" u ytt CATALOGUE OF THE HASTY PUDDING CLUB THE THIRTEENTH CATALOGUE A HISTORY OF THE HASTY PUDDING CLUB THE RIVERSIDE PRESS MDCCCCVII EDITORS' PREFACE IN the present volume the Editors have endeav- ored to present to the members of the Hasty Pudding Club a record of the Club since its founding in 1795, in the form of a complete list of members, a history of the development of the Society, and brief accounts of that period which, more than any other, pointed the direction of the Club's future career. In striving to fulfil this aim we have carefully studied the old records and consulted graduate members, who have supported us generously wherever their assistance was needed. To them, and especially to Mr. William R. Thayer, '81, and to Mr. Owen Wister, '82, the Editors wish to express their heartiest thanks. The list of members has been made up from the Catalogue of 1902, the Secretary's Records, and the Constitution Book, revised carefully with the cooperation of the keeper of the re- cords for the Harvard Quinquennial Catalogue. The illustrations in the History are from old Secretary's Records. The degrees, titles, and necrology have been taken literally from the Harvard Quinquen- nial Catalogue of 1905, annotated to June, 1907, and the Class Reports, except that Mass. Hist. Soc. has been further abbreviated to [v] M.H.S., Fellow Am. Acad. to F.A.A., and Am. Philos. Soc. to A.P.S., as in the 1902 Cat- alogue. The final spelling of proper names as there indicated has also been followed. No attempt has been made to distinguish members who received their degrees from those who did not. The names of members on whom degrees were conferred out of course have been placed with the classes from which they were elected, followed by the date of the degree. An important variation from the Twelfth Catalogue will be found in the fact that the separate lists of officers have been omitted to avoid unnecessary repetition. The officers in each class have been placed at the head of the list of members. Where two or more men have held the same office during a single year, they have been ranked according to the seniority of their election. The Editors beg that all notices of errors or omissions be sent to them promptly, in order that they may record them for the next Cat- alogue. HERMANN HAGEDORN, JR., 1907, Editor. JOHN RICHARDS, 1907, Assistant Editor. LUCIEN PRICE, 1907, Historian. WILLIAM BOWDITCH LONG, 1907, Business Manager. WILLIAM BOND WHEELWRIGHT, 1901, Graduate Advisory Editor. CONTENTS HISTORY OF THE HASTY PUDDING CLUB i LUCIEN PRICE, 1907 REFORM OF THE PUDDING IN 1880 . . 21 WILLIAM ROSCOE THAYER, 1881 THE FIRST OPERETTA 27 OWEN WISTER, 1882 LIST OF MEMBERS, 1797-1908 * , . .35 LIST OF HONORARY MEMBERS ... . .221 INDEX OF NAMES 233 CATALOGUES OF THE HASTY PUDDING CLUB 307 HISTORY OF THE HASTY PUDDING CLUB IT is somewhat extraordinary that an organiza- tion which has seen such vicissitudes as the Hasty Pudding Club, lasting over a period of more than a hundred years, should still be in possession of the first page which records the proceedings of the Society. A little volume, bound in rough calf-skin, and containing some hundred pages of paper so yellow as almost to match the faded brown of the ink, gives an account of those early meetings when the Hasty Pudding w T as making its first five years of history. The group of Juniors which gathered in Nymphas Hatch's room on the evening of September i, 1795, came together in a "spirit of patriotism"; the black pot of Indian meal which steamed on the fire was Yankee hasty pudding, and one of the leading articles of the constitution which was drawn up at that meet- ing with great solemnity provided that there should be an oration and poem pronounced before the Society "on the evening of the birth- day of the great Washington." The first year of the Club was an experiment, and there is no indication that the members III ever discussed making it a permanent affair until they came together on the anniversary of their first meeting, when they decided "to admit seventeen of the most worthy members of the Junior class." Every Saturday night, promptly at the ringing of the commons bell, the Club assembled in the room of one of its members, and the two "providers" brought the pot of pudding between them from Mrs. Frost's, who was at that time the official pudding-maker. Another rule provided that every meeting should close "with what is commonly called 'sacred music/' The character of this closing song became less and less sacred as the years went on. As Washington's Birthday approached, the meetings were in a flurry of preparation. Every detail of the celebration was settled beforehand, and, on the evening of the 22d, the Club met in Isaac Wellington's room and listened to a poem by James Richardson. But "the time to begin the general illumination having come, the Club postponed singing the hymn till after supper, and retired to light up their candles. After lighting the candles, and surveying the glorious prospect, they met again and proceeded to supper." At supper there were toasts, a patri- otic hymn to the tune of St. Martin's, and an oration. The record concludes, "The Club re- tired to extinguish their candles, and with hearts full of conviviality and patriotism." In later years it became the custom to have the Washington's Birthday supper at Porter's, the town tavern, whither the Club, "after form- ing in a procession, marched down in the greatest order, amid files of admiring spectators." At the final meeting of the first year, in July, 1796, "the pudding being very poor, many members spoke discouragingly of the Club, and apprehended its dissolution. But, it being sug- gested that the fault of the pudding was in the making, the Club voted that Mrs. Frost shall stand Pudding-maker to the Club no longer. After some animating speeches, the desponding spirits of the Club were raised. N. B. This meeting, tho' thin, was very turbulent." Mrs. Frost's successor was Mrs. Rebecca Kidder, variously styled in the Pudding records as Mother, Madame, and Sister Kidder. She remained pudding-maker for many years, and her ministrations were so satisfactory that once, during the mock-trial period of the Club, she was gallantly indicted for witchcraft, on the strength of her puddings. After the first initiation of new members the meetings grew considerably more hilarious. The Seniors furnished the ballast and the Jun- iors the breeze. At one meeting "the voice of patriotism was too much oppressed by the weight of pudding, and to sing * Adams and Liberty' was attempted in vain." The Society voted: "That Lee be obliged to transport the empty pot to Madame Kidder's as a punish- [3] ment of using impudent language to the presi- dent," "That the thanks of the Society be prof- fered to Williams for his glorious exertion but ill success in keeping order in the meeting," and "That every member present should give the pot a long adieu by a friendly kiss, which was done, not without some exquisite emotion." Another meeting broke up, and "retired to the play yard for a social game of bat and ball." In 1799 Washington Allston started the custom of keeping the secretary's reports in rhyme, a custom which has been the bane of all secre- taries with the possible exception of Lowell, though even he once found it difficult to write funny verses with a splitting headache. Under a sketch of a greedy youth, seated crosslegged before the iron pot, are Allston's lines, record- ing the meeting of March 7, 1799: " The sun had sunk, the melancholy knell That lately moaned from the commons bell Was heard no more; a deadly silence hung O'er nature's works, and chained each gabbling tongue, When, lo, by every eye and mouth rever'd, In Noyes' room the awful pot appeared." The last two lines, with the substitution of different names, became a formula for the secretaries of the next three decades. At other times the reports of the meetings are in some- what general terms, as "All cordially partook of what was set before them, asking no questions for conscience's sake, and after the supper the [4] Society paraded the streets of Cambridge till twelve o'clock with music in front." By 1800 the pot of hasty pudding had be- come an old story, and it was evident that if the Club was to continue it must have some more definite reason to exist. It was accord- ingly organized into a debating society, and "eight members disputed extempore on ques- tions of literature, morality and politics." One or two weeks later the secretary remarks, "The good effects resulting from this alteration were already visible." The questions for debate are those which have been threshed out in public and in private, on platforms and over hearths, by school-boys for the last several hundred years : "Whether all persons properly qualified are under any obligation to marry," "Whether the company of the fair sex be advantageous to a Scholar," "Whether the character of a mere Gallant or a mere Pedant be more despicable." One of the first debates was on the question "Whether theatrical exhibitions be, upon the whole, beneficial to society." It was only a step from the debate to the mock trial, and in a year or two the latter was so firmly established that the Club passed a resolution "That those employed as witnesses shall not sacrifice propriety to buffoonery." The trials include every crime from which we pray to be delivered, together with a few which [5] the church fathers, in the hour of their sorest temptations, never dreamed of. The case of .^Eneas vs. Dido for breach of promise was perennial, and has turned up recently as the fa- mous burlesque of 1882. Coriolanus, Cromwell, Marcus Cato, and Mary Queen of Scots came in for a great deal of trying. The case of "The Hasty Pudding Club vs. Don Fernando, for a Bull-baiting, so-called," is -reported in full. The defence advanced the plea that it was "pleasant exercise for the bull, and harmless amusement to the dogs." The Club also in- dicted "Ichabod Roarer, an itinerant Method- ist preacher, for frightening women and young girls into fits." The famous case of "The Hasty Pudding Club vs. Tristram Shandy" requires no detailed description. All this time, however, the pudding was a prime feature of the meetings. The pot was the "yellow goddess" and the members were her "votaries," and the secretaries, to a man, de- scribe the pudding with a glow of lyric feeling (not once, but every time) which is convincing evidence of Madame Kidder's witchcraft. At one of the early meetings, when the commons fare was meagre and appetites were keen, some one had proposed a Choctaw Bible as a prize for putting down the most bowls of pudding. The joke lingered on, mellowing with age, and the Choctaw Bible became one of the traditions of the Club. The point of the fun was that no- [6] body ever actually won the mythical Bible, but several were always just on the point of doing so. Forty years later, a voracious secretary came the nearest to a victory by earning for himself the title of "The Choctaw." The library had been started in 1808, with "one hundred and twenty choice volumes and a bookcase." It soon grew to such proportions that in 1838 the Corporation accorded it a room in Holworthy. The Club went on debating and trying many of the old cases and whatever new ones were turned up by the times. In 1824 there was a debate on "Whether the proposed alteration of this college from its present state into that of a university be expedient." A few weeks later occurred a debate on the standing grievance of required mathematics. The feeling of the Society ran so high that the Faculty was unanimously consigned to a permanent loca- tion in uncomfortable quarters, and the meeting ended in an uproar which brought down the guardian of the entry, no less a person than the reverend Dr. Popkin, familiarly known as " Old Pop." Mrs. Rebecca Kidder had long ago re- signed her post in favor of "Sister Stimson," who was in turn succeeded by Madame Dana. In 1831 occurs the first reference to a personage familiar to generations of Pudding men, in an "indictment against those notorious men, Mr. Ferdinand Froth and Don Exquisite Spoops." "In one scene," Charles Page (afterwards Dr. [7] Page, and Professor of Chemistry at Columbia) "made to enter Mr. Spoops in the character of a long cork, mounted on two crooked pins. Every one was struck by this power of description. All recognized Mr. Spoops in the portrait." Year by year the body of Hasty Pudding traditions was building itself up, spoop, grid- iron, K/3o/coSet\o5, Strawberry Night, sphinx, and others which have not come down to us. In one place occurs an epitaph to " Ricochet Aged 2 years, 9 mo., 18 days, 4 hours, & i min.," etc.; but who or what "Ricochet" was remains a mystery. The annual exhibition, consisting of an ora- tion and a poem, was, by this time, 1820, being given in 10 University Hall. "The members," says the chronicler, "assembled in U. 10 where the fire burnt bright, and a light, somewhat resembling that of three hours before daybreak, was diffused through the room, which proved to be proceeding from two lamps which were stuck into the seats at the western side." Oliver Wendell Holmes acted as secretary in 1828 and lived to drink a silent health to Washington Allston and William Ellery Channing, who had died shortly before the fiftieth anniversary dinner. The records kept by Holmes are far less brilliant than those of Lowell, though they contain indications of an inveterate habit of punning in such sentences as "Somebody brought us a new suit, and we went courting." In 1837, James Russell Lowell, of the Class of '38, served as secretary, and his records, kept almost entirely in verse, are a comical mixture of doggerel and lines which are fully as good as anything of the kind he ever did afterwards. His neat, flowing hand, with its shaded down-strokes, makes a page of his hand- writing look like a bit of old-fashioned engrav- ing. He undertook the task with the remark: "The records, read a second time, Could hardly boast a decent rhyme, Seemed to despise all common sense, And set at nought all mood and tense." Weiss, his predecessor, was an accomplished rhymster, but the new secretary's timidity was soon relieved by the Club's relish of his descrip- tion of what is now known as a " Yard rough- house." The Club had disbanded late, and, "The feasters all now having sung 'Lang Syne,' Progressed straight homewards in a crooked line, And, having got within the college bounds, And found no proctor on his midnight rounds, They all of them at once a-shouting fell, And raised, with all their voices, such a yell That windows swarm, though 't is the dead of night, With night-gowned Freshmen, almost dead with fright. Just so some tomcat, in the soft moonlight, Returning victor from a recent fight, Stalks by the crowd in envy silent all, Curls his long tail and peals his caterwaul." [9] His address to the pudding pot is a charac- teristic bit: " Hail, lib'ral Ceres, who, with open hand, Scatters her blessings o'er this teeming land (All which we owe to Jackson, by the bye, If Democratic papers do not lie)." In another place he describes the trial of B. F. Atkins "for eating more than his share of the good things of this world," in so spirited a manner that one suspects the particulars and the wit of being much more Lowell than the Hasty Pudding Club. After ruining the steward of the College commons and accepting a chicken pie as a bribe to leave (which he refused to share with his roommate, who thereupon called him "both pig and bore"), " To Plympton's next the mourning Atkins went, On dire destruction of the larder bent; They took him in, not knowing what he was, But to repent their rashness soon had cause; They raised their price and lowered their eating, too; They did it twice, but still it would not do. At last they gave him but twelve loaves a day, And sheer starvation drove the man away." Halfway through the book Lowell announces that henceforth " I 've chosen metre Hudibrastic, In which rhymes stretch like gum elastic," and in this metre proceeds to a description of evening, and the gathering of the Hasty Pudding Club:- [to] " The evening star looked mildly down Upon this literary town, Gazing particularly hard Upon the elm-clad College Yard, After the clock on Newell's tow'r Told half past seven was the hour, She saw in Holworthy sixteen A goodly company, I ween." It is to be hoped that his description of the familiar process of the Society "going to pot" is more realistic than truthful: " On this there rose a great commotion: ' Order! ' ' I seconded D's motion.' ' My toes! ' ' Take care o' that molasses ! ' ' What '11 you have ? ' ' Mush ! ' ' Pudding ! ' ' Asses ! ' ' That 'smy bowl!' ' No, you don't !' 'It is!' ' Remove your Choctaw Bible phiz ! ' ' When you have used that salt, just put ! ' ' There, you 're too hard for me ' ' My foot ! ' ' Shut up your clamshells ! ' ' Same to you ! ' And so they ring the changes through." It is a great pity that Lowell's lively and amus- ing verses should be locked up and buried, and that the fun they gave the Class of '38 should not be shared by the Class of 1908. To be sure they would require a little editing (as would any volume of the records), but the poet's genial lines would meet with an indulgent audience. He closes his official duties with this touching stanza: ' 'T is the last pot of pudding Left steaming alone; All its jolly companions Are gobbled and gone; No pot of its kindred, No milk-can is nigh To reflect back its plumpness, And give sigh for sigh." The initiation of the thirties was a mild and somewhat formal affair, including most of the present Pudding symbolism. The story of the initiation is told over and over in the doggerel of the records, with its details of black hang- ings, masks, sheets, skulls, sulphur saucepan, devil, unriddled sphinx, gridiron, hie facet, wooden spoon, and the concluding "Brother, taste our coarse fare!" The neophyte was usually ordered to make a speech : " Some frothy nonsense first they let him spout, Then myriad unearthly voices thundered out, ' Unconstitutional ! Fanatical ! Heretical ! and Ungrammatical ! ' " From this beginning the initiations gradually increased in length, secrecy, and severity; the "strips" were added to the hie facet, and run- ning was introduced, until the initiation was done away with altogether in 1889. During the late thirties there are recurring indications that the costumes of the mock trials were becoming more and more a feature of the evening. Curtis's sketch of the Hasty Pudding bench would show that the judges wore costumes, if one of the secretaries did not describe " Old Minos, the judge, with a jolly red nose, And a couple of bolsters stuffed under his clothes." Lowell's successor, who, in despair, had es- chewed verse, described one of these trials in THE ACTS OF THE PUDDINGS, CHAPTER II. 9 And then the Providers went about among the people saying: "Ask and ye shall receive, molasses, or milk ?" And there were taken of the fragments one bowl full. 10 Then they being filled, the chief priest seated him- self and said, " Bring forth the prisoner," and they brought a man whom they called "Benny," and they accused him of getting thrashed. ri And, lo, among others appeared Lieutenant Spitfire, U. S. N., who had a pair of black whiskers rubbed on his face. And he told not one word of truth, nor anything like the truth, and he savoured of burnt cork. Lowell made such a bewitching plaintiff in the case of Abby Roe vs. Richard Doe for breach of promise, "That all the Jury, charmed with Abby's face, Sentenced young Richard to endure for life This injured woman as his wedded wife." From debates to mock trials had been but one step, and from mock trials to theatricals was the next. At incidental meetings the Club had diverted itself by taking off the speech and gestures of the various Faculty members. In December, 1844, Lemuel Hayward gave the Club a surprise in Hollis 1 1 by a performance of "Bombastes Furioso." Peter Porter, who had been taken into the secret over a bowl of oysters at old Snow's, sketched a scene on some big sheets of brown paper, a curtain was rigged up,, and a board two feet longer than the width of the room bowed out beautifully for footlights. "The play," says Mr. Hayward, "went off splendidly." Distaffina (the forerunner of a distinguished line of clean-limbed "coryphees") "wore a low neck and short sleeves, and on her introducing a fairy dance, the applause almost shook old Hollis down. She kept on her dress afterwards and was nearly bothered to death by her admirers." This success was followed up in the spring by a dramatization of scenes out of Dickens's latest, "Martin Chuzzlewit," at the suggestion of Francis James Child (afterwards Professor Child):- " Since all thought That a Court Was just double the trouble Of a thing of this sort." By 1849 th 6 Pudding theatricals were in full swing, and plays alternated with initiation nights. At first, on account of the itinerant character of the meetings, the stage and proper- ties were quite primitive. Tallow dips served for footlights, and for costumes "There was a borrowing of old hats And coats to match." The apartments of any fellow member in the entry had to serve as green-rooms, and after the performance the rest of the Society "Went to pot," leaving "The actresses behind, Engaged in fruitless effort to unsex them, For such a multitude of strings they find In woman's clothing as to quite perplex them." Even in 1849, wnen tne Club moved into its first home in the north entry of Stoughton, it was not quite relieved from "The pangs and joys of dramatic days; The fuss and doubt attending the choice of plays, I'Sl Rehearsals' awful bores, the Manager's abuse, Three petticoats for seven women's use, One looking-glass for fifteen wretched players, Running for water down four flights of stairs, Absence of paint, but omni-present dirt, Constraint to make a towel of one's shirt, Two separate claimants for each pair of whiskers, Reducing our Concordia to Discors" For the next thirty years the business of the Club was to act, and its industry is legible in the dozens of clever posters which line the walls of the present club-house, and in a list of 129 performances up to the year 1876. During the fifties and sixties the staples of entertainment were short farces, seven or eight of which were sometimes produced in the course of one sea- son. Many of them were acted over and over again, such as "Lend Me Five Shillings," " Slasher & Crasher," " Chrononhotonthologos," "Box and Cox," "Mother and Child are Doing Well," and" Poor Pillicoddy." Itwasas "Emily" in " Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw" that Nathan Appleton has gone down to history as one of the handsomest heroines of the Pudding stage. If any one doubts his title to that dis- tinction, a glance at his portrait in the part, which hangs on the stairway, will settle the matter. This dramatic fare was varied with "revivals of the legitimate" in such plays as Sheridan's "Rivals," Fielding's "Tom Thumb," and Robinson's "Caste," and by burlesques of "Othello," "Macbeth," "Romeo and Juliet," [ 16] " Lady of Lyons," "Don Giovanni," "Norma," and a favorite travesty of "Lucia di Lammer- moor," this last "with two prima donnas." Every five or six years "Bombastes Furioso" was revived with unflagging enthusiasm. The Senior Farewell of '73 was a play on the time- honored theme of "Dido and ^Eneas," "with Trojans, muckers, etc., by an efficient corps of Junior spoopses, secured at a great expense ($15.00 each)/' It was Mr. Owen Wister's "Dido and J^neas," with its celebrated tear- bucket and explosive altar, which, ten years later, performed in Boston and Philadelphia, made the Pudding theatricals famous all over the country. The Club was at its greatest dramatic activity just before its exile to Jarvis Field. From that time the performances decreased in number and increased in the elaborateness of presenta- tion, until the present program was reached, - three plays a year, one at Christmas, one at Easter (the Senior Farewell), and one on "Strawberry Night" in June. The fashion of giving public performances of a musical bur- lesque was set by Mr. Wister's "Dido and ^Eneas" in '82, but it did not become an annual affair until the nineties. Since then the Easter plays have been as follows: - 1891. THE OBISPAH Book by B. A. Gould, '91, music by R. W. Atkin- son, '91, and L. S. Thompson, '92. [17] 1892. THE SPHINX, OR LOVE AT RANDOM Book by David Gray, '92, music by L. S. Thomp- son, '92. 1893. HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK; OR, THE SPORT, THE SPOOK, AND THE SPINSTER Book by G. B. Blake, '93, J. A. Wilder, '93, and S. F. Batchelder, '93. 1894. GRANADA Book by J. R. Oliver, '94, music by E. B. Hill, '94 and D. G. Mason, '95. 1895. PROSERPINA Book by W. Ames, '95, music by D. G. Mason, '95. 1896. BRANGLEBRINK, OR A WEARY WANDERER'S WOEFUL WOOING Book by R. M. Townsend, '96, music by F. B. Whitte- more, '96, and J. A. Carpenter, '97. 1897. THE FLYING DUTCHMAN Book by M. E. Stone, Jr., '97, lyrics by H. T. Nichols, '97, and the music by J. A. Carpenter, '97. 1898. BOSCABELLO Book by H. M. Woodruff, '98, and F. Curtis, '98, lyrics by M. S. Greenough, '98, and R. P. Utter, '98, music by W. H. Rand, Jr., '98. 1899. PROTEUS, OR THE LIGHTNING CHANGE ARTIST Book by J. F. Brice, '99, music by B. Fairchild, '99. 1900. WITCHE HAZEL Book by E. L. Dudley, 'oo, and J. H. Holliday, 'oo, music by H. Tappin, 'oo. 1901. THE DYNAMITERS Book by J. G. Forbes,'oi,lyricsby F. R. Du Bois, 'or, music by N. H. Pride, '01, and M. B. Lang, '02. 1902. HI-KA-YA Music, book, and lyrics by M. B. Lang, '02. 1903. THE CATNIPPERS Book by H. L. Riker, '03, R. W. Child, '03, and G. S. Barton, '03, lyrics by R. W. Child, '03, and L. Warner, '03, and music by F. M. Class, '03. 1904. BOODLE & Co. Book and lyrics by H. Otis, '04, music by J. H. Dens- more, '04. 1905. MACHIAVELLI Book and lyrics by G. Aertsen, Jr., '05, music by L. B. Hall, '05. 1906. THE WANDERER Book and lyrics by G. H. Cox, Jr., '06. 1907. THE LOTUS EATERS Book by D. W. Streeter, '07, music by E. Ballan- tine, '07. Mr. Lloyd McKim Garrison, in writing the history of the Pudding Theatre, said, "Some day the Pudding's great actors and actresses must have a generous biography, a leisurely one, full of portraits, anecdotes, the praise and press notices of contemporaries, the detraction of envy and the tribute of admiration, topped off with photographs by Tupper!" This remark might be applied with still greater justice to the whole history of the Pudding. Any attempt to give within the compass of a few pages an account of the earnest group about the first iron pot, the droll eloquence of the early de- baters, the absurd proceedings of the Pudding Court, and the roaring farces of the fifties is bound to be a collection of abridged quotations, - less a history than an ellipsis. A very slight investigation of these old books will satisfy any one that our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers knew how to have an ex- ceedingly good time, and that an account of it [19] in a more accessible form would be rare read- ing. But the most forcible impression left by turning over the pages of this unbroken record of more than a hundred years is that a history of the Hasty Pudding since its foundation would be a fairly complete account of Harvard College since 1795. LUCIEN PRICE, 1907. [*o] REFORM OF THE PUDDING IN 1880 IN 1880 the old method of initiation and of electing members was abolished under circum- stances which seemed, at the time, very dramatic. It was then customary for the Seniors to elect nine Juniors, who in turn chose the second nine from their class, and these combined to choose the third, and so on. The election took place at the Club's rooms on Holmes Field on Friday even- ing, and the Club, on returning to the Yard, gathered near the old Rebellion Tree and spelled out the names and cheered each of the nine in order. To be on the first nine was commonly regarded as the most popular distinction a fellow could receive. The first nine from 1881, announced on February 27, consisted of Ed- ward D. Brandegee, Edward W. Atkinson, Wil- liam R. Thayer, Charles A. Coolidge, Lawrence Godkin, William Y. Peters, William A. Slater, George P. Upham, Jr., and Robert Sturgis. "Running," the preliminary of initiation, began on Sunday evening. Each Junior neophyte had a Senior mentor, who instructed him in the requirements. The neophyte had to run at top speed whenever he crossed the Yard; he must attend all his recitations; he was not allowed to speak to any non-Pudding man, except, of course, to the College officers, for academic pur- poses; and he must go to bed, and stay there, an hour earlier each night which meant that on Thursday his bedtime came at six o'clock. It was notorious that these Spartan rules had often been broken, and the mentors of several of our nine practically led us to understand that the whole proceeding was a farce. At any rate, eight of us regarded it as such, and, except for running in the Yard, we did not pretend to per- form the requirements. So Friday evening came, and in our swallow-tail coats and white ties we were escorted to the Society rooms, and put through the old initiation, after which, as was the custom, the president asked us whether we had obeyed strictly our mentor's commands. When one after another replied, somewhat jocu- larly, "no," the president put the question to the Society, "Shall this neophyte be admitted ?" The Society, following its usual practice, voted "no," and the neophyte, who had been blind- folded from the moment he entered the build- ing, was led blindfolded away. Usually, when he had got almost back to the Yard, a Senior came hot-foot in pursuit, to tell him that, as the Society had voted to reconsider, he "was in," after all. Whereupon he was hurried back in triumph to the rooms and jubilantly welcomed by the Seniors. In our case, however, no good messenger followed, and we, still believing that the Seniors were simply prolonging the hoax, met in Coolidge's and my study, the second-story room at the corner of Holyoke and Main Streets which became henceforth our headquarters. By and by, Seniors returning from Holmes Field assured us that the meeting was dead in earnest, and that, unless we ran a second week, we should not be admitted. In due time we received from the Secretary of the Pudding a formal warning to this effect. This treatment thoroughly exas- perated us. We felt that we had been deceived by our mentors, and that the '80 men had no right to apply seriously against us rules which had been treated as a joke by earlier classes. At first, we refused to run again. The Seniors, on their side, refused to reconsider. Then for nearly a week such an excitement prevailed among undergraduates and graduates as has not been seen since. Everybody, whether a Pudding man or not, discussed the deadlock; for all were interested in the fortunes of Har- vard's most famous society. Many graduates upheld us, others blamed; and, as we still seemed unyielding, all began to discuss how the very existence of the Pudding could be saved. Some proposed to skip the Class of 1881 altogether, by choosing a first nine from 1882, but they could not serve till they became Juniors; others suggested that the Class continuity might be kept unbroken by Robert Sturgis, who had not joined us eight, and who had been admitted, therefore, but not formally received. But Stur- gis, if I remember right, although he had not joined in our non-observance of running, said that he would share the same fate as the rest of the nine. After much heated debate, and with much reluctance, we refractory eight consented to run a second week, because we did not think it fair to cut off sixty or seventy members of our Class from the pleasures of the Pudding. For many of them, to "make the Pudding" was their highest social satisfaction. So we eight ran that second week, and when we were questioned again by the president, I suppose that we were the only batch of neo- phytes all of whom could honestly reply that they had literally fulfilled every condition. Then we became masters of the Pudding, for after the initiation of the Juniors' first nine the Seniors retired. Three of our number, - Godkin, Peters, and Upham, raging at what they regarded as '8o's insincerity and trucu- lence, resigned, in spite of our efforts to dis- suade them. That left six of us to continue the Society. We took at once two revolutionary steps: we abolished those parts of the running and initiation to which we had objected, believ- ing that Pudding men were mostly too old for such juvenilities; and we adopted a new method of choosing the rest of the members from our Class. We six elected all the succeeding nines a much more expeditious way, and perhaps [Ml fairer than the old. The Society, as a whole, could repair omissions after the nines we had chosen were all in. A year or two after our time, the reform was carried still farther, members being elected in batches of twenty-five and announced in alphabetical order. With that change passed away the ephemeral splendors of the first nine; eligible Juniors no longer lay awake nights wondering whether they would make it, and whether, if they did, their number would be fourth or fifth. Sic transit gloria mundi. Look- ing back on the incident after nearly thirty years, I am struck by the altruism displayed by our consenting to run that second week. As to the reforms we initiated, nobody can now doubt their desirability. Our Class engaged in one other important work. Realizing that the growth of the Pudding called for larger quarters, '80 had plans drawn for a new club-house. We felt the need even more keenly, for the rooms on Holmes Field were so inaccessible that few members would attend meetings in them during the winter, and we had to hire rooms on Brattle Street, oppo- site the Holly Tree, for our regular Friday evening gatherings, keeping the "theatre" on Holmes Field for "play nights." At the Christ- mas Theatricals in 1881, having previously con- ferred with various prominent graduates, I, as president, set forth the Society's needs. After some discussion, the Hon. George Wash- [*S] ington Warren, '30, the oldest graduate present, moved that it was the sense of the meeting that a committee of five undergraduates and ten graduates be appointed to consider ways and means. This committee met from time to time during the remainder of our year, and although it achieved no tangible results, it handed on to '82 so well-developed an agitation that '82 could go ahead and canvass for funds. WILLIAM ROSCOE THAYER, 1881. [26 ] THE FIRST OPERETTA COULD temptation be more insidious than that which lurks in the following lines ? " . . . it is just twenty-five years since the first operetta, 'Dido and ^Eneas,' was given, and it would be interesting to hear from you how it came to be written, etc., with perhaps some little sketch of the Pudding of '82." To iwrite a letter thus opening the door of a graduate's memory, is to invite a blast of anec- dote and reminiscence, dear and refreshing to himself indeed, but to how many others ? The Musical Manager of the Pudding, of the Class of 1882, complies with the request with something more than cheerfulness; and he will do his best not to maunder or moralize. Before Senior year, our company had pro- duced four musical burlesques: "Ivanhoe," "Der Freischiitz," " Kenilworth," and "The Lady of the Lake." The approval with which "Ivanhoe" was greeted by a graduate audience in Cambridge, at Christmas time, when we were Sophomores, filled us with delighted astonish- ment (the dress-rehearsal had been a mournful affair) and revealed to us that our company was strong in good players, who could also sing, and sing well, not solos only, but concerted pieces too. We possessed, moreover, an agile and har- monious chorus. Attired as Anglo-Saxon cooks of Cedric's household, their opening song " Beefsteak, onion-pickles " to an obligate of wooden bowls and spoons, had to be repeated, before the audience would allow the drama to proceed. To the Musical Manager it would be pleasant here to dwell upon that first performance of " Ivanhoe," in Decem- ber, 1879; ne could spend many words upon Brian de Bois Guilbert, Isaac of York, Wamba, and the tournament; but it must suffice to say that, with the confidence in our dramatic and musical strength gained by this performance, our company proceeded onward to "Der Frei- schiitz." Into the printed text of this burlesque more music was written than in the first play; more songs, but especially more conceited pieces, the second and third finales being fairly elab- orate. It was now not merely upon Offenbach and Sullivan that we drew, but we tapped the reservoirs of Gounod and Wagner! With perfect irreverence the Musical Manager travestied a melodious passage from "Rienzi" to furnish the chorus at the end of the casting of the magic bullets. It may be doubted if Wagner's music had ever, until this night, been sung at Harvard undergraduate theatricals; but, in any case, the result was happy. The curtain had to be raised, and "Rienzi" was sung all over again though unassisted by the copious red and green Bengal lights, which had burned themselves out, leaving nothing but a surprisingly awful and choking smoke. To our joy and pride, we were requested to perform in public for the benefit of the crew; accordingly in the spring holidays, "Ivanhoe" and "Der Freischiitz" were given in New York, at the old University Club theatre, Madison Square, and again in Boston upon our return. It was very agreeable to be assured by "gradu- ates of long standing" that we had broken all records in the college-theatrical line, even '79's brilliant one, established by "The Fair Rosa- mond." " Kenilworth," our Strawberry night play, though insufficiently rehearsed, was an- other step forward in musical elaboration; and certainly no effect ever produced by the company surpassed the entrance of Queen Elizabeth upon the deck of a steamboat, named London Pride. The Musical Manager would quickly lay down his pen, and hasten to Cambridge, and do it all over again to-morrow. But heavens! Queen Elizabeth is a lawyer in Cincinnati, Varney strays at large along the Pacific coast, Wayland Smith is a banker in Paris, and Amy Robsart preaches the gospel. What are you going to do ? A year passed, and our Junior Strawberry night in the Pudding saw the last of our burlesques, "The Lady of the Lake." Once more the music drew a further step away from mere interpola- tion, and approached nearer forming a part of the organic essence of the piece. We sang a fugue to the words, "What a scene of wild con- fusion"; and the trio between Fitzjames, Ellen, and the Family Bard (who played on a toy piano) was found pleasing. Our finale was the most elaborate that we had ever ventured upon. Thus it was, then, that "Dido and /Eneas," the first cvut-and-out operetta, came to be writ- ten. The above brief history of its predecessors affords the clearest account that could be given. We had become a company sure of itself, well schooled in individual work, but, far more im- portant, in "team work" also. Moreover, we had come to the end of available printed bur- lesques. The best ones or those at least whose subjects could best appeal to the Pudding audience of that day had been given by other classes too recently, or by ourselves. "The Fair Rosamond," "Romulus and Remus," "Fra Diavolo," "The Merchant of Venice," "Faust," "Lucretia Borgia, M. D." -all these, and many others, had been seen too recently, and nothing of promise remained on the list. Even our own "Der Freischiitz" had been a poor choice saved only by our re-modelling of it - because its original was familiar to but very few of our audience. So here was the problem: to find a subject which, by its very name, should awaken familiar memories at once. In those days, the American youth who entered Harvard had studied Virgil's epic poem as far as the end of the sixth book. A [ 30! great ambition entered the breast of the Musical Manager. Thanks to Mr. Maurice Grau and his French Opera Company, all of us theatre-goers had seen "La Belle Helene," and its kindred operas, performed by Aimee, and her successor, Paola Mariee. Does any heart still palpitate, do any lips still smile, at the mention of Angele, Mezieres, Duplan, Juteau, Capoul ? Does any memory still respond to " Le roi barbu qui s'avance bu qui s'avance, bu qui s'avance?" Nothing that Sullivan and Gilbert ever wrote equals these French operettas in brilliance and melody. They stand entirely alone, surpassing everything of the sort that has attempted to imitate them. Well, the Musical Manager attempted to imitate them. If a comic opera had been extracted from the unlucky Menelaus, another might begot out of the pious ^Eneas. Without imparting his ambition to the company, the Musical Manager set to work during the summer holidays between Junior and Senior year. All of us had grown a trifle weary of the traditional dialogue of bur- lesque, carried on in rhymed couplets. Retain- ing this for immortal speakers only, Venus and Juno in the prologue, and the Ghost of Father Anchises in the third act, the Musical Manager cast off the burlesque model definitely and in- tentionally, and ventured to write his dialogue in prose. A faint and musty odor of the old bur- lesque tradition lingers about this prose, in the atrocious puns; but in other respects "Dido and ^Eneas" was cast in the form of the Opera- bouffe, as perfected by Meilhac and Halevy for Offenbach. The Musical Manager did not ven- ture to write original music for his text. Al- though he put in "little things of his own" here and there, he felt himself unequal to creating melody sufficiently attractive to last a whole evening, and hence followed his old custom of ransacking the pages of others; Offenbach, Lecoq, Suppe, Sullivan, Bizet, Meyerbeer, and Wagner were among those to whom he had recourse. Returning to college, he confided in the Acting Manager, and showed him the three acts which he had written during August and September. They were approved; and a course of revision and polishing began, which ended in the production of "Dido and ^Eneas," at the Pudding Rooms, in the spring of 1882. The orchestra had been postponed until the final word. Hitherto, the Musical Manager had, both in private and public performances, accom- panied the plays upon a piano, according to established custom. This custom, with many doubts on his part, but none at all on the part of the Acting Manager, was broken, and for the first time in its history (so it is believed) the Hasty Pudding audience listened to a piece definitely modelled upon the French operetta, with action carried on during concerted numbers and finales, and accompanied by an orchestra. As the first measures of the brief prelude struck up, the Musical Manager, already very much frightened, heard laughter go all over the room behind him, while he sat in his conductor's chair, and pretended to wave his baton, as if he knew how to do it. His anxiety increased, and was not all gone by the end of the first act, al- though it seemed as if, so far, the audience was entertained. He asked some one what the laugh- ter had been about, and was told that it was merely an ebullition of pleased diversion at the novelty of an orchestra in those rooms. At the end of the play, he was satisfied that his own doubts over this innovation had been mistaken, and that the Acting Manager was a true prophet in advocating and insisting upon it. A "real" manager, after seeing us, made us a business offer to "go on the road"! We had not suspected that we were marking an epoch with our piece and its orchestra; it seems that we did. That epoch would never have been marked but for our company, our gallant company, of principals and chorus the agile, harmonious chorus, whose willingness and re- markable power to "catch on," if so unacademic a phrase may be employed, remain to-day with the Musical Manager as vivid as does the ex- traordinary interpretation of Dido. In spite of the many rehearsals, and the succession of per- formances (the piece was played in Philadelphia, [33] New York, and Boston) Dido's dance in the third act was a perpetual and upsetting sur- prise. But the Musical Manager can remember no part that was not adequately filled; and when, on account of duties more pressing, Venus and Ascanius could not "go oh," we borrowed two stars from the Class of '83, whose light shone as radiant as any we could boast. Well, it is all over and done with, long ago; yet it so stands out in memory as to obliterate even our "running" for the Pudding, and our initiation night. It is difficult to remember that we were then elected by nines ; that during the week before we were "taken in," we were obliged to sprint whenever we entered the Yard; that our initiation consisted in singing an original ode, and in swallowing competitively a bowlful of thick, heavy, sticky, impregnable, recalcitrant mush. All these things can be recalled by the will; but "Dido and ^Eneas" recalls itself. More than the running or the initiation, more than "The Lady of the Lake," it unites the Pudding of 1882; it was our great adventure. We wasted a precious lot of time over it. One of us, at any rate, would do so again. OWEN WISTER, 1882. [34] LIST OF MEMBERS [Names in brackets denote honorary members ; bracketed dashes, ex- pulsion. Date at right of name denotes year of decease.] CLASS OF 1797 MOSES ADAMS, Pres. & Sec., A.M. 1839 BENJAMIN WOOD, Pres. & V. Pres. 1798 JOHN COLLINS WARREN, Pres. & Sec., A.M.; M.D. (Hon.) 1819, also St. Andr. 1802; Adj. Prof, and Hersey Prof. Anat. & Surg., & Prof. Emerit.; Dean Med. S.; F.A.A.; Memb. A.P.S.; Cor. Memb. Pont. Accad. Rom. Archaeol., & Acad. Roy. Med. (Paris); Hon. Memb. Roy. Med. Chirurg. Soc. (Lond.). 1856 NATHANIEL PAINE DENNY, Pres. 1856 LEONARD MELLEN, Pres. ; Principal Groton (now Lawrence) Acad. 1804 ASAHEL STEARNS, Pres., A.M.; LL.D. 1825; Princi- pal Groton (now Lawrence) Acad.; Univ. Prof. Law; M.C. 1839 JOSEPH KURD, V. Pres., A.M. 1857 DANIEL ABBOT, V. Pres., A.M. 1853 JAMES RICHARDSON, V. Pres. &f Poet, A.M. 1858 HORACE BINNEY, V. Pres.; A.B. (Hon.) Brown 1797; A.M.; LL.D. 1827; Memb.A.P.S.; Hon. Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; M.C. 1875 SAMUEL FARRAR, V. Pres., A.M.; Tut. 1864 WILLIAM JENKS, Sec., A.M.; S.T.D. 1842, Bowd. 1825; LL.D- Bowd. 1862; Overseer; Prof. Hebr. & Eng. Lit. Bowd. Coll.; Memb. M.H.S.; Memb. A.P.S.; F.A.A. 1866 ELISHA CLAP, Sec., A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Brown 1810; Tut.; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1830 [35] DANIEL BATES, Sec. 1799 JABEZ KIMBALL, Sec. Of Orator, A.M.; Tut. 1805 DANIEL APPLETON WHITE, Orator, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Yale 1804; LL.D. 1837; Tut.; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; M.C. 1861 NATHANIEL BOND, A.M. 1821 HENRY GARDNER, A.M. 1854 NYMPHAS HATCH. 1850 ROSEWELL MESSINGER, A.M. 1844 ISAAC WELLINGTON. Total 21. CLASS OF 1798 STEPHEN LONGFELLOW,/^*. Of Orator; LL.D. Bowd. 1828; M.C. 1849 ABIEL CHANDLER, Pres. 1799 WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Pres., A.M. 1862 JOSEPH EMERSON, Pres. Of V. Pres., A.M.; Tut. 1833 ANDREW CROSWELL, V. Pres. 1858 HUMPHREY DEVEREUX, V. Pres. Of Sec., A.M. 1867 ARTEMAS SAWYER, V. Pres. 1815 MATTHIAS SPALDING, V. Pres., A.M.; M.D. (Hon.) Dart. 1817. 1865 JOHN ABBOT, Sec. Of Orator; A.M. 1802. 1854 WILLIAM AUSTIN, Sec. Of Poet, A.M. 1841 PEREZ LINCOLN, Sec., A.M. 1811 ARTHUR MAYNARD WALTER, Sec. Of Orator. ISAAC ADAMS, Poet. 1807 WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING, A.M. 1802; S.T.D. 1820; Fellow; Dexter Lect.; F.A.A. 1842 THOMAS LEE, A.B. 1866. 1867 RICHARD SULLIVAN, A.M.; Overseer; F.A.A. 1861 Total 1 6. [36] CLASS OF 1799 PARKER CLEAVELAND, Pres. & Orator, A.M.; M.D. (Hon.) Dart. 1823; LL.D. Bowd. 1824; Tut.; Prof. Math., Nat. Philos., Chem. & Mineral. Bowd. Coll.; F.A.A.; Memb. A.P.S., Geol. Soc. (Lond.), & Imp. Mineral Soc. (St. Petersburg). 