Uniform with this Work.
Lost on Du Corrig ; or, 'Twixt Earth and Ocean. By Standish
The Iron Pirate. A Plain Tale of Strange Happenings on the Sea.
By Max Pemberton.
The Capture of the " Estrella." A Tale of the Slave Trade. By
Commander Claud Harding, R.N.
The Doings of Raffles Haw. By A. Conan Doyle.
The Shadow of a Song. By Cecil Harley.
The Awkward Squads, and other Stories. By Shan F.
CASSELL & COMPANY, Limited, London; Paris and Melbourne.
The Doings of
Raffles Haw
A Double Enigma 9
The Tenant of the New Hall 32
A House of Wonders 53
From Clime to Clime 71
Lauras Request ..,,.... 89
A Strange Visitor 107
The Workings of Wealth 113
A Billionaire's Plans ....... 12S
viii Contents,
A New Departure 148
The Great Secret 165
A Chemical Demonstration . . . . . .187
A Family Jar , , 201
A Midnight Venture . 213
The Spread of the Blight 229
Thb Greater Secret ....... 247
" Tm afraid that he won't come," said
Laura Mclntyre, in a disconsolate voice.
"Why not?"
" Oh, look at the weather ; it is some-
thin o;- too awful."
As she spoke a whirl of snow beat
with a muffled patter against the cosy
red-curtained window, while a long blast
of wind shrieked and whistled through
the branches of the great white-limbed
elms which skirted the garden.
Robert Mclntyre rose from the sketch
upon which he had been working, and
lo The Doings of Raffles Haw.
taking one of the lamps In his hand
peered out into the darkness. The long
skeleton limbs of the bare trees tossed
and quivered dimly amid the whirling drift.
His sister sat by the fire, her fancy-work
in her lap, and looked up at her brother's
profile which showed against the brilliant
yellow light. It was a handsome face,
young and fair and clear cut, with wavy
brown hair combed backwards and rippling
down into that outward curve at the ends
which one associates with the artistic
temperament. There was refinement too
in his slightly puckered eyes, his dainty
gold-rimmed pince-nez glasses, and in the
black velveteen coat which caught the
light so richly upon its shoulder. In his
mouth only there was something— a sus-
picion of coarseness, a possibility of weak-
ness — which in the eyes of some, and of
his sister among them, marred the grace
and beauty of his features. Yet, as he
was wont himself to say, when one thinks
A Double Enigma. i i
that each poor mortal is heir to a legacy
of every evil trait or bodily taint of so
vast a line of ancestors, lucky indeed is
the man who does not find that Nature
has scored up some long - owing family
debt upon his features.
And indeed in this case the remorse-
less creditor had gone so far as to exact a
claim from the lady also, though in her
case the extreme beauty of the upper
part of the face drew the eye away from
any weakness which might be found in
the lower. She was darker than her
brother — so diark that her heavily coiled
hair seemed to be black until the light
shone, slantwise across it. The delicate,
half-petulant features, the finely traced
brows, and the thoughtful, humorous eyes
were all perfect in their way, and yet the
combination left something to be desired.
There was a vaofue sense of a flaw
somewhere, in feature or in expression,
which resolved itself, when analysed, into a
12 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
slight out-turning and droop of the lower
lip ; small indeed, and yet pronounced
enough to turn what would have been a
beautiful face into a merely pretty one.
Very despondent and somewhat cross she
looked as she leaned back in the armchair,
the tangle of bright-coloured silks and of
drab holland upon her lap, her hands
clasped behind her head, with her snowy
forearms and little pink elbows projecting
on either side.
** I know he won't come," she repeated.
" Nonsense, Laura ! Of course he'll
come. A sailor and afraid of the
weather ! "
*' Ha ! " She raised her finger, and a
smile of triumph played over her face, only
to die away again into a blank look of
disappointment. "It is only papa," she
A shuffling step was heard in the hall,
and a little peaky man, with his slippers
very much down at the heels, came
A Double Enigma. ^ 13
shambling into the room. Mr. Mclntyre,
sen., was pale and furtive-looking, with a
thin straggling red beard shot with grey,
and a sunken downcast face. Ill-fortune
and ill-health had both left their marks
upon him. Ten years before he had been
one of the largest and richest gunmakers
in Birmingham, but a long run of com-
mercial bad luck had sapped his great
fortune, and had finally driven him into
the Bankruptcy Court. The death of his
wife on the very day of his insolvency
had filled his cup of sorrow, and he had
gone about since with a stunned, half-
dazed expression upon his weak pallid
face which spoke of a mind unhinged. So
complete had been his downfall that the
family would have been reduced to ab-
solute poverty were it not for a small
legacy of two-hundred a year which both
the children had received from one of
their uncles upon the mother's side who
had amassed a fortune in Australia. By
14 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
combining their incomes, and by taking a
house in the quiet country district of
Tamfield, some fourteen miles from the
great Midland city, they were still able
to live with some approach to comfort.
The change, however, was a bitter one
to all — to Robert, who had to forego the
luxuries dear to his artistic temperament,
and to think of turning what had been
merely an overruling hobby into a means
of earning a living ; and even more to
Laura, who winced before the pity of her
old friends, and found the lanes and fields
of Tamfield intolerably dull after the life
and bustle of Edgbaston. Their discom-
fort was aggravated by the conduct of
their father, whose life now was one long
wail over his misfortunes, and who alter-
nately sought comfort In the Prayer-book
and in the decanter for the Ills which
had befallen him.
To Laura, however, Tamfield presented
one attraction, which was now about
A Double Enigma. 15
to be taken from her. Their choice of the
little country hamlet as their residence had
been determined by the fact of their old
friend, the Reverend John Spurling, having
been nominated as the vicar. Hector
Spurling, the elder son, two months
Laura's senior, had been enirased to
her for some years, and was, indeed,
upon the point of marrying her when the
sudden financial crash had disarranged
their plans. A sub-lieutenant in the Navy,
he was home on leave at present, and
hardly an evening passed without his
making his way from the Vicarage to
Elmdene, where the Mclntyres resided.
To-day, however, a note had reached
them to the effect that he had been
suddenly ordered on duty, and that he
must rejoin his ship at Portsmouth by
the next evening. He would look in,
were it but for half-an-hour, to bid them
** Why, where's Hector.^" asked Mr.
1 6 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
Mclntyre, blinking round from side to
*' He's not come, father. How could
you expect him to come on such a night
as this ? Why, there must be two feet
of snow in the glebe field."
** Not come, eh?" croaked the old man,
throwing himself down upon the sofa.
"Well, well, it only wants him and his
father to throw us over, and the thing
will be complete."
" How can you even hint at such a
thing, father?" cried Laura indignantly.
** They have been as true as steel.
What would they think if they heard
you t
"• I think, Robert," he said, disregarding
his daughter's protest, ** that I will have a
drop, just the very smallest possible drop,
of brandy. A mere thimbleful will do ;
but I rather think I have caught cold
during the snowstorm to-day."
Robert went on sketching stolidly in
A Double Enigma, 17
his folding book, but Laura looked up
from her work.
'* I'm afraid there is nothing in the
house, father," she said.
'' Laura ! Laura ! " He shook his head
as one more in sorrow than in anger.
