fJOLIS GiM-N <&; Company GIFT OF Milton Ne-wmark iX^> Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation FIRST BOOK IN OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR, READER, NOTES, AND VOCABULARY BY ALBERT S. COOK PROFESSOR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN YALE UNIVERSITY SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1895 PEEFAOE. The present volume is an attempt to be of service to those who are beginning the study of our language, or who desire to acquaint themselves with a few speci- mens of our earliest literature. It has seemed to the author that there were two extremes to be avoided in its compilation — the treatment of Old English as though it consisted of wholly isolated phenomena, and the procedure upon a virtual assumption that the student was already acquainted with the cognate Germanic tongues and with the problems and methods of comparative phi- lology. The former treatment robs the study of its significance and value, which, like that of most other subjects, is found in its relations; the latter repels and confounds the student at a stage when he is most in need of encouragement and attraction. How well the author has succeeded must be left to the judgment of others — the masters whom he follows at a distance, and the students whose interests he has constantly borne in mind. Of one thing, however, he can assure such as may care to inspect his book — that he has spared no pains in treading the path which seemed to be thus marked out for him in advance. Errors there doubtless are, — errors of judgment, and errors of fact; but for both he must plead the best excuse ever Vi PREFACE. offered for similar imperfections, that of King Alfred in the last sentence on page 162 of this volume. The selections have been made with reference to giving a fairly just, though necessarily incomplete, view of the surroundings, occupations, problems, ideals, and senti- ments of our English ancestors. The earlier pieces of both prose and poetry are short; the longer ones that follow either have more sustained interest, or are sup- ported by their reference to preceding ones; but they, too, fall into natural subdivisions, partially indicated in the printing, so that they may be read as successions of short extracts. It may be objected that Latin and Greek have been too freely used for illustration. The reply to such an objection is twofold: that the book is likely to fall into the hands of some who possess at least an elemen- tary acquaintance with one or both of these languages, and that to these the disclosure of the relations involved in a comparison with the ancient tongues will materially increase their pleasure and their gain ; and, secondly, that the book may be intelligently read, from cover to cover, without the slightest knowledge of either Greek or Latin. The passages from Bede have been taken from Miller's edition ; the portion of ^If ric's Colloquy from the Wright- Wiilker Vocabularies ; the extracts from Wulfstan from Napier's edition; the selections from Beowulf and Andreas are based upon the Grein-Wiilker edition of the Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Poesie ; that from the Judith upon my own edition. The originals of the others are either indi- cated, or will be patent to scholars. PREFACE. Vll The normalization of the texts to an Early West Saxon basis — Cosijn's Altwestsachsische Grammatik being the chief authority for norms — will doubtless be criticised by some scholars whose judgment is entitled to respect; but here again the author has had in mind the beginner, for whose especial use the book is intended. If he wel- comes this introduction on account of its greater ease, and is yet not led astray by it; if he becomes solidly grounded in the elements, so that further progress is facilitated, while yet he has nothing to unlearn in the future; the author will be consoled by his approbation for the censure of those who entertain a different opinion on this head. To the normalization of the texts exception has been made in the case of the poetry. For this there are two reasons. In spite of the greater difficulty of the poetry, the student should have had sufficient practice in reading, and particularly in parsing — the importance of which cannot be too much insisted upon — to proceed in the poetry without great obstruction from the retention of manuscript forms, especially as the cross-references of the Vocabulary will furnish him with the necessary assist- ance; and, secondly, the normalization of the poetry ayouM sometimes have been attended with considerable uncer- tainty, an uncertainty which is decidedly less in the case of the prose. Besides, such profit as accrues to the student from the inspection of the irregular orthography of the manuscripts may, by the literal reproduction of the orthography, be gained from this part. The device noted on page 202 is presented with some Viii PREFACE. persuasion of its utility, though frankly as an experi- ment on which the author would gladly take, after sufficient trial, the judgment of his colleagues. The Grammar is the merest outline. Its condensation has been largely effected by confining the treatment almost entirely to Old English itself, excluding all refer- ences to the theoretical Primitive Germanic. This method is accompanied with some loss; but, again, it is the beginner whom the author has had in view. More doubt- ful, perhaps, is the expediency of an empirical classi- fication of nouns, instead of the scientific arrangement according to stems; many of us have unquestionably found, however, that the more purely scholarly classi- fication occasions not a little trouble in practice, and that its theoretical advantages are dearly purchased at this stage, before there is any adequate conception of com- parative philology and its postulates. The author is not so clear with regard to the probable utility of paragraphs 12-14, on original and derivative vowels; criticism on this point will be especially welcome. The Appendixes include illustrative matter for which there was no natural place elsewhere, or materials and hints for those who would prosecute their researches a little further. The first three of them carry their mean- ing on their face ; the last is provided in order to facilitate the beginning of dialectic study. It — Appendix IV. — has cost more thought than is likely to appear on the surface. The dialects have as yet been but imperfectly discriminated ; it is easier to say what is non-West Saxon than what is Mercian or Kentish ; the residuum of demon- PREFACE. IX strably pure Nortliuinbrian forms in Csedmon's Hymrij for example, turns out to be surprisingly small. Care has been devoted to the unification of the book — to making its parts mutually coherent; the illustrations of syntax are therefore taken from the texts printed in the Eeader, and the Vocabulary contains copious refer- ences to the Grammar. It is hoped that this plan will prevent distraction on the part of the student, and con- duce to a nearly absolute mastery of the matter here pre- sented. The book ought to occupy at least a semester, and could readily be used for a longer time. The author believes that the history of the English language may most profitably begin with such a manual, studied under a competent teacher and with access to a few good refer- ence books. Thus used, it might advantageously be intro- duced into the earlier part of College courses, and perhaps into the better sort of High Schools and Academies. In conclusion, it is a pleasure to the author to acknowl- edge his indebtedness to Miss Elizabeth Deering Hanscom, graduate student of Yale University and American Fellow of the Association of Collegiate Alumnse, who has rendered material assistance in the preparation of the Vocabulary. Yale University, December 11, 1893. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The favorable reception accorded to the first edition has encouraged the author, besides correcting several small errors, to amplify Appendix L, and to add a new Appendix, numbered V. The provision of a brief bibli- ography has been so generally welcomed that it has seemed desirable to append a list of books of a more advanced character, while retaining the former one essen- tially unchanged. No attempt at completeness has been made, but perhaps not many books of primary value have been omitted. The illustration of umlaut from Gothic, suggested by a reviewer, now constitutes Appendix V. Certain teachers having expressed a wish that the Vocabulary should give the gender of nouns, the author thinks it proper to state the principle upon which the designation of gender was omitted. This principle was that the Grammar should be in constant use. The car- dinal use of a knowledge of the gender is with reference to declension; given the declension, and the gender fol- lows. Now the references to the Grammar under nouns primarily indicate the declensions. If, then, the student recognizes the meaning of such references as 43, 47, etc., it is a proof that he is sufficiently acquainted with the paradigms they indicate; if not, it is a clear sign that he ought to refer to them, and that a mere knowledge XU PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. of the gender would not suffice. This is the author's opinion, but he holds himself prepared to defer to the expressed wish of his colleagues, when he can believe that that wdsh is at all general among those who have given the book a fair trial. The author hopes soon to issue a small companion volume of exercises in Old English, designed chiefly to facilitate drill on inflections. These exercises will con- sist of brief sentences for translation into Old English, based upon the successive prose selections of the Eeader, together Avith an Englisli-Old English Vocabulary. A final Avord to tliose who use this book, — a word based upon experience with it : Look up carefully every foot-note, and constantly refer from the Vocabulary to the Grammar, icith reference to the sjwedy 'mastery of the latter, supplementing this 2^''ocess by the committal to memory of jmradigins. Yale University, December .'^1, 1'DS. a, a nama, name ; land, land But ag aw a haga, haw o; 6 before r ham, home ; ar, oar a, a glsed, glad ; faeder, father But 8Bg ai, ay a braegn, brain ; daeg, day e, e dsel, deal ; seed, seed ; flsesc, flesh OE. Mod. E. Letters. Letters. a a , ag aw a 0, oa SB a 8Bg ai, ay se ea, ee, e 20 PHONOLOGY. OE. Mod. E. Letters. Letters. e, ^ e, ea But eg ai, ay, a But ig i 1 i i i, i O, Q 0, oa 6, 6 ; 6 1 fore r o 00, 6o, 11, do But ow ow u u, o u, oo But und ound ound a ou, ow, u ou, u 1, U, y 1 i, 1 ea a a, a, a But eald old old (strictly a Id) ea ea e, e But eaw ew u eo ea, e, u e, u But eor ar, ear. ar eo ee, ie, e e, e But eow ew u ie e, ie e, e ie See e Mod. E. Sounds. Illustrations. e, e feiaCer, feather; tw^lf, twelve ; spere, spear a regn, rain ; weg, way ; tSegn, thane e (seldom e) cwen, queen ; her, here ; (bletsian, bless) i ; 1 before fisc, fish ; miht, might ; ht, nd, Id blind, blind ; cild, child nigon, nine rim, rime ; wisdom, wisdom 6, 6 ; 6 be- bodig, body ; iQng, long ; bolla, bowl ; hord, hoard hrof, roof ; offer, other ; boc, book blowan, blow lufu, love ; wulf, wolf hund, hound hlad, loud ; bur, bower ; butan, but cyniiig, king ; byrffen, bur- then ; wyrm, worm bryd, bride ; fyst, fist weaxan, wax ; heard, hard ; call, all beald, bold beacen, beacon ; dead, dead deaw, dew eorffe, earth ; beorg, berg ; ceorl, churl heorot, hart ; heorte, heart deep, deep ; feond, fiend ; deofol, devil bleow, blew hierde, herd ; gieldan, yield 1, u CONSONANTAL LOSS AND CHANGE. 21 25. Influence of nasals. — The nasals m and n change a preceding a to q. Usage is not uniform ; some texts have a in this position, and others 9. When a word cannot be found under a, look for it under 9, and conversely/. 26. Influence of w. — In cases where e or i has be- come eo or io (20, 21), a preceding w is apt to change eo to o or u, and io to u. For example, weruld (world^ becomes weoruld through the influence of u-umlaut (20), and this may then become woruld. Simi- larly, widuwe (widow') becomes wioduwe, and then wuduwe. For the o and u thus produced, y is some- times found. When o, u, or y immediately follows w, it may he suspected^ though it must not he assumed., that the vowel was once eo or io, originally e or i. Consonantal Loss and Change. 27. Loss or vocalization of w. — Some words ending in a long vowel or diphthong originally ended in w, and the w is still found in the oblique cases of these words. Thus, nom. ciieo (knee), gen. cneowes, etc., and occasionally in the nominative, cneow (47. 3). At the end of a word, and following a short syllable which ends in a consonant, u often stands for original w, the latter having undergone vocalization in that position. When an inflectional syllable is added 22 PHONOLOGY. beginning with a vowel, the w reappears. Thus, nom. gearii (ready) ^ gen. gearwes, etc. (57. 5). There is frequent loss of initial w in the negative forms of the verbs wesan, he^ witan, kyiow^ willan, will: nses, was not, nat, knoivs not, nolde, ivoulcl not, etc. It also disappears in na(u)lit for ntiwiht, naught, cue for cwic, alive, and a few other words. 28. Loss or replacement of g. — Before d and n (and before tS in the word tiarian, grant), g is often lost, the preceding vowel being lengthened by way of compensation : msegden and ingeden, maiden ; acegn and aren, thane. Properly speaking, the palatal g, already in such cases pronounced almost like a vowel, becomes indistinguishable from i or y in pronunciation, and by this time its effect is simply to lengthen the vowel which precedes. In a similar manner, ig may be contracted into i, sometimes shortened to i: hun- grig and hungri, hungry; ligeST and liST, lies (from licgau) ; stigrap and stirap, stirrup. The above losses are regular only after palatal vowels (10). After a guttural vowel (10), after r, or (especially in LWS.) before -st and -tS, endings respectively of the 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind., g frequently becomes h, occasionally gli : genog and genoh, enough; burg and burh, city ; stigiSf and stihar, climbs. 29. Loss of h. — Certain words ending in h lose the h before an inflectional ending beginning with a vowel, CONSONANTAL LOSS AND CHANGE. 23 at the same time lengthening the vowel of the stem, if short : feorh, life^ gen. f cores ; feoh, property^ gen. feos. There are besides a number of contract verbs (101) in which an original h has been lost before vowels (100); gefeon, rejoice^ orig. gefehan. The initial h of certain indefinite pronouns, and of the various forms of habban, have^ is frequently lost after ne, not: naw9'er, na9'er (27) for ne ahwsearer, neither; naefde, had not. 30. Loss of m and n. — Before the spirants f, s, and 9" there has been in some words the loss of an original m or n, with a lengthening of the preceding vowel : osle, ousel^ orig. amsala ; us, us^ orig. uns. When the resulting vowel is 6, or its umlaut e (17), the origi- nal vowel was a (9 before nasal, 25) : gos, goose, orig. gans ; est, favor, orig. ansti. 31. Metathesis of r. — In some words in which a vowel was originally preceded by r, the r has changed places with the vowel. Thus burna, fountain, brook (cf. Scottish burn), was originally brun(n)a (cf. Germ. Brunnen) ; hors, horse, orig. hros (cf. Germ. Ross). 32. Metathesis of sc. — After a vowel, sc frequently becomes cs, often represented by hs or x (2). Thus ascian, ash (cf. Germ. (Ji)eischen) becomes acsian, ahsian, axian (dial. Mod. Eng. axe). 24 PHONOLOGY. 33. Change of d to t. — When d either precedes or fol- lows a surd (8) in the same word, it regularly becomes t. Thus from bindan, hind^ the ind. pres. 2d sing, is formed by adding -st (though sometimes -est), thus, bindst ; but, in accordance with this principle, bindst becomes biiitst. So from iecan, increase^ the ind. pret. 3d sing, is formed by adding -de, thus, lecde ; but iecde becomes iecte. 34. Changes of 9" in conjunction with other dentals. — Whenever d or t comes to stand immediately before 9", the combination becomes tt, which is sometimes simplified to t (35). Thus bindeiS', ind. pres. 3d sing, of bindan, becomes bindS" by ehsion of the e in an unstressed syllable (23); but binder invariably appears as bint ; bidcT and bitS", respectively from bidan, aivait^ and bitan, hite^ both become bitt or bit. By a somewhat similar change, 89" often becomes st. For (Ts is usually found ss, which may be simplified to s (35). Suspect that t near the end of a verb may stand for d or 9", or he the result of contraction. 35. Gemination simplified. — Double consonants are of frequent occurrence, especially before an inflec- tional syllable beginning with a vowel. Thus swim- man, swim, b^dde, to a bed, etc. But gemination is frequently simplified, or, in other words, the sec- CONSONANTAL LOSS AND CHANGE. 25 ond consonant is dropped, (a) at the end of a word, (5) before another consonant, ((?) in certain other situations. Thus : — (a) mannes, gen. sing., but inann or man, man^ nom. sing. ; (5) ealles, gen. sing, of eal(l), all^ but ealne, ace. sing. masc. ; (c) oSTer, other^ with gen. plur. ending oiSTerra, but usually oSfera, oSTra. 36. Gemination pointing to original j. — In many words which contain a double consonant, especially those whose stem vowel is ^, the stem was originally followed by j (pron. ^), and the consonant was not geminated, but single : s^llan, give^ orig. saljan. This was always the case with words containing eg", which, it will be remembered, is the representative of g-g (11) : s^cgan, say^ orig. sagjan ; hrycg, hack^ orig. hrug-jo-. 37. Grammatical change. — As between certain re- lated words, there is an interchange of 9" and d, s and r: inf. ceosan, choose, past part, coren; inf. cwecTan, say, past part, cweden (cf. the noun cwide, discourse}. This is technically known as grammatical change. Under similar circumstances, there is a like change between h and g-, and li and w, but owing to a partial disappearance of the li (cf . 100) this is less noticeable : sliehi3r, strikes (inf. slean), slog, struck; siehS", sees (inf. seon), sawon (they) saw. II^FLECTIOISr. Declension of Nouns. 38. Gender of nouns. — Nouns are either masculine, feminine, or neuter. Names of males are masculine, and those of females feminine, except maegden, mseden (28), girl^ wif, ivife^ and beam, cild, child^ which are neuter. The gender of most nouns must be learned from the dictionary ; but all nouns ending in -a are masculine, and belong to the weak declension (53); all ending in -dom, -els, -ere, -liiid, and -scipe, and most in -end, with names of persons in -iiijjr and -ling-, are strong masculines ; those ending in -estre, -nes, -rseden, -(5'(u) (-(To), -ung, most in -u, and a few abstracts in -ing-, are strong feminines. Compound nouns take the gender of their last com- ponent ; thus wifman, woman, is masculine, because man(n) is masculine. 39. Strong and weak nouns. — According to their declension, all nouns are either strong or weak. The nominative of weak nouns always ends in a vowel, either -a or -e, but not all nouns ending in -e are weak. 26 DECLENSIOK OF NOUKS. 27 40. Cases of nouns and adjectives. — Old English has six cases, though in general only four are distinguished. These four are the nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative ; the two additional are the vocative, the case of direct address, and the instrumental, which is virtually indistinguishable from the dative, except in adjectives. The nominative is used as in English. The genitive is the case denoting possessor, source, or cause ; its sign is of. The dative denotes the indirect object of an action; its sign is to 01: for. The accusative denotes the direct object ; it has no sign. The instrumental denotes the means by which an action is performed; its sign is hy. The instrumental of nouns is included in the declen- sions under the dative. 41. Uniform case endings. — All nouns, whatever their declension, end in -um in the dative plural. The gen- itive plural always ends in -a, either appended directly to the stem, or with -en- (rarely -r-) interposed (43. 6) ; accordingly the genitive plural, to speak more strictly, always ends in -a or -ena (very rarely -ra). Instead of -um is occasionally found -un, -011, or -an, and in later Old English these 'endings grow common. 42. Strong masculine endings. — All strong masculines, except umlaut masculines (46) and those in -u (45), take the following as regular endings (for exceptions 28 INFLECTION. see 43. 5-9; 44. 4), where — represents the form of the nominative singular : — Singular. Plural. N.V.A. — -as G. -es -a D. -e -um 43. Masculines ending in a consonant. — The greater number of strong masculines are declined like fisc, fish : — Singular. Plural. .V.A. fisc fiscas G. fisces fisca D. fisce fiscum 1. A very few words ending in -eg may insert -e- before the endings of the plural: s^cg-eas, etc. (18). 2. If the radical vowel of the nominative is ae before a single consonant, this is changed in the plural to a : dsegr, day, but plur. dag-as, daga, dagum. 3. Nouns ending in h lose this consonant before a case ending, and in so doing lengthen the radical vowel or diphthong. Thus fearli, swine, but feares, etc. (29). If the h is preceded by a vowel, the vowel of the ending is lost: scoli, shoe, but nom. plur. scos, not scoas. 4. Disyllabic nouns generally lose the vowel of the second syllable before all endings, when the stem is long by nature or position (4, 23), if the second syllable is not long by position. Otherwise the vowel of the DECLENSION OF NOUNS. 29 second syllable is regularly preserved. Examples are as follows : — a. Stem long by nature, and second syllable short: eiarel, country^ gen. eSries, not ecTeles. h. Stem long by position, and second syllable long by position : h^ng^est, stallion^ dat. h^ngeste, not h^ngste. c. Stem long by position (vowel before two conso- nants), and second syllable short: dryhten, lord^ gen. dryhtnes, not drylitenes. d. Stem short by nature, and second syllable short : heofon, heaven^ dat. heofone, not heofne. Occasional exceptions are found: drylitenes, heofne. The retention or loss of the vowel is in part dependent upon the date of the particular text. 5. In a few words there is an occasional gen. and dat. sing, and nom. plur. in -a : feld, fields ford, ford^ winter, winter^ sumer, summer^ and a few others of rare occurrence. 6. Nouns in -end, originally present participles (143), take the gen. plur. in -ra, instead of -a, and the plur. nom. voc. ace. in -e, or without ending, as well as in -as, the latter being rare. Thus nom. plur. liselend, hselende, as well as hgelendas; gen. hselendra. 7. A single word, beam, grove^ has the nom. sing, in -u, and takes w instead of the -u before all inflectional endings: nom. sing. Ibearu, gen. bearwes, etc. (27). 30 INFLECTION. 8. The noun f seder, father^ frequently omits the ter- minations of the sing. gen. and dat. 9. Hgelear, hero, and nionaSf, month, sometimes omit the termination of the nom. ace. plur. 44. Masculines in -e. — The declension of strong mas- culines in -e is almost identical with that of fisc. The sing. nom. ace. voc. takes -e; other exceptions will be noted below. Ende, end, is thus declined : — Singular. Plural. N.V.A. ^ncle ^ndas G. ^ndes ^ncla T>. Qnde ^ndum 1. Here belong important classes of nouns ending in -ere (143) and -scipe, besides some others. They are much less numerous, however, than those of the preceding declension. 2. The noun li^re, army, sometimes takes -g- or -ig- before the endings of the singular, and the same, or -ige-, before the endings of the plural: h^r(i)ges, etc. Two words sometimes have the gen. plur. in -ig(e)a, -ia : wine, friend, D^ne, Danes, gen. plur. winigea, D^niga, D^nia (18). 3. Nouns ending in -ce may retain the -e before the endings of the plural : Isece, physician, nom. plur. Igeceas, as well as Isecas (18). 4. A few masculine nouns in -e occasionally take the nom. ace. plur. in -e, instead of -as : wine, or DECLENSION OF NOUNS. 31 winas^ friend. The following are found in the plural only: leode (also leoda), people, ielde, men, ielfe, elves, and the proper nouns Engle, Angles, Seaxe, Saxons, Mierce, Mercians, 45. Masculines in -u. — Here belong the words sunu, son, wudu, wood, me(o)dii, mead, mag-u, hog, bre(o)g-o, prince, heorii, sword, lagu, lake, si(o)du, custom, spitu, spit. Suuu is thus declined : — Singular. Plubal. .V.A. sunu suna G. suua suna D. suna sunum 1. The ending of the nom. sing, -u (sometimes -o) is liable to intrude everywhere except in the dat. plur. and gen. sing, and plur. 2. Besides sunu and wudu, the nouns above given are scarcely found except in the nom. ace. sing. 3. In later Old English these words begin to assume the endings of fisc (43) : gen. sunes, nom. plur. sunas, etc. 46. Umlaut masculines. — Here belong fot, foot, toST, tooth; man(n), man; feond, enemy, freond, friend, (142) ; broSFor, brother. These take umlaut of the radical vowel (17) in the dat. sing, and nom. voc. ace. plur., and have no ending in those cases. Fot is thus declined : — 32 INFLECTION. Singular. Plural. W.A. fot fet G. fotes fota D. fet (fote) fotum 1. Broaror is irregular, forming its nom. voc. ace. plur. as broaror or broarru, instead of brearer. 2. Occasionally there is found a plur. fotas, toSTas, instead of fet, ted". 3. Feond and freond usually have dat. sing. feonde, freonde, sometimes plur. feond, freond, or even feondas, freondas. 47. Strong neuters. — In general, the chief distinction between the declension of masculines and that of neu- ters is in the plur. nom. ace. Where the masculine has -as, the neuter, if its radical syllable be short, has -u, or sometimes -o ; if long^ has no ending whatever (cf. 23, and especially its final sentence). When the radical syllable is shorty the paradigm accordingly is (hof, dwelling^: — Singular. Plural. N.A. hof hofu G. hofes hofa D. hofe hofum With a long radical syllahle (4), the paradigm is (word, word) : — Singular. Plural. N.A. word word G. wordes worda D. worde wordum DECLENSION OF NOUNS. 33 1. Disyllables are sometimes without ending in the nom. ace. plur., and sometimes take -u : w5ep(e)n and wsepnu, weapons; but usually msegenu, forces, nietenu, cattle, earfoSTu, labors, wajt(e)ru, waters, heafdu, heads, wundor, wonders. 2. Occasionally the nom. ace. plur. takes -o or -a instead of -u. 3. Treo, tree, and cneo, knee, take -w before all case endings, and sometimes in the nom. sing. : treowes, etc. (27). Nom. ace. plur. treowu, ciieowu. 4. For a change in the radical vowel of the plural, see 43. 2 : faet, vessel, but fatu, fata, fatum. 5. For the loss of final h, see 43. 3: feoh, money, fee, gen. feos. 6. For the loss (syncopation) of the vowel . of the second syllable, see 43. 4: heafod, head, nom. plur. heafdu, not (usually) heafodu; tung-ol, star, nom. plur. tunglu, not tungolu ; waeter, water, gen. wae- teres, not (regularly) wsetres. Syncopation is, how- ever, less constant in the nom. ace. plur. of neuters, in cases corresponding to 43. 4. a. 7. Neuters ending in -en and -et sometimes double the final consonant before a case ending: sefen, even (jing), gen. sefenes or sefennes, etc. These nouns retain the -e of the second syllable. 48. Neuters in -e. — These are declined like word, except that the sing. nom. voc. ace. has -e, and the 34 INFLECTION. plur. nom. voc. ace. has -u. Paradigm (wite, pun- ishment) : — Singular. Plural. N.V.A. wite witu G. wites wita D. wite witum 1. If the -e of the nom. sing, is preceded by c or g-, the endings of the plural may be preceded by i (or e) : ricu or riciu, rica or ricia, etc. (18). 49. Neuters in -u. — These are declined like bearu (43. 7), except that they take -u in the plur. nom. ace, instead of -as. There are only half a dozen in all, and these are not of common occurrence : bealu, evil^ gen. bealwes, etc. 50. Irregular neuters. — The three words lamb, lamh, cealf, calf^ segr, egg^ and sometimes cild, cJdld^ are de- clined regularly in the singular, but take r in the plural before the endings -u, -a, -um : lamb, gen. lambes, but nom. plur. lambru. In LWS. the regular forms, without r, occur. 51. Strong feminines. — Feminine disyllables ending in -u, and having a short radical syllable, belong here ; monosyllables with a long radical syllable, and most disyllables, discard the -u of the nom. sing. Abstracts, though long, follow a. DECLENSION OF NOUNS. 35 a) Paradigm of the short stems, giefii, gift: — Singular. Plural. N.V. giefu, -o giefa, -e G. giefe giefa (-ena) D. giefe giefum A. giefe giefa, -e Occasionally the ending -u or -o is found in the oblique cases of the singular and in the nom. ace. plural. Duru, door^ has -a in the gen. dat. sing., and in the whole plural except the dative. Two or three nouns in -u take -w before the ending in the oblique cases: beadu, battle^ gen. beadwe, etc. 5) Paradigm of the long stems and polysyllables, glof, glove : — Singular. Plural. .V. glof glofa, -e G. glofe glofa D. glofe glof urn A. glofe glofa, -e 1. A few nouns discard the -e of the ace. sing. : deed, deed^ tid, time^ woruld (20, 26), world. 2. Only rarely does the gen. plur. of long stems take -(e)na. 3. Disyllables in -ung often have -a instead of e in the dat. sing., and sometimes in the gen. ace. sing. : leornung-, learning^ dat. leornunga. The words hand, hand^ flor, floor^ and woruld, world., occasionally make the same change. 4. Disyllables syncopate the vowel of the second 36 INFLECTION. syllable according to 43. 4: sawol, soul, gen. sawle, etc. 5. Polysyllables in -nes, -en, -el, and -et double the final consonant in the oblique cases, and retain the pre- ceding -e: gen. dat. ace. sing. eaiS'modnesse, humility^ byrtfenne, burden^ etc. 52. Umlaut feminines. — These modify the root vowel by umlaut in the dat. sing, and nom. voc. ace. plur., and often in the gen. sing., that is, change a to se, o to ^, o to e, u to y, and u to y. The gen. sing., and occasionally the dat. sing., is sometimes formed regu- larly, without umlaut, and with the ending -e. Para- digm, (gros. Singular. Plural. N.V.A. gos ges G. ges, gose gosa D. ges gosum The principal nouns which belong here are : ac, oah, gat, goat; boc, hook, broc, trousers, gos, goose, wloh, fringe ; burg, castle, city, furh, furrow, sulh, plough, turf, turf ; cu, cow, grut, grout, grits, lus, louse, mus, mouse, tSruh, trough; ea, river; niht, night. 1. The dat. (gen.) sing, of burg is usually byrig, not byrg. 2. Modor, mother, and dohtor, daughter, are declined like brocTor (46. 1), except that modor has only the nom. ace. plur. modru, -a, and both may have an umlaut gen. sing, in LWS. (but usually modor, dohtor). DECLENSION OF NOUNS. 37 3. Sweostor, sister^ is without umlaut in any case ; it remains sweostor in every case except the gen. plur. sweostra and dat. plur. sweostrum. 53. Weak nouns. — Masculines end in -a, feminines and neuters in -e ; but the neuters may be conveniently disregarded, only cage, ei/e^ and eare, ear, belonging to this declension. Paradigms (moua, moon, tunge, tongue^ : — Masculine. Feminine. Sing. N.V. inona tunge G.. D. l-monan tungan A.-* Plur. N.V. A. nionan tungan G. monena tungena I), monum tunguiii 1. The number of feminines thus declined is com- paratively small. The commonest are perhaps eorare, earth, heorte, heart, lufe, love, cirice, church, tunge, tongue, liearpe, harp, sunne, sun, nsedre, viper, and selmesse, alms. The masculines are, on the contrary, very numerous. 2. The declension of the neuters eage and eare differs from that of the feminines only in the ace. sing., which is like the nom. Their gen. plur. is often eagna, earna. 3. The weak feminine heofone, heaven, should be dis- tinguished from the strong masculine heofon. Besides the weak lufe, there is also a strong lufu, love (51. a)* 38 INFLECTION. 54. Proper names. — Native names are declined like common nouns, except that feminines ending in -burg take the dative in -e and are without umlaut. Foreign names are sometimes naturalized, and sometimes take their original case endings, but not always with entire consistency. The words C^nt, C^rt, I, T^net, and Wiht are indeclinable, except that Wiht has the gen. Wihte. Declension of Adjectives. 55. Weak and strong adjectives. — Adjectives are de- clined weak when in the comparative, and usually when in the superlative ; when ordinals (except safer, second, 78, 80) ; when preceded by a demonstrative ; when used as masculine or feminine nouns ; in direct address ; sometimes when preceded by a possessive pronoun ; and exceptionally in poetry in place of the strong adjective. Otherwise adjectives are always used in the strong form. 56. Strong declension of adjectives. — Here it is neces- sary to distinguish between long monosyllables on the one hand, and short monosyllables (comparatively few) and disyllables on the other. 57. Disyllables and short monosyllables. — Paradigm, glaed, glad : — Masculine. Neuter. Feminine. Sing. N.V. glsed glaed gladu G. glades glcedre DECLENSION OF ADJECTIVES. 39 Masculine. Neutek. Feminine, D. gladum gloedre A. glcedne glsed glade I. glade Phir. N.V.A. glade gladu, -e glada, - G. glcedra D. gladum 1. Italicized words indicate differences from the noun declension; cf. these with the pronominal declensions (81, 84, 85). 2. When the radical vowel is ae, it is changed as in the paradigm. Otherwise it remains unchanged. 3. Disyllables take the same endings as in the para- digm, but frequently syncopate the vowel of the second syllable before an ending beginning with a vowel, as in eadig, blessed, gen. eadges (23 ; cf. 43. 4), and some- times conform the nom. sing. fern, to the masc. and neut., and the neut. plur. nom. voc. ace. to the sing. : haligT) holi/, not hal(i)gu. 4. For the ending -u sometimes occurs -o, and for -um the LWS. -on, -an (cf. 41). 5. Adjectives ending in -u (-o) change the u to w before vowels (27) : gearu, ready, gen. g-earwes, etc. 58. Long monosyllables. — The only difference be- tween the declension of the long and that of the short monosyllables is that the ending -u of the latter is dropped, and that the radical vowel always remains unchanged. Paradigm, g-od, good: — 40 INFLECTION. Masculine. Neuter. Feminine. Sing. N. god god god Plur. N. gode god gode, -a 1. Adjectives ending in h drop the h in disyllabic forms, and lengthen the radical vowel or diphthong (29) : iSTweorh, transverse^ gen. STweores ; but heah, high, often assimilates the final h to a following con- sonant : heaniie, liearra, etc. In LWS. the li is often changed to g before a vowel : heagiiiii, etc. 2. Words ending in a double consonant usually re- tain this only before a vowel (35). 59. Adjectives in -e. — These are quite numerous. They are declined like the short monosyllables, except that the?/ always retain their -e when no other ending is provided, hut lose it before an endi7ig. Paradigm, grene, green : — Masculine. Neuter. Feminine. Sing. N.V. grene grene grenu G. grenes grenre Plur. N.V. A. grene grenu, -e grena, -e From an ace. masc. sing., like grenne, bliarne, for ex- ample, it is therefore not safe to infer a dictionary form gren, bli^". In consulting the lexicon, care should he taken to distin- guish adjectives in -e from such as end in a consonant. 60. Weak declension of adjectives. — This is the same as that of nouns, except that the gen. plur. is regularly DECLENSION OF ADJECTIVES. 