1858 LUTHER RICHARDSON, Pres., A.M. 1811 TIMOTHY PICKERING, Pres. & V. Pres. 1807 JOSEPH DANE, Pres.; M.C. 1858 ABNER BARTLETT, V. Pres., A.M. 1850 RUFUS WYMAN, V. Pres.; A.M. 1804; M.B. 1804; M.D. 1811; F.A.A. 1842 SAMUEL DUNN PARKER, V. Pres. fcf Orator, A.M. 1873 SAMUEL PRESCOTT, Sec.; A.M. 1807. 1813 MOSES PORTER, Sec. &? Poet. 1802 MICHAEL HODGE, Sec., A.M. 1816 HENRY EDES, Sec., A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Brown 1806; S.T.D. 1826. 1851 DANIEL ADAMS, Poet, A.M. 1852 BARTHOLOMEW BROWN, Poet, A.M. 1854 FREEMAN FOSTER. 1863 JOHN HARRIS, A.M. 1826 WALTER HASTINGS, A.M. 1821 THOMAS BAKER JOHNSON. WILLIAM HYSLOP SUMNER, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1861 SAMUEL TEBBETS. 1810 JAMES TILDEN. 1800 Total 20. CLASS OF 1800 SAMUEL WEED, Pres. 1857 ABIEL HOLBROOK, Pres.; A.M. 1806. 1838 JOSHUA BATES, Pres. & Orator, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Brown 1813; S.T.D. Yale 1818; Pres. Middle- bury Coll. (Vt.); F.A.A. 1854 [37] ABNER ROGERS, Pres., AM. 1814 WASHINGTON ALLSTON, V. Pres., Sec. & Poet; F.A.A. 1843 SAMUEL SWETT, V. Pres., A.M. ; F.A.A. 1866 JOHN HENRY TUDOR, V. Pres. 1802 JAMES MORSS, P. Pres., A.M.; S.T.D.Coll.N. J. 1826. 1842 HORATIO BEAN, Sec. fcf Poet; A.M. 1804. 1828 DANIEL KIMBALL, Sec., A.M.; Tut. 1862 LOAMMI BALDWIN, Sec., A.M.; F.A.A. 1838 BENJAMIN WELLES, Orator. 1860 LEONARD JARVIS, Orator; M.C. 1854 TIMOTHY FLINT, Poet; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. 1840 TIMOTHY BOUTELLE, A.M. 1804; LL.D. Colby (Me.) 1839. 1855 JOSEPH STEVENS BUCKMINSTER, A.M.; Dexter Lect.; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1812 ANDREW FOSTER, A.M.; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1812. 1831 CHARLES LOWELL, A.M.; S.T.D. 1823; Fellow; Memb. M.H.S., Kon. Norsk. Vidensk. Selsk.; Cor. Memb. Soc. Archeol. d'Athenes. 1861 ELIAS MANN, A.M.; M.B. 1806. 1807 MOODY NOYES, A.M. 1821 WILLIAM PILSBURY. 1801 EBENEZER TUCKER WARREN, A.M. 1830 BENJAMIN MARSTON WATSON, A.M. 1851 Total 23. CLASS OF 1 80 1 JACOB ABBOT CUMMINGS, Pres. &f Chor., A.M. 1820 JOHN STEVENS ABBOT, Pres., V. Pres. & Chor., A.M. 1805 THOMAS BOND, Pres., V. Pres., Sec. & Orator. 1827 MOODY KENT, Pres., A.M. 1866 SAMUEL MATHER CROCKER, V. Pres., A.M. 1852 TIMOTHY FULLER, V.Pres.,Sec.& Orator, AM.; M.C. 1835 JOSEPH MANSFIELD, Sec. & Poet. 1830 JOHN FORRESTER, Sec., A.M. 1837 ELIAS PHINNEY, Sec., AM, 1849 [38] JOHN GORHAM, C/zor., A.M.; M.B. 1804; M.D. 1811; . Adj. Prof. Chem.; Erving Prof. Chem.; F.A.A. 1829 LUTHER LAWRENCE, Orator, A.M. 1839 DAVID PHINEAS ADAMS. 1823 THOMAS DAWES, A.M. 1828 ROBERT HALLOWELL GARDINER, A.M.; Hon. Memb. M.H.S. 1864 WILLIAM PAINE. BENJAMIN PEIRCE, A.M.; Lib. Harv. Coll. 1831 EZEKIEL PRATT. GEORGE OKILL STUART, A.M. 1815; S.T.D. 1848; D.C.L. King's Coll. (Windsor, N. S.) 1832; Arch- deacon Kingston (Canada); Dean Ontario. 1862 GEORGE SULLIVAN, A.M. 1866 WILLIAM BANT SULLIVAN, A.M. 1806 ENOCH SAWYER TAPPAN, A.M.; M.B. 1806; M.D. 1811. 1847 NATHANIEL WILLIAMS, A.M. 1864 TIMOTHY WYER. Total 23. CLASS OF 1802 CALEB HOLMES, Pres., A.M. 1813 EBENEZER ROCKWOOD, Pres. &f Chor., A.M. 1815 RICHARD DEVENS HARRIS, Pres. & V. Pres., A.M. 1847 PETER NOURSE, Pres., A.M.; Lib. Harv. Coll. 1840 TIMOTHY NEWELL, V. Pres., Sec. &f Orator. 1802 JAMES SKIDMORE DUNNING, V. Pres. & Poet. ASA MITCHELL, V. Pres. 1807 JACOB NEWMAN KNAPP, Sec., A.M. 1868 ICHABOD NICHOLS, Sec. &f Orator, A.M.; S.T.D. 1831, Bowd. 1821; Tut.; Vice-Pres. Bowd.Coll.; F.A.A. 1859 FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE, Sec. & Poet; A.M. 1806. 1850 LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, Chor.; A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1802; A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1806; LL.D. 1838; Overseer; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S.; M.C. 1845 [39] JAMES TRECOTHICK AUSTIN, Orator, A.M.; LL.D. 1838; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1870 WILLIAM ALLEN, Poet, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Dart. 1812; S.T.D. 1821; Pres. Bowd. Coll.; F.A.A.; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. 1868 HENRY ADAMS, A.M. 1862 LEVI FRISBIE, A.M. 1806; Tut.; Coll. Prof. Lat.; Alford Prof. Nat. Rel., Mor. Philos. & Civ. Pol.; F.A.A. 1822 CHARLES WINSTON GREENE, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Brown 1827. l %57 SAMUEL HOAR, A.M.; LL.D. 1838; Overseer; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S.; M.C. 1856 WILLIAM MINOT, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1873 THOMAS ROTHMAHLER MITCHELL, A.M.; M.C. 1837 HENRY PUTNAM, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1807. 1827 ANDREW RITCHIE, A.M. 1862 ROBERT ROGERS, A.M. 1839 CHARLES SANDERS, A.M.; Steward. 1864 Total 23. CLASS OF 1803 JOHN FARRAR, Pres. & Orator, A.M.; LL.D. Brown 1833; Tut.; Hollis Prof. Math. & Nat. Phil.; Vice-Pres. A. A. 1853 EPHRAIM PUTNAM BRADFORD, Pres. 1845 JAMES SAVAGE, Pres., Sec. fc? Poet, A.M.; LL.D. 1841; Overseer; F.A.A. ; Pres. M.H.S. 1873 RAY CLARKE, Pres. 1847 BENJAMIN HODGES, V. Pres. 1804 SAMUEL KIRKLAND, V. Pres. &f Orator. 1805 DAVID TENNEY KIMBALL, V. Pres. &? Sec., A.M. 1860 NATHAN PARKER, V. Pres., A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; S.T.D. Bowd. 1823; Tut. Bowd. Coil. 1833 WILLIAM BARTLETT SEWALL, Sec., A.M. 1869 DANIEL SWAN, Sec., A.M. 1864 [40] SAMUEL WILLARD, Chor.; A.M. 1810; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; S.T.D. 1826; Tut. Bowd. Coll.; F.A.A. 1859 BENJAMIN AMES, Orator. 1835 [ ,Poet] GEORGE WATSON BRIMMER, A.B. 1806. 1838 JOSIAH BUTLER, M.C. 1854 WILLIAM DRAPER. 1858 ASA EATON, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Brown 1818; S.T.D. Columbia 1828. 1858 HENRY FALES, A.M. 1812 HORACE FALES. 1802 DANIEL NEWCOMB, A.M. 1807 ; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1806. 1809 ROBERT NICHOLSON. CALEB RICE, A.M. 1848 LEWIS STRONG, A.M. 1863 JOHN MAN TAYLOR, A.M. 1823 Total 24. CLASS OF 1804 SAMUEL COOPER THACHER, Pres., A.M.; Lib. Harv. Coll.; Fellow; F.A.A. 1818 ASHUR WARE, Pres. fcf Chor., A.M.; LL.D. Bowd. 1837; Tut.; Coll. Prof. Greek; Judge U. S. Dist. Court (Me.). 1873 THOMAS ASPINWALL, Pres. &? Orator, A.M.; Vice- Pres. & Memb. M.H.S.; Memb. Kon. Norsk. Vidensk. Selsk. 1876 CORNELIUS CALVERT, V. Pres. AMOS CLARKE, V. Pres., A.M. 1863 JOSEPH HEAD, V. Pres. & Poet, A.M. 1882 JOHN LAW, Sec. & Orator. 1822 JOHN STICKNEY, Sec. &? Orator, A.M. 1833 ANDREWS NORTON, Sec. &f Poet, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; Tut.; Lib. Harv. Coll.; Dexter Lect. & Prof. Sacr. Lit.; Tut. Bowd. Coll.; F.A.A. 1853 [41] HENRY BROWN, Chor., A.M. 1810 OLIVER BROWN, Chor., A.M. 1853 WILLIAM FREEMAN, Poet, A.M. 1879 STEPHEN CHAPIN, S.T.D. Brown 1822; Pres. Co- lumbian Univ. (D. C.); Prof. Sacr. Theol. Colby Univ. (Me.). 1845 JAAZANIAH CROSBY, S.T.D. 1853. 1864 TIMOTHY DAVIS, A.M. 1864 ABRAHAM EUSTIS, A.B. (Hon.) Bowd. 1806; A.M. 1843 EBENEZER GREENOUGH. 1847 SETH Low, A.B. 1849; A.M. 1850. 1853 BENJAMIN MERRILL, A.M.; LL.D. 1845; Memb. M.H.S. 1847 SETH NEWCOMB, A.M. 1811 BENJAMIN ROPES NICHOLS, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1848 SAMUEL ORNE, A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1804, Bowd. 1806; A.M. 1830 SAMUEL RIPLEY, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1847 SAMUEL SEWALL, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1868 BEZALEEL TAFT, A.M. 1846 Total 25. CLASS OF 1805 HOSEA HILDRETH, Pres., A.M. (Hon.) Dart. 1817; Prof. Math. & Nat. Phil. Phillips Exeter Acad. (N. H.). 1835 CHARLES SHAW, Pres., Chor. &f Poet, A.M. 1828 JOHN LOVEJOY ABBOT, Pres., A.M. ; Lib. Harv. Coll. 1814 TENCH TILGHMAN, V. Pres. & Orator. 1827 JOSEPH ADAMS, V. Pres. S3 Orator. 1850 AMOS WILLARD RUGG, V. Pres. 1805 EBENEZER HUNT BECKFORD, Sec. fcf Chor.; A.B. (Hon.) Bowd. 1806; A.M. 1869 WILLIAM CRAFTS, Sec., Orator & Poet, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Yale 1808. 1826 [4*1 WILLIAM DAVIES SOHIER, Sec., A.M. ; A.M. (Hon.) Yale 1808. 1868 DAVID ADAMS, Chor. DAVID STODDARD GREENOUGH, Poet; A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1805; A.M. 1830 ABRAHAM BODWELL. 1863 BENJAMIN BURGE, A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; M.D. 1811; Tut. Bowd. Coll. 1816 WARD CHIPMAN, A.M.; LL.D. 1836; Just. & Ch. Just. Sup. Court Prov. N. B. 1851 JOHN PERKINS LORD, A.M. 1877 STEPHEN SEWELL NORTON. 1807 AMOS PETTENGILL, A.M. (Hon.) Middlebury (Vt.) 1812. 1830 ROBERT SMITH, A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1805. 1847 BENJAMIN TAPPAN, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; S.T.D. Colby 1836, Bowd. 1845; Tut. Bowd. Coll.; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. 1863 ISAAC WARREN, A.M. 1815 Total 20. CLASS OF 1806 DANIEL OLIVER, Pres. &f Orator, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Dart. 1821; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1810; LL.D. Ho- bart 1838; Lect. Theor. & Pract. Med. Bowd. Coll.; Prof. Theor. & Pract. Med., Prof. Mat. Med. & Therap., Prof. Intel. Philos. Dart. Coll.; F.A.A. 1842 WILLIAM PITT PREBLE, Pres. &f Chor., A.M.; LL.D. Bowd. 1829; Tut.; Just. Supr. Court Me.; U. S. Min. Res. Netherlands. 1857 THOMAS MORTON JONES, Pres. & Orator; A.B. (Hon.) Bowd. 1806; A.M. 1857 JACOB BIGELOW, V. Pres. & Poet, A.M.; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1810; LL.D. 1857; Rumford Prof, and Lect.; Prof. Mat. Med.; Overseer; Vice-Pres. [43] & Pres. A.A.; Memb. A.P.S., M.H.S., and Linnzean Soc. London. 1879 ISAAC KURD, V. Pres. & Orator, A.M.; S.T.D. Dart. 1854. 1856 WILLIAM GORDON, V. Pres. 1871 ALEXANDER HILL EVERETT, Sec. & Poet; A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1807; A.M.; LL.D. Univ. Vt. 1826, Mid- dlebury (Vt.) 1839; Pres - Jefferson Coll. (La.); Memb. A.P.S. & M.H.S.; F.A.A.; U. S. Min. Plen. Spain. 1847 JOSEPH GREEN COGSWELL, Sec. &f Poet; A.B. 1807; A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1807; A.M. 1814; Ph.D. Got- tingen 1819; LL.D. 1863, Trinity (Conn.) 1842; Tut.; Lib. Harv. Coll.; Prof. Mineral. & Geol.; F.A.A.; Memb. Acad. Litt. Reg. Monacensis. 1871 SAMUEL ADAMS, Sec. fcf Chor., A.M. 1821 EPHRAIM ABBOT, Chor., A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1810. 1870 JONATHAN COGSWELL, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; S.T.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1836; Tut. Bowd. Coll. 1864 JAMES DAY, A.M. 1853 EBENEZER EVERETT, A.M. 1869 WILLIAM AUGUSTUS FALES. 1824 GEORGE WILLIAMS LYMAN, A.M. 1880 ABRAHAM MOORE, A.M. 1854 JOHN BOIES THOMAS, A.M. 1852 BENJAMIN HATCH TOWER. 1807 THOMAS TRACY, A.M. 1816. 1872 JACOB SHEAFE WILLARD. 1805 Total 20. CLASS OF 1807 JOSEPH TUFTS, Pres., A.M. 1835 JOHN GALLISON, Pres.; A.M. (Hon.) 1818. 1820 WILLIAM WHITE, Pres. fc? Orator. [44] JAMES GUSHING MERRILL, V. Pres., Sec. & Chor., A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1853 DAVID BATES, V. Pres., A.M. 1869 WILLIAM SMITH, V. Pres. &f Orator, A.M. 1811 JOHN GLEN KING, Sec. fcf Chor.; A.M. (Hon.) 1818; Memb. M.H.S. 1857 SAMUEL MERRILL, Sec. fcf Chor., A.M. 1869 WINTHROP BAILEY, Chor., A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; Tut. Bowd. Coll.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1 8 10. 1835 WILLIAM THOMAS, Orator, A.M. 1882 NATHANIEL APPLETON HAVEN, Poet, A.M.; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. 1826 GEORGE BETHUNE ENGLISH, Poet; A.M. 1811. 1828 FRANCIS PARKMAN, Poet; A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1807; A.M.; S.T.D. 1834; Overseer. 1852 SAMUEL JACKSON GARDNER, A.M. (Hon.) 1820. 1864 WILLIAM COFFIN HARRIS, A.M. (Hon.) 1838. 1853 ABNER LORING, A.M. 1814 SAMUEL NEWELL, A.M. 1 8 1 1 ; A.M. (Hon.) Yale 1 8 1 1 ; Andover Theol. Sem. 1810. 1821 THOMAS LINDALL WINTHROP, A.M. 1812 Total 1 8. CLASS OF 1808 FREDERICK HOWES, Pres.; A.M. (Hon.) 1838. 1855 LLOYD NICHOLAS ROGERS, Pres. & Orator. ' 1860 BENJAMIN RAND, Pres. & Orator; LL.D. 1846. 1852 SAMUEL ABBOT, V. Pres. ff Chor. 1839 LEVI WHITMAN, V. Pres., A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1818. 1872 SAMUEL SCOLLAY, V. Pres.; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1816. 1857 SAMUEL MARY APPLETON STORROW, Sec. &? Poet. RALPH SANGER, Sec., A.M.; S.T.D. 1857; Tut. 1860 OLIVER STEARNS, Sec., A.M. 1826 HENRY PEIRCE, Sec., A.M. 1863 [451 SAMUEL BACON, Chor. fc? Poet; A.B. 1816; A.M. 1817; A.M. (Hon.) Coll. N. J. 1817. 1820 STEPHEN HOOPER, Orator, AM. 1824 WALTER CHANNING, Poet; A.B. 1867; M.D. (ad eun.) 1812, Univ. Pa. 1809; Prof. Obstetr. and Med. Jurispr.; Dean Med. S.; F.A.A. 1876 EDWARD TYRREL CHANNING, A.M. (Hon.) 1819; LL.D. 1847; Boylston Prof. Rhet. fcf Orat.; F.A.A. 1856 NAHUM HOUGHTON GROCE. 1856 ENOCH LINCOLN, A.M. Bowd. 1821; M.C.; Gov. Maine. 1829 RUFUS LONGLEY, M.D. (Hon.) 1850; M.B. Dart. 1811. 1855 HUGH RUTLEDGE. JOHN SHEPLEY. 1857 SAMUEL EMERSON SMITH, A.B. (Hon.) Bowd. 1808; Gov. Maine. 1860 NATHANIEL WRIGHT, A.M. 1858 Total 21. CLASS OF 1809 SAMUEL STEVENS, Pres. &? Poet. 1809 FRANCIS CALLEY GRAY, Pres. fcf Orator, A.M.; LL.D. 1841; Fellow; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1856 WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Pres.; A.B. 1810; A.M. 1815. 1863 NATHANIEL WHITMAN, Pres. & Lib.; A.M. 1813; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; Tut. Bowd. Coll. 1869 TIMOTHY HILLIARD, V. Pres.; AM. 1813; M.D. 1824. 1847 WILLIAM PUTNAM PAGE, V. Pres. &f Poet; A.M. 1814. 1878 BENJAMIN PERKINS, V. Pres. 1809 SAMUEL BIRD, Sec. fc? Orator. 1810 WILLIAM PLUMER, Sec. & Orator, A.M.; M.C. 1854 GEORGE PARKMAN, Sec., A.M.; M.D. Aberdeen 1813. 1849 WILLIAM SWIFT, Chor., A.M.; M.D. 1812. 1864 SAMUEL DEXTER WARD, Poet. [46] WILLIAM BURLEY. GEORGE HAYWARD, A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1809; A.M.; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1812; Coll. Prof. Surg. & Clin. Surg.; Fellow; F.A.A. 1863 DANIEL GREENLEAF INGRAHAM, A.M. 1867 NATHANIEL KEMBLE GREENWOOD OLIVER, A.M. 1832 Total 1 6. CLASS OF 1 8 10 SAMUEL FISHER, Pres., A.M. 1826 WILLARD PHILLIPS, Pres., Orator & Chor., A.M.; LL.D. 1853; Tut.; F.A.A. 1873 JOSEPH GOWING KENDALL, Pres., Sec. fc? Orator, AM.; Tut.; M.C. 1847 WILLIAM GIBBES HUNT, V. Pres., Sec. fcf Poet, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Transylv. (Ky.) 1822; LL.B. Transylv. 1824. 1833 THOMAS AMORY DEXTER, V. Pres., A.M. 1873 STEPHEN FALES, V. Pres., A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; Tut. Bowd. Coll. 1854 JOSEPH SWASEY FARLEY, Sec. &f Orator. 1821 SAMUEL PARKMAN, Chor., A.M. 1849 FREDERICK KINLOCH, Chor. 1856 WALTER CRANSTON, Poet, A.M.; Tut. 1822 JOHN WATSON DAVIS, Poet, A.M. 1834 OCTAVIUS PICKERING, Lib., A.M.; F.A.A. 1868 RUFUS BRADFORD ALLYN, A.M. 1857 FRANCIS BASSETT, A.M.; Overseer. 1875 DAVID BRIGHAM, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; Tut. Bowd. Coll. 1843 JOHN COTTON, A.M.; M.D. 1814. 1847 SAMUEL HARRIS. i$io JOSEPH HAVEN, A.M. 1851 NATHANIEL PIERCE HOAR, A.M. 1820 ISAAC REDINGTON HOWE, A.M. 1860 BENJAMIN FANEUIL HUNT, A.M. 1815. 1854 [47] THEODORE LYMAN, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1849 ELIJAH FLETCHER PAIGE, A.M. 1817 EDWARD STRONG. 1813 JONAS WHEELER. 1826 Total 25. CLASS OF 1811 JOSEPH ALLEN, Pres. & Chor., A.M.; S.T.D. 1848. 1873 SIMEON PUTNAM, Pres., Orator &f Chor.; A.M. 1817. 1833 GEORGE MOREY, Pres., A.M.; Overseer. 1866 HENRY HOLTON FULLER, V. Pres. & Orator, A.M. 1852 THOMAS PRENTISS, V. Pres., A.M. 1817 DAVID DAMON, V. Pres. fcf Poet, A.M. ; S.T.D. 1843. 1843 EDWARD EVERETT, Sec. & Poet, A.M.; Ph.D. Got- tingen 1817; LL.D. 1835, Yale J ^33> Dubl. 1842, Cambr. 1842, Dart. 1849; D.C.L. Oxford 1843; Tut.; Eliot Prof. Greek Lit.; Overseer; Presi- dent; Pres. Alum. Assn.; Memb. A.P.S. and M.H.S.; Vice-Pres. A.A.; Cor. Memb. Soc. Archeol. d'Athenes & Acad. Sci. Mor. et Polit. (Institut de France); Hon. Memb. Roy. Agric. Soc. Engl.; Hon. Cor. Memb. Inst. Hist, e Geogr. Brasil., Roy. Geogr. Soc. (London), Soc. Antiq. (London); Gov. Mass.; M.C.; Senator, Sec. State U. S.; U. S. Min. Plen. Gt. Britain. 1865 NATHANIEL LANGDON FROTHINGHAM, Sec. &f Poet, A.M.; S.T.D. 1836; Instr. Rhet.& Orat.; Over- seer; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1870 JOHN TUDOR COOPER, Sec. 1812 SAMUEL GILMAN, Orator, A.M.; S.T.D. 1837; Tut. 1858 JOHN ANGIER SHAW, Lib., A.M. 1873 BENJAMIN FANEUIL DUNKIN, LL.D., 1851; Chanc. South Carolina; Ch. Just. Supr. Court S. C. 1874 JOHN HAY FARNHAM, A.M. 1821; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. 1833 JOHN CHIPMAN GRAY, A.M.; LL.D. 1856; Overseer; Vice-Pres. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1881 [48] WILLIAM HILDRETH. MOSES HUNT, A.M. 1814 WILLIAM POWELL MASON, A.M. 1867 WILLIAM REED. 1812 EDWIN SMITH, A.M. 1875 Total 19. CLASS OF 1812 ALLSTON GIBBES, Pres., Sec. & Orator, A.M.; Tut. 1851 HENRY PETER COBURN, Pres. 1854 CHARLES GREELY LORING, Pres., V. Pres. & Orator, A.M.; LL.D. 1850; Fellow; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1867 GEORGE PARKER, V. Pres. fcf Chor., A.M. 1825 AMOS NOURSE, V. Pres., A.M.; M.D. 1817; Lect. & Prof. Obstetr. Bowd. Coll.; Senator U. S. 1877 ADAM LEWIS BINGAMAN, Sec. &f Poet. 1869 JAMES HENRY DUNCAN, Sec., A.M.; LL.D. Brown 1861; M.C. 1869 HENRY WARE, Chor. fcf Poet, AM.-, S.T.D. 1834; Overseer; Prof. & Parkman Prof. Pulpit Eloq. & Past. Care; Memb. M.H.S. 1843 JONATHAN MAYHEW WAINWRIGHT, Chor., A.M.; S.T.D. 1835, Union 1823; D.C.L. Oxford 1852; Instr. Rhet. & Oral.; P. E. Bishop N. Y. 1854 PELEG SPRAGUE, Orator, A.M.; LL.D. 1847; Judge U. S. Dist. Court (Mass.); M.C. ; Senator U. S. 1880 SAMUEL WILLIAM DEXTER, Poet, A.M. 1863 FRANCIS EDWARD GODDARD, Lib., AM. 1845 WILLIAM STUTSON ANDREWS. 1872 JOHN BULFINCH, A.M. 1884 FRANKLIN DEXTER, A.M.; LL.D. 1857. 1857 BENJAMIN DANIEL GREENE, F.A.A. 1862 JOHN HOMANS, A.M.; M.D. 1815. 1868 GEORGE HOMER. Total 1 8. [49] CLASS OF 1813 RUFUS HURLBUT, Pres., A.M. 1839 EDWARD HINKLEY, Pres. & Chor., A.M. 1854 JOHN APPLETON HAVEN, Pres., A.M. 1875 THOMAS SAVAGE, V. Pres., A.M. 1866 JOHN BROWN, V. Pres. 1852 RUFUS PORTER HOVEY, V. Pres. &f Chor., A.M. 1820 JOHN BRAZER, Sec. fcf Poet, A.M.; S.T.D. 1836; Tut.; Coll. Prof. Latin; Overseer; F.A.A. 1846 CHARLES FOLSOM, Sec., A.M.; Tut.; Instr. Ital., Ethics, Hist. & Eccles. Hist.; Librarian; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1872 JOHN RICHARDSON, Sec., A.M. 1841 ORVILLE LUTHER HOLLEY, Orator. 1861 WILLIAM JONES SPOONER, Orator, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1824 HENRY WARREN, Orator, A.M. 1869 JOHN JAMES APPLETON, Poet, A.M. 1864 JOHN WARE, Poet, A.M.; M.D. 1816; Adj. Prof. & Hersey Prof. Theory & Pract. Phys. ; F.A.A. 1864 WINSLOW WARREN, Lib.; A.M. 1817; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1817. 1870 ZABDIEL BOYLSTON ADAMS, A.M.; M.D. 1816. 1855 JOHN RICHARDSON ADAN, A.M. 1849 WILLIAM FITZHUGH CARTER. 1855 MASON FISHER. 1816 WILLIAM WILLIAMS FULLER, A.M. 1849 BENJAMIN HUGER, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1817. 1874 WILLIAM JOSEPH LORING, A.M. 1841 JOHN PROCTOR. 1844 CHRISTOPHER ELLERY ROBBINS. WILLIAM THORNDIKE, A.M. 1835 Total 25. CLASS OF 1814 JAMES WALKER, Pres. & Orator, A.M.; Div. S. 1817; S.T.D. 1835; LL.D. 1860, Yale 1853; Alford Prof. Nat. Rel., Mor. Philos. & Civ. Pol.; Fel- low; Overseer; Acting President; President; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1874 ALVAN LAMSON, Pres.; A.B. (Hon.) Bowd. 1815; A.M.; Div. S. 1817; S.T.D. 1837; Overseer; Tut. Bowd. Coll.; Memb. M.H.S. 1864 GAMALIEL BRADFORD, V. Pres. fcf Poet, A.M.; M.D. 1819; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1839 WALDO FLINT, V. Pres., A.M. 1879 JULIUS HENRY WALKER, Sec.; A.M. 1818. 1827 JONATHAN PORTER, Sec., A.M. 1859 [- - Sec] ELBRIDGE BOLLING ROBERTSON, Orator. ISAAC EAMES COBB, Poet, A.M. 1821 BENJAMIN APTHORP GOULD, Poet, A.M.; Head- master Boston Latin S.; F.A.A. 1859 JOHN ALLYN, A.M.; Div. S. 1817. 1824 ANDREW BIGELOW, A.M.; Div. S. 1817; S.T.D. 1844. 1877 SAMUEL DEXTER BRADFORD, A.M.; LL.D. Middle- bury (Vt.) 1851; Overseer. 1865 WILLIAM CUMMENS, A.B. 1818. 1825 JOHN CALL DALTON, A.M.; M.D. 1818. 1864 GEORGE DERBY. 1818 EDMUND KIMBALL. 1873 PLINY MERRICK, A.M.; LL.D. 1853; Overseer; Just. Supr. Court Mass. 1867 ARTHUR MIDDLETON, A.M. 1853 PETER OSGOOD, A.M. 1818; Div. S. 1817. 1865 WILLIAM HICKLING PRESCOTT, A.M.; LL.D. 1843, Columbia 1 840, William & Mary 1841, Coll. S.C. 1841; D.C.L. Oxford 1850; Memb. M.H.S., A.P.S.; F.A.A.; Cor. Memb. Real Acad. Hist. (Madrid), Kon. Akad. Wissensch. (Berlin), Soc. Geogr. y Estad. Mexico, Acad. Sci. Mor. et Polit. (Institut de France); Hon. Memb. Soc. Antiq. London, Roy. Soc. Lit. London, Roy. Irish Acad. (Dublin). 1859 JOSEPH SEWALL. JOHN WALSH, A.M. 1845 MARTIN WHITING, A.M. 1823 Total 24. CLASS OF 1815 LEVI WASHBURN LEONARD, Pres., A.M.; Div. S. 1818; S.T.D. 1849. 1864 ROBERT PATISHALL FARRIS, Pres., A.M. 1830 APPLETON HOWE, Pres., A.M.; M.D. 1819. 1870 WILLIAM HAVARD ELIOT, V. Pres., A.M. 1831 GEORGE GOLDTHWAIT INGERSOLL, V. Pres. & Poet, AM.; Div. S. 1818; S.T.D. 1845. 1863 EZRA HUNT, V. Pres., A.M. 1860 WILLIAM AUGUSTUS WARNER, Sec., AM. 1830 JOHN GORHAM PALFREY, Sec. & Poet, A.M.; Div. S. 1818; S.T.D. 1834; LL.D. 1869, St. Andrews 1838; Overseer; Prof. Bibl. Lit.; Dean Div. S.; Memb. M.H.S.; M.C. 1881 CONVERS FRANCIS, Sec. & Orator, A.M.; Div. S. 1818; S.T.D. 1837; Parkman Prof. Pulpit Eloq. & Past. Care; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S. 1863 ARTHUR MOSELY HENDERSON, Orator. 1820 GEORGE EUSTIS, Lib., A.M.; LL.D. 1849; Just. & Ch. Just. Supr. Court La. 1858 JOHN PRESCOTT BIGELOW, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Dart. 1848. 1872 DANIEL NEIL BRADFORD, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Transyl- vania (Ky.) 1821; Tutor Transylvania Univ. 1821 GEORGE LEONARD CHANDLER, A.M. 1820 JOHN DIMMICK CROCKER. 1838 [5*] STEVENS EVERETT, A.M. 1833 JOHN AMORY LOWELL, A.M.; LL.D. 1851; Fellow; Memb. Linnaean Soc. London; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1881 GAYTON PICKMAN OSGOOD, A.M.; M.C. 1861 GEORGE Ons, A.M.; Div. S. 1818; Tut.; Coll. Prof. Lat. 1828 THEOPHILUS PARSONS, A.M.; LL.D. 1849; Dane Prof. Law; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1882 HASKET DERBY PICKMAN. 1815 JARED SHARKS, A.M.; Div. S. 1818; LL.D. 1843, Dart. 1841; Tut.; McLean Prof. Anc. & Mod. Hist.; President; F.A.A.; Vice-Pres. M.H.S.; Memb. A.P.S., Kon. Nord. Oldskr.-Selsk. (Copenhagen); Cor. Memb. Kon. Akad. Wis- sensch. (Berlin) & Soc. Archeol. d'Athenes; Hon. Memb. Accad. Real. Sci. (Turin), Inst. Hist. Geogr. e Ethnogr. Brasil., Soc. Antiq. London. 1866 PELHAM WINSLOW WARREN, A.M. 1848 SAMUEL WEBBER, A.M.; M.D. 1822; Memb. Kon. Nord. Oldskr.-Selsk. (Copenhagen). 1880 Total 24. CLASS OF 1816 THOMAS H. EVERETT, Pres. & Poet. OLIVER WILLIAM BOURN PEABODY, Pres. &f Poet, A.M.; LL.B. 1822; Prof. Eng. Lit. Jefferson Coll. (La.); Memb. M.H.S. 1848 LUKE FISKE, Pres., A.M. 1845 SAMUEL PERRY, V. Pres. 1821 WILLIAM BOURN OLIVER PEABODY, V. Pres. & Orator, A.M.; Div. S. 1819; S.T.D. 1842. 1847 SAMUEL DANA BELL, V. Pres.; LL.D. Dart. 1854; Just. & Ch. Just. Supr. Court N. H. 1868 SAMUEL PHILLIPS NEWMAN, Sec. &? Orator, A.M.; Princ. State Normal S. Barre; Prof. Anc. Lang. & Class. Lit., Prof. Rhet. & Orat. Bowd. Coll. 1 842 [S3! WILLIAM HOWARD GARDINER, Sec. &f Poet, A.M. 1882 JUSTIN WRIGHT CLARK, Sec. &? Orator. 1833 GEORGE FREDERICK FARLEY, Lib., A.M. 1855 JOHN VAUGHAN APTHORP, A.M. 1821 DUDLEY ATKINS, A.B. (Hon.) Bowd. 1817; A.M.; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1820. 1845 CHARLES BROOKS, A.M.; Div. S. 1819; Prof. Nat. Hist. Univ. City N. Y.; Memb. M.H.S. 1872 JOHN CLARK, A.M. 1851 JOHN EMERSON, A.B. 1817. 1872 SAMUEL GREEN, A.B. 1817; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1825; Tut. Bowd. Coll. 1834 JOHN WATERS PROCTOR, A.M.; LL.B. 1820. 1874 HENRY JONES RIPLEY, A.M. 1821; Andover Theol. Sem. 1819; S.T.D. 1845, Univ. Ala. 1844; Prof. Bibl. Lit. & Past. Duties, Prof. Past. Duties, Prof. Sacr. Rhet. & Past. Duties, Librarian Newton Theol. Inst. 1875 WILLIAM ROUNSVILLE PIERCE WASHBURN, LL.B. 1820. 1870 AUGUSTUS WHITING, A.M.; M.D. 1820. 1867 AZARIAH WILSON, Div. S. 1819. 1821 Total 21. CLASS OF 1817 SAMUEL SOLEY, Pres. & Poet. DAVID LEE CHILD, Pres., A.M. 1874 MICAJAH ROGERS, V. Pres.; A.M. 1822. 1875 CALEB REED, V. Pres., A.M. 1854 ASA CUMMINGS, Sec., A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1820; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1825; S.T.D. Bowd. 1847; Tut - Bowd - Coll. 1856 FRANCIS WILLIAM WINTHROP, See. & Orator. 1819 GEORGE BANCROFT, Sec. &f Orator, A.M.; Ph.D. Gottingen 1820; Ph.D. (Hon.) Gottingen 1870; LL.D. 1843, Union 1841, Bonn 1868; D.C.L. [54] Oxford 1849; L.H.D. Columbia 1887; Tut.; Overseer; Hon. Memb. M.H.S.; Memb. A.P.S.; F.A.A.; Memb. Kon.Nord.Oldskr.-Selsk.; For. Memb. Kon. Bayer. Akad. Wissensch., Accad. Real. Sci. (Turin), Acad. Roy. Sci. Belg., Kon. Gesellsch. Wissensch. (Gottingen), Kon. Akad. Wissensch. (Berlin), Acad. Sci. Mor. et Pol. (Institut de France), Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Peters- burg; Hon. Memb. Soc. Antiq. London; Kt. Order for Merit (Prussia); Sec. Navy U. S.; U. S. Min. Plen. Gt. Britain, Prussia, Germany. 1891 CALEB GUSHING, Poet, A.M.; LL.D. 1852; Tut.; Overseer; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S.; Just. Supr. Court Mass.; Attorney-Gen. U. S.; M.C.; U. S. Comm. to conclude peace with China; U. S. Min. Plen. China, Spain. 1879 IRA HENRY THOMAS BLANCHARD, Lib.,A.M.; Tut. 1845 APOLLOS DRAYTON BATES. 1841 THOMAS DUNCAN CARTER. 1819 GEORGE BARRELL EMERSON, A.M.; LL.D. 1859, Brown 1858; Tut.; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1881 BENJAMIN FESSENDEN, A.M.; Div. S. 1820. 1881 WILLIAM SODEN HASTINGS, A.M.; M.C. 1842 DANIEL OILMAN HATCH, A.M. 1862 JOSEPH HUNTINGTON JONES, A.B. (Hon.) Bowd. 1818; A.M.; S.T.D. 1855, Lafayette (Pa.) 1842; Tut. Bowd. Coll. 1868 ROBERT SCHUYLER, A.M. 1855 SAMUEL EDMUND SEWALL, A.M.; LL.B. 1820. 1888 CHARLES HENRY WARREN, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1874 PAUL WILLARD, A.M. 1856 ALVA WOODS, A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1821; A.M. Brown 1826; S.T.D. Brown 1828; Prof. Math. & Nat. Philos. Columbian Coll. (D.C.),& Brown Univ.; Pres. Transylvania Univ. (Ky.), & Univ. Ala. 1887 Total 21. [55] CLASS OF 1818 CHARLES WALKER, Pres., Tut.; Librarian Transyl- vania Univ. (Ky.). 1843 SAMPSON REED, Pres., A.M. 1880 SAMUEL BARRETT, V. Pres., A.M.; Div. S. 1822; S.T.D. 1847; Overseer. 1866 JOHN PRENTISS, V. Pres.; Div. S. 1822. 1861 JOHN FESSENDEN, Sec. &f Orator, A.M.; Div. S. 1821; Tut. 1871 GEORGE RAPALL NOYES, Sec., A.M.; Div. S. 1822; S.T.D. 1839; Tut.; Hancock Prof. Hebr. & other Orient. Lang., & Dexter Lect.; F.A.A. 1868 [ ,Sec.] THOMAS McCuLLOUGH, Orator. 1817 PHILANDER CHASE, Poet. 1824 GRENVILLE M ELLEN, Poet. 1841 JOHN HUBBARD WILKINS, Lib., A.M. 1861 JAMES BARBOUR. 1857 GEORGE CHASE. 1819 GEORGE CHIPMAN, A.M. 1869 JOHN EVERETT, A.M.; Tutor Transylvania Univ. (Ky.). 1826 THOMAS GADSDEN. 1871 WARREN GODDARD, A.M. 1889 JOSHUA HENSHAW HAYWARD, A.M.; M.D. 1821. 1856 ABEL FLETCHER HILDRETH, A.M. 1864 CLELAND KINLOCH. 1823 EBENEZER NEWHALL, A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1821. 1878 TIMOTHY OSGOOD, A.M. 1823 CHARLES ROBINSON, A.M.; Div. S. 1822. 1862 THOMAS WORCESTER, A.M.; Div. S. 1821; S.T.D. 1856; Overseer. 1878 Total 24. [56] CLASS OF 1819 [ , Pres. fcf Sec.] ROBERT CROSS, V. Pres., A.M. 1859 STEPHEN CLARENDON PHILLIPS, Sec. sf Orator, A.M.; Overseer; M.C. 1857 THOMAS BULFINCH COOLIDGE, Sec.; A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1819; A.M. 1850 CHARLES CARTER LEE, Orator, A.M. 1871 JAMES HAYWARD, Poet, A.M.; Tut.; Coll. Prof. Math. & Nat. Philos.; F.A.A. 1866 ELIJAH BIGELOW. 1830 GEORGE SALMON BOURNE. CHARLES ADAMS BULLARD, A.M. 1870. 1872 EPHRAIM BUTTRICK. 1874 CHARLES SHIRLEY CARTER. 1840 MOSES CLARK, A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1822. 1823 THOMAS SAVAGE CLAY, A.M. 1849 ALFRED DWIGHT FOSTER, A.M. 1852 HORACE GRAY, A.M.; F.A.A. 1873 EDWARD ELLENBOROUGH LAW, Memb. A.P.S. 1889 JOHN JANNEY LLOYD, A.M. 1871 SOLOMON PEARSON MILES, A.M.; Tut.; F.A.A. 1842 JOHN FALCON STEELL, A.M. 1826 WILLIAM STEVENS, A.M. 1878 PHILLIPS SWEETSER. HENRY UPHAM, A.M. 1875 SAMUEL BAKER WALCOTT, A.M.; Tut. 1854 Total 23. CLASS OF 1820 THADDEUS BOWMAN BIGELOW, Pres., A.M. 1888 EZRA STILES GANNETT, Pres. & Orator; A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1820; A.M.; Div. S. 1823; S.T.D. 1843; Overseer. 1871 WILLIAM OAKES, Pres., A.M.; LL.B. 1825; F.A.A. 1848 [57] DAVID PRIESTLEY HALL, V. Pres., Poet & Lib., A.M. 1868 WARREN COLBURN, V. Pres., A.M.; F.A.A. 1833 SOLOMON ADAMS, V. Pres.; A.B. 1852; A.M. 1852; Andover Theol. Sem. 1823; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1824. 1870 WILLIAM RUFUS SMITH, V. Pres. 1825 EDWARD GARDINER DAVIS, Sec., A.M.; M.D. 1826. 1839 ALEXANDER YOUNG, Sec. & Orator, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Yale 1823; Div. S. 1824; S.T.D. 1846; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S. 1854 WILLIAM HENRY FURNESS, Sec. & Poet, A.M.; Div. S. 1823; S.T.D. 1847; Overseer; Memb. A.P.S. 1896 WILLIAM GEORGE READ, Orator, A.M.; LL.D. Georgetown (D. C.) 1842. 1846 BENJAMIN KENT, Poet, A.M.; Div. S. 1823. 1859 JOHN GOWING BLANCHARD. 1834 JAMES GORDON CARTER, A.M. 1849 JOSHUA BARKER FLINT, A.M.; M.D. 1825. 1864 EDWARD BROOKS HALL, A.M.; Div. S. 1824; S.T.D. 1848. 1866 TILLY BROWN HAYWARD, A.M. 1878 CALVIN LINCOLN, A.M.; Div. S. 1823. 1881 JOSEPH PALMER, A.M.; M.D. 1826; Memb. M.H.S. 1871 STEPHEN SCHUYLER, A.M. 1845; Div. S. 1826. 1859 ENOS STEWART, A.M. 1847 GIDEON TUCKER. 1863 HENRY GOODWIN WHEATON, A.M. 1865 Total 23. CLASS OF 1821 CHARLES WENTWORTH \Jf HAM, Pres. fcf Orator, A.M.; Div. S. 1824; Memb. M.H.S.; M.C. 1875 MELLISH IRVING MOTTE, Pres., Sec. &f Poet, A.M. 1881 JOSEPH BANCROFT HILL, V. Pres. 1864 JOSEPH MANIGAULT, V. Pres. 1829 WILLIAM FOSTER OTIS, Sec., A.M. 1858 [58] NATHANIEL WOOD, Sec. & Poet, A.M.; Tut. 1876 JOHN MILTON CHENEY, Lib., A.M. 1869 ROBERT WOODWARD BARN WELL, A.M.; Pres. S. C. Coll.; M.C.; Senator U. S. 1882 WARREN BURTON, A.M.; Div. S. 1826. 1866 WILLIAM PARKER COFFIN. 1825 RALPH FARNSWORTH, A.M. (Hon.) Dart. 1825; M.D. 1826. 1875 ENOCH FRYE. 1886 SAMUEL HATCH, A.M.; M.D. Transylvania (Ky.) 1830. 1873 JOHN BOYNTON HILL, A.M. 1886 GEORGE JOHONNOT HUBBARD. 1822 EDWARD KENT, A.M.; LL.D. Colby 1855; Just. Supr. Court Me.; Gov. Me. 1877 FREDERICK GORE KING, A.M.; M.D. Coll. Phys. & Surg. N. Y. 1824. 1829 JONAS HENRY LANE, M.D. 1826. 1861 FREDERIC PERCIVAL LEVERETT, A.M.; Headmaster Boston Pub. Lat. S. 1836 GEORGE ALEXANDER Ons. 1831 JOSIAH QUINCY, A.M. 1882 Total 21. CLASS OF 1822 CALEB STETSON, Pres., A.M.; Div. S. 1827. l $7 EDWARD WIGGLESWORTH, Pres., A.B. (Hon.) Yale 1822; A.M.; LL.B. 1825; F - A - A - 1876 [ , Pres. fcf Orator] NORMAN SEAVER, V. Pres. fcf Orator, A.M. 1838 HENRY BROMFIELD ROGERS, V. Pres., A.M. 1887 EBENEZER TORREY, V. Pres., A.M. 1888 THOMAS GAMALIEL BRADFORD, Sec. 6f Poet. 1887 JOSIAH BENT, Sec. ; A.M. 1831. 1839 JOHN FROST, Sec., A.M.; LL.D. Marshall (Pa.) 1843. 1859 LUTHER BARKER LINCOLN, Poet, A.M. 1855 [59] [ ,Poet.] LEONARD DOWNE, Lib. 1824 NATHANIEL INGERSOLL BOWDITCH, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1861 JOSEPH GREEN COLE. 1851 GEORGE AUGUSTUS GODDARD, A.M. 1845 CHARLES PHELPS HUNTINGTON. 1868 EDWARD JACKSON LPWELL, A.M.; LL.B. 1825. 1830 HORATIO ROBINSON, A.M.; M.D. 1825. 1849 JAMES McCLURG WICKHAM. 1850 SAMUEL MELANCTHON WORCESTER, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Middlebury (Vt.) 1837; S.T.D. Amherst 1847; Overseer; Prof. Rhet., Orat. & English Amherst Coll. 1866 Total 20. CLASS OF 1823 JOHN PAUL ROBINSON, Pres.; A.B. 1845; A.M. (Hon.) 1845. 1864 THOMAS WILSON DORR, Pres., A.M. 1854 SAMUEL HORATIO STEARNS, Pres. & V. Pres., A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1828. 1837 PHINEAS SARGENT DENNY, V. Pres. DANIEL WELD, Sec. 1825 WILLIAM PARSONS LUNT, Sec., Poet & Lib., A.M.; Div. S. 1828; S.T.D. 1850; Instr. Math.; Over- seer; Memb. M.H.S. 1857 JAMES AUGUSTUS KENDALL, Sec., A.M.; Div. S. 1826. 1884 WILLIAM LAWRENCE CHAPLIN, Orator. 1871 JOHN ADAMS, A.B. 1873. 1834 ASAHEL BIGELOW, Andover Theol. Sem. 1826. 1877 SAMUEL PARKMAN BLAKE, A.B. 1841; A.M. 1841. 1889 HENRY GRAFTON CHAPMAN, A.B. 1841; A.M. 1841. 1842 EDWARD VERNON CHILDE, A.M. 1861 LEVI FLETCHER, A.M. 1839 [60] JAMES DANDRIDGE HALYBURTON, A.B. 1850; A.M. 1850; Judge U. S. Dist. Court (Va.). 1879 FRANCIS HILLIARD, A.B. 1842; A.M. 1842. 1878 PHINEAS MILLER KOLLOCK, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1826. 1872 ELLIS GRAY LORING. 1858 JOHN PRESTON. 1867 BENJAMIN ALEXANDER PUTNAM, A.B. 1852; A.M. 1852. 1869 GEORGE RIPLEY, A.M.; Div. S. 1826; LL.D. Law- rence (Wis.) 1874, Univ. Mich. 1875; Tut. 1880 RUSSELL STURGIS, A.B. 1845; A.M. 1845. 1887 EDWARD THORNTON TAYLOE, A.B. 1854. 1876 THOMAS HUNT THOMPSON, M.D. 1826. 1840 GEORGE WADSWORTH WELLS, A.M.; Div. S. 1826. 1843 JOHN WRIGHT, A.M. 1869 [ J Total 27. CLASS OF 1824 EDWARD BLISS EMERSON, Pres. & Poet, A.M. 1834 WILLIAM NE WELL, Pres., A.M.; Div. 8.1829; S.T.D. 1853; Memb. M.H.S. 1881 CHRISTOPHER TOPPAN THAYER, Pres., A.M.; Div. S. 1827. 1880 WILLIAM PITKIN HUNTINGTON, V. Pres.; M.D. 1835. 1885 EDWARD BLAKE, V. Pres., A.M. 1873 SAMUEL PARKER, V. Pres. fcf Orator. 1882 Lucius VIRGIL HUBBARD, Sec. 1849 DAVID HATCH BARLOW, Sec. &f Poet, A.M.; Div. S. 1829. 1864 GEORGE WASHINGTON BURNAP, Sec., A.M.; Div. S. 1827; S.T.D. 1849. 1859 RICHARD FULLER, Orator; S.T.D. 1853, Columbian (D. C.) 1844. 1876 WILLIAM AUGUSTUS WHITWELL, Lib., A.M.; Div. S. 1827. 1865 [61] PHINEAS MILLER CRANE, A.M.; M.D. 1828. 1882 ELIAS HASKET DERBY, A.M. 1880 ROBERT BRENT DRANE, A.B. 1825; A.M. 1841; S.T.D. Univ. N. C. 1844. 1862 JOHN HENRY GRAY, A.M. 1850 ASA FARNSWORTH LAWRENCE, Principal Groton (now Lawrence) Acad. 1873 EDMUND LEWIS LEBRETON, A.M. 1849 GEORGE LUNT. 1885 ARTEMAS BOWERS MUZZEY, A.M.; Div. S. 1828; S.T.D. Tufts 1890; Overseer. 1892 JOHN COCHRAN PARK, A.M.; LL.B. 1827. 1889 EDWARD PICKERING. 1876 CHARLES GIDEON PUTNAM, A.M.; M.D. 1827; F.A.A. 1875 JOSEPH LEWIS STACKPOLE, A.M.; LL.B. 1828. 1847 Total 23. CLASS OF 1825 JASON WHITMAN, Pres., Orator fcf Lib., A.M.; Div. S. 1831. 1848 FREDERICK WILDER, Pres. fcf Orator. 1826 FRANCIS OLIVER DORR, Pres. 1892 FREDERIC HENRY HEDGE, V.Pres. & Poet, A.M.; Div. S. 1828; S.T.D. 1852; LL.D. 1886; Prof. Eccles. Hist., Prof. Germ.; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1890 FRANCIS JOHN HIGGINSON, V. Pres.; M.D. 1828. 1872 ALLEN PUTNAM, V. Pres., A.M.; Div. S. 1830. 1887 BENJAMIN BRIGHAM, See., Chor. &f Orator; Div. S. 1828. !8 3 i CHARLES LIVERMORE, Sec. 1825 SETH AMES, Sec.; Memb. M.H.S.; Just. Supr. Court Mass. 1881 JAMES FURBISH, Poet; A.B. 1826. 1878 JONATHAN CHAPMAN, A.M. 1848 FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM. 1867 AUGUSTUS HENRY FISKE. 1865 [62] JOHN BARNARD SWETT JACKSON, A.M.; M.D. 1829; Prof. Pathol. Anat. & Shattuck Prof. Morbid Anat.; Dean Med. S.; Curator Warren Anat. Museum; F.A.A. 1879 WILLIAM PRENTISS, A.M. 1834 PAUL TRAPIER, S.T.D. Charleston (S. C.) 1867. 1872 Total 1 6. CLASS OF 1826 CORNELIUS McLEAN, Pres. &? Orator. 1861 CAZNEAU PALFREY, Pres. &f Orator, A.M.; Div. S. 1829; S.T.D. Bowd. 1855; Tut. 1888 GEORGE PUTNAM, V. Pres., Orator & Lib., A.M.; Div. 8.1830; S.T.D. Bowd. 1845; Fellow; Overseer; F.A.A. 1878 JOHN CHARLES PHILLIPS, V. Pres.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1832. 1878 HERSEY BRADFORD GOODWIN, Sec. & Poet, A.M.; Div. S. 1829. 1836 NEHEMIAH ADAMS, Sec., A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1829; S.T.D. Amherst 1847. 1878 JOHN HAM WILLIAMS PAGE, Sec., A.M. 1865 TIMOTHY WALKER, Poet, A.M.; LL.D. 1854. 1856 JAMES RONALDSON LEIB, Poet, A.M. 1843 JULIAN ABBOT, A.M.; Div. S. 1830. 1891 GEORGE ATHERTON. ALANSON BRIGHAM, A.M.; Div. S. 1831. 1833 ADDISON BROWN, Div. S. 1831. 1872 JAMES BRYAN CABANISS. 1826 JOSEPH HEATLY CHEVES. 1834 ALEXANDER JAMES HAMILTON, A.M. 1886 GEORGE WASHINGTON HOSMER, A.M.; Div. S. 1630; S.T.D. 1853; Prof. Past. Care Meadville Theol. S. (Pa.); Pres. & Prof. Hist. & Ethics Antioch Coll. (O.). 1881 OMEN SOUTHWORTH KEITH, A.M. 1831. 1847 [63] JOSIAH MOORE, Div. S. 1830. 1881 WILLARD PARKER, A.M.; M.D. 1830, Berks. Med. Inst. (Mass.) 1831; LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1870; Prof. Anat. & Surg. Berks. Med. Inst.; Prof. Anat. Geneva Coll. (N. Y.); Prof. Anat. & Surg. Colby Univ.; Prof. Surg. Cincinnati Univ.; Prof. Prin. & Pract. Surg. Coll. Phys. & Surg. (N. Y.). 1884 RICHARD ROBINS. 1852 OLIVER STEARNS, A.M.; Div. S. 1830; S.T.D. 1857; Tut.; Parkman Prof. Pulpit Eloq. & Past. Care & Lect. Christ. Theol.; Parkman Prof. Theol.; Dean Div. S.; Pres. Meadville Theol. S. (Pa.). 1885 JOHN HOLBROOK THAYER. 1870 Total 24. CLASS OF 1827 EDMUND QUINCY, Pres. & Orator, A.M.; Overseer; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. & A.P.S. 1877 ALFRED LEE, Pres. fc? V. Pres., A.M.; Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1837; S.T.D. 1860, Trinity (Conn.) 1841, Kenyon (O.) 1841, Hobart (N. Y.) 1841; LL.D. Delaware 1877; P. E. Bishop Del. 1887 WILLIAM AUGUSTUS STEARNS, Pres. fcf Orator, A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1831; S.T.D. 1853; LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1862; Overseer; Pres. Amherst Coll.; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1876 CORNELIUS CON WAY FELTON, V. Pres. &? Poet, A.M.; LL.D. Amherst 1848, Yale 1860; Tut.; Univ. Prof. Greek; Eliot Prof. Greek Lit.; Regent; President; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S.; Cor. Memb. Archaeol. Soc. (Athens). . 1862 EPES SARGENT DIXWELL, V. Pres. & Sec., A.M.; Headmaster Boston Latin S.; F.A.A. 1899 SETH SWEETSER, V. Pres., Sec. & Orator, A.M.; An- dover Theol. Sem. 1834; S.T.D. Amherst 1852; Tut.; Overseer. 1878 [6 4 ] EDMUND LAMBERT GUSHING, See., A.M.; LL.B. 1834; LL.D. 1876; Tut.; Instr. Math. & Nat. Philos.; Ch. Just. Supr. Court N. H. 1883 WILLIAM MATTICKS ROGERS, Poet & Lib., A.M.; An- dover Theol. Sem. 1830; Overseer. 1851 GEORGE BARTLETT, A.M.; M.D. 1830. 1864 WILLIAM HATHORNE BROOKS. 1877 HENRY RUSSELL CLEVELAND, A.M. 1843 JOHN HUBBARD EATON, A.M. 1842. 1862 JAMES LLOYD ENGLISH, A.M. 1883 CHARLES ANDREWS FARLEY, Div. S. 1832. 1887 WILLIAM HOWE SANFORD. 1879 ARNOLD FRANCIS WELLES, A.M. 1844 Total 1 6. CLASS OF 1828 CHARLES CHAUNCY EMERSON, Pres. fcf Orator, A.M.; LL.B. 1832. 1836 GEORGE CHAPMAN, Pres., V. Pres. &f Orator; Div. S. 1831. 1834 GEORGE STILLMAN HILLARD, Pres. fcf Sec., A.M.; LL.B. 1832; LL.D. Trinity (Conn.) 1857; Over- seer; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1879 CHARLES BABBIDGE, V. Pres.; Div. S. 1832; S.T.D. 1883. 1898 CHARLES JOSEPH TAYLOR, V. Pres. 1872 JAMES COOK RICHMOND, Sec. 6f Poet. 1866 HENRY SWASEY McKEAN, Sec., A.M.; Tut. 1857 ROBERT CHARLES WINTHROP, Orator, A.M.; LL.D. 1855, Bowd. 1849, Kenyon(O.) 1851, Cambr. 1874; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Pres. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; Memb. A.P.S., Kon. Nord. Oldskr.-Selsk. (Copenhagen); Hon. Memb. Soc. Antiq. London, Roy. Hist. Soc. (Gt. Britain), Inst. Hist. Geogr. e Ethnogr, Brasil.; M.C. (Speaker); Senator U. S. 1894 EDWARD SOLEY, Lib.; A.M. 1835. [65] HORATIO DAWES APPLETON. 1828 CHARLES FRANCIS BARNARD, A.M.; Div. S. 1831. 1884 ARTHUR HOWSON HOOE BERNARD. 1891 JACOB CALDWELL. 1889 FREDERICK DABNEY, A.M. 1857 JOHN JAMES GILCHRIST, LL.D. 1856, Dart. 1852; Just. & Ch. Just. Supr. Court N. H.; Judge U. S. Court of Claims. 1858 PATRICK GRANT, A.M. 1895 JOSEPH HALE. 1886 EDWARD HOLYOKE HEDGE, A.M. 1837 JOSIAH DUNHAM HEDGE, A.M.; M.D. 1832. 1879 GEORGE NICHOLS, A.M. 1871; Div. S. 1831; Instr. Math. 1882 JOHN GREENE NORWOOD, A.M. 1832 WILLIAM PHILLIPS. 1829 OLIVER PRESCOTT. 1890 EDWARD SPRAGUE RAND, A.M.; LL.B. 1831. 1884 HORATIO SHIPLEY. 1872 WILLIAM GRAY SWETT, A.M.; Div. S. 1831. 1843 JONATHAN LORING WOART, A.M. 1833. 1838 Total 27. CLASS OF 1829 CHARLES STORER STORROW, Pres.; F.A.A. 1904 BENJAMIN ROBBINS CURTIS, Pres., Sec. & Orator; LL.B. 1832; LL.D. 1852, Brown 1857; Fellow; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S.; Just. Supr. Court U. S. 1874 ALBERT LOCKE, Pres. 1840 JAMES HUMPHREY WILDER, V. Pres. 1879 CHARLES FAY, V. Pres., Orator fcf Chor., A.M. 1888 SOLOMON MARTIN JENKINS, V . Pres. ; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1831. 1848 OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, Sec. fcf Poet; A.M. (Hon.) 1889; M.D. 1836; LL.D. 1880, Edinb. 1886; Litt. D. Cambr. 1886; D.C.L. Oxford 1886; Park- man Prof. Anat. & Physiol., & Prof. Emeritus; [66] Dean Med. S.; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Prof. Anat. & Physiol. Dart. Coll.; Vice-Pres. A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. & A.P.S. 1894 JAMES FREEMAN CLARKE, Sec. & Poet; Div. S. 1833; S.T.D. 1863; Prof. Nat. Rel. & Christ. Doc.; Overseer; Memb. A.P.S. & M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1888 GEORGE HUMPHREY DEVEREUX, Orator, A.M. 1878 ANDREW RITCHIE, Poet. 1837 SAMUEL ADAMS DEVENS, Lib.; Div. S. 1833. 1891 JOSEPH ANGIER, Div. S. 1832. 1871 GEORGE TYLER BIGELOW, LL.D. 1853; Fellow; Memb. M.H.S.; Vice-Pres. A.A.; Just. & Ch. Just. Supr. Court Mass. 1878 WILLIAM BRIGHAM, Memb. M.H.S. 1869 JOHN PARKER BULLARD, LL.B. 1836. 1845 EDWARD LINZEE CUNNINGHAM, A.M.; M.D. 1832. 1905 JOEL GILES, LL.B. 1837; Instr. Math. & Nat. Philos., Int. & Mor. Philos.; Tut. 1882 WILLIAM GRAY, A.M.; Overseer ; Pres. Alumni Assn.; F.A.A. ; Memb. M.H.S. 1892 CHARLES LOWELL HANCOCK. 1890 JOHN HUBBARD, A.M. 1848 SAMUEL MAY, A.M.; Div. S. 1833. 1899 EDWARD PATRICK MILLIKEN. 1877 [ISAAC EDWARD MORSE,] M.C. 1866 BENJAMIN PEIRCE, A.M. 1833; LL.D. 1867, Univ. N. C. 1847; Tut.; Univ. Prof. Math. & Nat. Philos.; Perkins Prof. Astron. & Math.; F.A.A., Royal Soc. London, Edinb.; Memb. A.P.S. , Kon. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen ; Supt. U. S. Coast Surv. 1880 CHANDLER ROBBINS, A.M.; Div. S. 1833; S.T.D. 1855; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1882 EDWARD DEXTER SOHIER, A.M. 1888 GEORGE AUGUSTUS TAYLOR. 1864 JAMES THURSTON, A.M.; Div. S. 1835. ^7 2 EZRA WESTON, A.M.; LL.B. 1832. 1852 Total 29. [67] CLASS OF 1830 CHARLES DA WES APPLETON, Pres. & Orator, A.M. 1886 THOMAS HOPKINSON, Pres., A.M. 1856 JONATHAN FRENCH STEARNS, Pres.; A.M. 1847; S.T.D. Coll. N. J. 1850. 1889 JOHN BOZMAN KERR, V. Pres., A.M.; M.C. 1878 SAMUEL McBuRNEY, V. Pres. 1849 JAMES BENJAMIN, V. Pres. 1853 GEORGE JAMES FOSTER, Sec. & Orator, A.M. 1876 BARZILLAI FROST, Sec.; Div. S. 1835; I nst r. Hist. 1858 GEORGE WASHINGTON WARREN, Sec. & Poet, A.M. 1883 JOHN OSBORNE SARGENT, Orator, A.M.; Overseer. 1891 HORATIO SPRAGUE EUSTIS, Poet; A.M. 1838. 1858 HENRY RICE COFFIN, Poet. 1880 WILLIAM ANDREWS, Lib.; Div. S. 1833. 1838 JOSEPH BARNEY WILLIAMS, Chor., A.M. 1853 BENJAMIN HALSEY ANDREWS, A.M.; LL.B. 1833. 1847 JOHN BRYANT, A.M. 1847 WILLIAM EUSTIS, A.M. 1840; M.D. 1838. 1843 ROBERT HALLOWELL GARDINER. 1886 JOSEPH LYMAN, A.M. 1871 WILLIAM PENNIMAN. 1832 ELISHA REYNOLDS POTTER, Commis. Pub. Schools R. I.; Just. Supr. Court R. I.; M.C. 1882 HENRY WINTHROP SARGENT, A.M. 1882 CHARLES STUART. 1880 CHARLES SUMNER, LL.B. 1834; LL.D. 1859, Yale 1856, Amherst 1856; F.A.A.; Memb. A.P.S. & M.H.S.; Senator U. S. 1874 CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, A.M.; Overseer. 1889 HENRY AUGUSTUS WALKER, Div. S. 1833. 1838 SAMUEL THOMAS WORCESTER, M.C. 1882 Total 27. [68] CLASS OF 1831 WENDELL PHILLIPS, Pres.; LL.B. 1834. 1884 JOHN GEORGE McKEAN, Pres. 1851 WILLIAM HAMMATT SIMMONS, Pres. &f Orator, A.M.; Instr. Elocution. 1841 ABRAHAM RAND THOMPSON, V. Pres. 1830 JOSEPH RICKETSON WILLIAMS, V. Pres. 1861 FRANCIS JAMES RUSSELL, V. Pres. 1833 FREDERICK WILLIAM BRUNE, Sec., A.M. 1878 ROBERT WILLIAM HABERSHAM, Sec. &f Poet. 1832 CHARLES GEORGE CLINTON HALE, Sec., Poet &? Lib. 1832 CHARLES EAMES, Orator, A.M.; U. S. Min. Res. Venezuela. 1867 JOHN HOPKINS MORISON, Orator; A.M. 1861; S.T.D. 1858. 1896 WILLIAM AUSTIN, Poet, A.M. 1835 HENRY CHEEVER SIMONDS, Chor. 1840 ROBERT ADAMS COKER. 1833 JOHN GILES. 1838 DANIEL WALDO LINCOLN. 1880 JOSEPH WARREN MANSUR. 1892 JOHN TAPPAN PIERCE, A.M. 1894 GEORGE CHEYNE SHATTUCK, A.M.; M.D. 1835; P*- Clin. Med.; Hersey Prof. Theor. & Pract. Med.; Dean Med. S.; Prof. Physiol. & Instit. Med. Trinity Coll. (Conn.); F.A.A. 1893 SEBASTIAN FERRIS STREETER, A.M. 1864 WARREN JACOB WHITNEY, M.D. 1835. 1891 Total 21. CLASS OF 1832 CHARLES KITTRIDGE TRUE, Pres. & Poet, A.M.; S.T.D. 1849; Hedding Prof. Mor. Sci. & Pol. Lit. Wesleyan Univ. (Conn.). 1878 SAMUEL ADAMS, Pres., A.M. 1841 [69] SAMUEL OSGOOD, Pres. & Orator, A.M.; Div. S. 1835; S.T.D. 1855; LL.D. Hobart (N. Y.) 1872; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. 1880 JOHN SULLIVAN DWIGHT, V. Pres. ff Poet; Div. S. 1836. 1893 OLIVER CAPEN EVERETT, V, Pres., A.M.; Div. S. 1836. 1875 JAMES AUGUSTUS TREAT, V. Pres.; A.M. 1836. 1887 CHARLES TIMOTHY BROOKS, Sec. fcf Orator; Div. S. 1835. 1883 HORACE DUPEE, Sec., A.M.; M.D. 1837. 1891 WILLIAM CHANNING APPLETON, Sec.; LL.B. 1836. 1892 GEORGE FREDERICK SIMMONS, Orator, A.M.; Div. S. 1838. 1855 ANDREW PETERS, Poet. 1831 WILLIAM WILLIAMSON WELLINGTON, Lib.; A.M. 1851 ; M.D. 1838. 1896 CHARLES GRAFTON PAGE, Chor.; M.D. 1836; Prof. Chem. Columbian Univ. (D. C.); F.A.A. 1868 LEWIS COLBV, A.M.; Newton Theol. Inst. 1835. ^88 WILLIAM GUSHING, Div. S. 1839. 1895 CHARLES MASON, S.T.D. 1858, Trinity (Conn.) 1858; Memb. M.H.S. 1862 HARRISON GRAY Ons PHIPPS, Div. S. 1835. 1841 WILLIAM RICHARDSON. 1856 LE BARON RUSSELL, A.M. 1836; M.D. 1842; Overseer. 1889 WILLIAM SILSBEE, Div. S. 1836. 1890 RICHARD SOULE, A.M. 1860. 1877 AUGUSTUS STORY, A.M. 1882 JOSEPH BREWSTER WALKER. 1846 DAVID WORCESTER, A.B. 1856. 1893 Total 24. CLASS OF 1833 HIRAM KEITH CURTIS, Pres., A.M. 1888 MOSES KELLY, Pres.; A.B. 1834. 1870 [70] FRANCIS BOWEN, Pres. f Poet, A.M.; LL.D. 1879; Prof. Math. & Nat. Philos. Phillips Exeter Acad. (N. H.); Tut.; Alford Prof. Nat. Rel., Mor. Philos. & Civ. Pol., & Prof. Emeritus; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1890 ABIEL ABBOT LIVERMORE, V. Pres. & Orator; A.M. 1872; Div. S. 1836; S.T.D. 1888; Pres. Mead- ville Theol. S. (Pa.). 1892 FISHER AMES HARDING, V, Pres. & Orator. 1846 JOHN HOMER Dix, Sec. &? Orator; M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1836. 1884 WILLIAM MACKAY PRICHARD, Sec. 1897 WILLIAM WHITING, Sec., A.M. 1854; LL.B. 1838; LL.D. Colby 1872; M.C. 1873 JOSEPH HARRINGTON, Poet &f Chor., A.M. 1852 ROBERT TRAILL SPENCE LOWELL, Porf, A.M.; S.T.D. Union 1864; Headmaster St. Mark's S. (South- boro); Prof. Latin Lang. & Lit. Union Coll. 1891 WILLIAM MACK, Lib., A.M.; M.D. 1838. 1895 CHARLES JARVIS BATES, A.M.; M.D. 1836. 1847 THOMAS BOLTON, A.B. 1834. 1871 CHRISTOPHER DUNKIN, A.B. (Hon.) 1834; A.M. (Hon.) 1860, Yale 1839; Instr. Greek; Tut. 1881 HENRY YANCEY GRAY. 1872 WILLIAM PORTER JARVIS, A.M. 1880 JOSEPH LOVERING, A.M.; LL.D. 1879; Instr. Math.; Tut.; Hollis Prof. Math. & Nat. Philos., & Prof. Emeritus; Director Jefferson Phys. Lab.; Vice- Pres. & Pres. A.A.; Memb. A.P.S. & N.A. Sci. 1892 EDWARD JOSIAH STEARNS, A.M. 1850; A.M. (Hon.) St. John's (Md.) 1850; S.T.D. Hobart (N. Y.) 1874; Prof. Mod. Lang. St. John's Coll. (Md.). 1890 JOHN OSGOOD STONE, A.M.; M.D. 1836. 1876 HENRY WARREN TORREY, A.M. (Hon.) 1847; LL.D. 1879; Instr. Elocution; Tut.; McLean Prof. Anc. & Mod. Hist., & Prof. Emeritus; Overseer; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1893 [71] NATHANIEL SAVILLE TUCKER, A.M. 1837; M.D. 1838. 1887 WINSLOW MARSTON WATSON, A.B. 1835. 1889 CHRISTOPHER MINOT WELD, A.M.; M.D. 1837. 1878 THOMAS WIGGLESWORTH. 1907 MORRILL WYMAN, A.M.; M.D. 1837; LL.D. 1885; Adjunct Hersey Prof. Theor. & Pract. Med.; Overseer; F.A.A. 1903 Total 25. CLASS OF 1834 RUFUS TILDEN KING, Pres. 1883 ROYALL TYLER, Pres., Poet fcf Lib.; A.B. 1847; A.M. 1847. 1896 GEORGE MOORE, Pres., Sec. fcf Orator; Div. S. 1839. 1847 SAMUEL MORSE FELTON, V. Pres. &f Orator; A.M. 1851; Memb. A.P.S. 1889 EDWARD Fox, V. Pres.; LL.B. 1837; Just. Supr. Court Me.; Judge U. S. Dist. Court (Me.). 1881 CHARLES ELIOT WARE, V. Pres. fcf Chor., A.M.; M.D. 1837; F.A.A. 1887 JOSEPH SARGENT, Sec., A.M.; M.D. 1837. 1888 WILLIAM LsRoY ANNIN, Sec. & Poet. 1895 CHARLES MASON, Orator, A.M.; LL.B. 1839; Tut. 1901 [ ,Poet.} KINSMAN ATKINSON, A.M. 1840; Instr. Phillips Acad. Andover. 