EXCHANGE 3GHOOI PREFERRED LIST OF BOOKS for TOWNSHIP and HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARIES in the STATE OF MICHIGAN LANSING, MICHIGAN 1915 PREFERRED LIST OF BOOKS for TOWNSHIP and HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARIES in the STATE OF MICHIGAN LANSING, MICHIGAN 1915 EXTRACT FROM SCHOOL LIBRARY LAWS Act 323, Chapter 1, Section 3, laws of 1913: The Superintendent of Public Instruction * * * * with the cooperation of the State Librarian, shall prepare, at least once in every two years, lists of books suitable for township and district libraries, and furnish copies of such lists to each township and school officer entrusted with the care and custody of their respective libraries, from which lists the said school officers shall select and purchase books for their respective libraries. Approved May 13, 1913. 324610 ERRATA Page 25 How Americans are governed in nation, state and city, should be omitted. Page 52 References under Business Professions refer to page 37. Page 58 References under Debating refer to page 9. CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 7 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS' LIBRARIES. . . 9-18 GENERAL LIST OF BOOKS 18-111 Psychology 18 Conduct of life. Ethics 18-20 Religion 20-22 Mythology 22 Government and citizenship 23-26 Economics 26-29 Education 29-31 Legends. , 31-32 Mathematics 32 Astronomy 32 Electricity. Physics . . 32-33 Chemistry. Mineralogy , . . 33 Physical geography. Geology. Biology 33-34 Botany and gardening 34-35 Zoology 35-36 Animal stories 36-37 Inventions. Machinery 37 Vocational guidance *. . 37-38 Hygiene. Physical training 38-39 Agriculture 39-50 Household economy 50-52 Business. Professions 52-53 Manual training 53-54 Architecture 54 Pictures :.....- 54 Music and opera Amusements 55-57 Composition and rhetoric 57-58 Debating 58 Literature Collections 59-60 English and American literature 60-61 Poetry 61-63 English and American drama 63-66 Essays and prose miscellany 66-69 German literature 69 French literature 69 Greek and Latin literature 69-70 Fiction 70-87 Exploration. Discovery. Adventure 87-88 Travel and description 88-92 Biography, Collective 92-94 Biography, Individual 94-100 Ancient history 100-101 History, European and general 101-103 English history 103 American history 104-109 Mexico 109 Panama and the Canal. South America 109-111 EUROPEAN WAR BOOKS THE CRISIS IN EUROPE 112-118 SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS 119-120 COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS IN ENGLISH 121-123 YOUNG PEOPLE'S READING CIRCLE BOOKS FOR 1914- 1915 124 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 125-161 PUBLISHER'S INDEX.. . 162-165 INTRODUCTION Act No. 323, Public Acts 1913, provided for the publication of a list of books suitable for township libraries. In compliance with the act this com- pilation has been prepared by Miss Mabel C. True. The books included are suitable for high schools, though not obligatory. This list supplements the Preferred List of Books for District Schools. It has seemed best to repeat a few of the titles found in the former list. Basis of Selection. In selecting these books three things have been taken into consideration: the contents of the book and its suitability; the literary- value of the treatment; and the mechanical make-up of the book. This last point has influenced in the choice of editions. Prices. The prices are strictly net that being the discount price for which the book may be bought. If possible purchases shoukl be made from local dealers. If they cannot meet the prices the following booksellers have agreed to furnish them at the prices quoted in the catalogue: Macauley Brothers Detroit J. V. Sheehan Co Detroit George Wahr Ann Arbor The prices do not, however, include shipping charges which are paid by the purchaser from the point from which the books are purchased. Parcel Post. Packages of books weighing not more than twenty pounds may be sent through the mail; full information on this subject may be obtained from the postmaster. Supplies for a Library. The Library Bureau publishes a catalog entitled Card Catalog and Administrative Outfits for Small Libraries. This presents suggestive lists at outfit prices considerably lower than the individual prices of the several articles. Address Library Bureau, Detroit, Mich., for a catalog. Special List of Books. At the end of the general list of books, there is a list of references helpful to those interested in the present war crisis. It has been reprinted through the kindness of the Review of Reviews Co. MARY C. SPENCER, State Librarian. FRED L. KEELER, Supt. of Public Instruction. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS' LIBRARIES The teacher may secure many public documents for the asking. These include national, state and city publications and often help out the work in geography, history, geology, natural history, physics, chemistry, biology and education. U. S. Goverment documents in small libraries, by Wyer, published by the A. L. A. for lOc will be of great value in selecting them. The Encyclopedia Brittanica, the New international encyclopedia and the Century dictionary and encyclopedia have not been included on account of cost. A new edition of the International is announced for 1915 and the llth ed. of the Brittanica was published in 1911. Further information will be furnished upon request to the State library. AIDS IN BOOK SELECTION Price A. L. A. booklist, a guide to the best new books, 1905 date v. 1 date A. L. A. pub. board ea. $1 . 00 Monthly list of new books recommended for public libraries, published under the authorization of the American library associa- tion and with the cooperation of prominent library workers, uni- versity professors and special readers. Includes general literature, fiction, children's books, new editions and government documents, and furnishes necessary data for classifying and cataloging. A. L. A. A. L. A. catalog; 8000 volumes for a popular library; prepared by the New York state library and the Library of congress under the auspices of the A. L. A. pub. board. 1904. Supt. of docs.. . 1 .00 The most useful aid to book selection for the small library for books before 1904. Pt. 1, Class list, follows Decimal classifica- tion, Expansive classification numbers being added in pt. 2, Dic- tionary catalog. Date, publisher and price, and Library of con- gress serial number are given. A. L. A. A. L. A. catalog, 1904-1911. Class list. 3000 titles for a popular library with notes and indexes. A. L. A. pub. board 1.50 Continuation of the A. L. A. catalog, 1904. Books included are with few exceptions only such as have been published since 1904. Bostwick, A. E. The American public library. 1910. Appleton. . 1.27 Comprehensive survey of the public library movement in this country, describing its aims and tendencies, and presenting clearly and in some detail the movements, processes and problems that constitute "library science." Of special value to the student. A. L. A. Hopkins, F. M. Outlines for instruction of high school students in the use of the library. Detroit Central high school, Detroit, Mich Postage .04 Ward, G. O. Practical use of books and libraries. Boston bk. co. .90 Elementary chapters on books, their structure, parts and reference ]/. . j : J^SjT".'C)F BOOKS >OR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES ENCYCLOPEDIAS Price Appleton's new practical cyclopedia. New ed. 1913. 6 v. Apple- ton $24.00 Recommended for small libraries or grammar schools. Articles are very brief but up to date and simply written: system of cross reference is good. Good illustrations and good maps. Excellent indexes. A. L. A. Beach, C. B., McMurray, F. M., eds. New students reference work for teachers, students and families. 5 v. 1912. Compton 17.78 Champlin, J. D. Young folks' cyclopedia of common things. 3d ed. 1906. Holt 2.00 A most valuable book for teaching the use of reference books. Covers about everything of use to boys and girls in natural science and the useful arts. N. Y. Everyman encyclopedia. 1913-14. 12 v. (Everyman's library) Dutton 3 . 60 An excellent general cyclopedia. Contains biographies of living people. New practical reference library. 6 v. Hanson-Bellows co 21.75 Poorly bound and printed. Beach and McMurray's new students work for teachers preferable. DICTIONARIES Fernald, J. C. Concise standard dictionary; abr. from New standard dictionary. 1902. Funk .50 Orthography, pronunciation and meaning of about 35000 words. The design has been to adequately meet the most recent demands for an up-to-date and convenient dictionary for handy desk and home use. Publisher's Notice. Appendix contains Faulty diction, Rules for Spelling, Proper names, Foreign words and phrases current in English literature, Symbolic flowers and gems, Abbreviations and contractions. New standard dictionary. 1914. Funk 10 . 00 Textbook markings used; common meanings of words given first, obsolete meanings last. Etymologies follow definitions making it easy for children to consult. Proper names of all kinds found in the regular vocabulary in alphabetical order. Only one place to look for a word or name. Very rich in encyclopedic material. Synonyms, antonyms and the proper use of prepositions valuable features. 32,000 quotations; 450,000 words in addition to 65,000 proper names. Phyfe, W. H. P. Eighteen thousand words often mispronounced; a carefully rev., greatly enl., and entirely rewritten ed. of "Twelve thousand words often mispronounced." 1914. Putnam 1.27 This work covers: difficulties in English pronunciation, proper names, and phrases from foreign languages. Five thousand words often misspelled. 1894. Putnam .63 With rules for spelling and use of capitals, dividing words into syllables, etc. Also rules and lists of amended spellings. N. Y. Webster's collegiate dictionary. 1910. Merriam. 2. 70 Abridged from Webster's International dictionary. (1900). A good desk dictionary. KROEGER. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHER'S LIBRARIES 11 Price Webster's new international dictionary of the English language. Completely rev. Ed. by W. T. Harris. 1910. Merriam $10.00 An entirely new edition (1910) of one of the best one volume dictionaries for general use. Except the biographical dictionary and the gazetteer, all the appendices of the earlier editions and all the supplementary material is incorporated in the main body of the work. The less important material is in fine print at the foot of the page in its proper alphabetical place. Webster's secondary-school dictionary. 1913. Amer. bk. co 1.35 An excellent, cheap abridgement of the New international dic- tionary, specially adapted for use in schools or as a handy desk- book. It is fuller than most dictionary manuals both in the number of words (nearly 70,000) which include many words of recent origin, and in entomology and synonyms. Contains an unusual amount of supplementary information. A. L. A. PERIODICALS Reader's guide to periodical literature. Annual volumes, 1912-date. Wilson ea 6.30 Indexes 67 periodicals under authors and subjects. Title entries are given in the case of fiction and articles with unusually dis- tinctive titles. Includes some engineering as well as general periodicals. Book reviews are indexed and mention is made of maps, portraits and illustrations. Articles are indexed under their specific head. The indexing is most completely done. KROEGER. Walter, F. K. Periodicals for the small public library. A. L. A. pub. board .10 An annotated list of 57 periodicals, suggested list of first magazines for a small library, and list of periodicals indexed in the abridged Poole's Index and supplement and in Reader's Guide. A. L. A. DEBATES Debater's handbook series. Wilson ea. .85 This series contains a considerable group of brief manuals designed specially for debaters and frequently revised. Besides a careful selection of articles from recent literature, not usually accessible, there is a general statement of the subject affirmative and negative arguments and a select bibliography. A. L. A. The numbers published include: Bullock, E. D., comp. Selected articles on compulsory insurance. Fanning, C. E., comp. Selected articles on direct primaries. Selected articles on the election of United States senators. Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on government owner- ship of railroads. Selected articles on the income tax. Selected articles on the initiative and referendum. Selected articles on the recall, including the recall of judges and judicial decisions. Selected articles on woman suffrage. Robbing, E. C., comp. Selected articles on a central bank of the United States. Selected articles on the commission plan of municipal government. 12 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Robbins, E. C. High school debate book. 1911. McClurg $0.85 Recommended as the best elementary book on the subject. Tells how to organize a debate, gives briefs, outlines and bibliographies on many of the leading questions of the day. Shurter, E. D. & Taylor, C. C. Both sides of 100 publjc questions briefly debated, with affirmative and negative references. 1913. Hinds 1.00 SOCIOLOGY Bryce, James. The American commonwealth. Abr. ed. for use* in colleges and high schools. 1906. Macmillan 1 . 58 There have been omitted from the present volume most of the chapters or paragraphs which do not bear directly upon the Con- stitution and government of the United States; as well as all dis- cussions of technical points of law. The corrections made in the last edition of the complete work have been inserted and others added. Freeman, W. G, & Chandler, S. E. World's commercial products. (School ed.) 1907. Ginn 2 . 55 Descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and their commercial usages. Profusely illustrated. WISCONSIN. Hopkins, A. A. & Bond, A. R. Scientific American reference book. 2d ed. Munn 1.27 Tables and statistics of world's discoveries, commerce, armies and navies, education, public service corporations, international bureaus and societies, U. S. government, manufactures, population and sciences . KROEGER . Macy, Jesse. Our government. Rev. ed. Ginn .63 A deservedly popular school book, tracing the derivation of the various factors in self-government and activities. E. E. SPARKS. Michigan Sec'y of state. Official directory and legislative manual. Pub. by the state biennially. A valuable reference book containing the U. S. constitution, Declar- ation of independence, list of national amendments, brief sketches of all state officials both past and present, similar lists of legislators, rules of legislative prpdecure, legal holidays, statistics of all cities and villages, and statistics of railroads and postoffices, with excellent maps of the state. 1913 ed. now available. Free to school libraries. Redway, J. W. Commercial geography. 1911. Scribner 1. 12 New edition of a standard textbook, whose clear arrangement, marginal guide notes, excellent indexes and suggestive questions at the end of each chapter make it a desirable reference book to supplement the elementary geography work. Robert, J. T. Primer of parliamentary law for schools, colleges, clubs, fraternities, etc. 1900. Doubleday .63 Excellent manual. Simple, clear in form of lessons, with question reviews. PITTSBURGH. Robinson, E. V. D. Commerical geography. 1910. Rand 1 . 12 Interesting, concrete work, with more emphasis on economic features and commerce than on geography. A. L. A. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHER'S LIBRARIES 13 Price Schauffler, R. H., ed. Our American holidays. 1908-13. 8 v. Moffat ea. $0.85 The best series for schools and small libraries, each number con- taining an historical account of the origin of the day, with appro- priate and carefully chosen selections in prose and verse. Those on Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays contain also selections from their works. The numbers published (1913) include: Arbor day Flag day Washington's birthday Independence day Christmas Memorial day Thanksgiving day Lincoln's birthday Statesman's year-book; statistical and historical annual, ed. by J. S. Keltic. Macmillan 2 . 70 Particularly valuable for its descriptions of national revenues, armies, navies and political information generally. A. L. A. Toothaker, C. R. Commercial raw materials: their origin, prepara- tion and uses. Ginn 1 . 05 Prepared as a work of reference for the Philadelphia schools in connection with the collections of commercial products sent to the schools by the Philadelphia museums. A comprehensive and conveniently arranged hand-book describing briefly the important materials which enter into the commerce of the world such as cotton, sugar, woods, rubber, silk, iron and coal. All the materials obtained from one plant, animal or mineral, are grouped together. Illustrations and maps. For the teacher. OREGON. U. S. Bureau of the census. 13th census, 1910. Abstract of the census. Govt. print, off Free Apply directly to the Bureau of the census, Washington, LX C. Tables giving statistics of population, mortality, agriculture and manufactures. U. S. Congress. Official congressional directory for the use of the . U. S. Congress. Govt. print, off Free Can usually be obtained free from your congressman. Get latest edition; one each session. Gives names and short biographies of members of Congress, committees, consuls, report, etc. It has also a helpful section headed "Official duties," which describes the work of the several departments, bureaus, offices, etc. of the govern- ment. KROEGER. World almanac. World (N. Y.) (Annual) Paper . 23 Cloth .45 Invaluable for recent statistics, election returns, laws and other political information. Specially good for U. S., but includes foreign material also. Accurate. A. L. A. Index in front, also index of important subjects in former volumes which are not included in this one. SCIENCE Champlin, J. D. & Lucas, F. A., eds. Young folks' cyclopedia of natural history. 1905. Holt 2,00 The book will be most useful to children, who will find it too inter- esting to be considered mere study. N. Y. Chapman, F. M. Bird life: a guide to the study of our common birds. 1901. Appleton 1 .70 14 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Perhaps the best identification book for common birds. WISCONSIN. Illus. by Ernest Thompson-Seton. Dana, Mrs. W. S. How to know the wild flowers. New ed. 1900. Scribner $1 .70 Profusely and beautifully illustrated. An aid to the identification of flowers by those having little or no knowledge of scientific botan.y. The classification is that which children naturally make, by color. The book can be used to advantage by any child from the fifth grade up. PRENTICE AND POWER. Hodge, C. F. Nature study and life. 1902. (School ed.) Ginn. . 1.27 Studies in animal and plant life, involving elementary practice in gardening, domestication of wild creatures, forestry, etc. Valuable to parent and public as well as teacher. Well illustrated. A. L. A. Holtz, F. L. Nature study: a manual for teachers and students. 1908. Scribner 1 .27 Another reference book for the teacher which will be indispensable as a guide to schoolroom work in nature study. The first part is devoted to a discussion of underlying principles and methods, the second part contains subject .matter of a biological nature, with suggestions on the collection of material and the presenta- tion of lessons. OREGON. Keeler, H. C. Our native trees. 5th ed. 1900. Scribner 1.70 Best identification guide for individual use. WISCONSIN. McKready, Kelvin. A beginners' star book. 1912. Putnam 2.10 An excellent reference book, fully illustrated and with numerous clear charts. Gives tables indicating the positions of the planets until the year 1931. May be used without optical instruments, but contains directions for their astronomical uses. OREGON. Mathews, F. S. Field book of American wild flowers. New ed., rev. and enl. 1912. Putnam 1 . 70 Describes about 800 species with excellent drawings of large pro- portion and 24 colored plates. Arranged by families; avoids technicalities and makes special effort to define color. Most compact popular handbook yet provided. N. Y. Less interesting but more compact than Dana's How to know the wild flowers. USEFUL ARTS Hiscox, G. D. ed. Henley's twentieth century book of receipts, formulas and processes. 1907. Henley 2 . 50 Contains under nearly 10,000 headings, formulas, processes and receipts for use in the laboratory, workshop and home. A. L. A. Wilbur, M. A. Everyday business for women. 1910. Houghton. . 1.06 A valuable and easily understood explanation of business methods every woman ought to know. The proper drawing and endorsing of a check, bank despoits, notes, protests, getting money in emer- gencies, contracts, bills and receipts, employer and employee, business relations with railroads and hotels, taxes, stocks, wills and account-keeping are some of the subjects ably and clearly discussed. A. L. A. Originally written for school girls. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHER'S LIBRARIES 15 FINE ARTS Price Caffin, C. H. How to study pictures. 1905. Century $1.70 The teachers who have picture work get especial help from his way of comparing and contrasting two similar artists. OREGON. Lavignac, Albert. Music and musicians; tr. by W. Marchant. 4th ed. 1903. Holt 1 .48 Includes discussions on the voice, orchestral instruments, orches- tration, music of ancient nations, modern composers. Appendix on American composers. A. L. A. Weed, C. M. & Emerson, Philip . The school garden book. Scribner 1 . 06 Directions for the flower garden by months, with a second part giving garden exercises for pupils. OREGON. Whitcomb, I. P. Young people's story of art. 1906. Dodd 1.30 Legends and stories of some of the most famous architects, sculp- tors and painters and their work, treating briefly of Egyptian, Grecian, Roman, Italian, German, Flemish, Dutch, English and French art. A. L. A. Young peopled story of music. 1908. Dodd. . . 1.30 Useful for reference, but of little value for general reading. A. L. A. AMUSEMENTS Bancroft, J. H. Games for the playground, home, school and gym- nasium. 1900. Macmillan 1.35 Games collected from many countries and sources, are adapted to a variety of conditions indoors or out of doors, city or country. Champlin, J. D. & Bostwick, A. E. Young folks' cyclopedia of games and sports. Rev. ed. 1899. Holt 2 . 00 Includes indoor and outdoor games and plays athletic and rural sports and pastimes, chemical and mechanical experiments and amusements and other similar things to interest wide-awake boys and girls. PREFACE. LITERATURE Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. 9th ed. 1902. Little 2.50 Collection of passages, phrases and proverbs, both poetical and prose, giving sources in ancient and modern literature; chronologic arrangement. Index of authors and of most important words of quotations. KROEGER. For the very small library the Powers compilations are sufficient. Botta, A. C. L. Handbook of universal literature. Rev. ed. 1902. Houghton 1 . 70 Birdseye view of world literatures. Indicates most important work and the distinguishing characteristics of many authors. A. L. A. Bryant, W. C. New library of poetry and song; Rev. and enl., with recent authors and containing a dictionary of poetical quotations. 1903. Doubleday 4.25 Arranged in large groups, as Poems of love, etc. Indexes of authors, titles, first lines and of quotations. KROEGER. Prefer to Dana's Household book of poetry. WISCONSIN. 16 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Champlin, J. D. Young folks' cyclopedia of literature and art. 1901. Holt $2.00 Concise accounts of masterpieces of literature and art, including music, painting, architecture and sculpture. KROEGER. Crabb, George, comp. English synonyms. Harper .83 Quotations from the best writers illustrating the use of words are given. KROEGER. Fernald, J. C. English synonyms and antonyms, with notes on the correct use of prepositions. 20th ed. 1896. (Standard educa- tional ser.) Funk 1.27 Over 7,500 classified and discriminated synonyms, with 'nearly 4,000 classified antonyms, together with the correct use of pre- positions indicated by illustrative examples and practical hints and helps on the accurate use of words. Gayley, C. M., ed. Classic myths in English literature and in art. Rev. ed. 1911. (School ed.) Ginn 135 Stories from Greek, Roman, Eastern and Norse mythology with their relation to literature and art. Based chiefly on Bulfinch's Age of fable, but more comprehensive and more satisfactory for reference use. WISCONSIN. Hoyt, J. K. & Ward, A. L. Cyclopedia of practical quotations. English, Latin, and modern foreign languages. 1896. Funk. . 5.10 Arranged under subject, instead of chronologically like Bartlett's. No quotations from the Bible are included. The most useful work for quotations by subjects. KROEGER. Powers, G. W. Handy dictionary of prose quotations. 1901. Crowell 30 Handy dictionary of poetical quotations. 1901. Crowell .30 These are convenient small compilations arranged alphabetically by subject, with indexes of authors and of quotations alphabeti- cally arranged by principal word. Whitcomb, I. P. Young people's story of American literature. 1912. Dodd 1.27 Short and readable accounts of the lives and works of authors and orators, arranged in historical order and in natural groups. Begins with writers of early colonial and revolutionary times, and omits those living today. Will serve as a useful reference book for the upper grades. A. L. A. GEOGRAPHY Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and historical atlas of Europe. (Every- man's library) 1911. Button .30 Contains 56 admirably engraved and colored historical maps, 46 line maps showing battle plans and regions of literary fame and a 40-page gazetteer of places of literary and historical interest. A. L. A. Cram, G. F. Army and Navy edition of Cram's quick reference atlas and gazetteer of the world; ed. by Eugene Murray-Aaron. 1911. Cram 85 1910 edition of their quick reference atlas, highly recommended by Kroeger. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHER'S LIBRARIES 17 Price Unrivalled atlas of the world. Folio. Cram $4.50 Census of 1910 revision. Marginal index, and ready reference index to the U. S. Separate maps for each of the political divisions of the world and for many cities, both foreign and in the U. S. Has also a full text description of the world and its geography, well illustrated. Lippincott's new gazetteer. 1906. Lippincott 8.50 First published in 1855. This edition is printed from new type, the text being thoroughly revised. The most comprehensive American work of its kind. KROEGER. Mill, H. R., ed. The international geography. By seventy authors. 3d ed. 1909. Appleton 2 .34 Readable account of character of all countries as regards land and people, in language neither technical nor childish. INTROD. Peck, H. T., ed. Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. 2 v. 1897. Amer. bk. co 5.40 Based upon Sir William Smith's classical dictionaries. Special attention to recent archeological discoveries and investigations. Seyffert, O. Dictionary of classical antiquities. 1908. Macmillan .90 Translated from the German. Scholarly and inexpensive and sufficient, possibly, for many libraries. A. L. A. Tarr, R. S. & McMurry, F. M. Geographies. 2 v. 1910. Mac- millan. v. 1 . Home geography and the earth as a whole .54 v. 2. Complete geography .90 Textbooks treating geography broadly. Structure of soil and physical features, influence of physical facts on colonization and industries. Fully illustrated and valuable as children's reference books in a general library. OREGON. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES Adams, O. F. Dictionary of American authors. 5th ed. 1904. Houghton 2 . 97 Recommended by A. L. A. Bkl. for libraries with little on American authors. Brief accounts of authors, including dates, biographic and critical facts, and list of works. There is a supplement of 146 p. containing more than 2,800 names. KROEGER. Champlin, J. D. Young folks' cyclopedia of persons and places. 6th ed. 1911. Holt 2.00 Both real and fabulous personages and events . A book of famous names. N. Y. Who's who in America; a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the U. S. Latest ed. Marquis 4 . 50 Published biennially. Condensed sketches of the lives of prominent Americans and of persons identified with American affairs. The addresses of persons are given. KROEGER. HISTORY Channing, Edward. Student's history of the United States. New ed., with additions. 1908. Macmillan 1 .26 3 18 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Difficult, but in the hands of a good teacher, the best. WISCONSIN. Dictionary of dates brought down to the present day. (Everyman's library) Button $0.30 Aims to give all dates likely to be of service to the general reader. Names of people given only when they mark a distinct point in time. OREGON. Heilprin, Louis. Historical reference. 6th ed. rev. to 1899. Ap- pleton 1 . 34 Chronological table of universal history, a chronological dictionary of universal history, a biographical dictionary. KROEGER. Quite the most compact, convenient, accurate, and authoritative work of the kind in the language. NATION. Lane, M. A. L. & Hill, Mabel, eds. American history in literature. 1905. Ginn 43 Collection of prose and poetry illustrating the leading events in American history. WISCONSIN. Ploetz, K. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval, and modern history; tr. by W. H. Tillinghast. Rev. ed. 1911. Houghton 2.55 Perhaps the most valuable of all the small books of reference. ADAMS. GENERAL LIST OF BOOKS PSYCHOLOGY Betts, G. H. The mind and its education. Appleton 1.06 Intended as an introduction to psychology for teachers, for students and for general reading. Hall, G. S. Youth: its education, regimen and hygiene. Appleton. . 1 .27 A selection and epitome of the practical and especially the peda- gogical conclusions of his larger work, Adolescence. PITTSBURGH. James, William. Principles of psychology. (Amer. science ser. briefer course) Holt 1 .44 CONDUCT OF LIFE. ETHICS Alexander, J. L., ed. Boy training. Ass'n press .50 Concise, practical articles by various leaders, presenting little more than the principles that should underlie the training of boys and the influences and relationships that must be reckoned with. The section on "The fourfold normal development of boyhood" presents some helpful material for workers that has not been included in earlier books. A brief but good bibliography (27 titles), introduction by Ernest Thompson Seton and foreword by the editor, who is secretary of the Boy scouts of America. A. L. A. Berle, A. A. The school in the home. Moffat 90 Talks with parents and teachers on intensive child training. Brown, C. R. The young man's affairs. Crowell .85 Seven talks from a religious viewpoint about a young man's most vital concerns and interests; distinguished by a grasp of essentials, sound common sense and a picturesque and humorous style. A. L. A. CONDUCT OF LIFE. ETHICS. 19 Price Brownlee, Jane. Character building in school. Houghton $0.85 "This book is the outgrowth of eight years' experience in the definite moral training of children through instruction in the right use of their power to think." A book for the teacher, being a guide to daily schoolroom work in teaching self-control, obedience, and all that makes for right living. OREGON. Cabot, Dr. R. C. What men live by. Houghton 1 .27 A physician's solution of what men need work, play, love and worship. Call, A. P. Power through repose. New ed. Little . .85 The gospel of relaxation, as one may call it, is preached in this admirable little volume, which ought to be in the hands of every teacher and student in America of either sex. WILLIAM JAMES. Camith, W. H. Letters to American boys. Amer. unit, ass'n .... .70 Straightforward, interesting letters about manners, attitude toward members of the family, games, the "gang", study, the teacher, learning a trade, going into business, being a doctor, etc. ( -OREGON. Conklin, M. G. Conversation ; what to say and how to say it. Funk. . . 63 Suggestive little book, written for people who wish to improve. Point is frequently given by relating anecdotes, actual blunders and wise dicta of Stevenson, Mahaffy, Sydney Smith and other* con- versationalists are skilfully interlarded. A. L. A. Dewey, Mrs. J. M. Lessons on morals arranged for grammar schools, high schools, and academies. Hinds .60 To help children to learn to decide rightly questions of conduct and to become strong and self-reliant in character. OREGON. Everett, C. C. Ethics for young people. Ginn .45 Chapters on morality in general, duties toward one's self, duties toward others, helps and hindrances. Somewhat difficult for children, but excellent for the teacher's use. OREGON. Forbush, W. B. The boy problem. 6th ed. Pilgrim press 45 Serious study of adolescence and of the associations formed by and for boys. Emphasis on the function of the church. Harvard guide. Extensively revised in this edition. A. L. A. Fowler, N. C. Art of letter writing. Sully 40 A handbook covering the whole field of correspondence. Gives specific directions on good form, general advice on the body of the letter, and general information on postage rules. The suggestions on business practice will be specially helpful; the division on the art and practice of polite correspondence betrays social inex- perience. A. L. A. Gulick, L. H. Mind and work. Doubleday 1 .02 Stimulating, practical talks on the 'relation between mental con- dition and physical efficiency. A. L. A. Hyde, W. D. The quest of the best. Crowell 85 "Insights into ethics for parents, teachers and leaders of boys." Sub-title. "For the top shelf, out of the boy's reach." Thus it warns against making boys self-conscious in all this study of their natures. It also warns leaders against too much self-consciousness, and gives practical, sensible, suggestions for helping boys, inci- dentally girls, to "find themselves." Lectures delivered before 20 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price the First General assembly of association workers with boys. A. L. A. Key, E. K. S. The century of the child. Putnam $1 .27 Earnest, thought-provoking arrangement of social and educational institutions in their effect on the child. Early chapters contain radical views on marriage and the family, but later ones have distinct value, specially those on children's education. A. L. A. King, H. C. The laws of friendship, human and divine. (Haver- ford lib. lect.) Macmillan 1 . 12 Study of the fundamental laws that govern friendship with God and man. Inspiring yet practical and suggestive. A. L. A. (Macmillan' s standard library) Macmillan .40 Marden, O. S. Success: a book of ideals, helps and examples. Wilde 90 Some of the chapter headings are: Enthusiasm Game of the world Education under difficulties Misfit occupations Doing everything to a finish Conduct as a fine art Medicine for the mind Ideals Many anecdotes of famous men. MINN. Puffer, J. H. The boy and his gang. Houghton .85 Well balanced study of the gang instinct, the anthropology and psychology of the gang tribal instincts, the wanderlust, etc., by an experienced worker among boys. Accounts of different gangs given by 66 boys have been used as a basis for determining what the gregarious boy instinct really means and how it may best be directed for social good. A sensible and suggestive book for parents, teachers and social workers. Author is director of the Beacon vocation bureau, Boston. A. L. A. Richards, Mrs. E. H. S. The art of right living. Whitcomb 45 Not a manual of specific directions, but a brief survey of consider- ations which should influence eating, exercise, ventilation, sleep, - amusement, work, environment. -N. Y. Wallace, Henry. Uncle Henry's letters to the farm boy. (Standard school library) Macmillan .45 Eighteen letters by the editor of Wallace's farmer on habits, educa- tion, business, recreation, and kindred subjects. OREGON. Washington, B. T. Character building. Doubleday 1 .27 Addresses delivered on Sunday evenings to the students of Tuskegee institute. MINN. . RELIGION Abbott, Lyman. The great companion. Grosset .40 A series of readable essays on religion. Seeking after God. Crowell .85 Helpful exposition of creeds and their interpretations. A. L. A. Baker, R. S. The spiritual unrest. Stokes 1 . 14 Revision of popular articles reporting the present condition of organized religion among Protestants, Catholics and Jews. A. L. A. Black, Hugh. Comfort. Revell 85 Nine essays, whose broad sympathy, deep religious feeling and RELIGION 21 Price entire lack of platitudes recommend them to persons in need of comfort. A. L. A. Chesley, A. M. Social activities for men and boys. Ass'n press. . $0.90 Useful compilation of suggestions and experiences in Y. M. C. A. work. Discusses entertainments, camping, boy scouts, etc. A. L. A. Cope, H. F. Efficiency in the Sunday school. Doran .85 Twenty-eight articles reprinted from various periodicals, discussing the needs that are uppermost in the organization and administra- tion of an efficient school, the proper tests for its efficiency, and many other matters of interest to workers and pastors. Good classed bibliography. A. L. A. The evolution of the Sunday school. (Modern Sunday school manuals) Pilgrim press .63 A compact, readable account of the whole Sunday school movement. Its genesis, adoption by the church, development through organiza- tions, evolution of the teacher, the school for adults, are treated in a scholarly yet practical manner, and from the layman's stand- point. A chapter is given to the Religious education association, of which the author is general secretary. His arguments for the graded school are convincing, and the book gives the feeling that the Sunday school is the greatest institution in the modern church. A. L. A. Eucken, R. C. Christianity and the new idealism; tr. by L. J. Gibson and W. R. B. Gibson. (Harper's lib. of living thought) Harper . . 63 Vital discussion of the spirit of Christianity in its broader sense. For the student of philosophy and religion and the thoughtful and scholarly general reader. A. L. A. Forbush, W. B. Church work with boys. Pilgrim press .45 Practical chapters on the principles of church work with boys, how to teach a boys' Sunday-school class, how to conduct a church boys' club, the work of men with boys, etc. A. L. A. Gladden, Washington. The church and modern life. Houghton. . 1.05 An inspirational appeal to young men and women in the church to enlist in a campaign of practical service. A. L. A. Hodges, George. The training of children in religion. Appleton. . . 1.27 Practical chapters on the education of children under 15 in religion . as distinct from ethics, from the viewpoint of modern liberal orthodoxy. A. L. A. King, H. C. Letters on the greatness and simplicity of the Christian faith. Pilgrim press .63 An effort to help teachers to see and impart some fundamental spiritual truths. Slightly revised edition of Letters to Sunday school teachers. (1906). A. L. A. Rauschenbusch, Walter. Christianity and the social crisis. Mac- millan 1.35 A plea for the church to enter into an alliance with the rising class of workers and by its mediation secure victory by a gradual equaliza- tion of social opportunity and power. A. L. A. (Macmillan's standard library.) Macmillan . 40 Short, J. H. Oberammergau. Crowell .85 Describes and illustrates village and the people from close ac- 22 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price quaintance, gives a resume* of the Passion Play, and pictures the main participants in 1900 and 1910. A careful translation of the Passion Play (Duffield, 1909, 218 p.) by M. J. Moses, is based on three texts. Medieval sources and modern modifications are given. A. L. A. Stelzle, Charles. American social and religious conditions. Revell . $0 . 85 A broad-minded, constructive survey of present conditions, with a full presentation of statistics and a discussion of the problems connected with city and country life, immigration, negi o popula- tion, etc. Definite suggestions are made as to ways in which the church can help, and things to be avoided are indicated. Largely an outcome of the "Men and religion forward movement" campaign, of which the author had charge, and which surveyed seventy American cities in 1911. A. L. A. Van Dyke, Henry. Counsels by the way. Crowell .85 Collection of religious and ethical essays, excellent in style and per- meated with a helpful optimism. A. L. A. The gospel of the age of doubt. 6th ed. rev., with a new preface. (Macmillan's standard library) Grosset .40 Ranks high among mbdern contributions to philosophy of reli- gion. OUTLOOK. MYTHOLOGY For further references see List of books on Mythology in Preferred list of books for district school libraries in the state of Michigan, p. 19-24. Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of fable; or, Beauties of mythology. Rev. ed. McKay $0.84 Stories from the Greek, Roman, Eastern, Scandinavian mythologies. The interest in them is increased by connecting them with litera- ture, sculpture and painting. PITTSBURGH. (Young People's classics) McKay .35 Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome. School ed. Amer. bk. co 1.35 A convenient elementary reference book giving the mythology in such a manner that the student will appreciate its great influence upon literature and art. Many poetical quotations. This edition has no illustrations. OREGON. Myths of northern lands. Narrated with special reference to literature and art. 1895. Amer. bk. co 1.35 Handbook for teacher and older pupils. Contains story of Sigurd and comparison of Greek and northern mythologies. OREGON. Morris, William. Story of Sigurd the Volsung, written in verse by William Morris with portions condensed into prose by Winifred Turner and Helen Scott. (Class books of English literature) Longmans .45 A poetic version for young people and adults. "The very breath of the North seems to flow across these lines as the polar wind across the green waves of the North Sea." OLCOTT. GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP. 23 GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP Price Abbot, W. J. American merchant ships and sailors. Dodd $1 . 80 American shipping from colonial days to present, including coast- wise, oversea, river, lake and fishing craft. Accurate. WELLS. Allen, W. H. Woman's part in government, whether she votes or not. Dodd..... 1.35 Outlines the questions of the day on which woman's influence can be brought to advantage: philanthropy, hygiene, school, municipal government, and public business. Suggestive and practical, though disconnected. A. L. A. Ashley, R. L. American federal state: a textbook in civics for high schools and colleges. Macmillan 1 . 80 Baker, R. S. Following the color line; an account of negro citizen- ship in the American democracy. Doubleday 1 . 70 Clear, impartial statement of present conditions and relationships of the negro in American life. Harvard guide. A. L. A. Beard, C. A. & M. R. American citizenship. Macmillan .90 Contents: Human need and the government. The machinery of government officers, elections and parties. The work of the government. Bradford, E. S. Commission government in American cities. (Citizens library of economics, politics and sociology) Macmillan 1 . 12 Contains comparison of the different forms of commission plan, summaries of checks to popular control (the referendum, initiative, recall) and tables of commission-governed cities illustrating various phases of the plan in operation. A. L. A. Croly, Herbert. Promise of American life. (Macmillan's Standard lib.) Macmillan .40 Argues that unrestricted individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth and that increased social legislation will be necessary to secure equality of opportunity the " promise of American life." A. L. A. Davis, J. W. Young America's manual. Rev. ed. Educ. pub. co. . .23 Patriotic manual containing national songs and excerpts for holiday observance. Especial attention is paid to ceremonies prescribed by the U. S. government for honoring the flag. N. Y. Dorr, Mrs. R. C. What eight million women want. Small 1 . 70 Popular articles describing the four movements which the Inter- national council of women have agreed to support: peace and arbitration, social purity, removing legal disabilities of women, and woman suffrage. A. L. A. Fairlie, J. A. Local government in counties, towns and villages. (Amer. state ser.) Century 1 . 03 Careful, comprehensive presentation of contemporary institutions country officers, justices and police, town and village govern- ment, public education, charities, local finance, etc. A. L. A. Federalist; a commentary on the constitution of the United States; reprinted from the original text of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison; ed. by H: C. Lodge. Putnam 1 .27 Written at the very birth of the Union by those who watched its 24 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price cradle, and recording, incidentally, and therefore all the more faithfully, the impressions and anticipations of the friends and enemies of the infant constitution. JAMES BRYCE. Fess, S. D. The history of political theory and party organization in the United States. Gum $1 . 35 A fairly successful attempt to trace the effect on actual politics of political theory, through an exposition of events contributing to its development, and of the principles for which prominent leaders in national politics have stood. The treatment is mainly chronological. Less adapted to students' use than to the general reader's though for either the omission of all references for further study is unfortunate. A. L. A. Foster, J. W. Century of American diplomacy: brief review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1777-1876. Houghtpn. . 2.70 Chapter on Monroe doctrine covers Venezuela dispute. Written from wide experience and careful use of sources. N. Y. Practice of diplomacy as illustrated in the foreign relations of the United States. Houghton 2 . 50 Sets forth the part taken by American diplomatists in the elevation and . purification of diplomacy and gives in popular form the rules and procedure of diplomatic intercourse. Compliments a century of American diplomacy. A. L. A. Fowler, N. C. How to obtain citizenship. Sully .85 Plain and simple directions for the alien or foreigner who would become a citizen of the U. S- Gives much information which will greatly benefit him. George, W. R. The Junior republic : its history and ideals. Appleton. 1 . 27 Interesting account of its evolution and methods. A. L. A. George, W. R. & Stowe, L. B. Citizens made and remade. Hough- ton 1.06 Contents: Mr. George studies the street boy at close range Success through failure A new old idea A republic for bad boys The republic becomes a democracy Girl citizens Every boy like every other Character through responsibility Self-govern- ment in schools and institutions The world's workers Citizens remade A square deal foi democracy. Gulliver, Lucile. Friendship of nations; the story of the peace movement for young people. Ginn ' .54 Relates the story of war and -of peace, the growth of friendly re- lations between countries and the part played by discoveries and inventions in the cause of peace. Other movements of the age that have in view the betterment of the world are also described. A good source of material for the teacher and so simply written as to be easily read by children. There are many quotations and a wide range of illustrative material. A. L. A. Hart, A. B. The southern South. Appleton 1 .27 Impartial consideration of southern conditions and problems, in- dorsing separation of the black and white races. More thorough and exhaustive, if occasionally less keen, than Archer's Through Afro- Am erica. A. L. A. Haskin, F. J. The American government* School ed. Lippincott. . .72 A review of the actual work of the federal government. Interesting and authoritative. OREGON. GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP 25 Price How Americans are governed in nation, state and city. Harper ... $0 . 84 Useful and very readable and comprehensive survey of the whole field of government for young people. Somewhat biased and inaccurate. A. L. A. James, J. A. & Sanford, A. H. Government in state and nation. Rev. ed. Scribner 65 New ed. of an excellent textbook. Chapters are supplemented by questions and references. Judson, H. P. The young American: a civic reader. Merrill.... .45 Outlines of our system of government with historical references and appropriate selections in prose and verse. Aside from the many excellent selections there are chapters on: Our country The republic Laws and their makers What we mean by govern- ment How the people of Europe found America and came to live in it National independence A federal republic American home rule The lawmakers How laws are enforced The President's cabinet How laws are enforced in the states Judge and jury How the government gets money Who we are Who are our rulers. OREGON. McCall, S. W. Business of Congress. (Columbia university lec- tures) Columbia univ 1.27 Describes the way in which congress actually transacts business and gives a history of the evolution of parliamentary methods, with concrete examples and occasional amusing and illuminating anecdotes. A. L. A. Marriott, Crittenden. How Americans are governed in nation, state and city. Harper .84 The purpose is to picture government in its actual workings instead of devoting much space to historical origins and evolution. The increasing importance of municipal problems and their immediate interest has made it proper that more attention should be given to this subject than is usually done. The book is thoroughly modern, dealing with new phases of -civics like our relations to the Philippines, the recent aspects of the tariff, control of public utilities, public service commissions, conservation of natural resources, etc. PUB. Uncle Sam's business told for young Americans. Harper 84 Contents: Uncle Sam, ruler The laws, intercourse with neigh- bors Uncle Sam's money Uncle Sam, captain of industry The working force, the accounts Uncle Sam, public servant Looking after our food supply, improving our country. Not so well written as the other books, but full of information. OREGON. Porter, T. B. A textbook of parliamentary law; table of forms and drills, notes on lessons. Evangelical assoc .60 Roosevelt, Theodore. The new nationalism. Doubleday 1.27 Selections from speeches delivered in 1910. A. L. A. Steiner, E. A. The immigrant tide, its ebb and flow. Revell 1 .27 Discussion of the temperament and ideals of Italian, Jewish and Slavic immigrants and their effect on our institutions. A. L. A. Sumner, H. L. Equal suffrage. Harper 1 . 