" You are no longer a girl, Laura ; you
are a woman, the manager of a house-
hold, Laura. We trust in you. We look
entirely towards you. And yet you leave
your poor brother Robert without any
brandy, to say nothing of me, your father.
Good heavens, Laura ! what would your
mother have said ? Think of accidents,
think of sudden illness, think of apoplectic
fits, Laura. It is a very grave res — a very
grave respons — a very great risk that you
" I hardly touch the stuff," said Robert
. curtly ; " Laura need not provide any for
"As a medicine it is invaluable, Robert.
To be used, you understand, and not to
1 8 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
be abused. That's the whole secret of it.
But I'll step down to the Three Pigeons
for half an hour."
" My dear father," cried the young man,
** you surely are not going out upon such
a night. If you must have brandy could
I not send Sarah for some ? Please let
me send Sarah ; or I would go myself,
Pip ! came a little paper pellet from
his sister's chair on to the sketch-book in
front of him I He unrolled it and held
it to the light
" For Heaven's sake let him go ! " was
scrawled across it.
"Well, in any case, wrap yourself up
warm," he continued, laying bare his
sudden change of front with a masculine
clumsiness which horrified his sister.
** Perhaps it is not so cold as it looks.
You can't lose your way, that is one
blessing. And it is not more than a hun-
« dred yards."
A Double Enigma. 19
With many mumbles and grumbles at
his daughter's want of foresight, old
Mclntyre struggled into his great-coat and
wrapped his scarf round his long thin
throat. A sharp gust of cold wind made
the lamps flicker as he threw open the
hall-door. His two children listened to
the dull fall of his footsteps as he slowly
picked out the winding garden path.
"He gets worse — he becomes intoler-
able/' said Robert at last. " We should
not have let him out ; he may make a
public exhibition of himself."
*' But it's Hector's last night," pleaded
Laura. " It would be dreadful if thej'
met and he noticed anything. That was
why I wished him to go."
*' Then you were only just in time,"
remarked her brother, "for I hear the
gate go, and — yes, you see."
As he spoke a cheery hall came from
outside, with a sharp rat-tat at the window
Robert stepped out and threw open the
B 2
20 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
door to admit a tall young man, whose
black frieze jacket was all mottled and
glistening with snow crystals. Laughing
loudly he shook himself like a Newfound-
land dog, and kicked the snow from his
boots before entering the little lamplit
Hector Spurling's profession was written
in every line of his face. The clean-
shaven lip and chin, the little fringe of
side whisker, the straight decisive mouth,
and the hard weather-tanned cheeks all
spoke of the Royal Navy. Fifty such
faces may be seen any night of the year
round the mess-table of the Royal Naval
College in Portsmouth Dockyard — faces
which bear a closer resemblance to each
other than brother does commonly to
brother. They are all cast in a common
mould, the products of a system which
teaches early self-reliance, hardihood, and
manliness — a fine type upon the whole ;
less refined and less intellectual, perhaps,
A Double Enigma, 21
than their brothers of the land, but full
of truth and energy and heroism. In
figure he was straight, tall, and well-knit,
with keen grey eyes, and the sharp
prompt manner of a man who has been
accustomed both to command and to obey.
*'You had my note?" he said, as he
entered the room. *' I have to go again,
Laura. Isn't it a bore ? Old Smithers is
short-handed, and wants me back at once."
He sat down by the girl, and put his
brown hand across her white one. "It
won't be a very large order this time,"
he continued. " It's the flying squadron
business — Madeira, Gibraltar, Lisbon, and
home. I shouldn't wonder if we were
back in March."
"It seems only the other da^ that you
landed," she answered.
" Poor little girl ! But it won't be
long. Mind you take good care of her,
Robert, when I am gone. And when I
come again, Laura, it will be the last
22 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
time mind ! Hang the money ! There
are plenty who manage on less. We need
not have a house. Why should we ?
You can get very nice rooms in Southsea
at £2 a week. McDougall, our pay-
master, has just married, and he only
gives thirty shillings. You would not be
afraid, Laura ?"
'' No, indeed."
" The dear old governor is so awfully
cautious. Wait, wait, wait, that's always
his cry. I tell him that he ought to have
been in the Government Heavy Ordnance
Department. But I'll speak to him to-
night. I'll talk him round. See if I
don't. And you must speak to your own
governor. Robert here will back you up.
And here are the ports and the dates
that we are due at each. Mind that you
have a letter waiting for me at every one."
He took a slip of paper from the side
pocket of his coat, but, instead of handing
it to the young lady, he remained staring
A Double Enigma, 23
at it with the utmost astonishment upon
his face.
** Well, I never ! " he exclaimed. *' Look
here, Robert ; what do you call this ? "
" Hold it to the light. Why, it's
a fifty - pound Bank of England note.
Nothing remarkable about it that I can
** On the contrary. It's the queerest
thing that ever happened to me. I can't
make head or tail of it."
''Come, then, Hector," cried Miss
Mclntyre with a challenge in her eyes.
** Something very queer happened to me
also to-day. I'll bet a pair of gloves that
my adventure was more out of the common
than yours, though I have nothing so
nice to show at the end of it."
''Come, I'll take that, and Robert here
shall be the judge."
"State your cases." The young artist
shut up his sketch-book, and rested his
head upon his hands with a face of mock
24 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
solemnity. *' Ladies first ! Go along,
Laura, though I think I know something
of your adventure already."
"It was this morning, Hector," she
said. " Oh, by the way, the story will
make you wild. I had forgotten that.
However, you mustn't mind, because, really,
the poor fellow was perfectly mad."
'' What on earth was it ? " asked the
young officer, his eyes travelling from the
bank-note to his fiancie.
" Oh, it was harmless enough, and yet
you will confess it was very queer. I had
gone out for a walk, but as the snow
began to fall I took shelter under the
shed which the workmen have built at the
near end of the great new house. The
men have gone, you know, and the owner
is supposed to be coming to-morrow, but
the shed is still standing. I was sitting
there upon a packing-case when a man
came down the road and stopped under
the same shelter. He was a quiet, pale-
A Double Enigma. 25
faced man, very tall and thin, not much
more than thirty, I should think, poorly
dressed, but with the look and bearing of
a gentleman. He asked me one or two
questions about the village and the people,
which, of course, I answered, until at last
we found ourselves chatting away in the
pleasantest and easiest fashion about all
sorts of things. The time passed so
quickly that I forgot all about the snow
until he drew my attention to its having
stopped for the moment. Then, just as I
was turning to go, what in the world do
you suppose that he did ? He took a
step towards me, looked in a sad pensive
way into my face, and said : * I wonder
whether you could care for me If I were
without a penny.' Wasn't it strange ? I
was so frightened that I whisked out of
the shed, and was off down the road
before he could add another word. But
really. Hector, you need not look so black,
for when I look back at it I can quite see
26 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
from his tone and manner that he meant
no harm. He was thinking aloud, without
the least intention of being offensive. I
am convinced that the poor fellow was
" Hum ! There was some method in
his madness, it seems to me," remarked
her brother.
** There would have been some method
in my kicking," said the lieutenant
savagely. '' I never heard of a more
outrageous thing in my life."