1889 HENRY BLANCHARD, A.M. 1839; M.D. 1840. 1897 EDWARD BRADSTREET, A.M. 1838; M.D. 1838. 1844 THADDEUS CLAPP, A.M. 1838. 1861 BENJAMIN EDDY COTTING, A.M.; M.D. 1837; F.A.A. 1897 WILLIAM SMITH CRUFT, A.M. 1851 THOMAS GUSHING, A.M.; Principal Chauncy Hall S. Boston. 1 895 CHARLES KNOWER. 1834 WILLIAM PUTNAM RICHARDSON, A.M.; M.D. 1837. 1857 NATHANIEL WEST. 1896 Total 20. [72] CLASS OF 1835 JOHN HENRY ELLIOT, Pres., A.M. 1895 HIRAM BARRETT DENNIS, Pres. & Poet; A.B. 1842. 1846 NAAMAN LOUD WHITE, Pres. & Orator. 1890 FREDERIC AUGUSTUS EUSTIS, V. Pres. & Lib. ; Div. S. 1839. 1871 LEMUEL STEPHENS, V. Pres. fcf Poet; Prof. Chem. & Nat. Philos. Girard Coll. (Pa.), & Prof. Emeri- tus. 1892 CHARLES WARWICK PALFRAY, V. Pres. ; LL.B. 1838. 1900 AMOS ADAMS LAWRENCE, Sec., A.M.; Treasurer; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S. 1886 ELIJAH DWIGHT WILLIAMS, Sec. 1842 GEORGE JACOB ABBOT, Sec.; A.M. 1839; Prof. Rhet. & Eccles. Hist. Meadville Theol. S. (Pa.). 1879 GEORGE AUGUSTUS GUSHING, Chor. 1880 HARRISON GRAY OTIS BLAKE, Orator; Div. S. 1838. 1898 BENJAMIN DAVIS WINSLOW, Orator, A.M. ^39 ALLEN CROCKER SPOONER, Poet. 1853 GEORGE BEMIS, LL.B. 1839; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1878 EBEN SMITH BROOKS, A.M. 1865 FRANCIS ALFRED FABENS, LL.B. 1838. 1872 AARON LARKIN LELAND. 1858 CHARLES STARK NEWELL. 1876 CHARLES HENRY PARKER. JOSEPH TRUE. 1840 BENJAMIN HUSSEY WEST, A.M.; M.D. 1838. 1900 FERDINAND ELLIOT WHITE, Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1842. 1885 Total 22. CLASS OF 1836 WILLIAM OXNARD MOSELEY, Pres.; Div. S. 1842. 1894 GEORGE WASHINGTON MINNS, Pres. & Poet; LL.B. 1840; Master Boston Pub. Latin S. 1895 [73 1 JOHN TAYLOR OILMAN NiCHOLs,Pri?j.,iS^. & Orator; Div. S. 1842; S.T.D. Bowd. 1874. 1900 EDWARD JOY MORRIS, V. Pres. & Orator, M.C.; U. S. Min. Res. Turkey. 1881 JOHN THOMPSON GRAY, V.Pres.; A.M. 1871; LL.B. 1839. 1902 GEORGE STANLEY PARKER, V. Pres., Sec. & Poet, A.M. 1873 WILLIAM ELLISON PARMENTER, Sec.; A.M. 1865. 1903 GEORGE MINOT, Chor.; LL.B. 1838. 1858 WILLIAM MINOT, Orator; LL.B. 1840. 1894 FREDERICK OCTAVIUS PRINCE, Poet, A.M. 1899 HENRY BIGELOW, Lib.;M.D. 1839. 1866 DANIEL COOK. 1853 HERMAN ELVERS DAVIDSON, A.M. 1840; M.D. 1840. 1890 ANDREW FISKE. FREDERICK WILLIAM GALE. 1854 JOHN HEALY HEYWOOD, Div. S. 1840. 1902 HENRY LEE, A.M.; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Memb. M.H.S. 1898 ISRAEL MUNSON SPELMAN. Total 1 8. CLASS OF 1837 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HOLMES, Pres. & Chor., A.M.; M.D. 1840. 1882 CHARLES HAYWARD, Pres. &? Orator. 1838 SAMUEL TREAT, Pres. fcf Orator, A.M.; LL.D. Wash- ington Univ. (Mo.) 1879; Pres. Law Fac. & Prof. Law Washington Univ.; Judge U. S. Dist. Court Mo. 1902 HORATIO HALE, V. Pres. fer Poet; A.M. (Hon.) 1882; Cor. Memb. Anthropol. Inst. Gt. Britain & Ireland, Anthropol. Gesellsch. (Vienna); Fellow Roy. Soc. Canada; Memb. A.P.S. & M.H.S.; Cor. Memb. Anthropol. Soc. Washington (D. C.). 1896 [74] WILLIAM PINKNEY WILLIAMS, V, Pres. 1853 JOHN FENWICK EusTis, 1 V. Pres., Sec. & Orator, A.M.; M.D. 1840. 1844 JOHN WEISS, Sec. & Poet, A.M.; Div. S. 1843. 1879 JOSEPH HENRY ADAMS, Chor., A.M. 1886 WILLIAM JOHNSON DALE, Chor., A.M.; M.D. 1840. 1903 SAMUEL TENNE Y HILDRETH, Poet; Instr. Elocution. 1839 AMOS PERRY, Lib.; A.M. (Hon.) Brown 1841; LL.D. Griswold (la.) 1888; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. 1899 WILLIAM ALLEN, A.M. 1895 JOHN BACON, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Trinity (Conn.) 1860; M.D. 1840; Prof. Chem.; F.A.A. 1881 HENRY JACOB BIGELOW, A.M.; M.D. 1841; LL.D. 1882; Prof. Surg., & Prof. Emeritus; F.A.A. 1890 MANLIUS STIMSON CLARKE, LL.B. 1840. 1853 WILLIAM DAVIS. 1853 DAVID GREENE HASKINS, A.M.; S.T.D. Columbia 1877. 1896 NATHANIEL HOLMES, A.M. 1859; Royall Prof. Law; Just. Supr. Court Mo.; F.A.A. 1901 HENRY HUBBARD, A.M.; LL.B. 1840. 1876 JOSEPH ALSTON HUGER. EDWARD HENRY KETTELL. 1837 HORACE MORISON, A.M.; Prof. Math. & Pres. Acad. Dept. Univ. Md. 1870 FRANCIS PHELPS, A.M. 1897 CHARLES WYATT RICE. 1844 CHARLES THEODORE RUSSELL, A.M.; Prof. Law Boston Univ. 1896 SAMUEL TRULL, A.M.; M.D. 1841. 1876 CHARLES STEARNS WHEELER, A.M.; Instr. Hist.; Tut. 1843 EDWARD PINKNEY WILLIAMS. 1853 1 [Eustis was the first Vice-President also elected Treasurer. This office had previously been merged with that of Secretary; but it became a part of the duties of the Vice-President till the Class of 1850 created it into a separate office.] ,_. [75l FRANCIS STANTON WILLIAMS, A.M. 1867. 1889 HENRY WILLIAMS. 1901 Total 30. CLASS OF 1838 JAMES ROBINSON PEIRCE, Pres. 1842 CHARLES WOODMAN SCATES, Pres. &f Orator. 1873 RUFUS KING, Pres.; A.M. 1858; LL.B. 1840; LL.D. Rochester (N. Y.) 1876, Kenyon (O.) 1877; Instr. Elocution. 1891 JAMES IVERS TRECOTHICK COOLIDGE, V. Pres. & Orator; Div. S. 1841; S.T.D. Hobart (N. Y.) 1870; Headmaster St. Mark's S. (Southboro). GARDINER HOWLAND SHAW, V. Pres.; A.B. 1865; A.M. (Hon.) 1860. 1867 PATRICK TRACY JACKSON, V. Pres., A.M. 1891 JOHN FOTHERGILL WATERHOUSE WARE, V. Pres., Sec. fef Poet; Div. S. 1842. 1 88 1 JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, Sec. &f Poet, A.M.; LL.B. 1840; D.C.L. Oxford 1 873; LL.D. 1884, Cambr. 1874, St. Andrews 1884, Edinb. 1884, Bologna 1888; Smith Prof. French & Span. Lang. & Lit. & Prof. Belles Lettres, & Smith Prof. Emeritus; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Rector St. Andrews Univ.; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S., A.P.S., & Real Acad. Espanola; Fellow Royal Soc. (Edinb.), & Royal Soc. Lit. (London); U. S. Min. Plen. Spain, Gt. Britain. 1891 WENDELL THORNTON DAVIS, Chor. 1876 GEORGE BAILEY LORING, Chor.; M.D. 1842; M.C.; U. S. Min. Res. Portugal; U. S. Comm'r Agri- culture. 1891 CHARLES GRANDISON THOMAS, Chor. Of Orator; LL.B. 1841. 1879 NATHAN HALE, Poet; A.M. 1842; LL.B. 1840; Prof. Rhet. & Eng. Lit. Union Coll. 1871 WILLIAM INGERSOLL BOWDITCH, Lib. ; LL.B. 1841. [76] WILLIAM ASPINWALL, LL.B. 1840. 1892 CHARLES DEVENS, LL.B. 1840; LL.D. 1877, Colum- bian (D. C.) 1876; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Just. Supr. Court Mass.; Atty.-Gen. U. S.; Memb. M.H.S. 1891 HENRY LAWRENCE EUSTIS, A.M. 1850; Prof. Engin- eering; Dean Lawr. Sci. S.; F.A.A. 1885 CHARLES FRANCIS FOSTER, A.M.; M.D. 1841. 1865 POWELL MASON PARKMAN. 1885 BENJAMIN SMITH ROTCH, A.M. 1870; Overseer. 1882 WILLIAM JAMES ROTCH, A.M. 1870. 1893 AMOS SMITH, A.M. 1843; Div. S. 1842. 1887 GEORGE FREDERICK WARE. 1849 ASA HAMMOND WHITNEY, A.M. 1858 NATHANIEL WRIGHT. 1847 Total 24. CLASS OF 1839 JAMES GORE KING, Pres., Sec. & Orator ; Just. Supr. Court N. Y. 1867 ELLICOTT EVANS, Pres. &f Orator; LL.D. Hobart (N. Y.) 1863; Prof. Law, Hist., Civil Polity & Pol. Econ., Hamilton Coll. (N. Y.). 1891 JOHN GANSON, Pres. & Orator, A.M.; M.C. 1874 SAMUEL ELIOT, V. Pres., A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Trinity (Conn.) 1857; LL.D. 1880, Columbia 1863; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Headmaster Girls' High S. Boston; Brownell Prof. Hist. & Polit. Sci., & Pres. Trinity Coll. (Conn.); Memb. and Cor. Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; Supt. Pub. Schools, Boston. 1898 CALEB WILLIAM LORING, V. Pres., A.M.; LL.B. 1841. 1897 SAMUEL ELIOT GUILD, V.Pres., A.M.; LL.B. 1841. 1862 NATHANIEL HOLMES MORISON, Sec. fcf Poet; A.M. 1861; LL.D. St. John's (Md.) 1871; Provost Peabody Inst. Baltimore (Md.). 1890 WILLIAM DREW WINTER, Sec. fcf Lib. 1871 [77] SAMUEL LONGFELLOW, Sec.; Div. S. 1846; Memb. A.P.S. 189* WILSON JARVIS WELCH, Chor. ; LL.B. 1842. 1885 GEORGE HAWKINS WILLIAMS, Chor. 1889 JOHN CLARK ADAMS, A.M.; LL.B. 1843; Instr. Elocution & Law; Tut. 1874 KIRK BOOTT. 1879 WILLIAM SPOONER COFFIN, A.M.; M.D. 1842. 1891 MOSES DAVIS, A.M. 1863 ENOS WILLIAMS DEAN. 1841 CHARLES MAYO ELLIS. 1878 NATHANIEL AUSTIN PARKS, A.M. 1875 CHARLES GUSHING SHEAFE, A.M. 1873 THOMAS SNEAD. 1854 ALEXANDER CALVIN WASHBURN, A.M.; LL.B. 1844. 1906 BENJAMIN MARSTON WATSON, Memb. M.H.S. 1896 JOSHUA BARNEY WILLIAMS. 1882 Total 23. CLASS OF 1840 JOSEPH COOLIDGE SHAW, Pres., A.M. 1851 JAMES LAWRENCE, Pres. fc? Chor., A.M.; Overseer. 1875 MOSES WILLIAMS WELD, V.Pres., A.M.; M.D. 1843. 1893 WILLIAM AUGUSTUS CRAFTS, Sec. & Poet. 1906 JOSEPH OTIS WILLIAMS, Sec. fcf Poet; LL.B. 1843. l8 75 JOHN FRANCIS HEATH, Orator & Kp., A.M. 1862 ARTHUR LITHGOW DEVENS, Orator; LL.B. 1843. 1867 EDWARD BROOKS PEIRSON, Lib., A.M.; M.D. 1844. 1874 HENRY FREDERIC BOND, A.M.; Div. S. 1845. JAMES ELLIOT CABOT, LL.B. 1845; LL.D. 1885; Overseer; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1903 ARCHIBALD GRACIE KING. 1897 JOHN PIERPONT, Div. S. 1843. 1879 [78] WILLIAM SOHIER, A.M. 1894 FREDERIC FESSENDEN THAYER, A.M. 1846. 1881 SAMUEL TODD, LL.B. 1842. 1843 Total 15. CLASS OF 1841 FRANCIS EDWARD PARKER, Pres. ; LL.B. 1845; Over- seer; Memb. M.H.S. 1886 WICKHAM HOFFMAN, Pres. &f Orator; U. S. Min. Res. Denmark. 1900 EBEN WILLIAM ROLLINS, V. Pres. 1892 FRANCIS MORGAN ROTCH, V. Pres., Sec. fcf Orator. 1863 CHARLES FRANCIS SIMMONS, Sec., Poet & Kp.; A.B. 1855. 1862 DAVID A. BOYERS,- Chor. RUFUS WOODWARD, Lib.; M.D. 1845. JAMES BLODGETT, Div. S. 1843. EDWARD HAMMOND CLARKE, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1846; Prof. Mat. Med.; Overseer; F.A.A. 1877 SAMUEL CAMILLUS DONALDSON. 1898 CHARLES COFFIN HARRIS, Just. Supr. Court, & Atty.- Gen. Hawaiian Islands. 1881 GEORGE WHITING HAY, A,B. 1842. 1877 SAMUEL FOSTER MCCLEARY, A.M.; LL.B. 1843; Memb. M.H.S. 1901 FRANCIS MINOT, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Trinity (Conn.) 1860; M.D. 1844; Asst. Prof. & Hersey Prof. Theor. & Pract. Med.; F.A.A. 1899 JOHN REVERE, A.M. 1886 CHRISTOPHER GORE RIPLEY, Ch. Just. Supr. Court Minn. 1881 THOMAS CHURCH HASKELL SMITH. 1897 Total 17. 79 1 CLASS OF 1842 GEORGE THEODORE LYMAN, Pres. FRANCIS HENRY APPLETON, Pres.; LL.B. 1845. ^54 GEORGE HENRY GAY, V. Pres.; M.D. 1845. 1878 JAMES GUSHING MERRILL, V. Pres., A.M.; LL.B. 1845; Tut. 1869 JAMES JACKSON FRENCH, Sec. &? Poet. 1891 BENJAMIN WHITE NICHOLS, Sec. &f Orator, A.M.; LL.B. 1845. JOHN GOLDSBURY, Lib., A.M. 1878 LENDALL PITTS CAZEAUX. 1904 DANIEL CHAPLIN, M.D. 1844. 1886 WILLIAM THOMAS DAVIS, Memb. M.H.S. JAMES GREENOUGH. 1882 CHAUVET EDMUND LA BEAUME. 1858 NATHAN LINCOLN. 1896 FREDERICK RAY. 1900 DAVID SEARS, A.M. 1852. 1873 DEWITT CLINTON TOWER, A.M. 1850. 1873 GEORGE JAMES TOWNSEND, A.M. 1846; M.D. 1846. 1894 THORNTON KIRKLAND WARE, LL.B. 1844. 1892 THOMAS WRIGHT. 1868 Total 19. CLASS OF 1843 OZIAS GOODWIN CHAPMAN, Pres. & Sec. MOSES GILL COBB, Pres.; LL.B. 1846. 1903 HORACE BINNEY SARGENT, Pres., V. Pres. fcf Orator, A.M.; LL.B. 1845. SETH WEBB, V. Pres., A.M. 1862 EBEN CARLETON SPRAGUE, V. Pres. & Orator; LL.D. 1892. 1895 HENRY DWIGHT SEDGWICK, Sec. fcf Poet. 1903 THOMAS BARTLETT HALL, Lib., A.M.; LL.B. 1846. 1903 JOHN GARDNER LADD, Poet; A.M. 1847; M.D. Univ. Va. 1845. 1853 [80] FRANCIS WHITNEY BIGELOW. 1853 WILLIAM GUSHING. 1875 EDWARD GASSETT. 1893 JOHN LOWELL, A.M.; LL.B. 1845; LL.D. 187 ^Wil- liams 1870; Overseer; Judge U. S. Dist. Court (Mass.), & U. S. Circ. Court; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1897 EDWARD MORRELL. 1871 HENRY AUGUSTUS ORNE. ROBERT GORDON PIKE, A.B. 1844. 1898 WILLIAM BORDMAN RICE. 1899 JOHN JACKSON RUSSELL. 1897 THOMAS HASTINGS RUSSELL, A.M. HENRY WARE, LL.B. 1847. 1885 Total ig. CLASS OF 1844 GEORGE BLANKERN GARY, Pres. & Orator. 1846 FRANCIS PARKMAN, Pres. &f V. Pres.; LL.B. 1846; LL.D. 1889, McGill 1879, Williams 1885 ; Prof. Horticulture ; Fellow ; Overseer ; Vice-Pres. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; Hon. Fellow Soc. Antiq. Lon- don; Hon. Memb. Roy. Hist. Soc. Gt. Britain, Lit. & Hist. Soc. Quebec ; Cor. Memb. Royal Soc. Canada. 1893 CHARLES HENRY BOYLSTON SNOW, Pres., Sec. & Poet; LL.B. 1846. 1875 CHARLES WILLIAM DABNEY, V. Pres. 1870 WARREN TILTON, Sec. & Poet; LL.B. 1847. 1892 GEORGE SILSBEE HALE, Orator ; A.M. (Hon.) Dart. 1885; Memb. M.H.S. 1897 GEORGE FRANCIS PARKMAN, Kp. ; LL.B. 1846. HENRY BASS BULLARD. 18 HENRY CHAUNCEY, A.M. JAMES GORDON CLARKE, LL.B. 1846. ROBERT CODMAN, A.M.; LL.B. 1846. 1901 [.] HENRY TALLMAN DAVIS. 1869 EDMUND DWIGHT. 1900 WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT, A.B. 1868; A.M. (Hon.) 1864. 1879 HENRY AUGUSTINUS JOHNSON, A.M. 1848; LL.B. 1848. JOSEPH PEABODY. 1905 LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, A.M.; LL.B. 1847; Over- seer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Memb. M.H.S. 1895 FREDERICK ADOLPHUS SAWYER, Senator U. S. 1891 JOSHUA CLAPP STONE. 1869 STEPHEN GOODHUE WHEATLAND. 1892 EDWARD WHEELWRIGHT, A.M. 1900 ' Total 21. CLASS OF 1845 GEORGE SAMUEL EMERSON, Pres. &f Orator. 1848 CHARLES HENRY GLOVER, Pres., Orator & Kp. 1885 MANNING FERGUSON FORCE, V. Pres.; LL.B. 1848; LL.D. Marietta (O.) 1884; Cor. Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; Cor. Memb. Real Acad. Hist. (Mad- rid). 1899 FRANCIS WILLIAM GREENWOOD, V. Pres. 1847 PETER AUGUSTUS PORTER, Sec., Kp. &f Poet. 1864 AUGUSTUS FELIX HINCHMAN, Sec., Lib. fcf Poet. 1899 NICHOLAS EMERY SOULE, Lib., A.M.; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1851. SAMUEL FRANKLIN COUES, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1849. FREDERIC CUNNINGHAM. 1864 CHARLES PELHAM CURTIS, LLB. 1847. 1906 CHARLES WILLIAM FOLSOM. 1904 CHARLES RIDGELEY GREENWOOD. 1844 JOHN ALEXANDER HAWES. 1883 LEMUEL HAYWARD. WILLIAM OTIS JOHNSON, M.D. 1848. 1873 EDWARD J. PRINGLE, A.M. 1899 [82] JOHN PHILLIPS REYNOLDS, A.M.; M.D. 1852; Instr. Obstetr. &Med. Jurisp.; Prof. Obstetr.; F.A.A. HARRISON RITCHIE. 1894 QUINCY ADAMS SHAW. WILLIAM SHAW TIFFANY. GEORGE PHINEHAS UPHAM. 1901 Total 21. CLASS OF 1846 FRANCIS AUGUSTUS FAULKNER, Pres. &? Orator. 1879 GEORGE MARTIN LANE, Pres. &f Orator ; A.M. 1850; Ph.D. G6ttingeni85i; LL.D. 1894; Univ. Prof. Latin; Pope Prof. Latin & Prof. Emeritus; F.A.A. 1897 THOMAS R. RODMAN, V. Pres. 1905 CALVIN ELLIS, V. Pres.; M.D. 1849; Adj. Prof. Theor. & Pract. Med.; Adj. Prof. & Prof. Clin. Med.; Dean Med. S.; F.A.A. 1883 DANIEL SARGENT CURTIS, Sec. &? Poet ; A.M. 1860; LL.B. 1848. FRANCIS JAMES CHILD, Sec. & Poet, A.M.; Ph.D. Gottingen 1854; LL.D. 1884; L.H.D. Columbia 1887; Instr. Rhet.; Tut.; Boylston Prof. Rhet. & Oratory; Prof. English; F.A.A. 1896 BERNARD CROSBY WHITMAN, Kp. & Lib. ; Just. & Ch. Just. Supr. Court Nevada. 1885 WILLIAM ELLERY SEDGWICK, Kp. 1873 HENRY AUSTIN WHITNEY, Kp., A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1889 JOHN DOWNES AUSTIN, LL.B. 1848. 1861 EDWARD BANGS, LL.B. 1849; Memb. M.H.S. 1894 WILLIAM DAVIS BLISS. 1886 HORACE CUNNINGHAM. 1906 AUGUSTUS ENOCH DANIELS. 1847 SOLOMON BETTS DA VIES. WILLIAM SOHIER DEXTER, LL.B. 1848. GEORGE FRISBIE HOAR, LL.B. 1849; LL.D. 1886, [83] William & Mary 1873, Amherst 1879, Yale 1885, Dart. 1901; Overseer; Pres. Alum. Assn.; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; M.C.; Senator U. S. 1904 NATHANIEL GILMAN PERRY. 1855 MONTGOMERY RITCHIE. 1864 WILLIAM LADD ROPES, A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1852. AUGUSTUS LORD SOULE, Just. Supr. Court Mass. 1887 Total 21. CLASS OF 1847 CHESTER HARDING, Pres. & Orator. 1875 JAMES WOODRUFF SAVAGE, Pres., Orator &? Kp. 1890 CHARLES HENRY MORRELL, V. Pres. &f Kp. 1877 JOHN BROOKS FELTON, Sec., V. Pres. &f Poet ; A.M. 1851; LL.B. 1853; Tut. 1877 ANDREW CUNNINGHAM WHEELWRIGHT, V. Pres., A.M. FRANCIS TIFFANY, Sec. & Poet; Div. S. 1852; Prof. Eng. Lit. & Rhet. Antioch Coll. (O.). THOMAS BREESE, Lib. 1901 JAMES BEMIS ADAMS, A.M.; M.D. Coll. Phys. & Surg. (N. Y.) 1851. 1853 MARK SIBLEY ADAMS, A.M. 1853 CHARLES BRUCE. 1896 LEMUEL FRANCIS SYDNEY GUSHING. JOHN MARSHALL EDGARTON. 1847 WILLIAM CROWNINSHIELD ENDICOTT, LL.D. 1882; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Fellow; Memb. M.H.S.; Sec. War U. S.; Just. Supr. Court Mass. 1900 JOSEPH PEABODY GARDNER, A.M. 1875 FRANCIS GASSETT, A.M. 1865 HENRY LARNED HALLETT, A.M.; LL.B. 1849. l $9 2 AUGUSTINE HEARD, U. S. Min. Res. Corea; Off. Ord. Leopold (Belgium). 1905 JOHN ANDREW HENSHAW, A.M. [84] CHARLES EDWARD HODGES, A.M.; Div. S. 1850. 1870 WILLIAM HENRY HURLBERT, Div. S. 1849. 1895 PRESTON SHEPARD LINCOLN, A.M. 1883 COLIN MACKENZIE. 1876 WILLIAM ALLEN NEIL, A.M. 1897 GEORGE WILLIAM PHILLIPS. 1898 THOMAS GARDNER RICE. 1885 EDMUND QUINCY SEWALL, A.M. GEORGE HENRY TIMMINS, A.M.; LL.B. 1849. 1875 EDWARD TUCKERMAN, A.B. Union 1837 ; A.M.; A.M. Union; LL.B. 1839; Div - s - l8 52; LL-D- Am- herst 1875; Lect. Hist. & Prof. Bot. Amherst Coll.; F.A.A.; Cor. Memb. Kon. Vetensk. Soc. (Upsala); Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci. 1886 Total 28. CLASS OF 1848 THOMAS HENDERSON CHANDLER, Pres., Sec. fcf Lib., A.M.; LL.B. 1853; D.M.D. (Hon.) 1872; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Mechanical Dentistry; Dean Dental S. 1895 JONATHAN COOLIDGE STONE, Pres. ; M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. (N. Y.) 1863. 1868 JAMES FOWLER, V. Pres. & Sec. 1847 CHARLES GREELY LORING, V, Pres., A.M.; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1902 ALEXANDER HALE, V. Pres. &f Orator. 1850 GEORGE PEABODY TIFFANY, Sec. & Poet, A.M. 1886 NATHAN AMES, Kp. &? Poet. 1865 THOMAS CURTIS CLARKE, Kp. ; Memb. A.P.S. 1901 THOMAS CHASE, Orator, A.M.; LL.D. 1878; Litt. D. Haverford (Pa.) 1880; Tut.; Prof. Greek & Latin Lit., Prof. Philol. & Lit., & Pres. Haver- ford Coll. (Pa.); Memb. A.P.S. 1892 JOHN THORNTON KIRKLAND ADAMS. 1867 JOSEPH PRINGLE ALSTON. 1897 [85] HENRY SAVAGE CHASE, A.B. 1851 ; A.M. 1851. 1885 HORACE HARDING. 1899 GEORGE HEYWOOD. 1897 HENRY WHITCOMB HOLMAN. 1853 THOMAS DWIGHT HOWARD, Div. S. 1851. JAMES CUTLER DUNN PARKER, A.M. 1856. HENRY SALTON STALL, A.M. 1894 SIMON GREENLEAF SANGER. WILLIAM OLIVER STEVENS, A.M. 1863 JAMES STEUART THORNDIKE, A.M.; LL.B. 1850. 1893 ALEXANDER SCAMMEL WADSWORTH. 1862 DAVID RICE WHITNEY, A.M. Total 23. CLASS OF 1849 HORACE WALTER ADAMS, Pres., A.M.; M.D. 1853. 1861 ROBERT BARNWELL RHETT, Pres. fcf Orator. 1905 JOSHUA CRANE, V. Pres., A.M. 1905 JAMES PIERCE, Sec.; Div. S. 1852. 1853 CHARLES FRANCIS CHOATE, Sec. & Poet, A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Dart. 1872; LL.B. 1853; Tut. THOMAS GARTON SPARKS, Chor. 1901 CHARLES CHRISTOPHER FOLLEN, Chor. 1872 FRANCIS HOWLAND, Orator & K/>. ; LL.B. 1853. 1895 JULIUS WALKER STUART, Kp. & Poet. 1856 JAMES OTIS WILLIAMS, Lib. 1873 MARTIN BRIMMER, Overseer; Fellow; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1896 CHARLES EDWARD BROWN, A.M. 1900 CLARENCE CHATHAM COOK. 1900 HENRY EASON DOTTERER. JAMES CUTLER DUNN, LL.B. 1852. 1866 GEORGE AUGUSTUS GARDNER, A.M. JAMES ANDREW GILLIS, LL.B. 1852. FRANCIS HATHAWAY. 1895 EDWARD JACKSON. [86] HENRY ELLIOTT JOHNSTON. 1884 JOSIAH LEE JOHNSTON. 1904 JOHN LOTHROP KIRKLAND. 1860 JAMES HOLDEN LANDER. 1873 JOHN PEGRAM MAY. 1862 JOHN ANDREWS PORTER. LEMUEL SHAW, A.M.; LL.B. 1852. 1884 SAMUEL ABBOT SMITH, A.M. 1853; Div. S. 1853. 1865 Total 27. CLASS OF 1850 JAMES COOLIDGE CARTER, Pres. t Orator fcf Kp. ; LL.B. 1853; LL.D. 1885, Yale 1901; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Memb. A.P.S.; F.A.A. 1905 FREDERIC DICKINSON WILLIAMS, Pres. & Orator ; A.M. 1872. JOSEPH PREVOST CARR, V. Pres., A.M. 1906 ROBERT FEARN, V. Pres., A.M. 1873 JOHN NOBLE, Sec. fef Poet; LL.B. 1858 ; LL.D. Dart. 1902; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S. BENJAMIN PAYSON WILLIAMS, Sec. & Poet, A.M. 1856 HENRY EDSON KERSEY,* Treas., A.M. 1863 HOWARD OSGOOD, Chor.; A.B. 1858; A.M. 1861; S.T.D. Brown 1868; LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1894; Prof. Hebr. Crozer Theol. Sem. (Pa.), Rochester Theol. Sem. (N. Y.). CHARLES HALE, Lib. & Kp., A.M.; Memb. A.P.S. 1882 EVERETT COLBY BANFIELD. 1887 EDMUND LINCOLN BAYLIES, A.M. 1869 CHARLES EDWARD CLIFFORD. FRANCIS CHARLES FOSTER. ROBERT BARNWELL FULLER. 1895 NATHAN HAYWARD, M.D. 1855. 1866 GEORGE MILLER HOBBS, A.M.; LL.B. 1857. 1 From the Classes of 1797-1837 the Secretary was Treasurer ex officio, and from 1836-1850, the Vice-President. [87] JOHN DAVID JONES. 1857 JOHN KING, A.B. Franklin (Ind.) 1847. SAMUEL KIRKMAN. 1903 GEORGE GARDNER LOWELL. 1885 W. STEVENS PARKER, A.M.; Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1854; S.T.D. Racine (Wis.) 1877; Pres. Racine Coll. 1894 JOSIAH PHILLIPS QUINCY, A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. CHARLES RIDGELY. 1872 WILLIAM SYDNEY THAYER. 1864 LOAMMI GOODENOW WARE, Div. S. 1853; L.H.D. Univ. Vt. 1889. 1891 LANGDON WILLIAMS, LL.B. 1852. 1872 Total 26. CLASS OF 1851 AUGUSTUS THORNDIKE PERKINS, Pres.; A.M. 1860; LL.B. 1853; Memb. M.H.S. 1891 ALEXANDER TELFAIR HABERSHAM, V. Pres. 1868 SAMUEL ABBOTT GREEN, V. Pres., A.M.; M.D. 1854; LL.D. Univ. Nashville 1896; Overseer; Vice- Pres. M.H.S.; Memb. A.P.S.; Ord. Bust of Bolivar (Venezuela); Cor. Memb. Nat. Acad. des Sci., Arts, et Belles Lett, de Caen. JOHN NOYES MEAD, Sec. 1850 WILLIAM CZAR BRADLEY, Sec., Orator & Poet. CHARLES FRANKLIN DUNBAR, Treas.; LL.D. 1891; Prof. Pol. Econ.; Dean Coll. Fac.; Dean Fac. Arts & Sciences; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1900 EDWARD HENRY HALL, Orator ; Div. S. 1855; S.T.D. 1902; Memb. M.H.S.; Cor. Memb. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. JOSEPH KIRKLAND GREENE KITTREDGE, Lib. 1897 ARTHUR DEXTER, Kp. 1897 GEORGE STUART JOHONNOT OLIVER, Kp. ; A.M. 1856. 1904 FRANKLIN ELIOT FELTON, Poet, A.M.; LL.B. 1853. 1900 [88] GEORGE BRADFORD, Div. S. 1856. 1859 EDWARD WYETH BROWN. RIGGIN BUCKLER, A.M. 1855; M.D. Univ. Md. 1853. 1884 STANFORD EMERSON CHAILLE, A.M.; M.D. Univ. La. 1853; LL.D. Tulane 1901; Prof. Physiol., Hy- giene, & Pathol. Anat., & Dean Med. Dept. Tulane Univ. FRANCIS OLIVER DABNEY. 1858 WILLIAM NYE DAVIS, A.B. 1852. 1863 WILLIAM PAISLEY FIELD, LL.B. 1855. 1859 ROBERT TROUP PAINE, A.B. 1854. 1851 ALFRED MOORE RHETT. 1889 WILLIAM DWIGHT SEDGWICK, LL.B. 1855. 1862 NELVIL SOULE. Total 22. CLASS OF 1852 SAMUEL LOTHROP THORNDIKE, Pres., A.M.; LL.B. 1854; Memb. M.H.S. WILLIAM DUNCAN McKiM, Pres. 1863 DAVID CHURCHMAN TRIMBLE, V. Pres. 1888 CHARLES ELLERY STEDMAN, V. Pres., A.M.; M.D. 1855. JOSEPH HODGES CHOATE, Sec. & Poet ; A.M. 1860; LL.B. 1854; LL.D. 1888, Amherst 1887, Edinb. 1900, Cambr. 1900, Yale 1901, St. Andrews 1902, Glasgow 1904, Williams 1905; D.C.L. Oxford 1902; Hon. Bencher Middle Temple 1905; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. ; F.A.A.; Pres. Const. Conv. N. Y.; U. S. Ambass. Gt. Britain. WILLIAM CROSS WILLIAMSON, Sec. &f Poet; A.M. 1860; LL.B. 1855. 1903 DARWIN ERASTUS WARE, Treas. & Orator; A.M. 1860; LL.B. 1855; Overseer. 1897 JAMES BRADLEY THAYER, Orator & Kp.; LL.B. 1856; LL.D. 1894, State Univ. Iowa 1891, Yale 1901; [89] Roy all Prof. Law & Weld Prof. Law; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. 1902 WILLIAM GARDNER CHOATE, Chor.; A.M. 1860; LL.B. 1854; Judge U. S. Dist. Court (N. Y.). WILLIAM HENRY WARING, Lib.; A.M. 1860. 1890 WILLIAM ROBERT WARE, Lib.; S.B. 1856; LL.D. 1896; Prof. Architecture Mass. Inst. Tech.; Prof. & Prof. Emer. Architecture Columbia Univ.; F.A.A. THOMAS JAMES CURTIS, Kp. JOHN ELLIS BLAKE, A.M.; M.D. 1855. 1880 PETER CHARDON BROOKS, A.M. 1871. HORACE HOPKINS COOLIDGE, A.M.; LL.B. 1856. CHARLES FRANCIS DANA, A.M.; LL.B. 1860. 1867 GEORGE HUNTINGTON FISHER. AUGUSTUS GOODWIN GREENWOOD, LL.B. 1854. 1874 GEORGE WALTER NORRIS. 1857 CALVIN GATES PAGE, A.M.; M.D. 1855. 1869 GEORGE AUGUSTUS PEABODY, LL.B. 1855. EDWARD ELLERTON PRATT, LL.B. 1855. 1900 SAMUEL MILLER QUINCY. 1887 PAUL JOSEPH REVERE. 1863 KNYVET WINTHROP SEARS, A.M. 1857. 1891 GEORGE BRIMMER SOHIER, A.M. 1858. 1877 CHARLES WENTWORTH UPHAM, LL.B. 1854. 1860 ROBERT WARE, M.D. 1856. 1863 Total 28. CLASS OF 1853 JOHN GODFREY NEIL, Pres. &? Chor. WILDER DWIGHT, Pres.; LL.B. 1855. 1862 JOHN DAVES, V. Pres. 1855 EDWARD KING, V. Pres. ; A.M. 1858. EDWARD HOWLAND, V. Pres. &? Sec. 1890 ELBRIDGE JEFFERSON CUTLER, Sec. & Poet; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Mod. Lang.; F.A.A. 1870 [90] WILLIAM SIDNEY DAVIS, Sec., Lib. fcf Poet. 1886 ARTHUR THEODORE LYMAN, Treas.; A.M. 1857; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S. THEODORE CHASE, Chor., A.M. 1894 SAMUEL SAVAGE SHAW, Orator & Kp., A.M.; LL.B. 1855; Memb. M.H.S. EDWARD HOLMES AMMIDOWN, Orator &7 Kp. ORMOND HORACE BUTTON, Lib. 1868 ADAMS SHERMAN HILL, Kp.; LL.B. 1855; LL.D. 1903; Asst. Prof. Rhet.; Boylston Prof. & Boylston Prof. Emer. Rhet. & Oratory. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Fellow; Pres. Alumni Assn. 1894 JOHN DUNCAN BRYANT. WILLIAM HENRY CUNNINGHAM. 1867 JOHN ERVING, A.M. 1858; LL.B. 1855. JOHN WILLSON HUTCHINS, M.D. 1858. 1890 JOSHUA KENDALL, A.M. CHARLES FREDERICK LIVERMORE, S.B. 1856. 1907 JAMES MILLS PEIRCE, A.M.; Div. S. 1859; Tut.; Asst. Prof. & Univ. Prof. Math.; Perkins Prof. Astron. & Math.; F.A.A.; Dean of Grad. School, Fac. Arts & Sciences. 1906 ROBERT SAMUEL RANTOUL, A.M.; LL.B. 1856. EDWARD JARVIS TENNEY. 1853 Total 23. CLASS OF 1854 ROBERT CHARLES WiNTHROp,Pri?j.;A.B. 1855; A.M. 1858; Memb. M.H.S. 1905 EDWARD GRAHAM DAVES, V. Pres., A.M.; A.M. (Hon.) Trinity (Conn.) 1857; LL.B. 1856; Prof. Greek Lang. & Lit. Trinity Coll. 1894 RICHARD FITCH HALL, V. Pres. JOHN CHANDLER BANCROFT, Sec. s? Orator. 1901 ALBRA WADLEIGH, Sec. & Poet. 1873 CHARLES THORNDIKE, Treas., A.M.; LL.B. 1857. [91] WILLIAM GASTON PEARSON, Treas. 1861 EDWARD WAIN WRIGHT CODMAN, Treas., A.M. 1904 HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, Chor.; A.M. 1858; A.M. (Hon.) 1877; Ph.D. (Hon.) Halle-Wittenberg 1878; LL.D. 1894, Univ. Pa. 1879, Yale 1901; L.H.D. Columbia 1887; Litt. D. Cambr. 1899; Pres. A.P.S.; F.A.A. WILLIAM THORNDIKE, Chor., A.M.; M.D. 1857. 1887 EDWARD WILLIAM FORBUSH, Orator y Kp.; LL.B. 1856. 1880 CHARLES RUSSELL LOWELL, Lib.; A.M. 1863. 1864 CHARLES DEXTER GAMBRILL, Lib. & Poet. 1880 BENJAMIN JOY JEFFRIES, Kp., A.M.; M.D. 1857. THOMAS PINCKNEY ALSTON. 1864 JOHN WORTHINSTON AMES. 1878 ATHERTON BLIGHT, A.M. 1858. THEODORE EDSON COLBURN. 1889 GEORGE EAMES DANA. 1906 WILLIAM STANLEY HASELTINE, A.M. 1858. 1900 WILLIAM JAMES POTTER. 1893 GEORGE PUTNAM, LL.B. 1858. ROBERT HENRY RENSHAW. EDMUND RHETT. 1871 JAMES SAVAGE, A.M. 1862 GEORGE WALES SOREN, LL.B. 1858. Total 26. CLASS OF 1855 PAYSON PERRIN ELLIS, Pres. 1863 LANGDON ERVING, Pres. & V. Pres., A.M.; LL.B. 1857. 1862 CHARLES AUGUSTUS CHASE, V. Pres. tf Kp., A.M. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN SANBORN, Sec. &f Poet ; Memb. M.H.S. EDWARD BARRY DALTON, Treas.; M.D. Coll. Phys. &Surg.(N.Y.) 1858; Instr. Theory &Pract.Med. 1872 [f*.] THEODORE LYMAN, Chor. & Sec.; S.B. 1858; LL.D. 1891; Overseer; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S.; Hon. Memb. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Nat. Acad. Sci. ; M.C. 1897 EDWIN MORTON, Chor. 1900 PHILLIPS BROOKS, Orator fcf Lib., A.M.; Theol. Sem. Va. 1859; S.T.D. 1877, Union 1870, Oxford 1885, Columbia 1887; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S.; P. E. Bishop of Mass. 1893 JOHN BOIES TILESTON, Orator, A.M. 1898 JAMES KENDALL HOSMER, Poet ; A.M. 1867; Div. S. 1859; Ph.D. Univ. State Mo. 1877; LL.D. Wash. Univ. (Mo.) 1897; Prof. English & Ger- man Lit. Washington Univ. (Mo.) ; Prof. Rhet. & Eng. Lit. Antioch Coll. (O.); Prof. Eng. & Hist. Univ. State Mo. EDWARD INGERSOLL BROWNE, Lib., A.M.; LL.B. 1857. 1901 FRANCIS CHANNING BARLOW, Kp.; Maj.-Gen. U. S. Vol. 1896 ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, S.B. 1857 & 1862; LL.D. 1885, St. Andrews 1901; S.D. (Hon.) Cambr. 1887, Bo- logna 1888; Overseer; Fellow; Curator, Director, & Director Emeritus Mus. Comp. Zoology; Di- rector Univ. Museum; Pres. A.A., Nat. Acad. Sci.; Memb. A. P. S., M. H. S.; For. Hon. Fellow Roy. Soc. Edinb.; For. Memb. Royal Soc. London, Lin- naean Soc. (London), Zool. Soc. (London), Kon. Akad. Wiss. (Berlin), Reale Accad. dei Lincei (Rome), Kon. Bohm Gesellsch. Wiss. (Prague), Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. (Stockholm), Kon. Sachische Gesellsch. Wiss. (Leipsic) ; Hon. Memb. Acad. Sci. N. Y., Acad. Sci. Chicago, California Acad. Sci., Geol. Soc. Manchester (Eng.), Roy. Microscop. Soc. (London), Ge- sellsch. fur Erdkunde (Berlin), Kon. Zoolog. Genootsch. (Amsterdam), Soc. Mexicana Hist. [93] Nat., Soc. Phys. et d'Hist. Nat. (Geneva), Kon. Danske Vidensk.-Selsk. (Copenhagen) ; Cor. Memb. Kon. Gesellsch. Wiss. (Gottingen), Kon. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. (Munich), Kon. Kais. Akad. Wiss. (Vienna), Accad. Sci. (Bologna), Soc. Imp. des Naturalistes (Moscow), Kais. Kon. Zool. Bot. Gesellsch. (Vienna), Lit. & Philos. Soc. Man- chester (Eng.), Kon. Vetensk. Selsk. (Upsala); For. Assoc. Acad. Sci. (Institut de France); Off. Legion of Honor; Kt. Ord. for Merit (Prussia). WILLIAM AMORY. SAMUEL PARKMAN BLAKE. 1904 CHANNING CLAPP, A.M. 1904 JAMES BENJAMIN CLARK, A.B. Franklin (Tenn.) 1850; Libr. Univ. Texas. GEORGE GORDON CROCKER, A.M. GEORGE DEXTER. JAMES ARTHUR EMMERTON, M.D. 1858. 1888 JOSEPH CONVERSE HEYWOOD, A.M.; LL.B. 1857. 1900 CHARLES FREDERICK LYMAN, A.M. 1866. 1880 WILLIAM MACKAY. 1902 JAMES TYNDALE MITCHELL, A.M.; LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1860; LL.D. 1901, Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1872, Univ. Pa. 1904; Overseer; Memb. A.P.S.; Just. & Chief Just. Supr. Court Pa. ROBERT TREAT PAINE, A.M. WlLLARD QUINCY PHILLIPS, A.M.; LL.B. 1858. WILLIAM QUINCY RIDDLE, LL.B. 1858. 1895 GEORGE CARLETON SAWYER, Prof. Anc. Lang. Phil- lips Exeter Acad. (N. H.); Princ. Utica Free Acad. (N. Y.). SAMUEL RINGGOLD SCHLEY. 1871 HENRY FITZ&LBERT WATERS, A.M. (Hon.) 1885; Memb. M.H.S. Total 30. [94] CLASS OF 1856 CHARLES LsDoux ELGEE, Pres. &Kp.; LL.B. 1858. 1864 JOHN JORDAN JACOBSEN, Pres., V. Pres. & Orator. FRANCIS BLAKE RICE, Pres. EDWARD SWIFT DUNSTER, V. Pres., A.M.; M.D. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1859; M.D. (Hon.) Dart. 1881; Lect. & Prof. Obstetr., Gynascol. & Children's Diseases Univ. Vt., Dart. Coll. & Univ. Mich. 1888 DANIEL WEBSTER WILDER, Treas., Orator & V. Pres.; A.M. (Hon.) Univ. Kans. 1876. GEORGE OSGOOD HOLYOKE, Sec. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, Sec. & Poet; LL.D. 1895; Overseer ; Pres. Alumni Assn. ; F.A.A. ; Memb. A.P.S. ; Pres. & Vice-Pres. M.H.S. WILLIAM WIRT BURRAGE, Treas.; LL.B. 1858. 1901 CHARLES TASKER HOWARD, Chor., A.M. 1902 BENJAMIN MORGAN HARROD, Lib., A.M. ; Memb. Isthmian Canal Comm. GEORGE BIGELOW CHASE, Lib., A.M.; Memb. M.H.S. 1902 THOMAS KINNICUTT, Kp., A.M.; LL.B. 1860. 1882 EDWARD THORNTON FISHER, Poet; A.M. 1868. GEORGE BANCROFT. GEORGE BLAGDEN. 1905 EDWARD FRANCIS DALAND. 1892 ARTHUR AMORY ECKLEY. 1870 RAYMOND EGERTON. 1892 JAMES BRADSTREET GREENOUGH, Tut.; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Latin; F.A.A. 1901 ROWLAND MINTURN HALL. 1906 MARTIN VAN BUREN HARDING. 1865 JAMES HENRY HOWE. CARLETON HUNT, A.M.; LL.B. Univ. La. (now TulaneUniv.) 1858; LL.D. Univ. La. 1880; Prof. Admiralty & Internal. Law, Prof. Civil Law, & Dean Law Dept. Univ. La.; M.C. [95] EDWARD PAYSON JEFFRIES. 1906 DAVID PULSIFER KlMBALL. WILLIAM POWELL MASON, LL.B. 1861. 1901 JEREMIAH SMITH, A.M.; LL.D. Dart. 1883; Story Prof. Law; Just. Supr. Court N. H.; F.A.A. RICHARD HARDING WELD. DALRYMPLE WILLIAMS. 1905 Total 29. CLASS OF 1857 JOHN LANGDON DEARBORN, Pres. HOWARD DWIGHT, Pres. &f Treas., A.M. 1863 JACOB GEBHARD RUNKLE, V. Pres., A.M. 1900 JAMES AMORY PERKINS, V. Pres. 1863 SOLOMON LINCOLN, Sec., Orator fcf Poet, A.M.; LL.B. 1864; Tut.; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S. FRANCIS ORMOND FRENCH, Sec. &f Poet; LL.B. 1859. 1893 SAMUEL NEWELL, Treas. 1891 EZRA DYER, Chor., A.M.; M.D. 1859. 1887 JAMES JACKSON HIGGINSON, Chor. GEORGE McKEAN FOLSOM, Chor. ; A.M. 1872; Div. S. 1866. 1882 JOSEPH LEWIS STACKPOLE, Orator ; LL.B. 1859. 1904 SHEPHERD BROOKS, Lib.; A.M. 1872. JOHN CODMAN ROPES, Lib. ; LL.B. 1861; LL.D. 1897; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1899 JOHN JULIUS PRINGLE ALSTON, Kp. 1863 SAMUEL WELLS, Kp. 1903 GRENVILLE BACON. STANTON BLAKE. 1889 JOHN HOLMES CONVERSE, A.M. 1867; S.T.B. Berke- ley Div. S. (Cal.) 1868; Prof. Greek & Latin Racine Coll. (Wis.). 1904 WILLIAM HENRY ELLIOTT, M.D. Univ. Va. 1858, Coll. Phys. &Surg. (N.Y.) 1859, Savannah Med. [96] Coll. 1872; Prof. Anat., Prof. Surg., Savannah Med. Coll. JOHN LAMSON FLAGG, A.M. 1862; A.M. (Hon.) Union 1866; LL.B. Union 1859. 1874 WILLIAM GLEASON GOLDSMITH, A.M.; Peabody Instr. Nat. Sci., & Acting Princ. Phillips Acad., Andover. GEORGE GORHAM. 1906 FRANKLIN HAVEN, A.M. JOSEPH MAY, Div. S. 1865; LL.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1887; Memb. A.P.S. ROBERT McNEiL MORSE, Overseer. SAMUEL BRECK PARKMAN. 1862 ARTHUR JOHN CLARK SOWDON, A.M.; LL.B. 1861. JAMES STARR, A.M.; LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1860. 1881 HENRY JAMES STEVENS. 1891 JAMES JACKSON STORROW. 1897 JOSIAH NEWELL WILLARD, M.D. 1860. 1870 Total 31. CLASS OF 1858 NICHOLAS LONGWORTH ANDERSON, Pres.; A.M. 1871. 1892 JOHN HOMANS, Pres.; M.D. 1862; F.A.A. 1903 JAMES CLARKE DAVIS, V. Pres. 1905 JOHN OTIS BURT, Sec.; M.D. Columbia 1864; Asst. Prof. Chem., & Prof. Mat. Med., Syracuse Univ. 1894 JAMES JACKSON LOWELL, Sec. fcf Orator, A.M. 1862 BENJAMIN WILLIAM CROWNINSHIELD, Treas., A.M. 1892 WILLIAM FREDERICK MILTON, Treas. 1905 CHARLES HENRY LEAROYD, Chor. ; A.M. 1871; Andover Theol. Sem. 1862. WILLIAM GILCHRIST GORDON, Lib. &? Poet. HENRY ADAMS, Orator, Lib. &? Kp.; LL.D. Western Reserve (O.) 1892; Asst. Prof. Hist.; F.A.A.; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. GERARD CURTIS TOBEY, Poet; A.B. 1859; LL.B 1860. [ 97] GEORGE WASHINGTON COPP NOBLE, Kp.; A.M. 1863; Tut.; Overseer; Prof. Latin Washington Univ. (Mo.). FISHER AMES, LL.B. 1860. JOSIAH BRADLEE. 1902 Louis CABOT, F.A.A. WILLIAM HALE DUNNING, Andover Theol. Sem. 1863. 1869 OZIAS GOODWIN. 1878 ALFRED STEDMAN HARTWELL, LL.B. 1867; Just. & Assoc. Just. Supr. Court, & Atty.-Gen. Hawaiian Islands. HOLLIS HUNNEWELL. 1884 WILLIAM HENRY FITZHUGH LEE, Maj.-Gen. U.S.A.; M.C. 1891. 1891 EDWARD BROMFIELD MASON, M.D. 1861. 1863 JAMES MAY. 1876 SETH MILLER MURDOCK, A.M.; LL.B. Columbia 1861. HENRY LYMAN PATTEN, Asst. Prof. Washington Univ. (Mo.). 1864 DANIEL CHAMBERLAIN PAYNE, A.M. 1865. 1868 JOHN CHARLES PHILLIPS, Memb. M.H.S. 1885 GEORGE EDWARD POND, LL.B. 1860. 1899 HENRY AUGUSTUS RICHARDSON, A.B. 1859; M.D. 1861. 1863 HORACE PRATT TOBEY. ROBERT NOXON TOPPAN, A.M.; LL.B. Columbia 1861; Memb. A.P.S., M.H.S. 1901 Total 30. CLASS OF 1859 JAMES AUGUSTUS RUMRILL, Pres. GEORGE BATY BLAKE, Pres. fcf Kp., A.M.; LL.B. 1861. 1884 GEORGE DRAPER, V. Pres. 1891 WILLIAM BEVERLY BROWN, V. Pres. 1866 [98] JOHN CHIPMAN GRAY, Sec., Orator & Lib., A.M.; LL.B. 1861; LL.D. 1895, Yale 1894; Story Prof, and Royall Prof. Law; Vice-Pres. A.A. ; Memb. M.H.S. GEORGE BARNEY MERRILL, Sec. & Poet, A.M. NATHANIEL BRADSTREET SHURTLEFF, Treas., A.M. 1862 PELHAM WARREN AMES, Treas. SAMUEL WOOD LANGMAID, Chor.; A.M. 1864; M.D. 1864. JAMES HARRISON FAY, Chor. JACOB ABBOT CRAM, Orator &f Kp. 1872 FRANCIS ELLINGWOOD ABBOT, Poet; Meadville Theol. S. (Pa.) 1863; Ph.D. & A.M. (Philos.) 1881. 1903 STRONG VINCENT, Lib. 1863 HEYWARD CUTTING. 1876 HENRY TIMBERLAKE DUNCAN, A.M. FRANCIS BOOTTGREENOUGH, A.M. 1870; M.D. 1866. 1904 DAVID HYSLOP HAYDEN, A.M.; M.D. 1863. EDWARD WILLIAM HOOPER, LL.B. 1861; LL.D. 1899; Overseer; Steward; Treasurer. 1901 CHARLES WALDSMITH HORNE, A.M. 1865. 1903 WILLIAM ELIOT LAMB, LL.B. 1862. 1903 GEORGE LAWRENCE. 1884 EDWARD GILCHRIST Low. 1895 ROBERT WITHERS MEMMINGER, A.M. Univ. So. Caro- lina 1873. J 9 O1 HENRY HOBSON RICHARDSON, A.M. 1872; F.A.A. 1886 FRANCIS HENRY SWAN, A.M. WILLIAM WILLARD SWAN. GEORGE ARNOLD TORREY, A.M.; LL.B. 1861. ROBERT TOWER. 1895 Total 28. CLASS OF 1860 CASPAR CROWINSHIELD, Pres. 1897 BENJAMIN SMITH SKINNER, Pres. 1864 [99] CHARLES REDINGTON MUDGE, V. Pres. 1863 HORACE JOHN HAYDEN, V. Pres. &f Lib., A.M. 1900 FRANK HASELTINE, Sec. & Poet. JOHN TORREY MORSE, Sec. & Poet; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S. GEORGE GILL WHEELOCK, Treas.; A.M. 1864; M.D. Columbia 1864. 1907 LEWIS WILLIAM TAPPAN, Treas. 1897 JOHN CORLIES WHITE, Orator, Lib. & drtist. 1 1872 EDMUND WETMORE, Orator & Kp.; LL.B. Columbia 1863; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn. HORACE HOWLAND, Kp. EDWARD GARDINER ABBOTT. 1862 HENRY LIVERMORE ABBOTT, A.M. 1864 FREDERIC WAINWRIGHT BRADLEE. LANE WILLIAM BRANDON. STEPHEN WILLIAM DRIVER, M.D. 1863. HENRY CHOTARD EUSTIS. WILLIAM ELIOT FURNESS, A.M.; LL.B. 1863. AUDLEY HASLETT, A.M.; M.D. Columbia 1867. 1901 MAHLON HOPKINS. 1879 EDWIN JOHNSON HORTON, A.M. 1897 FRANCIS WELLES HUNNEWELL, A.M.; LL.B. 1864. JOHN WELLES HUNNEWELL, A.M.; S.B. 1863. HORATIO DEMING JARVES. 1883 EDWARD CROSBY JOHNSON. CHARLES JAMES MILLS. 1865 GEORGE EDWARD NILES, A.M. 1898 1 Though the Class of 1860 was the first to establish this office, its duties were performed during the preceding years by volunteers, of whose works much remains that is notable. These gentlemen were: John Chandler Bancroft, Horace Howard Furness, and William Stanley Haseltine, '54; Alexander Agassiz, '55; Rowland Minturn Hall, '56; James Starr and Samuel Wells, '57; Louis Cabot, '58; and Edmund Wetmore, '60. Oliver Wendell Holmes, *6i, Robert Swain Peabody, '66, and Edmund March Wheelwright, '76, have also acted as Artists witkout election. In the Con- stitution of 1889 this office was omitted, but volunteers have continued the work. [100] WILLIAM EDWARD PERKINS, LL.B. 1862. 1879 CHARLES ALSTON PRINGLE. HENRY STURGIS RUSSELL. 1905 ROBERT GOULD SHAW, A.B. 1873. 1863 ALEXANDER FAIRFIELD WADSWORTH, A.M.; LL.B. 1863. 1906 OLIVER FAIRFIELD WADSWORTH, A.M.; M.D. 1865; Prof. & Williams Prof. Ophthalmology; F.A.A. JOSEPH DUNNING WEED. 1906 STEPHEN MINOT WELD, A.M.; Overseer. CHARLES ALBERT WHITTIER. ROBERT WILLARD, M.D. 1864. 1892 JAMES HENRY WILSON. 1892 Total 38. CLASS OF 1 86 1 THOMAS RODMAN ROBESON, Pres. 1863 NORWOOD PENROSE HALLOWELL, Pres., Orator fcf Lib. WILLIAM YATES GHOLSON, V. Pres. & Chor. . 1862 SAMUEL FRANKLIN EMMONS, V. Pres. & Treas.; A.M. 1866; Ecole Imp. des Mines (Paris) 1864 ; Berg- akademie (Freiburg) 1865; F.A.A. ; Geologist U. S. Geol. Survey; Hon. Memb.A.P.S.; Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci. ; For. Memb. Geol. Soc. London. JOHN LINCOLN BULLARD, Sec. & Poet. 1899 OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, Sec. & Poet; LL.B. 1866 ; LL.D. 1895, Yale 1886; P.rof. Law; Overseer; F.A.A. ; Memb. M.H.S. ; Just. & Chief Just. Supr. Court Mass.; Assoc. Just. Supr. Court U. S. HENRY PICKERING BOWDITCH, Treas.; A.M. 1866; M.D. 1868; LL.D. 1906, Edinb. 1898, Toronto 1903, Univ. Pa. 1904; S.D. (Hon.) Camb. 1898; Asst. Prof., Prof., George Higginson Prof. Physiol. and Prof. Emeritus Med. S.; Dean Med. S.; F.A.A.; Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci., A.P.S.; Cor. Memb. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. THOMAS JOSEPH LEAVITT, Chor. & K/>. 1863 HERMAN FRANCIS BRASHEAR, Orator; A.M. 1865; LL.B. Cincinnati Law S. 1863. JOHN BIGELOW, Lib. & Kp.; A.M. 1865. WILLIAM HATHAWAY FORBES, Kp.; A.B. 1872. 1897 HIRAM SMITH SHURTLEFF, Kp., A.M. 1893 CHARLES DUNCAN LAMB, drtist. 1871 [ARTHUR WELLAND BLAKE.] 1893 ALLAN FOSTER BOONE. JOHN PATRICK BROWN. 1896 [ELIHU CHAUNCEY, A.M.] [OGDEN CODMAN.] EDWARD AUGUSTUS CROWNINSHIELD, A.M. 1867 LEWIS STACKPOLE DABNEY. HENRY WELD FARRAR. 1881 FRANCIS WILLIAM LAWRENCE. [EDWARD GREELY LORING,] M.D. 1864. 1888 JAMES RUNDLET MAY, A.M. ; M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1866. CARLETON ATWOOD SHURTLEFF. 1864 [RICHARD STONE,] A.M.; LL.B. 1865. [SIDNEY WARREN THAXTER.] [JAMES McBRiDE VANDERPOEL.] 1860 JOSEPH HOWE WALES. [JAMES EDWARD WRIGHT,] Andover Theol. Sem. 1865; S.T.D. 1902. Total 30. CLASS OF 1862 CHARLES BOYDEN, Pres. 1881 JOHN WITHERSPOON LABOUISSE, Pres. 1897 HENRY ROPES, Pres. 1863 BENJAMIN CROWNINSHIELD MIFFLIN, V. Pres. 1880 HENRY UPHAM JEFFRIES, V. Pres. EDWARD DELANO LINDSEY, Sec. & Poet; Prof. Archi- tecture Coll. N. J. [ 102] MAYO WILLIAMSON HAZELTINE, Sec. & Poet; A.M. 1866. HERBERT COWPLAND MASON, Treas. 1884 WILLIAM HEDGE, Treas.; A.M. 1866; LL.B. 1866. WILLIAM HENRY KER, Chor.; A.B. 1897. 1902 CHARLES BURNHAM PORTER, Chor.; M.D. 1865 ; Asst. Prof. Surg. ; Prof. Clia. Surg. CHARLES JEROME COLEMAN, Chor. CHARLES EDWARD GRINNELL, Orator &f K/>., A.M.; Div. 8.1865; LL.B. 1876. HENRY PARKER QUINCY, Lib.; A.M. 1866; M.D. 1867. 1899 ARTHUR HOWARD NICHOLS, Lib. ; M.D. 1866. FRANCIS LOWELL GARDNER, Artist. 1861 THOMAS BUCKMINSTER CURTIS, Artist; M.D. Ecole de Med. (Paris) 1873. 1881 ARTHUR AMORY, A.M. WILLIAM FRANCIS BARTLETT, A.M. 1872. 1876 ITHAMAR WARREN BEARD, A.B. 1870; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1873. WILLIAM HOBBS CHADBOURN, A.M. 1866. [THOMAS LINCOLN CHADBOURNE.] [AUGUSTUS CROCKER.] JOHN HARVARD ELLIS, A.M.; LL.B. 1864. 1870 GEORGE ALFRED FISKE, A.M. 1867. 1903 JAMES INGERSOLL GRAFTON. 1865 JAMES GREEN, A.M.; LL.B. 1864. CHARLES EDWARD HICKLING. 1867 JOHN ELBRIDGE HUDSON, LL.B. 1865; Tut.; F.A.A. 1900 HENRY HORTON McBuRNEY. 1875 [EDWARD DORR MCCARTHY,] LL.B. 1865. 1895 GILBERT RUSSELL PAYSON. 1891 [JOHN GARDNER PERRY,] L.S.S.; M.D. 1863. NATHANIEL APPLETON PRENTISS, A.M. JOHN READ, A.M. HENRY MUNROE ROGERS, A.M. 1866; LL.B. 1867. WINTHROP SARGENT, A.B. 1892; LL.B. 1864. ARTHUR SIBLEY. FRANGIS SKINNER. 1905 [CHARLES BRIGHAM STODDARD.] GOODWIN ATKINS STONE. 1864 JOHN LANGDON WARD. WILLIAM TUCKER WASHBURN, A.M. 1866. Total 43. CLASS OF 1863 JOHN COLLINS WARREN, Pres.; M.D. 1866; LL.D. 1906, Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1895; Hon. F.R.C.S. (Eng.) 1900; Instr., Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., Prof. & Moseley Prof. Surg.; F.A.A. AMOS LAWRENCE MASON, Pres.; M.D. 1872; Asst. Prof. & Assoc. Prof. Clin. Med. CHARLES ELIOT FURNESS, Pres. & Treas. CHARLES STEBBINS FAIRCHILD, V. Pres.; LL.B. 1865; LL.D. 1888, Columbian (D. C.) 1888; Overseer ; Sec. Treasury U. S. CHARLES CABOT JACKSON, V. Pres. EDWARD DARLEY BOIT, Sec. ff Poet. SAMUEL STORROW HIGGINSON, Sec. & Poet, A.M. 1907 CHARLES WALTER AMORY, Treas. FRANCIS CALEB LORING, Chor. 1888 ARTHUR LAWRENCE, Chor. fcf Artist, A.M.; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1869; S.T.D. Williams 1893. JOHN MURRAY BROWN, Lib. THOMAS BELLOWS PECK, Lib. ; A.B. 1864. GEORGE BRUNE SHATTUCK, Lib. ; A.M. 1867; M.D. 1869; Overseer. FREDERICK BROOKS, Orator, A.M.; Div. S. P. E. Church (Phila.) 1866. 1874 ARTHUR LINCOLN, Orator fcf Kp., A.M.; LL.B. 1865; Overseer. 1902 ALBERT KINTZING POST, Poet; A.B. 1868. 1872 [104] JAMES LEWIS PEARCE, Kp., A.M. ALBERT CHEVALIER HASELTINE, Artist. 1898 JOHN ORNE GREEN, Artist, A.M.; M.D. 1866; Clin. Prof. Otology. ROBERT AMORY, A.M.; M.D. 1866; Prof. Physiol. Bowd. Coll.; F.A.A. NATHAN APPLETON, A.M.; Ord. Bust of Bolivar (Venezuela). 1906 CHARLES PICKERING BOWDITCH, A.M.; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. GEORGE STACKPOLE DABNEY. 1900 CLARENCE HOLBROOK DENNY, A.M.; LL.B. 1865. HENDERSON JOSIAH EDWARDS. CHARLES EMERSON, A.B. 1867. JOHN WILLIAMS FREEMAN, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. (N. Y.) 1866. JOHN DAVIS WILLIAMS FRENCH. 1900 WILLIAM FROTHINGHAM. 1895 WILLIAM GREENOUGH. 1902 EDWARD STURGIS GREW. FRANCIS LEE HIGGINSON, A.B. 1868; Overseer. WILLIAM FURNESS JENKS, A.M.; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1866. 1881 EDWARD HARTWELL KIDDER, A.M. JAMES TRUESDELL KILBRETH, LL.B. 1865. 1897 FRANCIS EUSTIS LANGDON, A.M. 1869; M.D. Co- lumbia 1867. 1890 EDWARD CHARLES MARVINE, A.M. 1878 WILLIAM STACKPOLE. 1901 HENRY ARNOLD TABER. 1868 HENRY ELMER TOWNSEND, A.M.; M.D. 1867. 1891 EDMUND AUGUSTUS WARD. CLIFFORD CROWNINSHIELD WATERS, A.M. JOHN WINTHROP, A.M. 1895 Total 43. [105] RICHARD CODMAN, Pres.; A.M. 1870. CHARLES COOLIDGE READ, Pres. &? Chor., A.M.; LL.B. 1867. WILLIAM PHILLIPS WALLEY, V. Pres.; A.M. 1872; LL.B. 1866. 1891 JOHN BINNEY, y. Pres., A.M.; Berkeley Div. S. (Conn.) 1868; S.T.D. Hobart (N. Y.) 1892, Wes- leyan (Conn.) 1903; Prof. Hebr., Prof. O. T. Lit. & Interp. and Dean Berkeley Div. S. ROBERT TODD LINCOLN, V. Pres.; LL.D. 1893; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Sec. War U. S.; U.S. Min. Plen. Gt. Britain. RICHARD HENRY DERBY, Sec., A.M.; M.D. 1867. CHARLES HENRY COXE, Sec. &f Poet, A.M. WILLIAM ROTCH ROBESON, Treas., A.M.; LL.B. 1868. ARTHUR GEORGE SEDGWICK, Treas. &? Kp.; A.M. 1870; LL.B. 1866. CHARLES PELHAM GREENOUGH, Treas.; LL.B. 1869. CONSTANT FREEMAN DAVIS, Orator; LL.B. 1866. 1867 WILLIAM LAMBERT RICHARDSON, Orator, A.M.; M.D. 1867; Instr., Asst. Prof. & Prof. Obstetr.; Dean ofMed. S. &Med. Fac.; F.A.A. RUSSELL NEVINS BELLOWS, Poet fcf Chor.; A.B. 1865; A.M. 1870. FRANKLIN LEONARD BUSH, Lib. &f Artist, A.M.; Berkeley Div. S. (Conn.) 1867. 1893 ROBERT SHAW PERKINS, Lib. 1873 FREDERIC POPE ANDERSON, Kp; M.D. Miami (O.) 1871; Prof. Physiol. Cincinnati Coll. Med. & Surg.; Prof. Detroit Med. Coll. & Med. Coll. Mich. JOHN ALVAREZ DILLON, Kp. &? Artist, A.M. 1902 [FlTZHUGH BlRNEY.] 1864 JOHN ADAMS BLANCHARD, A.M. 1885 [tot] EDWARD RUSSELL COGSWELL, A.B. 1871; A.M. 1872; M.D. 1867. [FRANCIS WELCH CROWNINSHIELD.] 1866 WOODWARD EMERY, A.M.; LL.B. 1866. LARDY SUNDERLAND GoVE. SAMUEL DANA HORTON, A.M.; LL.B. 1868. 1895 HERMAN JOHN HUIDEKOPER. 1868 WILLIAM MCFADON, A.M.; LL.B. 1870. 1898 RICHARD JONES MECONKEY. 1873 PETER BUTLER OLNEY, A.M. 1872; LL.B. 1866. GEORGE HERBERT PALMER, A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1870; LL.D. 1906, Univ. Michigan 1894, Union 1895; Litt. D. (Hon.) Western Reserve (O.) 1898; Tut.; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Philos.; Curator Gray Engravings; Alford Prof. Nat. Rel., Mor. Philos. & Civ. Pol. HENRY MELLEN PRENTISS, A.M. 1870. 1906 EDWIN PLINY SEAVER, A.M.; LL.B. 1870; Tut.; Asst. Prof. Math.; Overseer; Headmaster Eng. High S. Boston; Supt. Pub. Schools Boston; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. SAMUEL STORROW. 1865 FRANK WELLS, A.M.; M.D. 1868; Adj. Prof. & Prof. Obstetr. &c. Cleveland Med. Coll. (O.). FRANK WALDO WILDES. Total 34. CLASS OF 1865 GEORGE BLIGHT, Pres.; A.M. 1871. 1877 GEORGE HARRISON MIFFLIN, Pres. fc? V. Pres. HENRY BIGELOW WILLIAMS, V. Pres. &f Chor.; A.M. 1871. ROBERT HALE BANCROFT, Sec., Poet &f Lib. ; A.M. 1871. CHARLES JAMES ELLIS, Sec. fcf Poet. WALTER HUNNEWELL, Treas.; A.B. 1875. JAMES READ CHADWICK, Treas., A.M.; M.D. 1871. 1905 JABEZ SILAS HOLMES, Orator, A.M. 1884 [ 107] CHARLES HARRISON TWEED, Orator, A.M. CHARLES ARTHUR RAND, Chor.; A.B. 1867; A.M. 1871. 1884 JOHN HENRY BRADFORD, Chor. LAWRENCE TUCKER, Kp., A.M.; LL.B. 1875. BENJAMIN MILLS PEIRCE, Kp. 1870 FRANK MERRICK HOLLISTER, Kp. ALFRED GREENOUGH, Lib. 1884 HORATIO GREENOUGH CURTIS, drtist. FRANCIS JOHN ALISON. 1902 JOHN WESLEY CHURCHILL, A.M.; Andover Theol. Sem. 1868; S.T.D. Dart. 1896; Prof. Elocution, Prof. Sacred Theol. Andover Theol. Sem. 1900 CHARLES WARREN CLIFFORD, A.M. WALTER DABNEY. 1899 WALTER HENRY DORR. 1880 ISAAC VANDERPOEL FRENCH, A.M. 1872. 1879 GEORGE AUGUSTUS GODDARD, A.M. 1872; LL.B. 1874. JOHN GREENOUGH, A.M. 1871. HENRY HOOPER, A.M. 1871; M.D. 1869. EDWARD DOWNER HOSMER, A.M. 1871. Louis CHARLES LEWIS, A.M. 1872; LL.B. 1869; Tut. ROBERT RALSTON NEWELL, A.B. 1867; LL.B. 1868. 1883 CHARLES PICKERING PUTNAM, M.D. 1869. [FREDERIC RUSSELL STURGIS,] M.D. 1867. GEORGE WOODBURY SWETT, A.M.; M.D. 1868. 1869 FREDERIC WARE, M.D. 1868. 1869 ENOS WILDER. Total 33. CLASS OF 1866 CHARLES McBuRNEY, Pres., A.M.; M.D. Colum- bia 1870; Prof. Surg. & Clin. Surg. Columbia. RICHARD CRANCH GREENLEAF, Pres. fcf Sec.; M.D. 1870. SAMUEL APPLETON BROWNE ABBOTT, Pres.; A.M. 1872. [ 108] EDWARD HENRY CLARK, V. Pres. & Orator; A.B. 1867; LL.B. Columbia 1872. 1885 WILLIAM ALLEN HAYES, V. Pres. & Lib.; A.M. 1871; LL.B. 1868. NICHOLAS LONGWORTH, Sec. &f Poet; A.M. 1872; Just. Supr. Court O. 1890 GEORGE DERBY WELLES, Treas. JOHN DAVIS WILLIAMS, Treas. THOMAS SERGEANT PERRY, Orator fc? K/o., A.M.; Tut.; Prof. Eng. Lang. & Lit. Keiogijuku Univ. Tokio (Japan). JOHN JAMES MASON, Chor.; A.M. 1872. GEORGE LAURIE OSGOOD, Chor.; A.B. 1867. EDWIN FARNHAM, Lib. ; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1869. WILLIAM PAYNE BLAKE, Poet, A.M.; LL.B. 1868. GEORGE FREDERIC EMERY, Kp.; A.M. 1872. 1873 JOHN GREEN CURTIS, drtist, A.M.; M.D. Columbia 1870; LL.D. Columbia 1904; Adj. Prof. & Prof. Physiol. & Hygiene Columbia Univ. FREDERIC CROWNINSHIELD, drtist. DANIEL PUTNAM ABERCROMBIE. FRANCIS BENJAMIN ARNOLD, A.B. 1874. 1906 HOLDER BORDEN BOWEN. JOSEPH EMMONS BRIGGS. 