^. ■J^tia.^: I.irrJKAK^' University of California. or i'"v OK 'L^lr^' n OJ\,t^ ^\ ^Ary^Jy -.(. ^X Clnss Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogofgardineOOIibrrich The Gardiner Greene Hubbard Collection of Engravings / OF ■ UWIVl I OF '^7 ^fTTfyt^J^ a-^ US, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ii Catalog of the Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of Engravings PRESENTED TO THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS BY MRS. GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD Compiled by Arthur Jeffrey Parsons Chief of Division of Prints WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1905 VAt ■^y- L. C. card 5-20002. CONTENTS Page PKEFATORY NOTE vii THE GIFT IX SKETCH OF GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD xv ABBREVIATIONS AND AUTHORITIES xxi CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS (alphabetically arranged) 3 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS 371 INDEX OF ENGRAVERS (chronologically arranged by schools) 377 INDEX OF ARTISTS 405 PORTRAIT INDEX 427 LIST OF AUTHORITIES 509 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 517 V 2;'-o; ILLUSTRATIONS Note.— All the numbered plates are reproduetions of the originals PORTRAIT OF GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD. Etching by George Eyster Sensenev Frontispiece Facing page THE BOOK-PLATE OF GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD xiv PLATE I DANTE, ASTRAY IN A FOREST, FRIGHTENED BY A PANTHER AND A LION. By Baccio Baldini (?) 14 PLATE 11 8T. JEROME IN HIS STUDY. By Albkecht Dvrer 88 PLATE in THE DANCE ON THE BANK OF THE RIVER. By Claude Gellee .... 1,30 PLATE IV THE VIRGIN WEEPING OVER THE BODY OF CHRIST. By Hendrik Goltzius . 136 PLATE V CHRIST AMONG THE DOCTORS. By H. E l.'S4 PLATE VI GUILLAUME DE BRISACIER. By Antoixe Masson 214 PLATE VII LANDSCAPE WITH THE THREE TREES. By Rembrandt Harmensz van Ryn . . 278 PLATE VIII THE PALACES. Bv James Abbott McNeill Whistler .346 PLATE IX THE LAST SUPPER. By an anonymous German engraver .164 PLATIC X PRESENTATION OF THE VIRGIN. Bv an anonymous Italian engraver . . . 370 VI PREFATORY NOTE The Gardiner Greene Hubbard Collection of etchings and engravings was formed by Mr. Hubbard himself. After his death it was presented to the United States l)y Mrs. Hubbard, to be deposited in the Library of Congress as a memorial of him. The terms and circumstances of the gift are set forth below (see pp. IX et seq.) The collection contains 2,707 prints, which are divided into ditferent schools, as follows: American ............... 114 Danish 2 * Dutch 380 Engliisii 588 Flemisli 96 French 688 German 594 Italian 214 Russian ............... 5 Scandinavian .............. 3 Spanish li 2,690 Original drawings 17 2,707 Catalogues of such collections, which are more than the mere alphabetical lists issued by dealers, may gain additional interest or render a more valuable service by a fuller description than these attempt, or by references to authorities. The interest and value of the present one will, it is hoped, be enhanced by both descrip- tion and references. The admirable British Museum lists of German, Dutch, and French schools have been used for the dates of the engravers. Miiller's '"Allge- meines Kiinstler-Lexicon" has been found invaluable for dates of artists. Wheu- VII VIII PREFATORY NOTE ever a question of dates has arisen, the authoritj' of best repute has generally been adopted, but not without an examination and comparison of the evidence. The prints of which tiic names of the engravers have not been foiuid are placed last, under the heading Anonymous. They have been measured and described with tiie hope that collectors who may l)e interested will aid in their identification. For the sympathetic sketch of Mr. Hubliard, the Librarj' is indebted to one who knew intimately both his career and his characteristics. Herbert Putnam Lihrarian of Congress Washington, January, 1905. Arthur Jeffrey Parsons Chief of Dvoision of Prints THE GIFT The Gardiner Greene Hubbard Collection was offered to the Library of Congress during the administration of Mr. John Russell Young, as Librarian, in 1S98. Tiie terms and circumstances of the gift were set forth in his annual report for that 3'car, from which the subjoined correspondence and record are taken: LiBKAKY OF Congress, March 30, ISDS. Sir: Your Librarian has the honor to report that he has received a letter from Mrs. Gertrude M. Hubbard, of Washington, in which she gives to the American people, to be preserved for their use in the Library of Congress, the art collections of her late husband, Gardiner Greene Hubbard. The nature of the gift will be , explained in the following correspondence: Washington, D. C, March 21, 1898. My Dear Sir: I hereby offer to the Congressional Library, for the benefit of tlie people of the United States, the collection of engravings made by my husband, the late Gardiner Greene Hubt)ard, and in addition thereto the art books, to >)e treated as part of the collection. This disposition of the collection, the gathering of which was to him the pleasure of many years, chiefly devoted to the welfare of his fellow-men, is in accordance with his wishes, and is that which would give him the greatest satisfaction. I desire that a suitable gallery in the Library be devoted to this collection and such additions as may from time to time be made to it, to be known as the "Gardiner Greene Hubbard Gallery," where it can be accessible to the pul)Iic, to be studied and enjoyed under such reasonable regulations as may lie made by Congress or l\y the authority to whom Congress may delegate the control of the Congressional Library. Accompanying the collection is a bust of Mr. Hubbard, by Gaetano Trenta- nove, which I desire may be kept in a suitable place in the gallery. I propose during my lifetime to add to the collection from time to time, and in my will to make provision for increasing the collection by creating a fund of $20,000, to be placed in the hands of trustees, the interest of which is to be used X GARDINER (iREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION l>y the Lil)rariaii of Conj-Tcs.s in the purcluase ot additional engravings, it being my understanding that the expense incident to the proper care of this eoliection will lie borne by the Congressional Library, and not he a charge against tiiis fund. I am, very sincerely yours, Gertrude M. Hubbard. Hon. .ToriN Kusskll Young, Lihraridii cf the C'oinjreifxiondl Li^irary^ WaKliiiiyion^ I). ('. March 28, 1S98. Dear Madam: I have the honor to acknowledge your letter in which you present to the people of the United States the works of art which belonged to your late husban to the people for their benetit and instruction. Ytjur letter has been submitted to the Joint Connnittce on the Library for official consideration and for such instructions as will enable the Librarian to carry its suggestions into etlect. Yours. \ cry sincerely, John Russell Young, Libraridii of L'>. Mrs. Gertrude M. Hubbard, The collection of the late Mr. Hul)bard has long been regarded b}- expert judges of art, familiar with its contents, as in many respects the most instructive and valuable in the country. That distinguished gentleman gave many yeai's to its accumulation, grudging neither pains nor expense to obtain the tinest examples of the masters in the various modern schools. Germany is seen in the works of Schongauer aiul Albrecht Diirer. There are specimens of the Italian artists, Marcantonio Raimondi's engravings after Rapha(>l. as well as the works of Cari-acci, Spagnoletto, Piranesi, and Raphael Morghen. The Flemish school contributes achi(^vements of Lucas van Leyden, a contemporary of Diirer, and likewise of Vorsterman and Raul Pontius, who worked under the eye of Rubens. The collectiou contains, as your Libiarian is informed, the largest number THE GIFT XI of Rembrandts in the United States, many of rarity and value. There are examples of Suydcrhocf, Teniers, and others, and it is believed that there is not a well-known Flemish engi-aver from the time of Rembrandt to thai of Josef Israels who does not find a place. The French school opens with the seventeenth century, embracing the works of Claude Lorrain and other masters. Mr. Hubbard showed his historical taste by a unique gathering together of the portraits of Frederick the Great and Napoleon — a hundred of Frederick, three times as many of Napoleon. The English school includes the work of Delaram, in the early part of the seventeenth century, as well as what was done by Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir Robert Strange, and Turner. The American section opens with Paul Revere, who drew the Harvard Universitj^ in 1780, and contains specimens of every noted American engraver since that time. As the committee will see from this enumeration, the value of this collection is not alone because of its interest, mc>rit, and lieauty, but for its educational utility as illustrative of the evolution of modern art. And when it is remembered that we have already in the Library of Congress between 7,000 and 8,000 engravings and etchings, mainly the work of American artists of our own day, coming to us under the operation of the copj'right law, the addition of what is now given by Mrs. Hubbard will make our department of graphic arts one of the largest and most distinctivel}' repi"esentative in the world. The conditions attached to this gift are respectfully recommended to the favorable attention of the committee. It is suggested that a suitable apartment in the new Library building be devoted to this collection, as well as to such additions to it as will be made from time to time, and that it should be known as the "Gardiner Greene Hubbard Gallery." In furtherance of this wish, your Librarian would recommend the setting aside of a suitable apartment, and that the bust of Mr. Hubbard, bj' Gaetano Trentanove, which accompanies this bequest, should have a place. A competent person will be detailed from the Library stafi' to take charge of the collection, have it properl}^ catalogued and annotated, and see that, as Mrs. Hubbard requests, it is ever kept accessible to the public for their study and enjoyment. Yours, respectfully, John Russell Young. Hon. George Peabodt Wetmore, Chairman of the Joint Conanittee on the Library of Congress. XII GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Ix THE Senate of the United States, AprU i. 1898. Mr. Wetmore, from the Committee on the Lilirary, reported the following- joint resolution; which was read the lirst and second times by unanimous consent: JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing the Librarian of Congress to accept the collecfon of engravings jiroposed to be donated to the Library of Congress by Mrs. Gertrude ]\I. Hu>)bard. Renal red hy flie Senate ami Ilou.te of RejireHenfatlves of the United States of America in Conf/ress a.-ine/nMed, That the Librarian of Congress is hereby empowered and directed to accej)t the ofl'er of Mrs. Gertrude M. Hubbard, widow of the late Gardiner Greene Hui)l>ard, communicated to him l)y the following letter, on the terms and conditions therein stated, and to communicate to Mrs. Hubbard the grate- ful appreciation of Congress of the public spirit and muniticence manifested by said gift: Washington, D. C, J/arch 21, 1898. My Dear Sir: I hereby offer to the Congressional Libraiy, for the benelit of the people of the United States, the collection of engravings made b}' my husband, the late Gardiner Greene Hubliard, and in addition thereto the art books, to l)c treated as part of the collection. This disposition of the collection, the gathering of which was to him the pleasure of many years, chietiy devoted to the welfare of his fellow-men, is in accordance with his wishes, and is that which would give him the greatest satisfaction. I desire that a suitable gallery in the Library lie devoted to this collection and such additions as may from time to time be made to it, to be known as the "Gardiner Greene Hubtwrd Gallery,"'' where it can be accessible to the public, to be studied and enjoyed under such reasonable regulations as may be made })_v Congress or !)}• the authority to whom Congress may designate the control of the Congressional Library. Accompanying the collection is a bust of j\Ir. Hu))))ard, Ijy Gaetano Trentanove, which I desire may be kept in a suitable place in the gallery. I propose, during my lifetime, to add to the collection from time to time, and in my will to make provision for increasing the collection by creating a fund of $20,000, to be placed in the hands of trustees, the interest of which is to be used by the Librarian of Congress in the purchase of additional engravings, it being my under- THE GIFT xin standing that the expenses incident to the proper care of this collection will be borne by the Congressional Library, and not be a charge against this fund. I am, very sincerely yours, Gketrude M. Hubbard. Hon. John Russell Young, Librarian of the Congressional Library, Washmgton, D. C. On June 27, 1898, the matter was thus disposed of in the Senate: Mr. Hoar. I ask unanimous consent to call up the joint resolution (S. R. 139) authorizing the Librarian of Congress to accept the collection of engravings proposed to be donated to the Library of Congress by Mrs. Gertrude M. Hul)])ard. There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the ^^'hoIe, resumed the consideration of the joint resolution. Mr. Hoar. It has already been read. I move what I scud to the desk as an amendment to the resolution. The Secretary. After the word "sbxtcd," in line 7, it is proposed to insert: "Except that instead of naming the gallery in the Librar}' as therein proposed, the collection shall be known and styled as the Gardiner Greene Hubbard Collection, it not being, in the opinion of Congress, desirable to call parts of the public buildings after the names of individual citizens, and that the bust therein named be accepted and kept in a suitable place, to be designated by the Joint Committee on the Library." The amendment was agreed to. Mr. Hoar. As I remember the circumstances, a motion to recommit the joint resolution was pending when it was last under consideration. I am authorized hj the mover of that motion to ask that it be treated as withdrawn. The Presiding Officer (Mr. Pettus in the Chair). The motion to recommit is withdrawn. The joint resolution was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amendment was concurred in. The joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed. This joint resolution was subsequently passed bj- the House of Representatives, and became a law by the signature of the President July 7, 1898. (6ai:dinrr ("xFjitklmxiV. SKETCH OF GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD The collection of engravings, of which this is the catalog, represents (on the part of the collector) many years of long searching, patient waiting, and a multitude of pleasant experiences. As one turns over the leaves and notes the variety and range of subjects illustrated by the engravings, one seems to see revealed, in a degree, the character and tastes of the man who gathered them together. He was no mere dilettante — no mere collector of prints for collection's sake, but one who loved the art, both for itself and for what it represented. The broad scope of the collection declares his breadth of mind; its comprehensiveness, his thoroughness; its catholicity, his own fair-mindedness, good judgment, and love of truth. So much of himself is wrought into the fabric of the collection that some knowledge of Mr. Hubbard himself, and the purposes swaying his selection of certain pictures rather than others, seems essential to a proper understanding of them. Mr. Hubbard was the son of Samuel Hubbard, a justice of the supreme court of Massachusetts, and of Mary Anne, daughter of Gardiner Greene, being thus of gentle New England stock. Born in 1822 (August 25), at Cambridge, he graduated from Dartmouth College in ISiS, chose the profession of law, and for twenty-tive j'ears practiced in Boston, meanwhile living in Cambridge. A good Iaw3er, interested in his profession, its limits never bounded his horizon. Very early he was planning the municipal betterment of his home town and engaging in industrial and educational projects which by their novelty atti'acted his alert mind. Thus it was that he organized the first gas and water works of Cambridge, and connected that city with Boston through the first horse railroad operated outside of New York City. He served ten years as chairman of the Massachusetts State board of education (of which Phillips Brooks was also a member), was actively interested in the introduction of drawing in the public schools — entering wedge of the present XVI GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION system of manual training — and had .supervision of the State educational exhibit at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876. He procured the passage of laws which authorized the opening of State schools, where deaf chilr his views. In 1877 he removed permanently to Washington, engaging in the establishment of the telephone company along the lines it has since followed. He speedily took his place in all the different phases of Washington life, social, scientific, and political. To recapitulate all the enterprises with which he was associated is unnecessai-y; but to indicate the breadth of his interests it may suffice to note that he was first president of the National Geographic Soci(>ty, Regent of the Smithsonian Institution, governor of the District of Columbia Society of Colonial Wars, president of the board of trustees of the Churcli of the Covenant, chairman of the Joint Commission of the Affiliated Scientific Societies (now the Washington Academj' of Sciences), a founder of the Memorial Association of Washington, and personally instrumental in securing to it the ht)use in wliich Lincoln died; a trustet; and LL.D. of ColumI)ian LIniversitv. These interests in Washington did not prevent him from serving as a director in SKETCH OF GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD xvii several New York banks. His last services to the world were in connection with the Nashville Exposition, where he acted as chairman of the commission of awards, and with the movement in favor of the Hay-Pamicefote arbitration treaty. Indeed, its first meeting in Washington was held in his house and was called to order by him. Such in brief are the chief outlines of a life of seventy-iive years — the life of one of whom others have said that he was "a man of tii-eiess energy, exhaustless capacity for varied enterprises." "Now that Mr. Hubbard has gone from us forever," said his friend, the Hon. William L. Wilson, president of Washington and Lee University, and Postmaster-General in Cleveland's Cabinet, "we begin to realize how large, how unique, and how beautiful a part he bore in the social, charitable, and intellectual life of his adopted city. * * * No home in Wash- ington has dispensed a more charming and constant hospitality than his. He came to Washington with an acknowledged social position, with well-known and honorable lineage, with liberal education and refined tastes, with large and successful experience in the business world, with a mind stored and broadened and liberalized by much reading and much contact with men and things in his own and other countries. For such a man it was inevitable that he should become associated with every form of charitable, educational, and scientific work in this country that appealed to a man of public and patriotic spirit, and if he became connected with them, it was inevitable that he should become a leader in them." It is not known when Mr. Hubbard first became specially interested in prints and engravings, but his responsiveness to beauty showed itself in his boyhood b\' his love of flowers and appreciation of natural scenery, and later in his library of fine editions of works by good authors. His first introduction to the masterpieces of etching and engraving was perhaps through the Gra}- Collection, now in Harvard University. Through the kindness of his friend, Mr. Thies, who was cataloguing the collection, portfolios of rare beauty were brought to him from time to time, and their contents eagerl}- studied. Whatever impression thej may have made did not appear then, however. It was during some years spent abroad, much later, that his own collection made its most rapid growth. Most of the prints were purchased at large shops on the iDOulevards of Paris or in London, but Mr. Hul>bard often sought his way through narrow winding streets of the old cities, guided only by his unerring sense of locality; and up long dark stairs to dingj- little rooms, where in portfolios were hidden away treasures of untold value. And when, after careful examination, he made his purchase, how joyful the heart, though empty the purse, with which he 30705—04 II XVIII GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION would turn homeward. Thus, almost one 1)\' one, were added the Rembrandts and Diirers in which the collection is so rich. Mr. Hubbard liked to throw a little side light on the history of his collection and of France by relating how all his Napoleons and other French royal and imperial prints had to be purchased out of France, for at tliat time the Republican scare against pretenders and all their works ran highest, and nothing tliat might remind Parisians of past glories could be sold. After his return home processions of engravings, sent on approval by dealers, passed through his library, and for \'ears it was a familiar sight to see him examining them l)y magnifying glass and microscope, or hunting references in his big books. How he made the time was a great mystery, for he was to the last a busy man; yet his other work was never neglected, and he was never too absorbed to come forward to welcome a visitor and listen to what he had to say with the courtesy and sympathy that were ever rt>ady and ever kindly. Mr. Hul)bard's interest in his engravings was distinctly twofold — artistic and literary; and it is hard to say under what aspect they really appealed to him most strongly. He loved the a?sthetic beauty of correct lines, the pla}^ of light and shade in the Rembrandts, the Madonnas of Raphael Mengs, and the Cathedrals of Haig. He thoroughly enjoyed the sly humor of some of the old etchers, and would point with great entertainment to the incongruous black V-shaped modern dress adorning a lad}- in one of the Holy Families. He carefullj' studied and well understood the techni([ue of the ditierent methods of engraving. Several distinct series in the collection bear witness to the care he bestowed in elucidating methods, notably his many copies of the same Madonna b_y different engravers or etchers. He specially liked to direct attention to his Landseer's dog series which show the same plate in ditfei'ent stages of completion. But all this did not content him. He must know all that had been written of their makers and of the schools to which thej' belonged. The wide reading all this involved was part of his pleasure in his collection, and is represented in the library included with it. In this literar\' aspect must be considered the historical portraits and pictures which form such a large part of the collection and reveal another aspect of Mr. Hul)V)ard's manj'-sided character. A warm-hearted man, with strong personal likings, he carried this trait into the past and admitted the greatest admiration for certain men, about whom he sought to know everything that books and pictures SKETCH OF GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD xix could tell. No one <,'lancing over the engravings can remain long in doubt that Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon Buonaparte commanded his liveliest interest. The strong prominent features of the former, with or without the famous wart, and the sharper, more delicate face of the latter dominate the collection. Around these two as centers Mr. Huliliard gathered other portrait engravings illustrating historical events, manners, or customs, making the masterpieces of great artists contribute to their glory. The Van Dycks are chiefly the English ones which set forth the lineaments of James and Charles, their families and courtiers, opponents of the grim Puritan. When he left it, the collection was probably the largest and most complete in Napoleoniana of any in America. In this series art is frankly subordinated to the story. The masterpieces of David, Gerard, Delaroche, and Meissonier are as so much incense burnt at the shrine of Mr. Hubbard's great hero. Beginning with Madame Mere and Charles Buonaparte the marvelous story is carried down through all its alternations of light and shade — the joy of the Battle of Areola, the prescience of the Passage of the Alps, the terrible yet equally significant Pest House of Jaffa, the splendor of the Coronation, the tenderness of the fathei- in his cabinet — the beginning of the end in the Retreat from Moscow at the Passage of the Beresina, the stern despair on the Bellerophon, on to the lonely grave at St. Helena, with its weeping willow, and beyond, to the Apotheosis twenty years later. Through his grouping of his pictures Mr. Hubbard continues as powerfully and scarce more silently to plead for his hei'o now and here, as formerly in his own lilirar}' or in the lecture rooms of universities or art schools where he occasionally showed them. His especial delight was to gather a little group of appreciative friends about the easel in his library and. with an enthusiasm that never wearied, to place before them print after print. But he was generous of his time and strength in Innnging them to remoter audiences, even at the expense of long and tedious journeys. He was not a finished orator, but what he had to say was said simply and clearly, and it always held his audience deeply attentive. Like the geographic lantern slides with which he illustrated such occasions, his talks were both suggestive and informing. The greatest pleasure which Mr. Hubbard had in his engravings was in thus sharing them with others. With them, as with everything else that was his, he sought to be "the helper of his fellow-men." And that this collection, into which he put so much of himself, which was so nuich a part of himself for so many years, may continue to carry on his work of helping his fellow -men, it has been given by Mrs. Hubbard to the American people. ABBREVIATIONS AND AUTHORITIES [For list of publications, see page 509] X\y Alvin, Louis Joseph. Amea .... Ames, Joseph. Andr. .... Andresen, Andreas. Andrews .... Andrews, WiUiani Loring. Ap Apell, Aloys. B Bartsch, Adam von (Peintre-graveur) B. (Rembrandt) . . Bartsch, Adam von (Catalogue de Rembrandt) B. Suppl Barisch, Adam von (Supplements au peintre-graveur) Baker Baker, William Spohn. Baker (Wash.) . . Baker, William Spohn (Engraved portraits of Washington) Ber. ..... B^raldi, Henri. Bib. Nat Bibliotheque Nationale (Catalogue de la collection des portraits fran^ais et Strangers, par Georges Dujjlessis) Bl Blanc, Charles. Bode Bode, Wilhelm. Brandes Coll. . . . Brandes Collecliun (Catalogue raisonne par JNIichel Huber) Brit. Mus British Museum. Br. ..... Brulliot, Francois. Bromley .... Bromley, Henry. Bry Bryan, Michael. C Claussin, Joseph J. de. Cat. of Fans (Brit. Mus. ) . Catalogue of the Schreiber Collection of Fans in the British Museum. Ghal. du Louvre . . . Chalcographie du Louvre. Champlin .... Chami)liii, ,Tohn Denison, ]r. Chatto .... Chatto, William Andrew. Curtis Curtis, Atherton. Curtis (Lith.) . . . Curtis, Atherton (Some masters of lithography) Didot (Les Drevet) . . Didot, Ambroise Firmin (Pierre, Pierre-Imbert et Claude Drevet) Didot (Essai) . . . Didot, Ambroise Firmiu (Essai . . . sur I'histoire de la gravure sur bois) Didot (Portraits) . . Diddt, Ambroise Firmin (Les graveurs de portraits) Dr. ..... Drake, William Richard. .XXI XXII GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Duchesne Duchesne (Nielles) Dutuit . d'Echcrac . Engelmann Ephrus^^i F. (Faithorne) . F. (Woollett) . F. B. . . . Fisher . Fr F. &K. Frankau . . N. i: 19. H. 14. [Deux hommes portant des flambeaux] No. 2. 1538. Line engravimj. B. 161. Le B. 267. N. i: 49. [Couple de danseurs] No. 3. 1538. Line engraving. B. 162. Le B. 2&S. N. i: 49. [Couple de danseurs] No. 4. 1538. Line engraving. B. 163. Le B. 269. N. i: 49. [Couple de danseurs] No. 5. 1538. Line engraving. B. 164. Le B. 270. N. i: 49. [Couple de danseurs] No. 6. 1.538. Line engraving. B. 165. Le B. 271. N. i: 49. [Couple de danseurs] No. 7. 1538. Line engraving. B. 166. Le B. 272. N. i: 49. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS Aldegrever, Heinrich — Continued. [Couple de danseurs] No. 8. 1538. Line engraving. B. 167. Lu B. 273. N. i; 49. [Couple de d.vnseurs] No. 9. 1538. Line engraving. B. 168. Le B. 274. N. i: 49. [Couple de danseurs] No. 10. 1538. Line engraving. B. 169. Le B. 275. N. i: 49. [Couple de danseurs] No. 11. 1538. Line engraving. B. 170. Le B. 276. X. i: 49. [TrOIS nOMMES SONNANT LA trompette] No. 12. 1538. Line engraving. B. 171. Le B. 277. X. i: 49. Heinrich Aldegrever, aged 28 years. 1530. 5 Line engraving. B. 188. Le B. 24.5. JoHAx VAN Leiden. 1536. 5 Line etigraving. B. 182. Le B. 2.50. N. i: 49. H. 1.8. Philip Mel.anchthon. 1540. P Line engraving. B. 185. Le B. 252. X. i: 49. H. 21. Alix, Pierre Michel (176-2-1817) French ScJwol. GARNERAY, Jean Francois (1755-1837) (After DAVID, J.icques Louis) (1748-1825) Jean Silvain Bailly. P Colored aquatint. he B. 53. Bib. Xat. 2.518 (35) 6 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Aliz, Pierre Michel — Continued. L E D R U , Hilaire (176!»-1840) Behnadotte. (Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, afterwards Carl XIV. Johan, King of Sweden. ) jj ArjiKiliiit. Bib. Nut. "lis- {21) Didot (Portraits), 31. GARNERAY, Jean Franooi.s (1755-1837) Je.\n Paul Marat. 53 Colured aquatint. L . . . (worked second half eifihteenth century) HoNoRE Gabriel Mirabeau. Je declare qi'e si l'ox vors a charge . . . 5 Colored (iquatint. Le B, 86. Didot (Portraits) 41. A P P I A N I , .\ndrea (17.54-1817) [Bonaparte, pre.mier con.sul, en habit rouge . . ■ ] [1S02] |l Aqiiiitint. Proof: Before all letters. P. & B. i: -n. Bur.U. Le B. .56. Aiken, Henry (fl. 1816-1831) and Sutherland, Thomas (ab. 17S5 — ) E)ujli^0) Die Heilige Familie. 1836. Madonna de' Canigiani. Line enrjraring. H. 2. Anderloni, Faustino (177i-lS4T) and Garavaglia, Giovita (1790-1835) Italian School. REN I, Guido (1575-1642) AsSOMPTION DE LA ViEHGE. Lhie eiigrai'ing. Fii'st state: Before all letters. Lf B. .5. H. 5. Ap. 6. [Same.] Second state with the inscription: Surge, propera, arnica mea . . . Le B. fi. H, 5. Ap. 6. Anderloni, Pietro (1784-184:9) Italian School. POUSSl N, Nicolas (1593-1665) [Moses and the daughters of Jetiiro] Si'rre.xitque Moyses et defensis pi-ellis ada- QUAVIT oves earum [1816.] Liiw rnij raring: Fourtli state. Le B. 1. N. 1: in. H.l. Ap. 1. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. <'aUnl Titian (1477-1576) [La femme adultere] Qui sine pecc.\to . . . Line engraring: Tliird state. Lf B. S. N. i: 111. H.2. Ap. IJ. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Oillnl Titian (1477-1576) Adokent eu.m angeli Dei. Virgin ami Child with angels. Line engraring: Fifth state. LeB.7. N. i: 111. H,6. Ap. 4. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Callrd Raphael ( 1483-1520) Madonna del Passeg(;io. Called the Bridgewater ^ladonua. Line engraving: First state. Proof: Before letters. LeB. 4. Gray CtiU. 10. N. i: 111. 11,4. Ap. f'. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 9 Anderloni, Pietro — Continued. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) Attila a Poxtif. Leone Magno Placatus Apostolisq. Petro et Paulo PERTERRurs. 1837. The Repulse of Attila. Line engraving: Fifth state. LeB.lO. Gray Coll. 10. K. i: 112. H.9. Ap.l6. ANDERLONI, Pietro (1784-1849) Petrus Magnus. Alexandro 1.° I.mper.'Itori ac Regi. P Line engrarinij: Third state. Le B. 13. N. i: 112. H. 10. Ap. 30. [Same.] Proof: Before all letters. Anderson, R. (contemp.) American School. [The H.4.Y cart] 1881. Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. Andreae, Nicolaus (1556-1611) Gentian School. Doctori Stanislao Sabino Haeredi in Stracza ADV0C.4TO Vilnensi, etc. . . . 1.590. P Line engraving. he B. 5. Pass. 4: 190 (5). H. i. Andreani, Andrea (1560 ?-after 1610) Italian School. L I G Z Z I , Jacopo (ab. lo43-after 16.32) [La Vierge accompagn^e de S.\ints et de Saintes] J.^copo Ligozi.\ Veronese Pittor del Sereniss. Gran Duca di Tosc. . . . 1585. Chiaroscuro from four plates. B. xii: 67 (27). 10 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Anselin, Jean Louis (1754-1823) Frejich School. VAN LOO, Charles Audrf (1705-1765) La Belle Jakdinieue M? de Pompadour. P Line engraring. Le B. 10. BCt. i: 66. H. 3. Appian, Adolphe (1819-1898) French School. [An autumn evening] 1S74. Etdiing. Proof: Before all letters. [Landscape, with road to right and small pond to the left] 1866. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. [Une mare] 1867. A pond, with stork standing near it. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. [The source] 1868. Etching. Proof; Before all letters. Aquila, Pietro (1650?-1700?) Italimi School. M A R A T T I , Carlo (1625-171.'^) B. Virgo in gloria cum quinque Sanctis A cle.mente X Line engraving. Le B. 23. N. i: 151, H, 4, Arendzen, P. Johannes (contemp.) Dutch School. R Y N , Rembrandt Harmensz van (1606-1669) [Burgomaster Si.x] 1888. P Etching. Signed artist's proof on vellum. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 11 Amdt, Wilhelm (1780?-1813) German School. BIROSCHKOW ( \vorkeottom: See LE ROUGE, .lean Nicolas, and B V I N ET , Ecime. Ap. 3.5. B S I , Fraurois Josepli ( 1769-184.5) IMakie LoiisE, ARcruDitiiEssE D'AfTRiCHE, Imperatrice des FraN( ais, Keine h'Jtalie . . . 5 Line etigravinij. Bor. i: 7S. Le 1!. 30. Ap. 40. BOUILLON, Pierre (1776-1831) Bonaparte, P'" Consi'l de la Rep. Fran^. f Line em/nirimj. Vignette at the bottom: See DUPLESSLBERTAUX, Jean, p. & B. i: 41 and il; ,ss (47) B6r. vi: 71. A).. 44. V A U T H I E R , Jules Antoine (1774-1832) Napoleon Empereur. ^ Line engraving. Bit. 1: 7.S. Lf B. 31). CHATILLON, Charles ile (worked early nineteenth century) Napoleon Empereur des Fr.\.N(;ais, Roi d'Italie. Flm. Austerlitz. With arm.s. 3? Line engraring. Vignette at the bottom: See DUPLESSLBERTAUX and B O V I N E T , Edme. p. & B. i: 41 and ii: ,S,'< (47) B6r. vi: 71. Ap. 45. Audran, Jean (1067-1750) French Scho"]. G O B E R T , I'ierre (1066-1744 ) Loris QriNZE. Koy he France et he Navarre (as a child) 5 Line engraring. P. & B. 14. CATALOG OF ENGKAVEllS 13 Aveline, Francois Antoine. See HOGARTH, William, and A V E L I N E , Francois Antoine. Avril, Jean Jacques, I (17J:4-1831) French School. M EYS, Ferdinand de (worked second half eighteenth century) CaTHERIXE 11. VOYAGEANT DANS SES ETATS EN 1787. 1790. Line engraving. Le B. 114. N. i; '209. Avril, Jean Jacques, II. &e L A U R E N T , Pierre, and AVRIL, Jeau Jacques, II. B g (Master with the die) (1512?- ) Italian School. S A N Z i , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Fkise au triomphe DE l'amoi-r] Line etigraiing. B. 37. [Le triomphe de Scipion] Line engraring. B. "4. Bakhuizen, Ludolf (1631-1708) Dutch School. L, B.^KHriZEN OUT 71 .lAAR, AE-MULA NATl'RAE BaKHUSL^ . . . ? Mezzotint. B. 10 (3) Le B. 1. D, Stroom ox Zeegezichtex . . . 1701. River and marine views. Title-page. Etching. B. 10 (1) Le B. p. 124. N. i: 230. H. i; 47 (note) 14 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Bakhuizen, Ludolf — Continued. [Allegorie ex l'honxeur d' Amsterdam] Zoo BonvT men hike . . . Etching: Third state. B. 1. Le B. J (1) N. i: 230. H. 1. [La marcha.nde de poisson] Etching: Third state. B. 2. Le B. 5 (2) N. 1: 2:!0. H. 2. [Premiere vue de l'Y] Etching: Third state. B. 3. Le B. 6 (3) N. i: 230. H. 3. [SeCOXDE VfE DE l'Y] Etching: Third state. B. 4. U- B. 7 (4) N. i: 230. H. 4. [Troisie.me vue de l'Y] Etching: Third state. B. 5. Le B. S (5) N. i: 230. H. 5. [Le coup de vent] Etching: Third state. B. C. Le B. 9 (6) N. i: 230. H. 6. [Le carexage] Etching: Third state. B. 7. Le B. 10 (7) N. i: 230. H. 7. [La barque mise A plot] Etching: Third state. B. ts. Le B. 11 (S) N. i: 230. H. 8. [L'akrivage .1 Am.stebdam] Etcliing: Tliird state. B. 0. Le B. 12 (9) N. i: 230. H. 9. [La petite te.mpete] 1701. Etching: Third state. B. 10. Le B. 13 (10) N. i: 230. H. 10. Bal, Cornelis Jo.seph (1820-1867) Flemish School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1.520) [Madonna: Belle Jardiniere] Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. ChampliQ 3: 129. Ap. 1. H. 1. w Tifi '~~'3r^^: CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 15 Baldini, Baccio (?) (1436?-after 1480) Italian School. BOTTICELLI, Alessandro (1447-1510) [Dante, s'ktant egar6 dans une forSt, ah pied d'une montagnb, est epfraye pah une panthAre et UN LION . . .] No. 1 of 20 plates for Dante's Inferno, iiublished at Flor- ence in 1481, by Nicholas of Breslau (Nicolaus Lorenz). Line engraving. From the collections of J. Camberlyn and Samuel Stiglmeir. LeB.41. B.37. P.v:30. N.i: 232. H.l. Hein.141. Baldini, Baccio (liSG ?-af ter 1480) or Botticelli, Alessandro (141:7-1510) Italian School. Zacchbria. profeta. 21. The prophet Zachariah. One of a series of 24 jirints representing the prophets. Line engraving: Third state, from reduced plate. Watermark, the arms of Florence. From the collections of William Bell Scott and Charles Marochetti. B. 21. LeB. 21. N. i: 233. P. v: 29. H. i; 167 (Botticelli) Fisher, p. 69, et seq. Bal6chou, Jean Joseph (1719-1761) French School. SILVESTRE, Louis de, I (1669-1740) Henry Comte de BrChl Premier Ministre de Sa Majeste le Roy de Polognb Electeur DE Saxe. 1750. P Line engraving. Second state. Le B. 45. N. i: 2-11. P. & B. 16. H. 8. Didot {Portraits) 74. Bib. Nat. 6992 (2) . Bance, Charles, Publisher (end eighteenth century) (Dealer in engravings during the Revolution) French School. ANONYMOUS. Napoleon'Bonaparte'Premier'Consul a. vie. L'heueeuse Etoile. P Stipple engraving. Proof. Baquoy, Maurice (ab. 1680-1747) See L A R M E S S I N , Nicolas de. III, B A Q U Y, Maurice, and SIMONNEAU, Charles. 16 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Baratti, Antonio (ah. 1727-af. 1759) Italian School. C A N A L E , Gidvaiirii Battista (worked late eighteenth century) Figures only. Immago Spectaculi QroD, IN NoBiLioRE Theatro de vico S Benedict: . . . Antonio Mauro Picture, et Archit. Prosp. ejusdem Theatri inventoke, atque Dirbctorb. Reception iu honor of Nicolas Michieli and Philipe Calbo, January 22, 1782. Line engrar'nig. Barlow, Thomas Oldham (1824-1889) English School. M I L L A I S , 8ir John Everett ( 1829-189ti) [A. Tennyson] 5 Mezzotint. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by artist and engraver. Barnard, William (177-1-18-I:'.t) English School. ABBOTT, Francis Lemuel (1760-1803) The Right Hon''!'' Charles James Fox, Etat (dc) 57. Articles and Preliminaries 1H06. P Mezzotint. s. 5. Baron, Bernard (17(W-1770) Erench School. D Y C K , Anthonie van ( 1599-lti41 ) [Charles I. on horseback accompanied by the Duke of Epernon] 5 Line entjraving: First state. Le B. 43. N. i: 2S1. H. 5. P. & B. i: %. Bib. Nat. 9143 (62). Bartolozzi, Francosoo (1727-181.-)) English School. [Cupid and Psyche] Augt. 14th, 1779. Stipple engraving and etching. From the Marlborough gem. T. 989. Le B. 299. Cat. of Fans (Brit. Mus.) 77 (74) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 17 Bartolozzi, Francesco- — Continued. A L L E G R I , Antonio. Called Correggio (1494-1534) [La S. Viekge, l'enfant Jfisus, 8. Jerome, S. Madeline et un ange] [Also called II Giorko] Line engraving. Commenced by Bartolozzi at the age of 85; finished after his death by Heinrich Karl Miiller (1784-1846) 1822. T. 2095. Le B. 38. ANDREA d'Agnolo. Called Andrea del Sarto (1486-1531) [Madonna del sacco] 1797. Line engratnng. Proof: Before letters. T. 2005. Le B. 44. N. i: 299. H. a. CIPRIANI, Giovanni Battista (1727-1785) Genius and Beauty . . . 1782. Stipple engraving. T. 56, Le B. 397-398. t KAUFFMANN, Maria Anna Angelika Katharina (1741-1807) Grisalda. 1785. (Walter and Griselda) Stipple engraving. T. 226. Le B. 340. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) [Hope nursing love] Fan mount. Three medallions. 1780. Stipple engraving. Proof: Before letters. T. 67. Le B. 392. ANONYMOUS. Olivia & Sophia with fortune-teller. "Olivia on thy happy head ..." 1784. Stipple engraving. CIPRIANI, Giovanni Battista (1727-1785) I Prudence and Beauty. 1782. Stipple engraving. T. 103. PETERS, Rev. Matthew William (1742-1814) The Rksurrection of a Pious Family from their To.mb at the Last Day. "0 Death where is thy Sting . . ." 1790. Stipple engraving. T. 2105. Le B. 49. 3070.'^— 04 2 18 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Bartolozzi, Fruncesco — Continued. ANONYMOUS. Sophia and Olivia. "When lovely woman stoops to folly . . ." 1784. Stipple engraving. T. 269. KAUFFMANN, Maria Anna Angelika Katharina (1741-1807) Cornelia Mother of the Gracchi. Cornelia Dacghter of Scipio Africanus . . . 1788. Stipple engraving. T. 1206. Le B. 432. N. i: 301. KALTERER, J. (worked late eighteenth century) Marie Therese, Charlotte de France, Duchesse d'Angoclemk. N6e le 19 Dec. 1778. 1806. y Stipple engraving. Bib. Nat. 1200 (48). LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas ( 1769-1830) [Willia.m] Cowper. "Hail your benign Instructor, Age and Youth . . ." 1805. P Stipple engraving. WALKER, Robert ( -1658?) [Oliver Cromwell] P Stipple engranng. Proof: Before letters. 1802. T. 1771. HOLBEIN, Hans, II ( 1497-1.543) Edward VI. [From Imitations of original drawings by Hans Holbein, in the Collection of His Majesty, for the portraits of the illustrious persons of the court of Henrj' VIII., with biographical tracts. Published by John Chamberlain . . . London, W, Bulmer &C0., 1792.] P Stipple engraving. T. 456. R A M B E R G , .Tohann Heinrich (1763-1840) [Frederick II, King of Prussia. Called The Gre.\t] 1787. JJ Stipple engraving. Proof: Before letters. T. 1791. Le B. 592. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 19 Bartolozzi, Francesco — Continued. HOLBEIN, Hans, II (1497-1543) [Henry VIII and his family — Edward, Prince of Wales, Mary and Elizabeth] 1800. P Stipple engraving. Proof: Before letters. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) [Angelica Kaufpmann] 1780. P Stipple engraving. Proof: Before letters. T. 1673. Le B. 852. N. i: 3(10. U. 19. HAMILTON, William (1751-1801) [John Kemble, actor, in the character op "Richard III."] 1789. P Stipple engraving. T. 1822. Le B. 663. ZUCCHERO (Zuccaro), Federigo (1543-1609) [Mary, Queen op Scots, and her son, James I] 1779. 5 Line engraving: First state. From the Camberlyn and Firmiu-Didot collections. T. 1684. Le B. 615. N. i: 299. A P P I A N I , Andrea (1754-1817) [Napoleon Bonaparte] [1802] P Stipple engraving. Proof: Before letters. T. 1854. Le B. 526. COPLEY, John Singleton (1737-1815) The Eight Hon'? William Pitt, First Lord Commissioner op the Tre.^sury. 1789. P Stipple engraving. T. 1865. Le B. 586. D U P N T , Gainsborough (1767-1797) The Right Hon"^'' W^illiam Pitt, First Lord Commissioner of His Ma.iesty's Treasuey, And Chancellor op the Exchequer. 1790. 5P Stipple engraving. T. 1866. Le B. 587. BEAUCLERK, Lady Diana (1734-1808) [Georgiana Spencer, Duches.s of Devonshire] P Etching and stipple. Proof: Before all letters. T. 1654. Le B. 512. ■20 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Bartolozzi, Francesco — Continued. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) [Edward, Loud Thuklow] [1782.] 5 Stipple mid liiii' inijrar'nKj. Proof: Before all letters. T. 183fi. Le B. 612. N. i: '299. H. 20. Bartolozzi, Francesco. See also P I C T , Victor Marie, and BARTOLOZZI, Francesco. Also WOOLLETT, W illiam, and BARTOLOZZI, Francesco. Bartsch, Adam von (1757-1S21) Germnn School. Copies after tiie following artists and engravers: B E R C H E M (Berglieiu), Ckas Pietersz (1620-1683) [UnE TfeTE DE BOUC] Elciang. B. v: 267. Le B. 1.55. F. B. 170. L E D U C Q , .Tan ( 1629 ( 1630 )-l 685 ) [Le chien dehout devant celui qui doet] EU'h ing. B. i: 207. Lf B. 156. F. B. 160. LE DUCQ, Jan (1629(1630)-1685) [Le LOUP pouEsuivi] 1803. Elelmiij. B. i: 206. Le B. 1.54. POTTER, PauluH (1625-1654) [Une VACHE COUCHlfeE PKts d'uN AKBRE] FAchxng. B. i: .57. B. Siippl. 6(17). Le B. 147. F. B. 166. POTTER, Paiihis ( 1625-1654 ) [TferE DE VACHE TOURNEE VER.S LA (iAUCHE] Etching. B. i: 55. Le B. 149. B. Snppl. 6 (16) F. B. 1.55 CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 21 Bartsch, Adam von — Continued. RODS, Johaun Heinrich (1G31-1685) [La vache et le taurbah] Etching. B. i: 164. Le B. 146. F. B. 158. ROOS, Johann Heinrich (1631-1685) [UnE BERGERE assise K TERRE PRES d'uH BfeLIER ET d'uNE CHEVRE] Etching. B. 1: 149. Le B. 163. B. Suppl. 18 (81) F. B. 167. ROOS, Johann Melchior (1659-1731) [Un BffiUF DEBOUT] Etching. B. i¥: 399. Le B. 143. F. B. Ifi9. DOES, Jacob van der, I (1623-1673) [Un gkoupe de cinq moutons] Etching. B. iv:195. LeB. 150. B.SuppL 182 (1). F. B. 168. V E L D E , Adriaen van de (1635(1636)-1672) [Le paysan a chkval] Etching. B. i:227. LeB. 351. F.B.162. V E L D E , Adriaen van de 1635(1636)-1672. [Le paysan et la paysanne] Etching. B. i: 226. Le B. 3.52. F. B. 161. M E E R , Jan van der, II (1656-1705) [Une brbbis couchee, et dedx agneaux] Etching. B. i: 231. Le B. 1,51. B. SiippL 30 (1) F. B. 163. M E E R , Jan van der, II (1656-1705) [Une brebis debout] 1803. Etching. B. i: 232. Le B. 152. B. Suppl. 30 (2). F. B. 164. 22 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Bartsch, Adam von — Continued. W E E N I X , Jan Baptista (1621-1660?) [Le taureau] Etching. B. i: 3'.)3. B. Snppl. 65 (1). Le B. 144. F. B. 165. W E E N I X , Jan Baptista (1621-1660?) [L'HO.MME ASSIS ET SON CHIEN] Etching. B. i: 394. B. Suppl. 65 (2). Le B. 3.53. F. B. 166. WOUWERMAN, Philips (1619-1668) [Un cheval debout] Etching. B. 1:399. B. Suppl. 68 (1). Le B. 139. F. B. 167. Basan, Pierre Franvoi.s (1723-1797) French School. T E N I E R S , David, II (1610-1690) Lk grimoiee d'Hypocrate. Line engraving. LeB. 366. N. i: 311. Batley, Henry W. (contenip.) English School, [William E. Gladstone] Fide. et. virtvte. P Etching. Proof : Before all letters except facsimile signature of Gladstone. Signed l)y etcher. Baugean, Jean Jerome (176-lr-af. 1819) French School. Embakquement de Bonaparte A bord du BELLEROPnox. Etchi7ig. Le B. 125. Ber. 1: 107. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 23 Bause, .Tohann Friedrich (1738-1814) German School. NETSCHER, Caspar (1639-1684) [Rosetta] [1789.] Line engraving: First state. Le B. 250. H. 8. N. i: 330. Ap. 26. GRAFF, Anton (1736-1813) Fkidericus. II. 1787. fl Line engraving. Le B. 186. N. i: 331. Ap. 43. Bib. Nat. 16649 (69) F I T T L E R , James (1758-1835) Gdstavtjs Adolphiis. 1797. IP Line engraving: Third state. Le B. 216. H. 13. N. i: 330. Bib. Nat. 19923 (50). Ap. 53. LE R OY, Jacques (1739-1778) Petrvs. I. Peter the Great, P Line engraving. Proof: Before rectangular border and oval frame. 1786. Le B. 204. H. 11. N. i: 331. Ap. 66. [Same.] P Line engraiing: Third state. 1786. Le B. 204. H. 11. N. i: 331. Ap. 66. Bazin, Nicolas (1633-1710) French School. Louis LE Grand. Roy de France & de Navarre. Louis XIV. 1682. P Line engraving. Le B. 163. N. i: 336. MARTIN, Jean Baptiste (16.59-1735) Marie Therese d'Austriche, Reine de France & de Navarre. 1682. P Line engraving. Le B. 168. 24 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Beatrizet, Nicolas (ab. 1515-al). 1560) Italian School. BANDINELLI, Baccio ( 1493-1560) En ratio dia en hominvm aervmnosa Cvpido . . . 1545. Combat between Reason and Love. Line engrainng, Le B. 3S. B. 44. N. i: 341. ANONYMOUS Tabula marmorea pugnae DacicjVE . . . 1553. Battle between the Romans and the Dacians. From the bas-reUef on the Arch of Constantine. Line engraving. LeB. »5. B. 94. N. i: 342. P E N N I , Luea. Calkd Romano (ab. 1500-ab. 1560) Henricvs. II Gallorvm. Rex. Ciikistianissimvs. 5 Line engraving. Second state. Date changed from 1556 to 155.S and P. R. inv. omitted. Le B. 88. B. 3. N. i: 33S. Bib. Nat. 21193 (.%). Beauvarlet, Jacques Firmiii (1731-1797) French School. FRAGONARD, Jean Honorf"- (1732-1806) La famille du fermier. Line engrar'i7>g: Second state. Le B. 78. D R U A I S , Francois liulsert (1727-1775) [Le Comte d'Artois et Mademoiselle Clotilde. ] P Line engraving: First state. Le B. 107. P. & B. 24. n. 22. BOURDON, Sebastien (1616-1671) [MOLIERE, EN ROUE DE CHAMBRE, ASSLS DANS UN K.iUTEUIL DEVANT UXE TABLE PORTANT UNE fiCRITOIRE] ' P Line engraving. First state: Before letters and l)efore the Iwrder. The plate entirely finished. LeB. 115. P. i. Line engraving. Pauli 37. B. 3,5. Le B. 31. H. 7. .N. i: 374. S. Simon Petrvs. 1545. One of a series of twelve prints called "Tlie T-nelve Ajiostles. Dated 1541-1546. Line engraiing: Fifth state. Pauli 45. B. 43. Le B. 45. H. 9. N. i: 374. S. Andbreas. Line engramng: Fifth state. Pauli 46. B. 44. Le B. 4C>. H. 9. N. 1: 374. S. Iacohiis. 1545. IJne engraring: Fifth state. Pa\ili47. B. 15. I.,'H. 47. H, 9. N. i: 874. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 27 Beham, Hans Sebiild — Continued. S. loHANNES. Line engraving: Fifth state. Pauli IS. B. 413. Le It. I'.!. H. ;1. N. 1: 374. S. Philipi'Vs. 1545. Line engraving: Fourth state. I'allli .11). B. 17. Lu B. -J'J. H. 9. N. i: 374. S. B.VRTHOLOMEVS. Line engraving: Third .state. Pauli 50. li. 4.S. Lo B. .51). H. '.). N. i: 374. S. Thom.\s. Line engraving: Fourth state. Pauli .il. B. 49. Le U. .01. H. 9. N. i: 374. S. Matheus. 1.5-16. IJne engraving: Third state. Pauli 52. B. 60. Le B. 62. H. 9. N. i: 374. S. Iacobvs. Line engraving: Tliird state. Pauli 53. B. 51. Lo B. 53. H. 9. N. i: 374. S. IVDAS. Line engraving: Fourth state. Pauli 54. B. 52. Le B. 54. H. 9. X. i: 374. S. Simon. Line engraving: Fourth state. Pauli 55. B. 53. Le B. 55. H. 9. N. i: 374. S. Mathias. Line engraving: Fourth state. Pauli 56. B. 54. Le B. 56. H. 9. N. i: 374. S. Matthes. 1541. One of four prints called " The Four Evangelists." Line engraving: Fifth state. Pauli .57. B. 55. Le B. .57. H. 8. N. i: 376. 28 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Beham, Hans Sebald — Continued. S. Makcvs. Line eiif/nwing: Fourth stote. Pauli .'*s. li. SC. Lf B. ON. II. s. X. i: 375. S. LVCAS. Line iiiyntrhig: Fifth state. rauli ftil. B. .'i7. Li> B. 5y. H. S. N. i: 375. S. loHANIS. Line eiujraring: Fifth state. Pauli CO. B. B.S. Ll' B. iJi. H. .n. N. i: 375. EE(aN.E.Dii)c)Nrs.iMA(io . . . 1.^20. Line engrrirlng: Sccoinl .«tate. Bartsch gives tlie date 1?p19, anil t state. Copy after B. Beliam, B. .50. Pauli 201. li. iss. Le B. 206. [Le boi'eeon kt les deu.x couples d'.'V.moureu.x] [1535] Line engraring: First .state. Pauli 211. 1!. 212. LoB. 178. 11.24. N. i: 374. [Le mascako.n] 1.543. Line engraving: Fiist state. Pauli a.'S. B. 231. LeB. 13G. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 29 Bein, Jean (1789-1857) French School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [S. Apolline] 1842. Line engraving. Second state. With presentation inscription by engraver. Le B. 6. H. 3. Ap. 3. Belin-Dollet, Gu.stave (conterap.) French School. MILLET, Jean Francois (1814-1875) [RETUnN FROM WORK] Etching. Signed by etcher. BeUa, Stefano della (1610-1664) Italnm School. Salua plebem presentem tiri com.missam S. Prosper pie Pastor. ... St. Prospero descending from Heaven. [ltio9.] Etching. Le B. 31. N. i: 383. Brj-. i: 390. H. 6. Bellows, Albert F. (1830-1883) American School. [Riverside inn'.] 1882. Etching. Proof: Before letters: Signed by etcher. Benedetti, Michael (17'45-lSlO) Enxjlish School. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) The Right Hon^H" Edmund Bukke. 1791. P Stipple engraving. Le B. 6. 30 GARDINEK GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Benoist, J. L. (worked about 1800-1840) French School. [Napoleon Bonataute and .losErniNE.] |J Stipple eiigriii'im). Proof: Before all letters. Napoleon I™. ^Iame-Louise, Empereuk i>es FriAN(,'Ais Koi d'Itame, ARcnimicHESsE n'AuTRiC'iTE . . . Dessine par R***, Termine par Benoit (Benoist) 1^ Stipple engraving. Bentley, John T. (coatemp.) Ann^rican School. GIBSON, George (contemp. ) [Notre Dame, Antwerp] 1885. Etching and aquatint. Proof: Before all letters. Signeil liy artist and engra\er. Berchem (Berghem), Claas (Nicolaas) Pietersz (162U-1683) Dateli School. [Le .toueur de corne-muse] Etching: Third state. B. \. B. Suppl. 295. Le B. 10. H. 4. N. i: 432. Seu. i: 107. , [Halte pres du cabaret] Etching: Third(?) state. B. n. B. SurM'l- 2!)7. Le B. .S6. [Le patre jouant nii plageolet] Etching: Second state. B. 6. S. Suppl. 296. Le B. 9. H. C. N. i: 43'2. Seu. i: 107. Beretta, Giuscppo (1804- ) Ttaliait School. ALLEGRl, .Vutonio. (•nigi (worked early nineteenth century). After Canova, .\ntonio (1757-1S22) Napoleonis mater. 5P Line eiitjraiiiiij. H. 7. Le. I!. 5. Bill. Nat. .M13 (8). Ap. 14. Bertrand, Noel Franeoi.s (1784-1S52) French School. DAVID, .Tacques Louis (1748-1825) Napoleon Le Grand [1812] 5 Stiji]>le engraring. LoB. 214. N. i:470. Bervic, Charles Clement, or Jean Guillauine (1756-1.S22) French School. R E N I , (luido (1.575-1642) L'Enlevement de De.ianire [1802] Line engraving: Fiftli state. LP B. 3. B<'t. ii: .W. N. i: 17:!. Ap. 2. H. 3. REGNAULT, .l.'an I!apti.-te (1754-1829) L'Educ'ation D'Aeiiii.LE [1798] Line engraring: Fifth state. Le }i. 4. Hit. ii: .VJ. N. i:47:i. Ap. :!. H. 4. C A L L E T, Antoine Francois ( 1 741-1823) [Louis XVL Koi de France et Navarre.] 1790. 5 Line engraring: Third state. Le H. 7. lier ii: 6'J. Didot (I'ortraits) 124. N. i; 472. II. 8. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 33 Best, Edward S. (worked middle nineteenth ceutur}-) American School. SCHUSSELE, Christian (1S24-1S79) [Washington and the Duche letter, Valley Forge, 1777] 5 Line engraving. Proof: Before all k'.tters. Signed by artist. Baker (Wash.) , 413. Bettelini, Pietro (1763-1828) Rail cm School. ANDREA (I'Agnolo. CiiUetl Andrea del Sarto (1486-1.531) [The entombmext of Christ] Et vidi.mus eum . . . 1811. Line engraving: Fourth state. H. 11. X. i: 477. Bry. i: 122. Ap. 15. REN I, Guido (157.5-1(342) AssuMPTA est Makia IN coELfji. The Assumption of the Virgin. Line engraving: Fourth state. Le B. 15. H. 12. N. i: 477. Bry. i: 122. Ap. 17. B. I. SV.. J E N I C H E N , Balthasar. Bicknell, A. H. (contemp.) American School. [Landscape.] Monotype. Bigatti, Giovanni (worked early nineteenth century) Italian School. [Napoleon Empereur des Fran^ais et Maeie Louise.] Quake agite optatos animi 1^ Mezzotint. Proof; Before title. LeB. i: 339. 30705—04 3 34 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Blanchard, Au^uste Thomas Marie (1819-1898) French School. [Dante] 1875. 5 Liiw enf/ritrini;. Prciof: (_)ii Imlia i^aper, before all letters. Signed by entjraver. P R U D ■ H N , Pierre Paul ( 17.58-1823) [The Emi'kess Josephine] 5 Line engraving. Proof; Before letters. Block, Benjamin (l(i31-1690) Germcm, School. Imp. Cks. Leopolde Aug. Leopold I., of Austria. 3P Mezzotint. H. 2. LeB. 1. Blois, Abrahaiu de (worked about 1680-1720) Dntch School. LELY, Sir Peter (1618-1680) Ortance'Manzini Duchesse de Mazarin etc. 5 Mezzotint. H. 4. Blooteling, Abraham (161:0-lfi90) Dutch School. Michael Angelus Bonakotus nobilis Flobentinus. 5P Mezzotint. Le B. 107. Bib. .N'at. 7366 (28) F L I N C K , (iovaert (161.5-1660) [The deer hunt] Quem miserum invadit . . . Line engra ring. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) Vari.e Leonum Icones. Series of four plates of lions. Nmnbered in lower right corner. Line engravings. Le B. 68-61. N. i: 544. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 35 Blooteling, Abraham — Continued. LELY, Sir Peter (1618-1680 Cakolus II. Dei Gratia Anglic Scotia Francis et Hiheksi.e Rex. 1680. P Mezzotint. Le B. 8.5. Bib. Nat. 9144 (43) VA I L L A N T , Bernard {1625-](i74) [CoNSTANTi.iN HuYGENs] With arius. 5P Mezzotint. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 138. Bock, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm (1759-ab. 1805) Oerman School. Frederic II Roi de Prussb . . . 1788. 5 Mezzotint. Bib. Nat. lf.649 (69). Bock, Johann Karl (1757- ) German School. FeLDMARSCUALL BLtJCHER DER DeUT.SCHE. 5 ■'^tipple engratring. Bohmer, Julius (worked early nineteenth century) German School. Friedrich der Grosse . . . Pasquill niedriger hangen. Lithograph. Boner, Johann Alexander (1647-1720) German School. Christiano Quarto. Re di Dani.marca, e di Noruegia Duca d'Holstein &. Christian IV, King of Denmark. P Line engraving. Bib. Nat. 9615. (39), Le B. 19. 36 GARDINER GREENE HUEBARD COLLECTION Boilvin, Emilo (lS45-18'.''.t) French Sehon/. MEISSONIER, .I.'an Unux Enu-st ( 1815-1S91) [A recoxnoissanck] ISlC!. Etcliiiii/. Krmariiuc iirouf, signed by etclier: Priiiteii on velhiiii. Remarque after Edouard Detaille. Boissard, Robert (ab. 15'.»(»- ) Fn-ttch Schvol. BROMLEY, (worked about I'lTO) The most noble Koueut Eakle of Essex . . . axd (.tOverxour gexerall ok the Kixgdome OF IrLAND. Iti02 . . . HiC TVVS ILI.E COMES GEXEROSA EsSEXlA . . . y Lini: CKi/rdrliii/. Fniiii collections of J. de Franck and John Young. H. (i. Suu. i:141. liry. i: 145. Bol, Ferdinand (161ti-l(iso) I^i^fch School. [Le sacrifice d'Abraham] EtcltilKJ. Lc B. 1. H. 1. N. ii: 13. B. 1. [Un vieillaui) riiii.osoi'iiE] ItUl'. EtcltilKJ. Second state. From the Iir. F. Pokorny collection. Le B. 7. N. ii: 13. B. C. [Portrait d'officieu] KU'i. Etching. Le B. 13. H. f>. N. ii: 13. B. 11. [Portrait de fem.me dans uxe ovale] 1K44. Etch inrj. Le B. 17. H. 7. N. ii: l.i. B. !.■>. Sec aho R Y N , Keiubrandt Harinensz van. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 37 Bols'wert, Scheltusa (loStJ-lOo'J) Fleinwh ScJioal. RUBENS, Petrus Paulas (ir,77-lG40) [Le serpent d'aikain] Fecit eugo Moyses serpextem . . . Line engrami'j; Third state. Lo B. 2. H. i. N. ii: 23. Dutiiit vi: 30 (16). DYC K, Anthonie van (ir)99-l()41) [Le couronnement d'epinesJ Plectentes coronam db spinis . . . Line eiKjraving: Third state. N. ii: 23. H. 9. Dutuit iv: IW. DYC K, Anthonie van (1.