" Now, I said that you would be
wild ! " She laid her white hand upon the
sleeve of his rough frieze jacket. "It
was nothing. I shall never see the poor
fellow again. He was evidently a stranger
to this part of the country. But that was
my little adventure. Now let us have
The young man crackled the bank-note
between his fingers and thumb, while he
passed his other hand over his hair with
A Double Enigma. 27
the action of a man who strives to collect
*' It is some ridiculous mistake," he
said. " I must try and set it right. Yet
I don't know how to set about it either.
I was going down to the village from the
Vicarage just after dusk when I found a
fellow in a trap who had got himself
into broken w^ater. One wheel had sunk
into the edge of the ditch which had
been hidden by the snow, and the whole
thing w^as high and dry, with a list to
starboard enough to slide him out of his
seat. I lent a hand, of course, and soon
had the wheel in the road again. It was
quite dark, and I fancy that the fellow
thought that I was a bumpkin, for we
did not exchanore five words. As he drove
off he shoved this into my hand. It is
the merest chance that I did not chuck
it away, for, feeling that it was a
crumpled piece of paper, I imagined that
it must be a tradesman's advertisement
28 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
or something of the kind. However, as
luck would have it, I put it In my
pocket, and there I found it when I
looked for the dates of our cruise. Now
you know as much of the matter as I
Brother and sister stared at the black
and white crinkled note with astonishment
upon their faces.
*'Why, your unknown traveller must
have been Monte Cristo, or Rothschild at
the least ! " said Robert. '' I am bound to
say, Laura, that I think you have lost
your bet."
*' Oh, I am quite content to lose It.
I never heard of such a piece of luck.
What a perfectly delightful man this must
be to know."
" But I can't take his money," said
Hector Spurling, looking somewhat rue-
fully at the note. *' A little prize-money
is all very well in Its way, but a Johnny
must draw the line somewhere. Besides
A Double Enigma. 29
it must have been a mistake. And yet
he meant to give me something big, for
he could not mistake a note for a coin.
I suppose I must advertise for the fellow."
"It seems a pity too," remarked Robert.
" I must say that I don't quite see it in
the same light that you do."
" Indeed I think that you are very
Quixotic, Hector," said Laura Mclntyre.
*' Why should you not accept it in the
spirit in which it was meant ? You did
this stranger a service — perhaps a greater
service than you know of — and he meant
this as a little memento of the occasion.
I do not see that there is any possible
reason against your keeping it."
" Oh, come ! " said the young sailor,
with an embarrassed laugh, '' it is not
quite the thing — not the sort of story one
would care to tell at mess."
"In any case you are off to-morrow
morninor ," observed Robert. " You have
no time to make inquiries about the
30 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
mysterious Croesus. You must really make
the best of it."
" Well, look here, Laura, you put it
in your work-basket," cried Hector Spurl-
ing. *' You shall be my banker, and if
the rightful owner turns up then I can
refer him to you. If not, I suppose we
must look on it as a kind of salvage-
money, though I am bound to say I don't
feel entirely comfortable about it." He
rose to his feet, and threw the note down
into the brown basket of coloured wools
which stood beside her. ** Now, Laura,
I must up anchor, for I promised the
governor to be back by nine. It won't be
long this time, dear, and it shall be the
last. Good-bye, Robert ! Good luck ! "
'* Good-bye, Hector! Bon voyage/"
The young artist remained by the table,
while his sister followed her lover to the
door. In the dim light of the hall he
could see their figures and overhear their
A Double Enigma. 31
" Next time, little girl ? "
** Next time be It, Hector."
** And nothing can part us ? "
"In the whole world ? "
" Nothing."
Robert discreetly closed the door. A
moment later a thud from without, and
the quick footsteps crunching on the snow
told him that their visitor had departed.
The snow had ceased to fall, but for a
week a hard frost had held the country
side in its iron grip. The roads rang
under the horses' hoofs, and every way-
side ditch and runlet was a street of ice.
Over the long undulating landscape the
red brick houses peeped out warmly
against the spotless background, and the
lines of grey smoke streamed straight up
into the windless air. The sky was of the
lightest palest blue, and the morning sun,
shining through the distant fog-wreaths of
Birmingham, struck a subdued glow from
the broad-spread snowfields which might
have gladdened the eyes of an artist.
It did gladden the heart of one who
viewed it that morning from the summit
The Tenant of the New Hall. 2iZ
of the gently-curving Tamfield Hill
Robert Mclntyre stood with his elbows
upon a gate-rail, his Tam-o'-Shanter hat
over his eyes, and a short briar-root pipe
in his mouth, looking slowly about him,
with the absorbed air of one who breathes
his fill of Nature. Beneath him to the
north lay the village of Tamfield, red
walls, grey roofs, and a scattered bristle
of dark trees, with his own little Elmdene
nestling back from the broad, white
winding Birmingham Road. At the other
side, as he slowly faced round, lay a vast
stone building, white and clear-cut, fresh
from the builders' hands. A great tower
shot up from one corner of it, and a
hundred windows twinkled ruddily in the
light of the morning sun. A little distance
from it stood a second small square low-
lying structure, with a tall chimney rising
from the midst of it, rolling out a long
plume of smoke into the frosty air. The
whole vast structure stood within its own
34 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
grounds, enclosed by a stately park wall,
and surrounded by what would in time
be an extensive plantation of fir-trees. By
the lodge gates a vast pile of dibris, with
lines of sheds for workmen, and huge
heaps of planks from scaffoldings, all pro-
claimed that the work had only just been
brought to an end.
Robert Mclntyre looked down with
curious eyes at the broad-spread building.
It had long been a mystery and a subject
of gossip for the whole country side.
Hardly a year had elapsed since the
rumour had first gone about that a
millionaire had bought a tract of land,
and that it was his intention to build a
country seat upon it. Since then the
work had been pushed on night and day,
until now it was finished to the last
detail in a shorter time than it takes to
build many a six-roomed cottage. Every
morning two long special trains had
arrived from Birmingham, carrying down
The Tenant of the New Hall. 35
a great army of labourers, who were re-
lieved in the evening by a fresh gang,
who carried on their task under the rays
of twelve enormous electric lights. The
number of workmen appeared to be only
limited by the space into which they
could be fitted. Great lines of waggons
conveyed the white Portland stone from
the depot by the station. Hundreds of
busy toilers handed it over, shaped and
squared, to the actual masons, who swung
it up with steam cranes on to the grow-
ing walls, where it was instantly fitted and
mortared by their companions. Day by
day the house shot higher, while pillar
and cornice and carving seemed to bud
out from it as if by magic. Nor was the
work confined to the main buildingr. A
large separate structure sprang up at the
same time, and there came gangs of pale-
faced men from London with much extra-
ordinary machinery, vast cylinders, wheels
and wires, which they fitted up in this
c 2
36 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
outlying building. The great chimney
which rose from the centre of it, com-
bined with these strange furnishings,
seemed to mean that it was reserved as
a factory or place of business, for it was
rumoured that this rich man's hobby was
the same as a poor man's necessity, and
that he was fond of working with his own
hands amid chemicals and furnaces. Scarce,
too, was the second storey begun ere the
wood-workers and plumbers and furnishers
were busy beneath, carrying out a thousand
strange and costly schemes for the greater
comfort and convenience of the owner.