1867 [HENRY HARMON CHAMBERLIN.] [THOMAS DWIGHT,] A.B. 1872; M.D. 1867; LL.D. Georgetown (D. C.) 1889; Instr. Histol., Topogr. Anat.; Parkman Prof. Anat.; Prof. Anat. Bowd. Coll.; F.A.A.; Memb. Acad. Philos.-Med. Soc. Thomae Aquin. (Rome). EDWARD WALDO EMERSON, M.D. 1874. EDWARD NICOLL FENNO, A.M. 1871. [CHARLES FISKE.] GEORGE AUGUSTUS FLAGG, A.M.; LL.B. 1868. EUGENE DOUGLASS GREENLEAF, A.M. [NISBET LAWRENCE.] 1868 JAMES WALKER LOVERING, A.M. 1870. 1895 [ 109 ] LEWIS CHAMPLIN MURDOCK, A.M. 1871. THOMAS NELSON, A.M. 1897 JOHN LEONARD NORTON. WILLIAM LEVI PARKER, A.M. 1888 ROBERT SWAIN PEABODY, A.M. 1870; Overseer. EDWARD CRANCH PERKINS, A.M. JAMES JACKSON PUTNAM, M.D. 1870; F.A.A.; Prof. Dis. Nerv. Syst. [JAMES HAMPDEN ROBB.] MOORFIELD STOREY, A.M.; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S. CHARLES EDWIN STRATTON, A.M.; LL.B. 1868. JOHN WARD TAYLOR. WILLIAM GEORGE TIFFANY. 1905 EDWARD TUCKERMAN WILKINSON, A.M. 1871. 1873 FRANK WRIGHT, A.M. 1903 Total 43. CLASS OF 1867 THOMAS SPRAGUE EDMANDS, Pres. 1897 CHARLES SIBLEY GAGE, Pres. fcf Kp. SAMUEL HOAR, Pres., V. Pres. &? Lib.; Overseer; Fellow; Pres. Alumni Assn. IQ4 WILLIAM BARTLETT LAMBERT, V. Pres.; AM.. 1872. FREDERIC TUDOR, V. Pres. & Artist. 1902 EDWARD JACKSON HOLMES, Sec.; LL.B. 1869. 1884 ELIOT CHANNING CLARKE, Sec. fc? Poet; F.A.A. WILLIAM HOMER, Treas. 1881 EDWARD WINSLOW Fox, Treas., Orator fcf Kp., A.M.; LL.B. 1870. 1877 FRANCIS HENRY LINCOLN, Treas.; A.M. 1871. JOHN EDWARDS LEONARD, Orator, A.M.; J.U.D. Heidelberg 1868; M.C.; Just. Supr. Court La. 1878 CLEMENT KELSEY FAY, Chor. 1898 JOSEPH LEAVITT SANBORN, Lib., A.M. 1873 NELSON LLOYD DERBY, Kp. 1888 LANDON RIVES LONGWORTH, Artist ; M.D. Colum- bia 1873; Prof. Anat. Med. Coll. Ohio. 1879 [no] EDWARD JACKSON LOWELL, Poet; A.M. i87i;Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1894 SAMUEL PARKER ALLEN. [ISAAC BELL.] 1879 ARTHUR BROOKS, A.M.; Div. S. P. E. Church Phila. (Pa.) 1870; S.T.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1891, Coll. N. J. 1892. 1895 FREDERICK EUGENE CLAGHORN BRYANT. CLEMENT CLEVELAND, A.M.; M.D. Columbia 1871. FRANK FISKE DINSMOOR. 1870 THEODORE ELLIS. WILLIAM ROGERS ELLIS, A.M. 1872. 1903 CHARLES GORDON, S.B. 1867. [JULIAN HAWTHORNE.] [SIDNEY LATHAM HOLDREGE,] M.D. 1868. 1898 CHARLES LORING JACKSON, A.M.; Asst. Prof, fcf Prof. Chem.; Erving Prof. Chem.; Cor. Memb. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci.; F.A.A.; Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci. ARTHUR EARL JONES, A.M.; LL.B. 1869. 1903 RUFUS KING, A.M. 1878 HENRY YOUNG LEAVITT. 1902 JOHN LINDSLEY. HENRY BOYNTON PARKER. 1898 PRESTON PLAYER, A.B. Bethany (W. Va.) 1865. 1883 [WILLIAM EDWARD SILSBEE,] A.M. 1872. WILLIAM ROLLINS TAPPAN, A.M. 1872. 1873 [CHARLES WALTER TOWER.] Total 37. CLASS OF 1868 JAMES BARR AMES, Pres. &? Kp., A.M.; LL.B. 1872; LL.D. 1904, N. Y. Univ. 1898, Univ. Wis. 1898, Univ. Pa. 1900, Northwestern (111.) 1903, Williams 1904; Tut.; Asst. Prof., Prof., Bussey Prof, and Dane Prof. Law ; Dean Law S.; F.A.A. EDWARD EVERETT S PRAGUE, Pres. & Kp. ARTHUR HUNNEWELL, V. Pres. 1904 FREDERICK CHEEVER SHATTUCK, V. Pres.; A.M. 1872; M.D. 1873; Jackson Prof. Clin. Med. MOSES WILLIAMS, Sec. & Orator; Overseer. DEXTER TIFFANY, Sec. f? Poet. EDGAR HUIDEKOPER, Treas., A.M. FRANCIS PARKER KINNICUTT, Treas.; A.M. 1872; M.D. Columbia 1871; Prof. Clin. Med. Columbia. HORACE BACON, Treas.; A.M. 1872. JOHN TILTON BUSIEL, Orator. FREDERICK GUION IRELAND, Poet ; LL.B. Columbia 1871. ROBERT APTHORP BOIT, Chor. DAWES ELIOT FURNESS, Chor., A.M. FRANK IZARD EUSTIS, Chor., A.M. AUGUSTUS GEORGE BULLOCK, Lib., A.M. HENRY MEDILL WHITMAN, Lib. 1869 HENDERSON INCHES DEHON, Kp. 1867 JOHN PICKERING PUTNAM, Artist. ALFRED DUPONT CHANDLER, Artist. GEORGE FERDINAND BECKER, Ph.D. Heidelberg 1869; Kon. Bergakad. ( Berlin) 1871; Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci. ; Geologist U. S. Geol. Survey. [NATHANIEL BRIGGS BORDEN.] GEORGE TICKNOR CURTIS, LL.B. Columbia 1874. 1888 ELBRIDGE GERRY CUTLER, M.D. 1872 ; Instr. Theory & Pract. of Physic. JOHN WARE DENNY, A.M. [EDWIN JAMES DUNNING.] MALCOLM SCOLLAY GREENOUGH. FREDERIC ROBERT HALSEY, A.M. 1872; LL.B. Columbia 1870. CHARLES TAYLOR LOVERING, A.M. ; LL.B. 1870. JOHN PICKERING LYMAN A.M. [CHARLES FOLLEN McKiM,] L.S.S. ; A.M. (Hon.) 1890, Bowd. 1894; Litt. D. Columbia 1904. [THOMAS MOTLEY,] L.S.S.; A.M. (Hon.) 1872; Instr. in Farming. 1895 [SAMUEL WINSLOW MILLER PETERS,] L.S.S. < CHARLES HARRIS PHELPS, A.B. 1869; A.M. 1872. SAMUEL SOMES PRESTON. 1872 WILLIAM WHITLOCK RICHARDS, A.M. 1872. [DOUGLAS SMYTH,] A.B. 1887. HENRY PEARL TALMADGE, A.M. JOHN TODHUNTER, LL.B. 1870. 1902 LEVERETT SALTONSTALL TUCKERMAN, A.M.; LL.B. 1871. Total 39. CLASS OF 1869 EDWARD BOWDITCH, Pres. JOHN WAYLAND McBuRNEY, Pres. Sff P. Pres., AM. 1885 HENRY SALTONSTALL HOWE, V.Pres. & Treas., A.M. MARK SIBLEY SEVERANCE, Sec., A.M. HENRY GODDARD PICKERING, Sec. fcf Chor., A.M.; LL.B. 1871. JAMES HIGGINSON BOWDITCH, Treas. ROBERT CLIFFORD WATSON, Treas.; A.B. 1877. 1902 FRANCIS HENRY APPLETON, Chor., A.M.; Curator Bussey Inst. NATHANIEL CHILDS, Chor., A.M. 1898 WARREN ANDREW LOCKE, Chor., A.M.; Choir- master. FRANCIS Low, Lib., A.M. 1879 WALTER COOK, Poet & Lib., A.M. HENRY WARE PUTNAM, Orator fcf Kp., A.M.; LL.B. 1871; Overseer. FRANCIS GREENWOOD PEABODY, Orator fcfKp., A.M.; S.T.B. 1872; S.T.D. Yale 1887; Overseer; Park- man Prof.Theol.; Plummer Prof. Christ. Morals; Dean Div. S. FRANKLIN BARTLETT, Poet, A.M.; LL.B. Columbia 1873; Ph.D. & A.M. (Hist.) 1878; M.C. HENRY ROWLAND, Kp.; LL.B. 1878; Ph.D. Heidel- berg 1872; Tut. 1887 EDWARD HICKLING BRADFORD, Artist, A.M.; M.D. 1873; Instr. & Asst. Prof. Orthopedics; Prof. Orthopedic Surg.; F.A.A. GEORGE RUSSELL SHAW, Artist, A.M. ROBERT GOULD SHAW, Artist, A.M. JOSEPH SMITH BIGELOW, A.M. PRE SCOTT HALL BUTLER. 1901 EDGAR CORRIE CURTIS. 1886 WILLIAM EVERETT CUTTER, A.M. [SAMUEL DINSMOOR.] [JULIEN JEFFRIES EUSTIS.] 1895 AUSTEN GEORGE Fox, A.M.; LL.B. 1871. HORACE DOUGLAS GREEN. 1895 WILLIAM STICKNEY HALL, A.M.; LL.B. 1871. CHARLES LATHAM HAYWARD, A.M. GEORGE HILL, A.M. GEORGE WARD HOLDREGE, A.B. 1894. ARCHIBALD MURRAY HOWE, A.M.; LL.B. 1871. ROBERT MEANS LAWRENCE, A.B. 1894; M.D. 1873. ALDEN PORTER LORING. [GERRIT SMITH MILLER.] FRANCIS RAWLE, LL.B. 1871; A.M. 1872; Overseer; Memb. A.P.S. EDWARD READ, A.M. HENRY RICHARDS. DUDLEY PICKMAN ROGERS, A.M. 1873 JOSEPH LYMAN SILSBEE. WILLIAM HAMMATT SIMMONS. NATHANIEL STEVENS SMITH, A.M. WILLIAM ELIOT SPARKS, A.M. 1886 [HENRY WARE WEISS.] WILLIAM SCOLLAY WHITWELL, A.M.; M.D. 1872. 1903 GARDNER GOODRICH WILLARD, A.M. WILLIAM SEAL WINDLE, A.M. Total 47. [ IM] CLASS OF 1870 STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER THAYER, Pres. 1871 WILLIAM WARREN VAUGHAN, Pres. & Orator; LL.B. 1873; A.M. 1874. JOHN WHITE SANGER, V. Pres. SAMUEL LONGSTRETH PARRISH, V. Pres. THOMAS BALDWIN TICKNOR, Sec. &f Orator. CHARLES HERBERT SWAN, Sec., Poet fcf Kp. AMORY APPLETON LAWRENCE, Treas. & Lib. ; Over- seer. GEORGE HUNTINGTON ADAMS, Treas. 1900 WILLIAM WIGGLESWORTH CHAMBERLIN, Poet & Kp. THEOPHILUS PARSONS, Chor. JOHN DIXWELL, Chor. ; M.D. 1873. FRANK WALCOTT ROBINSON, Chor. ALEXANDER JAMES DALLAS DIXON, Lib. FREDERIC KIDDER, Lib. ROGER WOLCOTT, Kp.; LL.B. 1874; LL.D. Williams 1897; Tut.; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S.; Acting Gov. & Gov. Mass. 1900 Louis CURTIS, Artist. SANDFORD SIDNEY SMITH, Artist ; LL.B. Columbia 1872. BROOKS ADAMS, Memb. M.H.S. ARTHUR BURNHAM. FREDERICK WILCOX CHAPIN, M.D. Columbia 1873. LAURENCE CURTIS. FRANCIS DuPoNT DAVIS. 1879 WALTER DEANE. EDWARD DUDLEY. THEODORE FROTHINGHAM. JOHN EDWIN HILL. HENRY KENNEY HORTON. 1887 ARTHUR LORD HUNTINGTON, LL.B. 1874. 1902 ETHELBERT MILLS Low. 1881 HORACE GRAY LUNT, A.M. Northwestern Univ. (111.) 1878. ERNEST NATHANIEL MORISON. CHARLES FREEMAN NYE. 1905 HENRY PARKMAN, LL.B. 1873; A.M. 1874. WlLLARD SlLSBEE PfiELE, A.B. 1892. FRANCIS KEY PENDLETON, LL.B. 1875. JAMES HANDASYD PERKINS, LL.B. Cincinnati (O.) 1872. 1889 ALFRED RODMAN, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1879. THOMAS MORGAN ROTCH, M.D. 1874; Instr., Asst. Prof. & Prof. Diseases of Children; Prof. Pediatrics. JOSEPH SARGENT. Lucius MANLIUS SARGENT, LL.B. 1875. 1893 JAMES RUSSELL SOLEY, LL.B. Columbian (D. C.) 1890; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Eng., Hist. & Law U. S. Naval Acad. Annapolis. RICHARD HERMAN SOULE, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1872. WILLIAM AUSTIN WADSWORTH. [CHARLES BOWDITCH WILBY,] LL.B. Cincinnati (O.) 1872. GRINNELL WILLIS. WALTER THAXTER WINSOR. 1905 Total 46. CLASS OF 1871 ARCHIBALD McCLURE BUSH, Pres. 1877 HENRY WALTON SWIFT, Pres., Sec. fc? Poet; LL.B. 1874. JAMES SELDEN McCoBB, V. Pres. WILLIAM TUDOR, V. Pres. TIMOTHY BREWSTER WALKER, V. Pres. CHARLES HERBERT WILLIAMS, Treas.; M.D. 1874; A.M. 1875. FRANCIS BROOKS CHADWICK, Treas. MICHAEL HENRY SIMPSON, Sec., Orator &? Kp. 1872 WILLIAM STURGIS BIGELOW, Orator &? Kp. ; M.D. 1874. ARTHUR ROTCH, Poet. 1894 FRANK JACKSON, Chor. WILLIAM LAWRENCE SPRAGUE, Chor.; M.D. 1881. 1884 WILLIAM NEIL KING, Lib. HAMILTON McKowN TWOMBLY, Lib. SAMUEL DACRE BUSH, Artist. FRANCIS INMAN AMORY, LL.B. 1875. PERCY AUSTIN. 1877 [FRANCIS WILLIAM BACON.] DUDLEY HALL BRADLEE. JESSE BROWN. I 94 EDWARD BURNETT, M.C. HORACE DWIGHT CHAPIN, LL.B. 1875. WALTER CLIFFORD, LL.B. 1875. GEORGE FRANKLIN COMSTOCK. 1894 ALFRED STACKPOLE DABNEY. WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING EUSTIS, S.B. 1873. JOHN BROWN GERRISH. HARRY GODEY. SAMUEL PARKER HINCKLEY. AUGUSTUS JAY, LL.B. Columbia 1876. ROBERT GOULD JONES. 1885 JOHN LORD KING. HORATIO APPLETON LAMB. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1875; S.T.D. 1893, Hobart (N. Y.) 1890; LL.D. Princeton 1904; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Prof. Homiletics and Past. Care, & Dean Episc. Theol. S. Cambr.; P. E. Bishop Mass.; Memb. M.H.S. HENRY CABOT LODGE, LL.B. 1874; Ph.D. (Hist.) 1876; LL.D. 1904, Williams 1893, Yale 1902, Clark Univ. (Worcester) 1902; Overseer; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; M.C.; Senator U. S. [ 117] [FRANCIS OGDEN LYMAN,] LL.B. 1874. FRANK MERRIAM. GEORGE RICHARDS MINOT. 1894 JAMES ROWND MORRIS. 1880 THOMAS NESMITH. EDWARD DOUGLAS PEARCE. NATHANIEL GOODWIN READ. GEORGE FRENCH ROBERTS. 1885 MORGAN ROTCH. JUNIUS SAMPSON. WILLIAM DELANO SANBORN. 1900 WILLIAM THOMPSON SANGER. 1904 JAMES PATTERSON SCOTT. GEORGE STEDMAN, M.D. 1875. NATHANIEL THAYER. WILLIAM ROTCH WARE. JAMES BRADISH WELLS, LL.B. Columbia 1873. EDWARD FARLEY WHITNEY. Total 53. CLASS OF 1872 HENRY ST. JOHN SMITH, Pres. ; LL.B. 1878. 1896 RICHARD AUGUSTINE GAMBRILL, Pres. & V. Pres. ; LL.B. 1876. 1890 WILLIAM CALEB LORING, V. Pres. fcf Lib. ; LL.B. 1874; A.M. 1875; LL.D. 1901; Overseer; Just. Supr. Court Mass. PIERRE CLARKE SEVERANCE, Sec. 1890 CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, Sec. ; LL.D. Lafayette (Pa.) 1894, Glasgow 1901, Univ. Chicago 1904 ; Memb. A.P.S.; U. S. Min. Plen. Austria-Hun- gary ; U. S. Ambass. Russia, Germany ; Grand Off. Legion of Honor ; Grand Cordon Ord. St. Alexander Newski (Russia), St. Anne (Russia). GEORGE FRANKLIN BABBITT, Sec. & Orator. GEORGE HORTON TILDEN, Treat.; M.D. 1876. PERRY BELMONT, Treas. ; LL.B. Columbia 1876; M.C.; U. S. Min. Plen. Spain; Comm. Legion of Honor. [118] EDWARD BELCHER CALLENDER, Poet. FRANK SUMNER WHEELER, Poet & Kp. EDWARD GRAY, Chor. HENRY AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG, Lib. 1906 HENRY GRE ENOUGH, Artist. OTIS EVERETT ALLEN. 1872 CHARLES ALMY, LL.B. 1876. JOHN FORRESTER ANDREW, LL.B. 1875; M.C. 1895 [WILLIAM APPLETON,] M.D. 1877. ARTHUR SMITH BIRD, M.D. Columbia 1876. ARTHUR TRACY CABOT, M.D. 1876; A.M. 1878; Fel- low ; F.A.A. JOHN SERGEANT CRAM, LL.B. 1875. WILLIAM HENRY ELLIOT, LL.B. 1876. WILLIAM EVARTS. 1878 CORNELIUS CONWAY FELTON. CHARLES NEWTON FESSENDEN. HENRY MIDDLETON FISHER, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1875. GEORGE ALONZO GIBSON, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1878,1 GEORGE HUNTINGTON GOULD, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1877. SAMUEL ELIOT GUILD. ASA GUSTAVUS HAPGOOD. RALPH W. HICKOX. [ROBERT CHAMBLET HOOPER.] Lucius LEE HUBBARD, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1875; Ph.D. Bonn 1886. LEWIS CASS LEDYARD, LL.B. 1875; A.M. 1875. [ALBERT LAMB LINCOLN,] LL.B. 1874 ; A.M. 1875. ARTHUR MILLS, A.B. 1875. 1907 LAURENCE DANA RUMSEY. CHARLES HOWLAND RUSSELL, LL.B. Columbia 1874. EDWARD BALDWIN RUSSELL. 1900 ROBERT SHAW RUSSELL. 1887 [EDWARD MONTAGUE SWITZER.] EUGENE TREADWELL, LL.B. Columbia 1874. [119] ALANSON TUCKER. SIDNEY FREDERIC TYLER. CHARLES MILTON WEED. 1875 FRANCIS MINOT WELD. 1882 GEORGE WEBB WEST, M.D. 1880. 1897 CHARLES AMORY WILLIAMS. [FRANCIS JOSEPH WING.] Total 48. CLASS OF 1873 HENRY BALDWIN STONE, Pres. 1897 DUDLEY LEAVITT PICKMAN, Pres. & Treas. HARRY BURNETT, V. Pres. ROBERT DICKEY, V. Pres.; LL.B. Columbia 1875. 1879 HENRY WHITTEMORE, Sec. CHARLES ALBERT PRINCE, Sec. fcf Poet. JAMES MONROE OLMSTEAD, Treas.; J.U.D. Heidel- berg 1875; LL.B. Boston Univ. 1877. MELVILLE HOWARD SWETT, Treas. & Orator; A.M. 1874. FREDERIC GETMAN FINCKE, Chor.; LL.B. Colum- bia 1875. THOMAS NYE SWIFT, Chor. 1893 JOSEPH EVERETT GARLAND, Lib.; M.D. 1877. pREDERrc PRINCE JONES, Lib. 1898 ROBERT GRANT, Kp.; Ph.D. (Philol.) 1876 ; LL.B. 1879 ; Overseer. JOSEPH LYMAN, Artist. 1883 JOSEPH SKINNER SWAIM, Artist; Newton Theol. Inst. 1877. CHARLES PEARSON BUTTON, Artist. 1897 [OLIVER HUBBARD BADGER.] WILLIAM APPLETON BELL, M.D. 1876. JOHN BRYANT, M.D. 1878. COLLINSON PlERREPONT EDWARDS BuRGWYN, C.E. 1876. [120] HARRY SPENCER CRAM. 1895 TUCKER DALAND, LL.B. 1876. ROBERT ALEXANDER BARNARD DAYTON, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1875. EDWARD SHERMAN DODGE, LL.B. 1877. JOSHUA CLEAVES DODGE. ALFRED DWIGHT FOSTER, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1875. [CHARLES ALEXANDER GAMBRILL.] ELISHA GUNN, LL.B. Columbia 1882. [JOSEPH PRINCE HAWES.] FREDERIC KEBLER, M.D. Med. Coll. O. (Univ. Cinn.) 1876. 1900 GEORGE HINCKLEY LYMAN, LL.B. 1877 ; Kt. Ord. Redeemer (Greece). AUSTIN AGNEW MARTIN, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1875. 1890 WINTHROP MILLER, M.D. 1877. 1884 CLARENCE BLOOMFIELD MOORE, Memb. A.P.S.; Cor. Memb. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. (Stock- holm). [ROBERT BROWN MORISON.] SAMUEL LORD MORISON. CHARLES THEODORE RUSSELL, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1875; Prof, Law Boston Univ. 1903 JOHN OAKES SHAW. FRANCIS BAXTER SHEPLEY. FREDERICK DABNEY STACKPOLE, M.D. 1878. 1899 CHARLES FRANCIS TARBELL. 1891 WILLIAM THOMAS, LL.B. 1887. ALBERT HARRIS THOMPSON. 1891 GEORGE GORHAM WALBACH, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1879. GRANT WALKER. [ARTHUR LOVELL WARE.] THOMAS BARNES WARREN. THOMAS RUSSELL WATSON. EDWARD ROBBINS WHARTON. HORATIO STEVENS WHITE, LL.D. Glasgow 1901 Asst. Prof. Greek & Latin, Asst. Prof. & Prof. German & Dean Cornell Univ. ; Prof. German. [JOHN BLAKE WHITE.] GEORGE DUDLEY WILDES, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1875. DAVID WELD WILLIAMS, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1875. Total 53. CLASS OF 1874 WILLIAM GORDON McMiLLAN, Pres.; LL.B. 1876; A.M. 1877. JAMES JACKSON MINOT, Pres. &f Treas.; M.D. 1878. ARTHUR CLIFFORD, V. Pres.; M.D. Dart. 1878. 1881 GEORGE PARTRIDGE SANGER, V. Pres. WILLIAM GARY SANGER, Sec. ; A.M. 1875 ; LL.B. Columbia 1878 ; LL.D. Hamilton (N. Y.) 1902. FRANCIS CHILD FAULKNER, Sec., Poet &f Kp. 1903 GEORGE WILLETT VAN NEST, Treas. ; LL.B. 1876. FREDERIC HOWARD LOMBARD, Chor. & Kp.; M.D. 1882. 1885 ARTHUR LITHGOW DEVENS, Chor. WALTER INGERSOLL JONES, Lib. 1902 WILLIAM RICHMOND, Orator. THOMAS CORLIES, Poet & Kp. 1894 FRANK LYMAN, Artist; M.E. Columbia 1878. EDWARD EMERSON SIMMONS, Artist. JAMES LLOYD ABBOT. 1905 RICHARD MINOT ALLEN. [CLARENCE ALMY.] 1883 AUGUST BELMONT, A.B. 1897. WOODBURY BLAIR. JOHN WINTERS BRANNAN, M.D. 1878. CHARLES THOMAS BUFFUM, M.D. Columbia 1877. WILLIAM APPLETON BURNHAM. HENRY ARNOTT CHISHOLM. HENRY ALDEN CLARK, LL.B. 1878. Louis CRAWFORD CLARK. HENRY HORACE CROCKER. 1904 FREDERIC CUNNINGHAM, LL.B. 1877. PAUL DANA, LL.B. Columbia 1878. RICHARD HENRY DANA, LL.B. 1877. EDGAR MORA DAVISON. JOHN WHEELOCK ELLIOT, M.D. 1878. FRANK WORCESTER ELWOOD, LL.B. Columbia 1877. 1899 JOHN WOODFORD FARLOW, M.D. 1877. WILLIAM WHITWORTH GANNETT, M.D. 1879. WENDELL GOODWIN. 1898 HENRY RICE GRANT. ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT, LL.B. Columbia 1876. HERBERT LEE HARDING, LL.B. 1876 ; A.M. 1877. EDWARD HIGGINSON, LL.B. Cincinnati (O.) 1876. AMORY GLAZIER HODGES. [ROCKWELL KING.] JAMES LAWRENCE. [JAMES DUANE LOWELL,] A.B. 1877; C.E. 1877. WILLIAM CASTEIN MASON, M.D. 1878. ETHELBERT SMITH MILLS. HENRY LEE MORSE, M.D. 1878. THEODORE WILLIAM MOSES. HENRY HOLBROOK MUDGE, A.B. 1876. CHARLES SHERBURNE PENHALLOW. EDWARD GOULD PETERS, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1879. [JOHN RUFUS RANNEY.] CALVIN PROCTOR SAMPSON, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1876. [ROBERT WILLIAM SAWYER.] DAVID SEARS. [SAMUEL PARKMAN SHAW.] GEORGE SALTONSTALL SILSBEE. FREDERICK SWIFT. CHARLES SANDERS TUCKERMAN. 1904 COLUMBUS TYLER TYLER. 1905 HARRY BLAKE TYLER. WILLIAM ROYALL TYLER, Headmaster Adams Acad. Quincy. 1897 EDWARD WOOD WALKER, M.D. Cincinnati (O.) 1877 ; Prof. Princ. Surg., Gen. Pathol. & Clin. Surg. Miami Med. Coll. (O.). WILLIAM PEARSON WARNER, A.B. 1875. FRANK THAXTER WENDELL. 1906 WILLIAM ASA WHEELER, M.D. Columbia 1877 ; Prof. Descript. & Surg. Anat. Med. Coll. Evansville (Ind.) ; Prof. Surg. Niagara Univ. Buffalo. GEORGE WIGGLESWORTH, A.M. 1875; LL.B. 1878. Total 66. CLASS OF 1875 FRANCIS RANDALL APPLETON, Pres. ; LL.B. Colum- bia 1877; Overseer. NATHANIEL HATHAWAY STONE, Pres. & Treas. VINCENT YARDLEY BOWDITCH, V. Pres.; M.D. 1879. WALKER HARTWELL, V. Pres.; LL.B. Cincinnati (O.) 1877. 1891 SAMUEL DENNIS WARREN, Sec. ; LL.B. 1877; A.M. 1878. BENJAMIN ROBBINS CURTIS, Sec. 1891 FRANCIS SHAW, Treas. REGINALD GRAY, Chor.; LL.B. 1877 ; A.M. 1878. 1904 HENRY WHITE BROUGHTON, Chor.; M.D. 1879. ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Lib.; LL.B. 1877. 1882 WOODBURY LOWERY, Lib. fcf Kp.; A.M. 1876 ; LL.B. Columbian (D. C.) 1880; LL.M. Columbian (D. C.) 1881. 1906 JAMES MONTFORD WARD, Kp. LESTER WILLIAMS CLARK, Kp.; LL.B. Columbia 1878. FRANCIS SHAW STURGIS, Artist. GEORGE HOWARD MONKS, Artist; M.D. 1880 ; M.R.C.S. (England) 1884. GEORGE SWETT APPLETON. 1886 GORHAM BACON, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. [124] (N. Y.) 1878; Prof. Otol. N. Y. Univ., Cornell Univ. & Columbia Univ. FREDERICK CAREW SMYTHE BARTLETT. 1886 HENRY GLOVER BROWNE. 1891 HENRY HALL BUCK, LL.B. 1877; A.M. 1878. WILLIAM NORTON BULLARD, M.D. 1880. WALDO BURNETT, A.B. 1878, A.M. 1881, Keble Coll. Oxford. WALTER SALISBURY CUTLER. FRANCIS DUMARESQ. 1902 ARTHUR BLAKE 'ELLIS, LL.B. 1877; S.T.B. 1898; Memb. & Cor. Memb. M.H.S. [SAMUEL FRANKLIN FARRAR.] GORHAM PALFREY FAUCON, C.E. 1877. 1897 THOMAS CARY FELTON, A.B. 1876. 1898 ANDREW FISKE, LL.B. 1878 ; Ph.D. & A.M. (Hist.) 1886. NATHANIEL LANGDON FROTHINGHAM. JAMES WADE GAFF. 1889 FREDERICK SALTONSTALL GOULD, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1878. "EDMUND TROWBRIDGE HASTINGS, A.B. 1876. 1886 AUGUSTUS HEMENWAY, A.B. 1876; Overseer. SEWALL HENRY HOOPER. HENRY SARGENT HUNNEWELL. LYMAN COLT JOSEPHS, LL.B. Columbia 1878. REUBEN KIDNER, S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1878. FREDERICK GORE KING. JAMES GEDNEY KING. 1878 NATHAN MATTHEWS, LL.B. 1880 ; Memb. M.H.S. JOSEPH DUDLEY MORGAN, A.B. 1878. 1890 [HAROLD PARKER.] EDWARD MILES PERRY, Memb. Roy. Coll. Vet. Surg. 1885 WILLIAM BIGELOW PHELPS. WILLIAM LAWRENCE PORTER. MORGAN GIBBES POST. 1888 EVAN POULTNEY, LL.B. Univ. Md. 1876. MORTON PRINCE, M.D. 1879 ; Prof. Dis. Nerv. Syst. Tufts Coll. HOMER BARTLETT RICHARDSON. GEORGE ROBERT RUSSELL RIVERS, A.B. 1876. 1900 FREDERICK RICHARD SEARS, JR. THOMAS ELY SECOR, LL.B. Columbia 1877. ARTHUR BOARDMAN SILSBEE. HOLLIS THAYER, LL.B. 1877; A.M. 1878. 1884 [PHINEAS SPRAGUE TOBEY.] 1886 CHARLES ALEXANDER TOMES. HENRY SAYRE VAN DUZER, LL.B. Columbia 1877. FRANCIS SEDGWICK WATSON, M.D. 1879. CHARLES WHITMAN WETMORE, LL.B. 1877. [JOSEPH WILBY.] MUNROE LIVINGSTONE WILLARD. HAROLD WILLIAMS, A.B. 1876 ; M.D. 1878 ; Prof. Dis. of Children Tufts Coll. WILLIAM HENRY WILLIAMSON, LL.B. Cincinnati (O.) 1877. Total 64. CLASS OF 1876 SAMUEL SHERWOOD, Pres. ; LL.B. Columbia 1878. 1905 HENRY PERCY JAQUES, Pres. fc? Sec. ; M.D. 1880. EDWARD CUNNINGHAM HALL, V. Pres. ; A.B. 1899. EMOR HERBERT HARDING, V. Pres. & Treas. ; LL.B. 1878 ; A.M. 1879. ROBERT HALLOWELL GARDINER, Sec. WILLIAM LEVERETT CHASE, Sec. 1895 HARCOURT AMORY, Treas. FRANK SHALTER LIVINGOOD, Chor. GEORGE WALTON GREEN, Orator & Kp. 1903 JOHN TYLER WHEELWRIGHT, Porffcf Kp.; LL.B. 1878. FREDERIC JESUP STIMSON, Kp.; LL.B. 1878 ; Prof. Compar. Legislation ; Memb. M.H.S. ; F.A.A. [126] FRANCIS CABOT LOWELL, Lib. ; Overseer ; Fellow ; Memb.M.H.S.; F.A.A.; Judge U. S. Dist. Court (Mass.), Circuit Court. RALPH WORMELEY CURTIS, drtist. WALTER SCOTT ANDREWS, A.B. 1877 ; LL.B. Colum- bia 1883 ; A.M. 1898. DANIEL CARPENTER BACON, A.B. 1880. 1901 ALFRED BOWDITCH. GEORGE HILLARD BRADFORD, LL.B. 1879. 1890 ROBERT STOW BRADLEY. HENRY HOBART BROWN. 1899 WILLIAM BRANFORD SHUBRICK CLYMER, Instr. Eng- lish. 1903 WILLIAM DAVIS, M.D. 1880 ; Asst. Prof. Obstetr. St. Paul Med. Coll. (Minn.). HAROLD CLARENCE ERNST, M.D. 1880 ; A.M. 1884 ; F.A.A. ; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Bacteriology. HERBERT GREEN, LL.B. 1878. ROBERT WHEATON GUILD. 1880 EDMUND PITTS HARRISON. ROCKWOOD HOAR, LL.B. 1878 ; A.M. 1879 > M.C. 1906 CHARLES ISHAM. GEORGE BURNHAM IVES. OSCAR ROLAND JACKSON. SAMUEL WILSON KERR. WILLIAM FARGO KIP, LL.B. Columbia 1879. I 95 SAMUEL DANA KITTREDGE, LL.B. Columbia 1881. ELLIOT CABOT LEE. GEORGE ASHLEY LONG. ALEXANDER WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. PERCIVAL LOWELL, F.A.A. ; Memb. A.P.S. ; Assoc. Roy. Astron. Soc. (London). FRED CLEMENT McDurriE. WILLIAM MASON, A.B. 1877. 1892 FRANCIS MINOT. 1883 ARTHUR ST. JOHN NEWBERRY. GEORGE AUGUSTUS NICKERSON, LL.B. 1879. 1 9 I [1*7] [WALTER JOSEPH OTIS,] M.D. 1880. CHARLES WARNER PLUMMER. WILLIAM CORCORAN RIGGS. JAMES DIXON ROMAN. 1875 GEORGE AMORY SARGENT, M.D. 1888. HENRY SARGENT. EDWARD STETSON. THOMAS LINCOLN TALBOT. [ISAIAH THOMAS.] 1890 ARTHUR BUTLER TWOMBLY. SAMUEL GRAY WARD. 1900 CHARLES ELIOT WARE, LL.B. 1878. WILLIAM FLETCHER WELD. 1893 ALFRED ALLISON WHEELER. EDMUND MARCH WHEELWRIGHT. JOHN WIGGINS. 1894 THEODORE CHICKERING WILLIAMS, S.T.B. 1882. Total 58. CLASS OF 1877 NATHANIEL CURTIS, Pres. WILLIAM NYE SWIFT, Pres. fcf V. Pres.; M.D. 1881. AUGUSTUS CLIFFORD TOWER, V. Pres. 1903 ARTHUR MURRAY SHERWOOD, Sec. ; A.B. 1895. JAMES HOWARD WELLES, Sec.; A.B. 1875. BARRETT WENDELL, Sec. ; Instr., Asst. Prof. & Prof. English; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. MELVILLE BULL, Treas.; M.C. GEORGE BARNEWALL OGDEN, Treas. AARON HOBART LATHAM, Treas. STANLEY CUNNINGHAM, Chor. WILLIAM BENJAMIN BACON, Chor. 1896 EDWARD SANDFORD MARTIN, Kp. AUGUSTINE HEARD AMORY, Lib.; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1880. 1904 JOHN Louis DuFAis, Artist ; A.B. 1888. GRAFTON ST. LOE ABBOTT. GARDNER WELD ALLEN, M.D. 1882. JACOB AUGUSTUS BALDWIN. 1892 CHARLES SUMNER BIRD. LAWRENCE BOND. JONATHAN BOURNE. FRANK BRAINERD. LINCOLN FORBES BRIGHAM. FREDERIC TILDEN BROWN, A.B. 1878 ; M.D. Colun> bia 1880. [WILLIAM MAYNADIER BROWNE.] CARROLL CLARE BRYCE. HEMAN MERRICK BURR, A.B. 1878. SIGOURNEY BUTLER, LL.B. 1880. 1898 CHARLES KANE COBB. MATTHEW LEWIS CROSBY. HENRY GOLD DANFORTH, LL.B. 1880. SAMUEL WARREN DAVIS. ARTHUR BRIGGS DENNY. HERBERT HAMILTON DRAKE. CHARLES SEDGWICK EATON, LL.B. Cincinnati (O.) 1879. WILLIAM FARNSWORTH. GEORGE PEABODY GARDNER. MORRIS GRAY, LL.B. 1880. WILLIAM FRANK HAPGOOD, A.B. 1880; LL.B. 1880, Columbia 1881. HERBERT JOSEPH HARWOOD. ROBERT PAUL HASTINGS, A.B. 1878; LL.B. Univ. Cal. 1881; Direct. Hastings Coll. of Law Univ. Cal. 1890 TRUMAN HEMINWAY, LL.B. Columbia 1880. EDWIN HAYDEN HERRICK, LL.B. Columbia 1879. 1889 WILLIAM DONNISON HODGES, A.B. 1878 ; M.D. 1881. 1893 WILLIAM LAWRENCE HUMASON. ARTHUR MASON JONES, A.B. 1878. 1889 JOHN BAKER KEYS. [129] HENRY THOMAS KIDDER. 1902 GARDNER SWIFT LAMSON. HERBERT COREY LEEDS, A.B. 1891. JOHN TORREY LINZEE, A.B. 1902. ABBOTT LAWRENCE LOWELL, LL.B. 1880; Prof. & Eaton Prof. Sci. of Gov.; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. JOHN LOWELL. THOMAS MACAULEY, A.B. 1878; A.M. 1878; LL.B. 1882. ALFRED WATERMAN MORGAN. [THOMAS HOLLINGSWORTH MORRIS.] 1876 HENRY GILMAN NICHOLS. 1900 PARKER WEBSTER PAGE, LL.B. Columbian (D. C.) 1881. [GUSTAVUS SWAN PARSONS.] ARTHUR PERRIN. CLIFFORD RICHARDSON. WILLIAM EUSTIS RUSSELL, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1879 ; LL.D. Williams 1891; Gov. Mass. 1896 ROBERT SIDOINE SAUZADE, A.B. 1878; LL.B. Colum- bia 1879. CHARLES CARROLL SHIPPEN, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1879. 1905 THOMAS MORRISON SLOANE, LL.B. Univ. Mich. 1880. JOSHUA STETSON. 1879 HENRY UPHAM, A.B. 1878. 1882 [WILLIAM LANG WHEELER.] WILLIAM AUSTIN WHITING, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1879 > Assoc. Just. Supr. Court Hawaiian Islands. JOHN BERTRAM WILLIAMS, Publication Agent. JOHN RUSSELL WRIGHT. 1881 REGINALD YOUNG. Total 71. CLASS OF 1878 EMMONS ELAINE, Pres. 1892 JOHN HOMANS, Pres. & V. Pres.; A.B. 1879 ; M.D. 1882. 1902 [130] FREDERICK LEWIS GAY, V. Pres. & Lib.; A.B. 1903. ANDREW HUSSEY ALLEN, Sec. JOSEPH CUTLER WHITNEY, Treas. BENJAMIN HUMPHREY DORR, Chor. Louis BAILEY DEAN, Chor. 1887 JAMES FULTON SLADE, Lib. 1888 LEWIS HANCOCK, Kp.; LL.B. 1881. HENRY WHEELER, Kp. FRANCIS GILBERT ATTWOOD, Artist. 1900 RICHARK SEABROOK ALBERT. WILLIAM HALL ALLEN. HARRISON OTIS APTHORP, A.B. 1879 > A.M. 1880. 1905 WILLIAM AMOS BANCROFT, Overseer. FREDERIC OGDEN DE BILLIER. NICHOLAS PENNIMAN BOND. HOWARD MENDENHALL BUCK, M.D. 1882. STEPHEN BULLARD. MIDDLETON SHOOLBRED BURRILL, A.B. 1879 5 LL.B. Columbia 1881. GEORGE LOCKE CHENEY, LL.B. 1881. OSBORNE SARGENT CURTIS, A.B. Camb. 1881. EDWARD SOMERVILLE ELLICOTT. 1879 PHILIP VAN RENSSELAER ELY. AUGUSTUS COE GURNEE. BENJAMIN FOSDICK HARDING, A.B. 1879 '> A.M. 1880. JOHN BUTTERWORTH HARDING, Berkeley Div. S. (Conn.) 1882. EDWARD ROGERS HASTINGS. JOHN RUSSELL HOLMES. CHARLES WELLS HUBBARD. ERNEST JACKSON, A.M. 1879. LAWRENCE JACOB. WILLIAM MURRAY LE|MOYNE. Lucius NATHAN LITTAUER, M.C. WARREN PLIMPTON LOMBARD, M.D. 1882 ; Asst. Prof. Physiol. Clark Univ. (Worcester) ; Prof. Physiol. & Histol. Univ. Mich. AUGUSTUS PEABODY LORING, LL.B. 1881. [CHARLES JEREMIAH MASON,] A.B. 1879; Berkeley Div. S. (Conn.) 1883. [CHARLES MOORE,] A.M. Columbian (D. C.) 1898 ; Ph.D. Columbian 1900. JOHN ARCHIBALD MURRAY, LL.B. Columbia 1881. HENRY BLANCHARD OSGOOD. HARRISON GRAY OTIS, A.B. 1903. WILLIAM SIGOURNEY OTIS. 1893 HENRY DEELEY PAGE. 1904 HERBERT PARKER, A.B. 1896 ; LL.D. Tufts 1905. JAMES PARKER. DANIEL EDWARD PAULLIN. 1895 EDWARD OSGOOD RICHARDS, A.B. 1903. [GURDON SALTON STALL.] 1878 ALFRED WARNER SPENCER. 1887 RUSSELL STURGIS, M.D. 1881. 1899 HERBERT TAPPAN, A.B. 1879. HUBERT ENGELBERT TESCHEMACHER. 1907 FREDERICK WINTHROP THAYER, A.B. 1887. NATHANIEL NILES THAYER. BAYARD TUCKERMAN. PAUL TUCKERMAN. MARTIN VAN BUREN. HENRY PRINCE WARDEN. BENJAMIN WELLES. JOHN WALTER WELLS, A.B. 1879. 1892 Total 60. CLASS OF 1879 JAMES ANDERSON WRIGHT, Pres. JOHN TEMPLETON BOWEN, Pres. & Treas.; M.D. 1884; Asst. Prof. Dermatol. WILLIAM SHEAFE, V. Pres. ISAAC TUCKER BURR, V. Pres. JOHN TEMPLEMAN COOLIDGE, Sec. & Artist. WALDRON BATES, Sec. ; LL.B. Boston Univ. 1882. FRANCIS COFFIN MARTIN, Treas.; M.D. 1883. GEORGE RUMSEY SHELDON, Chor. RICHARD HEARD, Chor. JOSEPH GILBERT THORP, Orator; LL.B. 1882. EDWARD CLIFFORD PERKINS, Poet. 1902 WILMOT TOWNSEND Cox,Lib.; LL.B. Columbia 1881. HARFORD WILLING HARE POWEL, Lib. FRANCIS McLENNAN,K/>.; B.C.L.McGill Univ. 1884 ; Fellow McGill Univ. EDWARD HALE, Kp.; S.T.B. 1886; Asst. Prof. Homi- letics. FRANCIS ALMY, A.M. 1880. WILLIAM RUSSELL AUSTIN, LL.B. 1882. 1894 PETER TOWNSEND BARLOW, LL.B. Columbia 1881. EDMUND LINCOLN BAYLIES, LL.B. 1882, Columbia 1882. SAMUEL CROCKER BENNETT, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1882; Prof. Agency, Acting Dean & Dean Bos- ton Univ. Law S. [BENJAMIN SEAVER BLANCHARD,] M.D. 1882. CHARLES OSMYN BREWSTER, LL.B. Columbia 1881. FREDERIC MELANCTHON BRIGGS, M.D. 1883; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Clin. Surg. Tufts Coll. CLIFFORD BRIGHAM, A.B. 1880. HOWARD KINMONTH BROWN. [GEORGE HENRY BURRILL,] Union Theol. Sem. (N.Y.) 1884. WARREN GUSHING CADWELL. 1881 HERMAN CHAPIN. JOHN MAITLAND BREWER CHURCHILL. 1900 WILLIAM MERRITT CONANT, M.D. 1884. JOHN ELLIOT COWDIN. ALVAH CROCKER. LIVINGSTON GUSHING, LL.B. 1882, Boston Univ. 1882. GEORGE CHALMERS CUTLER, A.B. 1904. GEORGE HERBERT DAVIS. 1882 FRANK DONALDSON, M.D. Univ. Md. 1883. 1906 FREDERICK HAMANT ELLIS. 1896 GLENDOWER EVANS. 1886 EDGAR CON WAY FELTON. [THOMAS GARY FRIEDLANDER.] WARREN NORTON GODDARD. 1900 HERMON WHEATON GRANNIS. [PATRICK GRANT.] [CHARLES MERTON HALEY.] Louis BRANCH HARDING. GEORGE HOADLY, LL.B. 1882. GEORGE CLARENDON HODGES. JABISH HOLMES, LL.B. Columbia 1881. [FRANK HOLYOKE,] M.D. 1883. WOODWARD HUDSON, LL.B. 1882. DAVID OTIS IVES. MARTIN REILEY JACOBS, A.B. 1881; LL.B. Columbia 1881. CHARLES ARCHBALD KIDDER. THOMAS LEE. [ARCHIBALD LE ROY.] HERMAN STEWART LEROY. CHARLES SPRAGUE LINCOLN. GEORGE VON LENGERKE MEYER, U. S. Ambass. Italy, Russia ; U. S. Postmaster Gen. WILLIAM INGALLS MONROE, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1882. CHARLES PIERCE NUNN. [WILLIAM ELIAS PAGE.] [CHARLES LAWRENCE PERKINS.] [LEANDER ALLEN PLUMMER,] C.E. 1880. THOMAS WEBB PRESTON. FREDERICK HASTINGS RINDGE, A.B. 1890. 1905 [JULIAN WAINWRIGHT ROBBINS.] THOMAS RUSSELL, LL.B. 1882. [WILLIAM HENRY SCHWARTZ,] A.B. 1898. [STEWART SHILLITO], A.B. 1894. FRANK ERNEST SIMPSON. [134] FREDERIC WARREN SMITH, A.B. 1880. SAMUEL SHELLING, S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1882. CHARLES FRANKLIN SPRAGUE, A.B. 1880; M.C. 1902 [JAMES HERVEY STEBBINS,] S.B. 1878; S.M. Rut- gers (N. J.) 1883. [FRANCIS HATHAWAY STONE], A.B. 1904. MARION WAINWRIGHT STORY, LL.B. 1882. JIREH SWIFT. [ARTHUR MOXEN TESCHEMACHER.] WASHINGTON BUTCHER THOMAS. WALTER TRIMBLE, LL.B. Columbia 1881. ALFRED STEWART TUBES. WILLIAM GREENE TWOMBLEY. HENRY OLIVER UNDERWOOD. DAVID URQUHART. WILLIAM BAYARD VAN RENSSELAER. [FRANCIS MORGAN WARE.] WILLIAM LIVINGSTON WATSON, A.B. 1904. [CHARLES GODDARD WELD,] M.D. 1881. EDWARD STANLEY WESTON. 1882 CHARLES HOOVER WHITING. OTHO HOLLAND WILLIAMS, A.B. 1880. 1896 Total 91. CLASS OF 1880 WILLIAM HOOPER, Pres. CHARLES WARE, Pres. & Treas.; M.D. Columbia 1883. RICHARD TRIMBLE, V. Pres. ROBERT BACON, F. Pres., Overseer; Assistant Sec- retary of State. ROBERT ROBERTS BISHOP, Sec.; A.B. 1881. HENRY JACKSON, Sec.; M.D. 1884; Instr. in Clin. Med. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Sec.; LL.D. 1902, Columbia 1899, Hope (Mich.) 1901, Yale 1901, Univ. Chi- [i35l cago 1903, Univ. Cal. 1903, Univ. Pa. 1905, Clark Univ. (Worcester) 1905, Tufts 1905; L.H.D. Williams 1905 ; Overseer; U. S. Civil Service Comm'r ; Gov. N. Y.; Vice-Pres. & Pres. U. S. ; Memb. A.P.S. HOWARD TOWNSEND, Sec. ARTHUR HALE, Treas. & Kp. EDWIN MERRICK DODD, Lib. FREDERIC GARDINER, Lib.; A.M. 1893. WILLIAM GEORGE PELLEW, Poet &f K/>.; A.M. & LL.B. 1883. 1892 JOSIAH QUINCY, Orator. JOSEPH HENRY GEST, Artist; A.B. 1881. FREDERICK HOBBES ALLEN, A.M. & LL.B. 1883. RUSSELL CARPENTER ALLEN. FREDERIC ALMY, A.M. 1883. WILLIAM SHANKLAND ANDREWS, LL.B. Columbia 1882. HENRY TAYLOR BARSTOW, M.D. 1884. CHARLES FREDERIC TIFFANY BEALE. 1901 WILLIAM TILDEN BLODGETT. HUGH LENNOX BOND. FRANK HERBERT BRACKETT. CHARLES WESLEY BRADLEY. 1884 EDWARD BROOKS, A.B. 1905. [HENRY DENISON BURNHAM.] HENRY BAINBRIDGE CHAPIN. WILLIAM BRADFORD CLARK, A.B. 1895. [HENRY IVES COBB,] S.B. 1892. [FRANCIS CODMAN.] CHARLES STEVENSON DAVIS. RALPH NICHOLSON ELLIS, LL.B. Columbia 1883. JAMES DEERING FESSENDEN. CHARLES CHAUNCY FOSTER, M.D. 1883. HENRY GARDNER FRENCH. 1892 WILLIAM ALEXANDER GASTON. SAMUEL COTTON GILBERT, LL.B. 1883. 1885 [ 136] Louis MAY GREELEY, Prof. Law Northwestern Univ. (111.). GEORGE GRISWOLD. HENRY ELIOT GUILD, A.M. & LL.B. 1883. 1888 MITCHELL HARRISON. FRANCIS MARION HOLDEN, A.B. 1905; M.D. 1884. [ARTHUR WILSON HOOPER.] JAMES TORRE Y HOWE. FRANK COLHOON HUIDEKOPER. 1890 LAURENCE HENRY HITCH JOHNSON, LL.B. 1883. HENRY CHAMPION JONES, A.M. 1881. JOHN LAMSON LAMSON. 1897 ARTHUR HENRY LEA. WILLIAM POLLOCK LEARNED. [THOMAS WILLIAM LUDLOW,] A.B. 1882; A.M. Co- lumbia 1883. 1894 [GERRY AUSTIN LYMAN.] CHARLES DUDLEY MARCH. 1887 JOHN LAURIE MARTIN, A.B. 1881. ANDREW MILLER. [HENRY DAVIS MINOT.] 1890 ARTHUR WENDELL MOORS. CHARLES MORGAN. HICKY HUNT MORGAN. 1879 AUSTIN KENT MUZZEY. THOMAS WHITE NICKERSON, S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1886. CHARLES PHELPS NORTON, Prof. Law Buffalo L. S. (Univ. Buffalo). LEONARD ECKSTEIN OPDYCKE, A.M. & LL.B. 1883; Chev. Ord. St. Maurice & St. Lazarus (Italy). CHARLES MARCUS OSBORN, A.B. 1882; LL.B. Union (111.) 1885. 1903 CHARLES ALBERT PARKER. GEORGE GORHAM PETERS, A.B. 1881. WILLIAM KING RICHARDSON, A.B. Oxford 1884; A.M. 1886. [137] RICHARD MIDDLECOTT SALTONSTALL. FREDERIC WILLIAM SHARON, A.B. 1881. HENRY RUSSELL SHAW. 1904 THORNTON HOWARD SIMMONS, A.B. 1905. SAMUEL WIGGINS SKINNER. 1901 WALTER ALLEN SMITH. 1882 VANDERLYNN STOW. FRANK OVERTON SUIRE, LL.B. Cinn. Law S. 1883. JOHN SEVER TEBBETS. 1901 [WALTER CHECKLEY TIFFANY,] A.B. 1881. CHARLES GRENFILL WASHBURN, M.C. CHRISTOPHER MINOT WELD. RICHARD WARD GREENE WELLING. FAIRFAX HENRY WHEELAN. FRANKLIN DAVIS WHITE. 1906 ALFRED WILKINSON. ROBERT WINSOR. Total 84. CLASS OF 1 88 1 EDWARD DESHON BRANDEGEE, Pres. WILLIAM ROSCOE THAYER, Pres. & V. Pres.; A.M. 1886; Memb. M.H.S.; Kt. Ord. Crown (Italy). CHARLES ROBERT SANGER, Treas. & V. Pres.; A.M. 1882; Ph.D. & A.M. (Phys.) 1884; Prof. Chem. U. S. Naval Acad. Annapolis (Md.) ; Prof. Chem. Washington Univ. (Mo.) ; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Chem. & Director Chem. Lab.; F.A.A. ALEXANDER HARVEY, Sec. PRESCOTT EVARTS, Sec.; S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1887. CHARLES HENRY WHEELWRIGHT FOSTER, Treas. JARED How, Chor. EDWARD PALMER MASON, Chor. CURTIS GUILD, JR., Orator; LL.D. Holy Cross (Worcester) 1906; Gov. Mass. ABBOT Low MILLS, Poet. [138] GARDINER MARTIN LANE, Lib. JAMES ROBBINS HOWE, Lib. 1883 CARLETON SPRAGUE, Kp. CHARLES ALLERTON COOLIDGE, drtist; Art. D. (Hon.) 1906; Chev. Legion of Honor. JOSEPH HENRY ADAMS, LL.B. Columbian (D. C.) 1887. FRANCIS BELLOWS ALLEN. EDWARD WILLIAMS ATKINSON. FREDERIC OTIS BARTON. 1904 JOHN STUART BELL. WALTER VAN RENSSELAER BERRY, Chev. Ord. St. Maurice & St. Lazarus (Italy); Chev. Legion of Honor. [WILLIAM BINNEY,] A.B. 1906. EDWARD WINSLOW BREWER, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1884. WILLIAM BREWSTER. HENRY ROSSITER WORTHINGTON BROWNE. Louis MONROE CLARK, A.B. 1883; LL.B. Boston Univ. 1884. ALGERNON COOLIDGE, M.D. 1886; Asst.Prof. Laryn- gology. WILLIAM HENRY COOLIDGE. FREDERIC MORTON CREHORE, A.B. 1891. QAMES PENDLETON CRUGER.] GEORGE TICKNOR DEXTER, A.B. 1883. [HOWARD ELLIOTT,] C.E. 1881. LEONARD FOSTER. 1884 SAMUEL HAMMOND. EUGENE DEXTER HAWKINS, LL.B. Columbia 1883. FREDERIC BLAKE HOLDER. [JAMES SULLIVAN HOWE,] M.D. 1881. [WILLIAM ADDISON HOWE.] [LIVINGSTON HUNT.] [WILLIAM PRE SCOTT HUNT.] [SEYMOUR LEGRAND HUSTED.] THOMAS PARKER IVY. [139] JOHN AMORY JEFFRIES, M.D. 1884. 1892 ERNEST LOVERING. JAMES BETTNER LUDLOW, LL.B. 1884. ROBERT HENRY McCuRDY, Chev. Legion of Honor. CHARLES MACVEAGH, LL.B. Columbia 1883. GEORGE DICKSON MARKHAM, LL.B. Wash. (Mo.) 1891. JOHN STEVENS MELCHER, LL.B. Columbia 1884. JAMES HAROLD MELLEDGE. JOHN KEARSLEY MITCHELL, A.B. 1904; M.D. Univ. Pa. 1883. MORRIS HICKY MORGAN, Ph.D. & A.M. (Philol.j 1887 ; LL.D. Hobart (N. Y.) 1896 ; Head Tutor St. Mark's S. Southboro ; Tut.; Asst. Prof. Greek & Latin; Asst. Prof. Latin; Prof. Classical Philol. ; Marshal Commencement Exercises ; F.A.A. GEORGE FREDERIC MORSE, A.B. 1906. PHILIP SIDNEY MORSE, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1884. JOHN CUMMINGS MUNRO, M.D. 1885; Prof. Surg. Boston Dental Coll. JOSEPH AARON NESMITH. JAMES OTIS. JAMES PARKER PARMENTER, LL.B. & A.M. 1884. EDWARD LOTHROP RAND, LL.B. & A.M. 1884. EDWARD REYNOLDS, M.D. 1885. EDWARD RIDGELY. DELANCEY ROCHESTER, M.D. Univ. Buffalo (N. Y.) 1884; Adj. Prof. Princ. & Pract. Medicine Univ. Buffalo. DENISON ROGERS SLADE, A.B. 1906. MARSHALL PERRY SLADE. WILLIAM ALBERT SLATER. RODMAN PAUL SNELLING. RICHARD SPRAGUE, M.D. 1887. 1892 CLARENCE STETSON. [JOHN STEWARDSON.] 1896 [140] JOHN HUBBARD STURGIS. RICHARD CLIPSTON STURGIS. ROBERT STURGIS, LL.B. Columbia 1883. 1900 JOHN WALLACE SUTER, S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1885. WILLIAM DONNISON SWAN, M.D. 1885. GEORGE KNOWLES SWINBURNE, M.D. Columbia 1885. [ALBERT PHELPS THAYER.] ALBERT THORNDIKE. MARMADUKE TILDEN. CHARLES WENDELL TOWNSEND, M.D. 1885. [GEORGE MACBETH TRENHOLM.] 1902 [AUSTIN CHAPIN TUBES.] 1899 CHARLES MICHAEL VAN BUREN. EDWARD JAMES WARE, M.D. Columbia 1885. WARREN BAILEY POTTER WEEKS, A.B. 1882. FRANK S.WILLIAMS, S.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1878; A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1879. GEORGE HENRY WILLIAMS. HEYLIGER ADAMS DE WINDT. JOHN GERRISH WOOD. Total 87. CLASS OF 1882 ELLIOTT HUNT PENDLETON, Pres. FREDERIC MATHER STONE, Pres.; A.M. 1883. GUY WARING, V. Pres. JAMES WILLIAMS BOWEN, V. Pres. & Sec. EVERT JANSEN WENDELL, Sec., Lib. &? Kp. WILLIAM HOBBS MANNING, Treas. 1889 RUSSELL WHITMAN, Treas.; LL.B. (Hon.) Chicago Law S. 1897. HENRY GARDNER CHAPIN, Chor. ALFRED EUGENE MILES, Chor. 1890 ALBERT BENJAMIN KINGSBURY, Lib. JOSEPH PEABODY GARDNER, Kp.; B.A.S. 1885. 1886 WILLIAM WINTHROP KENT, Kp. &f Artist. CHARLES WALKER ANDREWS. JAMES WOODS BABCOCK, M.D. 1886; LL.D. So. Carolina Coll. 1905. ROBERT TILLINGHAST BABSON, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1885. CHARLES ADOLPHE BALDWIN. [CHARLES HAMMATT BARTLETT.] [HENRY BATES,] L.S.S. ALEXANDER BOYD. 1891 RICHARDS MERRY BRADLEY. GEORGE CLIFFORD BUELL. JOHN ELIOT BULLARD. 1896 CHARLES DEAN BURT. GODFREY LOWELL CABOT. WILLIAM CHALFANT. JOSEPH PAYSON CLARK, M.D. 1887. ROBERT CODMAN, LL.B. 1885 ; S.T.D. Trinity (Conn.) 1900; P. E. Bishop of Maine. MORTON STIMSON CREHORE. HENRY WINCHESTER CUNNINGHAM. WILLIAM DELANCEY CUNNINGHAM. RALPH POMEROY DABNEY. 1899 CLARENCE RANDALL DEAN. CHARLES DENSTON DICKEY. GEORGE BRADFORD DUNBAR. WILLIAM HARRISON DUNBAR, LL.B. & A.M. 1886. [FREDERIC LARNAC ELDRIDGE.] FREDERICK WARE EMERSON, A.B. 1883. WILLIAM GORDON FELLOWS. JOHN McGAW FOSTER. GEORGE HILLS FRANCIS, M.D. 1887. HENRY CORMERAIS FRENCH. [HENRY MANSFIELD GILLIG,] L.S.S. FREDERICK NORTON GODDARD. 1905 XANTHUS HENRY GOODNOUGH. JAMES JAY GREENOUGH. [142] FREDERICK STANLEY HALL, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1885. HENRY WINTHROP HARDON, LL.B. & A.M. 1885; Prof. Law Cornell Univ., Columbia Univ. GEORGE TRUMBULL HARTSHORN, A.M. 1883. 1905 SHERMAN HOAR, M.C. 1898 HENRY REESE HOYT, LL.B. Columbia 1884. HENRY MASCARENE HUBBARD. WOODBURY KANE, A.B. 1902. 1905 ALBERT FRENCH LANE, LL.B. 1885. 1895 [PRESCOTT LAWRENCE.] GEORGE HENRY LEATHERBEE, A.B. 1883. [DAVID LEAVITT.] HEYWARD GIBBONS LEAVITT, LL.B. Columbia 1884. WALTER IRVING McCoY, LL.B. & A.M. 1886. ALBERT MATTHEWS, A.B. 1883 ; Memb. A.P.S. EDWARD PERCIVAL MERRITT. [HENRY WHITNEY MUNROE.] [HUGH KINSLEY NORMAN.] OLIVER ALLEN OLMSTED. HENRY THOMAS OXNARD. ROBERT TREAT PAINE, 20. [RICHARD CHAPPELL PARSONS.] EDMUND SEHON PERIN. 1882 [FREDERICK HENRY PRINCE.] WILLIAM LOWELL PUTNAM, LL.B. 1886. FREDERIC WILLIAM RHINELANDER. JOHN RUSSELL. HENRY DWIGHT SEDGWICK, A.B. 1896. HAROLD MARSH SEWALL, LL.B. 1885 ; U. S. Envoy to Samoa ; U. S. Min. Plen. Hawaiian Islands. HENRY HAMILTON SHERWOOD. GEORGE FREDERICK SPALDING. ELIOT DAWES STETSON, A.B. 1883. CHARLES HERBERT STEVENS. WILLIAM ENOS STONE. JOHN HUMPHREYS STORER, LL.B. 1885; Curator of Coins. [143] [CHARLES INCHES STURGIS,] A.B. 1902. THOMAS CHANDLER THACHER. ROLAND THAXTER, Ph.D. & A.M. (Nat. Hist.) 1888 ; Asst. Prof, and Prof. Cryptogamic Bot. ; F.A.A. STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER TOWNSEND. 1901 GUSTAVUS TUCKERMAN, S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1886. HENRY ELDRIDGE WARNER, LL.B. & A.M. 1885. FREDERIC WARREN. 1901 PHILIP WASHBURN. 1898 JOHN SIDNEY WEBB. JAMES EDWARD WELD, A.B. 1883; LL.B. Columbia 1884. [GORDON WENDELL.] [GEORGE WALTON WILLIAMS.] OWEN WISTER, LL.B. & A.M. 1888 ; Memb. M.H.S. FREDERICK CLINTON WOODBURY, M.D. 1886. 1886 Total 93. CLASS OF 1883 CHARLES PELHAM CURTIS, Pres. GEORGE EMERSON LOWELL, V, Pres. 1884 EDWARD TWISLETON CABOT, Sec. 1893 HENRY GRAFTON CHAPMAN, Sec. fc? Kp. RUSSELL STURGIS CODMAN, Treas. FRANKLIN WOODRUFF MOULTON, Treas.; LL.B. Columbia 1885. RICHARD DUDLEY SEARS, Chor. JOSEPH DORR, Chor. HENRY BROMFIELD CABOT, Lib.; LL.B. 1887. JEFFREY RICHARDSON BRACKETT, Lib. &f Kp.; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1887; Instr. Charity, Public Aid & Correction. CHARLES MIFFLIN HAMMOND, K p . JOSEPH LEE, Artist; LL.B. & A.M. 1887. FREDERICK NICHOLS, Artist. CHARLES BRUEN PERKINS, Artist. [M4] HUGH ALEXANDER ANDREWS. WILLIAM HENRY ASPINWALL. JAMES ELIOT BAKER. GEORGE WILLIAM BEALS. HORACE BINNEY. WILLIAM WENDELL BRYANT. GEORGE DIXWELL BURRAGE. WALTER LINCOLN BURRAGE, M.D. & A.M. 1888. EDWARD KNOWLES BUTLER. JOHN CHANDLER. JOSEPH SILL CLARK, A.B. Univ. Pa. 1881; A.M. Univ. Pa.; LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1885. JOSEPH RANDOLPH COOLIDGE, A.M. 1884. HENRY HOWLAND CRAPO. WALTER CURTIS. 1905 GIBSON MALLORY DAVIS. 1903 ARTHUR CLARK DENNISTON. MORRIS EARLE. JOHN HUBBARD WILKINS EDGERLY. 1890 [WILLIAM Ons EDMANDS,] L.S.S. HARRY RANSOM EDWARDS. WILLIAM CROWNINSHIELD ENDICOTT. RICHARD PEARCE FRANCIS, M.D. 1888. [RICHARD BUCKMINSTER FULLER.] WALDO FULLER. WALTER ROGERS FURNESS. EDWARD EVERETT HALE, Ph.D. Halle-Wittenberg 1892 ; Asst. Prof. English Cornell Univ. ; Prof. English State Univ. Iowa; Prof. Rhetoric & Logic Union Univ. CHARLES SUMNER HAMLIN, LL.B. & A.M. 1886; LL.D. Washington & Lee Univ. (Va.) 1896. GARDINER GREENE HAMMOND. CHARLES JOSEPH HUBBARD, LL.B. 1886. CHARLES HAYDEN KIP, A.B. 1906. ARTHUR LYMAN. [WILLIAM PRATT LYMAN.] [M5] RICHARD CRANE McKAY. JOHN FARWELL MOORS, A.M. 1884. GEORGE BURNAP MORI SON. CHARLES PROSSER NICHOLS. 1905 JAMES ATKINS NOYES, Ph.B. Columbia (Sch. of Mines) 1878; Editor Quinquen. Catalogue. GEORGE HYDE PAGE. TRENOR LUTHER PARK. CHARLES PAGE PERIN. PHILIP RICHMOND. CHARLES RANDALL ROCKWELL. EDMUND SWETT ROUSMANIERE, S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1886; S.T.D. Brown 1905. SABIN POND SANGER. HENRY FRANCIS SEARS, A.M. 1888; M.D. 1887. ARCHIBALD LOWERY SESSIONS. JOHN DICKINSON SHERWOOD. CHARLES WORCESTER SMITH. 1896 HENRY LLOYD SMYTH, C.E. 1885; Instr. Geol. Sur- veying; Asst. Prof. Mining, Prof. Mining & Metallurgy, & Director Mining & Met. Lab.; F.A.A. WALTER SOREN, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1887. [LEWIS BARTON STRONG,] L.S.S. EDWARD PERRY WARREN, A.B. Oxford 1888. GEORGE SCOTT WINSLOW. WINTHROP CHURCH WINSLOW. ROBERT DUDLEY WINTHROP. Total 69. CLASS OF 1884 WILLIAM HOBBS GOODWIN, Pres. 1905 WILLIAM SOHIER BRYANT, V. Pres.; M.D. & A.M. 1888. THOMAS JEFFERSON COOLIDGE, JR., V. Pres. &? Sec. SAMUEL ATKINS ELIOT, Sec. ; A.M. 1889; S.T.D. Bowd. 1900. [ M 6] WILLIAM CODMAN STURGIS, Sec.; A.M. 1888; Ph.D. & A.M. Nat. Hist. 1890. Louis ALEXANDER BIDDLE, Treas.; A.B. 1885. Louis VALCOULON LEMOYNE, Treas. HERBERT DANIEL ROBBINS, Chor.; A.B. 1885. RICHARD FLINT HOWE, Chor. THOMAS MOTT OSBORNE, Chor.; LL.D. Hobart (N. Y.) 1905. WILLIAM FESSENDEN WESSELHOEFT, Lib.; M.D. 1887. WILLIAM WOOLS EY MUMFORD, Lib. EDMUND ARTHUR STANLEY CLARKE, K/u. WILLIAM AMORY GARDNER, Kp. JOHN JAY CHAPMAN, Kp.; A.B. 1885; L.H.D. Hobart (N. Y.) 1900. LAWRENCE EUGENE SEXTON, Artist ; LL.B. Colum- bia 1887. JOHN WORTHINGTON DICKINSON, Artist. 1900 THOMAS RODMAN PLUMMER, Artist. GORDON ABBOTT. GEORGE RUSSELL AGASSIZ. [JOSEPH ANDREWS.] RANDOLPH MORGAN APPLETON, A.B. 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1887. [HENRY MORRELL ATKINSON.] FRANCIS McNiEL BACON. CHARLES WILLIAM BAKER. EDWARD APPLETON BANGS. [OUTRAM BANGS.] WALTER CABOT BAYLIES. CHARLES TOWNE BILLINGS, S.T.B. & A.M. 1890. HENRY WARREN BLISS. LEIGH BONSAL. JOHN THORNTON BULLARD, M.D. 1887. WINTHROP MOTLEY BURR. ALLAN MACY BUTLER, M.D. Columbia 1887. 1888 FRANK HAVEN CLARK, M.D. 1888. [M7] FREDERIC CODMAN COBB, M.D. 1887. JAMES MACMASTER CODMAN. CHARLES HENRY CONVERSE. 1899 JOHN GARDNER COOLIDGE. GEORGE URIEL CROCKER. WILLIAM TUFTS CROCKER, A.M. 1885 ; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1888. THOMAS KITTREDGE CUMMINS. [ALLEN CURTIS.] CHARLES BRIDGE DAVIS. CHARLES THORNTON DAVIS. [JAMES COLEMAN FORD.] 1885 [JONAS BENEDICT FRENKEL.] PHILIP HENRY GOEPP. [WILLIAM LAWRENCE GREEN.] ADDISON HAMLIN. CHARLES EUGENE HAMLIN. FRANK HAMLIN, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1888. [CHARLES LELAND HARRISON.] ARTHUR MEEKS HAWKINS. 1885 HARRY RAYMOND HILLIARD. CHARLES ANDRESS HOLMES. JOHN EDWARD HOWE. SAMUEL INGERSOLL HUTCHINSON. [ROBERTTRACY JACKSON,] S.B. 1884; S.D. (Nat. Hist.) 1889; Instr. & Asst. Prof. Palaeontology; F.A.A. [FRANK WADSWORTH JENKINS.] WALLACE IRVING KEEP. GEORGE WILLIAM KEMP. CHARLES STERRETT LATHAM, A.B. 1888. 1890 GEORGE HEES LEDLIE. [RICHARD FmHuGH LEDYARD,] L.S.S. OSCAR JONAS LOWMAN, Ph.D. Munich 1887. Louis BUTLER McCAGG, LL.B. Columbia 1888. HENRY FAUNTLEROY MANDELL. 1895 [WILLIAM ROBERT MERCER,] L.S.S. ROBERT SHAW MINTURN, LL.B. Columbia 1886. [148] WILLIAM BELDEN NOBLE, A.B. 1885. 1896 [WALTER BRIGHAM NYE.] FRANCIS LITHGOW PAYSON. EDWARD LAWRENCE PEIRSON, M.D. 1888. NATHANIEL GREENE PENDLETON. ROBERT PATTERSON PERKINS. HARDY PHIPPEN, M.D. 1889. [HENRY NIEBUHR RICHARDS,] L.S.S. Louis AGASSIZ SHAW. 1891 DUNLAP SMITH. 1901 HENRY MUNSON SPELMAN. ROGER FAXTON STURGIS. [HUGH TEVIS.] AUGUSTUS THORNDIKE, M.D. 1888. PAUL THORNDIKE, M.D. 1888. EDWARD MITCHELL TOWNSEND. WILLIAM DALL TURNER. WILLIAM ORISON UNDERWOOD. FISKE WARREN. BENJAMIN WILLIAMS WELLS. GREENOUGH WHITE, A.M. 1885; S.T.B. Episc.Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1892; Prof. Eccles. Hist. & Acting Prof. Hist. Art, Prof. Eng. Lang. & Lit., Polit. Econ. & Hist. Univ. South (Tenn.). 1901 JOHN ALLISON WHITE. 1904 FREDERICK SILSBEE WHITWELL, LL.B. 1887. [HARRY REAMER WOODWARD.] STUART WYETH. Total 95. CLASS OF 1885 JAMES JACKSON STORROW, Pres. & V. Pres.; LL.B. 1888; Overseer. JOHN ELIOT THAYER, Pres. FREDERIC IVES CARPENTER, Pres.; Ph.D. Univ. Chi- cago 1895; Asst. & Assoc. Prof. Eng. Univ. Chicago. JAMES GREGORY MUMFORD, Pres. &? Sec. ; M.D. 1890. AMOS TUCK FRENCH, V. Pres. JOHN HAYS GARDINER, Treas.; Instr. & Asst. Prof. English. FRANCIS BRINLEY FOGG, Treas.; LL.B. Vanderbilt Univ. (Tenn.) 1887. MARTIN LUTHER BRADFORD, Chor. 1887 JOHN R. MCARTHUR, Lib. ERNEST LAWRENCE THAYER, Kp. GEORGE READ NUTTER, Kp.; LL.B. & A.M. 1889. MARLAND COGSWELL HOBBS, Kp. ; LL.B. 1888. 1891 FREDERICK HARRIS BRIGGS, drtist. 1890 [WALTER ATHERTON,] C.E. 1885. CHARLES HEATH ATKINSON. WILLIAM HENRY BALDWIN. 1905 STEPHEN SMITH BARTLETT, LL.B. 1889. FERDINAND WINTHROP BATCHELDER. LORING WOART BATTEN, Ph.D. Univ. Pa. 1893; S.T.D. Hobart (N.Y.) 1903; Prof. O. T. Lit. & Lang. Div. S. P. E. Ch. Phila. HARRY CLAYTON BEAMAN. JOHN WHEELER BEMIS. 1902 FRANKLIN SWIFT BILLINGS. GOUVERNEUR MORRIS CARNOCHAN, A.B. 1 886. ROYAL PHELPS CARROLL. ARTHUR PATTERSON CHADBOURNE, M.D. 1889. WINTHROP ASTOR CHANLER, A.B. 1886. HORACE CLARK, A.B. 1886; M.D. 1888. JOHN CODMAN, A.B. 1886. 1897 WINTHROP COWDIN. HENRY BRINTON COXE, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1887. ADAMS CROCKER. HAMILTON ROWAN CURTIS. GRAFTON DULANY GUSHING, LL.B. & A.M. 1888. FREDERIC ADRIAN DELANO, Overseer. [150] [ELLERTON LODGE DORR.] WILLIAM KINNICUTT DRAPER, M.D. Columbia 1888. [CARROLL DUNHAM,] M.D. 1887, N. Y. Homoeopathic Med. Coll. 1880; Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. (N. Y.) 1887. THEODORE DUNHAM, M.D. 1888. [GEORGE WELTON FISHBACK,] A.B. 1884. JAMES LYMAN FISK. 1893 [JOHN GILBERT FOLLANSBEE.] WALTER ALLEN HALBERT. OTTO RHEINHARDT HANSEN. [GEORGE FRANKLIN HARDING,] M.D. 1889. [FRANK HITCHCOCK.] WILLIAM HARRISON HOLLIDAY, A.B. 1886. WILLIAM PARMELEE HOMANS. EDWIN HOWARD. SH AFTER HOWARD. ALFRED WILLIAM HOYT. EDWARD VERNAM HULL. ARTHUR STODDARD JOHNSON. HENRY WALTER JONES. ARTHUR KEITH, A.M. 1886; Geologist U. S. Geol. Survey. Louis KRUMBHAAR. RALPH MARTIN LANE. 1893 [ROLLIN NORTH LARRABEE,] A.B. 1891. 