over the face. Stye on right lower lid. Inflammation of left lower lid. Pain at the inner canthi. Discharge of fetid yellow mucus from left nostril. 10- Difficult digestion. No appetite. Tongue coated white. Chilly feeling in left chest, after drinking. Sore throat. 15. Ptyalism. Lan- cinating pain in the stomach. Scanty urine. Short-lasting menses. Discharge of white mucus from the vagina. 20- Swelling of the mammary glands, with discharge of milk. Tickling at the lower limbs. No sleep. Drowsy with headache. Itching pustules all over, first white, then red. Herpes at the ankle. Nettle-rash with fever. 144 BRAZILIAN PATHOaENESIS. PAULLINIA PINNATA. PAUL. PAULUNIA TIMBO (VELL). PORTUG. I GUARATIMBO, TIMBO-SIPO, CURCJRU APE, THIS beautiful liana is commonly found in the woods of Bra- zil; its stem, of a flexible and tenacious wood, furnishes slen- der, slightly pubescent branches with deep parallel furrows. The leaves are alternate, with winged petioles ; they are com- posed of five folioles which are almost sessile, oval-lanceo- late, crenulate, irregularly bizugate. The flowers are small, in spikes, situated on axes that are accompanied by leaf- lets arising from the axillae of the leaves. Calix with five folioles, corolla with four petals, alternating with the folioles of the calix ; eight stamens ; ovary with three uni-ovulate chambers. Capsule pear-shaped and sharp, divided at its superior part in three tubercles. Root with long fasciculate branches which are a little hairy at their extremity. We employ the fresh root. First day. 1. Loathing, tongue thick and doughy, in a few minutes. She dreams about a leprous woman, which disgusts her. Second day. Very chilly. Colic 'followed by a reddish PAULLINIA P1NNATA. 145 diarrhceic stool mixed with slime. 5- Headache as if the head were covered with a cap of lead on which one strikes. Loathing of food. Desire for dainties. Frequent and in- effectual desire to urinate. Pain of the soles in walking, increased by pressure. 10- Lancinating pain in the heel. Third day. Sensation in all the limbs as if bruised. Dizzy, her head inclines forwards. The feet feel numb, after going up-stairs. The arms, chest and head, except the ears, are very cold. 15- Desire to vomit. Her tongue feels as if it were as thick as a finger. Burning when urinating. She likes to remain quiet and shut up. Dreams about a leprous patient whose sores bleed. 20- Her chest feels as if it would open, with a cracking noise. Stitch under the right eye. Fourth day. Shuddering on rising. Sharp pain during stool, as if a penknife had been plunged into the abdomen. Prickling at the left eye, which weeps and is very much in- flamed. 25- Redness of the sclerotica. Buzzing in the left ear for 15 minutes. Pain in the groin as if the nerves were cut. Crampy pain in the left side of the hypogastrium. Itching and tingling in the throat. 30- Pain at the eye- brows meeting from opposite side at the root of the nose. Heat in the soles. Oppression and burning in both sides of the chest. Pressure in the hypogastrium. Pain as if a string had been strung round the hypochondria. 35- In- tolerable itching, with sense of burning in the chest. Beating in the temple and above the left eye. Pain at the navel as Irom a penknife. Painful sensation as from an iron bar, com- pelling the head to incline forwards. Constant ennui. 40- Loathing at the sight of food. Desire for the taste and smell of coffee. General lassitude. Fifth day. Pain in the lower limbs, which become stiff by walking. Cramp in the palm and fingers of the left hand, extending to the arm. 45- Violent pain in the side as if a stone were pressed in. Itching and suppuration be- hind the head. Sixth day. Hammering in the vertex, reverberating in the temples. Restless sleep. She dreams that she wishes 7 146 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENES1S. to open her chest in order to look into it. 50- Pressure at the chest and sides, as if pressed upon by iron sheeting, and then pierced with penknifes, causing an acute pain. Nausea. Lancinating pain in the left nipple, as if a pen- knife were thrust in, at regular intervals. Sawing pain as if the cartilage of the left ear were cut ; this pain extends to the left side of the neck. Prickings as from a thousand needles in the left thigh, high up, for several minutes. Seventh day. 55. Pressure as from an iron band around the waist ; and stitches in the upper part of the thorax, worse during motion. Crampy pain in the left hand, for a moment. Sensation, while talking, as if a stone were burying itself in the stomach. Pain as if a knife were plunged into the right side. Eighth day. She dreams that a scabby dog full of sores is walking towards her ; she took hold of the dog, who bit her ; then she uttered loud cries, in the midst of which she awoke with a severe pain in the chest. 60- She feels bruised all over. Headache as if her head would split. Lachrymation, especially of the left eye. Very hungry at dinner. Stabbing sensation in the ovaries, for a moment. 65- Painful stitches in each side of the abdomen. Ninth, day. Burning in the chest. Pain at the right ankle, as if sprained. Tingling in the throat. Pain in the loins as if bruised ; she is unable to raise herself after stooping. 70- Pain at the right shoulder, disappearing by friction. Numbness in the shoulder. Intense itching under the arm. SECOND PROVING. First day. Sense of scraping in the throat. Heat in the front part of the chest. 75- Short breathing. Passing in the region of the liver. Acute pain at the left wrist. Rumbling in the right hypochondrium. Pain in the left hypochondrium. 80- Pain in the right parietal region, as if pressed from within outwards. Internal trembling in the umbilical region and the left hypochondrium. Pain in the whole abdomen, worse when touching it. Pain at the PAULLINIA PINNATA. 147 heart, at 2 in the afternoon. Lancination in the praecordial region. 85- Chilliness, first of the upper part of the body, and then all over. Alternate heat and chilliness in the face. Dry mouth. Rough tongue with sensation as if larger. Ob- nubilat'ion. 90- Lancination, as after chewing cloves ; a constant symptom. Numbness of the arms. Trembling of the lower limbs. In walking, she feels as though she were walking backwards. Lazy, not disposed to work. 95- Desire to lie down." Rough voice. Yellowish, bitter, diffi- cult and tenacious expectoration. No appetite. At 6, the pain at the heart extends to the last ribs. 100- Acute pain in the middle of the head, on the right side. Headache, on the left side. Out of breath, with desire to vomit. Pain above the eyes, penetrating to the brain. Pain at the left breast. 105- Pain in the right side of the chest, at half past 7 in the evening. Melancholy. Pain in the right temple. Weakness and heaviness in the lower limbs. 110- Numbness in the sole of the right foot and at the knee. Pain in the shoulder-blades. Red spots in the face and on the chest. Shooting in the jaws. Sadness and drowsiness all day. Second day. 115- Desire to vomit on waking. Pain at the left groin, at 8. Weak feeling in the chest. Pain in the left temple. Pain in the left arm, extending to the back. 120- Pain in the middle of the head as if a nail were thrust in. Itching in the hand and fingers, obliging one to scratch until the skin is off. Deep ennui. Acute pain in the right side of the chest, at 4 in the afternoon. Pain in the left thigh. Pain in the right teeth. Contusive pain in the region of the liver, in touching the right ribs ; worse when walking. Chilliness all over in the evening. 