41 formed in -ra (only exceptionally -a or the regular weak ending -ena). Paradigm, ?2roda, the good: — Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Sing. N.V. goda gode gode G. godan D. godan A. godan godan gode ur. N.V.A. godan G. godra D. godum 1. In LWS. -um frequently becomes -an. 2. When, in consequence of contraction, too many r's or n's are brought together, one of them is rejected. Thus gearu, ready ^ forms a comparative gearura. This comparative, in turn, would form a gen. plur. gearu- rara. By contraction this would reduce to gear(u)- r(a)ra ; but the three r's are simplified to two, and the resulting gen. plur. stands as gearra. 61. The present participle. — The present participle in -ende is not to be confounded with the noun in -end (for which see 43. 6). It is declined like grene (59). When used in the predicate as nom. or ace. it is gener- ally uninflected. The present participle, like the adjec- tive, is also declined weak. 62. The past participle. — The past participle has the double declension of the adjective, both strong and weak. When used in the predicate it is generally indeclinable, or ends like the strong masculine. 42 INFLECTION. Comparison of Adjectives. 63. Regular comparison. — The comparative is formed by adding -ra to the stem of the positive, and the super- lative by adding -osta (-esta) ; with the latter cf . Greek -Laro^. The final -a represents the masculine termina- tion of the weak adjective (60), and undergoes all the replacements of the weak declension. More rarely the superlative is found in -ost (-est), which is then re- garded as strong. A final -e of the positive is dropped in comparison (^e.g. eajye, easy^ comp. ieacra, not letTera) and a radical ae becomes a in the superlative (^e-g- smael, small, superl. smalost, not smaelost ; cf. 43. 2). 64. Comparison without umlaut. mode : — ^^ --^ '• This is the usual Positive. Comparative, Superlative, heard, hard heardra heardosta leof, dear leofra leof osta rice, powerful ricra ricost smael, small smselra smalost 65. Comparison with umlaut. — This is followed by a few adjectives. The superlative generally ends in -esta : — ■ Positive. Comparative. Superlative. eald, old ieldra ieldesta lang, long l^ngra l^ngesta geong, yotuig giengra giengesta sceort, sJioi't sciertra sciertesta heah, high hiehra (hierra) hieh(e)sta great, great grietra grietesta eaiSe, easy ieiSra ieffesta / - COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. 43 1. For some of these, unumlauted forms are also found: heahra, heahsta, etc. 2. Syncope of e in the superlative occurs in LWS. : l^ngsta, etc. ; in hielista this is also EWS. 3. For -ost may occur -ust. 66. Different stems in comparison. — In the following the comparative and superlative are not formed from the same stem as the positive : — POSITIVK. Comparative. Superlative. god, good rb^t(e)ra I sella, selra b^tst(a) selest(a) yfel, had wiersa wier(re)st(a) micel, great mara m£est(a) lytel, small Isessa liest(a) 67. Comparison defective. — In four cases the positive is wanting as an adjective, but may be supplied as an adverb or preposition : — Positive. Comparative. Superlative, (feor, far) fierra fierrest(a) (neah, near') nearra nTelist(a) (ser, earlier) aerra merest (a) (fore, before) furSfra fyrst(a) 68. Superlatives in -ma. — Besides the superlative in -est, there is one in -ma (cf. Lat. ^Y\-mus). Two exam- ples are found: forma, the first; hindema, the hindmost. 69. Superlatives in -ma -j- -esta = -mest(a). — These double superlatives, as they may be called, are chiefly 44 INFLECTION. formed from adverbs and prepositions. The compara- tive is peculiar in being generally formed in -erra, instead of -ra : — - Positive. (siiy, late) (laet, late) (inne, within) (fite, without) (ufan, above) (niffan, below) (fore, before) (sefter, after) (mid, mid) (norlSf, northward) (suiar, southward) (east, eastward) (west, westward) COMPAKATIVE. siffra laetra innerra uterra, yterra uferra, yferra nilgrerra furffra aefterra norlJerra, nyrfferra suiaTerra, syS'erra easterra westerra Superlative. siS'einest laetemest innemest utemest, ytemest ufemest, yfemest uit5'emest fyrmest geftemest inidinest norffmest sutS'inest eastmest westmest Formation and Comparison of Adverbs. 70. Adverbs formed from adjectives. — Adverbs are formed from adjectives by the addition of -e, -lice, and -unga or -inga. Examples are : wid, wide^ Avide, tvidely ; swiST, strong^ swiSTe, very ; soar, true^ soariice, truly ; eall, all^ eallunga, ealling^a, entirely. Occasionally -unga, -inj^a is employed to form adverbs from other parts of speech. 71. Adjectives in the genitive as adverbs. — The ending -es of the gen. sing. neut. is employed to form a few adverbs from adjectives : ealles, altogether ; i^rweores (58. 1), perversely^ etc. FORMATION AND COMPARISON OF ADVERBS. 45 72. Adjectives in the dative plural as adverbs. — Exam- ples are : iiiicluin, very; lytlum, little. 73. Adjectives in the accusative as adverbs. — Exam- ples are : full, fully ; genog, enough. 74. Adverbs from nouns. — From the genitive : dseges, by day ; niecles, needs ; etc. From the instrumental : sare, sore., etc. From the dative plural : dropmselum, dro^ hy drop^ etc. 75. Adverbs of place. — These are of three classes, ac- cording as they answer the question, Where? Whither? or Whence ? Examples are : — kVHERE ? Whither ? Whence ? afaer afider g^Qnan hwaer liwider hwQnan her hider heonan 76. Comparison of adverbs. — Adverbs from adjectival stems are regularly compared by adding -or for the comparative and -ost for the superlative. Example : strangor, more strongly., straiigost, most strongly (cf. 65). 77. Irregular comparison of adverbs. — A few adverbs have no termination in the comparative. They are always monosyllabic, and have usually undergone um- laut. Such are b^t, better; ma, mse, more; near, nearer : etc. 46 INFLECT ro:N'. Numerals. 78. Niimerals. — The numerals are as follows : — Cardinal. Ordinal. 1 . . an forma, fceresta 2 . . . twegen, twa (tfi) oiarer, sefterra 3 . . fSrie, (Sreo SPridda 4 . . feoAver feorafa 5 . . fif fifta 6 . . siex siexta 7 . . seofon seofoiJa 8 . . eahta eahtoiS'a 9 . . iiigon nigO(5'a 10 . . tien teoiafa 11 . . endlefan endlefta 12 . . tw^lf tw^lfta 13 . . ffreotiene ffreoteoiara 14 . . feowertiene feowerteoSfa 15 . . fiftiene fifteoiafa 16 . . siextiene siexteoara 17 . . seofontiene seofonteoiya 18 . . eahtatiene eahtateoiffa 19 . . nigontiene nigonteoaCa 20 . . tvventig twentigoafa 21 . . an and twentig an and twentigoija 30 . . !5ritig aPritigoafa 40 . . feowertig feowertigosafa 50 . . fiftig fiftigoiafa 60 . . siextig siextigoffa 70 . . hundseofontig hundseofontlgoffa 80 . . (hund)eahtatig hundeahtigod'a 90 . . hundnigontig hundnigontigod'a 100 . . hund, hundred, hundteontlg 110 . . hundendlefantig hundendleftigoija 120 . . hundtw^lftig hundtw§lftigol5a 200 . . twa hund, to hund 1000 . . S^asend NUMERALS. 47 1. Other ordinals for 1 are fyresta, fyrmesta. 2. Another form of ordinal for 21 is an eac twen- tigura. 3. Endlefan and tw^lf probably stand for anlif and twalif (representing twalif). The -lif may mean left. After counting on the fingers up to 10, one left (anlif) would be 11 ; two left (twalif), 12. The final -an (-on) of endlefan may have been added after the analogy of seofon, nigon, etc. 4. Fractions are usually formed by the help of dsel, part: iffridda dgel, one-third ; seofoiara d^l, one-seventh. For one and a half occurs oarer healf (cf. Germ, andert- halb} ; so STridde liealf, two and a half; in other words, the OE. ordinal indicates the cardinal from which ^ must be subtracted. 5. Interesting forms, which actually occur, are: 19, an Ises twentig ; 39, an Iges feowertig ; 59, anes wana siextig (cf. Greek ez^o? Seoz^re? eUoai) ; 450, fiftig" and feower hund, fifte healf hund; 482, feower liuiid and twa and hundeahtatig ; 100,000, an hund tSu.- senda; 1,500,000, fiftiene hund afusend. Note also fiftiena sum, one of fifteen^ i.e. ivith fourteen com- panions. 79. Declension of cardinals. — An is declined like god (58), but with ace. sometimes aenne, inst. sene. When declined weak, ana, it signifies alone. Twegen is declined thus : — 48 INFLECTION. Masculine, Neuter. Feminine. N.A. twegen twa, tu twa G. tweg(r)a D. tw£em, twain So also is declined begen, both. Drie, tSreo is de- clined : — Masculine. Neuter. Feminine, r.A. ffrie a-reo aPreo G. aCreora D. fSrlnx The cardinals between 3 and 20 are usually inde- clinable. Those ending in -tig- are sometimes treated as neuter nouns (in which case they are followed by a partitive genitive), sometimes as adjectives, and are sometimes uninflected. Hund and (Tusend are sometimes undeclined, but there is also a plural of hund, nom. hiiiide, dat. hiindum ; and of cTusend, nom. laruseiidu, gen. -da, -dra, dat. -dum. These nu- merals are always followed by the genitive. 80. Declension of ordinals. — All are declined like weak adjectives (60), except ocTer, second^ which is strong. Pronouns. 81. Personal pronouns. — First Person. Second Person, Sing. N. Ic ffu G. min 9in D. me ffe A. me safe PRONOUNS. First Person. Second Person. DualN. wit git G. uncer incer D. unc inc A. unc inc Plur. N. we ge G. ure eower D. us eow^ A. us eow^ Third Person. Masculine. Neuter. Feminine. Sing. N. *^? hit heo G. his hi(e)re D. him hi(e)re A. hi(e)ne hit hi(e) 'lur. N.A. hl(e) G. hi(e)ra, heora D. him 49 1. Less common forms are : in the accusative, mec, arec, usic, eowic ; lii(e) for heo, and conversely. Hio is frequent, parallel with heo, and user is found for tire. 82. Reflexive pronouns. — In place of the reflexive, which does not exist as an independent form, is used the personal pronoun (81). 83. Possessive pronouns. — Two sorts of possessives must be distinguished, the declinable and the inde- clinable. All of these are identical in form with the genitive of the personal pronoun, except sin, which is formed from a lost reflexive. The declinable pos- 50 INFLECTION. sessives are min, my^ STin, tliy^ ure, our^ eower, your^ sin, liis^ and the seldom used uncer, of us two, and incer, of you two. These follow the strong declen- sion of adjectives (57, 58). The indeelinahles are his, his, hi(e)re, her, and hi(e)ra, their, the genitives of the third personal pronoun. 84. The demonstrative ' that.' — The pronoun se, seo, araet, is at once the equivalent of Mod. Eng. that and of the article. Like that, it is employed in a relative as well as a demonstrative sense, and fre- quently does duty for the third personal pronoun. The demonstrative pronouns have an instrumental case, as does the neuter of the interrogative hwset. Masculine Neuter. Feminine. Sing. N. se (emphatic se) ffaet seo G. ffaes afiere D. ffsem (ffam) aCaere A. aPone ffset afa I. I5y, iSon Plur. N.A. aPa G. afara (afaera) D. ar^m (aCam) 1. The conjunction (Tset, and the adverb cTa (= there, then, etc.), must not be confounded with the pronoun. 2. Parallel with se, seo, is a rare fohan), seize ; hon, hang. Of these the most important are teon, censure^ lareon, thrive^ wreon, cover; fleon, flee^ teon, draw; gefeon, rejoice, seon, see ; slean, strike, cTwean, wash ; fon, seize, and lion, hang, Teon, draw (II), should be carefully distinguished from teon, censure (I); and likewise seon, see (V), from seon, sift (I). The principal parts of teon, draw, are : — teon teah tugon (ge)togen of teon, censure, are : — teon tah tigon (ge)tigen VERBS. 59 But there is a tendency on the part of contract verbs like the latter of these (I) to assume throughout the forms of the former (II). Deon, thrive (102), has past part. iSTig-en and ScTungen. The imp. sing, always ends in h, and has a long vowel in verbs of the First, Second, and Redupli- cating Classes, a short vowel in the Fifth and Sixth. Examples: (I) teon, censure^ imp. tih; (II) teon, draw^ imp. teoh ; (V) seon, see^ imp. seoh ; (VI) slean, strike^ imp. sleah ; (Red.) fon, seize^ imp. foh. 102. Strong verbs of the First Ablaut Class. — Stem vowels (normally) i, a, i, i Typical verb drifan, drive Four stems drifan draf drifon drifen Like drifan are conjugated all strong verbs with i in the present stem. Here belongs any strong verb with a in the first preterit stem, i in the second preterit stem, or i in the past participial stem. Among the more common are: bidan, remain; bitan, hite; ridan, ride; (a)risan, arise; scTnan, shine; slitan, tear ; stigan, ascend; swi- can, abandon; (ge)witan, go ; writan, write. Umlaut does not affect the vowel of the present stem (94). The 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind. are thus formed (33,34): — d-stems bidan bitst, bit(t) t-stems bitan bitst, bit(t) 60 INFLECTION. 8-stems risan rist, rist (risff) ly-stems sniiafan snist, sni9'(9') Contracts (101) wreon wrihst, wrihaf Others are normal drifan drifst, drifts The second preterit and past participial stems of the verbs sniafan, cut^ liSTan, go, and scriacan, proceed, take d instead of Tf (37) : snidon, sniden, etc. Other verbs in 9" retain the tf, 103. Strong verbs of the Second Ablaut Class. — Stem vowels eo or u, ea, u, o Typical verbs beodan, offer; brucan, enjoy Four stems beodan bead budon boden brucan breac brucon brocen Like beodan are conjugated all strong verbs having eo in the present stem, except some contracts, and like brucan all having u. Here belongs any strong verb having ea in the first preterit stem. Among the more common are : ceosan, choose ; dreogan, endure; lireosan, fall ; (for)leosan, lose; teon, draw; bugan, how. Stems in s, D", and contract vowel (37) : — ceosau ceas curon coren seoS'an seals' sudou soden teon (101) teah tugon togeu Like ceosan are formed stems in s ; like seoSTan, abreocTan, frustrate ; like teon, fleon, flee. Umlaut changes the eo of the present to ie (or i), VERBS. 61 and u of the present to y, in the 2d and 3d sing, pres. ind. : forliest, brycSF. The 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind. are thus formed (33, 34): — d-stems beodan bietst, biet(t) t-stems geotan gietst, giet(t) s-stems forleosan forliest, forliest (-sff) g-stems (28) dreogan driegst (-hst), driegff (-hS") Contracts (101) teon tiehst, tiehfS Others are normal creopan criepst, criep9' 104. Strong verbs of the Third Ablaut Class. — Stem vowels various, but all short Typical verbs bindan, bind; helpan, help; gieldan, yield; weorpan, throw ; berstan, hurst stems bindan band bundon bunden helpan bealp hulpon holpen gieldan geald guidon golden weorpan wearp wurpon worpen berstan baerst burston borsten Like bindan are conjugated all strong verbs in in or im + consonant, besides iernan, run^ beornan, hurn^ originally rinnan, brinnan. Like helpan are conjugated all in el + consonant, besides feolan, reach^ which is irregular. Like g-ieldan are conjugated all in iel + consonant. Like weorpan are conjugated all in eor or eoh + consonant (21. 5). Like berstan are conjugated arerscan, thresh; bregd- an, brandish; stregdan, strew; besides frignan, in- 62 INFLECTION. quire^ which resembles it in all except the vowel of the present. The stems of weoraran, become^ are (37) : — weorS'an wearff wurdon worden Bregdan and frignan may drop g, and lengthen the preceding vowel (28): breed, frinan. Findan, find^ likewise forms its 3d sing. pret. ind. as funde, which is indeed the usual form. Among the more common verbs are : drincan, drink; findan, find; (on)ginnan, begin; winnan, strive; limpan, happen; belgan, be angry; liweorfan, turn; feohtan, fight. Umlaut changes the eo of the present to ie in the 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind. : wierpS". A similar change, though not due to precisely the same cause (17), is found in presents in e, which is converted to i or ie: hilpst, bierst. The 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind. are thus formed (33, 34): — d-stems bindan bintst, bint t-stems feohtan flehtst, fieht st-stems berstan bierst, bierst ff-stems weorffan wier(9')st, wierlj nn-stems winnan winst, winl5 (35, 6) Others are normal singan singst, singSf The stems of feolan, reach^ are : — feolan fealh fulgon (faelon) folen VERBS. 63 Exceptional forms are the 3d sing. pres. ind. of bregdan and stregdaii: britt, stret(t). 105. Strong verbs of the Fourth Ablaut Class. — Stem vowels e ae se o i (u) o o u Typical verb beran, hear Eour stems beran, bser, b^ron, boren Like beran are conjugated teran, tear; scieran (18), shear ; cwelan, die ; helaii, conceal ; stelan, steal ; hwelan, roar ; brecan, break. The two irregular verbs of this class are among the most important in the language : niman, take^ and cuman, come. Their stems are : — niman nom nonion numen cuman c(w)om c(w)omon cumen (cymen) Umlaut changes the u of cuman to y in the 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind. : cymst, cymO". A similar change, though not due to precisely the same cause (17), is found in the presents in e, which is changed to i or ie: bi(e)rst, stilSF. 106. Strong verbs of the Fifth Ablaut Class. — Stem vowels (normally) e, se, ge, e Typical verbs sprecan, speaA; ; cweSfan, say ; giefan, gfive ; biddan, request ; gef eon, rejoice Four stems sprecan spraec sprsecon sprecen cweSan cwaeSF cwsedon (37) cweden giefan (18) geaf geafon giefen 64 INFLECTION. Four stems biddan baed bsedon beden gefeon (101) gefeah gefiegon . Like sprecan are conjugated etan, eat; tredan, tread; metan, measure; wrecan, pursue; and a few others. Like cweacan is conjugated no other verb. Like g-iefan is conjugated gietan, get (18). Like biddan are conjugated licgan, lie; sittan, sit. Like gefeon is conjugated seon, see, except that its pret. plur. is sawon, and past participle sewen, segen. Umlaut, or a change analogous to it (17), converts the e of the present to i in the 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind.: cwiiSr; in contracts we have ie, not ie, since the vowel of the present was originally short: siehar. The 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind. are thus formed (33, 34): — d- stems tredan tritst, trit(t) t-stems gietan gietst, glet(t) S'-stems cweffan cwist, cwiaf g-stems (28) licgan ligst (list), ligU (IVS) Contracts (101) seon siehst, siehij Others are normal sprecan spriest, sprieff The vowel of the pret. sing, is sometimes long in verbs in et: set, mset. Imp. sing, bide (cf. 107). 107. Strong verbs of the Sixth Ablaut Class. — Stem vowels (normally) a, o, o, a Typical verbs faran, go; slean, strike; standan, stand; h^bban, raise VERBS. 66 Four stems faran for foron faren slean (101) slog slogon (37) slaegen (sl^gen) standan stod stodon standen h^bban (11) hof hofon hafen Like faran are conjugated sacan, dispute^ wacan, wake^ tosc(e)acan, depart^ and one or two others. Like slean are conjugated lean, hlame^ Sfwean, wash. Like standan is conjugated no other verb. In the main like hi^bban are conjugated the fol- lowing : — hliehhan (36) , laugh hloh scieppan (18), create scop (sceop) staeppan, step stop sw^rian, swear swor hlogon (37) scopon (sceopon) sceapeii stopon stapen sworon sworen Umlaut changes the a of the present to ^ (se), and the ea of the present (see 101) to ie (not ie), in the 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind. : st^nt, fserst, sliehtT. The 2d and 3d sing. pres. ind. are thus formed (34):- d-stems standan b-stems h^bban Contracts (101) slean Others are normal faran st^ntst, st^nt h^fst, h^f iar sliehst, sliehS^ faerst, faera* The verbs like h^bban are peculiar in having umlaut in the present stem, which causes them, in so far, to resemble the Weak Verbs of the First Class (111). Like s^llan, etc., they have the imp. sing. in -e: h^fe, sw^re, etc. (cf. 117). The umlaut is due to the fact that the stem of this group, unlike that of 66 INFLECTION. most strong verbs, was followed by a j (16). Thus the inf. stseppaii stands for original stapjan; were it not for the umlaut-causing -j-, the infinitive would have been stapan; and so in the other four verbs. 108. Reduplicating verbs. — Stem vowels various. A peculiarity of this class — shared, however, by a very few verbs of the Sixth Ablaut Class (107) — is that the vowels of the first and fourth stems are identical (with two or three exceptions noted below), and that those of the second and third stems are likewise identical. The vowel (diphthong) of the preterit is sometimes eo, less frequently e. 109. Reduplicating preterits in eo. — The present stem has ea (rarely a), a, ea, o, or e. Typical verbs feallan, fall; bannan, summon; cnawan, know; heawan, heio ; flowan, floiv ; wepan, weep Four stems feallan feoll feollon feallen bannan beonn beonnon bannen cnawan cneow^ cneow^on cnawen heawan heow heowon heawen flow^an fleow fleowon flowen wepan w^eop weopon w^open Like feallan are conjugated verbs in eal + conso- nant, besides weaxan, grow (originally of the Sixth Ablaut Class, 107) : healdan, hold ; wealdan, gov- ern^ etc. Like bannan (very rare) is conjugated gangan, go (but usually as gan, 141). VERBS. 67 Like cnawan are conjugated verbs in aw, besides swapan, sweep : — bliiwaii, blow ; sawan, sow, etc. Like heawaii are conjugated verbs in ea : beatan, beat; hleapan, leap. Like flowan are conjugated verbs in o: blowan, bloom (not to be confounded with blawan, blow} ; growan, grow; spowaii, thrive; rowan, row. Like wepan is conjugated no other common verb; in wepan the stem vowel of the present is derived by umlaut from 6, the latter reappearing in the past participle. — Umlaut as in 94. 110. Reduplicating preterits in e. — The present stem has a, se, or 5. Umlaut as in 94. Typical verbs laetan, let; hatan, call; fon, seize Four stems Isetan let leton Iseten batan het heton haten fon (101) feng fengon fangen Like Isetan are conjugated drsedan, dread; rsedan, consult, read (usually weak) ; slsepan, sleep. Like hatan is conjugated lacan, Jump; scadan, sceadan (18), separate. Like fon is conjugated hon, hang (3d sing. fehSr, hehar). 111. Weak verbs of the First Class. — The stem vowel of the present always has umlaut (except that eo some- times persists, i.e., does not become ie). The infinitive ends in -an or -ian, the latter being infrequent. b8 INFLECTION. 112. Weak infinitives in -an. — These take the pret- erit either (113, 114) in -de (-te) or (115) in -ede, the past participle in -ed or in -d (-t). 113. Weak preterits in -de (-te), with retention of the stem vowel. — Here belong verbs whose stem vowel is long by nature (4), and a number in which the stem syllable is long by position as a result of gemination (36). The past participle is formed in -ed, contraction taking place in t- and d- stems. The infinitive always ends in -an. Simplified gemination by 35. stems hieran, hear hierde (ge)hiered fyllan, fill fylde (35) (ge)fyUed cyssan, kiss cyste (33, 35) (ge)cyssed s^ttan, set s^tte (33) (ge)s^tt s^ndan, send s^nde (ge)s^nd(ed) I^dan, lead ISdde (ge)15ed(ed) iecan, increase iecte (33) (ge)Ieced ehtan, persecute ehte (ge)eht metan, find mette (ge)met(t) gierwan, prepare gierede (ge)gier(w)ed Like hieran are conjugated all verbs not belonging to any of the following divisions. Like fyllan are conjugated stems ending in a double consonant, excepting those like cyssan and s^ttan, and under 114 and 115. Like cyssan are conjugated stems ending in ff, pp, and ss. Like s^ttan are conjugated stems ending in tt (imp. sing. s^te). VERBS. 69 Like s^ndan are conjugated stems ending in a con- sonant + d. Like Isedan are conjugated stems ending in a vowel + d. Like iecan are conjugated stems ending in c, p, and X. Like elitan are conjugated stems ending in a con- sonant + t. Like metan are conjugated stems ending in a vowel 4- t. Like gierwan are conjugated stems ending in rw and Iw. The forms of the present sometimes retain the w, sometimes not. 114. Irregular preterits and past participles. — Certain verbs, in other respects like those of the last para- graph, and whose stems end in 11, cc, c (nc, re), or g (eg, ng-), form their preterits and past participles from a stem without umlaut. In the case of the 11-, ce-, and simple e-verhs, to determine, from the pi'es- ent stem, what form the past stem will assume, find the original vowel corresponding to the umlaut vowel of the present, and consider what changes, if any, will be caused by breaking (21). The 1-verbs take -de and -d, the e- and g-verbs -te and -t. The c- and g-verbs often insert -e- before the infinitive ending (18). Stems ending in e and g change these consonants to h before the t of the ending. 70 INFLECTION. The list is as follows: — ll-verbs cw^Uan, kill dw^llan, deceive s^Uan, give st^llan, place t^llan, count cwealde (g«)cweald cc-verbs cw^cc(e)an, shake dr^cc(e)aii, vex l^cc(e)an, moisten r^cc(e)an, expound 8tr^cc(e)an, stretch ff^cc(e)an, cover w(r)^cc(e)aii, wake cweahte (ge)cweaht laecc(e)an, seize laehte (ge)l8eht c-verbs raec(e)an, reach raehte (ge)rgeht taec(e)an, teach tfcehte (ge)tseht rec(e)aii, recc(e;an, reck rohte (ge)roht sec (e) an, seek sohte (ge)soht nc-verbs »^ne(e)an, think ffohte (ge)afoht ffync(e)an, seem ffuhte (ge)l9'nht rc-verb wyrc(e)an, work ■worhte (ge)worht eg- verb bj^cg(e)an, buy bohte (ge)boht ng-verb bringan, bring brohte (ge)broht The preterit and past participle of raec(e)an and tsec(e)an should properly have a: rahte, etc. This does, indeed, sometimes occur, but is much less com- mon than the se. 115. Infinitives in -an, with preterit in -ede. — Here belong two groups of verbs whose infinitives end in -an (exceptionally -ian). (a) The first group comprises the following verbs with stems ending in a double consonant (cf. 11) ; VERBS. 71 fr^mman, perform; gr^mmaii, provoke; trymman, confirm; ST^nnan, extend; w^niian, accustom; dynnan, hlynnan, resound; cnyssan, heat; sc^araran, injure (sometimes strong) ; sw^bban, quiet ; w^cg'(e)an, agitate; 9'icg(e)an, receive (sometimes strong). Occa- sionally these verbs take an infinitive in -ian (116). (J) The second group comprises stems ending in a consonant + either 1, n, or r. This group is some- what irregular, occasionally having preterits like hyngerde, instead of the more regular hyngrede, n^mde for n^inn(e)de, named, and ^fnde for ^fnede, performed. Typical verbs (a) fr^mman, perform fr^mede (ge)fr^med (6) hyngran, hunger hyngrede (ge)hyngred Note. — Ii^cg(e)an, lay, is irregular in the preterit and past part.: l^gde (lede), (ge)l^gd (-led), instead of l^gede, (ge)l^ged. 116. Infinitives in -ian with preterit in -ede. — Here belong a few weak verbs of the First Class. They have a short stem ending in r, or occasionally in 1, m, n, or one of the spirants. The vowel of the stem is usually ^ (ie) or y. Examples are : n^rian, save ; h^rian, praise ; byrian, pertain ; h^lian, conceal ; trymian, confirm (see 115. «). Three stems n^rian n^rede (ge)n^red 117. Paradigms of the First Class. — For the conju- gation of weak verbs of the First Class we may 72 INFLECTION. choose : hieran, hear (113) ; s^llan, give (114, 36) ; fr^mman, perform (115); n^rian, save (116). Present. Indicative. Sing. 1. Mere s^Ue fr^mme n^rie 2. hierst (23) s^l(e)st fr^mest n^rest 3. hierac 8^1 (e) 9 fr^meSf nereis ^ Plur. hieraaf s^Ila(5 fr^mmaS" Optative. n^rialJ Sing. hiere s^Ue fr^inme n^rie Plur. hieren sullen fr^mmen Imperative. n^rien Sing. hier (23) s^le fr^me n^re Plur. hiera($ s^llaaf fr^inma)5 Infinitive. n^riaff hieran s^llan fr^mman Participle. n^rian hierende s^liende fr^mmende Preterit. Indicative. n^riende Sing. 1. hierde sealde fr^mede n^rede 2. hierdest sealdest fr^medest n^redest 3. hierde sealde fr^inede ii^rede Plur. hierdon sealdon fr^medon Optative, n^redon Sing. hierde sealde fr^mede n^rede Plur. hierden sealden fr^nieden Participle. n^reden Sing. hiered seald framed n^red Plur. hier(e)de sealde fr^mede n^rede VERBS. 73 118. Weak verbs of the Second Class. — These are very numerous. Many are formed from nouns and adjectives (cf. 90). The infinitive always ends in -ian, or its equivalent -ig(e)an (18). Though the i of an ending usually causes umlaut, it does not in these verbs, because of its comparatively late origin, the older termination having been -ojon (that is, -o-yoii), which was incapable of causing umlaut, since it was -6-, rather than -j- (that is, -y-), which imme- diately followed the stem. Hence it is easy to distinguish verbs of this Class from verbs in -ian of the First Class (116): — 1. Of those verbs there are but few; of these, many. 2. Of those the vowels are always umlauted (usually ^ or y) ; of these, rarely, and only when the verb was formed from a noun or adjective whose vowel was already umlauted. 3. Of those the stem usually ends in r; of these, in any consonant or consonant combination. 119. Paradigm of the Second Class. — As a typical verb we may select lufian, love. \ Present. Indicative. Optative. Imperative. Sing. 1. lufie ^ Sing, lufa 2. lufast I lufie Plur. lufiaS' 3. lufaSr J Plur. lufiaar lufien Infin. lufian Part, lufiende 74 INFLECTION. Preterit. Indicative. Sing. 1. lufode ^ 2. lufodest I 3. lufode J Plur. lufedon, -odon Optative. lufode lufoden, -eden Part, (ge)lilfod In the endings, ig(e) or g- is frequently found for i (18). Sometimes, instead of -ode, the ending is -ade, -ude, or even -ede; but -ode is normal. 120. Weak verbs of the Third Class. — These com- prise liabban, have ; libban (lifian), live ; s^cg(e)an, 8ay ; hycg"(e)an, think. These are conjugated partly according to the First Class (117), and partly accord- ing to the Second (119). 121. Conjugation of habban, have. — Habban, have; nabban, have not (29). Indicative. Pres. Sing. 1. haebbe 2. haefst (hafast) 3. hsefff (hafaaP) Plur. habbaff (haBbbaff) Pret. Sing, haefde, etc. Plur. haefdon Imper. Sing, hafa Plur. habbaST Pres. Part, haebbende Optative. haebbe haebbe haebbe haebben haefde haefden Infin. habban Past Part. (ge)haBfd VERBS. 75 Indicative. Pres. Sing. 1. nsebbe 2. naefst (nafast) 3. nsefO" (nafaff) Plur. nabbaS" Pret. Sing, naefde, etc. Plur. naefdon Imper. Sing, nafa Plur. nabbaS? Pres. Part, naebbende Optative. naebbe naebbe naebbe nsebben nsefde naefden Infin. nab ban Past Part. (ge)n8efd 122. Conjugation of libban, live. — Indicative. Pres. Sing. 1. libbe 2. leofast (20) 3. leofaiy Plur. libbaa?, lifiaff Pret. Sing, lifde, etc. Plur. lifdon Imper. Sing, leofa (20) Plur. libbaiar, lifia» Pres. Part, libbende, lifiende Optative. libbe, lifie, etc. libben, llfien lifde Ufden Infin. libban, lifian Past Part. (ge)lifd 123. Conjugation of s^cg(e)an, sai/. — Indicative. Pres. Sing. 1. s^cge 2. saegst, s^gst, sagast 3. ssegiar, s^gS", sagalSF Plur. s^cg(e)aiy Pret. Sing, saegde, ssede (28), etc. Plur. saegdon, seedon Imper. Sing, saga, s^ge Plur. s^cg(e)aS' Optative. s^cge, etc. s^cgen saegde, s^ede saegden, saeden Infin. s^cg(e)an Pres. Part, s^cgende Past Part, (ge)saegd, (ge)s8ed 76 INFLECTION. 124. Conjugation of hycg(e)an, thinh. — Indicative. Optative. Pres. Sing. 1. hycge hycge, etc. 2. hygst, hogast 3. hygS", hogaiy Plur. hycg(e)aiy hycgen Pret. Sing. hog(o)de, etc. hog(o)de Plur. hog(o)don hog(o)den Infin. hycg(e)aii Imper. Sing, hoga Plur. hycg(e)al5 Pres. Part, hycgende Past Part. (ge)hog(o)d PRETERITIVE PRESENTS. 125. Preteritive presents. — A small group of verbs have strong preterits with present meaning (the old presents being lost), and form new weak preterits from these. They are : witan, know ; agan, own ; du^an, avail; unnan, grant; ciinnan, knoiv ; (Turf an, need; durraii (?), dare; sculaii, shall; inunan, intend; inugan(?), can; nugan(?), suffice; inotan(?), mai/. 126. Conjugation of witan, know. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. wat, 2. wast ; plur. wi(e)ton ; pret. wiste (wisse), etc. Opt. pres. wi(e)te, etc. ; pret. wiste (wisse), etc. Imper. wite. Infin. wi(e)tan. Pres. part, witende; past part, (ge)witen. For wi(e)tan, etc., is found wiotan, etc. Like witan is conjugated nytan, not to know : nat, etc. Wherever, in the forms of witan, i (ie, io) occurs, y is here to be substituted. VERBS. 77 127. Conjugation of agran, possess. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. ah, 2. ahst ; plur. agon ; pret. alite, etc. Opt. pres. age, etc.; pret. ahte. Imper. age. Infin. agan. Pres. part, agencle; past part, agen, own (^adjS). So nagan, not to 128. Conjugation of dugan, avail. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. deali ; plur. dugoii ; pret. dohte, etc. Opt. pres. dyge, duge, etc. Infin. dugan. Pres. part. dugende. 129. Conjugation of unnan, grant. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. an(u); plur. unnon ; pret. uiSTe. Opt. pres. unne, etc. ; pret. uKTe, etc. Imper. unne. Infin. unnan. Pres. part, unnende; past part, (ge)unnen. 130. Conjugation of cunnan, know. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. ean(n), canst ; plur. cunnon ; pret. cuSTe, etc. Opt. pres. cunne, etc. ; pret. cuSTe, cyafe, etc. Infin. cunnan. Past part, (ge)cunnen, and cuS" (adj.^. 131. Conjugation of cTurfan, need. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. arearf, 2. cTearft ; plur. arurfon ; pret. STorfte, etc. Opt. pres. STyrfe, STurfe, etc. ; pret. iSForfte, etc. Infin. cTurfan. Pres. part, iarearfende. 132. Conjugation of durran, dare. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. dearr, 2. dearst ; plur. durron ; pret. dorste, etc. Opt. pres. dyrre, durre, etc. 78 INFLECTION. 133. Conjugation of sculan, shall. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. sceal, 2. scealt ; plur. sculon ; pret. sc(e)olde, etc. Opt. pres. scyle, scule, etc. Infin. sculan. 134. Conjugation of munan, intend. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. man, 2. nianst ; plur. munon (muna^T) ; pret. munde. Opt. pres. myne, mune, etc. Iniper. sing. mun ; plur. munaaf. Infin. munan. Pres. part. munende ; past part, (ge)munen. 135. Conjugation of mugan, can. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. mseg, 2. meaht ; plur. magon ; pret. meahte, etc. Opt. pres. maege, etc. 136. Conjugation of nugan, suffice. — Ind. pres. sing. 3. neah ; plur. nugon ; pret. nohte, etc. Opt. pres. nuge, etc. 137. Conjugation of motan, may. — Ind. pres. sing. 1. 3. mot, 2. most ; plur. moton ; pret. moste, etc. Opt. pres. mote, etc. ANOMALOUS VERBS. 138. Conjugation of wesan, beon, he. — Indicative. Optativb. Pres. Sing. 1. eom ; beo sie ; beo, etc. 2. eart; bist 3. is ; biff ; neg. nis Plur. sind, -t ; sindon ; beoff sien ; beon VERBS. 79 Indicative. Pret. Sing. 1. waes ; neg. naes wSre ; neg. naere waes; neg. naes waeron. ; neg. naeron Iinper. Sing, wes ; beo Plur. wesa9' ; heofS Optative. wsere; neg. nSre wSre; neg. nSre wSre; neg. naere waeren ; neg. naeren Infin. wesan ; beon Pres. Part, wesende ; beonde 139. Conjugation of willan, will. — Indicative. Optative. Pres. Sing. 1. wil(l)e; neg. ne(l)le, ny(l)le 2. wilt; neg. nelt, nylt 3. wil(l)e; neg. nel(l)e, nyl(l)e Plur. willaar ; neg. nellaaC, nyllaiff J w^ille, etc. ; neg. nelle, I nylle, etc. willen ; neg. nellen, nyllen Pret. Sing, w^olde, etc. ; neg. nolde, etc. w^olde; neg. nolde Plur. Tv^oldon ; neg. noldon w^olden ; neg. nolden Imper. Plur. neg. nellaS', nyllaac Infin. willan Pres. Part, willende 140. Conjugation of don, do, — Indicative, Pres. Sing. 1. do 2. dest 3. deiSf Plur. doff Pret. Sing, dyde, etc. Plur. dydon Imper. Sing, do Plur. doff Pres. Part, donde Optative. do, etc. don dyde dyden Infin. don Past Part, (ge)don 80 INFLECTION. 141. Conjugation of gan, go. Indicative. Pres. Sing. 1. ga 2. g^st 3. gfcear Plur. gaff Pret. Sing, code, etc. Plur. eodon Imper. Sing, ga Plur. gaff Pres. Part, gande Optative. ga, etc. gan code eoden Infin. gan Past Part, (ge)gan FOEMATIOISr OF WOBDS. 