Singular stories were told all round the
country, and even in Birmingham itself,
of the extraordinary luxury and the ab-
solute disregard for money which marked
all these arrangements. No sum appeared
to be too great to spend upon the small-
est detail which might do away with or
lessen any of the petty inconveniences of
life. Waggons and waggons of the richest
The Tenant of the New Hall, 2)7
furniture had passed through the village
between lines of staring villagers. Costly
skins, glossy carpets, rich rugs, ivory, and
ebony, and metal ; every glimpse into
these storehouses of treasure had given rise
to some new legend. And finally, when all
had been arranged, there had come a staff of
forty servants, who heralded the approach of
the owner, Mr. Raffles Haw himself.
It was no wonder, then, that it was
with considerable curiosity that Robert
Mclntyre looked down at the great house,
and marked the smoking chimneys, the
curtained windows, and the other signs
which showed that its tenant had arrived.
A vast area of greenhouses gleamed like
a lake on the further side, and beyond were
the long lines of stables and outhouses.
Fifty horses had passed through Tamfield
the week before, so that, large as were
the preparations, they were not more than
would be needed. Who and what could
this man be who spent his money with so
38 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
lavish a hand ? His name was unknown.
Birmingham was as ignorant as Tamfield
as to his origin or the sources of his
wealth. Robert Mclntyre brooded languidly
over the problem as he leaned against the
gate, puffing his blue clouds of bird's-eye
into the crisp, still air.
Suddenly his eye caught a dark figure
emerging from the Avenue gates and strid-
ing up the winding road. A few minutes
brought him near enough to show a
familiar face looking over the stiff collar
and from under the soft black hat of an
English clergyman.
** Good-morning, Mr. Spurling."
" Ah, good-morning, Robert. How are
you ? Are you coming my way ? How
slippery the roads are ! "
His round, kindly face was beaming
with good nature, and he took little jumps
as he walked, like a man who can hardly
contain himself for pleasure.
** Have you heard from Hector?'
The Tenant of the New Hall. 39
**Oh, yes. He went off all right last
Wednesday from Splthead, and he will
write from Madeira. But you generally
have later news at Elmdene than I have."
** I don't know whether Laura has
heard. Have you been up to see the
new comer ? "
" Yes ; I have just left him."
*' Is he a married man — this Mr.
Raffles Haw?"
** No, he is a bachelor. He does not
seem to have any relations either, as far
as I could learn. He lives alone, amid
his huge staff of servants. It is a most
remarkable establishment. It made me
think of the Arabian Nights."
**And the man .^ What is he like?"
"He is an angel — a positive angel. I
never heard or read of such kindness in
my life. He has made me a happy man."
The clergyman's eyes sparkled with
emotion, and he blew his nose loudly in
his big red handkerchief.
40 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
Robert Mclntyre looked at him in sur-
I am delighted to hear it," he said.
" May I ask what he has done ? "
'' I went up to him by appointment
this morning. I had written asking him
if 1 might call. I spoke to him of the
parish and its needs, of my long struggle
to restore the south side of the church,
and of our efforts to help my poor
parishioners during this hard weather.
While I spoke he said not a word, but
sat with a vacant face, as though he were
not listening to me. When I had finished
he took up his pen. ' How much will it
take to do the church?' he asked 'A
thousand pounds,' I answered ; ' but we
have already raised three hundred among
ourselves. The Squire has very hand-
somely given fifty pounds/ * Well,' said
he, ' how about the poor folk .-^ How
many families are there?' 'About three
hundred,' I answered. * And coals, I
The Tenant of the New Hall. 41
believe, are at about a pound a ton,' said
he. * Three tons ought to see them
through the rest of the winter. Then you
can get a very fair pair of blankets for
two pounds. That would make five
pounds per family, and seven hundred for
the church.' He dipped his pen in the
ink, and, as I am a living man, Robert,
he wrote me a cheque then and there for
two thousand two hundred pounds. I
don't know what I said ; I felt like a
fool ; I could not stammer out words
with which to thank him. All my
troubles have been taken from my
shoulders in an instant, and indeed,
Robert, I can hardly realise it."
"He must be a most charitable man."
" Extraordinarily so. And so unpre-
tending. One would think that it was I
who was doing the favour and he who
was the beggar. I thought of that
passage about making the heart of the
widow sing for joy. He made my heart
42 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
sing for joy, I can tell you. Are you
coming up to the Vicarage ? "
" No, thank you, Mr. Spurling. I must
go home and get to work on my new
picture. It's a five-foot canvas — the land-
ing of the Romans in Kent. I must have
another try for the Academy. Good-
He raised his hat and continued down
the road, while the vicar turned off into
the path which led to his home.
Robert Mc In tyre had converted a large
bare room in the upper storey of Elmdene
into a studio, and thither he retreated after
lunch. It was as well that he should
have some little den of his own, for his
father would talk of little save of his
ledgers and accounts, while Laura had
become peevish and querulous since the
one tie which held her to Tamfield had
been removed. The chamber was a
bare and bleak one, unpapered and un-
carpeted, but a good fire sparkled in
The Tenant of the New Hall. 43
the grate, and two large windows gave
him the needful light. His easel stood in
the centre, with the great canvas balanced
across it, while against the walls there
leaned his two last attempts, *' The Murder
of Thomas of Canterbury " and " The
Signing of Magna Charta." Robert had
a weakness for large subjects and broad
effects. If his ambition was greater than
his skill, he had still all the love of his
art and the patience under discouragement
which are the stuff out of which successful
painters are made. Twice his brace of
pictures had journeyed to town, and twice
they had come back to him, until the
finely gilded frames which had made such
a call upon his purse began to show signs
of these varied adventures. Yet, In spite
of their depressing company, Robert turned
to his fresh work with all the enthusiasm
which a conviction of ultimate success can
But he could not work that afternoon.
44 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
In vain he dashed in his background and
outlined the long curves of the Roman
galleys. Do what he would, his mind
would still wander from his work to dwell
upon his conversation with the vicar in
the morning. His Imagination was fascin-
ated by the idea of this strange man
living alone amid a crowd, and yet wield-
ing such a power that with one dash of
his pen he could change sorrow into joy,
and transform the condition of a whole
parish. The incident of the fifty-pound
note came back to his mind. It must
surely have been Raffles Haw with whom
Hector Spurling had come in contact.
There could not be two men in one parish
to whom so large a sum was of so small
an account as to be thrown to a by-
stander in return for a trifling piece of
assistance. Of course, it must have been
Raffles Haw. And his sister had the
note, with instructions to return it to the
owner, could he be found. He threw
The Tenant of the New Hall. 45
aside his palette, and descending into the
sitting-room he told Laura and his father
of his morning's interview with the vicar,
and of his conviction that this was the
man of whom Hector was in quest.
'*Tut! tut!" said old Mclntyre. ^* How
is this, Laura ? I knew nothing of this.
What do women know of rponey or of
business ? Hand the note over to me and
I shall relieve you of all responsibility. I
will take everything upon myself."
*' I cannot possibly, papa," said Laura,
with decision. '* I should not think of
parting with it."
" What is the world coming to ? " cried
the old man, with his thin hands held up
in protest. '' You grow more undutiful
every day, Laura. This money would be
of use to me — of use, you understand.
It may be the corner-stone of the vast
business which I shall re-construct. I will
use it, Laura, and I will pay something —
four, shall we say, or even four and a-half
46 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
— and you may have it back on any day.
And I will give security — the security of
my — well, of my word of honour."
