CO > ■< L -< ^\^EUNIVERi/, Abviiaii-^^^ ^\^EU^JIVERS/A vj.lOSA'JCEtfx^ O u- -< ^ %, :^ \\\E UNIVER5'//- > ^1 ^v^lOSANCElfjv. ■^Ail3AINn-3^v' -< ^\\IHBRARYQ<;^ ^^lllE J^iU'JNVSOV'^ "^/idMINajiW^ '^<«0JnV3JO'^ 1— s > ^.OFCAIIFO/?^ ,A.OFC "^OAavaaiv^^ ^^Aa\ ^VCElfj> JVJ J. \i,'ll J 1 • uuji 1* J ]v 'J7l30NVSm^ "^ inc. uirri r/. '^ 'J(JJ/\l.'ll 311'' ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OFCALIFOff^ ^^V\E UNIVERi/^ = e ^^ /CX"^ ^^^ /CXs ^ wAbvuoM !• x^ >-\ r- x\HIBRARYO^ 5^^tLIE ' ^.OFCALIFOftjj^ ^OF-C ^ so -< ^OfCAllFOftiA ^OFCAIIFO/?/^ ^^WEUNIVERy/A ^^Aavaani^"^ ^^Aavjiaii-^'^^ ^riijoNv-soi^ %{i3AiNn]WV AWEUNIVER% ^vlOSANCEl5j> , . ^ o -< A^ILIBRARYO/;^ 5^UIBRARYQ<- ^!^ A CD Aavaan-^^"^ aweuniver% o ^lOSANCElfX^ o %il3AINn-3WV .\WEUNIVERVa O -r" O c^ '^/Sa3AIN(l-3UV ^l•llBRARY<7/^ ^IIIBRARY^/ ^(tfOJIlVJJO^ '^«!/0JllV3JO'^ .^WE•UNIVERy/A ^lOSANCElfi^ ^^OFCALIFORjj^ 4? ^.Z^ ^.OFCAllFOff^ iCLZS\§ M E C H A N I C Sj O R, T H E ^ . . ^ D O C T R I N WS^''^\ O F -,4 '-S- ,i^' M O T I O N?^ COMPREHENDING, I. The general Laws of Motion. II. The Descent of Bodies perpendicularly, and down inclined Planes, and alfo in Curvk Surfaces. The Motion of Pendulums. III. Centers of Gravity. The Equilibrium of Beams of Timber, and their Forces and Di- rections. IV. The Mechanical Powers. V. The comparative Strength of Timber, and its Stress. The Powers of Engines, their Motion, and Friction. VI. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. Da veniam fcriptis^ quorum non gloria nobis caufa, fed utilitas officiumque^ fuit. Ovid de Ponto III. LONDON: Printed for J. N o u r s e, in the Strand j Bookfeller in Ordinary to his MAJESTY. MDCCLXIX. stack Annex THE 5^ PREFACE. \\ , TLTA V in G fome years fince wriiten a large hook of Mechanics^ which is fold by Mejp^' Robinlbn, and Co. in Pater-nofter-Row. / have here given a Jhort ahjtraSl of that book, as it falls properly into this cotirfe •, and efpecially as that branch of fcience, is of fuch extenfroe ufe in the affairs of human life. 1 do not in the leaf, defign this to interfere with the other book, being rather an introduction to it, as it explains feveral things in it more at large ; particu- larly in the firfi feClion, as being of univerfal extent and life \ and likewife in fever al other parts of the book, efpecially fuch as have been obje^ed to by igno- r.ant writers. I have alfo added feveral things not mentioned in the other book, which are more fimple and eafy, and more proper for learners. So that this (hort treatife may be looked upon as an introdu^ion to the other book, and will doubtlefs facilitate the read- ing of it. As to the higher and more difficult matters^ 4ii few care to trouble their heads about them, I have faid little of them here, being not fo proper for an in- troduction, ^0 mention one or two things ; / had taken a great deal of pains to find out the true form of a bridge, that fhall be the firongefl, and of a JJjip that fhall fail the fo.flefl -, both upon principles that I know to be as certain and demoyiftrative as the Elements of Euclid -, both thefe you have in the other book. But^ as we have no occqfon in England, for A 2 the -i fi'1 "iri 95 J DEFINITIONS. lute motion. But when compared with others in motion, it is called relative motion- y. Dire^ion of motion is the courfe or way the body tends, or the line it moves in. 8 . ^antity of motion, is the motion a body has, confidered both in regard to its velocity and quan- tity of matter. This is alfo called the Momentum of a body. 9 Fis inertia, is the innate force of matter, by which it refills any change, driving to preferve its prefent ftate of reft or motion. 10. Grav ty is that force wherewith a body en- deavours to fall downwards. It is called abfolute gravity in empty fpace •, and relative gravity when immerfed in a fluid. 1 1 . Specific gravity, is the greater or lefTer weight of bodies of the fame magnitude, or the proportion between their weights. This proceeds from the na- tural denfity of bodies 12. Center of gravity^ is a certain point of a body, upon which, the body when fufpended, will reft in any pofition. 13. Center of motion, is a fixed point about which a body moves. And the axis of motion is a fixed line it moves about. 14. Po'wer and weight, when oppofed to one another, fignify the body that moves another, and the other which is moved. The body which be- gins and communicates motion is the power j and that which receives the motion, is the weight. 15. Equilihium is the balance of two or more forces, fo as to remain at reft. 16. Machine or Engine, is any inftrument to move bodies, made of levers, wheels, pullies, &c, 17. Mechanic po-i .s, are the ballance, lever, wheel, pulley, fcrew und wedge. 18. Strefs is the effefl any force has to break a beam, or any other body j and Jtrength is the refiftance P O S T U L A T A. ^ refinance it is able to make againft any flraining force. 19. Frisian is the refiftance which a machine fuffers, by the parts rubbing againft one another. POSTULATA. 1 . That a fmall part of the furface of the earth may be looked upon as a plane. For tho' the earth be round, yet fuch a fmall part of it as we have any occafion to confider, does not fenfibly differ from a plane. 2. That heavy bodies defcend in lines parallel to one another. For tho' they all tend to a point which is the center of the earth, yet that center is at fuch a diftance that thefe lines differ infenfibly from parallel lines. 3. The fame body is of the fame weight in all places on or near the earth's furface. For the dif- ference is not fenfible in the feveral places we can goto. 4. Tho' all matter is rough, and all engines im- perfeft •, yet for the eafe of calculation, we muft fuppofe all planes perfe6tly even -, all bodies perfeftly fmooth -, and all bodies and machines to move without friftion or refiftance ; all lines ftreight and inflexible, without weight or thicknefs j cords extremely pliable, and fo on. AXIOMS. 1. Every body endeavours to remain in its pre- fent ftate, whether it be at reft, or moving uni- formly in a right line. 2. The alteration of motion by any external force is always proportional to that force, and in diredion of the right line in which the force ads. 3. Action and re-a6lion, between any two bodies, are equal and contrary. B 2 4. The 4 AXIOMS. 4. The motion of airt body is made up of the fum of the motions of all the parts. 5. The weights of all bodies in the fame place, are proportional to the quantities of matter they contain, without any regard to their figure. 6. The vis inertiae of any body, is proportional to the quantity of matter. 7. Every body will defcend to the loweft place It can get to. 8. Whatever fuftains a heavy body, bears all the weight of it. 9. Two equal forces afting againft one another in contrary dire6tions -, deftroy one anothers ef- fe<5ts. And unequal forces a6l only with the dif- ference of them. 10. When a body is kept in equilibrio ; the con- trary forces in any line of direftion are equal. 11. If a certain force generate any motion; an equal force afting in a contrary direction, will de- ftroy as much motion in the fame time. 12. If a body be acSted on by any power in a given diretftion. It is all one in what point of that line of direction, the power is applied. ic^. If a body is drawn by a rope, all the parts of the rope are equally ftretched. And the force in any part ads in direftion of that part. And it is the fame thing whether the rope is drawn out at length, or goes over feveral pullics. 14. If feveral forces at one end of a lever, afl againft feveral forces at the other end -, the lever acts and is a<5ted on in diredftion of its length. SEC T. f 5 ] SECT. I. "The General Laws of MoTioisr. PROP. I. ^H E quantities of matter in all bodies^ are in the compound ratio of their magnitudes and denjities. For (Def. 3.) in bodies of the fame magnitudes, the quantities of matter will be as the denfities. Increafe the magnitude in any ratio, and the quan- tity of matter is increafed in the fame ratio. Con- fequently the quantity of matter is in the com- pound ratio of the denfity and magnitude. Cor. I . In two fimilar bodies^ the quantities of matter are as the denfities^ and cubes of the diameters. For the magnitudes of bodies are as the cubes of the diameters. Cor. 2. The quantities of matter are as the mag- nitudes and fpecifc gravities. For (by Def. 3. and 11.) the denfities of bodies are as their fpecific gravities. PROP. II. The quantities of motion in all movijig bodies, are in the compound ratio of the quantities of matter and the velocities. For if the velocities be equal, the quantities of motion will manifeftly be as the quantities of mat- ter. Increafe the velocity in any ratio, and the c^uantity of motion will be increafed in the fame B 3 ratio. 6 GENERAL LAWS ratio. Therefore it follows univerfally, that the quantities of motion are in the compound ratio of the velocities and quantities of matter. Cor. Hence if the body he the fame^ the motion is /IS the velocity. And if the velocity be the fame, the motion is as the body or quantity of matter. PROP. in. In all bodies moving uniformly, the fpaces defcrihed, are in the compound ratio cf the velocities and the times of their defcription. For in any moving body, the greater the veloci- ty^ the greater is the fpace defcribed ; that is, the fpace will be as the velocity. And in twice or thrice the time, &c. the fpace will be twice or thrice as great ; that is, the fpace will be increafed in proportion to the time. Therefore univerfally the fpace is in the compound ratio of the velocity, and the time of defcription. Cor. I. The time of defcribing any fpace, is as the fpace directly and velocity reciprocally ; or as the fpace divided by the velocity. And if the velocity be the fame, the time is as the fpace. And if the fpace be the fame, the time is reciprocally as the velocity. Cor. 2. The velocity of a moving body, is as the fpace dire5lly, and time reciprocally \ or as the fpace divided by the time. And if the time be the fame, the velocity is as the fpace defcribed. And if the fpace be the fame, the velocity is reciprocally as tht time of defcription. PROP. Sea. I. OFMOTION. f PROP. IV. The motion generated by any momentary force, or hy a Jingle impilfe, is as the force that generates it. For if any force generates any quantity of mo- tion; double the force will produce double the motion ; and treble the force, treble the motion, and fo on. If a body ftriking another, gives it any motion, twice that body flriking the fame, with the fame velocity, will give it twice the motion, and i ^^^ fhewn to be ^ tt. But the fum of ail the fpaces defcribed by the laft velocity, will be / + / + ^ &c. to / terms, whofe fum is tt. But tt is double to 4 tt ; that is, the fpace defcribed by the laft velocity, is double the fpace defcribed by the acceleratmg force. Cor. 3. Univerfally in all bodies urged by any con- ft ant and uniform forces -, the fpace defc^ ibed is as the force and fquare of the time dire£lly, and the quanti- ty of matter reciprocally For (Cor i.) the fpace is as the time and ve- lo ity. But (Prop V. Cor 2.) the velocity is uni- verfally as the force and time dire<5tly, and quan- tity of matter reciprocally. Therefore the fpace is as the fquare of the time and the force diredly, and matter reciprocally ; whence, Cor. 4. The froduSl of the force ^ and '-lare of the time ^ is as the produol of the body and fpace de' fcribed. Cor. 5. The product of the force and time, is dS" the produfl of the quantity of matter and velocity. For (Prop. V.) the produdt of the force and time. Seft. I. O F M O T I O N. n time, is as the motion ; that is, as the body and Fig. velocity. Cor. 6. 7he produ5f of the body, and fquare of the velocity, is as the product of the force and the fpnce defcribed. For (Cor. 5.) the produd of the body and ve- locity, is as the force and time. Therefore, the body X velocity fquare, is as the force X time X velocity ; but time X velocity is as the fpace (by Prop. III.) i therefore body X velocity fquare is as the force X fpace. Scholium. If any quantity or quantities are given, they muft be left out. And fuch quantities as are propor- tional to each other muft be left out. For exam- ple, if the quantity of matter be always the fame ; then (Cor 3.) the fpace defcribed is as the force and fquare of the time. And if the matter be proportional to the force, as all bodies are in ref- ped to their gravity •, then (Cor. 6.) the fpace de- scribed is as the fquare of the velocity. Or if the fpace defcribed be always proportional to the bo- dy ; then (Cor. 6.) the force is as the fquare of the velocity. Again, if the body be given, then (Cor. 4.) the fpace is as the force and fquare of the time. And if both the quantity of matter and the force be given j the fpace defcribed is as the fquare of the time. And fo of others. PROP. VIT. If ABCD he a -parallelogram \ and if a body at j; A, he a£led upon feparately by two forces, in the di' regions AB and AC, ivhich would caufe the body to he carried thro* the fpaces AB, AC in the fame time. Then both forces aSiing at once, will caufe the body ta be carried thro' the diagonal AD of the parallelogram. Let the line AC be fuppofed to move parallel toi itfelf; 12 GENERAL LAWS Fig. itfelf ; whilft the body at the fame time moves I. from A, along the line AC or bg^ and comes to d at the fame inftant, that AC comes to bg. Then fince the lines AB, AC, are defcribed in the fame time -, and A^, Ai, are alfo defcribed in the fame time. Therefore, as the motions are uniform, it will be, A^ : ^^ : : AB : BD i and therefore AJD is a flreight line, coinciding with the diagonal of the parallelogram. Cor. I. The three forces in the direEiions h^^ AC, AD, are refpe5Iively as the Imes AB, AC, AD. Cor. 2. Jny Jingle force AD denoted by the diago- nal of a parallelogram^ is equivalent to two for ces de- noted by the fides AB, AC. Cor. 3. And therefore any fngle force AD may he refohed into two forces^ an infinite Jiumber of waySy by drawing any two lines AB, BD, Jor their quanti- ties and dire^iions. Scholium. This practice of finding two forces equivalent to one, or dividing one force into two ; is called the compoCttion and refoludon of forces. PROP. VIII. .'■ / .2. If three forces A, B, C, \cep one another in equi- -^ librio ', they will be proportional to three fides of a iriancle^ d' awn parallel to their fever al directions ^ DI, CI, CU. Produce AD to I, and BD to H, and compleat the parallelogram DICH •, then (Prop. VII.) the force in diredlion DC, is equal to the forces DH, DI, in the diredions DH, DI. Take away the force DC and putting the forces DH, DI equal thereto ^ H Sea. I. OF MOTION, thereto-, and the equilibrium will ftill remain Fig. Therefore (Ax. lo.) DI is equal to the force A op- 2. pofite to it •, and DH or CI equal to its oppofite force B. And as CD reprcfents the force C, the three forces A, B, and C will be to one another as DI, CI, and CD. Cor. I. Hence if three forces ailing againfi one another., keep each other in equilibrio ; thefe forces will he refpe^ively as the three ftdes of a triangle drawn perpendicular to their lines of dire^ion ; or making any given angle with them., on the fame fide. For this triangle will be fimilar to a triangle whofe fides are parallel to the lines of direftion. Cor. 2. If three aolive forces A, B, C keep one another in equilihio ; they will be refpe5iively as the fines of the angles^ which their lines of direHion pafs through. For A, B, C are as DI, CI, CD; that is, as S.DCI, S.CDI, and S.DIC. But S.DCI = S.CDH = S.CDB. And S.CDI zi S.CDA. Aifo S.DIC =: S.BDI - S.BDA. Cor. 3. If ever fo many forces a^ing againfi one another, are kept in eiuilihrio, by thefe actions •, they may he all reduced to two equal and oppofite ones. For any two forces may, by compofition, bereduced to one force a6ting in the Ume plane. A.nd this laft force, and any other, may likewife be reduced to one force afting in the plane of thefe ; and fo on, till they all be reduced at laft to the adion of two equal and oppofite ones. PROP. IX. If a body impinges or a^s againjl any plain furface ; 3. it exerts its force in a line perpendicular to that furface. Let the body A moving in direfticn AB, with a given velocity, impinge on the imooth plain FG at the 14 GENERAL LAWS fig. the point B. Draw AC parallel, and BC perpen- 3. dicular to FG •, and let AB reprefentthe force of the moving body. The force AB is, by the refo- lution of forces, equivalent to AC and CB. The force AC is parallel to the plain, and therefore has no effect upon it; and therefore the furface FG is only afted upon by the force CB, in a diredtion perpendicular to the furface FG. Cor. I . If a body impinges upon another body with a given velocity, the qiiantity of the firoke is as the fine of the angle of incidence. For the abfolute force is AB, and the force . aaing on the furface FG is CB. But AB : CB : : rad : S.CAB or ABF. Cor. 1. If an elajlic body A impinges upon a hard $r elajlic plane FG \ the angle of reflexion will be equal to the angle of incidence. For if AD be parallel to FG -, the motion of A in direftion AD parallel to the plane, is not at all changed by the llroke. And by the elaflicity of one or both bodies, the body A is refledled back to AD in the fame time it moved from A to B ; let it pafs to D ; then will AC zz CD, being defcribed in equal times -, confequently the angle ABC — angle CBD ; and therefore the angle DBG — an- gle ABF. Cor. Q,. If a non-elajlic body Jlrikes another non- elajlic body ; it lofes but half the motion^ that it would lofe^ if the bodies were elajlic. For non-elaftic bodies only Hop, without recede- ing from one another j but elailic bodies recede with tlie fame velocity. PROP, Sea. L O F M O T I O N. 15 PROP. X. ^be fum of the motions of two or more bodies^ in an'' dire5lion towards the fame part^ cannot be ibanged by any aSion of the bodies upon each other. Here I reckon progrefllve motions afErmative; and regrefllve ones negative, and to be deduced out of the reft to get the fum. 1 . If two bodies move the fame way -, fmce ac- tion and re-a<5tion are equal and contrary, what one body gains the other lofes •, and the fum remains the fame as before. And the cafe is the fame, if there were more bodies. 2. If bodies ftrike one another obliquely ; they will a6l on one another in a line perpendicular to the furface afted on. And therefore by the law of adion and re-a6lion there is no change made in that diredion. 3. And in a diredion parallel to the ftriking fur- face, there is no aftion of the bodies, therefore the motion remains the fame in that direction, "Whence the motions will remain the fame in any one line of diredlion. Cor. I. Motion can neither be increafed nor de- creafed^ confid?red in any one direBion -, but muft re- main invariably the fame for ever. This follows plainly from this Prop, for what motion is gained to one (by addition), is loft to another body (by lubtradion) •, and fo the total fum remains the fame as before. Scholium. This Prop, does not include or meddle with fuch motions as are eftimated in all direftions. For upon this fuppofition, motion may be increafed or decreafed |6 GENERAL LAWS. Fig. decreafed an infinite number of ways. For example, if two equal and non-elaftic bodies, with equal velocities, meet one another ; both their motions are deftroyed by the ftroke. Here at the beginning of the motion, they had both of them a certain quantity of motion, but to be taken in contrary diredtions ; but after the ftroke they had none. PROP. XI. ^he motion of bodies included in a given fpace^ is the fame, whether that fpace Jiands fill •, or moves uniformly in a right line. For if a body be moving in a right line, and any force be equally imprefled both upon the body and the line it moves in ; this will make no alteration in the motion of the body along the right line. And for the fame reafon, the motions of any num- ber of bodies in their feveral diredions will ftill re- main the fame •, and their motions among themfelves will continue the fame, whether theincluding fpace is at reft, or moves uniformly forward. And fince the motions of the bodies among themfelves \ that is, their relative motions remain the fame, whether the fpace including them be at reft, or has any uni- form motion. Therefore their mutual a6^ions upon one another, muft alfo remain the fame in both cafes. SECT, [^7 J S E C T. 11. ^'^' The fierpendictdur defcent of heavy id- dies, their defcent upo?i i?2C lined Pla?2es^ and i?t Curve Surfaces, The Motion of Pendulums^ PROP. xir. tr'H E velocities of bodies^ falling freely by their own weighty are as the times of their falling from refi, For fince the force of gravity is the fame in all places near the earth's furface (by Poft. 3.), and this is the force by which bodies defcend. There- fore the falling body is urged by a force which ads conftantly and equally ; and therefore (by Cor. 3. Prop. V.) the velocity generated in the falling bo- dy in any time, is as the time of falling. Cor. I . If a body be thrown direSlly upwards with the fame velocity it falls with \ it will lofe all its mo- tion in the fame time. For the tame adlive force will deftroy as much motion in any time, as it can generate in the fame time. Cor. 2. Bodies defending or afcendinf gain or lofe eqiial velocities in eqtial times. PROP. XIH. In bodied falling freely by their own weight \ the fpaces defcrihed in falling front fejl^ are as the fquares of the times of falling. For fmce gravity is fuppofed to be tfie farne \n all places near the earth. Therefore the falling C body iS FALLING BODIES. Fig. body will be acted on by a force which is con{lant> ly the famej and therefore (by Prop. VI.) the fpaces defcribcd, from the beginning of the mo- tion, or fince their falling from reft, will be as the fquares of the times of falling. Cor. I. 'The fpaces defcribed by falling bodies are as the fquares cf the velocities. For (Prop. XII.) the velocities are as the times of falling;. Cor. 2. The fpaces defcribed by falling bodies^ are in the compound ratio of the times, and the velocities acquired by falling. Cor. 2- If a body falls through any fpace, and 7nove aftervsards 'with the velocity gained in falling ; it will defcribe twice that f pace in the time of its falling. Cor. 4. A body projeBed upward with the velocity it gained in falling, will afcend to the fame height ii fell from. Scholium. All thefe things would be true if it was not for the refiitance of the air, which will retard their motion a little. In very fwift motions, the refif- tance of the air has a very great effed in deltroy- ing the motions of bodies. PROP. XIV. 4. If a heavy body W be fiiftained upon an inclined plane AC, Z'V a power F atiing in direction WF pa- rallel to the plane \ and // A B be -parallel to the hori- zon and EC perp. to it. Then if the length AC de- notes the weight of the body, the hight CB will denote the power at F which fu ft ains itt and the bafe AB th^ preffure againfi the plane. Draw BD perpendicular to AC, then CB v/ill be the diredion of gravity, DC parallel to WF will be Sea. II. INCLINED PLANES. 19 be the direction of the force at F, and DB the di- Fig, region of the prefTure (by Prop. IX ). Therefore 4. (by Prop. VIlI.) the weight of the body, the power at F, and the •, will be refpeclively as BC, CD and DQ. But the triangles ABC, BDC are fimilar, and therefore BC, CD and DB are rcf- pedively as AC, CB and BA. Therefore the weight, power and preilure, are as the lines A.Cj CB and AB. Cor. I . The iveight of the hod)\ the parer F that fujiains it on the flane^ and the ■preifitre againj} the plane \ are refpeoJively as radius, the fine and cqfne of the planes elevation above the horizon. For AC, CB and AB are to one another, as radiusj fine of CAB, and fme of ACB. Cor. 2. The pczver that urges a body W dotvn the CB inclined plane ts r= — r-r x "wetght of W. Hence, Cor. 3. If a pripnatic body whofe length is AC lie upon the inclined plane AC •, // is urged do'j^n the . plane ivilh a force equal to the weight of the prifni of the length CB. Cor. 4. If there he two planes of the fame bight ^ and two bodies be Iriid en them proportional to the lengths of thefe planes ; the tendency down the planes will be equal in both todies. PROP. XV. If AC be an inclined plane, AB the horizon^ BC 5, perp. to AB. And if W he a heavy body up n the plane, which is kepc there by the power P aclin^ in direfiion VvP. Draw BDE perp. to \Vp. fhe^i the weight \V, the power P, the prefure againft the plane \ will be refpei^tively as xAB, DB and AD. For AB being a horizontal plane is perpendicu- lar to the action of gravity ; and Y^D is perp. to C I the 20 INCLINED PLANES. Fig. the diredlion of the power P; and AD is the 5. plane, which is perp. to the direction of the pref- fure againft that plane. Therefore (Cor. i . Prop. Vlll.) the weight of the body, the power P, and the prefTure ; are as AB, BD and AD. And if the direftion of the power WP be under the plane, the proportion will be the fame, as long as BD is perpendicular to WP. Cor. I. 'The weight of the body \V, is to the^ower P that fujiains it : : as cofine of the angle of traftio?i CWP : to the fine of the plane's elevation CAB. For the weight : power : : AB : BD : : S.ADB or WDE : S.BAD : : cof DWE or CWP : S.BAC, where the angle CWP made by the plane and di- redtion of the power is called the angle of Tradion. Cor. 2. Hence it is the fame thing as to the power and weighty whether the line of direction is above or below the plane^ provided the angle of traction be the Jame, For an e^ital power will fuflain the weight in both cafes. Cor. 3. The weight of the body : is to the preffure dgainft the plane : : as the cofine of the angle of trac- tion CWP : to the cofine of BNP, the dire^ion of the power above the horizon. For the weight W : prefTure : : AB : AD : : S.ADB : S ABD : : S.ADE : : S.NBE : : cof. EWD or PWC : cof BNP. Cor. 4. Hence the -preffure againfi the plane is greater when the direBion of the power is below the plane, the weight remaining the fame. Scholium. Altho' the power has the fame proportion to the weight, when the angle of traftion is the fame ; whether the direction of the power be above or below Sea. II. INCLINED PLANES. 21 below the plane. Yet, fince the preflure upon the Fig. plane is greater, when the line of dired:ion is be- 5. low the plane. Therefore in pra6tice, when a weight is to be drawn up hill, if it is to be done by a power whofe direction is below the plane, the greater prefllire in this cafe will make the car" riage fink deeper into the earth, &c. and for that reafon will require a greater power to draw it up, than when the line of diredion is above the plane. PROP. XVI. If a weight W titon an inclined plane AC, be in 6. equilibria with another weight P hanging freely ; then if they be fet a moving^ their perpendicular velocities in that place., will be reciprocally as their quantities of matter. Take WA a very fmall line upon the plane AC; draw AE parallel to the horizon, and BC perp. to it. Draw AF, and WR, BE perpendicular to it ; and WT, DV perp. to AB. Let W defcend thro* the fmall line WA upon the plane, then P will af- cend a hight equal to AR perpendicularly ; and \VT will be the perpendicular defcent of W. The triangles AWR and ADE are fimilar ; and like- wife the triangles AWT and ADV. Therefore WT : DV : : AW : : WD : : WR : DE. And alternately, WT : WR : : DV : DE ; and WR : AR : : DE : AE ; therefore WT : AR : : DV : AE : : (by the fimilar triangles DBV and AEB) D^ : AB : : (Prop. XV.) power P : weight W. Cor. I . If any two bodies be in equilihrio upon two inclined planes ; their perpendicular velocities will be reciprocally as the bodies. Cor. 2. If two todies fuftain each other in equili- hrio^ on any planes •, the prodti^ of one body X by its C 3 ' perp. 28 INCLINED PLANES. Fig. perp. velocity^ is equal to the p'sduH of the other ho' 6. dy X by Its perp. vtlcdty. PROP. XVII. 7* If a heaiy hody runs down an inclined plane CA -, the velocity ;/ acquires in any time, moving from reft •, is to the velocity acquired by a body falling perpendi- cularly in the fame time i c.s the hight of the plane CB, to its k'ngth CA. The force by which a body endeavours to defcend on an inclined plane, is to its weight or the force of gravity -, as CB to CA (by Prop. XIV.). And as thefe forces always remain tlie fame, therefore (Cor. 2. Prop. V.) the velocities generated will be as thefe forces, and the times of aCling, directly ; and the bodies reciprocally. And fmce the times of ading, and the bodies are the fame in both cafes, the velocities generated will be as thefe forces ; that is, as the hight of the plane CB. to its length CA. Cor. I. The velocity acquired by a body running dcivn an inclined plane, is as the time of its moving from reft.. Cor. 1, Jf a hoJy is ihrcivn up an inclined plane, ivith the velocity it acquired in defending ; it will lofe cll its motion in the fame time. PROP. XVIII. •m^ Jf a heavy body defends down an inclined plane CA \ the fpace it defcribes frc?n the beginning of the motion, is to the fpace defctibed by a body falling per- peyidiculcrly in the fame time ; as the hight of the -plane CB, to its length CA. For the force urging the body down the plane is to the force of its gravity, as CB to CA (by Prop. ^ XIV.), Sea. IL INCLINED PLANES. 23 XIV.), which forces remain conftandy the fame. Fig. And lince (Prop. XVII.) the velocities generated 7, in equal times on the plane, and in the perpendi- cular, are conilantly as CB to CA ; the fmall par- ticles of fpace delcribed with thefe velocities, in all the infinitely fmall portions of time, will flill be in the fame ratio; and therefore the fums of all thefe fmall fpaces, or the whole fpaces defcribed from the beginning, vvrill be in the fame conftant ratio of C 3 to CA. Cor. I . The fpace defcribed by a body falling do-wn an inclined plane ^ in a given iime, is as the fine of the planers elevation. For if CB be given, and aifo the perp. defcent ; that fpace will be reciprocally as CA, or diredly as S.CAB. Cor. 2 . 'The fpaces defcribed by a body defending from reft., dozvn an inclined plane, are as the fquares of the times. Cor. 3. Jf BD be drawn perp. to the plane C A *, then in the time a body falls perpendicularly thro' the bight CB, another body will defcend thro* the fpace CD upon the plane. For by fimilar triangles CA : CB : : CB : CD. PROP. XIX. If AC is an inclined plane ^ the time of a body^s 7. defending thro* the plane CA, is to the time of fall- ing perpendicularly thro* the hight of the plane CB, AS the length of the plane CA to the. hight CS. For if BD is perp. to CA, then (Cor. 2. Prop. XVIII.) fpace CD : fpace CA : : fquare of the time in CD : fquare of the time in CA : : that is, as the fquare of the time of defcending perpendi- C 4 culariy 24 INCLINED PLANES. ¥\cr. cukrlv in CB (Cor. 3. laft) : fquarc of the titiK- in 7° C^. But CD : CA : : CB^ : CA\ Therefore CB' : CA' : fquare of the time in CB : fquare of the time in CA. And CB : CA : : time in CB : time in CA. Cor. I. If a l^ody he throruDn upwards en the plane with the velocity acquired ir. defcending\ it ivill in an epial time afcend to the fame hight. Cor. 2 The times ivherein different planes^ of the fame hight, are paffed over ; are as the lengths of the planes. Let the planes be CA, CF. Then time in AC : time in CB : : CA : CB. And the tim,e in CB : time in CF : : CB : CF. Therefore ex equo, time in AC : time in CF : : CA : CF. PROP. XX, o Jf a body falls dcivn an inclined plane, it acquires the fame velocity as a body falling pei-pendicularly thro' the hight of the plane. Let the body run down the plane CA whofe hight is CB. Draw PF parallel to AB, and infi- nitely near it. Then the velocities in DA and FB, may be looked upon as uniform. Now fProp. XIX.) the times of defcribing CA and CB, will be as CA and CB. l^ikewifc the times of dcferibing CD and CF, will be as CD and CF •, that is, as CA and CB. And by divifion, the difference of the times, or the times of defcribing DA and FB, will alto be as CA and CB •, that is, as DA and FB. Rut (from Prop. III.) the velocities are equal when the fpaces are as the times of defcription. Therefore velocity at A is equal to the velocity at B. Cor. Sea. II. INCLINED PLANES. 25 Cor. I . The velocities acquired^ by bodies defcend- Fig. ing on any planes^ from the fame bight to the fame ho- 8. rizontal line, are equal. Cor. 2. If the velocities be equal at any two equal altitudes D, F ; they ivilt be equal at all other equal altitudes A, B. Cor. 3. Hence alfo^ if fever al bodies be jnoving in different dire^ions^ thro^ any fpace contained between two parallel planes -, and be a5led on by any force., which is €qual at equal dijlances from either pla7te. Then if their velocities be equal at entering that fpace ; they will alfo be equal at emerging out of it. For dividing that fpace into infinitely fmall parts by parallel planes. Then the force between any two planes may be fuppofed uniform -, and fup- pofing DP\ AB to reprefent two of thefe planes, then (by Cor. 2.) the velocities at D and F' being equal-, the velocities at A and B will be equal; that is, the velocities at entering the firft part of Ipace being equal, the velocities at emerging out ot it, or at entering the fecond fpace will be equal. And for the fame reafon the velocities at entering the fecond fpace being equal, thofe at emerging out ot it into the third, will be equal. And con-^ fequently the velocities at entering into, and emerg- ing out of the third, fourth, fifth, &c. to the laft \vill be equal refpedively. PROP. XXL If a body falls from the fame hight., thro' am 9. number of contiguous planes AB, BC, CD ; it will at lajl gain the fame velocity as a body falling perpendicular^ from the fame hight. Let FH be a ho'ir.ontal line, FD perp. to it. Produce the planes BC, DC to G and H. Then (Cor. 26 INCLINED PLANES. Fig. (Cor. 1. Prop. XX.) the velocity at B is the lame c^T whether the body defcend thro' AB or GB. And therefore the velocity at C v/ill be the fame, whe- ther the body defcends thro' ABC or thro' GC, and this is the fame as if it had defcended thro* HC. And confequently it will have the fame ve- locity at D, in delcending thro' the planes AECD, as in defcending thro' the plane HD ; that is, (Prop. XX.) as it has in defcending thro' the per- pendicular FD. Cor. I. Hence a body defcending along cny curve furface, ilUI acquire the fame velocity^ as if it fell ferpendiculcn ly thro* the jame hight. For let the number of planes be increafed, and their length diminifhed ad infinitum, and then ABCD will become a curve. And the velocity acquired by defcending thro' thefe infinite planes j that is, thro' the curve ABCD, will be the fame as in falling perpendicularly thro' FD. Cor. 7.. If a hcdy defcends in a curie ^ and ano- ther defcends -perpendicularly from the fame hight. S^beir velocities "will be equal at all equal altitudes. Cor. ^. If a bcdy^ after its defcent in a curve y Jhould be dire^ed upwards with the 'velocity it had gained ; it will afcend to the fame hight frcm which it fell. For fince gravity acts with the fame force whe- ther the body afcends or defcends, it will dellroy the velocity in the afcent, in the fame time it did generate it in the dclcent. Cor. 4. The %'elocity of a bcdy defcending in any furve, if as the fquare root of the hight fallen from. For it is the fame as in talhng perpendicularly ; and in falling perpendicularly, it is as the fquare root of the hight., Cor. Sea. 11. INCLINED PLANES. 27 Cor. ^. If a hody^ in moving thro" afiy /pace ED, Fig, he a£led en uniformly hy any force -, its velocity at 9. emerging out of it at D, will be equal to the fquare root of the fum of the fquares of the vtloctty at E in entering of ity and of the velocity acquired in fall- ing from rejl thro"" that fpace ED. And this holds whether the body moves perpendicularly or obliquely. For let the body enter the fpace ED at E, with the velocity acquired in falling thro' FE. Then (Prop. XIU. Cor. i.) the fquare of the velocity at E will be as FE-, and the fquare of the velocity at D, as FD-, and the fquare of the velocity at I) falling from E, will be as ED. But FD = FE + ED ; therefore the fquare of the velocity at D (falling thro' FD) zz fquare of the velocity at E + fquare of the velocity at D (falling thro' ED). And (Cor. i. of this Prop.) the velocity will be the fame whether the body defcends perpendicu- larly or obliquely. PROP. XXII. ^he times of bodies defcending thro* two fimilar 'O. parts of Jimilar curves^ placed alike^ are as the 'fquare roots of their lejigths. Let A BCD and abed be two fimilar curves, and fuppofe BC and be to be inhnitely imall, and fimi- lar to the whole ; that is, fo that BC : ^f ; : AB : ab. Draw FA parallel to the horizon, and HB, hb perp. to it. Then if two bodies defcend from A and a (Cor. 4. Prop. XXI.) the velocities at B and b will be as v/HB and y/hb •, that is, as v/AB and \/aby becaufe AH, ab are fimilar parts. Therefore (Prop. III. Cor. i.) the times of de- BC ^^ , . fcribins; BC and be. are as > — : and , , •, that is, ^ VAB \/<^^ ' as 25 INCLINED PLANF^S. I'ig. AB J ^^ — JO. as "TTg a"a ~7ab ^^ ^^ \/-A^ and s/ah; that is> as v/AD and ^ad^ becaufe the curves are fimi- larly divided in B and h. After the fame manner the times of defcribing any other two fimilar parts as BC, bc^ will be as v/AD and '^ad. Therefo:c by compofition the times of defcribing all the BC's, and all the bc'^ will be as ^/AD and *yad. That is, the time of delcribing the curve AD to the" time of defcribing the curve ad^ is as y/AD to ^ad. Cor. If t'uco bodies defcend thro* two fimilar curies ABD, and abd \ the axes of the curves FD, F^ art as the fqiiares of the times of their defcending. For v/FD : Wd : : n/aD : a/^ : : time of defcending thro' ABD : time of defcending thro' abd. And FD, Fd, are as the fquares of the times. PROP. XXIII. I y ; ^ body IV ill defcend thro* any chord of a circle^ in the fame time that another defcends J)erfendicularl^ thro* the diameter. Draw the diameter AB perpendicular to thehori^ zon, and the cords CA, CB. Then fmce BC is perpendicular to AC, therefore (Prop. XVIIT. Cor. 3.) the time of defcending thro' the cord AC is equal to the time of falling thro' AB. Draw CD parallel to AH, and DB parallel to CA, then is CI) equal to AB. And by reafon of the parallels, the angle DBC zz angle EC A zz 4 right angle. Tlien fince DB is perp. to CB, there- fore (Cor. 3. Prop. XVIII.) a body will defcend thro' the inclined plane CB, in the fame time that another falls thro' CD, or which is the fam.e thing, thro' its equal AB. Cor. Sea.II. INCLINED PLANES. 29 Cor. I. Hence the times of defcending thro* alt the Fig. cords of a circle drawn from A or B, are equal 1 1, among themfehes. Cor. 2. 'I'he velocity gained hy falling thro^ the cord CB, is as its length CB. For the velocity gained in falling thro' CB is the fame as is gained by falling thro' EB -, and that velocity is to the velocity gained by fallino- thro' AB, asv/BE to v/AB (by Cor. i. Prop! XIII.) i that is, as BC to BA. Therefore if the given velocity in falling down AB be reprefented by AB. The velocity gained in falling down CB will be reprefented by CB ; and fo that in any other cord, by its length. PROP. XXIV. If a pendulum vibrates in the fmall arch of a cir- j 2 . cle i the time of one vibration^ is to the time of a hodfs falling perpendicularly thro' half the length of the pendulum \ as the circumference of a circle^ to the diameter. If a pendulum fufpended by a thread, &c. be made to vibrate in any curve ; it is the fame thing as if it defccnded down a fmooth polifhcd body made in the form of that curve. For the motions, velocities, and times of moving will be the fame in both. Let OD or OE be the pendulum vibrating in the arch ADC, whole radius is OD. Let OD be perp. to the horizon, and take the arch E^ infinitely fmall, and draw ABC, EFG, efg^ perp. to OD ; and draw the cord AD. About BD defcribe the femicircle BGD. Draw er and Qs perp. to EG. Put / 1= time of defcending; thro' the diameter 2OD, or thro' the cord AD. Then the velocities gained 30 PENDULUMS. Fie. gained by falling thro' 2OD, and by the pendu- ,2. lum's delcending thro' the arch AE, will be as y/iOD and v^BF. And the fpace defcribed in the time /, after the fall thro' 2OD, is 40i), But the times are as the fpaces, divided by the vcloci- 4OO . ties. Therefore, . or 2v 2OD : ( (time of \/20D E^ , its defcription) : : .r>r - : time of defcribing Ee zr /> ^ Eg But by the limilar triangles OEF, Eer ; and EF KGF, Ggs-, we Iliall have ^ X Ee — er — F/ FG OD X EG z= Gj zi jTjy X G^. Whence Ee - ^^ ^ ^p X Gg. Therefore the time of defcribing E^ =. / X OD X FG X G^^ __ 2KD X EF \/W~xlxri5 ~ / X QD X\/BF xb DxGg 2KD \/BF X n/DU + OF X FD X \/aOD /Xv/ODxG^^ _ / X v/^20D' 2KDXV/DO + OFXx/2 4KDxv'DO+OF / X V/2OD in its mean quantity tor all the arches Gg^ is near- ly equal to DK. Therefore the time of defcribing Ee n ■^■^= X Gp-. Whence the time 2BD v/20D — DK of defcribinc the arch AED =: _r rrT 2BD\/20D — DK X BGD. And the time of defcribincr the wlu>le arch ADC, or the time of one ofciUation is n /X Sea. 11. PENDULUMS. 31 / X v/aOD ___ ^ , , , Fig. X 2BGD. But when the arcli 2BDV/2OD — L>K "^^ ' --'12. ADC is exceeding fmall, DK vanilhes, and then the time of olcillation in a very Ihiall arch is =: X 2BGD zz -' / X — — — • But if / 2BD \/zUD ' ^^ be the time of defcending thro' 2OD, -^- / is the time of defcending thro' 4- OD. And therefore BD the diameter, \5 to 2BGD the circumference; as the time of falling thro' half the length of the pendulum, to the time of one vibration. Cor. I. In a fmall arch AED, the time of de* fcending thro' the cord AD, is to the time of defend- ing thro' the arch AED ; cs the diameter BD, to ~ the circumference. For the time of defcending thro' the arch AED BGD = -^ X —KT^ ; therefore BD : 4- BGD : : / : time zBD in AED. Cor. 2. All the vibrations of the fame ■pendulum^ in arches not very large, are performed nearly in the fame time. Cor. ^. If KD he hiffe5ied in L, and T be :=i time of vibration in a very fmall arch. "Then T + KL ^^. OK X T will be the time of vibration in any arch ADC, nearly. For we found tlie time of vibration in ADC — / X BGD 2QD _ 2OD BD ^^20D — dK -^^^OD 4-OK ' and the three lines DO + OK, DO 4- OL, and DO + OD are in arithmetical progrefTion •, but flnceKD is very fmall, they are nearly in geometri- cal 32 PENDULUMS. Y\cr 2OD DO+OL 1 2" ^^^ progrefTion -, whence n/^qT OK ~ DO+"oK' DO + OL Therefore the tmie of vibration n: T X j^o'IToK DO + OK 4 - KL KL ^'TX DO 4- OK - ^ "^ ^ ^ DO + OK* Cor. 4. Hence a falling body will defcend thro* a fpace of 1 6 feet^ and i inch^ in a Jecond of time. For by obfervation, a pendulum 39.13 inches BCD long will fwing feconds. And / x "ITiT" = i fe- BD 2 cond, and ^qIj = ^ of 77Z76 ~ ^^"^^ falling 4 thro' 2 X 39.13. "Whence (Prop. XIII.) r — 7 ^ : 3.1416 39.13 ^ 2 X 39.13 ••:!': *'*^ X 3.i4i<^ = i93 -09^ inches = 16.09 feet. PROP. XXV. The lengths of two -pendulums., defcrihing fimilar archesy are as the fquares of the t mes of vibration* For (Prop. XXII.) the times of defcending thro* two fimilar curves, are as the fquare roots of the lengths of the curves ; that is, as the fquare roots of the lengths of the pendulum, their centers be- ing alike fituated. Therefore the lengths of the pendulums are as the fquares of the times of vi- brating. Cor. I. The times of vibration of pendulums in fmall arches of circles.