142. Prefixes. — Many Old English prefixes are self- explanatory. Others, with their meanings, are as follows : — a- (1) = 'up,' 'out' (Ger. er-): sifjUan, fill up, asceot- an, shoot out. (2) representing on : awegr = on weg, awai/. (3) = ' any ' : aliwser, anywhere. (4) practically meaningless : abidan, await, aef-, see of-. aeg- = ' any,' ' each ' : seghwa, any one. get- (1) = ' at,' ' to ' (Lat. ad-) : aetwitan, twit, setgsed- ere, together. (2) = ' from,' ' away ' : setwindan, escape from. and-, Qnd- is found as the prefix of a few nouns ; for its meaning see on-, be- (Ger. be-) : (1) = ' about ' : besorgian, he anxious about. (2) makes an intransitive verb transitive : behycgan, think about, consider. (3) privative: beninian, take from, t^e^nz^e, beheafd- ian, behead. 81 82 FOKMATION OF WORDS. (4) practically meaningless : bebeodan, com- mand. ed- (1) = ' counter-,' ' re-' (Lat. re-) : edlean, recom- pense. (2) occasionally for aet- : edwitan, twit. for- (Ger. ver-, fiir-, vor-) : (1) = ' away,' ' up,' ' utterly,' ' very,' denoting destruction effected by the action of the simple verb: fordon, destroy. (2) negative : forbeodan, forbid. (3) = ' falsely ' : forsw^rian, forswear. (4) = ' down upon ' : forseon, despise. (5) = ' in behalf of ' : f orstandan, stand up for. (6) = ' fore-' : forsceawian, foresee. fore- = 'fore-' (Lat. prse-): fore^eon.^ foresee^ provide. ge- (Ger. ge-, Lat. con-) : (1) = ' together ' : g-ef era, companion. (2) = ' attain by ' the action of the simple verb : thus, winnan, fight., but gewinnan, gain by fighting^ conquer. (3) usual sign of past participle, when the verb lacks any other prefix : gegan, gone. (4) practically meaningless : gebed, prayer. mis- = ' mis-' : misw^ndaii, pervert. n- (for ne-) = ' not ' : na ( = ne + a, not ever)., not at all; nis, is not. of- (1) = ' off,' ' from ' (Lat. de-, ab-, pro-, ex-) : of- spring, offspring. FORMATION OF WORDS. 83 (2) = 'upon': ofsittan, sit upon^ oppress. (3) denoting offence, injury, death (Lat. ob-) : ofSfyncan, displease^ ofstingan, stab to death. (4) = ' attain by ' the action of the simple verb : offaran, catch up with, ofascian, learn hy asking. (5) intensive : ofhyiigrocl, very hungry. ofer- (1) = ' over ' : oferbrgedan, overspread. (2) negative : of ergietan, forget. on- (1) = ' on,' ' of ' : ondrincan, drink of. (2) = 'from,' 'out of: onspringan, hurst forth. (3) = ' un-' : onlucan, unlock. (4) intensive : onstyrian, agitate. or- = ' without ' : orsorg-, without anxiety., orwene, with- out hope., desperate. otS- = ' away ' (Lat. ex-, ab-, de-) : oSTfleon, fiee aivay. to- (1) = ' to ' : tocyme, advent. (2) = ' asunder ' (Ger. zer-, Lat. dis-) : toteran, tear apart., tocnawan, discern. un- (1) = ' un-' : unforht, fearless, unrim (umnum- her~), multitude. (2) = ' bad ' : undsed, ill deed. wii^rer- (1) = ' again ' : wiQ'ertrod, return. (2) = ' against ' : wiSTersaca, adversary. ymb- = ' around ' (Lat. circum-) : ymbgang, circuit, ymbsittan, besiege. 84 FORMATION OF WORDS. 143. Suffixes of masculine nouns. — The more important are -end, -ere, -ing, -ling, besides the originally inde- pendent words -dom, -had, and -scipe. The first four denote persons ; the last three, qualities or abstractions. Besides these, there is a masculine suffix -els, denoting things. -end (orig. -ende, forming present participles) = '-er,' '-or': scieppend, creator. Contract nouns with this ending are feond, enemy ^ freond, friend. -ere ='-er': hearpere, harper^ bocere, scrihe. -ing (1) = ' son of ' : ^Eiacelwulflng", son of Athelwulf Adaming^, son of Adam. (2) more generally : Canting, inhabitant of Kent., cyning, king^ pining, penny. The i sometimes causes umlaut, sometimes not. -ling: geongling, youngling., hyrling, hireling. -dom (Ger. -thum)= '-dom,' '-ity,' '-ism,' '-ship,' '-acy': Cristendom, Christianity^ cynedom, kingship. -had (Ger. -heit, -keit)= '-hood,' '-head,' '-ity': cild- had, childhood^ maegdenhad, virginity. -scipe (Ger. -schaft) = '-ship,' '-hood,' '-ness,' '-ity': freondscipe, friendship^ feondscipe, enmity. -els : byrgels, tomh^ rsedels, 7'iddle. 144. Suffixes of feminine nouns. — The chief are -estre, -nes, -3", -tSxx Q-tSo)^ -ung (-ing), and the originally inde- pendent -rgeden. -estre = ' -tress ' : Iserestre, instructress. FORMATION OF WORDS. 85 -nes (Ger. -nis)= '-ness,' '-ity,' forms abstracts from the present and past participial stems of verbs, but especially from adjectives: elitnes, persecution^ forsewennes, contempt^ halignes, holiness. -9", -STu, -tSo = ' -th ' : li^iar, healthy str^ng-STu, strength. This ending was originally -iara, the -i of which caused umlaut. -ung (occasionally -ing')= '-ing,' '-ation,' forms nouns from the present stem of (usually weak) verbs : bletsuug, blessing, costung, temptation. -rsedeii = ' -red,' ' -ship,' ' -ity ' : hierdrgeden, guardian- ship, guard. 145. Suffixes of neuter nouns. — The two principal, -lac and -rice, were originally independent words : — -lac (Mod. Eng. -lock, -ledge) : brydlac, wedding. -rice = ' rule,' ' realm,' ' region ' : biscoprice, bishopric, heofonrice, kingdom of heaven. 146. Adjective suffixes. — The principal are -en, -ig, -iht, -isc, and -ol, besides the originally independent -bsere, -cund, -faest, -feald, -full, -leas, -lie, -mod, -sum, -weard, -w^nde, -weorO", -wierace, and -wis. The first four some- times cause umlaut, sometimes not. -en (Lat. -inus)= '-en': linen, linen, gylden, golden. -ig (Ger. -ig)= '-y ': eadig, blessed, grsedig, greedy. -iht (Ger. -icht)= '-y ': hreodiht, reedy, stseniht, stan- iht, stony. 86 FORMATION OF WOKDS. -isc (Ger. -isch) = ' -ish ' : forms adjectives from com- mon, but especially from proper nouns : hJeSfenisc, heathenish^ Englisc, English. -ol (Lat. -ulus)= 'disposed to': swicol, deceitful. -bsere (Ger. -bar, Lat. -ferus, -fer, -ger) : cwealmbsere, deadly., lustbsere, agreeable. -cund = '-ly ' : heofondcuiid, heavenly. -faest (Ger. -fest) =' possessing,' *firm in': st^defaest, possessing., or firm in., one's place., steadfast., arfsest, merciful^ pious. -feald (Ger. -fait) = '-fold' : f eowerf eald, /oi^r/oZc?. -full (Ger. -voll) = ' -ful ' : j^eleaff ull, faithful, synf ull, sinful. -leas (Ger. -los) = '-less': arleas (Ger. ehrlos), infamous. -lie (Ger. -lich) = '-ly,' '-al': eynelie, royal, eori^riic, ter- restrial. -mod (cf. Ger. -miithig)= '-minded': aDmod (cf. Ger. einmiithig), unanimous, eaarmod, humble. -sum (Ger. -sam)= '-full,' '-some,' '-able': lufsum, lov- able, wynsum, winsome. -weard (cf. Ger. -warts) = 'ward': hamweard, home- ivard, on the way home, aiidweard, present. -w^nde = '-ary': halw^nde, salutary. -weorar, -wur9'= '-worthy': arweorSr, arwuriar, venerable. -wierare, -wyriSre (cf. Ger. -wiirdig)= '-worthy': nyt- wierSTe, useful. -wis = '-wise ' : gesceadwis, intelligent, rihtwis, righteous. FORMATION OF WORDS. 87 147. Composition. — Compounds are numerous in Old English. In this respect it resembles German and Greek, while Modern English has allowed this power of forming compounds to fall into disuse, largely through the influence of Latin and French. For this reason it would often be easier to make an idiomatic translation into Old English from Greek than from Latin ; in its plastic and pictorial quality a page of Old English poetry suggests Homer or Pindar rather than Virgil or Horace, and among Roman poets the earlier, such as Lucretius. The relation of the first element of compounds to the second should always be noted. The first limits or defines the second, and for this reason takes the stress ; but the precise relation of the two elements is now of one sort, now of another. Sometimes it may be ex- pressed by a preposition, sometimes by the sign of a case, sometimes by an adjective : gsers-hoppa, gsers- stapa, grasshopper^ hopper in or through the grass ; han-cred, coek^s-crowing ; heah-^ngel, high-angel, arch- angel ; gini-stan, gem-stone^ jewel. Although compounds should be studied with refer- ence to the meaning and relation of their components, they should frequently be translated by a simple Mod- ern English word. Thus g-aerslioppa may sometimes be translated by locust; gimstan should never be translated gemstone ; and heahfaeder should always be rendered by patriarch or father. SYNTAX. 148. Object of this sketch. — The object of the present sketch is not to present a complete view of Old English syntax, even in outline, but rather to call attention to such peculiarities as are most likely to cause difficulty. Many constructions common to all the cultivated Euro- pean languages, especially to the inflected ones, will either be passed over without notice or but briefly touched upon. Nouns. 149. Subject. — The subject of a finite verb is in the nominative case. For that of an infinitive, see 169. 150. Predicate nominative. — A predicate noun (or adjective), denoting the same person or thing as its subject, agrees with it in case. Examples : ic eom Apolloiiius; tfset ic gewurde wseclla. . 151. Apposition. — A noun annexed to another noun, and denoting the same person or thing, agrees with it in case. Examples : and wende araet lieo Diana wgere, seo gyden; Arcestrates (gen.) dohtor tfses cyning'es. Note hie sume = some of them. 88 NOUNS. 89 152. Vocative. — The vocative, which is identical in form with the nominative, is used in direct address. It may be preceded by an interjection, the second personal pronoun, or a possessive pronoun; this pos- sessive pronoun, when followed by an adjective, usually takes before the latter the demonstrative pronoun se. Examples: (Tu sse Neptune; mm se leofesta faeder. 153. Genitive with nouns. — The genitive is distinc- tively an adnominal case ; that is, its principal function is to limit the meaning of a noun. Its sign is of. It denotes various relations, not all of which can be strictly defined. a) Relationship: ure ealra 'luodor. F) Source : s u ii n a n and m o n a n leoman ; ) Fulness: berende (Lat. ferax) missenlicra fugla. (?) Desire: setes g-eorn. cT) Retentiveness : f aesthaf ol (Lat. tenax') m i n r a goda. e) Knowledge: wordes wis. 156. Genitive with verbs. — The genitive is used with many verbs, mostly such as denote mental action, but also with those of cessation and refusal, and some others. Frequently the underlying notion is a parti- tive one ; that is, the object is conceived as affected in part. erates. One general rule is that if a noun and a verb are found in the same hemistich, it is the noun that allite- rates. PROSODY. 113 212. Difference between the two hemistichs. — The first hemistich frequently differs from the second, not only in the number of its alliterative syllables, but also in that of the unstressed syllables admitted between two primary stresses, or in the form of anacrusis. 213. Rime. — Rime and various forms of assonance are occasionally employed by Old English poets, some- times for the purpose of uniting more closely the two halves of the same line, less frequently to associate the second half of a line with the first or second half of the following line, rarely in formulas or compounds within the same hemistich. 214. Masculine and feminine rime. — Masculine or mon- osyllabic rime is perfect, when the riming vowels are identical, and are followed by the same consonants or consonant combinations. Example (from Beowulf): — code yrremod : him of eagum stod. Feminine or polysyllabic (usually disyllabic) rime is perfect when the first riming syllables are perfect mas- culine rimes and the following syllables are identical. Example : — scildburh scaeron, sceotend wseron. There are also various sorts of imperfect rime. 215. Kennings. — A characteristic ornament of Old English, as well as of early Teutonic poetry in general, 114 PROSODY. are the kennings. This term, which is of Norse origin, designates those synonyms or periphrastic phrases which are employed to diversify the expression of a thought, or to avoid the repetition of the same word, usually a noun. Many of these are striking metaphors, but by no means all ; some, though metaphorical in their origin, were undoubtedly so familiar to the poet and audience that their peculiar significance was overlooked, and they were regarded as stereotyped and convenient synonyms. Examples of kennings for God are : arfsest cyning, mihtig dryhten, metod, frea selmilitig-. 216. Ordinary sequences of long and short syllables.^ — Before proceeding to examine the metrical constitution of the hemistich, it is desirable to consider the ordinary sequences of long and short syllables in Old English, and particularly in Old English poetry. 1. Long syllables followed by short or slurred sylla- bles. A long stressed syllable may be followed : — a) by a derivative or inflectional syllable: scuras ^x 6) by a monosyllabic proclitic : ^f t to ^ x c) by a monosyllabic prefix: mod a(r6ted) ^x d) by a derivative or inflectional syllable + a mono- syllabic prefix or proclitic : cenra to Z. x x e) by a disyllabic proclitic or prefix : fynd ofer(wun- nen) Z.x x 1 This paragraph is designed only for reference. PROSODY. 115 /) by a monosyllabic proclitic -}- a monosyllabic pre- fix : forcT on g-e(rihte) ^x x g) by two monosyllabic words : him STa se jlx x A) by two syllables, derivative or inflectional: mod- igre Z.W X ^) by the second qlement of a compound word, with or without a derivative syllable interposed : — (a) scirmseled ^w x (yS) hildeleoaF ^x^ y) by a disyllabic word, with the stress upon its second syllable: near setstop (^e'oz^^.) ^xw ¥) by a derivative or inflectional syllable H- a mono- syllabic word : eaSTe maeg ^ x ^ 2. Long syllables preceded by short or slurred syl- lables. A long stressed syllable may be preceded : — a) by a monosyllabic prefix: g-efeoll xz. J) by a monosyllabic proclitic : Sfurh niin(e) xZ c) by a derivative or inflectional syllable : (frym)9'a God xZ. aet he in )>8et burgeteld x x x x Z. I x Z 3. The third or iambic-ti'ochaic type is formed by the union of two feet like those found in 1. « to 1. ^ and 2. a to 2. ^ respectively. Thus : — and CQmpwige x Z | Z^ X and ge dom agon X X Z I ^ X on ffain sigewQnge x x w 2^ 1 Z. x Rarely a short stressed syllable : — of hornbogan X Z. | <> x set ffani sescplegan x x jl | w x With extra unstressed syllables in the first foot : — >e hie ofercuman mihton XXXXw2^|^x It will be observed that where two long syllables meet in the middle of the hemistich there is such a sequence as in 3. a to 3. e. PROSODY. 119 4. The fourth or monosyllabic-bacchic type is formed by the union of a monosyllabic foot with such as are found in 1. h and 1. i (a). Thus : — maegS* inodigre ZL | Z. ^ X haeleiy higerofe w 25 I 6 2< :i x Similarly, the monosyllabic-cretic takes groups like 1. i (/3), 1. y, and 1. k for the second foot : — sang hildeleoiar ^ I ^ x ^ An example of the trochaic-bacchic type (found only in first hemistichs) is : — stopon styrnmode ^ x | jl. ^ X Where two long syllables belonging to different feet come together in the pure type, we have various cases under 3, the one above being under c. 5. The fifth or bacchic-monosyllabic type is formed by the union of such feet as are found in 1. h and 1. i (a) with a monosyllabic foot. Thus : — scirmgeled swyrd Z. Jl X | Z. sigerofe haeleU w2< ^ x | v62< 219. Frequency of the various types. — The relative frequency of the various types is indicated by their order in the last paragraph, though Types 2 and 3 are not far from equal. Thus, in the poem of Judith^ the percentages are, in round numbers, as follows, not counting expanded lines, which mostly belong to Type 1 (209): — 120 PROSODY. First Second Hemistich. Hemistich. Type 1 47 47 Type 2 14 26 Type 3 19 19 Type 4 15 5 Type 5 5 3 220. A specimen of scansion. — The following passage (Judith^ 164-175), accompanied by the scheme of its scansion, will serve to illustrate the metrical principles contained in the foregoing paragraphs : — ffreatum and (STrymfnuin )>rungon and nrnon ongean iSfa J>eodnes maegS' J>usendmaeluin, calde gc geonge ; seghwylcuni Avearl5 ni^n on i^aire medobyrig mod areted, syiS'S'an hie ongeaton J>8et wais ludith cumen ^ft to eiarie, and ffa ofostlice hie mid eaffmedum in forleton. }>a seo gleawe het, golde gefraetewod, hyre ijinenne J>ancolmode J>aes h^rewiel^an heafod onwriiyan, and hyt to behffe blodig ajtywan J>am burhleoduin, hu hyre aet beaduwe gespeow. 1. ^X X IZx II /_X X 1 J^X 1. 2. X X x^ 1 x^ II Z.X l^x 1. 1. Z.X X l-^x II ^^x \z. 5. 1. / .XXX 1 WXN,2< II ^x IZx 1. 1. / .XXX 1-/ X II X Xji 1 x6 X 2. 1. Z.y. 1 IZx II X x6x 1 l^x 3. 3. X X /. i l^x II ^x IZ.X 1. 2. X x^ 1 x_/ II Z.X X 1 62^^ on hiera hiwum, and eall fleogendu cynn sefter hiera cynne ; God geseah tia 'Sset hit god waes. And bletsode^" hie, cSus ewetSende/'' "Weaxa^,^^ and beot5 gemanigfielde/-^ and gefyllaS ^ Syere sie wseteru, and ^a fuglas beon^^ gemanigfielde ofer eorSan." And Sa wses geworden iSfen and m^rgen se fifta daig. God cwaetS eac swilce, "Lyede^- seo eor^e forS^ cucu nle- tenu^* on hiera cynne, and creopendu^ cynn and deor sefter hiera hlwuin" ; hit wses t^a swa geworden. And God geworhte Saere eorfian deor sefter hiera hlwum, and t5a nietenu and eall creopendu cynn on hiera cynne ; God geseah Sa f^set hit god 1 Opt. pret. = Lat, lucerent. ^^ Nom. plur. What would be the opt. pres. ? i* See teon. 2 See 156. /. ^^ Tugon foriaf = produxerunt. 3 See 78. i^ See bletsian, and 33. ^ Eac swilce = etiam. ^'^ See eweffan. 5 Producant = teon . . . forS". ^^ gee weaxan, and 24. ^ See cucu. i^ Past part, in nom. plur. 7 See lif. 20 See gefyllan. 8 See fleogan, and 61. 21 gee 193. a. 8 Adverb ; see 84. 1. 22 gee isedan. 1'* See hwael. 23 Lggde . . . forQ" = producat. 11 Lat. motabilem. 24 gee nieten. ^2 Aco. 25 gee creopan. THE CREATION OF THE WORLD. 127 waes. And cwse'S, " Uton ^ wyrcean mann to ancllicnesse and to urre^ gelicnesse, and he sie^ ofer 'Sa fiscas,"* and ofer t5a fuglas, and ofer t5a deor, and ofer ealle gesceafta/ and ofer eall t5a creopendan Se styriaS^ ofer eorSan." God gesceop 6a mann to his andlicnesse, to Godes andlicnesse he gesc6op hine ; werhades ^ and wif hades he gesceop hie. And God hie bletsode, and cwseS, "Weaxa^, and beotS gemanigfielde, and gefyUaS t5a eortSan and gewieldat^^ hie, and habba'6^ on eowrnm''^ gewealde 'Ssere see fiscas, and Ssere lyfte fuglas, and eall nieteim t5e styriaS ofer eor'San." God cwseS t5a, "Efne ic forgeaf " eow^^ eall gsers and wyrta sged^^ berenda ofer eort5an, and eall treowu, Sa-6e^^ habbaS saed on him selfum hiera agnes cynnes, tiset hie beon eow^'* to m^te ; and ealliim nietenum and eallum fugolcynne and eallum 6^m Se styriaS on eort5an, on Ssem-'Se^^ is lib- bende ^^ llf,^' ^set hie haebben him to ^^ gereordianne " ; hit wses '6a swa gedon. And God geseah eall 6a 6ing^^ 6e he geworhte, and hie w^ron swi6e god. Wses^ 6a geworden eefen and m^rgen se siexta dseg. 1 = Let us. 1° See 83. 2 See 83. Urre properly belongs ^^ See forgiefan. to both nouns ; Lat. ad imaginem ^^ gee ara, and 164. a. et similitudinem nostram. ^^ See 24. i^a gee 87. h. 3 See wesan. " See 161. 2. Auth. Vers. : 'to * See iisc. you it shall be for meat.' 6 See gesceaft. ^^ = whom. 6 See styrian. ^^ See libban. "^ See 153. /. ^'^ Libbende lif = anima viva. 8 What is the relation of the i^ gee gereordian, and 200. stem diphthong to that of ge- ^^ Ace. plur. Why like the weald ? singular ? 9 See habban. 20 gee 189. 1. 128 THE CREATION OF THE WORLD. Eornostlice^ 'Sa waeron fullfr^mede^ heofonas and eorSe and eall hiera fraetwung.^ And God t5a gefylde^ on t5one seofof5an dseg^ Ms weorc^ 6e he geworhte, and he ger^ste'^ hine* on t^one seofo^an daeg fram eallum t^tem weorce Se he 5 gefr^mede. And God gebletsode Sone seofo^an dseg and hine gehalgode,^ for-'Son-'Se he on ^one dseg geswac^*^ his weorces" 5e he gesceop^^ to wyrceanne.^^ 1 Lat. igitur. 2 See fullfr^inman. Lat. per- fecti. 3 Lat. ornatus, Gr. Kbafios ; arrayj or apleiidid array, would perhaps express the original sense. * Lat. complevit. ^ Ace. where we should expect dat.; Lat. die septimo. See 172. L c Sing., as the Latin shows. ' See ger^stan. Why but one t in the preterit ? 8 See 184. b. , ^ See gehalgian. From halig ; for loss of i see 23. The root is hal ; after umlaut of the stem vowel, what would this syllable become, and in what words is it found ? i'^ See geswican. 11 His weorces = ab omni opere svo. See 156. k. 1- gesceop to wyrceanne = creavit ut faceret ; Marg. of Auth. Vers., ' created to make.' See 200. 13 Wyrc- not umlaut of weorc-. The relation here is an ablaut one (22) : were and wurc (wore) ; cf. Gr. (pyop and dpyavov. II. TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS. (From ^Ifric's Colloquy, probably prepared, like his Grammar, for the instruction of English youths in Latin. There are two MSS. — one in the British Museum, the other at Oxford. The Oxford MS. has the rubric: Hanc sententiam Latini sermonis olim Alfricus abbas composuit, qui mens fait magister, sed tamen ego, ^Ifric Bata, multas postea huic addidi appendices. This is virtually J^lfric Bata's sole title to fame. The Old English, like the Latin, is probably of the late tenth century.) The Merchant and his Merchandise. Teacher. Hwset ssegst^ M, raangere^? Merchant. Ic s^cge 'Saet behefe^ ic eom ge* cyninge^ and ealdormannum/ and weligum, and eallum folce. 1 See 123. 2 Lat. mercator. Other Old English terms for merchant are ciepa and. ciepmann. Erom a collateral form of the latter, ceap- mann, without umlaut, is derived Mod. Eng. chapman. How is chap- related to cheap ? See the Kew English Dictionary (iVeio Eng. Diet.) under these words. 3 Lat. utilis. Cf . the Mod. Eng. noun behoof. ^ ge . . . and = Lat. et . . . et. 5 Carlyle {Sartor Besartus, Bk. 3, Chap. 7) has the following: 6 Lat. '■'■ Konig (King), anciently K'on- ning, means Ken-ning (Cunning), or which is the same thing, Can- ning. Ever must the Sovereign of Mankind be fitly entitled King." On the other hand Gummere {Ger- manic Origins^ p. 270): "At the head of the family we found, of course, the father ; and at the head of the state we naturally look for the king. The word * king ' means the child or son of the tribe, its representative or even creation ; man of race, man of rank. Grad- ually the king ceases to be re- ducihus. 129 130 TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS. Teacher. And hu ? Merchant. Ic astlge mm scip mid hleestum ^ mlnum, and rowe^ ofer splice ^ dselas/ and ciepe^ mln c^ing, and bycge •Sing^ deorwierSu,^ t5a on f5isum lande ne beo6 ac^nnede, and ic hit togeltede'' eow hider mid miclum plihte^ ofer s^, and hwJluni forlidennesse ic 6olie, mid lyre ealra Singa mlnra, unease ^ cwic^ setberstende.^ Teacher. Hwilc Sing gel^dst t5u us ? Merchant. Paellas ^*^ and sTdan," deorwierSe gimmas and gold, seldcutS^^ reaf ^^ and wyrtgemang,^'* win and ^le, elpes^^ ban^^ and msesling,'^ aer^" and tin, swefel and glses, and t5yl- lices ^^ fela. garded as a creation of his race ; his ancestry is pushed back to the gods, and his right is quite above all sanctions of popular choice or approval/' Which of these views is confirmed by ety- mology ? 1 Lat. mercihus. 2 Lat. navigo. 8 Lat. marinas. * Lat. partes. 5 Lat. vendo. - ■ 6 Lat. res pretiosas. "^ Lat. adduco. 8 Lat. periculo. Mod. Eng. form of pliht ? 9 Lat. vix vivus evadens. Note the love for alliteration, even in the Latin. 10 Lat. purpurum. Cf . Spenser (F. Q. 2. 9. 37): "In a long pur- ple pall. ^'' 11 Lat. sericum. From this Latin word (indicating what country?) comes OE. seoI(o)c. What Mod. p]ng. word from the latter (or the equivalent Old Norse (ON.) silki)? Cf. Skeat's Principles of English Etymology (I.) , p. 440 (Skeat, Prin.) . Other words in which Eng. I = Lat. r (through OE.) are plum = Lat. prunus ; purple = Lat. purpura ; turtle = Lat. turtur. 12 Lat. varias, but this looks like a mistake. Varius usually = mis (sen) lie or manigfeald. 13 Lat. vestes. 1* Lat. pigmenta. Translate, spice. ^^ Lat. ebur. j ^ 16 Lat. aurichalcum. - ,■ ^ 1'^ Lat. aes. 18 See 154. a. TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS. 131 Teacher. Wilt^ 5u s^Uan Sing t5in her ealP swa^ 6u hie gebohtest cSser ? Merchant. Ic nelle. Hwset Sonne me fr^mede^ gedeorf^ mm? Ac ic wille hie ciepan her lufiicor^ Sonne ic gebycge S^er, Ssef^ sum gestreon'' me^ ic begiete,^ Sanan ic me afede/*^ and mm wif, and minne sunu. The Choice of Occupatioris. Teacher. Hwset ssegst M, wisa? Hwilc crseft" 6e is^^ gec^uht ^"^ betweox Sas f urSra ^'^ wesan ? Counsellor. Ic s^cge ^e, me is ^^ geSuht ^^ Godes (5eowdom ^^ betweoh (5as crseftas ealdorscipe ^'' healdan, swa-swa hit is ^^ germed on godspelle, "Fyrinest seceaS rice Godes, and riht- wisnesse^^ his, and t5as Sing call beo(5 togelecte^^ eow." Teacher. And hwilc ^e is^^ gec^uht betweox woruldcreeftas^ healdan ealdordom ? ^" Counsellor. Eor$til(5,^^ for-Sam se ierSling^^ us ealle fet.^^ 1 See 139. 2 z= just as. 3 See 193. h. 4 Lat. labor. ^ Lat. carius. Possibly mis- written for leoflicor. A literal translation, not regarding the sense ; deorra or dierra, from "deore or diere, dear, would be more normal. 6 See 84. 1. ■^ Lat. lucrum. Ace. sing. 8 See 161. 1. 9 Lat. adquiram. See 196. /. 10 See 195. 11 Lat. ars. 12 Conjectural ; not in the MSS. 13 See lafyncean. " Lat. prior. Nom. sing. 15 Lat. videtur. 10 See 143 and 149. 1'^ Lat. primatum. 18 See 144. 19 Lat. adjicientur. See toge- iecan, and 62. 20 Lat. artes seculares. MS. crseftas woruld. 21 Lat. agricultura. See 147. 22 Lat. arator. 23 See fedan. 132 TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS. Se smid soegd : Hwanan 'Sgem ierSlinge sulhscear^ 0(5^e culter,^ ^e na gade^ hsef^ btitan of crsefte minum ? Hwanan fiscere * angel, ot5t5e sceowyrhtan sel, ot5t5e seamere ntedl ? Nis hit of mlnum 5 geweorce ? Se gedeahtend^ andswarad : So^, witodlice, saegst ^u^; ac eallum us leofre is wician^ mid •Seem ierSlinge tSonne mid ^e, for-t5am se ier^ling s^letS us hlaf^ and dr^nc. Dii, hwset shiest M^ us on smiSSan 10 Sinre butan iserne^ fyrspearcan,^ and sweginga^^ beatendra" sl^cgea^^ and blawendra b^lga? Se treowwyrhta ^^ smgd : Hwilc eower" ne notaS^^ crsefte'^ minum — ^onne htis," and mislicu f atu, and scipu eow ^^ eallum ic wyrce ^^ ? 15 Se smW^ andwyrt : Eala treowwyrhta, for^^ hwy^^ swa spriest tSu, 'Sonne ^ 1 MS. sylanscear. 11 Lat. tundentinm. 2 Lat. culter. 12 L^t malleorum. * See 24. i^ Lat. lignarius. See 147. * See 161. 1* See 154. b. s Lat. consiliarius. 1^ Lat. iititur. 6 Not in MS. 16 See 164. o. ■^ Lat. hospitari ; see 199. a. ^'^ Lat. domos. 8 Lat. panem. Bread, which i^ See 161. is found in Old English, scarcely 1^ Lat. fabrico. has any other sense than that 20 Lat. ferrarius. MS. gol-" of 1) fragment, 2) broken bread. siniff (sic). Later it acquires its modern 21 ^^t. cur ; see 175. meaning. See New Eng. Diet., 22 L^t. cum. Other tempo- s.v. bread. ral conjunctions used to denote ^ Lat. ferreas scintillas. cause are nn and Sfa. Has Mod. 1*^ Lat. sonitus. Eng. any similar idiom ? TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS. 133 ne furSum^ an 6yrel butan craefte minum M ne^ meaht'^ dori^? Se gedeahtend smgd : Eala, geferan^ and gode wyrlitan ! Uton toweorpan hwsetlicor^ t5as gefiitu/ and sle^ sibb and geSwsernes'"^ be- tweoh us, and fr^mme^*^ anra" gehwilc^^ ot^rum^ on crsefte his, and ge^weerien^^ simle mid Ssera ierSlinge, 6ger^^ we bigleofan^^ us, and fodor liorsum urum habba^. And ^is geSeaht ic s^lle eallum wyrlitum, Sset anra^^ gehwilc craeft his geornlice begange,^^ f or-^am se, t5e craeft '^ his f orlaet, he ^^ bi6 forlseten fram •ggem crsefte. Swa-hw8ef5er^" ^u sie — swa^^ maessepreost,-^ swa munuc,^ swa ceorl,^"' swa c^mpa^ — bega^^ •Se selfne on (Sisum, and beo t58et Su eart; for-Sam micel hlenS^ and sceamu hit is m^nn nellan^^ wesan t5aet he is and t^set he wesan sceaL^ 1 Lat. saltern. 2 See 183. 3 Lat. vales. * Lat. facere. 5 Lat. socii ; see 152. 6 Lat. citius ; used almost in tlie sense of the positive ; see 76. '^ Lat. contentiones. 8 See 189. 1. ^ Lat. Concordia. 10 Lat. prosit. 11 Lat. unusquisque. MS. urum gehwylcum, 12 See 160. 13 Lat. conveniamus. 14 Lat. uU. 15 Lat. victum. 16 See 154. h. 17 See 194. h. 18 Ace. sing. 13 Lat. ipse. 20 Lat. sive. 21 Swa . . . swa = Lat. sive . . . seu. 22 Lat. sacerdos. 23 Lat. monachus, from whicli the OE. word is derived. For the u cf. OE. munt = Lat. montem. 24 Lat. laicus. 25 Lat. mz7es. 26 MS. bega o»e behwyrf. Lat. exerce. 2^^ Lat. damnum. 28 MS. nelle. See 199. a. 29 Lat. de5e«. 5. III. THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. (From ^Ifric's Homilies, vol. 2, pp. 106-108; being a paraphrase of Matt. 25:31-46.) Witodlice* Mannes Beam cymS^ on his maegentSrymme, and ealle ^nglas^ samod mid hiin to tSeem miclan'* dome.^ Donne sitt^ he on ■Seem setle his msegenSrymnesse/ and beoS gegaderode setforan him ealle ^eoda/ and he toscaet^ hie on twa, swa-'swa sceaphierde ^^ toscyet sceap " fram gatum.^- Donne gelogaS he t5a sceap on his swif5ran^^ hand, and 'Sa g'^t^^ on his winstran. Donne cwiS^^ se Cyning Crist to ^eem t5e on his swISran hand standaS, "CumaS ge bletsode ^''* mines Fgeder/^ and geagniat5 Saet 1 Lat. autem. 2 See cuman. 3 See ^ngel. What is the his- tory of this word before it entered Old English ? 4 See 55. » In what modern compound does this meaning of dom persist? 6 See sittan. 7 See 153. /. 8 Nom. plur. ^ See toseeadan. Account for the vowel ae. 10 In compound words, the vowel of the first syllable is apt to be shortened in Mod. Eng., the more general principle being that shortening is apt to occur before an accumulation of con- sonants. Besides sceaphierde, shepherd, note e.g. wisdom, wis- dom. 11 Plural ; account for the form. 12 See 24. 13 See swiS". 1* See 52. 15 See cweafan. What is the ind. pret. 3d sing. ? 16 Past part, in nom. plur. 17 See 43. 8. 184 THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. 135 rlce^ ^e eow^ gegearcod wses fram frym^e middangeardes. Me^ hyngrede/ and ge me gereordedon; me^ Syrste, and ge me^ sc^ncton; ic wses ciima,^ and ge me underfengon'' on eowrum giesthusum; ic wses nacod, and ge me scryddon^; ic wees geuntrumod, and ge me geneosedon ; ic waes on cwearterne, and ge comon to me and me gef ref redon.^ " Donne andswariaS ^a rihtwisan ^° Criste ^^ and cweSaS, "Dryhten, hwonne gesawe^^ we tSe hungrigne, and we 6e gereordedon ? 0(S6e t5urstigne, and we 6e sc^ncton ? o56e hwonne wsere M cuma/^ and we «e underfengon ? o6^e hwonne gesawe^^* we '5e untrumne oSSe on cwearterne, and we t5e geneosedon ? " Donne andwyrt se Cyning ^gem rihtwisum Sisum wordum/'* " So6 ^^ ic eow s^cge, swa ^^ lange swa^'' ge dydon anum, ^isum leestan/^ on mmum 1 Still found as the last sylla- ble of bishopric. 2 See 81. 3 See 190. * What is the relation of the stem-vowel to that of hungrig ? See 90. 5Dat. ^ Lat. hospes. ■^ See underfon. 8 What peculiar senses has the verb shroud in Spenser, Shake- speare, or Milton? What form would scrydan most naturally assume in Mod. Eng. (24) ? How can the Mod. Eng. form of the verb shroud be accounted for? 9 What is the relation of the stem-vowel to that of f rofor ? See 90. 10 Nom. plur. See 181. 11 Dat. 12 See geseon. 13 See 150. i^a gee 95, note. 14 See 174. b. 15 Lat. amen, Eng. verily. 16 = so. 17 = as. Notice this early use of so long as (= Lat. quamdiu) in the sense of inasmuch as. 18 The WS. translation of the Gospel has anum of afisum minum Isestuin gebroiffruin, which is much more literal. In ^Ifric's version we must under- stand leestan to be in apposition with anum. See 66. 136 THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. naman, ge hit dydon me selfum.^'' Donne cwit5 lie ^ft to t^gem synfullum, 'Se on his winstran healfe standaS, " Gewita^ fram me, ge awiergdan, into t5gem ecean fyre, Se is gegearcod Sssm deofle- and his awiergdum gastum. 5 Me hyngrede, and ge me tetes ^ f orwierndon ; me Syrste, and ge me drincan ne sealdon; ic wees cuma, and ge me underf on noldon ; ic wses nacod, nolde * ge me weeda ^ tlSian^; ic waes untrum and on cwearterne, nolde* ge me geneosian." Donne andswariaS^ tSa unrihtwisan nian- lo fullan,^ "La leof, hwonne gesawe'' we Se hungrigne,^ oSSe Surstigne, oSSe cuman, oSSe nacodne, oSSe geuntrumodne, oSSe on cwearterne, and we Se noldon Senian^"? Donne andwyrt se Cyning him, and cwiS, " SoS ic eow s^cge, swa lange swa ge forwierndon anum of Sisum lytlum, 15 and noldon '*' liim on milium naman tlSian, swa lange " ge me selfuin his'^ forwierndon." Donne faraS Sa uncyst- gan^^ and Sa iinrilitwlsan into ecre cwicsilsle, mid deofle and his awiergdum ^nglum ; and Sa rihtwisan gecierraS fram Stem dome into S;Jem ecean life. 1 Not = myself; self agrees "^ How is the and- of this with me. The Latin has no orig- word related to the anti- of inal here for self; iF^lfric adds it Eng. antiphon? to strengtlien the expression. ^ See 4. 2 See 161. » See 173. 3 See 159. 10 See 139. 4 See 95, note. " Correlative with the swa 5 See 159. What is the Mod. lange swa of the preceding Eng. form of this word ? clause. 6 See 28 ; 164. e. 12 See 55 ; 57. 3 ; 181. IV. BEDE'S DESCRIPTION OF BRITAIN. (Eccl. Hist., Bk. I., Chap. I.) [^Ifric testifies to a translation of Bede's History having been made by Alfred, and so does William of Malmesbury; besides, the MS. of the Cambridge University Library twice has this couplet, — Historicus quondam fecit me Beda latinum, Alfred rex Saxo transtulit ille pins. On the other hand, it has such undoubted Anglian peculiarities that it has been suggested (by Miller, its latest editor) that '* the version may have been executed by Mercian scholars under orders from the king," and that it was possibly made at Lichfield. The distinction between English idiom and imitation of the Latin should be remarked, wherever possible. Moberly's edition of the Ecclesiastical History, which contains scholarly and interesting notes, may profitably be compared.] Breoton^ is garsecges^ Igland, ^set wses Tu geara Albion haten. . . . Hit is welig — 'Sis igland — on waestmum and on treowum missenlicra cynna/ and hit is gescrepe on Iseswe sceapa"* and neata^; and on sumum stowum wingeardas Britannia oceani insula, cui quondam Albion nomen fuit. . . . Opirna frugibus atque arboribus insula, et alendis apta pecoribus ac jumentis ; vineas etiam quibusdam in locis germinans : sed et avium ferax terra marique gene- 1 Moberly says: "This descrip- 3 gee 153. /. tion of Britain is pieced from the * See 153. d. accounts of Plinius, Solinus, Oro- ^ what Mod. Eng. word repre- sius, Dio Cassius, and Gildas." sents this? What OE. noun-stem 2 See 153. h. contains the umlaut of this one ? 137 138 bede's description of Britain. growaS. Swilce eac Seos eorSe is berende missenlicra fugla^ and ssewihta. . . . And her beoS oft fangene^* seolas, and hranas, and m^reswin ; and her beotS oft numene^ missenlicra^ cynna weolocscielle "^ and muscule, and on 'Ssem beoS oft gemette^ Sa b^tstan^ meregreotan^ telces hiwes. And her beoS swr8e genyhtsume weolocas, of ^^m bis geworht se weolocreada t^lg, tSone ne maeg sunne bltecan ^ ne ne regn ^ wierdan ; ac, swa he biS ieldra/^ swa he fsegerra hv6. Hit hsefS" eac — Sis land — sealtseaSas ; and hit haefS hat wgeter, and hat baSu/^ clelcre ielde ^^ and hade, Surh tod^leda stowa/"* gescrepe. ris diversi. . . . Capinntur antem Sfspissime et vituli marini, et delphines, necnon et ballenje : exceptis vario- rum generibus concliyliorum ; in quibus sunt et musculae, quibus inclusam saipe margaritam, omnis quidem coloris optiniam inveniunt. . . . Sunt et cochleae satis superque abundantes, quibus tinctura coccinei coloris conhcitur, cujus rubor pulclierrimus nullo unquam solis ardore, nulla valet pluviarum injuria pallescere ; sed quo vetustior est, eo solet esse venustior. Habet fontes salinarum, habet et fontes calidos, et ex eis fluvios balnearum calidarum, omni setati et sexui, per distincta loca, juxta suum cui- 1 This genitive after a present « From what adjective is participle is exceptional ; cf . the blaecan derived (17) ? Latin for an explanation (155). ^ To what might regn con- la See fon. 2 gee niman. tract (28) ? 8 See p. 130, n. 12. * Norn. plur. i*' See 65. 