^99-1641) [L'elevatkj.v e>< croix] Et postqvam venervxt . . . Line eiigrdving: First state. N'. ii: 24. Dutuit iv: 67. D YC K , Anthonie van (1599-1641) [Jesus en croi.x] Called the "Christ of the Sponge." Cu.m vidisset Ie,svs matrbm . . . Line engraving: Second state. H. 10. N. ii: 23. Dutuit iv: 68. RUBENS, Petriis Pauhis (1577-1640) [L'asso-mption de la S. Viehge] M.\gnifico et clarissimo Domino Lvce Laxce- LOTTO . . . Line engraving: Second state. Ll' B. to. H. 13. N. ii: 23. Dutuit vi: 93 (4) RUBENS, Petrus Paidus (1577-1640) [Les quatre Evangelisths] Si quod duorum ab ore . . . Line engraving: First state. Le B. 1S2. Dutuit vi: 83 (128) RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) [Les PERES DE l'eclise et S. claire] Doctorvm rethereo . . . Design for Gobelin tap- estries. Line engraving: Second state. H. 14. Dutuit vi: 85 (4) 38 GARDLNEK GKEP]NE HUBBARD COLLECTION Bolswert, Scheltusu — Continued. JORDAEHS, Jacob ( 1593-1678) [Jupiter et la chevre Amalthee] Quid mirum natura Iouis . . . Line engraving: First state. Le B. ISO. Dutuit iv: 70. JORDAENS, Jacob (1593-1678) [Pan jouant de la flute CHA.MpfeTRE] Pan sedet et viridi . . . Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 189. H. 17. N. ii: 24. Bry. i: 150. RUBENS, Petnis Paulus (1577-1640) [PaYSAGE AVEC UN ARC-EN-CIEL ET UNE RIVIERE] ExPERTISSIMO DSO FrANCISCO VAN DEN Enden . . . Line engraving: Second state. Dutuit vi: 2.".2 (10) RUBENS, Petru.? Paulus (1577-1640) [La chasse aux lions] Excellentissi.mo Heroi Alexandro Croy . . . Line engraving. LeB. 19". H. 20. N. ii: 23. Dutnit vi: 244 (1) L A M E N (Lanem or Laenen), Chri^toffel Jau or Jacobz van der (ab. 1615-1651) [Deux jeunes gens exprimant leur passion A leurs maItresses] Line engraving. Le B. 195. D YC K , Sir Anthonie van (1599-1641) Maria Rvten nata in Scotia, Vxor Antonii Van Dyck pictoris. . . . Maria Ruten, wife of Van Dyck. ^ Li7ie engraving: Third state. LeB. 211. Bry. ii: 1.50. N. ii: 25. Bib. Nat. 140.58 (2) Dutuit iv: 234 (103) Bolt, Joliann Friedrich (1760-1836) German School. [Marquis of Cornwallis] ^ Stipple engraving. Proof: Before all letters: With remarque. Bib. Nat. 10746 (8) . CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 39 Bolt, Johanii Friedrich — Continued. D A H L I N G , Heinrich Anton (1773-1850) Der IOte Junius 1802. Kaiser Alexander in Memel empfangen von KOnig Friedrich WiLHELM UND DER KoNlGIN LUISE. 1805. Stipple engraving. N. ii: 215. Le B. H3. [Same] Bonasone, Giulio (ab. 1498-1580) Italian School. MAZZUOLA, Francesco. Called II Parmigiano (1503-1540) [MoisE ordonnant aux Hebreux de ramasser la manne] F.Parmiseanino.ivintor . 1.546. Line engraving. B. 5. Le B. 5. N. ii: 30. Bonato, Pietro (1765-1820) Italian School. A L L E G R I , Antc.nio. -1837) [The cornfield] Etching. Proof, on vellum: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. Bi5r. 38. M I L L A I S , Sir John Everett (1829-1896) [Chill October] 188;3. Etching. Proof, on vellum: Before all letters: Signed by artist and etcher. Bcr. 35. LEADER, Benjamin Williams ( 1831- ) ["In the evening there sh.\ll be light"] 188.5. Etchinij. Proof: Before letters: Signed by artist and etcher. B«r. 42. CO R OT, Jean Baptiste Camille (1796-1875) [Pa.storale] Etching. Proof, on vellum: Before letters. B6r. 37. Bry, Johaiin Theodor de (1561-1623) German School. [L'electiox et le couronnement de l'empereur Mathias I] No. 14. Line engrmnng. Le B. 90. Christophorvs Colvmbvs Ligvr, Indiarv[m] . . . [1590] Qvi e.\te . . . A.strorvm CONSVLT . . . J Line engraving. This print is from the Reisewerke von Theodor de Bry, and is attributed to either Johann Th^odor de Bry or Johann Israel de Bry. Nag. Mod. i: 1S80. Bry, Theodor de (0 (1528-1698) German School. Thomas JIorus Cancellarius Anglaie. Singultantem animam . . . P Litie engraving. 48 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTIOiM Buchhorn, Karl Liidwig Bernhard Christian (1770-1856) German School. C A T E L , Franz Ludwig (1778-1856) Martin Lutpier verbrenxt die papstliciie Bulle . . . [at Wittenburg, December 10, 1520] [1811.] lAne engraving: Fourth state. With preaentatiuii inscription hy engraver. Le B. 3. H. .5. N. ii: Iso. Ap. i. Burgess, AValter \V. (contoiiip.) Kntjl'Dili School. [CatIIEIJKAI, at LlMBUR(i-ON-TIIE-LAHN] JClrhing. Proof: Before all letters: .Signed by etcher. H. Suppl. J. Burgkmair, Hans (147o-li")?>l) (Ji-nuan School. [Der Weis.s KrxiG. Fine Erzahlung von den Thaten Kaiser Ma.xmilian des erstex. Von Marx Treitzsaurwein auf dessen Angeben zusammen getragen, etc. . . . 1775] Fifty-two prints from the above book, comprising the following numbers with the signature of Hans Burgkmair: 15, IS, 20, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 52, 63, 80, 84, 122, 148, 149, 174, 191, 195, 212, 214, 219, 225, 228, 231, and the remainder without signature, being Nos. 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 27, 32, 37, 38, 55, 56, 61, 64, 79, 91, 98, 128, 133, 151, 181, 188, 222. Passavant asserts that No. 19 should bear the mark of Hans Springinklee (worked ab. 1520-1540). It i.'^ thought that Xo. 19 should read No. 199 (SeeBartsth vii: 226), as no signature can be found upon the No. 19 in this collection. Woodeiite. From the D. G. Rossetti collection. B. 80. Le B. 2(;.'i-501. Pass, iii: 26S (SO). Didot (Essai) pp. 33-34. Woodberry. p. lUC. Chatto. pp. 286-288. Burnet, John (1781-1868) EnfjJ'iKh School. W I L K I E , Sir David (1785-1841 ) The blind fiddler. 1811. Line eur/rnviiig: Second state, on India paper. Le B. 2.1. H. 9. N. ii: 218. Ap. a. [Same] Line engraving. Trial proof of etching with half the figures in outline. Le B. 25. n. 9. N. ii: 248. Ap. 9. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 49 Burnet, Jolin — Continued. The blind fiddlek. ISll. Line engrarlnrj. Trial proof on India paper of etched plate just after commencing the burin work. ISIO. Le B. 25. H.9. N. ii: 21S. Ap. 9. W 1 L K I E , Sir David (1785-1841 ) The reading of a will. 1825. Line engraving: Sei'ond state. H. 7. N. ii: 24,S. Le B. 20. Ap. 10. ALLAN, Sir William (1782-1850) Robert Burns, In his Cottaoe composing "The Cotter's P.\turd.\y Night" . . . 1838 With arms. 5 Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 17. Ap. 6. ALLAN, Sir William (1782-1850) Sir Walter Scott, BarT, In his Study at Abbotsford . . . 1835. P Line engraving: Second state. Le B. ii;.. H. rj. aji. r,. Burney, Frani^'oi-s Eugene (contemp.) French School. [Corneille] [1889] 5 Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Burt, Charles (1822-1892) American School. [Henry Wadsworth Longfellow] 1883. From a photograph taken in 1877. P Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. Busch, Georo- Paul (worked about 1713-1737) German School. Fkidericvs Avgvstvs Re.y Poloniarvm Elector S.\xoni^ . . . 1733. Augustus II., King of Poland. P Line engraving. 30705—04 4 50 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Busch, Georg Paul — Continued. AuGusTi's III. Rex Poloniab. et Elector Saxoni^e coronat d. 17 Januar. 1734. Augustus III., King of Poland. P Line engrainng. Bib. Nat. 2023 (20) Feidericus WiLHELJirs Rex Borussi^ Elector Brandenburgensis &c etc. Frederick Wil- liam I., King of Prussia. 5 Line engraving. Calamatta, Luigi (1S02-1S(JO) rfal/an SchnoJ. [Louis Adolphe Thiers] 5J Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael { 1483-1520) [La Vierge a la chaise] Live eiigrai'ing: Second state. Bit. U. a. X. Ap. 1. Bry. i: 209. VINCI, Leonardo da ( 14-52-1.519) [Mona Lisa. 1857] Line enyrueing. Proof: Before all letters. U- B. 9. II. 7. Ap. 111. Bry. i: 209. BCr. (.. INGRES, Jean Auguste Dominique ( 1780-1867) ViRG. Deii>. Regn. Vov. Lvdov. XUI . . . [ls:!7] Vow of Louis XIII. Line engraving: First state. Proof: IVlViri'all letters. LeB. 4. N. u:279. B(5r. 2. H. 5. Ap. .''). CATALOG OF ENGRAVEKS 51 Calamatta, Luigi — Continued. INGRES, Jean Auguste Dominique ( 17S0-1S67) Mathieu Louis, Comte Mol6. 1840. 5 lAiie engraving. Proof: Before letters. H. 12. BlT. 32. Ap. ANTOMARCHI, Francesco (1812-1838) Napoleone. (Death m.\sk) 1834. g Line engraving. With presentation inscription by engraver. Bcir. 33. N. ii: 279. U. S. Ap. 21. Calame, Alexandre (1810-1864) Frmch School. [Le Schwartzwali), si'R LA Scheideck] Lithograph. Curtis (Lith.) p. 63. CaldwaU, James (1739-ab. 1790) English School. R E I N A G L E , Philip (1749-1833) John Nicholson Mappesiani Bibliopolii Cant. Custos. 1700. Librarian at Cambridge. 5 Line engraving. Le B. 21. HAMILTON, William (1751-1801) M".^ SiDDONS IN THE TrAGEDV OF THE GRECIAN DAUGHTER. 5 Line engraving. Redgr. p. C5. CaUot, Jacques (1592-1635) French School. [La Cene] Christe tuis en pascis oues . . . No. 2 of set of seven prints, called "The Great Passion of Our Lord." Etching. Meaume, 13. State not described. 52 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Callot, .riic(|ucs — Cotitiiiucd. [Combat a la barriere faict ex covr de Lorraine le 14 febvrier, en l'axnee peesexte 1627. Represexte par les discours et poesie dv sieur Hexrv Hvmbert. Exkichy DES FIGVRES DU SIEUR IaCQUE CaLLOT, ET PAR LUY DEDIE A MaDAME LA DVCHESSE DE Chevvrevse. a Naxcv, Par Sebastiex Philippe, Imprimei'r de sox Altesse, 162".] Set of eleven [ilates, inoluding froiitis]iiece, for the work pnbli:^beil under the above title. Frontispiece representin,t; t!ie alliance of love and the graces to immortalize the name of JIadame de Chevreuse. Ktcliing: First state. Mwiumi.-, 492. Le B. I19.=>. Entree de Moxsekineur le Prince de Pfaltzbourg tenant ai- Co.mbat. Ktching. lleaume, -WS. Lf B. rjiXI. Entree de Moxsiei'r de Macey. Etching. Mcaume. 4yl. Le B. U'.n;. Entree des sieue.s de Vkoxcourt, Tyllox et Marimont. Etrlihifj. Meaume, 4^.1. Le B. U'.iT. Entree de jNIoxsieur de t'ori'oxuE, et de Moxsieur de Chalabre. Elrliiug. Meaume, 4',i6. Le B. 119^. Get extree e,'. Cantarini, Siiuone. CaJlcd II Pe.sarese (1612-1648) Italian Scfiool. [L'enlevement d'Europe] Etching: First state. B. :». Le B. 29. H. 7. N: ii: 342. [Le CJt'os EGO.] Etching: Second state. B. 29. LeB. 37. H. 6. N. ii: 3-10. Canu, Joan Dominique Etienne (17t>S- ) French School. Catherine II. P Ume engraring. Bib. Nat. 8687 (40). CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 57 Cardelli, Sulomone (worked in Russia 1796-1814) Italian School. R L V S K I r, Aleksandr Osipovich (1777-1832) [Graf Platov Voiska Doxskago VoisKovoi Ataman.] Count Platov, Commanding General of the Army of the Don. 9 Line cngramng. Cardon, Anthony (1772-1813) English School. B Z E , Joseph (ah. 1746-1826) Bonaparte, accompagne du General Berthier, a la Bataille de Marengo, au moment DE la Victoire . . . Title also in English. 1802. Stipple engraving. LeB, 5. N. ii: 361. E D R I D G E , Henry (1769-1821) The Right Hon'"!'" Will"? Pitt. 1801. 9 Stipple engraving. Carmona, Manoel Salvador (1730-1807) Spanish School. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) Le fils de Paul Rubens. 1762. P Line engraving. H. 9. Ap. 16. Carpi, Ugo da (ab. 1455-1523) Italian School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Ananie tombant mort. 1518.] Chiaroscuro: Third state. From three plates. Le B. 9. N. u: 375. H. 6. 58 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Carracci, Ago.stino (1557-1002) Italian School. TiTiANi Vecellii Pictoris Celebekrimi Al- Famosissimi Vera Effigies. 1587. Portrait of Titian. 5P[ Line enpravinr/: Second state. From Berlin Museum and ^'on Nagler collections. B. 154. Le B. 214. H. 20. C A L I A R I , Paolo. Cnllnl I'aolo Veronese (1.528-1588) [Le mariage db Ste. Catherine] 1582. Line engrwimj: First state. B. 98. Le B. 77. H. 15. K. ii; 393. Carracci, Annibale (1560-1601*) Tfalian Se/iool. [La Vierge accompag.vee de l'ange] Etching: Second state. B. 7. Lc B. 4. N. ii: ass. H. 5. Copv. Anibal Caracc inventor. Signed F C in reverse in the upper left corner, slightly underneath and to the left of Anilial Caracc. Elcliing. Trimmed close. Copy in reverse, by unknown engraver. Anilial Caracci Invente in upper right corner. Inscription below: Al Molto Ill'f Sig"; et Pro" Oss™" il Sig. Cavalier Francisco liualdi Ariminese di V. S. V"'.° Seruitore Jacomo Stefanoni Dana Da et Deilica. There are slight differences in the wing of the angel and in the shading of the drapery. Etching. [La Vierge au corbeau blanc] Etching. Bartsch attributes this print to Francesco Brizio (1574-162o) after a drawing by Carracci. B. xviii: 201 (4). Caspar, Jcseph (1799-1880) German School. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Cnlhii Titian ( 1477-157(i) [La fille de Tiziano] 1.s;;5. P Line engraring: Seen nil state. Le B. 17. H. 10. Ap. IS. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 59 Cathelin, Louis Jacques (1739-lsi)-t) French School. VA N LOO, Louis Michel (1707-1771) LODIS LE BlEN AIME. Louis XV. 5 Lhie engraving: Second state. U' B. 12. H. 3. Chambers, Thomas (ab. 1724-1789) English School. COS WAY, Richard (.1740-1821) [Le Chevalier d':6on1 Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste Andre Timothee d'£on de Beaumont, Chevalier d'Eon. P Stipple engraving. Proof: Before letters. Bib. Nat. 11606 (12). Champney, J. Wells (18-13-1903) American School. A Boy. 1882. Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. A Girl. 1883. Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. Charlet, Nicolas Toussaint (1792-1845) French School. Bonaparte General en Chef. Imi'^ par Auguste Bry . . . 5 Lithograph. (Last lithograph by Chprlet, finished the day before his death, Dec. 29, 184,5) Ber, 1 (18). [Napoleon au bivouac] g Lilhograpli. Proof: Before letters. Bit. 1 (9). [Napoleon en camp.^gne] P Lithograph. Proof: Before all letters. Brr. 1 111). 60 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Charlet, Nicolas Toussaint — Continued. L'Empekeur. Feac de Chasseur A cheval. Impeime par Augcste Bry . . . (Cette TENUE etait celle qu'il avait le PLUS HABiTUELLEiiENT.) 23. Napolcon luounted. 5 Lithograph. BiT. 218-204 (?) [Napoleon the night before Waterloo] 1821. 5 Lithograph. Proof: Before letters. Charon, Louis Francois (1783- ) Freneh School. MARTINET, Emile (1838- ) Lefevee. F. J. Lefevre Due de Dantzick Marcchal de France . . . 3P Aquatint. Chataignier, Alexis (1772-1817) French School. Bonaparte, Premier Consi'l. P StippU engraring. B6r, ii:138. Chauvel, Theophile Narcisse (1831- ) French School. FROMENTIN, Eugene (1820-1876) [Le camp Arabe] [1878] Lithograph. Proof: Before letters. B«r. 114. ROUSSEAU, Pierre Etienne TliOodore (1812-1867) [Le nid de l'aigle] [1880] Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed by etcher. Bi'r. 92. DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse Virgile (1808-1876) [L'okage] [1880.] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. B6r, 90. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 61 Chenu, Pierre (1730-ab. 1780) French School. T E N I E R S , David, II (1610-1690) LeS HOMMES en MIGNATURE8. Line engraving. Le B. 37. ChevUlet, Juste (1729-1802) French School. Z E I S I G , Johann Eleazor. Called Schenau (1734(1740)-1806) Image de la beaute. Line engraving. Le B. 70. P. & B. 7. Z E I S I G , Johann Eleazor. Called Schenau {1734(1740)-1S06) LEfOX DE BOTANIQCE. Line engraving. Le B. 74. H. 4. P. & B. 8. Chienon (worked early nineteenth century) French School. [L' HABITATION DE NaPOLEON l'^" A StE. HeLENE] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Chodowiecki, Daniel Nicolaus (1726-1801) German School. Theseus erlegt den Minothaurus und rettet die jungen Athenienser. One of sis plates from the Taschenbuch und Almanach ... by W. G. Becker, 1795. Theseus. Etching: Second state. N. ii: 523. P. & B. i: 403. Engelmann, 729. CiMON, Miltiadks SonN, bringt die Gebeine des Theseus nach Athen. 1794. One of six prints from the Taschenbuch und Almanach ... by W. G. Becker, 1795. Theseus. Etching: Second state. N. ii: 523. P. & B. i: 403. Engelmann, 732. [Supper party] Plate cut from book. Etching. 62 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Cliodowiecki, Daniel Nicolaus — Contiuucd. GoETTiXfiEU Tasc'hen CALENDER voM Jaiir 1778. Frontispiece and eleven prints. From Der Fortgang der Tugend und iles Laster.s. Etchings. N. ji; 523. Bry. i: 273. Engelmann, ISS, I'JSA. COEFFURES DE BERLIN. N. 1. CoEFFURE DE NOCES, 2 & 3 CoEDR, 4 LaITIERE, 5 LeVER A LA Reine. From the (toettinger Taschen-Calender, 1778. Etching: Second state. Engelmann, 19.5B (b). Coeffures DE Berlin. 1. IIerisson, 2 petit bonet, 3 demi ajcste, 4 Dok.meiwe, 5 Parure. From the Goettinger Taschen-Calender, 1778. Etching: Second state. Engelmann. I'J.jB (b). Les Adieux de Galas, a sa famille. 1768. Je crains Dieu . . . Etching: Second plate: Second state (2). H. 4. N. ii: 521, Engelmann, 4,s, ZiETHEN siTZEND voR sKiNE.M KoNiG . . . Frederick II. Etching: Second state. Le B, 15, H. 19. Engelmann, 605. Fkidericus Magnus Rex BoRussiiB. 1758. 5^ Etching: Second state. P. & B. i: 407. Le B. 36, Engelmann, 9, Frederic II. Roi de Phusse. Reviewing the troops at Potsdam, in 1777. ? Etching: Third state. Bib. Nat. 1GC49 (81) Engelmann, 200. K R A U S, Georg Melchior (Johann) (1737-1806) D. I. W. GoTHE. [1776] From Allgeineine deutsche Bihliothek. Jl Etching. Le B. 30. Engelmann, 1S6. Choffard, Pierre Philippe (1730-1809) Friiirh School. [C.\RTE DE LA MARljmsE DES ROLANDs] 1771. Etching. p. & B. 107. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 63 Choffard, Piprrc Philippe. See aho L N G U E I L , Joseph de, S A I N T - A U B 1 N , Augustin de, aud CHOFFARD, Pierre Philippe. Church, Frederick Stuart (1842- ) America?) School. [Cupin AND bird] 1883. Elchiwj. Proof: Before all letters. Claessens, Lambertus Antonius (1764r-183i) Butch School. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) [La descente de la croix] [1808.] Line emjraring: First state. Le B. 5. H. 8. Ap. 4. RUBENS, Petrua Paulus (1577-1640) Is.\BELLE Brandt, P Epouse de P. P. Rubbens. P. P. Rubbexs pins. No. 10. IiiP^ par Del.\tre. Ii^abelle Brant, first wife of P. P. Rubens. P Stipple engraving. Claude Lorrain. SeeQELLEE. Claude (Lorrain). Clemens, Johann Friedrich (1749-1831) German School. CUNNINGHAM, Edward Francis. Called Calze (ab. 1742-1795) Frederic le Grand, retournant k Sans=Souci apres les manoeuvres de Potsdasi accom- PAGNE DE SES GeNERAUX. P Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 10. N. ii: 509. H. 3. Aji. 5. SCHRODER, Johann Heinrich (1757-1812) Fridericus Wilhelmi's. II. BoRrs,soRrM Rex. 1793. P Line engraving: Third state. Le B. 16. H. 5. Ap. 9. 64 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Clint, George (1770-1854) Englhh School. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua ( 1 723-1792 ) Sir JosHi'A Reynolds, Kn^ 1799. S Mezzotint. Cochin, Charles Nicolas, I (1688-1754) Fre?ich School. COCHIN, Charles Nicolas, II (1715-1790) Decoration du bal masque donne par le Roy ... A l'occasion do mariage de Locis Dauphin de France avec Marie Tiieeese, Inkante d'Espagxe . . . 1745. Eichiny. p. & B. 4. COCHIN, Charles Nicolas, II (1715-1790) [DeC0B.\TI0N ET DESSEIN DC JEC TENU PAR LE RoV ET LA ReIXE DANS LA GRANDE GALERIE DE Versailles, A l'occasion du second mariage du Dauphin, le 9 fevrier 1747] Etching. Proof: Before all letters, p. & B. 5. Cochran, J. (worked middle nineteenth century) English School. H AY T E R , Sir George (1792-1871) Victoria. Aug. 10, 1835. 5 Stipple ei>(/ravinff. Coders, Louis Bernard (1740-1817) Dutch School. [Young woman reading bv candle-light.] Etching. Coin, Johannes von. See C L N I A , Johannes de. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 66 CoUas, Achille (1795-1859) Frevch School. BA R R E , Jean Auguste (1811-1896) [Napoleon and his oeneralh. Medallic portrait] 5 Medal ruling. CoUyer, Joseph (1748-1827) English School. RUSSELL, John (1745-1806) His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, &c., &c. 1792. With arms. P Stipple engraving. Le B. 17. Colman, Samuel (1832- ) American School. [The olive trees of the Riviera.] Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. Colonia, Johanne.s de (Coin, Johannes von [a ZwoUe]) Aha calhd The Master of the Weaver's Shuttle.) (worked ab. 1480-1490) Gei-man School. [Les vendeurs chasses du Te.mple] Line engraving. Pass, ii: 182 (40). Bry. ii: 752. [Trahison de JtlDAs] lAne engraving. Pass, ii: 182 (46). Bry. ii: 752. [Pilate se lave les mains] Line engrnriixj. P. ii: 183 (K>). Bry. ii: 752. 30705—04 5 66 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Coninck, (Koning) Cornells (1624-1671) Dutch Schnol. loHANNES CaLVINVS, Te NoYON IN' PiCAKDIEN QEBOREN DEN 10 IVL 1509 Te GeNEVBN GESTORVEN DEN 27 MbY 1564. P Line engraving. Bib. Nat. 7812(62). Constant, Jean Joseph Benjamin (18-15-1902) French School. [En vue de Tanger] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. B^r. v: 4S. [Prisoners drinking in the desert] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. [Street scene in Cairh] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Cooper, Robert (worked ab. 1811-1836) English School. Maky Queen of Scots. ISIS. 5 Slipplc engraving. DAVID, .Jacques Louis (1748-1825) Napoleon Buonaparte. 1815. J3 Chalk and stipple cngraring. Coqueret, Pierre Charles (1761-1824) French School. L E D R U , Hilaire (1769-1840) Buonaparte. Head the same as that painted by Rusca and engraved by Hodges. B Mezzotint. Corbutt, Charles. &v T S C H I , Paolo, COSTA, Annibale, and M A R G TT I , L. Couche, Franyois Louis. See B V I N E T , Edme, and C U C H E , Franc;ois Louis. Courtry, Charles Jean Louis (1846-1898) French School. R Y N , Rembrandt Harmensz van (1606-1669) [Holy Family] 1888. Etching. Proof: Before letters: On vellum: Signed by etcher. M A R C K E , fimile van (1827-1890) [Cattle piece] Etching. Proof: Before letters: Signed by etober. 68 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Courtry, Charles Jean Louis — Continued. MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest (1815-1891 ) [A cavamer] [1886] EtHiinrj. Proof: Before letters: On vellum: Signed liy etcher. r R Y N , Constant ( 1810-186.5) [En Normandie] 1875. Elchinij. Proof: Before letters: Signed by etcher. Bl'T. 21. LAURENS, .lean Paul (1838- ) [L'etat-major autrichien devant le corps I)E Mari-eau] Etching. Signed artist proof. Cousins, Samuel (1801-1887) English School. R E N I , Guido (1575-1642) Beatrice Cenci. 1835. Mezzotint and stipple enr/raving. Signed by the engraver. A L L S T N , Washington (1779-1843) Samuel Taylor Coleridge, aged 42. 1854. 5 Mezziithil and stipple engraring. Gray Coll. p. 77. WINTERHALTER, Franz Xaver ( 1806-1873) [L'Imperatrice Ehgenie] [1856] 5 Mezzotint and stipple engramng. Signed by engraver. Bur. v: 7S. WINTERHALTER, Franz Xaver (1.806-1873) [Napoleon III] [1856] 5 Mezzotint and slijiple engraiing. First mezzotint working })roof. Signed by engraver. Wt. v: 7S. HOGARTH, William (l(i!t7-1764) [Miss Rich] 1877. 5P Mezziitiiit iDid stijijilr rngraring. Proof: Before letters. Sin-ned by engraver. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 69 Cousins, Samuel — Continaed. B U R B A G E , Richard (?) (1567?-1619) William Shakespeark. 1849. After the Chamlos i)ortrait (attributed to Richard Burbage) P Mezzotint and stipple engraving. Nat, For. Gal., p. 397. Gray Coll.. p. 7H. LANDSEER, Sir Edwin Henry (?) (1802-1873) [The Suthekland children] 1810. P Line and mezzotint engraiing. Proof: Before title. Gray Coll., p. 78. [Same] P First mezzotint working proof. [Same] 5 First of second proving since mezzotinto. [Same] P Fotirth working proof. WINTERHALTER, Franz Xaver (1806-1873) [Victoria, Queen of Gre.at Britain and Ireland, Prince Albert and their children] 1850. P Line and mezzotint engraiing. Proof: Before title. L E F E V R E , Robert (1756-1830) [Napoleon] P Mezzotint and stippU engraving. Proof: Before letters. Cousins, Samuel. Se2wd. Pass, iv: S (162). X. iii: l.S.5. P. Mar. LuTH. Martin Luther. 1.520. P Woodcut from Ijook dated 1523, with text upon verso . . . Aber mitalle disem preyss . . . gesegnet hat. MDXXIII. Cross, Thomas (flourished ab. 16J:6-16S5) English School. VaSCO DE GaMA. ^ Line enyraving. Cruikshank, George (17'.>2-1878) Engli-th School. V E R N E T, Antoine Charles Horace (17.58-1836) Napoleon's Decisive Victory over the Austrians, at the B.attle of Marengo. Aquiitiut. Cunego, Domonico (1727-1794) Ifalian School. CUNNINGHAM, P^dward Francis. Called Calze (ab. 1742-1795) Frederic. 11. Roi i>e Prussb. 1786. IP M(:zoti.nt. Le B. 68. n. 23. N. iii: 221. V. A B. iii: 729. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 71 Custos, Dominicus (1560?-1612) German School. ALHiERivs.SvLTAN.TARTARORVM.REic.a? 1599. AvDiuf:RE Tui RoMAM . . . M. HA. Sultan Alhierius, King of Tartary. 5 Line engraving. Cuyp, Aelbert (1620-1691) Dutch School. VI SxnKS KoiTJBS Gebtst door A: Cuyp. A series of studies of cattle — six plates and title- page. Etchings. Title-page by another etcher. Le B. li: 79. H. 1. D Dalcb, Antonio (1810?- ) Italian School. ANDREA d'Agnolo. Called Andrea del Sarto (1486-1531) [Salvatok mundi. 1833] Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 2. H. 3. Ap. 3. Dalcb, Antonio. See also T S C H I , Paolo, and D A L C 6 , Antonio. Dalen, Cornelis van (1620-1665) Flemish Schnol. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Called Titian (1477-1576). [PlETRO AeBTINO] 5 Line engraving: First state. H. 8. Le B. 19. N. iii: 248. Dutuit iv; 99. 72 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Dalen, Cornelis van — Continuod. N A S O N , Pifter ( UU2-af. 1680) [Chakles II., King of En(;i,and.] P Line engraving: First state. Bry. i: 34:i. H. 12. Damman, Benjaiuin Aujjuste Ijouis (1835- ) French School. MILLET, Jean FraiH-oi.s (1814-1875) [La petite hergere] 1885. Eh-hhig. Proof: Before all letters. Signed Ijy etcher. Danguin, Jean Baptiste (1823-1894) French Sc/i"oL V A N N U C C I , Pietro. Called Pietro Perugino (1446-151'^) [The AsCEN.sioN. 1846] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Signed liy engraver. B(:t. '2. H. 1. Ap. 2. Daubigny, Charles Francois (1817-1878) French School. [L'.\NE A l'abreuvoir] 1851. Etching and aquatint. Proof: Before letters. Etcher's name and address in scratcheil letters. One of a set of 21 prints, "Cahiers d'Eaux-fortes." B^r. 6 (64) [Les cerfs soi'S bois] [1851] Etchinn. Proof: Before letters. Etcher's name and address faintly scratched. One of a set of '21 prints, "Cahiers d'Eaux-fortes." B<:-r. 6 (-.=)) [Le guet ini chien] [1s51] Etching. Proof: Before letters. Etcher's name in scratched letters. One of a set of 21 prints, "Cahiers d' Eaux-f o.'tes. " BC-r. 6 (82) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 73 Daubigny, Charles Francois — Continued. [Le gc6] 1865. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Etcher's name in scratched letters. Marked in pencil, "i^preuve unique." B^r. 7 (108) [L'aRBRE AUX CORBEA0X] 1867. Etching. Proof : Before letters. Etcher's name and date scratched in. B6r. 7. DatiU6, Jean (1709-1763) French School. TOCQUE, Louis (1696-1772) Mabie Princesse de Polognk, Rbine de France & de Navabke. P Line engraving. H. 32. Didot (Portraits) 336. D' Avignon, Francis (worked 1843-1860) American School. J. C. Calhoun. 1850. P Lithograph. From daguerreotype by Brady. Millard Fillmore. 1850. P Lithograph. From daguerreotype by Brady. Davis (Le Davis), Edward (1640-1684) English School. C A S P E R S , John Baptist (worked late seventeenth century) Serenissima Catharina Mag: Brit: Fran: & Hibeb: Rbgina. &e. Catherine, Queen of England, wife of Charles 11. P Line engraving. Bry. li: 84. De BloiB, Abraham. See B L 1 S , Abraham de. 74 GAEDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Debucourt, Philibert Louis (1755-1832) French School. V E R N E T, Emile Jean Horace (1789-1863) Le Kadeau. 1807. Entrevue jie LL. MM. l'Empereur des Fran'^'ais et l'E.mpereur de Rdssie sue le Niemen le 25 JuiN 1807 . . . Aquatint. De Colonia, Johannes. See C L N I A , Johannes de. Dei, Matteo di Giovanni (?) (worked end fifteenth century) Italian School. [La Conversion de .St. Paul] [al). 1480] Niello. Modem restrike. Dutuit i, 2i part: 66 (356) Pass, i: 278 (139) Duchesne (Nielles) 139. Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene (1798-1863) French School. Lion de l' Atlas. Lithograph: Second state. B^r. v: 163. Curtis (Lith.), 70. TiGRE ROYAL. Lithof/rajih: First state B^r. v: 103. Curtis (Lith.), 70. Delaram, Franci.s (1590-1627) English School. The mightie Princbsse Marie by The Grace of God Queene of England France and Ireland &c. Hera effigies, Mari.e, D. G. Anoli.i?, Franci.e, et Hiberni^, Rbginje. With arms. Queen Mary I., holding the "Suplicatio[n] of Tomas Hongar." P Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 9. H. 12 De Later, Jacol). See LATER, Jacob de. CATALOG OF ENGRAVEKS 75 Delauney, Alfred Alexandre (1830- ) French School. [Cathedral at Rouen] 1885. Etching. Remarque proof: On parchment: Signed by etcher. DelfF, Willem Jacobsz (1580-1638) Butch School. MIEREVELT, Michiel Jansz ( 1567-1641 ) Srenis'^F^ Potentiss'S.^ Princeps, AC DoMiNus GrsTAVus Adolphus Cum Deo et ViCTRiciBus Abmis. 1633. Gustavua Adolphus, Kmg of Sweden. P Line engrainng. N. iii: 326. Le B. 60. H. 1. Bib. Nat. 19923 (64). M Y T E N S , Daniel, I. (bef. 1600-ab. 1656) SEKENissma;, Potentissimji, Excellentissim.eqe Principis, Henrica Makia Servir a Dieu c'est regner. 1633. Henrietta Maria, Queen of England. P Line engraving. Le B. 9. Delia Bella, Stefano. See BELLA, Stefano della. Delpech, Frangois S^raphine (1778-1825) French School. La Princesse BoROnfesE. Pauline. P Lilhograph. Bib. Nat. 5632 (3). Dente, Marco. Called Marco da Ravenna (ab. 14:50-1527) Italian School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. CalUd Raphael (1483-1520) [La Sainte Vierge k la longue cuisse] Ant. Sal. kxc. Line engraving. LeB. .'S. J. ii:245. B. 68. 76 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Dente, Marco — Continued. ANONYMOUS. [L'autel d'Hkhcui.e]. After an antique bas-relief. lAne engraving. Reproduction. Pass, vi: 90 (133) S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) orGlANNUZZI, Giulio di Filippo del. Called Giulio Romano (1493-1546) [La bataille] Ldne engraving. B. 420. Le B. 51, J. il: 252. Dequevauvillier, Frauv'ois Jacques (1783- ) French School. HOLBEIN, Hans, II (1497-1543) POKTRAIT D'fiRAS.ME. 5 Line engraving: Third state. H. 2. Ap. 21. DESNOYERS, Baron Auguste Gaspard Louis Boucher (1779-1857) Jbffekson. Dedie au General Lafayette. ? Line engraving: Third state. On India paper. H. 6. Ap. 22. [Same.] P On plain paper. Dequevauvillier, Nicolas Barth^lemi Francois (1745-1807) French School. LAFRENSEN (LAVREINCE), Nioolaus (1737-1808) L' Assemble au Salon. 1783. Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 3. Ap. 2. Desmoulin, Fernand (1833- ) French SchiM^l. [Victor Huoo.] P Etching. Remarque proof; Signed by etcher. Remarque, a portrait of the etcher. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 77 Desnoyers, Auguste Gaspard Louis Boucher (1779-1857) French School. P O U S S I N , Nicolas (1593-1665) Eliezer et Rebecca. Elibzkr, sebvitbub d' Abraham . . . hine engraving: Second state Le B. 2. Ap. 1. H. 1. S A N Z I , Rafiaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) La visitation . . . [1824] Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 3. Ap. 2. H. 14. S A N Z I O , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) La belle Jardiniere de Florence. [1841] Line engraving: Third (?) state. With presentation inscription by the engraver. B^r. 3. Ap. 4. Le B. 13. H. 4. Chal. du Louvre, 504. S A N Z I O , Raffaello. CalUd Raphael ( 1483-1520) La Vierge de la maison d'Albb . . . [1827] Line engraving: Third state. B^r. 10. Le B. 8. H. 9. Ap. 9. VINCI, Leonardo da (1452-1519) La Vierge aux rochers . . . Line engraving: Fourth state. Bit. 18. Le B. 14. H. 2. Ap. 6. RICHARD, Fle.ury Francois (1777-1852) Francois 1*."' montre A Marguerite keinb de Navabre . . . le Distiqpe qu'il vient de TRACER . . . [1817] Line engraving: Third state. Bry. i: 166. Le B. 65. H. 23. Ap. 26. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) S. M. LE Roi DE Rome. Francois Joseph Charles, King of Rome. 5P Line engraving. B^r. 31. Le B. 68. Ap. 42. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) [Francois Joseph Charles, Due de Reichstadt.] P Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. 78 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Desnoyers, Auguste Gaspard Louis Boucher— Continued. ANONYMOUS. [Marie-Louise, Akchiduchksse d'Autriche, Imperatrice des FraN(;-ais, Reine d'Italie.] P Line engravimj. Proof: Before all letters. Bit. so. GERARD, Baron Francois Pa.scal Simon (1770-18,S7) Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord, Prince de Benevent, Vice Grand Electecr, &:; A;; &•:.. P Line engraving: Third state. B«5r. 32. Le B. 71. Ap. 44. H. 29. Desrochers, fitienne Johandier (1693-1741) French School. W E N T Z E L , .Tohann Friedrich (ab. 1660-1729) Fkidericus. Rex. Prussi.e El. Br. Frederick I., King of Prussia, Elector of Brandenburg. P Line engraving. Bib. Nat. 1C64S (22). Pierre Albxeowits Czar et Grand Due de Moscovle ne en 1672. Pour afranchir MON NOM . . . Peter the Great. P Line engraving. Desvachez (Devachez), David Joseph (lS22-af. 1867) French School. SANDOZ-ROLLIN, Baron de (worked al). 1789-1802) Madame de la Fontaine. P Line engraving: Fourth and finished state. Bi?r. v: 207. [Same] P Line engraving: First state. Proof: Before letters, without border. [Same] 5 Line engraving: Second state. Proof: Before letters, with border. [Same] P Line engraving: Proof: Before letters, with border .si laded. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 79 Detaille, fidouard Jean Baptists (1848- ) French School. [Un cuirassier] 1875. Etching. BCt. 1. [Same] [Teompbtte de chasseurs a cheval] 1S74. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. B^r. 1. Deutsch, Hans Rudolf Manuel (lo'25-1571) Oernian ScJiool Erasmus de Rotterdam. P WoodcMl. B. 18. Le B. 19. Dick, Archibald L. (1805-1865) American School. KNIGHT, John Prescott (1803-1881) Lord Viscount Nelson Duke of Bronte, &c. &c, P Line engraving. Dickinson, William (1746-1823) English School. L A U E R , Nicolaue (worked ab. 1790-1820) Frederic William III? King of Prussia. 1798. P Mezzotint. LA U E R , Nicolaus (worked ab. 1790-1820) Louisa, Queen of Prussia. 1798. P Mezzotint. PINE, Robert Edge (1742-1790) Miss Nailer in the Character op Hebe. 1770. P Mezzotint. Le. B. 29. S. 53. 80 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Dickinson, William — Continued. G R S , Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) Napoleon Bonapakte, Premier Consul de la R6publiuue FRANgAisB. 9 Mezzotint. Didier, Adrien (1838- ) French School. HOLBEIN, Hans, II (1497-1543) [Anne of Cleves.] P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. With dedication inscription by engraver. Dien, Claude Marie Franfois (1787-1865) French School. M"^ Roland. P Line engraving. B^r. 4S. Didot (Portraits) 897. Dietrich, Christian Wilhelm Ernst (1712-1774) German School. [Le ch.\nteur en foire] 1 740. Etching: Second statf. Le B. 61. [Le marchand dk tablktterie] 1741. Etcldng. Le B. 64. N. iii: 39S. [Le remooleur] 1741. Etching: First state: Before featlier in man's liat. Le B. 63. N. iii: S'J.'i. [Scene oittside of a walled port or town. Vessels in the harbor] 5. P. Etching. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 81 Dietrich, Johann Georg (IfiS'i-lTSS) German School. C R A N A C H , Lucas, I (1472-1553) Roma orbem domint Romam . . . Luc Cranach, pinxit . . . Johan Diericks sculpsit Luther and Melanchthon. P Line engraving. Dixon, John (ITiO-lTSO) English School. S T U B B S , George ( 1 72-1-1806) A TIGRESS. 1773. Mezzotint: Third state. Le B. 1. H. -1. ZAUFFELY, Johann. Called Zoffany (1733-1810) [David Garrick as Abel Drugger] 1776. P Mezzotint. Proof: Before title. Le B. 13. Bib. Nat. 17584 (7). Dobie, James (contemp.) English School. COPE, Charles West (1811-1890) [x\ MIDNIGHT ALARM. 1885.] Etching. Remarque proof: Signed by artist and engraver. Dolendo, Zacharias (1561- ab. 1590) Dutch School. Gvilelm. D. G. Pr. Avraio.e. Comes. Nassavi.e, &c. Mt. An. XLVIH. A9CICLXXXI. William the Silent, Prince of Orange. Aged 48. 5 Line engraving. Collector's mark "F." Le B. 10. N. iii: 434. 30705—04 6 82 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Doo, George Thomas (1.S00-1S86) English School. LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas (1769-1830) Nature. 1829. Line engraving. Proof: From the Ashland collection. Ap. li. W 1 L K I E , Sir David (1785-1841) [John Knox pkeaching before the Lords op the Congregation, June 10, 1557] 1838. Line engraving. Proof. Before title. Ap. 8. [Same.] Line engraving. Trial proof. Apr. 3, 18.35. PICKERSGILL, Henry William (17S2-1S75) CuviER. 1840. P IJne engraving. Ap. ■J2. LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas (1769-1830) The Eabl op Eldon. 1828. 3P Line engraving: Second state. India paper. Ap. 24. LAWRENCE, Sir Tliomas (1769-1830) The Child with Flowers . . . Portrait of Louisa Georgina Augusta Anne Murray. 1834. 5 Line engraving. Ap. 20. Dormier, Alexandre Charles. Sec HENRIQUEL-DUPONT, Loui.s Pierre, and D R IVl I E R , Alexandre Charles. Douas (worked early nineteenth century) French School. B U G U ET, Henri (1761-al). 1833) Josephine I.mpekatrice des Fran(,'ais. Et Peine d'Italie . P Stipple engraving. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 83 Douas (worked early nineteenth century) and Duthe (worked 1800-1840) French AjNONYMOUS. JOSEI'HINE ImPERATRICE DES FRANfAIS ET ReINE d'ItaLIE . . . 5 Stipple engraving. DESBORDES, Valmore (1785-1859) Louis Napoleon Eoi de Hollande, Freee de l'Empereur. Conn^table de l'Empire FRANfAIS . . . P Stipple engraving. Drevet, Claude (1705-1781) French School. RIGAUD-Y-ROS, Hyacinthe Franoois H. M. P.-Ie-M. A. J. (1659-1743) PaiLipprs LuDovicus Comes a Sinzendoef. [1730] P Line engraving: Fourth state. LeB. 14. Didot (Les Drevet) 15. Drevet, Pierre (1663-1738) French School. RIGAUD.Y-ROS, Hyacinthe Franfois H. M. P.-le-M. A. J. (1659-1743) [Nicolas Boileau-Despreau.x] P Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. From the Rev. J. Burleigh James collection. Didot (Les Drevet) 2-1. Didot (Portraits) 410. Le B. 26. RIGAUD.Y-ROS, Hyacinthe Francois H. M. P.-le-M. A. J. (1659-1743) Louis D.^DPHiN de France. [1701] ? Line engraving: Second state. P. & B. 33. Didot (Les Drevet) 56. Le B. 62. RIGAUD-Y-ROS, Hyacinthe Francois H. M. P.-le-M. A. J. (1659-1743) [Louis de France, duo de Bourgogne] [1707] With arms. ? Line cngraviny. Proof: Before all letters. State not mentioned in Didot. From the collection of Francis Xavier Lousbergs. Didot (Les Drevet) 57. Didot (Portraits) 436. Le B. 31. N. iii: 476. H. 10. Bib. Nat. G053 (60) 84 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Drevet, Pierre — Continued. RIGAUD-Y.ROS, Ilyiu'inthe FninroiH H. M. P.-le-M. A.J. (1659-1743) LuDOVici'.s JM.^G.Ni'.s Fr.\nci.e et X.\v.\KK.i; Hex Ciim.sTi.-iNissiMu.s [1704] 5 Lini' engrarhig: Fifth state. P. i B. 31. Didot (Les Drevet) 53. Le B. CI. RIGAUD-Y.ROS, Ilyacinthe Fran(;oi.s 11. M. T.-le-M. A. J. (1659-1743) Louis LE Ghand. [1712] 5P Line engraving: Tliird state. r. & B. 32. Le B. 60. Diilot (Les Drevet) 65. RIGAUD.y.ROS, Hyaciiithe Franruis H. :\I. I'.-!e-M. A. J. ( 1659-1743) Do.N Phelipe v. pok l.\ Gr.\ci.\ de 1>ios Rev ije las Kspa.nas. [1702] Philip V., of Spain. P Lhie engrai'ing: Fir.~t state. LeB. 51. P. itB. 41. Didot (Les Drevet) 41. Drevet, Pierre Imbert (lfi97-173r>) F/vuch Sehnol. RIGAUD-Y-ROS, Hyacinthe Francois H. M. P.-k.-:M. A. .7. ( 16.59-1743) jACOBrs Benignus Bo.ssuet Episcopus Meldexsis Comes Consistokiancs . . . 1723. With arms. Jacques Benigne Bossuet, Bishop, etc. 5^ Line engraving: Fourth state Le B. 19. P. & B. 61. Didot (Les Drevet) 12. Bib. Nat. 57n.H (35) COY PEL, Charles Antoiue (1694-1752) AiiRiENNE I.E CouvREUR. C'est peu de VOIR ICY ... In the part of Cornelia. 5p Line engraving: Third state. P. & B. 70. Le B. 31. Di4. M. (Diirer) 101. K. 80. [S. Baethelemy] 1523. Line engraving. From the Fisher collection. B. 47. H. (Durer) 659. R. 251. M. (Durer) 96. K. 79. [S. Tho.m.\s] 1514. Line engraving. From the Fisher collection. B. 4S. H. (Diirer) 667. E. 207. M. (Diirer) 75. K. 76. [S. Simon] 1523. Line engraving. B. 49. H. (Diirer) 678. R. 252. M. (Durer) 97. H. 78. [S. Christophe] 1521. With the head turned to the right. Line engraving. B. 52. H. (Durer) 715. R. 246. M. (Diirer) 94. K. 97. [S. George A pied] Monogram on a tablet, but no date; about 1508. Line engraving. From the Buccleuch sale. B. 53. H. (Diirer) 737. R. 121. M. (Diirer) 31. K. 43. [S. George X cheval] 1508. Litie engraving. B. 54. H. (Diirer) 746. R. 120. M. (Diirer) 43. K. 42. [S. Sebastien attache 1 UN arbre] No date, but between 1486 and 1500. Line engraving. B. 55. H. (Diirer) 787. K. 16. M. (Diirer) 27. K. 19. [S. Eustache] Called also St. Hubert. Line engraving. Watermark, a knight's crest, 619. B. 57. H. (Diirer) 727. R. 127. M. (Durer) 29. K. 32. [S. Antoine] 1519. Line engraving. B. .S8. H. (Diirer) 695. R. 233. M. (Diirer) 89. K. 91. [S. Jerome dans sa cellule] 1514. Line engraving. B. 60. H. (Diirer) 756. R. 208. M. (Diirer) 73. K. 71. 90 GAUDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Diirer, Albrecht — Continued. [S. Jerome en penitence] There is a scratch across the mountains to the right. Line enijrdrinij. Very curious watermark. B. Kl. H. (Durcr) 770. U.S. M. (Diirer) Ti. K. 6. [S. Genevieve] Usually known aa "The Penance of St. John Chrysostom." Xo date. 1486-1500. Line engraving. B. 63. H. (Durer) 723. R. 7. M. (Diirer) 4. K. 7. [L.\ Veroniqoe] 1510. St. Veronica with the Sudarium. Petrak's copy. Line engrar'nii/. B. G4. H. (DurcT)464. R. 167. M. (Diirer) 64, K. 62. [Les TROI.S genies] No date. About 1507-1514. Line engmving. From the Antaria sale B. 60, H, (Diirer) K71, R, 114, M. (Diirer) 42, K, 40, [Les trois genii] 1.565. Copy by Hieronymus Wierix, "AE (aged) 12." Line fngmiiiig. B, 66 (A) H, (Durer) S72. M, (Diirer) 42, K, 4(1 (e) [Apollon et Diane] No date. About 1504-1505. Line engraving. B, 68, H. (Diirer I 7;).i. K, X7, M, (Durer) 3.5. K, 36. [CiNii ETUDES DB FIGURES] Soiuetimes Called " The Mail in Despair." No date. Elching on iron. B, 70, H. (Durer) 882, R. 225. M. (Diirer) 79. K. 85. [L'enlevement d'A.mymone] Meer vuuder. Diirer called this print "The Sea-Wonder." No date. Collector's stamp E. G. K. Line engraving. B. 71, H, (Diirer) 801, R. 125. M, (Diirer) 20, K. 16. [L'effet DE LA .ialousie] Usually called " Hercules." No date. About 1497-1500. Line engraving. Watermark, high crown. B. 73. H, (Diirer) 81.5. R. 126. M, ( Diirer) 16, K. 17, [Same] Unfinished trial proof reprddueed by photogravure. Line engraving. B. 73. H. (Durer) 815, R, 126, M, (Diirer) 16, K, 17, CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 91 Diirer, Albrccht — Continued. Melencolia. 1514. Line engraving. B. 74. H. (Durer) 84G. R. 209. M. (Diirer) 74. K. 70. [L'oisivete] Alfo called "Tlie Dream." No date, but about the same period as the "Four Naked Women." Line engraving. B. 76. H. (Diirer) 854. E. 116. M. (Diirer) 24. K. 15. [La GRANDE fortune] Sometimes Called "Nemesis." Nodate, probably about 1.504. Line engraving: First state. Perpendicular scratch below the bridge. Watermark, high crown. B. 77. H. (Durer) 839. R. 124. M. (Diirer) 32. K. 33. [La justice] No date, but probably between 1500 and 1506. Line engraving. Stamps of Sir J. St. Aubyn and E. Fisher. Also from the Maberly collection. B. 79. H. (Durer) 826. R. .51. M. (Diirer) 17. K. 2,'!. [Le petit courrier] Called also "The Post- Boy," and "Eppelein von Gailingen." No date, but probably between 1485-1500. Line engraving. From the Buccleuch sale. B. 80. H. (Diirer) 9.S6. R. 13. M. (Diirer) 10 K. 10. [La da.me a cheval] Called also "The Lady and the Lansquenet." Copy by Jan Wierix, engraved when he was twelve years of age. Second state, marked " AE 12." Line engraving. B. 82. H. (Diirer) 991. R. 20. M. (Diirer) 19. K. 27. [Le paysan et sa femme] No date, probably between 1486-1500. Line engraving. B. 83. H. (Durer) 921. R. 11. JI. (Durer) 14. K. 23. [L'Oeiental et sa femme] Sometimes called "The Turkish Family." Nodate; between 1486 and 1500. Line engraving. Collector's name, "Fontaine Walker," written on back. B. 8.5. H. (Durer) 971. R. 12. M. (Diirer) 12. K. 21. [L'enseigne] No date. Line engraving. From the Buccleuch sale. B. 87. H. (Diirer) 977. R. 43. M. (Durer) 30. K. 26. 92 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Diirer, Albrei et Rvralivm Prospectvvm. P Etrhiiig: Fifth state. Le B. 2. H. 3. N. iv:4.s. Dutuit iv: l.W (1) [Same] 5 Etchivg: Second state. Proof: Before letters. Petrvs Brevgel Axtverpi.e Pictor Rvralivm Actionvm. G. H. ^ Elcldng: Fourth state. LeB. 3. H. 4. N. iv: 49. Dutuit iv: l.')9 (2) Erasmus Rotterdamus. 5^ Etching: Fourth state. Le B. C. H. 7. N. iv: 4a. Dutuit iv: 160 (4) [Same] P Etching: First state, before all letters. Franxlscvs France Antverpi.e Pictor Hvmanarvm Figvrarvm. y Etching: Sixth state. Le B. 7. H. 8. N. iv: 4.S. Dutuit iv; 161 (5) Paulus du Pont Caixographus. 5P Etching: Sixth state. LeB. 12. H.i:^. Dutuit iv; 164 (9) [Tiziano Vecelli et sa maitresse] Ecco il belveder . . . 9 Etching: Third state. ^Vith dedication. Le B. 18. H. 2. Dutuit iv; IX (B) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 99 K Earlom, Richard (1743-1822) F>h/IM School. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) [Descent from the Cross] [1800] Mezzotint. Proof: Before all letters. Wea. (E.)75. H. 12. N U Z Z I , Mario. Called Mario da' Fiori (1603-1673) [A CONCERT OP birds] 1778. Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Wcs. (E.) 13S. LeB. 51. H. 40. Bry. ii: 219. S N Y D E R S , Frans (1579-1657) ami BOCKHORST, Jan van. Called Lange Jan ( 1605-1668) A Fish M.-irket. 1782. Mezzotint: Fourth state. Wes. (E.) 112. LeB. 99. H. «. N. iv. 53. H U Y S U M , Jan van (1682-1749) [A flower-piece] 1778. Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Wes. (E.) 144. LeB. 54. H. 41. N. iv: 53. S N Y D E R S , Frans (1579-1657) and BOCKHORST, Jan van. Called Lange Jan (1605-1668) A Fruit M.^rket. 1775. Mezzotint: Fourth state. Wes. (E.) 110. Le B. 97. H. 43. N. iv: 53. H U Y S U M , Jan van (1682-1749) [A. fruit-piece] 1781. Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Wes. (E.) 145. Le B. 53. H. 42. N. iv: 53. 100 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Earlom, Richard — Continued. S N Y D E R S , Frans ( 1579-1657 ) and BOCKHORST, Jan van. Called Lange Jan (1605-1668) A Game Market. 1783. Mezzotint: Fourtli state. Wes. (E.) 109. Le B. 100. II. V: N. iv: 63. W IJ C K , Jan (alj. 1640-1702) [A grey-hound's iiEAii.] [1777] Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. With Walpole's coat of arras. Wes. (E.) i:». LeB. 4s. N. iv: .M, S N Y D E R S , Frans ( 1579-1657) and BOCKHORST, Jan Van. Called Lange Jan ( 1605-1668) A Herb Market. 1779. Mezzotint: Fourth state. Wes. (E.)lll. Lt- B. 9S. H. 4.1. N. iv: 53. B R A N D I N , Charles (worked .ab. 1768-1772) The Inside ok the Pantheon in Oxford Road. 1772. Mezzotint. Wes. (E.) 100. U' B. 103. N. iv: 54. .S. 45. ZAUFFELY, .Johann. CulUd Zoffany (1733-1810) [The Royal Academy] 1773. Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Wes. (E.) 102. Le B. 64. H. 50. N. iv: -54. S. 1. SCHALCKEN, Godfried ( 1643-1706) [The singing master] 1770. Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Wes. (E.) 126. Le B. 06. H. '.:». N. iv: 53. R M N E Y , George (1734-1802) Sensibility. [Lady Hamilton] 1789. 5 Stipple engravinrj. Wes. (E.) 10. LeB. 8H. RUBENS, Petnis Paulus (1577-1640) [Rubens' son and nurse] 1785. 53 Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Wes. (E.) 50. Le B. 8.n. H. 5J. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 101 EdeUnck, Gerard (1641-1707) French School. R E N I , Guido (1575-1642) [The infant Jesus crowxin'g the Virgin with a weeath] Line engrarimj: First state. From the Esdaile collection. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) La Sainte famille de Jescs Christ. Line enrp-aving: Fourth state: With inscription . . . Le B. 10, R,-D. 4. H. 2. VINCI, Leonardo da (1452-1519) [Combat de quatre cavaliers] The "Battle of the Standard," or "The Battle of Anghiari." Line engraving: Second state. LeB. 41. R.-D. 41. L E B R U N , Charles (l(il9-1690) II est d'vn Rov de se vaincre soy mesme Ale.xandre, ayant vainxu Darius . . . ENTHE DANS VNE TENTE, OU ESTOIEST LA MEKE, LA FEMME, ET LES FILLES DE DaRIUS, OU IL DONNE VN EXEMPLE SINGULIER DE RETENtJE ET DE CLEIIENCE. Sui VICTORIA . . . The family of Darius at the feet of Alexander. Line engraving: Sixth state. Le B. 39. R.-D. 42. H. 13. TROY, Jean Francois de (1679-1752) Charles Duo de Berry. [1698] P Line engraving. LeB. 147. R.-D. 147. Bib. Nat. 4311 (31). Didot (Portraits) 601. ANONYMOUS. Maximilien de Bethune Duo de Sclly. 5 Line engraving, he B. 321. R.-D. 323. RIGAUDY-ROS, Hyacinthe Francois H. M. P. -le-M. A. J. (1659-1743) L\coBUs Benignus Bossuet Episcopus Meldensis . . . ^Etatls anno 74. [1700] Jacques Benigne Bossuet, Bishop. 9 Line engraving: First state. Le B. 1.58. R.-D. 1.56. H. IC. Bib. Nat. 5768 (38). Didot (Portraits) .571. 102 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Edelinck, Gerard — Continued. T ROY, Jean Francois ile (1679-1752) Louis Di'c de BouKdOciXE. [16'.»7] P Lini- engraving: Seooiifl state. L(- H. 160. R.-D. 158. Bib. Nut. C053 (62). Didot (Portraits) 600. HALS, Fran.?, I (ab. l.SSll-1666) Rene Des-C.\rtes Chevalier Seigneur Du Perron. Bene qui L.\tuit . . . [1691] P Line eiti/rariiii/: First proof. Le B. ISI. R.-D. 181. H. 19. Didot ( Portraits) 683. KNELLER.Sir Godfrey (1646-172.3) M' John Dryden. g Line engraririg: Seconi.l state: With anna. Le B. IK!. R.-D. 187. RUBENS, Petrua Paulus. ( 1577-1640) Ie.\nne d'Autriche Gr.\nde Duchesse de Toscane . . . ^ Line engravihg: Third state. Le B. 143. R.-D. 113. CORNEILLE, Jean Baptiste (1649-1695) [Louis XIV, Koi de France] Le Dictionaiee de l'Acade.mie Francolse. [1694] 5 Line eiigraoing: First atate. The name of Jo. Mariette erased. Le B. 210. R.-D. 255. Didot (Portraits) 597. DE LA HAYE, Jean (worked late seventeenth eentury) [Louis XIV, Roi de France. Vi(,-it Jnaccessis consisas Rupibus Arces . . .] ^ Line eyigmring: First state. LeB. 211. R.-D. 256. Didot (Portraits) 598. L E B R U N , Charles (1619-1690) [Louis XIV] (Bust, on a shield surrounded by allegorical figures. Known as "The Triumph of the Church," or "The Extirpation of Calvinism.") 5 Line engraving: First state. Le B. 213. R.-D. 268. L E B R U N , Charles (1619-1690) LUDOUICO MaGNO EuROP.'v TerR.I JIaRIQUE COMPOSITA . . . MONSTRA iam desunt . . . Louis XIV, King of France. P Line engraving: Third state. Witli lines under engraver's name. Le B. 214. R.-D. 259. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 103 Edelinck, Gerard— Continued. M I G N A R D , Pierre (1612-1695) Caboll-s Mauritius Le Tellier Aechiep. . . . 1692. P Line engraving: Second state. LeB.249. R.-D. 245. Didot (Portraits) 635. V E T , Jacob Ferdinand (1639-after 1691) Messiee Michel Le Tellier Ohancelier de Fr.4.nce. JP Line engraving: Tiiird state. Le B. 248. R.-D. 244. Didot (Portraits) 633. [Same] Fourth state. KLOCKER VON E H R E N ST R A H L, David (1629-1698) [Ulrique-Eleonore, reine de Suede] 5 Line engraving: First state. Proof: Before all letters and before the arms. From the Firmin-Didot collection. LeB. 319. R.-D. 331. Didot (Portraits) 684. EdeUnck, Gerard. See also N A N T E U I L , Robert, and E D E L I N C K , Gerard. Edwards, Edward (1738-1806) English School. PHILLIPS, Thomas (1770-1845) Buonaparte. 1802. P Etching. Bry. il: 285. Edwards, S. Arlent (1860- ) Amei'ican School. I S A B E Y , Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) [DucHESsE d'Abrantes] P Mezzotint. Remarque proof: Signed by engraver. 104 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Edwards, S. Arlent — Continued. GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas (1727-1788) [Sir AVilliam Blackstone] 1896. 5 Mezzotint. Signed artist's proof. L E T H I E R E (Guillon), Uuillanme (1700-1832) [The Empress Josephine] 9 Mezzotint. Remarque proof: Signed by engraver. Miniature of Napoleon. GARY, Francis Stephen (1808-1880) [Mary Lamb] [189.5] 33 Mezzotint. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. R I C H T E R , Gustav Carl Ludwig (1823-1884) [Queen Louisa of Prussia] P Mezzotint. Eeniariiue proof: Signed by engraver. PHILIPPOTEAUX, Henri Felix Emmanuel (1815-1884) [Napoleon Bonaparte, as Lieutenant in the First Battalion of Corsica] 5 Mezzotint. Before all letters: Signed by engraver. DE LA TOUR, Maurice Quentin (1704-1788) [Marquise de Pompadour] 5 Mezzotint. Remarque proof: Signed by engraver. ANONYMOUS. [COI'NTEI.S PoTOCKa] P Mezzotint. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. Eichens, Friedrich Ediiard (1804-1877) German ScJwol. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Culled Raphael (148.3-1.520) [L.'. VISION d'Ezechiel] 1841. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters, with arras. With presentation inscription in pencil by engraver. Le B. 2. u. 13. Ap. 1. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 105 Eichens, Friedrich Eduard— Continued. P E S N E , Antoine (1683-1757) Friedrich der Grosse und seine Schwester Friederike Sophie Wilhelmine . . . als Kinder. 1846. 5 Line engraving: Second state. H. 18. Ap. 26. Eilers, Gustev (1834- ) German School. [Emperor William II. of Germany] 1888. P Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. KAULBACH, Wilhelm von (1805-1874) [Poesie] 1868. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. H. 5. Ap. 3. EUe (Ferdinand), Louis (1613-1689^ Fnmch School. E L L E , Ferdinan.l ( -1639?) NiCOLAVS PoVSSIN PiCTOR. 5 Line engraving. Proof.- Before letters. Le B. 15. H. 1. Bry. i: 485. Gray Coll. p. 126. Elstracke, Reginald (ab. 1590— af. 1620) English School. Edwardus nil. Angli.e et Fraxci.e Rex Domin' Hiber: The right noble Prince Edward the 4"^ King of England, and Fraunce Lord of Ireland . . . 5 Line engraving. Elizabetha D. G. Angli j:, Francis, et Hiberni.e Eegina. Mortua 1602. The most E.-ccel- lent Princes . . . Elizabeth by the Grace of God Queene of England, France, and Ireland Defendor of the Faith, e°. . . . 5 Line engraving. Le B. :. Bry. i: 463. N. iv: 112. [Same] 106 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Elstracke, Reginald — Continued. Serenissima Maria Regina. Iacob. Mag. Beit. Reg. Mater. The most excellent Princesse Mary queene of Scotland and Dowager of France . . . P Line eiigraiing. Bry. i: 463. H. 2. N. iv: 112. Elten, Kruseman van (1829-1904) American School. [The cottage by the sea.] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed l.>y etcher. Engelmann, Gottfried (17S8-1839) German School. [Frederick William III., of Prussia, and Qi'ee.n- Louise] 1817. 5 Lithograph. Ermstorberg, L. (?) (contemp.) German School. [Fishing harbor and village] [1881] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. With dedication inscription by etcher. Ernst, Carl IVIatthias (1758-after 1830) German School. RUBENS, Petrus Paiilus (1577-1640) La mere de Rubens. 1775. P Line engraving, he B. 7. N. iv: 145. Ertinger, Frans (1640-1700) Dutch School. DE LA PAGE, Raymond (1656-1690) [Frieze, Bacchanalian subject] One of set of 17 prints for "F^tes de Bacchus." Etching, he B. 37-5:). N. iv: 148. Bry. i: 466. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 107 Everdingen, Allart van (1621-1675) Dutch School, [La cascade] Etching. B. 7 H. 2 (1) Le B. 161. N. iv: 108. [LeS CHAUMlfeRES SUR LE BORD d'uN TORRENT] Elching. B. 36 Le B. 95 (5) [L'hom.me k l'ouverture de la haie delabr^] Etching. B. 39. Le B. 98 (6) Faber, John, II (168-1-1756) English School. D Y C K , Anthonie van (1599-1641) King Charles y First as he sat before ? Pretended Court of Judicature 5 Mezzotint, LeB. 10. S. 70. L E L Y , Sir Peter (1618-1680) Olivar Rp: Anq: See: bt Hie: Protector, &c. 173-5. Oliver Cromwell. $ Mezzotint: First state. Le B. 28. S. 96. HUDSON, Thomas (1701-1779) His Most Excellent M.uesty, George the II? King op Great Britain &c. . . . 1745. P Mezzotint. S. 168. 108 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Faber, John, II — Continued. K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) Mf Knight a famous Singer & Favourite of King Charles the 2P 1749. P Mezzotint: First state. From the J. Ellys collection. Le B. 60. s. 210. Fabri, Luigi (Aloisio) (177S-1835) Italian School. BUONARROTI, Michelangelo ( 1475-1564) Zacherias. One of the 40 frescoes Isy Michel Angelo in the Sistine Chapel, of which Fabri engraved 13. Line engraving: Third state. N. iv: 209. H. 2 (4). Ap. 6. Faed, James (worked middle nineteenth centni\y) Englhli School. G R DO N , Sir Jolin Watson (1790-1864) The Right Hon"':''- Thomas Babington Macaclay. 1851. H Mezzotint. Faithorne, William, 1 (1616-1691) Emjlish School. [Oliver Ckomwell, whole length, in armor; a large emblematical print, with various devices and mottos] 1658. ^ Line engraiing: Second state. F. (Faithorne) p. 31. Le B. 19. N. iv; 224. Bry. i: 4"s. [Oliver Cromwell, mounted on horse, with battle in the background] [165bj JJ Line engraving. F. (Failhome) p. 32. Ioannis Miltoni Effigies ^tat: 62. 1670. John Jlilton. Aged 62. 5P Line engraving: Second state. F. (Faithorne) p. 4S. Le B. SS. n. 30. N. iv: 224. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 109 Faithorne, William, T — Continued. L'lLLrsTRissiMO Cavaliero Giovanni Viconte Mordaunt . . . John Mordaunt, Viscount IMordaunt. P Lini' enfjrannri: Second state. F. (Faithorne) p. 50. Le B. 3'J. N. iv: 223. Henrici Mori. Cantabrigiensis ... /E 61 . . . [1675] Henry More. 5 Line engraving: Third state. F. (Faithorne) p. 50. Le B. 40. H. 21. N. iv: 221. Francikcus Rous armio: Collegii Etoxensis PRiEPOSiTUs. Anno Christi 1656. ^tatis. 77. Adam the first . . . Francis Rous. P Line engraving. F. (Faithorne) p. 57. Le B. 40. H. 34. N. iv: 223. B. lo.io. de Castro the fovrth Viceroy of India. T^ Line engraving. From the F. Walker collection. F. (Faithorne) p. 27. Lo B. 15. Carolus Primus D. G. Angli^e Scoti.s; FRANCiiE et Hiberxi.e Rex., &c. [1658] Charles 1. 5^ Line engraving: First state. F. ( Faithorne 1 p. I. The Right High and most Mightie Monarch Charles . . . Charles I. P Line engraving: First state. F. (Faithorne) p. 5. [Same] [Charles II. when Prince of Wales] 5 Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. From the Brodhurst collection. F. (Faithorne) p. 7. o Carolo II D. G. Mag. Brit. Fr. et Hib. Regi &c. Hang SERENias Regin.e C.\tharin.e Effigiem humillime consecrat. Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles II. }I Line engraving: Second state. F. (Faithorne) p. 9. Le B. 16. N. iv: 224. L E LY, Sir Peter (1618-1680) M. Abraham Cowley. 