70 Study of the political, social and economic effects of equal suffrage in Colorado. An impartial presentation which includes material useful to suffragists and anti-suffragists alike, but with conclusions favorable to women's voting. A. L. A. 26 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Taft, W. H. Present day problems. Dodd $1 . 27 Sixteen addresses that form a compendium of the author's opinions on public questions. A. L. A. White, W. A. The old order changeth. (Macmillan' s standard library) Macmillan .45 Chronicles and measures the reforms and changes that are going on in the fight of democracy with aristocracy. A. L. A. Williams, Henry. The United States navy. Holt 1 . 35 Handbook of general information in regard to the navy, for those having some interest in naval affairs but not needing technical information. Excellent for young men who are considering the navy and for families of enlisted men. OREGON. Wilson, Woodrow. The new freedom. Doubleday .85 The main theme is the great political and economic changes which have come about through modern industrial conditions. He favors publicity and the referendum. A. L. A. The state; elements of historical and practical politics. Heath 1 .80 Reviews, in extended summary form, the leading features of all the more important ancient and modern systems of government. DIAL. ECONOMICS Adams, C. C. Text book of commercial geography. Appleton. ... 1.17 General geographic conditions, followed by commerce of the several countries, nearly a third of the book devoted to U. S. Pol. Science Quart. Addams, Jane. The spirit of youth and the city streets. Macmillan. 1.12 Miss Addams, who has lived and worked among the poor for many years, gives us an interpretation of the longings and temptations of young people in the great city. She shows us how these longings ought to be met and how these temptations may be overcome. Though the book states many hard problems, it faces them in a a buoyant helpfulness and leaves us with a feeling that we ought to be up and doing something for those who need our help, not because they are less good, but because they are less fortunate than ourselves. AMER. INST. OF CHILD LIFE. New and cheaper ed. Macmillan .40 Twenty years at Hull-house. Macmillan 1 .27 Survey of its founding and development and of some of the civic and social movements in Chicago. A. L. A. Barton, Clara. Story of the Red Cross. Appleton 85 Early history and account of relief work accomplished. A. L. A. Brooks, E. C. The story of cotton and the development of the cotton states. Rand .67 Treats of one of the greatest industries of the world and its relation to the life of the people. Carleton, William, pseud. One way out; a middle-class New Eng- lander emigrates to America. Small 1.05 ECONOMICS 27 Price The experiences of a Boston clerk who is discharged at thirty- eight, and having no other resources, turns day laborer. Through his quick wit, his perfect health, the cooperation of a wonderfully capable wife and the opportunities offered by night schools and libraries, in less than four years he is a fairly successful contractor, with a greater success obviously to come. Whether founded on personal experience or not, the narrative is of extreme interest because of its detailed study of actual conditions and of value for its suggestiveness. Partly published in the Saturday Evening Post. A. L. A. Conyngton, Mary. How to help. New ed. Macmillan $1 . 27 Practical survey of the field of philanthropic effort and suggestions for methods of aid. Revision of Manual of practical charity. A. L. A. ,fc. ^ Coolidge, M. E. B. R. S. Why women are so. Holt 1 .27 A fearless discussion of the modern woman, her inheritance, her present and her more promising future. The eighteenth and nineteenth-century woman-feminine not womanly, lacking in originality and initiative and wrongly trained and educated is keenly analyzed and compared with the highest type of woman today, with her clear conception of woman's privilege and duty. Though many readers will not concur with some of the author's generalizations, the book has the right ring and a clear-sighted grasp of life's values and problems. A. L. A. Devine, E. T. The principles of relief. Macmillan 1 .70 Historical and practical survey, presenting typical cases and describing action in special ones. For both worker and student. A. L. A. Dewey, D. R. Financial history of the United States. (American citizen ser.) Longmans 1 . 75 The best single work on our financial and monetary history. Especially valuable for the relations between democratic sentiment and financial legislation and for the period following the Civil war. WELLS. Fiske, A. K. Modern bank. (Appleton's business ser.) Appleton . 1 . 27 Brief description of development and modern systems of banking, with chapters on trust companies, savings banks, foreign exchange, safe deposit companies. N. Y. Gregory, M. H. Checking the waste: a study in conservation. Bobbs 1 .00 A resume, presented in very simple fashion, of the entire problem of conservation. Care of soil, water, forest, prevention of disease, economy in the use of natural resources, protection of insect-eating birds, and general observations on health and hygiene are some of the subjects. The establishment of a national bureau of health is urged. The untechnical style will attract older boys and girls as well as adults. The halftone illustrations are well chosen. References at end of each chapter. A. L. A. Mahan, A. T. Naval strategy compared and contrasted with the principles and practice of military operations on land. Little . . 3 . 15 Discusses some recent naval operations. Mills, J. C. Our inland seas. McClurg 1 .48 Story of the development of commerce on the Great Lakes from 1679, reciting the history, adventure and romance of the lakes 28 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price and discussing the economic relation of lake traffic to general prosperity. A. L. A. Searchlights on some American industries. McClurg . . $1 . 27 Contents : Lumber Salt Sugar Paper Rubber Leather- Moulding Graphite Sightless workers, the achievements of the blind. Ogg, F. A. Social progress in contemporary Europe. Macmillan. . 1.27 Reviews the development of significant political, economic and social aspects and activities in Europe and Great Britain since 1789 and analyzes the origin and character of the changes to which they gave rise. The growth of socialism is impartially out- lined. Less valuable to the student than to the reader wanting a survey based on well selected facts. Good bibliography by chapters and index. A. L. A. Price, O. W. The land we live in: the boy's book of conservation. Small 1.27 An interesting attractive book printed on heavy, glazed paper, which is admirable for illustrations but does not make a durable book. Contents: America three hundred years ago America to- day : How the forest is used, abroad and at home In a national forest The farmers' farms and the nation's farm The treasurers underground Wild life The rivers W^hat this means to us How we can help This is conservation An inventory of natural resources . OREGON. Richardson, A. S. The girl who earns her own living. Rickey .... .90 Sensible and specific advice to girls of meager education, discussing personal qualifications, preparation, method of securing a position, salaries and chances of advancement in 18 occupations. A. L. A. Richardson, B. J. The woman who spends. 2d ed. Whitcomb . . .90 Aims to make women realize their influence in the ceonomic world and urges them to a sense of responsibility in the use of money. Richardson, Dorothy. The long day ; the story of a New York work- ing girl as told by herself. Century 1 . 05 Absorbing record of the experiences of a young country girl without money, friends or training, in her struggle to make a living in New York factories and workshops. N. Y. Riis, J. A. Battle with the slum. Macmillan 1 .70 Intimately personal account of the conditions which prevailed in the tenement districts and of what has been done and against what odds, to purge the city. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. Schreiner, Mrs. Olive. Woman and labor. Stokes 1 . 06 Earnest and intelligent discussion of woman's economic and social condition and of the benefit the author believes her greater freedom will bring to all mankind. A. L. A. Spargo, John. Bitter cry of the children. Macmillan 1.35 Problem of poverty as it effects children. Studies the evils re- sulting from work of children under the legal age in factories and mines and suggests remedies. A. L; A. Spargo, John. Socialism; a summary and interpretation of socialists principles. 2d ed. Macmillan.. 1.27 EDUCATION 29 Price Simple, clear exposition of socialism by an able propagandist, enlarged and revised to date. A. L. A. (Macmillan's standard library) $0.45 Tarbell, I. M. The business of being a woman. Macmillan 1 .06 A sane and earnest plea for the realization of the unique social and economic opportunity of the woman in the home, as educator, enlightened consumer, center of social life, arbiter of the dress and servant questions and protector of friendless children Re- printed from the American magazine. A. L. A. Van Hise, C. R. Conservation of natural resources in the United States. Macmillan 1 . 70 A practical presentation in moderate compass, based on all available resources. A. L. A. EDUCATION For further references see list of books on education in Preferred list of books for district school libraries in the state of Michigan, p. 164-170. Ayres, L. P. Open air schools. Doubleday 1 . 02 Follows development in Germany, England and United States, presenting facts of administration, cost, equipment and results. Based on practical experiences. N. Y. Betts, G. H. & Hall, O. E. Better rural schools. Bobbs-Merrill . . 1.05 A comprehensive, constructive treatment of the whole rural school situation, carefully planned and full of practical suggestions. Written for rural school teachers, administrators and normal school classes, it devotes much space to the everyday problems of the school-room, supervision, centralization and the relation of the school to the community. Good index and illustrations. Ques- tions for discussion follow each chapter. A. L. A. Briggs, L. B. R. Girls and education. Houghton .85 Contents : To the girl who would cultivate herself To school girls at graduation To college girls College teachers and college taught. Brown, J. F. American high school. Macmillan 1 .26. Discusses from the educator's standpoint its function, organization and management, curriculum, teaching force, material equipment and social life. A. L. A. Charters, W. W. Teaching the common branches. Houghton 1 . 14 Written primarily for rural schools, the book has a sound founda- tion in proper theory and works out reasons in a clear, sensible and practical way. Each subject is taken up separately, with reasons for teaching and some workable suggestions as to how. The last four chapters discuss general methods. References and questions at the ends of chapters and a general list of books for collateral reading. Good for reference and for teachers in both rural and graded schools. A. L. A. De Guimps, Roger, baron. Pestalozzi, his life and work. Appleton . 1 . 00 A readable and interesting biography, with list of works and bibliography. "Pestalozzi taught mainly by action. In him the most interesting thing is his life." R. H. QUICK. 30 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Earhart, L. B. Teaching children to study. (Riverside educational monographs) Houghton $0 . 32 A guide book for teachers and parents dealing with (1) the nature of logical study and its relation to textbook study; (2) the ability of children to learn to study logically and effectively; (3) methods of training children to study. A. L. A. Graves, F. P. A history of education in modern times. Macmillan . . .99 More attention is given to general educational movements than to individual reformers. Much emphasis is laid upon educational institutions and practice. Hart, J. K., ed. Educational resources of village and rural com- munities. Macmillan .90 Suggestive and by experts. Useful for rural survey. A. L. A. Johnson, G. E. Education by plays and games. Ginn .81 Brief discussion of the meaning of play and of the history and place of play in education, and a suggestive course of plays and games, graded by age and analyzed to show the chief mental activities involved in and developed by them. A. L. A. Kern, O. J. Among country schools. Ginn 1.10 Vigorous plea for improved education in country districts, em- phasizing the importance of the place of scientific agriculture. A. L. A. Knorr, G. W, Consolidated rural schools and the organization of a county system. (Experiment Stations Office. Bulletin 232) Supt. of docs. Paper 15 A careful study of the organization of consolidated school districts which obtains in parts of thirty-two states. It discusses the ad- vantages of the system in increased attendance, better supervision and teaching force, and decreased expense, and emphasizes the value of these districts as factors in the extension of agricultural education and in the social and business life of the community. A plan of county organization is advocated when feasible, as opposed to smaller units. A. L. A. Moral training in the public schools: the California prize essays, by C. E. Rugh, T. P. Stevenson, E. D. Starbuck, Frank Cramer, G. E. Myers. Ginn 1 . 10 A notable contribution to the discussion of moral education and allied problems, and simplicity of treatment makes it easy reading. W. S. MONROE. Palmer, G. H. Ethical and moral instruction in schools. (Riverside educ. monographs) Houghton .32 Opposes direct teaching of ethical theory and argues in favor of indirect moral training secured by maintaining a high moral tone in all the activities of school life. A. L. A. Parkin, G. R. The Rhodes scholarships. Houghton 1 .70 An account of the origin, conditions and management of these scholarships, prefaced by a sketch of Rhodes' life. A. L. A. Phelps, W. L. Teaching in school and college. Macmillan .90 Contents: School-teaching and discipline Private school-teaching and scholarship Imagination in teaching Efficiency of college teaching Education and instruction English composition Eng- lish pronunciation Teaching English literature Moral aspect of teaching. EDUCATION. LEGENDS 31 Price Slosson, E. E. Great American universities. Macmillan $2.12 Comparative study of the work of nine endowed and five state universities, defining differences clearly. A. L. A. Stevens, E. Y. Guide to the Montessori method. Stokes 85 Interpretation of the Montessori method for American mothers and teachers. Talbot, Marion. The education of women. Univ. of Chic 1.10 Considers women's education in the light of her present-day social and economic function and suggests needed changes in the manage- ment and curricula of schools and colleges. A. L. A. Ward, E. J. The social center. Appleton 1 . 27 Mr. Ward believes in making the schoolhouse the social and civic center of the neighborhood. Mr. Ward is supervisor of the Social center development, Rochester, N. Y. and director of the Play- ground and public recreation association of America and knows the problem with which he deals from actual and pioneer experience in its solution. Ward, F. E. The Montessori method and the American school. Macmillan 1.12 Miss Ward takes up the method from the practical aspect of its application to American school. She goes into the matter thor- oughly, answering questions which every kindergartner and pri- mary worker is asking. She makes connection between Mon- tessori and the work of Dewey, Parker and other American edu- cators. The many summaries, comparisons and questions make it suitable for normal work. Good annotated bibliography. A. L. A. Wilson, C. D. Working one's way through college and university. McClurg 85 Describes methods by which students (men and women) can support themselves while in college*, and gives statistics and ex- tensive lists of occupations, chiefly obtained from college employ- ment bureaus. A great many individual cases are cited, with frequent quotations from published accounts or lives of well known men. Contains much good general advice, also considerable miscellaneous information about various colleges, as to expense and entrance requirements, etc., and sample examination papers for West Point and Annapolis. A. L. A. LEGENDS For further references see' List of books on Legends in Preferred list of books for district school libraries in the state of Michigan, p. 34-41. Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur. McKay 84 Contains not only the legends of King Arthur and his knights and strange and marvelous tales from the famous Red Book of Hergest, but also stories of Richard the Lion-hearted, of Robin Hood the bold outlaw of Sherwood forest, and of Edward the Black Prince. PITTSBURGH. (Everyman's library) Button 30 32 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Skinner, C. M. Myths and legends of our own land. 2v. Lippincott. $2 . 50 Contains the Indian legends of all the American tribes, v. 2 con- tains those of the tribes native to Michigan. Full table of contents. MATHEMATICS Smith, D. E. Teaching and study of elementary mathematics. (Teachers' professional library) Macmillan .90 Young, J. W. A. Teaching of mathematics in the elementary and secondary school. (American teachers' ser.) Longmans 1.35 Includes valuable bibliographies and lists of books for the teacher and the library. MINN. ASTRONOMY Griffith, A. M. M. The stars and their stories. Holt 1 . 06 Contains the legends of the greater stars and the constellations. There are simple charts by which each star and constellation may be found. A short sketch of the history of astronomy is also given. There are a few very choice pictures. Jacoby, Harold. Astronomy. Macmillan 2.12 Written to show the general reader the present state of astronomic science, or to give simple explanations of phenomena, and also as a textbook for high schools and colleges. It is readable, accurate, comprehensive and does not require much knowledge of mathe- matics. Explanations requiring mathematics are included in an appendix designed for the more serious student. A. L. A. Martin, Mrs. M. E. The friendly stars. Harper 1 .06 Untechnical, entertaining descriptions of the 20 brightest stars and the great constellations, indicating their locations, colors, distances, movements, rising and setting. Makes identification with the naked eye easy. A. L. A. Newcomb, Simon. Astronomy for everybody. Doubleday 1 . 70 Authoritative, up to date and written in simple style without tech- nical or mathematical language. Illustrated. N. Y. Serviss, G. P. The moon. Appleton 1.27 Easily readable text and exquisite photographs. A. L. A. ELECTRICITY. PHYSICS Houston, E. J. Wonder book of light. Stokes 1 .27 The nature and properties of light, instruments for special uses, etc., including chapters on color, x-rays and radioactivity, illumina- tion, photography, rainbows, polarized light. A. L. A. Wonder book of magnetism. Stokes 1 . 27 Follows the same plan as the Wonder book of light, describing the mysterious force of magnetism and its uses. A. L. A. Verrill, A. H. Harper's wireless book; how to use wireless electricity in telegraphing and the transmission of power. (Harper's practical books) Harper .85 CHEMISTRY. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 33 Price A book for beginners, explaining clearly the principles, construction and operation of wireless telegraphy, telephony, and power trans- mission. Points out what has been accomplished in the past, what still remains to be done, and in what field the amateur may work without hindering the work of authorized operators. A. L. A. CHEMISTRY Kahlenberg, Louis & Hart, E. B. Chemistry and its relation to daily life; a textbook for students of agriculture and home economics in secondary schools. Macmillan $1 . 12 Aim has been to make the subject-matter thoroughly practical and to present it in an interesting and simple way. INTROD. Smith, Alexander & Hall, E. H. Teaching of chemistry and physics in the secondary school. (American teachers' ser.) Longmans.. 1.35 This volume, really two books, as each of the authors treats his subject separately, takes a place at once, alone and without a rival in an important field. It is a manual of method written for teachers from the pedagogical point of view, yet full of the authority of specialists in the subjects treated. It shows the giant strides in the study of the physical sciences in our high schools during fifteen years. The book is written for trained and prepared teachers who know their subject and to all such it should be an indispensable* . handbook for constant reading and reference. WYER. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. GEOLOGY. BIOLOGY Clodd, Edward. Primer of evolution. Longmans .50 Abridgement of his Story of creation, a condensed statement and a good general view of the theory of evolution. LEYPOLDT & ILES. Houston, E. J. Wonderbook of the atmosphere. Stokes 1.27 An interesting book about the familiar phenomena of the air. Contains a good deal of information that is not included in school books and is happy in getting at the young point of view. A. L. A. The wonderbook of volcanoes and earthquakes. Stokes 1 . 27 The interesting book on the subject that is written in a way to attract young people. Fairly well bound and reprinted; illustrated with mediocre halftones, wood-cuts, and a highly colored frontis- piece. A. L. A. Jordan, D. S. & Kellogg, V. L. Evolution and animal life. Appleton . 2.12 Clear, readable discussion of the facts, processes and theories relating to organic evolution. A. L. A. Seeley, H. G. Story of the earth in past ages. (Library of useful stories) Appleton .43 Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in America. Scribner 1 . 27 Shows how the physical development of the earth (climate, land and sea contours, etc.) has affected organic life and influenced man physically, socially and morally. N. Y. Tarr, R. S. Elementary geology. Macmillan 1 . 26 More stress is placed upon the dynamic aspect of the subject than is commonly given. PREFACE. 34 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Ward, R. D. C. Climate, considered especially in relation to men. (Science ser.) Putnam $1 . 70 Interesting historical material and clear-cut and informing pre- sentation of the facts of climate as now known. EDUC. REV. BOTANY AND GARDENING Baker, Tarkington. Yard and garden. Bobbs 1.27 Good general, popular treatment of the planting and care of trees, shrubs, plants and vines in the small grounds of a town or city home. A. L. A. Coulter, J. M. Textbook of botany, for secondary schools. (Twentieth century textbooks) Appleton 1 . 08 Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. D. Nature's garden. Doubleday. Reprint 1.27 Excellent popular reference book on wild flowers; too large for field use. Groups by color, and as fragrant, unpleasantly scented, conspicuous in fruit. Points out relations with insects. Good photographic illustrations, many iii color. N. Y. Ely,- H. R. A woman's hardy garden. Macmillan 1 . 58 Management, selection of plants and their arrangement dwelt on with sufficient fullness to make it a safe guide for amateurs. Photo- graphic illustrations have great value because dated. NATION Grosset. . .40 Harwood, W. S. New creations in plant life; an authoritative account of the life and work of Luther Burbank. Grosset .... .40 A clear statement of the methods by which Mr. Burbank has produced remarkable achievements in new varieties of plants, and plain directions for novices desiring to experiment in that line. Lacks index. A. L. A. Lounsberry, Alice. A guide to trees. Stokes 1 .60 The necessary amount of scientific knowledge regarding trees is combined with an account of the character and recognized place each tree holds in sentiment and tradition. An attractive feature of the book is the great number of drawings and illustrations in color. McFarland, J. H. Getting acquainted with the trees. (Macmillan's standard library) Macmillan -. . . . .40 Not scientific sketches, but popular. Meier, W. H. D. School and home gardens. Ginn .72 Contains compact and thorough directions concerning most of the plants which schools and homes require, including the care of trees, shrubs and vines and the work of grafting. The study, trans- planting and cultivation of wild flowers are encouraged also. In style and illustration the book is a model, but its mature vocabulary and its assumption of a pretty complete knowledge of garden theory and practice unfit it for its intended use as a textbook in grammar grades. Condensed from the Nation. Miller, L. K. Children's gardens. Appleton 1 . 02 The worthy purpose of this book is "the transforming of barren, dreary, ill-kept school grounds and other uncared for public places into bowers of beauty and good taste." N. Y. . ZOOLOGY 35 Price Weed, C. M. Wild flower families. Lippincott $1 . 06 The haunts, characters and family relationships of the herbaceous wild flowers with suggestions for their identification. ZOOLOGY Bailey, Mrs. F. A. M. Birds of village and field; a bird book for beginners. Houghton 1 . 80 Descriptive color key, tables of migration of winter birds of aids to observations, bibliographies, etc. Illustrations by E. Thompson- Seton, L. A. Fuertes and J. L. Ridgway. N. Y. Burroughs, John. Bird stories from Burroughs: sketches of bird life taken from the works of John Burroughs. School edition. Houghton .54 A chapter is given to each species of bird in this selection of the most interesting of his bird stories. OREGON. Birds and bees, Sharp eyes, and other papers. (River- side literature ser.) Houghton .54 A collection of his best nature essays. Charming in style, accurate in observation, and adapted to the understanding and vocabulary of a child. OREGON. Coupin, H. & Lea, John. The romance of animal arts and craftsr Lippincott 1.27 Apparently this is the first book upon a very unique subject. The subject title states that it is "an interesting account of the spinning, weaving, sewing, manufacturing of paper and pottery, aeronautics, raft building, road making and various other industries of wild life." Some of the interesting topics dealt with are sug- gested by the following page headings: The underground fortress Robber crafts The perfect incubator Magpie fortifications Cake making The ant's pavilions A ferocious infant Parasol ants Why a spider's aeroplane rises. There are about thirty illustrations. AMER. INST. OF CHILD LIFE. Hornaday, W. T. American natural history Scribner 2 . 93 Popular. 'Intended to bridge chasm between scientific zoology and the nature studies of grammar grades. N. Y. It is a bulky volume richly illustrated with photographs and packed full of facts. Mr. Hornaday's life has been spent among wild animals, as hunter, trapper, keeper, collector; and this in spite of the very scientific cast of the book, often gives it a personal, first-hand flavor hardly to be expected in a general natural history, even when limited to American fauna. OREGON. Ingersoll, Ernest. The wit of the wild. New ed. Dodd 1.12 A trained observer's popular and fairly conservative comments on the habits and characteristics of birds, insects and mammals. N. Y. Job, H. K. How to study birds. Outing 1 .27 A sensible guide for beginners and an interesting volume for all bird-lovers. Gives detailed directions for distinguishing both families and individuals at different seasons of the year, and de- scribes methods of study, note-taking and photographing. Ex- cellent illustrations from author's photographs. A. L. A. Maeterlinck, Maurice. Life of the bee; tr. by Alfred Sutro. Dodd. 1 .35 This might well be called the "Epic of the bee." The intention 36 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price throughout is to compare the life, the intelligence and the destiny of the bee with those of man, and the beehive is used as a symbol of the whole mysterious working of nature. PITTSBURGH. Mathews, F. S. Field book of wild birds and their music. Putnam . Si . 70 Despite its limitations, this is easily the best guide to bird song. Both descriptions and notations have been successfully put to test in the field, and it makes enjoyable reading for the bird-lover. A. L. A. Nuttall, Thomas. Popular handbook of the birds of the United States and Canada. Rev. ed. Little 2 . 50 Gives very full descriptions, has black and white and colored illustrations. MINN. Robinson, J. H. Our domestic birds. Ginn 1.21 An elementary study by an authority, intended for high-school pupils, but useful also for children of grammar school age and beginners in poultry keeping. A section on fowls is followed by chapters on ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas, peafowls, pheasants, swans, ostriches, pigeons, canaries, marketing and exhibitions. A. L. A. Trafton, G. H. Methods of attracting birds. Houghton 1 . 06 Contents: The need and value of attracting birds Nesting houses Attracting the winter birds Drinking and bathing fountains Planting trees, shrubs and vines Bird protection in schools Bird photography. Verrill, A. H. Harper's book for young naturalists. (Harper's practical books) Harper 1 . 27 A guide to collecting and preparing specimens, with descriptions of the life, habits and haunts of birds, insects, plants, etc. Sub- title. A very complete useful book, but it has the danger of making boys too eager to collect birds specially, although the author warns them against taking any that they do not need "for serious "study of a systematic collection." A. L. A. Weed, C. M. Life histories of American insects. (Standard school library) Macmillan .45 Non-technical, but accurate studies of a few of the most interesting insects. OREGON. ANIMAL STORIES Roberts, C. G. D. Children of the wild. Macmillan 1 . 14 Interesting stories, many of which appeared in various magazines, told by Uncle Andy who is initiating his little nephew into the mysteries of the life of "children's of the wild." Similar to the author's other books. Will be read by children as well as by adults. A. L. A. The feet of the furtive. Macmillan. . 1 . 14 Sixteen interesting tales of wild life in the Canadian fastnesses or of the fight between isolated settlers and marauding animals. More of them are cast in story form than in earlier collections. A. L. A. The haunters of the silence: a book of animal life. .Page 1 . 33 Vivid dramas of animal life beyond the range of ordinary observa- INVENTIONS, MACHINERY. VOCATIONAL, GUIDANCE 37 Price tion in forest and deep sea, the dominant note being the fierce struggle for existence among all living creatures. N. Y. Grosset. . $0.43 Seton, E. T. Lives of the hunted. Scribner 1 .57 Krag the Kootenay ram, Johnny Bear, Tito the coyote, Randy the sparrow, Chink the pup, the kangaroo rat, the mother teal and the chickadee. Illustrated with over 200 drawings. N. Y. INVENTIONS. MACHINERY Curtiss, G. H. & Post, Augustus. The Curtiss aviation book.. Stokes . . 1 . 16 An account of the early aeroplane experiments, flights and achieve- ments of Mr. Curtiss, with a description of his biplane and chapters discussing the future use and problems of the aeroplane, including its adaptability for military and naval use. Good photographs add to its interest. A. L. A. Ferris, Richard. How it flies ; or, The conquest of the air. Nelson . . 1 . 00 Story of man's endeavors to fly and of the inventions by which he has succeeded. * Maule, H. E. Boy's book of new inventions. Doubleday 1 .36 Published in 1912 and covers inventions of preceding ten years. Contents: The aeroplane Aeroplane development Aeroplanes today Artificial lightning made and harnessed to motion pictures Steel boiled like water and cut like paper The Tesla turbine The romance of concrete The latest automobile engine The wireless telegraph up to the minute More marvels of science. OREGON. Verriil, A. H. Harper's aircraft book. (Harper's practical books for boys) Harper .85 A clear, elementary treatment for older boys of the principles of flight and the construction of model aeroplanes, gliders, and even man-carrying machines. Fully illustrated by diagrams and badly reproduced halftones. A. L. A. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE For further reference see List of books on Vocational guidance in Preferred list of books for district school libraries in the state of Michigan, p. 156-162. Hyde, W. D. College man and college woman. Houghton 1.27 Chapters on Worth of the womanly ideal and Earnings of college graduates are excellent for vocational guidance. Discusses differences between natural vocations of men and women. For older students and prospective college attendants. Laselle, M. A. & Wiley. Katherine. Vocations for girls. Houghton. . . 72 A helpful and practical book of vocational preparation. The authors describe with detail and directness the opportunities, pleasant and unpleasant sides and requirements of employment in a dozen or more vocations, among them stenography and type- writing, salesmanship, telephone operating, working in manufac- turing establishments, cooking, nursing, sewing, millinery, modern teaching and library work. 38 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price McKeever, W. A. The industrial training of the boy. Macmillan . . $0 . 45 Discusses the subject of efficiency in fitting the boy for the making of a life success. Training the girl. Macmillan . 1.27 Purpose of the volume to offer a sort of "Whole-life" plan for girl training. Volume serves as a brief compendium of methods, devices and ideals for girl training. Weaver, E. W. Vocations for girls. Barnes .67 General information and advice on specific vocations. Women's educational and industrial union, Boston. Vocations for the trained woman. Introductory papers; ed. by A. F. Perkins. Women's educ. and indus. union 1 . 80 Practical consideration of fields of work other than teaching open to women, written largely by women workers in New England. A. L. A. HYGIENE. PHYSICAL TRAINING Bancroft, J. H. School gymnastics with light apparatus. Heath . . 1 . 57 Gives exercises for apparatus for the second half of each school year, recommending free work for the correction of posture, and apparatus work for physiological results, cultivation of skill and for interest. Call, A. P. Nerves and common sense. Little 1 . 06 Tells simply and practically how, by lessening the nervous resistance to little annoyances and obsessions, women may strengthen health and character. Self-help for nervous women (Lippincott, 1909, 201 p.) by Dr. J. K. Mitchell, a prominent nerve specialist, consists of short talks on economy in nervous expenditure, and indicates the limits beyond which self-help becomes futile and a physician necessary. N. Y. Galbraith, A. M. Personal hygiene and physical training for women. Saunders 1 . 70 Combines a good hygiene, mental and physical, and practical chapters of physical training. Training exercises are good and well illustrated. A. L. A. Gulick, L. H. Efficient life. Doubleday 1 . 02 Simple, practical suggestions for busy people about sleep, exercise, food, stimulants, aiming to increase the brain workers' general efficiency. A. L. A. Harrison, Eveleen. Home nursing. (Macmillan's standard library) Grosset .40 Simplest ru]es and remedies to be used in care of sick, some general directions regarding nourishment, and simple recipes for invalid cooking. PREF. Holt, L. E. Care and feeding of children. 5th ed. rev. Appleton. . .63 A standard work of high authority and value. A, L. A. Hutchinson, Woods. Common diseases. Houghton 1 .27 A good companion volume to Preventable diseases presenting in very readable chapters many of the diseases and discomforts, real and imaginary, to which flesh is heir. The common sense, humor, sympathy and practical wisdom characteristic of the writer are in full evidence in such chapters as "The passing of pills and powders," AGRICULTURE 39 Price "The unwisdom of worry," "Imaginary diseases and their in- ventors" and "The prevention of old age." A. L. A. - A handbook of health. (Health ser., Book 2) Houghton . . $0 . 59 Interesting and popularly written book of physiology which may be used by adults or by children in the grammar grades. OREGON. Preventable diseases. Houghton 1 .27 Popular articles, which describe the organization of the body and its defensive machinery, and consider specific diseases and their prevention. A. L. A. We and our children. Doubleday 1 . 02 Interesting chapters pertaining to the health of parents and children. The advice is not that of a nursery guide, nor is it perhaps to be followed implicitly, but it is sane and stimulating reading for any parent seriously interested in his child's welfare. A. L. A. Martin, H. N. Human body: an elementary textbook of anatomy, physiology and hygiene. (American sci. ser.: briefer course) Holt 1.12 A standard textbook of physiology. OREGON. Moody, C. S. Backwoods surgery and medicine. Outing , .63 A little handbook for the woodsman, giving common sense treatment for wounds and accidents and remedies for camp diseases, and indicating the symptoms of the most probable ailments. Lists necessary supplies for the camper's medicine chest. A. L. A. Richards, E. H. Euthenics. Whitcomb 90 A most interesting book dealing with our city to make better conditions for the human race. Euthenics Mrs. Richards defines as "hygiene for the present generation." She shows how most sickness among children and most failures among men and women is caused by the neglect of conditions for which all of us are to blame and which, all together, we can remedy. AGRICULTURE GENERAL American academy of political and social science. Country life. Academy 1.35 Very good. A symposium by well-known authorities on all phases of country life. Bailey, L. H. Farm and garden rule-book. Macmillan 1 . 70 Manual of ready rules and reference, with receipts, precepts, formulas and tabular information for the use of the general farmer, gardeners, etc. The principles of agriculture. (Rural sci. ser.) Mac- millan 1 . 06 Contents: The soil The plant and crops The animals and stock Suggestions to reading clubs and to teachers. Fiske, G. W. Challenge of the country. Ass'n. press .65 Recommended by the Grange. Gillette, J. M. Constructive rural sociology. Sturgis 1 .36 40 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price A book which aims to survey life in rural communities, to note tendencies and deficiencies and to point out ways of betterment in accordance with the best ideals of rural social life. Halligan, J. E., ed. Fundamentals of agriculture. Heath $1.12 Compilation of high merit, dealing authoritatively with the underly- ing principles of agriculture in all its branches. Each subject is treated by an expert, usually a man connected with an experiment station or college of agriculture. The work is designed for students, and exercises and references for collateral reading are given. The appendix contains suggestions for an agricultural school library with brief bibliography, tables and index. A. L. A. Harwood, W. S. The new earth. Macmillan 1 .58 In spite of bombastic style the book is interesting and gives much useful information about the development of agriculture and the aid that has been given by the government to promote it. A. L. A. Grosset. . .40 Mann, A. R. Beginnings in agriculture. (Rural text-book ser.) , Macmillan .68 Covers the whole field of agriculture in an interesting yet thorough manner. The illustrations are many and excellent. Mayne, D. D. & Hatch, K. L. High school agriculture. Amer. bk. co 90 Contents: Elements of plant food Soils and fertilizers Agri- cultural botany Economic plants Plant diseases Insects Farm animals Feeds and feeding Farm managements. Designed to present in the first years of the secondary school course, the theory and practice of agriculture for all sections of the U. S. MINN. Rural manhood Per yr. . 90 Published by the Rural dept. of the Y. M. C. A. at Ossining, N. Y., and excellent for all sorts of community work. State grange lecturer's quarterly Per yr. .25 This is published at Ann Arbor and has monthly notes. Streeter, J. W. The fat of the land; the story of an American farm. (Macmillan's standard library) Macmillan 40 Tells of a doctor, broken in health, who moves to the country and makes his farm pay. Entertaining and instructive. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Farmers' bulletins . Ask for those on farm management. BEES Lyon, D. E. How to keep bees for profit. (Macmillan's standard library) Macmillan .40 Points out various methods by which bee-keeping may be made more interesting and profitable. Tells novice how to start an apiary and care for it. CHILDREN AND PLAY McKeever, W. A. Farm boys and farm girls. Macmillan 1 .27 Very good and suggestive. The author believes firmlv that the AGRICULTURE 41 Price best place for the farm-bred child is on the farm, but under the most improved rural conditions. Scudder, M. T. Field day and play for country children. Published by the author at New Brunswick, N. J Paper $0. 10 Recommended by the Grange. Stern, R. B. Neighborhood entertainments. Sturgis .85 Has been popular since its publication and thoroughly practical. CHURCH Butterfield, K. H. Country church and rural problem. Univ. of Chic .90 Outlines the task of the church and the qualifications of its minister and discusses completely and hopefully the problems that arise in rural church work. Gill, C. O. & Pinchot, Gifford. The country church. Macmillan . . 1 . 12 "The decline of its influence and its remedy." Sub-title. Sum- marizes the results, of the most thorough and systematic investiga- tion of the country church yet made in this country Facts are given in some detail, largely by means of statistical tables and diagrams Judges the value of the country church exclusively from the point of view of its social service. A. L. A. COOPERATION Coulter, J. L. Cooperation among farmers, the keystone of rural prosperity. (Young farmers' rural lib.) Sturgis .85 Farmers and merchants will find much of interest in this clear and popular plea for cooperative selling, buying and organization in the rural districts, in order to bring about educational, economic and social betterment. There are chapters on citrus fruits and on nuts. A. L. A. Myrick, Herbert. Cooperative finance. Judd 2 . 10 To encourage business farming, home owning, individual and corporate success, social justice and national prosperity. Powell, G. H. Cooperation in agriculture. (Rural sci. ser.) Mac- millan 1.27 Deals with the general principles of cooperation. How to organize cooperative societies, how to finance them, simple organizations and constitutional documents, by-laws and general advice as to the administration of the associations or societies are all considered. The author describes at some length the most famous organizations, such as those which are handling citrus fruits in California, the famous grain elevator systems, and the present cooperation hi the creamery and butter business. It is in other words, a practical guide for those who desire to organize cooperative societies and wish to escape the usual pit-falls. PUB. Wilson, W. H. Evolution of the country community. Pilgrim press 1 . 06 A careful study of the successive types of rural community that have prevailed in the United States and of the social and religious conditions that have been peculiar to each. It shows how the growing social coherence of the communities has made necessary a broader social policy on the part of the country church and 42 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price maintains that it is only through the service of the church as an organizer and unifier of community life and an upholder of ideals aided by an improved country school that rural social problems can be solved. Franklin H. Giddings contributes an introduction. A. L. A. Wisconsin. Commission on agricultural cooperation. Report 1912-13. Published in several parts; can be obtained from the Supt. of the capitol of Madison. Probably free. COUNTRY LIFE Bailey, L. H. Country life movement in the United States. (Mac- millan's standard library) Macmillan $0 . 40 Stimulating study of the rural problem by a foremost advocate of country life and worker for its development. A. L. A. Butterfield, K. H. Chapters in rural progress. Univ. of Chic 85 Discusses social rather than technical problems, reviewing existing agencies of progress and emphasizing the benefits of organization and cooperation. Carleton, William, pseud. New lives for old. Small 1 . 05 Very interesting account in fiction form of the experiences of a wideawake city man in a small village. Covers all phases of the improvement of rural life. Farwell, P. T. Village improvement. (Farmers' practical library) Sturgis 85 Meets the demand for practical up to date information on the organization, methods and proper activities of village improvement associations, by giving a straightforward account of the organiza- tion and specific achievements of such associations throughout the country. The author is chairman of the village improvement committee of the Massachusetts civic league. A. L. A. Plunkett, Sir, H. C. The rural life problem of the U. S. Macmillan. 1.06 Sensible and suggestive consideration of ill effects of present tendency to develop cities at the expense of the country. The author thinks the remedy lies in the closer cooperation among farmers. Considerable emphasis on the conservation question. U. S. Country life commission. Report, 1911. Sturgis 63 This is the report of the commission appointed by Roosevelt, who wrote the introduction to the published report. Wisconsin. Country life commission. First report. Supt. of the capitol. Probably free, but may cost a few cents. DAIRYING Eckles, C. H. Dairy cattle and milk production. Macmillan 1 .44 Manual for dairymen and dairy students. One of the best books of its kind. Larsen, Christian. Dairy technology. Wiley 1 . 35 Discusses city milk supply, milk as a food, ice cream making, by- products of the creamery and cheesery, fermented milks, con- AGRICULTURE 43 Price densed and evaporated milks, milk powder, renovated butter and oleomargarine, giving the most recent information and statistics. Rose, Laura. Farm dairying. McClurg $1 .06 A readable and practical treatment of the general principles of modern dairying. Includes a chapter on symptoms and treatment of common diseases in cows, and one on popular milk and cream dishes. Well illustrated. Wing, H. H. Milk and its products. (Rural sci. ser.) Macmillan . . 1.27 Enlarged and improved edition of a standard text. Gives in simple concise form, the principles underlying modern dairy practice. FARM ANIMALS Burkett, C. W. First principles of feeding farm animals. Judd. . 1.27 Very complete exposition of feed and feeding methods for stock and poultry. Well illustrated and provided with useful tables, it will be specially valuable to students and graduates of agricultural schools. A. L. A. Day, G. E. Productive swine husbandry. (Lippincott's farm manuals) Lippincott 1.27 Covers the subject fully, is accurate but popular, and practical. Excellent book for secondary school instruction and for the farmer, though rather of more use to northern and Canadian breeders. Textbook form. Short bibliography. A. L. A. Harper, M. W. Animal husbandry for schools. (Rural textbook ser.) Macmillan 1 . 26 A practical textbook, designed to introduce the student to a study of the subject in the schools, and in colleges where only a short course is given Laboratory and class exercises and good illustrations increase the value of the book. A. L. A. Manual of farm animals. Macmillan 1 . 70 Practical guide to the choosing, breeding and keep of horses, cattle, sheep and swine. Plumb, C. S. Types and breeds of farm animals. (Country life educ. ser.) Ginn 1 . 80 Discusses briefly the development of each breed, stating its dis- tinguishing characteristics. Useful to agricultural students and practical stock men. PITTSBURGH. FARM ECONOMICS AND IMPROVEMENT Anderson, F. I. The farmer of tomorrow. Macmillan "... 1 .27 A popular consideration of the two fundamental factors affecting the business of farming: just the amount of land, and second, the soil fertility. Bailey, L. H. State and the farmer. Macmillan 1 . 12 Treats of rural conditions, specially the abandoned farm problem, and of amelioration of conditions through accurate surveys of rural life, the redirection of rural institutions and other means chiefly governmental. Exceptionally judicious, yet sympathetic. HARVARD GUIDE. Bosfield, C. C. Making the farm pay. Forbes .85 Brief, popular, optimistic treatments of a large number of special 44 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price topics, e. g., general agriculture, vegetables, fruit, poultry and stock, care of the soil, farm diseases, use of by-products and selling at the best prices. A handbook which will be useful to farmers and suburbanites in its attempt to raise farming from drudgery to pleasant and profitable work. Incomplete index. A. L. A. Burkett, C. W. & Swartzel, K. D. Farm arithmetic. Judd SO. 85 For rural schools and farmers. Well organized from agricultural and mathematical standpoints. A. L. A. Card, F. W. Farm management. Doubleday 1 . 70 This is the best book on the subject. Carver, T. N. Principles of rural economics. School ed. Ginn. . 1.17 Exceptionally clear treatment of agriculture and the rural problem in their relation to national economy . ; A. L. A. Fairchild, G. T. Rural wealth and welfare. (Rural sci. ser.) Mac- millan 1 ..12 Economic principles illustrated and applied in farm life. Green, J. B. Law for the American farmer. (Rural sci. ser.) Macmillan 1.27 A very complete exposition of the law as it affects the farmer's interests, as to land titles, deeds, contracts, rights of possession, boundaries, rights of way, laborers, water rights, irrigation, pure food laws, crops, live stock, sales, common carriers, insurance, etc. The discussions are clear and comprehensive, though popular, and citations are made to reports of cases. A. L. A. Hays, W. M. Farm management; organization of research and teaching, by W. M. Hays and others. (U. S. Bureau of plant industry. Bulletin No. 236) Supt. of docs . 