1902 JOHN LAWRENCE. EUGENE LENT, LL.B. Univ. Cal. 1895. PHILIP LIVINGSTON LIVINGSTON, A.B. 1884; LL.B. Columbia 1887. ROBERT LATIMER McCooK, LL.B. Columbia 1887. JOSEPH MARQUAND. EZRA PALMER MILLS, LL.B. Columbia 1887. 1900 ALFRED HENNEN MORRIS. SETH NICHOLS. JOHN HAWKS NOBLE. 1904 ELIOT NORTON, LL.B. & A.M. 1888. JOSE VICTORIO ONATIVIA. CHAUNCEY GOODRICH PARKER, A.M. 1888; LL.B. Columbia 1887. JAMES KIRKE PAULDING. HORATIO PERRY PEIRSON. WATERS DEWEES ROBERTS, A.B. Univ. Pa. 1884; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1888. ARTHUR BROWN SAWYER. ROBERT FIELDS SIMES, LL.B. & A.M. 1888. 1901 JOHN SIMPKINS, M.C. 1898 [LLOYD LOGAN SMITH.] WILLIAM WHARTON SMITH, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1888. 1892 MALCOLM STORER, M.D. 1889; Curator Coins. CHARLES AUGUSTUS STRONG, A.B. Rochester (N. Y.) 1884; Assoc. Prof. Psychol. Univ. Chicago; Prof. Psychol. Columbia Univ. EBEN SUTTON. HENRY KIRKLAND SWINSCOE. ALFRED WILLIAM TAUSSIG. FREDERICK SPAULDING TAYLOR. [BENJAMIN BOWDITCH THAYER,] C.E. 1885. WILLIAM SYDNEY THAYER, M.D. 1889; Assoc. Prof. Med. Johns Hopkins Univ.; Prof. Clin. Med. Johns Hopkins Univ. WILLIAM ROPES TRASK, LL.B. 1888. GEORGE STANDISH WEED, A.B. 1886. [EDWARD FRANKLIN WELD.] CHARLES CHAPIN WHEELWRIGHT. FRANCIS WINTHROP WHITE. MCDONALD ELLIS WHITE. HENRY MORLAND WILLIAMS, LL.B. 1888. GEORGE LANE WINLOCK. SAMUEL ELLSWORTH WINSLOW. EGERTON LEIGH WINTHROP, LL.B. Columbia 1887. EDWARD BLAKE YOUNG. Total 96. CLASS OF 1886 WILLIAM SANFORD BARNES, Pres. & V. Pres. CROSBY CHURCH WHITMAN, Pres. &? Chor.; M.D. Univ. Paris 1894. AUGUSTUS HUGO VOGEL, V. Pres. & Sec. JAMES ALBERT FRYE, Sec.; A.B. 1888. GEORGE LEE PEABODY, Treas. AUGUSTUS PEABODY GARDNER, Treas. &f Kp. ; M.C. THOMAS PARKER SANBORN, Lib. &? Kp. EDWARD EVERETT HAMLIN, Lib. CORNELIUS CONWAY FELTON, Artist; A.B. 1887; LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1888. 1890 GEORGE SANTAYANA, Artist; Ph.D. & A.M. (Philos.) 1889 ; Instr. & Asst. Prof. Philos. HENRY WARD ABBOT. GEORGE CASPAR ADAMS. 1000 WILLIAM LOTHROP ALLEN. OLIVER AMES. FREDERIC WILLIAM ATHERTON. FRANCIS BOYLSTON AUSTIN. JAMES COOK AYER, M.D. Columbia 1895. WENDELL BAKER. THOMAS TILESTON BALDWIN. WILLIAM WOODWARD BALDWIN, LL.B. Univ. Md. 1888. BOYLSTON ADAMS BEAL, LL.B. 1892. RAYMOND RODGERS BELMONT. 1887 OLIVER WILLIAM BIRD. WILLIAM GIBSON BORLAND. GEORGE GARDNER BRADFORD. JOHN DORR BRADLEY, LL.B. 1890. CHARLES ALBERT BROWN. WILLIAM WOODWORTH BRUNER, S.B. 1887. FRANCIS BULLARD, A.M. 1904. CHARLES CUTTER BURNETT. THOMAS HANDASYD CABOT. HENRY LORILLARD CAMMANN. SEWARD GARY. STEPHEN CHASE. [FRANK SPOONER CHURCHILL,] M.D. 1890 ; Asst. Prof. Pediatrics Rush Med. Coll. (Chicago). ADAMS DAVENPORT CLAFLIN. DAVID CRAWFORD CLARK. GEORGE WADSWORTH COBB. EDMUND DWIGHT CODMAN. [CLINTON COLLINS,] LL.B. Cincinnati (O.) 1887. ROBERT GEORGE COOK, M.D. Columbia 1889. DAVID HILL COOLIDGE. SIDNEY COOLIDGE. FREDERIC TABER COOPER, LL.B. Columbia 1887 ; A.M. Columbia 1891 ; Ph.D. Columbia 1895 ; Prof. Sanskrit, Assoc. Prof. Latin N. Y. Univ. [ROBERT HARE DELAFIELD.] WILLIAM RICHARDSON DEWEY. HUGH THOMPSON DICKEY. 1891 [GARRETT DROPPERS,] A.B. 1887. WALTER HOWARD EDGERLY. 1906 ARTHUR FAULKNER. SEWALL HENRY FESSENDEN. FREDERIC DANIELL FISK. ROBERT DUMONT FOOTE. FRANK RAVENEL FROST. PAUL REVERE FROTHINGHAM, S.T.B. & A.M. 1889; Overseer. WILLIAM MORTON FULLERTON. THOMAS HOVEY GAGE, LL.B. & A.M. 1889. [WILLIAM CARTWRIGHT GORDON.] COURTENAY GUILD. GEORGE BALMER HARRIS. CHARLES LEARNER HARRISON. [MALCOLM GRAEME HAUGHTON.] [ROLAND HAYWARD.] WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST. BENJAMIN THOMAS HILL. ROBERT WORTLEY HOGG. 1899 ALANSON BIGELOW HOUGHTON. WALTER HENRY HOWE. [JOHN HENRY HUDDLESTON,] M.D. & A.M. 1891. SAMUEL CLEAVES JONES. 1903 MARCUS MORTON KIMBALL. [CHARLES ESTUS LAMB.] 1905 GEORGE FORTUNE LAPEYRE, A.B. Spring Hill (Ala.) ; LL.B. Columbia 1889. MILTON SLOCUM LATHAM. LOWELL LINCOLN. 1906 WILLIAM LITTAUER. [HERSEY GOODWIN LOCKE.] RICHARD KING LONGFELLOW, A.B. 1906. HERBERT LYMAN. HALL MCALLISTER. ALAN GREGORY MASON. CHARLES LEWIS MILLS. 1890 CHARLES HENRY MINOT. 1887 FRANCIS JOSEPH MOORS. OTIS ANGELO MYGATT. EDWARD HALL NICHOLS, A.M. & M.D. 1892; Asst. Prof. Surg. Pathol. JESSE MAXWELL OVERTON. FRANCIS STANLEY PARKER. [GEORGE RICHMOND PARSONS.] WALTER BRIGHAM PHILLIPS. HORTON POPE, LL.B. Washington (Mo.) 1888. JOHN HENRY RATHBONE. 1900 JOHN WALLACE RIDDLE, A.B. 1887; U. S. Min. to Servia & Montenegro; U. S. Ambass. to Russia. SAMUEL MATHEWSON SCOTT. THEODORE SEDGWICK. JOSEPH EDWARD SINNOTT. 1892 WILLIAM HENRY SLOCUM. CLARENCE WRIGHT SMITH, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1888. FRANK BULKELEY SMITH, A.M. 1888. WILLIAM LORD SMITH. ROBERT KEITH SNOW, A.B. 1887. CHARLES GERARD HAVENS STEPHENS. HOWARD AUGUSTUS TAYLOR, A.B. 1885. HERBERT TIMMINS. FREDERIC COFFIN WELD. STILES GANNETT WELLS. 1907 ROBERT DICKSON WESTON. WILLIAM REYNOLDS WILSON, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1888. GRENVILLE LINDALL WINTHROP, LL.B. 1889. GORDON WOODBURY, A.M. & LL.B. Columbia 1888. Total no. CLASS OF 1887 GEORGE SALTONSTALL MUMFORD, Pres. ROBERT FRANCIS FISKE, Pres. & Sec. 1901 FREDERIC SHURTLEFF COOLIDGE, V. Pres.; M.D. 1891; Prof. Orthopedic Surg. Rush Med. Coll. (Chicago). CARL AUGUST DE GERSDORFF, Sec. WILLIAM ENDICOTT, Treas. FREDERIC CLINTON DE VEAU, Chor. &? Artist; A.B. 1888. WALTER FoRCHHEiMER,C/zor.;M.D. Ohio Med. Coll. (Univ. Cincinnati) 1890. JOHN LINZEE SNELLING, Lib. 1907 HENRY GAW BRENGLE, Lib. ARCHIBALD GARY COOLIDGE, Kp.; Ph.D. Freiburg 1892; Instr. & Asst. Prof. Hist.; Memb. M.H.S. STEPHEN BERRIEN STANTON, Kp. ; A.M. Columbia 1888; LL.B. Columbia 1889; Ph.D. Columbia 1890. t'56] WALTER ALEXANDER, LL.B. & A.M. 1890. WILLIAM SYLVESTER ALLEN, A.B. 1888. WILLIAM CHANNING APPLETON. GASTON MEARES ASHE, A.B. 1888. WALTER AUSTIN, LL.B. 1890. CHARLES FANNING AVER. GEORGE PIERCE BAKER, Instr., Asst. Prof. & Prof. English. [WAKEFIELD BAKER,] A.B. 1888. CHARLES EDMUND BARROW. JOHN WASHBURN BARTOL, M.D. 1891. ALEXANDER ROBERT BAUM. HARRY HASKEL BEMIS. DWIGHT WHITNEY BOWLES, A.B. 1888. RICHARD BRIGGS. WILLIAM ALLEN BROOKS, M.D. & A.M. 1891; De- monstr. An at. GEORGE MORGAN BROWNE. HENRY AUGUSTUS BUCK. THEODORE PHILLIPS BURGESS. JAMES McCoRMicK CAMERON. CHARLES CARROLL. HERBERT LINCOLN CLARK. BENJAMIN FRANCIS Cox. 1894 JOHN NEWMARCH GUSHING, LL.B. & A.M. 1890. 1890 CHARLES ALLERTON CUSHMAN, LL.B. 1892. DANIEL DENNY, LL.B. 1892. 1896 GORDON DEXTER. HERMAN LEROY EDGAR. EDWARD STANLEY EMERY. WILLIAM EDWARD FAULKNER, M.D. 1891. EDWARD Fox FESSENDEN. 1886 EDWARD FISKE, LL.B. 1890. ELISHA FLAGG, M.D. 1901. JEFFERSON BUTLER FLETCHER, A.M. 1890; Instr. Eng.; Asst. Prof. Compar. Lit.; Prof. Compar. Lit. Columbia Univ. [iS7] CHAUNCEY CHARLES FOSTER. EDGAR MALCOLM GARNETT. WILLIAM TRAVERS GRAY. DANIEL PAINE GRISWOLD. ALPHEUS SUMNER HARDY. MAURICE HECKSHER. 1905 WILLIAM COLLINS HERRON, LL.B. Cincinnati (O.) 1889; Prof. Law Univ. Cinn. GEORGE HIGGINSON. SILAS ARNOLD HOUGHTON, M.D. & A.M. 1891. [MARK ANTONY DEWOLFE HOWE,] A.B. Lehigh (Penn.) 1886; A.M. 1888. FRANCIS CLEAVELAND HUNTINGTON, LL.B. & A.M. 1891. JAMES MARSH JACKSON, M.D. & A.M. 1891. LESLY AUGUSTIN JOHNSON. FRANCIS RICHARD JONES, LL.B. & A.M. 1890. HIRAM GILLETT KEAYS. ROGER WOLCOTT KEEP, A.M. 1894. 1897 HENRY WILDER KEYES. JOHN WEBSTER KNOWLES. HAMILTON KUHN, LL.B. & A.M. 1890. 1902 CHARLES ELLIOT LOUD. FRED SUMNER MEAD. EDWIN JOSEPH MEEKS, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. (N. Y.) 1890. 1895 FRANCIS MICHAEL. GEORGE AUSTIN MORRISON, A.M. Columbia 1888; LL.B. Columbia 1889. WALTER OAKES. FRANCIS STERNE PALMER. SAMUEL WELCH PERKINS. 1898 WILLIAM SEARS POPPLETON. ALBERT BAILEY POTTER. FRANK INGERSOLL PROCTOR, M.D. & A.M. 1892. GEORGE JACOB PUTNAM. AUGUSTUS NEAL RANTOUL. CHARLES WILLIAM RANTOUL. FRANKLIN REMINGTON. PAUL REVERE REYNOLDS, A.M. 1889. THOMAS NEWBOLD RHINELANDER. ROYAL ROBBINS. JAMES SAVAGE RUSSELL. ROBERT DE WOLFE SAMPSON, LL.B. 1890. 1895 [WILLIAM BACON SCOFIELD.] GEORGE MARTIN SEELEY. FRANK HAROLD SELLERS, S.B. 1887. CHARLES EDWARD SHATTUCK, A.M. & LL.B. 1890. ARTHUR CRITTENDEN SMITH. [EDWARD BIXBY STEWART.] SAMUEL STORROW, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1890. , [JOHN OSBORNE SUMNER,] Asst. & Assoc. Prof. Hist. Mass. Inst. Tech.; Memb. M.H.S. WINTHROP TISDALE TALBOT, M.D. Boston Univ. 1890; Assoc. Prof. Path. Boston Univ. ERNEST ALEXANDER THOMSON. BARCLAY TILTON. ALFRED LEE TYLER. [THOMAS RICE VARICK.] WINTHROP WETHERBEE. ARTHUR WILLIAM WHEELWRIGHT. JOSEPH SWIFT WHISTLER. SUMNER WHEELER WHITE. FRANK BEECHER WIESTLING. WALDO WICKHAM WILLARD, LL.B. 1891. JAMES HAUGHTON WOODS, Ph.D. Strasburg 1896; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1900; Instr. Philosophy. RICHARD AUGUSTUS ZEREGA. OSCAR THEODORE ZINKEISEN, A.B. 1888. Total 105. [159] CLASS OF 1888 CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, Pres. &f V. Pres.; LL.B. 1892; Dep. Treasurer, Treasurer. ALBERT FAIRCHILD HOLDEN, Pres. JOHN WALTER WOOD, V. Pres. FRANKLIN GREENE BALCH, Sec.; M.D. & A.M. 1892. ARTHUR PIERCE BUTLER, Sec. EZRA RIPLEY THAYER, Treas.; LL.B. & A.M. 1891. JAMES LOEB, Treas. LOCKWOOD HONORE, Chor. & Kp. ; LL.B. & A.M. 1891. BENJAMIN CARPENTER, Chor.; S.B. 1888. THOMAS QUINCY BROWNE, Lib. FREDERICK HOWARD MEANS, Lib. JOHN HUNTER SEDGWICK, Kp. ROBERT HIGGINSON FULLER, Kp. ff Artist. GROVER FLINT, Artist. WALTER ABBOTT. COPLEY AMORY. LARZ ANDERSON, Comm. Ord. St. Maurice & St. Lazarus (Italy). JAMES WALDINGFIELD APPLETON. JAMES WALKER AUSTIN, LL.B. 1891. CHARLES HANDY BALDWIN, LL.B. Cincinnati (O.) 1890. WILDER DWIGHT BANCROFT, Ph.D. Leipsic 1892; Asst. Prof. Chem., Prof. Physical Chem. Cornell Univ. WILLIAM BARNES. WILLIAM BEALS. 1907 WILLIAM BAYARD DE BILLIER. WILLIAM JULIAN ALBERT BLISS, Ph.D. Johns Hop- kins 1894; Prof. Physics Johns Hopkins Univ. EDWARD LUDLAM BLOSSOM. [160] CHARLES BOHLEN. FREDERIC JOSIAH BRADLEE. GRAHAM HUNTING BREWER. CAUSTEN BROWNE. WALTER FRANKLIN BRUSH. CHARLES MILLS CABOT. GEORGE ALBERT CARPENTER, LL.B. 1891. PERCY CHASE. HENRY DURANT CHEEVER, A.B. 1889. CHARLES FRANCIS CHOATE. ASAPH CHURCHILL. HENRY MARTYN CLARKE, LL.B. 1893. FREDERIC PERCIVAL CLEMENT. MARSHALL HILL CLYDE. THOMAS CLYDE. STEPHEN RUSSELL KURD CODMAN. CHARLES NORTHEND COGSWELL. GEORGE PROCTOR COGSWELL, M.D. & A.M. 1893. KENDALL Fox CROCKER. JOHN DANE, A.M. & M.D. 1892. WILLIAM PECK DANIELS. [WALTER DORSEY DAVIDGE,] LL.B. Columbian (D. C.) 1891. THOMAS DRUMMOND DAVIDSON. FRANK LINCOLN DEAN. PHILIP DEXTER, A.B. 1889; LL.B. 1892. [EDWARD ALBERT FARGO.] [CARLETON SHURTLEFF FRANCIS,] M.D. 1892. HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, Mus. B. Univ. Pa. 1891; Memb. A.P.S. WILLIAM HENRY FURNESS, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1891; Memb. A. P.S.; Fellow Royal Geogr. Soc. London. LLOYD McKiM GARRISON, LL.B. 1891. 1900 GEORGE BRUNO DE GERSDORFF. HENRY LATHROP GILBERT. SIDNEY GLEASON. SAMUEL AMORY GOODHUE. [161] CHARLES HAVEN GOODWIN. 1889 HERBERT DUDLEY HALE, cole des Beaux Arts (Paris) 1895. JAMES MOTT HALLOWELL, LL.B. 1893. GUSTAVUS HAY, LL.B. & A.M. 1891. 1901 [DANIEL CURTIS HOLDER.] HARRY HOMANS. [GEORGE AUGUSTUS HOPKINS.] ARTHUR CORNELIUS JACKSON. LINDLEY MILLER KEASBEY, A.M. Columbia 1889; Ph.D. Columbia 1890; S. Polit. D. Strasburg 1892; Prof. Hist. & Polit. Sci. Univ. Colorado; Assoc. Prof. & Prof. Polit. Sci., Prof. Economics & Politics Bryn Mawr Coll.; Memb. A.P.S. [ROBERT ASHTON LAWRENCE.] 1905 GEORGE BRIDGE LEIGHTON. GEORGE HEYDENFELDT LENT. ROBERT COLEMAN LEROY. CHARLES JACOB LIVINGOOD. FRED BATES LUND, M.D. & A.M. 1892. SAMUEL FOSTER MCCLEARY, S.T.B. & A.M. 1892. 1892 FRANCIS SKIDDY MARDEN. ALEXANDER BECKWITH MARKS. 1900 HENRY LOWELL MASON. SIDNEY ROBY MINER. FRANCIS LISTER HAWKS NOBLE. RUPERT NORTON, A.B. 1894; M.D. 1893. ROBERT LEE OVERTON. 1900 ROBERT TREAT PAINE, JR. BRADLEY WEBSTER PALMER, A.M. 1889. FRANKLIN DIXON PEALE, LL.B. 1891. EDWARD ALLEN PEASE, M.D. 1892, Univ. Buffalo (N. Y.) 1891. VALENTINE MOTT PIERCE, M.D. Univ. Buffalo (N. Y.) 1891. HENRY MERRIHEW PLUMMER. HENRY TEMPLE POPE. [162] CHARLES ALLEN PORTER, M.D. & A.M. 1892. GEORGE ROYAL PULSIFER, LL.B. 1893. [JOHN ROGERS PURDON,] L.S.S. WILLIAM HENRY RAND, LL.B. & A.M. 1891. ALBERT WOOD RANTOUL. JOHN EARLE REYNOLDS. CHARLES BUTLER ROGERS. HENRY WARREN SAMPSON, A.B. 1889. HENRY SHELTON SANFORD, A.B. 1889. 1891 JAMES ALFRED SAXE, A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1885; A.M. Wesleyan; LL.B. 1892. BERNARD TURNER SCHERMERHORN. CHARLES TILDEN SEMPERS, S.T.B. & A.M. 1891. THOMAS OSBORNE SHEPARD, M.D. 1892. DANIEL KIMBALL SNOW. WILLIAM STUART SPAULDING. FREDERICK DUDLEY STETSON. [JOSEPH SAMPSON STEVENS.] EDMUND CHANNING STOWELL, M.D. 1892; Asst. Prof. Children's Dis. Tufts Coll. SOLOMON Louis SWARTS, LL.B. 1891. EDWARD WYLLYS TAYLOR, M.D. 1891; A.M. 1899; Prof. Neurology Univ. Vermont; Instr. in Neuro- logy. LUCIAN SKINNER THAYER. WILLIAM GOODRICH THOMPSON, LL.B. & A.M. 1891 ; Instr. English. [JOHN STANSBURY TOOKER,] LL.B. 1890. GEORGE EDWARD WALTER ULLRICH. 1892 [WILLIAM MANNING VAN HEUSEN.] HENRY STEELE WARDNER, LL.B. 1891. NATHAN HOWARD WINSLOW. FRANCIS CALL WOODMAN. WILLIAM McMicHAEL WOODWORTH, Ph.D. & A.M. (Nat. Hist.) 1891; F.A.A. JULIUS FREIBERG WORKUM, A.M. 1889; LL.B. 1891. Total 120. [163] CLASS OF 1889 GEORGE BLAIR PAINTER, Pres. & V. Pres. EDWARD CABOT STORROW, Pres. CHARLES DELEVAN WETMORE, V. Pres. fcf Treas.; LL.B. & A.M. 1892. GEORGE THOMAS KEYES, Sec. MARTIN ALLISON TAYLOR, Chor. JAMES GORE KING, Lib.; LL.B. & A.M. 1892. HENRY EUGENE MEEKER, Lib. BENJAMIN WEAVER, Kp. CARLETON HUNNEMAN, Kp.; LL.B. & A.M. 1892. WILLIAM GIBBONS RANTOUL, Artist. MAXIMILIAN AGASSIZ. WILLIAM ATKINSON. PAUL BARTHOLOW, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1891. GEORGE WASHINGTON WALES BREWSTER, M.D. 1893. GARDNER CUTTING BULLARD, A.B. 1890. ALLSTON BURR. ROBERT WILDER BUSH. RICHARD CLARKE CABOT, M.D. 1892. DANIEL HENRY CLARK, A.B. 1890. WALTER DANIEL CLARK. PHILIP CODMAN. 1896 CHARLES COPELAND. HERBERT HENRY DARLING, LL.B. 1891. JOHN TILDEN DAVIS. GEORGE LEWIS DEBLOIS. [WILLIAM PARSONS DERBY,] M.D. 1890. ROBERT ELKIN NEIL DODGE, A.M. 1891; Asst. Prof. Eng. Univ. Wis. CHARLES DOWNER, LL.B. 1892. EARNEST WEBSTER DUSTAN, S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1892. 1895 [164] WILLIAM STRUTHERS ELLIS, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1892. JOHN ENDICOTT. RALPH EMERSON FORBES, LL.B. 1892. FREDERIC SPRAGUE GOODWIN, A.B. 1891; LL.B. 1893. GERALD HULL GRAY, LL.B. 1892. EDWARD WIGGLES WORTH GREW. VICTOR MATHEWS HARDING, LL.B. Northwestern (111.) 1896. THOMAS SCHUYLER HATHAWAY. ALFRED PARTRIDGE HEBARD, LL.B. 1896. ARTHUR HENSHAW. [CLARENCE ALBERT HIGHT,] LL.B. 1892. ALMON DANFORTH HODGES, M.D. 1893. GURDON SALTONSTALL HOWE, LL.B. 1892. MOSES DAY KIMBAJ.L, LL.B. & A.M. 1892. 1893 ARNOLD HERMAN KNAPP, M.D. Columbia 1892; Prof. Ophthalmology Columbia Univ. GEORGE WINTHROP LEE. PHILIP MESIER LYDIG. WALTER WISE MACKAY. 1896 GEORGE STURTEVANT MCPHERSON, A.B. 1890; M.D. 1894. WALTER WARREN MAGEE. GEORGE HOPE MAIRS. GEORGE SNELL MANDELL. SAMUEL CONY MANLEY. JAMES BROWN MARKOE. 1902 PHILIP MARQUAND, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1891. JAMES MEEHAN MARVIN. JOHN PIERPONT MORGAN. LEWIS HENRY MORGAN, cole des Beaux Arts (Paris) 1898. 1901 JOHN HAMILTON MORSE, A.B. 1897. JAMES MONTGOMERY NEWELL, LL.B. & A.M. 1893. GEORGE H. NORMAN. WILLIAM RICE ODELL. [165] FRANKLIN EDDY PARKER. ROBERT FORBES PERKINS, L.S.S. GARDNER PERRY, A.B. 1890; LL.B. 1893. EMIL CHARLES PFEIFFER. OLIVER PRESCOTT, LL.B. & A.M. 1892. JAMES HOWE PROCTOR. PHILIP MURRAY REYNOLDS. MARK WYMAN RICHARDSON, M.D. 1894. JAMES HARDY ROPES, B.D. Andover Theol. Sem. 1893; D.D. Western Reserve Univ. (O.) 1905 ; Instr., Asst. Prof. & Bussey Prof. N. T. Crit. & Interpret. PHILIP LEVERETT SALTONSTALL. HERBERT MASON SEARS. JOSEPH HAMBLEN SEARS. PHILIP SHELTON SEARS, LL.B. 1892. GEORGE HODGES SHATTUCK. JAMES WHEATLAND SMITH, LL.B. N. Y. Univ. 1906. THOMAS SUFFERN TAILER. THOMAS TALBOT. [CHARLES MARTIN THAYER,] LL.B. 1892. PERRY DAVIS TRAFFORD, LL.B. 1891. GEORGE EVANS TURNURE. [REDFIELD TURNURE.] 1901 CHARLES WARREN, A.M. 1892. BERNARD COFFIN WELD. JAMES EDWARD WHITNEY. MORRIS WHITRIDGE. THORNTON WOODBURY. [EBEN WRIGHT.] FRANK EDWARD ZINKEISEN, A.M. 1890; Ph.D. Berlin 1893; Asst. Prof. Hist. Univ. Illinois (Urbana). 1895 Total 89. [166] CLASS OF 1890 JAMES PEMBERTON HUTCHINSON, Pres.; M.D. Univ. of Pa. 1893. RUSSELL GREEN FESSENDEN, Pres. &f Treas. RICHARD FAY PARKER, V. Pres. GEORGE BLAGDEN, V. Pres. & Sec. ARTHUR AMORY, Treas. 1898 ERNEST ABRAHAM BIGELOW, Chor.; LL.B. 1893. JAMES CUMMINGS BARR, Lib. THOMAS WILLIAMS SLOCUM, Kp. WALDRON KINTZING POST, Kp.; LL.B. Columbia 1894. PAUL Cox STEWART, Artist. THOMAS RUSSELL AKIN. CHARLES BENJAMIN BARNES, LL.B. 1893. THOMAS STEVENSON BRADLEE. EDGAR BURRAGE. 1892 FREDERICK PICKERING CABOT, LL.B. & A.M. 1893. HENRY CHALFANT. LEIGH WENTWORTH CHAMBERLIN. !94 BENJAMIN PIERCE CHENEY. [FARRAR COBB,] M.D. & A.M. 1893. JOHN STURGIS CODMAN, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1893. HOWARD CORNING. JOSHUA CRANE, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1892. WALTER SANGER CRANE. CHARLES LEMUEL CREHORE. ROBERT IVES CROCKER. BOWDOIN BRADLEE CROWNINSHIELD. FRANCIS GARDINER CURTIS. WINTHROP HERRICK DAME. EUGENE ABRAHAM DARLING, M.D. & A.M. 1894; Instr. Hygiene. JOHN PORTER DENISON. SAMUEL DEXTER, IST. 1891 [167] SAMUEL DEXTER, 2D. 1804 BRENTON HALLIBURTON DICKSON. HENRY DUFFIELD. ALFRED PAGE EMMONS. KELLOGG FAIRBANK, LL.B. 1893. ROBERT EAMES FAULKNER. ROBERT MORTON FULLERTON. PHILIP McKiM GARRISON. WARREN FISHER GAY, M.D. 1893. JULIAN HARTRIDGE, LL.B. N. Y. Law S. 1902. ROBERT FREDERICK HERRICK, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1886. HOLLIS HORATIO HUNNEWELL. LOWELL FLETCHER HUNTINGTON. RICHARD JONES. JOHN WILLARD LAPSLEY. RICHARD FIELD LEWIS, LL.B. 1893. PHILIP BILLMEYER LINN. PHILIP LITTELL. CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON. HAMILTON DE FOREST LOCKWOOD. WILLIAM STURGIS HOOPER LOTHROP. 1905 JOSEPH WHEELOCK LUND, LL.B. 1893. JAMES CHESTER McCoY. RUFUS LEIGHTON MACDUFFIE. SAYRE McLEOD. FRANCIS PEABODY MAGOUN. KINSLEY MAGOUN. 1898 CONSTANT SOUTHWORTH MATTHEWS. 1893 NORMAN WINTHROP MUMFORD. WALDEN MYER, A.B. Oxford 1895. GUY NORMAN. GILBERT RUSSELL PAYSON. [Louis ALLISON PIPER.] [HARRIS OSBORNE POOR.] Louis WARREN PULSIFER, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1894. 1905 [ 168] GEORGE RUBLEE, LL.B. 1895. CLIFFORD WARREN SMITH. 1901 GEORGE STEVENS. EDWARD STURGIS. SULLIVAN WARREN STURGIS. KENNETH MATHESON TAYLOR. 1895 HARRY HILL THORNDIKE. BENJAMIN TROWBRIDGE TILTON. [WILLIAM FREDERICK TILTON.] RUSSELL TYSON. [RICHARD DANA UPHAM.] HENRY GOODWIN VAUGHAN, LL.B. & A.M. 1893. GEORGE PHILIP WARDNER, LL.B. & A.M. 1893. RICHARD DARWIN WARE, LL.B. 1893. RICHARD HARDING WELD. WELLINGTON WELLS, LL.B. 1893. MONTGOMERY SEARS WEST, A.B. 1891. CHARLES WHEELER. GEORGE WILLIAM WHEELWRIGHT. CHARLES JAMES WHITE, M.D. 1893. ARTHUR BRUCE WHITING. THOMAS SMITH WOODS. Total 88. CLASS OF 1891 ARTHUR JAMES CUMNOCK, Pres. ROBERT WHITMAN ATKINSON, Pres. & Chor. GEORGE TARLETON GOLDTHWAITE, V. Pres. EDWARD CALVIN MOEN, V. Pres.; LL.B. Columbia 1894. JAMES ARNOLD LOWELL, Sec.; LL.B. 1894. MATTHEW LUCE, Treas. ARTHUR VERNON WOODWORTH, Lib.; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1894; Ph.D. Freiburg 1896. JACOB WENDELL, Kp.; A.B. 1893. ARTHUR BOYLSTON NICHOLS, Kp.; A.B. 1892. [169] BENJAMIN APTHORP GOULD, Kp.; LL.B. & A.M. 1894. CHARLES SYDNEY HOPKINSON, Artist. SEABURY WELLS ALLEN, M.D. 1897. WILLIAM AMORY, 20. JAMES DIXON ROMAN BALDWIN. FRANCIS REGINALD BANGS, LL.B. 1894. ROBERT SHAW BARLOW, LL.B. & A.M. 1894. THOMAS BARRON. JOHN FOSTER BASS, LL.B. 1894. SAMUEL LAWRENCE BIGELOW, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1895; Ph.D. Leipsic 1898. HEBER REGINALD BISHOP. JAMES CUNNINGHAM BISHOP. JOHN ADAMS BLANCHARD, LL.B. 1895. BORDER BOWMAN. ARTHUR HENDRICKS BROOKS, LL.B. & A.M. 1894. LAWRENCE BROOKS. FREDERICK WRIGHT BURLINGHAM, LL.B. & A.M. 1894. JOHN TORREY BURNETT. THEODORE CHAMBERLIN, M.D. Columbia 1895. ERNEST AMORY CODMAN, M.D. 1895. HENRY WICK CORNING. STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER CROSBY. FRANCIS BOARDMAN CROWNINSHIELD. HOWARD GARDINER GUSHING. FREDERICK LEWIS DABNEY. DUDLEY STUART DEAN. PHILIP YARDLEY DE NORMANDIE. JOHN LOCKWOOD DODGE. JOHN DUFF, LL.B. 1894. [JOHN BECK EMBICK.] RALPH LINCOLN EMERSON. 1899 WILLIAM JOSLYN FARQUHAR. QAMES RALPH FINLAY.] [, 7 o] EDWARD FULLER FITZHUGH. ARTHUR JOSEPH GARCEAU. Louis MORRIS GREER. ROBERT BEVERLY HALE. 1895 ROBERT SEVER HALE, A.M. 1892; M.E. Cornell 1893. [ARTHUR DEHON HILL,] LL.B. 1894. JOHN MEAD HOWELLS, cole des Beaux Arts (Paris) 1897. GEORGE NICHOLS LAMB. JOHN WATSON LAWRENCE. 1895 JAMES PARRISH LEE. THOMAS SIM LEE, M.D. Columbia 1894. CHARLES FROTHINGHAM LELAND. NICHOLAS LONGWORTH, LL.B. Cinn. Law S. 1894; M.C. ARTHUR NYE McGEOCH, LL.B. 1894. JOHN WATKINS MARINER. GEORGE LAURIE OSGOOD, JR. JAMES ALFRED PARKER, LL.B. Columbia 1894. SAMUEL DUNN PARKER. HENRY HOLLISTER PEASE, A.B. 1892; LL.B. Co- lumbia 1899. THOMAS NELSON PERKINS, LL.B. 1894; Fellow. REGIS HENRI POST, Gov. Porto Rico. ROBERT BURNSIDE POTTER. CHARLES RUSSELL LOWELL PUTNAM, M.D. 1895. WILLIAM MERWIN RANDOL. PHILIP MERCER RHINELANDER, A.B. Oxford 1896; Prof. Eccles. Hist., Prof. Homiletics, Pastoral Theol. and Christian Evidences Berkeley Divin- ity S. (Conn.). FRANCIS ROGERS. FRANCIS PHILIP SEARS, LL.B. 1895. WILLIAM RICHARDS SEARS, LL.B. & A.M. 1894. QUINCY ADAMS SHAW, JR. THOMAS JEFFERSON STEAD. [171] JOSEPH AUSTIN STETSON, LL.B. 1894. WESTON STICKNEY, LL.B. 1894. 1898 LAWRENCE MASON STOCKTON, LL.B. 1894. ISAAC NEWTON PHELPS STOKES, A.B. 1892. FREDERIC TUDOR, A.B. 1899. GEORGE TYSON. PAUL BARBEAU VALLE. [HENRY KERMIT VINGUT.] ROBERT WAINWRIGHT. HENRY BRADFORD WASHBURN, S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1894. ALFRED RODMAN WELD. 1902 ALFRED WINSOR WELD. MOSES WILLIAMS, JR. FREDERIC WINTHROP. GRENVILLE BAYARD WINTHROP. Total 87. CLASS OF 1892 JOHN CRAIG POWERS, Pre s. LEWIS SABIN THOMPSON, Pres. & Chor.; LL.B. 1895. DANIEL FISKE JONES, V. Pres.; M.D. 1896. FREDERIC NEWELL WATRISS, V. Pres. JOHN WHITE CUMMIN, Sec.; M.D. 1896. WILLIAM NORTH DUANE, Treas. CHARLES COBB WALKER, Lib.; LL.B. 1897. DAVID GRAY, Kp. ALEXANDER Moss WHITE, Kp. WILLIAM BRACKETT STEARNS, Artist. EDWARD BRINLEY ADAMS, LL.B. 1897. RODOLPHE Louis AGASSIZ. JOHN WORTHINGTON AMES. INGERSOLL AMORY. LAWRENCE BARR, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1895. GEORGE LEWIS BATCHELDER. ALBERT EMERSON BENSON, A.M. 1895; Ph.D. (Philol.) 1900. Louis FLETCHER BERRY, Andover Theol. Sem. 1894. SHALER BERRY, S.B. 1893; LL.B. Univ. Cinn. 1895; M.D. Univ. Cinn. 1900. WILLIAM DORR BOARDMAN, A.M. 1895. 1896 THEODORE GLOVER BREMER. WALTER JACKSON BROWN. FREDERICK BRUEGGER. [CHARLES EDWARD BURGESS.] SAMUEL THOMPSON CHASE. CHARLES PAINE CHENEY. 1897 WINSLOW CLARK. [FREDERICK W. COBB.] JULIAN CODMAN, LL.B. 1895. JOHN SHEERER COOK. HAROLD JEFFERSON COOLIDGE, LL.B. 1896. [JOHN SAMUEL CRANSTON.] GREELY STEVENSON CURTIS, E.E. Cornell 1896. ERNEST BLANEY DANE. HALSEY DEWOLF, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1897. CHARLES MARTIN DRAPER. PITTS DUFFIELD. HARRIS FAHNE STOCK. WILLIAM CAMERON FORBES. WILLIAM HENRY GRATWICK, A.M. 1896. ANDREW HUGH GREEN, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1896. ROBERT BATTEY GREENOUGH, M.D. 1896. OLIVER KINGSLEY HAWES. JOHN THEODORE HEARD, A.B. 1893. 1902 [MORTON JACKSON HENRY.] JOHN HUBBARD. JOSHUA CLAPP HUBBARD, M.D. 1896. JOSEPH HOWLAND HUNT. MELVILLE EDGAR INGALLS, LL.B. 1895. FREDERICK WARREN JOHNSON. [173]' ROY JONES. [HOWARD KELTON.] FRANK LOWELL KENNEDY, S.B. 1898; Instr. Mechan. Drawing; Asst. Prof. Drawing and Machine Design. JAMES HATHAWAY KIDDER. EVERETT JOHN LAKE, A.B. 1893 ; S.B. Worcester Polytech. Inst. 1890. THOMAS WILLIAM LAMONT. HUGH MCKENNAN LANDON. EZRA LINCOLN. ARTHUR HOBART LOCKETT. [ROBERT MORSS LOVETT,] Asst. and Assoc. Prof. Eng. Univ. Chicago. GUY LOWELL, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1894; cole des Beaux Arts 1899. JAMES MEARS MACKAY. GEORGE THEODORE McKAY. MELLISH IRVING MOTTE. NETTLETON NEFF, A.B. 1891. FRANKLIN SPILMAN NEWELL, M.D. 1896. JAMES OTIS PORTER, A.B. 1893. JAMES LOWELL PUTNAM, LL.B. 1895. NEAL RANTOUL. JOHN HARSEN RHOADES, JR. REGINALD CHAUNCEY ROBBINS. ROBERT SALTONSTALL. GARDINER HUBBARD SCUDDER, M.D. 1896. 1896 CARL FERDINAND AUGUST SIEDHOF. CHARLES RITCHIE SIMPKINS. JEREMIAH SMITH, JR., LL.B. 1895. PHILIP LEFFINGWELL SPALDING, A.M. 1893; S.B. 1894. JOHN TAYLOR SPAULDING. GEORGE Fox STEEDMAN. THEODORE CHARLES TEBBETS, LL.B. Columbia 1901. WILLIAM THORNDIKE, M.D. 1896. CHARLES WALCOTT, LL.B. 1895. WILLIAM MAURY WEED. ELIOT WHITE, S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1895. HUGH WHITNEY. FRANCIS LEE WHITTEMORE, S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1895. EVERTS WRENN. Total 87. CLASS OF 1893 GEORGE RICHMOND FEARING, JR., Pres.; LL.B. 1896. ROBERT EMMET, Pres. fcf Sec.; A.B. 1896; M.D. Columbia 1896. FRANK WALTON HALLOWELL, V. Pres. PHILIP VAN KUREN JOHNSON, V. Pres. & Treat.; A.B. 1903 ; M.D. Columbia 1900. PERCY LEE ATHERTON, Chor. FREDERICK SHEPHERD CONVERSE, Chor.; Asst. Prof. Music. EDWIN STANTON MULLINS, Lib. GORDON KNOX BELL, Kp.; LL.B. 1896. GEORGE GRISWOLD, 20, Kp.; A.B. Oxford 1897; LL.B. N. Y. Law S. 1900. 1902 STEWART MEILY BRICE, Kp. GEORGE BUTLER MAGOUN, drtist. 1902 [ERNEST HAMLIN ABBOTT.] [ROBERT ACTON.] FREEMAN ALLEN, M.D. 1899. COLUMBUS CALVERT BALDWIN. 1899 JOHN DENISON BALDWIN. CHARLES RUSSELL BARDEEN, M.D. Johns Hop- kins 1897; Assoc. Prof. Anat. Johns Hopkins Univ. [i7S] CHARLES LOWELL BARLOW, LL.B. 1896. SAMUEL FRANCIS BATCHELDER, LL.B. 1898. HAROLD MUNROE BATTELLE. 1892 WILLIAM FIELDS BEAL. DEXTER BLAGDEN. FRANCIS STANTON BLAKE. GEORGE BATY BLAKE. ROBERT PENDLETON BOWLER, LL.B. 1896. CALVERT BREWER. PHILIP TURNER BROWN, A.B. 1895. JAMES ABERCROMBIE BURDEN, JR. GEORGE EBENEZER BURGESS. 1902 WALTER GARY. SAMUEL CHEW. ALEXANDER LYNDE COCHRANE. GlLMAN COLLAMORE, A.M. 1894. CHARLES KIMBALL CUMMINGS. GEORGE DECLYVER CURTIS. SAMUEL CRAFT DAVIS. ALBERT JAMES DIBBLEE, LL.B. 1896. TRACY Dows, A.B. 1894. DIVIE BETHUNE DUFFIELD. DANIEL OSBORNE EARLE. SAMUEL WALKER ELLSWORTH, M.D. 1896. CLARENCE RUDOLPH FALK. SIDNEY EMERSON FARWELL. OTIS DANIELL FISK. CHARLES HENRY FISKE, LL.B. 1896. Louis ADAMS FROTHINGHAM, LL.B. 1896. FREDRIK HERMAN JOHAN GADE, A.B. 1892; LL.B. 1895. JAMES ALBERT GARLAND, JR. 1906 CHARLES CROSS GOODRICH. [ALBERT HALE, JR.] LEARNED HAND, A.M. 1894; LL.B. 1896. TRACY HOPPIN. PHILIP BARTHOLD HOWARD. [176] GEORGE HOADLY INGALLS. PATRICK TRACY JACKSON. EDWARD RENSHAW JONES. 1896 CHARLES WALTER KEYES. EDWARD LIVINGSTON, JR., LL.B. Columbia 1896. [FRANK LYMAN.] WAYNE MACVEAGH, JR. 1893 PERCIVAL MANCHESTER. SELDEN ERASTUS MARVIN, JR. WALTER EFFINGHAM HOLLISTER MAYNARD. CHARLES MERRIAM, 20. RALPH GIFFORD MILLER. JOSEPH LONGWORTH NICHOLS, M.D. Johns Hopkins Univ. 1897. DANIEL BENJAMIN NINDE. RICHARD NORTON, A.B. 1892; Director and Prof. Archaeology Am. S. Class. Studies in Rome. JOHN HARLESTON PARKER. GEORGE BURGESS PIERCE, M.D. 1898. CHARLES BURRALL PIKE, LL.B. 1896. WARWICK POTTER. 1893 NATHANIEL THAYER ROBB. Louis PECK SANDERS. CARL LINCOLN SCHURZ, LL.B. N. Y. Law S. 1895. CONRAD HENSLER SLADE. [FRANK ENOS SOULE.] RALPH LESLIE STEVENS. ARTHUR PARKER STONE, LL.B. 1895. CHARLES RUSSELL STURGIS, LL.B. 1896. Louis BARTLETT THACHER, A.B. 1894. . , RUFUS KEMBLE THOMAS. WILLIAM LELAND THOMPSON. FREDERICK TOWNSEND, JR., LL.B. 1897. BERNARD WALTON TRAFFORD. PHILIP EDMUND TRIPP, A.B. 1894. JOSHUA DAMON UPTON, LL.B. 1896. [ '77 ] DAVIS RIGHTER VAIL, LL.B. 1896. 1906 OSWALD GARRISON VILLARD, A.M. 1896; Litt. D. Wash, and Jefferson (Pa.) 1906. GEORGE WALCOTT. HENRY WARE, A.M. 1894; LL.B. 1896. EDWARD MOTLEY WELD. JOSEPH WIGGIN, LL.B. 1896. JAMES AUSTIN WILDER, A.B. 1894. CHARLES GIBSON WINSLOW, LL.B. 1895. Total 95. CLASS OF 1894 THOMAS EDWARDS SHERWIN, Pres. HERBERT FLOYD TAYLOR, Pres. & Chor. LINCOLN DAVIS, V. Pres.; M.D. 1898. RUSSELL BOWDITCH BEALS, V. Pres. ROBERT HOMANS, Sec.; LL.B. 1897. GEORGE CABOT LEE, JR., Treas. BULKELEY WELLS, Chor. WILLIAM ARTHUR DUPEE, Lib. JOHN DANA HUBBELL, Kp.; A.B. 1895. JOHN RATHBONE OLIVER, Kp.; Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1900. HENRY BREVOORT EDDY, Artist. Louis BACON. HENRY GASTON BARBEY. SEAVEY BATTELLE. GARDNER BEALS, LL.B. 1897. ARTHUR APPLETON BEEBE, M.D. 1898. 1900 JAMES HUDSON BELL. 1902 ELIAS BULLARD BISHOP, LL.B. 1897. ROBERT PARKMAN BLAKE. CARROLL TANEY BOND, LL.B. Univ. Md. 1896. SPENCER BORDEN, JR. [JOHN CABELL BRECKINRIDGE,] LL.B. 1895. WALTER BROOKS, S.B. Olivet Coll. (Mich.) 1895. [178] CHANDLER BULLOCK, LL.B. 1897. HUGH CABOT, M.D. 1898. PHILIP CABOT. WALTER MASON CABOT. COKER FlFIELD CLARKSON. WILLIAM COBB, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1897. BENJAMIN WILLIAMS CROWNINSHIELD. GEORGE MARSTON GUSHING, LL.B. 1897. HOWARD ATHERTON CUTLER. CHARLES BROWN EARLE. ARTHUR LOVETT ENDICOTT. JAMES BIDDLE EUSTIS, JR. FRANCIS EDWARD FROTHINGHAM. HENRY ADAMS FROTHINGHAM. REGINALD FURMAN. PHILIP GARDNER. FRANK WRIGHT GARRISON. JOSEPH WARREN GLIDDEN, LL.B. 1897. GEORGE ARTHUR GRAY, LL.B. 1897. FRANK TRACY GRISWOLD. Louis MACLAY HALL. WILLIAM POWERS HAPGOOD. [ADALBERT HARDING,] E.E. Cornell 1897. LEDYARD HECKSCHER. [JOHN ASHLEY HIGHLANDS,] S.B. 1893. EDWARD BURLINGAME HILL. WALTER SYDNEY JOHNSON, M.D. 1898. GEORGE CASPAR KELLOGG. HARRIS KENNEDY, M.D. 1898. RUPERT COCHRANE KING. MAYNARD LADD, M.D. 1898. [HERBERT CONRAD LAKIN,] LL.B. 1898. TOWNSEND LAWRENCE. THOMAS LEONARD LIVERMORE, JR. LlNDSLEY LORING. JAMES BURNETT LOWELL. WILLIAM CHARLES MACKIE, A.B. 1895; M.D. 1898. [179] WILL B. MCDONALD. WILLIAM ROPES MAY, M.D. 1898. CLARENCE MORGAN, Prof. Transportation McGill Univ. (Can.). JAMES HEWITT MORGAN. ROBERT THOMAS WOODWARD Moss, A.B. 1895. [MARSHALL NEWELL.] 1897 HENRY LEVI NEWMAN, S.B. 1894. SPENCER CUMSTON RICHARDSON. THOMAS RICHARDSON. ENDICOTT PEABODY SALTONSTALL, LL.B. 1897. ELLERY SEDGWICK. WILLIAM AMBROSE DUDLEY SHORT, A.B. 1895. JOSEPH FRAILEY SMITH. KINNEY SMITH. ROBERT SOUTTER, M.D. 1899. JAMES MADISON THOMPSON. GEORGE HOLDEN TINKHAM. ELIOT TUCKERMAN, LL.B. 1897. PERCY RIVINGTON TURNURE, A.M. & M.D. Colum- bia 1898. REGINALD WASHBURN. BERTRAM GORDON WATERS. GEORGE DOANE WELLS. ALBERT LANSING WETMORE. HENRY MAY WHEELWRIGHT. ANDREW HENDERSON WHITRIDGE, S.B. 1894; M.D. Johns Hopkins 1898. HUGH WILLIAMS, M.D. 1898. SYDNEY MESSER WILLIAMS. PHILIP WYCOFF WRENN. Total 88. CLASS OF 1895 WALTER KIRKPATRICK BRICE, Pres. RANDOLPH CLARK GREW, Pres. ROBERT DUFFIELD WRENN, V. Pres. [ 180] GUY MURCHIE, V. Pres.; LL.B. 1899. JAMES PURDON, Sec. EDWARD JACKSON HOLMES, Treas.; LL.B. 1899. RAYMOND LEE WHITMAN, Chor. FREDERICK BRADLEE WINSLOW, Lib.; A.M. 1896; M.D. 1900. MORRIS LEIDY JOHNSTON, Lib. ARTHUR STANWOOD PIER, Kp. CHARLES MACOMB FLANDRAU, Kp. WINTHROP AMES, drtist. IVERS SHEPARD ADAMS. NORMAN WILLIAMS BINGHAM, JR., LL.B. 1898. WALTER MOTHERWELL BRIGGS. WINFIELD HENRY CAMERON, LL.B. 1898. ROBERT KELSO CASSATT, A.B. 1896. JOHN CASWELL. WILLIAM WATSON CASWELL, A.B. 1901. ALFORD WARRINER COOLEY. JULIAN LOWELL COOLIDGE, S.B. Oxford 1897; Ph.D. Bonn 1904; Instr. Math. PAUL CROCKER. GEORGE CROMPTON. FRANCIS HATHAWAY CUMMINGS. 1897 PHILIP CURTIS. FELLOWES DAVIS, JR., M.D. Columbia 1899. EDWIN SHERRILL DODGE, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1897. SPENCER FAYETTE EDDY, A.B. 1896. WILLIAM EMERSON. ROBERT WALES EMMONS. WALLACE FAIRBANK, A.B. 1904. PERLEY GREENE FLINT. EDWARD WALDO FORBES. HERBERT FRAZIER, LL.B. 1898. CHARLES STRATTON FRENCH, LL.B. 1899. HENRY GILSEY, JR., LL.B. 1899. [181] ELLIOT HERSEY GOODWIN, A.M. 1896; Ph.D. Leip- sic 1900. ROLAND GRAY, LL.B. 1898. DANIEL CROSBY GREENE, M.D. 1899. FRANK WASHBURN GRINNELL, LL.B. 1898. NATHAN HAYWARD, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1897. JOHN LEEDS HEARD. JOSEPH CLEMENT DELANO HITCH. ARTHUR LAMBERT HOBSON. ALBERT REYNOLDS HUIDEKOPER. ALEXANDER DUER IRVING, JR. RALPH MILLER JOHNSON. EUGENE RICHTER KNAPP. 1898 SYDNEY ALLEN LAWTON. GEORGE CABOT LODGE. PERCIVAL HALL LOMBARD, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1898. FREDERICK ELDRIDGE LOWELL. SEWARD BAILEY McNEAR. EAMES MACVEAGH. [JOHN JOSEPH MACK,] A.B. 1901. [DANIEL GREGORY MASON.] VALENTINE HORTON MAY. EDWIN GODFREY MERRILL. CHARLES HENRY MILLS. [LEE JAMES NINDE.] WALTER BURLINGAME ODIORNE, M.D. 1899. 1906 WILLIAM SAMUEL PATTEN, A.B. 1896. WILLIAM RODMAN PEABODY, LL.B. 1898. ANDREW JAMES PETERS, LL.B. 1898; M.C. CHARLES SUMNER PIERCE, LL.B. 1900. EUGENE HILLHOUSE POOL, M.D. Columbia 1899. AUSTIN POTTER. WILLIAM SAMUEL POTTER. THOMAS EMERSON PROCTOR. ROBERT LOVEJOY RAYMOND, LL.B. 1898; Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y. ) 1898. [182] HENRY HYSLOP RICHARDSON, A.B. 1896. PIERRE LA ROSE. JOSEPH SARGENT, JR., LL.B. 1898. MAX LEOPOLD SCULL. EDWARD SLADE. JOSEPH LEWIS STACKPOLE, JR., LL.B. 1898. VICTOR SUMNER THOMAS, A.M. 1896; LL.B. 1900. DEXTER TIFFANY, JR., LL.B. 1897. HENRY D. TUDOR. JAMES SAMUEL WADSWORTH. ROBERT WALCOTT, LL.B. 1899. BROOKS WALKER. EDWARD HENRY WARREN, A.M. Columbia 1896; LL.B. 1900; Asst. Prof. Law. PAUL WASHBURN. RICHARD WHEATLAND. ALEXANDER WHITESIDE, JR., LL.B. 1898. JAMES KELSEY WHITTEMORE, A.M. 1896; Instr. & Asst. Prof. Math. PARKER WILLIAMS WHITTEMORE. Total 88. CLASS OF 1896 JOHN CUMMINGS FAIRCHILD, Pres. EDWARD HENRY FENNESSY, Pres. & V. Pres. FREDERICK STREET HOPPIN, JR., V. Pres. &f Treat. ROBERT HAYDOCK HALLOWELL, Sec. FRANK BRUCE WHITTEMORE, Chor. RALPH BLAKE WILLIAMS, Lib. CHAUNCEY WILLIAMS NORTON, Kp.; A.M. 1897; M.D. 1900. RALPH MILBOURNE TOWNSEND, Kp.; LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1900. EDWARD GUSTAVUS KNOBLAUCH, drtist. GEORGE GARDNER AMORY. RICHARD AUSTIN. [183] CECIL BARRET. ROBERT PERKINS BASS. ELLIOT STUART BENEDICT, LL.B. Columbia 1900. LINZEE BLAGDEN. ALFRED BORDEN. CLIFTON LONG BREMER, LL.B. 1898. JOHN LEWIS BREMER, M.D. 1901. ARTHUR HARRIS BREWER, A.B. 1899. CHARLES BREWER. REGINALD BROOKS. ROBERT WILSON BULL, S.B. 1896. JOHN RICHARDS BULLARD. ELLERY HARDING CLARK, LL.B. 1899. ELTON CLARK. PERCY HAMILTON CLARK, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1899. ALFRED CODMAN. RICHARD CODMAN, JR. ELIOT CHANNING COWDIN. ARCHIBALD Cox, LL.B. 1899. HARRY APPLETON CURTIS. GEORGE STRONG DERBY, M.D. 1900. HARRISON DIBBLEE. ROBERTSON DUFF. FRANCIS DUFFIELD, M.D. Columbia 1900. LYMAN TIFFANY DYER. HAVEN EMERSON, A.M. & M.D. Columbia 1899. FRANCIS MURRAY FORBES. RECTOR KERR Fox. BROOKS FROTHINGHAM. EDGAR VIETOR FROTHINGHAM, LL.B. 1899. STUART SYDNEY FURMAN. JOHN ALLYNE GADE, S.B. 1896. MADISON GILHAM GONTERMAN, LL.B. 1899. JEROME DAVIS GREENE, A.B. 1899; Secretary to the President, and to the Corporation. HENRY STURGIS GREW, 20. FRANK WOOD GRIFFIN. [184] PAUL MASCARENE HAMLEN. JOHN JOSEPH HAYES. STEVENS HECKSCHER, LL.B. 1899, Univ. Pa. 1899. ARTHUR BREWSTER HOLMES. EARLE CALHOUN HUIDEKOPER. JOHN CUMMINGS HUNT. EDWARD MARTIN HURLEY. ALBERT STIMSON INGALLS. JOHN HENRY ISELIN. BARTHOLOMEW JACOB. ALBERT MARTIN KALES, LL.B. 1899; Asst. and Assoc. Prof. Law Northwestern Univ. (111.). KENNETH HASTINGS LEWIS. CHARLES FREDERIC LYMAN, S.B. 1896. WALTER McKiTTRiCK. [JOHN MACY, JR.] SAMUEL VERNON MANN, JR., A.B. 1895. PHILIP DANA MASON, A.B. 1897. DAVE HENNEN MORRIS. ROBERT GORHAM MORSE, A.M. Columbia 1899. THOMAS MOTLEY, JR. GEORGE LYMAN PAINE, A.M. 1897; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1900. GEORGE TILLEY RICE. PHILIP RICHARDSON. WILLIAM BOWDITCH ROGERS. HOWLAND SHAW RUSSELL. HENRY SUYDAM SATTERLEE, M.D. Columbia 1900. LUTHER DIMMICK SHEPARD, JR., M.D. 1900; D.M.D. 1902. THOMAS GREELY STEVENSON. JAMES ALEXANDER STILLMAN. PHILIP STOCKTON, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1899. RICHARD CUTTS STOREY. HENRY RANDOLPH STORRS, M.D. 1905. JAMES McCuLLOCH STURGIS. RICHMOND TALBOT. [185] RICHARD GOODWIN WADSWORTH, M.D. 1900. JOHN WARREN, M.D. 1900. ANDREW NICKERSON WINSLOW. GEORGE LAWSON WRENN, JR. Total 85. CLASS OF 1897 ROBERT HOOPER STEVENSON, JR., Pres. MELVILLE EDWIN STONE, Pres. CORNELIUS NEWTON BLISS, JR., V, Pres. NORWOOD PENROSE HALLOWELL, V. Pres. &? Sec. ARTHUR FREDERIC STREET, Treat. JOHN PUTNAM HAYDEN, Chor.; A.B. 1898. JOHN ALDEN CARPENTER, Chor. WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON, JR., Lib. ARCHIBALD GOURLIE THACHER, Lib.; LL.B. 1900. HERBERT SCHURZ, Kp. 1900 HUMPHREY TURNER NICHOLS, Kp.; A.B. 1900. SAMUEL LENDALL PITTS, Artist. ARTHUR MESSINGER BEALE, LL.B. 1900. HORACE BINNEY, M.D. 1901. ISAIAH TOWNSEND BURDEN, JR., LL.B. 1900. FREDERIC ANSON BURLINGAME, LL.B. Columbia 1900. JOSEPH BURNETT. WILLIAM BYRD, LL.B. 1900. HUBBARD FOSTER CARPENTER. [JAMES WELD GARRET.] [JOHN EDWIN CHATMAN.] DAVID CHEEVER, M.D. 1901. JOSEPH CHOATE, LL.B. 1902. [JOHN TAYLOR CLARK.] [HERBERT CERDA DE VILARRESTAU CORNWELL,] M.D. 1900. ROBERT BAYARD CUTTING. JAMES DEAN. [186] WILLIAM ENDICOTT DEXTER. MORSE STEWART DUFFIELD. JOHN WILLIAM DUNLOP. EUGENE Du PONT, JR. HENRY ENDICOTT, JR., LL.B. igoo. EDWARD NICOLL FENNO. HENRY BRADLEE FENNO, JR. TYLOR FIELD. ALLAN FORBES. THOMAS BRATTLE GANNETT, JR. BERTRAM GARDNER, LL.B. N. Y. Law S. 1899. [GEORGE GLEASON,] A.M. 1898. HENRY FLETCHER GODFREY, A.B. 1896. HENRY GUNTHER GRAY, A.M. 1898; LL.B. 1900. JOHN CLINTON GRAY, JR. CHARLES WILLIAM HANFORD. CHARLES ASHLEY HARDY, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1904. ARTHUR THOMAS HARRIS. EVAN HOLLISTER, LL.B. Univ. Buffalo 1899. STANLEY HOLLISTER. 1898 HENRY WAINWRIGHT HOWE. WILLIAM BERNARD JOHNSTON, M.D. Johns Hopkins 1901. FRANCIS KERNAN KERNAN, LL.B. Buffalo Law S. 1899. [HOMER HUNTINGTON KlDDER,] A.B. 1899. FRANCIS HARRISON KINNICUTT, LL.B. 1900. ALEXANDER HAVEN LADD. JAMES LOVELL LITTLE, JR. JOHN MASON LITTLE, JR., M.D. 1901. THEODORE LYMAN, A.M. 1899; Ph.D. (Physics) I goo; Instr. Physics; F.A.A. HENRY WISE MILLER. CHARLES JACKSON PAINE, JR. HONORE PALMER, A.B. 1899. AUGUSTIN HAMILTON PARKER. [187] HENRY ALEXANDER PHILLIPS, A.M. 1898. CARL PRE SCOTT. EDWARD LAMBERT RANTOUL. JOHN ROWLAND RICKETSON, JR. CHESTER CHAPIN RUMRILL. WILLIAM HUNTINGTON SANDERS. 1898 ROGER LIVINGSTON SCAIFE. [DAVID DANIEL SCANNELL,] M.D. 1900. HENRY RUSSELL SCOTT, LL.B. 1900. FRANCIS GEORGE SHAW. STEVEN WESCOTT SLEEPER. ALBERT ARNOLD SPRAGUE, A.B. 1898. ALBERT STICKNEY, JR., A.B. 1900. [JAMES AMORY SULLIVAN.] HARVEY CLINTON TAYLOR. [PHILLIPS BLAGDEN THOMPSON.] FRANK GRAHAM THOMSON, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1902. HUNT TURNER. LANGDON BARRETT VALENTINE. JOSEPH WARREN, LL.B. 1900. GEORGE HOLDREDGE WATSON, A.B. 1899. CHRISTOPHER MINOT WELD, JR., S.M. 1901. FRANCIS MINOT WELD, A.M. 1898. EDGAR HUIDEKOPER WELLS, Assistant Dean; Offi- cer in charge of appointments; Gen. Sec. Alumni Assn.; Editor Quinquennial Catalogue. JULIAN PALMER WELSH. [HAROLD TREDWAY WHITE.] WILLIAM WHITMAN, JR. LOMBARD WILLIAMS. BEEKMAN WINTHROP, LL.B. 1900; Gov. Porto Rico; Asst. Sec. U. S. Treasury; Cor. Memb. M.H.S. [EDGAR NEWCOMB WRIGHTINGTON.] Total 90. [188] CLASS OF 1898 JAMES HANDASYD PERKINS, Pres. DAVID MARVIN GOODRICH, Pres. GUY HAMILTON SCULL, V. Pres. CHARLES CHAUNCEY STILLMAN, V. Pres. WILLIAM WOODWARD, Sec.; A.M. 1899; LL.B. 1901. SAMUEL LESTER FULLER, Treas. WALDRON HOLMES RAND, JR., Chor. ST. JOHN SMITH, Lib.; A.M. 1899; LL.B. 1901. FRAZIER CURTIS, Chor. fc? Kp.; A.M. 1899. THEODORE MITCHELL HASTINGS, Artist ; S.B. 1898. [ALEXANDER STEWART WALKER,] Artist; S.B. 1899. HENRY ADAMS, 20. HOWARD MACY ADAMS. 1904 JOHN ADAMS. KARL ADAMS, LL.B. 1901. FREDERICK LOTHROP AMES. OAKES AMES, A.M. 1899. FREDERICK SHERMAN ARNOLD, A.M. 1899; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1901. MILTON SANFORD BARGER. [ALLAN FOSTER BARNES,] M.D. 1902. HAROLD BLANCHARD, A.B. 1899. GEORGE WINTHROP BOUVE. HENRY INGERSOLL BOWDITCH, M.D. 1902. DUDLEY HALL BRADLEE. HENRY KELLY BRENT. HENRY GILBERT BROOKS. CHARLES CALDWELL BULL. EDWARD GUYER BURGESS, JR., S.B. 1899. LAWRENCE SMITH BUTLER. NORMAN WINSLOW CABOT. RICHARD HIGH CARLETON. WHITMAN MITCHELL CHANDLER. 1899 GEORGE FREEMAN COZZENS. [ 189] PHILIP SPAULDING DALTON. [ALBERT WATSON DAVIS.] 1898 [FLETCHER DOBYNS.] PERCIVAL DOVE, A.B. 1899. [ARTHUR DuBois,] LL.B. 1901. JOHN WINTHROP EDMUNDS. GRENVILLE TEMPLE EMMET. ARTHUR BREWSTER EMMONS, 20, M.D. 1902. [RICHARD THORNTON FISHER,] M.F. Yale 1903; Instr. & Asst. Prof. Forestry. SAMUEL WESLEY FORDYCE, JR., LL.B. Washington (Mo.) 1901. LAWRENCE LEWIS GILLESPIE. JOSEPH SPENSER GRAYDON. MALCOLM SCOLLAY GREENOUGH, JR., LL.B. 1902. 1903 [CHARLES GRILK,] LL.B. 1902. FLETCHER HARPER. BARTLETT HARDING HAYES. ALEXANDER HENRY HIGGINSON. THEODORE HOAGUE, LL.B. 1901. [HOWARD FOWLER HOLMES,] S.B. 1898; M.D. 1901. LOUIS HOLYOKE HOSMER. REGINALD SHIPPEN HUIDEKOPER. JAMES HAZEN HYDE, A.M. (Hon.) Princeton 1903; Off. Legion of Honor. DANIEL PHOENIX INGRAHAM. EFFINGHAM TOWNSEND IRVIN, S.B. 1900. CHARLES JACKSON. REGINALD MANSFIELD JOHNSON, LL.B. 1901. FREDERICK JORDAN. JOHN WILLIAM KILBRETH, JR., A.B. 1899. GUSTAV HERMANN KINNICUTT, A.M. 1899. HENRY McBuRNEY, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1902. LANGDON PARKER MARVIN, A.M. 1899; LL.B. 1901. CHARLES ELDRIDGE MORGAN, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1901. TYLER MORSE. JOHN BABCOCK MOULTON. [190] WILLIAM KITCHEN OTIS, LL.B. Northwestern (111.) 1901. POTTER PALMER, JR. CHARLES CLIFFORD PAYSON. NORTON PERKINS, LL.B. Columbia 1901. PRESTON PLAYER, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1901. JOHN WING PRENTISS. HENRY DUDLEY PRESCOTT, M.D. 1902. JOHN ROBERT PROCTOR, JR. EDWARD LANSING PRUYN. ALEXANDER HAMILTON RICE, 20, M.D. 1904; Fellow Roy. Geogr. Soc. (London). JOHN CLARK RICE, LL.B. 1901. AUSTEN Fox RIGGS, M.D. Columbia 1902. SAMUEL ROBINSON, M.D. 1902. PAUL DRUMMOND RUST. EDWIN LUTHER SANBORN, JR. HAROLD SAYRE, JR. 1901 HUGH DAVIDS SCOTT. JAMES EBENEZER NORTON SHAW, LL.B. 1901. WILLIAM STACKPOLE, 20. FREDERIC AUGUSTINE STERLING, 20. JOHN MOWRY THAYER. EDWARD SAMPSON THURSTON, A.M. 1900; LL.B. 1901. GEORGE VON UTASSY. [ROBERT PALFREY UTTER,] Ph.D. (Philology) 1906. JOSEPH LORING VALENTINE. ELIOT WADSWORTH. ROGER SHERMAN WARNER, LL.B. 1902. STUART WADSWORTH WHEELER. 1899 WILLIAM HAWXHURST WHEELOCK. HENRY DAVIS WHITFIELD, S.B. 1899. CLEMENT BIDDLE WOOD, A.M. 1899; LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1901. HOWARD WOOD, JR., A.M. 1899. HENRY MYGATT WOODRUFF. Total 100. CLASS OF 1899 MALCOLM DONALD, Pres. ; A.M. 1900; LL.B. 1902. JOHN FRANCIS BRICE, Pres. &f Kp.; A.B. 1900. JOHN WELLS FARLEY, V. Pres.; LL.B. 1903. CHARLES HENRY McDuFFiE, V. Pres. PERCY MALCOLM JAFFRAY, Sec. 1898 JOSHUA BENNETT HOLDEN, JR., Sec. RODMAN DE KAY GILDER, Treas. HENRY STURGIS DENNISON, Chor. HENRY JAMES, 20, Lib.; LL.B. 1904. CHARLES HAVEN LADD JOHNSTON, Artist. ROBERT PEABODY BELLOWS, Artist. ARTHUR ADAMS. FREDERICK MOULTON ALGER. JAMES GEORGE AVERELL. 1904 GEORGE FISHER BAKER, JR. LESLIE TALBOT BAKER, A.B. 1900; M.D. 1906. HORATIO BIGELOW. ROBERT FULTON BLAKE, S.B. 1900. EDWIN AUGUSTUS BOARDMAN, JR. JOHN EDWARD BROOKS. PHILIP LAMSON BROWN. WILLIAMS PROUDFIT BURDEN, A.B. 1901. CHARLES STEWART BUTLER, LL.B. N. Y. Law S. 1903. DANIEL KAYSER CATLIN, LL.B. 1902. THERON EPHRON CATLIN, LL.B. 1902. FRANCIS DOUGLAS COCHRANE. GEORGE ALBERT COLE. LOCKETT GwiN COLEMAN, S.B. 1902. [WILLIAM HENRY CONROY, JR.] BRIDGHAM CURTIS, LL.B. Columbia 1902. JAMES FREEMAN CURTIS, LL.B. 1903. .WALTER LIVINGSTON CUTTING. [EDWARD PERKINS DAVIS.] PIERPONT DAVIS, LL.B. 1902. BENJAMIN HARRISON DIBBLEE. WILLIAM PARRY JONES DINSMOOR, S.B. 1900. GEORGE JONES DYER. THORNDIKE HOWE ENDIOOTT. [ALFRED STAGEY EYRE.] DEXTER FAIRBANK. BLAIR FAIRCHILD. DANIEL HADDOCK FARR, A.B. 1900; A.M. 1901. WALTER SCOTT FITZ, 20. JOSEPH DUNDERDALE FORBES. PHILIP FRENCH. GEORGE DUFFIELD HALL. PERCY DUNCAN HAUGHTON. HAROLD BUCKMINSTER HAYDEN. [MASSEY BRYANT HOLMES,] U^.B. 1902. JOHN HOMANS, M.D. 1903. ROLAND GAGE HOPKINS. JAMES CARLETON HOWE, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1902. PLINY JEWELL, 20. HOWARD COWING LAVE RACK. [JAMES MARSLAND LAWTON, JR.] EDWARD HUBJRT LITCHFIELD, LL.B. N. Y. Law S. 1902. [WILBUR HENRY LYNCH.] JOHN CHAPMAN McCALL. f RALPH McKiTTRiCK. [JOHN ALBERT MACY,] A.M. 1900. CLARENCE CHURCHILL MANN. EDMUND ROBERTS MARVIN, A.M. 1901. GEORGE DECKER MARVIN. SAMUEL FREDERICK MILLS. [SAMUEL VINING MORSE.] WILLIAM GIBBONS MORSE. JOHN WATKINSON NORTON, A.B. 1900. FREDERIC RUSSELL NOURSE. [LEWIS HINES PARSONS.] JOHN FORBES PERKINS, LL.B. 1903. RUSSELL PERKINS. ['931 JOHN CHARLES PHILLIPS, S.B. 1899; M.D. 1904. FAYETTE RUMSEY PLUMB, JR.' OLIVER FILLEY RICHARDS, S.B. 1900. FREDERIC LEOPOLD WILLIAM RICHARDSON. HENRY MILNER RIDEOUT. JAMES THOMAS ROCHE, JR., S.B. 1899. JOHN EASTON ROUSMANIERE, LL.B. 1903. HENRY SAMPSON, JR., A.B. 1900. GEORGE McCujRE SARGENT, LL.B. 1902. MAXWELL SANDS SAVAGE. [ALFRED GARRETT SCATTERGOOD,] A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1898. BARTHOLD ERNEST SCHLESINGER, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1901. WILLIAM MANSFIELD SCUDDER. EDMUND HAMILTON SEARS, 2D. HOLLIS HUNNEWELL SHAW. ROBERT GOULD SHAW, 30. WILLIAM SLOAN SIMPSON. VIVIAN SPENCER, A.B. 1898; A.M. 1899; LL.B. N. Y. Law S. 1902. WILLING HARRISON SPENCER. EBEN BLAINE STANWOOD. [FREDERICK ROTCH SWIFT,] LL.B. 1902. CHARLES NICOLL TALBOT, S.B. 1899. HENRY TALMADGE. WILLIAM JOSEPH TAYLOR. GEORGE WASHINGTON THOMPSON. CLARKE THOMSON. GEORGE SHEPLEY TIFFANY. LEONARD EVERETT WARE. THEODORE SEDGWICK WATSON. BRAINERD HUNT WHITBECK, M.D. Columbia 1903. CLARENCE MORTON WHITMAN. MALCOLM DOUGLASS WHITMAN, LL.B. 1902. HAROLD WILLIAMS, JR., LL.B. 1902. Total 104. [194] CLASS OF 1900 FRANCIS LEE HIGGINSON, Pres. WILLIAM ARMSTEAD MOALE BURDEN, Pres.; A.M. 1901. DWIGHT FILLEY DAVIS, V. Pres.; LL.B. Washington Univ. (Mo.) 1903. ARTHUR NOBLE RICE, V. Pres.; LL.B. 1904. CHESTER ODIORNE SWAIN, Sec.; A.M> 1902; LL.B. 1904. FREDERICK EZEKIEL BISSELL, Treas. HAROLD TAPPIN, Chor.; LL.B. 1903. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Lib. WILLIAM MORROW, Lib.; A.M. 1901. JOHN HODGMAN HOLLIDAY, Kp.; LL.B. 1903. THOMAS MOTT SHAW, Artist; cole des Beaux Arts (Paris) 1905. NATHANIEL FARWELL AVER. JAMES DELLINGER BARNEY, M.D. 1904. FREDERIC GAFFNEY BARRY. [WILLIAM LEE BEARDSELL.] NICHOLAS BIDDLE, S.B. 1900. ROBERT WOODS BLISS. WALTER AYERS BOAL, S.B. 1900. RICHARD DE BLOIS BOARDMAN. REGINALD FAIRFAX BOLLES. [RAYNAL CAWTHORNE BOLLING,] LL.B. 1902. CASPAR MIFFLIN BROWN. LEWIS BLANCHARD BROWN, A.B. 1903. FRANCIS OTWAY BYRD. JOHN HIGGINSON CABOT, 20, A.M. 1903; Ph.D. (Hist.) 1904. WILLIAM RICHARD CASTLE, JR., Asst. Dean. PHILIP PUTNAM CHASE, A.M. 1901; LL.B. 1903. FREDERICK ROBBINS CHILDS. MARLBOROUGH CHURCHILL. GEORGE OLIVER CLARK, M.D. 1903. GEORGE EDWARD CLEMENT, M.F. Yale 1902. JAMES SULLIVAN COCHRANE. HENRY SPAULDING COFFIN. EDWARD COOK, M.D. Columbia 1904. WILLIAM BAYARD CUTTING, JR. AARON DAVIS. CHARLES DANA DRAPER. ARTHUR DRINKWATER, A.M. 1901; LL.B. 1903. EDWARD LAWRENCE DUDLEY. WILLIAM EDMUNDS. NATHAN ADAMS EGBERT. MANNING EMERY, JR. EDWIN EUSTON. HERBERT Louis EWER. DERBY FARRINGTON. HERBERT HUXLET FISKE. HAROLD FITZGERALD. STEPHEN SALISBURY FITZGERALD, LL.B. 1903. CHARLES STEWART FORBES. HENRY HEYWOOD Fox, S.B. 1904. BENJAMIN APTHORP GOULD FULLER, A.M. 1902; S.B. Oxford 1905; Ph.D. (Philos.) 