^mm^Mmmm A REPORT FROM THE COMMITTEE, TO WHOM THE PETITION O F T H E Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, and great Numbers of the Inhabitants of the feveral Parifties of St. Giles in the Fiehfsy the Liberty of Safron-hill^ Hatton- garden^ and Ely Rents in the Parifh of St. Andrew Holbourn ; Sx..DtinJian Stepney^ St. Paul Shadwell^ St. Anne in Middle fex, St. Sepulchres in Middle/ex^ St. Ltike^ Middlejex, and St. J-ames Clerkenwell in the County of MiddlefeXy whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed on behalf of themfelves, and the reft of the Parifties of the iaid County j AND ALSO The Petition of His Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the County of Middlefex, in their General Sefiions aflembled, were Referred. !^02 L I^ ^ O N Printed in the Year MDCCXXXVH. « o 12^ ^040 56' REPORT FROM THE C O M M I T T E E, iwell in the County of Middlejex^ whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, in behalf of themfelves and the reft of the Parifhes of the faid County ; And alfo The Petition of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the County of Middle/ex^ in their General Seflions affenibled, were referred, have, puriuant to the Order of the Houfe, examined the Matter of the laid Petitions. b o^ And in order to prove, That the Juftices of the Peace had, for many Years laft paft, levied very large Sums of Money on the Inhabitants of the County of Middkfix ; the Petitioners mentioned in the hrft Petition, produced and read divers Or- ders of the Qiiarcer Seflions, for making feveral Pvates for paC- fins: 348257 C 4 J fing Vagrants in the Years i/aa, 1726, 172^, 1731 and 1734J and for eftabliihing Treafurers for Goiiecting the fame, viz. I In the Year 1722 • Sco 1726 Sco 1725) ■ 800 1 73 1 800 ^734 Soo Total 4000 And leveral Orders of the faid Treafurers to the refpedive High Conftables of each Divifion for collecling the fame, were likewife produced and read. They then called Thomas Jones^ High Conftable for Hdlmirn Divifion, in the Year 1722, who faid, That he was appointed Treafurer of the Monies for pafTing Vagrants, in the Year 1722 ; that hereceiv'd a Rate for 800 /. on the whole County, with Diredions not to colled 272 /. 6 s. lid. being Part thereof, affeffed on the Liberties of M'^efimin/ier^ they having a Treafurer of their own : Nor the Sum of 5 /. ii s. id. another Part of the faid Rate, being affefs'd on the Liberties of the Tower within and without, Trinity Minories, and the Old Jlrtilkiy Ground. That he coUeded upon the faid Rate, the Sum of 423 /. i s. That in the latter End of the Year 1725, or Beginning of the Year 1726, he acquainted the SefHons, that he had paid 54/ more than he had received on the faid Rate j that thereupon the Seflions ordered another Rate for the like Sum ; that he colleded but little on the fecond Rate. That in the Year 1728, Mr. Catef- ■worth was appointed Treafurer; that he was ordered to leave his Accounts and Vouchers with Mr. l^f'ilkifj/on, in order that they might be infpeded by the Committee of Accounts. That he had attended the laid Committee ; but had never had any Ac- counts figned. Being asked. How his Account came not to be figned ? he faid. That he had over-paid of the Rate i72(?, 16 /. that the Juftices refulcd to allow him the fame ^ and, that they like- wife refuled to make him the Allowances ufually made to other Conftables. Being ■ 5 ] Being asked,' If lie hadnever been prolccotcd for not making up his Accounts ? he faid, ifc had heard that he was prole- cuted at a Court held at an Alc-houle in Gray <>- inn- lane \ that his Attorneys advilld him to remove the lame into the King:. Bench ; and, that the laid Prolecution coft him ij /. ; that the fame never came to Trial, nor does he know how it ended. Being asked, If he was not advilcd by his Attorneys to at- tend at Hich's Hal/y and make up his Accounts? he laid, He was, and that he defired it might be made up by Gentlemen ot Reputation : He I ike wife faid, That John AJil/itr^ Efq; one of his Majefty's Jufticcs of the Peace, advifed him to attend the Committee, and make up his Accounts j and promilcd him that he Ihould be fafe in going and returning ; that he laid to Mr. Mihier, You know that I have been at great Expencc, paid more than I have received, and am allowed nothing as others have been, nor am I allowed the Money I over-paid for Vagrants. That Mr. Milner replied. The Committee had not Power to make luch Allowances, but that he mull apply to the effions for them, o Being asked, If he had ever applied to the SelTions ? he faid, No. Mr. Philip Betty^ High Conftable of the T'ower Divifion, produced a Warrant from William Cotefwortb^ Elq; Treafurer for the Vagrant Money for the Year \'7^^■, dated the 13th of November in the fame Year, for levying the Sum of 155 /. 2 s. and zd. upon his Divifion; and faid, that he raifed the Whole except the 5 /. i% s. i d. airefled on trinity Minories^ being I45> /. 11 s. id. and paid the fame to iSix.CoteJworthy without having any Allowance made to him. Being asked. If he had never heard of any Poundage, or Prefent, being due to him as High Conftable ? he faid, He had never heard of any. He further faid, That he received a Rate for the like Sum, dated Aagufi 20. 1731. figned by Andre'uj Osborne^ Efq; the then Treafurer ; that upon that Rate he paid to the faid Mr. Osborne the Sum of 1 26 /. 1 1 j. 0. d. and to Mr. 'John Higgs^ a fubfequent Treafurer, 11/. 1 7 j. 3 c/. that there remains uncol- lefted from the trinity Minories 5 /. 1 2 j. \d. and from the Pa- riih of Chriji'church r i /. is. % d. that he received an Order B dated r 6 L dated May aj. 1734. for the like Rate, figned by Mr. foln Higi>-' Mr. Alexander Clarke^ High Conftable of Holborn Divifion, being examin'd, laid, That he receiv'd an Order dated July the 13th, 1734 i and fign'd by yohn Higgs Treafurer, for col- lecting the Sum of 156/. 8j. on his Divifion, for palling of Va- grants ; that he receiv'd of the faid Rate ^61. o s. 10^. and that there remains in Arrear the Sum of 60/. y j. id. from the Parifh of St. G/7w, and the Liberty of the Rolls ^ that he paid 74 /. 3 J. ^d. to Mr. Kiggs i that he retain'd the Remainder in his Hands, becaufe he had a Profecution againit him, at the Suit of vhomas PVyhorn^ Conftable of Saffron -HiU^ Hat ton- Gar den and Ely-Rent Sy for levying the laid Rate in that Divi- lion \ that Mr. Robe advis'd him, not to pay the Money ; and faid. That he would want it again : That he came often to himj and faid. The Juftices were a Pack of good-for-nothing, rafcally, roguilh Fellows and Villains ; but that he named no particular Perfons, nor gave any Reafon why they were fo; that he the laid Kobe faid, He had 500 /. and that he would fpend it againft the Juftices, before they fliould go on as they did, and bam- boozle the County. The Petitioners then proceeded to produce and read divers Orders of the Qiiarter Selllons for making feveral Rates for the Kings Benchy Marjljalfea^ Hofpitals and Almhoufcs for the Years 172a, 1723, 1724, 1725, and 1726, amounting in the whole to 128/. 13 J.: To prove how much whereof had been rais'd, they called Thomas 'Jonesy High Conftable of Holborn Divifion, who faid. That in the Year 1722, he was appointed Treafurer of the Rates to be levied for Marfjalfea and King's Bench ; thac foon loon after his Appointment, he receiv'd of Mr. Nathaniel Chand- ler^ a former Treafurer, the Sum of 85/. i^s. 10 d.-^ and foon after that, o'i ]Ax. John M'lUs^ likewile a former Treafurer, the Sum of 170/. ; that he receiv'd Orders for levying Money for the faid Purpofes, in the Years 1722, 1723, 1724, and 172,5 i and receiv'd the whole of the three firft Rates, and Part of the laft, but knows not how much ; that he paid 285/. xy s. 4^- io Six Daniel Dol'ws, Knight. Mr. 'James Sharplefsy High Conftable of liolhorn Divifion, produced an Order appointing him Treafurer for the fame, for the Year 1728, and laid. That the Rate was for 31 /. loj. 5^. ; that he coliedled thereon 17 /. 17 j. dd.^ that the Places which remain'd in Arrear were Wcfimtufier^ Ket2ftngtoti and Edinonton ; and that they refufed to pay him ; that he acquainted the Ju- ftices therewith, but had no further Order about it ; that he apprehended, that he had no Power to diftrain for the fame, and therefore never applied for a Precept to diftrain. He then produc'd another Orde^c dated the 27th of Jfr'il^ 172^, for a like Rate, and faid, That he colleded on that, 12/. 13 i. 6 J. that the Churchwarden of the Rolls Liberty told him, that he had Money, but that' Mr. Burdus^ a Gentleman in the Commiflion of the Peace, advis'd him not to pay it; that he had a like Anfwer from the Con^zhle oi Hamp fie ad ^ who told him. That Mr. Jenner^ a Gentleman in the Commiflion of the Peace, ordered him not to pay it. He then produc'd another Order, dated the ^th Day of ■jipril 17^0, for a like Rate, and faid, That he colleded on that, the Sum of 2 /. 9 j. 10 d. only ; that he was foon after dif- charged from the Office of High Conftable, which prevented him from coUeding the Remainder. The Petitioners then proceeded to produce and read divers Orders of the Quarter Seflions, for making feveral Rates for the Relief of maimed Soldiers and Mariners, in the Years 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724, 1725, 172^, 1727, 1728, 1725), 17^0, '^73^'> ^73'^^ f'Of" ^he Hundreds of OJJidfiuny Edmonton and Gore^ amounting in the whole to 1054/. 6j. and alio in the fame Years for the Hundreds of Elthorne^ Spelthorne and IJls' "worthy amounting in the whole to 546 /. 4 j. 4 d. C Mr. [ 'o] Mr. James Sharplefsy Conftablc of Holborn Divifion, faid, That in the Year 1728 he had an Order to coUeft the Sum of 15/. 17 J. 4 ^. for the Relief of maimed Soldiers and Mariners; and that he collecled the whole, and paid it to Mr. Barvoell Smithy Treafurcr thereof. That he had a like Order in the Year 1720, that he col- leddd thereon 5 /. i a j. 8 i. which he paid to Mr. Higgi ; that the Parifhes of St. G'lks^ St. Andrew, St. Mary le Bone, Hampfteady and the Rolls, refufed to pay ; that he had a like Warrant, dated the i8th Day of jf//»^, 1730, and fign'd 'T^w^-Ji M'ilner Treafurer ; that he receiv'd thereon the Sum of i /. 6 s. only, from the Pariih of St. Mary le BonCy and paid that like- wife to Mr. HJggs. The Petitioners then proceeded to produce and read divers Orders of the Quarter SelTions, for making feveral Rates for the repairing of Bridges for the Years 1723, 1726, 1735, amounting in the whole to 1 600 /. viz. In the Year 1723 ^00 172^ • 800 ^735 ■ 200 Total 1 600 1. ■J To prove how much whereof had been raifed, they called Mr. fVilliam Lonfdaky High Conftable of Kenjington Divi- fion, who faid. That he colle£led 10/. \os. for a Bridge Rate, and paid it to Mr. Henry Barker, but does not know what Year it was in ; but by an Account produced by Mr. Higgs, it ap- peared to your Committee to be in the Year 1731. Mr. I'homas 'Jones, High Conftablc of //c/J^orw Divifion, faid, That upon the Bridge Rate in the Year 1723, he receiv'd the Sum of 117/. 6 s. and that he paid the whole to Sir Ifaac T'tl- lard, except 4 /. 4 j. i d. The Petitioners then proceeded to fhew, how the feveral Sums of Money collected by virtue of the faid Rates had been milapplicd \ and in order to do the fame, produced and read 7"wo Orders of Seffions, direding Monies rais'd for the Relief of maimed Soldiers, Mariners, and for paffing of Vagrants, to be applied [ " ] applied to the repairing of Hicks's Hall ; the Firft of which bears Date Maytht 30th, 1723, for 400 /. ; the next, May the cjth, 1726, for the Sum of 662/. ^y s. j; ^/. making together the Sum of 1060.1. ly s. p d. being the Sum expended in Pur- luance of Two Orders of Seffions, the Firft bearing Date Fe-' /jruary the ijtb, 1722; and the other the nth Day of jTk//,. 1723; altho' by a Report confirm'd by the faid Orders, the fame was eftimated at 6j^ I. 17 j. 6d. only. But your Committee think proper to obferve, that in the Re- port of the Juftices concerning this Affair, confirmed by the Ordtr oi' May the 26th 1726. there is contained the following Obfervation ; viz. That with regard to the great Sums the Repairs anioimt to beyond what was computed or expected, in their ^Examination of the Workmens Bills, they could not have the Satisfaction they hoped for as to the Reafonablencls of them, by reafon of the long Sicknefs and Death of Sir Thomas Hewit., who was chiefly relied on, and had two Perfons em- ployed under him to infpeft, meafure, and value the Work, and to fee Juftice done; but inftead of doing any Service, or difcovering any Fraud or Error, or making any Abatement of the Demand, they certified under their Hands for every Work- man in every Particular as charged by them in their Bills; tho^ feveral of tiie Workmen thought fit to confent to large Abate- ments. The Petitioners then proceeded to read feveral other Orders, directing further Sums of Monies to be paid out of the faid Rates, for the Repair of Hicks's Hal/, amounting in the whole 1087/. I4J-. ic^^. And out of the fame Rates for the Repair of Nezv Frijo//, the Sum of (^61, i s. lod. They then produced an Order bearing Date, December the 28th I72<^. directing Philip PVilfhire^ Efq; to pay out of the Money colleded for the Repair of Bridges, the Sum of 49 /. 17 j. 2. d. to Miirj Offley, Widow, and Executrix of 'John Ofjley^ Ffq; late Treafurer of the Haymarket ; the fame to be refunded or repaid to the faid 'T'hilip Hlljbire., or his Succeffor, by the Trea- furer of the Toll for the faid Haymarket. And another Order bearing Date the 2(pth oi April 1731. for reimburfing Richard-'Norwood^ High Conftable of the Hundred of Eilhornf, the Sum of 28 /. being his Cofts in an Adion brought againft him by the Clerk of the Marker, out of the firft Money that [ ,zl . . that fhould come into the Hands of any Treafurer ; and alfo two Orders bearing Date 'Ja>iuary the 13th, and February the 24th 1 73 1, impowering Mr. Juhn Htggs to retain to himfelf the Sum of 85) /. 18 s. and to pay to xMr. 'John Matthews^ the Sum of 10/. 5 J. id. making together the Sum of 100/. 3 j. id. for defending the faid Richard Norzvood. An^ another Order, bearing T>niQ February the aSth 1733. for the faid Mr. John H'lggs to retain in his Hands out of the publick Monies, the Sum of 23/. ijj. 6 d. for NonprofTing an A£lion brought againft the Hundred ofOJJiilflon for a pretended Robbery ; and for profecuting Mojes ^Peters, Clerk to Clifford William 'Philips., Efq; one of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace ior the County of MiddlefeXy for Extortion. And another Order, dated Anguft the apth 1734. direding the Sum of 20 /. to be paid out of the pubHck Money, fo much being the Bill of the faid Mr. Higgs^ for carrying on the faid Profecution againft Peters in the King's Bench^ till Judgment and Execution. And another Order of Afril the ajth 1734. by which the Sum of 10/. was allowed Mr. Higgs, over and above the Ex- pcnce of any Profecution, to get in and receive the Monies or- dered to be raifed and coUeded by virtue of a Rate made Afril the ajth 1734. for raifing 800/. for palling Vagrants. And another Order made jfune the 3d 1731. by which the faid Mr. John Higgs was appointed Treafurer of the Vagrant Rate, and a yearly Salary allowed to him of 2j/. which from "June 1731. to June 1736. amounted to laj/. And another Order, dated ^^r// the 25th 1734. by which the Sum of 1 1 /. 1 1 j. was direftcd to be paid out of tfie publick Monies, to T'homas H'ilkitijdn, Deputy Clerk of the Peace, for printing Advertifements from Day to Day concerning the Elec- tion of Reprcfentatives for the County of Middlejex. And another Order of the fame Date, by which 3 /. ^ s. was ordered to be paid out of the laid Monies, to Thomas Brvmley^ Crycr of Hicks' s Hall, for HorfeHirc, and Expences in deliver- ing icveral Letters to Juftices to meet, concerning Reprefenta-f tives for the County of Aliddkfex. All [ '5 ] All which faid Sums of Money, the Petitioners alledged had been embezzled or mifapplied by tlie Juftlces of the Peace for the faid County : A particular Account of the fliid Sums is an* nexed to this Report by way of Appendix, No. I. They further infifted, that there remained in the Hands of the feveral Perlons hereafter named, divers Sums of Money un- accounted for, belonging to the faid County ; viz. in the Hands of Mr. yohf! Higgs^ Treafurer for the faid County, ^yy I. 1 1 j. o- d. ; in the Hands of Mr. Cotejiuorth, 163/. 16 s, 10 d. \ of Mr. Jones ^ 61. 14 s. 6 d.j of Mr. fVilJbirey 61. 14 s. 10 d.; of Mr. Clitheru., 0.6 h 11s. ^d. ; of Mr. Henry Barker, 5)0 /. \y s. S^''-) of Alexander Clarke, 0^% 1. 14 j. 8 t/. ; of "John Pay my 61. \ s. 4 ^. ; of Jani.es Shar fiefs, 12 l. 2 s. Sd.; of John Da- niely Deputy Cryer at Hicks' s Hall, 3/. i^s. 8^. j of Jacob Harvey, KCq; 282/. ^j. 5^.; of MT.PhilifBetty, ^ol. ^j. ^d.\ and alfo a further Sum of j/. 