IRLF B 3 33b 33M BIOLOGY LIBRARY 3 8061 '[l "NW H*0 SJ soig r" <^^> z2 'ffc of C/7 [From the PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SddETY.oJF I May 2, 1871.] A Revised Catalogue of the Birds of China and its Islands, with Descriptions of New Species, References to former Notes, and occasional Remarks. By ROBERT SWINHOE, F.Z.S. 1. &YPAETUS BARBATUS, Cuv. ; Ibis, 1867, p. 413 ; P. Z. S. 1870, uusiranonv, ovo, M?l, * ua V puu ii0 vu,j 7 Catalogue of the Birds of China with daaArinfinn* nfi , A i n -i v nr- ^ew Species, by R. SWINHOE, 8vo, w^er^Te^TsU 1 ^ ^ C& ^ ^Sion at * " a ^'^ Armand David in the BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. J THIS BOOK WAS SOLD TO HENRY BYRON PHILLIPS is also a specimen of it in the / X ^c ; ^/^ ^^/2^3^v ^^T' ^ ^>^ ^ [From the PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL Sdcnsyy, OJF May 2, 1871.] @JM~ A Revised Catalogue of the Birds of China and its Islands, with Descriptions of New Species, References to former Notes, and occasional Remarks. By ROBERT SWINHOE, F.Z.S. 1. GTYPAETUS BARBATUS, Cuv. ; Ibis, 1867, p. 413 ; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 430. I have seen, in the museum attached to the Catholic Mission at Pekin, a Bearded Vulture, procured by Pere Armand David in the mountains west of that city. There is also a specimen of it in the British Museum, marked " China." m. . 338 . MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINI,- - Quay 2, *". * ^2'. VuLTufcVoffACHUs, L. ; Ibis, 1867, p. 413. /J .. : Tfterfc : ar4 Speqirnens of this Vulture in the Peking Museum, * 'proruretTb'y "Pere David from the mountains in the north-west of the Chelee Province. 3. AQUILA CHRYSAETOS, Cuv. ; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 443. Eagles were several times seen by myself in the Nankow Pass, on the road from Peking to Mongolia, but I was not able to determine the species. Pere David identifies the resident species of these moun- tains with the Golden Eagle, and mentions meeting with a large variety, with longer bill and white tarse (" Catalogue des oiseaux a Pe'kin," Nouv. Arch, du Museum d'Hist. Nat. de Paris, tome iii. 1867), which Mr. Gurney tells me he has seen from Denmark and also from Algeria. Mr. Gurney adds that " the specimens were in other respects in the usual plumage of the second year. The Danish examples were certainly large and fine, the Algerian not particularly so. At present I have seen no sufficient difference to make me think that there are two species or races of Golden Eagle." 4. AQUILA BIFASCIATA, J. E. Gray. Aquila heliaca, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 259 ; Ibis, 1865, p. 347. Mr. Howard Saunders has demonstrated to this Society * that the eastern form of Imperial Eagle differs, in its first plumage at least, from the European bird, and is apparently a distinct species. M. Milne-Edwards refers to Dr. Gray's name a bird sent from Pekin by Pere David, on which the Abbe' remarks, " common on our moun- tains and in Mongolia." This species has been shot in the imma- ture plumage in winter at Foochow ; and I have noticed it in adult plumage with white scapulars on Ape's Hill, Takow, S.W. Formosa. 5. AQUILA AMURENSIS, sp. nov. Similis A. clangse, Pall., sed major. M. Milne-Edwards identifies the Tawny Eagle from Peking with A. clanga of Pallas ; and Pere David notes the occurrence also at the same locality of the smaller allied form, A. ncevia, Briss. A speci- men from the Amoor, kindly sent me by Dr. v. Schrenck, is of large size, and, in Mr. Gurney's opinion, worthy of separation as a third species of this group. I enter this in the present list under the sup- position that it will be the same as No. 5 of Pere David's catalogue, which he also states to be " common in our mountains and in Mon- golia." Mr. Gurney very obligingly compared the Amoor specimen with a female of Aquila clanga from Sarepta, on the Volga, and has given me the following measurements : Entire Wing from Middle toe length. carpel joint. Tail. Tarsus, without claw. A. clanga $ (ad.)... 31 in. 23 in. 11 in. 3^ in. 2iin. A. amurensis ? (ad.) 33*,, 26$,, 12 4J, f 2$,, Mr. Gurney writes : " In plumage, I do not find that it differs * See anted,, p. 37. [2] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CIN*A> ; ; , ; 339 l^ '. / ', J '' ; ' > from the adult of A. clanga, except in having ^tbe pale transverse, bars on the secondaries lighter in their hue, and^heyeJore^iore'crtii-' spicuous, especially on the outer webs. " It would seem that there are three races of Eagles, only differing in comparative size : "Aquila ncevia. The smallest of the three, found in Egypt, South- ern Europe, Smyrna, Palestine, India, and Sumatra (one specimen) . " Aquila clanaa, Pall. The intermediate race, found at Sarepta, near the mouth of the Volga. Both it and the preceding have been obtained in European Turkey and in Palestine. I have also seen the Sarepta race from Mesopotamia ; but how far it extends eastward I do not know. "Aquila (from Amoorland). The largest race. How far it ex- tends westward I do not know." 6. HALIAETCS ALBICILLA (L.) ; Ibis, 1865, p. 347; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 259. From the river Yangtsze northwards. Seen only occasionally in the south. An immature bird flew on board a ship in the harbour of Swatow, and allowed itself to be captured, in the winter of 1867-68. It fell into my hands. Its iris was clear yellowish brown ; cere light bluish grey ; feet lemon-yellow, with black claws. 7. HALIAETUS PELAGICUS, Pall. ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 260. Pere David saw this giant Eagle once at Peking, and says that it is well known to the Chinese. 8. ARCHIBUTEO AQUILINUS, Hodgs. Butaquila aquilina et B. leucocephala, Hodgs. Butaquila hemilasius, Schleg. Faun. Jap. Buteo lagopus, David, Catalogue des oiseaux a Pekin. Falco hemilasius, Temm. et Schleg. Faun. Jap. In January 1868 a large male Buzzard was shot by Consul Caine at Swatow. Mr. Gurney has determined it to be of this species. Its cere was greenish yellow ; iris straw-yellow, redder round the pupil ; legs dingy orange-tinted yellow, with black claws. It is not in mature plumage. Pere David has sent specimens of the same to the Paris Museum, and writes that it is not rare at Pekin and breeds there. 9. BUTEO ASIATICUS (Lath.). Buteo japonicus, Temm. et Schleg. Faun. Japon. ; Zoologist, 1858, p. 6227 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 46, 1861, pp. 24, 326, 1863, pp. 210, 1870, p. 87 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 260. South China to Hainan, and Formosa in winter. 10. SPIZAETUS NIPALENSIS, Hodgs. Spizaetus orientalis, Temm. et Schleg. Faun. Japon.; Swinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 211. Formosa. [3] 589:146 340 c . . MK- SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 11. SPILORNIS^CJIEELA (Baud.). v%&1$1* &hoe, Ibis, 1866, pp. 304, 307, 399, 1867, 'pp- 409', 4H)/ Formosa; Araoy (China). 12. SPILORNIS RUTHERFORDI, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1870, p. 85. Hainan. 13. POLIORNIS POLiOGENYs(Temm. et Schleg.) ; Swinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 88, 1864, p. 429, 1865, p. 545, 1866, p. 136, 1867, p. 411; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 315, 1863, p. 260, 1870, p. 600. Buteo pygmceus, Blyth, Ibis, 1865, p. 29. Formosa ; coast of China. Goes as far south in winter as the Tenasserim Provinces. 14. PAN DION HALIAETUS(L.); Swinhoe, Zoologist, 1858, p. 6227, 1860, p. 7102, 1861, p. 7642, 1864, p. 9224 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 46, 1861, p. 24, 1863, p. 209, 1865, p. 347, 1870, p. 86 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 260. Throughout China, Formosa, and Hainan. 15. FALCO PEREGRINUS, L. ; Zool. 1858, p. 6226; Ibis, 1860, p. 46, 1861, p. 24, 1863, p. 210, 1867, p. 388, 1870, p. 84; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 260. China, Formosa, and Hainan. 16. FALCO SACER, Schlegel; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 260. Buteo ?, Ibis, 1861, p. 326, 1863, p. 88. Pekin. 17. HYPOTRIORCHIS SUBBUTEO (L.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 46, 1863, p. 89. Falco subbuteo, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 315, 1863, p. 260. Amoy ; Pekin. 18. HYPOTRIORCHIS JESALON (L). Falco cesalon, Ibis, 1861, p. 327 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 260. Amoy ; Pekin. 19. TlNNUNCULTJS ALAUDARIUS, Var. JAPONICUS. Tinnunculus alaudarius, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 47, 1861, p. 24, 1866, p. 293, 1867, p. 385, 1870, p. 84. Falco tinnunculus, Ibis, 1861, p. 327. Tinnunculus japonicus, Ibis, 1863, p. 211, 1864, p. 424 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 261. China, Formosa, and Hainan. 20. ERYTHROPUS AMURENSIS (Radde); Gurney, Ibis, 1868, p. 41, pi. 11 ; P. Z. S. 1870, pp. 436, 448. Erythropus vespertinus, Ibis, 1861, pp. 253, 327 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 315, 1863, p. 260. [4] 18/1.] MR. R SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA, 341 Summers at Pekin, and collects in large numbers in September before going south. Wanders in winter to India and Africa. 21. TlCHORNIS PEKINENSIS. Falco cenchris, var. pekinensis, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1870, pp. 442, 448. Breeds on the western hills of Pekin, and assembles in large numbers in September. Mr. Hodgson's drawing of the Nepal bird (in the British Museum) shows that it is this race of Tichornis cenchris that resorts to India. The adult male has all the wing-coverts grey right up to the scapulars ; the inner or short primaries are broadly bordered at their tips with whitish, rufous in the immature ; the white on the under quills is 3^ inches short of their tips. 22. PERNIS APIVORUS (L.); David, Catalogue des oiseaux a Pekiii. Pere David notes this as found about Pekin in autumn. Schlegel has it from Japan (Musee des Pays-Bas, Pernes, p. 2). 23. MILVUS GOVINDA, Sykes ; Swinh. Zoolog. 1858, p. 6227; Ibis, 1860, p. 47, 1861, pp. 25, 253, 326, 1863, p. 210, 1865, p. 546, 1866, p. 121, 1867, p. 236, 1870, p. 88. Milvus melanotis, Ibis, 1865, p. 348, 1867, pp. 409, 411; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 260. China, Formosa, and Hainan. 24. MILVUS MIGRANS (Bodd.). Milvus ater, Gm. A live specimen of this Kite, said to have been brought from North China, is now living in the Society's gardens. 25. ASTUR PALUMBARIUS (L.) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 261, 1870, p. 448. I have an adult male from Pekin, which does not differ from home-shot specimens. 26. LOPHOSPIZA TRIVIRGATA (Cuv.) ; Temm. PI. Col. 303 ; Ibis, 1865, p. 547, 1866, p. 395. Formosa. The Malay form. 27. ACCIPITER NISUS (L.) ; Zoolog. 1858, p. 6227; Ibis, 1861, p. 327, 1870, p. 84 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 261, 1870, p. 443. Accipiter ? Ibis, 1860, pp. 47, 429, 1863, p. 88. Peking, Amoy, and Canton. 28. ACCIPITER STEVENSONI, Gurney ; Ibis, 1863, p. 447, pi. 1 1 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 261, 1870, p. 600. Micronisus, sp. ?, Ibis, 1861, p. 25. Accipiter gularis ?, Ibis, 1863, p. 89. Canton to Pekin. [S] 342 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 29. ACCIPITER GULARIS, Schleg. F. J.t. 2; Gurney,Ibis, 1865, pp. 236, 547; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 261. Accipiter nisoides, Blyth, Ibis, 1865, p. 28. Formosa. 30. ACCIPITER VIRGATUS, Temm. PI. Col. 109 ; Ibis, 1865, p. 108, 1866, p. 405. Micronisus gularis, Ibis, 1863, p. 212. Formosa. 31. MICRONISUS BADIUS (Gm.) ; Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 84. Hainan. 32. MICRONISUS SOLOENSIS (Horsf.) ; PI. Col. 110, 129; Ibis, 1863, p. 89, 1866, p. 403; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 315, 1863, p. 261. Micronisus badius, Ibis, 1860, p. 359. Accipiter virgatus, Ibis, 1861, p. 264. Amoy ; Pescadores ; Shanghai (Brit. Museum) ; Pekin. 33. CIRCUS ^ERUGINOSUS, L. ; Ibis, 1865, pp. 349, 352, 1870, p. 87. Swatow ; Amoy ; S.W. Formosa ; Hainan. 34. CIRCUS SPILONOTUS, Kaup ; Ibis, 1863, p. 213, pi. 5, 1865, pp. 230, 347, 1870, p. 87 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 261. Circus ceruginosus, Ibis, 1860, pp. 47, 359. Amoy ; river Yangtsze ; Formosa. 35. CIRCUS CYANEUS, L. ; Zoolog. 1858, p. 6227; Ibis, 1860, p. 47, 1861, p. 326, 1870, p. 88 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 261. Amoy. 36. CIRCUS MELANOLEUCUS, Gm. ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 315, 1863, p. 261. Circus ?, Ibis, 1861, p. 326, 1863, p. 88. Tientsin. 37. CIRCUS CINERACEUS, Montagu. River Yangtsze. 38. CIRCUS PALLIDUS, Sykes. Circus swainsonii, A. Smith ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 261. River Tangtsze. 39. ATHENE PLUMIPES, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 448. Similis A. glauci, sed pedibus dense plumatis. Not common about the Pekin neighbourhood in autumn ; is found also in the Lake-Baikal region, according to Tacsanowsky of "Warsaw. [6] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 343 40. ATHENE WHITELYI, Blyth, Ibis, 1867, p. 313. Athene cuculoides. Ibis, 1861, pp. 25, 265, 1867, p. 406 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 262. Ab A. cuculoidi alarumetcaudcefasciispaucioribusdistinguenda. Amoy ; Canton ; Foochow ; Szechuen. Goes south on the ap- proach of winter. 41. ATHENE BRODIJEI (Burt.). Noctua brodicei, Burt. P. Z. S. 1835. Tingchow (Fokien Province). One specimen of this was brought to me at Amoy in January 1867. 42. ATHENE PARDALOTA, Swinhoe ; Ibis, 1863, p. 216. Differt a sp. prcecedente venire media nigro yuttato. Formosa. 43. NINOX JAPONICA, Temm. et Schleg. ; Zool. 1858, p. 6228 ; Ibis, 1863, pp. 89, 215, 1864, p. 427, 1866, p. 307, 1870, p. 88; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 316, 1863, p. 262. Athene scutellata (Raffles) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 47. Amoy ; Hainan ; Formosa ; Tientsin. 44. BUBO MAXIMUS, Sibb. ; Zool. 1858, p. 6227; Ibis, 1860, p. 47, 1861, pp. 254, 327; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 262. Amoy, North China. 45. KETUPA CEYLONENSIS (Gmel.); Ibis, 1861, p. 27; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 262. Hongkong. 46. SCOPS SUNIA, Hodgs. Scops japonicus, Schleg. Faun. Japon. ; Zool. 1858, p. 6228; Ibis, 1863, p. 89 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 262. Scops bakkamcena(?Qim.); Ibis, 1860, p. 47; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 316. Amoy in winter; Pekin. 47. LEMPIJIUS SEMITORQUES (Schleg.). Ephialtes plumipes, Hume, Scrap Book, Part 1, No. 2, p. 307. Digitis supra plumatis. Schlegel (Mus. des Pays-Bas, Oti, p. 24) cites specimens from Japan and Nepal. Pere *David has sent it from Moupiu (N.W. corner of Szechuen). 48. LEMPIJIUS GLABRIPES. Ephialtes glabripes, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. 4th series, p. 152. Scops semitorques, Swinh. (nee Schlegel), Ibis, 1863, p. 217, 1867, p. 409; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 262. 344 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, Scops ?, Ibis, 1861, p. 29. Scops lempiji, Ibis, 1861, p. 265. Digitis nudis. Amoy ; Foochow ; Canton ; Formosa. Differs from the foregoing in having the toes always bare instead of feathered along their upper surfaces. 49. LEMPIJIUS UMBRATILIS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 342. Ephialtes lettia, Ibis, 1870, p. 88. Hainan. 50. LEMPIJIUS HAMBROECKI. Ephialtes hambroecki, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. 4th series, p. 153. Scops japonicus, Ibis, 1865, p. 348, 1866, p. 307. Formosa. Of the Lempiji form and type, but small and rufous, and at first sight to be mistaken for Scops japonicus. 51. SYRNIUM NIVICOLUM, Hodgs. J. A. S. xiv. p. 185; P. Z. S. 1870, pp. 438, 443. Pekin in autumn. 52. PTYNX FULVESCENS (Temm. et Schleg.). Sent to the Paris Museum by Pere David from the Moupin Moun- tains (N.W. Szechuen). 53. BULACA NEMVARENSIS (HodgS.). Bubo caligatus, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 218, 1864, p. 429. Formosa. 54. OTUS VULGARIS, Flem. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 89 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 316, 1863, p. 262. Tientsin. 55. OTUS BRACHYOTUS (L.) ; Ibis, 1861, pp. 26,327, 1863, p. 89 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 262. Peking; Canton. 56. STRIX CANDIDA, Tickell. Strix pithecops, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1866, pp. 396, 397. S.W. Formosa. 57. CAPRIMULGUS JOTAKA, Temm. et Schleg. F. J. ; Ibis, 1861, p. 327, 1870, p. 89 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 263, 1870, p. 439. Caprimulyus ?, Ibis, 1860, p. 47, 1861, p. 30. Caprimulgus dytiscivorus, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 130. Caprimulgus swinhoeiy Blyth ; Ibis, 1861, p. 263. China. 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 345 58. CAPRIMULGUS MONTICOLA, Fraiikl. P. Z. S. 1831, p. 116. Caprimulgus stictomus, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 263. Caprimulffus pallidus, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 2. Caprimulgus ?, Ibis, 1860, p 47, 1861, p. 30. South China in summer. I have a very rufous and brightly marked female from Amoy, which I at first confounded with the following bird. 59. CAPRIMULGUS STICTOMUS, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 250, 1866, pp. 315, 402. Like the last, but smaller, with the toes, especially the middle one, conspicuously longer. Resident in Formosa. 60. CYPSELUS PEKINENSIS, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 435. This pale representative of G. apus, L., comes to Pekin in large numbers in April (David} to breed, and leaves early in August. A bird from the Himalayas, brought home by Dr. Jerdon, agrees with my specimens ; and it is probably this species, and not the true C. apus, which is found in India in winter. 