** It is quite impossible, papa/' his
daughter answered coldly. "It is not my
money. Hector asked me to be his
banker. Those were his very words. It
is not in my power to lend it. As to
what you say, Robert, you may be right
or you may be wrong, but I certainly
shall not give Mr. Raffles Haw or anyone
else the money without Hector's express
" You are very right about not giving
it to Mr. Raffles Haw," cried old
Mclntyre, with many nods of approba-
tion. *' I should certainly not let it go
out of the family."
''Well, I thought that I would tell
Robert picked up his Tam-o'-Shanter
and strolled out to avoid the discussion
between his father and sister, which he
The Tenant of the New Hall. 47
saw was about to be renewed. His
artistic nature revolted at these petty
and sordid disputes, and he turned to the
crisp air and the broad landscape to
soothe his ruffled feelings. Avarice had
no place among his failings, and his
father's perpetual chatter about money
inspired him with a positive loathing and
disgust for the subject.
Robert was lounging slowly along his
favourite walk which curled over the hill,
with his mind turning from the Roman
invasion to the mysterious millionaire,
when his eyes fell upon a tall, lean man
in front of him, who, with a pipe between
his lips, was endeavouring to light a
match under cover of his cap. The
man was clad in a rough pea-jacket, and
bore traces of smoke and grime upon his
face and hands. Yet there is a Free-
masonry among smokers which overrides
every social difference, so Robert stopped
and held out his case of fusees.
48 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
"A light?" said he.
*' Thank you." The man picked out
a fusee, struck it, and bent his head to
it. He had a pale, thin face, a short
straggling beard, and a very sharp and
curving nose, with decision and character
in the straight thick eyebrows which
almost met on either side of it. Clearly
a superior kind of workman, and possibly
one of those who had been employed in
the construction of the new house. Here
was a chance of getting some first-hand
information on the question which had
aroused his curiosity. Robert waited until
he had lit his pipe, and then walked on
beside him.
" Are you going in the direction of
the new Hall ? " he asked.
- Yes."
The man's voice was cold, and his
manner reserved.
** Perhaps you were engaged in the
building of it?"
The Tenant of the New Hall, 49
" Yes, I had a hand in it."
" They say that it is a wonderful place
inside. It has been quite the talk of the
district. Is it as rich as they say ? "
*' I am sure I don't know. I have not
heard what they say."
His attitude was certainly not en-
couraging, and it seemed to Robert that
he gave little sidelong suspicious glances
at him out of his keen grey eyes. Yet,
if he were so careful and discreet there
was the more reason to think that there
was information to be extracted, if he
could but find a way to it.
'' Ah, there it lies ! " he remarked, as
they topped the brow of the hill, and
looked down once more at the great
building. " Well, no doubt it is very
gorgeous and splendid, but really for my
own part I would rather live in my own
little box down yonder in the village."
The workman puffed gravely at his
50 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
" You are no great admirer of wealth,
then ? " he said.
'* Not I. I should not care to be a
penny richer than I am. Of course I
should like to sell my pictures. One
must make a living. But beyond that I
ask nothing. I dare say that I, a poor
artist, or you, a man who work for your
bread, have more happiness out of life
than the owner of that great palace."
" Indeed, I think that it is more than
likely," the other answered, in a much
more conciliatory voice.
** Art," said Robert, warming to the
subject, " is her own reward. What mere
bodily indulgence is there which money
could buy which can give that deep thrill
of satisfaction which comes on the man
who has conceived something new, some-
thing beautiful, and the daily delight as he
sees it grow under his hand, until it
stands before him a completed whole ?
With my art and without wealth I am
The Tenant of the New Hall. 51
happy. Without my art I should have a
void which no money could fill. But I
really don't know why I should say all
this to you."
The workman had stopped, and was
staring at him earnestly with a look of
the deepest interest upon his smoke-
darkened features.
" I am very glad to hear what you
say," said he. " It is a pleasure to know
that the worship of gold is not quite
universal, and that there are at least some
who can rise above it. Would you mind
my shaking you by the hand ? "
It was a somewhat extraordinary
request, but Robert rather prided himself
upon his Bohemianism, and upon his
happy facility for making friends with
all sorts and conditions of men. He
readily exchanged a cordial grip with his
chance acquaintance.
'' You expressed some curiosity as to
this house. I know the grounds pretty
D 2
52 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
well, and might perhaps show you one or
two little things which would interest you.
Here are the gates. Will you come in
with me ? "
Here was, indeed, a chance. Robert
eagerly assented, and walked up the wind-
ing drive amid the growing fir-trees.
When he found his uncouth guide, how-
ever, marching straight across the broad,
gravel square to the main entrance, he
felt that he had placed himself in a false
" Surely not through the front door,"
he whispered, plucking his companion by
the sleeve. " Perhaps Mr. Raffles Haw
might not like it."
" I don't think there will be any
difficulty," said the other, with a quiet
smile. '' My name is Raffles Haw."
Robert McIntyre's face must have ex-
pressed the utter astonishment which filled
his mind at this most unlooked-for an-
nouncement. For a moment he thought
that his companion must be joking, but the
ease and assurance with which he lounged
up the steps, and the deep respect with
which a richly-clad functionary in the hall
swung open the door to admit him,,
showed that he spoke in sober earnest.
Raffles Haw glanced back, and seeing the
look of absolute amazement upon the
young artist's features, he chuckled quietly
to himself
*' You will forgive me, won't you, for
not disclosing my identity ? " he said, laying
his hand with a friendly gesture upon the
54 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
other s sleeve. " Had you known me you
would have spoken less freely, and I
should not have had the opportunity of
learning your true worth. For example,
you might hardly have been so frank upon
the matter of wealth had you known that
you were speaking to the master of the
" I don't think that I was ever so
astonished in my life," gasped Robert.
"" Naturally you are. How could you
take me for anything but a workman? So
I am. Chemistry is one of my hobbies,
and I spend hours a day in my laboratory
yonder. I have only just struck work,
and as I had inhaled some not- over-
pleasant gases, I thought that a, turn down
the road and a whiff of tobacco might do
me good. That was how I came to meet
you, and my toilet, I fear, corresponded
only too well with my smoke-grimed face.
But I rather fancy I know you by repute.
Your name is Robert Mclntyre, is it not.'^"
A House of Wonders. 55
"Yes, though I cannot imagine how
you knew."
"• Well, I naturally took some little
trouble to learn something of my neigh-
bours. I had heard that there was an
artist of that name, and I presume that
artists are not very numerous in Tamfield.
But how do you like the design ? I hope
it does not offend your trained taste."
" Indeed, it is wonderful — marvellous !
You must • yourself have an extraordinary
eye for effect."
" Oh, I have no taste at all ; not the
slightest. I cannot tell good from bad.
There never was such a complete Philis-
tine. But I had the best man in London
down, and another fellow from Vienna.
They fixed it up between them."