5^ Line engraving. Plate A: Second state. F. (Faithorne) p. 30. no GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Faithome, William, I — Continued. GREENHILL, John (1649-1676) S'" William D'avenant KT [1672-3] P Line engraving. F. (Faithome) p. 32. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) p. 138. WALKER, Robert ( -1658?) The Pourtraicture of his Excellency S" Thomas Farfax Gexerall op all the English FORCES FOR THE SERVICE OF V'? TWO HOUSES OF PaRLIA-MEXT. P Line engraving: Second state. F. (Faithorne) p. 35. Le B. 23. H. 22. N. iv: 224. D Y C K , Anthonie van (1599-1641 ) The Most Excellent and High Borne Princess Mary, Princess of Orange . . . 5 Line engraving: First state. From the J. M. Rysbrack collection, r. (Faithome) p. 10. H. 8. D Y C K , Anthonie van (1599-1641) The Most Illustriovs and High Borne Prince Rupert . . . Line engraving: Second state. F. (Faithorne) p. 13. H. 10, Faithorne, William, II (1656-1686) English School. [Peter the Great] [1698] P Mezzotint. S.32. Faivre, CI. (1830- ) French School. R Y B E T , Ferdinand (1840- ) [The game of chess] Etching. Remartjue proof. Signed by artist and engraver. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS HI Falck, Jeremias (ab. 1619-ab. 1663) German School. Tycho Brahe. Non Haberi Sed Esse. fi Line engraving: Second state. Le B. -19. H. 33. N. iv: 2ai. [Same] 9 Typugravure reproduction. Farrer, Henry (184:3-1903) American School. [Evening, New York Harbor] 1884. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Sunset on East River. 1879] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Felsing, Georg Jakob (1802-1883) German School. K 6 H L E R, Christian (1809-1861) [H.\GAR UND Ismael] [1848] Line engraving: Second state. Presentation copy. H. 20. .\p. 1. M ij C K E, Heinrieh Karl Anton (180&-1S91) [Christus im Grabe] [1859] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Presentation copy. India paper. H. 24. Ap. 10. A L L E G R I . Antonio. Called Correggio (1494-1534) [Sposalizio di S. C.vterina] 1831. Line engraving: Fourth state. Le B, 5. H. 7. N. iv: 273. Ap. 13. S A N Z I , RafSaell-j. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [II Suonatore di Violino] 1833. Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 11. H. 8. N. iv: 273. Ap. 30. 112 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Ferdinand, Louis. See E L L E (Ferdinand), Louis. Ferogio, Francois Fortune Antoine (1805-1S8S) Frann'ieres des Departe- MENTs (15 Di:cEMBRE, 1840) No. 7 of set. Lithograpli. Le clerge recoit les restes mortels de Napoleon dans la cour d'honneur de l'Hotel des Invalides (15 Decembre, 1840) No. 8 of set. Litliogriipli. Le catafalque apres la ceremonie (15 Decembre 1840) No. 9 of set. Lithograph. Interieur de l'Egllse des Invalides, pendant la Ceremonie eeligieuse. 15 Dece.mbre 1840. No. 10 of set. Lithograj^h. Ferris, Jean Leon Gerome. See FERRIS, Stephen J., and FERRIS, Jean Leon Gerome. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 113 Ferris, Stephen J. (1835- ) American School. [Bat-catcher] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. FORTUNY Y C A R BO, Mariano (1838-1874) [The print collector] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest (1815-1891) [The standard-bearer] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Ferris, Stephen J. (1835- ) and Ferris, Jean Leon Gerome (1863- ) American School. FORTUNY Y CAR BO, Mariano (1838-1874) [Mousquetaire] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by S. J. Ferris. Ficquet (Fiquet), fitienne (1719-1794) French School. DE LA TO U R, Maurice Quentin (1704-1788) [Voltaire] Post genitis hic carps erit . . . 1762. P Line engraving: Second state. P. & B. 96. Le B. 161. Fiesinger, J. Gabriel (worked ab. 1777-1793) French School. G U E R I N , Jean (1760-1836) Bernadotte. [1798] Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, Marshal, afterwards Charles XIV. John of Sweden. IP Stipple engraving. P.&B. ii:179. Bib. Nat. 9187 (42) 30705—04 8 114 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Fiesinger, T. Gabriel — Continued. GUERI N, Jean (1760-1836) Kleber. [1798] Jean Baptiste Kleber. 5P Stipple enrjraving. P. & B. ii: 179. MENGELBERG, Egidius (1770-1849) Le Fevre. [1798] Francois Joseph Lefebvre. ? Stipple engrailing. P. & B. ii: 179. BONNEMAISON, FM'"ol ( -1827) Massena. [1802] Andr^ Massena, Prince of Essling, etc. P Stipple engraving. P. & B. ii: 179. G U E R I N , Jean ( 1760-1836) H. G. MiRABEAU. [1798] Honore Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau. P Stipple engraiying. Le B. 23. H. B. [Same] G U ER I N , Jean (1760-1836) Buonaparte. [1799] P Stipple engraving. P. & B. ii: 179. GUER I N, Jean (1760-1836) M. M. J. RoBERSPiERRK. DEPUTE DE l'Artoi.s, A l'Assemblee Nationale e.\ 1789. 5P Stipple engraving. LeB. 28. Filloeul, Pierre (woi-ked ah. 17.30-1760) French School. BOIZOT, Antoine (1704-1782) FRANfOIS II. LIX!^ KOY DE FRANCE . . . 5 Line engraving. P. & B. ii: 182. Bib. Nat. 16549 (36) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 115 Finlayson, John (ab. l730-ab. 1776) English School. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua ( 1723-1792) M^ Gakrick in the Chabacter of Kitely, Every Man in his Humour. 1769. P Mezzotint: Second state. Le B. 6. s. 7. ZAUFFELY, Johann. Called Zoffany (1733-1810) M^ FooTE & M? Weston, in the Characters of The President & T>^ Last. Devil on TWO Sticks. 1769. P Mezzotint: Second state. S.6. Fisher, Edward (1730-ab. 1785) English School. CHAMBERLIN, Mason (exhibited 176.3-1787) [Benjamin Franklin dans son cabinet] P Mezzotint: Proof: Before all letters: First state. From tlie John Young collection. LeB. 10. N. iv: 358. S. 19. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) The Right Hon^';'' Lady Elizabeth Lee, Daughter of Simon Earl Harcoort. P Mezzotint: Second state. Le B. 13. N. iv; 358. S. 37. B E R R I D G E , John (exhibited 1766-1785) Miss Kobe in the Char.\cter of To.m Thu.mb. 1770. Ha! Dogs! Arrest mv Friend . . P Mezzotint: Second state, s. 53. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) Laurence Sterne, A. M. Prebendary of York, Vicar of Sutton on the Forest and of Stillington near York. P Mezzotint: Third state. Le B. 23. H. 6. N. iv: 358. S. 66. 116 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Fittler, James (1758-1835) English School. G E L L E E , Claude. Called Claude Lorrain ( 1600-1682) [Embarkation of Saint Ursula] [1787] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. H. 2. S. K. M. Cat. (Dyce Coll.) 3073. HARLOW, George Henry (1787-1819) Benja.min West, P. R. A. P lAne engraving. With dedication, LeB. 17. N. iv:360. Ap. 28. Flamen. Albert (ab. 1620-af. 16B4) French School. Premiere partie. Diderses Bspeces de Poissons de mer. I. Titleof a series of 12 prints. Etching: Third state. B. 1. R.-D. 415. H. 7. Cancer, Le Cancre. II. Etching: Third state. B. 2. R.-D. 416. Cammarus, Le Homard. III. Etching: Third state. B. 3. R.-D. 417. Sarda, La Sardine. IV. Etching: Third state. B. 4. R.-D. 418. Pulchella, olim trichis. La Pccelle. V. Etching: Third state. B. 6. R.-D. 419. Merlanus. Aselli species, Le Merlan. VI. Etching: Third state. B. 6. R.-D. 420. Flesus siue Fleteletus. La Flez. VII. Etching: Thirii state. B. 7. R.-D. 421. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 117 Flamen, Albert — Continued. CoNGRus Le Congre. VIII. Etching: Third state. B. 8. R.-D. 422. Scomber. Le M.\qder]s.\u. IX. Etching: Third state. B. 9. R.-D. 423. Lyra. Le Grbnaut. X. Etching: Third state. B. 10. R.-D. 424. CucuLus. Le Coccu de mer. XL Etching: Third state. B. 11. R.-D. 4'25. Flameng, Leopold (1831- ) French School. [The ceremony op signing the marriage contract] 1883. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Flameng' s initials signed. Charles Meryon. 1858. P Heliogravure after a drawing by Flameng. B6r. 369. [Same] R Y N , Rembrandt Harmensz van (1606-1669) [La piece avx cent florins] Christ healing the sick. Etching. Proof: Before letters. B6r. 218. R Y N , Rembrandt Harmensz van (1606-1669) RONDE DE NniT. Etching. B^r. 219. C A B A N E L , Alexandre (1823-1889) [La Sulamite] 1876. Etching. Proof: Before letters. B«r. 192. 118 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Flameng, Leopold — Continued. Fl LDES, Luke (1844- [Le veuf] 1884. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed by arti&t and etcher. UtT. -Sib. MOTTE, Henri Paul (worked ab. 1874-1881) [RinnELIEU AT THE SIEGE OF RoCHELLe] Etching. Proof: Before letters. COLLIER, ,lohn (1850- ) [Dabwin] 1883. P Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed by artist and etcher. B«r. 321. Fleischmann, Jacques (1816-1866) French School. ANONYMOUS. [La Duchesse d'Anooul^me. After a miniature made at Vienna, in the collection of M. LE Cte. de Blacas] P Line engraving. Proof: before letters. Bib. Nat. 1200 (103). Ber. vi: 137. Flindt (Flynt), Paul (P. V. N.) (ah. 1570-ab. 1620) Gennmi School. [Plate from Recueil de vases et autres ustensiles du XVIe Siecle. 1594] Stipple engraiing. Le B. 2-43. Nag. (Mon.) 3399 (5). Floris (de Vriendt), Frans (ah. 1520-1570) Flemish School. [The Holy Family] Line engraving. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 119 FociUon, Victor Louis (contemp.) French School. [Christopher Columbus] 1892. 5P Etching. Remarque proof. Signed by etcher. Bib. Nat. 10248 (28) MILLET, Jean Francois (1814-1875) [Cock de fkrme la nuit] Etching. Remarque proof. Signed by etcher. B«r. 13. Fontana, rietro (176:^-1837) Italian School. LuiGi XVII. Re di Francia, e di Navarra Nato a Versailles Lr 27 M.^rzo 1785. N°. 4. Cljvsse I. Louis XVII. P Line engraxing. Print from a l)Ook. Forberg, Carl Ernst (1844- , German School. CAMPHAUSEN, Wilhelm (1818-1885) Fkiedrich der Grosse. 9 Etching. Ap. 8. Forbes, Edwin (1839- ) American School. (a) A THIRSTY CROWD. (b) NEWSPAPERS FOR THE ARMY. ThE RACE FOR CAMP. Plate 6. 1876. Etching. The NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENT. NeWS OF THE BATTLE. Plate 11. 1876. Etching. A NIGHT MARCH. Plate 16. 1876. I^hing. Through the Wilderness. Plate 3. 1876. Etching. 120 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Forel, Alexis (1852- ) Fretich School. [Grand CafeNE k St. Sai'Hokin, Si'issk] Etching. Remarque proof. B6r. 47. Formstecher, Helene (contemp.) F'reneh School. COGNIET. Uoii (1794-1880) [Napoleon Bonaparte, First Consul of France] P Etching and roulette. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Forster, Francois (1790-1872) Fraich School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Calkd Raphael ( 1483-1520) [Urania] [1839] Line engranng. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 10. B(T. 48. H. 7. Ap. II. G R S , Barou Antoine Jean ( 1771-183")) Francois I''."' et Chaklks-Quint Visitant lss To.mbeau.x des Rois de Fr.\nce A Sp Denis (1539.) [1826] Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 20. BSr. 42. H. 12. N. iv: 416. Ap. 14. D ij R E R , Albrecht (1471-1528) [Albrecht DtJRKR, d'ai>re.s LUi-Mi:.ME] 1822. From portrait of himself in the Pinakothek at Munich. 5^ Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Stamp, O. E. Le B. 22. Bfr. 38. H. 17. N. iv: 416. Ap. 19. L E F E V R E , Robert (175f>-]8.30) M. C. OUDINOT, Due I)E RE(ir,IO . . . 3P Line engraving: Third state. Bit. .W. H, 21. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 121 Forster, Francois — Continued. S A N Z I , Haffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) Raphael Sanzio. 1836. Le Tableau original . . . P Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 26. Bi5r. 46. H. 14. WINTERHALTER, Franz Xaver ( 1806-1873) [Queen Victoria] 1846. P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters: Second state. With dedication inscription by engraver. H. 23. B^r. 65. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) The Duke of Wellington. 1818. With dedication. 1^ Line engraving. Le B. 28. B^r. 57. H. 20. Fosella, Giovanni (1814— ) Italian School. SANZIO, Raffaello. CalUd Raphael ( 1483-1520) [Madonna del baldacchino] [1863] Line engramng. Proof: Before all letters. Ap. 1. Franceschini, Vincenzo (1680-af. 1748) Italian School. Z C C H I , Giuseppe (ab. 1711-1767) Veduta dell.^ Badia Fiorentina, e del Palazzo del PotestA. presa dalla Piazza della Chiesa de pp. dell' Oratorio. One of a set of 24 views of Florence. Mixed — line cngraiing and etch ing. Franck, Joseph (1825-1883) French School. VINCI, Leonardo da (1452-1519) [La Viekge au lys] [1863] Litie engraving. Proof: Before all letters. With dedication inscription by engraver. B6r. VI: 165. 122 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Franck, Josoph — Continued. M ETSYS, Quentin (bef. 14(50-1530) [L'ensevelissement du Christ] [1881] Line engrar'mg. Proof: Before all letters. With dedication iuseri[ition by engraver. Brr. vi: 166. D Y C K , Anthonie van ( 1.599-1641 ) [St. Martin secohrant un pauvre] 1872. Line engracing. Proof: Before all letters. With dedication inscription liy engraver. Franco, Giovanni Battista (1.510-1580) Italian School. [Melchisedecii offeant du pain et du vin a Abraham] Line engraiing: First state: Before all letters. Fran9ois, Alphonse (1811r-lS8S) French School. F I E S L E , Giovanni da. Called Fra Angelico ( 1:^87-1455) [Adoration of the Kings] Line nif/rnring. Proof: Before all letters. S C H E F F E R , Ary (179.5-18.58) La tentation du Christ. 1860. Line engriieing: Third state. B<5r. 19. H. 2. Ap. 2. Fl ESOLE, Giovanni da. Called Fra Angelico (1387-1455) Le Couronn'e.ment de la Vierge. 1867. Line engraving: Third state. Bi'T. 16. H. 3. Ap. 3. M E M L I N G , Hans (1430-1494) jNIakiage mv.stkjue de S^"" Catherine. Line engraving. Gazette des Beaux Arts. BtT. 1.5. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 123 Fran9ois, Alphonse — Continued. DELAROCHE, Paul (Hippolyte) (1797-1856) [Bonaparte fkanchissant les Alpeh] 1852. Line engramng. Proof: Before letters'. B.5r. 24. H. 9. Ap. 8. DELAROCHE, Paul (Hippolyte) (1797-185(>) [Marie Antoinette au tribunal revolutionnaire] 1857. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. B6r. 23. H. S. Ap. 7. BUONARROTI, Michelangelo (1475-1564) [Michel-Ange] Michelangelo Buonarroti. P Line engramng. Proof: Before letters. B^r. 11. H. 10. Ap. 12. Franqois, Charles Remy Jules (1809-1S61) Frmch ISchonl. DELAROCHE, Paul (Hippolyte) (1797-1856) [Napoleon k Fontainebleau] Line engramng. Proof: Before all letters. B^r. 14. Frere, Pierre Edouard (1819-1886) Fre/ich School. [The noonday meal] 1877. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Frick, Johann Friedrich (1774-1850) German School. SCHRODER, Johann Heinrich ( 17.57-1812) [Princess Ldise] Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of Frederick William III., of Prussia. P Aquatint. Proof: Before all letters. 124 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Fritzsch, Christian Fricdrich (1719-1772?) German School. P ES N E , Antoine (1683-1757) Frederic II. Roy de PurssE, Electeur de Brandebourg. 5 Line emjriiriyiri. Bib. Nat. 16649 (10.5). ANONYMOUS. Frederik de Groote Koning van Pruissen, enz. Dit is Held Fredrik . 1^ Line engraving. Bib. Nat. 16649 (103) Frye, Thonia.s, or Theodore (1710-1762) Enejlixh Rrhon]. Her Most E.^cellent M.\jesty Charlotte Q.oeen' ok Great Britain &.c. 1762. g Mezzotint: First state. LpB. 1. N. iv: 51.5. H. 4. S. 2. [Madame Frye] The en^jraver's mother. 1760. 5 Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 4. N. iv: 515. S. 16. Fuhr, Charles J^r^mie (1S32- ) Freneli School. DELAROCHE, Paul (Hippnlyte) (1 797-1. S.5H) Napoleon a Sainte Hele.ve. 18.59. 5p Litlmgrapti. Copied after Adoliihe Lafosse's lithograpli based on Delaroche's painting. FullTWOOd, ,I(illll ((•olltcllll).) JuK/lixlt. School. [LaNDSCAI'E with lAFil.N AND TE.NT BY A I'ONd] Etehing: Keniannic proof: Signed \>y etcher. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 125 Fusinati, Giuseppe (ab. 1803- ) Italian School. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. CaUed Titian (1477-1576) La Pexitente del Tiziano. 1837. Magdalen. Line engraving: Fourth state. Le B. 1. H. 2. Ap. 3. G Gabrielli, Adamo (worked 1777-1800) Italian School. M I E R Y, J. (worked late eighteenth century) Mak" Thehese Chablotte Madame, Fille du Koi, nee [sic] k Vebsailles le 19 Dec. 1778. PubUshed June 12, 1793. P Stipple engraving. Gaillard, Claude Ferdinand (1834-1887) Fretich School. DoM Pkospek Guera>"ger Abbe de Solesmbs . . . [1878] P Line engraving. B«r. 38. Bib. Nat. 19632. Henri, Comte de Cha.mbord. [1872] 5 Line engraving. Before the rest of the inscription was added. B^r. 30. Bib. Nat. 8994 (172) Leo XIII. Poxtitex Maximtts. Pope Leo XIII. P Line engraving: Third state. B6r. 39. 126 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION G-aillard, Claude Ferdinand — Continued. [La Soeuk Rosalie (Jeanne Mahie Rendu)] P Line engraring. Proof: Before all letters: Twenty-second state. B«r. 48. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Saint Georges] [1885] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by the engraver. For the Chal. du Louvre. B«r. 45. GIRODET-TRIOSON, Anne Louis de Roussy (1767-1824) [Chateaubriand] 1856. P Line engraving: First state: Before letters. B«r. 6. Bib. Nat. 9276 (38) G-aillard, Robert (172^-1785) French School. NATTIER. Jean Marc, II ( 1685-1766) [Marie Louwe Therese Victoire de France, sous la figure de l'eau] [1756] "Water," one of a series of the four elements. 5 L>7U engraving. Trimmed close. P. & B. 39. Bib. Nat. 16465 (3) G-aUe, Cornells, U (1615-1678) FJ.mdsh School. HEBBELYNCK, Anselmus. (Mted Anselmus van Hulle (1594-1665) Cakolvs Gvstavvs, Dei Gratia Co.mes Palatinus Rheni . . . Bella Terminantvr Qvoqve Amorb Pacis. [1650] Charles X. Gustavus, King of Sweden. P Line engraving. Bib. Nat. 9186 (26) O-andolfi, Mauro (1764-1834) Italian School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) S.Cecilia. [1834] Line engraving: Third state H. 10. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 127 Graravaglia, Giovita (1790-1835) Italian School. B A R O C C I O , Federigo (1528-1612) [Hagak e Ismael nel deserto] [1823] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. LeB. 2. H. 3. N. v:15. Ap. 1. S A N Z I , Raffaello. CalUd Raphael ( 1483-1520) [Madonna della sedia] Line engraiying: First state: Before all letters. Le B. 7. Ap. 8. S A N Z 1 O , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [La Saints Familledans itn paysage.] All' Egregio Amatore delle Belle Arti il Sig^ MsE LniGi Malaspina . . . [1817] Line engraxing: Third state. Le B. 8. Ap. 6. [Same] Line engraving: Second state: Before letters. L U I N I , Bernardino (ab. 1475-af. 1530) [Salome, fille d'Herodiade, recevant l.\ tIite de S. Je.\n Baptiste] 1813. Line engraving: First state: Before letters. LeB. 10. H. 4. N. v: 15. Ap. 4. G-aravaglia, Giovita. See also ANDERLONI, Faustino, and GARAVAGLIA, Giovita. Gamier, Franfois (worked 1815-1870) French School. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) [Le tombead de Napoleon k Sainte-Helene] IAm engraving: Proof: Before all letters. Bi5r. vl: 221. Ap.5. Le B. 7. 128 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Gaucher, Charles fitienne (1741-1804) French. School. M R E A U , Jean Michel. Called Moreau le Jeune (1741-1814) COUEONNKMENT DE VoLTAIRE SuR LE THEATRE FRANfAIS, LE 30 M.iJiS 1778 APRfeS LA siXLEME Representation d' Irene. 1782. With inscription anil arms. Line engraving: First finished state: Before the effacement of the arms of the Marquise de Villette. Le B. 27. H. 1. P. & B. IS. G A U T I E R , Jean Baptiste A.nersoxs] S. 110. Etching. CXU fruni book. Gheyn, Jacolj de, I (ISfi-^-lO^!*) Dutch /School. G L T Z I U S , Hendrik (1558-1616) [Un mousquetaire] 11. Ju.ssus IX hostile.*! fUXEos, . . . H. G. excu. I. tie oheyx sculp. One of .set of 12: Uniforms of a Holland infantry regiment. Line engraving. Describeil by Bartsch among engravings after drawings by Hendrik Goltzius. B. iii: 122 (11) Le B. 1.51-li;2. N. v: i:iO. J. i: 413. CATALOG OF ENGRAVEKS 131 Grhiraldi, (worked first part nineteenth century) French School. Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte. P Lithograph. Ghisi, Diana (ab. 1535-1588) Italian School. A L L E G R I , Antonio. Called Correggio (1494-1534) [Madonna della cesta] Mi paber est nvtrix . . . 1577. Line engraving: Second state. B. 19. Le B. 7. G I A N U Z Z I , Giulio di Filippo dei. Called Giulio Romano (1493-1.546) [LaTONE METTANT AU MONDE APOLLON ET DiANE DANS l'iLE DE DeLOS] Line engraving. Trimmed close. From collection of W. Esdaile. B. 39. N. v: 14.=.. Ghisi, Giorgio (1620-1582) Italian School. G I A N U Z Z I , Giulio di Filippo dei (?) Called Giulio Romano (1493-1.546) [La victoire] Line engraving. B. 34. Le B. .58. G H I S I , Giovanni Battista. Called Mantovano (1503-1575) [Le PERFIDE SiXON VENANT FAIKE UNE FAUSSE confidence AUX TrOYENS AU SUJET 1)U CHEVAL DE BOIS] Line engraving. Le B. 61. B. 28. Griaconi, Vincenzo (worked ab. 1836) Italian School. T N I L I , Ferdinandu (worked 1788) JisuF Pasoia Gran Visir. P Line engraving. N. xviii: 559 (Tonioli). 132 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Grianoli (contoinp.) French School. DELAROCHE, Puiil ( Hipiiolyte) (1797-lS5fi) [Napoleon in jus caiuxet. Calleii the "Snuff-box Portrait"] 3P Etcli'mij. Keniiirque proof. Gibbon, Benjamin Philips (1S02-1S51) EngJhh Sch-1S"3) [Suspense] 1837. Mixed engrdviiKj. Proof: Before letter.-^. From the Buccleuch sale. Bry. i: 565. H. 5. [Same] Proof: Before all letters: Retouched. From the Buccleuch sale. [Same] First proof: Before all letters. [Same] Trial proof: Third state. "Edwin Landseer." From the Buccleuch sale. [Same] Trial proof: Fourth state. From the Buccleuch sale. [Same] Trial jiroof: Fifth state. Gibbs, John (worked middle nineteenth century) Eiujlhli Schoal. I B B E T S N , Capt. (Henry 7) R. E. (worked early nineteenth century) Napoleon the fir.st at ST Helena. From the oku;inal pain-tin<;, taken immediately AFTER death. 1855. 59 LHhograph. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 133 Giberti (Ghiberti, Gibert), Antonio (worked ab. 1809-1830) Italian School. DAVID, Jacques Louis (1748-1825) Napoleon'e il GRANDE. Al Monte S. Bernabdo. Bonapakte Axnibal Kakolus Magnus Mp. 1809. P Line engraving: Second, si&te. N. v: 159. Ap. 2. H. 3. Giffart, Pierre (1637-1723) French School. Fkancoise Davbigny Marqvihe de Maintenon &c. autant modeste . . . par mes RESPECTS . . . IB NE PAROIS ... MA VERTU ME FAIT ESTIMER [1087] With arms. P Line engraving. H. 4. N. t: 162. Didot (Portraits) 866. Gilbert, Achille Isidore (1828- ) French School. P R U D ' H N , Pierre Paul (1758-1823) [Millevoye] Etching and aquatint. Proof: Before letters. Bi5r. 131. J A C Q U E , Charles 6mile (1813-1894) [La sortie] Etching. Remarque proof: Signed by etcher and artist. Remarque by Jacque. Gilli, Alberto Maso (ab. 1820- ) Italian School. Dl D I N I , F. (worked early nineteenth century) Kagione di stato. (Napoleon and Josephine) Etching. bct. is. 134 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Grirard, Alexis Fraiifois (1T89-187U) French School. DUPASQUIER, Gamen ( worked mi8. Fkedekicvs GriLJELMCs, D. G. S. R. I. Elector et Archicamerarii>, Marchio Bra.ndesbur- Gicus . . . Frederick Wilham, Elector of Brandenburg, surnamed "The Great Elector." P Line engraving: Second state. Wes. (G.)4. LeB. 63. Bib. Nat. 6:»4 (-11) Marl\ D. G. Anglic, Scot: Fran: et Hib: Reg: Queen Mary II., wife of Willlam III. P Mezzotint. Wes. (G.) 97. Bromley, p. 166. Suth., ii: 2K). B.IRTHOLD LE NoiR ScnW.\RTZ. InvENTEUR DE LA PODDRB ET DE l'ArTILLERIE AllEMANT . . . P Mezzotint. Wes. (6.) 115. Le B. 93. N. v: 269. O S T A D E , Adriaen Jansz van (1610-1685) [Adrl\en van Ostade] P Mezzotint. Proof: Before all letters. Wes. (G.) 103. Le B. 81. N. v: 269. PLAES (PLAS), David van der (1647-1704) Louise de la Misericorde . . . Duchesse de la Vai.liere . . . [1685] D. a. Plaats PI NX. P Line engraving. With oval border commenced. Wes. (G.) 22. Le B. 99. N. v: 268. Brandes Coll. i: 307. Goltzius, Hendrik (1558-1616) Dtctch School. [La S. Vierge pleurant sur le corps de Jesus-Christ] Line engraving. B. 41. Le B. 40. 138 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Goltzius, Ilcndrik — Continued. [Heectle tuant Cacus.] Chiaroscuro. B. 231. H. 36. N. VI 277. [Un arquebusier] Pro patria purnans . . . Line engraving. After a drawing by Goltzius. Engravecl by one of hi.-i pupils. B. iii: 114 (97). [Ux POKTE-EXSEIGNE, TENANT LE DRAPEAU DE SON REGIMENT] iSlUNIFER IXGENTES ANI- MOS . . . 1587. Line engraving. B. 12.i. H. 14. Le B. 180. N. v: 277. Theodokv.s Cornhertivs, AD VivvM Depictvs Et yEri Inclsvs AB. H. Goltzio. Qri Veri studio . . . Dirk Volckert.sz Coornhert. 5 Line engraving: Second state. B, lf.4. Le B. 153. H. 22. N. v: 278. H. & R. 7. [Hi'GO GR0Tirs(?) Called Jean Hugo de Groot] 5 Line engraving. B. iii: 111 (So) . Eobertus Comes Leycestri.e . . . 3P Line engraving. Supposed to have been engraved upon silver. Inscription in reverse. B. 175. Le B. 16.1. H. 27. N. v: 279. H. & R. IS. Brandes Coll. i: 319. [Same] 5 Reversed copy. Theodoeico Frisio Pictori Egregio . . . Quid TABULA . . . 1597. The son of the painter Diderik de Vries with dog and bird. Also called "Goltzius' dog." 5 Line engraving. B. 190. Le B. 101. Goncourt, Jules de (183O-1.S70) Fnmh School SAINT-AUBIN, Gabriel Jacques de ( 1724-1780) [Le Pont-Neuf et la Samaritaine en 1775] Etching. Bit. 2(6). CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 139 Goudt, Hendrik, Grave van (1585-1630) Dutch School. ELSHEiMER, A.lam (1578-1620) [Le (iRAND TiiIUe] 1613. ThOBIAS CMCl SEQUITUR . . . Line engraving. From the Sir Peter Lely collection. Le B. 1. H. 2. N. v: 299. Andres. 2. Dutuit 2. (A copy in reverse made of a part of this print by Vorsterman. .S'ce VO RS T E R M A N , Lucas I) ELSHEIMER, Adani (1578-1620) [L.i FlUTE EN KcJYPTE] PrO FUGIT IN TENEBRIS . . . 1613 Line engrnring. Le B. .S. H. 3. X. v: 300. Andres. 3. Dutuit 3. ELSHEIMER, Adam (1578-1620) [La decollation de S. Jean Baptiste] Liiii' I'ngrai'ing. Le B. 4. H. ■). Andres. 4. Dutuit 4. ELSHEIMER, Adam ( 1578-1620) [CeRKS k LA RECHERCHE DE ProSERPINE] 1610. DnM FRUGUM GENITRIX . . . Line engraving. Le B. 6. H. .5. X.viSOO. .\ndres. 5. Duchesne, 92. Dutuit 6. ELSHEIMER, Adam (1578-1620) [.IrPtTER ET MeRCURE CHEZ PhILE.MON ET BaUCIS] 1612. JfPPITER .\TQi:E Her.ME;* . . . Line engraving. Le B. 5. H. 6. N. v: 300. Andres. 6. Dutuit S. ELSHEIMER, Adam (1578-1620) [L'ai'roke] 1613. Aurora amoto nocti.m . . . Line engraving: Second state. LeB. 7. H. 7. N. v:299. Andres. 7. Dutuit 7. Goutiere, Tony (1808- ) Frtmch School. I S A B E Y , Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) [Joseph Fouche.] With arms. P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. 140 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Groya y Lucientes, Francisco eTose dc (1740-1828) SjMnin/t. ScIumL [La ii.\l,ANri)iKK] FAcliniy. Proof: Before letters. P. & B. ii: 344. VELASQUEZ. Diego Rodriirnez ile Silva y ( I.i99-16fi0) 1). l.'i.MiEi. i)E BoRBON, Reyn.v HE Esp.vS.A . . . 1778. 5p Etrhinij. Li- B. 4. \\k B. ii: 341. BiT. 1. VELASQUEZ, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y (1.599-Iti60) D M,\Kii.MiiT.\ DE ArsTRiA Rkyxa de Esi'ana . . . 177.S. T^ Kirhiug. U: B, ",. Brr. I. V. & B. ii: 311. VELASQUEZ,, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y (1.5;i9-U)(iO) Felipe 111. Rev de Espa.na. . . . 177S. ^ Eirhing. Blt. 1. P. & B. ii: 341. VELASQUEZ, Diego Rodgriguez de Silva y (l.WO-UitSO) Felipe IV. Rey de EspaSa. . . . 177S. J! TClrh ing. U'B.6. BCt. 1. P. &B. ii:3il. Granger (worked early eighteenth century) English School. William I. ^ Stipple nK/raiing. C'ut from book. G-raves, Roiiert (17'.t8-lS73) EngJlxh School. Wl LKI E, Sir David (17.S.5-1S41) [The Aubotsfori) family] \^'.u. }I Line eiujraeing. Proof: Before letters. \jv B. 10. H. 6. Ap. 4, [Same] 1.S.36. Trial proof of etclied plate before engraving. With letter?. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 1-tl G-raves, Robert — Continued. PHILLIPS, Thomas (1770-1845) [Loud Bykon] 1836. 5 Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Le B. ■). H. 15, .N'. v: aiS. Gravesaiide, Charles Storm van's (18-il- ) Dnteh School. [SUK LES BORDS HE l'EsCAUT k BuRGHT] Dry point. Proof: Before .all letters: Signed by etcher. b<:t. 45. [flsning-boat with like to the shore; two .men holding to rr; other bo.vts ix distance; Bl'ILDINGS TO E.XTREME LEJt] Dry point. Remarque proof: Sijjned by etrfier. [BaTEAU.X- DE PfecHE] Dry point. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. B^r. 186. [Fishing boats near Dordrecht; a small light or harbor .mark at e.vtreme left] Dry point. Proof: Before all letters: Signe. 17'24) Dufe/i School. K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1G4C-I71'S) Anna D. G. Anglij;, Scoti.e, . . . Petrus a Gunst ScfLPS. Queen Anne of England. 5 Line etKjrariiKj. Siilh. i: 15. Bry. i: tJl-J. Bib. Nnt. lis.i (L'fi) WERFF, Adriaen van der (U;.i9-17-_'L') John, Duke op MARLBoRorctii. Spolii.'* Insignis Opimis. P Line engrnriiKj. H. 8. N. v: 454. Bry. i;612. H Haas, Johann Meno (1752-1833) German School. DA H LI N G, Heinrich Anton (1773-1850) Abschied Ale-xanders I. Kaisers von Ritssland von Friedrich Wiliiel.m III. und Louise am Sarge Friedrichs des Grossen. 1806. Line eiKjniiiiKj. Le B. 13. N. v: 480. WOLF, Ulrich Ludwig Friedrich (1772-1832) Friedrich deb Grosse K5nig von Preussen . . . [1808] In tlie park at Sans Souci. ^ Line engnning: Second state. Le B. 31. N. v: 4sm. II. 6. Habelmann, Paul Sig'imind (1823-1890) German, School. M E N Z E L, Adolf Friedrich Enlmanii (1.S1.5- ) [Friedrich der Guosse bei der Huldigung der Stande Schi.esiens 7. Nov. 1741] Mixed engraciinj. Proof; r>efore ;ill letters: With inscription by engraver. H. 9. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 145 Habelmann, Paul Sigmund — Continued. [Frederica Sophia Wilhblmina, Margravine op Beirith. Sister of Frederick the GreatJ P Line engraving: Proof: Before all letters: With inscription by engraver. Haden, Francis Seymour (1818- ) English School. [Breaking vv of the Agamemnon] 1886. Mezzotint. Signed by engraver. Bdr. 18S. [Greenwich] 1879. Etching: Trial proof c. Signed by etcher. Dr. 184. [Out of My Study Window] No. 1 of a series of 2.5 plates published in "Etudes a I'eau- forte." 1865-66. Etching: First state. Signed by etcher. Dr. 17. Battersea Reach. 1863. No. 2. Etching: Second state. Dr. 45. Kensington Gardens. 1859. No. 3. Etching: Second state. Signed by etcher. Dr. 12. The towing path. 1864. No. 4. Dry point: First state. Dr. 67. [StTNSET ON THE Thames] 1865. No. 5. Etching and dry point: First state. Signed by etcher. Dr. 83. Fulham. No. 6. Etching and dry jwint: First state. Dr. 18. Shepperton. 1864. No. 7. Etching: First state. Dr. 71. 30705—04 10 146 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Haden, Francis Seymour — Continued. Whistler's House at Old Chklsea. 1863. No. 8. Etching: First state. Signed by etcher. Dr. 47. [Kew KAiLWAY extension] Kcw. 1864. No. 9. Etching: First state. Dr. f.^. [Early mokning, Rich.mond] [1859] No. 10. Etching and dry point: Second state. Signed by etcher. Dr. 21. [Thames SIDE at Kew] No. 11. Etching: First state. Dr. 73. Egha.m. No. 12. Etching: Third state. Signed by etcher. Dr. 14. Egham Lock. No. 13. Etching: Second state. Dr. l.'i. Brentford Ferry. 1864. No. 14. Etcliiiig: First state. Dr. 66. [A SUNSET IN Tipperary] 1863. No. 1.5. Drii point. First state. Signed by etcher. Dr. 44. Fro.M the BRIDGE .\T CARDIGAN. 1864. No. 16. Etching. First state. Dr. 60. KiLG.iREN Castle (South Wales) 1864. No. 17. Etching. First stat«. Dr. .58 [House op Ben Davi.i, smith. Newcastle Emi.yn [South Wales] 1864. No. 18. Etching. First state. Dr. 66. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 147 Haden, Francis Seymour — Continued. Kenarth, S. Wales. 1864. No. 19. Etching. First state. Dr. 57. Newcastle in Emlyn (South Wales) No. 20. Etching. First state. Dr. .w. [Shehe Mill Pond] 1860. No. 21. Etching. Second state. Signed by etcher. Dr. 35. [Evening] 1864. No. 22. Etching and dry point: First state. Signed by etcher. Dr. 68. [Kidwelly] (South Walks) 1859. No. 23. Etching: First state. Dr. 22. [Mytton Hall] (Lancashire) 1859. No. 24. Dry point: First state. Signed by etcher. D. 13. WRIGHT, Joseph (17.S4-1797) Thomas Haden op Derby 1778. 1864. Grandfather of Francis Seymour Haden. No. 25. P Etching and dry point: First state. Dr. 61. Hael-wegh, Albert (ab. 1610-1673) Scandinavian School. M A N D E R, Karel van, III (ab. 1605-1672) Christiano quinto, Dani^, Norvec.i.e, Vandalorum, Gothorumque, Principi Electo PiETATE et constantia. Christian V., King of Denmark. P Line engraving. N. v: 496. Le B. 17. Bib. Nat. 9616 (29) 148 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Haid, Johann Gottfried (1710-1776) German. ScJmoI. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua ( 172;;-1792) Lonn Camden. 5P Mezzotint. Le B. 21. Haid, Johann Jakol) (1704-1767) German School. Johannes Nakcissits de Raunek, Dominus in Muhringen . . . With arms. 3? Mezzotint. Le B. ',13. BrandesColl. ii:99. N. v: 609. Iohann Caspar Schavr, von Ihro Rii.M. . . . Ma.i''' . . . Chymici"s . . . P Mezzotint. HAID, .Tohaun .Jakolj (1704-1767) and BERGMULLER, Johann Georg (16S8-1762) loH. ElIAS RiDINGER PkTOR ET ScALITOR (sic) AlXil'STANrS . . . }l Mezzotint. he B. Vi. H. 9. N. v: 508. H A I D , Ji >lianii Jakr,b ( 1704-1767 ) and BERGMULLER, Joliann Georg ( lHsS-1765) Georgivs Phillipvs Rvgendas Avgvstanv.s . . . P Mezzotint. Le B. 95. BERGMULLER, Johann Georg (1688-1762) Ioannes Georgivs Bergmuller Seren:^' et Rev:'" Prixcipis . . . O.mnis Cako . . . Anthropo-Metria. 5P Me.zzejtint. Le B. 59. BrantU's Coll. ii: 29. D E N N E R , Balthasar (168.5-1749) Ernestvs loAcniMvs DE Westphalex Imperat. Rrssici Ordin. S. Alexandri Neuski et Due. Slezvic. Hols . . . 9 Mezzotint. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 149 Haid, Johann Jako1>— Continued. DESMAREES, Georg (1097-1776) ami BERGMULLER, Johann Georg (1688-1765) loAN. Adam. Schoepfivs Pictor histokicus . . . 3P Mezzotint. Le IJ. 100. Brandes Coll. ii: 156. H L Z E R , Johann Evangelist (1708-1740) Hekr Philipp Adam Benz. Silber- Iubelier . . . With arms. T^ Mezzotint. Brandes Coll. ii: 114. Bib. Nal. 4104. ST U D E R . Johann Rudolph (1700-a£. 1769) loANNE-s C.\ROLVS Hedungervs, Ord: Christ. Eq . . ^ Mezzotint. Le B. 73. H. 2. Rrandes Coll. ii: 98. X. v: fi08 and xvii: 511. Johann Karl Hedlinger. Haig, Axel Herman (1838- ) English School. [Dominican Church, Arles] 1887. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Vespers, Beauvais] 1891. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Cathedral at Burgos] 1890. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Interior of the C.^thedral at Burgos] 1889. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Tower of St. Pierre, Caen] 1879. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Tomb of Edward the Black Prince, Canterbury Cathedral] 1894. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed bj' etcher. [Cathedral and town of Chartres] 1886. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. B^r. viii; 57. 150 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Baig, Axel Herman — Continued. [In the aisles of the Cathedral of Ohartres. No. 175] 1881. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Washing day, Ch.ybtres] 1887. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed liy etcher. [Darwin's .study] 1882. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Durham Cathedral] 1893. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Flemish lace-makers] 1879. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Jedburgh Abbey] 1879. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Cathedral of St. George, Limburg-on-the-Lahn] 1888. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Fountain op St. George, Lubec] 1885. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Waiting for the ferry, Lubec] 1885. View of cathedral. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Moorish archway] 1884. Etching. Print from the destroyed plate. [An old Hanse town] 1883. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. [Magdalen College, Oxford] 1886. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Altar in Cathedral at Amiens] 1897. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed by etcher. [Interior of Cithedral at Palencia] 1896. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed by etcher. [Retour de foire a Pami'elune] 1887. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed liy etcher. BiSr. viii: 57. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 151 Haig, Axel Herman — Continued. [Cathedral at Rheims] 1892. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [NOHTH TRANSEPT, RheIMS] 1893. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [The Alcazar, Segovia] 1886. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Stockholm] 1888. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Swedish pulpit] 1881. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Cathedral at Tarba(;o.\a] 1895. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed by etcher. [Thuringerburg] 1886. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Interior of Cathedral at Upsala] 1895. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed by etcher. [Pulpit op St. Fermo Maggiore, Verona] 1881. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [View of chancel, Westminster Abbey] 1885. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [A dark corner, West.minster Abbey] 1886. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Entrance to Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey] 1886. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etchei-. [Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey] 1886. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [St. Edmund's Chapel, Westminster Abbey] 1885. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Tomb of Edward the Conff^ssok, Westminster Abbey] 1885. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. 152 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Haig, Axel Herman — Continued. [Tomb of Edwasd the Confessou, Westminster Abbev] 1885. Etching. Print from destroyed plate. Proof: Before all letters. [Round tower, Windsor] 1887. Etching. Proof; Before letters. Signed liy etcher. Haldenvrang, Christian (1770-1831) German School. RUYSDAEL, Jacob van { 1628-1682) [Cascade] Line engraving. (Haklenwang died before the completion of this plate; it was finished by Ludwig Schnell (1790-1834)) LeB. so. Ap. 10. H.7. Hale, Ellen Day (1S55- ) Amrrican ScJwol. [Boy playing on a pipe] 1888. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed V)y etcher. Santa Barbara. 1892. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed Ijy etcher. San Diego. 189.3. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. .Signed bj' etcher. Hall, Henry Bryan (1808-1884) Ainericim School. [Henry Wadsworth Longfellow] 188,5. P Line engraring. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. Hall, John (1739-1797) Fngl/.^h School. WEST, Benjamin (1738-1820) Oliver Cromwell dissolving the Long Parliament. 1789. Line engraring: Third state. LeB. 7. 11. 2. N. v: 520. CATALOG Of ENGRAVERS 153 Hall, John — Continued. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua ( 1723-1792) Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. 1791. P Line engrai-ing: Tliird state. Bry. i: 620. Le B. 20. N. v: .520. H. 9. Halle, J. S. H. (worked end of eighteenth century) Oerman School. HOFFMANN, Georg Andreas (1754-1808) Friedrich des Zweyten Ankunft im Elysio. 1789. Line engraving. Hardy, Hey wood (contemp.) English school. [Gaining strength] 1881. Etching and mezzotint. Proof: No. 4: Before letters. Signed by etcher. [Halt at the inn] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Hartmann, Wolfgang (worked about 1680) Oerman School. Magnificds . NoBiLissiMHs . ET . Amplissimos . Dn . Laurentius . Zimmermannus . Proconsul. RiGENSIS. ^TATIS 76. TaNTUM GlYPTA potest! si dona TVT INCLUTA QUiERIS . . . Laurenz Zimmermann. P Line engraving. Hauer, Gotthold (1783-1825) Oerman School. DANNECKER, Johann Heiurich von (1758-1841) Monument A l'honneur de Frederic II, roi de Prusse . . Aquatint. 154 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION HaveU, F. John ( -1841) Eiu/Ush School. H A V E L L , William ( 1 7Sl>-1 Ko? ) [TiiK TOMB OF Napoleon Bonaparte at St. Helena] 1827. Line enyravintj. Proof: Before letters. Haward, Franci.s (1751»-1707) EngJkh School. R E Y N L D S , Sir Joshua ( 1728-1792 ) Mas. SiDDONS IN THE ChAUACTEK OF THE TrAGIC MuSE. 1787. 5 Stipple eiiffrarinij. Le B. 12. H. 3. N. vi: 13. H. E. (worked first half sixteenth century) Italian School. [Le petit .Jesus ad temple] Linv mi/raving. From Lord Bute's collection. B. xv: 462. N. i: 3.i5. H. ii: 799. Sag. Mon. iii: 325 (925'^*) Pass, vi: 153. Br. 1: 219 (l"2o'^') Heath, James (1757-183-1) English School. STUART, (Gilbert ( 1 755-1S2S ) Geokge Washi.ngton. 1800. P Line engraiinf/. he B. 2i;. N*. vi: 23 (10). Ap. 17. Bry. i: KZ6. Baker (Wash.) 2.50. RUSSELL, John ( 1 74.V1806) [William Wiluerforce, in his .study] P Line engrdvim/. Proof: Before all letters, on India paper. Ap. 19. H. 19. Hecht, Wilhchii (1843- ) German School. L E N B A C H , Fraiiz von ( 18:!t5-1904) BlS-MAHCK. 1879. P Wood e^ignming. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 155 Hecht, Wilhelm — Continued. L E N B A C H , Franz von ( 1836-1904) Friedbich III. T^ Etching. L E N B A C H , Franz von { 1836-1 904 ) [Emperor William I., oi-' Germany] 5P Elchiiig. Proof: Before letters. Heckenauer, Leonhard (ab. 1640-1704) German School. Prekrasa ili Olga V s. KREsncHEKn Elena velikaia Kmazina vserosiiskaia rodylas v 885 sKONCHALAS V 964. Ol^a, baptized Helena, grandduchess of Russia and Regent. b. 885; d. 964 (969). Called St. Olga. P Line engraving. Heister, F. (worked middle nineteenth centuiy) German School. QuiNTiN Messsis. Au.s der Gallerie des Staedelschen Kcnstinstitutes (Frankfort). Gedruckt bei B. Dondorp. Frankfort a/ M. P lAtTwgraph. Helman, I.sidore Stani.slas (1743-1806) French School. M N N E T , Charles ( 1730-af. 1808) Assemblee Nation.ale, Ab.^ndon de tous les Privileges, k Versaille.s Sceance de la Nl'it Dr 4 Au 5 AouT 1789. One of a set of 15 prints, Principale.s Journ(5es de la Revolution. Line engrai-ing. The etching by Antoine Jean Duclos (1742-1795), finished plate by Helman. p. & B. ii: 397 (26) and ii: 47 (29). M N N E T , Charles (1730-af. 1808) [L.\ tete de Feraud presentee a Boissy-d'Anglas] 1797. One of a set of 15 prints, Principales Journ^es de la Revolution. Line engraving. The etching by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux (1747-ab. 1819), finished plate by Helman. P. &B. ii: 397(26). 156 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Henderson, Will (contemp.) English School. GERARD, Baron Franrois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) [Mme. Recamier] 1894. P Mezzotint. Remarque proof: On Japanese paper. Signed by engraver. Henne, Eberhard Siegfried (1759-1828) Gerimin School. Fribdricii II (the Great) P Etching, colored Inj h(i)id. Le B. «. X. vi: 99 (3) Henriquel-Dupont, Liniis Pierre (1797-1892) French School. SCHEFFER, Ary ( 179.3-1858) [Christi-s Consolator] Line enijrnring. First state: With the border. With dedication inscriiition by engraver. Le B. a. Bi-r. I'.4. H. .S. A L L E G R I , Antonio. Calleil Correggio ( 1494-1534) Mariage Mystique de Ste. Catherine. 1867. Lin£ engraving. B^r. 93. H. 6. G R OS , Baron Antoine .lean (1771-1835) [Le Comte de Lariboisiere . . . iL sE separe tie son second fils Ferdinand, ti'e une HEURE APRES ... a la BATAILLE DE LA MoSKOWa] PYRENEES. 18-50. Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. BiTt. 80. Didot (Portraits) 942. INGRES, Jean Anguste Dominique (1780-1867) [Mgr. de Latil, AKCHEvfiquE DE Reims] [1831] For Le Sacre de CharJex X. ■p Line enf/rairing. Finished plate: Before all letters. With deilicatiou inscription by engraver. Le B. 23. BCt. 32. N. iv: 13. Chal. du Louvre, 1185. Ap. 19. [Same] JI Line engmviinj. Unfinished plate. With dedication inscription by engraver. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 157 Henriquel-Dupont, Louis Pierre — Continued. GERARD, Baron Franjoia Pascal Simon (1770-1837) [Louis-Philippe] [1837] P Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Didot (Portraits) 937. Ap. 21. B^t. 50. Chal. du Louvre, 2228. D U B U F E , Louis 6douard (1820-1883) [Le Peince Imperial] [1859] IP Etching. 'Bit. 90. Didot (Portraits) 941. DELAROCHE, Paul (Hippolyte) (1797-1856) Pierre le Grand. [1842] 9 Line engraving: Third state. Le B. 38. B^r. 66. H. 14. Henriquel-Dupont, Louis Pierre (1797-1892) and Dormier, Alexandre Charles (17ss-af. 1845) French School. MAUZAISSE, Jean Baptiste (1784-1844), H I T T R F F , Jakob Ignaz (1792-1867) and LE- C I N T E , Jean Frantois Joseph (1783-1858) [Officier de la MAISON DD ROl] Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. For Le Sacre de Charles X. Le B. 44. BCt. 33. N. iii: 4o6 (Dormier). Chal. du Louvre, 4193. Henriquez, Benoit Loui.s (1732-1806) French School. B A R A T (worked middle eighteenth century) F. M. Aeouet, de Voltaire. 1778. Et son Cceur et son Genie . . . 9 Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 21. P. & B. 25. Ap. 17. Brandes Coll. il: 343. Herhan, :filisabeth G. (worked 1800-1810) French School. GU ERI N, Jean (1760-1836) iJoREAU. 1800. P Stipple engraving. 158 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Herkomer, Hubert (1849- ) Engll^ih School. [HuBEET Herkomer] 1879. 5 Etching. Remarque proof: Remarque two children. Signed by etcher. Herlin (worked first half nineteenth century) Scandinmyf'an School. SANDBERG, Johan Gu.staf (1782-1854) GusTAF II Adolpii [King of Sweden] 18.32. Vignette heneath: Svenska stenen vid Liitzen. G. A. 1632. IVIonument to Gustavus Adolphus at Liitzen. P Lithograph. Hess, Carl Adolph Heinrich (1769-1849) Get^man School. Axi Chev.\l de Bataille de Napoleon. 1809. No. 9. J. G. Z. H-l-nr del. Lilhugraph. Hess, Carl Ernst Christoph (1755-1S98) German Schml. R Y N , Rembrandt Harmensz van (lfi06-1669) [Portrait of a man with fur cap and staff, sitting at a table] 1788. Etching. Heumann, Georg Daniel (1691-1759) German School. PREISSLER, Johann Daniel (1666-1737) Fridekicvs . . . Vlrica . . . Frederick I., and Ulrica Eleonora, King and Queen of Sweden, etc. P I/inr engraving. Bib. Nat. 16657 (13) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 159 Heyden, Jakob von der (1570-1637) Oerman School. LuDovicrs XIII. DiCTUs Justus, D. G. Francis et NAVARRiE rex Christianissim, Le regne FLEURISSANT . . . JuSTUS UT PaLMA FloREBIT ETC. Ps. 91. jEtATIS SVM 35, ANNO Salutis 1635. Louis XIII., King of France and Navarre. P Line engraving. Hirschvogel, Augustin (ab. 1503-ab. 1569) Oerman School. [Paysage] 1546. Etching. B. 63. Le B. 349. [VuE d'un village] 1546. Etching. B. 76. H. 15. Brandes Coll. ii: 104. Hodges, Charles Howard (1764-1837) English School. See also H. S. G E D. R U S C A , .lacopo T. (worked late eighteenth century) GeNERAAL (sic) BUON.VPARTE. [1799] P Mezzotint. Hodgetts, T. (worked first half nineteenth century) English School. SCHEFFER, Ary (1795-1858) Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand. 1835. S Mezzotint. Hofel, Blasius (1792-1863) Oerman School. C R C E , Johann Nepomuk de la (1736-1819) W. A. Mozart . . . Zur eechten Seitb Mozarts Vater (Leopold) hit der Geige. Links AM Clavier Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart und seine Schwester Maria Anna. Jm Hindergrunde (en Medaillon), letzterer beiden Mutter. 1856. 5 Line engranng: Second state. Ap. 12. 160 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Hoffmann, August (1810-1872) German School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Die Madonna mix St. Hiebonymus und FRANciscns] [1862] Line engraving. Proof: Before letters: With engraver's name lightly scratched below With dedication inscri]>tion by engraver. H. 4. Ap. 4. Gray Coll. p. 159. KAULBACH, Wilhelm von (1805-1874) [Arthur and Hubert he Burgh] Line engramng. Proof: Before all letters. With dedication inscription by engraver. Ap. 7. H. 15. Hogarth, "V\'illiani (1697-176-1) English School. Ajj Election Entertainment. Plate I of a seriea of four plates on "Election." 1755. Line engraving: Second state. (No. 2 engraved by Charles Grignion) H. 20. Le B. ■2». The Times. Plate I. 1762. Line engraving. Le B. 33. The Times. Plate II. 1790. Engraved m 1762; published in 1790. Line engraving. Le B. 34. Hogarth, William (1697-1764) and Aveline, Franfoi.s Antoine (1718-1762) English School. Chairing the Members. Plate IV of a series of four plates on " Election." 1758. Line engraving. H. 20. Le B. 32. Hogarth, William (1697-1764) and Le Cave (worked middle eighteenth century) English School. The Polling. Plate III of a series of tour plates on "Election." 1758. Line engramng. H. 20. Le B. 31. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 161 HoU, Francis (1815-1884) English School. RICHMOND, George (1809-1896) His Eoyal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, K. G . . . 1859. P Stipple engraving. LAURENCE, Samuel (1812-1884) W. M. Thackeray. [1853] P Stipple engraving. HoU, William (1807-1871) English School. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Called Titian (1477-1576) [Christ crowned with thorns] Line and stipple engraving. Proof: Before letters. FAED, John (1820-1902) Washington receiving a salute on the field of Trenton. 1865. Line engraving. Baker (Wash.) 416. HoUar, Wence.slaus (1607-1677) English School. (a) The Manner op sitting at Dinner, of Maximilian, King of the Romans, on the day op his Investiture; (b) The Manner of sitting at Dinner, of Ferdinand Prince of Spanie, on the day of his Investiture. Pag. 404. Two prints on one plate. Etchings. From tlie Seymour Haden collection. Ver. p. 13: 45. [A Dutch lady with a poke on her forehead] Et<:hing. Ver. p. 64: 198. [A French cavalier making his bow] Etching. From the collection of Josef Camesina. Ver. p. 64: 197, The Towne of Hvll. Kyngeston vpon Hvll. With key and small map in the corner. Etching. Ver. p. 27: 10.S. 30705—04 1 1 162 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Hollar, Wenceslau.s — Continued. Piazza in Conventgarden. 2. Etch ing. Ver. p. 19: 5. The Cathedral Church of A.vmERP . . . 164S). Etching. Ver p. 89; 5. Pai.atium Archiepiscopi Cantuariensisprop^e Loxdimm, vclgo Lambeth HorsE . . . 1&47. Etching. Ver. p. 19: 7. OrIENTALIS ECCLESI.E LlN'COLNIENSlS FACIES. Vt NEf PER Tempokis . . . 1672. P 2.57. East front of Lincoln Cathedral. Etching. Ver. p. 1112: ItU. Le B. .i31-5:j9. ECCLESLE CaTIIEDRAI.IS SaRISBVRIENSIH a SePTENTRIONE PROSPECTVS. PRI.STIN.E PlETATW MEMORi.E . . . 1672. Salisbury Cathedral. Etching. Ver. p. 104: 191. Le B. .i31-.W9. [St. George's Chapel at Windsor. Prospect of the inside of the chapel] 1663. Etching. Ver. p. 101: 146. Excellentissimo Domin'o D. Lamoraldo Clavdio Francisco Comiti De La Tovr, Val- .s.\siNE, Tassis, et Sac: ... et excellent, eivs conivgi, D. Axn.e De Hornes Has ICONES SOLENNE.M UTKIQCE IN HeMISSE-M AI) SchALDIM I.N<;RESSI'M E.XHIBENTES ObSER- vANTia; moni.mentu.m D. D. L B. Antoni. Title-page with arms for "A view of the congratulations paid to the Count de la Tour, upon his public entry into Holland after the conclusion of the peace between Spain and the Empire with the States, with fireworks ..." Etching. Ver. p. 132: .5.S and p. 34: 2.i7-262. 1. EXCELLENTLSSIMI'S CoMES A LATERE ScHALDIS HeMISSEM INGREDITrR . . . The entry. Etching. One of the set of .5 prints of which the above is the title. Ver. p. 34: 257. 2. Excellentissimo Comiti Sacram jEdem ingredienti . . . Visit t<.) the church. Etching. One of the same set as the above. Ver. p. 34: 258. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 163 Hollar, Wenceslaus — Continued. 3. Pr^fatcs D. Alexander Excellextiss"'* Comites in Domi-m ... At tlie chateau. Etching. One of the same set as the above. Ver. p. »1: 2.i9. 4. Bene ominatam diei .solennitatem xocturn,« faces igxesque . . . Fireworks. Etchhuj. One of the same set as the above. Vor. p. 34: 2t;0. Pahi.amentv.m Londixense, Abbildung der Session des Parlamexts zu Londen vber hex Sentextz des Grafen von Stafford. Trial of Lord Strafford. With key. Etching. Ver. p. 12: 33. The true maner of the execction of Tho.mas Earle of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland vpon Tower hill, the 12™ of May, 164L Hybernije Proregis Suppli- civ.M. With key. Et^-hing. Ver. p. 1-2: 34. VINCI, Leonardo da (14.52-l.il9) [Chri.st holding a globe and raising the right hand in benediction] 1()-50. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 71. N, \i: 264 (.5.5). HOLBEIN, Hans, II (1497-1543) [.\ woman at full length, crowned, in an er>iin[e] mantle, and a chalice in her hand. WITH the Eucharist in it] 1647. Etching. From the Boerner collection. Ver. p. 1: 4. BOEL, Pieter (1622-1674) [A DEAD HARE HANGINt^ BY THE FOOT, DOG, BIRD.S, ETC.] 1649. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Ver. p. n,S: 79. Le B. 105. N. vi: 266 (14.5). H. 13. BRUEGHEL, Jan. II (1601-1675) [A landscape] 16.50. Etching. Collector's mark, " W. B. (t." Ver. p. 57: 34. 164 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Hollar, Wenceslaus — Continued. A V N T , Pieter van (1600-1652) [A VIEW OP THE MOXASTEKV AT GroENENDAEL NEAR BRUSSELS] R: "* ADMODU.M D ^? D: Petko Parys . . . 1647. Elchiiig. Ver. p. 31: 171. HOLBEIN, Ilaiif^, II (1497-1543) [Lady Bi'tts. Wike ok the physician of Henry VIII] 1649. f Etching. Ver. p. 71: 29. DYC K, Anthonie van (1599-1641) Carolvs II. D. G: Magn.e Britanni.e . . . 1649. 5 Etohing: First ?tate. Ver. p. 82: 2.54. J^e B. 23,H. N. vi: 204 (ol). DYCK, Anthoni.' van ( l.i9!l-1641 ) [Queen Henrietta Maria] 1641. 3P Etching. Ver. p. 72: 51 (?) DYCK, Anthonie van (1509-1641) Perrill: "'■■' et Eeveken: '"" Do.Mixvs Ioannes Maldervs Episcopvs Antverpien.sis etc. 1645. Jean Malder, Bishop of Antwerj). 3P Etching: First state. Ver. p. 76: 111. LeB. 289. N. vi: 265 (91). DYCK, Anthonie van (1.599-1641) Per iLLf.sTRis DoMixv.s Hiekonymvs Westonivs, Comes Poktlandle. . . . 1645. Jerome Weston, Earl (if Portland. 3^ Etching. Ver. p. 76; 107. Li' B. 302. DIEPENBECK, Al)raliam van (1599-1675) Kedivivo Puienici Lvcifero Nebvlas Fvganti, soli tenebras penitvs abolenti Carolo II. D. G. Magx.e Britanni.e . . . Tart.vre.e fcgiunt . . . Charles II. in armor; the allegorical l:)ackgroiuid, only by Hollar. '^ Etching. Ver. p. 72: .54. Lo B. 239. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 165 Hollar, Wence.slaus — Continued. DU R E R , Albrecht (1471-1528) 1497. Albrecht Thvrer der Elter. Vi Id. Alt. 70 .Tor. Nobili et jM.\gnifico D'"" D'^ loHA.NNi Maximiliano Zvm Jvngen . . . 1644. Albrecht Diirer, the elder. P Elchimj. Ver. p. 69: 9. Le B. 268. N. vi: 264 (47). DiJ R E R . Albrecht (1471-1528) Effigies Alberte tvm Dvrere ixuente . war sex vnd zw.\ntzig j.\r alt With hands folded. Das macht ich nach meiner gestalt, Ich 1645. Albrecht Diirer when he was 26. P Elching. Ver. p. 69: 10. Le B. 270. HOLBEIN, Hans, II (1497-1543) Hann.s Holbein. Vera Effigies Iohaxnis Holbeinij. . . . 1647. P Etching. Ver. p. 70: l'.i. [Same] ¥ ZUCCHERO (Zuccaro), Federigo (1543-1609) [Mary Qi'eex of Scot.s] From a miniature attributed to Zucchero. P Etch ing. Ver. p. 80: 2'>;i. RUBENS, Petrus Paulas (1577-1640) Excellentis: ">-'^ D^^: D: Petrvs Pavlvs Rvbenivs . . . Peter Paul Rubens. P Etching. Ver. p. 78: 149. Le B. 306. N. vi: 265(98). Hondius, Hcndrik, II (ab. 1588-ab. 1658) Dutch School. Gerardus Mercator NATrs REPULUiTND.a: . . . luDocus HoNDirs NATrs m PAGO Flan- DRiiE . . . Gerard Mercator and Jodocus Hondius. Plate from G. Mercator's Atlas sive cosmographicse . . . Published in Amsterdam, 1630, by Heudrik Uondiua the yomiger. P Line engraving. Som. 3590. K)6 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Houdius, Hendrik, II — Continued. Illvstrissimvs D. D. A-xelus Oxenstierna . . . Talis ah Arctois vexit Oxexstiernh-s ORIS . . . Count Axel Oxenstierna. 53 Line enyraring. II. 9. Arm ANDUS loANNES Du Pi.essis, Cardin A LIS, Du-X i)E Richelieu . . . !Mkxs 8ii)E=ka Vo=li:it. 1634. Cardinal Richelieu. 5 Line engraving. N. vi: 2S-2 (TO) Le B. 16. Hopfer, Daniel (ah. 1490-at). lo36) German School. [La Sainte Vierge presentee au te.mple] Etching. B. 34. LeB. -1. X. vi: 2'.)9 (34). [Un OPFICIER ALLEMA.NU PoRTAXT in DRAPEAC . . . ACCOMPAGNK i)'ix ta.mbour] Etching. B. 6ti. [FkTK i>E viLLAiiE] Twoplates. Etching. B. 74. Le B. 109. N. vi: 300 (74). [DeSSEIN d'uN CIlAPITEAl' ET d'uNE BASE I)E COLOXNeI 14(i. Etching. B. 128. Brandes Coll. ii; 118. Des hitters gestalt mac wol vi:HiiEiiiiENN . . . l.jii. ^hii'tin l.utlier. ^ Etching. B. SI'.. H. A; R. 8. BniliiU'S Coll. ii: l-'O. N. vi: 300: .sii. Hopfer, llioron^nmis (woi'liod ab. 1520-1530) iiennaii S<-hi»i1. DU R E R, Allu-echt (1471-15l'8) [Tn paysan dansant avec ink vii.lageoise] Elclting. B. 43. Le B. 73. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 1B7 Houbraken, Jacobus (1«9S-1780) Dutch. School. [William Cecil, Lord Burleigh] P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 45. N. vi: 324 (67) Geoffrey Chaucer. 1741. P Line eiigraring. Nagler says this print is after Dichter. Le B. 53. N. vi: 324 (86) JoiiN Hampton. Vi.vde.x libkrtatis . . . 1740. P Line engruriny. Le B. 93. N. vi: 31'3 (21 ) S O M E R , Paul van (1576?-1621 ) S!" Francis Bacon Viscount Sy Albans Lord Chancellor. 1738. f Line engraving, he B. 31. N. vi: 324 (71) ZUCCHERO (Zuccaro), Federigo (1543-1609) S!" Nicolas B.won Lord Keeper. 1738. Tjf Line engraving. LeB. 32. N. vi:324(72) HOLBEIN, Hans, II (1497-1.543) Catherine . Howard . Queen of K. Henry . VIII. P Line engraving. Le B. IS. N. vi: 323 (10) H. 34. Bry. i: 669. OLIVER, Isaac (ab. 1556-1617) Robekt Devereu-X Earl of Kssex. 1738. P Line engraving. Le B. 73. X. vi: 323 (36) P E S N E , Antoine (1683-1757) Fridericus Tertius, Borussorum Rex . . . Frederick III., Kin" of Prussia. P Line engraving. H. 11. Brandes Coll. ii: 408. HOLBEIN, Hans, II (1497-1.543) Henry. VIII. K. of Engl. France & Ireland defender of y faith . . . P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Bib. Nat. 21187 (47.) 168 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Houbraken, Jacobus — Continued. OLIVER, Isaac (ab. 1556-1617) Henrv Prince of Wales Son of K. James I. 1738. P Line engraving. Le B. 81. N. vi: 323 (2) COOPER, Samuel ( 1609-1672) General Jreton. 