5 From what noun is the stem 11 See 121. of metan derived ? See 14. ^^ gee bseSf. 6 See 66. ^^ Governed by gescrepe. See ■^ This word is adapted from 165. the Latin, but simulates a com- 1* What does -stoiv mean in pound of m^re, sea, and greot, a proper name like Chep- earth, gravel. stow f BEDE'S description of BRITAIN. 139 Swilce hit is eac berende ^ on w^cga orum — ares and isernes, leades and seolfres. Her biS eac gemett gagates; se stan bi^ blsec gimm; gif man^ hine on fyr deS/ ^onne fieoS 'S^r nseddran'* onweg.^ Wses t5is igland^ eac ge- weorSod mid S^m aeSelestum ceastrum'' — anes wana t5rit- igum^ — ■Sa-6e^ wseron mid weallum/*^ and torrum/*^ and geatum, and t^sem trumestum locum getimbrede, butan ot5runi Igessan^^ unrime ceastra. And for-'Sam-tSe Sis igland under Sgem selfum nort^dyele middangeardes niehst lit)/^ and leohte niht on sumera que modum accommodos. . . . Quae etiam venis metal- lorum, seris, ferri, et plumbi et argenti fsecunda, gignit et lapidem gagatem plurimum optimumque : est autem nigro- gemmeus et ardens igni admotus, incensus serpentes fugat. . . . Erat et civitatibus quondam viginti et octo nobilis- simis insignita, praeter castella innumera, quae et ipsa muris, turribus, portis, ac seris erant instructa firmissimis. Et quia prope sub ipso septentrionali vertice mundi jacet, lucidas sestate noctes habet ; ita ut medio ssepe tempore 1 Cf. the construction of this ' From Lat. castra. Cf. the word with that above, p. I^jS, 1. 1, -caster^ -Chester^ of Lancaster, 2 See 89. e. ^ See 140. Winchester, etc. Some of the 4 How did naeddre become more important of these cities adder? Cf. OE. nafogar, Mod. were York, Colchester, Winches- Eng. auger. See Skeat, Prin., ter, Canterbury, and Chester (see p. 21G. Moberly, p. 7). ^ There is a parallel form, ^ Cf . 78. 5 ; 158. The number aweg, already in OE. The a- does not correspond to the Latin, is a contraction of on. Mention ^ Does this relative have the other Mod. Eng. words in which same antecedent as in the Latin ? the a- represents on. lo Weall is from Lat. vallum; 6 How does the Mod. Eng. torr, from Lat. twris. island acquire its s ? See Skeat, " See 24. Pfin., p. 380. 12 See licgan, and 28. 140 BEDE's description of BRITAIN. haef^ — swa (5set oft on midre niht geflit cymS^ Ssem behealdendum, hwseSer hit sle Se^ gefenglomung, $e on morgen dagung — is on Ssem sweotol, Sset 8is Tgland ^ hsefS micle* l^ngran dagas on sumera,* and swa eac niht® 5 on wintra/ (Sonne 6a sfiSdtelas middangeardes/ noctis in quaestionem veniat intuentibus, utrum crepus- culum adhuc permaneat vespertinum, an jam advenerit matutinum, utpote nocturno sole non longe sub terris ad orientera boreales per plagas redeunte : unde etiam plu- rimse longitudinis habet dies sestate, sicut et noctes contra in bruma. ^ See cuman. & See 43. 5. 2 Lat. utrum . . . an = fSe ^ Niht belongs under 62. It . . . iflfe (202. b). has already experienced umlaut 3 ig- represents ie-, the umlaut in the nominative, and hence does of ea, water. Ea goes back to not change in the ace. plur. the same Indo-European root as " This last clause is supplied by Lat. aqua. the translator. 4 See 178. V. ^THELWALD CALMS THE SEA.^ (Bede, Eccl, Hist., Bk. V., Chap. I.) Ic com mid tw^em^ 66rum broSrum to Farne,'^ Ssem Iglande. Wolde ic sprecan mid Sone'* arwiert5an feeder J^Selwald. Mid-(5y ic Sfi wees mid his gesprece wel gerett/ and me bletsunge bsed, and we ham^ hwurfon/ 6a we Sa w^ron on midre^ S^ere sse, 8a ^ waes samninga 5 heofones smyltnes tosliten, Sgere-Se ^^ we 'div lidon " ut ; and swa micel winter ^- us onhreas,^^ and swji re6e storm com, Sset we ne mid segle ne mid rownesse awiht framgan" meahton, ne we us nohtes^^ ^lles wendon nefne 1 This story was related by Abbot Gutlifrith to Bede. iEthel- wald succeeded Cuthbert as the hermit of Fame, dwelling there from 687 to 699, when he died. 2 See 79. 3 Two miles fromBamborough. One of the islands of the group was the scene of Grace Darling's heroism in 1858, That inhabited by iEthelwald was the largest. •* The ace. with mid is excep- tional (172. 1). 5 See 113. 6 Ace. sing, as adv. ; Lat. domum. "' Lat. rediremus. 8 See 166. 1. 9 To fit = interrupta est sere- nitas qua vehebamur. 1*^ Translate in (or with) which. The Latin shows that the prepo- sition is to be understood. 11 See liiSfan, and 37. 12 Lat. hiems, but no doubt in the sense of tempest. 13 See onhreosan. What is the ind. pret. plur. ? 14 Lat. projicere. 15 See 166. a. 141 142 ^THELWALD CALMS THE SEA. dea^es^ selfes. Mid-Sy we Sa swit5e lange wi5 (5^m winde and wi6 6^em sse holunga^ campedon and wunnon,^ Sa set niehstan locedon we on bsecling, hwseSer wen"* wtere* "Saet we aenige^ Singa^ furSum Sset igland gesecean^ mealiton, 5 ^'dit we 'ddi' ut of gangende'' wyeron/ Cierde^ we us Sider we cierdon, gemetton'-^ we us ^eghwanan gellce'" storme^'^ fores^tte and foretynde, and nsenigne hyht" h^le^- in us to^^ lafe^^ standan.^^ Da wses sefter langum fsece t^set we tire gesiht5 feorr^'* upahofon, tSa gesawon we in Fame, 10 t5gem Iglande, Gode^"^ 6one leofan faeder ^Selwald of his diegelnessum *^ utgangende/' Saet^^ lie'^ wolde^^ iirne sItSfset sceawian, and geseon hwaet us gelumpe/^ for-<5()n lie ge- hierde (Saet gebrec tJiera storma and Sses weallendes s^s.^ Mid-5y he t5a us eac sceawode, and geseah in gewinne [5 and in ormodnesse ^' ges^tte beon,^ t5a blegde he his 1 See 166. g. 2 Lat. frustra. 3 See winnan. 4 Lat. forte. ^ Lat. aliquo conamine. For eenige see 174 ; for "Siuga. see 154. b. 6 Lat. repetere. ■^ Lat. egressi eramus. The pres. part, with the verb is some- times used in OE. to denote the simple past, as here, and not the progressive. 8 See 95, note. ^ To foretynde = Lat. inve- nimus nos undiqueversum pari tempestate proeclusos. 10 See 174. " Ace. sing., the subj. of standan. 12 See 153. d. '3 Lat. restare. 1* Translate, /rom a distance. 1^ Governed by leofan ; = amantissimum Deo. See 165. ^^' Lat. latibulis. 1" Translates the Latin past part., egressum. 1^ Translate, that he might, in order to, to. The Latin has the infinitive. i^ gee 194. b. 2"^ Lat. fragore procellariim ac ferventis oceani. 21 Lat. desperatione. 22 Supply ns as subject ace. (169). ^THELAVALD CALMS THE SEA. 143 cneowu to Fseder ures Dryhtnes Heelendes Cristes, and wses^ gebiddende^ for urre hsele and for tirum life. And mid-t5y he tSa Sset gebed gefylde,^ lie 6a samod setgsedere ge 'gone at5undnan^ sge gesmylte ge 6one storm gestilde, to^ 'Son'' t^sette* 6urli^ ealP seo replies ^ses stormes waes^ blinnende/ and gesyndge^ windas ^urh Sone smyltestan see us set lande gebroliton. Mid-t5y we 6a tip com on to lande, and ure scip eac'' swilce'' fram Ssem ySum up abeeron, 6a sona se ilea storm ^ft hwearf and com,^ se-6e for^ urum^ intingan^ medmicel faec^° gestilde, and ealne 6one" daeg^*' swT6e micel and Strang wees, Ssette^ m^nn sweotollice ongietan meahton ^aette se medmicla fierst 68ere stilnesse, 6e ^ler becom, to^'^ beimm^^ 68es Godes^* weres'^ for intingan urre li^le^*^ heofonlice^'' forgiefen'^ waes. 1 See above, p. 142, n. 7. ^ i^^t,. nostri gratia. ^ Lat. complerpt. ^^ See 170. ^ Lat. tumida. i^ Lat. illo. Translate, that. 4 Lat. adeo ut, nearly = so that. i^ From iaCaet-ffe (34). 5 Lat. per omnia, = entirely. ^^ Lat. ad preces. Cf. the Mod. 6 Lat. secimdi. What letter Eng. phrase, ' bootless bene.' (sound) has been lost from the i* Dependent on weres. OE. form ? 1° Dependent on benum. ■^ Lat. quoque. i^ Lat. evasionis. 8 Supply ^f t. Latin has only i'^ Lat. ccelitus = from heaven. one verb, rediit. i^ Not forgiven., but given. VI. THE INVASION OF BRITAIN BY THE PICTS AND SCOTS. (Bede, Eccl. Hist., Bk. I., Chaps. XI., XII.) Of t5iere tide^ Romane blunnon^ rlcsian on Breotone. Hsefdon hie Breotona rice feower liiind wintra,^ and, t^ses fiftan, himdseofontig," f5cTes-t5e^ Gains, oSre naman Julius, se casere,^ c^aet il(;e igland gesohte. And ceastra, and 5 torras,^ and strata, ** and brycga on hiera rice geworhte wieron, t^a we to-dseg sceawian magon. Eardodon Bryttas binnan ^i5m dice" to suSd^le, t5e we gemyngodon t5aet Severus,^" se casere, het Swieres ofer 5set Iglaud" gedlcian. 1 Lat. ex quo tempore = Eng. froin this time forth. '^ See blinnan. 3 See 154. c. 4 So the Latin : jmst annos ferme quadringentos septuaginta. But the best calculations make this to liave been about sixty years earlier. 5 Lat. ex quo = Eng. fro^n the time that. ^ Lat. Gaius Julius Caesar. ^ Lat. farus, for pharos., from Pharos, the name of an island near Alexandria in Egypt. The lighthouse built on this island gave its name to other light- houses (cf. Fr. phare). Here watch-towers are meant. 8 Lat. stratce. Are the two words connected ? See Skeat, Prin., pp. 68, 432. 9 Lat. intra vallum. Mod. Eng. ditcJi is Southern English; dike probably Northern. Cf. Eng. church with Scotch kirk. 10 This wall was between the Friths of Forth and Clyde (see 11 Lat. t7'ans insulam. 144 THE INVASION OF BRITAIN. 145 Da^ ougunnon twa tSeoda, Pihtas^ norSan, and Scottas westan, hie onwinnan, and hiera gehta niman and h^r- gian; and hie fela geara iermdon and hiendon. Da, on t^gere unstilnesse, ons^ndon hie aerendwrecan ^ to Eome mid gewritum'' and wependre bene; him fiiltumes^ b^edon, 5 and him geheton eat5mode hiernesse and singale under- ^eodnesse,*^ gif hie him gefultumoden tSset hie meahten Moberly's Bede, p. 16), but Bede, following Orosius, is no doubt thinking of that between the Tyne and the Solway Frith, which was built by Hadrian (a.d. 120). Sev- erus' wall was built a.d. 207-210. 1 "[This account] is pieced to- gether as an abridgment of Gil- das, xi.-xvi. ; but the turgidity of his style is chastened, and his faulty grammar in several places corrected" (Moberly, pp.26, 27). 2 On the Picts the last edition of Chambers' Encyclopoidia re- marks: "Four hypotheses have been formed in regard to the language and origin of the Picts. The first, started by Pinkerton and put by Sir Walter Scott into the mouth of the 'Antiquary,' is that they were Teutons, speak- ing a Gothic dialect ; the second, maintamed by Dr. Skene, is that they were Gaelic-speaking Celts ; . . . the third, due to Professor Rhys, is that the Picts were non- Aryans, whose language was over- laid by loans from Welsh and Irish ; and the fourth, held by two of the most eminent Celtic scholars of the day, Professor Windisch and Dr. Whitley Stokes, is that they were Celts, but more nearly allied to the Cymry than to the Gael. . . . The conclusion to which we come is that the Picts, what- ever traces they show of a non- Aryan racial element, . . . spoke a Celtic language belonging to a branch of Celtic allied to the Cymric, . . . and that this dia- lect of the Gallo-Cymric stock was a wave of Celtic speech from the continent previous to the Gaulish which held England when Cgesar entered Britain." 3 Lat. legatos. 4 Lat. epistolis. 5 See 156. b. 6 This pair of phrases renders subjectionem continuam. What parallel to the use of such synony- mous terms may be found in the English Prayer-Book ? How is it to be accounted for ? 146 THE INVASION OF BRITAIN. hiera fiend ^ oferwinnan. Da^ ons^ndou^ hie him micelne h^re to fultume, and, sona 'Sses-Se hie on 6is igland comon, •Sa campedon hie^ wi6 hiera feondum, and him micel wsel ongeslogon, and of hiera ^ gemserum adrifon and afiiemdon^; 5 and l^rdon 'Sset hie fsesten" worhten him^ to gebeorge wi'S hiera feondum ; and swa, mid micle sige,^ ham foron.^*^ Da" tSset t$a ongeaton 5a ^iran gewinnan/^ •gget se Eoma- nisca h^re wses onweg gewiten, 5a comon hie sona mid sciph^re on hiera landgemiiern, and slogon^^ ealle and cweald- 10 on''^ ^aet hie gemetton, and swa-swa ripe ierSe" fortryedon and fornomon, and hie mid ealle ^^ foriermdon. And hie ^a ^ft s^ndon yerendwrecan to Kome, and wependre stefne him fultumes b^don/^ ^aet^' se^'' earme eSel mid ealle ^^ ne fordilgod ne wiJere, ne se nama 5^re Romaniscan 'Seode/^ 15 se-Se mid him swa lange scean^^ beorhte/^ fram fr^mdra 1 See 46. here omitted in tlie translation, 2 This may be anywhere be- describing the construction of tween a.d. 388 and 420. See the (earthen) wall, between the Moberly, p. 27. Friths of Forth and of Clyde. 3 This clause tran.slates Qnibus 1^ These three iJa's respectively moxlegiodestinaturarmata. Note = v^hen^ then, and the. the use of the active for the pas- ^^ j^at. inimici. sive, which also appears in other ^^ Lat. cccdunt. See above, p. sentences of the context. 145, n. 6. 4 The legionaries, apparently. ^^ Lat. segetem. ^ Of the Britons ; Lat. socio- ^^ Mid ealle = completely. See rum finibus. 175. ^ Lat. expulit. See above, p. 1*^ Lat. implorantes. 145, n. 6. 1" MS. ffaet. ■^ Lat. murum. ^^ Lat. provincice. 8 See 184. a. ^^ Lat. claruerat. Is the Old 9 Lat. triumpho. See 175. English to be translated as perfect 10 A passage of the Latin is or as pluperfect? See scinan (18). THE INVASION OF BRITAIN. 147 ■geoda^ unge'Swsernesse ^ fornumen and fordilgod beon sceolde. Da wses ^ft h^re^ hider s^nd/ se wses cumende on ungewenedre^ tide, on heerfeste. And hie sona wiS hiera feondum gefuhton, and sige hsefdon, and ealle t5a, t5e •Sone^ deaS® beswlcian^ meahton, ofer t^one s^ norS 5 afliemdon, Sa-'6e ser, gelce geare/ ofer gone s^ hlo8edon and h^rgedon. Da gessegdon Romane on an^ Bryttum tSset hie no ma ne meahten for hiera gescieldnesse^ swa gewinnfullicum ^^ fierdum " sw^ncte ^^ beon.^^ Ac hie manedon^^ and^^ Iserdon^""^ gaet hie him w^pnu worhten," 10 and modes str^ngtle nomen/^ Sset hie campoden and wig- stoden hiera feondum.^'' And hie him t5a eac to rsede and to frofre fundoii t58et hie gemeenelice fsesten ge- worhten him to gescieldnesse — st^nenne weall rihtre ^^ stage ^^ fram eastsae og westsee, gser Severus/^ se casere, 15 lu het dician and eorg weall gewyrcean; ■gone man^^ nu to-dseg sceawian maeg, eahta fota^ bradne, and tw^lf fota^ heahne.^^ Swilce eac on ^ses sees wearoge to su^- 1 See 153. c. 12 L^t. fatigari. 2 Lat. improhitate. ^^ Lat. nionent. See above, p. 3 Lat. legio. 145, n. 6. * Past part. ; see 113. 1* See 194. b. 1^ See niman. 5 Lat. inopinata. ^^ The translation here is very 6 Lat. evadere^ not mortem free, as is much of this selection, evadere. i'' Lat. recto tramite ; see 160. 7 See 176. 1 ; 176. 2. 8 On an = at once; it is the ^^ This is wrong; it is Hadrian's Mod. Eng. anon, which see in wall that is meant. See p. 144, the New Eng. Diet. n. 10, and an article in the Quar- 9 Lat. defensionem. terly Beview for January, 1860. w Lat. laboriosis. i9 See 89. e. 20 gge 154. c. 11 Lat. expeditionibus. 21 ^ comparison of this sen- 148 THE INVASION OF BRITAIN. d^le, 'Sanan '5e hie^ sciph^re^ on becom, torras timbredon to gebeorge^ tSses sses. Da, sona 68es-Se 'Sis fgesten geworht wses, 'Sa sealdon hie him bysena'* maniga hii hie him wsepnu wyrcean sceolden, and hiera feondnm wiSstandan^; and^ 5 hie 'Sa gretton, and him cy^don ^aet hie ntefre ma hie secean woklon ; and hie sigefeeste ofer s^ ferdon. Da^ ■Sset Sa Pihtas and Scottas geaxedon, Sset hie ham gewitene waeron, and eac Saet hie hider no^ ^ft ma hie secean ne^ woldon, Sa wiSron hie Sy^ beaklran gewordene, and sona lo eahie norSdSl Sises Ighmdes 06 Sone weall genomon^'* and^" ges^tton.^^ WiS Sisum stod on Saem fa3stene ufaii- weardum" se earga'^ feSa^^ Brytta, and Sier forhtiendre ^* heortan^^ wunode dieges^^ and nihtes.^^ Da sohton hiera gewinnan him searwn, and worhton him hocas, and mid 15 Ssem tugon hie earmlice^^ adun of Stem wealle; and hie weeron sona deade swa hie eorSan gesohton.^'' Hie Sa forleton Sone weall and hiera byrig/^ and iiugon^'"^ onweg; tence with the original will show cognita Scotti Piclique reditus the translator's power and free- denegatione. dom. 8 See 183. i'^ Lat. capessunt. 1 Ace. phir.; the Britons. ^ See 178. i^ See 166. 1. 2 Nom. sing. ; of the enemy. ^'^ Lat. segnis. The Latin is different. i^ Lat. acies. 3 Lat. prospectum. 1* Lat. trementi corde. See 4 Lat. monita. 160. L 5 Free translation. 1^ See 74. Nihtes is formed ^ From this point to the end of on the model of dseges, though the sentence = Lat. et valedicunt from a feminine niht. soriis tanquam ultra non rever- ^^ Lat. miserrime. siiri. Quibiis ad sua remeantibus. i" The whole sentence is very Probably a.d. 418. free. i^ acc. plur. (52). 7 From here to woldon = Lat. ^^ See fleon. THE INVASION OF BRITAIN. 149 and hiera gewinnan hie ehton and slogon/ and on wsel lieldon. Wees ^is gefeoht wselgrimre and str^ngre eallum^ t3^m gergedonum.^ For-'Son swa-swa sceap^ fram wulfum^ and^ wildeorum^ beo6 fornumene, swa ^a earman ceast- erwaran toslitene*^ and^ fornumene*^ wseron^ fram hiera 5 feondum, and hiera eehtum '' beneemde, and to hiuigre ges^tte. 1 See slean. 2 gee 178. ^ Lat. feris. 3 Lat. priorihus. 6 L^t. discerpuntur. * See 47. What is the modern pkiral ? ^ See 177. VII. THE PASSING OF CHAD.» (Bede, Eccl. Hist., Bk. IV., Chap. III.) Com^ he^ mid ^Sel5ryt5e* of East^nglum ; and he wses liiere 8egna/ and huses,^ and hiere geferscipes,^ ofer eall ealdormann. Da Godes geleafa ^a weox, and hat wses, 6a 1 Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, died March 2, 672. See the Diet. Nat. liiog. 2 In 660. * (Jwini. An interesting memo- rial of him was discovered, at the end of the last century, in tlie vil- lage of Haddenham, near Ely. It is a stone which appears to have formed the base of a cross, and on one of its sides is the foUow^ing inscription : — ^ LVCEM . TVAM . OVINO DA . DEVS . ET . REQVIE AMEN. This is, according to Palgrave, perhaps one of the most vener- able monuments of Saxon antiq- 150 uity. It long served as a horse- block, but is now in the north aisle of Ely Cathedral. Dean Merivale of Ely has suggested that the words are meant for a pentameter line (the m in lucem being elided even before a con- sonant). P'or further particulars, see Mayor and Lumby's ed. of Bede, p. 429, and Bright's Early Enrjlish Church History, p. 230. 4 St, Etheldred, or Audrey (died 679), whose choice of the island of Ely as the site of a monastery led to the erection of the present cathedral. She was the daughter of Anna, king (not queen) of the East Anglians. What is the ety- mology of our modern word taio- dry ? ° Dependent on ealdormann. THE PASSING OF CHAD. 151 Sohte he Saet he sceolde worulde ' wi8sacan, and tSaet unaswundenlice swa gedyde ; and hine middangeardes Singum to (5on ongierede^ and^ genacodode^ Saet he eall forlet 'Sa-Se he haefde, nefne his anfealdne gegierelan, and com to Lsestinga le, to (5£em mynstre^ Sses arwiert5an 5 bisceopes.* Baer him ^ sexe and adesan on handa ; tac- node in^ Son (Sset he nalaes to Idelnesse, swa. sume oSre, ac to gewinne, in t^set^ mynster eode ; and Sset selfe eac swilce mid dsedum gecy(5de. And, for-(5on-Se he lyt genyhtsumode in smeaunge and in leornunge haligra 10 gewrita, he Sy^ ma mid his handum wann, and'** worhte (5a (5ing ISe nTedt5earflicu wijeron. Dses^^ is to tacne, (59et he mid 5one bisceop in Saem foresprecenum wicum" for his arwierSnesse and for his geornfulnesse^^ betweoh (5a brot5or wees hsefd. Donne ^^ hie inne ^'^ hiera leornunge 15 1 Sec 26. The word is origi- * From what Latin (Greek) nally a compound, from wer, word ? man, and a hypothetical aid, ^ See 184. a. age (cf. the adj. eald, old). ^ Translate, b7j. From age of man to generation ' Why the accusative ? = the people living at one time, ^ What is the form of this word mankind ; and from this to in- in Mod. Eng. ? Wherein does it habited earth, the transitions are differ from the other Mod. Eng. not violent. The similar changes word of the same form ? in the meaning of the Lat. soicu- ^ This clause added by the lum and Gr. Kocr/xos, especially in translator. Biblical usage, will be found sug- 10 Dependent on tacne. gestive. n Lat. mansione. 2 Lat. exuit ; two words for 12 -phe double phrase translates one. See 162. pro suce reverentia devotionis. 8 From what Latin word ? i^ _ jyjigfi. Has it the same meaning in i* Adverb ; contrasted with nte, ' York Minster ' ? next line. 152 THE PASSING OF CHAD. and hiera becrsedinge ' beeodon, Sonne waes he ute wyrc- ende, swa-hwset-swa Searf gesegen^ wses.^ Da he (3a sume'^ dsege^ hwsethwugu swilces* ute dyde, and his geferan to by rig to ciricean eodon, swa hie gelom- 5 lice dydon, and se bisceop, ana in S^re ciricean,^ 0(S6e in becreedinge 0(S6e in gebedum geornfuU wses, 6a gehJerde he s^mninga, swa-swa he ^ft aefter Son saegde, Sa swet- estan stefne^ and Sa fsegerestan, singendra and blis- siendra/ of heofonum oS eorSan astlgan. Da stefne^ and lo 8one sang** he cwseS Sset he merest gehlerde fram east- suSdaele heofones, Sset is fram heanesse SfJere winterlican sunnan upganges; and Sanan to him stycceraLelum^ nea- laecton, oS-Saet he^* becom to Ssecean^^ Saere ciricean Se^^ se bisceop in wses ; and, ingangende, call '^ gefylde, and in 15 ymbhwyrfte ymbsealde. And he 8a geornlice his mod'^ aS^nede ''^ in Sa Sing Se he gehlerde. Da gehlerde he ^ft swa-swa'* healfre tide ftece/^ of hrofe Siere ilcan ciricean upastlgan Sone ilcan blissesang/^ and, Sy ilcan wege^'' Se he iSr com, tip oS heofonas mid unas^cgendre ^^ 20 swetnesse ^fthweorfan.'^ 1 MS. becraedon. ^ Ace. after gehlerde. 2 Lat. videbantur. ^ See 72. 9«^ Se sang, 3 See 176. ^ See 154. b. 10 Lat. tectum, for which 1. 17 ^ Lat. oratorio loci. The monks has hrof. had gone to the church. Cf . below, ^^ Governed by in. p. 153, 1. 7. ^2 Ace. sing. s See 169. For this word see ^^ Lat. animum intenderet. Chaucer, Knight's Tale 1704. 1* Lat. quasi. i^ See 176. " Lat. vocem suavissimam can- ^° Lat. Icetitice canticum. See tantium atque Icetantium. What 169. i" See 176. 2. adjective is concealed in bliss- ^^ Lat. ineffabili. (see 34)? ^"^ L?ii. reverti. THE PASSING OF CHAD. 153 Da wunode he S^r sum^ faec^ tlde,^ wundriende and wafiende ; and mid behygdigum mode Sohte and smeade hwset t5a (5ing beon sceolden. Da ontynde se bisceop c^set eagSyrel ^ t5^re ciricean, and mid his handa ^ slog tacen, swa-swa his gewuna wses gif hwilc mann ute w^re, Sset he in to him eode. Da eode he sona in to him. CwseS he, se bisceop, him to^: ^'Grang hraSe to ciricean,^ and hat^ ure seofon bro^or hider to me cuman ; and Su eac swilce mid wes.^" Da hie (5a to him comon, (5a manode he hie gerest Sset hie betweonan him Sset msegen^ lufe^ and sibbe,^ and betweon^ eallum Godes mannum geornlice heolden ; and eac swilce 6a gesetennesse 'Sses regollican Seodscipes,^*^ ^e hie fram him geleornodon, and on him gesawon, o8(Se in (5^ra forSgeleoredra fsedra dgedum o85e godcundum gemete, (Sset hie Sa ungewergedre ^^ geornful- nesse^^ fylgden and laesten.^- J]]fter Son he underSledde/^ and him ssegde Sset se daeg swI6e neah stode his for6- fore,^* and 5us cwse^ : '' Se leofa^^ cuma and se lufiend- lica,^^ se-(5e ge wunode tire broSor neosian, se com swilce 1 'L?it.aliquantulu7nhorce(110). ' Lat. virtutem. ■^ In what Mod. Eng. word is a ^ ggg 153 j disguised form of -lafyrel to be ^ Lat. ad = toward, rather than found ? What is the etymology among. of window 9 10 Lat. instituta disciplinoi regu- 3 See 201. 1. laris. 4 What is the etymology of ^ See 174 ; 160.1. church ? From what language 12 jjow is this related to the is it originally derived ? Mod. Eng. verb last, and to the ^ See hatan. German leisten ? 6 Imper. sing. When followed ^^ l^^. suhjunxit. by the adj. heel, what Mod. Eng. 1* Dependent on dseg. word does it give rise to ? i^ Lat. amahilis. 154 THE PASSING OF CHAD. to-claeg to me, and me of worulde clegde and laSode. For-t5on ge 'Sonne nu ^fthweorfaS^ to ciricean, and biddacS^ ure broSor Saet hie mine forSfore mid hiera gebedum and benum Dryhtne bebeoden-; and swilce eac liiera selfra 5 forSfore, Ssere tid is nnciiS,'^ Saet hie gemynen* mid waec- cenum and gebedum and mid godum^ forecuman.^ Mid-Sy he Sa Sas word, and ^ises gemetes manigu, to him sprecende wses, and hie, onfangenre^ his bletsunge,^ swISe unrote fram him eodon, Sa hwearf se*^ ana^ ^ft^ in 10 to him se-Se Sone heofonlican sang gehlerde, and hine eatSmodlice on eorSan astreahte fore Sone bisceop, and (Sus cwseS : " Min feeder, mot^*^ ic 6e ohtes " axian " ? OwseS he: "iVxa Sa3S '' Su wille." Da cwaeS he: " Ic Se la halsie and bidde for Godes lufe Seet SQ me 15 ges^cge*^ hwaet se sang w^re blissiendra 6e'^ ic gehlerde, of heofomim cumendra'* ofer Sfis ciricean,''^ and, sefter tlde,'^ ^fthweorfendra to heofonum." Andswarode he, se bisceop : " Gif 6u sanges stefne gehlerde, and Sil heofonlic weorod ongeate ofer us eac cuman, ic Se 20 bebeode on Dryhtnes naman t^aet Su 8aet naenigum m^nn 1 Here are two independent ^ L^t. ipse solus, meaning verbs, where the Latin has rever- Owini. U^ntes . . . dicite. '■* Belongs with hwearf ; 2 Lat. commendent. hwearf . . . ^ft = Lat. rediit. 3 What change of meaning in ^'^ See 137. the modern word uncouth ? How ^i See 156. related to the ancient meaning ? 12 gg^ 194. 6. * See 134. ^^ Refers to sang. s According to the Latin, 1* Belongs to blissiendra. weorcuin should be supplied. ^^ Lat. oratorium. See above, ^ Dependent on gemynen. p. 152, n. 5. ' See 167. ^*' Lat. tempus. THE PASSING OF CHAD. 155 cy6e^ ne' s^cge^ ser minre forSfore. Ic 6e soSlice s^cge Saette t5aet waeron^ ^ngla gastas Se t^ser comon, Sa me to 6sem heofonlicum medum clegdon and lat^edon Sa ic simle lufode and wilnode. And, sefter seofon dagum, hie ^ft- hweorfende^ and cumende^ me geheton, and me Sonne mid him laedan woldon." Dset wses swa soSlice mid deede gefylled swa him to* cweden wses. Da waes he sona gehrinen llchamlicre^ untrymnesse,^ and seo^ daeghw^mlice weox and h^figode; and 5a, (5y seofo^an dsege,^ swa him gehaten wses, sefter- 5on-6e his fort5fore getrymede^ mid onfangennesse t^ses Dryhtenlican iTchaman and blodes, [Ssette^] seo halge sawl wses onliesed fram Sses lichaman h^fignessum,^" and mid ^ngla hitteowdome" and geferscipe, swa riht^^ is to gellefanne, Sa ecean gefean and 5a heofonlican eadig- nesse^^ gestah and gesohte. Is Sset hwilc" wundor 6eah- Se he gone dseg his deaSes, o55e ma/^ Sone Dryhtnes daeg, bllSe gesawe, Sone he simle sorgiende bad oS-Sset he come ? ^ Lat, dicas. ^ Dem. pron. Translate by 2 See 189. 3. that. 3 These translate the Lat. "^ See 176. future part, redituros. Supply ^ Supply he as the subject. would be in translation, or would ^ The MS. has ffaette, but the with the finite verb. The future sense does not require it. participle of the following clause, lo Lat. ergastulo. adducturos^ is translated by a i^ See 33 (lad-). finite verb. 12 L^t. fas. * Governs him, or may be re- ^^ Ace. plur. garded as belonging to the follow- 1* Translate, any. ing verb (201. 1). ^^ Lat. potius. ^See 174: 160. 1. VIII. THE DANGERS OF GREATNESS. (From Wulfstan's Homilies, No. 49.) [Wulfstau — also known by his Latinized name, Lupus — was Bishop of Worcester and Archbishop of York from 1002 to 1023. This homily is one of those attributed to him, but, according to Napier, with insufficient reason, as a portion of it is found in the Blickling Homilies, the manu- script of which bears the date of 1)71.] ^ghwilc heah ar, her on worulde, biS mid frecnessum^ ymbseakP; efne swa^ (5a woiuldgeSyiigSa beo5 maran, swa tSa frecnessa beoS swiSran. Swa we magon, be t5;Jem, t5a bysena oncnawan and ongietau.'' Daet treow, 'Sonne, Se 5 wiexS^ on Ssem wudubearwe, Saet^ hit hlTfaS iip ofer eall t5a oSru treowu and brijet^* hit/ t5onne s^mninga storm^ gest^nt, and se stranga wind,^ Sonne ^° biS hit swISlicor gew£eged and gesw^nged Sonne se oSer wudu." Swa biS eac gelTce be Ssem heaclifum and torrura/^ 'Sonne hie 1 See 144. ^ gee 114. lo Frequently the second cor- 3 Swa . . . maran, swa . . . relative, in such pairs as ffonne sw^iffran = the greater, the fiercer. . . . safonne, Sfa . . . aCa, need not Note the tendency to antithesis. be translated ; it is frequently 4 Observe the redundancy. followed by an inverted order, ^ See weaxan. ^ = so that. as here, the verb preceding its 6a See braidan (34). subject. See 202. 7 See 184. h. " Se offer wudu = the rest of 8 Note the alliteration. the forest, not the other inood. 9 Second subject of gest^nt. 12 Probably here = crag. 156 THE DANGERS OF GREATNESS. 157 hlifiaS feorr up ofer Sa 0(Sre^ eort^an, hie Sonne s^mninga feallan onginnatS,^ and full Searlice hreosan^ to eorSan. Swilce^ eac be Ssem heagum^ muntum and dtinum,^ t5a- Se heah standa^S ofer ealne middangeard, Sa-hwseSre wite habbaS Sses ealdordomes, (5aet hie beoS geneahhe mid 5 heof onf yre '^ geSreade and geSrseste, and mid liegum ge- 1 See p. 156, n. 12. 2 This resembles the use of gin in Chaucer, almost as an auxiliary tense-sign, like do in Mod. Eng., the latter not being thus used in OE. In Chaucer it usually occurs as the preterit gan^ e.g. in the Clerk's Tale, 392 : "til the sonne gan descende."* See Lounsbury's History of the English Language. An interesting parallel is to be found in New Testament Greek, as, for example, Acts 1. 1 : " The former treatise I made, O The- ophilus, concerning all that Jesus began (-^p^aTo) both to do and to teach." According to Thayer, however (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament), there is in its employment always a sense of beginning, in its proper mean- ing. 3 Dependent, like feallan, on onginnatS'. Give the ind. pret. plur. 4 It would be interesting to know from what literary source these illustrations are ultimately derived. They remind one of Shakespeare (Rich. HI., 1. 3. 259-260): — They that stand high have many blasts to shake them ; And if they fall, they dash them- selves to pieces. Cf. also 3 Hen. F/., 5. 2. 11-15. No doubt many Elizabethan par- allels could be found ; I have noted in Chapman, Byron''s Con- spiracy, Act 3, Scene 1 (p. 232 of Shepherd's ed.), and Byron''s Tragedy, Act 5, Scene 1 (lb., p. 272). Perhaps the Eliza- bethans may have derived them from Seneca; cf. the Chorus in Act 4 of the Hippolytus, vv. 112.3-1143 ; Hercules Fur ens 201 ; (Edipus 8-11. Seneca may have caught a suggestion from Sophocles, though the par- allel is somewhat remote ; see the latter's Antigone, vv. 712- 717, and Horace, C. II. 10. 6 See 58. 1. 6 Redundant. What is dun in Mod. Eng. (24) ? Whence is the adverb doicn derived ? ■^ Note the poetical term. 158 THE DANGERS OF GREATNESS. slsegene. Swa t5a hean mihta^ her on worulde hreosaf^, and fealla^,^ and to lore weor6a^, and Sisse^ worulde^ welan weor$at5 to sorge, and ^as eorSlican wundor weor6at5 to nahte.* Deah we ^isse worulde wl^nca^ tilien^ swit5e, and in wuldre^ sclnen^ swi^e; t5eah we us gescierpen^ mid ^y readestan godw^bbe,^ and gefrsetwien^ mid^ Sy beorht- estan golde,^ and mid^ Seem deorwierSestum gimmum^ utan ymbhon^; hwaj^re^ we sculon on nearonesse ^nde^ gebidan. Deah-t5e ^a mihtigestan and 5a ricestan haten^ him^^ r^ste gewyrcean of marmanstane/^ and mid gold- frgetwum and mid gimcynnum eall ast^ned, and mid seolfrenum ruwum and godw^bbe eall oferwrigen, and mid deorwier^um wyrtgem^ngnessum eall gestreded/^ and mid goldleafum gestreowod ymbutan, hwseSre^ se bitera deaS Sait todiSleS eall. Donne biS seo gl^ng agoten,^^ and se 5rym tobrocen, and Sa gimmas toglidene, and (Saet gold tosceacen, and 5a llchaman tohrorene" and to dust^^ gewordene. 1 This suggests Seneca (CEdi- ^ This word might be omitted pus^ Act 1, V. 11): — in translation ; see p, 156, n. 10, Imperia sic excelsa Fortunae obja- ^ Object of gebidan. cent. 10 See 184. a. 2 Pleonastic. ii Which part of this word is 3 Genitive, dependent on native, and which foreign ? welan. i^ An instance of a strong verb 4 Cf. Mod, Eng. come to naught. (104 ; cf . 28) which has already ^ Note the alliteration. become weak in OE. 6 In what mood and tense are ^^ Note the parallelism and the these verbs, and why ? enumeration. ■* Mid governs both the dative i* From what verb (37)? and the instrumental (175). ^^ See 24. IX. DUTIES OF THE RICH TOWARD THE POOR. (From the same Homily as the last.) Se Htelend cwseS to t5eem wlancan^: ''For hwy waere t5u swa fsesthafol ininra goda, 8e ic ^e sealde ? To hwon^ receleasodest M t^gere giefe, 'Se ic 6e geaf ? Ic ^e nil afierre ^ f ram niTnre s^lene, Se ic Se f orgeaf ; ^onne bist^ Su wgedla on woruldlife. For liwoii^ noldest'' Sti geS^ncean Sset ic wille^ forgieldan segliwilcum m^nii aiie gode dted, Se for minum naman mann gedeS ? Mid hundteontigum ic hit him forgielde,^ swa hit is on mlnnm godspelle gecweden and gessed,*^ ' Swa-hwset-swa^ ge s^UaS anum of minum Siiem Igestum,^ ge hit simle me s^llaS,^ and ic eow wiS^*^ Saem ges^lle^ ecne dream ^^ on heofonum.' 1 From what OE. word is the ^ Pleonastic. Mod. Eng. rich derived (see Skeat, ^ What portion of this is lost, Prin.^ p. 61)? From what OE. and how is it replaced, in the meaning is the modern significa- Mod. Eng. ichatsoever 9 tion derived ? 8 ggg gg 2 Note Wulf Stan's use of to ^ Cf. the form of this sentence hwon, for hwon, in the sense with that on p. 135, 1. 14. of why. See 88. io = in return for. How is this 3 See 188. * See 139. to be reconciled with other senses '' Why should not the preterit of wW ? be used here ? n Not dream, but joy, bliss. 159 160 DUTIES OF THE RICH TOWARD THE POOR. Dti mann, to hwon eart M me swa ungeSancfull minra^ giefena ? Hwset ! ic cSe gesceop and gellffseste, and aeg- hwset^ •Sses 6e '6u hsefst^ ic 6e sealde. Mm is eall tSset ^u hsefst, and t5In nis nan wiht."* Ic hit eall afierre 5 fram t3e; t$u leofa^ btitan me, gif Sti msege.^ De ic hit sealde, to' ^on^ ^set' M hit sceoldest ^- Searf uni dgelan. Ic sw^rie t5urh me* selfne Saet ic eom se ilea God Se t5one weligan and t5one heanan geworhte mid minum handum. Deet^ ic wolde, Sset tu. mine Searfan feddest,'- ^onne hie 10 wgeron be biddende minra^'^ goda,^° and 6u him simle tKe" forwierndest. For hwon noldest M hit'-* geft^ncean, gif till him mildheortnesse on gecySdest,^- Sset Sii ne sceoldest^^ ^ses^^ nan ^ing forleosan, ISe^'^ 6u him dydest, ne me on t5aere s^lene abelgan mines ^^ agnes ^^ ? To 15 hwon agnodest M ^e anum «aet ic inc^^ baem^^ sealde? To hwon feddest 611 -Se senne of t^eem ^e ic inc^^ btem^^ gesceop to'* welan, and to'* wiste, and to'* feorhn^re ? To hwon heolde''"* M hit t5e anum and t5Inum bearnum, Saet meahte manigum genyhtsumian^? Unle(5e 'Se wses 1 See 155. 10 See 156. b. 2 See 89. c. ^ See 121. " Not to be confounded with •* In what two Mod. Eng. words tide. See 156. j. does wiht appear ? From what 12 Optative more regular. OE. forms are aught and naiujht i^ See 154. a. derived ? 1* Refers to its antecedent 5 See 122 and 198. ffaes. 6 = canst, not mayst (135). 1° Dependent on s^lene. ■^ = in order that. i^ Note this rare dual (81). 8 What has this accusative be- i" See 79. come in Mod. Eng. ? i^ = for, as. 9 Anticipative of tlie following ^^ From what infinitive ? noun-clause. 20 xhe sense is pluperfect. DUTIES OF THE RICH TOWABD THE POOR. 161 tSset tSu hit eall ne meahtest gefsestnian, ne mid inseglum beclysan. Wenst ^u tSaet hit^ ^m sle tSaet seo eor6e 6e forf^bringS ? Heo^ 6e grewS,^ and blew(5/ and s^d I'M,* and andlifan bringS. Ic nti afierre minne fultum fram tSe; hafa^ 6u set^ t5inum gewinne t5aet 6u nisege, and aet*' (5Inuin geswince. Ic Se^ setbrede^ mine renas,^ Sset hie 8inre eor^an^ ne rlnen.^'^ Ic afierre fram ^e mine mild- heortnesse, and ($onne biS sona gecySed Sin iermSu, and aetiewed. Gif M wene^^ 'Sset hit t5in bocland^^ sle t^set M on eardast, and on agne seht^^ geseald, hit t5onne wseron^'* mine wseteru, '6a-Se on heofonum wseron, Sonne ic mine giefe eorSwarum d^lde. Gif 6u miht haebbe," deel renas ofer ^Ine eort^an. Gif '5u Strang sle, s^le w^stmas t5inre eor6an. Ic ahierde mine sunnan, and heo gebierht; Sonne forbaerntS^' heo ealle Sine aeceras, and t^onne bist^^ Su dsel- leas^^ mines renes/'' and t5e Sonne biS^^ Sin eorSe idel and unnyt goda^^ gehwilces.^^ Mine Searfan libbaS be me; gii Sii msege/^ wuna btitan me. Mine Searfan me ealne^ weg* habbaS, and ic hie neefre ne forlgete." 