^ are as the fquare roots of the lengths of the pendulums. For if the arches arc fimilar, the times of vi- bration are in that proportion. And (Prop. XXIV. Cor. Sea. II. PENDULUMS. 33 Cor. 2.) if the arches are fmall, tho' not fimilar, Fig. the vibrations will be the fame as before. Cor. 2. The velocity of a pendulum at its lowejl pointy is as the cord of the arch it defcends thro'. For the velocity at the loweft point is equal to the velocity gained in defcending thro' the cord ; for they are both of them the fame as a body acquires by falling thro* their common altitude. And (Prop. XXIII. Cor. 2.) the velocity gained in falling thro' the cord, is as the length of the cord. Therefore the velocities of a pendulum in different arches, are in the fame ratio. PROP. XXVI. Pendulumi of the fame length 'vibrate in the fame time, whether they be heai'ier or lighter. For let the two pendulums P, p, be of the fame length ; they \n\\ each of theifi fall thro' half the length of the pendulum in the fame time. For (Cor. 2. Prop. V.) the velocity generated in any given time, is as the force dire£tly and mat- ter reciprocally. But in the two pendulums, the forces that generate their motions, are their weights, which are as their quantities of matter. Whence we have the velocity of P, to the velocity of /> ; as P p ^ to —•> or as I to I : and therefore equal veloci- r p i ties are generated in the fame time. Confequently, equal fpaces will be defcribed in the fame time, and therefore they will fall thro' half the length of one of them in an equal time. And therefore (Prop. XXIV.) their vibrations v/ili be performed in the fame time. Cor. Hence all bodies whether greater or kffer^ heavier or light rr, near the earth's furfoce will fall D ' ' thro"- 34 PENDULUMS. Fio-. thro* equal /paces in equal times j abatifjg the reftjlance of the air. Becaute they are as much retarded by their mat- ter, as accelerated by their weight. The weight and the matter being exadtly proportional to one another. PROP. XXVII. 'The lengths of pendulum'' s vibrating in the fame time, in different places of the world j "joill be as the forces of gravity. For (by Prop. V. Cor. 2.) the velocity generated in any time is as the force of gravity dired:ly, and the quantity of matter reciprocally. And the mat- ter being fuppoled the fame in both pendulums, the velocity is as the force of gravity •, and the fpace pafled thro' in a given time, will be as the velocity ; that is, as the gravity. Therefore if any two fpaces be defcended thro' in any time, and two pendulums be made, whofe lengths are double thefe fpaces ; thefe pendulums (by Prop. XXIV.) will vibrate in equal times ; therefore the lengths of the pendulums, being as the fpaces fallen thro* in equal timcsj will be as the forces of gravity. Cor. I. The times 'ivherein pendulums of the fame length will vibrate, by different forces of gravity \ are reciprocally as the fquare roots of the forces. For (Cor. 2. Prop. V.) when the matter is given> the velocity gcfnerated is as the force X by the time. And (Prop. VI.) the fpace defcended thro' by any force, is as the force and fquare of the time. Let thefe fpaces be the lengths of the pendulums, then the lengths of the pendulums are as the forces and the fquarcs of the times of falling thro' them. But CProp. XXIV.) the times of falling thro' them are in a given ratio to the times of vibration ■, whence Sea. II. PENDULUMS. 35 whence the lengths of pendulums are as the forces Fig. and the fquares of the times of vibration ; there- fore when the lengths are given, the forces will be reciprocally as the fquares of the times ; and the times of vibration reciprocally as the fquare roots af the forces. Cor. 2. The lengths of pendulums in different places^ are as the forces of gravity, and the fquares of the times of vibration. This is proved under Cor. 2. Hence, Cor. 3. The times wherein pendulums of any length, Perform their ofcillations ; are as the fquare roots of *heir lengths dire£lly, and the fquare roots of the gra- ntating forces reciprocally. Cor. 4. The forces of gravity in different placesy ire as the lengths of pendulums direElly, and the "quares of the times of vibration reciprocally, PROP. XXVIII. Trob. To find the length of a pendulum, that fh all make my number of vibrations in a given time. Reduce the given time into feconds, then fay, .s the fquare of the number of vibrations given : o the fquare of this number of feconds : : fo is •9.13 : to the length of the pendulum fought, in nches. £x. Suppofe it makes 50 vibrations in a minute, lere a minute is — 60 feconds j then. As 2500 (the fquare of 50) : 3600 (the fquare 3600 X 39. 13 .f 60) : : 39.13 : to the length — ^^;^^ 140868 , . , "■ ICQ — -- 5^*34 ^"ches, the length required. "^ D 2 If 5^ PENDULUMS. FW. If it be required to iind a pendulum that fliall vibrate fuch a number of times in a minute j you need only divide 140868, by the fquare of the number of vibrations given, and the quotient will be the length of the pendulum. This pradlice is deduced from Prop. XXV. for let p be the length of the pendulum, n the num- ber of vibrations, / the time they are to be per- P formed in. Then ^9.13 : 1' : : p : =: fquare P of the time of one vibration, and v/ — , . > . 39-13 time of one vibration ; then if / be divided by P . . . . 39-^3 */ it will orive ;/ ; that is, / ^P-> ^nd nn : tl : : ■^^.i^ : p. If the pendulum is a thread with a little ball at it, then the diftance between the point of fufpenfion and the center of the ball is efleemed the length of the pendulum. But if the ball be large, fay as the diftance between the point of fufpenfion, and the center of the bail, is to the radius of the ball ; fo the radius of the ball to a third proportional. Set 4- of this from the center of the ball downward, gives the center of ofcillniion. Then the whole diftance from the point of fufpenfion to this center of ofcillation, is the true length of the pendulum. 13. If the bob of the pendalum be not a whole fphere, ^Dut a thin fcgment of a fphere, as AB, as in moft clocks ; then to find the center of ofcilla- tion, fay as the diftance between the point of fuf- penfion, and the middle of the bob, is to half the breadth of the bob ; fo half the breadth of the bob, to a third proportional. Set one third of this length from the middle of the bob downwards, gives the center of ofcillation. Then the diftance between Sea. II. PENDULUMS. '^^ between the centers of fufpenfion and ofcillation, is Fig. the exad length of the penduliun. PROP. XXIX. Proh, Having the length of a -pendulum given \ to find how many vibrations it Jhall make, in any given time. Reduce the time given into feconds, and the pendulum's length into inches ; then fay, as the given length of the pendulum ; to 39.13 : : fo is the fquare of the time given : to the fquare of the number of vibrations, whofe fquare root is the num- ber fought. , Example. Suppofe the length of the pendulum is s^-34- iriches, to find how often it will vibrate in a minute. I minute — 60 feconds. Then, 56.34 (the length of the pendulum) : 39.13 :- : 3600 (the fquare of 60) : to the fquare of the number of vi« 3600 X 39-13 140868 brations ziz y— — iz ■'— 7-- — =1 2 ^00, and 50-34 50-34 -^ ' v^2 5oo zz 50 — the number of vibrations fought. If the time given be a minute, you need only divide 140868 by the length, and extradb the root of the quotient for the number of vibrations. This is the reverfe of the lad problem, therefore fuppofing as before in that problem, we have // X 39.13 zz nnp ; therefore^ : 39 13 : : // : «;z. They that would fee a further account of the motions of bodies upon inclined planes, the vibra- tions of pendulums, and the motion of proje<5i:iles ; may confult my large book of Mechanics, where they will meet with full fatisfadion. D 3 SECT. [38 ] Fig- SECT. IIL Of the Ce7tter of Gravity ; the equtli^ brium of beams of timber ; the di- reBions and quantities of the forces necejjary to fuftain them, PROP. XXX. A body cannot defcend or fall downijoards^ except enly when it is in Juch a pofttion, that by its motion^ its center of gravity defends. \A-' Let the body A ftand upon the horizontal plane BK, and let C be its center of gravity •, draw CD perpendicular to the plane BK. And let the body be fuipended at the point C, upon the perpendicu- lar line CD. Then (def 12.) it will remain un- moved upon the line CD. And as CD is perp. to the horizon, it has no inclination to move one way more than another, therefore it will move no way but remain at reft. Take away the line CD, and let the body be fupported by the line BC •, it BC be fixed, the body will remain at reft on the line CB. But if CB be movable about B, the bo- dy iiifpended at C, will endeavour to move with its center of gravity downwards along the arch CE, about B as a center, towards N. And for the fame reafon the body will endeavour to fall the contra- !y way, moving about the point N j I fay, this will be the cafe when CD is fituated between B and N. But thefe two motions being contrary to one ano- ther, will hi«der each other's effedls j and the body will be fuftained without falling. Again, Sed. IIIv CENTER OF GRAVITY. ^ Again, let the body F be fufpended with its cen- Fk ter of gravity I upon the perpendicular IH. As 14 this line has no inclination to move to any fide, it will therefore remain at reft. Take away the line IH, and let the center of gravity I be fufpended on the line IG, then the body will endeavour to defcend along the arch IK, for the higheft point of the arch is in the perpendicular ereifted at G. For the fame reafon if the body be fufpended on the line 01, it will endeavour to defcend towards K, about the center O; now as both thefe motions tend the fame way, and there is nothing to oppofe them •, the body muft fall towards K. In both thefe cafes it is plain, that when the center of gravity by its motion, defcends, the body will fall ; but if not, the body will be fupported without falling. Cor. I. If a body Jiands upon a plane ^ if a line be drawn from the center of gravity ■perpendicidar to the horizon \ if this line fall within the bafe on which the body flands^ it will be fupported without falling. But if the perpendicular falls without the bafe, the body ivill fall. For when the perpendicular falls within the bafe, the body can be moved no manner of way, but the center of gravity will rife. And when t\\t perpen- dicular falls without the bale, towards any fide ; if the body be moved towards that fide, the center of gravity defcends •, and therefore the body will fall that way. Cor. 2. If a perpendicular drawn from the center of graxity perp. to the horizon^ fall upon the extremi- ty of the bafe ; the body may ft and., hut the leafi force what ever .^ will caufe it to fall that way. And the nearer the perp. is to any fide., the eofier it will be made to fall., or is fooner thrufl over. And the nearer the perp. is to the middle of the bafe., the firmer the body ftands. D 4 Cor, 40 CENTER OF GRAVITY. Fig. Cor. 3. Hence if the center of gravity of a body he 14. fupported^ the whole body is fupported. And the place of the center of gravity mufi be deemed the place of the body ; and is always in a line drawn perpendicular to the horizon, thro'' the center of gravity. Cor. 4. Hence all the natural anions of animals may be accounted for from the propertios of the center of gravity. When a rnnn endeavours to walk, he ftretches out his hind leg, and bends the knee of his fore leg, by which means his body is thruft forward, and the center of gravity of his body is moved for- ward beyond his feet ; then to prevent his failing, he immediately takes up his hind foot, and places it forward beyond the center of gravity •, then he thrufts himfelf forward, by his leg which now is the hindmoft, till his center of gravity be beyond his fore foot, and then he fets his hind foot for- ward aofain •, and thus he continues walking; as lone; as he pleafes. In itanding, a man having his feet clofe toge- ther cannot ftand fo firmly, as when they are at fome diftance ; for the greater the bale, the firmer the body will fland ; therefore a globe is eafily mov- ed upon a plane, and a needle cannot ftand upon its point, any otherwife than by fticking it into the plane. When a man is feated in a chair, he cannot rife till he thrufts his body forward, and draws his feet backward, till the center of gravity of his body be before his feet ; or at leaft upon them •, and to prevent falling forward, .he fets one of his feet for- ward, and then he can ftand, or ftep forward as he pleafes. All other animals v/alk by the fame rules ; firft fetting one foot forward, that way the center of gravity leans, and then another. In Seft. III. CENTER OF GRAVITY, 41 In walking up hill, a man bends his body for- Fig. ward, that the center of gravity may lie forward of his feet ; and by that means he prevents his fall- ing backwards. In carrying a burthen, a man always leans the contrary way that the burthen lies •, fo that the center of gravity of the whole of his body and the burthen, may fall upon his feet. A fowl going over an obftacle, thrufls his head forward, by that means moving the center of gra- vity of his whole body forwards -, fo that by fetting one foot upon the obftacle, he can the more eafily get over it. PROP. XXXI. hi any tvoo bodies A, B, the common center of gra~ i^. vityQ^ divides the line joining their centers, into two parts, which are reciprocally as the bodies. AC : BC : : B : A. ,Let the line ACB be fuppofed an inflexible le- ver ; and let the lever and bodies be fulpended on the point C. Then let the bodies be made to vi- brate about the immovable point C ; then will A and B defcribe two arches of circles about the cen- ter C, and thefe arches will be as the velocities of the bodies, and thefe arches are aifo as the radii of the circles AC and BC. Therefore their velocities are as the radii. Whence, velocity of A : velocity of B : : AC : CB : : (by fuppofition) B : A. There- fore A X velocity of A =z B X velocity of B. Whence fProp. II.) the^ quantities of motion of the bodies A and B are equal, and (Ax. 9.) there- fore they cannot move one another, but muft re- main at reft-, and confequently (def. 12.) C is the center of gravity of A and B- Cor. 42 CENTER OF GRAVITY. Pig. Cor. I . The produ5Is of each body multiplied by its J r dijiance from the common center of gravity^ are equal. CAXA=:CBXB. Cor. 2. If a weight he laid upon C, a point of the inflexible lever AB, which is fupported at A and B ; the preffure at A to the pre£ure at B, will be as CB toCK. For let the bodies A, B, be both placed in C ; then (Cor. 3. Prop. XXX.) fince it is the fame thing whether the bodies be at A and B, or both of them at C, their center of gravity •, therefore the prefTures at A and B will be the fame in both cafes. But when they are at A and B, upon the lever ACB, their prelTures aie A and B, being the fame with the weights j therefore when they are both at C, the preflures at A and B will ftill be A and B. Therefore (Cor. i.) fmce it is CA X A zi CB X B i therefore CA : CB : : B : A : : preffure at B ; preffure at A. PROP. XXXII. 15. If there be three or more bodies^ and if a line b^ drawn from one body E to the center of gravity of the refl; C. Then the center of gravity of all the bo- dies divides the line CD, in two parts in D, which are reciprocally as the bcdy E to the fum of all the tther bodies. CD : DE : : E : A + B ^^r. ■ For fuppofe AB and CE to be two inflexible lines ; and let the body W — A + B &c. and let W be placed in the center of gravity C. Then by the laft Prop. CD : DE : : E : W or A + B&c. Cor. The body E X DE the diflance from the com- mon center of gravity^ is equal to the fum of the bo- dies A + B i^c. X by DC the diflance of their ce»~ Ur from the common center of gravifv. PROP. Sea. in. CENTER OF GRAVITY. 43 Fig. PROP. XXXIII. If A^ B, he two bodies t C their center of gravity, 16. F any point in the line AB. Then will FA X A + FB X B = FC X A + B. For (Cor. i. Prop. XXXI. J CA X A = CB X B ; that is, FA^^^TfC X A iz FC— -FB X B -, whence, by tranfpofition FA X A + FB X B =:FC XA+B, Cor. Hence the bodies A and B have the fame force to turn the lever AF about the point F, as if they were both placed in C their center of gravity. PROP. XXXIV. If fever al bodies A, B, E ^c. be placed on an 1 7. inflexible freight lever ; and if D be their common center of gravity ; and if F be any point in the line AE, t hen FA X A + F B X B -f FE X E tsf^r. =; FD X A + B + E ^i:. For if A 4- B = W , then F A x A + FB X B + FE X E zz FC X A 4-B + FE x E = FC X W -f FE X E zi (Prop. XXXIII.) FD x W + E — FD X A + B 4- F, in the three bo- dies A, B, E. And after the fame manner, if there be four bodies, put W — A -f- B + E, and it will be proved the fame way, that the fum of all the produfts, FA X A + FB x B &c. = dif- tance of the common center of gravity X by all the four. And fo on for more bodies. Cor. The fame Prop, will hold good^ when the bo- dies are not in the line AF, but any where in the per- pendiculars paffin? thro" the points A, B, E £ifr. PROP. 44 CENTER OF GRAVITY. '^* PRO P. XXXV. 17- If there he any number of bodies A, B, E, ^c. either placed in the line AF, or any ivay in the per- pendiculars pi'fjmg thro' A, B, E. And if D be the centey of gravity of all the bodies ; and F be any point in the line AF. Then the difiance of the center . ^^ FAXA + FBXB + FEXE of gravity FD - a + B + E For whether the bodies be in the points A, B, E, or in the perpendiculars, it will be (by Prop. XXXIV. and Cor.) that FA X A + FB X B + FE X E =: FD X A + B + E. Whence FD = A X FA + B X FB + E X FE . . „ , A4.B4-E — ~7 = ^""^ ^^ "" '^" produds of each body multiplied by its diftance, divided by the fum of the bodies. Cor. 1. If a fingle body only was placed on the k- Ter AF ; then the diftance of the center of gravity of that hody^ is equal to the fum of the produ^s of all the particles of the body^ each multiplied by its dif- tance from a given point F, and divided by the body. For if A, B, E &c. are feveral particles of tlie body, then A + B -f E &c. — the body ; and _ A X FA + B X FB + E X FE ^^ - body Cor. 2. If there be feveral bodies A, B, E, i^c^ placed upon the lever AF. They a£l with the fame force in turning the lever about any given point F, as if they were all placed in D the common center of gra^ vity of all the bodies. Scholium. If any of the bodies be placed on the contrary fide of F, their refpe^Hve produ^s will be negative. For Sea. III. CENTER OF GRAVITY. 45 For they a6t the contrary way in turning the le- Fig. ver about. 17. PROP. XXXVI. ■ If fever al bodies A, B, E, G, H, he placed or' 18. the lever AH, mid F be the center of gravity of all the weights. "Then FA X A + FB X B 4- FE X E = FG xG + FHxH. For let the lever be fufpended on the point F, then the two ends will be in equilibrio, as F is the center of gravity. Let D be the center of gravi- ty of A, B, E ; and I the center of gravity of G, H. Then (Cor. Prop. XXX III.) it is the fame thing whether the bodies on one fide be placed at A, B, E, or all of them in the point D. And whether thofe at the other end be placed at G, H; or all of them at I. But fince F is the center of gravity, DF X A + B + E = FI X G + H, and therefore A X AF + B X BF + E X EF zz G X GF + H X HF (by Prop. XXXIVJ Cor. I. If fever al bodies A, B, E, G, H, he placed on an inflexible lever., and if AX FA ~j- B X FB + E X FE zz G X FG + H X FH. 1'bin F is the center of gravity of all the bodies. For no other point will aniwer the equation. Cor. 2. If fever al bodies A, B, E, G, H, be placed upon a lever AH, or fufpended at thefe points by ropes ; and if Ax FA + B X FB -f E X FE zz G X EG + H X FH i they ivill be in equilibrio upon the point F. This appears by Def. 12, and F is the center of gravity. PROP. 46 CENTER OF GRAVITY. Fig. PROP. XXXVII. J 9" If a hea-vy body AB, fufpended by two 7' opes AC, BD, remains at reft \ a right line perpendicular to the horizon^ pajjing thro* the interfeBion F of the ropes \ will alfo pafs thro' the center of gravity G, of the body. If AC and BD be produced to F where they in- terfedlj then (ax. 12.) it is the fame thing Vv'hether the force ading in diredtion AC be applied to C or F •, and whetlier the force afting in direftion BD be applied to the point D or F. Siippofe then that they both a6l at F, and then it is the fame thing, as if the body was fufpended at F by the two firings AF, BF. And fmce the body is at reft, therefore (Ax. 7.) the body, that is, the center of gravity G, is at the loweft place it can get ; and therefore is in the plumb line FG. For if the body be made to vibrate, the center of gravity G will defcribe an arch of a circle, of which G (being in the perp. FG) is the loweft point. Cor. I. He7ice if GN be drawn parallel to AC; then the weight of the body, the forces a^ing at C and D, are refpetUvely as FG, GN, and FN. This is evident by Prop. VIII. Cor. 2. If a heavy body AB, be fupported by two planes, IKL, and EHG, at H and K ; and HF a7td KF be drawn perpendicular to thefe planes ; and if FG be drawn from the i7it€7fe5fion F, perp. to the hori- zon, it will pafs thro' the center of gravity G, of the body. For fince the body is fuftained by thefe planes, therefore the planes re-a6b againft the body (by Prop. IX,), in the diredlions HF, KF pependicu- lar to thefe planes. Therefore it is the fame thing as C 3) 6. tB H 12. 15- S'^rf PlX/'A^ Sea. III. CENTER OF GRAVITY. 47 as if the body was fuftained by the two ropes HP, Fig. KF. For the diredions and quantities of the 19. forces, ading at H and K are the fame in both cafes. And further, if the body be made to vi- brate round F, the points H, K will defcribe two arches of circles, coinciding with the touching planes at H, K-, therefore moving the body up and down the planes, will be juft the fame thing, as making it vibrate in the ropes, HF and KF ; and confequently, the body can reft in neither cafe, but when the center of gravity G is in the perpen- dicular FG. Scholium. If any body fhould deny the truth of this Prop. or its corollaries, againft the cleareft force of de- monftration. It lies upon them to fhew where the deraonftration fails, or what ftep or fteps thereof do not hold good, or are not truly deduced from the foregoing. If they cannot do this, what other rea- fons they may afllgn, can fignify nothing at all to the purpofe. And if fuch perfon, ignorant of the laws of nature, and the refolution of forces, would objedl agairft this praflice, of fubftituting planes perpendicular to the lines or cords fuftaining any weights, inftead of thefe cords. Let him firft read Sir J. Neivion^s Principia, Cor. 2. to the laws of nature, where he will fee this praftice exemplified, and then make his objecftions. And for the fake of fuch perfons as underftand not how to apply the method of compofition and refolution of forces, I fhall add a few problems to prevent their being milled by the rafh judgment of fome people, who having brought out falfe folu- tions to fome problems by their own ill manage- ment, condemn the method as erroneous •, wheii the fault really lies in their own ignorance, and not at all in the method itfelf. PROP. 48 CENTER OF GRAVITY. ^*g- PROP. XXXVUI. Prob. 20. CH AF AE CD-'HC'DC*' 2 Way. Let R, S be the perpendicular preffures of the ends E, D. w = weight of the beam. Then dg eg (Cor. 2. Prop. XXXI.) R — ^^ w, and S n g^w. DG And (Cor. 2. Prop. VIII.) S.AED : R or ^w : ; S.AEF X DG S.AEF : tenfion of DE — g ^ED X ED "^^ ^^'^ EG ' ^ S.CDE : S or gr^ w : : S.CDH : contrary tenfion S.CDH X EG , , ^ of DE zz c CDF y FD ^' ^ ^^° forces S.AEF XDG ©f DE being equal, we have 5 aED X ED "^ ^ E ' S.CDH 50 CENTER OF GRAVITY. Fig. SC DHxEG S.AEFxDG _ S.CDHxEG 2u SCDExIED'^'^"'^ S.AED - S.CDE S.AEF S.CDH Whence EG : DG : : g^^^jj : g^^DE * '' ^'^^^ X S.CDE : S.CDH X S.AED. S FDS S.CDE : S.EDS : : S : P = ^^^ X S, and „ S.RED S.AED : S.RED : : R : g"^^ R = Q^ Then P: S.EDS S.RED ^^ '' -sZm X S '- STaED X R = = S.AED X S : EG S.CDE X R : : (laft method) S.AED X jg^- w : DG S.CDE X^w:: S.AED X EG : S.CDE X DG. And S.AED : S.CDE : : P X DG : Q^X EG. 4 IFay. Draw Cm, Fn parallel to DE, and FE, HD perp. to the horizon. Then by the refolution of "Dm forces, CD : D;;; : : P : ^^ P = perpendicular EF force at D j and nE : EF : : Q^: ~p- Q =z perpen- dicular force at E. Therefore EG : GD ; : p^ P : EF S.CDE ^ S.FkE _ ^^^^ ^Q-^o;;dxp = s:;;feX^-s-^^^x P : S.AED X Q^ ForS.C;;zD zz S.mDE = S.FED zz Sj;FE. That is, EG : GD : : S.CDE X P : S.AED X Q. As in the third way. 5 PFay. T,et R, S be the perpendicular weights of the f nds E, D ', or v/hich is the lame, the tenfions of the perpen- Se(5b. III. CENTER OF GRAVITY. 51 dicular ropes, FE, HD. By the refolution of Fig» forces, if Cm, ¥n be parallel to DE. The force 21, FE or R is equivalent to E;/, ¥n ; and the force - Dm or S, to DC, mQ ; therefore EF : F» : : R : F« pp- R ■=. force at E in direflion Vn, And "Dm : wC : : S : -^ S z= force at D in direftion mC But the beam being in equilibrio, thefe two oppofite F?z mC forces muft be equal; therefore pp R ^ ""n^* c ^ ll S-CDH S.AEF Whence R ^ S : : ^^^-^ : ^^ : : § ^DE * S. AED ' ' S.AEDxS.CDH : S.AEF X S.CDE. But (Cor. 2. Prop. XXXI.) R : S : : DG : EG. Whence DG : EG : : S.AED X S.CDH : S.AEF X S.CDE ; the fame as by the 2d method. And the fame thing likewife follows from the ift and 4th method to- gether. From thefe feveral ways of proceeding, it is evi- dent, that Vv^hich ever way we take, the procefs if rightly managed alv/ays brings us to the fame con- clufion -, and it comes to the fame thing which way we ufe, fo that we proceed in a proper manner. And this among other things, fhews the great ufe and extent of that noble theory of the compofi- tion and refolution of forces. What is calculated above is concerning the an- gles, or the portion of the feveral lines to one another, depending on the feveral forces. Then in regard to the weight of the beam, put it =r w^ then DC : Bm EF Dw : : P : g^ P =^ S, and E« : EF : : Q^: ^ Q Vim EF = R. Andw = R-{-S=|^P + £^Q, an equation fhewing the relation of the weights to one another. E 2 6 fVayj 52 CENTER OF GRAVITY. 2 f, 6 Way^ hy the center of gravity. Produce AE* CD to B, and from B draw BGO thro' the center'of gravity; which (by XXXVll.) will be perp. to AC, and therefore parallel to EF, DH. Then the angle EBG — AEF, and DBG — CDH. Then EB : BD : : S.BDE or CDE : S.BED or AED, and (Trigonom. B. II. Prop. V. Cor. I.) EG:GD : : EB XS.EBG : BDX S.DBG:: EB X S. AEF : BD X S.CDH : : S.CDE X S.AEF : S.AED X S.CDH ; the fame as by the 2d way. Whence all the reft will be had as before. Cor. // will he exactly the fame things whether the weights P, Q, remain^ or the firings AE, CD, be fixed in that pofition to two tacks^ any way in thefe lines. And if a beam ED, hang upon two tacks A, C, by ropes fixed there ; // makes no dif- ference^ if you put two pulleys infiead of the tacks^ for the ropes to go over^ and then hang on the weights Q, P, efiual to the ten/tons of the firings AE, CD. For in both cafes, the forces or the tenfions of the ftrings, and their dire6lions, remain the fame. And there is nothing elfe to make a difference in the fituation of the beam. Scholium. Ever)'' one that knows any thing of mechanical principles will eafily underftand, that if any forces, which keep a body at reft, be refolved into others, to have the fame effeft ; the contrary forces, or ■" thofe direftly oppofitc, muft aft againft a fingle point ; or elfe the equilibrium will be deftroyed. And therefore in the prefent Prop, fuppofe any one fticuld divide the forces CD, AE, into the two HD, DY, and FE, EX, one perpendicular, the other parallel to the horizon. The forces HD, EF, will indeed balance the force of gravity at D and E, to which Sea. III. CENTER OF GRAVITY. S3 which they are direftly oppofite. And therefore Fig. the beam will remain unmoved by thefe. But the 2;. equal forces DY, EX, being parallel, never meet in a point •, but ading obliquely on the beam, one of them drawing at D in direction DY, and the other at E in diredtion EX, the effed will be, that they will turn the beam ED about the center of gravi- ty G. Therefore to prevent this, the forces DY, EX, muft be fubdivided ; that is, they muft be refolved into others, one whereof is perp. to the horizon, the other parallel to ED. Then gravity will balance thefe perp. to the horizon, and the others, being equal and oppofite, afting in the line EGD, adl equally againft any of the points D, G, or E. And lb the beam will remain at reft. But this is much better done at once at the firft, by di- viding DC, EF, each into two forces, one perp. to the horizon, the other parallel to the beam ED. And then the oppofite forces will exactly balance one another, and the beam remain unmxoved. PROP. XL. Pro]>. To find the pojltion of the beam ED, hanging by 2 2-. the rope EBD, whofe ends are fafiened at E and D, and goes over a pilley fixed at B. Let G be the center of gravity of the beam, then (Prop. XXXVII.) BG will be perp. to the horizon. Then as the cord runs freely about the pulley B ; therefore (Ax. 13.) the tenfion of the parts of the rope EB, BD are equal to one another, fuppofe :z: T. By the refolution of forces, the force EB is equivalent to EG, GB •, and DB to DG, GB. EG Therefore BE ; EG : : T : TfoT zz force m direc- DG tion EG, And BD : DG : : T : gg T - force in E 3 diredtion 54 CENTER OF GRAVITY. Fig. direflion DG, which is equal and oppofite to that 22 r E^ rr^ ^^ in EG J therefore ^^T — ^g T. Whence EG: EB : : DG : DB. And therefore BG bifeds the angle EBD. Cor. Hence ED : firing EBD : : EG : EB the part EB of the firing : : and Jo GD : DB ihe fart DB of the firing. Scholium. If GD be lefs than GE, then the center of gra- vity G, will be loweft, when the beam hangs per- pendicular with the end D downward. And in ma- ny cafes it will be higheft, when it hangs perpen- dicular, with the end E downward. PROP. XLI. Proh. 20, 'There is a beam BC hanging by a pin at C, and lying upon the is: all BE •, to find the forces or preffures at the points B, and C, and their directions. Produce BC to K, fo that CK may be equal to CB. Draw BA parallel, and CL perpendicular, to the horizon ; and draw BL, CN, KI perp. to BCK. Thro' the center of gravity G, draw GF parallel to CL. By Prop. XIV. if a body lies upon an inclined plane, as BC ; its weight, its in- clination down the plane, and prefllire againft it, are as BC, CA and AB ; that is, as CL, CB and BL. Therefore if CL reprefent the weight of the body, CB will be the force urging it down the plane, and BL the total prefTure againft the plane. And fincc GF is parallel to CL, BL is divided in F, in the fume ratio, as BC is divided in G. And therefore (Cor. 2. Prop. XXXI.) BF will be the part of the prcflTure afting at C, and FL the part afting at B. Make CN equal to BF, and compleat the Scdl. III. CENTER OF GRAVITY. 55 the parallelogram CNIK, and draw CI. Then Fig, fince BC or CK is the force in diredtion CK, and 23. CN the force in diredion CN ; then by compofi- tion, CI will be the fingle force by which C is fuf- tained, and CI its direftion. But tjfie triangles CKI, CBF are fimilar and equal, and CI ::z: CF, and in the fame right line ; therefore CF is the quantity and direction of the force afting at C to fuftain it. Therefore the weight of the body, the prefllire at B, and the force at C j are refpeftively as CL, FL, and CF. Cor. I . Produce FG to interfe5f CN in H ; then the weight of the body, the prejfure at B, and the force aSiing at C ; are refpeSiively as HF, HC, and CF. For in the parallelogram CLFFI, HF z= CL, and HC = FL. Cor. 2. If the beam was fupported by a pin at B, and laid upon the wall AC -, the like confiru5lion mufi he made at B, as has been done at C, and then the forces and directions will be had. Cor. ^. If a line per p. to the horizon be drawn thro* F, where the direkion of the forces CF, and BF meet ; it pajjes thro' G the center of gravity of the beam. Cor. 4, // is all one whether the beam is: fufiained by the pin C and the wall BE, or by two ropes CI, BP a5ling in the dire^ions FC, FB, and with the forces CF, FL. Scholium, ' The proportions and direftions of the forces here found, are the fame as in Prop. LXIV. of my large book of Mechanics, and obtained here by a dif- ferent method. The principles here ufed are in- diiputable ; and the principle made ufe of in that E 4 LXiV. 56 CENTER OF GRAVITY. Fig. LXIV. Prop, is here demonftrated in the third Cor. 23. fo that the reader may depend upon the truth of them all. PROP. XLII. Proh. 24. BC is a heavy beam fupported upon two pojls KB, LC •, to find the pofuion of the poftsy that the beam ma) refi in e^uilibno. Let G be the center of gravity ; draw BA paral- lel to the horizon, and BF, GD, CAN perpendi- cular to it. Then (Prop. XXXI. Cor. 2.) if BC be the weight of the body, CG will be the part of the weight afling at B, and BG the weight at C. Therefore make CN — BG, and BF zz GC i and from N and F, draw NI, FK, parallel to BC ; and . make NI zz. FK, of any length, and lying con- trary ways. Then draw IC and KB, which will be the pofition of the pofts required. For BF is the weight upon B ; and CN, that upon C, which forces being in diredion of the lines ■ BF, CN, the beam will remain at reft by thefe forces. _, And the forces NI, FK, in diredlion BC, being equal and contrary, will alfo keep the beam in equilibrio, therefore the forces KB, IC, compound-^ ed of the others, will alfo keep the beam in equi- librio, ading in the diredions KB, IC, or MB, LC. Cor. I . Hence if DG be produced, it willpafs thro* the interfe5iion H, of the lines LC, MB. For the triangles INC, CGH are fmiilar •, there- fore IN : NC : : CG : GH, the interfedlion with CL. Alfo the triangles KFB, BGH are fimilar; therefore KF : BG : : BF : GH the intcrfedion with MB, which mull needs be the fame as the other, fmce the three firft terms of the proportion are the fame j for KF — NI, BG — NC, and BF - CG. Cor, Sea. III. CENTER OF GRAVITY. c^-j Cor. 2. If a line be drawn thro* the center of gra- Fig. 'uity G, of the beam^ perpendicular to the horizon-, 24. and from any point H in that line, (above or below G), the lines HBK and HCM be drawn-, then the props BM and CL will ftiflain the beam in equilibrio. Cor. 3. If GO be drawn parallel to HC ; then the weight of the beam, the prefftire at C, and thrufi or preffure at B ; are refpe£lively as HG, OG, and HO, and in thefe dire^ions. Cor. 4. It is all one for maintaining the equilibri- um, whether the beam BC be fupported by two pofts or props MB, LC ; or by two ropes BH, CH ; or by two planes pe^yendicular to thefe ropes at B and C. For in all thefe cafes the forces and diretSlions are the fame •, and there is nothing elfe concerned, but the forces and diredlions. Scholium. It does not always happen that the center of gravity is at the lowed place it can get, to make an equilibrium. For here if the beam BC be fup- ported by the pofts MB, LC •, the center of gra- vity is at the higheft it can get ; and being in that pofition, it has no inclination to move one way more than another, and therefore it is as truly in equilibrio, as if it was at the lowed point. It is true, any the leaft force will deftroy that equilibrium, and then if the beam and pofts be movable about the angles M, B, C, L, which is all along fuppofed, the beam will defcend till it is below the points M, L, and gain fuch a pofition as defcribed in Prop. XXXIX. and its Cor. fuppoftng the ropes fixed at A, C (fig. 21.) •, and then G will be at the loweft point, and will come to an equilibrium again. In planes, the center of gravity G may be either at its jiigheft or loweft point. And there are cafes, when the 5S CENTER OF GRAVITY. Y'lcr. the center of gravity is neither at its higheft nor 24. lowed, as may happen in the cafe of Prop. XL. fo that they who contend, that in cafe of an equi- librium, the center of gravity mull always be at the loweft place, are much miftaken, and know little about the principles of mechanics, or the na- ture of things. Thofe that want to fee more variety about the motion of bodies, on inclined planes •, the preflure, and direftion of the prefTure of beams of timber i centers of gravity, and alfo the centers of ofcilla- tion and percufTion, &c. may confult my large book of Mechanics. SECT. [59] Fig SECT. IV. 72^ Mechanical Powers; the Strength and Strefs of Timber » PROP. XLIII. JN ci balance, ivhere the arms are of equal length ; if two equal weights he fufp ended at the ends^ they will he in equilihrio. The balance is a flreight inflexible rod or beam, turning about a fixed point or axle in the middle of it ; to be loaded at each end with weights fuf- pended there. Let AB be the beam or lever, C the middle 25. point or center of motion -, D, E the weights hanging at the ends A and B. Then let the beam and the weights, or the whole machine, be fufpend- ed at C. And fuppofe the beam and the weights be turned about upon the center C; then the points A, B being equidiftant from C will defcribe equal arches, and therefore the velocities will be equal, and if the bodies D and E be equal, then the motion of D will be equal to the motion of E, as their quantities of matter and velocities are equal -, and confequently, if the beam and weights are fet at reft, neither of them can move the other, but they will remain in equilibrio. Cor. If one weight he greater than the other \ that weight and fcale will defend, and raife the other. Scholium. The ufe of the balance, or a common pair oF fcales, is to compare the weights of different bo- dies j 6o MECHANIC POWERS. Fig. dies ; for any body whofe weight is required, be- 25. ing put into one fcale, and balanced by known weights put into the other fcale, thefe weights will fhew the weight of the body. To have a pair of fcales perfedl, they muft have thefe properties. I. The points of fufpenfion of the fcales, and the center of motion of the beam. A, C, B, muft be in a right line. 2. The arms AC, BC, muft be of equal length from the center. 3. That the cen- ter of gravity be in the center of motion C. 4. That there be as little fridlion as pofiible. 5. That they be in equilibrio, when empty. If the center of gravity of the beam be above the center of motion, and the fcales be in equili- brio, if they be put a little out of that pofition, by putting down one end of tlie beam, that end will continually defcend, till the motion of the beam is ftopt by the handle H. For by that mo- tion, the center of gravity is continually defcend- ing, according to the nature of it. But if the cen- ter of gravity of the beam be below the center of motion -, if one end of the beam be put down a little, to deftroy the equilibrium -, it will return back and vibrate up and down. For by this motion the center of gravity is endeavouring to defcend. PROP. XLIV. ProL 25. jTo make a falfe balance •, or one which is in equi- librio when empt}\ and alfo in equilibrio, when loaded with unequal weights. Make fuch a balance as defcribed in the laft Prop, only inftead of making the center of mo- tion in the middle at C, make it nearer one end, as at F. And make the weight of the fcales fuch, that they may be in equilibrio upon the center F Then if two weights D, E, be made to be in equilibrio in the two fcales ; thefe weights will be unequal, for Sea.lV. MECHANIC POWERS. 6i for they will be reciprocally as the lengths of the Fig. armsAF, BF. That is, AF : BF : : E : D. 25. For (Prop. XXXI. Cor. i.) fince F is the cen- ter of gravity of D and E, fuppofing them to aft at A and B ; therefore FA X D — FB x E. And FA : FB : : E : D. But AF is greater than FB, therefore E is greater than D. Cor. I. Hence to dif cover a falfe balance, make the weights in the two fcales to be in equilibrio j then change the weights to the contrary fcales. And if they be not in equilibrio, the balance is falfe. Cor. 2, Hence alfo to 'prove a pair of good fcales, they muft be in equilibrio when empty, and likewife in equilibrio with two weights. Then if the weights be changed to the contrary fcales, the equilibrium will ftill remain, if the fcales are good. Cor. 3. From hence alfo may be known what is gain^ td or lofi, by chatiging the weights, in a falfe balance. Take any weight as i pound, to be put into one fcale and balanced by any fort of goods in the other. Since AF X D ~ BF X E j let. the weight AF D be I, then E zz ^ the weight of the goods in the fcale E. Then changing the fcales, let the BF weight E be I ; then D iz ~r^ the weight of the J . 1 r , T. ^, AF BF goods in the Icale D. Then ^ + xp zz whole • L r 1. J , AF BF weight ot the goods, and gp + y:^p — 2 = gain to the buyer in 2 lb. &c. Therefore AF^ -V BF^ — 2AF X BF ' A F X BF g^^^ ^^ 2 lb. - AF — Bt^' AF — BF^' . . AFXBF-' '"'^ ^I^FJTbF = ^'-^^ ^" ' ^^- There- e>^ MECHANIC POWERS. Fig. Therefore if w is any weight to be bought ; the 25. gain to the buyer, for the weight w, by changing the fcales, will be — -—^ — 17=- w. For example, 2Ar X Br if AF be 1 6, and BF 1 5 i then the gain will be 16—15'' ^ 2X16X15 400 Scholium. In demonftrating the properties of the mecha- nical powers ; fmce the weight is commonly fome large body whofe weight is to be overcome or ba- lanced •, therefore the power which afts againft it, will be moft fitly reprefented by another weight ; and thus the power and weight being of the lame kind, may moft properly and naturally be com- pared together. For fuch a weight may reprefent any power, as the ftrength of a man's hand, the force of water or wind, &c. And this weight re- prefenting the power, being fufpended by a rope, may hang perpendicular where the power is to ad perpendicular to the horizon ; or may go over a pulley, when it a6ts obliquely. PROP. XLV. 26. ^f i^^ power and weight he in eauilihrio upon any 27. lever ^ and a^ in lines perpendicular to the lever \ 28. then the power P is to the weight W ; as the dif~ 2Q. tance of the weight from the fiipport C, is to the dif* tance of the power from the fupport. There are four forts of levers, i. When the fupport is between the v/eight and the power. 2. When the wfight is between the power and the fupport. 3. When the power is between the weight and the fupport. 4. When the, lever is not ftreight but crooked. Ale- Sea. IV. MECHANIC POWERS. 63 A lever is any inflexible rod or beam, of wood Flo-, or metal, made ufe of to move bodies. The fup- 26. port is the prop it reftson, in moving or fuftaining 27. any heavy body, and this is the fame as the center 28. of motion. 