i 1 1 1 1 U R' TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH RY THE K, LEO I \\M\\ DD, OF THE MKCIUTAKISTIC SOG IF/IT VENICE S. LA Z AR U S 1832 * ,1 TAJftttAJTt TO CONSUL GENERAL OF THE SUBLIME PORTE EGG. EGG. EGG. J.H presenting to the British Public this volume of a Collection of our Armenian Popular Songs , we have thought that we could not dedicate it to any person with greater pro- priety than to Yourself the most conspicuous representative of our nation in the English metropolis; who in spite of the fati- gue and cares of diplomacy can find leisure to cultivate the Muses. The cordiality with which You receive the members of our Society who from time to time visit England , has emboldened us to publisli the frendship that subsists between us , tlie strong- est tie which connects Connationalists in a foreign country. 2111213 i/'lniilfiiili | I, nli fin in null.' Inn n \)ni /if ni'ti'it ft Joj intuit I- [I- 1 | yr i in Iff i rjin'lnifli fftn JUUIIJUJJ t | I'" /'/' |u"' r/ ' ^>if f lniifftiili | I, ^lifin in iiiifl.'liin n : \ ntiU l.nl.,,,. ^ "*- mot f ' t. / ^ nt- uiJlriiai-u My light, my light, and holy Virgin ! The holy Gross aid Leo and all! Leo sitting in the fortress With a handkerchief to his eyes wept. 44 Thou caravan which goest to Sis, * Thou shalt announce to my papa! When his papa heard it He collected many troops of horsemen; Gome and he went against the Sultan And made many rivers of blood flow. He took his son Leo, And obtained the desire of his heart. My light, my light, my light, and holy Virgin! The holy Gross aid Leo and all ! II. On the daughter of an Armenian prince on her departure to be marled to a Tartar prince. THE MAID Why dost thou sit silent at thy work ? Rise, come forth, hear what they say. Oh unhappy ! was this worthy of thee To be the bride of a Tartar? Thou wert worthy to be the mistress., L 11,11 [,f \\nju 1 1 "*/'/* Jll"^ oifuutl^uiit | t,, In I,, i HL. 1 1, i //.'/i,,, i, ' | ^iiimiiii in f/h UiJtljU in /fin filial trpuiitntl . fi ma i ,j,,,'ii'ii I. in,, , (i/tff y /.(/;/. ^/ I, ^i u'li f/YY////. /y t J|f- ^tUUIUL. ,,/{,,,,/,'/, ,/, f, i,, ,/,'/, I _ unt-fifL \\nju . I, ,!i, /n, at. unll.'i,,,, ,, Iflll/ll,/! I//. S'/l /> ij n'li, j njf, t jy> If ////./////. '/Y ^\f. ljf,ll lljl'lllllff If fSlllllll /,,!/,!!/ . Yttpfyri- of,/'/, tl. v////y ,/y ,//// / "^ ''/'/'/' I- I/ 1 '" .('! 'I 'I I' iN/. A/i/ ^yr t i/i/J ,,/,/'// ,11,1 y,/, A//'/.,, .^/, r v/l ,i/,, I \UUflfU I//I/I ijll/l I. ii /.//" 111/. nuil\ t I '//'"^/'V ^"V Z/!"^ fupuunfiu , 1 ) V""/"/ ' V' 7 '" " ' t/jfittuu (ni a ^iiii iniii/m t 12 Forget not our Armenian nation ; And always assist and protect it. Always keep in thy mind To be useful to thy country. Oh! God be with thee, farewell! May Christ preserve thy bright sun! III. The Armenians in their emigration from Old Ciulfa ". Woe to ye poor Armenian people! Without a fault and without a thought ye have been scattered ; Ye are gone into slavery to Ispahan, Hungry and thirsty and naked and poor. Ye have supported a hundred thousand sorrows, & And ye have never put your foot out of your sweet native country: But now ye leave the tombs of your parents, And abandon to others your churches and houses. These beautiful fields, great towns, Sweet waters and well-built villages To whom have ye left them, ye who go? How happens it that ye forget them ? I fear they will be effaced from your mind: But while ye live do not forget them: 13 1 ) lit/nil nilniiii -^tt/jnij u///rj{iu , I *///, '/;*///// J mil i/yi//yyy -y/y /n/ /'//'""'/ //^ I '/ '/""""" "/" ' V' / '" /','/" '"I'l- ' / ^/Y"" v'"' 7 ' '/'"/ i> '{I. "i /> * \\tuti ijiuh in <\ iijinui , uiuittn ft) tin ujiLtulfitili i in <.! mi//, fifi in [i /IT /i mni in (> * k i / n/i^i in 'ii ijiuTiuil. [fii , ,fl. i\ til. !\ Y ""'// 7' r/ ' ^ /'''' j j till III [I III. I Utftt-L. llll. Illlflif j() //( ^// tuJuft-ft I. [i If [lit f J\/W^ [in ii'luiilf ifl, If ml. if If 11^111111 ijf ili ( 'l/''"/ '{/'"/ .('""//''''f' I' 'I'^-jl' 1 ' 16 Thundered the heaven, thundered the earth, The waves of the blue sea arose: On every side the heavens shot forth fire, Black terror invaded my heart. There is the sky, but the earth is not seen ; There is the earth, but the sun is not seen : The waves come like mountains, And open before me a deep abyss. sea, if thou lovest thy God Have pity on me forlorn and wretched: Take not from me my sweet sun, And betray me not to flinty-hearted death. Pity o sea, o terrible sea! Give me not up to the cold winds: My tears implore thee And the thousand sorrows of my heart . . . The savage sea has no pity ! It hears not the plaintive voice of my broken heart; The blood freezes in my veins, Black night descends upon my eyes... Go tell to my mother To sit and weep for her darkened son ; That John was the prey of the sea, The sun of the youngman set ! 