2Q Describes methods of teaching farm management devised by the Agricultural high school at University farm, St. Paul, Minn., by a series of farm plans or maps and key-maps for suggested im- provements and experiments in crop rotation. Designed for teachers and for farmers wishing to reorganize their farms, but as the rotation system described is based entirely on local experiments it must be adapted to different conditions in other states. Gives directions for teaching farm management in rural schools and for compiling farm statistics. A. L. A. Roberts, I. C. The farmstead. Macmillan 1 .27 Comprehensive book dealing with rural conditions. Considers farm houses, yards, barns, outbuildings and fields. BERRY. St. Maur, K. V. Making home profitable. Sturgis 85 Short articles giving practical advice for money making on a small suburban farm written from personal experience. Most space is given to poultry and vegetables including mushrooms, herbs and watercress but there are also short papers on raising small fruits, bees, pigs, housepets and canaries. Special attention is given to marketing, packing, advertising, etc. - A self-supporting home. (Macmillan's standard library) Macmillan .40 A. very handy and practical guide to life in the country for the man of small income. These are actual experiences described here. Thomson, E. H. Farm bookkeeping. (U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bulletin no. 511) Supt. of docs Free Describes clearly simple methods of keeping farm accounts and AGRICULTURE 45 Price gives forms of inventory, cash account and labor, livestock and feeding records. A. L. A. Warren, G. F. Farm management. (Rural textbook ser.) Mac- millan $1 . 58 Contents: Shall I be a farmer Types of farming Diversified and specialized farming Intensive and extensive farming Maintain- ing the fertility of the land The farm management point of view on some live stock problems Size of farms Size of farms and other factors in different regions in the U. S. Capital Methods of renting land Farm labor Farm layout Cropping systems Marketing farm products Farm records and accounts A com- plete set of cost accounts Choice of a region Choosing and buying a farm Some successful farms Tables. FORESTRY Cheney, E. G. & Wentling, J. P. The farm woodlot. (Rural sci. ser.) Macmillan 1 . 35 A handbook of forestry for the farmer and student of agriculture. Pinchot, Gifford. Making of a forester. Lippincott .90 Explains what forestry is, what the duties of the various forestry positions are, what personal equipment and professional training are needed, what opportunities are offered in state, federal and private service. Written especially for the young man who is attracted to the profession but who is not advised to enter, unless he has "a compelling love for the forester's life and the forester's work." A. L. A. Roth, Filibert. First book of forestry. Ginn .65 Gives in simple, non-technical language chapters on the woods, protection of the forest, use of the forest, how to distinguish common trees, etc. Schools should also get from the U. S. Forest service at Washington a copy of Pinchot's two excellent little volumes Primer of forestry, which are free government documents. OREGON. Seton, E. T. The forester's manual; or, The forest trees of eastern North America. (Scout manual ser.) Doubleday .85 Gives the identification of the tree, made absolutely easy by draw- ings and descriptions, where each tree is to be found with actual maps of the range of the species, and properties and uses of the different trees from the point of view of a scout or woodsman. Trees described are not all found in Oregon, but the book is ex- cellent for descriptions of those found and for the series of maps showing where different kinds of trees are found. OREGON. GARDENING AND FRUIT GROWING Bailey, L. H. Principles of fruit growing. (Rural sci. ser.) New ed. Macmillan 1.27 Brings the accounts of the new practices and discoveries as they relate to fruit growing up to date. All of the text and practically all the illustrations are new. Bailey, L. H. Principles of vegetable gardening. (Rural sci. ser.) Macmillan. 1 . 27 A list of American books on vegetable gardening, p. 244-63. Ex- periment station publications relating to vegetable gardening, p. 263-70. 46 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Bolte, J. W. The back yard farmer. Forbes $0 . 85 Gives directions for the best cultivation of vegetables, fruit and flowers, the management of poultry and pets, the proper care of the lawn, vines and shade trees and discusses everything pertaining to the out doors of the house throughout the year. Corbett, L. C. Garden farming. (Country life educ. ser.) Ginn. . 1.70 Comprehensive, scientific but practical and easily understood manual of American methods of cultivating vegetables both in the field and under glass. Valuable to market gardens, truck farmers, home gardeners and students. A. L. A. Green, S. B. Popular fruit growing. 3d ed. Webb 45 Standard practical work. A. L. A. Hall, Bolton. The garden yard; rev. by H. W. Collingwood and Samuel Fraser. McKay .67 Simple guide to kitchen gardening or small truck farming, based on the experience of the author and his friends and printed matter which has proven helpful. Makes large and enthusiastic claims for the " garden yard," financially and as a contribution to one's happiness. A. L. A. Stebbins, C. A. Principles of agriculture through the school and the house garden. Macmillan .85 Text has been planned for use in the upper grades. GOOD ROADS Good roads. The best information on this topic is found in the Bulletins of the U. S. Dept. of agriculture. The Bulletins are free, are by the very best authorities and are kept up to date. Hoyt, C. H. Highway bridges and culverts. (U. S. Public roads office. Bulletin no. 39) Supt. of docs Paper . 15 Designed to instruct communities intending to build bridges and culverts, in the preliminary steps, showing the different ways in which the Public roads office will cooperate and how to secure its aid. It gives directions for systematizing the work and choosing suitable locations, treats of difficulties met in foundations and recommends types of concrete and steel structures most economical and substantial for different spans. U. S. Public roads office. Benefits of improved roads. (U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 505) Supt. of docs. . 05 Presents briefly the chief arguments for good roads the increase in farm values and the improvement of the rural free delivery service and rural schools and enforces them by citations from experience and graphic illustrations. A. L. A. HEALTH Bashore, H. B. Sanitation of a country house. Wiley 85 Describes the dangers from present unsanitary conditions in the country and suggests a remedy. Considers particularly external conditions, water supply, waste and surroundings. MINN. Brewer, I. W. Rural hygiene. Lippincott 1 . 06 Aims to impress upon the dweller in rural districts the necessity for the adoption of hygienic measures to preserve the health of the community. Besides giving advice concerning sanitation of AGRICULTURE 47 Price private houses and public buildings the author takes up water and pure milk supply, and discusses briefly the symptoms, treat- ment and methods of preventing contagious diseases. The book is primarily intended for a textbook for agricultural schools and colleges and, as such is more comprehensive than most works on rural hygiene. Dodd, H. C. Healthful farmhouse, by a farmer's wife. Whitcomb . . $0 . 54 Practical suggestions for making the farm house pleasant, sanitary and convenient to work in. A. L. A. Harris, H. F. Health on the farm. (Young farmers' practical li- brary) Sturgis 85 A simple, practical volume covering all phases of personal and some general hygienic problems and differing from other books in being especially adapted to southern conditions. In the chapter "Seven avoidable diseases" the treatment of malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid, diphtheria, cerebro-spinal meningitis, hydrophobia and the hook- worm disease is discussed with admirable understanding of rural customs, needs and resources south of the Ohio River. A. L. A. Ogden, H. N. Rural hygiene. (Rural sci. ser.) Macmillan 1.27 Practical and comprehensive work, discussing all matters of interest to village health officers. A. L. A. .* PESTS O'Kane, W. C. Injurious insects : how to recognize and control them. Macmillan . . . 1 . 70 Complete account of the characteristics, life histories and means of control of the more common, injurious insects, including those infesting field crops, vegetables, fruits, the principal pests of domestic animals, stored products and the household. Illustrated with 600 original photographs. POULTRY Joos, Robert. Success with hens. Forbes .85 Clear, practical and up to date. Lannon, H. M. The improvement of the farm egg. (U. S. Bureau of animal industry. Bulletin no. 141) Supt. of docs... Paper .10 Attributes the poor quality of eggs on the market not so much to cold storage conditions as to the carelessness and ignorance of farmers, country storekeepers and railroad officials. There are useful suggestions to farmers about caring for chickens and market- ing eggs in hot weather, directions to merchants and buyers for "candling" and storing eggs, and to railroad companies for storing eggs at stations and providing refrigerator cars. Some of the schemes for educating farmers and merchants in the Middle West, especially the buyers' association are briefly discussed. A. L, A. Robinson, J. H. Principles and practice of poultry culture. (Country life education ser.) Ginn 2.12 Exhaustive treatment of the subject, arranged for use as a text book in agricultural colleges, but meeting fully the requirements of a general treatise. Illustrations from photographs. BIBLIO- GRAPHY. Watson, G. C. Farm poultry, llth ed. (Rural sci. ser.) Mac- millan 1 . 27 A popular sketch of domestic fowls for the farmer and amateur. 48 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price SCHOOLS X American association for the advancement of agricultural teaching. Agricultural education in secondary schools. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin 1912, no. 6) Supt. of docs $0. 10 Contents: Essentials in. a state system agricultural education, by F. N. Home Need for reliable scientific data regarding social and economic conditions in rural communities, by E. C. Higbee The proper equipment of an agricultural high school, by D. O. Barto The Smiths Agricultural school and agricultural education in Massachusetts, by R. W. Stimson The unprepared teacher of agriculture in high schools and colleges of education, by A. V. Storm What is done to prepare teachers of secondary school agriculture, by A. C. Monahan. Betts, G. H. New ideals in rural schools. (Riverside educational monographs) Houghton .54 A constructive criticism of the whole country school situation, a discussion of the conditions from which it arises, and a cogent argument for the centralization of schools, which, it is maintained, will provide an adequate center for rural social life and insure much needed supervision and an improved teaching service. A suggestive , chapter takes up the curriculum for the elementary and high school. A. L. A. Brown, H. A. The readjustment of a rural high school to the needs of the community. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin 1912, no. 20) Supt. of docs .10 An account of a successful experiment in instituting agricultural, home economics, and other industrial courses in Colbrook academy, a country high school in northern New Hampshire. A full out- line of the courses and practical details about arrangement, in- dustrial equipment and cost of building and laboratories are given. A. L. A. Carney, Mabel. Country life and the country school. Row 1.12 A study of the agencies of rural progress and of the social relation- ship of the school to the country community. Cubberley, E. P. Rural life and education. Houghton 1.27 A study of the rural school problem as a phase of the rural life problem. Hart, J. K., ed. Educational resources of village and rural com- munities. Macmillan 90 Sixteen papers on as many phases of rural community life, by professors in state universities, agents in the United States de- partments of education and agriculture, state officials, library workers and others. Valuable for suggestions rather than facts, and as expressing the opinions of experts in their respective fields. Each chapter is followed by questions to be used in a community survey and a brief bibliography. Monahan, A. C. The status of rural education in the U. S. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin 1913, no. 8) Supt. of docs 15 Statistical data collected from the 1910 Census, the U. S. Education bureau, and state and city education departments, in which urban and rural districts are compared as to population, illiteracy, school enrollment and attendance, teachers' salaries, etc., in 1909-10. One section discusses the number and condition of one-teacher schools as investigated in thirty-two states; another is devoted to methods of supervising rural schools. A. L. A. AGRICULTURE 49 Price Sargent, Walter. Fine and industrial arts in the elementary schools. Ginn $0 . 63 A practical little book, written with good taste and judgment, which considers the functions and value of manual arts as taught in elementary schools, suggests a definite method of organizing such instruction, and discusses the reasonable standards of attain- ment at any given age. Many illustrations add to its usefulness. A. L. A. True, A. C. American system of agricultural educational education. (U. S. Experiment stations office. Circular no. 106) Supt. of docs 15 Conveys a good general idea of the opportunities for advanced study afforded by the United States Department of agriculture in its different branches of research work, and of the various grades of instruction provided by agricultural colleges and other higher institutions offering courses in agriculture, and by secondary and elementary schools. A. L. A. SOIL FERTILIZERS Agee, Alva. Crops and methods for soil improvement. Macmillan . . 1 . 06 Excellent, popular work, carefully written, accurate and attractively illustrated. "The viewpoint, all the time, is that of the practical man who wants cash compensation for the intelligent care he gives to his land." Introduction. A soil expert pronounces it . One of the best books in the language either for the practical farmer or the city-living farm-owner who is undertaking to im- prove his land and needs advice. A. L. A. Hopkins, C. G. Soil fertility and permanent agriculture. (Country life educ. ser.) Ginn. 1 .90 Technical treatise. Presupposes a knowledge of chemistry and bacteriology and is only adapted to advanced or graduate students of agriculture. Xing, F. H. The soil, its nature, relations and fundamental principles of management. (Rural sci. ser.) Macmillan 1 .27 A brief popular book for the general reader. Lodeman, E. G. The spraying of plants. (Rural sci. ser.) Macmillan 1 . 06 A succinct account of the history, principles and practice of the application of liquids and powders to plants for the purpose of destroying insects and fungi. Mayne, D. D. & Hatch, K. L. High school agriculture. Amer. bk. co 90 Contents: Elements of plant food Soils and fertilizers Agricul- tural botany Economic plants Plant disease* Farm animals Feeds and feeding Farm management. Designed to present in the first years of the secondary school course, the theory and practice of agriculture for all sections of the United States. MINN. Van Slyke, L. L. Fertilizers and crops; or, The science and practice of plant-feeding. Judd 2 . 10 The most comprehensive work in English, taking up in detail the factors in soil fertility, sources and composition of materials used as fertilizers in the growing of all kinds of crops. Best adapted to the needs of students and others interested in scientific agricul- ture. Author is chemist of the Agricultural experiment station at Geneva, N. Y. A. L. A. Warren, G. F. Elements of agriculture. Macmillan .99 7 50 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price "The purpose is to make the teaching of agriculture in high schools comparable in extent and thoroughness with the teaching of physics, mathematics, history and literature." Pref. Recom- mended for reference for schools unable to purchase Bailey's Cyclopedia of agriculture. MINN. Wheeler, H. J. Manures and fertilizers. (Rural textbook ser.) Macmillan t $1 .44 A clear and full discussion of the practical utilization of manures and fertilizers of all kinds and of their relation to the plant and to the soil. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY Allington, S. M. Practical sewing and dressmaking. Estes 1 . 00 Detailed and practical instruction about stitches, measurements, drafting patterns, cutting and making garments of all kinds for women and children. A good book for the person intending to take up dressmaking as a business, or for the home dressmaker who has some training and much common sense. Illustrated by drafts of patterns and pictures of finished garments. A. L. A. Bevier, Isabel & Usher, Susannah. Home economics movement. Whitcomb 68 Brief survey of the advance of the movement, specially as notes in agricultural colleges, state universities, cooking schools and public schools. A. L. A. Bruere, M. B. Increasing home efficiency. Macmillan 1 .27 Readable, unconnected chapters recording the actual problems and experiences of the average American family in home-making and housekeeping from the industrial and economic sides, with the purpose of showing how expenditures may be reduced and how conditions in general may be improved. Presents facts clearly and gives sane, constructive conclusions. Reprinted from various periodicals. A. L. A. Burrell, C. B. Living on a little. Estes 1 . 06 An experienced and enthusiastic housekeeper teaches a younger sister how to provide an attractive and nourishing table for three on $1 a day. Includes menus, directions for buying and cooking meat, vegetables, etc., with many helpful suggestions for economiz- ing.N. Y. Farmer, F. M. What to have for dinner. Dodge 1 . 00 Excellent collection, giving recipes and 50 menus, for family dinners, for occasions and for company and formal dinners. A. L. A. Hapgood, O. C. School needlework: a course of study in sewing designed for use in schools. (Teacher's ed.) Ginn 43 Practical, illustrated manual, with teacher's supplement, giving suggestions for teaching, sewing, from kindergarten through high school. OREGON. Hewitt, Mrs. E. C. How to live on a small income. Jacobs 45 Useful suggestions for the inexperienced young housekeeper, ' on selecting a home, its care and furnishing, the finance problem, true and false economy, food and clothing. Designed for women of good taste but limited means. A. L. A. Kinne, Helen & Copley, A. M. Shelter and clothing. Macmillan . . .99 Meets to a certain extent the average demand for information on AGRICULTURE 51 Price textile materials, garment making, costume design, economy in dress, dressmaking and millinery, although the chapters are short and designed for high school pupils. WISCONSIN. Laughlin, C. E., ed. The complete dressmaker, with simple direc- tions for home millinery. Appleton $1 . 06 The part of this book which treats of dressmaking is contributed by Mary L. Mclntyre, instructor of professional dressmaking at Pratt institute, Brooklyn, that devoted to millinery by Anna BenYusuf. instructor in the same institution. The directions given are simple, practical and suggestive. The book is fully illustrated and well printed, and attractively bound. A. L. A. The complete home. Appleton 1 .06 The first part of the book consists of chapters of Oliver R. William- son on the choice of a place to live; the treatment of floors and walls, and arrangement of windows; different methods of lighting and heating; and the various types of furniture, English especially. The second part is made up of chapters by Sarah Cory Ripply on household linen, the kitchen, the laundry, table furnishings, the bedroom, the bath room, the cellar, attic and closets, hangings, bric-a-brac, books and pictures, the nice machinery of housekeeping and hired help. The book is suggestive, exhibits taste and right- feeling, and is the more generally useful because its suggestions are not beyond accomplishment in ordinary households. A. L. A. Lincoln, M. J. B. Boston cook book. Little 1.50 Trustworthy guide in practical cookery. PITTSBURGH. Mitchell, M. J. Fireless cook book. Doubleday 1 .06 Advantages of and directions for making and using the fireless cooker. Includes recipes and time-table for cooking different classes of food. A. L. A. Olsen, J. C. Pure foods, their adulteration, nutritive value and cost. Ginn 70 It collects in popular form results and conclusions from investiga- tions and contains a series of test experiments. A. L. A. Parloa, Maria. Home economics. Century 1 .00 One of the earliest books on household management. The house in general and each department in detail is discussed. BERRY. Richards, Mrs. E. H. S. The cost of shelter. (Cost of living ser.) Wiley 85 Sensible discussion of the problems of rent and rational housing in cities on moderate incomes. A. L. A. Rorer, Mrs* S. T. H. Mrs. Rorer's vegetable cookery and meat substitutes. Arnold 1.27 Practical manual of cookery showing the possibilities- of vegetables as meat substitutes. Gives recipes combining the vegetables having different hygienic values. A. L. A. Shackleton, Robert & Mrs. E. F. Adventures in home-making. 2d ed. Lane 1 . 48 Fascinating account of the making over of an ugly old house near Philadelphia into a charming and artistic home. Contains much useful and practical advice to home makers. Illustrations from photographs. A. L. A. Shepperd, J. L. Handbook of household science. Webb .45. 52 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Contains recipes for class and home use, but is chiefly valuable for information on the kinds of foods, their origin, care and use. OREGON. Laundry work. Webb $0 . 54 Adapted to school or home use. MINN. Terrill, B. M. Household management. (Lib. of home economics) Amer. school of home econ 1.12 Practical discussion of housekeeping as a profession, operating expenses of each department, organization and division of labor, furnishings and tools, food, clothing and the higher life of the household. A. L. A. BUSINESS PROFESSIONS See also references under Vocational guidance, p. Blythe, S. G. The making of a newspaper man. Altemus .45 A simple, effective story, ostensibly autobiographical, of the some- what rugged career of a young newspaper man before he achieved professional success. WiU appeal strongly to aspirants for journal- istic honors. A. L. A- Emery, M. S. Everyday business; notes on its practical details, arranged for young people. New & rev. ed. Lothrop .20 Talks on letter writing, bills and accounts, telegrams, banking, taxes, insurance, etc. N. Y. Fowler, N. C., jr. Practical salesmanship; a treatise on the art of selling goods. Little .85 Attempt to present the great principles and ethics of salesmanship. Herrick, C. A. Meaning and practice of commercial education. Macmillan 1 . 12 The author is director of the school of commerce, Central high school, Philadelphia. After discussing in two chapters the defini- tion, place and value of commercial education, he devotes a hundred pages to detailed accounts of the organization, curricula, and methods of higher and secondary commercial education in Europe. The larger part of the book is reserved for similar but more extensive accounts of American commercial education, including an interesting chapter on private business colleges. The present volume will be much more useful in this country than any other existing treatment of the subject. WYER. Harden, O. S. The young man entering business. Crowell .90 Forceful, practical advice to young men. Moody, W. D. Men who sell things. McClurg 85 Deals with the qualifications necessary to make a successful sales- man and reasons for failure. A. L. A. Smith, A. M. Proof-reading and punctuation. Smith .99 Includes chapters on type-founding, and typesetting, paper- making, technical terms used in printing, stereotyping and electro- typing, half tone and line engraving, alphabets, accents, diacritical marks and syllabification in French, German, Spanish and Italian. MINN. MANUAL TRAINING 53 Price Stockwell, H. G. Essential elements of business character. Revell . $0 . 50 A simple and stimulating summary of the qualities necessary for success in business. Ability to organize, integrity, reliability, energy, system and economy are emphasized, with concrete illus- trations which are both helpful and suggestive. A. L. A. MANUAL TRAINING Binns, C. L. & Marsden, R. E. Principles of educational woodwork. Button 1.27 Treats of the psychology of manual training and its application to teaching methods, and fully describes tools, materials and method of manufacture. A. L. A. Brigham, Louise. Box furniture. Century 1 .36 Describes and illustrates 100 pieces of furniture that can be made with one or more boxes, ranging from a plant-box to a "combina- tion desk, reading-table and bookcase." A good sense of pro- portion is maintained and the decorative values are admirably accentuated. Children could follow the descriptions and construct many of the simpler objects. Contains many articles of furniture useful on verandas and for summer camps. A. L. A. Griffith, I. S. Essentials of woodworking; a textbook for schools. Manual arts press .90 Treats use of tools without restriction to particular models or exercises. Includes wood finishings. PITTSBURGH. Hodgson, F. T. Easy lessons in the art of practical wood carving. Drake 1 . 35 Manual and guide, with an essay on the principles of design, for all kinds of carved work. A. L. A. Park, J. C. Educational woodworking for school and home. Mac- millan .90 Especially good for information on tools, woods, and work in turning. OREGON. Popular mechanics. Mission furniture: how to make it. Popular mechanics co. pt 1-2 ea .20 Pictures and measured drawings for easily built household articles. OREGON. Row, R. K. The educational meaning of manual arts and industries. Row 1.12 A good statement for elementary teachers, specially suggestive in its chapters on the development of motor control. Contains suggestions for courses of study. A. L. A. Selden, F. H. Elementary cabinetwork for manual training classes. Rand 85 Clearly written, fully illustrated, practical handbook for manual training schools or self -instruction. Pt. 1 deals with general principles; Pt. 2 problems of actual construction; Pt. 3 special tools. N. Y. Elementary woodwork, for use in manual training classes. Rand 85 A series of lessons on the use of tools, in form for class use. Well illustrated. OREGON. 54 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Woodwork for the grades, for use in manual training classes. Orr and Lockett $0.68 Contains many working drawings of educational shop problems. OREGON. Van Deusen, C. S. & Lawrence, E. V. Beginning woodwork at home and in school. Manual arts press . .90 A valuable textbook for rural schools by one who has made a special study of the manual training problems in the country school. A full and clear description in detail of the fundamental processes of elementary bench work in wood. This description is given through directions for making a few simple, useful articles, suitable either for school or home problems. OREGON. Wheeler, C. G. A shorter course in woodworking: a practical manual for home and school. Putnam 1.27 For larger schools which have abundant equipment. Good on carving. Clear description of tools and their uses, and operations of progressive difficulty in shaping, fitting and finishing wood. Seven hundred sixty-five helpful and well reproduced illustrations. A. L. A. ARCHITECTURE Singleton, Esther, ed. Historic buildings of America as seen and described by famous writers. Dodd 1 . 36 Churches, old-time homes, forts, national and municipal buildings, college halls and monuments each "famous for architectural interest or association with historical events and distinguished personages." N. Y. Sturgis, Russell. Appreciation of architecture. Doubleday 1 .27 Guide to the appreciation of buildings, in chapters dealing with recognized styles in order of development. Well illustrated. N. Y. PICTURES Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures described, with anecodotes of the painters. Century .50 It has been the endeavor of the author to fix the attention of the reader upon the painting itself to tell something of its qualities as a picture and to impart some little idea of the painter's art. PREFACE. Caffin, C. H. Guide to pictures for beginners and students. (Guide ser.) Doubleday 1 . 06 Clear, simple explanation of the principles and qualities which underlie true art. Discusses composition, action, movement, brush work and drawing. Useful for reference. A. L. A. Clafflin . . .40 How to study pictures by means of a series of com- parisons of paintings and painters from Cimabue to Monet. Century 1 . 70 Suggestive and stimulating book for the average reader, giving historical and biographical summaries and appreciations of painters' aims and methods. Story of American painting. Stokes 2.25 Traces various influences from colonial times to present, with much suggestive criticism. A useful book for popular study, but less satisfactory than Isham. N. Y. MUSIC AND OPERA. AMUSEMENTS 55 Price Emery, M. S. How to enjoy pictures: with a special chapter on pictures in the schoolroom by Stella Skinner. Prang $1 . 35 Unassuming and sympathetic study, from reproductions of some fifty famous pictures. Grouped according to subject, the pictures include landscapes, building and street scenes, narrative, legendary and leligious paintings, and magazine illustrations. There is also a chapter on the processes of picture reproduction. The special chap- ter on pictures in the. school room gives helpful suggestions on color, lighting, how to choose and where to hang, and has valuable material on planning picture study work. OREGON. Isham, Samuel. History of American painting. (History of American art) Macmillan 4.25 Carefully worked out history of the development illustrating it with the lives and works of individual painters. A. L. A. MUSIC AND OPERA Elson, L. C. National music of America and its sources. Page. ... 1.00 Popular account of the music of the Pilgrims and Puritans, the beginnings of secular music in New England, rise of choral music and the present condition of music. Guerber, H. A. Stories of popular operas. Dodd 1 . 00 Contents: William Tell, by Rossini L'Africaine, by Meyerbeer _, Der freischutz, by Weber Magic flute, by Mozart Rigoletti Othello, by Verdi Fra Diavolo, by Auber D'elisire d'amore, by Donizetti Romeo and Juliet, by Gourod I pagliacci, by Leonca- valla La Tosca, by Puccini Le prophete, by Meyerbeer. Singleton, Esther. Guide to modern opera. Dodd 1.27 Describes music and plots of 26 present day operas, giving some- thing of their history and extracts from verdicts of well known critics. Less scholarly than Krehbiel, but contains later operas and duplicates but three. A. L. A. Upton, G. P. Musical memories; my recollections of celebrities of the half century, 1850-1900. McClurg 2 . 48 Important contribution to the literature of musical history in the United States, containing recollections of the appearance in this country of practically all foreign artists of note from Jennie Lind to the present day. A. L. A. Standard concert guide. McClurg 1 . 48 Excellent guide to symphonies, oratorios, cantataa and symphonic poems, giving only the information needed to make the reader an appreciative listener. Contains the material, condensed and com- bined, of his Standard oratorios, Standard symphonies and Standard cantatas. A. L. A. AMUSEMENTS Beard, D. C. Boat building and boating. Scribner .85 A practical book, describing the making of boats, from a primitive raft to a houseboat and a motor boat, with directions for tying knots, bends and hitches, making sails, sailing, and an extremely wise list of "don'ts" for the lubber and the beginner. There are good illustrations and diagrams. A, L. A. Black, Alexander. Photography indoors and out. (Riverside library) Houghton .63 Excellent manual, giving primary principles and practical direc- tions for amateurs. N. Y. 56 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES , , . Price Bullivant, C. H. Home fun. Dodge $1.27 Many forms of amateur entertainment-tableaux vivants, palmistry, clog-dancing, shadow pictures, cipher codes, amusing scientific experiments. Chapter on games for the blind. A. L. A. Camp, W. C. Book of football. Century 1 . 70 History, technique and strategies of football. Examples of re- markable plays are given. Illustrated from photographs of games and players A. L. A. Chubb, Percival. Festivals and plays in schools and elsewhere, by Percival Chubb and others. Harper 1 . 80 An all-round practical work on the school festival, written by Percival Chubb, former director of festivals in the Ethical culture school in New York city, and five members of the school staff: P. W. Dykema (music), James Hall (art), Marie H. Perrin (costum- ing), Mary C. Allerton (dancing), and Mabel Ray Goodlander (primary work) . Each discusses helpfully his or her own division of the work, as carried out in the school festivals, and reproductions of photographs illustrate both their method and spirit. Appendixes give specimen programs, descriptions of costumes and other data of value to teachers, a general bibliography (4 p.), a very full and useful classed bibliography of festival music and reference books about music (32 p.) and a costume bibliography (2 p.) A. L. A. Corsan, G. H. At home in the water, swimming, diving, life saving, water sports, natatoriums. Ass'n press .50 Brief illustrated manual on swimming and water sports, including fancy swimming, diving, life saving, races and contests, water polo, hints for training and for natatoriums. A. L. A. Curtis H. S. Play and recreation for the open country. Ginn 1 . 00 Contents: Play in the home and its environs Play at the rural school Recreation in the rural community The rural social center. Dudley, Gertrude & Kellor, F. A. Athletic games in the education of women. Holt 1 . 06 Presents the value of athletic games in woman's social education and as a training for citizenship and in supplying instructors with the proper ideals: A knowledge of present conditions and detailed methods. The third part, giving rules and suggestions for the various games and contests, is of direct, practical value. A. L. A. Graham, John & Clark, E. H. Practical track and field athletics. Duffield 85 Instruction on sprinting, running, vaulting, putting the shot. A. L. A. How to play baseball, by the greatest players. Crowell 90 Definite information for beginners. OREGON. Johnson, G. E. What to do at recess. Ginn 22 Practical little book of games for the country school. OREGON. Kephart, Horace. Camp cookery. (Outing handbooks) Outing.. .63 Gives many ingenious and practical recipes for producing savory results from limited camp supplies supplemented by fish and game. Includes ration list and illustrated descriptions of utensils and outfits. A. L. A. COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC 57 Price Kingsland, Mrs. Burton. Book of indoor and outdoor games; with suggestions for entertainments. Sully $0 . 90 A veritable cyclopedia of games, pastimes and entertainments. N. Y. Laughlin, C. E., ed. The complete hostess. Appleton 1 .06 Suggestions for formal and informal home entertainments and the etiquet of such occasions, with plans for clubs, sociables, fairs and exhibitions. N. Y. Marks, J. A. Vacation camping for girls. Appleton .85 A practical manual for the knapsack and for every camp where women are. Detailed instructions on clothing, camp fires, camp fittings and their cost, with dealers' addressed; camp cookery; woodcraft; and personal hygiene. Roosevelt, Theodore. African game trails. Scribner 3 . 50 Enthusiastic account of author's famous hunting expedition to equip Smithsonian museum with specimens of African mammals. Photogravures of drawings and halftone reproductions of photo- graphs. N. Y. Good hunting in pursuit of big game in the West. Harper .65 Tales of big game hunting and outdoor life in the West. From the sportsman's point of view. OREGON. White, S. E. Camp and trail. Doubleday 1 .06 Summary of results of author's out of door experiences in the form of explicit advice to woodsmen and amateur campers. Gives addresses of outfitting firms and manufacturers of supplies. N. Y. COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Baldwin, C. S. Writing and speaking. Longmans 1 .05 Practical aid to correct writing, based on examples, suggestions and exercises covering a wide field. Hints on story-telling and chapter on the use of the library. A. L. A. Bates, Arlo. Talks on teaching literature. Houghton 1 . 10 Popular talks on problems, conditions, the inspirational use of literature, the novel, criticism, literary workmanship, voluntary reading, etc. A. L. A. Chubb, Percival. Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school. (Teacher's professional library) Mac- millan .90 So sound in its philosophy and so practical in its helpfulness that we wish it might come into the hands of every instructor in the country who is engaged with this vastly important subject. It is based on the fundamental principle of unity and continuity in the English course from its beginning in the kindergarten up through the high school. We doubt if so good and useful a book upon the subject has before been written and the author's treatment is charming in style and based upon the most intelligent principles of pedagogy. DIAL. Cody, Sherwin. Success hi letter writing, business and social. McClurg 67 Customs, style, fluency and correct English are discussed, and model letters given. A. L. A. Colby, J. R. Literature and life in school. Houghton 1.06 58 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Aims to show that literature should be made a vital part of school life. Gives excellent suggestions for class and outside reading. A. L. A. MacClintock, P. L. Literature in the elementary school. Univ. of Chic $0.90 Discusses educational value of literature and applies principles of selection to folk tales, myths, stories, poetry, drama, etc. Studies methods of presentation, and gives lists of books suitable from first to eighth school years. N. Y. Palmer, G. H. Self-cultivation in English. (Riverside educ. monographs) Houghton .32 Brief address, itself an example of good English, stimulating the reader to cultivate effectiveness and ease in speaking and writing. A. L. A. Pitkin, W. B. Art and the business of story writing. Macmillan. . 1.12 The introduction discusses the why of writing fiction, and the book itself considers in detail the short story, materials, presenta- tion, plot and the business side. Exercises are included in each chapter. WILSON. Webster, W. F. English for secondary schools. Houghton .81 Teachers' manual, based on outlined four years' course. Detailed treatment of paragraphs, sentences, words, punctuation, as well as broader questions of composition and style. Frequent apt illustrations from contemporary writers and suggestive questions and exercises. N. Y. DEBATING For further references see Books for reference and teachers' libraries; p. Brookings, W. D. & Ringwalt, R. C., eds. Briefs for debate on current political, economic and social topics. Longmans 1 . 06 With each subject, references to articles and leading points, pro and con, are given. N. Y. Bullock, C. J., comp. Selected readings in economics. (Selections and documents in economics) School ed. Ginn 1 . 90 A compilation of treatises on definite subjects historic, descriptive and theoretical, written by specialists. A. L. A. Foster, W. T. Argumentation and debating. Houghton 1 . 12 Presents the essentials of argumentation and debating simply, following the order in which the difficulties arise in actual practice. The point of view is that of the student. Aims to show the student how to go to work and it presents an abundance of striking illus- trations . INTROD . Laycock, Craven & Scales, R. L. Argumentation and debates. Mac- millan .99 Manual for teachers and students. Discusses principles applicable alike to written and spoken discourse, treating oral argument most fully. Illustrated by fresh and excellent examples. NATION. Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public questions. Longmans 1 . 05 Briefs and references on 25 present day questions. More recent than the book by Brookings and Ringwalt, noted above. OREGON. LITERATURE COLLECTIONS 59 Price LITERATURE COLLECTIONS Blackstone, Harriet. Best American orations of today. Hinds. ... $1.05 Speeches by Roosevelt, Hay, Lodge, Cleveland, Hoar, Root, Booker Washington, Archbishop Ireland and other prominent men, authors, and statesmen, for school declamation. OREGON. New pieces that will take prizes in speaking contests. Hinds 1 .05 Contains a wide range of selections, among them many from recent literature, such as The Shepherd's trophy, from Bob, son of battle, and extracts from Caleb West, Black Rock, The court of Boyville, Uncle Remus, etc. OREGON. Clark, S. H., ed. Handbook of best readings. Scribner. 1.12 Good literature for reading aloud. Some famous short stories included. Cody, Sherwin, ed. Selections from the world's greatest short stories. McClurg 85 Contents: Patient Griselda Aladdin Rip Van Winkle Passion in the desert Child's dream of a star Christmas carol A princess' tragedy The gold bug Great stone face The necklace and the string The man who would be king How Gavin Birse put to Mag . Lownie On the stairs. College entrance requirements in English, 1910-1915; for study and practice. (Eclectic English classics) Amer. bk. co .54 Contents: Shakespeare's Macbeth Milton's minor poems Burke's Conciliation with colonies Washington's Farewell address Webster's First Bunker Hill oration Macauley's Life of Johnson Carry le's Burns. Cumnock, R. M. Choice readings. New ed. McClurg 1 .27 This edition includes about seventy pages of new material, includ- ing selections from Ben Hur, If I were king, and Lincoln, the man of the people from The Man with the hoe. MINN. Le Row, C. B. Pieces for every occasion. Hinds 1 .05 Classified arrangement with selections in prose and poetry for Arbor day, Decoration day, poet's birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. OREGON. Mabie, H. W. The book of Christmas. (Juvenile library) Mac- millan 40 Partial contents: Signs of the season Holiday saints and lords Christmas customs and beliefs Christmas carols Christmas stories New Year Twelfth night. Manley, J. M., ed. English prose, 1137-1890. Ginn. 1 .27 A volume of selections from eighty- three English writers, ending with Stevenson. So far as possible whole essays, letters, speeches and chapters are given. A companion to English poetry. A. L. A. Masterpieces of American literature. Houghton .90 Gives selections from Irving, Bryant, Franklin, Holmes, Hawthorne, Whittier, Thoreau, O'Reilly, Lowell, Emerson, Webster, Everett, Longfellow, Poe. Masterpieces of British literature. Houghton .90 Selections from Ruskin, Macaulay, Brown, Tennyson, Dickens, 60 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Wordsworth, Burns, Lamb, Coleridge, Byron, Cowper, Gray, Goldsmith, Addison, Milton, Bacon. Riddle, George, ed. A modern reader and speaker. Duffield $1 .00 Contents: Narrative and colloquial selections^-Orations Dramatic and humorous selections Poetry. The pieces chosen are not only adapted to reading aloud, but are interesting. Ringwalt, R. C., ed. Modern American oratory: seven representative orations: ed. with notes and an essay on the theory of oratory. Holt 1.00 Orations included are General amnesty, by Schurz Right to trial by jury, by Black Daniel O'Connell, by Phillips One hundredth anniversary of the inauguration of Washington, by Depew The leadership of educated men, by Curtis The new South, by Grady The sepulcher in the garden, by Beecher. Ninety pages of the book devoted to the theory of oratory. OREGON. Roosevelt, Theodore. The Roosevelt book: selections from his writings. (School readings) Scribner f .45 Selections on citizenship, history, and out-door life, from his books. Classified under these headings: The good citizen The pioneer The hero The battle of San Juan hill Hunting wild animals. OREGON. Scudder, H. E., ed. American prose. Rev. ed. Houghton 90 Selections from Hawthorne, Irving, Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Lowell, Thoreau, and Emerson. Duplicates slightly the prose selections in Masterpieces of American literature but contains more selections than that work. OREGON. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE Bacon, E. M. Literary pilgrimages in New England. Silver 1 .08 Visits to homes of authors and to scenes associated with their writings. Compact with information and pertinent quotations. Map and many illustrations, well chosen as to subject but poorly executed. N, Y. Burton, Richard. Masters of the English novel. Holt 1 .06 A study of the novel and of individual novelists from Richardson to Hardy and Meredith. MINN. Colby, J. R. On reading. Duffield 63 The titles of the five chapters of this book are: A plea for literature in school Literature for the first four years of school life Litera- ture and the second four years of school life Methods of handling literature in school Literature and life after the elementary years. To these is appended a carefully graded list of books, single poems, and pieces of prose to be read in school. OREGON. Counsel upon the reading of books. Houghton 1 27 Contents: Preface on reading and books by H. VanDyke History, by H. M. Stephens Memoirs and biographies, by Agnes Reppher Sociology, economics, and politics, by A. T. Hadley The study of fiction, by Brander Matthews Poetry, by Bliss Perry Essays and criticism, by H. W. Mabie. Gardiner, J. H. Bible as English literature. Scribner 1 .27 Considers the characteristics of the various types of literature found in the Bible, making copious illustrative quotations. Written in the light of modern research. N. Y. POETRY 61 Price Hillis, N. D. Great books as life-teachers; studies of character, real and ideal. Revell $1 . 00 Series of addresses discussing such books as George Eliot's Romola, Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter, Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, etc. PITTSBURGH . Long, W. J. American literature. Ginn 1 . 14 A fresh, inspirational treatment in which the distinguishing feature is the emphasis placed upon literature as an expression of the national spirit. Very full on colonial and revolutionary literature with little attention to recent writers. The biographical sketches, summaries of events, extensive bibliographies, supplementary readings and suggestive questions add to its usefulness as a text or reference. A. L. A. English literature. Ginn 1 . 14 An excellent history covering the whole of English literature from its origins to the end of the Victorian era and devoting a relatively large amount of space to Anglo-Saxon and Middle English writers. The treatment is fresh and suggestive; the arrangement, with its individual biographies, summaries of events and chronological tables, makes the work useful for reference ; much helpful material for study and teaching is given in the form of bibliographies, supplementary reading and suggestive questions, and the illustra- tions are notable for variety and interest. Rather advanced for high school students, but a helpful reference volume for the college ' student or general reader. A. L. A. Mabie, H. W. Backgrounds of literature. Macmillan 1 .27 Contents: The Lake country and Wordsworth Emerson and Concord The Washington Irving country Weimar and Goethe The land of Lorna Doone America in Whitman's poetry The land of Scott Hawthorne in the new world. Pancoast, H. S. Introduction to American literature. 2d ed. rev. Holt 1.00 From colonial period to present. OREGON. Introduction to English literature. Rev. ed. Holt . . 1 . 20 Richardson, C. F. Primer of American literature. Houghton. ... .32 An excellent outline of American authors from 1620-1895, with a suggested course of reading, chronological table, etc. N. Y. Tisdel, F. M. Studies in literature. Macmillan 80 Not intended as a textbook, but guide to the study of the classics read in secondary schools and required for admission to college in English. POETRY Browning, Mrs. E. B. Complete poetical works. (Cambridge ed.) Houghton 1 . 70 Browning, Robert. Poems and plays. (Everyman's library) 2 v. Button ea. . 30 This edition contains all the poems by which Browning is best known, excepting The ring and the book. MINN. Bryant, W. C. Poetical works. Appleton 1 .27 Burns, Robert. Complete poetical works. (Autograph ed.) Houghton .81 62 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Byron, G. G. N. Poems and plays, v. 1-2. (Everyman's library) Button ea. $0 . 30 V. 1. Contents: Hours of idleness Occasional pieces. V. 2. Contents: Childe Harold's pilgrimage The glamour Bride of Abydos The corsair Lara Manfred Blues^-Mari- no Fallero Heaven and Earth Cain Sardanapalus. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Chaucer for children; a golden key; ed. by Mrs. H. R. Haweis. Scribner 1 .06 Dunbar, P. L. Lyrics of sunshine and shadow. Dodd .84 Most of these 80 poems concern simple joys and sorrows. Some are in negro dialect and none is far removed from the field of negro life and folklore. A. L. A. Field, Eugene. Poems. (Complete ed.) Scribner. 1 .70 Contains the poems published in separate collections and some fugitive verse. MINN. Gilder, J. L. The heart of youth. Sturgis 1 .06 "Poems of action and heroism, humorous poems, witty verses and nonsense verse, songs of rollicking fun, and poems of pathos and tragedy." Especially suitable for young girls. OREGON. Holmes, O. W. Complete poetical works. (Autograph ed.) Houghton .90 Kipling, Rudyard. Collected verse. Doubleday 1 . 53 Contents: Seven seas. Barrack room ballads. Five nations. Long, A. W., comp. American poems, 1776-1900. Amer. bk. co. . . . .81 Useful for supplementary school work, and for libraries unable to own the standard anthologies. Biographical notes are good, and selections discriminating. A. L. A. Longfellow, H. W. Complete poetical works. (Autograph ed.) Houghton 90 Song of Hiawatha. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton .36 The best school library edition of the poem. Frederic Remington's illustrations add to the attractiveness of the volume. OREGON. Lowell, J. R. Poetical works. (Autographed.) Houghton .90 Milton, John. Poetical works. (Everyman's library) Dutton 30 Page, C. H., comp. Chief American poets; selected poems. Houghton 1 . 48 Biographical sketches of some length. Good bibliographies. Sev- eral selections from each of the few best poets. Supplementary to Stedman. OREGON. Poe, E. A. Raven, Fall of the house of Usher, and other poems and tales ; ed. by W. P. Trent. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton . 23 Contains: The gold bug. The purloined letter. The tell-tale heart. Repplier, Agnes. Book of famous verse. (Riverside library) Houghton ' .58 Well chosen for children, and embracing martial strains, tales of brave deeds and romance, somber ballads and joyous lyrics; mainly 19th century verse. N. Y. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRAMA 63 Price Riley, J. W. Farm rhymes. Bobbs $0 . 83 Riley, J. W. Poems here at home. Bobbs .84 Scott, Sir Walter. Lady of the lake; ed. by F. A. Barbour. (Canter- bury classics) Rand .40 Has colored plates of the Stuart, Douglas, Mac Alpine and Graham plaids and black and white illustrations of Scottish scenes. MINN. Stedman, E. C., ed. American anthology, 1787-1900; selections il- lustrating the editor's critical review of American poetry in the 19th century. Houghton 1 . 80 Grouped chronologically. Indexes first lines, titles and poets. Victorian anthology, 1837-1895. Houghton 2.12 Supplements his Victorian poems. OREGON. Stevenson, R. L. Poems and ballads. (Biographical ed.) Scribner.. 1 . 12 Tennyson, Alfred. Poetic and dramatic works. (Autograph ed.) Houghton .90 Works; ed. with memoir by Hallam Lord Tennyson. Macmillan 1.58 Van Dyke, Henry. Poems. Scribner 1 . 70 Contains the drama The house of Rimmon, the poems included in the volumes Music, The toiling of Felix, The builders and The white bees, together with occasional poems, inscriptions, greetings and many poem? hitherto unpublished. Index of first lines. A.L.A. Wells, Carolyn, comp. A parody anthology. Scribner 1 . 06 Poems cleverly parodied in the manner of other poets. Grouped by poets parodied. A. L. A. Whittier, J. G. Complete poetical works. (Autograph ed.) Houghton 90 Snow-bound; a study and interpretation with comments, outlines, maps, notes and questions. Lucy Adella Sloan. Sloan pub. co .23 Wordsworth, William. Complete poetical works. (Globe ed.) Macmillan.. 1.48 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRAMA The Drama League of America has organized to obtain the benefits of co-operation among those who are interested in good drama. The league will help one to select good plays. Any listed by them recommended. Address Drama League of America, 736 Marquette Building, Chicago, 111. Caffin, C. H. Appreciation of the drama. (Appreciation ser.) Doubleday 1 .27 Discusses the audience, stage, actor and drama from the playgoer's viewpoint, presenting principles on which to base appreciation. A. L. A. Comstock, F. A. Dickens dramatic reader. Ginn 54 64 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Scenes from Pickwick, Nicholas Nickleby, Cricket on the hearth and Christmas carol, made into plays for reading or acting. Fol- lows the original closely, the characters speaking the language Dickens gave them. OREGON. Eaton, W. P. American stage of today. Small. $1 .27 Largely descriptions or criticisms of present-day plays and actors, indicating the trend of the theater and its successes in satisfying the American public. A. L. A. Everyman and other interludes, including eight miracle plays. (Every- man's library) Button , .30 A well chosen and inexpensive edition. Galsworthy, John. Justice. Scribner .51 Forceful reading-play, arraigning the English penal system and divorce laws. A. L. A. Gayley, C. M., ed. Representative English comedies. 2 v. Macmillan ea. 1.27 Designed to illustrate development of comedy by selection of care- fully edited texts with notes, introductions and essays. The first volume is from the beginning to Shakespeare. The second volume, appearing ten years after the first, deals with the later contempo- raries of Shakespeare, Jonson, Marston and Chapman. It gives the text of Everyman in his humour, The silent woman and the al- chemist by Ben Jonson; Eastward hoe, by Jonson, Marston and Chapman; and the anonymous play, The merry devil of Edmonton. Carefully edited with introductory notes. A. L. A. Hale, E. E. jr. Dramatists of today. 6th ed. Holt 1 .27 Temperate, conservative, readable discussion of the principal works of Rostand, Hauptmann, Sudermann, Pinero, Shaw, Phillips and Maeterlinck. A. L. A. Hudson, H. N. Shakespeare, his life, art and characters. 2 v. Ginn 3.40 V. 1. Life of Shakespeare Origin and growth of the drama in England Shakespeare's contemporaries Shakespeare's art Mid-summer night's dream Merchant of Venice Merry wives of Windsor Much ado about nothing As you like it Twelfth night All's well that ends well Measure for measure. Tem- pest Winter's tale. V. 2. King John King Richard the third King Henry the eighth Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar Hamlet Macbeth King Lear Antony and Cleopatra Cymbeline Othello Coriolanus. Jonson, Ben. Plays; ed. by Schelling. 2 v. (Everyman's library) Button ea. .35 Kennedy, C. R. The servant in the house. Harper .84 An admirable modern play, embodying an allegory of Jesus and his teachings applied to the life of today. A. L. A. Lamb, Charles & Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Partial contents: The tempest Two gentlemen of Verona Cymbeline King Lear Macbeth Timon of Athens Hamlet Othello Merchant of Venice. Lee, Sidney. Shakespeare and the modern stage ; with other essays. Scribner 1.70 Eleven scholarly papers, whose main purpose is to survey Shakes- ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRAMA 65 Price pearean drama in relation to modern life and to illustrate its living force in current affairs. A. L. A. Mackaye, P. W. Jeanne d'Arc: a drama. Macmillan $1 .06 Historical play in blank verse of lyric cadence and beauty. Rather a series of rich dramatic pictures than a closely welded drama. N. Y. Merington, Marguerite. Holiday plays. Duffield 1 .06 Five one-act pieces. For Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birth- day, Memorial day, Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving. OREGON. Moody, W. V. Great divide : a play in three acts. Macmillan .... 1.12 Well handled play with a strong plot. Very successful on the stage but much less effective for reading. A. L. A. Peabody, Mrs. J. P. The piper: a play in four acts. Houghton .93 Version of the Pied Piper of Hamlin legend, of uncommon poetic quality, literary distinction and dramatic value. A. L. A. Pinero, Sir A. W. Trelawney of the "Wells," a comedietta in four acts. Dramatic .45 Inner life of the stage with its tawdry squalor, is thrown into relief against a background of West end society. ACADEMY. Shakespeare, William. Ben Greet Shakespeare for young readers and amateur players. Doubleday .52 As you like it. The comedy of errors. Julius Caesar. Merchant of Venice. A midsummer night's dream. The tempest. A unique and exceptionally useful version, condensed to the length of an ordinary performance and specially adapted for reading or stage presentation by children and amateurs. The right-hand pages are devoted to the text, the left-hand to brief and lucid explanatory notes and practical stage directions, diagrams of the stage, illustra- tions of characters in costume, etc. At the beginning of the play are "A few general rules or customs of acting," addressed to ama- teurs. The arrangements for stage setting are few and simple. A. L. A. Complete dramatic and poetic works; ed. from the text of the early quartos and the 1st folio by W. A. Neilson. (Cam- bridge ed.) Houghton. '. 2 .48 Works ; ed. by W. J. Rolf e. Amer. bk. co ea. .56 As you like it. Hamlet. Julius Caesar. King Lear. Macbeth. Merchant of Venice. Midsummer night's dream, Much ado about nothing. Othello. Romeo and Juliet. Taming of the shrew. Tempest. Twelfth night. Winter's tale. 66 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Sheridan, R. B. Plays. (Everyman's library) Button $0.30 Contents: Rivals. St. Patrick's day. The duenna. Trip to Scarborough. School for scandal. The critic Pizarro. Synge, J. M. The playboy of the western world: a comedy in three acts. Luce .85 Full of progressive incident, being the story of the development of one of those strange imaginative characters with the creation of which Synge brought a new thing into stage literature. QUAR. REV. Winter, William. Other days; being chronicles and memories of the stage. Moffat 2 . 50 Pleasant discursive reminiscences by the dean of dramatic critics, covering the history of the stage for two generations. A. L. A. Zangwill, Israel. Melting pot; drama in four acts. Macmillan 1 .06 Theme is America, the crucible in which immigrants from all na- tions are to be fused into the perfect human type. A. L. A. ESSAYS AND PROSE MISCELLANY Addison, Joseph, & Steele, Richard. Sir Roger de Co verley papers; ed. by C. T. Winchester. (Gateway ser.) Amer. bk. co 31 Albright, E. M. The short-story, its principles and structure. Macmillan .76 Sets forth standards of criticism, illustrated by work of masters con- trasted with attempts of amateurs. Advice on technique. Reading list of modern short stories. A. L. A. Benson, A. C. From a college window. Putnam 1 .06 Leisurely and graceful essays on everyday aspects of life, educa- tional, religious and literary, affording glimpses of a sympathetic and engaging personality. N. Y. Burke, Edmund. Speech on American taxation; Speech on concilia- tion with America; Letter to the sheriffs of Bristol; ed. by F. G. Selby. (English classics) Macmillan 63 Crothers, S. M. Among friends. Houghton 1 .06 Contents: Among friends The Anglo-American school of polite unlearning The hundred worst books The convention of books In praise of politicians My missionary life in Persia The colonel in the theological seminary The romance of ethics The merry devil of education. These essays have the delicate wit and whimsical imagination of The gentle reader A. L. A. Gentle reader. Houghton 1 . 06 Contents: Gentle reader Enjoyment of poetry Mission of humor Cases of conscience concerning witch-craft Honorable points of ignorance That history should be readable Evolution of the gentleman Hinterland of science Gentle reader's friends among the clergy Quixotism Intimate knowledge and delight. Dawson, W. J. Makers of English fiction. Revell 1.27 Popular history of the English novel as exemplified in 13 writers, from Defoe to Stevenson. One chapter on American novelists. A. L. A. DeQuincey, Thomas. Selections; ed. by Bliss Perry. (Little mas- terpieces) Doubleday 43 Contents: Affliction of childhood Pleasures of opium Pains of ESSAYS AND PROSE MISCELLANY 67 opium On the knocking at the gate in Macbeth Going down with victory Levana Our ladies of sorrow. Dunne, F. P. Dissertations by Mr. Dooley. Harper $1 . 00 Mr. Dooley forms the opinions of his friend Mr. Hennessy on such subjects as breakfast foods, Carnegie libraries, hotel life, sleeping cars and the race question. N. Y. Emerson, R. W. English traits; Representative men; and other essays. (Everyman's library) Dutton .30 Contents: English traits Representative men American schol- ar Man the reformer The conservative The transcendent- alist Young America. Essays. First and second series. (Everyman's li- brary) Dutton .30 Contents: First series: History Self-reliance Compensation. Spiritual laws Love Friendship Prudence Heroism Over- sou Circles Intellect Art. Second series: The poet Exper- ience Character Manners Gifts Nature Politics Nom- inalist and realist. New England reformers. Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast table. (Everyman's li- brary) Dutton .30 Irving, Washington. Rip van Winkle; illus. by Houghton. (Illus- trated pocket classics) Macmillan .63 Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. (Everyman's library) Dutton .30 Tales from the Alhambra ; ed. by Josephine Brower ; il. by C. E. Brock. Houghton 1 .06 The legends retold are those of The Arabian astrologer. Prince Ahmed al Kamel, The moor's legacy, The three beautiful princesses, The rose of the Alhambra, The two discreet statues. James, William. Memories and studies. Longmans 1 . 48 Papers illustrative of Professor James' lucidity of style and range of interests. "The final impressions of a physical researcher" is a most interesting summing up of the author's conclusions after 25 years' experience. -A. L. A. .30 .30 Lowell, J. R. Books and libraries and other papers: Democracy. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton .36 Contents: Books and libraries. Emerson the lecturer. Keats. Don Quixote. Democracy. My study windows. Houghton 1 . 70 Lamb, Charles. Es man's library) Lincoln, Abraham. Dutton . . says of Elia, and Last essays of Elia. (Every- Dutton Speeches and letters. (Everyman's library) Contents: My garden acquaintance A word for winter On a certain condescension in foreigners A great public character Carlyle Abraham Lincoln James Gates Percival Thoreau Swinburne's tragedies Chaucer Library of old authors Em- erson Pope. 68 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Macaulay, T. B. Critical and historical essays. 2 v. (Everyman's library) Button ea. $0 . 30 v. 1. Contents: English history group Hallam's history Bur- leigh and his times John Hampden Milton Sir William Temple Sir James Mackintosh Horace Walpole William Pitt Earl of Chatham Clive Warren Hastings Lord Holland, v. 2. Contents: Foreign history group Machiavelli Ranke's History of the popes War of the Spanish succession Frederick the Great Political controversy group Southey's Colloquies Civil disabilities of Jews Gladstone on church and state Liter- ary criticisms group Bacon John Bunyan Dramatists of the Restoration Addison Samuel Johnson Madame d'Arblay Byron M ontgomery . Miscellaneous essays; and the lays of ancient Rome; including Early and miscellaneous verse. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Contents: History John Dryden Mirabeau Barere Fran- cis Atterbury John Bunyan Oliver Goldsmith Samuel John- son Dante Petrarch Conservation between Cowley and Milton concerning Great Civil war Great lawsuit On the Athe- nian orators Great national epic poem Wellingtoniad Wil- liam Pitt On the Royal society of literature Scenes from Athen- ian revels Lays of ancient Rome Miscellaneous poems. Matthews. J. B. The American of the future, and other essays. Scribner 1 . 06 Fifteen essays, sensible and entertaining rather than stimulating or brilliant, in which the author holds a somewhat casual brief for American ways and types. N. Y. TIMES. Phelps, W. L. Essays on modern novelists. Macmillan 1 .27 Entertaining characterizations and penetrating criticisms of De Morgan, Hardy, Ho well's, Bjornson, Mark Twain, Sienkiewicz, Sudermann, Alfred Ollivant, Stevenson, Mrs. Ward, Kipling and Blackmore. A. L. A. Stevenson, R. L. Essays; ed. by W. L. Phelps. Scribner 68 Contents: On the enjoyment of unpleasant places An apology for idlers Aes triplex Talk and talkers A gossip on romance The character of dogs A college magazine Books which have influenced me Pulvis et umbra. "I have refrained from selecting any of Stevenson's formal essays in literary criticism and have chosen only those that, while ranking among his masterpieces in style, reveal his personality, character, opinions, philosophy, faith." PREF. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels. (Cranford ed.) Macmillan ... 1.35 Thoreau, H. B. Walden. (Everyman's library) Button 30 Van Byke, Henry. Little rivers. Scribner 1 . 27 Contents: Little riversLeaf of spearmint Ampersand Hand- ful of heather Restigouche from a horse-yacht Alpenrosen and goafs-milk Au large Trout-fishing in the Traun At the sign of the balsam bough Song after sundown. Walton, Izaak. Complete angler. (Everyman's library) Button... .30 Webster, Daniel. Daniel Webster for young Americans, comprising his greatest speeches; ed. with notes by C. F. Richardson. (Schooled.) Little 45 GERMAN, FRENCH, GREEK AND LATIN LITERATURE 69 Price First Bunker Hill oration, and Washington's Farewell address; ed. by F. N. Scott. (English classics) Longmans $0.23 GERMAN LITERATURE Goethe, J. W., von. Poems and ballads. (Bohn library) Macmillan . 85 Nibelungenlied. Nibelungenlied : the fall of the Nibelungers; tr. by W. N. Lettson. Scribner 1 .48 Thomas, Calvin. History of German literature. (Short histories of the world) Appleton 1.27 Scholarly, well arranged and well written survey limited to litera- ture in its most restricted meaning. It is more popular than Francke, more scholarly than Wells and more readable than Robertson. A, L. A. FRENCH LITERATURE Hugo, Victor. Les miserables. 2 v. (Everyman's library) Button ea. .60 A picture of Waterloo, from the French side. OREGON. Rostand, Edmond. L'Aiglon: a play in six acts; adapted into English by L. N. Parker. Harper , 1 .00 Effective acting tragedy, having as hero Napoleon's son, the little king of Rome. A. L. A. Cyrano de Bergerac; a play in five acts; tr. by Glady's Thomas and M. F. Guillemard. Doubleday .43 Romantic play of high literary and histrionic value. Of the trans- lations this in blank verse is perhaps the best. WISCONSIN. Vreeland, W. U., & Michaud, Regis, comp. Anthology of French prose and poetry. (School ed.) Ginn 1 .26 Represents 54 authors and contains 155 selections, beginning with the 16th century. A. L. A. GREEK AND LATIN LITERATURE Bennett, C. E., & Bristol, G. P. Teaching of Latin and Greek hi the secondary school. (Amer. teachers' ser.) Longmans 1.35 Church, A. J. Aeneid for boys and girls, told from Virgil. Macmillan 1 . 27 Simple and dignified prose version keeping close to the original in spirit and atmosphere. Good illustrations. A. L. A. Iliad for boys and girls, told from Homer. Macmillan. 1 .27 An adaptation told in simple, dignified language, beautifully printed, and delightfully illustrated in delicate colors. A. L. A. Odyssey for boys and girls, told from Homer. Macmillan 1.27 Adaptation of the story of the wanderings of Ulysses, more attrac- tive than Church's earlier work. Illustrated in color and beauti- fully printed. OREGON. Homer. Iliad; done into English prose by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf and Ernest Myers. Rev. ed. Macmillan 72 Odyssey; tr. into English prose by G. H. Palmer Houghton school ed. .68 70 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price done into English prose by S. H. Butcher and Andrew Lang. Macmillan $0 72 Vergil. The Aeneid; tr. into English blank verse by T. C. Williams. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton .68 The best verse translation in the eyes of recent scholars. It is ac- curate in translation, poetic in quality and of sound literary struc- ture. A. L. A. FICTION Abbott, E. H. Molly Make-Believe. Century 85 Very original story of a lonely young man, confined to his bed, who is diverted by the daily written-to-order letters sent from a mysteri- ous love-letter agency. Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw and other stories. (Cambridge classics) Houghton 1.27 Andrews, Mrs. M. R. S. The perfect tribute. Scribner. . . 45 A touching little story with Lincoln's Gettysburg speech as its theme. Specially interesting to young people, but historically inaccurate. A: L. A. Arnim, M. A. von. Elizabeth and her German garden. Macmillan 1 . 58 A cultured, humorous woman's record of quiet German country life. N. Y. Grosset .40 Atherton, Gertrude. The Conqueror. Macmillan 1 . 35 A story of the life of Alexander Hamilton. Atkinson, Eleanor. Greyfriars Bobby. Harper 1 . 02 "A dog's story by a lover of dogs." The true story of a little Skye terrier who for 14 years slept on his master's grave in Edinburgh. JONES. Austen, Jane. Pride and prejudice. (Everyman's library) Button .30 English social life in the early 19th century. Old fashioned in form, but modern in spirit. BAKER. Pride and prejudice. (Illustrated pocket classics) Macmillan .23 Sense and sensibility. (Everyman's library) Dutton .30 Austin, Mrs. J. G. Betty Alden: the first born daughter of the Pil- grims. Houghton 1 .06 Standish of Standish. Houghton 1 . 06 Plymouth colony. Bacheller, I. A. Eben Holden; a tale of the north country. Lothrop 1 .00 Novel of life in the Adirondacks 50 years ago, the interest centering in Eben Holden, a faithful old servant. Graphic pictures of nature and of life in woods and fields. BAKER. Grosset.. .40 Keeping up with Lizzie. Harper 85 Humorous recital of the effect on a small New England town of the extravagance of the leading grocer's daughter and of her conver- sion into a sensible, home-loving girl. A. L. A FICTION 71 Price Barrie, J. M. The little minister. Grosset $0.40 Love affairs of a Scotch Presbyterian minister and a beautiful and sprightly "Egyptian." BAKER. Sentimental Tommy. Scribner . . 1 . 27 Follows the fortunes of a highly imaginative and masterful but human and lovable boy, and gives an inimitable picture of the child world in the homely Scotch village of Thrums. N. Y. Tommy and Grizel. Scribner 1 . 06 Later life of Sentimental Tommy. A relentless analysis of the artistic temperament. N. Y. Bennett, E. A. Buried alive. Brentano 90 A skilfully handled, farcical satire on British art and British char- acter, relating the method by which a shy painter escaped the lion- hunters. A. L. A. Doran. . .40 Benson, B. K. Who goes there? Macmillan 1 .35 A Civil war story, accurate and vivid. Grosset.. ...... .40 Black, William. Judith Shakespeare. Harper 84 A tale of Stratford and William Shakespeare. Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone. (Luxembourg ed.) Crowell 1.35 A romance of Exmoor. It tells of "the savage deeds of the outlaw Dopne in the depth of Bagworthy forest, the beauty of the hapless maid brought up in the midst of them, the plain John Ridd's hercu- lean power, and the exploits of Tom Faggus." PITTSBURGH. (Everyman's library) Button 30 A less expensive edition, but not so attractive. Bosher, Mrs. K. L. L. Mary Gary. Harper 85 The diary-book story of a precocious but lovable child in a female orphan asylum. A. L. A. Boyesen, H. H. Norseland tales. Scribner 1 . 06 Excellent. Short stories about Norwegians at home and their ex- experiences as emigrants in America. OREGON. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Brown, E. A. Four Gordons. Lothrop 1 . 00 Pleasing story of the winter experiences at home and school of a young girl and her three brothers, whose parents are in Europe. A. L. A. Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Edward. Last days of Pompeii. (Everyman's library) Button 30 A reconstruction of the splendid and luxurious Roman society of the first century of the Christian era, founded on the careful study of Latin literature and of the Pompeian antiquities ; and on observa- tion of modern manners and character. Brings the history of the times into close relation with the personal story. BAKER. Burnett, Mrs. F. H. T. Tembarom. Century 1 . 19 What happened when T. Tembarom, who started in life as a N. Y. 72 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price newsboy, became heir to $350,000 a year and vast estates in England. PUB. Butterworth, Hezekiah. In the boyhood of Lincoln. Appleton $1 .00 A tale of Lincoln's schooldays, of the Tunker schoolmaster, the Black Hawk war, and pioneer life in Illinois, filled with anecdotes, Indian traditions, etc. N. Y. CITY. Cameron, Mrs. Margaret. The golden rule Dollivers. Harper 85 Young Mr. and Mrs. Dolliver in all the pride of a new motor car try to make a practical application of the Golden Rule by helping persons they meet on the road who seem to need a lift. Amusing encounters and misunderstandings shake their faith in their abili- ties, but not in their final decision that most people are apt to be interesting and human if you know how to take them. Appeared in Harper's magazine. A. L. A. The involuntary chaperon. Harper 1 . 00 Letters rehearsing the love affairs of two attractive women on a South American trip. Interesting setting exceeds plot interest. A. L. A. Tangles. Harper 1.10 Fifteen clever short stories full of ingenious and amusing predica- ments. JONES . Chambers, R. W. Cardigan. Harper 1 .00 A romance of love and adventure during the Revolution . The hero is a nephew of Sir William Johnson and the scenes are laid in the Mo- hawk Valley, Lexington and Pittsburgh. Churchill, Winston. The crisis. (James K. Hackett ed.) Macmillan 1.35 Lincoln, Grant and Sherman are among the characters of this stir- ring romance of the period just before and during the period of the Civil war. JOXES. Grosset . . .40 The crossing. Macmillan 1.35 A thrilling description of the path breaking through the Kentucky wilderness under Clark. Grosset .40 The inside of the cup. Macmillan. 1 .27 Story of the struggle which a young Episcopal clergyman has with his orthodox faith when he finds that his church work is insufficient for the needs of his poor neighbors. He revolutionizes his church by preaching a living regenerative gospel. Will interest the thought- ful novel reader. A. L. A. Richard Carvel. Macmillan 1.35 Story of the life and adventures of Richard Carvel, a gentleman of the Maryland colony in the time just preceding the American revo- lution. It gives us many delightful glimpses of the colonial life in the South at this period. The story is a strong one, the plot power- fully constructed and told with direct simplicity. It is a story which bears evidence of the author's deep research for his historic setting, his wide understanding of men and his ability to write a good novel. It is a book which, on account of its historical aspects and value, should be read by every young person. Hurst.. .40 FICTION 73 Price Clark, Imogen. Will Shakespeare's little lad. Scribner $1.21 A story of Stratford life in Shakespeare's day, the local atmosphere reflected with rare fidelity, and the hero, the poet's son, drawn with sympathy and charm. Coffin, C. C. Winning his way. Estes 1 . 06 How a plucky boy not only won his way through poverty and trials, but did brave deeds as a soldier in the Union army. Connor, Ralph. Black Rock; a tale of the Selkirks. Revell 27 Story of the. Canadian Northwest with a strong religious bias. JONES. The sky pilot. Revell 85 See note above. Grosset. . .40 Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore, a sea tale. (Mohawk ed.) Putnam 1 . 05 Sequel to Miles Wallingford. Sketches of the country as an inde- pendent nation during the earliest years. The deerslayer, a tale. Macmillan .23 Opening story of the series, called from the pioneer hero, the Leather- stocking tales. Succeeded by The last of the Mohicans; The path- finder; The pioneers; The prairie. Full of adventure and descrip- tions of forest life and scenery. BUFFALO. Last of the Mohicans; illus. by E. Boyd Smith. Holt. . 1 . 14 Story of the adventures among northern Indians during the French and Indian wars. N. Y. (Everyman's library) Button .30 The pathfinder. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Third volume of the Leatherstocking tales. OREGON. The pilot, a tale of the sea. (Mohawk ed.) Putnam . . 1 .05 The theme centers around Paul Jones and his daring exploits in English waters, about 1778. Red Rover. (Mohawk ed.) Putnam 1 . 05 Tale of lively episodes and adventures on the deep. The spy. (Mohawk ed.) Putnam 1 . 05 A tale of the American Revolution. JONES. (Astor prose series) Crowell .40 (Everyman's library) Button .30 Water-witch; or, The skimmer of the seas. (Mohawk ed.) Putnam 1.05 Story of the occupation of New York by the Dutch. Wing-and-wing; or, Le Feu-follet. (Mohawk ed.) Putnam 1 . 05 Tale of the adventures of Raoul Ivard, who commanded a celebrated French privateer, 1798-99. Craik, Mrs. B. M. John Halifax, gentleman. .(Everyman's library) Button 30 Life story of an ideal man, who, by faithfulness and courage, rises 74 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price from extreme poverty to wealth, and marries a girl of gentle family. His early struggles and friendship for the cripple who tells the story, the provincial life at Tewkesbury, the old miller's character, and the home life of John Halifax and his wife, afford many touching passages and assist the didactic purpose. Time of the riots caused by the in- troduction of steam machinery. Baker. An old story which will be read with interest by each generation. Cutting, Mrs. M. S. Little stories of married life. McClure $0 . 90 Contents: Their second marriage. A good dinner. The strength of ten. In the reign of Quintilia. The happiest time. In the mar- riage quarters. Mrs. Atwood's outer raiment. Fairy gold. A matrimonial episode. Not a sad story. Wings. Davis, R. H. Stories for boys. Scribner .85 Contents: The reporter who made himself king. Midsummer pirates. Richard Carr's baby. The great Tri-club tennis tourna- ment. The jump at Corey's slip. The Van Bibber baseball club. The story of a jockey. Well written stories for the older boys. Deland, E. D. Alan Ransford. Harper 84 ."The story has its scene in a suburb in Philadelphia. There is a description of a false alarm of fire and of a foot-ball match between Harvard and Pennsylvania, and also of a class day at Harvard." BOOKMAN. Deland, Mrs. M. W. C. Awakening of Helena Ritchie. Harper 1 . 35 Masterly story of the awakening of a woman's moral nature through her love for a child and the gentle leading of Dr. Lavendar. A. L. A. Burt . . .40 Dr. Lavendar's people. Grosset .40 Quiet stories of real, every-day life; Dr. Lavendar's sympathetic understanding of every human weakness endears him to his readers. JONES. Old Chester tales. Grosset. . .40 See note above. De La Pasture, Mrs. Henry. Deborah of Todd's. Dutton 1 . 00 Story of the disillusionment of a,n English country girl who marries an old nobleman and enters frivolous London society. A. L. A. Possibly rather tragic for some readers. The lonely lady of Grosvenor Square. Dutton 1 . 00 A simple-hearted Welsh girl is called from her home in the country to a great house and a fortune in London. Dickens, Charles. David Copperfield. (Everyman's library) Dutton 30 Dickens said "I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child, and his name is David Copperfield." Dombey and son. (Everyman's library) Dutton 30 Nicholas Nickelby. (Everyman's library) Dutton... .30 Nicholas Nickelby becomes assistant to Mr. Squeers, the school- master and varies the monotony of Dotheboys hall. PITTSBURGH. FICTION 75 Price Old curiosity shop. (Everyman's library) Button.... $0.30 Little Nell and her grandfather, Diok Swiveller and the March- ioness figure in this book. PITTSBURGH. Oliver Twist. (Everyman's library) Dutton .30 Pickwick papers. (Everyman's library) Dutton .30 Tale of two cities. (Everyman's library) Dutton .30 Story of the French Revolution and its influence on the lives of some English people. MINN. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton. ... .45 Doubleday, Russel. Cattle-ranch to college. Doubleday 1.06 The true tale of a boy's adventures in the far west twenty-five years ago. OREGON. Grosset. . .40 Dowd, E. C. Polly of the hospital staff. Houghton 85 Thoroughly wholesome story of a little hospital, patient whose cheer- iness gains her a place on the staff and many interesting adventures. A. L. A. Doyle, Sir A. C. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Grosset .40 Detective stories of absorbing interest in which the solution of the mystery is the question rather than the details of the crime. JONES. Micah Clarke. Harper 1 . 17 A story of James II and the Monmouth's rebellion. Burt.. 40 Dumas, Alexandre. Three musketeers. (Everyman's library) Dutton * 30 In the present romance the feud between Richelieu and Anne of Austria bulks large, and the adventures of three guardsmen with their redoubtable and versatile Gascon comrade D'Artagnan are often intimately connected with affairs of state (1626-28). BAKER. Duncan, Norman. Doctor Luke of Labrador. Rev ell 1.00 Tells of life among the Labrador fisher folk, recalling the life of Dr. Grenfell. Grosset.. .40 Ebers, G. M. Egyptian princess. Burt .40 A romance of ancient Egypt, by a learned Egyptologist, who grounds the details of his work chiefly on Herodotus, supplemented and cor- rected by the results of modern research, the records of cuneiform inscriptions, etc. OREGON. Uarda. (Home library) Burt .40 Scene, Egyptian Thebes, 14th century B. G., the reign of Rameses II. Inner history of the regent's conspiracy to usurp the throne while Rameses was warring against the Aramaeans, whom he de- feated at Kadesh. BAKER. Eggleston, G. C. Last of the flatboats: a story of the Mississippi and its interesting family of rivers. Lothrop 1 . 00 Four boys' trip down the Ohio and Mississippi to New Orleans dur- ing the great flood. N. Y. 76 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Southern soldier stories. (Standard school library) Macmillan $0 . 45 Stories illustrating the heroism of those brave Americans who fought on the losing side of the Civil war. Humor and pathos are found side by side in these pages, which bear evidence of absolute truth. PUB. Valuable for history class. Eliot, George, pseud. Adam Bede. (Everyman's library) Button.. .30 Daniel Deronda. Crowell. . .84 Middlemarch: illus. by A. B. Stephens. (Luxembourg ed.) Crowell 1.13 Mill on the Floss. (Everyman's library) Button .30 The tragedy of Maggie and her brother Tom. PITTSBURGH. Romola. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Story set in Florence in the time of Lorenzo de' Medici and Savon- arola. MINN. Silas Marner, the weaver of Raveloe; with introd. by ' Bliss Carman, and aids to study by H. A. Bavidson. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton .36 Farnol, Jeffery. The broad highway. Little 1.14 A young English gentleman starts on foot to make his fortune rather than comply with the conditions of his erratic will, and has many romantic adventures. A pleasing atmosphere of fairy-tale unre- ality. A. L. A. Burt.. .40 Ferber, Edna. Roast-beef medium. Stokes 1 .08 Short stories of the adventures of Mrs. Emma McChesney, travel- ing saleswoman. Her very feminine personality, combined with keen common sense and sparkling fun, make these stories very readable. JONES . Ford, P. L. The Hon. Peter Sterling. Grosset 40 Romance of love and politics said to follow the career of G rover Cleveland. JONES. Janice Meredith. Bodd 1 . 00 A romance of the American Revolution. - Grosset. . .40 Fox, John. The little shepherd of Kingdom Come. Scribner 1.21 Story of rough primitive life among the Kentucky mountaineers, with idyllic love story. JONES. Grosset. . .40 Gale, Zona. Friendship village. Macmillan 1 . 35 Life of a Wisconsin village portrayed with humor and pathos and a keen appreciation of the homely sincerity of neighborhood friend- ships. A. L. A. Mothers to men. Macmillan . . 1.27 Life in a country village in Wisconsin. FICTION 77 Price Garland, Hamlin. The long trail: a story of the Northwest wilder- ness. Harper $0 . 83 The story of a boy who went to the Klondike over the old Telegraph Trail. By a writer who has travelled through and knows the county of which he writes. OREGON. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Cranford; illus. by Hugh Thomson. Macmillan .23 An old-time story which is always fresh. JONES, Gibbon, Perceval. The adventures of Miss Gregory. Putnam 1 . 14 Recounts extraordinary experiences of a woman in widely separated parts of the globe. Gillmore, I. H. Phoebe and Ernest. Holt 1 . 14 The ordinary incidents in the life of a brother and sister of high- school age, told with sympathy, humor and insight. A. L. A. Phoebe, Ernest and Cupid. Holt 1 . 14 Further incidents in the lives of Phoebe and Ernest, who, growing up, are confronted with problems which their parents also had to face, the recognition of interests in common between the two gen- erations making for an increased sympathy and understanding. As before, the characters are unusually human and real and the book is written with delightful naturalness. Most of the stories are re- printed from the American magazine. A. L. A. Glass, Montague. Potash and Perlmutter. Doubleday 1.08 Good character study of the Americanized Jew. A. L. A. * Grosset .40 Goldsmith, E. E. Toby. Macmillan 1 .06 A really delightful book. Toby is the lively center of attraction round which gyrate the author's ideas of dogs and men and things in general. Interesting to anyone who loves dogs. Has many illuminating quotations from all quarters, and illustrations which look like genuine snapshots. A. L. A. Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield, with pref. by Austin Dobson and illus. by Hugh Thomson. Macmillan .23 No figure in our literature is at once so simple and so impressive, so ideal and so human as the Vicar, and the acquaintance of the Primrose family once made, they and their misfortunes become a dear and imperishable memory. The purity of style is equal to that of the conception L. & I. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Gordon, C. W. The doctor. Revell 83 Story of the Canadian Northwest, with a strong religious bias. A. L. A. Grosset. . .40 Grayson, David. Adventures in contentment. Doubleday 1.21 Cheerful philosophizings of a young man who turns to nature and farm life to regain his health. A. L. A. Hurst . . .40 Adventures in friendship. Doubleday 1 .21 An idealization of country life and country neighbors. A. L. A. 78 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Hurst.. ... $0.40 Greene, Homer. A Lincoln conscript. Houghton 1 . 06 A story of the Civil war presenting the attitude of the southern sympathizers. WISCONSIN. Pickett's gap. (Standard school library) Macmillan .40 Story of two railways fighting for control of a mountain pass owned by the boy hero's grandfather. N. Y. Hale, E. E. jr. Man without a country. (National ed.) Little .45 Story is a ficticious memoir of an American officer who said he wished never to hear of the United States again and for punishment had his wish fulfilled. BAKER. Hall, E. C. Aunt Jane of Kentucky. Little 1 . 17 An old lady's reminiscences of her youth, full of quaint philosophy and humor. A. L. A. Burt.. .40 Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd. Harper .84 Every character is of the lower class in England. But you have to turn back to Shakespeare for any tale of peasants and clowns and shepherds to compare with the conversations in this novel, so racy are they of the soil, and yet so touched with the finest art. C. D. WARNER. Harland, Henry. The cardinal's snuff-box. Lane 1 .35 Story of love in an Italian villa. The charm lies in its artistic quality and in the brightness of the repartee. N. Y. Harrison, H. S. Queed. Houghton 1 . 14 The atmosphere of the new South is wonderfully well reproduced in this unusual story of the development of a self-centered, purely theoretical sociologist into a live, human worker. A. L. A. Harte, Bret. Luck of Roaring camp and other tales, with Condensed novels, Spanish and American legends, and earlier papers; in trod. by the author. (Riverside ed.) Houghton 1.25 A new genre of short story. The "Luck" is a babe whose coming among the miners in the California settlement makes their lives better and more humane. BAKER. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. House of the seven gables. (Everyman's library) Dutton 30 Marble faun. (Everyman's library) Dutton .30 Scarlet letter. (Everyman's library) Dutton 30 Henry, O. Heart of the west. Doubleday .85 Short story strong, humorous, spontaneous and racy. JONES. Howells, W. D. Rise of Silas Lapham. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton .54 History of an ignorant and coarse-grained but manly character, who is first brought into contrast with the refined society of the city and there is shown making head against commercial disasters, which chastens without weakening his character. BAKER. FICTION 79 Price Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's school days. (Everyman's library) Dutton $0.30 School days at Rugby under the famous Dr. Arnold who loved boys and lived to make them brave, Christian gentlemen. POWER. Jackson, H. H. Ramona. Little 1 . 14 Indian romance of Southern California. JONES. Jerome, J. K. Passing of the third floor back, and other stories. Dodd . 67 Written in the author's more serious vein. The first and best story tells how Mrs. Pennycherry entertained an angel unawares in the third floor back of her Bloomsbury boarding house. PITTSBURGH. Grosset. . .40 Johnson, H. S. Williams of West Point. Appleton 1 . 00 Manly story of the work and play, defeats and victories of a West Point cadet who stands for honor, steadfastness and truth. Gives many details of West Point life. A. L. A. Johnston, Mary. To have and to hold. Houghton 1.21 Published in England under title By order of the company. Vir- ginia romance of reign of James I. BAKER. Grosset . 50 Jordan, E. G. May Iverson tackles life. Harper 1 .06 Ten short stories of girls' life in a convent school as told by "one of the girls." MINN. Kelly, Myra. Little aliens. Scribner 1 .21 Nine stories depicting the humor and tragedy of life out of school of children made familiar in Little citizens. A. L. A. Little citizens: the humours of school life. Doubleday 1.21 A New York schoolteacher's stories of her East side Jewish charges. Human nature and American Yiddish dialect are alike faithfully rendered. N. Y. Grosset .40 Kingsley, Charles. Westward ho ! Macmillan . .63 Sea-faring adventures with Drake in the days of Queen Elizabeth. (Everyman's library) Dutton .30 Kipling, Rudyard. Captains courageous. Century 1.35 How a spoiled boy, washed overboard from an Atlantic liner, was picked up by a Gloucester fisherman off the Banks, and made a man of. A good story, but not comparable with Connolly's books as a true picture of the Gloucester fleet. JONES. Kim. Doubleday 1.35 Kim is a street Arab from Lahore, whose relations to the British secret service and journeys through India bring a rich panorama of the life of the country. BAKER. Soldiers three. Burt 67 Stories of soldier life in India. JONES. Laughlin, C. E. Everybody's lonesome; a true fairy story. Revell. . .67 A short story reprinted from the Ladies home journal. Though 80 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price sentimental and improbable, it is wholesome and will be liked by a certain class of young girls. A. L A. Little, Frances, pseud. Lady of the decoration. Century $0 . 90 Attractive story of a young American teacher's experience in a Japanese mission school, as she relates them in letters to home friends. A. L. A. Locke, W. J. The beloved vagabond. Lane 1 . 35 A narrative of the wanderings through Europe of a vagabond, who is at the same time a gentleman and something of a philosopher. Told with all Locke's whimsical humor. People generally either admire this book tremendously or do not like it at all. Burt 40 The glory of Clementina. Lane 1.17 Unusual story of the transformation of an untidy, eccentric woman painter, largely through the influence of a small girl left in her charge. A. L. A. Burt.. .40 London, Jack. Call of the wild. (Every boy's library. Boy scouted.) Grosset 40 Story of life in the Klondike. The hero, a magnificent dog, finally obeys the call of the wild and relapses into savagery, because his last and best friend was killed by the Indians. A. L. A. John Barleycorn. Century 1.17 A strangely frank confession of what are, undoubtedly, the author's adventures with intoxicants from the age of five to the present time. The book is a strong and effective plea for prohibition, incidentally for woman's suffrage as the author thinks the woman's vote will suppress the trade in alcohol. Published in the Saturday evening- post. A. L. A. Lucas, E. V. Listener's lure; a Kensington comedy. Macmillan. . . 1.35 Charming letters of a young English girl, a literary guardian, a rich old lady with religious fads and other amusing people, recording the development of a delicate love affair. A. L. A. MacGrath, Harold. The goose girl. Bobbs 1 .35 In which a peasant girl proves to be a duke's daughter. JONES. Marryat, Frederick. Children of the New Forest. (Everyman's li- brary) Button 30 iUus. by E. B. Smith. Holt 1.14 Martin, G. M. Emmy Lou. Grosset 40 Schooldays of a bewildered and very real little girl JONES. Martin, Mrs. H. R. Tillie; a Mennonite maid. Century 1 .00 Quaint story of an attractive Pennsylvania Dutch girl, whose aspi- rations rise above her sordid surroundings. N. Y. Grosset. . .40 Mason, A. E. W. Four feathers. Grosset 40 A man in the English army, not physically brave, receives four white feathers from four friends who believe him to be a coward. He FICTION gl Price goes to Egypt and performs heroic deeds and returns the feathers one by one. JONES. (Macmiltan's fiction library) Macmillan $0.45 Mitchell, J. A. Amos Judd. Scribner 1.21 Tale of an heir of an Indian rajah who is educated in New England. It is unusual because of the clash of heredity and environment. Mitchell, S. W. Hugh Wynne, free Quaker. Century. 1 . 00 Autobiographic story of the Revolution; excellent in its portrayal of the times and characters. Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables. Page 1 . 00 School life of a lively child from a Nova Scotia asylum, adopted into a farmer's family. A. L. A. Grosset .40 Moore, F. F. The Jessamy bride. Duffield 1.21 A charming and natural story with Oliver Goldsmith as the hero and Dr. Johnson, Sir Joshua Reynolds and David Garrick as the different characters. Grosset .... .40 Norris, Kathleen. Mother. Macmillan .90 A rebellious, discouraged young school teacher whose father's small salary is insufficient to rear and educate his seven children properly, accepts the position of secretary to a wealthy New York woman. Acquaintance with fashionable society arid love for a young physi- cian change her views as to the drudgery of a mother's fife, and open her eyes to her own mother's nobility. JONES. (Macmillan's fiction library) Macmillan .40 Poor, dear Margaret Kirby, and other stories. Mac- millan 1.10 Eighteen short stories, reprinted from various periodicals. They deal with problems of domestic life and show the same knowledge of its difficulties that Mrs. Cutting's stories do, while having a much wider range of subject and setting. A. L. A. Page, T. N. Old gentleman of the black stock; illus. by H. C. Christy. Scribner 1.21 Finely etched portrayal of a southern gentleman of the old school. CHITIC. Red Rock. Scribner.. 1.21 Dealing with the civil war and reconstruction period. One of the best of the stories of this time. JONES. Grosset. . .40 Paine, R. D. College years. Scribner 1.21 Eleven hearty, humorous stories of Yale life picturing university athletics as a leveling and trying-out process for the "big game" of life and dwelling on the all-prevailing spirit of college loyalty and fair play. A. L. A. Parker, Sir Gilbert. The battle of the strong. Harper 1 . 00 Story of the great war between England and France at the close of the 18th century. JONES. 11 82 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Grosset. . $0.40 Pierre and his people. Harper 1 . 06 Stories of love and adventure chiefly in the Hudson Bay country. JONES. Seats of the mighty. Appleton 1 . 00 Historical romance culminating in the battle of Quebec. BAKER. Burt. . .40 The weavers. Harper 1 . 00 Egypt's picturesque cities and desert, a little English Quaker town, and London high life offers strong contrasts of background for the well drawn characters of a compelling tale of politics, intrigue and love. A. L. A. Phelps, E. S. Jonathan and David. Harper 43 The story of a man and dog friendship that will completely capture the heart of every reader who believes that dog love is immortal. Together thej r suffer cold and hunger, together they rejoice when a good divinity discovers that the dog, under the master's instruction, ' can do tricks that have a money value. Self-respecting, they earn their living "the dog who had gained so much of the human and the lonely man who had acquired something of the beautiful canine." BOOK REVIEW DIGEST. Pier, A. S. Boys of St. Timothy's. Scribner 1 . 06 Athletic stories, which in their conservative cumulative interest, display the best qualities of boy character the manliness, kindli- ness, humor and affection of the American boy. OREGON. Harding of St. Timothy's. Houghton 1.12 Another story of the wholesome sports and honest rivalries at St. Timothy's. N. Y. Poe, E. A. Tales, with introd. by H. W. Mabie. (Century classics) Century 1 . 05 Contents: The gold-bug. A descent into the Maelstrom. MS found in a bottle. The murders in the Rue Morgue. The mystery of Marie Roget. The purloined letter. The fall of the house of Usher. William Wilson. The man of the crowd. The black cat. The telltale heart. The assignation. The masque of the red death. The cask of amontillado. The pit and the pendulum.' Poiter, F. H. Pollyanna ; the glad book. Page 1 . 05 In which a little girl plays a game of being glad over everything which happens, although she sometimes has to exercise her inge- nuity to discover the glad side. Porter, Mrs. G. S. Freckles. Doubleday 1 08 Story of a nameless waif who forms close friendships with the nature life of a great Indiana swamp and finds the way to the heart of a noble woman who helps him to success. Young girls enjoy it. A. L. A. Grosset. . .40 Song of the cardinal. Bobbs-Merrill 1 . 00 This is a pleasing nature story and love story of two birds, and as interesting as a tale of man and maid. It is an account of a Red FICTION 83 Price Cardinal's wooing and honeymoon, and the scene is laid in the Limberlost. It is a beautiful and wholesome story for any boy or girl to read, but it seems to have its greatest charm for girls. Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs. Burt $0.40 A spirited romance of Wallace and Bruce. Crowell . . .84 Reade, Charles. Cloister and the hearth. (Everyman's library) Button 30 Rice, A. H. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Century 67 A bright cheery story full of homely philosophy. JONES. Richards, L. E. Three Margarets. * Estes 83 How three cousins, beautiful Cuban Rita, gentle city-bred Marga- ret, and flyaway Peggy from the western prairies, meet for the first time at their uncle's country home and spend a summer vacation together. PITTSB URGH . Richmond, Mrs. G. L. S. The indifference of Juliet. Burt .40 Love story showing one way of making an obstinate young lady change her mind. JONES. Red Pepper Burns. Doubleday 1 . 