29. Let the power P a<5t at A by means of a rope ; then as C is the prop or center of motion, if the lever be made to move about the center C, the arches defcribed by A and W •, that is, the veloci- ties of A and W will be as the radii CA and CW. But the velocity of P is the fame as that of the point A. Therefore velocity of P : velocity of W : : CA : CW : : (by fuppofition) W : P ; there- fore P X velocity of P r: W X velocity of W. Confequently their motions are equal, and they cannot move one another, but muft remain in equi- librio. And if they be in equilibrio, they muft have this proportion afligned. Cor. 1. Jf a power P a5l ohliq^uely againft the k- 3°' 'ver W A •, the 'power and weight 'will he in equilihrio^ when the -power P is to the weight W ; as the dif- tanceof theweightCW^toCD the perpendicular, drawn from the fupport to the line of dire^ion of the power. For in this cafe WCD becomes a bended lever, and the power P adls perpendicular to CD at D ; and (Ax. 12.) it is all one whether the power afts at D or A, in the line of direftion AD. And hence. Cor. 2. If any force he applied to a lever ACW e,t A, its power to turn it about the center of motion C, is as the fine of the angle of application CAD. For if CA be given, CD is as the fine of CAD. Cor. Q^. In a freight lever, of thefe three, the power, the weight, and the preffure upon the fupport \ the middlemoft is equal to the fum of the other two. For the middle one adts againft both the others and fupports them. Cor. 64 MECHANIC POWERS. Fig. Cor. 4. From the foregoing properties of the le- 30. ver^ the effe^s of fever al forts of fimple machines may he explained -, and likeijoife the manner of liftings carryings drawing of heavy bodies^ and fuch like. 26. For example, if a given weight W is to be raifed by a Imall power applied at A, the end of the lever AW. If we divide WA in C, fo that it be as CA : C W : : as the weight W : to the power P ; then fixing a prop or fuppc . at 'C or rather a little nearer W ; then the power ^ with a fmall addition, will raife the weight W*. 27. Again, if two men be to cai'ry a weight W, upon the lever CA. The weight the rrian at A carries, is to the weight the man at C carries as CW, to AW. And therefore the lever or beam C A ought to be divided in that proportion at W, the place where the weight is to lie, according to the ftrength of the men that carry it. 21. Likewife if two horfes be to draw at the fwing- tree AB, by the ropes AF, BG ; and the fwing- tree draws a carriage &c. by the rope CD ; then the force afling at A will be to the force afting at B, as BC to AC. And therefore BC ought to be to AC, as the ftrength of the horfe at F, to the ftreno;th of the horfe at G ; the weaker horfe hav- ing the longer end. But it is proper to make the crofs bar AB crooked at C ; that when the ftronger horfe pulls his end more forward, he may pull obliquely, and at a lefs diftance from the center ; whilil the weaker horfe pulls at right angles to his end, and at a greater diftance. Again, fuch inftruments as crov.'s and handfpikes are levers of the firft kind, and are very ufeful and handy for raifing a great weiglit to a fmall hight. Alfo fcifiars, pinchers, fnuffers, are double levers of the firft kind, where the joint is tJie fulcrum or fupport. The oars of a boat, the rudder of a Ihip, cutting knives fixed at one end, are levers of the fecond Sea. IV. MECHANIC POWERS. 65 fecond kind. Tongs, fheers, and the bones of Fig. animals, are levers of the third kind, a ladder raif- ed upright, is a lever of the third kind. A ham- mer drawing out a nail is a lever of the fourth kind. 32. The Steel Tard is nothing but a lever of the firft kind, whofe mechaniim or conftru6lion is this. Let AB be the beam, C the point of fufpenfion % P the power, movgW^ along the beam CB. The beam being fufpgnded at D, move the power Pj along towards C, tiU ygu find the point O, where P reduces the beam to an equilibrium. Then at A hang on the weight W of i pound ; and move P to be in equilibrio with it at i ; then hang on W ' of 2 pound, and fliift P till it be in equilibrio, at 2. Proceed thus with 3, 4, 5, &c. pounds at W, and find the divifions 3, 4, 5, &c. Or if you willj after having found the points O, i ; make the di- vifions, 12, 23, 34, &c. each equal to Oi. But for more exaflnefs and expedition, having found the point O, where P makes the beam in equilibrio : hang on any known number of pounds, as W ; and move P to the point B, where it makes an equilibrium. Then divide OB into as many equal parts as W confifts of pounds : mark thefe divi- fions I, 2, 3, 4, &c. Then any weight W being fufpended at A. If P be placed to make an equi- librium therewith •, then the number where P hangs will ihew the pounds or weight of W. To prove this, we muft obferve, that AC is the heavier end of the beam ; therefore let Q be the Momentum at that end to make an equilibrium with P fufpended at O •, that is, let Q^ zz CO X P. But (Cor. 2. Prop. XXXVI.) Q^+ Ca X W - CF X P zi CO X P -f OF X P. Take away Q = CO X P, and then CA X W iz OF X P. Whence AC : P : : OF : W. But AC and P are always the fame ; therefore W is as OF ; that is, F ;r ■ 66 MECHANIC POWERS. Fig. if OF be 1, 2, 3, &c. divifions, then W is i, 2, 3, 32. &c. pounds. We may take notice that the divifions Oi, 12, 23, &c. are all equal; but CO may be greater or iefier, or nothing. If you would know how much the weight P is, take the diftance CA, and fet it from O along the divifions O, i, 2, 3, &c. and it will reach to the number of pounds. But this is of no, confequence, being only matter of curiofity. PROP. XLVI. •33. In the compound lever ^ or where fever al levers a^ upon one another, as AB, BC, CD, whofe fupports are F, G, I ; the power P : is to the weight W : j 4is BF X CG X Dl : to AF X BG X CI. For the power P a6ling at A : force at B : : BF : AF •, and force or power at B : force at C : : CG : GB *, and force or power at C : weight W : : DI : f IC. Therefore ex equo^ power P : weight W : : : BF X CG X DI : AF X GB X IC. • And it is the fame thing in the other kinds of levers, taking the refpe6tive diilances, from the fe- veral props or fupports. 'prop. xLVir. ^4. In the wheel and axle -^ the weight and power will he in equilihrio, when the power P is to the weight W ; as the radius of the axle CA, where the weight hangs ; to the radius of the wheel CB, where the power a£ls. This is a wheel fixed to a cylindrical roller, turning round upon a fmall axis j and having a rope going round it. Thro* 32. T • ' ' I 'I I ((i;; I I I g ^7 ^ 2343-^(7^:910 \\ IP Tl.K^ L PMr.;-,;. Sea. IV. MECHANIC POWERS. &; Thro* the center of the wheel C, draw the hori- Fig« zontal line BCA. Then BP and AW are perpen- 34. dicular to BA ; and BCA will be a lever whofe fupport is C •, and the power adls always at the dif- tance BC, and the weight at the diftance CA -, which remain always the fame. Therefore the weight and power adt always upon the lever BCA. But by the property of the lever (Prop. XLV.) BC : CA : : W : P, to have an equilibrium. Otherwife, If the wheel be fet a moving the velocity of the point A or of W, is to that of B or P, as CA to CB ; that is (by fuppodtion), as P : W. There- fore W X velocity of W =: P X velocity of P ; therefore the motions of P and W, being equal, they cannot, when at reil, move one another. Cor. T. If the power a5iv,ig at the radius CB, aol 3^, not at right angles to it \ draw CD perpendicular to BP the direction of the power \ then the power P : is to the weight W : : as the radius of the axle C A : to -the perpendicular CD. For in the lever DC A, whofe fupport is C, the power P : weight W : : CA : CD. Cor. 1. In a roller turned rounds on the axis or 3^. fpindle FC, hy the handle CBG \ the power applied perpendicularly to BC at B, is to ihe weight W : : as the radius of the roller DA, to the length of the handle CB. For in turning round, the point B defcribes the circumference ot a circle ; the fame as if it was a wheel whofe radius is CB. Scholium. All this is upon fuppofit ion that the rope fuf- taining the weight is of no fenfible thicknefs. But tf it is"a thick rope, or if there be fevsral folds of Fa it 6$ MECHANIC POWERS. Fig. it about the roller or barrel -, you muft meafure 36. to the middle of the out fide rope to get the radius of the roller. For the diftance of the weight from the center is increafed fo much, by the rope's go- ing round. From hence the effefts of feveral forts of ma- chines, or inftruments, may be accounted for. A roller and handle for a well or a mine, is the fame thing as a wheel and axle, a windlefs and a capftain in a fliip is the fame ; and fo is a crane to draw up goods with. A gimblet and an auger to bore with, may be referred to the wheel and axle. The wheel and axle has a particular advantage over the lever ; for a weight can but be raifed a very little way by the lever. But by continual turning round of the wheel and roller, the weight may be raifed to any hight required. PROP. XLVIII. ^ 7, In a combination of wheels with teeth ; if the pow- er P be to the weight W : : as the product of the dia- meters of all the a^les or pinions^ to the product of the diameters of all the wheels ; the power and weight will he in equilibrio. AC, CD are the radii of one wheel and its axle •, DG, GH, the radii of another ; and HI, IK arc thofe of another. Thefe a<5b upon one another at D and H, then as the power or force P is propa- gated thro* all the wheels and axles to W ; wc mufl proceed to find the feveral forces adting upon them, by Prop. XXXVII. Thus, CA CD : CA : : P : ^ P zz force adling at D. CA ^ CAxGD a^d GH : GD : : ^ P (force at D) : cd^TGH^ zz force aiding at H. and Seft.IV. MECHANIC POWERS. 6g CA X GD FW. and IK : IH : : ^p ^ q^ P (force at H) : ° CA X GD X IH CD X GH X IK ^ ~ ^^^^ at K iz W. And CA X GD X IH X P = CD X GH X IK X W v whence P: W: iCDxGHxIK :;CAxGDxIH. Cor. I . If the weight and power be in equilibria., and made to move ; the 'velocity of the weight., is ta the velocity of the power -, as the product of the dia- meters of till the axles or pinions., to the produ^ of the diameters of all the wheels. Or infiead of the diameters., take the number of teeth in thefe axles, and, wheels that drive one another. And the fame is true cf wheels carried about by ropes. For the power is to the weight ; as the velocity of the weight to the velocity of the power. And the number of teeth in the wheels and pinions, that drive one another, are as the diameters. And the ropes fupply the place of teeth. Cor. 2. In a combination of wheels with teeth, 'The- mimber of revolutions of the firft wheel., is to the num- ber of revolutions of the lajl wheel., in any time j as the product of the diameters cf the pinio7is or axles., to the product of the diameters of the wheels : or as the product of the number of teeth in the pi- nions, to the prodvM of the number of teeth in the wheels which drive them. And the fame is true of wheels going by cords. For as often as the number of teeth in any pi- nion, is contained in the number of teeth of the wheel that drives it ; fo many revolutions does that; pinion make for one revolution of the wheel. Scholium. A pinion is nothing but a fmall wheel, fixed at the other end of the axis, oppofite to the wheel ; F \ and yo MECHANIC POWERS. Fig- and confills but of a few leaves or teeth -, and there- ^y. fore is comnnonly lefs than the wheel. But in the fenfe of this propofition, a pinion may, if we pkafe, be bigger than the v;heel. As if we put the power and weight into the contrary places, the wheels will become the pinions, and the pinions the wheels, according to the meaning of this pro- pofition. PROP. XLIX. If a power fujlains a weight by means of a fixed ftilley ; the poiver and weight arc equal : but if the pilky be movable- along with the weighty then the weight is double the power. A pulley is a fmall wheel of wood or metal, turning round upon an axis, fixed in a block -, on the edge of the pulley is a groove for the rope to go over, og^ Thro' the centers of the puUics, draw the ho- rizontal lines AB, CD; then will AB reprefent a lever of the firft kind, and its fupport is the cen- ter of the pulley, which is a fixed point, the block being fixed at F. And the points A, and B, where, the power and weight a<5l, being equally diftant from the fupport, therefore (Prop. XLV.)thepov.^er P — weight W. Alfo CD reprefents a lever of the fccond kind, whofe fupport is at C, a fixed point •, the rope CG being fixed at G. And the weight W ading at the middle of CD, and the power ading at D, twice the diflance from C -, therefore (Prop. XLV.) the power P is to the weight W : : as ~ CD to CD ; or as i to 2. Cor. Hence all fixed pulleys are levers of the firfi hnd^ and fcrve only to change the diretlion of the .^notion; but make no addition at all to the power. And 39 Sed. IV. MECHANIG POWERS. yi And therefore if a rope goes over feviral fixed fid- Fig. lies; the power is not increafed, but rather decreafed^ 38, by the fri5iion. oa^ Scholium. The ufe of a fixed pulley is of great fervice in raifing a weight to any height, which otherwife muft be carried by ftrength of men, which is often impradicable. Therefore if a rope is fixed to the weight at W (fig. 38.) and paiTed over the pulley BA ; a man taking hold at P will draw up the weight, without moving from the place. And if the weight be large, feveral perfons may pull to- gether at F, to raife the weight up j where in ma- ny cafes they cannot come to it, to raife it by strength. P R O P. L. In a combination of pullies^ all drawn by one rope 40. going over all the pullies ; if the power P is to the weight W ; as I to the number of the parts of the rope proceeding from the movable block and pullies^ 'Then the power and weight will he in equilibria. Let the rope go from the power about the pul- lies in this order, ntovrs, where the laft part s is fixed to the lower block B. Now (Ax. 13. J all the parts of the rope ntovrs are equally ftretchcd, and therefore each of them bears an equal weight ; but the part 71 bears the power P, which goes to the fixed block A. All the other parts, fuftainthe weight and movable block B, each with a force equal to P. Therefore P is to the fum of all the forces, fuilained by • In the endlefs fcrew, where the teeth of the worm 4^« cr fpindle AB, drives the wheel CD, by acting againii the teeth of it. If the power applied at P, is to the height W, a^ing upon the edge of the wheel at C : i as the diftance of two threads or teeth, between fore fide and fore fide, taken along AB ; is to the circum- ference defcrihed by the pcwer P. T^hen the weight and power will he in equilihrio. The endlefs or perpetual fcrew is one that turns perpetually round the axis AB ; and whofe teeth fit exadtly into the teeth of the wheel CD, which are cut obliquely to anfwer them. So that as AB turns round, its teeth take hold of the teeth of tiie wheel CD, and turns it about the axis I, and raifes the weight W. ... For by one revolution of the power at P, the wheel will be drawn forward one tooth ; and the weight W will be raifed the fame diftance. There- fore the velocity of the power, will be to that of the weight •, as that circumference, to one tooth : : that is (by fuppofition) as the weight W, to the power P. Therefore the power P X velocity of P zi W X velocity of W ; therefore their motions being equal, they will be in equilibrio. Cor. If a weight N he fufpended at E on the axle EF ; then if the power P, is to the weight N : : as the breadth of a tooth X EF, to the circumference defcrihed ^jy P X CD. They will be in equilibrio. Or if the poiver P ; is to the weight N i : as ra- dius of the axle EI, to the radius of the handle FP X by the number of teeth in CD ; they will be in equi' lihrio. For 7? MECHANIC POWERS. Fig. For power P : weight W : : i tooth : circumference. 46. andweightW : weight N-: : EF : CD. therefore P : N : : i toothxEF : CD X circumference. Or thus, whilft EF turns round once, P turns round as oft as CD has teeth ; whence El : BP X number of teeth ; : velocity of N : velocity of P : : P:N. Scholium. 47* As the teeth of the wheel CD, muft be cut obliquely to anfwer the teeth or fcrew on AB j fuppofing AB to lie in the plane of the wheel CD ; and therefore the wheel will be ad:ed on oblique- ly by the fcrew AB. To remedy that, the fcrew AB may be placed oblique to the wheel, in fuch a pofition, that when the teeth of the wheel are cut ftreight or perp. to its plane, the teeth of the fcrew AB, may coincide with them, and fit them. By that micans the force will be directed along the plane of the wheel CD. Fig. 47 explains my meaning. This machine is of excellent ufe, not only in it- fclf, for raifmg great weights, and other purpofes ; but in the conftrudion of feveral forts of compound engines. PROP. LIII. 48. I^ i^^ wedge ACD, // a power a^ing perpendicu- lar to the back CD, is to the force a5Hng againfi either fide AC, in a direction perpendicular to it •, as the hack CD, to either of the fides AC ; the wedge will he in equilihrio. A wedge is a body of iron or fome hard fub- ftance in form of a prifm, contained between two ifoceles triangles, as CAD. AB is the hight, and CD the back of it; AC, AD the Hdes. Let AB be perp. to the back CD, and BE, BF, perp. to the Iides AC, AD. Draw EG, FG pa- rall^ Sea. IV. MECHANIC POWERS. 79 rallel to BF, BE •, then all the fides of the paral- Fio-. lelogram BEGF are equal. The triangles EGB, 48, ADC are fimilar-, for draw EOF which will be perp. to AB ; then the right angled triangles AEB, AEO, are fimilar, and the angle ABE zz AEO z= ACB -, that is, GBE zz ACD, and likewife BGE =: ADC, whence CAD = BEG. Now let BG be the force ading at B, in direc- tion BA, perp. to CD •, then (Prop. IX.) the forces againft the fides AC, AD, will be in the diredions EB, FB ; and therefore EB, EG will reprefent thefe forces (by Prop. VIII.), when they keep one another in equihbrio. Therefore force BG appli- ed to the back of the wedge, is to the force BE, perp. to the fide AC ; as BG to BE ; that is, (by fimilar triangles) as CD to CA. Cor. 1 . The power a^ing againjh the back at B, is to that part of the force agairfi AC, which a5is pa- rallel to the hack CD \ as the hack CD, is to the bight AB. ' For divide the whole force BE into the two BQ, OE ; the part EO a6ts parallel to CD ; therefore the force acting at B, is to the force in direclion OE or BC -, as BG to OE 5 that is, (by fimilar tri- angles) as CD to AB. Cor. 2. By reafon of the great fri^ion of the isoedge^ the power at B, mufi be to the rejijlancs againft one Jide AQ; at leafi as twice the bafe CD, to the fide AC, taking the reftflance perp. to AC. Or as twice the lafe CD, to the hight AB, for the refffiance parallel to the bafe CD ; to overcome the re- fiflance. But the power niufi be doubled for the rejif- tance againjl both Jides. For fince the wedge retains any pofition it is driven into -, therefore the fridion rnuft be. at leaft: equal to tlie power that drives it. Cor. to MECHANIC POWERS. Fig. Cor. 3. If you reckon the refifiance at loth fidei 48. of the wedge \ then, if there is an equiiilrium, the fower at B, is to the whole refifiance \ as the back CD, to the fum of the fides, CA, AD, reckotiin^ the refifiance perp. to the fides. Or as the hack CD, to twice the bight AB, for the refifiance parallel to the hack CD. This follows direftly from the Prop, and Cor. i. Scholium. The principal ufe of the wedge is for the cleav- ing of wood or feparating the parts of hard bo- dies, by the blow of a mallet. The force im- prefled by a mallet is vaftly great in comparifon of a dead weight. For if a wedge, which is to cleave a piece of wood, be prefled down with never fo great a weight, or even if the other me- chanical powers be applied to force it in ; yet the effefl of them will fcarce be fenfible •, and yet the ftroke of a fledge or mallet will force it in. This cffefb is owing very much to the quantity of miO- tion the mallet is put into, which it communicates in an inftant to the wedge, by the force of percuf- fion. A great deal of the refiftance is owing to friction, which hinders the motion of the wedge i but the flroke of a mallet overcomes it -, upon which account the force of percufllon is of excel- lent ufe ; for a fmart ftroke puts the body into a tremulous vibrating motion, by which the parts are difunited and feparated ; and by this means the fridion or fticking is overcome, and the motion of the wedge made eafy. 1 his mechanic power is the fmipleft of any ; and to this, may be reduced all edge tools, as knives, axes, chilTels, fcilfars, fwords, files, faws, fpades, fhovels, &c. which are fo many wedges faftened to a handle. And alfo all tools or inllru- mentf; Seft. IV. MECHANIC POWERS. 8i ments with a fharp point, as nails, bodkins, nee- Fig. dies, pins •, and all inftruments to cleave, cut, Qit, 48. chop, pierce, bore, and the like. And in general all inftruments that have an edge or point. This Prop, is the fame as Prop. XXXo in my large book of Mechanics, but demonitrated after a different way ; and both come to the fame thing, which evinces the truth thereof. In this Prop. I have fliev/n under what circum- ftance, the wedge is in equilibrio •, and that is, v/hen the power is to the force againfb either fide ; as the back, is to that fide. Therefore it mufl be very ftrange, that any body ihould underftand ir, as if I had faid, that the power is to the whole refiftance •, as the back, is to one fide only. They that do this muft be blind or very carelefs. a ■ SECT. [ 82 ] Fig. 'D* SECT. V. Tl:)e comparative Strength of Beams of 7'i?nber, and the Strefs they fujiain. The Powers of Engines ^ their Motions ^ and FriBion, PROP. LIV. 49. Jf a beam of wood AB, whofe [eSlion is a paral- lelogram^ be fupported at the ends A and B, by two props C, D. And a iz'eight E be laid on the middle of it, to break it ; the flrength of it ivill be as the fqttare of the depth EF, ivhen the breadth is given. For divide the depth EF into an infinite num- ber of equal parts at ;/, o, />, q, r, &c. Now the ftrength of the beam confills of the llrength of all the fibres F«, no, op, &c. And to break thefe fibres, is to break the beam. Alfo when the beam is itretched by the weight, the fibres Fn, no, op, &c. are ftretched by the power of the bended le- vers AEF, AE;/, AE^, &:c. whofe fupport is at E, and power at A. For the prefllire at A being half the weight E, we muft fuppofe that preHure applied to A, to overcome the refillan ces at F, «, €, &c. Put the force or prelTure at A zz P, then P acts againfl: all the fibres at F, n, 0, &c. by help of the bended levers AEF, AE;z, AEo, &c. But it is a known property of fprings, fibres, and fuch like expanding bodies ; that the further they are ftretched, the greater force they exert, in pro- portion to the length. Therefore when the beam breaks j that is, when the tenfion of the fibre F» is Sedl.V. STRENGTH OF TIMBER. 83 ,is at its utmofl extent; then thofe in the middle Fig. between F and E will have but half the tenfion, r:nd 49. thole at all other diftances, will have a tenfion pro- portional to that dillance. This being fettled, let the utmoft tenfion of nF be ~ i ; then the tenfions at ?/, En Eo Ep 0, p, &c. will be gp' j-po £P &c. and the feve- ral forces, thefe exert againfl the point A, by means of the bended levers FEA, «EA, oEA, &c. will FE En' Eo' Ep' ^' EA' kF7 EA' EF3^"a' EF3r£A^" ^"^- I the fum o£ all is — £p v. £^ X into EF' + E«' + E or dd zz aax llgg -T— 5 and fo on, according to what is wanted. 2. To find the dimenfions of fquare timber for the roof of a houfe. Let r, j, / be the length of the ribs, fpars and lats, fo far as they bear ; a*, ^, 2 their breadth or depth, n the diftances of the lats, w zz weight upon a rib, c zz cofine of elevation of the roof. Then by reafon of the inclined plane, Iw r . , ^^i"^ — Xczi weight upon a fpar. And — zz weight upon a lat : for the ribs and lats lie horizontally^ X^ y5 2' Therefore (Cor. 2.) — zz -j-^ zz ; — . r rs rrv^ rrsz^ Whence x'^ zz —]--> and x^ zz ~7;~* Hence if any one X, J, or z be given, and all the reft of the quantities ; the other two may be found. Or in general, any two being unknown, they may be found, from having; the reft given. For example, let r zz 9 feet, j zz 4 feet, / zz 15 inches, n zz 11 inches, c zz .707 the cofine of 45% the pitch of thereof. And afllime jy zr 24. inches -, 92 STRESS OF TIMBER. Fig. , 8 1 inches i then ;r — 2 4- x/— — — rz 7.rinches. And 6-565 54. 3. To find the curve ACB, into the form of •which, if a joill be cur, on the upper or under fide ; and having the two fides parallel planes, which are perp. to the horizon. That the faid joifl Ihall be equally flrong every where to bear a given weight, fufpended on it. Let the v/eight be placed in the ordinate CD ; and the breadth of the beam, and the weight being given-, then (Prop LIV.j the llrength at C is as CD\ And (Prop. LVI.) the (Irefs is as ADB. Therefore that the ftrength may be as the ftrefs, CD'' is as the redlangle ADB •, and therefore the curve ACB is an ellipfis. ^c^. 4. To find the figure of a beam AB, fixed with one end in a wall, and having a given weight W fufpended at the other end B ; and being every where of the fame depth \ it may be equally ftrong throughout. Let^CD be the breadth at C ; then (Prop. LIV.) the ftrength is as CD. And (Cor. i. Prop. LV.) the ftrefs is as CB. Therefore CD is every where as CB, and therefore CDB is a plane triangle. And the beam is a prifm, whofe upper and under fides are psiallel to the horizon. A 6. 5* ^^ ^"*^ ^^^ figure of a beam A3, fticking with one end in a wall, and of a given breadth ; having a weight W fufpended at the end B j fo that it may be equally ftrong throughout. Let CD be the depJi at C. Then fince the breadth is given, the ftrength is as CD\ And the ftrefs as DB ; therefore CD' is as D^. Whence CD is a common parabola. ^ 6. To find the figure of a beam AB, of the ^^'' fame breadth and depth, fticking in a wall with » one Sea.V. STRESS OF TIMBER. 93 one end, and bearing a weight Hifpended at the Fig. otherendB j fo that it maybe equally ftrong through- 57. out. Let CD be the thicknefs at O. Then the llrength is as CD', and the ftrefs is as BO. Therefore BO is as CD' or as CO'. And confequently ACB is a cubic parabola, whofe vertex is at B. 7. In like manner, if CBD be a beam fixed with 58. one end in a wall, and all the fides of it be cut into the form of a concave parabola, whole vertex is at B. It v/ill be equally ftrong throughout for fupporting its own weight. For putting BO =z x, CO n y, then by nature of the curve, ay — xx. But the folidity of CBD is Q . 1 4 1 6yyx ■ — -• And the center of gravity I, is diftant 5 A X from B, therefore OI zr -V x. Now CD^ or 7.14.-1 6yyx 8j' = ftrength at O. And CBD X 01 or X 5 -i .V n: ftrefs. Therefore the ftrensth : to the ftrefs : : 2- 1 4.1 6y'' XX ^.i4.i6xx is as 8j' : to ~ : : Sy : j- — : : sy - : : 340 : 3.i4i6<2, that is, in a given ra- tio. And as this happens every where, the folid is equally ftrong in all parts. I muft take notice here that the 1 1 6th figure in my large book of Mechanics, is drawn wrong, it ftiould be concave inftead of being convex, 8. Again, if AB be the fpire of a church which $9- is a folid cone or pyramid ; it will be equally ftrong throughout for refifting the wind. For the quan- tity of wind falling on any part of it ACD, will be as the feftion ACD. Therefore let AO iz r, CD zz y. And x zn ay, then the ftrength at O zz V', and if I be the center of gravity of ACD, then 01 54 STRESS OF TIMBER. Fig. OI z: I X. And the ftrefs at O i= wind ACD X 59. 01 — xy X T ^- Therefore the ftrength is to the ftrefs : : as j^ : 4- ^^y • • JV7 • t ^'^ or 4 ^^tv^ : : 3 : ^^ ; that is, in a given ratio. Therefore the fpire is equally ftrong every where. Scholium. It is all along fuppofed that the timber, &c. is of equal goodnefs, where thefe proportions for ftrength are made. But if it is otherwilc, a pro- per allowance muft be made for the defect. In thefe Propofitions, I have called every thing Strength, that contributes in a direft proportion to refift any force afting againft a beam to bi-eal; it ; and I call Strefs, whatever weakens it in a direcSt proportion. But the whole may be referred to the article of ftrength -, for what I have called ftrefs may be reckoned ftrength in an inverfe ratio. Thus the ftrength of a piece of timber may be faid to be directly as the breadth and fquare of the depth, and inverfely as its length, and the weight or force ' applied ; and that is equivalent to taking in the ftrefs. But I had rather keep them diftmft, and refer to each of them their proper eftcifls, as I have along done in the foregoing examples. A piece of wood a foot long, and an inch fquare, will bear as follows-, oak from 320 to iioo; ehn from 310 to 930 i fir from 280 to 770 pounds, according to the goodnefs. PRO P. Sect.V. COMPOUND ENGINES. 95 Fig- PROP. LX. In any machine contrived to raife great weights ; // the power applied^ be to the weight to be raifed •, a-s the velocity of the weighty to the velocity of the power ; the power will only be in equilibria with the weight. I'herefcre to raife it, the power mufv be fq far increafed, as to overcome all the friolion and re* fifiance arijing from ths engine or olherwife ; and then the power will be able to raife the weight. A man would be much miftaken, who lliall make an engine to raife a great weight, and give his power no greater velocity, in regard to the ve- locity of the weight J than the quantity of the weight has in regard to the quantity of the power. For when he has done that, his weight and power will but have equal quantities of motion, and therefore they cannot fet one another a moving, but miufl always remain at reft. It is necelTary then, that he do one of thefe two things, i. That he apply a power greater than in that proportion, fo much as to overcome all the friftion and other ac- cidental refiftance that may happen : and in fome engines thefe are very great. Or 2. He muft fo continue his engine, that the velocity of the power, which fuppofe he has given, may be fo much greater than the velocity of the weight ; as the quantity of the weight, fricStion, and refiftance and all together, is greater than the power. This be- ing done, the greater power will always overcome the lefler, and his engine will work. If a man does not attend to this rule, he will be guilty of many abfurd miftakes, either in attempt- ing things that are impoITible, or in not applying means proper for the purpofe. Hence it is thai:' ensrines contrived for mines and water-works fo ot- ten 96 COMPOUND ENGINES. Fig. ten fail j as they muft when either the quantity or velocity of the power is too little ; or which is the fame thing, when the velocity of the weight is too great, and therefore would require more power than what is propofed. As the weight is to move flow, the confequence is, that it will be fo much a longer time in moving thro' any fpace. But there is no help for that. For as much as the weight to be raifed is the greater, the time of raifing it will be fo much greater too. Cor. I . Hence in raifing any weighty what is gain- ed in -power is loji in time. Or the time of rifing thro' any hight will be fo much longer as the weight is greater. If the power be to the weight as i to 20, then the fpace thro' which the weight moves will be 20 times lefs, and the time will be 20 times longer in moving thro' any fpace, than that of the power. The advantage that is gained by the ftrength of the motion, is loft in the flownefs of it. So that tho' they increafe the power, they prolong the time. And that which one man may do in 20 days, may be done by the ftrength of tv/enty men in one day. Cor. 2 . The quantity of motion in the weight is not at all increaffd by the engine. And if any given quantity of power be immediately applied to a body at liberty^ it will produce as much motion in it, as it would do by help of a machine. PROP. LXI. If an engine be compofed of fever al of the Jlmple mechanic powers combined together ; it will produce the fame effetl^ fitting aftde fritfion % as any one Jim- pie mechanic power would do, which has the fame power or force of aUing. For let any compound engine be divided into all the limple powers that compofe it. Then the force or JSea. V. COMPOUND ENGINES. 97 or power applied to the firll part, will caiife it to Fig. aft upon the fecond with a new power, which would be deemed the -weight, if the machine had no more parts. This new power a6ling on the fe- cond part, will caufe it to a6l upon the third part -, and that upon a fourth, and fo on till you come at the weight, which will be adled on, by all thefe mediums, juft the fame as by a fimple machine whofe power is equal to them ail. Cor. I. Hence a compound machine may he made^ which Jhall have the fame ^ower, as any fmgle one ^ropofed. For if a lever is propofed whofe power is 1 00 to I ; two levers acting on one another will be equi- valent to it, where the power of the firft is as 10 to I, and that of the fecond alio as 10 to i, or the firfb 20 to I, and the fecond 5 to i j or any two numbers, whofe produft is ioo. Again, a wheel and axle v/hofe power is as 48 to I, may be refolved into two or more wheels with teeth, to have the fame power •, tor exam- ple, make two wheels, fo that the firfl wiieel and pinion be as 8 to i, and the fecond as 6 to i. They will have the fame effe6l as the fingle one. Or break it into three v/heels, whofe feveral powers may be 4 to I, and 4 to i, and 3 to i. If a fimple combination of pullies be as 36 to I •, you may take three combinations to aft upon one another, whofe povv?ers are 3 to i, 3 to 1, and 4 to I. And after the fame manner it is to be done m machines more comDOunded. And this is generally done to fave room. For when an engine is to have great power, it is hard- ly made of one wheel, it v/ould be fo laro;e ; but by breaking it into feveral wheels, after rliis. man- ner j it will go into a little room, and have the H fame f)« COMPOUND ENGINES. Fi"-. fame power as the other. All the inconvenience is, it will have more friction •, for the more parts afting upon one another, the more fridtion is made. Cor. 2. Hence aljo it follows^ that in any corn-pound machine^ its power is to the weight, in the compomtd ratio of the fovoer to the weight in all thejimple ma-^ chines that compofe it. Cor. 3. Hence it will be no difficult matter to con- trive an engiiie that Jhall c"jercoine any force or re/if- tame affigned. For if you have the quantity of power given, as well as of the weight or refiftance ; it is but taking any fmiple machine as a lever, wheel, &c. fo that the power may be to the weight in the ratio af- figned, adding as much to the weight as you judge the fri6lion will amount to. When this ftmple machine is obtained ; break it or refolve it into as many other fimple ones as you think proper j fo that they may have the fame power. And as to the feveral fimpie macliines, it mat- ters not what fort they are of, as to the power ; whether they be levers, wheels, pullies, or fcrews ; but fome are more commodious than others for particular purpofes •, which a mechanic will find out bell by practice. In general, a lever is the moft ready and fimple machine to raife a weight a fmall difhance ; and for further dillances, the wheel and axle, or a combination of puilies ^ or the per- petual fcrew. Aifo thefe may be combined with one another ; as a lever with a wheel or a fcrew, the wheel and axle with pullies, pullies with pul- lies, and wheels with wheels, the perpetual fcrew and the wheel. But in general a machine Ihould coniift of as few parts as is confiftent with thepur- pofe it is dcfigned for, upon account of leilcning the fridion i and to make it Hill lefs, the joints mull be Sea. V. COMPOUND ENGINES. ,99 be oiled or greafed. All parts that adt on one Fig. another muft be poliihed fmooth. The axles or fpindles of wheels muft not fhake in the holes, but run true and even. Likewife the larger a pi^chine is, if it be well executed, the better and truer it will work. And large wheels and pullies, and fmall axles or fpindles have the leaft fridlion. The power applied to work the engine may be men or horfes ; or it may be weight or a fpring ; or wind, water, or fire ; of which one maift take that which is moll convenient and cofts the leaft. Wind and water are beft applied to work large en- gines, and fuch as muft be continually kept going. A man may a6l for a while againft a refiftance of 50 pounds ; and for a whole day againft ^o pounds. A horfe is about as ftrong as five men. If two men work at a roller, the handles ought to be at right angles to one another. When a machine is to go regular and uniform, a heavy wheel or fly muft be applied to it. Scholium. Two things are required to make a good engi- neer. I . A good invention for the fimpie and eafy contrivance of a machine, and this is to be attain- ed by pra<5tice and experience. 2. So much theory as to be able to compute the eifed any engine will have ; and this is to be learned from the principles of Mechanics. PROP. LXII. The fri5lion or refiftance arifing by a body movino; upon any furface^ is as the rcughnefs of the furface^ and nearly as the weight of the body -, hut is not much in- creafed by the quantity of the furface of the moving body^ and is fomething greater with a greater 'velocity. It is matter of experience that bodies meet with a great deal of refiftance by fiiding upsn one ano- H 2 thsr. ioo FRICTION. Fig. ther, which cannot be entirely taken away, tho* the bodies be made never fo Imooth : yet by imoothing; or polifhing theif furfaces, and taking off the rough- nefs of them, this refiftance may be reduced to a fmall matter. But many bodies, by their natural texture, are not capable of bearing a polifh ; and thefe will always have a confiderable degree of re- fiftance or friftion. And thofe that can be polifli- ed, will have fome of this refiftance arifing from the cohefion of their furfaces. But in general, the fmoother or finer their furfaces,- the lefs the fridion will be. As the furfaces of all bodies are in fome degrea rough and uneven, and fubjed to many inequali* ties ; when one body is laid upon another, the pro- minent parts of one fall into the hollows of th« other i fo that the body cannot be moved forv/ard, till the prominent parts of one be raifed above the prominent parts of the other, which requires the more force to effedb, as thefe parts are higher ^ that is, as the body is rougher. And this is fimi- Jar to drawing a body up an inclined plane, for .thefe protuberances are nothing elle but fo many inclined planes, over which the body is to be drawn. And therefore the heavier the body, the more force h required to draw it over thefe eminencies ; whence? the fridion will be nearly as the weight of the body. But whilft the roughnefs remains the fame, or the prominent parts remain of the fame hight, there V/ill always be required the fame force, to draw the iiime weight. And the increafing of the furface, re- taining the fame weight, can add nothing to the re- fiftance on that account •, but it will make fome ad- dition upon other accounts. For when one furface is dragged along another, fome part of the re- liftance arifes from fome parts of the moving fur- face, taking hold of the parts of the other, and tearing them, off.; and. this is called zvearin^. And there* Sea. V. FRICTION. loi: therefore this part of the fridtion is greater in a great- Figj^ er furface, in proportion to that furface. There is likewife in a greater furface, a greater force of co- hefion, which flill adds fomething to the fridlion. But the two parts of the friction, arifing from the wearing and tenacity, are not increafed by the ve- locity : but the other part, of drawing them over inclined planes, will increafe with the velocity. So that in the whole, the fridlion is fomething increaf- ^ ed by the quantity of the furface, and by the ve- locity, but not much. But more in fome bodies than others, according to their particular texture. Cor. I. Hence there can he no certain rule, to ejii- vrate the fri^lion of bodies ; this is a matter that can only be decided by expe?'iments. But it may be obferv- ed, that, ceteris paribus, hard bodies will have lefs re- Jiftance than fofter -, and bodies oiled or greafed, wjU', have far lefs. For the particles of hard bodies, cannot fo well take hold of one another to tear themfelves off. And when a furface is oiled, it is the fame thing^ as if it run upon a great number of rollers or fpheres. Cor. 2. Hence alfo a method appears of meafurin^ the friction of a body fliding upon another body, b^: help of an inclined plane. Take a plank CB of the fame matter, raife it at ^cu one end C fo high, till the body whofe friction is fought, being laid at C, fhall juft begin to move down the plane CB. Then the weight of the bo- dy, is to the fridion as the bafe AB, to the highc AC of the plane. For the prelTure againft the plane is the part of the weight that caufes the fridtion, and the tendency down the plane is equal to the friftion. And (Prop. XIV.) that prelTure is CO the tendency as AB to AC. H3 tf lo^^ FRICTION. Fig. If you piiOi the body from C downward, and 60. obferve it to keep the fame velocity thro' D to B -, then you will have the friflion for that velocity. If it increafes its velocity, lower the end of the plank- C •, if it grows (lower, raife the end C, till you get the body to have the fame velocity quite thro* the plane. And fo you will find what elevations are proper for each velocity ; and from thence the ratio of AB to AC, or of the weight to the friftion. There is a way to make the experiment, by draw- ing the body along a horizontal plane, by weights hung at a firing, which goes over a pulley ; but the method here defcribed is more eafy and fimple. Scholium. From what has been before laid down, it will be cafy to underftand the nature of engines, and how to contrive one for any purpofe affigned. And Ijkewife having any engine before us, we can by t^e fame rules, compute its pov/ers and operations. Engines are of various kinds ; fome are fixed in a particular place, vviiere they are to a6l ; as wind- mills and water-mills for corn, fire engines for drawing water, gins for coal pits, many forts of mills •, pumps, cranes, &:c. others are movable frorn one place to another, and may be carried to any place where they are wanted, as blocks, pul- iies and tackles for raifing weights, the lifting jack, and lifting {lock, clocks, watches, fmall bel- lows, fcales, fleelyards, .and an infinite number of others. Another fort of engines are fuch as are made on purpofe to move from one place to ano- ' ther, fuch as boats, fliips, coaches, carriages, wag- gons, &c. If any of thefe are urged forward by the help of levers, Y»'heels, &c. By having the adling power given, the moving force that drives it forward, is eafily found by the properties of tRefe machines. Only obferve, if the firft adling power VlK/^ajos. o^ ris-.4j n ^ea.V. WHEEL CARRIAGES. 