T YD 16576 5OO CiAs UC-NRLF THE WORLDS' COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. PORTFOLIO OF VIEWS ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PHOTOGRAPHY, C. D. ARNOLD, Chief. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS: NATIONAL CHEMIGRAPH COMPANY. I8 93 . COPYRIGHT, 1893, BY C. D ARNOLD. All Rights Reserved. TRADE MARK CHEMIGRAPH " REGISTERED. Process Patented Match 21, 1893. 7 3 2. TRANSPORTATION BUILDING. FROM THE NORTHEAST. Architects, Adler &. Sullivan, of Chicago. The main building is 960 by 256 feet, and the annex, which is unsymmetrical in form, measures on its different sides 800, 625, 869 and 286 feet, respectively. The total acreage is about fifteen acres. The leading architectural features of the building are the central cupola, 165 feet high, and the main portal on the east side, commonly called the Golden Door. The statues and bas-reliefs are by John J. Boyle, and the exterior color decoration of the main building is by Healy &. Millet, of Chicago. 1892, BY C. D. ARNOLD. MANUFACTURES BUILDING. FROM THE SOUTHWEST. Architect, George B. Post, of New York City. Dimensions, 1,687 by 787 feet. The floor area is about 31 acres, or, including the galleries, over 40 acres. This is the largest building ever constructed under a single roof. The main architectural features are the four grand portals, built in the form of triumphal arches, and the great central hall, with the immense steel trusses forming an unbroken span of 380 feet and a height of 211 feet. The sculpture work on the portals and the corner pavilions is by Karl Bitter. The domes in the south portal were decorated by Robert Reid and J. Alden Weir, those in the east portal by Kenyon Cox and E. E. Simmons, those in the north portal by Walter Shirlaw and J. Carroll Beckwith, and those in the west portal by E. H. Blashfield and C. S. Reinhart. MANUFACTURES BUILDING. FROM THE LAKE. OF THE UNIVERSITY ELECTRICITY BUILDING. DETAIL OF EAST FACADE. MANUFACTURES BUILDING. WEST FACADE. LOOKING SOUTH ON LAGOON. MANUFACTURES BUILDING. ELECTRICITY BUILDING. f UNIVERSITY V CQOYRIGHT 1892. BY C. D. *RNOLO, THE WOODED ISLAND. LOOKING SOUTHEAST FROM HORTICULTURAL BUILDING. \ B R A OF THE UNIVERSITY COPYRIGHT, 1892, AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. FROM ACROSS THE BASIN. Architects, McKim, Mead & White, of New York City. The dimensions of the main building are 800 by 500 feet, and of the annex 550% by 312 feet. The entire floor area is about fifteen acres. The decorations of the porticoes and pavilions are by George W. Maynard, the figure of Diana, surmounting the dome, is by Augustus St. Gaudens, the composition in the main pediment is by Larkin G. Mead, and the remainder of the sculpture is by Philip Martiny. COPYRIGHT. -892 BY C. D. ARNOLD. AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. FROM THE NORTH. GROUP ON AGRICULTURAL BUILDING BY P. MARTINY. OF THE UNIVERSITY STATUARY FROM THE AGRICULTURAL BUILDING MACHINERY BUILDING. PEABODY & STEARNS, ARCHITECTS, BOSTON, MASS COPYR GH' "892. 8V C. C. ARNOLD MACHINERY BUILDING. INTERIOR OF NORTHEAST LOGGIA. ART BUILDING. FROM THE SOUTHEAST. Architect, Charles B. Atwood, designer-in-chief of the World's Columbian Exposition. The main building is 500 by 320 feet, and each annex 220 by 136 feet. The floor area is about five acres, and the wall space for hanging pictures amounts to nearly 150,000 square feet. The colossal portrait-heads of famous masters are by Olin L. Warner, and the caryatides, the figures on the main gables and the colossal statue Victory on the main dome are by Philip Martiny. FISHERIES BUILDING. FROM THE SOUTHEAST. awt ." !