1 1 j. Then John Milner, Efq; one of his Majefty's Juftices of the peace for the County of Middlefex faid, That he and the reft of the Juftices of the Peace for the faid County were ready to make out to your Committee, that the feveral Sums of Mo- ney levied on the Inhabitants of the County of Middlefex y for palling of Vagrants, repairing Bridges, contributing to Ho- spitals and Alms-houfes, relieving maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and the poor Prifoners in the King's Bench and Marfoalfea, had not been more than was necelTary ; and that the fame had not been mifapplied or embezzled by the faid Juftices or their Agents ; but that they hoped to make it appear that the fame had been applied for the Advantage and Intereft of the faid County ; and that the faid Charge laid againft them by the Petitioners, arofe merely from the Refentment that fhornas Eohe, Efq; one of the faid Juftices, had conceived againft them, for oppofing him in the Execution of his Patent, as Clerk of the Market, and in contefting exorbitant Fees claimed by him, which, on a Trial in ihc King's Bench (brought on by their Order, for the Good of the County, as they, ap- prehend) was found to be illegal ; by which Means the faid Mr. Robe loft above 1000 /. per Annum, at a moderate Com- putation : That feveral of the Complaints made by the Peti- tioners, if they had had any Foundation, had been long fince removed : That the Rates for maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and King's Bench, and Hofpitals, had been difcontinued for fome Years: That the Juftices had laid out for the Repair of D Hicks's C -4 ] Hicks % Hall^ Money of their own, and that they had frequent- ly laid out the County Rents, which are applicable to that Ufe, to other publick Services of the County : That the Petitioners, by going back for 14 Years, can only affeft the ]uftices then concerned, who are moftof them dead, and there- fore incapable of juftifying themfclves j that Mr. Rphe has afted himfelfin moft of thefe Things; that he never complain'd of any MifappHcation in Seflions, till after his Patent was by the faid Juftices render'd ineffedual j that where-ever any Money has been direded to be paid out of one Fund, for another Uie than what the fame was appropriated to, it was always directed to be replac'd j and in Fad leveral Sums of Money have been fo replac'd, and the whole in time will be repaid i and a greater Part had been fo already, but for Ibme Accidents which could not be forefeen ; fome of which, he laid, they were ready to lay before the Committee; many of them owing to Mr. Robe's oppreffive Execution of his Patent, and his malicious Profecu- tions of their Officers, and Removal of their Rates by Cer- tiorari. To prove the abovcfaid Fads, Nathaniel Bhickerby, Efq; another of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, produc'd the Account of T^homas jones. High Con- ftable of the Hundreds of OJfulJion^ Edmonton and Gore^ and Treafurer of the Monies rais'd for palling of Vagrants, within the faid Hundreds, for the Years 1722 and 1726 •■ by which it appeared, that he colleded on the faid Rates, the Sum of 870/. 1 3 J. 8^.; and that he expended, for palling of Vagrants, for which he produced Vouchers, the Sum of 5^)1 /. 15 j. 10^.; that he paid to Sir Daniel Dolins^ General Treafurer for the faid County, the Sum of 1 38 /. o j. 10^/.; that he has charged in the faid Account the Sum of 131 /. 4j, 10^. for which he can produce no Vouchers; fo that by that Account, there appears to remain in his Hand the Sum of ^ /. 1 2 i, a <:/. They then read an Order of SefHons, dated 'July the 20th, 1728, requiring the laid ''Jones, amongft others, perfonally to attend at the next General Seflions of the Peace, to be holden for the faid County, by Adjournment on the 27th Day of Aigufi then next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, and to produce a true and perfed Account in Writing, of all Monies by him receiv'd, during his Continuance in the Office of High Conftable, or after his being dilcharg'd from the fame, for the Relief of maimed Soldiers and Mariners, for the Marfialjea, King's C '5 3 Khig's Beiich, and Holpitals, for the pafllng and relieving of Vagrants, for the Repair ofpublick Bridges, and the Houfc of Corredion, and of the rcfpci^tive Payments out of the fame, with the Receipts and Vouchers to them belonging j with an Account of the Arrears ftanding out and unreceiv'd upon the faid Rates, and from what Parifhes or Places the fame are due, with the Chriftian and Surname of the Petty Conftables or Pariih Officers, who have made fuch Default. Mr. John Higgs then produced a Copy of an Indidment pre- ferred againft the faid yosies and others, at the General Quarter Seflions of the Peace, held by Adjournment July the 20th, in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for not attending on the Day appointed ; which Indiftment was re- moved into the King's Benchy and there remains undecided for want of Money to carry on the Profecution. A Copy of the {aid Indiclmei)t is hereunto annexed, No. II. ■ --A ;•' Then feveral Orders of a Committee of Juftices appointed to ftate the Accounts, and feveral Letters figned by the Clerk of the Peace, requiring the faid Jones to make up his Accounts, were read. Then Mr. T'homas Wjlhnfon produced a fecond Indictment, preferred the 1 4th Day of January ^ in the fecond Year of King George II. againft the faid yones ; but faid, that that was like- wife removed into the Court o^ King' s Bench -^ a Copy of which is alfo hereunto annexed, No. Ill, Then an Order of Seffions, dated jiuguji the aSth 172^, direding a Writ o^ Capias to be ilfued againft the faid Jones to apprehend . him, and oblige him to anfwer to the Indictments preferred and found againft him for not accounting, was read. And another of the 15th of ^January following, direding Procefs to be ilfued, and continued until the faid Jones Ihould be Outlawed, iwas alfo read. ' And another bearing Date the adth Day of February follow- ing, dirtying a Writ o^ Fix i gent againft the faid Jones for not 'accounting, was alfo read. "•»^r.-::J ' '^if. Blackerhyxh&n produced the Account of pfilliam MurJen, Gent. High Conftable for the Hundreds of Elf home, Sfehborne and [ i6 ] and Ijhworth^ and Trealurer for the Monies raifed within the faid Hundreds for pafling of Vagrants, the Total of which for the faid two Years amounts to the Sum of 1 1 3 /. 1 8 j. He paid out of the fame for pafUng of Vagrants, 30/. yds. 1 1 c/. for which he produced Vouchers, and there remained in Arrear (uncoUeded) at the Time of his Death 57/. 13J. \ d. He further paid to one Mr. barker., by Order of the Jdftices, for which he produced no Voucher, the Sum of 5/. 8j. which Sums together maite the faid Sum of 1 13 /. 18 j. Mr. Blackerby then acquainted the Committee, that the Ju- ftices were not able to give an exaft Account of Mr. Mur den's Affairs, by reafon that he died foon after he was called upon to make up his Accounts, and that his Servant who kept the faid Accounts ran away with them, which Mr. Robe^ Agent for the Petitioners, admitted to be true. He then produced the Account of pVilUam Cotefworth^ Efq; County Trcafurer for the Rate made for palling of Vagrants in the Year 1725), by which it appears, that he had disburfcd out of the faid Rate the Sum of 107/. 16 s. 5 d. only. Your Committee beg Leave to obferve, that as Mr. Cotef- worth died infolvent, there were no Vouchers produced for this Account ; and that the Account added at the End of this Re- port, No VII. was ma°de up from a Book of Mr. CoteJworth'& Hand-writing, delivered to your Committee by Mr. Charles Barnard^ Attorney at Law, who faid that he received it from Mr. Cvtefworthh Widow, but attefted it to be Mr. CoteJwortFs Hand-writing from his own Knowledge. Mr. Blackerby then produced the Account of Andrew Oshority Efq; County Treafurer, for the Rate made for pafling of Va- grants in the Year 1731, by which it appears, that he had disburfed the Sum of i%yl. 16 s. 6 d. for which he produced Vouchers j that there remained uncolleded at the Time of his making up his Account the Sum of 473/. i j. 6d. and that he paid to Mr. Higgs, the fucceeding Trcafurer, the Sum of 41 /. 4 J. which makes the faid Rate of 800/. He then produced feveral Accounts of Mr. yohn Higgs^ Trea- furer for the faid County; the firft of loa/. 6 s. ^d. being Part of the Arrears of the Rate 1729, and received by him, by which it appeared, that he had disburfed thereof, for which he produced [ -7] produced Vouchers, the Sum of 58 /. i6s. pd. and that there remained in his Hands the Sum of 43/. pj. 8^. ; the fecond Account was the faid Balance; the Balance paid him by ylndrew Oshoni^ Efq; and feveral Arrears of the Rate made 1731, amounting in the whole to 15^/. 6s.-^ and by that it appears, that the faid Mr. Higgs had disburfed on the faid Accounts the Sum of 161 I. _§s. 2d. Mx.J-ohn Higgs, General Treafurer for the County of Mid- d/ejexy being examined, faid, That he had Monies in his Hands, paid him by feveral Conftables on the Vagrant Rate 1734, before the Order for making the fame was removed into the King's Bench ; but that the faid Rate having been quaflied there, he was at a Lofs how to difpofe of the fame, and therefore had not brought it to Account. The Particulars of the feveral Accounts before-mentioned relating to Vagrant Money, with an Extradl of the fame, are added to the End of this Report by way of Appendix, Num- bers IV, V, VI, VII, Vlir, IX, X. Mr. Blackerby then proceeded to lay before the Committee the Accounts of the feveral Treafurers for the Marjhalfea, King's Bench and Hofpitals for the Hundreds of OJfuiflony Edmonton and Gore j and iirft that of Thomas Jones, Treafurer for the fame for the Years 1712, 1723,1724,1725, 172(5, and 1727, by which he is charged with the Sum of 43p /. 1 1 j. j he paid thereout the Sum of 285/. 17 s. and 4 d. to Sir Daniel Dolins, Kt. to be applied to the Repair of Hicks' s HaU\ there remained uncollefted of the Rate 1725, 5/. 12 J. 8^. and of the Rate 172^, 6/. 3 j. 6d. ma- king in the whole the Sum of 2^7/. 13 i. (>d.\ fo that there remains in the Hands of the faid Mr. Jones, upon this Head, the Sum of 141 /• ^7 s. 6d. He then produced the Account of Mr. James Sharplefs^ Treafurer for the faid Divifion for the Years 1728, 172^, 1750, whereby he is charged with the Sum of 94/. 10 J.; 33/. as. 10 d. of which he paid to Mr. John Higgs, Treafurer of the faid County, and there remained un- colledled in the three Years 61 l. ^ s. 2 d. making the faid Sum of 04 /. 10 s. E He C '8 ] He then produced the Actx»nnt of Mr. y^kxaiuler Clarke^ Treafurer for the faid Hundreds for the Year 1731, 1732, by which he is charged with the Sum of 63 /. j 46 /. 6 s. 4 (/. of which he paid to Mr. Job/j Higgs ; 16 1. 13 J. 8^. remained in A rrear, making together the laid Sum of 6^ I He then produced the Account of Mr. John Higgs^ Treafurer for the faid County, by which he is charged with the Receipt of the Sum of 5)4/. 14J, 3 i/. upon the Account of the faid lafl mentioned Rate; ^l. i8j. of which he has disburfed, and produced Vouchers for the fame 5 84/. 16 s. ^d. remains in his Hands, making together the Sum of ^4 /. 1 4 J. 3 ^. It appeared to your Committee by Mr. Cotefworth's Book, that he had received from the Hands of one Richard ff'iljbn the Sum of 4/. 15 J. 4 ^. being Part of the Arrears of thefe Rates for the Years 1717 and 1729. It likcwife appeared to your Committee, that the Exhibition Money to the Marfljalfea and King's Bench was paid by the Clerk of the Peace out of the proper Money of the juftices, called Colt Money, until the Year 1732. Your Committee do not find, that there has been any Rare rjjadf for thele Purpofes fince the Year 1732. Mr, Bhckerhy then produced the Accounts of the feveral Treafurers of the aforefaid Rates for the Hundreds of Eltho) fWy Sj^elthorne and IJleiuoith \ ' 'irt, TbAtofMT.in/Iiiim Mt'.rdai for theYear 1722, 1 723, i''24, 172J and 1726, by which he is cliaiged with the Sura of 6y I. 3 J. 4 r/. J 20 /. of which he paid to Sir Dm'tel DoVws\ 30 /. more to the fame by the Hands of Mr. Nine-^ and 17/. 3 j. 4^/. ri,'- maincd uncolltQed j making the laid Sum 0(67 I. 3 s. j\.d. 2dly, Mr. Thomas iVUhnfon'^^ for the Years 1727 and 1728, whereby he is charged with tlie Sum of .1.61. 17 j. 4^. ; 3 /. j j. ©f which appears to be in his Hands, by a Letter dated 'June the 7th 1728; and 23/. i r. j, 4c/, the Rcm:undrr of tlie faid Sum, is unculletlcd. M ' 3'3Jy: 3dly, Mr. John Payne's^ for the Year 1731 and 1732, by which he is charged with the Sum of '16 1, i/j. 4^. ; 4/. 3 j. 2<^. of which he paid to Mr.Johfi Higgs aforefaid ; and ai /. i4i. 2ditherOyYA(];^ 10 1. 8 J. 10 d. by Mr. Higgs'^ and 2p/. 16 j. sd. \ remains uncol- leded \ there remains in the Hands of Henry Barker ^ Efq; the Sum of 7 1. 1 s. 6 d. and in Mr. Higgs's Hands 31 /. 12 s. id. -j, making together the faid Sum of 200 /. Mr. Barkemttcnded your Committee, and produced Vouchers, by which it appeared, that he had expended all the Money charged to be in his Hands to the Ufes for which it was raifed, except the faid Sum of 7 /. 2s. 6d. which he faid he was ready to pay or apply, as the Juftices fhould direft. Mr. Clithero likewife attended your Committee, and made it appear to them by proper Vouchers, that he had expended all the Money charged to be rn his Hands^ for the Purpofes for which it was raifed. A Copy of the two Accounts above-mention'd relating to Bridges, with an Extraft thereof, are hereunto annexed, Num- bers XVI, XVII. It appeared to your Committee, by Mr. Jones's Account, That 3 /. xi s. lid. Part of the faid Arrears, had been col- lefted by him, and remains in his Hands. It [ ly ] It likewife appeared to your Committee by Mr. Cote/worth's Account, chat he had received of Mr. Nine the Sum of 23 /. 6 s. II d. Part of the Arrear of the Rate niade 1726; out of which he gives himfelt Credit for the Sum of 5 /. 10^. 11^. disburfed by him. Mr. Blackerhy then produced an Account of the Moneys bor- rowed from the feveral Treafurers of maimed Soldiers and Ma- riners, Vagrants, Marjhalfea and King's Eejich^ from 1722 to 1726, amounting in the Whole to the Sumof 107^/. \j s.^d. ■with an Account how the fame had been disburfed j A Copy of which is hereunto annexed, No XVIII. He then produced a particular Account of the Money fo borrowed, and how much of the fame had been replaced ; A Copy of which is likewife hereunto annexed, No XIX. Mr. Blackerhy uitn faid, that the Debt had been much more reduced, but tor the following Reafons ; That the Repairs of the faid Hall came to 452/. ly s. ^d. more than they were eftimated at : That the Expences for the Repair and Furniture of the faid Hall, Repair of Neiv Prifon^ and Coals and Fees between '\jiily 1728 and Augtijl 1730, amounted to 82/, \s.\ That the Expences of profecuting Thomas Robe^ Efq; for op- prefling of the Inhabitants of the County of Middlefex^ as Clerk of the Market, and the Expence of profecuting and convicting the Clerk of Gliffbrd fV'tUiam 'T>hilips, Efq; Juftice of the Peace, for Extortion in taking unjuftifiable Fees, amounted to 136/, 7 j. I d.^ which,ThrcelaftArticleswerepaidout of the County Rents: That the Jufiices, fince the Lofs to the County by Mr. Cotef- worth'z Death, have charged Mr. Higgs's Salary of 1^ per Ann. to the County Rents, which for 5 Years amounts to 1 2 j /. for keeping the Account of all the Rates and Accounts annually • for doing of which he has 500 /. Security ; which Salary the Juftices apprehend, ought rather to have been charged to the feveral Rates in Proportion ; and if that Sum had been taken from the County Rents, and applied, as at firft ordered by the Seflions, towards paying off the Debt incurred for the Repair of Hicks's /fall, it had reduced the fame to the Sum of 613/. 1 7 J. 71: That notwithftanding this great Repair, the Court was too fmall for the Bufinefs of late Years, the fame being greatly increafed j and that by means of the Court being open, G It i^6 2 it was fo cold as to endanger the Health of the Juftices and the Suitors : That the Money being thus exhauftcd by the aforelaid Expenccs, the Juftices have fince laid out the Sum of 150/. ^s. of their own Money, called Colt Money, upon Hicks' j Hall, which otherwife they would have applied to the leffening of the faid Debt, which would have reduced it tq 458 /. iz s. y±. and that annually decreafing. He then produced an Account of Money paid from County Rents by nomas Wilkinfon to Mr. Cote/worth from 1728 to 1730, amounting in the whole to 5)5)/. 10 J. 8^. ; 57/. 3^. of which was applied to the Repairing and Furnifiiing ofHicks's //all, and 1 5 / to the Repair of New '^rlfon, and 31/. 1 1 i. % d. Mr, Cotejwoi'th paid to Mr. Higgs, for defraying the Expence of carrying on the Prolecutions aforefaid ; A Copy of which is hereunto annexed, No XX. He next produced an Account of County Rents received by Mr. yobn Higgs and Mr, 7'homas Wilkivfon from 1730 to 173 (J, amounting in the whole to 25)^ /. ^s. 2d.j by which it appears, that 5)3/, 10 s. 10 d.. Part thereof, was applied to the Furni- ture and Repair of ///^fc/j 7/^//; 84/, 15 J. 5^. was disburfed to fupport the Profecutions againft Thomas Robe, Efq; Clerk of the Market of the King's Houfhold, and Mofes Peters, Clerk to Clifford JVilliam 'Thilifs, Efq; and 16 1. 4^. for printing and difpcrfing Advertifements concerning the Election of Reprefen- tatives for the County of Middlefex and other Purpofes ; A Copy of which is hereunto annexed, No XXI. There is likewife charged, as due to the faid Mr. Higgs, the Sum of I 2j/. being for 5 Years Salary allowed him as General Treafurer ; and likewife the Sum of a/, i s. 6 d. paid for Books to keep the Accounts, which makes the Difcharge exceed the Charge, the Sum of aa/. 2 j. yd.j which is alledged, will be made good to the Accountant by the Half-year's Rent due at Lady-day 17 ^y, and which is not included in this Account. It appeared likewife to your Committee by a Receipt of Mr, Higgs, that the faid Mr. fVtlkinfon paid to Mr. Higgs^ out of the Connty Rents by Order of Mr. Cotefworth, the Sum of Twenty Pounds, towards defending the Caufe againft fhotnas Robe^ Efqj Ic [ 27 .) It appeared likcwit'e to the Committee, by an Account laid before them, That the Jnfticcs ol' the Peace had expended out of their own proper Money, called Colt Money, the Sum of 1 55 /. s ■»"■ towards the Repair of Hich's-Hall^ a Copy of which is hereunto annex'd, N^ XXII. It appeared to your Committee, by an Account marked No XXIII., that the Juflices had expended more out of the Colt Money upon Hicks's Hall, than the >Seffions had applied to Pro- fecutions or Advertifements, out of the County Rents. Thomas Bardus^ Efq; then produced his Account, as Trea- furer of the Houfe of Corredion of Clerhenwell, marked No XXIV.; by which it appeared, that of a Rate made for 800 /. in the Year 17 17, he had received the Sum of 3^3 /. 