1741. P Line engraving. Le B. 112, N. vi: 323 (20) H E I L M A N N , Johann Kaspar (1718-1760) LoDEWYK DE XV. KoNiNii VAN Vrankryk EN Navarre. 1752. Louis XV., King of France. 5 Line engraving. OLIVER, Isaac (ab. 1.556-1017) S;' Philip Sydney. 1743. P Line mgraving. LeB. 187. N. vi; 324 (03) JOHNSON, C. (worked first part of seventeenth century) George Villiers Duke of Buckingham. 3P Line engrarlng. Le B. 42. N. vi: 323 (27) Hourdain C. (fl. ab. 1800) F/vtieh School. KUCHARSKJ, (worked latter part of eighteenth century) Louis XVII, Koi de France et be Navarre; Ne k Versailles, le 27 Mars, 1785, Mort au Temple, le 8 JuiN, 1795. Ostendent Terris Hunc Tantum Fata. With arms. P Stipple engraiing. Houston, Richard (1722-1775) English School. R Y N , Remljrandt Harmensz van (1606-1669) [A MAN holding a knife, or "Rembrandt's Cooe"] Mezzotint: Second state. S. 146. Le B. 98. N. vi: 327 (14) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 169 Houston, Richard — Continued. P E S N E , Antoine (1683-1757) Frederick the III? King of Prussia . . . 9 Mezzotint. LcB. 80. N. vi:328{74) S. 97. P E S N E , Antoine (1683-1757) Frederick the III!' King of Prussia . . . On horseback. P Mezzotint. B.98. H A R E , William (ab. 1707-1792) The Eight Honourable AVilliam Pitt, EsqS . . . 1766. P Mezzotint. Le B. 77. S. 94. N. vi: 328 (11) Huot, Francois (worked second half of eighteenth century) French School. GIRODET.TRIOSON, Anne Louis de Roussy (1767-1824) Bonaparte (Charles de) Pere de l'Empereur Napoleon + 1875. CxALlfHisTT i>e Ver- sailles. 2743. S™ X. S»P 7. 5 Line engraving. Reproduced by Gavard's diagraph and pantograph. &eB6r. vi:252 (1). Hurd, Nathaniel (1730-1777) American School. [Bill of Exchange] Line engraving. Restrike. 170 GARDINER GREENE HCBBARD COLLECTION I. B., Master, of 1530 (prints dated 1523-1530) Oernxoi School. [Martin Li'thek] In silentio kt spe erit furtitvdo vkstka. M. L. ISSO. P Line enaradiiij. B. 9. [Pim.ip Melaxciithox] Si hevs pro nobis qvis contra nos. I". M. 1580. P Line cngravinij. B. 10. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Calle'l Raphael ( 148:1-1520) [Le.s enfans vendangeurs] 1529. Line engrai-ing. B. 35. Nag. Mon. iii: 813 (44) Israels, Jozef (IS'i'l- ) D-ifrl, Sr/,<>,>/. [The .s.moker] Ef riling: Proof before letter^^. [The fisherman] Etching: Proof Isefore letters. [Les esfants de la mek] Etching: Proof: P.efurc lettei-s. Sisrneil hy eteher. [SuR la plage] Etching: I'roof: Before all letters. Signed liy etelier. [Interiel'R de Zanpvoort] Etching: Proof: P>efore letters. .Sittneil by eteher. Israhel vau Meokenem. Sec MECKENEM, L>is-l(iii:) [Le SOLDAT ET la EILLETTE QUI RIt] Eirhinij. Proof: Before letters. Bfr. 2fiS. H. 3. Bry. i; 7ii .. R Y N , lleinhrandt Harmensz van (160(>-16(59) [Portrait de Rembrandt] ISdll. 5 Klrliiiii/. Proof: Before letters. Bit. 270. H. L Br.v. i: TO-). Jacquet, Jules (is-tl- ) Frpnch School. DAVID, .lacqiies Louis (174S-1S2.5) [Mada m e Rf.(\.miek] ? l/nif morai-'niij. Proof: Before all letters. Siiiued hy engraver. Blt. 13. Ap. 4. H. Suppl. 2. ChnL flu Louvre, '.WO. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 173 Jacquet, Jules — Continued. MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest (1815-1891) ["1805." Battle op Austerlitz] 1894. Etching and line engraving. Remarque proof: Signed by the engraver. MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest (1815-1891) [Mil ni-iT cent qihtorze] 1884. Eicliiiig and line engraving. Kemarque proof on vellum: Signed by artist anil engravor. With key. BiJr. :iO. MEISSONIER, .Jean Louis Ernest (181,5-1891) [Mil hi'it cent sept] 1890. FrieiUand. Eicliing and line engraving. Proof: Signed by arti.st and engraver. B^r. 39. Janinet, Jean Franc/ois (1753-1813) French School. P U R B U S , Fran.s II (1.569-1622) [Henry IV., of Fr.vnce] P Colored aquatint. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 3.5. H. 9. N, \'i: 409. P. & B. 128. Bry. i: 707. .1. ii: 14S. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) [Henry IV., of Fr.vnce] [1777] P Atjuatint. Proof: Before all letters. Bib. Nat. iUio (JBl) Jardin, Karel du (1622-1678) Dutch School. [Les deux chev,\ux] Etching: Second state. B. 4. LeB. 4. H. 4. B. Suppl. p. •22. DlUuil 4. Le B. 4. N. 4. [Les chiens] Etching: Third state. B. .5. Le B. 5. H. .=.. B. Siippl. p. 22. Duuiit 5. Le B. 5. N. 5. 174 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Jardin, Karel du — Continued. [LeS DEl'X ANES] 1652. Etching: Fourth state. B. 6. Le B. 6. B. Suppl. p. -i- Dlltuil 6. Lc B. 6. N. 6. [Les TKois CDCHoNs ccifcnES DEv.iNT l'etable] 1652. Etclilnij: Second et-iite. B. 8. Lc B. 8. H. 6. B. .Slippl. p. 22. Dntilit 8. Le B. S. N. 8. [La paysanne paxs l'eau] Etching: First state. B. 27. Le B. 27. H. 10. B. Suppl. p. 22. Dutuit 27. Le B. 27, N. 27. Jasinski, Felix (18fi'2- ) Frenc-Ii ^School. BOTTICELLI, Ales.'^amlro (1447-1510) [Pkimavera] lSil2. Etching. Proof on vellum, signed by etclier. B U R N E . J N E S , Sir Edward ( 1833-1898) [The golden staircase] 1894. Etching. Proof on vellum, signed by artist and etcher. Jeaurat, Edme (1688-1738) French School. L E B R U N , Charles (1619-1690) Ceremonie du marl\ge de Louis XIV Roy de France et de Navarre avec la serenis- sime Infante IIaeie Therese d'Austriche fille aisnee de Philipe IV. Koy d'Espagne EN MDCLX. 1731. Line engraving: Third state. Le B. 99. N. 13. Chal. du Louvre, 1U.S4. I', i B. ii: 492, Jehotte, Leonard (1772-1851) Flo/it'.'ih Srh,>,,L Napoleon Bonaparte. 1804. (With vignette underneath — river, bridge, and burnt suburb of the town of .\mercteur. ) P Line cngraiing. Immerzeel, ii: S3. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 175 Jenichen, Balthasar(B. I.) (worked 1500-1582) German School. MaETIXVS BvCCEU . . . HAT . VIEL . CiLITEN . . . P I/me engravinij. Pass, iv: 204 (71) Andr. 6. loHAXNEs Hvss . DER IIeiliue Merterer . . . 1565. P Line engraving. Pass, iv: 201 (71) Andr. IS. Le B. 15. Es SiND DEN menschen . . . TnEOPHRAST Pakacelsi.s . . . 1572. Theophra-stus Paracelsus. P Line engraving. Pas.s. iv: 204 (71) B. i.\: 541 (29) Andr. 28. Jesi, Samuele (1789-1853) Italia7i School. B A R B I E R I , Giovanni Francesco. Called II Guercino (1591-1666) KiPUDio Di Agar. 1821. Line engraving: Third state. With arms. From the E. F. Oppermann collection. Le B. 1. H. 1. Ap. 1. N. 1. Bry. i: 712. V A S A R I , Giorgio (1511-1574) Benvexuto Cellini. 1825. 9 Line engraving: Fourth state. Le B. 4. Ap. 8. H. 10. N. B. Bry. i: 712. Jode, Arnold de (1636-af. 1667) Eiiglish School. DYCK. Anthonievan (1599-1641) ExcELL".'^ III'*-?'''^ D0.MIN.E Catherine How.vru . . . Catharine Howard. ^ Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 6. H. 4. Brv. i: 374. N. 5. Jode, Pieter de, I (1570-163-1) Flemish School. Jacobus VI. Scotle Re.x, et primv.s eo nomine A.vgli.e Franci.e, et Hiberni^e . . . A? 1603. jEtatis 8V.E 37. James I., when King of Scotland. P Line engraving. Bromley, p. 45. Suth. i: 631. 176 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Jode, Pieter de, II (1006-af. 1674) Flemish School. Isabella Borbonia Dei Gratia HisrAXiARVM et I.ndiarvm Regixa. Conxvbivm felix . . . Isabella (Klizabeth) of France, Queen of Spain, wife of Philip IV. 9 Line engriiriiKj. Bib. Nat. H.1'21 (14) .Suth. ii: 132. Phillippvs II Dei . Gratia . IIi.spaxiarvm Ixdiarvmqve Re.x. Philip II., King of Spain. 5 Line I'ligriiiiiig. Phii.ippvs nil. Dei Gratia Hlspaxiarvm et Ixdiarv.m KE.^;. Mille Date Svperi Carolos. . . . Philip IV., King of Spain. ip Line eiir/mring. Suth. ii: 130. Vladlslavs . IV. Dei Grati.a. Re.x Poloxia ac Swecia, etc. Wladislaw IV., King of Poland. 3^ Line engraviny. DYCK, Anthonie van (1599-1641) Adam de Coster. 5^ Line engrarimj. Le B. 63. N. 3.S. Brandes Coll. i: 28C. Som. 1213. Bry. i: 375. DYCK, .Anthonie van (1599-1641) D. Axtoxivs VAX Dyck Eqves. P Line engraving. John, Friodrich (1769-1843) German School. B E N N E R , Henri (end eighteenth eentnry-1825) Ego Vvsoche.stvo Veliku kxiaz Koxkfaxtix Pavlovicii'. S. A. I. leGraxd-Dcc Coxstaxtix. His Highness the Grand Duke C'onstautine Pavlovich. P Stipple engraving. K) N I N G E R , Vincenz Georg (1767-1851) Kazyxckv. 1804. P Stipple engraving. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 177 Johnson, Thomas (contemp.) American School. [Abraham Lincoln] From a photograph taken in 1861. 5 Etching. Proof: Signed by etcher. [Walt Whitman] 5P Etchimj. Proof: Signed by etcher. Jones, John (ab. 1740-1797) English School. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) The Right Honourable Charles James Fox. 1789. P Mezzotint. Le B. 10. H. 6. S. 28. N. 5. Bry. i: 715. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua ( 1723-1792) [Fannie Kemble, younger sister op Mrs. Siddons] P Mezzotint. S. 45. Josey, Richard (contemp.) English School. WHISTLER, James Abbott McNeill (1834-1903) [Carlyle seated] 1878. P Me::otiiit. Remarque proof on India paper, signed by artist and engraver. Remarque is Whistler's butterfly done in pencil. WHISTLER, James Abbott McNeill (1834-1903) [Mrs. Whistler] 1879. 1^ Mezzotint. Remarque proof on India paper, signed by artist and engraver. Remarque is Whistler's butterfly done in pencil. Josi, Christian (worked 1799-1828) English School. C S W A Y, Richard (1740-1821) [Madame Cosway] P Stipple engraving, 30705—04 12 178 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Joubert, Jean Ferdinand (1810-1887) French School. I S A B E Y, Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) [Napoleon Bonaparte] 1833. ^ Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Jiigel, .lohann Friedricli (worked 17;':^-1826) Gtrman School. WOLF, Ulrich Ludwig Friedrich (1772-1832) ZuSAMMENKfNFT DER KaISER NaPoI.EON UND AlE.VANDEK UND DKS KoNIGS FrIEDRICH WiLnELM III. zu Tilsit . . . Aqilniiiit. WOLF, Ulrich Ludwig Friedrich (1772-1832) SlEGREICHER ElNZHO DER HoHEN VerBUNDETEN IN PaRIS AM 31 MaRZ 1814. Aquntint. N. vi. 502 (It) and xxii: 66. Julien, Bernard Remain (1802-1871) French School. S E U R R E . Charles fimile Marie (1798-1858) Napoleon. Stat'je de M^ Seurre, placee si'r la Colonnk Vendome. T^ Lilliograplt (from Le Charivari) K Keating, George (l762-af. 1799) English School. M R L A N D, George (1763-1804) Nurse and children in the fields. 1791. Mezzotint. N.2. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 179 Kehr, Johann Philipp (ab. 1800- ) German School. GRUNEWALD, Matthias (betw. 1470 and 1480— af. 1529) [The Virgin and Child with St. Elizabeth] Jjiihograph.. Kilian, Lukas (1579-1637) German School. DU R E R, Albrecht (1471-1528) Alberti Dvreri Xoribergensis, Pictorum Germanic Principis, effigies genuina duplex, . . . ViviT Post PVnera Virtvs. Albertvs Dvrer Alemanvs faciebat . . . 1509. Albertvs DvRER. 1517. Albrecht Diirer. Two portraits on the same plate; one shows him in 1509, the other in 1517. IP Line engraving. Le B. 106. N. 44. H. 18. Kilian, Pliilipp Andreas (1714-1759) Gei^man School. M E Y T E N S , Martin van der (1695-1770) Francisco Primo Cesari invictissimo . . . Francis I., of Germany. With arms. P Line engraving. Le B. 36. H. 11. N. 30. Bry. i: 731. Bib. Nat. 16.542 (22) M E Y T E N S , Martin van der (1695-1770) Maria Theresia Hvngari.e Bohemi.e ReqinjE . . . With arms. |l Line engraving. Bry. i: 731. H. 12. King, Francis Scott (1850- ) Amenca?) School. [Daniel Webster] 1894. From an old charcoal drawing. 5P Intaglio engraving on wood. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. 180 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Kirchhoff, Johann J. (worked first part of nineteenth century) German School. F A B E R , Johann ( 1778-1846) La paix d'Hubertsbourg. Nvn 1st Gros . . . 1825. LUhograph. Klauber, lonaz Sebastian (1754-1820) Ger^inan Sclmol. POELEMBURGH (Poelenl)orgh), Cornelii^ van (1586-1667) Petit Ecolier de Harlem. Line entjraiing; Second state. Ap. 7. H. 3. Bry. i: 735. H. -22. Ap. 7. Knesing, Theodor (1840- ) Gcrimin School. ZIMMERMANN, Ernst Karl Georg ( 1852- ) I>EK 12-JAnRiGE Jesus im Tempel. 1881. Wood-eiigraring. Knight, C. A. See WHISTLER, James Abbott ^McNeill. KobeU, Ferdinand (1740-1799) Germcm School Six etudes d'apres nature. 176',). Etchings: First state. Le B. 34-39. H. 2. N. 20-2:.. J. ii: 166. Bry. i: 740. [The wood-chopper] 1775. Etching. [Landscape with cottage to right and two peasants asleep under a tree] Etrtdng. [ViER LaNDSCHAFTEN MIT GOTHISCHEN TuoREN IN RuINEn] 1770. FoUT pHntS. Etchings: First state. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 181 Kobell, Ferdinand — Continued. [VdE D'nN ANCIEN CHATEAU RUINB AVEC UNE TOUR CABa^E . . .] 1773. Etching: Second state. Le B. 88. N. 202. Kohlschein, Josepii (1841- ) Oerman School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael ( 1483-1520) [Virgin with diadem] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. Kolpashnikov, Aleksiei lakovlevich (ITrW— 1809) Bmsian School. Ekatkrina II. Catherine II., Empress of Russia. With Greek inscription. P Line engraving. Pbtr Velikii Imperat. I Samoder. Vserossniisk. Otets otechestra. Rodil. Maiia 31 D. 1672 PRiN. Vlad. 1682 skonch. Gen. 28 1725 g. Peter the Great, Emperor and Auto- crat of all the Rnssias, father of his country. Bom May 31, 1672; assumed power 1682; died Jan. 28, 1725. With additional Russian inscription underneath. 1772. P Line engraving. Koning, Cornelis. See C N I N C K , Cornelis. Kratke, Charles Louis (1848- ) Freiwh School. FORTUNY Y CARBO, Mariano (1838-1874) L' Arquebusier. Etching. Remarque proof on vellaiu. Signed by etcher. 182 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Krausse, Lorenz Alfred (1829-1894) Gerutan School. Schiller. 5 Line engramng. GRAFF, Anton (1786-1813) G. Vj. Lewsing. ? Line engraving. H. Suppl. 3. SCHRADER, Julius Friedrich Antonio (1815-1900) Vox Bismarck. ^ Line engramng. Ap. 1. H. Suppl. 1. Krethlow, Johann Ferdinand (1767-1842) German Srhool. D A H L I N G , Heinrich Anton (1773-1850) Fribdrioh Wilhklm III. KSnk; von Preil-vsen . . . 1SU7. Surrounded by his family. 9 Stipple engramng. Le B. 6. N. 9. WOLF, Ulrich Ludwig Friedrich (1772-1832) FCerst Blukchbr von Wahlstadt . . . P Stipple engraving. Vignette at the bottom: See WOLF, Ulrich Ludwig Friedrich. LeB. 4. N. 8. Kriiger, Ephraiin Gottlieb. &e S C H U L T Z E , Christian Gottfried, and K R U G E R , Ephraim Gottlieb. Krug, Ludwig (ab. 1450-1.532) German School. [Anbetung der drei Konige] 1516. Line engraving. B. 2. LeB. 2. H. 2. N. 1. Nag. Mon. iv: S78 (2). Bry. 1:7.% CATALOG OF ENGRAVEKS 183 Lacauchie, Alexandre (worked ab. 1830-1858) French School. Laetizia Bonaparte. P Lithograph. Bib. Nat. 5413 (23) Laffan, AVilliani M. (contemp.) Amei'ican School. B U N C E , William Gedney (1840- ) [Moonlight on the Adriatic] Etching. Artist proof. Signed by etcher. Lafosse, Jean Baptiste Adolphe (worked second half nineteenth centur}-) French School. L. Gajibetta. 1871. 5 Lithoyrajih. Bib. Nat. 17457 (13) B«r. ix; 10. Lalanne, Maxime (1827-1886) French School. D A U B I G N Y , Charles Francois (1817-1878) [Claire de lune] Etching. Proof on Japan paper; Before all letters. Signed by etcher. B^r. 165. DUPRE, Jules (1812-1889) [Le .matin] Etching. Remarque proof on vellum: Before all letters. Signed by artist and etcher. B^r. 156. 181 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Lalauze, Adolphe (1838- ) French School. [In the woods, springtime] Etching. Proof i>n Japan paper. Lander, Benjamin (18-44- ) Amei'ican School. [When wb were boys] 1884. Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed by etcher. Landseer, John (1769-1852) English School. CRAIG, William Marshall (worked 1788-1827) BUONAPABTE. 1798. P Line engraving: Second state. Landseer, John (1769-1852) and Smith, Anker (1759-1819) English School. S M I R K E , Richard (1778-1815) Maey [Queen of Scots] 1795. J^ Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Langlois, Pierre Gabriel (1751r- ab. 1810) French School. VAN LOO, Charles AuiMfe PhiUppe (1719-1795) FeAdeeic II. [the Great] 1785. P Line I'ngraving: Second state. Bib. Nat. 16649 (141). P. & B. 3. Lante, Joseph (worked ab. middle of eigjhteenth century) French School. Cathkkina. II Ma(jna Feli.x AvavsTA . . . Empress of Ru.ssia. P Line engrwing. Didot (Portraits) 1028. Bib. Nat. 8687 (72) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 185 Larmessin, Nicolas dc, I (1636?-! 694) and II (1640-1725) French School. LovisE Francoise de la Bavme le Blanc Dvchesse de la Valiere. With arms. P Line engraving. Didot (Portraits) 1044. Larmessin, Nicolas de, III (1684-1755) French School. VAN LOO, Louis Mk'hel (1707-1771) Louis Quinze Roy de France et de Navarre. With arms. P Line engraving. p. & B. 26. Didot (Portraits) 10.W. N. i: 164. WATTEAU, Antoine (1684-1721) Louis XIIII mettant le cordon bleu a Monsieur de Bouroogne pere de Louis XV Line engraving. LeB. 68. H. l."). N.i:164. P. & B. 22. Larmessin, Nicolas dc, III (1684-1755). Baquoy, Maurice (ab. 1680-1747) and Simonneau, Charles (1645-1728) French School. MARTIN, Pierre Denis (ab. 1673-1742) Izobrazhenie preslavnoi batalii . . . View of the famous battle between the Russian and Swedish armies . . . which took place not far from Poltava on the 27th day of June, 1709. One of a set of four plates. Line engraving. LeB. 51. L'Asne, Micliel (1596-1667) French School. LuDovico Decimo Tektio Ivsto . . . Louis XIIL, on horseback. In the background the battle of Veillane, engraved by Jacques Callot (1592-1635) f Line engraving. LeB. 87. H. 13. N. i: 174. 186 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Later, Jacob de (worked ab. 1680-1728) Dutch School WiLHELMUs III. D. G. Anoli^, Scotle . . . 5 Mezzotint. Le B. 1. H. 1. N. 1. Laugier, Jean Nicolas (1785-1865) Frencli School. [TfiTE DE Christ] 1842. Line engraring. Proof: Before letters. B^r. 38. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-18.37) Anne LorisE Germ.\ine Necker, Bakonne de Stael Holstein. 1818. P Line engraving: Third state. Le B. IS. Blt. 18. Ap. 26. H. 21. N. IC. Didiit (Portraits) 1132. G R S , Baron Antome Jean (1771-1835) [Lb General Bonaparte visite les pestiferes de Jaff.\, 11 Mars, 1799] [1829] Line engraiing. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 13. N. 1. Bi^r. 27. H. 10. Ap. 17. Laugier, Jean Nicolas (1 785-1865) and Vallot, Philippe Jo.seph Augiistin (1796-187 Frenvli School. DAVID, J:tcques Louis (1748-1825) [Napoleon dans son cabinet aux Tuileries] 1835. 5 Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. BCt. ix: 68 (28) and xii: 172. Ap. 24. H. 1.5 Launay, Nicolas de (1739-1792) Frmch School. FREUDENBERGER, Sigmuna (1745-1801) La Complaisance Maternelle. Line engraiing: Third state, r. &B. 19. LeB. 23. H. 11. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 187 Laurent, Pierre (1739-1809) and Avril, Jean Jacques, II (1771-1835) French School. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) [Le genekal Bonaparte, premier consul, signe le concordat entre la France et le Saint- Siege, LB 15 Juillet, 1801] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Chal. du Louvre, 966. B^r. 1: 81 and ix: 63. Le B. 22. (LeBIanc attributes this print to Avril alone.) [Same. ] Unfinished trial proof. Lauro, Agostino (worked middle nineteenth century) Italian ScJwol. VINCI, Leonardo da (1452-1519) [Madonna of the bas-relief] Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Lautensack, Hans Sebald (ab. 1524-1663 (1560?)) Oemian School. [Dr. Georg Roggenbach of Bamberg] 155-1. Anno ^tatis sve xxxviii. With Greek inscription. P Line engraving. B. 9. H. 4. Le B. 22. N. 9. Pass, ui: 261 (9) Bry. ii: 26. Nag. Men. iii: 648 (4) [PaYSAGE OFFRANT a DROITE UNE EGLISE ENTOUREE d'arBRES et DE QUELQCES AUTRE.S MAISONS . . .] 1553. Line engraving. B. 42. N. 43. Le B. 28. Nag. Mon. ui: 652 (22) Law, David (1831-1902) English School. [Windsor Castle] No. 29. Etching. Proof: Signed by etcher. H. Suppl. 2. [Grand Canal, Venice, moonlight] Etching. Proof: Before letters: Signed by etcher. H. Suppl. 7. 188 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Lavr, David — Continued. GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas (1727-1788) [The WATEKiNii place] Etching. Proof: Before letters: .Signed by etcher. Le Beau, Pierre Adrien (1744- ) Freneh School. L E C L E R C , Pierre Thomas (?) (worked ab. 1780-1810) Loris Seize, Roi de Fr.\nce bt de Navarre . . . ^ Line engraving. P. & B. 17. Le B. 18. N. i: 3-47, Bry. ii: 31. L E C L E R C , Pierre Thomas (?) (worlsed ab. 1780-1810) Marie Antoinette, Archid? D'AuTRicnE sceur de l'Empeeeuh, Peine de France 9 Line engraving. P. & B. 17. Le B. 19. N. x: 347. Brj'. U: 31. Le Cave >Sft' H G A R T H , William, and L E C A V E . Lefevre, Achille D&ire (1798-1S64) Frenck School. DAVID, Jacques Louis (1748-182.5) N. [Napoleon] Letter N iu a star below i>rint. % Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. B(?r. 1. M U R I L L , Bartolom^ Esteban (1618-1682) [L' annunciation] Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 1. B^r. 5. H. 2. Ap. 2. Bry. ii: 36. M U R I L L , Bartolome Esteban (161S-10S2) [L'lMMACDL^E conception] 1859. Line engraiing. Proof: Before letters. B6r. 15. Ap. 1. H. 1. Bry. ii: 36. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 189 Lefevre, Achille Desire — Continued. S T E U B E N , C. G. H. A. F. L., Baron de ( 1788-1856) His Majesty, the Emperor Napoleon . . . 1826. P Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 13. Ap. 14. B>'t. 1. Br}-, ii: 36. H. \i. V E R N E T , tra\\e Jean Horace (1789-1863) [Le General Foy] P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. LeB. 12. B6r. 2. H. 16. Ap. 10. N. iv: 309. Bib. Nat. 16420 (72) Didot (Portraits) 1174. Lefevre, Elenore (worked end of ei^hteentti century) French School. L E D R U , Hilaire (1769-1840) AUGEREAU. P Stipple engraving. Bib. Nat. 8627 (25) Lefort, Henri fimile (1852- ) French School [George Washington] 1881. P Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed by etcher. B«r. 3. Legros, Alphonse (1837- ) English School. [DaLOU, ST.^TrAIRE] [1877] P Dry-point. Proof: Before all letters, on old paper. B6r. 41. [Le Cardinal Manning] 5 Dry-point. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. B^r. 43. [Procession dans une 6glise espagnole] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. B«r. 49. 190 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Legros, Alphoiise — Continuod. [La mort de Saint Fkan^ois] EU-hing. Proof: Before all letters. Bi'r. 56. [Same] Etching: Second state. Proof: Before all letters. Bi5r. 66. L. Gambetta. P Dry-j>Oitrt. Bi5r, 189. [Sir Frederick Leighton] $ Dry-point Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. From the M. J. Morgan collection. BiT. 201. [Sir Frederick Leighton] 5 Ih'y-point. Proof: Before all letters. BiT. 204. [AiiPHONSE Legros, after a painting by himself] 5 Dry-point. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. B^r. 212 (?) Leguay, Eugene (1822- ) French School. LACAUCHIE, Alexandre (?) (worked ab. 1830-1858) Pauline Bonaparte, Princesse Borghesb. P Line cngramng. Leibl, Wilhelm (1844-1900) German School. [Peasants' heads] 1874. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. CATALOG OF ENGKAVERS 191 Leisnier, Nicolas Auguste (1787-1858) French School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) Marc-Antoinb Raimondi. 1838. P Line engraving: Second state. B^r. 12. Ap.3. H. 1. Le B. 3. Bry. ii: 38. N. 9. Leloir, Alexandre Louis (1843-1884) Frenx;h School. [The cavalier] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Le Mire, Noel (1724-1801) French School. L E P A N , Louis ( -ab. 1790) Conclusion de la Camp.vgne de 1781 en Virginie Le Marquls de La Fayette L'Ameriqub etoit assbrvie. P Line engraving: Second state. P. & B. 28. Le B. 22. Bry. ii: 40. N. 30. H. 6. L E P A N , Louis ( -ab. 1790) Le General Washington. Ne Qrin Detrimenti . . . P Line engraving: Second state. LeB. 27. H. 7. P. & B. 57, Baker (Wash.) 21. Bry. ii: 40. N. 29. Lemon, Henry (worked secx>nd half nineteenth century) Englinh School. HANNAH, Robert (worked 1842-1870) Harvey demonstr.\tino to Charles the First his theory of the circulation of the BLOOD . . . 18.51. Line engraving. H. 2. Ap. 4. 192 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Le Rat, Paul Edme (18.19-1892) French School. BELLINI, Giovanni (ab. 1428-1516) [PORTUAIT OP' THE DoGE LEONARDO LoKEDANo] 1888. Witll amiS. 5 Ktfhing. Proof: On vellum. Befort- lettel■:^: Sifjned by etcher. Lerouge, Jean Nicolas (ab. 1776-af. 1S21-) and Bovinet, Edme (1767-af. 1833) Freiieh Sclmol. CHASSELAT, Charles Abraham ( 1782-1848) CouRONNEMEXT DE Sa Ma.ieste. The Empress .Tosephine. Line engravimj. Vignette under Josephine, Imjieratrice, etc., by Audouin, Pierre. Ap. (.\douin) 35. Leroux, Jean Marie (1788-1871) French School. A L L E G R I , Anti)nio. Called Correggio (1494-1584) La Vierge du Mtsek de Parme . . . 107. 1837. Line en(jrai'i)i43-1706) [CopiD AND Psyche] Mezzotint: First state. Goodw. (McA.) 218. LeB. 9. N. xv: 132. Brandes Coll. ii: dTS. 8 E E M A N , Enoch (1694-1744) Sir Isaac Newton . . . Les Italiens ces pevples ingenievx . . 5 Mezzotint: Second state. Goodw. (McA.) 78. S. 138. WILSON, Benjamin (1721-1788) B. Fr.\nklin ok Philadelphia . . . 1761. 5 Mezzotint. Goodw. (McA.) 8i;. S. 73. Le B. 45. N. i: 165. Bry. ii: 89. WILSON, Benjamin (1721-1788) M^ Gaerick in Hasilet . . . 1754. P Mezzotint. Goodw. (McA.) 34. S. 78. Le B. 49. H. 11. CATALOG OF ENGEAVEEii 205 Mac Ardell, James — Continued. ZAUFFELY, Johann. CaUed Zoffany (1733-1810) M^ Gaeeick and MT Cibbeb, ix the Charactebs of Jatfiee AST) Belvldeea. 1764. P Mezzotint: Second state. Goodw. (McA.; 104. S. 80. Le B. 50. Bry. ii: 89. Macbeth, Robert Walker (1848- ) English Sdujol. [The kaixy day] 1887. Etching: Proof before letters. Signed by etcher. WALKER, Frederick (1840-1875) [Maslow Feebt] 1885. Etching: Proof before letters. Macret, Charles Francois Adrien (1751-1783) French School. CHOQUET, A. (worked second half eighteenth century) VuE DE l' Explosion Du Magaztn a Poudee d' Abbeville le 2. 9*?* 1773. Line engraving. LeB.9. N.2. Maes fMaa.s), Pieter 11 (?) (worked end sixteenth centiirj) Dutch School. Mael*. Regina Scotle. Mobtis . At . Hoeeenbam . Faciem . Monttsienta . . . With arms. Mary, Queen of Scots. [1578] Comers outside oval, not filled in, and without date. P Line engraving. Le B. 4. S. Tiii: 174 (3) Sag. Mon. iv: MS (2045, Xo.2) and 920 (3124) Br. i: S3 (2914) Maile, Georges (ab. 1800-af. 1842) French School. C H A R L E T , Nicolas Toussaint ( 1792-1845) [Sapoleox, "Un BivorAc"] P Mezzotini. Proof: Before all letters. 206 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Maile, Georges — Continued. GIRODET.TRIOSON, Anne Louis de Roussy (1 767-1.S24) Napoleon. Facsimile d'tx Dessin de Girodet-Triosox fait d'apres nature A la Cha- PELLE DE l'Emperei-r le 8 Mar.s. 1812. 1827. H Mezzot'uil. Malapeau, Claude Nicolat< (1755-180-t) Frejieh Sc/iool. [La liRANDE COUE DU CHATEAf DE VERSAILLES, AVEC t:XE PAK.VDE HE .MILITAIREs] Etching. Proof: Before letters, p. & B. ii: 763. Malbeste, Georges. See T A R D I E U , Pierre Alexandre, MALBESTE, Georges, and D U P R E E L , Jean Baptiste Michel. Malgo, Simon (worked end eighteenth century) EiujJ'tnh School. HICK EL, Anton (1745-17;i8) M.uj Ther Louisa of Savoy Carigxan Prixcess of Lamhalle . . . She fell a victim to her attachment for the Queen of Fran<'e . . . [1793] JI Mezzotint: Second state, s. 1. H I C K E L , Anton (174.5-1798) [Maeie Antoinette, (Jueex of France . . .] [1794] 5 Mezzotint. Proof: Before all letters. S. 2. Mandel, Johann August Eduard (1810-1882) German School. Friedricii Wiliielm III. KoNio VON Preussen. [1880] J Line engravinfj: Second state. H. 1. Ap. U'J. Bib. Nat. \Mfi> (S2) [Same] CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 207 Mandel, Johann August Eduard — Continued. DO LCI, Carlo (16H^1686) La Madonna colle Stelle. 1848. Liiie engnwiny: Fourth state. H. 20. Ap. 1. Blt. i.\; 205. DO LC I , Carlo (1616-1686) [Mater Dolorosa] 1858. Line engraring. Proof: Before letters. Signetl by engraver. H. 2.3. Ap. 8. Blt. ix: 205. DYCK, Anthonie van (1.59S)-16-H) [Portrait C.\rl's I. von England] 18.50. JJ Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. H. 15. Ap. 33. Bry. ii: 98. Bir. ix: 20.5. FRANK (Steinhiiuser) , Pauline ( -1866) [Portrait Friedrich's des Grossen] 5 Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. H. 27. Ap. 28. NASON, Refer (1612-af. 1680) [Portrait des grossen CHrRFiJRSTBN Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg] [1846] 5 Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. H. 12. Ap. 26. OTTO, Johannes Samuel (1798-1878) [Portrait des Konicss Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preussen] 1854. ■p Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. H. 11. Ap. 30. Bi5r. i.x: 20.5. Bry. ii: 98. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael ( 148:5-1520) [The Madonna of Lord Cowper] 1871. Line engraving. Remarque proof with engraver's signature. Ap. 4. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael ( 1483-lozu ) [La Madonna della sedia] 1865. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters, on India paper. With dedication inscription by engraver. H. 18. Ap. 3. Bt^r. ix: 205. Bry. ii: 98. Gray foil. 210. 208 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Mandel, Johann August Eduard — Continued, S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [La Madonna della Casa Colonna] 1855. Liim engranng. Proof: Before letters. Signed by engraver. H. 16. Ap. 2. S C H E F F E R , Ary (179.5-18.58) [ChBISTUS tJBER jERnSALEM WEINEND] 18.54. Liiie engramng. Proof: Before letters. H. 21. Ap. 6. B.:t. i.\: 20.'>. Bry. ii: ;),s. VECELLI, Tiziano. CnHcd Titian (1477-1.576) [Portrait Tizians] 18415. 5 Line engramng. Proof: Before letters. H. 7. Ap. 3.S. Bry. ii: a8. Mannfeld, Bernhard (1848- ) German School. [The Albbechtsburg?] 1880. Etching. Remarque proof. [Die Albrechtsburg zu Meissen] [1884] Etching. Remarque proof. Miiller iii: 94. Grabstatte Friedrich des Grossen [in der Garnisonkirchb zu Potsdam] Etching. M E N Z E L , Adolf Friedrich Erdmann ( 181.5- ) [Blick in den Garten des Prinzen Albrecht von Preus,sen] Etching. Remarque proof. Miiller iii: aft. H. Suppl. 6 (?) Mansfeld, Johann Ernst (1738-1796) German School. V I L I E R , Jean (worked ab. 1782) CaTHARINA AlEXIEWNA II iMPERATRI.t RVSSORVM. NeC VIOET . . . 5 Line enyrariiig. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 209 Mansfeld, Johann Georg (1772-1817) German School. CONSTANTIN GROSS-FtJRST VON RUSSLAND. ^ Stipple engraving. I S A B E Y, Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) Mabia Grossfurstin von Russland . . . P Stipple engraving. I S A B E Y , Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) S. A. I. Madame la Grande Duchesse Catherine Dithesse d'Oldenbourg. P Stipple engraving. Mansion, L. (worked first part nineteenth century) Freticli ISchool. HOBTENSE. 1829. P Lithograph: Proof. After his own painting. Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506) Italian School. [Le SAnat de Rome accompagnant un triomphb] Line engraving. B. U. N. 11. Le B. 15. H. 6. Pass, v: 77 (11) Bry. ii: 103. [Les i;Li;pHANTS portant DE8 torches] Line engraving. B. 12. N. VI. Le B. 16. H. 7. Pass, v: 77 (12) Bry. ii: 108. [Lbs soldats portant des trophees] Line eyigraving. B. 13. N. 13. Le B. 17. H. 8. Pass, v: 77 (13) Bry. il: 103. Marcantonio Raimondi. See R A I M N D I , Marcantonio. Marchetti, Domenico (1780-af. 1831) Italian School. V A N N U C C I , Pietro. Called Pietro Perugino (1446-1523) [MaDDONNA del TRONo] Hoc PeTRVS de ChaSTKO PLEBI8 PINXIT. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. H. 2. Ap. 2. 30705—04 14 210 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Marchi, Giuseppe Filippo Liberati (ab. 1735-1808) Enylish School. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) De. Goldsmith. 1770. $ Mezzotint: Third state. B. 7. Le B. 4. N. 2. Bry. ii: 106. Marcucci, Giu.seppe (1807- ) Italian School. A G R I C L A , FiUppo (177t>-1857) [Madonna of the Pope] 1850. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Margotti, L. &t? T S C H I , Paolo, COSTA, Annibale, and M A R G T T I , L. Marm-Lavigne, Louis Stanislas (1797-1860) Frtmch School. V E R N E T , fimile Jean Horace (1789-1S63) Napoleon en 1815. P Lithograph. BiT. ix: 218. Marot, Daniel (ab. 1650-af. 1718) Dvtch School. De groote Geiiook-Zaal in den Haag . . . With arms. Etching. N. 1. H.l. Bry. ii: 110. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 211 MarshaU, William (worked 1591-1649) Englwh School. BOWER, Edward (worked middle of seventeenth century) His Excellekcie S" Thojias Fairfax KT Generall of the forces ramed by the Parliament. P Line engraving. he B. 4. N. 16. Bib. Xat. 16219 (30) MartiaL ^e^^POTEMONT, Adolphe Theodore Jules Martial. Martinet, Achille Louis (1806-1877) Fretich School. G A L L A I T , Louis (1810-1887) [Dkrnibks moments du comtb d'Egmont] Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. B«r. 13. Ap. 15. H. 11. t M U R I L L , Bartolom^ Esteban (1618-1682) [La nativitk de la Vierge] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. AVith dedication inscription. B«r. 16. Ap. 1. H. 6. Chal. du Lourre 487. S A N Z I O , Raffaello. CalUd Raphael (1483-1520) [La Vierge k l'oiseau] [1838] Line engraving: Fourth state. Le B. 1. N. 1. B«r. 4. Ap. 4. H. 1. [Same] lAne engraxnng. Proof: Before letter?. S A N Z I , Raffaello. CalUd Raphael (1483-1520) [La Vieuge aux palmiers] 1845. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 2. B6r. 6. Ap. 4. H. 2. 212 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Martinet (Editor) (curly niiioteenth century) French School. Les ADiErx DE i.'Empereur a son armee a Fontainebleau, le 20 AvRiL 1814. "Officiers, SOI.DATS ..." Aqualint. Martini, Pierre Antoine (1739-17l»T) French School. M R E A U , Jean Michel. Called Jloreau le Jeune (1741-1814) L.\ Dame du Palais de la Reine. 1777. No. L'4. Line engravmij. P. & B. :i. Massard, Jean (1740-1822) French School. D Y C K , Anthonie van ( 1599-1641 ) [La famille de Charles I*^", roi d'Angleterre] [1784] P Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 76. N. 3. J. li: 26\. P. & B. iii; .=>1. Ap. 17. H. 9. Bry. ii: 117. Massard, Jean Baptiste Louis (1774-af. 1812) French School. POINT, Joseph (worked early nineteenth century) Napoleon I^'^ Empereur des Fkan^ais. "Il a le flegme des Ti'Rennep . . ? Stipple and line engraving. B6r. ix: 240. POINT, Joseph (worked early nineteenth century) [Napoleon 1] Huni- salte.m everso . . . "hls name will be renowned . . , 5 Stipple and line engravimj. B^r. ix: 240. Massard, Jean Baptiste Raphael Urbaiii (1775-1849) French School. BOUILLON, Pierre (1776-1831) [Napoleon, TftxE sru un noncLiEii] Cui Mens Divinior. 5 Line engraving, he B. 39. N. 2:t. Ap. 21. BtT. 14. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 213 Massard, Jean Baptiste Raphael Urbain — Continued. BOUILLON, Pierre ( 1776-1831) [Napoleon, camee] P lAne engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. as. N. 23. Ap. 21. B6r. 16. F A B R E , Frangois Xavier Pascal (1766-1837) Henri Jacques Guillau.me Clarke Due de Feltre Comte d'Hunebourg . . Ministre de LA GuEKRK. With arms. P Line engraving: Fourth state. B6r. 17. N. 18. Le B. 36. H. 12. Ap. 19. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) HOMBRE. [1816] Line engraving. Proof: Before inscription. Le B. 32. B^r. 18. N. 16. Ap. 14. H. 6. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) Louis XVIII. [1809] P Line engranng. Second state: Before inscription. Le B. 37. N. 17. J. ii: 262. Ap. 20. H. 11. B^r. 20. GIRODET-TRIOSON, Anne Louis de Roussy (1767-1824) [LeS FUNERAILLES d'AtALA] [1822] Line engraving. Proof: Before inscription. LeB. 29. B^r. 21. N. 14. Ap. 16. H. 9. Bry. ii: 117. GIRODET-TRIOSON, Anne Louis de Roussy (1767-1824) [HiPPOCRATE REFUSANT LES PRESENTS d' AsTAXERCfes] 1816. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 33. B^r. 19. N. 1. J. ii: 262. Ap. 13. H. 7. Bry. ii: 117. S A N Z I O , Raffaello. Called Raphael (148.3-1520) [S. Cecile, S. Paul, S. Madeleine, S. Jean l'Evangeliste et S. Augustin . . .] 1810. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 10. N. 4. B4r. 12. J. ii: 261. Ap. 5. H. 4. Bry. ii: 117. 214 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Massol. See Q U E V E R D , Frauyois Marie Isidore and M A S S L . Masson, Antoine (1636-1700) Frvneh ^School. Fkideric.Guillaume . . . Electeur. nE.BitAXDENBOURO . . . Tel est he ce Hbros le Port . . . 1683. P Line engraving. R.-n. 30. .\. 27. .1. ii: •^e.'S. Didot (Portraits) 1463. Le B. S. H. 12. Bry. ii: 119, Le Roy. 1697. Loui.'< XIV. P Line engraving. K.-D. 42. N. 39. Didot (Portraits) 1475. L E B R U N , Charles (1619-1690) [LouLS XIV] With arms. ^ Line engrnring. Proof: Before letters. R.-D. 43. LeB. 17. N. 40. .1. ii: 2fi6. H. 20. Didot (Portraits) 1474. Bry. ii: 119. M I G N A R D , Nicolas (160t)-1668) [La Sajnte Famille] 1669. Liiie engraving: First state. R.-D. 3. LeB. 2. N. 3. J. ii: 2ti4. H. 2. Bry. ii: 119. M I G N A R D , Nicolas (1606-166S) GviLLAVME DE Brisasier Segretaire des Commandemen.s de la Reyne. 1664. With arms-. P Line engraving: Second state. From the M. J. M. collection. R.-D. 1,5. LeB. 9. N. 12. .T. ii: 265. H. 7. Didot (Portraits) 1464. Bib. Nat. 6745 (1) Bry. ii: 119. [Same] P First state. From the Henry Brodhurst collection. [Same] ^ Ilalf-tone reproduction. M I G N A R D , Pierre (1612-1695) Marin.Cvrjsv.s a camera obnoman . . . 1665. P Line engraving: First state. R.-D. 24. LeB. 14. N. 21. J. ii: 265. H. 11. Didot (Portraits) 14R7. Bib. Nat. 25052(2). CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 215 Masson, Antoine — Coutiuued. M I G N A R D , Nicolas (1606-1668) Petrvs Dvpvis monsfoktrnsis pkttor ... Jb Peins, Et Je Sura Pbint . . . 166.3. P Line engramng. R.-D. 26. N. 22. Le B, l.'i. J. ii: 205. H. 15. Didot (Portraits) 1469. Bib. Nat. 13865 (4) Bry. ii: 119. Bib. Nat. 6384 (49) M I G N A R D , Nicolas (16U(>-16ti8) [Henri de IjORRAIne, Comte d'Harcourt] L'Honneur qu'il s'est acquis . . . 1667. P Line engraving: First state? R.-D. 34. LeB. 20. N. 31. .7. ii: 264. Didot (Portraits) 1484. H. 6. Bry. il: 118. Bib. Nat. 20452 (18) M I G N A R D , Pierre (1612-1695) Lovis Due DE Vandosme. With arms. P Line engratring. R.-D. 67. N. 64. Didot (Portrait-s) 14S2. Bry. U: 119. Matham, Jacobus (1571-1631) Dutch School. ZUCCHERO (Zuccaro), Taddeo (1529-1566) [La nativite] Promissus nobis nic Chrlstus nascitur inpans . Line engraving. From the P. Mariette collection. 1667. B. 235. J. ii: 267. H. & R. 10. Bry. ii: 122. Mathey-Doret, Armand (1854- ) French School. D Y C K , Anthonie van (1599-1641) Cakolvs.I.Rex.Magn* Britannia Sc. 1885. P Etching. Proof on vellum: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. B«r. ix: 248. D Y C K , Anthonie van (1599-1641) [Les knfants de Charles I.] 1884. P Etching. Remarque proof on vellum : Signed by etcher. B«r. ix: 248. H. Suppl. 5. 216 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Maurin, Antoine (1793-1800) French School. Napoleon III. Empereuk des Fkan^ais. P Lithograph. B6r. ix;250. Mechel, Christian von (1737-1S17) Germcm School. Le General Buonaparte. Publie A l'oocasion du passage de ce grand homme A Basle, LB 24. NOVEMB. 1797 . . . P hine engramng, colored. HOLBEIN, Hans, II (1497-1543) Thomas Moeus Anglic Oancellarius sub Henrico VIII. Ad Pktura.m I: Holbenii . . . Thomas Moore. P Line engramng. Meckenem, Israhel van (ab. 1440-1503) German School. [La chanteuse et le joueur de guitake] Line engraving. B. 174. N. 174. H. 47. Le B. 232. Bry. ii: l.TO. [Le joueur d'oruues] Line engraving. Stamp of unknown collector, Fagan 197 B. 176. N. 178. H. 48. Le B. 234. Bry. ii: IHO. Mecou, Andre Joseph (1773-1838) Frot^h School. NAPOLEoN-FRANfOIS-OHARLES-JoSEPH Duc DE ReicJISTADT . . . P Stipple engraving. B E N N E R , Henri (worked end eighteenth century-1825) S; A: 1: la Grande-Duchbsse Catherine [op Russia] Russian and French title. P Stipple engraving. B6r. 18. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 217 M^cou Andr^ Joseph — Continued. B E N N E R , Henri (worked end eighteenth century-1825) S: M: l'Impfr*trice Elisabeth [of Russia] Title in Russian and French. 9 Stipple engraving. Bii. 18. ) S A B E Y . Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) Makie Louise Archiddchesse d'Autriche Lmperatrice Reine btReqentb. With arms. P Line and stipple engraving. B«r. 4. Le B. 10. N. 2. ^ I S A B E Y, Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) Marie Louise Abchiduchesse d'Autriche Imperatrice Reine et Regente. With arms. 5 Stipple engraving. I S A B E Y , Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) Napoleon lb Grand. W'ith arms. P Line and stipple engraving. Bfir. 3. Le B. 9. N. 1. Meer, Noach van der (ab. 1714- ) and Vinkeles, Reinier (ab. 1741-1816) Dutch School. B A R B I E R S , Pieter, II (1748-1842) and K U Y P E R (Kuyper), .Jacob (1761-1808) [La salle DE3 concerts de la SociETfe Felix Meritis, A. Amsterdam] [1793] Line engramng. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 4. N. 8. Mellan, Claude (1598-1688) French School. [La Sainte Face] Formatvr Vnicvs Vna Xon Alter. 1649. The Sudarium. Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 33. J. ii: 278. H. 6. N. 1. Bry. ii: 135. [Cardinal Mazarin] With arms. P Line engraving: First state. Proof: Before letters. From the P. Mariette collection. 1694. Le B. 231. N. 282. Didot (Portraite) 1633. Bry. ii: IS.'S. 218 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Mercoli, Giacomo (1745-1825) Italian School. BACLER D'ALBE, Baron Li>uis Albert Guillam de ( 17fil-1824) N. Bonaparte P™ Consul de la BBPUBLHiUK FkaN(,'aisk. 5P i^tijjjjle ftiijrai'ing. Mercurj, Paolo (isr»4-1884) Italian School. [Chri.stophek Columbd.s] 1843. P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 2. Ap. 4. H. 6. BC-r. 11. DELAROCHE, Paul (Hippolyt«) (1797-lS5fi) Jane Gray. (Before her execution) 1858. Line engraving: Third »tat«. B«r. 14. Ap. 2. H. 4. Bry. li: 140. Meryon, Charles (1821-1868) French ScImoI. [Le .stryge] 1854. Etching: Seoond state. Proof: Before letters. B<5r. 37. Wi'd. (M.) 7. Bry. 37. [L'arche dit Pont Notre-Da.me] 1853. Etching: First state. Proof: Before letters. B«r. 39. Wed. (M.) 9. Bry. 39. [La galerie de Notee-Came de Parls] 1853. Paris. Etching: First state. Before letters. B(5r. 40. Weil. (M.) 10. Bry. 40. [Saint-^^tienne Dii Mont] [1852] Etching: First state. Proof: Before all letters, Ber. 44. Wed. (M.) 14. Bry. 44. [Le Pont au Change] 1854. Etching. Proof: Before letters. First state. B^r. 48. Wed. (M.) IS. Bry. 48. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 219 Meryon, Charles — Continued. [L'abside 1)e Notre Dame de Paris] Etc)iing. Proof: Before all letters. B6r. 62. Wed. (M.) 22. Bry. ra. [College Henri IV] Etching: Third state. Wasset collection. B§r. 83. Bry. 83. Wed, (M.) 68. ANDROUET-DUCERCEAU, Jacques (1515?-1585?) Chenonceau. Etching. BiT.lS. Wed. (M.) 77. Bry. 18. Z E E M A N (Nooms), Reinier (ab. 1623-hef. 1668) [Le pavillon de M.U)emoisellb et une partie dv Louvre A Paris] Etching. Proof: Before letters. B6r. 8. Wed. (M.) 68. Bry. 8. Metzeroth, Robert and Charlen (worked middle nineteenth century) American School [Key to paintings in the United States Capitol rotunda] 1859. 1. Landing of Columbus, 2. De Soto's discovery of the Mississippi. 3. Baptism of Pocahontas. 4. Em barkation of the Pilgrims. 5. Declaration of Independence. 6. Surrender of Genera Burgoyne. 7. SuiTenderof LordComwallisat Yorktown. 8. Gen. Washington resign Lng his commission. Etching. Metzmacher, Pierre Guillaume (1815- ) French School. [Louis Adolphe Thiers] 1872. P Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. Bit. 1. Meyer, Hans (1846- ) German School. S A N Z 1 , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Die Poesie] From the fresco in the Stanza della Segnatura of the Vatican. lAne engraving. Proof: Before all letters. H. Suppl. /. 220 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Meyer, Henry (ab. 1783-1847) Englhh School. H L L M A N (worked iniadie eighteenth century) and B A R T L Z Z I , Franoesi-o (1727-1815) CaEOLUS LiNNiEU.S, KnIGHT OF THE PoLAR StAE, FiRST PHYSICIAN TO THE KiNG, PROFESSOR OF Botany in the University of Upsala, &c. &c. 1806. P Stipple engramng. R U B I D G E , W. (worked early nineteenth century) Napoleon ut in morte recumbit. 1821. Vignette [Napoleon's tomb at St. Helena] P Stipple engramng and etching. SINGLETON, Maria (worked 1815-1822) Field Marshal Blucher, Prince of Wahlstadt. 1815. IP Stipple and line engraving. Michelis, Franz ( -1819) German School. D Y C K , Anthouie van (1599-1641) Wilhelm II Prinz von Oranibn . . . 1797. With arms. f Mezzotint: Third state. LeB. 9. N.s. H.3. T I S C H B E I N , Johanii Heinrich Wilhelm, I (1751-1829) Amalia Augusta, Prinzessin von Anhalt Dessau. 1797. With arms. P Mezzotint: Third state. LeB. 5. N. 9. H. 4. Miger, Simon Charl(>s (1736-1820) Fre?u'h School. COCHIN, Charles Nicolas, II (1715-1790) M. David Hume. 17H4. J Line engraving. LeB. 2K. N. 26. P. & B. llo. Bry. ii: l.W. Bib. Nat. 22576 (11) FRAGONARD, Jean Honore (17.32-l.S0(i) Jeanne d'Albret Reine de Navarre. Henri. P Line engraving. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 221 Miglici, G. (worked eighteenth century) Italian School. C A N A L E , Gioanantonio. Called Canaletto (1697-1768) [View in Venice] Elching. Migneret, Adrien Jacques Antoine (1786-1840) French School. STEUBEN, C. G. H. A. F. L., Baron de (1788-1856) Pierre le Grand. Upon the Lake of Ladoga. lAne engraving: Second state. Le B. 4. Bii. x: 61. N. 6. Ap. 1. 61. H. 1. Miller, Andrew ( -1763) English School. 8? Edward Coke Lord Chief Justice . . . 1744. Similar to Houbraken's print, but in reverse. P Mezzotvni. S. 10. Miller, Elis Freeman (1840-1884) American School. [A summer afternoon] 1882. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Millet, Jean Francois (1814r-1875) French School. [L'homme a la brouette] Elching. Proof: Before all letters. Moisy, Claude Alexandre (l763-ab. 1822) French School. FORESTIER, Henri Joseph (1787-1872) Hic Tempestates nuntiat. Celui-ci annonce les TEMpfeTEs. Ille Sed.\t. Napoleon les ApPAISE. [BAROMfeTRE AVEC LE BUSTE DE NaPOLEOn] P Etching and line engraving. B6r. x: 73. 222 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Monks, John Austin Sands (1850- ) American. School. [Landsi.'ai'e with sheep] Etching. Proof: Before letters. Signed l>y etcher. Montague, Nicolas de Platte. &ePLATTE-MONTAGNE, Nicola.s de. Monzies, Louis (1849- ) Firncft School. [L'aMATEUK DK TABLEAIX] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. BiT. 1. Moran, Leon (1864- ) Ainefican School. [A Japane.se fantasy] [1884] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Moran, Percy (1862- ) Ami-rican School. [An interesting chapter] [1884] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Moran, Peter (1842- ) Ama-lcan School. [The pool] [1884] Etching. Remarque proof (bull frog in plate): Signed by etcher. [The harvest, San Juan] Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. [A New Mexico burro train] Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signeil l)y etcher. [A noon-day rest] Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 223 Moran, Peter— Continued. [On thk koad to Santa Fe] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. [The passing storm] Etching. Remarque proof, dog's head in plate, on vellum: Signed by etcher. [Ploughing stubble] Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. [Summer afternoon] Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. [York Harbor] Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. Moran, Thomas (1837- ) American School. [Castle op San Juan de Ulua at Vera Cruz] 1884. Etching. Proof: Before all letters: Signed by etcher. Mordant, Daniel (contemp.) French School. [La toilette] Etching. Bema-que proof on Japan paper: Before letters. Moreau, Achille (worked ab. 1800-1820) French School. Cekkmony op Te Deum by the Allied Armies on the Square of Louts XV. at Paris, the 10'',? April 1814. From an Original Drawing made on the Spot during the Cere- mony by Moreau. 1816. Aquatint, colored. Moreau, Jean Michel. Called Le Jeune (1741-1814) French School. Seement de Louis XVI . . . Decoration du Sacre de Louis XVL Roi ue Francs et de Nav. a Rheims le XI JuiN 1775 . . . 1779. Line engraving: Third state. LeB. 66. N. 6. P. & B. hi 161 (34) and 175 (M) H. 8. Chal. du Louvre, 4043. Bry. ii: 172. 224 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Moreau, Jean Michel — Continued HALL, Pierre Adolphe (1739-1794) Louis Augi'ste Dauphin de Fkancb . . . 1770. 5 Lihf and stipple engrwiny: Second state, p. & B. 57 and 128. Le B. 62. N. 1. Morel-Fatio, Antoine L^on (1810-1871) Fr>-/>ch School. TRAN.SBOBDBMENT A CHERBOURG 10 DeCEMBRE, 1840. FuNERAILLES DE l'EmPEREUR NaPOLEOX. Peint et lith. par Morel Fatio. Lilliogmph. No. 2 in set of 10 pieces. For the others of the set, see Ferogio, Francjois Fortune Antoine; and Ferogio, Fran(^ois Fortune Antoine and Girard, Pierre. Morghen, Antonio. &e M R G H E N , Raffaello. Morghen, Raffaello (1761-1833) Italmn School. ANDREA d'AGNOLO. Called Andrea del Sarto ( 148&-1531) [Madonna m Fries] [17S7] Line engraving: First state. Hal. 102. Le B. 12. H. 9. Ap. 10. N. ini. Bry. 124. C U N I S , Salomon (Tuillaume (1785- ) [Eliza (Bonaparte) Bacciocchi, Grand Duchess op Tuscany] [1814] P Dry point: First state. Hal. 20. Le B. 120. Ap. 81. N. 43. Br.v. 216. DO LCI, Carlo (1616-168fi) [La Poesia] 1827. Line engraving: Third state, with Morghen's stamp. Hal. 117. Le B. 100. Ap. .W. N. 162. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 225 Morghen, Raffaello — Continued. • [Same] Line engraving: First state. Before all letters, with Morghen's stamp. From the William Benoni White sale, 1880. D Y C K , Anthonie van (1599-1641) [GENBK.4L Francesco di Moncada] 1793. With arms. P Line engraving: Third state. Hal. 121. Le B. 163. H. 43. Ap. 124. N. 13. Bry. 162. E R M I N I , Pietro (worked early nineteenth century) LoDovico Aeiosto. [1807] P Line engraving: Third state. Hal. 13. Le B. 116. H. 49. Ap. 78. N. 38. Bry. 20S. E R M I N I , Pietro ( worked early nineteenth century) TORQUATO T.4.SS0. [1818] P lAne engraving: Fourth state. Hal. 160. Le B. 178. H. 50. Ap. 38. N. 36, Bry. 205. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) Napoleon, Empekeur des Francois . . . [1807] P Line engraving: Fourth state. Hal. 129. Le B. 145. Ap. 129. N. 37. Bry. 206. KAUFFMANN, Maria Anna AngeUka Katharina (1741-1807) [The family of the Princess Bariatinski] With arms. [1793-4] P Line engraving: Third state. Hal. 21. LeB. 153. H. 45. .\p. 112. N. 15. Bry. 168. KAUFFMANN, Maria Anna Angelika Katharina (1741-1807) [Portr-ait of Lady Hamilton as the Comic Muse] [1789] Qu.\m veteres P Line engraving: Second state. Hal. 44. Le B. 152. H. 60. Ap. 35. N. 1.50. Bry. 141. P 1 M BO, Sebastiano del (1485-1547) Formerly attributed to Raphael. Raphaelis amicitia celebekrima l.\ FoRN.\KiN.'i.. With arms. P Line engraving: Fourth state. With Morghen's stamp. Hal. 64. LeB. 142. H. 40. Ap. 107. N. 42. Bry. 215. 30705—04 15 '22(i GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Morghen, Rafl'aello — Continued. S A N Z I O , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Jurisprudence] [1782] Line engramna: Second state. From the collection of Carl Schloesser, 1880. Hal. 82. LeB.%. n.-2i. .\|>. 48. N. 138. Bry. 49. S A N Z I O , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Leo X., Pope] [1815] Tjf Line engraving: Second state. With stamp ot Chaillon-Potrelle. From the E. F. Oppermann collection, 1882. Hal. 86. Le B. 15.5. H. 42. Ap. 115. N. 44. Bry. 218. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael ( 1483-1520) [Madonn.v della sedia] [1793] With arms. Line engraving: Fourth state. Hal. 100. Le B. 7. H. 2. Ap. fi. N. S8. Bry. 1C.5. SANZIO, Raffaello. Oi«i B. 9.5. H. 2.5. Ap. 49. N. 137. Bry. 48. SANZIO, Raffaello. Called Raphael ( 1483-1520) [La tkanskkiuu.vtion] Et Tr.axsfiguratus . . . With arms. Line engraring: Fourth state. Plate liegun by Raffaello ^Morghen, abandoned by him for a new one and finished by Antonio Morghen, younger brother of Raffaello. From the E. F. Oppermann cullection, 1880. Hal. 11.7. LeB. 22. 11.14. Ap. 19. N. 94. Bry. 176. TOFANELLI. .Stefano ( 175Ll-af. 1802) Dante Alkuiieih. [18(»B] P Line engraring: Tliird state. Hftl. 4.5. LeB. 130. 11.48. Ap. 94. N. 27. Bry. 192. TOFANELLI, Stefano ( I7.'"ii>-af. 1802) Francesco I'etrarca. [1805] 5P Line engraring: Fourth .slate. Hal. Ml. Le B. 169. 11.47. Ap. 132. N.32. Bry. 200. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 227 Morghen, Raffaello— Continued. VINCI, Leonardo da (1452-1519) Amen dico vobis . . . The Last Snpper. With arms. [1800] Line engraving: Fifth state. Hal. 84. LeB. 19. N. 'J2. H. 15. Ap. 21. Bry. 180. Morin, Jean (bef. 1590-1650) French School. Louis XI? Roy de Fra.n'ce. P Etching: Second state. R.-D. 63. Le B. 51. N. 63. Didot (Portraits) 1603. E L L E , Ferdinand ( -1639?) Henry IHI Roy de France et de Navakke. P Etching: First state. R.-D. 60. LeB. 53. N. 60. H. 13. Didot (Portraits) 1606. Bib. Nat. 2119.5 (321) P U R B U S , Frans, II (1569-1622) Marie de Medicis, Royne de France. P Etching. Robert-Dumesnil and Le Blanc consider it doubtful whether Morin did this portrait. R.-D. ii: 79 (4) Le B. 55. Morret, Jean Baptiste (worked about 1790-1820) French ScJwol. V E X B E R G (worked early nineteenth century) Marie LonsE d'Actriche, I.\iper.\trice pes Fran^ais . . . Ce Portrait fit dessin6 k ViENXE, le jour que l'aRCHIDUCHES^ REfUT CELUI DE S. M. l'LmPEKEUR ET Roi. P Colored aquatint. BiT. x: 149. Morse, Aug^uste Achille (contemp.) French School. M E M L I N G , Hans (1430-1494) ViERGE AUS DONATAIRES. Lint' engraving: Second state. H. Suppl. 4. Bto. 33. 228 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Moucheron, Isaak de (ab. 1(>70-I74r±) Dutch School. Af beelding tan't pragtig Konst . . . Representation of the building upon the canal at AmRterdam, erected for the reception of the Muscovite embassy, Aug. 29, 1697. Etching. Le B. 1. H. 3. N. 1. MiiUer, Johaim Friedrich Wilhelm (1783-1816) German School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael ( 148,3-1520) La Madonna di S. Sisto di Rafaello. [1815] With arms. Line engraiing: Fourth state. LeB. 3. H. 5. Ap. 3. B6r. x:160. N. IS. Bry. ii: 184. Z A M P I E R I . Domenico. Called Domenirhino (15S1-1641) [S. Jean l'Svancjeliste ecrivant l' Apocalypse] I)a gerieth ich am Tage . . . Seinem Vatbr und Meister . . . 1808. Line engrating: Fourth state. Le B. 4. Ap. 4. H. 6. Bry. ii: 184. N. 12. Miiller, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm. See also M ij L L E R , Johaim Gotthard von, and M ij L L E R , Johann Friedrich Wilhelm. MiiUer, Moritz. *SVe S T E I N L A , Moritz. Miiller, Georg Willielm (1807-1868) German School. Marie von Russland Grossherzogin zu Sachsen. Grandduchess Maria Paulovna of Russia, Grandduchess of Saxe- Weimar. IP Stipple engraving. Ap.6. MiiUer, Heinrich Karl. Sec BARTOLOZZI, Francesco. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 229 Miiller, Johann Gotthard von (1747-1830) and Miiller, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm (1782-1816) German School. K I N S N , Mdme. (wife of Francois Joseph Kinson) (worked early nineteenth century) Jerome Napoleon Roi de Westphaxie, Prince FEANfAis. P Line engraving: Fourth state. LeB. 27. N. 29. Bfir. x: 159 and 160. H. 3. Ap.27. MuEer, Jan Harmensz (1571-1628) Butch School. I S A A C S Z , Pieter (1569-1631) Christianvs Quabtvs Dei Gratia Danij: . . . Rex . . . 1625. Christian IV., of Denmark. P Line engraving: Second state. B. 66. LeB. 75. H. 16. N.66. Bry.ii:l&4. J.ii:303. MIEREVELT, Michiel Jansz (1567-1641) Illvstrissimvs et Excellentissimvs Princeps Ambrosivs Spinola . . . 1615. Ambrosio, Marquis of Spinola. P Line engraving: Second state. B. 69. LeB. 86. H. 17. N.69. Bry.ii:184. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) Serenissimq et P0TEKTI.S.SIM0 Alberto Avstri.e Archidvci . . . 1615. Albert, Archduke of Austria. P Line engraving: Third state. B. 62. LeB. 69. H. 13. N.62. Bry. ii: 184. J. ii: 303. Dutuit vi: 181 (27) RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) SEREX1SSIM.E ISABELL.E Clar^ Evgesi.e Infanti HisPAXi.iRVM . . . 1615. Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain. P Line engraving: Fourth state. From the Konigliche Museen, Berlin, and the Baron Hans Albrecht von Dersehau collection, 1825. B. 63. Le B. 70. H. 14. N.63. Bry.li:184. Dutuit vi: 182 (28) Murphy, John (ab. l748-af. 1800) English School. GIORDANO, Luca. CalUd Fa presto (1632-1705) The Cyclops at their Forge. 1788. With arms. Mezzotint: Third state. LeB. 13. H. 13. N.2. 230 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Murray, Charles O. (contemp.) Emjlixh School. LoRMORiERS Cathedral. 188R. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [St. Mary's Porch, Oxford] 188,5. Etching. Remarque proof: Before all letters. Signeil by etcher. Muyden, Evert van (1853-) French School. [Lion in the MonNT.\iN.s — King op the desert] 1889. EtcMng: Third State. Proof on vellum: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Curtis, 76. [Lioness and cubs] 1891. Etching. Proof; Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Curtis, 166. N NanteuU, Robert (1630?-1678) French School. [Antoine Barberin, Cardinal, ARCHEvf:(.iUE db Reims] y Line mgnmiig: Finst ptate. R.-D. iv and xi,No.29. Lc B. 27. N. 'U. i.:ray Coll. p. 263. Di-lot (Portriiits) 16.18. Bib. Nat.2778 (211 Stkphanvs Iehannot de Bartillat Regii Ab Omnibvs Consiliis ^-Erarii Regii Cvwtos &c With arms. 1666. ip Line engraning: Fir.st state. R.-D. 32. Le B. 32. N. 31. Gray Coll., p. 263. Didot ( I'ortraitsi 1661. Bib. Nat. 30:!2 (1 1 '"'^z:. ^^iTv CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 231 Nauteuil, Robert — Continued. Frid. Mavr'™ de la Tovr d'Avveegne . . . Due de Bvillon . . . Les cent voix de la Renomm^e . . . With arms. P Line engraving: Fifth state. R.-D. 49. Le B. 226. N. 139. Didot (Portraits) KWO. Bib. Nat. 6907 (8) [Louis de Bourbon . . . Prince de Conde] 1662. With arms. P Line engraving. R.-D. 79. LeB. 48. N. 180. Gray Coll., p. 2ri4. Didot (Portraits) 1738. Bry.ii: 198. J.ii:310. Bib.Nat. 10392 (93) [Basile Fouquet, Abbe de Barbeaux et de Rigny, Chancelier des Ordhes du Roi] 1658. Witli arms. P Line engraving: First state. R.-D. iv and xi, No. 97. Le B. 76. N. 112. Didot (Portraits) 1720. Bib. Nat. 16348 (1) [Michel le Tellibr, Ministre d'Etat . . .] 