1 Anticipative of fSseit. erty. The term is explained by 2 Refers to what ? the following clause. 3 See 109. i^ See 172. 1. 4 See Isedan. i4 See 189. 3. s See 121 and 198. i^ Are these presents or futures? 6 = from; of. at one's hands. i^ See 146. 7 See 164. 8 See 28. i^ See 165. a. 9 See 161. -10 MS. rinaff. ^^ Dependent on gehwilces. 11 See 196. d. See 154. h. 12 Land held by boc or char- i^ Dependent on idel and ter, /ree^oZd! es^«^e ; distinguished unnyt. See 155. a. from folcland, communal prop- 20 See 170. Mod. Eng. alway. ALFRED'S PREFACE TO BOETHIUS. (Prefixed to his translation.) -Alfred cyning wses wealhstocP t^isse bee, and hie of Boclaedene^ on Englisc w^nde, swa heo nu is gedon. Hwilum he s^tte word be worde, hwllum andgiet of andgiete, swarswa he hit •8a sweotolost and andgiet- fullicost ger^ccean nieahte for Ssem mislicuui and manig- fealdum woruldbisgum Se hine oft ^egSer ge on mode ge on lichaman bisgedon. Da bisga^ us sind swlt5e earfoSrlrae tSe on his dagum on t5a ricu becomon ^e he underfangen haefde, and 8eah, 6a he 6as boo hsefde geleornod, and of Laedene to Engliscum spelle gew^nd, •Sil geworhte he hie ^ft to leoSe, swa-swa heo nu gedon is. And nu bitt* and for Godes naman halsaS iJelcne Seera t5e 6as boc raedan lyste,^ Saet he for hine gebidde, and liim ne wite gif he^ hit rihtlicor ongiete t5onne he^ meahte ; for-Sam-'Se tele mann sceal be his andgietes maeSe, and be his gemettan, sprecan ^aet he spric6, and don t^set-^set he deS. 1 Wealh- signifies foreign (see 2 Perhaps originally in contrast walnut), and sometimes servant, to the Latin spoken in Britain. orig. Celtic, Celt (cf. Wales, Welsh, ^ See 51. a. Cornwall), from Volcce, the name * Supply he. ^ See 190. of a Celtic tribe (Csesar, Gallic ^ The reader. War, Bk. VII.). ^ Alfred. 162 XL A PRAYEE OF KING ALFEED. (From the end of his translation of Boethius.) Dryhten/ aelmihtiga God/ Wyrhta and Wealdend ealra gesceafta, ic bidde t5e for ^inre miclan mildheortnesse, and for 'Ssere halgan rode tacne,^ and for Sanctse Marian msegShade, and for Sancti Michaeles gehiersumnesse, and for ealra '6inra halgena^ lufan and hiera earnungum, Sset 5 M me gewissie'^ b^t tSonne ic aworhte to ^e; and gewissa me to t^inum willan, and to minre sawle Searfe/ b^t t^onne ic self cunne^; and gestaSela mm mod to Sinum willan and to minre sawle ^earfe ; and gestranga me wiS ^aes deofles^ costnungum; and afierr fram me $a fulan galnesse and selce 10 unrihtwisnesse ; and gescield me wilS minum wiSerwinnum, gesewenlicum and ungesewenlicum ; and tsec me Sinne wil- lan'' to wyrceanne; ^aet ic msege^ 6e inweardlice lufian to- foran eallum t^ingum, mid claenum get5ance and mid claenum iTchaman. For-'Son-tSe Sti eart min Scieppend,^ and min 15 Allesend, mm Fultum, min Frofor, mm Treownes, and mm Tohopa. Sie ^e lof and wuldor nti and a a a, to worulde butan seghwilcum ^nde. Amen. 1 See 152. * See 194. b. "^ Object of wyrceanne. 2 Governed by for. ^ See 166. ^ gee 196. d. 3 See 153. c. ^ Optative (130). » See 150. 163 XII. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. [The Old English version of the Romance of Apollonius, from which our extract is taken, belongs, according to Wiilker, to the second third of the eleventh century ; according to Ebert, to its beginning ; and according to Riese, most probably to the tenth. The original story was almost certainly written in Greek, probably in the third century of our era, and by an imi- tator of Xenophon of Ephesus. This is lost, and is only represented by a Latin version, which may have been made in the same century, and in any case not later than the sixth, by a writer of no great education, who introduced Christian terms and conceptions, added some things, and retrenched others. Over a hundred manuscripts of this Latin version are known, of which twelve are in England. Scarcely any two manuscripts agree, and the discrepancies are often great ; still, for convenience, they have l)een grouped into three main classes. To the third of these, which is not the equal of the other two, the immediate original of our version must have belonged, resembling most nearly a manuscript of the Bodleian Library (Laud H. ;i9), and, at the next further remove, one of the British Museum (Sloan. 1()19). The popularity of the romance is attested not only by the number and variety of the Latin manuscripts, but no less by the mediaeval and subse- quent translations into almost every modern language. Thus, for example, there is in Old French a romance of Jourdaln de Blaie, the scene being laid in the time of Charlemagne, and the temple of Diana being converted into a nunnery. An abridgment of the Latin version found its way into the Gesta Roma- norum, as No. 153 of that collection. In the twelfth century the story was incorporated into the Pantheon of Godfrey of Viterbo, whence it was turned into English verse by Gower, in his Confessio Amantis (Pauli's edition 3. 284 ff. ; Morley's abridgment, in The Carishrooke Library, pp. 410-431). From Gower it was borrowed by Shakespeare, or whoever was the author of the drama which passes under his name, as the groundwork of Pericles, Pnnce of Tyre ; the name Pericles being perhaps adapted from the Pyro- cles of Sidney's Arcadia. The scenes of Pericles which may be compared with our extract are the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 5th of Act II., and the 3d of Act V. The Old English Apollonius was edited by Thorpe, in 1834, from MS. S. 18. 201 of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge ; and to this edition the student 1G4 APOLLONIUS OF TYKE. 165 is referred for the spelling and punctuation of the original. It is only a fragment, breaking off in the midst, and recommencing near the end of the tale, as we have indicated below. Further information will be found in Rohde, Der griechische Roman, Leipzig, 1876; Teuffel, History of Latin Literature, § 489; Hagen, Der Roman vom Konig Apollonius von Tyrus, Berlin, 1878 {Saminlung gemein- verstdndlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortriige, Serie 13, Nr. 303, pp. 561-592) ; Warton, History of English Poetry 2. 302-303; and Riese's edition of the Latin, which is the standard (Leipzig, 1871), and costs but a trifle. Besides the Tudor versions, there is an English translation in Thorpe's edition, and another — of course not adhering closely to our text — in Swan's rendering of the Gesta Romanorum (Bohn Library)]. The SMpivreck. Apollonius^ hie baed ealle gretan,- and on scip astah.^ Mid-Sy-Se hie ongunnon 'Sa rowan/ and hie forSweard waeron on hiera weg, 'Sa wearS ^sere see smyltnes aw^nd faeringa betweox twam tidum,^ and wearS miclu hreohnes aweaht, swa ^set seo sae cnysede '6a heofonlican tunglu,^ and ^set gewealc t^tera y6a hwa^erode mid windum. D^r- to-eacan comon eastnorSerne windas, and se angrislica stiSwesterna wind him ongean stod/ and 6aet scip eall 1 Apollonius, King of Tyre, has Cyrene, on the African coast. It fled from the cruelty and treach- is at this point that our selection ery of Antiochus, King of Anti- begins. och, on a richly freighted vessel, 2 Observe the ellipsis, — hade and taken refuge with the citi- greet them all — where the sub- zens of Tarsus. Finding the citi- ject of the infinitive is to be zens in extremity, on account of a supplied, prevalent famine, he relieves their ^ gee 28. * See 199. h. necessities by liberal gifts, where- ^ L^t. intra duas horas diei. upon they erect a statue of him « This seems to be a reminis- in the market-place. But not- cence of Virgil, ^neid I. 103. withstanding the gratitude of his "^ Lat. (verse): Hinc Notus,hinc beneficiaries, he finds it expedient Boreas^ hinc horridus Afi-icus in- to leave them, and embarks for stat. 166 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. tobserst on Sisse ^geslican hreohnesse. Apollonius^ gefSran ealle forwurdon^ to deaSe, and Apollonius ana^ becom mid sunde to Pentapolim t^sem Cyreniscan lande, and Sser tipeode on ^sem strande. Da stod he nacod on t5seni strande, and 5 beheold 6a S£e, and cwaeS : " Eala ! •&u s^ Neptune ! manna bereafiend^'' and imsc^S- t^igra beswicend^*! 6u eart wselhreowra t5onne Antiochus se cyning. For minum Singum 'Su geheolde Sas wselhreow- nesse, 'Saet ic 6urh Se gewurde'' wsedla^ and tSearfa, and 10 Saet se wgelhreowa cyning me t5y ie(5^ fordon meahte. Hwider mseg ic nu faran ? Hwaes ^ maeg ic biddan ? 065e hwa giefS^ Seem uncuSan^ llfes fultum?" Apollonius and the Fisherman. Mid-Sy-(5e he t5as 6ing wses sprecende to him selfum, 6a fseringa geseah he sumne fiscere^" gan, to S^m he 15 beseah, and 6us sarlice cwaeS": "Gemiltsa me/^ 6u ealda mann, sle" Sset 6u sTe. Gemiltsa me nacodum forlid- enura. Naes^'' na ©f earmlicum^ byrdum^^ geboren; and, 1 The Latin endings of proper ^ See 55 and 181. nouns are not always a guide to 1° See 169. the case (54). Here we have the 11 In the original, he falls at genitive. the fisherman's feet, and bursts 2 See forweoraCan. into tears. What reason may 3 See 79. ^a gee 43. 6. have led to the change ? 4 MS. gewurffe. 12 gee 164. g. 5 See 150. i3 gee 193. c. « MS. ea»e. See 178. 1* See 189, note. ■^ See 156. h. ^^ Lat. humilihus. 8 Zupitza's emendation for MS. ^^ Plural, where we should ex- gif. pect the singular. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. 167 tJaes-'Se ^ 8u geare forwite liwiem Su gemiltsie,^ ic eom Apollonius, se Tyrisca^ ealdormann.'* Da, sona swa se fiscere^ geseah 'Saet se geonga mann set his fotuni Iseg, he mid ' mildheortnesse hine upahof, and Isedde hine mid him to his hiise, and ^a estas^ him beforan l^gde 6e he him to beodanne hsefde. Da glet he wolde, be his mihte, maran arfsestnesse '^ him gecyt5an; toslat Sa his wsefels on twa, and sealde Apollonie t5one healfan dael, '6us cweSende : " Nim t^set ic Se to s^Uanne haebbe, and ga into 'Saere ceastre. Wen^ is^ Saet Su gemete^ sumne Saet^^ Se gemiltsie.^*^ Gif Su ne finde^^ nsenne Se Se gemiltsian wille, w^nd Sonne hider ongean, and genyhtsumien^^ unc^^ b^m mine lytlan" sehta; far Se^^ on fiscnoS^^ mid me. Deah-hwaeSre ic myngie Se, gif Sii, ful- tumiendum^'' Gode, becymst t5 Slnum iJerran weorSmynte, Saet Sti ne forgiete^^ minne Searfendlican gegierelan." Da cwaeS Apollonius: "Gif ic Se^^ ne geS^nce Sonne me b^t biS,^° ic wysce^^ Saet ic ^ft forlidennesse gefare, and Slnne^^ gelican^^ ^ft ne gemete." 1 Here = in order that. See 12 g^e 193. a. 157. 1. ^-3 Note the rare dual (81). 2 See 195. i4 See 55. i^ gee 184. a. 3 Proper adjectives in -isc, fol- i^ gge 172. 1. lowing the Latin, are often used i'^ See 167. Gode is supplied ; where we employ the genitive. the Latin has deo favente. Translate, of Tyre. is gee 194. b. i^ Ace. * Lat. princeps. ^ See 143. 20 Present or future ? Could 6 Lat. epulas. Mod. Eng. is be used to trans- ' MS. faestnesse. Lat. pietati. late it ? 8 Lat. forsitan. 9 See 194. a. 21 gee 30, and 194. h. 9a Neut. for masc. ! 10 See 195. 22 Mod. Eng. still has thy like. 11 See 196. d. See 181. 1G8 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. The Incidents in the Gymnasium. ^fter ^isuni wordum he eode on t5one weg 6e him geteeht^ wses, o^-t^aet he becom to Seere ceastre geate, and Sger ineode. Mid-Sy-t5e he tSohte hwone he biddan meahte llfes fultumes,^ t5a geseah he senne nacodne cnapan geond 5 'Sa strsete iernan. Se waes mid^ ^le gesmierwed, and mid scietan begyrd, and bser geongra'* manna'' plegan"* on handa, to tSsem bset5st^de^ belimpende.^ And cleopode'' micelre stefne,^ and cvvseS: "Gehlere,^ ge ceasterwaran ^^ ! Gehiere, ge ^lt5eodige/^ frige and t5eowe, se'Sele and unseSele ! Se lo bseSst^de is open." Da-Sa Apollonins t5^et gehierde, he hine unscrydde 'Saem^^ healfan sciccelse ^e lie on haefde, and eode into ^«m t5weale.^^ And mid-Sy-(5e he beheold hiera anra" gehwilcne on hiera weorce, he sohte his gelTcan/'^ ac he ne meahte hine ^ser 15 findan on tSiSm flocce. Da fteringa com Arcestrates, ealre t^^re tSeode^^ cyning,^^ mid micelre in^nige his manna/^ and ineode on Sset bgeS. Da agan se cyning plegian wiS^^ his geferum mid t)o$ore.^ And Apollonins hine^^ gem^ngde,^^ 1 See 187. and what is its form in that lan- 2 MS. fultum. See 159. b. guage ? 8 See 174. ^^ Lat. peregrini. See 152. 4 Lat. lusus juvcnales. 12 See 162. i^ L^^t. lavacrum. s Lat. gymnasium. 1* See 154. h. 6 Modifies plegan. ^^ Lat. parem, Eng. peer. ■^ See 20. ^^ Lat. regionis. 8 See 160. 1. This word is the 1^ See 151. Chaucerian Steven. ^^ Lat. famularum. See 154. a. 9 See 95, note. i^ Why not mid ? 10 This is a compound word, 20 This curious word is very- formed of a Latin and an Eng- rare in Old English, lish element. Which is Latin, 21 L^t. miscuit se. See 184. b. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. . 169 swa-swa God wolde, on ^ges cyninges plegan, and, iern- ende, ^one •5ot5or gelaehte/ and, mid swiftre hrsednesse geslaegene,^ ongean ges^nde to t^sem plegiendan cyninge. Eft lie agean as^nde; he hrsedlice sloh, swa he hine^ n^fre feallan ne let. Se cyning Sa oncneow ^aes geongan 5 snelnesse/ Sset he wiste^ t58et he nsefde his gellcan on Seem plegan.^ Da cwaetS he to his geferum : " Gat5 eow heonan; 6es cniht, t^ses-tSe me 6ynct5/ is mm gelica.'^ Da-'Sa Apollonius gehlerde t^set se cyning hine h^rede, he arn hrsedlice, and genealgecte to ti^m cyninge, and 10 mid gelseredre^ handa^ he swang^'^ ^one top mid swa micelre swiftnesse 'Sset S^em cyninge wees geSuht swilce he of ielde to geoguSe gew^nd w£ere. And, sefter t5aem, on his cynesetle he him ^^ gecwemlice ^^ Senode ^^ ; and, Sa-^a he uteode of 'Ssem beetle, he^^ hine^^ l^dde be 'Sgere 15 handa, and him^^ t5a siSSan •Sanan gew^nde, Sses weges^'' ^e he ^r com. 1 See 114. and 164. 1. What Mod. Eng. word 2 Lat. suhtili velocitate percus- comes from me fSyncfS ? sam. The OE. participle is a . ^ Lat. docta. httle awkward. 9 See 51. 3. 3 The ball. 10 Here the English departs * Lat. velocitatem. from the Latin : ceroma fricavit 5 See 126. What is the latest eum tanta suhtilitate, ut de sene English quotation that you can juvenem redderet. Top would find for this word ? seem to signify the same as ffoiaCor. 6 This clause is not very clear. ^ See 164. e. The Latin has : et quia sciebat se ^^ L^t. gratissime. (i.e. Archistrates) in pike lusu i^ See 28. neminem parem haber^e, ad suos i* Apollonius. aitj famuli, recedite ; hie enim 1^ Archistrates. juvenis, etc. i^ See 184. a. "^ Lat. ut suspicor. See 157. 1 ^^ See 157. 170 . APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. Da cwae'S se cyning to his maiinum/ sitSt5an Apollonius agan^ wses : "Ic sw^rie 'Surh t5a gemsenan hsele^ tJaet ic me nsefre b^t ne bat^ode 6onne ic dyde* to-dseg, nat ic t)urh^ hwilces geonges maunes 'Senunge.^ Da beseah he 5 hine to anum his manna, and cwaet^ : " Ga, and gewite hwa3t^ se geonga mann sie, t5e me to-daeg swa wel gehier- sumode." Se mann t5a eode sefter Apollonio. Mid-t5y-'(Se he geseah Saet he^ wses mid horgum^ sciccelse bewsefed, t5a w^nde [o he ongean to ^oem cyninge, and cwseS : " Se geonga mann tSe^^ t)u tefter ascodest is forliden^^ mann."" Da cwaeS se cyning: *'Durh^ hwset^^ wast^^ M 'Sset?" Se mann him andswarode, and cwsetJ : " Deah he hit self forswige," his gegierela hine gesweotohiS." Da cwset^ se cyning : " Ga 15 hrsedlice, and s^ge him tSset^* 'se cyning bitt 'Se tSset M cume'^'to his gereorde.' " Ajyollonius at the Feast. Da Apollonius ^set gehierde, he ^aim gehiersumode, and eode for^ raid Si5m m^nn, oS-t58et he becom to t^aes cyninges 1 Lat. nmicos. ^ Apollonius. ^ Lat. sordido. ■■2 How is the sense of Mod. Eng. ^^ Governed by sefter. See ago related to that of this word ? 87. c and 201. 1. 3 This phrase shows Christian 11 Lat. navfragus. influence. 12 j^at. %inde. 4 Note this use of don to re- i^ gee 126. 1* See 196. e. place a verb of specific meaning. 1° Confusion of two construc- 5 Governs iafenunge. tions, the direct and the indirect. 6 See 28. ^^ Lat. ut venias. Translate by "' How does this, as here used, the infinitive, as often in such differ in meaning from hwa ? cases. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. 171 healle.-^ Da eode se mann in beforan to Ssem cjminge, and cwseS: "Se forlidena^ mann is cumen, ■Se ^u aefter s^ndest^; ac he ne mseg for sceame ingan butan scrude." Da het se cyning hine sona gescrydan mid weorSfullum'* scrude, and bet hine ingan to ^Sm gereorde. 5 Da eode Apollonius in, and gesaet, t^ger him getaeht^ wses, ongean tSone cyning. Da^ wearS t^a seo ^enung^ ingeboren, and, sefter ■g^em, cynelic^ gebeorscipe.^ And ' Apollonius nan (5ing ne set, t5eah-t5e ealle oSre m^nn seton and bMe waeron. Ac he beheold t^aet gold, and t58et to seolfor, and t^a deorwurSan^ reaf, and 'Sa beodas, and 6a cynelican ■genunga.^^ Da-fSa he t5is eall mid sarnesse" beheold, Sa sset sum eald and sum^^ sefestig ealdormann be Ssem cyninge. Mid-'Sy-'Se he geseah ^set Apollonius swa sarlice sset, and eall Sing beheold, and nan tSing ne 15 set, Sa cwseS he to Saem cyninge: "Du^^ goda cyning, efne, Ses mann Se^* Sii swa wel wiS gedest, he is swiSe sef estfull for SInum gode." Da cwaeS se cyning : " De ^^ misSyncS; soSlice Ses geonga mann ne aefestaS on nanum Singum Se he her gesiehS, ac he cyS^*^ Sset hsefS'^ fela 20 1 Lat. ad regem. ^ Lat. cena regalis. 2 See 55. . ^ gee 146. 8 Is this present or preterit '^^ Lat. ministeria. (113)? 11 Lat. doZore. 4 Lat. dignis. 12 Note the curious repetition ^ See 187. of sum. The Latin has senex 6 It has been suggested that invidus. the account of this feast may ^^ Lat. bone rex. See 152. have been imitated from that in 1* Governed by wisac. Odys. 4. 71 ff. IS See 164. 1. ' Lat. gustatio, a sort of first 16 Lat. testatur. course. ^^ See 189, note. 172 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. forloren.^" Da beseah Arcestrates se cyning blTSum^ andwlitan- to Apollonio, and cwseS : " Du geonga mann, beo^ bllSe^ mid us, and gehyhf* on God, tSaet t5u mote self to ^tem selran becuman." Entry of the Pi'incess. 5 Mid-t5y-'Se se cyning ^as word gecwaet^, t5a fseringa (5^r eode in t5aes cyninges geong dohtor,^ and cyste hiere feeder and Sa ymbsittendan.^ Da'^ heo becom to Apol- lonio, ^a gew^nde heo ongean to hiere fseder, and cwseS : '• Du goda cyning, and mm se^ leofesta^ f seder, hwset^° lo is 6es geonga mann, t5e ongean (Se on swa weorSlicum setle sitt, mid sarlicum" andwlitan; nat^^ ic hwset he besorgat5.^^ " Da cwteS se cyning: "Leofe^* dohtor, "Ses geonga mann is forliden; and lie gecwemde me manna b^tst^^ on 'Saim plegan. For-Sam ic hine gelat5ode to 15 (Sisum I'lrum gebeorscipe. Nat ic hwaet he is, ne hwanan he is ; ac gif M wille witan hwaet he sTe, asca hine, for-t5am Se^^ gedafenatS^' ■Sset ^u wite.^^" Da eode Sset mseden to Apollonio, and mid forwand- iendre^^ spruce cwse^ : "Deah t5u stille^ sTe and unrot, 1 See forleosan, and 37. ^ Lat. optime. ^^ Lat. quis. 2 Lat. hilari vultu. See 174. " Lat. JleUU. 12 gee 126. 8 Lat. ejmlare. ^^ Lat. dolet. * Lat. spera. See 197. ^* See 55. Lat. dulcis. ^ What state and period of civ- i^ See 66 and 154. d. Nom., ilization is indicated by the pres- belonging to he. ence of the girl at the banquet ? i^ See 164. k. i'^ Lat. decet. 6 See 181. 7 See 202. d. is See 194. a. 8 Redundant, according to our i^ Lat. verecundo. conceptions. See 152. 20 gee 59. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. 173 Seah^ ic t5me ae'Selborennesse ^ on Se geseo. Nu^ Sonne,^ gif 6e'* to h^fig ne Synce/ s^ge me Sinne naman, and 'Sin gelimp^ ar^ce me." Da cwseS Apollonius : "Gif M for nlede^ ascast sefter minum naman, ic s^cge ^e, Ic hine forleas on sae. Gif t5u wilt mine seSelborennesse witan, wite ^u ^set ic liTe forlet on Tharsum,^" Dset maeden cwseS : " S^ge me gewislicor,^ 'Sset ic hit msege under- standan." Apollonius ^a soSlice hiere areahte ^^ eall " his gelimp, and set ^^re sprsece^^ ^nde him^^ feollon tearas of ^eem eagum. Mid-Sy-(Se se cyning Sset geseah, he bew^nde hine 'Sa to t^sere dehter,^* and cwsetS : " Leofe dohtor, Su gesyn- godest, mid-^y-Se^^ tSu woldest witan his naman and his gelimp. Dti hsefst nu geednlwod his eald sar/'' ac ic bidde ^e t5£et ^u. giefe him swa-hwset-swa 'Sii wille. Da-'Sa t58et mteden gehierde 'Sset hiere waes aliefed fram hiere f seder ^^ t^a^t^^ heo ser hiere ^^ self^^ gedon wolde, Sa cwaetS heo to Apollonio : "Apolloni, soSlice tSti eart ure^; 1 Second correlative = Lat. lo See 114. tamen. Translate yet, or omit ii Plural. (201. e). 1--2 See 153. 1. 2 Lat. nohilitatem. i3 gge 161. 2. 3 Are these notes of time ? i* See 52. 2. The Latin has nothing similar. i^ Lat. dum. * See 164. I. ^ See 196. d. ^^ Lat. veteres ei renovasti dolo- 6 Lat. casus tuos. Observe the res, a reminiscence of the Virgil- general resemblance to the story ian (^n. II. 3) jiihes renovare of Dido, in the ^neid. dolorem. 7 MS. neode. Lat. necessi- ^^ See 43. 8. i^ = ichat. talis. 1^ Lat. ipsa. 8 See p. 165, n. 1. 20 Note this predicate use of are, 9 Lat. apertius. = Lat. noster es (cf. ^n. II. 149). 174 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. forlset f)me murcnunge^; and, nti^ ic mines f seder ^ leafe hsebbe, ic gedo^ t5e weligne." Apollonius hiere ^ses 'San- code/ and se cyning blissode on his dohtor welwillend- nesse,*' and hiere to cwsetS : "Leofe dohtor, hat f^ccean 5 •8ine hearpan,'' and gecieg (5e to •Sinum friend,^ and afiersa fram t5^m geoiigan his sarnesse." A Lesson in Music. Da eode heo iit,^ and het f^ccean hiere hearpan. And sona swa heo hearpian ongann, heo mid wynsumum sange gem^ngde ^aere hearpan sweg. Da ongimnon ealle 'Sa lo m^nn liie h^rian on hiere swegcrsefte ; aiid Apollonius ana^" swlgode. Da cw8et5 se cyning: "Apolloni, nu Sii dest" yfele, for-^am-?)e ealle m^nn h^riaS mine dohtor on hiere swegcraefte,'^ and ^u ana hie, swTgende,^-'^ taelst.^^" Apollonius cwgeS : " Eala, tSu goda cyning, gif ^Ti me ,5 geliefst," ic s^cge t5«t ic ongiete 'Sset soSlice t5in dohtor gefeolP^ on swegcraeft, ac heo nsefS hine na wel geleornod; ac hat me^" nu s^llan 6a hearpan, tSonne wast^'' t^u nii Sset tSu giet nast.^' " Arcestrates se cyning cw8e6 : " Apolloni, 1 Lat. mcerorem. of course it does not translate 2 Now, or since ? these words. 8 See 43. 8. » Not in the Latin. 4 Future sense, icill make. See 1° See 79. ^ " See 140. 173. ^2 Lat. arte musica. 5 See 159. a. ^^a Yot swigiende. 6 Lat. henignitate. ^^ Lat. vituperas. 7 Lat. lyram. 1* See 196. d. 8 This clause is not altogether ^^ Lat. incidit. Translate, has clear. It seems to stand for the chanced. Lat. exhilara convivium, though ^^ See 164. a. ^^ See 126. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. 175 ic oncnawe soSlice t^set (5u eart^ on eallum Singum wel gelgered.'^ Da het se cyning s^llan Apollonie ^a hearpan. Apol- lonius 'Sa uteode, and hine scrydde, and s^tte senne cynehelm upon his heafod, and nom 'Sa hearpan on his hand, and ineode, and swa stod Saet se cyning and ealle ^a ymbsittendan wendon ^set he nsere Apollonius, ac t5aet he weere Apollines,^ 'Ssera h^t5enra god. Da weart5 stihies and swige^ geworden innan 'Ssere healle. And Apollonius his hearpensegl genoni, and he 'Sa hearpestr^ngas mid crsefte astyrian ongan, and t^aere hearpan sweg raid wyn- sumum sange gem^ngde.'^ And se cyning self, and ealle (5e ^ser andwearde wgeron, micelre stefne cleopedon and hine h^redon. ^fter 'Sisum forlet^ Apollonius t5a hearpan, and^ plegode, and fela faegerra t5inga^ ^a5r forSteah,^ t5e ^iSm folce ungecnawen wses and ungewunelic. And him^ eallum t^earle llcode aelc ^aera tiinga'' ^e he forSteah. SotSlice, mid-tSy-Se t^ses cyninges dohtor geseah Stet Apol- lonius on eallum godum crseftum swa wel wees getogen,^" t3a gefeoll hiere mod on his lufe. Da, sefter t^ses beorscipes ge^ndunge, cwaeS Sset mseden to t5aem cyninge : "Leofa" 1 See 194, note. 2 Apollo. ^ The rest of this sentence para- 3 We are reminded of ^n. II. phrases : induit statum comicum 1, Conticuere omnes. et inauditas actiones expressit, de' 4 To this sentence there corre- inde tragicum. sponds in the Latin : — '^ See 154. a, h. arripuit plectrum, animumque ac- ^^*- ^^P'>'^^sU. commodat arti ; ^ See 164. k. cum chordis miscetur vox cantu 10 See geteon. What relation modulata. hasgetogentoMod.Eng.ioawfowF ^ Lat. deponens. 1^ See 55. 176 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. f seder, M liefdest me, lytle^ ^r/ ^set^ ic^ moste^ giefan Apollonio swa-hwaet-swa ic wolde of ^inum goldhorde." Arcestrates se cyning cwseS to hiere : " Gief him swa- hw3et-swa Su wille. ^" Heo •8a swi8e bli6e uteode/ and 5 cw3et5 : ^'Lareow^ Apolloni, ic giefe 'Se, be mines feeder leafe, twa hund punda^ goldes,'' and feower hund punda^ gewihte^ seolfres,^ and t5one msestan dsel deorwurSes^ reafes, and twentig 'Seowa^'^ manna.^*^" And heo ^a 'Sus cwseS to Saem t^eowum mannum : " Berat5 t5as Sing mid lo eow, Se ic behet Apollonio minum lareowe, and l^cgeaS innan biire^^ beforan mInum freondum." Dis wearS 'Sa Sus gedon, aefter 'S^re cwene hSse'^; and ealle Sa ni^nn hiere giefa h^redon Se^"^ hie gesawon. Da soSlice ge^nd- ode se gebeorscipe, and 'Sa m^nn ealle arison,^^ and 15 gretton Sone cyning and 'Sa cwene, and b^don hie gesunde beon,'^ and ham gew^ndon. Eac swilce Apol- lonius cwieS: " Dii goda cyning, and earmra^*^ gemiltsiend, and Su cwen, lare ^^ lufiend, beon ge gesunde.^^" He beseah eac to 'Ssem tSeowum mannum, Se Sset mieden him 20 forgiefen hsefde,'* and him cwseS to : " NimaS Sas Sing mid 1 Lat. paulo ante. See 178. ^^ Lat. triclinio. 2 Translate by the infinitive 12 t^ee the derivation of Mod. sign, to. The OE. follows the Eng. behest., Latin. • ^^ Ilefers to m^nn. 3 See 197. 1* So in Beowulf (653-655) : * Not in Latin. " Werod eall aras; grette J^a . . . ^ Lat. magister. guma oSerne, . . . and him hgel 6 See 154. c. ahead." ■^ See 153. /. ^^ Lat. vale dicentes. 8 See 174. 16 gge 153. d. 9 MS. deorwurafan. ^^ Lat. valete. 10 Lat. servos. is See 188. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. 177 eow, ^e me seo cwen forgeaf, and gan^ we secean ure giesthtis, tSset we maegen us^ ger^stan." ApoUonius as Teacher. Da adred t^aet mgeden ^set heo ngefre ^ft Apollonium ne gesawe swa^ hraSe swa heo wolde; and eode (5a to hiere fseder, and cw8et5 : " Du goda cyning, licaS 'Se wel •gset Apollonius, ^e t^urli us to-daeg gegodod'* is, 'Sus heonan fare/ and cumen yfele m^nn and bereafien hine?'^ Se cyning cwse^ : ''Wel M cwsede. Hat hine^ findan hweer he hine maege weorc5licost '' ger^stan." Da dyde Sget maeden swa hiere beboden^ wses ; and Apol- lonius onfeng S^re wununge tSe him betaeht wses, and ^ser ineode, Gode^ t5anciende, t5e him ne forwiernde^^ cynelices weorSscipes and frofre. Ac t^aet m^den hsefde unstille" niht, mid ^aere lufe ongeled ^^ra worda^^ and sanga t5e heo gehierde set Apollonie. And na l^ng^^ heo ne gebad Sonne hit dseg wses, ac eode sona swa hit leoht wges, and gesset beforan hiere feeder ^^ b^dde. Da cwseS se cyning: '^Leofe dohtor, for hwy^^ eart^^ M 'Sus serwacol ? " Dset mseden cwseS : " Me aweahton Sa ge- cneordnessa^'' t5e ic giestran-daeg ^^ gehierde. Nti bidde ic 1 See 193. a. lo See 159. a. 2 See 184. h. ii Lat. inquietam. 3 Swa . . . wolde not in Latin. 12 Dependent on lufe. 4 Lat. ditatus. i3 gee 77. i* See 43. 8. 5 See 194. a. i^ See 175. 10 gge 138. 6 MS. him. !■'' Lat. studia. Translate, ac- ■^ See 76. complishments. 8 See 187. i^ Lat. hesterna. Is giestran ^ See 164. m. related to the Latin word ? 178 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. ■ge, for-'Sara,^ 'Saet ■Su befseste^ me urum cuman,^ Apol- lonie, to* lare."*" Da wear's se cyning t5earle geblissod, and het f^ccean Apollonium, and him to cwseS : '' Mm dohtor giernS ^aet heo mote leornian aet Se Sa geseeligan 5 lare t5e 'Sii canst ^; and, gif t5u wilt t5isam t^ingum^ gehiersum beon, ic sw^rie 'Se, Surh mines rices maegenu,' tSset swa-hwset-swa Su on ste forlure, ic t5e tSaet on lande gestaSelie.^ " Da-'Sa ApoUonius t5set gehlerde, he onfeng Sgem" m^den to lare, and hiere tsehte swa wel swa he 10 self geleornode.^" The Three Suitors. Hit gelamp t5a sefter t^isuin, binnan feawum tidum," Saet Arcestrates se cyning heold ApoUonius hand on handa ; and eodon swa iit on tSeere ceastre str^ete. Da, set niehstan, comon t5aer gan^^ ongean hie Srle gel^rede^^ 15 weras and seSelborene, Sa lange ser gierndon" Saes cyninges dohtor. Hie t5a ealle ■8rle togaedere anre stefne^^ gretton 6one cyning. Da smercode'^ se cyning, and him to beseah, 1 Lat. itaque. "' Lat. vires. ■^ Lat, tradas. ^ Lat. restUuam. 8 Lat. hospiti. » See 164. j. * Lat. studiorum percipiend- ^'^ Here follows, in the Latin, oruin gratia. an account of how the girl feigned 5 Cf. Chaucer, Miller'^s Tale illness, on account of her love for 18: "I can a noble tale." This ApoUonius. sense occurs as late as the mid- n Lat. post paucos dies. die of the 17th century; Lovelace 12 gee 199. 1. has: " Yet can I music too." So ^^ Lat. scholastici. Jonson, Magnetic Lady 1.1: "She 1* Lat. in matrimonium petie- cowZfZ the Bible in the holy tongue." runt. Pluperfect (188). 6 Ija,t. desiderio natce mece. See 1^ See 160. 1. 165. ^^ Lat. subridens. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. 179 and 6us cw3et5 : " Hwset is Sset, tSset ge me anre stefne gretton ? " Da andswarode hiera an, and cwseS : " We beedon gefyrn 'Slnre dohtor; and Sti us oft hrsedlice mid^ ^Icunge^ gesw^nctest.^ For-Sam we comon hider to-dseg •gus togsedere. We sindon t5me ceastergewaran, of se^elum gebyrdum^ geborene ; nu bidde we t5e tSset M geceose Se^ senne of us ^rim, liwilcne t$u wille t5e^ to'* a'Sume habban." Da cw8et5 se cyning : " Nabbe ge na godne^ timan aredod.^ Mm dohtor is nu switSe bisig ymb hiere leornunga/ Ac, Sy-l8es-6e^ ic eow a l^ng slsece,^ awrita'S eowre naman on ge write, and hiere morgengief e ^*^ ; Sonne as^nde ic t5a gewritu minre d^hter, Seet heo self geceose hwilcne eower^^ heo wille." Da dydon Sa cnihtas swa ; and se cyning nom^^ •6a gewritu, and geinseglode hie mid his hringe, and sealde Apollonio, 6us cweSende : " Nim nu, lareow Apolloni, swa hit 6e ne mislicie,^^ and bring t5inum leeringmeedene.^'"' Da nom Apollonius 6a gewritu, and eode to 6£ere cynelican healle.^^ 1 Lat. diferendo crucias. after marriage, according to Teu- 2 Lat. natalibus. tonic usage. Cf. Mod. Ger. ^ See 161. Morgengabe. 4 Cf . Mod. Eng. * take to wife.' " MS. eowerne. 5 Lat. apto. 12 See 105. 6 MS. aredodne. i^ Lat. sine contumelia tua ; an "^ Lat. studiorum. apology for sending Apollonius on ^ Lat. ne. an errand. See 196. c. 9 Lat. videar . . . differre. i* Lat. discipulce. 10 Lat. dotis quantUatem. The i^ Lat. domum. The Latin adds present given on the morning introivit cubiculum. 180 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. The Princess Chooses. Mid-'Sam-t5e t^aet msedeii geseah Apollonium, ^a cwse^ heo: "Lareow, hwy g^st ^u ana^?" Apollonius cwae^ : "Hlgefdige^ — uses giet yfel wif^ — niin 'Sas gewritu, ^e Sin feeder t5e s^nde,* and rsed." Dset mseden nom, and 5 rsedde Ssera 'Sreora cnilita naman ; ac heo ne funde^ na Sone Daman 'Saeron ^e heo wokle. Da heo t5a gewritu oferraed hsefde, 'Sa beseah heo to Apollonio, and cwseS: "Lareow, ne oft^yncS*^ hit t5e gif ic Sus wer geceose?" Apollonius cwseS : " Na ; ac ic blissie swic^or '' ^aet t5u [o meaht, t^urh tSa lare t5e t5u set me imderfenge, t5e self on gewrite gecySan hwilcne hiera 6u wille.^ Mm willa is ^9et t5u Se wer geceose ti53r t^u self wille.^" Dset mseden cwse6 : " Eala lareow, gif 6u me lufodest, tSu hit besorg- odest.^"'' ^fter 'Sisum wordum heo mid modes" anrsed- [5 nesse" awrat ot5er gewrit, and t^set geinseglode, and sealde Apollonio. Apollonius hit ^ii ut bter on tSa strsete,'^ and sealde t5^m cyninge. Dset gewrit wses ^us gewriten : " Du goda cyning, and mm se leofesta fseder, 1 The OE. is not clear. The ^ She has evidently learned Latin has : Quid est quod sin- from him how to write, according gularis cubiculum introisti ? to the English. The Latin has : 2 Lat. domina. How is hlaef- Immo gratulor quod hahundantia dige related in meaning to studiorum percepta me volente hlaford ? nuhis. 3 Not clear either in the Latin ^ See 196. c. or the English. Some MSS. have, 10 L^t. doleres. Indicative, nondum mulier et mala ; one has, where the optative might be e^- non unquam mulier fuit mala. pected. * Translate, has sent. See 188. 11 Lat. amoris audacia. s See 104. ^ Lat. dolet. ^- Lat. forum, as above, p. 178, 7 Translate, rather. See 76. I. 13. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. 181 nil ^m mildheortnes me leafe sealde 'Saet ic self moste ceosan hwilcne wer ic wolde, ic s^cge t5e to sot5um, t5one forlidenan mann ic wille ; and gif tSu wundrie ^set swa sceamfsest^ feemne^ swa unforwandiendlice ^ ^as word awrat, t5onne wite^ t5fi ^set ic hsebbe Surh weax aboden,'* 5 Se nane sceame ne can,^ Sset ic self ^e for scearae s^cgean ne meahte." Da-t5a se cyning hsefde Sset gewrit oferreed,^ tSa nyste he hwilcne forlidenne heo n^mde. Beseah 'Sa to 'Ssem t5rlm cnihtum, and cwaetS : '^ Hwilc eower is forliden ? '' 10 Da cw8et5 hiera an, se hatte Ardalius : " Ic eom for- liden/ " Se oSer him andwyrde, and cwaetS : " Swiga ^u. Adl ^e fornime,^ t^aet ^u ne beo^ hal ne gesund. Mid me M boccrseft^" leornodest, and t^u nsefre butan •gsere ceastre geate fram me ne come. Hwter gefore" t5u for- 15 lidennesse ? " Mid-'5y-t5e se cyning ne meahte findan hwilc hiera forliden weere/^ he beseah to Apollonio, and cweeS : " Nim ^u, Apolloni, ISis gewrit, and raed hit ; ea^e mseg geweorSan tSset ^u wite IS'eet ic nat, 'Sti tSe •Seer andweard wsere/^" Da nom Apollonius Sset gewrit, 20 and rsedde. And sona swa he ongeat ^aet he gelufod 1 Lat. pudica virgo. careful the English have been to "^ JjSit. impudeiiter ; one MS. im- preserve than to acquire. Why prudenter. have we lost, or all but lost, the 3 See 198. ver or for as a prefix, — fordone, 4 Lat. mandavi. forwearied, etc. ; and the zer or 5 See above, p. 178, n. 5. to, — zerreissen, to rend, etc.? " 6 Lat. perlectis. » See 193. a. ^ See 196. g. "^ On for- see Coleridge, Omni- ^^ Lat. Utteras. ana (Bohn ed., p. 414): "It is " See 107. 12 ggg 194. h. grievous to think how much less ^^ Is this optative ? 182 APOLLONIUS OF TYKE. waes fram 'S^em meedene, his^ andwlita^ ealP areadode.-^ Da se cyning Sget geseah, $a nom he Apollonies hand, and hine^ hwon fram tSeem cnihtum gew^nde, and cwse^ : "Wast^ tu tione forlidenan mann?" Apollonius cwaeS: 5 "Du goda cyning, gif 'Sin willa hv6, ic hine wat." Da geseah se cyning ^set Apollonius mid rosan* rude* wees call oferbrseded.^ Da ongeat he tSone cwide, and t5us cwse^ to him : " Blissa, blissa, Apolloni, for-6am-t5e mm dohtor gewilna^ t^aes^ ^e mm willa is. Ne maeg so'Slice 10 on ^yllicum Singum^ nan^ •Sing geweort5an butan Godes* willan." Arcestrates beseah to ^^m tSrIm cnihtum, and cwseS : ^'SoS'*' is^'^ Sset ic eow ^r stede, 'Saet ge ne comon on gedafenlicre ^* tide minre dohtor to biddanne, ac Sonne ^^ heo maeg hie fram hiere lare gesemetgian, Sonne 15 s^nde ic eow word.^^" Da gew^ndon hie ham mid Sisse andsware, and Arces- trates se cyning heold forS on Apollonius hand, and hine Itedde ham mid him, na swilce he cuma wyere,^* ac swilce he his aSum w^re. Da, set niehstan, forlet se cyning 20 Apollonius hand, and code ana into S^m bure Seer his dohtor inne waes, and Sus cwseS : " Leofe dohtor, hwone haefst Su 5e gecoren to gemseccean ^^ ? " Daet m^den ^® ^a feoll to hiere feeder fotum, and cwseS : " Du arfsesta ^^ 1 Lat, eriibuit. ^ A Christian trait. 2 See 184. b. i'^ Lat. certe. * See 126. Lat, invenisti. ^^ Lat. apto. See p. 179, 1. 8. * Lat. roseo rubore. ^2 See 202. d. ^ Lat. perfusam. i^ Note the English idiom. The ^ See 156. a. Latin has, mittam ad vos. ■^ Lat. hujusmodi negotio. ^* See 196. c. ^^ Lat. conjugem. 8 See 183. i^ gee 28. i^ Lat. piissime. APOLLONIUS OF TYKE. 183 feeder, gehier «inre dohtor willan.