130- Pain near the right elbow ; at 9 in the evening. Third day. Acute lancinations under the right arm. Pain at the neck. Lancinations in the left side. Heavi- ness of the head ; with pain in the right temple. 135. Heat in the face. Lancination under the right breast, at one o'clock. Dull pain in the left ear, at 2. Lancinations in the liver. Headache at night. 148 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Fourth day. 140- Pain in the whole abdomen. Extraor- dinary desire for coffee and fruits. Constipation, for two days. Toothache continued. Pain under the right arm. 145- Pain at the internal part of the right arm. Lancinations in the right side of the chest, at 4 in the evening. Fifth day. Dreams about dead persons. Vision of dead persons. Headache, in the region of the right temple. 150. Pain from the arm to the chest, at 8 in the morning. Heat in the chest, around the breast, which feels as if pressed together by an iron band. Staggering gait. Bitter mouth. Profuse saliva. 155- Shortness of breath. Pain in the left arm when stretching it. Pain in the neck, less in the open air. Pain in the right side of the chest, below the clavicle and the right axilla, at 6 in the evening. No sleep. Sixth day. 160- Diarrhoea. Pain in the right side of the chest. Rheumatic pain in the knees. Pain around the navel. Pain in the chest. 165- Headache all day. Desire to walk. Lancinations in the splenetic region, at noon, Pain in the right shoulder, at one o'clock. Chilliness, at 3. 170- Shuddering with drowsiness and arthritic pains. Lancinations in the right side of the chest, at half past 3. Lancinations in the right breast, at 6 in the evening. Heaviness of the head and forehead. Seventh day. Short breathing. 175- Pain under the sternum. Pain in the right wrist. Pain in the joints. Pain in the right ear. Blood-streaked saliva. 180- Headache in the evening, with inability to stoop. Violent cough, with inflamed throat. Fear of being phthysicky. Sad dreams. Eighth day. When drawing breath, the chest feels as if opened. 185- Dry and short cough. Ninth day. Headache in the morning. Weariness of the lower limbs. Pain in the left side of the chest, as far as the arm, as if the parts were scratched. Tenth day. Pain around the umbilicus. 190- Lanci- nations in the right side of the chest. Lancinations in the right eye, with lachrymation. Heat all along the back. A good appetite all day. Dreams about dead persons, with tears on waking. 195- Dry and short cough. PAULLINIA PINNATA. 149 Eleventh day. Oppression on the chest. Dry cough. Pain in the right side of the chest. No appetite. 200- Ulceration at the lower limbs, with itching. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. MENTAL AND MORAL: 1. She likes to be alone and quiet. Ennui. Melancholy. Dizzy, her head inclines forward. 5. In walking she imagines she is walking backwards. Staggering gait. Vision of dead persons. HEAD : Headache in the evening, with inability to stoop. Heaviness of the head, with pain in right temple. 10- Acute, pain in middle of the head. Pain in head as from a nail. Pressing pain from within outwards, in right parietal region. Splitting headache. Beating in the temple and above the left eye. 15- Pain as from an iron bar compel- ling the head to stoop forward. Hammering in the vertex. Headache as if the head were covered with a cap of lead on which one strikes. EARS, EVES, &c. : Dull pain in left ear. Sawing pain in the cartilage of the left ear, extending to the neck. 20. Buzzing in left ear. Alternate heat and chilliness in the face. Shooting in the jaws. Pain in right, teeth. Darting in right eye, with lachrymation. 25. Pain above the eyes, penetrating to the brain. Stitch under the right eye. Prickling in left eye, which runs and is inflamed. Pain at the eyebrows, towards the root of the nose. GASTRIC : Rough tongue, with sensation as if larger. 30- Bitter mouth. Out of breath, with desire to vomit. Loathing at the sight of food. Desire for coffee. Desire to vomit. 35- Loathing, with tongue thick and doughy. Desire for dainties. Itching and tingling in the throat. Scraping in the throat. Yellowish, tenacious expectoration. 40. Sensation, while talking, as if a stone were burying itself in the stomach. ABDOMEN : Pain around the navel. Lancinations in the splenetic region. Contusive pain in the region of the liver. Pain in the region of the liver. 45. Pain in abdomen, worse when touched. Pain in right side, as if a knife were 150 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. plunged in. Painful stitches in each side of the abdomen. Constrictive pain round the hypochondria. Cutting pain at navel. 50- Pain in the side as if a stone were pressed in. Crampy pain in left side of hypogastrium. Pain in the groin as if the nerves were cut. Colic followed by a reddish diarrhceic stool. Constipation. 55 Diarrhoea. Sharp pain during stool, as from a penknife. Ineffectual desire to urinate. Burning when urinating. Stabbing sensation in the ovaries. BRONCHIAL : 60- Blood-streaked saliva. Cough with in- flamed throat. CHEST : Her chest feels as if it would open, with cracking. Itching and burning in the chest. Oppression and burning in the sides of the chest. 65- Burning in the chest. Lancing pain in left nipple. Pressure at the chest and sides as from iron sheeting, followed by sensation as if pierced by a penknife. Acute pain in the right side of the chest. Weak feeling in the chest. 70- Pain at the right breast. Dart- ings in the right breast. Pain under the sternum. Pain under the right clavicle. Shortness of breath. 75. Heat around the breast which feels compressed. Darlings in right side of chest. Scratching pain in left side of chest. When drawing breath, the chest feels as if being opened. Pain at the heart. 80- Lancination in the praecordial region. BACK : Heat along the back. Pain in the neck. Pain in the shoulder-blades. EXTREMITIES : Numbness in the shoulder. 85- Numb- ness of the arms. Itching under the arm. Darlings under the right arm. Pain from the left arm to the back. Cramp in the palm and fingers of the left hand. 90- Pain in the lower limbs, which become stiff by walking. Prickings in left thigh, high up. Trembling of the lower limbs. Numb- ness in right foot and knee. Rheumatic pains in the knees. 95. Pain at right ankle as if sprained. Lancing pain in the heel. Pain of the soles in walking. Heat in the soles The feet feel numb after going up-stairs. FEVER, SLEEP : 100- Shuddering with drowsiness and ar- thritic pains. Chilliness. Shuddering on rising. Chilly. BLATTA AMERICANA. 151 Restless sleep. 105- She dreams that a scabby dog is walking towards her ; it bit her, and she cried out. She dreams that she wishes to look into a chest. Dreams about about a leprous woman. CUTANEOUS, GENERAL : Ulcers at the lower limbs, with itching. Red spots in the face. HO. Itching and sup- puration behind the head. Pain in the joints. Distressing itching in the hand and fingers. Desire to lie down. Bruised all over. 115. Lassitude. Sensation in the limbs as if bruised. BLATTA AMERICANA (LAM.) BLATTA. KAKERLAT AMERICANA (SAR.) PORTUG. : BARATTA. THE blatta americana, which is very common in Brazil, where it inhabits human dwellings, is an orthopterous insect, with an elongated, oval, rather flat body, from 12 to 16 lines in length, of a brown-red which becomes paler under the belly. The prothorax is smooth, shining, of an ochre yellow, with two large brown spots, which are sometimes united in one. In the male the elythrae reach beyond the belly by a few lines ; in the female they are a little shorter. They are 152 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. marked with numerous longitudinal streaks which bifurcate near the dotted margin terminating the elytrse. The wings are striate and reticular, of the length of the elytrae. The antennae which are longer than the body, exhibit at their base a small yellowish point. The feet are provided with black prickles arid terminate in a tarsus with five articu- lations. We triturate the whole insect, if possible alive, for 15 minutes ; after which we take two or three grains of this paste and rub them down with 100 grains of sugar of milk in order to obtain the first trituration. First day. I. Aching pain in the temples. Numbness and heaviness of the head. Formication in the toes, at 7 in the morning. Pain shifting from the back to the shoul- der-blade. 