61. CYPSELUS PACIFICUS, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. 58; Ibis, 1870, p. 89. Cypselus vittatus, Jard. 111. Orn. ser. 2. pi. 39 ; Ibis, 1860, pp. 48, 429, 1861, pp. 254, 328, 1863, p. 253, 1865, p. 356; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 263. Hainan to Pekin, and in Formosa. 62. CYPSELUS SUBFURCATUS, Blyth ; Ibis, 1863, p. 254, 1865, p. 355, 1866, p. 131, 1867, p. 227, 1870, p. 89 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 264. Cypselus affinis, Ibis, 1860, p. 48, 1861, p. 30. Hainan to Amoy, and in Formosa. 63. CYPSELUS INFUMATUS, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 602. Cypselus tinus, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 90. Cypselus tectorum, Jerdon. Hainan. I have compared my specimens with Dr. Jerdon's type from Upper Assam, and with Dr. Sclater' s type from Borneo in Mr. Wallace's collection, and find them all to be of the same species. 64. CH^TURA CAUDACUTA (Lath.). Hirundo ciris, Pall. Zoograph. Rosso-Asiat. Acanthylis caudacuta (Lath.), P. Z. S. 1863, p. 263. Chcetura nudipes, Hodgs. ; Ibis, 1860, p. 48. Amoy. Common on the Pekin mountains (David). 65. ? CENTURA GIGANTEA, V. Hass. ; PI. Col. 364. Acanthylis caudacuta, Ibis, 1870, p. 90. It is probably this species that makes the edible nests in the caves [9] 346 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, of the islands off the south of Hainan, and not the preceding species, as I had at first supposed. 66. HIRUNDO GUTTURALIS, Scop. ; Ibis, 1860, pp. 48, 429, 1861, p. 30, 1863, p. 255, 1870, p. 240 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 287. Hirundo rustica, Ibis, 1861, p. 254, 328, 1863, p. 89, 1867, p. 411. Hirundo panay ana, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, i. p. 1018. Throughout China and Formosa in summer. Like H. rustica, but much smaller and with broader bill. 67. CECROPIS STRIOLATA (Temm. & Schleg.). Hirundo daurica, Ibis, 1860, p. 48, 1863, p. 255. The striped-belly Swallows that abound in summer in Formosa and breed there belong to the species of this group found in the islands of the Indian archipelago. My specimens agree with one collected by Mr. Wallace at Flores. Seven specimens of this form show no signs of a white spot on the inner web of the outer rectrix. 68. CECROPIS JAPONICA (Temm. & Schleg.). Hirundo daurica, Ibis, 1860, p. 48 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 187. I believe my Amoy specimens to belong to this species, though I have not been able to compare them with skins from Japan. Hirundo erythropygia, Sykes, of India (Gould, B. of As. pi.) is easily distin- guished from this by its deep rufous unstreaked rump, and by the faint narrow streaks of its uriderparts. An occasional specimen of our bird shows a faint white spot on the inner web of the outer rectrix. 69. CECROPIS ARCTIVITTA, n. sp. Hirundo daurica, Ibis, 1861, p. 328, 1863, p. 89 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 287. The striped Swallow that comes to Pekin to breed is of about the size of the Amoy species, but more faintly and narrowly striped on the underparts, and is easily distinguishable from that and all other species of this group that I have seen by the extreme narrow- ness of the rufous band across its rump. (Depth of band in C. japonica 1*2, in this bird '7). I was formerly under the impression that the Pekin bird was the true/7, daurica, L. (H. alpestris, Pall.) ; but I have now no doubt that both Linnaeus and Pallas applied their names to H. rufula, Temm. (Gould, B. of As. pi.). The Hima- layan species, H. nipalensis, Hodgs. (H. daurica, Gould, B. of As. pi.), has the rump-band nearly as narrow as in ours, but its broad rufous nuchal collar prevents its being confounded with ours. The white spot on the external rectrix is also occasionally seen in the Pekin birds. 70. COTYLE RIPARIA (L.); Ibis, 1861, p. 328, 1863, p. 89; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 287. Pekin in summer. [10] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 347 71. COTYLE SINENSIS (J. E. Gray); Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 257, 1866, p. 134 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 288. South China and Formosa. 72. PTYONOPROGNE RUPESTRIS. Cotyle rupestris (Scop.); P. Z. S. 1870, p. 445. Common in the mountains about Pekin. Pere David says that in winter many are found together in caverns in a torpid state, and that these on mild days recover from their sleep and fly about over the rocks in the open. 73. CHELIDON LAGOPODA (Pall.); Ibis, 1863, p. 91 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 287. Chelidon whiteleyi, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1862, p. 320. Seen in summer about the hills of Pekin and of Ichang, up the Yangtsze. Very scarce. Pere David found it nesting in the rocks of San Yu. It avoids the neighbourhood of houses. 74. EURYSTOMUS ORIENTALIS (L.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 48, 1861, p. 31, 1866, p. 129 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 269. Canton ; Foochow. A summer visitant. Does not quite agree with specimens from India, nor yet with those from Java and Lombock. 75. HALCYON SMYRNENSIS (L.) ; Gould, B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1860, p. 48, 1861, p. 31, 1868, p. 59, 1870, p. 93; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 269. Shanghai to Hainan. 76. HALCYON PILEATUS, Bodd. PL En. 673 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 49, 1870, p. 93. Halcyon atricapilla, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 269. Hainan to Pekin. 77. HALCYON COROMANDELIANA, Scop. Ibis, 1863, p. 259. Halcyon coromanda, Ibis, 1866, p. 138. Formosa. 78. ALCEDO BENGALENSIS, Gm. ; Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 49, 1861, pp. 31, 328, 1863, p. 260, 1867, p. 408, 1870, p. 92 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 269. Hainan to Peking, and in Formosa. The bird in Formosa is usually to be distinguished from the continental race by a blue spot on each side of the breast near the bend of the wing ; but this pecu- liarity occurs also occasionally in birds on the main. 79. CERYLE RUDIS (L.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 49, 1861, p. 31, 1867, p. 408, 1870, p. 92 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 269. Hainan to Wanchow, and upper waters of the Yangtsze. Chinese specimens rarely have white spots on the black band of the tail. in] 348 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 80. CERYLE LUGUBRIS, Temm. PI. Col. 548. A bird shot at Ningpo and described to me by a friend answers to this species. 81. MEROPS DAUDINI, Cuv. ; G. R. Gray's Hand-list of Birds. Merops philippensis, Ibis, 1865, pp. 230, 348, 1870, p. 91. Merops philippinus, Ibis, 1866, p. 129. Procured at Swatow. For the edification of our Indian friends it is well to state here that the so-called M. quinticolor from India is not the same as the Javan bird. The former differs from the latter in having the under neck blotched with chestnut, and the tail green instead of blue. The Indian species should stand as M. erythro- cephalus, Brisson, Av. iv. p. 563. 82. UPUPA EPOPS, L. ; Zool. 1858, p. 6229 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 49, 1861, pp. 254, 328, 1867, p. 236 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 264. From Canton to Pekin. I described in the * Zoologist' for 1858, and in the P. Z. S. for 1863, the peculiar way in which the Hoopoe produces its notes, by puffing out the sides of its neck and hammering on the ground at the production of each note, thereby exhausting the air at the end of the series of three which make up its song. Before it repeats its call it repeats the puffing of the neck, with a slight gurgling noise. When it is able to strike its bill the sound is the correct " hoo-hoo-hoo ; " but when perched on a rope and only jerking out the song with nods of the head, the notes more resemble the syllables " hoh-hoh-hoh." Mr. Darwin makes use of this last fact to show that some birds have instrumental means to produce their music (Descent of Man, ii. p. 62). It is not to this point, however, that I wish at present to call attention ; but to the fact of the bird's puffing out the sides of its neck. It is generally supposed that the song of a bird is produced by actions of the lower larynx on air passing up the bronchial tubes, onwards and outwards through the main tube or trachea. The trachea of the Hoopoe is not dila- table ; but its oesophagus is ; and the puffing of its neck is caused by the bulging of its oesophagus with swallowed air. There is no con- nexion between the oesophagus and the trachea, and apparently no organ at the entrance to the former that could modify sound ; what action, then, can this swallowed air be made to take in the production of the bird's notes? Pigeons have strikingly large air-crops, which they empty with each long coo, and refill before they coo again. Many birds swell out the throat when calling or singing, and others move it up and down ; these actions must also be caused by the swallowed air in the oesophagus, and must modify the sounds in some way as variously used, adding power and richness in some cases, or giving ventriloquistic effect in others. This question seems never to have been inquired into before ; and I throw out the hint in hopes that others may help to elucidate the matter with their investigations. As regards Pigeons, Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier suggests " that the dila- ted oesophagus and crop serve as a chamber of resonance, the air in [12] ' 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 349 which, being thrown into vibration, may be expelled to produce a louder sound." 83. UPUPA CEYLONENSIS, Reichenbach ; Blyth, Ibis, 1866, p. 366, 1870, p. 91. Upupa longirostris, Jerdon, Birds of India, i. p. 393. Hainan. Also from Java and Ceylon (Cabanis) ; Siam and Burmab. My skins from Hainan agree perfectly with a specimen from Burmah sent me by Mr. Blyth. 84. ^ETHOPYGA CHRISTINA, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 4th ser. vol. iv. p. 436 ; Ibis, 1870, p. 236. Hainan. 85. ^ETHOPYGA ABRII, J. Verr. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1867, p. 173, pi. 15. Western Szechuen (David) ; Western Yunnan (Anderson). 86. ARACHNECHTHRA RHIZOPHOR.E, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 4th ser. vol. iv. p. 436 ; Ibis, 1870, p. 237. Hainan. To distinguish this from its ally A. flammaxillaris, Blyth, I gave the character of its frontal feathers being iridescent like its throat. M. Jules Verreaux, however, has a specimen from Penang with the forehead showing a few feathers of the same mark. A more constant distinguishing character would appear to be the paleness and dinginess of the yellow of the belly and underparts in our bird as contrasted with the bright yellow of the same in its ally. 87. DICTUM CRUENTATUM, L. ; Ibis, 1867, p. 405, 1868, p. 63, 1870, p. 239. Fokien ; Hongkong ; Hainan. 88. DICTUM MINULLUM, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 240. Hainan. 89. MYZANTHE IGNIPECTUS, Hodgs. Tingchow (Fokien Province). I would here note that a specimen of Piprisoma agile, Tickell, from India, collected by Mr. Beavan, seems to me undistinguishable from another of Prionochilus obso- letus (Mull. & Schleg.) from Flores, collected by Mr. Wallace. 90. ZOSTEROPS SIMPLEX, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, pp. 203, 297; Ibis, 1863, p. 294, 1866, p. 121, 1870, p. 348. Zosterops, sp., Zool. 1858, p. 6229. Zosterops japonicus, Ibis, 1860, pp. 55 & 131, 1861, p. 35. Hainan to Wanchow, and in Formosa. [13] 350 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 91. ZOSTEROPS ERYTHROPLEURA, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 204, 298, 1870, p. 448. Zosterops japonicus, Ibis, 1861, p. 331 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317. Shanghai to Pekin. 92. ZOSTEROPS SUBROSEUS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 132. Hankow. 93. SITTA VILLOSA, Jules Verreaux, Nouv. Arch, du Museum, tome i., Bull. p. 78, pi. 4 ; P. Z. S. 1870, pp. 436, 438. Sitta pekinensis, David, Cat. des ois. a Pekin; Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 438. Pekin. Allied to 8. canadensis, L., of North America. 94. SITTA AMURENSIS, n. sp. The Nuthatch from Amoorland, instead of being white-bellied like that from Trans-Baikal and Northern Japan, is rufous underneath, approaching in that respect S. ccesia of England and Western Europe. It differs from that species, however, in its shorter bill and tarse, and more slender legs and toes. It has a distinct white eyebrow, its under neck and breast are pure white, and its belly and flanks buff ; its under tail-coverts deep cinnamon, spotted with white. It otherwise agrees with S. ctesia, and is of about the same size. It ranges down to Pekin in winter. 95. SITTA SINENSIS, J. Verr. MS. ; Ibis, 1865, p. 107. I observed a small Nuthatch near Ningpo, but did not succeed in securing it. Pere David sent to Paris a single specimen of the same from Kinkiang, which will be described by M. J. Verreaux in due course. A larger form of the same type has been sent by Pere David from the Moupin Mountains. 96. CERTHIA FAMILIARIS, L. ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 270. Certhia fasciata, David, Cat. des ois. a Pekin. A rare visitant to Pekin in winter (David). I have a specimen from Pekin from Pere David, and another from Amoorland from V. Schrenck, which do not appear separable from the home species. 97. CERTHIA HIMALAYANA, Vig. Received at the Paris Museum through Pere David from the Moupin Mountains (N.W. Szechuen). 98. TICHODROMA MURARIA, L. ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 270. Foochow ; Pekin (David). 99. PNOEPYGA SQUAMATA (G-ould). Sent to the Paris Museum from the Moupin Mountains bv Pere David. [14] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 351 100. TROGLODYTES FUMIGATUS, Temm. Man. d'Ornithol. iii. p. 161. Pekin (David). 101. ORTHOTOMUS LONGICAUDA (Gm.) ; Swinh. Zool. 1858, p. G229. Motacilla longicauda, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, i. p. 954. Orthotomus phyllorrhapheus, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 49, 1861, p. 32, 1862, p. 258; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 294. South China. Gmelin's name applies specially to the China bird, so that its Indian ally will have to take the next in priority of its numerous synonyms. 102. PRINIA SONITANS, Swinh.; Zool. 1858, p. 6229; Ibis, 1860, p, 50, 1861, p. 32, 1863, p. 302, 1870, p. 345; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 294. South China ; Hainan ; Formosa. 103. HOREITES ROBUSTIPES, Swinh. Ibis, 1866, p. 398. Formosa. Like Horornis assimilis, Hodgs., from Nepal, but with shorter wings, much shorter tail, and longer and stronger hind claw. 104. HOREITES BRUNNEIFRONS, Hodgs. Specimens forwarded by Pere David from the Moupin Mountains have been thus identified by M. J. Verreaux. 105. DRYMOSPUS EXTENSICAUDA, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 50, 1861, p. 32, 1863, p. 299, 1865, p. 544, 18/0, p. 345 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 294. Drymcepus flavirostris, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 300 (young bird, individual variety). Throughout Southern China westwards to Szechuen, in Hainan, and in Formosa. It autumn it acquires a light bill and a very long tail, the whole of its plumage being often suffused with a strong tinge of ochreous. It then much resembles D. longicauda, Tickell, of India. In spring the. bill turns black, and the long tail is exchanged for a much shorter one, when it approaches the D. inornata, Sykes, of India. 106. SUYA STRIATA, Swinh. Ibis, 1862, p. 304, 1863, p. 301. Prinia striata, Swinh. Journ. North China Asiat. Soc. May 1859 ; Ibis, 1860, pp. 186, 360. North-west Formosa; Szechuen. Varies much in size. 107. SUYA SUPERCILIARIS, Anderson, P. Z. S. 1871, antea, p. 212. Procured by Dr. Anderson at Momien (Yunnan Province). [15] 352 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 108. RHOPOPHILUS PEKINENSIS, Swinh. Ibis, 1868, p. 62; P.Z.S. 1870, pp. 436, 443. Garrulax no. 175, David's Catalogue. Pekin. 109. CISTICOLA SCHCENICOLA, Bp. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 303, 1870, p. 345 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 295. Cisticola tintinnabulam, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, pp. 51, 131. Calamanthella tintinnabulans, Swinh. Journ. North China Asiatic Society, vol. ii. May 1859 ; Ibis, 1860, pp. 186, 360, 1861, p. 32. Cisticola cursitans. Ibis, 1861, p. 329. Throughout China, Hainan, and Formosa. 110. CISTICOLA VOLITANS, Swinh. North China Asiat. Soc. May, 1859 5 Ibis, 1860, pp. 186, 360, 1863, p. 304. North Formosa. 111. CISTICOLA MELANOCEPHALA, Anderson, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 212. Procured by Dr. Anderson at Sonda (Yunnan). 112. CALAMODYTA ORIENTALIS (Temm. et Schleg.). Calamoherpe orientalis, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 305 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 293, 1870, p. 427. Acrocephalus magnirostris, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1860, p. 51, 1861, pp, 32, 329. Canton to Shanghai in summer. Pere David notes that it passes Pekin in autumn. Mr. Wallace procured the species in Batchian, Morty, and Lombock. 113. CALAMODYTA FASCIOLATUS (G, R. Gr.). Acrocephalus fasciolatus, G. R. Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 349. Calamoherpe subflavescens, Elliot, P*. Z. S. 1870, p. 243. M. J. Verreaux received a specimen of this bird from the Lake- Baikal region ; and as it was impossible to suppose that it could be referred to a Moluccan species, and there was nothing else like it, Mr. D. G. Elliot described it as a new species. Lord Walden first pointed out its identity with the Batchian species. In passing to and from its summer quarters it must go through China ; and so I introduce it into the China List, though it has not actually been obtained in China. 114. CALAMODYTA INSULARIS. Acrocephalus insularis, Wallace, Ibis, 1862, p. 350. Calamoherpe fumigata, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 91, 293. The close affinity of this bird to the last led me to compare it with the second Moluccan species, and I was delighted to find it the same. It comes to Amoy in May in large numbers, and disappears again almost immediately, probably into the interior of China or [16] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 353 beyond. Mr. Wallace says he got C. fasciolatus in Batchian, Gilolo, and Morty, and C. insularis in Gilolo and Morty, that they oc- curred sparingly, and that it always struck him that they were out of place, for, with the exception of C. orienialis, there was nothing like them to the east or west. 115. CALAMODYTA BISTRIGICEPS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 293. Acrocephalus bistrigiceps, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 51. Locustella (a sourcils noirs), David, Catalogue. Lusciniopsis, sp., Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 412. Amoy ; Pekin. Allied to C. aaricofa, Jerd., of India, but with a black line on each side of its crown. 116. ARUNDINAX AEDON, Pall. Arundinax olivaceus, Blyth, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 316. Turdus aedon, Pall. Zoogr. t. i. p. 459 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 294, 1870, p. 432; Ibis, 1863, p. 91. Tientsin and Pekin in summer. "Comes to nidificate in our (Pekin) marshes, and leaves again in September" (David). HERBIVOX, n. gen. Bill moderate, with long lunate aperture to nostril ; legs and feet large and strong, with powerful hind toe and claw ; wing rounded, with the first four quills graduated, the fourth being the longest ; tail moderately graduate. A bush-loving form of Calamoherpe. I propose this genus for the three following birds, including Salicaria cantillans, T. & S., of Japan, as they have the above characters in common, and do not range happily in any genus hitherto suggested. My Arundinax flemingi is of similar form with the above, but has a square tail ; this I would place in the subgenus Herbivocula. 117. HERBIVOX CANTANS. Salicaria cantons, T. & S. Faun. Jap. t. 19 ; Ibis, 1866, p. 397. Procured from the interior of Formosa ; not known from China. 118. HERBIVOX CANTURIENS. Arundinax canturiens, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 52, et pp. 131,357. Lusciniopsis canturiens, Swinh. Ibis, 1861, pp. 32, 328. Calamoherpe canturiens, Ibis, 1863, p. 306, 1867, p. 408, 1870, p. 345; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 294. Hainan to Shanghai, and in Formosa. 119. HERBIVOX MINUTA. Arundinax minutus, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 52. Arundinax miniatus, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 357. Calamoherpe minuta, Ibis, 1863, p. a06, 1870, p. 345 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 294. Amoy ; Hainan ; Formosa. ['71 354 MR. R. SW1NHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 120. HERBIVOCULA FLEMINGI. Arundinax ftemingi, Swinh. P. Z. S. 18/0, p. 440. Salicaria cantillans, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 316, 1863, p. 294. Tientsin (Fleming), Pekin (David). I saw two sizes of this iu the Paris Museum from Pekin, but I scarcely think they are separable. There was only one specimen of each to judge from. A specimen has been received from Trans-Baikal. 121. CALAMOHERPE CONCINENS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 432. Pekin. 122. CALAMODUS SORGHOPHILUS. Calamodyta sorghophila, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 92, 293. Amoy. 123. DUMETICOLA AFFINIS, Hodgs. Cat. Specim. Brit. Mus. Mamm. & Birds, App. p. 151. Dumeticola thoracica, Blyth, J. A. S. xiv. p. 584. Received at the Paris Museum through Pere David from the Moupin Mountains. Has also been sent from Lake Baikal. 124. LOCUSTELLA HENDERSONii, Cass. Proc. Phil. Acad. Sciences, 1858, p. 194 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 293. Locustella rubescensl, Ibis, 1860, p. 358, 1861, pp. 32, 328. Locustella macropus, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 93. China generally. 125. LOCUSTELLA CERTHIOLA, Pall. Motadlla certhiola, Pall. Zoogr. p. 509. Pekin. The Paris Museum has specimens sent by Pere David ; and I have a head, also sent by him from Pekin. Trans-Baikal (Tacsanowsky). 126. LOCUSTELLA RUBESCENS, Blyth, J. A. S. xiv. p. 582. Locustella ochotensis, Midd. Sib. Reise, t. 16, 17, 18; Ibis, 1863, p. 91 ; P.Z. S. 1863, p. 293. Amoy. Received from Trans-Baikal. Found near Calcutta in winter (Blyth). Indian specimens have the throat arid belly white, and have no yellow on the underparts, and represent the biro! in the winter dress. A Baikal specimen in breeding-plumage is yellowish beneath with black spots on the breast. A specimen shot in Sep- tember at Amoy is intermediate. 127. LOCUSTELLA LANCEOLATA, Temm. Man. d'Ornith. iv. p. 614. Locustella minuta, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 93, 293 ; Ibis, 1866, p. 293. Locustella allied to L. rail, Swinh. Ibis, 1661, p. 412. [18] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 355 Amoy ; Canton ; Pekin (David) ; Lake Baikal (Tacsanowshj). Has been shot in Europe. I have lately received from Trans-Baikal a bird of this group, which I at first thought might be Calamoherpe maackii, of V. Schrenck ; but it seems to be a novel form, and I would propose to designate it LOCUSTELLA TACSANOWSKIA, n. Sp. Bill black, bright yellow on the basal half of the lower mandible. Legs and toes yellowish flesh-colour. Upper parts olive-brown ; wing- and tail-feathers hair-brown, broadly margined with olive- brown. Underparts and slight superciliary streak yellowish, with the breast, flanks, and tibiae washed with olive-brown. Length 5 inches; wing 2*2; tail 1*9, much graduated, outer rectrix T 6 ^ short- est. First primary of wing broad, '6 long, second | inch shorter than third, which is slightly shorter than the fourth. The nearest in form to this bird is the Locustella ochotensis, from which, however, it can readily be distinguished by its smaller size, short and blunt bill, unspotted upper parts, and light untipped tail. The Curator of the Museum at Warsaw, M. Tacsanowski, sent this bird to M. Jules Verreaux, labelled Dumeticola thoracica, juvenis. It is likely to occur as a winter visitant in China ; but as it has not been yet found in that country, I do not number it in my list. 128. TRIBURA LUTEIVENTRIS, Horsf. P. Z. S. 1845, p. 30. Calamodyta affinw, Gray & Mitch. G. of B. pi. 49. Sent to the Paris Museum by Pere David from Moupin. 129. TRIBURA SQUAMICEPS, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 292; Ibis, 1866, p. 397. Canton ; Formosa. 130. SYLVIA CURRUCA, Linn. Fn. Suec. 247. Curruca garrula, Bris. Av. iii. p. 384. n. 7. Very rare at Pekin, but common at Ordo (David). Mr. Gould has a specimen from Kalgan. 131. PHILACANTHA NISORIA (Bechst.). Nisoria undata, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 430. Pekin (David). 132. OREOPNEUSTE DAVIDII. Abrornis davidii t Milne-Edwards, Nouv. Arch. d. Mus. 1864, t. i. pi. 2. fig. 1. In structure this species is neither an Abrornis nor a true Phyllo- pneuste, and may with propriety be ranked in a separate genus in company with P. agricolensis, Hume, of India. In coloration it resembles my Araudinax Jfemingi, and might at the first glance be [19] 35G MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, mistaken for that bird. It is thus described by Milne-Edwards : " Above of an olive-brown tint ; a greyish-white eye-streak stretches from the base of the beak to the nape, and then curves towards the similar streak on the other side. Throat greyish white ; breast and belly tinted on their sides with clear brown, greyish white washed with yellow towards their middle. Tarse yellowish." Nests in the high mountains near Pekin (David). 133. PHYLLOPNEUSTE FUSCATA (Blyth); Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 306, 1870, p. 345 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. "295. Phylloscopus fuscatus, Jttyth, J. A. S. xi. p. 113, xii. p. 965; Ibis, 1861, pp. 32, 330, 1863, p. 93. Phyllopneuste sibirica, Midd. Sib. Reise, ii. tab. 16. figs. 4-6. As in the case of P. sylvicultrix, there is certainly much varia- bility in the size and measurements of these brown Willow-Wrens ; but I have not yet succeeded in discriminating them as species (cf. Tristram, 'Ibis,' 1871, p. 110). I have not been able to detect any differences in the notes and habits of those I have come across. The spotted eggs taken in Formosa, alluded to by Mr. Tristram, cannot, I fear, be trusted to, their authenticity depending on the statement of a Chinaman. 134. PHYLLOPNEUSTE TENELLIPES (Swinh.) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 295. Phylloscopus tenellipes, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 53. Amoy ; Pekin (David). 135. PHYLLOPNEUSTE CORONATA (Ternm. & Schleg.); Ibis, 1863, p. 307 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 297. Phylloscopus coronatus, Ibis, 1860, p. 54, 1861, p. 330, 1863, p. 93; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317. Amoy ; Pekin (David). 136. PHYLLOPNEUSTE XANTHODRYAS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 296. Amoy. 137. PHYLLOPNEUSTE PLUMBEITARSUS, Swinh. Ibis, 18/0, p. 345 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 296. Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus, Ibis, 1861, p. 330. A small species with short thick bill and small feet ; lesser and greater wing-coverts both tipped with yellow, forming a double bar across the wing; primary quill '6 in. long, second* one third of an inch shorter than the third. Pekin ; Hainan. 138. PHYLLOPNEUSTE BOREALIS, Blasius, Naumannia, 1858, p. 313 ; Ibis, 1862, p. 68. Phylloscopus sylvicultrix, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 53, 1866, pp. 135, 295, 394. [20] 187 J.] Mil. 11. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 357 Phyllopneustesylvicultrix,lb'is, 1863, p. 307; P. Z.S. 1863, p. 295. Phyllopneuste javanica, Bp. (nee Horsf. quae Zosterops), Consp. Av. i. p. 290. Sylvia (Phyllopneuste) eversmanni, Midd. (nee Bonap.) Sib. Reise, Vog. p. 178, t. 16. f. 1-3. Sylvia flavescem, G. R. Gray, P. Z, S. 1860, p. 349. Phyllopneuste kennicotti, Baird, Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci. 1869, i. p. 313, pi. 30. fig. 2. This Willow- Wren passes through Amoy each spring and autumn in immense numbers j and I have a large series which vary in size and length of parts, but can barely be separated into large and small races, as intermediate sizes occur. I have seen our species from the Tenasserim province, and have two skins of the same from Flores, collected by Mr. Wallace, and marked S. Jlavescens, G. R. Gray. Dr. V. Schrenck has sent me the same from the Kurile Islands labelled Sylvia eversmanni ; and we have received many from Trans-Baikal through Madame Verdey of Paris. Further, I have examined two specimens from North Russia, collected by M. Meves, and kindly lent rne by Messrs. Salvin arid Godman, to whom they belong. These are marked P. eversmanni, and are also identical with our China bird. Dr. Hartlaub's P. borealis is founded on a specimen from the shores of the sea of Okhotsk ; and on carefully reading his descrip- tion of it, and comparing it with the so-called P. javanica (a Java specimen), J find no material difference between them, further than 1 can match from my series of specimens from China. Finally, Mr. Tristram insists that the type of P. kennicotti, Baird, from Alaska, which has been submitted to his inspection, is no other than our Chinese friend. This species thus shows itself to be a great wan- derer, resorting in winter to the Malayan peninsula and archipelago, and seeking a summer home in the high latitudes of Asia, extending even to Russia (and apparently to Heligoland) on the European side, and to Alaska on the American side. During its migrations it occurs in Formosa ; and I have seen it in the Leyden Museum from Japan. 139. REGULOIDES PROREGULUS (Pall.), Ibis, 1867, p. 408, 1870, p. 345 ; P. Z. 8. 1863, p. 297. Motacillaproregulm, Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 499. Reguloides chloronotus, Ibis, 1860, p. 54, 1861, pp.33, 330. China generally. 140. REGULOIDES SUPERCILIOSUS, Ibis, 1863, p. 307, 1866, p. 135, 1867, p. 408, 1870, p. 345 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 297. Motacilla superciliosa, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1/88, i. p. 975. Reyuloides proregulus, Ibis, 1860, p. 54, 1861, pp.32, 330, 1862, pp. 257, 258. China generally ; Formosa. 141. ABRORNIS FULVIFACIES, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 132. Szechuen province. [21] 358 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 142. CRYPTOLOPHA TEPHROCEPHALA, Anderson, P. Z. S. 18/1, p. 213. A copy of Cryptolopha (olim Culicipetd) burkii, but with the green of the crown changed to grey. Procured at Bhamo (Burmah) by Dr. Anderson, and sent from Moupin to Paris by Pere David. 143. REGULUS JAPONICUS, Bp. Consp. Av. ; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 451 . North China. 144. REGULUS HIMALAYENSIS, Blyth ; Gould, B. of As. pt. xxi. Sent from Moupin by Pere David to the Paris Museum. 145. RUTICILLA AUROREA (Pall.) ; Swinhoe, Ibis, 1860, p. 54, 1861, pp. 33, 329, 1862, p. 261, 1863, p. 299, 1870, p. 344; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 291, 1870, p. 438. Phcenicurus reevesii, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 1. Throughout China ; Hainan ; Formosa. 146. RUTICILLA HODGSONII, Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, pi. 58. Procured by Pere David at Moupin. 147. RUTICILLA RUFIVENTRIS (Vieill.). (Enanthe rufiventris, Vieill. Ordo Mountains, N/W. of Pekin and Moupin (David). 148. RUTICILLA FRONTALIS, Vig. ; Gould, Cent. pi. 26. Sent by Pere David from Moupin ; Pekin (David). 149. RUTICILLA FULIGINOSA, Vig. P. Z. S. 1831; Ibis, 1861, pp. 409, 410, 1863, p. 298, 1866, p. 399; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 291. Saxicola leucura (?), Ibis, 1862, p. 257. Mountain-torrents of Southern China and Formosa. 150. CH^MARRORNIS LEUCOCEPHALA. Phcenicura leucocephala, Vig. P. Z. S. 1830 ; Gould, C. B. pi. 26. Ichang gorge of the Upper Yangtsze. Sexes similar in colour ; the male has a larger foot than the female. 151. LARVIVORA CYANE (Pall.), Ibis, 1866, p. 315. Motacilla cyane, Pall. Itin. iii. Append. 3, i. p. 472. Larvivora gracilis, Swinh. Ibis, 1861, pp. 262, 409, 1863, p. 92 P.Z. S. 1862, p. 316, 1863, p. 291. Larvivora cyanea, Hodgs. (?) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 358. China generally. 152. LARVIVORA SIBILANS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 292. Larvicora '?, Ibis, 18C1, p. 34. Macao. [22] 1871. J MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 35'J 153. NOTODELA MONTIUM. Myiomela montium, Swinh. Ibis, 1864, p. 362, 1866, p. 392. Formosa. Distinguishable from M. leucura, Hodgs., of the Hi- malayas by the underparts being coloured as the back, instead of being black. 154. IANTHIA CYANURA (Pall.), Ibis, 1861, p. 329, 1863, pp. 91, 298; P.Z. S. 1862, p. 316, 1863, p. 290. Motacilla cyanura, Pall. Itin. ii. Append, p. 709. Lusciola cyanura, Faun. Jap. t. 21 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 131. Nemura rufilata, Swinh. (nee Hodgs.), Ibis, 1860, p. 54. lanthia rvfilata, Ibis, 1862, pp. 261, 264. Throughout China, and in Formosa. 155. TARSIGER CHRYS^US, Hodgs.; Jard. Contr. Orn. 1850, pi. 61. Sent to the Paris Museum by Pere David from Moupin. 156. TARSIGER SUPERCILIARIS, Hodgs.; Jard. Contr. Orn. 1849, pi. 29. Sent to Paris with the last. 157. HODGSONIUS pH(ENicuRoiDES, Hodgs. J. A. S. xvi. p. 136. Callene zonura, J. Verr. Nouv. Arch. 1869, Bull. p. 35. Received at Paris through Pere David from Moupin. 158. ERITHACUS AKAHIGE (Temm.). In the Museum at Pekin, collected by Pere David. 159. COPSYCHUS SAULARIS (L.) ; Zool. 1858, p. 6228 (Grytti- vora}; Ibis, 1860, p. 54, 1867, p. 409, 1870, p. 343 ; P. Z S. 1863, p. 291. Gracula saularis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, i. p. 397. Southern China westwards to Szechuen, and in Hainan. 160. KITTACINCLA MACRURA, var. MINOR, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 344. Hainan. 161. CvANECULAC^RULECULA(Pall.); Ibis, 1863, p. 91 ; P.Z. S. 1863, p. 291. Ci/anecutasuecica^lbis, 1861, p. 329, 1867, p. 394; P.Z.S. 1862, p. 316. China generally. 162. CALLIOPE CAMTSCHATKENSIS (Gin.) ; Ibis, 1861, pp. 329, 410, 1863, p. 299; P.Z.S. 1862, p. 316, 1863,292. China generally. [23] 360 MR. R. SWINHOE ON TH K BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 163. GRANDALA CCELICOLOR, Hodgs. ; G. R. Gr. & M. Gen. of B. pi. 50. Sent to Paris from Moupin by Pere David. 164. SAXICOLA LEUCOMELA, Pall. Zoogr. t. 28. Mountains west of Pekin (David). 165. SAXICOLA ISABELLINA, Riipp. Atl. t. 34. Saxicola saltatrix, Menetries. Inhabits the high plains near Pekiu, sings admirably, nests in the deserted holes of Spermolegus monyolicus (David) . 166. SAXICOLA CENANTHE, L. Central mountains of extreme Ordo (north-west of Pekin), where it breeds (David). 