1658. With arms. P Line engraving: Second state. R.-D. 130. Le B. 124. N. 2ti8. Didot (Portraits) 1775. [Charles Maurice le Tellier Abbe et Comte de LagnyJ 1663. With arms. P Line engraving: Third state. R.-D. 139. Le B. 133. N. 277. Didot (Portraits) 1787. Cab. Mavrit. Le Tellier Arch. Coad. Rhemensis . . . 1670. With arms. P Line engraving: Second state. R.-D. 140. Le B. 133. N. 279. Didot (Portraits) 178.8. LvDOVicvs XIIII Dei Gr.\tia Francijs et Navarre, Rex. Et Tibi conspicuos vultus . . . 1662. P Li7U! engraving: Tliird state. R.-D. iv and xi, No. 153. Le B. 79. N. 161. Didot (Portraits) 1725. Bry. ii: 198. LvDovicvs XIIII: Dei Gr.\ti.\ Franci.e et Nav.\rr.e Rex. 1664. P Line engraving: First state. R.-D. 1,50. LeB. 82. N. 165. Didot (Portraits) 1728. H. 28. Bry. ii: 198. LvDovicvs XIIII. Dei Gr.\. Franci.e et N.warr^ Rex Christianissimvs. Offereb.it HU.MILLIMUS . . . [1676] P lAne engraving: Tenth state. R.-D. 162. LeB. 88. N. 176. Didot (Portraits) 1734. Bry. ii: 19S. 232 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Nanteuil, Robert — Continued. [Jules Mazakix, Cakdixal, Ministre d'etat] 1(!56. With urms. P Line engravmg. R.-I). 178. Le B. 159. N, 196. Didot (Portraits) 1812. [Jules jMazaein, Cardinal, Ministre d'Et.^t] J. J. M. 16.59. P Line eiigrniing: First state. K.-D. 184. Le B. Kb. N. 199. Didot (Portraits) 1818. [Denis Talon, President A mortier au Parlement de Paris] A. V>. C. Witti arms. P Liiie engraving. R.-D. 22.8. Le B. 218. N. 264 Didot (Portraits) 1864. Henricvs de la Tovr Dawveugne Prin-ceph et VicEcojrES de Tvrenne &c. 1665. P Line engraving: Fourth state. R.-D. ivand xi, No.233. N. 137. Le B. 229. J. ii: 310. Dldots (Portraits) 1869. Gray Coll. p. 266. CHAMPAIGNE, Philippe de (1602-1674) loANNBS Bap. Colbert Regi a Consiliis . . . 1660. Witli arms. P Line engraving: Third state. R.-D. 71. Le B. b'3. Didot ( Portraits) 1699. Bib. Nat. 10110 (86) CHAMPAIGNE, Philippe de (1602-1674) [Armand-Paul du Plessis, Cardinal, Due de Richelieu] 16.57. P Line engraimg: Second state. R.-D. 218. Le B. 202. N. 260. Didot (Portraits) 1849. H. 31. .1. ii: 309. Bry. ii: 198. L E B R U N , Charles (1619-1690) PoMPONivs DE Bellievre Se-natvs Galliabvm Princeps. With arms. P Line engraeing: Second state. R.-D.37. Le B. 36. N. 3253. Gray Coll., p. 263. Didot (Portraits) 1666. H. 6. Bib. Nat. 3888 (8) .l.ii:310. Bry.il: 198. [Same] P Line engraving: First state. M I G N A R D , Pierre ( 1612-1695) LvDovicvs Xliri Dei (teati.f. I<^anci.e et Navarr.e Re.x. Ivstitia et pa.x o.scvlat.1: SVNT. 1661. P Line engraving: Sci'oinl slate. R.-D. 152. Le B. 78. N. 160. Didot (Portraits) 1721. Hry. ii: 198. J. ii: 310. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 233 NanteuU, Robert (1630 ?-l 678) and Edelinck, Gerard (1641-1707) Freiwh School. CHAMPAIGNE, Philippe de (1602-1674) [Moise] Le Sommaire de la Loy et des Prophetes . . . 1699. Line engraving: Third state. R.-D. 1. Le B. 1. (Le B. 2. Edelinck) N. 1. H. 1. Nanteuil, Robert (1630?-] 678) and Rousselet, Gilles (1610-1686) French School. L E B R U N , Charles ( 1619-1690) [Louis XIV] Regi Vt nostra Tuam . . . P Line engraving: Second state. R.-D. 154. Le B. 80. N. 163. Didot (Portraits) 1726. Bry. ii: 198. Napoleon, Charlotte (Bonaparte) (1802-1839) French School. Napoleonis mater. 1835. P Lithograph. Bib. Nat. 5413(9) N6e, Franfois Denis (1732-1818) Frmch School. D U C H E (worked end eighteenth century) Chambre du Ccefr de Voltaire. Line engraving. D U C H E (worked end eighteenth century) Chambre du C(EUr de Voltaire. Pays de Gex. No. 1. A larger copy of above. Line engraving. Le B. 29. Neeffs, Jacob (worked 1632-1645) Flemish School. DYCK, Anthonie van (1599-1641) Antonivs db Tassis Canonicvs Antperpianvs . . . P Lint engraving: Fourth state? LeB. 56. H. 12. Dutuitue. N. 39. Bry. u; 203. 234 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Nettling, Fried rich Wilhelm (worked from end eighteenth century — af. 1824) Geiincm Scho(jl. G U E R I N , Jean (1760-1836) MoREAU General en Chef de la Rbpubliquk Fran^aise. ft Stipple engramny. NeuviUe, Alphonse Marie de (1836-1885) Fraick School. [In the trenches] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Bfr. x: ia5(?) Nicholson, William (1784-1844) English School. [Sir Walter Scott, Bart] 1817. ^ Etching. India proof: Before all letters. [James Watt] 1819. P Etching. India proof: Before all letters. R A E B U R N , Sir Henry (1756-1823) [Sir Henry Kaeburn] 1818. P Etching. India proof: Before all letters. NicoU, James Craisj (1847- ) America?! School. [A New England harbor] 1884. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Niello. See DEI, Matteo di Giovanni. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 235 Nilson, Johann Esaias (1721-1788) German School. AvavsTvs III. Rex Poloni^ Elector Saxoni^e . . . P Line engraving. p. & B. iii: 234. Bib. Nat. 2023 (30) Fkidericvs Rex Borussi.e Elector Brandeburg. Frederick II., King of i^nissia. % Etching. H. & R. 5. N. 13. Bib. Nat. 16649 (169) Le B. 67. P E S N E , Antoine (1683-1757) Elisabetha Christina, Regina Borussi^ . . . P Line engrmnng. P. i B. ui: 234. Bib. Nat. 14428 (10) Nocchi, Giovanni Battista (worked early nineteenth century) Ital'um School. ANDREA d'AGNOLO. Catted Andrea del Sarto ( 1486-1531 ) S. Giovanni BATTiffPA. A. S. M. La Regina Maria Luisa . ^ . With arms. Line engraiing. Le B. 2. N. 3. H. 4. Ap. 2. Nochez (Nocher), Jean Edme (1736- ) French School. RAMSAY, Allan (1713-1784) Jean- Jacques Rousseact . . . Ainsi l'aigle cache . . . 1769. 5 Line engraving: Third state. Le B. 3. Miiller, iii; 311. N. 3. Didot (Portraits) 1878. Noel, C. F. (worked early nineteenth century) French School. DESNOYERS, Baron Auguste Gaspard Louis Bouclier (1779-1857) Napoleon Joseph. Frere de l'Empereur G^ Electeuk. . . . 5 Stipple engraving. B6r. s: 200 (foot-note) 236 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Noel, C. F.— Continued. S A N Z 1 , Raffaello. Called Raphael ( 1483-1520) Jeune Hommb Meditant. Stipple engraving. Nooms, Reinier. See Z E E M A N , Reinie.r. o Oldermann, E^rnst Friedrich (18(i2-1874-) German School. E R , Theobald Reinhold von (1807-1885) Friedrich der Gkosse in Rheinsberg. [1739] Mired engraving. Muller, iii: :«I. Onne, D. (Publisher) (end of eighteenth century) English School. M R L A N D , George ( 1763-1804) [Three figures. An old man and a young one outside op a cottage, or an inn, the old man sitting down with a glass in his hand, while a girl in front of him HOLDS A bottle] 1799. Sofl-grouwl elcliitig. Ormsby, Waterman Lilly (1809-1883) Americmi School. Maj. (lEX. Geo. B. M'Clellan, Com.mandin(* United .States Army. 5 I'iiie engraving. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 237 Ormsby, Watei'man Lilly — Continued. Gen. Franklin Pierce. 1852. The horse is a copy of that in Morghen's engraving of tlie equestrian portrait of Gen. Francesco di Moncada, by Van Dyck. Sec H A L S E Y , No. 121. P Line engraving. Ostade, Adriaen Jansz van (1(510-1685) Dutch School. [Le fumeur 1 LA fen4:tke] Etching: Second state. From Count Moritz von Fries collection. B. 10. Le B. 10. Dutuit 10. B. Suppl. 10. N. 10. Wes. (O.) 10. [Same] Etching: Second state. From the W. Esdaile (1819) and the R. Fisher collections. Also collector's stamp, P. Q., and crown. [La poupeb demandbe] 1678. Etching: Third state. B. 16. Le B. 23. Dutuit 16. B. Suppl. 16. N. 16. Wes. (O.) 16. [Le coup de couteau] 165.3. Etching: Fifth state. Collector's stamp, C. A. B. IS. LeB. 35. Dutuit 18. B. Suppl. IS. X. is. Wes. (O.) 18. [Les harangueurs] Etching: Seventh state. B. 19. Le B. 36. Dutuit 19. B. Suppl. 19. N. 19. Wes. (O.) 19. [La ge.\nge] 1647. Etching: Fourth state. B. 23. LeB. 14. H. 7. Dutuit 23. B. Suppl. 23. N.23. Wes. (O.) 23. [La chanteuse] Etching: Eighth state. B. 30. LeB. 26. H. 13. Dutuit 30. B. Suppl. 30. N. 30. Wes. (O.) 31. [La fileuse] 1652. Etching: Sixth state. Collector's stamp, P. Q., under crown. B. 31. LeB. 2T. H. 15. Dutuit 31. li. Suppl. 31. X. 31. Wes. (0.) .T2. 238 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Ostade, Adriacn Jtmsz van — Continued. [Le peintre] Pictor appell^a pingas licet arte tabellam . . . Etching: Tenth state. From the W. Esdaile collection. Also collector's stamp, P. Q., with crown. B, 32. LeB. 28. H.9. Dlltuit :i2. B. Suppl. 32. N.32. Wo.s. (O.) 33. [Lk charcitier] Etching: Fourth state. Collector'H .stamp, P. t^., under crown. B. 41. Le B. 43. PutuitJl. B. Siippl. 41. H. .S. .\. 41. Wcs. (O.) 41. [La fa.mille] 1647. Etching: Fifth state. B. 46. LeB. 48. H. 4. Dutuit 46. B. Suppl. 16. X. 46. Wes. (O.) 46. Ouvrier, Jean (1725-1784) French SeJwol. Z E I S I G , Johann Eleazor. CaUcd Schenau (1734 fl740)-1806) L' ORIGINS DB LA PEINTURE OU LES PORTRAITS A LA .MODE. With arms. Liv£ engravri.ng: Second state. From the Aiitonia Brentano collection, 1R70. Le B. 15. N. 5. H. 2. Pajol, Charles Pierre, Cointe (worked middle nineteenth century) Frevch ScJwol. N. Bonaparte. Li-neville an IX [1801] C. P. sc. J Stipple engraving. Palmerini, Niccolo (ab. 17.80-1848) Tfulian School.. E R M I N I , Pietro (worked early nineteenth century) Madonna Laura. All' Ornatissimo Signore .Vntonio Longo . . . Line engraving: Third (?) state. Le B. 1. N. 1. H. 1. Ap. 1. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 239 Palmerini, Niccolo — Continued. [Same] Line engraving: Second (?) state. No dedication. Traced letters. Pannier, Jacques :fitienne (1802-1869) French Sclwol. DUMONSTIER, Daniel (?) (1574-1646) Fkanp"'* de ]\Ialherbe . . . 9 lAne engraving. B4r. x: 247. Parkes, R. B. (contemp.) English School. GORDON, Robert James (worked 1S71-1893) [Viola] 1883. Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Signed by artist and engraver. Parry, August (contemp.) Englifih Schnol. DU PR E, Jules (1812-1889) [A WAYSIDE INN, BrITTANY] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Passe, Crispin van de, I (betw. 1565 and 1570-1637) Dutch School. Anna Dei Gkatia Maximiliani Imp: Filia . . . Philipii Cathol: Hisp: Reg: Uxor. 1598. Maximus hanc oenitit . . . Crisp, de Pass excu. Anne, daughter of the Emperor Maximilian II., and wife of Philip II. of Spain. P Line engraving. Ft. 449. Le B. 612. N. 130. Catharina Borboxia Henrici Qvarti . . . SoROR Vnica. 1598. REsrs in adcersis . . . Catharine of Bourbon, sister of Henry IV. 9 Line engraving. Fr. 468. Le B. 601. N. 124. 240 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Passe, Crispin van de, I — Continued. Caeolvs merito svo vt nomine magnvs . . . Carolus ANTiqris Francobum . . . The Emperor Charlemagne. P Line engraving. Bib. Nat. 9148 (95) Chklstophorvs Colvmbvs Genvensis Primvs Novarvm Terrarvm Detector. Nova Dvm Bona. CnRi.sTOPHORu.s . Nat. 17910 (7.5) R Y N , Rembrandt Harmensz van (1606-1669) [An officer with .\ swditi) of state] Portrait of Rembr.kxdt himself. 1764. P Mezzotint: Third state. S. 38. LeB. 25. H. 14. N. 14. Bry. ii: 279. J. ii: 819. Gray Coll., p. 275. RYN, Rembrandt Harmensz van (1606-1669) [A RABBI WITH a WHITE TI'RBAN] 1764. Mezzotint: Second state. S. 39. Le B. 27. H. 13. N. 1.5. Bry. li: 279. J. ii: 349. Gray Coll., p. 276. RYN, Rembrandt Harmensz van (160tM669) [The staxdard-be.\ker with .\ wide s.wh] Mezzotint: First state. S. 42. Gray Coll.. p. 27(1. RYN, Remlirandt Harmensz van (1606-1669) A Philosopher. (A Jewish Ralibi) 1775. Mezzotint: Second state. S. 43. Le B. 215. N. 13. H. 12. J.U:349. WRIGHT. Joseph (17.34-1797) An Alchvmist. 1775. Mezzotint: Third state. S. 44. Le B. 38. H. 8. N. 27. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 245 Pether, William — Continued. WRIGHT, Joseph (1734-1797) [The orrery, or, a philosopher giving a lecture on the orrery] 1768. With arms. Mezzotint: Undescrilied state, between second and third. S. 48. Le B. 39. H. 11. N. 26. Petit, Gilles Edrae (ah. 1694-1760) French School. Seid Achmet Aga Muteferrica Guedikli ZaSm de Boziazi . . . 1742. P Lme engraving, M E YT E N S , .Alartin van der (1695-1770) Marie Therese Reine de Hongrie &c . . . 1743. Fcemina froxte Patet . . . With arms. P Line engraring: Second state. Le B. 59. P. & B. U. Didot (Portraits) 1890. H. 1. N. 6. Bn-. ii: 279. Gray Coll., p. 276. Petrak, Aloy,s (1811- ) German School. D ij R E R , Albrecht (1471-1528) [Le jugement de Paris] Line engraving. Copy of print by Diirer. LeB. 33. H. 15. K, 107 (b) Phelippart (worked eighteenth century) French School. Charles Frederic II. Roy de Prusse et Electeir de Braxdeboi-rg. Ne le 24 Janvier 1712. P Line engraving. Copy of engraving by Riedinger. See R I E D I N G E R , Johann Elias. Philips, Jan Caspar (1695-ab. 1765) Dutch School. J . . N . (worked first half eighteentli century) Maria Theresia, Regina Hi-ngari.e . . . Archidl-x Austri.e, &c. &c. &c. . . . Adspice feminei decus . . . With arms. Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. 1743. 5 Line engraving. Collector's stamp, monogram S. W. Le B. 3. N. 2. Nag. Men. iv: (A (187) 246 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Phillips, George Henry (ab. ISOO- ) English School. LESLIE, Charles Robert (1 794-1 S59) Sir Walter Scott BakT Watch Weel. 1833. P Mezzotint. Picart, Bernard (1673-1733?) FmicK School. S A N Z I , Raffaello. Calhd Raphael (1483-1520) [Head of a woman] 1725. Line engraving. N. 95. Picart, Charles (ab. 1780-ab. 1837) English School. HILTON, William, I ( iniihlle eif^hteeuth century 1.822) [Cardinal Beaton] ISIS. 5 Stipple engraving. Proof: Before letters. From the collection of Prince Labanoff de Rostoff. Bib. Nat. 34,S4 (1) Picart, fitienne. Called Le Romain (1631 ?-l 721) French School. Fran'"^ Athenaiste de RocHEcnovART Mar*"^ de iloNTESPAN. The Marcjuiire de Montes- pan. 1668. With arms. P Line engraving. LeB. 64. N.13. Bry. ii: iS". Didot (Portraits) 1913. Pichler, Johaiin Peter (1705-1806) German School. BATON I (Battoni), Pompeo Girolamo ('70.S-17.S7) Der heilige Johannes . . . 1797. With arms. Colored mezzotint: Third state. Le B. 13. H. 5. N. 53. Brv. ii: 2SS. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 247 Pichler, Johann Peter — Continued. BATON I (Battoni), Pompeo Girolamo (1708-1787) Die heil: Magdalena in dek Einoede . . . 1797. With arms. Colored mezzotint: Third state. Le B. 17. H. 6. N. 54. Bry. ii: 288. RUBENS, Petrus Paulua (1577-1640) [Le.s fils de Rdbexs] 1802. P Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 85. H. 27. N. 43. Picot, Victor Marie (1744-1802) French School. P. (worlied early nineteenth century) Allegorie Relative A. Bi-onaparte Gejteralissime des Abm6es Fran? aises, &c P Slip])le engranng. P. &. B. iii: 307. Picot, Victor Marie (1744-1802) French School, and Bartolozzi, Francesco (1727- 1815) Englkh School. BARRALET, John James ( -1812), and CIPRIANI, Giovanni Battista (1727-1785) The Storm. 1782. With arms. Line engraving. Le B. 1.5. H. & R. 1.5. N. 31. Piranesi, Francesco (1748 (1756 ?)-1810) Italian School. Veduta dell' axfiteatro Flavio detto il Colosseo . . . [1788] EtcJiing. Le B. 6. N. 2. Piramide di C. Cestio . . . Etching. he B. 17 (G. Piranesi) N. 17 (G. Piranesi) 248 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Firanesi, Francesco — Continued. VeDITA interna BELLA BASILICA DI S. PlETRO IN VaTICANO VICINO ALLA TrIBUNA. Elching. Le B. 17 (G. Piranesi) N. 17 (G. Piianesi) Veduta pella Piazza, e Basilica di S. Giovanni in Laterano . . . Etching. Le B. 17 (G. Firanesi) N. 17 (O. Firanesi) ROVINE r>I UNO DE(iLI ALLOGtaAMENTI I)E' SoLDATI PRESSO AD UNA DELLE EMINENTI FABBRICHK DI Adriano nella sua Villa in Tivoli. Etching. Le B. 17 (G. Firanesi) N. 17 (G. Firanesi) AvANZI di UN ANT[C0 8EroLCRO, OGGI DETTO LA CoNOCCHIA . . . Etching. Le B. 17 (G. Firanesi) N. 17 (G. Firanesi) D E S P R E Z , Louis Jean (1740-1804) La Okotta di PosiLini . . . 1791. Etching, Firanesi, Giambattistii (17'2t) (17'. 81. Bry. i: 438. J. il: 373. RUBENS, Petrua Paulus (1577-1640) D. ELISABETH.E BoRBONi^ . . . 1632. Elisabeth of France, wife of Philip IV., of Spain. P Line engraving: Second state. LeB. 45. N. 46. H. 21. Dutuit vi: 179 (17) H. &R. 5, Brandes Coll. i: 476. J. ii: 374. Bry. i: 438. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) ExcELL"y^ DoMNVs Gaspar Gvsman Comes Olivakiensis . . . Bj;tis Olivifek.e . . . With arms. Gaspar de Guzman, Count Olivares. P Line engraving: Second state. From the Prince Rostoff collection, 1881. LeB. 74. N. 48. Dutuit vi: 197 (7U) H. & R. 8. H. 25. Brandes Coll. i: 479. J. ii: 374. Bry. i: 438. 252 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Pontius, Paulus — Continued. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) D. Isabella Clara Evoenia, Hispaniarvm Ixfans, &c. Providentia avgvsta . . . Cxsa- RIBUS PROAfl.S . . . P Line engraviiKj. - he B. 62. N. 46. Dutuit vi: 184 (36) Brandes Coll. i: 477. H. & R. 6. H. 20. J. ii: 374. Bry. i: 438. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) D. PniLippo IV. AvsTKio Hispaniarvm Indiarvmq. Regi . . . 1632. Philip IV., King of Spain. 9 Line evgraeing: Third state. Le B. 61. N. 41. H. 22. Dutuit vi: 178 (16) H. ^t R. 4. Brandes Coll. i: 476. J. ii: 374. Bry. i: 438. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1577-1640) Petrvs Pavlvs Rvbens. 1630. P Line engraving: Third state. Collection of Prince Rostoff, 1881. Le B. 82. H. 18. Dutuit vi: 188(48) H. & R. 1. Brandes Coll. i: 477. N. 43. J. U: 374. Pontius, Paulus. See aho RUBENS, Petru.s Paulus. Porporati, Carlo Antonio (17-1:0-1816) Italian Sc/iool. KAUFFMANN, Maria Anna Angelika Katharina (1741-1807) ["Garije a vers"] Line engraving. Proof: before letters, Poqwrati'a name traced. Le B. 7. H. 10. N. 11. Ap. 7. P. & B. iii: 341. Potemont, Adolplie Theodore Jules Martial. Called Martial (1828-1883) Fre7ic/i School. MILLET, .Jean Francois (1814-1S75) [The angelus] Etching. Remariiue proof. Remarque: Two sabots. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 253 PotreUe, Jean Louis (1788-af . 1824) French School. N A V E Z , FraiH'ois Joseph (1787-1869) L. David. P Line, engraving: Third state. Le B. 14. N. 9. H. 8. Bry. ii: 313. Ap., p. 3-10. Bib. Nat. 11893 (38) Z A M P I E R I , Domenico. Called Domenichino (1581-1641) [Le tkiomphe de l'a.mour] Line engraving. Trial proof. Le B. 3. H. 3. Ap. 2. Potter, Paulu.s (1G25-1654) Dutch School. [Le taureau] No. 1. 1650. Etching: Second state. B. 1. Le B. 2. N. 1. U. 1 (1) Dutiilt 1. B. .Suppl. 1. J. ii: SSO. [Same] [La vache debout pres de celle qui est couchee] Etching. B. 2. Le B. 3. H. 1 (2) N. 2. Dutuit 2. B. .Suppl. 2. J. il: aSO. [La vache couchee pres de la barriere de quatrk planches.] Etching. B. 3. Le B. -1. H. 1 (3) N. 3. Dutuit 3. B. Suppl. 3. J. ii: 380. [La vache qui p.ature] Etching. B. 4. LeB. 5. H. 1 (4) N. 4. Dutuit 4. B. Suppl. 4. J. ii: 380. [La vache avec la corne crochue en devant] Etching. B. 5. Le B. 6. H. 1 (.5) N. 5. Dutuit 5. B. Suppl. 5. J. ii: 380. [La vache et les deux moutons] Etching. B. 6. Le B. 7. H. 1 (6) N. (i. Dutuit «. B. Suppl. 6. J. ii: 380. [Les deux bceufs qui se battent] Etching. B. 7. Le B. 8. H. 1 (7) N. 7. Dutuit 7. B. Suppl. 7. J. ii: 380. 254 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Potter, Paulus — Continued. [Les deux vaches vues pah derrieee] Etching. B. 8. Le B. 9. H. 1 (8) N. s. Dutuit 8. B. Snppl. 8. J. ii: 380. [Le cheval de la Frike] 1652. Etching: Second state. B. 9. Le B. 10. H. 2 (9) N. 9. Dntuit 9. B. Suppl. 9. J. il: 381. [Lb cheval henxissant] 1652. Etching: Sec(.)n(l state. B. 10. LeB. 11. H. 2(10) N. 10. Dutuit 10. B. Suppl. 10. J. ii: 381. [Le couetaud] 1652. Etching: Second state. B. 11. Le B. 12. H. 2 (11) N. 11. Dutuit U. B. Suppl. 11. J. ii: 381. [Le.s chevaux de ch.vkkle] 1652. Etching: Second state. B. 12. Lc B. 13. H. 2 (12) N. 12. Dutuit 12. B. Suppl. 12. J. ii: 381. [La mazette] 1652. Etching: Second state. B. 13. Le B. 11. H. 2 (13) N. 13. Dutuit 13. B. Suppl. 13. J. ii: 381. [Le vacher] 1649. Etching: Fifth state. B. 14. Le B. 15. H. 3. N. 14. Dutuit 14. B. Suppl. 14. J. ii: 382. Pozhalostin, Ivan Potrovich (1837- ) Buss/'ati School. BOROVIKOVSKlf, Vladimir Lul^icli ( 17.58-1826) [Gavriil RoMAxovicn Derzhavin] 1866. ^ Line engraving. Pradier, Churles Simon (1785-184:7) French School. GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) [Joseph Bonaparte, roi d'Espagxe] 1813. P Line engraving. Proof : Before letters. First state, ^\'itllout arms. BiT. 4. Le B. 10. Ap. 9. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 255 Pratt, Joseph B. (contemp.) English School. B N H E U R , Marie Rosa (1822-1899) [Study of a dog] 1884. Mired engraving. Proof: Before all lettera. Signed by engraver and artist. LANDSEER, Sir Edwin Henry (1802-1873) [Sta« at bay] 1873. Mixed engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Preissler, Georg Martin (1700-1754) German Scliool. D U R E R , Albrecht (1471-1528) Alberto Dvro o Dvrero . . . Albrecht Diirer. P liine engraving: Second state. Le B. 8. H. 8. N. 1. Prevost, Zachee (1797-1S61) French School. C A L I A R I , Paolo. Called Paolo Veronese (1528-1588) [Les noces de Cana] [1852] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 1. BCt. 33. H. 2. Bry. ii: 322. Propert, J. Lumsden (contemp.) English School. [Kevv Bridge on the Thames] 1873. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Thames at Richmond] 1881. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. TURNER, Joseph Mallord William (1775-1851) The Shipwreck. 1871. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. 256 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION PurceU, Richard (Charles Corbutt) (1736?-! 766?) English School. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) Strive not Tragedy nor Commedy to Engross a Garrick . . . Reddeee Persons . , Mezzolint. H. 2. S. 31. Le B. 5 (Corbutt) H. 2 (Corbutt) Bry. u: 329. P. V. L. (worked early sixteenth century) Dutch School. [Le MaItre de la Vigne de l'Evangile] Properly called "The Three Dice Throwers" Lme enrjrarbjg. B. viii: 24 (1) H. 1. Nag. Mon. iv: 981 (3395(4)) P. V. N. See F L I N D T (Flynt), Paul. o Quebom, Crispijn van (1604-1053?) Dutch School. Elizabet D. G. Angli.e, Franci.e, kt IIibernle, Regina . . . Elizabeth by der gratien Gods Coninginne . . . Queen Elizabeth. 5 IJiie etigraiiiKj. Bib. Nat. 14117 (9.'j) Queverdo, Franyois Marie I.sidore (1748-179^) and Massol ( -1S31) French School. J . . . J . . . Rousseau . . . Vitam Impendehe Veuo. On Disoit un jour A de Buffon . . P Stipple engraving. p. & B. iii: S6S. [Same] H Proof: Before all letters. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 267 R Raab, Johann Leonhard (1825- ) Oerman School. [WiLHELM VON KaULISACU] [1870] P Line engraving: First state. Proof: Before letters: Le B. 33. H. 3. Ap. 25. [Professor Eduard Mandel] 1876. ip Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 34. KAULBACH, Wilhelm von (1805-1874) [Goethe in Weimar] Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. H. 1. Ap. 7. Le B. 44-48. KAULBACH, Wilhelm von (180.)-1874) [Tasso at the palace of the Princess Ferraha] Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Called Titian ( 1477-1576) Madonna mit dem Kinde. Line engraving. Le B. 9. H. Suppl. 6. Rados, Luigi (ab. 17S0-af. 1828) Italian School. I S A B E Y , Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) Napoleon LE Grand. Usually called "Bonaparte at Malmaison." 1806. With arms. P Stipple engraving. 30705—04 17 258 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Raffet, Denis Auguste Marie (lS0-i-ls60) French School. [Napoleon A cheval hlant] 1838. p Lithograph. B6r. xi, p. 89, No. 121, mid p. 125. [L'CEIL DU MAITRE] P Lithograph. BtT. xi, p. 94, No. 372, iinrl p. 127. Raimbach, Abraliam (1776-1843) English School. W I L K I E . Sir David (1785-1.S41) Village politicians. Dec. 10, 1813. Line engraving. Proof: On India paper. Le B. 5. N. 3. H. 3. Ap. a. Bry. ii: 311. [Same] Trial proof of unfinished etched plate. [Same] Trial proof of unfinished etched plate. [Same] Trial proof of etched plate before engraving. Dec. 10, 1812. [Same] First proving of finished plate. Aug. 30, 1813. W I L K I E , Sir David (178.5-1841) The Cut Finger . . . 1819. Witli arms. Line engraving: Third state. Le B. fi. N. 4. II. ."i. Ap. a. Bry. ii: 341. W 1 L K I E , Sir David (178,'->-lS41) Blind-Man's Buff . . . 1822. With arms. IJne engraving: Tliird state. Le B. 7. N. 7. 11.4. Ap. M. Bry. ii: 341. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 259 Raimondi, Carlo (1800-1883) Italian School. Paolo Toschi . . . P Line engraving: Third state. From the E. F. Oppermann collection. Le B. 5. N. 1. Ap. 3. H. 1. A L L E G R I , Antonio. Called Correggio (1494-1534) [L'assomption de la S. Vierge] lAne engraving: State before letters. Le B. 2. H. Suppl. 3. T U R N , Giacomo ( -1810?) B. FltANKLIN. 5 Line engraving: First state. After a miniature in enamel. Proof: Before all letters. With dedication inscription by engraver. Le B. 4. Ap. 2. Raimondi, Carlo. See al») TOSCHI, Paolo, S I L V A N I , Gaetano, and RAI- MONDI, Carlo. Raimondi, Marcantonio (ab. liSS-ab. 1528) Italian ScJwol. R A I B L I N I , Francesco di Marco. Called II Francia (1450-1517) Amadevs. Avsteritas. Amicitia. Amor. [Amadee] Line engraving. From the Graf von Enzenberg collection, 1879. B. 355. Le B. 226. X. 297. Bry. 213. Pass, vi: 34 (213) S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Notre Dame A l'escalibr, ou S. Madeleine et S. Marthe] Lirw engraving. From the Henry Brodhurst collection. B. 45. LeB. 20. H. 17. N. 100. Bry. 18. Pass, vi: 15 (IS) S A N Z I 0, Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [La ViERfiE A la lonoub cuissb] Line engraving. B. 57. LeB. 25. H. 22. N. 107. Bry. 22. J. ii: 397. Pass. vl: 16 (22) 260 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Raimondi, Marcantonio — Continued. S A N Z I 0, Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Ste. Cecile] Also called Ste. Cecile au Collier. Line engraving. From the P. Mariette collection, 1667. B. 116. Le B. 115. n. 30. N. l:i7. Bry. .51. J. 11:400. Pass, vi: 18 (51) S A N Z I . Raffaello. Called Raphael ( 14S3-l.i20) [Cleopatre] Line eiigraring. B. 199. Le B. l:!9. H. 35. N. 210. Bry. 121. .T.ii:403. Pass, vi: 23 (124) S A N Z I , Raffaello. Cnlled Raphael (1483-1520) [Alexandre faisant serrer les livres d'Homeke] Line enyrai'ing: Second state. B. 207. U- B. 130. 11.36. N. 212. Bry. 117. ,1. ii: 403. Pass, vi: 23 (117) S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Le Parnasse] Line engraving: Copy by unknown engraver. B. 247 I A) Le B. l.w. H. 40. N. 224 (A) Bry. 12.'*. J.ii:404. Pass, vil: 24 (12.S) ; S A N Z I O, Raffaello. Called Raphael (14S3-1.520) [Jupiter embrass.ant l'Amour] Line engraving. B. 342. LeB. 215. N. 287. Bry. 133. J. ii: 406. Pass, vii: 25 (133) S A N Z I , Raffaello. Called Raphael (1483-1520) [Le quo.'^-ego.] Neptune stilling the tempest that Eolus has raised against Aeneas Line engraving: State before retouching. From the Kunst-Halle at Hamburg. B. 3.52. 11.57. N. 294. Le B. 222. Bry. l:i.s. .I.ii:407. Pass, vi; 36 (138) Rajon, Paul Adolphe (1843-1888) French School. T[no.M.'Vs] Carlyle. P Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [Robert Hoe, president nu Orolier Club de New York] ^ Etching. Proof; Before all letters. Bil. 187. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 261 Rajon, Paul Adolphe — Continued. [Abraham Lincoln, President des Etats-Unis] 9 Etching. Remarque proof. Signed by etcher. Bdr. 191. [MeISSONIER, age, 1 LA LONGUE BARBe] MoN CHER ChEXAVARD . . . 1881, 5 Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. B^r. 1.55. [Tennyson] 1888. P Etching. Proof: Before letters. B4r. 179. BRACQUEMOND, Joseph FeHs (1833- ) [Bracqcemond en 1852, tenant tn flacon d'eau-forte] P Etching: Second state. Proof: Before all letters. B^r. 147. BRETON, Jules Adolphe Aim6 Louis (1827- ) [Lk retour des enpants du fermier (?)] 1887. Etching. Kemarque proof on vellum. Signed by artist and etcher. •Sir. 38. F . W . (contemp. ) [L'oiSEAij mort] 1887. Etching. Kemarque proof: On Japan paper. With dedication inscription by etcher. Bi5r. 86. GAINSBOROUGH, Tliomas (1727-1788) [Mrs. Siddons] P Etching. Proof: Before letters. Etcher's name lightly scratched. B(5r. 101. Le B. 6, H. 9. G A L L Al T , Louis (1810-1887) [Le serment de Vargas] Etching. Proof: Before letters. B6r. 20. Le B. 25. 262 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Rajon, Paul Adolplie — Continued. HALS, Frans, I (ab. 1580-1666) [Portrait d'iiomme] Frans Hals. 5 Etchiny. Proof: Before letters. Signed by etcher. LeB.9. H. Siippl. 7. LINTON, Sir James Drogmole (1840- ) [Les emigres] Etching. Remarque proof: On vellum. Signed by etcher. Bit, 77, MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest (1815-1891) [Le peintre] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. BC-T. 10. M U R I L L 0, Bartolome Esteban (1618-1682) [P0RTR.\IT OF MURILLO] 5^ Etching. he B. 5. H, 3, BOr. 116. U L E S S , Walter William (1848- ) [Hon. John Bright] 1883. JI Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed liy artist and etc-her. Ber. 150. U L E S S , Walter William (1848- ) Henry D. Pochin [chimiste, dans son l.\bor..vtoire] P Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Blt. 198, REGNAULT, Alexandre Georges Henri (1843-1871) [Salo.me] [1872] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 1. Bi5r. 24. RYN , Rembrandt Harniensz van (1606-1669) [Portrait de da.me .\gee] Etching. Proof: Before letters. B6r. 88, Le B. 10, CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 203 Rajon, Paul Adolphe — Continued. S T E I N H E I L , Adolphe Charles Edouard (contemp. ) [L'etudiaxt pacvre] Etching. Proof: Before letters. B^r. 23. W A T T S , Sir George Frederick (1820-1904) John Stuart Mill. P Etching. Signed by etcher. B6r. 193. Ransonnette, Charles (1793-1877) French School. DAVID, Jacques Louis (1748-1825) Napoleon. P Lhie engraving. Ravenna, Marco da. See D E N T E , Marco. Read, Richard (ab. 17i5-af. 1780) Englhh School. HAMILTON, William (1751-1801) [M.iRlE, REINE d'EcOSSE, SIGXE l'aCTE d' ABDICATION EN FAVEUR DE SON FILs] Stipple engraving. Le B. 5. H. & R. 5. N. 8. Muller iv: 24. Bry. li: 351. Reni, Guide (1575-1642) Italian School. C A R R A C C I . .\nmbale (1560-1609) [La Vierge avec l'enfant Jesus] Etching. B. 51. H. 11. Le B. 7. 264 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Revere, Paul (1735-1818) American School. [MASSACnUSETTS CTHKEXCy] 1782. Line engraving. Restrike. Andrews, p. 14. [Boston Massacre, 3 770] [1770] Line engraving. Kestrike. Andrew.s, p. 7fi. Baker, p. HI. The Town of Boston in New P2xgland and Brittish Ships op War Landing Their Troops. 170S. [1770] Line engraving. Restrike from cut plate. Andrews, ]>. 41. Baker, p. 141. C H A D W I C K , .Tose]ih (worked late eighteenth century.) [Westerly View of the Colleges] in Cambridge, New England, [ali. 17.80] Line engraving. One-half original plate. Restrike. Andrews, p. 49. Reyher, Robert (1838-1877) Oevman Scliool. D Y C K , Anthonie van (1.599-1641) Maria Lcisa de Tassis. 5 Line engraving. Before letters. From the Carl Schloesser collection, 1880. M I G N A R D , Pierre (1 til 2-1 59.5) [Makie Mancini] ]8t!9. P Line engriiving. Proof: Before letters. With (iedication inscription by engraver. Le B. 13. Ap. 11. n. 111. Bry. ii: 304. SANZIO, Raffaello. (WZ/cr? Raphael (14,8:5-1.520) [Raphael] P Line engraving: First state. Proof; Before all letters. Le B. Ift. H. 3. A|,. 14. Bry. ii: .'iM. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 265 Re3molds, Samuel William (1773-1835) English School. NORTHCOTE, James (174l>-1831) BUONAPAKTE FiRST CoNSFI, OF FraXCE . . . 1800. AfTER A BTST BY (ilUSEPPE CeRACCHI (1751-1801) Profile in medallion beneath. P Mezzotint. Whitman (R.) 205. Le B. 33. OWEN, William (1769-1825) The Right Honorable, Lord Chief Justice Abbott. 1820. 5 Mezzotint: Second .state. Whitman (R.) 1. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) p. 462. RUBENS, Petrns Patilus (1577-1640) [Le chapeau de paille (poil)] [Mlle. Lunden?] [1823] P Mezzotint: Undescribed state, betw. first and second. Proof: Before letters. Whitman (R.) 442. SMITH, John Raphael (1752-1812) The Right Hon"." Charle.s James Fo.x . . . 1806. , P Mezzotint: Second state. Whitman (R.) 93, S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) p. 185. Bib. Nat. 16409 (31) THOMPSON, Thomas Clement (ah. 1780-af. 1857) [CHARLE.S Chetwynd-Talbot, 3*.' Earl Talbot] P Mezzotint: First state. Proof: Before all letters. Whitman (R.) -280. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) p. 457. Reynolds, Samuel William (1773-1835) English School, and Sixdeniers, Alexandre Vincent (1795-1846) Erench School. L A N G L I S , Jean Charles (1789-1870) Combat de Navarin. The Battle of Navarino. Mezzotint: First state. Whitman (R.) 397. 266 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Ribault, Jean Francois (1767-1820) French. School. I S A B E Y , Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) and P E R C I E R , Charles (1764-1838) L'Imperatrk'e kn petit Costume. The Empress Josephine. P Line engraving. Ber. i; and Tiii; 154 (8) Chal.du Louvre 4U8. I S A B E Y , Jean Baptiste (1767-18.55) and P E R C I E R , Charles (1764-1838) T/E.MPEREUR EN PETIT CosTu.ME. The Einperor Napoleoii. 9 lAne engrai'ing. Blt. ,") ana viii: 154 (8). c:hal. du Louvre 411C. I S A B E Y , Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) [Le Mini.stre (trand Juge] 1807. Claude Amljroise Regnier, Due de Jlassa, Minister of Justice. P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Bit. 7 and viii: 164 (S) ChaL du Louvre iVJ.1. Ribera, Jiisepe de. Ca/h/d Lo Spagnoletto (15SS-1652) Italian School. [Le corps mort de Jesus Christ] The body of Christ with the two Marys and St. John. Etch ing. B. 1. LeB. 1. N.l. H.l. J.ii:4'!3. [S. Pierre pleurant son peche] 1621. Etching. From the Richard Ford collection. B. 7. Le B. 6. N.7. H.ti. J.ii:424. [TfeTE d'homme] 1622. Etching: Second state. From the St. J. D. collection. B. 8. Le B. a. N. 8. [TeTE d'homme .k POIREAUX] Etching. From the Mariette collection, 1674, and St. J. D. B. 9. Le B. 10. N. 9. Richeton, Leon (conterap.) French Schod. Arthur P. Stanley, Dean of West.minister. 5 Etching. Proof: Before letters. Etclier's name Ii45?] Etching: Only state. From the W. Esdaile, St. J. D., Morgan, and J. Barnard col- lections. B. (Rembrandt) 84. Bl. 60. C. 88. Dutuit 92. G. 88. M. (Rembrandt) 217. Rov. 84. W. 89. [Les disciples d'Emaus] 1634 (Large) Etching: Second state. From the Falke and Rolas du Roseij collections. B. (Rembrandt) .S7. Bl. 63. r. 91. Dutuit 94. G. 90. M. (Rembrandt) 2:57. Rov. 87. W. 92. [Les disciples d'Emaus] 1634. (Small) Etching: Only state. From the jMariette collection. B. (Rembrandt) 88. Bl. 62. C. 92. Dutuit 95. G. 91. M. (Rembrandt) 194. Rov. 8.*. W. 93. [Le BON Samaritain] 1633. Etching: Fourth state. B. (Rembrandt) 90. Bl. 41. C. 94. Dutuit 75. G. 70. M. (Rembrandt) 185. Rov. 90. W. 95. [Le retour de l' enfant pkodigue] 1636. Etching: First state. B. (Rembrandt) 91. Bl. 43. C. 95. Dutuit 76. G. 70. M. (Rembrandt) 201. Rov. 91. W. 96. [Pierre et Jean k la porte du temple] 1659. Etching: Fourth state. From the Esdaile collection. B. (Rembrandt) 94. Bl. 66. C. 97. Dutuit 97. G. 94. M. (Rembrandt) 254. Rov. 94. W. 98. 278 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Ryn, Renil)i';iiidt Hiii'inensz van — Continued. [Le martyee ue S. Etienne] 16oo. Etching: First state. From the Buccleuch collection. B. (Rembrandt) 97. Bl. 68. C. 100. Dutuit 100. G. 98. M. (Remlmrndt) I'.iT. Rot. 97. W. 102. [Bai'ti^me de l'Eunuque] 1641. Etching: Second state. From the Berlin Museum and the .A.. . Goldsmid collection. B. (Rembrandt t 127. B1.127. G. 125. Rot. 127. [Le MAJTRE d'ecole] 1641. Etching: First state. From the collection of Chas. jSTauili-t, IL B. (Rembrandt) 12S. B1.99. C. 129. Dutuit 12,8. G.126. M. (Rejuliriilidt) 271. Rot. 12.8. W. 131. [Same] 1641. Second state. From the Naudet collection. t>- ss.. \ Vc i L / r n r, N \ ^^' CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 279 Ryn, Rernhnindt Harmensz van — Continued. [Le paysan avec femme et enfant] [1652?] Etching: First state. B. (Rembranrlt) 131. B1.120. C. 132. Dutuit 131. G.129. M. (Rembrandt) 153. Rov.131. W.134. [PAY.SAN, LES MAINS DERRIERE LE DOS] 1631. Etching: Fourth state. B.( Rembrandt U3.5. B1.103. C. 135. Dutuit 134. G. 134. M. (Rembrandt) 89. Rov.13;). W.136. [Figure d'un vieillard a coitrte hakbe] [1635?] Etching: Third state. From the ooUection of Dr. Augustus StrJiter. B. (Rembrandt) l.il. Bl. ll.'j. C. 148. Dutuit 147. G.144. M. (Rembrandt) 32. Rov. 151. W.149. [Gdeu.^ deboct] [1632-1639?] Etching: Only state. From the collections of Antonia Breiitano, J. C. D. Hohich, S. Ber- mann, Wilhelin Roller, and Dr. Augustus Striiter. B. (Rembrandt) 163. Bl. 126. C. 160. Dutuit 159. G. 156. M. (Rembraudt) 141. Rov. 163. W. 160. [Mendiants, ho.mme et femme, a cote d'uxe bl'tte] [16.30?] Etching: Eighth .state. From the Berlin Museum and collections of K. F. F. von Nagler and Robert-Dumesnil. B. (Rembrandt) 16.3. Bl. 129. C. 162. Dutuit 161. G. 15s. M. (Rembrandt) 10. Rov. 16.5. W. 162. [Paysan deguentlle, les .mains derriere le dcs] [1631?] Etching: Fourth state. From the collection of Robert-Dumesnil. B. (Rembrandt) 172. Bl. 137. C. 169. Dutuit 168. G. 166. M. (Rembrandt) 121. Rov. 172. W. 169. [L'Espii:GLE] 1642. Etching: Fourth state. Mark of unknown collector. B. (Rembrandt) ISS. Bl. 153. C. I,s5. Dutuit 185. G. 180. M. (Rembrandt) 26.8. Rov. 188. W. 186. [Paysage avx trois akbres] 1643. Etching: Only state. B. (Rembrandt) 212. Bl. 31.5. C. 209. Dutuit 209. G. 204. M. (Rembrandt) 309. Rov. 212. W. 209. [Le paysage AUX trois CH.4.nMIEREs] 1650. Etching: Third state. B. (Rembrandt) 217. Bl. 318. C. 214. Dutuit 214. G. 209. M. (Rembrandt) 32.5. Rov. 217. W. 214. [Le pay-sage 1 la tour carree] 1650. Etching: Fourth state. B. (Rembrandt I 21S. Bl. 319. C. 215. Dutuit 21.5. G. 210. M. (Rembrandt) 321. Rov. 218. W. 21.5. 280 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Ryn, Roinbrandt Ilurmensz van — Continued. [Le I'AY.SAdK XV DESSINATElli] [1()4H?] Eirhinij: Only state. Collection of John AVebster. B. (Rembrandt) 1119. Bl. 320. ('.21(1. Dutuit216. (_;. 211. M. (Rembrandt) 31S. Nov. 219. W. 216. [La chaumiere \v liRAND aruke] 16-11. F.tchmg: Only state. Signature of Leith. B. (Rembrandt) 226. Bl. 32(;. C. 22.3. Dutllit 223. G. 222. M. (Rembrandt) 307. Rov. 226. W. 223. [L'oBELisiauE] [lt>32-lt>40?] Etching: Seconii state. Collection of John Webster. B. (Rembrandt) 227. Bl. 328. C. 224. Dutuit 224. G. 21.S. M. (Rembrandt) 324. Rov. 227. W. 224. [La CHAUMIERE ENTOIIREE PE PLANCIIEs] [1632] Etching: Second state. B. (Rembrandt) 232. Bl. 3.S2. C 229. Dutuit229. (4.224. M. (Rembrandt) 308. Rov. 232. W. 229. [Le MOULIN DE Rembrandt] 164L Etching: Only state. B. (Rembrandt) 25!. Bl. 333. c. 230. Dntuit230. (i. 22.'>. M. (Rembrandt) 30.i. Rov. 233. W. 230. [La campagnb du peseur d'or] KLdI. Etching: Only state. B. (Rembrandt) 234. Bl. 334. (_'. 231. Dntuit 231. G. 226. M. (Rembrandt) 326. Rov. 234. W. 231. [L'abreuvoir I)E la vache] [1H:!2-It>40?] Etching: Third state. B. (Rembrandt) 237. Bl. 337. (^.234. Dutuit 234. G. 228. M. (Rembrandt) 318. Rov. 237. W. 234. [Homme sous une treille] 1642. Etching: Only state. B. (Rembrandt) 2.S7. Bl. 262. C. IM. Putuit 273. G. 237. M. (Rembrandt) 162. Rov. 257. W. 288. [Homme A barbe courts et bonnet eourre] [1631] Etching: Fourth state. B. (Rembrandt) 263. 31.267. C. 260. Dutuit 279. G. 243. M. (Rembrandt) 77. Rov. 263. W. 266. [Vieillard a iiakbe carkee] 1640. Etching: Second state. B. (Rembrandt) 265. Bl. 271. C. 2(12. Dutuit 280. G. 24B. M. (Rembrandt) 145. Rov. 265. W. 267. [JeUNE HOMME ASSIS ET REFLECHIS.SANT] 1637. Etching: Se(»nd state. From the Aylesford and Buci-leuch collections. B. (Rembrandt) 2(1.S. Bl. 2.W. C. 2(;5. Diituit282. G. 248. M. (Rembrandt) 132. Rov. 268. W.270. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 281 Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van — Continued. [Fai-stus] [1647-1650?] Etching: Fourth state. From the Thiermann collection and the Briiuner hequest. B. (Rembrandt) 270. B1.84. C. 267. Dutuit 2.59. G. 2.V). M. (Rembraiuit) 291- K.270. \V.272. [Renier .-Vnsloo ou Cornelis Claesz, ministbe anabaptiste] lt>41. P Etching: Second state. From the collection of Dr. Striiter. B. (Rembrandt) 271. Bl. 170. C. 268. Dutuit254. G. 261. M. (Rembrandt) 146. Rciv. 271. W. 273. [Abraha.m France] [16.5.5?] 5 Etching: ICighth state. From the Esdaile and Daulby collections. B. (Rembrandt) 273. Bl. 176. C. 270. Dutuit 260. G. 253. M. (Rembrandt) 172. Rov. 273. W. 276. Joannes Lutma acrifex natus Groningje. 1656. P Etching: Third state. B. (Rembrandt) 276. Bl. 182. C. 273. Dutuit 265. G. 2.')6. M. (Rembrandt) 171. Rov. 276. W. 278. [Jean Asselin, sitkno.mme Crabbetje] 1641. (1(547?) P Etching: Third state. From the "B. F." and Capt. A. Donnadieu collections. B. (Rembrandt) 277. Bl. 171. C. 274. Dutuit 255. G. 257. M. (Rembrandt) 161. Rov. 277. W. 279. [Johannes] Wtenbogabdvs. 16li5. (iuem pramirari . . . 5 Etching: Seventh state. B. (Rembrandt) 279. Bl. 190. C. 276. Duluit 272. G. 2,i9. M. (Rembrandt) 114. Rov. 279. W. 2S1. [Utenbogaerd, le receveur] Called Le peseur d'or. 1639. P Etching: Third state. From the Hermann Weber collection. B. (Rembrandt) 281. Bl. 189. C. 278. Dutuit 271. G. 261. M. (Rembrandt) laS. Rov. 2.S1. \V. 283. [Same] 5 Etching: Second state. Copy by Captain William Baillie (1723-1810) before letters. From the Hebich collection. B. (Rembrandt) p. 237. Bl.ii. 51. Dutuit v: 500. [Le grand Coppenol] [16.58-1661?] 5 Etching: Fifth state. From the Aylestord, C. Ploos van Amstel, and Morgan collections. B. (Rembrandt) 283. Bl. 17.5. C. 2S0. Dutuit 158. G. 263. M. (Rembrandt) 174. Rov. 283. W. 285. [Premiere TfirE Orientale] 1635. Sometimes called "Portrait of Jacob Cats." P Etching: Second state. From the Aylesford and Buccleuch collections. B. (Rembrandt) 2X6. Bl. 173. C. 2S3. Dutuit 283. G. 266. M. (Rembrandt) 122. Rov. 286. W. 288. [Seconde t6te Orientale] [163.5?] Etching: Only state. From the Jean Francois Gigoux collection. B. (Rembrandt) 287. Bl. 288. C. 284. Dutuit 284. G. 266. M. (Rembrandt) 123. Rov. 287. W. 289. 282 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Ryn, Renihrandt Harmensz van — Continued. [Homme en cheveux] Sometimes called Homme en bonnet. [1635?] Elrhhiij: Second state. From the Thomas Saudby, R. A. collection. B. (Rembrandt) ■-'.S9. Bl. 255. C. 286. Dutuit 280. G. 267. M. (Rembrandt) 126. Rov. 289. W. 291. [ViEiLL.\KD k t6te cuauve] 1631. EtchiiKj: Second state. B. (Rembrandt) 298. Bl. 27.5. C. 294. Diimit294. G. 27.5. M. (Rembrandt) .56. Rov. 298. W. 298. [ESCL.WE k GR.^ND BONNET] [1631?] EtdiirKj: Second state. From the Berlin Museum. B. (RumhirHlldt) 302. Bl. 296. C. 298. Dutuit 298. G. 278. M. (Rembrandt) 81. Rov. 302. W. 302. [TtTE d'hom.me de face] [1630] Etchiinj; Fourth state. From the Dumesnil collection. B. (Rembrandt) 304. Bl. 26.5n. C. 300. Dutuit 300. G. 280. M. (Rembrandt) 3s. Rov. 304. W. 304. [ViEILLAKD CHAI'VE .V COrRTE H.i.RBE] [1635?] Etchiny. Only state. B. (Rembrandt) 306. Bl. 294. C. 302. Iiiiluit302. G. 282. M. (Rembrandt) 120. Rov. 306. W. 306. [IIoMME AVEf TROis cK(JCs] [1631?] (Reiubnindt) 5P Elchhiij: Seventh state. B. (Rembrandt) 319. Bl. 224. C. 28, Dutuit 2S. <;. 297. M. (Rembrandt) 47. Rov. 319. W. 28. [ViEiLLE FEM.ME .\ssise] [1(532?] ( Rembrandt's mother) 5 Etcliiiiij: Second state. From the Jan Chalon and Sir E. Astley collections. B. (Rembrandt) 344. Bl. 197. (.'.334. Dutuit 3.33. G. 313. M. (Rembrandt) 92. Rov. 344. W. 340. [BUSTE DE LA MERE DE Re.MBRANDT] 1631. |J KlchiiKj: Third state. From the Berlin iMuseiim, Robert-Dumesnil, and K. F. F. von Nagler collections. B. (Rembrandt) 349. Bl. 195. 0.339. Dutuit 337. G. 318. M. (Rembrandt) 53. Rov. 349. W. 344. [ViEII.de QITI dort] [l()3.'y.'] EtcliiiKj: Only state. B. (Rembrandt) 3.50. Bl. 244. ('.340. Dutuit 33.H. G. 303. M. (Rembrandt) 116. Rov. 3.50. W. 34,5. [TfeTE DE LA .'ilERE DE Re.MBRANDT] 162S. ^ Eti'hoK/: Second state. Stamp of unknown collector. B. (Reml)randt) 3.54. Bl. 193. ('.343. Dutuit 341, G. 321, iM. (Rembrandt) 6. Rov. 364. W. 348. [TrOIS TibTES DE FEM.MES, DONT UNE lit'I DOKT] 1637. Etchiiu/: Second state. B. (Rembrandt) 368, Bl, 251. C. 3.5K. Dutuit 356. G. 334. M. (Rembrandt) 130. Rov. 368. \V. 362. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 283 Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van — Continued. [ViEILLARD A GRANDE BARBB ET CALOTTE] Etching: Second state. This etchinj; is considered to be by Ferdinand Bol (lfil(>-1680) From the Robert-Dumesnil collection. C. 272. G. 272. RoT. 295. Sadd, H. S. (worked first half nineteenth century) American Scliool. DODGE, J. W. (worked first half nineteenth century) Henry Clay. 1843. P MUed engraving. Sadeler, Gilles (^gidius) (1570-1629) Flmnlah School. D ij R E R, Albrecht (1471-1528) [Maria mit dem Kinde auf der Rasenbaxk in einek reichen Landschaft sitzend, im GrUNDE die VERKtJNDIGUNG DER HiRTEN UND DER ZuG DER KoNIGE] Lme engraving: Second state. Le B. 35. N. 92. H. 4. Eplirussi, p. .54. Bry. ii; 436. Sailliar (Sahler) Lewis (174:8-ab. 1795) EmjUsh School. C S W A Y , Richard (1740-1821) His Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales. [1785] P Stipple engrainng, in tint. Le B. 1. 284 GARDINER GRP^ENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Sailliar (Sahler) Lewis — Continued. HONTHORST, Gerard van ( 1 59(l-165fi) William II of Nassau Stadtikildeh of the United States of Holland . . . 1781. P Stipple entjraving. Le B. 3. N. 1. II. 3. H. & R. 1. Bry. ii: 43S. Saint-Aubin, Augustin de (1736-1 8(»7) French School. Mme. de Maixtenon. ^ Line engrai'hui: Second state. Lu B. 88. P. & B. ni;. BONNEVILLE, Francois (worked 1790-1800) J. M. RciLAND . . . P Line etiyrci-ing. LoB. 125. p. & 1!. 17.T (J) DUPLESSIS, Jose])!) Sifrede ( 172.T-l.sn2) M. Neckek. Des ministuks he la Finance . . . y Live engrail iKj: Secnnd state. LeB. 104. N. i:lM3. Ap. 27. H. 10. P. & B. 13(1. S A U V A G E . .Jean Ba)itiste ( -1790) [Loi;is XVI., Marie Antoinette et le Dauphin] 5 Line enyniving: Third state: Without verses. P. & B. 113. Saint-Aubin, Augustin de. >%v alx,, L N G U E 1 L , Joseph de, SAINT-AUBIN, Augustin de, and CHOFFARD, Pierre Philippe. Salmon, Kniilc (1.S4(I- ) French School. BO N H E U R , Marie Rosa (1822-1899) [The puide oe the FuitEsT] 1S8(). Killing. Remannu- pi-Dol' on vellum. Sijjned by artist and enjiraver. Blt. xii: '.I. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 285 Salvador Carmona, Manoel. See C A R M N A Manoel Salvador. Sanders, George S. (worked early nineteenth century) English School. ST E U B E N , C. G. H. A. F. L., Baron de (1788-1856) Napoleon's Return from the Island op Elba . . . Mezzotint. Sandoz-Rollin, Baron de (worked ab. 1789-1802) French School. BONNEVILLE. Franvois (worked 1790-1800) Geo. Jacq. Danton . . . 3^ Stipple enijrating. Bib. Nat. 11765 (27) Sartain, John (1808-1897) A7ner/can School. I N M A N , Henry (1801-1846) Martin Van Buren, President of the United States. 5 Mezzotint. Baker, p. 152. Sartain, William (1843-1898) Am>'r/'ca7i School. [Washington Irving] 1896. 5 Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Signed by engraver. [Charles Lamb] ISWi. 5 Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Signed by engraver. [Edgar Allan Poe] 1896. 5^ Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. Signed by engraver. 286 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Saunders (Sanders), John (1750-af. 1804) English. School. BROMPTON, Richard ( -1782) [His Royal Highness George Augustus Frederick, Prince of AVales] 1774. 5P Mezzotint. S. 5. LeB. 1. H. 4. Bry. i; 186. Bromley, p. 321. Bib. Nat. 17910 (So) Say, William (1768-1834) Engli!itch School. Philipi'us v. Re.\ Hisi'aniarum . . . Qukm gloria i'atris . . . P Mezzotint. Le B. 159. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 287 Schiavonetti, Luigi (1765-1810) English School. C S S I A , F. (worked late ('i<;hteenth century) BUONAPAKTE. 1797. P Stip])h' engravhig. p. & B. iii: 604. Schiavoni, Natale (1777-1858) Italian School. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Called Titian ( 1477-1576) AssuMPTA EST Maria IN coELUM GAUDENT ANGELi . . . With arms. The a.^suniption of the Virgin. Line engraving: Fifth state. Le B. U. H. 4. Ap. 2. N. 4. Bry. u: 467. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Called Titian ( 1477-1576) [La mise au to.mbeau] Line engrailing: Third state. Le B. 9. H. 2. Ap. 1. Bry. ii: 467. Schieferdecker, Karl Augu.st (1823- ) German. School. Louis Napoleon Bonap.\rte. Charte France . . . P Lithograph. Schmidt, Georg Friedrich (1712-1775) German School. George Friderich Schmidt. Se ipse fecit aqua forti Petropol 1758. (With spider in window. ) f Etching: Third state. Wes. (Schmidt) 103. LeB. 104. N. 112. H. ft3. P. & B. 62. Brandes Coll. ii: 214. Didot (Portrait*) 217.3. Gray Coll. p. 340. Bry. ii: 471. Fridericis in. Rex Borussi.e. Dans les coEfR-s . . . 174.3. With arms. (Frederick II.) g Line engraving: Second state. Wes. (Schmidt) 41. Le B. .«2. S. .W. H. 32. P. & B. 25. Didot (Portraits) 2165. Bib. Nat. 16(VI'.i (2W). 288 GARDINER GREENP: IH^BBARD COLLECTION Schmidt, (looii^ Friodricli — Coiiti iiuod. [I'kejikkk- III. I'KEMiEi! uiii i>E Pucsse] ( Fredfrifk 1.) P Line engriirini/. Wes. (Sphmidt) L'4I. 1'. & II. e!l. [L'Oriental b.^kbu] IT.'Sd. Etchinrj: Seconil statf. Wes. (Sohmifli) U^i. Li-B.lW. .\'. 142. Cray Coll. p. 33'.t. Braniles Coll. ii: 213. A V E D , ,Tai-qufS Aiuhv .losepli 1 17(lL'-17tlil) Joannes Baptista Rousseau . . . Certior i.v nostro carmine . . . [1748] JI Line engraving: Third state. Wes. (Schmidt) SB. Le B. 91. N. 1U4. 1'. & B. ."SO. H. 51. Dldot (I'ortraits) 'Jieii. Gra.v Coll. p. 339. F A L B E , .ruachim .Martin ( 1709-1782) David Splitgeruer . . . ]7()(). ^ Line engraving: Second .state. Wes. (Scbmidt) 113. Le B. 114. N. 121. P. & B. .54, Brandes Coll. ii: 213. Didot (Portraits) 2179. Gray Coll. p. 339. F L I N C K , (iovaert (11)15-1660) Le Prince d'Orangi: Guillaume Second, a ijui Cits e.xplique un trait de l'histoire de SES ANCfeTRES. 1772. 5P Etching: Third ."tate. Wes. (Schmidt) 121. Le B. S3. N. 134. Didot (Portraits) 2149. H. 64. Gray Coll. p. 341. Braiides Coll. i: 299. F L I N C K , <4ovaert (1615-1660) [JeUNE HOMME COIFFE d'i'N CHAPEAU ORNB DE PLUMEs] 1765. Etching: Second state. Wes. (Schmidt) ISfi. Le B. 13(5. Gray Coll. p. 339. H. «(;. Kraiides Coll. i: 299. N. 163. FONTAINE, Liidolph la (1705-1771) Adrienne Le Couvreur .Vctrice du Thkatrk Francois . . . 5 I/me e.ngraving: Third state, Wes, (Schmidt) r.2. Le Ii, .'.3, N. 33, P. & B, fiO, 11,40, P E S N E , Antoiiie (168S-1757) Christianus AuGusTt;s Dei gratia Princeps .Vniiai.tinus Dux Saxoni.e . . . 1750. With arms. Christian .Xu^Mistus, Prince of Aiduilt. 5 Line engniring: Tliird state. Wes. (Schmidt) 20. Le B. 2. N. 29. P. 30705—04 19 290 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Schmidt, Georg Friedrich — Continued. TOCQU E, Louis (1()!)6-1772) Elisaveta Pervaia Imperatrista I Samoderzhitsa VsEROssiisKAiA. ]7fil. Elizalieth L, Empress and Autocrat of all the Rusaias. P Line enyrarhig: Second state. Wes. (Schmidt) 30. Le B. 95. N. 41 and xviii: .»5. P. & B. 19. H. 28. Brandes Coll. li: 212. Bry. ii: 471. J.iii: 66. Bib. Nat. 14431 (30) T O C Q U E , Louis (1096-1772) Nicolas EsTERHASi i)B Gala.nth A . . . 1759. With arms. ip Line engriiriiKj: Fourth state. Wes. (Sc-hmidt) 32. Le B. 33. N. 46 and .xviii: 636. P. & B. 21. Didot (Portraits) 2146. H. 30. Gray Coll. p. 338. J. iii: e.'i. Bib. Nat. 14875. Schmutzer, Jakob Matthias (1733-1811) German School. HAGENAUER, .lohann Baptist (1732-1810) Wencrs. Princeps. Kavnitz. Rietberg [1786] Wenze! Anton von Kaunitz. P Line enij raving: Thirof. Si};ned by etcher. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 291 Schongauer, Martin (ab. 1420-1488) German School, [L'anoe i)k l'annonciatidn] Line engraving. B. 1. Le B. 1. N. 1. H. 1. [Jesus A la montagne dks olivieks] Line engrai'ing. B, 9. Le B. 9. N. 9. H. 9. [La prise de Jisus-CnRisT] Line engraving. B. :0. Le B. 10. N. 10. 11. 10. [Jesus-Oiikist devant lk grand-pr6tre] Line engrai'ing. B. 11. LeB. 11. N. 11. H. H. [S. Antoine] Temptation of St. Anthony. Line engraving. B. 47. Le B. 36. N. 47. H. 32. Pass, ii: 11 1 (47) [La ViERdE SUR UN TRONB AUPRE8 DB DiEU] Line engrui'ing. B. 71. Le B. 59. N. 71. H. 46. Schiitz (Schytz), Karl (1746-1800) Get^man School. L'Anqb Prit Pbophete Habacuc et le Portant par ses Cheveux a Babylone . . . Alors Habacuc cria . . . 1772. Line engraving: Second state. N. 11. Schiile, Georg Chri.stian (1764-1816) Danish School. LnciAN Bonaparte. 1815. IP Stipph engraving. 292 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Schultze, Christian Gottfried (1749-1S19) German School. CASANOVA, Francesco Giuseppe (1727-1805) and SEYDELMANN, Jakob Crescentius (1750-1829) Alexandre I"* Beloselsky. Dans des climats glaces . . . With arms. P Line rngravmy: Fourth state. Le B. 20. N. 3. H. 29. Ap. 12. Bib. Nat. 3929. [Same] 5^ Proof: Before all letters. K Y M L I (Kiuili) (worked 1777-1786) Joseph II. Empereur des Ro.mains. 1778. 5 Lme fiKjnii'ing: Second state. Le B. 19. N. 1. H.21. Ap. 15. Bib. Nat. 23026 (130) Schultze, Christian Gottfried (lYiO-lSlO) and Kriiger, Ephraim Gottlieb (1756-1834) German School. M A T T H A I , Johann Friedrich (1777-1845) MoRT Du GENERAL Melissino, le 26. d'Aoiit 1813 . . . Les Russes, les Germains hono- RENT SA ME.MOIRE . . . Line engrariny: Second state. Le B. 30. N. 29. imd vii: 180 (17) Ap. (Kriiger) 6. Schumann, Johann Gottlob (1761-1810) and Riedel, Anton Heinrich (1763-af.l824) German School. K S I N S K I , Josef (1753-1821) Le Prince Joseph Poniatowski General de Division Ministre de la Guerre dc Duche DE Varsovie, etc. . . . With arms. ^ Aquatint. Le B. 1. N. 1. H. 3. Schuppen, Pierre Louis van. See VAN SCHUPPEN, Pierre Louis. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 298 Scott, John (1774-1828) English School. K R A F F T , Johann Peter (1780-1856) [La Bataille de Leipzig] 1818. Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 2. N. 2. H. 1. Ap. 1. Scriven, Edward (1775-1841) English School. P A I L L U , P. (worked middle sixteenth century) Mary Queen op Scots. P Stipple engraving. Stamp of Prince Labanoft de Rostoff. POPE, Alexander (1763-1835) The RT Honorable Henry Grattan . . . Bill for the libertie.s of his Majestys Sub- jects . . . 1814. P Stipple and line engraving. Seghers, Hercules Pietersz. See R Y N , Rembrandt Harmensz van. Semmler, August Franz (1825-1893) German School. SIMONAWITZ, Kunigunde Sophia Ludovica (Eeichenbach) (1761-af. 1812) Schiller. ■p Line engraving. Le B. 12, H. 3. Ap. 13. V G E L , Christian Leberecht (1759-1816) J. W. Goethe. ^ Line engraving. Le B. 9. H, 4. Ap. 10. 294 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Sgrilli-Sansone, Bernanlo (worked ab. 1733-1739) and Zocchi, Giuseppe (ab. 1711- 17(i7) Itiiluin Scliovl. ZOCCHI, Giuseppe (ab. 1711-1767) Veduta di una parte di Firenze presa fuori della Porta a S. Niccolcj presso al Fiume Arno. T. I. V. Etcliing awl line engraiing. One of a set of 24 views of Florence. N. xvi: 325 and xxii: 306. Sharp, William (1749-lS2i) English School. D Y C K , Anthonie van ( 159i)-Hi41) Charles the First, King of Great Britain, &c., &c., &c. 1817. 5 Line fngravhig: Second state. LcB.27. H. 27. Ap. 30. Bib. Nat. 9143 (14-1) P. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 2664S. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua ( 1723-1792) [John Hunter, celebrated anatomist] 17S7. 5 Line engraving. Proof: Before title. LeB.42. N.2. H. 31. Ap. S.'. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 2G694. Bry. ii: 492. R M N E Y, Georfie (173+-1802) Tho.mas Paine. 179.3. 5 Line engraving. Bry. ii: 492. ROSA, Salvatore (161.5-1673) [Diogenes and his lantern] Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 18. N. 32. H. 14. Ap. 13. S H E E , Sir Martin Archer (1769-1850) Kemble. 5 Line engraving: First state. Le B. 4.5. H. 33. Ap. 40. Bib. Nat. 24044 (5) Z A M P I E R I , Doinenico. Called Domeniehino (1581-1641) Lucretia. A KoMAN Lady Daughter op Lucretius, and Wife to Collatinus . . . 1784. Line engraving: Third state. LeB. 19. N. 31. H. 18. Ap. 14. Bry. ii: 492. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 295 Sharpe, C. W. (contemp.) English School. CUR R AN. Amelia ( -1847) P. B. Shelley. 1860. P Line and ntlpple engraving. Proof: Before letters. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 27639. Shelton, William Henry (1840- ) American School. [In THE DABK DAYS . . .] 1885. General Grant ill the field before Petersburg on his fa vorite horse, "Cincinnati." P Etching. Remarque proof: Signed by etcher. [Battery Forward!] Etching. Bemarque proof: Signed by etcher. Sherborn, Charles William (1831- ) Ent/lish School. Ex. Llbri Cakolvs Guliemus Sherbork. . . . Vive Revic . . engraver. Line engraving. 1878. Bookplate of the Sherwin, Johu Keyse (1751-1790) Enylish School. M" WooLLETT. 1784. William Woollett. P Line engraving. Le B. 12. H. 16. N. .5. Bry. ii; 494. S. K. M. Cat. (Portrait-) 222.S0. BROMPTON, Richard ( -1782) The Right Hon'^V'^ William Pitt, Earl of Chatham &c . . . 1784. P Line engraving: Second state. Le B. 2. N. 1. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 22972. Nat. Port. Gal. p. 102. Bil). Nat. 9302 (17 DANCE-HOLLAND, Sir Nathaniel (1734-1811) [.Tames Cook] [1784] P Line engraving: Proof before letters. From the John Young collection. LeB. 3. N. 22. Bib. Nat. 105.52 (;») S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 22498. Bn-. ii: 494. 296 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Slier-win, John Keyse — Continued. GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas (1727-1788) The Right Hox".''." AVilliam Pitt, First Lord of the Treasury . . . 1789. With arms. P Line engraving: Second state. H. 14. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 219.S7. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) Sib Joshua Reynolds Kn^^ . . . 1784. 5 Line engraoiug: Second state. From the Tho.s. CI utterbuck collection. 1837. LeB, 9. N. 3. H. 15. S. K. M. Cat, (Porlraits) 22532. Bry. ii: 494. Sherwin, William (bef. 165()-:ib. 1715) EngJhh School. Vera FjFfigies Gvilielmi Tones Eqvitis Avr.vti Et Vtriusqve Baxci Justiciar: Sir William Jones, Chief Justice. 