^ Ic lufie «one for- lidenan mann, t$e waes «urli ungelimp^ beswicen''; ac, t5y-laes-6e^ «e tweonie'^ 'Seere spraece, Apolloniuin ic wille, mlnne lareow ; and gif M me him ne shiest, ^u forlStst Sine dohtor." Se cyning «a soSlice ne meahte arsefnian^ 5 his dohtor tearas, ac areerde hie tip, and hiere to cwseS : "Leofe dohtor, ne ondr^d «u 6e ^niges^ Singes.*^ Du hgefst gecoren «one wer «e me wel licaS." Eode «a ut, and beseah to Apollonio, and cwse^ : ''Lareow ApoUoni, ic smeade minre dohtor modes willan ; ^a areahte heo lo mid wope^ betweox o6re sprsece, «as ^ing t5us cwe^ende : ' Du geswore Apollonio, gif he wolde gehiersumian minum willan on lare, $8et t^u woldest him geinnian^ swa-hwset- swa seo see him setbrsed.^ Nil, for-^arn-^e he gehlersum wses 6inre heese and minum willan, ic for sefter him 15 [mid willan and mid lare^"].'" 1 Lat. desiderium. hears of the death of King Antio- 2 Lat. fortuna deceptum. chus, and, with his wife, sets sail 3 OE. 9'y-lses-9'e gives Mod. for Antioch. There follow the Eng. lest. What phonological events related in the Shake- rule determines the final t ? spearean Pericles, in the main 4 See 159. 6 and 196. /. as in Acts III., IV., and V., ^ Lat. sustinens. though with not a few differ- ^ Lat. de aliqua re. ences. The infant daughter has ■^ Lat. lacrimis (cf. JEn. III. grown up, and, after a variety 348). of experiences, has been restored 8 Lat. dares. ^ Lat. abstulit. to Apollonius. His queen is 10 The OE. MS. breaks off at priestess of Diana of Ephesus, him. I have supplied what fol- and thither he proceeds, being lows according to the Latin, warned by an angel in a dream voluntate et doctrina. The story to make that, instead of Tarsus, thus continues in the Latin : his next goal. At this point the After the marriage, Apollonius OE. fragment recommences. 184 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. ApoUonius relates his Adventures. Da waes hiere^ gecy'Sed, ^e Sser ealdor^ waes, t^set t5ser wsere sum cyning, mid his aSume and mid his d^hter, mid miclum giefum. Mid-6am-t5e heo 6set gehierde, heo hie selfe mid cynelicum reafe gefrsetwode and mid pur- pran gescrydde, and hiere heafod mid golde and mid gimmmn gegl^ngde, and, mid miclum fyemnena heape ymbtrymmed;'^ com togeanes ^aem cyninge. Heo waes soSlice 'bearle wlitig ; and, for Siere miclan lufe Ssere clyennesse,'* hie s^don ealle Sset Saer nacre nan Dianan swa gecweme^ swa heo. Mid-Sam-'6e ApoUonius ^set geseah, he mid his aSume and mid his d^hter to hiere urnon,^ and feollon ealle to hiere fotum, and wendon^ ^?et heo Diana w^re, sco gyden, for hiere miclan beorhtnesse and wlite. D^et halig^ sern^ wear8 M geopenod, and Sa lac^ wairon ingebrohte, and ApoUonius ongan ^^ tia sprecan and cweSan : " Ic fram 1 The wife of ApoUonius. * Lat. castitatis. 2 Chief, i.e. chief priestess. ^ Lat. gratam. See 165. 8 Lat. virginum constipata ca- ^ See 104. Does this verb agree tervis. An epic trait. Thus in with its subject ? the u^neid (4. 136), Dido goes " Cf. Chaucer, Knight's Tale fortli, magna stipante caterva. 243 ff.: — Thus in the Odyssey (16. 413), i not whether sche be womman or Penelope "went on her way to goddesse; the hall, tmth the icomen her hand- But Venus is it, sothly as I gesse. maids.'' And thus in Beoioulf ^ Lat. sacrario. JErn forms (923-925) , Hrothgar part of the Mod. Eng. barn ; what . , , , ^- , ^ ^ -7 does the other element of this word tryddode tirfaest getrume micle cystum gecy^ed, and his cwen mid stand for ? him ^ Lat. mnneribus. medostig gemaet mxg'Sa hose. '^^ Lat. cmpit. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. 185 cildhade wses Apollonius gen^mned, on Tyrum geboren. Mid-^am-t5e ic becom to fullum andgiete/ Sa naes nan creeft^ (5e w^re^ fram cyningum began, oSt5e fram ffiSelum mannum, t^set ic ne cu6e.* ... Da wear6 ic on see forliden, and com to Cyrenense. Da underfeng 5 me Arcestrates se cyning mid swa micelre lufe t^set ic set mehstan geearnode tSset he geaf me his ac^nnedan^ dohtor to gemseccean. Seo^ for Sa mid me to onfonne mnmm cynerlce, and 'Sas mine dohtor, t5e ic beforan ^e, Diana, geandweard haebbe, ac^nde on sss, and liiere gast 10 alet. Ic 'Sa hie mid cynelicum reafe gescrydde, and mid golde and gewrite on ciste al^gde, t^set se, ^e hie funde, hie weorSlice bebyrgde'; and Sas mine dohtor befseste^ ■ggem manfullestum'-' mannum'^ to fedanne.'" For me 'Sa to Egypta lande feowertiene gear on heofe. Da ic 15 ongean com, Sa siedon hie me Sset min dohtor wtere fortSfaren,^^ and me waes mm sar call geednlwod." The Uecognition. Mid-Sam--Se he t5as tiing call areaht hsefde, Arcestrate soSlice, his wif, iip aras and hine ymbclypte. Da nyste na^ Apollonius, ne^^ ne^^ geliefde, Sset heo his gemseccea 20 1 Lat. scientiam. " See 196. d. 2 Lat, ars. ^ See 197. ^ Lat. commendavi. * I have omitted the portion ^ MS.inanfullestaninannan. which relates to his adventures Lat. nequissimis hominibus. before his shipwreck. 10 ^at. nutriendam. ^ Translate, own. ^^ Lat. defunctam. 6 Used almost as personal pro- ^^ gee 183. noun. From what source is Mod. ^^ How do ne and ne differ in Eng. she derived ? meaning ? 186 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. wsere,^ ac sceaf^ hie fram him. Heo t5a micelre stefne cleopode, and cwseS mid wope : " Ic eom Arcestrate 6in gemaeccea, Arcestrates dohtor ^aes cyninges, and ^ti eart Apollonius mm lareow, 'Se me Igerdest. Du eart se for- 5 lidena mann Se ic liifode. . . . Hw^r is min dohtor ? " He bew^nde hine -fia to Thasian,^ and cwseS : " Dis heo is." And hie weopon t5a ealle, and eac blissedon.** And t^set word sprang geond eall t^aet land t^set Apollonius, se maera cyning, hsefde funden his wif. And 5«r weart5 10 ormaete^ bliss, and M organa wieron*^ getogene,^ and 6a bleman geblawene, and t5iSr wearS bllSe gebeorscipe gegearwod betweox ^xm cyning and (5^m folce. And heo ges^tte hiere gingran, -ge hiere folgode, to sacerde, and, mid blisse and heofe ealre t^iere miSgSe on Efesnm, 15 heo for mid hiere were, and mid hiere aSume, and mid hiere d^hter, to Antiochian, Ster Apollonio wees Sset cynerTce gehealden." . . . The Fisherman^ s Reward. Disum eallum t5us gedonum,^ eode Apollonius, se maera cyning, wiS Sa s^. Da geseah he (Sone ealdan fiscere, 20 6e hine ^r nacodne underfeng. Da het se cyning hine 1 See 194. h. - Lat. repellit. "^ At this point tliere is an 3 More properly, 'Tharsian'; account of Apollonius' travels but cf. Shakespeare's Thaisa. among his former acquaintances, 4 Cf. Macaulay's " With weep- rewarding them according to ing and with laughter still is the their deserts, and cheering the story told." last hours of Archistrates, who 5 Lat. ingens. divides his kingdom between his ^ Lat. dispommtur. Translate, daughter and Apollonius. were played. ^ See 167. APOLLONIUS OF TYKE. 187 Itierlice gelaeccean, and to tSsere cynelican^ healle^ gelaedan. Da-t5a se fiscere 'Sset geseah, t^set hine t5a c^mpaii^ woldon nimaiij 6a wende lie merest Sset hine man sceolde ofslean; ac, niid-t5am-6e lie com into Sees cyninges healle, t5a het se cyning hine l^dan toforan Saere cwene, and t5us cwaeS : 5 "Eala, 6u eadge cwen, ■gis is min tacenbora,^ Se me nacodne underfeng, and me getyehte Sset ic to 6e becom." Da beseali Apollonius se cyning to t5yem fiscere, and cwseS : "Eala, welwillenda^ ealda/ ic eom Apollonius se Tyrisca, t5tem t5u sealdest healfne t)Inne wtefels." Him 10 geaf 6a se cyning twa hund gyldenra^ p^ninga,^ and hsefde hine to geferan 6a-hwile-6e he lifde. . . . The End. iEfter eallum 6isum Apollonius se cyning . . . wel- willendlice lifde mid his gemseccean seofon'' and hund- seofontig geara, and heold 6aet cynerTce on Antiochia, 15 and on Tyrum, and on Cyrenense. And he lifde on stilnesse and on blisse ealle 6a tid his lifes sefter his earfo6nesse. And twa bee he self ges^tte be his fare^; and ane as^tte on 'b^em temple Diane, 66re on bib- liotheca. 20 Her ^nda6 ge wea ge wela Apollonius 69es Tyriscan, 1 Lat. palatium. ducted him, as it were, to his 2 Lat, militibus. bride. 3 Lat. paranymphus. The OE. * Lat. benignissime. word properly translates Lat. sig- ^ See 55 and 181. nifer. Render here by grooms- ^ Lat. sestertia auri. man ; the fisherman had con- "^ But Lat. quatuor. 8 Lat. casus. 188 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. Esede ^ se tSe wille j and gif hie hwa ^ rsede, ic bidde Cset he ^as aw^ndednesse ne tsele, ac 6a3t he hele swa- hwaet-swa tSseron sie to tale.^ 1 See 193. a. Satiromastix (a.d. 1602) there oc- 2 ylw?/ one. Still found in the curs, "Suppose who enters now." phrase, ' as who should say ' ^ cf. Alfred's adjuration at p. {Mach. 3. C. 42). In Dekker's 162, 1. 12 ff. XIII. THE SIX DAYS' WORK OF CEEATION. (From ^Elfric's Hexameron.) [This may serve as a commentary on Selection I., which, it will be remembered, is a translation by MUric. Of tlie present work its editor, Norman, says (p. vii) : " The treatise which is styled by Hickes in his ' Thesaurus ' the ' Hexameron of St. Basil ' is by no means a literal trans- lation of the well known work of that father, but is partly original, and partly compiled from that work, and from the commentaries of the Ven- erable Bede upon Genesis. The author of it, from internal evidence, may be pronounced to be iElfric, as frequent references are made to his homi- lies, and to his epistles on the Old and New Testament." Of Basil's (d. 379) delivery of the original Hexameron, there is a brief, but spirited, account in Villemain's Tableau cle V Eloquence Chretienne au IV^ iSiecle (p. IIG ff.), from which we extract the following: "It is more interesting to survey him in the act of instructing the poor inhabitants of Caesarea, elevating them to God by the contemplation of nature, and ex- plaining to them the miracles of creation in discourses where the science of the orator who had been trained at Athens is concealed under a persuasive and popular simplicity. Such is the subject of the homilies which bear the name of Hexameron. Together with the errors in natural philosophy which are common to all antiquity, they contain many correct views, and descriptions at once felicitous and true."] On t5sem forman claege ure Dryhten gesceop seof onf eald ^ weorc : ^set weeron ealle ^nglas ; and ^ses leohtes anginn ; and ^aet antimber Se^ he of gesceop si^San gesceafta; 'Sa iiplican heofonan and t5a nit^erlican eor^an; ealle waeter- scipas ^ ; and 5a widgillan see ; and tSset uplice ^ lyft ; eall on anum dsege. Da ^nglas he geworhte on^ wundorlicre 1 See 146. ^ Governed by of. * mS. uplican. 3 See 143, and p. 226, note 22. s Translate, of. 189 190 THE SIX days' work OF CREATION. fsegernesse, and on^ micelre str^ngt5e,^ manige Msenda, ealle llchamlease, libbende on gaste ; be t^eem we ssedon hwllum ^r sweotollicor on gewrite. Nses na God butan leohte Sa-f5a he leoht gesceop, — lie is him self leoht t)e 5 onlieht^ eall ^ing ; ac he gesceop Sses dseges leoht, and hit siS6an geeacnode mid ^•ddiii scinendum tunglum, swa- swa hersefter saeg^.'* Daeges leoht he gesceop, and to- draefde t)a ^lestru, Sset t^a gesceafta gesewenlice warden t5urh t$8es dseges llehtinge on l^nctenlicre^ tide; for-'Sam 10 he on l^nctentlde, swa-swa iis lareowas secgea^, gesceop Sone forman daeg t5isse worulde — tSaet is on geiimcraefte XV cl. Aprilis^ — and si^(5an ^a gesceafta, swa-swa we s^cgeaS her. Da iiplican heofonas, (Se ^nglas onwunia^, he geworhte eac ^a on t5aem ilcan daege ; be ^aem we 15 singaS on sumum sealme^ ^us : Opera manuum tua- rum sunt caeli — " Dinra handa geweorc sindon heofonas, Dryhten." Eft on d8rum^ sealme sang se ilea AvTtga: Ipse dixit, et facta sunt; ij^se mandavit, et creata sunt — " He self hit gecwseS, and hie wurdon geworhte ; he self 20 hit bebead, and hie wurdon gesceapene." Dset wseter and seo eorcSe wteron gem^ngde 06 'Sone (Sriddan dseg ; 6a todyde hie God, swa-swa hersefter saegS on t5isse ges^t- nesse. Daet lyft he gesceop to fires llfes strangunge ; 6urh Saet we orSia^, and eac 6a nietenu ; and ure fnaest 25 ateoraS gif we ateon ne magon, mid iirum orSe, into us 1 Translate, of. * = it saith, is described. 2 From what adjective ? The ^ From l^ncten is derived Mod. original ending is AfSa. Eng. Lent. 3 How is this stem related to '^ March 18. ^ pg. 102. 25. leoht ? Cf. Jn. 1.9. s pg. 33. 9. THE SIX days' work OF CREATION. 191 Saet lyft and ^ft utablawan, Sa-hwlle-^e we beoS cuce. Dset lyft is swa heah swa-swa t5a heofonlican^ wolcuu, and eac ealswa brad swa-swa 6aere eor^an bradnes. On ■gsere^ fleogatS fuglas, ac hiera fit5ru ne meahten nahwider hie^ aberan gif hie ne abaere seo lyft. 5 Secunda die fecit Deus Jirmamentum — " On SEem ot5rum dsege ure Dryhten geworhte firmamentum/" ^e m^nn bata^ rodor. Se^ belyct^^ on his bosme ealle eort^an^ bradnesse/ and bin nan him is gelogod eall t^es middan- geard ; and he £efre gteS abutan swa-swa iernende hweol, lo and he nsefre ne st^nt stille on anum, and on anre w^ndinge. Da-hwile-t5e he sene betyrnS, ga'S witodlice fort5 feower and twentig tida — 'Saet is t5onne ealles an dseg and an niht. Done rodor God gehet heofon. He is wundorlice healic and wTd on ymbhwyrfte ; se^ g£e(5 15 Tinder t5as eorSan ealswa^ deop swa bufan, t^eah-Se 'Sa ungelseredan m^nn tSsss^ geliefan ne cunnon. And God t5a todgelde 'Surh his dryhtenlican miht ^a niSerlican wseteru t5e w«ron under 'Sgeni rodore frani tS^m uplicum wseterum t5e wiieron bufan ^gem rodore. Be ^^m uplicum 20 wseterum awrat se witga^° 6us : Laudate eum coeli codo- rum, et aquce qiice super coelos sunt, laudent nomen Domini — ''H^riaS hine heofonas, ^ara heofona heofonas, and eac ^a wseteru t5e bufan heofonas sind, h^rien hie Godes 1 Translate, of heaven. ^ Nearly = he. 2 Nearly = hiere. Lyft fluctu- ^ See belucan, ates in gender, in this extract, be- "^ See 24. tween fern, and neut. ^ What is the difference of deri- 3 Ace. plur. vation between also and as 9 4 How is this word rendered in ^ See 156. g. p. 124, 1. 4. 10 Ps. 148. 4. 192 THE SIX days' work of creation. naman." Dus saeg^ t5aet halge gewrit. Ne h^ria^ Sa waeteru mid nanum wordum God, ac -Surh f5a gesceafta, t5e he gesceop wundorlice, his miht is g'esweotolod, and he bis swa geh^red. 5 On 5iBm 'Sriddan dsege tire Dryhten gegaderode Sa s^lican^ ySa fram 'S^re eorSan bradnesse. Seo eortSe waes set frunian eall ungesewenlic, for-Sam-Se heo eall waes mid ySum oferSeaht^; ac God hie asyndrode fram (5aem sSlicum y6um on hiere agenne st^de, swa-swa heo 10 st^nt 0(5 Sis.^ Heo ne ITS'* on nanum tSinge, ac on^ lofte^ heo st^nt 'Surh 6ses Anes miht t5e^ eall Sing gesceop; and he eall Sing gehielt^ butan geswince, for-Sam-Se his nama is Omnipotens Deus, Sset is on Englisc, "^Imihtig God." His willa is weorc, and he werig ne biS, and his 15 micle miht ne mseg nahw^r swincan, swa-swa se witga^ awrat be him, cweSende, Quia in manu ejus sunt omnes Jines terrm — "For-Sam-Se on his handa sindon eall S^re eorSan gemyeru.'^ Da see he gelogode swa-swa heo liS'' glet wiSinnan Sa eorSan on liiere ymbhwyrfte ; and Seah- 20 Se heo brad sle, and gebleged gehu, and wundorlice deop, heo wunaS eall swa-Seah on Saere eorSan bosme binnan hiere gemserum. God self geseah Sa Saet hit god wses swa, and het Sa eorSan arodlice spryttan growende gsers, and Sa grenan wyrta mid hiera agnum s^de to manig- 25 fealdum leececrsef te ^ ; and Sa wyrta sona wynsumlice 1 Translate, of the sea. ^ Refers to Anes. 2 See 114. '^ See gehealdan. Present or 3 Until this, until now. preterit ? * See 28. » Ps. 95. 4. 6 Mod. Eng. aloft. ^ Cf. Horn, and Jul. 2. 3. 15 ff. THE SIX days' work OF CREATION. 193 greowon/ mid manigfealdum blostmum, mislice gebleode. God het hie eac spryttan, ^urh his godcundan miht, manigfeald treowcynn, mid hiera wsestmum, mannum to ofetum and to oSrum niedum. And seo eorSe, sona swa- swa hiere^ God behead, stod mid holtum agrowen, and 5 mid healicum cederbeamum and mid manigum wudum on hiere widgilnesse, mid seppelbserum treowum and mid ort- geardum, and mid selcum treowcynne mid hiera agnum w^stmum. On tSsem feorSan dsege ure Dryhten gecwseS, ^^GeweorSen 10 nu leoht " — ^aet sind, ^a leohtan steorran on t^aem heo- fonlican rodore— "^set^ hie todselan msegen dseg fram niht, and hie beon to tacne, and tida gewyrcen dagum and gearum, and scinen on 'S^em rodore, and onliehten Sa eor6an." God geworhte Sa sona twa sclnendu leoht, 15 miclu and maeru, monan and sunnan — t5a sunnan on m^rgen to ^aes da^ges liehtinge, t^one monan on ^fen mannum to liehtinge on nihtlicre tide mid getacnungiim. And ealle steorran he eac Sa geworhte, and he hie gefaestnode on ^eem fsestan rodore, tSaet hie t5a eortSan 20 onliehten mid hiera manigfealdum leoman, and t^aes daeges giemden'' and eac Saere niht, and t5aet leoht to- daelden and Sa t5iestru on twa. Naeron nane tIda on "Saem gearlicum getaele 8er-(5am-t5e se aelmihtiga Scieppend gesceop 'Sa tunglu to gearlicum tidum, on manigum 25 getacnungum, on l^nctenlicre emnihte — swa-swa lareowas s^cgea^ on gerimcraefte, xii kl. Aprilis.^ And ne beotS 1 See growan. » Cf . p. 125, 1. 9 ff. 2 Dat. sing. * Cf. p. 126, 1. 1 ff. 5 March 21; cf. p. 190, 1. 12. 194 THE SIX days' work of ckeation. usefre Eastron^ aer se daeg cume 'Sset Sset leoht hsebbe t$a Siestru oferswiSed, ISddt is, ^set se daeg beo l^ngra^ t^onne seo niht. Be ^ddm oSrum tidum cwiS ^eos ilce boc swa^ swa God saede him self to Noe : " S^dtima and haerfest, 5 sumer and winter, ciele and heetu, daeg and niht, ne geswIcatJ n^efre." Ne standaS na ealle steorran on t^gem steapan rodore, ac hle^ sume^ habbaS synderlicne gang beneo'San tiaem rodore, mislice ge^ndebyrde ; and 'Sa, tSe on f5yem rodore standat5, tyrnaS'' tefre abutan mid tSsem lo bradan rodore on ymbhwyrfte (5^re eorSan, and hiera^ nan ne fielS^ of 'Stem fsestan rodore t5a-hwile-^e Seos woruld wunatS swa gehal. Eall swa g5;S seo sunne,^ and so^lice se mona,'^ abutan tSas eort^an mid bradum ymb- hwyrfte, eall swa feor beneo^an swa-swa hie bufan us ga^S. 15 On Sssm fiftan dsege ure Dryhten gesceop of waetere anum ealle fiscas on slb and on eaiim, and eall t^set on him criepS,^ and tSa miclan liwalas on hiera cynrenum, 1 A plural (see the verb) used ^ See 151. as singular. Eastre (North. '^ From the Greek word rdpvos, Eostre) was, as Bede tells us, one of whose senses is lathe- the name of a goddess whose chisel, comes the Greek, and festival was celebrated at the hence the Latin (tornare) verb vernal equinox ; it is a deriva- meaning ' to turn in a lathe,' and tive of east (east, cognate with hence ' to fashion,' ' smooth ' ; Skr. Kshds, dawn), and this from the Latin is derived the indicates that she was originally English verb. a goddess of the dawn, Bede ^ Dependent on nan. adds that the passover-tide was ^ See feallan. so called, " Consueto antiquse '^ Are these genders what one observationis vocabulo gaudia would expect ? What determines nov3e solemnitatis vocantes." them? See 65. ^ See creopan. THE SIX days' work OF CREATION. 195 and eac eall fugolcyiin ealswa of waetere, and forgeaf ■fiaem fuglum flylit geond t5as lyft, and tSsem fiscum sund on e«in flowendum y«um. God hie gebletsode t5a, Sus cwecSende to ^sem fiscum, "WeaxaS^ and beo6 gemanig- fielde, and gefyllaS t5a s^"; and eac, "Da fuglas beon 5 gemanigfielde bufan t^aere eorSan " ; and hit gewearS 'Sa swa. Da fuglas, sot5lice, t$e on flodum wuniat5, sindon flaxfete be Godes foresceawunge, ^aet hie swimman msegen and secean him fodan. Sume beoS langsweorede,^ swa-swa swanas^ and ielfetan, tSset hie areecean him 10 msegen m^te* be^ t^sem grunde. And t5a, ^e be^ fiaesce libba-8, sindon cliferfete,^ and scearpe gebilode,^ Sset hie bitan mgegen on** sceortum sweorum, and swiftran^ on flyhte, ^aet hie gelimplice beon to hiera iTfes^" tilungum. Nis na eall fugolcynn on Engla ^eode, ne on naimm 15 earde ne biS naht eat5e eall fugolcynn, for-6am-t5e hie fela sindon, micle on waestme, and hie inislice fleoga^, swa-swa us bee s^cgea^ sweotollice be^^ 'Seem. 1 Cf. p. 126, 1. 11 ff. 6 cf . " Man shall not live hy 2 Not past participles, though bread alone." with the same ending. ' Clifer- is apparently related 3 Swaiias and ielfetan are to cleave — adhere. here virtually identical ; in ON. ^ Translate, with. ^ See 64. swanr is the poetical, alft the ^^ An interesting word, related ordinary designation. Swan has to Mod. Eng. leave. Germ. h{e)leih- been doubtfully derived from the en, Gr. Xiirapecv = hold out, persist; root of Lat. sonare, and ielfete originally, therefore, Zi/'e = a /loZd- (cf. the ON. form) from that of ijig out, continuance. In German, Lat. albus. body, one of its older meanings, is 4 Object of araecean. the commoner one for Leib. Here 5 Here = from ; cf . ' by the = livelihood. roots.' ^^ So in Fielding's ^?neZia (8.2): 196 THE SIX days' work of creation. On ?$8eni siextan daege ure Dryhten gecwseS : "Ac^nne^ seo eor^e nu cucu nietenu on hiera cynrene, and 6a creopendan wyrmas, and eall deorcynn on hiera cyn- renum." Hwaet^! Sa God geworhte, 6urh his wunderlican 5 miht, eall nietencynn on hiera cynrenum, and Sa wildan deor 6e on wudum eardiatS, and eall tSset fit5erfete^ biS, of 'Ssere foressedan eor^an, and eall wyrmcynn t5a-t5e creopende beo(S, and t5a re^an leon/ 6e her on lande ne beotJ, and Sa swiftan tigres/ and tSa sellican pardes,* lo and M ^geslican beran, and 6a orinaetan elpas, 6a-6e on Engla Seode ac^nnede ne beo6, and fela o6ru cynn 6e ge ealle ne cunnon. Da beoS langsweorede 6e libba6 be gaerse, swarswa olfend^ and assa, hors and hrySeru, headeor and rahdeor, and gehwilc oSru ; and aelc bi6 15 gelimplic to his llfes tilunge. Wulfas, and leon, and witodlice beran, habbaS strangne sweoran, and sciertran^ be^ daele/ and maran tuscas, to hiera m^tes tilunge, for- •gam-Se hie libbaS hiera llf® be reaflace, swa-swa gehwilc oSru deor^ 6e d^riaS Saem jo6rum. Da elpas beo6 swa 20 micle swilce o6re muntas,^'' and hie magon libban 6reo hund geara, and man maeg hie w^nian to wige mid " I always love to speak by people ^ Not elephant, \)Vit camel. EIp as I find "; Shak., M. V. 1. 2. 58 : (longer form, elpend) is elephant. " How say you by the French ^ gee 65. lord ? " 7 Translate, in part. 1 Cf. p. 126, 1. 15 ff. 8 See 168. 1. 2 Translate, Lo ! ^ Cf . Shakespeare's (King Lear 3 Fiffer- is akin to Lat. quattuor. 3. 4. 143) : " Mice and rats and such * From Latin. With pard cf. small deer." What is the German ? Shakespeare's "Bearded like the '^^ So the ME. Bestiary (ca. pard.'' 1220) §ays (1.604): ^'j:ipes arn THE SIX days' work OF CREATION. 197 crsefte, swa 'Saet m^nn wyrceaS wighus him on uppan, and of Ssem feohtaS on hiera fierdinge; t5onne fliehS ^Ic hors^ afeered^ t5urh Sa elpas, and, gif him hwa wiSst^nt, he bis sona oftreden.^ Ac we nellaS na swit5or nu ymb Sis sprecan. 5 On Saem ilcan dsege tire Dryhten wolde mannan ge- wyrcean of Saere ilcan eorSan, for-Sam-Se on Sisum fierste afeoll se deofol of Ssere healican heofonan, mid his gegadum, for his upahaefednesse, into h^lle wite. tJre Dryhten cwseS be him on his halgan godspelle/ hi veri- lo tate non stetit, quia Veritas non est in eo — " He ne wunode na on soSfsestnesse, for-Sam-Se seo soSfsestnes nis nates- hwon on him." God hine geworhte wundorlicne and fsegerne. Da sceolde he, gif he wolde, weorSian his Scieppend mid micelre eaSmodnesse, Se hine swa meerne 15 gesceop. Ac he ne dyde na swa, ac mid dyrstigre modignesse cwseS^ Sset he wolde wyrcean his cynesetl bufan Godes tunglum, ofer S^ra wolcna heanesse on Ssem norSdaele, and beon Gode gelic. Da forlet he Sone ^Imihtigan, Se is eall soSfaestnes, and nolde 20 habban his hlafordscipe, ac wolde beon him self on his in Inde riche, on bodi borlic giat." Above, where elephants [burly] berges Hike.'''' are compared to mountains, Basil 1 This seems to indicate that has, ^ovvol rives crdpKLvoi ; Am- ^Ifric employed Ambrose's adap- brose, " velut quidam mobiles tation of Basil's Hexameron, since montes versantur in prseliis," etc. the original does not contain this ^ So Shak., Macb. 5. 1. 41: thought. Ambrose has (Bk. VI., "A soldier, and afeard^ Chap, v.): "Quid faciat eques, ^ gee 142. cum equus ejus perterrefactus * Jn. 8. 44. tantae bestise immanitate diffu- ^ Isa. 14, 13. 198 THE SIX days' work of creation. selfes anwealde. Da naefde he nane faestnunge, ac feoll sona adiine, mid eallum •Ssem ^nglum tSe set his rsede wgeron, and hie wurdon aw^nde to awiergdum deoflum. Be ^aem cwaet^^ se Hselend her on •gisum life, "Ic geseah 5 'Sone scuccan swarswa sclnende lieget feallende adun dreorig of heofonum/' for-t5am-Se he ahreas ungerydelice. Da wolde God wyrcean, 'Surh his wundorlican miht, mannan of eort5an, 'Se mid eaSmodnesse sceolde geearnian ^one ilcan st^de on tJaera ^ngla geferr^dene Se se deofol 10 forworhte mid his dyrstignesse ; and God self cwse'S 'Sa, swarSwa us ssegS t5eos boc, Faciamus Iwminem ad imag- inem nostram et similitudinem nostram, et reliqua, etc., Sset is on lEngliscre sprsece, "Uton gewyrcean mannan to urre anlicnesse and to urre gelicnesse, t^set he anweald 15 haebbe ofer eallum liscum, and ofer fugolcynne, and ofer wildeorum,^ and ofer eallum gesceafte." Her ge magon gehieran 'Sa halgan t^rlnesse and so6e annesse anre god- cundnesse. "Uton wyrcean mannan" — 'Sser is seo halge t5rlnes. " To urre anlicnesse " — tSaer is seo annes, to 20 anre anlicnesse, na to t5rim anlTcnessum. On Sses mannes sawle is Godes anlicnes, for-tSam is se mann selra^ Sonne Sa sawulleasan nietenu, Se nan andgiet nabbaS ymb hiera agenne Scieppend. God Sa geworhte of Seere eorSan lame,'' mid his halgum handum, mannan to his anlic- 25 nesse, and ableow on his anslene lifiicne blaed ; and he wearS mann geworht on libbendre sawle. God self Sa siSSan gesceop him naman Adam, and of his anum ribbe 1 Lk. 10. 18. 2 What is the etymology of wilderness? Cf. 35. 3 See 66. * See 24. THE SIX days' work OF CREATION. 199 worhte him gemacan.^ Hiere nama wses Eva, ure^ ealra modor. And God hie Sa gebletsode mid Sisse bletsunge, "Weaxa^ and beoS gem^nigfielde, and gefyllaS ^a eor(5an, and habbatS eow anweald ofer t3a eort5an, and ofer sse fiscum, and ofer t^sem fleogendum fuglum, and ofer eallum 5 t^sem nletenum 1Se styriaS ofer eor(5an." God gesceawode ^a eall his weorc, and hie wseron swit5e god. And se siexta dseg wear^ swa ge^ndod. And God Sa gefylde on 'Ssem seofo'San daege his weorc •6e he worhte on wundorlicum dihte, and hine^ 'Sa ger^ste, ^^ and ^one dseg gebletsode, for-(5am-tSe he on t5^m seofot5an daege geswac his weorces.'* Nses he na werig, 'Seah-Se hit swa awriten sie; ne he mid ealle ne geswac ^a gesceafta to edniwianne,^ ac he geswac ^ses dihtes* Sees deoplican crseftes, swa t^aet he seldcti^e si^tSan scieppan nolde, ac ^5 t5a ilcan geedniwian o5 ^iide Sisse worulde, swa-swa ure Heelend on his halgan godspelle gecwset^,^ Fater me^is usque modo operatur, et ego operor, 'Sset is on Englisc, "Mm Fseder wyrcS giet o^ (5isne andweardan dseg, and ic eac wyrce." ^Ice geare^ bi(5 orf ac^nned, and m^nn- 20 isce^ m^nn^ to mannum ac^nnede, 'Sa-Se God gewyrcS swa-swa he geworhte Sa eerran; and he ne sciep'S nane sawle butan t^sem cildum anum, and eall nietenu nabbaS nane sawle.^ 1 In Chaucer's Sir Thopas we ^ gee 184. b. have: "For in this world no ^ gee 156. A;. ^ See 143^ womman is Worthy to be my ^ j^. 5. 17. 7 gee 176. wa^•e." So in Spenser (F. Q. 3. ^ Translate, human 11. 2): "That was as trew in ^ g^sed upon Basil 82, where love as turtle to her make.'''' he is combating the theory of 2 See 153. a. the transmigration of souls. XIV. THE SONG OF THE OLEEMAK (Beowulf 89-100.) [Hrothgar, King of the Danes, builds a spacious hall for the assembly of his retainers. There, from time to time, they are entertained by minstrelsy, — sometimes that of a professional gleeman, and sometimes improvised by one of the warriors, or even l)y the king himself (of. Iliad 9. 1.S5-189). In reading the poetry, the paragraph of the Preface relating to the retention of MS. forms should be borne in mind.] p^r wses hearpan sweg, swiitol sang scopes.^ Saegde se ))e cupe [90] frumsceaft flra feorran r^ccan, cw^'S^ ))get se ^Imihtiga^ eorcSan worhte, 1 For the accord of harp and voice see p. 175, 1. 11, and Odyssey 8. 266: "Now as the minstrel touched the lyre, he lifted up his voice in sweet song." 2 Thorkelin, the first editor of Beowulf, already noticed the re- semblance between this song and that of lopas in Virgil {JEn. 1. 740-747), though this is Chris- tianized in its execution. An earlier sketch of the same con- ception v^as that in the Georgics (2. 475-482), of which Coning- ton says: "Virgil probably had in his mind here not only Lucre- tius and the Greek didactic poets, such as Xenophanes, Empedocles, and Aratus, but the legendary reputation of the poetic teachers of early Greece, such as Orpheus and Musaius. 11 is own notion of an ancient bard is that of a hiero- phant of nature. . . . The con- ception belongs not to Augustan Rome, but to primitive Greece, where science was theological and imaginative, and verse the natu- Cf. p. 124, 1. 4 200 THE SONG OF THE GLEEMAN. 201 wlitebeorhtne wang, swa^ wseter bebuge^^; ges^tte^ Sigehre|)ig sunnan* ond monan* leoman to leohte landbuendunij [95] and gefrsetwade foldan sceatas leomum^ ond leafum; lif eac gesceop cynna^ gehwylcum )?ara fe cwice hwyrfa]^/ Swa ^a drihtguman dreamum lifdon eadiglice. [100] ral vehicle of all knowledge and thought. It had, however, been partially realized by Lucretius, whose example exercised a strong influence on Virgil's imagina- tion." As to the possibility of an Old English poet's being famil- iar with Virgil, compare the testi- mony of Bede (Eccl. Hist. 4. 2) concerning the pupils of Theo- dore and Hadrian : " Usque hodie supersunt de eorum discipulis qui Latinam Grsecamque linguam seque ut propriam, in qua nati sunt, norunt." 1 Almost = which. In archaic German so is thus used: "Von alien, so da kamen." 2 This phrase is found again in the Andreas. See p. 21G, 1. 18. 3Cf.p.l25,l. 12ff. 4 See 153. 6. 5 See lim, and 174. 6 Dependent upon gehwylcum (154. 6). ■^ Here ends the song. The rest refers to Hrothgar's retainers. XV. THE KOUT OF THE ASSYRIANS. (From the Judith.) [Of this extract Ten Brink has said {Early English Literature) : " To a lucid, well-constructed narrative are joined epic profusion, vigor, and ani- mation. In the highest degree effective is the portrayal of Judith's return to Bethulia, of the warlike advance of the Hebrews, of the surprise of the Assyrian camp, the terror of the Assyrian nobles, who dare not disturb their lord in his rest, and finally of the disbandment and flight of the heathen liost." The portion here given omits the discovery of Holofernes' dead body by the Assyrians. It is based upon the Apocryphal book of Judith, the first few verses of the fifteenth chapter, especially verses 2, 5, 7, and 11. For further jiarticulars see my edition of the Judith. Attention is called to the device employed for indicating parallel or synonymous expressions, which have constituted one of the chief diffi- culties of OE. poetry. Tlie device consists in the enclosure between reference-letters of tlie parallel expressions, the synonyms being desig- nated by the same letters. For an example, see p. 204, 11. 5-7.] pa wurdon blit5e burlisittende,^ syt5t5an hi gehyrdon^ hu seo halge^ sprsec [i6o] ofer heanne'* weall. H^re wses on lustum, wi6 J)8es fsestengeates ^ folc onette, 5 weras wif somod^; wornum and heapum, Sreatum^ and Srymmum ])rungon and urnon ongean t5a peodnes msegtS }>usendin8elum, [165] 1 See 28. 2 gee 19, 6 Here almost = and. Through- 3 See 55. * See 58. 1. out the following poetry, remem- 5 Wiff sometimes governs the ber 25. genitive ; see 158. "^ See 220. 202 THE ROTJT OF THE ASSYRIANS. 208 ealde ge geonge; segliwylcum^ weart5 m^n on f5aere medobyrig mod^ areted,' sytS^an hie ongeaton ]78et wses* ludith cumen ^ft to eSle/ and t$a ofostlice 5 hie^ mid ea^medum in forleton. [170] pa seo gleawe^ het golde gefrsetewod^ hyre 'Sinenne^ pancolmode ^ ])dds h^rew^^an heafod^° onwriSan, and hyt" to^^ behtSe^^ blodig^^ setywan 10 l^am burhleodum," M hyre set beaduwe^^ ge- [175] speow.^^ Sprsec^'' t5a seo seSele to eallum J^am folce: — ^^Her ge magon sweotole, sigerofe hselet5/^ leoda r^swan,^^ on t^ses la'Sestan heeSnes heacSorinces heafod starian, 15 Holofernus^^ unlyfigendes,^ [180] ]>G us monna msest^^ '^morSra'* gefr^mede, 1 Belongs to m^n. i* Construe, and aetywan hyt, 2 Subject. blodig, J>ain burhleodum, to 3 What is the normal form of behSfe ha hyre, etc. this word (113)? ^^ Unusual form for beadwe, 4 Note the auxiliary: ivascome, from beadu. not had come. ^^ See 190. ^ See 23. ^'^ For the order cf. Tennyson's 6 Ace. sing. line from the song in The Prin- ■^ See 181. cess : " Rose a nurse of ninety 8 Modifies gleawe. years." 9 Ace. sing. 18 See 152. 10 Object of onwriffan. 1^ Genitive. 11 For hit. ^^ y is sometimes found for i, "^^ = as a sign. as well as for ie (19). 13 Modifies hyt. 21 Maest seems to have two 204 THE ROUT OF THE ASSYRIANS. sarra "sorga*, yean* wolde ; l^ngran lifes,* ^glan moste^; and |)9et swy^or^ gyt^ ac him ne ut5e^ God l^set he mid IseSSum us ic him eaklor^ o^prong'^ [■85] 5 purh Godes fultum. Nu ic ^gumena*' gehwsene^ fyssa^ '^burgleoda^ biddan wylle/ ^randwiggendra^, |)3et ge recene eow® fysan^° to gefeohte; sySSan ^'frymtSa God°, *=arf8est Cyning^, eastan s^nde [190] 10 leohtne leoman, berat5 '^linde'^ forS, •^bord*^ for breostum and byrnhomas, scire helmas in scea^ena gemong. fyllan^ ^folctogan® fagum sweordum, faege *'fruraga^as^ Fynd* syndon eowere^^ [195] 15 gedemed to deat5e and ge *"dom^ agon,^- *'tTr*" set tohtan, swa eow getacnod hafaS^^ mihtig Dryhten }>urh mine hand." pa wearS ^snelra^ werod snude gegearewod, senses and two constructions in this and similar passages. In one it apparently = chiefest, and is construed with the preceding geni- tive ; in the other = most in num- ber, and is construed with the fol- lowing genitive. Cf . Andr. 1447 : " \>aL J>e heardra mSst hearma ge- fr^medan " ; Beoio. 2G45 : "for- ISam he manna meest meer^a gefr^mede" ; etc. 1 See above, p. 203, n. 20. 2 See 19 ; 199. 1. 8 See 129. 4 See 159. a. 6 See 137. 6 Neuter. 7 See 142. 8 LWS. ace. of gehwa. See 154. b. 9 See 184. b. 10 Opt. pres. 2 plur. 11 Construe, eowere fynd syndon gedemed, etc. 12 See 127. What two words in this line have the same root? Which is the derivative ? 13 Is this the usual form ? THE ROUT OF THE ASSYRIANS. 205 ^cenra^ to campe; stopon^ cynerofe [200] s^cgas and gesit5as, bseron [sige])mfas, foron to gefeohte fort5 on gerihte, hseleS^ under helmum of^ «£ere halgan byrig 5 on^ (58et dsegred sylf; ^dynedan'' scildas, hltide *hlummon^ paes se hlanca gefeah^ [205] wulf in walde,^ and se wanna hrefn, waelgifre fugel: wistan^ begen ])3et him^ ^a j^eodguman fohton^ tilian :o fylle^^ on fsegnm; ac him fleah" on last earn setes^^ georn, tirigfet^era/^ [210] salowigpada^'* sang hildeleotS, hyrnedn^bba. Stopon ''hea^orincas^, ^'beornas'' to beadowe ''bordum^^^ bet5eahte, 1 See st^ppan. 2 Norn. plur. See 43. 9. 3 = from^ not of. 4 = at. 5 See gef eon. 6 Is this the usual form ? See 21. ■^ Irregular for wiston (126). 8 Not reflexive. ^ See iac^ncean. 10 = feast. See Iliad 22. 42 : "Then quickly would dogs and vultures devour him on the field." 11 See fleogan. 12 See 155. c. 13 See Shelley's description of the rooks, in the Lines written among the Euganean Hills : — Gathering round with wings all hoar, Through the dewy mist they soar. ***** So their plumes of purple grain, Starred with drops of golden rain. Gleam, etc. Perhaps Milton may have bor- rowed the word from OE. in II Pens. 146 : " dewy-feathered sleep." 1* Note the three similar epi- thets of the earn. 1^ Bord, border., like rand, same meaning (see above, p. 204, 1. 