103 power be externa], as wind, water, horfes, &c. Fig, you muft not forget to add or fubtrad it, to or from the moving force before found ; according as that firft acting power confpires- with, or oppofes the- motion of the machine ; and the refult is the true force it is driven forward with- I have only- room to defcribe a very few engines, but thofe that defire. it may fee great variety in my large book of Mechanics. A WHEEL CARRIAGE. AB is a cart or carriage, going upon two wheels 61. as CD, and fometimes upon four, as all waggons do. The advantages of wheel carnages is fo great, that no body who has any great weight to carry, will make ufe of any other method. Was a great weight to be dragged along upon a fledge or any ilich machine without wheels, the fridlion would be fo great, that a fufficient force in many cafes could not be got to do it. But by applying wheels to carri- ages, the friftion is almoft all of it taken away. And this is occafioned by the wheels turning round upon the ground, inftead of dragging upon it. And the reafon of the wheel's turning round is the refif- tance the earth makes againft it at O where it touches. For as the carriages goes along, thq wheel meets with a refillance at the bottom O, where it touches the ground ; and meeting with none at the top at C, to balance it ; that force at O mull make it turn round in the order ODC, fo that all the parts of the circumference of the wheel are fuccef- fively applied to the earth. In going down a fleep bank it is often neceffary to tie one wheel faft, that it cannot turn round, this will make it drag ; and by the great refiftance it meets with, flops the too violent motion, the carriage would otherwife have, in defcending the hill H 4 But 104 WHEEL CARRIAGES. Ficr. But altho' all forts of wheels very much dimi- 61. nifh the fridion -, yet fome have more than others; and it may be obferved that great wheels, and fmall axles have the leaft fridion. To make the friction as little as poflible, fome have applied fridion wheels, which is thus ; EG is the fridion wheel running upon an axis I v/hich is fixed in the piece of timber ES, which timber is fixed to the fide ot the carriage. KL is the axle of the carriage, which is fixed in the wheel CD, fo that both turn round together. Then inftead of the carri- age lying upon the axle KL, the fridion wheel FG lies upon the axle ; fo that when the wheel CD turns round, the axle caufes the fridion wheel, with the weight of the carriage upon it, to turn round the center I, which diminifhes the fridion in proportion to the radius IG : and there is the fame contrivance for the wheel on the other fide. But the Vv-heel CD need not be fixed to the axle ; for it may turn round on the axle KL, and alfo the axle turn round under the carriage. In paifing over any obftacles, the large wheels have the advantage. For let MN be an obftacle ; then drawing the wheel over this obftacle, is the fame thing as drawing it up the inclined plane MP, which is a tangent to the point M ; but the greater the wheel CD is, the lefs is that plane inclined to the horizon. Likewife great wheels do not fink fo deep into the earth as fmall ones, and confequently require lefs force to pull them out again. But there are difadvantges in great wheels ; for in the firft place, they arc more eafily overturned ; and fecondly, they are not fo eafy to turn with, in a ftrait road as fmall v.'heels. The tackle of any carriage ought to be fo fixed, that the horfe may pull partly upwards, or lift, as ■well as pull forwards ; for all hills and inequalities in Sea. V. HAND MILL. 105 in the road, being like fo many inclined planes. Fig. the weight is moit eafily drawn over them, when 61. the power draws at an equal elevation. A carriage with four wheels is more advantage- ous, than one with two only, but they are bad t» turn ; and therefore are obliged to make ufe of fmall fore-wheels. Broad wheels which are lately come into falhion, are very advantageous, as they fink but little into the earth. But there is a dif- advantage attends them, for they take up fuch a quantity of dirt by their great breadth, as fenfibly retards the carriage by its v/eight, and the like may be faid of their own weight. The under fide of the axle where the wheels are, muft be in a right line ; otherwife if they flant up- wards, the weight of the carriage will caufe them to work toward the end, and prefs againft the runners and lin pin. And as the ends of the axle are conical, this caufes the wheels to come nearer together at bottom, and be further diftant at the top ; by which means the carriage is fooner over- turned. To help this, the ends of the axle muft be made as near a cylindrical form as poflible, to get the wheels to fit, and to move free. A HAND MILL. Fig. 62. is a hand mill for grinding corn. A, B 62. the flones included in a wooden cafe. A the up- per flone, being the living or moving ftone. B the lower flone, or the dead flone, being fixed immov- able. The upper flone is 5 inches thick, and a foot and three quarters broad ; the lower flone is broader. C is a cog-wheel, with 16 or 18 cogs ; DE its axis. F is a trundle with 9 rounds, fixed to the axis G, which axis is fixed to the upper ftone A, by a piece of iron made on purpofe. H is the hopper, into which the corn is put ; I the fhoe, to carry the corn by little and little thro' a hole at io6 HAND MILL. Fig. K, to fall between the two Hones. L is the mill 62. eye, being the place where the flour or meal comes out after it is ground. The under ftonc is fup- ported by ftrong beams not drawn here. And the fpindle G Hands on the beam MN, which lies up- on the bearer O, and O lies upon a fixed beam at . one end, and at the other end has a firing fixed, and tied to the pin P. The underdone is not flat, but rifes a little in the middle, and the upper one is a little hollow. The fl:ones very near touch at the out fide, but are wider towards the middle to let the corn go in. When corn is to be ground, it is put into the hopper H, a little at a time, and a man turns the handle D, which carries round the cog-wheel C, and this carries about the trundle F, and axis G, and Hone A. The axis G is angular at K ; and as it goes round, it fliakes the fiioe I,, and makes the corn fall gradually thro' the hole K. And the upper ftone going round grinds it, and when ground it comes out at the mill eye L, where there is a fack or tub placed to receive it. Another han- dle may be made at E like that at D, for two men to work, if any one pleafes. In order to make the mill grind courfcr or finer, the upper ftone A may be lowered or raifed, by means of the Airing going from the bearer O •, for turning round the pin P, the firing is lengthened or fiiortened, and thereby the timbers O, M are lowered or raifed, and with them the axle G and fl:one A. For the fpindle G goes thro' the ftone B, and runs upon the beam MN. The fpindle is made fo clofe and tight, by wood or leather, where it goes thro' the under ftone, that no meal can fall thro'. The under fide of the upper ftone is cut into gutters in the manner repre- fentcd at Q. It is a pity fome fuch like mills are not made at a cheap rate for the fake of the poor, who are much diftreflfed by the roguery of the millers. Fig, I 'Sf^pd.ioS. r. Sea. V. THE CRANE. 107 Fig. 6^. is a fort of crane, BC an upright poft, Fig. AB a beam fixed horizontally at top of it ; thefe 63. turn round together on the pivot C, and within the circle S, which is fixed to the top of the frame PQ. EF is a wooden roller, or rather a roller made of thin boards, for lightnefs, and all nailed to feveral circular pieces on the infide. GH a wheel fixed to the roller, about which goes the rope GR. IK, LN, two other ropes ; fixed with one end to the crofs piece AB, and the other end to the roller EF. W a weight equal to the weight of the wheel and roller, which is faflened to a rope which goes over the pulley O, and then is faflen- ed to a collar V, which goes round the roller. ET is another rope with a hook at it to lift up any weight, the other end of the rope being fixed to the roller •, here are in all five ropes. To raife any weight as M, hang it upon the hook T, then pulling at the rope R which goes about the wheel GH, this caufes the wheel and roller to turn round, and the ropes IK, LN to wind about it, by which means the wheel and axle rifes -, and by rifing, folds the rope TE about the roller the contrary way, and fo raifes the weight M. When the weight M is raifed high enough, a man mufl take hold of the rope T with a hook^ by which the whole machine may be drawn about, turning upon the centers C and S. And then the vv'^eight M may be let down again. The weight of the wheel and roller do not affeft the pov/er draw- ing at R, becaufe it is balanced by the weight W. There is no friftion in this machine but what is occafioned by the collar V, and the bending of the ropes. And the power is to the weight in this crane, as the diameter of the roller to the radius of the wheel GH. An toS FULLING M I L L, 5cc, "^ An ENGINE for raifing Weights. 64. Fig. 64. is an engine compofed of a perpetual fcrew AB, and a wheel DE with teeth, and a Tin- gle pulley H. f G is an axle, about which a rope goes, which lifts the pulley and weight W. BC it the winch, to turn it round withal. As the fpin- dle AB is turned about, the teeth of it takes the teeth of the wheel DE, and turns it about, toge- ther with the axle FG, which winds up the rope, and raifes the pulley H, with the weight W. The power at C, is to the weight W, as diameter FG X by the breadth of one tooth, is to twice the di- ameter DE X circumference of the circle defcrlbed byC. A FULLING MILL. 65. Fig. 65. is a fulling mill. AB a great water wheel, carried about by a ftream of water, com- ing from the trough C, and falling into the buck- ets D, D, D whofe weight carries the wheel about; this is a breaft mill, becaufe the water comes no higher than the middle or breaft of the wheel ; EF is its axis; I, I; K, K, two lifters going thro' the axle, which raife the ends G, G of the wooden mallets GH, GH, as the wheel goes about ; and when the end G flips off the cog or lifter K Or I, the mallet falls into the trough L, and each of the mallets makes two ftrokes for one revolu- tion of the wheel. The mallets move about the centers M, M. Thefe troughs L, L, contain the ftuff which is to be milled, by the beating of the mallets. N, N, is a channel to carry the water, being juft wide enough to let the wheel go round. And the wheel may be ftopt, by turning the trough C afide, which brings the water. In this engine more mallets may be ufed, and then more pins or lifters muft be put thro' the axis EF. Fig, 1 i Tl.pa2oS. Fl TIz-^J^ r Sea.V. A WATCH. lo^ Fig. 66. is a common Pocket IVatch, AA the Fig. halance, BB the I'^r^^i C, C, two palats. D the 66. crown wheel ading againft the palats C, C ; E its pinion. F the contrate wheels G its pinion. H the third wheels I its pinion. K the fecond wheel or center wheels L its pinion. M the great wheels N- the fufee turning round upon the Ipindle of M. O the fpring box^ having a fpring included in it» PP the chain going round the fpring box O, and the fufee N. This work is within the watch be- tween the two plates. Here the face is downward, and in the watch the wheel K is placed in the cen- ter, and the others round about it. Here I have placed them fo as befl to be feen, which fignifies nothing to the motion. The balance AA is with- out the plate, covered by the cock X. The mi- nute hand Q goes upon the axis of the wheel K. Then between the upper plate and the face, we have V the cannon pinion or pinion of report. Z the dial wheel. T the minute wheel. S the pinion or nut, fixed to it. The focket of the cannon pinion V goes into the focket of the wheel Z, and are movable about one another, and both go thro' the face ; on the focket of the pinion Z is fixed the hour hand R -, and on the focket of V is fixed the minute hand Q, Likewife the focket of V is hol- low, and both go upon the arbour of the wheel K, which reaches thro' the face, and are faflened there. The wheel and focket, T, S are hollow, and go upon a fixed axle on which they turn round. When the chain PP is wound up, upon the fu- fee N ; the fpring included in the box O, draws the chain PP, which forces about the wheel M, the fufee being kept from flipping back, by a catch on purpofe. Then M drives L and K, and K drives I, and H drives G, and F drives E, and the teeth of the crown wheel D, acl againft the palats C, C alternately, and cau'e the balance A A to vibrate 110 A W A T C H. Fio-, vibrate back and forward, and thus. the watch is kept going. 65. The cannon pinion, and dial wheel V and Z, and the hands Q, R, being put upon the arbor of K at W i ancl faftened there, by means of a flioulder which is upon the axis, and a brafs fpring ; as the wheel K goes round, it carries with it the pinion V with the minute hand, and V drives T to- gether with 3 •, and S drives Z with the hour hand. The numbers of the wheels and pinions, (that is the teeth in them) are, M — 48, L rz 12, K — 54, I =. 6, H = 4S, G =: 6, F zz 48, E zz 6, D =z 15, and 2 palats. The irain, or number of beats in an hour, is 17280, which is about 4 1. beats in a fecond. Alfo V =1 10, Z zz 36, S — 12, T zz 40. The wheel M goes round 6 times in 24 hours, /48n therefore K goes round ( — J 4 times as much; that is, 24 times, or once in an hour, and the hand O along with it ; therefore Q will fhew minutes. Then as V goes round once in an hour, T will go round ( — J ^ of that, or ^ the circumference-, and as S goes ^, Z will go [-^ j i- of that, or ^-V of the circumference in an hour, and therefore as R goes along with it, R will flicvv the hours. The wheels and pinions T, Z, and S, V, are drawn with the face upwards. And the whole machine included in a cafe is but about two inches diameter. There is a fpiral fpring fixed under the balance AB, called the regulator, which gives it a regu- lar motion ; and likewife abundance of fmall parts helpful to her motion, too long to be defcribed here. The %a. V. A WATCH. Ill The way of writing down the numbers, is thus, Fig. 48 66- 12 — 54 loQ^ 6 — 48 40 — 12 6 — 48. 36 R. 6—15 2 Explanation. The wheel with 48 drives a pinion of 12, and a wheel of 54 on the fame arbor. The wheel 54 drives the pinion 6 with the wheel 48 oa the fame arbor. The wheel 48 drives the pinion 6 and wheel 48 on the fame arbor. The wheel 48 drives the pinion 6 and wheel 15 on the fame arbor. And the wheel 1 5 drives the tv/o palats. Again the wheel 54 has the pinion 10 on its ar- bor, and the hand Q^; and the pinion 10 drives the wheel 40, with the pinion 12. And the pini- on 12 drives the wheel 0,6 with the hand R. As this machine is moved by a fpring, it is fub- je6): to very great inequalities of motion, occafion- ed by heat and cold. For hot weather fo relaxes, foftens, and weakens the main fpring, that it lofes a great deal of its ftrength, which caufes the watch to lofe time and go too flow. On the other hand, cold frofty weather fo affeds the fpring, and it is fo condenfed and hardened, that it becomes far ftronger ; and by that means accelerates the mo- tion of the v/atch, and makes her go fafter. The difference of motion in a watch, thus occafioned by heat and cold, will often amount to an hour, and more in 24 hours. To remedy this, there is a piece of machinery, called the Slide, placed near the regulating fpring ; which being put forward or backward, fliortens or lengthens the fpring, fo as to make her keep time truly. Some people have been fo filly as to think, that the greater ilrength of a fpring arifes v/holly fi'om 112 A WATCH. Fig. from its being made Ihorter, as this happens to be one of the effeds of cold. But it is eafily demon- ^7* llratcd that this is not the caufe. For let AB be a Ipring as it is dilated by heat, and ab the fame fpring contrafled by cold. Now if the fpring has been contrafted in length, it mufl be proportional- ly contradled in all dimenfions. Let /, />, d^ de- note the length, breadth, and depth, in its cold, and leaft dimenfions ; and r/, rb^ rd, the length, breadth, and depth, in its hot and greateft dimen- fions. Then (Prop. LIV.) the llrength of the longer, to the ilrength of the fhorter, will be as rb X rrdd hdd ^ , . . . , , , J to -J- (confidering it weakened by the length), and that is as rr to i, or as AB' to nV\ So that the longer fpring, upon account of its be- ing affedted with heat, is fo far from being weaker, than the lliorter affeded with cold, that it is the ftronger of the two. And therefore this difference is not to be afcrib^d merely to the lengthning or lliortning thereof-, but muft be owing to the na- ture, texture and conftitution of the fteel, as it is fome way or other affeded and changed by the heat and cold. And that there is fome change induced by the cold, into the very texture of the mettal, is evi- dent from this, that all forts of tools made of iron or fteel, as fprings, knives, faws, nails, &c. very eafily fnap and break in cold frofty weather, which they will not do in hot weather. And that property of fteel fprings is the true caufe, that thefe forts of movements can never go true. 5(5. To make a calculation of the different forces re- quifite to make a watch gain or lofe any number of minutes, as fuppofe half an hour in 24 -, and I have often experienced it to be more. By Cor. 4. Prop. VI. the produd of the torce and Iquare of the Sea. V. A WATCH. 113 the time, is as the product of the body and fpace Fig. defcribed, which here is a given quantity. For 66, the matter of the balance remains the fame in hot as cold weather ; and fo does the length of the fwing, which here is the fpace defcribed. There- fore the force is reciprocally as the fquare of the tim.e of vibrating) or direftly as the fquare of the number of vibrations in 24 hours. Therefore the force with the warm fpring, is to the force with the cold one ; as the fquare of 23 i- hours, to the fquare of 24-, that is, nearly as 23 to 24. So that if a fpring was to contra6l half an inch in a foot in length, without altering its other dimenfions, it would but be fufficient to account for that phe- nomenon ; but this is forty times more than the lengthening and fhortening by heat and cold, for that does not alter fo much as a thoufandth part, as is plain from experiments. The cafe being thus, a clock or watch going by a fpring, can never be made to keep time truly, except it be alv/ays kept to the fame degree of heat or cold, which cannot be done without conftant attendance. And if any ibr-t of mechanifm be con- trived to corred this ; yet as fuch a thing can only be made by guefs, it cannot be trufted to at fea, but only for fbort voyages. But no motion however regular, can ever anfwer at fea, where the irregu- lar motion of the fliip will continually diilurb it ; add to this, that the fmall compafs a watch is con- tained in, makes it eafier difturbed, than a larger machine would be •, but to fuppofe that any regu- lar motion can fubfift among ten thoufand irregular motions, and in ten thoufand different direcftions, is a mod glaring abfurdity. And if any one with fuch a machine would but make trial of it to the Eafl: Indies, he would find the abfurdity and difappoint- ment. And therefore I never expeft to fee fuch a time keeper, or any fuch thing as a watch or clock I going 114 A DESCENDING CLOCK. Fig. going by a fpring, to keep true time at fea. But 66. time will dilcover all things. As to pendulum clocks, their irregularity in the fame latitude is owing to nothing but the length^ ning or Ihortning of the pendulum •, which is a mere trifle to the other. But then they would be infinitely more difturbed at fea, than a watch ; and in a ftorm could not go at all. In different lati- tudes too, another irregularity attends a pendulum, depending on the different forces of gravity. Tho' this amounts but to a fmall matter, yet it makes a confiderable variation, in a great leng-th of time. For in fouth latitudes, v/here the gravity is lefs, a clock lofes time. And in north latitudes, where the gravity is greater, it gains time. So that none of thefe machines are fit to meafu;e time at fea, al- tho' ten times ten thoufand pounds fliould be given away for making them. A DESCENDING CLOCK. 6S. Fig. 68. is a clock defcending dov/n an inclined plane. This confifts of a train of watch work, contained between tv/o circular plates AB, CD, 4 inches diameter, fixed together by a hoop an inch'and half broad, inclofing all the work. The inner work confiils of 5 wheels, the fame as in a watch, only there is a fpur wheel inflead of the contrate wheel, as 4 ^ ^ is the balance, v/hofe pa- -lats play in the teeth of the crown wheel 5. Here is no fpring to give it motion, but inilead thereof, the weight W is fixed to the wheel i, and fo ad- iufled for weight, that it may balance the lower lide, and hinder it from rolling down the plane. .Now Vvhilft the v/eight W moves the wheel i, this wheel by moving about, caufes the weight W to .defcend, by which it ceafes to be a balance for the oppcfite fide, and therefore that fide begins to de- fcend. Sea. V. A DESCENDING CLOCK. 115 fcend, till the weight W be raifed high enough Fig. again to become a balance, which mull be about 68. the pofition it appears in the figure. Thus wuilil wheels move gradually about, the weight W de- fcends gradually, which makes the body of the machine turn giaduaiiy round, and defcend down the inclined plane PQ; making one revolution in 12 hours. And therefore to have her to go 24 or 30 hours ; the length of the plane PQ^muft be 2 or 2 ' circumferences of the plates. Before the weight W is fixed to the wheel i, fome lead or brafs mult be foldered on the fide E oppofite to the wheels 2, 3, 4, &c. for the v/heel 1 muik be in the center. And then the lead or brafs muit be filed away till the center of gravity of the ma- chine be in the center of the plates. And to hin- der the machine from fiiding, the edges of the plates muil be lightly indented. The inclined plane PQ may be a board, which muft be elevated 10 or 12 degrees, but that is to be found by trials; , for if flie s;o too (low the end P muft be raifed ; but if too fail it muft be lowered. When the clock has gone the length of the board to Q, it muft be let again at P. The fore fide CD is di- vided into liours, and a pin is fixed in the center at G, on which the hand FGH, always hangs loofely in a perp. pofition, with the heavy end H downward. And the end F ftiews the hour of the day. So that the hours come to the hand, and not the hand to the hours. The board PQ muft be be perfeftly ftreight from one end to the other ^ or elle ftie vv'ill go laf- ter in fome places, and llov/er in others. The circle with hours ought to be a narrow rim of brafs, movable round about, by the help of of one or more pins placed in it ; fo that it may be fet to the true time. I 2 The ii6 A DESCENDING CLOCK. Fig. The weight W ferves for two ufes, i, to be a 63. counterpoife to the fide A; and 2, by its weight to put the clock in motion. The weight W muft be fo heavy as to make the clock keep time, when it has a proper de- gree of elevation as 45 degrees; and then the board muft have an elevation of 10 or 12 de- grees. If fhe go too faft, with thefe pofitions, take fome thing off the weight j if too flow, add fomething to it. SEC T. TlJE/>a.2ip: PLTH/^.i r [ 117 ] Fig. SECT. VI. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. DEFINITION I. /I Fluids is fuch a body v/hofe parts are eafily moved among themfelves, and yield to any force ading againft them. DBF. II. Hydrojiatics^ is a fcience that demonftrates the properties of fluids. D E F.. III. Hydraulics^ is the art of railing water by engines. "D E F. IV. Pneumatics^ is that fcience which ihews the pro- perties of the air. D E F. V. A fountain or jet d'eau, is an artificial fpout of water. PROP. LXIII. If one part of a fluid he higher than another, the higher parts will continually defcend to the lower places^ and will not be at refl, till the furface of it is quite level. For the parts of a fluid being movable every way, if any part is above the reft, it will defcend by its own gravity as low as it can get. And af- terv/ards other parts that are now become higher, I 3 will ii8 HYDROSTATICS. Ficr. will defcend as the other did, till at laft they will all be reduced to a level or horizontal plane. Cor. I . He7ice water that communicates ly means cf a channel cr ptpe, with other water j will Jetlle at the fame hight in both places. Cor. 2. For the reafon^ if a fluid gravitates towaraS a center •, it wiV. dijpofe it f elf into a fpherical figure, whofe center is the center of force. As the fca in refpe^l of the earth. PROP. LXIV. If a fuiid he at reft in a vefjcl whofe hafe is paral- lel to the hot izon •, etiual parts cf the hafe are equally preffcd hy the fluid. For upon every part of the bafe there is an equal column of the fiuid lupported by it. And as all thc'.e columns are of equal weight, they muft prefs the bale equally ; or equal parts of the bafe will fuftain an equal prefilire. Cor. 1 . All parts of the fluid prefs equally at the fame depth. For imagine a plain drawn thro' the fluid paral- lel to the horizon. Then the preflure will be the fame in any part of that plane, and therefore the parts of the fiuid at tlie fame depth fuftain the fame prefilire. Cor. 2 . 1'he prcffure of a fluid at any depth, is as the depth of the fluid. For the prefilire is as the weight, and the weight is as the hight of a column of the fluid. PROP. Sea. VL HYDROSTATICS. n^ PROP. LXV. ^^' If a fluid is coinprejfed by its weight or otherwife ; at any point it prejjes equally^ in all manner of dire^ions. This arifes from the nature of fluidity, which is, to yield to any force in any diredion. If it cannot give way to any force applied, it will prefs againfl other parts of the fluid in direction of that force. And the preffure in all direftions with be the fame. For if any one was lefs, the fluid would move that way, till the preflfure be equal every way. Cor. In a7ty veffel containing a fluid ; the preffure is the fame againfi the bottom^ as againfi the Jides^ er even upwards^ at the fame depths PROP. LXVI. The preffure of a fluid upon the bafe of the con- r tainting vejj'el, is as the bafe. and perpendicular alti^ ^* tude ; zvhatever be the figure of the veffel that con- tains it. Let ABIC, EGKH be two vems. Then (Prop. LXIV. Cor. 2.) the prefllire upon an inch on the bafe AB = hight CD X i inch. And the prefllire upon an inch on the bafe HK is iz hight FH X I inch. But (Prop. LXIV.) equal parts of the bafes are equally preflTed, therefore the preflijre on the bafe AB is CD X number of inches in AB; and preflfure on the bafe HK is FH X number of inches in HK. That is, the prefllire on AB is to the prefllire on LIK ; as bafe AB X hight CD, to the bafe HK X hight FH. Cor. I . Hence if the hight s be equal, the preffires Are as the bafes. And if both the hights and bafes be I 4 equal -^ 120 HYDROSTATICS. Fig. equal j the pjrjfures are equal in both j thd' their con- 6c). tails he never fo different. For the rcafon that the v*'ider vefiel EK, lias no greater preHure at the bottom, is, becaufe the oblique fides EH, GK, take off part of the weight. And in the narrower veffel CB, the fides CA, IB, re -act againft the preffure of the water, which is all alike at the fame depth •, and by this re-a6Vion the preffure is increafed at the bottom, fo as to be- come the fame every where. Cor. 2 . T'he preffure againjt the hnfe of any veffel^ is the ff.rne as of a cylinder of an equal bafe and hight. >jo. Cor. 3. If there be a recurve tube ABF, in which ere tvjo different fluids CD, EF. 'Their hights in the two legs CD, EF, i^ill be reciprocally as their fpecific gravities, when they are at refl. For if the fluid EF be twice or thrice as light - as CD ; it mufl: have twice or thrice the hight, to have an equal preffure, to counterbalance the other. , PROP. LXVII. *^ I , Jf a body of the fame fpecific gravity of a fluid j be immerfcd in it, it will refl in any place of^ it. A body of greater derjity will fink ; and one of a lefs denfjy will fwim. Let A, B, C be three bodies ; whereof A is lighter bulk for bulk than the fluid ; B is equal •, and C heavier. * The body B, being of the fame den- fity, or equal in weight as fo much of the fluid ; it will prefs the fluid under it jufl; as much as if the fpace was flllcd with the fluid. The preffure then will be the fame all around it, as if the fluid Was there, and confequently there is no force to put it out of its place. But if the body be lighter, the Sea. VI. HYDROSTATICS. 121 the preffure of it downwards will be lefs than be- Fig. fore; and lefs than in other places at the fame 71. depth j and confequently the leffer force will give way, and it will rife to the top. And if the body- be heavier, the preffure downwards will be greater than before ; and the greater preffure will prevail and carry it to the bottom. Cor. I . Hence if fever al bodies of different fpecific gravity be immerfed in a fluid; the heavieji will get the loweft. For the heavieil are impelled with a greater force, and therefore will go fafteft dov/n. Cor. 2. A body immerfed in a fluids lofes as much weighty as an equal quantity of the fluid weighs. And the fluid gains it. For if the body is of the fame fpecific gravity as the fluid •, then it will lofe all its v/eight. And if it be lighter or heavier, there remains only the difference of the weights of the body and fluid, to move the body. Cor. 3. All bodies of equal magnitudes^ lofe equal 'weights in the fame fluid. And bodies of different magnitudes lofe weights proportional to the magnitudes. Cor. 4. The weights loft in different fluids, by im- merging the fame body therein, are as the fpecific gra- tuities of the fluids. And bodies of equal weight, lofe weights in the fame fluid, reciprocally as the fpecific gravities of the bodies. Cor. 5. The weight of a body fwimming in a. fluid, is equal to the weight of as much of the fiuidj as the immerfed part of the body takes up. For the preffure underneath the fvvimming body is jull the fame as fo much of the immerfed fluid ; and therefore the weights are the fame. Cor* 122 H Y D R O S T A T I C S. Fig. Cor. 6. Hence a body will fink deeper in a lighter 7 1 . f.idd than in a heavier. Cor. 7- Hence appears the reafon why we do not feel the whole weight of an immerfed body, till it be drawn quite out of the water. PROP. LXVIII. 72. If a fluid runs thro* a pipe^ fo as to leave no vacui- ties \ the velocity of the fluid in different parts of ity will he reciprocally as the tranfverfe feHions, in thefe parts. Let AC, LB be the fedions at A and L. And let the part of the fluid ACBL come to the place acbl 1 hen will the folid ACBL = folid acbl-, take away the part acWL common to both ; and vv^e have ACca z: LB^/. But in equal folids the bafes and hights are reciprocally proportional. But if D/ be the axis of the pipe, the hights D^, F/, pafied thro* in equal times, are as the velocities. ■Therefore, fedion AC : feftion LB : : velocity along F/ : velocity along D^. PROP. LXIX. yZ' Jf AD is a veffel of water or any other fluid \ B a hole in the bottom or fide. Then if the veffel be al- ways kept full; in the time a heavy body falls thro' half the hight of the water above the hole AB, a cylinder of water will flow cut of the hole, whofe hight is AB, and bafe the area of the hole. The prefTure of the water againft the hole B, by which the motion is generated, is equal to the weight of a column of water whofe hight is AB, and bafe the area B (by Cor. 2. Prop. LXVL). But equal forces generate equal motions j and fince a cylinder Sea. VI. HYDROSTATICS- 12^ cylinder of water falling thro' -[- AB by its gravity. Fig. acquires fuch a motion, as to pafs thro' the whole 73^ hight AB in that time. Therefore in that time the water running out muft acquire the fame mo- tion. And that the effluent water may have the fame motion, a cylinder miuft run out whole length is AB ; and then the fpace defcribed by the water in that time will alfo be AB, for that fpace is the length of the cylinder run out. Therefore this is the quantity run out in that time. Cor. I. The quantity run out in any time is equal to a cylinder or prifin^ whofe length is the fpace de- fcribtd in that time by the velocity acquired by fall- ing thro* half the hight ^ and whofe bafe is the hole. For the length of the cylinder is as the time of running out. Cor. 2. The velocity a little without the hole^ is greater than in the hole ; and is nearly equal to the velocity of a body falling thro"" the whole hight AB. For without the hole the ftream is contradled by the water's converging from all fides to the cen- ter of the hole. And this makes the velocity- greater in about the ratio of i to ^Z^. Cor. 3. The water fpouts out with the fame velo^ city, whether it be downwards, or fdeways, or up- wards. And therefore if it be upwards, it afcends- nearly to the hight of the water above the hole. Cor. 4. The velocities and likewife the quantities of the fpouting water, at different depths j will be as the fquare roots of the depths. Scholium. From hence are derived the rules for the conftruc- 74. tion of fountains or jets. Let ABC be a refer- voir of water, CDE a pipe coming from it, to bring J.4 HYDROSTATIC S. Y'l-y. bring water to the fountain which fpoiits up at E, y^, to the hight EF, near to the level of the refervoir AB. In order to have a fountain in perfedion, the pipe CD muft be wide, and covered with a thin plate at E with a hole in it, not above the fifth or iixth part of the diameter of the pipe CD. And this pipe muft be curve having no angles. If the rei'ervoir be 50 feet high, the diameter of the hole at E may be an inch, and the diameter of the pipe 6 inclies. In general, the diameter of the hole E, ought to be as the fquare root of the hight of the relervoir. When the water runs thro' a great length of pipe, the jet will not rife fo high. A jet never rifes to the full hight of the refervoir ; in a 5 feet jet it wants an inch, and it falls fliort by lengths which are as the Iquares of the higlits ; and fmaller jets Icfe more. No jet will rife 300 feet high. ^- A fmall fountain is eafily made by taking a ftrong bottle A, and filling it half full of water; cement a tube Bl very dole in it, going near the botLom of the bottle. Then blow in at the top B, to comprcfs the air within ; and the water will fpout out atB. If a fountain be placed in the funfhine and made to play, it will fhew all the colours of the rainbov/, if a black cloth be placed beyond it. A jet goes higher if it is not exactly perpendi- cular ; for then the upper part of the jet falls to one fide without refifcing the column below. The refiftance of the air will alio deftroy a deal of its motion, and hinder it from rifing to the hight of the refervoir. Aifo the friction of the tube of pipe of conduft has a great Hiare in retarding the motion. ^8. If there be an upright velfel as AF full of wa- ter, and feveral holes be made in the fide as B, C, D : then the diftances, the water will fpout, upon the horizontal plane EL, will be as the fquare roots of the redtangles of the fcgments, ABE, ACE, and ADE. For the fpaces will be as the velocities Seft. VI. HYDROSTATICS. 125 velocities and times. But (Cor. 4.) the velocity of Fig. tlie water flowing out of B, will be as \/AB, and 7^*'' the time of its moving (which is the fame as the time of its fall) will be (by Prop. XIII.) as \/BE-, therefore the diftance EH is as s/AB X BE ; and the fpace EL as v/ACE. And hence if two holes are made equidiflant from top and bottom, they will projed the water to the fame diftance, for if AB =z DE, then ABE = ADE, which makes EH the fame for both, and hence alfo it follows, that the projedlion from the middle point C will be furthefl ; for ACE is the greateft reflan- gle. Thefe are the proportions of the diilances ; but for the abfolute diftances, it will be thus. The velocity thro' any hole B, v/ill carry it thro' 2AB • in the time of falling thro' AB -, then to find hov/ far it will move in the time of falling thro' BE. Since thefe times are as the fquare roots of the hights, it will be, v^AB : 2AB : : ^/BE : EH zz BE . 2 AB v/;^ = 2 v/ABE ; and fo the ipace EL zi: 2 v^ACE. It is plain, thefe curves are parabolas. For the horizontal motion being uniform ; EH will be as the time ; that is, as \/BE, or BE will be as EH% which is the property of a parabola. If there be a broad velTel ABDC full of water, and the top AB fits exadtly into it; and if the imall pipe FE of a great length be foldered clofe into the top, and if water be poured into the top of the pipe F, till it be full ; it will raife a great weight laid upon the top, vvith the little quantity of water contained in the pipe ; which weight will be nearly equal to a column of the fluid, whof:: bafe is the top AB ; and hight, that of the pipe EF. For the prefliire of the water againfl: the top AB, is equal, to the weight &f that column of w:.- o. 126 HYDROSTATICS. Fig. ter, by Prop. LXV. and Cor. And Prop. LXVI. 76. Cor. 2. But here the tube muft net be too fmall. For in capillary tubes the attracflion of the glafs will take off its gravity. If a very fmiU tube be im- merfed with one end in a vefiel of water, the wa- ter will rife in the tube above the furface of the water -, and the higher, the fmaller the tube is. But inquickfilver, it defcends in the tube below the external furface, from the repulfion of the glafs. 77. To explain the operation of a fyphon, which is a crooked pipe CDE, to drav/ liquors off. Set the fyphon v/ith the ends C, E, upwards, and fill it with water at the end E till it run out at C ; to prevent it, clap the finger at C, and fill the other end to the top, and ftop that with the finger. Then keeping both ends ftopt, invert the fhortcr end C into a velTel of v/ater AB, and take off the fingers, and the water will run out at E, till it be as low as C in the veffel ; provided the end E be always lower than C. Since E is always below C, the hight of the column of v/ater DE is greater than that of CD, and therefore DE muft out weigh CD and defcend, and CD will follow after, being forced up by the preffure of the air, which adts upon the furface of the water in the veffel AB. The furface of the earth falls belov/ the horizontal level only an inch in 620 yards ; and in other dif- tancesthe defcentsareasthefquares of the diftances. 79- And to find the nature of the curve DCG, form- ing the jet IDG. Let AK be the hight or top of the rcfervoir HP, and fuppofe the ftream to afcend without any friction, or refiftance. By the laws of .falling bodies the velocity in any place B, will be as v/AB. Put the femidiamctcr of the hole at V — c/, and AD — b. Then fince the fame wa- ter paffcs thro' the feftions at D and B ; therefore (Prop. LXVIII.) the velocity will be reciprocally as Seen. VI. HYDROSTATICS. ny I I T^* as the fedion ; whence \/h '- ~Tj '- '• i/AB : -^j-i ; ^' ^h v/^B therefore gpi n: , , •> and dd^yh zi BC^v^AB, whence AB X BC+ zz hd^ -, which is a paraboliform figure v/hofe afTymptote is AK, for the nature of the cataradbic curve DCG. And if the fluid was to defcend thro' a hole, as IC; it would form it- felf into the iame figure GCD in defcending. PROP. LXX. I'he re/ijlance any body meets with in moving thrd' a fluid is as the fqiiare of the velocity. For if any body moves with twice the velocity of another body equal to it, it will ftrike againil twice as much of the fluid, and with twice the ve- locity •, and therefore has four times the refifl:ance ; for that will be as the matter and velocity. And if it moves with thrice the velocity, it ftrikes againil thrice as much of the fluid in the fame time, with thrice the velocity, and therefore has nine times the reflfliance. And fo on for all other velocities. Cor. If a fir earn of water whofe diameter is given^ flrike againft an objlacle at reft •, the force againji it will he as the fquare of the velocity of the flream. For the reafon is the fame ; fince with twice or thrice the velocity ; twice or thrice as much of the fluid impinges upon it, in the fame time. PROP. LXXI. T^he force of a ftream of water againfi any plane chjiacle at reft, is equal to the weight of a column of water^ whofe bafe is the feciion of the ftream ; and hight^ the fpace defended thro' by a falling body^ to acquire that velocity. For let there be a refervoir whofe hight is that fpace fallen thro'. Then the water (by Cor. 2. Prop. 128 HYDROSTATICS. Fio-. Prop. LXIX.) flowing our at the bottom of the re- fervatoiy, has the fame motion as the ftream •, but this is generated by the weight of that column of water, which is the force producing it. And that fame motion is deftroyed by the obitacle, therefore the force againft it is the very fame : for there is required as much force to deftroy as to generate any motion. Cor. I'he force of a ftream of water flowing out at a hole in the bottom of a reJervator)\ is equal to the weight of a column of the flidd of the far,ie hight and whofe bafe is the hole. PROP. LXXII. Prob. To find the fpecific gravity of folids or fluids. 1 . For a folid heavier thayi water. Weigh the body feparately, firft out of water, and then fufpended in water. And divide the weight out of water by the difference of the weights, gives the fpecific gravity j reckoning the fpecific gravity of water i. For the difference of the weights is equal to the weight of as much water (by Cor. 2. Prop. LXVII.) ; and the weights of equal magnitudes, are as the fpecific gravities ; therefore the difference of thefe weights •, is to the weight of the body ; as the fpe- cific gravity of water 1, to the fpecific gravity of the body. 2. For a body lighter than water. Take a piece of any heavy body, fo big as be- ing tied to the light body, it may fink it in water. Weigh the heavy body in and out of water, and find the lofs of weight. Alfo weigh the compound ' both in and out of water, and find alfo the lofs of weight. Sea. VI. HYDROSTATICS. 129 weight. Then divide the weight of the light bo Fig. by (out of water), by the difference of thefe lofieSi gives the fpecific gravity ; the fpecific gravity of water being i. ' For the laft: lofs is zi weight of water equal in magnitude to the com- pound. And the firft lofs is zz weight of water equal in magnitude, to the heavy body. Whence the dif. lofles is z: weight of water equal in magnitude to the light body, and the weights of equal magnitudes, being as the fpecific gravities ; therefore the difference of the loiTes, (or the weight of water equal to the light body) : weight of the light body : : fpecific gravi- ty of water i : fpecific gravity of the light body. 3. For a fluid of any fvrt. Take a piece of a body whofe fpecific gravity you know ; weigh it both in and out of the fluid ; take the difference of the weights, and mul- tiply it by the fpecific gravity of the folid body, and divide the product by the weight of the body (out of water), for the fpecific gravity of the fluid. For the difference of the weights in and out of •water, is the weight of fo much of the fluid as equals the magnitude of the body. And the weight of equal magnitudes being as the fpecific gravities ; therefore, weight of the folid : difference of the weights (or the weight of fo much of the fluid) : : fpecific gravity of the folid : io the fpecific gravity of the fluid. Example. I weighed a piece of lead ore, which was 124 grains; and in water it weighed 104 grains, the K diiferenc* ,30 HYDROSTATICS. vity of the ore. ^^^" difference is 20 i then ^ = 6.2 ; the fpecific gra- A table of fpecific gravities. Fine gold — . — . — Standard gold — — — . Quickfilver — — — Lead — — . — Fine filver — — "^ Standard filver — — — Copper — .— — . Copper half-pence — — Gun metal — . — — Fine brafs — — . — Caftbrafs — — — Steel _ — — Iron — "~ "~ Pewter *— — — Tin ^ — — Caft iron .^ — — Lead ore .^ — — Copper ore •— — » — Lapis calaminaris — — Load Hone — . — — Antimony — — . — Diamond — — — Ifland chriftal • — — — Stone, hard — — . — Rock chriftal — * — ~ Glafs — I — — Flint — — — Common (lone — — Chriftal — — — Brick -- — ^ Farth — ^_ .^ Horn »- — --. 19.640 18.888 14.000 II. 340 11.092 10.536 9.000 S.915 8.784 8.350 8.100 7.850 7.644 7-47 J 7.320 7.000 6.200 5.167 5.000 4-930 4.000 2.720 2.700 2.650 2.600 2.570 . 2.500 2.210 2.000 1.984 Z.840 Ivory Sea.VI. HYDROSTATICS. i^t Ivory -^ •— *— 1.820 Fig» Chalk — « — — 1.793 AUum »— — — 1-714 Clay «— .— . •^ 1. 712 Oil of vitriol — , — — 1.700 Honey — — — 1.450 Lignum vitse — -^ — . 1.327 Treacle — — — 1.290 Pitch — • — — 1. 1 50 Rozin — — . — . 1. 100 Mohogany •— — — 1.065 Amber — — «-. 1.040 Urine — — — 1.032 Milk — — — 1.031 Brazil — — — 1.03 1 Box — — . — 1.030 Sea water — — . — . 