1^ Line engraving. From the Mariette collection, 1668. Bromley, p. 92. Sichem, ChrLstoffel van, II (?) (ab. 1.580- ) Dutch School. A Franooys Ravaillac Mohrdenaer. Portraits of Francois Ravaillac, with the scene of his execution, etc., and of Henry IV., Marie de Medicis, and Louis XIII. 5 Etching. From the Seymour Haden and the Captain A. Donnadieu collections. Le B. 10. N. 20 ( Karel van Siehem) G L T Z I U S , Hendrik ( 1.558-1616) [UN .IEUNE noMME JOUANT DU TYMPANON] M'^oodcnt. Le B. 35. N. 22. B. iii: 127 (4) H. 11. Sichem, Karel van (worked early .seventeenth century) Dutch School. RoBERTVs DvDLEvs CoMES Levcester Ctvb: Bel: Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. IP Lme engraving. In Meteren's Geschichte. From the Seymour Haden collection. Le B. 16. N. 7. H. & R. 3. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 297 Sichem, Karel van — Continued. WOUDANUS, Jan Cornells (worked 158o-lfil0) BbRNHAKD KnIPPERDOLLINCK. AlS ICK my 8ELFS HADT HOOCH VERHEVEN . . . 1605. P Line engraiing irilh IcUerprcfs. N. 21. LeB. 11 (Christoffel van Sichem) Brulliot iii: No. 615 (ChristoCEel van Sichem) Sichling, Lazarus Gottlieb (1812-1863) German School. HOLBEIN, Han.'i, II (1497-1543) [HuBE^iT MORETT, .lEn'EI.LER] [18.54] Jl Lii\e engraving: First state. Le B. 15. H. ,«. .\p. 15. Silvani, Gaetano. See TOSCHl, Paolo, SILVANl, Gaetano, and RAIMONDI, Carlo. Simon, John {liol Z-^h. 11 6h) English School. M" Francis Beaumont . . . M'? Iohx Fletcher . . . M"? John Milton . . . yV Abraham Cowley . . . 9 Mezzotint: First state. Le B. 175. MILLIARD, Nicholas (1.547-1619) Eegina Elizabetha Juris ac Libertatu.m Populi Sui Semper Conservatrix . . . Queen Elizabeth. 5 Mezzotint: First state. LeB. 34. S. W. H. 1.5. Bry. ii:600. J E R V A S , Charles (ab. 1675-1739) The Right HoN'l'f Robert Walpole Chancellor ok the E.xchequer . . . P Mezzotint: State undeseribed. LeB. 165. S. 159. N. 31. 298 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Simon, John — Continued. K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (164G-l"2a) The RT Hi)N".'f Joseph Addison, Esq" . . . J Mezzolinl. Le B. 14. N. 25. .S. a. H. I'.i. Br.v. ii: 600. K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) MT Steele. P Mezzotint: First state. LeB. 146. N. ■-•(;. S. 141. Bry. ii: 500. RIGAUD-YROS, Hyacinthe Franfois H. M. P.-le M.-A. J. (1659-174.3) LuDovici-s XV. D. (t. Francwk et Navari^> Re.x. Louis XV., King of France. P Mezzotint: First state. Le B. .sii. s. 89. SCAGHLEY (workeil late seventeenth century) George Lewis D. G. Duke of Hannover . . . George I., when Duke of Hanover. P Mezzotint: First state. LeB. 39. .Suth. i: 129. S. 70. (.See also additions and corrections S. iv, div. ii) SCAGHLEY ( worked late seventeenth century) George hy y Grace of God King of Great Britain France & Ireland . , . P Mezzotint: Second state. Le B. 39. S. 70. (,svr also additions and corrections S. iv, div. ii) Simon, Jean Pierre (I7»ii)-af. ISl'i) French School. Napoleon Empereuk des Francais et Koi d'Italie. Dessine A Varsovie, en 1807. P Stipple enriraving. DESNOYERS, Baron Auguste (iaspard Louis Boucher (1779-1857) Loins Frere de l'E.mpereur Connet.\ble . . . P Stipple eiK/raeinr/. V E R N E T , Antoine Charles Horace (1758-1836) Campagnks d'Italie. [Napoleon] 5 Stipple enijrarinij, colored. Proof: Before letters. BiT. xii: 29 (foot note) and xii: 191 (33) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 299 Simon, Pierre (16-tO-af. 1710) French Scliool. L E B R U N , Charles (1619-1690) Anne Marie Lovise d'Orleans . . . Dvchesse de Montpbnsier &c. P Line engmmng. LeB. 26. N. 10. H. <& R. G. Uidot (Portraits) 22S2. Bry. ii: 600. H.6. Simonneau, Charles. See LARMESSIN, Nicolas de, III, BAQUOY, Maurice, and SIMONNEAU, Charles. Sirouy, Achille Loiii.s Joseph (1834r- ) French School. S I G A L N , Xavier (1788-1837) [Athalie] Lithograph. Remarque proof: Signed by lithographer. Remarque, a portrait of Xavier Sigalou. B^r. xii: 3J. Sixdeniers, Alexandre Vincent (1795-1846) French Sc/moI. SCHEFFER, Hendrik (1798-1862) Charlotte Corday. Mezzotint. LeB. 12. H. 6. B6r. xii: 37. Bry. ii: 503. Sixdeniers, Alexandre Vincent. See also REYNOLDS, Samuel William, and SIXDENIERS, Alexandre Vincent. 300 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Skelton, William (1763-18-tS) EngJIsh School His Most Excellent Majesty William the Fourth . . . &c., &c. 1821. As prince. (Title pa-sted ovLT earlier one, as prince. ) P Line cngrai'inr/. N.2. Ap. 2. S.K.M.Cat. (Portraits) 25046. 4. PHILLIPS, Thomas (1770-184.5) His Most E.xcellent IMajesty, Geori^e the Foi'rth . . . 1819. 5 Line engraving. S. K. M. Cat. (PortraiLs) 2.504t;.2. ANONYMOUS. His Mo.st Excellext Majesty George the Third . . . 1810. P Line rngrarinij. Le B. 1. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 25046. Brj-.ii; 504. Slocombe, C. P. (1832-1886) English School. [Moonlight ox the Channel] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Slocombe, Edward (1850- ) English School. [TiNTERN Abbey] 1884. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. [A COUNTRY lane] 1884. Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. Slocombe, Frederick (lSi7- ) English School. [The college walk] Etching. Proof: Before all letters. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 301 Smillie, James (1807-1885) Amencaii School. BIERSTADT, Albert (1830-1902) [The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak] 1866. Line engranng. Proof: Before letters. Signed by artist. Baker, p. 163. Smith, Anker. See L A N D S E E R , John, aud SMITH, Anker. Smith, Benjamin ( -1833) English School. HOGARTH, William (1697-1764) William Hogarth. 179.5. P Stipple engranng. Le B. 9. N. 4. Bry. il: 506. Smith, Hezekiah Wright (1828-1879) American School. STUART, Gilbert (1755-1828) [George Washington] P Stipple engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Baker (Wash.) 334. Baker, p. 165. WIGHT, Mosea (1827- ) [Edward Everett] 1858. P Mired engraving. Proof: Before letters. With Everett's autograph, Baker, p. 165. Smith, John (1652-1742) English School. th. Carolis 1. . . . Heb. xi: 38. Charles I., of England P Mezzotint: First state. Wes. (Smitti) 40. Le B. 15. N. 6. S. 44. Suth. i: 164. 302 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Smith, John — Continued. K N E L L E R, Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) CaROLUS III. HiSPANIAKUM ET InDIARUM ReX ... T^ Mezzotint: Second stote. Wes. (Smith) 45. Le B. 123. N. 25. S. 241. K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) Mr William Congreve. 1710. J^ Mezzotint: Second state. Wes. (Smith) 61. Lo B. 92, N. 208. S. hi. Bib. Nat. 10415 (7) K N E L L E R , Kir Godfrey (1646-1723) M^Grinlin Gibbons. [1690?] 5 Mezzotint: Second state. Wes. (Smith) 110. Le B. 1S3. N. 225. S. 105. Bib. Nat., 18161 (2) K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) Jacobus Secundus Dei Gr.wia. Anoli.e, Scoti.e, Francis, et Hiberni.e Rex Act. [16977] 5 Mezzotint: Second ntate. We.s. (Smith) 148. Le B. 35. N. 10. S. 143. Bib. Nat. 23071 (78) K N E L L E R , Sir CJodfrey (1646-1723) Serenlssima Maria D. G. Angli.e Scoti.f, Fran'ci.e & Hiberni^: Regika Act. [1695?] Mary II., of England, wife of William III. P Mezzotint: Second state. Wes. (Smith) 170. Le B. 43. N. 81. S. 172. H. 19. K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) His E.xcellency John, Duke of Marlborough . . . P Mezzotint. Wes. (Smith) 177. Le B. 181. N. 61. S. 163. K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) IsAACua Newton Eq: Aur. 1712. P Mezzotint: Second state. Wes. (Smith) 194. Le B. 198. N. 204. S. 190. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 303 Smith, John — Continued. K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) M^ Alexander Pope . . . 1717. 9 Mezzotint: Second state. Wes. (Smith! 209, Le B. 212. N. 205. S. 203. [Same] K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) Frederick Doke of ScnoNBERa . . . [16897] P Mezzotint: First state. VVes. (Smith) 228. Le B. 238. N. 66. H. 23. S. 227. K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) [William III., King of England] Tfi Mezzotint: Second state. From the collection of D. Franken Dz. Wes. (Smith) 228. Le B. 56. S.227. N.18. Bib. Nat. 19758 (157) K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) GuLiELMUs Tertii's D. G. Angli.e Scotia Franci.e et Hiberni^ Re.x &c. [1695?] William III., King of England. P Mezzotint: Second state. Wes, (Smith) 270. Le B. 50. N. 1.5. H. 18. S. 271. Bib. Nat, 19758 (153) K N E L L E R , Sir Godfrey (1646-1723) GuLiELMus III D. G. Ang. Sco. Fran, et Hib. Hex &c. William III., King of England. P Mezzotint: First state. Wes. (Smith) 272, Le B, .52, S. 273. LARGILLIERE, Nicolas de (1656-1746) jAc-oBrs Secundus Dei Gr.\tia Anglic, Scotle, Franci.e et Hibernle Re.x &ct. P Mezzotint: Scond state. Wes. (Smith) 150. Le B. 37. N. 12. S. 145. Bib. Nat. 23071 (79) RICHARDSON, Jonathan, I (1665-1745) Mr RicriAKD Steele. [171.3?] P Mezzotint: Second state. Wes. (Smith) 246. Le B. 251. N, 209, S, 244. 304 GAKDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Smith, John — Continued. WEIDEMANN, Fricdrich Wilhelm (1668-1750) FREDEUicrs GriLi.ELMrs D. G. Borussori'.m Rex . . . P Mezzotint: Second state. Wes. (Smith) 96. Le B. 213. N. 20. S. 204. W I S S I N G , Willem (1656-1687) GuLiELMfs Dei Gratia Angli.b Scot: Franci.e & Hiberni.e Re.x. [1688?] William III., King of England. 5 Mezzotint: First state. Wes. (.Smith) 274. Le B. .54. N. 16. S. 27.5. Bib. Nat. 197,58 (164) W I S S I N G , Willem (1656-1687) and VANDERVAART, Jan (1647-1721) GuLiBLMUs D. G. .Vnhlijs Rex . . . [1690?] William III., King of England. g Mc:zotinl. Wes. (Smith) 273. Le B. 65. N. 19. S. 274. Bib.Nat.l975S (I6G) Smith, John Raphael (176^-1812) EnglisJi School Marie Antoinette d'Autriche Reine de France . . . 1776. P Mezzotiiil. Frankau230. S. U)3. N. 3. LeB.103. Bry. ii:508. Miss [Catherine] Frederick. 1777. P MezMtint: First state. Frankau 148. S. 6.5. Le B. 66. A P P I A N 1 , Andrea (1754-1817) Buonaparte first Consul of France, . . . 1800. P Mezzotint. rrankati52. Le B. 28. S.28. BEMBRIDGE, Henry (worked 1760) Pascal Paoli, General of the Corsicans . . . Vincet a.mor Patrle . . . 1769. ^ Mezzotint. Frankaii 268. S. 130. Le B. 130. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 305 Smith, John Raphael— Continued. GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas (1727-1788) His Royal Highness George Prince «v Wales. 1783. f Colored mezzotint: Third state. Frankau as.s. S. 167. Le B. 167. N. 1. H.2«. Bry. ii; 508. Bib. Nat. 17911 (82) NORTHCOTE, James (1746-1831) A Visit to the Grandmother. Mezzuliiii. Frankaii 357. S, 185. Le B, 227. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) A Snake in the Grass. 1787. Stipple engranng: First state. Franknii 326. WRIGHT, Joseph (1734-1797) The Widow of an Indian Chief watphing the Arms op her deceased Husband. 1789. Mezzotint. Frankau375. N.132. SoUs, Virgil (151i-1562) Otrman School. [Quatre bustes dans des ronds] Line engraving. B. 444. Le B. 505. N. 446. [Un gobelet avec son couvercle] Line engraving. B. 625. Le B. 615. N. 527. Somer, Mathy.s van (worked ah. 1050-1670) Bidc/i School. SiGisMONDo Terqo Re di Polonia . . . [1(367] 5P Line engraving. Le B. 16. N. 5. 30705—04 -20 306 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Somer, Paul van, II (ab. 1049-1694) D^ifch Srho„l. Louis le Grand Rov de Fkance et de Navarre. 5 Etching. Le B. 4. N. 1. J A R D I N , Karel du (ab. 1622-1678) [GUERISON DU PARALVTIQI'e] Mezzotint. Proof: Before all lettersi. Lc B. 207. N. 50. H. 17. Soutman, Pieter Claesz (ISSO-IOST) Flrmi^h School RUBENS, retriLS Paulus (1577-1640) [SiLKXE IVRE, SOUTENU PAR VNE S.\TYRE.SSE ET UXE XEGRESSE] SiLENlTM PaTREM, BaCCHI 1642. Etching. Le B. 17. N. 18. Dutuit vi: 1.>I (64) Soutman, Pieter Claesz. See also RUBENS, Petrus Paulus. Spagnoletto, Lo. See R I B E R A , Jusepe de. Spagnuoli, Francesco (worked first half nineteenth century) ItaUa7i School, F I E S O L E , (iiovaiini da. OiUed Fra Angelico ( i:»7-14.i.5) [Saints] Lint' engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Springinklee, Hans. See B U R G K M A I R , Hans. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 307 Stadler, Franz von (worked first half nineteenth century) German School. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Called Titian ( 1477-1576) La V^ierge aux Anges. Liiu engraving. LeB. 1. H. 1. Ap. 1. Star, Dirk van (worked 1520-1550) Dutch School. [S. Pierre maechant sur l'eau] 1525. Des. 30. Line engraring. From the von Liphart collection. B. 4. Le B. 4. H. 4. N. 4. DlUllit 4. [Jesus Christ tente par le demon] 1525. April II. Line engraving. From the von Liphart collection. B. 5. Le B. 5. H. 5. N. 5. Duiuit 5. Steifensaud, Xaver (1809-1876) German School. SCHRADER, Julius Friedrich Antonio (1815-1900) [L'Empereur Frederic II. et son medecin Petrus de Vineis] Line engrai'ing. Proof: Before all letters. Presentation inscription by engraver. Le B. 26. Ap. 16. H. h. Bry. ii; 630. Steiiila (Miiller), Moritz (1791-1858) German School. H L B E I N , Hans, II ( 1497-1543) [La S. Vierge avec l' Enfant Jesus . . . du bourgmestre Meyer] 1S41. With arms. Line engraring: Third state. Le B. 36. N. -28. H. 2. Ap. f>. Gray Coll. p. 3.56. PAGHOLO DEL FATTORINO, Bartolommeo di. CalM Fra Bartolommeo ( 1475-1517) [La Madonna della Cattedrale di Lucca] 1834. With arms. Line engraving: Fourth state. Le B. 41. N. 24. H. 4. Ap. S. [Same] Proof: Before all letters. 308 GARDINER GREENP: HUBBARD COLLECTION Steinla (MiiUer), Moritz— Contiuued. S A N Z I , Raffatllo. Calk-d Rapliael ( 14S:i-1520) JuLii-s II. [1856] P Line engraving: Third state. Le B. V2. H. 12. Ap. 28. Gray Coll. !■. 35(1. Stent, Peter (worked 1640-1662) EngJhh School. Richard L.\te Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland. Sold by Peter Stent. P hint cngracimj. Sternberg, Frank (1858- ) Enf/JIxh School. G R E U Z E , Jean BaptLste ( 172.5-1805 ) [Napoleon Bonaparte as Lieutenant in the First Artillery of La Fere] 1892. 9 Mezzotint. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by engraver. Stimmer, Tobias (1539-af.l588) frcr/ixin School. [Die HEILKiE JUNCFRAU MIT DEM KiNDE] Woodcut. From the Firmin-Didot collection. Andrea. 43. Le B. 44. H. 4. Stock, Andrie.s (al). 1590- ) Flenmh Schtool. L E Y D E N , Lucas van (1494-1533 ) Effuhes Lcc.es he Leyda . . . P Line enijraring: Second state. Le B. 9. H. & R. 3. N. 0. Bry. ii: .^SO, CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 309 Stober, Franz (1795-1858) German School. E N D E R , Johann Nepomuk (1793-1854) Apollo. lAne engraving. LeB. 35. N. 22. E N D E R , Johann Nepomuk (1793-1854) Bacchus Zdg n.^ch Indien. Triomphe de Baccus dans les I.vdes. Line engraving. Le B. 34. N. ■>\. E N D E R , Johann Nepomuk (1793-1854) Bellerophon. Line engraving. Le B. 34. N. 21. E N D E R , Johann Nepomuk (1793-1854) Chione. Line engraving, he B. 34. N. 21. E N D E R , Johann Nepomuk (1793-1854) Daphne. Line engraving. Le B. 34. N. 21. LO D E R , Matthiius (1781-1828) Hero & Leander. Line engraving. Le B. 34. N. 21. L D E R , Matthiius (1781-1828) JupiTEK. (Infant) Line engraving. Le B. 3.5. N. 22. REDL, .Tosef (1774-1836) Pluto. Line engraving. Le B. 35. N. 22. 310 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Stober, Franz — Continued. RUSS, Karl (1779-1843) Cragaleus. Line engraving. Le B. 3-1. N. 21. Stoop, Dirk (1610-1086) Bufck Schnol. [Un cheval refuse d'aller a l'eau] Etching: Second state. B. 2. Le B. l-r2. N. 2. H. 2. B. Slippl. 2. Dutuit 2. [Un cheval .\TTACHE par le LICOl'] Etching: Second state. B. 9. Le B. 1-12. N. 9. H. 9. B. Suppl. 9. Dutuit 9. [Un cheval devant une mangeoire] Etching: Second state. B.ll. LeB. 1-12. N. 11. H. 11. B. Suppl. 11. Dutuit 11. Storm van's Gravesande, Charl&s. See GRAVESANDE. Charles Storm van's. Stow, James (ab. 177<)-af. 1820) English School. POND, Arthur ( 1 70.i-l 75.S ) Ale.x. Pope. 1794. P Line engraving. Strange, Robert (1721-1792) English School. DYCK, Anthonie van (1599-1641) Carolo I ".'' Magn;e Britanni.e Regi, &c. Jacobus Hamiltonius, Marchio . . . 1782. Charles I. and the Duke of Hamilton. 5 Line engraving: Third state. LeB. (S.)4.^ LeB. 4.5. N. 2. H. 38. Gray Coll. j.. 3r,2. P. & B. ill: .^73. Bry. ii: 540. A p. 47. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 311 Strange, Robert — Continued. DYCK, Anthonie van (1599-1641) Charles I'^Kixg op Great Britain &c. . . . 1770. P Line engraving: Fourth state. LeB. (S.)4C. LeB. 46. N. 1. H. 39. Gray Coll. p. 363. P. & B. iii: 572. Bib. Nat. 9143 (147) Bry. ii: 540. Ap. 45. DYCK, Anthonie van (1 599-1641) Charles Prince op Wales, James Duke op York, and Princess Marv; Childrex of King Charles the 1 7 . P Line engraiing: Second state. LeB. (.S.) 49. LeB. 49. N. 4. H. 41. Gray Coll. p. 363. P. & B. iii; 572. Bry. ii: 540. Ap. 46. DYCK, Anthonie van (1.599-1641) [Henriette-Makie, reine, et ses enfants] [1784] P Line engraving: Second state. ' LeB. (S.) 48. LeB. 48. N. 3. H. 40. Gray Coll. p. 363. P. & B. iii: .573. Bry. ii: .540. .ip. 48. Bib. Nat. 21203 (47) MAZZUOLA, Francesco. Oilkd 11 Parmigiano (1503-1540 ) Pasmigiani .\mica. 1774. Antea, the mistres.s of Parmigiano, witli a fhild. P Line engraving: Second state. LeB. (S.) 56. Le B. 63. N. 7. H. 45. Gray Coll. p. 363. P. & B. iii: 570. Bry. ii: .>10. Ap, 43. REN I, Oiuido (1575-1642) [La .mort de Cleop.\tre] Ausa & jacentem . . . 1753. Line engraving: Third state. LeB. (S.) 22. LeB. 22. N. 50. H. 19. P. & B. iii: 569. Bry. u: 540. Ap. 33. REN I, Guide (157.5-1642) [La Fortune] [1778] Line engraving: Second state. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. (S.) 41. Le B. 41. H. 35. Gray Coll., p. 362, N. 39. P. & B. ui. 5n. Bry. ii: 540. Ap. 29. V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Called Titian ( 1477-1576) Venus et Adonis . . . 1779. Line engraving: Second state. LeB. (S.) 29. Le B. 29. N. 36. Gray Coll. p. 361. H. 26. P. & B. iii: 571. Bry. ii: .>10. Ap. 22. 312 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Stuerhelt, F. (worked ab. 1650-1660) German Schnol. CHAMPAIGNE, Philij.iie de (1602-1674) Kminentissimvs. IvLivs.C'ARUiNALis.MAZARiNis.&r. Cardinal Mazarin. JI Line enffmrin;;. From the Firmin-Didot collection. LeB. II. N. 0. H. 1. Sturt, John (1658-1730) Englhh. SvJwol. ANONYMOUS. loHN BuNVAN MiNI.STER OF THE GoSPEL AT BEDFORD P Line enyramnij. S. K. M. Cat. (I'ortruits) 2ti6"2. Bromlfv, p. 179. Sutherland, Thomas (ah. 1785- ) F)u/lis/i Rrhool. MARRYAT, Capt. Frederick, K. N. (1792-1848) The Tomb op Bonaparte. Who wa.s Interr'd, at his own request, i'nder some Willow Trees . . . AquaihU. Sutherland, Thomas. See also A L K E N , lienrv, and SUTHERLAND, Thomas. Suyderhoef, Jonas (1(!13 (1610?)-1686) Dutch School. PhILIPPUS. I. DlCTUS PrLCIIER Ke.\- ... p. 80ITMAN EFFICIAUIT ET E.XCUD. Philip I., King of Castile. IP Etchiny and line engraving: First? state. Le B. 21. N. r.V. Diitiiit «;!. HeNRICI'S (tOLTZIUS ScULPTI'R.E ET PICTIR-E . . . Eer Boven Golt. P Etching and line engrapintj: Second state. Le B. S7. N. 22. U. 13. Uutuit 30. Bib. Nat. LViOT (17) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 31 13 Suyderhoef, . I onus — CoiitimuHl. DYCK, Antlionio van (15il9-lti-ll) CaROIA'S, MA(1N'/E BitlTANNl.K, . . . RkX SlCHENISSIMl'S. T'. SoUTMAN I'^n-KIIAVIT. CllUrlOH I. P Etching and line engraving: From the Firmin-Didot colleetioii. Lf B. 12. N. 9. Dutult 10. H * K. v: 378 (,')) llmiidos Coll. 1: '281. Ulb. Nat. i)M:) (ll«) Hry. 11: M.'i. D/CK, Anlhoiii.' van (ir,i)i)-l()41 ) IllCNHIlcnA M.MIIA (JaKOI.I VxoU . . . I'. SolTMAN KI''1'I( J I A VIT UT lOXCl'Il. }I I'lrhiny and line engraving: First state. From tlio Firmin-Didot collortion. 1,0 H. l;i. N. 28. Dutult 8H. H. & R. v: 378 (G) Brundes Coll. 1; 281. I)r.v. 11: WB. Hlb. Nal. 2120:1 (18) DYCK, Antlioni.' van (1599-1041) FrANCIWIS 1>K MoNCADA ... p. SoUTMAN KFPIfllAl'IT RT EXIUD. }I Ricliing and line engraving: First state. I.c It. 00. N. 10. liuUiil .'.7. II. A K. v: :178 (7) Ilniii'lrs Coll. i: 2s.'i, Ury. II: Mr.. L E Y D E N , l,noa.H v;iu ( 1 19 1 15.33) Maximiliani's, Dm (iuatia iMrmtATou Semi-ku Auou.stus .\ncnn)ux .Vr.sxRi.n, Dux Hith- Gl'NDI.K KT BkI.OAUUM I'KINCKIW. P. SoUTMA.N Kl'l'KII Al'lT KT KXCUD. }I Elcliing and line engraving: Second state. Li' li. .s. N. 11. Dulull r.:i, II. A H. v: 37H (8) Hnuiclrs Coll. 1: 300. OSTADE, A.lriaen Jansz van (1()10-108&) [Lk IlAI,] Line engraving: Seeond state. Lo li, 131. N. 105. Dutult 128, 11.72. H. & U. v: S81 (17) Brnndcs Coll. 11: 1711. Ury. II: .Vlfi. POT, Hendrik Gerritsz (ali. 1585-1657) Martinus Thompiu.s II. F. . . . JI Etching and line engraving: First state. Lc B. 90. N. 83. II. 13. Dutult 90. SOUTMAN, rieter Claes/, (1680-1657) Fkudinandls. Ill Dei ob,\tia Imperator Semper Auoi'hti's Gkrmani.^, . . . T". Soi'dtman EEFioiAViT ET Excul). Ferdinand 111., lOmperor of (iernuiny. Jl ICtehing and line engraving: First state. From the Chevalier J. Camberlvii i-ollecl ion, IS45. Lc B. 7. N. 19. Dutult 20. Hmiidos Coll. 1: 613. Bib. Nat. 1EM5 (07) 314 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Swaine, John (1775-1860) English School. G A U L T I E R , Pierre (worked 1730-1762) Henry the Great. In the armour worn upon his triumphal return to Paris after SUBJECTING Sedan in 1606. Le Septre he Milice. Apre.s l'honneur des Martiaux Combats . . . 1824. P Line engraving. After the print by Pierre Gaultier. Sysang, Jobann Christopher (1703-1754) German School. Elisabeth Petrowna Kay.serin von Kussland. 5^ Line engriiiitig. Le B. 1-1. Bib. Nat. 1M31 (31) Tardieu, Nicolas Henri (1674-1749) French School. W A T T E A U , .lean Antoine (1684-1721) [Watteau et Julienne dans un parc] Assis, aupres de toy . . . 5 LAne engratinij. P. &B. .5, and ii:.''i04. Didot (Portraits) 2317. Bib. Nat. 23705(2) D'EcWrac 103. Rosenberg95. LeB.8. H.17. N.i;3. Tardieu, Pierre Alexandre (1756-1844) Frem-h School. D U M N T, Fran(;ois (1751-af. 1830) [Marie Antoinette] [1S15] P lAnc engraring. Proof: Before letter.s. LeB. 22. BCt. xii: 73. H. 9. N. 8. P. & B. IS. Ap. 17. Bry. ii: 552 CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 315 Tardieu, Pierre Alexandre — Continued. DUPLESSIS, Joseph Sifrede (1725-1802) [Benjamin Franklin] Jp Line eiiffrctring. Proof: Before letters. Le B. 23. Bib. Nat. 16.i9.S (59) GERARD, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-18.37) Le Maeechal Nby Due d'Elchingen . . . 1814. P Line engraving. Le B. 38. N. 21. Ap. 21. Bry. ii: 5.52. Tardieu, Pierre Alexandre (1756-1844), Malbeste, Georges (ITSI-ISIS) and Dupreel Jean Baptiste Michel (worked ab. 1790-1820) French School. I S A B E Y , .Jean Baptiste (1767-18.5.5) and P E R C I E R , Charles (1764-18.38) L'EMPERErR EN Gr.\nd Costume. 1808. 9 Line engraving and etching. Le B. 20. BOr. xii: 73, and viii; 151 (S) H. S. Ap. W. Bry. ii: 652. Tassaert, Jean Joseph Francois (1765-1812 (1835?)) French School. A P P I A N I , .\ndrea (1754-1817) Buonaparte No.m.me General ex Chef de l'Ar.\iee d'Italie . . . 1798. Drawn Vjy Phi- lippe Auguste Hennequin (1763-1833), after the portrait by Appiani. $ Stipple engraving. Le B. 5. N. 4. P. & B. iii: .590. B^r. xii: 75. APPIANI, Andrea (1754-1817) BoNAP.iRTE, Pre.mier Consul. The portrait appears to be based npon the portrait by Appiani. P Stipple engraving. p. & B. iii: .590. B6r. xii: 75. H A U E R , Jean Jacques (1751-1829) Marie Anne Charlotte CoRDAY . . . Ci devaxt d'.\rm.\xs . . . Underneath a vignette of the assassination of Marat. P Stipple engraving: Second state. Le B. 4. Biir. xii: 75. Didot (Portraits) 2321. P. & B. iii: 590. Bib. Nat. 10650(61) 31 G GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Tassaert, Pierre (Philippe?) Joseph (1736-1 8()3) EiKjlkh School. RUBENS, IVtrus Pauliis (1577-1640) [Les enfants de Rubens A la promenade] 1768. 5 Mezzotint. Proof: Before letters. U' li. 11. N. :i. H. 7. S. 2. Bry. u: 553. Teichel, Albert (1815(22 »)-ls78) German School. S C H A D W , .lohanii (iottfried ( 1764-1.S50) [Frederic le Grand] 3^ h\nc eitgrnviiir;. Proof: Eefiire letters. Le B. 21. VINCI, Leonardo da (14.52-1519) Monna Lisa. Lhie engrai'inr/: Second state. Le B. 1.^. H. (■). Ap. 22. Teniers, David, II (IfilO-lfiiXi) Flemish Srhool. [F{:te flamande dans la coi'r d'une maison] Etchmg: Tliird state. LeB. 1. N. 1. H. 0. Diiluitl. [S. Antoine ENTcirnE de demons] Etching: Second state. From the Artaria collection. LcB. 12. H. 1. Dnmit 11. N.ll. H & R. V: 324 (.i) [Interiei'r de ctisine] Etchinr/: Spconi) state. Lc B. l.i. H. «. Diituit M. N.ll. Bmiides Coll. i: 540. [La vi'e] EtchitKj: Secondstate. One of the set of the "FiveSenses." From the Art.Tria collection. Le B. ]«. N. 15. IL 4. Dliluil 1,5. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 317 Teniers, David, II — Continued. [Deux fumeurm debout et trois paysans assis k table, doxt deux jouent aux cartel] Etching: Second State. Le B. 21. H. 10. Dutuit 20. N. 20. [LeS TIREUR.S AU BLANC] Etching: First state. From the collection of Carl Schloesser, 1880. LeB. 31. Dutuit 37. N. 37. Teyssonnieres, Pierre Salvy Frederic (183-1- ) French School. [Le Calvado.s — p^cheuses de moules] 1884. Etching. Remarque proof on Japan paper. Signed by etcher. Bir. xii: 108. ANONYMOUS. [Marie Stuart] 5P Etching. Remarque proof on .Japan paper. Signed by etcher. Ber. xii : lO'J. Thevenin, Jean Charles Bienvenu Gaspard (1819-1869) French School. D YC K , Anthonie van (1599-1641) [Le.s enfants de Charles I™] [186.3] 5 Line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. Le B. 2. Ap. 6. H. 8. BOr. xi: 111. Bry. ii: 564. Thomas (Thoma,? van Yperen), Jan (1017-1073) Flemish School. RUBENS, Petrus Paulus (1.577-1()40) [Pastorale. Berger et bergjire se tenant par la main] Etching: First address. LeB. 4. N. 4. H.&R. 3. H. 1. Brandes Coll. i: 473. Dutuit vi: 171 (60) Bry. ii: 56.";. 318 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Thomassin, Henri Simon (1687-1741) Frencli, School. RIGAUD-Y-ROS, Hyacinthe Fran<;ois H. M. P.-K-il. A. J. (1659-1743) and A U T R E A U , Louis (ab. 1692-1760) Andre IIerctles, Cardinal de Fleury . . . Quem Frustra Qc^esivit . . . The portrait of Cardinal Fleury, supported by Diogenes, who has finally found an honest man. 5 Line eii. Bib. Nat. '20H92(") L E B R U N , Charles (1619-1690) [LouiH XIV., Roi, EN cuir.as.se] 1666. With arma. P Line engraving: First state. Le B. 43. N. 2. Didot (Portraits) 2207. F E B U R E , Claude le (1632-1675) [Fran^wis Michel le Tellier, Mabcjuis de Lorvois] 1666. With arras. P Line engraviiiy. LeB. 79. Didot (Portraits) 2234. Br>-. ii: 479. H. i R. 16. M I G N A R D . Pierre (1612-1695) [Due DE Mazarin, Cardinal] Ocvlos H«c Sydera Svpple=nt . . . 1661. With arms. P Line engraiitig. Le B. 86. H. 34. N. 17. H. & R. 20. Didot (Portraits) 2242. Bry. ii: 479. N C R E T , Jean (1617-1672) [Philippe de France, Due d'Orleans, Monsieur, frere unique du roi] 1660. With arms. P Line engrai'ing. Le B. 48. Didot (Portraits) 2211. Velde, Adriaen van de (1635(1636)-1672) Dutch School. [La vaciie et les deux mouto.ns au pied d'un arbke] 1670. EtcJiing. B. 11. Dutuitll. LeB. 11. H. 2. N. 11. [La brebis] 1670. Etching. From the Esdaile collection. B. 14. Dutuit 14. Le B. 14. H. .S. N. 14. 328 GARDINER GRP:E.\E HUBBARD COLLECTION Velde, Jail van de. II (ah. 1598-af. lt;Ty) iJuich SchnoJ. [Les .lolElKS DE TRUTKAc] VekKEERDEX YvER. IIoE LRUT VERKEERMEN . lAiie iiKjniriiKj: Sei'oiul state. F. ctK.112. Lc B. 1J5. 11. Ifi. J. iii: 103. X. 3,5. H. it R. S. [Oliver Oromwei.i.] 1'. K. O. C. Tfi Afjualint. First state. F. AK. p. 191. J. iii: lOi;. H. i R. 11. N. 1. Bib. N«t. 11L>45(S9) Vermeulen, Cornoli.- (ab. 16+4-1702 (1710»)) Finnish School. D Y C K , Aiithonie van ( 1599-l(i41 ) M.\RH LUISSA DE T.\ssis. 5 Line i-iigrnviiiij: Second state. Le B. M. H. 19. H. & R. 'Jl. J. iii: IM. N. 19. Bry. ii; 668. Didot (Portraits) 2401. W E R F F, Adriaen van der (1859-17l'2) Elisabetii. r>'fN Peke FURIEI'X . . . 9 Line nignirin;/. LcB. 3. H. AR. I. J. iiiilM. N. 9. Bib. Nat. 14417(107) W E R F F, .Viiriaen van der (16.")(t-172L') Catherlne Howarii. Ma beaite m'eleva bikn havt . . . 9 Line engrai'inii. Lc B. 7. H. & R. 3. J. iii: 104. N. 13. Bry. ii: liba. Vertue, George (1684-1756) Eni/Ihh School. Francis Beav.moxt. Esq. . . . Il'Dicis argutum . . . 1729. With arms. P Line rngrdrini). Ver. Cat. p. 219. Lc B. hi. N. 4.S (7) Bib. Nat. 3.551(8) S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 21S0S. G. CnAtcER. Ai. YOGH HIS i.YFE . . . Witli amis. 9 Line engraiinij. Ver. Cat, p. 218. Lc B. 4U. N. 45 (2) CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 329 Vertue, George — Continued. Joannes Fletcher Episcopi Lond. Fii.i' 1729. LrsiT Amabiliter . . . With anns. 9 Line engrariny. Ver. Cat. p. 219. Le B. .W. S. 4,t (12) Bib. Nat. 16017(4) S. K. M. Cat. (Portrait.«) 27865.6. JOANNE.S GoWER . . . AnhLORU-M Poeta Celeberrimi's . . . 1727 . . . {I Line engraring. Title-page to the set of twelve poet". With the C)xford arms. Ver. Cat. p. 218. Le B. 48. N. 4.5 (1) S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 2786.5.1. loANNE.s Milton . . . Three Poets in three distant ages . . . 1725. With arm.>-. 5 Line engraving. No. 9 in set of twelve poets. Ver. Cat. p. 219. Le B, 52. N. 45 (5) S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 2786.5.4. [EJDMUND Spencer . . . Anglica te vivo . . . 1727. P Line engraving. Ver. Cat. p. 218. Le B. 63. N. 45 (rt) B U R B A G E , Richard (?) (1567?-ltU9) William Shake.>94-1771) The Hoxohable Matthew Prior, Esq. Her late most SArRED Ma.iesty's Plenipoten- tiary TO Loi'is the XIV, Kino ok France . . . [1719] P Line eiit/fdeiiig. Suth. ii: 13, where it is iittribiited to Alexis Simon Belle (1074-1734) Bromley, p. 236. Ames, p. 128 (29) RICHARDSON, J(jnathan, II ( 1094-1771 ) [Matthew Prkjr] [1710] P Litie eni/rdviiKj. Ames, p. 128 (29) Bromley, p. 23G. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 2670,S. Nat. Por. Gal., p. 366. SO EST (Zoust), Gerard (ab. 16.37-1680) Prjecellentissimi Vatis, Samuelis Butler. Calidus Exirs.so popuLL-iM . . . 5 Li7ie engraniig. Ver. Cat. p. 219. Le B. .i6. N. 45 (9) S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 21S07. ANONYMOUS. Maria 8cotorv[m] Regin[a] et Francis Dotaria. Nemo me impvne . . . 1735. With arms. Mary, Queen of Scots. 5 Line engniring. From the collection of Prince Labanoff de Rostoff. Le B. 16. H. 2. N. 5. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 29717.7. Verzwyvel (Ver Swyvel), Michel Karel Antooii (1819-1868) FJcmi.'ih School. K E Y S E R (Keijser), Nicaise de (1813-1887) [Portrait of a lady] 1857. Line engraving. Proof : Before letters. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 331 Vicentino, Giuseppe Niccolo. Called Rospigliani (ab. 1510-!if. 1540) Italian School. MAZZUOLA, Francesco. Called II Parmigiano (1503-1540) [L' ADORATION DES MAOEs] Chiaroscuro from three blocks: First and mecond states. B. xii: 29 (2) Le B. 1. N. 1. Nag. Mon. 11: 847 (1) Br. 11: 108 (851-1) H. 1. Vigneron, Vigna (worked early nineteenth century) French School. J A N I N E T, .Jean Francois (1752-1813) Mauie-Ant"' d'Authiche, Reine de Fbanxe et de Navarre. P Colored aquatint. Vinkeles, Reinier (1741-1816) Dutch School. M E Y S , Ferdinand , Nat. 641i (.H:i) GeLLU'S DE BoVMA ECCI.E.S1ASTES ZITPIIANIENSIS . . . (.>RA VIRI VFLTl'MH VIPES . . . LeEV' LAKf. . . . [1656] P Lini' I'lii/niring: iSecofid state. Dutiut»9. Lu B. 1). H. 1. N. 1. H.& R. v: 399 (4) Bib. Nat. 59.55. Gray Coll. p. 3M9. Bry. ii: 674 IliANNES C'ALVINfS . . . GaLVINUM ASSIDUE . . . 5 Liiu' eitgraviiif/. Cornelis Visscher, Publisher. Bib. .\at. 7nU 19-J) LlEVEX VA.N CoPPENOL. Dit's CoPPENOL WIE KENT DEN NAEM NIET? . . . [1658] ■p Line engraving: Fourth state. Diltuit 93. LfB. 14. H. 5. H. A R. v: 400 (IS) N. 'J'i. Bib. Nat. Iu.i97 (4) [Same] 5 Line engriiving: Proof: Before all lettere. [TfeTE DE viEii.LE femme] KiK iwii as the " Mother of Vis.sciier. " P Elehing: Second state. nmuil 1-29. H. 21. H. & R. v: 101 (Jl) N. 'ifi. LOTTO, Lorenzo (wrongly attributed to Correggio) (ab. 1480-al). 1555 or 1556) [Andrea Odoni] P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. Diltuit .52. Le B. 2.S. H. 10. N. 1.5.5. S T A D E , .\driaen .Tansz van (161l)-1685) [Interibcr DE taragie] Also called Le Patineur. Line engraving: Second state. From the Esdaile and Ilibbert eollection.es. C.iROLvs V. Ava. (op (ter.m.^ny) P Line engraving. From a copy by Rubens* of Titian'? painting. Hym. 150. Le B. 1. H. 30. Bry. ii: C.S3. H. & R. v: 27.i (37) Bib. Nat. 9140(194) V E C E L L I , Tiziano. Called Titian ( 1477-1576) Ls.iBELLA EsTENsw Francisci Go.nzaoae March. Mantovae Vxok. Isabella ci'Este. 9 Line engraving: Second state. From a copy by Rubens of Titian's painting. Hym. 172. Le B. 28. N. 9. Vorsterman, Lucas L See also G U D T , Hendrick Grave van, and RUBENS Petru.s PauliLs. Vrientail, II. (worked early nineteenth century) Fi't-nch School. BERTRAND, Gabrielle (17.37-1790) [Napoleon at St. Helena] $ Aquatint, printed in I'olor, and hand colored. [Sa.me] ^ Aijuatiitt, |>i'inted in lilark. Vrijdag, Daniel (1765-1822) D>/tc/> School. K U Y P E R (Knijper) Jacob (1761-180.H) [Alll\.n'TIEI-'ee.st met Fraxkri.jk] Line en gra ring. Proof; before letters. N. 6. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 337 w Wagner, Friedrich (1S03-1S76) Gernum ScImoI. VINCI, Leonardo da (1452-1519) [Die Figur des Heilanda aus dem Abendmahl] Amen Dice Vobis, &c. Lhi£ engraving. LeB. 11. Ap. 6. N. 4. Wagner, Joseph (1706-1780) Ifalian School. A M I C N I (Amigoni), Jacopo (1675-1752) Anna Prima Russorum Imperatrix. With arms. $ Line engraving. Le B. 9. N. 2. H. 15. Bib. Nat. 1297(27) Walker, William. I (1729-1793) F»glish School. H E R P , Guilliam van (1614-1677) A Flk.mish Entertainment. With arms. 1764. Line engraring. Le B. 16. H. 6. N. 15. Walker, William. II (1793-1867) Fnglish School. B U C K N E R , Richard (worked ab. 1830-1879) [Lord John Manners] 18.53. 5 Mezzotint. Proof: before letters. 30705—04 22 338 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Walker, William, II — Continued. LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas (1769-1830) Hexky Brougham. 1830. 9 Stipple engraving. S. K. M. Cat. (Portmits) 2iS13. R A E B U R N , Sir Henry (175(>-1823) Sir Walter Scott B.\r'^ 1826. With arms. J Mezzotint. Le B. 3. H. 7. No. 1. Walker, William, II (1793-1867) and Cousins, Samuel (1801-18S7) N A S M Y T H , Alexander (1758-1840) Robert Burns . . . 1842. 9 Mezzotint. Waltner, Charles Albert (1846- ) French School. GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas (1727-1788) [TjrE BLUE boy] 1879. Etching. Remarque proof. Ktcher's name in scratched letters. BOr. 104. Le B. 37. H. Suppl. 12. H E N N E R , Jean .lacques (1829- [Regin.\] 1SS8. Etcliiiig. Remarijue proof on velkini. Signed Ijy artist and etcher. BiT. Hi. L I E B , Michael. Calleil Miluily :\Iimli;lcsy (1844-1900) [Le (Christ i>ev.\.\t Pii,.\te] 1883. Etching. Remarque proof. Signed hy artist and etcher. B'?-L7!tO) EikjUxIi School. BOUCHER, Frani;ois ( 1703-1770) Madame la Marquise he Pompadouk . . . P MizzolinI: Seooml state. Coochv. |.I.\V.) 162. S. Its. Le B. ILS. N. ». H.32. P. & B. iii: 6.S1. D Y C K , Anthonit" van (1599-1641) Archbishop Laud. 1779. Willi arms. f Mezzulint: Third state. Gooihv. (.I.W.) 121. S. 9(1. Le I!, ss. .V. 32. H. 17. .S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 21744. M E T S U , Galiriel ( 1630-lii(>7) The Dishabille. 177ti. Mezzotint: Third state. Goodw. (J.W.) 179. Le. B. l.W. N. 71. H.2. PINE, Rdliert Ed^'e (1742-1790) John Wilkes, Esq" 1764. ^ Mrzz«tint. Goodw. (J. \V.) 26. S. l.W. Le B. 1.51. READ, Catherine ( -ali. 1786) [Pri.vce George of Wales and Prince Frederick] 5 Mezzotint: First state. Proof: Before letters. Good. (J.W.) lis. s. 60. Le E. .5. N. 2.S. H. 11. REYNOLDS, Sir .T,jshua (1723-1792) [Sir Jeffrey Amher-st, Co.mmander op the British Armies in America] 1766. P Mezzotint: First state. Proof: Before letters. Goodw. (J.W.) 38. S. 2. LeB.2. N. 42. H. IC. Bib.Nat.a4U(3) S. K.M. (Portraits) 21913. Bry. ii: 697. REYNOLDS, Sir Josliua (172:!-1792) Miss [Jclia] Bosville. 177.5. 9 Mezzotint: Second state. Goodw. (J.W.) 104. S. 11. Le B. 14. N. 21. REYNOLDS, Sir Joslina ( 1723-1792) [Ed.mcnd Bcrke] 1770. 5^ Mezzotint: First state. Proof: Before letters. Goodw. (J. W.) 69. S. 20. Le B. 23. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 343 Watson, James — Continued. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) Sami'el Johnson. 1770. P Mezzotint: Second state. Goodw. (.I.W.) 70. S. 82. Le B. 80. N. 37. Bry.ii;697. S. K.M. Cat. (Portraits) p. 'iM. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792). [Mrs. Annk Lascelles with her child] [1764] P Mezzotint: First state. GooiJw. (.I.W.) 31. S. 87. LeB. 85. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (172.3-1792) S"? Joshua Reynolds. -^ P Mezzotint: Second state. Goodw. (J. W.) 71. S. 123. Le B. 120. N. 48. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) H.\RRY Woodward, Co.mcedis Anulicanis celeberrimus. P Mezzotint: Second state. Goodw. (J. W.) 7. S. 156. Le B. 1.52. N. 3.i. Bry.ii:6»7. V A N L , Jean Baptiste (1684-1745) Sir Robert W.^lpole, afterwards Earl of Orford . . . 1788. With arms. 5 Mezzotint: Third state. Goodw. (J. W.) 131. S. 149, vol.iv.partsl i2. Le B. 14.5. N. 41. H. 12. S. K.M. Cat. (Portraits) 21914. Watson, Thomas (1743-1781) English School. L E L Y, Sir Peter (1618-1680) Lady Whitmore. I. 1778. P Mezzotint: Third state. Goodw. (T.W.) 34 (1) S. 5. Le B. 41. N. 23. H. 19. Brj-. ii: 697. LE LY, Sir Peter (1618-1680) Henrietta Countess of Rochester. II. 1779. |l Mezzotint: Third state. Goodw. (T.W.) 34 (2) S. 5. Le B. 40. N. 23. H. 19. Br}-. ii:697. 344 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Watson, Thomas — Continued. L E LY, Sir Peter (1618-lGSO) Frances Dutchess of Richmond. 111. 1779. P .Vezzoiiiit: Third state. Goodw. (T. W.) 34 (3) S. 5. Le B. 39. X. 23. H. 19. Bry. iii 697. LE LY, Sir Peter (1618-1680) ELI7,.\UF,Tn Coi'NTESS OK NoRTnr.MBERL.\ND. IV. 1779. y Mezzotint: Tliinl state. Goodw. (T. W.)34 (4) S. 6. Le B. 37. N. 23. H. 19. Bry. ii: 697. LELY, Sir Peter (1618-1680) AmELI.I Coi'NTESS OP OsSORY. V. 1779. f Mezzotmt: Third state. Goodw. (T.W.) 34 (.">) S. .5. Le B. 3S. N. 23. H. 19. Bry. ii: 697. L E L Y , Sir Peter (1618-1680) Barbar.\ Dutchess of Cleveland. VI. 1779. 3^ Mezzotint: Third state. Goodw. (T. W.) 34 (6) S. 5. LeB. 30. N. 23. H. 19. S. K.M. Cat. (Portraits) 22070. Bry. ii: 697. Bib. Nat. 9918(11) REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) David Garrick Esq"^ Prologue. 1779. P Mezzotint: Second state. Goodw. (T.W.) S.?. S. 16. LoB. 15. N. 9. H. 10. S. K. M. Cat. (Portraits) 28480. R Y N , Rembrandt Harniensz van (1606-1669) [Old man with velvet cap] So-called portrait of f.^ther of Rembrandt. 3P Mezzotint: Second state. Goodw. (T.W.) 4S. .?. 42. Le B. 56. N. 34. WHEATLEY, Francis (1747-1801 ) [Sigismunda] 1779. (Mrs. Siddons?) 9 Mezzotint: First state. Proof: Before letters. Goodw. (T. W.) 55. S. 44. Le B. 49. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 3i5 Weber, Friedrich (1813-1882) German School. HOLBEIN, Hans, II (1497-1543) [Erasme de Rotterdam] P Line engraving. Proof: Before title. Le B. 3. H. Suppl.15. B(5r. xii: 275. LETHIERE (Guillon), Guillaume (1760-1832) JOSEPHINE-MARIE-FRANgOISE TaSCHER DE LA PaGEEIE ImPEBATEICE DES FrAX^ AIS. . . . Gal"'' hist""?^ cle Versailles. 9 Line engraving. Beproduced by Gavard's diagraph and pantograph. Le B. 7. Bi5r. xii: 275. ST E U B E N , C. G. H. A. F. L., Baron de (1788-1856) [Xapole6n I™ Empereur avec son fils le roi de Rome] P iin€ m^rrannsr.- Second state. Proof: Before title. Le B. 6. H. 5. Ap. 7. B^r. xii: 275. Weigel, Christoph (1654-1725) German School. Carolis xii. D. G. Suecorum Gothorum et Vandalorum Rex. 2691. Cheistoph Weigel ExcuDiT. With arms. Charles Xll., of Sweden. P Mezzotint. Bib. Nat. 9168(89) Weiss, David (1775-1846) German School. STUBENRAUCH, Philipp von (1784-1839) Francois Joseph Ch.^rles Due de Reichstadt. P Stipple engraving. Whessell, John (ab. 1760- ) English School. Napoleone Buonap.vete, General in Chief of the Armies of Italy. 1797. P Colored stipple engraving. 346 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Whistler, James Abbott McNeill (1834-1903) Ainericari School. M c M U R T R I E, W. B. (worked middle ninetcrnth century) [Sketch of Anacapa Island, in Santa Barbara Channel] 1854. Line einjraring. Coast line by Whistler. Map engraved by Whistler, J. Young, and C. A. Knight. [Liverditn] [1859] Etching. Wed. (W.)4. Th. 2. [En plbin soleil] [1859] Etching. Wed. (W.)6. Th. 4. [The unsafe tenement] [1859] Etching: Second state. Wed. (VV.)-, Th. .S. [Dog on the kennel] [1859] Etching. Wed. (W.)8. Th. 20. [La mere Gerard] [1859] Etching. Wed. (W.) 9. Th. c. [The music-room] Portraits of Seymour Haden, Mrs. Haden (Whistler's sister) and a Mr. Freer. 5 Etching: Second state. Wed. (W.) 26. Th. 22. ["Tyzac, AVhitelv & Co.," known also as "Eagle Wharf"] 1859. Etching. Wed. (W.)39. Th. 40. [The lime-burner] 1859. Etching. Wed. (W.) 44. Th. 38. [Portrait op Drouet] 1859. P Etching. Wed. (W.) 53. Th. 55. .4): V.-^ ^^1^ CATALOG OF ENGRAVEKS 347 Whistler. James Abbott McNeill— Continued. ["KoTHERHiTHE," known also as "Wapping"] 1860. Etching. Wed. (W.) 60. Th. 41. [Millb.\nk] Elchinri: First state. Wed. (W.) 67. Th. 44. [The "Adam and Eve" Tavekn, Old Chelsea] Etching. Wed. (W.) 144. [Ftlham] Etching. Wed. (W.) 148. [Noctukxe] [1880] Etching. Wed. (W.) 150. [The palaces] [1880] Etching. Wed. (W.) 153. [The doorway] [1880] Etching. Wed. (W.) IM. [The Pi.\zetta, Venice] [1880] Etching. Artist proof: With butterfly in pencil. Wed. (W.) 155. ["The beggars," known also as " Whitechapel " ] 1880. Etching. Wed. (W.) 159. White, Robert (16i5-1704) English School. Maria D. G. Anqlije Scotia Franci.e et Hiberxix Regixa. With anus. Marj-, Queen of England. P Line engraring. 348 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION White, Robei't — Continued. C A S P E R S , Jolm Baptist (worked late seventeenth oentnry) Caroli's II".'^ D. (t. ^lA(i: Burr: Fran': & IIiuek: Kex. A'? 5 Line engrariny. H. 3. Ver. Cat., p. 137. D Y C K , Anthonie van (1599-1641) John Lord Belasyse Barron of Worlabye . . . With arms. P Line engraving. N. 8. Wierix, Anthonie (ah. 1555-1624) Flemish School. Hexricvs Bordoxivs D. G. Navarrae Rex . . . Henry IV., of France. $ Line engnning: Third state. F'rom the P. Mariette (1690) and the Vou Liphart collections. Alv. 1922. Le B. 26. N. ». Isabella Avstrl\, PniLippi II. Regls C.vtholici Fill\, Hispaniarvm Princ. Infans. Sexi's Grande . . . [159.3] Isabella, dau^chter of Philip II., of Spain. ip Line engraving. From the J. Camberlyn and Firmin-Didot collections. Alv. 1953. Le B. 17. H. 18. Bvdolphvs II. D. G. RoM. I.mperat. Semper Avg. German. IIvng. Boheji. &c. . . . 5 Line engraving. From the Firmin-Didot collection. Alv. 2020. Le B. 1. N. ». H. 21. Wierix, Hieronyiniis (1553-1619) FUtnkh School. [L'adoration des eergers] Nine prints, forming one sheet. lAne engraving. From the Esdaile collection. Alv. 304 (The Lu.st .lurlgment) Le B. 105 aiul 172. [Henriette de Balzac d'Entragues, Marquise de Vernecil] Tout le beau des beaftez. . . . 1600. f Line engraving- Fourth state. Alv. 18(50. Diituit vi: 626. Le B. 7. N. 19. 11.15. Brv. ii: 711. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 349 "Wierix, Hieronj^mus — Continued. Gregor. XIIII. Pont. Oit. Max. Mkdiol.vn'en.s . . . Dominus C0N.SR[urET . . . With arniH. P Line engraving. Alv. 1913. Le B. 33. Bib. Nat. 19210(21) B. Ignativs Loyola Avthor, Fvndator, et Primvs Gexeralis Pr.epositcs Societ.\tis IeSV ... ad MA.I0RE.M . . . P Line engraving. Alv. 1933. Le B. 37. N. 28. B. Ignativs de Loiola Sof: Iesv Fvndator. Omnibus omnia . . . P Line engraving. Alv. 1943. Le B. -43. N. 3-58. Philippus II. Caroli v. filiu.s, Hlspaniaru.m, Indiarum . . . 1586. P Line engraving. Alv. 2004. Le B. 22. H. 20. N. 10. TiiOM.\.s A Kempi.9 Canonicvs Regvlaris . . . P Li7>e engraving. Alv. 2041. Le B. 67. N. 367. BO L, Hans (1.534-1593) [L'arbre genealogique du Christ] Virgvla lE,ssa:is . . . Line engraving. Alv. 133. Le B. 92. N. 79. VEEN, Otto van (1.558-1629) [The entombment] Hue quisquis . . . Line engraving. Reduced from the picture by Otto van Veen. Alv. 283. VEEN, Otto van (1558-1629) [MORT DE LA ViERGE] En DILECTUS . . . Alv. 495. Wierix, Hieronymus. See also DURER, Albrecht. 350 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Wierix, Jiui (1549-af. 1615) Flemish School Hanry 3^ Roy de Franck. Peintke afin . . . 1647. 5 Line engraving: Fourth state. From the C!ai)t. A. Doniiadieu collection. Alv. Siippl. i>. 5, 1918. Dutuit vi: f.2-1. H. ."i. Bib. Nat. 21194(76) Iacobvs. et.A.nna; Re.\. et. Regina. ANOLiiE. FKANCiiE. SCOTI.E. ET.H1BERN1.E. James I., of England, and .^nne, his Queen. P Line engraring. Alv. 19.56. Le B. 2 (also vol. iv: 223 (3)) N. 14. An. qvid. habent. veki. rR.E.SAr,iA. loeta. Fvtvri. Hoc. docet. IIenrri. conivgialis. AMOR . . . Marie de Medicis. [1601] P Line engraving. Alv. 1979. N. 9. D Alvarvs. No.vivs Lvdoi. F. H. N. 1586. With arms. T^ Line engraving. Alv. I'.i'.tl. Lu B. 23. N. IS. Philippi (tvil: D. G. Princeps Avraic.e Comes A Nass: Anno. 0061. [1600] Philip William, Prince of Orange. 5P Line engraring: First state. Alv. 1995. Lc B. 24. H. 14. N. 2. PniLippvs. Gvil: D. G. Princep.s: AvRAiciE: Come.s. De: Nassav . . . Pliilip William, Prince of Orange. 5 Line engraring: Third state. From the D. Franken Dz. collection. Alv. 199.5. Le B. vol. iv: 223 (30) N. 2. Wierix, Jan. See also D U R E R , Albrecht, Wille, Jean Georges (1715-1808) Fnmch School. DOU, Gerard (161,3-167.5) Tante de G. Dow. 1780. With arms. 5P Line engraving: Fifth state. LeB. (W.)60. LcB. 106. N. 164. P. & B. 6. .T. iii: 219. H. 15. Ap. 14. -''- L I a ,■;-. V. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 351 Wille, Jean Georges — Continued. D U , Gerard ( 1613-1075) [La liseuse] [l"t>l] Line engnwlny: First state. Proof: Before all letters. LeB. (W,)62. Le B. 108. N. lOK. .1,111:218. P.&B. ». 11.17. Ap. 16. Bry. ii: 717. M E T S U , Gabriel (1(330-1667) La CciaiNiERE Hollandoise. [17.56] With arms. Line engraving: Second state. \^ LeB. (W.)67. Le B. 113. N. 171. I', & B. 10. H. 22. Ap. 21. Bry. ii: 717 P E S N E , Antoine (1683-1757) Frederic. II. Roi de Prusse Electeur de Brandebourg. 1757. P Line engraving: Second state. Le B. (W.) 151. Le B. 54. N. 38. J. iii: 218. P. & B. 53. H. 45. Ap. 48. Bry. ii: 717. Bib. Xat. 10649(233) P E S N E , Antoine (1683-1757) Leopold Prince d'Aniiai.t DE.saAU . . . [1738] 9 Line engraving: First state. LeB. (W.) 1,57. Le B. 6. N. 2. P. & B. 32, Ap. 58, Bib. Nat. 1246(13) SCHALCKEN, Godfried (164,3-1706) Le Concert de Famille. [1769] With arms. Line engrmnng: Second state. LeB, (W,) 64. Le B, 100, N, 158, J, iii: 218, P. .t B. 16. H. 9. A p. 8. Bry. ii: 717. WILLE, Pierre Alexandre (1748-1821) Maitresse d'Ecole. [1771] With aruw. Line engrnring: Tliird state. LeB, (VV,)70, Le B, 116, N. 174, J, iii: 219, P, & B, 21. H. 25, Ap, 24, Bry. ii: 717. WILLE, Pierre Alexandre (1748-1821) [La sceur de la bonne pemme de Normandie] [1774] Line engraving: Second state. From the Fran(.'oia Debois collection. LeB. (W.) 72. Le B. 118. N. 176. P. & B. 22. Ap, 26. 352 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION ■Williams, Robert (Roger?) (ab. 169G-ab. 1730) English School. COOPER, Samuel (1609-1672) Iames y 11" KiNn OF England Scotland France &. Ireland. P Mezzotint: Third Ktatc. S. 57. LeB. 65. H. 2. N. ■(. Bry. ii: "IS. Bib. Nat. 230-I(9.'i) Willmore, James Tibbitts (1800-1863) Enqlish School. TURNER, JoHeph Mallord William (1775-1851) The Old Temerairk. 1845. Lhii' engraving. Le B. 6. H. 5. Ap. 6. N. 4. "Wilson, James (ab. 1735-af. 1780) Emjlhh School. PINE, Robert Edge (1742-1790) The Eoyi'TIAN Fortune-teller. [Miss Osborne] P ytezzutint. Lu B. 10. H. 4. s. 12. "Wolf, Ulrich Ludwig Friedrich (1772-1832) German School. ScilLACnT AN der Katzbach. Eirhhig. Vifjnette l)elow i)ortrait of Fiirst Bliicher, by Johanu Ferdinand Krethlow. (,SVf KRETHLOW. Johaun Ferdinand) "Wood, Thomas Waterman (1823-1903) Amtricmi School. [TniNKiN(i IT over] 1884. Klchlng. Proof; Before all letters. Signed by el elier. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 353 WooUett, William (1735-1785) English School. JONES, Thomas (ab. 1730-af. 1798) [The merry villagers] (Thomson's Spring) [1776] Line enf/rming: Undescribed state. (Betw. fourth and fifth?) Proof: Before letters. F. (WooUett) xcv. Le B. 38. H. 7. N. U. Bry. ii: 729. SMITH, George (1714-1776) [The h.\ymakers] (Thomson's Summer) [1764] Line engranng: Undescribed state. (Betw. fifth and sixth?) Proof: Before letters. F. (WooUett) Ixxxix. Le B. 37. H. 22. \. 42, Bry. ii: 729. k SMITH, George (1714-1776) [Apple gathering] (Thomson's Autumn) [1768] Line engraving: Undescribed state. (Betw. fourth and fifth?) Proof: Before letters. F. (WooUett) Ixii. Le B. 36. H. 21. N. 41. Bry. ii: 729. SMITH, George (1714-1776) [The rural cott] (Thomson's Winter) [1769] Line engraving: Undescribed state. (Betw. fifth and sixth?) Proof: Before letters. F. (WooUett) Ixvi. LeB. 35. H. 20. N. 40. Br>'. ii: 730. WEST, Benjamin (17.38-1820) The Death of General Wolfe. 1776. Witli arms. Line engraving: Ninth state. F. (WooUett) xciii. Le B. 3. H. 2,=>. N. 3. Bry. ii: 729. WILSON, Richard (1714-1782) Phaetox. 1763. Line engraving: Fifth state. F. (WooUett) Ii. LeB. 9. H. 31. .\. 13. Bry. ii: 730. WRIGHT, Richard (1735-ab. 1775) The Fishery. 1768. With arms. lAne engraving: Fifth state. F. (WooUett) Ixi, Le B. 26. H. 36. N. 29. Bry. ii: 730. [Same] 30705—04 23 354 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION WooUett, William (1735-1785) ivnd Bartolozzi, Francesco (1727-1815) Fn(/U.sk School. MORTIMER, Jolin Ilainilton (1742-1770) and JONES, Thomas (ab. 1730-af. 1798) DiDi) AND tEneas. 17S7. With arms. Line, engraving: Fourth state. [Figures engraved l)y F. Bartolozzi] F. (WooUett) cxvii. Le B. IS. H. 6. X. 19. Bry. ii: 729. WooUett, Williiim (1735-1785) and Browne, John (1741-1801) Fng/ish School. WILSON, Riohard (1714-1782) Celadon and Amelia. The tempe,st caught them . . . 1766. Line engraving: Sixth state. [The etching by John Browne] F. (WooUett) Ivii. Le B. 12. It. 3L N. 23. Bry. ii: 730. WorUdge, Thomas (1700-1766) Engl!>-.S(;. De Paerrel een Oostindis Vaerder, Den Dubbelen Aeext een AVkst ixdis Vaerdek, b 2. The Pearl, an East India voyager. The Double Eagle, a West India voyager. Elckhuj: Third (?) state. B. 63-98, pt.ii (2) Le B. 8.S-r23. DuUlit "il. N. 75-86. B. .?upi>l. 7.5-SC. De Hasewint een Spaen.s Vaerder De Vryheyt een Oorloogs Schip. [No. .3] The Hasewint, a Spanish voyager. The Freedom, a war ship. Etchinij: First (?) state. B. 63-98, pt.ii (3) LeB.88-l-J3. Dutuit 77. N. 7fv-86. B. ?uppl. 7.'i-.86. De Swarte Beer een Groenlants Vaerder, b 7. The Black Bear, a Greenland voyager. Elchimj: Thinl (?) state. B. 63-98, pt.ii (7) LeB.8M-P23. Dutuit 81. N. 75-86. B. Suppl. 7.5-SC. Een Vriesse Turrif pott; Een Dunop ofte Veense Tuerif poxdt, b 11. A Friesian turf boat. A turf boat. Etchbi'i: Thinl (?) state. B. 63-98, pt.ii (11) Le B. 8.8-r.;3. Dutuit 85. N. 7.5-86. B. Suppl. 7.5-86. NiEUWE SCHEEPS BaTALIEN INT LICHT flEBRACHT DOOR ReINIER ZeEM.AN, GeDRUCKT BY Clement dk Ionge Tot Amsterdam. 1. Nouvelles inventions . . . Xew Naval Battles ... A series of eight prints. Etching: Second state. B. 99-106. LeB. 130-137. Dutuit 99. N. 99-10«. B. Suppl. 99. [Naval battle] 2. Etching: Second state. B. 99-106. Le B. 130-137. Dutuit 100. N. 99-106. B. Suppl. 100. [Naval battle] 3. Etching: Second state. B. 99-106. Le B. 130-l.'i7. Dutuit 101. N. 99-106. B. Suppl. 101. [Naval battle] 4. Etching: Second state. B. 99-106. Le B. 130-137. Dutuit 102. N. 99-106. B. Suppl. 102. [Naval battle] o. Etching: Second state. B. 99-106. Le B. 130-137. Dutuit 103. N. 99-106. R. Suppl. 103. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 359 Zeeman (Nooms), Reinier — Continued. [Same] [Naval battle] 7. Etching: Second state. B. 99-106. Le B. 130-137. Dutuit 106. N. 99-106. B. Suppl. 105. [FiNLS OF NAVAL BATTLEs] (?) 8. Etching: Second state. B. 99-101). Le B, 130-137. Dutuit 106. N. 99-106. B. Suppl. 106. Zocchi, Giuseppe. See S G R I L L I - S A N S N E , Bernardo, and Z C C H Giuseppe. Zom, Ander.s Leonliai'd (1860- ) Scandina/vian School. [Ernest Renan] 1892. P Etching. Proof: Before all letters. Signed by etcher. mr. 34. Ziindt (Zyndt), Matthias (1498-1586) German School. Charles. IX. Roy. de FRANrois. Lan. de. Grasse. XV^III. M. D. LXVIII. . . . Pietate ET JUSTICIA. P Line engraving. Le B. 2. N. 2. H. 4. Pass, iv: 195 (8) Anonymous (nineteenth century) Amei'-ican School. Henry W. Longfellow. 1879. 5 Line engraving. B. 131 mm. H. 184 mm.* * The measurements of the anonymous prints are taken between the outermost engraved points of the picture only, unless otherwise specified. 360 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Anonymous (sixteenth centuiy) Dutch School. Petko Bkveoel, Prtohi. Qris nol'Us iiic Hikronymi-s Orbi . . . Pieter Brueghel. P Line enijraiiiKj. B. ll'J niiii. 11. 151 mm. Bib. Nal. C631 (1) Anonymous (seventeenth century) Dutch Scliool. C.\KcjLVs ET M.VKiA 1). G. M,\ii. Brit. Franc. IIib. Rex c>. 1756-ab. 1811) The Right Honorable William Pitt. Chancellor of the Exchequer, First Lord op the Treasury, &c. 1790. S Mezzotint. B. 251 mm. H. 330 mm. J562 GARDINER (IREENP: HUBBARD COLLECTION Anonymous (nineteenth century) Englhh School. N. Bonaparte. First Coksil of the French liEPtBLir. Ppblish'd March 14. 1801. by I. [J.] HiNTON, 44, TOP OF Wells Street, Oxford Street. P Mezzolinl. B. 250 nun. H. 322 mm. Bonaparte, From the original Dr.^wino in the Posse.ssion of Capt^; Crokat, taken the MORNING AFTER HIS DECEASE. LoNDON, PUBLISHED BY J. WaT.soN, 7, VerE St^ BoND StT July 18, 1821. P Stipple engraving. B. 275 mm. H. 2.'i8 mm. (Size of plate.) Napoleon Le Pre.miek et le Dernier, par la colere de DiEr . . . Napoleon Der Erste UND Letzte . . . Published at R. Ackermann's, 101, Strand, London. Bust; face formed of figures of men and women, liead covering a crouching bird, tlie breast and shoulders a map, with spider and spider well, &.v. From a German engraving. See also smaller etching of same subject under Anonymous (nineteenth century) (Jennan School. P Etching, colored. B. 110 mm. H. 193 mm. [Lord Eldon] P Mezzotint: Proof: Before all letters. B. 356 mm. H. 437 mm. [Lord Lvnuhurst] P Mixed engraving. Proof: Before all letters. B. 208 mm. H. 345 mm. [Mary, Queen of Scots] 5 Mij-ed engraving. Trimmed close. B. 465. H. 606. TTerbert Spencer (very sincerely yours) P Line engraving. Proof: Before letters. India paper. B. 299 mm. H. 379 mm. C E R A C C H I, Giuseppe (1751-1801) [Napoleon Bonaparte as Consul] P Mi.red engraving. Proof: Before all letters. B. 349 mm. H. 444 mm. EASTLAKE.Sir Charles Lock (1793-1865) [Napoleon at gangway op His Ma.iesty's ship Bellerophon] P Stijiple and line engraving. India paper. B. 195 mm. H. 232 mm. Anonymous (seventeentli century) French School. [Manual of arms] 13. 14. Two harquebusiers f:icing to the right, showing use of the harquebus. Getting ready for priming: priming. Line engraving. B. 13t> mm. H. 102 nun. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 363 Anonymous — Continued. [Manual of arms] 37. 38. Two harquebusiers, as above, placing the musket in position for firing, and ready for firing. Line engraving. B. 136 mm. H. 102 mm. Anonymous (eighteenth century) French School. [Charles Bonaparte] 5 Stipple and line engrmring. Proof; Before all letters. B. 14.5 mm. H. 229 mm. (Size of plate) [Elisa Marie Anne Bonaparte, Princess op Piombino, Grand Diiche.ss of Tu.scany] P Stipple and line engraving. Proof: Before all letters. B. 146 mm. H. 227 mm. (Size of plate) Lamoignon de Malesherbes. Represented as surrounded liy rays of light and clouds. Upon the face of a tomb below, a sheep with a dog (asleep?); a serpent raising its head to strike. P Mezzotint and aquatint. Proof: Before all letters. B. 222 mm. H. 313 mm. Didot (Portraits) 22. Makie Antoinette .Archiduchesse d'Autriche, Scei'h de l'Empereur, Dai-piune de France; nee le 2 9"'^*- 17-5.5. .V Paris ches [sic] Le Pere et Vaulee M".'* d'Esta.mpes rue .ST Jacques au Papillon, et ches Bore me.me rue, maison du S'^ Vallade Libraire. P Line engraving. B. 115 mm. H. 163 mm. [Mary, Queen of Scots] P Etching. Early trial proof, with features very lightly indicated. From the collection of Prince Labnnoff de Rostoff. B. 110 mm. H. 135 mm. Israel Putnam Eq™ Major General des Troupes de Connecticut. Il commandoit en CHEF A l'affaire de Bunckeshill pres Boston le 17 Juin 1775. 107. \ Paris CHEZ Esnauts et Rapilly, rue ST Jacques a la Ville de Coutances. A. P. D. R. P Line engraving. B. 112 mm. H. 160 mm. P0N.IATOVSKY RE.f Poloni.e. Stanislaus II. Augustus (Poniatowski), King of Poland. P Line engraving. B. 94 mm. 11. 149 mm. [Marie Fran(,-ois Arouet de Voltaire] .Square, without border other than a single line. P Line engraving. Proof: From unfinished plate. B. 190 mm. H. 253 mm. (Size of plate) 364 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Anonymous (nineteenth century) French. School. Republique Consulaire. LfciEN BoxAPAKTE, Phesident du Conseil des Cixqcents. Cons- TITl'TION DlXIIUIT BrUMAIRE . . . 5 Line engraving. B. 358 mm. II. 542 mm. [Marie Louise, Empress of the Frrn'ch] |I Line engriving. Proof: before all letters. B. 162 mm. H. 21S mm. [L'.Vbbe Mairy] }J Aqualint. Proof: Before all letters. B. 2.36 mm. H. 320 mm. I Size of jilate) Napoleon Bonaparte P™ Consul de France. Philosophe profond, invincible Guerrier, L'Olive sur son front embellit le Lai'rier. 5 Line engravhig. B. 86 mm. H. 139 mm. [Napoleon, seated, laukeated and robed] JI Mireil etignwing. Proof: Before all letters. B. 547 mm. H. 695 mm. Le Carnaval de 1S14, ou Le macaroni Imperial. Caricature. Etching, colored. B. 225 mm. H. ISl mm. La Consultation. Acte additionnel . . . ('arioature. Etching, colored. B. 1«5 mm. H. 25S mm. (Size of plate) [Empress Alexandra, wife of Nicholas I] 5 Lithograph. B. 352 mm. H. 405 nun. (By Noel, Alphonse I^>on (?) after Winterhalter (7) ,*<' Ber. x: 205) B S I , Francois Joseph (1769-1845) Napoleon Empereur des Franc/ais. Marie Louise. Le Roi he Rome. P." Avril, 1815. A Paris, chez Marel rue Sf Jacques N? 17. Depose a la D"!' G^^ de la Librairie. P Line engroring. B. 162 mm. H. 224 mm. A N D R I E U , Bertraml (1761-1822) BoRvssi Didicere Nn'PEr. Exercitv ad Ienam I>eleto XIV Octob MDCCCVI. Defeat of the Prussian army at lena. Etching after medal. Med. Hist, of Napoleon. No. 203. Diam. 78 mm. B R E N E T , Nicolas (iuy Antoine (1773-1846) Confederation du Ruin MDCCCVI. Etching after niedid. i\Ieil. Hist, of Napoleon. No. 201. Diam. 70 ram. ^^^yib;v'ggiEgj^< \ UNlVERSITv ] OF y Xibrav^ of Conorcss CATALOG OF THE GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS The Catalog of the Gardiner Greene Hubbard Collection of Engrav- ings presented to the Library of Congress by Mrs. Hubbard is, in a sense, a memorial volume, and in form and dress more elaborate and more expensive than ordinary publications of the Library. It is pub- lished in a very limited edition, designed primarily for distribution to institutions having collections of prints ; and beyond this, so far as may be practicable, for exchange in return for publications similar in nature. It is essentially a reference work, so that its presence in the leading libraries v/ill naturally suffice for the purposes of the general public. General distribution, such as is customary in the case of the ordi- nary publications of the Library, will not therefore be feasible in the case of this. Such persons or institutions as may not come within the scope of the above distribution may secure copies at cost price from the Superintendent of Documents, however, so far as his supply per- mits. ^Cjr\J>—^(ii Librarian of Congress CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 365 Anonymous — Continued. D R Z , Jean Pierre (1746-1823) Paix de Tilsit MDCCCVII. Niemen. Etchinij after medal. Med. Hist, of Napoleon. No. 219. Biam. 67 mm. DUBOIS, .loseph Eugene (1795-1863) L'Armee Frax^aise p.