They had been standing just within
the folding doors upon a huge mat of
bison skins. In front of them lay a great
square court, paved with many-coloured
marbles laid out in a labyrinth of
56 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
arabesque design. In the centre a high
fountain of carved jade shot five thin
feathers of spray into the air, four of
which curved towards each corner of the
court to descend into broad marble basins,
while the fifth mounted straight up to an
immense height, and then tinkled back
into the central reservoir. On either side
of the court a tall, graceful palm-tree shot
up its slender stem to break into a crown
of drooping green leaves some fifty feet
above their heads. All round were a
series of Moorish arches, in jade and ser-
pentine marble, with heavy curtains of the
deepest purple to cover the doors which
lay between them. In front, to right and
to left, a broad staircase of marble, carpeted
with rich thick Smyrna rug work, led
upwards to the upper storeys, which
were arranged around the central court.
The temperature within was warm and
yet fresh, like the air of an English
A House of Wonders, 57
" It's taken from the Alhambra," said
Raffles Haw. " The palm-trees are pretty.
They strike right through the building into
the ground beneath, and their roots are all
girt round with hot-water pipes. They
seem to thrive very well.'
"What beautifully delicate brass-work!"
cried Robert, looking up with admiring
eyes at the bright and infinitely fragile
metal trellis screens which adorned the
spaces between the Moorish arches.
''It is rather neat. But it is not brass-
work. Brass is not tough enough to allow
them to work it to that degree of fineness.
It is gold. But just come this way with
me. You won't mind waiting while I
remove this smoke ? "
He led the way to a door upon the
left side of the court, which, to Robert's
surprise, swung slowly open as they ap-
proached it.
" That is a little improvement which I
have adopted," remarked the master of
58 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
the house. " As you go up to a door
your weight upon the planks releases a
spring which causes the hinges to revolve.
Pray step in. This is my own little
sanctum, and furnished after my own
If Robert expected to see some fresh
exhibition of wealth and luxury he was
wofully disappointed, for he found himself
in a large but bare room, with a little
iron truckle - bed in one corner, a few
scattered wooden chairs, a dingy carpet,
and a large table heaped with books,
bottles, papers, and all the other dSbris
which collect around a busy and untidy
man. Motioning his visitor into a chair.
Raffles Haw pulled off his coat, and,
turning up the sleeves of his coarse flannel
shirt, he began to plunge and scrub in
the warm water which flowed from a tap
in the wall.
"You see how simple my own tastes
are," he remarked, as he mopped his
A House of Wonders, 59
dripping face and hair with the towel.
'* This is the only room in my great
house where I find myself in a congenial
atmosphere. It is homely to me. I can
read here and smoke my pipe in peace.
Anything like luxury is abhorrent to
" Really, I should not have thought
it," observed Robert.
'* It is a fact, I assure you. You see,
even with your views as to the worthless-
ness of wealth, views which, I am sure,
are very sensible and much to your credit,
you must allow that if a man should
happen to be the possessor of vast — well,
let us say of considerable — sums of money,
it is his duty to get that money into
circulation, so that the community may be
the better for it. There is the secret of
my fine feathers. I have to exert all my
ingenuity In order to spend my income,
and yet keep the money in legitimate
channels. For example. It is very easy
6o The Doings of Raffles Haw,
to give money away, and no doubt I could
dispose of my surplus, or part of my
surplus, in that fashion, but I have no
wish to pauperise anyone, or to do mis-
chief by indiscriminate charity. I must
exact some sort of money's worth for all
the money which I lay out. You see my
point, don't you ? "
" Entirely ; though really it is some-
thing novel to hear a man complain of
the difficulty of spending his income."
*' I assure you that it is a very serious
difficulty with me. But I have hit upon
some plans — some very pretty plans. Will
you wash your hands "^ Well, then,
perhaps you would care to have a look
round. Just come into this corner of the
room, and sit upon this chair. So. Now
I will sit upon this one, and we are ready
to start."
The angle of the chamber in which
they sat was painted for about six feet
in each direction of a dark chocolate-
A House of Wonders, 6i
brown, and was furnished with two red
plush seats protruding from the walls, and
in striking contrast with the simplicity of
the rest of the apartment.
" This," remarked Raffles Haw, ** is a
lift, though it is so closely joined to the
rest of the room that without the change
in colour it might puzzle you to find the
division. It is made to run either hori-
zontally or vertically. This line of knobs
represents the various rooms. You can see
' Dining,' ' Smoking,' ' Billiard,' * Library,'
and so on, upon them. I will show you
the upward action. I press this one with
*. Kitchen' upon it."
There was a sense of motion, a very
slight jar, and Robert, without moving
from his seat, was conscious that the room
had vanished, and that a large arched
oaken door stood in the place which it
had occupied.
" That is the kitchen door," said
Raffles Haw. '' I have my kitchen at the
62 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
top of the house. I cannot tolerate the
smell of cooking. We have come up
eighty feet in a very few seconds. Now
I press again and here we are in my room
once more."
Robert Mclntyre stared about him in
** The wonders of science are greater
than those of magic," he remarked.
" Yes, it is a pretty little mechanism.
Now we try the horizontal. I press the
' Dining ' knob and here we are, you see.
Step towards the door, and you will find
it open in front of you."
Robert did as he was bid, and found
himself with his companion in a large and
lofty room, while the lift, the instant that
it was freed from their weight, flashed
back to its original position. With his feet
sinking into the soft rich carpet, as though
he were ankle- deep in some mossy bank,
he stared about him at the great pictures
which lined the walls.
A House of Wonders, 63
" Surely, surely, I see Raphael's touch
there," he cried, pointing up at the one
which faced him.
*' Yes, it is a Raphael, and I believe
one of his best. I had a very exciting
bid for it with the French Government.
They wanted it for the Louvre, but of
course at an auction the longest purse
must win."
**And this 'Arrest of Catiline' must
be a Rubens. One cannot mistake
his splendid men and his infamous
" Yes, it is a Rubens. The other two
are a Velasquez and a Teniers, fair
specimens of the Spanish and of the Dutch
schools. I have only old masters here.
The moderns are in the billiard-room.
The furniture here is a little curious. In
fact, I fancy that it is unique. It is
made of ebony and narwhals' horns. You
see that the legs of everything are of
spiral ivory, both the table and the
64 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
chairs. It cost the upholsterer some little
pains, for the supply of these things is a
strictly limited one. Curiously enough, the
Chinese Emperor had given a large order
for narwhals' horns to repair some ancient
pagoda, which was fenced in with them,
but I outbid him in the market, and his
celestial highness has had to wait. There
is a lift here in the corner, but we do not
need it. Pray step through this door.
This is the billiard-room," he continued
as they advanced into the adjoining room.
" You see 1 have a few recent pictures of
merit upon the walls. Here is a Corot,
two Meissoniers, a Bouguereau, a Millais,
an Orchardson, and two Alma-Tademas.
It seems to me to be a pity to hang
pictures over these walls of carved oak.
Look at those birds hopping and singing
in the branches. They really seem to
move and twitter, don't they ? "
*' They are perfect. I never saw such
exquisite work. But why do you call it a
A House of Wonders. 65
billiard-room, Mr. Haw? I do not see
any board."
** Oh, a board is such a clumsy uncom-
promising piece of furniture. It is always
in the way unless you actually need to
use it. In this case the board is covered
by that square of polished maple which
you see let into the floor. Now I put my
foot upon this motor. You see ! " As
he spoke, the central portion of the
flooring flew up, and a most beautiful
tortoise-shell-plated billiard-table rose up
to its proper position. He pressed a
second spring, and a bagatelle-table
appeared in the same fashion. *' You
may have card-tables or what you will
by setting the levers in motion," he
remarked. "■ But all this is very trifling.