167. PRATINCOLA INDICA, Blyth, J. A. S. xvi. p. 129; Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 54, 1861, pp. 33/329, 1863, p. 298, 1870, p. 344; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 291. China generally, Hainan, and Formosa. Distinguishable at all ages from P. rubicola by its black axillaries and unspotted uro- pygials. Chinese specimens are more rust-coloured on the upper parts, and especially on the rump, than Indian ones. 168. PRATINCOLA FERREA, Hodgs. Ibis, 1862, p. 258 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 291. Ruticilla, sp. nov. ?, Ibis, 1861, p. 33. South China. 169. ACCENTOR ERYTHROPYGIUS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 18/0, p. 124, pi. 9, & p. 447. Accentor alpinus, Midd. Sib. Reise, Vogel, p. 173. Western Hills of Pekin in September. Middendorff met with young birds on the cliffs of the south shore of the Sea of Okhotsk in July. Young birds have also been received from the Trans- Baikal region. 1 70. ACCENTOR NIPALENSIS, Hodgs. Sent by Pere David from Moupin. Has also been received from the Trans-Baikal. 171. ACCENTOR MULTISTRIATUS, David, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, April 1871. Procured by Pere David at Moupin. Closely allied to A. strophi- Hodgs., of the Himalayas. 1/2. ACCENTOR IMMACULATUS, Hodgs. Sent by Pere David from Moupin. [24] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 361 173. ACCENTOR MONTANELLUS (Pall.). Accentor temminckii, Brandt. Comes to Pekin with the great cold (David). Sent in summer plumage from the Trans-Baikal. 174. ACCENTOR RUBIDUS, Temm. & Schleg. F. J. t. 32. Pere David saw the head of a bird procured at Pekin, which he identified with that of A. modularis, L. 175. PARUS MINOR, Ternm. & Schleg. F. J. t. 33 ; Swiuh. Zool. 1858, p. 6229; Ibis, I860, p. 55 et p. 131, 1861, p. 332, 1862, p. 257; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 437. Amoy to Pekin, and westwards to Szechuen. 176. PARUS c^sius, Tickell. Parus cinereus, Ibis, 1870, p. 348. Hainan. Our specimens agree with those from India. The Java bird, P. cinereus, Vieill. (P. atriceps, Horsf.), can be readily distin- guished by the black of the head extending beyond the white nuchal spot, and separating it from the grey of the back. 177. PARUS COMMIXTUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1868, p. 63. Parus minor, Ibis, 1861, p. 34 ; P. Z.S. 1863, p. 2/0. Like P. ccesius, but with some of the green tint on the back that marks P. minor, in fact intermediate to the two species. Canton to Foochow. 178. PARUS MONTICOLA, Vig. ; Gould, C. B. pi. 29. Sent by Pere David from Moupin to the Paris Museum. 179. PARUS INSPERATUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1866, p. 308. South Formosa. A smaller race than the last, with the white on the tips of the tertiary quills confined to their tips, and not extend- ing to their margins ; barely separable. 180. PARUS VENUSTULUS, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 133. Ichang Gorge^ on the Upper Yangtsze. 181. PARUS CASTANEIVENTRIS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 280 ; B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 295. North Formosa. 182. PARUS PEKINENSIS, David; Ibis, 1870, p. 155. Pekin. Very like Parus ater, L., but with a few of the black coronal feathers lengthened and showing conspicuously over the white nuchal spot. [25] 362 MR. R. SW1NHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 183. PffiCILE KAMTSCHATKENSIS, Bp. Parus palustris, Ibis, 1861, p. 331. Parus kamtschatkensis, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 2/0, 1870, p. 437. Resident at Pekin (David). Among specimens of this species re- ceived from Trans-Baikal through M. Tacsanowsky is a very inter- esting form of Marsh-Tit, remarkable for its resemblance to the American P. carolinensis. This 1 have named P. baicalensis (Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. April 1871). 184. P(ECILE CINCTA (Bodll.). Parus sibiricus, Gm. Woody mountains west of Pekin (David). From Moupin Pere David has sent to Paris a handsome Machlolophus, which has not yet been described. 185. ORITES GLAUCOGULARIS (G-ould). Mecistura swinhoii, v. Pelzeln, Reise v. d. Novara, t. 3. Mecistura caudata, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 270. Parus triviryatus, Ibis, 1860, p. 131. Ningpo to Pekin, and westwards to Ichang. 186. ORITES OURATENSIS, David, M. S. ; Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 430. A species of Orites with red eyelids was in the Pekin Museum, and has been sent to Paris. It was found by Pere David in the mountains west of Pekin. It has not yet been described. 187. ^EGITHALISCUS CONCINNUS. JEgithaliscus anophrys, Swinh. Ibis, 1868, p. 64. Psaltria concinna, Gould, B. of Asia, pt. yii. Fokien and Chekiang Provinces, and westward to Szechuen. 188. ^EGITHALTSCUS FULIGINOSUS. Mecistura fuliginosa, J. Verr. Nouvelles Arch, du Museum, t. viii. Bulletin, p. 36. " General colour dusky brown, forming a brown band on the breast ; face and throat silvery grey ; a half collar on the anterior part of the neck and middle of the abdomen, pure white on the first, and taking a rosy tint on the flanks ; wings and tail brown, the latter white on the external barbs of the four lateral quills." (/. Verreaux.) Sent by Pere David from Moupin. 189. ^EGITHALUS CONSOBRINUS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 133. jEyithalus pendulinus, Radde, Reisen, Band ii. p. 195. Procured at Sha-se, near Ichang (Hoopih). Radde found it breed- ing in Amoorland. 190. SYLVIPARUS MODESTUS, Burton, P. Z. S. 1835, p. 154, Sent from Moupin by Pere David. [26] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON TH K BIRDS OF CHINA. 363 191. MOTACILLA ALBOIDES, HodgS., Var. 1. FELIX. Motadlla luzoniensis, Ibis, 1860, pp.55, 429, 1861, p. 35, 1862, p. 259, 1863, p. 308 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 274. MotadUa felix, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 121, fig. 1. Like the Indian black -backed M. alboides (leucopsis, Gould, lu- zoniensis, auct.), but with the pectoral black, in summer plumage, advancing higher, to within half an inch of the lower mandible. Southern China and Formosa. Var. 2. SECHUENENSIS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 122, fig. 2. The pectoral black in summer reaching to the lower mandible. Szechuen (W. China). 192. MOTACILLA PARADOX A, v. Schrenck, Amurland, Vog. p. 341, t. xi. fig. 2. The pectoral black forming a large round patch on the breast. Mongolia. Forwarded to Paris by Pere David. 193. MOTACILLA HODGSONI, G. R. Gray; Blyth, Ibis, 1865, p. 49. Motadlla frandsd, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 123; Ibis, 18/0, p. 345. Like M.personata, Gould, of India, but with the back black instead of grey. Hainan ; Szechuen, extending to Nepal. 194. MOTACILLA FRONTATA, Swinh. P. Z. S. 18/0, p. 129. Motadlla, sp. ?, Ibis, 1867, p. 390. Amoy in winter. 195. MOTACILLA BAICALENSIS, n. sp. Motadlla dukhunensis (?), P. Z. S. 1870, p. 130. The representative in Eastern Asia of M. alba, L., of Europe ; with clearer plumage, smaller bill, wing of a lighter brown, with much more white, especially on the wing-coverts. In full summer plumage the pectoral black contracts on the throat, and falls short of the chin. It has a very close ally in M. dukhunensis, Sykes, of India, but may be distinguished from that by its larger bill, greater amount of white on the wing-coverts; and in nuptial dress by the form of the pectoral patch. Occasional specimens from Trans-Baikal have a black line uniting the back of the eye with the black of the nape, but otherwise similar to the typical bird. This I would propose to distinguish as var. temporalis. It will probably be the bird procured in Lombardy in the collection of Count Turati of Milan (see Baron de Selys-Longchamps in Ibis, 1870, p. 451). Numerous skins of the Baikal Wagtail have been received through Madame Verdey of Paris ; and it is doubtless the species observed by me on the Upper Yangtsze (P. Z. S. 18/0, p. 130). [27] 364 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 196. MOTACILLA OCULARIS, Swinli. Ibis, 1863, pp. 94, 309; P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 275, 1870, p. 130, fig. 346. Motacilla luyubris, Ibis, 1860, p. 55, 1861, pp. 35, 255, 333, 1862, p. 260 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 31 7. Distinguishable in all plumages by the dark streak through its eye and its grey back. China, Hainan, and Formosa. Specimens have also been received from Trans-Baikal. 197. MOTACILLA JAPONICA, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 17, 274, 1870, p. 130. Motacilla luyens, Temm. (nee Illig.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 357. Motacilla luaubris, Ibis, 1862, p. 260, 1863, p. 308. Motacilla alba, var. from Kamtschatka, Pall. Zoograph. Distinguishable from the last in winter by its larger size, its whiter wing, and black-marked back. This is the species that announces the return of spring to the Kamtschatkans (Kittlitz). M. lugubris, Pall. & Temm. (Ivy ens, linger), is the M. vidua, Sundevall, of Africa (see Tristram, ' Ibis,' 1866, p. 291). 198. BUDYTES FLAVUS (L.) ; Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 55, 1861, pp. 36, 333, 411, 1862, p. 260; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 274. Budytes flavescens, G. R. Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 350. China generally. Mr. Wallace has bright-plumaged birds from the Moluccas which also agree with the European species ; and Mr. Baird reports it from Alaska. 199. BUDYTES TAIVANUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 346, 1866, p. 138. Budytes raijil, Ibis, 1862, p. 260, 1863, p. 309. Budytes melanotis, Ibis, 1864, p. 422. Amoy ; Formosa ; Hainan. I have a specimen also from Trans- Baikal ; and Mr. Gould has one from Singapore. 200. BUDYTES CINEREOCAPILLUS, Sav. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 94, 1870, p. 346; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317. Occurs singly or in pairs throughout China in spring. 201. BUDYTES CITREOLUS (Pall.). Szechuen. I came across a party of this Wagtail on the Upper Yangtsze in May. 202. CALOBATES MELANOPE. Motacilla melanope, Pall. Itin. Hi. p. 696. n. 16 ; Zoogr. i. p. 500. Motacilla bistriyata, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. part 2, p. 312. Motacilla boarula, Ibis, 1860, p. 55, 1861, pp. 35, 333, 1862, p. 260, 1863, p. 309, 1866, p. 138; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 274. Calobates boarulu, Ibis, 1870, p. 346. [28] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 365 China ; Formosa ; Hainan. Like C. boarula, but with a con- stantly shorter tail. 203. LIMONIDROMUS iNDicus (Gmel.) ; Gould, B. of As. pt. xiv. Nemoricola indica, Ibis, 1861, p. 333, 1863, p. 94 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 276, 1870, p. 433. Pekin and Szechuen. 204. HENICURUS SINENSIS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 665 ; Ibis, 1867, p. 404. Henicurus chinensis, Gould, B. of As. pt. xviii. Henicurus letchenaultii, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 2/6. Enicurus speciosus, Ibis, 1861, p. 265, 1862, pp. 261, 264. Fokien province. 205. HENICURUS LEUCOSCHISTUS, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. N. H. vol. vi. 4th series, p. 154. Enicurus schistaceus, Ibis, 1861, pp. 409, 410; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 276. Fokien ; Moupin (David}. Like H. schistaceus, Hodgs., of Nepal, but wants the white tips that mark the first to the sixth primaries of the Indian bird, and its under wing instead of having the bases of the primary quills white, commencing from the second quill and increasing inwards, has the basal third of the quills edged on their inner webs with white, commencing from the fourth quill inclusive. 206. HENICURVS SCOULERI, Vig. ; Gould, B. of Asia, pt. xviii. Moupin {David}. 207. ANTHUS SPINOLETTA, L. Anthus aquaticus, Bechst. Anthus blakistoni, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 90, 273 ; Ibis, 1867, p. 389. Amoy ; river Yangtsze. I have seen a specimen of the true A. obscurus, Gmel., from India. 208. ANTHUS CERVINUS, Pall. Zoograph. i. p. 511 ; Ibis, 1870, p. 347; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 273. Anthus thermophilus, Ibis, 1860, pp. 55, 429, 1861, pp. 36, 411, 1863, p. 311. Anthus japonicus, Ibis, 1861, p. 333. Throughout China ; Hainan ; Formosa. It is a mistake to identify the European A. cecilii, Audouin (= A. rufogularis, Brehm), with our eastern A. cervinus. Ours is a smaller bird, with shorter wing, and* in summer is easily distinguished by the rosy hue of its eyebrow and breast, which in the other are rust-colour, the breast being streaked with black. The streaks on the flanks, too, in the latter are much longer and broader. [29] 366 MR. R. SWINHOK ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 209. ANTHUS ROSACEUS, Hodgs. Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 210. PIPASTES AGILIS (Sykes) ; Gould, B. of As. pt. xvii. ; Ibis, 1870, p. 347. Anthus affilis, Ibis, 1860, p. 55, 1861, pp. 36, 333, 1863, p. 310 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 273. Throughout China ; Hainan ; Formosa. 211. CORYDALLA GUSTAVI. Anthus gustavi, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 90, 273. Anthus batchianensis, G. R. Gray, Hand-list, p. 251. Comes to Amoy in spring in large numbers ; but whither it goes I cannot tell. Mr. Wallace procured the same species in Batchian. 212. CORYDALLA RICHARDI (Vieill.), PL Col. 101; Ibis, 1870, p. 347. Anthus richardi, Ibis, 1860, p. 55, 1861, pp. 36, 333, 1863, p. 311, 1865, p. 234 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 272. Corydalla infuscata, Blyth. (Race that breeds on the Fokien Hills.) Corydalla sinensis, Ibis, 1861, p. 265. Throughout China ; Hainan. Rare in Formosa. 213. CORYDALLA CHINENSIS, Bp. Consp. Av. i. p. 525. A smaller and more ochreous race than the last. Amoy in spring. 214. TURDUS NAUMANNT, Temm. Man. d'Orn. i. p. 170; Ibis, 1863, p. 277; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 289. Shanghai to Pekin, and westwards to Szechuen. 215. TURDUS FUSCATUS, Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 451; Ibis, 1863, pp. 93, 277; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 280. Amoy to Pekin, and in Formosa ; westwards to Szechuen. 216. TURDUS MUSICUS, L. Foochow (Gould), Pekin (David). I have compared this bird, in company with Mr. Gould, with other specimens of the species. The Chinese bird does show some differences from home-shot ex- amples, but a bird from Malta differs still more. 217. TURDUS RUFICOLLIS, Pall. It. iii. p. 694 ; Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 815 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 281. Turdus ?, Ibis, 1861, p. 332. Pekin ; Moupin (David). 218. TURDUS PALLIDUS, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 815; PI. Col. 515; Ibis, 1863, p. 276. Turdus daulias, Temm. Faun. Japon. t. 26 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 56, 1861, p. 57, 1862, p. 261 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 280. [30] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 367 Turdus advena, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, pp. 56, 358. Amoy to Peking ; Formosa. 219. TURDUS CHRYSOLAUS, Temm. PI. Col. 537 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 56, 1863, p. 276, 1870, p. 248 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 280. Hainan to Pekin ; Formosa. 220. TURDUS OBSCURUS, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 816 ; Ibis, 1863, p. 277. Turdus pallens, Pall. ; Ibis, 1860, p. 56, 1861, p. 37, 1863, p. 93 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 280. Turdus rufulus, Drap. Turdus modes tus, Eyton. Turdus pallidus, Ibis, 1861, p. 332. Turdus davidianus, Milne-Edwards, Nouv. Arch. i. Bull. p. 26. Malacca to Pekin, and westwards to Szechuen ; Formosa. To be at once distinguished from the last by its conspicuous white eye- brow. 221. TURDUS HORTULORUM, Sclater, Ibis, 1863, p. 196; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 280. Turdus - -?, Ibis, 1861, p. 37. South China. 222. TURDUS ALBICEPS, Swinh. Ibis, 1864, p. 363, 1866, p. 135, pi. 5, & p. 315. Formosa. 223. TURDUS CARDIS, Temm. PL Col. 518 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 132, 1861, p. 37, 1870, p. 248 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 280. South China in winter. 224. TURDUS SIBIRICUS, Pall. It. iii. p. 694; Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 815; Ibis, 1861, p. 410, 1863, p. 93; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 279. Geocichla, n. sp., Ibis, 1861, p. 37. A winter straggler in China generally. 225. MERULA SINENSIS (Cuv.) ; G. R. Gray, Hand-list of B. i. p. 255; Zool. 1858, p. 6228. Turdus mandarinus, Bp. ; Ibis, 1860, p. 56, 1861, p. 38, 1870, p. 248; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 281. Hainan to Shanghai, and westwards to Szechuen. A fine chest- nut-coloured species, allied to M. castanea (Gould) of India, has been sent to Paris by Pere David from Moupin. 226. OREOCINCLA VARIA (Pall.). Turdus varius, Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 449. Oreocincla aurea, Bp. ; Ibis, 1860, p. 56 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 278. [31] 368 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, Oreocincla hancii, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 27.), 1866, p. 304. Oreocincla whitei, Ibis, 1861, p. 333. China generally, and in Formosa. 227. OREOCINCLA MOLLISSIMA. Turdus mollissimus, Blyth, J. A. S. xi. p. 185. Sent by Pere David from Moupin. 228. MONTICOLA SAXATILIS, L. Summers on the Pekin Mountains (David). 