5. Prickings in the left side of the neck. Heat in the urethra when urinating. Stitch as by a fly, in the corner of the left eye, at 10 in the morning. Sense of weariness in the bends of the knees. Yellowness of the face. 10- Yellowness of the sclerotica. (When the prover had the jaundice, for which the blatta is considered empirically as a specific, he felt a number of pains which have been reproduced in this proving, such as general prostration, weariness, &c.) Frequent yawning, watery discharge from the nose. Lachrymation. Passing bloating at the pit of the stomach. 15- Drowsy in the afternoon. Acute pains in the temples, every now and then, at 4 in the afternoon. Chill and shuddering for half an hour. Pain at the right leg, from the toes to the krrees. Slight colic. 20- Pain in the back, right side. Shuddering; sense of heat and slight moisture all over. Pain in the transverse colon, duodenum and pit of the stomach. Pain at the left little toe. Pain in the right side of the chest. 25- Shud- dering for one hour. The pain in the temples continues. Yellow color of the urine, increasing more and more. Salt saliva. Second day. Pain in the temple, with lancinations now and then. 30- Sense of weariness in the bend of the knee. Pain in the feet, here and there, and sometimes in DELPHINUS AMAZONIDUS. 153 the sole. Lazy. Frequent yawning. Acute pain in the chest, afternoon. 35- Cramp ia the right leg. Weary when going up-stairs. Violent pain in the chest, with want of breath. Urine of a bright-yellow, albuminous. The proving was interrupted by an accident. HAHNEMANN'S ARRANGEMENT. 1. Aching in the temples. Numbness and heaviness in the head. Acute pains in the temples. Pain in the temple, with lancinations now and then. Stitch in canthus of left eye. Yellowness of the sclerotica. Lachrymation. Bloating at tho pit of the stomach. Pain in the transverse colon. Heat in the urethra when urinating. Bright-yellow, albuminous urine. Acute pain in the chest, afternoon, also with want of breath. Pain shifting from the back to the shoulder-blade. Pricklings in the left side of the neck. Formication in the toes. Sense of weariness in the bends of the knees. Pain in the feet, here and there. Chill and shuddering. Shuddering, with sense of heat and moisture all over. Weary when going up-stairs. DELPHINUS AMAZONICUS. DELPH. DELPHINUS GEOFFROYI (DESM.) PORTUG. : PEIXE BOX. THIS dolphin is from 9 to 10 feet long; its body is large and cylindrical, of a brownish-gray color above and a pure 154 BRAZILIAN PATH'EGENESIS. white below. Its jaws, of equal length, are long, narrow, linear, armed on each side with 26 large conical, somewhat rugose teeth, with wide crowns. Its forehead is bomb- shaped, the eyes a little above the commissure of the lips. The pectoral fins are of considerable size, brownish at their extremities, and placed very low ; the dorsal fin is elevated and semilunar. This dolphin, as its name shows, inhabits the mouth of the Amazon. It has a thick and fibrous skin, which we employ in medicine. (Before trying the drug, the prover had paroxysms of cough with suffocation, during which a hernia protruded with much force.) First day. 1. Slight pain at the navel, after five minutes. Feeling of a quantity of air in the stomach, with grumbling in the abdomen. Pain at the loins, on rising in the morning. Eructations. 5- Violent smarting and excoriating pains, shifting from the right thigh to the heel, then to the right shoulder ; these pains are aggravated by contact. In moving the right toes, the bones cracked as if notched. Quickly passing pain at the right eyebrow (when coughing, the her- nia did not protrude any longer with so much force.) Second day. Doughy mouth. 10- He has not been troubled with suffocation and the cough is less.) Headache. Violent colic with soft and strong-smelling stools. Pain in the loins. Hard abdomen, especially on the right side, where he feels like a ball which is painful when touched, in the evening. 15- Dry lips. Third day. Restless and disturbed sleep. (Cough con- tinues.) Pain in the loins. The hardness in the abdomen has shifted to the left side. 20- Bleeding from the left nostril. (Before taking the drug he bled from the right nostril.) Fourth day. Acid stomach. (Cough with suffocation.) Erections, with sexual desire. Itching at the anus as from worms. 25- The bones of the thorax are affected with rheumatic pains. AMPIIIBCENA VERMICULARIS. 155 AMPHISBCENA VERMICULARIS. AMPH. THIS species moves either backwards or forwards, as occasion may require, and is quite frequent in the woods of Brazil. Its body is cylindrical, from two feet to two and a half long, terminated by a very obtuse tail. It has no scales properly speaking, but its skin is divided into quadrilateral compartments disposed in rings round the body ; 228 on the trunk and 26 on the tail. The lower lip is divided into six long and narrow plates-; the head is small, rather sharp, protected by scutellae, and not distinguished from the neck. It has small eyes ; the jaw is not dilatable, the teeth are conical, bent, unequal and distinct from each other ; the nostrils are on the sides, and pierced in a single naso-rostral plate. The amphisbcena is of a, brownish color above, and a pinkish-white under the belly. The poison was taken from the living animal by cutting off part of its jaw, which was triturated immediately. 1. Debility. Sadness and lassitude in the morning, which leaves one while walking. Tender sadness which disposes one to be gentle arid meek. Violent pain in the whole of the vertebral -column, worse when walking, moving 156 -BRAZILIAN PATrfOGENESIS. the arms or stooping. 5- Painful and large pimple on the left side of the upper lip, suppurating. Acne rosacea miliaris (a dry itch cured), covering extensive ellyptical spots ; after the eruption healed, a iurfuraceous desquama- tion took place wherever a pimple had been situated. Wakes at midnight, for ten consecutive nights. Disturbed sleep. Fifteenth day. Depression. 10. Ennui. Impatience. Weight in the forehead and parietal regions. Weight at the forehead. Vertigo as if one would fall towards one side and is then impelled towards the opposite side by a con- trary oscillation. 15. Pain at the inner canthus of the right eye as if a stye would form. Repeated beating at the right side of the forehead as if hail-stones fell upon it. Sweat about the head. Horrible headache, with sensation as if the feet were in the brain. Dizziness when turning round. 20- Constant twitching at the upper eyelids, especially the left. Constriction of the right eye as if strung together with a cord. Shooting pain in the outer angle of the left eye. Sensation as of a grain of sand in^the right eye. Weariness of the eyes, in the evening, with pain and pricking when looking at the light. 