6 s. 8^.; 0.^1 1. 14 J. 3^8 of which he had disburfed before the aSth oi Ociober ly^iy but for which he produced no V^ouchers : 100/. laj-, 5^, remained then in his Hands, but which he afterwards paid to Sir Daniel Dolinsy as appears by the faid Sir jD^«;V/'s Accounts; and 406/, 13 i. 4^. remained then in Arrear. Then a Copy of a Warrant, dated the 7th of Jamtary 1734, figned by ^imon Mitchell and Robert 7'othtll, Efqrs. two of his Majcfty's Juftices of the Peace for the County of Middlejexy dire^ed to y^rthiir Rawlifi/b}?, Gent. High Conftable for fyejl- Tninfier Divifion, in the Hundred of O^ftilflon in the faid County, was produced and read, directing him to levy the Sum of %6l. ^d. \y upon the faid Hundred; and to pay the fame to one of the faid Juftices, in order to reimburfe one John White, an Inhabitant in the faid Hundred, the Sum of vhen he was con- cerned 'in defending the Profccutibh againfi: N'unvood, Mj. Robe frequently declared'to him, that he vvoukI be revenged of the Juftices, and that he woiiKi fpend j or 600 I. to plague them ; and that he would remove all their Orders into the King -Bench', and particularly he would plague old Mibier^foi constantly op- pofihg him in the Exercife of his Patent as Clerk of the Market for the King's Houfhold, and that he would bring th^r^.. before the Parliament. .... Mr. Robert Day^ Church-warden of the Parifti of Cbrift- Church^ Spittkjieldsy faid, thatapon a Summons of Mr. Robe and others to the Church- warden of his Parifh among others to meet ziil^c'I'opes's-Htad Tavern on the ijth QfOi^/t^Z't^r 173.6, he went ; that Mr. Robe came in foon after him, and faid, That he had left the Juftices at Hkks's-Hall in a great Fright, having Ibme Notion of that Meeting \ that the faid Mr. Robe recom- mended Mr. Lebas^ who was Church- warden of St. Giles's Parifh, to take the Chair, which he accepted of, but did not change his place j and that, Mr. Kobe llkewife recommended a Secretary whom he called his Sidefman \ Mr. Rohe then told them,. That now w:as their Time to apply, and that they had no Remedy but by Parliament j that the Vagrant Money had been illegally raifed, and unjuftly applied \ that the Complaint muft not be made in his Name, but in the Names of the Church-wardens and the Parifiies, but that he would affift as much as polTible j and -that the Expcnce muft be born by the Veftries, it being for piiblick Service j that he faid, he was too late the laft Year, but •advifed them to get ready this. Being asked, Whom he was directed to enquire for when he came to the faid Tavern 1 he faid, For Mr.i?6^fj and doing fo, he was carried up into a Room, where Mr. Robe came foon after. Mr. 'JohnH'tggshtxn^ again examined, faid, That upon aPre- fentment ol Brentford Bridge being out of Repair, Mr. Robe^ at a Meeting of the Sellions, oppofed the raifing 200 /. for the fame, it exceeding the Eftimate given in by the Grand Jury \ that thereupon the Repair was put off for two or three Months, by which the Bridge fuffered much ; that it coft the County lo or 30 /. the more for that j that after that, the faid Mr. Robe pro- pofcd [ 40 ] pofed building the fame with Stone, and produced an Eftimatc of 1 300 /. for doing the fame ; that he employed Mr. M^reathock as his Attorney to remove the Vagrant Rate in 1734. 7'homas CkytieU, Clerk to the Clerk of the Peace, faid. That Mr. Wilk'wfon drew out the Charges of removing the Vagrant Rate, and gave it to him j and that he carried it to fVreathocky who paid him the Bill. Mr. Thomas fVtlk'wfon being examined, faid, That \nyanuary laft he was in Company with Mr. Robe at a CofFee-houfe, when he advifed him not to carry on his Profecutions ; and that here- plied. He would; and after that, that he would fet up the Clerk of the Market's Place again. Henry Maftermau^ Efq; Secondary in the Crown-Office, being examined, faid. That upon the firft Order of Removal of the Va- grant's Rate, Mr. Robe paid him the Fees, and that Mr. Lebas paid him for the fecond, and likewife for the Removal of the Orders for Rates for the Repair of Brentford Bridge, and Houfc of Corredion. He further faid. That there had been a general Complaint of the Prifoners in the King s-Bench of their not receiving their Money from their refpeftive Counties according to Law ; that he believes he may have asked Mr. Hlggs for the fame, and that he paid him j and that the County oi Middle/ex is not inArrear. Thomas Wilkinfon being again examined, faid, That he had been an Officer under the Clerk of the Peace for aj Years; that he had paid the Exhibition Money to the King's Bench and Marjhalfea^ being two Guineas yearly out of the Colt-Money j that he never knew the Juftices fpend the publick Money at any Meeting ; that they always paid the Expences of the Meet- ings at JVeftminflery and other extraordinary Expences, where the Sheriff did not treat, out of the Colt- Money. Being asked, If he never knew any Conflables apply to be reimburfed for palling Vagrants, who had been refufed ? he faid, That about twenty-five Years ago there was a Complaint that the Charge of pafling of Vagrants ran very high, to remedy which the Juftices were defired to tax the Certificates, and thofe that exceeded the Order of SclRons have been lefufed. Mr. [4> 3 Mr. 'John H'lggs being examined as to that Fa6l, faid. Thai , fince he had beeniniployed, all that brought proper Certificates had been paid, except the Parilh of St. Giles, who have re- fufed to pay the three laft Rates. Then an Order of SefTions, dated May the 7th 1703, fixing- 6d. pur Mile, and no more, for pafllng Vagrants, was read. fhomas Jenner, Efq; one of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, being examined, faid, That he had never adviied the Peo- ple not to pay the Rates ; that his Neighbours had often ap- plied to him about the Vagrant Rate; and that he told them, It was a necefTaiy Rate, and niuft be paid ; that it was for the Good of the County ; that upon Mr. Cotejwortb's Death he ad- vifed the High Conftable not to part with the Money in his Hands till a new Treafurer was chofen, 7'homasBurdasy Efq; being examined, faid, That he had never advifed any Body wlutfoever not to pay the Rates. Mr. Le Bas being fhewn the Petition prefented this Seflion to Parliament, acknowledged that he figned the faid Petition. yoh)i Brad/haw, Door-keeper to the Houfe of Commons, ^ being fhewn a printed Paper, intituled, T'be Ca/e of the T'axes ' and rijfejjments rai/ed upo>i the County o/'Middlefex, and asked. If he delivered out fuch Papers, and by whofe Diredion.'' faid, Thit he did deliver fuch Papers at the Door of the Houfe of .Commons; that they were brought to him by a Porter^ and i> that Mr. Rvhs or Mr. Le Bas paid him for fo doing. fralter Mor^het, likewife a Door-keeper to the Houfe of Commons, fiid. That the afore-mentioned Paper was brought by a Porter, and that Mr. Robe and Mr. Le Bas came with him, and that he faw Mr. Le Bas pay Brad^Jaw for delivering out the lame ; a Copy of the above-mentioned Paper is added by- way of Appendix, No XXIX. The Petitioners then, by way of Reply, read The 14th Se^'wn of an Act paffed in the 43d Year of the Reign of Queen Ehz. Intituled, Jn Jcifor the Relief of the Poor^ concern' ii.igtheReliej uf the poor Prifoners of the King's Bench and Mar- ihaliea, which direds the juftices of the Peace, in their General L Qyarter [40 Quarter SelTions, to fct down what competent Sums of Money fhall be fent Quarterly out of every County for the fame, which ftiall be rateably affefled on every Parifh ; and the Churchwardens ihall colleft the fame, and pay it over to the High Conftable of their Divifion ; and the High Conftable Ihall pay the fame to two fuch Treafurers, or one of them, as the Juitices fhall eled, the faid Treafurers to continue for one Year, and then to give up their Charge, with a due Account of the Receipts and Disburfements, at the Seflions to be holden next after Eajier^ to fuch others, as fhall from Year to Year be eleded Treafurers j and the faid Treafurers, or one of them, fhall pay over the fame to the Lord Chief Juftice of England and Knight Mar- flial. Se^ion the 13th of the faid Ad: was likewife read, which direds the Surplufage of the laid Money to be beftowed by the Difcretion of the faid Juftices, for the Relief of Hofpitals, and of thofe who fhall fuftain Loffesby Fire, Water, by Sea, or other Cafualties, and to fuch other Charitable Purpofes as to the more Part of them fhall feem meet. They then proceeded to objed to the Accounts delivered in by the Juftices relating to Vagrants, and alledged, that the feveral Sums of Money paid to Perfons by Contrad for the palling of Vagrants, was an Imbezzlement of the publick Money, and contrary to Ad of Parliament 5 To prove which, they read Se0. 10. of an Ad pafTed in the i a th Year of Queen ^w/;?, Intituled, jln AB for reducing the Laws relating to Rogues^ Fa- gabonds^ Sturdy Beggars and Fcigrants^ into one AH of farlia- menty and for the more effeBual punijhing fuch Rogues^ Vaga- bonds, Sturdy Beggars and Vagrants, and Jending them whither they ought to be fent, whereby the Conftable is direded to con- vey the Vagrant, as direded by the Pafs, and deliver him to the Conftable of the Place whither he is fent : Alfo Seii. 10. of the faid Ad, whereby the Juftices of the Peace are direded to limit and dired what Rates or Allowances ^tr Mile, or otherwife, fhall be made for the palling, conveying or maintaining of Vagrants; and likewife are impowered to make fuch other Orders, Rules, and Diredions for the regular proceeding or ad- ing therein, as they, in their Difcretion, ftiall think proper, which fhall be obferved and fubmitted to by all other Juftices of the Peace, Gonftables, Officers, or other Perfons. Alfo [4; ] Alfo Se£f. the 14th of the fame A*^: was read ; which dire(Els that the Chief Conftable Ihall pay to every Petty Conftable the Rates and Allowances afcertained in the Certificates by him produced, attefted by any Jufticc of the Peace, with a Receipt from the Conftable, to whom he deli^^er'd the Perfon or Perfons fo to be conveyed j which Certificate the Chief Conftable Ihall be allowed to difcount in his Account to be made with the Treafurcr of the County. They likewife infifted, That the Lofs fuftained by Joaej, was owing to his being appointed Trcafurer of more Hundreds than he ought to have been j To prove which they read Se£f. the 1 3th of the aforefaid Ad 5 which direds, That the jMo- neys to be raifed for pafling of Vagrants ftiall be quarterly paid to the Chief Conftables of eachDivifion, in fuch manner as that they may have a Quarterly Payment in their Hands • and that the faid Chief Conftables ftiall, twice in a Year, or oftner, as the faid Juftices ftiall direft, account for the fame with the Trea- furcr of the County. They likewife objefted, That the appointing Mr. Cote/worth and Mr. Osborne Treafurers of the Vagrant Rates, neither of them being High Conftables, was illegal ; and that all the Mo- ney loft by Mr. Cote/worth, amounting in the Whole to 404 /. 10 s. 8 ^., was an Embezzlement. Upon the Head of County Bridges they objefted, That 45 /. 1 7 s. 11 d. charged as expended in going to view the faid Bridges, and 45) /. ly s. a d. paid to Mrs. Offley, were Embezzlements contrary to an Aft pafled in the Firft Year of Queen Anne^ intituled, An AH to explain and alter the ASt made In the Two and twentieth Tear of King Henry VIII. concerning Repairing and Amending of Bridges in the Highways : And for Repealing an Aci made in the Twenty-third Tear of ,^ueen Eliz. Jor the Re-edifying of Cardiff Bridge in the County 0/ Glamorgan : And alfo for changing the Day of Eleiiion of the Wardens and Ajjifiants op Rochefter Bridge \ To prove which, Se£i. the 2d of the faid Acl was read, direding the Juftices of the Peace, at their General or Quarter Seflions, upon Prefent- ment to them made, to aflefs every Town, Parifh, or Place, within their Jurifdidion, for Repairing of the fame ; which the Conftables, or fuch other Perfons as the Juftices ftiall ap- point, ftiall colled j and the Money thereby raifed ftiall be paid over by them to the High Conftables, who are to pay the feme to fuch Perfon and Perfons, as the faid Juftices by their Order [44] Order (hall appoint to be Treafurers of the fame, to be em- ployed for amending the laid Bridges, and the Highways at the End of the faid Bridges, as Need (hall require. SeB. the 6th of the faid Acl was likevvifc read ; whereby the Juftices, at their General Quarter Seffions, are impovver'd to allow Perfons concern'd in the Execution of that Aft, any Sum not exceeding Three Pence in the Pound. Upon the Accounts of maimed Soldiers and Mariners they ob- jefted, That the Sum annually allowed to the Treafurer's Clerk, being two Pounds ten Shillings, was an Embezzlement, and con- trary to an Adl of the 43d of Elizabeth^ intitied, ydn Aci for nece£ary Relief of Soldiers and Mariners. Se^f. the 5th of the faid A61 was read j which direds, That the Church- Wardens and Petty Conftables of every Parilh, (hall colled the Rate laid by the faid Ad, and ftiall pay over the fame to the High Conftable ; who Ihall pay over the fame to fuch Juftices of Peace, or to two fuch other Perfons or one of them, as the more Part of the Juftices ftiall cled to be Trea- furers of the faid CoUedion ; which Treafurers ihall continue for one whole Year, and then give up their Charge, with a due Account of their Receipts and Disburfements, at Rafler Seffions, or within ten Days after, to fuch other, as ftiall be fucceifively eleded. And SeB. the 14th of the faid Ad was alfo read ; by whjch the Surplufage of the faid Money is ordered to be diftributed upon fuch good and charitable Ufcs, as are appointed concern.- ing Relief of the Poor, and Puniftiment of Rogues and Beggars. They likewife infifted, That the Sum of 245* /. 2 j. %d. charged to have been expended on maimed Soldiers and Mariners within the Hundreds of Ell home, Spelthorn, and IJlezvorthy had been embezzled, no V^ouchers having been produced for the fame ; nor had it been properly accounted for in Seflions, as it ought to have been. They next objeded to the Accounts delivered in, called Sir Daviel DoHjjs's General Account ; wherein he acknowledges to have received 2yy I. ^ s. in order to replace Moneys former- ly borrowed from the publick Moneys for the Repair of Hicks's Hall'^ [ 45 ] Hall'^ %y I. ijs.id. of which MoHcy, they all edged, appears by the faid Sir Daniel Dolins's Account, to have been re- expended, and produced their Method of Stating the Account, a Copy whereof is hereunto annexed, N^ XXX j by which Account it is ftated, that he had expended as much upon the Repair of Bridges as he received on that Head ; as much like- wife on the Houfe of Correftion, as he had received on that ; that he had expended on the Repair of Hicks's Hall., the Sum of 1064 /. 17 J. 5 d. ; and that he tiad received only, of County Rents, 577/. is. 3c/.; and that therefore the Sum of 87 /. 15 J. id. being the Difference between the Money received and Money expended on that Head, muft have been taken out of the Money replaced, the faid Sir Z>^«iif/ having acknowledged the Receipt of no other Moneys. They likewife infilled, that the feveral Sums of Money ex- pended in carrying on Profecutions, were Embezzlements. They then proceeded to fhew, what Petty Conftables had been refufed their Money for palling of Vagrants, and called yohn Clarke., Conftable of Keiifington for the Years 1730 and 1731, who laid, That there was due to him the Sum of 7 /. is. for palling of Vagrants ; that he applied to Mr. Higgs for the l*ame ; that he bid him come again ; that he had not Money in his Hands j that he applied at Hicks's Hall ten or twelve times j but that he never petitioned the Sefllons ; that he fpoke to Mr. Mtlt7ei\ who told him he Ihould have his Money ; that he likewife fpoke to Col. Martin, who told him he fhould have his Money, if he would apply in a regular manner by Petition, as Chejler had done. Being asked, if he had ever applied to PVilliam Lonfdale., High Conftable of Kensington Divifion ? he faid. That he had often applied to him \ but that he faid, he had no Money. Henry Burton, Conftable of Ktnpngton for the Years 1733 and 1734, faid. That he applied to Mr. Higgs for the Money due to him for palling of Vagrants, being about 3/. 