7), is poetically used for shield. So Gr. frus (akin to Eng. withe') meant a) a circle or rim made of willow ; b) the outer edge or rim of the shield (like Avtv^); c) the 206 THE ROUT OF THE ASSYRIANS. ''hwealfum lindum*'/ fa 'Se hwile^ ser ^IfSeodigra^ ^edwlt* foledon, [215] hset^enra ^hosp'^; *'him^ fset hearde wear^ set ^am sescplegan* eallum^ forgolden 5 ^Assyrium^, sySSan Ebreas under gu^fanum gegan^ hsefdon^ to ^am fyrdwicum. Hie t5a froralice [220] leton forS fleogan flana scuras, •^hildensedran*^ of hornbogan, 10 '=strselas'= st^dehearde ; styrradon hhlde grarae guSfrecan, garas'' s^ndon in heardra gemang. ^Hddle^^ wseron yrre,^ [225] ^landbtiende** lat^um cynne, stopon ^styrnmode^, *^st^rcedferht5e*^ 15 wr^hton unsofte ealdgenlt^lan^ round shield itself. A good illus- My grained ash an hundred times tration of its use is in Euripides, ^^^^^^ broke, Tro. 1196-97, where Hecuba is ^^^ '"^^^'^ ^^'^ °^°^^ ^^*^ '^^^- ters. speaking of Hector's shield. Pot- ter translates : — See also Iliad 22. 225 (where Yet how .sweet to trace /*^^^^' «^^' ^^ ^^^^ ^^r spear): The mark of his strong grasp, and " Stood leaning on his bronze- on the verge pointed (xaXKoy\d}xiPos, like the 0/ thy high orb (trvos) the sweat. _ - , ^ t>- 7^ o-r^ox aergescod of Beowulf 2778) 1 The material for the weapon, ashen-spear." For ^scplega cf. linden for shield. c sword-play.' 2 Ace. sing.: for a time. 5 Agrees with him (164. h). 3 Dependent on edwit. e Note this pluperfect, formed 4 On ash as the designation of ^^^;^ ^n auxiliary. a spear, see Shakespeare, Coriol. 7 what is the meaning of the 3. 5. 112-115: — g^j._ jj^ jy[Q(j j^jjg g^j,^^ ^ Let me twine ^ Mine arms about that body, where against » Ace. plur. (168). THE ROUT OF THE ASSYRIANS. 207 medowerige ^ ; mundum^ brugdon scealcas of sceat^um scirmseled swyrd^ ^cgum gecoste/ slogon eornoste Assiria^ * oretmsecgas ^, 5 *nit5hycgende®, nanne ne sparedon paes ^h^refolces^ heanne® ne ricne ^cwicera manna*" fe hie ofercuman mihton. ******** maegeneacen^ folc, 10 ])8es li^riges^*^ Iseg on •gam sigewonge, wulfum to willan/^ fuglum to frofre. [230] [235] Him^ mon^ feaht on last, ot$ se mgesta dsel hilde gesseged sweordum^^ geheawen, and eac wselgifrum Flugon Sa t5e lyfdon latSra lindwiggendra.^^ Him on laste for 15 sweot Ebrea^"^ ''sigor^^ geweorSod^ ^dome gedyrsod*^; him^^ feng '^Dryhten God*' fsegre on^^ fultum/^ ^Frea gelmihtig*'. ^HV tSa fromlice fagnm swyrdum •^liseleS higerofe^ h^rpaS^^ worhton 1 Ace. plur. ; agrees with eald- 1° See 44. 2. [295] [300] genid'Iaii. 2 See 174. 3 Ace. plur. ; irregular for sweord. ^ Agrees with swyrd. See 174. d. ^ Gen. plur. ^ From hean, not heah. 7 The Assyrians. 8 See 89. e. 9 See 147. 11 See 174. c. 12 — (^as) a delight to wolves. See 161. 2. 13 Depends on gPa. 1* Gen. plur. 15 Inst, without ending. 16 The Hebrews. ^~ = to (their) help. For the construction see 164. e. 18 Irregular for h^repaS" (for -psetS). 208 THE ROUT OF THE ASSYRIANS. J)urh la^ra gemong, linde heowon, scildburh scseron: '^sceotend^ w^ron [305] giiSe gegr^mede, *^gumaii Ebreisce'^; fegnas on Sa tid ])earle gelyste^ 5 gargewinnes. pser on greot gefeoll se hyhsta^' d^l heafodgerimes "Assiria* ealdorduguSe,^ [310] *lat5an cynnes*^: lythwon becom cwicera"* to cy^t5e. Cirdon^ cynerofe, 10 wiggend^ on wiSertrod, ^'waelsc^P oninnan,^ ''reocende hriSw''; rum^ wses to nimanne londbiiendum on Sam '^laSestan*', [315] hyra ^ealdfeondum unlyfigendum*^ heolfrig h^rereaf, — hyrsta^ scyne,^ 15 bord and brad swyrd, brune helmas, dyre^ madmas. Hsefdon domlTce on Sam folcst^de fynd'-* oferwunnen [320] eSelweardas,^** ealdli^ttende^ swyrdum asw^fede'^; hie on swaSe r^ston, 20 ))a Se him to life laSost wgeron cwicera cynna. Da seo cneoris eall, 1 See 190. ^ gee 19. for the natives to capture from 8 Either dependent upon, or the most hated ones (laffestan parallel to, heafodgerimes. for -um) . 4 Dependent on lythwon. ^ These nouns are all ace. plur. 5 For ig is sometimes found, ^ Ace. plur. i*^ Nom. plur. as here, igg. What does this " Supply haefdon. With a- signify ? sw^bban, in the sense of ' slay/ 6 Governs waelsc^l and hraew; cf. the similar use of the Lat. the latter is an ace. plural. sopire and the Gr. evvd^eiv (the "' Translate, there was a chance latter in Sophocles). THE ROUT OF THE ASSYRIANS. 209 mseg^a m^rost, anes mont5es fyrst/ [325] wlanc^ wundenlocc^ wagon ^ and laeddon^ to tSsere beorhtan byrig Bethuliam helmas and hupseax,* hare byrnan, 5 giiSsceorp gumena golde gefrsetewod, maerra^ madma J)onne mon ^nig [330] as^cgan msege searoj^oncelra^; eal ]?8et Sa t5eodguman j^rymme geeodon, cene^ under cumblum on compwige 10 )mrh Itidithe^ gleawe lare msegS^ modigre. ^Hi* to mede^ hyre [335] of •Sam sT-Sfate^^ sylfre^^ brohton *eorlas sescrofe* Holof ernes ^^ sweord and swatigne^^ helm, swylce eac side byrnan, 15 gerenode readum golde, and eal J)8et se rinca baldor swiSmod" sinces^^ ahte o6t5e sundoryrfes/^ [340] beaga^^ and beorhtra maSma,^^ hi ]7set J^sere beorhtan idese ageafon gearoj^oncolre. 1 See 170. ^ See Mayhew, OE. Plionol- 2 Agreeing with cneoris. ogy^ § 365. 3 See wegan, and 189. 2. 10 See 43. 2; here the a in- * Ace. plur. trades even into the sing. 5 Comp. and gen. plur.; see 60. 11 For self re (166). 2. The position would seem to 12 Genitive. require mterran madmas. ^^ Lit. sweaty, but in poetry 6 Depends on senig. swat usually = blod. ■^ Modifies, or is parallel to, ^^ Agrees with baldor. ffeodguman. ^ Gen. sing. i^ Dependent on eal. v^ XVI. SELECTIONS FROM THE i^NDREAS. [Tlie Andreas is a poem of about 1722 lines (the numbering differs according to the edition). Jacob Grimm considered it and the IJlene to be (Preface to his edition, p. iv) " the most ancient and instructive pro- ductions of Old English poetry, next to the Beovralf." With the help of Thilo, Grimm discovered (pp. xvi ff.) its source to be the Acts of Andrew and Matthew, written in Greek, and now published in Tischendorf's Acta Apostolornm Apocrypha, pp. 132-16(). Besides this poem, there is a prose version which may be profitably consulted, and which is to be found in Bright's valuable Anglo-Saxon Reader, pp. 113-128. It is believed by many scholars that both these versions were made from a Latin translation of the Greek original, but this cannot be said to have been demonstrated, at least for the poem. The Greek original is discussed at length by Lip- sius, Die apoknjphen Apostelf/eschichten und Apostellegenden, pp. 546 ff. A portion of the Greek, corresponding to lines 235-349, is printed in Appendix III. According to Lipsius, the scene of the poem is the northern coast of the Black Sea; though the Old English poet had Africa in mind (cf. 1. 198), perhaps because the region about Colchis had by some been called the inner or second Ethiopia. The Marmedonia (1. 30) or Mermedonia of our text has been identified with Myrmecium, Gr. Mvp/xriKLov, near the modern Yenikale, in the Crimea. Here are supposed to have dwelt the Cimme- rians of Homer, and here, in classic times, were settled various Scythian tribes. Of the Tauri (Crimea was anciently the Tauric Chersonesus) Herodotus says (4. 103) : " They sacrifice to the virgin all who suffer shipwreck, and any Greeks they meet with driven on their coasts, in the following manner: having performed the preparatory ceremonies, they strike the head with a club ; some say they throw the body down from a precipice. . . . The Tauri themselves say that this deity to whom they sacrifice is Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon" (cf. Euripides' Iphigenia in Tauris, and Goethe's Iphigenie). This reputation clung to the region, for Tertullian says {Adv. Marcionem 1. 1) : "Pontum ferocissimas gentes inhabitare, parentum cadavera cum pecudibus casa convivio convorantes." Nor was the evil fame of the district diminished by the fact that Huns were settled here from the fourth to the sixth century, then Goths, and afterward Tartars. 210 SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. 211 The story of the poem, up to the beginning of our extract, is briefly this : St. Matthew was in imminent danger among the Mermedonians, a race of cannibals. In this extremity God appears to Andrew, and exhorts him to go to Matthew's assistance, which, after some reluctance, he pre- pares to do. Bits of translation and interesting comments (not always correct), embracing much of our extract, are given by Brooke, Hist. Early Eng. Lit. pp. 169 ff., 413 ff.] Conversation between Andrew and the Sea-Captain. Gewat^ him ))a *on uhtan* ^mid serdaege* [235] ofer sandhleoSu to sses faru^e })rTste on ge]>ance, ond his fegnas mid, gangan^ on greote ; garsecg^ hlynede,* 5 beoton brimstreamas. Se beorn wses on^ hyhte/ sy^San he on warut5e widfseSme^ scip [240] modig gemette. pa com ^morgen torht'', ^beacna beorhtost^, ofer breomo sneowan, halig of heolstre ; heofoncandeF blac^ 1 See 184. a. ^ See 199. 1. chafe, rage; the -ric as in Ger. 3 Sweet {Engl. Stud. 2. 314- wuterich; so that gasric would 316) explains this word as being, = the rager. not a compound of gar and s^cg * Brooke translates this line : (= spear + man, according to " Trampled o'er the shingle. Bos worth, as if a personification Thundered loud the ocean." like Neptune with his trident; ^ ^bsltIj = joyful, rejoiced. Gr. or = spear + sedge, with Leo, ' rejoiced with very great joy.' the tips of the waves being 6 Poetic license ; Gr, ' a little likened to spears), but as aris- ship.' Cf. the Homeric ko^Xt; j't/Gs. ing by metathesis from the Runic "^ = the sun. Of ' candle ' the word gasric (cf. the name of the New Eng. Diet, says: "One of Vandal king, Gaisaricus), as if the Latin words introduced at gas + ric. The gas- would cor- the English Conversion, and long respond to Old Norse geisa, to associated chiefly with religious 8 See blican. 212 SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. ofer lagoflodas. He t58er *'lidweardas'^ frymlice ])ry '^j^egnas*^ geseah/ [245] ''modiglice m^nn'^, on m^rebate sittan siSfrome, swylce hie ofer see comon.^ 5 p8et^ wses Drihten sylf, duge^a'* Wealdend/ ece, selmihtig, mid his ^ngliim twam. W^ron '^hie'^ on gescirphm ^ scipf erendmn ^, [250] •^eorlas*^ onllce *'ealItSendum*', ])onne hie on flodes fae^m^ ofer feorne weg 10 on cald wseter ceolum^ hlcaS.^ Hie t5a gegrette se t5e on greote stod, fiis^ on* faro^e fraegn, reordade : — '■ [255] "Hwanon comon^ ge ceoluin iT^an, macraeftige m^nn, on m^rej^issan 15 ane'*' tegflotan? hwanon eagorstream ofer y^a gewealc eowic^^ brohte?" Him )>a ondsvvarode ^Imihti^^ God, [260] swa^"* past ne wiste se 'fie })8es wordes bad," observances. . . . This sacred ^ = expanse, originally embrac- character of the word bears on ing arms^ embrace. the OE. poetic compounds." Cf, ^ Not keel, but ship. Bom. and Jul. S. 5. 9.: "Night's "^ The radical meaning is, to candles are burnt out." See move in any swift or impetuous also Shakespeare's metaphorical manner. sense of lamp, and cf. the Gr. » _ ready, eager for. One XafMwds, Lat. lampas, in poet- would expect the ace. farolff. ical use. 9 See 200. 1 . ^^ Inst. sing. 1 Not in MS. 11 See 81. 1. 12 gge 28. 2 = had come. 1^ = in such a manner. One 3 What is the antecedent of is inclined to substitute fSenh, as }>8et ? making better sense. * = Lord of hosts. 1* See bidan, and 156. I. SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDKEAS. 213 hwaet se manna wses meSelhegendra,^ J)e lie f eer on waroSe wif5]?ingo(ie : — "We of Marmedonia mgegtSe syndon ^ , feorran gef^rede; us mid fiode bser [265] 5 on hranrade^ ^heahstefn^ naca*, ''snellic seemearh*'^ sntide^ bewunden,^ otS-fset we fissa leoda land gesohton wsere^ bewrecene, swa us wind fordraf." ■^ Him ]?a Andreas eaSmod oncw8et5 : — ^ " [270] ^10 "Wolde ic J)e biddan, feh'' ic fe ^'beaga^ lyt ^sincweorSunga'^ syllan meahte, '' pset ]?u us gebrohte ^brante^ ceole'^, •'hea hornscipe*^ ofer hwseles eSel on feere msegtSe ; bi^S^ t5e meortS^^ wit5 God, [275] -15 ))8et ))u us on lade liSe weorSe.'^ ^- Eft him ondswarode seSelinga Helm^^ / ^"^ „ .. of^^ ytSlide, ^ngla Scippend : — "Ne magon |?^r gewunian widferende, ' 1 Cf. the Homeric /i^poi// as an ^ = encompassed with epithet, and in later use as an swift. equivalent, of men, mortals (so ^ ^^ unusual word for ocean. II. 2. 285), and see p. 222, 1. 9. ^ jn this poem, ea (ea) not 2 With this sense of rad, road, seldom becomes e (e), especially may be compared the Gr. k4\€v6os, before palatal consonants (10). 7r6/)os, as in the Homeric IxOvSevra ^ See 174. a. K^Xevda (Od. 3. 177), fishy roads ; ^ Future sense, as frequently see also ^schylus' irSpov oluvQv with biff. (Prom. 281), track of birds. 10 Anglian form for WS. ined, 3 Cf . the Gr. vxl/lirpiippos. related to Gr. fiiadbs (Mayhew, 4 Cf. Od. 4. 708 : " Swift ships, OE. Phon. § 365). that serve men for horses on the ^ Not helmet, but protector. sea" (a\6s tTTTroi). See p. 226, 1. 2. 12 _ yv^m, as often. 214 SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. ne ])£er ^Ipeodige eardes^ brucat5, [280] \ ah in psere ceastre cwealm^ j^rowia^, J)a Se feorran fyder feorh^ gelseda])^; ^nd pa wilnasf* nu ofer widne m^re, 5 ])ddt «u on ])a f^egSe ])ine feore spilde?^ Him ))a Andreas agef ondsware : — ' [285] "Usic lust hw^te(5^ on ]>Si leodmearce, "^ mycel modes hiiit^ to j^sere meeran byrig, . peoden' leofesta, gif ])u us jmie^ wilt 7 10 on m^refarot5e miltse gecySan." Him ^ndswarode ^ngla peoden, / [290] / IN^^regend'-' fira, of nacan^'' stefne: — ^ ^^We tSe estlice mid us willaS f^rigan^ freolice ofer fisces" baeS'^ 15 efne to ))am lande, }>8er^^ ]>e lust myne^ -v^aI to ges^canne, sy^8an^^ ge eowre [295] "gafulrsedenne* agifen habba^, "sceattas gescrifene*; swa eow scipweardas ara^* ofer yt5bord unnan willa^." 20 Him^^ J)a ofstlice Andreas wit5, winepearfende, wordum mselde : — [300] 1 See 166. e. en from dryht ; cf . cyning, with 2 Ace. a different ending, from cyn. 3 Periphrastic for ' go.' ^ Agrees with miltse. * Elliptic, like Shakespeare's ^ gee 18. w Gen. sing. (M. W. 3. 2. 88) "I will to my n Kenning (215) for 'ocean.' honest knight." 1^ Almost = that. Cf. there in 5 A following verb of motion Mod. Eng. thereto. understood. i3 _ ^g ^qq^^ ^g 6 Here = bent. " MS. aras. See 156. i. 7 Formed from fSeod, as dryht- 1^ Governed by wifS. SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. 215 "Nsebbe ic fseted gold ne feohgestreon, welan ne wiste/ ne wira gespann, landes^ ne locenra beaga,^ ^ ))8et ic fe msege *lust* ahw^ttan, a/'. • * • "willan* in worulde, swa M worde bee wist.'*" 5 Him ))a beorna Breogo, ])Sdv^ he on bolcan sset, [305] ofer warot5a^ geweorp^ wit^j^ingode : -d • . "Hu gewearS ye }>aes/v wine leofesta, t5aet (5u ssebeorgas secan woldes,^ m^restrearaa gemet, maSmum bedeeled 10 ofer cald cleofu^ ceoles^*' neosan ? [310] Nafast ])e to frofre on farotJstrsete hlafes wiste ne hlutterne^^ drync to dugot5e^^? Is se drohtatS Strang )7am ye lagolade lange^^ cunna]?." 15 Da him Andreas tSurh ondsware [315] 1 Not the verb. does not mean wave. I would 2 The construction suddenly suggest the smiting of the shores, changes to the genitive, as if perhaps meaning the plunging of some word like aht, aught, had the breakers. been introduced. The poet is '^ Anticipatory of the relative apparently trying to adapt to sentence, )?aet J>u, etc. this place the landes and. loc- ^ On the omission of final t, enra beaga of Beowulf 2296, see 95. there a partitive genitive. ^ See cllf, and 20. 3 Now only existing as bee, a i"^ See 156. m. nautical term for a ring or hoop 11 An instance of an originally of metal. See New Eng. Diet. long vowel rendered short by the s.v. Bee"^. gemination of the following con- * See becweiSfan. sonant. 5 Nearly = from where. 12 The Greek has 5iaTpoe® 6aS^ mihton ofer yt5a ge|>ring drohtaS adreogan. pa ''gedrefed** wearS, ^'onhrered'' hwselm^re; hornfisc plegode, [370] glcVP" geond garsecg, ond se griSga msew 1 Is this the normal form ? Andreas for the infinitive of Beo- 2 Possibly (with Grein) = wulf. The former construction guardian of the tiller or helm ; is unusual. but see Vocabulary. ^ Anglian (probably identical 2 = than that, inst. of ffaet. with the original) form for het * This sentence seems to be (HO). imitated from Beow. 38-39: — ^ For s^llan. Ne hyrde ic cymlicor ceol gegyrwan "^ Meaning Andrew, though the hildewaepnum and hea^owjedum. next line has hie. Note that the past participle is » For fSy (84) . ^ j'or ieff. substituted in the passage from 10 gee glidan. SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. 219 wselgifre^ wand; wedercandel swearc,^ windas weoxon,^ wsegas grundon, streamas styredon, str^ngas gurron,* wsedo gew^ette^; wseter^gsa stod^ preata ))ry^um. pegnas wurdon [375] 1 Agrees with maew. 2 See sweorcan. » There is no hint of any ex- traordinary commotion, much less of a storm, in the original. Of all this long description there is noth- ing except, " They were troubled because of the sea." Brooke says (p. 416): "The storm is now de- scribed in words that come, one after another, short, heavy, and springing, like the blows of the waves, and the gusts of wind. • We know as we read that the writer had seen the thing." * See georran. ^ Part of Baskervill's note, in his edition, is : " waedo gewaette, the wet weeds (sails); wet with waters, Kemble ; loaves swelled, Grein ; replehatur aquis, vadum madefiehat, Grimm ; w^edo ge- waette is in apposition with strengas." Wsedo (with short se) might be nom. (ace.) plur. of W86d, sea. But the phrase is obscure. 6 A peculiar use of standan, to indicate motion rather than rest. In Mod. Eng. this general sense is represented by phrases like * stand back,' ♦ stand off from shore,' 'stand up,' 'stand out,' etc. In OE. poetry, standan is frequently used with ^ge or ^gesa (similarly in ON.) ; thus in Ps. 104. 33 (105. 38), cecidit timor eo7^um super eos : him J^ter ^gesa . . . stod, where the King James version has, the fear of them fell upon them. The trans- formation of this idiom into stand in awe of is interesting. Note that the dative is still retained in this quotation, of about a.d. 1380 {Sir Ferumbras 408) : ' ' Of whame 7nen stondeS aye" [i.e. awe]. However, men being eventually understood as nom. in such a sentence as the last (cf, Towneley 3Iysteries, 305 [ab. 1460]: "/ stand great aghe " ) , in was sup- plied before awe, as in this from Lydgate (ab, 1413): "Of theyre lord and god to stande in awen." See New Eng. Diet. s.v. awe. The Scandinavian influence in Middle English confirmed the idiom, and assisted in its devel- opment. 220 SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. acolraode ; senig ^ ne ^ wende/ fset he lifgende land begete, fara^ ]>e mid Andreas on eagorstream ceol gesohte. Naes'^ him cut5 ]>a gyt, [380] 5 hwa ))am sseflotan sund^ wisode. Him ]>Si ''se halga* on holmwege ofer argeblond ''Andreas* pa git, ''Jjegn feodenhold,'' ))anc gessegde rTcum E^sboran, )>a he gereordod wses : — [385] 10 "De fissa swaesenda^ ''sot^faest Meotud^ ''lifes Leohtfruma** lean forgilde, "' "^ > •'weoruda Waldend,** 9nd ]?e wisf gife heofonlicne hlaf, swa t5u '^hyldo'' wi^ me ofer firigendstream^ "^freode*^ gecySdest! [390] 15 Nu synt ge|)reade *^J)egnas mine*^, ^geonge gut5rincas^; ^garsecg^ hlymmetS, >fl '■=^' ®geofon^ geotende^; grund^^ is onhrered/^ deope^^ gedrefed; *'dugu'S^" is gesw^nced, 1 Translate, no one. ^ See 4. syS^an flod ofsloh, 3 Dependent on Snig. S^^^^ geotende * For lines 4-14 the Greek has : (= streaming sea ; rushing sea, " Andrew answered and said unto Garnett ; gurgling currents, Hall ; Jesus, not knowing that it was rushing ocean, Earle). Jesus, The Lord give thee heav- ^^ Probably = sea ; an unusual enly bread from his kingdom." sense. Cf. p. 223, 1. 1. ^ = either oceaw or cowrse, prob- 11 See p. 218, 11. 16, 17. ably the latter ; cf . p. 226, 1. 2. 12 Adv. 6 See 153. e. i^ Related to Ger. tugend (cf . 7 = as food. 30), OE. dugan (128), and Mod. 8 For firgenstream. Eng. doughty. There is an inter- ^ MS. heofon ; but this seems esting OE. phrase, duguS' and like an echo of 5eoio. 1690-91 : — geogulgf (cf. Beow. 160, etc.). SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. 221 / ^modigra msegen*" myclum^ gebysgod." [395] 2 Him of holme ^ oncw8et5 hselet^a Scyppend: — / / "Lset nu gef<^rian "^flotan* tise^ne / *lid* to lande ofer lagufsesten, ;i. 9.. 5 ond })onne gebldan^ beornas |)Tne, ^ aras on earde, hwaenne'' pu ^ft cypae." [400] Edre^ him |)a ^eorlas^ agefan^ ondsware, ^fegnas })rohthearde ^ — Jjafigan'^ ne woldon, tSaet hie forleton set lides stefifaii^ - 10 leofne lareow, Qnd him^ land curon — "Hwider hweorfat5 we hlafordlease, [405] geomormode, Gode^*^ orfeorme, synnum" wunde, gif we swTcat5 fe^^? We^^ bio's *^lat5e*' on landa gehwam, 15 f oleum ''fracoSe'^, fonne fira beam, ^llenrofe, aeht^'' besitta)?, [410] which almost = knights and trait of our ancestors, — loyalty to squires. The word is worth a a rightful lord. See Gummere, little study. Germanic Origins, pp. 261-269 ; 1 See 72. to the citations given there might 2 Perhaps mistaken for hel- be added the account of Cynewulf man, the helm of the ship. and Cyneheard, from the Saxon 3 Construe, laet )>ine beornas Chronicle for 755. One sentence gebidan. from it will illustrate: "Ond }>a 4 Here = until. cusedon hie >set him nsenig mgeg ° For eedre. leofra ngere >onne hiera hlaford, 6 For ageafon. "^ See 18. Qud hie ngefre his banan folgian 8 See stefna, a collateral form noldon." of stefn. 1* JEht (sometimes ealit) is ^ See 184. a. ^^ See 165. 1. not to be confounded with seht 11 See 174. d. 12 gee 164. 0. (4); aeht besittan = sit in coun- 13 This reply is original with the cil ; here almost = cowsmZ^, dis- poet, and exhibits a characteristic cuss, debate. 222 SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. hwylc hira selost^ symle gelseste o^ > hlaforde^ set hilde, , J)onne hand ond rond , on beaduwange billum forgrunden^ aet niSplegan nearu frowedon." /' Andrew relates Christ's Stilling of the Tempest. 5 pa reordade ''rice peoden", [415] "wserfaest Cining* word stunde"* ahof: — "Gif ^u |)egn sie frymsittendes Wuldorcyninges, swa M worde becwist, ^' '•♦^•'^ r^ce |>a gerynu, hii he reordberend^ 10 laerde under lyfte. Lang is pes siSfset [420] ofer fealuwne flod: frefra Jjine maecgas on mode. Mycel is nu gena '\ ' ''- lad ofer lagustream, land swiSe feorr to gesecanne^; sand is geblonden/ 1 Adv. (76). Lady (^ Hlaf-dig,' Benefactress, 2 In Carlyle's Past and Present 'Loaf-giver ess,' they say she is, — (Bk. 3, Chap. 10) occurs this piece blessings on her beautiful heart !) of etymologizing : " Ironcutter, at was there." So Ruskin, in Ses- the end of the campaign, did not ame and Lilies (Of Queens' Gar- turn off his thousand fighters, but dens) : " Lady means ' bread- said to them: 'Noble fighters, this giver' or ' loaf -giver,' and Lord is the land we have gained ; be I means ' maintainer of laws.' " Lord in it, — what we will call Are these etymologies correct ? Law-ward^ maintainer and keeper ^ MS. foregrunden, of Heaven's Laws : be I Law- * = at this time, now. ward, or in brief orthoepy Lord ^ Ace. plur. (43. 6). Seep. 213, in it, and be ye Loyal Men note 1. around me in it.' " Again (Chap. ^ Cf. our modern ' far to seek.' 13): " If no pious Xai«-ioar(^ would "^ Cf. ^n. 1. 107: "furit sestus remember it, always some pious harenis." SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. 223 grund^ wis greote. God eat5e mseg [425] heaSolit5enduin ^ helpe^ gefr^mman.*" ^ Ongan pa gleawlTce '^gingran sine* •>u^) *wuldorspedige weras* wordum trymman : — 5 "Ge ])8et gehogodon, fa ge on holm stigon, pset ge on fara^ folc feorh^ gel^eddon,^ [430] ond for Dryhtnes lufan'' deatS ))r6wodon^ on ^Imyrcna^ eSelrlce, sawle^^ gesealdon.^ Ic j^set sylfa wat, 10 J)8et us gescyldet5 Scyppend ^ngla, weoruda Dryhten. 1 Wseter^gesa sceal, / [435] Y w ge(5yd^^ ond geSreatod ])urh pryScining, ^vc' lagu lacende llSra wyrSan.^^ Swa^^ gesgelde" m, Jjset we on ssebate 15 ofer warut5gewinn wseda^^ cunnedan faroSrIdende : frecne |)uliton [440] egle ealada; eagorstreamas beoton bordstset^u; brim oft oncwseS, yt5 oSerre.^^ Hwilum uppastod 1 Probably = sea. Cf. p. 220, ^ Allmurk{y) = Ethiopians; note 10. but the poet is here mistaken. 2 Perhaps for heahafo-, in the See the prefatory remarks, p. 210. sense of the high sea; cf. Lat. i'> Here = Z(/e. " Cf.p.227,1.19. altU7n. 2 Ace. sing. 12 yot weor9'an. * It is not till this point is i^ Brooke remarks (p. 417): "It reached, in the Greek original, isahappy situation which the poet that the journey is begun ! conceives, for Andrew, not know- s From fah (43. 3). ing that Christ himself is seated 6 Periphrastic, something like beside him in the stern, tells Christ our ' directed your steps.' a story of Christ." Cf. Mk,4. 36 ff. 7 From the weak lufe. " See 190. is See 156. d. 8 Optative. is Dat. sing. Cf. Ps. 42. 7. 224 SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. of brimes bosme on bates faetSm ^gesa ofer y^lid. ^Imihtig )>8er, [445] Meotud mancynnes, on m^re|>yssan beorht basnode. Beornas wurdon 5 forhte on mode ; frizes ^ wilnedon, miltsa^ to^ Mserum.^ pa seo m^nigo ongan clypian on ceole; Cyning sona ai^as, [450] ^ngla Eadgifa yt5um* stilde, wseteres waelmum; windas freade; 10 s^ sessade,^ smylte wurdon m^restreama gemeotu.*' Da ure mod ahloh/ sySSan we gesegon^ under swegles gang [455] windas ond wyegas Qnd wseterbrogan forhte gewordne for Frean^ ^gesan. 15 For-})an ic eow to soSe s^cgan wille, jjset ntefre^^ forlaetetS lifgende God eorl on eort5an, gif his ^llen deah."" [460] Swa hleot5rode halig c^mpa ^eawum'^ gejjancul; |)egnas laerde 20 eadig oreta/^ eorlas trymede, o^-t5set hie s^mninga slsep ofereode 1 See 156. a. ^ Anglian form of gesawon 2 Here = /row. (106). 8 Meaning Christ. ' 9 See 153. d. * See 164. i. 10 This gnomic sentence re- 5 This word does not otherwise sembles that in Blow. 572-573. occur, but the meaning is obvi- Perhaps it is imitated from the ous. There is a noun sess, mean- Latin proverb, "Fortune favors ing seat. the brave." 6 See geinet, and 20. " See 128. i'-^ See 174. d. 7 See 107. i3 Usually oretta. .J'. ,, X SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. 225 meSe^ be maeste. M^re sweoSerade, [465] *yt$a ongin* ^ft oncyrde, ^^ *hreoh holmj^racu *. pa fam halgan wearS sefter gryrehwile gast geblissod. Andrew desires Instruction in Seamanship. 5 Ongan ])a reordigan rsedum snottor, WIS on gewitte wordlocan onspeonn ^ : — [470] ^'Nsefre ic s^elidan^ selran mette, macrseftigran, pses-t^e'' me pyncetS, rowend rofran, rsedsnotterran, 10 wordes wisran. Ic wille fe, eorl unforcuS, anre^ nu gena [475] bene bidden: J^eah ic Ipe ^beaga*^ lyt, ^sincweor^unga% syllan mihte/ ''faetedsinces^ wolde ic freondscipe,^ 15 J)eoden J^rymfsest, ])inne, gif ic mehte/ begitan godne. paes^ M gife Meotest^*^ [480] haligne hyht on heofonj^rymme, gif ISu lidwerigum larna ))inra este^^ wyr^est. Wolde ic anes^^ to t5e, 20 ■ cynerof haelet5, crseftes neosan, — ^8Bt ^ti me getsehte, nti ]>e tir^^ Cyning [485] ond miht forgef," manna Scyppend, 1 Agrees with hie. ^ Object of begitan. 2 See onspannan. ^ = for that. 3 Ace. sing. ^^ Future sense. * Here = so far as, as (157. 1). " See 165. i^ See 156. m. 6Seel56..?). e gee 154. a. is Ace. sing. ■^ Variants of meahte. 1* Variant of forgeaf. 226 SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. hti M *w£egflotan* waere bestemdon/ *S8eh^ngeste* sund^ wisige. \ Ic wees on^ gifet5e^ In 9nd nu syxtyne siSum^ on ssebate, [490] 5 ''m^re*' hrerendum^ mundum^ freorig/ ^eagorstreamas*' — is Sys^ ane^ ma — , swa^° ic £efre ne geseah senigne mann, )7rySbearn hseleS,'^ Jje gelicne steoran ofer stsefnan. Streamwelm hwiletS/^ [495] 10 beatati ^^ brimstseSo ; is )>es bat ful scrid, fsereS famig^eals fugole'* gelicost, glided on geofone. Ic georne wat, pddt ic aefre ne geseah ofer y^lade/'' on saeleodan^* sylllcran'^ crseft. [500] 15 Is ))on^® geliccost,^^ swa'^ he-^ on landsceape^ 1 For bestemdan, the (weak) ^^ It is unusual to have two past part., according to Wiilker. synonymous nouns thus joined. It would then agree with waeg- ^^ gge hwelan. flotan (dat. sing.). i^ Unusual ending of 3 sing. 2 See p. 213, note 4, and p. 220, 1* Cf. Odyssey 7. 36 : " Their 1. 5. 3 _ ^y chance. ships are swift as the flight of a 4 See 176. 1. bird." See also Od. 13. 86-87; ^ Governs m^re (and eagor- 11. 125. streamas), and agrees with ^^ Mg, ySriafe, which would munduin. ^ = in hands ? mean saiid, that which is left by ■^ Agrees with Ic. the waves. i^ See sselida. 8 For aCis, neut. nom, sing. ^^ For sel-, contracted from ^ Weak; agrees with ffy 8. This seld-, the root of seldom, makes another journey, added to ^^ = to that. the sixteen. The Greek has, "Be- ^^ For gelicost ; see 1. 11. hold, this is the seventeenth." ^ = asif. ^^ = the boat (hsit). Brooke (p. 414) attributes this to 22 _ gij^piy land; the Greek the OE. poet. ^^ Almost = yet. has: iirl ttjs yr}s. SELECTIONS FKOM THE ANDREAS. 227 stille stande, fser hine * storm'' ne maeg, "wind"' aw^cgan, ne waeterflodas brecan br^ndstaefne ; hw8et5ere on brim sneowe'5^ snel under 2 segle.^ Du eart seolfa geong, [505] 5 wigendra hleo, nalas wintrum frod: hafast ]?e on fyrhtSe, faroSlacende,^ eorles ondsware, seghwylces"* canst worda* for^ worulde wislic andgit/" The Pilot recognizes God^s Presence with Andrew. Him ondswarode ece Dry h ten: — [510] 10 "Oft J)set ges8elet5, |>8et we on sselade, ^scipum'^ under ^ scealcum, J^onne sceor® cymeS, breca^^" ofer baetSweg "brimh^ngestum*. Hwilum us on ytSum earfoSlice geseeleS on ssewe," )>eh^^ we siSnesan [515] 15 frecne geferan. Flodwylm ne maeg manna senigne ofer^^^ Meotudes est lungre gel^ttan^^; ab^^ him llfes ge weald se ^e brimu binde'5, brtine yt5a ^y^ and ))reatat5.^^ He ]?eodum sceal [520] 20 racian mid rihte, se t5e rodor ahof 1 MS. snoweiJ. « See 18. 2 So yet, under sail. i*^ Almost = break away. 8 See 152. 11 Irreg. dat. ; usually sse. * Dependent on andgit. 12 j^or SS'eah. i^ _ against. 5 Dependent on seghwylces. 1* Cf . Hamlet 1. 4. 85: "I'll 6 Almost = in. make a ghost of him that lets 7 Object of canst (130). me." 8 = among ; but this half -line i^ g^e 127 ; here reflexive. IS a little obscure. 16 gee note 13, p. 226. 228 SELECTIONS FKOM THE ANDKEAS. 9nd gefaestnode folmum^ sinum, worhte and wr^Sede, wuldras^ fylde beorhtne boldwelan; swa gebledsod weartS engla eSel furh his anes miht. [5 25 J 5 For-|)an is ^gesyne'', sotJ^ *orgete% cu5 ''oncnawen^ j)8et t5u Cyninges eart pegen ge]?ungen I)rymsittendes *; ^ :^ for-fan pe sona ^s^eholm^ oncneow, v'-- (" ''garsecges begang^, fget t5u gife haefdes* [530] 10 haliges gastes. ''Hsern*' ^ft onwand, ''aryt^a gebl^nd*^; ^gesa gestilde, widfeeSme wseg; wsedu swsetJorodon seot5])an hie ongeton ]>ddt t5e God haefde weere^ bewunden/ se tSe wuldres bleed [535] 15 gestat5olade strangum mihtum." Andrew is carried to the City} pus Andreas Qndlangne daeg® h^rede^^ hleot5orcwidum Haliges lare, o6-83et hine s^mninga sleep ofereode" [820] on hronrade Heofoncyninge neh.^^ 20 pa "gelaedan* het^^ lifes Brytta ^ 1 See 174. 7 MS. bewunde. 2 Perhaps Anglian genitive ; » j^ote the break here (11. 537- used for the inst. after fyide, as 817). The interval is occupied by in the poem of Christ, 11. 407-408. discourses. 3 Here a noun. » See 170. 10 MS. berede. * Agrees with Cyninges. ^^ See p. 224, 1. 21. fi Original form (95). 12 por neah. ^ = with his covenant. i^ Goftstrue, het . . , sine ^n- SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. 229 ofer y^a geprsec ^nglas sine, ' fseSmum ''f^rigean'^ on Feeder^ weere leofne mid lissum ofer lagufsesten.^ [825] ******** Leton ]7one halgan be h^restryete 5 swefan on sybbe under swegles hleo, bMne* bidan burhwealle neh/ '■-■ his nit5h^tum, nihtlangne fyrst, otS-|?set Dryhten forlet daegcandelle »' [835] scire scinan. Sceadu swetJerodon 10 wonn under wolcnum. pa com wederes blsest,* hador heofonleoma ofer hofu blican. Onwoc fa wiges^ heard, wang sceawode; fore burggeatum ""beorgas^ steape, [840] •"hleot^u*^ hlifodon; ymbe harne stan 15 tigelfagan trafu,^ torras stodon, windige weallas. pa se wis^ oncneow |78et he Marmedonia msegSe hsefde sit5e^" gesohte, swa him sylf behead, [845] fa" him foregescraf, Feeder mancynnes. glas . . . gelsedan leofne ... ^ Is construed both with burh- ofer lagufaesten ... on Faeder wealle and niafh^tum. wsere. ^ Not blast. ^ See 155. 1 Genitive. "^ See hliff, and 20. 2 Here follow four lines which ^ See 47. 4. are probably corrupt, and are ^ For wisa (55) . therefore omitted. 1° See 174. a. 3 = kindly, amiable. ^i MS. ]»am. Translate, when. 230 SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. Andrew^ s Disciples relate their Adventure. Geseh^ he ]7a on greote^ gingran' sine, beornas beadurofe, biryhte* him swefan on slgepe. He son a ongann wigend "w^ccean, ^nd worde cwse^: — [850] 5 "Ic eow slogan maeg soS^ orgete,^ ])ddt us gystran-daege^ on geofones stream* ofer arwelan ae^eling f^rede. In pam ceole wses cyninga Wiildor,^ Waldend wert5eode ^"^ ; ic his word oncneow, [855] 10 peh he his msegwlite bemiSen hsefde." Him ))a 8et5elingas ^ndsweorodon geonge ■ gencwidum *, •gastgerynum'': — "We fe, Andreas, ea^e gecy^a'S si3 userne, ])set t5u sylfa miht [860] 1 For geseab. herd' by Ovid (A. A. 1. 290); and 2 Gr. 'on the earth' (iirl tt^v decus is used by Virgil(?) almost yvv). 8 See 169. exactly as here, — decus Asterice * The only occurrence of this (Cul. 15) for decens or pulchra word ; aetrihte, similarly formed, Asteria, like cyninga wuldor is found three times in poetry. for wuldorlic cyning. An in- * Noun in ace. teresting mediaeval parallel is the 6 Agrees with soff. line by Hilary, a disciple of Abe- ■^ See 176. lard, and probably an English- 8 Cf. the ' stream of Oceanus,' man, cited by Lenient, La Satire Od. 11. 21, and often in Homer. en France au Moyen Age, p. 20, ^ To this kenning there are note : ' ' Papa summus, paparum several analogies in Greek and gloria." So he apostrophizes a Latin. Thus Ulysses is referred girl with "Ave, splendor puel- to as ' great glory of the Achai- larum " (Wright, Biog. Brit. Lit., ans,' II. 9. 673, and elsewhere; Anglo-Norman Period, p. 93) . the bull is called the 'glory of the ^^ MS. weorffode. SELECTIONS FROM THE ANDREAS. 231 ongitan gleawlice gastgehygdum. Us saewerige slsep ofereode ; J7a comon earnas^ ofer yt5a wylm faran^ on flyhte fe'Serum hremige,^ us of slsependum sawle abrugdon, mid gefean f^redon flyhte'* on lyfte brehtmum bllSe/ beorhte ^ ond li6e ^ ; lissum'' lufodon ond in lofe wunedon, fser wses singal sang ond^ swegles gong, wlitig weoroda heap^ ond wuldres ))reat. titan ymbe M^elne'^^ ^nglas stodon, fegnas ymb peoden ptisendmselum ; h^redon on heht5o halgan stefne dryhtna Dryhten.^" [865] [870] 1 Related to Gr. 6pvis, a bird. 2 Not in MS., but supplied for the verse structure. 3 See 174. d. Like Gr. yavpos ; Archilochus has, exulting in his curls. * Inst. (174. a). ^ = blithe, joyful. Note the rime and assonance in these lines. 6 Nom. plur. ; or possibly ad- verbs. Will the last consonants permit of associating lifSe with Germ, gelind? 7 How may this contain the stem (liSP-) of the last word (34)? 8 Possibly miswritten for geond, or perhaps the rare prepo- sition and ( = in, in presence of) ; this is on the supposition that swegles gQng means revolution of the sky, cf. p. 224, 1. 12. The music of the spheres is even sug- gested, though hardly in the poet's mind. Swegel may sometimes mean music, and possibly so here, but then one hardly knows how to translate gQng. 9 So in Shakespeare : Bich. III. 2. 1. 53, "Amongst this princely heap^\' Jul. Coes. 1. 3. 23, "There were drawn Upon a heap a hundred ghastly women." 10 A Hebraism ; multitude of glory, nearly = glorious mul- titude. 11 Jesus, according to the orig- inal. 12 Biblical expression ; see Rev. 17.14; 19. 16. j^-\-cX\.j^xJCl^ - ^^ / ir ■/^ /'^-^ ^- ./fi, /^ i; ^^--^ o.