25. Lachry- mation and constriction of the left eye. Pain in the rneatus auditorius, as if air were rushing in. Pricklings and heat at the right malar eminence. Dull pain in the right lower jaw- bone. Lancination and pain all through the right side of the head. 30. Pains in the right lower jaw, and considerable swelling aggravated by air and dampness. Swelling of the right lower jaw, worse in the open air. The teeth feel elongated and set on edge, especially the right lower mo- lares. The toothache is worse in the evening and afternoon. Chewing is painful, but the contact of liquids is not painful. 35. Swelling of the tonsils. Deglutition is difficult, one is not able to swallow saliva. Protrusion of umbilical hernia. Chilliness and pains at the epigastrium. Tearing pain at the navel, all day. 40- Suppuration of inguinal hernia. The hernia is painful, and air is felt in it. Lancination in the navel as from a stiletto. Constipation. The miliary acne ARISTOLOCHIA MILHOMENS. 157 rosacea spreads over the chest, neck and back, with itching which is worse in the morning and decreases in the evening. 45. Gradually a white vesicle forms on every pimple, dis- charging a clear serum, after which the eruption dries up on the fifth day. Breaking out of little pimples, especially on the fore-arm. Painful swelling of the arm, on the fifteenth day. Cramp in the left leg. Painless drawing up of the legs. 50- Cramp in the left leg; it remains behind in walking as if paralyzed. ARISTOLOCHIA MILHOMENS. (Nosis.) ARIST. ARISTOLOCHIA GLANDIFLORA (GOM.) ARISTOLOCHIA CYMBiFERA (MART.) SNAKE-ROOT. A climbing plant with a glabrous stem ; leaves alternate, uniformly cordate, pedati-nerved, with reticulate little veins between the nerves ; they are supported by long petioles, furnished with a large, entire, reni-form, amplexicaule sti- pule. Flowers solitary, upon a sulcate peduncle from four to five inches long. Perianth single, large, of a yellowish brown, tuberculated, curved, divided into two lips ; the upper 158 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. lip sharp, lanceolate, and somewhat bent outwards ; the lower lip, twice as long as the other, at first dilated at the base, and expanding into a large oval disk with undulate borders. The whole flower is covered with prominent nerves. Stamens six epigynous. Ovary glabrous, surmounted by a stygma with six short and rounded lobes. We employ the flower. First day. 1. Restless sleep. He dreams that he is neither able to work, drink or walk. Gurgling at the right frontal eminence, for one minute. Doughy mouth the whole morning. 5. Thirst. Pain in the right groin. Numbness of the left leg. Numbness of the lower part of the calf. Borborygmi in the stomach and bowels. 10. Lancinations in the whole of the left lower limb. The left leg is red and swollen. The head feels heavy. Very thirsty, with bitter mouth. No appetite. 15. Stitch in the ball of the left thumb, at half past three in the afternoon. Torpid sensation at the vertex. Pricking in the right testicle. Pricking at the right thigh. Pricking at the lower part of the left leg. 20. Itching at the inside of the left thigh. Prickings here and there, over the body. Pain at the ball of the right thumb, at 7 in the evening. Torpid sensation in the cere- bellum. Stitch under the heel. 25. Itching at the left outer ankle, a 8. Itching at the skin of the prepuce. Crampy pain at the right inner ankle. Contusive pain at the left pectoral muscle, which is sensitive to contact, at night. Second day. Restless sleep. 30. He dreams about a sheep and dog covered with red scarfs ; the first was lifted off the ground and seized by the latter in the middle of the back ; the dog was suspended by the back, by some indi- vidual accompanied by a number of persons. Afterwards an intense sexual dream with emission. Painful stitch under the shoulder-blade, as after receiving a blow. Sense of em- barrassment behind the left inner ankle. Uneasiness in the thighs, followed by pricking, at 2 in the afternoon. 35. Contusive pain at the left knee. Lancinations at the fore- part of the left outer ankle, at 7 in the evening. Fulness of the stomach. Stitching pain at the right thigh. In the ARISTOLOCHIA MILHONENS. 159 morning, the leg is swollen and violet-colored ; it becomes inflamed by walking, and, towards evening, changes to a blackish red. 40. Loss of appetite. The whole leg is covered with irregular blackish spots formed by extra- vasated blood. Urinates more frequently than usual. Burning head. Continual thirst, with bitter mouth. 45. The lips and gums are excoriated. Complete loss of appetite. The left leg is painful as if excoriated ; the pain shifts to the right inner ankle, where it becomes more acute. Third day. Lancinating pains at the apex of the heart, which arrests the breathing all night. The temples are painful to contact, the whole day. 50- Stiffness of the leg, with inability to stand for a few minutes. Stitching pain between the shoulders. Dull pain at the lower part of the lumbar region and at the abdomen. Burning pains at the anus. The lips and gums are raw as before. 55. Itching above the bend of the right elbow. Crampy pain in the left tendo-Achillis. Partial numbness around the ankles. Con- tusive pain below the left knee-pan, at 3 in the afternoon. Lancinations in the lower part of the right leg and at the inner ankle, at half past 3. 60. The upper and lower part of the left arm is painful to the touch, at half past 4. Painful lancinations at the inner part of the left knee. Stitch in the articulation of the first phalanx of the little finger, at 8 in the evening. Fourth day. Pain at the dorsal part of the left index. Colic, followed by stool the first part of which is soft, the latter diarrhoeic, twice in succession, in the morning. 65- Malaise as if something would accumulate at the in- side of the right, leg, above the knee, in the evening and during part of the night. Fifth day. Difficulty of using the lumbar region. Sen- sation as if the skin of the right leg would fall upon the ankles, like a stocking ; he frequently puts his hand there for the purpose of raising the skin again. Itching at the forepart of the right leg. Pricking at the inside of the right leg. 70. A difficulty at the lower part of the tendo- Achillis. Easy stool. 160 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Sixth day. Itching at the internal ankle of the left foot. Itching at the left thigh. Pain above the right inner ankle. 75- Disgusting Dreams. Seventh day. Malaise after waking in the morning ; he is unable to fall asleep again ; he feels as if something near the ankles inconvenienced him for several hours. This pain increases towards three, changing to a contusive pain. The ankles feel swollen. 80- Acute pain in the sacro- lumbar region. Pain in the right side. Eighth day. Pain at the pit of the stomach. The pain in the legs continues. Permanent pain above the left inner ankle. 85. Smarting at the inner and upper right thigh, in the evening. Acute lancination in the head, evening. Ninth day. Acute lancination in the left side of the head, evening. Tenth day. Violent lancination behind the head. The forepart of the left leg is painful to contact. 90- Shootings in the cerebellum. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. HEAD. Head heavy. The head is burning hot. Throb- bing in the right frontal eminence for a minute. Sensation of torpor at the vertex. 5. His temples are very sensi- tive to touch during the whole day. Acute lancination in the head. Acute lancination in the left side of the head. Severe lancination behind the head. Shooting in the cere- bellum. 10. Sensation of torpor in the cerebellum. MOUTH : Mouth pasty through the whole morning. Ex- coriations of the lips and gums. Excoriations of the lips and gums as on the second day. APPETITE : Anorexia. 