16s.; that he direded him to apply to the Court, and Mr. Martin adviled him to do it by Petition ; that he had been three times at Hicks's Hall, but that he never petitioned ; that one Mr. Chefier had an Order cf Court, and his Money paid him. Being asked,- If he had ever applied to jVilliam Lcnjdale, High Conftable, for his Money ? he faid. He did, and that he promifed to pay him. M Th. C40 The Petitioners then proceeded to fhew, that Mr. Robe and Mr. Lehas were not the only Promoters of the Petition againlt the Juftices; In order to prove which, they called Capt. H^iltuwi Taiver^ Church-Warden of Ratcl'iffe^ who faid, That one Mr. Cockam told him, that there was to be a Meeting at the Pope'j-head about the Juftices ; that he went there; that Mr. iSoZ-^ was there, and Mr. Lebas -^ that Mr. Robe faid, Mr. Lebaj was a very pretty Gentleman, and would do great Service in the Affair againft the Juftices ; and that there- upon they defired him to be Prefident, which he accepted of, and defired Mr. Robe to aflift him, to which he confented. Being asked, How he came to think the Juftices had mil- applied the Money ? he faid, That their Hamlet had been in- dited for not paying the Vagrant Rate, when not one Vagrant, had been palTed from that Hamlet for fome Years. Being asked, When that Indictment was brought ? he faid, It was after their firft Meeting. Being asked, If he figned the Petition to Parliament of his own accord^.? he faid, He did, and fo did all the Hamlet. Mr. Fraticis Cochwcy Church-Warden of Mile-end old Town, being examined, laid, That he was prefent at both the Meet- ings with a great many Church-Wardens and others ; that they had been long aggrieved by the Vagrant and maimed Soldiers Rates j that Captain Brookes firft told him of the Meeting, and defired him to be there ; that they unanimoufly appointed Mr. Lebas to conduct the Affair, but that he with Reluctance accepted ot it ; that they had not pafl'ed a Vagrant out of their Parifh for Seven Years ; that he was concerned in the Petition laft Year; that Mr. Lebas was not; that Mr, Ltbas was chofen Prefident at the Pope's-head Tavern, and Mr. Robe was defired to affift him ; and that, fince that Time, he had received Let- ters from Mr. Lebas^ about Meetings; that he never met Mr. Lebas till laft October. Being asked, If there was any RefoUition taken how to defray the Expence ? he faid, Yes ; and that Mr. Edmiwd irrigbt and he, anfwcrcdfor their Parilhes bearing their Part of the Expence in applying to i^urliament. Captain [ 47 J Captiim 'Tdul Lf/Iywh/te, Ovcrfeer of the Poor for ^ateli^, being examined, faid, That he was at both the Meetings at the Pope's-bead an(i the Crown ; that Mr. Lebas was chofcn Prcfi- dent ; that they had a Town Meeting, before the Meeting .at the Pope's-head-^ that they wefe defirous of petitioning the Pai> liamenc ; that they had heard Mr. Robe was at Law with the juftices, fo they joined him, to do themfelves Jufticc and ftand by one another, that they might know what was become of the Vagrant Money ; for that not one Vagrant had been pafTc^ from their Hamlet for Twenty Years ^ that he never favv Mr, Lcbas before thofe Meetings ; that their Parifh went to Counfel, to ask Advice; that they all thought to right them- lelves ; that they had a Town Meeting upon this Subjcft be- fore he knew Mr. Robe ; that Captain Brookes told him of the Meetings at the Tavern ; that he had heard Mr. Robe could let them into this Affair; that they agreed, at a Pariih Meeting, to fupport the Expence in Parliament. Mr. Bcrjatnin Atkins of Hatton-gardenhcxng examined, faid> That he was at feveral Meetings at the "Tope's -head and Crown -^ that there were great Complaints about the Vagrant Money ; that they agreed to petition the Parliament ; that he was con- cerned in the former Petition to Parliament, but that he did not then know Mr. Lcbas ; that he was not follicited by any body to Petition ; that there were Seventeen or Eighteen Peribns prefent at thofe Meetings, and that they were all defirous of it, and promifed to bear the Expence out of their own Pockets; that Mr. Lebas was chofen Chairman at the '■Popes-head \ and, that they agreed to print Summons's for their Meeting, and he to fend them. Being asked, Whom he inquired for at the firfl: Meeting at the Popes- head? he faid, He did not well remember, but he believes he might ask for Mr. Robe, he having been told he was to be there. Being asked. Who propofed Mr. Lebas for Prefident ? he faid, No particular Ferfon ; but it was laid, in general, that he was an ingenious Gentleman, and a good Penman. Being asked the Reafon of his complaining againft the Juftices ? he laid, That their little Divifion paid as much to the Vagrant Rate as the Pariih of Clcrkenwell. Being C 48 ] Being asked, If he had. never applied to the Seflions for Relief? he faid. No. He further faid, That one Booker, and }Vyhourn^ Conftables of their Divifion, had a Meeting, with others, at the Crown in Hattou-garden \ and that fVreathock was there, and gave his Opinion about quafliing the Vagrant Rate 1734, and undertook to do it for Ten Guineas \ that they agreed to it, and it was done ; that Mr. Robe was not thenprefent, nor concerned in it j that the Examinant agreed to pay a Guinea towards it j which he did, but does not remember to whom ; but is fure it was not to Mr. Robe ; that this was before ffreathock fell into his Mif- fortunes. Henry Joiies^ Churchwarden for Ratdiffe in the Year 1733, faid. That he had an Order from the Conflable for the Pay- ment of 8/. 13 J. \d.\ but he never paid it : That he fiiewed the faid Order to the Inhabitants, who bid him not pay it : That he was advifed, that he might demand to fee the Ac- count ; and accordingly he went to make the faid Demand : That Colonel Martin huffed him, and asked him, Iftheymuft fliew their Accounts to every Fellow ? That other Juftices told him. They had kept no Accounts, that their Trealiirer broke, and that they had loft 600/. by him : That he was direded to come another Time j which he did : That they had then new Books ; that the Accounts were not made up j but they flievved him feveral Scraps of Paper. Being asked. If he ever applied to the Seflions about the Accounts? he laid. No. Mr. 7'hoinas lakeland of Shadweil being examined, faid. That he was Churchwarden in the Year 1731, and that he rctufed to pay a Vagrant's Rate then ; but that he paid it afterwards in 1734- Being asked. Why he refufed to pay it ? he faid, He thought it an Extraordinary Thing. Being asked. Why he paid it afterwards ? he faid, He was tired wiih Trouble and Expence, and paid it to lave that : That he was lummoncd to appear at SefTions feveral times : That he defired to fee their Books ; but that he was told, They had none j but that a Committee was appointed to ftate them ; and [ 49 J and when they were finiflicd, he fhould fee them : That Mr. Higgs faid, He was fit to be in the CommiiTion, he was fo pert. Being asked, If he did not fee the Books before he paid his Money ? he faid, He did ; but they gave him no Satisfadion. Being asked, If he did not bring an Attorney with him ? he faid, He did, the fame he employed to take Mr. St range's Opinion, Whether he could demand to fee the Accounts ? and that Mr. Strange gave it in Writing, That he might demand to fee the Books ; and that all the juftices acknowledged, They had no Account. But Mr. Hlggs faid, If he would come again in a Month's Time, they were preparing one, and he would ftiew it to hirn. . The Petitioners then produced and read an Order out of the Veftry Book of St. 'James's Clerkenwell., direfting Warning to be given for holding a Veftry on 7'hurfday the 17th of June fol- iowing. Tbey then read an Order made on the faid 17th oijane^ for appointing a Committee to audit and infpeft all Accounts re- iating to the Parilh, and lifcewife to confider of the moft proper .Ways and Means for the effedual fecuring and defending the Rights and Properties of the Parilh. They then produced a Minute Book of the Proceedings of the faid Committee, and read an Article out of the fame, as follows : „ *' At a Meeting of the faid Committee on the pthDay of July 173ri/^?wid'cws'*'frf\j. Per Order, Mr. Cotepwortb General Treafurer, ' to pay Mrs. Frances Seymore out of the( Publick iMoney, for the Repair o£ Hicks's^ 296 Half 17 Jan. 17 iS. pgf. Order, Mr. Cotefwnrtb to pay Kohert Kirbyl Clockinaker, out of the publick Money i ^ »7 Feb. 1728. p<7r Order, faid Mr. Cotefxorth to pay out of^ the publick Money a Sumnot exceeding 10/. >io for repairing Hicks' s Hall 3 IX May. 1 7 19. Per Order, faid Mr. Cotefworth to pay out of the publick Monies a Sum not exceeding 12 /. for fixing Umbrella's to the Dining Room at Hicks's Hall Ditto Pgf Order faid Mr. Cotefworth to pay out of ^ the publick Money a Sum not exceeding f Five Guineas, for cleaning and mending the( Pidure of Sir Baptijl Hicks i+May, 1750 Per Order, faid Mr. Cotefworth to pay Ebene-l zer Bratbwaite for a Chair and Velvet Squab > 1 6 5 4-i and Cufliion for Hicks's Hall j 9 Dec. 1731. Per Order, Andrew Osborne, Efqj Treafurer of) the Vagrant Rate, to pay for ibme fmall Re- > i i o pairs done ac Hicks's Hall, out of the-faid RateS i+Feb. 1711. Per Order, John Higgs, Treafurer, to pay out' of the publick Money to John li'arden. Exe- cutor of Paul Harden^ Carpenter, for Repairs ( done at Hicks's Hall 7 Dec. 1731. Per Order, John Higgs, Treafurer, to pay out ) of the publick Money to John IVheatly^ Gla-> zier, for Bufinels done at Hicks's Hall > ioMay,i7;3.Pf'' Order, faid Higgs to be paid out of the ) publick Money in his Hands, for Monies laid > out about Repairs at Hicks's Hall ^ 30Aug.1733.Per Order, faid Higgs to pay 7 /. is. 6 d. to/ James King, for five Umbrella's put up inS 7 1 the Dining Room at Hicks's Hail \ iioa 173+ Per Order, faid Higgs to pay out of the pub- ) lick Monies, for a Jack and Pulley at Hicks'si Hall (for the Kitchen) j 9 9 Ditto Paid by Higgs for Iron Stove Grate, for theJ Dining Room at HtckSs Hall, out of the^ij o Publick .Monei.' S 19 2 9 3 io 6 87 14 lOi. New t 5 ] New 'Pvifon. iiOa. 171;. p^y Order, Sir Henry Pemice^Knt. Treafurer* for Maimed Soldiers and Mariners within the / Hundreds of OJjful/iou, Edmonton ir\A Gore \ a to pay thereout the Sum of 48 /. 1 3 i. 6d.\^ for repairing New Prifon , j 13 6 8 Dec. 1 7 If. pef Order,Sir Henry Penrice, Knt. and Treafurer, ^ to pay out ofthefaid Rate the Sum of 9/. C 9 14 6 145. 6d. over and above the Sum of48 /. T 13 J. for repairing New Prtfon J . 11 hhv. 1 7 2 j-. Per Order, the faid Henry Penrice, Knt. to pay 7 outof the faid Rate the further Sum of 15/.? 15 ^3 ^ 1 3 J. 6d. towards repairing New Prifon > >4,Fcb. 173 1. Pfr Order, 7o^« H/^^f, Treafurer, to pay out 7 of the Publick Money, for Repairs done at >■ 15 6 o New Prifon Clarkenweli j uoa. 1731. Pfr Order, John Higgs to pay Richard Jtipp,} a j. ^ Carpenter, for Repairs done at New Prifon J ^ 96 8 Dec. 1716. Per Order, Philip IViltJJyire, Efq; Treafurer of^ Bridge Money, to advance and pay thereout |' to Mary Offlley, Widow and Executrix of/>49 17 2 Jobn Offlley, Efq; late Treafurer of the Hay^ Market Profecutions. 19 Apr. 175 1. Pf?" Order, Mr. Cote fworth. General Treafurer, to reimburfe Richard Norwood, a High Con- ftable, for Cods of Suit in an A(5tion brought againft him by the Clerk of the Market, out ^ of the firft Money that Ihould come to the / ^° Hands of any Treafurer 3 and Mr. Hggs is fuppofed to have detain'd in his Hands out of the publick Monies 28 /., Higgs being Norwood's Attorney Carry 'd over 28 o o Per [4] Brought over 28 o o Feb. 2+, Per two Orders, Jobii Higgs, General Treafurer,^ was to pay and retain to himfelf out of the publick Monies, for defending the Profecu- tion againft the aforefaid Richard Norwood, arid to piay Mr. Mathews, of the Crown Of- I free, his Bill out of the faid Publick Money, J on the faid Profecution 48Feb.i73j. Pfj- Order, for John Higgs to retain in hts^. Hands, out of the Publick Monies, for non- proffing an Adlion brought againft the Hun- I dred of Offuljion, for a pretended Robbery, and for profecuting Mojes Peters, Clerk to Clifford Ifilltam Philips, Efq; for extorting 4 s. from 'Thomas Ifoodford ij, Aug. 173+- The faid Higgi afterwards, by the Diredlion of the Juftices, profecuted the faid Mofes Pe- ters for the faid Extortion, in the Court of Kings Bench, 'till Judgment and Execution, \ and was order 'd to be paid his Bill out of the Publick xMoney, which amounted to up- wards of 20 /. but no Notice is taken of any Bill in the Order Books 15- Apr. 1754. P^c Order, the faid Higgs to be allowed 10 /. (befides the Expence of any Profecution) to get in and receive Monies raifed and col)e6l- : ed by virtue of a Rate made the 25th of j Jpril, 1734. ^of raifing 800/. for Vagrants j 100 23 15 20 10 II 18 7 The Allowance of 25/. per Ann. from 'June'\ in i I. to June 1736. to the faid H/ggs's Sa-^ laries to out of the Publick Monies, amounts s Adver- [jj AdvercifcmenLS. >,-Apr.i73+. pif Order, John Higgs to pay out of the Pub- lick Money to Ubomas H'tlkmfon, for print- ing Advertifements from Day to Day con- ^ii ii o cerning the Eledtion of Rcprefentatives for' Middlefex Per Order, the faid Higgs to pay Ihomas Brom- ■ ley^ Cryer of Hicks's Hall, out of the pub- , lick Money, for Horfe Hire and Expences, S3 30 delivering feveral Letters to the Juftices, to I meet concerning Rcprefentatives for Middle- fex 14 14 o Robbery. I J Jan. nif Per Order, Siftion Mitchell, Efq; to pay 17/. 19 J. g d. remaining in his Hands, on ac-^ j count of a Robbery committed in the Hun-r^' *^ '^ dred oiOjfulJion [B] NUMB. 16 ] NUMB. 11. Seflio Pads tent' Die Martis in Septi- mana prox poft Feftum Epiphanise, fcilicet decimo quarto Die Januarii, Anno fecundo Georgii Secundi Regis, 1728. Mtdd'xf ^Urator pro Uno Rege fuper facr'um fuum prafentant, quod ad J GeneraV SeJJion Pacts D'ni Regis tent' pro Com Midd' apud Hicks-hall in St. John Street in Com pra;d' per Adjourn die Jovis^ fcil' quinto die Septembr Anno Regni D'ni Georgii Secundi, nunc Regis Magna Britannia, &c. fecundo, cor' Andrea Osborne, Va- lentino Hilder, Roberto Midford, Armigeris, & al' Sociis fuiSy yiijlic D'ni Regis, ad Pacem in Com' prad' conjerimnd' necmn ad divers' Felon TranJ'gr & al' Malefaiia in eodem Cam' per- petraf & terminand' qjjign &c. ordinat' fuit per eofd' Jujlic' Gf cur ibidem, prout fequitur, fcil' It is Ordered by this Court, That the prefent and late High Conftables of this County, herein after named ; viz. William Nyfid, Gent, prefent High Conftable of the City and Liberty of /^'e'/?OT/«/?frj Thomas Jones, Gent, late High Conftable oi Hoi born Divifion; Wanington Grome, Gent, late High Conftable within the Hundred of Gore ; and Thotnas Wilkinfon, Gent, prefent High Conftable within the Hundred of Elthorne in this County, do perfonally attend, and produce before the Court of the next General Quarter Seffion of the Peace, to be holden for this County at Hicks' s-hall in St. John Street in the faid County, by Adjournment, on Tuefday the Fifteenth Day of OSlober next, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon of the fame Day, a true and perfeft Account in Writing of all Sum and Sums of Money by them rcfpedively received during their refpedive Continuance in their Office of High Conftable, or after their or any 1-7 Z any of their being difcharged from the fame, for Relief of maimed Soldiers and Mariners, for the Marjloaljea, Kings Bench, and Hofpitals, for the paffing and relieving of Vagrants, for Repair of the publick Bridges of this County, and for Repair of the Houfe of Correcftion at Clerkeniaell in the fame County, or for any of the Purpofes aforefaid, and of their refpedlive Payments out of the fame, together with the Receipts and Vouchers to them refpedlively given for fuch Payments, and alfo a true Ac- count in Writing of all fuch Arrears as are yet ftanding out and unreceived upon the feveral Races made for raifing of A4oneys for any of the Purpofes aforefaid, from any and what Parifhes or Places within their refpedive Diftridls, and of the true Chriftian Names and Surnames of the Conftables or PariOi Officers, who have made Default in not paying of the faid Arrears: And hereof thefaid prefent and late High Conftables are not to fail, astheyand every of them will anfwer the contrary at their Peril, prout per Ordinem Cur' frad' liquet (^ apparet ; de quo quidetn Or dine prce- di£ius Thomas Jones pojiea, fciV iindecimo die Oilobris, Anno fiipra- diSiOy apud Paroch' SanBi Mgidii in Campis in Com prad' debi- tam habuit Notitiam -, diBus tamen Thomas Jones, nuper de Paroch' prad' in Com' prad' Gen di5lo decimo quinto die 06lobris, Anno fuprad' ad horam tertiam poji merid' ejujd' diei, ac per totum diem ill' apud Paroch' SanSli Sepulchri in Com' prad' iUicite & con- temptuofe neglexit & recufavit perfonaliter attendere, ac producer e cor' Cur' General' ^arterial' SeJJion Pads tent' pro Com' prced' apud Hicks-hall prced' in Com' prcsd' per Adjournament' prcediBo die Mart is, decimo quinto die OSiobr Ann fupradiSlo, ad horam fuprad' verum & perfeSl' Computum in Script is de omnibus Denar per ipfum recepf durante continuation in Officio fuo Capital Con- Jiabular' vel poJi ejus exoneration ab eodem pro Relevamine Milit' & Nautar tnahemat' , Anglice, maimed Soldiers and Mariners • pro Prijm Marefchal' Band Regis, & Hofpitiis, Anglice the Marfhalfea, King's Bench, and Hofpirals; pro Conveiatwn, Angl' the Paffing, Gf Relevamine Vagrantium j pro Reparatione Pontium publicor Com' prced', ac pro Reparation Domus Correction' apud Clerkenwell in eod' Com' Jeu pro aliquo Propoitor' prced' ac de ejus Solution' ex eifdcm una cum Reception & Exoneration' , A?2 • 19. • Jan. 7, . Feb. 13,1727 Apr. 1, . i3> May 5, . Ditto June 30, , i)i/charge. By Cask paid j4nthony Buckmafier, lulf a Year due > Michaelmas laft j By ditto paid Jamts 'Rohmfon and others By ditto paid Anthony Buckmafter-, half a Year due > hady Oay 5 By ditto paid George Ho»ker, and others By ditto paid A?ithony Buckmafier, one Quarter due > Midfummer S By ditto paid ditto, half a Year due Chriflmas By ditto paid John Franklin and John Street By ditto paid Anthony Buckmafier, one Quarter due 7 Lady Day laft i By ditto paid Thomas Martin, one Quarter to Midfumm. By ditto paid Jofeph Ranhey By ditto paid Thomas Martin, 1 Qij. ending Michadm. By ditto paid Ed'wdrd Craine By ditto paid Oaks Bickford, and others By ditto p^iid Thomas Martin, iQn. due Chrijlmas By ditto paid Ditto i Qu. due Lady Day By ditto paid Henry Mackris, 3 Qu. duQ Midfummer By ditto paid Nicholas Ludford, r Qii. due Midfummer By ditto paid Thomas Wiltnot, and other? By ditto paid Samuel Sadler for Jacob IVakelin By ditto paid John Godfrey and Francis Oliver By ditto paid Ann the Widow of Nicholas Ludford, "> 3 Qu. due Lady Day laft S By ditto paid Thomas Martin, i Qu. due Midfummer By ditto paid Ditto, i Qu. due Michaelmas By ditto paid Ditto, 1 Qu. dueChrifimas By ditto paid Samuel Lee, and others By ditto paid John Rumball By ditto paid Zachary Clark for Thomas Martin, I Qu. due Lady Day By ditto paid Wannerton Groom By ditto paidforWfHr/ilfjfitnV, at fundry Payments, 7 in full of all Arrears to Lady Day, 1726. 