229. PETROPHILA GULARIS. Orcecetes gularis, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 93, pi. 3; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 318, 1863, p. 282. Monticola ?, Ibis, 1861, p. 332. Breeds on the Pekin Mountains (David). 230. PETROCINCLA MANILLA (Bodd.); Ibis, 1870, p. 248. Petrocincla violacea, Swinh. Zool. 1858, p. 6228. Petrocincla manillensis, Ibis, 1863, p. 274, 1866, p. 136, 1867, pp. 233, 404; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 281. Petrocossyphus manillensis, Ibis, 1860, pp. 56, 429, 1861, p. 38, 1862, p. 307, 1863, p. 93. Hainan to Tientsin, and in Formosa. 231. PETROCINCLA CYANEA (L.). Interior of China. Common in the gorges of the Upper Yang- tsze. Rare at Amoy and on the Chinese coast. 232. PETEOCINCLA AFFINIS, Blyth, J. A. S. xii. p. 177. Smaller than P. manilla, with the vent and belly more or less red ; intermediate between P. manilla and P. cyanea. The common form on the South-China coast. 233. MYIOPHONEUS C^RULEUS (Scop.); Ibis, 1861, p. 36, 1862, pp. 262, 264 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 277. Myiophoneus horsfieldii, Vigors ? ; Ibis, 1860, p. 55. Turdus violaceus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 826. Turdus nitidus, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 1 . South China, westwards to Szechuen. 234. MYIOPHONEUS INSULARIS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 180; B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 577. Formosa. 235. HYDROBATA PALLASI, Temm. Man. d'Ornith. iii. p. 107. Cinclus pallasi, Ibis, 1863, p. 272 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 277. L32J 18/1.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 369 H. marila, Swinh. North China Asiat. Soc. Journ. May 1859 ; Ibis, 1860, pp. 187, 360. Formosa, Ichang gorge of the Upper Yangtsze. 236. HYPSIPETES LEUCOCEPHALUS. Turdus leucocephalus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 826. T. melaleucus, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 1. H. niveiceps, Swinh. Ibis, 1864, p. 424, 186"), p. 107. South China to Szechuen. 237- HYPSIPETES NIGERRIMUS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 282 ; B. of As. pt. xvi.; Ibis, 1803, p. 287. Formosa. 238. HYPSIPETES PERNIGKR, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 251, pi. 9. fig. 2. Hainan. 239. HYPSIPETES YUNANENSIS, Anderson, P. Z. S 1871, antea, p. 213. Procured by Dr. Anderson at Ponsee (Yunnan province) . 240. HfpsiPETES MACCLELLANDI, Horsf. P. Z. S. 1839, p. 159. H. holti, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1861, pp. 266, 409; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 277. Fokien province. 241. HEMIXUS CASTANONOTUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 251, pi. 9. fig. 1. Hainan. 242. Ixus SINENSIS, Ibis, 1863, p. 289 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 278. Muscicapa sinensis, Gmel'. Syst. Nat. 1788, i. p. 942. Pycnonotus sinensis, Ibis, 1860, p. 57. P. occipitalis, Ibis, 1861, p. 39. Luichow to Shanghai, and westward to Szechuen, also in For- mosa. Shanghai samples are larger, with the black of the crown somewhat obscuring the white of the occiput ; Szechuen specimens have the occiput very white, with a pale halter mark round the neck ; but both these varieties occasionally occur at Amoy. 243. Ixus HAINANUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 253. Like the last, but with the occiput, as well as the crown, black. Hainan. 244. IXUS XANTHORRHOUS. Pycnonotus xanthorrhous, Anderson, Proe. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 1869, p. 265. [33] 3/0 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, Ixus andersoni, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. v. 4th series, p. 175. Ichang gorge of the Upper Yangtsze. Obtained ^also by Dr. Anderson at Momien (province Yunnan), and by Fere David in Kokonor. 245. Ixus CHRYSORRHOIDES (Lafr.) ; Ibis, 1867, p. 232, 1868, p. 63; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 278. Hcematornis chrysorrhoides, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 367. Pycnonotus hcemorrhous, Ibis, I860, p. 57. Muscicapa atricapilla, Vieill. ; Ibis, 1860, p. 358. Pycnonotus chrysorrhoides, Ibis, 1861, p. 39. Ixus hcemorrhous, Ibis, 1862, p. 307. South China. 246. Ixus jocosus (L.) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 277. Pycnonotus jocosus (L.) ; Ibis, 1861, p. 39. Canton. 247. SPTZIXUS SEMITORQUES, Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 266; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 278. Fokien province, and westwards in the Ichang gorge. 248. SPIZIXUS CINEREICAPILLUS, n. sp. Sp. semitorques, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 290. I identified the Formosan bird with the China species from a specimen injured about the head. The acquisition of a series from the Formosan mountains establishes the distinction between the two. The Formosan race is like the China bird, but has the dark parts of the head grey instead of black. 249. CRINIGER PALLIDUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 252. Hainan. 250. PHYLLORNIS LAZULINA, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 255. Hainan. 251. SIBIA AURICULARIS (Swinh.) ; Sclater, Ibis, 1866, p. 109, pi. 4, p. 401. Kittacincla auricularis, Swinh. Ibis, 1864, p. 361. Formosa. 252. POMATORHINUS ERYTHROCNEMIS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 281; B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 286. Formosa. 253. POMATORHINUS MUSICUS, Swinh. North China Asiat. Soc. Journ. May 1859; Ibis, 1860, pp. 187, 360, 1861, p. 284, pi. 6. Formosa. [34] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 371 254. POMATORHINUS STRiDULUs, Swiiih. Ibis, 1861, p. 265; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 278. South China, westwards to Szechuen. 255. POMATORHINUS NIGRO-STELLATUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 250. Hainan. 256. PTERORHINUS DAVIDI, Swinh. Ibis, 1868, p. 61. Western mountains of Pekin ; a fine songster. Two other species of this genus have been received from Moupin at Paris ; they will be described by M. J. Verreaux. 257. LEUCODIOPTRUM CHINENSE. Turdus chinensis, Osh. Itin. 309. Turdus sinensis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1/88, p. 826. Garrulax canorus, Ibis, 1860, p. 358, 1861, p. 38. Leucodioptrum sineme, Ibis, 1870, p. 250 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 278. Hainan to Ningpo. 258. LEUCODIOPTRUM TAIVANUM. Garrulax taewanus, Swinh. Journ. North China Asiat. Soc. May 1859, no. 2, p. 228 ; Ibis, 1860, pp. 187, 360, 1863, p. 279. Malacocercus taivanus, Ibis, 1865, p. 546. Formosa. 259. GARRULAX CHINENSIS (Scop.); Sonn. Voy. t. 107; Ibis, 1864, p. 423. Turdus shanhu, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 814. Garrulax auritus (Daudin) ; Ibis, 1865, p. 350. South-west Kwangtung. 260. GARRULAX PERSPICILLATUS (Gmel.) ; PI. En. 604 ; Ibis, 1861, p. 38, 1862, p. 306 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 2/8. Garrulax ruaillatus, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, pp. 57, 358. Turdus perspicillatus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, i. p. 830. Canton to Ningpo, and westward to Szechuen. 261. GARRULAX ALBOGULARIS (Gould, P. Z. S. 1835, p. 187). Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 262. GARRULAX RUFICEPS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 281; B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 282. Formosa. Like the last, but with a rufous cap. 263. GARRULAX SANNIO, Swinh. Ibis, 1867, p. 403. South China, and westwards to Szechuen. Procured in Western Yunnan by Dr. Anderson. [35] 372 MR. R. SW1NHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 264. GARRULAX MONACHUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 248. Hainan. 265. IANTIIOCINCLA PCECILORHYNCHA (Gould). Garrulax pcecilorhynchus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 281 ; B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 283, 1866, p. 303. Formosa. 266. CINCLOSOMA ARTEMISIA, David, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. April 1871, p. 256. Allied to C. ocellatum, Vigors, of the Himalayas. Procured by Pere David at Moupin, Western Szechuen. 267. TROCHALOPTERUM FORMOSUM, J. Verr. Nouv. Arch. 1869, Bull. p. 35. " General tint olivaceous rust-colour ; head grey, lanceolated with black ; throat and front of neck of this last colour ; a great portion of the wings and of the upper surface of the tail blood-red. Belly and abdomen olivaceous." J. Verreaux. Sent by Pere David from Moupin. Two other species of this genus, also from Moupin, remain to be described. 268. CONOSTOMA .EMODIUM, Hodgs. J. A. S. x. p. 856. Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 269. PARADOXORNIS FLAVIROSTRIS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1836, p. 17. Sent from Moupiu by Pere David. 270. HETEROMORPHA UNICOLOR, Hodgs. J. A. S. xii. p. 448. Sent from Moupin by Pere David. Like this in coloration is a curious species, also from Moupin, with one of its toes rudimentary. 271. SUTHORA BULOMACHUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1866, pp. 299, 303, pi. 9. The lower hills of Formosa. 272. SUTHORA SUFFUSA, n. sp. A smaller conspecies of the last, with the hind neck of a richer rufous and more definitely separated from the greyish olive of the back. Back washed with rufous in the other, blending with the rufous of the head. Bill smaller. Legs and feet much smaller ; wing 2 inches, tail 2*5. Seen in small parties in spring about the mountainous sides of the gorges on the Upper Yangtsze. 273. SUTHORA WEBBIANA, G. R. Gray, P. Z. S. 1852, p. 70; Gould, B, of As. pi. ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 271. Abundant about the hedges near Ningpo and Shanghai ; moun- tains of Pekin (David). Kept in Shanghai for its fighting-qualities. [36] 1871-] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 373 Like its Formosan congener it is very pugnacious, and will fight its fellows to the death. The Chinese use it in ihe gambling-ring. 274. SUTHORA GULARIS, J. Verr. Nouv. Arch. 1869, Bulletin, p. 35. " Couleur generale laque jaime, devenant hlanche sur les joues et le milieu de la partie interieure excepte la gorge, qui est d'un noir pur; remiges et rectrices noiratres; partie superieure de ces der- nieres rougeatres, une tache jaune mordore'e sur le milieu de Paile s'etendant sur une partie des secondaires." J. Verreaux. Sent by Pere David from Moupin. Pere David has also sent another species hitherto undescribed from the same locality. 275. SUTHORA BRUNNEA, Anderson, P. Z. S. 1870, anted, p. 211. Procured by Dr. Anderson at Momien (Yunnan province). 276. LEIOTHRIX LUTEA (Scop.); Ibis, 1865, p. 349; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 298. South-west China, whence brought to Canton and sold alive in bird-shops. Pere David has sent a new Minla from Moupin, allied to M. iy- nitinctdy Hodgs., of the Himalayas. 277. YUHINA NIGRIMENTUM, Hodgs. J. A. S. xiv. p. 562. Sent by Pere David from Moupin. 2/8. YUHINA DIADEMATA, J. Verr. Nouv. Arch. 1869, Bull. p. 35. " Couleur generale brun terreux, plus pale en dessus ; milieu de 1'abdomen, les couvevtures sous-caudales blanc pur, devenant d'uue teinte encore plus pure sur la grande tache occipitale, qui est precedee par de longues plumes formant une huppe ; ailes et queue noires avec les rachis d'un blanc plus visible sur la derniere, qui est echan- eree." J. Verreaux. Sent by Pere David from Moupin. 279. STACHYRIS PR^ECGGNITUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1866, p. 310. Very like St. rufice'ps, Bl) th, of Nepal, but smaller, with much smaller bill, and with the red of the head confined to the crown. Formosa ; Ichang gorge of the Yangtsze river. 280. HERPORNIS TYRANNULUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 347, pi. 10. Herpornis xanthochlora, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 293. Herpornis xantholeuca, Swinh. Ibis, 1866, p. 394. Formosa; Hainan. 281. STAPHIDA TORQUEOLA. Siva torqueola, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. v. 4th series, p. 174. [37] 374 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, I described this as a Siva ; but it is more allied to the genus Ixulus, from which it differs in having a deeply graduated tail. Ixulus castaneiceps, Moore, is of the same form as our bird ; and I would propose to place these two under a new subgenus, Staphida. Our species was procured in Fokien province. Pere David has sent a new species of Ixulus from Moupin. 282. ALCIPPE NIPALENSIS. Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 283. ALCIPPE MORRISONIA, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 296, 1865, p. 107. Formosa. A smaller conspecies of the last. 284. ALCIPPE BRUNNEA, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 280, B. of As. pl. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 297. Formosa. 285. COCHOA VIRIDIS, Hodgs. J. A. S. v. p. 359; Ibis, 1868, p. 354. A single specimen procured at Amoy in December 1867. The Paris Museum has received the bird from Cochin-China. 286. AMPELIS GARRULA (L.) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 298. North China. 287. AMPELIS PHOENICOPTERA, Temm. F. J. ; Ibis, 1864, p. 427, 1866, p. 307. North China; Formosa. 288. PSAROPHOLUS ARDENS, Swinh. Ibis, 1862, p. 363, 1863, p. 293, 1866, pp. 297, 398. Formosa. 289. PSAROPHOLUS ARDENS, var. NIGELLICAUDA, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 342. Hainan. 290. ORIOLUS CHINENSIS, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 383; Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 57, 1861, pp. 58, 341, 1863, p. 291, 1866, p. 138, 1870, p. 342; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 282. Oriolus cochinensiSy Briss. Av. ii. p. 326. Oriolus indicus, Jerd. 111. Ind. Orn. pi. Throughout China, and Formosa in summer. Resorts in winter to Cochin-China, Tenasserim, and India. 291. PITTA MOLUCCENSIS (Miill.). Turdus moluccensis, P. L. S. Miiller, Natursyst. Anhang (1766), p. 144. Pitta cyanoptera, Temm. [38] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 375 Pitta nympha, Swinh. Ibis, 1861, pp. 412, 414 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 277. A single specimen procured at Amoy. 292. PITTA OREAS, Swinh. Ibis, 1864, p. 428. Formosa. 293. LANIUS LAHTORA (Sykes, P. Z. S. 1832, p. 86) ; Sharpe and Dresser, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 595. Pekin in winter (David). 294. LANIUS MAJOR, Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 401. Rare at Pekin (David). Under the name L. mollis, Eversm.*, a specimen of this has been sent from Trans-Baikal. 295. LANIUS SCHACH, L. ; Zool. 1858, p. 6228 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 59, 1861, p. 43, 1865, p. 356, 1870, p. 240; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 286. Lanius chinensis, Grray, Zool. Misc. p. 1. Lanius schach, var. formoste, Ibis, 1863, p. 270. China generally ; Formosa ; Hainan. 296. LANIUS TEPHRONOTUS (Vig. P. Z. S. 1831, p. 43). Sent by Pere David from Moupin. 297. LANIUS FUSCATUS, Less. ; Walden, Ibis, 1868, p. 69, 18/0, p. 241. Lanius melanthes, Swinh. Ibis, 1867, p. 405. South China ; Hainan. 298. LANIUS MAGNIROSTRIS, Less. ; Ibis, 1867, pi. 6. Lanius waldeni, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 131, pi. 11. Comes from Malacca to Central China to breed. Female, when fully adult, like the male. 299. LANIUS BUCEPHALUS, Temm. & Schleg. Faun. Jap. t. 14; Ibis, 1860, pp.60 et 132, 1861, p. 340 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 319, 1863, p. 287. Pekin ; Amoy (one female specimen procured in winter). Male differs much from the female. 300. LANIUS CRISTATUS, L. ; Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 298. Lanius phoenicurus, Pall. Upper parts reddish brown ; crown the same from the base of the beak ; eyebnrv yellowish and not well defined. A male from Amoy agrees with examples from India. Adult female resembles the male. Received frequently in full summer plumage from Trans-Baikal. 