08 Character sketch of a skilful, hot-tempered young surgeon who is surprised to find, on the advent of a helpful young widow, that there is something besides his profession worth loving. A. L. A. Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. (Everyman's library) Button. ...... .30 Many-colored picture of medieval England. Brings together some of the most romantic names of the middle ages. Coeur de Lion, Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Allan-a-Dale, Isaac of York, and Prince John. Period, about 1194. BAKFR. (Heath's English classics) Heath 43 (Longman's English classics) Longmans .27 Kenilworth. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Tragic story of Amy Robsart, wife of Queen Elizabeth's favorite, the Earl of Leicester. Period, 1575. BAKER. Lippincott 2.10 Quentin Burward. (Everyman's library) Button .... .30 A rich and varied picture of the age when feudalism and chivalry were about to pass away. Most of the events take place in the frontier districts of France and Flanders. BAKER. Macmillan .23 (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton. ... .54 Rob Roy. (Everyman's library) Button 30 Sir Walter Scott was at his best as a story teller when portraying the life of some adventurous hero of his own highlands. Through this stirring novel, he has immortalized the wandering patriot and the beautiful lake beside which he made his home. The young per- son who thinks that Scott is hard reading will not go far in this book 84 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price before he loses himself in the narrative and finds himself sitting up nights to finish it. AMER. INST. OF CHILD LIFE. The talisman. (Everyman's library) Button $0.30 The scene is in Palestine with Richard Coeur de Lion and his allies of the third crusade. From the contest on the desert between the Saracen cavalier and the Knight of the Sleeping Leopard to the final "Battle of the Standard" it is full of interest. PITTSBURGH. Macmillan.. .23 Silberrad, U. L. The good comrade. Doubleday 121 Story of a girl who breaks away from the traditions of her poor but genteel family and makes a success of blue daffodil raising in Hol- land. -A. L. A. Smith, F. H. Caleb West, master driver. Grosset 40 The building of a lighthouse on the Sound, and the love story of Caleb West, a most lovable character. JONES. Colonel Carter of Cartersville, illus. by E. W. Kemble and the author. Houghton 1 . 06 Describes with humorous and loving touch, an unreconstructed Virginia gentleman and the friends he endeared himself to NATION. Grosset .40 Tom Grogan. Macmillan 1.21 How Tom Grogan, who is an Irish woman and a contractor, man- ages her men and averts a strike. JONES. Stevenson, R. L. The black arrow. (Biographical ed.) Scribner. . .85 War of the Roses in time of Henry VI. of England. DANA Davi.d Balfour. (Biographical ed.) Scribner .85 Sequel to kidnapped. MINN. Kidnapped. (Biographical ed.) Scribner 85 Memoirs of the adventures of David Balfour in the year 1751. TITLE. Treasure Island. (Washington Square classics) Jacobs .85 An illustrated edition of this exciting story of the search for hidden treasure. OREGON. (Biographical ed.) Scribner .85 (Every boy's library) Grosset. . .40 Stockton, F. R. Lady or the tiger? and other stories. Scribner 1 . 06 Rudder Grange; illus. by A. B. Frost. Scribner 1.12 Humorous experiences of a young couple who begin housekeeping in a derelict barge. JONES. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Uncle Tom's cabin. (Everyman's library) Button 30 It was not half true; it was written with passion and prejudice, and it accomplished what all the cool, judicial statements in the world would have failed in. LEYPOLDT AND ILES. (Riverside school library) Houghton .... .85 FICTION sr, Price Tarkington, Booth. Conquest of Canaan. Burt. $0.40 The gentleman from Indiana. Grosset .40 A young newspaper man trys to reform politics in his district. An absorbing story of love and adventure. JONES. Monsieur Beaucaire. Doubleday 1 . 00 A little drama of intigue, laid in Bath during the Beau Nash regime in middle of the 18th century. BAKER. Grosset. . .40 Penrod. Doubleday 1.05 A story of boyhood. Thackeray, W. M. Henry Esmond. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Autobiographic story of a Cavalier and Jacobite in time of Queen Anne. Introduces Marlborough, Addison, Steele and other well known people. N. Y, Vanity Fair. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Becky Sharp, the Crawleys, Major Dobbin, Amelia and the won- derful picture of the battle of Waterloo are immortal. A. L. A. Virginians. 2 v. (Everyman's library) Button . . . . ea. \ . 30 Follows Henry Esmond. Virginia and London, 1756-80; intro- duces George Washington, Dr. Johnson, Fielding and Richardson. N. Y. Thanet, Octave, pseud. The man of the hour. Bobbs-Merrill 1 . 00 A Middle West tale in which the hero finds by actual experience that the Tolstoy an theories of his Russian mother are less just than the business principles of his American father. A. L. A. Grosset. . .40 Thompson, Maurice. Alice of old Vincennes. Grosset .40 Events during the period of the Revolution centering in an old French town in Indiana. Twain, Mark, pseud. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Saw- yer's comrade) New ed. Harper 1 .48 An epic of boyhood; his adventures in a raft voyage down the Miss- issippi bring out his shrewdness, his humor and his struggling con- science. Faithful in the rendering of southern dialects. BAKER. Van Byke, Henry. The blue flower. Scribner 1.27 Short story of French Canadian and Adirondack life. JONES. Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur: a tale of the Christ. Grosset .40 Ben-Hur is a young Jew of noble family, taken prisoner by the Romans and made a galley slave. The sea-fight with the pirates of the Meditteranean, and the chariot race at Antioch are among the thrilling incidents of the story. PITTSBURGH. Harper 1.00 Waller, M. E. Baughter of the rich. Little - 1 - 10 Story of a rich young girl who spent a year on the farm. Thoroughly wholesome, slightly serious in tone, but full of the jolly times of the farm children. WISCONSIN. The wood-carver of 'Lympus. Little . . 1 14 Scene in the Green Mountains. An ambitious farmer crippled in 86 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price early manhood finds interests in the outside world through a chance acquaintance and becomes a wood-carver of renown. N. Y. Burt $0.40 Webster, Jean. Daddy-long-legs. Century 85 The letters of a girl reared in an orphan asylum to her unknown benefactor whom she nicknames "Daddy-long-legs." Very enter- taining college story and a charming little romance. JONES. Westcott, E. N. David Harum; a story of American life. Appleton 1.00 David Harum is a shrewd, kind-hearted country banker in central New York. Full of dry humor and keen at making a bargain. Weyman, S. J. A gentleman of France. Longmans ' .84 Romance of the time of Henry Navarre. JONES. Burt . . .40 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. & others. The affair at the inn. Houghton. . . 1 . 06 Spirited love comedy arising from a chance meeting at a Dartmoor inn. Each of the four characters is responsible for one character. A. L. A. Grosset. . .40 Mother Carey's chickens. Houghton. . . . 1 .06 A wholesome, pleasant story, following the fortunes of the four children of a naval officer and their widowed mother, who suggests a mature "Rebecca." Specially suitable for girls. A. L. A. Penelope's Irish experiences. Houghton 1 . 06 Sequel to Penelope's progress. Travel in Ireland bound by a thread of love story. N. Y. Penelope's progress. Houghton 1 .06 Sequel to Penelope's English experiences. Edinburgh and its neigh- borhood as seen by three heroines of Penelope's English experiences. Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Grosset .40 Rebecca Rowena Randall of Sunnybrook farm is a fascinating little girl who does all sorts of lively things at home and at boarding school. PITTSBURGH. Williamson, C. N. & Mrs. A. M. L. The lightning conductor. Holt. . 1 .27 Automobile story of travel through France and Italy. Wister, Owen. Philosophy four. Macmillan .43 A most hilarious story of a Harvard episode. JONES. The Virginian. Grosset . . - . 40 The best of all cowboy stones. J ONES. Wright, H. B. The winning of Baibara Worth. Book supply co 1 . 00 Ambitious story dealing with the reclamation against heavy odds, of a vast tract of waste land in the Colorado desert. A. L. A. Grosset . . .40 Yonge, C. M. The prince and the page; a story of the last crusade. Macmillan .45 EXPLORATION, DISCOVERY, ADVENTURE 87 Price Illustrates social conditions in England at the end of the 13th cen- tury. OREGON. EXPLORATION, DISCOVERY, ADVENTURE Borup, George. A tenderfoot with Peary. Stokes $1 . 89 High spirits, hurnor and extreme frankness characterize this engag- ing and boyish account of the Peary polar expedition. It is whole- some, sometimes fine in sentiment, but is marred by an extraordi- nary amount of unnecessary slang. Rear-Admiral Melville con- tributes the introduction. The * forty-six illustrations are from photographs. A. L. A. Greely, A. W. True tales of arctic heroism in the new world. Scribner 1 .27 Partial contents: The loyalty of Philip Staffe to Hemy Hudson. Franklin's crossing of the barren grounds. The discovery of the Northwest passage. Kane's rescue of his freezing shipmates. Dr. Rae and the Franklin mystery. Sonntag's fatal sledge journey. The heroic devotion of Lady Jane Franklin. Life on the East Greenland ice-pack. Relief of American whalers at Point Barrow. Schwatka's summer search. The Inuit survivors of the stone age. Jacobs, Joseph. Story of geographical discovery. (Library of useful * stories) Appleton .32 From earliest times to Nansen. Compact hand-book, with sup- plementary tables and many maps. N. Y. London, Jack. The cruise of the Snark. Macmillan 1 . 70 An interesting account of a voyage which began at San Francisco and was to have extended to all the great seaports of the world, but which because of illness dwindled to cruising among the South Sea Islands in describing which the author has obviously drawn on his earlier knowledge and ended in an Australian hospital. The style is animated and without the touches of brutality not uncom- mon in London's work. The illustrations from photographs add nothing to the chapters which, many of them reprinted from various periodicals, are disconnected and lack unity. A. L. A. Peary, R. E. The North Pole ; its discovery in 1909. Stokes 4 . 08 Peary's account of his final successful expedition in 1909, with ex- tracts from his diary and those of his companions, and descriptions of Eskimo customs. A. L. A. Stanley, H. M. My Kalulu. Scribner : 1.21 A story of Central Africa, full of information regarding life in the interior of the "Dark Continent." N. Y. Wallace, Dillon. Lure of the Labrador wild. Revell 1 . 27 Realistic record of an exploring expedition into the interior of Labrador. MINN. Whitney, Harry. Hunting with the Eskimos. Century 2 97 Fresh and entertaining account of 14 months among the natives of Greenland, whither the author accompanied Peary in 1908. Matter and style interesting to young people. A. L. A. Young, E. R. My dogs in the Northland. Revell 1 05 "For years, with great dogs," says the author, "I toiled and often with them was in great perils. Much of my work was accomplished with their aid so I believe in dogs and here in this book I have 88 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price written of some. of them and their deeds." This is the story of Mr. Young's noble work in the Eskimo region of the northwest. Those who like to read of adventure will find this book one to rejoice in greatly. Some of his other interesting books are entitled "On the Indian Trail," "Algonquin Indian Tales," and "The Apostle of the North." AMER. INST. OF CHILD LIFE. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION Allen Grant & Williamson, G. C. Cities of northern Italy. Page.. $1.45 One of the most valuable books for the prospective traveler. Ex- cellent illustrations. A. L. A. Bates, K. L. From Gretna Green to Land's End; a literary journey in England. Crowell . 1 . 70 Not an important book but an entertaining one, full of historic associations and literary illusion. Most of it is reprinted from the Chautauquan. A. L. A. Collier, Price. England and the English from an American point of view. Scribner ... .65 Entertaining studies based on a long acquaintanceship with both people and country. Fair and appreciative in characterization. A. L. A. The West in the East from an American point of view. Scribner 1.27 Striking, clever and entertaining. Pro-Chinese in viewpoint, full of information, with many conclusions which provoke contradiction. "One of the most amusing and suggestive books ever written about the East." SIECTATOR. Curwood, J. O. The Great Lakes. Putnam 2 . 97 Popular and entertaining history, with observations on phases of life on and along the shores, and full account of shipping facilities and development. A. L. A. Duncan, Norman. Dr. GrenfelPs parish. Revell 85 Sympathetic account of Dr. GrenfelTs heroic work as physician, missionary and general administrator among the poor fishermen on the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador. N. Y. Earle, A. M. Home life in colonial days. (Macmillan's standard library) Macmillan 40 The homes, furniture and utensils of our ancestors, their occupa- tions and to some extent their recreations are minutely described. NATION. Grenfell, W. T. & others. Labrador. Macmillan 2.12 Popular and informing handbook. Of the 16 chapters on routes to Labrador, people, scenery, missions, industries, natural resources, birds, flora, etc., 10 are by Dr. Grenfell, the other six and the sci- entific appendixes by specialists. N. Y. Grinnell, G. B. Trails of the pathfinders. Scribner 1 . 27 Entertaining accounts of the hunters, explorers and trappers who traveled through the Northwest country between the years 1761 and 1844. In many of the stories the words of the adventurers are quoted but sources are not named. The style of the chapters, which were originally printed in Forest and stream, makes them attractive to readers of high-school age. The illustrations are re- TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION 89 Price produced from plates in old books, photographs and drawings. A. L. A. * Guerber, H. A. How to prepare for Europe. Dodd $1 .80 Handbook of historic, literary and artistic data, with directions for preliminary studies and traveling arrangements. For those with- out previous experience and very little preparation. A. L. A. (Macmillan's standard library) Macmillan .40 Hearn, Lafcadio. Japan: an attempt at interpretation. Macmillan. . 1 .80 Analysis of the forces which have shaped and tempered the char- acter and social conditions of the Japanese. Excellent study of the Shinto religion. A. L. A. Hornaday, W. T. Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. Scribner. . . 2 . 55 Spirited account of a hunting trip after mountain goats and sheep . Some of the most interesting passages describe the dangers in- curred in getting the remarkable photographs which illustrate them. N. Y. Hotchkiss, C. W. Representative cities of the United States: a geographical and industrial reader. Houghton .58 San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Denver, New Orleans, Duluth, ^ Minneapolis and St. Paul, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Gary, Savannah, * Boston and New York. OREGON. Howells, W. D. London films. Harper 1 . 90 Delicate and charming papers on London in many of its aspects, social, civic and meteorological, combining the impressions of seven visits, 1861-1904. A. L. A. Roman holidays and others. Harper 2 . 55 Intimate, charming, discursive reflections and impressions of the life of Italy, revisited after 40 years. A. L. A. Johnson, Clifton. Highways and byways of the Great Lakes. Macmillan 1 . 27 Chatty, superficial but readable descriptions of places in seven states and in Canada bordering on the Great Lakes. As in the author's Rocky Mountain volume, cities are not discussed and many conversations with country and village folk are given. A note of advice to travelers follows each of the fifteen chapters. Illustrations from photographs. A. L. A. Highways and byways of the Rocky Mountains. (High- ways and byways, Ser.) Macmillan 1 . 27 Includes North Dakota, South Dakota, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado, Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming, Kansas, Texas, Utah and the Yellowstone National Park. Highways and byways of the South. (Highways and byways ser.) Macmillan 1.27 Impressions of rustic life among poor whites and negroes of South- ern states east of the Mississippi. N. Y. Isle of the shamrock. (Macmillan's travel ser.) Macmillan. 1 . 27 Travelers' studies in Ireland mainly among peasants of hill country. Many photographic illustrations and drawings. A. L. A. 90 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Lloyd, A. B. Uganda to Khartoum. Dutton 2 .70 Interesting account of adventure and travel in the Upper JsTile provinces during five years' residence. A. L. A. Scribner.. 1.27 Lucas, E. V. A wanderer in Paris. Macmillan $1 . 48 Unaccompanied holiday saunterings through the streets, gardens, shrines, show places and artistic haunts of Paris. Some knowledge of history, literature and art is presupposed. A. L. A. Mabie, H. W. American ideals, character and life. Macmillan .... 1.27 The substance of addresses given at the universities of Tokyo and Kyoto, with an added essay on the American in art. They attempt to do for America what Nitobe did for Japan. "It is my hope," says Mr. Mabie, "to make my own country in some small measure more comprehensible by definition of its historic ideas, its inherit- ance of religious, ethical and political convictions, the physical conditions under which it has been compelled .to work out its vital problems to bring before you the American behind his politi- cal and business activity." A. L. A. Meriwether, Lee. Seeing Europe by automobile. Baker. 1.70 An entertaining, chatty account of a 5,000 mile journey in France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Dalmatia, Montenegro and Corfu, made by the author and his wife in 100 days. The cost of the trip and all information of use to persons who wish to follow the same route in the same surprisingly inexpensive way are given. The illustrations are from excellent photographs. Maps on end papers and good index. A. L. A. Monroe, W. S. In viking land. Page 2 . 00 Good book of general information, including history, description, literature, art and music, education, commerce and the character and life of the people. A. L. A. Muir, John. My first summer in the Sierra. Houghton. 2 . 12 Revision of a diary kept from June 3 to September 22, 1869. The author's observations and his delight in outdoor life will recommend it to all nature-lovers. A. L. A. Munsterberg, Hugo. American traits from the point of view of a German. Houghton 1.36 Informal essays comparing German and American ideals, education, scholarship, women and democracy, by a Harvard professor. Frank and stimulating in criticism. N. Y. Riis, J. A. The old town. Macmillan * 1 . 70 Reminiscences of the author's boyhood in Denmark and the history and legends of Ribe, his native town. Written with freshness and sincerity. A. L. A. Ross, E. A. The changing Chinese. Century 2 . 05 Readable and unusually significant study by a practical sociologist. The best of recent books on China for the general reader. A. L. A. Schauffler, R. H. Romantic Germany. Century 2 . 97 Sketches pointing out the romantic and picturesque in some of the larger cities and characterizing and contrasting the delightful "personalities" of several smaller places as revealed by their build- ings, streets, history, legends, etc. A. L. A. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION 91 Price Schierbrand, Wolf von. Russia, her strength and weakness. Putnam $1 . 44 Offers a judicial estimate. Sidgwick, C. U. Home life in Germany. (Home life in many lands) Macmillan 1.35 Exceptionally successful work, based on seemingly inexhaustible first-hand information, and showing a keen discrimination as well as appreciation, and a large fund of humor. A. L. A. (Macmillan's standard library) Macmillan . 40 Singleton, Esther. Guide to great cities for young travelers and others; northwestern Europe. (Guide ser.) Doubleday 1.06 Gives the historical setting and main points of interest of London, Antwerp, The Hague, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Stock- holm, Christiana, Edinburgh, Dublin. A companion volume in the same series, Guide to great cities for young travelers and others; western Europe (1910, 295 p.,) covers Paris, Marseilles, Madrid, Lisbon, Cordova and 11 other cities in France, Spain and Portugal. A. L. A. Clafflin.. .40 Stevenson, B. E. The spell of Holland. Page 2 . 10 Ohatty account of Holland as the author and his wife saw it on a ' * first visit. Somewhat out-of-the-way places are described, and there is much entertaining talk of Dutch characteristics and customs. A. L. A. Stewart, E. P. Letters of a woman homesteader. Houghton 1 . 06 Tells a connected story of pioneer life, full of buoyancy and pluck and the spirit of adventure. Stockton, F. R. Buccaneers and pirates of our coast. (Every boy's library. Boy scout ed.) Grosset ! . .40 Sketches portraying redoubtable heroes, chiefly of the West Indies and the Spanish Main. Veritable history presented in a picturesque and striking way. LIT. WORLD. Van Dyke, Henry. The spirit of America. Macmillan . 1 . 35 This is not a great book but it is a very interesting one. Dr. Van Dyke was trying to tell some educated Frenchmen what America is like. He took it for granted that they did not know very much about the soul of our people. One who reads this book should put himself in the attitude of a foreigner who is trying to understand America. If we do not feel that we know much about our own country, we shall find it most inspiring to read what he says about the self-reliance, the fair play, the will power and the social co- - operation of the American people. AMER. INST. OF CHILD LIFE. (Macmillan's standard library) Macmillan .40 Wendell, Barrett. The France of today. Scribner 1.27 Entertaining and keen chapters treating of the universities, the structure of society, the family, the French temperament, the rela*- tion of literature to life, religion, the Revolution and its effects, and the republic. A. LA. Wharton, Mrs. Edith. Italian backgrounds. Scribner 2.12 Through this traveler's story runs a fine thread of scholarship, savoir faire and cosmopolitanism not easily to be matched in travel- literature. DIAL . 92 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price White, S. E. The cabin. Doubleday Si .35 Entertaining observations on the incidents of a number of summers spent in the Sierras, the building of the cabin, pioneering, the trees, birds, neighbors, and guests. The attractive illustrations are from photographs. Originally published in the American magazine. A. L. A. Wu Ting Fang. America through the spectacles of an oriental diplo- mat. Stokes , 1.27 The ex-ambassador comments on manners, and customs, education, women, clothes, children, and compares Chinese and American civi- lization in his own entertaining and whimsically naive way. He is on the whole a kindly observer but this does not preclude some keen criticism. His chapters on government and politics are more "diplomatic" and non-committal and so less worth while. A. L. A. BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE Birkhead, Alice. Heroes of modern Europe. Crowell 1 .27 European history from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century furnishes the background for the biographies of about twenty men who have forced their ideas upon the world, as poets, reformers, soldiers, statesmen. Useful as a reference book for the older boys and girls. A. L. A. Bolton, Mrs. S. K. Lives of girls who became famous. Crowell .... 1 00 Contents: Harriet Beecher Stowe. Helen Hunt Jackson. Lucre- tia Mott. Mary A. Livermore. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Maria Mitchell. Louisa M. Alcott. Mary Lyon. Harriet G. Hosmer. Madame de Stael. Rosa Bonheur. Elizabeth Barrett Brown- ing. George Eliot. Elizabeth Fry. Elizabeth Thompson Butler. Florence Nightingale. Lady Brassey. Baroness Burdett. Coutts. Jean Ingelow. - Lives of poor boys who became famous. Crowell 1 . 00 Contents: George Peabody. Bayard Taylor. Eads. Watt. Sir Josiah Mason. Palissy. Thorwaldsen. Mozart. Johnson. Goldsmith. Faraday. Bessemer. Sir Titus Salt. Jacquard. Horace Greely. Garrison. Garibaldi. Richter. Gambetta. Farragut. Cornell. Sheridan. Thomas Cole. Ole Bull. Meis- sonier. G. W. Childs. Moody. Lincoln. Bouve, P. C. R. American heroes and heroines. Lothrop .84 Contents: Father Marquette. Anne Hutchinson. Sir William Pepperell. Hannah Weston. Captain John Paul Jones. Israel Putnam. Molly Pitcher. Nathan Hale. Haym Salomon. Betty Zane. Stephen Decatur. Dolly Madison. Stephen Van Rensselar. Mitchell. Doctor Kane. Margaret Haughery. Daniel Boone. Kit Carson. Samuel Houston. Clark, J. S. Study of English and American poets. Scribner 1 . 70 Contents: Chaucer. Spencer. Milton. Dryden. Pope. Burns. Cowper. Keats. Shelley. Byron. Coleridge. - Wordsworth. Emerson. Bryant. Lowell. Longfellow. Browning. Whittier. Tennyson. Holmes. Copeland, C. T. & Hersey, F. W. C. Representative biographies of English men of letters. Macmillan 1.12 The collection is prefaced by Carlyle's essay on biography, followed by -three classes of examples: (1) extracts from famous autobi- ographies and autobiographical passages from the writings of Car- BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE 93 Price lyle, Dickens, Stevenson, etc.; (2) examples of work of famous biographers; (3) reprints from Dictionary of national biography, illustrating the methods of Sidney Lee, Richard Garnett, Leslie Stephen, etc. Synopses of the author's life and a critical note are prefixed to many of the selections. MINN. Crook, W. H. Memories of the White House; the home life of our presidents from Lincoln to Roosevelt. Little $1 . 70 Being personal recollections of Colonel W. H. Crook, sometime bodyguard to Lincoln, since then disbursing officer of the executives. Davis, R. H. Real soldiers of fortune. Scribner : . 1.27 Brief life stories of six modern adventures: Major General Mac Iver, Baron Harden-Hickey, Winston Spencer Churchill, Captain McGiffin, General Walker, Major Burham, chief of scouts. N. Y. lies, George. Leading American inventors. (Biographies of leading Americans) Holt 1 .48 Sho;rt biographies of John and Robert Livingston Stevens, Robert Fulton, Eli Whitney, Thomas Blanchard, Samuel Morse, Charles Goodyear, John Ericsson, Cyrus Hall McCoimick, Christopher Latham Sholes, Elias Howe, Benjamin Chew Tilghman and Ottmar Mergenthaler. Johnston, C. H. L. Famous frontiersmen. (Famous leaders) Page 'l.OO Partial contents: Daniel Morgan. Colonel Benjamin Logan. George Rogers Clarke. Lewis Wetzel. "Bill" Bent. Jim Bridger. Captain Jack Hays. Henry Shane. Laut, A. C. Pathfinders of the West. (Macmillan's standard library) Grosset 40 Romantic and adventurous lives of Rdaisson, Le Verendrye, Hearne, Mackenzie, Lewis and Clark. Not meiely authentic, founded on original documents, but vivified by the touch of an artist. DIAL. Lossing, B. J. The two spies ; Nathan Hale and John Andre. Appleton 1 . 70 The lives of Nathan Hale and John Andre; contains also Anna Seward's "Monody on Major Andre." N. Y. "CiTY. Morris, Charles. Heroes of discovery in America. Lippincqtt 1 .06 Brief, popular sketches of more tha.n 40 men, from Leif Ericson to Marcus Whitman. A. L. A. Heroes of progress in America. Lippincott 1 .05 Brief biographies of 45 men and women- prominent in American history as discoverers, 'inventors, patriots, pioneers in religious liberty, orators, reformers, women's rights women, temperance leaders, etc. A. L. A. Heroes of the army in America. Lippincott 1 .06 Sketches of 36 men, beginning with Washington^ and ending with General Nelson A. Miles. A. L. A. Heioes of the navy in America. Lippincott 1 06 Twenty-eight sketches of as many heroes of our navy, from John Paul Jones to Dewey and Hobson. A. L. A. Riis, Jacob. Hero tales of the far North. Macrnillan . . 1 14 Short, stirring and wholesome stories of Danish and Norwegian heroes in war, science (Linnaeus and Finsen) and exploration. . A. L. A. 94 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Smith, E. B. The story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. Houghton $1.27 Story of the old romance of the Indian princess and the gallant Englishman is herein set forth in simple narrative. Some twenty- six colored plates. Full of spirit and beauty and sly touches of humor. Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. Houghton 1 . 90 Contents: Early and recent conditions. Growth of the American schools. Bryant. Whittier. Emerson. Longfellow. Poe. Holmes. Lowell. Whitman. Bayard Taylor. THE OUTLOOK. Victorian poets; revised and extended to the 50th year of the period under review. Houghton 1 . 90 Wise, J. S. Recollections of thirteen presidents. Doubleday ...... 2.12 Entertaining and unprejudiced personal estimates and reminis- cences of the presidents from Tyler to Roosevelt, by an ex-confed- erate officer. Includes Jefferson Davis and omits Lincoln. A. L. A. BIOGRAPHY, INDIVIDUAL Adams. Hittell, T. H. The adventures of James Capen Adams, mountaineer and grizzly bear hunter of California. Scribner. . . 1 .27 In type, illustration and binding an exact reprint of a book first published in San Francisco in 1860. An extremely readable account of hunting and trapping in California in the 50's set down virtually from Adams' dictation. It contains much information on Indian customs, the game of the far West, snatches of coast Indian jargon, and descriptions of the country as far east as Salt Lake. A post- script tells of Adams death in 1858. "More exciting than most dime novels, but a classic of the Pacific Coast that will charm the average boy." A. L. A. Addison. Courthope, W. J. Joseph Addison. (English men of letters) Macmillan .36 Antin, Mary. The promised land. Houghton 1 . 45 Vivid autobiographical record of a Jewish girl transplanted from * the harrassed,. restricted life of the Jew in Russia to the freedom and opportunities of America, describing her transformation into an enthusiastic American citizen. N. Y. One of the most inter- esting biographies of recent years and important in that it shows the attitude of a receptive foreigner toward American institutions. Good book to read aloud. OREGON. Boone. Abbott, J. S. C. Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky. Dodd . 75 Picturesque and entertaining narrative of Boone and the "Long Hunters" of Kentucky, and how they founded a commonwealth on "the dark and bloody ground." N. Y. CITY. Bruce, H. A. Daniel Boone and the Wilderness Road. Macmillan , 1 .27 Intended as a biography and a study of the territorial growth of the U. S. Browning. Brooke, S. A. Poetry of Robert Browning. Crowell .... 1 . 27 Critical essays on his attitude toward nature, human life, art, womanhood, love and other passions, with analysis of greater poems. Chapter comparing Tennyson and Browning. N. Y. BIOGRAPHY, INDIVIDUAL 95 Price Dowden, Edward. Robert Browning. (Temple biog.) Button '. $1 . 27 Specially interesting as a study of his poems, narrating events of life as related to and interpreting them. N. Y. Bryant. Bigelow, John. William Cullen Bryant. (Amer. men of letters) Houghton 1 . 06 Burke. Morley, John. Burke. (English men of letters) Macmillan . 36 Cabot, John & Sebastian. Ober, F. A. John and Sebastian Cabot. (Heroes of Amer. history) Harper .85 Attempts to settle with discrimination and freedom from bias the claims of the Cabots, to describe as far as possible their voyages and to throw some light on the character of Sebastian Cabot. Offers information but is not scholarly in treatment, nor distinctive in style. A. L. A. Chaucer. Jenks, Tudor. In the days of Chaucer. (Lives of great writers) Barnes .85 The story of his life and times with an introduction by Hamilton Wright Mabie. Cleveland. Parker, G. F. Recollections of Grover Cleveland. Century ^2 . 50 Not a complete biography, but sympathetic, even reverent, studies of personality, character and political career, setting forth attitudes toward public questions and estimates of contemporaries. A. L. A. Collyer, Robert. Some memories. Amer. unit, ass'n 1 . 05 Reminiscences covering the 50 years of Dr. Collyer's ministry. His early life in England and experiences during the Civil war and the Chicago fire give special interest to a simple, well told narrative. A. L. A. Columbus. Ober, F. A. Columbus the discoverer. (Heroes of Amer. history) Harper ^ .85 Clear, simple story of the discoverer. A. L. A. Cortes. Ober, F. A. Hernando Cortes, conqueror of Mexico. (Heroes of Amer. history) Harper .85 More a history of the conquest of Mexico than biography of its conqueror. A brief readable work, written in impartial spirit. A. L. A. Custer. Custer, Elizabeth. "Boots and saddles;" or, Life in Dakota with General Custer. Harper 1 . 00 Entertaining account of an army woman's daily life in Dakota. N.Y. Custer, Elizabeth. Following the guidon. Harper. ... 1.00 Continuation of Boots and saddles. Reminiscences of army life on the frontier: scene in Kansas when it was considered the far West. Embodies details- of Gen. Custer's campaign. SARGENT. Custer, Elizabeth. Tenting on the plains; or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas. Harper 1 . 00 Memories of military life during the two years immediately follow- ing Lee's surrender. NATION. Diaz. Creelman, James. Diaz, master of Mexico. Appleton 1.70 Clear narrative of the great statesman's life and a valuable history 96 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price of Mexico for the past 60 years. Too partisan to be wholly reliable. A. L. A. Dickens. Chesterton, G. K. Charles Dickens: a critical study. Dodd $1 .35 Suggestive, appreciative and at times brilliant essay, full of paradox and exaggeration, but illuminating and always entertaining. Con- cludes with a general estimate of influence and creative genius. A. L. A. Keim, Albert & Lumet, Louis. Charles Dickens. Tr. from the French by Frederic Taber Cooper. (Great men) Stokes . 63 A brief, popular biography. The volume contains a portrait and 6 full-page illustrations. Moses, Belle. Charles Dickens and his girl heroines. Appleton 1 06 Eulogistic and interesting biography emphasizing his youth. The discussion of his work is not confined to his heroines and the estimate of most of his novels and sketches embodies the modern attitude. A. L. A. Edison. Jones, F. A. Thomas Alva Edison; sixty years of an invent- or's life. Crowell 1 70 Tells the story of the man and the inventor with simplicity, enthusi- asm and sincerity. A. L. A. Eliot. Olcott, C. S. George Eliot: scenes and people in her novels. Crowell 1 . 70 Chapters on the country of which she wrote, her life and character, supposed genesis of each novel, and surmised identity of her char- acters. A. L. A. Stephen, Sir Leslie. George Eliot. (English men of letters) Macmillan ; .63 Keenly alive to her defects, his tribute to her intellectual power of observation and to the richness of her emotional nature is ample enough to satisfy all reasonable observers. ATH. Emerson. Woodberry, G. E. Ralph Waldo Emerson. (English men of letters) Macmillan 63 Emerson's thought has never been so clearly and completely exhib- ited; and therefore this brief critical biography supplants all its predecessors. NORTH AMER. REV. Evans, R. D. An admiral's log. Appleton 1.34 A genial narrative full of interesting anecdote dealing with the pro- tective, diplomatic and social duties which occupy a navy in times of peace and describing Admiral Evans' most important assign- ments during the period from 1899, where his earlier book, A sailor's log, left off, to 1908, when he retired from service. Includes a sojourn in the Phillipines, a visit to Peking while occupied by the allies, the escort of Prince Henry's party and the first stage of the Pacific cruise. A. L. A. Sailor's log; recollections of forty years of naval life. Appleton 1 . 43 As a sea yarn entitled to rank high for humor, wealth of anecdote, and variety of scene. NATION. Gladstone. Bryce, James. William Ewart Gladstone ; his character- istics as man and statesman. Century .85 BIOGRAPHY, INDIVIDUAL 97 Price Goldsmith. Jenks, Tudor. In the days of Goldsmith. (Lives of great writers) Barnes $0 . 85 A series of personal pictures which show phases of 18th century England and the literary Bohemia of the time with the vividness of graphic story-telling. Grenfell, W. T. Adrift on an ice-pan. Houghton. ....... .62 Biographical sketch of Dr. Grenfell, the hero of Labrador, and his story of a thrilling experience.' OREGON. Hawthorne. Woodberry, G. E. Nathaniel Hawthorne. (Amer. men of letters) Houghton .99 Readable and valuable, admirably arranged and infused with a crit- ical spirit which seems rather severe as regards the man, and clear, firm yet not dogmatic as regards his work. NATION. Irving. Warner, C. D. Washington Irving. (Amer. men of letters) Houghton 1 . 00 Jefferson. Wilson, Francis. Joseph Jefferson; reminiscences of a fellow player. Scribner 1 . 70 Affectionate and minute, if somewhat undiscriminating apprecia- tion of Jefferson as actor, author and man. Interesting chapter on the tour of the all-star cast of "The Rivals" of which Jefferson and Wilson were members. N. Y. Keller, Helen. Story of my life, with her letters, and a supplementary account of her education. Grosset .40 Letters and experiences of this well-known girl, blind and deaf from infancy. One of the rare books that delight general readers and compel attention from students of educational methods. N. Y. Larcom, Lucy. A New England girlhood outlined from memory. (Riverside library) Houghton .68 "A picture of what life used to be in Massachusetts towns half a century ago." About her childhood in a village, and her work days in a factory. OREGON. Lincoln. Coffin, C. C. Abraham Lincoln. Harper 1.25 By a personal acquaintance. Fully illustrated. N. Y. Lincoln, Abraham. Early speeches. Springfield speech, Cooper Union speech, Inaugural addresses, Gettysburg address, Selected letters, Lincoln's last speech. (Little masterpieces) Doubleday .43 Lincoln. Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln; the Gettysburg speech and other papers by Lincoln, with testimonies by Emerson, Whittier, Holmes and Lowell. Houghton/ .36 Perhaps best sketches of character and achievements of the great president. N. Y. Livingston. Home, C. S. David Livingston. Macmillan .40 A clear, simple narrative of facts concerned with the life of Living- ston. Longfellow. Higginson, T. W. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. (Amer. men of letters) Houghton Rich in personal recollections and knowledge of Longfellow's Cam- bridge environment. N. Y. Lowell. Greenslet, Ferris. James Russell Lowell, his life and work. Houghton 1 00 98 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Interesting and useful resume of life, with critical estimate. Based on Lowell's Letters, and Scudder's authorized Life. N. Y. Milton. Jenks, Tudor. In the days of Milton. (Lives of great writers) Barnes $0.85 Contrasts Puritan and Cavalier life. Pictures Milton and Milton's England. Morris, Clara. Life of a star. Doubleday 1 .27 Vivacious, entertaining recollections of the later career of the actress and of friends off and on the stage. Flowery and sentimental in style but kindly in spirit. A. L. A. Muir, John. The story of my boyhood and youth. Houghton .... "... 1 . 70 The author's adventures as a boy in Scotland, his emigration to America, his interest in the domestic animals and wild life about his home in Wisconsin, which made even the hard conditions of pioneer farm-life enjoyable, his enthusiasm as an inventor, and his life at the University of Wisconsin are recounted in a vivid and interesting style, with many well told anecdotes and much humor. A. L. A. Nelson. Southey, Robert. Life of Nelson, ed. by E. L. Miller. (Eng- lish classics) Longmans .54 Palmer. Palmer, G. H. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Houghton 1 . 27 The private and public life of the one-time president of Wellesley college. Her life was full of inspiration and accomplishment and in this book many young women will find enjoyment and encourage- ment. A. L. A. Parkman. Sedgwick, H. D. Francis Parkman. (Amer. men of let- ters) Houghton .99 Pasteur. Keim, Albert & Lumet, Louis. Louis Pasteur. Tr. from the French by Frederic Tabor Cooper. (Great men) Stokes ... .63 A concise, readable biography.. Pryor, Mrs. S. A. R. My day ; reminiscences of a long life. Macmillan 1 . 90 Describes with charm and sincerity a happy girlhood in Virginia in the 50's, bravely endured humiliations and hardships during the Civil war and later activities in the best social life in New York. Supplements her Reminiscences of peace and war. A. L. A. Riis, J. A. Making of an American. (Macmillan's standard library) Macmillan .40 Splendid story of the Danish lad's life as an American, and of his struggles for social justice. . Good book to read aloud. OREGON. Roosevelt, Theodore. An autobiography. Macmillan 2 . 12 In this book Mr. Roosevelt talks with -greater intimacy than at any other time, of his life, his philosophy and such of his achievements . as illustrate why he has come to hold the views he does. The prose- cution of the Criminal trusts, The Settling of the Russo-Japanese war, The Inception of the Panama canal, The voyage of the Amer- ican fleet round the world these are examples of the kind of hap- penings from which his narrative and comment are drawn. The volume is fully illustrated with portraits, facsimiles of various doc- uments, pictures of buildings and localities and other appropriate matter. BIOGRAPHY, INDIVIDUAL 99 Price Ruskin. Harrison, Frederic. John Ruskin. (English men of letters) Macmillan $0.68 Shows his predominance in the esthetic study of nature and art, as an influence rather than as an authority. JOHNSTON. Scott. Hutton, R. H. Sir Walter Scott. (English men of letters) Macmillan . . .36 Jenks, Tudor. In the days of Scott. (Lives of great writers) Barnes .85 A charming story of the life of the great novelist. Outlines the surroundings, influences and conditions of a very interesting period in the history of English literature. Lockhart, J. G. Life of Sir Walter Scott. (Everyman's library) Button .-.: 30 This edition is an abridgement, by the author, of his original seven volumes. Recognized as one of the masterpieces of biography. MINN. Shakespeare. Jenks, Tudor. In the days of 'Shakespeare. Barnes .85 Shelley. Thompson, Francis. Shelley. Scribner , .85 A brilliant, picturesque, glowing tribute from one poet to another and worthy a place among English prose masterpieces. DIAL. Smith. Jenks, Tudor. Captain John Smith. Century 1 . 00 A clear, accurate and interesting story of the life of Captain John Smith. Standish. Jenks, Tudor. Captain Myles Standish. Century 1 .00 A history of the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony. Accurate to the sacrifice of many romantic traditions. N. Y. CITY. Stevenson, R. L. Letters to his family and friends; ed. by Sidney Colvin. (Biographical ed.) 4 v. Scribner 5 00 Stowe. Crow, Mrs. M. F. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Appleton 1 .06 A readable biography, emphasizing the domestic life of Mrs. Stowe rather than her public work, and so valuable not only as a personal record but as a picture of home life in New England nearly a century ago. A. L. A. Tennyson. Van Dyke, Henry. Poetry of Tennyson. Scribner. ..... 1 13 Appreciative, judicious and interesting study of Tennyson's mind, art and methods. N. Y. Terry, Ellen. Story of my life: recollections and reflections. Doubleday 3.15 Reminiscences practically covering theatrical art in the last half- century, and having to do with many of England's most famous figures in art, literature and politics. Not wholly satisfactory as a life of Miss Terry but a breezy recital of experiences and frank, discriminating judgments of fellow actors. A. L. A. Thomas, Theod-ore. Thomas, Mrs. R. F. Memoirs of Theodore Thomas. Moffat 2 5S The most important, the most interesting, the most instructive, the most romantic book ever published on music in America, brimful of anecdotes and with flashlights on music in nearly all its phases. NATION. 100 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Twain, Mark, pseud. Howells, W. D. By Mark Twain. Harper.. $1.19 Delightful record of a friendship which extended over 45 years, with a Jdndly and just appreciation of Clemens' personality and work. Part 2 contains Howell's reviews of his books 1869-1905, reprinted from magazines. A. L. A. Washington, B. T. Up from slavery. Burt .4J> Commands interest both in its bearing on the negro problem and through personal charm of a direct and simple style. N. Y. Washington, George. Irving, Washington. Life of Washington. 2 v. Crowell 2.25 Such charming, faithful, truthful pictures of the great hero as should carry knowledge of him, of the battles he fought, of his large, self- denying, unswerving patriotism into every household. D. G. MITCHELL. Mitchell, S. W. The youth of Washington. Century . . 1 . 00 Dr. Mitchell has, in a very delightful way, caught the spirit of the life and times of George Washington. In translating this spirit into an autobiography supposedly written by the great man himself in a. retrospective glance at his youthful days, the author treats the subject in a fresh, unique way. The story portrays the events of his early days and the narrative of his friendships; his home life; his training as a surveyor; his youthful career as Colonel Washington in the French and Indian war, are told with a rare appreciation of the character of this man, and with a freedom from bombast which is delightful. The language is unusually clear and beautiful. Wister, Owen. Seven ages of Washington. Macmillan 1 . 70 The author concerns himself with the man, only incidentally with the soldier or statesman, but does not neglect background or the final impress upon history. A delightful biography giving a finished portrait broad and vigorous in treatment. A. L. A. Whittier. Carpenter, G. R. John Greenleaf Whittier. Houghton . . .99 Contributes some new material and emphasizes political and re- formatory aspects of his life more than literary. N. Y. ANCIENT HISTORY Botsford, G. W. Ancient history for beginners. Macmillan 1.35 Complies with action of American historical association, encourag- ing schools to give a year to ancient history, with special reference to Greek and Roman history, but including also a short introductory study of the more ancient nations. Copious use of maps and illus- trations. NATION. Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero. (School library) Macmillan .45 Based on the life of Cicero; affords a fair idea of the education and career of a Roman youth. WISCONSIN. Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. Amer. bk. co. 5 . 40 Covers biography, geography, history, literature and mythology as well as archaeology. OREGON. Maspero, G. C. C. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. Appleton. . . . 1 . 00 Daily life of the people in time of Rameses II, 4th century B. C., and of Assurbanipal, 7th century B. C. N. Y. HISTORY, EUROPEAN AND GENERAL, Price Plutarch. Boys' and girls' Plutarch: parts of the lives of Plutarch, ed. for boys and girls by J. S. White. Putnam ................... $1 .40 About Theseus, Romulus, Camillus, Demosthenes, Alcibiades, Cori- olanus, Aristides, Pompey, Themistocles and other Greek and Ro- man heroes. PITTSBURGH. Seignobos, Charles. History of ancient civilization. Scribner ...... 1 .06 An example of the excellent French text-books for secondary schools. There is nothing cf equal size as good. A. L. A. History of the Roman people ; ed. by William Fairley. Holt . 1.12 One of the best single volumes. OREGON. Tappan, E. M. Story of the Greek people. School ed. Houghton. . .58 Describes the chief historical events, and the customs of the people and their manner of living and thinking. Many illustrations. A. L. A. Story of the Roman people. Schooled. Houghton.... .58 Good elementary history, carrying the story from Aeneas to the fall of the eastern empire. Illustrations from paintings, statues and antique drawings. A. L. A. HISTORY, EUROPEAN AND GENERAL Aleksinski, G. I. Modern Russia; tr. from the French by Bernard Miall. Scribner 3 .37 Cyclopedic survey of Russia by a dispassionate and ruthless ob- server, written from full knowledge to afford foreigners an under- standing of the country past and present in all its aspects. His viewpoint is first and foremost that of the economist, then that of the critic of existing governmental methods, specially in dealing with the lower classes. An able and authoritative work of reference. A. L. A. Baring, Maurice. The Russian people. Doran 3.15 Ably presented and with a good deal of keenness. A year in Russia. Button 3.15 Russia from an Englishman's standpoint. Colquhoun, A. R. & Mrs. E. M. C. Whirlpool of Europe, Austria- Hungary and the Hapsburgs. -Dodd 3 . 15 An up-to-date presentation. Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world; from Marathon to Waterloo. (Everyman's library) Button .30 Emerton, Ephraim. Introduction to the study of the Middle ages. Ginn 1.00 Perhaps best short history of Middle ages in any language. CRITIC. Froissart, Jean. Stories from Froissart, by Henry Newbolt Macmillan. . 45 Selection of stirring fights or adventures, from Lord Berners' trans- lation, with some modernizing of words and phrases. NATION. Griffis, W. E. Brave little Holland, and what she taught us. (River- side school library) Houghton *. 54 Story of Holland in simple language but written with accuracy and spirit, and with emphasis upon our debt to that country. OREGON. > a -, 102 -BIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Middle ages. Amer. bk. co $1 . 35 Relates legends in easy narrative, bringing out influence on litera- ture and art by quotations and pictures. N. Y. Harrison, Austin. England and Germany. Macmillan .72 Presents both sides of the question. Hislam, P. A. Admiralty of the Atlantic. Longmans 1 . 