5 /. J. ^. 20 6 7 20 4 13 3 10 20 1 10 10 Id »9 4 6 9 7 2 10 10 30 10 3 2 15 I 30 10 10 10 9 11 6 10 3 X76 150 Carried over 433 17 4 D Charge. C '4 3 Charge. I. s. 4. Brought over 870 ij 8 Articles for which Mr. Thomas Jones takes Credit •without Vouchers I. 1. J. Sep.io, tj 11. By Ciiii ■paii Hmry Mackr'is » ' m loj- o o Mij If, I yi6, Ej ditto ■piid Thomas Cotingvood • •■»«. i 10 o Sep. 13, . . By ditto paid leveral Petty Conftables — ■ ■ ■ lo o /. s. i. By ditto paid ■» 4 14 6 Out of which paid but z 19 o « ■ I i^ The following Sums were in the lame Order, and do not appear to be paid, w*. Thomas Herbert Philip Armftrong Thomas Howard ]ohn Rumbald jofeph^Osbom /. s. q 6 o ? o 10 O t I J. 6 6 o o 6 I \6 6 17 1 4- 10 3 10 a z "5 o o o o .. o ByCafh paid Sir D Vagrants in the County of Middlefex, on the abevc r 743 J o Three Hundreds made in October Seffions . •^ ; 1725'. To the Proportion of a Rate for 800/. for the fame Serviced ._ and Hundreds made in Jpril Seffions J -—-___ 1 485 2 o Note, This Account is the bed that can be given, and was made up from Mr. Jonei'% Account and Vouchers, by which there appears to be 151 /. 4i. 10 d. not accounted for, befides the Bal- lan* of j> /, I z i. xd. NUMB. VI. William Murden, Gentleman, Treafurer for the Charg,0. I. s. i. 1722. To the Proportion of a Rate for 800 /. for pafllng of Vagrants ^ in the County of Middefex, on the above Three Hundreds, > 55190 made in October Seffions ) 1715. To the Proportion of a Rate for 800/. for the fame Service? ,^ ,„ „ and Hundreds made in jipil Seffions S ' 113 tS o tlote: This is the beft Account that can be given, and was made up from Mr. Murden's Account and Vouchers, which he deUver'd to the Committee, but died very foon after. t "7] Account. ot Ojfuljlon^ Edmonton and Gore. Difcharge. 1 712. By Deficiencies on the Rate, being the Proportion for the City and Liberty of PVeflimtifter, who pafs their own Va- grants, as having a feparate Treafurer ^ By ditto, for the '/oti'o- Liberty on the like Account 5 ._ . 1116. By ditto on the fecond Rate for the City oi IP'efiminfter j^^ 6 1 1 ■By ditto for the ZoWfr Liberty 5 U By Disburfennents by Mr. Jotzes, for which 1 /. 5. d. proper Vouche s are in the Treafurer 's C Hands, as/er his Account made upfrom^ ''' '^ '° them J By a further Sum, charged in his Account to have been paid away, for which no Vouch- ers appear , for which Reafon, and for his not paying the reft of the Money in hisf '' '^ ^° Hands, his Account remain'd unpafled, and he was indifled By '.afh paid Sir Dame' Tio'im, General 1 County Treafurer, with which Sir 2)^w/er 158 o 10 chargeth himlelf in his Account 3 By Arrears uncollefled of the faid Rates on the above Three I Hundreds 5 Due to Balance from Mr. Jonei 272 6 II 12 I I I ■ %6i I 59 ,10 4 I47(J 9 9 12 10 2 1485 z Hundreds of Elthorne^ Spehhorne and IJleworth. D'lfcharge, I. s. d. By fundry Sums paid for paffing Vagrants, as /er his Account? , and Vouchers, in the Clerk of thePciice's Hands 5 By Deficiencies at the Time of his Death 57 15 i By Cafli paid Mr. 'Parker by Order, for which no Voucher pro i duced 5 5 15 18 o [ P:] ^ NUMB. [ >8 ] NUMB. VII. Vagrants William Coatfworthy Efcj; Charge. ' /. s. d. 1729. To a Rate for pafling Vagrants in the County ) oi Middle fcx, by Order of Seffions, the 9th > 800 o o ot OClober \ Note. This Account is made up from a Copy of Mr. Coatf- wortb's Account, by Mr. Barnard, on Behalf of Mr. Coatfworth's Executors. [ '?] Account. County Treafurer. Difcharge. 172^. By Deficiencies on the Rate, being the Propor- tion for the City and Liberty of H^efimhifier^ who pafs their own Vagrants, as having a fe- parate Treafurer By Ditto for the T'ower^ on the like Account 512 By Arrears uncolledted of the faid Rate, or in the ^ Hands oiMx.Coatfivorth^ not brought to -Ac-f , count, it appearing by a Book wrote in his Q '* own Hand, that he received but 185/. 7^. >] d.j By Disburfements by him, as appears in the faid? ^ Book J ' 722 9 7 By Bailance due from Mr. Coatfworth, at the ■ Time of his Death, befides what has ap-( peared to the Committee, to have bienT ^ paid him by Richard IVeJtcn^ or others 800 Num. . .a NUMB. VIII. Vagrants Account in 17 p. Charge. \ I. s. d. 1731. Toa Rate for .i 800 00 To Ca(h paid the Surveyors for their Trouble in ^ attending feveral Days difallowed, tho' charged > 2 20 in his Disburfenjent • \^ 802 2 o NUMB. IX. An Accounc of the Arrears of the Vagrant Charge, 1731. To fundry Sums paid into the Hands of Mr.^ John lligg^-y General Treafurer, being Part of the Arrear of 336 /. 14. j. 2 d. mentioned in Mr. I , Cotefwortys Account, on the Rate 1729. be- \ ^ tween the loth of January 1731, and the 22d of December^ ^li^. An Account of the Arrears of the Vagrant NUMB. X. Charge. 1733. To Ballance due on his Account of the Arrears? , o in 1729. 3 ^ To Ballance received oi /Indrew Osborne, Efq; on7 the Rate 173 1. 3 '* ^ To Cafh received of (everal High Conftables, be- 7 ing Part of the Arrear of 4'-3 / i s.6 d. of the> 71 124 Rate 173 1, in Mr. Osborne's Account • 156 60 Ballance due to Mr. H'irgs 4 *9 s 161 s 2 [" ] Andrets) Osborne^ Efqj Treafurer. Difcharge. I. s. d. By Arrears not collefted, as appears bvS^*'^ o ni hisAccount ' FF y^ 5 12 ,^473 ^ g By fundry Disburlements, as enter'd in his Account 287 1 6 6 760 18 o By Ballance of this Account paid to Mr. HivvsJ Dec. 18. 1733. S 41 4 o 802 2 O Rate in 1719. ^o^w -f^^igig:^, General Treafurci. Dijcbarge. By fundry Disburfements by him ■ ■ 58 16 9 Due to Ballance . 43 y 8 102 6 5 Rate in 1731. paid to Mr. Higgs, General Treafurer, Difcharge. By fundry Disburfements between the 14th of May^\ 1733. and the 3 1 fl of January y 1 7 3 4, as by his Account j ^ * " [F] ^n [ 21 jin Extract of the Vugrant Accotints. Rates. <)' Air.io 1711 Soo ^ 1716 8oOi t >7-9 800J ^ '73' 800V I '734 800, OvL-rpaid Ly Mr. Higgs I. s. J. 4000 o o 4 19 z ,X,i^ .U'J saqqs aB Jj-JI>jiIoj ApplieJ to the Scrvige toy -vrhieh it was raifcd .... C l^tftminfitr . - , ~ I j6l 14 7 Deficiencies on the five Rates, iiiz.. - - ^ Tower - - . 28 o ^ I County - t - 997 z 4 BoTrtiw'ifi^ for the Repairs of Hicks' s-Hall - . ,. ,. . Loll hy Ut. Jones, Or in his.HandS -'; 1(\VC'-l. '-'tJ -O ^'^^-'-i^ , Loft by 'Mr. Coar/icorf^'s dying infolvent - - < - i ."y; 10 j- R.eiJiaJniia.Mr. Osbom'i hands — — — '» As more fully appears by the underwritten Particulars. 1386 17 4 J38 o 10 iiS 7 J- ; 8 6 4004 19 2 VL VIL VIIL IX. X. Applied. /. J. o 4 n '? > J3<) 14 2 77 «o J- I9J- 2 6 102 6 f J 8 6 5-22 I 71 12 4 1,171 I 1 '73 18 9 138 10 218 7 f J 8 5 173 18 9 997 1 4 NUMB. NUMB. XL Marfhalfea, King's-Bench, and Hofpitah Charge. Thomas Jones, d. I. Sept. f. 1711. To Cafh receiv'd of Mr. John Mills Treafurer for^ Ojfulflon, Edmonton, Gore, from the Year 1707/ exclulive, to the Year 17 18 inclufive, being \ 170 o o eleven Years the Baliance of his Account purfu-f ant to an Order dated the 17th oi fiily 17x1 J Jan. 10. To ditto of Nath. Chandler Treafurer for the ? „ Years 1719, 1710 and 1711 j 17x1. To a Rate made in £a/?fl«7f/ Do//W by Order of F?^. Scflions ? 1,7 li, being borrowed for the Repairs of Kir^j's Hall C *^^ '7 4 By Deficiencies on the Rate in 171/ . ^. ,i 3 By ditto in 1716 ..i. . . . - 636 197 I J 6 Due to Ballance in Mr. jfflsw's Hands 141 17 6 439 II e High Conflabky Treaftirer. Difcharge* '7B paid into Mr. Hig^s the General Trealurer's Hands at four > 46 «J 4 Payments . , \ By Deficiencies on the two Rates, or in Mr. C/«rJtf's Hands 16 ij 8 ^ ' -M-r Treaftirer. - Difcharge. * US- By Disburfcments for Exhibition Money, a Book, ej-c. per Mr. ? g. . , rx T «W's Account J 9 18 o ,a JVi I J 'iBy Calh remaining in Mr. HJf^i's Hands _— 84 i (J 5 In Mr. Coatfaorth'i Hands at the Time of'^ i. ^. d. L. 94 14 ; his Death, by him receiv'd of Rif/^W / __« H'illon, the Ballance of his Accounts for r + '^ ♦ the Years 17x7 and 1719 J 1x6} Jn 'E.\r ^KCt of the Account of Marftialfca, King's- Bench, and Hoffitals for Oflulllon Hundred^ i^c. Exhibition Money, ^c. — - - — Deficiencies on the Rates — — - Borrowed tor Repairs of Hicki's-Hall Loft by Mr. yones, or in his hands - Loft by Mr. CoMfaorth's dying infolvent Rcinaius unapplied • /. s. d. — — 9 i8 .o — ^— 69 1 6 7 i8j- 17 + /. s. J. 4 •$• 4i - . 84 16 3 As more fully appears by the underwritten Particulars. S91 Rates. Arrears. Arrears Collcaed. Exhibition Money. Sums borrowed. Sums loft. Remains. ti*. XL /. s. d. /. s. d. /. s. d. /. s. /. /. d. I. s. d. Anno 172130 4 6 285- 17 4 1723130 4 6 1724130 4 6 1725-30 4 7V' 3 1 10 2 7 8 141 17 17*8 31 .0 > 1729 31 .0 S 6\ 92 2 7 8 1730 3, .0 s ' 4 «f ♦ »73i ;;;:} 16 13 8 »7Ji »7J? 'i- 7 « ^»734 '7Bf 9 i8 >73<5 84 16 J 341 8 89 19 20 1 j- 20 1 j- 9 18 285- 17 4 146 11 10 84 16 J .> ^ 1 -^ ta '• "•!■ -^ •- I 69 16 7 ,, Oi '^'- "■"' "-^^ •■ • _' /. s. d. 1722 Balance in the Treafurer's hands --.-ij-j- 13 Rates ... _ 4k*jr K \* \g " 591 « NUMB. «\-v ^ 3 ?I n^q NUMB. XII. Marflialfea, King's Bench ajid Hofphahfor Charge. William Mtirden 1722. To a Rate made in Eajier Seflions for 1723. To ditto - - 1724. To ditto - - - 1725. To ditto - - - . - 1726. To ditto - - - - - - /. J. d. 13 8 8 IS 8 8 13 8 8 13 8 8 13 8 8 67 3 4 1 727. To a Rate made in Eajier Seflions for 1728. To ditto - - - - 7%omas WtMnfin 13 8 8 - 13 8 8 26 17 4 1 73 1. To a Rate made in Eapr Seflions for 1732. To ditto - - - - - John ^aine 13 8 8 13 8 8 26 17 4 Mr. 'John Uiggs 1732. To Cafh paid into his Hands by Mr. 7o,6« P^;«?,7 being the Balance of his Accounts - - S ^ being 1734. To ditt<> paid him by IVilliam Ntcholls High Con- ftabie of Spehborne, part of the Deficiencies of ^ 3 18 173 I and 1732 I 8 1^9 J Elchoine, Spelthorne, and Jfleworth. Gent. Treafurer. Dif charge. h s. d. 1722. By Cafh paid Sir Daniel Dotins, by Mr. Murden^ as"? per Sir Daniel Dolins's Account - - j ^° ° ° 1726. By ditto paid ditto by Mr. Nine, one of the High? ConttMeSy as per ditto - - -I - .y J^o o o By Deficiencies on the Five Rates - -' - ^7 3 4 67 3 4 Gent. Treafurer. 1728, By Calh in 7'hmas Wilkinfon's Hands, as appears j by a Letter dated 7th ^a«e 1728. to Have been> 350 received by him - - - . - 3 By Deficiencies on the two Rates - - - 2$ 12 4 26 17 4 Gent. Treafurer. 1732. By Cafli paid to Mr. }'oI'mH/5^j General Treafurer 43a By Deficiencies on the Two Rates - - r 22 14 2 26 17 4 General Treafurer. 1734. ByCafh reniaining in Mr. Higgs's Hands as per his") g Account - - - - i -J 2 [h3 m C j°3 ^« Extract of the Account o/" Marflialfea, King's- Bench, and Hofpitalsy for Elthorne Hundred^ &c. Deficiencies » Borrowed tt.emains Unapplied /. J. d. j-9 II lo fO o O 1162 120 18 As more fully appears by the Under- written Particulars; No XII. Anno 1712 172+ i7»|- 17*5 1727 1728 1729 1730 »7J» I7J2 •7J3 »7J4 I73J- 1736 Rates. /. ^. ^ 3 18 o ol fO /. .. ^. 3 J- o a X ; ^ V- NUMB. ,t 3- J NUMB. XIII. 'The Accounts of the fever al Treajuresfor maimed Soldiers and Gove from the Tear 17 ^^j to Charge. Sir Daniel Doliusj I. s. d. 1 722. To Cafh received by Sir Daniel Dolins, Treafiirer, ; for the Year 1722, the Balance o£ Sir Jfaac'^ 391 18 2 Dillard's Account for the Year 1721. J To a Rate for the Year 1722. - - - 85 16 o To the Arrears of the faid Rate uncolleded — 160 479 ° 2 Sir yoh/i Gonfjn^ 1 723. To the Balance of Sir Ban. Dolins's Account paid > 2 ? 4. '> to Sir John Gonfon the fucseeding Treafurer i 35 4- To Rate for the Year 1723 - - - - 85 16 o To the Arrears of the faid Rate uncolleded 160 122 Sir Henty Eatcman^ \ 724. To the Balance of Sir John Gonfon s Account paid } g to Sir Henry Batenian the fucceeding Treafurer 5 S 2 To a Rate for the Year 1724. - - . 85 16 To the Arrears of the faid Rate uncolleded - 16 Sir Henry Pern tee,. 1725. To the Balance of Sir Henry Batemans Accounts paid to Sir Henry Penrice the fucceeding Trea- ^ 130 16 2 furcr -- - -- --J ToaRatefor the Year 1725. - - - - 85 16 o To the Arrears of the faid Rate uncollected 160 217 18 2 [35 ] ■r.**/ and Mariners for the Hundreds o/Oflulfton, Edmonton, the Tear \7]6^ both incluji've. Treafurer. Difcharge. 1722. By Cafh paid to feveral maimed Soldiers and Mari-i ners, as per Account pafTed by the Committee i* 40 of Accounts -~ — \ /. s. d. 2 10 By ditto paid the Clerk for collefting the Money"? and paying the Penfions as ufual — — J By the Arrears of the Rate — — — 16 By Cafli retained in the Accomptants Hands, being > borrowed for and towards the Repairs of theC Scffions-Houfe of Hicks'i'Hall by Order of S^^- ^ ^°° ° fions, May zoy 1723, — — — 443 16 o Due to Ballance 35 4 ^ 479 o 2 Treafurer. 1723. By CaQi paid to feveral maimed Soldiers and? Mariners, as per Account ftated - - 3 '^ ^ ° By ditto paid the Clerk as ufual - - - 2100 By the Arrears of the Rate - - - - 160 37 I o Due to Balance 85 5 2 122 6 2 Treafurer. 1724. By Ca(h paid to feveral maimed Soldiers and Ma riners, as per Account pafled - - - By ditto paid the Clerk, as ufual - - - 210 By the Arrear of the Rate - . - - i 6 41 It o Due to Balance 130 i6_2 172 7 2 il 15 o o o Treafurer. 1725. By Cafh paid to feveral maimed Soldiers and Ma-^ riners, as per Account pafled - - - 3 " By ditto paid the Clerk, as ufual - _ - By ditto paid by Order of Seffions for the Repair » of New-Prifon fhc'mg borrowed, and to be repaid i By the Arrears of the Rate , - - - 1 2 10 73 II o 106 17 6 Due to Balance in 00 8 217 18 _ 2 C I ] Charge. C 34 ] Charge. Nicholds Jtifftys^ I. s. d. 1726. To the Balance of Sir Henry Eatemans Account } Tp^}d to Nicholas Jeffreys, Efqi the lucceeding ^ iii o 8 Treafurer - - - - ^ To fundry Sums received in Part of a Rate for") the Year 1726. of the High Conftablc - > ^z 13 7 To the Arrears of the laid Rate uncolleded - 25 14 5 199 8 8 7komi.n Ihjyer 1727. To the Balance of Mr. 5'fjf'"«'/s Account, paid to/ T'bomas Thayer, Efq; Succeeding Treafurer j ^43 4 3 To Cafti received of leveral High Conftables, in ) Part of a Rate for the Year 1727. - J 32 3 o To the Arrears of the faid Rate - - 56 5 o To Cafh received of JoJJona IValker, Keeper of"\ New Prifcn, per Order of Seffions dated the [ 2d Day oi March, in Part of 73 /. 1 1 s. 6 d.\ borrowed for the Repairs of Nc-jd Prtfon, by Order of Seffions dated the faid 2d Day of March - - - - . - / 30 261 12 3 Barwell Sm'nh^ X728. To the Balance of Mr. 'Thayer & Account, paid to ^ £«>-Wf// 5'?H;?i&, Efqifucceeding Treafurer ^ ^75 2 3 To Cafh received of feveral High Conftables, in > Part of a Rate for the Year 1728 - - j 75 10 8 To the Arrears of the laid Rate To Arrears of the Rate y/««o 1726, received of? 12 II II Mr. Jones of Kenfington Divifion - -* ^ * 5 4 274 15 7 Robert Hlndsy 1729. To the Balance of Barwell Smith, Efqj his Ac-^? count paid to Robert Hnide^ Eiq; lucceedingS 233 14 3 Treafurer - -.-... ^ To Cafh received of feveral High Conftables in 7 00' Part of a Rate for the Year 1729. - - j" 58 18 8 To the Arrears of the faid Rate - - - - . 29 9 4 322 2 3 f 35 ] Elq;. Trcalurer. Dijcharge. 1726,^ By Cafh paid feveral maimed Soldiers and Mari-? Tiers, a.spsr Account Hated - -5" ^^ ^ By ditto-piid. the Clerk, as ulual By the Arrears of the Rate Due to Balance Efq- Treafurer. 1727. By Cafh paid feveral maimed Soldiers and Mari-i ners, as per Account paflTed - - / '^7 15 o By ditto paid the Clerk, as uiiial - - - 2 lo o /. i. d. ' 28 2 10 2J 14 ■ S 56 4 5 143 4 8 3 199 8 By the Arrears of the Rate - - " " 56 5 o 86 10 o Due to Balance 1 75 23 261 12 3 Efq; Treafurer. . XY28. By Cafh paidieveral maimed Soldiers and Mari-^ ners, as per Account ftated - - - ^ By ditto paid to the Clerk, as ufual - - " By the Arrears of the Rate - " - 26 a 2 10 12 II o 41 I 4 Due to Ballance 233 14 3 274 15 7 Efq; TVeafurer. 1729. By Cafh paid (everal marmed Soldiers and Mari-l nets, as per Account pafled - - - - j By ditto paid the Clerk, as ufual By the Arrears of the Rate - . _ Due to Ballance : 30 lo 2 10 29 9 4 62 9 4 259 12 II 322 2 3 % [ 5^ ] Charge, Thomas M'tlmr^ I. s. d. 1730. To the Balance of Mr. Hinde's Account, paid to") Thomas Miliier, Efq; fucceeding Treafurer S ^^ ' To Ca(h receiv'd of feveral High Conftables, inl j. Part of the Rate for the Year 1730. - J 44 ^2 » To Arrears of the faid Rate - - - 43 15 4 348 O II I73I' 7%omas 'J'lndar^ To the Balance of Mr. Mihiers Account, paid to7 ,„ » * To Arrears of the faid Rate - - - 25 9 10 387 Jacob Harvetfy 1733' Tq Balance of Mr. Pindar's Account paid to7 facob Harvey, Efq, fucceeding Treafurer - J 3 3 3 5 C:J7] Efqj Treafurer, Dtfchar^e. /. s. dl 1730. By Cafh paid (everal maimpd Soldiers ^nd Mari-7 '». ners, as j)er Account ftated - - _y 3J p o By rf/«c» paid the Clerk, as ufual - - 2100 By the Arrears of the laid Rate - - 43 1 5 4 79 5 4 Due to Balance 268 15 7 S48 O II Efqj Treafurer. 173 1. By Calh paid feveral jmaimed Soldiers and Mari'? ners, as /)fr Account ftated - - i " By ditto paid the Clerk, as ufual By the Arrears of the faid Rate ual 2 10 ate 37 5 4 Due to Balance 72 Ij: 4 292 12 II 365 8 3 Efqi Treafurer. •-..„. 1732. By Cafh paid fevcral maimed Soldiers and Mari-7 ners, as per Account ftated - - J ^* '^ ° By ditto paid the Clerk, as ufual - - 2 10 o By the Arrears of the laid Rate - - - 25 9 10 79 14 10 Due to Balance 303 13 5 383 8 3 Note, More due from Mr. Pindar^ per Error of^ 3 /. 115. 10 d. received, but not l?rought tP^ 3 11 10 Account, for which he is Debtor - - 3 ' 387 o I Efq; Treafurer. 1733. By Calh paid maimed Soldiers and Mariners, as^ per Account ftated - - - ^1900 By ditt9 paid the Clerk, as ufual - - 2100 Due to Balance, over and above the 3 /. 11 s.l r, 10 d. ErioT'ia Mr. Harvey's Account - j ^ 21 10 o 5 :'ey 303 13 5 EK] Charge. 