301. LANIUS SUPERCILIOSUS, L. Rather brighter than the last ; forehead and well-defined eye- [* Cf. Ann. Nat, Hist. ser. 2, rvii. p. 78. ED.] [39] 3/6 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, brow white. A male from Amoy agrees with specimens from the Amoor and Malacca. Adult female resembles the male. 302. LANIUS LUCIONENSIS, L. ; Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 299 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 59, 1861, pp. 43, 255, 340, 1863, p. 272, 1866, pp. 135, 295, 394 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 286, 1870, p. 428. Lanius schwaneri, Bp. Consp. Av. i. p. 363. Upper parts light liver-brown ; forehead greyish white, with well- defined white eyebrow. Adult female resembles the male. The commonest species that passes through Amoy. Those collected on passage through Formosa are all immature, as if they had not strength to make the through voyage to the Philippines without rest. L. schwaneri of Borneo seems, from the description, to be based on a partially mature female of this species. Found in summer as far north as Talien Bay. 303. LANIUS INCERTUS, n. sp. Crown, from beak to occiput, cinereous, with no eyebrow ; rest of upper parts reddish brown, brighter on the rump. One male spe- cimen procured at Amoy from a party of the last. These four red-tailed Shrikes may be considered geographical races, or representative species, each reserving to itself an area in South-eastern Asia for its winter haunt, and another in North-eastern Asia for its summer haunt. The L. cristatus, that spreads through- out India in winter, seems to seek a family home in Dauria and the country directly north of India, extending to Trans- Baikal ; L. lucio- nensis travels across the sea from its warm winter retreat in the Philippines, and spends its summer in North China, extending its range to Talien Bay ; the southernmost species, L. superciliosus, comes from Malacca, and, passing the summer range of the latter, seeks the high latitudes of Amoorland and northern Japan as more suitable for the nurture of its offspring. As in the case of the Limicolce, those that go furthest north to breed, hurry furthest south to escape the rigours of winter ; such is, apparently, the case with L. superciliosus. But this is scarcely a rule with land-birds ; for this Shrike's winter compatriot, L. magnirostris, as I have shown (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 131), is contented to accommodate himself at a halfway station on the journey in Central China. The route taken by L. superciliosus is not down the China coast, or we should meet him straggling down in spring and autumn, as all the migrants do that travel by land. He probably takes the more inland course followed by many birds that summer in North China and the Amoor. How, then, does it occasionally turn up with the large flights of L. lucionensis bound to the Philippines and Borneo ? How, further, does it happen that L. cristatus should step out of its way and straggle on a tour to a country widely separate from its regular winter quarters ? I would suggest as an explanation that the routes travelled by the three species n.ust somewhere cross or touch, arid that the outliers of the bird-caravans would get attracted to the [40] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 377 allied throng with which they came into contact, and so pass on with it inadvertently. Thus it is matter of no great surprise that the typical L. lucionensis is occasionally obtained, as Mr. Blyth informs me, in Ceylon, whither it would have travelled with L. cristatus, or in the Tenasserim, whither the company of L. superciliosus would have conducted it. To account for this phenomenon I was before led to suppose that the variation of the three species was not con- stantly fixed, and that each race occasionally developed the peculia- rities of either of the others. But my present hypothesis is, I think, the right one. There need be no confusion of races by the inter- crossing of species, for the misguided birds would be among strangers only for the winter ; in the summer, on their return journey, they would have the opportunity of rejoining their species. Lanius incertus is founded on one male specimen, and, from its being so different in plumage, will, I think, be found to belong to another geographical race, with winter and summer resorts of its own, which has, in a similar way, been allured from its ordinary course of migration. 304. TEPHRODORNIS PEI/VICA (Hodgs.) ; Ibis, 1870, p. 241. Tenthaca pelvica, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1837, p. 447. Hainan. 305. ARTAMUS FUSCUS (Vieill.) ; Ibis, 1862, p. 306, 1870, p. 247; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 287. Hainan. Macao (Cassin, v. Perry's Exp. to Japan). 306. DICRURUS CATHCECUS, n. sp. D. macrocercus y Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 59, 1861, pp. 43, 340, 1863, p. 266, 1865, p. 348, 1866, p. 121. 1870, p. 244 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 319, 1863, p. 285, 1870, p. 433. The term macrocercus has been applied in India to two distinct species of Black Drongos, the one a long bird,always distinguishable by a white spot close to the gape, the D. albirictus of Hodgson ; and the other allied to our Chinese bird. The name was given by Vieillot to the Java bird of this group the Edolius lonyus, Temm., and E. forficatus, Ho'rsf. The Java species is smaller than the Indian bird, of more slender and elongated form, and has smaller feet. Our China bird, which is found throughout China, Hainan, and Formosa, is larger than its Indian ally, with longer bill and much longer wing, and has a rich bronze gloss over its feathers, in- cluding its wings and tail ; wing 6 inches, tail 6. I propose to sepa- rate it specifically under the above name. Our Drongo, in its nestling plumage, is of a greyish black (which browns with wear), deeper on the upper parts, bronzed on its wings and tail, with white on its ax- illaries and carpal edge. In changing into the bronzed plumage of the adult, the feathers of the underparts appear with broad white margins, which gradually give place to uniform bronze. Young males often begin to acquire the adult plumage on leaving the nest. [41] 378 MR. R. SWJNHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 307. BUCHANGA MOUHOTI, Walden, Ann. Mag. N. H. 4th ser. v. p. 220; Ibis, 18/0, p. 245. Hainan. 308. BUCHANGA LEUCOGENYS, Walden, Ann. Mag. N. H. 4th ser. v. p. 219; Ibis, 1870, p. 245. Dicrurus cineraceus, Ibis, 1861, p. 265, 1862, p. 258. Dicrurus cinerascens, Ibis, 1861, p. 411. Dicrurus leucopheeus, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 285. Hainan to Foochow, and westward to Szechuen. 309. BUCHANGA INNEXA, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 246. Hainan. 310. CHIBIA BREVIROSTRIS, Cab. Mns. Hein. i. p. 112. Chibia hottentotta (L.) ; Ibis, 1861, p. 41 1, 1863, p. 96 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 319, 1863, p. 285. Amoy; Tientsin; Pekin (David). Outer tail-feather very broad and much curled, bill rather shorter, bronzed spots on breast rounder, frontal deflected bristles long and coarse ; otherwise very similar to C. hottentotta of India. 311. CHAPTIA BRAUNIANA, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 269, 1866, p. 399. Formosa. 312. GRAUCALUS REX-PINETI, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 265, 1866, pp. 393, 402, IH70, p. 242. Formosa; Hainan. 313. VOLVOCIVORA MELASCHISTA, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1837, p. 328; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 282. Volvocivora lugubris, Sundev. Campephaga cinerea ?, Ibis, 1860, p. 58. Campephaga ?, Ibis, 1861, p. 42. Canton to Foochow, and westwards to Szechuen. Summer visitant. 314. VOLVOCIVORA SATURATA, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 242. Hainan. 315. PERICROCOTUS CINEREUS, Lafresn. Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 94 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 58, 1861, p. 42, 340, 1862, p. 263, 1870, p. 244; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 283. . Ranges from the South to Pekin. 316. PERICROCOTUS CANTONENSIS, Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 42, 1865, p. 107, 1870, p. 244 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 284. Pericrocotus sordidus, Swinh. (immature), P. Z. S. 1863, p. 284. Northwards to Foochow, and westwards to Szechuen. [42] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 379 317. PERICROCOTUS IGNEUS, Blyth ; J. Verreaux, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. (May 1867) p. 169. Western China, Perny's collection (J. Verr.). 318. PERICROCOTUS BREVIROSTRIS, Vig. ; Gould, Cent. pi. 8. Passes Pekin in migration, but does not breed in the Chelee province (David). 319. PERICROCOTUS GRISEIGULARIS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 282; B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 263, 1866, p. 399. Formosa ; Fokien province. 320. PERICROCOTUS SPECIOSUS (Lath.) ; Gould, Cent. pi. 7 ; Ibis, 1867, p. 403 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 285. Pericrocotus brevirostrisl, Ibis, 1862, p. 257. Fokien province. 321. PERICROCOTUS FRATERCULUS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 244. Hainan. 322. BUTALIS GRISEOSTICTA, Ibis, 1866, p. 131, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 288. Hemichelidon griseisticta, Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 330, 1863, p. 262. Hemichelidon fuliginosa, Ibis, 1860, p. 57. Butalis hypogrammica, G. R. Gray ; Wallace, Ibis, 1862, p. 350. China in summer, winters in the Moluccas. 323. BUTALIS SIBIRICA (Gmel.) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 288, 1870, p. 440. Muscicapa sibirica, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 936. Muscicapa fuscedula, Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 462. Hemichelidon fuliyinosa, Hodgs. Amoy; Pekin. 324. BUTALIS FERRUGiNEA(Hodgs.); Ibis, 1870, p. 247 ; P.Z.S. 1863, p. 288. Hemichelidon rufilata, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 57. Hemichelidon ferruginea, Hodgs. Ibis, 1861, p. 40. South China ; Hainan. 325. BUTALIS LATIROSTRIS (Raffles), P. Z. S. 186S, p. 288. Hemichelidon latirostris. Ibis, 1860, p. 57, 1861, pp. 40, 330, 1863, p. 262. Muscicapa latirostris, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. pt. 2 (1822), p. 312. Muscicapa cinereoalba, Temm. & Schleg. Faun. Jap.; Ibis, 1870, p. 247. M uscicapa grisola, var. daurica, Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 461. Summers in China. [43] 380 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 326. ERYTHROSTERNA ALBICILLA (Pall.) ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317. Muscicapa albicilla, Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 462. Erythrosterna leucura (Gmel.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 357, 1863, p. 92, 1870, p. 247; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 290. Erythrosterna mugimaki, Ibis, 1861, p. 330. Thamnobia niveiventris, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 54. Winters in Southern China. Gmelin's Muscicapa leucura (Syst. Nat. i. 1788, p. 939) is from the Cape of Good Hope, and there- fore cannot be our bird. 327. ERYTHROSTERNA LUTEOLA (Pall.) ; Midd. Sib. Reis. pi. xvii. (winter plumage) ; Ibis, 1866, p. 313 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 290. Motacilla luteola, Pall. ; Zoogr. i. p. 470. Muscicapa mugimaki, T. & S. Faun. Jap. (adult tf in summer) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 357, 1867, p. 390, 1870, p. 247. Muscicapa hylocharis, Swinh. Ibis, 1862, p. 305 (young J). China coast and Formosa in autumn. Wanders down to Penang (E. erythaca, Blyth). 328. MUSCICAPULA SAPPHIRA (Tick.) ; Jerd. Ind. Orn. pi. 32. Western China (Perny's coll., Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1867, p. 169). 329. XANTHOPYGIA NARCJSSINA (Temm.) PI. Col. 577; Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 58, 1861, pp. 41, 410, 1870, p. 247; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 289. Passes up and down the China coast. Summers in Japan. 330. XANTHOPYGIA TRICOLOR (Hartl.). Xanthopygia leucophrys, Blyth, Ibis, 1861, p. 410, 1863, p. 92 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 289. Rare on the coast. Breeds near Pekin (David). Found in winter in Malacca. 331. NILTAVA SUNDARA, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1837, p. 650 ; Gould, B. of As. pi. Western China (Perny's collection, identified by J. Verreaux). 332. CYORNIS VIMDA, Swinh. Ibis, 1864, p. 363, 1866, p. 393, pi. 11. Formosa. The male is a mimicry of the last ; the female, a true Cyornis, without the blue spot on the side of the neck that dis- tinguishes females of the Niltava group. 333. CYANOPTILA CYANOMELJENA (Temm.) PI. Col. 470 ; Ibis, 1870, p. 247. Muscicapa gularis, T. & Schleg. F. J. ( $ ). Niltava cyanomel&na, Ibis, 1860, p. 58, 1861, p. 41, 1863, p. 92 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 290. Hypothymis cyanomelana, Ibis, 1862, p. 306. Passes up and down the China toast. Summers in Japan. [44] 18/1.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 381 334. STOPAROLA MELANOPS (Vig.) ; Gould, Cent. pi. 6 ; Ibis, 1861, p. 263. Eumyias melanops, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 289. Amoy ; Western China (Perny and David). 335. SIPHIA STROPHIATA, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1837, p. 651. Moupin, from Pere David. The Paris Museum has received another species from the same locality allied to S. erithacus, Blyth, from Darjeeling. 336. DIGENIA SUPERCILIARIS (Blyth, J. A. S. xi. p. 190) ; P. Z. S. 1845, p. 26. Siphia innexa, Swinh. Ibis, 1866, p. 391. Siphia rubrocyanea, Hodgs. Formosa. Known also from the Himalayas ; and from Timor as Muscicapa tricolor <$ (rupestris ), Miill. : see Blyth, Ibis, 1865, p. 44. 337. MYIAGRA AZUREA (Bodd.), PI. En. 666; Ibis, 1861, p. 263, 1863, p. 261, 1865, p. 545, 1870, p. 247 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 289. Tchitrea caruhocephalal, Ibis, 1860, p. 57. Formosa ; Hainan ; Amoy (one specimen). 338. CULICICAPA CINEREOCAPILLA (Vieill.) ; Sw. Zool. 111. pi. 13. Szechuen province, in the gorges of the Yangtsze river. The former generic name of this species (Cryptolophd) having been preoccupied, I propose to apply to it the above term. 339. TCHITREA PRINCEPS (Temm. PL Col. 584). Tch.principalis, Ibis, 1860, p. 57, 1861, pp. 39,411, 1863, p. 260, 1865, p. 541 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 289. Passes the South-China coast. Summers in Japan. 340. TCHITREA INCEI, Gould, B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 92 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 317, 1863, p. 289, 1870, p. 439. T.principalis, Ibis, 1861, p. 330, 1866, p. 297. Summers in Central and North China. 341. GARRULUS SINENSIS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 304. G. ornatus, Ibis, 1861, p. 267, 1862, pp. 261, 263. South China, westwards to Szechuen. Chinese specimens have longer legs and feet than the Himalayan G. bispecularis, Vigors; but I can detect no other difference. 342. GARRULUS TAIVANUS, Gould ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 282 ; B. of As. pt. xvi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 386. Formosa. [45] 382 MR. R. SW1NHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 343. GARRULUS BRANDTI, Eversm. Addend, ad Pall. Zoogr. Rosso- Asiat. 1843, iii. p. 8. North China; Pekin. % 344. UROCISSA SINENSIS (L.) ; Ibis, 1861, pp. 43, 267, 409, 1862, p. 261, 1865, p. 349, 1867, p. 407; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 304, 1870, p. 448. Cuculus sinensis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. (1788) p. 418. Corvus erythrorhynchus, Gmel. p. 372. Throughout China. 345. UROCISSA C^RULEA, Gould; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 282; B. of As. pi.; Ibis, 1863, p. 384, 1866, pp. 121, 296, 303. Formosa. 346. DENDROCITTA SINENSIS (Lath.) ; Ibis, 1868, p. 62, 1870, p. 351; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 304. Corvus sinensis, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 161. South China; Hainan. 347. DENDROCITTA FORMOSA, Swinhoe. Dendrocitta sinensis, var. formosce, Ibis, 1863, p. 387, 1865, p. 234, 1866, pp. 296, 394. Formosa. 348. NUCIFRAGA CARYOCATACTES (L.) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 306 1870, p. 448. Pekin. 349. NUCIFRAGA HEMISPILA, Vig. ; Gould, C. B. pi. 36. Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 350. PICA MEDIA, Blyth, J. A. S. xiii. (1844), p. 393; Ibis, 1863, p. 383, 1870, p. 350. Pica sericea, Gould, P. Z. S. 1845, p. 2; Ibis, 1860, pp. 60, 429, 1861, pp. 43, 336, 1867, p. 236. Pica caudata, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 303. Throughout China ; Formosa ; Hainan. Birds from Pekin and Kalgan are much more brightly coloured than southern examples. 351. CYANOPOLIUS CYANUS. Corvus cyanus, Pall. Zoogr. R. A. i. p. 391. Cyanopica cyana. Ibis, 1861, p. 336 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 304. Shanghai to Pekin, and westwards to Ichang (Hoopih province). 352. CORVUS JAPONENSIS, Bp. Consp. Av. p. 386. Corvus macrorhynchus, Schleg. Faun. Jap. t. 39. Beyond the Great Wall. [46] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 383 353. CORVUS SINENSIS, Gould ; Moore, Cat. Birds E. I. Co. ii. p. 556 ; Ibis, 1862, p. 260, 1863, pp. 95, 383, 1870, p. 348 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 305. Corvus colonorum, Swinh. Ibis, 1864, p. 427, 1866, pp. 296, 402. Corvus japonicus, Ibis, 1861, p. 337. Corvus japonensis, Ibis, 1862, p. 260. Throughout China ; Formosa ; Hainan. 354. CORVUS TORQUATUS, Lesson, Traite* d'Ornith. p. 328; P. Z.S. 1863, p. 305. Corvus pectoralis, Gould, Ibis, 1860, p. 60, 1861, pp. 43, 337, 1862, p. 260, 1867, p. 411, 1870, p. 350. 355. CORVUS CORONE (L.) ; Ibis, 1870, pp. 79, 348. Naochow Island, near Hainan. 356. FRUGILEGUS PASTINATOR. Corvus pastinator, Gould, P. Z. S. 1845, p. 1 ; Ibis, 1861, p. 336 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 305. Ningpo to Pekin. 357. LYCOS DAURICUS (Pall. Zoogr. t. 15) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 304. Corvus dauricus, Ibis, 1861, pp. 257, 337. Ningpo to Pekin. I cannot understand Prof. Schlegel (Mus. des Pays-Bas) considering the following species the young of this bird. I have taken this bird from the nest, and found the young beginning life with all the pied characters of the adult. 358. LYCOS NEGLECTUS (Schleg. F. J. t. 40) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 305. Corvus neglectus, Ibis, 1861, pp. 259, 337, 1867, p. 227. Ningpo to Pekin. This species is closely related to L. monedula, but has a mnch smaller and slenderer bill, and no grey on the sides of the head and neck. I have procured at Shanghai a hybrid be- tween this and the last. 359. FREGILUS GRACULUS (L.), var. BRACHYPUS. Fregilns graculus, Ibis, 1863, p. 95; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 319, 1863, p. 306, 1870, pp.434, 444. Pekin. The Himalayan bird has much longer feet than purs, and scarcely any purple gloss on the body-plumage. Ours differs also from the European species by its tarsi being a good deal shorter and its toes quite stumpy. A bird from Siberia in the Cambridge Museum agrees with the Chinese bird. 360. EULABES SINENSIS, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 353. South-west China. [-17] 384 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 361. EULABES HAINANUS, Ibis, 1870, p. 352. Gracula, sp., Ibis, 1860, p. 361. Hainan. 