17 /J/m/y ! l'l(l' l 'l' '/ ! mi ""/ if I. tuflli , 1 1 ;//////. //u// f"< [i /j in H fin tiinu iil.lul.'ii Lniul/tnuig \]t'i- utupuiuifi (ifiuJL- fit/* upjiuifiU ||Jfy /////y /// '//y uinVl.i i, If fif, it'll 1 11 I it? it"- e ntL IV i >/ y-^ "//'.^"Y'/'" y "' \\* ^ ) " "/ ijunjnll'il, /">///' nijiifii/' n ffeff -+^11 fli/, 1 1 //"<(' / 'Jim 18 The lamentation of a bishop, who having planted a vineyard^ and before it gave fruit , his last day coming, he sings thus '*. Every morning and at dawn The nightingale sitting in my vineyard Sang sweetly to this my rose : Rise and come from this vineyard. Every morning and at dawn Gabriel says to my soul: Rise and come from this vineyard, From this newly-built vineyard. I must not come from this vineyard : Because there are thorns around it: I cannot come forth from my vineyard From my beautiful vineyard. I have brought stones to my valleys, I have brought thorns to my mountains : I have built round it a wall. They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. f have planted young vines, I have watered the roots of this plantation.. iffi (inji "'j'//' inCilfbji t fbu '"jf< w/ mm if vim hi }l. I, ni ft n If n iij n n fill ojifid rfwRmR Hutuhn ft m,/!,,/,,!!,/,/; ?yw ni/pi wiufc/ t: tun.iui.oui i ' ' I/- V" /'' u ,/,{,,/, i I. i i "j n ' | ^ r/ . /'/,//' i \\nfl fy l^fjuju uya-yu ifint ^ fftiij nfinui/.-[itu n .1 v y /./ L uyu //////'/ , uyu 20 I have not yet eaten of their fruit: They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. I have built a wine-press, I have buried the wine-vat, 1 have not yet tasted the wine, They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. I have shut the entry of my vineyard, I have not yet opened the close gate Of my well-dressed vineyard : They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. I have brought water to my valleys, Gold and savouring fountains: I have not yet drunk of their water: They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. I have built a basin in my vineyard, The dew of heaven into this basin, Around it are flowers and light: They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. I have planted roses in this vineyard, There are red and white roses : I have not yet smelt their fragrance: They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. I have sown flowers in this vineyard : There are green and yellow: I have not yet picked these flowers: They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. n juiju \\nn,l.'l. . \\pf I. il' vfi'lil. y uijif iiji, \\uiptuu I /. /; i /. // ^> mill, n naihtuL 11 in n i \\j u b*r jup*Kii tu ' _ JUfJU ( ) i/nt [iui l.i filial, -^niil' iiniffit [in | ' \\uiulA. \\fft V L juyu I |i/Y"//Y' I * /. /i /.//' -^ i in i 1 11 a I. n ijiiinti in uy I | ///'//, ;^, |_ ij/./ I *l. n \l, il piiiiil, it n ctutnLniu 1 1 'n,,,/. /, . |\ r / 2l f have planted fruit-trees around the walls. Pomegranate., almond and nuts: I have not jet tasted of the fruits: They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. The turtle-dove is sitting in my vineyard, He sings to the birds : The spring is arrived to my vineyard : They say: Gome forth from this vineyard. Bring me fruits from my vineyard, Roses and flowers of many hues, That I may imbibe the fragrance: I will not leave this vineyard. The nightingale sang in my vineyard From morning to evening : The dew fals from the clouds ; They say: Gome forth from this vineyard Gabriel come to my soul : My tongue from fear was tied : The light of my eyes was dimmed: Alas! for my brief sun ! The tendrils of my vine were green, The grapes of my vine are ripe : He says: Gome forth from this vineyard., From my newly-built vineyard. They took my soul from my body, And dragged me forth from my vineyard. 1 X'" '" ' j M/ Y /,'// 4" ^utut-p uyy.tyu \\,,n,t.'i, . j^/( f^ I"- (i '/'/('/" 1] U/pf. A-i. y .y'/y-yy ,,/// A ////// '//,/ nl' I* | ';, ,m ,/. I////M/. , ^ ^^U (V*ft**r#^-iB 1 1 '/,//./. . j^/f ^ ,/"//'/ 4 I M; V7 ,/,/./// ^^U**. V"/' I'/" {\t_nS, If fyu'lnu* ufju \\lunj, i ,[li k \ V 24 It is time that I leave my vineyard This beautiful vineyard. My newly-built vineyard was destroyed, Every plant and flower grew dry : The beauty of my body was faded: They say; Gome forth from this vineyard. They drag me forth from my vineyard : The nightingale sings in my vineyard, The dew descends from the clouds Every morning and at dawn. VI. Elegy of Adam. Adam sitting at the gate of Paradise Wept and said sadly: Oh Seraphim, oh Cherubim ! Who enter Paradise, I was king in Eden, Like to a powerful king : For one only command Of that fruit of that immortal