1.030 Ale — — — 1.028 Vinegar — — — i.026- Tar — — — 1.015 Common clear water — — — Bee wax — — — .^^^ Butter — — , — .940 Linfeed oil — — — .^sz Brandy — — — .927 Sallad oil — — — • .913 Logwood — — — *9i3 Ice — — — .908 Oak — — — .830 Afh — — — ,S^o Elm — — — .820 Oil of turpentine ^ — -i— — . .810 Walnut tree — « — , — .650 Fir — — . — .580 Cork — . — — . .238 Ne\r fallen fnow — — — • .08^ Air .^ — , — .ooia K 2 Cor; 1^2 HYDROSTATICS. Fig. Cor. I. As the weight loft in a fluid, is to the ab- folute weight of the body •, fo is the fpecific gravity of the fluid, to the fpecific gravity of the body. Cor. 2. Having the fpecific gravity of a body^ and the wei.^ht of it ; the folidity may be found thus ; multiply the weight in pounds by 62 4-' "^hey fay as that produS to 1 \ fo is the weight of the body in ^pounds, to the content in feet. And having the con- tent given, one may find the weight, by working backwards. For a cubic foot of water weighs 62 \ lb. aver- dupoife \ and therefore a cubic foot of the body weighs 62 '- X by the fpecific gravity of the body. "Whence the weight of the body, divided by that produ(5t, gives the number of feet in it. Or as i, to that product j fo is the content, to the weight. Scholium. Iq^ The fpecific gravities of bodies may be found with a pair of fcales 5 fufpending the body in wa- ter, by a horfe hair. But there is an inftrument for this purpofe called the Hydrofiatical Balance., the conftrudtion of which is thus. AB is the ftand and pedeftal, having at the top two cheeks of tlcel, on which the beam CD is fufpended, which is like the beam of a pair of fcales, and muft play freely, and be it felf exactly in equilibrio. To this belongs the glafs bubble G, and the glafs bucket H, and four other parts E, P\ I, L. To thele are loops faftened to hang them by. And the weights of all thefe are lb adjufted, that E =z F 4- the bubble in water, or n: I + the bucket out of water, or — I + L + the bucket in water. Vv^hence L zi difference of the weights of the bucket in and out of water. And if you pleafc you may have a weight K, fo tliat K 4- bubble in water — bubble out of water i or elie find it in grains. Sea. VI. HYDROSTATICS. 133 grains. The piece L has a flit in it to flip it upon Fig. the fliank of I. 80. It is plain the weight K zi weight of water as big as the bubble, or a water bubble. Then to find the fpecific gravity of a folid. Hang E at one end of the balance, and I and the bucket with the folid in it, at the other end ; and find what weight is a balance to it. Then flip L upon I, and immerge the bucket and folid in the water, and find again what weight balances it. Then the firfl; weight divided by the diff'erence of the weights, is the fpecific gravity of the body ; that of water being i . For fluids. ^ Hang E at one end, and F with the bubble at the other ; plunge the bubble into the fluid in the veflel MN. Then find the weight P which makes a balance. Then the fpecific gravity of the fluid K + P , „. , ., K — P is z: — Y^ — ' when P is laid on F j or zz — ^^ — > when P is laid on E. For E being equal to I + the bucket •, the firfl: weight found for a balance, is the weight of the ' folid. Again, E being equal to I + L + the bucket in water •, the weight to balance that, is the weight of the folid in water ; and the difference, is ~ to the weight of as much water. Therefore (Cor. 1.) the firfl; weight divided by that difl'erence, is the fpecific gravity of the body. ► Again, fince E is iz to F -f- the bubble in wa- ter j therefore P is the difference of the weights, of the fluid and fo much water •, that is, P z: dif- ference of K and a fluid bubble j or P z: fluid — K, when the fluid is heavier than water, or when P is laid on F. And therefore P z: K — the fluid K 3 bubble. t54. PNEUMATICS. Fig. bubble, when contrary. Whence the fluid bubble 80. ir: K + P, for a heavier or lighter fluid. And the fpecific gravities being as the weights of thefe equal bubbles ; fpecific gravity of water : fpecific gravi- K + P ty of the fluid : : K : K -tP : : i : — ^ the fpe- cific gravity of the fluid. Where if P be o, it is the fame as that of water. PROP. LXXIII. ^he air is a heavy body, and gravitates on all parts cf the furface of the earth. That the air is a fluid is very plain, as it yields to any the leafl: force that is imprefled upon it, without making any fenfible refiftance. But if it; be moved brifkly, by fome very thin and light bo- dy, as a fan, or by a pair of bellows, we become very fenfible of its motion againft our hands or face, and likewife by its impelling or blowing away any light bodies, that lie in the way of its motion. Therefore the air being capable of moving other bodies by its impulfe, mufl: it felf be a body ; and muft therefore be heavy like all other bodies, in proportion to the matter it contains \ and will con- sequently prefs upon all bodies placed under it. And being a fluid, it will dilate and fpread itfelf all over upon the earth : and like other fluids will gravitate upon, and prefs every where upon its fur- face. The gravity and preflure of the air is alfo evident from experiments. For (fig. 70.) if water, &c. be put into the tube ABF, and. the air be drawn out of the end F by an air-pump, the water will afcend in the end F, and defcend in the end A, by reafon of the prefilire at A, which was taken off^ or diminiflied at F. There are number- lefs experiments of th's fort. And tho' thele pro- perties VlJM.^aj34 . IL-A.,,.. pi.Tnr.^tfjj-/. r Sea. VI. P N E U M A T I C S. 135 perties and efFefts are certain, yet the air is a fluid Fig. fo very fine and fubtle, as to be perfectly tranfpa- 70. rent, and quite invifible to the eye. Cor. I. ^he air, like other fluids, will, hy its weight and fluidity, infinuate itfelf into all the cavi- ties, and corners within the earth; and there prefs with fo much greater force, as the places are deeper. Cor. 2. Hence the atmofphere, or the whole hody of air furrounding the earth, gravitates upon the fur- faces of all other bodies, whether folid or fluid, and that with a force proportional to its weight or quan- tity of matter. For this property it mufl have in common with all other fluids. Cor. 3. Hence the preffure, at any depth of water, or other fluid, will he equal to the preffure of the fluid Jogether with the prejfure of the atmofphere. Cor. 4. Likewife all bodies, near the fur face of the earth, lofe fo much of their weight, as the fame bulk of fo much air weight. And confequently, they are fomething lighter than they would he in a vacuum. But being fo very fmall it is commonly neglected ; tho' in flri^- nefs, the true or abfolute weight is the weight in vacuo, PROP. LXXIV. The air is an elaftic fluid, or fuch a one, as is ca- pable of being condenfed or expanded. And it obferves this law, that its denfity is proportional to the flora that compreffes it, Thefe properties of the air, are proved by e?:- periments, of which there are innumerable. If you take a fyringe, and thrufl the handle inwards, you'll itd the included air a6c fl:rongly againfl: your K 4 hand J 136 PNEUMATICS. Fig. hand -, and the more you thruft, the further the pifton goes in, but the more it refifls j and taking away your hand, the handle returns back to where it was at firft. This proves its elafticityj and alfo that air may be driven into a lefs fpace, and con- denfed. ^5. Again, take a ftrong bottle, and fill it half full of water, and cement a pipe BI, clofe in it, going near the bottom ; then injedl air into the bottle thro' the pipe BI. Then the water will fpout out at B, and form a jeti which proves, that the air i$ firft condenfed, and then by its fpring drives out the v/ater, till it become of the fam.e denfity as at firft, and then the fpouting ccafcs. 81. Likewife if a veffcl of glafs AB be filled with water in the vefTel CD, and then drawn up with the bottom upwards ; if any air is left in the top at A, the higher you pull it up, the more 'it ex- pands ; and the further the glafs is thruft down in- to the veflel CD, the more the air is condenfed. 82. Again, take a crooked glafs tube ABD open at the end A, and clofe at D •, pour in mercury to the hight BC, but no higher, and then the air in DC is in the fame ftate as the external air. Then pour in more mercury at A, and obferve where it rifes to in both legs, as to G and H. Then you may always fee that the higher the mercury is in the leg BH, the lefs the fpace GD is, into which the air is driven. And if the hight of the mercu- ry FH be fuch as to equal the preflure of the at- mofphere, then DG will be half DC -, if it be twice the preflure of the atmofphere, DG will be 4 DC, &c. So that the denfity is always as the weight or comprefllon. And here the part CD is fuppofed to be cylindrical. Cor. I . The fpace that any quantity of air takes iip^ , is reciprocally as the force that comprcfj'cs it. Cor. Sea. VI. PNEUMATICS. 137 Cor. 2. Jil the air near the earth is in a ftate o/Fio-, compeJfiQn^ by the weight of the incumbent atmofphere. Cor. 3. 'The air is denfer near the earth, or at the foot of a mountain^ than at the top cf it, and in high places. And the higher from the earth the mors rare it is. Cor. 4, The fpring or elafitcity of the air is equal to the weight of the atmofphere above it •, and pro- duces the fame effetis, ■ For they always balance and fuilain each other. Cor. 5. Hevce if the denfity of the air be increafed ; its fpring or elajticity will likewife be increafed in the fame proportion. Cor. 6. From the gravity and prefftire of the at- mofphere, upon the fur faces of fluids, the fluids are made to rife in any pipes or veffels, when the prejfure within is taken off. PROP. LXXV. The expanfion and elafticity of the air is increafed by heat, and decreafed by cold. Or heat expands, and cold condenfes the air. This is alfo matter of experience ; for tie a blad- der very dole with fome air in it, and lay it before the fire, and it will vifibly diftend the bladder ; and burft it if the heat is continued, andencreafed high enough/ If a glafs veffel AB (Fig. 81.) with water in it, gi; be turned upfide down, with a little air in the top A ; and be placed in a veffel of water, and hung over the fire, and any weight laid upon it to keep it down ; as the water warms, the air in the top A, will by degrees expand, till it fills the glafs, and by 13? PNEUMATICS. Fig. by its ekftic force, drive all the water out of the Si, glals, and a good part of the air will follow, by continuing the veflel there. Many more experi- ments may be produced proving the fame thing. PROP. LXXVL The air will prefs upon the furfaces of all fluids, with any force j withqut puffing thro^ them, or enter- inz into them. If this was not fo, no machine, whofe ufe or action depends upon the prelTure of the atmofphere, could do its bufinefs. Thus the weight of the at- mofphere preffes upon the furface of water, and forces it up into the barrel of a pump, without any air getting in, which would fpoil its working. Like- vrife the preflure of the atmofjphere ke^ps mercu- ry fufpended at fuch a hight, that its weight is equal to that prefiure •, and yet it never forces itfelf thro' the mercuiy into the vacuum above, though it fiand never fo long. And whatever be the texture or conftitution of that fubtle invifible fluid we call Wr, yet it is never found to pafs through any fluid, Vho' it be made to prefs never fo ftrongly upon it. For tho' there be fome air inclofed in the pores of almoft all bodies, whether folid or fluid ; yet the •particles of air cannot by any force be made to pafs 'thro' the body of any fluid -, or forced through the pores of it, although that force or prefllire be con- ^tinued never fo long. And this feems to argue that the particles of air are greater than the parti- fcles or pores of other fluids •, or at leafl are of a ^ruifture quite different from any of them. PROP. ! I Sea. VI. JPNEUMATIC S. i^^ PROP. LXXVII. ^^^' The weight or prejfure of the atmofphere^ upon any hafe at the earth's furface ; is equal to the weight of a, column of mercury of the fame bafe^ and whofe hight is from 28 to 31 inches^ feldom more or lefs» This is evident from the barometer, an inflrit- ment which fhews the prelTure of the air ; which at fome feafons Hands at a hight of 28 inches, fome- times at 29, and 30, or 31. The reafon of this is not, becaufe there is at fome times more air in the atmofphere, than at others ; but becaufe the air being an extremely fubtle and elaftic fluid, capable of being moved by any impreffions, and many miles high •, it is much difturbed by winds, and by heat and cold ; and being often in a tumultuous •agitation; it happens to be accumulated in fome places, and confequently deprefled in other? ; by which means it becomes denier and heavier where jt is higher, fo as to raife the column of mercury to 30 or 31 inches. And where it is lower, itjs •rarer and lighter, fo as only to raife it to 28 or 29 inches. ,And experience fhews, that it feldom goes without the limits of 28 and 31. Cor. I . 'The air in the fame place does not always continue of the fame weight ; but is fometimes heavier^ 4nd fometiines lighter ; but the mean weight of the at^ mofphere, is that when the quickfilver fiands at about ^94 inches. Cor. 2. Hence the prefjure of the atmofphere upon M fquare inch at the earth's furface^ at a medium^ is very near 1 5 pounds^ averdupoife. For an inch of quickfilver weighs 8.102 ounces. Cor. 3. Hence alfo the weight orpreffure of the at' mofphere^ in its lightefi and heavieft Jiate^ is equal to $h& r4C PNEUMATICS. Fig. tf^e weight of a column of laater, ^2 or ^6 feet bigh^ or at a jnedium 34 feet. For water and quickfilver are in weight nearly as I to 14. Cor. 4. If the air was of the fame denftty to the top cf the atmofphere^ as it is at the earth ; its bight would be about 5 \- miles at a medium. For the weight of air and water are nearly as 12 to 1000. Cor. 5. I^he denftty of the air in two places difiant from each ether but a few miles, on the earth's fur- face and in the fame level; may be looked on to be the fame^ at the fame time. Cor. 6. The denftty of the air at two different al- titudes in the fame place, differing only by a few jeet 5 nay be looked on as the fame. Cor. 7. Jf the perpendicular hight of the top of a fyphon from the water, be more than 34 feet, at a fnean denftty of the air. 'The fyphon cannot be made to run. For the weight of the water in the legs will be 'greater than the prefTure of the atmofphcre, and ■ both columns will run down, till they be 34 feet high. Cor. 8., Hence alfo the quickfilver rifes higher in the barometer, at the bottom cf a mountain than at the top. And at the bottom of a coal pit^ than at the top of it. S CHO- Sea. Vf. PNEUMATICS. 141 Scholium. Fig. Hence the denfity of the air may be found at any hight from the earth, as in the following table. Miles denfity Miles denfity +" .9564 10 .1700 ■a" .9146 20 ,02917 3 .8748 30 .005048 I .8372 40 .000881 2 .7012 50 .000155 3 .5871 100 .0000000298 4 .4917 5 .4119 The firft and third columns are the hight in miles from the furface of the earth. And the fe- cond and fourth columns, lliew the denfity at that hight ; fuppofing the denfity at the furface of the earth, to be i. The denfity at any hight is eafily calculated by this feries. Put r =z radius of the earth, h ir hight from the furface, both in feet. Then the denfity at the hight b, is the number belo:nging to the logarithm, denoted by this feries — -7^ — ■ h h h — A — — B — — C &c. where A, B, C, &c. are the preceding terms. The terms here will be alternately negative and affirmative. But the firft term alone is fufficient when the hight is but a few miles. By the weight and prefliire of the atmofphere, the operations of pneumatic engines may be accounted for and explained. I Ihall juft mention one or two. A PUMP. Fig. 83. is a common pump. AB the barrel or body of the pump, being a hollow cylinder, made of 83' 142 PNEUMATIC?. Fig. of wood or lead. CD the Iiandle movable about 83. the pin E. DF an iron rod moving about a pin D ; this rod is hooked to the bucket or fucker FG, which moves up and down within the pump. The bucket FG is hollow, and has a valve or clack L at the top opening upwards. H a plug f^xed at the bottom of the barrel, being like wife hollow, and a valve at I opening alfo upwards. BK the bottom going into the well at K ; the pipe below B need not be large, being only to convey the wa- ter out of the well into tlie body of the pump^ The plug H muft be fixed clofe that no water can get between it and the barrel -, and the fucker FG, is to be armed with leather, to fit clofe that no air or water can get thro' between it and tiie barrel. "When the pump is firft wrought, or any time in dry weather when the water above the fucker 15 wafted, it muft be primed, by pouring in fome wa- ter at the top A to cover the fucker, that no air get through. Then raifmg the end C of the handle, the bucket F defcends, and the water will rife thro' the hollow GL, preffing open the valve L. Then putting dov/n the end C raifes the bucket F, and the valve L ftuits .by the weight of the water above it. And at the fame time the preffure of the at- mofphere forces the water up thro' the pipe KB, and opening the valve i,'it paftes thro' the plug in- to the body of the pump. A.nd when the fucker G defcends again, the valve I lliuts, and the water cannot return, but opening the v?.lve L, pafles thro* the fucker GL. And when the lacker is raifed again, the valve L fhuts again, and the water is raifed in the pump. So that by the motion of the pifton up and down, and the alternate opening and fhutting of the two valves •, water is continually raifed into the body of the pump, and difcharged at the fpout M. The Sea. Vl. PNEUMATICS. 145 The diftance KG, from the well to the bucket. Fig. muft not be above 32 feet ; for the preflure of the 83, atmofphere will raife the water no higher, and if it is more, the pump will not work. It is evident a pump will work better when the atmofphere is heavy than when it is light, there being a twelfth or fifteenth part difference, at different times. An^ "when it is lighteft it is only equal to 32 feet. Where- fore the plug H muft always be placed fo low, ^ ' that the fucker GL may be within that compafs, A BAROMETER. Fig. 84. is a Barometer^ or an inftrument to mea- 84, fure the weight of the air. It confiils of a glafs cone ABC hollow within, filled full of mercury, and hermetically fealed at the end C, {q that no air be left in it. When it is fet upright, the mercury defcends down the tube BC, into the bubble A, which has a little opening at the top A, that the air may have free ingrefs and egrefs. At the top of the tube C, there muft be a perfed: vacuum. This is fixed in a frame, and hung perpendicular againft a wall. Near the top C, on the frame, is placed a fcale of inches, fhewing how high the mercury is in the t«be BC, above the level of it in the bubble A, which is generally from 28 to 31 inches, but moftly about 29 or 30. Along with the fcale of inches, there is alfo placed a fcale of fuch weather as has been obferved to anfwer the fe- veral hights of the quickfilver. Such a fcale you have annexed to the 84th figure. In dividing the fcale of inches, care muft be taken to make proper allowance for the rifing or falling of the quickfilver in the bubble A, which ought to be about half full, when it ftands at 294^, which is the mean hight. For whilft the quickfilver rifes an inch at C, it defcends f little in the bubble A, and that defcent 144 PNEUMATICS. Fig. delcent muft be deduced, which makes the divi- 84. fions be fomething lefs than an inch. Thele inches muft be divided into tenth parts, for the more exad meafuring the weight of the atmofphere. For the pillar of mercury in the tube is always equal to the weight of a pillar of the atmofphere of the fame thicknefs. And as the hight of the quickfilver increafes or decreafes, the weight of the air in- creafes or decreafes accordingly. The tube muft be near 3 feet long, and the bore not lefs than 4- or -^ of an inch, in diameter, or elfe the quickfil- ver will not move freely in it. By help of the barometer, the hight of moun- tains may be meafured by the following table. In which the firft column is the hight of the moun- tain, &c. in feet or miles •, the fecond the hight of the quickfilver •, and the third the defcent of the quickfilver in the barometer ; and this at a mean denfity of the air. Feet Sea. VI. PNEUMATICS. Feet High Barom. Defcent Feet High Barom. Defcent. O 29.500 lOO 29.400 .100 2600 27.028 2.472 200 29.301 .199 2700 26.938 2.562 300 29.203 •^97 2800 26.848 2.652 400 29.105 '395 2900 26.758 2.742 500 29.007 '^93 3000 26.668 2.832 600 28.910 .590 3100 26.578 2.922 700 28 812 .688 3200 26.489 3.01 I 800 28.716 .784: 3300 26.400 3.100 900 28.619 .8S1. 3400 26.311 3.189 1000 28.523 •977 3500 26.222 3.278 1 100 28.428 1.072 3600 26.136 3-364 1200 28.332 1. 168 3700 26.049 3.451 1300 28.237 1.263 3800 25.961 3-539 1400 28.143 ^'357 3900 25.874 3.626 1500 28.048 1.452 4000 25.786 3-7'4 1600 27.954 1.546 4100 25.699 3.801 1700 27.860 1.640 4200 25.613 3.887 1800 2j.y66 1-734 4300 25.527 3-973 1900 27.672 1.82S 4400 25.441 4-059 2000 '^7-579 1.921 4500 4600 25-355 4-145 2100 27.487 2.013 25.270 4.230 2200 27-394 2.106 4700 25.185 4.315 2300 27.302 2.198 4800 25.101 4.399 2400 27.210 2.290 4900 25.017 4.483 2500 27.119 2.381 ' 5or>o 24.933 4.567 145 Fig. TJ^e 146 Fig. 84. PNEUMATICS. The Table contmued in Miles. Miles 0. H. Baiom. Del'ceiU Miles H. Barom. Delcent \ 29.50 0.25 28.21 1.29 3-25 16.57 12.93 0.50 26.98 2.52 3-50 15-85 13.65 0'75 25.80 370 i-75 15.16 14-34 I- 24.70 480 4- 14.50 15.00 1.25 23.62 5.88 4-25 13-87 15-63 1.50 22.60 6.90 4.50 13.27 16.23 ^-75 21.62 7.88 4-75 12.70 16.80 2. 2.25 2068 8.82 5- 12.15 ^7-35 19.78 9.721 5-25 11.62 17.88 2. 50 18.93 ^o.57\ 5'5o II. 12 18.38 ^'75 18. II ^^•39] 5-75 10.64 18.86 3- 17.32 12.18! 6. lO.iB 19.32 This table is made from a table of the air's den- fity, made as in Schol. Prop. LXXVII. And then mulriplying all the numbers thereof by 29.5 the mean denfity of the air. For the denfity of the air at any height above the earth is as the weight of the atmofphere above it, (by Prop. LXXIV.) ; and that is as the height of the mercury in the ba- rometer. A WATER BAROMETER. A barometer may alfo be made of water as in fig. 85, which is a water barometer. AB is a glafs tube open at both ends, and cemented clofe in the mourh of the bottle EF, and reaching very •near the bottom. Then warming the bottle at the fire, part of the air will fly out; then the' end A is put into a vefTel of water mixed with cochineal, which will go thro' the pipe into the bottle as it grows cold. Then it is fet upright \ and the water may Sea. VI. PNEUMATICS. 147 may be made to Hand at any point C, by fucking Ficr. or blowing at A. And if this barometer be kept 85, to the fame degree of heat, by putting it in a vef- fel of fand, it will be very corrt6t for taking fmall altitudes •, for a little alteration in the weight of the atmofphere, will make the water at C rife or fall in the tube very fenfibly. But if it be fuffer- ed to grow warmer, the water will rife too high in the tube, and fpoil the ufe of it j fo that it muft be kept to the fame temper. If a barometer was to be made of water put into an exhaufted tube, after the manner of quick- filver ; it v^ould require a tube 36 feet long or more-, which could hardly find room withindoors. But then it would go 14 times more exaft than quickfilver -, becaufe for every inch the quickfilver rifes, the water would rife 1 4 ; from whence every minute change in the atmofphere would be dif- cernable. And the water barometer above defcribed will fhew the variation of the air's gravity as minutely as the other, if the bottle be large to hold a great quantity of air. And in any cafe, by reducing the bottle (fo far as the air is contained) to a cylin- der ; and put D zr diameter of the bottle, d zz diameter of the pipe, p 1= height of air, x n rif- ing in the pipe, all in inches. Then the height of a hill in feet will be nearly 1 + ~ X 7ix And ^ pDD ' if _y =z height of the hill or any afcent, Q — ■ T->T-» • Then x rr - very near, at a mean denfity of the air. A THERMOMETER. Fig. 86, is a thermometer^ or an inftrumcnt to gr meafure the degrees of heat and cold. AB is a hollovs( 148 PNEUMATIC?;. Fisf. hollow tube near two foot long, with a ball at the 86. bottom ', it is filled with fpirits of wine mixed with cochineal, half way up the neck j which done, it is heated very much, till the liquor fill the tube, and then it is lealed hermetically at the end A. Then the fpirit contradls within the tube as it cools. It is inclofed in a frame, which is graduated into de- grees, tor heat and cold. For hot weather dilates the fpirit, and makes it run further up the tube ; and coid weather on the contrary, contrails it, and makes it fink lower in the tube. And the parti- cular divifions, fhew the feveral degrees of heat and cold •, againfl the principal of which, the words heat, cold, temperate, &c. are written. They that would fee more machines defcribed, may confult my large book of Mechanics, where he will meet with great variety. FINIS. ERRATUM. Pagt 35, Line 10 from the bottom, read. Cor. 1. Hence m: V' c'/i^. Pl.K.Art?^ r THE PROJECTION O F T H E SPHERE, Orthographic, Stereographic, and Gnomoni cal. Both demon rtrating the PRINCIPLES, And explaining the PRACTICE Of thefe three feveral Sorts of Projection. The SECOND EDITION, Correfted and Improved. hi Minimis Ufus- LONDON, Printed for J>^ Nourse, in the Strand, Bookfeller in Ordinary to His Majesty* M PCC LXIXo THE PREFACE. ^H E Projeclion of the Sphere, or of its Circles^ has the fame relation to Spherical 'Trigonometry y that pr apical Geometry has to -plane 'Trigonometry. For as the one faves a deal of Calculation.^ by drawing a few right Lines, fo does the other by drawing a few Circles, The Projetlion of the Sphere gives a Learner a good Idea of the Sphere and all its Circles, and of their fever al Pofitions to one another, and confequently of Spherical Triangles, and the Nature of Spherical Trigonometry. I have here delivered the Principles of three fort s^ cf Projection, in afmall compafs -, and yet the Reader will find here, all that is efjential to the fubjeB ; and yet nothing fuperfluous •, for I think na more need he- faid, or indeed can be faid about it, to make it intelli- gible and pr amicable. For here is laid down, not only the whole Theory, but the Practice likewife, ' Tet the praulical Part is entirely difengaged from the Thecry ; fo that any body {tho' he has no defire or leifure to attain to the Theory,) may never thelefs, by help of the ■ Problems, make himfclf Majier of the Pra^ice. For which end I have endeavoured to make all the rules re- lating to practice, plain, floortt and eafy, and at the fame time full and clear. It is true the foluticn of Problems this way, muf^ he allowed to be imperfect ; for there will always be fome errors in working., as well as in the injlruments A 2.. ^^ iv The P R E F A C E. we work with. But nohody infeeking an accurate fo- lution to a Problemt will trujl to a Proje^ion by ft ale and compafs ; hecaufe this cannot be depended on in cafes of great nicety. Tet where no great exa5lnefs is re- quired it will be found very ready and ufeful -, and, be/ides., willferve to prove and confirm the folution ob- taind by Calculation. But then this defeEl is abundantly recompenfed by the eafinefs of this method. For by fcale and compafs only, all forts of Problems belonging to the Sphere^ as in Af- troncmy^ Gecgrafhy., Diallings i^c. may be folved with very little trouble^ which require a great deal of time and pains, to work out trigonometric ally by the ta- bles. It likewife affords a great pie af lire to the mind., that one can, in a little time, defer ibe the whole furni- ture of Heaven, and Earth, and reprefent them to the eye, in a fmall fcheme cf paper. But its principal ufe is for fuch perfons {and that is by far the greater nuuiber) as having no opportunity for learning Spherical Trigonometry, have yet a defer e to refolve fome Problems of the Sphere. For fuch as thefe, this fraall Tree, life will be of particular fervice, hecaufe the pratlical rules, efpecially of any one fort of Projection, may be learned in a very little time, and cire e^fiy remembered. So that I have fome hopes I P^all pleafe all my Readers^ whether theoretical or prac^ (ieaL W. E- THE t ' 1 THE PROJECTION OF THE I P H E R E IN t> L A N O. P DEFINITIONS. ROJECTION of the fphere is the reprd- fenting its furface upon a plane, called the Plane of ProjeSiion. 2. Orthographic Projedlion, is the drawing the :ircles of the fphere upon the plane of fome great ircle, by lines perpendicular to that plane, let fall rom all the points of the circles to be proiedled. 3. The Stereographic Projection, is the drawing he circles of the fphere upon the plane of one of ts great circles, by lines drawn from the pole of hat great circle to all the points of the circles to be irojeded. 4. The Gmmonical Pi'ojecftion, is the drawing the ircles of an hemifphere, upon a plane touching it n the vertex, 'oy lines or rays ilTuing from the cen-' ;er of the hemifphere, to all the points of the cir- cles to be projefted. 5. The Primitive circle is that on whofe plane. £he fphere is proje£ted. And the pole of this cir- cle is called the Pole of Projeftion. The point from whence thQ proje^ing righ. iines ilTue is the project- i?ig Pcint. As 6. The THE PROJECTION, &:c. 6. The Line of Measures of any circle is the common interfeftion of the plane of projeftion, and another plane that paflTes thro' the eye, and is perpendicular both to the plane of projeftion, and to the plane of that circle. Scholium. There are other Projedions of the Sphere, as the Cylindrical tlie Scenogi'aphic which belongs to Per- fpedive, the Glohical which belongs to Geography^ Mercators, for which fee Navigation, &c. AXIOM. The Place of any vifible point of the Sphere upon the plane of projeftion, is where the projecting line cuts that plane. Cor. If the eye he applied to the projeciing pointy it ivill view all the circles of the Sphere^ and every part of them^ in the projeofion^ jiifi as they appear from thence in the Sphere itfelf Scholium. The Projection of the Sphere is only the ffiadow of the circles of the Sphere upon the plane of Pro- jection, the light being in the place of the eye or projecting point. The Signification of fome Characters. -f- added to. — fubtraCting the following quantity. A + CAP ; therefore taking a- way the equal angles CPA and CAP, and cCpPF ~ C^A or PpF •, confequently />F zz PF. There- fore in the right angled triangles PFG and ^FG, there are two fides equal and the included < right ; therefore hypothenufe PG zr pG. And for the fame reafon in the right angled triano;les PFH and ;pFH, PH zz /)H. Laftly in the triangles PHG and />HG, all the fides are refpe6tively equal, and therefore < P zz . ^ E. D. Cor. I . 'The rumb lines proje^ed 7nake the fame an- gles with the meridians as upon the globe ; and there- fore are logarithmic fpirals on the plain of the equi- no6iial. For every particle of the rumb coincides with fome great circle. Cor. Sea. II. OF THE SPHERE. 15 Cor. 2. The angle made by two circles on the fphereYx^, is equal to the angle made by the radii of their projec- tions at the point of interfe^ion. For the angle made by two circles on a plane is the fame with that made by their radii drawn to the point of interfe^ion, PROP. V. The center of a projeEled (leffer) circle perpendicu' lar to the primitive, is in the line of meafures dijlant from the center of the primitive, the fecant of the lef- fer circles diftancefrom its own pole ; and its radius is the tangent of that dijlance. Let A be the projeding point, EF the circle to 14; be projeded, GH the projedled diameter. From the centers C, D draw CF, DF, and the triangles CFI, DFI are right angled at I ; then , therefore GA — An •, whence by fimilar triangles qG : qH. : : An or AG : AH : : Gp, />H, (Geom. II. 25.) And confequently the line qH is cut horomonically in the points G, p. PROP. VIII. 'the proje^ed poles of any circle are in the line of meafures, within and without the primitivCy and dif- ■ tant from its center the tangent and co-tangent of half its inclination to the primitive. jg^ The poles P, p of the circle EF are projected into D and d ; and CD is the tangent of CAD or half BCP, that is, of half GCI, the inclination of the circle ICK, parallel to EF. Likewife Cd is the tangent of CAi, or the co-tangent of CAD. ^ E. D. Cor. I . The pole of the primitive is its center ; and the pole of a right circle is in the primitive. I p. Cor. 2. The projected center of any circle is always between the projected pole {nearefi to it on the fphere) and the center of the primitive ; and the projected centers of all circles lye between the projected poles. For the middle point of EF or its center is pra- jedled into S ; and all the points in Vp (in which are all the centers) are projeded into Dd^ Cor. 0,1. 'SL.p.iS o Sea. IX. OF THE SPHERE. 19 Cor. 3. If ^ he the projected center of any circle Y'lg, EFG, any right lines EG, FH faffing thro^ P will 20. intercept equal arches EF, GH. For in any circle of the fphere, any two lines, pafling thro' the center, intercept equal arches ; and thefe are projefted into right lines, pafTmg. thro' the projected center P,^ and therefore EF,. GH, reprefent equal arches. P R O P. IX. j^ EFGH, efgh reprefent two equal circles^ where- 20. cf EFG is as far diftant from its pole P, as efg is 21.. from ih& projecting point. I f^iy-, any two right lines (^EP, and f¥?,) being drawn thro" v., will intercept equal arches {in reprefentation) of thefe circles ; 07t the fame Jiddy if V falls within the circles ; but on the contrary fide, if without ;. that is, EF zi ef and GH^gh. For by the nature of the fedlion of a fphere ; any two circles pafling thro'' two given points or' poles on the furface of the fphere, will intercept equal arches of two other circles equidiftant from thefe poles. Therefore the circles EFG and ^7^ on the fphere, are equally cut by the planes- of any- two circles pafling thro' the proje6ling point and the pole P, on the fphere. But thefe circles (by Prop. I.) are proje6ted into the right lines P^ and- P/, pafling thro' P. And the intercepted arches, reprefenting equal arches on the fphere, are there- fore equal, that is, EF — ef^ and GH zz gh. Cor. I . If a circle is proje5ied into a right line EF, 2 2 ». perpendicular to the line of meafures EG -, and if fronv tJje center C a circle according to the diftance of the plane of projeftion, whilft they are flill fimilar •, and amounts to no more than proje<5ling from different fcales upon the fame plane. And therefore the projecting the fphere on the plane of a leffer circle is only projecting it upon the great circle parallel thereto, and continuing all the lines of the fcheme to that leffer circle. PROP, 30. 7,1%. r . Seft. II. OF THE SPHERE. ^1 Fig. PROP. XL Proh, 'to draw a circle parallel io the primitive at a given dijtancefrom its pole. Rule. Thro' the center C draw two diameters AB, DE, 29,' perpendicular to one another. Take in your com- pafies the diftance of the circle from the pole of the primitive oppofite to the projeding point, and fee It from D to F ; from E draw EF to interfed AB in I i with the radius CI, and center C, defcribe the circle GI required. By the plain Scale, With the radius CI, equal to the feml-tangent of the circles diftance from the pole of projedtion op- pofite the projefting point, defcribe the circle IG. Here the radius of projediion CA, is the tangenc of 45°» or the fem-itangent of 90°, PROP. XII. Proh. TV draw a lejfer circle perpendicular to the primitive fit a given dijtance from the pole of that circle. Rule. Thro' the pole B draw the line of meafures AB, 3^* make BG the circle's diftance from its pole, and draw CG, and GF perpendicular to it ; with the ra- dius FG defcribe the circle GI required. By the Scale. Set the fecant of the circle's diftance from its pole from C to F, gives the center. With the tangent of that diftance for a radius, defcribe the circle GI. Or thus, make BG the circle's diftance from its pole J and GF its tangent, fet from G, gives F the center j 24 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTION" Fig. center •, thro' G defcribe the circle GI from the cen« 30. ter F. Cor. Hence a great circle perpendicular to the pri' mi live, is a right line CDE drawn thro' the center 'perpendicular to the line of meafures. Scholium. When the center F lyes at too a great a diftance ; draw EG, to cut AB in H i or lay the femi-tan- gent of DG from C to H. And thro' the three points G, H, I, draw a circle with a bow. PROP. XIII. Prob. ^0 defcribe an oblique circle at a given difiance from a pole given. Rule, 21. Draw the line of meafures AB thro' the given point />, if that point is given ; and draw DE J- to it, alio draw E/)P. Or if the point p is not gi- ven, fet the height of the pole above the primitive from B to P. Then from P let of PH =: Pi z= cir- cle's diftance from its pole ; and draw EH, EI, to interfecl A B in F and G. About the diameter FG dcicribe the circle required. By the Scale. If the point P is given, apply Cp to the femi-tan- gents and it gives the diftance of the pole from D, the pole of projeclion oppofite to the projefting point. This diftance being had, you'll eafily find the great- eft and neareft diftances of the circle from the pole of the primitive oppofite to the proje6ting point ; take the femi tangents of thelc diftances and fetfrom C to G and F, both the fame way if the circle lye all on one fide, but each its own way, if on different fides of D. And then FG is the diameter of the circle required to be drawn. Cor* Sea. II. OF THE SPHERE. 25 Cor. I. If ¥ be the pole of a great circle as o/Fig. DLE. Draw EFH, and make HP — DH, and 31. draw E^P, and then P is its center. Or thus ^ draw EFH thro' the pole F, make HK 00 degrees •, draw EK cutting the line of msafures in L. ^hrd' the three points D, L, E, draw the great circle required. Cor. 2. Hence it willbeeafy to draw one circle pa^ rallel to another* PROP. XIV. Proh. ^hro^ two given points A, B, to draw a great circle. Rule. Thro' one of the points A, draw a line thro' the 32. center, ACG ; and EF perpendicular to it. Then draw AE, and EG perpendicular to it. Thro' the three points A, B, G draw the circle required. Or thus; From E (found as before) draw EH, and then HCI, and laftly EIG, gives G a third point, thro' which the circle muft pafs. By the Scale. Draw ACG ; and apply AC to the femi-tangents, find the degrees, fet the femi-tangent of its fupple- ment from C to G, for a third point. Or thus % Apply AC to the tangents, and fet the tangent of its complement from C to G. And thro' the three points ABG, defcribe the circle re- quired. ' For fince HEI or AEG is a right angle, there- fore A, G are oppofite points of the fphere j and therefore all circles pafTing thro' A and G arc great circles. Scholium. If the points A, B, G lie nearly in a right line, then you may draw a circle thro' them with a bow. PROP. 26 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Fig. P R O P. XV. Prch. About a pole given, to defcrihe a circle thro^ a given point. Rule. 23. Let P be the pole, and B the given point ; thro* P, B defcribe the great circle AD (by Prop. XIV.), whofe center is E ; thro' the center C draw CPH j and from the center E, draw EB, and BF perpen- dicular to it. To the center F, and radius FB defcribe the circle BGH required. PROP. XVI. Prok 'to find the poles of any circle FNG. Rule. r.1^ Thro' its center draw the line of meafures AG, and DE perpendicular to it. Draw EFH, and fet its diftance (from its own pole) from H to P, and draw E/)P, then /> is the pole. Or thus. Draw EFH, EIG, and bifefl HI in P, and draw E^P, and p is the internal pole. Laft- ly draw PCQ, and EQ^, and q is the external pole. In a great circle DLE, draw ELK, and make DH - AK, (or KH - AD, and draw EFH, and F is the pole. By the Scale. Apply CF to the femi-tangents, and note the dep-rees. Take the fum of thefe degrees and of the circle's diftance from its pole, if the circle lie all on one fide, but their difference if itencom- pafles the pole of projeftion -, fet the femi-tangent of this fum or difference from C to the internal pole p. And the femi-tangent of its fupplement Cq, gives the external pole q. Or thus^ Apply CF and CG to the femi-tangents, fet the femi-tangent of half the fum of the degrees JD V. p.%^. c Se-a. I!. OF THE SPHERE. ij {\i the circle lies all one way) or of half the dif- Fig. ference (if it encompalTes the pole of projedion), 31. from C to the pole p j and the femi-tangent of the fupplement, C^ gives the external pole q. In a great circle as DLE, draw the line of mea- fures AB perp. to DE -, and let the tangent and co-tangent of half its inclination, from the center C, different ways to F and /; which gives the in- ternal and external poles F and /. PROP. XVII. Proh, *To draw a great circle at any given inclination above the primitive ; or making any given angle with it^ at a given point. Rule. Draw the line of meafures AB j and DCE per- 34^ pendicular to it. Make EK — 2HD — twice the complement of the circle's inclination ; (ov DK — 2 AH — twice the inclination j ; and draw EKF, then F is the center of EGD, the circle required. Or thus •, Draw D£ and AB perp. to it, and let D be the point given. 'Make AH the inclination, and draw EGH and HCN ; and END, to cut AB in O. Then bifecl GO in F, for the center of the circle required. By the Scale. Set the tangent of the inclination in the line of meafures from C to F, then F is the center. Stt the femi-tangent of the complement from C to G j then GF or DF is the radius. Or the fecant of the inclination let from G or D •to F gives the center. Cor. To draw an oblique circle to make a given an- gle with a given oblique circle DGE at D. Draw EGH, and fet the given angle from H to I, and draw ELI. "thro' D, Lj E defcrihe a great circle. PROP. 28 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Fig. PROP. XVIII. Proh, through a given point P, to draw a great circle^ to make a given angle with the -primitive. Rule. 25' Thro* the point given P and the center C draw the line AB •, and DE perpendicular to it. Set the given angle from A to H and from H to K, and draw BGK j with radius CG, and center C defcribe the circle GIF; and with radius BG and center P crofs that circle in F. Then with radius FP and center F, defcribe the circle LPM required. By the Scale, With the tangent of the given angle and one foot in Q defcribe the arch FG. With the fecant of the given angle and one foot in the given point P, crofs that arch at F. From the center F def- cribe a circle thro' the point P. PROP. XIX. Proh. To draw a great circle to make a given angle with a given oblique circle FPR, at a given point P, z« that circle. Rule. 56. . Thro' the center C and the given point P, draw the right line DE •, and AB perpendicular to it; draw AfG and make BM = 2DG -, and draw AM to cut DE in 1. Draw IQ^ perpendicular to DE, then IQ^is the line wherein the centers of all cir- cles are tound which pafs thro' the point P. Find N the center of the given circle FPR, and make the angle NPL equal to the given angle, then L is tlie center of the circle HPK required. By P-A\ /^^ Sea. II. OF THE SPHERE. 