80 Inquiry into German claims on sea power in their relation to England. Holland, A. W. Germany. (The making of the nations) Macmillan 1 . 70 Traces the development of the German nation. Accurate and up- to-date. Johnston, R. M. French revolution. Holt 1 . 06 Outlines briefly the main events of the Revolution, preserving their proportion and relation and interpreting their economic and political significance in the light of subsequent developments. Ends with the beginning of the first Consulate and is supplemented by the author's Napoleon. Includes a chapter evaluating the work of pre- vious historians of the Revolution and touches on the art and litera- ture of the period. A. L. A. Napoleon ; a short biography. Holt 1 . 06 "Popular history of the best class scholarly, readable, acute. An excellent introduction to Napoleonic literature." NATION. Joubert, Carl. The fall of Tsardom. Lippincott 1 . 80 The internal affairs of the land of the czar presented. Not as bitter or distorted by prejudice as the majority. . Longmans, F. W. Frederick the Great and the Seven years' war. (Epochs of modern history) Longmans .85 Marshall, H. E. Scotland's story. Stokes ." 2.12 Scottish history in story form, enriched with legend and poetry; of uncommon charm and value. Beautifully printed, attractively bound, and illustrated with colored pictures. Contains list of kings from Duncan I. A. L. A. - ; Story of France. Doran 2.12 Similar to the size and make-up of the above. Mathews, Shailer. French revolution; a sketch. Longmans 1 . 12 Causes and course clearly traced. Rambaud, A. N. History of Russia; tr. by L. B. Lang, with additional chapters covering the period from 1877-1904 by G. M. Adam. 2v. Burt 1.80 Robinson, J. H. Readings in European history. Abr. ed. Ginn 1 .30 Chosen to illustrate the progress of culture in Western Europe since the German invasions, and to supplement the Introduction to the history of Western Europe. A. L. A. Robinson, J. H. & Beard, C. A. Development of modern Europe ; an introduction to the study of current history. 2 v. (School ed.) Ginn ea. 1 . 30 From the accession of Louis XIV to the Peace Congress of 1907. Devotes comparatively little space to political and military events, ENGLISH HISTORY 103 Price emphasizing economic development. Bibliographies and thirty- seven maps. A. L. A. Readings in modern European history. 2 v. Ginn v. 1 $1 . 26 v. 2 1.35 Selections from sources since the middle of the seventeenth century. Companion volume to the Development of modern Europe. A. L. A. Shaw, Stanley. William of Germany. Macmillan 2.25 One of the best of recent books. Washburne, F. B. Recollections of a minister to France, 1869-1877 2 v. Scribner 4 . 05 An entertaining description of the siege of Paris in 1870. ENGLISH HISTORY Beard, C. A. Introduction to the English historians. Macmillan. ... 1 .44 Contents: The foundations of England. Feudalism and nation- alism. Mediaeval institutions. The Tudor age. The Stuart consitutional conflict. The expansion of England . England under the Georges. The age of reform. The empire in the nineteenth century. Elson, H. W. Guide to English history for young readers. (Guide ser.) Doubleday ; 1 . 06 Readable, anecdotal history, presenting traditional popular views and avoiding controversial matters. Useful for young people or adult readers seeking an elementary work. Clafflin.. .40 Freeman, E. A. William the Conqueror. (Twelve English statesmen) Macmillan .63 Froude, J. A. English seamen in the 16th century. Scribner 1.27 Exposition, development and catastrophe of one of the most pic- turesque episodes in English history, the defeat of the Spanish Armada . DIAL . Gardiner, S. R. Student's history of England from the earliest times to 1885. Longmans 2 . 70 Distinguished by accuracy, clearness, sobriety of judgment and a due sense of historical proportion. ATH. Green, J. R. Short history of the English people. Amer. bk. co 1 . 08 Passes lightly and briefly over details of foreign wars and diploma- cies, personal adventures of kings and nobles, the pomp of courts and dwells at length on incidents of that constitutional, intellectual and social advance in which we read the history of the nation itself. NATION. Hull, Eleanor. The Northmen in Britain! Crowell 1.27 A history of the Norse and Danish invasions of Britain from -787 to 1066, founded on Norse sagas and English chronicles. It is clearly and interestingly written and well illustrated. A. L. A. Innes, A. D. A history of England from the earliest times to the pre- sent day. Putnam 2 . 95 Not a textbook, but a very readable account, placing emphasis on recent history, and unique in the attention given Scotch and Irish 104 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES S : Price affairs in a history of England. 350 suggestive illustrations largely from contemporary sources, eighty maps. Has a place beside Green's Short history of the English people in that it is a history of the British nation not confined to the English people. Not so good on the literary side as Green. A. L. A. McCarthy, Justin. Short history of our own times. New ed., rev. and enl. Harper $1 . 27 A condensation of the three volume History of our own times, be- ginning with the accession of Queen Victoria. This edition brings the history on to the accession of Edward VII. A. L. A. Tappan, E. M. England's story: a history for grammar and high schools. Houghton .72 Many maps and illustrations. Genealogies and table of dates. Fre- quent summaries. Full index. Good to read aloud. "Outgrowth of familiar talks to high school boys and girls. Facts rather than opinions. Aims to tell story of England in such wise as to make a broad, simple basis for the later study of history and literature and to give special heed to the persons and events that young people would be likely to meet in their general reading." AMERICAN HISTORY Barstow, C. L. ed. The Civil war. (Century readings in U. S. history) Century .45 The fifth volume of a progressive series of readers in United States history, comprising well chosen selections from the Century and St. Nicholas. Intended to vivify with human interest the narrative furnished in textbooks. Well arranged and authoritative, with ade- quate illustrations, but unattractively bound. Will appeal to children of twelve and over. A. L. A. The colonists and the Revolution. (Century readings in U. S. history) Century. 45 See note under preceding entry. Explorers and settlers. (Century readings in U. S. history) Century .45 See note under the Civil war. A new nation. (Century readings in U. S. history) Century 45 See note under the Civil war. The progress of a united people. (Century readings in U. S. history) Century 45 See note under the Civil war. The westward movement. (Century readings in U. S. history) Century 45 See note under the Civil war. Beard, C. A. Contemporary American history, 1877-1913. Macmillan 1 . 27 A careful, impartial interpretation, largely from the economic view- point. Following in the main the strict outline afforded by party politics, Professor Beard develops the rise of social unrest and its crystallization into industrial legislation regarded by the interests as radical. He treats his material topically and omits all detail unnecessary to a rapid readable survey. The treatment of Roose- AMERICAN HISTORY 105 Price velt's and Taft's administrations and the 1912 campaign is judicious and enlightening. Annotated bibliography. A. L. A. Brady, C. T. American fights and fighters. (Amer. fights and fighter ser.) Doubleday $1.21 Spirited descriptions of incidents during revolution, Indian, French and Tripolitan wars and war of 1812. N. Y. Clafflin . . .40 Border fights and fighters; stories of the pioneers be- tween the Alleghenies and the Mississippi and in the Texan republic. (Amer. fights and fighters ser.) Doubleday 1.21 Events in which John Sevier, Daniel Boone, Henry Bouquet, George Rogers Clark, Sam Houston, David Crockett, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison and others participated. N. Y. Claffiin.. .40 Colonial fights and fighters. (Amer. fights and fighter ser.) Doubleday 1 .21 Contests and adventures of De Soto, Morgan and his buccaneers, Frontenac, Oglethrope, Pepperell, Braddock, Montcalm and Wolfe, etc. N. Y. Clafflin . . .40 Indian fights and fighters; 1866-1876. (Amer. fights and fighters ser.) Doubleday 1.21 A history of the struggle between the U. S. army and the western Indians since the Civil war; the famous campaigns of Crook, Custer, Miles, Forsyth and others. Illustrations by Remington, Schreyvogel and Zogbaum. N. Y. Clafflin.. .40 Northwestern fights and fighters. (Amer. fights and fighters ser.) Doubleday 1.21 A somewhat heterogeneous compilation of contributions from par- ticipants (some of them being well-known Indian chiefs) in various wars in the Northwest, linked together with a general account by the author. A certain value always attaches to personal accounts of historic events. These, however, are of use principally as enter- taining reading for men and boys, and offer nothing of any par- ticular value to the student. A. L. A. Clafflin.. .40 Revolutionary fights and fighters. (Amer. fights and fighters ser.) Doubleday 1.21 Contents: The defense of Fort Sullivan. Trenton campaign. Saratoga campaign. General Greene in the Carolinas, etc. Also St. Glair's defeat in 1791. Truxton and the Constellation. The war with Tripoli. The war of 1812-14. Clafflin.. -40 Brown, M. S., ed. Epoch-making papers in United States history. (Pocket classics) Macmillan 23 Text of the following constitutional and political papers with notes: Declaration of independence. Articles of confederation. Ordi- nance of 1787. Constitution. Washington's farewell address. 106 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Missouri compromise. Monroe doctrine. Compromise of 1850. Kansas-Nebraska act. Dred Scott decision. Proclamation of emancipation. Lincoln's Gettysburg speech. OREGON. Channing, Edward & M. F. Story of the Great lakes. Macmillan. . . $1 . 27 The varied and interesting, often romantic, history of the lakes is well told and present commercial development briefly considered. A. L. A. Coffin, C. C. Drum-beat of the nation; the first period of the war of the rebellion, from its outbreak to the close of 1862. Harper 1.30 Entertaining anecdotes and graphic touches bring near to us thoughts and feelings of those stirring times. NATION. Freedom triumphant; the fourth period of the war of the rebellion, from September 1864 to its close. Harper 1 .30 Treats of Sheridan in the Shenandoah; Sherman's march to the sea and through the Carolines; struggle of the army of the Potomac around Petersburg and Richmond, etc. SARGENT. Marching to victory ; the second period of the war of the rebellion, including the year 1863. Harper 1 . 30 Spirited descriptions of the great battles, specially those of which the author was an eye witness. Gives clear conception of the mag- nitude of the contest, and at the same time inspires a true pride in the men, both North and South, who fought it. NATION. Old times in the colonies. Harper 1 .25 Sketches colonial life from discovery and settlement to 1760. N. Y. Redeeming the republic; the third period of the war of the rebellion; in the year 1864. Harper 1 . 25 Shows clearly the bravery and self-sacrifice which characterized multitudes on both sides. NATION. Eggleston, G. C. Life in the eighteenth century. (A little history of colonial life) Barnes * .63 In the present volume the steady and resistless advance of the colonies toward national independence is traced. PREFACE. Our first century. (A little history of American life) Barnes .63 A popular presentation of the principal facts of early colonial life, concerning itself chiefly with the life of the people. Preface. These books were not written for children, but will be read by boys and girls who are much interested in history. OREGON. Elson, H. W. Side lights on American history. 2 v. in 1. (Standard school library) Macmillan 1 . 27 Takes a contemporary view of the leading events in the history of the country from the period of the Declaration of independence to the close of the Spanish-American war. The result is a very valu- able series of studies in many respects more interesting and inform- ing than consecutive history. Fiske, John. History of the United States. Houghton 90 This is a splendidly compact and comprehensive history of our coun- try. The language is fine, vivid in its word pictures, and the work is constructive. The historian uniquely combines a fine original philosophic viewpoint which produces a scholarly source book, with the charm of simple narrative which makes its delightfully readable story of America. AMER. INST. OF CHILD LIFE. AMERICAN HISTORY 1Q7 Price War of independence. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton , $0 . 36 More a study of causes and effects than an account of battles. WISCONSIN. Hart, A. B. Slavery and abolition, 1831-1841. (Amer. nation, v. 16) Harper 1 .70 Aside from too literal following of authorities, stating opinion rather than fact, the best general description and study of the social and moral aspects of slavery that has yet appeared. AMER. HIST. REV. Haydon, A. L. The riders of the plains ; adventures and romance with the northwest mounted police 1873-1910. McClurg 1 .93 Popular but authoritative history of the founding and organization of the Northwest mounted police of Canada, giving many adven- tures and picturesque incidents. Will appeal to boys. A. L. A. Hitchcock, Ripley, ed. Decisive battles of America ; by A. B. Hart and others. Harper 1 . 00 Accounts taken from the works of authorities, woven into a continu- ous-narrative and accompanied by a chronology of leading events. A. L. A. Jenks, Tudor. When America became a nation (1789-1850) Crowell' .84 An account of the development of the young states, with special stress on the home life and manners. The illustrations are good. When America was new (1492-1689) Crowell 84 Presents a description of the kind of men and women who settled this continent, and of their ways of living. While primarily for young people, it is of a quality which will appeal quite as strongly to older people. When America won liberty (1689-1789) Crowell 84 Description of the troublous times before the Revolutionary war. Tells how the struggle ended and the general condition of the country. Lindsay, Forbes. Cuba and her people of today. Page 2-. 00 Carefully prepared, conservative outline of the history, resources, present political condition and tendencies of Cuba, with description of sugar and tobacco industries, mineral resources, agriculture and the Cuban people. A. L. A. McLaughlin, A. C. History of the American nation. (Twentieth century textbooks) Appleton 1.35 Many current misapprehensions and prejudices quietly corrected. Generous tribute paid the honesty and heroism of the South, and the contradictory phases of reconstruction set forth with admirable lucidity and fairness. W. M. WEST. Moore, Charles. Northwest under three flags, 1635-1796. Harper. . 1 .67 Account of exploration, settlement and struggles for control. NATION. Page, T. N. The Old Dominion; her making and her manners. Scribner 1 .27 Essays and addresses appreciative of Virginia's history and social life from the Jamestown settlement to reconstruction days. N. Y. Parish, J. C. The man with the iron hand. (True tales of the Great Valley) Houghton 1-06 108 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Told from the viewpoint of the Indians, this story has as its central figure Henry de Tonty, the follower of La Salle. A-. L. A. Parkman, Francis. The conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 v. Little $2.29 Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. (France and England in North America, pt. 5) Little 1 . 14 Half century of conflict. 2 v. (France and England in North America, pt. 6) Little 2.29 Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. (France and England in North America, pt. 2) Little 1.14 La Salle and the discovery of the great West. (France and England in North America, pt. 3) Little 1.14 Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 v. (France and England in North America, pt. 7) Little 2.29 - Old regime in Canada. (France and England in North America, pt. 4) Little 1.14 Oregon trail; sketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life. Little 90 Parkman's first book, describing his actual wanderings in 1846, with a company of Sioux Indians, across the regions of the Platte river, buffalo hunting in the Black Hills and return through the Rocky mountain s . PITTSBURGH . Pioneers of France in the New World. (France and England in North America, pt. 1) Little 1 . 14 Paxson, F. L. Last American frontier. (Stories from American history) Macmillan 1 . 27 Reviews the general westward movement in the United States. A useful and popular account. The illustrations are mostly from old paintings, photographs and sketches, and there are six maps. A. L. A. Pryor, Mrs. S. A. R. Reminiscences of peace and war. Rev. ed. Macmillan 1.70 . A Virginia woman's racy and entertaining social and political remi- niscences of Washington and the South, 1852-66. A. L. A. Semple, E. C. American history and its geographic conditions. (Students ed.) Houghton 1 . 44 Study of the dominant influences of geographic conditions on success- ive events of American history and on the great factor of progress, railroads, immigration, distribution of cities, etc. 11 maps. N. Y. Snider, C. H. J. In the wake of eighte en-twelvers. Lane 127 Fights and flights of frigates in the war of 1812-1815 on the Great Lakes. Spears, J. R. History of the American navy. Scribner 1 . 27 A fine summary of American naval history. Stevenson, B. E., comp. Poems of American history. Houghton 2 . 50 About 800 poems gathered from all sources and grouped by period. A brief note precedes each poem explaining its setting, meaning or purpose. Notes at -end give bibliographic data and explain illusions. An excellent collection for library use A L \ MEXICO, PANAMA, SOUTH AMERICA 109 ; : * Wilson, Woodrow. History of the American people. 5 v. Harper.. $14.00 From the first settlement to present. Based on secondary authori- ties. Valuable for broad outlines, general accuracy and lucidity of generalizations and interpretation of events. WELLS. Wood, L. H. Physical, industrial and sectional geography of Michi- gan. Horton-Beimer press Wright, I. H. Cuba. (Macmillan travel ser.) Macmillan 1 .35 Fresh, informal impressions of social, economic and political con- ditions, interpreted with humor and freedom from bias . Newspaper work and position as special agent of the Cuban department of agri- culture gave exceptional opportunities for observation during a period of ten years. N. Y. MEXICO Carson, W. E. Mexico, the wonderland of the south. (Macmillan travel ser.) Macmillan 1.27 Mr. Carson has lived in Mexico and knows the country. His ex- periences and observations are told in a most entertaining fashion. The book is illustrated with a number of admirable photographs. Flandrau, C. M. Viva Mexico. Appleton 1 . 06 Vivid, sympathetic and humorous impressions of Mexican life and character. Unusually readable and well founded. N. Y. Gillpatrick, Wallace. The man who likes Mexico. Century 1 . 70 Uncritical and enthusiastic chapters on Mexico as seen by an Amer- ican during a five years' stay. Chief attention is given to the moun- tains and mining, with stories of lost mines, comment on ancient .mining methods, superstitions, etc. A. L. A. Kirkham, S. D. Mexican trails. Putnam 1 .43 Based on three years' residence and wandering over a large part of the country. Gives a very good idea of local conditions and of the status of Mexican Indians. A. L. A. Prescott, W. H. History of the conquest of Mexico; with introd. by Thomas Seccombe. 2 v. (Everyman's library) Button. . . .ea. .30 Includes map of ancient Mexico. Masterpiece of clear, well arranged historical narration, based on careful and diligent study of all avail- able sources of information. Literature of American history. MINN. Wallace, Dillon. Beyond the Mexican Sierras. McClurg ! . . 1 .70 Recounts personal experiences in the Mexican west coast states recently opened up to travel by railroad extensions, and enthusi- astically describes the country; as a field for American enterprise on account of its climatic conditions and rich agricultural and mineral lands. "The work is richly illustrated and practically the first in the English language to give an authoritative account of these newer parts of Mexico." DIAL. PANAMA AND THE CANAL SOUTH AMERICA Barrett, John. Panama canal, what it is and what it means. Pan- American Union A brief handbook, entertainingly written and well illustrated. Val- uable for the tourist. ST. Louis. 110 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Bishop, Farnham. Panama, past and present. Century-. ...... . . . . $0.63 Two-thirds of the book is devoted to history and on this side it is the best brief work among recent publications. The style is ex- ceptionally good. A. L. A. Bishop, J. B., Sec'y of the Isthmian canal commission. The Panama gateway. Scribner 2.12 One of the very best books on the canal. Well arranged, well illus- trated, complete. Interesting to the general reader as well as to the engineer. Gives in convenient form many interesting facts not easily found elsewhere. ST. Louis. Brady, C. T. South American fights and fighters, and other tales of adventure. (American fights and fighters) Doubleday 1 .21 Stories of the heroes of South American adventure, no doubt suf- ficiently accurate but rather prosy in style. It may serve, however, to satisfy a demand among older boys. The second part, "Other tales of adventure," includes accounts of some famous American duels, a paper on John Paul Jones, and "Being a boy out West." Uniform with earlier volumes in the series. A. L. A. Clafflin .40 Bryce, James. South America; observations and impressions. New ed. Macmillan 2 . 12 Records observations made and impression formed during a journey through western and southern South America from Panama to Argentine and Brazil via the Straits of Magellan. PREF. Davis, R. H. Three gringos in Venezuela and Central America. Harper. . . . " 1 . 00 Interesting descriptions of conditions and revolutions in Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela. N. Y. Edwards, Albert. Panama; the canal, the country and the people. (Macmillan' s travel ser.) Macmillan 1 . 27 Lively, journalistic account of lasting interest because of its history of colonization, piracy, early travel on the isthmus and history of the canal enterprise. Gives a vivid picture of Americanization and of the success of the Panama canal commission. A. L. A. Lindsay, Forbes. Panama and the canal today. Rev. ed. Page .... 2 . 00 Presents conditions in the canal zone, resources of the country, and description of the canal as it will be ultimately constructed, pre- faced by a history of the canal project from the earliest times. A. L. A. Franck, H. A. Zone policeman 88. Century 1 . 70 Entertaining comment on life in the Canal zone as experienced and observed by the author of A vagabond journey around the world, who as a policeman came into touch with all the phases of the work and the many peoples ruled over by the I. C. C. Detailed as a census enumerator among the "silver" employees, he gives a fuller picture of the West Indian laborers than of the Americans "on the job." His impressions are very definite, his experiences well told, but as a whole, the book makes a rather slight contribution and has little if any permanent value. A. L. A. Gausse, F. A. & Carr, C. C. The story of Panama; the new route to India. Silver 1 . 35 An account of the principal features of the construction of the canal. Tells of life and conditions in Panama. MEXICO, PANAMA, SOUTH AMERICA HI Price Haskin, F. J. The Panama canal. Doubleday $1 .04 Better and more complete on the engineering features of the canal than Scott. The engineering facts, presented in simple and readable style for the layman, have been corrected by Colonel Goethals. Has less to say of the early history than the above mentioned book, but brings the questions up to a later date, by discussing the fortifica- tions, tolls, permanent operating force, handling the traffic, and the Panama-Pacific exposition. Good illustrations and map. A. L. A. Johnson, E. R. Panama canal traffic and tolls. Goy't. print off The much discussed report on tolls, with elaborate investigation into every factor bearing on them railroad rates, coal costs, tonnage, and the practice of four other great canals. Brings former report down to date. ST. Louis. Oppenheim, L. The Panama canal conflict between Great Britain and the U. S. Putnam 67 A brief, closely-knit argument, upholding the position of England in the Panama tolls controversy. ST. Louis. Peck, A. S. The South American tour. Doran 2.10 A guide book to the tourist areas of South America. With practical details and sensible advice for travelers are mingled much of his- torical and descriptive interest. Gathered mostly from the author's own experience and relieved from conventionality by the personal touch. Omits the Guianas, Venezuela, Columbia. Comprehensive classed bibliography. A. L. A. Pennell, Joseph. Pictures of the Panama canal. Lippincott 1 . 05 Charming pictures, full of atmosphere. The text is brief and pic- turesque. ST. Louis. Prescott, W. H. History of the conquest of Peru; with introd. by Thomas Seccombe. (Everyman's library) Dutton .30 Result of the most elaborate and thorough investigation of manu- script authorities procured from Spain and of other original authori- ties collected in England and on the continent. The narrative is at once accurate and brilliant and the descriptions of manners and events remarkably vivid and picturesque. PITTSBURGH. Ruhl, A. B. The other Americans. Scribner 1 .70 Entertaining account of South Americans today; countries, cities, government, customs and racial characteristics as contrasted with' our own. Appendix gives useful statistics. A. L. A. Scott, W. R. The Americans in Panama. Statler pub. co 1 .21 Somewhat unusual in point of view and not without personal bias. . Interesting. ST. Louis. Sears, A. W. Two in a tour in South America. Appleton 1 . 80 An amusing account of a journey through South America. 112 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES HELPFUL BOOKS ON THE CRISIS IN EUROPE SOME IMPORTANT VOLUMES PUBLISHED SINCE THE FIRST BALKAN WAR ON THE POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL FACTORS IN THE PRESENT STRUGGLE Reprinted from the American Review of Reviews, September, 1914 TRIPLE ALLIANCE Price Bigelow, Poultney. The borderland of Czar and Kaiser. Harper $1 . 80 A stimulating and entertaining account of travels in eastern Europe along the Austro-Russian and Russo-German frontiers. Palamenghi-Crispi, Thomas, ed. The memoirs of Francisco Crispi. 3 v. Doran 9 . 45 The third volume, particularly timely just now, contains a his- tory of the negotiations at the Congress of Berlin. Winter, N. O. Poland of today and yesterday. Page 2 .40 A review of the history of the land and people, past and present, outlining the causes which resulted in the partition, and a survey of . social, political, and economic conditions of today, with relation to the three partitioning powers, Germany, Russia and Austria. TRIPLE ENTENTE Barclay, Thomas, Sir. Thirty years: Anglo-French reminiscences, 1876-1906. Houghton 3.15 A stimulating account of the Entente cordiale from within, by one of those who contributed largely to establish the now famous rap- prochement between England and France. Hall, John, Major. England and the Orleans monarchy. Dutton ... 3 . 60 A piece of diplomatic history detailing the creation of Belgium as a neutral state by the Five powers, and the establishment of the Entente cordiale between France and England. Johnston, Harry, Sir. Common sense in foreign policy. Dutton. ... 1 12 An account of the problems faced in shaping Great Britain's policy towards France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, the East, and America. ENGLAND Babasaheb, M. N. Impressions of British life and character. Macmillan '. 2 02 The Hindu chief gives a series of sketches and impressions, from the standpoint of the traveler, of British life and character compared with people and habits of India. Cross, A. L. A history of England and Greater Britain. Macmillan 2 . 25 This excellent history of England from Roman days to the middle of the present year and covering more than 1100 pages, appears very opportunely at the present time. Fielding-Hall, H. The passing of empire. Macmillan .; 2 25 This discussion of India and its relation to the British empire is of particular significance now when sedition is rife in Hindoostan and EUROPEAN WAR BOOKS 113 the shadow of a Russian bear pei sists, despite the fact that Russia happens to be the ally of England in the present conflict. Ford, Edward & Home, Gordon. England invaded. Macmillan. ... $1.70 A serious and well-founded forecast of what would happen in case a German army landed on the English coast. Jebb, Richard. The Britannic question. Longmans .32 How to effect a closer and permanent union between self-governing states of the British empire is the test of Dr. Jebb's monograph. Lea, Homer, General. The day of the Saxon. Harper 1 . 62 This is a brilliant analysis of the part played by Saxon civilization in the world's history and a tribute to its great achievements. Munroe, H. H. When William came. Lane 1 .05 A vivid and appealing, although imaginative story of what would happen to England if the Germans conquered her and began to alter the processes of government to the Hohenzollern pattern. Wells, H. G. Social forces in England and America. Harpers 1 . 80 According to Mr. Wells himself this gives "a fairly complete view of all my opinions." *0 Wingfield-Stratford, Esme. The history of English patriotism. 2 v. Lane 6.75 A review of the great fervid moments of British history from the defeat of the Spanish Armada to the battle of Trafalgar. FRANCE Bracq, J. C. France under the Republic. Scribner 1 .27 An attempt to gauge the great political experiment of France during the last four decades, and to make an inventory of the constructive and reformatory work of the Republic. Fling, F. M. & H. D. Source problems of the French revolution. Harpers .99 A summary of documentary and other evidence. Poincare, Raymond. How France is governed. McBride 2 . 02 The president of the French republic in this volume gives us dis- cussions of elementary civics as applied to French political life, tracing the history of the administrative machinery of the French government, national and local. Vassili, Paul. France from behind the veil. Funk 3 .37 A chronicle of the social and political life of France for half a cen- tury beginning with the reign of Napoleon III and closing with the Paris of "the day before yesterday." GERMANY Berahardi, F. Germany and the next war. Longmans. ! 2 .70 This is a candid expression of the German purpose to predominate and created a great sensation in Germany when published, going through many editions in a short time. General Bernhardi does not merely produce a book in praise of war; he deliberately advocated not only preparation for war, but also war itself. He writes from the standpoint of one who thinks that aspirations for peace threaten to poison the soil upon which the German people live. 15 114 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price Bigelow, Poultney. History of the German struggle for liberty. Harper $9 . 00 An account of the heroic moral and spiritual, as well as physical warfare which the German people waged to obtain the degree of liberty that they now possess. Bulow, Bernhard von, Prince. Imperial Germany. Dodd 2 .70 A story of the historical development of the German empire, by the ex-chancellor, with a discussion of how the Germans built a great naval power, why they have expanded colonially, and what Social- ism means to them. Collier, Price. Germany and the Germans from an American point of view. Scribner 1.27 One of the best discussions of the German people and their char- acter and problems which has appeared in recent years. An un- usually intimate knowledge fitted Mr. Collier, for the task. A sig- nificant sentence at the end of the chapter on Frederick to Bismarck is "We shall have war when the German Kaiser touches a button and gives an order and the German people will have no more to say in the matter than you and I." \? Evans, M. B. & Merhaut, Elisabeth. A character sketch of Germany. Heath 90 A picture of modern imperial Germany by means of a series of readings in German by eminent German authors. Fried, A. H. The German emperor and the peace of the world. Doran 1 . 80 A Nobel prize essay of immediate timeliness. Holland, A. W. Germany. Macmillan 1 .80 A new recounting of the story of Germany's nationhood, and how it came to be, from prehistoric times to the saber rattling of Zabern, written in clear, interesting style, is the volume "Germany," in The making of nations series. This volume is by A. W. Holland, of Oxford, author of "Germany to the present day." Hurd, A. S. & Castle, Henry. German sea-power. Scribner 2.92 A book which may be said to ask the question "Will Anglo-Saxon or German civilization predominate in the world?" According to the authors, neither the United States or Great Britain has thor- oughly understood the causes for the present naval and economic growth of the German empire, and in explanation they take the ground that Germany has a maritime history and possesses maritime instincts of which her naval development is an outcome. Lichtenberger, Henri. Germany and its evolution in modern times. Holt 2.25 A book to be recommended unconditionally for its comprehensive- ness, insight and impartiality. Penis, G. H. Germany and the German emperor. Holt 2 . 70 A useful summary of the characteristics and achievements of Will- iam of Germany. Roberts, Elmer. Monarchical socialism in Germany. Scribner 1.12 A succinct, workmanlike book on the efficient organization of the empire. Shaw, Stanley. William of Germany. Macmillan 2 . 25 A sketch, by an Englishman, and for English readers, of the German emperor. EUROPEAN WAR BOOKS 115 Price Tower, Charles. Germany of today. Holt $0.45 A concise account written without any non-essentials. Usher, R. G. Pan-Germanism. Houghton 1 . 45 Professor Usher, beginning with the great international movement, Pan-Germanism, considers the grounds for the existing jealousies between England and Germany, the relation of Russia, France, and Austria to the affair, the effects of the Balkan war upon the balance of power, and discussed with brilliance the relation of the United States to these new conditions in European diplomacy. Wile, F. W. Men around the Kaiser. Lippincott 1 . 57 A fascinating, illuminating picture of those earnest, efficient person- alities in war, government, finance, industry, art and diplomacy, who have made the German empire what it is. AUSTRIA Baker, James. Austria: her people and their home lands. Lane 5 . 85 An excellent informational description of the polyglot character of the Austrian empire. Hengervar, L. H. von, Baron. Hungary's fight for national existence. Macmillan 2.92 A very illuminative presentation. Hungary : its history and revolutions. Macmillan .85 A serviceable history, with a memoir by Kossuth added. Kellner, L. & others. Austria of the Austrians and Hungary of the Hungarians. Scribner 1 . 35 Packed full of information well put. Steed, H. W. The Hapsburg monarchy. Scribner 2 .25 An attempt to "dwell less upon the points of difference that upon the features and interests that are common to the peoples ruled by this famous house." ITALY McCullagh, Francis. Italy's war for a desert. Browne 2.48 Brilliant ajid comprehensive, but decidedly pro-Turkish. Orsi, Pietro. Cavour and the making of modern Italy. Putnam. ... 1 .35 A sympathetic story of the career of the great Italian liberator and its significance. Zimmern, H. Italy of the Italians. Scribner 1 .27 A compact account of Italian characteristics and achievements. THE BALKANS " Cassavetti, D. J. Hellas and the Balkan wars. Dodd 2 . 70 A study of Greek history during the past half century, particularly in its relation to the wars with Turkey and Bulgaria. Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, Prince. The Servian people; their past glory and their destiny. Scribner. 2 v 4 . 50 A glowing statement of Servia's ambitions. Lyde, L. M. The Balkan peninsula. Macmillan 1 .20 A useful compendium of maps. 116 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price MacDonald, John. Czar Ferdinand and his people. Stokes $3 . 60 A careful, judicial study of the personality of the Czar of Bulgaria, with a brief history of the Bulgarian people, and much that is useful about the Bulgarian army. Sloane, W. M. The Balkans. Meth. bk 1 . 35 An exhaustive treatment of the causes, progress and results of the late wars with the Balkans. RUSSIA Graham, Stephen. Changing Russia. Lane 2 . 03 By a widely known traveler and scientific observer well acquainted with Russia. Kluchevsky, V. O. History of Russia. Button. 3 v 2 . 25 Not a simple narrative of political or international happenings, but a remarkable study of Russian social, economic and international history based upon years of personal research in the available his- torical sources of the subject. Mavor, James. Economic history of Russia. 2 v. Button 9.00 Russian history has been thoroughly rewritten within twenty years. It is a survey the importance of which can scarcely be over-estimated. Vassili, Paul, Count. Behind the veil of the Russian court. Lane ... 4 . 05 Intimate revelations of the social, political, and family life of the Russian royal family and their retinue. Williams, H. W. Russia and the Russians. Scribner 1 . 27 An account of the political ascendancy and situation, and of the leading figures in Russian politics, as well as of the country's social and economic relations. WAR Angell, Norman. Arms and industry. Putnam 1 .05 This companion volume to Mr. Angell's now famous book, "The great illusion/' concerns itself chiefly with the relations and inter- relations between modern states. While it treats chiefly of the moral and material factors of international politics, it also discusses credit, military force, and diplomacy. Grane, W. L. The passing of war. Macmillan .90 In this volume, which Mr. Grane calls, "a study in things which make for peace," the text is given in a sentence of the late King Edward VII, of Great Britain: "I am convinced that as civilization advances, the influence of Christian teaching will tend increasingly to innoculate the love of peace." Hurd, Archibald. Our navy. Warne .45 An up-to-date, comprehensive history of the British navy, with figures and statistics particularly with regard to its development during the past twenty years. Jordan, D. S. War and waste'. Doubleday 1.12 Dr. Jordan is one of the best known and most courageous advocates of disarmament and general peace. He has for years been devoting his energies and time to convincing the world that war does not pay. This is a graphic and keen presentation of the economic loss oc- casioned by war. EUROPEAN WAR BOOKS 117 Lamszus, Wilhelm. The human slaughter house. Stokes $0 45 An extraordinarily keen analysis of the atrocities of war. All the deceptive glamor is stripped from battle and its horrors laid bare with shuddering, yet fascinating strokes. Neland, O. H. The crimson fist. Badger 1 . 12 A brilliant indictment of war. The author "convicts" the home, the school, the church, the press, and government of molding the character of the individual "to a spirit of aggressive patriotism, and thus to love for war." Newton, W. D. War. Dodd 1 . 08 "Sensational and disgusting, because it is an account of the sensa- tional and disgusting thing called war." There is an introduction by Rudyard Kipling. Noyes, Alfred. The wine press. Stokes 54 A powerful argument in verse against war, with an epilogue that loftily visions the dawn of peace. Schurman, J. G. The Balkan wars 1912-1913. Princeton univ. press .90 A compact history, illuminatingly written, of the two Balkan wars of 1912-13, has been given by Dr. Jacob Schurman, president of Cor- nell university. This little volume is one of "The Stafford Little lectures." Wells, H. G. The world set free. Button 1 .22 An elaboration of Mr. Wells' creed which has for its goal the end of war, and the realization of a real parliament of the world. It crackles with Mr. Wells' best style. TRADE OF THE WORLD Whelpley, J. D. The trade of the world. Century 1 .80 A comprehensive and stimulating account of the forces and facts that make up the activities of the great trading nations. INTERNATIONAL LAW Hershey, A. S. The essentials of international public law. Macmillan 2 . 70 In the preface Dr. Hershey states that "the work aims to furnish the teacher and student with an up-to-date text adapted to the needs of the classroom, and also to present the specialist as well as the gen- eral public with a scientific treatment of the subject." Hill, D. J. A history of diplomacy in the international development of Europe, v. 3. Longmans 5 . 40 While not treating directly of the present conflict, or the causes that led up to it, Dr. Hill analyzes the forces that have guided the desti- nies of Europe for nearly two centuries. THE AHl AS A BATTLEFIELD Hazeltine, H. D. The law of the air. Doran 1 .80 Hearne, R. P. Airships in peace and war. Lane 3.15 The new edition of this standard work on the theoretical influence of aeronautics on war. Mellor, C. The airman. Lane -85 118 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES POLITICS AND HISTORY Price Buxton, Noel, & Harold. Travel and politics in Armenia. Macmillan $1 .35 An account of the extensive experiences of a traveler among that strange people, the Armenians, who, because of mutual jealousies of the Great Powers, may be one of the focuses of the later potion of the present European war. Fullerton, W. M. Problems of power. Scribner 1 . 90 A survey of the relations of the Great Powers of the world and an analysis of the national situation during the past quarter of a cen- tury, from the standpoint of. conscious national aims and political currents. Gooch, G. P. History of our times. Holt .45 An excellent summary of the history of Europe for the past quarter a century. Ogg, F. A. Social progress in contemporary Europe. Macmillan. ... 1 .35 An exhaustive and well-balanced account of the social advance of European peoples for a century. Orth, S. P. Socialism and democracy in Europe. Holt 1 .22 A very brilliant and stimulating account of the progress of socialism and social democracy throughout the continent. Stuart-Linton, C. E. T. The problem of Empire government. Longmans 1 . 05 This contains several chapters on imperial defence, written nearly two years ago, prophesying the turbulent status of European gov- ernments now observed. Torres, Albert. Probleme mondial. National library (Rio de Janeiro) No A study of the motives that guide nations in their relations one with price the other, an especially interesting chapter being that on the Mon- given roe doctrine, by this Brazilian writer. Woods, F. A. The influence of monarchs. Macmillan 1 . 80 "Only very rarely has a nation progressed in its political and eco- nomic aspects save under leadership of a strong sovereign." This is the text of the author. FICTION Bazin, Rene. Children of Alsace. Lane 1.17 This book shows the deep feeling of loyalty to France opposed to German rule in the conquered district. Bloem, Walter. The iron year. Lane 1.12 A novel which recently created a great sensation in Germany, where it was read aloud by the Kaiser to the members of the royal family. Margueritte, Victor. Frontiers of the heart. Stokes 1.12 A graphic story of Alsace, of a Frenchwoman who married a German. Oxenham, John. Red wrath. Lane 1.12 A story of the Franco-Prussian war dealing with many places now again the scene of war. Palmer, Frederick. The last shot. Scribner 1 . 14 A work of fiction written by an eye-witness of all the important battles of the last twenty years, in a number of which Mr. Palmer took part. A drama rather than a novel. PERIODICALS H9 SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Price American magazine, (monthly) N. Y $1 . 50 Contains timely articles on subjects of current interest and men of the hour. Has good short stories and usually one serial. Atlantic monthly, (monthly) Boston 4 . 00 Very excellent literary magazine, not illustrated and not popular in makeup. Bird-lore, (bi-monthly) N. Y 1 .00 The official organ of the Audubon societies. Devoted to the study and protection of birds. Well illustrated. Current events, (weekly) Springfield, Mass .40 A periodical for high school students, giving a weekly resume of the current events. One of the best little magazines of its kind. Everybody's magazine, (monthly) N. Y 1 . 50 One of the most popular of the cheap magazines. Contains articles on the present day problems, drama and fiction. - * Garden magazine, (monthly) N. Y. 1 . 50 Contains suggestions for house building and decoration as well as articles on gardens and gardening. Good housekeeping, (monthly) Springfield, Mass 1 . 50 Of interest and value to housewives. Contains practical sugges- tions and household recipes. Devotes considerable space to cooking and serving food. Harper's monthly magazine. N. Y 4 . 00 Ranks with the Century and Scribner's as an excellent general magazine, and has about the same general scope, dealing more with travel and popular science and rather less with history, biography and general literary criticism than the Century. The short stories are good and the serials usually appear later in book form. The illustrations are very good. The color plates have improved greatly in the past few years. Complete bound sets of Harper's are com- mon and cheap but a full set is seldom necessary and requires at least an Abridged Poole's Index to make its contents accessible. Harper's weekly, (weekly) N. Y. 5.00 Independent magazine, which discusses topics of current interest, political, sociological, scientific and literary. Ladies home journal, (monthly) N. Y 1 . 50 The most popular magazine for women in the field. Besides serials and short stories, often sentimental and trivial but always wholesome, contains brief articles on subjects of current interest, biographical and literary sketches, and regularly maintains de- partments devoted to fashions, fancy needlework, house furnishing and decoration, the preparation and serving of food, the care of children and the sick, and manners and morals usually in the form of confidential letters to young men and women. Illustra- tions are not particularly valuable except those of fashions. MACDONALD. Literary digest, (weekly) N. Y 3.00 Digests articles from American and foreign magazines and news- papers which give a composite of public opinion. Also covers 120 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Price topics of interest in science and invention, the religious world, letters and art, miscellaneous. Moderator-topics, (weekly) Lansing /: $1 .25 An educational magazine devoted to topics of interest to Michigan teachers. National geographic magazine, (monthly) Washington 2 . 50 Contains well written and readable articles on travel and explora- tion all over the world. Admirably illustrated. As it is published by the National geographic society it is reliable and scientific in information. VOUGHT. Outing, (monthly) N. Y ! 3.00 Well illustrated periodical of outdoor life. Outlook, (weekly) N. Y. . . . . , 3.00 One of the best known weeklies dealing with current events. Still maintains a distinctly religious tone though it is practically free from sectarian or theological bias. The regular numbers are chiefly devoted to discussions of social and political matters with one or two literary articles; the monthly "magazine numbers" contain more illustrations, fiction, and more matter of a general literary character. The book reviews are generally fair but rather colorless, especially the briefer ones. The editorials are always worthy of attention but within the last four or five years have become known as the expression of the personalities of the leading editors rather than impartial discussions. Shares with the In- dependent the distinction of being one of the most timely reference aids on current questions. Popular electricity and modern mechanics, (monthly) Chicago . . 1 . 50 Popular magazine and widely read by men and boys. Popular mechanics, (monthly) Chicago 1 . 50 Interesting to boys and amateur workmen, as it treats scientific subjects in a popular and interesting style. St. Nicholas, (monthly) N. Y 3 .00 A popular, well-illustrated magazine for young people. Short stories, serials, articles on history, biography, travel and nature study. Special pages for small children. The articles are almost without exception well written, wholesome and interesting. Back volumes are well worth getting. There is a general index ($4) to v. 1-27. Scientific American, (weekly) N. Y 3 . 