tree, < | \\j u I* 1 * t^i^sbk < I >/ ,,/, V,,y ,,, /> My y //,/ , //'"; '/'/i' uintHify kt. fLiyu , \\n,,, l.'i, . \* qfiU fi j/,,/' ,,,,,/nj,, , ('/'/"/" , ^ Ji//////// tun.tUL.oui I. i i ii i a \ 1 1 9 '' ft 26 On account of Eve my consort. Who was deceived by the cunning of the serpent, They took my beautiful ornaments And without pity they stripped me. This only time that I failed By the words of my wife I was deceived. When I saw her so shameless Despoiled of her glory as the devil, I was touched with pity for her: Of the immortal fruit I took and eat : I said: Perhaps my Creator may come And seeing me and Eve naked., With paternal love he will take pity on us And will have compassion on me and her. I heard the sound of the footsteps of the Lord Coming to Paradise, and I was surprised: With the leaf of the figtree I girt my reins, Among the trees I hid myself: He come and called : Adam where art thou ? I replied: I am naked: My Lord, I have heard thy voice, I was frighted and ashamed. o But who told ye that ye are naked ? Or who deceived ye ? tell me. 27 O /// iiflin/]npi/*ifi (t/fiutjnt-ijftii | '/////., l/fr fruywwlt uikuuy >/{,*<,, {\}itin niijfili ill, [iff .f'liil' ijiinniiiii'luuj , {>.//// V {, ,,,,/!, tun.lruii_ fatty IVrf I T /.,,/ \*i nqnpt/fr [fliZ /. / 'ttnntui i \\u'ilnii\it,jli ^f, uin fill 1 1" ">/ ')"-/"/ ^ fftufuuiV ti- "-/V A .'/"// * //^P <\ tunny i,i'lil(l.,iii[J,,iifl.iui ~~) ill/mi i t-tui/ofa-crntru * 28 Eve replied to him: The serpent deceived me and I eat. The Lord cursed the serpent and Eve, And I was enslaved between them. The Lord commanded: Go forth: Dust je were and dust ye shall become. I pray ye, o Seraphim, I lament, o, hear me ; When ye enter Eden, Take a branch of the immortal fruit, Bring and place it on my eyes And heal my obscured sight. When ye enter Eden Shut not the gate of Paradise, Place me standing at the gate, I will look a moment and then bring me back. Ah! I remember ye, o flowers, And sweet smelling fountains : Ah! I remember ye, o birds Sweet singing, and ye, o beasts: Ye, who enjoy Paradise Come and weep over your king, Ye who are in Paradise planted by God Elected from the earth of every kind and sort. 29 l*W Vyri//;/ . ITL. Ifl. ^uij < uf. L , ,,:!(. I, r ( I '/;/// y/y///' if in Oj,u ft ///"///' Vg^ minimi lu^ >lK< 30 VII. Lament of a mother on her son who died in infancy. I gaze and weep mother of my boy, I say alas and woe is me wretched ! What will become of wretched me I have seen my golden son dead ! They seized that fragrant rose Of my breast, and my soul fainted away They let my beautiful golden dove Fly away, and my heart was wounded. That falcon death seized My dear and sweet-voiced turtle-dove and wounded me: They took my sweet-toned little lark And flew away through the skies ! Before my eyes they sent the hail On my flowering green pomegranate ; That my rosy apple on the tree, AVhich gave fragrance among the leaves. They shook my flourishing beautiful almond- tree And left me without fruit; //'//- '/"/' /' '/""/""""-'/"'/ "i 1 'i I' 1 ' I] ! l.< /./////// /, y, //.//'/"/'"'/' V 1 ''"' IW /^ iffiriv-t Lik^u ^/. ufi tflrnJrtui anuutr^ium /inii/ifm ijtufHp* fiJy '//>{>///"> \\lfl. <] fill iun [ill , (J inflfinijitii -^ ' > if (i O y.i/f/y/y^///////fi uyy ufai/n'/i i/iiui/ifiiu/f/i/fii |Pf^m. fLUMiftuU kyutfify , [untjlriuij ijt ( ) [iJ'&tUqlflU^fl IftulHU^ r il[IILlllSll[lll lufi/flt rj/.if* tu O ullun yii^imlli '(l J_ u 1 1. 11 It [in t ^iu^tu.^f.^l.u tiiltuiutni.il Uiflffil '[['I! 32 By beating it they threw it on the ground And trod it under foot with the earth of the grave. What will become of wretched me! Many sorrows surrounded me. O my God, receive the soul of my little one And place him at rest in the bright heaven ! VIII. On the same subject. My sun was eclipsed, The light of my eyes obscured; The day was to me the darkest night And the light of the stars was covered. The spring became to me the roughest winter, The summer was snowy, The seasons were changed to me And the freezing air struck me. The sweet was bitter And my food became ashes ; My flesh stuck to my bones was dried, My tongue in my mouth was dried, 33 { j j"///i//// ,u i> i ii [i (It' input Jni-(3 fillip H/.////I/. ,y/i r // rf " 1. 1 iff /'/* | ' ' nifil. if inffjili (unii ni^il. ifiin | \- , ml. [i i ii ii i n 1 1, i 'li f'ji/.l n \*~ "mini, ijiin/ 1 1, i n 1^1 1 <\ in<\ Iff. ifini | *ut[inL.'b(ib f n (in in Xftiflrn. ffbZi \* ill n n't i n i unit, I i If .