\sse le Sy Berxaed. XXVIII Floral Ax VIII MDCCC. Etching after medal. Med. Hist, of Napoleon. No. 23. Diam. 68 mm. G A L L E , Andre (1761-1844) Bataille de Friedlaxd XIV Juin MDCCCVII. Etching after medal. I\Ied. Hist, of Napoleon. No. 215. Diam. 78 mm. G A L L E , Andr6 (1761-1844) Bataille D'Jena .^IDCCCVI. Etching after medal. Med. Hist, of Napoleon. No. 202. Diam. 71 mm. Anonymous (fifteenth century) Genvan School. [The annunciation] Ave gracia plena dominus tec. Woodnd, colored. Dated by Weigel about 1415-1425. Schreilser gives it a date from 1440-1460, and believes it possibly by the same master as tlie St. Cliristopher, called, of 1423. B. 194 mm. H. 274 mm. Schreiber 26. [The Virgin and Child in Glory] Line engraving, colored. By an engraver of the school of the Master E. S. of 1466. Oval. B. 28 mm. H. 33 mm. [La presentation au temple] Interrasile. {Dotted print) From the Coppenrath collection. B. 50 mm. H. 70 mm. Schreiber 2200. [La saixte cexe] Intei-rasile. {Dotted print) Pendant to above. From the Coppenrath collection. B. .50 mm. H. 71 mm. Schreiber 2236. [Le Suaike] Merrasile. From the Coppenrath collection. B. 42 mm. H. 50 mm. On vellum. Schreiber 2444. 366 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Anon3nuous (sixteenth century) German. Schonl. Ferdinaxdvs Cortesivs HispAXrs. Ai.ciden priscis commendat Gr.ecia fastis ... p. 3. P Woodcut from }i(ii)k. B. 11.5 mm. H. 148 mm. SiGisMVN'Dvs PoLoNUE Re.x. Makte Sigismundus f.elici contudit hostes . . . David. P Woodciil from hook. Verso of above. B. 117 mm. H. 149 mm. Albertv.s. Dvrekvs. Noricvs. Pktor. Eminentiss. ' 5 Line enijravhifj. Diam. 97 mm. FkaNCISCVS DrAECK. NoBILISSI.MVS EqVES AnGLIAE. is est QVI T(3T0 t terrarvm orbe fiRCVMDvcTO JD ciKcu.MBuuTo PERNosco ... Sir Francis Drake. 5 Etclunrj. Trimmed close. Watermark a cross pattee (with two legs) inside of a circle. B. 107 mm. 11. 285 luni. (Size of plate) Maeia Stvard [sic] Scotiae ac Fkanciae Regina. P Line enyravinij from hook, with text on verso, one paragraph of which begins: Maria Stuard Kimigin in Schottlandt . . . The marginal note reads: Historiavonder Konigin in Schottlandt. Diam. iy:j mm. HOLBEIN. Hans, II (1497-154.S) Vlhicvs Zwingi.iv.s. P Line eiujraninij. B. 118 mm. H. 161 mm. Anonymous (.seventeenth centiii'v) German School. [Tub Papists Powder Treasox] Thoma.s Percius Nobilis Anglus Conspiratioxis Ac. M.DC.V. Init.e Pri[n]ceps . . . Portrait of Thomas Percy; underneath, two vignettes representing Percy's servant, armed with a lantern, made prisoner, and the conveying of Percy and other conspirators to prison. Text in German and Latin. P Line engraiying. German print of the time. B. 195 mm. H. 169 mm. Pellerisches Familien Hauss, erbauet Axxo 1605. Line engrarinij. B. 355 mm. H. 599 mm. (Including inscription.) [Battle .scene] Etching. B. 218 mm. H. 73 mm. [Tournament] Etching. Watermark, a battlemented tower with a large opening. B. 218 mm. H. 73 mm. [Village and fishino scene] Etching. B. 218 mm. H. 73 mm. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 367 Anonymous — Continued. [The Muses pursued by Bacchus and his crew] Etching. B. 216. H. 73. BissoN Americanus, seu Muthuse Illinensium ab Incolis Floridi.s dictus Butkon captus E.ST A SiLVESTRIB"'' IN FKETO HuDSONIJ VERSIS 8ePTENTHIONALBS AmERICE PlACAS. Bisson Americanus, or Methiise Illinensium; by the inliabitants of Florida called Butron. Captured by the inhabitants of the \\oo(is about Hudson Ba\' . . . Etching. B. 347 mm. H. 241 mm. Anonymous (eighteenth century) German School. Lb Philosophe de Sans=Sovci. Eigenthum von JNI. Westphai.. Frederick the Great. P Line engraving. B. 233 mm. H. 302 mm. PoLiTiscHE Kass Collation oder Die GEDEMtJTnioTE Myn Heers. 1. Kaijser Joseph. liiK Herr.n UNO Frauen . . . Political cheese repast, or The humbled Meiii Herrs. Cartoon on the Treaty of ^'ersailles. Etching. B. 311 mm. 11. 106 mm. Anonymous (nineteenth century) Germa?) School. Triumph des Jahrs 1813 allen aciiten Deutschen rewidmet. Napoleon. Head composed of human figures; head covering formed by a cniuching l>ird; shoulders and breast composed of a hand, a map and a spider-web. iSee also larger etching of same subject, with parody, jiublished by R. Ackermann, London, under Anonymous (nineteenth century) English School. f Etching. B. 57 mm. H. 92 mm. Das neue Elba. Hier stille sicii die Blutbegier . . . Malmaison. Napoleon repre- sented in a cage, devouring the world. Caricature. Etching. B. 255 mm. H. 182 nmi. Die grosste Heldentiiat des neunzehnden Iahrhunderts oder Eroberung der Insel ST Helena. Napoleon represented as riding a goat, followed by an army of cats and battling rats. Caricature. Etching, colored. B. 222 mm. H. 154 mm. Fbanz Drake, Konigl. Grossbritt. Admiral, geb. zu Tavistok 1545. 5 Lithoyraplt. B. 170 mm. H. 185 mm. 308 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Anonymous (fifteenth ccntui'v) Ifalidii ScJiocl. C. MvsicHA. XXVI. 26. [ab. 1470] ilu^ic. One of a series of fifty prints supposed by some writers to have been intended for playing cards; called liy the Italian -writers, II giuoco di tarocclii. Early copy. Line engrauintj. From the collection of Wni. Bell Scf)tt and G. Boss. B. 100 mm. H. 179 mm. WilLshire. Playing and dHht c-anla, pp. 6.^-73. Pass, v: 123 {■16) B. xiii: 135 (43) B. Ili.\co. .\x.xi. 31. Astronotuy. One of the same set as the above. Line engrarivg. From the St. J. P. collection. B. 101 mm. H. 170 mm. Early copy. Willshire, Playing and othor cards, pp. f,.VT3. Pass.y:124 (31) B. xiii: 13B (■)») C LoK'.\ xxii 22. Logic. One of an early copy of the aliove set, dated 1485 (?) Lrne engraving. B. 92 mm. H. 173 mm. WiUshire. Playing and other cards, pp. 73-7f>. Pass, v: 126. B. xiii: 134 (39) C. MvsicHA. XXVI. 2ti. Music. One of the early copies said to be of 1485. There is a variation in the design, and the figure of Music turns to the right instead of the left. One of the same set as the above. I,ine engriu'ing. B. 93 mm. H. 172 mm. ^Vlllshi^e, Playing and other cards, pp. 73-70. Pas.s. v: 12i;. B. xiii: 12('i (43) Theo Eloima theou nrio soteri esti hoksa. Orate pro maoisteo Ritgero & Vella Caxonico Gerwino S. pagine licenciato. IC. XC. Figure of Christ with drooping head; the cross behind him; his hands folded, showing the nail marks. Line engraving. Printed on parchment; colored and with illuminated border. The inscri]ition beneath in gold letters. B. 129 mm. II. 146 mm. (including border) Anonymous (sixteenth ccntuiy) lUd'ian School. [Ace op swords] A sword lield l)y a hand coming from a large ornament on the left, suj:i- ports a crown, with branches of laurel (?) and jialm (?) One of a set of very early playing cards, tarocclii or tarots. Wood(yut. B. 59 mm. II. 110 mm. [Knave op swokds] Holds sword with left hand, a stick or cane with right hand. One of same set as the above. WuoilcnI. B. 59 mm. H. 110 mm. Rbinb de spee. Queen of swords. Seated, holding a sword with right land and pointing to it with left. One of same set as the above. ^Vllodnlt. B. 59 mm. H. 10!l mm. CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 369 Anonymous — Continued. Rov DE SPEE. King of swords. SeateJ, holding sword with rijfht hand, dagger with left. Crown inside of large hat. One of same set as the above. Woodcut. B. 59 mm. H. 110 mm. [Ace of cups] Large and ornamented. One of same set as the above. Woodcut. B. 59 mm. H. 110 mm. [Eight, xine, .\nd ten of cups] Same set as the above. Woodcuts. B. 59 mm. H. 110 mm. [Knave of cups] Holds cup in right hand, partly covered by drapery (stole ?), cover in left hand; going toward left. One of same set as the above. Woodcut. B. 59 mm. H. 110 mm. Chevalier de cvppes. Mounted, going toward left, hoWing cup in right hand. One of same set as the above. Woodcut. B. 59 mm. H. 110 mm. [Ace of clubs] Grasped by a hand coming from a circle surrounded by points, with a convoluted inner line. Eighteen double waved marks surround the club. One of same set as the above. Woodcut. B. 59 mm. H. 110 mm. [Knave of clubs] Facing right, holding club with both hands. One of same set as the above. Woodcut. B. ,59 mm. H. 110 mm. Chevalier de baston. Mounted, horse going to left, holds <'lub with left hand. One of same set as the above. Woodcut. B. .59 mm. H. 110 mm. [Ace of money] Floriated above and below. Cie of same set as the above. Woodcut. B. 59 mm. H. 109 mm. [Eight, nine, and ten of money] .Same set as the above- Woodculs. B. .59 mm. H. 110 mm. [Knave of money] With large hat, holding piece of money in right hand. One of same set as the above. Woodcut. B. 59 mm. H. 110 mm. 30705—04 24 370 (GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Anonymous — Coiitiiiuod. Reine I)H nixiEs. (jiict'ii cif nidiK^y. Seatt'd, lioliliut; money in ri^rht liand, scepter in left. One of same set as the aliove. U'iKidnit. B. 5!! mm. II. lOil mm. Rov PE niNiEs. King (if money. Seated, right leg crossed over left, holding money in right hand, curions hat or headdress. The money in this suit resembles the eonveutional jiomegranate. One of same set as the above. ]y<„nhul. n. .'.!( nnn. H. !0!t nun. [Presentation of the Virgin] The yonng Virgin, led by St. Anna, is at the foot of a flight of stairs leading up to an archway, under which are Zaeharias, the high-priest, and St. Elizabeth. Line enfjrav'mii. B. ISO uun. H. 41 mm. [Jesus-Christ uueriss.vnt rx .wei'gle ne] Line eiKjriu'nig. By an engraver of the school of Marcantonio Raimondi, after a drawing attributed to Perino del Vaga ( 1499-1.547) B. 449 mm. H. 281 mm. B. xv: 111 (h\ I'Hs-i. vi: 7t; (IS) GIANUZZI, Giulio di Filippo dei. CUrdiVmYw Romano (1493-1546) [Les Hoh.xces et les Curhces] TriiUvMinorv.m Horatiorvm Ovriatiorvm. Q. pro patria (i],oriosvm certa.men . . . 1541. Line eiKjrnring. By an engraver of the school of Marcantonio Raimondi. From the Esdaile collection. B. 407 mm. H. 277 mm. B. xv: 29 (2) Pass, vi: 82 (.55) Anonymous (ninotocnth cc^iiturv) Italian Srhool. RAI BOLIN I, Francesco di Marco. diUed II Francia (1450-1517) [Madonn.x and CniLD] Franciscvs. Fhancia. Avuifex. J5on: Fecit. Anno MDX\'I1. Lilhogniph. B. 298 mm. II. 405 mm. Anonymous (niiu^U'eiith century) Ii)/ss/'ti)i Schfiol. [VasilI! Andhkevich ZntKovsKii. Rissian poet, and tutor ok Ale.xaNher II] 5 Lillini/i-dpli. Proof: Before all letters. B. 251 mm. 1 1. :iOl) mm. Plate X ^ Presentation of the Virgin By an Anonymous Italian Engraver Ar.,-.fi yr. ••. :li C<.)LLEeTIC>\ lidl'iirit.' nioiifv in i:_-' iml, scepter in left. ^'- ili'ii. j'itrlil l>.'g croweil ov.;i •-;;, lniMun.' money in right Til'? niuniy ir. this ?),■ '■■•:*-nibles the conventional .!< ■t iis the almve. : 'ii'i aiijp, ] The yoiiiig \'ir(:in, lf' 1..,:. H. 2S1 uim, nlTjifV grfj k) noij£jn383i4 ' ' I Jlli'i l-i'illi:'!.!' :■■:' ■- 1 y)6) r "t llie f^.hi'.'l !<•' >!arcantonio Ralmondi. From the ..,1. H. 277 tarn. rr.r,'.,-i:r 450-i"i!7) \Mi' AvriFEV. Bon: Fecit. Anno iMDXMI. . •\--t. VND THOU Oh Al.i:XANliKR II] CATALOG OF ENGRAVERS 371 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. Blum, Robert Frederick (1857-1903) Aiiierlcan School. [Man in eighteenth century costume] 1875. Pen-and-ink sketch. Duplessi-Bertaux, Jean (17-17-ab. 1S19) French School. [The wounded Robespierre brought before the tribunal] India ink drmving. G-eUee, Claude (Lorrain) (1600-1682) French School. [A German castle] Sepki drawing. [Tower of a castle, rampart, and bridge] Pen-and-ink drawini/ on the verso of the above. [Sky showing lightning effects during stor.\i of August 24, 1624] Wash dravAng. Kilian, Georg Christoph (1709-1781) German School. [Group of cows and sheep] 1751. Draviing in red crayon, with artist's name and date in reverse. La'wson, F. W. (contemp.) English School. House of Commons, 1 Dec, 1884: "Fro.m John o' Groats to the Lands End." Mr. Gladstone Speaking in the House of Commons. ^ Pencil drauing. n72 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Magrath, Williuiii (1838- ) .Iw-v/Vv/// SchcoJ. [Study oi' a woman i\ a dookuav] St'j>ni 'Irairiii'/. Miirillo, Bartdloiiii' Estcban (1H18-U1S2) Slpanish School. [St. John and i.a.mh] Sepia (IriiiriiHi. Pletsch, Oskar (1880-1888) (iiivnau Schaol. DfRSTiGEs Seelchen. 1ST4. Peiiril {IrniriiH/ iilth icaxfirit. PfTPENWASCIIE. 1876. Pencil iJriiiriiHi irilli irdxheK. Rosa, Salvatore (1615-1673) Italian School. [Apoilun et la Svhille Cumee] Drairing in red crai/on. In reverse from the print. B. 17. Le B. S. •Wouwerman, Pliilip.s (1619-1668) Dutch School. [Street scene. Mounted man pointing with sword to hunter with hounds and gun. Another mounted man behind. Woman and little girl standing .\t the eight. ALSO woman seated NEAR FOUNTAIN ARRANGING HAT OP CHILD] 1640. Wash flrairiiig. Anonymous. Heru Antoni Bumel, KtTRoERMEisTEu. 1529. With arms. P Water color ciii 1. 1 . Francesco Ij a u k (1 , Agdstino F o K E L L A , Giovanni Costa, Annibale Bedetti, R. Anox Y.Mors Page 259, S20 :«l 71,819 11 319 306 187 121 319 25 370 G-ERMAN SCHOOL 1420-1500 1420 al).- 1488 . [1432?]- Worked ab. 1481-1485 1440 ah.- 1503 . 1450 ah.- 1532 . [145U?]- Workeil al>. 1480-1490 [147(V']- Worked early 16tli cent. 1471 - 1528 1472 - 15.53 147:; - 1531 1480? - 1538 . 1490 ah.- 1536 ah. [1490?]- Worked ah. 1520-1530 [1490?]- Worked ah. 1520-1.540 [1493?]- Worked 1523-1530 1495 ah.- 1526 . 1498 - 1.586 1500 ah.- 1550 . S c H o X G .\ r E R , IMartin G L o c K E N D o X , Alhert M E c K E X E M , Israhel van K R tK; , Ludwig Coi.oxia, Joliannes de (O [a Zwolle] ) Z a s I X G E R ( Zatsinger, Zeyi (Martin) D tj R E R , Alhrecht R A X A c n , Lucas, I. B u R G K .M A 1 R , Hans A L T I) o R F R R, Alljrecht H o r F E K , I )aniel Hoi'FER, Ilieronynius S i> R I X G I X K L E K , Hans I. B., Master, of 1530 L tj T z E L B r R G E R , Hans ZtJXDT (Zyndt), JIattliia.s P E X c z , Geori; !ol:i, .Johannes von ssinger). Matthaeus 291 135 216 182 65 356 85-95 69,70 48 6,7 166 166 48 170 202 359 242, 243 INDEX OF ENGRAVERS 381 1420-1500— Continued 1500 - 1550 . 15th cent, end loth fent. B E H A M , Hans Sebald E. S., School of Master, of 1466 A N O X Y M O U S Page 26-28, 94 365 365 1501-1600 1502 - 1540 . 1502 - 1555 af. 1503 ab.- 1569 ab. 1506? - 1560 all. 1514 - 1562 . 1524 ab.- 1563 (1560?) 1525 - 1571 . 1528 - 1598 . [1530?]- Worked 1560-158 1539 - 1583 af. 1539 - 1591 . 1556 - 1611 1560? - 1612 . 1561 - 1623 . 1570 ab. -1620 ab. 1570 - 1637 . 1579 - 1637 . 16th cent. 01-1700 1619 ab.- 1663 ab. [1620?]- Worked al). 1650-1660 1631 - 1690 1640 ab.- 1704 1647 - 1720 [1650?]- Worked ab. 1680 . 1654 - 1725 1 680 ab.- 1745 ab. [1683?]- Worked ab. 1713- 1684 - 1752 1691 - 17-59 1698 - 1767 1700 - 17.54 17th cent. B E H .\ M , Barthel Aldeoeever, Heinrich . HiKSCHVOGEL, Augustin B H o s A .M E R , Hans So LIS, Virgil L A f T E N s A c K , Hans Sebald D E r T s c H , Hans Rudolf Manuel Bry, Theodorde (?) J E N I c H E X , Balthasar (B. I. ) S T I .M M E R , Tobias Amman, Jest A N D R E J5 , Nicolaus Gustos, Dominicus Bry, Johann Theodor de . Flixdt (Flynt), Paul (P. V. N.) H E y n e X , Jakob von der . K I L 1 A X , Lukas . A N o X Y M o u s F A L c K , Jeremias Stuerhelt, F. Block, Benjamin IIeckenauer, Leonhard Boner, Johann Alexander H A R T M A X X , Wolfgang W e I ti E L , Christoph W o R T M A X X , Christian Albert B u s c H , Georg Paul Dietrich, Johann Georg H E u M A N N , Georg Daniel R I E n I X G E r (Ridinger) , Johann Elias Preissler, Georg Martin A X o K Y M o u s 26 4,5 159 46 305 187 79 47 175 308 7 9 71 47 118 159 179 366 111 312 34 155 35 153 345 355 49, 50 81 158 268 255 366, 367 ^82 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION 1701-1800 1703 - 1754 . 1704 - 1767 1710 - 1776 1712 - 1774 . 1712 - 1775 . 1713 - 1767 1714 - 1759 . 1719 - 1772? . 1721 - 1788 . 1726 - 1801 1733 - 1 797 1733 - 1811 1737 - 1817 1738 - 1796 . 1738 - 1814 . 1740 - 1 799 1742 - 1803 1744 - 1.S24 . 1740 - 1800 . 1747 - 1830 . 1749 - 1819 . 1749 - 1831 . 1752 - 1833 . 1754? - 1809 1754 - 1820 . 1755 - 1828 . 1756 - 1834 . 1757 - 1821 . 1767 - 1758 - 1817 . - 1819 . 1758 - 1830 af. 1759 - 1805 ah. 1759 - 1828 - 1810? . [1760?]- Worked end 18th cent. [1760?]- Worked end 18th cent -af. 1824 1761 - 1810 . [1762?]- Worked 1792-1821 S Y s A N I ET I! I f IT , Christian Wilhelm Krnst S r n M I 1) T , Georg Friedrich P> E K N I li E K o T n , Johann Martin K I L I A N , Pliilipp Andrcnn F R I T z s c n , Christian Friedric-h N I L s o X , Joliann Esaias C H o D o w I E c K I , Daniel Nicolans J -A c o I) E , Johann S c H M u T z E R , Jakob Matthias M E c H E L , Christian von M A N s p E L D , J(jliann Krnst Bause, Jiiliann Friedrich . K o B E I, L , Ferdinand Geyser, Christian Gottlieb BER(i ER , I)auiel Sen iiTZ (Schytz), Karl M tJ L L E R , Joliann (.Jotthard von S c II u L T z E , Christian ( Tottfried Clemens, Johann Friedricli Haas, Johann Meno P E N z K L , Johann (ieor^ K L A u B E R , Ignaz Sebastian H ESS, Carl Ernst Christojili K R tt G E R , Epliraim Gottlieb B A R T s c H , Adam von Bock, Johann Karl Lii's, Johann Heinricli M I c H E I, I s , Franz Ernst, Carl Matthias Bock, Carl Friedrich Willielm H E N N E , Eberhard Siegfried LiEBE, Christian Gottlieb August H Ai.LE, J. S. H. Xettl iNG, l'"ricdriih Willielm S c H u .M A N X , Johann Gottlob JtiGKL, Johann Friedrich . Page 314 148, 149 148 80 287-290 31 179 124 235 61,62 171 290 216 208 23 180, 181 130 31 291 229 292 63 144 243 180 158 292 20-22 35 198 220 106 35 156 197 1.53 234 292 178 INDEX OF EXGKAN'EKS 383 1701-1800— Continued 17(W - 1824 lit 1765 - 1806 . 1767 - 1842 . 1769 - 1836 . 1769 - 1843 1769 - 1849 . 1770 ab. -1814af. 1770 - 1831 . 1770 - 1856 . 1772 - 1817 . 1772 - 1832 . 1774 - 1850 . 1775 - 1846 . 1775 ab. - 1858 . 1779? - 1809 1780? - 1813 . 1782 - 1816 . 1783 - 1825 . 1784 - 1846 . 1785 - 1845 . 1788 - 1839 . 1790 - 1834 . 1790 - 1863 . [1790?]- Worked 1791 - 1846 . 1791 - 1849 . 1791 - 1858 . 1792 - 1863 . 1793 - 1872 . [1795?]- Worked cent. 1795 - 1858 . 1799 - 1880 . 18th cent. early 19th cent. first part 19tli R I E D E I, , Anton Heinrieh . P I c H L E I! , Johann Peter . K R ET n L o \v , Johann Ferdinand Bolt, Johann Friedrich John, Friedrich Hess, Carl Adolph Heinrieh L E H M A N N , Gottfried Arnold Haldenwang, Christian B u c H H o R N , Karl Ludwig Bernhard Mansfeld, Johann Georg WoLP, IHrioh Ludwig Friedrich F R I c K , Johann Friedrich . Weiss, David RossMASLER, Johann Friedrich Arnold, Friedrich Arndt, Wilhelm M tT L L E R , Johann Friedrich Wilhelm H A u E R , Gotthold BI ij L L E R , Heinricli Karl . R u s c H E w E V H, Ferdinand E N G E L M A N N , Gottfried . S oil N E L L, Ludwig G R I M iM , Ludwig Emil Bo II M ER , Julius V O L L I N G E R , Joseph A M s L E R , Samuel St BIN LA (Miiller), Moritz H o F E L , Blasius . G LEDITSCH , Paul K 1 R c H H o F K , Johann J. . Stob ER, Franz . Caspar, Joseph Anonymous . . Christian Page 292 246, 247 182 38, 39 176 158 270 152 48 209 352 123 345 270 11 11 228, 229 153 17 272 106 152 143 35 334 7,8 307, 308 159 135 180 309, 310 58 367 1801- [1800?]- Worked tirst half 19th cent. 1800 ab.- S T A D L E R , Franz von K E II R , Johann Philipp 307 179 384 GARDINEK GKEENE HUBBARD COLLECTION 801— Coiitinueil 18UL' - 1.S74 isni' - 1883 1803 - 187(> 1803 - 1884 1804 - 1877 1807 - 1868 1809 - 1876 1810 - 1872 1810 - 1882 1811 - 1812 - 1863 181 L' - [1812?]- \V,,rke.liin.l(nel!:)t [1812'?]- Worked niiildlelOt 1813 - 1882 . 1815 (18 22?")- 187 > 1815 - 1000 1820 - 1896 1822 - 1823 - 18911 1823 - 1825 - 1825 - 1893 1827 - 1821) - 1894 1834 - 1837 - 1838 - 1877 . 1840 - 1841 - 1843 - 1844 - 1900 . 1844 - 1845 - 184(1 - 1848 - 1848 - ('OlltCIllI (inuv liltll c'fU . Older m a x x , Krnst Friedrich F E L s 1 N <; , (ieorg Jakob W A <; X E u , Friedrich L ti D E K I T z , Karl Friedrich Gustav E I c n E X s , Friedrich Eduard M iM, L E R , Gcorg Wilhehii . S T E I F K N s A N' D , Xaver II 1) E F M A N X , August >I A X D E L , Johanii August Eduard P ET H A K , Aloys . S I c n L I X G , Lazarus Gottlieb P A Y X E , Alljert Heinrich . hcent. B K E I (Brey, Bray), Hermann (?) hccnt. II EisTEK, F. Weber, Friedricli T EicH E L , AUiert G LASER, ,Vdani Oioswin T 1! o s s I X , Robert L I X (■ K E , Karl Ludwig H A n E L M A X X , I'aul Sigmnnd S c H I E F E R D E c K E R , Karl August R A A B , .loliann Leoidiard . S E M M L E R , August Franz . Becker, Carl K R A u s s E , Loren z A If rei 1 . E I L E r s , Gustav V x56 307 1501-1600 [1548?]- Worked end 16th cent. 1558 - 1616 1561 - 1590 ab. 1565 - 1629 1565 and 1570 bet. - 1637 . 1571 - 1628 . 1571 - 1631 [1575?]- Workedearly 17th cent. 1580 - 1638 . 1580 ab.- 1585 - 1630 . 1587 - 1679 . 1588 ab.- 1658 ab. 1589 - 16.50 ab. 1590 ab.- 1647? . 1593 (1.594) - 1663 af. 1598 ab.- 1679 af. 16th cent. M.iEs (Maas), Pieter, 11. . (J o L T z I IT s , Hendrik D o L E N n o , Zacharias G n E y N , Jacob de, I. Passe, Crispin van de, I. . JI u L L E K , Jan Harmensz . >I A T H .\ \i , Jacobus S I c n E M , Karel van D E L F F, Willem Jacobsz SiCHEM, Christoffel van, II. GouDT, Hendrik, Grave van VissciiER, Xicolaes (Claes) Jansz HoNDi us, Hendrik, II. S E o n E R s , Hercules Pietersz Passe, Simon van de Passe, Crispin van de, II. . V E LI) E , Jan van de, II. A N o N Y M o u s . 205 137 138 81 130 239 240 229 215 296 297 75 296 139 333 165 166 276 241 240 241 328 , 360 1601-1700 1604 - 16.5,3? . 1606 - 1669 . [1607?]- Worked 1637-1660 1609(1610) - 1675 af. . 1610 - 1685 . 1610 - 1686 1613 (1610?) - 1686 1616 - 1680 . 1620 - 1664 [1620?] - Worked ab. 1650-1670 30705—04 25 Q u E n o R N , Crispijn van R Y N , Rembrandt Harmensz van A L L A R D , Huych . Waterloo, Anthonie O s T A u E , Adriaen Jansz van Stoop, Dirk SUYDERHOEF, JoUaS B o I. , Ferdinand . B E V, A , Comelis Pietersz S o Ji E R , Mathys van . 256 274-283 6 340,341 237, 238 310 312,313 36, 283 25 305 3«G GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION 1601-1700— Continuea 1620 - 16S3 . 1620 - 1691 . 1621 - 1675 1622 - 1678 . 1623 al>. - - lt)63 at'. 162;! - 1677 . 1624 - 1671 . 1625 - 1654 1626 al). -1720V . 1628 - 1682 . 162H? - 1662 . 1631 - 1708 . 1635 (1636) - 1672 1636 - 1691 af. 1640 - 1690 . 1640 - 1700 . 1643 - 1706 . 1645 - 1715 al). 1649 ab. - 1694 1650 ah. -171Saf. [16.50?]- Worked ali. 1680-1720 [1650?]- Worked ah. 1680-1728 16.56 - 1738 . 16.5S - 1702 af. 1660 - 1704 . 1660 - 1724 ]i!67 - 1724 ah. 1670 ah.- 1744 . 16! 15 - 1765 ab. I(i98 - 1780 17tli cent. R E K r H V. M 1 Bcr'.'liein') , Ch\ V V V !• . .Velhert IC V R It 1 1 1 N' «i K X , A Hart van ,1 .V u nix, Karel du '/. K K M .\ N ( Xoora.s) , Reinier V A I 1. 1. A XT , Wallerant C o X I X (' K { Koniug) , Corne Pott k k, Paulus . V .\ i,r K , Gerard . R u Y s A E I, , Jacob van V I s s c H E R , Cornells B A K H r I z E X , Ludolf V E L D E , Adriaen van de Vi.sscHER, Jan (de) B L o o T E L I N G , Abraham E R T I N r, E R , Frann ScnALCiJEX, God fried Sc H E X <■ K , Pii'ter S o .Ai E R , Paul van. II. M A R o T , Daniel . B LO IS , Ahraliaiu de Later, Jaeob de . jM o o R , Karel de, I. B o f T , Pioter D u s a r t , Cornelis G o I. e , Jacob G n N s t , Pieter Stevens van M o u c H E r o N , Isaak de Philips, Jan Caspar H o r B R A K E X , Jacobus A No NY Mors Pietersz Page 30 71 107 173, 174 356-359 325 66 253, 254 325 272, 273 271,3.31-3.33 13, 14 327 333 34, 35 106 286 286, 360 306 210 34 186 286 42 97 137 144 228 245 167,168 360 1701-1800 18th cent, early 1714 al).- 1740 - 1817 1741 ah.- 1816 1764 - 18.34 1765 - 1822 Boscii, Hendrik (publisher) M E E i; , Noaeh van der CocLE RK , Louis Bernard V I X K K L E s , Reinier C I. .\ E s s E X s , Laiidiertus Antonius V R iJ i> A G , Daniel 40 217 64 217, 331 63 336 INDEX OF ENGKAVEKS 387 1801- 1824 - 1841 - Contemporary Israels, Jozef . G K A V E s A N D E , Charles Storm van's A REN DZEN, P. Johannes . Page 170 141 10 FLEMISH SCHOOL 15107-1600 [1510?] - Worked 1540-1580 1520 ab.- 1570 1549 - 1615 af. 1553 - 1619 1555 ab.- 1624 1570 - 1629 1570 - 1634 1577 - 1640 1580 - 1657 1586 - 1659 1590 ab.- 1595 - 1672 1595 - 1675? af 1599 - 1641 L I E F R 1 N c K , Hans Floris (de Vriendt), Frans W 1 E R I X , Jan W I E R I X , Ilieronymus W I E R 1 X , Anthonie S A D E L E R , Gilles (^gidius) J o D E , Pieter de, I. Rubens, Petrus Paulas 8 o u T MAN, Pieter Claesz B o L s w e R T , Scheltus a Stock, Andries . U D E N , Lucas van V O R S T E R M A N , LucaS, I D Y c K , Anthonie van 197 118 88, 91, 350 90, 348, 349 348 88, 283 175 271 271,306 37, 38 308 324 271, 334-336 98 1601-1700 [1610?] - Worked 1632-1645 1603 - 1657 . 1606 - 1674 af. 1610 - 1690 . 1615 - 1678 . 1617 - 1673 . 1620 - 1665 . 1644 ab.- 1702 (1710?) N E E F F s , Jacob . P o N T I u s ( Du Pont) , Paulus J o D E , Pieter de, II. Ten I ERS, David, II. G A L L E , Cornells, II. T n o M A s (Thomas van Yperen), Jan D A L E N , Cornells van Vermeulen, Cornells 233 51,252,271 176 316,317 126 317 71,72 328 1701-1800 1772 - 18.51 Jehotte, I/onard 174 388 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION 1801- 1819 - 1868 1820 - 1867 V E K / w V V K I, (Ver Rwyvel), Michel Karel Aiitoon .... B A I, , Cornelis Joseph Page 330 14 1552-1600 1552 (1560)- 1641 1562 ab.- 1620 ab. 1590 bef. -16.50 . 1590 ab.- 1.592 - 1635 . 1596 - 1667 1598 - 1688 . 1600 - 1682 . 1601-1700 1602 - 1676 . 1610 - 1686 . 1612 - 1689 1620 ab.- 1664 af. 1623 - 1693 1623 (1627) -1702 [1630?]- Worked 1660-1670 1630? - 1678 1631 - 1706 1631? - 1721 1632 - 1704 1633 - 1710 1636? - 1694 1636 - 1700 1637 - 1723 1640 - 1710 af. 1640 - 1725 1641 - 1707 1645 - 1728 FRENCH SCHOOL G .\ I' L T I E K , LiM)nanl L K I' , Thomas i.le . I\I o H I N , Jean B o I s s .\ R I) , Kobert C A L L o T , Jacques. L'AsNE, Michel . M E L L A N , Claude G B L LE E , Claude (Lorrain) B os.se, Abraham R o u s s E L E T , Gilles Elle (Ferdinand), Louis F L A M K X , Albert P o I L L Y , Francois de, I. Van S c h u p p e x , Pierre I G R I B E L I N , Simon, I. N A N T e u 1 L , Kobert Platte-Montagnk (van Flatten berg), NicO' las de P I c A R T , Etienue V A L L ET , Guillaume B A z I N , Nicolas . La u m e s s I n , Nicolas de, I, M AssoN , Antoine G I K F A R T , Pierre S I M o X , Pierre L A K M E s s I N , Nicolas de, II, Edelinck, G(5rard S I M o N N E A c , Charles 128 129 192- -194 227 36 . 51-^6 185 1S5 217 130 101- 40,41 233 105 116,117 250 327 142 230-233 250 246 326 23 185 214,215 133 299 185 103, 233 185 INDEX OF ENGRAVERS 389 1601-1700— C'niitimied 1663 - 1738 . 1665 - 1727 . 1667 - 1756 . 1673 - 1733? . 1674 - 1749 1680 ab.- -1747 1684 - 1755 1687 - 1741 1688 - 1738 1688 - 1754 1693 - 1741 1694 ab.- -1760 1697 - 1739 17th cent. 1701-1800 [1700?] - Worked ab. 1730-1760 1700 - 1770 . 1703 - 1770 . 1705 - 1781 . 1709 - 1763 . 1712 - 1757 af. 1715 - 1808 . 1719 - 1764 1719 - 1794 [1720?]- Worked ab. middle 18th cent. 1722 - 1785 . 1723 - 1797 1724 - 1801 1725 - 1784 1729 - 1802 1730 - 1780 ab 1730 - 1809 1731 - 1797 1732 - 1806 1732 - 1818 1733 - 1792 1736 - 1807 D R E V E T , Pierre . D u F L o s , Claude A u D R .\ N , Jean . P I c .4 K T , Bernard T A R D I E u , Nicolas Henri B A Q u o Y , Maurice Lar.messin, Nicolaa de, III. T H o M A s 8 1 N , Henri Simon J E A u R A T , Edme Cochin, Charles Nicolas, I. Desrochers, Etienne Johandier Petit, Gilles Edme D R E V E T , Pierre Imbert Anonymous F I L L CE n L , Pierre Baron, Bernard Boucher, Francois D RE VET, Claude D A u L L E , Jean . P o I L L Y , Nicolas Jean Baptiste de W I L L E , Jean Georges Balechou, Jean Joseph FicQUET (Fiquet), Etienne L a n t k , Joseph . G A I L L A R D , Robert B a s A N , Pierre Francois L E Mire, Noel . O u V R I B R , Jean . Chevillet, Juste C H E N u , Pierre . Chopfard, Pierre Philippe Beauvarlet, Jacques Firmin Henriquez, Benoit Louis Nee, Francois Denis L o N G f E I L , Joseph de S A I N t - A u B I x , Augustin de Page 83,84 95 12 246 314 185 185 318 174 64 78 245 84 362, 363 114 16 41 83 73 250 350, 351 15 113 184 126 22 191 238 61 61 62, 201 24 157 233 201 201, 284 390 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION 1701-1800— Continued 1736 - 1820 . 1736 - 1739 - 1792 . 1739 - 1797 . 1739 - 1804 . 1739 - 1809 . 1740 - 1804 . [1740?]- Worked second ISthcent. lull 1740 - 1822 . 1741 - 1804 1741 - 1814 1742 - 1 795 1743 - 1806 . [1743?]- Worked ab. 1768- 1783 1744 - 1802 . 1744 - 1806 . 1744 - 1831 . 1744 - 1745 - 1807 . [1747?]- Worked ab. 1777-1793 1747 - 1819 ab. 1748 - 1798 . 1748? - 1819? . [1750?]- Worked 1780-1820 [1750?]- End 18th cent. [1750?]- Worked end 18th cent [1750?]- Worked end 18th cent 1751 - 1783 1751 - 1819 . 1752 - 1813 . 1753 - 1754 - 1810 ab. 1754 - 1814 af. 1754 - 1823 . 1754 - 1843 . 1755 - 1804 . 1755 - 1832 . 1756 - 1822 . M I G E R , Simon Charles NocHEZ (Nocher), Jean Ivlme L .1 D N A Y , Nicolas de Martini, Pierre Antoine C A T H E L I N , Louis Jacques Laurent, Pierre L o r V I o N , Jean Marie H u o T , Fran(;ois . M ASS A R I), Jean G A r (■ HER, Charles Etienne M o H E A V , Jean Michel D r f I. o s , Antoine Jean H E I. M A N , Isidore Stanislas B R A I) E L , Jean Baptiste P I c o T , Victor Marie B o u I L L I A E D , Jacques A V R I L , Jean Jacques, I. L E Beau, Pierre Adrien . Deij f E V A r V I LLi ER, Nicolas Bartlid6ric M A o R ET , Charles Fran(;ois Adrien L I X G E E , Charles Louis J A N I N E T , Jean Francois . DrpiN,N.(?) . L A N G L o I s , Pierre Gabriel R u o T T E , Louis Charles A N s E L I N , Jean Louis M A L n E s T E , ( ieorges M A L A p E A t' , Claude Nicolas Debucourt, Philihcrt Louis B E R V I c , Charles Clement Page 220 235 186 212 59 187 201 169 212 128 223, 224 85, 155 155 44 247 42 13 188 113 96, 155 256 32 194, 195 15 189 199 205 198 173 96 184 272 10 315 206 74 32 INDEX OF ENGRAVERS 391 170 1 -1 800— Continued 1756 - 1844 . 1758 - 1831 . [1759?]- Worked ab. 1789-1802 1759 - 1822 af. [1760?]- Worked 1790-lSOO [1760?]- Worked ab. 1790-1820 [1760?]- Worked iib. 1790-1820 1761 - 1824 . 1762 - 1817 . 1763 - 1822 ab. 1764 - 1819 af. 1765 - 1812 (1835?) 1767 - 1820 . 1767 - 1833 af. 1767 - 1841 . 1768 - 1822 . 1768 - 1769 - 1812 af. [1770?]- Flourished ab. 1800 [1770?]- Worked 1800-1810 [1770?]- Worked ab. 1800-1820 [1770?]- Worked ab. 1800-1840 [1770?]- Worked 1800-1840 1771 - 1835 . 1771 - 1839 . 1772 - 1817 . 1773 - 1838 . 1774 - 1812 af. - 1831 . 1775 - 1849 . 1776 ab - 1824 af. 1777 - 1778 - 1825 . 1779 - 1833 . 1779 - 1857 . 1780 - 1826 . [1780?]- Worked first par cent. 19t [1780?]- Worked early 19th cent. T .\ R D I E u , Pierre Alexandre G u E R I N , Christophe Sanuoz-Rollin, Baron de P A u Q u ET , Jean Louis Charles Bonneville, Frangois . D u p R E E L , Jean Baptiste Michel M o R R E T , Jean Baptiste CoQUERET, Pierre Charles A L I X , Pierre Michel M o I s Y , Claude Alexandre B A u o E A N , Jean Jerome . T A s s A E R T , Jean Joseph Francois Ri B AULT, Jean Frangois . Bo V iNET, Edine Roger, Barth^lemy Joseph Fulcran A u D o u I N , Pierre A N u , Jean Dominique Etienne Simon, Jean Pierre H O U R D A I N , C. H E R n A N , filisabeth G. M o R E A u , Achille B E NO I ST, J. L. . D U T H E , A V R 1 1, , Jean Jacques, II. . G o D E F R o Y , Jean CnATAiGNiER, Alexis INI E c o u , Andr^ Joseph M A s s A R D , Jean Baptiste Louis M A s s o L, M A s s A R D , Jean Baptiste Raphael LTrhain L E R o u G E , Jean Nicolas Bourgeois de la Richardiere, Antoine Achille D E L p E c H , Fran<,'ois Seraphine L I G N o N , Etienne Fr^d^ric D E s N o Y E R s , Auguste Gaspard Louis Boucher P I r I N G E R , Benedict G 11 I R A L D I , C n I E N O N , Page 314,315 143 285 241 39 315 227 66 5,6 221 22 315 266 42, 43, 96, 192 269 11,12 56 298 168 157 223 30 83 187 135, 198 60 216,217 212 256 212,213 192 42 75 197 77,78 249 131 61 3^2 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION 1701-1800— Continued Page [1780?]- Worked early 19th rent. [1780?]- Worked early 19th cent [1780?]- Worked early 19tli cent [1780?]- Worked early 19th cent [1780?]- Worked early 19th cent 1782 - 1849 1782 - 1860 . 1782 - 1871 . 1783 - 1783 - 1784 - 1852 . 1785 - 1847 1785 - 1849 1785 - 1865 . [1785?]- Worked 1815-1870 1786 - 1840 . 1787 - 1858 . 1787 - 1865 . 1788 - 1824 af. 1788 - 1845 af. 1788 - 1871 . 1789 - 1847 . 1789 - 1857 . 1789 - 1870 . 1790 - 1872 . 1792 - 1845 . 1793 - 1860 . 1793 - 1877 . 1795 - 1846 . 1795 - 1859 . 1796 - 1870 . 1797 - 1860 . 1797 - 1861 . 1797 - 1892 . 1798 - 1863 . 1798 - 1864 . 1799 - 1800 all. -1842af. 18tli cent, (worked) 18tli cent. D o u ,\ s , N o E L , C. F. I* L I- .M E T , V I (i N ERON , Vigna V HI ENTA I L, H. C o r c n E , Fran(;oi^^ Louis (t r e V e I) o N, Pierre Louis ( Henri ) J A COB, Nicola.s Henri C II A R o N , Louis Francois . I) K li u E V A u V 1 L 1. 1 E R , Fran^oiB Jacques B E R T K A N I) , Noel Francois P R A D I E R , Charles Simon . R I c n CM M E, Joseph Theodore L A ii(i I E R , Jean Nicolas G A R N I E R , Fran(,'ois M I G N E R E T , Adrien Jacijues Antoine L E I s N I E R, Nicolas Auguste D I E -v , Claude IMarie Francois PoTRELLE, Jean Louis D o R M I E R , Alexandre Charles L E R o u X , Jean Marie A u B E R T , Pierre Eugene B E I X , Jean G I R A R D , Alexis Francois . F o R s T E R , Francois C H A R L E T , Nicolas Toussaint M A u R I N , Antoine R ANSON NETTE, Charles . SixDENiERs, Alexandre Vincent . Col. LA s, Achille V A L L o T , Philippe Joseph Augustiii . M A R I N - L A V k; N E , Louis Stanislas . Pre YOST, Zach^e Henriquel-Dupont, Louis Pierre Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene L E K E V R E , Achille Desire Adam, Pierre ^lichel M Ai LE, (ieorges p ii e l i 1> p a r t , . Anonymous 82, 83 235, 236 250 331 336 43 142 171 60 76 32 254 267 186 127 221 191 80 253 157 192 11 29 134 120,121 59, 60 216 263 265, 299 65 186, 326 210 255 156, 157 74 188, 189 3 . 205, 206 245 363 INDEX OF ENGKAVERS 393 1801 [1800?]- Early 19th cent. [1800?]- Worked first half 19th cent. . [1800?]- Worked first half 19th cent. . [1800?]- Worked ab. 1830-1858 1802 - 1839 . 1802 - 1869 . 1802 - 1871 . 1804 - 1860 . 1805 - 1888 . 1806 - 1877 . 1806 - 1808 - 1809 - 1861 . 1810 - 1864 . 1810 - 1871 . 1810 - 1887 . 1810? - 1810 - 1813 - 1892 . 1813 - 1894 . 1814 - 1875 . 1814 - 1888 . 1815 - 1816 - 1866 . 1817 - 1878 . 1819 - 1869 . 1819 - 1886 1819 - 1898 . 1819 - 1898 . [1819?]- Worked middle 19th cent. 1820 ab. - 1853 1820 ab. - 1821 - 1859 . 1821 - 1868 . 1822 - 1867 af. 1822 - 1823 - 1894 . 1825 - 1883 . Page I\r A RTi NET , (editor) . , . 212 M A X s I o N , L. . . . . 209 JB . . . . . 3 Lacauchie, Alexandre . . . 183 N A PC LEON, Charlotte (Bonaparte) . . 233 Pannier, Jacques Etienne . . 239 J u L I E N , Bernard Romain . . . 178 R A F F e T , Denis Auguste Marie . . 258 F 6 R o G I o , Francois Fortune Antoine . 112 Mart I NET, Achille Louis . . 211 G I R A R D , Pierre .... 112 G o u T I E R E , Tony . . . 139 Francois, Charles Reniy Jules . . 123 Calam E, Alexandre ... 51 Morel-F A Tio, Antoine Leon . . 224 J ouBERT, Jean Ferdiuan Theodore Jules Martial . 252 Gil BKRT, Achille Isidore . . . 133 J ACQU K, Leon .... 172 Go N'co I' KT , Julea de . . . 138 Dei. A I'N E Y , Alfreil Alexandre . . 75 F A 1 V R E , CU. .... 110 RorstfE A I' .\ , Alfred Emile . . 271 O H A I- V E I, , Theophile Narcis.«e . . 60 F I. A M E N o , Leopold . . . 117,118 F L- II R , Charles Jeremie . . . 124 B I! A ci)i' EM ON I) , .Joseph F^lix . . 43,44 Desmoulix, Fernand ... 76 Dr ISO It'll ET, Henri Joseph . . 85 G A 1 1, L A R I) , Claude Ferdinand . . 12.5, 126 S I Rou Y , Achille Louis Joseph . . 299 Teyssonnieres, Pierre Sal vy Frederic . 317 D .\ M .M A N , Benjamin Auguste Louis . . 72 N" E r \- 1 L L E , Alphonse Marie de . . 234 T I s s o T , Jacques .To.seph . . . 318 J AcyUE.M A KT, Jules . . . 172 D 1 1) I E R , Adrien ... 80 L A L A UZE, Adolphe . . . 184 S A L M o N , Kmile .... 284 La FOSSE, Jean Baptiste Adolphe . 183 J ACQU ET, Jules . . . 172,173 Leldi R, Alexan.- 1711 ah. 163t> - lOfiV af. [1639?]- Worked sfcoua half 17lh c-eiit. 1640 - 1684 1645 - 1704 1650 bef.-l 715 al'. Page 1652 1656 1658 1675 1684 1684 [1685?] 1742 1686 1730 1755 al). 1756 1756 Worked cent. 1696 at).- 1730 ah. 1696 ab.- 1776 1697 - 1764 1700 - 1766 17th cent. farlv 18th G A Y woo 1) , Robert 129 J i> K , .Vrnolil ill' 175 I? Ro w N K, Alexander 46 D.wis (I,e Davis), Edward 73 White, Robert 347, 348 S H E K w 1 N , William 296 Smith, John 301-304 Faith o u n e , William, 11. 110 Stu KT, John 312 S I M o N , John 297, 298 F A B EK , John, 11. 107, 108 ^' E it t u E , (xeorpe 328-330 G K A N G E R , 140 Williams, Robert ( Roger? ) 352 G u c H T , Geraril van der 143 IIo, William . 339, 340 1768 - 1834 S A Y , William 286 [1769?]- Worked end 18th rent. Go ED , H. S. 136 1769 - 1842 . Bromley , William 45 1769 - 1852 . L A ND.SEER, .lolin 184 1769 - 1859 . Ward, James 339 [1769?]- Worked 1799-1828 J o s I , Christian . 177 [1770?]- Worked ab. 1800-1812 ( T o D B Y , James . 135 1770 ab.- - 1820 af. Stow, James 310 1770 - 1854 . Clint, Gefirge . 64 [1770?]- Worked early 19th cent. Sanders, George S. 285 1772 - 1813 . C ARDo N, Anthony 57 - 1833 . Sm ith, Benjamin 301 1773 - 1835 . K K V N o L I) s , Samuel William 265 1773 - 1857 . Tu R N ER , Charles 322, 323 1774 - 1828 Scott , John 293 1774 - 1849 Barnarii, William 16 1775 - 1841 . .S c R I V E N , Edward 293 1775 - 1851 TcKNER, Joseph JIalloril William . 323 1775 - 1860 S w A I N E , John . 314 1776 - 1843 . R A I M 11 A c 11 , Abraham 258 1779 - 1856 L E w I s , Frederick Christian 323 1780 ab. -1837ab. Pica rt, Charles 246 [1781?]- Wiirke E I! T , J. LuMSDEN S n A R p E , C. W. . 22 48 81 124 153 15G 177 230 239 239 255 256 295 19th tent. Anonymous 362 SCANDINAVIAN SCHOOL 1610 ab.- 1673 . [1802?]- Worked first half 19th tent. 1S60 - H A E L WEG H , Albert H ERLI N, Z o R N , Anders Leonhard 147 1-58 359 DANISH SCHOOL 1764 1757 1816 L o D E , Odoard Helmolt de S c H u L E , Georg Christian . 198 291 SPANISH SCHOOL 1730 1746 1807 1828 C A R M o N A , IManoel Sah-ador (t o Y A Y L u (■ 1 E N t E s , Francisco Jos<5 de 57 140 INDEX OF ENGRAVERS 401 AMERICAN SCHOOL 1730-1800 1730 - 1777 1735 - 1818 1796 - 1886 H u R I) , Nathaniel Revere, Paul D u u A N D , Asher Brown Page 169 264 97 1801- 1805 - 1865 . Dick, Archibald L. 79 1807 - 1885 . S M I L L I E , James 301 1808 - 1884 . Hall, Henry Bryan 152 1808 - 1897 . S ART A IN, John 285 1809 - 1883 . K M s B Y , Waterman Lilly 236, 237 [1813?]- Worked first half 19th cent. Hadi>, H. S. 283 [1813?]- Worked 1843-1860 D ' A V I G N o N , Francis 73 1818 - 1904 . S c H F F , Stephen Alonzo . 290 1822 - 1892 . Burt, Charles 49 1823 - 1903 . Wood, Thomas Waterman 352 1828 - 1879 . Smith, Hezekiah Wright . 301 1829 - 1904 . E L T E N , Kruseman van 106 [1829?]- Worked middle 19th cent. .M E T z E R o T H , Robert and Charles . 219 1830 - 1883 . Bellows, Albert F. 29 [1830?]- Worked middle 19th cent. Best, Edward S. 33 1831 - Brown, John George 46 1832 - C L M A N , Samnel 65 1834 - 1903 . Whistler, James Abbott McNeill . 346, 347 [1834?]- Worked middle 19th cent. K ,N 1 c; H T , C. A. 346 [1834?]- Worked middle 19th cent. Y O U N G , J. 346 1835 - F E R r I s , Stephen J. 113 1837 - M R A N , Thomas 223 1839 - Forbes, Edwin 119 1840 - 1884 . Miller, Elis Freeman 221 1840 - S H E L T o N , William Henry 295 1841 - V L K >i A R , Charles 334 1842 - Church, Frederick Stuart 63 3070.5—04 26 402 CiAKDlNER GKEENE HUBBARD COLLECTION 1801— Con timied Page 1842 - M o K A .\ , Peter . 222 223 1843 - 1898 . S A liT A I N, William 285 1843 - 1903 . (' [I A M !• N E Y , .1. Wells 59 1843 - 190:i Fa u h ku, Henry 111 1844 - L a n d e r , Benjamin 184 1847 - N If o L L , James Craig 234 1848 - D r V E N E c K , Frank 98 1850 - K I X (i , Francis Sentt 179 1850 - jM o N R s , John Austin San ' A g n o l o. Called Andrea del Sarto (1486-1531 ) Andrieu, Bertrani) (1761-1822) An DRo tiET-Di'CERCE Au, Jacques (15157-1585?) Angelico, Fk.a.. .S'ee Fiesole, Giovanni da. Antomarchi, Francesco (1812-1838) Appiani, Andrea (1754-1817) . . A II B I N . See Saint-Aubin. Aubry, Louis FR.4^Nfois (1770-1850) . . AuTREAU, Louis (ab. 1692-1760) Aved, Jacques Andre Joseph (1702-1766) AVONT, PlETER VAN (1600-1652) 30,39,111 Page 16, 273 210 49 31, 156, 192,200,259,319 68 337 9 17, 33, 71, 224, 235 364 219 51 6, 19, 304, 315 272 318 288 164 Dacler d'Albe, Baron Louis Albert Guillain de (1761-1824) Bandinelli, Baccio (1493-1560) . . Bar at, (worked middle 18th cent.) Barbieri, Giov.^nni Francesco. CaWerf II Guercino (1.591-1666) Barbiers, Pieter, II. (1748-1842) 218 24 157 175 217 405 406 GARDINER GREENE HCBBxVRD COLLECTION J5 A ROC CI 11, Fedekkio (ir>L'8-l(ilL>) P. A UK A LET, John Jam i:s ( -1S12) . 15a UHK, Jean Ai'GUSTE (1811-189(1) Ba liioi.oMMEO, Fra. Sir r*aj;holo del Fattorino, liartolnnimco ili. Bartolozzi, Francesco (1727-1815) Batoni (Battoiii), Pompeo (iiRoLAMo (1708-1787) B e a r clerk, Lai.v Diana (17:54-1808) Beg as, Oskar (1828-18815) Belle, Alexls Simon (1(174-1 7:54) Bellin I , Giovanni (ali. 14L'8-151()) Be M bridge, H enry ( worked 1 7tiO) Benner, Henri (end 18th cent. -1825) Beech EM (Berghem), Claas Pietersz (1620-1683) BERGMtiLLER, JoHANN ( JEORG (1(588-1762) B E R R 1 1) ci E , John (exhibited 1766-1 785 ) B E R T a 11 X . /SVc Duplessi-Bertaux. Bertrani), Gabrielle (17:57-1790) BiERsTADT, Albert (18:5(V1902) BiRosCHKOw, (worked early 19tli cent.) Blasmez, Johax (worked end 16th cent. ) Blum, Robert Frederick (1857-190:5) BocKHoRST, Jan van. O/Z/ct/ Lange Jan (1605-1668) BoEL, Pietek (1(522-1674) . BiiizoT, Antoine (1704-1782) BoL, Hans (1.5:54-1.593) Bon II EC R, Marie Hosa (1822-1.899) . Bonnar, William ( 1 .Si 10-1 8.53 ) Bonnemaison, Fereol ( -1827) . Bonneville, F. (worked 1790-1800) B o R o V I K o V K K I i , Vladi.mir Li'Kicii ( 1 758-lS2t)) Bosio, Francois Joseph (17(59-1845) Botticelli, .Vleskandho (1447-1510) B o u c II E R , Frax(;()Is ( 1 70;5-l 770 ) Bo u cH E R- 1) Ks N o V erh. (SV'c DesHoyers, A. G. L. Boucher. Bouillon, Pierre (1776-1831) Page 127 247 65 22(1 246, 247 19 324 330 192 304 176,216,217 20 148 115 336 301 11 193 371 99, 100 163 114 349 255. 284 273 114 284. 285 254 12,364 15, 174 342 12,212,213 INDEX OF ARTISTS 407 Bourdon, Pierre Michel (1778-1841) Bourdon, Sebastien (1616-1671) Bower, Edward (worked middle 17th cent. ) Bo ZE, Joseph (ab. 1746-1826) BRAC(iUEMO ND, .ToSEPH FELIX (183".- ) Bran DO IN, Charles (worked aVj. 1768-1772) Bkenet, Nicolas Guy Antoine (1773-1846) Breton, Jules Adolphe Aime Louis (1827- B R o M L E Y ,( worked ab. 1570 ) Brompton, Richard ( -1782) Brown, John George (1831- ) Brueghel, Jan, II. (1601-1675) Brueghel, Pieter, I. (ab. 152.5-1569) BucKNER, Richard (worked ab. 1830-1879) Buouet, Henri (1761-ab. 1833) BuNCE, William Gedney (1840- ) Buonarroti, Michelangelo (1475-1564) Burbage, Richard (15677-1619) Burne-Jones, Sir Edward (1833-1898) Page 11 24 211 57 261 100 364 261 36 286, 295 134 163 334 337 82 183 108, 123, 129 69, 329 174 Oabanel, Alexandre (1823-1889) Caliari, P.\olo. CfiiZf'/ Paolo Veronese (1528-1588) Callet, Antoine Francois (1741-1823) Calzb. Sfe Cunningham, Edward Francis. Camphausen, Wilhelm (1818-1885) Can ale, Gioanantonio. CaH«(i Canaletto (1697-1768) C A N a l E , Giovanni Battista (worked late 18th cent.) Canaletto. See Canale, Gioanantonio. C.\NOVA, Antonio (1757-1822) Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) C A R R u c c I , Jacopo. Called Jacopo da Pontormo ( 1494-1552 ' Gary, Francis Stephen (1808-1880) . Casanova, Francesco Giuseppe (1727-1805) Caspeks, John Baptist (worked late 17th cent. ) . 117 58, 255 32, 326 119 221 16 32 263, 267 244 104 290 73, 348 408 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Catel, Fraxz Ludwu; (1778-1856) Cera cf II I, Gii'seppe (1751-1801) C II A 1) w UK, Joseph (worked late 18th rent.) Cii A M B EULi N , Mason (exhibited 1763-1787) CiiAMPAiGNE, Philippe DE (1602-1674) Charlet, ^sicolas TonssAixT (1792-1845) Chase, William Merritf (18411- ) Chasselat, Charles Abraham (1782-1843) C n A T I L L o N , Charles de ( worked early 19th cent. ) C 11 o I) o w I E c K I , Daniel Nicola us (1726-1801 ) C H o Q u ET , A. (worked second half 18th cent. ) Cipriani, Giovanni Battista (1727-1785) Claude L o r r a i n . Si't- Gellee. C L o u ET , Fran(;ois. Odh'd Janet (ab. 1510-ab. 1572) Clovio, (iioRciio Giulio (1498-1578) . Cochin, Charles Nicolas, 11. ( 1715-1790) CoGNiET, LiioN (1794-1880) Coi/LiER, John (18.50- ) Constable, John (1776-1837) Cooper, Samuel (1609-1672) Cope, Charles West (1811-1890) Copley, John Singleton (1737-1815) CoRNEiLLE, Jean Baptists (1649-1695) Cokot, Jean Baptiste Camille (1796-1875) C o R K e G G I o . iSVc Alletjri, Antonio. Cos.siA, F. (worked late 18th cent. ) CoswAY, Richard (1740-1821) Co UN IS, Salomon (tuillaume (178,5- ) Coy PEL, Charles Antoine (1694-1752) Craig, William Marshall (worked 1788-1827) C R A N A c H , Lucas, I. ( 1472-1.553) Croce, Johann Nepomuk de la (1736-1819) Cruikshank, Isaac (a)i. 1756-ab. 1811 ) Cunningham, Edward Francis. ('aWci/ Calze (ab. 1742-1795) CURRAN, .V.melia ( -1847) Page 48 267, .362 264 115 232, 233, 312 205 324 192 12 31, 243 205 17,247 250 67 64,201,220 120 118 47. 202 168, 3.52 81 19 102 47 287 .59,177,283 224 84 184 81 159 361 63, 70, 320 295 INDEX OF ARTISTS 409 JJxni, ixn, KEiNRini A.vtox (1773-1850) Dance-Ho LL A N n, Sir Nathaniel (1734-1811) Dannecker, .Ton ANN HEiNRicn VON (1758-1841) Daubigny, Charles Francois (1817-1878) D A V I D , Jacques Louis (1748-1825) Da Vinci, Leonardo. See Vinci, Leonardo da. Da WE, George (1781-1829) Db la Face, Raymond (1656-1690) D E LA Have, Jean (worked late 17th cent. ) Delaroche, Paul (Hippolyte) (1797-1856) De la Tour, Maurice Quentin (1704-1788) Del Sarto, Andrea. iS'ee Andrea d'Agnolo. Denner, Balthasar (1685-1749) Desbordes, Valmore (1785-1859) Despontaines. See S webach-Desfontaines. Desfosses, Vicomte Charles Henri (1764- ) Desmarkes, Georg (1697-1776) Desnoyers, Baron Auguste Gaspard Louis Boucher (1779- D es PR Ez, Louis Jean (1740-1804) Diaz de la Pes a, Narcisse Virgile (1808-1876) D I D I o N I , F. ( worked early 19th cent. ) DiEPENBECK, Abraham v.\n (1599-1675) Dodge, J. W. (worked first half 19th cent.) Does, Jacob van der, I. (1623-1673) . Do LCI, Carlo (1616-1686) . DoMENicHiNO. See Zampieri, Domeuico. Dou, Gerard (1613-1675) . Doyle, James E. (19th cent.?) Drouais, Francois Hubert (1727-1775) Dboz, Jean Pierre (1746-1823) Dubois, Joseph Eugene (1795-1863) . Dubupe, Louis ^douard (1820-1883) DucERCEAU. See Androuet-Ducerceau. D u c h E , (worked end 18th cent. ) D u c Q , Jan le. See Le Ducq, Jan. 5, 32, 66, 133, 123, 124, 132, 1857) Page 11,39,144,182 295 153 183 268, 355 106 102 ; 157, 201, 218 104,113 148 83 85 148 76, 235, 269, 298 248 60 133 164 283 21 207, 224 350, 351 318 24 365 365 157 233 ilU GAKDINEK GREENE HUB13AKD COLLECTION DtJKER, Albkecht ( 1471-1")28) D u .1 A R I) I X . .SV'- Jariiiii. U u M o N s T 1 K u , Daniel (?) ( 1574-1646) Dr.MoNT, Fran^'Ois (1751-af. IS:50) DuPAsciUi EK, Gamex (workeil iui7) DuPRE, Ji-LEs (1812-1889) . DuKANTiNi, Li-i(;i (workeil early liltli cent.) Dyck, Anthonie VAN (1599-1641) . 16, .S7, 38, 46, 107, 212, 215, 220, 225, 233, 251, 264, 294, 310, 31 1, 313. 317 120,165,166,179,245, 110,122. 325, 328, 42, 164, 329, 334, 175,176, 335, 342 Page 255, 283 2.39 314 134 371 284, 315 19 183, 239 32 199, 207, , 348, 354 hj ASTLAKE, Sir Charles Lock (1793-1865) EoRiDiiE, Henry (1769-1821) E II R e X s T R A H L . .SV'c Kli'icker von Ehrenstrahl. Elle, Ferdinand ( -1639?) Elsheimer, Adam (1578-1620) Ei, SHOLTZ, Ludwk; (1805-1850) Elstracke, Reginald (ab. 1590-af. 1620) Endek, Johann Nepomuk (1793-1854) Erjm N I , PiETRo (worked early 19fh cent.) EvcK, Jan VAN (ab. 1390-1440) 322, .362 57 105, 227 1.39, 276, 335 270 96 309 225, 2,38 128 Fa HER, Johann (1778-1846) Fabre, Francois Xavier Pascal (1766-1837) Fa ED, John (1820-1902) Fage. -SVc De la Fage. F A LBE, Joachim Martin (1709-1782) . Fa presto. .SVr Giordano, Luca. Febure, Claude le (1632-1675) FiEsoLE, Giovanni da. Cnllid Fra Angelico (1387-14.55 Fildes, Luke (1844- ) . FioHi, ISL^Rio da'. .SVc Nuzzi, INIario. 180 213 161 288 327 25, 122, 306 lis INDEX OF ARTISTS 411 FiTTLER, James (1758-1835) . . { Flinck, Govaert (1615-1660) Fontaine, Ludolph la (1705-1771) . FoRESTiER, Henri Joseph (1787-1872) FoRTUNY y Carbo, Mariano (1838-1874) Fowler, William (1796-ab. 1880) F R A A N G e l I c o. See Fiesole, Giovanni da. F R A B A R T o L o M M E o . See Pagholo del Fattorino, Bartolommeo di. Fradelle, Henry Joseph (ab. 1778-1865) Fragonard, Jean Honore (1732-1806) F R A N c I A , II. See Eaibolini, Francesco di Marco. Frank (Steinhiiuser), Pauline ( -1866) Freudenberger, Sigml-nd (1745-1801) Feisch, Johann Christoph (1737-1815) Fkomentin, Eugene (1820-1876) Frye, Thom.\s (1710-1762) (jr A insborough, Thomas (1727-1788) Gall A it, Louis (1810-1887) Galle, Andre (1761-1844) G.\rneray, Jean FR.iN(;'ois (1755-1837) Gaultier, Pierre (worked 1730-1762) G a UTTER, Jean Baptists Andre (worked late 18th cent.) Gel lee, Claude. CoHerf Claude Lorrain (1600-1682) Gerard, Baron Francois Pascal Simon (1770-1837) 85, 121, 127, 135, 156, 157, 186, 187, 197, G H I s I , Giovanni Battista. CaHerf Mantovano (1503-1575) GiAMBELLiNi. See Bellini, Giovanni. GiANUzzi, GiuLio DI FiLippo DEI. Ca//oY Giulio Romano (1493-1546 Gibson, George (contemporary) Giordano, Luca. CaHw/ Fa presto (1632-1705) . Girodet-Trioson, Anne Louis de Roussv (1767-1824) GoBERT, Pierre (1666-1744) GoLTzirs, Hexdrik (1558-1616) Gordon, Sir John W.\TsoN (1790-1864) Fage 23 34, 288 288 221 113, 181 136 • • 286 24,220 , , 207 • . 186 • • 44 60 • • 244 104 188, 261 , 296, 305, 338 211,261 365 5,6 314 128 116,371 3, 77, 78, ,200, 213 225 254, 267, 315 131 76 131,243,370 30 229 126, 169, 206, 213 12 130, 296 108 412 GAKDLNEK UKEENE HUBBAKD COLLECTION ( ; (1 K 1) () N , KoHEHT .r.vMEs (worked 1871-1893) ( Tit A FK. Anton- (17;iG-18l:{ ) (tkaxt, Sir FuANcis (18l).'>-1878) (tkekx, James (wiirkeil late 18th cent. ) Gkeenhill, John (1649-1676) GiiErzE, Jean Uaptiste 1725-1805) (iiios, Bahon Antoine Jean ( 1771-18.'i5) ( ; u i' N E w A I. D , Matthias ( betw. 147LI aiii! l-)8(l-af. 1529) G r E lie I N o , Ii,. iSVc Barbieri, ( iiovanui ['"raiK'esco. Gl'eui N, Jean (1760-1836) ( i !■ 1 11 o Re n I. ,SVv Reni, Guido. GiULi.oN, (iniLLAfME. »Vcc Lethierc. SO, 120, 156, 186, Page 239 23, 182 45 339 110 308 200, 272, 326 179 113,114,157,234,269 ilAOENArEH, JolIANN Baitist (1732-1810) Haih, Johann JakoI! (1704-1767) H A 1. 1. , John J. (exhibited 1791-1827) Ha 1,1,, I'lEKKK AiJOLi-iiE (1739-1794) Hals, Fkans, I. (al <. 1580-1666 ) IlA.MlI.TdN, WiLLlA.M (1751-lHOl) H ANN A H, Robert (worked 1842-1870) Haklow, Geori;e Henry (1787-1819) . . H A rcKER, Thomas (ab. 1640-al). 1723) H A HER, Jean jACiiUEs (1751-1829) Havell, Wii,i,ia.m (1782-1857) n AYE. ,S(V' I)e la Have. Haytek, Sir Georoe (1792-1871) H E H Ei E 1, y n c k , Anselmus. Callnl Aiiseliuiis van HuUe (1594-1665) Heii. MANN, Johann Kasi'AB (1718-1760) Hen NEK, .Iean JACQUE.S (1829- ) . Hernevssen, Andreas (worked late 16th cent. ) Heri', (tiili.iam van (1614-1677) H ESSE, Henri Joseph (1781-1849) Hick EL, .\nton (1745-1798) 11 1 L I, I A R II , XlCTlOL.VS (1547-1619) 290 148 322 224 ] 02, 262 19,51,263 191 116 318 315 154 64 126 168 338 7 337 11 206 297 INDEX OF ART16TS 413 Hilton, William, I. (middle 18th 06111.-1822 HiTTOKFF, Jakob Igxaz (1792-1867) Ho ARE, William (ab. 1707-1792) Hoffmann, Geoko Andreas (1754-1808) Hogarth, William (1697-17t>l) Holbein, Hans, II. (1497-1543) 19, 44, 7li, 80, 1H3, 164, 165, 167, 202, 216, 297, Holland. See Dance-Holland, Sir Natlianiel. H o L L M A N , (worked middle 18th cent. ) Holzer, Johann Evangelist (1708-1740) Honthorst, Gerard van (1590-1656) Hudson, Thomas (1701-1779) Hcbner, Julius (1842-1874) H u L l e , Anselmus van. See Hebbelynck, Anselmus. Hunt, William Morris (1824-1879) HuYSUM, Jan van (1682-1749) Page 246 •157 169 153 68, 143, 301 18, 307, 325, 335, 345, 361, 366 220 149 284, 329 107 44 290 99 Xbbetson, Captain Henry (?) (worked early lilth cent.) Ince, Joseph Murrav (1806-1859) Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) Inman, Henry (1801-1846) ISAACSZ, PlETER (1569-1631) Isabey, Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) . 12,103,139,178,198,209, 132 195 50,51,156 285 229 17,241,249,257,266,315 J ACQUE, Charles Emile (1813-1894) J AG EM ANN, FERDINAND (1780-1820) Janet. See Clouet, Francjois. J A N I N ET , Jean FRANfois (1752-1813) Jardin, Karel du (ab. 1622-1678) Jervas, Charles (ab. 167.5-1739) Johnson, C. (worked first part 17th cent.) Jones, Thomas (ab. 1730-af. 1798) JoR da ENS, Jacob (1.593-1678) 133, 172 171 331 306 297 168 353, 354 38 414 GAKDINEK GKEENE HUBBAKD COLLECTION IValichew, (f. I. (worked end IStli cent.) K A LTER ER, J. ( Worked late ISth cent.) Kai'ffmann, Maria Anna Ancei.ika Katiiarixa K a u I. m a r II , F n I E n it 1 1- ii ( 1822- ) KaII. HACH, WiLIIKLM VON (1805-1874) Key.ser (Keijwer), Nicaise de (1813-1887) K 1 1. 1 A N , Cteorg Christoph (170H-1781) K I M 1. 1 . See Kymli. K I N I N (; e R , Vincenz Ge()R<: (1767-1851 ) K I N so N , Mme. (worked early 19th cent. ) Kl.ilC'KER VON E H R ENSTR A II I. , DaVII) ( 162!I-1 Knkllbr, Sir Godfrev (1040-172;-!) Knight, John Prescott (1803-1881) . KoiiLER, Christian (1809-18til) KoH 1. , Jakob (worked late 18tli cent.) . KOSIN.SKI, JosEP (1753-1821) Krakpt, Johann Peter (1780-185(5) Kraus, Georg Melchior (Johann) (1737-1806) KRU(iER, Franz (1797-1.S57) K I- c H A R.s K .7 , (workeil latter part 18tli cent.) KuvPKR (Kuijper), Jacob (1761-1808) KvMi. I (Kimli), (worked 1777-1786) (1741-1807) 698) 102, 17,1 108, 144, 298 Page 136 18 , 225, 252, 273 257 105, 160, 257 330 371 176 229 103,327 302, 303, 329 79 111 171 292 293 62 202 168 217, 336 292 Li (worked .'Jecoiid half 18th cent. ) .... " J>ACAUcniE, Ale.xandre (worked all. 18.30-1858) .... 190 La F a g e . iSVf De la Fage. L A F o N T A I N e . See Fontaine. Lafrbnsen (Lavreince), Nicolaum (1737-1808) .... 76 ly A II A V E . See De la Haye. Lamen (Lanem or Laenen), Ciiristofprl Jan or Jacodsz van der (ab. 1615-1651) . 38 Landseer, Sm Edwin Hknry (1802-1873) .... 69,132,255 L A n G E .Tan. See Bockhorst, Jan van. Langi.ois, Jean Ciiarlem (1789-1870) . ^ e . 3,265 L A R(i I I.1.IERE, NicoLA.s DE (1656-1746) .... 303 INDEX OF ARTISTS La Tour. See De la Tour. Lauer, NicoLAUs (worked ab. 1790-1820) Laurence, Samuel (1812-1884) Laurens, Jean Paul (1838- ) Laurent, Jean Axtoine (1763-1832) . L A V R e I X c E . See Lafrensen. Lawrence, Sir Thomas (1769-1830) . Lawson, F. W. (contemporary) Leader, Benjamin Williams (1831- ) Lebrun, Charles (1619-1690) Leclerc, Pierre Thomas (?) (worked ab. 1780-lSlO) Lecointe, Jean Fran^-ois Joseph (1783-1858) Ledru, Hilaire (1769-1840) Le DucQ, Jan (1629 (1630) -1685) L E F E B u R e . See Febure. LEFfevRE, Robert (1756-1830) Lely, Sir Peter (1618-1680) Len bach, Franz VON (1836-1904) Lepaon, Louis ( -ab. 1790) Le Roy, J.^cques (1739-1778) Leslie, Charles Robert (1794-1859) . Lessing, Karl Friedrich (1808-1880) Leth ifeRE (Guillon), Guillaume (1760-1832) Lev den, Lucas van (1494-1533) Leys, Jean Adguste Henri (1815-1869) L I EB, Michael. CaWerf Mihiily Munkdcsy (1844-1900) LiGOZzi, Jacopo (ab. 1543-af. 1632) Linton, Sir James Drogmole (1840- ) Liotard, Jean Stienne (1702-1739) . LivENSz, Jan (1607-1674) . LoDER, Matthaus (1781-1828) Loo, van. See Vanloo. L o R R a I N , Claude. See GelWe. Lotto, Lorenzo (ab. 1480-ab. 1555 or 1556) Loutherbocrg, Philippe Jacques de (1740-1812) 101, 34, 35, 415 Page 79 161 68 12 18,45,82,322,3.38 371 47 02,174.214,2.32,233,327 188 157 . 6,42,66,189 20 69,120,203,272 107, 109, 325, 330, 343, 344 154, 155, 269, 270 191 23 246 322 . 104,171,345 308, 313 43 338 9 262 203 335 309 332 45 416 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Li'DDEN, JoHAXX Pacl ( -17.S9) LuiNi, Bernakdinci (al). 1475-al'. 1o;W) McMuRTKiK, W. B. (worked niiiMk" l!tth cent) Magrath, William (1838- ) Mander, Kaeel VAN, 11. (l.=)7i)-lt)2.T) . M A x D E R , Karel VAX, III. (aU. 1()0.5-1G72) M A X T E G X A, AXDREA ( 14:n-150(>) M A X T o V A N o . Sec Ghisi, tiiovanni Battista. Maratti, Carlo (1625-1713) MaRCKE, fi.MILE VAX (1827-1890) Mario da' Fiohi. .SVr Xuzzi, !Mario. IMarryat, Capt. Frederk-e (1792-1848) Martin, Jeax Baptiste (1659-1735) . ^Iartix, Pierre Dexis (ab. 167.3-1742) Martinet, Emile (1838- ) Masqi'erier, Johx James (177S-1S.55) ^I a T T II .4 I , JoiiANX Friedrk'H (1777-1845) M A u z A I s .s E , Jean Baptiste (1784-1844 ) Mazzuola, Francesco. OiWcr; II Pamiigiano (150.3-1540) Meciiat, Jakob AViLiiEi.M (174.')-1808) Meer, Jax VAN UER, I. (162,8-1691) Meer, Jax van der, II. (1656-1705) Meissoxier, Jeax Louis Ernest (1815-1891) Memlixg, Hax.s (1430-1494) Mexgelbero, Egidius (1770-1849) Menzel, AnoLP Friedricit Erdmann (1815- ) Metsu, Gabriel (1630-1667) Metsy.s, QuENTiN (bel". 1460-1530) Mev.s, Ferdinaxi) I)E (worked secomi lialf 18th cent.) Meytens, Martin van der (169.5-1770) M I c H E L A n G E l o . Sir Buonarroti, Michelangelo. Miehevelt, MicniEL Ja.nsz (1567-1641) MiERis, Fraxs VAX, I. (163.5-1681) 36, 43, 68, 39, 31 113,17 261 Page 355 127 346 372 198 147 44 10 67 6,312 23 186 60 322, 323 292 157 319, 320, 331 130 172 21 ,262,271,331 122, 227 114 144, 208 342, 351 122 1,3, .331 179,245 75, 229 25, 242 INDEX OF AKTISTS 417 M I K R Y , .1 . ( worked latf ISth w_'nt. ) MiGN A KD, Nicolas (1606-lH(j8) 31 Kjy A I! J), Pierre ( l»)I2-l(i95) Mux, JoRis VAX DEK (1728-1763) M I L L A I S , Sir JOHX KVERETT ( 1829-189()) Millar, James (?) (worked ab. 1773-1791) Millet, Jeax FRAXrois (1814-187.")) MoESNER, Fkaxz (worked Ijitf IStli Cent. ) Mo NXET, Charles (1730-af. 1808) MoREAU, GlTSTAVE (1826-1898) More a u , Jean Michel. Called Moreau le Jeune ( MoRLAND, George (1763-1804) Mortimer, John Hamilton (1742-1779) MosLER, Henry (1841- ) MoTTE, Henri Paul (workeil ab. 1874-1881) MucKE, Heixrich Karl Anton (180(3-1891) Muller, Robert (worked late ISth cent. ) M u n K k c s Y , MiiiALV. Si'c Lieb, Michael. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban (1618-1682) Mytens, Daniel, I. (bef. 1600-ab. 1656) N., J. O. (worked first halt" 18th cent.) . N A X t E u I L , Robert ( 16307-1678 ) Nasmyth, Alexander (1758-1840) Nason, Pieter (1612-af. 1680) Nattier, Jean Marc, I. 1(1685-1766) . Navez, Francois Joseph (1787-1869) . Neer, Eglox Hendrik van der (1635-1703) Netscher, Caspar (1639-1684) Nocret, Jean (1617-1672) . NooMS, Reixier. 6'ee Zeeman, Reinier. NooRDT, Jax VAX (worked middle 17th cent. ) NoRTHCOTE, James (1746-1831) N u z z 1 , Mario. Called Mario da' Fieri ( 1603-1673 ) 30705—04 27 r41-1814) 95, 103, 214,215,23: Page 125 214, 215 , 250, 264, 327 203 16,47 198 29,43,72,119,252 171 155 43 128,212 178,236 354 270 118 111 339 188,203,211,262,372 75 245 271 338 72, 207 126 253 242 23 327 333 . 265,286,305 99 418 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Oi-iR, TnEnnAi.ii Keiniioi.ii vox (1.S07-18S5) O 1. 1 V E H , I>\Ac (ab. 155(1-1 1)17) Opie. .IdiiN (17(>1-I807) Ori.ovskii, Aleksaxdu Osipovim { 1777-18liL') OSTADE, AdHIAEN JaNS/, VAX (1610-1085) Otto, Johaxxes Samuel (1798-1878) Oi-i,Ess, Waetek William (1848- ) Ow EX, William (1709-1825) Page 230 67, 108 240 323 320 57 137 313 332 207 202 136 265 P. (worked early 19tli coat.) .... Fagiiolo DEL Fattokixo, Bartolommeo di. ( 'iiUnI Fra. Bartolommeo 1517) ...... Paillou, p. (worked niidcUe 10th cent.) Palm A, Jacopo. C'aWerf Palma Vecchio (1480-1528) . . Paox . Sff Lepaoii. P A K M I « I A N o . Sir Mazzuola, Francesco. Patox, Richard (1717-1791) .... P E -5 A . .SVr Diaz de la Pena. Penxi,Luca. C'aKc(/ Romano (ah. 1500-ab. 1560) Percier, Charles (1764-1838) .... Perimiixo, Pietro. (See Vannucci, Pietro. Pesxe, Axtoixe (1683-1757) PETER.S, Rev. Matthew William (1742-1814) P II 1 L I PPOTEA ux , Henri Felix Emmaxuel (1815-1884) I'll I LI, IPS, Thomas (1770-1845) Pick ERS(; ILL, Hexry William (1782-1875) PixE, Robert Edge (1742-1790) PioMiso, Semantiaxo del (1485-1547) . P I p p I , GiPLio. Sr,' (iianuzzi, Ginlio di Filipiio dei. Pi, AEs (Plas), David van der (1047-1704) Pletscii, Oskak (18.30-1888) Poe i.E.M BURG II (Poelenljorgh), Corxelis vax (1.5S6-1667) I'oiXT, .lo.sEi-ii (worked early 19tli cent. ) PoxD, Arthur (1705-175H) (1475- 247 307 293 25 199 106,124,167,169,202,2.35, 103, 24 12, 266 315 88, 289 351 17 104 41,300,323 82 79, 342 .352 137 372 180 212 310 INDEX OF ARTISTS PoNTORMO, Jacopo DA. 8cc Cari'iKTi, Jacopo. Pope, Alexander (1763-1835) Pot, Hendrik Gerritsz (ab. 1585-1657) Potter, Paulus (1625-1654) Pour BUS, Fran-s, II. (1569-1622) Pous.siN, Nkxii,as (1593-1665) Preissler, Johann Daniel (1666-1737) Prieur, Francois Louis (17487-1819?) Prud'hon, Pierre Paul (1758-1823) 41 'J Page 293 313 20 173, 227 8, 77, 197 158 32 34,133 Cj^UADAL, Martin Ferdinand (1736-1811 1 Quesnel, Francois (ab. 1544-1619) 171 194 Raeb urn. Sir Henry (1756-1823) . Raibolini, Francesco di Marco. Calhil II Francia (1450-1517) Ramberg, Johann Heinricit (1763-1840) Ramsay, Allan ( 1713-1 784) Raphael. See Sanzio, Raffaello. R A Y M o n I) o N , (worked middle 18th cent. ) Read, Catherine ( -ab. 1786) Redl, Josef (1774-1836) Regnault, Ale.xandre Georges Henri (1843-1871) Regnault, Jean Baptiste (1754-1829) R E I C H E N B a C H , K U N I G U N D E S O P H I A L U D O V I C A . See Reinagle, Phillip (1749-1833) Rembrandt. See Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van. Reni, Guido (1575-1642) . Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) . 20, 29, 64, 115, 148, 153, 154, 177, 204, 210, 241, 256, 294, 296, 305, 321, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344 Richard, Fleury Francois (1777-1852) Richardson, Jon.\than, I. (1665-1745) Richardson, Jonathan, II. (1694-1771) R 1 c H E L e t , N. ( worked end 16th cent. ) Richmond, George (1809-1896) 234, .338 517) . 134,259,370 18 203, 235 289 342 309 262 32 Siraonawitz. 51 8, 32,3.3,67,68, 101,. 311,. 321 17,19, / 1 303 330 194 161 i 420 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION R I CUTER, (iCSTAV C.UU. LlliUKi (1823-1884) . . . . RiGAi'i)-Y-K<.s, IIvAciNTFiK Fkaniois II. M. V. LE :\I. A. J. (lt)59-1743) 83,84,101, Rdi. AXi>, I'liiLirPK Lathent (17415-1810) . . . . K I) 1. 1. 1 N . See Samloz-Rdllin. ]; OMAN!). iSee I'enni, Luca. Romano, (iiuLio. .SVp (jiaini/.zi, (iinlio di FiUp])o dei. Ro:mnev, GEOWiE (1734-lSOli) Roos, Johann Heixrich (1631-1685) Roos, JoHANX Meu'Iiior (16o!»-1731) . Rosa, Salvatore (1615-1673) Ro.sLix, Ai,exaxdre (1718-179iS) Rousseau, Pierre Etiex.xe Theodore (1812-1867) Roy bet, Ferdinand (1840- ) RuiiENs, I'ETRUs Paulu.s (1577-1640) . 46, 57, 63, 99, 100, 102, 106, 142, 165, 173, 204, 229, 247, 251, 252, 265, 306, 316, RuniDGE, \V. (worked early 19th cent.) RusTA, .lAtopo T. (worked lato 18fh cent.) Russ, Karl (1779-1843) Russell, John (1745-1806) RUYSDAEL, .IaCOH VAN (1628-1682) . Ryn, Remhrandt Harmensz van (1606-1669) 67, 117, 15S, 168, 172, 204, 244, 262, 289, 321 Page 104 289,298,318 319 100, 294 21 21 46, 294, 372 269 60 110 34, 37, 38, 317,335,336 220 159 310 65, 154 152 10, 324, 339, .344 Oaixt-Aubin, Gabriel JACiiUES de (1724-1780) . . . 138 Saxdkero, Johan Gustak (1782-1854) .... 158 S A ndoz-Rolli N , Barox DE (worked ab. 1789-1802) ... 78 Sanzio, Raffaello. Co//ff/ Raphael (1483-1.520) ... 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 29, 45, 50, .57, 7.5, 76, 77, 101, 104, 111, 120, 121, 126, 127, 160, 170, 181, 191, 200, 207, 208, 211, 213, 219, 226, 228, 236, 246, 259, 260, 264, 267, 272, 308, 319 Sarto, Axdrea del. iSVc Andrea d'Agnolo. Sauvage, Jean Baptiste ( -1790) ..... 284 S c A o H L E Y , (worked late 17tli cent. ) . . . , . 298 Sen a do w , Johann Gottfried (1764-1850) .... 316 SCI! ALCKEN, GODFRIED (1643-1706) .... .100,204,351 INDEX OF ARTISTS 421 ScHEFFER, Arv (1795-1858) ScHEFFER, Hexdrik (1798-1862) S c H E N A u . See Zeisig, Johann Eleazor. ScHRADER, Julius Friedricii Antonio (1815-1900) Schroder, Johann Heinhich (1757-1812) Schubert, Johann David (1761-1822) ScHUssELE, Christian (1824-1879) ScuLTORE, Giovanni Battista. See Ghisi. Seeman, Enoch (1694-1744) Seurre, Charles Emile Marie (1798-1858) Seydelm ANN, Jakob Crescentius (1750-1829) S H A R p , Michael W. ( -1840) Shee, Sir Martin Archer (1769-1850) S I c. A L o N , Xavier (1788-1837) Silvestre, Louis de, I. (1669-1740) . SiLVESTRE, Louis DE, II. (1675-1760) Simonawitz, Kunigunde Sophia Ludovica (Reichesbach) Singleton, Maria (worked 1815-1822) Smirke, Richard (1778-1815) Smith, George (1714-1776) Smith, John Raphael (1752-1812) S N Y D e R s , Frans (1579-1657 ) SoEST (Zoust), Gerard (ab. 1637-1680) So MER, Paul VAN (15767-1621) SouTMAN, PiETER Claesz (1580-1657) Steinhauser, Pauline. See Frank, Pauline. Steinheil, Adolphe Charles Edouard (contemporary) Steuben, C. G. H. A. F. L., Baron de (1788-1856) Stevaerts, Anthonie Pala.medesz (1601-1673) Stothard, Thomas (1755-1834) Stuart, Gilbert (1755-1828) Stubbs, George (1724-1806) Stubenrauch, Philipp von (1784-18.39) Studer, Johann Rudolph (1700-af. 1769) (1761-af. 1812) Page 122, 1.34,1.56,1.59,208 299 182, 242, 307 63,123 31 33 204 178 292 286 294 299 15 289 293 220 184 353 265, 339, 340 99, 100 330 167, 354 312. 313 263 67, 134, 189, 221, 285, 345 333 355 154, 290, 301 81 345 149 422 GAilDlNER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Sully, Thomas (1783-1.S72) SwEBACn-DESFOXTAINES, JaCQUES FKAXfOIS JoSEPH ( 1769-1823) Teniehs, David, I. (1582-1640) Teniers, David, II. (1610-1690) Tepa, Fka^z (1832 (1828?)-1889) Teschner, Alexander (1816-1878) Thompson, Thomas Clement (ab. 17S0-af. 1857) TlSCHBEIN, JOHANN Heinrich Wiluelm, I. (1751-1829) Titian. See Vecelli, Tiziano. TocQUi;, Louis (1696-1772) Tofanelli, Stefano (1750-af. 1802) ToNioLi, Ferdinando (worked 1788) . . Tour. See De la Tour. TOURON, Gl^como ( -1810?) T R I o s o N . See Girodet-Triosou. Troy, Jean Francois de (1679-1752) . Troyon, Constant (1810-1865) Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775-1851) . Page 97 42,43 242 22,61 202 25 265 220 73, 290 226 131 259 101, 102 68 255, 352 \ aart, van der. ,V('f Vandervaart. Vaillant, Bernard (162.5-1674) Van der Does. See Does. Van der L a m e n ( Laiiem or Laenen ) . See Lamen. Vandbrlvn, John (1776-1852) V A N D E R M e E R . See Meer. Van der M e y t e n s . (S'-1S41) WiLLE, Pierre Alexandre (174S-1S21) Wilson, Benjamin (1721-1788) Wilson, Richard (1714-1782) Wi NTERii A LTER, FranzXaver (1806-1873) WiSSING, WiLLEM (1656-1687) Wolf, Ulrich Ludwr; Friedrich (1772-1832) W o L K () F F , ( worked end 18th cent. ) WouDANCs, Jan Cornells (worked 1.585-1610) WorwERMAN, Philips (1619-1668) . Wright, .Joseph (1734-1797) Wright, Richard (1735-ab. 1775) WvCK. ,SVr Wijek. Page 78 144,328 152. 353 143 344 177 301 100 48, 49, 82, 140, 258, 269 351 204 353. 354 68, 69, 121, 201 304 31, 144, 178, 182 135 297 22, 372 147, 244, 245, 305 353 .^AMi'iEEi, DoMENico. rfj/^fv/ Doiiienichino (1581-1(341) Zaiiffely, JoHANN. 0(//rt/ Zoffaiiy (1733-1810) Zeeman (Nooms), Reinieh (ab. 162:3-bef. 1668) Zeisig, Johann Eleazor. (Mh-d Schenau (1734 (1740)-1806) ZiMMERSIANN, Ernst Karl Georg (1852- ) . ZoccHi, (iicsEPPE (ab. 1711-1767) Zofpany. »S<'f Zauffely. Zoust. See Soest. ZuccHERo (Ziiccaro), Federigo (1,543-1609) . , ZuccHERO (Zuocaro), Taddeo (1529-1566) . 228,253,294 81, 100, 115, 205 219 61, 238 180 121, 294 19, 136, 165, 167 215 Portrait Index PORTRAIT INDEX Note.— In indented or second lines artist's name is given in first column, engraver's in the second. A. ABBOTT, CHARLES, Lord Chief JustUy of Em/land. O w K N , William Reynolds, Samuel William ABRAHAM, CARL. See Zedlitz. ABRANTES, LAURE PERMON (JUXOT), Duchef:se d'. Is A BE Y , Jean Baptiste . . . Ed \va rd s , 8. Ailciit Page 26.5 103 ACHMET AGA, Seid. Anonymous Petit, Gilles Edme 245 ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY, President of United States. Sully, Thomas Duraud, Asher Brown ADAMS, Mrs. CHARLES FRANCIS. H u X T , William Mokkis ADDISON, JOSEPH. K N E L l E R , Sir Godfrey Schoff, Stephen Alonzo Simon, John 290 298 427 428 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION ALBERT, Arehduke of Austria. K U H E N !S , PkTKI's PaULI-'S M n 1 1 o r , Jan Ilarmensz ALBERT, Prince Comort af Vicloriu, Queen nf Enijhind. W 1 NTKKn A LTKH, FuanzXaver . Louis, Aristide A N ox V Mors I, on is, Aristide See dim Victoria, Princn Allirrt, ainl tlicir children. ALBERT EDWARD, I'rinee of Wnlen (Idler Edimrd VII., King of Eiii/linid) Rich m o x d , George . . . . H o 1 1 , Francis ALBRET, JEANNE D', Queen of Navarre {motlier of Henri/ IV.) F R A (1 O X A it n , J EAK IIOXOUE A X O N Y M O U S ALDEGREVER, HEINRICH. A I, DEGRE VER, IlEIXRICn . ALEXANDER L, Cz.ir of Russia. BiROSCIIKOW, Bourdon, Pierre IIichel ALEXANDER VIL, Pope. V I SSI' n E K, ('oRNELIS .... ALEXANDER VIIL, r„pe. \ X o X Y M o U S ALEXANDR.\, Emj,re.'\ Marquise de Maiidenon. See Maiiitenon. AUGEREAU, PIERRE FRANCOIS CHARLES, Marlxhal, Dno de Cnsliglione. Ar HR V , Lciris Fraxi,iii.s . . . R u o 1 1 e , Loiiii^ Charles . . 272 Ledrit, Hii.aire Lef e V re, Elenore . . . 189 AUGUSTUS II., King uf rolnml. A N o N V M o I' s B u s c h , ("ieorg Paul ... 49 AUGUSTUS III., King of Poland. Si I, V estre, Loris de, II. . . . S cli ni i d t , Georg Friedrich . . 289 Anonymous Bernigeroth , Johann Martin . 31 Anonymous B u s p h , Cjeorg Paul ... .50 Nil, SUN, ,]i)hann EsAiAS . N 1 1 s o H , Joliann Esalas . . 235 AUVERGNE, FREDERIC MAURICE DE LA TOl'R D', Due de Boaillon. See Bouillon. AUVERGNE, HENRI DE LA TOUR D', Viconde de Tarenne. See Turenne. PORTRAIT INDEX 431 B BACCIOCCHI, ELISA, Grand Duchess of Tuscany. See Bonaparte, Maria Anna [Elisa] BACON, Sib FRANCIS, Viscount St. Albans. I N c E , Joseph Murray SoMER, Paul van SoMER, Paul van BACON, Sir NICHOLAS. Z U C C H E R O , FEDERIfiO Z U C C H E R O , FeDERIGO BAILLY, JEAN SILVAIN. G A R N E R A Y , Jean Frax^ois (after David) BAKHUIZEN, LUDOLF. Anonymous Anonymous Page Lewis, Charles George Houbraken, Jacobus . Worthington, William Henry Goldar, John H o u 1) r a k e n , Jacobus A 1 i X, Pierre Michel Bakhuizen, Ludolf Gole, Jacob 195 167 354 136 167 13 137 BALZAC D'ENTRAGUES, CATHERINE HENRIETTE DE, Marqum de Verneuil. See Verneuil. BARBERIN, ANTOINE, Cardinal, Archhishnp of nheimg. N a N T E r I L , Robert . . . . N a n t e u i 1 , Robert . BARIATINSKI, Family of the Princess. K a u F F M A N N , Maria Anna Ancelika M o rg h e n , Raffaello Katharina. 230 225 BARTILLAT, ETIENNE JEHANNOT DE. N a N T E I- 1 L , Robert N a n t e u i 1 , Robert 23Q 432 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Page BARTOLOZZI, FRANCESCO. V 10 LET, Pierre B ou i 1 1 i a r d , J;u-qUfS ... 42 BAS, ELIZABETH. See Swartenhout, Eliz;U)eth Jacobs (Bas) BEATON (or BETIllTNE), DAVID, Oirdbinl and Archhishop of St. Aitdretrs. Hilton, WiLMAM, I Ti ca rt , Charles .... 246 BEAUHARNAI8, EUGENE DE, Due de Leiirhtenherg, Yiceroti of Ilalij. Gerard, Baron FuANrois Pascal Longh i , (iiuseppe . . . 200 Simon. L o N G H I , Giuseppe . . . . L o n g h i , Giuseppe . . . 200 BEAUHARNAIS, EUGENIE HORTENSE DE. M A N s I o N , L M a n s i o n , L. . . . , 209 BEAUMONT, FRANCIS. Anonymous . . . . . Simon, John .... 297 Anonymous V e r t u e , George .... 328 BEIRUTH, FREDERICA SOPHIA WILHELMINA, Margravme of. Anonymous . . . . II a bel m a n u , Paul Sigmund . 145 See aho Freilerii-k II. and his sister. BELASYSE, LORD JOHN, Baron of Worhtbye. See Worlabye. BELLIEVRE, POMPONE DE. Lebrun, Charles .... Nan t en i 1 , Robert . . . 232 BELOSELSKY, ALEXANDRE, Frince. Casanova, Francesco Giuseppe, and S c h ul t z e , Christian Gottfried . 292 S E Y D E L M A N N , JaKOB CrESCEN- TIU8. b6n£VENT, CHARLES MAURICE DE TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD, Prince de. See Talleyrand-P6rigord. BENZ, PHILIPP ADAM. HoLZER, JoHANN Evangelist . H a i d , Johann Jaliob ... 149 PORTRAIT INDEX 43:5 BERGMULLER, JOHANN GEORG. ^"^"^ Bergmu LLEB, JoHANN Georg . . H a i d , Johaiiii Jakob . . . 148 BERNADOTTE, JEAN BAPTISTE JULES {later Charles XIV. John, King of Sweden and Noniiay) GuERiN, Jean Fiesinger, J. Gabriel . . . 113 Ledru, Hilaire A 1 i X , Pierre Michel ... 6 BERRY, CHARLES, Due de. Troy, Jean Francois de . . . E d e 11 n c k , Gerard . . . 101 BERRY, MARIE CAROLINE FERDINANDE LOUISE, Duchesse de. Hesse, Henri Joseph . . . Audouin, I'ierre .... 11 BETHUNE, DAVID. See Beaton, David. BfiTHUNE, MAXIMILIEN DE, Due de Sully. See Sully. BIJMEL, ANTONI. (Original drawing) Anonymous 372 BILLINGTON, Mrs. ELIZABETH (a.s "St. Cecilia") Reynolds, Sir Joshua . . . Pastorini, Benedetto . . . 241 BISMARCK, OTTO EDUARD LEOPOLD, Prince von. L E N B A c H , Franz von . . . H e c h t , Wilhelm .... 1.54 Lenbach, Franz von . . . Rohr, Wilhelm .... 269 ScHRADER, Julius Friedrich An- Krausse, Lorenz Alfred . . 182 TONIO. BLACKSTONE, Sir WILLIAM. Gainsborough, Thomas . . Ed wards, S. Arlent . . . 104 BLUCHER, GEBHARD LEBERECHT VON, Prince of Wahhtadt, Field Marshal. Singleton, Maria .... Meyer, Henry .... 220 Wolf, Ulrich LuDwiG Friedrich . K re th low , Johann Ferdinand . 182 Bock, Johann Karl . . . . Bock, Johann Karl ... 35 BLUMENBACH, JOHANN FRIEDRICH. Grimm, Lud wig Emil .... Grimm, Lud wig Emil . . 143 3070.5—04 28 434 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Page BOILEAU-DESPREAUX, NICOLAS. Rig A UD-Y-R OS, Hyacinthe Francois Dre vet , Pierre .... 83 H. M. P. LE M. A. J. BONAPARTE, CARLO (father of Nnpokon I.) (ji rodet-Trioson, Anne Louis de II ii n t , Fraiioois .... 169 RoussY. Anonymous . . . . . Anonymous. . . . . 363 BONAPARTE, CARLOTTA (later Marie Pauline, Priiwesse Borghhw) (sister of Xapoleon I.) Laoauchie, Alexandre (?) . . Lesway, Eugene .... 190 Anonymous . . . . . D e 1 ji e c h , Francois Seraphiue . 75 BONAPARTE, CHARLES LOUIS NAPOLEON. See Napoleon III. BONAPARTE, FRANQOIS CHARLES JOSEPH NAPOLfiON, Due de Reichstadl (son of Napoleon I. ) See Reiclistatlt. BONAPARTE, JEROME, King of Westphalia (brother of Napoleon I. ) K I N s o n , Mme. Francois Joseph . M ii 1 1 e r , Johann Gotthaid von, and INI ii 1 1 e r , Johann Frieili'ioh Wilhelm 229 BONAPARTE, JOSEPH, King of Naples and of Spain (brother of Napoleon I. ) D E s N o Y E H s , Baron AuciusTE Gaspard Noel,C. F 235 Louis Boucher. Gerard, Baron Fran^oisPascalSimon P r ad ier, Charles Simon . . 254 Lekev re, Robert .... R u o 1 1 e , LouLs Charles . . 272 Anonymous Ghiraldi 131 BONAPARTE, LUCIEN, Prince of Canino (In-other of Napoleon I.) Anonymous Scli u le, Georg Christian . . 291 A N o N Y M o u s A n o n y m o u s . . . . 364 BONAPARTE, LOUIS, King of Holland (brother of Napoleon I.) Desbo RD Es, Vai,M()RE . . . Douas, andDnth*?, . . 83 D Es NO VERS, Baron AuciUsTE (iAsPARi) S i ni o n , Jean Pierre . . . 298 Louis Boucher. Anonymous Sohie f erdecker, Karl .Viigust. . 287 PORTRAIT INDEX BONAPARTE, MARIA ANNA {later EMsa, Princea.i of Piombino and Grand Duchess of Tus- cany) {sister of Napoleon I. ) Co UN 18, Salomon GuiLLAUME . . Morg hen, Raffaello Anonymous Anonymous BONAPARTE, MARIA ANNA and her daughter, NAPOLEON ELISA. Gerard, Baron Francois Pascal Adam, Pierre Michel Simon. BONAPARTE, MARIA L^TITIA (RAMOLINO) {mother of Napoleon I.) Durantini, Luigi (after C ano V a, Bertin i , Angelo . . . . Antonio) * L ACA vcH I E, A LEX A NDRE (?) . Laca u c h i 6 , Alexandre Napoleon, Charlotte (Bon A- Napoleon, Charlotte (Bonaparte) parte) BONAPARTE, NAPOLEON EUGENE LOUIS JEAN JOSEPH, Prince Imperial of France {son of Napoleon III. ) D u B u F E , Louis i^DouARD . . . Henriquel-Dupont, Louis Pierre BORGHESE, Princesse. See Bonaparte, Carlotta. BOSSUET, JACQUES B^NIGNE. R I o A ti D - Y - R o s , Hyacinthe Fran- D r e v e t , Pierre Imbert . fois H. M. P. LE M. A. J. RiGAUD-y-Ros, Hy"acinthe Fran- Edelinck, Gerard fois H. M. P. LE M. A. J. 435 Page 224 36H 32 183 233 BOSVILLE, Miss JULIA. Reynolds, Sir Joshua Watson, James BOUILLON, FREDERIC MAURICE DE LA TOUR, Ihic de. Anonymous N a n t e u i 1, Robert BOUMA, GELLIUS DE. ViSSCHER, CoRNELIS BOURBON, CATHARINE OF. See Catherine of Bourbon. V i s s c h e r , Cornelia 157 84 101 342 231 332 436 GARDINER GREP^NE HUBBARD COLLECTION BOURBON, CHARLES, Due de. Leu, Thomas I) k . . . . Leu , Thomas de BOURBON, ELIZABETH (LSABELLA) OF. See Elizabeth (Isabella) fjf Bourbon. BOURBON, LOUIS II. DE, rrince de Condt See Cond^. BOURBON, LOUIS DE, Due de Vend6me. See Vendonie. BOURGOGNE, LOUIS DE FRANCE, Due de (father of LouL^ XV.) RiGAUD-Y-Ros, Hyacinthe Fkan- D re V et, Pierre fois H. M. P. LE M. A. J. Troy, Jean FRANfois de Ed el i n (■ k , Geranl BRACQUEMOND, JOSEPH F^LIX. B R A C Q U E .M O N D , JosEPH FeLIX BRACiANZA, CATHARINE OF. , Claude Ferdinand CHAMBRE, MARIN CUREAU DE LA. See La Chanibre. CHARLEMAGNE. A N O N V M O I' S CHARLES I., King of England. Dyck, Anthonik van . Dyck, Antiionie van . Dyck, Antiionie van . Dyck, Anthonie van . Dyck, Anthonie van . Dyck, ANTnoNiE v.\n . Dyck, Anthonie van . Dyck, Anthonie van . Anonymous A N O N Y 51 o u s CHARLES I., family of. Dyck, Anthonie van CHARLES I. nnd HENRIETTA M.\RIA. Anonymous CHARLES I. and young Prince CHARLES. Dyck, Antiionie van J e s i , Samuele G a i 1 1 a r il , Claude Ferdinand Passe, Crispin van de, I. Massard , Jean Anonymous . B r o w n e , Alexander Page 281 175 125 240 Faber, John, II. . 107 Lombart , Pierre 199 Handel, Johann August Eduard 207 Mathey-Doret, Armand . 215 Sharp, William 294 Strange, Rol lert . .311 S u y d e r h o e f , Jonas 313 V r s t e r m a n , Lucas, I. 335 Faithorne, William, I. 109 S in i t h , John .... 301 212 360 46 PORTRAIT INDEX 441 CHAELES I., on horseback, accompanied by Duke op EPERNON. Dyck, Anthonie van . . . B a r o n , Bernard CHARLES I. amlBvKE of HAMILTON. Dyck, Antroxie van CHARLES I., children of. Dyck, Anthonie van Dyck, Anthonie van Dyck, Anthonie van CHARLES II., Kinf] of England. Casperr, John Baptist DiEPENBECK, Abraham van Dyck, Anthonie van Lely, Sir Peter N a 8 O N , PlETER CHARLES II. (ox Prince of Wales) Anonymous Strange, Robert Page 16 310 Mathey-Doret , Artnand 215 Strange, Robert . . . 311 T h e V e n i n , Jean Charles Bienvenu Gaspard 317 White, Robert Hollar, Wencoslaus Hollar, Wenceslaus Blooteling, Abraham D a 1 e n , Cornelis van Faithorne, William, I. 34S 164 1G4 35 109 See also Charles I., cliildren of, Charles I. and young Prince Charles, and Charles I., family of. CHARLES IX., King of France. Z tj N D T , Matthias Ziind t, Matthias CHARLES X., King of France. Lawrence, Sir Thomas Turner, Charles See also Artois, Comte d', and Mademoiselle Clotilde. CHARLES v., Emperor of Oermamj. V E C E L L I , TiZIANO B E H A M , BaRTHEL CHARLES III., King of Spain. K N E L L e R , Sir Godfrey CHARLES X. GUSTAVUS, King of Sweden. Hebbelynck, Anselmus Vorsterman, Lucas, I. B e h a m , Barthel Smith, John Galle, Cornelis, II. 359 332 336 26 302 126 442 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION CHARLES XII., Kl,)f/ nfS>n;le,t. A N o N Y M () 11 s G o I e , Jacob . . . . A iN'oN- V Mot's Weigel, Christoph CHARLES XIV. JOHN, Kiiiij of Sweden and Xonai;/. See Bernadotte, Jean BapticSte Jules. CHARLOTTE SOPHIA (u-ife of George III. of Enghmd) Fkye, Thomas (or Theodore) . . Fryf, Thomas (or Theodore) CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANQOIS RENE AUGUSTE, Viconile ,h: Girodet-Trioson, Anne Louis de G a i 1 1 a r d , Claude Ferdinand ROUS.SY. CHATHAM, WILLIAM PITT, Earl of See Pitt. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Anonymous Anonymous CHETVVYND-TALBOT, CHARLES, third E , Henilrik Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van V i s s c h e r , Cornelis B n r n e y , Frangois Eugene V o r s t e r m a n , Lucas, I. Bolt, Joliann Fiiedrich Anon v 111 ous J o d e , Pieter de, II. COSWAY, Mrs. MARIA CECILIA LOUISA (HADFIELD) CoswAV, Ric'iiARi) .... J OS i, Christian COWLEY, ABRAHAM. Lely , Sir Peter Lel Y , Sir Peter A N o N Y M o u .s F a i t li o r u e , Wilham, I. Y e 1- 1 u e , (ieorge S i m o n , John . PaRe 295 339 138 281 332 Tassaert, Jean Joseph Franvois . 315 49 335 38 366 176 109 330 297 PORTRAIT INDEX COWPER, WILLIAM. Lawrence, Sir Thomas CROMWELL, OLIVER. DvcK, Anthonie van L E L Y , Sir Peter Walker, Robert Walker, Robert Walker, Robert Walker, Robert Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous CROMWELL, RICHARD. Anonymous Anonymous Bartolozzi, Francesco A Hard, Huych Stent, Pieter CROMWELL, THOMAS, Earl of Essex. See Essex. CUVIER, GEORGES LEOPOLD CHRETIEN FREDERIC DAGOBERT, Baron. Pickersgill, Henry VVilll\m . Doo, George Thomas 445 Page 18 L m b a r t , Pierre . 199 Faber, John, II. . 107 Bartolozz i, Francesco 18 G a y w fl , Rol)ert 129 Loni bart, Pierre . 199 T r e V i 11 i a n , William 321 Faithorne, William, I. 108 Velde, Jan van (le, II. . 328 A n n V m u s 31)1 6 308 82 T> DALOU, JULES. Lboros, Alphoxse DANBY, HENRY DANVERS, Earl of. DvCK, AXTIIONIE VAN . DANTE, ALIGHIERI. See Alishieri, Dante. Leg r OS, Alphonse Green, Valentine 189 142 446 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION DANTON, GEORGES JACQUES. Bonneville, Francois K a n (1 o z - R o 1 1 i n , Baron ile DANTZIG, FRANCOIS JOSEPH LEFfeVRE, Due de. Martinet, Emile . . . . Charon, Louis Franoois Mengelberg, Egidips . . . Fiesinger, J. Gabriel . DANVERS, HENRY, EarlofDanby. See Daiiby. DARNLEY, HENRY STUART, Lor; o N Y M o I- s Passe, Crispin van de, I. Anonymous l^ee also Henry VIII. and lii^^ laiiiily. ELIZABETH (wife of Alexander I. nf Russia) Bexxer, Henri . ELIZABETH (ISABELLA) OF BOURBON. Blasmez, Johax Rub e X s , Pbtrus Paulus Velasquez, Diego Rodriguez de Goya y Lucientes, Francisco SiLVA Y. Jostj de AxoxY'Mous . . . . . .lode, Pieter ile, II. ... ELIZABETH CHRISTINA {wife nf I-Wderiek the Great of Pru.'oi.i' Manuel DliRER, AUiREinT . A X o N Y JI o u s . ESSEX, ROBERT DEVEREUX, :?(} Enrl nj. E a O M I. E Y, f)L I V ER, Isaac Anonymiii's .... ESSEX, THOMAS CROMWELL, Rn-l of. HoL llEI N, Ha.NS, II. ESSLING, ANDRE MASSENA, Prince (V. B O N N E M A I S O X , FeREoL ESTE, ISABELLA D', Morrhm, dl Uifuluii. Si'f Mantua. Bracq iienionil , .Td.seph Felix 1 1 (■ (| n f \' a u \- i 1 1 i (■ r , Eraurois .lacques .... Lii t ze I li u rge v, Hans . Lu ]i t o u , Thomas (ioff . Vail) ant, WalliTant \' (1 r s t »■ r 111 a II . Lucas, I. AV elie r , Fricilrirli . D I' u t s !■ h , Hans Rudolf Manuel l)ii rf r , AHireclit I> V (.■ k , Anthonie van B o i s s a r il , Robert . II ou b r a ken, Jaoolius . Passe, Crispin van de, I. Auonyiuous . Fiesiui^er, J. Gabriel . Page 44 76 202 202 325 3;io 345 79 93 98 36 167 240 361 114 ESTERHAZY VOX GALAXTHA, NIKOLAUS .TOSEPII VOX, Prince. Toi'tiUE, Jean Loris .... S r li in i il t , (ieorg Friedrich ESTREES, GABRIELLE D", ^^lrrlJ,l!.^<,■ de ^[vM■elnl.r. See Monoeaux. EUGENIE, Empress (wife if Xnpol,,,,, HI. of France) W I N TE R 11 A i.TE II , Fkanz Xavek . ( ' o u s i 11 s , Saiuuel . 290 68 EVERETT, i;i)\VARl). W Hi 11 T , ]\IosES Sin if li, Hezekiah Wright 301 POKTKAIT INDEX 451 F FAIRFAX, RiR THOMAS. B <>w ER , Edward . W A L K E K , ROBEKT FARADAY, MICHAEL. Turner, Charles . FAUCHET, CLAUDE. Leu, Thomas de Marshall, William Faithurne, William, I. Turner, Charles Leu, Tliomas de FELTRE, HENRI J.\CQUES GUILLAUME CLARKE, Dm- d. Fabre, Fkan^ois Xavier P.ascal Massard, .lean Baptiste Rajihael Urlnun . . . . . FENHOULET, Lad,/. See Day, .Vnne. FERDINAND I., Emperor of Germany. B E H a M , BaRTHEL .... FERDINAND III., Emperor of Germany. SOUT.MAN, PiETER ClAESZ FILLMORE, MILLARD. (From daguerreotype) .... FLETCHER, JOHN. A N O N Y M O U .S A X O N Y M O U S FLEURY, ANDRE HERCULE DE, Cardinal. Rig Au D- Y-Ros, Hyacixthe Fran- cois H. M. P. I.E M. A. J., and AUTREAU, L0UI.S. Be ham , Barthel S u y i\ e r h o e f , .Tonas L> ' A V i t: n o n , Francis V (^ r t n (■ , George Simon, John T h o m a s s i n , Henri Simon Page 211 110 322 193 213 26 313 329 297 318 452 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Page FLIEGEN, EVA. A N (I X Y M o r s Anonymous .Sfil FONTAINE, LA. Sei' La Fontaine. FOOTE, SAMUEL, und Mk. WESTON {na Thf rrnidniil ,ni,l Dr. T.aM in •' Dnil a,, lin, slicks") Zaiitkiy, .loiiAXX .... Fi n la yso n . .Tohn . . . 115 FORNARINA, La. PioMJio, SKiiA-'^TiAXd DEL . . . M o r 2 li (' II , Kaffaello . . . 225 FOrCHE, .TOSEF'H. Dvr ,1 Olrunt,:. .SV'C (ttrantf. FOFQUET, F.ASILE, AhU d,- Itariieanr. Naxtei-il, Eobekt .... Xan ton i 1 , Hubert . . . 231 FOX, CIIARLFS .T.\:\IES. AiinoTT, iMiAXiis L Bai-nanl, William ... Iti Reyx(ii,I)s, Sik .losHtA . . . Jones,. )ohn ..... 177 Smith, Joiix Rai'iiaei. . . . R ey n o 1 d .-■, Samuel William . I'ti5 FOY, MAXLMILIEX SKI'.ASTIEX, <;,„.;-al Verxkt, K.mii.e ,Teax IIok.vce . . Le fe v re , Achille Desire . . 189 FRAXCE, ABRAHAM. Ryx, Remhuamit Hakmens/, y.\x . R y n , Rembranilt Ilarmensz Yan . 281 FRANCIS L, Kivij of Frnnrr. C'l. oiET, FiiANeois . . . . I'l at te- M o n t asiu e (YanPlatten- l)erg), Nicolas di' . . . '2b0 Axi>XYMiU's ..... Le u , Thomas lie .... Ifo FRANCIS II., King of Fill,),;: BiiizoT, .\xTiiiNE .... Filloi'ul, I'ierre .... 114 AxoNY.Mois Leu, Thomas de .... 193 FRANCIS I., Kmpiror of (Ifrmnw/. Meytexs, Martin yax der . . Kilian, l^iiilipp Andr^a^ . . 17!) PORTRAIT INDEX 453 FRANCK, FRANS. D V (• K , Anthoxie van . FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. C H A M B E K L I N , MaSON D IT LESS IS, Joseph Sifrede T o (' I! o x , Giacomo Wilson, Henmamin D y c k , Anthonie van Fi she r, Edward T a r d i e 11 , Piorre Alexandre Ra i mo n d i , Curio . ;\I a c A r d e 1 1 , James FREDERICA SOPHIA WILHELMINA, Margmmie of Jieirulh. Sre Beiruth. FREDERICK III., Emperor i,f Germnmj. Lexb.\ch, Fr.\nz von FERDERICK I., Khuj of Pnismi. Wentzel, Johann Friedrich . Pen. M IDT, (.TEciiic; Friedrich FREDERICK II. (the Great), Kiny e,f Prussia. Beg as, Oskar .... Camphausex, Wilhelm . C r X X I N ( ■ It A M , Edward Fraxcis CuN X ING II A.M , Edward Francis Elsholtz, Ludwig Frank (STEixH.'irsER), Pauline . F R t s c H , Johann Christoph Graff, Anton ]m i .1 n , joris vax der P E S N E , AnTOINE . P E S N E , AnTOINE . Pesne, Antoine . Pesxe, Antoine . Pesne, Antoine . Pesne, Antoine . R A M B E R G , Johann Heinrich . ScHADOw, Johann Gottfried . Hecht, Wilhelm Unger, William . . . . Forberg, Carl Ernst C lemen s, Johann Friedrich . C n n e go , Domenico . Rossmiisler, Johann Friedrich, an- Lehmann, Gottfried Arnold M and el , Johann August Ednard B re t z i ng, Georg . Bause, Johann Friedrich M a c A r d e 1 1 , James F r i t z s c h , Christian Friedrich Hon b r a k e n , Jacobus . Houston, Richard L ii d e r i t z , Karl Friedrich Gustav S c h ra i d t , Georg Friedrich W i 1 1 e , Jean Georges Bartolozzi, Francesco . Teichel, Alliert . Page 98 115 .•?15 204 15.T Desrochers, Etienne Johaudier . 78 Schmidt, Georg Frieclricli . . 28S 324 119 63 70 270 207 44 23 203 124 167 169 202 289 3.51 18 316 454 GAKDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION FREDERICK II.— ContiniiwL SCHRADER, Jul.Ifs FrIEDRICII AnTONMO Van' 1,1X1, Charles Amedee Philippe W (1 L F , ITlricii LtinviG Friedricii Anonymous Bock, Carl FRiEiMucii Wilhelm C 11 o I) o w I E (■ K I , Daniel Nicolai's Henne, Eberhari) Siegfried NiLsoN, .ToiiAXN Esaias RlEI>IN(iER, JoiIANN ElIAS Riedinger, Johann Elias Anonymois Anonymous Payne, Albert Heinrich L a n K 1 " I ^ , Pierre Gabriel Haas, .lohaijn Jleno F r i t z s r b , t'bristiaii Friedrich Bock, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm C li o il o \v i e c k i , Daniel Nieolaus Henne, Eberhard Siegfried X i I s o n , Johaiiii Esaias Ph e 1 i )i par t , . Riedinger, Johann Elias Schmidt, (ieore Friedrich Anonymous . FREDERICK II. 'i/n/ A/.s- .<«/,,•, FREDERICA SOPHIA WILHELMINA (m chlldmi) Pesne, Antoine ..... E i c h e n s , Friedricii Eduard . FREDERICK I., Kii„j of Simlai, aixJ ULRICA ELEONCRA, hU ,r}fe. Pueissler, Joiianx Daniel . . H e ii m a n n , Georg Daniel FREDERICK AI'(tCSTUS, Sa.ron Elector, lahr Khiij of I'vlaml. See Augustus III. FREDERICK AUGITSTUS, Prinee. See George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales, and Prince Frederick. FREDERICK HENRY, Prinee of Oramj,. See ( )range. FREDERICK HENRY LOUIS, Prinee of Prussia. Cunningham, KinvARn Francis FREDERICK WILLIAM, Kketor of Pramlnihiuy. See Brandenliurg. FREDERICK WILLIAM I., King 1 1 A N N G I'S I'A K GUZ:\IAN, GASPARO DE, Coutil Olimrez. iSVf Olivarez. Bail so, Jiiliann Frifilrioh Del ft', Willfiii Jai-obsz II y r 1 i II, . Page 23 75 158 H HADEN, FRANCIS SEYMOUR, Mrs. HADEX and Mr. FREER (called " The music room") W n 1ST LBR, James Abbott McNeill . Whistler, James Abbott McNeill . HADEX, TIIOM.\S. W RIGHT, Joseph HALS, FRANS, I. II A LS, FrANS, I. H a il e 11 , Francis Seymour R a j o n , Paul Adolphe HAMILTON, EMMA (LYON), Lady. Kauffmann, Maria Anna Ange- M o r g h e n , Raffaello LIKA KaTHARINA. R o M N E y , G EOH( ; e E a r 1 o m , Richard HAMILTON, JAMES, Dukr of. /SVc Charles I., King of Eiiiiland, and Duke i if Hamilton. HAMPDEN, JOHN. A N o N Y M o r s IIARCOURT, HENRI DE LORRAINE, Comted'. Mignaku, Xkolas HEDLINGER, JOHANX KARL. Sti'der, Johann RrnoLpn H o u 1 > r a k e n , Jacobus Mas so 11 , Antoine II aid. Jdhanii Jakob 346 147 262 225 100 167 215 149 PORTRAIT INDEX 459 HEDWIGA ELEONORA, Qnem of Sweden. KLOCKKK von EllKENSTRAHI., David HENRIETTA :\IAKIA (mfe uf Chwlex I. i,f England) Dyck, Anthonie van .... Dyck, Anthonie van .... Mytens, Daniel, I HENRIETTA MARIA willi her children. Dyck, Anthonie van .... Van S (■ li n p p e n , Pierre Louis Hollar, Wenceslaus Suyderhoef, Jonas D 6 1 f f , Willem Jacobsz . Strange, Robert . See also Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, and Charles I., family nf. HENEY VIII., Kimi of Ewjland. Hoi, BEIN, Hans, II. H o u 1) r a k e n , Jacobus HENRY VIII. and hlsfamUij, EDWARD, Prince of Wales, MARY, and ELIZABETH. Holbein, Hans, II. . HENRY II., King of France. P E N N I , LuCA HENRY III., King of France. Anonymous Anonymous HENRY IV., King of France. E L L K , Ferdinand Ctaultier, Pierre PouRiiUS, Frans, II. . Quesnel, Fran^oIs RuBEN.s, Petrus Paulus a n o n y m o u s Leu , Thomas de . Passe, Cri.spin van de, I. Passe, Crispin van de, II. Anony'mous HENRY, Prince of Wales {son of James I. of England) Oliver, Isaac B a r t o 1 o z z i , Francesco Beatrice t, Nicolas Leu, Thomas de W i e r i X , .Jan . M o r i n , Jean . S w a i n e , John J a n i n e t , Jean Francois Leu, Thomas de J a n i n e t , Jean Fran<;ois G a u 1 1 i e r , Leonard Leu, Thomas de Passe, Crispin van de, I. Passe, Crispin van de, II. W i e r i X , Anthonie . H o u 1) r a k e n , Jacobus . Page 327 164 31.3 75 311 167 19 24 193 350 227 314 173 194 173 128 193 240 241 348 168 4(30 (lARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTIOX Page HERKOMER, HUBERT. Herkomi-i:. HriiKUT . . . II er k mn c r , liuluTt . . 158 HERSCHEL, Sir WILLIAM. .\KIi(iTT, Fl!.\N(l.s Le.MIKL . . R _V il e T , TllUlllHS .... 273 HOE, ROBERT. R.K.iox, r.\i'L .Viioi.riiE . . Rajoii, Paul Ailolphe . 260 HOGARTH, WILLIA.M. II (1 (i A KTir , Wn.i.iAM .... Sill i t li . Rcnjaiiiin .... 301 HOLBEIN, HANS, II. HdLMEix, Hax.s, II H 1)1 la 1- , AVenreislaiis . . . 165 HONDirs, .Kinocrs. Sir Meix-ator, Oeranl, ami Jwlocus ilunilius. HOHTENSE. .Vi Beauliariiais, Kng('-nie Horten^e dc. HOWARD, (;.\TIIARIXK {v:ifi of Hairij VIII. of E,)i/ln,vl) Dyck, Antiionie VAX . . . J(i(ii', Arnold lie .... 175 Hill. H EI N, Haxs, II. ... H u u li ra k (,■ 11 , Jacobus . . 167 Wekfe, Adhiaex VAX iiEK . . \' f r 111 u 1 en , Cornells . . o2S HUGO, VICTOR. Pes .\i lui I, I X , P'ekxaxd . . . I>es iii on 1 i n , Fernand ... 76 HU:\IBOLDT, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH ALEXANDER VON. ( From daguerreotype) .... Trossin, Robert .... 322 HUME, DAVID. Corn IX, Charles Nicolas, II. . . M i ije r , Siuum Charles . . . 220 HUNTER, JOHN. Reyxoi.iis, Sii; JosiiiA . . . Sharp, William .... 294 HUSS, JOHANN. Jexichex, Bai.thasar . ' . . Jeiiirhen, Balthasar . . . 175 HUYGENS, ( 'ONSTANTIJ N. \'aii. I. AXT, r>Eux\Rii . . . B 1 o o t e 1 i n , WilUam 19 294 KEMPIS, THOMAS A. A NUN y M o rs W i e r i X , Hieronvmus 349 KLEBER, JEAN KAPTISTE, (iateniL G u ER I N , Jean F i e s i 11 ^ e r , .(. Gabriel 114 KNKHIT, Mrs. K N e L L e R , Sir Godfrey Fa ber, John, II. 108 KNIPPERDULLING, BERNHARD. W o u D A N u s , Jan Cornelis Si cheiu , Karel van 297 KOUTol'ZOF, MICHAEL LAURIONOYITCH (iOLENITCHEFSMOLENSKOI, I'rin,;, Fbhl Marahal. W o L K o F E G o d 1) y , James .... 135 KRABBETJE. Srf Asi^e'lvn, Jan. PORTRAIT INDEX 405 Page LA CHAMBRE, MARIN CUREAU DE. M I G N A H D , Pierre . . . . M a s s o n , Antoine .... 214 LA FAYETTE, MARIE JEAN PAUL ROCH YVES GILBERT MOTIER, Marquis de. Lepaon, Louis Le Mire, Noel .... 191 W E Y L E R , Jean Baptiste . . G u e r i n , Christophe ... 143 G E I L L E , A.MEDEE Feu.x Barthelkmy. G c i 1 1 g , Aiiied^e F61ix Barthulemy. 129 LA FONTAINE, Mme. DE. S andoz-Rolli N , Bardn de . . Des va ell ez, David Joseph . . 78 LALLY-TOLLENDAL, TROPHIME GERARD, Marqtik de. Anonymous L e v a c h e z , Charles Frani;nis Ga- briel 194 LAMB, CHARLES. (From daguerreotype?) .... Sartain , Williani .... 285 LAMB, MARY. C A R Y , Francis Stephen . . . Ed wards, S. Arlent ... 104 LAMBALLE, MARIE THERFISE LOUISE DE SAVOIE-CARIGNAN, Pnnrcsse de. Hick el, Anton Malgo, Simon .... 206 LANGERON, ALEKSANDR FEDOROVICH, Count. Da WE, George Wright, Thomas .... 355 LASCELLES, Mrs. ANNE, and child. Reynolds, Sir Joshua . . . AV a t s o n , James .... 343 LATIL, JEAN BAPTISTE MARIE ANNE ANTOINE, Due de, Archbishop of Rlmnu. Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique . Henriquel-Dupont, Louis Pierre 156 30705—04 30 466 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION LAUD, WILLIAM, ArehhMop „f Ointerhn-y. Dyck, Antiionie van a x < > n y m o u s Wilt son, .Tallies . . . . V i s s c li e r , Nieohies ( Claes) Jansz . LA VALLIERK, FRANf'OISE LOUISE DE LA BAUME LE BLANC, Ihu-hess,- s , Sir Joshua LEFEVRE, FRANCOIS JOSEPH, Dm- s, Alpiionse . . . . LEICESTER, ROBERT DUDLEY, Earl <>f. G o LTZ I us , Henhrik . . . . A N o X Y M O U S LEKillTON, Sir FREDERICK. Leghos, Alpiionse . . . . LENOX, Lady GEOR(ilC. R A M SAY, Allan . . . . . LEO X., Pop^. Sanzio, Rafeaello . . . . L a r m e s 8 i n , Nicolas de, I. or II. Schmidt, Georg Friedrich . Drevet, Pierre Inibert . S c h lu i il t , Georg Friedrich . D a u 11 c, Jean .... Fi slier, Edward . L e g r o .s , Alphonse . Gol tz i us, Hendrik S i c he in, Karel van Legros, Alphonse . Mac A rdcl 1 . James Morirhen, Raffaello Page 342 333 137 185 289 84 288 11.5 190 138 29G IHO 203 226 PORTRAIT INDEX 467 LEO XIII., Pope. G A I L L A R D , Claude Ferdinand LEOPOLD I., Emperor of Austria. Block, Benjamin LEOPOLD, Prince of Anhalt- Dessau. See Anhalt-Dessau. LESSING, GOTTHOLD EPHEAIM. G R A F F , Anton G a i 1 1 a r (1 , Claude Ferdinand Block, Benjamin Krausfie, Lorenz Alfred LE TELLIER, CHARLES MAURICE, Archbishop of Jlhelms. MiuNARD, Pierre . . . . Duflos, Claude MiGXARD, Pierre . . . . Edelinck, GL-rard N A N T e u I L, Robert . . . . Nanteuil, Robert LE TELLIER, FRANQOIS MICHEL, Mnnjuis de Louvois. See Louvois. LE TELLIER, MICHEL, Chancellor of France. Voet, Jacob Ferdinand Nanteuil, Robert LEUCHTENBERG, Due de. See Beauharnais, Eugene de. LEYDEN, JOHAN VAN. A L D E G R E V E R , HeINRICH . LEYDEX, LUCAS VAN. L e Y D E N , Lucas van . L E Y D E N, LuCA.S VAN LINCOLN, ABRAHA.M, Premlent of United Slates. (From photograph) .... (From ])hotograph?) Edelinck, Gerard Nanteuil, Robert Aldegrever, Heinrich Stock, Andries L e y (1 e n , Luca;' van J o li n s o n , Thomas Raj on, Paul Adulphe . LINNiEUS, CAROLUS. H o l L M A N , AND B A R T o L o z z I, Fran- ^M e v e r , Henrv Page 12.5 34 182 9.5 103 231 103 231 308 190 177 261 220 4G8 GAKDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION LISTON, ROBERT, Surgeon. Graxt, Sir Francis LONGFELLOW, HEXRY WADSWORTH. (From photograph?) (From pliotograph?) Anonymous. BromlfV, John Charles Burt, Charles Hall, Henry Bryan Anonymouij. Page 45 49 152 359 LOREDANO, LEONARDO, Doge of Veuire. Bellini, Giovanni Le Rat, Paul Edme. 192 LORRAINE, HENRI DE, Comie d' Ihireom-t. See Harconrt. LOUIS Nl., Kin;/ of France. A n o n' y m o r k . Morin , Jean LOriS NIIL, Kitiij of France. Anon ymous. Anon y m o u s . Anonymous. Gaul tier, Li'onaril H e y d e n , Jakoli von der L'Asne, Midiel . 129 159 185 LOUIS NIV., King of France. CoRNEiLLE, Jean Baptiste Db la Have, Jean L E B R u N , Charles Le Brun, Charles Le Brun, Charles L E BRUN, Charles BI I <; N A K 1) , Pierre Ri (1 A u D- V -Ros, Hyacinthe Fran- (;ois H. M. P. LE M. A. J. A n o n y m o u s . Masson, Antoine . . . . Nanteuil, Rohert . . . . SoMER, Paul van, II E d e 11 n c k , Gerard E d e 1 1 n c k , Gerard i; d e 1 i n c k , Geraril Masson, Antoine . Nanteuil, Robert, an s e 1 e t , Gilles , \' a n S e h u p p e n , 1 'ierre Nanteuil, Roljert I) r e V e t , Pierre 11 a z i n , Nicolas Masson , Antoine . N a n t e u i 1 , Robert Somer, Paul van, II. 102 102 102 214 d R o u s 2:i:5 e Louis 827 232 84 23 214 . 231 30G PORTRAIT INDEX LOUIS XV., King of France. G OBERT, PlERKE .... H E I L M A N N , JOHANN KaSPAR Rig AUD- Y-Ros, Hyacixthe Frax- 901S H. M. p. LE M. A. J. V A N L o o , Louis Michel V A N L o o , Louis Michel A u d r a u , Jean Houbraken, Jacobus . Simon, Jean C a t h e 1 i n , Louis Jaccjues Larmessin, Nicolas de, IIL 469 Page 12 168 29S .59 185 LOUIS XVI., King of France. C A L L E T , AnTOINE FRANfOIS . L e c L e R c , Pierre Thomas (?) Anonymous G A u T I E R , Jean Baptiste Andre H A L L , Pierre Adolphe Bervic, Charles CltSmeut Le Beau, Pierre Adrien Brooksh aw, Richard . Gaucher, Charles Etienne M o r e a u , Jean Michel 32 188 45 128 224 LOUIS XVI., MARIE ANTOINETTE, <»»;//«■ DAUPHIN. Sauvage, Jean Baptiste . . . Saint-Aubin, Augustin de 284 LOUIS XVII., Kb) g of France. K U C H A R S K .1 , Anonymous H o u r d a i n , C. F o n t a n a , Pietro 168 119 LOUIS XVII. (as, Dauphin) See Louis XVI., Marie Antoinette, and the Dauphin. LOUIS XVIII., King of F-ancc. Gerard, Baron Fran<;;ois Pascal Massard, Jean Baptiste Raphael Simon. Urbain 213 LOUIS, Dauphin of France (son of Loim XIV. ) R I G a u D - Y- - R cs , H yacinthe Francois H. M. P. LE M. A. J. . . . Drevet, Pierre 83 LOUIS PHILIPPE of France (when Due d'OrUam) Gerard, Baron Francois Pascal Henriquel-Dupont, Louis Pierre 157 Sl.MON. Gerard, Bahon Frani,ois Pascal L i g n o n , Etienne Frederic Simon. 197 470 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTIOiM LOUIS DE BOURBON, Due 133 2,S4 164 363 239 2G4 337 472 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION MANNING, HENRY EDWAKD, CanUiml. Legros, Ai.pnoxsE L e g r o s , Alphonee Page 189 MANTUA, ISABELLA D'ESTE, Marchrsa di. V E f E L L I, TiZlANO V o r 8 1 e r m a. ii, Lucas, I. 336 MARAT, JEAN PAUL. G A R X E K A Y , Jean Francois Anon v m o u s A 1 i X , Pierre Michel ... 6 Levachez, Charles Francois Gabriel 194 MARCANTONIO, RAIMONDI. See Raimoiuli, Marcaiitonio. MARGARET OF AUSTRIA {wife of Philip TIL of Spain) Velasquez, Piego Rodriguez de Silva y. (i o^-a y Liicientes, Francisco Jos^'-de 140 MARIA, Ctrand DiicJiens of Riisxia. IsABEY, Jean Bapti.ste M a n s f e 1 d , Johann Georg 209 MARIA PAULOVNA of Russia, (jnntd Duchesii of S(t.n--Weiinard Siv also Napoleon and Marie Louise, nnd Napoleon, Marie Louise, and Kin^ of Kouh'. MARIE LOUISE TH]6RESE VICTOIRE DE FRANCE {daitylu,')- of Loai.^ XV.) Nattier, Jean :\Iarc, II. . . Gaillard, Rdiert Page 12 217 227 78 135 272 864 126 JIARIE TIIERESE (wife of Louix XIV. of Franre) Martin, Jean Baptiste Bazin, Nicolas 23 MARIE THERftSE CHARLOTTE DE FRANCE. See Angouleme, Duchesse d'. MARIE DE MEDICIS. See Medici, Maria ile'. MARLBOROUGH, JOHN CHURCHILL, 7s/ Duke of Knelleh, Sir Godfrey . . . Smith, John Werff, Adriaen van dek . . Gunst, Pieter Stevens van 302 144 MARY 1. (called "Bloodi/ ^far!/"), Quern of Etxjlaitd. Anonymous Delara m, Francis MARY XL, Queen of England {wife of WiUiam III. ) D Y c K , Anthonie van K N e 1. 1, e r , Sir Godfrey Anonymous A N O N Y M (J u s See also William III. and Mary II., his wife. Fait ho me, William, L Smith, John G o 1 e , Jacob W h i t e , Robert 110 302 137 347 474 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION MARY, Cjrieen of Scots. p a i l l o u , p. Smiuke, Richard ZurciiERii, Fedeiugo Ano.N Y.MllUS Anon y m o u s A N o N Y >[ o i; s a n o n y m ii u s a n o n y m o v s Anon y m o u s a n o n y m o v s a n o n y m o u s a n o n y m o v k Page S c r i V e n , Edward 293 L a 11 d s e e r , John, ami S m ith, Anker 1S4 Hollar, Wence.^lau.s 165 T e y s s n n i L- r e s , Pierre Salvy Frederic . 317 T a r n e r, Charles 323 Vert u e , George 330 C o o p e r, Robert 66 K 1 s t r a c k e, Reginald 106 G a y wo d, Robert 129 Maes, Pieter, II. (?) 205 R i f f a u t, Ailolphe Pierre 268 A n n y m o us 362, 363 366 MARY, Queen of Srotx, mid HENRY, Lord DARNLEY, h.-r hnxlnind. El sTR A cKE, Reginald . . . Du nkar ton, Robert i\IARY, (Jitcen of Scots, and her son (later Jainef: I. of Eni/luinl) ZUCCHEKO, FeDERIGO .... MARY, Princen.i [daugliter of Clmrlex I. of Enghmd) See Charles I., children of. MARY, Piincess (damjhter of Henrij VIII. of Enijhmd) See Henry VIII. and his family. MASSA, CLAUDE AMBROISE REGXIER, Ihic de. IsAiiEY, Jean Bai'tiste MASSEXA, ANDRE, Prince el' Exsllwi. See ICssling. B a r t o 1 o z z i, Francesco R i b a u 1 1, Jean Francois 96 19 266 MATSYS, QUENTIN. Anonymous H e i s t e r, F. 155 MAURY, JEAN SIFFREIN, Abhe. Anonymous Anon y m o u s 364 PORTRAIT INDEX 475 MAXIMILIAN I. {Ihe Great), Emperor of Iloly Roman Empire. L E V D E N , Lucas van . . . . S u y d e r h o e f , Jonas DijRER, Albrecht .... Durer, Albrecht . MAXIMILIAN, Archduke of Austria Rubens, Petris Paulus Vorsterman, Lucas, I. Page 313 95 336 MAYENCE, ALBERT OF. See Brandenburg, Albert of. MAZARIN, HORTENSE MANCINI, Duchesse de. Lely, Sir Peter Lely, Sir Peter B 1 o i s , Abraham de Val c k , Gerard 34 325 MAZARIN, JULES, Cardinal. Champaigne, Philippe de M I G N A K D , Pierre M E L L A N , Claude N A N T E u I L , Robert Stuerhelt, F. . . . Van S c h u p p e n , Pierre Louis Mellan, Claude Nanteuil, Robert . MEDICI, COSIMO DE' {the Great), Grand Duhc of Tuscany. CaRRUCCI, J.4C0P0 Perfetti, Antonio 312 327 217 232 244 MEDICI, MARIA DE' {wife of Henry IV. of France] D Y c K , An'thoxie van POURBUS, FrANS, II. Quesnel, Francois Anonymous Anonymous P n t i u .s , Paulus . 251 JI r i n , Jean . . 227 Leu, Thomas de . 194 G a u 1 1 i e r , I/onard . . 129 W i e r i X , Jan . . 350 MEISSONIER, JEAN LOCIS ERNEST. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest MELANCHTHON, PHILIPP. Aldegrever, Heineich D ii r E R , Albrecht Master I. B. of 1530 . Raj on, Paul Adolphe Aldegrever, Heinrich Diirer, Albrecht Master I. B. of 1530 261 5 93 170 See also Luther, Martin, and Philipp Melanchthon. 476 (JAKDINEK UKEENE HUBBAKD COLLECTION MENOU, RENE DK, ,S,-if/i,eiir 210 Rodriguez, Giaston 269 B o u i 1 1 i a r d , Jacques 42 C h a r 1 e t , Nicolas Toussaint . 59,60 Jehotte, Leonard 174 L n g h i , Giuseppe 199 Raffet, Denis Auguste Mario 258 Simon, Jean Pierre 298 Anonymous .... 362, 364, 367 Vrien tai 1 , H. 336 Fuhr, Charles J^r^mie . 124 NAPOLEON I. {Statue placed on C'olonne I'etiMme) Seurke, Charles Emile Marie. J u 1 i e n , Bernard Romain 178 NAPOLEON L {death mask) A X t o M a R c H I , Francesco Calama t ta , Luigi 51 NAPOLEON I. {after death) Ibbetsox, Capt. (Hexry?) r u b i d g e , w. Anonymous Ct ibb s, John . Meyer, Henry Anonymous . 132 220 362 NAPOLEON L {at opening of coffin, 1840) Anonymous RiGO, Jules Alfred Vincent NAPOLEON I. and JOSEPHINE. Anonymous 30705—04 31 J& Rigo, Jules Alfred Vincent Bene is t , J. L. 3 268 30 482 GARDINER GREECE HUBBARD COLLECTION Page NAPOLEON I. (wd MARIK LOUISE. Anonymous B e n o i .« t , .T. L. . . . . 30 BiGATTi, Giovanni . . . Bigatti, Giovanni. ... 33 NAPOLEON I. imdhhrnn, llie Kino of Rome. Steuhen , C. (t. H. A. F. L., Bakon DE Wel>er, Friedrich .... 345 NAPOLEON L, ^LVRIE LOUISE, and the Kino of Rome. Bos 1(1, FiiANrois Joseph . . . Anonynious . . . . 364 NAPOLEON I. and Im g,ni,'ntls. Barre, Jean Ai'cu'ste . . . Collas, Achille .... 65 NAPOLEON II. o/ France. iSVc Reich.«tailt, Franyois Cliarlea Joseph Napoleon Bonajiarte, Due de. NAPOLEON III., Jimpn-or af Fravc: W I N T E R 11 A LTEii , Fe.\nz Xaver . CoiLsins, Samuel .... 68 Anonymous 3Iaurin, Antoine .... 216 NA.SSAU, PHILIP WILLIAM, lYmre of Oramir, Count of. See Orange. NASSAU, WILLIAM I. {the Silent), Pehice of Omm/e, Count of. See Orange. NASSAU, WILLIA^tl II., rmier of Ormiije, Count of See Orange. NECKER, ANNE LOUISE GERMAINE, Baronne de Slael-Hohtehi. See Stael-Holstein. NECKER, JACQUES, Minhter of Fnmnce. Dui'LEssis, Josioini SiFRicoK . . Sai n t -.\ ulji n, Augustin de . . 284 NECKER, Mme. SUSANNE Cl'RCHOD. Anonymous Lips, Johann neiurich . . . 19S NELSON, HORATIO, Lord VixrounI, Duke of Brovte. Knioht, John Prescott . . . Diek, AroUiljald L. . . . 79 POKTRAIT INDEX 483 Puge NEWTON, Sir ISAAC. Knell EH, Sir Godfrey . . . Smith, John 302 Seem AN, Enoch Mac Ardell, James . . . 204 NEY, MICHEL, Due (V Elchingcn, Marshal. G E R A R D , Baron Francois Pascal Simon Tardieu, Pierre Alexandre . . 315 NICHOLAS I., Czar of Bussia. Da WE, Georce Kobiusoii, John Henry . . 268 NICHOLSON, JOHN, Librarian af Cambridge. R E I N A G L E , Philip . . . . C a 1 d w a 1 1 , James . . . . 51 NORTHUMBERLAND, ELIZABETH, Cotmtess of. L E L Y , Sib Peter Watson, Thomas .... 344 NORTHUMBERLAND, THOMAS PERCY, 7lh Earl of. Anonymous Anonymous . . . . 366 NUNEHAM, Lady. Anonymous Ry land , William Wynne . . 273 o GATES, TITUS. H a ucker, Thomas .... Tom pson , Richard, Exc. . . 318 ODONI, ANDREA DI. L o T T o , Lorenzo Visscher, Cornelis . . . 3.32 OLDENBURG, CATHERINE, Duches.1 of I s A B E y , Jean Baptiste . . . M a n s f e 1 d , Johann (Jeorg . . 209 OLGA (HELENA) , Grand Duchesi of Ra.'isia and Regent. Anonymous H e c k e n a u e r , Leonard . . 155 484 GARDINER CiKEENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Pontius, Panlus I'asse, Crispin van ile, II. OLIVAREZ, GASPARO DE GUZMAN, 'hunt. R IT B E N s , Petrus PaI'LI'S ORANGE, FREDERICK II KXRY, Vrim;- of. A N ( ) N Y M O I' S ORANGE, IMARY, I'rbu-e^s of. See IMary II., Qiu-en c.f England. ORANGE, PHILIP WILLIAM, Prince of, Count of N,maii. W I E R 1 X , .1 A N- W i e r i X , ,Tan . ORANGE, WILLIAM I. {the Silent), lYnmof, 0>,n,t (f Noxsmi. A NO NY MOILS Dolenilo , Zacharias ORANGE, WILLIAM II., Prime of, roiuit of Ka.'tmnt. Dyck , Anthonie VAN .... Michel i.s, Franz . HoNTnoRST, Gerard VAN . . Sai 11 iar, Lewis ORANGE, WILLIAM II., I'riwe of r,r<'/ JACOB CATS. F L I N c K , Govaert . . . . Schmidt, Georg Friedrich ORFORD, ROBERT WALPOLE, Earl of Jeevas, Charles V A N L o o , Jean Baptiste Simon, John Watson, James ORLEANS, ANNE MARIE LOUISE D', Dvchesse de Moiitpewier. See Montpensier. ORLEANS, LOUIS, Due ,V . Co ype I., Charles Antoine ORLEANS, LOUIS PHILIPPE, Uw ,r. See Louis Philippe of France. ORLEANS, PHILIPPE, Ihir ,r (called " Mo)i.ii,Hr") Nocret, Jean OSBORNE, Miss (a.s " Egiipt Ian fortune-teller") Pi N E , Robert Edge . . . . D r e V e t , Pierre Imbert Van S c h u p pen, Pierre Louis Wilson, James Page 2.51 241 350 81 220 284 288 297 343 84 327 3.52 PORTRAIT INDEX OSSORY, AMELIA, Conutm of. Lel Y , Sir Peter .... OSTADE, ADRIAEN JANSZ VAN. .S T A D E , AdRIAEN JaNSZ VAN OTIS, Mrs. HARRISON GRAY. Stuart, Gilbert OTRANTE, JOSEPH FOUCHE, Dae d' . 1 s A B E Y , Jean Baptists OUDINOT, NICOLAS CHARLES, Dm: de Reijgio. See Reggio. OXENSTIERNA, Coint AXEL. HONDIUS, Hendkik, II. W a 1 15 o n , Thomas G o I e , Jacob S c h o f f , Stephen Alonzo G o u t i e r e , Tony 485 Page 344 137 290 139 H o n d i u s , Hendrik, II , 166 PAINE, THOMAS. R M x E Y , George PALATINATE, RUPERT, Prince of the. See Rupert. PALMA, VIOLANTE {dmti/litcr of artist) P a L M a , JaCOPO . PAOLI, PASQUALE, General B em BRIDGE, Henry . Sharp, WiUiam Becker, Carl . Smith, John Raphael PARACELSUS, PHILIPPUS AUREOLUS {Theophrastus Bomboitm von Hohenheim) Jenichen, Bai.thasar . . Jenichen, Balthasar 294 25 304 175 486 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION I'ARMIGIANO, .V/rfccvs of. See Antea. Page TAUL I., Czar of RniiXKt. Anonymous P 1 a k li (.1 V , Xikita 249 PEEL, SrR ROBERT. L A w E E N c E , Sir Thomas T u r n e r , Charles 322 PERCY, THOMAS, 7th Earl of NorllnnnherJaml. See Northuinl)erlaii .321 .341 343 Fiesinger, J. Gabriel Gr6vedon, Pierre I^ouis Levachez, Charles Francois Gabriel Watson, Thomas Lautensack, Hans Sebald Saint-Aubin, .\ujrustin de 232 1(56 344 148 114 142 194 343 187 284 492 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION Page ROLAND DE LA PLATIERE, Mmk. (MANOX JEANNE PHLIPON) (called Mme. Roland) Bo X N E V I L LE, Francois . . . Bonneville, Franeois . . 39 AxoNYMors . . . . . Dien, Claude Marie Fran^'ois . 80 ROSALIE, La Sceur. See Rendu, .Teanne Marie. ROSE, Miss {in cluirurl.r of " Tom Thumb") B ERB I Dii E, John Fisher, Edward 115 ROUS, FRANCIS. A N O N Y M O U S Faithorne, William, I. 109 ROUSSEAU, JEAN BAPTISTE. A V E n , Jacqi'es Andre Joseph Schmidt, Georg Friedrieh 288 ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES. R A .M SAY, Allan" .... Q IT E V E K D O , FRANfOIS M ARIE LsiDORE RUBENS, PETRUS PAULUS. DyCK, AnTIIONIE VAN . Dyck, Anthonie van . Rubens, Petri's Paulus Rubens, Petrus PAi'Lrs Noehez, Jean Edme . . . 235 Qutfverdc), Fnmvois Marie Isi- dore, and Mass ol . . 256 Pontius, Paulus .... 251 AVorlidge, Thomas . . . 354 Hollar, Wenceslaus . . . 165 Pontius, Paulus .... 252 RUBENS, PETRI'S PAULUS, fual vlfi of. See Brandt, Isabella. RUBENS, PETRUS PAULUS, wilh his irifr mid chllil. Rubens, Petrus Paui.us M a c A r d e 1 1 , James 204 RUBENS, PETRUS I'AULUS, .w» of. Rubens, Petrus Paulus Oar m o n a , IManoel Salvador RUBENS, PETRUS PAULUS, .*on of villi mn-.w. Rubens, Petri's Paulus Karl om . Richard 100 POKTiiAIT INDEX RUBENS, PETRUS PAULUS, rhUdrm of. Rubens, Petrus Paulis RUBENS, PETRUS PAULUS, som of. Rubens, Petrus Paulus RUBENS, PETRUS PAULUS, motha- of. Rubens, Petrus Paulus Taasaert, Pierre ( Philippe?) Josepli P i c li 1 e r , Johann Peter Ernst, Carl Matthias RUDOLPH II., Emperor of Hohi Roman Eiiipirr {sonof Mri.rimilion If.) Anonymous RUGENDAS, GEORG PHILIPP. H A 1 1), Johann Jakob, and Berg MtJL- i.EK, Johann Geokg. RUPERT, Prhici' of the Palatinate. D V K , Anthonie van A N O N Y >r o u s RUPERT, Prhce of the Palatinate (?) Anonymous RUTEN, MARIA. See Dyck, Maria Ruten van. RYMNIKSKI. See Suwarow. \V ieri X , Aiitlionie H a i d , Johann Jakob Faithorne, William, I. V a i 11 a n t , Wallerirut . Anonymous 493 Page 316 247 106 34S 148 115 320 361 RYN, REMBRANDT HARMENSZ VAN (csilled Pemhramit) Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van . Jacquemart, Jules Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van . Pet her, William . Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van . Town ley, Charles Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van 172 244 321 Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van 274, 282 RYN, REMBRANDT HARMENSZ VAN, /a//ier o/(?) Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van . Watson, Thomas RYN, REMBRANDT HARMENSZ VAN, mother of Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van 344 282 494 GAKDINEK GK£E^'E HUBBARD COLLECTION S SABINUS, STANISLAS, .SV/V7»''"r , Nicolaus Page SACHS, HANS. Herneyssex, Andreas Amman, Jost ST. ALBANS. FRANCIS BACON, V.xanml. iSee Bacon. ST. OLGA. See Olga, (irand DucIicfh, otc. SANZIO, RAFFAELLO (called Jiaj,hael) Sanzio, Raffaello S A N il I O , RaFFAELLi ) F n )• .'^ t e r , Francois Rey )] er , Kobt'rt . 121 264 SAVOIE-CARIGNAN, MARIE THERESE LOUISE DE, Prinnsse N Y .M or s l.evacliez, CliarlesFranvoisGabricl 194 t^IGISMTTNI) I., Klm/of Pohixl. Anonymous .-V n o n y in ous .... 366 SIGISMUNI) III., Kiu/ VAN . A r o n <1 z o n , T. .Toliaimrp . . 10 SM0LEN8K01, MICHAEL LAURIU.NoVITCH UOLENITCHEF, Prince Koutoimf, Field •See Kontoiizof. SIFUR KOSALli;, LA. See Rfiiilu, .Toanne Marie. SPENCER, FDMUM). Anonymous V e it ue, George .... 329 8PENGER, GE0R(;IA>;A, /)!(W,f.-'.v of Deroiishln. See Devonirhiro. SPENCER, I IKK BERT. A N o N Y .M o u s Anonymous . . . . 362 SPINOLA, AMBROSIO, Marquis of. M I KRE V i; i.T, MiiiiiKi. .Tansz . . M u II e r , ,Tan Hannensz . . . 229 i'OKTKAIT INDEX 497 SPLITUERBKR, DAVID. K A I. hi:, Joachim Mahtin . . . Sell in i <1 1 , Oeorg Friwlrich . . 288 STAiiL-HOLSTEIN, ANNE LOUISE GERMAINE NECKER, Il:', STANLEY, ARTHUR RENRIIYN, Dean of Wentmimli-r. Rich i; Toy , Lkon . . . . Kiilieton, I/'On .... 266 STEELE, RICHARD. K N E I, I, E R , Sir Godfrey . . Sim on,. John 2ft8 Rich A unsoN, .Jonathan, I. . . Smith, John 'iO'i STERNE, LAURENCE. Reynolds, Sir Joshua . . . Fisher, Edward . . . .11.5 STRAFFORD, THOMAS WENTWORTH, Karl of, anA^m I'll I LIP MAINWARING. Dyck, .\nthonie VAN . . . . Vertuc, George .... .329 STUART, FRANCES, CmrUm of I'iMUirul. See Portland. STUART, MARY. See Mary, Queen of Scots. STURMER, IGNAZ, liaTOH. MoESNER, Fran/, and Korii,, Jakob Jacobi'-, Johann .... 171 SULLY, MAXIMILIEN DE B:6THUNE, Ihu: de. Anonymous Edelinck, Gerard . . . 101 SUTHERLAND CHILDREN. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry . Cousins, Samuel ... 69 SUWAROW, ALEKSANDR VASILIEVICH (sumamed Rymnikuki), FieVl Manh/d. Kalichew.G. I Goed,H. S 1.36 3070.5—04—32 498 GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION SWARTENHOrTT, ELIZABETH JACOBS (BAS) R Y N , Rembrandt Haemensz van SYDNEY, Sir PHILIP. Oliver, Isaac .... Walt n c r, Cliarles Albert H <;i u b r a k e n , Jacobua Page 339 168 T TALBOT, CHARLES CHETWYND-TALBOT, 3rd Earl. Thompson, Thomas Clement . . Reynolds, Samuel William TALLEYRAND-PERKtORD, CHARLES MAURICE DE, Prinn- X. ,SVe Iluber, Jlichel. British Mr.sKrM. See Binyon, L., Cust, L., Fisher, R., Stephens, F. G., and Willshire, W. II. Bromley, Henrv. AcatalogueofengravedBritish portraits . . . Loudon. 1793. Brhlliot, Fran^'ois. Diftionnaire des monogranimes, marques figures . . . etc. ... 3 vols. Mu- nich. 1832-1834. Bryan, Michael. Dictionary of ]iaintcrs and engravers . . . 2 vols. London. 1898. Chatto, William Andrew, and Jackson, John. A treatise on wood engraving . . . with . . . illustrations engraved on wood by John Jackson. New York. 1861. Chodowiecki, Daniel. (SVv Engehnann, Willu-ha. Claussix, Joseph J. de. Catalogue raisonnij de toutes lea es- tanjpes . . . de Rembrandt. Paris. 1824. Clement, Clara Erskine. Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works . . . New York. 1874. - and Hutton, Laurence. Artists of the nineteenth century and their works ... 2 vols. Boston. 1881. Crowe, Joseph A. Sec Kugler, Franz Tlieodor. Handbook of painting. and Cavalcaselle, G. B. A new history of painting in Italy . . . 3 vols. London. 1864. C allot, Jacques. See Meaume, I*>louard. Catalogue of Fans. /S'., Dz. Van de Velde, Jan. See Franken, D.,r)z. et Van der Kelleu, J. Ph. Vertue, George. A catalogue of engravers ... in England . . . London. 1794. A description of the works of the ingenious delineator and engraver Wenccslaus Hol- lar .. . London. 1759. 51(! GARDINER GREENE HUBBARD COLLECTION VoLBEHR, ThEODOR. Lucaa van Leyden . VORSTERMAN, LlCAS. Sef Hvmans, Henri. VOSMAER, CaREL. Les iL'UVres dc William L'nger Leydeii. 1874-1879. Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orford. A catalogue of engravers . . MSS. of Mr. George ^'ertue don. 1794. Haniburg. 1888. 2 vols. From the . . Lon- Watteau, Jean Antoine. See d'Ech^rac, \. A., and Rosenberg, A. Wedmore, Frederick. "Whistler's etchings . . . London. Mervon . . . London. 1892. 1886. Weigel, Kcdolph. Kunstcatalog. 5 vols. Leipzig. 18:iS-18t!6. Supplements au peintre-graveur de Adam Bartseh. vol. i. Leipzig. 1843. Wessely, .Tosepii EnrARi). Ergiinzungsheft zu Andresen- Wessely's Handbuch fiir Kupferstichsammler . . . Leipzig. 188.5. Richard Earlom . . . Hamburg. 1886. Jacob Gole . . . Haodiurg. 1889. Adriaen van O.stade . . . Haml)urg. 1888. Georg Friedrich Schmidt . . . Hamburg. 1887. John Smith . . . Hamburg. 1887. Wesselv, Joseph Edcard — Continued. Jan de Visscherund Lambert Visscher . . . Leipzig. 1 866. Antonj Waterloo . . . Hamburg. 1891. Whistler, James Abbott ]McXeill. See Thomas, R., and Wedmore, F. Whit.man, Alfred. Valentine Green. London. 1902. Samuel William Reynolds. London. 1903. WiERi.x, Jea.n, Jerome, and Antoine. See Alvin, Louis Joseph. WiLLE, Jean GEORr,E.s. ,See Le Blanc, Charles. WlLLSHIRE, WiLLIA.M HuiJHES, M. D. A descriptive catalogue of early prints in the Britisli Museum. German and Flem- ish schools. 2 vols. Lonilon. 1879-1883. A descriptive catalogue of playing an' THIS BOOK IS BUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.0O ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. LD 21-100m-8,'34 / n-i