15. Want of appetite. Complete anorexia. Thirst. Great thirst with bitterness of the mouth. Continual thirst, and bitter mouth. STOMACH : 20- Borborygmus in the stomach and in- testines. Fulness of the stomach. Pain at the scorbiculus. STOOL AND ANUS: Colic, followed by a stool, at first soft, then diarrhceic, twice in succession. Easy stool. 25- Burning pains at the amis. ARISTOLOCHIA MILHOMENS. 161 URINARY AND GENITAL : He makes water more frequently than usual. Itching on the skin of the prepuce. Pricking in the right testicle. CHEST : Lancinating pain at the apex of the heart which takes away his breath at night. 30. Bruised pain over the left pectoral muscle, which is sensitive to the touch at night. BACK : Painful spot, under the scapula, as if from having received a blow. Sharp pain between the shoulders. Pain in the right side. Uneasiness in the lumbar region. 35- Dull pain at the lower part of the lumbar region and in the hypogastrium. Acute pain in the sacro lumbar region. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES : The upper and lower parts of the left arm are painful to the touch. Itching above the bend of the right arm. Stinging in the hypothenar eminence of the left hand. 40- Pain in the hypothenar eminence of the right hand. Pain in the dorsal portion of the left index. Pricking in the joint of the first phalanx of the little finger. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES : Pain in the right groin. Lan- cinations through the whole extent of the left inferior extre- mity. 45. The left leg is red and inflamed. Swelling of the left leg. The leg is swollen and violet-colored in the morning; it becomes inflamed by fatigue and turns blackish red towards evening. The whole leg is covered by large irregular patches formed by extravasated blood. Malaise as if something were collected in the internal part of the right leg above the knee. 50- The pains in the legs continue. Uneasiness, then pricking in the thighs. Stiffness of the leg, with impossibility of standing up for a few minutes. Pricking on the internal surface of the right leg. Smart- ing on the internal superior part of the right thigh. 55. Pricking in the right thigh. Acute pain in the right thigh. Itching on the right thigh. Itching on the internal surface of the left thigh. The upper part of the left leg is painful to the touch. 60. Itching on the anterior part of the right leg. Bruised pain in the left knee. Bruised pain under the left patella. Painful lancinations in the internal part of the left knee. Prick as from a pin in the lower part of the left leg. 65- Swelling of the lower part of the calf. 162 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. Cramplike pains in the left tendo-Achillis. Uneasiness in the lower part of the tendo-Achillis. Prick under the heel. Malaise after waking in the morning ; he cannot go to sleep again ; he feels as if something incommoded him about the malleoli for several hours. This pain increases, becoming a bruised pain. 70- Partial swellings around the malleoli. The malleoli appear swollen. Feeling as if the lower part of the right leg had a tendency to fall down upon the mal- leoli, as a stocking might do ; he often carries his hand there as if to raise it up. Cramplike pain in the right internal malleolus. Pain a.bove the right internal malleolus. 75. Lancinations in the lower part of the right leg and internal malleolus. The left leg is painful as if excoriated ; the pain passes to the right internal malleolus arid becomes more acute. Lancinations in the anterior part of the left external malleolus. Itching on the left external malleolus. Itching on the left internal malleolus. 80- Persistent pain above the left internal malleolus. Disagreeable sensation behind the left internal malleolus. SLEEP: Disturbed rest. Unquiet sleep. Dreams. Dis- gusting dreams. 85. He dreams that he can neither act nor drink nor walk. He dreams of a sheep and a dog, covered with red scarves ; the former, elevated above the ground, shook his head and was seized by the dog in the middle of his back ; the dog himself was suspended by the back by a man accompanied by many other individuals. Afterwards, a very amorous dream with pollution. GENERAL : Prickings in different parts of the body. RESINA ITU. ITU. THIS rosin which comes to us from the province of St. Paul, is used empirically for hernia. First day. 1. Stupefying pain in the head, worse when stooping. Vertigo as if one would fall to the right. Ear- ache when the least dampness sets in, extending to the arti- culation of the jaw. Numbness at the tarsal joint, after RESINA ITU. 163 sitting. 5. Pain in the abdomen, from within outwards. Sense of chilliness at the hypogastrium, especially in the evening. Second day. Light sleep at night, but continual. Con- tinual hiccough. Aching pain in the forehead and eyes. 10. Beating in the right temple. The pain extends to the ear and the articulation of the jaw. Pain on the left side like wry-neck. Lancination in the forehead, right side. Nausea worse during motion. 15- Pain in the left hy- pochondrium, when inclining forwards. Third day. Violent itching near the sternal extremity of the right clavicle, followed by a moist tetter, which scatters in six hours. Fourth day. Violent itching at the right arm ; it is covered with red pimples, rounded like pins' head. The itching ceases in the day-time, but the eruption lasts all day. Pina- ples on the left side of the neck ; they itch as much, though less inflamed. 20- Numbness of the legs. On rising from a chair one is unable to stand straight. Fifth day. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, which pre- vents one from raising or inclining the head. Pain at the nape of the neck, penetrating to the forehead and causing a numbness and heaviness which carries the head forward. The pimples on the arm and neck scatter gradually. Sixth day. Cramps at the left tarsal joint. 25- Invo- luntary stools. Seventh day- Sudden report in the ear, with frightful pain extending to the teeth, for several minutes ; this par- oxysm recurs four times in the morning, from hour to hour. Numbness in the tarsal joint every time one rises from a seat. Profuse painless diarrhosa. Copious, yellow, diar- rhoeic stools. Eighth day. 30- Reports in the ears, as often as eight times a day. Profuse sweat after the reports. Air aggravates the pain. Lancinating pain in the region t)f the liver, worse when walking or stooping. Heaviness of the head, it in- clines forwards. 35- Heaviness at the eyes when walk- ing. Burning pain at the anus after sitting. Twinkling of lb'4 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. the eyes. Burning in the eyelids. Muscae volitantes like pins'-heads. 40- Pain from the ear to the teeth, less but longer than previously. Lancinating pain in the orbit of the left eye, extending to the eyebrow. Toothache worse when taking a cold drink. Nmth day. Burning at the vulva followed by violent itch- ing. Crampy pain at the tendo-Achillis. 45. Bright- yellow stool, which cannot be retained as soon as one stands up. Repeated sneezing. Coryza. Crampy pain from the calf to the heel. Heaviness in the legs and weariness to- wards evening. Twelfth day. 50- Acute pain in the knee-joint. The tongue feels big, as if it filled the whole mouth, though the swelling is but trifling. Red tongue. Difficulty of moving the tongue and talking. Inflammation of the tonsils. 55. Pain in the throat and sensation as of a lump in the pharynx. Pain in the left breast worse when walking. Itching at the left breast and nipple, especially in the morning. Pain at the posterior iliac spine when stretching the leg or rising, several days in succession. ARRANGEMENT ACCORDING TO HAHNEMANN. HEAD, &c.: f. Vertigo as if one would fall to the right. Stupefying pain in the head. Aching pain in forehead and eyes. Beating in the right temple. 