'Charge. '^acob Harvey^ • ■''■ ' ■ /. s. d, 1734. To Balance of his Account for the Year 1733. - 282 3 5 .: ; C - ^t?f 0^ Harvty 173J. To Balance of his Account for the Year 1734. 250 3 5 ^rffoZ" Harvey 1736. To Balance of his Account for the Year 1735. 193135 'John Hlggs i734> To Cafh received of fundry High Conftablcs, being > ^ „ the Arrears of Rates - - - ' !^ 56 18 9 Balances rematn'wz in Mr. Pindar's - - . Mr, Har-vey'i • - - Mr. ///^^i's - - - Mr. Jones ^ as pf r his Account appears Mr. Cotfwortb - - « [ 5?] Efq; Trcafurcr. Dtfcharge. 1734. ^y ^^^ P^'^ leveral maimed Soldiers and Mari-; ners, as per Account dated /. s. d. 29 10 o By ditto paid the Clerk, as ufual - - 210 o 3200 Due to Balance 250 3 5 282 3 s iJEiq- Treafurer. 1735. By Cafh paid feveral maimed Soldiers and Marl-? ners, as per Account ftated - - 5 '^ ° ° By c///^o paid the Clerk, as ufual - - 2 10 o 56 10 o Due to Balance 193 13 5 250 3 S Efq; Treafurer. 1756. By Ca(h paid feveral maimed Soldiers and Mari-? ners, as per Account ftated - - 5 '" By rf/«o paid the Clerk, as ufual - - 2 10 o 41 10 o Due to Balance 152 3 5 193 »3 5 Gent. Treafurer. 1734. By Cafli paid for the Book to keep the Account in 00 1 1 6 Due to Balance 56 7 3 56 18 9 the Treafurer s Handsy Viz. /. s. d. 3 II 10 - 152 3 S 56 n s 5 12 8 19 18 8 237 13 10 Jn [4o] An ExtraB of the ACCOUNT of maimed Soldiers and Mariners for Offulfton Hundred, &c. An. 1721. Balance in the Treafurer's Han4s Rates from 1711 101732 - 1727. Balance in Mr. yo«f/'s Hands In Mr. CotefTPorth's Hands Applied tothe Service for which it was raifed Deficiencies on the above Rates - - . Borrow'd for repairing Hicks' .-Hall, not yet re-placed Ditto for repairing New trifon '. Remains unapplied for maimed Soldiers and Mariners Loft by Mr. Cotefaorth's dying infolvent As more fully appears by the under-written Particulars, /. s. d. 3»J i8 1 967 4 5-128 19 i3 3 /. s. d. 1384 I J 6 - 400 i ' 4j »« 6:" 5-,-o I 6 in 6 8 44J 11 6 »»7 «T * 19 18 S 1384 I J 6 Rates. Received. Arrears not colkaed. Arrears colieaed Borrowed Repaid. Applied. N". XIII. ■ 1 /. s. d I s. r '^ 1724. 87 2 Sj- 16 I 6 40 ;■ I72J-. 87 2 85- 1(5 160 73 II 6 32 c 1726. 88 8 62 13 7 ^5- '4 J- 30 10 1727. 88 8 3^ 3 j6 y 30 30 f 1728. 88 8 7f 16 8 C.2 II 4 4 28 10 1720. 88 8 j-8 i8 8 29 9 4 33 / 7 1730. 88 8 44 '* 8 43 'J- 4 3J- 10 1731. 1732. 88 8 T' i 8 37/4 S 4 8 3J- 10 88 8 62 i8 2 rS 9 >o f '9 2 5-4 f "7JJ- 21 10 >7J4' 3200 >73f- ^6 10 1735. j-6 18 9 42 1 6 967 4 073' 9 T ^3J- >4 7 94 '9 3 473 II 6 30 j-fo I 6 82 7 1 1 4 82 7 r, 12 1 1 41 3° 813 17 ii-3 6 8 82 7 11443 11 6 rj-5 6 8 1 ?<57 4 In Mr. Pindar's Hands In Mr. Harvey's In Mr. Hi^gs'i In Mr. Jones's In Mr.Cotefxiorth's l. t. d. J II 10") r-S 7 3f / II 8) T I r Loft. 12 II 7 7 4 19 18 8 /. I. d. 217 IJ X 19 iS 8 237 13 10 NUMB. [4» ] w NUMB. [ 4? ] NUMB. XIV. Maimed Soldiers and Mariners for the Charge. ' John Tarver, 1. s. d. 1722. To a Rate made by Order in Eafter Seffions - 42 o 8 Note, In Feb. 173 1. by Order of Seffions, Mr. T'^r-yfr was defired to lay an Account before the Juftices, of the Chriftian and Sirnames of the maimed Soldiers and Mariners within the laid Hundreds, who were living, fince which no Rate has been made. Note,^ Mr. Clitheroe, Treafurer for the faid Hundreds in'^^ 1722 and 1723. ]paid Sir Daniel Dolins - J ^ ° ° Mr. 5K//?rt;c/f, Treafurer for 172 j:. paid Mr. Co?/^") ^ ^ wor/^ the Balance of his Account - - -J * Sir Georj;c Coo^, Treafurer for 1726. paid £///ro - 11 14 v^lhert Nislet i)&\d Sir Datiie4 Doliiis - - 19 11 ° [ 45 ] Hundreds o/Elthorne,Spckhorne, j«J Ifleworth.^ Efq; Treafurer. Difcharge. 7. s. d. 1732. By Cafh paid to fundry maimed Soldiers and Mariners 18 15 o By De6cicncies on the faid Rate - - - - ^2 19 4 41 14 4 Due to Balance 00 6 4 42 o 8 [44] jin Extract of the Jlccount of Maimed Soldiers and Mariners for Elthornc Hundred^ &c. Accounted for to the Committee to whom the Account was re-" t'-rrM from the Year 1711 to 1719 both inclufive, and applied toj the Service tor which it was railed ■ Deficiencies on all the Rates ■ ■ ■ • Borrowed for the Repair of Hicki's Hall Rfmaiiii uoappl od — — — Lofl by Mr. Ccrarfworth's dying Infolvcnt 1 ■ 167 17 8 87 9 8i II 6 4 L. ^6t 4. No.XIV. Anno 17 >7 17 >7 '7 "7 •7 >7 »7 17 •»7 «7 >7 As more fully appears by the Under-written Particulars; lAccounted tor| | [Deficiencies Rates. I and Applied. |Borrowed. Loft. ontheRates. «7 +i 42 +^ +1 +i 4i 4^ 41 4i i. s. d.\ I. \ 4. 4' 4' 4; 8 iS 15- L. 461 4 /. s. •6; 19 II /. ... d. II 18 S II 14 167 17 8 I 81 II 14 /. s. d. 41 4 41 4 12 19 4 Aixcars received by Alien Hishett 19 11 87 9 Remains. 64 Sir i 45 ] IMJ [40 NUMB. XV. Sir Daniel Doiins, deceafedy as Treafurer of thel ^ County of Middlefex, is - - - J ''' /. /. d. To nze\\t6. of Thomas Jones, Treafurer of the Me>/5a^a, &c. - - 2S2 ^ 6 To received of Arrears of maimed Soldiers of which Sir Daniel whs Trea- furer, and the Refidue of what received as Treafurer, he paid to Sir yohn Goiifon ...... . ^00 o o To received of Mr. Hardifiy on Arrear of Colt-Money - - -5000 To received oi James CUtherce, Efq; Treafurer for maimed Soldiers for El- thorne, Jic. - - - - • - -63 00 To received of Thomas Jones, Treafurer of the Vagrant iVloney for OJfuljlon 138 010 To received of Wiltiam Murden, Treafurer for Maijkalfea, &c. for Elthorne Hundred - - - -- - -20 00 To received o( Albert Nisbett, for Rc!ief of maimed Soldiers, and other pub- lick Monies - - - - - 1 9 1 1 o To receiveda Fine on a Leafe of part of the V.'orkhoufe of 5f//^r/, f, Efq; out of the Bridge Rate - - 46 19 6 To received oi li'illtam TiUaid, Efq; E,xfcutor ot Sir Ij'aac Tillard, Treafurer of [he Bridge Money - - - - "'97o? To received of Mr. i?«/,(tfr ..... jqo 12 r To received'of Mr. Nine - - - - 30 o o To received of Mr. Jmes - - » - 3 11 10 1578 10 6 i 1 [47] Ter Contra ' 5 s Cr, 1 By paid T/jomtts Elk'i?is, Bricklayer for Hidis Hall, as fer three Receipts 192 9 o 2 B) paid 7»/ i)5^, Joyaer, as /cr two keccipts ^ ••'!'>■) lol ff? 156 o o 3 By paid H'ilUam Jyres, Carpenter, as fur tWo Receipts ? - 240 o o 4 By paid Kffmrfj Pt7/^a;w. Glazier - - - « 21 3 o 22 By paid Jo/e^h Roberts, Plumber - - - - 31100 23 By paid Riehanl Fra»/ufn, Ironmonger - 2 - 11 5 o 24 By paid //rtfif Mai/'Jicld, PlaiUerer - - - 44 lo o 2^ Ky paid H'iltuim Ouirum, Upholder - - - 20 o o 26 by paid John U'ocJuU, Maion - • - 70 o o 27 1!);; paid ;■////)) A/V////t/>f, lii'q. about CZ-/'r//'t'^ Bridge - - 13 6 i 28 Ey piiid ditto about ditto - - ; 406 29 By paid John Morris, Smith, for Hicks' s -Hal I - - -420 30 Ey paid diiLO for ditto - - - 2 6 6 31 By paid towards repairing CZ'o/yi'a Bridge to the Contraftors - 226 13 4 32 Orders ^o- fundry Receipts, 'viz.. /^/7/o«, the Slater, i /. %:. td. Hughe;, bs. Mafcall, 2s. <^d. altering the Till, 5^. - - - - 223 J By paid C7--a!-/« 7?(3i^o7j, for Blocks for thelloufeof Correftion - 30 17 o , By paid Jofcph Sahcay, per a Bill for ditto - - - 440 ^ By paid /-/'/7//V?»; Holmes — — — for ditto - ; - 28150 J By paid John Diilron for ditto - - 5160 l',y ipuA John r^rajde ■ for ditto - - . 6 16 O By paid Jof. Baker — — for ditto - - - 3110 21/ "fu/ie, 1728. F.tiors escepieJ, ijSS 16 8 By Balance 189 13 10 y?)/ Dc(*;t Aiargnret Dolins. J -78 10 6 The. Coolie ^ " Ihis is a Cop'' af the Aeount as fiated and fetlhd the yi of July, 1728. at Hicki's-ilall, hy the Com??iittee of JuJIices thii piefcHt, viz. hlr. Cotefworth Pindar \\"iltlhire , ^J'roughtQli ^fothiU Mitchell NUMB. [ 48 ] NUMB. XVI. c o u N rr V . - C H A R Q E. 172(5, ^ /. ^. go 14 97 ""Account made up appears to have been replaced,! ° ° 4-'"allbut " - - ' " - - - - ) o o : ■ " I. s. d " Wfe- In Mr. C«//% G E S. DISCHARGE. By Deficiencies on the Rate in OtfZs/^^T Seffions 1723, 441 By Disburfements paid by fundry Orders, as appears by Sir I/aac Tillard'% Account - - - - - - - 398 15 6 By ditto by Sir Z>a;H>/ Z)o/!>;j, as appears by his Account - - - 243 19 11 /. s. d. By ditto by Mr. ?^7///fe;W, as per his Account - - 641 13 8 Cut of which 46/. 1 9 J. 6 d. is to be dedufled, being paid by Mr. IViitJhiie to Sir Datiiel Dolins, and by him accounted for in the above Sum of 243 /. 19 J. 1 1 G E S. DISCHARGE. /. s. d. By Deficiencies of the faid Rate . - - - 29 16 5^ By Disburfements by Mr. Barker - - - - 83 150 By ditto by Mr. Cluhcroe, - - - - - 27515 By ditto by Mr. i//^^j, -. -' - - -- 20810 ^ ^, '61 5 4i Due to Balance - • - - 38 14 77 200 /. /. d. In Mr. Barker's Hands - - - - 726 In Mr. Higgi\ Hands - - - 3 1 1 2 i ;r 38 14 Ik By Mr. Jones's Account there appears to bs in his Hands a further Sum of- - - - - 31211 42 7 6;- [ N j [50] H A R G E. HAT 1727. '• -f- Afrilx-,. To Cafh paid Mary Ojjley, Widow and Executrix of John Offer, Efq; late Treafurer oi the Hay Market^ by Fhdip IViliJhire, Efq; Treafurer of the Bridge Money, being bor- rowed by Order of Court Dec. 8, 1726, and Jan. 12, I72t), and to be refunded and paid bacic out yf the Toll of the Hay Market - - -- - - -49^7 Kote, In the Petitioners Charge, as ftated by their Agents, it does not appear that any Sum of Money was due to Mr. Offley on the Hay Market Account, or that any Care was taken by the Juflices, that Mr. Wiltjliire fhould be repaid, altho' both appear by theOrderoftheSthof JD«e»/^f>', 1726, which was read by them, and is again inforced by a fubfequent Order the 12th of Ja7iuary, 1726, for the Repayment of it by 10/. a Year, by the Treafurers of the Hay Market^ which he did not caufe to be read. ,11 f 5^ ] MARKET. DISCHARGE. 1728, /. !. d May^') By Cifh paid to Mr Cotfvjotth^ by Philip Stoth.trd, Deputy 'rrealliiei of xhtHay Market, in part ot" 4.9/. 17^ 2.d. za- Vinced by Mr. l^iltjljtre, by Order of Scllions, one Year's Payment, due at Eajler laft, as appears by an attefted Copy from Mr. Cofftoorth's Book - - - - 10 o o 1729, Oif. 16. By ditto paid ditto by ditto, on Account of the Haj' Market - lo o o 1730, Oii. 19. By ditto paid ditto by 5d«a«*/W'^iJi;fr, Coileflor of the Toll of the Ilaji Miirkci - - - - -1136 173 T, Ju»e 3, By ditto paid to Mr. John Higgs, General Treafurer, by the faid SatiiucI li'eaxer^ the Balance of his Account for the Year 1730 - - - - - - 17 18 loj 49 2 4i Due to the Balance of Bridges, - -- 14 9^ 49 17 2 2f?» r 5^1 An Extract of the Account of Comity Bridges Rates. I72CJ - 600 1726 - 800 I73I - 200 1600 Applied :o the Service for which ir vai railed Deficiencies on the tliree Ratci fiorrowed - - - Loft by Mr. Cot/worth's dying lufolvent ilore of the Money repaid Loft by Mr. Joies, or in his Hrnds Remains unapplied for the Reiair of Bridges 62. I. s. d. - J 24 11 oi - — 14 j,| 3 iz 1 1 56 13 6 1 600 o o As more fully appears by the underwritten Particulars, ^reafurers Names. N" XVI. and xvir. Sir//. q'iUard Sir Dan. Dol'ms Mr. Wiltjlire Mr. Jor.es Mr. Cotfwcrth Mr. Barker Mr. CI it her ce Mr. ///;g^gx Cotjworth JfpUrd. I. . /. W. 59S J5 6 243 »9 11 541 4 I 5 10 II 83 15 27 5 li 20 S 10 1320 '9 4i I'ed b yM 1 Dificicf:( I. s. d. 4 4 J 113 i; 5 29 16 5i '4: 17 I'j 25 611 I 2.'} II O^ Borrcived. I. s. d 49 17 2 49 1; 49 » 4i 14 9 1 Rrpaid. I. s. d. 49 2 4: ip/ /^ \LofibyMr .LVCfiy"-! [ones oi-/\ worth, his Hands I. s. d 93 2 5 /. s. d 12 II /. X. rf. T z 6 !? IS 10=- 5 1 12 li- 49 2 4j 95 S 5 5 12 iij 56 13 1722,' and the 25th of iWrty 1726. ... lodz 17 9 Kotf, The \oi\i oi Oiloher, T726, Sir DamilDoUr.s paid /. s. J. Dank! Withers, after the Report was made of the Repairs ilZ-^v 25, 1726. - • -200 Ovtr-paid John J firs -1500 17 o o 1079 17 9 [ 55 ] Repairs at Hicks's-Hall. I April 20. 1723 2 May I 8. 1723. 3 4 Ditto, Ditto, • 5 May 21. 1723. 6 Ditto, 7 Wiw. 14, 1725. 8 Ditto, 9 Ditto, 10 Dec. 28. 1723. 1 1 Ditto, 12 Ditto, I 3 Feb. 29. 1723- 14 Mar. II. 1723. 15 Ditto, 23 16 Ditto, 17 Ditto, 1 8 Ditto, 19 Ditto 20 Ditto 21 5f/iM4, 1724. 22 0<5. 6. 23 AW. 17. 24 Ditto 21. 25 Ditto, 26 D^f. 2. 27 Afe)'i4, 1725. 28 Ditto, 29 Ditto, 30 ya^ 22. 31 Ditto, 32 Ditto, ^3 May 25. 1726. 34 June, 7. 35 Ditto, 36 Ditto, 37 Ditto, 38 Qii. 10. 1726. DISC HARGE. By Cadi paid by Sir Daniel Doi ins to nomas Elkins, by an Order of Seflions, dated 28 Feb. 1722. advanced to him to provide Materials for Bricklayers Work, purfuant to his Contrail By ditto paid Jojeph Dob, by the fame Order, advanced to him to provide Materials for Joyners V/ork By ditto paid Thomas Elkins, more advanced By ditto ■^^iAWdllam Ayrcs, by the fame Order, advanced to him to provide Materials for Caroenters Work, as per Contraft By ditto paid Tliomas Piercehoufe^y the fame Order, ad- vanced to him to provide Materials for Smith's Work, as per Contrail - . . . By ditto paid John Jones, by the fame Order, advanced to him to provide Materials for Paigters Work, as per Contraft By ditto paid John Sperinke, for a Table By ditto paid William Atty, Carpenter By ditto paid John Hughes, Watchman By ditto paid Mr. Gould, Chairmaker By ditto paid Mattheiv He-wett, Mercer By ditto paid John Morrice, Smith By ditto paid ^/7/;(7/« AT^/ji/, filafsman By ditto paid Stephen Penny, Paviour - - ^ By ditto paid John Morrice, Smith By ditto paid Da'vid Higby, UphoUlerer By ditto paid Jonathan 'Tiicket, Glazier By ditto paid Francis Gerey - - - By ditto paid John Wheatley, Glazier, By ditto paid William Breiver, Packer, for Green Cloth By ditto paid Matthew Ma/call, for Locks, i^c. By ditto paid John Morrice, for a Candleilick By ditto paid Matthew Ma/call, for altering the Till By ditto paid Robert Wefton, Slater By ditto paid John Hughes, Watchman By ditto paid Matthew Ma/call - - - By ditto pM Richard Munis, Ghzier By ditto paid John Roberts, Plumber By ditto paid Richard Franfum, Ironmonger By ditto paid Thomas Elkins, Bricklayer, in full By ditto paid Ifaac Mansfield, Plaifterer By ditto paid William Outrum, Upholfterer By ditto paid John Jones, Painter, in full By ditto paid John Waodall, Mafon By ditto paid Jofeph Deb, Joyner, in full By ditto paid William Ayrcs, Carpenter, in full By ditto paid Thomas Piercehoiife, Smith, in full By ditto paid Daniel Withers, Chairmaker J. d. 100 o o 50 60 100 30 o o o o 'S I I 18 »3 6 8 8 27 S 4 2 •9 21 2 6 6 4 4 16 6 2 !3 6 1 -t 4 6 6 a 5 I 8 6 6 2 9 21 3 3J 10 1 1 5 32 9 44 10 20 57 70 106 140 70 •4 1079 17 9 N U M B. [ 56] NUMB. XIX, An Account of Monies borro'-ji'ed of the fever al Treafiirers for CHARGE. Dates of Orders of Sejfions. Febr. zS. ijzz- To Ca(h paid into Sir Z)fl»jV/ DaZ/Ws Hands, by Thomas I. s. d. Jones, High Conftable, Treaiurer of the Mar/haljea, Kings Bench, and Hofpitals, being borrowed tov.ards repairing Hicks^sHall, . . . 2S2 5 6 j)itto To ditto more by Mr. Mil/ter to Sir Daniel Dolins, being the Balance of the faid jo:ies's Account . . 3 1 1 1 o yan. l9. "To ditto paid Sir Daniel DoJins, hy James Clitheroe, Efq; Treafarer, for Maimed Soldiers and ivJariners . 63 o o 7V/<2y 30. 1723. To ditto of Thomas Jones, Treafurer of the Vagrant Money, for the Hundred of Offuljlon . . . 138 o ic Ditto To ditto of William Murdcn, Treafurer of the Marfial/ea, f^r the Hundred of Elthorne . . . 20 o o Ditto, To ditto of Albert Nisbelt, on account of Maimed Soldiers, t^c. . . . . 19 11 o /. s. d. Ditto, To ditto of Thomas Burdus, Efq; Treafurer of the Houfe of Corredlion, the Balance of his Account of a Rate in 1 717. . . 100 12 5 Out of which Sir Daniel Dolins paid for Re- pairs of the Houfe of Correition, as per his Account . . . 79 19 o 20 t 3 5 Ditto, To ditto of Mr. Nine, one of the High Confiables of the Jilr.ijhnl'ca, King's Bench, and Hofpitals . . 30 o o Ditto, To ditto retained in Sir Daniel Dolins'' i, Hands, being Part of the Balance of his Account as Treafurer of the Maimed Soldiers and \Jariners . . . 400 o o To ditto of Philij) inlijhire, Efq; Treafurer of the firidge Money, the Remainder of 49/. 17/. zd. net replaced . . . ..0149} To ditto of Sir Henry Penrice, Treafurer of the Maimed Soldiers for Offiilflpn , being the Remainder of -3/. 1 1 J. 6 d. n-Jt replaced . . . . 43 ij 6 ■ 102t 8 lOj f 57] the Repair of Hicks's-Hall, to be replacd by Order of SeJJions. Dates of Orders of SeJjions. July II. 1723. May 30. ^ec. 4. 1723. 1724. DISCHARGE. By Ca(h paid into Sir Daniel DolMi Hands, General County Trealurcr, by Robert llaidijiy. Deputy Clerk of the Peace, out of tlie Colt-Money, by Order of SelTions of this Date . . . . . By County Rents paid into '6'iv Daniel Dali/ii's Hands, by Mr. IVatter, Deputy Clerk of the Peace, by Order of Seffions of this Date, njiz. I. d. 30 28 3 30 9 6 30 I 2 Months of the i^iaier's Workhoufe, due Lady-Day, I 724. 12 Months due Z,/2i/v-i'^)', 1725- • • 12 Months due Z,ai?c £)«)', 1726. 6 Months due M/iZi«e/««j, 1726. . . 12 Monttii d\xe Michaelmas, i^zj. July 9. 1724. By Cafh paid to Sir Daniel Dolins, being the Fine of a Leafe lett by them of the ;^a/ft/-jWorkhoufe, to John Sellers, ij a/' . . . . ' . By Cafh in Mr. Higgs's Hands, by him received of Mr. Caucnaugh, Keeper of AVxv Prifan, towards replacing Part of the 43 /. lis. 6 d. borrowed of Sir ILnry Penriie I?ue to balance to the feveral Treafurers 50 127 9 100 d. 5 282 9 • 738 •9 .o,t 1021 8 lOJ- - AH .eHz'tri r. [ P 1 [38] NUMB. XX. County Rents paid to Mr. Coatfworth by Thomas Wilkinfon, CHARGE, /. /. d. July XI t I'zS. To Cafh received of 7homas ff'ilkinfin, for one Year's Rent of the Quakers Workhoule to Lady-day laft, as appears by the Copy of Mr. CmZ/woj-^^'s Account, - 25 18 o jSpril 3, 1729. Todittoreceivedof ditto, for one Year and a quarterRent of the /l/H/ifrry Houfe, to Lady-day 1728, Taxes de- duced ; and Half a Year's Rent of the Quaker's Workhoufe, due Ji?cW/«;/i.