\(n'liuif I. ^i I. ijjfiu fulfill,' t 3i if 11(11 (i[i jni i lj I. [in ffjiiil. uij | I. ijiii u fi ffii/ii faiT yuttlutpktJUlt- t 34 When my beautiful boy died My breath was gathered, my lips were bound : When this my pretty boy died My life was equal to the earth. When this my peacock and lamb died My brain turned and was lost: When this my dearest little one flew My mouth was hushed, my ear was deaf. When this joyful plant faded My foot was broken, my arm burst, AH my body was brought to dust And with my boy was bowed to the ground. Yet let me thank God Who received him with the holy boys. O my God, receive the soul of my little one And place him at rest in the bright heaven! II r. wsi fmSyjm j ' /" ii/i[iiitt/iiJ(iij ijiun'lifilfti nfl ill. nun lrg nj, | \/. fin///// yin-trui!) J" liMJUfXiufi tnn f I. If ui i , I J I. i fin Ifinn^il. ijtin , I''/"/ i"" [>(' i/iiflilfii/lijli [irjiiiit ftifffiu^nti IX. Song of the new bride. Little threshold., be thou not shaken : It is for me to be shaken, To bring lilies. Little plank, be thon not stirred; It is for me to be stirred, To bring lilies. Little ground, shake thou not; It is for me to be shaken, To bring lilies. Little tree, tremble not; It is for me to tremble, To bring lilies. Little leaf, be thou not thrown down: It is for me to be thrown down, To bring lilies. Sun, arise not : It is for me to arise, To bring lilies. Sun, circulate not; It is for me to circulate, To bring lilies. 37 Ju.Jn, . uiJuifiii, ( in ^ it'll i nil i !lil. fin I ( lit ^ III'// Illlllll I, fill /'// ^ ^./ . I ^ '//// y//'^ ij 1 1 i^i If I, a t a f if utfquAtffii |u/./-'/' - juupfit i/lrp /J ,//y | Go and seek the crane from the desert; Let him come and sit and observe : Let him bend his knees before the holy altar: All good and prosperity to our king. Go and seek the duck from the lake ; Let him come and sit and observe : Let him bend his knees before the holy altar : All good and prosperity to our king. Go and seek the partridge from the hill: Let him come and sit and observe: Let him bend his knees before the holy altar : All good and prosperity to our king. ANSWER To our king became flowers of flowers {Thrice). What sort of flower must we give him? The flower of flowers which becomes him is the balsam : Because it blossoms and flowers together. The flower of the flowers which becomes him is the snow-bell. The flower of the flowers which becomes him is the everlasting. The flower of the flowers which becomes him is the pomegranate, (the lily, the rose). ANSWER By the help of the holy Precursor, yes by his help There came a king with a face like a cross. I ''/"// 'l> fin 111 (' ulypuA in'/'/, ( ) Y'''"' '/ '/'// ijnifilf!, ,,,,, f,f ,//. y ,,//////, , rfi (<1 ivy, ny/ff* t Jlrf, {J <,,,(,/;/, i 1 1 /, v/ /. v , //././../ f^u^iuiif ^ ,/,/Y,///, , I ''/'"/ '/y "'"'/' ill, /^i nil i t tilt I, * ( ) Y'' 7 ""^ '/'// lutpfyk uni^ip. ./ /. y i,/'i///ij 43 <' ) ( )* u "lf > 4'*' folk' 1 '!' / \iiinififf uMutiutunli i nln ul, 1 1 ANSWER Our king was crossed., our king was crossed : His fez " was red, his sun was green. Our king was crossed, our king was crossed; His turban was red, his sun was green. Our king was crossed, our king was crossed; His tunic was crossed, his sun was green. Our king was crossed, our king was crossed ; His apple IB was red, his sun was green. Our king was crossed, our king was crossed; His cloak was red, his sun was green. Our king was crossed, our king was crossed ; His cape was vari-coloured, his sun was green. ANSWER Arise let us go and meet him, That he may not be offended. ANSWER That large heap, that large large heap, what is it? That large heap it is the provisions of the vil- lage. The lion is roaring, look who is it? The lionis roaring, it is the doctors. The partridge is chirping, look who is it? The partridge is chirping, it is the priests. The sparrow is warbling, look who is it? The sparrow is warbling, it is the deacons. fy lJiu^Lp r H Iff /mi/. , i/trp Puiii-npu Ifp //////,. ^j >///.//' Ifp fytupjflp , tUpt-Lb Iff ljn,'liii!li* , */ f^iuif-i-npit Ifp (uutfj, i/Irp fi utit-n(fu Ifp //////,. 1 1 !//'' 4/ QtupJliF , ujplrib A^f [^uf^t.nffu Ifp fuui^ Jlrp \\lnnifi, ,/( [IUUMII ilut* , , iflrp Ifp //,;////////,: ' //"i(ii/j'i> , nifif. t'li Ifp If I ill 1 1 ill 1 1 s /Y 1 /J,,,y, /y/// 4/ /W"^ ^7 [uill-.npU Ifp fill"* | ''/'/' '/'''' '/' '''I '"I"'"' 1 ' n'l'f- '''> I /// if [t i] i it'll p.lftn f l,in if f> if i ill i i/i/. i//,y /./ /. //// lyi'/f 4" If ^jiji fitii/niif I-U , ml. 1 1 1,, ft (3-lf tfti nnli If ~\iiji initiiiiii Ifll , imiiiljl. i fi/jlil. flli If 46 Who is he like a large column among them? That large column is the father of the king. Who is she who has the headdress of cotton with a hole in it? That of that headdress of cotton with a hole in it, is the mother of the king. What is that bright star behind them? That Bright star behind them, is the queen. That brush behind the door, who is it? That brush behind the door, it is the servants. The hound came with the bag in his mouth, who is it? The hound came, with the bag in his mouth, it is the collector of the village. The mouse covered with flour came, who is it? The mouse covered with flour came, it is the miller. ANSWER We have praised, yes we have praised, yes fini- shed, We have placed the cross over them. 47 ' - I /// fin (in fnitl'fmljli fi \ tuff ml. ill, f /./ /, //// iifili If . | '// fin fit f in, /f infill /i <\ mff [J mif i tiffi i/l,f'li If * ..'