1906. [GERALD FFENNELL FURLONG,] A.B. 1901. ELIJAH HOWARD GEORGE, LL.B. 1903. ROBERT LIVINGSTON GERRY. EDWARD HOWLAND GRAHAM. EDWARD GRAY, JR. CHARLES JOHN HARBECK, M.D. Columbia 1905. CHARLES LEWIS HARDING. ADDIS EMMETT HARRIS. DUNCAN GILBERT HARRIS. CYRIL HATCH. [RICHARD HAUGHTON.] JOHN BROMHAM HA WES, 2D, A.B. 1901; M.D. 1903. EDMUND HEARD. REGINALD GARY HEATH, LL.B. 1902. [ 196] CONRAD HOBBS. RUPERT SARGENT HOLLAND, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1903. EDWARD WHITING HOWARD; OSBORNE HOWES, JR. GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD. AUGUSTUS JAY, JR. [WILLIAM JONES,] A.M.Columbia 1901; Ph.D. Co- lumbia 1904. JOHN DEVEREUX KERNAN, JR., M.D. Columbia 1903. FREDERIC CLINTON KIDNER, M.D. 1904. LEWIS CASS LEDYARD, JR., LL.B. 1903. SAMUEL WATTS LEWIS. ROBERT LIVERMORE, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1903. [EDWARD FRANCIS LOUGHLIN.] MARKLOVE LOWERY. HOWARD HAINES LOWRY, A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1899. WILLIS SYLVESTRE McCoRNicK. EDWARD MALLINCKRODT, JR., A.M. 1901. KENNETH McGEocn MARTIN. ALBERT GARDNER MASON. [ROBERT LEVI MASON.] CHARLES HENRY MORRILL, S.B. 1900; A.B. 1901. GEORGE NICHOLS. [GURDON SALTONSTALL PARKER,] S.B. 1900. AUGUSTUS GRANGER PORTER. C. NEWTON PROUTY. [ALFRED MAYER ROCK,] A.M. 1903. CLIVE RUNNELLS. JOHN LEE SALTONSTALL. DONALD SCOTT. ELIOT SPALDING. HORACE BAXTER STANTON, LL.B. 1903. HENRY AUSTIN STICKNEY, LL.B. Columbia 1903. WILLIAM STICKNEY. FRITZ BRADLEY TALBOT, M.D. 1905. NEWELL WHITING TILTON. [19-7] [JOHN NEWLIN TRAINER, JR.] HOLCOMBE WARD. LEICESTER WARREN, S.B. 1900. EDWARD CORYDON WHEELER, JR. Total 104. CLASS OF 1901 JAMES LAWRENCE, JR., Pres. JOHN WHITE HALLOWELL, Pres. CHARLES HANDASYDE WHITNEY, V. Pres. ISAAC WISTAR KENDALL, V. Pres. fcf Sec. HUGH BLYTHE, Treas.; LL.B. 1903. NATHANIEL HART PRIDE, Chor. WARWICK GREENE, Lib. ; LL.B. 1905. HENRY LYMAN, Kp. FLOYD READING DuBois, Kp. RUSSELL HUBBARD GREELEY, Artist. JOHN AMES. WILLIAM APPLETON. MATTHEW BARTLETT. HENRY BRYANT BIGELOW, A.M. 1903; Ph.D. (Biol.) 1906. BENJAMIN SEWALL BLAKE. GERALD BLAKE, M.D. 1905. CHARLES BOYDEN. ROBERT EDWARD BREWER. FRANCIS LOWELL BURNETT, S.B. 1902; M.D. 1906. JOSE AUGUSTO Luis RAIMUNDO AYMAR CAMPRUBI, A.B. 1901; S.B. 1902. GEORGE CRAWFORD CLARK. HAROLD BENJAMIN CLARK, S.B. 1901. EDWARD ERWIN COOLIDGE, LL.B. 1903. 1906 COURTENAY CROCKER, LL.B. 1905. STANLEY CUNNINGHAM, JR., S.M. 1902. [CHARLES DUDLEY DALY,] U. S. Milit. Acad. 1905. RICHARD HENRY DANA, JR. [ 1-98] CHARLES CLAFLIN DAVIS, S.B. 1901. RICHARD DEXTER, M.D. 1905. THEODORE JEWETT EASTMAN, M.D. 1905. [SHIRLEY GREGORY ELLIS,] S.B. 1901. DwiGHT DURKEE EVANS. NELSON FAIRCHILD. 1906 REGINALD FINCKE. JAMES GRANT FORBES, A.M. 1902; LL.B. 1904. WALTER ARCHER FROST. THORNTON GERRISH. RALPH EDMUND GILCHRIST. ROBERT ELIOT GOODWIN, Bach. Jurisp. Boston Univ. 1903. RALPH WELD GRAY. THOMAS HERBERT GRAY, JR. [ROGER SHERMAN GREENE,] A.M. 1902. ROGER SUMNER HARDY, A.B. 1902. RICHARD MARCH HOE HARPER. HENRY CLAY HAWKINS. HENRY REED HAYES. HARRY PETERS HENDERSON, S.M. 1902. THOMAS O'DONNELL HILLEN. [REGINALD HEBER HOWE, JR.] IS^AC RICHMOND HOXIE. WALTER HUNNEWELL. CHARLES WILLIAM JAYNES. HUGH McKiTTRicK JONES. VAN RENSSELAER CHOATE KING. ROBERT WILLIAM JAMES KINGAN, A.B. 1902. JOHN LA FARGE, JR. WILLIAM HAROLD LAVERACK. JOHN SILSBEE LAWRENCE. WILLIAM RICHARDS LAWRENCE. WILLIAM GEORGE LEE, M.D. 1904. THEODORE WALWORTH LITTLE. HARRIS LIVERMORE, A.B. 1902. CHARLES WARREN LOCKE. EDWARD PERRY LOUD. GEORGE MALCOLM MCCONNELL. SAMUEL WRIGHT MIFFLIN, A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1900; LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1904. JAMES RUMRILL MILLER. [GEORGE PARKER MILNE,] A.M. 1902. CHARLES WHIPPO MooRt. [ALBERT CHILD MORSE.] HARRIS HUNNEWELL MURDOCK. HUNTINGTON NORTON. HENRY WEBSTER PALMER, LL.B. 1904. HENRY PIERREPONT PERRY. EUGENE PETTUS. HENRY VARNUM POOR, LL.B. 1904. JOHN ELLIS POSTLETHWAITE. ELIOT THWINS PUTNAM. GEORGE THWING PUTNAM. WILLIAM THOMAS REID, JR., A.M. 1902. CHARLES MORGAN ROTCH. THOMAS MORGAN ROTCH, JR. 1902 RICHARD SPOFFORD RUSSELL. [EDWARD JOSEPH SAMSON.] FREDERICK RICHARD SEARS, 30. GEORGE CHEEVER SHATTUCK, M.D. 1905. HENRY LEE SHATTUCK, LL.B. 1904. RUSSELL STEARNS. [ROGER DYER SWAIM,] LL.B. 1903. [BRAINERD TAYLOR.] ALEXANDER HAMILTON WHEELER, A.B. 1902. GEOFFREY MANLIUS WHEELOCK. DAVID PAGE WHEELWRIGHT. WILLIAM BOND WHEELWRIGHT. FRANK STANLEY WHITE, LL.B. 1905. [STANTON WHITNEY.] WYMAN WHITTEMORE, S.B. 1902; M.D. 1905. ERSKINE WOOD. Total 98. [ 200 ] CLASS OF 1902 JOSEPH GRINNELL WILLIS, Pres. EDISON LEWIS, Pres. WILLIAM EDWARDS LADD, V. Pres.; M.D. 1906. BARRETT WENDELL, JR., V. Pres. fcf Sec. CHARLES HODGDON SCHWEPPE, Treas. MALCOLM BURRAGE LANG, Chor.; A.B. 1904. WALDO EMERSON FORBES, Lib. AMOR ROLLINGS WORTH, Kp. HARRY MORGAN AYRES, Kp. ANDRE CHE'RONNET CHAMPOLLION, drtist; A.B. 1903. GUY BANCROFT. CHARLES ARTHUR BARNARD, LL.B. 1904. [PAUL BARTLETT.] MALBONE HUNTER BIRCKHEAD, A.B. 1903. CRAWFORD BLAGDEN. JOHN AMORY LOWELL BLAKE. ARCHIBALD BLANCHARD. WILLIAM GRAHAM BOWDOIN, JR. JOSEPH GARDNER BRADLEY, LL.B. 1904. WALTER DENISON BROOKS, A.B. 1903. MORRIS RUGGLES BROWNELL, LL.B. 1905. [KENNETH PEPPERRELL BUDD.] ROBERT JOHNS BULKLEY, A.M. 1906. HAROLD BULLARD. ARTHUR SCOTT BURDEN, S.B. 1903. FRANK BURGESS. [DAVID COLIN CAMPBELL,] S.B. 1902. PHILIP ACOSTA CARROLL, LL.B. 1905. GUY FAIRFAX GARY, LL.B. 1904. WARREN HUNNEWELL CHILD. Louis CRAWFORD CLARK, JR. JOHN HENRY CLIFFORD. PAUL NAYLOR COBURN, A.B. 1903. OSCAR FULTON COOPER, LL.B. 1904. ARTHUR LITHGOW DEVENS, JR. [ 201 ] JOHN ADAMS Dix. ARTHUR STURGIS DIXEY. 1905 FREDERICK INGERSOLL EMERY. WILLIAM BACON EMMONS. JOSEPH FOSTER, JR. AUSTEN HOPPIN Fox, S.B. 1903. [ORVILLE GISH FRANTZ,] A.B. 1903. CHANNING FROTHINGHAM, JR., M.D. 1906. LAWRENCE POTTER FROTHINGHAM. HENRY MAY GITTINGS, S.B. 1902. ROBERT GOELET, JR., A.M. 1903. ROSCOE HARRIS GOODELL. [DONALD GREGG.] JOSEPH CLARK GREW. RICHARD KING HALE, S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1904. CHARLES RAPELLO HENDERSON. WILLIAM WICKHAM HOFFMAN, A.M. 1903; LL.B. 1905. ARTHUR ISELIN, S.B. 1902. [EDWARD WILLIAM CECIL JACKSON.] EDWARD HALE KENDALL. CHESTER HARDING KING. ROGER KINNICUTT, M.D. 1906. HENRY SWIFT KNOWLES, LL.B. 1905. THOMAS CHARLES KNOWLES. RICHARD LAWRENCE. HALSTEAD LINDSLEY, A.B. 1902; S.B. 1903. CHARLES TAYLOR LOVERING, A.B. 1903. JOSIAH ORNE Low, S.B. 1902. LEWIS BELL McCoRNicK, S.B. 1902. CASPAR WISTAR MORRIS. ARTHUR HOLDREGE MORSE, LL.B. 1904. EDWARD MOTLEY. JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY, LL.B. 1904. HALLAM LEONARD Movius. ROBERT BOUTELLE NOYES. [REMSEN BRINCKERHOFF OGILBY.] GOUVERNEUR MORRIS PHELPS, S.B. IQ02. CHARLES PLATT, 30. ROBERT DUNBAR PRUYN. RALPH STUART RAINSFORD, A.M. 1903. EDWARD PEIRSON RICHARDSON, M.D. 1906. CHARLES GARY RUMSEY. CHARLES SPRAGUE SARGENT, JR. ROBERT SEDGWICK, JR., A.B. 1903. [WALTER SHUEBRUK,] LL.B. 1904. [EARNEST EVERETT SMITH.] JAMES HOPKINS SMITH, JR. JOHN WEISS STEDMAN. ARTHUR WHITE TALMADGE. PHILIP WINGATE THOMSON. RICHARD KING THORNDIKE. ALEXANDER PHILIP WADSWORTH. WILLARD WADSWORTH. ALEXANDER WALL. MOSES WELD WARE. STORER PREBLE WARE. [Louis BRANDEIS WEHLE,] A.M. 1903; LL.B. 1904. WILLIAM MARRIOTT WELCH. LOOMIS LAURENCE WHITE. DELANO WIGHT, LL.B. 1904. EDWARD GARY WILLIAMS. ALFRED WINSOR, JR. WILLIAM BARRY WOOD, S.B. 1902. Total 98. CLASS OF 1903 RICHARD DERBY, Pres. EDWARD BOWDITCH, JR., Pres. fcf Sec. GRENVILLE CLARK, V. Pres.; LL.B. 1906. SAMUEL HUNTINGTON WOLCOTT, V. Pres. DANIEL FREDERICK DOWNS, Treas.; S.B. 1903. ROY PIER, Kp. LANGDON WARNER, Kp. FRANKLIN MORRIS CLASS, Chor. ROGER ERNST, Lib.; A.M. 1904; LL.B. 1906. ADELBERT AMES, JR., LL.B. 1906. FRANCIS HENRY APPLETON, JR. JAMES BOURNE AYER, JR. HAROLD WOODS BAKER, S.B. 1906; M.D. 1906. NELSON SLATER BARTLETT, JR. GEORGE SUMNER BARTON. ALBERT FRANCIS BIGELOW, LL.B. 1906. [STUART BLAIKIE.] GERALD DORR BOARDMAN. ARCHIBALD MANNING BROWN. LLOYD THORNTON BROWN. ROCKWOOD HOAR BULLOCK. OSWALD CHEW. RICHARD WASHBURN CHILD, LL.B. 1906. JOHN DUDLEY CLARK. WILLIAM CARROLL CLARK. [WALTER CLARKSON.] CHARLES PARSONS CLIFFORD. JOSEPH GRISWOLD COLEMAN, JR. HENRY LABD CORBETT. EDWARD IGNATIUS CUDAHY, S.B. 1903. LEO JAMESON DALY. AUGUSTINE DERBY, A.M. 1904; LL.B. 1906. GEORGE DRAPER. JAMES ALFRED FIELD. HERBERT HART FLAGG. [FREDERICK WILLIAM CHOATE FOSTER.] JOHN WINTHROP FOSTER, S.B. 1903. ERNEST GEORGE. WILLIAM SIMPSON GODFREY. AUSTEN GRAY. ALBERT ZABRISKIE GRAY. THOMAS HETHERINGTON GRAYDON. MATTHEW HALE, A.M. 1904. [204] [FREDERIC GARRISON HALL.] CHARLES ATHERTON HARTWBLL, A.B. 1904. [RALPH HAYCOCK.] FRANCIS BURRALL HOFFMAN, JR. [HENRY WYMAN HOLMES,] A.M. 1904. RICHARD INGLIS, LL.B. 1906. WILLIAM JAMES, JR. DEL/ANCEY KANE JAY, A.M. 1904. ROBERT PEEBLES KERNAN, JR., S.B. 1903. JOHN APPLETON KNOWLES. DANIEL WALDO KNOWLTON. GEORGE Louis KOBBE. CHARLES HERMANN KRUMBHAAR, JR. EDGAR WELCH LEONARD. MILTON TURNLEY LIGHTNER. BAYARD SANDS LITCHFIELD, S.B. 1903. PHILIP WALTON LIVERMORE. ROBERT WYNTER LOCKE. JAMES COUPER LORD. CHARLES GREELY LORING. JOSEPH SWAIN LOVERING. WILLIAM VALENTINE MACDONALD. CHARLES EDWARD MCGLENSEY. DALLAS DAYTON LORE McGREw. [PARKER ENDICOTT MAREAN,] A.B. 1903; S.B. 1905. HERBERT WARREN MASON. VICTOR CHARLES MATHER. ARTHUR FRANCIS NAZRO. STEPHEN HENLEY NOYES, A.B. 1903; S.B. 1905. RALPH WALTER PAGE, LL.B. 1906. FRANCIS WELD PEABODY. JULIAN LIVINGSTON PEABODY. LAWRENCE FRENCH PERCIVAL. GARDNER BROWNE PERRY. JAMES SHERMAN PITKIN. LAWSON VALENTINE PULSIFER. [EVAN RANDOLPH.] [205] THEODORE FITZ RANDOLPH. FRANCIS BEHN RIGGS. HERBERT LAURENCE RIKER. ERNEST BEMIS ROBERTS. [PHILLIPS BROOKS ROBINSON.] WILLIAM BEVERLEY ROGERS, A.B. 1906. ARTHUR GRINNELL ROTCH. ROBERT WALDO RUHL, S.B. 1904. ANTON HENRY SCHEFER. ALFRED STILLMAN, 20. THOMAS STOKES. MALCOLM BOWDITCH STONE. WALTER SMITH SUDGEN. ARTHUR WARTON SWANN. RODMAN SWIFT, S.B. 1904. JAMES EADS SWITZER, A.B. 1904. WILLIAM NICHOLSON TAYLOR, S.B. 1904. ALDEN SAMPSON THURSTON, S.B. 1903. STEWART WALLER. [WILLIAM SEAVER WARLAND.] [HOYT LANDON WARNER.] ARTHUR HENRY WEED, LL.B. 1905. WILLIAM PICKMAN WHARTON. HORATIO LORENZO WHITRIDGE. JOHN PEABODY WILLIAMS. KENNARD WINSOR. WILLIAM PRESCOTT WOLCOTT. [CUSHING FREDERIC WRIGHT.] Total 108. CLASS OF 1904 JAMES ATWOOD BURGESS, Pres. EDWARD BELL KRUMBHAAR, Pres. &? Sec.; A.B. 1903. BERTRAM DE NEUILLY CRUGER, V. Pres. JAMES TAYLOR SOUTTER, 20, V. Pres. ROBERT FRANKLIN MANNING, Treas. [206] PRESTON DA VIE, Kp. GUSTAVUS OWEN WINSTON, Kp. JOHN HOPKINS DENSMORE, Chor. FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Lib.; A.B. 1903. ALEXANDER FORBES, Lib. RICARDO MIGUEL DE ACOSTA. CURTIS PATTERSON BAILEY. ALVIN VORIS BAIRD. [ARTHUR ATWOOD BALLANTINE.] PIERRE LORILLARD BARBEY. CECIL BARNES, A.B. 1903; A.M. 1904. THOMAS PRINCE BEAL, JR. EDWARD BELL. AUGUST BELMONT, JR. FRANCIS WILLIAM BIRD, LL.B. 1906. THOMAS BLAGDEN. WENDELL PHILLIPS BLAGDEN. ROBERT MAXWELL BLEAKIE. MATTHEW BOLLES. WALTER RUSSELL BOWIE, A.M. 1905. CHARLES BURNET BRADLEY, A.B. 1903. LEVERETT BRADLEY. GERALD ARTHUR BRAMWELL. LATHROP BROWN, A.B. 1903. WILLIAM APPLETON BURNHAM, JR., A.B. 1903. LEONARD CARPENTER. ELBRIDGE GERRY CHADWICK. WILLIAM JACKSON CLOTHIER. HENRY IVES COBB, JR. LYON COBB. RALPH GEORGE COBURN. GEORGE BOSWELL MOREY COLLINGS, S.B. 1904. [GEORGE CLARENDON CUNNINGHAM.] LIVINGSTON DAVIS. HAROLD GARFIELD DILLINGHAM. GORDON DONALD. DAVIS TOWNSEND DUNBAR. GORDON FAIRCHILD. GERRIT FORBES. ROBERT HALLOWELL GARDINER, JR., A.B. 1903; A.M. 1904. RESINALD MESSENGER GIGNOUX. 1904 ALBERT GOODHUE. LAWRENCE GOURLAY. WALTON ATWATER GREEN. Louis GRILK. WILLIAM HAGUE, A.M. 1905. JOSEPH ROCHEMONT HAMLEN. PARMLY HANFORD, LL.B. N. Y. Law S. 1906. PARMELY WEBB HERRICK. HARRY BOWLEY HOLLINS, JR. HENRY SHEAFE HUTCHINSON, A.B. 1903. FAY INGALLS, A.B. 1903. MALCOLM HYDE IVY. JAMES JACKSON. WILLIAM KENT, JR., S.B. 1905. ROBERT LANE. GEORGE LAWTON. JOHN WILLIAMSON LEE. DANIEL WALDO LINCOLN. THOMAS POULTNEY LINDSAY. THAYER LINDSLEY, A.B. 1903; S.B. 1904. DEM ARE ST LLOYD. PIERRE LORILLARD, JR., A.B. 1903. JENNER LOWERY. FRANK GAIR MACOMBER, JR. VANCE STORY MANSON. CARL BERTRAND MARSHALL. JAMES SERVETUS MASON, 30, S.B. 1904. RALPH MAY. THEODORE GERARD MEIER, 20. HUGH MINTURN. WARREN MOTLEY, LL.B. 1906. [208] URIEL ATWOOD MURDOCK, JR., A.B. 1906. PRE SCOTT OAKES. CHARLES DE LOOSEY OELRICHS. HAROLD OTIS. [HENRY SEABURY PARKER.] [STANLEY BRAMPTON PARKER.] HAROLD PEABODY. CHARLES ELLIOTT PERKINS, JR. ROGER PIERCE. FREDERICK STANLEY PRUYN. LAURENCE FREDERIC RAINSFORD. WALTER KERR RAINSFORD. HENRY CASIMIR DE RHAM, JR. ANDREW ROBESON, JR. CHESTER HAVEN ROBINSON. THEODORE DOUGLAS ROBINSON. PETER FREDERICK ROTHERMEL, 30. EDGAR CARTER RUST. [RALPH SANGER.] \ EUGENE MITCHELL SAWYER, A.B. 1904; S.B. 1906. JOSEPH STONE SEABURY. HENRY RENWICK SEDGWICK. CHARLES ANDREW SHEA. GEORGE PALEN SNOW. TRISTAM BURGES SOUTHER. JOHN LONGWORTH STETTINIUS, JR., A.B. 1903; A.M. 1904. JOHN BAKER SWIFT, JR. EDWARD AUGUSTINE TAFT, JR. HAMILTON THACHER. EUGENE VAN RENSSELAER THAYER, JR. THEODORE GAILLARD THOMAS. JOHN RICHARD THORNDIKE. [SAMUEL ALFRED WELLDON.] Total no. [ 209] CLASS OF 1905 ROGER ALDEN DERBY, Pres. JOHN PERRY BOWDITCH, Pres. & Sec. RUDOLPH WELD, V. Pres. RUSSELL ELLIS SARD, V. Pres. & Treas. DANA BRANNAN, Kp. MARMADUKE TILDEN, JR., Kp. LELAND BOYLSTON HALL, Chor. WHITCOMB FIELD, Lib. ARTHUR MURTLAND SCULLY, Lib. STUART CORLISS ADAMS. GUILLIAEM AERTSEN, JR. RAY ATHERTON. DANIEL ROE AYRES. ROGER NASH BALDWIN, A.B. 1904; A.M. 1905. CLEVELAND BIGELOW, A.B. 1904. RALPH HERBERT BOLLARD. CHESTER CASTLE BOLTON. [WALTER HINCKLEY BRADLEY.] SYDNEY BREESE. JOHN WILLIAM BROCK, JR. GORHAM BROOKS. RUSSELL WILLETT BRYANT. WILLIAM MORTON BUNTING, JR. TROWBRIDGE CALLAWAY. ALFRED ST. VRAIN CARPENTER. HOWARD CARY. I9 6 ALFRED ENDICOTT CHASE, A.B. 1904. FRANCIS THOMPSON COLBY. ROBERT HILL Cox. ALVAH CROCKER, JR. DUDLEY DAVIS. ARTHUR LAWRENCE DERBY. LELAND BLODGET DUER. HENRY CHANDLER EGAN. [210] WALTER EUGENE EGAN. CARL EHLERMANN, JR., A.B. 1904; A.M. 1905. WILLIAM MC!NTYRE ELKINS. HENRY STONE FORBES. HENRY VOSE GREENOUGH. [ALBERT ELLIS HARDING, JR.] WALTER THACHER HARRISON, S.B. 1906. AUGUSTUS HEMENWAY, JR. PHILIP SIMMONS HIGHBORN. SAMUEL NEILSON HINCKLEY, A.B. 1904. AMOS LAWRENCE HOPKINS, 20. RICHARD DUANE HUMPHREYS, A.B. 1904. [DANIEL JOSEPH HURLEY,] A.B. 1906. CONSTANTINE HuTCHINS. WILLIAM O'DONNELL ISELIN, S.B. 1905. GEORGE SCHUNEMANN JACKSON. AYMAR JOHNSON. SEYMOUR JOHNSON, A.B. 1904. GEORGE ROBERTS JONES, A.B. 1904; A.M. 1905. BENJAMIN JOY. HUBERT DOLBEARE KERNAN, S.B. 1905. PAUL DUDLEY LAMSON. ROGER DEARBORN LAPHAM. JOHN HOWLAND LATHROP, B.D. Meadville Theol. S. (Pa.) 1903. REGINALD ROOSEVELT LEAYCRAFT, A.B. 1904. [GEOFFREY WHITNEY LEWIS.] GEORGE CHANDLER LINCOLN. ARTHUR WARE LOCKE. [KEITH McLEoo.] WALTER WILLIAMSON MANTON. CHARLES ELLIS MASON. HAROLD FRANCIS MASON. CLEMENT Ross DUNCAN MEIER, A.B. 1905; S.B. 1906. OGDEN LIVINGSTON MILLS. PHILIP OVERTON MILLS. HENRY MORGAN, S.B. 1905. [211] PHILIP HOWIE MUIR. RAYMOND HANSEN OVESON. ARTHUR WILSON PAGE. EDWARD NEWTON PERKINS. WILLIAM GRAVES PERRY. LAUREN AUGUSTUS PETTEBONE, S.B. 1905. WALTER STONE POOR, JR. BERNON SHELDON PRENTICE. PIERRE ALEXIS PROAL. FREDERIC FOSTER DE RHAM, A.B. 1904. THOMAS SANDERS, 20. WALTER PRENTICE SANGER. [WILLIAM ANTHONY SCHICK, JR.] FRANCIS BACON SEARS, JR. THEODORE LYMAN SHAW. HOWARD STOCKTON, JR. RICHARD CLIPSTON STURGIS, JR. FRANK JONES SULLOWAY. LORING TIFFANY SWAIM. JAMES DINSMORE TEW, S.B. 1905. LEWIS MILLER THORNTON. WILLIAM MORRIS TILDEN. ALBERT CHESTER TRAVIS. JOHN APPLETON TUCKERMAN. GEORGE FREDERICK TYLER, A.B. 1904. DAVID WAGSTAFF. CHARLES JEWELL WEBBER, S.B. 1905. HARRISON BRIGGS WEBSTER. JAMES WILLARD WHEELER. REGINALD TREMAINE WHEELER, S.B. 1905. HAROLD CUTLER WHITMAN. NORTON WIGGLESWORTH. GEORGE WILLIAMSON, JR. ROBERT WINSOR, JR. Total 104. [an] CLASS OF 1906 JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY, JR., Pres. ARTHUR CAMPBELL BLAGDEN, Pres. &f Sec. ROGER MERRILL POOR, V. Pres. FRANCIS ABBOT GOODHUE, V. Pres. fcf Treas. GEORGE HAYES FIELD, Kp. WILLIAM FORBES EMERSON, Kp. GEORGE ROWLAND Cox, JR., Chor. THOMAS DONALDSON SLOAN, Lib. JOHN DWIGHT ELIOT, Lib. ROBERT AMORY, JR. WILLIAM HENRY APPLETON. EARL GODFREY BARTELS. DONALD BARTHOLOMEW. SIDNEY KENT BECKER, S.B. 1906. HENRY ADAMS BELLOWS. HENRY GUSTAV BEYER, JR. CHARLES SUMNER BIRD, JR. JAMES DONALD CAMERON BRADLEY. SIDNEY FREDERICK TYLER BROCK, S.B. 1906. LEEDS BURCHARD. JOSEPH WARREN BURDEN. CHARLES BURLINGHAM, A.B. 1905. GEORGE HALL BURNETT, A.B. 1905. ISAAC TUCKER BURR, JR. SAMUEL CABOT, JR. WILLARD ZELLER CARR. ALFRED LOWREY CASTLE. HENRY DALAND CHANDLER. LESTER WILLIAMS CLARK, JR., A.B. 1905. CLARENCE ERSKINE CLEMENT. CLEVELAND COBB. WILLIAM WELLINGTON CORLETT. ELIOT BUCHANAN CROSS. LYMAN DELANO. EDWARD JOSIAH DIVES. THOMAS HARVEY DOUGHERTY, JR. ROGER BLAKE EMMONS. THEODORE SLEVIN FARRELLY. OLIVER DWIGHT FILLEY. REGINALD FITZ. PHILIP WITTER FLINT. WALTER SIMONDS FRANKLIN, JR. EVAN JAMES FRASER-CAMPBELL, JR. AUSTIN GODDARD GILL. ROBERT GRANT, JR. WILLIAM GRANT GRAVES. MORRIS GRAY, JR. CHARLES PELHAM GREENOUGH, 20. ROBERT FRANCIS GUILD. RICHARD HARRINGTON HARRIS. " WILLIAM FRAZIER HARRISON. E. BARTLETT HAYWARD. ROBERT RICHARD HELLMANN. JULIAN HINCKLEY. [RICHARD BRYANT HOBART.] ARTHUR NORMAN HOLCOMBE. VALENTINE HOLLINGS WORTH. JAMES RIPLEY HOOPER, JR. DUDLEY ROGERS HOWE. ARTHUR EMLEN HUTCHINSON. DANA CUTTING HYDE. FREDERICK CARPENTER IRVING. NICHOLAS KELLEY, A.B. 1905. FOSTER STANDISH KELLOGG. LE ROY KING. WILLIAM ALAN KIRKPATRICK. CHARLES CREIGHTON LEE. ROBERT JARVIS LEONARD. MALCOLM McBuRNEY. OTOHIKO MATSUKATA. WILLIAM GORDON MEANS. [*!.*.] CHARLES DAVIS MORGAN. LEWIS GOUVERNEUR MORRIS. LAURANCE IRVING NEALE. FISHER HILDRETH NESMITH. DANIEL ALLERTON NEWHALL. JOHN DONALDSON NICHOLS. JOHN PARKINSON, JR. ANTHONY JOSEPH DREXEL PAUL. JOHN DAMON PEABODY. ARTHUR PERRY, JR. THERON FINLAY PIERCE. JOSEPH HUDSON PLUMB, 2D. STUART DUNCAN PRESTON. JOHN REECE. HENRY BRAY SAWYER. OTIS NORTON SHEPARD. HAROLD ROBERT SHURTLEFF. ROBERT NEWKIRK SMITHER. [RICHARDS EVANS SPERRY.] BEATON HALL SQUIRES. BARTON KINGMAN STEPHENSON. GEORGE SWITZER. FRANK CARROLL TAYLOR. NICHOLAS LECHMERE TILNEY. HOWARD MOORE TURNER. CHARLES SIDNEY WALDO, JR., A.B. 1905. CHARLES ELIOT WARE, JR. HAROLD CONNETT WASHBURN. JOSEPH LYMAN WHITE. HENDRICKS HALLETT WHITMAN. THEODORE TRAIN WHITNEY, JR. BALDWIN WOOD. Total 103. [The following members of the classes of 1907 and 1908 now (May, 1907) constitute the active members of the Hasty Pudding Club.] BENJAMIN LORING YOUNG, JR., Pres. ROBERT Low BACON, Pres. & Sec. FRANK SKIDDY VON STADE, V. Pres. GEORGE WHITNEY, V. Pres. & Treas. LELAND HARRISON, Chor. EDWARD BALLANTINE, Chor. JAMES CRESSON PARRISH, JR., Lib. HERMANN HAGEDORN, JR., Lib. DANIEL WILLARD STREETER, Kp. JOSEPH HENRY BRECK, Kp. WINTHROP WILLIAMS ALDRICH. JOHN AUSTIN AMORY. FRANCIS RANDALL APPLETON, JR. WILLIAM POWER BLODGET. ROBERT STOW BRADLEY, JR. EDWIN LEWIS BURNHAM. WILLIAM BURNS. CURTIS WOLSEY GATE. THOMAS MACK CLAFLIN. EDWARD WINSLOW CLARK. STANLEY CLARKE. AUGUSTUS SMITH COBB. ELLIOTT RUGGLES CORBETT. FRANK HAMILTON DAVIS. NATHANIEL BURT DAVIS. WALLACE DUNBAR DEXTER, JR. FAIRMAN ROGERS DICK. JOHN FRANCIS DOYLE. HENRY WOODS DURANT. STEPHEN MAURICE EDGELL. NATHANIEL FRANKLIN EMMONS. HARRY FIFIELD EVANS. ELIOT FARLEY. SAMUEL PRESCOTT FAY. WILLIAM RODMAN FAY. DOUGLAS GRAHAME FIELD. RALPH DEBLOIS FLINT. HATHERLY FOSTER, JR. RALPH WINWARD FRENCH. SETH THOMAS GANG. WILLIAM CHATFIELD GILBERT. FAIRFIELD GOODALE. WILDER GOODWIN. ALEXANDER GALT GRANT. RICHARD BARTLETT GREGG. FRANKLIN MOTT GUNTHER. NATHAN LORD HALL. ALBERT MASON HARLOW. SIDNEY PARKER HENSHAW. JAMES JACKSON HIGGINSON, JR. SAMUEL THOMAS HUBBARD, JR. JOHN HORTON IJAMS. Louis DU PONT IRVING. O'DONNELL ISELIN. HARRY EDWIN KERSBURG. WILLIAM WALLACE LANAHAN. JOHN PHILIP LANE. GEORGE ADAMS LELAND, JR. ALLAN STEPHEN LOCKE. PHILIP CASE LOCKWOOD. WILLIAM BOWDITCH LONG. JAMES HOWARD MEANS. WILLIAM MINOT. JOHN MOORE MORSE. CHAUNCEY CUSHING NASH. NATHANIEL CUSHING NASH, JR. HAROLD WILLIS NICHOLS. WALTER GEORGE OAKMAN, JR. CHARLES GLIDDEN OSBORNE. WALDO PEIRCE. WILLIAM MAXWELL EVARTS PERKINS. HENRY HAINES PERRY. DUDLEY LEAVITT PICKMAN, JR. JOHN BURNEY PIERCE. VASSAR PIERCE. JUNIUS LUCIEN PRICE. JOHN REYNOLDS, JR. JOHN RICHARDS. JAMES ALFRED ROOSEVELT. JOHN JAY ROWE. JOSEPH BALLISTER RUSSELL, JR. SAMUEL STEVENS SANDS. FRANCIS WILLIAMS SARGENT, JR. EDWARD VASSAL SHERWIN. HARPER SIBLEY. DANIEL RICHARD SORTWELL. STEPHEN THEODORE STACKPOLE. CLARENCE CUTTING STETSON. IRVING GAY STETSON. GILBERT TAYLOR SUGDEN. HENRY HULBERT SUTPHIN. STANLEY BUDD SWAIM. ROBERT MEREDITH TAPPAN. FREDERICK OLIVER THOMPSON. RICHARD SULLIVAN TOWNSEND. HARRISON TWEED. HAROLD STIRLING VANDERBILT. FREDERICK HARRIS WARNER, JR. JOHN CAMPBELL WHITE. JOHN DOLBEARE WHITE. RICHARD STOCKTON WHITE. CHARLES BEALS WHITNEY. HARRY ELKINS WIDENER. JOHN VARNEY WOODARD. Total 104. [218] CLASS OF 1908 SPENCER ERVIN, JR., Sec. GEORGE GILL BALL, Treat. CARLTON APOLLONIO. CHARLES LANIER APPLETON. CASPAR GRISWOLD BACON. EDWARD SAMPSON BLAGDEN. CRAWFORD BURTON. JAMES LLOYD DERBY. GUY EMERSON. SIDNEY WEBSTER FISH. GEORGE DE KAY GILDER. GORDON GOLDWIN GLASS. PATRICK GRANT, 20. ALFRED GREENOUGH. LAWRENCE GRINNELL. HAMILTON HADDEN. CLARENCE LEONARD HAY. KENNETH HOWES. ALFRED VINCENT KIDDER. DON JEROME KNOWLTON. WILLIAM FULTON KURTZ. CHARLES REGINALD LEONARD. CARL ERLUND LINCOLN. RICHARD SEARS LOVERING. JOHN LOWELL, JR. STEPHEN CALDWELL MARKOE. AUSTIN BLAKE MASON. GEORGE RICHARDS MINOT. BENJAMIN MOORE. CHARLES MORGAN, JR. MORTON LEWIS NEWHALL. JAMES PARK. BARTOL PARKER. CLARENCE CECIL PELL. EDWARD MOTLEY PICKMAN. JOHN RICHARDSON, JR. WARREN DELANO ROBBINS. LAWRENCE RUMSEY. WILLIAM EUSTIS RUSSELL. GORDON ARTHUR SMITH. DILLWYN PARRISH STARR. REGINALD LINDSEY SWEET. WILLIAM MITCHELL VAN WINKLE. SAMUEL JONES WAGSTAFF. GORDON WARE. SAMUEL DENNIS WARREN, JR. PHILIP BALCH WELD. JOHN WHEELWRIGHT WENDELL. CARL WIGGINS. Total 49. [ aio ] LIST OF HONORARY MEMBERS [This list is composed of those Honorary Members of the Hasty Pudding Club elected after graduation; and those never connected with any Aca- demic Class, either as regular members of it, or of the same class in the Lawrence Scientific School, or as Special Students of Harvard College. The letters L.S. and M.S. in parentheses indicate an election from the Law School or Medical School.] ELECTED 1850-1867 [The practice of electing Honorary Members from the Faculty began about 1857. The nine names following appear in the 1867 Catalogue, but no record of their election remains. The Secretary's records from 1857 to 1861, which are missing, very probably contained most of them.] BENJAMIN APTHORP GOULD, A.B. 1844; A.M.; Ph.D. Gottingen 1848; LL.D. 1885, Columbia 1887; Master Roxbury Latin S.; Hon. Prof. Univ. Argentine Republic; Fellow Univ. Chili; Director Astron. Observ. Argentine Rep.; Vice- Pres. A.A.; Memb. A.P.S. and Nat. Acad. Sci.; Fellow Royal Soc. London; Assoc. Hon. Memb. Royal Meteorol. Soc. (London), Roy. Astron. Soc. (London); Cor. Memb. Acad. Sci. (Institut de France), Acad. Imp. Sci. (St. Peters- burg), Kon. Akad. Wiss. (Berlin), Kon. Ges. Wiss. (Gottingen), Kais. Akad. Wiss. (Vienna), Bureau des Longitudes (Paris); Kt. Ord. for Merit (Prussia). 1896 EPHRAIM WHITMAN GURNEY, A.B. 1852; Fellow; Tut.; Asst. Prof. Latin & Philos.; Univ. Prof. Hist.; Dean; McLean Prof. Anc. & Mod. Hist.; F.A.A. 1886 ERNST CARL FRIEDRICH KRAUSS, Instructor in German 1863-68. THOMAS CLARKSON PARRISH. EVANGELINUS APOSTOLIDES SOPHOCLES, A.M. (Hon.) 1847, Yale l8 37; LL.D. 1868, Western Reserve (O.) 1862; Tut.; Asst. Prof. Greek; Prof. Anc. Byzant. and Mod. Greek; F.A.A. 1883 ALBERT STICKNEY, A.B. 1859; LL.B. 1862. THOMAS WREN WARD, A.M. (Hon.) 1843 ; Treas- urer Harv. Coll. 1858 ROBERT WHEATON, Litt. B. Univ. Paris 1845; LL.B. 1849; Instr. French. 1851 JOSEPH WINLOCK, A.M. (Hon.) 1868; Director Astron. Observ.; Phillips Prof. Astron.; Prof. Geodesy; Prof. Math.U. S. Naval Acad.; F.A.A.; Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci. 1875 ELECTED BY CLASS OF 1861 CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, A.B. 1846; A.M.; LL.D. 1887, Yale 1901; Litt. D. Cambr. 1884; L.H.D. Columbia 1888; D.C.L. Oxford 1900; Prof, and Prof. Emeritus Hist. Art; Overseer; Pres. Alumni Assn.; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; Memb. Kais. Deutsch. Archaeol. Inst. (Berlin); Grand Off. Ord. Crown (Italy). GEORGE ADAM SCHMITT, A.M.; Instr. in German 1856-63. 1898 JOHN LANGDON SIBLEY, A.B. 1825; Div. S. 1828; A.M. (Hon.) Bowd. 1856; Asst. Librarian, Libra- rian, and Librarian Emeritus; Editor Quinquen- nial Catalogue; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1885 BY CLASS OF 1862 JACQUES BURKHARDT. HASKET DERBY, M.D. 1858; A.B. Amherst 1855; A.M. Amherst. WILLIAM HENRY KEIGHLER, A.B. 1859; A.M. 1864; LL.B. 1861. 1865 [,22] BY CLASS OF 1864 RUFUS CHOATE. ANDREW ROBESON, S.B. 1862. 1906 BY CLASS OF 1865 WOLCOTT GIBBS, LL.D. 1888; A.B. Columbia 1841, A.M. Columbia; M.D. Coll. Phys. & Surg. (N. Y.) 1845; LL.D. Columbia 1873, Colum- bian (D. C.) 1895, Toronto 1897, Univ. Pa. 1902; Rumford Prof. & Lect. on the Applica- tion of Science to the Useful Arts, & Prof. Emer- itus; Pres. Nat. Acad. Sci. ; Memb. A.P.S.; F.A.A.; Hon. Memb. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Chem. Soc. (London), Deutsche Chem. Gesellsch. (Berlin); Cor. Memb. Kon. Akad. Wissensch. (Berlin), Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. THOMAS HILL, A.B. 1843; A.M.; Div. S. 1845; S.T.D. 1860; LL.D. Yale 1863; Overseer; President; Pres. Antioch Coll. (O.); F.A.A.; Memb. A.P.S.; Cor. Memb. and Memb. M.H.S. 1891 HUNTINGTON WOLCOTT JACKSON, A.B. Coll. N. J. BY CLASS OF 1867 MANNING EMERY. WILLIAM BRANDT STORER, A.B. 1866. 1884 BY CLASS OF 1 8 68 SAMUEL BRADSTREET. ALEXANDER HAMILTON BULLOCK, LL.D. 1866; A.B. Amherst 1836; LL.D. Amherst 1865; Memb. M.H.S.; Gov. Mass. 1882 CHARLES FREDERIC FEARING (formerly 1863). ARTHUR CLARKE HUIDEKOPER, LL.B. 1867. [$] BY CLASS OF 1869 HENRY INGERSOLL BOWDITCH, A.B. 1828; A.M.; M.D. 1832; Jackson Prof. Clin. Med.; F.A.A. 1892 JOHN MALCOLM FORBES. CHAUNCEY WRIGHT, A.B. 1852; F.A.A. 1875 BY CLASS OF 1870 JOSEPH STORY FAY. WILLIAM ADAMS RICHARDSON, A.B. 1843; A.M.; LL.B. 1846; LL.D. Columbian (D. C.) 1873, Georgetown (D. C.) 1881, Howard (D. C.) 1882, Dart. 1886; Overseer; Prof. Stat. & Adm. Law, etc., and Prof. Emeritus Georgetown Univ.; Sec. Treasury U. S.; Judge & Ch. Just. U. S. Court of Claims. 1896 GEORGE PARTRIDGE SANGER, A.B. 1840; A.M.; LL.B. 1844; Tut. 1890 NATHANIEL THAYER, A.M. (Hon.) 1866; Overseer; Fellow; Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A. 1883 BY CLASS OF 1871 CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT, A.B. 1853; A.M.; LL.D. Williams 1869, Coll. N. J. 1869, Yale 1870, Johns Hopkins 1902; Tut.; Asst. Prof. Math. & Chem.; Prof. Anal. Chem. Mass. Inst. Tech.; Overseer; President; F.A.A.; Memb. M.H.S. & A.P.S.; Cor. Memb. Acad. Sci. Mor. et Pol. (Institut de France); Off. Legion of Honor. RICHARD PETERS (L.S.). HORACE BINNEY SARGENT, S.B. 1869; LL.B. 1871. 1896 BY CLASS OF 1872 JOHN TROWBRIDGE, S.B. 1865; S.D. (Phys.) 1873; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Phys.; Rumford Prof. & Lect. on the Application of Science to the Useful Arts; Director Jefferson Phys. Lab.; Asst. Prof. Phys. Mass. Inst. Tech.; Vice-Pres. A.A.; Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci., A.P.S.; Cor. Memb. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. BY CLASS OF 1873 FERDINAND BOCHER, A.M. (Hon.) 1872; Instr. French; Prof. Mod. Lang.; Prof. Mod. Lang. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1902 ELECTED 1874-1884 [The following four names appear in the Catalogue of 1884; but no record of their election remains.] HUNTINGTON DENTON. (Special Student 1876.) JOSEPH THOMAS GILBERT. WILLIAM JAMES, M.D. 1869; Ph.D. & Litt. D. Padua 1893; LL.D. 1903, Princeton 1896, Edinb. 1902; Asst. Pjof. Physiol.; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Philos.; Prof. Psychol.; Acting Prof. Philos. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ.(CaL); F.A.A.; Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci.; Hon. Memb. N. Y. Acad. Sci.; Cor. Memb. Acad. Sci. Mor. et Pol. (Institut de France), Kon. Akad. Wiss. (Berlin), Kon. Danske Vidensk.-Selsk. (Copenhagen). SAMUEL HANSON ORDWAY, LL.B. & A.M. 1883; A.B. Brown 1880. BY CLASS OF 1878 THEODORE PARMELEE PRENTICE. [225] BY CLASS OF 1879 CHARLES LOWELL ANDREWS (formerly 1850). HARRY BLAKE HODGES. GEORGE MAY. RICHARD HATHAWAY MORGAN. FRANCIS PEABODY (L.S.). D. B. TWOMBLY. s BY CLASS OF 1 8 80 NATHANIEL HENCHMAN DAVIS (L.S.). KANROKURO NAKAYAMA (L.S.). CHARLES SEDGWICK RACKEMANN (L.S.). BY CLASS OF 1881 THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON, A.B. 1841; A.M. 1869; Div. S. 1847; LL.D. 1898, Western Re- serve Univ. (O.) 1896; Cor. Memb. & Memb. M.H.S.; F.A.A.; Cor. Memb. Royal Soc. Can. CLAYTON JOHNS. JOHN KNOWLES PAINE, A.M. (Hon.) 1869; Mus. D. (Hon.) Yale 1890; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Music; F.A.A. 1906 JOHN WILLIAMS WHITE, Ph.D. (Bhilol.) 1877; A.B. Ohio Wesleyan 1868; A.M. Ohio Wesleyan; LL.D. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1896, Ohio Wesleyan 1905; Litt. D. Cambr. 1900; Tut.; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Greek; Prof. Greek Am. S. Class. Studies at Athens; F.A.A.; Memb. Kais. Deutsch. Archaeol. Inst. (Berlin); Hon. Memb. Soc. Hel- lenic Studies (London). BY CLASS OF 1882 HARRY MADISON CUTTS, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1880; A.M. Coll. N. J.; M.D. 1883. LEONARD PARKER KINNICUTT, S.D. (Chem.) 1882; S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1875; Asst. Prof. & Prof. Chem. Worcester Polytech. Inst.; F.A.A. HARRY W. MACK, LL.B. & A.M. 1884; A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1880. ENDICOTT PEABODY, S.T.D. 1904; LL.B. Cambr. 1880; LL.M. Cambr. 1883; S.T.B. Episc. Theol. S. Cambr. (Mass.) 1884; A.M. (Hon.) Yale 1902; Principal Groton School. OSCAR JOSEPH PFEIFFER, M.D. 1884; A.B. Dart. 1877; A.M. (Hon.) Dart. 1897; Clin. Prof. Surg. Univ. Denver. HENRY PREBLE, A.B. 1875; Tut.; Asst. Prof. Greek & Latin. BY CLASS OF 1885 EDWARD KELLOGG DUNHAM, M.D. 1886; Ph.B. Columbia (Sch. of Mines) 1881; Prof. Path. Anat. Bacteriol. & Hygiene Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. (N. Y.). WILLIAM CORCORAN EUSTIS, LL.B. 1887; A.B. Univ. Va. 1887. MAXWELL EVARTS (L.S.), A.B. Yale 1884. JOHN MILLER TURPIN FINNEY, M.D. 1889; A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884; Assoc. Prof. Surg. Johns Hopkins Univ. ARTHUR AMORY GAMMELL (L.S.), A.B. Brown 1884. 1887 ALBERT JAMES MYER (L.S.). FRANCIS C. WELCH. BY CLASS OF 1 886 ALEXANDER MCCRACKIN, LL.B. 1885; U. S. Naval Acad. 1870. NATHANIEL GUSHING NASH, A.B. 1884; A.M. 1892. [227] ROBERT CAMERON ROGERS (L.S.), A.B. Yale 1883. WILLIAM GUSHING WAIT, A.B. 1882; LL.B. & A.M. 1885. BY CLASS OF 1887 WILLIAM BURRALL ANDERSON (L.S.), A.B. Yale 1886. DAVID HILL COOLIDGE, A.B. 1854; A.M. HENRY LEE HIGGINSON, A.M. (Hon.) 1882; LL.D. Yale 1901; Fellow; Memb. M.H.S. SIDNEY TROWBRIDGE MILLER (L.S.). PAUL CARLTON RANSOM (L.S.), A.B. Williams Coll. 1886; LL.B. Columbia 1889; Headmaster Fla. & Adirondack Sch. BY CLASS OF 1 888 FRANK AUGUSTINE CAMPBELL (L.S.), A.B. Holy Cross Coll. 1887. WILLIAM PITT PREBLE LONGFELLOW, A.B. 1855; S.B. 1859; Adj. Prof. Architectural Design Mass. Inst. Tech. CHARLES FRANKLIN RICHARDSON (L.S.), S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1886. FRANCIS MINOT WELD, A.B. 1860; A.M. 1871; M.D. 1864; Overseer. 1893 BY CLASS OF 1889 JOHN JOSEPH HAYES, Instructor Elocution. 1902 NATHANIEL SOUTHGATE SHALER, S.B. 1862; S.D. (Nat. Hist.) 1875; LL.D. 1903; Prof. Palaeontol.; Prof. Geol.; Dean Lawrence Sci. S.; Geologist U. S. Geol. Surv.; F.A.A. 1906 OLIVER FAIRFIELD WADSWORTH (L.S.). [aal] BY CLASS OF 1890 FRANK BOLLES, LL.B. 1882; LL.B. Columbian (D. C.) 1879; A.M. (Hon.) 1893; Secretary. 1894 LE BARON RUSSELL BRIGGS, A.B. 1875; A.M. 1882; LL.D. 1900, Western Reserve (O.) 1906; Tut.; Instr., Asst. Prof. & Prof. Eng.; Boylston Prof. Rhetoric & Oratory; Dean Harv. Coll., Fac. Arts & Sci.; Pres. RadclifFe College. WINFIELD SCOTT CHAPLIN, LL.D. 1893; U. S. Milit. Acad. 1870; A.M. (Hon.) Union; Prof. Engin. & Dean Lawrence Sci. S.; Prof. Mech. Maine State Coll.; Prof. Engin. Imp. Univ. Tokio (Japan); Prof. Math. & Adj. Prof. Phys. Union Univ.; Chanc. Washington Univ. (Mo.); F.A.A. GEORGE LYMAN KITTREDGE, A.B. 1882; LL.D. Univ. Chicago 1901; Prof. Latin Phillips Exeter Acad. (N. H.); Instr., Asst. Prof. & Prof. English; F.A.A.; Memb. A.P,S, GEORGE WILLIAM SAWIN, A.B. 1884; A.M. 1886; Instr. Math. 1889 HENRY WHIPPLE SKINNER (L.S.). HENRY LEWIS STIMSON (L.S.), A.M. 1889; A.B.Yale 1888. BY CLASS OF 1891 JAMES HERBERT ALWARD (L.S.). 1897 ARTHUR ASTOR CAREY, A.B. 1879; Instr. English. MONTAGUE CHAMBERLAIN, Recorder. PRESCOTT FARNSWORTH HALL, A.B. 1889; LL.B. 1892. JOSIAH ROYCE, A.B. Univ. Cal. 1875; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1878; LL.D. Aberdeen 1900, Johns Hopkins 1902; F.A.A.; Instr., Asst. Prof. & Prof. Philos. BY CLASS OF 1892 JOHN PRENTISS HOPKINSON, A.B. 1861; A.M. 1865. FREDERICK HOWARD HOVEY, LL.B. 1893; A.B. Brown 1890. BY CLASS OF 1893 ALEXANDER LEO EVERETT, LL.B. 1896; A.B. Cambr. 1892. ARCHIBALD READ TISDALE, LL.B. 1895. BY CLASS OF 1894 LORIN F. DELAND. BY CLASS OF 1896 CHARLES COTESWORTH BEAMAN, A.B. 1861; A.M. 1865; Overseer. 1900 RUDOLPH CHAMBERS LEHMANN, A.M. (Hon.) 1897; A.B. Cambr. 1878; A.M. Cambr. WIRT ROBINSON, U. S. Milit. Acad. 1887; Instr. Military Science. BY CLASS OF 1897 EDWARD RUSSELL COFFIN, A.B. 1893; LL.B. 1896. CHARLES FOLLEN FOLSOM, A.B. 1862; A.M.; M.D. 1870 ; Asst. Prof. Mental Diseases; Overseer; F.A.A. BYRON SATTERLEE HURLBUT, A.B. 1887; A.M. 1888; Instr., Asst. Prof. & Prof. English; Recording Secretary; Dean Harv. Coll. CHARLES SPRAGUE SARGENT, A.B. 1862; LL.D. 1901; Prof. Horticulture; Arnold Prof. Arbori- culture; Director Botanic Garden; Director Arnold Arboretum; F.A.A.; Memb. A.P.S., Nat. [ 2 3 1 Acad. Sci.; For. Memb. Linnaean Soc. (London); For. Hon. Memb. Deutsche Dendrol. Gesellsch. (Bonn), Scottish Arboricult. Soc. BY CLASS OF 1898 ROBERT GRAY DODGE, A.B. 1893; A.M. 1895; LL.B. 1897. JOSEPH CLARK HOPPIN, A.B. 1893; Ph.D. Munich 1896; Assoc. Prof. Art & Archaeol. Bryn Mawr Coll. BY CLASS OF 1899 WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM, D.D., LL.D.; Fellow Trin- ity Coll. Cambr.; Lecturer Economic History Harv. Univ. (1898-99). MINOT OSGOOD SIMONS, A.B. 1891; S.T.B. & A.M. 1894. BY CLASS OF 1900 HUGH BANCROFT, A.B. 1897; A.M. 1898; LL.B. 1901. CHARLES MINOT SHEAFE, A.B. 1898; LL.B. 1901. BY CLASS OF 1901 HENRY WILDER FOOTE, A.B. 1897; A.M. 1900; S.T.B. 1902. ENRIQUE DE CRUZAT ZANETTI, A.B. 1897; LL.B. 1901. BY CLASS OF 1902 ROBERT APPLETON JACKSON, A.B. 1899; A.M. 1900; LL.B. 1902. BY CLASS OF 1904 ROGER BIGELOW MERR*MAN, A.B. 1896; A.M. 1897; Litt. B. Oxford 1899; Ph.D. (Hist.) 1902; Memb. M.H.S.; Instr. Hist. HENRY SMITH THOMPSON, A.B. 1899; Sec. for Ap- pointments. INDEX OF NAMES [The names are first arranged alphabetically by family, and then chrono- logically. The numeral to the left is that of the year under which the name is catalogued; when followed by an h, the name is to be found in the sepa- rate list of honorary members. In the case of honoraries elected after gradu- ation, they are arranged with reference to their college class, which follows, instead of preceding, the name e. g. : [1857/1] Ephraim Whitman Gurney, '5*0 ABBOT 1797 Daniel 1798 John 1801 John Stevens 1805 John Lovejoy 1806 Ephraim 1808 Samuel 1826 Julian 1835 George Jacob 1859 Francis Ellingwood 1874 James Lloyd 1886 Henry Ward ABBOTT 1860 Edward Gardiner 1860 Henry Livermore 1866 Samuel Appleton Browne 1877 Grafton St. Loe 1884 Gordon 1888 Walter 1893 Ernest Hamlin ABERCROMBIE 1866 Daniel Putnam DE ACOSTA 1904 Ricardo Miguel ACTON 1893 Robert ADAMS 1797 Moses 1798 Isaac 1799 Daniel 1801 David Phineas 1 802 Henry 1805 David 1805 Joseph 1806 Samuel 1813 Zabdiel Boylston 1820 Solomon 1823 John 1826 Nehemiah 1832 Samuel 1837 Joseph Henry 1839 John Clark 1847 James Bemis 1847 Mark Sibley 1848 John Thornton Kirkland 1849 Horace Walter 1853 John Quincy 1856 Charles Francis 1858 Henry 1870 Brooks 1870 George Huntington 1 88 1 Joseph Henry 1886 George Caspar 1888 Charles Francis 1892 Edward Brinley 1895 Ivers Shepard 1898 Henry 1898 Howard Macy 1898 John 1898 Karl 1899 Arthur 1905 Stuart Corliss AD AN 1813 John Richardson AERTSEN 1905 Guilliaem AGASSIZ 1855 Alexander 1884 George Russell 1889 Maximilian 1892 Rodolphe Louis AKIN 1890 Thomas Russell ALBERT 1878 Richard Seabrook ALDRICH 1907 Winthrop Williams ALEXANDER 1887 Walter ALGER 1899 Frederick Moulton ALISON 1865 Francis John ALLEN 1802 William 1811 Joseph 1837 William 1867 Samuel Parker 1872 Otis Everett 1874 Richard Minot 1877 Gardner Weld 1878 Andrew Hussey 1878 William Hall 1880 Frederick Hobbes 1880 Russell Carpenter 1 88 1 Francis Bellows 1886 William Lothrop 1887 William Sylvester 1891 Seabury Wells 1893 Freeman ALLSTON 1800 Washington ALLYN 1810 Rufus Bradford 1814 John ALMY 1872 Charles 1874 Clarence 1879 Francis 1880 Frederic ALSTON 1848 Joseph Pringle 1854 Thomas Pinckney 1857 John Julius Pringle ALWARD 1891/1 James Herbert AMES 1803 Benjamin 1825 Seth 1848 Nathan 1854 John Worthington 1858 Fisher 1859 Pelham Warren 1868 James Barr 1886 Oliver 1892 John Worthington 1895 Winthrop 1898 Frederick Lothrop 1898 Oakes 1901 John 1903 Adelbert AMMIDOWN 1853 Edward Holmes AMORY 1855 William 1862 Arthur 1863 Charles Walter 1863 Robert 1871 Francis Inman 1876 Harcourt 1877 Augustine Heard 1888 Copley 1890 Arthur 1891 William 1892 Ingersoll 1896 George Gardner 1906 Robert 1907 John Austin ANDERSON 1858 Nicholas Longworth 1864 Frederic Pope 1887/1 William Burrall 1888 Larz ANDREW 1872 John Forrester ANDREWS 1812 William Stutson 1830 Benjamin Halsey 1830 William [1879/1] Charles Lowell, '50 1876 Walter Scott 1880 William Shankland 1882 Charles Walker 1883 Hugh Alexander 1884 Joseph ANGIER 1829 Joseph ANNIN 1834 William Le Roy t'34] APOLLONIO ATTWOOD 1908 Carl ton 1878 Francis Gilbert APPLETON AUSTIN 1813 John James 1798 William 1828 Horatio Dawes 1802 James Trecothick 1830 Charles Dawes 1831 William 1832 William Channing 1846 John Downe r s 1842 Francis Henry 1871 Percy 1863 Nathan 1879 William Russell 1869 Francis Henry 1886 Francis Boylston 1872 William 1887 Walter 1875 Francis Randall 1888 James Walker 1875 George Swett 1896 Richard 1884 Randolph Morgan 1887 William Channing AVERELL 1888 James Waldingfield 1899 James George 1901 William AVER 1903 Francis Henry 1906 William Henry^ 1907 Francis Randall 1908 Charles Lanier 1886 James Cook 1887 Charles Fanning 1900 Nathaniel Farwell 1903 James Bourne APTHORP AYRES 1816 John Vaughan 1878 Harrison Otis 1902 Harry Morgan 1905 Daniel Roe ARNOLD BABBIDGE 1866 Francis Benjamin 1828 Charles 1898 Frederick Sherman j BABBITT A GWT7 .norm 1887 Gaston Meares 1872 George Franklin BABCOCK ASPINWALL 1 804 Thomas 1838 William 1882 James Woods BABSON 1883 William Henry 1882 Robert Tillinghast ATHERTON BACON 1826 George 1808 Samuel 1885 Walter 1837 John 1886 Frederick William 1857 Grenville 1893 Percy Lee i9oc Ray 1868 Horace. 1871 Francis William 7 J J 1871; Gorham ATKINS * ^ 1876 Daniel Carpenter 1816 Dudley 1877 William Benjamin ATKINSON 1880 Robert 1884 Francis McNiel 1834 Kinsman 1894 Louis 1881 Edward Williams 1907 Robert Low 1884 Henry Morrell 1885 Charles Heath 1908 Caspar Griswold 1889 William BADGER 1891 Robert Whitman 1873 Oliver Hubbard [ssl BAILEY BARBEY 1807 Winthrop 1894 Henry Gaston 1904 Curtis Patterson 1904 Pierre Lorillard BAIRD BARBOUR 1904 Alvin Voris 1818 James BAKER BARDEEN 1883 James Eliot 1893 Charles Russell 1884 Charles William 1886 Wendell BARGER 1887 George Pierce 1898 Milton Sanford 1887 Wakefield BARLOW 1899 George Fisher 1824 David Hatch 1899 Leslie Talbot 1903 Harold Woods 1855 Francis Channing 1879 Peter Townsend BALCH 1891 Robert Shaw 1888 Franklin Greene 1893 Charles Lowell BALDWIN BARNARD 1800 Loammi 1828 Charles Francis 1877 Jacob Augustus 1882 Charles Adolphe 1902 Charles Arthur BARNES 1885 William Henry 1886 William Sanford 1886 Thomas Tileston 1888 William 1886 William Woodward 1890 Charles Benjamin 1888 Charles Handy 1898 Allan Foster 1891 James Dixon Roman 1904 Cecil 1893 Columbus Calvert BARNEY 1893 John Denison 1905 Roger Nash 1900 James Dellinger BALL BARNWELL 1908 George Gill 1821 Robert Woodward BALLANTINE 1904 Arthur Atwood 1907 Edward BARR 1890 James Cummings 1892 Lawrence 7 BANCROFT BARRET 1817 George 1896 Cecil 1854 John Chandler BARRETT 1856 George 1818 Samuel 1865 Robert Hale BARRON 1878 William Amos 1888 Wilder Dwight 1891 Thomas [i900/r] Hugh, '97 BARROW 1902 Guy 1887 Charles Edmund BANFIELD BARRY 1850 Everett Colby 1900 Frederic Gaffney BANGS BARSTOW 1846 Edward 1884 Edward Appleton 1884 Outram 1880 Henry Taylor BARTELS 1891 Francis Reginald 1906 Earl Godfrey [!*] BARTHOLOMEW 1906 Donald BARTHOLOW 1889 Paul BARTLETT 1799 Abner 1827 George 1862 William Francis 1869 Franklin 1875 Frederick Carew Smythe 1882 Charles Hammatt 1885 Stephen Smith 1901 Matthew 1902 Paul 1903 Nelson Slater BARTOL 1887 John Washburn BARTON 1881 Frederic Otis 1903 George Sumner BASS 1891 John Foster 1896 Robert Perkins BASSETT 1810 Francis BATCHELDER 1885 Ferdinand Winthrop 1892 George Lewis 1893 Samuel Francis BATES 1797 Daniel 1800 Joshua 1807 David 1817 Apollos Drayton 1833 Charles Jarvis 1879 Waldron 1882 Henry BATTELLE 1893 Harold Munroe 1894 Seavey BATTEN 1885 Loring Woart BAUM 1887 Alexander Robert BAYLIES 1850 Edmund Lincoln 1879 Edmund Lincoln 1884 Walter Cabot BEAL 1886 Boylston Adams 1893 William Fields 1904 Thomas Prince BEALE 1880 Charles Frederic Tiffany 1897 Arthur Messinger BEALS 1883 George William 1888 William 1894 Gardner 1894 Russell Bowditch BE AM AN [1896/1] Charles Cotesworth, '61 1885 Harry Clayton BEAN 1800 Horatio BEARD 1862 Ithamar Warren BEARDSELL 1900 William Lee BECKER 1868 George Ferdinand 1906 Sidney Kent BECKFORD 1805 Ebenezer Hunt BEEBE 1894 Arthur Appleton BELL 1816 Samuel Dana 1867 Isaac 1873 William Appleton 1 88 1 John Stuart 1893 Gordon Knox 1894 James Hudson 1904 Edward BELLOWS 1864 Russell Nevins 1899 Robert Peabody 1906 Henry Adams BELMONT 1872 Perry 1874 August 1886 Raymond Rodgers 1904 August BEMIS 1835 George [>37l 1 885 J ohn Wheeler 1887 Harry Haskell BENEDICT 1896 Elliot Stuart BENJAMIN 1830 James BENNETT 1879 Samuel Crocker BENSON 1892 Albert Emerson BENT 1822 Josiah BERNARD 1828 Arthur Howson Hooe BERRY 1 88 1 Walter Van Rensselaer 1892 Louis Fletcher 1892 Shaler BEYER 1906 Henry Gustav BlDDLE 1884 Louis Alexander 1900 Nicholas BlGELOW 1806 Jacob 1814 Andrew 1815 John Prescott 1819 Elijah 1820 Thaddeus Bowman 1823 Asahel 1829 George Tyler 1836 Henry 1837 Henry Jacob - 1843 Francis Whitney 1861 John 1869 Joseph Smith 1871 William Sturgis 1890 Ernest Abraham 1891 Samuel Lawrence 1899 Horatio 1901 Henry Bryant 1903 Albert Francis 1905 Cleveland DE BlLLIER 1878 Frederic Ogden 1888 William Bayard BILLINGS 1884 Charles Towne 1885 Franklin Swift BlNGAMAN 1812 Adam Lewis BlNGHAM 1895 Norman Williams BlNNEY 1797 Horace 1864 John 1 88 1 William 1883 Horace 1897 Horace BlRCKHEAD 1902 Malbone Hunter BIRD 1809 Samuel 1872 Arthur Smith 1877 Charles Sumner 1886 Oliver William 1904 Francis William 1906 Charles Sumner BlRNEY 1864 Fitzhugh BISHOP 1880 Robert Roberts 1891 Heber Reginald 1891 James Cunningham 1894 EliaB Bullard BlSSELL 1900 Frederick Ezekiel BLAGDEN 1856 George George Dexter Linzee Crawford Thomas Wendell Phillips Arthur Campbell Edward Sampson 1890 '893 1896 1902 1904 1904 1906 1908 3LAIKIE 1903 Stuart ELAINE 1878 Emmons SLAIR 1874 Woodbury SLAKE 1823 Samuel Parkman 1824 Edward 1835 Harrison Gray Otis [138] 1852 John Ellis BOCHER 1855 Samuel Parkman 1873^ Ferdinand 1857 Stanton 1859 George Baty 1861 Arthur Well and BODWELL 1805 Abraham 1866 William Payne BOHLEN 1893 Francis Stanton 1888 Charles 1893 George Baty BOIT 1894 Robert Parkman 1899 Robert Fulton 1901 Benjamin Sewall 1901 Gerald 1863 Edward Darley 1868 Robert Apthorp BOLLARD 1902 John Amory Lowell 1905 Ralph Herbert BLANCHARD BOLLES 1817 Ira Henry Thomas 1890^ Frank 1820 John Gowing 1900 Reginald Fairfax 1834 Henry 1904 Matthew 1864 John Adams BOLLING 1879 Benjamin Seaver 1891 John Adams 1898 Harold 1900 Raynal Cawthorne BOLTON 1902 Archibald 1833 Thomas BLEAKIE 1905 Chester Castle BOND 1904 Robert Maxwell BLIGHT 1797 Nathaniel 1 80 1 Thomas 1854 Atherton 1840 Henry Frederic 1865 George 1877 Lawrence BLISS 1878 Nicholas Penniman 1846 William Davis 1884 Henry Warren 1888 William Julian Albert 1880 Hugh Lennox 1894 Carroll Taney BONSAL 1897 Cornelius Newton 1884 Leigh 1900 Robert Woods BOONE BLODGET 1861 Allan Foster 1907 William Power BOOTT BLODGETT 1839 Kirk 1841 James BORDEN 1880 William Tilden 1868 Nathaniel Briggs BLOSSOM 1894 Spencer 1888 Edward Ludlam 1896 Alfred BLYTHE BORLAND 1901 Hugh 1886 William Gibson BOAL BOURNE 1900 Walter Ayers BOARDMAN 1819 George Salmon 1877 Jonathan 1892 William Dorr BOUTELLE 1899 Edwin Augustus 1800 Timothy 1900 Richard de Blois BOUVE 1903 Gerald Dorr 1898 George Winthrop [ M9 1 BOWDITCH 1822 Nathaniel Ingersoll 1838 William Ingersoll 1861 Henry Pickering 1863 Charles Pickering 1869 Edward 1869/1 Henry Ingersoll 1869 James Higginson 1875 Vincent Yardley 1876 Alfred 1898 Henry Ingersoll 1903 Edward 1905 John Perry BOWDOIN 1902 William Graham BOWEN 1833 Francis 1866 Holder Borden 1879 John Templeton 1882 James Williams BOWIE 1904 Walter Russell BOWLES 1887 Dwight Whitney BOWLER 1893 Robert Pendleton BOWMAN 1891 Border BOYD 1882 Alexander BOYDEN 1862 Charles 1901 Charles BOYERS 1841 David A. BRACKETT 1880 Frank Herbert 1883 Jeffrey Richardson BRADFORD 1803 Ephraim Putnam 1814 Gamaliel 1814 Samuel Dexter 1815 Daniel Neil 1822 Thomas Gamaliel 1851 George 1865 John Henry 1869 Edward Hickling 1876 George Hillard 1885 Martin Luther 1886 George Gardner BRADLEE 1858 Josiah 1860 Frederic Wainwright 1871 Dudley Hall 1888 Frederic Josiah 1890 Thomas Stevenson 1898 Dudley Hall BRADLEY 1851 William Szar 1876 Robert Stow 1880 Charles Wesley 1882 Richards Merry 1886 John Dorr 1902 Joseph Gardner 1904 Charles Burnet 1904 Leverett 1905 Walter Hinckley 1906 James Donald Cameron 1907 Robert Stow BRADSTREET 1834 Edward 1 868 h Samuel BRAINERD 1877 Frank BRAMWELL 1904 Gerald Arthur BRANDEGEE 1 88 1 Edward Deshon BRANDON 1860 Lane William BRANNAN 1874 John Winters 1905 Dana BRASHEAR 1861 Herman Francis BRAZER 1813 John BRECK 1907 Joseph Henry BRECKINRIDGE 1894 John Cabell BREESE 1847 Thomas 1905 Sydney BREMER 1892 Theodore Glover [240] 1896 Clifton Long 1896 John Lewis BRENGLE 1887 Henry Gaw BRENT 1898 Henry Kelly BREWER 1 88 1 Edward Winslow 1888 Graham Hunting 1893 Calvert 1896 Arthur Harris 1896 Charles 1901 Robert Edward BREWSTER 1879 Charles Osmyn 1 88 1 William 1889 George Washington Wales BRICE 1893 Stewart Meily 1895 Walter Kirkpatrick 1899 John Francis BRIGGS 1866 Joseph Emmons [1890^] Le Baron Russell, '75 1879 Frederic Melancthon 1885 Frederick Harris 1887 Richard 1895 Walter Motherwell BRIGHAM 1810 David 1825 Benjamin 1826 Alanson 1829 William 1877 Lincoln Forbes 1879 Clifford BRIMMER 1803 George Watson 1849 Martin BROCK 1905 John William 1906 Sidney Frederick Tyler BROOKS 1816 Charles 1827 William Hathorne 1832 Charles Timothy 1835 Eben Smith 1852 Peter Chardon 1855 Phillips 1857 Shepherd 1863 Frederick 1867 Arthur 1880 Edward 1887 William Allen 1891 Arthur Hendricks 1891 Lawrence 1894 Walter 1896 Reginald 1898 Henry Gilbert 1899 John Edward 1902 Walter Denison 1905 Gorham BROUGHTON 1875 Henry White BROWN 1799 Bartholomew 1 804 Henry 1 804 Oliver 1813 John 1826 Addison 1849 Charles Edward 1851 Edward Wyeth 1859 William Beverly 1 86 1 John Patrick 1863 John Murray 1871 Jesse 1876 Henry Hobart 1877 Frederic Tilden 1879 Howard Kinmonth 1886 Charles Albert 1892 Walter Jackson 1893 Philip Turner 1899 Philip Lamson 1900 Caspar Mifflin 1900 Lewis Blanchard 1903 Archibald Manning 1903 Lloyd Thornton 1904 Lathrop BROWNE 1855 Edward Ingersoll 1875 Henry Glover 1877 William Maynadier 1 88 1 Henry Rossiter Worthington 1887 George Morgan 1888 Causten 1888 Thomas Quincy BROWNELL 1902 Morris Ruggles BRUCE 1847 Charles [24,] BRUEGGER 1892 Frederick BRUNE 1831 Frederick William BRUNER 1886 WiUiam Woodworth BRUSH 1888 Walter Franklin BRYANT 1830 John 1853 John Duncan 1867 Frederick Eugene Claghorn 1873 John 1883 William WendeU 1884 WiUiam Sohier 1905 Russell Willett BRYCE 1877 Carroll Clare BUCK 1875 Henry Hall 1878 Howard Mendenhall 1887 Henry Augustus BUCKLER 1851 Riggin BUCKMINSTER 1800 Joseph Stevens BUDD 1902 Kenneth Pepperell BUELL 1882 George Clifford BUFFUM 1874 Charles Thomas BULFINCH 1812 John BULKLEY 1902 Robert Johns BULL 1877 Melville 1896 Robert Wilson 1898 Charles Caldwell BULLARD 1819 Charles Adams 1829 John Parker 1844 Henry Bass 1861 John Lincoln 1875 William Norton 1878 Stephen 1882 John Eliot 1884 John Thornton 1886 Francis 1889 Gardner Cutting 1896 John Richards 1902 Harold BULLOCK 1 868 A Alexander Hamilton 1868 Augustus George 1894 Chandler 1903 Rockwood Hoar BUNTING 1905 William Morton BURCHARD 1906 Leeds BURDEN 1893 James Abercrombie 1897 Isaiah Townsend 1899 Williams Proudfit 1900 William Armstead Moale 1902 Arthur Scott 1906 Joseph Warren BURGE 1805 Benjamin BURGESS 1887 Theodore