( 1 7 28, as appears by ditto 36 14 8 Augufi 14. To ditto received of ditto, on Account of Rent, omitted in Mr. Coatfiserth's Book, which appears by Mr. ff-ll- i5;'«/c»*s Account and Receipt of this Date - - 8 18 o yuiie Hf 1730. To ditto received of ditto, for Half a Year's Rent of the Workhoufe, due at Michaelmas 17 29 - - -2800 99 10 8 Balance due tor Mr. Ceatf-worth on this Account - - 4 4 o 103 14 8 l^ote^ The 20 /. entred in Mr. Ccatftuorth's Book the 17th of Jfril 1729, was paid Mr. fi'ggi the 2;d of June 1729 by Mr. IVilkinfon, by Mr. Coatpworth't Order, as appears by the underwritten Account and the faid Coat/worth's Order. County Rents in Mr. Wilkinfon'j Hands, not paid over to CHARGE. /. /. d. 1728. By Cafli remaining in his Hands, part of 5* 1. by him re- ceived for neat Rent the ill oi May 17 28, as per his Account - N" 1. - -420 1729. By ditto, as per Account N" 3. - - - 24 2 o 1730. By ditto^ as per Account N" 4. - - -200 ;o 4 o [ 59] between the 31/? of ]w\y 1728, and the /^th . 14, 1729. By ditto paid Mr. /f/ggi upon Account - 21 o July 2, 1730. By ditto paid ditto more upon Account - 10 ii 11 II 103 14 S By an Order the 24th of February 1731, reciting the Order of the 27th of Jugufi 1730, it appears Mr. Coatf- worth did not pay the abovcrfaid 1 5 /. for Repairs of A'ew Prifon, which was paid by Mr. Higgs, v.ith \l. 19 j. more, making together 17 /. ^s, for Hicks's Hall, as per his Ac- count ; and the Petitioners Agents have charged both thelc Sums, one for Neiv Prifon, the other for Hicks's Hall, though on the Face of the fccond Order it plainly appears otherwise. Mr. Coatfwonh, between July 31, 1728, and Tune 4, 1750. DISCHARGE. /. s. d. July I, 1728. By Cafh paid lAr. Seymour, for Coals and Fees, as per his Account lSI°i. - - - -420 For Profecuiions, viz. ' June 23, 1729. By ditto paid by Order of IpytlliamVoaifworth to John Higgs, on Account of defending Richard Norwcod s^-A\n\k a Profecution carried on by Thomas Robe, Clerk of the Market, and defending Orders of Seflions removed into x.\k King's Bnch, as per Account N° 3. 20 o o By Cafli paid for Coals and Fees, as per ditto - - 420 Alay 5, 1730. By ditto paid for Coals, as per Account N" 4. 200 [ ^° ] NUMB. XXI. Coimty Rents paid to Mr. Higgs, General County Treafurer, the Ith of CHARGE. /. s. d. Nov. 23. 1730. To Cafh received of Mr. fr/Vfe/iJ;;, as per his Account - 30 o o May 20. 1732- To ditto of ditto, as per ditto . . . 50 o o fuiie 2 1 . To ditto of ditto, as per ditto . . . 20 o o /)fC. 30. To ditto of ditto, as per ditto, the Balance of his Account 29 14 o Dec. 1%. 1733- To ditto, the Balance of his Account . . . 45 4 8 iJff. 17. 1734. To ditto of ditto, the Balance of his Account . . 45 4 8 /i^. 13. 1735. Todittoof ditto, the Balance of his Account . . 35 4 6 Dec. 8. 1736. To ditto of ditto, the Balance of his Account . . 44 1 4 Carried over 299 9 2 Note. This Account, Numbered XXI, goes only to Rents due Michaelmas 1736. and the half Year due Ladj-day 1737. will pay the Ba- lance due to I he faid Mr. Higgs- [61 3 A H 3 « * i;y Thonvis Wil^infon^ between the 4£h «/;_JrtO,c, 1730,. anpl December, 1736. DISCHARGE. For Furniture, viz. N" /. s. d. /. s. d. 14 By Ca(h paid for Umbrella's, as by Mr. ///[p;^/^ Ac- count, F. . . . . . 716 1 6 By ditto to Mr. Sparks, for a Grate, as per ditto . 15 00 2 1 By ditto to Samuel Barret, for a Jack, as per ditto . 990 For Repairs at Hicks's-Hall, viz. 3 By Cafli paid Mr. Warden, Carpenter, as per Mr. Higgs's Account, F. . . . . 17 5 o 15 By ditto paid Mr. Jlliiigham, the Article difallowed Mr. Osborne by the Committee of Accounts, as per ditto 2 20 5 By ditto paid Mrs. Seymour, by Order, as per ditto . 290 6 By ditto paid Mr. ya/i/i, Carpenter, as per ditto . 6 14 a 7 By ditto paid yoi"?/ S/ai/f, Plumber, as per ditto . 11 13 o 8 By ditto paid Mr. Jupp, Carpenter, as per ditto . 210 9 By ditto paid Jofeph 'Jack/on, Bricldayer, as per ditto 11 90 10 By ditto paid Mr. //''/va//^. Glazier, as per ditto . 290 1 2 By ditto paid fundry Repairs, as per ditto , . . 3106 17 By ditto paid Mrs. Seymour, as per ditto . . 100 and 22 By ditto paid for looking after the Clock . . 176 For Profcattions, viz. 1 By Caih made good to the Accountant in iull of his Bill of 89 /. 1 8 /. o / im/tv, Fees nd Coals, a? pe.- Account . . . B, By ditto vvA Mrs Bromly, Fees ard oals, as per Account . . . C. By ditto paid fundry fmall DiiHurl'^ments, lor Advertifements, Coal:, Fees, is>'c. as per Account, . . . . D. By ditto paid for Fees, Coals, and Advertifements, as per Account. . . E. /. S. /. 10 6 4 2 4 2 12 10 4 18 8 35 19 2 Ai [ 64 ] All Extraci of the Account of County Rents and EJlate,from -'"' •* -^ Ladv-Day 1723, f€. Salaries _ - - Total 227 9 o 8+11 4 66 2 6 156 7 I 1500 64 8 8 125 o o 718 iS 7 As more fully appears by the underwritten Particulars ; XV. r and < XIX i XX. XXI< Rents re- ceived. I. s. d. 100 o o 127 9 t) ^1) 10 8 50 4 o 299 9 2 35 19 2 Rep.zid to Re-pairs I Repairs \Furniture County- /i/Hicks's T^rcnfiirers. Hall. rtt New'/ocHicks'j 692 12 o 440 22 2 7 ;i8 iS 7 1? s: d.- I. s. d 100 o o • 127- 9 o 22 I I o o 4 Prifon. /. s. d. Hall. /. s. d. 15 o o 54 12 o 51 10 6 Coals, Fees, Sac. I. s. d. 10 4 o iS s 6 55 19 2 Salaries. I. s. d. 125 o o Profecu- ticr.s. 1. s. d. 31 II 8 20 00 84 15 5 227 9 o 84 II 4 15 o o 66 2 6 64 S S 125 © o 136 7 I Balance due to Mr. Coaffivorth, N» XX. Ditto, to Mr. Hiss^ - - - K" XXI. Note, The Charge of 1 5 /. by Mr. Coatfivorth, is a falfe Entry ; the Money never \\;i^ paid ; by which, after deducing the Balance ot 4/. 4J. a Lofs accrued of - - .. 10 16 o NUMB, r 65 ] •AA U kl iR J 166] NUMB. XXII. An Account of Money called Colt- Money , ( he'tng the to the 6th of 1. s. d. ToCafli paid into theClerkoi'thePeace'sHands, by the Juftices thera-^ felves, on their fifft Appearance at Seflion.., and for Titles of Honour, f j^ ^^ ^ Marriages, and on Places, a Guinea each, as C Per Fol. (I.) in the Clerk of the Peace's Book -J PerFol. (2.) - ... - Per Kol. (3.) ----- Per Fol. (4.) PerFol. (5.) Per Fol. (6.) - . - PerFol. (7.) - - - PerFol. (8) - - - - Per Fol. (J.) - ? - - i3 2 21 23 2 «9 »9 19 19 17 17 132 9 10 2 2 276 6 10 16?] 'Proper Monies of the "Jiiftices) from December Seffions 1727 April, 1737. By fundry Disburfements out of the Colt Money, by the Clerk of the Peace, for extraordinary Charges for Dinners and Wine in January Seflions, over and above the Statute Allowance, paid ky the Sheriffs, for 24. Juftices a-day, at 4^. each, and 2/. the Clerk of the Peace, as fettled by the Treafury, as per Fol (1 ) in the Clerk of the Peace's Book By ditto as per ?\. (2.) By ditto as per Fol. (3.) By ditto as per Fol. (4.J By ditto as per Fol. (5.) By ditto as per Fol. (6.) By ditto as per Fol. (7.) By ditto as per Fol. (8.) By ditto as per Fol. (8.) '■jlz. d. * • ♦ 16 10 • • • II 16 6 • • 14 5 10 • > • ij 10 8 • > 1360 « • 12 8 6 I 4 1 • II 2 E < • 826 Dec. 31. 1734. Paid to Richard J upp. Carpenter, purfuant to an Order of hieflions in Decen-her, 1734. ^°^ making Uicki's-Hdl mort commodious and warm, and other Altdtions - 7*419. 1735. Paid to the {z^i RLhard Jufp,-^\xxi\imt to an Order of Seflions, in A/ay 173;, more Paid him more by the fame Order, an Al- lowance made for his low Prices /. d. too 00 SO 5 o o By extraordinary Charges for Wine, as per Fol. (o.) By ditto as per Fol. (10.) ..... By ditto as per Fol. (11.) . . . , Due to Balance in the Clerk of the Peace's Hands 2 18 o o 9 19 9 3 15 3 274 10 I o 1 16 o 276 6 10 [*8] NUMB. XXIII. An Account lheix;hig, that the JnJIiccs have laid out more on out of the County Rents, CHARGE. /. s. d. I. t. i April i~. 1 729. To Cafh paid by Mr. Cotjhuorih, for Profe- cutions . , . 20 o o • AW. 14. To ditto paid more for ditto . . 21 o o Jufy z-i^io. To ditto paid more for ditto . . 10 11 8 By Mr. Higgs. '•-.'.. . i. i. d, ivfc 1 731. . To ditto p^ himfelf, as per his Account, for C) , , Profecutio/is . . . . 58 6 4 o , To ditto paiji Mr. Aftf/i^iuw, for ditto . 10 5 o ■A/ay 5, 1732. To ditto paifi Mr. Rolfe, for ditto . . i o O June II. 1734- To ditto paid Mr Darnel, for Horfe-hire and Expences about the Eleflion for Reprefenta- tives for MiiliiLfex . . . 530 1 o ditto paid 'fhomas WllUvHn, for Advertife- ments, upon the fame Account . . 1 1 1 1 o 0' 1- > By Deficiencies, rviz. i. s. d. Wejlmitt/er DWifioa * • ■ 276 6 u //(7/ier» Divifion . ' • - 5^ 4 ^ Kenjitigton Divifion i , 42 o 8 To-xuer Divifion > • .5121 Spelthorne HviXiA^ei i . - 16 J3 4 /7f.w»r//& Hundred : ! i 11 15 10 — 406 I 3 4 699 7 7 By Balance paid -to ^i\ Daniel Dolins, which he? ,00 ,2 5 chargeth hirafelf with in his Account 5 800 o o [72] NO m »\ i-i t^ «S ^ 1 5r> ^) t^J •»s> <> ■SS ■k» f^ § <& V ^ vT 'S > 5 a ^ <-> 1^ !^ ^ ■^ .L> !^ ■ «-i ^ ^ 1^ >!S ^ i*^ «u 5u -^ ■\t ■is. ^ » • ■<3 e « ^ Vo ^ ^ ^ "^ ^ s*"* *<. '>' V. a ^ -*' ,H ki "^ <3 iv "s^ S; li- ^ >; ^■HOOVOOOO ^•OCT\r^00soOO O */^ 11 r<\ <^ ^ CO •SJi-5 IS \D tn r» vo 'J-VS rrt sf § O) \o \o « \o tr. c*% Rem at the Tri rer'sH ** ^ CO - o st& ■« CO CO M ^ ^ 5 ° g ' ■^ 1 Remain Mr ]on Hands, loji by hi -; i-s t-. 1 M . r* o o - 1- 'l- -• r *^ ' en 1 •^■5 -= •^ 1- oo o V^ 1 o O O ^o C4 <*• o O "^ CO Oc« . 1 « rr> o Ov V> o •^- . ^ ' "• cs a . - 'i- I 0\ ■* ^ , , o\ 0\ '^35 •^ o ^?o ■^ •-■ t* ON 1 i-i CO -< M ITS ti •^' O * o>o o^<- o o g o i~^ O >-• •-H ri* ci 00 ^^ £ >-' « — ■- -^ CT) i^ n rrv r« O O « r« <==! ^*^ oo *r\ ^OO O •^ c« ' «:> 2 "^ - -T -IT 6 -« ■!t ^ O CO O 6 * '^ , ^^S . ri ^ -* ^O 0\ -. ■<*■ •^ il »^ ^^ CN Ch m j^ •+=o ' • Ch'sa »/^ VN 00 n r< n Os *^ M I-I ^ 6 ^S V^ , 1 , I 1 >o U K ;: -S; *^ O 1 , \ , -^ '* 1 -°l no , 1 1 w^ r*-t p4 I-* €r\ t-i •c - VO « 5^ .S 5 1^ ^ ^ ' t 1 I X ■* ~i ti^ -»* SO 1 I 1 r r^ .-^x ai it f -^ — O 'o CO rr <^ ^ "^^J M r^ Os ^^ . CO a» O t— O N 2- 8 u ON < Z 2 ei 'i- "^ O 'I- >-« o o \o a, f2 rt o JO o Pi •a '-3 s «5 2 o ^ .•if ' ia.| o c -= ass g-^ '^ ■— i2 Ph •~ c -^ ;sps " ^ :^.-C •- c * 1/3 3 p:J «*- o u- ou o CQtJm so I S; l> X J ■^ X >< ^ X C ^ •S: . 5 ■* I 5 f c E o "c 'i tn » ,.r n * Lj «> >i "o 04 C O.M C rl »5 u 3 O CUO "^ u u~, fc* J= 4J jO " a >• -C r O 4J M -c fc-* u aj ,!!; J= aO. -* U ^ '*■*'' A •T3 S 6 si ex's ** O r. O a c Ai " ^ " <- to ^ i! o"S 5 ^ y 2 ^ vj r^ "^•^ u ^ £ «^ ."2 '-' ."S [7^1 [ T ] [74] NUMB. XXV. Simon Mitchell, Efq-, - - ^r. ^an. 7 1734. To a Rate made by the faid Simon Mitchell and Rolert •^ ^-^/W//, Efqs; (tv/oof his Majefty's Jul'hces of t:-.e Psace for theCouiitv ofMddkfex) on t!ie Hundred o^Ojfulfcn, for r.-iifing 64 / 16^ S ^. levied on the Goods of Mr John l^'hife, by virtue of a Judgment and Execution tor a Robbery committed in the laid Hundred, 'viz. I. s. d. On JFefminfter Divifion - - - 34 o i J. Toa-o- Dr/ifion - - - - ''9 1 ^k Fiiubiiry Divifion - -■ ~ 7 '5 'c|- Kenjifigtoi Divifion - - 5 5' ii>/4or» Divifion - - - - 19 10 ii|- i. S6 [75 3 Ter Contra : : : Cr. I. s. d Mtir. 5, 1 :34. Paid Mr. John IVl^ite, being all the Money at that time collet-ed - - - - - - 48 ; 4i Jptil 'i. i;3J- P;iid to ditto in full - - ~ - •<» 9 ?i 64 16 S Paid I'homas Br.ty, for his Trouble in making the Rate Warrants - - - -..,-_ Feb. 1 3. Paid to Mr. Hiags, Genera! Trcafurer for the County, by Order of SelFions - - - - 17 o oi 85 6 5f Charged on the Liberty of the 'fc'wer JJ'ithin and Without, the Old JrtHltry Ground, and 'frinity Alhiories, which w as not collected - - - --014& 86 o 5i- liote. The Hundred of OJfu';^on was indebted to the equity ,for the CIm-As in the Defence of an Aftion com.nenc'-d ^g:iinl) [In; h\A Hundred, for a Robb-ry rn t'lt- Valii- ot 5 ; -. /. which Sum the Hundred ;aved bv thai Dsf.ncc. [ 7^1 N U M U. Midcfx f. [77] NUMB. XXVL Pl'ita coram D no Rege apud Weftm' de Termi*o Pci Mich'is Anno R ni D ni Georgii S'c'di nunc Regis Magn Britan' &c. Quarto. MEmorandum quotl die Veneris prox' poll: tres Septi'anas f'c'i Mich'is ifto eodem Tcrmino coram D'no Rege apud Weftm' Ven' Thomas Robe Ar' &C Joh'es Matthews Ar' Cl'ic' Mercat* Hofpitii D'ni Regis per Middleton Howard Attorn' fuu' et pr'tuler' hie in Cur' d'c'i D'ni Regis tunc ib'm quand'm Billam fuam verfus Ric'um Nor- wood in Cuftod' Marr' <5cc. de pl'ito tr'nfgr' fup' Cafum et func plf'g' de pr'lequend' fcil't Joh'es Doe et Ric'us Roe qure quid'm Bill.i fequit' in hasc Verba if. Midd'x {[\ Thomas Robe Ar' et Joh'es Matthews Ar' Cl'ic' Mercat' Hofpitii D'ni Regis querunt* de Ric'o Norwood in Cuftod' Marr' Marefc' D'ni Regis coram ipfo Rege exiftcn' pro eo videl't quod cum deciino die Odobc* Anno D'ni Miil'imo Septingent'imo vicefimo nono apud Paroch' f'c'i Clementis Danor' in Com' pr'd' quodd'm Colloquiu' Motu* dC h itum fuit per &c int' eofd'm Thoniam 6c Joh'em & pr'did* Ric'um de & conc'nen* Circuitu a Refidenc' D'ni Regis per quem Cl'icus Mercat' Hofpitii D'ni Regis pro tempore exiiien' de jure exercere poteft Officiu' fuu' Cl'ici Mercat' Hofpitii ipfius D'ni Regis & fup' CoUoquio illo iidem Thomas <5c Joh'es adtunc & ib'm affirmabant quod Cl'icus Mercat' Hofpitii D'ni Regis pro tempore exiften' de jure exercere poteft Ofticin' fuu' Cl'ici Nler- cat' Hofpitii ipfius D'ni Regis per Circuitu' duodecim Milliar'a Refidenc' D'ni Regis (Except' infra Civitat' London) live per aliq'm partem Circuitus ill' quam quidem affirmac'on' idem Ric'us adtunc & ib'm denegabat afhrmando quod Cl'icus Mercat' Hof- pitii D'ni Regis pro tempore exiften' non poteft de jure exer- cere Officiu' fuu' Cl'ic' Mercat' Hofpitii D'ni Regis ultra Cir- cuitu' ducent' pedum a Refidenc' D'ni Regis i3c fuper inde iiden> Thomas 6c Joh'es ad Inftanc' 6c Requific'on' ejufdem Ric'i ad- tunc Si. ib'm folvere eidem Ric'o vigjnt' folid' legalis Monet' Magn' Britan' 6c in Confiderac'one inde idem Ric'us noftea fcil't eifdem die & anno apud paroch' pr'd' in Com' pr'd' fuper fe aifampfit 6c eifdem Thorn' 6c Joh'i adtunc <3v ib'm tidelii' pr'niifit [IJ] quod [7M quod ipfe idem Ric'us folyet eifdem Thorns 8c Joh'i quadragint' folid' li'lis legalis monet' fi Cl'icus Mercat' Hofpiiii D'ni Regis exercere potelt officia fuu Cl'ici Mercat' Hofpitii ipfius D'ni Regis per Circuitu' duodeciin Milliar' a Refidenc' D'ni Regis (except' infra Civitat London) five per aliq'm partem Circuitus ill' ultra Circuitu' ducent' pedum a Refidenc' D'ni Regis 6c iidem Thomas Sc Joh'es in f 'do dicunt quod Cl'icus Mercat' Hofpitii D'ni Regis exercere poteft officiu' fuu' Cl'ici Mercat' Hofpitii ipiius D'ni Regis per Circuitu' duodecim Milliar' a Refiden' D'ni Regis (except' infra Civitat' London) five per aliq'm partem Circuitus ill' eumq' etiam poftea fcil't die 5c anno fupr'dict' apud Paroch' pr'did' in Com' prsdid' quoddam al' Colloquiu' motu' 6c h'itum fuit per & int' eofdem Thomam (3v ]oh'em & prsdicl' Ric'um de & conc'rnenc' Feod' Officii prsdid' 8i fuper Colloquio ill' iidem Thomas & Joh'es adtunc & ib'ra aff.rmabant quod Cl'icus Mer- cat' Hofpitii D'ni Regis de jure intitulat' exiftit ad Feoda pro examinac'one 5c vifu' ponderu' Sc menfurar' Officio fuo prasditft' pertincn' fcil't ad Feod' quatuor denar' bis in Anno folvend' per quemlibet perfon' infra Circuit' pra^dift' refiden' (except' infra Civitat' London) ac ponderib' tv Menfur' aut ponderib' vel Menfur' in Com'rcio pro lucro ib'm uten' pro vifu <3c exami- nac'one om' ponderu' dc menlurar' ponderu' vel menfurar' hu'- inodi perfon' refpeclive fic ufitat' quam quidem affirmac'on' idem Ric'us adtunc 6c ib'm denegabat ^^ fuperindc iidem Thom.as 6C joh'es ad fp'ial inftanc' 6c Requific'on' ejufdem Ric'i adtunc &c ib'm folver' eidem Ric'o al' quadragint' folid' fi'lis kgalis monet* 6c in Conliderac'on' inde idem Ric'us poftea fcil't eifdem Die & Anno apud paroch' praidift' in Cora' pnTdiel' fuper fe aflum.pfit 6c eifjem Thorns 6c Joh'i adtunc &: ib'm fidelit' promifit quod ipfe idem Ric'us folvet eifdem Thon^^E &i Joh'i al' quadragint' folid' fi'lis legalis monet' fi Cl'icus Mercat' Hofpitii D'ni Regis de jure intitulat' exiftit ad Feoda prx:dicl' pro cxaminac'one &c vifu ponderu' C\ menfurar' Officio fuo prxdid:' pertinen' 6c iidem Thomas 6c Joh'es in f clo dicunt quod Cl'icus Mercat' Hofpitii D'ni Regis intitulat' exiftit ad Feod' pnedid' pro cxa- minac'one be villi ponderu' 6: menfurar' Officio fuo prxdid' pertinen' idem tamen Ric'us fep'al' promiffion' 6c alfumpc'on' fuas priedid* in forma piu'did' fadas mi'e curans fed machinans dc fraudulent' intendens eofdem Thomam Sc Joh'em in hac parte callide (X fubdole decipere 6c defraudare pntdid' fep'al' denar' fam'as per ipfum Ric'um eifdem Thomas 6c Joh'i fic ut pra?fert' folvend* feu aliq'm partem inde eifdem Thom^e 6C Joh'i (licet p;r ipfos ad hoc faciend' idem Ric'us poftea fcil't decimo fepti- [79l mo Die 05:obr' Anno fupradift' apud Paroch' prajdieT in Com' pr.x'did' rcquilJt' fuiilet) nondu' folvit icd ill' cis folvcrc hue ufque omnino rccufavit & adhuc rccufat ad dampnu' ipfor' Tho- n:2 & Joh'is centum folid' & indc producunt fecl'm die. Et prajid' Ric'us per Franc'uni Lcnthall Attor' fuuin ven' &C defend' vim & injur' quando' £<:c. (X dicit quod pra'didi Thomas ^ joh'es acconcm luara pra:did' verfus cum li'cre ll-u manuten're non debcnt quia quoad primam promiflion' dc af- fump'con' in Narr' pradid' menc'onat' idem Ric'us dicit quod bene (3c v'rum eft quod ipfe idem Ric'us airumnfir Tuper i'c modo ^ forma pr ut iidem Thomas gamining, marking and fealing Five Qiiart Pots made of Pewter, Seven Pint Pots made of Pewter, and Two Half Pint Pots made of Pewter ; whereas in Truth and in Faft, there was then no fuch Fee due to the faid Edward Refiit, or to the faid Clerk of the Market in that behalf, to the great Damage andOppreffion of the faid fVilliamCole, a;id againftthe Peace of our faid Lord the King, his Crown and Dignity. Wliich faid Indidment our faid Lord the King, afterwards, fnr certain Reafons, Iiath caufed to be brought before him, to be determined according to the Law and Cuftom of England : Wherefore the Sheritf of the faid County is commanded, that he omit not upon Account of any Liberty in his Bailiwick, but that he caufe him to come to anfwer our faid Lord the King, for theTrefpafs, Contempt, [ X ] and [82] and Extortion aforefaid : And now, that is to fay, on Tuefday next after Three Weeks from the Day of Saint Michael in the fame Term, before