.> :t' v .^ i." 1 - '*'- v.vVi", '-^' \ | A qo<^Utf^ i n a, n ij I. ml. i ii'ilnj ml. ul, f f3-tf IfU npll If | A '/ " V'Y '""""/ I. ml. t ni'liy* l.'li [<1 mif in *^(i'li tf t //// , Y //, /, . 4 4- ,, r ,f,//i, ft fl.f,,!,,, ^nfc /,,'[ (>['" If 48 XI. The pilgrim to the crane. Crane, whence doest thou come? I am servant of thy voice. Crane, hast thou not news from our country? Run not to thy flock, thou wilt arrive soon enough : Crane, hast thou not news from our country? I have left my possessions and vineyard, and I ha- ve come hither: How often do I sigh, it seems that my soul is torn from me : Crane, stay a little, thy voice is in my soul : Crane, hast thou not news from our country? Thou dost not carry disappointment to those who ask the**: Thy woice is sweeter to me than the sound of the well-wheel : Crane, thou alightest at Bagdad or Aleppo: Crane, hast thou not news from our country? Our heart desired it and we arose and departed : We have found out the miseries of this false world : cftt t |/i /. (IIHI/II,/* "in 11:11 if Ifji-^iiiii'lifiii \\n,n'ul f . UfiU^ Jf, 1 1 -i /i/ v//^ , //t^, /I/YJ/I/Y/^V, '// /,,,,,/{,/,// fi ^ \Y"i''l'f/ i 'A&Y* iu->{uui[i-^/,'/i htutufpfrll '//' * in 'li (in s 50 We are deprived of the sight of our table-com- panions. Crane, hast thou not news from our country? The affairs of this landlord are long and tedious : Perhaps God will hear and open the little gate: The heart of the pilgrim is in sorrow,, his eyes in tears. Crane, hast thou not news from our country? My God, I ask of thee grace and favour: The heart of the pilgrim is wounded, his lungs are consumed: The bread he eats is bitter, the water he drinks is tasteless. Crane, hast thou not news from our country? I know not either the holy day, nor the working day : They have put me on the spit and placed me at the fire : I mind not the burning, but I feel the want of you. Crane, hast thou not news from our country ? Thou comest from Bagdad and goest to the fron- tiers, I will write a little letter and give it to thee : God will be the witness over thee ; Thou wilt carry it and give it to my dear ones. Si l*jjin ^iiiyfjf.n 1/lUfirj.ffnflig ( | /,,'/, /, , ,ltrp utzJlltutflfU / ,[/,/,// I//, | '." \\n,n'l,l l , If ijtu *, in I ft n i (!li , f'/>'i'(nu<\ Ifitt if inn , lfl.-n(Jiuu // fiiT ufolr^utg 52 I have put in my letter, that I am here, I have never even for a single day opened my eyes: my dear ones, I am always anxious for you! Crane, hast thou not news from our country? The autumn is near, and thou art ready to go: Thou hast joined a large flock: Thou hast not answered me and thou art flown ! Crane, go from our country, and fly far away! XII. The elegy of a partridge. The partridge was sitting (Double) And weeping on a stone: birds! And lamented with the little birds : birds, o fowls of the air ! I ascended high mountains (Double)^ 1 gazed on verdant meadows: O birds, o fowls of the air ! I descended and fell into the snare, Into a net spread on the lake: O birds, o fowls of the air ! They came and took me out, And showed me the terrible sword: My tuneful throat 'they cut from ear to ear: r>3 | I/Y'^- //'/' ^1- i/i"'i'!. [\>in,'l,/f , lOp lU^UUtp^lfU /inn i iff i /i /f JJl ^tl^lfu * . n J niji/f. fi ^iiiijiun'lif. /' '/ ' /'/"/' * | k '// . v iifiin/iinu/niii/i MIIIII fai , t-ftUft y'lni/ij/ifi J |/l /[> S | |/ ifiu'lilfunii If' in' 1 1 1, 1 1 .\n,ij l.nin'li | iluinif I. n 'liiiijl. yiiij J, | Y"' t '"'/'/ , i 54 My purple blood They shed upon the ground: My rosy beak They exposed on the sparkling flame : My little-stepping feet They cut off at the knees. My many-coloured feathers They dispersed one to the hill one to the valley: That which fell on the hill, That the breeze carried away : That which fell in the valley, That the torrent rose and carried away. And like saint Gregory l9 They let me down into the deep well. They came and drew me up, They sat round a table ; And like saint James the Intercised * They cut me in little pieces : They made the pancake 2I for my shroud, And buried me with red wine. I cried out the lamentation of Jeremiah, And that of the first father and mother. M t ) IUtU fill' //liifli/f'firu // III [I [it'll 1 1 1 1 y /.