362. ACRIDOTHERES CRISTATELLUS (L.) ; IblS, 1860, pp. 60, 429, 1861, p. 44, 1862, p. 260, 1863, p. 382 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 302. Gracula cristatella, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 397. Acridotheres philippensis, Ibis, 1867, p. 387, 1870, p. 352. South China to Shanghai, and westwards to Szechuen ; Hainan ; Formosa. 363. GRACUPICA NIGRICOLLIS (Payk.) ; Act. Holm, xxviii. t. 9 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 60, 1861, pp. 44, 260 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 303. Pastor bicolor, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 1. Canton to Foochow. 364. TEMENUCHUS SINENSIS (Gmel.) ; Ibis, 1866, p. 394, 1870, p. 352. Temenuchus turdiformis (Wagler) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 60, 1861, p. 44. Heterornis sinensis, Ibis, 1863, p. 382, 1865, p. 358, 1866, p. 138 ; P. Z.S. 1863, p. 302. Summers in South China from Canton to Foochow. Observed as a migrant in Formosa and Hainan. Winters in Pegu. 365. TEMENUCHUS DAURICUS (Pall. Act. Stockh. 1778,iii. p. 198); PL Enl. 627. 3 ; Ibis, 1863, p. 95 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 302. Gracula sturnina (Pall.) ; Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 399. Sturnus pyrrhogenySy Ibis, 1861, p. 338. Sturnus dauricus. Ibis, 1866, p. 131 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 319. Procured at Tientsin and Pekin ; would appear to summer in North-east Tartary, and to winter in Malacca and Java. 366. STURNUS CINERACEUS, Temm. PL Col. 556; Ibis, 1861, pp. 257, 338, 1863, p. 382, 1870, p. 352 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 319, 1863, p. 301. Temenuchus cineraceus (Temm.); Ibis, 1860, p. 60, 1861, p. 44. Passes down the coast in winter. Breeds in North China. Found during winter in Formosa and Hainan. 367. STURNUS SERICEUS, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, p. 805 ; Ibis, 1861, p. 338 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 301. Pastor sericeus y Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 1. Temenuchus sericeus (Lath.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 60, 1861, p. 44. Sturnus cinereus, Ibis, 1862, p. 306. Fokien and Canton provinces. 368. MUNIA SINENSIS (Briss.). Coccothraustes sinensis, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 238. [48] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 385 Munia rubronigra, Hodgs. Ibis, 1801, p. 45; Blyth, Ibis, I860, p. 61. South-west China. 369. MUNIA FORMOSANA, Swinh. Ibis, 1865, p. 356. Formosa. 3/0. MUNIA TOPELA, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 380, 1870, p. 354; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299. Munia malacca, Ibis, 1860, p. 61, 1861, p. 45. South China ; Hainan ; Formosa. 371. MUNIA ACUTICAUDA, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. (1836) p. 153 ; Ibis, 1863, p. 379, 1870, p. 354 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299. Munia molucca, Ibis, 1860, p. 61. Munia minimal, Ibis, 1860, p. 358, 1861, p. 45. Hainan to Shanghai, and westwards to Szechueri ; Formosa. 372. PADDA ORYZIVORA (Linn.). Oryzornis oryzivora, Ibis, 1860, p. 60. Munia oryzivora, Ibis, 1861, p. 45; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299. Hongkong ; Amoy ; Shanghai. 373. FRINGILLA MONTIFRINGILLA, L. ; Ibis, 1861, p. 335, 1864, p. 423; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 318, 1863, p. 298. North China in winter. Occurs occasionally as far south as Amoy. 374. CHRYSOMITRIS SPINUS (L.); Ibis, 1861, p. 267 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299, 1870, p. 433. Fringilla spinus, Ibis, 1861, p. 335. Pekin in autumn, and in winter down to Foochow. 375. CHLOROSPIZA SINICA (L.); P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299, 1870, p. 433. Ligurinus sinicus, Ibis, 1860, p. 61, 1861, p. 45. Fringilla sinica, Ibis, 1861, p. 335, 1863, p. 378. Canton to Pekin, and westwards to Ichang (Hoopih Province). 376. PYRGITA PETRONIA (L.). Breeds in the Ordo Mountains, north-west of Pekin (David). Pere David, in his Catalogue, mentions an allied Finch which he has procured on the most elevated regions of Mongolia. This novelty will shortly be described by J. Verreaux. 377. LEUCOSTICTE BRUNNEINUCHA (Brandt). Seen in North Chelee in the coldest weather (David). 378. FRINGILLAUDA NEMORICOLA, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. (1836) p. 158; Bp. Lox. t. 47. Sent from Moupiii by Pere David. [49] 386 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 379. ^EGIOTHUS BOREALIS (Teram.). Mgiothus canescens, Gould ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299. Cannabina canescens, Ibis, 1861, p. 335. Winters in North China. 380. PASSER MONTANUS (L.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 60, 1861, pp. 45, 255, 1863, p. 378, 1870, p. 354 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299, 1870, p. 433. Fringilla montana, Ibis, 1861, p. 335, 1862, pp. 258, 260. The House-Sparrow of all China, Hainan, and Formosa. 381. PASSER RUTILANS, Temm. PI. Col. 288. Passer russatus, Schleg. Faun. Jap.; Ibis, 1861, p. 45, 1863, p. 378, 1866, p. 295 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299. South China and Formosa. 382. PASSER CINNAMOMEUS (Gould). Pyrgita cinnamomea, Gould, P. Z. S. 1835, p. 185. Occurs at Ichang, and westwards to Szechuen. 383. PASSER OURATENSIS, David, in Mus. Pekin ; Swinh. P. Z. S, 1870, p. 430. Ordo Mountains (David). 384. COCCOTHRATJSTES vuLGARis, var. JAPONICUS, Ibis, 1861, p. 336 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299, 1870, p. 448. Coccothraustes vulyaris japonieus, T. & S. Faun. Jap. Shanghai to Pekin, and westwards to the Ichang gorge. 385. EOPHONA MELANURA (Gmel.) ;; Ibis, 1867, p. 390. Coccothraustes melanurus, Ibis, 1860, p. 61, 1861, p. 45 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299. Loxia melanura, Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. p. 853. Throughout China. 386. EOPHONA PERSONATA, Schleg. F. J. t. 52; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 448. Pekin. 387. MYCEROBAS MELANOXANTHUS, Hodgs. Coccosthraustes melanoxanthus t Hodgs. As. Res. xix. (1836) p. 150. Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 388. PYRRHULA GRISEIVENTRIS, Lafr. Pyrrhula orientalis, Temm. F. J. t. 58. From Shanghai northwards. [50] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 387 389. PYRIIHULA ERYTHROCEPHALA, Vig. P. Z. S. 1831, p. 1/4 ; Gould, C. B. pi. 32. Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 390. CARPODACUS ERYTHRINUS (Pall. Zoogr. t. 36); Ibis, 1863, p. 95 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 318, 1863, p. 299. Visits China in winter. 391. CARPODACUS DAVIDIANUS, M.-Edw. N, Arch, du Mus. i. t. 2, 3. Breeds on the highest mountains near Pekin {David). 392. CARPODACUS MONGOLICUS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 18/0, p. 447. On the western hills near Pekin. Resident in Ordo {David). The Paris Museum has received three other species of this group from Moupin, which appear to be new. One of them has been wrongly referred to Pyrrha saturata, Bp. 393. URAGUS SIBIRICUS (Pall.) Loxia sibirica, Pall. Itin. ii. Append, p. 711. One specimen procured by Pere David at Pekin. 394. LOXIA ALBIVENTRIS, Swinh. P. Z. S. 18/0, p. 437. Loxia curvirostra (L.), Ibis, 1861, p. 336; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 299. Pekin. 395. LOXIA HIMALAYANA, Hodgs. ; Gray's Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 85. Sent by Pere David from Moupin. 396. MELOPHUS MELANICTERUS (Gmel.) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 300. Fringilla melanictera, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 910. Emberiza lathami, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 1. Melophus lathami, Ibis, 1860, p. 62, 1861, p. 46, 1867, p. 233. South China. 397. EUSPIZA AUREOLA (Pall. It. ii. p. 711); Ibis, 1860, p. 62, 1861, pp. 45, 334 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 300. Emberiza aureola, Ibis, 1863, p. 378, 1870, p. 354. China generally. 398. EUSPIZA RUTILA, Pall. It. iii. p. 698 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 300. Emberiza rutila, Ibis, 1861, pp. 334, 410 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 318. Emberiza sincnsis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1788, i. p. 869. North China, wandering south in winter. [51] 388 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 399. EUSPIZA SULPHURATA (Temm. & Schleg.) Faun. Jap. t. 60 ; Ibis, 1860, p. 359, 1861, pp. 46, 334 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 300. Emberiza sulphurata, Ibis, 1863, p. 378. South China and Formosa in winter. 400. EMBERIZA FUCATA, Pall. It. in. p. 698; Faun. Jap. t. 57; Ibis, 1860, p. 61, 1861, pp. 45, 324, 1863, p. 378, 1870, p. 354 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 301. South China in winter. 401. EMBERIZA RUSTICA, Pall. It. iii. p. 698; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 301. North China. 402. EMBERIZA SPODOCEPHALA, Pall. It. iii. p. 698; Ibis, 1863, p. 377, 1870, p. 354 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 300. Emberiza personata, Temm. PI. Col. 580 ; Ibis, 1861, pp. 45, 334, 1862, p. 258. Euspiza personata, Ibis, 1860, p. 62. South China and Formosa in winter. 403. EMBERIZA ELEGANS, Temm. PI. Col. 583. North China and Moupin. 404. EMBERIZA ELEGANTULA, Swiuh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 134. Ichang gorge (Hoopih province). 405. EMBERIZA CHRYSOPHRYS, Pall. It. iii. p. 698 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 301. North China ; Szechuen. 406. EMBERIZA LEUCOCEPHALA, S. G. Gmel. Nov. Comm. Petrop. XT. p. 480. Emberiza pithyornus, Pall. It. ii. p. 710; Ibis, 1863, p. 95; P.Z.S. 1863, p. 300. Emberiza ?, Ibis, 1861, p. 334. Pekin. 407. EMBERIZA CIOPSIS, Bp. ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 300. Emberiza cioides, Temm. & Schleg. Faun. Jap. t. 59 ; Ibis, 1861, pp. 409, 410, 1863, p. 378 ; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 436. Emberiza rustica> Ibis, 1861, p. 255, 1863, p. 87. Emberiza gigl'ioUi, Swinh. Ibis, 1867, p. 393. South China in winter. 408. EMBERIZA TRISTRAMI, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 441. Emberiza stracheyi, Ibis, 1863, p. 95; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 318, 1863, p. 301. Tientsin. Fokien in winter. [52], 18/1. J MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 389 409. EMBERIZA CASTANEICEPS, Gould ; Moore, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 215. Pekin. "Resident in the Pekin mountains and in Mongolia" (David). 410. EMBERIZA PUSILLA, Pall. It. Hi. p. 697; Ibis, 1860, p. 61, 1861, p. 334 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 301. North China ; spreads south in winter. 411. SCHCENICOLA PALLASII, Cab. Emberiza schoeniclus, var. minor, Midd. Sib. Reis. V6g. p. 144. Emberiza canescens, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 62, 1861, p. 334; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 301. Amoy in winter. River Yangtsze. 412. PLECTROPHANES NIVALIS (L.) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 301. North China in the coldest seasons. 413. PLECTROPHANES LAPPONICUS (L.) ; Ibis, 1861, p. 334; P.Z.S. 1863, p. 301. Common at Pekin in winter. 414. ALAUDA ARVENSIS, L. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 94; P.Z.S. 1863, p. 271. Alauda pekinensis, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 89. Alauda japonica, Ibis, 1861, p. 333. "Arrives in Pekin and Jeaves again in April ; some individuals spend the summer in our plains. The Skylark, though known here and at Senen-hwa-foo, is not known in high Mongolia, where it is replaced by Otocoris and Calandrella" (David). 415. ALAUDA CANTARELLA, Bp. ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 271. Alauda intermedia, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 89. Shanghai. 416. ALAUDA C p. 108. A miniature of the last. I have specimens from Tamsuy (N.W. Formosa), Arnoy, and Szechuen. 460. CUCULUS STRIATUS, Drapiez, Diet. Class, d'llist. Nat. ; Ibis, 1862, p. 263. Cuculus himalayanus, Vig. ; Jerd. B. of Ind. p. 323. Cuculus striatus, Ibis, 1861, pp. 259, 340 (in part.). Cuculus tenuirostris, Temm. [59] 396 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THK BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, Cuculus canorttdes, S. Mull. Cuculus optatus, Gould. Cuculus canorusy Ibis, 1863, p. 396. Cuculus monosyllabicus, Swinh. Ibis, 1865, p. 545. Cuculus kelungensis, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 394. I have a large series of this form of Cuckoo from Amoy, Formosa, and Pekin, and find them so variable in size, and in length and form of bill, that I give up in despair making species of them. From South Formosa I got a specimen with small bill and peculiar note ; this I described as C. monosyll.abicus ; but it agrees with a specimen from Java labelled C. tenuirostris, Temm., sent me by Prof. Schlegel ; and a series from Amoy and a bird from Pekin are also the same. From North Formosa I procured birds with large and long bills. These I described as C. kelungensis, and I have a specimen from Amoy with the same features (noted as C. micropterus, P. Z. S. 1 863, p. 265) ; but they do not possess a single other character to distin- guish them. From Amoy I have one with a particularly short and broad bill, but also with no other character ; and a second with a thick curved bill, of large size, and with all the claws deep black. This last I determined as C. canoroides of S. Miiller ; but on glancing through my series I find many of the lesser and small-billed form, as also many of the long-billed form, with more or less black claws, in fact almost every gradation from pure yellow to black. I come therefore (I must confess, most reluctantly) to the conclusion that they all belong to the same variable species. Like all the Cuckoos, these birds in China are only summer visitants. 461. TRERON FORMOSA, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p, 396, 1865, p. 540, 1866, p. 312. South Formosa. 462. SPHENOCERCUS SORORIUS, Swiiih. Ibis, 1866, pp. 311, 406. Sphenocercusformoste, <$ , Ibis, 1866, p. 122. Treron chwroboatis, Ibis, 1866, pp. 313, 406. South Formosa. Like Treron siebolrlii, T. & S., of Japan, but yellower about the head, and with the green of the back, wings, and tail clearer and not washed with the brownish oil-colour of the other. 463. OSMOTRERON DOMviLii, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 354. Hainan. 464. CARPOPHAGA SYLVATICA (Tick.); Ibis, 1870, p. 355. Columba sylvatica, Tickell, J. A. S. ii. p. 581. Hainan. 465. COLUMBA LIVIA, Briss. Av. i. p. 82; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 444. In a feral state about the Pekin plains. [60] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 397 460. COLUMBA RUPESTRIS, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 48; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 306, 1870, p. 434. Columba cenas y var. rupestris, Pall. Zoogr. t. 35. Columba leucozonura, Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 259, 1863, p. 88. North China. 467. DENDROTRERON HODGSONII (Vig.); Bp. Ic. Pig. t. 61. Columba hodgsonii y Vigors, P. Z. S. 1832, p. 16. Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 468. PALUMBUS PULCHRICOLLIS (Hodgs.) ; Gould, B. of As. pi.; Ibis, 1866, pp. 313, 396. Columba pulchricollis, Hodgs. J. A. S. xiv. p. 866. Formosa. 469. COCCYZURA MINOR. Macropygia tusalia, var. minor, Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 355. Hainan. 470. TURTUR RUPICOLA (Pall.); Ibis, 1863, p.397, 1865, p. 541, 1866, p. 313, 1867, p. 396, 1870, p. 356 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 306. Turtur orientalis (Lath.); Ibis, 1860, p. 63, 1861, pp. 49, 341. Tartur gelastes, T. & S. F. J. ; Ibis, 1862, p. 261 ; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 446. South China, Formosa, and Hainan in winter. Differs consider- ably from T. meena, Sykes, of India. 471. TURTUR CHINENSIS (Scop.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 62, 1861, p. 49, 1862, p. 2il, 1863, p. 397, 1865, p. 540, 1870, p. 356; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 306. South China ; Hainan ; Formosa. 472. TURTUR RISORIUS, L. ; PI. Enl. 244 ; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 446. Turtur risorius (albino), Ibis, 1865, p. 541, 1866, p. 298. About the trees of villages near the Great Wall, but not at Pekin itself. 473. TURTUR HUMILIS, Temm. PL Col. 258, 259; Ibis, 1860, p. 63, 1862, p. 261, 1863, p. 397, 1865, p. 540, 1870, p. 356; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 306. South China to Shanghai ; Formosa ; Hainan, 474. CHALCOPHAPS INDICA (L.) ; Ibis, 1870, p. 356. Hainan. 475. CHALCOPHAPS FORMOSANA, Swinh. Ibis, 1865, pp. 357, 540. Formosa, south of Takow. [61] 398 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 476. SYRRHAPTES PARADOXUS (Pall. It. t. 5); Ibis, 1861, p. 341; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 306. Breeds in Mongolia, roaming to the Pekin plains in winter (David}. 477. PAVO MUTICUS, L. ; Ibis, 1870, p. 359, note. South-west China. 478. POLYPLECTRON BICALCARATUM (L.). Polyplectron chinquis, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 307. South-west China. 479. PHASTANUS TORQUATUS (Gmel.) ; Ibis, 1861, pp. 49, 341, 1862, p. 259, 1865, p. 349, 1867, pp. 232, 390, 402 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 307. Canton to Pekin, and westwards to Hankow. 