Phillips 1892 Charles Edward 1893 George Ebenezer 1898 Edward Guyer 1902 Frank 1902 James Atwood BURGWYN 1873 Collinson wards BURKHARDT 1862^ Jacques BURLEY 1809 William BURLINGAME 1897 Frederic Anson BURLINGHAM 1891 Frederick Wright 1906 Charles BURNAP 1824 George Washington BURNETT 1871 Edward Pierrepont Ed- [242] 1873 Harry 1875 Waldo 1886 Charles Cutter 1891 John Torrey 1897 Joseph 1901 Francis Lowell 1906 George Hall BURNHAM 1870 Arthur 1874 William Appleton 1880 Henry Denison 1904 William Appleton 1907 Edwin Lewis BURNS 1907 William BURR 1877 Heman Merrick 1879 Isaac Tucker 1884 Winthrop Motley 1889 Allston 1906 Isaac Tucker BURRAGE 1856 William Wirt 1883 George Dixwell 1883 Walter Lincoln 1890 Edgar BURRILL 1878 Middleton Shoolbred 1879 George Henry BURT 1858 John Otis 1882 Charles Dean BURTON 1821 Warren 1908 Crawford BUSH 1864 Franklin Leonard 1871 Archibald McClure 1871 Samuel Dacre 1889 Robert Wilder BUSIEL 1868 John Tilton BUTLER 1803 Josiah 1869 Prescott Hall 1877 Sigourney 1883 Edward Knowles 1884 Allan Macy 1888 Arthur Pierce r898 Lawrence Smith 1899 Charles Stewart BUTTON 1873 Charles Pearson BuTTRICK 1819 Ephraim BYRD 1897 William 1900 Francis Otway CABANISS 1826 James Bryan CABOT 1840 James Elliot 1858 Louis 1872 Arthur Tracy 1882 Godfrey Lowell 1883 Edward Twisleton 1883 Henry Bromfield 1886 Thomas Handasyd 1888 Charles Mills 1889 Richard Clarke 1890 Frederick Pickering 1894 Hugh 1894 Philip 1894 Walter Mason 1898 Norman Winslow 1900 John Higginson 1906 Samuel CADWELL 1879 Warren Gushing CALDWELL 1828 Jacob CALLAWAY 1905 Trowbridge CALLENDER 1872 Edward Belcher CALVERT 1804 Cornelius CAMERON 1887 James McCormick 1895 Winfield Henry CAMMANN 1886 Henry Lorillard CAMPBELL i888/r Frank Augustine 1902 David Colin CAMPRUBI 1901 Jose Aymar CAREY [1891/1] Arthur Astor, '79 CARLETON 1898 Richard High CARNOCHAN 1885 Gouverneur Morris CARPENTER 1885 Frederic Ives 1888 Benjamin 1888 George Albert 1897 Hubbard Foster 1897 John Alden 1904 Leonard 1905 Alfred St. Vrain CARR 1850 Joseph Prevost 1906 Willard Zeller GARRET 1897 James Weld CARROLL 1885 Royal Phelps 1887 Charles 1902 Philip Acosta CARTER 1813 William Fitzhugh 1817 Thomas Duncan 1819 Charles Shirley 1820 James Gordon 1850 James Coolidge GARY 1844 George Blankern 1886 Seward 1893 Walter 1902 Guy Fairfax 1 905 Howard CASSATT 1895 Robert Kelso CASTLE 1900 William Richard 1906 Alfred Lowrey CASWELL i 895 John 1895 William Watson GATE 1907 Curtis Wolsey CATLIN 1899 Daniel Kayser 1899 Theron Ephron .AZEAUX 1842 Lendall Pitts CHADBOURN 1862 William Hobbs CHADBOURNE 1862 Thomas Lincoln 1885 Arthur Patterson ^HADWICK 1865 James Read 1871 Francis Brooks 1904 Elb ridge Gerry ^HAILLE 1851 Stanford Emerson I!HALFANT 1882 William 1890 Henry CHAMBERLAIN 1891/1 Montague CHAMBERLIN 1866 Henry Harmon 1870 William Wigglesworth 1890 Leigh Wentworth 1891 Theodore CHAMPOLLION 1902 Andre Cheronnet CHANDLER 1798 Abiel 1815 George Leonard 1848 Thomas Henderson 1868 Alfred Dupont 1883 John 1898 Whitman Mitchell 1906 Henry Daland CHANLER 1885 Winthrop Astor CHANNING 1798 William Ellery 1808 Edward Tyrrel 1808 Walter CHAPIN 1804 Stephen 1870 Frederick Wilcoi 1871 Horace Dwight 1879 Herman 1880 Henry Bainbridge 1882 Henry Gardner CHAPLIN 1823 William Lawrence 1842 Daniel 1890^ Winfield Scott CHAPMAN 1823 Henry Graf ton 1825 Jonathan 1828 George 1843 Ozias Goodwin 1883 Henry Graf ton 1884 John Jay CHASE 1818 George 1818 Philander 1848 Henry Savage 1848 Thomas 1853 Theodore 1855 Charles Augustus 1856 George Bigelow 1876 William Leverett 1886 Stephen 1888 Percy 1892 Samuel Thompson 1900 Philip Putnam 1905 Alfred Endicott CHATMAN 1897 John Edwin CHAUNCEY 1844 Henry Charles 1861 Elihu CHEEVER 1888 Henry Durant 1897 David CHENEY 1821 John Wilton 1878 George Locke 1890 Benjamin Pierce 1892 Charles Paine CHEVES 1826 Joseph Heatly CHEW 1893 Samuel 1903 Oswald CHILD 1817 David Lee 1846 Francis James 1902 Warren Hunnewell 1903 Richard Washburn CHILDE 1823 Edward Vernon CHILDS 1869 Nathaniel 1900 Frederick Robbins CHIPMAN 1805 Ward 1818 George CHISHOLM 1874 Henry Arnott CHOATE 1849 Charles Francis 1852 Joseph Hodges 1852 William Gardner 1864/1 Rufus 1888 Charles Francis 1897 Joseph CHURCHILL 1865 John Wesley 1879 John Maitland Brewer 1886 Frank Spooner 1888 Asaph 1900 Marlborough CLAFLIN 1886 Adams Davenport 1907 Thomas Mack CLAP 1797 Elisha CLAPP 1834 Thaddeus 1855 Channing CLARK 1816 1816 1819 i85S 1866 1874 1874 1875 1880 iSSi 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1889 1889 1892 1896 John Justin Wright Moses James Benjamin Edward Henry Henry Alden Louis Crawford Lester Williams William Bradford Louis Monroe Joseph Payson Joseph Sill Frank Haven Horace David Crawford Herbert Lincoln Daniel Henry Walter Daniel Winslow Ellery Harding 1896 i8 9 7 1900 1901 1901 1902 1903 1903 1903 1906 1907 Elton Percy Hamilton John Taylor George Oliver George Crawford Harold Benjamin Louis Crawford Grenville John Dudley William Carroll Lester Williams Edward Winslow CLARKE 1803 Ray 1804 Amos 1829 James Freeman 1837 Manlius Stimson 1841 Edward Hammond 1844 James Gordon 1848 Thomas Curtis 1867 Eliot Channing 1884 Edmund Arthur Stanley 1888 Henry Martyn 1907 Stanley CLARKSON 1894 Coker Fifield 1903 Walter CLASS 1903 Franklin Morris CLAY 1819 Thomas Savage CLEAVELAND 1 799 Parker CLEMENT 1888 Frederic Percival 1900 George Edward 1906 Clarence Erskine CLEVELAND 1827 Henry Russell 1867 Clement CLIFFORD 1850 Charles Edward 1865 Charles Warren 1871 Walter 1874 Arthur 1902 John Henry 1903 Charles Parsons CLOTHIER 1904 William Jackson CLYDE 1888 Marshall Hffl 1888 Thomas CLYMER 1876 William Branford Shubrick COBB 1814 Isaac Eames 1843 Moses Gill 1877 Charles Kane 1880 Henry Ives 1884 Frederic Codman 1886 George Wadsworth 1890 Farrar 1892 Frederick W. 1894 William 1904 Henry Ives 1904 Lyon 1906 Cleveland 1907 Augustus Smith COBURN 1812 Henry Peter 1902 Paul Naylor 1904 Ralph George COCHRANE 1893 Alexander Lynde 1899 Francis Douglas 1900 James Sullivan CODMAN 1844 Robert 1854 Edward Wainwright 1861 Ogden 1864 Richard 1880 Francis 1882 Robert 1883 Russell Sturgis 1884 James Macmaster 1885 John 1886 Edmund Dwight 1888 Stephen Russell Kurd 1889 Philip 1890 John Sturgis 1891 Ernest Amory 1892 Julian 1896 Alfred 1896 Robert COFFIN 1821 William Parker 1830 Henry Rice 1839 William Spooner [1897 ft] Edward Russell, '93 1900 Henry Spaulding [246] COGSWELL 1806 Jonathan 1806 Joseph Green 1864 Edward Russell 1888 Charles Northend 1888 George Proctor COKER 1831 Robert Adams COLBURN 1820 Warren 1854 Theodore Edson COLBY 1832 Lewis 1905 Francis Thompson COLE 1822 Joseph Green 1899 George Albert COLEMAN 1862 Charles Jerome 1899 Lockett Gwin 1903 Joseph Griswold COLLAMORE 1893 Oilman COLLINGS 1904 George Boswell Morey COLLINS 1886 Clinton COMSTOCK 1871 George Franklin CONANT 1879 William Merritt CONROY 1899 William Henry CONVERSE 1857 John Holmes 1884 Charles Henry 1893 Frederick Shepherd COOK 1836 Daniel 1849 Clarence Chatham 1869 Walter 1886 Robert George 1892 John Sherer 190x5 Edward COOLEY 1895 Alford Warriner COOLIDGE 1819 Thomas Bulfinch 1837 James Ivers Trecothick 1852 Horace Hopkins [1887*] David Hill, '54 1879 John Templeman 1 88 1 Algernon 1 88 1 Charles Allerton 1 88 1 William Henry 1883 Joseph Randolph 1884 John Gardner 1884 Thomas Jefferson 1886 David Hill 1886 Sidney 1887 Archibald Cary 1887 Frederic Shurtleff 1891 Harold Jefferson 1895 Julian Lowell 1901 Edward Erwin COOPER i8ri John Tudor 1886 Frederic Taber 1902 Oscar Fulton COPELAND 1889 Charles CORBETT 1903 Henry Ladd 1907 Elliott Ruggles CORLETT 1906 William Wellington CORLIES 1874 Thomas CORNING 1890 Howard 1891 Henry Wick CORNWELL 1 897 Herbert Cerda de Vilarrestau COTTING 1834 Benjamin Eddy COTTON i 8 10 John COUES 1845 Samuel Franklin COWDIN 1879 John Elliot 1885 Winthrop 1896 Eliot Channing [M7] Cox 1879 Wilmot Townsend 1887 Benjamin Francis 1896 Archibald 1905 Robert Hill 1906 George Howland COXE 1864 Charles Henry 1885 Henry Brinton COZZENS 1898 George Freeman CRAFTS 1805 William 1840 William Augustus CRAM 1859 Jacob Abbot 1872 John Sergeant 1873 Henry Spencer CRANE 1824 Phineas Miller 1849 Joshua 1890 Joshua 1890 Walter S anger CRANSTON 1 8 10 Walter 1892 John Samuel CRAPO 1883 Henry Howland CREHORE 1 88 1 Frederic Morton 1882 Morton Stimson 1890 Charles Lemuel CROCKER 1801 Samuel Mather 1815 John Dimmick 1855 George Gordon i86a Augustus 1874 Henry Horace 1879 Alvah 1884 George Uriel 1884 William Tufts 1885 Adams 1888 Kendall Fox 1890 Robert Ives 1895 Paul 1901 Courtenay 1905 Alvah CROMPTON 1895 George CROSBY 1804 Jaazaniah 1877 Matthew Lewis 1891 Stephen Van Rensselaer CROSS 1819 Robert 1906 Eliot Buchanan CROSWELL 1798 Andrew CROWNINSHIELD 1858 Benjamin William 1860 Caspar 1861 Edward Augustus 1864 Francis Welch 1866 Frederic 1890 Bowdoin Bradlee 1891 Francis Boardman 1894 Benjamin Williams CRUFT 1834 William Smith CRUGER 1 88 1 James Pendleton 1904 Bertram de Neuilly CUDAHY 1903 Edward Ignatius CUMMENS 1814 William CUMMIN 1892 John White CUMMINGS 1801 Jacob Abbot 1817 Asa 1893 Charles Kimball 1895 Francis Hathaway CUMMINS 1884 Thomas Kittredge CUMNOCK 1891 Arthur James CUNNINGHAM 1825 Francis 1829 Edward Linzee 1845 Frederic 1846 Horace 1853 William Henry 1874 Frederic 1877 Stanley 1882 Henry Winchester [248] 1 882 William DeLancey 1879 George Chalmers 1899/1 William 1894 Howard Atherton 1901 Stanley 1904 George Clarendon CUTTER CURTIS 1869 William Everett 1829 Benjamin Robbins CUTTING 1833 Hiram Keith 1859 Heyward 1845 Charles Pelham 1897 Robert Bayard 1846 Daniel Sargent 1899 Walter Livingston 1852 Thomas James 1900 William Bayard 1862 Thomas Buckminster CUTTS 1865 Horatio Greenough 1866 John Green 1868 George Ticknor 1882/1 Harry Madison DABNEY 1869 Edgar Corrie 1828 Frederick 1870 Laurence 1844 Charles William 1870 Louis 1851 Francis Oliver 1875 Benjamin Robbins 1861 Lewis Stackpole 1876 Ralph Wormeley 1863 George Stackpole 1877 Nathaniel 1865 Walter 1878 Osborne Sargent 1871 Alfred Stackpole 1883 Charles Pelham 1882 Ralph Pomeroy 1883 Walter 1891 Frederick Lewis 1884 Allen DALAND 1885 Hamilton Rowan 1890 Francis Gardiner 1892 Greely Stevenson 1856 Edward Francis 1873 Tucker 1893 George De Clyver DALE 1895 Philip 1896 Harry Appleton 1898 Frazier 1837 William Johnson DALTON 1899 Bridgham 1814 John Call 1899 James Freeman 1855 Edward Barry GUSHING 1898 Philip Spaulding 1817 Caleb DALY 1827 Edmund Lambert 1901 Charles Dudley 1832 William 1903 Leo Jameson 1834 Thomas DAME 1835 George Augustus 1843 William 1890 Winthrop Herrick 1847 Lemuel Francis Sydney 1879 Livingston DAMON 1811 David 1885 Grafton Dulanv DANA 1887 John Newmarch 1891 Howard Gardiner 1894 George Marston 1852 Charles Francis 1854 George Eames 1874 Paul CUSHMAN 1874 Richard Henry 1887 Charles Allerton 1901 Richard Henry CUTLER DANE 1853 Elbridge Jefferson 1799 Joseph 1868 Elbridge Gerry 1888 John 1875 Walter Salisbury 1892 Ernest Blaney DANFORTH 1877 Henry Gold DANIELS 1846 Augustus Enoch 1888 William Peck DARLING 1889 Herbert Henry 1890 Eugene Abraham DAVES 1853 John 1854 Edward Graham DAVIDGE 1888 Walter Dorsey DAVIDSON 1836 Herman Elvers 1888 Thomas Drummond DA VIE 1904 Preston DA VIES 1846 Solomon Belts DAVIS 1804 Timothy 1 8 10 John Watson 1820 Edward Gardiner 1837 William 1838 Wendell Thornton 1839 Moses 1842 William Thomas 1844 Henry Tallman 1851 William Nye 1853 William Sidney .1858 James Clarke 1864 Constant Freeman 1870 Francis Du Pont 1876 William 1877 Samuel Warren 1879 George Herbert 1880 Charles Stevenson i88o/z Nathaniel Henchman 1883 Gibson Mallory 1884 Charles Bridge 1884 Charles Thornton 1889 John Tilden 1893 Samuel Craft 1894 Lincoln 1895 Fellowes 1898 Albert Watson 1899 Edward Perkins 1899 Pierpont 1900 Aaron 1900 Dwight Filley 1901 Charles Claflin 1904 Livingston 1905 Dudley 1907 Frank Hamilton 1907 Nathaniel Burt DAVISON 1874 Edgar Mora DA WES 1801 Thomas DAY 1806 James DAYTON 1873 Robert Alexander, Barnard DEAN 1839 Enos Williams 1878 Louis Bailey 1882 Clarence Randall 1888 Frank Lincoln 1891 Dudley Stuart 1897 James DEANE 1870 Walter DEARBORN 1857 John Langdon DEBLOIS 1889 George Lewis DEHON 1868 Henderson Inches DELAFIELD 1886 Robert Hare DELAND 1894/2 Lorin F. DELANO 1885 Frederic Adrian 1906 Lyman DENISON 1890 John Porter DENNIS 1835 Hiram Barrett DENNISON 1899 Henry Sturgis DENNISTON 1883 Arthur Clark [250] DENNY 1797 Nathaniel Paine 1823 Phineas Sargent 1863 Clarence Holbrook 1868 John Ware 1877 Arthur Briggs 1887 Daniel DE NORMANDIE 1891 Philip Yardley DENSMORE 1904 John Hopkins DENTON 1874^ Huntington DERBY 1814 George 1824 Elias Hasket 1864* Hasket 1864 Richard Henry 1867 Nelson Lloyd 1889 William Parsons 1896 George Strong 1903 Augustine 1903 Richard 1905 Arthur Lawrence 1905 Roger Alden 1908 James Lloyd DE VEAU 1887 Frederic Clinton DEVENS 1829 Samuel Adams 1838 Charles 1840 Arthur Lithgow 1874 Arthur Lithgow 1902 Arthur Lithgow DEVEREUX 1798 Humphrey 1829 George Humphrey DEWEY 1886 William Richardson DE WOLF 1892 Halsey DEXTER 1 8 10 Thomas Amory 1812 Franklin 1812 Samuel William 1846 William Sohier 1851 Arthur 1855 George 1 88 1 George Ticknor 1887 Gordon 1888 Philip 1890 Samuel, 1st 1890 Samuel, 2d 1897 William Endicott 1901 Richard 1907 Wallace Dunbar DlBBLEE 1893 Albert James 1896 Harrison 1899 Benjamin Harrison DICK 1907 Fairman Rogers DICKEY 1873 Robert 1882 Charles Denston 1886 Hugh Thompson DICKINSON 1884 John Worthington DlCKSON 1890 Brenton Halliburton DlLLINGHAM 1904 Harold Garfield DILLON 1864 John Alvarez DlNSMOOR 1867 Frank Fiske 1869 Samuel 1899 William Parry Jones DIVES 1906 Edward Josiah Dix 1833 John Homer 1902 John Adams DlXEY 1902 Arthur Sturgis DlXON 1870 Alexander James Dallas DlXWELL 1827 Epes Sargent 1870 John DOBYNS 1898 Fletcher DODD Edwin Merrick DODGE DRINKWATER 1873 Edward Sherman 1900 Arthur 1873 Joshua Cleaves DRIVER 1889 Robert Elkin Neil 1891 John Lock wood [18986] Robert Gray, '93 1860 Stephen William DROPPERS 1895 Edwin Sherrill 1886 Garrett DONALD DUANE 1899 Malcolm 1892 William North 1904 Gordon DuBois DONALDSON 1898 Arthur 1841 Samuel Camillus 1901 Floyd Reading 1879 Frank DUDLEY DORR 1870 Edward 1823 Thomas Wilson 1900 Edward Lawrence 1825 Francis Oliver DUER 1865 Walter Henry 1878 Benjamin Humphrey 1883 Joseph 1885 Ellerton Lodge 1905 Leland Blodget DuFAIS 1877 John Louis DOTTERER DUFF 1849 Henry Eason 1891 John DOUGHERTY 1896 Robertson 1906 Thomas Harvey DUFFIELD DOVE 1890 Henry 1898 Percival 1892 Pitts 180-1 Divie Bethune DOWNE 7 J 1896 Francis 1822 Leonard 1897 Morse Stewart DOWNER DUMARESQ 1889 Charles 1875 Francis DOWNS DUNBAR 1903 Daniel Frederick 1851 Charles Franklin Dows 1882 George Bradford 1893 Tracy DOYLE 1882 William Harrison 1904 Davis Townsend 1907 John Francis DRAKE 1877 Herbert Hamilton DUNCAN 1812 James Henry 1859 Henry Timberlake DUNHAM DRANE 1885 Carroll 1824 Robert Brent 18856 Edward Kellogg DRAPER 1885 Theodore 1 803 William DUNKIN 1859 George 1885 William Kinnicutt 1892 Charles Martin 1900 Charles Dana 1811 Benjamin Faneuil 1833 Christopher DUNLOP 1903 George 1897 John William [252] DUNN 1849 James Cutler DUNNING 1802 James Skidmore 1858 William Hale 1868 Edwin James DUNSTER 1856 Edward Swift DUPEE 1832 Horace 1894 William Arthur Du PONT 1897 Eugene DuRANT 1907 Henry Woods DUST AN 1889 Earnest Webster DUTTON 1853 Ormond Horace DWIGHT 1832 John Sullivan 1844 Edmund 1853 Wilder 1857 Howard 1866 Thomas DYER 1857 Ezra 1896 Lyman Tiffany 1899 George Jones EAMES 1831 Charles EARLE 1883 Morris 1893 Daniel Osborne 1894 Charles Brown EASTMAN 1901 Theodore Jewett EATON 1803 Asa 1827 John Hubbard 1877 Charles Sedgwick ECKLEY 1856 Arthur Amory EDDY 1894 Henry Brevoort 1895 Spencer Fayette EDES 1799 Henry EDGAR 1887 Herman LeRoy EDGARTON 1847 John Marshall EDGELL 1907 Stephen Maurice EDGERLY 1883 John Hubbard Wilkins 1886 Walter Howard EDMANDS 1867 Thomas Sprague 1883 William Otis EDMUNDS 1898 John Winthrop 1900 William EDWARDS 1863 Henderson Josiah 1883 Harry Ransom EGAN 1905 Henry Chandler 1905 Walter Eugene EGBERT 1900 Nathan Adams EGERTON 1856 Raymond EHLERMANN 1905 Carl ELDRIDGE 1882 Frederic Larnac ELGEE 1856 Charles LeDoux ELIOT 1815 William Havard 1839 Samuel [1871/1] Charles William, '53 1884 Samuel Atkins 1906 John Dwight ELKINS 1905 William Mclntyre ELLICOTT 1878 Edward Somerville ELLIOT 1835 John Henry 1872 William Henry 1874 John Wheelock ELLIOTT 1809 William 1857 William Henry 1 88 1 Howard ELLIS 1839 Charles Mayo 1846 Calvin 1855 Payson Perrin 1862 John Harvard 1865 Charles James 1867 Theodore 1867 William Rogers 1875 Arthur Blake 1879 Frederick Hamant 1880 Ralph Nicholson 1889 William Struthers 1901 Shirley Gregory ELLSWORTH 1893 Samuel Walker ELWOOD 1874 Francis Worcester ELY 1878 Philip Van Rensselaer EMBICK 1891 John Beck EMERSON 1798 Joseph 1816 John 1817 George Barrell 1824 Edward Bliss 1828 Charles Chauncy 1845 George Samuel 1863 Charles 1866 Edward Waldo 1882 Frederick Ware 1891 Ralph Lincoln 1895 William 1896 Haven 1906 William Forbes 1908 Guy EMERY 1864 Woodward 1866 George Frederic 1867/1 Manning 1887 Edward Stanley 1900 Manning 1902 Frederick Ingersoll EMMERTON 1855 James Arthur EMMET 1893 Robert 1898 Grenville Temple EMMONS 1861 Samuel Franklin 1890 Alfred Page 1895 Robert Wales 1898 Arthur Brewster 1902 William Bacon 1906 Roger Blake 1907 Nathaniel Franklin ENDICOTT 1847 William Crowninshield 1883 William Crowninshield 1887 William 1889 John 1894 Arthur Lovett 1897 Henry 1899 Thorndike Howe ENGLISH 1807 George Bethune 1827 James Lloyd ERNST 1876 Harold Clarence 1903 Roger ERVIN 1908 Spencer ERVING 1853 John 1855 Langdon EUSTIS 1804 Abraham 1815 George 1830 Horatio Sprague 1830 William 1835 Frederic Augustus 1837 John Fen wick 1838 Henry Lawrence 1860 Henry Chotard 1868 Frank Izard 1869 Julien Jeffries 1871 William Ellery Channing 1885/1 William Corcoran 1894 James Biddle [*54l EUSTON FARLEY 1900 Edwin 1810 Joseph Swasey EVANS 1816 George Frederick 1827 Charles Andrews 1839 Ellicott 1879 Glendower 1901 Dwight Durkee 1907 Harry Fifield 1899 John Wells 1907 Eliot FARLOW EvARTS 1874 John Woodford 1872 William FARNHAM 1 88 1 Prescott 1811 John Hay 1885^ Maxwell 1866 Edwin EVERETT FARNS WORTH 1806 Alexander Hill 1821 Ralph 1806 Ebenezer 1877 William 1811 Edward 1815 Stevens FARQUHAR 1816 Thomas H. 1891 William Joslyn 1818 John FARR 1832 Oliver Capen 1899 Daniel Haddock 1893/1 Alexander Leo 77 FARRAR EWER 1797 Samuel 1900 Herbert Louis 1803 John EYRE 1861 Henry Weld 1899 Alfred Stacey 1875 Samuel Franklin FABENS FARRELLY 1835 Francis Alfred 1906 Theodore Slevin FAHNE STOCK FARRINGTON 1892 Harris 1 900 Derby FAIRBANK F ARRIS 1890 Kellogg 1815 Robert Patishall 1895 Wallace FARWELL 1899 Dexter FAIRCHILD 1893 Sidney Emerson FAUCON 1863 Charles Stebbins 1896 John Cummings 1875 Gorham Palfrey 1899 Blair FAULKNER 1901 Nelson 1846 Francis Augustus 1904 Gordon 1874 Francis Child FALES 1886 Arthur 1803 Henry 1803 Horace 1887 William Edward 1890 Robert Eames 1806 William Augustus FAY 1810 Stephen 1829 Charles FALK 1859 James Harrison 1893 Clarence Rudolph 1867 Clement Kelsey 1870/1 Joseph Story FARGO 1907 Samuel Prescott 1888 Edward Albert 1907 William Rodman [55l FEARING [i868fc] Charles Frederic, '63 1893 George Richmond FEARN 1850 Robert FELLOWS 1882 William Gordon FELTON 1827 Cornelius Conway 1834 Samuel Morse 1847 John Brooks 1851 Franklin Eliot 1872 Cornelius Conway 1875 Thomas Gary 1879 Edgar Conway 1886 Cornelius Conway FENNESSY 1896 Edward Henry FENNO 1866 Edward Nicoll 1897 Edward Nicoll 1897 Henry Bradlee FESSENDEN 1817 Benjamin 1818 John 1872 Charles Newton 1880 James Deering 1886 Sewall Henry 1887 Edward Fox 1890 Russell Green FIELD 1851 William Paisley 1897 Tylor 1903 James Alfred 1905 Whitcomb 1906 George Hayes 1907 Douglas Grahame FlLLEY 1906 Oliver D wight FlNCKE 1873 Frederick German 1901 Reginald FlNLAY 1891 James Ralph FlNNEY 1 885 h John Miller Turpin 1908 Sidney Webster FlSHBACK 1885 George Welton FISHER 1810 Samuel 1813 Mason 1852 George Huntington 1856 Edward Thornton 1872 Henry Middleton 1898 Richard Thornton FlSK 1885 James Lyman 1886 Frederic Daniell 1893 Otis Daniell FlSKE 1816 Luke 1825 Augustus Henry 1836 Andrew 1862 George Alfred 1866 Charles 1875 Andrew 1887 Edward 1887 Robert Francis 1893 Charles Henry 1900 Herbert Huxley FlTZ 1899 Walter Scott 1906 Reginald FITZGERALD 1900 Harold 1900 Stephen Salisbury FlTZHUGH 1891 Edward Fuller 1857 John Lamson 1866 George Augustus 1887 Elisha 1903 Herbert Hart FLANDRAU 1895 Charles Macomb FLETCHER 1823 Levi 1887 Jefferson Butler FLINT 1800 Timothy 1814 Waldo 1820 Joshua Barker 1888 Grover 1895 Perley Greene [256] 1906 Philip Witter 1907 Ralph Deblois FOGG 1885 Francis Brinley FOLLANSBEE 1885 John Gilbert FOLLEN 1849 Charles Christopher FOLSOM 1813 Charles 1845 Charles William 1857 George McKean [1897/1] Charles Follen, '62 FOOTE 1886 Robert Dumont [1901/7] Henry Wilder, '97 FORBES 1861 William Hathaway 1 869 h John Malcolm 1889 Ralph Emerson 1892 William Cameron 1895 Edward Waldo 1896 Francis Murray 1897 Allan 1899 Joseph Dunderdale 190x5 Charles Stewart 1901 James Grant 1902 Waldo Emerson 1904 Alexander 1 904 Gerrit 1905 Henry Stone FORBUSH 1854 Edward William FORCE 1845 Manning Ferguson FORCHHEIMER 1887 Walter FORD 1884 James Coleman FORDYCE 1898 Samuel Wesley FORRESTER i 80 i John FOSTER 1799 Freeman 1800 Andrew 1819 Alfred Dwight 1830 George James 1838 Charles Francis 1850 Francis Charles 1873 Alfred Dwight 1880 Charles Chauncy 1 88 1 Charles Henry Wheelwright 1 88 1 Leonard 1882 John McGaw 1887 Chauncey Charles 1902 Joseph 1903 Frederick William Choate 1903 John Winthrop 1907 Hatherly FOWLER 1848 James Fox 1834 Edward 1867 Edward Winslow 1869 Austen George 1896 Rector Kerr 1900 Henry Hey wood 1902 Austen Hoppin FRANCIS 1815 Convers 1882 George Hills 1883 Richard Pearce 1888 Carleton Shurtleff FRANKLIN 1906 Walter Simonds FRANTZ 1902 Orville Gish FRASER-CAMPBELL 1906 Evan James FRAZIER 1895 Herbert FREEMAN 1804 William 1863 John Williams FRENCH 1842 James Jackson 1857 Francis Ormond 1863 John Davis Williams 1865 Isaac Vanderpoel 1880 Henry Gardiner 1882 Henry Cormerais 1885 Amos Tuck 1895 Charles Stratton 1899 Philip 1907 Ralph Winward FRENKEL 1884 Jonas Benedict FRIEDLANDER 1879 Thomas Gary FRISBIE 1 801 Levi FROST 1822 John 1830 Barzillai 1886 Frank Ravenel 1901 Walter Archer FROTHINGHAM Nathaniel Langdon William Theodore Nathaniel Langdon Paul Revere Louis Adams Francis Edward Henry Adams Brooks Edgar Victor Charming Lawrence Potter 1811 1863 1870 1875 1886 1893 1894 1894 1896 1896 1902 1902 FRYE 1821 Enoch 1886 James Albert FULLER 1801 Timothy 1811 Henry Holton 1813 William Williams 1824 Richard 1850 Robert Barnwell 1883 Richard Buckminster 1883 Waldo 1888 Robert Higginson 1898 Samuel Lester 1900 Benjamin Apthorp Gould FULLERTON 1886 William Morton 1890 Robert Morton FURBISH 1825 James FURLONG 1900 Gerald Ffennell FURMAN 1894 Reginald 1896 Stuart Sydney FuRNESS 1820 William Henry 1854 Horace Howard 1860 William Eliot 1863 Charles Eliot 1868 Dawes Eliot 1883 Walter Rogers 1888 Horace Howard 1888 William Henry GADE 1893 Fredrik Herman Johan 1896 John Allyne GADSDEN 1818 Thomas GAFF 1875 James Wade GAGE 1867 Charles Sibley 1886 Thomas Hovey GALE 1836 Frederick William G ALLISON 1807 John GAM BRILL 1854 Charles Dexter 1872 Richard Augustine 1873 Charles Alexander GAMMELL 1885^ Arthur Amory GANNETT 1820 Ezra Stiles 1874 Wflliam Whitworth 1897 Tkomas Brattle GANO 1907 Seth Thomas GANSON 1839 John GARCEAU 1891 Arthur Joseph GARDINER 1801 Robert Hallowell 1816 William Howard 1830 Robert Hallowell 1876 Robert Hallowell 1880 Frederic 1885 John Hays 1904 Robert Hallowell [258] GARDNER 1797 Henry 1807 Samuel Jackson 1847 Joseph Peabody 1849 George Augustus 1862 Francis Lowell 1877 George Peabody 1882 Joseph Peabody 1884 William Amory 1886 Augustus Peabody 1894 Philip 1897 Bertram GARLAND 1873 Joseph Everett 1893 James Albert GARNETT 1887 Edgar Malcolm . GARRISON 1888 Lloyd McKim 1890 Philip McKim 1894 Frank Wright 1897 William Lloyd GASSETT 1843 Edward 1847 Francis GASTON 1880 William Alexander GAY 1842 George Henry 1878 Frederick Lewis 1890 Warren Fisher GEORGE 1900 Elijah Howard 1903 Ernest GERRISH 1871 John Brown 1901 Thornton GERRY 1900 Robert Livingston DE GERSDORFF 1887 Carl August 1888 George Bruno GEST 1880 Joseph Henry GHOLSON 1861 William Yates GlBBES 1812 Allston GIBBS 1 865 h Wolcott GIBSON 1872 George Alonzo GlGNOUX 1904 Reginald Messenger GILBERT 1874/1 Joseph Thomas 1880 Samuel Cotton 1888 Henry Lathrop 1907 William Chatfield GlLCHRIST 1828 John James 1901 Ralph Edmund GILDER 1899 Rodman de Kay 1908 George de Kay GILES 1829 Joel 1831 John GILL 1906 Austin Goddard GlLLESPIE 1898 Lawrence Lewis GlLLIG 1882 Henry Mansfield GlLLIS 1849 James Andrew GlLMAN 1811 Samuel GlLSEY 1895 Henry GlTTINGS 1902 Henry May GLASS 1908 Gordon Goldwin GLEASON 1888 Sidney 1897 George GLIDDEN 1894 Joseph Warren GLOVER 1845 Charles Henry GODDARD 1812 Francis Edward 1818 Warren 1822 George Augustus 1865 George Augustus 1879 Warren Norton 1882 Frederick Norton GODEY 1871 Harry GODFREY 1897 Henry Fletcher 1903 William Simpson GOELET 1902 Robert GOEPP 1884 Philip Henry GOLDSBURY 1842 John GOLDSMITH 1857 William Gleason GOLDTHWAITE 1891 George Tarleton GONTERMAN 1896 Madison Gilham GOODALE 1907 Fairfield GOODELL 1902 Roscoe Harris GOODHUE 1888 Samuel Amory 1904 Albert 1906 Francis Abbot GOODNOUGH 1882 Xanthus Henry GOODRICH 1893 Charles Cross 1898 David Marvin GOODWIN 1826 Hersey Bradford 1858 Ozias 1874 Wendell 1884 William Hobbs 1888 Charles Haven 1889 Frederic Sprague 1895 Elliot Hersey 1901 Robert Eliot 1907 Wilder GORDON 1806 William 1858 William Gilchrist 1867 Charles 1886 William Cartwright GORHAM 1801 John 1857 George GOULD 1814 Benjamin Apthorp [1857/1] Benjamin Apthorp, '44 1872 George Huntington 1875 Frederick Saltonstall 1891 Benjamin Apthorp GOURLAY 1 904 Lawrence GOVE 1864 LaRoy Sunderland GRAFTON 1862 James Ingersoll GRAHAM 1900 Edward Rowland GRANNIS 1879 Hermon Wheaton GRANT 1828 Patrick 1873 Robert 1874 Henry Rice 1874 Ulysses Simpson 1879 Patrick 1906 Robert 1907 Alexander Gait 1908 Patrick Grant GRATWICK 1892 William Henry GRAVES 1906 William Grant GRAY 1809 Francis Calley 1811 John Chipman 1819 Horace 1824 John Henry 1829 William 1833 Henry Yancey 1836 John Thompson 1859 John Chipman 1872 Edward 1875 Reginald 1877 Morris [260] 1887 William Travers 1889 Gerald Hull 1892 David 1894 George Arthur 1895 Roland 1897 Henry Gunther 1897 John Clinton 1900 Edward 1901 Ralph Weld 1901 Thomas Herbert 1903 Albert Zabriskie 1903 Austen 1906 Morris GRAYDON 1898 Joseph Spenser 1903 Thomas Hetherington GREELEY 1880 Louis May 1901 Russell Hubbard GREEN 1816 Samuel 1851 Samuel Abbott 1862 James 1863 John Orne 1869 Horace Douglas 1876 George Walton 1876 Herbert 1884 William Lawrence 1892 Andrew Hugh 1904 Walton Atwater GREENE 1802 Charles Winston '1812 Benjamin Daniel 1895 Daniel Crosby 1896 Jerome Davis 1901 Roger Sherman 1901 Warwick GREENLEAF 1866 Eugene Douglass 1866 Richard Cranch GREENOUGH 1804 Ebenezer 1805 David Stoddard 1842 James 1856 James Bradstreet 1859 Francis Boott 1863 William 1864 Charles Pelham 1865 Alfred 1865 John 1868 Malcolm Scollay 1872 Henry 1882 James Jay 1892 Robert Battey 1898 Malcolm Scollay 1905 Henry Vose 1906 Charles Pelham 1908 Alfred GREENWOOD 1845 Charles Ridgeley 1845 Francis William 1852 Augustus Goodwin GREER 1891 Louis Morris GREGG 1902 Donald 1907 Richard Bartlett GREW 1863 Edward Sturgis 1889 Edward Wigglesworth 1895 Randolph Clark 1896 Henry Sturgis 1902 Joseph Clark GRIFFIN 1896 Frank Wood GRILK 1898 Charles 1904 Louis GRINNELL 1862 Charles Edward 1895 Frank Washburn 1908 Lawrence GRISWOLD 1880 George 1887 Daniel Paine 1893 George 1894 Frank Tracy GROCE 1808 Nahum Houghton GUILD 1839 Samuel Eliot 1872 Samuel Eliot 1876 Robert Wheaton 1880 Henry Eliot 1 88 1 Curtis 1886 Courtenay 1906 Robert Francis GUNN 1873 Elisha [261] GUNTHER 1907 Franklin Mott GURNEE 1878 Augustus Coe GURNEY [1857/1] Ephraim Whitman, '52 HABERSHAM 1831 Robert William 1851 Alexander Telfair HADDEN 1908 Hamilton HAGEDORN 1907 Hermann HAGUE 1 904 William HALBERT 1885 Walter Allen HALE 1828 Joseph 1831 Charles George Clinton 1837 Horatio 1838 Nathan 1844 George Silsbee 1848 Alexander 1850 Charles 1879 Edward 1880 Arthur 1883 Edward Everett 1888 Herbert Dudley 1891 Robert Beverly 1891 Robert Sever 1893 Albert 1902 Richard King 1903 Matthew HALEY 1879 Charles Merton HALL 1820 David Priestley 1820 Edward Brooks 1843 Thomas Bartlett 1851 Edward Henry 1854 Richard Fitch 1856 Rowland Minturn 1869 William Stickney 1876 Edward Cunningham 1882 Frederick Stanley [1891 h] Prescott Farnsworth, '89 1894 Louis Maclay 1899 George Duffield 1903 Frederic Garrison 1905 Leland Boylston 1907 Nathan Lord HALLETT 1847 Henry Larned HALLOWELL 1861 Norwood Penrose 1888 James Mott 1893 Frank Walton 1896 Robert Haydock 1897 Norwood Penrose 1901 John White HALSEY 1868 Frederic Robert HALYBURTON 1823 James Dandridge HAMILTON 1826 Alexander James HAMLEN 1896 Paul Mascarene 1904 Joseph Rochemont HAMLIN 1883 Charles Sumner 1884 Addison 1884 Charles Eugene 1884 Frank 1886 Edward Everett HAMMOND 1881 Samuel 1883 Charles Mifflin 1883 Gardiner Greene HANCOCK 1829 Charles Lowell 1878 Lewis HAND 1893 Learned HANFORD 1897 Charles William 1904 Parmly HANSEN 1885 Otto Rheinhardt HAPGOOD 1872 Asa Gustavus 1877 William Frank 1894 William Powers HARBECK 190x3 Charles John [262] HARDING 1833 Fisher Ames 1847 Chester 1848 Horace 1856 Martin Van Buren 1874 Herbert Lee 1876 Emor Herbert 1878 Benjamin Fosdick 1878 John Butterworth 1879 Louis Branch 1885 George Franklin 1889 Victor Mathews 1894 Adalbert 1900 Charles Lewis 1905 Albert Ellis HARDON 1882 Henry Winthrop HARDY 1887 Alpheus Sumner 1897 Charles Ashley 1901 Roger Sumner HARLOW 1907 Albert Mason HARPER 1898 Fletcher 1901 Richard March Hoe HARRINGTON 1833 Joseph HARRIS 1799 John 1802 Richard Devens 1807 William Coffin 1 8 10 Samuel 1841 Charles Coffin 1886 George Balmer 1897 Arthur Thomas 1900 Addis Emmett 1900 Duncan Gilbert 1906 Richard Harrington HARRISON 1876 Edmund Pitts 1880 Mitchell 1884 Charles Leland 1886 Charles Learner 1905 Walter Thacher 1906 William Frazier 1907 Leland HARROD 1856 Benjamin Morgan HARTRIDGE 1890 Julian HARTSHORN 1882 George Trumbull HARTWELL 1858 Alfred Stedman 1875 Walker 1903 Charles Atherton HARVEY 1 88 1 Alexander HARWOOD 1877 Herbert Joseph HASELTINE 1854 William Stanley 1860 Frank 1863 Albert Chevalier HASKINS 1837 David Greene HASLETT 1860 Audley HASTINGS 1799 Walter 1817 William Soden 1875 Edmund Trowbridge 1877 Robert Paul 1878 Edward Rogers 1898 Theodore Mitchell HATCH 1797 Nymphas 1817 Daniel Gilman 1821 Samuel 1900 Cyril HATHAWAY 1849 Francis 1889 Thomas Schuyler HAUGHTON 1886 Malcolm Graeme 1899 Percy Duncan 1900 Richard HAVEN 1807 Nathaniel Appleton 1 8 10 Joseph 1813 John Appleton 1857 Franklin HA WES 1845 John Alexander 1873 Joseph Prince 1892 Oliver Kingsley 1900 John Bromham HAWKINS 1 88 1 Eugene Dexter 1884 Arthur Meeks 1901 Henry Clay HAWTHORNE 1867 Julian HAY 1841 George Whiting 1888 Gustavus 1908 Clarence Leonard HAYCOCK 1903 Ralph HAYDEN 1859 David Hyslop 1860 Horace John 1897 John Putnam 1899 Harold Buckminster HAYES 1866 William Allen 1889/1 John Joseph 1896 John Joseph 1898 Bartlett Harding 1901 Henry Reed HAYWARD 1809 George 1818 Joshua Henshaw 1819 James 1820 Tilly Brown 1837 Charles 1845 Lemuel 1850 Nathan 1869 Charles Latham 1886 Roland 1895 Nathan 1906 E. Bartlett HAZELTINE 1862 Mayo Williamson HEAD 1804 Joseph HEARD 1847 Augustine 1879 Richard 1892 John Theodore 1895 John Leeds 1900 Edmund HEARST 1886 William Randolph HEATH 1840 John Francis 1900 Reginald Gary HEBARD 1889 Alfred Partridge HECKSHER 1887 Maurice 1894 Ledyard 1896 Stevens HEDGE 1825 Frederic Henry 1828 Edward Holyoke 1828 Josiah Dunham 1862 William HELLMANN 1906 Robert Richard HEMENWAY 1875 Augustus 1905 Augustus HEMINWAY 1877 Truman HENDERSON 1815 Arthur Mosely 1901 Harry Peters 1902 Charles Rapello HENRY 1892 Morton Jackson HENSHAW 1847 John Andrew 1889 Arthur 1907 Sidney Parker HERRICK 1877 Edwin Hayden 1890 Robert Frederick 1904 Parmely Webb HERRON 1887 William Collins HERSEY 1850 Henry Edson HEYWOOD 1836 John Healy 1 848 George 1855 Joseph Converse HIGHBORN 1905 Philip Simmons HlCKLING 1862 Charles Edward [264] HlCKOX 1872 Ralph W. HlGGINSON 1825 Francis John [i88ifc] Thomas Wentworth, '41 1 887 A Henry Lee 1857 James Jackson 1863 Francis Lee 1863 Samuel Storrow 1874 Edward 1887 George 1898 Alexander Henry 1900 Francis Lee 1907 James Jackson HIGHLANDS 1894 John Ashley HlGHT 1889 Clarence Albert HlLDRETH 1805 Hosea i8u William 1818 Abel Fletcher 1837 Samuel Tenney HILL 1821 John Boynton 1821 Joseph Bancroft [1865/1] Thomas, '43 1853 Adams Sherman 1869 George 1870 John Edwin 1886 Benjamin Thomas 1891 Arthur Dehon 1894 Edward Burlingame HlLLARD 1828 George Stilknan HlLLEN 1901 Thomas O'Donnell HlLLIARD 1 809 Timothy 1823 Francis 1884 Harry Raymond HlNCHMAN 1845 Augustus Felix HlNCKLEY 1871 Samuel Parker 1905 Samuel Neilson 1906 Julian HlNKLEY 1813 Edward HITCH 1895 Joseph Clement Delano HITCHCOCK 1885 Frank HOADLY 1879 George HOAGUE 1898 Theodore HOAR 1802 Samuel 1810 Nathaniel Pierce 1846 George Frisbie 1867 Samuel 1876 Rockwood 1882 Sherman HOBART 1906 Richard Bryant HOBBS 1850 George Miller 1885 Marland Cogswell 1 900 Conrad HOBSON 1895 Arthur Lambert HODGE 1799 Michael HODGES 1803 Benjamin 1847 Charles Edward 1874 Amory Glazier 1877 William Donnison 1879 George Clarendon 1 879 h Harry Blake 1889 Almon Danforth HOFFMAN 1841 Wickham 1902 William Wickham 1903 Francis Burrall HOGG 1886 Robert Wortley HOLBROOK 1800 Abiel HOLCOMBE 1906 Arthur Norman HOLDEN ^1880 Francis Marion 1888 Albert Fairchild 1899 Joshua Bennett HOLDER 1894 Robert 1 88 1 Frederic Blake 1899 John 1888 Daniel Curtis HOMER HOLDREGE 1812 George 1867 Sidney Latham 1867 William 1869 George Ward HONORE HOLLAND 1888 Lockwood 1900 Rupert Sargent HOOPER HOLLEY 1808 Stephen 1813 Orville Luther 1859 Edward William HoLLIDAY 1865 Henry 1885 William Harrison 1900 John Hodgman 1872 Robert Chamblet 1875 Sewall Henry 1880 Arthur Wilson HOLLINGSWORTH 1880 William 1902 Amor 1906 James Ripley 1906 Valentine HOPKINS HOLLINS 1860 Mahlon 1904 Harry Bowley 1888 George Augustus HOLLISTER 1899 Roland Gage 1865 Frank Merrick 1905 Amos Lawrence 1897 Evan HOPKINSON 1897 Stanley 1830 Thomas HOLMAN [1892/1] John Prentiss, '61 1848 Henry Whitcomb 1891 Charles Sydney HOLMES HOPPIN 1802 Caleb 1893 Tracy 1829 Oliver Wendell [1898/1] Joseph Clark, '93 1837 Christopher Columbus 1896 Frederick Street 1837 Nathaniel HORNE 1861 Oliver Wendell 1859 Charles Waldsmith 1865 Jabez Silas 1867 Edward Jackson HORTON 1878 John Russell 1860 Edwin Johnson 1879 Jabish 1864 Samuel Dana 1884 Charles Andress 1870 Henry Kenney 1895 Edward Jackson HOSMER 1896 Arthur Brewster 1898 Howard Fowler 1899 Massey Bryant 1826 George Washington 1855 James Kendall 1865 Edward Downer 1903 Henry Wyman 1898 Louis Holyoke HOLYOKE HOUGHTON 1856 George Osgood 1879 Frank 1886 Alanson Bigelow 1887 Silas Arnold HOMANS HOVEY 1812 John 1858 John 1878 John 1813 Rufus Porter 1892^ Frederick Howard 1885 William Parmelee How 1888 Harry i 88 i Jared [266] HOWARD 1848 Thomas Dwight 1856 Charles Tasker 1885 Edwin 1885 Shafter 1893 Philip Barthold 1900 Edward Whiting HOWE 1810 Isaac Redington 1815 Appleton 1856 James Henry 1869 Archibald Murray 1869 Henry Saltonstall 1880 James Torrey 1 88 1 James Robbins 1881 James Sullivan 1 88 1 William Addison 1884 John Edward 1884 Richard Flint 1886 Walter Henry 1887 Mark Antony DeWolfe 1889 Gurdon Saltonstall 1897 Henry Wainwright 1899 James Carleton 1901 Reginald Heber 1906 Dudley Rogers HOWELLS 1891 John Mead HOWES 1808 Frederick 1900 Osborne 1908 Kenneth HOWLAND 1 849 Francis 1853 Edward 1860 Horace 1869 Henry HOXIE 1901 Isaac Richmond HOYT 1882 Henry Reese 1885 Alfred William HUBBARD 1821 George Johonnot 1824 Lucius Virgil 1829 John 1837 Henry 1872 Lucius Lee 1878 Charles Welles 1882 Henry Mascarene 1883 Charles Joseph 1892 John 1892 Joshua Clapp 1900 Gardiner Greene 1907 Samuel Thomas HUBBELL 1894 John Dana HUDDLESTON 1886 John Henry HUDSON 1862 John Elbridge 1879 Woodward HUGER 1813 Benjamin 1837 Joseph Alston HUIDEKOPER 1864 Herman John 1868^ Arthur Clarke 1868 Edgar 1880 Frank Colhoon 1895 Albert Reynolds 1896 Earle Calhoun 1898 Reginald Shippen HULL 1885 Edward Vernam HUMASON 1877 William Lawrence HUMPHREYS 1905 Richard Duane HUNNEMAN 1889 Carleton HUNNEWELL 1858 Hollis 1860 Francis Welles 1860 John Welles 1865 Walter 1868 Arthur 1875 Henry Sargent 1890 Hollis Horatio 1901 Walter HUNT 1810 Benjamin Faneuil 1810 William Gibbes 1811 Moses 1815 Ezra 1844 William Morris 1856 Carleton 1 88 1 Livingston 1881 William Prescott [267] 1892 Joseph Rowland 1896 John Cummings HUNTINGTON 182:1 Charles Phelps 1824 William Pitkin 1870 Arthur Lord 1887 Francis Cleaveland 1890 Lowell Fletcher KURD 1797 Joseph 1806 Isaac HuRLBERT 1847 William Henry HURLBUT 1813 Rufus [1897/1] Byron Satterlee, '87 HURLEY 1896 Edward Martin 1905 Daniel Joseph HUSTED 1 88 1 Seymour Legrand HUTCHINS 1853 John Wilson 1905 Constantine HuTCHINSON 1884 Samuel Ingersoll 1890 James Pemberton 1904 Henry Sheaf e 1906 Arthur Emlen HYDE 1898 James Hazen 1906 Dana Cutting IjAMS 1907 John Horton INGALLS 1892 Melville Edgar 1893 George Hoadly 1896 Albert Stimson 1904 Fay INGERSOLL 1815 George Goldthwait INGLIS 1903 Richard INGRAHAM 1809 Daniel Greenleaf 1898 Daniel Phoenix IRELAND 1868 Frederick Guion IRVIN 1898 Effingham Townsend IRVING 1895 Alexander Duer 1906 Frederick Carpenter 1907 Louis du Pont ISELIN 1896 John Henry 1902 Arthur 1905 William O'Donnell 1907 O'Donnell I SHAM 1876 Charles IVES 1876 George Burnham 1879 David Otis IVY 1 88 1 Thomas Parker 1904 Malcolm Hyde JACKSON 1825 John Barnard Swett 1838 Patrick Tracy 1849 Edward 1863 Charles Cabot 1865/1 Huntington Wolcott 1867 Charles Loring 1871 Frank 1876 Oscar Roland 1878 Ernest 1880 Henry 1884 Robert Tracy 1887 James Marsh 1888 Arthur Cornelius 1893 Patrick Tracy 1898 Charles [1902/1] Robert Appleton, '99 1902 Edward William Cecil 1904 James 1905 George Schiinemann JACOB 1878 Lawrence 1896 Bartholomew JACOBS 1879 Martin Reiley JACOBSEN 1856 John Jordan [268] JAFFRAY 1899 Percy Malcolm JAMES 18746 William 1899 Henry 1903 William JAQUES 1876 Henry Percy JARVES 1860 Horatio Deming JARVIS 1800 Leonard 1833 William Porter JAY 1871 Augustus 1900 Augustus 1903 DeLancey Kane JAYNES 1901 Charles William JEFFRIES 1854 Benjamin Joy 1856 Edward Payson 1862 Henry Upham 1 88 1 John Amory JENKINS 1829 Solomon Martin 1884 Frank Wadsworth JENKS 1797 William 1863 William Furness JEWELL 1899 Pliny JOHNS 1 88 1 h Clayton JOHNSON 1799 Thomas Baker 1844 Henry Augustinus 1845 William Otis 1860 Edward Crosby 1880 Laurence Henry Hitch 1885 Arthur Stoddard 1887 Lesly Augustin 1892 Frederick Warren 1893 Philip Van Kuren 1894 Walter Sydney 1895 Ralph Miller 1898 Reginald Mansfield 1905 Aymar 1905 Seymour JOHNSTON 1849 Henry Elliott 1849 Josiah Lee 1895 Morris Leidy 1897 WiHiam Bernard 1899 Charles Haven Ladd JONES 1806 Thomas Morton 1817 Joseph Huntington 1850 John David 1867 Arthur Earl 1871 Robert Gould 1873 Frederic Prince 1874 Walter Ingersoll 1877 Arthur Mason 1880 Henry Champion 1885 Henry Walter 1886 Samuel Cleaves 1887 Francis Richard 1890 Richard 1892 Daniel Fiske 1892 Roy 1893 Edward Renshaw 1900 William 1901 Hugh McKittrick 1905 George Roberts JORDAN 1898 Frederick JOSEPHS 1875 Lyman Colt JOY 1905 Benjamin KALES 1896 Albert Martin KANE 1882 Woodbury KEASBEY 1888 Lindley Miller KEAYS 1887 Hiram Gillett KEBLER 1873 Frederic KEEP 1884 Wallace Irving 1887 Roger Wolcott KEIGHLER [18626] William Henry, '59 [269] KEITH 1826 Omen Southworth 1885 Arthur KELLEY 1906 Nicholas KELLOGG 1894 George Caspar 1906 Foster Standish KELLY 1833 Moses K ELTON 1892 Howard KEMP 1884 George William KENDALL 1810 Joseph Gowing 1823 James Augustus 1853 Joshua 1901 Isaac Wistar 1902 Edward Hale KENNEDY 1892 Frank Lowell 1894 Harris KENT 1 80 1 Moody 1820 Benjamin 1821 Edward 1882 William Winthrop 1 904 William KER 1862 William Henry KERNAN 1897 Francis Kernan 1900 John Devereux 1903 Robert Peebles 1905 Hubert Dolbeare KERR 1830 John Bozman 1876 Samuel Wilson KERSBURG 1907 Harry Edwin KETTELL 1837 Edward Henry KEYES 1887 Henry Wilder 1889 George Thomas 1893 Charles Walter KEYS 1877 John Baker KlDDER 1863 Edward Hartwell 1870 Frederic 1877 Henry Thomas 1879 Charles Archibald 1892 James Hathaway 1897 Homer Huntington 1908 Alfred Vincent KlDNER 1875 Reuben 190x3 Frederic Clinton KlLBRETH 1863 James Truesdell 1898 John William KlMBALL 1797 Jabez 1800 Daniel 1803 David Tenney 1814 Edmund 1856 David Pulsifer 1886 Marcus Morton 1889 Moses Day KING 1807 John Glen 1821 Frederick Gore 1834 Rufus Tilden 1838 Rufus 1839 James Gore 1840 Archibald Gracie 1850 John 1853 Edward 1867 Rufus 1871 John Lord 1871 William Neil 1874 Rockwell 1875 Frederick Gore 1875 James Gedney 1889 James Gore 1894 Rupert Cochrane 1901 Van Rensselaer Choate 1902 Chester Harding 1906 LeRoy KlNGAN 1901 Robert William James KlNGSBURY 1882 Albert Benjamin KlNLOCH 1810 Frederick 1818 Cleland KlNNICUTT 1856 Thomas 1868 Francis Parker 1882/1 Leonard Parker 1897 Francis Harrison 1898 Gustav Hermann 1902 Roger KlP 1876 William Fargo 1883 Charles Hayden KlRKLAND 1803 Samuel 1849 J onn Lothrop KlRKMAN 1850 Samuel KlRKPATRICK 1906 William Alan KlTTREDGE 1851 Joseph Kirkland Greene 1876 Samuel Dana [1890/1] George Lyman, '82 KNAPP 1802 Jacob Newman 1889 Arnold Herman 1895 Eugene Richter KNOBLAUCH 1896 Edward Gustavus KNOWER 1834 Charles KNOWLES 1887 John Webster 1902 Henry Swift 1902 Thomas Charles I 93 John Appleton KNOWLTON 1903 Daniel Waldo 1908 Don Jerome KOBBE 1903 George Louis KOLLOCK 1823 Phineas Miller KRAUSS 1857* Ernst Carl Friedrich KRUMBHAAR 1885 Louis 1903 Charles Hermann 1904 Edward Bell KUHN 1887 Hamilton KURTZ 1908 William Fulton LA BEAUME 1842 Chauvet Edmund LABOUISSE 1862 John Witherspoon LADD 1843 John Gardner 1894 Maynard 1897 Alexander Haven 1902 William Edwards LA FARGE 1901 John LAKE 1892 Everett John LAKIN 1894 Herbert Conrad LAMB 1859 William Eliot 1 86 1 Charles Duncan 1871 Horatio Appleton 1886 Charles Estus 1891 George Nichols LAMBERT 1867 William Bartlett LAMONT 1892 Thomas William LAMSON 1814 Alvan 1877 Gardner Swift 1880 John Lamson . 