//;//// (l tltUfl t/Ujf^lrfffA . Iff influx iji I C) tu iii f"f tfiuitmnni-nutii nuiunt-bpu |^ ^j.'i.iju.if,, f, far i n , t ,, L ,i.,,i',,,. \J i /tin /"/' it iit'liiniii in'li i/il. nun iiii 1 ( O 1 1 if ! ('Vf- [i fi ii if 1. 1/ 1 1 in it in t[if. (i , Uuyb [ I* Z-ffu kf fitty B (>^yi IT ftp IA ,/,//,/,/,, IfjtianLy ttf^ijuifilf . ' | *(n in' in a ^ I. n jmiiij I. ly,, '1,^1 1 i VmJ \fffL ///.nq,,,,, /,//!. ^^u n'li t\ in j I'll uflflUI If [i^i it 1 1 /r VmJ ^nii /. fi'i 1 11 ill.' 1 1 j>' I. ^,'1,1. If /^ i n n i in' i. t ^,1. tn y . /. /({n if ufii gu/nutit fin [n til i 60 XIV. To the stork. 45 Welcome stork! Thou stork welcome ! Thou hast brought us the sign of spring. Thou hast made our heart gay. Descend o stork! Descend o stork upon our roof, Make thy nest upon our ash-tree, Thou our dear one. Stork, I lament to thee ; Yes, o stork, I lament to thee, I will tell thee my thousand sorrows, The sorrows of my heart, the thousand sor- rows. Stork, when thou didst go away When thou didst go away from our tree, Withering winds did blow, o ' They dried up our smiling flowers. The brilliant sky was obscured, That brilliant sky was cloudy: 61 ^&- i i ui^l in! 1 1 '/YI^I,/// fl-l'l'l* Kte > i/irn ni i n' 1 1 ' | w< 1 W/ ^111 11 1 a 1 1 iiuii I. nit i n n [nl* \ I/'/""/'" <\ inn /, f ti lr p. trnlfffbgii a From above they were breaking the snow in pieces: Winter approached., the destroyer of flowers. Beginning from the rock of Varaca, 24 Beginning from that rock of Varaca, The snow descended and covered all, In our green meadow it was cold. Stork, our little garden, Our little garden was surrounded with snow, Our green rose trees Withered with the snow and the cold. XV. The youngman and the -water. Down from yon distant mountain The water flows through the village. Ha! A dark boy came forth And washing his hands and face, Washing, yes washing, And turning to the water asked. Ha! Water, from what mountain dost thou come ? my cool and sweet water ! Ha ! I came from that mountain., Where the old and the new snow one on the other. I | iit^iii if nif i/uyr//// fji it'll i iih ujj , fnl& . c w u l uiii P t ;>""//'/./' mi u i 1 1. '! ft utUtjutUft ^nij j(| k/( /// ifui'hut /i //*' ^j nni_nu 4 64 Water, to what river dost thou go ? O my cool and sveet water ! Ha ! I go to that river Where the bunches of violets abound. Ha ! Water, to what vineyard dost thou go? O my cool and sweet water ! Ha ! I go to that vineyard Where the vinedresser is within. Ha ! Water, what plant dost thou water ? O my cool and sveet water ! Ha ! I water that plant Whose roots give food to the lamb, The roots give food to the lamb, Where the apple tree and the anemone. Water, to what garden dost thou go ? my cool and sweet water! Ha! I go into that garden Where the sweet song of the nightingale. Ha ! ]vVater, into what fountain dost thou go? I O my cool and sweet little water ! 1 go to that fountain 1 ^/Vhere thy lover comes and drinks : 1 go to meet her and kiss her chin, And satiate myself with her love. 65 nt -f ij-ni. ft Jitf* uin.itL. If I. [i[J tun . I *// uiutnnli P/'/'ff iii-iitiint if'lf t TIII til I, ilnilint flffili t ni - fij"? "vtb yt-pp-iuu j j^/ n J, ffii fi // P// 4 M/ ^/ y M( /Y HUIl'llIf //III $(l[tl. II if tun [ill ft- 1' I, if-utn-^tt , ipb'-u* t kc&v ^ ut c^ ni - fat-p T fti[/j.m5tf*b ui | \"/"' ufipntfjfu jiiuj l.'liiuil': 66 XVI. The oldman and the ship. Our Lord an oldman with the white beard Seated with glory on the cross: Cried sweetly to the sailors : Oh! sailors you ray brothers! My brothers, take this oldman into the ship. I will offer many prayers for you . Go away, go away, white-bearded oldman! Our ship is not for prayers: Our ship is large and the passage-money is great: This ship is freighted by a merchant. He made the sign of the cross, and sealed a paper: He extended his hand and took some sand, He took the stone for money : There ! There is money for you ! He paid his passage-money and entered the ship: There is money and dehkan 2tt for you. The waters of the abyss were troubled, The ship was overturned by the waves . Whence didst thou come, o sinful man? Thou art lost and thou hast lost us ! I a sinner? give me the ship, And you go to sweet sleep. He signed with the right hand, With the left he steared the ship. 67 m ( I ),,/// .y, finiiill. nif ^4/^ | ,"//<"/'/ , |^kl* ./. y tuqofifo JZr* ^ , * j ; //// // utuiptut- , lui luili f tun. j \> "/ -^/. '/ ffflUftT t-L. *UtUL. rftu^l. fjutli I ynLjfi* n;i,, ll ;i,, l n, J uffiquinplrguJL. , ' J ( i ///'// /i ^jujfi iit'ii ffi^uYiini llii If tun. j|' ""'/'^ I- fyl'l' 'f'"l"l iff- HUH ti[i , j J/ y/( l(it[ini[i if I, if Ijii^ini ufai I ^ " i ft- 1 1 111 1 1111 iiini it 'in 11 1 in p //'" . .