our faid Lord the King at Weftminjiery comes t!ie faid Edward Rejitt, hy 'John Matthews his Attorney, and having heard the faid Indiftment read, faith, He is not guilty thereof-, and hereupon he puts himfelfupoa the Country, And James Burroiv^ Efquire, Coroner, and Attorney of our faid Lord the King, in the Court of our faid Lord the King, beiorc the King himfeU, who profecutcs for our faid Lord the King, in this Behalf, does the like ; Therefore let a jury theicupoa, come before our faid Lord the K; i^^, inFifxcr; Days from the Day of Saint Martin, whercfoever he ihall be then in Efjgla/idy by wliom the Truth of the Matter may be the better known, and who are not of Kin to the faid Edward Refitt, to recognize upon their Oath, whether the faid Edward Refitt be guilty of the Trefpafs, Contempt and Extortion, aforefaid, or not ; be- caufe as well the faid James Burrow^ Efquire, who profecures for our faid Lord the King in this behalf, as the {?.iA Edward Refitt, have thereupon put themfelves on the faid Jury ; the fame Day is given as well to the faid James Burrow, Efquire, who profecutes for our faid Lord the King in this behalf, as to the faid Edward Refitt : At which Day, before our Lord the King at PTefiminJler, came as well the faid James Burrow^ Efquire, who profecutes for our faid Lord the King in this behalf, as the faid Edward Reftt by his Attorney aforefaid ; and the Sheriff of the faid County returned the Names o^ Twelve Jurors, none of whom ckme; Therefore the Sheriff of the faid County is commanded, that he omit not upon account of any Liberty in his Bailiwick, but that he diltrain them by all their Lands and Chattels in his Bailiwick, fo that neither they, nor any one for them, do put their Hands to the fame, until he have another Command from our faid Lord the King for that Purpofe ; And that he anfwer to our faid Lord the King for the Iffues thereof, fo that he have their Bodies before our faid Lord the King in eight Days, from the Day of Saint Hillary^ where- foever he fhall be then in E»gla»d: or before the beloved and faithful of our faid Lord the King, Ph/ltp Lord Hardwicke, Chief Julfice of our faid Lord the King, afTigned to hold Pleas before our faid Lord the King, if he ihall come before that Time, on Tbnrfday next after the End of the Term, at Wefi- minficr in the faid County of MiddUfcx^ in the great Hall of Pleas there, according to the Form of the Statute in fuch Cafe made and provided, to recognize upon their Oath, whether the faid Edward Refill be guilty of theTi'cfpafs, Contempt and Ex- tortion aforefaid, or not, in default of the Jury aforefaid, who came not in Fifteen Days, from the Day of Saint Mantn afore- faid ; [8?] faid; therefore let the Sheriff have the Bodies of tlie Jurors aforefaid, at the fame Time and Place accordingly, to recognize in Form aforefaid ; the fame Day is giverj as well to the faid 'James Bnrrow^ Efquire, wh6 profecutes for our faid Lord the King in this behalf, as to the faid Ed.vaid Rcfii. Afterwards, at the Day and Place witliin mentioned, before the within-namcd PhiUp Lord Hardmcke, Chief Juftice of our Lord the King, affigncd to hold Pleas before the iving himfelf, Carlton Hajward^ Gentleman, being alfociated to the laid Chief Jullice, according to the Form of tlie Statute in fuch Cafe made and provided, came as well the within-named James Burrow., Efq; who profecutes for r!ie faid Lord the King in thi^ behatf, as the within-named Ed:vard Refity by his Attorney witliin- mentioncd ; and the Jurors of the Jury within-mentioned being called, fome of them (to wit) Hj/try Sheppard, Job>! fVatfoHy l\athamjl iVeft^ J^^-"' Green., John H^jwhittlCf Richard Ezians, Ihomus Meads.) John Jenkins, Feta Jrnoldj George I Vyan. Chrt- fopher Bavinjiton, and Thomas Brooks., being drawn out of the Pannel according to the Form of the Statute in fuch Cafe lately made and provided, came and fworn upon the faid Jury ; Whereupon publick Proclamation is made here in Court for the faid Lord the King, as the Cuftom is, that if tlsure be any one who would inform the Chief Julf ice aforefaid, the King' Serjeant, the King's Attorney General, or the Jurors of the Jury aforefaid of the Premifes within contained, he fhould come forth and fhould be lieard ; and Thomas Abnej^ Efquire, offered himfelf on the behalf of the faid Lord the King to do this; whereupon the Court here proceeded to the taking of the Jury aforefaid, by the Jurors aforefaid now appearing for the Purpofe aforefaid, who being chofen, tried, and fworn to fpeak the Truth of and concerning the Premifes within men- tioned, fay, upon their Oath, that the faid Edward Refitt is Guilty of the Premifes within charged upon him in the within written Indictment in Manner and Form as by the faid In- diftment within mentioned againft him is fuppofed. NUMB [84] NUMBER XXVIII. to the Honourable the C O M M O N S of Great BritatM, in PARLIAMENT Aflembled ; I. The humble Petition of the Cburch-fVardens, Overfeers of the Poor, ani great Numbers of the Inhabitants of the feveral Parifhes. Liberties, Hamlets, and Ditifions, in the County of Middleiex, in behalf of themf elves and the rejl of the Parijbss in the faid County j Humbly Sheiveth, THAT the Juftices of the Peace for the faid County of Middlefex, having for many Years laft paft levied very large Sums of Money on } our Petitioners, under Co- lour of pafling Vagrants, Repairing Bridges and Gaols, and Relieving Maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and divers other Pretences ; And your Petitioners having very juit and rea- fonable Grounds to believe, that great Part of the faid Money has not been applied for the Purpofes for which it was pre- tended to be raifed, but that the fame has been notorioufly mifapplied and embezzeled, as your Petitioners do not doubt but they can be able to make appear, to the Satisfadion of this Honourable Houfe ; by the Means of which Mifapplication and Embezzelments, as aforefaid, the refpe£tive Pariflies and Divifions of this County have been grievoufly burthened and opprefled with very heavy and (as your Petitioners moft hum- bly conceive") illegal Taxes and AlfcfTments ; and your Peti- tioners having no Etfedual Method of Redrefs againft the Perfons concerned in the Raifing, Receiving, and Difpofing of the faid Money, nor againft fuch Violation of Truft and In- vafion of Property, as your Petitioners complain of, fave only by an Application to Parliament, without whofe Aid and In- terpofition they apprehend themfelves cxpofed to the like Hard- fhips and Impofitions for the future : M''herefore your Petitioners humbly ho^e this Honourable Houfe will take the Premijes into Cor/f deration, and grant them Juch Relief as they in their Wifdom and J u It ice jhall fee meet- And your Petitioners fliall ever pray. 2. I am ordered to give Notice, That on Tuefday next, at Ten a- Clock, a Veftry will be held, to conlider of proper Mea- fures to be taken in didcr for tlic Recovery of the Vagrant- Money which has been illegally railed ; and likewife to take it into Confideration what further Proceedings is ncceflary to be [85 J be carried on in relation to tliat, and any other Grievances of the like Nature. To lay before the Gentlemen, what Method is to be taken for the Recovery of the lall Rate (levied for 800 /.) that was deemed illegal, that the refpedive Parifhes may take proper Refolutions at their next Veftry, to order immediate Prolecu- tions againft fuch Perfons as refufe the faid Money. A Motion to be made, That the Inhabitants come to a Re- folution to make an humble Application to Parliament, in Or- der for an Inquiry and Redrefs of feveral Sums of Money levied on the faid Parifh, under Pretence of pafling Vagrants, asalib for the Maintenance of Maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and for the Relief of Prifoners in the Marjhalfea and K/^g's- Bench. 5. A Copy of what intended to be entered in the Vejiry-Bcok of Clerkenwell on Tuefday next. That Mr. late Church-Warden of this Parifh, make a Demand on Mr. the then High-Conftable of Divifion, for fo much of the Money as he .paid to the 'faid Mr. on the laft Rate that was made for the pafTing Vagrants for this County, which Rate has been adjudged Illegal by the Court oi Kjng^s- Bench ; and in cafe of Refufal of the faid Mr. ^ that then Mr. profecute him for the fame : And that he fhall hQ indempnified by this Parifh for any Lofs and Charge that he may be put to on that Account. 15th March 1735. At a Quarter-SelTions of the Peace in the Year 1734. an Order was made by the Juftices then and there prefent, for the railing the Sum of 800/. on the County of Middlefex, for Palfing, Conveying, and Maintaining Vagrants: After which Alexander Clarke, then High-Conliable of Holborn Divifion, received a Warrant, or Precept, under the Hand and Seal of John HtggSy then Treafurer of fuch Monies, commanding him the faid High-Conftable, to ifllie his Precepts to the feveral Parilh- Officers within his Divifion, thereby to order and re- quire the faid Parilh- Officers to raife and levy fuch Sums of Money, for the Purpofes aforefaid, as was mentioned in the faid High Conftable's Precept to them direftcd, as aforefaid, by Virtue of which the Sum of 800/. has been raifed on the County oi Middlefex \ amongft which was raifed and paid by [ Y ] the [86] the Inhabitants of Safron-Hilt^ Hatt on-Garden^ and Ely-Rents^ in the Parifh of 5t. Andrew Holhorn^ in the faid County, the Sum of 1 1 /. 14 J. 5 ^. ; upon which the Court oiKJn^s-Bemh was moved, by Counfel, for a Certiorari to be allowed, to re- move the faid Order into the faid Court, which was granted ; and upon hearing the fame, the Court adjudged all the JulHces Proceedings in raifing the (aid Sum of 800 /. to be illegal, aud their Order to be quafhed. ,Q. \^hat Method muft be taken to recover the faid Money, or who muft or may be fued for the fame, and which is the moft proper Means or Method for Recovery thereof? The Order being quafhed, every Thing done in purfuance of this being null and void, and every one who has had any Money levied upon him under Colour of that Order, hath cer- tainly a Right to recover it again from the Perfon who levied it; for the Rate being unduly taxed, the Warrant of the Juftices of the Peace for levying it will not excufe the Officer: But as it would not, I think, be advifeable to bring a great Number of Adions for trifling Sums, I apprehend the moft proper Method for recovering this Money, would be for the Perfon who coUefted it and paid it to Mr. Clarke^ to bring an Adion againft Mr. Clarke for lb much as he paid him ; and Mr. Clarke has his Remedy againft Mr. HiggSj if he thinks fit to purfue it. Cofy Ex. • . N'' 7. Grafs-hr?, Coney-Courty iWtfrf/>the nth, 173$. Richard Morley. NUMB. NUMBER XXIX. The CASE o/f/;« Taxes a»d As SE$$HiiiiTi rajfid af on the County of Middlefex. BY divers A£ls of Parliament * the Juftices of Peace in their Seflions have Power to raife Money, and to ap- point Receivers, who are to give Security and account with them for the fame. The Juftices of Peace for the County of Middlefex appoint certain particular Gentlemen out of their Body, to tranfaft all Matters relating to the Difpofition of all fuch Money, as is raifed under the Authority of any of the faid AQs of Parlia- ment, which Gentlemen are called the Lommittee of Accounts. From the Year 1722 to the Year 17^4, both inclufive, the County of Middlefex has been taxed at the Sum of Four Thou- fand Pounds, for palfing Vagrants, and fo in the fame Propor- tion for divers Years back ; tho* it can undeniably be made appear, that mofl of the faid Pariflies pafs few or no Vagrants at all ; that others, who have palTed them, have been obliged to pay the Charge, out of the Poors Rate, having, upon Ap- plication to the Juftices and their Treafurer, been refufed to be allowed their Disburlcments for the fame ; and that even thoie Purifhes that are on the Confines of the County, and are fituated in the great Roads, upon which the Burthen of palling Vagrants chiefly lies, have expended upon an Average no more than Three Pounds a Year each, or thereabouts, for that Purpofe, except theParifhes oiEndfield zn^South-mimsy which have been ufuilly farmed out to Perfons, who have under- taken by Agreement with the faid Juftices, to pafs all the Va« g. ants brought them, for a certain Annual Sum. That notwithllanding fuch large Sums of Money have been continually levied on this County for the pafling Vagrants, and fo much more, as it can be fully proved, than was ever applied to that Purpofe, yet many of the Conftables, who have been obliged by the Duty of their Offices to pafs fuch Vagrants as * 14 Eliz. 5. Far the Hcliff of poor Priloners. 43 Eliz. 3. For the King's Bench and Marjhalfca 43 Eliz 3 Mnim il Soldiers and Partner s igCar, 2, 4. For fitting P ri- foiiers to iro,';. Ii ai-d 12 \^'m 3, 19 For Buitding und Reftzirirrg Gao/j. I An. 18. For Repairing Brieves. I2An.23. For P,.:£ing, and i.iaintainiKgl'agtanti. t'efides thefe. By 2 J L-iiz. 3. and 8 Geo. ?.. 2. iivo Juftices mat tax the Hundred for Robberies. By J 3 and 14 Cat. 2. 3. De^uty-Licutt'ants may make a Ran for Trophy i'.lsney. have [88] nave been found Wandering within their rerpective Divilions, have, after many fruitlefs and expenfive Applications to the Juftipes in their Seflions, been put off under divers frivolous Pretences, from having their neceffary Charges and Disburfe- ments allowed them, and remain abfolutely unpaid to this Day. The Juftices who have ufually taken upon them to difpofe of this Money, never kept any regular Account of the Difpo- fition of the fame, before the Death of Mr. Cotefnerth^ for- merly their Treafurer^ and likewife in the CommilTion of the Peace, who died in December 17^0, and who, tho' he had not been in that Office full Two Years, had imbezzled between Seven and Eight Hundred Pounds of the Vagrant Money, which was intirely loft to the County, no Security having been taken from the faid Cotejworth for the fame, which it is apprehended ought to have been done ; but tho' no fuch Ac- count was kept till after the Death of the faid Cotefivorth, yet there was a Committee of Accounts always appointed in the fame manner as at prefent. From the Year 172J to the Year 1727, both inclufive, the Sum of One Thoufand Four Hundred Founds lias been raifed by the faid Juftices for the Repairs of decay'd Bridges, tho* there is only Brentford Bridge, and one half of Lhertjcy Bridge, repaired at the Expence of the County of Mtddlefex, the other half of Chertjey Bridge being repaired by the County of Surry, and the other Bridges in the County of Middlefex, out oi the Money arifing from the Turnpikes ; and tho' the faid Sum of One Thoufand Four Hundred Pounds was raifed for the Ufes abovementioned, yet the Charge of fuch Repairs, would not have amounted to above nine Hundred Pounds or thereabouts, if the feveral Workmen and Perfons imployed therein had been all duly paid theiv jujl Demands, which on the Contrary they have not been, nor have been able to obtain any Satisfadion for the fame. There have befides been feveral Sums raifed Yearly, for the Relief of maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and likewife for the Relief of the Prifoners in the Kj^^s-Bi'rtch and Marjoaljea^ and the Poor in the Hofpitals and Alms-houfes, the gicatcll Part if not the Whole of which Money has been iiitiiely diverted to other Ufes, and no Account ever given how the fame has been difpoted of. That r 893 That the Money fo raifed, for the fevcral Purpofes above- mentioned, has been notoiioufly mifapplied and imbcr.rled, can be made appear, with the greateft Certainty that the Na- ture of the Cafe will admit of: Who are the Perfons, tliat have been guilty of fiich Mifapplications and Imbezzlcments, will be beil difcover'd by an Inquiry into the Condu£l of thofe who have had the Difpofal of fuch Money ; and without fuch an Inquiry, it is juftly to he feared, that the County will conti- nually be burrhen'd with very heavy Taxes, without the leaft Rcafon or Neceflity lor the fame. For it is apprehended, as the Laiv Jlands at frefent, that whatever Mifapplications or Imbez^zlements there may be of the County Money, the Jnhabitants of the County, who may, in many Inflames, be taxed at the Difcretion of the faid Juftices, and whofe Properties, by Confequence, continually lie expofed to their Mercy, have no effectual Method of Redrejs, but by Ap- plication to Parliament, IZ3 NUMB, [pi] NUMBER XXX. Sir Daniel Dolins j General Jccount, Dr. I t. A. Received for Bridges 243 19 11 Received for Houle of \ Corrcaion - _ - > '9 '9 °4 Received County Rates 977 oz 03 Recciv. Money Replaced 277 09 00 157S 10 06 Paid for Bridges Paid for Houle of Cor- \ reftion - - - - 5 Paid for Repairing? , <-, Ll- l' U U "1.1064 17 OS /. Cr. s. d. 243 19 II 79 19 04 Balance in Hand 189 10 1578 10 06 /. 1064 17 5 Laid out and paid by Sir Z)(jw;f/ Z)c/;»i for Repairing ^'irij'j-//«//. 9-7 02 3 As appears above to be received from County Rate». t>7 13 2 Muft be- Part of 277 /. 9/. orf. replaced, and confequentiy makes ibe ■ . ■ ■ Sum due to fcveral Treafurers of Money borrowed /. 82(1 12 9r VIZ. As appears by the Balance of the Account ofT Money borrowed of the feveral Treafurers for r" 738 17 j\ the Repair oi Hhh' s-Hall, to be replaced - - And Part of 277 /. 9 s. od. replaced in Sir Dtiniel-t /;aid bv him, as above - - - - -^ paid by Total not replaced - 826 12 9\ F I > f iV / S. H V J Vi Sd2 • I t I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 1 Form L-P 23m-2, '13(3205) *nj S040 Gt.Erit.Parlia- 1737 conroons.Conmuttee OIL petition of- the chiirchwardens, overseers of tho poor, and inhabiltants of the several "pairtrslTes^iir ttie_comitjl_QiLJliiiidla- *HJ 9040 S5 1737 D 000 739 165 9 4