2^ By the Scale, Fig. Thro' P and C draw DE ; apply CP to the femi- 3^* tangents, and let the tangent of its complement from C to I (or the fecant from P to I) On DI ered the perpendicular IQ^ Find the center N of FPR, and make the angle NPL zz angle given, and L is the center. Cor, If one circle is to he drawn perpendicular to ■ another^ it mufi be drawn thro* its poles, PROP. XX. Proh. To draw a great circle thro' a given point P, to make a given angle with a given great circle DE. Rule, About the given point P as a pole (by Prop. 13. Z7,. Cor. I.) defcribe the great circle FG ; find I the pole of the given circle DE, and (by Prop. 16.) about the pole' I (by Prop. 13.) defcribe the fmall circle HKL at a diftance equal to the given angle, to in- terfed FG in H •, about the pole H defcribe (by Prop. 13.) the great circle APB required. PROP. XXI. Proh. To draw a great circle to cut two given great circles chd, ebf at given angles. Rule, Find the poles s, r, of the two given circles, 50; by Prop. 16. about which draw two parallels phk, fnk, at the diftances refpeftively equal to the an- gles f^iven by Prop. 13. the point of interfed ion P, is the pole of the circle w!, pK, then Kf is the meafure of DE. Or thus ; Thro' the internal pole P, draw the lines DPG, and EPL -, fetting the given degrees from G to L in tiie circle GL \ then DE is the arch required. Or if DE be to be meafured, then the degrees in the arch GL is the meafure of DE. Or thus •, Set the given degrees from G to H in the circle GL and from the external pole P, draw pG, pH, intercepting DE the arch required Or to meafure DE, draw pDG, />EH, then the degrees in GH, is equal to DE. By the Scale for right Circles. 3^' Let CA be the right circle, take the number of degrees off the femi-tangents and fet from C to D for the arch CD. Or if the given degrees are to 1)€ fet from A, then take the degrees off the fcmi- "tan<2;ents from qc° towards the be2;inning, and fet froni A to D. And if CD was to be meafured, apply Sea. 11. OF THE SPHERE. 31 apply it to the beginning of the femi-tangents •, and Fig» to meafure AD, apply it from 90° backwards, and the degrees intercepted gives its meafure. Scholium. The primitive is meafured by the line of chords, or elfe it is actually divided into degrees. PROP. XXIII. Proh. ^0 fet any number of degrees en a lejjfer circle^ or to meafure any arch of it. Rule. Let the lefTer circle be DEH ; find its internal pole 38." P, by Prop. 1 6. defcribe the circle AFK parallel to the primitive, by Prop. 1 1. and as far from the pro- jecting point, as the given circle DE is from its internal pole P, fet the given degrees from A to - F, and draw PA, PF interfering the given circle in D, E •, then DE is the arch required. Or to meafure DE, draw PDA, PEF, and AF Ihows the degrees in DE. Or thus ; Find the external pole ^, of the given circle by Prop. 16. defcribe the lelTer circle AFK as far from the projecting point, as DE the given circle is from its pole p, by Prop. 11. fet the de- grees from I to K and draw pD\, ^EK, then DE reprefents the given number of degrees. Or to meafure DE ; draw /^DI, ^EK ; and KI is the mea- fure of DE. Or thus i Let O be the center of the given circle DEH-, thro' the internal pole P, draw lines DEG, EPL, divide the quadrant GQ^into 90 equal de- grees, and if the given degrees be (0.1 from G to L, then DE will reprefent thefe degrees. Or the de- grees in GL will meafure DE. Or thus ; Divide the quadrant GR into 90 equal parts or degrees, and fet the given degrees from G to H, and draw pDG^ />EH, from the external pojie p i then DE will reprefent the given degrees. Or C 2 ' thro' 3^ STEREOGRAPHIC, &c. Fig. thro' D, E drawing />DG, />EH, then the number of equal degrees in GH is the meafure of DE. Scholium. Any circle parallel to the primitive is divided or meafured, by drawing lines from the center, to the like divifions of the primitive. Or by help of the- chords on the fedtor, fet to the radius ot' that circle. PROP. XXIV. Prob, I'd meafure any angle, ' Rule. . By Cor. i. Prop. 13. About the angular point as a pole, defcribe a great circle, and, note where it interfefts the legs of the angle ; thro' thefe points of interfeftion, and the angular point, draw two right lines, to cut the primitive ; the arch of the primi- tive intercepted between them is the meafure of the; angle. This needs no example. ■ Or thus\ by Pi'op. 16. Find the two poles of the containing fides, ('the neareft, if it be an acute angle, otherwife the furtheit) and thro' the angular point and thefe poles, draw right lines to the primi- tive, then the intercepted arch of the primitive is 31. the angle required. As if the angle AEL was re- quired. Let C and F be the poles of EA and EL. From the aiigular point E, draw ECD and EFH. Then the arch of the primitive DH, is the meafure ofthe angle AEL. ^^ /^ '^■^- • Scholium. Becaufe in the Stereographic Projection of the Sphere, all circles are projefted either into circles or right lines, which are eafily defcribed •, therefore this fort of proje6lion is preferred before all others. Alfo thofe planes are preferred before others to pro- ject upon, where moil circles are projeftcd into .right lines, they being cafier to defcribe and meafure Jihan circles are-, fuch are the projections on' the •planes of the meridian and folftitial colure. 'SECT. £23 I SECT. IIL ^"^^ Tie Gnomonical Pf^ojeSiion (j/*/^^ Sphere. P R O P. L Every great circle ^j BAD is proje^ed into aright 39* lijie, perpendicular to the line of meafures^ and dif- tant from the center^ the co-tangent of its inclination^ or the tangent of its near eft diftance from the pole of proje£iion. ? Let CBED be perpendicular both to the givem circle BAD and plane of proje6lion,' and then the interfediion CF will be the line of meafures. Now fince the plane of the circle BD, and the plane of projedlion are both perpendicular to BCDE, ther£»- fore their common feftion will alfo be perpendicu- lar to BCDE, and confequently to the line of mea- fures CF. Now fmce the projefting point A is in the plane of the circle, all the points of it will be proj':£led into that feAion ; that is, into, a right line paffing thro' d^ and perpendicular to ( d. And Cd is the tangent of QDy or co-tangent of CdA, ^ E. D. Cor. I. A great circle pe7'pe7Tdictuar to the plane of ^^i prcjeSlicn is projetied into a right line paffing thro'' the cente of projection \ and any arch is projected in- to its correfpondent tangent. Thus the arch CD is projefled into the tangent C<5?. Cor. 2. Any point as D, cr the pole of any circky is projected into a point d difiant from the pole of p^a- jeotio.i C, ihe tangent of that difiance. Cor» 3. If tisjo great circles he perpendicular, to each other, and cm of them paffes thvo' the pole of project C 3 tiort'^. 34 GNOMONICAL PROJECTION Fig. tion j they will be proje£fed into two right lines per- 39. pendunlar to each other. For the reprelentation of that circle which pafles thro' the pole of projedion is the line of meafures of the other circle. Cor. 4. And hence if a great circle he perpendicu- lar to fever al other great circles^ and its reprefentation pafs thro' the center of -projedion ; then all thefe cir- cles will he reprefented by lines parallel to one another^ and perpendicular to the line of meafures or reprefen^ iation of that frfi circle. P R O P. II. 2Q« If i'^o great circles interfe5l in the pole of projec- tion \ their reprefentations fhall make an angle at the center of the plane of projection equal to the angle made by thefe circles on the fphere. For flnce both thefe circles are perpendicular to the plane of projeftion -, the angle made by their interfedions with this plane, is the fame as the angle made by thefe circles. ^ E. D, PROP. III. Any leffer circle parallel to the plane of projeSfion is proje5led into a circle^ whofe center is the pole of pro- jection ; and radius the tangent of the circlets dijlance from the pole of projection. 39' Let the circle PI be parallel to the plane GF, then the equal arches PC, CI are projeded into the equal tangents GC, CH •, and therefore C the point of contad and pole of the circle PI and of the projedion, is the center of the reprefentation GH. 4 ^- D. Cor. Jf a circle be parallel to the plane of projec- iionj and 45 degress from the pole^ it is projected into. ^ (irch 38. K ■tr y other. eniation of that circle which paSes f projedion is the line of meafures lie. hettce if a great circle he perpendicu- ler great circles, and its reprejinlation Iter of projeiiion ; then all tbefe cir~ fmted by lines parallel to one another ^ r to the line of meafures or reprefea- ji circle. ■*-Tl O P. II. Jrcki inlerfeU in the pole of projec- tfmtatiovs jhall make an angle at tht Esflj of proje^ion equal to the angle •du on the fpbere. h thelc circles are perpendicular to ojeftion ; the angle made by their h this plane, is the fame as the angle ircles. j^ £. £». PROP. in. ? parallel to the plane of preje^ion is rc/e, whofe center is the pole of pro- us the tangent of the circle's dijlance ^rojeStion. e PI be parallel to the plane GF, ches PC, CI arc projefted into the GC, CH ; and thiTefore C the and pole of the circle PI and of !S the center of the repreicntation ff be parallel to the plane of projee- eis from tht pole, it is projeSed into » lirth "^l/P-;i4. o Sea. Iir. OF THE SPFIERE. 35^ a circle equal to a great circle of the fphere •, and may Fig^ therefore be looked upon as the primitive circle in this projection, and its radius the radius of projeClion, PROP. IV. Every leffer circle {not parallel to the plane of pro- 4.0. jetlion) is proje£led into a conic feCiion., ivhofe tranf- 'verfe axis is in the line of meafures^ and whofe nearefi vertex is dijiant from the center of the plane the tan- gent of its near eft difiance from the pole of projeUion ; and the other vertex is dijiant the tangent of its furthefl: dijtance. Let BE be parallel to the line of meafures dpy then any circle is the bafe of a cone whofe vertex, is at A, and therefore that cone being produced will be cut by the plane of projeilion in fome conic fection ; thus the circle whofe diameter is DF will be cut by the plane in an ellipfis whofe tranfverfe is df\ and Cd is the tangent of CAD, andC/of CF. In like manner the cone AFE being cut by the plane, / will be the neareft. vertex \ and the other point into v/hich E is projedled is at an infinite d. fiance. Alfo the cone AFG (whofe bafe is the circle FG) being cut by the plane / is the neareft ; vertex i and GA being produced gives d the other vertex. ^ E. D. Cor. I. If the dijlance of the furthefi point of the circle be lefs than 90^ from, the pole of projeSfion^ . then it will be projeEled into an ellipfis. Thus DF is projefted into ///^ and DC being lefs . than 90°, the feftion df is an ellipiis, whofe ver- tices are at d and /•, for the plane df cuts both fides of the cone, iA, /A. Cor. 2. // the furthefl point be more-than-^o de- grees from the pole of projcution^ it will be prcje^ed C 4. intm 36 GNOMONICAL PROJECTION Fig. into an hyperbola. Thus the circle FG is projeoied ints 40. an hyperbola whofe vertices are f and d, and tran- verfe fd. For the plane dp cuts only the fide A/ of the cone. Cor. 3. ji^nd in the circle EF, where the furtheji point E is 90'' from C -, it will be projected into a pa- rabola^ whofe vertex is f. For the plane dp (cuttmg the cone FAE) is pa- rallel to the fide AE. Cor. 4. If H be the center^ andK, k^ I, the fo- cus of the ellipfis,' hyperbola^ or parabola ; then HK rz — ■' for the elipftSy and Hk — ."i; — L 2 2 for the hyperbola ; and (drawing fn perpendicular on AEJ // zz — — L , for the parabola •, which are 2 the reprefentations of the circles DF, FG, FE re- fpe^iively. This all appears from the Conic Sections. PROP. V. 41. Let the plane TW he perpendicular to the plane of projeBicn TV, and BCD a great circle of the Jphere in the plane TW. And let the great circle BED be projeBed in the right line bek. Draw CQS -^ hk, and Cm \\ to it and equal to CA, and make QS iz Q;;^ j ihen I fay any angle QJt — Q£. Suppofe the hypothenufe AQ^to be drawn, then fince the plane ACQ^is perpendicular to the plane Ti', and ^^Q is -^ to the interfe£lion CQ, therefore ^Q^is perpendicular to the plane ACQ^ and confe- quently i'Q^is perpendicular to the hypothenufe AQ^ But AQ z= Qw — Qj, and Q5 is alfo perpen- dicular to bCl, Therefore all angles made at S cut the line bCl in the fame points as the angles made at Sea. III. OF THE SPHERE. 37 at A ; but by the angles at A the circle BED is Fig. projeded into the line 3Q. Therefore the angles 41. at s are the meafures of the parts of the projefted circle ^Q ; and s is the dividing center thereof. Cor. I . y^;?y gj'Cdt circle /QZ" is projeSied into a line cf tangents to the 'radius SQ^. For Q£ is the tangent of the angle QS/ to the radius QS or Qnt. Cor. 2. If the circle hC paf: thro'' the center of projection ; then A the projecling point is the divid- ing center thereof. And Qb is the tangent of its cor- refpondent arch C3, to CK the radius of projeciion. PROP. VI. 'Let the parallel circle GEH he as far from the 41. pole of projection C as the circle FKI is from its pole P i and let the difiance of the poles C, P be hifethd by the radius AO, and drazv bAD perpendicular to AO •, then any right line bek drawn thro' />, will cut' off the arches hi zz. Fa/, a?;d ge zz kf (fuppoftng f the other vertex)., in the reprefen:ations of thefe equal cir- cles in the plane of projetiion. _ For let G, E, R, L, H, N, R, K, I be refpec- tively projefted into the points g^ e, r, /, h, w, r, ^, /. Then fince in the fphere,- the arch BF zz DH, and arch BG zr DI. And the great circle BEKD makes the angles at B and D equal, and is projeded into a right line as bl ; therefore the tri- an^.ular figures BFN and DHL are fimilar, and equal ; and likewife BGE, and DIK are fimilar and equal, and LH zz NF, and KI =: EG ; whence it is evident their projedlions Ih — nFj and kf = ge. ^E.D. PROP. 35 GNOMONICAL PROJECTION PROP. VII. Fig. 42. ^f ^h ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ projections of two equal cir^ cles, whereof one is as far from its pole P as the other from its pole C j which is the center of proje5fion ; and if the dijlance of the proje£ied poles C, p be divided in 0, fo that the degrees in C^, op^ be equal, and the perpendicular oS be ere Bed to the line of meafures gh, I fay the lines pn, CI, drawn from the poles C, p thro* any pomt QJn the line , M^., N», Oo, Rr, Sj, &c. which will all reprefent great circles. Find the dividing centers of each of thefe lines ; and by Prop. Xf. fet off upon each of them from P, the given diftance of the circle from its pole, as PL, Pa, PiM, P;^., &c. and thro' ail the points L, M, D, O, R, &c. draw a curve line, for the circle required. Or thus. ' Draw the line of meafures PCG, and by Prop. 49< XI. make CG — the diftance of the parallel great circle from the pole of projeftion, and draw AGK perpendicular to it, which will reprefent a great ciicle v/hofe pole is P. Draw any number of right lines thro' P to AK, as AP, BP, HP, &c. and by Prop. XI. fet off from AK the parts AL, BM, HG, &c. each equal to the circle's diftance from its pa- rallel great circle. Then all the points L,, M, D, O, &c. being joined by a regular curve, will repre- fent the parallel circle required. Or thus. -Thro' the center of projeftion C draw the line of 40. meafures DGF, and the radius of projedtton CW perpendicular to it, and AGK -^ GC, for a great circle whole pole is P. Draw wp zz WP, and wa ■^ to it, draw any number of right lines, AP, BP, GP, he and make /)?, pb, pc, &c. Z2 FG, PB, PA, D 2cc. 46 GNDMONICAL PROJECTION fig- &c. alio make the /), gp^ Sec. Tbe reafon of this procefs 'will be plain., if you fup- pofe the points p, "W applied to P, W j and g., b., ^, ^c. fucceffively to G, B, A, 6cc. for then d, m, /, will fall upon D, M, L, &c. By the Scale. ^-. Take the tangents of the circle's neareft and fur- theft diftance from the pole of projeftion, and ^ti from C to / and d, gives the vertices, and bifed df in H •, then take half the difference, or half the fum, of the fecants of the greateft and leaft diftances from the pole of projedion, and fet from H, to K or k for the focus of the ellipfis or hyperbola, which may then be defcribed. 49. Cor. If the curve be required to pnfs thro'' agi'ven point S •, 7nenfure PS by Prop. XI, and then the curvf may be drawn by this Problem. PROP. XVI. Prob. 47. To find the pole of any circle in the proJe5lion^ DMF. Rule. From tlie center of projedion C, draw the radius of projeclion CA perpendicular to the line of mea- sures t Sea. lU. OF THE SPHERE. 47 fiires DF. And to A the projedling point, draw Fig. DA, FA, and bifeft the angle DAF by the line AP, 47. then P is the poie. But if the curve be an hyper- bola, as />«, fig. 45, you muft produce dA, and bi- fedt the angle /AG. And in a parabola, where the point <^ is at an infinite diilance, bifeft the angle/AE. Or thus ; Drawing CA perpendicular to DC, draw DA, and make the angle DAP :=: the circle's dii- tance from its pole, gives the pole P. By the Scale. Draw the radius of projedlion CA -^ to the line of meafures DF. -'^'Pply CD CF to the tan- gents, vnd fct the tangent of half the difference of their degrees from C to P, if D, F lye on contrary fides of C ; but half the fum if on the fame fide, gives P the pole. Or thus i By Prop. XI. fct off from D to P, the circle's diilance from its pole, gives the pole P. Cor. If it be a great circle ^j- EG ; draw the live 4.6. of meafures GC, and CX -^ to it, and equal to the radius of -proje^ion^ make GAP a right angle .^ and P is the -pole. PROP. XVII. Prch. "To meafure any arch of a Icffer circle \ or to fet ary number of degrees thereon. Rule. Let Fw be the given circle. From the center of .5^ projeftion C, draw CA perpendicular to the line of meafures GH. To P the pole of the given cir- cle draw AP, and AG bifefting the angle CAP. And draw AD perpendicular to AG. Defcribe the circle GIH [by Prop. Xlll.) as far from the pole itif proie<'l:ion C, as the given circle is from its pole i*.- And thro' any given point ?i in the circle Yn., . D 2 draw 4^ GNOMONICAL PROJECTION Figv draw Dfil, gives H/ the number of degrees zz F«. 4.^. Or the degrees being given and let from H to /, the line D/ cuts off Fn equal thereto. Or thus \ AG being drawn as before, erefl OS perpendicular to CO j thro' the given point n draw P;/ cutting OS in Q, then thro' Q draw C/, and the angle QCP is — F;;. Or making QCP = the de- grees given, draw PQ^;, and arch Fn — thefe de- grees. Or thus; AO, AP, being drawn as before, draw AG perpendicular to AP, and GB perpendicular •to GC. Thro' the given point n draw PB cutting GB in B, and draw OB, then the <: GOB — arch F?i. Or making . 4. Eqtrinc^ial Colure, is a meridian pafling thro* the equinoftial points, P Cp. 5. Ecliptic is the circle thro' which the fun feems to move in a year, s 'jy •, it cuts the equino6lial at an aiigle of 23° 30', in paffing thro' the equinodial points. In this are reckoned the 12 Sines, Tj t:» T.y S, a> '^X, :^, ni, /^, v/, c:r, X. 6. Ho~ n/^ ' \, / /\x \,^^^ \/ \ / 4 \v /V 1 E T^ / Xi. A / \ \X^ ^d c X.^.jo. r Sea. III. OF THE SPHERE. 5^, 6. Horizon^ is. a circle dividing the upper from Fig. the lower hemifphere, as HO, being 90^ diitant 52. from the Zenith and Nadir. 53. 7. Vertical Circles^ are circles pafling thro' the ^j. Zenith and Nadir, Z N. 8. Circles of Longitude in the heavens, pafs thro* the poles of the ecliptic and cut- it at right angles. 9. Meridian of a Place, is that Meridian which. pafTes thro' the Zenith, as PZH. 10. Prime Vertical, is that which pafTes thro' the «afl: and weft points of the horizon. III. Leffer circles. 1. Parallels of Latitude are parallel to the equi- nodlial on the earth, parallels of altitude are parallel to the horizon, parallels of declination are parallel to the equinodial in the heavens. 2. Tropics, are 2 circles diftant 23= 3.0' from the^. equinodtial, the tropic of Cancer towards the northj. the tropic of Capricorn towards the fouth. 3. Polar Circles, are diftant 23° 30' from the poles of the w^orld, the Arctic circle towards the north, the Antarctic towards the fouth. IV. Angles and Arches of Circles, 1 . Sun^s (or Starts) Altitude, is an arch of the A- zimuth between the iiin and horizon, as o B. 2. Amplitude is an arch of the horizon, between fun-rifing and the eaft, or llm-letting and the weft. 3. Aximuih, is an arch of the horizon between the fun's Azimuth circle, and the north or fouth,. as HB, or OB -, or it is tlie angle at the zenith, HZBor OZB. 4. Rigpjt Afcenfion is aa arch of the eq\iator be- tween the fun's meridian, and the firft point of Aries, as T K. 5. Afccnfional Difference is an arch of the equi- noctial, between the fun's meridian, and that point D 4 oT 5* GNOMONICAL PROJECTION Mg. of the equiriodlial that rifes with him, or it is the 52. angle at the pole between the fun's and the fix o'clock 5^. meridian. §^. 6. Oblique Afcenfion or Defcenfion^ is the fum or difference ot the rigrht afcenfion and the afcenfional o difference. 7. Stiffs Longitude, is an arch of the ecliptic, be- tween the fun and firft part of Aries, as x O- 8. Declination is an arch of the meridian, between the cquinodlial and the fun, as OK. 9. Latitude of a Star, is an arch of a circle of longitude between the ftar and ecliptic. 10. Latitude cf a Plane, in an arch of the meri- dian between the cquinodlial and the place. 1 1. Longitude of a place on the earth is an arch, of the equino6lial, between the firft meridian (Ifle of Ferro), and the meridian of the place. And diff. longitude, is an arch of the equator, between the rueridians of the two places, or the angle at the pole. 12. Hour of the Day, is an arch of the equinoc- \ tial, between tiie meridian of the place and the fun's meridian, as EK ; or it is the angle they make at the pole, as EPO. Example I. 'To proje^l the fphere upon the plane of the meridian^ for May 12, 1767. Latitude 54'' -^ north, at a quar- ter pajl ^ o'clock before noon. I. By the Orthographic Proje^ion. 1 2. Here we will projecSl the convex fide of the eaft- crn hemifphere. With the chord of 60' degrees defcribe the primitive circle or meridiiii of the place HZON. Thro' the center C draw the horizon HO ; let the latitude 544 from O to P and from H top, and draw Vp the 6 o'clock meridian. Thro' C draw I'.Q perpendicular to Vp for the equinoctial. Make ED, Qd 18= 5' the declination May 12, .ijid draw Y)d the fun's parallel for that day. By- Prop. ^■F-^^ c Sea. III. OF THE SPHERE. 53 Prop. XI. make O G (3 4- hours or) 48° 45' the Fig. fun's diftance from the hour of 6, then O is the 52. fun's place. Thro' O by Prop. V. draw AL pa- rallel to H for the fun's parallel of altitude. By Prop. VII. draw the meridian P ©/> and the azimuth Z O N. Alfo the ecliptic will be an ellipfis pafling thro' 0, which cannot conveniently be drawn in this projeftion. Alfo draw the parallel Sj i 8^ be- low the horizon, and where it interfedts Dd is the point of day break, if there is any. Now the fun is at <^ at 1 2 o'clock at night, and rifes at R, at 6 o'clock is at G, due eaft at F, at a quarter paft 5, and is at D in the meridian at 1 2 o'clock. Draw GI parallel to HO. Then GR meafured by Prop. X. is 27° 14', and turned into time fallow- ing 15 degrees for an hour) fliows how long the fun rifes before 6, to be i** 49'" ; GI meafured by Prop. X. gives the azimuth at 6, 79° 1 6'. CR by Cor^ Prop. X. gives the amplitude 32° 19', and CF gives his altitude when eaft 22° 25'. FG 13° 28' (turned into time) is 54"", and Ihews how long after 6 he is due eaft. lO is his altitude at 6, 14° 38'. AH 41° ^^' is his altitude at ©, or a quarter paft 9; and ©L meafured by Prop. X. is his azimuth from the north at the fame time, 122° 40'. And thus the place of the moon or a ftar being given, it may be put into the projeAion, as at sjc. And i» altitude, azimuth, amplitude, time of rifmg, &c. may all be found, as before for the fun. II. Stereographically. ^ To projeft the fphere on the plane of the meri- ^3. dian,the projeding point in the weftern point of the horizon •, with cord of 60, draw the primitive cir- cle HZON, and tliro' C draw HO for the hori- zon, and ZN perpendicular thereto for the prime vertical. Set the latitude from O to P, and from H to /», and draw Pp the 6 o'clock meridian, and EQ 54 GNOMONICAL PROJECTION Ficr. EQ^ perpendicular thereto for the equino£i:iaI. 5^. Make ED, Qi the declination, and by Prop. XII. draw DGdy the fun's parallel for the day. Draw the meridian Fop by Prop. XVII. making an an- gle of 41° 15' with the primitive, to interied: the fun's parallel in G , the fun's place at g^ ■^. Thro* G , by Prop. XII. draw the parallel of altitude A G L ; thro' G draw, by Prop. XVII. the azi- muth ZgN. And by Prop. XII. draw the paral- lel Ssd 18° below the horizon, if it cut R^, gives the point of day break. And thro' G draw the parallel of altitude GI. Laftly, by Prop. XX. thro' O draw the great circle v"0~ cutting the equinoctial EQ at an angle of 23° : 30', and this is the ecliptic, t the firll point of Aries, and ;2: that of Libra. This done, ^R meafured by Prop. XXIII. is 62* 46', fhows the time of fun rifing ; CR by Prop. XXII. is the amplitude 32° 19'. GI 79° 16' by Prop. XXIII. the fun's azimuth at 6. lO )4'> 38' his altitude at 6. CF 22° 25' by Prop. XXII. his altitude when eaft. GF 13" 28' the time when he is due eaft. oB 41° 53' by Prop. XXII. his alti- tude at a quarter paft 9 ; the <:oZP 122° 40' by Prop. XXIV. his azimuth at that time. Alfo TO, by Ir'rop.XXIl. is his longitude 51^7'. 'V'K his right afcenfion, 48^ 40'. And the place of the moon or a ftar being given, it may be put into the fcheme as at * ; and its time of rifing, amplitude, azimuth, &c. found as before. III. Gnomonically. 54. To projed the eaftern hemifphere upon a plane parallel to the meridian. About the center of pro- jcdion C defcribe the circle HON with the tangent o\ 4.5 the radius of proiedion, for the primitive, 'lliro' C draw the horizon MO, and the prime ver- tical Sea. 111. OF THE SPHERE. 55 tical ZN perpendicular thereto. Set the latitude Fig. 54 4- from H to «, and draw the 6 o'clock meri- 54. dian P/>, and the equino6tial EQ^perpendicular to it. Set the tangent of 48° 45' (equal to ^~ hours) from C to E, and by Prop. X. draw the meridian EL parallel to P/>. Make Ee zr E^, and for the meridian of the place. Set the lati- tude of the place c^\\ from A to Z, and Z is the zenith. About the pole Z defcribe the great circle BHS for the horizon of the place. Thro' Z and G draw an azimuth circle ZOB. Then you have 0K the fun's declination 20° 33'. CK his right afcenfion 59^ 35'. ©B his altitude at 10 o'clock 49^ 10' J the < AZo or PZ© his azi- muth at 10 zr HB, 45° 44'. H the fouth point' of the horizon. I the point of the ecliptic that is in the meridian. T the point of the ecliptic that is fettuig in the horizon. Example. 3. ^0 projeH the fphere on the plane of the horizofty Lai. 35I, N. July 31, 1767, ai 10 o'clock. Gnomonically. ■ 5_ To projccl the upper hemifphere on a plane pa- rallel to the horizon. With the radius of projec- tion and center C, defcribe the primitive circle ADB. Thro' C draw the meridian PE, and AS perpendicular to it for the prime vertical. Set off CP 35; the latitude and P is the N. Pole, and perpendicular to CP draw Vp the 6 o'clock meri- dian. Set the complement of the latitude from C ^ti> E •, and draw EQ perpendicular to CE for the equinoc- Ict^t r Sea. III. OF THE SPHRRE. 57 equino6lial. Make EB 30° (or 2 hours) and draw Fig. the 10 o'clock meridian PB. Set the fun's dechna- ^t>. tion 18° 27' from B to 0. And O is the place of the fun at 10 o'clock. Thro' O draw the azimuth circle CQ^i likewife thro' 0, a parallel to the equi- nodtial EQ^may eafily be defcribed by Prop. XV. for the fun's parallel that day. Then C meafured by Prop. XL is 31° 30' the complement of the altitude. And the angle ECO meafured by Cor. Prop. XII. is his azimuth, ds". 10. Scholium. After this manner may any Problems of the Sphere be folved by any of thefe Projed:ions, or upon any planes, but upon fome more com mod i- oufly than upon others. And if in a fpherical tri- angle any fides or angles be required, they may be projected according to what is given therein, accord- ing to any of thefe kinds of projedtion before de- livered ; and it will be moil eafily done, when you. chufe fuch a plane to projeft on, that fome given fide may be in the primitive, or a given angle at the center ; and then you need draw no more lines or circles than what are immediately concerned in that Problem. But always chufe fuch a plane to projcsfl on, where the lines and circles are moll: eafily drawn, and fo that none of them run out of the fcheme. F I N I S.. ERRATA. pag line 5 8 1 l8 9 3b »3 17 2b 21 15 i6 i8 20 21 25 29 30 33 36 43 44 5 4 7 »5 9b 6b 2 nb «7 6b 2b 2b 2 20 b /ignifies reckon from the bottom. read fig. 2. %-5- off the fines, fig. 12. the 2 laft lines (hould be indented and reman. C/A -}- CA/' ; the 3d line fhould be indented, and the 3 follow- ing lines roman. ECI =: CAD if, /, q, be projeftion C, OG + OD . points A, B, G, interfedion /, gCt required, pole p, draw of this circle TV, and at s cut to oS ; CL — radius A to d'. THE LAWS O F Centripetal and Centrifugal Force* SHEWING, The Motion of Bodies in Circular Orbits, and in the Conic Sedions, and other Curves. And explaining the perturbating Force of a third Body. With many other Things of like Nature. Being a Work preparatory to Astronomy, and the very Bafis thereof. And abfolutely neceflary to be known by all fuch as defire to be Profi- cients in that Science. Solis uti varios curfus^ lunaque tneatus Nofcere poffemuSf qua vis, k^ caufa cieret LucRET. Lib. V. [ > ] THE PREFACE. TN the following Treat'ife^ I have explained and detnonjlra^ * ted the Laws of Centripetel Forces ; a doSfrine upon which all AJlronomy is grounded ; and without the knowledge of which, no rational account can be given of the motions of any of the celefiial bodies, as the Comets, the Planets, and' their Satellites. From the/e laws are derived the caufes of the various feeming irregularities obferved in their motions ; fuch as their accelerations and retardations, their approach- ing to, and receding from the center of force ; irregularity, enly in appearance ; but in reality, thefe motions are truly regular and conformable to the ejlablijhed laws of Nature. From this foundation we trace the way or path of all the planets, and difcover the origin and fpring of all the celef- tial motions, and clearly underjiand and account for all the phanomena thence arifing. In the fir/i feSlion, you have the Centripetal Forces of bo- dies revolving in circles ; their velocities, periodic tifnes, and dijlances cojnpared together ; their relations and propor- tions to each other ; and that when they either revolve about the fame center, or about different ones. The different mo- tions caufed by different forces, or by different central at- tracting bodies, are here Jhewn. We have given likewife the periodic time of a fmple pendulu?n revolving with a coni- cal motion ; and alfo the center of Turhination, and the pe- riodic time of a compound pendulum, or a fyftem of bodies, revolving with a conical motion \ as properly belonging ta the doSirine of Centripetal Forces. In the fecond feSlion we have Jhewn the motion of bodies in the ElUpJis, Hyperbola, and Parabola ; and in other Curves. The proportion of the Centripetal Forces, and ve- locities in different parts of the fame Curve. The law of Centripetal Force to defcribe a given Curve, and the vclo- A 2 city.- 11 The PREFACE* city in any point of it ; and more particularly with refpeSl to that law of Centripetal Force that is reciprocally as the fquare of the dijiance ; zuhich is the grand law of Nature in regard to the action of bodies upon one another at a dif- tancc ; and according to this law^ is Jhewn the motion of bo- dies round one another^ and round their common center of gravity^ and the orbits they will defcribe. In the third f cation we hai'c given the dijlurbing or per- turbating force of a third bo dy^ a5iing upon two others that revolve round one another. From thefe principles are de^ duced the errors caufed in the motion of a Satellite^ moving round its primary planet. Towards the end, are feveral propoftions, by means whereof, the motion of the Nodes, and variation of inclination of a Satellited orbit, and fuch like thijigs may be computed. As thefe things are all laid down for the fake of undcrjlanding our own Syjlem, I have infert- cd fomc fc%u things, by way of illujlration of the rules, in regard to the Moon and Jupiter. But as to the Moon, there are fonie things fo very intricate, and require fuch long and tedious calculations, as would require a volume of the?nfelves ; fo that the fmall room I am confined to cannot admit of them ; and few xuould trouble themfelves to read them, if they were there. This laji fefiion concludes with a few things of am- ther kind, but depending on the principles of Centripetal Fcrces. Several of thefe things about Centripetal Forces are calcu- lated by the method of Fluxions ; and cannot eafily be done any other way ; and mojt of them taken from 7ny book of Fluxions. And feveral other things relating to Centripetal Forces, you tuili alfo find in that book ; being forry to trou- ble the reader too much with repeating what I have written and pnblifijcd elfeivhere. W. Emerfon. [ I ] »i—ii—w BWiimm p Miw«»iiiiiii I iiitiBiri iwimii ■ « THE LAWS O F Centripetal and Certrifugal Force. DEFINITIONS. D E F. I. ^H E center of attraBion^ is the point tov/ards which any body is attra6ted or impelled, D E F. II. Centripetal force, is that force by which a body Is impelled to a certain point, as a center. Here all the particles of the body are equally adted on by the force. D E F.. III. Centrifugal force, is the refiftance a moving body makes to prevent its being turned out of its dired: courfe. This is oppofite and equal to the centri- petal force ; for adlion and re-aftion are equal and contrary. D E F. IV. Angular velocity, is the quantity of the angle a body defcribes in a given tim_e, about a certain point, as a center. Apparent velocity is the fame thing. D E F. V. Periodical time, is the time of revolution of a bo- dv round a center. B SECT, [ 2 ] SECT. I. *fhe ^notion of bodies in Circular Orbits. PROP. I. Fig» ^he centripetal forces^ wherehy equal bodies at equal dijlances from the centers of force, are draivn to- wards thefe cotters ; are as the quantities of matter in the central bodies. For fince all attraftion is made towards bodies, every part of the attratling body muft contribute its fhare in that efFeft. Therefore a body twice as great will attraft the fame body twice as much ; and one thrice as great, thrice as much, and fo on. T4ierefore the attraction of the central body j that is, the centripetal force, is as the quantity of mat- ter in the attracting or central body. Cor. I. Any body whether great or little^ placed at the fame difiance, is attracted thro' equal f^ aces in the fame time, by the central body. For tho' a body twice or thrice as great as ano- ther, is drawn with twice or thrice the force ; yet it will acquire no greater velocity, nor pafs thro' a greater fpace. For (Prop. V. Cor. 2. Mechan.) the velocity generated in a given time, is as the force dire<5tly, and quantity of matter reciprocally; and the force, which is the weight of the body, being as the quantity of matter ; therefore the ve- locity generated is as the quantity of matter di- reftly, and quantity of matter reciprocally, and therefore is a given quantity. Cor. Seel. I. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 5 Cor. 2. therefore the centripetal forccy or force Fig. towards the center^ is not to he meafured by the quan- tity of the falling body ; but by the fpace it falls thro* in a given time. And therefore it is fometimes called an accelerative force. PROP. II. If a body revolves in a circle^ and is retained in it, 1 1 by a centripetal force.^ tending to the center of it ; -put R zz radius of the circle or orbit defcrihed, AC, F rz abfolute force^ at the dijiance R. s z= the fpace ^ a falling body could defcend thro\ by the force at A, and t 1Z. time of the defcent. * TT 1= 3-1416. 'Then its periodic time, or the time of one revolution 2R njoill be TTt v/ ^ s And the velocity, or fpace it defcribes in the time /, isjill be ^yiKs. For let AB be a tangent to the circle at A -, take AF an infinitely fmall arch, and draw FB perp. to AB, and FD perp. to the radius AC. Let the body defcend thro' the infinitely fmall hight AD or BF, by the centripetal force in the time i. Now that the body may be kept in the circular orbit AFE, it ought to defcribe the arch AF in the fame time i. The circumference of the circle AE is 27rR, and the arch AF ir v/^R X AD. By the laws of falling bodies ^/s : t : : v^AD ; AD / \/ ~ time of moving thro' AD or AF. And by uniform motion, as AF, to the time of its de- fcription : : circumference AFEA, to the time of B 2 one 4 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. . ^ AD J. one revolution ; that is, v/^R x AD : i */ — : : _ . J. . 2/7rR 2R 27rR : periodic time i= —rrr ~ tt / ./ ^ y/2KS ^ s AD Alfo by the laws of uniform motion, i y/ — or time of defcribing AF : AF or v^2R x~AD : : / : \/2Rs iz the velocity of the body, or fpace defcribed in time /. Cor. I . The velocity of the revolving hcdy^ is equal to that which a falling body acquires in defcending thro' half the radius AC, by the force at A uniform- ly continued. For v^J (hight) : is (the velocity) : : v/|R (the hight) : v^zRj, the velocity acquired by falling thro' i R. Cor. 2. Hence^ if a body revolves uniformly in a tircle^ by means of a given centripetal force ; the arch which it defcribes in any time, is a mean propor- tional between the diameter of the circle, and the fpace which the body would defcend thro" in the fame time, and with the fame given force. For 2R (diameter) : v/2Rj : : v/2Rj : s\ where y/2Rj is the arch defcribed, and s the fpace defcend- ed thro', in the time /. 2. Cor. 1. If a body revolves in any curve AFQ, about the center of force s •, and if AC or R be the radius of curvature in any point A\ s zi. fpace defcend- ed by the force directed to C. Then the velocity in A w/7/ be y/2R.r. For this is the velocity in the circle •, and there- fore in the curve, which coincides with it. PROP. Sea. I. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 5 Fig. PROP. III. If fever al bodies revolve in circles round the fanie i« or different centers-^ the periodic times will he as the fquare roots of the radii direElly^ and the fquare roots of the centripetal forces reciprocally. Let F rz centripetal force at A tending to the center C of the circle. V — velocity of the body. R zz radius AC of the circle, P ~ periodic time. 2R Then (Prop. II.) P =: tt / ^Z But s is as the 2R force F that generates it j whence P — tt / ^/'t^' and fince 2, tt and / are given quantities, therefore Cor. 1 . 1'he periodic times are as the radii dire5ily, and the velocities reciprocally. For (Prop. II.j V =: ^/2Rs - V/2RF, and V* 2R — 2RF, and P = TT / v^X' ^^^ ^^ —-rrWx 2R -p » therefore P' V' z= ttW^ X 4R% and P^ = TtV^ X 4R' TT/ X 2R R yl 5 andPiz y OCy- Cor. 2. The periodic times are as the velocities di- rectly-, and the centripetal forces reciprocally. VV R For V* zz iKs ■=! 2RF ; and R z: — p-j and y V V R V rz^-pOC-p- But(Cor. i.)P OCy OCy B 3 Cor, 6 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. •pig. Cor. 3. If the periodic times are equal \ the velo- i . cities, and alfo the centripetal forces, will be as the radii. For if P be given; then t;? and yj and p are all given ratios. Cor. 4. If the periodic times are as the fqiiare roots of the radii •, the velocities will he as the fquare roots of the radii, and the centripetal forces equal. For (Prop. III. and Cor. 1.) putting \/R fo^ P> we have ^/R CC s/-^ OCv^-Therefore i OC "Tp OC v/R ... -trr- , and ^R oc V, and ^/F is a given quantity. Cor. 5. If the periodic times are as the radii ; the ^velocities will he equal, and the centripetal forces re- ciprocally as the radii. R R For putting R for P, we have R OC s/^ OC y > I I whence y/R OC — 7^, and i OC Tf; that is, R OC -F' or the centripetal force is reciprocally as xht radius ; and V is a given quantity. Cor 6. If the periodic times are in the fefquiplicate ratio of the radii •■, the velocities will he reciprocally as the Iquare roots of the radii, and the centripetal forces redprocally as the fquares of the radii. R R Put R'forP, then r' OCy/p OCy-,andR oC I I I -"Tp or RR 0Cp> and v/R OCy * Cor. 7. If the periodic times he as the nth power of the radius ; then the velocities will he reciprocally as the n — i'^ power of the radii, and the centripetal forces Sea. I. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 7 forces reciprocally as the in —' V^ -power of the Fig; radii. i , R R Put R" for P, then R"" OC %/ p OC y * Whence P R O P. IV. If fever al bodies revolve in circles round the fame i. cr different centers j the 'velocities are as the radii di- re^Ifyy ajid periodic times reciprocally. For putting the fame letters as in Prop. III. we have (by Prop. II.) V - v/IrJ z= ^2K¥ ; and P V OC-p(byCor.2.Pr.IlI.),andPF OCV, andF OC -• Whence V zz ^iR¥ - J iK X X, and V* 2RV 2R R = —^' and V 1= -pT OCp- Cor. I. 'The velocities are. as the periodical times j and the centripetal forces. For we had PF oC V. Cor. 2. The fqtiares of the velocities are as the ra- dii and the centripetal forces. For V - v/IrF. Cor. 3. If the velocities are equal; the periodic times are as the radii, and the radii reciprocally as the centripetal forces. For if V be given, its equal p is a given ratio -, and v/RF is given, whence R oCp * B 4 Cor, 8 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fiff. Cor. 4. If the velocities he as the radii, the perio- I . ' die times will he the fame -, and the centripetal forces as the radii. R I For then V or R OC p , and i OC p * Alfo R = ^2RF, whence R OCF. Cor. 5. If the velocities he reciprocally as the radii-, the centripetal forces are reciprocally as the cubes of the radii i and the periodic times as the fquares of the yadii. For put ^ for V, then (Cor. 2.) ^ = \/2RF, ^ = 2RF, whence F OC ^' Alfo ^ 0<^p' and p ocRR- PROP. V. If fcjeral bodies revolve in circles about the fame or different centers •, the centripetal forces are as the radii dire^ly, and the fqiiares rf the periodic times reciprocally. Put the fame letters as in Prop. III. Then (Prop. 2R 2R II.) V — ir t v/~ 1= TT / v/ f"? and PP = ttt/^ 2R , ^ lirnttK X -^j and PPF 1= imrtt'K ; whence F zz — piT"" R^ OC pp- Cor. I . T^he centripetal forces are as the velocities dire^ly-, and the periodic times reciprocally. R , R V For (Prop. IV.) V OCp^andF OCpp OCp- Cor. 2. The centripetal forces, are as the fquares of the velocities dire^ly, and the radii reciprocally. For I. Sea. I. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 9 For (Cor. i.)F OCp, andFP OCV. But (Prop, if III. Cor. I.) P 0Cy5 therefore FP OC-y"' there- , FR ^^ , ^ VV fore -y- OCV, and F OC "h— Cor. 3. If the centripetal forces are equal \, the 've- locities are as the periodic times \ and the radii as the fquares of the periodic times, or as the fqiiares of the velocities. Cor. 4. If the centripetal forces be as the radii, the periodic times will be equal. R F I F For F ocpp* and ^ OCpp, and if ^ be a given ratio, pp will be given, as alfo P. Cor. 5. If the centripetal forces be reciprocally as the fquares of the difiances \ the fquares of the peri- odical times will he as the cubes of the difiances ; and the velocities reciprocally as the fquare roots of the difiances. I I R For writing |>^ for F, then ^ ^pp' ^^^ R' . . ^ ^ I VV I pT a given quantity. And ^ ^IT' and -^ OC VV, orv/ j^ OCV. P R O P. VI. If fever al bodies revolve in circles., about the fame '• cr different centers \ the radii are direfdy as the centri- petal forces, and the fquares of the periodic times. For (Prop. II.) putting the fame letters as be- r o 2R 2R fore, P — TT / ^~ ~ TT t v/-p^' andPP — -mrtt 2R X -p, and PPF =: i-rrirttV. OC R. Cor. to CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. Cor. I . I^he radii are direElly as the velocities and I. periodic times. For (Prop. IV. Cor. i.) PF OC V, but PPF OC R; therefore PV ocR. Cor. 2. The radii are as the fquares of the veloci- ties direSlly-, and the centripetal forces reciprocally. V For (Prop. III. Cor. 2.) P oC y' but (Cor. i.) VV R OC PV J therefore R OC -jft * Cor. 3, If the radii are equal -^ the centripetal forces are as the fquares of the velocities, and reciprocally as the fquares of the periodic times. And the veloci- ties reciprocallly as the periodic times. VV For if R be given, -p- j and PPF, and P V,are given quantities, and F OCVV, orF OCpp'andV OCp* Scholium. The converfe of all thefe propofitions and corol- laries are equally true. And what is demonftrated of centripetal forces, is equally true of centrifugal forces, they being equal and contrary. PROP. VII. I, The quantities of matter in all attracting bodies, having others revolving about them in circles -, are as the cubes of the diftances dire5tly, and the fquares of the periodical times reciprocally. Let M be the quantity of matter in any central attradling body. Then fince it appears, from all aftronomical obfervations, that the fquares of the periodical times are as the cubes of the diftances, of the planets, and fatellites from their refpeftive centers. Sea. I; CENTRIPETAL FORCES. n centers. Therefore (Cor. 6. Prop. 111.) the centri- Fig. petal forces will be reciprocally as the fquares of the i, diflancesi that is, F OC^^* And (Prop. I.) the attradlive force at a given diftance, is as the body M, therefore the abfolute force of the body M is as p^' And (Prop. V.) fmce F OCwp, put M . n . ri- J 1 M ^ R ■ — inftead of F, and we have ^^ CC p^-> and R' M ocp- Cor. I. He'dce infiead of F in any cf tl>e foregoing propofitio'/is and their corollaries^ one may fubftitute M ■jTi^j "dchich is the force that the at tracing body in Cy exerts at A. Cor. 2. The attractive force of any hody^ is as the quantity of matter dire^ly^ and the fquare of the difiance reciprocally, PROP. VIII. If the centripetal force he as the difiance from the o, center C. A body let fallfroin any point A, will fall to the center in the fame tifne, that a body revolving in the circular orbit A LEA, at the difiance CA, would defcrihe the quadrant AGL. The truth of this is very readily fhewn by fluxions; thus, putAC— r, API— ;f, f — time of defcrib- jng AH, V zz the velocity at H. F — force at H, which is as CH or r — x. Then (Mechan. Cor. 2. Prop. V.) the velocity generated is as the force and time •, that is, v OCF t. Alfo (Median. Prop. III. Cor. I . ) the time is as the fpace divided by the veloci- ty, 12 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. • X . F;^ r x'Xx Q tv ; that is, / OC — i therefore vQC — CC a 'VV and -ui; OC r — ;^ X ^5 and the fluent is — OC rx— XX , y — , OYVV OCirx — AT^.andi; oCv 2rx — xx or 2 HG -, that is, the velocity at H is as the ordinate HG of the circle. Now it is evident, that in the time the revolv- ing body defcribes the infinitely fmall arch AF, the falling body will defcend thro' the verfed fine AD, and would defcribe twice AD in the fame time, with the velocity in D. Therefore we fliall have, velocity at F : velocity at D : : AF or FD : 2 AD, and velocity at D : velocity at H : : AF or FD : GH, therefore, velocity at F or G : velocity at H : : AF* : 2 AD X AF" GH : : -tj^ : GH : : CA or CG : GH. But 2 AD drawing an ordinate infinitely near GH-, by the nature of the circle, it will be, as GC : GH : : fo the increment of the curve AG : to the increment of the axis AH. And therefore, vel. at G : veL at H : : as the increment of AG : to the increment of AH. Therefore fince the velocities are as the fpaces defcribed, the times of defcription will be equal ; and the feveral parts of the arch AGL are defcribed in the fame times as the correfpondent parts of the radius AHC. And by compofition, the arch AG and abfciifa AH, as alfo the quadrant AL and radius AC, are defcribed in equal times. Cor. I . '^he velocity of the defcendit?g body at any flace H, is as the fine GH. Cor. 2. j4nd the time of defcending thro'' any verfed fine AH, is as the correfponding arch AG. Cor. Sea. I. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 13 Cor. 3. All the times of falling from any altitudes Fig. whatever, to the center C, will he equal. 3. For thefe times are -l the periodic times ; and (Prop. V. Cor, 4.) thefe periodic times are all equal. Cor. 4. In the time of one revolution, the falling hody will have moved thro' C to E, and hack again thro^ C to Ay meeting the revolving hody again at A. Cor. 5. The velocity of the falling hody at the cen- ter C, is equal to the velocity of the revolving hody. For the velocities are as the lines GH and GC ; and thefe are equal, when G comes to L. PROP. IX. If a pendulum AB he fiifpended at A, and he made 4» to revolve by a conical motion, and defcribe the circle BEDH parallel to the horizon. Put Tc — 3.1416; p =1 164-^ feet, the fpace de* fcended hy gravity in the time t. 2 AC Then the periodical time of B will he -kI y/ —r— * For (Mechan. Prop. VIII.) if the axis AC re- prefents the weight of the body, AB will be the force ftretching the ftring, and BC the force tend- ing to the center C. Alfo (Mechan. Prop. VI.) if the time is given, the fpace defcribed will be as the BC force i whence AC : BC : : ^ : : xp P — ^^e fpace defcended towards C, by the force BC, in the time /. This is the fpace s in Prop. II. Therefore in- ftead of s put its value in the periodical time, and (by Prop. II.) we fhall have the periodical time of the 2R /TT AC~ pendulum zztt t -y "t zz. t: t ^ 2BC X gpTrr ,2AC = TT t v/-p- • Cor. 14 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. Cor. I . In all pendulums, the periodic times are as 4. the fquare roots of the bights of the cones, AC. For TT, /, and p are given quantities. Cor. 2. If the bights of the cones be the fame, the periodic times will be the fame, whatever be the radius of the hafe BC. Cor. 3. Hhe femiperiodic time of revolution, is equal to the time of of dilation of a pendulum, ivhofe length is AC, the bight of the cone. AC For by the laws of falling bodies, / ^y — zz time of falling thro' ^ AC -, and therefore (Me- chan. Prop. XXIV.) i : tt : : t k/ — : tt / v/ — JT / ^ ip ^ 1p z=. {-^t \/—--% the time of vibration, which is half the periodical time. Cor. 4. 7'he fpace defcendcd by a falling body, in the time of one revolution, will be tttt X 2 AC. 2 AC For tt (time) : p (hight) : : trirtt x —- (per. time) : ttttX 2 AC — hight defcended in that time. Cor. 5. ^he periodic time, or time of one revolu- tioit, is equal to -\/i X time of falling thro'' AC. AC For the time of falling thro' AC is / n/"' Cor. 6. T^he weight of the pendulum is to the cen- trifugal force; as the hight of the cone AC, to the radius of the bafe CB. And therefore when the hight CA is equal to the radius CB ; the centripetal or centrifugal force is equal to the gravity. PROP. Sea. I. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 15 P R O P. X. ^ Suppofe a fyjiem of bodies A, B, C, to revohe 5. with a conical motion about the axis TR perp, to the horizon, fo as to keep the fame fide always towards the axis of revolution, and the fame pojition among themf elves. I0 find the periodical time of the whole fyfiem* I . Let A, B, C be all fitiiated in one plane pafling thro' TR. From A, B, C let fall the perpendiculars Ka, B^, Cf, upon the axis TR. And let A, B, C reprefent the quantities of matter in the bodies A, B, C. Alfo put h zz i6^V feet, the hight a body falls in the time / by gravity •, x — 3. 141 6 ; P zz the periodic time of the fyftem. Uy the refolution of forces, Ta (gravity) : Atf ^a (force in diredtion Ka) w h \t^ h — fpace de- fcended by A towards a in the time i, which is as the velocity generated by the force Ka. There- fore rjT hK zz motion generated in A in diredlion Aa. And the force in direftion A^ to move the fyllem towards TR, by the power of the lever r^ . • A^ , , ^ , , . _, . . . TA, IS ;p- i&A X Ta or Aa X hA. This is the centripetal force of the fyilem, arifmg from the gra- vity of A. In like nianner the centripetal forces arifmg from B and C, will be Bb X i?B and Qc X hC By the laws of uniform motion, P : 2-,r X Aa : : 27rt X Aa t : p ~ arch defcribed by A in the time ^TTTTtt X Aa" i^TTtt X Aa i' And pp X '^TAa^^ PP ~ diftance it is drawn from the tangent in that time, or as the , . , ^ , r 2 7r~// X Aa- velocity generated ; and therefore - — prj X A i6 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig, =. motion of A tending from the center a, by the 5. revolution of the fyflem. And the force in direc- tion aA, to move the fyflem from TR, by the 27rTr// X Aa power of the lever TA, will be pp A X Ta. And this is the centrifugal force of the fyf- tem arifing from the revolution of A. And in like manner the centrifugal forces arifing from B and C, will be pp B X T^, and pp C X Tc. But becaufe the whole fyftem always keeps at the fame diftance from the axis TF, in its revolu- tion; therefore the fum of all the centripetal forces muft be equal to the fum of all the centrifugal forces. Whence A^ X ^ A zz B^ X y^B -h C<: X hC — -pp- X into A« X T^ X A -f- B^ X T^ X B + Cc 2 X Tf X C. And confequently P = ^ / ^-r X A^? X T^ X A -^ B^ X Ti' X B -^CcXTcxC Aa X A -I- B^ X B 4- C^ X C 2. If the bodies are not all in one plane, let N be the center of gravity of the bodies A, B, C. And thro' N draw the plane TNR; and from all the bodies, let fall perpendiculars upon that plane. Then the periodic time will be the fame as if all the bodies were placed in thefe points where the perpendiculars cut the plane. For if jjj be one ot the bodies, and mC perp. to the plane. Then the centripetal and centrifugal forces of m in dire6tion 27r7r// X Tc cm, will be cm X hm and pp ?n X mc. But the force cm is divided into the two forces cC, Cm. And all the forces Cw deftroy one another, be- caufe the plane, TNc, pafles thro' their center of gravity. Therefore the plane is only adcd on by the Sea. I. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 17 the remaining force <:C. So that the centripetal Fig. and centrifugal forces will be the fame as before, 5. when the body was placed in C ; and the periodic time is the fame. Cor. I . If N;z be drawn from the center of gra- vity perp. to TFj then the periodic time of the fyf- 2 Urn, P iz TT / ^-j X T^ X A^ X A 4- T^ X B^ X B 4- Tr X C<: X C N« X A + B + C For (Mechan. Prop. X XXV.) A^ X A + B^ X B + Cc X C zz N;? X A + B + C. Cor. 2. 'The length of a Jimple pendulum, making two vibrations, or an exceeding fmall conical motion^ ■ in the fame periodic time, will be T^X A^X A + T/^X B^X B + TrXCfXC N;^ X A + B + C For let TO be the hight of the cone defcribed iTTTZtt by the pendulum ; then (Prop. IX.) PP r= — t~ X TO ; therefore TO ■=. TaXAaxA + T/^ X B/* X B + T^ X Cr X C '^n X A + B~+ C Cor. 3. If TO be the length of an ifocrcnal pen- dulum, then O is the center of gravity of all the pe- ripheries defcribed by A, B, C ; each rauhiplied by the body ; whether A, B, Q be the places of the bo- dies, or the points of proje.. ion upon the plane TNR. For if Aa X A, M X 6, Qc X C be taken for bodies, their center of gravity will be diftant from T, the length T^ X A^X A -f- Tb X B^- X B -u T^ X Cr X C Arz X A 4- b^ X B -t- ^^ A C ' ^^^^ C chan. i8 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. chan. Prop. XXXV.) which is equal to TO by 5. Cor. 2. and the peripheries are as the radii, A^, B^, Cc, Cor. 4. If any of the bodies he on the contrary fide of the axis TR, or above the 'point of fufpenfton T j that difiance rnuft be negative. Cor. 5. If any line or plane figure be placed in the plane TNR •, then the point O, "duhich gives the length of the pendulum^ will be the center of gravity^ of the furface or folid, defcribed in its revolution. Scholium. The point O which gives the length of the ifo- cronal pendulum •, is called the center of turbina- tio?i or revolution. And the plane TNR paffing thro' the center of gravity, the turbinati7ig plane. SECT. [ '9] SECT. II. The 77iotion of bodies in all forts of Curve Lines. PROP. XI. . cr'HE areas ^ which a r evolving body defcrihes hypi^ radii drawn to a fixed center of force^ are propor- 5^ tional to the times of defcription ; and are all in the fame immoveable plane. Let S be the center of force -, and let the time be divided into very fmall equal parts. In the firft part of time let the body defcribe the line AB 5, then if nothing hindered, it would defcribe BK zz AB, in the fecond part of time -, and then the area ASB — BSK. But in the point B let the centri- petal force aft by a fingle but ftrong impulfe, and caufe the body to defcribe the line BC. Draw KC parallel to SB, and compleat the parallelogram BKCr, then the triangle SBC = SBK, being be- tween the fame parallels ; therefore SBC — SBA, and in the fame plane. Alio the body moving uni- formly, would in another part of time defcribe Cm •=z CB ; but at C, at the end of the fecond part of time, let it be a6led on, by another impulfe and carried along the line CD •, draw mT) parallel to CS, and D will be the place of the body after the third part of time •, and the triangle SCD — SQm =z SCB, and all in the fame plane. After the fame manner let the force adt fuccefiively at D, E, F, &c. And making Tin — DC, and E 2 2 therefore SC X CQ^zz SB x BP. But the angle CSD : angle ASB : : CQ^: cci : : SC X CQ^: SC X c^ : : SB X BP : SC X cq^ : : area SBA : area S^^ : : SB' : Sc"- or SC\ PROP. Sea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. ^i XT' PROP. XII. gf If a body revolving in any curve VIL, he urged by a centripetal force tending towards the center S -, the centripetal force in any point I of the curve will be as P —Ti where p zz. perpendicular S? on the tangent at p'd I, and d =z the difiance SI. For take the point K inSnitely near I, and draw the lines SI, SK; and the tangents IP, K/; and the perpendiculars SP, S/. Alfo draw K»z, K» parallel to SP, bl, and KN perp. to SI. The triangles ISP, IKN. «K?w, are fimilar; as alfo lK.m, l?q. Therefore Iq or IP : IK : : q? : Km, And PS : IP : : K/« : mn. And IN : IK : : mn : nY^. And multiplying the terms of thefe three proportions, IP X PS X IN : IK X IP X IK : : a? X K»2 X mn : Kw X mn X nK. That is, PS X yq X IK^ IN : IK^ : : ?P : «K n: pg ^ j^^ - But (Mechan. Prop. VI.) the fpace ;?K, thro' which the body is drawn from the tangent, is as the force and fquare of the time-, that is (Prop. XI.) as the force and fquare of the area ISK, or as the force X SP X KN\ or becaufe SI X KN = twice the triangle ISK r: IK X SP i therefore nYi. is as the force X IK'' X PS'. Therefore the force at I is as nK Vq X I K^ P^ _ IK^PS^ -PSXINXIK^XPS^ ~PSj XIN - A. f^'d »K " Cor. I. The centripetal force at I is as -^rr—^^^^ nK. ^^"^•^sFxTk^* C 3 Cor. 22 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. Cor, 2. Hence the radius of curvature in I, is zz 87 SIX IN IK* For that radius =: g- = (by the fimilar trian- IK X IP gles IKw, Iq?) — p zi (by the fimilar trian- SI X IN gles IPS, INK) — p— • PROP. XIII. Proh, To find the law of the centripetal force^ requifite to make a body move in a given curve line. Let the diftance SI zz d, the perpendicular SP (upon the tangent at I) zz p -, then from the na- ture of the curve, find the value of p in terms of d^ and fubftitute it and its fluxion, in the quantity fd Or find the value of oi- .> t^vtx or SP X KN* "' SP^ X IK' Any of thefe will give the law of centripetal force, by the lalt Prop. Ex. I. If a body revolves in the circumference of a cir-^ cle \ to find the force directed to a given point S. Draw SI to the body at I, SP perp to the tan- gent PI, SG perp. to the radius CI. Then SP zz GI •, becaufe SGIP is a parallelogram. Put SI zz d, SP ZI p, SC z: ^, CI ZI r, CD iz x, ID be- ing perp. to SD. Then in the obtufe angle SCI, SP ZI SC^- + CP -h ^SCD, or dd - aa + rr '\^ dd — aa — rr lax'y whence x zz The triangles 2a ^ SCO and CID are fimilar, whence CI (;') : CD Sea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 23 / \ en r ^ rn ^^ ^'^ — aa—rr ^ Fig. (*) : : SC {a) : CG = - zz ~ j and ° dd — aa — •" rr dd + rr — aa p zz r '\- — J and $ zz—' Therefore the force f -A ) is as — r = d dX 8r^ rr, — ^, 1, , 3 s that is, the force is as ^P r X dd -\- rr — aa d dd -^ rr — aa And if £1 zz r, the force is as js' Ex. 2. If a body revolves in an ellipjts ; 4o find the force 10. tending to the center C. Let -'- tranfverfe CV zz r, -i conjugate CD zz f, draw CI zz d, and its femiconjugate CR zz b^ Then by the properties of the ellipfis fCon. Sed: B. I. Prop. XXXIV.) hb + dd zi rr -\- cc^ whence b zz ^/rr + cc — dd -^ and (ib. Prop. XXXVII.) b or v/rr -^ cc ^Id '. c : : r : p zz ^1 J . crdd V^T^—ZTTd •' -^ ^ = TTTT^ZTJ^ There. /)* rrii/ rr + Cf — -~^^' ^ fore -^ =z - ^r— ■ .3 X : zz ~ • p'd rr + cc — dd' "■ c^r'd Therefore the force is dire6lly as the diftance CI. After the fame manner, the force tending to the center of ah hyperbola, will be found — ;:;, which is a centrifugal force, dlredly as the diftance. Ex. 3. Jf a body revolves in an ellipfis^ to find the law of ^m centripetal foire, tending to the focus S^ C 4 Let 24 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. Let the femitranfYerfe OV — r, the femiconju- II. gate OD rz r, draw SI — d; and OI, and its conjugate OK — i?. Then (Con. Sed. B. I. Prop. XXXV .) ird — d d - bb i and (ib. Prop. XXXVL) b or y/^rd—dd : c : : a : p = r- j and p zz vird — dd c'd s/ird -^d — cdy. ird — d^~^i Xrd — dd _ 2rd — dd cdXird—dd — cd X rd — d'd _crdd 2ra — dd^ '2-rd — di\\ ^, r P c^dd X 2^r — difi ^^^ ^ Therefore — : iz: - — : ' . — .TT :=.TZu fd c''d-'dX2dr-ddli '^ ^'^^ Therefore the centripetal force is s.s-rj'y or recipro-' cally as the fquare of the diftance. Ex. 4. 12. -!y^ ^ ^^4)' ^'^'^'ohes in the hyperbola VI ; to find the laisj of cent' i petal force^ tending to the focus S. Draw SI, and the tangent IT, and SP perp. upon it. And let the femitranfverfe SO — r, fe- miconjugate zz V, SI ~ ^, SP — p^ and b n: fe- miconjugate to lO. Then i^Con Seft. B. II. Prop. XXXI.) ird + dd — bb, and b — ^ird + dd. And (ib. Prop. XXXII.) b or y/Q.rd + dd : c : : d : p =z cd , — == ; whence p — V^rd 4- dd c'd X s/ird 4- dd — cd X zrd + dd '^ X rd -j- dd 2rd + dd zz ^^ ^ ^^^ -^ ^^ "' ^^ ^ ^^ "^ ^ — — i^l— - 2rd -i- dd^'- 2?'^ + dd^^ There- Sea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 25 ^, . p crdd xird -\- ddV- crd Fig. Therefore A = r^-T- = — 5- = 12. p^d 2rd^-dd)' d X c'^' ^'^^ — -Ty* Therefore the centripetal force is as —r-, or ^j that is, reciprocally as the fquare of the dif- tance. And in like manner the force towards the other focus F, is — ^? or as -jj^ which is a centrifugal force reciprocally as the fquare of the diftance. Ex. 5. If a hody revolves in the parabola VI ; to find the 1 3. force tending to tht focus S. Draw IS, and the tangent IT, and SP perp. to it. And put SI ~, d^ SP — />, latus re6lum — r. Then (Con. Sed. B. III. Prop. II. and Cor. 3. Prop. XII.) pp zz ~ rd^ and 2pp — ^ rd; and p _ ^'^ — ^^ A J -^ — ^^ ^ Sp ^ ^\/rd p'd~~ ^^rdX^rdy/rdxd 8r 2- ^ , •z=. T} — -Tf* Therefore the centripetal force ^rrdd rdd ^ is reciprocally as the fquare of the diflance CI. Hence, in all the Conic Sedlions, the centripe- tal force tending to the focus, is reciprocally as the fquare of the diftance from the focus. Ex. 6. Let VI he the logarithmic fpiral^ to find the force 14, tending to the center S. • '* Draw the tangent IP, and SP perp. to it, let 51 == ^, SP — /> i then the ratio of ^ to p is al- ways 26 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. ^^'ways given, fuppofe as m to /;. Then^ = -zA 15- and p — —d. Conlequently —rzz — X "TTTr = — ^ ; and the centripetal force is as ^r* or reci- procally as the cube of the diftance. PROP. XIV. The 'velocity of a body moving in any curve QAO, in any foint A j is to the velocity of a body moving in a circle at the fame diftance ; as \^p'^ to V^p, Putting d — dijlance SA, and p — SP the perpendi- cular on the tangent at A. Let AR be the radius of curvature •, from the point a in the curve infinitely near A, draw am., an parallel to AS, AR. Let C — velocity in the curve, c zz velocity in the circle. By fimilar tri- angle SP (p) : SA (d) : : an : am : : centripetal force tending to R : centripetal force tending to ^ CC cc IJk^ ^^'°^' '-^ AR = AS- ^"' (P^°P- XII. Cor. 2.) AR = ^ ; whence p:d::^: '-::.. p dd CC ' • -2 : : CCp : ccd. And pd : dp :: CC : cc. Cor. I. If r •=! half the tranfverfe axis of an el- lipfis -y then the velocity of a body revolving round the focuSy is to that in a circle at the fame dijlance ; a^ \/xr — d : \/r. ' ■For?' = — ^^ (See Ex. 3. Prop. XIII.), ird- — dd\^ l.l.jPa^. 2^. m PI. I. /--A Sea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 27 zndp = ' , — . And the fquares of the ^^' velocities in the curve, and in the circle, are as cdd crddd , rd • J — == and - , i or as i and —-7 t^j s/ird-^dd 2rd-^dd)i 2rd-~dd or as 2r — d to r. Cor. 2. Suppofe as before^ the velocity of a body revolving round the center of an ellipjis^ is to the ve- locity in a circle at the fame dijtance ; as half the con- jugate diameter to that difiance^ is to the diftance. For p ~ — , and p = vrr 4- cc — dd crdd Whence, the fquares of thefe ve* rr -^ cc — dd^"^ ... crd , crddd locities are as and V rr 4- cc — dd rr + cc —-aai * dd or as I to — ^^ ^j or as rr -\- cc — dd to dd, or as bb to dd. See Ex. 2. Prop. XIII. Cor. 3. 'J'he velocity in a parabola round the focus^ is to the velocity in a circle at the fame diftance ; as y/Z to I. r'd For p — ^ \/rd, and p — — — - (See Ex. 5. 4v/r^ J>rop. XIII.) Whence the fquares of thefe veloci- rdd ties are zs ^d y/rd and — •y^-, or as ~rd to ^ rd-, that is as 2 to I. Cor. 4. The velocity of a body in the logarithmic Jpiral in any pointy is the fame as the velocity of tt ^ody at the fame dijiance in a circle* For 2S CENTRIPETAL FORCES. ^^f For/. = ^^, and^ = £i (Ex. 6. Prop. XIIL) n • And the fqiiares of the velocities are as —dd and i- til. m —dd, that is, equal. PROP. XV. Prob. 1 6, To find the force which ailing in dire^ion of the ordinate MP, fhall caufe the body to move in that curve. Draw mp parallel and infinitely near MP, and Mi parallel to AP. Then the force is as the fpace mr^ thro' which it is drawn from the tangent, in a given time. But ms is the fluxion and mr the fe- cond fluxion of the ordinate PM. Therefore making the fluxion of the time confl:ant j or which is the fame thing, making the fluxion of the axis confl:ant ; find the fecond fluxion of the ordinate, which will be as the force. Ex. I. Let the curve be an ellipfis whofe equation isjy zz c , —VT.rx — ^x. Puttmg AP = y, PM —y, r = femitranfverfe, c zz femiconjugate. Then y zz JL V ^"^ ^'^ and V — — xs/irx — xx ^ \/ irx — XX ^ y irx — i X r — X y.rx — XX y. 2rx — xx "^ __ ^ ^ ^rx — XX ^ — 2rx + XX — r — X c — ^J" — cr^ irx — xx\ i ^ irx — ~~xx\^ J* That is, the force is as —^-^ or reciprocally as the cube Sea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 29 cube of the ordinate. The fame is true of the Fig. circle, which is one fort of ellipfis. 1 6. Ex. 2. Let the curve be a parabola, AP = x, PM = y^ and rx ^=^ yy ', then rx zz 2yjf, and 2yy + 2yy zz o ; therefore jyy n — y'y, and j iz — ~ z:-^ rrxx — rr — i, and the force as — r- or reci- procally as the cube of the ordinate. PROP. XVI. If the law of centripetal force be reciprocally as ihe fquare of the dijiance. The velocities of bodies revolving in different ellipfes about one common cen- ter -^ are directly as the fquare roots of the parame- ters, and reciprocally as the perpendiculars to the tan- gents at thefe points of their orbits. Let J, D be the diftances in two ellipfes ; r, f, /, p i and R, C, L, P, the femitranfverfe, femi- conjugate, latus re6tLim, and perpendicular in the two ellipfes. Then the fquares of the velocities in two circles whofe radii are d, D, (by Prop. IV. Cor. 2.) will be as ^ X force in d, and D X force . ^ , . ^ D II in D ; that is, as -Tj and tTtt or as t- and yc' . Then (Prop. XIV. Cor. i.), velocity in the ellipfis^: vel. in the circle i/: : =z c \/^;ni-^> 2r — ^ 2r — d c and ^ v^ — 2 — — ^•> ^'^^ ^y — 2 — ~T' ^"^ 2r — J c \/Tl , . cc ^-ir ^J7r ^ -y-^b^^^"^^ 7 = ^ / by 2R--D the Conic Sedions.) In like manner ^ — ^^ — ^ — ■^— . Whence, yel. in the ellipfis d : vel. in the v// v/L elhpfisD: : ^^^-p"* Cor. I . Hence the velocities in the two ellipfis, ere 2r — d 2R — D ^s \/— ^— V and vZ-DlT"* Cor. 2. Alfo the fquares of the areas defcribed in the fame time^ are as the parameters. For the areas are as the arches X perpendiculars, or as the velocities X perpendiculars •, that is, as \/l v/L ~r^X p and -p- X P, or as <^l and ^/L. Cor. 3. The velocity of a body in different parts of its orbit is reciprocally as the perpendicular upon the ir — d tangent at that point j and therefore is as y/ — ^ — . For the parameter is given. Cor. 4. The velocity in a conic fe5tion at its great" efi or leafi dijlance., is to the velocity in a circle at the Sea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 31 the fame dijiance j as the fquare root of the parame- Fig* ter^ to the fquare root of twice that dijiance. For here ^ ~ D zr p — P, and L :=. 2D. There- fore the velocity in the elHpfis, to the velocity in the circle j as -5- : — g— : : y/l : v^2D. Cor. 5. 'The 'velocity in an ellipfis at its mean dif- tance, is the fame as in a circle at the fame dijiance. For if d be the mean diftance, then p zz c. And if D be the radius of the circle, then L zz 2D, and P zr D. Whence, vel. in the ellipfis : to the vel. in the circle : : — : ^^Ta— *• *• (becauferf z: ^ir) *7V • 77iD • * ^^ • ^^* ^^^^ D = ^> there- fore the velocities are equal. Cor. 6. Both the real and apparent velocity round fj. the focus F, Is great eft at A, the near eft vertex -, and leaft at B, the remote vertex. For the real velocity is reciprocally as the per- pendicular, which is leaft at A and greateft at B. And the apparent velocity at F is reciprocally as the fquare of the diitance from F, which diftance is leaft at A, and greateft at B, (Cor. 2. and 3. Prop. XL) Cor. 7. The fame things fuppofed^ and PC, CK 23, being femiccnj urates , the velocity in the curve ^ is to the velocity towards the foats F; as CK to v/ck^-^TtF. For vel. in the curve : vci. towards F : : Pp : pn : : FP : N? : : J : \/ dd — Jp. But pp = crii . J. ird-^ dd — cc -j> and da — Tf ^ — — j "' d. Whence 2r — d ^-^ 2r — a vel in the cui"ve ; vel. towards F : : d : $2 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. 2rd — dd — cc . ^ 23. s/ r^y. ^ d : : \/2rd — dd : \/2rd — dd — cc s/cK' — CW. Cor. 8. The afcending or defcending velocity is the greatejl when FP is half the latus re£lu7n, or when FP isprp. to AB. For s/ird — dd : \/2rd — dd — cc : : vel. in /v/2r — d\ the curve y -j j : vel. towards F zi 2rd — dd — cc v/ -ji ' ^^'^ making the fquare of this . . 2rd — dd — cc velocity a maximum, then -,-j zr ;», and 2rd — 2dd X dd — 2dd X 2rd — dd — cc = o ; and rd — dd — 2rd -^ dd -\- cc zz o, and — rd cc -\- cc zzo. whence d =z — zz half the latus redlum. r Cor. 9. If FR, the dtjlance from the focus to the curve be z= \/C A X CD •, then R is the place where the angular motion about the focus F, is equal to the mean ^notion. For the area of a circle whofe radius FR is zz V CA X CD is equal to the area of the ellipfis ; and if we fuppofe them both defcribed in equal times ; then the fmall equal parts at R will be de- fcribed in equal times j and therefore the angular velocities at F will be equal; and both equal to the mean motion. The angular motion in the el- lipfis from B to R will be flower ; and from R to A fwifter, than the mean motion. PROP. Se6l. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 33 Fig. PROP. XVIT. If the centripetal forces he reciprocally as the 17* fquares of the dijlances ; the periodic times in ellipfes^ will he in the fefquiplicate ratio of the tranfverfe will be as the centripetal force ; and therefore AD and AB, or A« and Ap will be de- fcribed in the fame time, in the circle and ellipfis. Confequently the areas defcribed in thefe equal times will be A;;C and ApC. But thefe areas are to one another as nY to PF, or as GC to EC ; that is, as the area of the circle AGL to the area of the ellipfis AEL. Therefore fince parts proportional to the wholes are defcribed in equal times j the wholes will be defcribed in equal times. And therefore the periodic times, in the circle and el- lipfis, are equal. But (Prop. V. Cor. 4.) the periodic times in all circles are equal, in this law of centripetal force ; and therefore the periodic times in all ellipfes arc equal. Cor. "The 'velocity at any point I of an ellipfis, is as the rectangle of the two axes AC, CE j divided by the perpendicular CH, upon the tangent at I. For the arch I X CH is as the area defcribed in a fmall given part of time, and that is as the whole area (becaufe the periodic times are equal) or as AC X CE. And therefore the arch I or the velo- • • AC X CE city, is ^^ QYi ' PRO P. Sea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 35 Fig. PROP. XIX. 18. ^he denfitles of central attraSling bodies^ are reci- procally as the cubes of the parallaxes of the bodies revolving about them {as feen from thefe central bo- dies)y and reciprocally as the fquares of the periodic times. For the denfity multiplied by the cube of the diameter, is as the quantity of matter j that is (by Prop. XVII. Cor. 3.) as the cube of the mean dif- tance divided by the fquare of the periodical time of the revolving body. And therefore the denfity is as the cube of the diftance, divided by the cube of the diameter, and by the fquare of the periodic time. But the diameter divided by the diftance is as the angle of the paralax ; therefore the denfity is as I divided by the cube of the paralax,. and the fquare of the periodic time. PROP. XX. If two bodies A, B, revolve about each other \ iq. they "juill both of them revolve about their center of gravity. Let C be the center of gravity of the bodies A, B, afting upon one another by any centripetal forces. And let AZ be the diredtion of A's motion j draw BM parallel to AZ, for the direftion of B. And let AZ, BH be defcribed in a very fmall part of time, fo that AZ may be to BH, as AC to BC j and then C will be the center of gravity of Z and H, becaufe the triangles ACZ and BCH are fimi- lar. Whence AC : CB : : ZC : CH. But as the bodies A and B attrad one another, the fpaces ha and B^ they are drawn thro', will be reciprocally D 2 as S6 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. as the bodies, or direftly as the diftances from the 19. center of gravity, that is, Aa : Bl? : : AC : BC. Compleat the parallelograms Ac and B^-, and the bodies, inftead of being at Z and H, will be at c and d. But fmce AC : BC : : A^ : B^. By divi- fion AC : BC : : ^C : bC. But AC :BC : : AZ : BH :: ac : bd. Whence aC : bC : : ac : bd. There- fore the triangles cQa, and dCb are fimilar, whence Cr : C^ : : ^f : Z'J : : AC : BC : : B : A. There- fore C is ftill the center of gravity of the bodies at c and d. In like manner, producing B^ and Ar, till dg be equal to B(i, and cq to Ac ; and if cf^ dh, be the fpaces drawn thro' by their mutual attractions ; and if the parallelograms ce^ di, be compleated. Then it will be proved by the fame way of reafoning, that C is the center of gravity of the bodies at q and g, and alfo at e and f, where A defcribes the diagonals Ac, ce, &c. and B the diagonals B^, di, &c. and fo on ad infinitum. If one of the bodies B is at reft whilft the other moves along the line AL. Then the center of gravity C will move uniformly along the line CO parallel to AL. Therefore if the fpace the bodies move in, be fuppofed to move in direftion CO, with the velocity of the center of gravity j then the center of gravity will be at reft in that fpace, and the body B will move in direftion BH parallel to CO or AZ i and then this cafe comes to the fame as the former. Therefore the bodies will al- ways move round the center of gravity, which is either at reft, or moves uniformly in a right line. If the bodies repel one another ; by a like rea- foning it may be proved that they will conftantly move round their center of gravity. If the lines CA, Cc, Ce, &c. be equal ; and CB, Cd, a, &CC. alfo equal. Then it is the cafe of two bodies joined by a rod or a ftring j or of one Sea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 'i^y one body compofed of two parts. This body or Fio-. bodies will always move round their common cen- 19. ter of gravity. Cor. I. 'The dire5fions of the bodies in oppojite points, ef the orbits^ are always parallel to one another. For fince AZ : Zc : : BH : H^; and AZ, Zc parallel to BH, H^; therefore the <: ZAr zz /sTP : : v/S : \/s + P. Cor. 2. Bodies revolving round their common cen- ter of gravity^ d:fcribe areas proportional to the times, PROP. XXII. 20. If the forces he reciprocally as the fquares of th& dijiances ; ayid if a body revolves ahout the center L in the fame periodical time, that the bodies S, P, re- volve about the center of gravity C. Then will SP : LP : : VT^P : Vs. Let PN be the orbit defcribed about L. Then (Prop. XXI.) per. time in PQ : per. time in P^ : : v/S; 5ea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 39 V^S : v/sTP : : v/CP : v/5p7And (Prop. XVII.) Fig. per. time in Fq : per. time in PN : : SFl : LP^" ; ^^' iuppofing PQ, PN, fimilar arches. Therefore per. time in PQ : per time in PN : : \/cp X SP^ : ^SPxLP^ ; :\/cFxSF : v/EF. But the periodic times are equal ; therefore \/CP x SP^ ::= v/lP*, and LP^ =: CP X SP% a nd LP z= %/CP x SP\ But LP : SP : : l/cFxSF : SP or ^SF ; : (/CP : %/SP : : s/S : v^STp. Cor. I. If the forces he reciprocally as the fquares cf the diftances ; the tranfverfe axis of the elUpfis de~ fcribed by P about the center of gravity C, is to the tranfverfe axis defcribed by P about the other body S at refl, in the fame periodical time ; as the cube root of the fum of the bodies S + Pj /£> the cube root of the fixed or central body S. Cor. 2. If two bodies at tracing each other move about their center of gravity. Their motions will be the fame as if they did not attraEi one anotha\ but were both attracted with the fame forces^ by another lody placed in the center of gravity. PROP. XXIII. Trob. Suppofe the centripetal force to be directly as the 21.' dijtance. To determine the orbit which a body will defcribe^ that is proje^ed from a given place P, with a given velocity^ in a given direSfion PT. By Ex. 2. Prop. XIII. the body will move in gn ellipfis, whofe center is C the center of force ; and the line of direftion PT will be a tangent at the point P. Draw CR perp. to PT. And let thediftance CP zz d, CR — p^ femitranfverfe axis D 4 CA 40 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. CA — R, femiconjugate axis CB — C. CG (the 21. femiconjugate to CP) — B. / iz fpace a body would defcend at P, in a fecond, by the centripe- tal force. V — the velocity at P, the body is pro- jefted with, or the fpace it defcribes in a fecond. Then s/zdf — velocity of a body revolving in a circle at the diftance CP. Then (Prop. XTV, Cor. 2.) v : v/2^/: : B : J, and B\/2^/ — dv^ and 2BB<^ n: ddvvy whence dvo d BB — — /» and V> — v s/—a But (Con. Seft. B. 2/ ^ 2/ ^ I, Prop. XXXI V.) RR + CC = BB + dd - 1)1)0, —J + dd. And (ib. Prop. XXXVII.) CR z= Bp d zzpv^-r Therefore RR + CC + 2RC = wd d —r 4- dd -\- 2pv \/—r> and R -}- C z: 2/ ^ ^ 2/ ywd d -J -\- dd -{- 2pv ^—r = m. Alfo RR + CC vvd , , d ^ 2RC = -^ -\- dd^ 2pv ^—^ and R — C = jwd d s/ — 7 -{- dd — 2pv v/~r ~ «• Therefore R zz 2/ ^ ^ 2/ ?« + « , ^ »z — ;/ ' , and C — • 2 2 Then to find the pofition of the tranfverfe axis AD. Let F, S be the foci. Then (by Con. Seft. B. I. Prop. II. Cor.) we Ihall have SC or CF z: v/RR — CC. Put FP = .V ; then SP =z 2R — x^ and (ib Prop. XXXV ) SP X PF or 2Rx -^ xx ^ BB, and RR — 2Rx -{- xx zz RR -r- BB, and R — X - ± \/rR — BB -, whence x =R ± \/RR — BB i that is, the greater part FP zi R + Sea. II. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 41 V^RR — BB, and the leffer part SP = R — ■ Fig. v/RR — BB. Then in the triangle PCF or PCS, ^'* all the fides are given, to find the angle PCF or PCA. Cor. The periodical time in feconds, is 3.1416 2d For arch V^df\ time i" \ : circumference 3.1416 ^d • T 1 X id : 3.1416 s/~7 the periodical time in a circle whofe radius is d. And by Prop. XVIII. the pe- riodical time is the fame in all circles and ellipfes. PROP. XXIV. Froh, ■■ Suppoftng the centripetal force reciprocally as the 2 2, fquare of the diftance ; to determine the orbit which a body will defcrihe ; that is, projected fram a given place P, with a given velocity^ in a given dire^ion PT. By Prop, XIII. the body will move in a conic fe6tion, whofe focus is S the center of force. And the line of direction PT will be a tangent at the point P. Let the diftance SP n: J, tranfverfe axis AD = z. / zr fpace a body will defcend at P, in a fecond, by the centripetal force, v zz the veloci- ty the body is projedled with from P, or the fpace it defcribes in a fecond. Then \/^df\% the veloci- ty of a body revolving in a circle, at the diftance SP. Then (Prop XIV. Cor. \.)v'. s/Tlf: : v/^^IIi: \/^z. Whence v^^z zz s/idfz — iddf and irvz zz ji^dfz — /\.ddf ; and j\.dfz — vvz zz 4ddf, 4-ddf whence z zz ■ ,. — zz AD. And PH z= z — 4aj — vv dvv d = »/• ■■■• Therefore if A-df is greater than 42 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. vv, % is affirmative, and the orbit is an ellipfis* 22. But if lefler, 2 is negative, and the curve is a hy- perbola, and if equal, *tis a parabola. Draw SR perp. to PT, and let SR — p. Alfo draw from the other focus H, HF perp. to PT. Then (Con. Sed. B. I. Prop. X.) the angle SPR r: angle HPF, whence the triangles SPR, HPF arefimilar ; therefore SP (d) : SR (p) : : HP (2: — <^) : HF = --J-p, and (ib. Prop. XXI.) SR X HF or ^-^pp = redangle DHA or CB% the fquare of half the conjugate axis ; therefore CB =2 z — d In the triangle SPH, the angle SPH and the fides SP, PH are given, to find the angle PSH> the pofition of the tranfverfe axis. Cor. I . ^he periodical time in the ellipfts APDB A,ddf ZZ3.1416X r For 3.1416 v/-7 = periodic time in the circle whofe radius is d. And (Prop. XVII.) 2^» : 3. 141^ id \/-j : : 2^ : period, time in the ellipfis =1 3.14^^ IVd ^^ Tli- ^ Addf ^ f 2d ^ 4.df — vvY Cor. 2. The laitis return of the axis AD iV =: ppw Idf' Cor. 3. Hence the tranfverfe axis and the periodic iime will remain the fame^ whatever be the angle of dire^cn S?r. For ' B M.pO/. 4'2. r^ Seft.n. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 4^ For no quantities but ^, /, and v are concerned s Fig. all which are given. 22. Scholium. Some people have dreamed that there may be a fyftem of a fun and planets revolving about it, within any fmall particle of matter ; or a world in miniature. But this cannot be ; for though mat- ter is infinitely divifible ; yet the law of attraftion of the fmall particles of matter, not being as the fquares of the diflances reciprocally, but nearer the cubes ', therefore the revolution of one particle of matter about another, cannot be performed in an cUipfis, but in fome other curve ; where it will con- tinually approach to or recede from the center ; and fo at laft will lofe its motion. Such motion as thefe can be nothing like that of a fun and planets. PROP. XXV. If a body revolves in the circumference of a circle 24. ZPA, in a rejijling medium^ whofe denjity is given. To find the force at any place P, tending to the cen- ter C i as alfo the time^ velocity^ and reftfiance. Sup* ■pofing the refinance as the fquare of the velocity. Draw PC, and dp parallel and infinitely near it, cutting the tangent Vd in d. And put CZ zr r, ZP =::: 2;, time of defcribing ZP z= /, velocity at P zr 1;, refinance — R, / zr force at P, ^ zz force of gravity at Z, r zz velocity in Z. And let a body moving uniformly with the velocity i, thro* the fpace i, in the time i, meet the refiftance i in the medium. And let a body defcend thro' the fpace ^, by the force g at Z, in the fame time i. I. By the laws of uniform motion, the Ipace is as the time X velocity. Whence i (fpace) : i X i (time X vel.) i i z '. vt zi z^ whence / =z — • 2. By ^ CENTRIPETAL FORCES. - . 2. By the nature of the circle, dpzz— :=z • 3. By accelerated motion, the fpace is as the force X fquare of the time ; whence^ X 1^ (force X time*) : a (fpace) : : /// : dp or : : zrf : vo 2arf . J • And cc — zar. g 4. The velocity generated (or deftroyed) is as the force X time ; therefore, gX 1 (force x time) : 2a 2aR} ^dRz , (velocity) : : R/:-^i; = = -^,and — 2dRz vv = -J-' 5. The refiftance is as the fquare of the veloci- ty, whence i* (vel/) : i (refiftance) ::vv:Rzz vv, 2aRz 2avvz Therefore — vv zz — And — i g ' 2az 2az — — » whence - — log : v zz ' and correCt- V i ^ g c 2az cd, log : — zz Again, fince —_- zz vv, —^ zz vv zz — zavvz , • 2V-JZ 4arfz f ■ 5 and f =: — zz » and — ^ zz. — » and — log :/ — — , and correded, log : g o £ _ 4f5 /"■ ^ . Alfo i zz— zz ml^, and t zz — ■> and cor- V 2avv 2^1; refted / iz -^ — ^ . ^ 2av zac Cor* Sea. IL CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 45 Cor. I. Hence v zz number belonging to the Icga- Fig. rithm : log : c • And f-zi number belonging to the logarithm : log :g --^ ■ — ' Cor. 2. Therefore the logarithms of v andf, each of them fever ally decreafes equally^ in defcribing equal fpaceSy ad infinitum. And therefore at every revolu- tion, the log : of v is equally diminijhed, and Ukewife that of f But the body will revolve for ever, for when V is o, / will be infinite. Cor. 3. Hence if the central body at C, was fa diminifhed that its log : may decreafe equally in defcrib- ing equal fpaces, or in each revolution, after the man- ner as before-mentioned \ then the body will perpetu- ally revolve in a circle, in a medium of uniform den- fity. SECT. t46] Fig. SECT. III. ^he ^notion of three bodies aSling upon one another \ the perturbuting forces of a third body, The motion of bo- dies round an axis at refiy or having a progrefftve motion^ and other things of the fame nature, PROP. XXVI. 25. If a body he proje5led from A, in a given direHion AD, and be attracted to two fixed centers S, T, not in the fame plane with AD ; ^ the revolving triangle SAT, drawn thro* the moving body^ Jhall defcrihe e- qual folids in equal times, about the line ST. Divide the time into infinitely fmall equal parts ; it is plain that equal right lines AB, BC, CD, &c. would be defcribed in thefe equal times ; and con- fequently that all the folid pyramids STAB, STBC, STCD, &c. are equal, which would be defcribed in the fame equal times ; if the moving body was not a6led on by the forces S and T. But let the forces at S and T, aft at the end of the feveral intervals of time ; as fuppofe the force T to a6t at B in direction BT ; fo that the body, inftead of being at C, is drawn from the line BC, in the direftion CF, parallel to BT. And in like manner it is drawn from the line BC, by the force S, in diredlion CE parallel to SB. And therefore, by the joint forces, the body at the end of the time, mult be fomewhere in the plane ECF parallel to SBT, Sea, III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 47. SBT, as at I. But (Geom. VI. 17.) the folid Fig. pyramids S TBI and STBC, are equal ; being con- 25. tained between the parallel planes ECF and SBT, and therefore have equal hights ; whence STBI =: pyramid STAB. In like manner continue BI, making IK = BI ; and in the next part of time, the body would ar- rive at K, defcribing the pyramid STIR equal to STBI. But being drawn from the line IK, by the forces S, T, in the diredions KL, KN, parallel to IS, IT ; the body will be found at the end of the time, fomewhere in the plane LKN parallel to SIT, as fuppofe at O, and then it will have de- fcribed the folid STIO - STIK :- STBI =: py- ramid STAB. And in the fame manner producing lO to P, till OP zr 01. Then the body, attraded from O, by the forces S, T, will defcribe another equal pyra- mid. And fo it v/ill continue to defcribe equal py- ramids in equal times; and confequently the whole folids defcribed are proportional to the times of de- fcription. Cor. I. PFhen the number of Uneoltg AB, BI, lO, t^c. is iricreafed, and their magnitude diminijhed^ ad infimtum ; the orbit ABIO, becomes a curve. Cor. 2. Any line AB is a tangent at A, BI at B, i^c. A, B, (^c\ being any 'points in the orbit. Cor. 3. But the orbit ABIO is not contained in me plane^ except in fome particular cafes. For that the orbit may not deviate from a plane ; the forces on both fides thereof, cugiit to be alike. PROP. 4% CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. PROP. XXVII. 