1905 Paul Dudley LANAHAN 1907 William Wallace LANDER 1849 James Holden LANDON 1892 Hugh McKennan LANE 1821 Jonas Henry 1846 George Martin 1 88 1 Gardiner Martin 1882 Albert French 1885 Ralph Martin 1904 Robert 1907 John Philip LANG 1902 Malcolm Burrage LANGDON 18*3 Francis Eustis LANGMAID 1859 Samuel Wood LAPEYRE 1886 George Fortune LAPHAM 1905 Roger Dearborn LAPSLEY 1890 John Willard LARRABEE 1885 RoUin North LATHAM 1877 Aaron Hobart 1884 Charles Sterrett 1886 Milton Slocum LATHROP 1905 John Howland LAVERACK 1899 Howard Cowing 1901 William Howard LAW 1804 John 1819 Edward Ellenborough LAWRENCE 1801 Luther 1824 Asa Farnsworth 1835 Amos Adams 1 840 James 1859 George 1861 Francis William 1863 Arthur 1866 Nisbet 1869 Robert Means 1870 Amory Appleton 1871 William 1874 James 1875 Abbott 1882 Prescott 1885 John 1888 Robert Ashton 1891 John Watson 1894 Townsend 1901 James 1901 John Silsbee 1901 William Richards 1902 Richard LAWTON 1895 Sydney Allen 1899 James Marsland 1904 George LEA 1880 Arthur Henry LEARNED 1880 William Pollock LEAROYD 1858 Charles Henry LEATHERBEE 1882 George Henry LEAVITT 1861 Thomas Joseph 1867 Henry Young 1882 David 1882 Heyward Gibbons LEAYCRAFT 1905 Reginald Roosevelt LEBRETON 1824 Edmund Lewis LEDLIE 1884 George Hees LEDYARD 1872 Lewis Cass 1884 Richard FitzHugh 190x3 Lewis Cass LEE 1798 Thomas 1802 Francis Lightfoot 1819 Charles Carter 1827 Alfred 1836 Henry 1858 William Henry Fitzhugh 1876 Elliot Cabot 1879 Thomas 1883 Joseph 1889 George Winthrop 1891 James Parrish 1891 Thomas Sim 1894 George Cabot 1901 William George [*7] 1904 John Williamson 1906 Charles Creighton LEEDS 1877 Herbert Corey LEHMANN 1896/1 Rudolph Chambers LEIB 1826 James Ronald son LEIGHTON 1888 George Bridge LELAND 1835 Aaron Larkin 1891 Charles Frothingham 1907 George Adams LE MOYNE 1878 William Murray 1884 Louis Valcoulon LENT 1885 Eugene 1888 George Heydenfeldt LEONARD 1815 Levi Washburn 1867 John Edwards 1903 Edgar Welch 1906 Robert Jarvis 1908 Charles Reginald LEROY 1879 Archibald 1879 Herman Stewart 1888 Robert Coleman LEVERETT 1821 Frederic Percival LEWIS 1865 Louis Charles 1890 Richard Field 1896 Kenneth Hastings 1900 Samuel Watts 1902 Edison 1905 Geoffrey Whitney LlGHTNER 1903 Milton Turnley LINCOLN 1798 Perez 1808 Enoch 1820 Calvin 1822 Luther Barker 1831 Daniel Waldo 1842 Nathan 1847 Preston Shepard 1857 Solomon 1863 Arthur 1864 Robert Todd 1867 Francis Henry 1872 Albert Lamb 1879 Charles Sprague 1886 Lowell 1892 Ezra 1904 Daniel Waldo 1905 George Chandler 1908 Carl Erlund LINDSAY 1904 Thomas Poultney LlNDSEY 1862 Edward Delano LlNDSLEY 1867 John 1902 Halstead 1 904 Thayer LlNN 1890 Philip Billmeyer LlNZEE 1877 John Torrey LlTCHFIELD 1899 Edward Hubert 1903 Bayard Sands LlTTAUER 1878 Lucius Nathan 1886 William LlTTELL 1890 Philip LITTLE 1897 James Lovell 1897 John Mason 1901 Theodore Walworth LlVERMORE 1825 Charles 1833 Abiel Abbot 1853 Charles Frederick i&94 Thomas Leonard 1900 Robert 1902 Harris 1903 Philip Walton LlVINGOOD 1876 Francis Shalter 1888 Charles Jacob LIVINGSTON 1885 Philip Livingston [ 273 1890 Cambridge 1893 Edward LLOYD 1819 John Janney 1904 Demarest LOCKE 1829 Albert 1869 Warren Andrew 1886 Hersey Goodwin 1901 Charles Warren 1903 Robert Wynter 1905 Arthur Ware 1907 Allan Stephen LOCKETT 1892 Arthur Hobart LOCKWOOD 1890 Hamilton De Forest 1907 Philip Case LODGE 1871 Henry Cabot 1895 George Cabot LOEB 1888 James LOMBARD 1874 Frederic Howard 1878 Warren Plimpton 1895 Percival Hall LONG 1876 George Ashley 1907 William Bowditch LONGFELLOW 1798 Stephen 1839 Samuel [1888 A] William Pitt Preble, '55 1876 Alexander Wadsworth 1886 Richard King LONGLEY 1808 Rufus LONGWORTH 1866 Nicholas 1867 Landon Rives 1891 Nicholas LORD 1805 John Perkins 1903 James Couper LORILLARD 1904 Pierre LORING 1807 Abner 1812 Charles Greely 1813 William Joseph 1823 Ellis Gray 1838 George Bailey 1839 Caleb William 1848 Charles Greely 1861 Edward Greely 1863 Francis Caleb 1869 Alden Porter 1872 William Caleb 1878 Augustus Peabody 1894 Lindsley 1903 Charles Greely LOTHROP 1890 William Sturgis Hooper LOUD 1887 Charles Elliot 1901 Edward Perry LOUGHLIN 1900 Edward Francis LOVERING 1833 Joseph 1866 James Walker 1868 Charles Taylor 1 88 1 Ernest 1902 Charles Taylor 1903 Joseph Swain 1908 Richard Sears LOVETT 1892 Robert Morss Low 1804 Seth 1859 Edward Gilchrist 1869 Francis 1870 Ethelbert Mills 1902 Josiah Orne LOWELL 1800 Charles 1815 John Amory 1822 Edward Jackson 1833 Robert Traill Spence 1838 James Russell 1843 John 1850 George Gardner 1854 Charles Russell 1858 James Jackson 1867 Edward Jackson 1874 James Duane [274] 1876 Francis Cabot 1876 Percival 1877 Abbott Lawrence 1877 John 1883 George Emerson 1891 James Arnold 1892 Guy 1894 James Burnett 1895 Frederick Eldridge 1908 John LOWERY 1875 Woodbury 1900 Marklove 1904 Jenner LOWMAN 1884 Oscar Jonas LOWRY 1900 Howard Haines LUCE 1891 Matthew LUDLOW 1880 Thomas William 1 88 1 James Bettner LUND 1888 Fred Bates 18^0 Joseph Wheelock LUNT 1823 William Parsons 1824 George 1870 Horace Gray LYDIG 1889 Philip Mesier LYMAN 1806 George Williams 1810 Theodore 1830 Joseph 1842 George Theodore 1853 Arthur Theodore 1855 Charles Frederick 1855 Theodore 1868 John Pickering 1871 Francis Ogden 1873 George Hinckley 1873 Joseph 1874 Frank 1880 Gerry Austin 1883 Arthur 1883 William Pratt 1886 Herbert 1893 Frank 1896 Charles Frederic 1897 Theodore 1901 Henry LYNCH 1899 Wilbur Henry MCALLISTER 1886 Hall Me ARTHUR 1885 JohnR. McBuRNEY 1830 Samuel 1862 Henry Horton 1866 Charles 1869 John Wayland 1898 Henry 1906 Malcolm McCAGG 1884 Louis Butler McCALL 1899 John Chapman MCCARTHY 1862 Edward Dorr McCLEARY 1841 Samuel Foster 1888 Samuel Foster McCoBB 1871 James Selden McCoNNELL 1901 George Malcolm McCooic 1885 Robert Latimer McCoRNICK 1900 Willis Sylvestre 1902 Lewis Bell McCoY 1882 Walter Irving 1890 James Chester McCRACKIN 1886/1 Alexander McCuLLOCH 1818 Thomas McCuRDY 1 88 1 Robert Henry MCDONALD 1894 William B. [>75] McDUFFIE 1876 Fred Clement 1899 Charles Henry McFADON 1864 William McGEOCH 1891 Arthur Nye McGLENSEY 1903 Charles Edward McGREW 1903 Dallas Dayton Lore McKAY 1883 Richard Crane 1892 George Theodore McKEAN 1828 Henry Swasey 1831 John George McKiM 1852 William Duncan 1868 Charles Follen McKlTTRICK 1896 Walter 1899 Ralph McLEAN 1826 Cornelius McLENNAN 1879 Francis McLEOD 1890 Sayre 1905 Keith McMlLLAN 1874 William Gordon McNEAR 1895 Seward Bailey McPHERSON 1889 George Sturtevant MACAULEY 1877 Thomas MACDONALD 1903 William Valentine MACDUFFIE 1890 Rufus Leighton MACK 1833 William 1882* Harry W. 1895 John Joseph MACKAY 1855 William 1889 Walter Wise 1892 James Mears MACKENZIE 1847 Colin MACKIE 1894 William Charles MACOMBER 1904 Frank Gair MACVEAGH 1 88 1 Charles 1893 Wayne 1895 Eames MACY 1896 John 1899 John Albert MAGEE 1889 Walter Warren MAGOUN 1890 Francis Peabody 1890 Kinsley 1893 George Butler MAIRS 1889 George Hope MALLINCKRODT 1 900 Edward MANCHESTER 1893 Percival MANDELL 1884 Henry Fauntleroy 1889 George Snell MANIGAULT 1821 Joseph MANLEY 1889 Samuel Cony MANN 1800 Elias 1896 Samuel Vernon 1899 Clarence Churchill MANNING 1882 William Hobbs 1904 Robert Franklin [276] MANSFIELD 1801 Joseph MANSON 1904 Vance Story MANSUR 1831 Joseph Warren MANTON 1905 Walter Williamson MARCH 1880 Charles Dudley MARDEN 1888 Francis Skiddy MAREAN 1903 Parker Endicort MARINER 1891 John Watkins MARKHAM 1 88 1 George Dixon MARKOE $89 James Brown 1908 Stephen Saldwell MARKS 1888 Alexander Beckwith MARQUAND 1885 Joseph 1889 Philip MARSHALL 1904 Carl Bertrand MARTIN 1873 Austin Agnew 1877 Edward Sandford 1879 Francis Coffin 1880 John Laurie 1900 Kenneth McGeoch MARVIN 1889 James Meehan 1893 Selden Erastus 1898 Langdon Parker 1899 Edmund Roberts 1899 George Decker MARVINE 1863 Edward Charles MASON 1811 William Powell 1831 Charles 1834 Charles 1856 William Powell 1858 Edward Bromfield 1862 Herbert Cowpland 1863 Amos Lawrence 1866 John James 1874 William Castein 1876 William 1878 Charles Jeremiah 1 88 1 Edward Palmer 1886 Alan Gregory 1888 Henry Lowell 1895 Daniel Gregory 1896 Philip Dana 1900 Albert Gardner 1900 Robert Levi 1903 Herbert Warren 1904 James Servetus 1905 Charles Ellis 1905 Harold Francis 1908 Austin Blake MATHER 1903 Victor Charles MATSUKATA 1906 Otohiko MATTHEWS 1875 Nathan Albert Constant Southworth 1882 1890 MAY 1829 1849 1857 1858 1861 Samuel John Pegram Joseph James James Rundlet 1879^ George 1894 William Ropes 1895 Valentine Horton 1904 Ralph MAYNARD 1893 Walter Effingham Hollister MEAD 1851 John Noyes 1887 Fred Sumner MEANS 1888 Frederick Howard 1906 William Gordon 1907 James Howard MECONKEY 1864 Richard Jones [77] MEEKER 1889 Hemy Eugene MEEKS 1887 Edwin Joseph MEIER 1904 Theodore Gerard 1905 Clement Ross Duncan MELCHER 1 88 1 John Stevens MELLEDGE 1 88 1 James Harold MELLEN 1797 Leonard 1818 Grenville MEMMINGER 1859 Robert Withers MERCER 1884 William Robert MERRIAM 1871 Frank 1893 Charles MERRICK 1814 Pliny MERRILL 1804 Benjamin 1807 James Gushing 1807 Samuel 1842 James Gushing 1859 George Barney 1895 Edwin Godfrey MERRIMAN [1904^] Roger Bigelow, '96 MERRITT 1882 Edward Percival MESSINGER 1797 Rosewell MEYER 1879 George von Lengerke MICHAEL 1887 Francis MlDDLETON 1814 Arthur MlFFLIN 1862 Benjamin Crowninshield 1865 George Harrison 1901 Samuel Wright MILES 1819 Solomon Pearson 1882 Alfred Eugene MILLER 1869 Gerrit Smith 1873 Winthrop 1880 Andrew 1 887 h Sidney Trowbridge 1893 Ralph Gifford 1897 Henry Wise 1901 James Rumrill MlLLIKEN 1829 Edward Patrick MILLS 1860 Charles James 1872 Arthur 1874 Ethelbert Smith 1881 Abbot Low 1885 Ezra Palmer 1886 Charles Lewis 1895 Charles Henry 1899 Samuel Frederick 1905 Ogden Livingston 1905 Philip Overton MILNE 1901 George Parker MILTON 1858 William Frederick MINER 1888 Sidney Roby MINNS 1836 George Washington MlNOT 1802 William 1836 George 1836 William 1841 Francis 1871 George Richards 1874 James Jackson 1876 Francis 1880 Henry Davis 1886 Charles Henry 1907 William 1908 George Richards MlNTURN 1884 Robert Shaw 1904 Hugh [278] MITCHELL MORRELL 1802 Asa 1843 Edward 1802 Thomas Rothmaler 1847 Charles Henry 1855 James Tyndale MORRILL 1 88 1 John Kearsley AyT *"*T7i\T 1900 Charles Henry IViUillS M^ORRIS 1891 Edward Calvin MONKS 1875 George Howard 1836 Edward Joy 1871 James Rownd 1877 Thomas Hollingsworth MONROE 1885 Alfred Hennen 1879 William Ingalls MONTGOMERY 1906 James Mortimer MOORE 1896 Dave Hennen 1902 Caspar Wistar 1906 Lewis Gouverneur MORRISON 1806 Abraham 1887 George Austin 1826 Josiah MORROW 1834 George 1900 William 1873 Clarence Bloomfield MORSE 1878 Charles 1901 Charles Whippo 1908 Benjamin MOORS 1829 Isaac Edward 1857 Robert McNeil 1860 John Torrey 1874 Henry Lee 1880 Arthur Wendell 1 88 1 George Frederic 1883 John Farwell 1881 Philip Sidney 1886 Francis Joseph 1889 John Hamilton MOREY 1896 Robert Gorham 1811 George MORGAN 1898 Tyler 1899 Samuel Vining 1899 William Gibbons 1875 Joseph Dudley 1901 Albert Child 1877 Alfred Waterman 1902 Arthur Holdrege 1879^1 Richard Hathaway 1907 John Moore 1880 Charles IV^ORSS 1880 Hicky Hunt 1 88 1 Morris Hicky 1800 James 1889 John Pierpont MORTON 1889 Lewis Henry 1855 Edwin 1894 Clarence 1894 James Hewitt 1898 Charles Eldridge MOSELEY 1836 William Oxnard 1905 Henry MOSES 1906 Charles Davis 1874 Theodore William 1908 Charles n/t CiGG MORI SON IVlUoo 1831 John Hopkins 1837 Horace 1894 Robert Thomas Woodward MOTLEY 1839 Nathaniel Holmes 1868 Thomas 1870 Ernest Nathaniel 1896 Thomas 1873 Robert Brown 1902 Edward 1873 Samuel Lord 1902 John Lothrop 1883 George Burnap 1904 Warren [ 179] MOTTE 1821 Mellish Irving 1892 Mellish Irving MOULTON 1883 Franklin Woodruff 1898 John Babcock Movius 1902 Hallam Leonard MUDGE 1860 Charles Redington 1874 Henry Holbrook MUHLENBERG 1872 Henry Augustus MUIR 1905 Philip Howie MULLINS 1893 Edwin Stanton MUMFORD 1884 William Woolsey 1885 James Gregory 1887 Georga Saltonstall 1890 Norman Winthrop MUNRO 1 88 1 John Cummin gs MUNROE 1882 Henry Whitney MURCHIE 1895 Guy MURDOCK 1858 Seth Miller 1866 Louis Champlin 1901 Harris Hunnewell 1904 Uriel Atwood MURRAY 1878 John Archibald MUZZEY 1824 Artemas Bowers 1880 Austin Kent MYER 1890 Walden 1885/1 Albert James MYGATT 1886 Otis Angelo NAKAYAMA iSoh Kanrokuro NASH [i886A] Nathaniel Gushing, '84 1907 Chauncey Gushing 1907 Nathaniel Cushing NAZRO 1903 Arthur Francis NEALE 1906 Laurance Irving NEFF 1892 Nettleton NEIL 1847 William Allen 1853 James Godfrey NELSON 1866 Thomas NESMITH 1871 Thomas 1 88 1 Joseph Aaron 1906 Fisher Hildreth NEWBERRY 1876 Arthur St. John NEWCOMB 1803 Daniel 1804 Seth NEWELL 1802 Timothy 1807 Samuel 1824 William 1835 Charles Stark 1857 Samuel 1865 Robert Ralston 1889 James Montgomery 1892 Franklin Spilman 1894 Marshall NEWHALL 1818 Ebenezer 1906 Daniel Allerton 1908 Morton Lewis NEWMAN 1816 Samuel Phillips 1894 Henry Levi NICHOLS 1 802 Ichabod 1804 Benjamin Ropes 1828 George 1836 John Taylor Gilman 1842 Benjamin White [280] 1 862 Arthur Howard 1877 Henry Gilman 1883 Charles Prosser. 1883 Frederick 1885 Seth 1886 Edward Hall 1891 Arthur Boylston 1893 Joseph Longwortk 1897 Humphrey Turner 1900 George 1906 John Donaldson 1907 Harold Willis NICHOLSON 1803 Robert NlCKERSON 1876 George Augustus 1880 Thomas White NlLES 1860 George Edward NlNDE 1893 Daniel Benjamin 1895 Lee James NOBLE 1850 John 1858 George Washington Copp 1884 William Belden 1885 John Hawks 1888 Francis Lister Hawks NORMAN 1882 Hugh Kinsley 1889 George H. 1890 Guy NORRIS 1852 George Walter NORTON 1804 Andrews 1805 Stephen Sewall [1861/1] Charles Eliot, '46 1866 John Leonard 1880 Charles Phelps 1885 Eliot 1888 Rupert 1893 Richard 1896 Chauncey Williams 1899 John Watkinson 1901 Huntington NORWOOD 1828 John Greene NOURSE 1802 Peter 1812 Amos 1899 Frederic Russell NOYES 1800 Moody 1818 George Rapall 1883 James Atkins 1902 Robert Boutelle 1903 Stephen Henley NUNN 1879 Charles Pierce NUTTER 1885 George Read NYE 1870 Charles Freeman 1884 Walter Brigham OAKES 1820 William 1887 Walter 1904 Prescott OAKMAN 1907 Walter George ODELL 1889 William Rice ODIORNE 1895 Walter Burlingame OELRICHS 1904 Charles de Loosey OGDEN 1877 George Barnewall OGILBY 1902 Remsen Brinckerhoff OLIVER 1806 Daniel 1809 Nathaniel Kemble Green- wood 1851 George Stuart Johonnot 1894 John Rathbone OLMSTEAD 1873 James Monroe OLMSTED 1882 Oliver Allen OLNEY 1864 Peter Butler ONATIVIA 1885 Jose" Victor [281] OPDYCKE 1880 Leonard Eckstein ORDWAY 1874^ Samuel Hanson ORNE 1804 Samuel 1843 Henry Augustus OSBORN 1880 Charles Marcus OSBORNE 1884 Thomas Mott 1907 Charles Glidden OSGOOD 1814 Peter 1815 Gayton Pickman 1818 Timothy 1832 Samuel 1850 Howard 1866 George Laurie 1878 Henry Blanchard 1891 George Laurie Ons 1815 George 1821 George Alexander 1821 William Foster 1876 Walter Joseph 1878 Harrison Gray 1878 William Sigourney 1881 James 1898 William Kitchen 1904 Harold OVERTON 1886 Jesse Maxwell 1888 Robert Lee OVESON 1905 Raymond Hansen OXNARD 1882 Henry Thomas PAGE 1809 William Putnam 1826 John Ham Williams 1832 Charles Grafton 1852 Calvin Gates 1877 Parker Webster 1878 Henry Deeley 1879 William Elias 1883 George Hyde 1903 Ralph Walter 1905 Arthur Wilson PAIGE 1810 Elijah Fletcher PAINE 1801 William 1851 Robert Troup 1855 Robert Treat 1 88 1 h John Knowles 1882 Robert Treat 1888 Robert Treat 1896 George Lyman 1897 Charles Jackson PAINTER 1889 George Blair PALFRAY 1835 Charles Warwick PALFREY 1815 John Gorham 1826 Cazneau PALMER 1820 Joseph 1864 George Herbert 1887 Francis Sterne 1888 Bradley Webster 1897 Honore" 1898 Potter 1901 Henry Webster PARK 1824 John Cochran 1883 Trenor Luther 1908 James PARKER 1799 Samuel Dunn 1803 Nathan 1812 George 1824 Samuel 1826 Willard 1835 Charles Henry 1836 George Stanley 1841 Francis Edward 1848 James Cutler Dunn 1850 W. Stevens 1866 William Levi 1867 Henry Boynton 1875 Harold 1878 Herbert 1878 James 1880 Charles Albert 1885 Chauncey Goodrich 1886 Francis Stanley 1889 Franklin Eddy [282] 1890 Richard Fay 1891 James Alfred 1891 Samuel Dunn 1893 John Harleston 1897 Augustin Hamilton 1900 Gurdon Saltonstall 1904 Henry Seabury 1904 Stanley Brampton 1908 Bartol PARKINSON 1 906 John PARKMAN 1 807 Francis 1809 George 1810 Samuel 1838 Powell Mason 1844 Francis 1844 George Francis 1857 Samuel Breck 1870 Henry PARKS 1839 Nathaniel Austin PARMENTER 1836 William Ellison 1 88 1 James Parker PARRISH 1857/1 Thomas Clarkson 1870 Samuel Longstreth 1907 James Cresson PARSONS 1815 Theophilus 1870 Theophilus 1877 Gustavus Swan 1882 Robert Chappell 1886 George Richmond 1899 Lewis Hines PATTEN 1858 Henry Lyman 1895 William Samuel PAUL 1906 Anthony Joseph Drexel PAULDING 1885 James Kirke PAULIN 1878 Daniel Edward PAYNE 1858 Daniel Chamberlain PAYSON 1862 Gilbert Russell 1884 Francis Lithgow 1890 Gilbert Russell 1898 Charles Clifford PEABODY 1816 Oliver William Bourn 1816 William Bourn Oliver 1844 Joseph 1852 George Augustus 1866 Robert Swain 1869 Francis Greenwood 1879/1 Francis 1 882 A Endicott 1886 George Lee 1895 William Rodman 1903 Francis Weld 1903 Julian Livingston 1904 Harold 1906 John Damon PEALE 1888 Frank Dixon PEARCE 1863 James Lewis 1871 Edward Douglas PEARSON 1854 William Gaston PEASE 1888 Edward Allen 1891 Henry Hollister PECK 1863 Thomas Bellows PEELE 1870 Willard Silsbee PEIRCE 1 80 1 Benjamin 1808 Henry 1829 Benjamin 1838 James Robinson 1853 James Mills 1865 Benjamin Mills 1907 Waldo PEIRSON 1840 Edward Brooks 1884 Edward Lawrence 1885 Horatio Perry PELL 1908 Clarence Cecil PELLEW 1880 William George PENDLETON 1870 Francis Key 1882 Elliott Hunt 1884 Nathaniel Greene PENHALLOW 1874 Charles Sherburne PENNIMAN 1830 William PERCIVAL 1903 Lawrence French PERIN 1882 Edmund Sehon 1883 Charles Page PERKINS 1809 Benjamin 1851 Augustus Thorndike 1857 James Amory 1860 William Edward 1864 Robert Shaw 1866 Edward Cranch 1870 James Handasyd 1879 Charles Lawremce 1879 Edward Clifford 1883 Charles Bruen 1884 Robert Patterson 1887 Samuel Welch 1889 Robert Forbes 1891 Thomas Nelson 1898 James Handasyd 1898 Norton 1899 John Forbes 1899 Russell 1904 Charles Elliott 1905 Edward Newton 1907 William Marwell Evarts PERRIN 1877 Arthur PERRY 1816 Samuel 1837 Amos 1846 Nathaniel Gilman 1862 John Gardner 1866 Thomas Sergeant 1875 Edward Miles 1889 Gardner 1901 Henry Pierrepont 1903 Gardner Browne 1905 William Graves 1906 Arthur 1907 Henry Haines PETERS 1832 Andrew 1868 Samuel Winslow Miller 1 87 1 A Richard 1874 Edward Gould 1880 George Gorham 1895 Andrew James PETTEBONE 1905 Lauren Augustus PETTENGILL 1805 Amos PETTUS 1901 Eugene PFEIFFER 1882/1 Oscar Joseph 1889 Emil Charles PHELPS 1837 Francis 1868 Charles Harris 1875 William Bigelow 1902 Gouverneur Morris PHILLIPS 1 8 10 Willard 1819 Stephen Clarendon 1826 John Charles 1828 William 1831 Wendell 1847 George William 1855 Willard Quincy 1858 John Charles 1886 Walter Brigham 1897 Henry Alexander 1899 John Charles 1900 William PHINNEY iSoi Elias PHIPPEN 1884 Hardy PHIPPS 1832 Harrison Gray Otis PICKERING 1799 Timothy 1810 Octavius 1824 Edward 1869 Henry Goddard [284] PlCKMAN 1815 Basket Derby 1873 Dudley Leavitt 1907 Dudley Leavitt 1908 Edward Motley PIER 1895 Arthur Stanwood 1903 Roy PIERCE 1831 John Tappan 1849 James 1888 Valentine Mott 1893 George Burgess 1895 Charles Sumner 1904 Roger 1906 Theron Finlay 1907 John Burney 1907 Vassar PlERPONT i 840 John PIKE 1843 Robert Gordon 1893 Charles Burrall PlLSBURY 1800 William PIPER 1890 Louis Allison PlTKIN 1903 James Sherman PITTS 1897 Samuel Lendall PLATT 1902 Charles PLAYER 1867 Preston 1898 Preston PLUMB 1899 Fayette Rumsey 1906 Joseph Hudson PLUMMER 1 809 William 1876 Charles Warner 1879 Leander Allen 1884 Thomas Rodman 1888 Henry Merrihew POND 1858 George Edward POOL 1895 Eugene Hillhouse POOR 1890 Harris Osborne 1901 Henry Varnum 1905 Walter Stone 1906 Roger Merrill POPE 1886 Horton 1888 Henry Temple POPPLETON 1887 William Sears PORTER 1799 Moses 1814 Jonathan 1845 Peter Augustus 1849 John Andrews 1862 Charles Burnham 1875 William Lawrence 1888 Charles Allen 1892 James Otis 1900 Augustus Granger POST 1863 Albert Kintzing . 1875 Morgan Gibbes 1890 Waldron Kintzing 1891 Rgis Henri POSTLETHWAITE 1901 John Ellis POTTER 1830 Elisha Reynolds 1854 William James 1887 Albert Bailey 1891 Robert Burnside 1893 Warwick 1895 Austin 1895 William Samuel POULTNEY 1875 Evan POWEL 1879 Harford Willing Hare POWERS 1892 John Craig PRATT 1801 Ezekiel 1852 Edward Ellerton PREBLE 1806 William Pitt [1882*] Henry, '75 PRENTICE 1878* Theodore Pannelee 1905 Bernon Sheldon PRENTISS 1811 Thomas 1818 John 1825 William 1862 Nathaniel Appleton 1864 Henry Mellen 1898 John Wing PRE SCOTT 1799 Samael 1814 William Bidding 1828 Oliver 1889 Oliver 1897 Carl 1898 Henry Dudley PRESTON 1823 John 1868 Samuel Somes 1879 Thomas Webb 1906 Stuart Duncan PRICE 1907 Junius Luciem PRICHARD 1833 William Mackay PRIDE 1901 Nathaniel Hart PRINCE 1836 Frederick Octavius 1873 Charles Albert 1875 Morton 1882 Frederick Henry PRINGLE 1845 Edward J. 1860 Charles Alston PROAL 1905 Pierre Alexis PROCTOR 1813 John 1816 John Waters 1887 Frank Ingersoll 1889 James Howe 1895 Thomas Emerson 1898 John Robert PROUTY 1900 C. Newton PRUYN 1898 Edward Lansing 1902 Robert Dunbar 1904 Frederick Stanley PULSIFER 1888 George Royal 1890 Louis Warren 1903 Lawson Valentine PURDON 1888 John Rogers 1895 James PUTNAM 1802 Henry 1 8 1 1 Simeon 1823 Benjamin Alexander 1824 Charles Gideon 1825 Allen 1826 George 1854 George 1865 Charles Pickering 1866 James Jackson 1868 John Pickering 1869 Henry Ware 1882 William Lowell 1887 George Jacob 1891 Charles Russell Lowell 1892 James Lowell 1901 Eliot Thwing 1901 George Thwing QUINCY 1821 Josiah 1827 Edmund 1850 Josiah Phillips 1852 Samuel Miller 1862 Henry Parker 1880 Josiah RACKEMANN i88oA Charles Sedgwick RAINSFORD 1902 Ralph Stuart 1904 Laurence Frederic 1904 Walter Kerr RAND 1808 Benjamin 1828 Edward Sprague 1865 Charles Arthur 1 88 1 Edward Lothrop [286] 1 888 William Henry REVERE 1898 Waldron Holmes 1841 John RANDOL 1852 Paul Joseph 1891 William Merwin REYNOLDS RANDOLPH 1845 John Phillips 1 88 1 Edward 1903 Evan 1903 Theodore Fitz 1887 Paul Revere 1888 John Earle RANNEY 1889 Philip Murray 1874 John Rufus 1907 John RANSOM DE RHAM 1887^ Paul Carlton 1904 Henry Casimir RANTOUL 1905 Frederic Foster 1853 Robert Samuel RHETT 1887 August Neal 1887 Charles William 1849 Robert Barnwell 1851 Alfred Moore 1888 Albert Wood 1854 Edmund 1889 William Gibbons RHINELANDER 1892 Neal 1882 Frederic William 1897 Edward Lambert 1887 Thomas Newbold RATHBONE 1891 Philip Mercer 1886 John Henry RHOADES RAWLE 1892 John Harsen 1869 Francis RICE RAY 1803 Caleb 1 842 Frederick 1837 Charles Wyatt 1-843 William Bordman RAYMOND 1847 Thomas Gardner 1895 Robert Lovejoy 1856 Francis Blake T? FAT* 1896 George Tilley JLXEf/Xl^ 1898 Alexander Hamilton 1820 William George 1862 John 1864 Charles Coolidge 1869 Edward 1898 John Clark 1900 Arthur Noble RICHARDS 1871 Nathaniel Goodwin 1868 William Whitlock REECE 1869 Henry 1878 Edward Osgood 1906 John 1884 Henry Neibuhr REED 1899 Oliver Filley 1811 William 1907 John 1817 Caleb RICHARDSON 1818 Sampson 1797 James REID 1799 Luther 1901 William Thomas 1813 John 1832 William REMINGTON 1834 William Putnam 1887 Franklin [1870^] William Adams, '43 RENSHAW 1858 Henry Augustus 1859 Henry Hobson 1854 Robert Henry 1864 William Lambert [287] 1875 Homer Bartlett 1877 Clifford 1880 William King i888A Charles Franklin 1889 Mark Wyman 1894 Spencer Cumston 1894 Thomas 1895 Henry Hyslop 1896 Philip 1899 Frederic Leopold William 1902 Edward Peirson i 908 John RICHMOND 1828 James Cook 1874 William 1883 Philip RlCKETSON 1897 John Howland RIDDLE 1855 William Quincy 1886 John Wallace RlDEOUT 1899 Henry Milner RlDGELY 1850 Charles 1 88 1 Edward RlGGS 1876 William Corcoran 1898 Austen For 1903 Francis Behn RlKER 1903 Herbert Laurence RlNDGE 1879 Frederick Hastings RlPLEY 1804 Samuel 1816 Henry Jones 1823 George 1841 Christopher Gore RITCHIE 1 802 Andrew 1829 Andrew 1845 Harrison 1 846 Montgomery RIVERS 1875 George Robert Russell ROBB 1866 James Hampden 1893 Nathaniel Thayer ROBBINS 1813 Christopher Ellery 1829 Chandler 1879 Julian Wainwright 1884 Herbert Daniel 1887 Royal 1892 Reginald Chauncey 1908 Warren Delano ROBERTS 1871 George French 1885 Waters Dewees 1903 Ernest Bemis ROBERTSON 1814 Elb ridge Boiling ROBESON 1861 Thomas Rodman 1864 William Rotch [18646] Andrew, S. B. '62 1904 Andrew ROBINS 1826 Richard ROBINSON 1818 Ckarles 1822 Horatio 1823 John Paul 1870 Frank Walcott 1896/1 Wirt 1898 Samuel 1903 Phillips Brooks 1904 Chester Haven 1904 Theodore Douglas ROCHE 1899 James Thomas ROCHESTER 1 88 1 DeLancey ROCK 1900 Alfred Mayer ROCKWELL 1883 Charles Randall ROCKWOOD ''1802 Ebenezer RODMAN 1846 Thomas R. 1870 Alfred ROGERS 1800 Abner 1802 Robert 1808 Lloyd Nicholas [288] 1817 Micajah 1822 Henry Bromfield 1827 William Matticks 1862 Henry Munroe 1869 Dudley Pickman i886A Robert Cameron 1888 Charles Butler 1891 Francis 1896 William Bowditch 1903 William Beverley ROLLINS 1841 Eben William ROMAN 1876 James Dixon ROOSEVELT 1880 Theodore 1904 Franklin Delano 1907 James Alfred ROPES 1846 William Ladd 1857 John Codman 1862 Henry 1889 James Hardy LA ROSE 1895 Pierre ROTCH 1838 Benjamin Smith 1838 William James 1841 Francis Morgan 1870 Thomas Morgan 1871 Arthur 1871 Morgan 1901 Charles Morgan 1901 Thomas Morgan 1903 Arthur Grinnell ROTHERMEL 1904 Peter Frederick ROUSMANIERE 1883 Edmund Swett 1899 John Easton ROWE 1907 John Jay ROYCE 1891^ Josiah RUBLEE 1890 George RUGG 1805 Amos Willard RUHL 1903 Robert Waldo RUMRILL 1859 James Augustus 1897 Chester Chapin RUMSEY 1872 Laurence Dana 1902 Charles Gary 1908 Lawrence RUNKLE 1857 Jacob Gebhard RUNNELLS 1900 Clive RUSSELL 1831 Francis James 1832 Le Baron 1837 Charles Theodore 1843 John Jackson 1843 Thomas Hastings 1860 Henry Sturgis 1872 Charles Rowland 1872 Edward Baldwin 1872 Robert Shaw 1873 Charles Theodore 1877 William Eustis 1879 Thomas 1882 John 1887 James Savage 1896 Rowland Shaw 1901 Richard Spofford 1907 Joseph Ballister 1908 William Eustis RUST 1898 Paul Drummond 1904 Edgar Carter RUTLEDGE 1808 Hugh SALTONSTALL 1802 Leverett 1844 Leverett 1848 Henry 1878 Gurdon 1880 Richard Middlecott 1889 Philip Leverett 1892 Robert 1894 Endicott Peabody 1900 John Lee SAMPSON 1871 Junius [289] 1874 Calvin Proctor 1887 Robert de Wolfe 1888 Henry Warren 1899 Henry SAMSON 1901 Edward Joseph SANBORN 1855 Franklin Benjamin 1867 Joseph Leavitt 1871 William Delano 1886 Thomas Parker 1898 Edwin Luther SANDERS 1802 Charles 1893 Louis Peck 1897 William Huntington 1905 Thomas SANDS 1907 Samuel Stevens SANFORD 1827 William Howe 1888 Henry Shelton SANGER 1808 Ralph [1870*1] George Partridge, '40 1848 Simon Greenleaf 1870 John White 1871 William Thompson 1874 George Partridge 1874 William Gary 1 88 1 Charles Robert 1883 Sabin Pond 1904 Ralph 1905 Walter Prentice SANTAYANA 1886 George SARD 1905 Russell Ellis SARGENT 1830 Henry Winthrop 1830 John Osborne 1834 Joseph 1843 Horace Binney 1862 Winthrop 1870 Joseph 1870 Lucius Manlius [1871*1] Horace Binney, S.B. '69 1876 George Amory 1876 Henry 1895 Joseph [1897/1] Charles Sprague, '62 1899 Gerge McClure 1902 Charles Sprague 1907 Francis Williams SATTERLEE 1896 Henry Suydam SAUZADE 1877 Robert Sidoine SAVAGE 1803 James 1813 Thomas 1847 James Woodruff 1854 James 1899 Maxwell Sands SAWIN 1890/1] George William, '84 SAWYER 1798 Artemas 1844 Frederick Adolphus 1855 George Carleton 1874 Robert William 1885 Robert Brown 1904 Eugene Mitchell 1906 Henry Bray SAXE 1888 James Alfred SAYRE 1898 Harold SCAIFE 1897 Roger Livingston SCANNELL 1897 David Daniel S GATES 1838 Charles Woodman SCATTERGOOD 1899 Alfred Garrett SCHEFER 1903 Anton Henry SCHERMERHORN 1888 Bernard Turner SCHICK 1905 William Anthony SCHLESINGER 1899 Barthold Ernest SCHLEY 1855 Samuel Ringgold [ 29] \ SCHMITT i86i& George Adam SCHURZ 1893 Carl Lincoln 1897 Herbert SCHUYLER 1817 Robert 1820 Stephen SCHWARTZ 1879 William Henry SCHWEPPE 1902 Charles Hodgdon Scon ELD 1887 William Bacon SCOLLAY 1808 Samuel SCOTT 1871 James Patterson 1886 Samuel Mathewson 1897 Henry Russell 1898 Hugh Davids 1900 Donald SCUDDER 1892 Gardiner Hubbard 1899 -William Mansfield SCULL 1895 Max Leopold 1898 Guy Hamilton SCULLY 1905 Arthur Murtland SEABURY 1904 Joseph Stone SEARS 1842 David 1852 Knyvet Winthrop 1874 David 1875 Frederick Richard 1883 Henry Francis 1883 Richard Dudley 1889 Herbert Mason 1889 Joseph Hamblen 1889 Philip Shelton 1891 Francis Philip 1891 William Richards 1899 Edmund Hamilton 1901 Frederick Richard 1905 Francis Bacon SEAVER 1822 Norman 1864 Edwin Pliny SECOR 1875 Thomas Ely SEDGWICK 1843 Henry Dwight 1846 William Ellery 1851 William Dwight 1864 Arthur George 1882 Henry Dwight 1886 Theodore 1888 John Hunter 1894 Ellery 1902 Robert 1904 Henry Renwick SEELEY 1887 George Martin SELLERS 1887 Frank Harold SEMPERS 1888 Charles Tilden SESSIONS 1883 Archibald Lowery SEVERANCE 1869 Mark Sibley 1872 Pierre Clarke SEWALL 1803 William Bartlett 1 804 Samuel 1814 Joseph 1817 Samuel Edmund 1847 Edmund Quincy 1882 Harold Marsh SEXTON 1884 Lawrence Eugene SHALER [18896] Nathaniel Southgate, S.B. '62 SHARON 1880 Frederick William SHATTUCK 1831 George Cheyne 1863 George Brune 1868 Frederick Cheever 1887 Charles Edward 1889 George Hodges 1901 George Cheever 1901 Henry Lee SHAW 1805 Charles 1811 John Angier 1838 Gardiner Howland 1840 Joseph Coolidge 1845 Quincy Adams 1849 Lemuel 1853 Samuel Savage 1860 Robert Gould 1869 George Russell 1869 Robert Gould 1873 John Oakes 1874 Samuel Parkman 1875 Francis 1880 Henry Russell 1884 Louis Agassiz 1891 Quincy Adams 1897 Francis George 1898 James Ebenezer Norton 1899 Hollis Hunnewell 1899 Robert Gould 1900 Thomas Mott 1905 Theodore Lyman SHEA 1904 Charles Andrew SHEAFE 1839 Charles Gushing 1879 William [1900/1] Charles Minot, '98 SHELDON 1879 George Rumsey SHEPARD 1888 Thomas Osborne 1896 Luther Dimmick 1906 Otis Norton SHEPLEY 1808 John 1873 Francis Baxter SHERWIN 1894 Thomas Edwards 1907 Edward Vassal SHERWOOD 1876 Samuel 1877 Arthur Murray 1882 Henry Hamilton 1883 John Dickinson SHILLITO 1879 Stewart SHIPLEY 1828 Horatio SHIPPEN. 1877 Charles Carroll SHORT 1894 William Ambrose Dudley SHUEBRUK 1902 Walter SHURTLEFF 1859 Nathaniel Bradstreet 1861 Carleton Atwood 1 86 1 Hiram Smith 1906 Harold Robert SlBLEY [1861/1] John Langdon, '25 1862 Arthur 1907 Harper SlEDHOF 1892 Carl Ferdinand August SlLSBEE 1832 William 1867 William Edward 1869 Joseph Lyman 1874 George Saltonstall 1875 Arthur Boardman SlMES 1885 Robert Fields SIMMONS 1831 William Hammatt 1832 George Frederick 1841 Charles Francis 1869 William Hammatt 1874 Edward Emerson 1880 Thornton Howard SlMONDS 1831 Henry Cheerer SIMONS [1899/1] Minot Osgood, '91 SIMP KINS 1885 John 1892 Charles Ritchie SIMPSON 1871 Michael Henry 1879 Frank Ernest 1899 William Sloan SlNNOTT 1886 Joseph Edward SKINNER 1860 Benjamin Smith 1862 Francis 1880 Samuel Wiggins 1890^ Henry Whipple SLADE 1878 James Fulton 1 88 1 Denison Rogers 1 88 1 Marshall Perry 1893 Conrad Hensler 1895 Edward SLATER 1881 William Albert SLEEPER 1897 Steven Wescott SLOAN 1906 Thomas Donaldson SLOANE 1877 Thomas Morrison SLOCUM 1886^ William Henry 1890 Thomas Williams SMITH 1805 Robert 1807 William 1808 Samuel Emerson 1811 Edwin 1820 William Rufus 1838 Amos 1841 Thomas Church Haskell 1849 Samuel Abbot 1856 Jeremiah 1869 Nathaniel Stevens 1870 Sandford Sidney 1872 Henry St. John 1879 Frederic Warren 1880 Walter Allen 1883 Charles Worcester 1884 Dunlap 1885 Lloyd Logan 1885 William Wharton 1886 Clarence Wright 1886 Frank Bulkeley 1886 William Lord 1887 Arthur Crittenden 1889 James Wheatland 1890 Clifford Warren 1892 Jeremiah 1894 Joseph Frailey 1894 Kinney 1898 St. John [ 1902 Earnest Everett 1902 James Hopkins 1908 Gordon Arthur SMITHER 1906 Robert Newkirk SMYTH 1868 Douglas 1883 Henry Lloyd SNEAD 1839 Thomas SNELLINS 1879 Samuel 1881 Rodman Paul 1887 John Linzee SNOW 1844 Charles Henry Boylston 1886 Robert Keith 1888 Daniel Kimball 1904 George Palen SOHIER 1805 William Davies 1829 Edward Dexter 1840 William 1852 George Brimmer SOLEY 1817 Samuel 1828 Edward 1870 James Russell SOPHOCLES 1857^ Evangelinus Apostolides SOREN 1854 George Wales 1883 Walter SORTWELL 1907 Daniel Richard SOULE 1832 Richard 1845 Nicholas Emery 1846 Augustus Lord 1870 Richard Herman 1893 Frank Enos SOULE 1851 Nelvil SOUTHER 1904 Tristam Surges SOUTTER 1894 Robert 1904 James Taylor SOWDON 1857 Arthur John Clark SPALDING 1798 Matthias 1882 George Frederick 1892 Philip Leffingwell 1900 Eliot SPARKS 1815 Jared 1849 Thomas Carton 1869 William Eliot SPAULDING 1888 William Stuart 1892 John Taylor SPELMAN 1836 Israel Munson 1884 Henry Munson SPENCER 1878 Alfred Warner 1899 Vivian 1899 Willing Harrison SPERRY 1906 Richard Evans SPOONER 1813 William Jones 1835 Allen Crocker SPRAGUE 1812 Peleg 1843 Eben Carleton 1868 Edward Everett 1871 William Lawrence 1879 Charles Franklin 1881 Carleton 1 88 1 Richard 1897 Albert Arnold SQUIRES 1906 Beaton Hall STACKPOLE 1824 Joseph Lewis 1857 Joseph Lewis 1863 William 1873 Frederick Dabney 1895 Joseph Lewis 1898 William 1907 Stephen Theodore VON STADE 1907 Frank Skiddy STANTON 1887 Stephen Berrien 1900 Horace Baxter STANWOOD 1899 Eben Elaine STARR 1857 James 1908 Dillwyn Parrish STEAD 1891 Thomas Jefferson STEARNS 1797 Asahel 1808 Oliver 1823 Samuel Horatio 1826 Oliver 1827 William Augustus 1830 Jonathan French 1833 Edward Josiah 1892 William Brackett 1901 Russell STEBBINS 1879 James Hervey STEDMAN 1852 Charles Ellery 1871 George 1902 John Weiss STEEDMAN 1892 George Fox STEELL 1819 John Falcon STEPHENS 1835 Lemuel 1886 Charles Gerard Havens STEPHENSON 1906 Barton Kingman STERLING 1898 Frederic Augustine STETSON 1822 Caleb 1876 Edward 1877 Joshua 1 88 1 Clarence 1882 Eliot Dawes 1888 Frederick Dudley 1891 Joseph Austin 1907 Clarence Cutting 1907 Irving Gay [*94l STETTINIUS 1904 John Longworth STEVENS 1809 Samuel 1819 William 1848 William Oliver 1857 Henry James 1882 Charles Herbert 1888 Joseph Sampson 1890 George 1893 Ralph Leslie STEVENSON 1896 Thomas Greely 1897 Robert Hooper STEWARDSON i 88 i John STEWART 1820 Enos 1887 Edward Bixby 1890 Paul Cox STICKNEY 1804 John [1864^] Albert, '59 1891 Weston 1897 Albert 1900 Henry Austin 1900 William STILLMAN 1896 James Alexander 1898 Charles Chauncey 1903 Alfred STIMSON 1876 Frederic Jesup 1890/1 Henry Lewis STOCKTON 1891 Lawrence Mason 1896 Philip 1905 Howard STODDARD 1862 Charles Brigham STOKES 1891 Isaac Newton Phelps 1903 Thomas STONE 1833 John Osgood 1844 Joshua Clapp 1848 Jonathan Coolidge 1861 Richard 1862 Goodwin Atkins 1873 Henry Baldwin 1875 Nathaniel Hathaway 1879 Francis Hathaway 1882 Frederic Mather 1882 William Enos 1893 Arthur Parker 1897 Melville Edwin 1903 Malcolm Bowditch STORER [1867/1] William Brandt, '59 1882 John Humphreys 1885 Malcolm STOREY 1866 Moorfield 1896 Richard Cutts STORROW 1808 Samuel Mary Appleton 1829 Charles Storer 1857 James Jackson 1864 Samuel 1885 James Jackson 1887 Samuel 1889 Edward Cabot STORRS 1896 Henry Randolph STORY 1832 Augustus 1879 Marion Wainwright STOW 1880 Vanderlynn STOWELL 1888 Edmund Channing STRATTON 1866 Charles Edwin STREET 1897 Arthur Frederic STREETER 1831 Sebastian Ferris 1907 Daniel Willard STRONG 1803 Lewis 1810 Edward 1883 Lewis Barton 1885 Charles Augustus STUART 1801 George Okill 1830 Charles 1849 Julius Walker [295] STURGIS i8z3 Russell 1865 Frederic Russell 1875 Francis Shaw 1878 Russell 1881 John Hubbard 1 88 1 Richard Clipston 1 88 1 Robert 1882 Charles Inches 1884 Roger Faxton 1884 William Codman 1890 Edward 1890 Sullivan Warren 1893 Charles Russell 1896 James McCulloch 1905 Richard Clipston SUGDEN 1903 Walter Smith 1907 Gilbert Taylor SuiRE 1880 Frank Overton SULLIVAN 1798 Richard 1 80 1 George 1 80 1 William Bant 1897 James Amory SULLOWAY 1905 Frank Jones SUMNER 1799 William Hyslop 1830 Charles 1887 John Osborne SUTER 1 88 1 John Wallace SUTPHIN 1907 Henry Hulbert SUTTON 1885 Eben SWAIM 1873 Joseph Skinner 1901 Roger Dyer 1905 Loring Tiffany 1907 Stanley Budd SWAIN 1900 Chester Odiorne SWAN 1803 Daniel 1859 Francis Henry 1859 William Willard 1870 Charles Herbert 1 88 1 William Donnison SWANN 1903 Arthur Warton SWARTS 1888 Solomon Louis SWEET 1908 Reginald Lindsey SWEETSER 1819 Phillips 1827 Seth SWETT 1800 Samuel 1828 William Gray 1865 George Woodbury 1873 Melville Howard SWIFT 1809 William 1871 Henry Walton 1873 Thomas Nye 1874 Frederick 1877 William Nye 1879 Jireh 1899 Frederick Rotch 1903 Rodman 1904 John Baker SWINBURNE 1 88 1 George Knowles SwiNSCOE 1885 Henry Kirkland SwiTZER 1872 Edward Montague 1903 James Eads 1906 George TABER 1863 Henry Arnold TAFT 1804 Bezaleel 1904 Edward Augustine TAILER 1889 Thomas Suffern TALBOT 1876 Thomas Lincoln 1887 Winthrop Tisdale 1889 Thomas 1896 Richmond [296] 1899 Charles Nicoll 1900 Fritz Bradley TALMADGE 1868 Henry Pearl 1899 Henry 1902 Arthur White TAPPAN 1801 Enoch Sawyer 1805 Benjamin 1 86 1 Lewis William 1867 William Rollins 1878 Herbert 1907 Robert Meredith TAPPIN 1900 Harold TARE ELL 1873 Charles Francis TAUSSIG 1885 Alfred William TAYLOE 1823 Edward Thornton TAYLOR 1803 John Man 1828 Charles Joseph 1829 George Augustus 1866 John Ward 1885 Frederick Spaulding 1886 Howard Augustus 1888 Edward Wyllys 1889 Martin Allison 1890 Kenneth Matheson 1894 Herbert Floyd 1897 Harvey Clinton 1899 William Joseph 1901 Brainerd 1903 William Nicholson 1906 Frank Carroll TEBBETS 1799 Samuel 1880 John Sever 1892 Theodore Charles TENNEY 1853 Edward Jarvis TESCHEMACHER 1878 Hubert Engelbert 1879 Arthur Moxen TEVIS 1884 Hugh TEW 1905 James Dinsmore THACHER 1804 Samuel Cooper 1882 Thomas Chandler 1893 Louis Bartlett 1897 Archibald Gourlie 1904 Hamilton THAYER 1824 Christopher Toppan 1826 John Holbrook 1840 Frederic Fessenden 1850 William Sydney 1852 James Bradley 1870 Stephen Van Rensselaer 18706 Nathaniel 1871 Nathaniel 1875 Hollis 1878 Frederick Winthrop 1878 Nathaniel Niles 1 88 1 Albert Phelps 1881 William Roscoe 1885 Benjamin Bowditch 1885 Ernest Lawrence 1885 John Eliot 1885 William Sydney 1888 Ezra Ripley 1888 Lucian Skinner 1889 Charles Martin 1898 John Mowry 1904 Eugene Van Rensselaer THAXTER 1 86 1 Sidney Warren 1882 Roland THOMAS 1806 John Boies 1807 William 1838 Charles Grandison 1873 William 1876 Isaiah 1879 Washington Butcher 1893 Rufus Kemble 1895 Victor Sumner 1904 Theodore Gaillard THOMPSON 1823 Thomas Hunt 1831 Abraham Rand 1873 Albert Harris 1888 William Goodrich 1892 Lewis Sabin 1893 William Leland [ 297] 1894 James Madison 1897 Phillips Blagden 1899 George Washington [1904/1] Henry Smith, '99 1907 Frederick Oliver THOMSON 1887 Ernest Alexander 1897 Frank Graham 1899 Clarke 1902 Philip Wingate THORNDIKE 1813 William 1848 James Steuart 1852 Samuel Lothrop 1854 Charles 1854 William 1 88 1 Albert 1884 Augustus 1884 Paul 1890 Harry Hill 1892 William 1902 Richard King 1904 John Richard THORNTON 1905 Lewis Miller THORP 1879 Joseph Gilbert THURSTON 1829 James 1898 Edward Sampson 1903 Alden Sampson TlCKNOR 1870 Thomas Baldwin TIFFANY 1845 William Shaw 1847 Francis 1848 George Peabody 1866 William George 1868 Dexter 1880 Walter Checkley 1895 Dexter 1899 George Shepley TlLDEN 1799 James 1872 George Horton 1 88 1 Marmaduke 1905 Marmaduke 1905 William Morris TlLESTON 1855 John Boies TlLGHMAN 1805 Tench TlLNEY 1906 Nicholas Lechmere TlLTON 1 844 Warren 1887 Barclay 1890 Benjamin Trowbridge 1890 William Frederick 1900 Newell Whiting TlMMINS 1847 George Henry 1886 -Herbert TlNKHAM 1894 George Holden TlSDALE 1893/1 Archibald Read TOBEY 1858 Gerard Curtis 1858 Horace Pratt 1875 Phineas Sprague TODD 1840 Samuel TODHUNTER 1868 John TOMES 1875 Charles Alexander TOOKER 1888 John Stansbury TOPPAN 1858 Robert Noxon TORREY 1822 Ebenezer 1833 Henry Warren 1859 George Arnold TOWER 1806 Benjamin Hatch 1830 Charlemagne 1842 De Witt Clinton 1859 Robert 1867 Charles Walter 1872 Charlemagne 1877 Augustus Clifford [298] TOWNSEND 1842 George James 1863 Henry Elmer 1880 Howard 1 88 1 Charles Wendell 1882 Stephen Van Rensselaer 1884 Edward Mitchell 1893 Frederick 1896 Ralph Milbourne 1907 Richard Sullivan TRACY 1 806 Thomas TRAFFORD 1889 Perry Davis 1893 Bernard Walton TRAINER 1900 John Newlin TRAPIER 1825 Paul TRASK 1885 William Ropes TRAVIS 1905 Albert Chester TREAD WELL 1872 Eugene TREAT 1832 James Augustus 1837 Samuel TRENHOLM 1 88 1 George Macbeth TRIMBLE 1852 David Churchman 1879 Walter 1880 Richard TRIPP 1893 Philip Edmund TROWBRIDGE [1872/1] John, S.B. '65 TRUE 1832 Charles Kittredge 1835 Joseph TRULL 1837 Samuel TUBES 1879 Alfred Stewart 1881 Austin Chapin TUCKER 1820 Gideon 1833 Nathaniel Saville 1865 Lawrence 1872 Alanson TUCKERMAN 1847 Edward 1868 Leverett Saltonstall 1874 Charles Sanders 1878 Bayard 1878 Paul 1882 Gustavus 1894 Eliot 1905 John Appleton TUDOR 1800 John Henry 1867 Frederic 1871 William 1891 Frederic 1895 Henry D. TUFTS 1807 Joseph TURNER 1884 William Dall 1897 Hunt 1906 Howard Moore TURNURE 1889 George Evans 1889 Redfield 1894 Percy Rivington TWEED 1865 Charles Harrison 1907 Harrison TwOMBLEY 1879 William Greene TWOMBLY 1871 Hamilton McKown 1876 Arthur Butler 1879^ D. B. TYLER 1834 Royall 1872 Sidney Frederic 1874 Columbus Tyler 1874 Harry Blake 1874 William Royall 1887 Alfred Lee 1905 George Frederick TYNG 1816 Dudley Atkins [ 299 ] TYSON 1890 Russell 1891 George ULLRICH 1888 George Edward Walter UNDERWOOD 1879 Henry Oliver 1884 William Orison UPHAM 1819 Henry 1821 Charles Wenrworth 1845 George Phinehas 1852 Charles Wentworth 1877 Henry 1890 Richard Dana UPTON 1893 Joshua Damon URQUHART 1879 David VON UTASSY 1898 George UTTER 1898 Robert Palfrey VAIL 1893 Davis Righter VALENTINE 1897 Langdon Barrett 1898 Joseph Loring VALLE 1891 Paul Barbeau VAN BUREN 1878 Martin 1881 Charles Michael VANDERBILT 1907 Harold Stirling VANDERPOEL 1861 James McBride VAN DUZER 1875 Henry Sayre VAN HEUSEN 1888 William Manning VAN NEST 1874 George Willett VAN RENSSELAER 1879 William Bayard VAN WINKLE 1908 William Mitchell VARICK 1887 Thomas Rice VAUGHAN 1870 William Warren 1890 Henry Goodwin VlLLARD 1893 Oswald Garrison VINCENT 1859 Strong VlNGUT 1891 Henry Kermit VOGEL 1886 Augustus Hugo WADLEIGH 1854 Albra WADS WORTH 1848 Alexander Scammel 1860 Alexander Fairfield 1860 Oliver Fairfield 1870 William Austin 1889* Oliver Fairfield 1895 James 1896 Richard Goodwin 1898 Eliot 1902 Alexander Philip 1902 Willard WAGSTAFF 1905 David 1908 Samuel Jones WAIN WRIGHT 1812 Jonathan Mayhew 1891 Robert WAIT [i886fc] William Gushing, '82 WALBACH 1873 George Gorham WALCOTT 1819 Samuel Baker 1892 Charles 1893 George 1895 Robert WALDO 1906 Charles Sidney WALES 1861 Joseph Howe [ 3] WALKER 1865 Frederick 1814 James 1871 William Rotcb. 1814 Julius Henry 1818 Charles 1873 Arthur Lovell 1876 Charles Eliot 1826 Timothy 1879 Francis Morgan 1830 Henry Augustus 1832 Joseph Brewster 1871 Timothy Brewster 1880 Charles 1 88 1 Edward James 1890 Richard Darwin 1873 Grant 1893 Henry 1874 Edward Wood 1899 Leonard Everett 1892 Charles Cobb 1902 Mosefc Weld 1895 Brooks 1902 Storer Preble 1898 Alexander Stewart 1906 Charles Eliot WALL 1908 Gordon 1902 Alexander WARING WALLER 1852 William Henry 1882 Guy 1903 Stewart WALLEY WARLAND 1864 William Phillips WALSH 1903 William Seaver WARNER 1814 John 1815 William Augustus 1874 William Pearson WALTER 1882 Henry Eldridge 1798 Arthur Maynard 1898 Roger Sherman \VARD 1903 Hoyt Landon 1809 Samuel Dexter 1857/1 Thomas Wren 1903 Langdon 1907 Frederick Harris 1862 John Langdon WARREN 1863 Edward Augustus 1797 John Collins 1875 James Montford 1800 Ebenezer Tucker 1876 Samuel Gray 1805 Isaac 1900 Holcombe 1813 Henry WARDEN 1813 Winslow 1878 Henry Prince WARDNER 1815 Pelham Winslow 1817 Charles Henry 1830 George Washington 1888 Henry Steele 1863 John Collins 1890 George Philip 1873 Thomas Barnes WARE 1875 Samuel Dennis 1882 Frederic 1804 Ashur 1812 Henry : 1813 John 1883 Edward Perry 1884 Fiske 1880 Charles 1834 Charles Eliot 1838 George Frederick 1838 John Fothergill Waterhouse 1842 Thornton Kirkland 1843 Henry 1850 Loammi Goodenow 1895 Edward Henry 1896 John 1897 Joseph 1900 Leicester 1908 Samuel Dennis 1852 Darwin Erastus WASHBURN 1852 Robert 1816 William Rounsville Pierce 1852 William Robert 1839 Alexander Calvin 1862 William Tucker 1880 Charles Grenfill 1882 Philip 1891 Henry Bradford 1894 Reginald 1895 Paul 1906 Harold Connett WATERS 1855 Henry FitzGilbert 1863 Clifford Crowninshield 1894 Bertram Gordon WATRISS 1892 Frederic Newell WATSON 1800 Benjamin Marston 1833 Winslow Marston 1839 Benjamin Marston 1869 Robert Clifford 1873 Thomas Russell 1875 Francis Sedgwick 1879 William Livingston 1897 George Holdredge 1899 Theodore Sedgwick WEAVER 1889 Benjamin WEBB 1843 Seth 1882 John Sidney WEBBER 1815 Samuel 1905 Charles Jewell WEBSTER 1905 Harrison Briggs WEED 1800 Samuel 1860 Joseph Dunning 1872 Charles Milton 1885 George Standish 1892 William Maury 1903 Arthur Henry WEEKS 1881 Warren Bailey Potter WEHLE 1902 Louis Brandeis WEISS 1837 John 1869 Henry Ware WELCH 1839 Wilson Jarvis 1885* Francis C. 1902 William Marriott WELD 1823 Daniel 1833 Christopher Minot 1840 Moses Williams 1856 Richard Harding [1888 h] Francis Minot, '60 1860 Stephen Minot 1872 Francis Minot 1876 William Fletcher 1879 Charles Goddard 1880 Christopher Minot 1882 James Edward 1885 Edward Franklin 1886 Frederic Coffin 1889 Bernard Coffin 1890 Richard Harding 1891 Alfred Rodman 1891 Alfred Winsor 1893 Edward Motley 1897 Christopher Minot 1897 Francis Minot 1905 Rudolph 1908 Philip Balch WELLDON 1904 Samuel Alfred WELLES 1800 Benjamin 1827 Arnold Francis 1866 George Derby 1877 James Howard 1878 Benjamin WELLING 1880 Richard Ward Greene WELLINGTON 1797 Isaac 1832 William Williamson WELLS 1823 George Wadsworth 1857 Samuel 1864 Frank 1871 James Bradish 1878 John Walter 1884 Benjamin Williams 1886 Stiles Gannett 1890 Wellington 1894 Bulkeley 1894 George Doane 1897 Edgar Huidekoper WELSH 1897 Julian Palmer WENDELL 1874 Francis Thaxter 1877 Barrett 1882 Evert Jansen 1882 Gordon 1891 Jacob 1902 Barrett 1908 John Wheelwright WESSELHOEFT 1884 William Fessenden WEST 1834 Nathaniel 1835 Benjamin Hussey 1872 George Webb 1890 Montgomery Sears WESTON 1829 Ezra 1879 Edward Stanley 1886 Robert Dickson WETHERBEE 1887 Winthrop WETMORE 1860 Edmund 1875 Charles Whitman 1889 Charles Delevan 1894 Albert Lansing WHARTON 1873 Edwin Robbins 1903 William Pickman WHEATLAND 1844 Stephen Goodhue 1895 Richard WH EATON 1820 Henry Goodwin i8$oh Robert WHEELAN 1880 Fairfax Henry WHEELER 1810 Jonas 1837 Charles Stearns 1872 Frank Sumner 1874 William Asa 1876 Alfred Allison 1877 William Lang 1878 Henry 1890 Charles 1898 Stuart Wadsworth 1900 Edward Corydon 1901 Alexander Hamilton 1905 James Willard 1905 Reginald Tremaine WHEELOCK 1860 George Gill 1898 William Hawxhurst 1901 Geoffrey Manlius WHEELWRIGHT 1844 Edward 1847 Andrew Cunningham 1876 Edmund March 1876 John Tyler 1885 Charles Chapin 1887 Arthur William 1890 George William 1894 Henry May 1901 David Page 1901 William Bond WHISTLER 1887 Joseph Swift WHITBECK 1899 Brainerd Hunt WHITE 1797 Daniel Appleton 1806 William 1835 Ferdinand Elliot 1835 Naaman Loud 1860 John Corlies 1873 Horatio Stevens 1873 John Blake 1880 Franklin Davis iBSih John Williams 1884 Greenough 1884 John Allison 1885 Francis Winthrop 1885 McDonald Ellis 1887 Sumner Wheeler 1890 Charles James 1892 Alexander Moss 1892 Eliot 1897 Harold Tredway 1901 Frank Stanley 1902 Loomis Laurence 1906 Joseph Lyman 1907 John Campbell 1907 John Dolbeare 1907 Richard Stockton [ 33 WHITESIDE 1895 Alexander WHITFIELD 1898 Henry Davis WHITING 1814 Martin 1816 Augustus 1833 William 1877 William Austin 1879 Charles Hoover 1890 Arthur Bruce WHITMAN 1808 Levi 1809 Nathaniel 1825 Jason 1846 Bernard Crosby 1868 Henry Medill 1882 Russell 1886 Crosby Church 1895 Raymond Lee 1897 William 1899 Clarence Morton 1899 Malcolm Douglass 1905 Harold Cutler 1906 Hendricks Hallett WHITNEY 1831 Warren Jacob 1838 Asa Hammond 1846 Henry Austin 1848 David Rice 1871 Edward Farley 1878 Joseph Cutler 1889 James Edward 1892 Hugh 1901 Charles Handasyde 1901 Stan ton 1906 Theodore Train 1907 Charles Beals 1907 George WHITRIDGE 1889 Morris 1894 Andrew Henderson 1903 Horatio Lorenzo WHITTEMORE 1873 Henry 1892 Francis Lee 1895 James Kelsey 1895 Parker Williams 1896 Frank Bruce 1901 Wyman WHITTIER 1860 Charles Albert WHITWELL 1824 William Augustus 1869 William Scollay 1884 Frederick Silsbee WlCKHAM 1822 James McCIurg WlDENER 1907 Harry Elkins WlESTLING 1887 Frank Beecher WIGGINS 1876 John 1893 Joseph 1908 Carl WIGGLE SWORTH 1822 Edward 1833 Thomas 1874 George 1905 Norton WIGHT 1902 Delano WlLBY 1870 'Charles Bowditch 1875 Joseph WILDER 1825 Frederick 1829 James Humphrey 1856 Daniel Webster 1865 Enos 1893 James Austin WILDES 1864 Frank Waldo 1873 George Dudley WlLKINS 1818 John Hubbard WILKINSON 1866 Edward Tuckerman 1880 Alfred WlLLARD 1803 Samuel 1806 Jacob Sheaf e 1817 Paul 1857 Josiah Newell 1860 Robert 1869 Gardner Goodrich [304] 1875 Munroe Livingstone 1887 Waldo Wickham 1860 James Henry 1886 William Reynolds WILLIAMS WlNDLE 1798 William 1869 William Seal 1 80 1 Nathaniel DE WlNDT 1830 Joseph Barney 1 88 1 Heyliger Adams 1831 Joseph Ricketson WING 1835 Elijah Dwight 1837 Edward Pinkney 1872 Francis Joseph 1837 Francis Stanton WlNLOCK 1837 Henry 1857^ Joseph 1837 William Pinkney 1885 George Lane 1839 George Hawkins WlNSLOW 1839 Joshua Barney 1840 Joseph Otis 1849 James Otis 1850 Benjamin Payson 1850 Frederic Dickinson 1850 Langdon 1856 Dalrymple 1865 Henry Bigelow 1866 John Davis 1835 Benjamin Davis 1883 George Scott 1883 Winthrop Church 1885 Samuel Ellsworth 1888 Nathan Howard 1893 Charles Gibson 1895 Frederick Bradlee 1896 Andrew Nickerson 1868 Moses WlNSOR 1871 Charles Herbert 1870 Walter Thaxter 1872 Charles Amory 1880 Robert 1873 David Weld 1902 Alfred 1875 Harold 1903 Kennard 1876 Theodore Chickering 1905 Robert 1877 John Bertram \VlNSTON 1879 Otho Holland 1 88 1 Frank S. 1904 Gustavus Owen 1881 George Henry WINTER 1882 George Walton 1839 William Drew 1885 Henry Morland 1891 IMoses WINTHROP i8oA Hueh 1807 Thomas Lindall 7T o 1894 Sydney Messer 1896 Ralph Blake 1807 Lombard 1817 Francis William 1828 Robert Charles 1854 Robert Charles 7 1899 Harold 1863 John 1902 Edward Gary 1903 John Peabody 1883 Robert Dudley 1885 Egerton Leigh 1886 Grenville Lindall WILLIAMSON 1891 Frederic 1852 William Cross 1891 Grenville Bayard 1875 William Henry 1897 Beekman 1905 George WlSTER WILLIS 1882 Owen 1870 Grinnell WOART 1902 Joseph Grinnell 1828 Jonathan Loring WILSON WOLCOTT 1816 Azariah 1870 Roger [305] 1903 Samuel Huntington 1903 William Prescott WOOD 1797 Benjamin 1821 Nathaniel 1881 John Gerrish 1888 John Walter 1898 Clement Biddle 1898 Howard 1901 Erskine 1902 William Barry 1906 Baldwin WOODARD 1907 John Varney WOODBURY 1882 Frederick Clinton 1886 Gordon 1889 Thornton WOODMAN 1888 Francis Call WOODRUFF 1898 Henry Mygatt WOODS 1817 Alvah 1887 James Haughton 1890 Thomas Smith WOODWARD 1841 Rufus 1884 Harry Reamer 1898 William WOODWORTH 1888 William McMichael 1891 Arthur Vernon WORCESTER 1818 Thomas 1822 Samuel Melancthon 1830 Samuel Thomas 1832 David WORKUM 1888 Julius Freiberg WRENN 1892 Everts 1894 Philip Wycoff 1895 Robert Duffield 1896 George Lawson WRIGHT 1808 Nathaniel 1823 John 1838 Nathaniel 1842 Thomas [1869/1] Chauncey, '52 1861 James Edward 1866 Frank *877 John Russell 1879 James Anderson 1889 Eben 1903 Gushing Frederic WRIGHTINGTON 1897 Edgar Newcomb WYER 1801 Timothy WYETH 1884 Stuart WYMAN 1799 Rufus 1833 Morrill YOUNG 1820 Alexander 1877 Reginald 1885 Edward Blake 1907 Benjamin Loring ZANETTI [1901/1] Enrique de Cruzat, '97 ZEREGA 1887 Richard Augustus ZlNKEISEN 1887 Oscar Theodore 1889 Frank Edward CATALOGUES OF THE HASTY PUDDING CLUB IN the first volume of Secretary's Records (p. 6) appear the names of the members of the classes from 1797 to 1801 inclu- sive. The signatures, except those of the classes of 1797 and 1798, are in autograph. Volume II of the Records (pp. 8-10) contains the auto- graph signatures of the members from 1802 to 1807 inclusive. The names were kept till the class of 1847 in two MS. catalogues containing the membership lists presumably writ- ten in by the Secretary from class to class. The first of these catalogues is from 1797 to 1835 inclusive, and the second from 183810 1846 inclusive, with the substance of the first catalogue copied into it, and separate lists of officers. These catalogues are not reliable, as many elections recorded in the Secretaries' minutes are wanting, and their lists of officers are largely untrustworthy. In 1829 a printed catalogue of the Club was issued, fol- lowed at intervals of from five to ten years by eleven others. The first catalogue was evidently prepared from the first MS. catalogue, and those which subsequently followed it embraced all the errors of the original. These catalogues were as follows: I. 1829. A small pamphlet of thirteen pages, printed by E. W. Metcalf & Co., in Cambridge. It contained the names of 6n living and 127 dead members, and their offices held in the Club (very incorrectly). II. 1838. Cambridge: Metcalf, Torrey & Ballou. pp. 36. Contains the names of 188 new members, living and dead, making the total since the foundation 926. Also a catalogue of books and periodicals in the Club library. III. 1841. Cambridge : Metcalf, Torrey &Ballou. pp. 48. Adds the names of 39 living members [total 965], and largely increased catalogue of library. IV. 1846. Cambridge: Metcalf & Co. Small pamphlet of size adopted by every subsequent catalogue, pp. 56. Bears on cover print of Club seal (obverse and reverse). Also (obverse) on title-page and (reverse) on last page the same print repeated. [This feature was not abandoned till 1867 Catalogue.] Contains list of officers in place of library cata- logue, and names "more than 1000 members, of whom about 800 are surviving." V. 1850. Cambridge: Metcalf & Co. pp. 68. Contains names of 1184 members, "of whom 873 are now surviving." VI. 1855. Cambridge: Metcalf & Co. pp. 76. Contains the names of 1315 members, "of whom 1002 are now sur- viving." Notes 4500 volumes in the library, an increase for the year of 200. VII. 1860. Cambridge: Welch, Bigelow & Co. pp. 83. Contains the names of 1449 members, "of whom 985 are now surviving." VIII. 1867. Boston: Rockwell & Rollins, pp. 94. Con- tains the names of 1714 members, "of whom 1096 are now surviving"; also, for the first time, a list of Honorary mem- bers. IX. 1874. Boston: Rockwell & Churchill, pp. 112. Con- tains the names of 1981 members, "of whom 1209 are living." X. 1884. Cambridge: W. H. Wheeler, pp. 157. Care- fully revised. Contains the names of " nearly 3000 members." XI. 1891. Cambridge: W. H. Wheeler. Contains the names of 3688 members, of whom 2444 survive. XII. 1902. Jamaica, Queensborough, New York: The Marion Press. Contains the names of 4781 members, of whom 3294 survive. XIII. 1907. Cambridge: The Riverside Press. Contains the names of 5312 members, of whom 3486 survive. CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS U S A LIBRARY y- A 000 590 808 2