\f. a 'him ffli /JiUif r [l 68 It was not yet midday The ship arrived at the shore. Brothers, arise from sweet sleep, From your sweet sleep and sad dreams: Fall at the feet of Jesus : Here is our Lord, here is our ship! XVII. Canzonette which is taught to children. The light appears, the light appears! The light is good : The sparrow is on the tree, The hen is on the perch. The sleep of the lazymen is a year, Workman, rise and commence thy work ! The gates of heaven are opened , The throne of gold was erected, Christ was sitting on it: The Illuminator was standing, He had taken the golden pen, He wrote great and small. Sinners were weeping And the just playing. 69 ^ututuftutlfuiy | } nn'li fi ijiiiifiiif'li , yr ////// /. [tiuifiit in i,!ii/jl. m/ ft ^^^ I in iinnjiin jilt iiiiitjnii A- /'titfi/f/i , / 4 <\ '/>" , I, [J mil (111 t J ' I in nun niiji\'li pt" ,/j,[i,n if /,f, fnt-tf* /,/''/' , futuqnLif /,/''/' 70 XVIII. The bear^ the fox^ and the wolf. The wolf and the bear and the little fox had made peace, They were become uncles and nephews : They have made the little fox a monk. False monk, false hermit, false ! The little fox went into the street and found an old rag, He made a hole and put his head in it, he took a stick, He put on an iron shoe, he made a hole in the stone. False monk, false hermit, false ! The fox sent the wolf to fetch the bear : I have accepted for thee this solitary life, And thou dost not send me rations, My ankles are sore, my knees are sore . In the morning at day-light they go to the chase: They caught a sheep a lamb and a ram: They made the wolf the pious economist. Unjust judge, unjust economist, unjust! 71 , tuqtufa fez ^, y,/. , C/ utnnL.trunt.Lnii uputlifrn l.'ii j|///(// 1 1 [i i, i lj I. i/ , 1 1 in in ujqof*) utnutn inn in s O i//y'// <\ ut/jf, [i '//"/'' tf uilii/iii yl. [I , if mi ijiu'li uinjrn | )//i /// 1 1 [i i it If I. y , /// xy; mrjt>[J ii/fiiiip IIIILUI \\qnuliuU //>/<"//'<> ungntS* /'"'/ fa > 'I */M- ////.v f-ni J fill ^L-u jnt-n^tunlflrn , l/n^'u If uikn.t*n 4 ml. iLl.ji , bin'ii/ju If mt-nJrn J V; i/// o //;/n '// /-^Y' I'll uitijiuL j mni I'll | | 7 ( \~wjL njuuHUL.nn , fni_/L t.ui<-uiUtunuJt (\ IILII t 72 The volf had made a portion for the bear of the ewe And ordered the lamb for the poor monk : The ram for me , says he , for I have walked much. Unjust judge., unjust economist, unjust! The bear had raised his paw and struck the wolf. So hard he struck that he took away both his eyes : I am the first among you and you have given me the ewe. Unjust judge, unjust economist., unjust! The fox who saw it was much afraid: And seeing the cheese in the trap, said to the bear: My grand uncle, I have built a fine convent, The place is a place of retreat, a place of prayer. The bear had extended his paw to take the cheese: The trap seized his neek on both sides; Little fox, my nephew, why do you not help me? This is not a convent, not a place of prayer. The little fox seeing it, was much pleased: He made a funeral service and prayed for his soul: The misery of the wolf, which thou hast oc- casioned, has seeized thee : This place is a place of retreat, a place of prayer. 73 1 ) //// //// J , /,/ i 'initial inin ii uniilnii^iljliiii 11 O /, // <>'' f> ' Illllllll II I III! Ill I I I *ll til I, II III I 'I HI , ( ) // //"///,/,/< ,,[.,,^1, '/.j>f- >/ /' if (flint. iiiifiini a anintui , \l. jim Acrnjuq I V/{_'? """^ j""^ fofy ^1. ii'lnn il* ii in i in i it ii [iii 11 in ft it.lt Jutn j ni -Lb u /fi.^ujji'iii.ir if/, i i ^n iij fuftutjt fuftuui m/,i I \uinn jiinnuiut /fin mmii jiiftti/ 80 When thou meetest with lamb's meat, With pepper ground and roasted., Sit down on the border and exhort it, Give a little glass also over it. o It was older then you in time., It said always to itself: Bring not dry bread, Because it will not tender the hand for shame. In reading this psalm I bless the soul of him who give it me: Because the two days in which it abandoned me Not even a single sparrow fell into my teeth. In the world there is not a more foolish man than me: I was desirous, although ignorant, of this song: In order that men might srnile and mock me When they repeat it at great feasts. 