Perhaps we may find something in the
museum which may be of more interest
to you."
He led the way into another chamber,
which was furnished in antique style,
66 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
with hangings of the rarest and richest
tapestry. The floor was a mosaic of
coloured marbles, scattered over with mats
of costly fur. There was little furniture,
but a number of Louis Quatorze cabinets
of ebony and silver with delicately-painted
plaques were ranged round the apart-
"It is perhaps hardly fair to dignify it
by the name of a museum," said Raffles
Haw. "• It consists merely of a few
elegant trifles which I have picked up
here and there. Gems are my strongest
point. I fancy that there, perhaps, I might
challenge comparison with any private
collector in the world. I lock them up,
for even the best servants may be
He took a silver key from his watch
chain, and began to unlock and draw out
the drawers. A cry of wonder and of
admiration burst from Robert Mclntyre,
as his eyes rested upon case after case
A House of Wonders, 67
filled with the most magnificent stones.
The deep still red of the rubies, the clear
scintillating green of the emeralds, the
hard glitter of the diamonds, the many-
shifting shades of beryls, of amethysts, of
onyxes, of cats'-eyes, of opals, of agates,
of cornelians seemed to fill the whole
chamber with a vague twinkling, many-
coloured light. Long slabs of the beautiful
blue lapis lazuli, magnificent bloodstones,
specimens of pink and red and white
coral, long strings of lustrous pearls, all
these were tossed out by their owner as
a careless schoolboy might pour marbles
from his bag.
'' This isn't bad," he said, holding up
a great glowing yellow mass as large as
his own head. "It is really a very fine
piece of amber. It was forwarded to me
by my agent at the Baltic. Twenty-eight
pounds, it weighs. I never heard of so
fine a one. I have no very large brilliants
— there were no very large ones in the
E 2
68 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
market — but my average is good. Pretty-
toys, are they not ? " He picked up a
double handful of emeralds from a drawer,
and then let them trickle slowly back into
the heap.
'' Good heavens ! '* cried Robert, as he
gazed from case to case. *' It is an im-
mense fortune in itself. Surely a hundred
thousand pounds would hardly buy so
splendid a collection."
*' I don't think that you would do for
a valuer of precious stones," said Raffles
Haw, laughing. *' Why, the contents of
that one little drawer of brilliants could
not be bought for the sum which you
name. I have a memo, here of what I
have expended up to date on my collec-
tion, though I have agents at work who
will probably make very considerable ad-
ditions to it within the next few weeks.
As matters stand, however, I have spent
— let me see — pearls one forty thousand ;
emeralds, seven fifty ; rubies, eight forty ;
A House of Wonders. 69
brilliants, nine twenty ; onyxes — I have
several very nice onyxes — two thirty.
Other gems, carbuncles, agates — hum !
Yes, it figures out at just over four million
seven hundred and forty thousand. I
dare say that we may say five millions, for
I have not counted the odd money."
** Good gracious ! " cried the young
artist, with staring eyes.
"■ I have a certain feeling of duty in
the matter. You see the cutting, polishing,
and general sale of stones is one of those
industries which is entirely dependent upon
wealth. If we do not support it, it must
languish, which means misfortune to a con-
siderable number of people. The same
applies to the gold filigree work which
you noticed in the court. Wealth has its
responsibilities, and the encouragement of
these handicrafts are among the most
obvious of them. Here is a nice ruby.
It is Burmese, and the fifth largest in
existence. I am inclined to think that if
70 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
it were uncut it would be the second, but
of course cutting takes away a great deal."
He held up the blazing red stone, about
the size of a chestnut, between his finger
and thumb for a moment, and then threw
it carelessly back into its drawer. " Come
into the smoking-room," he said ; " you
will need some little refreshment, for they
say that sight-seeing is the most exhaust-
ing occupation in the world."
The chamber in which the bewildered
Robert now found himself was more lux-
urious, if less rich, than any which he had
yet seen. Low settees of claret- coloured
plush w^ere scattered in orderly disorder
over a mossy Eastern carpet. Deep
lounges, reclining sofas, American rocking-
chairs, all were to be had for the choosing.
One end of the room was walled by glass,
and appeared to open upon a luxuriant
hot-house. At the further end a double
line of gilt rails supported a profusion of
the most recent magazines and periodicals.
A rack at each side of the inlaid fireplace
sustained a long line of the pipes of all
places and nations — English cherrywoods,
French briars, German china-bowls, carved
72 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
meerschaums, scented cedar and myall-
wood, with Eastern narghiles, Turkish
chibooques, and two great golden-topped
hookahs. To right and left were a series
of small lockers, extending in a treble row
for the whole length of the room, with the
names of the various brands of tobacco
scrolled in ivory work across them.
Above were other larger tiers of polished
oak, which held cigars and cigarettes.
" Try that Damascus settee," said the
master of the house, as he threw himself
into a rocking-chair. " It is from the
Sultan's upholsterer. The Turks have a
very good notion of comfort. I am a
confirmed smoker myself, Mr. Mclntyre,
so I have been able, perhaps, to check my
architect here more than in most of the
other departments. Of pictures, for ex-
ample, I know nothing, as you would very
speedily find out. On a tobacco, I might,
perhaps, offer an opinion. Now these" —
he drew out some long, beautifully-rolled,
From Clime to Clime, y^
mellow-coloured cigars — "these are really
something a little out of the common. Do
try one."
Robert lit the weed which was offered
to him, and leaned back luxuriously amid
his cushions, gazing through the blue
balmy fragrant cloud-wreaths at the extra-
ordinary man in the dirty pea-jacket who
spoke of millions as another might of
sovereigns. With his pale face, his sad,
languid air, and his bowed shoulders, it
was as though he were crushed down
under the weight of his own gold. There
was a mute apology, an attitude of
deprecation in his manner and speech,
which was strangely at variance with
the immense power which he wielded. To
Robert the whole whimsical incident had
been intensely interesting and amusing.
His artistic nature blossomed out in this
atmosphere of perfect luxury and comfort,
and he was conscious of a sense of
repose and of absolute sensual content-
74 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
ment such as he had never before experi-
"Shall it be coffee, or Rhine wine, or
Tokay, or perhaps something stronger ? "
asked Raffles Haw, stretching out his
hand to what looked like a piano-board
projecting from the wall. " I can recom-
mend the Tokay. I have it from the
man who supplies the Emperor of Austria,
though I think I may say that I get the
cream of it."
He struck twice upon one of the piano-
notes, and sat expectant. With a sharp
click at the end of ten seconds a sliding
shutter flew open, and a small tray pro-
truded bearing two long tapering Venetian
glasses filled with wine.
"It works very nicely," said Raffles
Haw. "It is quite a new thing — never
before done, as far as I know. You see
the names of the various wines and so on
printed on the notes. By pressing the note
down I complete an electric circuit which
From Clime to Clime. 75
causes the tap in the cellars beneath to
remain open long enough to fill the glass
which always stands beneath it. The
glasses, you understand, stand upon a
revolving drum, so that there must always
be one there. The glasses are then brought
up through a pneumatic tube, which is set
working by the increased weight of the
glass when the wine is added to it. It
is a pretty little idea. But I am afraid
that I bore you rather with all these
petty contrivances. It is a whim of mine
to push mechanism as far as it will
" On the contrary, I am filled with
interest and wonder," said Robert warmly.