5- Twinkling of the eyes. Burning in the eyelids. Muscae volitantes. Lancing pain in left orbit. Earache in damp weather. 10. Sudden report in the ear, with pain extending to the teeth. Coryza. Toothache worse after a cold drink. GASTRIC, &c. : Hiccough. Nausea. 15. The tongue feels big as if filling the mouth. Difficulty of moving the tongue. Red tongue. Inflamed tonsils. Sore throat with sensation of a lump. 20- Lancing pain in the region of the liver worse when stooping. Involuntary stools. Diarrhoea, yellow. Burning pain at the anus after sitting. Burning at the vulva. CHEST, &c.: 25. Itching at the left breast and nipple. Pain in left breast. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. TRADESCANTIA DIURETIC A. 165 Pain like wry neck. Pain from nape of neck to fore- head, causing a numbness and heaviness. 30- Pain at the posterior iliac spine when stretching the leg. Heavi- ness in the legs. Acute pain in the knee-joint. Cramps at left- tarsal joint. Numbness of the legs and tarsal joints. 35- Numbness at the tarsal joint. Crampy pain at tendo- Achillis. Moist tetter with itching at right clavicle. Itching red pimples on the right arm. Pimples on left side of neck. 40. Sense of chilliness in hypogastrium. TRADESCANTIA DIURETICA. (MART.) TRAD. TRADESCANTIA COMMELINA (WELL.) PORTUG. I TRAPCERAVA. HP THIS herbaceous plant is pretty common in Brazil. Its ramose and cylindrical stems are erect or a little inclined ; the leaves are alternate, sheathed, somewhat lanceolate, and constituting at the extremity of the branches tufts whence arise long pedicles each of which carries from four to six flowers; perianth double, three-leaved, the outer one having sharp, herbaceous divisions, and the inner one being petaloid and blue-colored. Stamens six fertile ; a free tri-locular ovary, surmounted by a simple style. We employ the leaves. 166 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. First day. 1. Vertigo. Pain in the left side of the chest. The breathing is embarrassed as when one is affected with catarrh. Second day. Yellowish, copious urine, depositing at the bottom of the vessel an ash-colored, copious sediment. 5. The urine has an acrid smell. Inflammation of the scrotum which is painful and very red. Difficult breathing, sighing as from want of air. The symptoms continue from the third to the fifteenth day. The breathing is very painful. 10. The inflammation of the scrotum decreases since the twelfth day. Whitish discharge from the urethra. Pain when urinating. Thin stream of urine. Diarrhoea. The testicles return by the inguinal ring. MURURE LEITE. MUR. L. THIS rosin is used as an anti-syphilitic. 1. Blennhorrhoeal discharge. Ulcers on the legs. Yel- low and fetid urine. Cracking sensation in the tibia. 5- Profuse flow of saliva. Small painless pimple which ter- minates in suppuration, with smarting. Spot at the instep, painful in the middle and insensible all round the circum- ference. Numbness of the left arm. Numbness of the limbs. 10. Sciatica. Swelling of the face as in the ele- phantiasis of the Greeks. Pain in a former cicatrix on the left side of the tongue. Cold hands. Heaviness of the head. 15. Pains in the head, recurring on the third and fourth day. Pain in the left ear, on the first day. Stool easier. Heat in the eyes. Sore eyes. 20. Drowsy day and night. Constant restlessness during sleep. Exaltation of ideas. Loathing of food, loss of appetite. Pain at the left shoulder, hindering breathing when walking. 25. Pustules on the penis. Eruption on the legs. Toothache for four days. Pimples on the occiput, on the fourteenth day. Vomiting, on the sixteenth day. 30. Urging to stool, with soft faeces. MURURE LEITE. 167 Little appetite. Severe pain in the thighs. Prickings in the tongue. Heaviness of the head. HAHNEMANN'S ARRANGEMENT. I. Pain in the head. Heaviness of the head. Pain in left ear. Swelling of the face. 5. Heat in the eyes. Sore eyes. Toothache for four days. Prickings in the tongue. Flow of saliva. 10- Pain of a former cicatrix at the tongue. Loathing of food. Vomiting. Blennorrhoea. Yellow and fetid urine. 15- Pain at left shoulder, hindering breathing when walking. Numbness of left arm. Cold hands. Severe pain in the thighs. Cracking in the tibia. 20. Painful spot at the instep, insensible all round. Sciatica. Drowsy. Restless sleep. Pustules on the penis. 25 Pimples on the occiput. Numbness of the limbs. 168 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. CANNABIS INDICA. CANN. IND. HASCHICH. PANGO. THIS is an intoxicating, herbaceous plant, with an erect stem which is furrowed its whole length. Leaves alternate, palmate, composed of five almost linear, serrate folioles on slender petioles. Flowers dioi'chous, with a monophyllous greenish perianth, in groups of two, placed at the base of the leaves, and constituting a terminal spike. The male flowers with five reflexed divisions, five stamens with almost vesi- cular, pendant anthers ; female flowers with an entire peri- anth that is split only on one side. Fruit ovoid, with one seed. The haschich which has been introduced into Brazil by the blacks, is called by them pango ; they are severely forbidden to grow it in Brazil. It can only be procured with difficulty. We employ the leaves. This narcotic develops a good many symptoms in those who make use of it. It is our belief that, if it had been suf- ficiently proved, it would be used as much as opium and bel- CANNABIS INDICA. 169 ladonna. The few symptoms which we give below, are simply intended to stimulate others to continue the proving of this interesting agent. 1. Dizziness when stooping, vertigo, the head inclines backwards. Aching in occiput and temples. Beating head- ache at vertex. 5. Slight pain at the pit of the stomach. This pain is followed by a very marked pricking sensation. These pains cease after eating. Little appetite. 10. Con- traction of the eyelids. Twinkling of the eyes. Pale face. Haggard looks. Languid eyes, heaviness of the head. Loss of appetite. 15. Very hungry. Bitter mouth. Tongue coated white. Urine thick and reddish. Very drowsy, even in the day-time. 20. Weary pain in the bend of the right elbow. Vivid, sometimes extatic dreams. Chill and heat all over. Shuddering. Pain in the joints. 170 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. PETIVERIA TETRANDRA. (Gon.) PET. MAPPA GRAVEOLENS (WELL.) PIPI. ERVA DE PIPI. THIS bush is common in the fields around Rio-Janeiro, where it blossoms the whole year. Its branches are erect, somewhat sarmentose, slightly pubescent .at their extremi- ties, with alternate, glabrous, somewhat undulate leaves. Flowers small, scattered over long axillary or terminal spikes ; perianth persistent, herbaceous, with four linear divisions. Stamens four, alternate with the divisions of the perianth and a little taller. A single ovary, surmounted by a style, divided into ten reflexed stigmata. Capsule flattened, containing a single seed. The roots are branching and very fibrous ; they smell strongly of garlic. We employ the recent root. PETIVERIA TETRANDRA. 171 Prover : Dr. Manuel Duarte Moreira. 1. Merry, disposed to sing. Deep sleep, longer than usual, for the first three days. Drowsy all day, with frequent yawning, but no desire to lie down. Insignificant or un- pleasant dreams, scarcely recollected on waking. 5- Sleeps longer, the first day. Headache, on waking. Sleepy with yawning, after breakfast, the first day. Drowsy after dinner, but no sleep, second day. Shuddering all over, sweat ; the hair stands on end, second day, 9 in the morning. 