81 C ) I' 1 '/ 1 iniiiiin f. iinil A /. A i/j A /tin il)iiniii , I* i ^iinl tiijii nij jt'li iiit HI I , V ' / /'" vM "^ P" ^^llllf it 1,1,1 <(>'!' If,, i, ^'li^'ijin If I //l 1//IH t II NOTE* i These songs or poem> are written in the annenian vulgar language, but in different dialects; although many of them are very near the literal or classic armenian tongue. They were also composed at different epochs from the XIV and some perhaps from the XIII up to the last century. The greatest part of them we have collected from armenian manuscripts in our library of St. Lazarus, but some of the copies are very incorrect, and the sense left in incertitude : there are others in which obsolete and foreign words are employed: we have therefore judged it opportune to accompany these songs with the following brief illustrations. a This Leo who was afterwards Leo the III, having made war during his father's absence, against the sultan of Egypt, who had invaded Cilicia, was made prisoner and taken to Egypt. After some lime his father Haithon or Hethum the I, returning from Tartan j first by force of arms, and afterwards by conferring a favour on the sultan, recovered his son. 3 Mry-dtin, a tnrkish word, which signifies a square or place. 4 Sis was the capital of the armenian kings of Cilicia : and now it is the seat of an armenian patriarch. 5 This was a city near the river of Aras and mount Ararat , inhabited by rich merchants, adorned with many beautiful palaces and churches : which were in part destroyed by the great Cbah- Abbas, king of Persia, who carried its inhabitants into his dominions at the beginning of the XVII century. This new colony built a town opposit Ispahan and called it New Cinlfa or Cingba (*!,/ 84 and on this account their ancient habitation was called Old Ciugha, which is now almost entirely destroyed. 6 Massis (!)'//'") is the name used by Armenians instead of Ararat. 7 Etcmiazin (^$itA/4) near Erivan, is the most celebrated convent of Armenia, and the seat of its great patriarch or Gatholicos 8 Arm. lwf> \ijiputuf . This was anciently an abyss or well, in which criminals were thrown. S. Gregory the Illuminator of the Armenians was also thrown into it: after his apostolate this place was converted into a church and convent, and was one of the most celebrated pilgrimages of Armenia. 9 S. Lance (f^lfquifi^iy t^oA^) is a great and celebrated convent in Armenia, named also Ayrivank ( [^.jf^'l^f . Convent of the Ca- vern) where the sacred Lance was long preserved. Mooghni (ip.^) another convent, where there was a pilgrimage to S. George. 10 Sea of Van (iL".?w/ fc) is the most celebrated and the largest of the armenian lakes, so named from the city of Van or Semiramocerta (QuiJfrfiiuiRufylrpui) : i i Aghtamar (\*fip-uuTuip) t one of the four islands of the lake of Van, and the seat of an armenian patriarch. 12 Avan (ULt-tuV), a little town or village on the opposite side of the lake. 1 3 Osdan ((]"""*')? a little town on the S. E. shores of the lake. i^ This song is much changed in the manuscripts j some are shorter, some longer: we have united all the verses together. 15 The crane, the stork, and the partridge are the favourite birds of the armenian popular poets, as will be seen in other songs. 16 The bridegroom is called king among the Armenians. 1 7 Fez or fess:, a cap of red cloth worn by the Turks and many other oriental people. 18 The bridegroom holds in his hand an apple during the < eremony of the marriage. 19 Seethe Note 8. 20 Jagovig (p,<4///'4) in arm: is a persian martyr, who was put to death by cutting off all his limbs at the joint*. 85 at The oriental pancake is named in armenian losh or lavash (!.*_. l-*~i.) 22 The men of Van have the peculiar gift of poetry: this song and number IV, as also the following XIV, are specimens of their popular language and poetry. a 3 The stork is considered by the Orientals sacred lo hospitality. -i Varac M| y Y > is a rocky mountain lo the !',. of the town and lake of Van. a 5 Dehkan i 'j. ./.-;/. ///'// 1 is the unity of money among the Armenians. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. : JAN 2 5 1999 NOV i 1 REDD :00 A 000022236 4 INDEX To the British public . . 2 I. On Leo son of Haithon . . , . 4T II. On the daughter of an armenian prince on her departure to be married to a Tar- tar prince ..'.... 6 III. The Armenians in their emigration from OldCiulfa. . . . .12 IV. On one who was shipwrecked in the lake of Fan . . . ' . . .14 V. The lamentation of a bishop, who having planted a vineyard, and before it gave fruit^ his last day coming, he sings thus. 1 8 VL Elegy of Adam 24 VII. Lament of a mother on her son who died in infancy. . . . . .30 VIII. On the same subject . . . .32 IX. Song of the new bride . . . .36 X. A song on the bridegroom . . .40 XI. The pilgrim to the crane . . .48 XII. The elegy of a partridge . . .52 XIII. On the partridge 56 XIV. To the stork 60 XV. The youngman and the water . . 62 XVI. The oldman and the ship . . .66 XVII. Canzonette which is taught to children . 68 XVIII. The bear, the fox, and the wolf . . 70 XIX. On a little knife lost . . " . . 74 Notes 83 University of Oslifomid SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which i? was borrowed. ': DC! QUARTER NOV i 1 RBTD : OOAM 1997 3 1158012193602