*' It is as if I had been suddenly
whipped up out of prosaic old England
and transferred in an instant to some en-
chanted palace, some Eastern home of the
Genii. I could not have believed that
there existed upon this earth such adaptation
of means to an end, such complete mastery
76 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
of every detail which may aid in stripping
life of any of its petty worries.''
" I have something yet to show you,"
remarked Raffles Haw; "but we will rest
here for a few minutes, for I wished to
have a word with you. How is the
cigar t
*♦ Most excellent."
" It was rolled in Louisiana in the old
slavery days. There is nothing made like
them now. The man who had them did
not know their value. He let them go at
merely a few shillings apiece. Now I want
you to do me a favour, Mr. Mclntyre."
"I shall be so glad."
" You can see more or less how I am
situated. I am a complete stranger here.
With the well-to-do classes I have little
in common. I am no society man. I
don't want to call or be called on. I am
a student in a small way, and a man of
quiet tastes. I have no social ambitions
at all. Do you understand ? "
From Clime to Clime, 77
** Entirely."
" On the other hand, my experience of
the world has been that it is the rarest
thing to be able to form a friendship with
a poorer man — I mean with a man who is
at all eager to increase his income. They
think much of your wealth, and little of
yourself. I have tried, you understand, and
I know." He paused and ran his fingers
through his thin beard.
Robert Mclntyre nodded to show that
he appreciated his position.
" Now, you see," he continued, " if I
am to be cut off from the rich by my own
tastes, and from those who are not rich by
my distrust of their motives, my situation
is an isolated one. Not that I mind iso-
lation : I am used to it. But it limits my
field of usefulness. I have no trustworthy
means of informing myself when and where I
may do good. I have already, I am glad to
say, met a man to-day, your vicar, who
appears to be thoroughly unselfish and
yS The Doings of Raffles Haw,
trustworthy. He shall be one of my
channels of communication with the outer
world. Might I ask you whether you
would be willing to become another ? "
"With the greatest pleasure," said
Robert eagerly.
The proposition filled his heart with
joy, for it seemed to give him an almost
official connection with this paradise of a
house. He could not have asked for any-
thing more to his taste.
** I was fortunate enough to discover
by your conversation how high a ground
you take in such matters, and how entirely
disinterested you are. You may have ob-
served that I was short and almost rude
with you at first. I have had reason to
fear and suspect all chance friendships.
Too often they have proved to be carefully
planned beforehand, with some sordid
object in view. Good heavens, what
stories I could tell you ! A lady pursued
by a bull — I have risked my life to save
From Clime to Clime. 79
her, and have learned afterwards that the
scene had been arranged by the mother as
an effective introduction, and that the bull
had been hired by the hour. But I won't
shake your faith in human nature. I have
had some rude shocks myself. I look,
perhaps, with a jaundiced eye on all who
come near me. It is the more needful
that I should have one whom I can trust
to advise me."
" If you will only show me where my
opinion can be of any use I shall be most
happy," said Robert. *' My people come
from Birmingham, but I know most of the
folk here and their position."
'* That is just what I want. Money
can do so much good, and it may do so
much harm. I shall consult you when I
am in doubt. By the way, there is one
small question which I might ask you
now. Can you tell me who a young lady
is with very dark hair, grey eyes, and a
finely chiselled face ? She wore a blue
8o The Doings of Raffles Ha w.
dress when I saw her, with astrachan
about her neck and cuffs."
Robert chuckled to himself.
" I know that dress pretty well," he
said. *' It is my sister Laura whom you
" Your sister ! Really ! Why, there is
a resemblance, now that my attention is
called to it. I saw her the other day, and
wondered who she might be. She lives
with you, of course ? "
** Yes ; my father, she, and I live
together at Elmdene."
" Where I hope to have the pleasure
of making their acquaintance. You have
finished your cigar ? Have another, or try
a pipe. To the real smoker all is mere
trifling save the pipe. I have most brands
of tobacco here. The lockers are filled on
the Monday, and on Saturday they are
handed over to the old folk at the alms-
houses, so I manage to keep it pretty
fresh always. Well, if you won't take any-
From Clime to Clime. 8i
thing else, perhaps you would care to see
one or two of the other effects which I
have devised. On this side is the armoury,
and beyond it the library. My collection
of books is a limited one ; there are just
over the fifty thousand volumes. But it
is to some extent remarkable for quality.
I have a Visigoth Bible of the fifth
century, which I rather fancy is unique;
there is a " Biblia Pauperum " of 1430; a
MS. of Genesis done upon mulberry
leaves, probably of the second century ; a
"Tristan and Iseult" of the eighth century;
and some hundred black-letters, with five
very fine specimens of Schoffer and Fust.
But those you may turn over any wet
afternoon when you have nothing better to
do. Meanwhile, I have a little device
connected with this smoking-room which
may amuse you. Light this other cigar.
Now sit with me upon this lounge which
stands at the further end of the room."
The sofa in question was in a niche
82 The Doings of Raffles Haw.
which was lined in three sides and above
with perfectly clear transparent crystal.
As they sat down the master of the house
drew a cord which pulled out a crystal
shutter behind them, so that they were
enclosed on all sides in a great box of
glass, so pure and so highly polished that
its presence might very easily be forgotten.
A number of golden cords with crystal
handles hung down Into this small chamber,
and appeared to be connected with a long
shining bar outside.
** Now, where would you like to smoke
your cigar '^, " said Raffles Haw, with a
twinkle in his demure eyes. '' Shall we
go to India, or to Egypt, or to China, or
to "
" To South America," said Robert.
There was a twinkle,, a whirr, and a
sense of motion. The young artist gazed
about him in absolute amazement. Look
where he would all round were tree-ferns
and palms with long drooping creepers,
From Clime to Clime. %2>
and a blaze of brilliant orchids. Smoking-
room, house, England, all were gone, and
he sat on a settee in the heart of a virgin
forest of the Amazon. It was no mere
optical delusion or trick. He could see
the hot steam rising from the tropical
undergrowth, the heavy drops falling from
the huge green leaves, the very grain and
fibre of the rough bark which clothed the
trunks. Even as he gazed a green mottled
snake curled noiselessly over a branch
above his head, and a bright-coloured
paroquet broke suddenly from amid the
foliage and flashed off among the tree-
trunks. Robert gazed around, speechless
with surprise, and finally turned upon his
host a face in which curiosity was not un-
mixed with a suspicion of fear.
** People have been burned for less,
have they not?" cried Raffles Haw laugh-
ing heartily. " Have you had enough of
the Amazon ? What do you say to a
spell of Egypt ? "
F 2
84 The Doings of Raffles Haw,
Again the whirr, the swift flash of
passing objects, and in an instant a huge
desert stretched on every side of them, as
far as the eye could reach. In the fore-
ground a clump of five palm-trees towered
into the air, with a profusion of rough
cactus-like plants bristling from their base.
On the other side rose a rugged, gnarled,
grey monolith, carved at the base into a
huge scarabseus. A group of lizards
played about on the surface of the old
carved stone. Beyond, the yellow sand
stretched away into furthest space, where
the dim mirage mist played along the
" Mr. Haw, I cannot understand it ! "
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