GOD BLES YOU." .BUR, : iBIT Dea,r no b(e ^ two of your.5 M" love ^ou till tlvs. la^st to-morrow, "GOD BLESS YOU " BY Published by P F. Volland Co. at their Shop in. Chicago COPYRIGHT, 1B13 P. F. VOLLAND COMPANY. CHICAGO (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED) G OD bless you!" I^Wbrds are empty things; We speak, and think not of our saying But in. this phrase forever rings The higher tenderness of praying. It means so much it means that I Would have no fears or frets distress you, Nor have your heart timed to- a sigh. GOD BLESS YOU! rHEN we have folks that are so true That in our very souls we love them, We want the gladdest jewel* blue To gleam in all the skies above them; It's more than wishing joy and wealth, That kindly fortune may caress you , That you may have success and health GOD BLESS YOU I THIS trinity of blessed words Holds all of human hope and gladness; It serves a feast on broken sherds, It makes a song to heal our sadness ; It gives you all the world can give And may in royal raiment dress you, It betters every day you live GOD BLESS YOU! IT holds all of my gentlest thought, My oldest wishes, and my newest, The fairest deeds that can be "wrought , The halest reetins, and the truest It means that I both day and nidKt Pray that no sorrows may oppress you, That all your hours may bring delight G bless you ! ' ' Why, it means so muck I almost \vhisper as I say it; 1 dream that unseen fin* gers touch My hands in answer as I pray it. May all it means to all mankind In all its wondrousness possess you. Through sun and cloud and calm and wind, GOD BLESS YOU!