00 Popular presentation of science with practical information on technical subjects. Much read by boys and men. VOUGHT. Scientific American supplement, (weekly) N. Y 5.00 World's work, (monthly) N. Y 3 .00 Excellent illustrated articles on the world's progress in various departments. Youth's companion, (weekly) Boston 2.00 Much enjoyed by young people. Contains articles on a broad range of subjects, also short stories and serials. There are so few magazines for young people that a good, wholesome paper like this should not be overlooked. COLLEGE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS IN ENGLISH 121 COLLEGE-ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS IN ENGLISH 1915-1919 A. Reading With a view to large freedom of choice, the books provided for reading are arranged in the following groups, from each of which at least two selections are to be made, except as otherwise provided under Group I. GROUP I. CLASSICS IN TRANSLATION The Old Testiment, comprising at least the chief narrative episodes in Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and Daniel, together with the books of Ruth and Esther. The Odyssey, with the omission, if 'desired, of Books I, II, III, IV, V, XV, XVI, XVII. The Iliad, with the omission, if desired, of Books XI. XIII, XIV, XV, XVII, XXL The Mneid. (The Odyssey, Iliad, and Jneid should be read in English translations of recognized literary excellence) For any selection from this group a selection from any other group may be substituted. GROUP II. SHAKESPEARE Midsummer night's dream Merchant of Venice As you like it.. Twelfth Night The tempest Romeo and Juliet King John Richard II Richard III Henry V Coriolanus Julius Caesar* Macbeth* Hamlet* GROUP III. PROSE FICTION Malory: Morte d' Arthur (about 100 pages) Bunyan: Pilgrim's progress, Part I Swift: Gulliver's travels (voyages to Lilliput and to Brobdingnag) Defoe: Robinson Crusoe, Part I Goldsmith: Vicar of Wakefield Frances Burney: Evelina Scott's Novels: any one Guy Mannering Ivanhoe Old Mortality Quentin Durward Rob Roy The talisman *If not chosen for study under B. 122 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Jane Austen's Novels: any one Maria Edgeworth: Castle Rackrent or the Absentee.. Dicken's Novels: any one David Copperfield A Tale of two cities Thackeray's Novels: any one Henry Esmond George Eliot's Novels: any one The mill on the floss Silas Marner Mrs. Gaskell: Cranford Kingsley: Westward Ho! or Hereward, the Wake Reade: The cloister and the hearth Blackmore:- Lorna Doone Hughes: Tom Brown's school days Stevenson: Treasure Island or Kidnapped or Master of Ballantrae Cooper's Novels: any one Last of the Mohicans Poe: Selected tales Hawthorne: The House of the Seven Gables or Twice told tales or Mosses from an old manse A collection of short stories by various standard writers GROUP IV. ESSAYS, BIOGRAPHY, ETC. Addison and Steele: The Sir Roger de Coverley papers or Selections from the Tattler and Spectator (about 200 pages) Boswell: Selections from the Life of Johnson (about 200 pages) Franklin: Autobiography Irving: Selections from the Sketch book (about 200 pages) or Life of Goldsmith Southey: Life of Nelson Lamb: Selections from the Essays of Elia (about 100 pages) Lockhart: Selections from the Life of Scott (about 200 pages) Thackeray: Lectures on Swift, Addison, and Steele in the English humorists Macaulay: Any one of the following essays: Lord Clive, Warren Hastings, Milton, Addison, Goldsmith, Frederic the Great, Madame d'Arblay. Trevelyan: Selections from the Life of Macaulay (about 200 pages) Ruskin: Sesame and lilies or Selections (about 150 pages) Dana: Two years before the mast Lincoln: Selections, including at least the two Inaugurals, the Speeches in Independence Hall and at Gettysburg, the Last public address, the Letter to Horace Greeley; together with a brief memoir or estimate of Lincoln Parkman: The Oregon trail Thoreau: Walden Lowell: Selected essays (about 150 pages) Holmes: The autocrat of the breakfast table Stevenson: An inland voyage and Travels with a donkey Huxley: Autobiography and selections from Lay sermons, including the addresses on Improving natural knowledge, A liberal education, and A piece of chalk. A collection of Essays by Bacon, Lamb, De Quincey, Hazlitt, Emerson, and later writers A collection of Letters by various standard writers GROUP V. POETRY Palgrave: Golden treasury (First Series): Books II and III, with special attention to Dryden, Collins, Gray, Cowper, and Burns Palgrave: Golden treasury (First Series): Book IV, with special attention to Wordsworth, Keats, and Shelley (If not chosen for study inder B) Goldsmith: The traveller and The deserted village (S. E. C.) Pope: The Rape of the lock COLLEGE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS IN ENGLISH 123 A collection of English and Scottish ballads, as, for example, some Robin Hood ballads, The Battle of Otterburn, King Estmere, Young Beichan, Bewick and Grahame, Sir Patrick Spens, and a selection from later ballads Coleridge: The ancient mariner (S. E. C.) Christabel, and Kubla Khan Byron: Childe Harold, Canto III or IV, and The prisoner of Chillon Scott: The lady of the lake or Marmion Macaulay: The lays of ancient Rome (S. E. C.) The Battle of Naseby, The Armada, Ivry Tennyson: The Princess or Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, and The Passing of Arthur Browning: Cavalier tunes/The lost leader, How they brought the good news from Ghent to Aix, Home thoughts from abroad, Home thoughts from the sea, Incident of the French camp, Herve Riel, Pheidippides, My last Duchess, Up at a Villa Down in the city, The Italian in England, The Patriot, The Pied Piper, "De gustibus ," Instans tyrannus Arnold: Sohrab and Rustum, and The forsaken merman Selections from American poetry, with special attention to Poe, Lowell, Longfellow and Whittier B. Study This part of the requirement is intended as a natural and logical continua- tion of the student's earlier reading, with greater stress laid upon form and style, the exact meaning of words and phrases, and the understanding of allusions. The books provided for study are arranged in four groups, from each of which one selection is to be made. GROUP I. DRAMA Shakespeare: Julius Caesar Macbeth Hamlet GROUP II. POETRY Milton: L' Allegro, II Penseroso, and either Comus or Lycidas Tennyson: The coming of Arthur, The Holy Grail, and The passing of Arthur The selections from Wadsworth, Keats, and Shelley in Book IV of Palgrave's golden treasury (First series) GROUP III. ORATORY Burke: Speech on conciliation with America Macaulay's Speech on copyright and Lincoln's Speech at Cooper Union Washington's Farewell address and Webster's First Bunker Hill oration GROUP IV. ESSAYS Carlyle: Essay on Burns, with a selection from Burns's Poems Macaulay : Life of Johnson.. Emerson: Essay on Manners 124 LIST OF BOOKS FOR TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES MICHIGAN YOUNG PEOPLE'S READING CIRCLE FOR YEAR 1914-1915 LIST Primary List oz. Nixie Bunny of Workaday Land, Sindelar !$0 33 12 Rackety-Packety House, Burnett 36 12 Japanese Fairy Tales (First Series), Williston 41 14 Spark, Mandel 22 10 Folk Lore of Foreign Land, Bryce 38 12 The Four Wonders, Shillig 41 18 The Circus Book, Smith 29 12 The Magic Speech Flower, Hix 31 14 Intermediate List. The Blue Bird for Children, Maeterlinck 57 32 Why the Chimes Rang, Alden 68 24 The Little Lame Prince, Mulock 26 12 The White Seneca, Canfield 53 18 The Little Maid of Province Town, Curtis i .59 18 The Story of Wool, Bassett I .55 18 Four Footed Friends, Smith 41 14 Waste Not, Want Not Stories, Baldwin 41 16 Barbara's Philippine Journe}', Burks f 50 14 Ten Little Indians, Wade 50 22 Advanced List. The Border Watch, Altsheler 83 20 Eleanor Arden, Royalist, Duhois 84 22 Romance of the American Navy, Hill 83 30 Boy Scouts of Birch Bark Island, Holland 69 22 Children of the Wild, Roberts 77 24 Tales of Heroism, Putnam 44 24 Pipes of Clovis, Boylan 74 18 First column represents prices F. O. B. Wyandotte. Second column represents weight in ounces of each book for shipment by parcel post. Send all orders to Chas. F. Pike, Manager, Wyandotte, Mich. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAPF A. L. A. booklist 9 A. L. A. catalog, 1904 9 A. L. A. catalog, 1904-1911 ...['.'. 9 Abbot, W. J. American merchant ships and sailors 23 Abbott, E. H. Molly Make-Believe 70 Abbott, J. S. C. Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky 94 Abbott, Lyman. The Great Companion 20 Seeking after God 20 Abraham Lincoln. Coffin ^ 97 Abraham Lincoln. Schurz .*.... 97 Abstract of the census. U. S. Bureau of the census. 13th census, 1910 13 Adam Bede. Eliot 76 Adams, C. C. Text book of commercial geography 26 Adams, O. F. Dictionary of American authors 17 Addams, Jane. The spirit of youth and the city streets 26 Twenty years at Hull-house ^ 26 Addison, Joseph & Steele, Richard. Sir Roger de Coverley papers. . . . 66 Admiral's log. Evans 96 Admiralty of the Atlantic. Hislam 102 Adrift on an ice-pan. Grenfell. . 97 Adventures in contentment. Grayson 77 Adventures in friendship. Grayson . 77 Adventures in home-making. Shackleton 51 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Twain 85 Adventures of James Capen Adams. Hittell 94 Adventures of Miss Gregory. Gibbon - 77 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle 75 Aeneid. Virgil 70 Aeneid for boys and girls. Church 69 Affair at the inn. Wiggin & others 86 Afloat and ashore. Cooper 73 African game trails. Roosevelt 57 Age df chivalry. Bulfinch 31 Age of fable. Bulfinch 22 Agee, Alva. Crops and methods for soil improvement 49 Agricultural education in secondary schools. American association for the advancement of agricultural teaching 48 L'Aiglon. Rostand 69 Airman. Mellor. . 117 Airships in peace and war. Hearne 117 Alan Ransford. Deland 74 Albright, E. M. Short story 66 Aldrich, T. B. Majorie Daw and other stories 70 Aleksinski, G. I. Modern Russia 101 Alexander, J. L. Boy training 18 Alice of old Vincennes. Thompson 85 Allen. Grant & Williamson, G. C. Cities of northern Italy Allen, W. H. Woman's part in government 23 Allington, S. M. Practical sewing and dressmaking 50 America through the spectacles of an oriental diplomat. Wu Ting Fang 92 American academy of political and social science. Country life .... 39 American antnology. Stedman 63 American association for the advancement of agricultural teaching . . 48 American citizenship. Beard, C. A. & M. R 23 125 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. PAGE American commonwealth. Bryce 12 American federal state. Ashley 23 American fights and fighters. Brady ....'. 105 American government. Haskin 24 American heroes and heroines. Bouve 92 American high school. Brown 29 American history and its geographic conditions. Semple 108 American history in literature. Land & Hill 18 American ideals. Mabie 90 American literature. Long 61 American merchant ships and sailors. Abbot 23 American natural history. Hornaday 35 American of the future. Matthews 68 American poems. Long 62 American prose. Scudder 60 American public library. Bostwick 9 American social and religious conditions. Stelzle 22 American stage of today. Eaton 64 American system of agricultural education. True 49 American traits. Mlinsterberg 90 Americans in Panama. Scott Ill Among country schools. Kern 30 Among friends. Crothers " 66 Amos Judd. Mitchell 81 Ancient history for beginners. ^ Botsford 100 Anderson, F. I. The farmer of tomorrow 43 Andrews, Mrs. M. R. S. Perfect tribute 70 Angell, Norman. Arms and industry 116 Animal hunbandry for schools. Harper 43 Anne of Green Gables. Montgomery 81 Anthology of French prose and poetry. Vreland & Michaud 69 Antin, Mary. Promised land . . . 94 Appleton's new practical cyclopedia 10 Appreciation of architecture. Sturgis 54 Appreciation of the drama. Caffin 63 Argumentation and debate. Laycock & Scales 58 Argumentation and debating. Foster '. 58 Arms and industry. Angell 116 Army and navy edition of Cram's quick reference atlas. Cram 16 Arnim, M. A. von. Elizabeth and her German garden 70 Art and the business of story writing. Pitkin ' 58 Art of letter writing. Fowler 19 Art of right living. Richards ; 20 Ashley, R. L. American federal state 23 Astronomy. Jacoby 32 Astronomy for everybody. Newcomb 32 At home in the water. Corsan . . . 56 Atherton, Gertrude. The conqueror 70 Athletic games in the education of women. Dudley & Kellor 56 Atkinson, Eleanor. Greyfriars Bobby 70 Aunt Jane of Kentucky. Hall Austen, Jane. Pride and prejudice 70 Sense and sensibility 70 Austin, Mrs. J. G. Betty Alden 70 Standish of Standish 70 Austria. Baker 115 Austria of the Austrians and Hungary of the Hungarians. Kellner & others 1 15 Autocrat of the breakfast table. Holmes 67 Awakening of Helena Ritchie. Deland 74 Ayres, L. P. Open air schools 29 Babasaheb, M. N. Impressions of British life and character 112 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. 127 PAGE Bacheller, I. A. Eben Holden 70 Keeping up with Lizzie 70 Back yard farmer. Bolte 46 Backgrounds of literature. Mabie 61 Backwoods surgery and medicine. Moody 39 Bacon, E. M. Literary pilgrimages in New England 60 Bailey, Mrs. F. A. M. Birds of village and field 35 Bailey, L. H. Country life movement in the U. S 42 Farm and garden rule-book 39 Principles of agriculture 39 Principles of fruit growing 45 Principles of vegetable gardening State and the farmer 43 Baker, James. Austria: her people and their home lands 115 Baker, R. S. Following the color line Spiritual unrest 20 Baker, Tarkington. Yard and garden 34 Baldwin, C. S. Writing and speaking Balkan peninsular. Lyde 115 Balkan wars, 1912-1913. Schurman 117 Balkans. Sloan 116 Bancroft, J. H. Games for the playground 15 School gymnastics with light apparatus 38 Barclay, Sir Thomas. Thirty years: Anglo-French Reminiscences, 1876-1906 .". Ill Baring, Maurice. Russian people Year in Russia 101 Barrett, John. Panama Canal 109 Barrie, J. M. Little minister Sentimental Tommy Tommy and Grizel 71 Barstow, C. L. Civil war Colonists and the Revolution Explorers and settlers 104 Famous pictures described New nation Progress of a united people Westward movement 104 Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and historical atlas of Europe Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations Barton, Clara. Story of the Red Cross Bashore, H. B. Sanitation of a country house Bates, Arlo. Talks on teaching literature 57 Bates, K. L. From Gretna Green to Land's End Battle of the strong. Parker 81, 82 Battle with the slum. Riis Bazin, Rene. Children of Alsace 118 Beach, C. B. & McMurray, F. M. eds. New students reference work Beard, C. A. Contemporary American history Introduction to the English historians 103 Beard, C. A. & Beard, M. R. American citizenship Beard, D. C. Boat building and boating 55 Beginners' star book. McKready Beginning woodwork at home and in school. Van Deusen & Lawrence . Beginnings in agriculture. Mann Behind the veil at the Russian Court. Vassili Beloved vagabond. Locke Ben Greet Shakespeare. Shakespeare Ben Hur. Wallace Benefits of improve lands. U. S. Public roads office Bennett, C. E. & Bristol, G. P. Teaching of Latin and Greek in the secondary schools 128 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. PAGE Bennett, E. A. Buried alive 71 Benson, A. C. From a college window 66 Benson, B. K. Who goes there? 71 Berle, A. A. School in the home 18 Bernhardi, F. Germany -and the next war 113 Best American orations of today. Blackstone . 59 Better rural schools. Betts & Hall 29 Betts, G. H. Mind and its education 18 New ideals in rural schools 48 Betts, G. H. & Hall, O. E Better rural schools 29 Betty Alden. Austin 70 Bevier, Isabel & Usher, Susannah. Home economics movement 50 Beyond the Mexican Sierras. Wallace 109 Bible as English literature. Gardiner 60 Bigelow, John. William Cullen Bryant 95 Bigelow, Poultney. Borderland of Czar and Kaiser 112 History of the German struggle for liberty 114 Binns, C. L. & Marsden, R. E. Principles of educational woodwork. . 53 Bird life. Chapman 13 Bird stories. Burroughs 35 Birds and bees. Burroughs 35 Birds of village and field. Bailey 35 Birknead, Alice. Heroes of modern Europe 92 Bishop, Farnham. Panama, past and present 110 Bishop, J. B. Panama gateway 110 Bitter cry of the children. Spargp 28 Black, Alexander. Photography indoors and out 55 Black, Hugh. Comfort 20 Black, William. Judith Shakespeare 71 Black arrow. Stevenson 84 Black Rock. Connor 73 Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone 71 Blackstone, Harriet. Best American orations of today 59 New pieces that will take prizes in speaking contests 59 Bloem, Walter. Iron year 118 Blue flower. Van Dyke 85 Blythe, S. G. Making of a newspaper man 52 Boat building and boating. Beard 55 Bolte, J. W. The back yard farmer 46 Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who became famous 92 Lives of poor boys who became famous 92 Book of Christmas. Mabie 59 Book of famous verse. Repplier 62 Book of football. Camp 56 Book of indoor and outdoor games. Kingsland 57 Books and libraries. Lowell 67 Boots and saddles. Custer 95 Border fights and fighters. Brady 105 Borderland of Czar and Kaiser. Bigelow 112 Borup, George. Tenderfoot with Peary 87 Bosher, Mrs. K. L. L. Mary Gary 71 Boston cook book. Lincoln 51 Bostwick, A. E. American public library 9 Both sides of 100 public questions. Shurter & Taylor 12 Botsford, G. W. Ancient history for beginners 100 Botta, A. C. L. Handbook of universal literature 15 Bouve, P. C. R. American heroes and heroines 92 Bowsfield, C. C. Making the farm pay 43 Box furniture. Brigham 53 Boy and his gang. Puffer 20 Boy problem. Forbush 19 Boy training. Alexander 18 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. ji>. Boyesen, H. H. Norseland tales 71 Boy's and girls' Plutarch. Plutarch 101 Boy's book of new inventions. Maule 37 Boy's of St. Timothy's. Pier '. 82 Bracq, J. C. France under the Republic 113 Bradford, E. S. Commission government in American cities 23 Brady, C. T. American fights and fighters 105 Border fights and fighters 105 Cok>nial fights and fighters 105 Indian fights and fighters 105 Northwestern fights and fighters 105 Revolutionary fights and fighters 105 South American fights and fighters 110 Brave little Holland. Griffis ". 101 Brewer, I. W. Rural hygiene 46 Briefs for debate on current political, economic and social topics. Brookings & Ringwalt 58 Briefs on public questions. Ringwalt 58 Briggs, L. B. R. Girls and education 29 Brigham, Louise. Box furniture 53 Britanic question. Jebb 113 Broad highway. Farnol 76 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre 71 Brooke, S. A. Poetry of Robert Browning ^ 94 Brookings, W. D. & Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs for debate on current political, economic and social topics 58 Brooks, E. C. The story of cotton 26 Brown, C. R. The young man's affairs 18 Brown, E. A. Four Gordons 71 Brown, H. A. Readjustment of a rural high school to the needs of the community 48 Brown, J. F. American high school 29 Brown, M. S. Epoch-making papers in U. S. history 105 Browning, E. B. Complete poetical works 61 Browning, Robert. Poems and plays 61 Brownlee, Jane. Character building in school 19 Bruce, H. A. Daniel Boone and the Wilderness Road 94 Bruere, M. B. Increasing home efficiency 50 Bryant, W. C. New library of poetry and song 15 Poetical works 61 Bryce, James. American commonwealth South America 110 William Ewart Gladstone. . 96 Buccaneers and pirates of our coast. Stockton Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of chivalry Age of fable Bullivant, C. H. Home fun Bullock, C. J. Selected readings in economics Biilow, Bernhard von. Imperial Germany Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Edward. Last days of Pompeii 71 Buried alive. Bennett 71 Burke. Morley Burke, Edmund. Speech on American taxation Burkett, C. W. First principles of feeding farm animals Burkett, C. W. & Swartzel, K. D. Farm arithmetic Burnett, F. H. T. Tembarom Burns, Robert. Complete poetical works Burrell, C. B., Living on a little - 50 Burroughs, John. Bird stories < Birds and bees Burton, Richard. Masters of the English novel 17 130 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. PAGE Business of being a woman. Tarbell 29 Business of Congress. McCall Butterfield, K. H. Chapters in rural progress 42 Country church and rural problem 41 Butterworth, Hezekiah. In the boyhood of Lincoln 72 Buxton, Noel & Rev. Harold. Travel and politics in Armenia 118 Byron, G. G. N. Poems and plays 62 Cabin. White 92 Cabot, Dr. R. C. What men live by 19 Caffin, C. H. Appreciation of the drama 63 Guide to pictures 54 How to study pictures 15, 54 Story of American painting 54 Caleb West. Smith ^ 84 Call, A. P. Nerves and common sense 38 Power through repose 19 Call of the wild. London 80 Cameron, Margaret. Golden rule Dollivers 72 Involuntary chaperon 72 Tangles 72 Camp, W. C. Book of football 56 Camp and trail. White 57 Camp cookery. Kephart Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. Hornaday 89 Captain John Smith. Jenks 99 Captain Myles Standish. Jenks 99 Captains courageous. Kipling 79 Card, F. W. Farm management 44 Cardigan. Chambers 72 Cardinal's snuff-box. Harland 78 Care and feeding of children. Holt 38 Carleton, William, pseud. New lives for old. 42 One way out 26 Carney, Mabel. Country life and the country school 48 Carpenter, G. R. John Greenleaf Whittier 100 Carruth, W. H. Letters to American boys 19 Carson, W. E. Mexico 109 Carver, T. N. Principles of rural economics 44 Cassavetti, D. J. Hellas and the Balkan wars 115 Cattle-ranch to college. Doubleday 75 Cavour and the making of modern Italy. Orsi 115 Century of American diplomacy. Foster 24 Century of the child. Key 20 Challenge of the country. Fiske 39 Chambers, R. W. Cardigan Champlin, J. D. Young folks' cyclopedia of common things 10 Young folks' cyclopedia of literature and art 16 Young folks' cyclopedia of persons and places 17 Champlin, J. D. & Bostwick, A. E. Young folks' cyclopedia of games and sports . 15 Champlin, J. D. & Lucas, F. A. Young folks' cyclopedia of natural history 13 Changing Chinese. Ross 90 Changing Russia. Graham 116 Channing, Edward. Student's history of the U. S 17 Channing, Edward & Lansing, M. F. Story of the Great Lakes 106 Chapman, F. M. Bird life Chapters in rural progress. Butterfield Character building. Washington 20 Character building in school. Brownlee 19 Character sketch of Germany. Evans & Merhaut 114 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. 131 Charles Dickens. Chesterton 96 Charles Dickens. Keim & Lumet 96 Charles Dickens. Moses 96 Charters, W. W. Teaching the common branches 29 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Chaucer for children 62 Chaucer for children. Chaucer 62 Checking the waste. Gregory 27 Chemistry and its relation to daily life. Kahlenberg & Hart 33 Cheney, E. G. & Wentling, J. P. The farm woodlot 45 Chesley, A. M. Social activities for men and boys 21 Chesterton, G. K. Charles Dickens 96 Chief American poets. Page 62 Children of Alsace. Bazin 118 Children of the New Forest. Marryat 80 Children of the wild. Roberts 36 Children's gardens. Miller 34 Choice readings. Cumnock 59 Christianity and the new idealism. Eucken 21 Christianity and the social crisis. Rauschenbusch 21 Chubb, Percival. Festivals and plays in schools and elsewhere 56 Teaching English in the elementary and the secondary school .... 57 Church, A. J. Aeneid for boys and girls 69 Iliad for boys and girls 69 Odyssey for boys and girls 69 Roman life in the days of Cicero *. . 100 Church and modern life. Gladden 21 Church work with boys. Forbush 21 Churchill, Winston. Crisis 72 Crossing 72 Inside of the cup Richard Carvel 72 Cities of northern Italy. Allen & Williamson Citizens made and remade. George & Stowe Civil war. Barstow 104 Clark, Imogen. Will Shakespeare's little lad 73 Clark, J. S. Study of English and American poets 92 Clark, S. H. Handbook of best readings 59 Classic myths in English literature and in art. Gay ley 16 Climate. Ward Clodd, Edward. Primer of evolution Cloister and the hearth. Reade Cody, Sherwin, ed. Selections from the world's greatest short stories . . Success in letter writing Coffin, C. C. Abraham Lincoln. / 97 Drum-beat of the nation Freedom triumphant Marching to victory Old times in the colonies Redeeming the republic 106 Winning his way Colby, J. R., Literature and life in school 57 On reading Collected verse. Kipling College entrance requirements in English. 1910-1915 College man and college woman. Hyde College years. Paine Collier, Price. England and the English from an American point of view :: Germany and the Germans from an American point of view. . . . The West in the East from an American point of view Collyer, Robert. Some memories Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith 132 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. PAGE Colonial fights and fighters. Brady 105 Colonists and the Revolution. Barstow 104 Colquhoun, A. R. & Mrs. E. M. C. Whirlpool of Europe 101 Columbus, the discoverer. Ober 95 Comfort, Black 20 Commercial geography. Redway Robinson Commercial raw materials. Toothaker 13 Commission government in American cities. Bradford 23 Common diseases. Hutchinson 38 Common sense in foreign policy. Johnston 112 Complete angler. Walton 68 Complete dressmaker. Laughlin 51 Complete home. Laughlin 51 Complete hostess. Laughlin 57 Comstock, F. A. Dickens dramatic reader u . 63 Concise standard dictionary. Fernald 10 Conklin, M. G. Conversation 19 Connor, Ralph. Black Rock Sky pilot Conqueror. Atherton 70 Conquest of Canaan. Tarkington . 85 Conservation of natural resources in the U. S. Van Hise 29 Consolidated rural schools. Knorr 30 Conspiracy of Pontiac. Parkman 108 Constructive rural sociology. Gillette 39 Contemporary American history. Beard 104 Conversation: Conklin 19 Conyngton, Mary. How to help 27 Coolidge, M. E. B. R. S. Why women are so 27 Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore 73 Deerslayer : 73 Last of the Mohicans 73 Pathfinder 73 Pilot 73 Red Rover 73 Spy 73 Water-witch Wing and wing 73 Co-operation among farmers. Coulter 41 Co-operation in agriculture. Powell 41 Co-operative finance. Myrick 41 Cope, H. F. Efficiency in the Sunday School 21 Evolution of the Sunday school 21 Copeland, C. T. & Hersey, F. W. C. Representative biographies of English men of letters 92 Corbett, L. C. Garden farming 46 Corsan, G. H. At home in the water 56 Cost of shelter. Richards 51 Coulter, J. L. Cooperation among farmers 41 Coulter, J. M. Textbook of botany 34 Counsel upon the reading of books 60 Counsels by the way. VanDyke 22 Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Parkman 108 Country church. Gill & Pinchot 41 Country church and rural problem. Butterfield 41 Country life. American academy of political and social science. ... 39 Country life and the country school. Carney 48 Country life movement in the U. S. Bailey 42 Coupin, H. & Lea, John. Romance of animal arts and crafts 35 Courthope, W. J. Joseph Addison 94 Crabb, George. English synonyms 16 Craik, Mrs. D. M. John Halifax 73 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. 133 PAGE Cram. G. F. Army and navy edition of Cram's quick reference atlas. 16 Unrivalled atlas of the world 17 Cranford. Gaskell ' 77 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world 101 Creelman, James. Diaz, master of Mexico 95 Crimson fist. Neland 117 Crisis. Churchill 72 Critical and historical essays. Macaulay 68 Croly, Herbert. Promise of American life 23 Crook, W. H. Memories of the White House 93 Crops and methods for soil improvement. Agee Cross, A. L. History of England and Greater Britain 112 Crossing. Churchill 72 Crothers, S. M. Among friends 66 Gentle reader 66 Crow, Mrs. M. F. Harriet Beecher Stowe Cruise of the Snark. London 87 Cuba. Wright 109 Cuba and her people of today. Forbes-Lindsay. . . Cubberley, E. P. Rural life and education Cumnock, R. M. Choice readings Curtis, H. S. Play and recreation for the open country Curtiss, G. H. & Post Augustus. Curtiss aviation book 37 Curtiss aviation book. Curtiss & Post 37 Curwood, J. O. Great Lakes .". Custer, Elizabeth. Boots and saddles 95 Following the guidon Tenting on the plains 95 Cutting, Mrs. M.S. Little stories of married life Cyclopedia of practical quotations. Hoyt & Ward Cyrano de Bergerac. Rostand 69 Czar Ferdinand and his people. MacDonald . . Daddy-long-legs. Webster Dairy cattle and milk production. Eckles Dairy technology. Larsen Dana, Mrs. W. S. How to know the wild flowers Daniel Boone and the Wilderness Road. Bruce Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky. Abbott Daniel Deronda. Eliot 76 Daniel Webster for young Americans. Webster Daughter of the rich. Waller David Balfour. Stevenson David Copperfield. Dickens David Harum. Westcott 86 David Livingston. Home 97 Davis, J. W. Young America's manual Davis, R. H. Real soldiers of fortune Stories for boys Three gringos in Venezuela and Central America . . Dawson, W. J. Makers of English fiction Day, G. E. Productive swine husbandry Day of the Saxon. Lea Debater's handbook series . Bullock. Compulsory insurance. Fanning. Direct primaries. Fanning. Election of senators. Phelps. Government ownership. Phelps. Income tax. Phelps. Initiative and referendum. Phelps. Recall. Phelps. Woman suffrage. Robbins. Central bank. Robbins. Commission government 134 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. PAGE Deborah of Todd's. De La Pasture 74 Decisive battles of America. Hitchcock 107 Deerslayer. Cooper 73 De Guimps, Roger, baron. Pestalozzi 29 Deland, E. D. Alan Ransford 74 Deland, M. W. C. Awakening of Helena Ritchie 74 Dr. Lavendar's people 74 Old Chester tales 74 De La Pasture, Mrs. Henry. Deborah of Todd's 74 Lonely lady of Grosvenor Square 74 De Quincey, Thomas. Selections 66 Development of modern Europe. Robinson & Beard 102 Devine, E. T. Principles of relief 27 Dewey, D. R. Financial history of the U. S 27 Dewey, J. M. Lessons on morals 19 Diaz, master of Mexico. Creelman 95 Dickens, Charles. David Copperfield Dombey and son 74 Nicholas Nickleby 74 Old curisoty shop 75 Oliver Twist 75 Pickwick papers 75 Tale of two cities 75 Dickens dramatic reader. Comstock 63 Dictionary of American authors. Adams 17 Dictionary of classical antiquities. Seyffert 17 Dictionary of dates brought down to the present day ....... 18 Dissertations by Mr. Dooley. Dunne 67 Doctor. Gordon 77 Dr. Grenf ell's parish. Duncan 88 Dr. Lavendar's people. Deland 74 Doctor Luke of the Labrador. Duncan 75 Dodd, H. C. Healthful farmhouse 47 Dombey and son. Dickens 74 Dorr, R. C. What eight million women want 23 Doubleday, N. B. D. Nature's garden 34 Doubleday, Russel. Cattle-ranch to college 75 Dowd, E. C. Polly of the hospital staff 75 Dowden, Edward. Robert Browning 95 Doyle, Sir A. C. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 75 Micah Clarke 75 Dramatists of today. Hale 64 Drum-beat of the nation. Coffin 106 Dudley, Gertrude & Kellor, F. A. Athletic games in the education of women 56 Dumas, Alexandrine. Three musketeers 75 Dunbar, P. L. Lyrics of sunshine and shadow 62 Duncan, Norman. Dr. Grenfell's parish Doctor Luke of the Labrador 75 Dunne, F. P. Dissertations by Mr. Dooley 67 Earhart, L. B. Teaching children to study 30 Earle, A. M. Home life in colonial days Early speeches. Lincoln 97 Easy lessons in the art of practical wood carving. Hodgson 53 Eaton, W. P. American stage of today '. 64 Eben Holden. Bacheller 70 Ebers, G. M. Egyptian princess 75 Uarda 75 Economic history of Russia. Mavpr 116 Eckles, C. H. Dairy cattle and milk production 42 Education by plays and games. Johnson 30 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 135 Education of women. Talbot 31 Educational meaning of manual arts and industries. Row ..." . . . . . . 53 Educational resources of village and rural communities. Hart 30, 48 Educational woodworking for school and home. Park 53 Edwards, Albert. Panama 110 Efficiency in the Sunday school. Cope 21 Efficient life. Gulick 38 Eggleston, G. C. Last of the flatboats 75 Life in the eighteenth century 106 Our first century . . ". 106 Southern soldier stories 76 Egyptian princess. Ebers 75 Eighteen thousand words often mispronounced. Phyfe 10 Elementary cabinetwork for manual training classes. Selden 53 Elementary geology. Tarr 33 Elementary woodwork. Selden 53 Elements of agriculture. Warren . . : 49 Eliot, George. Adam Bede 76 Daniel Deronda 76 Middlemarch 76 Mill on the Floss 76 Romola 76 Silas Marner 76 Elizabeth and her German garden. Arnim < 70 Elson, H. W. Guide to English history 103 Side lights on American history 106 Elson, L. C. National music in America 55 Ely, H. R. A. woman's hardy garden 34 Emerson, R. W. English traits 67 Essays 67 Emerton, Ephraim. Introduction to the study of the Middle ages. . . 101 Emery, M. S. Every-day business 52 How to enjoy pictures : Emmy Lou. Martin 80 England and Germany. Harrison 102 England and the English from an American point of view. Collier . . - England and the Orleans Monarchy. Hall 112 England invaded. Ford & Home 113 England's story. Tappan English for secondary schools. Webster English literature. Long English prose. Manley English seamen in the 16th century. Froude 103 English synonyms. Crabb 16 English synonyms and antonyms. Fernald English traits. Emerson 67 Epitome of ancient, mediaeval and modern history. Ploetz Epoch-making papers in U. S. history. Brown 105 Equal suffrage. Sumner Essays of Ella and Last essays of Elia. Lamb . . 67 Essays on modern novelists. Phelps 68 Essential elements of business character. Stock well 53 Essentials of international public law. Hershey. . . Essentials of woodworking. Griffith Ethical and moral instruction in schools. Palmer Ethics for young people. Everett Eucken, R. C. Christianity and the new idealism Euthenics. Richards Evans, M. B & Merhaut, Elizabeth. Character sketch of Germany. . Evans, R. D. Admiral's log Sailor's log Everett, C. C. Ethics for young people 136 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Everybody's lonesome. Laughlin Everyday business. Emery 52 Everyday business for women. Wilbur 14 Everyman 64 Everyman encyclopedia Evolution and animal life. Jordan & Kellogg Evolution of the country community. Wilson Evolution of the Sunday school. Cope Explorers and settlers. Barstow 104 Fairchild, G. T. Rural wealth and welfare . 44 Fairlie, J. A. Local government in countries, towns and villages. . . . Fall of Tsardom. Joubert 102 Familiar quotations. Bartlett Famous frontiersmen. Johnston Famous pictures described. Barstow 54 Far from the madding crowd. Hardy 78 Farewell address. Washington Farm and garden rule book. Bailey 39 Farm arithmetic. Burkett & Swartzel 44 Farm bookkeeping. Thomson 44 Farm boys and farm girls. McKeever 40 Farm dairying. Rose Farm management. Card Farm management. Hays 44 Farm management. Warren 45 Farm poultry. Watson 47 Farm rhymes. Riley 63 Farm woodlot. Cheney & Wentling 45 Farmer, F. M. What to have for dinner 50 Farmer of to-morrow. Anderson Farmers' bulletins. U. S. Dept. of agriculture 40 Farmstead. Roberts 44 Farnol, Jeffery. Broad highway 76 Farwell, P. T. Village improvement 42 Fat of the land. Streeter 40 Federalist; a commentary on the constitution of the United States. . 23 Feet of the futive. Roberts 36 Ferber, Edna. Roast-beef medium 76 Fernald, J. C. Concise standard dictionary 10 English synomyms and antonyms 16 Ferris, Richard. How it flies 37 Fertilizers and crops. Van Slyke 49 Fess, S. D. History of political theory and party organization in the United States 24 Festivals and plays in schools and elsewhere. Chubb 56 Field, Eugene. Poems 62 Field book of American wild flowers. Mathews 14 Field book of wild birds and their music. Mathews 36 Field day and play for country children. Scudder 41 Fielding-Hall, H. Passing of Empire 112 Fifteen decisive battles of the world. Creasy 101 Financial history of the United States. Dewey 27 Fine and industrial arts in the elementary schools. Sargent 49 Fireless cook book. Mitchell ! 51 First book of forestry. Roth 45 First Bunker Hill oration. Webster 69 First principles of feeding farm animals. Burkett 43 Fiske, A. K. Modern bank 27 Fiske, G. W. Challenge of the country 39 Fiske, John. History of the U. S 106 War of independence 107 Five thousand words often misspelled. Phyfe 10 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 137 Flandrau, C. M. Viva Mexico 109 Fling, F. M. & H. D. Source problems of the French Revolution . . . . 113 Following the color line. Baker 23 Following the guidon. Custer 95 Forbush, W. B. Boy problem 19 Church work with boys 21 Ford, Edward & Home, Gordon. England invaded 113 Ford, P. L. Janice Meredith 76 Hon. Peter Stirling 76 Forester's manual. Seton 45 Foster, J. W. Century of American diplomacy 24 Practice of diplomacy 24 Foster, W. T. Argumentation and debating 58 Four feathers. Mason 80, 81 Four Gordons. Brown 71 Fowler, N. C. Art of letter writing 19 How to obtain citizenship 24 Practical salesmanship Fox, John. Little shepherd of Kingdom Come . 76 France from behind the veil. Vassili 113 France of today. Wendell 91 France under the Republic. Bracq 113 Francis Parkman. Sedgwick 98 Franck, H. A., Zone policeman 88 * . 110 Freckles. Porter Frederick the Great and the Seven years' war. Longmans 102 Freedom triumphant. Coffin 106 Freeman, E. A. William the Conqueror 103 Freeman, W. G. & Chandler, S. E. World's commercial products. . 12 French revolution. Johnston French revolution. Mathews 102 Fried, A. H. German emperor and the peace of the world 114 Friendly stars. Martin Friendship of nations. Gulliver Friendship Village. Gale 76 Froissart, Jean. Stories 101 From a college window. Benson From Gretna Green to Land's End. Bates Frontiers of the heart. Margueritte Froude, J. A. English seamen in the 16th century 103 Fullerton, W. M. Problems of power 118 Fundamentals of agriculture. Halligan Galbraith, A. M. Personal hygiene and physical training for women . . Gale, Zona. Friendship village Mothers to men '. . 76 Galsworthy, John. Justice 64 Games for the playground. Bancroft Garden farming. Corbett Garden yard. Hall Gardiner, J. H. Bible as English literature Gardiner, S. R. Student's history of England 103 Garland, Hamlin. Long trail Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Cranford 77 Gausse, F. A. & Carr, C. C. Story of Panama Gayley, C. M. Classic myths in English literature and in art Representative English comedies Gentle reader. Crothers J>6 Gentleman from Indiana. Tarkington Gentleman of France. Weyman . . . b Geographies. Tarr & McMurry George, W. R. The Junior Republic George, W. R. & Stowe, L. B. Citizens made and remade. 138 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE George Elliot. Olcott 96 George Elliot. Stephen 96 German emperor and the peace of the world. Fried 114 German sea-power. Kurd & Castle 114 Germany. Holland ....... : 102 Germany and its evolution in modern times. Lichtenberger 114 Germany and the German emperor. Ferris 114 Germany and the Germans from an American point of view. Collier . . 114 Germany and the next war. Bernhardi 113 Germany of today. Tower 115 Getting acquainted with the trees. McFarland 34 Gibbon, Perceval. Adventures of Miss Gregory 77 Gilder, J. L. Heart of youth 62 Gill, C. O. & Pinchot, Gilford. Country church 41 Gillette, J. M. Constructive rural sociology 39 Gillmore, I. H. Phoebe and Ernest . : 77 Phoebe, Ernest and Cupid 77 Gillpatrick, Wallace. Man who likes Mexico 109 Girl who earns her own living. Richardson Girls and education. Briggs 29 Gladden, Washington. Church and modern life 21 Glass, Montague. Potash and Perlmutter 77 Glory of Clementina. Locke 80 Goethe, J. W. von. Poems and ballads 69 Golden rule Dollivers. Cameron 72 Goldsmith, E. E Toby 77 Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield 77 Gooch, G. P. History of our times 118 Good comrad. Silberrad 84 Good hunting in pursuit of big game in the West. Roosevelt 57 Good roads 46 Goose girl. MacGrath 80 Gordon, C. W. The doctor 77 Gospel of the age of doubt. Van Dyke Government in state and nation. James & Sanford 25 Graham, John & Clark, E. H. Practical track and field athletics .... 56 Graham, Stephen. Changing Russia 116 Grane, W. L. Passing of war 1 16 Graves, F. P. A history of education in modern times 30 Grayson, David. Adventures in contentment 77 Adventures in friendship 77 Great American universities. Slosson - 31 Great books as life teachers. Hillis 61 Great Companion. Abbott 20 Great divide. Moody 65 Great Lakes. Curwood " 88 Greely, A. W. True tales of arctic heroism in the new world 87 Green, J. B. Law for the American farmer ' 44 Green, J. R. Short history of the English people 103 Green, S. B. Popular fruit growing 46 Greene, Homer. Lincoln conscript 78 Pickett's gap 78 Greenslet, Ferris. James Russell Lowell 97 Gregory, M. H. Checking the waste 27 Grenfell, W. T. Adrift on an ice-pan 97 Grenfell, W. T. & others. Labrador 88 Greyfriars, Bobby. Atkinson 70 Griffis, W. E. Brave little Holland and what she taught us 101 Griffith, A. M. M. The stars and their stories Griffith, I. S. Essentials of woodworking 53 Grinnell, G. B. Trails of the pathfinders 88 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 139 PAGE Guerber, H. A. How to prepare for Europe 89 Legends of the Middle ages 102 Myths of Greece and Rome 22 Myths of northern lands 22 Stories of popular operas Guide to English history. Elson 103 Guide to great cities for young travelers and others. Singleton .... 91 Guide to modern opera. Singleton 55 Guide to pictures. Caffin 54 Guide to the Montessori method. Stevens 31 Guide to trees. Lounsberry 34 Gulick, L. H. Efficient life 38 Mind and work 19 Gulliver, Lucile. Friendship of nations 24 Gulliver's travels. Swift , 68 Hale, E. E. Dramatists of today 64 Man without a country 78 Half century of conflict. Parkman 108 Hall, Bolton. The garden yard 46 Hall, E. C. Aunt Jane of Kentucky Hall, G. S. Youth; its education, regimen and hygiene Hall, Major John. England and the Orleans Monarchy 112 Halligan, J. E. Fundamentals of agriculture Handbook of best readings. Clark Handbook of health. Hutchinson *. . . 39 Handbook of household science. Shepperd 51 Handbook of universal literature. Botta Handy dictionary of poetical quotations. Powers Handy dictionary of prose quotations. Powers Hapgood, O. C. School needlework 50 Hapsburg monarchy. Steed 115 Harding of St. Timothy's. Pier Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd 78 Harland, Henry. Cardinal's snuff-box 78 Harper, M. W. Animal husbandry for schools Manual of farm animals Harper's aircraft book. Verrill Harper's book for young naturalists. Verrill Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. Peck 17 Harper's wireless book. Verrill Harriet Beecher Stowe. Crow Harris, H. F. Health on the farm 47 Harrison, Austin. England and Germany 102 Harrison, Eveleen. Home nursing Harrison, Frederic. John Ruskin Harrison, H. S. Queed Hart, A. B. Slavery and abolition, 1831-1841 107 Southern South Hart, J. K. Educational resources of village and rural communities . . 30, 4! Harte, Bret. Luck of Roaring Camp Harwood, W. S. New creations in plant life New earth Haskin, F. J. American government Panama Canal HI Haunters of the silence. Roberts Hawthorne, Nathaniel. House of the seven gables ... 78 Marble faun Scarlet letter jg Haydon, A. L. The riders of the plains Hays, W. M. Farm management Hazeltine, H. D. Law of the air 117 Health on the farm. Harris 47 140 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Healthful farmhouse. Dodd 47 Hearn, Lafcadio. Japan 89 Hearne, R. P. Airships in peace and war 117 Heart of the west. Henry 78 Heart of youth. Gilder 62 Heilprin, Louis. Historical reference book Hellas and the Balkan wars. Cassavetti 115 Henley's twentieth century book of receipts, formulas and processes. Hiscox 14 Henry, O. Heart of the west. 78 Henry Esmond. Thackeray ' Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Higginson 97 Hernando Cortes. Ober 95 Hero tales of the far north. Riis 93 Heroes of discovery in America. Morris 93 Heroes of modern Europe. Birkhead Heroes of progress in America. Morris Heroes of the army in America. Morris 93 Heroes of the navy in America. Morris 93 Herrick, C. A. Meaning and practice of commercial education 52 Hershey, A. S. The essentials of international public law 117 Hewitt, E. C. How to live on a small income 50 Higginson, T. W. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 97 High school agriculture. Mayne & Hatch 40, 49 High school debate book. Robbins 12 Highway bridges and culverts. Hoyt 46 Highways and byways of the Great Lakes. Johnson Highways and byways of the Rocky Mountains. Johnson Highways and byways of the South. Johnson 89 Hill, D. J. History of diplomacy in the international development of Europe 117 Hillis, N. D. Great books as life-teachers 61 Hiscox, C. D. ed. Henley's twentieth century book of receipts, formulas and processes 14 Hislam, P. A. Admiralty of the Atlantic 102 Historic buildings of America. Singleton 54 Historical reference book. Heilprin History of American painting. Isham 55 History of ancient civilization. Seignobos 101 History of diplomacy in the international development of Europe. Hill 117 History of education in modern times. Graves 30 History of England. Innes 103 History of England and Greater Britain. Cross 112 History of English patriotism. Wingfield-Stratford .113 History of German literature. Thomas 69 History of our times. Gooch 118 History of political theory and party organization in the U. S. Fess . . History of Russia. Kluchevsky 116 History of Russia. Rambaud 102 History of the American nation. McLaughlin 107 History of the American navy. Spears 108 History of the American people. Wilson History of the conquest of Mexico. Prescott 109 History of the conquest of Peru. Prescott Ill History of the German struggle for liberty. Bigelow 114 History of the Roman people. Seignobos 101 History of the U. S. Fiske 106 Hitchcock, Ripley. Decisive battles of America : 107 Hittell, T. H. The adventures of James Capen Adams 94 Hodge, C. F. Nature study and life 14 Hodges, George. The training of children in religion 21 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 141 Hodgson, F. T. Easy lessons in the art of practical wood carving. . 53 Holiday plays. Merington , 65 Holland, A. W., Germany 102 Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast table 67 Complete poetical works 62 Holt, L. E. Care and feeding of children 38 Holtz, F. L. Nature study 14 Home economics. Parloa 51 Home economics movement. Bevier & Usher 50 Home fun. Bulliyant 56 Home life in colonial days. Earle f 88 Home life in Germany. Sidgwick 91 Home nursing. Harrison 38 Homer. Iliad. Macmillan ed 69 Odyssey. Houghton ed 69 Odyssey. Macmillan ed 70 Hon. Peter Stirling. Ford 76 Hopkins, A. A. & Bond, A. R. Scientific American reference book . . 12 Hopkins, C. G. Soil fertility and permanent agriculture 49 Hopkins, F. M. Outlines for instruction of high school students in the use of a library 9 Hornaday, W. T. American natural history 35 Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies 89 Home, C. S. David Livingston 97 Hotchkiss, C. W. Representative cities of the U. S . . . 89 House of the seven gables. Hawthorne Household management. Terrill 52 Houston, E. J. Wonder book of light 32 Wonder book of magnetism 32 Wonder book of the atmosphere 33 Wonderbook of volcanoes and earthquakes 33 How Americans are governed in nation, state and city. Marriott. . 25 How France is governed. Poincare 113 How it flies. Ferris 37 How to enjoy pictures. Emery How to help. Conyngton 27 How to keep bees for profit. Lyon 40 How to know the wild flowers. Dana 14 How to live on a small income. Hewitt 50 How to obtain citizenship. Fowler How to play baseball, by the greatest players How to prepare for Europe. Guerber How to study birds. Job 35 How to study pictures. Caffin : 15, 54 Howells, W. D. London films 89 My Mark Twain 100 Rise of Silas Lapham Roman holidays and others Hoyt, C. H. Highway bridges and culverts Hoyt, J. K. & Ward, A. L. Cyclopedia of practical quotations .... 16 Hudson, H. N. Shakespeare, his life, art and characters 64 Hugh Wynne. Mitchell Hughes, Thomas'. Tow Brown's school days Hugo, Victor. Les miserables Hull, Eleanor. Northmen in Britain . 103 Human body. Martin. Human slaughter house. Lamszus 117 Hungary : its history and revolutions Hungary's fight for national existence. Ladislas Hengelmuller von Hengervar Hunting with the Eskimos. Whitney Kurd, A. S. & Castle, H. German sea-power Our navy 142 . AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Hutchinson, Woods. Common diseases 38 Handbook of health 39 Preventable diseases 39 We and our children 39 Button, R. H. Sir Walter Scott 99 Hyde, W. D. College man and college woman 37 Quest of the best 19 lies, George. Leading American inventors 93 Iliad. Homer. Macmillan ed 69 Iliad for boys and girls. Church 69 Immigrant tide. Steiner 25 Imperial Germany. Btilow, Bernard von 114 Impressions of British life and character. Babasaheb 112 Improvement of the farm egg. Lannon 47 In the boyhood of Lincoln. Butterworth 72 In the day of Chaucer. Jenks 95 In the days of Goldsmith. Jenks 96 In the days of Milton. Jenks 98 In the days of Scott. Jenks 99 In the days of Shakespeare. Jenks 99 In the wake of eighteen-twelvers. Snider 108 In viking land. Monroe 90 Increasing home efficiency. Bruere 50 Indian fights and fighters. Brady "..... 105 Indifference of Juliet. Richmond 83 Industrial training of the boy. McKeever 38 Influence of monarchs. Woods 118 Ingersoll, Ernest. The wit of the wild 35 Injurious insects. O'Kane 47 Innes. History of England 103 Inside of the cup. Churchill 72 International geography. Mill 17 Introduction to American literature. Pancoast 61 Introduction to English literature. Pancoast 61 Introduction to the English historians. Beard 103 Introduction to the study of the Middle ages. Emerton 101 Involuntary chaperon. Cameron 72 Iron year. Bloem 118 Irving, Washington. Life of Washington 100 Rip Van Winkle 67 Sketchbook of Geoffrey Grayon, gent 67 Tales from the Alhambra 67 Isham, Samuel. History of American painting 55 Isle of the shamrock. Johnson 89 Italian backgrounds. Wharton 91 Italy of the Italians. Zimmern 115 Italy's war for a desert. McCullagh 115 Ivanhoe. Scott 83 Jackson, H. H. Ramona 79 Jacoby, Harold. Astronomy 32 Jacobs, Joseph. Story of geographical discovery James, J. A. & Sanford, A. H. Government in state and nation 25 James, William. Memories and studies 67 Principles of psychology 18 James Russell Lowell. Greenslet 97 Jane Eyre. Bronte 71 Janice Meredith. Ford 76 Japan. Hearn 89 Jeanne d'Arc. Mackaye 65 Jebb, Richard. Britannic question 113 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 143 Jenks, Tudor. Captain John Smith 99 Captain Miles Standish \' m 99 In the days of Chaucer 95 In the days of Goldsmith 97 In the days of Milton 97 In the days of Scott \\ 99 In the days of Shakespeare 99 When America became a nation 107 When America was new 107 When America won liberty 107 Jerome, J. K. Passing of the third floor back 79 Jessamy bride. Moore 81 Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. Parkman 108 Job, H. K. How to study birds 35 John and Sebastian Cabot. Ober 95 John Barleycorn. London . . . '. 80 John Greenleaf Whittier. Carpenter . . . 100 John Halifax. Craik 73 John Ruskin. Harrison : . . . . 99 Johnson, Clifton. Highways and byways of the Great Lakes 89 Highways and byways of the Rocky Mountains 89 Highways and byways of the South 89 Isle of the shamrock *..... 89 Johnson, E. R. Panama Canal traffic and tolls Ill Johnson, G. E. Education by plays and games <. . 30 What to do at recess 56 Johnson, H. S. Williams of West Point 79 Johnston, C. H. L. Famous frontiersmen 93 Johnston, Sir Harry. Common sense in foreign policy 112 Johnston, Mary. To have and to hold 79 Johnston, R. M. French revolution 102 Napoleon 102 Jonathan and David. Phelps 82 Jones, F. A. Thomas Alva Edison 96 Jonson, Ben. Plays 64 Joos, Robert. Success with hens 47 Jordan, D. S. War and waste 116 Jordan, D. S. & Kellogg, V. L. Evolution and animal life 33 Jordan, E. G. May Iverson tackles life 79 Joseph Addison. Courthope 94 Joseph Jefferson, Wilson 97 Joubert, Carl. Fall of Tsardom 102 Judith Shakespeare. Black Judson, H. P. The young American 25 Junior Republic. George Justice. Galsworthy . . 