<-'*jmBrwf'? ?f|v;W> ' **<<$&. "''%..?: ;<, FISHERIES BUILDING. FROM THE SOUTHWEST. Architect, Henry Ives Cobb, of Chicago. The main building is 363 by 163 feet, and the annexes have a diameter of 135 feet. The floor area is about three acres. The architectural details are rich and elaborate, and are ingeniously adopted from various forms of marine life. FISHERIES BUILDING. DETAIL OF MAIN PORTAL WOMAN'S BUILDING. FROM THE EAST. Architect, Miss Sophia G. Hayden, of Boston. Dimensions, 388 by 199 feet. Floor area, nearly two acres. The pediments and the groups around the roof gardens are by Miss Alice M. Rideout, and the caryatides between the piers which support these groups are by Miss Enid Yandell EAST LOGGIA, WOMAN'S BUILDING. HORTICULTURAL BUILDING. FROM THE NORTHWEST. Architect, W. L. B. Jenney, of Chicago. Dimensions, 998 by 250 feet. Area, nearly six acres. The chief architectural feature is the great dome, 187 feet in diameter and 113 feet high. The entire sculpture work on the exterior, including the frieze extending around the whole building, is by Lorado Taft. 1 COPYRIGHT, 1893, BV C. 0. DOME OF HORTICULTURAL BUILDING FROM WOODED ISLAND. HORTICULTURAL BUILDING. MAIN ENTRANCE. HORTICULTURAL BUILDING. FROM THE SOUTHEAST. Architect, W. L. B. Jenney, of Chicago. Dimensions, 998 by 250 feet. Area, nearly six acres. The chief architectural feature is the great dome, 187 feet in diameter and 113 feet high. The entire sculpture work on the exterior, including the frieze extending around the whole building, is by Lorado Taft. COPYRIGHT 18J)2 ( 8V C. D. ARNOLD ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. FROM THE EAST. R. M. HUNT, ARCHITECT, NEW YORK CITY. ELECTRICITY BUILDING. FROM THE NORTHEAST. Architects, Van Brunt &. Howe, of Kansas City. Dimensions, 690 by 345 feet. Floor area, five and one-half acres. The chief architectural feature of this I is the great hemicycle on the south facade. The colossal statue of Franklin under this hemicycle is by Carl Rohl-Smith, the figures flanking the great pylon bove the hemicycle are by James A. Blankingship and H. A. MacNeil, and the pediments on the south, east and west facades are by Richard W. Bock. The decorations the nemicycle and the porticoes are by F. J. Sarmiento & Co., of Detroit, Mich. lllllll.Tlliii P MINES AND MINING. FROM THE NORTH. Architect, S. S. Beman, of Chicago. Dimensions, 700 by 350 feet. Floor area, about five acres and one-half. The sculpture work is by Richard W. Bock. C. D. ARNOLD .M .. - w^ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BUILDING. FORESTRY BUILDING C. B. ATWOOD, ARCHITECT. DAIRY BUILDING. OF THK UNIVERSITY BATTLE SHIP "ILLINOIS. 1 O5- TIIK UNIVERSITY | CONVENT OF LA RABIDA. HENRY D. IVES, ARCHITECT. NEW YORK, N. Y. ARKANSAS STATE BUILDING. MRS. JEAN DOUGLAS, ARCHITECT, CHICAGO, ILL. OF THK UNIVERSITY MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING. PEABODY & STEARNS, ARCHITECTS, BOSTON, MASS. MARYLAND STATE BUILDING. NEW YORK STATE BUILDING. McKIM. MEAD & WHITE, ARCHITECTS, NEW YORK. ^..Afty? "" OF THK 'UNIVERSITY Of ft, ,rr COPYRIGHT 1892. BV C. D. ARNOLD. ILLINOIS STATE BUILDING. IOWA STATE BUILDING. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. MAY RETC'D LD APR 519R? 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