10. Heaviness of the head on waking, eight hours after taking the drug. Weight at the vertex, which seems to press on the brain, with heaviness of the eyelids and difficulty of opening them, without sleep. Deep-seated and dull pain in the upper part of the brain, worse when touched, talking or sitting ; less when walking or moving about, first day. Same symptom on the second day, but less. Sense of fullness in the head, second day. 15. Sense of fullness in the head, as if it would split, especially after twelve o'clock, on the third day. Sensation as if hot water were thrown on the hairy scalp, penetrating to the brain, second day. The headache disappears on the third day, it becomes lighter and changes. Sight feebler and dimmer than usual. Pain- ful heat at the margin of the eyelids, worse when closing the eyes. 20- Dim sight after dinner, second day. Fetid breath. Sensation in the throat as if one had swallowed some astringent substance. Sensation in the mouth and throat as if one had eaten some acrid and resinous fruit, second day, in the morning. Dull pain in the bowels and hypogastrium, second day. 25- Constipation for three days. Copious urination, in the morning. Light-colored, watery urine, without smell or sediment, third day. Violent lancinations under the right breast, at each inspiration. Slight pain at the sternum, when stooping. 30. The voice becomes hoarse from much coughing. Weariness and numb- ness of the left arm, with pain in the humero-cubital articu- lation, first day. Numbness of the tips of the fingers, es- pecially the ring-finger. Sensation at the middle of the right thigh as if bitten by an ant ; itching and heat after 172 BRAZILIAN PATHOOENESIS. scratching. Cramp in the calves during the night, second day. Second prover : Mile. Norma, 21 years old, sanguine temperament, good constitution, pale face, melancholy dis- position, chestnut-colored hair. 35. Disposed to laugh and jest, first day. Sad, desires to weep ; shortly after, involuntary weeping, sixth day, morning. Long, deep sleep, the first three days. Sleeps all day, with frequent gaping, but no desire to lie down. Dreams about quarrelling, she does not recollect her dreams on waking. 40- First day, sleeps longer than usual in the morning. Headache on waking. Somnolence after break- fast, with gaping, first day. Drowsy after dinner, second day. Sad dreams about sick persons in her family, fifth day. 45. Profuse, cold sweat, and chilliness all over, with shud- dering after the first sleep, sixth day. Shuddering through- out her body, when lying down. Febrile heat, pale face, cold hands, on the evening of the sixth day. Two small dark-yellow spots on the neck. Headache, with a small and feeble pulse ; heat in the face, especially on the right cheek, which is felt very intensely, .though the skin feels cool, first day. 50- Painful stitch in the forehead, worse when opening the eyes, with external heat of the head on the first day, at 2 in the afternoon. Stabbing sensation in the right temple, first day, at 3 in the afternoon. Dull pain, with beating in the left temple, third day. Aching pain in the temples. Pain in the forehead, with compressive sensation in the brain, aggravated by walking. 55- Eyes half closed, swollen externally, surrounded by blue margins, es- pecially near the nose, for three days. Weight on the eye- lids constraining her to close her eyes ; in this state she sees a variety of figures, sixth day. The veins of the nose are swollen and bluish. Redness and heat of the left ear, for some minutes, third day. Stomach-ache with sensation of cold- ness internally. 60- Acute and seated pain in the whole stomach, when rising from a chair, suffocation, with cold feet, which obliges her to remain in bed, on the evening of the sixth day. Pains in the muscles of the superior and inner PETIVERIA TETRANDRA. 173 side of the elbow, like stings of ants. Contusive pain in the arms and legs. Heaviness and weariness of the limbs, sixth day, morning. 65- Numbness of the lower limbs, with aversion to exercise. Contusive pain in the arms and legs, sixth day. Cold feet, in bed, morning. Third prover : Mile. Silvia, 20 years old, sanguine temperament, good constitution, gay disposition. Disposed to sing. Regular and deep sleep, longer than usual, the first three days. 70- Sleeps all day, with fre- quent yawning, but no desire to lie down. Unpleasant dream which she does not recollect on waking. Wakes at 4 in the morning, falls asleep again a quarter of an hour afterwards. Light and disturbed sleep, after breakfast, first day, 9 in the morning. Deep sleep at 10, same day. Deep sleep, second day. 75- General prostration, with disposition to lie down, but no sleep, third day, 9 in the morning. Sad dreams, which she does not recollect. No sleep in bed. Profuse and cold sweat, after her first sleep. Prickings at the right shoulder, followed by inflammatory redness for 15 minutes. 80- Lancinations or shootings through the whole body, as if needles were stuck in ; followed by itching from the elbow to the hands, with small violet-colored spots on the arm, back and feet, second day. Pain at the outer part of the left arm, with a large, red, inflamed spot like erysipelas. Heat on the surface of the body as from exposure to the sun, the feet being cold. Pain at the vertex, as from a blow, dull pain on the top of the head, left side, worse when turning the head or walking, second day, 11 o'clock in the morning. Benumbing and deep-seated pain with pressure, in the temples, and dull pain on the vertex, second day. 85- At the moment if lying down in bed, explosion in the head, the noise passing through the ears, third day. Deep-seated pain, at times in the forehead, at times in the nape of the neck. Aversion to exercise, she wants to remain quiet. Laming numbness of the arm and legs, fifth day, morning. Heaviness in the forehead, when stooping, here and there, sixth day, noon. 90. Weight in the eyes, and prostration as from sleepiness, without however being sleepy. Sensitiveness to 174 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. the light of day. Redness of the conjunctiva, especially near the internal angle of the left eye. Sudden inflammation of the left eye at dinner, continuing for three days. The flame of the candle looks yellow, and seems surrounded by a red halo. 95- Redness of the wing of the nose and left cheek, third day. Frequent sneezing after 12, fifth day. Redness on the left cheek. Sharp lancinations in the epi- gastrium from within outwards, fifth day, evening. Lanci- nation in the stomach after dinner, seventh day. 100- Pain in the throat, with difficulty of swallowing saliva. Catarrh from the third to the fifth day. When lying down, sensation in the spine as if she had strained it by lifting a heavy weight, first and second day, evening ; the pain is aggravated by raising herself again or by inclining backwards, and disap- pears when she inclines forwards. Numbness at the wrist, along the course of the cubital nerve, with sensitiveness to contact, second day, evening. Shooting throughout the body, followed by itching at the back part of the forearm, second day, morning. 105- Redness and intense inflammation at the outer part of the left forearm, second day, 11 in the morning. Burning pain at the left radius, with contusive sen- sation when touched, third day. Violent itching of the ball of the left thumb, followed by inflammatory swelling, third day, evening. Weariness of the arms and legs, and numb- ness as after a long walk, fourth day, morning. Painful numbness at the outer parts of the arms and legs. 110- Cold feeling in the interior of the bones, fourth day, noon. Numbness of the anus and legs, with deep-seated pain at times in the forehead, at others in the nape of the neck, with aversion to motion, fifth day, morning. Excessive coldness penetrating to the bones, hands and feet, seventh day. Sudden numbness of the knees, with dull pain in the tibia, first day, noon. Acute and lancinating pain in the meta- tarsal bone, which corresponds to the left little toe. 115. Painful pricking in the left fifth toe, eighth day, morning, a few moments after, the same toe feels as if it would turn round from above downwards. PETIVERTA TETRANDRA. 175 Fourth prover : Miss Celia, 17 years old, sanguine temperament, good constitution, pale face, cheerful dispo- sition, auburn hair. Evanescent and confused ideas. Want of memory. Pass- ing recollection, which escape from her mind without her thinking of it. Sadness unto tears, with headache, second day. 120- Deep sleep, commencing early, and lasting longer than usual, for three days. Drowsy all day, with frequent yawning, but no desire to lie down. Unpleasant dreams which she does not recollect on waking. Quiet sleep in spite of the disturbing dreams which she forgets on waking, second day. Prostration as from sleepiness, without desiring to sleep. 125- Dreams about dead bodies, she wakes with a start and cold sweat all over her body. Sensation as if the finger were pressed on the right temple, with sensitiveness to contact, second day, noon. Lancinating pain in the right temple, suddenly shifting to the left temple and thence to the vertex, where a burning sensation is experienced, second day. Pain and heat in the forehead, with pressure on the eyes, second day, three in the afternoon. Dull pain at the root of the nose, evening. 130- Numbness and compressive sensation as if a warm bandage were wrapped round the head. General prostra- tion as from sleepiness. The voice seems to come from afar. The body seems insensible when she is lying down, and she feels as if in a swoon. When walking she feels as if she did not touch the soil, and as though she would fall. 135- Painfulness of the eyes, as if the eyeballs were driven out of the orbits by some foreign body. Sensation as if the head were full of warm water. Sadness, tears ; in her sadness she remains seated, motionless, speechless (all these symptoms occurred within an hour, second day, after 12). Headache, with weight on the eyes, second day. Sensation as if stung by ants under the left lower eyelid. 140. Nose slightly inflamed and shining. Dull pain at the root of the nose, on the evening of the first day. Pain at the left wing of the nose, which spreads to the opposite side, followed by bloating on the dorsum of the nose, second 176 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESI8. day, at noon. Sense of heat in the face, though the skin feels cool. Sensation as if a needle had been stuck in the upper lip from within outwards, eleventh day, on rising in the morning. 145. Toothache. Dry mouth. Burning tongue as from hot water, on rising from bed. On going to bed, flow of watery and cold saliva, depositing an ash- colored sediment and whitish granulations, which taste and smell like bile, but are not bitter. Sharp and lancinating pain striking through the spleen from below upwards, second day. 150- Slight colic in the descending colon. From 11 in the morning until evening she urinates every five minutes, with heat in the urethra, second day. She urinates three or four times an hour, without pain, third day. Urine colorless, on the following days. Tightness and beating in the region of the heart, fourth day, evening. 155- Deep-seated and dull pains in the chest, under the sternum. Dull pain in the posterior cervical region, when moving, the neck, second day, noon. In the right wrist-joint she feels an internal, sharp pain which seems to be more violent externally. A similar pain is felt at the left wrist, but less intense. Pain from the humero-cubital articulation to the wrist. 160- Numbness at the posterior and internal part of the forearm. Sharp pain, and sensation of painful roughness at the fore- arm, first day, evening. Pain in the right hand, from the circumference to the centre. Sudden pain at the left little finger, striking through the whole forearm, becoming seated at the humero-cubital articulation and increasing gradually, with sensation of constriction, second day, morning. Shoot- ing, and itching at the internal and upper part of the fore- arm, second day, morning. 165. Pains in the last fingers of the right hand as if they had been struck with a hammer, second day, noon. Sweat in the palm of the hands, second day, evening. Twisting sensation in the scapulo-humeral articulation, when stooping, third day. Sense of paralysis in the forearms and the phalangeal articulations, the fingers feeling numb, third day, evening. Heat in the skin of the arm, as if slightly burnt, after rubbing the hand over it. 170. Slight crampy pain in the tendons of the palms of the PETIVERIA TKTRANDRA. 177 hands, and in the forepart of the wrist. Similar pain in the tendons of the ring-fingers, sixth day. Renewed crampy pain in the hands, ninth day. Cramp in the right ring-finger, tenth 'day. Slight cramps in the hands, twelfth day. 175- Numbness from the knee to the sole of the foot, where it becomes seated, first day, noon. Weakness and numbness of the legs, especially when rising, first day, after 12 in the day-time. Weakness in the legs and knees when stooping. Weakness in the legs, so that the knees give way, second day, after 12. Pain at the forepart of the tibia, as from a blow. 180. Contusive pain at the calf, aggravated by con- tact. Dullness of the sentient faculty when lying, as if the body were numb. Fifth proven Miss Nina, 14 years old, sanguine tem- perament, cheerful disposition, red face, auburn hair. The least cause excites her mirth ; she would like to sing. Regular sleep, generally longer than the three first days. Drowsy all day, with frequent yawning, without any desire to go to bed. Dreams which she is unable to recol- lect. Lachrymation, with sensation as of sand in the eyes. Urine more profuse and of a lighter color. Numbness of the right arm. Sixth prover : Mr. Cyprien Huet, 51 years old, san- guine temperament, robust constitution, serious disposition, red conjunctiva, weak sight, redness of the margin of the eyelids. Very gay. He laughs and sings all day. Deep sleep, commencing sooner and ending later than usual, for four days. Quarrelsome dreams, second day. Violet-colored spots elongated horizontally, on the right hypochondrium. Dull pain at a point on the hairy scalp, and pressure at the occiput on the right side. 195- Boring pain at the top of the forehead, second day. Contusive pain at the zygomata. Violent lancinations in the upper part of the forehead and in the left side of the head, for one minute, second day, noon. Pain in the upper part of the left parietal bone, as if the skull would split. Boring pains in the right upper lid, first day. 8 178 BRAZILIAN PATHOGENESIS. 200. Dull pain at the right eye, as from a blow, relieved by pressure, second day, noon. Slight pain in the nose. In- tense and sudden itching on the dorsimi of the nose. Stop- page of the right ear, with hard hearing. Contusive pains in the outer parts of the orbits. 205- Sensation as of a pustule on the cheek, of the size of a pea, for some seconds. Violent itching at the same place. Sensation in the throat as from swallowing some astringent substance. Borboryg- mi when lying down, second day, morning. Lancination in the hypochondria. 210- Mucous diarrhoea, dark-colored, mixed with f