64 Kahlenberg, Louis & Hart, E. B. Chemistry and its relation to daily life.. ! 33 Keeler, H. C. Our native trees 14 Keeping up with Lizzie. Bacheller Keim, Albert & Lumet, Louis. Charles Dickens Louis Pasteur Keller, Helen. Story of my life 97 Kellner, L. & others. Austria of the Austrians and Hungary of the Hungarians 115 Kelly, Myra. Little aliens 79 Little citizens '9 Kenilworth. Scott Kennedy, C. R. The servant in the house 64 Kephart, Horace. Camp cookery Kern, O. J. Among country schools Key, E. K. S. Century of the child 144 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Kidnapped. Stevenson 84 Kim. Kipling 79 King, F. H. Soil 49 King, H. C. Laws of friendship, human and divine. 20 Letters on the greatness and simplicity of the Christian faith. ... 21 Kingsland, Mrs. Burton. Book of indoor and outdoor games 57 Kingsley, Charles. Westward ho 79 Kinne, Helen & Cooley, A. M. Shelter and clothing 50 Kipling, Rudyard. Captains courageous 79 Collected verse 62 Kim 79 Soldiers three 79 Kirkham, S. D. Mexican trails 109 Kluchevsky, V. O. History of Russia 116 Knorr, G. W. Consolidated rural schools 30 Labrador. Grenfell & others 88 Ladislas Hengelmiiller von Hengervar, Baron. Hungary's fight for national existence 1 15 Lady of the. decoration. Little 80 Lady of the lake. Scott 63 Lady or the tiger. Stockton . 84 Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia and Last essays of Elia 67 Lamb, Charles & Mary. Tales from Shakespeare 64 Lamszus, Wilhelm. Human slaughter house 117 Land we live in. Price 28 Lane, M. A. L. & Hill, M. American history in literature 18 Lannon, H. M. Improvement of the farm egg 47 Larcom, Lucy. New England girlhood . 97 Larsen, Christian. Dairy technology 42 LaSalle and the discovery of the great West. Parkman 108 Laselle, M. A. & Wiley, Katherine. Vocations for girls 37 Last American frontier. Paxson 108 Last days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton 71 Last of the flatboats. Eggleston 75 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper Last shot. Palmer 118 Laughlin, C. E. Complete dressmaker 51 Complete home 51 Complete hostess 57 Everybody's lonesome 79 Laundry work. Shepperd 52 Laut, A. C. Pathfinders of the West 93 Lavignac, Albert. Music and musicians 15 Law for the American farmer. Green 44 Law of the air. Hazeltine 117 Laws of friendship, human and divine. King 20 Lay cock, Craven & Scales, R. L. Argumentation and debate 58 Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, S. L. E. The Servian people 115 Lea, General Homer. The day of the Saxon 113 Leading American inventors. lies 93 Lee, Sidney. Shakespeare and the modern stage 64 Legends of the Middle ages. Guerber 102 Le Row, C. B. Pieces for every occasion 59 Lessons on morals. Dewey 19 Letters of a woman homesteader. Stewart 91 Letters on the greatness and simplicity of the Christian faith. King. . 21 Letters to American boys. Carruth 19 Letters to his family and friends. Stevenson 99 Lichtenberger, Henri. Germany and its evolution in modern times. . 114 Life histories of American insects. Weed 36 Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. Maspero 100 Life in the eighteenth century. Eggleston 106 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 145 PAGE Life of a star. Morris 98 Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Palmer 98 Life of Nelson. Southey 98 Life of Sir Walter Scott. Lockhart 99 Life of the bee. Maeterlinck 35 Life of Washington. Irving 100 Lightning conductor. Williamson 86 Lincoln, Abraham. Early speeches 97 Speeches and letters 67 Lincoln, M. J. B. Boston cook book 51 Lincoln conscript. Greene 78 Lindsay, Forbes. Cuba and her people of today 107 Panama and the canal today 110 Lippincott's new gazetteer 17 Listener's lure. Lucas 80 Literary and historical atlas of Europe. Bartholomew 16 Literary pilgrimages in New England. Bacon 60 Literature and life in school. Colby 57 Literature in the elementary school. MacClintock 58 Little, Frances. Lady of the decoration 80 Little aliens. Kelly 79 Little citizens. Kelly 79 Little minister. Barrie 71 Little rivers. Van Dyke Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. Fox ., . 76 Little stories of married life. Cutting 74 Lives of girls who become famous. Bolton Lives of poor boys who became famous. Bolton Lives of the hunted. Seton 37 Living on a little. Burrell 50 Lloyd, A. B. Uganda to Khartoum Local government in countries, towns and villages. Fairlie Locke, W. J. Beloved vagabond Glory of Clementina 80 Lockhart, J. G. Life of Sir Walter Scott Lodeman, E. G. The spraying of plants London, Jack. Call of the wild Cruise of the Snark 87 John Barleycorn London films. Howells Lonely lady of Grosyenor Square. De La Pasture Long, A. W. American poems Long, W. J. American literature English literature Long day. Richardson 28 Long trail. Garland Longfellow, H. W. Complete poetical works Song of Hiawatha Longmans, F. W. Frederick the Great and the Seven year's war. . Lorna Doone. Blackmore ^1 Lossing, B. J. The two spies; Nathan Hale and John Andre. . . . Louis Pasteur. Keim & Lumet Lounsberry, Alice. Guide to trees ~i* Lowell, J. R. Books and libraries and other papers . . b7 My study windows Poetical works -. Lucas, E. V. Listener's lure Wanderer in Paris Luck of Roaring Camp. Harte Lure of the Labrador wild. Wallace Lyde, L. M. The Balkan peninsula 115 19 146 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Lyon, D. E. How to keep bees for profit Lyrics of sunshine and shadow. Dunbar Mabie, H. W. American ideals 90 Backgrounds of literature 61 Book of Christmas 59 Macaulay, T. B. Critical and historical essays Miscellaneous essays 68 McCall, S. W. Business of Congress 25 McCarthy, Justin. Short history of our own times 104 MacClintock, P. L. Literature in the elementary school 58 McCullagh, Francis. Italy's war for a desert M,acDonald, John. Czar Ferdinand and his people 116 McFarland, J. H. Getting acquainted with the trees : 34 MacGrath, Harold. Goose girl 80 Mackaye, P. W. Jeanne d'Arc 65 McKeever, W. A. Farm boys and farm girls 40 Industrial training of the boy Training the girl McKready, Kelvin. Beginners' star book McLaughlin, A. C. History of the American nation 107 Macy, Jesse. Our government 12 Maeterlinck, Maurice. Life of the bee 35 Mahan, A. T. Naval strategy Makers of English fiction. Dawson 66 Making home profitable. St. Maur Making of a forester. Pinchot Making of a newspaper man. Blythe Making of an American. Riis 98 Making the farm pay. Bowsfield 43 Man of the hour. Thanet Man who likes Mexico. Gillpatrick Man with the iron hand. Parish 107 Man without a country. Hale 78 Manley, J. M. English prose 59 Mann, A. R. Beginnings in agriculture 40 Manual of farm animals. Harper Manures and fertilizers. Wheeler 50 Marble faun. Hawthorne 78 Marching to victory. Coffin 106 Marden, O. S. Success 20 Young man entering business 52 Margueritte, Victor. Frontiers of the heart 118 Marjorie Daw and other stories. Aldrich 70 Marks, J. A. Vacation camping for girls 57 Marriott, Crittenden. How Americans are governed in nation, state and city 25 Uncle Sam's business told for young Americans 25 Marryat, Frederick. Children of the New Forest 80 Marshall, H. E. Scotland's story 102 Story of France 102 Martin, G. M. Emmy Lou 80 Martin, H. N. Human body '. 39 Martin, Mrs. H. R. Tillie . 80 Martin, M. E. The friendly stars Mary Gary. Bosher 71 Mason, A. E. W. Four feathers 80, 81 Maspero, G. C. C. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria 100 Masterpieces of American literature ' 59 Masterpieces of British literature 59 Masters of the English novel. Burton 60 Mathews, F. S. Field book of American wild flowers ' 14 Field book of wild birds and their music . . 36 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 147 Mathews, Shailer. French revolution 102 Matthews, J. B. American of the future 68 Maule, H. E. Boy's book of new inventions 37 Mavor, James. Economic history of Russia 116 May Iverson tackles life. Jordan 79 Mayne, D. D. & Hatch, K. L. High school agriculture 40, 49 Meaning and practice of commercial education. Herrick 52 Meier, W. H. D. School and home gardens ,.. . 34 Mellor, C. Airman 117 Melting pot. Zangwill 66 Memoirs of Theodore Thomas. Thomas 99 Memories and studies. James 67 Memories of Francesco Crispi. Palamenghi-Crispi 112 Memories of the White House. Cook 93 Men around the Kaiser. Wile. 115 Men who sell things. Moody 52 Merington, Marguerite. Holiday plays 65 Meriwether, Lee. Seeing Europe by automobile 90 Methods of attracting birds. Trafton 36 Mexican trails. Kirkham 109 Mexico. Carson 109 Micah Clarke. Doyle 75 Michigan Secretary of State. Official directory and legislative manual 12 Middlemarch. Eliot .'...-*. 76 Milk and its products. Wing 43 Mill, H. R. The international geography : 17 Mill on the Floss. Eliot 76 Miller, L. K. Children's gardens 34 Mills, J. C. Our inland seas 27 Searchlights on some American industries 28 Milton, John. Poetical works 62 Mind and its education. Betts Mind and work. Gulick 19 Miscellaneous essays. Macaulay 68 Les miserables. Hugo 69 Mrs. Rorer's vegetable cookery and meat substitutes. Rorer 51 Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch and Lovey Mary. Rice Mission furniture. Popular mechanics 53 Mitchell, J. A. Amos Judd Mitchell, M. J. Fireless cook book 51 Mitchell, S. W. Hugh Wynne 81 Youth of Washington 100 Modern American oratory. Ringwalt 60 Modern bank. Fiske 27 Modern reader and speaker. Riddle Modern Russia. Aleksinski 101 Molly Make-Believe. Abbott 70 Monahan, A. C. Status of rural education in the U. S. . . Monarchical socialism in Germany. Roberts 114 Monroe, W. S. In viking land Monsieur Beaucaire. Tarkington Montcalm and Wolfe. Parkman 108 Montessori method. Ward Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables . Moody, C. S. Backwoods surgery and medicine Moody, W. D. Men who sell things Moody, W. V. Great divide Moon. Serviss 32 Moore, Charles. Northwest under three flags . . Moore, F. F. Jessamy bride Moral training in the public schools 148 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Morley, John. Burke 95 Morris, Charles. Heroes of discovery in America 93 Heroes of progress in America 93 Heroes of the army in America 93 Heroes of the navy in America 93 Morris, Clara. Life of a star 98 Morris, William. Story of Sigurd the Volsung 22 Moses, Belle. Charles Dickens 96 Mother. Norris SI Mother Carey's chickens. Wiggin , 86 Mothers to men. Gale 76 Muir, John. My first summer in the Sierra 90 Story of my boyhood and youth 98 Munroe, H. H. When William came 113 Miinsterberg, Hugo. American traits 90 Music and musicians. Lavignac 15 Musical memories. Upton 55 My day. Pryor 98 My dogs in the Northland. Young 87 My first summer in the Sierra. Muir 90 My Kalulu. Stanley 87 My Mark Twain. Howells 100 My study windows. Lowell 67 Myrick, Herbert. Cooperative finance 41 Myths and legends of our own land. Skinner Myths of Greece and Rome. Guerber 22 Myths of northern lands. Guerber 22 Napoleon. Johnson 102 Nathaniel Hawthorne. Woodberry 97 National music of America. Elson Nature and man in America. Shaler 33 Nature study. Holtz 14 Nature study and life. Hodge. - 14 Nature's garden. Doubleday 34 Naval strategy. Mahan 27 Neighborhood entertainments. Stern 41 Neland, O. H. Crimson fist 117 Nerves and common sense. Call New creations in plant life. Harwood 34 New earth. Harwood 40 New England girlhood. Larcom 97 New freedom. Wilson 26 New ideals in rural schools. Betts 48 New library of poetry and song. Bryant 15 New lives for old. Carleton 42 New nation. Barstow 104 New nationalism. Roosevelt New pieces that will take prizes in speaking contests. Blackstone. ... 59 New practical reference library ^ 10 New standard dictionary 10 New students reference work. Beach & McMurray 10 Newcomb, Simon. Astronomy for everybody 32 Newton, W. D. War 117 Nibelungenlied 69 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens 74 Norris, Kathleen. Mother Poor, dear Margaret Kirby 81 Norseland tales. Boyesen 71 North Pole. Peary 87 Northmen in Britain. Hull 103 Northwest under three flags. Moore 107 Northwestern fights and fighters. Brady 105 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 149 PAGE Noyes, Alfred. Wine press 117 Nuttall, Thomas. Popular handbook of the birds of the U. S. and Canada 36 Ober, F. A. Columbus, the discoverer 95 Hernando Cortes, conqueror of Mexico 95 John and Sebastian Cabot 95 Oberammergau. Short 21 Odyssey for boys and girls. Church 69 Odyssey. Homer. Hough ton ed 69 Odyssey. Homer. Macmillan ed 70 Official congressional directory. U. S. Congress 13 Official directory and legislative manual. Michigan Sec'y of state. . 12 Ogden, H. N. Rural hygiene 47 Ogg, F. A. Social progress in contemporary Europe 28 O'Kane, W. C. Injurious insects 47 Olcott, C. S. George Eliot 96 Old Chester tales. Deland 74 Old curiosity shop. Dickens 75 Old Dominion. Page 107 Old gentleman of the black stock. Page 81 Old order changeth. White 26 Old regime in Canada. Parkman 108 Old times in the colonies. Coffin 106 Old town. Riis - 90 Oliver Twist. Dickens 75 Olsen, J. C. Pure foods 51 On reading. Colby 60 One way out. Carleton 26 Open air schools. Ayres 4 29 Oppenheim, L. Panama Canal conflict between Great Britain and the U. S Ill Oregon trail. Parkman -. 108 Orsi, Pietro. Cavour and the making of modern Italy 115 Orth, S. P. Socialism and democracy in Europe 118 Other Americans. Ruhl Ill Other days. Winter 66 Our American holidays. Schauffler 13 Our domestic birds. Robinson 36 Our first century. Eggleston : 106 Our government. Macy 12 Our inland seas. Mills Our native trees. Keeler Our navy. Hurd 1 16 Outlines for instruction of high school students in the use of a library. Hopkins 9 Oxenham, John. Red Wrath 118 Page, C. H. comp. Chief American poets 62 Page, T. N. Old Dominion 107 Old gentleman of the black stock 81 Red Rock : 81 Paine, R. D. College years Palamenghi-Crispi, T. Memories of Francesco Crispi Palmer, Frederick. Last shot 118 Palmer, G. H. Ethical and moral instruction in schools Life of Alice Freeman Palmer Self-cultivation in English 58 Pan-Germanism. Usher Panama. Edwards Panama and the canal today. Forbes-Lindsay Panama Canal. Barrett 109 Panama Canal. Haskin - Ill Panama Canal conflict between Great Britain and the U. S. Oppen- heim.. HI 150 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Panama Canal traffic and tolls. Johnson Ill Panama gateway. Bishop . . 110 Panama, past and present. Bishop 110 Pancoast, H. S. Introduction to American literature 61 Introduction to English literature 61 Parish, J. C. Man with the iron hand 107 Park, J. C. Educational woodworking for school and home 53 Parker, G. F. Recollections of Grover Cleveland 95 Parker, Sir Gilbert. Battle of the strong 81, 82 Pierre and his people 82 Seats of the mighty 82 Weavers 82 Parkin, G. R. Rhodes scholarship 30 Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pontiac 108 Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV 108 Half century of conflict 108 Jesuits in North America in the 17th century 108 LaSalle and the discovery of the great West > . 108 Montcalm and Wolfe 108 Old regime in Canada 108 Oregon trail 108 Pioneers of France in the New World 108 Parloa, Maria. Home economics 51 Parody anthology. Wells 63 Passing of Empire. Fielding-Hall 112 Passing of the third floor back. Jerome 79 Passing of war. Grane 116 Pathfinder. Cooper 73 Pathfinders of the West. m Laut 93 Paxson, F. L. Last Ame'rican frontier 108 Peabody, J. P. Piper 65 Peary, R. E. North Pole 87 Peck, A. S. South American tour Ill Peck, H. T. Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities 17 Penelope's Irish experiences. Wiggin 86 Penelope's progress. Wiggin 86 Pennell, Joseph. Pictures of the Panama Canal Ill Penrod. Tarkington Perfect tribute. Andrews 70 Periodicals for the small public library. Walter 11 Perris, G. H. Germany and the German Emperor 114 Personal hygiene and physical training for women. Galbraith 38 Pestalozzi. De Guimps 29 Phelps, E. S. Jonathan and David 8.2 Phelps, W. L. Essays on modern novelists 68 Teaching in school and college 30 Philosophy four. Wister 86 Phoebe and Ernest. Gillmore 77 Phoebe, Ernest and Cupid. Gillmore Photography indoors and out. Black 55 Phyfe, W. H. P. Eighteen thousand words often mispronounced . . 10 Five thousand words often misspelled 10 Physical, industrial and sectional geography of Michigan. Wood . . 109 Pickett's gap. Greene Pickwick papers. Dickens 75 Pictures of the Panama Canal. Pennell Ill Pieces for every occasion. Le Row 59 Pier, A. S. Boy's of St. Timothy's 82 Harding of St. Timothy's 82 Pierre and his people. Parker 82 Pilot. Cooper Pinchot, G. The making of a forester 45 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 151 PAOB Pinero, Sir A. W. Trelawney of the "Wells" 65 Pioneers of France in the New World. Parkman 108 Piper. Peabody 65 Pitkin, W. B. Art and the business of story writing 58 Play and recreation for the open country. Curtis ."> Playboy of the western world. Synge (it; Plays. Jonson 65 Plays. Sheridan 66 Ploetz, K. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval, and modern history 18 Plumb, C. S. Types and breeds of farm animals 43 Plunkett, Sir H. C. The rural life problem of the U. S 42 Plutarch. Boys' and girls' Plutarch 101 Poe, E. A. Raven, Fall of the house of Usher 62 Tales 82 Poems. Field 62 Poems. Van Dyke 63 Poems and ballads. Goethe 69 Poems and ballads. Stevenson 63 Poems and plays. Browning 61 Poems and plays. Byron 62 Poems here at home. Riley 63 Poems of American history. Stevenson 108 Poetry of Robert Browning. Brooke 94 Poetry of Tennyson. Van Dyke * . . . 99 Poets of America. Stedman 94 Poincare, Raymond. How France is governed 113 Poland of today and yesterday. Winter 112 Polly of the hospital staff. Dowd 75 Pollyanna. Porter 82 Poor dear Margaret Kirby. Norris 81 Popular fruit growing. Green 46 Popular handbook of the birds of the U. S. and Canada. Nuttall. . 36 Popular mechanics. Mission furniture 53 Porter, E. H. Pollyanna 82 Porter, Mrs. G. S. Freckles 82 Song of the Cardinal Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs . . 83 Porter, T. B. Text book of parliamentary law Potash and Perlmutter. Glass Powell, G. H. Co-operation in agriculture 41 Power through repose. Call Powers, G. W. Handy dictionary of poetical quotations 16 Handy dictionary of prose quotations 16 Practical salesmanship. Fowler 52 Practical sewing and dressmaking. Allington 50 Practical track and field athletics. Graham & Clark . 56 Practical use of books and libraries. Ward 9 Practice of diplomacy. Foster 24 Prescott, W. H. History of the conquest of Mexico 109 History of the conquest of Peru Ill Present day problems." Taft Preventable diseases. Hutchinson 39 Price, O. W. Land we live in Pride and prejudice. Austen Primer of American literature. Richardson Primer of evolution. Clodd . Primer of parliamentary law for schools, colleges, clubs, fraternities, etc. Robert Prince and the page. Yonge . . Principles and practice of poultry culture. Robinson . . 47 Principles of agriculture. Bailey Principles of agriculture. Stebbins 46 152 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Principles of educational woodwork Binns & Marsden 53 Principles of fruit-growing. Bailey 45 Principles of psychology. James Principles of relief. Devine 27 Principles of rural economics. Carver 44 Principles of vegetable gardening. Bailey. Problem of Empire government. Stuart-Linton 118 Probleme mondial. Torres 1 18 Problems of power. Fullerton 118 Productive swine husbandry. Day Progress of a united people. Barstow 104 Promise of American life. Croly Promised land. Antin 94 Proof-reading and punctuations. Smith 52 Pryor, S. A. R. My day 98 Reminiscenses of peace and war 108 Puffer, J. H. Boy and his gang 20 Pure foods. Olsen 51 Queed. Harrison 78 Quentin Durward. Scott Quest of the best. Hyde 19 Ralph Waldo Emerson. Woodberry Rambaud, A. N. History of Russia 102 Ramona. Jackson 79 Rauschenbusch, Walter. Christianity and the social crisis 21 Raven, Fall of the house of Usher. Poe 62 Reade, Charles. Cloister and the hearth 83 Readers' guide to periodical literature 11 Readings in European history. Robinson 102 Readings in modern European history. Robinson & Beard 103 Readjustment of a rural high school to the needs of the community. Brown 48 Real soldiers of fortune. Davis 93 Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Wiggin 86 Recollections of a minister to France. Washburne 103 Recollections of Grover Cleveland. Parker 95 Recollections of thirteen presidents. Wise 94 Red Pepper Burns. Richmond 83 Red Rock. Page 81 Red Rover. Cooper 73 Red wrath. Oxenham 118 Redeeming the republic. Coffin 106 Redway, J. W. Commercial geography 12 Reminiscenses of peace and war. Pryor 108 Repplier, Agnes. Book of famous verse 62 Representative biographies of English men of letters. Copeland & Hersey 92 Representative cities of the U. S. Hotchkiss 89 Representative English comedies, v. 1-2. Gayley 64 Revolutionary fights and fighters. Brady 105 Rhodes scholarship. Parkin 30 Rice, Mrs. A. H. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch 83 Richard Carvel. Churchill , 72 Richards, E. H. S. Art of right living 20 Cost of shelter ; 51 Euthenics 39 Richards, L. E. Three Margarets 83 Richardson, A. S. Girl who earns her own living 28 Richardson, B. J. Woman who spends 28 Richardson, C. F. Primer of American literature 61 Richardson, Dorothy. Long day 28 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Richmond, Mrs. G. L. S. Indifference of Juliet 83 Red Pepper Burns * . 33 Riddle, George. Modern reader and speaker 60 Riders of the plains. Haydon 107 Riis, Jacob. Battle with the slum ' ' 28 Hero tales of the far north 93 Making of an American ". 98 Old town 90 Riley, J. W. Farm rhymes 63 Poems here at home 63 Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public questions 58 . Modern American oratory 60 Rip van Winkle. Irving . 67 Rise of Silas Lapham. Howells 78 Roast beef medium. Ferber 76 Rob Roy. Scott 83 Robbins, E. C. High school debate book 12 Robert, J. T. Primer of parliamentary law for schools, colleges, clubs, fraternities, etc 12 Robert Browning. Bowden 95 Roberts, C. G. D. Children of the wild 36 Feet of the furtive 36 Haunters of the silence 36, 37 Roberts, Elmer. Monarchical socialism in Germany . . 114 Roberts, I. C. Farmstead 44 Robinson, E. V. D. Commercial geography 12 Robinson, J. H. Our domestic birds 36 Principles and practice of poultry culture 47 Readings in European history 102 Robinson, J. H. & Beard, C. A. Development of modern Europe. . . . 102 Readings in modern European history 103 Roman holidays and others. Howells 89 Roman life in the days of Cicero. Church 1DO Romance of animal arts and crafts. Coupin & Lea 35 Romantic Germany. Schauffler 90 Romola. Eliot . 76 Roosevelt, Theodore. African game trails 57 Autobiography 98 Good hunting in pursuit of big game in the west New nationalism 25 Roosevelt book 60 Roosevelt book. Roosevelt 60 Rorer, S. T. H. Mrs. Rorer's vegetable cookery and meat substitutes 51 Rose, Laura. Farm dairying 43 Ross, E. A. The changing Chinese 90 Rostand, Edmond. L'Aiglon 69 Cyrano de Bergerac 69 Roth, Filibert. First book of forestry Row, R. K. Educational meaning of manual arts and industries. . Rudder Grange. Stockton 84 Ruhl, A. B. The other Americans Rural hygiene. Brewer Rural hygiene. Ogden 47 Rural life and education. Cubberley Rural life problem of the U. S. Plunkett Rural manhood Rural wealth and welfare. Fairchild Russia. Schierbrand* Russia and the Russians. Williams 116 Russian people. Baring Sailor's log. Evans 154 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE St. Maur, K. V. Aiaking home profitable 4-4 Self-supporting home . 44 Sanitation of a country house. Bashore 46 Sargent. Fine and industrial arts in the elementary schools 49 Scarlet letter. Hawthorne 78 Schauffler, R. H. Our American holidays 13 Romantic Germany 90 Schierbrand, Wolf von. Russia, her strength and weakness 91 School and home gardens. Meier 34 School garden book. Weed & Emerson 15 School gymnastics with light apparatus. Bancroft 38 School in the home. Berle 18 School needlework. Hapgood 50 Schreiner, Olive. Woman and labor 28 Schurman, J. G. Balkan wars 1912-1913 117 Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln 97 Scientific American reference book. Hopkins & Bond 12 Scotland's story. Marshall 102 Scott, W. R. Americans in Panama Ill Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe 83 Kenilworth 83 Lady of the lake 63 Quentin Durward . . 83 Rob Roy 83 Talisman 84 Scottish chiefs. Porter . 83 Scudder, H. E. American prose 60 Scudder, M. T. Field day and play for country children 41 Searchlights on some American industries. Mills 28 Sears, A. W. Two on a tour in South America Ill Seats of the mighty. Parker 82 Sedgwick, H. D. Francis Parkman 7 98 Seeing Europe by automobile. Meriwether 90 Seeking after God. Abbott 20 Seeley, H. G. Story of the earth in past ages 33 Seignobos, Charles. History of ancient civilization 101 History of the Roman people 101 Selden, F. H. Elementary cabinetwork 53 Elementary woodwork 53 Woodwork for the grades 54 Selected readings in economics. Bullock 58 Selections. De Quincey 66 Selections from the world's greatest short stories. Cody^. . 59 Self-cultivation in English. Palmer 58 Self-supporting home. St. Maur 44 Semple, E. C. American history and its geographic conditions.... 108 Sense and sensibility. Austen 70 Sentimental Tommy. Barrie 71 Servant in the house. Kennedy 64 Servian people. Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich 115 Serviss, G. P. The moon 32 Seton, E. T. Forester's manual 45 Lives of the hunted 37 Seven ages of Washington. Wister 100 Seyffert, O. Dictionary of classical antiquities 17 Shackleton, Robert & Mrs. E. F. Adventures in home-making 51 Shakespeare, William. Ben Greet Shakespeare 65 Complete dramatic and poetic works " 65 Works; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 65 Shakespeare and the modern stage. Lee 64 Shakespeare, his life, art and characters. Hudson 64 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 155 PAGE Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in America 33 Shaw, Stanley. William of Germany 103 Shelley. Thompson , 99 Shelter and clothing. Kinne & Cooley 50 Shepperd, J. L. Handbook of household science 51 Laundry work 52 Sheridan, R. B. Plays 66 Short, J. H. Oberammergau 21 Short history of our own times. McCarthy 104 Short history of the English people. Green 103 Short-story. Albright 66 Shorter course in woodworking. Wheeler 54 Shurter, E. D. & Taylor, C. C. Both sides of 100 public questions. .. 12 Side lights on American history. Elson 106 Sidgwick, C. U. Home life in Germany 91 Silas Marner. Eliot 76 Silberrad, U. L. Good comrad Singleton, Esther. Guide to great cities 91 - Guide to modern opera 55 Historic buildings of America 54 Sir Roger de Coverley papers. Addison & Steele 66 Sir Walter Scott. Hutton 99 Sketchbook of Geoffrey Grayon, gent. Irving 67 Skinner, C. M. Myths and legends of our own land .^ 32 Sky pilot. Connor 73 Slavery and abolition, 1831-1841. Hart 107 Sloane, W. M. The Balkans j >.->. i. 16 Slosson, E. E. Great American universities 31 Smith, A. M. Proof-reading and punctuations 52 Smith, Alexander & Hall, E. H. Teaching of chemistry and physics in the secondary school ... Smith, D. E. Teaching and study of elementary mathematics Smith, E. B. Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith 94 Smith, F. H. Caleb West, master driver Colonel Carter of Cartersville 84 Tom Grogan 84 Snider, C. H. J. In the wake of eighteen twelvers ... 108 Snow-bound. Whittier 63 Social activities for men and boys. Chesley , Social center. Ward Social forces in England and America. Wells , . . . . 113 Social progress in contemporary Europe. Ogg Socialism. Spargo Socialism and democracy in Europe. Orth 1 18 Soil. King Soil fertility and permanent agriculture. Hopkins . . Soldiers three. Kipling Some memories. Collyer Song of Hiawatha. Longfellow Song of the cardinal. Porter Source problems of the French Revolution. Fling & Fling . . South America. Bryce South American fights and fighters. Brady South American tour. Peck Southern soldier stories. Eggleston Southern south. Hart Southey, Robert. Life of Nelson Spargo, John. Bitter cry of the children . . .28, 29 Socialism Spears, J. R. History of the American navy Speech on American taxation. Burke 66 Speeches and letters. Lincoln 67 156 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Spell of Holland. Stevenson 91 Spirit of America. Van Dyke 91 Spirit of youth and the city streets. Addams 26 Spiritual unrest. Baker . . . : 20 Spraying of plants. Lodeman 49 Spy. Cooper Standard concert guide. Upton Standish of Standish. Austin 70 Stanley, H. M. My Kalulu 87 Stars and their stories. Griffith 32 State. Wilson 26 State and the farmer. Bailey 43 State grange lecturer's quarterly 40 Statesman's year-book 13 Status of rural education in the U. S. Monahan 48 Stebbins, C. A. Principles of agriculture through the school and the house garden 46 Stedman, E. C. American anthology 63 Poets of America 94 Victorian anthology 63 Victorian poets . 94 Steed, H. W. Hapsburg monarchy 115 Steiner, E. A. Immigrant tide 25 Stelzle, Charles. American social and religious conditions 22 Stephen, Sir Leslie. George Eliot 96 Stern, R. B. Neighborhood entertainments 41 Stevens, E. Y. Guide to the Montessori method 31 Stevenson. B. E. Poems of American history 108 Spell of Holland 91 Stevenson, R. L. Black arrow 84 David Balfour 84 Essays 68 Kidnapped , Letters to his family and friends 99 Poems and ballads 63 Treasure Island 84 Stewart, E. P. Letters of a woman homesteader 91 Stockton, F. R. Buccaneers and pirates of our coast 91 Lady or the tiger 84 Rudder Grange 84 Stock well, H. G. Essential elements of business character 53 Stories. Froissart : 101 Stories for boys. Davis 74 Stories of popular operas. Guerber 55 Story of American painting. Caffin Story of cotton. Brooks 26 Story of France. Marshall 102 Story of geographical discovery. Jacobs 87 Story of my boyhood and youth. Muir 98 Story of my life. Keller 97 Story of my life. Terry 99 Story of Panama. Gause & Carr 110 Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. Smith Story of Sigurd the Volsung. Morris 22 Story of the earth in past ages. Seeley Story of the Great Lakes. Channing & Lansing 106 Story of the Greek people. Tappan 101 Story of the Red Cross. Barton : 26 Story of the Roman people. Tappan 101 Stowe, H. B. Uncle Tom's cabin 85 Streeter, J. W. Fat of the land 40 Stuart-Linton, C. E. T. Problems of Empire government 118 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 15? I ' \ i , i ; Student's history of England. Gardiner 103 Student's history of the United States. Channing 17 Studies in literature. Tisdel 61 Study of English and American poets. Clark 92 Sturgis, Russell. Appreciation of architecture 54 Success. Marden 20 Success in letter writing, business and social. Cody 57 Success with hens. Joos 47 Sumner, H. L. Equal suffrage 25 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels 68 Synge, J. M. The play boy of the western world 66 T. Tembarom. Burnett 71 Taft, W. H. Present day problems 26 Talbot, Marion. The education of women 31 Tale of two cities. Dickens , . 75 Tales. Poe 82 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb 64 Tales from the Alhambra. Irving 67 Talisman. Scott 84 Talks on teaching literature. Bates 57 Tangles. Cameron 72 Tappan, E. M. England's story 104 Story of the Greek people 101 Story of the Roman people ^ . . . 101 Tarbell, I. M. Business of being a woman 29 Tarkington, Booth. Conquest of Canaan 85 Gentleman from Indiana , 85 Monsieur Beaucaire 85 Penrod 85 Tarr, R. S. Elementary geology 33 Tarr, R. S. & McMurry, F. M. Geographies 17 Teaching and study of elementary mathematics. Smith 32 Teaching children to study. Earhart 30 Teaching in school and college. Phelps 30 Teaching of chemistry and physics in the secondary school. Smith it Hall '. 33 Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school. Chubb " 57 Teaching of Latin and Greek in the secondary school. Bennett A: Bristol 69 Teaching of mathematics in the elementary and secondary school. Young ' Teaching the common branches. Charters Tenderfoot with Perry. Borup 87 Tennyson, Alfred. Poetic and dramatic works 63 Works . Tenting on the plains. Custer Terrill, B. M. Household management 52 Terry, Ellen. Story of my life 99 Textbook of botany. Coulter Textbook of commercial geography. Adams Textbook of parliamentary law. Porter 25 Thackeray, W. M. Henry Esmond 85 Vanity Fair 85 Virginians Thanet, Octave. Man of the hour Thirty years: Anglo-French reminiscences, 1876-1906. Barclay.. 112 Thomas, Calvin. History of German literature Thomas, R, F. Memoirs of Theodore Thomas Thomas Alva Edison. Jones Thompson, Francis. Shelley Thompson, Maurice. Alice of old Vincennes s "> 158 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Thomson, E. H. Farm bookkeeping 44 Thoreau, H. D. Walden 68 Three gringos in Venezuela and Central America. Davis 110 Three Margarets. Richards 83 Three musketeers. Dumas 75 Tillie. Martin : 80 Tisdel, F. M. Studies in literature 61 To have and to hold. Johnston 79 Toby. Goldsmith 77 Tom Brown's school days. Hughes 79 Tom Grogan. Smith Tommy and Grizel. Barrie 71 Toothaker, C. R. Commerical raw materials 13 Torres, Albert. Probleme mondial Tower, Charles. Germany of today 115 Trade of the world. Whelpley 117 Trafton, G. H. Methods of attracting birds 36 Trails of the pathfinders. Grinnell Training of children in religion. Hodges 21 Training of the girl. McKeever 38 Travel and politics in Armenia. Buxton & Buxton 118 Treasure Island. Stevenson 84 Trelawney of the "Wells." Pinero 65 True, A. C. The American system of agricultural education 49 True tales of arctic heroism in the new world. Greely 87 Twain, Mark, pseud. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twenty years at Hull-house. Addams 26 Two on a tour in South America. Sears Ill Two spies; Nathan Hale and John Andre. Lossing 93 Types and breeds of farm animals. Plumb 43 Uarda. Ebers 75 Uganda to Khartoum. Lloyd Uncle Henry's letters to the farm boy. Wallace 20 Uncle Sam's business told for young Americans. Marriott 25 Uncle Tom's cabin. Stowe 84 U. S. Bureau of the census. 13th census, 1910. Abstract of the census U. S. Congress. Official congressional directory U. S. Country life commission U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Farmers' bulletins 40 U. S. navy. Williams 26 U. S. Public roads office. Benefits of improved roads 46 Unrivalled atlas of the world. Cram 17 Up from slavery. Washington 100 Upton, G. P. Musical memories 55 Standard concert guide 55 Usher, R. G. Pan-Germanism 115 Vacation camping for girls. Marks 57 Van Dusen, C. S. & Lawrence, E. V. Beginning woodwork at home and in school 54 Van Dyke, Henry. Blue flower 85 Counsels by the way Gospel of the age of doubt 22 Little rivers 68 Poems Poetry of Tennyson 99 Spirit of America Van Hise, C. R. Conservation of natural resources in the U. S. . . . . 29 Vanity Fair. Thackeray Van Slyke, L. L. Fertilizers and crops Vassili, Paul. France from behind the veil 1 13 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 159 Verrill, A. H. Harper's aircraft book 37 Harper's book for young naturalists :w Harper's wireless book 32 Vassili, Paul. Behind the veil at the Russian court 116 Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith 77 Victorian anthology. Stedman 63 Victorian poets. Stedman 94 Village improvement. Farwell 42 Virgil. Aeneid : 70 Virginian. Wister 86 Virginians. Thackeray '. 85 Viva Mexico. Flandrau 109 Vocations for girls. Laselle & Wiley 37 Vocations for girls. Weaver 38 Vocations for the trained woman. Women's educational and in- dustrial union, Boston 38 Vreeland, W. U. & Michaud, Regis, comp. Anthology of French prose and poetry 69 Walden. Thoreau 68 Wallace, Dillon. Beyond the Mexican Sierras 109 Lure of the Labrador wild 87 Wallace, Henry. Uncle Henry's letters to the farm boy 20 Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur 85 Waller, M. E. Daughter of the rich 85 Wood-carver of 'Lympus ."*. . 85 Walter, F. K. Periodicals for the small public library 11 Walton, Izaak. Complete angler " 68 Wanderer in Paris. Lucas 90 War. Newton 117 War and waste. Jordan 116 War of independence. Fiske ; 107 W T ard, E. J. Social center 31 Ward, F. E. Montessori method 31 Ward, G. O. Practical use of books and libraries 9 Ward, R. D. C. Climate,. considered especially in relation to man. . 34 Warner, C. D. Washington Irving 97 Warren, G. F. Elements of agriculture 49 Farm management 45 Washbourne, F. B. Recollections of a minister to France, 1869- 1877 103 Washington, B. T. Character building 20 Up from slavery 100 Washington, George. Farewell address 69 Washington Irving. Warner 97 Water-witch. Cooper } 73 Watson, G. C. Farm poultry 47 We and our children. Hutchinspn Weaver, E. W. Vocations for girls Weavers.' Parker 82 Webster, Daniel. Daniel Webster for young Americans 68 First Bunker Hill oration and Washington's Farewell address ... 69 Webster, Jean. Daddy-long-legs 86 Webster, W. F. English for secondary schools 58 Webster's collegiate dictionary 10 Webster's new international dictionary of the English language. . . . Webster's secondary-school dictionary 11 Weed, C. M. Life histories of American insects 36 Wild flower families Weed, C. M. & Emerson, Philip. School garden book . . , Wells, Carolyn. Parody anthology ; . . . . 63 160 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX PAGE Wells, H. G. Social forces in England and America 113 World set free 117 Wendell, Barrett. France of today ' 91 West in the East from an American point of view. Collier 88 Westcott, E. N. David Harum 86 Westward ho. Kingsley 79 Westward movement. Barstow '. . . 104 Weyman, S. J. A gentleman of France 86 Wharton, Mrs. Edith. Italian backgrounds 91 What eight million women want. Dorr 23 What men live by. Cabot 19 W^hat to do at recess. Johnson 56 What to have for dinner. Farmer 50 Wheeler, C. G. A shorter course in woodworking 54 Wheeler, H. J. Manures and fertilizers 50 Whelpley, J. D. Trade of the world 117 When America became a nation. Jenks 107 When America was new. Jenks 107 When America won liberty. Jenks 107 When William came. Munroe 113 Whirlpool of Europe. Colquhoun 101 Whitcomb, I. P. Young people's story of American literature 16 Young people's story of art 15^ Young people's story of music 15 White, S. E. Cabin 92 Camp and trail 57 White, W. A. The old order changeth 26 Whitney, Harry. Hunting with the Eskimos 87 Whittier, J. G. Complete poetical works 63 Snow bound 63 Who goes there. Benson 71 Who's who in America 17 Why women are so. Coolidge 27 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. Mother Carey's chickens 86 Penelope's Irish experiences 86 Penelope's progress 86 Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm 86 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. & others. The affair at the inn 86 Wilbur, M. A. Every-day business for women 14 Wild flower families. Weed 35 Wile, F. W. Men around the Kaiser 115 Will Shakespeare's little lad. Clark William Cullen Bryant. Bigelow 95 William Ewart Gladstone. Bryce 96 William of Germany. Shaw 103 William the Conquroer. Freeman 103 Williams, H. W. Russia and the Russians 116 Williams, Henry. U. S. navy 26 Williams of West Point, Johnson 79 Williamson, C. N. & A. M. Lighting conductor 86 Wilson, C. D. Working one's way through college and university. ... 31 Wilson, Francis. Joseph Jefferson 97 Wilson, W. H. Evolution of the country community 41 Wilson, Woodrow. History of the American people 109 New freedom 26 The state 26 Wine press. Noyes 117 Wing, H. H. Milk and its products Wing-and-wing. Cooper 73 Wingfield-Stratford, Esme. History of English patriotism 113 Winning his way. Coffin 73 Winning of Barbara Worth. Wright '. 86 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 161 PAGE Winter, N. O. Poland of today and yesterday Ill Winter, William. Other days 66 Wisconsin. Commission on agricultural co-operation Wisconsin. Country life commission 42 Wise, J. S. Recollections of thirteen presidents 94 Wister, Owen. Philosophy four 86 Seven ages of Washington 100 The Virginian 86 Wit of the wild. Ingersoll . . 35 Woman and labor. Schreiner Woman who spends. Richardson Woman's hardy garden. Ely Woman's part in government. Allen 23 Women's educational and industrial union. Boston. Vocations for the trained woman Wonder book of light. Houston Wonder book of magnetism. Houston 32 Wonder book of the atmosphere. Houston Wonder book of volcanoes and earthquakes. Houston " Wood, L. H. Physical, industrial and sectional geography of Michigan 109 Woodberry, G. E. Nathaniel Hawthorne 97 Ralph Waldo Emerson 95 Wood-carver of 'Lympus. Waller 85 Woods, F. A. Influence of monarchs 118 Woodwork for the grades. Selden ^ . . . . 54 Wordsworth, William. Complete poetical works 63 Working one's way through college and university. Wilson 31 World almanac 13 World set free. Wells 117 World's commercial products. Freeman & Chandler 12 Wright, H. B. Winning of Barbara Worth 86 Wright, I. H. Cuba 103 Writing and speaking. Baldwin 57 Wu Ting Fang. America through the spectacles of an oriental diplomat Yard and garden. Baker Year in Russia. Baring 101 Yonge, C. M. Prince and the page Young, E. R. My dogs in the Northland . 87 Young, J. W. A. Teaching mathematics in the elementary and secondary school Young American. Judson Young America's manual. Davis Young folks' cyclopedia of common things. Champlin -10 Young folks' cyclopedia of games and sports. Champlin & Bostwick . . Young folks' cyclopedia of literature and art. Champlin Young folks' cyclopedia of natural history. Champlin & Lucas. . . . Young folks' cyclopedia of persons and places. Champlin 17 Young man entering business. Marden 52 Young man's affairs. Brown Young people's story of American literature. Whitcomb 16 Young people's story of art. Whitcomb 15 Young people's story of music. Whitcomb 15 Youth. Hall *...... 18 Youth of Washington. Mitchell Zangwill, Israel. Melting pot , 66 Zimmern, H. Italy of the Italians Zone policeman 88. Franck 21 162 ADDRESS LIST OF PUBLISHERS. ADDRESS LIST OF PUBLISHERS A. L. A Altomus Amor. Bk. Co Amor. Academy American Library Association, 78 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. . . . Henry Altemus, 1328-30 Vine St., Phila- delphia, Pa. American Book Company, 330 E. 22nd St., Chicago, 111. American Academy of Political and Social Science, Station B, Philadelphia, Pa. Amer. School of Home Economics. American School of Home Economics, 508 W. 69th St., Chicago, 111. . . American Unitarian Association, 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. . .D. Appleton & Co., 823 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. . .Arnold and Company, 418-422 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. . . Associated Press, 124 East 28th St., N. Y. I City. ..Baker & Taylor Co., 33-37 E. 17th St., N. Y. City. Barnes. A. S. Barnes & Co., 381 4th Ave., N. Y. City. . . Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, Ind. . .Book Supply Company, 231-233 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. . .Boston Book Company, 83-91 Francis St., Boston, Mass. . . Brentano's, 5th Ave. & 27th St., N. Y. City. . .H. M. Caldwell Co., see Dodge Pub. Company. . . Cambridge University Press. (See Putnam sale agents.) ..The Century Co., Union Square, N. Y. City. . . Columbia University Press, see Lemcke and Buechner. . .F. E. Compton & Co., 215 S. Market St., Chicago, 111. ..George F. Cram, 107-119 N. Market St., Chicago, 111. . .Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 423 & 428 West Broadway, N. Y. City. . . Detroit Central High School, Detroit, Mich. . .Dodd, Mead & Co., 4th Ave. & 30th St., N. Y. City. . .Dodge Publishing Co., 214-220 E. 23rd St., N. Y. City. (Acquired the business of H. M. Caldwell.) ..George H. Dpran Co., 35 W. 32d St., N. Y. Citv. ' Amer. Unit. Ass'n . . . Appleton. Arnold Assoc. "Press Baker.. Bobbs Book Supply Co Boston Bk. Co Brentano's Caldwell Cambridge Univ. Press Century Columbia Univ. Press. Compton Cram Crowell Detroit High School . . Dodd Dodge . . Doran Doubleday . . . . . Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, Long Island, N. Y. Drake Frederick J. Drake & Co., 1323-1325 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. ADDRESS LIST OF PUBLISHERS. 163 Drama League. . . . Dramatic DufFicld I)u( I on Kaloti-Ivcs Ed. Pub. Co.. Estcs Evangelical Assoc . Forbes Funk Ginn Grossct Govt. Print. Off . . . Harper Heath Henley Hinds IIoll ,.- 1 lough ton Jacobs Judd Lane Lemcke Lippincott Little. Longmans Lothrop Luce McClure McClurg McKay ..." Macmillan Manual Arts Press Drama League of America, 736 Marqucltc Building, Chicago, 111. Dramatic Publishing Co., Poritiac Bldg., 542 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 11!. DufFicld & Co., 36-38 W. 37 SI., X. Y. City. E. P. Dutton & Co., 681 5th Ave., N. Y. City. . . . . . Eaton-Ives-Sturgis-Walton, 31-33 E. 27th St., N. Y. City. (Assigned) Educational Publishing Co., 2457-21. Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. Dana Estes & Co., see L. C. Page & Co. Evangelical Association, 1903-1923 Wood- land Ave., S. E. Cleveland, Ohio. Forbes & Company, 443 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Funk & Wagnalls Co., 354-360 4th Ave., N. Y. City. Ginn & Company, 2301-2311 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. Grosset & Dunlap, 526 W. 26th St. X. Y., City. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square, X. Y. City. D. C. Heath & Co., 623-633 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Norman W. Henley Publishing Co., 132 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, 31-35 W. 15th St., N. Y. City. Henry Holt & Co., 34 W. 33rd St., N. Y. City. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 623-633 S. W abash Ave., Chicago,. 111. George W. Jacobs Co., 208 W. Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Orange Judd Co., 315 4th Ave., N. Y. City. John Lane, 120 W. 32d St., N. Y. City. Lemcke & Buechner, 30-32 W. 27th St., N. Y. City. (Agents for the Columbia University Publications formally sold by Macmillan.) J. B. Lippincott Co., Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Little, Brown & Co., 34 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Longmans, Green c\: Co., 4th Ave., and 30th St., N. Y. City. Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 93 Federal St., Boston, Mass. John W. Luce & Co., 212 Summer St., Boston, Mass. The McClure Co., (See Doubleday). A. C. McClurg & Co., 218-221 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. David McKay, 60-! -60S S. Washington Square, Philadelphia, !'a. The Macmillan Co., Prairie Ave.. and 25th St., Chicago, 111: Manual Arts Press Peorin, 111. 164 ADDRESS LIST OF PUBLISHERS. Marquis A. N. Marquis & Co., 440 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Merriam G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass. Merrill Charles E. Merrill Co., 432 4th Ave., N. Y. City. Moffat Moffat, Yard & Co., 116-120 W. 32d St., N. Y. City. Munn Munn & Co., 1009 N. Y. Life Building, Chicago, 111. Nelson Thomas Nelson & Sons, 4th Avc and 27th St., N. Y. City. Orr and Lockett Orr & Lockett. Hardware Company, Chicago, 111. Outing Outing Publishing Co., 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Page L. C. Page & Co., 53 Beacon St., Boston, Mass., acquired the business of Dana Estes. Pan-Am. Union Pan-American Union, F. J. Yancs, sec't 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. Pilgrim Press Pilgrim Press, 120 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Popular Mechanics Popular Mechanics, 318 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Prang . .The Prang Co., Monroe Building, 104 S. . Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Putnam G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2, 4, 6, W. 45th St., N. Y. City. (Sole agents for the Cam- bridge University Press.) Rand Rand, McNally & Co., 160-174 Adams St., Chicago, 111. Revell Fleming H. Revell & Co., 125 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Rickey William Rickey & Co., 43 W. 27th St., N. Y. City. Row Row, Peterson & Co., 623 Wabash Avc., Chicago, 111. Rural Dcpt. Y. M. C. A Rural Department of the Y. M. C. A., Ossining, N. Y. Saunders W. B. Saunders, 925 Walnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Schirmer G. Schirmer, 3 E. 43d St., N. Y. City. Scribner Chas. Scribner's Sons, 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Scudder M. T. Scudder, New Brunswick, N. J. Sec'y of State Secretary of State, Lansing, Michigan. Silver Silver, Burdett & Co., 623 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Sloan Pub Co Sloan Publishing Co., 6819 Rosalie Ave., Chicago, 111. Small Small, Maynard & Co., 15 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Smith A. M. Smith, 1006 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. State Grange Lect State Grange Lecturer's quarterly, Pub- lished at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Stokes Frederick A. Stokes Co., 443-449 4th Ave., N. Y. City. Sturgis Sturgis & Walton, 31-33 E. 27th St., N. Y. City. (See Eaton-Ives-Stur^is- Walton.) .Supt. of Capitol Superintendent of Capitol, Madison, Wisconsin. ADDHKSS LIST OF JTHLISIIUKS. 165 Supl. of Docs Superintendent of Documents, Union Build- ing, Washington, D. C. Sully Sully and Kleinteich, 373 4th Ave., N. Y. City. I'. S. Dcpt. of Agri U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D. C. 1'niv. of Chic University of Chicago Press, 58th St., & Ellis Avc., Chicago, 111. Webb Webb Publishing Co., 55-67 E. 10th St., St. Paul, Minn. Whit comb Whitcomb & Barrows, Huntington Chambers, Boston, Mass. Wilde W. A. W r ilde Co., Rand-McNally Building, Clark, Harrison and LaSalle Streets Chicago, 111. Wiley John Wiley & Sons, 43-45 E. 19th St., N. Y. City. Wilson .H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. V. Women's Educ. & Indus Women's Educational and Industrial Union, 264 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. World (N. Y.) World Book Co., 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. YC UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOR NI A LIBRARY^ BERKELEY demand may be renew.!? if ? . day - B llicati< >* made before FEB 26 1824 lOw-12,'23 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY