T X 715 C5468 1900z NATR UCB HUH ii it ifii Home Economic Club OF THE Four Counties Group COOKBOOK COMPOSED OF Tehama, Glenn, Sutter and Butte Counties A/ Ariz Practical Hints For Householders (Taken from the Kerr Glass Co.) Asparagus 12 Ibs, yield six pint jars, stalk; and two pint jars cut. Beets one bushel by measure; cut in small thin slices yield 40 pint jars. Cherries nine baskets yield two pint jars, pitted; or several pint jars whole. Corn one hundred ears Golden Bantam; yields an average of 14 pints. Greens one bushel spinach yields ten pint jars. Peaches Two and a quarter pounds yields one quart jar. Peas one bushel; pods well filled; yields 14 pint jars. Pineapple one-half crate; 15 pints; yield 16 pint jars. Plums one basket of 14 pounds yields 25 pint jars. Strawberries one crate yields 26 pint jars canned or 31 glasses of jam seven and one-half oz. size. String beans one bushel; by measure; yields 25 pint jars. Tomatoes three pounds yield 1 quart jar. All measurements are level. 1 saltspoon 1-4 tsp. 3 teaspoons 1 tbsp. 16 tbsp. 1 cup. 2 cups 1 pint. 4 cups 1 quart. 2 tbsp. sugar 1 ounce. 2 tbsp. butter 1 ounce. 2 tbsp. liquid 1 ounce. 4 tbsp. flour 1 ounce. 1 square unsweetened chocolate one ounce. 2 cups butter 1 pound. 2 cups granulated sugar 1 pound. 2 1-2 cups powdered sugar 1 pound. 3 1-2 cups confectioner's sugar 1 pound. 2 and 2-3 cups oatmeal 1 pound. 4 3-4 cups rolled oats 1 pound. 4 and 1-3 cups rye meal 1 pound. 1 7-8 cups rice 1 pound. 4 cups flour 1 pound. 4 1-2 cups graham flour 1 pound. 3 7-8 cups entire wheat flour 1 pound. 4 and 1-3 cups coffee 1 pound. 2 cups finely chopped meat 1 pound. 9 large eggs 1 pound. Almonds one ounce; chopped equals one -third cup. Baking Powder one ounce equals 2 1-2 tbsp. Beans, dried 1-2 Ib. equals 1 cup. Butter. 1-4 Ib. equals one cup; one ouncp equals 2 tbsp, Celery, one average stalk; minced, equals 4 tbsp. ASA ~Tf\ Cheese, grated; one ounce equals 1-2 cup. Chicken, 31-2 Ibs. chicken yields about 3 cups diced meat. Chocolate, one ounce equals one square or 4 tbsp. grated. Cocoa, one ounce equals 4 tbsp. Coffee ground 1 Ib. equals 4 and 1-3 cups or one ounce equals 5 tbsp. Crumbs; bread 2 ounces equals one cup. Crackers, 3-4 cup equals one cup bread crumbs. Flour, one quart equals 1 pound. Lard, one cup; packed solid; equals one-half pound. Meat, 1 Ib. as purchased; equals when cooked 3 cups minced or 2 cups when packed. Nuts 1 Ib. in shell equals about 1-2 Ib. when shelled; one cup shelled equals about 4 ounces. Onions one large; minced; equals about 1-4 cup; one medium minced equals about 5 tbsp.; one small minced equals about 3 tbsp Orange, Juice of one equals about 1-2 cup. Grated rind equals 2 tbsp. Rpisins one cup equals six ounces. Rice one pound equals two cups. S-]t one ounce eou^ls 2 1-8 tbsp. Sue* one pound eou^ls four cups chopped. Commandments of a Homemaker "Thou shalt make thy home beautiful and keep it clean and in order" "Eight hours a day shalt thou labor and do all thy housework, and the other working hours shalt thou attend to thy homemaking." "Thou shalt not slump on thy job.'' "Every day thou shalt take a short vacation from thy household tasks." "Thou shalt guard thy health and the health of thy family, with all thy might, and the health of thy neighbor as thine own.'' "Thou shalt strive to kesp thyself mentally alert.'' "Thou shalt at all times hold thyself in readiness to answer the call of thy family for friendship and companionship." "Thou shalt cultivate and encourage in thy self and in thy family, a sense of humor and the ability to play." "Thou shalt strive to make thyself easy to look upon." Buckets FEEDS & GRAIN Poultry and Stock Feeds Telephone 37 BUCKE'S Groceries and Meats Telephone 51 ORLAND CALIFORNIA RUhlANO BROTHERS BUTTER and CHEESE MANUFACTURERS Willows, California Salads and Salad Dressings COOKED SALAD DRESSING 2 tsps salt. 4 eggs. 1 1-2 tsps. dry mustard. 4 tbsp. butter or 1 cup oil. 4 tbsp. sugar. 1 1-2 cups water. 4 tbsp. flour. 1 cup vinegar. Mix dry ingredients. Bzat eggs thoroughly and add water and vine- gar. Combine with dry ingredients and cook over hot water till thick. Stir well to avoid bumpiness. Add butter or oil when taken from stove. If oil is added instead of butter beat it in a few drops at a time. Mrs. L. F. Carpenter, Gerber, Cal., El Camino Grange. FRENCH DRESSING 1 tbsp. worchestershire sauce. 2 tbsp. olive oil. 3 tbsp. catsup. 1 tsp. sugar. 1 tbsp. vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste. Little tobasco (this may be omitted). Stir or mix well. Mrs. John Koth, El Camino Grange, Gerber, Cal. IMPERIAL SALAD 1 level tbsp. of Gelatine. 1-2 tsp. of salt. 1-4 cup cold water. 1-2 cup whipped cream. 1-4 cup sugar 1 egg yolk. 2 cups of shredded cabbage. 1 cup of pineapple juice (canned). 1 cup canned pineapple diced. 2 tbsp. of lemon juice. 1-2 cup grated raw carrots (coarse). Soak gelatine in cold water about 5 minutes. Beat egg yolk with sugar and salt. Add pineapple and lemon juice and cook over boiling water until it thickens slightly. Add gelatine to hot mixture and stir until dissolved. Cool and fold in whipped cream, cabbage, pineapple and carrots. Turn into mold and chill. When firm unmold on lettuce and serve with mayonnaise. Serves six. STUFFED TOMATO SALAD 12 small tomatoes. 1-4 cup chopped cucumber. 1 banana, finely diced. 6 tbsp. French Dressing. 2 sour apples, finely diced. 1 tsp. sugar. 1 stalk celery, finely diced. Remove centers from tomatoes, invert and chill thoroughly. Com- bine banana, apples, celery and cucumber. Pour over French Dressing combined with sugar. Marinate 30 minutes. Fill tomatoes. May be used as a garnish or serve on crisp lettuce as an individual salad. Mrs. A. G. McGlade, West Side Grange, Red Bluff. FISH FILLER Tuna, salmon, sardines or bits of any left-over fish may be used. Add the juice of one-fourth a lemon, salt and Worcestershire sauce to taste. Moisten with salad dressing. Mix until blended. Pile on lettuce. Place on platter. Garnish with cloved lemon rings. Mrs. W. O. Rhoades, Durham, Cal. Page 6 TESTED RECIPES LIME VEGETABLE SALAD 1 head lettuce. 1 cup grated carrots. 1 pkg. of lime jello. 1 7-oz. can crushed pineapple. 1 cup finely shredded cabbage. 1-2 cup chopped celery. Method: Dissolve jello in 1 pint of hot water. When it begins to thicken add the already prepared vegetables and pineapple. When ready to serve, serve on a bed of chopped lettuce or on a lettuce leaf. Mrs. Margaret Hudson, Biggs Grange. CRANBERRY SALAD One pound cranberries; six red apples, not peeled; one orange with peel but take all the white part off as it will make it bitter. Grind all the fruit after washing and wipe dry. Dissolve two packages of orange jello in one cup hot water and when dissolved add the juices, one cup, if not enough to fill the cup add enough cold water and one and one- half pounds granulated sugar. Add the fruit to this mixture and set in refrigerator until it thickens or sets. Mrs. W. O. Rhoades, Durham, Calil. POTATO SALAD Boil 6 large potatoes, boil 5 eggs. When both potatoes and eggs are cold dice potatoes, chop 4 eggs, leaving one for the top of salad, chop fine one medium sized onion. Slice the remaining egg and put on top, sprinkle a little paprika over top. Mrs. Geo. H. Glenn, Durham, Cal., Durham Grange No. 460. WHITE SALAD TESTED Yolks of 4 eggs or 2 whole, beaten very light. Stir slowly into the eggs the juice of 1 lemon, 1-4 tsp. mustard; warm 1-2 cup milk and stir into the above. Put on stove and bring to a boil. 1 Ib. marshmallows, cut in squares. 1 Ib. white grapes, seeded, cut in halves. 1-4 Ib. pecan nuts, broken; 1 qt. pineapple. 1 pt. of double whipping cream, whip till light, Add cooled dress- ing to marshmallows, thoroughly drained, broken pineapple and nut meats, last the whipped cream. Stir in lightly but mix thoroughly. Let stand number of hours or over night. This salad must not be disturbed after being mixed. Will serve 20 people. Mrs. G. W. Langenderfer, Gerber, Cal. Preserves and Jams UNCOOKED CRANBERRY SAUCE. 1 qt. cranberries, 1 medium orange (put through food chopper; add juice only of another medium orange and 3 cups of sugar. Mix well and set aside for 48 hours before using. Mrs. Geo. A. Wurth. SWEET PICKLES. For 1 gal. of small cukes, boil 1-2 gal. water with 1-2 cup salt and pour boiling hot over cukes. Let stand over night. Next morning drain and add: Boil 1-2 gal. vin.egar, 1-2 cup mixed pickle spices, 2 tbsp. dry mustard, 4 tbsp. sugar and pour boiling hot over cukes. Then add 1_2 cup sugar for 12 days without heating liquid. These pickles will keep firm and hard if the brine, also vinegar has been poured over cuke? very, very hot, in fact rolling boil. Mrs. Geo. A. Wurth, Red Bluff, Westside Grange. PEAR HONEY. 6 pears. 2 apples, 1 orange, 1 1-2 Ibs sugar. Pare apples and pears, remove seeds, peel orange, remove seeds; grind pears, apples and orpnge. Add sugar and cook 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Add grated orange rind; cook until thick. M. C. Walker, Westside Grange, Red Bluff. STRAWBERRY JAM. 2 baskets strawberries. Pick over and cover with boiling water and let stand 1 minute, drain and put into kettle, add 11-2 cups sugar. Bring to boil and add 2 cups sugar; boil briskly for 25 minutes. Pour into jars and seal 1 or 2 days later. Alice Schmidt, Biggs, Cal. PLUM CONSERVE. 4 Ibs. plums, 6 cups sugar, 2 cups walnuts, 2 lemons (juice and grat- ed rind), 2 Ibs. seedless raisins. Wash plums, remove seeds, weigh fruit; combine all ingredients except nuts. Cook until thick. Blanch nut meats 2 minutes. Cut or chop. Add to mixture just before removing from stove. Pour in to sterilized jars and seal. Mrs. Emma O. Wait, Glenn, Jacinto Grange, No. 431. TOMATO CONSERVE. 2 1-2 Ibs. tomatoes; 4 cups sugar; 1-2 orange; 1-2 lemon. Peel to- matoes, add sugar. Cook slowly over slow fire. Slice orange and lemon in thin slices. Cook until jelly stage. Nut meats and raisins may be added at the very last if desired. Mrs. Lee Garner, Chico, Cal. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES. 2 baskets berries (1 Ib.) washed and stemmed; 4 oims suyr. Bring to a boil, and cook at rolling boil 10 minutes. Add 3 tbsp. lemon juice and continue boil 3 or 4 more minutes. Skim, set aside to cool and thicken (over night). Can in sterilized jars and seal cold. Mrs. Lester Jobe. Indenendent. No. 470. Page 8 TESTED RECIPES STRAWBERRY PRESERVES. Pour 5 cups of sugar over 5 cups of strawberries which have been washed and stemmed before measuring. Put on the stove over a very low fire and stir until sugar is dissolved. When boiling point is reach- ed, increase heat until they boil rapidly for 8 minutes. Add 1-2 cup strained lemon juice. Let boil again for 2 minutes, remove from fire and let stand in the kettle in a cool place over night. In the morning put into the glasses and seal. You do not reheat to put into the jars and of course they are paraffined at once. Jessie Silver. Elk Creek Grange, No. 44 1. PUMPKIN PRESERVES. Peel and cut pumpkin in small pieces. Put in vinegar for 24 hours. Take up and dry with cloth. Weigh and use same weight in sugar with 1 cup of water to each pound of sugar. When boiling put in a 6-inch piece of vanilla bean cut in small pieces, and boil until transparent and yellow. Mrs. Warren Smith, Biggs. PINEAPPLE-CHERRY JAM 1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple; 3 1-2 cup sugar; 1-2 bottle Certo; 1 small bottle Maraschino cherries, sliced. Boil sugar and fruit hard for 1 minute. Remove from fire and stir in Certo. Add cherries and stir and skim for 5 minutes to prevent floating fruit. Pour quickly, paraf- fin and cover. Helen Armour, Nelson, Durham, No. 460. PEACH JAM. 12 peaches, 1 orange (griryi rind and all). 1 can crushed pineapple, 6 cups sugar, combine let stand overnight, then simmer gently. When done add the sliced peach pit meats. Mrs. R. S. Green, Durham PEAR CONSERVE. 3 qts. of pears, chopped; 3 Ibs. of sugar; 1 Ib. of raisins; 3 oranges, peeled and diced; 1 cup nuts. Cook until the desired consistency. Mrs. Mary Lauer, Los Molinos. ORANGE AND PEAR MARMALADE. Put 2 oranges and 8 or 9 pears through a food chopper. Peel pears but not oranges. Drop all into a syrup made of 5 cups of sugar and a little water. Cook to the right consistency and seal. Makes 3 pts. Mrs. Mary Lauer, Los Molinos. ORANGE MARMALADE. Cut oranges as thin as possible and to each pirit of fruit 2 pints of cold water and let stand over night. Next day boil 1 hour, then to every pound of fruit add 1 Ib. of sugar; boil until it will jell when tried on a saucer. Seal while hot. Splendid. Mrs. Daisy Jones. Los Molinos. TESTED RECIPES Pago. 9 PINEAPPLE-APRICOT JAM. 1-2 pound dried apricots; 3 cups water; 2 1-4 cups canned pineapple and syrup; 61-2 cups (3 1-4 Ibs.) sugar; 1 bottle fruit pectin. Soak apricots in water overnight. Drain; do not reserve liquid. Chop or grind apricots. Combine 1 3-4 cups apricots, pineapple and sugar in large kettle; bring to a full rolling boil over high heat. Stir constantly before and during boiling. Boil hard 2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in fruit pectin.. Stir and skim for 3 minutes to cool slightly and prevent floating fruit. Pour quickly into glasses. Seal at once. Makes about eleven 6-ounce glasses. Mrs. A. G. McGlade, Westside Grange, Red Bluff. GRAPE CONSERVE. 7 Ibs. of grape pulp; 4 Ibs. of sugar; 1 Ib. of raisins; 2 oranges (ground). Mix; boil 15 minutes. Mrs. E. A Stubbs, Grange No. 462. Gerber, Cal. EHORM'S QUALITY MARKET FOR THE BEST IN MEATS GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES A HOME-OWNED STORE RED BLUFF CALIF. 501 WALL STREET It Always Pays to SHOP at PENNEYS WILLOWS FRESH Meats, Vegetables, Fruits and Groceries RED & WHITE P. A. HALL, Owner WILLOWS, CALIFORNIA TESTED RECIPES Page 11 Candies PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE. 2 cups powdered sugar; 1-2 cup milk; 2 heaping tbsp. peanut but- ter. Mix ingredients and place over flame. When it begins to boil vig- orously, cook five minutes. Beat, pour in buttered pan and cut in squares. Mrs. P. L. Mulford, Elk Creek, Cal. PATIENCE CANDY. Dissolve 2 cups sugar with 1-2 cup milk. Scorch 1 cup sugar in iron frying pan. Boil 1-2 cup milk with pinch soda and pour hot milk into scorched sugar. Add the contents of sauce pan with butter size of an egg. Cook to soft ball-, stirring constantly. When it forms soft ball add. 1 cup nuts and vanilla. Stir and beat until stiff. 2 tbsp. of Karo can be added. When butter is put in makes candy creamier, but not necessary. PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE. 3 cups sugar; 4 tbsp. cocoa and 1 cup milk added gradually; 1 tbsp. butter. Cook very slowly until it forms a soft ball. Then beat until it starts to thicken, and add 1 cup peanut butter and vanilla (more or less as desired). Beat until smooth; put in a buttered pan; cool slightly and cut. Let finish cooking. Eva Borchers, Chico Grange. FUDGE (Never Fails) 1-2 cup milk; 2 cups sugar; 1-4 cup syrup; 1 tbsp. butter; chocolate about 1-inch square; 1 tsp. vanilla. Boil 4 minutes, then stir until it begins to get grain; pour in buttered pan and cut into squares. Add nut meats if desired. Mrs. Fred Parker, Orland. CHEWS 1 c. brown sugar 5 T. flour pinch of salt. 1-4 t. soda 1 egg beaten well 3-4 c. chopped nuts Mix ingredients in order given. Butter pan. Spread mixture into thin layer. Bake about 10 to 15 minutes in oven at 350 F. Remove from pan while hot and cut into strips. Mrs. Frank Smith; Biggs. 12 TESTED RECIPES CHOCOLATE CREAM FUDGE. 1 cup cream; 1 cup white sugar; 1 cup brown sugar; 1-2 cup Karo syrup; 1 tablespoon honey. Cook to soft ball stage; add cup of walnut meats; set off to cool with a square of bitter chocolate on top. When cool and chocolate partly melted stir and pour on platter and cut in squares. Elizabeth Stevenson. UNCOOKED FUDGE. 1 egg; 2 cups sifted powdered sugar; 4-oz. sweet cooking chocolate 2 tbsp. butter; 2 tbsp. peanut butter; 1 tbsp. honey. Beat egg well and add sugar. Melt butter and chocolate together; add peanut butter. Blend and add to first mixture. Press into buttered pan and chill. Makes 2 dozen squares. Stays fresh and moist for weeks. Fern Bentz, Chico Grange. PRALINES (CANDY). 1 7-8 cups powdered sugar; 1 cup maple syrup; 1-2 cup cream; 2 cups nuts (hickory or pecans preferred). Boil sugar, syrup and cream to a soft ball, remove from fire and beat until creamy; add nuts and drop from spoon on waxed paper or pour on buttered pan and cut. Alice Schmidt, Biggs, Cal. THE RED & WHITE STORE Groceries and Men's Clothing Telephone 9 Biggs, Calif, Cookies MACAROONS. 2 egg whites; 1-2 tsp. baking powder; 1-4 tsp. salt. Beat together until eggs are stiff. Beat in 1 cup powdered sugar. Fold in 1 cup chop- ped dates, 1-2 cup walnut meats. Drop on cookie sheet and bake in Slow oven 250 degrees 30 minutes. Requires no flour. Mrs. Josephine Kasak. OATMEAL COOKIES. 1 cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar 3 eggs 3 - 4 cup shortening 3-4 cup milk 4 cups flour 1 cup oatmeal 1 tsp. cinnamon 1-4 tsp. cloves 1-4 tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. soda 1 cup each nuts and raisins. Cream sugar and shortening and eggs; add liquids and follow with other ingredients. Bake at 350 degrees 15-20 minutes. Mrs. Wm. Vanderly, Los Molinos. DOUGHNUTS. 2 eggs 1 tbsp. shortening 7-8 cup milk 4 tsp. baking powder 3 cups flour 1 cup sugar 1-2 tsp. salt 3-4 tsp. cinnamon. Blend sugar and shortening, then add well beaten eggs and milk Lastly add dry ingredknjts which have been sifted together thoroughly Roll out 1-4 inch thick. Fry in deep fat at 375 degrees. Drain well Mrs. Frank Smith OAT MEAL ROCKS. 1 1 cup sugar 3-4 cup shortening 3 eggs, beaten 2 cups uncooked oatmeal 1 tsp. soda 1-2 cup sour milk 1 cup raisins 1 cup nuts 1-2 tsp. cinnamon Mrs. Mabel Stephens DATE BARS, 1-4 cup melted shortening 1 cup sugar 1-2 cup sifted flour 2 cups dates, cut 1-4 tsp. baking powder 1 cup walnut meats, cut 1-2 tsp. salt 2 eggs, well beaten Sift dry ingredients Add nuts and dates and mix well. Beat eggs. Add shortening. Add date mixture. Pour into a greased pan 9x9-in. Rake rt 350 degrees for 30 minutes. When cool, cut in small squares and roll in powdered sugar. Mrs. W. L. Shields, Biggs Grange, No. 459 Page 14 TESTED RECIPES NUT COOKIES. 1 cup butter and lard 1 t baking powder 2 cups brown sugar 1 t cinnamon 1-2 cup water 1 cup walnuts 3 eggs 1 cup raisins 1 t vanilla 1 cup oats 1 t soda 3 cups flour Drop in pan to bake. Naomi Green, Elk Creek, Cal. BANANA DROPS (Children like these) 1 cup butter 1 tsp. vanilla 2 cups white sugar 4 cups flour 3 eggs 2 tsp. baking powder 1 1-2 cups mashed bananas 1-2 tsp. soda 1-2 tsp salt. Mix in order given. Drop by spoonful on a greased baking sheet. Press an almond on top of each and bake in hot oven. 6 dozen. Mrs. Perry Stark, Independent Grange, Corning. GUM DROP COOKIES. 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup walnut meats 2 cups pastry flour 1 cup gum drops (small size) 4 eggs, well beaten Combine all ingredients, do not chop candy. Bake on cooky sheet, in moderate oven. Cut into squares. Mrs. N. R. Jessee, Chico. PRUNE BARS. 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar; 1 cup prunes (dried); 1-8 tsp. salt; 1 cup flour, 1 tsp. baking powder; 1 cup chopped nuts. Wash and soak prunes 2 or 3 hours, dry, cut in small pieces. Beat egg yolks and add sugar. Beat whites stiff and add dry ingredients: add nuts and prunes. Bake in shallow pan in moderate oven about 30 minutes. Remove from pan, cut in, Ix3-inch bars; roll in powdered sugar or frost with chocolate frosting. Makes about 20 bars. Mrs. Lulu H. Yockey, Durham. Cal., Durham Grange, No. 46P. BROWNIES. 2 squares chocolate 1-2 cup wheaties 1-2 cup butter or Crisco 1-2 cup cocoanut 1 cup white or brown sugar 3-4 cup chopped nuts 2 eggs beaten separately 1 tsp. vanilla 1-2 cup flour 1-2 tsp. milk Mix well, adding the well-beaten whites the last thing. Bake slowly in large pan for 15 or 20 minutes, when cool, cut in squares. Mrs. F. G. Merrifield. Durham Grange, No. 460. TESTED RECIPES Page 15 CRISPIES. 2 squares Baker's unsweetened 1-2 cup whole wheat flour chocolate 1-2 t vanilla 1-2 cup butter or other shortening 1_2 cup black walnut meats, finely 1 cup raw sugar chopped 2 eggs, unbeaten Melt chocolate, add shortening, sugar, eggs, flour and vanilla. Beat well. Spread mixture on a baking sheet or shallow pans. Sprinkle with nut meats an4 bake in hot oven (400) for 15 minutes. While warm cut with cooky cutter or mark into squares. When cool remove from pan. Clara McNeil, Paradise. DROP GINGER COOKIES. 1-2 cup lard 1-2 tsp. salt 1 cup light brown sugar 1 tsp. soda 1-4 cup molasses 1 tsp. baking powder 3 cups bread flour 5-8 cup hot water Cream lard and add sugar, beating well. Add molasses. Mix and sift all dry ingredients and add alternately with the hot water. Drop by teaspoons on greased baking sheet. Bake in a hot oven (400 degrees F) for approximately ten minutes. Yields three dozen cookies. Phyllis Harlow, Palermo Grange, No. 493 HERMITS. 3-4 cup shortening 21-2 cups sifted flour 3 eggs, well beaten 1-2 tsp. cinnamon 3-4 tsp. soda 1 cup raisins 1-2 tsp. nutmeg 1 cup chopped walnut meats 1 1-2 cups brown sugar Directions: Cream the shortening and sugar, add the well-beaten eggs. Sift 2 cups flour with the soda and spices and add to mixture. Add raisins and nuts mixed with rest of flour. Drop by teaspoonfuls on greased baking sheets about 2 inches apart. Bake in a hot oven 400 degrees F. for 10 minutes. Makes about 4 doz. cookies, Edith A. Thayer, Paradise OATMEAL COOKIES. 1 cup butter and lard mixed 2 cups flour 1 1-2 cups sugar 2 cups oatmeal 3 eggs 1 cup raisins 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup nuts 2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. cinnamon Drop by teaspoons full on greased pan. Mrs. L. F. Carpenter, Gerber, Cal., El Camino Grange. SOUR CREAM COOKIES. 1 cup butter 1-2 tsp. soda 1 cup sugar 1-2 tsp. salt 4 cups flour 1-2 cup thick sour cream 1 tsp. nutmeg 1 or 2 eggs M. C. Walker, Westside Grange, Red Bluff. Page 16 TESTED RECIPES OATMEAL CRISPIES. Cream 1 cup shortening, 1 cup brown sugar and 1 cup granulated sugar. Add 2 beaten eggs and 1 tsp. vanilla extract, beat well. Add 11-2 cups flour sifted with 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. soda. Add 3 cups oat- meal (quickcooking) and 1-2 cup chopped walnut meats. Mix. form in long rolls; chill thoroughly. Slice 1-4 inch thick. Bake on ungreased cooky sheet in moderate oven (350 degrees) for 10 minutes. Makes 5 dozen. Mrs. A, G. McGlade, Westside Grange. VANILLA NUT ICE BOX COOKIES. 4 cups sifted flour 1 1-2 cups brown sugar (firmly 3 t baking powder packed) 1-4 t salt 2 cups white sugar 1 cup butter or fat 2 eggs, well beaten 1 t vanilla 1 cup nut meats, chopped Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and saft. Sift again. Cream butter thoroughly. Add sugar gradually. Add eggs, nuts and vanilla and beat well. Add flour slowly. Shape into a roll, 1 1-2 inch in, diameter. Roll in waxed paper. Chill until firm in refrigerator. Cut in 1-8 slices. Bake on ungreased baking sheet, in hot oven. 10 minutes. Miss Geneva Hudson, Biggs. PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES. 1-2 cup peanut butter 1 egg, well beaten 1-4 cup butter 1 cup sifted cake flour 1-2 cup brown sugar 1 t soda 1-2 cup white sugar Cream peanut butter and butter together, add sugar gradually and cream well. Add egg. Sift flour and soda together and add to first mixture, beating thoroughly. Drop the mixture, one level teaspoonful at a time on cookie sheet. Press down each cookie with fork. Bake 10 minutes in moderate oven (350-375 degrees.) Miss Geneva Hudson, Biggs. MY CANADIAN COOKIES. One cup butter or part shortening: 2 of sugar; 1-2 cup sour milk; 1 tsp. of soda; flour enough to roll out thin, cut with a sharp cooky cut- ter; bake in quick oven t Mrs. Daisy Jones, Los Molinos. heats PORK CHOPS WITH PICKLE. Select large loin pork chops. Roll in flour. Put butter and drip- pings in frying pan. When hot lay pork chops in fat, first putting salt and pepper on them. Brown on one side when ready to turn, have one good sized onion cut up and 2 or 3 small sweet pickles cut fine. Put into pan, salt and pepper; let this brown; then add warm water enough to almost cover chops; let simmer for 1 hour or more. Alice Schmidt , Biggs, Cal. DELICIOUS MEAT LOAF. 2 Ibs. ground round steak; 2 Ibs. ground veal steak; 1 Ib. ground pork steak; 6 boiled eggs; 1-4 cup milk; 1 1-2 tsp. salt; 1-4 t pepper, tiny bit of cayenne pepper. Mix all ingredients well, put half of it into loaf pan, lay the hard cooked eggs in center of meat; place rest of meat on top. Now place 6 strips bacon on top. Bake in moderate oven 1 1_2 hrs'.; serves 15. Mrs. Joy Eschliman. ITALIAN MEAT LOAF. 2 Ibs. ground beef; 1 Ib. ground fresh pork; 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs: 1 finely cut onion; 2 eggs, slightly beaten; 1-2 cup milk; salt and pepper, 1-2 cup grated Parmesan cheese. Grind beef and pork to- gether. Combine with bread crumbs, onion, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. Moisten with slightly beaten eggs and milk. Pack into a loaf pan. Bake in a slow oven (300 degrees F.) for about 1 1-2 hours. Mrs. Earl Hatfield, Red Bluff. SOUR CREAM VEAL LOAF. 2 Ibs. ground veal; 1 small onion, chopped fine; 2 uncooked carrots, ground; 1-2 cup sour cream; salt and pepper. Combine ground veal, carrots and finely chopped onion. Season with salt anjd pepper. Moisten with sour cream. Pack into a loaf pan. Bake in a 300 degree oven for about 11-2 hours. Mrs. Earl Hatfield, Westside Grange, Red Bluff. BROWN BEEF STEW. Have 2 Ibs. beef stew cut in 2- inch cubes. Salt and pepper and flour well; add enough fat to brown nicely in large, heavy kettle. When nicely browned add 1 quart of hot water and keep about this much liquid in bottle until meat is done. Have ready 1 small head of cabbage cut fine, 6 or 8 carrots cut in 2-inch pieces, 3 large onions and 6 pota- toes chunked. Put in with meat and cook until tender; stir often to keep from burning. Mrs. Margaret Hudson, Biggs Grange. ENCHILADA SHORT CUT. 1 Ib. hamburger sauted, add 1 can Heinz spaghetti; 1 can mock turtle soup: 1 can golden bantam corn. To saute hamburger cook in pan until lightly browned in small pieces. Cook all together 5 or 10 minutes. Elizabeth Stevenson. Page 18 TESTED RECIPES ROAST IN OLD-FASHIONED DUTCH OVEN. Shortening or any fat; carrots, potatoes, small onion, small roast of beef. Place dutch oven over fire with fat in it and heat. Flour the meat and fry on both sides in the fat, salt and pepper to -taste, then fry until well browned, add a little water, put on the lid and put in even. When meat is nearly tender add vegetables and more water if needed. Before serving make a thickening of flour and water and thicken gravy. Luella Mattoon, Los Molinos. TUNA CASSEROLE. 2 tbsp. flour; 1-2 12-oz.. pkg. of fine egg noodles; 1 pt. or 1 10_oz. can of chicken broth; 1 cup grated cheese: bread crumbs; 1 7-oz. can of tuna. Cook noodles in chicken broth, adding enough water so nood- les are not too stiff. When done butter casserole and nut in laver of noodles and then a thin layer of tuna and sprinkle with cheese; alter- nate these until dish is full, topping with bread crumbs and grated cheese. Put in oven and bake until cheese is well melted. Mrs. Margaret Hudson. Biggs Grange. ITALIAN POT ROAST. 2 oz. mushrooms, 2 large cloves garlic, salt, pepper and pinch ginger, 1 can tomato sauce. 2 or 4 Ibs. rump roast (pot roast) ; fat; 1 cup ripe olives; 1 large chopped onion. Put chopped onion in fat in dutch oven. When yellow put in meat, which has. been wiped off. When well seas- or r ed, sear on all sides. Cover with hot water and let simmer for 2 hours. Wash mushrooms and soak in 1 CUD hot water for 1 hour. When meat has cooked 2 hours add mushrooms, tomato sauce and olives Cook 1 hour longer. Skim gravy before serving and pdd a little hot wat^r if necessary. Thicken and serve. Mrs. Minnie Lou Davis. ITALIAN BAKED FISH. Select a 4-pound bass, salmon, trout or cod-fish. Sear in plenty of olive oil. Salt and pepper. Remove from pan. Slit and remove bone, [nto the oil slice 5 clove garlic. When this begins to brown, add a small bunch of parsley, chopped fine, then one head of lettuce (or Swiss chard) coarsely chopped. Add a can of tomatoes or tom^o sauce. Salt and pepper. Return fish to mixture, putting some over the top. Bake in hot oven until tender, about 1-2 hour. Mrs. W. L Shields, Biggs, Grange No. 459. TURKISH PILOF. 1 cup rice: 3 Ibs. butter; 1 onion (chopped fine); 2 cups boiling water: ? cuns strained tomatoes: salt and pepper. Wash and drain rice and par- boil for 5 minutes. Put butter in he^vy skillet, frv onion,: drain rice and brown slightly, stirring occasionally. Add boiling water, cover and simmer until tender, adding tomato as needed Season to taste. Mrs. Ed Clark, Chico, Grange No. 486. HAM LOAF. 3 Ibs. lean pork, 2 Ibs. lean ham, 1-2 Ib. lesn beef ground together; 3 eggs; 2 cups crumbs; 1 cup milk: 1-2 can tomato SOUD. salt and pep- per. Roll in crumbs and brown sugar. Mrs. Sabine, Palermo Grange. TESTED RECIPES Page 19 TAMALE PIE (Good). 1 can corn; 1 can tomatoes; 3 eggs (hard boiled and sliced; 1 clove garlic; 1 onion; 1 large cup corn meal; 1 tbsp. Grandma's pepper; 1 tbsp. Sebharts chili powder; 1 cup olives (chopped); 1 1-2 Ibs. ground steak and veal or 1 cooked chicken, cut in small pieces. Fry garlic and onion in butter. Make a thin mush of corn meal, using chicken broth or meat stock. Line a deep pan with mush, then put in a layer of chicken or meat, corn, olives and eggs, then add gar- lic, onions, tomatoes and spices which have been mixed together. Repeat until pan is full, then cover with the remainder of the mush. Put in a slow oven arijd cook until brown. Mrs. Alice Thompson, Wyandotte Grange. TUNA NOODLES. 1-2 Ib. flat wide noodles; 1 1-2 cup medium white sauce (No. 2); 1 can tuna (medium size) ; 1-4 Ib. grated cheese; 1 small can pimiento.' Cook noodles, add other ingredients, and cook in double boiler or bake in greased baking dish with buttered bread crumbs on top, until brown. Mrs. Lee Garner, Chico, Cal. WELSH RABBIT. 1 Ib. cheese, cut in small cubes; 1 cup milk or thin cream; 1 t mus- tard; 2 t salt; 1-4 t paprika; 2 eggs; 2 t butter, dry toast or crisp crack, ers. Put butter in double boiler; add cheese and stir while melting. When it is almost melted add milk mixed with eggs and seasoning. Con- tinue heating until cheese melts and egg thickens. Serve on small slices of toast or crackers. A good variation of this dish can be made by using cooked or canned tomatoes instead of milk. Mrs. Lee Garner, Chico, Cal. CHINESE CHUM. 1 medium size can tuna fish; lOc pkg. Chinese noodles; 1 medium onion, chopped; 1 piece garlic; 2 tablespoons butter; 1 cup milk; 1-2 Ib. Tillamook cheese, grated; salt and pepper to taste. Boil noodles 5 minutes. Drain. Add remaining ingredients. Bake slowly 1-2 hour. Mrs. N. R. Jessee, Chico. TAMALE LOAF. 1 cup salad oil; 3 tbsp. butter; 2 onions, chopped fine. 1. Cook the above 15 minutes. 2. Add 1 can tomatoes, 1 can corn, 3 tbsp. chili powder, dissolved in water. 3. Add 1 1-2 cups corn meal, 3 eggs, beaten; 1 cup milk, 1 1-2 cups olives, 1 tbsp. salt. Cook 15 minutes more and bake about 30 minutes in the oven. 4. 1 cup chop- ped meat may be added, such as ham, cooked meat or hamburger. Mrs. Warren Smith, Biggs CHEESE SOUFFLE. 1 tbsp. butter; 1 tbsp. flour; 1 cup milk: 1 cup grated cheese; 3 eggs, 1-4 tsp. salt. Make cream sauce of butter, flour and milk. Add grated cheese an,d salt. Stir until melted and smooth. Beat eggs separately. Add yolks to cheese mixture and fold in egg whites. Bake in buttered casserole 30 minutes in moderate oven. Serve at once. (An easy Sun- day night supper). Mrs Percy Stack, Independent Grange, Corning. Page 20 TESTED RECIPES TAMALE PIE. 1 Ib. shoulder steak; 1 Ib. pork shoulder; 6 dried chilis; 2 doz. olives; 1 cup raisins, 2 cloves garlic, 1-4 cup lard, 1 cup corn meal. Cut meat into inch cubes and cover with 6 cups boiling water. Cook 2 1-2 hours, salting to taste. Thicken the gravy with 3 tbsp. corn meal, boil garlic and peppers until tender, rub through sieve, add olives and raisins to meat. Add shortening to 2 cups boiling water, then gradually add meal. Let cook 15 minutes, salt to taste. Let cool enough to line a baking pan, leaving some for the top, put in meat mixture, cover with the rest of meal. Bake 1 hour in slow oven. Mrs. Evelyn M. Crawford, Durham Grange No. 460. MY OWN MEAT LOAF. 2 Ibs. hamburger; 1 Ib. pork sausage; 3 beaten eggs: 1 tsp. salt; pep- per to suit your taste, 1 cup tomato pulp or hot sauce; 1.2 cup soft bread crumbs-; 1-2 diced onion. Mix thoroghly, shape into loaf and lay some strips of bacon on top and bake as a roast. B^ste with tomato juice or water until done and brown. Mrs. W. O. Rhoades, Durham, Cal. ITALIAN CHICKEN. Cut chicken in uniform pieces and fry in hot olive oil until brown. Season with salt and pepper. Add 1 t finely minced onion, 1 clove minced garlic and a few sprigs of parsley and fry a few miniutes longer. Add 1 small can tomato sauce, and allow to simmer until chicken is tender. Helen Armour, Nelson. Durham No. 460. MEAT PIE. 1-2 Ib. ground round steak or hamburger; 1 cup cooked rice; 1 tbsp. chopped onion; 1-2 cup canned cream; 1 tsp. salt and pepper, line a casserole; mix lightly, 2 eggs, 1 cup canned cream, salt and pepper; 2 cups canned whole kernel corn or peas. Pour into casserole and bake 40 minutes. Put grated cheese on top and bake 10 minutes. Mrs. Sabine. ZOMIE BALLS. 1 1-2 Ibs. hamburger; 1-2 Ib. sausage; 1-2 cup uncooked rice; 1-2 cup bread crumbs; 1 egg, onion salt and pepper. Make into balls. Cover with 1 can hot sauce and 1 can water. Bake in covered dish 11-2 hours. Mrs. Otis Fish, Red Bluff, Westside Grange. SCRAPPLE TAMALE LOAF. 3 cups scrapple; 1 can corn; 1 can tomatoes; 1 can ripe olives: 1 large ground onion, 3 tbsp. chili powder, clove garlic if liked. Cook 15 minutes then add 2 eggs, 2 cups of milk. Bake 30 minutes. Mrs. L. A. McDonald, Gerber, Cal., El Camino Grange, No. 462. SMOTHERED VEAL. 1 slice round of veal, 1 inch thick (1 1-4 Ibs); 2 tsp. salt, 1-8 tsp. pepper, dash paprika; 4 tbsp. flour; 4 tbsp. suet or other fat; 3-4 cup sour cream. Dredge veal with salt, pepper, paprika and flour. Melt fat, add meat. Cook slowly until brown on both sides. Pour in sour cream. Cover tightly and simmer slowly until tender (1 hour or more). Cook at low temperature. Mrs. T. J. Hellen, Independent Grange, Corning. TESTED RECIPES Page 21 BAKED PORK CHOPS. 6 or 8 lean pork chops; 3 dill pickles; 1 can tomato soup. Season chops with salt, pepper and dash of sage (omit sage if not liked). Ar- range in baking pan. Put thick slice of dill pickle on each chop. Cover with tomato soup. Bake until soup is quite thick and chops done. Use hot oven. Mrs. L. E. West. CHICKEN TAMALE LOAF. 1 can tomatoes, 1 can corn, 1 onion, 5 cloves garlic, 3 t chili powder, 1-2 cup butter, 1 cup ripe olives. Cook 15 minutes add 2 cups milk, 2 cups yellow corn meal, 3 eggs, 1 chicken and broth. Bake two hours. Naomi Green, Elk Creek. MEAT BALLS. 2 Ibs. hamburger; 2 eggs; green pepper; 1-2 cam tomatoes; bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Mix and form into balls. Place in a baking dish and pour a little hot water over them and cook in oven for about 45 minutes with mod- erate heat. When almost done pour sauce over balls and cook a little longer. Sauce. 1 medium size onion; 1 tbsp. flour; 1-2 can tomatoes. Brown onion in small amount of shortening in frying pan. Then add flour and tomatoes. Cook until thick. If too*thick add a little water. Mildred L. Koth, 1214 Yolo St., Corning, El Camino Grange, No. 462. A. D. PIEPER Department Store Willows California breads MUFFINS. 2 eggs 2 tsp. baking powder 2 cups flour 1-2 cup milk 1-4 cup sugar 1-2 cup melted butter 1 small tsp. salt Sift flour with other dry ingredients twice. Stir the eggs and milk together. Dont beat the eggs. Mix together slowly and bake. Mrs C. J. More, Los Molinos, Cal. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. 1 cake Fleshman's yeast 2 T shortening 1 pt. sweet milk 1 t salt 2 T sugar 2 pts. sifted flour. Dissolve yeast and salt in luke warm milk, add shortening and 11-2 pts. flour, beat until smooth and set to raise in a warm place in *. greased bowl until light. Then add rest of flour, kneed well, place ii. warm place about 11-2 hours or until double in bulk. Roll to 1-4 inch thick, brush with butter, cut out, crease through center heavily with dull knife, fold over, place in greased pan one inch apart, set to raise until light; bake ten minutes in hot over. Myra Alice Wilson, Paradise, Cal POTATO REFRIGERATOR ROLLS. 1 yeast cake 1 cup hot mashed potatoes 1-2 cup lukewarm water 1 cup scalded milk 1-3 cup shortening 2 beaten eggs 1 tsp. salt 6-8 cup flour 1-2 cup sugar Mash potatoes, add shortening, sugar, salt and eggs and cream well. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water, add to lukewarm milk, then add to potato mixture. Add sifted flour to make stiff dough. Knead well. Put in bowl to rise double in bulk. Knead lightly; put in covered dish in refrigerator until needed. Shape into rolls and let rise about 1 1-2 hours before baking; temperature 400 degrees; time 20-25 minutes. Fern Bentz. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. Follow directions for white bread.. Using 1-2 whole wheat and 1-2 white flour. You'll probably need about 2 3-4 cups of each as this dough should be slightly softer than the white bread. Follow the same procedure as to rising and molding. Bake in hot oven 425 degrees F. about 50 minutes. Mrs. H. L. Sonnrey. Durham Grange. TESTED RECIPES Page 23 WHITE BREAD (Amount for two loaves or 2 1-2 dozen buns) 1 packet of quick yeast 2 tbsp of fat 11-2 cups lukewarm milk (scalded 1-2 cup lukewarm water and cooled) 2 tsp. of sugar 2 tsp. of salt About 6 cups of flour Soften yeast in a little lukewarm water. Place in large bowl all liquids, salt, sugar and softened fat. Add 2 cups of flour, blend into batter. Now add the yeast, then the rest of the flour. Turn onto a floured board, knead lightly 7 or 8 minutes. Cover and let rise in greased bowl until double in bulk, about 40 minutes. Cut into two pieces, let rise 20 minutes, then mold into loaves or buns and let rise until nearly double. Bake 45 or 50 minutes in moderately hot oven (400 degrees F.) for loaves; for buns (450 degrees F.) 20 minutes then lower heat to 400 degrees F. and bake 10 minutes longer. Mrs. H. L. Sohnrey, Durham, Cal. DOUGHNUTS. 1 cup of sugar 1 tsp. soda 1 cup of sour cream 1 tsp. butter Dissolve sugar in cream and dough- 2 eggs nuts will not absorb the lard. Nutmeg or cinnamon to taste Flour enough for a soft dough. Fry in deep fat. Roll in sugar when partly cold. Mrs. Rose Borchers, Chico Grange. PANCAKES OR WAFFLES. 2 cups flour cup milk 2 1-2 t baking powder 2 eggs 1 t salt 1-4 cup melted shortening Add milk to sifted dry ingredients Separate eggs. Add well beaten' yolks to mixture. Add melted shortening. Mix well. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Miss Haroldine Stanley. FILLED ROLLS. 2 doz. hard rolls 1 lb. Martin's New York Creese, or 2 green peppers any piquant yellow cheese 4 green onions 1-2 cup olive oil 3 hard cooked eggs 1 can tomato sauce. 1-2 pint stuffed olives Put everything solid through a food grinder. Add olive oil and tomato sauce. Cut a lengthwise v-shaped wedge from each roll. Fill roll, replace cover, and heat in oven for ten minutes. Mrs. W. L. Shields, Biggs Grange No. 459. Page 24 TESTED RECIPES DENVER BISCUITS. 1 cup potatoes 1 qt. sweet milk 1 cup lard 1 cake Fleishman yeast 1 cup sugar 2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. soda Flour Mix potatoes, sugar and lard, well. Scald milk and add to mixture. Sift some flour with the baking powder and soda and add. Use enough flour to make like cake batter. Add the cake of yeast, which has been soaked in a little warm water, last. Let stand six hours, then mix more flour like bread. Roll out on board. Butter and fold one-half over the other and cut out with a biscuit cutter. Let rise until light and bake. This dough can be kept several days in the ice box and a piece pinched off and rolled out when wanted. Mrs. Minnie Lou Davis, Paradise. REFRIGERATOR ROLLS. 1 cake compressed yeast 1 cup mashed potatoes 1-2 cup lukewarm water 1 cup scalded milk 2-3 cup shortening. 2 well beaten eggs 1-2 cup sugar 6 cups flour 1 tsp. salt Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water. Scald the milk and add the short- ening, sugar, salt and mashed potatoes. When cool add the dissolved yeast and eggs and mix well. Stir in enough flour to make a stiff dough, turn out on a floured board and knead well. Place the dough in a large bowl, rub the top with melted shortening, cover and place in refrigerator. About an hour before baking time, pinch off dough, shape into rolls and place them in greased muffin tins or on baking sheet. Cover and let them rise until light. Bake in a hot oven, 425 degrees for 15 or 20 minutes. Mrs. N. R. Jessee, Chico. CORN BREAD. 1 cup flour, 4 tsp baking powder 1 egg 1 cup corn meal 1-4 cup melted butter 1-4 cup sugar 1 cup sweet milk 1-2 tsp. salt Mix all ingredients. Bake 25 minutes in a moderate oven. Mrs. R. S. Green, Durham. EVER READY DENVER ROLLS. Scald 1 pt. sweet milk or milk and water, 1-2 of each; remove from fire and add: 1-2 cup mashed potatoes; 1-2 cup lard, let cool. Tc 1 qt. flour add: 1-2 cup sugar, 3-4 t salt, 1-2 t soda, 1 t baking powder; to this add milk mixture and 1-2 cake yeast dissolved in 1-2 glass warm water: add enough more flour to make soft dough, work on board until it will not stick. When needed pinch off small pieces, let rise 1 hour or more; bake in hot oven; dough will keep in cool place week or more. Mrs. G. A. Young, Orland Grange. TESTED RECIPES ""Page 25 NUT BREAD. 1 egg well beaten 4 tsp. baking powder 1 cup sugar 1 cup nut meats 1 1-2 cups sweet milk pinch of salt 4 cups flour vanilla Let stand 20 minutes before baking; bake 1 hour. Sarah Compton, Durham. BUTTERSCOTSCH REFRIGERATOR COOKIES. 1 cup shortening, 1-2 butter 1 tsp. soda 2 cups brown sugar 1 tsp. cream of tartar 2 eggs 2 t sour cream 3 1-2 cups flour 1 tsp. vanilla 1-4 tsp. salt 1 cup finely chopped nuts Sarah Compton, Durham. NUT BREAD 4 cups flour 1 tsp. salt 4 tsp. baking powder 1 1-2 cup nut meats 1 cup sugar 2 cups milk 1 ^gg Sift dry ingredients. Beat eggs in milk, add to dry ingredients, add nuts chopped; leave set 20 minutes. Bake 55 minutes at 300 degrees. Mrs. Barbara Hunter, Gridley Grange No. 457, Gridley, Cal. CORN CAKE (425 degrees) 3-4 cup corn meal 1-2 tsp. salt 1 1-4 cups flour 1 egg, well beaten 1-4 cup sugar 1 cup milk 4 tsp. baking powder , 2 tbsp. melted fat Mix and sift dry ingredients, add egg, well beaten; milk and melted fat. Beat. Mrs. E. L. Holmes, Palermo Grange. CORN BREAD. 1 large tbsp. butter; 1-2 cup sugar; 2 eggs, creamed together; 1 1-2 cups milk; 2 cups flour and 1 cup full of corn meal; 3 tsp. of baking pow- der and 1-2 tsp. salt. Bake in a bread pan in moderate oven. Mrs. W. L. Bedford, Los Molinos, Cal BANANA BREAD. 1-2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 3 bananas 2 cups flour 1 tsp. soda pinch salt 1-4 cup walnuts, chopped Cream shortening, add sugar, gradually creaming until well blended. Beat eggs well and stir into creamed mixture. Beat in mashed bananas. Sift together flour, soda and salt; stir in with fruit and nuts. Bake in moderate over 40 to 55 minutes. Mrs. Daisy Jones, Los Molinos. BJiUiama "New Things While New" 320 MAIN STREET CHICO CALIF. Cash Mercantile Stores Co. DRY GOODS READY TO WEAR MEN'S FURNISHINGS NOTIONS AND SHOES "A Safe Place to Trade A Sure Place to Save" "We Make Shoes a Specialty" Corning, Calif. TRY Shuberts Sherbets Ice Cream and Ice Milk SUPER-CREAMED ICE CREAM 178 East 7th Street Phone 1017 CHICO CALIF. YOU WILL BE REALLY PLEASED WHEN YOU HAVE A PERMANENT WAVE AT White Palace Beauty Shop 324 Main Street Phone 335 CHICO CALIF. TESTED RECIPES Page 27 BUNS. Take 4 cups lukewarm milk, 1-2 cup sugar, 2 tsp. salt, 1 cake Fleish- man's yeast. Let stand for 15 minutes. Then add 4 tbsp. of melted shortening and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Lst rise. Then make it into buns or tea rolls. ICE BOX ROLLS. 1 cape of compressed yeast; 3 cups of milk or 2 cups of milk and 1 cup of potato water. Put milk in pan; let come to boiling point; add 3 tbsp. of lard; let cool, then add 3 tbsp. of sugar, 1 tbsp. of salt, then yeast cake. Stir enough flour in to make stiff batter; put in ice box. When ready to make out roll for dinner, make them out about an hour before time to bake. Let rise. Bake about 15 minutes in 450-degree oven. Elizabeth McDonald, Gerber, Cal., El Camino Grange 462 SOFT GINGER BREAD. 1-2 cup sugar. 1 scant tsp. soda. 1-2 cup molasses. 1 tsp. cinnamon. 1 cup flour. 1-2 tsp. ginger. 1-4 cup shortening. 1-2 tsp. allspice. 1-2 cup boiling water added last. Mix sugar, shortening, molasses and add flour with spices and soda and last add hot water. Bake. Mrs. Minnie Mudd, Orland Grange. BUTTERSCOTCH BREAD. 2 eggs. 1 tsp. baking powder. 2 cups brown sugar. 1-2 tsp. salt. 3 tbsp. melted shortening. 2 cups sour milk. 4 cups flour. 1 cup chopped walnut meats. 1 tsp. soda. Beat eggs, add sugar and shortening and beat well together. Sift flour and measure and sift with salt, soda and baking powder, add to egg mixture alternately with the milk. Add nut meats. Pour into greased loaf pans and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) 45 minutes. This makes two loaves. Mrs. W. D. Coles, Los Molinos. SOFT GINGER BREAD. 1-4 cup butter. 1 3-4 cups flour. 1-2 cup sugar. 1 tsp. soda. 1 egg. 1 tsp. cinnamon. 1-2 cup milk. 2 tsp. ginger. 1-2 cup molasses. 1-4 tsp. salt. Cream butter, add sugar, slightly beaten egg. Sift dry ingredients together and mix alternately with the liquids. Stir until smooth. Pour into an oiled pan. Bake 30 minutes. M. C. Walker, Westside Grange, Red Bluff. Pies PIE CRUST. 1 cp flour; 1-3 cup lard; salt size of a pea; water enough to fold together. Mrs. W. L. Bedford, Los Molinos, Cal. LEMON SPONGE PIE. Cream 1 cup sugar, 1 tbsp. butter, 2 heaping tsp. flour. Add juice and rind of 1 lemon, 2 well beaten yolks of eggs, 1 cup sweet milk. Last add stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in raw pie shell in moderate oven. Mrs. Nellie Anderson, Los Molinos, Cal. APRICOT DAINTIES^ Bake individual crust, fill with custard. 1-4 cup sugar, 1 tbsp. corn starch, 1-8 tsp. salt. Add 1 cup scalded milk, stirring constantly until slightly thickened. Add 2 egg yolks beaten, cook 1 minute, add 1-4 tsp. vanilla. Cover with Mash 1-2 cup drained cooked apricots; stir in 3 tbsp. sugar; 1-2 tsp. lemon juice. Beat 2 egg whites stiff and apricot mixture. Beat until meringue holds shape. If necessary add more sugar. Mrs. Nellie Anderson, Los Molinos, Cal. LEMON PIE. :' 11-2 cups sugar; 6 tbsp. corn starch; 1 1-2 cups boiling water; 3 egg yolks; 1 cooled baked 9_inch pie shell; 3 tbsp. butter; 4 tbsp. lemon juice; 1 1-2 tbsp. grated lemon rind. If you wish a filling that will hold its shape when cut, use 7 tbsp. corn starch instead of 6. Mrs. Minnie Lou Davis, Paradise. HOT WATER PIE CRUST. 1-2 cup shortening, 1-4 cup boiling water; 1 1-2 cups sifted flour; 1-2 tsp. baking powder; 1-2 tsp. salt. Pour boiling water over shortening and beat until creamy. Sift in the flour, baking powder and salt. Stir together. Roll out to 1-8 inch thickness on lightly floured board. This recipe makes two 9-inch crusts. Mrs. Perry Bledsoe. CHESS PIE. 3 eggs (save whites of two); 1 cup sugar; 1 cup bread crumbs; 1 t butter; 1-2 cup chopped raisins; water to thin. Heat mixture and add lemon favoring. Baked Crust Beat whites for top of pie. Put in oven to brown. Mrs. R. L. Johnston, Biggs Grange. PRINCE OF WALES PIE. Line a pie pan with pastry dough raw, cover the bottom thickly with finely chopped pared raw apples. Take the yolks of 2 eggs and cream them with 1-2 cup of sugar as for a sponge cake, and add 2 melted tbsp. of butter, creaming again. Add 1 cup of milk and pour the whole over the apples in pie crust. Lattice top with strips of raw pastry dough, and bake 35 minutes in a slow oven. Then make a meringue from the stiffly beaten whiles of the 2 eggs and 4 tbsp. powdered sugar with a few chorjped nuts added. Drop in teaspoonf uls over the top of pie; brown lightly. Mrs. L. O. Rodney, Durham No. 460. TESTED RECIPES Page 29 1 1 APRICOT CREAM PIE. Line a 9-inch pie plate with pastry, sprinkle 1_3 cup sugar over bottom, and 1-4 cup flour over the sugar. Place a layer of canned apricots (sweetened) on, top of flour, then sprinkle with 1-3 cup of sugar, then 1-4 cup of flour and pour the cream over all and sprinkle with a little cinnamon. Be cure to cover the flour as it will float on top. Do not stir flour and cream together. Bake in a slow oven until custard is set. If baked too fast will turn to whev. Mrs. W. O. Rhoades, Durham, Cal. CARAMEL PIE. 2 cups brown sugar: 1 tbsp. butter; 1 1-2 cups sweet milk: 2 tbsp. flour; 1 tbsp. vanilla; 2 egg yolks. Mix all ingredients, cook until thick, then pour into baked pie crust and cover with meringue. Place in oven until delicately brown. Mrs. Joy Eschliman, Glenn, Cal. SOUR CREAM RAISIN PIE. 1-2 cup cooked raisins; 1 cup sour cream; 1 cup sugar: 1 tsp. cloves; tsp. cinnamon, 2 tbsp. corn starch or flour; 2 eggs, whites reserved. Bake in. one crust. Mrs. Joy Eschliman, Glenn Cal. PIE CRUST WITH HOT WATER. (Ingredients for 2 double pies) 3 cups flour; 1-2 tsp. baking pow- der; 2-3 cup hot water; 1 cup lard; 3-4 tsp. salt. Pour hot water over lard and mix well. Sift flour, salt and bak- ing powder together. Pour lard and water into flour slowly while stirring it in with a spoon. Slightly chill before making into pies. Luella Mattoon, Los Molinos. LEMON SUNNY SILVER PIE. 4 eggs; 1 cup sugar; 1-2 tsp. gelatine; 1_2 tsp. lemon juice; 1-3 cup boiling water, 1-4 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. lemon extract. Beat egg yolks until thick, add 1-2 cup sugar, beating constantly, then cook in double boiler until creamy. Soak gelatine in lemon juice for five minutes and dissolve in boiling water and add gelatine and salt to egg mixture and cool. Beat egg whites, remaining sugar and flavor- ing into a meringue and fold, into egg yolk mixture. Pour into baked shell and chill at least 4 hours. Top with whipped cream. Helen Armour. RHUBARB PIE. 31-2 cups of rhubarb cut in 1-2 inch lengths; 1 1-4 cups sugar: 1 tbsp. water; 1 1-2 tbsp. topioca Combine rhubarb, sugar, water and tapioca, let stand while pie crust is made. Fill pie shell with rhubarb and moisten edges with water and lattice with thin pie crust cut in 1-2 inch strips. Bake. Mrs. C. L. Irish. Westside Grange, Red Bluff. PUMPKIN CHIFFON PIE. 1 cup brown sugar; 3 egg yolks; 1 cup canned pumpkin; 1 cup milk: 1 tisp. cinnamon, 1-2 tsp. ginger; 1-4 tsp. allspice; 1-2 tsp. salt. Soak 1 tbsp. gelatine in 1_4 cup cold water for 5 minutes. Add softened gelatin.e to hot cooked mixture and cool. When the mixture begins to congeal, fold in 3 egg whites beaten stiff and dry; 2 tbsp. C. & H. MARKET A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruits, Vegetables, Groceries and Meats Red Bluff California Phone 533 543 Walnut Street Fine Groceries Reasonably Priced JOE E. HILL, Owner Phone 40 Corning California J. C. PENNEY CO. Department Stores 412 Walnut Street Red Bluff California Safeway Stores DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE Economical Food Distributors Corning California TESTED RECIPES Page 31 sugar, 1 to 2 tsp. orange juice and a little grated rind. One may put this mixture in a cooked and cooled pie shell or it may be used as a pudding. In| both cases, whipped cream should be used. It is nice with chopped nuts sprinkled over the whipped cream. Mrs. Alice Thompson, Wyandotte Grange. GREEN TOMATO PIE. Scald sliced green tomatoes in salted water 2 minutes, drain well; line pan with pie dough; sprinkle with raisins; add the drained toma- toes. Sift together 1 heaping tbsp. sifted flour, 3-4 cup sugar. Pour over tomatoes, dot with butter and a few drops of lemon juice. Put on top crust, press edges together. Strip of wet cloth around the edge will keep it sealed and juice in. Elizabeth Stevenson. VIENNA PASTRY. 2 cups sifted flour; 4 tsp. Royal baking powder (or 2 tsp. double acting) ; 1 tsp. salt; 3 tbsp. shortening; 3-4 cup milk; 1 egg yolk beaten in the milk. *Mix and roll 1-4 inch thick, cut in squares and put dried apricots or peaches, cooked and sweetened, in center of each. Pinch all four corners together and bake. Elizabeth Stevenson. RAISIN PIE. 2 cups raisins, 1-2 cup sugar cook until raisins are done. Thicken with corn starch. Then add tbsp. butter and tsp. vanilla. Fill baked crust; whipped cream 'on top. Naomi Green, Elk Creek. LEMON PINEAPPLE PIE. 1 cup water, 1 cup grated pineapple, 2 lemons, 1 1-2 cups sugar, 2 large tbsp. flour, 1-2 tsp. salt, 4 eggs, cream, sugar and yolks of eggs. Add flour, water, pineapple, salt, juice and grated rind of lemons. Put in double boiler. Cook until thick and pour in baked pie shell. Beat the whites of eggs stiff; add 1 tbsp. of sugar, 1-4 tsp. cream tartar and put on top of pie and brown. Mrs. H. E. Bachman, Chico. CHESS PIE. Filling 1 cup sugar, 1-2 cup butter, creamed together; 1 cup chop- ped walnuts, 1 cup raisins, 1 whole egg and yolks of 2 eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla cream all together. Line gem pans with rich pie crust; fill each one with filling and bake until brown; beat the 2 egg whites stiff with 2 tbsp. of sugar. Put on pies and brown. Mrs. H. E. Bachman, Chico. MARSHMALLOW PIE. 1-2 Ib. marshmallows, 1_2 cup milk. Melt the above in a double boiler and cool before adding 1 cup of cream, whipped. Take 10 graham crackers and crush them with a roll- ing pin. Sprinkle the crumbs over the bottom of a pie plate, covering the sides as nearly as possible. Puf in the marshmallow mixture, then sprinkle the remaining crumbs on top. Let stand in refrigerator or in a cool place before serving. This pie is "beyond words of expression." Sadie C. Laws, Chico Grange. SOUR CREAM PIE. Mix together 1 cup sugar, 1 cup chopped raisins, 1 cup sour cream, 1 well beaten egg, 1-2 tsp. cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, 1.4 tst>. cloves, 1 tsp. vinegar. Bake in two crusts. Annie McCallam, Biggs. Page 32 TESTED RECIPES RHUBARB PIE DELUXE. (Six servings) 2 eggs, 1 tsp, vanilla, 4 tsp. salt, 2 cups sugar, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1-3 cup flour, 1 quart sliced rhubarb. Beat eggs, vanilla and salt light. Add sugar, baking powder and flour mixed together. Stir urxtil well combined, then add rhubarb. Pour into a pastry lined pie tin. Bake in a hot oven (400 degrees F.) until crust is set; then reduce heat to 350 degrees until rhubarb is tender and pie is lightly browned. Mrs. Ed Clark, Chico Grange, No. 486. PINEAPPLE MERINGUE PIE. 1 scant 1-2 cup sugar; 2 tbsp. corn starch; 1-2 cup pineapple juice; 1-8 tsp. salt; 1 1-2 cups hot water; 2 egg yolks. Mix dry ingredients all together. Pour in the hot water and pine- apple juice, add egg yolks beaten. Return to stove and cook until thick. When done, cool and add 1 cup grated pineapple, 1-2 tsp. van- illa. Pour into baked pie crust, and cover with egg whites beaten with 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Mrs, Mabel Stephens. LEMON CAKE PIE. Blend together 1 cup sugar an^d 1 tbsp. butter. Stir in well the yolk of 2 eggs, 1 cup milk, 2 tbsp. of flour, and juice and grated rind of two lemons. Then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs. Pour into crust and bake in slow oven. The top will be like sponge cake and bottom a custard. Mrs, W. L. Entler, Chico. LEMON PIE. Mix 1 cup sugar, 3 tbsp. flour. Add 2 cupfuls cold water and yolks of 2 eggs beaten to a cream. Cook until thick and add the juice of one lemon and part of the grated rind of lemon. Pour into baked crust. Cover with meringue. By mixing the flour with sugar it dissolves more readily. Jessie Silver. LEMON CREAM PIE. Cook carefully stirring all the time the beaten yolks of 4 eggs, 1-2 cup sugar, juice and grated rind of one large lemon. When thick add the stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs and fill pie crust (already baked). Make frosting of two remaining whites, add a little lemon flavor and sugar; spread over pie and put in hot oven to brown quickly. Annie McCallam, Biggs. HONEY MERINGUE. 4 tbsp. honey, 2 tsp. soft butter. 2 egg whites, few grains salt. Cream honey and butter together until creamy, beat egg whites and salt until ttiff, then fold in honey and butter. Spread on pie and brown in the oven. Mrs. Frank Merrifield, Durham Grange, No. 460. GRAPENUT PIE. 1-2 cup grapenuts, 2 cups milk, 1-3 cup sugar, 3 tbsp. corn starch, 3 egg yolks, beaten. Meringue: 3 egg whites, beaten until stiff and dry; 3 tbsp. sugar; 1-2 tsp. baking powder; 1-2 tsp. vanilla. Soak grapenuts in a little water. Heat milk. Blend sugar, corn starch, add beaten egg yolks and grapenuts to milk and cook in double boiler. Place in a baked pie crust. Drop meringue on lightly with a tablespoon. Brown in a moderate oven. Veronica Brereton Henderson, Palermo Grange TESTED RECIPES Page 33 HAWAIIAN PIE. Put in top of double boiler. 1 cup sugar, 7 tbsp. corn starch. Blend in 1 1-2 cups hot milk. Cook until mixture thickens, then blend in 1 tbsp. butter, yolk of 3 eggs, juice of 2 lemons, 2 tbsp. grated lemon rind, 2 tbsp. cocoanut and 1 small can crushed pineapple. Cook 2 minutes longer, then remove from over boiling water and cool. Pour into a cooled baked pie shell and cover with meringue. Made by beating the 3 egg whites with 1-4 tsp. cream of tartar until stiff, then gradually add 6 tbsp. sugar, continuing beating until the mixture is stiff and glossy. Pile meringue lightly on the pie filling. Bake 15 to 20 minutes in a slow oven (300 degrees). Mrs. J. P. Burton, Independent Grange, 470, Corning, Cal. CHOCOLATE SUNDAE PIE. Heat 1 1-2 cups milk, add 3 egg yolks beaten, 1-2 cup sugar, and cook until creamy. Soak 1 tbsp. gelatine in 3 tbsp. water, stir in milk while hot. When cool and partially set add 1-2 tea nutmeg, 1 tsp. vanilla, pinch salt, 3 egg whites beaten stiff and fold in, pour in baked pie shell. When ready to serve cover with whipped cream with grated choc- olate on top. Mrs. Nellie Anderson, Los Molinos, Cal. LEMON PIE. Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon; 1-2 cup of sugar; yolks of 3 eggs. Beat eggs and add sugar and lemon juice and cook until quite thick, then mix with whites of 3 eggs, beaten stiff but not dry. Add scant 1_2 cup sugar and b.eat until like marshmallows. Mrs. L. A. McDonald, Gerber, Cal., El Camino Grange, No. 462. LEMON MERINGUE PIE. 1-2 cup water; 7 tbsp. corn starch; 1 1-2 cups water; 1 1-4 cups sugar; 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten; 1 lemon (grated rind and juice); 1 tbsp. butter; 1 baked pie shell. Mix 1-2 cup water and corn starch to thin nqste. Combine 1 1-2 cups water and sugar in top of double boiler and bring to boil over direct heat. Add cornstarch paste and cook until mixture begins to thicken; return to double boiler and continue cooking until thick and smooth (15 minutes). Pour over slightly beaten egg yolks; return to double boiler, and cook 1 minute longer. Add lemon rind and juice and but- ter and blend well. Cool and pour into pie shell. Top with meringue made with 3 egg whites, 9 tbsp. sugar and 1 tst>. lemon juice. Mildred L. Koth, Corning, Cal., El Camino Grange. No. 462. SOUR CREAM RAISIN PIE. Break 3 eggs into a bowl and beat up, then add 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup sour cream. 1 cup raising, pinch of salt. Bake in unbaked pie shell: flavor Bake slow. Mrs. Tessie Reynolds, Westside Grange, No. 473. LEMON PIE. 2 egg yolks, well beaten: 1 cup sugar: butter size of walnut; juice of 1 lemon, strained; 2 level tbsp. corn starch: 1 m'nt boiling wafer. Mix all together and cook in double boiler until thick and pour in baked pie shell. Frost wilh meringue made of 2 egg whites beaten stiff; add gradually 4 tbsp. of sugar. Brown in. ov^n. Mrs. W. D. Coles, Los Molinos. Page 34 TESTED RECIPES ZWIEBACH PIE (TESTED) 1 box zweibach toasted, ground; reserve 1-2 cup for top; 1-2 cup sugar; 1-2 cup butter; 1 tsp. cinnamon. Melt butter and sugar together add ground -zwiebach and cinnamon and spread on bottom of pie tins. Then cook together the following: 4 cups milk, 4 level tbsp. flour, 6 egg yolks, 11-2 cups sugar. Pour cooked custard over zwiebach in the pie tins. Beat the egg whites of 6 eggs; add 1-2 cup sugar and spread over top of pie. Sprinkle remaining 1_2 cup zwiebach crumbs on top and bake in a slow oven 20 minutes. Makes 2 pies. Mrs. G. W. Langenderfer, Gerber, Cal. CHESS PIE. 1 cup white sugar. 5 tbsp. milk. 1-2 cup brown sugar. 1 cup raisins. 1-3 cup butter 1-2 cup walnuts (grind these). 3 eggs. Mix well and bake in pie crust. Nut Filling. 5 egg yolks, 1 cup cream. 1 cup ground nuts, 1 cup sugar. Mix to- gether and cook in double boiler until thick. Alta Haskell, Elk Creek Grange. Pickles KENNEBUNK PICKLES. Chop fine 21bs. green tomatoes, 2 Ibs. red tomatoes, 1 small head cabbage, 2 green peppers, 2 sweet peppers, 1 quart onions, 1 bun.oh celery. Let stand overnight in 6 tbsp. salt, drain off juice in morning. Add 1 quart vinegar, 3 cups dark brown sugar. Tie in bag 1 stick cin- namon, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. dry mustard. Simmer all for half hour, then seal in, jars. M. C. Walker, Westside Grange, Red Bluff. GREEN TOMATO MINCE MEAT. Chop 4. qts. green tomatoes and twice by pouring boiling water over teem let stand until cool drain. Chop 4 qts. tart green apples, 5 Ibs. sugar, 2 tbsp. salt, 2 cups chopped seeded raisins, 1 cup minced suet, 1 Ib. citron, 1-2 Ibs each of lemon and orange peel chopped. Cook very slowly (all together) until ingredients are tender: add 1 cup vinegar, juice of 1 lemon, 2 tbsp. each of cloves, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. Seal in jars. Mrs. Emma O. Wait, Glenn, Cal., Jacinto Grange, No. 431. GREEN TOMATO PICKLES. 1 gal. green tomatoes, 3 cups brown sugar, 1-2 doz. large onions, 1-2 lemons, 3 pods red peppers, 1 tbsp. mustard seed, 1 tbsp. allspice, 1 tbsp. celery seed, 1 tbsp. whole cloves, 1 tbsp. ground mustard, 3 cups vinegar, 1 tbsp. whole black pepper. Slice tomatoes and onions thin Sprinkle with 1-2 cup salt and let stand over night in crock or enameled vessel. Tie all spices in a cheese cloth bag. Slice the lemon and chop the pepper pods very fine. Drain the tomatoes and onions well. Add all seasoning except one pspper pod to the vinegar; bring to full boil, then add the tomatoes and onions and cook slowly for 12 or 12 minutes, stirring verv carefully. Remove spice bag to prevent darkening of the product. Pack in sterilized jars and garnish with strips of the red pepper. Seal immediately. Mrs. Emma A. Wait, Glenn. Cal.. Jacinto Grange No. 431 g APPLE CRYSTALS. Select firm apples, such as Winesaps, etc. Make syrup, 2 cups sugar to 1 cup water; stir over a slow fire until dissolved, then bring to a boil. Have ready apples, pared, cored and cut into rounds. Drop about a dozen pieces at a time in the boiling syrup, allow to cook gently until transparent and can be pierced with a straw. Remove and place on an oiled paper and allow to remain for 24 hours. Then roll in granulated sugar, and roll twice again at intervals of 24 hours. Allow to dry until so dry no moisture exudes and they have a dry crystalline appearance. Then pack and keep in cool dry place. This syrup makes about five dozen. Add 1-4 cup hot water after each dozen to keen syrup the- same. Mrs. Alice N. Cobb, Paradise. COLD CATSUP. 4 qts. ripe tomatoes, 2 cups chopped onions. 1 cup grated horse- radish, 3 stalks celery, 1 tbsp. mustard, 1-2 cup salt, 6 green peppers, 1-2 cup sugar and vinegar to thin; 1 tbsp. black pepper, 1 tbsp. cloves. 1 tbsp. cinnamon. Mix well and bottle. Mrs. R. L. Johnston. Biggs Grange. GREETINGS FROM PALERMO HOME 1 ECONOMICS CLUB j J, C PENNEY CO, | ; Home of Good Values Orland California HIGHTOWER'5 GROCERY j Where Patrons ALWAYS Get FULL VALUE and Prompt, Courteous Service 219 Fourth Street Telephone 71 Orland California " . . "^~~ I FRESHER BAKERY PRODUCTS ORLAND BAKING CO. Orland California I TESTED RECIPES Page 37 MARASCHINO CHERRIES. 6 Ibs. Royal Anne cherries, 6 Ibs. sugar, 1 oz. almond flavor, 1 oz. red coloring. Weigh cherries after pitting; let cherries and sugar boil 1 minute; add flavor and boil 10 minutes. Remove from fire, add color- ing. Fill small jars and seal. If cherries are very ripe 8 minutes will be long enough to cook but finished product will not be as firm as if greener fruit were used. Mrs. Frank Grout, Independent Grange, Corning. HOMEMADE MUSTARD. 1-2 cup vinegar, 2 eggs (beaten), 2 tbsp. mustard, 1-2 cup cream, 1-4 t salt. Beat all together and pour into boiling vinegar. Let boil until thick as cream. Mrs. R. L. Johnston, Biggs Grange. ORANGE CRANBERRY RELISH. 1 large orange, 1 Ib. cranberries, 2 cups sugar. Grind rind and pulp and cranberries and mix well. Mrs. P. L. Mulford, Elk Creek, Cal. DILL PICKLES. Pack large cucumbers in jars with dill, 1 clove of garlic and 2 or 3 red peppers on bottom and top of jars. Add a pinch of alum to top of each jar to keep pickles crisp. Then pour the following liquid over dills: 3-4 cup salt, 1 qt. vinegar, 3 qts. water, brought to a boil, seal. Let stand 6 weeks or longer before using. Mrs. E. C. Apfel, Biggs Grange. No. 459. TOMATO CATSUP. 8 qts. tomatoes and 3 peppers. Boil until soft enough to put through a sieve; add 1 Ib. sugar, 1 pt. vinegar, 1-2 cup salt, ! tsp. each of ground cloves and cinnamon, a pinch of cayenne pepper if desired hot. (Put spices in a bag.) Cook all together slowly for 15 minutes and bottle. Mrs. E. C. Apfel, Biggs Grange, No. 459. CUCUMBER CHIPS OR BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES. Use fresh green cucumbers cut crosswise unpeeled. Prepare light brine 1-2 Ib salt in 1 gal. water. Cover and let stand over night. Drain and make a liquor of equal volume of vinegar and water and scald pickles 10 minutes and drain. Dissolve 6 Ibs. brown sugar in 1 qt. of water and 3 qts. vinegar, add 1 tbsp. mustard seed, 1 tbsp. celery seed. 1 tbsp. ground tumeric. Drain, pack in jars. Bring vinegar to a boil and pour hot over pickles and seal. Mrs. Wm. Vanderly, Los Molinos. INDIAN RELISH. 12 apples, 12 ripe tomatoes, 9 small onions chop. 1 qt. vinegar, 2 1-2 cups sugar, 1-2 cup salt, 1 ^tsp cloves, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 ,tsp gin- ger, 1 tsp.mustard. 1 tsp. pepper. Mix all together and boil until slight- ly thick. Seal. Mrs. Ed Clark, Chico Grange, No. 486. CHOW CHOW. 1 Head celery, heart and all; 3 qts. green tomatoes, 1 doz. onions, 4 red bell peppers, 4 green bell peppers. Grind all together and salt over night. In the morning drain, add 2 qts. vinegar, 5 cups sugar, 1-2 cups mustard seed, 1 tbsp. celery seed. In a bag add 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. allspice, 1 tsp. nutmeg. Cook 20 minutes and seal. Mrs. J. Lester Jobe, Independent, No. 470. Page 38 TESTED RECIPES MOTHER'S PICKLES. 1-2 peck green tomatoes, 8 large onions, 3 green peppers, 3 red pep- pers, 3-4 cup salt, 1 Ib. sugar, 1 oz. white mustard seed, 1_2 oz. celery seed, whole cloves a few, 11-2 qts. vinegar. Slice vegetables, sprinkle with salt and let stand over night. In the morning drain and put in a kettle with 1 pt. vinegar and 1 qt. water. Cook 15 minutes. Drain again, add 1 qt. vinegar, sugar, mustard, celery seed and a few whole cloves. Cook for 30 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars and seal while hot. Mrs. H. E. Bachman, Chico. UNCOOKED CHOW CHOW. 1 peck (8 qts.) green tomatoes; 2 large heads cabbage; 4 red pep- pers, 4 green peppers 2 hot ones, 1 bunch celery, 3 large onions. Chop five, add one cup salt and set over night, drain or squeze dry next day and add 2 qts. vinegar, 2 Ibs. sugar (white), 1 tbsp. cinnamon and cloves each, 2 tbsp. mustard; add more vinegar if this is not enough to cover well keep in stone jar or other container. Will keep all winter or longer. Mrs. W. L. Entler, Chico. SWEET PICKLES. 7 pounds sliced cucumbers put in salt brin-e (strong enough to float an egg) two days, then freshen in cold water one day. Drain and place in large kettle and cover with one pint vinegar 2 qt. water, add 1 tbsp. alum dissolved in cup of hot water. Simmer (not boil) until an amber color. Fill in jars and cover with syrup. Syrup 5 Ibs. sugar, 3 pts. vinegar, 1 1-2 ozs. of pickling spices, or spices to taste. Boil 15 minutes. Cucumbers must be sliced or the ends cut off or else they will not be crisp. Anna R. Gackstetter. COLD PICKLES. Fill a 1-2 gallon jar half full of small pickles; add 1-2 cup sugar, 1-2 cup musHtard, and a scant 1-2 cup salt. Fill jar to top with cold vinegar, and seal. Mrs. E. A. Stubbs. Gerber, Cal., Grange No. 462. DILL PICKLES. 2 cups water, 1 cup vinegar, 2 tbsp. salt. Boil together and pour Dver cucumbers which have been washed and packed in jars w'ith dill plant or seed. Seal while hot. This amount is for 1-2 gal. jar. If the jar is not full add boiling 'water. Anna R. Gackstetter. DILL PICKLES. Place 100 medium sized cucumbers in salt water over night, using 1 1-2 cups salt to 4 qts. water. Boil 10 qts. of water, 1 qt. vinegar and 2 cups of salt. Let stand over night. In morning drain cucumbers and place in jars in layers separated by dill. Cover with brine and seal. Mrs. Ernma A. Wait, Glenn, Cal., Jacinto Grange, No. 431. RED AND GREEN PEPPER RELISH. 1 doz. red peppers, 1 doz. green peppers, 1 doz. small white onions. Grind. Let stand in boiling water five minutes. Drain. Let stand in boiling water ten minutes. Drain. Heat 2 cups sugar, 1 qt. vinegar, 3 tbsp salt. Pour over peppers and onions. Boil for 15 minutes. Seal hot. Mrs. W. L. Shields, Biggs Grange No. 459. TESTED RECIPES Page 39 SUNSHINE PICKLES. 1 tbsp. vinegar, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. mustard, 1-2 tsp. alum or a little less. Fill 1 qt. jar with cucumbers. Add mixture and fill jar with vinegar. These are very good and keep well. Mrs. Percy Stark, Independent Grange, Corning, Cal SWEET PICKLES. Select 50 or 75 cucumbers (4 to 5 inches long). Wash and cover with a brine made by adding 1 pt. of salt to 1 gai. water. Let stand one week. Skim off scum as it forms. Drain and cover with boiling water to which add 1 tbsp. alum and let stand 24 hours. Split in half. Cover with boiling water and let stand 24 hours. Remove to a crock and cover with the following liquid: Boiling hot, 1_2 oz. of celery seeds> 1-2 oz. of cassia buds, 1-2 oz. stick cinnamon and 6 cups sugar, 5 pts vinegar. Let stand a week and for the first 3 consecutive mornings drain off, heat to boiling with 1 cup sugar. (Heat to boiling point with- out more sugar the remaining 4 days of the week). Pack in glass jars and cover with the boiling liquid and seal. Mrs. A. F. Hamm. Westside Grange, Red Bluff. TOMATO CATSUP. Select ripe tomatoes of deep red color. Cook thoroughly and put through a collander to remove seeds and skins. For each gallon of pulp use 2 tbsp. of salt, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. each of cloves, allspice, cinna- mon and pepper, 2 small red peppers, cut fine; 1 pt. of vinegar, 4 tbsp. of ground paprika. Tie the whole spices in a bag of cheese cloth and add other ingredients except vinegar. The paprika gives flavor and a bright red color. May be omitted. Cook until almost thick enough and add vinegar; continue cooking until thick as desired. Pour in well sterilized bottles and seal. Mrs. Mary Lauer, Los Molinos. FRENCH PICKLES. 25 to 30 small cucumbers sliced thin; 3-4 qts. onions sliced thin; 3-4 cup salt. Arrange cucumbers and onions in alternate layers. Cover with salt, let stand 1 hour. Wash in cold water and drain, 'then make a dressing of the following: 3 cups sugar, 2 tsp. ginger, 2 tsp. mustard seed, 2 tsp. celery seed, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. pepper, 1 qt. vinegar. Mix these ingredients and warm. When fairly warm add cucumbers and onions. Bring to a boil and can. Mrs. Evelyn M. Crawford. Durham Grange No. 460. SOY. 2 gallons green tomatoes, 12 good sized onions, 2 qts. vinegar, 2 qts. sugar, 2 tbsp. sail, 1 tbsp pepper, 1 tbsp. cloves and allspice. Grind tomatoes and onions. Combine with other ingredients and cook until tender. Seal in glass jars. Beatrice Harlow. Palermo Grange, No. 493. DILL PICKLES. Put in the bottom of jar some dill horseradish roots or leaves and a clove of garlic, then fill jar with cucumbers, then put dill horseradish and garlic on top of pickles. Then take 1-2 gal. of boiling water, 1-2 cup salt, 1 cup vinegar put over pickles while hot. This makes about 1 gal. of pickles; seal up. Mrs. Kate Ray nor. Biggs Grange, No. 459. Page 40 TESTED RECIPES BEST EVER MUSTARD PICKLES. 24 green cucumbers, 6 green peppers, 3 heads of cauliflower, 1 qt. small white onions, 2 qts. green tomatoes, 3 qts. of vinegar, 1 oz. celery seed, 1 cup flour, 4 cups sugar, 1-2 Ib ground mustard. 1-2 oz. tumeric, 3 cups salt. Cut cucumbers, cauliflower and tomatoes into small pieces. Chop onions and peppers (without the seeds) together. Put all together and let stand over night with the salt and a little water. In the morning scald in the same water, then drain and throw the water away. Mix thoroughly the flour, sugar, mustard, tumeric and celery seed, then slowly stir in- one quart of the vinegar. Put the rest of the vinegar on the stove until scalding hot, then pour the vinegar mixture in slowly; stir constantly to keep from sticking while boiling for a few minutes. Put the chopped pickles in jars and pour this boiled dressing over them. If desired it may be made hotter by adding red chopped peppers. Mrs. Li. A.McDonald, Gerber, Cal., El Camirio Grange, No. 462. GREEN TOMATO RELISH. 3 Ibs. cabbage, 2 green peppers, 3 Ibs. green tomatoes, 1 red pepper, 3 Ibs. ripe tomatoes, 3 large onions. 2 head celery (small). Put above ingredients through food chopper. Mix with 1-2 cup salt, let stand over night. Drain. To 3 pts. vinegar add 21-2 Ibs. white sugar, 1 tsp. cin- namon, 1-2 tsp. cloves and 1-2 cup mustard seed. Add to the above prepared vegetables, cook 1 hour and seal in hot jars. Mrs. Geo. A. Wurth, Red Bluff, Cal., Westside Grange. MY KITCHEN Here I may be a Scientist Who measures as she makes, Here I may be an Artist Creating as she bakes. Here busy heart and brain and hand May feel and think and do, A kitchen is a happy place To make a dream come true Alberta Jobe, Independent No. 470 Corning, Calif. Puddings GRAHAM CRACKER ROLL. 25 graham crackers rolled, 1 cup milk, 1 cup marshmallow cut-up, 1-2 Ib. dates cut up, 1 cup cream. Put all dry ingredients together in a bowl and mix. Pour over 1 cup of whipping cream. Mould on three rolled graham crackers in a loaf and serve with cream. Mrs. Wm. Vanderly, Los Molinos. BAKED APPLE DUMPLINGS. 1 average size batch rich biscuit dough; 6 or 8 apples; 2 cups brown sugar; 2 tsp. cinnamon. Pare and dice apples, add 1 cup sugar mixed with cinnamon, roll dough about 1-2 in. thick. Spread on apples and roll as for cinnamon roll and slice about 2 in. thick and place in pan and cover with a syrup made from the cup sugar and 1-3 cup boiling water. Bake until apples are done and serve warm or cold as preferred with whipped cream. Mrs. L. E. West, Los Molinos. RICE SUPREME. Cook 1-2 cup rice until tender in salted water. Then drain and add 2 qts. milk and scald. Add 1 1-2 cups sugar and 6 tbsp. corn starch and cook 25 minutes in double boiler. Beat 10 egg yolks and add rice mix- ture to egg yolks, add butter and cook until set, then add 2 tsp. vanilla. Cool and put into dishes, mix 2 cups brown sugar and 2 small cans crushed pineapple and cook unil thick and syrupy and cool. Put on rice and add whipped cream and nuts. Mrs. Ed Ball, Willows, Cal., Elk Creek Grange. PLUM PUDDING. 1 cup chopped suet, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup milk, 3 cups raisins, 1 cup currants, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. allspice, 1 tsp. salt, 3 cps flour. Steam 2 hours. Mrs. Roy Mapes, Jacinto Grange, Glenn, Cal. BUTTERSCOTCH APPLES. 5 apples, 2-3 cup brown sugar, 1_2 cup waiter, 1-2 tsp. vanilla, 3-4 cup milk, 1-2 tbsp. corn starch, 1-8 tsp. salt, 1-2 to 1 tbsp. butter. Wash the apples and cut them into quarters, pare and core them. In to the sauce pan put the sugar and water, and heat. When the syrup boils, add the apples. Cover and boil gently until the apples are tender. Remove the apples from syrup with a skimmer or a wire egg beater, placing the fruit in sherbet glasses or other suitable dishes for serving. In another pan, mix the milk and corn starch thoroughly. Stir and cook until the mixture reaches the boiling point, then add it to the syrup in which the apples were cooked. Boil for a few minutes. Add the salt, butter and vanilla. Stir these into the mixures, then pour the sauce over the apples. Serve Butterscotch Apples hot or cold for a dessert. Mrs. Lee Garner, Chico. Page 42 TESTED RECIPES RAISIN PUDDING. Liquid part 1 cup brown sugar, 1 tbsp. butter, not melted; 2 cups hot water. Make this first. Put sugar and butter in pan over fire and stir until butter is melted; add water and boil 3 minutes. Cake part 2-3 cup brown sugar, 1 cup flour, 2 tsp. baking pow- der, 1-8 tsp. salt, 1-4 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 cup raisins, 1 cup milk. Mix all together and pour in the hot liquid and bake 1-2 hour. Serve hot or cold with whipped cream. Mrs. W. L. Entler, Chico. CARROT PUDDING. 1 cup raw carrots, grated; 1 cup raw potato grated, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup floui, 1 cup chopped raisins, 1 t cannimon, 1 t nutmeg, 1 T ground cocoa, 1 ,t soda, butter size of an egg. Cream butter and sugar. Add vegetables and flour mixed with soda, then spices and raisins. Fill pound baking powder cans 3-4 full. Set in kettle of boiling water, steam about an hour and set in oven to dry a little. Mrs. H. J. Stanley, Corning, Cal., Independent Grange. WALNUT PUDDING. 1 cup chopped English walnuts, 2-3 pkg. ground raisins, 1 cup sugar, 6 whites of eggs beaten stiff. Fold together and bake 20 minutes in moderate oven. Serve with whipppd cream. Helen Armour, Nelson, Durham No. 460. SUET PUDDING. 1 cup chopped suet, 1 1_2 cups bread crumbs, 1 cup chopped dates, 1 cup nut meats, 1 wine glass of wine or milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp.cloves, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. salt, 1 cup raisins, 1-2 tsp. soda (added last thing). Mix in order given (except for soda which is added last). Place in steamer and cook until done about 1 hour with sauce. Mrs. Evelyn M. Crawford, Durham Grange, No. 460. ORANGE PUDDING. Grind together 1 cup raisins, 1-2 lemon rind and 1 orange rind. Cream 1 cup sugar and 1-3 cup butter, add 1 well beaten egg, then all ground ingredients, 1 t soda dissolved in 1 cup sour milk, alternate with 2 cups flour. Bake in moderate oven 1-2 hour. Mrs. Geo. Young, Orland Grange. CARROT PUDDING (Very Good). 1 cup grated carrots (fine), 1 cup grated potatoes (fine and peeled), 1 cup raisins, 1 cup sugar, 1 CUD sifted flour, butter size of an egg, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves. Mix well together, put in a can large enough to allow for raising. Steam 3 hours. Serve with either crem or pudding sauce, 1-2 cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 pt. boiling water, boil, add desired flavor. Mrs. Fred Parker, Rt. 2, Box 15, Orland. Cal. CREAM PUFFS. One cup hot water, 1-2 cup butter, b<~>il; 1 cun flour stirred until it cooks, take from stove and stir to a paste, cool, stir in 3 eggs, drop on buttered tins and bake 25 min.utes. If taken from oven too soon they will. fall. 1 cup milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 3 tbsp. flour, flavor. Put this filling in after taken from ov^n. Mrs. Geo. H. Glenn, Durham, Cal., Durham Grange. TESTED RECIPES Page 43 LEMON PUFFS. Cream 1-2 cup shortening and 1-2 cup sugar. Add 2 egg yolks and 1 cup sifted flour, with 1 t baking powder and 1-4 t salt. Add alter- nately with 1-4 cup lemon juice, then, add the two stiffly beaten egg whites, bake in muffin pans 350 degrees. Myra Alice Wilson, Paradise, Cal. CUSTARD. 4 cups hot milk, 4 eggs, 1-2 cup sugar. 1_4 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat egg slightly, stir in sugar and salt, then slowly the hot milk. When dissolved add vanilla, pour in baking dish, set in pan of hot water and bake in an oven 300 degrees until firm. Phyllis Harlow, Palermo Grange. No. 493. FRESNO PUDDING. This simple little pudding sounds a bit peculiar, but it's so good and so easy and inexpensive that, once tried, it will be used over and over. No shortening or eggs are required. Sift together into a bow.: 1 cup flour, 2-3 cup sugar, 1 1-2 tsp. baking powder, 1-4 t salt. Mix with 1 cup seedless raisins and 1-2 cup of sweet milk. Spread the bat- ter in a buttered pudding dish. Heat together: 2 cups water, 1 cup brown sugar and 2 tbsp. butter. When sugar is dissolved pour over the batter and bake 350 degrees for 35 minutes. The liquid will seem en- tirely too thin, and you may think you will drown out your pudding, but don't be afraid' As it bakes, the batter rises through the syrup and mixes with it to make a delicious sauce. Serve warm with plain cream. Mrs. J. P. Burton, Independent Grange 470, Corning, Cal. CUSTARD. 1 quart of milk scalded, 5 eggs, 5 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp. vanilla, nutmeg. Scald milk in double boiler; beat whole eggs slightly, add sugar, salt, vanilla and beat until creamy. Pour the milk into this mixture and beat well. Pour all into a baking dish and sprinkle nutmeg over top. Place baking dish of custard in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven until firm. John Brereton, Palermo Grange. CARROT PUDDING. 1 cup grated raw carrots, 1 cup grated raw potatoes, 1 cup currants, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. soda, 1 cup raisins. 1 cup nuts, 1 cup flour, 1-4 tsp. cloves, l-4 t tsp. allspice. 1-2 cup citron, orange and lemon peel, candied. Mix all but nuts," flour and soda, and let stand over night. Steam 3 hours. SAUCE: 1 cup sugar, 1 tbsp. vanilla, 1 egg well beaten, 1-2 cup but- ter, 1-4 cup water. Mix and put in double boiler on back of stove. Mrs. L. Bayles. Red Bluff, Westside Grange. Soups SPLIT PEA SOUP. 1 1-2 cups dried green peas, 2 pints water, 2 tbsp. minced onions, 1 pint milk, salt and pepper to taste. Cook peas in water until soft or may be put through sieve. Add milk and seasoning. CLAM CHOWDER. 2 medium onions, 5 tbsp. salt pork, 1 quart boiling water, 1 quart clams, 1 pint sliced potatoes, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. butter, 1 pint milk, 1 tsp. salt, 1-2 tsp. pepper. Fry salt pork slowly, add onions, chopped, cook for three minutes, add water, clams, potatoes and seasoning. Simmer for thirty minutes. Add thickening and milk. Mrs. G. R. Morris. CREAM OF CORN SOUP. 1 cup corn, 2 cups milk (scalded), 3 tbsp. melted butter, salt and pepper, 1 cup boiling water, 3 tbsp. flour, 1-2 tsp. minced onion, 1 tbsp. chopped celery leaves. Brown onion and celery leaves in butter; add flour; mix until smooth; add milk slowly stirring constantly. Add water. Cook over hot water until thick and smooth. Add corn. Season to taste. Heat thoroughly. Celery salt may be used instead of celery leaves. Mrs. Emma Wait. TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL. 1 quart canned tomatoes, 2 stalks celery (chopped), 1-2 green pepper (chopped), 1 1-2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. grated onion, 1 tsp. horseradish. 2 tbsp. tomato catsup. Boil the tomatoes: celery; pepper and salt for about five minutes, then rub through a sieve fine enough to keep the seeds. To the tomato juice and pulp add the catsup; onion and horseradish. Beat well and put in a cold place to chill. Beat again before serving. Pour into small glasses; and use as the first course at dinner. Mrs. Ruth Bellville, Jacinto Grange. CREAM OF VEGETABLE SOUP. 1-3 cup carrots, 1-3 cup turnips, 1-2 cup celery, 1-2 onion, 1 1-2 cups potatoes, 4 tbsp. butter, 4 tbsp. flour, 2 cups milk, 1-2 tsp. finely chopped parsley, 1 pint boiling water. Mix all together, add water and cook slowly for one hour. Drain, reserving the liquid, pass the vegetables through a vegetable press and add to the liquid. Melt butter, add flour and when well blended add 2 cups milk. Mix thoroughly and add to the vegetable pulp and liquid. Heat well, boiling a few minutes to cook the flour, serve at once. Mrs. Fern Bentz. Chico Grange. CHICKEN BROTH. 1-2 hen, 2 stalks celery, 1 onion, 11-2 tsp. salt, 1-2 can tomatoes (med. can\ 1-4 tsp. pepper. To boiling water, add all ingredients. Let boil for thre hours. Serve while hot. Mrs. Ed. Ball, Willows. TESTED RECIPES Page 45 CREAM SOUPS. One or two c vegetable pulp and juice, 2 c white sauce No. 1, onion, celery salt, dried celery leaves, or parsley as desired for flavor. Chop or dice the vegetables and cook until tender, as directed. If a smoother soup is desired, mash the vegetable or put it through a strain- er or ricer. For spinach soup cook the leaves whole and then put them through a grinder, or chop them. Add 1 cup or more vegetable pulp and juice to 2 cups of No. 1 sauce and reheat. Kinds of cream vegetable soup Bean ( asparagus, spinach, corn, potato, onion, pea, cauliflower; to- mato, celery, carrot. Can add more vegeables if desired. Cream of Tomato Soup 1. Follow directions above except for the addition of 1-4 tsp. soda to the cooked and strained tomatoes. 2. To help prevent curdling, add to the tomato (hot) to the milk mix- ture (cold or less hot) and do not combine until just time to serve. Milk heated for a longer time or slowly has an increased tendency to curdle. Mrs. Frank Alvos. CHOWDERS. Bacon, salt pork or ham, 1-3 cup; 1 cup onion; 2 cups vegetables (cabbage, peas; carrots, celery); 2 or 3 cups milk, 2 cups medium pota- toes cut iri'-l-2 inch cubes; 1-2 cup rice or barley. Cut meat in small pieces and try out carefully in a kettle large enough so that the chowder can be cooked in it. Remove the bacon or other meat as it becomes a golden brown. Reserve to add last/Cut up the onions and brown them very slightly in the fat. Cut vegetables in 1-2 inch cubes and add them with just enough boiling water to cook them. When vegetables are tender, add the milk, and a little butter or cream if desired... If some of the vegetables are left over, (cold, baked potatoes, for example) they should be added when the other vegetables are done. If rice or barley is used, add it with the water to the onion and fat and cook until it begins to soften; then add the vegetables and finally 3 cups of milk. Add the broiled bacon just before the chowder is to be served. Mrs. Frank Alvos. I Vegetable Dishes DAGO. 1 Ib. spaghetti, 25c hamburger, 1 can corn, 3 cans hot sauce, salt, black and rep pepper to taste. Fry 3 or 4 good sized onions, 1-2 doz. cloves of garlic in 1-2 cup salad oil. Then fry hamburger. Boil spa- ghetti and mix all together. Mrs. Otis Fish, Westside Grange. MEXICAN CHILI. 11-2 pints of beans, 25c hamburger, small piece of pork, small piece of suet ground. Cook beans and meat over slow fire, with 1 button garlic; onions; 1 tsp. cummin seed; 1 can tomatoes. Salt to taste. About an hour before serving add 2 tbsp. Gebhart's chili pepper. Mrs. Otis Fish, Westside Grange. TAMALE PIE. 1 cup corn meal, 1 1-2 cups milk, 1 green pepper, 1-2 can tomatoes, 1 can corn, 1 1-2 tsp. Grandma's Spanish pepper; salt to taste: 2 eggs beaten, 1 onion, 1 doz. ripe olives, veal or chicken. Boil meat first and make gravy of meat juice and add some Spanish pepper. Mrs. Otis Fish, Westside Grange. CHILI CON CARNE. 1 cup sliced onions, 4 tbsp. diced green peppers, 3 tbsp. fat, 2 Ibs. rump steak cut in 1-2 in. cubes, a few cubes of suet: 1 1-2 pts. boiling water, 1 Ib. can kidney beans, 1 cup canned tomatoes, 3 tbsp. chili pow- der mixed in 1-2 cup cold water, 1-2 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. sugar, 3 cloves minced garlic. Cook onion and green pepper in fat. Add cubed meat and suet, then add boiling water, tomato juice and chili powder, salt, sugar and minced garlic. Cover and cook slowly 11-2 hours. Add kid- ney beans and heat. Serves 6. Alta Haskell, Elk Creek Grange. SPANISH SPAGHETTI. Cut 3 slices bacon in small cubes. Add 1 or 2 onions, finely chop- ped. Fry until brown. Add a cup of celery cut in small pieces and 2 to 3 cups tomatoes. Simmer 10 minutes. Add 2 or more cups cooked spaghetti. Put in buttered baking dish and cover with buttered crumbs. Bake until brown. Cold ground meat or grated cheese placed in alter- nate layers with spaghetti improves the dish. Mrs. Warren Smith, Biggs. ONE DISH MEAL. 1 Ib. hamburger steak, 1 scant cup uncooked rice, 1 medium sized onion chopped fine. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients and form into balls. Place balls in kettle. Pour in, boiling water to cover. Boil 1-2 hour. Add 1 cup tomatoes or small can tomato soup. Simmer 1 hour. If gravy is too thick, thin with hot water. Mrs. S. O. Graven, Durham Grange No. 460. FRIED CUCUMBERS. Make a batter of eggs, flour and milk. Mix as for egg plant. Slice cucumbers to about one-quarter inch thickness, dip in batter and fry in butter or bacon grease. Season to taste. Fern Bentz, Chico Grange. TESTED RECIPES Page 47 SPINACH LOAF. 1 cup cooked rice, 1 cup celery and leaves chopped, 1 cup sliced mush- rooms, 3 tbsp. butter, 1 tsp. salt, pepper to taste, 2 cups spinach, 1 medium onion, 1 egg, grated cheese. Mix in order given and form into loaf to fit casserole and cover with grated cheese. Bake in oven (400 degrees F.) 30 minutes. Sadie C. Laws, Chico Grange. CHILI BEANS. 3 cups uncooked pinto beans, 1-2 Ib. each of pork and beef, 1 large onion, 1-2 25c stick of prepared chili, 1 level tbsp. chili powder, 2-3 qt. tomatoes put through the colander, 4 level tbsp. shortening. Cook beans until tender. Fry onion and meat in shortening until well done. Melt chili in bean broth or hot water until all lumps are dissolved, add tomatoes to meat and let boil, then add chili and chili powder; let cook a few minutes, add to beans and let simmer a few minutes. Serve hot. Mrs. Margaret Hudson, Biggs Grange. APPLES STUFFED WITH SWEET POTATOES. 4 sweet potatoes, 6 marshmallows, 6 medium sized apples. Cook sweet potatoes and mash. Hollow out apples and stuff with potato. Place marshmallow on top and bake 45 minutes or until apples are done. Mrs. John Koth, El Camino Grange. BAKED CABBAGE WITH CHEESE. 3 cups cooked cabbage, 1 1-2 cups canned tomatoes, 1 cup cracker crumbs, 1 cup grated cheese, 1 tbsp. butter, salt an,d pepper. Fill a well-oiled baking dish with alternate layers of tomatoes and cabbage. Season each layer to taste. Sprinkle with cheese and cracker crumbs. Dot the top layer of crumbs with butter. Bake in a slow oven (325 degrees F.) about 30 minutes. Sadie C. Laws. TAMALE BEANS. Cook bayo beans in water with little soda; drain, add more water and cook till done, salt and pepper to taste. Put in pan 1 t butter, 1 Ib. or more hamburger an,d 1 onion cut fine. Cook till meat is done and separated; add to beans with 1 qt. tomatoes, 3 t sugar and 2 t Grand- mother's Spanish pepper dissolved in cold water; sift in flour with sift- er until thick enough, stirring all the time. Mrs. G. A. Young, Orland Grange. CORN IN CASSEROLE. 1 can corn (not small size), 1 small can green chili pepper, 8 rolled crackers, 1-2 cup cheese, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, mix and bake in rather slow oven. Left over ground cooked meat improves this dish. Elizabeth Stevenson. CASSEROLE EGG PLANT. Cut one medium sized egg plant in cubes and parboil until tender. Fry one onion and 1 green pepper in a little fat until clear, but do not brown. Add 1 cup stewed tomatoes and 1 cup bread crumbs. Combine with egg plant, season to taste with salt and pepper. Put in casserole, cover with buttered crumbs and bake until brown. Mrs. Lester Jobe, Independent. Page 48 TESTED RECIPES (DIGESTABLE) COOKED CABBAGE. 1 medium sized head of cabbage, 2 tbsp. bacon fat or other shorten- ing, 1 tsp. salt, 1-2 tsp. pepper, 1-4 cups water or a little more if needed. Slice cabbage coarsely, put in a heavy kettle with tight lid, put fat on top, sprinkle salt and pepper over top, then add water, cover and cook slowly for 15 minutes, turning cabbage two or three times. Mrs. Frank Merrifield, Durham Grange, No. 460. CORN DISH. 1 can corn, 1 cup cracker crumbs, 1 cup milk, 2 eggs beaten, salt, pepper and a good sized piece of butter on top. Mrs. Sabine, Palermo Grange. CABBAGE ROLL-UPS. 1-2 Ib. hamburger, 1-2 Ib. sausage, 1-2 cup rice, small onion cut fine. Season to suit yourself and mix and roll in balls. Then wilt a head of cabbage, then roll balls in a cabbage leaf. Then put in a kettle, cover with water and boil 1-2 hour. Then add a can of hot sauce and serve. Mrs. A. F. Hamm, Westside Grange, Red Bluff. CORN-STUFFED TOMATO CUPS. 6 small tomatoes, 1 cup cooked corn, 1-2 cup soft bread crumbs, 1 tsp. chopped parsley, 1-4 tsp. chopped onion, 1-4 ,tsp. salt, 1-4 tsp. paprika, 1-4 tsp. celery salt, 2 tbsp. butter. Wash tomatoes, scoop out centers and stuff with rest of ingredients combined. Bake 30 minutes in shallow pan in moderate oven. Baste twice with 3 tbsp. boiling water, 1 tbsp. butter. Nice with steak or chops. Mrs. T. J. Hellen Independent Grange, Corning, Cal. Frostings, Fillings, Icings CHOCOLATE FROSTING. 4 T butter 3 squares unsweetened chocolate 3 c sifted powdered sugar (melted). 3-4 t vanilla. or 3 T cocoa 1-4 t salt. 4 T hot milk Cream butter; add part of sugar, gradually blending after each addition. Add vanilla, salt and chocolate and mix well. Add remain- ing sugar, alternately with milk until of right consistency to spread. Beat after each addition until smooth. Miss Geneva Hudson, Biggs. SWISS CHOCOLATE FROSTING (keeps soft and fresh). 1 package (3-oz.) cream cheese 2 cups sifted confectioner's sugar. 4 tbsp. top milk. 1 ounce chocolate, melted. Dash of salt. 1-2 tsp. vanilla. Soften cream cheese with milk; add salt. Add sugar gradually, beat- ing well after each addition. Add chocolate and beat until smooth. Add vanilla. Mrs. Perry Bledsoe. EGOLESS MILKLESS FROSTING. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup water. 1 cup white sugar. 1-2 tsp. butter. Boil all together thoroughly until mixture forms a soft ball in cold water, by dripping off spoon. Beat until it starts to sugar around the edge then spread over cake. Edith A. Thayer, Paradise. MOON GLOW LEMON FROSTING. Grated rind of 1 lemon. 2 egg yolks (unbeaten). 4 tbsp. lemon juice. 41-2 cups confectionery sugar. Add lemon rind and juice to eggs. Stir in sugar until right con- sistence to spread. Mrs. Evelyn Crawford, Durham. Page 50 . TESTED RECIPES LEMON FILLING. 2 tbsp. flour. 1-2 cup sugar. 3-4 cup cold water. Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon. 1 egg yolk. 2 tsp. butter. Make a smooth paste of the flour and 2 tablespoons of the cold water. Cook the rest of the water, the sugar, grated lemon rind and butter. When the sugar is dissolved and mixture boiling, stir in the flour mixture slowly. Cook until clear and smooth, about fifteen min- utes. Add lemon juice and beaten egg yolk and cook two minutes. Cool before spreading. Mrs. Minnie Lou Davis. MARSH MALLOW ICING. 1 1-2 cups brown sugar. 2 egg whites. 6 tbsp. water. 6 marshmallows, cut in 8ths 2 tbsp. white Karo syrup. 1 tsp. vanilla. Cook sugar, water and Karo together until it spins a thread, pour over stiffly beaten whites, beat until fluffy, add marshmallows. Elizabeth Stevenson. TESTED RECIPES "Page 51 Cakes PRUNELLA CAKE 1-2 cup Crisco. 2-3 cups stewed prunes. 1 cup sugar. 1-2 teaspoon each of soda, salt, cin- 2 eggs. namon, nutmeg, allspice, bak- 2-3 cup sour milk. ing powder. 11-3 cups flour. Cream Crisco, sugar and eggs. Add chopped prunes. Add milk. Add dry ingredients. Pour into well greased layer pans. Bake in a (350 degree) oven about 25 minutes. Creamy Icing. Mix 2 cups confectioner's sugar, 1-2 tsp. cinnamon, 1-8 tsp. salt. Combine half with 2 tbsp. Crisco. Add remaining sugar, 2 tbsp. prune juice and 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Beat until creamy. Mrs. Earl Hatfield, Westside Grange, Red Bluff. LlNDBERG CAKE. Separate 4 eggs. To yolks add 1-2 cup cold water. Beat 5 minutes or until it equals 1 quart. 11-4 cups sugar added slowly to yolk mix- ture. Grated rind 1 orange. Juice 1 orange. 1 1-2 cups flour (sifted 3 times before adding to above). Add beaten egg whites, and bake 40 minutes in oven 325 degrees. I add a pinch of salt. There isn't any baking powder in this cake. The recipe makes one loaf or two layers. It makes a delicious cream cake. Sadie C. Laws, Chico Grange. ONE, TWO, THREE CAKE. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup milk. 2 tbsp. shortening. 2 eggs. 3 cups flour. 3 tbsp. baking powder. 1 tsp. vanilla. Cream sugar and shortening, add beaten eggs. Alternate flour and milk, add vanilla and mix. Pour into layer cake pans. Bake 25 min- utes at 250 degrees. Fern Bentz, Chico Grange. RAISIN CAKE. Boil together 2 minutes 1 cup raisins, 1 cup brown sugar, 1-2 cup lard, 1 cup warm water, 1 tsp. each cloves, cinnamon. Set away to cool. Then add 11-2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon soda. Bake in loaf. Mrs. P. L. Mulford, Elk Crook, Cal. Page 52 TESTED RECIPES MARBLE CAKE. 11-2 cups sugar. 3 cups pastry flour. 2 eggs. 1-2 tsp. salt. 1-2 cup butter. 1 cup warm water. 1-4 cup ground chocolate. 1 tsp. vanilla. 3 tbsp. baking powder. 1 cup broken nut meats. Make like butter cake by creaming butter and sugar, adding well beaten egg yolks, and alternating water and flour sifted with salt and baking powder. Folding in stiffly beaten whites and lastly vanilla and nuts.. Divide mixture in 2 parts White part 1-2 mixture. Dark part To the other half add 1-4 cup ground chocolate. Alter- nate the 2 mixtures in pan to give a marble appearance. Bake in a loaf or a round cake mold at 350 degrees about 40 minutes. Ice with white icing, decorted with halves of nuts. Beatrice Harlow, Palermo Grange. SPONGE CAKE. 1 1-2 cups sugar, 1-2 cup water (cook to soft ball stage). Pour stifly beaten 6 whites. Add 6 yolks. 1 cup flour sifted 3 or 4 times; 1 small teaspoon cream of tartar. Add flavoring; melt 1 cup butter and add to above very slowly. Bake in cold oven, 250 degrees, 1 hour. Fern Bentz, Chico Grange. POTATO CARAMEL CAKE. 2-3 cup butter. 2 tsp. baking powder. 2 cups granulated sugar. 1 cup grated chocolate. 2 cups flour. 1 cup chopped nuts. 1 cup hot mashed potatoes. 1 tsp. cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg 1-2 cup sweet milk. and vanilla. 4 eggs. This makes 1 large cake or two small ones. Mrs. E. L. Irish, Red Bluff, Westside Grange. SPECIAL WHITE CAKE. 1-3 cup shortening. 1 tsp. vanilla. 1 cup sugar. 2 tsp. baking powder. 1-2 cup milk. 1-4 tsp. salt. 11-2 cups cake flour. 4 egg whites. Cream together shortening and sugar. Sift flour, then measure and sift three times, with baking powder and salt. Add milk alternately with flour. Fold in beaten egg whites, flavor, and pour into 2 well greased cake pans 9 inches in diameter. Bake in moderate oven for 20 min- utes. Use any desired frosting. Mrs. C. J. More, Los Molinos, Cal. TESTED RECIPES Pago 53 PINEAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE. First Part Second Part. 1-2 cup butter. 2 eggs. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup sugar. 1 can crushed pineapple 5 tbsp. pineapple juice. 1 cup flour. 1 tsp. baking powder, pinch salt. Directions: Melt butter in frying pan and spread brown sugar over pan, next spread pineapple over this. Next beat yolks of eggs, add white sugar and juice. Add flour and baking powder and salt. Fold in stiffly beaten whites. Pour into pan over pineapple. Bake at 350 degrees, 35 minutes. Mrs. Barbara Hunter, Gridley, Cal. MONARCH WHITE CAKE. 2 2-3 cups sifted cake flour. 1 1-4 c sugar. 2 1-4 t baking powder. 1 t vanilla. 1-2 t salt. 4 egg whites, unbeaten. 1 c butter or other shortening. 2-3 c cold water. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift to- gether three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually and cream together until light and fluffy. Add vanilla. Add egg whites, one at a time, and beat until thoroughly blended. Add flour, alter- nately with water, a small amount at a time. Beat after each addition until smooth. Turn into two deep, greased 9 -inch layer pans. Bake in moderate oven (325 degrees F.) 10 minutes; then increase slightly (375 degrees F.) and bake 20 minutes longer or until done. Mrs. H. J. Stanley. HONEY COFFEE CAKE. 1 cup butter. 1 cup raisins. 11-2 cups sugar. 1 tsp. soda. 2 beaten eggs. 1 tsp. cinnamon. 1 cup cold coffee. 1 tsp. cloves. 1-2 cup honey. 4 cups flour. Cream butter and sugar, add beaten eggs, coffee, 1-2 cup honey and mix well.. Sift dry ingredients and add to liquid mixture. Lastly add raisins mixed with a little flour. Let stand 20 minutes before baking. Bake in a moderate oven 1 1-2 hours or longer. Equal to fruit cake and keeps well. Mrs. Minnie Mudd, Artois, Cal., Home Economics, Orland Grange. APPLE SAUCE CAKE. 1 1-2 cups sugar; 1 heaping tbsp. shortening (creamed); pinch of salt; 2 1-2 cups apple sauce (cooled); 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 package of raisins; 1 tsp. vanilla; 3 cups flour; 5 level tsp. soda rtis solved in boiling water. Bake 1 hour in slow oven. Mrs. Fred Parker. Orland Page 54 TESTED RECIPES THE CHAMPION'S SILVER CAKE. 3 cups sugar. 1-4 tsp. salt. 1 cup butter or Crisco. 4 tsp. baking powder. 6 egg whites. 1 tsp. vanilla. 2 cups milk. 5 cups cake flour. Beat the butter and sugar until very light and creamy. Add the milk alternately with the flour with which the baking powder has been sifted in the last cup of flour. Beat thoroughly, before adding the baking powder, then add the well beaten eggs. Bake about 40 minutes in three 9- in. layers. This will make a large cake. Mrs. Freda Campbell, Chico Grange. DEVILS FOOD CAKE. 11-2 cups sugar. 2 cups flour. 1-2 cup shortening (large measure) 1-2 tsp. salt. 3 eggs. 1 level tsp. soda. 1-2 cup cocoa. 1 level tsp. cream tartar. 1-2 cup hot water. 1 tsp. vanilla. 1-2 cup sour milk (large measure) Mix soda with cocoa and pour hot water over. Cream sugar short- ening and eggs unbeaten, add cocoa mixture, then the milk. Sift dry ingredients and add to above mixture, sprinkle in the vanilla and bake in layers in a moderate oven. Filling. 2 cups powdered sugar. 1 tbsp. shortening. 3 tbsp. milk. 1 tsp. vanilla. Heat shortening and milk and add to sugar, beat until creamy add vanilla and spread on cake. Mrs. W. D. Coles, Los Molinos. SPONGE CAKE. 1 cup sponge (bread); 1 1-2 cups sugar; 2-3 cup butter and lard mixed; 2 well beaten eggs; 1 level tsp. soda, dissolved in 2 tbsD. hot water and finish filling cup one-half full of cold coffee; 2 cups flour, 1 cup raisins, 1 cup nuts, 1 tsp. each of baking powder, cloves, cinnamon and allspice and 1-2 tsp. nntmeg. May be baked in loaf or layers. Mrs. L. F. Carpenter, Gerber, Cal., El Camino Grange. SOUR CREAM CAKE. 2 cups flour. 1 cup sour cream. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tsp. vanilla. 2 tsp. baking powder. 2 eggs. 1-4 teaspoon soda. Sift all dry ingredients together exceot soda. Add beaten eggs. Add sour cream to which soda has been added. Add vanilla. Dartha Dreyer, Biggs Grange, No. 459. TESTED RECIPES Page 55 DEVILS FOOD CAKE 1 1-2 cups shortening, part but- 1 tsp. soda, ter for shortening gives flavor. 2 squares chocolate (2 oz.) 1 1-2 cups sugar. 1 tsp. vanilla. 2 eggs. 1 cup sour milk or (sweet milk and 2 cups sifted cake flour. 1 tbsp. of lemon juice). 1-2 tsp. salt. Cream shortening and add sugar gradually; add well beaten eggs. Sift flour, salt and soda together. Add to creamed mixture alternately with milk. Blend in melted chocolate and vanilla. Bake in 9 -inch layer pans (greased and floured) 30 min. at (350 F.), or a 9-inch square pan 2 inches deep, 40 minutes. Mrs. H. L. Sohnrey, Durham. Cal. SPONGE CAKE. 4 eggs separated. Beat yolks to lemon color. Then add one-third cup of cold water to yolks. Beat till it foams. Then add 11-4 cups of sugar. Beat 7 minutes. Add 1 1-2 cups flour (scant). Salt and vanilla. Beat whites until frothy, add 1-2 tsp. cream tartar, 1-2 tsp. baking pow- der and beat stiff, and then fold into above mixture. Cook in slow oven 1 hour. Jessie Silver. CRUMB COFFEE CAKE SUPERB. 1 cup sugar. 1 egg beaten. 2 cups all purpose flour. 1-2 cup sour milk. 1-2 tsp. ginger. 1-2 tsp. soda. 1-2 tsp. cinnamon. 1 tsp. baking powder. 1-2 tsp. nutmeg. 1-2 cup raisins. 1-2 cupful butter. 1-2 cup nuts. Sift together flour, sugar and spices. Work in the butter to a crumbly stage. Take out one cup of this and set aside. Mix together the beaten egg and sour milk to which the soda and baking powder have been added. Stir into the flour and butter mixture. Beat only until well mixed. Into a buttered 9x9x2 pan sprinkle half the reserved crumbs. Then add the batter and sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven 40 minutes. Let cool in pan. Mrs. S. O. Graven, Durham Grange, No. 460. MOCHA CAKE. Whites of 5 eggs beaten very stiff. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour. 1 tbsp. baking powder; 1 1-2 tbsp. mocha. Into the beaten yolks put sugar. Beat into a cream. Add mocha. Add flour, baking powder. Add whites last. Bake in slow to a moder- ate oven, in 4 layers. Put together with whipped cream flavored with 11-2 tsp. mocha. Page 56 TESTED RECIPES DEVILS FOOD CAKE. 1 cup sugar. 2 cups flour. 1-2 cup lard or other shortening. 1 tsp. baking powder. 1 egg. 3-4 tsp. soda. 1 cup sour cream. 1-4 tsp. salt. 2 squares chocolate. 1 tsp. vanilla. Sift all the dry ingredients together three times. Cream sugar and lard. Add unbeaten egg, and beat until light. Dissolve the chocolate in the cream. Add alternately with the dry ingredients. Beat well after each addition. Add vanilla and bake in two 9 -inch layer pans. Ice with white or chocolate frosting. Mrs. W. O. Rhoades, Durham Grange, No. 60 MAYONNAISE CAKE. Part 1 1-2 package dates. 1 cup sugar. 1 tsp. soda. 3 tbsp. ground cocoa. 1 cup boiling water (let strnd a 1 tsp. cinnamon. few minutes). 1-2 tsp. salt (sift twice). 1 CUD mayonnaise (add mayonnaise Part 2 to Part 1). 1 cup chopped nuts. 1 1-2 CUDS flour. Bake in two layers pnd out together with whipped cream. If no mayonnaise, use 1 cup oil and one egg. Mrs. Earl Hatfield, Westside Grange, Red Bluff. ONE EGG DEVILS FOOD CAKE. 1-2 cup chocolate. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup milk. 2 tbsp. shortening. 1 egg. 1 tsp. soda. 1 tsp. vanilla. 1 1-4 cups flour. Cook chocolate and 1-4 cup milk and egg yolk until thick like custard. Stand aside to cool. Cream shortening and add sugar. Combine with chocolate mixture. Dissolve soda in 3-4 cup milk and add alternately with flour. Lastly add beaten egg white and bake in two layers in moderate oven. Alice Thompson, Wyandotte Grange. SOUR CREAM CHOCOLATE CAKE. 1 1-2 cups sour cream (about 30 1-4 tsp salt, test), 2 beaten eggs Blend. 1 tsp. soda. 1 cup white sugar. 5 hewing t s n. cocoa. 1 3-4 cups flour. 1 tsp. vanilla. Bake in either layers or loaf. Mrs. R. S. Green. Durham. TESTED RECIPES Page 57 MILK CHOCOLATE CAKE. 1-2 cup butter. 2 cups cake flour. 1 1-2 cups sugar. 1-2 teaspoon salt. 2 eggs, unbeaten. 1 cup sour milk or buttermilk. 2 squares bitter chocolate. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1 tablespoon vinegar. 1 teaspoon soda. Cream butter, add sugar gradually. Add 1 egg unbeaten, beat thor- oughly. Add second and continue beating. Alternately add the flour and salt sifted together with the sour milk to which the vanilla has been added. Melt chocolate over hot water and beat in thoroughly. Dissolve the soda in the vinegar and add last. Pour into two 9-inch greased pans and bake 25-30 minutes at moderate temperature 375 de- grees. Mrs. N. R. Jessee, Chico. FAVORITE CHOCOLATE CAKE. 3-4 cup Snowdrift. 2 t baking powder. 2 cups Sugar. 4 squares chocolate, melted. 3 eggs. 1 cup milk. 2 1-2 cups flour. 1 t vanilla. 1 t salt. Cream Snowdrift and sugar. Add unbeaten eggs, one at a time. Beat well. Add sifted flour, salt and baking powder alternately with milk. Add chocolate and vanilla. Bake in layer tins in moderate oven 325 degrees F. Miss Haroldine Stanley, Corning, Cal., Independent Grange. DEVIL FOOD CAKE. 1-2 cup shortening. 1 tsp. soda. 1 1-2 cups sugar. 1 tsp. sour milk. 2 eggs. 2 squares chocolate. 2 cups flour. 1 tsp. vanilla. 1 -2 teaspoon salt. Mrs. Sarah Compton, Durham PANLO GOLDEN CREAM CHOCOLATE CAKE. 2 cups Swansdown cake flour. 11-2 cups brown sugar. 2 tsp. baking powder. 2 eggs unbeaten. 1-4 tsp. soda. 3 squares chocolate, unsweetened. 1-2 tsp. salt. 1 cup milk. 1-2 cup butter or shortening. 1 tsp. vanilla. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, soda and salt and sift together three times. Cream butter thoroughly until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each. Then add chocolate, blend, add flour alternately with milk, a small amount at a time. Bake 30 minutes. Mrs. Alice Boll. Box 373, Oroville. Cal. Page 58 TESTED RECIPES COOKING OIL CHOCOLATE CAKE. 1-2 cup cooking oil. 2 eggs (beaten). 1 cup sugar. 1-2 cup sour milk. 1-2 cup cocoa. Beat well. Sift together 2 1-2 cups flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda. Add to above mixture. Lastly add 1 tsp. vanilla and 1 cup boiling water. Mrs. R. S. Green, Durham. DEVILS FOOD CAKE. * 8 tbsp. butter. 3 squares chocolate. 2 cups sugar. 1 cup milk. 4 eggs. 31-2 tsp. baking powder. 2 generous cups flour. 1 tsp. vanilla. Cream butter, add 1 cup sugar; beat egg yolks until lemon color and add other cup of sugar, mix all together, and add chocolate which has been melted over hot water; add milk and flour alternately, add lastly beaten whites of eggs and flavoring. Edith A. Thayer, Paradise. SWISS CHOCOLATE CAKE. New' Different' Delicious' 1-2 cup shortening. 1 ounce chocolate, melted. 3-4 tsp. salt. 2 cups sifted cake flour. 1 tsp. vanilla. 2 1-2 tsp. baking powder. 11-4 cups sugar. 1 cup milk. 2 eggs, unbeaten. Combine shortening, salt and vanilla. Add sugar gradually and cream until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Add melted chocolate and blend well. Sift flour and baking powder together 3 times. Add small amounts of flour to short- ening mixture, alternately with milk, beating after each addition until smooth. See what a fluffy, smooth batter. Pour batter into two 8-inch layer pans greased and floured. B^ke in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Sorsad Swiss Chocolate Frosting between layers and on top and sides of cake. Mrs. Perry Bleds^e. ORANGE CAKE (Very Good). 1 medium sized orange 3-4 cup buttermilk 1 1-2 cups brown sugar. 1 tsp. soda; pinch of salt 2 eggs 1 cup raisins. 2 cups flour Grind orange (peeling and ell): grind raisins; beat eggs; add sugai. Dissolve soch in buttermilk, then add salt and flour. Mix well. Bake 55 minutes in moderate oven. Mrs. Fred Parker, Rt. 2, Box 15, Orland, Cal. TESTED RECIPES Page 59 GOLDEN CREAM CHOCOLATE CAKE 2 cups sifted cake flour; 2 tsp. double -acting baking powder; 1-4 tsp. soda; 1-2 tsp. salt; 1-2 cup shortening; 1 1-4 cups sugar; 2 eggs, unbeaten; 3-4 cup chocolate melted; 1 cup milk and 1 tsp. vanilla. Cream shortening and sugar; add eggs, one at a time, beating thor- oughly after each. Then add melted chocolate and blend. Sift together flour, baking powder, soda and salt, 3 times, add alternately with milk, add vanilla and bake in 2 greased, 9-in. layer pans 30 minutes (350 de- grees F.) Spread between layer, Golden Cream Filling: Combine 1-2 cup sugar, 3 tbsp. flour and 1-4 tsp. salt in double boiler. Add gradu- ally 1 1-2 cups hot milk. Cook until thick, then add 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten. Cook 2 minutes longer; add 1 tsp. vanilla and cool. FROSTING: Cream 4 tbs. butter; add 1 cup sifted powdered sugar and blend. Add 1 tsp. vanilla, 3-4 cup melted chocolate and 1-4 tsp. salt. Beat 2 egg whites until stiff, add 3-4 cup powdered sugar and beat until it will stand in peaks. Fold it in the chocolate mixture and ?over sides and top of cake. Mrs. J. P. Burton, Corning, Cal., Independent Grange, 470. BLACK CHOCOLATE CAKE. 2 1-2 cups cake flour. 3 egg yolks, well beaten. 1 tsp. baking powder. 4 squares chocolate, melted. 1-4 tsp. soda. 1 cup water. 1-4 tsp. salt. 1-2 tsp. vanilla. 1-2 cup butter or other shortening. 3 egg whites, stiffly beaten. 2 cups sugar. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, soda and salt, and sift together three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually and cream together until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks and choco- late arid blend. Add flour, alternately with water, a small amount at a time. Beat after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Fold in egg whites. Bake in greased pan, 10x10x2 inches, in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 1 hour. Spread Cocoanut Seven -Minute Frosting on top and sides of cake. Mildred L. Koth, Corning, Cal., El Camino Grange, No. 4f>'2 APPLE SAUCE CAKE 1-2 cup butter 1-2 cup raisins 1 cup sugar 1 1-2 cups flour 1 cup of cold apple sauce 3 tbsp. corn starch 1 tsp. of soda tsp. cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg 'Cream butter; add sugar; mix , soda in apple sauce; sift flour and spices together and add raisins last. Mrs. A. G. McGlade, Westside Grange Page 60 TESTED RECIPES DEVILS FOOD CAKE. FIRST PART: 1 cup brown sugar. 1-2 cup butter. 1-2 cup sweet milk. yolks three eggs. Small tsp. soda in 2 cups flour. SECOND PART: 1-2 cup chocolate. 1 cup brown sugar 1-2 cup sweet milk Vanilla Place second part over fire until dissolved, boil one minute. When cool, stir into first part. Bake in layers and ice. Mrs. L. Bayles, Red Bluff, Westside Grangt . BURNT SUGAR CAKE. 2 eggs 1-4 tsp. of salt 1 cup of sugar 2 tsp. baking powder 1 cup of cream Extract Vanilla. Flour, 2 cups, enough to make a thin batter. Add burnt sugar to color brown. Mrs. E. A. Stubbs, Grange No. 462 HOT MILK SPONGE CAKE. 2 eggs 1 tsp. baking powder 1 cup sugar 1-4 tsp. salt 1 cup flour 1-2 cup milk 1 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat eggs; add sugar gradually, beating well. Put milk and butter on fire and bring to boiling point. Sift flour, baking powder and add to sugar and egg. Add hot milk and vanilla. Pour quickly in either a biscuit pan or in two 9-inch wide layer pans and bake 20 to 25 min- utes in a moderate oven. 350 degrees. Mrs. Alice Thompson, Wyandotte Grange PINEAPPLE SPONGE CAKE 6 eggs 1 cup flour 11-2 cups sugar 1 t baking powder 1-2 cup pineapple juice 1-2 t salt. 1 T lemon juice Separate eggs. Beat yolks until creamy, add pineapple and lemor juice and beat again. Then add 3-4 cup sugar slowly, beating after each addition. Next beat egg whites (with salt) Until it stands alone. Add 3-4 cup sugar gradually, beating after each addition. Combine yolk an,d white mixture . folding in gently. Then add flour and baking powder.which has been sifted three times, in fourths. Bake 1 hour in moderate over 325 degrees F. Miss Haroldine Stanley, Corning. Cal., Independent Grange. TESTED RECIPES Page 61 SUNSHINE CAKE. 7 fresh eggs 2 tsp. lemon juice or 1 tsp salt 1-2 tsp. cream tartar 1 cup flour (lemon juice preferred) 1 cup sugar 1 tsp. lemon extract Separate eggs, add salt to whites, beat to a foam, then add lemon juice or cream of tartar, half tsp. at time, and whip until stiff. Sift sugar once and fold in until dissolved. Beat yolks stiff and fold into whites. Sift flour five times, measure and fold into egg mixture lightly. Bake in ungreased tube pan in moderate oven about 45 minutes. Alberta Jobe, Corning, Cal., Independent, No. 470. SPONGE CAKE (using yolks left from Angelfood Cake). 