480. PHASIANUS FORMOSANUS, Elliot, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 406. Phasianus torquatus> Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 401, 1866, p. 404. Formosa. 481. PHASIANUS DECOLLATES, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 135. Province of Szechuen. 482. PHASIANUS SLADENI, Anderson, MS.; Elliot, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 408. Phasianus elegans, Elliot, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 4th series, vi. p. 312. Brought down the Upper Yangtsze, probably from Kwirchow pro- vince, and now alive in the Society's Gardens. Procured by Dr. Anderson in Momien, province Yunnan. There is a specimen appa- rently of this species in the British Museum, which was received many years ago from this Society, and was at the time supposed to be a cross between P. colchicus and P. versicolor of Japan. 483. SYRMATICUS REEVESII (Gray), Ind. Zool. pi. 39. Phasianus reevesii, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 307. Eastern Szechuen, Western Hoopih, and northwards to near Pekin. 484. CHRYSOLOPHUS PICTUS (Linn.). Thaumalea picta (L.) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 307. Western China into Kokonor. 485. CHRYSOLOPHUS AMHERSTI^E (Leadb.). Thaumalea amherstice, Leadb. Linn. Tr. xvi. pi. 15; Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 307, 1870, p. 111. Moupin ; Western Yunnan (Dr. Anderson). [62] 18/1.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 399 486. PUCRASIA XANTHOSPILA, G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 159, pi. 20. Pucrasia davidiana, M. -Edwards, N. Arch, du Mus. i. t. 1, 2,3. North-west China. 487. CROSSOPTILON AURITUM (Pall.). Phasianus auritus, Pall. Zoogr. ii. p. 86. Crossoptilon ccerulescens, David, MS.; M.-Edw. C. R. 1870, p. 538. Kokonor (David). 488. CROSSOPTILON MANTCHURICUM, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1862, p. 287, 1863, p. 306; Ibis, 1865, p. 112. North China into Mantchuria. 489. CROSSOPTILON DROUYNII, Milne-Edwards, N. Arch, du Mus. iv. (1868), Bull. p. 85, pi. 3. Crossoptilon tibetanum, Hodgs. ? Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 490. EUPLOCAMUS NYCTHEMERUS (L.). South China. 491. EUPLOCAMUS SWINHOII, Gkmld, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 284; B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 401, 1865, pp. 353, 538, 1866, pp. 133, 308, 404, 405, 1867, pp. 232, 409. Formosa. 492. LOPHOPHORUS L'HUYSII, J. Verr. Bull. Soc. d'Acclimat. 2de se'r. iv. (1867) p. 706; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 1, pi. 1. Moupin. 493. GALLUS FERRUGINEUS (Gmel.); Ibis, 1870, p. 357- Phasianus gallus, L. ; Ibis, 1867, p. 233. Hainan. 494. TETRAOPHASIS OBSCURUS, Elliot, Mon. Phas. pt. iii. Lophophorus obscurus, J. Verr. N. Arch, du Mus. 1869, Bull, p. 33, pi. 6. Moupin (David). 495. CERIORNIS TEMMINCKII (Gray); Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 307. West China. 496. CERIORNIS CABOTII, Gould, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 161; B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1865, p. 350; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 307. South-west China. [63] 400 MR. R. SWINHOK ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 497. ITHAGINIS GEOFFROYI, J. Verr. Bull. Soc. d'Acclimat. 2de serie, iv. (1867) p. 706. Moupin (David}. 498. FRANCOLINUS SINENSIS (Osb.); Ibis, 1870, p. 359; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 307. Francolinus perlatus (Gmel.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 63, 1861, p. 50, 1862, p. 259, 1867, p. 406. Francolinus maculatus, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 2. South China, Canton to Amoy ; Hainan. 499. PERDIX BARBATA, Verr. et Des Murs, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 62, pi. 9. pp. 307, 370. Very common in Mongolia ; rarer on the bare mountains near Pekin ; never on the plain (David) . 500. OREOPERDIX CRUDIGULARIS, Swinh. Ibis, 1864, pp. 426, 426, 1865, p. 542, 1866, pp. 133, 134, 401. Formosa. 501. BAMBUSICOLA THORACICA (Temm.); P. Z. S. 1863, p. 307. Perdix sphenura, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 2. Arboricola bambusce, Ibis, 1862, p. 259. Fokien province to south bank of Yangtsze. 502. BAMBUSICOLA SONORIVOX, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 285; B. of As. pi. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 399, 1865, p. 542, 1866, pp. 134,401, 404. Formosa. 503. BAMBUSICOLA FYTCHII, Anderson, P. Z. S. 1871, antea, p. 214, PI. XI. Procured by Dr. Anderson at Ponsee (Yunnan province). 504. CACCABIS CHUKAR, var. PUBESCENS, Ibis, 1865, pp. 353, 542, 1867, p. 402; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 439. Perdix chukar, Gray, Hardw. 111. Ind. Zool. i. pi. 54. North China, southwards to north bank of Upper Yangtsze, in the gorges. Chinese specimens have a deep blush of rosiness over their upper plumage, which is not seen in Himalayan skins. 505. LERWA NIVICOLA (Hodgs.). Sent from Moupin by Pere David. 506. TETRASTES BONASIA (L ). Northern Chelee (David). 507. TETRAO TETRIX, L, Northern Chelee (David). [64J 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 401 508. COTURNIX COMMUNIS, Bonn. Ibis, 1863, p. 398; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 308. Coturnix chinensis (L.), Ibis, 1860, p. 63. Coturnix dactylisonans, Ibis, 1860, p. 358, 1861, pp. 50, 260, 341. Coturnix japonic a, Bp. The Quails of North China that come south in winter have more or less rufous on their faces, and are more richly coloured than those that pass the summer with us ; but the two races seem to blend into each other, and it is not easy to draw a line of distinction between them. 509. EXCALFACTORIA CHiNENSis (L.) ; Ibis, 1863, p. 398, 1870, p. 360; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 308. Coturnix chinensis (L.); Ibis, 1861, p. 50. Coturnix caineana, , Swinh. Ibis, 1865, p. 351. South China, Formosa, and Hainan. 510. TURNIX DUSSUMIERI. Hemipodius dussumieri, Temm. PI. Col. (1838) pi. 454. f. 2; Gould, B. of As. pt. xxi. Turnix sykesi, A. Smith, Zool. of South Africa; Jerdon, B. of Ind. iii. p. 600. In the winter 1868-69, when I was last in Formosa, I procured several females and one male of the little Turnix that abounds on the low grassy hills about fifteen miles from Takow. It had escaped me before, but its eggs I had got in abundance. This I cannot dis- tinguish from the small Button-Quail of India. The females were bigger than the male, but of siinilar plumage. They both had deep- bluish bills, and the former bluish grey legs, the legs of the male being more flesh-coloured. This bird has not yet been met with in China. 511. AREOTURNIX ROSTRATA. Turnix rostrata, Swinh. Ibis, 1865, pp. 542, 544, 1866, pp. 131, 297, 403, 1867, p. 230. Turnix ocellatus, Ibis, 1863, p. 398. Allied to T. plumbipes, Hodgs., T. ocellata, Jerdon (nee Scop.), but of a good deal larger size, with much more powerful bill and legs. Frequents the lowest hill-ranges of South Formosa, showing a pre- ference for rocky places covered with scrub. The female is much larger than the male, and acquires a black throat in summer. 512. AREOTURNIX BLAKISTONI, n. sp. Turnix ocellata, Ibis, 1866, p. 131 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 308. A male specimen of the T. ocellata group was procured by Capt. Blakiston at Canton, and kindly given to me. This differs too much from the last for me to consider it of the same species. Its nearest ally is the T. pugnax, Temm., of Malacca, but it is smaller, shorter-toed, and possesses a remarkably small bill. Instead of spots [65] 402 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, it has numerous bands across the breast ; and its upper parts are very rufous. I propose to separate it under the name of its discoverer. 513. HEMIPODIUS VICIARIUS, n. sp. Turnix jondera, Hodgs. ? ; Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 50. Turnix dussumieri, Ibis, 1861, p. 341. Turnix maculosa, Ibis, 1866, p. 131 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 308, 1870, p. 442. The Indian species of this group is the Turnix jondera, Hodgs., figured in Gray and Mitchell's * Genera of Birds' (T. dussumieri, Jerd. B. of India, iii. p. 599) ; and a similar but larger bird is found in Burmah (T. blanfordi, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1863, p. 80). The latter from its size (wing 4 inches) seems to answer to the original Hemipodius maculosus,Temm. Pig. et Gall. iii. p. 631, 1815 (macu- latus, Vieill. Gal. des Ois. 1834, iv. p. 51, pi. 217), the locality of which is doubtfully given as New Holland. Our bird, which ranges from Canton to Pekin, differs from these in wanting the red collar and the median stripe on the crown. The feathers on the crown are black margined with reddish brown, the breast is bright buff; the feathers of the back and rump are blotched and finely waved with black, and most of them have long ochreous spots on their margins. It is about the size of T. blanfordi, and in general plumage pretty similar. Irides white. Upper mandible brown ; lower mandible and legs ochreous yellow. The females are rather larger than the males, but do not seem to differ in plumage. The gizzard of a female was large and heart-shaped ; caeca long and bulging ; its trachea swollen above the junction with the bronchi. 514. OTIS TARDA, L. ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 308. " Tungusis Dauurise Todok," Pallas, Zoogr. ii. p. 97. Shanghai and Hankow in winter. " Pekin in winter" (David). I have a female specimen from Shanghai, which is smaller than the ordinary European bird, and more broadly banded with black on the upper parts. Pere David speaks of a smaller Bustard, called by the Chinese at Pekin " Kepoo." He saw a flock of them in Mongolia (Catalogue des Oiseaux a Pekin). 515. GRUS CINEREA, Bechst. ; Ibis, 1861, p. 409, 1870, p. 362 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 308; Zoologist, 1861, p. 7507. South China in winter. Passes over the Pekin plain in September and April; commoner towards Mongolia (David). 516. GRUS MONACHUS, Temm. ; Ibis, 1867, p. 413 ; P.Z. S. 1863, p. 309. Shanghai market in winter. 517- GRUS LEUCAUCHEN, Ternm. Passes in small numbers along the mountains of Seuen-hwa-foo (David). [66] 1871.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 413 591. BUTORIDES JAVANICUS (Horsf.) ; Ibis, 1860, pp. 1.32, .358, 1861, p. 52 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 320. Herodias asha, Ibis, 1860, p. 64. Comes to South China in summer to breed. 592. BUTORIDES MACRORHYNCHUS, Gould. Butoridesjavanicus, Ibis, 1863, p. 420. A larger bird than the last in all its proportions, but otherwise very similar. Common in Formosa in summer. I procured a male at Amoy on the 26th Aug. 1866. It is the species that visits Japan (Schleg. Mus. des Pays-Bas). 593. ARDEOLA PRASINOSCELES, Swinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 64, 1861, p. 52, 1862, p. 258, 1863, p. 421 (errore), 1870, p. 365; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 319. Resident in South China and westwards to Szechuen. Found as far south as Cochin China. In Siam and Malacca is replaced by the A. malaccensis (Gmel.)> A* bacchus, Bp. I entered it in my Formosan list on insufficient evidence. It has not occurred on that island. 594. NYCTIARDEA NYCTICORAX (L.). Nycticorax griseus, Ibis, 1860, p. 358, 1861, pp. 53, 56, 344, 1863, p. 423, 1866, p. 293, 18/0, p. 365 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 320. Nycticorax manillensisf, Ibis, 1860, p. 65. Resident throughout China and Formosa. 595. GOISACHIUS MELANOLOPHUS. Ardea melanolopha, Raffles, Linn. Trans, vol. xiii. part 2, p. 326. Ardea goisagi (Ternm.), PI. Col. 582; Faun. Jap. pi. 75; Ibis, 1865, p. 358, 1866, pp. 122, 403. Nycticorax melanolojthus, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 320. Formosa. Procured also from Japan, the Philippines, Sumatra, Arracan, and Ceylon. 596. BOTAURUS STELLARIS, L. ; Ibis, 1861, p. 410; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 320. Throughout China. 597. ARDETTA FLAVICOLLIS (Lath.); Ibis, 1862, p. 258, 1863, p. 422; P.Z.S. 1863, p. 320. Foochow and Hankow. 598. ARDETTA CINNAMOMEA (Gmel.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 65, 1861, p. 53; 1862, p. 258, 1863, p. 422 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 320. Throughout China and Formosa in summer. [77] 414 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA, [May 2, 599. ARDETTA SINENSIS (Gmel.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 65, 1861, p. 53, 1862, p. 258, 1863, pp. 97, 422, 1867, p. 231 ; P. 2. S. 1862, p. 320, 1863, p. 321. China in summer. Rare in Formosa. 600. PORPHYRIO CCELESTIS, Swinh. Ibis, 1868, p. 59; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 428. Porphyrio sp.?, Ibis, 1866, p. 298. Canton ; Amoy. 601. HYDRO PHASIANUS CHIRURGUS (Scop.) ; Ibis, 1865, p. 541, 1866, p. 405. Hydrophasianus sinensis, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 321. Hankow ; Amoy coast ; Formosa. I watched a party of three immature birds on. a pool in South Formosa in January. They float lightly on the water, like Phalaropes, but with the tail partly cocked. They rise heavily, and fly with long slow flaps, looking like small white-winged Herons. They alight boldly on the water, and permit close approach. When sitting they look dark and unnoticeable ; but the wings once expanded they become conspicuous white objects. Iris chestnut ; bill and legs light sea-green. 602. GALLICREX CRISTATA (Lath.) ; Ibis, 1861, pp. 56, 267, 411, 1863, p. 425, 1866, p. 297 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 321. South China ; westward to Szechuen ; Formosa. 603. GALLINULA CHLOROPUS (L.) ; Ibis, 1861, p. 56, 1862, p. 307, 1863, p. 427 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 321. Throughout China and Formosa. 604. GALLINULA PHCENICURA (Penn.) ; Ibis, 1863, p. 427, 1870, p. 364; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 321. Porzana phoenicura, Ibis, 1860, p. 67, 1861, p. 57. South China ; Formosa. 605. PORZANA ERYTHROTHORAX, Temm. & Schl. ; Swinh. Ibis, 1861, pp. 57, 411. Porzana fusca, Ibis, 1863, p. 426 ; P. Z. S, 1863, p. 321. Prof. Schlegel (Mus. des Pays-Bas) recognizes this as distinct from P. fusca of India. Though variable in size and length of wing, it has longer toes ; and the pectoral red does not extend so low down on the belly as in P. fusca. It is a close conspecies of the Indian bird. 606. PORZANA PYGM^A (Naumann) ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 321. Gallinula bailloni, Vieill. Porzana bailloni, Ibis, 1863, p. 97, 1867, p. 389 ; P. Z. S. 1862, p. 320. Throughout China in summer. It strikes me that Pallas's name [78] 187L] MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. 415 minuta must really apply to this bird, the Little Crake of Europe not being found. so far eastwards as Dauria (cf. Pall. Zoogr. ii. p. 156). 607. RALLINA MANDARINA. Porzana mandarina, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. N. H. vol. v. 4th series, p. 173 ; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 427. Procured at Canton, in company with P. erythrothorax, bv Mr. S. Bligh. 608. HYPOT^ENIDIA STRIATA. Rallus sfriatus, L. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 427, 1865, p. 234, 1866, p. 394; P. Z.S. 1863, p. 321. Formosa ; Canton (Schlegel, Mus. des Pays-Bas). 609. RALLUS INDICUS, Blyth, J. A. S. xviii. p. 820; Ibis, 1863, p. 97; P. Z.S. 1862, p. 320.' Rallus aquaticus, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 322. The Asiatic representative of R. aquaticus of Europe, distin- guishable by its dark facial streak from the base of the bill to beyond the eyes. Tientsin. 610. FULICA ATRA, L. ; Ibis, 1861, p. 344, 1864, p. 370, 1865, p. 349, 1867, p. 397 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 322. China ; Formosa. 611. PODICEPS PHILIPPENSIS (Bonn.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 67, 1870, p. 366. Podiceps minor (Gmel.) ; Ibis, 1863, p. 433, 1865, p. 541; P. Z.S. 1863, p. 322. Podiceps philippinus, Ibis, 1861, p. 343. China ; Formosa ; Hainan. 612. PODICEPS AURITUS (L.) ; Ibis, 1860, p. 67, 1861, p. 344; P. Z.S. 1863, p. 322. Amoy in winter. 613. PODICEPS CORNUTUS (Gmel.); P. Z. S. 1863, p. 322. Colymbus cornutus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. p. 591. Amoy in winter. 614. PODICEPS CRISTATUS (L.); Ibis, 1860, p. 67, 1861, p. 344 ; P. Z.S. 1863, p. 322. Podiceps cornutus y Pall. To the south coast, in winter, in large numbers. 615. COLYMBUS SEPTENTRIONALIS, L. ; Ibis, 1863, p. 433; P. Z.S. 1863, p. 322. Colymbus glacialis, Ibis, 1860, p. 67, 1861, pp. 268, 410, 345. Common winter visitant to the south coast. [79] 416 MR. R. SWINHOE ON THE BIRDS OF CHINA. [May 2, 616. MERGELLUS ALBELLUS (L.); Ibis, 1861, p. 344 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 322. North China. Common on the Yangtsze in winter. 617. MERGUS SERRATOR, L. ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 323. Mergus serratus, Ibis, 1860, p. 67, 1861, p. 344. Throughout China. 618. MERGUS CASTOR, L. Mergus merganser, L. ; Ibis, 1861, p. 344 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 323. Comes down as low as Amoy in winter. 619. MERGUS SQUAMATUS, Gould, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 184. China (Gould). 620. CYGNUS MUSICUS, Bechst. ; Ibis, 1862, p. 254; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 323. Shanghai market in winter. 621. CYGNUS MINOR, Pall. Zoogr. ii. p. 214 ; Ibis, 1861, p. 344, 1862, p. 254 ; Zoologist, 1860, p. 6924 ; P. Z. S. 1863, p. 323. Cygnus bewickii, Yarr. ; Ibis, 1867, p. 398. Shanghai market in winter. 622. CYGNUS DAVIDI, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 430. Smaller than the last, with orange-red bill arid legs.