26. If the body T revolves in the orbit TH, about the body S at a great dijlance, whiljl a lejfer body P re- volves about T very near ; and if C be the centripe- tal force of S aSting upon T. Then the dijiurbing 3PK force of S upon P is — "5j~C. Suppofing PK pa- PT rallel^ and KT perp. to ST. y^;/^ -^C zz the in- creafe of centripetal force from P towards T. Let ST —r,VT—a,VY^—y,g — force of gravity, h zi fpace defcended thereby in time r. J — the fpace defcended in the time i, by the force C. ^ rr periodic time of T about S, and t :=: per. time of P about T. y — centripetal force of T at P, TT zz 3.1416. Since attraction is reciprocally as the fquare of the diftance, then force of S afting at T : force of S afting at P : : -^^ : ^p rr ^__y r + 2jy, nearly. And force of S adling at T : to difference of the forces : : r : 2y; that is, r : 2y : : C : — C zi difference of the forces : and this is T the fingle force by which P is drawn from the or* bit QAZ in diredion KP or PS. But fince the motion will be the fame, whether the fmgle force PS aft in the direcftion PS -, or the two forces PT, TS aft in the direftions PT, TS ; fubftitute thefe two for that fingle one •, therefore proceeding as before, the force of S adling at T : force of S afting at P : : — ; • And force ^ rr r—y of Sea. m. CENtRIPEtAL FORCES. 4^ of S ading at P in diredion PS : force of S a6l- Fig. ing on P in diredion of TS : : PS : TS : : r — y\ 26. r : I -: fZIZ' Therefore ^;f ^^«(7, force of S afting at T : force of S ading on P in diredion TS : : i I j_ I i I t^ ' ^mir^' * * ri ' r^ — ^ry ' '~r ' r — ^y' ' ^ ' r + 3JJ, nearly. And the force at T : difference of the forces ::r: ^', or r: ^y i iC : ^ C ^ dif- turbing force of P, afting ih direflion parallel to TS. And PK (y) : PT (a) : : increafe of the dif- /y \ d turbing force in direftion PK ( — C ) : — C, the ad- dition of the centripetal force in direftion PT. 2V For when the difturbing force was —C, there was ho addition of centripetal force at T, but a dimi- nution thereof; as appears by the following Corol. Cor. I . The fimpk difturhing force, whereby P is drawn towards S, is ~ -^^C. And the diminution of 1) centiipetal force ofV towards T, is z= - C. And the accelerating force at P in the arch PA, is zz — C. Putting z zzfine of 2PQ, v zz ver fed fine of iVQ^ For kt X zz PK, and draw Kl perp. to PT ; then b, fimllar triangVs, PT (a) : PK (y) : : PK : PI : : force PK (jC^ : force in diredionlP 2yv_ v^ or TP z: -^C zi - C. cir r Aifo PT (a) : IK (x) : : PK : KI : : force PK E (.zy 50 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. ^f * (-C) : force in diredion KI or PA z= ^ C =: -C. By Trigon. B. I. Prop. II. Schol. q Cor. 2. 'The dijiu7'bing force at P is zz rrTT^ i 59t being the fine of the difiance from the quadraturey P the rnoon, S the fun. ttr 2V 7tty For (Prop. V.) C = —-7, and ^-^Czz^-fy- ^^^ (becaufe - =: - ) zz —7 r nearly. Cor. 3. If S he the fun, P a body in the equinoc- tial of the earth ; the difturhing force at P is zz. 12852000 For when P is at the moon's orbit, the force js ^y ; but ^ = 60 X 607, or y = -^—^, therefore qg the force becomes — tz. — 7 — ' and at the earth is 59I-X3600 59'-X 6o5 Cor. /i^. If S he the moon, P t7 /^oi)' o« //??^ cqui- nofiial of the earth. The difturhing fot ce at P is zz 2880000 For the general perturbating force was -^ C, and here C muft be the centripetal force at the moon. Now the centripetal force of the earth, at the dif- tance of the moon is j—.g' And the moon being 40 tim€S kfs than the earth, the centripetal force of Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. of the moon, at the fame diftance, is ^-r p--. ^^' ' 40x60* * ' 20. put this for C, then the force of the moon upon the equinodial, is — X ■ — -tt"! = 7 — 7-r ^ ' r 40 X 60* 60a X 40 X 60* 20 X 40 X 60* Cor. 5. The dijittrhing force of the fun ^ to that of the moon^ upon the equinohial^ is as i to 4.. 4.6. For thefe forces are as — n and 12852000 . 2S80000 or as 288 to 1285, or as i to 4.46. Cor. 6. If f he the a-pparent diameter^ tind d the denfity of the perturhating body. Then the dijiurbing force will always he as df'y. 3y y^ ' For that force is — C pr as — * Let its diame- r T ter, — : ^, M :z: its quantity of matter. Then C M dh IS as — i that is, as Therefore the difturbing YY YT db'y force IS as — p, or as f/y X/'. Cor. 7. //" P he a point in the equator of the earth, S the fun. The centrifugal force of P : is to the fertm'baiing force PT : : As the fquare of the earth's periodical time about the fun pp : to the fquare of the eartlfs ■periodical time about iu axis tt. Let / — time of revolution of the earth round its axis J then t : z-rta ^circumference} : : 1' : -y- zi arch defcribed in one fecond j and the verf- E 2 ed 52 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. /^TTTraa l-mra 25. ed fine iz ^^ ^ ^^ = — ^ =: afcent or defcent by the earth's centrifugal force. But forces are as 2 TTira 2 TTtrttE their effeds, whence b : g : : —-- (afcent) : — jr^ the centrifugal force itfelf. But the perturbating f.C - ^ r ~ rb a asg force is — C =. —r' Whence the centrif. force l-mrag asg iTTTT s perturbatmg force ■ ■ -JJT ' 7h ■ • IT 'T '■ 2-mrr Z-mrr 2tnrr : tts : : — - — : //. But i= pp. Vor^irs i-nr 4.vnrr 2wr I : : 27rr : p = . — > and pp zz 2rs s Cor. 8. Hence the body V is accelerated from the quadratures Q, Z, /^ theftziges A, B ; ^»^ retard- ed from the fiziges to the quadratures. And moves f after, and defcribes a greater area^ in the fiziges than in the quadratures, PROP. XXVIII. I^he fame things fuppofed as in the laft Prop, the linear error generated in P in any time, is as the dif- turbing force and fquare of the time. And the an- gular error, feen from T, will be as the force and fquare of the time directly, and the di fiance TP reci- procally. For the motion generated in a given part of time, by any force, will be as that force j and in any- other time as the force and the fquare of the time. The motion fo generated is the linear error of P, a* it is carried out of its proper orbit, by the force - C. And that error, as feen from T, is as the T angle Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 53 angle it is feen under ; and therefore is as that linear Fig. error, divided by the di (lance TP ; and therefore 26. is as the force and fquare of the time, divided by the diftance. Cor. I . the linear error generated in one revolu- tion of P, is as the dijiurhing force and fquare of oca the periodical tim-Sy — //. y^nd the angular error in one revolution is as the force and fquare of the perio- die time divided by the dijla?ue. Cor. 2. The mean linear error of P in any given a time, will he as the force and periodical time, — Qt, And the mean angular one, as the force and periodical time, divided by the dijlance. For let the given time be i ; then / (time) : aC . . . aCt , — tt (whole error) : : i : — > the error m the given time. Cor. 3. The mean lineal error in any given time, i$ as TP and the periodical time of P dire5lly, and the fquare of the periodical time of T reciprocally. And the mean angular error, as the periodical time of P dire^ly, and the fquare of the periodical time of T reciprocally, r at . at For (Prop. V.) C is as —> and — G is as — X r at t ■—- or —-• And the angular error as — ■ pp pp ^ pp Cor. 4. In any given time, the lineal error is as TP and the periodical time of P dire£fly, and the cube of ST reciprocally. And the angular error as the periodical time of P dire^ly, and the cube of ST xeciprocally, E 3 Fop -^^ CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig, , r ^^ ' ^^ j| For (Prop. XVII.)/!p is as r\ therefore —is as-y Cor. 5. 5"^^ /f>f^r ^rr^r in a given time is as 1 -? flC, «K^ the angular error as fIC, r r at ^ For / is as ^\ and ■— C ^j — C. Cor. 6. And univerfally, the angular errors in the whole revolution of any fatellites ; are as the fquares of the -periodic times of the fatellites dire£lly^ and the fquares of the ■periodic times of their primary planets reciprocally. And the mean angular errors are as the periodical times of the fatellites^ divided by the fquares of the periodic times of their primary planets. . For by Cor. i. the angular error is as the force ^nd fquare of the time divided by the diftance \ 1 . C« // . r ^ • '^ \ that IS, as — x ~ ; that is, (becauie C is as — ] r a ^ ppf tt as — • The reft is proved in Cor. 3. PROP. XXIX. 27. If a fpheroid AB revolves about an axis ST in free fpace^ which axis is in an oblique fituation to the fpheroid -, the fpheroid unll^ by the centrifugal force, i?e moved by degres into a right pofition ab ; and af- terwards by its libration., into the oblique pofition a (3. And then will return back into the pofitions ah, AB ; dpd fo vibrate for ever. Let C be the center of the fpheroid •, D the cen- ter of gravity of the end ICLB •, E that of the end ICLA ; D^, 'Ee perp. to ST. Then the cen- trifugal force of the end CB, fuppofing it to z8i wholly Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 55 wholly at D, in diredion dD, having nothing to Fig. oppofe it, will move the end CB from B towards 27. ^, with a force which is as ( d. And at the fame time, the centrifugal force of the end CA, ading in diredion fE, will move the end CA from A to- wards a, confpiring with the motion of the end CB ; by which means it will by degrees come into the pofition al?. And then by the motion acquir- ed, it will come into the pofition a ^, making the angle SC « — SCB. And the motion being then deftroyed, it will return back, by the like centrifugal forces, adting the contrary way -, and be brought again into the pofitions al>, and AB j and continue to vibrate thus perpetually. Cor. Hencef if the axis of the earth is not precife* ly the fame as the axis of its diurnal rotation -, the earth will have fuch a libration as is here defcribed^ hut exceeding finall. I'his is fupfofin^ it a folid bo- dy ; but if it was a fluids it would by the centrifu* gal force^ form itfelf into an oblate fpheroid, PROP. XXX. Prob. If a globe AVQQ^in free fpace^ revolve about 2S, the axis SCT, in direction ADB ; and if any force applied at V, the end of the radius CV, ai^ts by a /ingle impulfe in dire^ion VG perp. to CV, in the plane VCD. To find the axis about which the globs (hall afterwards revolve. Suppofe the great circle VBQ/K perp. to the line of diredion VG •, and if VH, VI be 90 de- grees ; it is plain, if the firil motion was to ceafe ; the globe by the impulfe at V, would revolve round the axis IH, which by the firft motion was round the axis PQ^ Therefore by both motions toge- ther it will move round neither of them., Now E 4 fmce §6 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. fince a point of the furface moving with the greats 28. eft velocity about ST, will move along the great circle ADB •, and a point having the greateft velo-. city about IH, moves along the great circle VDE. Therefore a point that will have the greateft velo- city, by the compound motion, will alfo be in a great circle pafling thro' D. Therefore in the great circles DB, DE, take two very fmall lines Dr, Do, in the fame ratio as the velocities in AD, and VD ; and complcat the parallelogram Dopr, Then thro' D and p draw a great circle KD^L ; and a point having the greateft motion, arifing from a compofition of the other two motions, will move along KD^L. Therefore finding F, R the poles of the circle KDj)L, FR will be the new axis of revolution, or the axis fought. And the velocity about the axis FR will be proportional to Dp ; VBQA being always fuppofed perp. to GV, or to the plane DVC. - Note, if you fuppofe an equal force applied at E, in diredion contrary to GV, it will by that means keep the center C of the globe unmoved, and will likewife generate twice the motion in the globe. Cor. I . The greater the force is that is applied t& V, the greater the dijlance PF is, to which the pole is removed. And if fever al impulfes he made fuccef- Jively at V, when V is in the circle APB, the pole F will be moved further and further towards H, in the circle APB. For feveral fmall forces or impulfes have the fame effeft as a fmgle one equal to them all. Cor. 2, If the force a5l at P, in direction perp. t» the plane CPB •, and Dr, Do be as the velocities along DB and DQ. The great circle KDE (paffing thro* D end p) is the path of the point D ; and its pole ¥, sr axis of revolution RF ; the pole being tranjlated from Sea. m. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 57 from VtoV. And if the impulfe he exceeding fmall. Fig, PF will alfo be exceeding fmall. 29. Cor. 3. If the force at P always a5ls in parallel dire^ions, whilfi the globe turns round. The pole will make a revolution in a fmall circle upon the fur- face of the globe, in the time of the globe's rotation^ and the contrary way to the globe's motion. For let a fingle impulfe at P tranflatc the pole to F -, and afterwards when the globe has made half a revolution, and the point P is come to p ; then if a new impulfe be made at F, the pole will be trans- lated top which is now P ; that is, it will ^e mov- ed back to its firft place on the globe. So that in any two oppofite points of rotation, the place of the pole is moved contrary ways, and fo is carried back again the fame diftance. And fince the globe revolves uniformly, if the force a6t uniformly, it •will move the pole all manner of ways, or in all manner of direftions upon its furface ; that is, it will defcribe a circle, which will end where it be- gun. And in defcribing this polar circle, the mo- tion will be contrary to the motion of the globe; for fuppofe PFB an immovable plane. If the globe ftood ilill, the pole would move in a great circle, in the plane PFB. But fince all the points of the globe which come fuccefUvely to the plane PB, are not yet arrived at it, but are fo much further fhort of it, as PF is greater ; 'tis evident all thefe points will lie on this fide the plane PB. And as any fixed point will defcribe a circle on the moving globe, contrary to the motion of the globe ; fo will a point that is not fixed, but moving in the plane PFB, likewife defcribe a circle (or fome curve) contrary to the motion of the globe. Or fhorter thus, fuppofe the globe to Hand ftill, and the di- redlion of the force to move backward, then the relative motion wiU be the fame as before; and then 5S CENTRIPETAL FORCES, f igi then the pole F will move backward too, as it will 2€f. follow the force, being at right angles to it. Cor. 4. Since the pole hy one impulfe is tranjlated to F *, the new pole F is therefore another point ef the material globe, diftin^l from P. Jnd the particle P that was before at reji, will now revolve about the panicle F at rejl. For the new pole F is that particle of the globe which happened to be revolving in F, when the impulfe was made at P. The matter of the great circle ADB dees not come into the circle KDL, but only the point D of ir. For when the force is impreHed, the other particles M, N, by the com- pound motion, will be made to revolve in the di- reftions M;;^, N«, parallel to D/> j and therefore will defcribe leffer circles about F; whilfl: only D defcribes the great circle KDL. Cor. 5. What is demonflrated of a fphere is true clfo of an oblate fpheroid, whofe axis is PQ^; and the force imprcffed at P, a^ing in direSlion perp. to CPBj or parallel to CD the radius. r- Cor. 6. But if the force at P aEi in direSlion con- trary to the foregoing {as in cafe of an obiong fphe- roid) ; the pole of rotation will be moved from P to- wards A, contrary to the way of the other motion. Cor. 7. Jnd in general the pole P will always be iftoved in a direction perp. to that of the power j and towards the ja'me way as the fpheroid revolves. Cor. S Hence after every half rotation of the globe round its axis, the places upon the globe change their latitude a little \ which, after an entire rotation return to the fame quantity. But this variation is f9 trifling, as to come under no ohjervation. This is evident, becaufe the pole is altered \ and '\b ^-"^^ JE./w. 3<«-'. Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 59 of confequence, the diftance therefrom is altered Fig. in all places, except in the great circle FCR. 29. PROP. XXXI. Proh. Let AB he an oblate fpheroid, whofe axis is PC j Z^^ find let it revolve round that axis, in the order ADB, which is its equino£lial\ and if any force a5i at P, in direction PG perp. to PC, and in the plane P O C, which moves flowly about y in the order ADB. *To find the motion generated in the fpheroid. Let EL be an immovable plane like the eclip- tic, in which the center C of the fpheroid always remains. ON another plane parallel to it. Erecb CM perp. to thefe planes -, and make the angle MCN n the angle B^^C, in which the equinoftial B^ cuts the ecliptic CL. Suppofe the fpherical furface OVN to be drawn, whole pole is M •, and produce CP to cut it at R, in the circle ORN. Then PCD and RCM are in one plane, and both of them perp. to P;a and PtC. Now to find the motion of the axis of the fpheroid. Here OVN is the upper fide of the furface. This Prop, differs from the laft in feveral re- fpefbs. The laft Prop, regards only the motion of the pole upon the furface of the globe, and that js caufed by a motion which is generated in the globe itfelf. But in this Prop, we confiderthe mo- tion of the axis CR in the fixed fpherical furface OVN i which always proceeds in one diredion, as long as the moving force keeps its pofition. In the laft Prop, the motion of the globe round its axis is performed in a very fhort time \ but here the revolution of the force, in the moving plane P G C, is a long time in its period. Now by the laft Prop. Cor. 7. the force PG will always move the axis of rotation CPR in a direct tioa ^0 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fio-. tion perp. to PG. Therefore fiippofe the plane 30. P G C to revolve (lowly round PC, and we fhall find that in the beginning of the motion, when O or F is at i^, then the plane (PgC or) P£:C will be perp. to the plane CRM, and at that time the motion of R will be directed from R towards M. And when that plane comes to the pofition PF o C, the motion of R will be direded to fome place be- tween N and V. And when it is got to the tropic D, then R's motion is diretted along the circum- ference RV ; for then P o C coincides with CRM. But when P G C arrives at /, the motion will be direfted from R to fome point / without the circle. And laftly, when P G C is at the other interfeftion T, beyond B ; the motion of R will be direfbed to m oppofite to M. The refult of all which is, that the pole R will defcribe fuch a curve asRi234-, and then the fame force begins again at — •, which being repeated, another fimilar figure 456. is de- fcribed by R •, and fo on for more. The fame force I fay is repeated, for when the plane PgC comes on the other fide of the globe, the force a6ls the contrary way, and therefore 'tis all one as if it aded on the firft fide of the globe. Itmuft be obferved, that as R moves thro' 1234,, the interfeftion £: gradually moves towards E. And as to the force PG, it may be fuppofed variable, at different pofitions of the plane PgC. And according to the quantity of force in the feveral places, different curves (1234) will be defcribed. Cor. I. Hence it is evide?it, that the inclination of the planes ADB and ECL, is greatejt when PgC fajjes thro* £: and T . And leafi when it pajfes thro^ the tropic D. And that the inclination deer eafes from the node ^ to the tropic D, and increafes from the tropic to the node. For Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES; 6i For when P0C is in -, R is fartheft from M ; Fig. but when it is in D, R is at 2, and its direction ^o, is parallel to R4, and then 2M is leaft. Cor. 2. ^fier a revolution of the 'plane PFoC {in which the force always a£ls)^ the inclination comes to the very fame it was at firjl. For at any two points F, /, equidillant on each fide from the tropic ; the force is diredled contrary ways, from and to the circle RV ; and therefore the motion, in the curve R1234, being alfo equal and contrary, from and towards RV, they mutu- ally deftroy one another •, and therefore after a re- volution, or rather half a revolution, the pole R is brought back to the circle RV, and then the angle RCM is the fame it was at firft. Cor. 3. The motion of the pole R, reckoned in the (ircle O VN, is always from R towards V, then thro* N, O, and R. For tho* the motion of R towards and from M, in the line Mw, in one revolution, is equal both ways; and fo R is always brought to the circle again ; yet the motion confidered along the circle is always in the order RVN. Thus it goes thro* the curve 123 to 4, fo that after half a revolution of PqC, it is advanced forward in the circle RV, the length R4. Cor. 4. The motion along the circle is fometimes f after and fometimes flower. At 2 it moves faftefi of all ', at R and 4, it moves floweft, or rather is fiationary for a moment. ' Cor. 5. The pole R, and the nodes move the con- trary way about y to what AB revolves. Cor. 6. If the force PG ftands ftilk the pole R ijoill ftill move backwards as before i and that in a -right 6z CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. right line, or rather, a great circle. And if PG moves' 30. backward thrd BDFA j the 'pole R will Jiill go backr ward i but then the curve R24, will be concave tOr wards M, like 87R, being contrary to the other where the force moved forward. Cor. 7. But in an oblong fpheroid, where the force a5ls in dire£li:n GP, quite contrary to the other ; R will defer ibe the curve R78, without the circle ORV ; every far tide of it in a contrayy dire^ion to thefe of R24. And therefore the pole ,R, and the nodes T ^'nd £5 will move the fame way about as ADB revolves, end contrary to what they dq in an oblqfp fpheroid. For the force being diredbed die contrary way j of confequence the motion muft be fo too. Cor. 8. And in an oblong fpheroid, if the force GP move the contrary way about ; yet the pole R will fiill move forward. And the curve defcribed by R, 'will have its convexity the contrary way. Cor. 9. Hence if the quantities and proportions of thefe forces, in different places be known ; it will not be difficult to delineate the curve R1234, upon the fphericcl fur face OVNM. PROP. XXXn. ?rob. 51- If a planet {or the moon) move in the orbit ATE/, round an immovable center C, whofe plane is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic AQE ; and a force aEls upon it in liries perp. to GZ, and parallel to the eclip^ tic, directed always from the plane G7L to either Jide. To find the motion of the nodes A, E j una the varia^ lion of the orbit's inclination PAO. Let ATZE be half the orbit raifed above the ecliptic AQ, AE the line of the nodes j T, /, the Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. ^j the tropics. Draw CM perp, to the ecliptic AQE, Fig. and CR perp. to the orbit AT E. Round M as 3U a pole defcribe a fpherical lurface RVNX-, then RC will be the axis of the orbit, and MC of the ecliptic, or circle AQE. Thro' the points T, C, M, draw the plane RMC •, and thro' A, C, M, another plane cutting the circle RNF in X andHj then RF is perp. XH, and the cncle RNX paral- lel to GEQ. Note, RNX is the upper fide of the furface. Let the planet be at P, and let P2 be the fpace it defcribes in any fmali time, and the line Pi the fpace it would be drawn thro' in the farre time, by the force a<5ting from the plane MGZ. Compieat the parallelogram Pi or axx zz z'-y (z being given), and the fluent is ~ zz. yz\ and x : z : : y/jy : ^\a : : as the fub* tangent : to the tangent ; which is the property of the cycloid, ^a being zz CB, the diameter of the generating circle. Now at different diftances of O from the node, the cycloid defcribed will be greater in proportion to the fine of AO (fig. 31.) ; and even in the fame cycloid, the latter part will be greater than the former part, as AO grows greater ; all the parts of it increafing as the fine of AO increafes -, and the greateft cycloid will be when A is in the qua- dratures ; and the leaft when in the fyziges, where it is reduced to nothing. Scholium. From the foregoing folution, thefe obfervations may be made. J. Tho* the curve R24 has been determined to be a cycloid, yet it is nearer an epicycloid. For at R it fets off nearly in a direftion perp. to GZ, and during its generation (that is, whilft P per- forms a femirevolution) the point A moves to- wards G ; and fuppofmg the force at O to be fix- ed, the lad particle of the curve at 4 would be parallel to that at R. But as O really moves for- ward, fome number of degrees, fuppofe 14, and continues to do fo, all the femirevolution ; there- fore every particle of the curve will have other di- redions in its defcription, being more curve than F 2 before j 68 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. before ; and at laft the tangents at R and 4, will 32. make an angle of 14 deg. which is the lame as if an epicycloid was defcribed on the convex fide of a circle, going thro' an arch of it equal to 14 de- grees. 2. Thus the curve defcribed by R would be nearly an epicycloid, when the force at O is every where of the fame quantity ; yet as O moves about, the force will increafe and decreafe in proportion to the fine of AO ; therefore, if you will fuppofe fuch an epicycloid defcribed as above-mentioned, and moreover imagine the radius of the generating circle to fwell or increafe, in the fame ratio as the S.AO increafes •, then fuch an epicycloid will near- ly reprefent the curve defcribed by R. For then every part of it will be greater or lefs, in propor- tion to the force that generates it. But enough of this., All that I fhall add on this head is the folu- rion of the two following problems, upon account of their curiofity, as depending on the foregoing principles. PROP; XXXIII. Prok i To find the difturbing force of Jupiter or Saturn, upon the earth in its orhit ; having that of the fun upon the moon given. 2 6. Let the matter in the fun and Jupiter be as m to ^ I. E, I, L the periodic times of the earth, Ju- piter and the moon. A, B, the diftances of the earth and Jupiter from the fun. D the moon's dif- tance from the earth. C, r, the centripetal forces of the fun and Jupiter. Then (by Prop. XXVII.) the difturbing force of ■jPK PT S upon P, is "Ft^C or as qY^- Therefore if S be the fun, and P the moon, the difturbing force is I V\.W./^a.{?'d Onfy^il,;,- P1.IV>;(W r Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 69 D Fig;, is -^C i but if S be Jupiter, P the earth, T the ^f. fun i then the force is -^ c. That is, the fun*s dif- turbing force upon the moon, is to Jupiter's dif- D A turbing force upon the earth ; as -r- C to ^^ i oras DBG to AV. But (Cor. 2. VIL) C 1= -^^ and c — -pD* Therefore the fun's force upon the moon, DB^ AA IS to Jupiter s upon the earth ; as -~rT to -^^j or as DB';;/ to A+i that is (Prop. XVIL), as l^Vm : AE'. That is, the fun's difturbing force upon the moon, is to Jupiter's difturbing force upon the earth ; as D X H X m^ to A X EE; But that of the moon is known, and confequently that of Ju- piter. And if for I and ?;?, we put Saturn's peri- odic time, and quantity of matter ; Saturn's dif- turbing force will be known. Cor. I . The angular errors generated in the moon by the fun, are to the errors generated in the earth by Jupiter in the fame time^ : : as IlL X w, to E'. For (Prop. XXVI H. Cor. 2.) thefe errors are as the forces and periodic times, divided by the dif- tances. Therefore the fun's effecSt to Jupiter's, is as D X n X ;» X L A X E" X E D ^^ A » ^^ ^^ IIL/« to E'». Cor. 2 . Hence the error generated in the moon by the fun. is to the error generated in the earth by Jum- pier \ as 1 1230 to I, and to that generated by Sa- turn, as 196076 to I. For put I zz 4332 4 days, L = 2 7 |, ;;; zi 1067^ VLm tL ■=. 365-1-, then -p7~ — 11230, And putting F 2 I ~ ^o CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. I ::= 10759^, and m zz 3021, for Saturn; then 26. VLm . ^ Cor. 3. Ti;^ /jr<:f cf Saturn to the force of Jupi- ter to dijiurh the earth, is as i to ij ^. Cor. 4. 'The motion cf the nodes of the earth's cr- iit by Jupiter's aBion, in 100 years, is ^o' 20" -. And by Saturn's, 35" -|-. For the motion of the moon's nodes in a year is 19° 20' 32", or 69632"; this divided by 11230 gives 6". 2005, multiplied by 100, is 62o".05, which increafed in the ratio of the cofine of inclination of Jupiter's orbit (1= 19' lo"), to that of the moon's (^= 8' -'-), produces 10' 22'' 4^. Which diminifhed in the ratio of i to 17 4, gives 35"^ for Saturn. Cor. 5. The motion of the earths aphelion by tht action of Jupiter, is 21' 44" in 100 years, in confe- quentia. And by Saturn, i i^' ^. For the motion of the moon's apogee is 40° 40' 43", or 14.64.4^" in a year. This divided by 1 1230. gives 13.04"-, which multiplied by 100, gives 1304" or 21' 44". And divided by 1 7 4-, gives 74" -4. PROP. XXXIV. Prob, 3 5' To find the variation of inclination of the earth's orbit, by the a5iion of Jupiter in 1 00 years ; and the like for Saturn. Let V* 6p t£s yf be the ecliptic, or plane of the earth's orbit •, GFH the orbit of Jupiter -, G Jupi- ter's afcending node ; E, I, Q, the poles of the ecliptic, Jupiter's orbit, and the equator, refpec- tively ; ECk a circle parallel to GF ; and DwQ^a circle parallel to the ecliptic. The pole Q^ here moves regularly along the circle Q/D, by the pre- cefTion. Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 71. ceffion of the equinoxes ; wJiich circle is no way Fig, afFededor altered by Jupiter's action; becaufe Ju- 25. piter cannot be fuppoicd to have any force to move the equinoctial points, or alter their regular motion. But he has a power of afting upon the whole body of the earth, and altering its orbit, and confequent- ly the pok E of the ecliptic ; which pole is there- fore made to move along the circle ECK. There- fore we muft fuppofe the orbit of Jupiter fixed, and confequently the pole I, and circle ECK. And now we have to compute the motion of E along the circle ECK. The precefllon of the equinoxes in 100 years is — — i"" 23' 20" And (by the laftprob.) the motion of Jupiter's nodes in 100 years is 10' 2 2''-'- or 622 "4- Jupiter's afcending node G (1755, angle QEG) — — 69 8» 20' Inclination of Jupiter's orbit — i'^ 19' 10". Therefore make the angle QE^ =z i" 23"4-, and EIC zz 10' 2 2 -'-. Upon iLa let fall the perp. Co 5 then E<9 is the decreafe of EQ or E^, which (Prop. XXX II.) is the fame as the decreafe of the inclination of the planes of the ecliptic and equi- noctial. In the triangle EIC, by reafon of the very fmall angle EIC, \vc Ihall have as rad : S.IC {i" icj 10") EIC X S 'C : : angle EIC (622" J„) : EC zi ^^^ = i4".3. To the angle GEQ (8^ 20'), add QE^ (i* 23' -f ), then OiiQ or lace, is. reciprocally as thefe three quantities^ the velocity of rotation^ the frogreffive velocity^ and the tangent of inclination. For the curvature is as the angle tQg^ that is, as tg S.«FI 7=:- or as .-, , c- • — T '- — » that is, as M? G^X S.inciinaLion ' »I . Cof. incl. FlxG^XS-inclin". ' ^^^^^ '^' ^^ FI X G^ X S.inclin. I or as Tjt V <- ' v. ^ '■ — V — ' For n\ is as the co- Jb 1 X C:j^ X tan. mclin. fine of inclination, being the fpace defcribed upon the inclined plane 7i\. Cor. 2 . Taking away all iinfediments^ the circle al- ways keeps the fame inclination to the horizon. For the pofition of the plane F«I is fuch, that the axes CF, Cj, are both parallel to it. If we fuppofe gravity to a6l by a fingle impulfe at O, then F will move to n., and P to ^. And the plane of the circle endeavouring to defcend a little at D, and rife at F ; a new point of the circle as /, ly- , ing beyond G will inftantly touch the plane ; by which means it leaves the line AG. And fince at every CENTRIPETAL FORCES. . every point of contaft as G, the pole P moves (at each impulfe of gravity) in a line perp. to CG, and alfo parallel to the tangent arch at G ; and the like at every new point of contad ; it is plain CP is always alike inclined to the horizon Confe- quently, when gravity is continual, the circle coming continually to new points of contad, the axis CP will always revolve round at the fame in- clination, and therefore the plane of the circle will alfo have the fame inclination to the horizon. This might alfo be proved after the manner of the XXXth Prop, not confidering the progreflive motion of the circle. All this is fuppofmg there is no refiftance, fric- tion, or other irregularity. But fince in fa6l, the refiftance of the air continually leflens its motion, and the fmoothnefs of the plane it runs on, caufes the foot or bottom of the circle to Aide outward, which continually leflens the inclination, and brings the axis more upright ; and the more oblique the plane of the circle is, the fafter it Aides out. Up- on thefe accounts it can never defcribe a circle, but only a fort of fpiral line ; and the plane of the circle defcending lower and lower, at lad falls fiat ■upon the horizon. Cor. 3. Hence a circle moving without any refif- tance^ i^c. upon a horizontal plane ; tcvV/ defcribe a circle upon that plane. For the velocity and inclination continuing the fame •, the curvature of the tradt defcribed, will be every where alike. Cor. 4. And to find the diameter of the circle or orbit defcribed. Let / be a very fmall part of time wherein G^ is defcribed, v the velocity of projeftion per fecond, h the fpace defcended by gravity in time /, s and c the fme and cofine of the circles inclination, / ~ 16 Seam. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 77 1 6 -i-V feet -, then will ch zz fpace defcended along Fig. the inclined plane F/j and by the laws of motion, 36. 1" : 1; : : t" : Gg - tv. h zndit : h ::i": f = --• Then whilft O has moved thro' the length Gg, t or I has defcended thro* the fpace ch on an inclined n\ plane parallel to F/. But we proved gt zz. ~ zn tr ch -7 n — • And therefore the diameter of the orbit s s ~ If " Ih ~" ch "^ cf — f cli nation. Cor. 5. Alfo to find the periodic time, or time of ine revolution. Let D iz diameter of the orbit, then by Cor. G? X s ^^^ laft, lH-pi = D, and Gg = s/'-T' The cir- ch •* cumference of the orbit is ^ (putting tt ~ 3.1416^; and by uniform motion, Gg -. t : ; ^ : T the periodic time zz. —j- ch^ ttsD SD Or thus, G^ (tv) : t : : circumference -y — : periodic time — -7- = "F X tan. inclination. PROP, 78 CENTRIPETAL FORCES. ^^' PRO P. XXXVI. Prol^. ^7. ^f DEF h the furface of a right cone^ ijohofe mis AE is -perpendicular to the horizofi^ and DHFG a circular plane parallel to the horizon ; and if a cir- cle ah revolves round in the periphery DHFG, with its axis i^e always parallel to the fide of the cone DE, where it then is. To find the periodic time of ah, in the circle DHFG. Draw DBA perp. to DE, and BC perp. to AC. Let TT zz 3. 141 6, h — fpace defcendcd by gravity in the time t. Then if the force of gravity be reprefented by AC, the centrifugal force at B to keep the circle ah in that pofition, thro' its whole revolution, will be denoted by BC. Then it will be AC (the gra- BC vity) : BC (the cent, force) : -. h -, -r^ h — fpace defcended towards C, by the force in direction BC — the effedl of the centrifugal force. There- fore by (Prop. II.) the periodic time is tt/ y/ 2BC ^2AC Cor. I. Hence the periodic ti-me zn 7rt J —J— X tan. inclination ABC. S.B ^ S.B For S.A : S.B : : BC : AC =: 3;^ X BC = -^g X BC zz tan. B X BC ; whence, the periodic time /2BC ~7ZZ ~ 7!" / ^ — - X tan. ABC. Cor. 2. Draw BI parallel to DE, and DL pa-^ 7r/ X BC X v/2 ralkl to?,Q-, then the periodic time iz — .. j , * T. . ^ BC^ For AC = ^j- . C^^^ J Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. 79 Cor. 3. Hence the curve defcribed on the conic fur- Fig. face, is the fame as that defcribed on a horizontal 37. plane, as explained in the lafi Prop. All the difference is, that the conic fiirface hinders the circle ab from Jliding outzcard, which the horizontal plane cannot do ; except it be. fuppofed to he fo rough, that the circle can- not Jlide on it. For in Cor. 4. of the laft Prop, v is put for the 3^* velocity of G along AB •, but putting it for the velocity at C, you'll have the diameter of the orbit paffing thro' C : that is, (fig. 37.) inftead of 2DL we Ihould find 2BC for the diameter D of the orbit. 37' And by Cor. 5, the periodic time is tt ^ \/t~- ^^^ in Cor. i. of this Prop, the periodic time is -rrt 2BC . \ ; h ^ ^^^' ^^^^^^^^^^^ i which is equal to the former, becaufe D — 2BC, and — — tan. of the ' c inclination. So the curve is the lame in both cafes. PROP. XXXVII. Proh. I'o explain the motion of a top, or fuch like whirl- 38. ing body Let ABC be a top w^hirling about in the order AEC •, FDG a circle defcribed by any point D in the furface, K its center of gravity, BKca the axis of the top. \i the top be upright upon the foot B ; that Is, if BS be perp. to the horizon, and moves fwiftly about ; it will continue upright till the motion flacken. But when it is going to fall, it will lean to one fide ; therefore fuppofe D to be the loweft point in the circle FG ; then the top endeavours by its gravity t(j defcend towards D. Let the force of gravity a^one move the point D thro' the fpace D<7, in a very fmall time y during which, the rotary motion 8o CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Fig. motion would carry the point D to r. Compleat 38. the parallelogram Drpo, and the point D will be carried thro' Dp ; that is, the circle FDG will come into the pofition Dp •, and therefore the axis BKS (perp. to the circle FG) v/ill be moved in a direc- tion towards H, perp. to DK -, and the point S moved to n ; the particle Sn being parallel to Dp. After the fame manner by a new impulfe of gravi- ty at/, the loweft point-, the circle FDG, will be moved into a new pofition, below Dp, and the point S carried from n to t. And fo by every im- pulfe of gravity, the point S will be moved gra- dually forward, thro' the circle Sntalz •, and thus the top recovers itfelf from falling ; the motion of S being always parallel to that of D. And tliere- fore the motion of the axis BS will be the fame way about, as the top's motion is. And thus the point S will continue to make feveral revolutions by a flow motion, whilft the top makes its revolu- tions about its axis, by a fwift motion. Cor. I. J'his motion cf the top and, its axis, is fi~ milar to the motion of an oblong fpheroid, and its nodes. For CCor. 6. Prop. XXX.) the nodes move the fame way about as the body revolves, and fo does the axis of the top •, and therefore this motion may be called the motion of the nodes of the top. Cor. 2. When the tops tnotion is very pwift^ the circle Sql is very fmall •, and as it grows /lower, that circle will grow bigger and bigger, till the top falls. For when the top's motion is very fwift, Dr will be greater, and the angle rDp lefs -, and the circle Dp will deviate lefs from DG. And gravity hav- ing little power to difturb its motion, the circle Sj/ will be extremely fmall, and the top will revolve about the axis in appearance unmoved. But as the top's P1.VI.//^Z//// w Kg-. ;((i r i ' 37- K , y. G if=-£" L ! . ^ ^\3il- n Sea. III. CENTRIPETAL FORCES. St top's motion by refiftance and fridion grows lefs Fio-. and lefs, Dr will be lefs ; and the circle Dp will de- o 8° viate more from DG ; that is, gravity will have more and more power to difturb its motion ; and the axis BS will defcribe a greater and greater circle with the point S, or rather a fpiral, till at laft the top falls down. Cor. 3. y^s the top grows flow, and the motion 3^' ijoeak, and the pole S defcribes greater and greater cir^ cles, the foot B is thrown out to the oppofite ftde, de-^ fcrihing a circle ^b, which is greater as Sql is greater ; and goes the fame way about. For the center of gravity K always endeavours to be at reft, whilft the body revolves about. Therefore when the top grows weak, and the pole S defcribes greater circles, the foot B is thrown fur- ther out to the oppofite fide ; and being always op- pofite, will defcribe a circle proportional to Sj/j the foot B going the fame way about as S does. And thefe circles B^ will continually grow greater and greater till the top falls down. Till then the top rolls about and about from the pofition CAB to the oppofite pofition cab, till the motion end, and the top falls down. And thefe are the princi- pal phcenomena of the motion of a top. F I N I ^. Page I Lin II 59 19 6S I 78 6 ERRATA, read (Preface) irregularities only PtiC and Pre. 4, R recedes from M, its axis I Bz In the Plates. Fig. 5. m fhould be Ihaded. Jig. 23. P« ftjould be perp, to F/, BOOKS Printed for J. Nourse, oppofite Car tharine Street, in the Strand. I. ' I '^ HE Elements of Trigonometry, by W. Emec- X fon. The fecond Edition, with large Addi- tions J together with the Tables of Sines, Logarithms, &c. 8vo. 1764. a. The Elements of Geometry, by W. Emerfon, 8vo. 1763. 3. A Treatife of Arithmetic, by W. Emerfon, 8vO. 1763. 4. A Treatife of Algebra, by W. Emerfon, 8vo. 1764. 5. Emerfon's Navigation. The fecond Edition, i2mo. 1764. i. A New Method of Increments^ by W. Emerfon, 8vo. 1763- 7. The Arithmetic of Infinites and Conic Sedlions, by W. Emerfon, 8vo. 1767. S. A Treatife of Algebra, by T. Simpfon. The third Edition, 8vo. 1766. ^. Eflays on feveral curious and ufeful SubjecSls in fpecu- lative and mixed Mathematics, by T. Simpfon, 4to. J740. 10. 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