8 egg yolks 1-2 tsp. salt 1 cup sugar 1-2 cup warm water 1 1-2 cups flour 1 tsp. vanilla 2 tsp. baking powder Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored; add sugar and con- tinue beating until well mixed. Sift dry ingredients together and fold in alternately with warm water. Add vanilla. Bake about 35 minutes. Mrs. W. L. Bonham, Chico. LAZY DAISY CAKE. , Beat until thick 2 eggs, add gradually 1 cup sugar, meating con- stantly, 1 tsp. vanilla. Sift together 1 cup sifted pastry flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1-4 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture, mixing well. Heat to boiling point 1-2 cup milk, with 1 tbsp. butter. Add to other mix- ture and beat well. Don't add any more flour, the batter is very thin. Pour in shallow pan 10 inches square. Bake about 30 minutes in a moderate oven about 350 degrees. While still hot spread with the fol- lowing mixture: Mix together 3 tbsp. butter, 5 tbsp. brown sugar, 2 tbsp. cream or canned milk, 1-2 cup cocoanut or walnuts. Mrs. L. Bayles. Red Bluff, Westside Grange. SOUTHERN COCOANUT CAKE. 2-3 cup butter 3 cups flour 1 1-2 cups sugar 3 eggs; 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup milk 2 tsp. baking powder 1 cup cocoanut Cream butter and sugar, add beaten yolks, add milk and flour alternately, add cocoanut, sift baking powder with flour, flavor and add beaten yolks. Mrs. Geo. H. Glenn, Durham, Cal., Durham Grange, No. 460. Page 62 TESTED RECIPES LAZY DAISY CAKE. 2 eggs 1 cup sifted flour 1 cup sugar 1 tsp. baking powder 1-2 cup milk pinch salt 1 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. vanilla Put milk and butter on to heat. Beat eggs, add sugar and beat. Stir in dry ingredients and vanilla. Then add hot milk, stirring care- fully. Pour in| flat greased pan and bake 25 or 30 minutes in moderate oven. While cake is baking stir up the topping: 2-3 cup brown sugar; 1-3 cup melted butter; 4 tbsp. cream; 1-2 cup nut meats or cocoahut. Spread on warm cake and put under boiler for 5 or 10 minutes until it caramelizes. Without boiler use only 2 tbsp. cream, return to oven for a few minutes. Mrs. Ed Clark, Chico Grange, No. 486. MARASCHINO CHERRY CAKE. 1 1-2 cups granulated sugar 3-4 cup shortening 3 cups flour 3 eggs 1 cup sweet milk 1 tsp. baking powder 3-4 cup red Maraschino cherries 1-4 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla extract Cream shortening, add sugar slowly. Add egg yolks beaten until thick. Mix and sift dry ingredients and add alternately with milk. Add vanilla extract. Add the cherries which have been drained and dried on a towel. Beat egg whites until stiff an(d fold in gently. Bake in 3 well greased layers in a moderate oven (350 degrees) 30 minutes. Frost with boiled frosting trimmed with cherries. Mrs. L. O. Rodney, Durham. PINEAPPLE CAKE. 1-4 Ib. butter (scant); 1 cup brown sugar. Melt butter and sugar together in frying pan and lay in slices of pineapple to cover bottom of pan (drained v shredded pineapple may be used). Candied cherries or nuts may be added if desired. Pour over this a batter made of: 1 cup sugar, 3 egg yolks, added one at a time, beat well, 1 cup flour, 1 tsp. "baking powder, 1-2 cup pineapple juice. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in slow oven 25 minutes, turn upside down on plate and serve with whipped cream. Alberta Jobe, Independent, No. 470. TESTED RECIPES Page 63 JfS*~~~ > BANANA CAKE. 1 1-2 cups sugar; 1-2 cup butter; 3 eggs, separated; 7 tbsp. milk; 1-4 tsp. salt; 2 tsp. baking powder; 1 tsp. vanilla; 1 3-4 cup all purpose A flour; 1 cup mashed bananas. Cream butter and sugar; add well beaten egg yolks. Sift flour, baking powder and salt 5 times together. Add 1 cup flour, then the rest and the milk, fold in bananas and stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in layers at 350 degrees 25 to 30 minutes. Whip cream filling or marshmallow icing. Elizabeth Stevenson. CHOCOLATE CAKE. 1 1-2 cups sugar. 2 cups flour. 1 scant cup butter. 1 cup chocolate. 1 eggs. 1 cup chopped nuts. 1 cup milk. 1 1-2 tsp. baking powder. Cream sugar and butter; add 4 egg yolks, milk, flour, baking pow- der and chocolate, then add white of eggs beaten stiff and last of all the nuts. Makes a large loaf or layer cake. Mrs. Geo. A. Wurth, Red Bluff, CaL, Westside Grange. MAHOGANY CAKE. 2 cups flour. 1-4 c shortening. 1-4 cup cocoa. 1 c sugar. 1-2 tsp. salt. 1 c milk. 1 tsp. soda. 2 tbsp. vinegar. 1. Sift together the flour, cocoa, soda four times. 2. Cream shortening and sugar together. 3. Add a little of the dry mixture and a little milk combined. 4. Lastly add vinegar. Bake in moderate oven and put together with chocolate filling and icing. Mrs. Frank Smith, Biggs. COFFEE CAKE 1 1-2 cups brown sugar. 1 tsp. cinnamon. 1-2 cup butter. 1 Jsp. cloves. 1 cup strong coffee. 2 tsp. baking powder, yolks of 8 eggs. Flavor if you like. Flour enough to make a moderate thickness. Bake in layers. Use any desired filling but I prefer the white of eggs frosting. This is a good cake to use up yolks of eggs after making angelfood cakes. Keeps nicely. Mrs. Minnie Mudd, Artois, Cal., Home Economics, Orland Grange. Page G4 TESTED RECIPES LAISY DAISY CAKE. Beat until thick 2 eggs. Add gradually 1 cup sugar. Beating con- stantly, add 1 tsp. vanilla. Sift together: 1 cup sifted pastry flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1-4 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture, mix well. Heat to boiling point 1-2 cup milk and 1 tbsp. shortening. Add all at once to mixture, beating it well. Pour into well greased pan 9x9 and bake in a moderate oven. Re- move from oven and while still hot spread with frosting. Return to oven and brown. This batter is very thin. Frosting. Mix together: 3 tbsp. melted butter; 5 tbsp. brown sugar; 2 tbsp. cream or evaporated milk; 1-2 cup cocoanut. Mrs. Lulu H. Yockey, Durham Grange, No. 460. PINEAPPLE PARFAIT CAKE 1-2 cup butter or other shortening. 3 cups sifted cake flour. 3-4 tsp. salt. 3 tsp. baking powder. 1-2 tsp. grated lemon rind. 3-4 cup canned pineapple juice. 1 egg yolk. 1-4 cup water. 1 1-2 cups sugar. 4 egg whites. Combine shortening, salt, lemon rind and egg yolk and blend, Add sugar, gradually and cream till light and fluffy. Sift flour and baking powder together three times. Add alternately with combined pineapple juice and water, beating well after each addition. Beat egg whites till stiff but not dry and fold carefully in mixture. Bake in two 9 -inch pans in moderate oven (350 degrees) 25 to 30 minutes. Pineapple Parfait Frosting. 2 egg whites; 1 1-2 cup sugar; 5 tbsp. pineapple juice; 1 tsp. corn syrup; 1-2 tsp. grated lemon rind. Mix all ingredients except lemon rind, place over boiling water and beat with rotary egg beater until will stand in peaks or about 7 minutes, remove from fire, add lemon rind, beat until cool and spread on cake. Mrs. S. O. Graven, Durham Grange No. 460 MAHOGANY CAKE. 1 1-2 cups sugar. 3 eggs well beaten. 1-2 cup butter. 1 tsp. soda. 1-2 cup of sweet milk. 1-2 cup of chocolate dissolved in 2 cups of flour. strong coffee. Flavor with vanilla and bake in a moderate oven. TESTED RECIPES Page 65 MILK AND HONEY CAKE. 1-2 cup shortening or butter. 2 cups sifted flour. 1-2 tsp. salt. 2 1-2 tsp. baking powder. 1-2 tsp. vanilla. 1-2 cup evaporated milk. 1-2 cup sugar. 1-2 cup honey. 2 eggs unbeaten. Combine shortening, salt, vanilla. Add sugar gradually and cream until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Sift flour and baking powder three times. Combine milk and honey. Add small amounts of flour to cream mixture alternately with combined milk and honey, beating after each addition until smooth. Pour batter into 8x8x2 -in. pan, grease the pan and dust with flour or bake in 8-in. layer pans, 350 F. New, different, and thoroughly delic- ious. Your family will vote it grand. Mrs.- Helen Bonham, Chico, Cal. PARADISE SPECIAL FRUIT CAKE. 1-2 cup shortening. 1 cup liquid, made as follows: 1 cup sugar. 2 tbsp. cherry juice, the juice from 1 whole egg and 1 yolk. 1 orange, add enough water to 1 cup nuts (black walnuts are best) make 1 cup of liquid. 1 cup raisins (seedless). 2 1-4 cups flour (cake flour pre- Peel of 1 orange minus the white f erred). layer. 3 tsp. baking powder. 12 Maraschino cherries. 1-2 tsp. salt. Method: Cream shortening, add sugar gradually. Blend in the eggs well beaten. Put raisins, cherries, orange peel and nuts through finest blade of food chopper, all at one time. Divide in half. Fold one-half into creamed mixture. Sift flour, measure and sift again with baking powder and salt. Add to creamed mixture alternately with the cup of liquid. Pour into 2 round cake pans, bake 25 minutes at about 350 deg. Filling and Icing. Cream together 1-3 cup butter, 2 cups powdered sugar, blend in well beaten egg white, add remaining half of fruit mixture. Virginia L. Olson. Paradise, Cal. SPICE CAKE. 1 cup sugar. 1 2-3 cups flour. 1 cup sour cream. 1-3 cup chocolate. 3 eggs well beaten. 1 tsp. cloves, allspice, cinnamon. 1 cup milk. 1 tsp. baking powder. Enough soda to sweeten sour cream Pinch of salt. Page 66 TESTED RECIPES CHOCOLATE NUT CAKE. 3-4 cup shortening. 3-4 tsp. nutmeg. 11-2 cups sugar. 1 tsp. cinnamon. 3 eggs. 2 tbsp. cocoa. 1 3-4 cups flour. 3-4 cups sour milk or butter milk. 1-2 tsp. baking powder. 1 tsp. vanilla. 1-2 tsp. soda. 1 tsp. lemon juice or extract. 1-2 tsp. salt. 1 cup nut meats. Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs well beaten. Sift flour. Meas- ure, add baking powder, soda, salt, spices and cocoa. Add to creamed mixture alternately with sour milk. Blend in the flavoring and nuts. Bake for 30 minutes in moderate oven (350). Mrs. Joy Eschliman. SOUR CREAM PIE. 1 cup sugar. 1 tsp. of vinegar. 1 cup sour cream. 1-4 tsp. of nutmeg. 1 cup raisins. 1-2 tsp. of cinnamon. 2 eggs. Mrs. R. T. Bedford. LAZY DAISY CAKE. 1 cup flour. 1-2 cup milk. 1-2 cup sugar. 1 tbsp. butter. 1 egg. pinch salt. 1 tsp. baking powder. 1 tsp. vanilla. Mix sugar, egg, baking powder, salt. Sift flour, then fill a cup full. Then add flour into other mixture with milk (add milk and butter to- gether), bring to a boil and add slowly with flour and other mixture. Add vanilla and bake in moderate oven. This recipe can be used as a shortcake, Boston cream pie. (By cutting in half with large knife and add a cream custard in center with whipped cream and strawberries on top). Or serve it just plain with ice cream. Makes one layer. Mrs. W. L. Bonham, Chico. MYSTERY CAKE 1 T shortening 1 t soda. 2 c flour. , 1 can tomato soup. 1 c sugar. 1 u chopped nuts. 1 t cinnamon 1 T chopped lemon or citron peel. 1 t nutmeg. 1 c raisins. 1-4 t salt. Blend shortening and flour together. Add sugar and other dry in- gredients mixed together all at once. Add soup and beat until mixture is creamy pink. Add fruit. Bake in greased loaf pan for 1 hour at a temperature of 350 degrees. "Believe It Or Not Icing." 1 pkg. cream cheese. 1-4 c cream. 2 c powdered sugar. 1 t vanilla extract. Helen Armour (Nelson), Durham No. 460. TESTED RECIPES Page 67 WHITE MOON CAKE 3 cups sifted cake flour 2 cups sugar 3 tsp. baking powder 1 cup milk 1-2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla 2-3 cups butter (or other shorten- 5 egg whites ing). Sift flour once, add baking powder and salt and sift 3 times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually; cream together until light and fluffy, add flour alternately with milk a small amount at a time. Beat after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla, fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in 3 greased 9-inch cake pans in slow oven 325 for 15 minutes, increase heat to 350 and bake 15 minutes longer. Spread Moon Glow frosting on top and sides. Moon Glow Lemon Frosting Grated rind of 1 lemon. 2 egg yolks (unbeaten). 4 tbsp lemon juice 4 1-2 sups confectionery sugar. Add lemon rind and juice to eggs. Stir in sugar until right consist- ence to spread. Mrs. Evelyn Crawford, Durham. DAFFODIL CAKE. 10 eggs 2 tsp. cream tartar 11-4 glass sugar 1-2 tsp. flavoring 1 glass flour, sift 4 times Whip egg whites until foamy, add cream of tartar and whip until stiff. Add sugar gradually. Fold in flour, add flavoring. Put one half mixture in angel cake tin. Beat the egg yolk until very light; add to remainder of white mixture and pour in pan. Bake 1 hour at 300. Mrs. Saidee Chappell, 431 Jacinto Grange, Willows, Cal. BANANA CAKE * 1-2 cup shortening 1 tsp. soda 1-2 cup sour milk 1-2 tsp. cinnamon 1 cup sugar 1-2 tsp. nutmeg 1-2 teaspoon salt 1 cup nut meats or 1-2 of that 1 1-2 cup flour grapenut. 2 eggs. 3 mashed bananas Bake in loaf or layers. Mrs. Anna R. Gackstetter. THIS COOK BOOK IS EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY THE Home Economic Club OF THE Four Counties Group COMPOSED OF Tehama, Glenn, Sutter and Butte Counties EXTRA RECIPES TESTED RECIPES Page 69 FLUFF CAKE 1 1-4 cups sugar, minus 1 tbsp.; 1-4 cup water plus 1 tbsp., boil until it threads; Pour over 6 egg whites; beaten; beat well and add 6 egg yolks; 1-2 'tsp. cream tartar; 1-2 tsp. vanilla. Fold in 3-4 cup sifted flour. Bake in Angel food pan. (2 squares of melted chocolate may be added to egg mixture before flour is folded in) Mrs. Percy Stark, Independent Grange, Corning. GERTRUDE'S FAVORITE CAKE 3 cups flour 3-4 cup butter 2 1-2 level tsp. baking powder 3-4 cup water 1-2 tsp (level) salt 4 eggs 11-2 cup granulated sugar flavoring Sift flour, baking powder and salt three times; cream sugar and butter; break in 1 egg, add a little of flour and water, beat well. Con- tinue this process until you have used all eggs. Add flavoring last. Mrs. L. O. Rodney, Durham Grange, No. 460. WIND CAKE 11-2 cups sifted cake flour 11-2 cups sugar 1-4 tsp. salt 1-2 cup cold water 1-2 tsp. baking powder 3-4 cream tartar 5 eggs, separated 1-2 tsp. almond extract 1. Sift flour, salt and baking powder several times. 2. To the beaten egg yolks add gradually 1-2 cup cold water. 3. Beat well until fluffy. 4. Add sugar and beat again. 5. Add dry ingredients, little at a time. 6. Fold in beaten egg whites to which the cream of tartar has been added. 7. Add extract. 8. Bake in a tube pan 1 hour in moderate oven. Mrs. Frank Smith, Biggs. Superior Beverage Corporation Willouus Red bluff Menu For Oven "Cooked Meals BAKED STUFFED TENDERLOIN OF PORK with pan roasted potatoes baken onions red cabbage salad milk, coffee graham bread, butter baked apples and cream Bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour with heat on, or at 400 degrees for 30 minutes and an hour on retained heat. STEAM STRING BEANS baked carrots milk rolls, butter escalloped parsnip egg salad bread pudding Bake at 350 degrees for one and one-half hours with heat on or at 350 degrees for thirty minutes and one to one and one half hours on re- tained heat MEAT, ROLLS AND GRAVY kvith watercress salad coffee, milk escalloped cauliflower canned apricots baked potatoes and onions cookies graham bread, butter Bake at 450 degrees for 20 minutes ESCALLOPED SALMON with steamed spinach coffee, milk cucumber, lettuce salad, french sliced baked potatoes dressing baked peaches whole wheat rolls custard sauce plum jelly, butter Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes LIVER AND RICE LOAF baked carrots bread and butter endive salad milk, tea spinach steamed, buttered pineapple upside down cako Bake at 350 degrees for thirty minutes BAKED STUFFED PEPPERS escalloped potatoes cornbread, butter oven cooked green lima beans . coffee, milk carrot strips berry pie Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes then at 350 degrees for 30 minutes for potatoes, peppers and beans s Bake cornbread and pie during the last 45 minutes. BUTTERED MACARONI Three-fourths square of butter, 1 Ib. Spaghetti, 1-2 cup cheese. Boll spaghetti, drain water then pour into a bowl, adding butter and cheese, stir until butter and cheese is mixed well. CONTENTS Page Practical Hints for Householders 2 Salads and Salad Dressings 5 Preserves and Jams 7 Candies 11 Cookies 13 Meats 17 Breads 22 Pies 28 Pickles 35 Puddings 41 Soups 44 Vegetable Dishes 46 Frostings, Fillings and Icings 49 Cakes 51 Menu for Oven Cooked Meals .. 70 A Recipe For A Day Take a little dash of water And a little leaven of prayer, And a little bit of morning gold Dissolved in morning air. Add to your meal some merriment, And a thought for kith and kin, And then, as a prime ingredient A plenty of work thrown in. But spice it all with the essence of love And a little whiff of play; Let a wise old book and a glance above Complete the well made day. ALBERTA JOBE, Corning, Cal. Independent No. 470 BOOOM 83231