-'^^^-i? ' tk APPENDIXES. APPENDIX I. SOME USEFUL BOOKS FOR THE STUDY OF OLD ENGLISH. I. A Selection for the Beginner. Political and Social History. Green, 8hort History of the English People^ pp. 1-66, Freeman, Old English History. New York, 1876. Religious and Cultural History. LiNGARD, The Anglo-Saxon Church. London, 1858, 2 vols. Bright, Early English Church History. 2d ed. New York, 1888. Turner, History of the Anglo-Saxons. London, 1852, 3 vols. Giles, Translation of Bede''s Ecclesiastical History of England^ and the Anglo- Saxon Chronicle. (Bolin Library. ) Literary History. Ten Brink, Early English Literature. New York, 1883. (The best.) Brooke, History of Early English Literature. New York, 1892. (Contains several pieces of translation from Old English poetry.) MoRLEY, English Write7's, Vol. II. New York, 1888. (Contains translations.) Brother Azarias, llie Development of English Literature : The Old English Period. New York, 1879. Earle, Anglo-Saxon Literature. London, 1884. Biography. AssER, Life of Alfred. (In Six Old English Chronicles, Bohn Library.) Giles, Life of Bede. (As above, under Religious and Cultural History.) 235 236 APPENDIX I. Biography. {Continued.) Bede, Account of Ccedmon. (In Ecclesiastical History^ Bk. IV., Chap. XXIV.) For reference : Dictionary of Christian Biography. London, 1877-87, 4 vols. Dictionary of National Biography: A-0'Dugan. London, 1885-94, 41 vols. Translations. LuMSDEN, Beowulf an Old English Poem, translated into modern rhymes. 2d ed. London, 1883. Earle, The Deeds of Beowulf. New York, 1892. Garnett, Beowulf and The Fight at Finnshurg. 3d ed. Bos- ton, 1889. (Nearly literal ; not so enjoyable as the other two, but more trustworthy in details.) Tennyson, The Battle of Brunanburh. Garnett, Elene ; Judith; Athelstan, or the Fight at Brunan- burh; and Byrhtnoth, or the Fight at Maldon. Boston, 1889. (Nearly literal.) [See also under Literary History and Poetical Texts.] Readers. Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Beader. 7th ed. New York (Oxford), 1894. Bright, Anglo-Saxon Beader. New York, 1894. Zupitza-MacLean, Old and Middle English Beader. New York, 1893. Poetical Texts. Cook, Judith, with Introduction, Translation, Complete Glossary and various Indexes, and an Antotype Facsimile. 2d ed. Boston (D. C. Heath & Co.), 1889. (Pamphlet edition, 1893.) Zupitza-Kent, Elene. Boston, 1889. Wyatt, Beowulf New York, 1894. Prose Texts. Bright, Gospel of St. Luke. New York (Oxford), 1893. Sweet, Selected Homilies of ^Ifric. New York (Oxford), 1885. , Extracts from Alfred's Orosius. New York (Oxford), 1886. APPENDIX I. 237 Prose Texts. (^Continued.) Earle-Plummer, Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel. New York (Oxford), 1889. (A selection only.) Cook, Extracts from the Anglo-Saxon Laws. New York, 1880. History of the English Language. Emerson, History of the English Language. New York, 1894. LouNSBURY, History of the English Language. Revised ed. New York, 1894. Champneys, History of English. New York, 1893. (Scarcely available as a text-book.) Etymology. Skeat, Principles of English Etymology : Series /., The Native Element. New York, 1887. [See also Dictionaries.] Grammar. SiEVERS-CooK, Old English Grammar. 2d ed. Boston, 1887. Henry, Short Comparative Grammar of English and German. New York, 1894. Phonetics. Bell, English Visible Speech for the Million. New York (Lon- don). , Manual of Vocal Physiology and Visible Speech. New York. Sweet, Primer of Phonetics. New York (Oxford), 1890. [Any one of these three.] Dictionaries. Hall, Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. New York, 1894. Murray and Bradley, New English Dictionary : A-Deceit, E- Fang. New York (Oxford), 1884-94. (Cited as New Eng. Diet.) 238 APPENDIX I. II. A Selection for the Advanced Student. Bibliography. WiJLKEK, Grundriss zur Geschichte der angelsdchsischen Litte- ratur. Leipzig, 1885. KoRTiNG, Grundriss der Geschichte der englischen Litteratur. MUnsteri. W., 1893. Jahresbericht . . . der germanischen Philologie. Berlin (later Leipzig), 1879-. (Section XV. (later XVI.) is devoted to English.) SoNNENSCHEiN, The Best Books, pp. 952-961. 2d ed. New York, 1891. Political and Social History. Kemble, The Saxons in England. London, 1876, 2 vols. Lappenberg, History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. 2 vols. (Bohn Library.) Green, The Conquest of England. New York, 1884. , The Making of England. New York, 1883. Freeman, History of the Norman Conquest, Vol. /., Chaps. L- III. New York (Oxford), 1873. Palgrave, Bise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, Vol. L London, 1831. Stubbs, Constitutional History of England, Vol. I., Chaps. L- VIII New York (Oxford), 1875. Andrews, The Old English Manor. Baltimore, 1892. liiterary History. Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Mittelalters im Abendlande. Leipzig, 1874-87, 3 vols. (Especially Vols. I. andin.) Ten Brink, Altenglische Literatur. (In Paul's Grundriss der germanischen Fhilologie, II. 1. 510-608. Strassburg, 1893. Only a fragment of the original design.) Biography. Wright, Biographia Britannica Literaria, Vol. I. London, 1842. Montalembert, Monks of the West. Edinburgh, 1861-79, 7 vols. (A fascinating work.) APPENDIX I. 239 Translations. Grein, Bichtungen der Angelsachsen^ stabreimend uhersetzt. Got- tingen, 1857-59, 2 vols. Readers. Sweet, Second Anglo-Saxon Beader. New York (Oxford), 1887. (Archaic and dialectal ; consists largely of glosses.) Kluge, Angelsdchsisches Lesebuch. Halle, 1888, KoRNER, Angelsdchsische Texte, mit Uebersetzung, Anmerkungen, und Glossar. Heilbronn, 1880. KiEGER, Alt- und angelsdchsisches Lesebuch. Giessen, 1861. Poetical Texts. [See also Prose Texts.] Grein- WiJLKER, Bibliothek der angelsdchsischen Poesie. Kassel, 1881-94. 2 vols, out of 3 completed. GoLLANCz, The Exeter Book, Part I. London (Early English Text Society), 1895. Thorpe, Codex Exoniensis. London, 1842. ZupiTZA, Beowulf^ Autotypes of the unique Cotton MS., with a Transliteration and Notes. London (E. E. T. S.), 1882. Prose Texts. Sweet, Oldest English Texts. London (E. E. T. S.), 1885. , King Alfred'' s West Saxon Version of Gregory'' s Pastoral Care. London (E. E. T. S.), 1871-72. , King Alfred's Orosius. London (E. E. T. S.), 1883. Miller, Old English Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Part I. London (E. E. T. S.) , 1890-91. Fox, King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius de Conso- latione Philosophice. (Bohn Library.) Thorpe, Homilies of ^Ifric. London (JElfric Society), 1844-46, 2 vols. Morris, Blickling Homilies. London (E. E. T. S.), 1874-80, 3 vols, in 1. Skeat, ^Ifri&s Metrical Lives of Saints. London (E. E. T. S.), 1881-90, 3 vols. , The Gospels in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbnan Versions. Cambridge, 1871-87. 240 APPENDIX I. Prose Texts. (Continued.) Earle, Handbook to the Land-Charters and other Saxonic Docu- ments. New York (Oxford), 1888. Earle, Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel. New York (Ox- ford), 1865, (Vol. I. of a revision by Plummer has been published. New York, 1892.) ScHMiD, Die Gesetze der Angelsachse7i. 2d ed. Leipzig, 1858. (This has a much completer apparatus than the following.) Thorpe, Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. London, 1840, 2 vols. Napier, Wtdfstan [Homilies']. Berlin, 1883. Cockayne, Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early Eng- land. London, 1804-06, 3 vols. Facsimiles of Manuscripts. Skeat, Txcelve Facsimiles of Old English [i.e. Old and Middle English] Manuscripts., with Transcriptions and Introduction. New York (Oxford), 1892. (From Alfred's trans, of the Pastoral Care., the poetical Exodus^ and the Chronicle.) WiJLKER, Codex Vercellensis, die angelsdchsische Handschrift zu Vercelli in getreuer Nachhildung. Leipzig, 1894. [See also Zupitza's Beowulf Cook's Judith., etc.] History of the Englisli Language. Kluge, Geschichte der englischen Sprache. (In Paul's Grundriss der germanischen Philologie, I. 780-930.) Strassburg, 1891. Grammar. Matzner, Englische Grammatik. 3d ed. Berlin, 1885-89, 3 vols. (English translation by C. J. Grece, London, 1874.) Koch, Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Cassel, 1863-78, 3 vols. CosiJN, Altwestsdchsische Grammatik. Hague, 1883-88. , Kurzgefasste altwestsdchsische Grammatik. 2d ed. Leiden, 1893. Sweet, N'ew English Grammar, Part I. New York (Oxford), 1892. APPENDIX I. 241 Phonology. Sweet, History of English Sounds. New York (Oxford), 1888. Mathew, Synopsis of Old English Phonology. ' New York (Ox- ford), 1891. Cook, Phonological Investigation of Old English. Boston, 1888. Syntax. WiJLFiNG, Die Syntax in den Werken Alfreds des Grossen. I. Teil. Bonn, 1894. (Contains a useful bibliography.) Prosody. SiEVEKS, Altgermanische MetriTc, pp. 120-149. Halle, 1893. , Angelsdchsische Metrik. (In Paul's Grundriss der ger- manischen Philologie, II. 1. 888-893 j a very brief, but clear, sketch.) Dictionaries. BoswoRTH-ToLLER, Auglo-Saxon Dictionary : A-Swi^rian. New York, 1882-92. Grein, Sprachschatz der angelsdchsischen Dichter. Gottingen, 1861-64. Cook, Glossary of the Old Northumbrian Gospels. Halle, 1894. Kluge, Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache (with Janssen's Index). 5th ed., Strassburg, 1894; 4th ed. trans- lated (Macmillan). (For comparison of Old English with German words.) Periodicals. Anglia. Halle, 1878-. Englische Studien. Heilbronn, 1878-. Beitrdge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Litteratur (ed. by Paul and Braune). Halle, 1874-. Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Language Associa- tion of America. Baltimore, 1886-. Modern Language Notes. Baltimore, 1886-. 242 APPENDIX I. III. Memoranda of Additional Books. APPENDIX I. 243 244 APPENDIX I. APPENDIX II. CORRESPONDENCES OF OLD ENGLISH AND MODERN GERMAN VOWELS. Only a selection of the more regular correspondences is here given. The student must not be surprised at the occurrence of correspondences which he cannot reconcile with these ; profounder study will usually show the reason for the discrepancy. The great majority of instances, however, will be found to fall under the following heads. The graphic representa- tions of the vowels, not their sounds, is all that is here considered, but this will be found of much assistance in tracing and fixing cognates. Old English Short Vowels and Diphthongs. OE. a : Ger. a OE. se : Ger. a Sometimes OE. ae : Ger OE. e : Ger. e. . . . OE. ^ : Ger. e (ee) , OE. i : Ger. i . . OE. o : Ger. o . OE. u : Ger. u . OE. y : Ger. il . Sometimes OE OE. ea (20, 21) : Ger. a OE. eo (20, 21) : Ger. e y : Ger, . baiS'ian : haden. . craeft : Kraft. . haerfest : Herhst. . brecan : hrechen. . b^dd : Bett; h^re : Heer. . fisc : Fisch. . lof : Loh. . burg : Burg. . fyllan : fullen. . hyldu : Huld. . hearpe : Harfe. . eorafe : Erde. 245 246 APPENDIX II. Old English Long Vowels and Diphthongs. OE. a : Ger. ei brad : hreit. Sometimes OE. a : Ger. e (ee) . . . ar : Ehre ; sawol : Seele. OE. ie : Ger. ei heel : Heil. Sometimes OE. ae : Ger. a or Ger. e . i If **^ '' ^^^^^'^ ' I aerest : ei'st. OE. e : Ger. ii grene : grlln. OE. i : Ger. ei idel : eitel. OE. o : Ger. u fot : Fuss. OE. 5 : Ger. au hus : Hmis. OE. ea : Ger. au heafod : Haupt. Before h, and dental consonants (6), OE. ea : Ger. o deaff : Tod. OE. eo : Ger. ie deor : Tier. In tracing back the history of these vowels, many correspondences become clearer. Thus, take OE. o : Ger. u. The Old High German correlative of 6 is wo, that is, the one long vowel is diphthongized into two short ones. Of these it is the u which has sur- vived. If noAV we consider that the i-umlaut of 6 is e, and of Ger. u is ii, we shall better understand such a pair as grene : gi^iin. It should be observed that Ger. ei corresponds to OE. a, se, and i, and Ger. au to OE. u and ea ; similarly Ger. o to OE. o and ea, Ger. u to OE. u and o, etc. Note, too, that the sound of the vowel in Ger. eitel, Haus, corresponds precisely to the Mod. Eng. sound into which the OE. vowels of idel, hus, have respectively developed. See Kluge, under Dictionaries, p. 241. APPENDIX III, ANDREW'S NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE STEERSMAN. [This extract from the Greek is found on pp. 136-138 of Tischendorf 's Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha, and corresponds to lines 235-349 of the Old English Andi'eas.] *Avao-ra5 8e *Av8peas tw TrpoA iiropevero em rrjv OdXaa-aav afJLa Tots fxaOrjTals avTOv, kol KareXOiov €7rt rbv alycakov tSev . irXoiapiov fxiKpbv Koi ctti to irXoiapiov rpets avS/oas KaOe^o- fjiivov^ ' 6 yap KvpLo^ rrj kavrov Swd/xeL KareorKevacrev ttXolov, KOL avTO'S rjv oxnrep a.vOpo)Tro<; Trpwpev7ro(jid- Then Andrew arose early, and went to the sea with his dis- ciples, and, when he had gone down to the sea-shore, he saw a little boat, and in the boat three men sitting. For the Lord had prepared a ship by his own power, and he himself was as it were a steersman in the ship ; and he brought two angels whom he made to seem as men, and they were seated in the ship. Andrew, therefore, when he saw the ship and the three men in it, rejoiced with very great joy, and, coming to them, said, Whither go ye, brethren, with this little ship? And the Lord answered and said unto him. We are journeying into the country of the man-eaters. Now Andrew, when he saw Jesus, 247 248 APPENDIX III. yoiv. 6 Sk 'AvSpea? 6ea€vy€L rrjv ttoXlv Ikuvt)v, KOL TTWs v/xets TTOpeveaOe €K£t ; Kat aTroKpi^eis 'AvSpeas etTrev IIpay/Aa rt puKpov f.^op.ev cKct hiairpa^aa-OaL, koX Set ^/xas CKTeAeaat avTO * oAA' ei Suvacrai, Trotrjaov p.eO' rjfiCjv Tr]v i\av- BpiiiTTLOV ravTrjv tov aTra^at r}fxa<; iv rfj X^P?- "^^^ dvOp(D7ro(fidyav€p6v Troirjarai, veavtVKC, Trpo TOV T^/otas (xi^eA^ctv iv t(S TrAotoj (rov. 6 0€ lrjaov€, 6 KvpLO): tha. 29. ct for ht : dryctin, maecti, -mectig. 30. b forf: heben. 31. tUforto. Most of - the foregoing variations are due either to the age of the document, or are common to at least two of the non-West Saxon dialects. The only ones APPENDIX IV. 253 that seem peculiarly Northumbrian are 17, 31, and possibly 12. Of the rest, 16 and 25 do not agree with later Northumbrian (Lind.), and 22 looks not unlike Kentish. But 17 has that palatalization of u by preceding sc which we find in scyur, -scyade, scyldor, scyiiiga, scuia (ui as in druige for dryge), and even shya (WS. scua), of the Lind. Gospels. Til, which in Old Norse replaces OE. to, is found here and in Lind. Matt. 26. 31, besides being read in the Runic inscription on the Ruthwell Cross. Foldu resembles the eor3'u, -o of Lind. Matt. 15. 35, 27. 45, etc., which is the regular form in these Glosses. The Hymn is as follows : — - Nu scylun h^rgan hefsenricaes uard, metudses raeecti ^nd his modgidanc, uerc uuldurfadur; sue he uundra gihuaes, eci dryctin, or ast^lidse. 5 He Srist scop ^Ida barnum hebeu til hrofe, haleg serpen. Tha middungeard moncynuses uard, eci dryctin, sefter tiadae, firum foldu, frea allmectig. 2. Bede's Death Song. Of this Sweet says : " Preserved in the St. Gall MS. 254, of the ninth century, in the usual conti- nental minuscule hand, evidently an accurate copy of an Old Northumbrian original." As translated by Cuthbert, his pupil, it runs : — 254 APPENDIX TV. "Ante necessarium exitum prudentior quam opus fuerit nemo existit, ad cogitandum videlicet, ante- quam hinc profiscatur anima, quid boni vel mali egerit, qualiter post exitum judicanda fuerit." Its variations from E WS. are : — 1. It has some of the peculiarities of I. 1, such as (1) godses, yflass, (2) ni, (3) -faerae, -hycgganiiiB, -i^ngae, gastae, uueorthae, (8) -snottur-, (15) tharf, (28) there, uuiurthit, thgnc-, than, tharf, aeththa, deoth-, uueorthae. 2. Final -a for -e : a'»>a. 3. Final -it for -etS (cf. 35) : uuiurthit. 4. Final -id for -ed : doeniid. 5. ei for Te : neid-. 0. e for ae : there. 7. iu for eo (ie) : uuiurthit. 8. eo for ea : deoth-. 0. ae for o : aeththa. 10. <» for e : dy^ cyme}) j^onne Simii'^ Monnes in '(Srymme his, and alle'' ^nglas mi?i hine, ponne^ gesite))^ on sedle'' his ])rymmes. And gesomnade^ beo(S beforan him alle'* 1 Represented in MS. only by * MS. ealle; a is more common the abbreviation ; and occurs but before 1 + cons., though eall and once in the Gospel, and is accord- healf are somewhat exceptional, ingly restored here ; a, too, is more ^ ]7onne is much commoner, likely to occur in proclitics. and so o before nasals in general. 2 Both miS" and mid are found ; ^ MS. gesitae>. here the following }> may have ^ This word has > and t (tt), influenced. as well as d. 3 MS. sune. » » MS. gesomnedc. APPENDIX IV. 261 j)eode, and gesceade]?^ hise in twa,^ swa Morde^ asceade]?* seep from ticnum. And s^te}> ]>a scep^ on J)a*^ swl^ran halfe/ his tieeen ponne on ]?a winstran JialfeJ ponne cwsej)^ se Cyning J)^m pe on pa swij^ran lialfe his beon, "Cumap,^ gebletsade mines Fseder, gesittatS rice ^te eow geiarwad^*^ waes from s^tnisse middangeardes. For-pon-t^e mec^^ yngrade/^ and ge saldun me etan; mec pyrste, and ge saldun ^'^ me drincan; cuma ic waes, and ge feormadun mec"; nacud ic wses, and ge wrigun^'* mec; untruni/^ and ge neosadun mm; in carcerne^^ ic wses, and ge cwomun^^ to me." ponne andswarigap ^^ him^^ [p£em] sopfseste,^ cwsepende/^ " Dryhten, hwonne ^^ gesegun ^ we t5e hyng- rende, and we fceddun^'^ pe? oppe pyrstigne, and we pe drincan saldun? hwanne^^ ponne gesegun^ we pe" cuman, and gef eormadun •6e " ? oppe nacudne, and we pec " wrigun^'*? opt5e hwonne^ we pe" segun untrymne^^ opt^e in cwarterne,^ and we cwomun ^^ to pe ? " And and- swarade se Cyning, cwsep to heom/*^ "Sop ic saecge eow, swa longe swa ge dydun anum pe^^ leesesta^^ para bropre^^ 1 MS. gesceadi)>. wreogan, but this verb is ex- 2 MS. tu, but less common. ceptional. 8 heorde also occurs. ^^ With i-umlaut, and without. * MS. ascade>. ^® MS. carkaern. 5 MS. scaep. ^^ MS. coman. 6 Lat. omits suis. ^^ MS. andswaerigaj?. 7 MS. healfe. ^^ Sing. Mm, plur. heom. 8 Usual form for pres., as well ^o .faeste rather more common, as pret. ; pres. also cwe]>. 21 cwae]?ende nearly as com- 9 MS. cyme}>. mon as cwe)>ende. 10 Less common than gegear- 22 hwanne and hwonne about wad. equal. 11 mec, larec rather commoner 23 jyfg gesagun. in ace. 24 MS. foeddan. 12 Loss of initial h exceptional. 25 ]yi;g quartern. 13 MS. salden. 26 Here nom. ; Jie occasional 1* MS. forms are wriogan, for se. 15 262 APPENDIX IV. mine/ ge me dydun.^ " ponne cwaej) se Cyning ec to ]>8em fa-fe on fsem winstran halfe beo}>an, "Gewita]? from me, awsergde,^ in ece* fyr, ^te waes geiarwad^ Feeder^ min^ deofle and his ^nglum/ For-fon-pe mec^ hyngrede, and 5 ge ne saldun me etan; mec^ Syrste, and ge ne saldun me drincan; cuma^ ic wa3S, and ge ne feormadun mec*^; nacud, and ge ne wrigun^^ mec^; untrum" and in carcerne/^ and ge ne neosadun min." ponne andswarigaS hise sw^elce/^ cwael^ende/^ " Dry h ten, hwanne^ gesegun^^ we ^e^ hyng- 10 rende, o]>\)e J^yrstigne, oppe cuman, opSe mntrum,^^ oppe in carcerne,^'' and we ne ))egnadun ^^ fe ? " ponne and- swara|>^^ heom,^ cwej^ende," "SoJ> ic ssecge eow, swa longe swa ge ne dydun anum meodumra-^ ))issa, ne me ge ne dydun.'^ And g'^])^ hiae in sece^ tintergu,^ ))a so}>feste^'' IS ponne in sece* llf. 1 See p. 253, note 26. 2 MS. dydon. 8 MS. awaBrgede. * 8Bce rather more common. ^ MS. geiarvvard. 6 Cf. the Latin of this text. ' MS. englas. 8 See p. 253, note 11. * MS. cuman. 10 See p. 253, note 14. 11 See p. 253, note 15. 12 MS. carkern. 13 MS. swilce ; the only other instance in the Gospel is swaelce. 1* See p. 253, note 21. 15 See p. 253, note 22. 16 See p. 253, note 23. 1'^ MS. carcraennae. 18 MS. J?egnedun. 1^ MS. andswarej>. 20 See p. 253, note 18. 21 MS. meoduma. 22 More common than influence of the sing.? 23 Only instance of u in plur. of disyllabic neuters ; cf . ticcen, above. 2* See p. 253, note 20. gaff; 2. Psalm XX. (XXI.) The Psalm is taken from the Vespasian Psalter as printed in Sweet's Oldest English Texts, This was formerly regarded as Kentish, and even yet Brown APPENDIX IV. 263 (Part I., p. 82) is inclined to think that its Mercian is that of the region adjoining Kent. Sweet (p. 184) refers the gloss to the first half of the ninth century. The forms are less varied than in the last. The Latin is the Vulgate version, collated with that on which the gloss is based. The text is : — Dryhten, in megne ^inum bitS geblissad cyning; ond ofer hselu ^ine gef 16 ^ swit^lice ! Lust sawle his ^u saldes him, ond willan weolera his ^u ne bisc^redes hine. For- Son tSu forecwome hine in bledsunge^ swcetnisse^; M s^ttes heafde his beg of stane deorwyrSmn.^ Llf bed, 5 ond M saldes him l^ngu dsega^ in weoruld weorulde. Micel is Avuldur his in li^lu tSinre; wuldur ond micelne wlite •Sti ons^tes ofer hine. For-(5on 6u shiest hine in bledsunge in weoruld weorulde ; tSu geblissas hine in gef Ian mid ondwleotan^ {^Tnum. For-'Son cyning gehyhte6 10 in Dryhtne, and in mildheortnisse ^es hestan ne biS onstyred. Sle [biS] gimoeted hond Sin allum feondum •Sinum ; sTe swiSre (5m gemoetetS alle Sa-'Se 6ec ^ flgaS. Du s^tes hie swe-swe ofen fyres in tid ondwleotan^ twines; Dryhten in eorre his gedroefeS hie, ond forswilgeS 15 hie fyr. Westem heara of eorSan Su forspildes, and sed heara from bearnum monna. For-tSon hie onh^ldun^ in •5e yfel ; t5ohtun geSseht Saet hie ne msehtun gesteat^ul- festian. For-Son ^u s^tes hie bee, in lafum Sinum Su gearwas ondwleotan heara. H^fe up, Dryhten, in megne 20 t5inum; we singa'S and singaS megen 15m. 1 MS. geflhS". 6 111 this word io is commoner ; 2 We should expect bloedsunge. but the rule is eo. 3 MS. swetnisse. ^ MS. fSe. * MS. deorwyrafem. 8 MS. Qndwliotan ; see note 5. 5 MS. d^ga. » MS. onhaeldou. 264 APPENDIX IV. Domine, in virtute tua laetabitur rex; et super salutare tuum exiiltabit vehementer. Desiderium cordis^ ejus tribuisti ei, et voluntate labiorum ejus non fraudasti eum. Quoniam prsevenisti eum in benedictionibus dul- cedinis ; posuisti in capite ejus coronani de lapide pre- tioso. Vitani petiit^ a^ te,^ et tribuisti ei longitudinem dierum in saeculum, et in ssecuhim sseculi. Magna est gloria ejus in salutari tuo; gloriam et magnum decorem impones super eum. Quoniam dabis eum in benedictionem in saeculum sfcculi ; liietiticabis eum in gaudio cum vultu tuo. (Quoniam rex sperat^ in Domino, et in misericordia Altissimi non coiiimovebitur. Inveniatur manus tua omni- bus inimicis tuis ; dextera tua inveniat'' omnes qui te oderunt. Tones eos ut clibanum ignis in tempore vultus tui; Dominus in ira,sua contiu'babit eos, et devorabit eos ignis. Fructum eorum de terra perdes ; et semen eorum a filiis liominum. Quoniam declinaverunt in te mala ; cogitaverunt consilia,^ (pue^ non potuerunt stabilire. Quo- niam pones eos dorsum^; in reliquis tuis praeparabis vultum eorum. Exaltare, Domine, in virtute tua ; can- tabimus et psallemus virtutes tuas. 1 MS. animce. ^ MS. sperabit. ^ MS. quod. 2 MS. jyetit. ^ MS. inveniit. "^ MS. deorsum. 5 MS. consilium. III. Kentish. The preference for the e-sound (both long and short) is, according to Zupitza (^Hawpfs Zeitschrift^ XXI. 4), characteristic of the Kentish dialect. Sievers remarks (§ 154) that a distinctive characteristic of Kentish is the substitution of e, e, for y, y, and to some extent the converse. APPENDIX IV. 265 In our reproduction of the following pieces, ^ is employed only where it is found in the MSS., in order to avoid confusion between the theoretical and the MS. ^. 1. liufa's Confirmation of her Bequest. The will of which this is the concluding portion dates from 832. It is printed by Sweet in his Oldest English Texts, pp. 446-447, and by Earle, Land Charters, pp. 165-166. Earle adds : " This piece is given in Thorpe's Analecta as a specimen of East Anglian ; but Kemble remarked that Mundlingham is in Kent." Note the e (e) for se (se), ia (la) for eo (eo) ; b for f is of course not peculiar to Kentish (I. 1. 30). The text is as follows: — *i* Ic Luba, ea'Smod Godes t^Iwen, t5as forecwedenan god, and Sas elmessan, gesette and gefestnie, ob mlnem erfe- lande et Mmidlingham, t$em hiiuni to Cristes cirican; and ic bidde, and an Godes libgendes naman beblade, t5tem men ^e 6is land and Sis erbe hebbe et Mundlingham, Set he tJas god forSleste 56 wiaralde ende. Se man, se Sis healdan wille, and lestan Set ic beboden hebbe an Sisem gewrite, se him seald and gehealden sla hiabenlice bledsung ; se his ferwerne, oSSe hit agele, se him seald and gehealden helle wite, biite he to fulre bote gecerran wille, Gode and mannum. Uene ualete. *i* Lufe })incggewrit. 2. The Kentish Hymn. The Hymn is No. 8 of Grein's Bihliothek (II. 290- 291). The text is conformed to that of Kluge in his Lesehuch, pp. 111-112. 266 APPENDIX IV. To be noted are the io, ia for eo (hiofen, hiafen), lo for eo, e for ae (fegere, Feder, lieleara, -fest), se for e, i.e. oe (blsetsiaSC, hrsemig) and for ie (geflaemdest), and especially the e for y (senna, gefelled), and e for y (ales, gerena). Standard West Saxon vowels are also found, and perhaps indicate a West Saxon scribe. With respect to consonants, the omission of the mid- dle one of three is noted by Zupitza as characteristic (senium). The loss of final d (walden) is found elsewhere in Kentish (Zupitza, p. 11) ; but see also I. 1. 14. Nc (ngc, ncg) for ng (cyninc, cyningc ; cf. Jjincg-, p. 257, 1. 12) is another mark (Zupitza, p. 13). The Hymn is as follows: — Wilton wuldrian weorada Dryhten, halgan lilloSorcwiduni hiofenrices Weard, liifian iTofwendiim llf^s Agend, and him simle sTo sigef^st wuldor 5 uppe mid aenluin and on eorSan sibb [5] gumena gehwilcuin goodes willan ! We t5e heriatS hrdgum stefnum, and ])e blaetsiaS ])iie\vitne F^der, and Se pancia^, ])Toda Walden, 10 •8Tnes weoiiSlTcan wuldordreames [10] and 'Sare miclan msegena gerena, t5e M God Dryhten gastes msehtum hafest on gewealdum hiofen and eorSan, an ece F^der, selmehtig God! 15 Du eart cyninga Cyningc cwicera gehwilces; [15] ^11 eart sigefest Sunn and sot5 H^lend ofer ealle gesc^ft angla and manna! Du Dryhten God on dreamum wunast on t5£ere upplican se^elan ceastre, 20 Frea folca gehwaes, swa Su set fruman weere [20] APPENDIX TV. 267 efeneadig Beam agenum I'ybcler ! Du eart heofenlic lioht and t^aet halige lamb, t5e (5u^ manscilde middangeardes for |)inre arf^stnesse ealle towurpe, 5 fiond geflaemdest, folic gene redes, [25] blode gebohtest beam Israela t5a ^u ahofe t5urh t^set halige triow Sinre Srowunga ^rlostre senna, ])ddt 'Su on hgeahsetle heafena rices 10 sitest sigelirsemig on t5a swi'Sran hand [30] •Sinum God-Fa^der gasta gemyndig. Mildsa nil meahtig manna cynne, and of leahtriim ales 'Sine t5a liofan gesc^ft, and us hale gedo, heleSa Sceppend, 15 niSa Nergend, for Sines naman are ! [35] Du eart soSlice simle halig, and t5u eart ana sece Dryhten, and •Sti ana bist eallra Dema cwucra ge deadra, Crist Nergend, 20 for-^San t5u on Srymme ricsast and on tSrmesse [40] and on annesse, ealles Waldend, hiofena heahcyninc, Halige s Gastes fegere gefelled in Feeder wuldre ! 1 MS. ffy. APPENDIX V. I-UMLAUT ILLUSTRATED FROM GOTHIC. The earliest Germanic language represented by exist- ing specimens is the Gothic. Much the most consider- able part of these specimens consist of fragments of a translation of the Bible, or rather of the Bible with the exception of the Books of Kings, made by Wulfila (less correctly, Ulphilas), a Goth of the fourth century. While it would be a serious error to regard Gothic as the parent of the other Germanic tongues, it is undoubtedly true that in many respects it most nearly represents what we may conceive to have been the character of the Primitive Germanic language. In particular, the origi- nal vowels of stem-endings and inflectional terminations are often extant in Gothic, while by the time of Old English they are either lost, or exist in a modified form. From what has been said, it is manifest that a compari- son of Gothic forms with those of Old English is often very instructive. The phenomenon known as i-umlaut, for example, becomes much more intelligible through such a comparison, as a few illustrations will render evident. In the revised version of 2 Cor. 10. 12, the marginal reading is, "For we are not bold to judge ourselves among . . . certain of them that commend themselves." The Gothic has, " Unte ni gadaursum domjan unsis silbans," etc. Here the English word judge is repre- 268 APPENDIX V. 269 sented by the Gothic domjan (pronounced domyan)^ to which corresponds the OE. deman. Again, for OE. sec(e)an (114), n^rian (116), the Gothic has sokjan, nasjan (s changing to r), as in Lk. 19. 10 : " Qam auk sunus mans sokjan jah nasjan pans fralusanans." According to 103, the ind. pres. 3 sing, of forbeodan is forbiet or forbiett. The corresponding Gothic form occurs in Lk. 8. 25 : " Hwas siai sa, ei jah windam faurhiudip jah watnam ? " (Who then is this, that he commandeth even the winds and the water(s)?) The stem of the Gothic verb faurhiudi/> is Mud-, which in OE. is represented by beod-. Umlaut is caused by the -^- of the ending -i/^, which is sometimes retained in OE. as -(e)ar, but frequently disappears, according to 23 and 34. Similarly Gothic fraliusi/^ is represented in OE. by forliest, as in Lk. 15. 8, where, for the "if she lose one piece " of the English, the Gothic has, " jabai fraliusifi drakmin ainamma." Again, take the OE. hatau, of which the ind. pres. 3 sing, is li8et(t). Here the Gothic infinitive is haitan, and the ind. pres. 3 sing. haiti/). Thus, in Lk. 15. 9, '-'- gahaitip frijondjos " (call- eth together her friends). In Mk. 1. 16, where our version has net, the OE. has n^tt, and the Gothic nati: " wairpandans nati in marein." The doubling of t is to be accounted for according to 36, as the Gothic stem-ending was -ja. For OE. cyna the Gothic has kuni, as in Mk. 8. 12 : " Hwa })ata kuni taikn sokeip?" (What would be the OE. representatives of taikn and sokei/^f) In Mk. 7. 35, where the OE. has "tungan b^nd," the Gothic has ^'■bandi tuggons." Many more illustrations might be given, but these will no doubt suffice to render the principle clear. VOCABULARY. VOCABULARY. [The vowel ae follows ad, and fS follows t. The main or typical forms of words are those of Early West Saxon, the dialectic or late forms of the poetry and of Appendix IV. being referred to that as the standard. Actual forms, when different from the type, are enclosed in parenthesis. Figures in parenthesis refer to paragraphs (and subdivisions) of the Grammar. Semicolons are employed to separate different groups of meanings; defi- nitions separated by commas are more nearly synonymous. The sign < indicates derivation from. Modern English words cited in brackets, and not preceded bye/., are direct derivatives ;^ cognates thus cited are directly derived from the common ancestral form; where the relationship is more remote, or only a part of the word corresponds, cf. precedes. Old English words preceded by cf. or see are parallel or related forms. Direct deriva- tives included among the definitions are not repeated in brackets. The asterisk before a word indicates a theoretical form ; for the manner in which such are framed see my Phonological Investigation of Old English (Ginn & Co.). The ending -llc(e) is assigned to adjectives and adverbs employed in the poetry; -lic(e) to those in prose.] A. a, ahcays ; repeated for emphasis, a a a, for ever and ever. [Cf . Mod. Eng. ay, from an allied root ; in MP], our word appears as 0, 00, — so in Chaucer, TV. and Cress. 2. 1034: 'for ay and 00.'''] a- (142). a-belgan (III. cense. a-beodan (II, communicate. a-beran (IV. 105), carry, convey; sustain. a-blawan (R. 109), blow. 104), anger, in- 103), announce, a-bregdan (III. 104, 28), liberate, disengage. [Cf . Spenser's abrade, abrayd, abraid, e.g. F.Q.^.W. 8.] a-butan, about, around. ac (ah) (4), but. a-c^nnan (113), produce, beget, bring forth. acol-mod (58, 146), frightened, terrified. adesa (53), adze, hatchet. adl (51. 6), disease. a-drgedan (R. 110), /ear. a-dreogan (IT. 103), endure. a-drifan (I. 102) , expel. a-dan(e) , down. [< of done ; see dun.] sece, see ece. 273 274 VOCABULARY. aBcer (43), field. [Cf. Mod. Eng. broad acres, God''s Acre, the latter as in Longfellow's poem; Ger. Acker. Cognate with Lat. ager, Gr. dypds.^ sedre (edre), straightway, imme- diately, at once. sefen (47. 7), evening (but evening itself is from the derivative sefn- ung). [Ger. Abend.'] ^fen-gloinung (51. 3), evening twilight. [Cf . Mod. Eng. gloam- ing.] aefestfull (146), envious, [aefest is compounded of aef-, a parallel form of of, and est, q.v.] sefestian (118), envy, be envious at. sefestig (146), envious. aefre, ever, always; 5efre ne, never. [^afterward. aefter, afler ; according to ; about ; iefter-8'on-9'e, after. fg- (142). aeg-flota (53), sea-Jloater, ship. aeg-hwa (88), every one; neut. every thing. ^g-hwanan (75), from all sides, on all sides. aeg-hwilc (-hwylc) (89), every {one), any {one). «gffer ge . . . ge (202), both . . . and. aeht (51. b), council. seht (51. 1), possession; plur. goods. [Cf. agan.] sel (51. b), awl. [Ger. Ahle.] selc (89. a), each, every, all. [Mod. Eng. each.] selde, see ielde. aelmesse (el-) (53. 1), alms. [See Xe^ij Eng. Diet. s.v. alms.] ael-inihtig (-mihti) (57. 3), al- mighty. [Ger. allmdchtig.] .^l-myrcan (53), plur. Ethiopians. semetta (53), leisure. [Cf. aemtig.] gemtig (57. 3; 146), empty, void. [Cf. aemetta.] «eiie, once. eenig (89. a; 154. a; 146), any {one). [rycg (51. b; 24), bridge. [Ger. Brikke.} brytta (53), dispenser. Bryttas (43), phir., Britons. bufan, above. [< be + iifan.] bar (43, 24), dining-room; pri- vate apartment, boudoir, bower. [Mod. Eng. bower.] burg (52. 1 ; 24), city. [Mod. Eng. borough, Ger. Burg.} burg-geat (47, 147), city-gate. burg-leode (44. 4; 147), city- people, citizens. burh-sittende (61, 28), city- dwellei's, citizens. burh-weall (43, 28), city-wall. batan, prep. (24), without, outside of, except, besides. [< be + utan ; cf . the Scotch ' but and ben.'] batan, conj., except. bycgean (114), buy. byrd (51. b), birth, extraction. byrig, see burg. byrne (53) , hauberk, corslet, mail- coat. byrn-hama (-hQma) (53), hau- berk, corslet. bysen (51. b), example, illustra- tion; suggestion. VOCABULAKY. 281 c. cald, see ceald. camp (43), fight, battle. [Ger. Kampf.'] campian (118), strive, struggle, fight. [< camp.] camp-wig (CQnip-) (47), com- bat. carcern (47), prison. [viiina (53), enemy. [See -winnan.] ge-winnfullic (57), laborious, toilsome J fatiguing. ge-wislice (70, 76), oj-ienltj, plainly. ge-\vissian (118), guide., direct. ge-witan (126), find out., learn. [See witan.] ge-witan (I. 102; 184. a), depart., go. ge-witt (47), understanding. ge-writ (47) , writing, writ ; letter ; document, instrument, will. ge-writan (I. 102), ibrite. ge-wiina (53), custom, wont. ge-\vunian (118), be wont, use; dwell. [See -\vunian.] ge-wyrcean (114), make, build. [See wyrcean.] giefan (gifan) (V. 106, 18), give. [Ger. geben.} giefeaCe (gife'Se) (48), chance. giefu (gifu) (51. a), gift; boon. gieman (113; 156./), 7'ule over. giena (gena), yet. giernan (113), desire ; solicit {the hand of), woo. [. gifu, see giefu. gim-cynn (47), gems of every kind. gimm (43), gem, precious stone. [Borrowed from Lat. gemma be- fore ca. 650.] ginn (58), spacious, ample. gingra (65, 53), disciple. gio, formerly, long ago, once upon a time. [See iu.] git, see giet. gla^s (47), glass. gleaw (58), prudent, loise. gleawlice (70), shrewdly, judi- ciously, wisely. [lishment. gl^ng (51. b), adornment, embel- glidan (L 102), glide. [Ger. gleiten.] god (58, 5, 4), good. [Ger. gut.] god (47; , prosperity ; plur. , goods, good things, property ; benefac- tions. God (43, 5, 4), God. {(^er.Gott; according to Kluge, the 'Being invoked.'] god-cund {b%), divine, [godhead. god-cundnes (51. 5), divinity, godcundmiht (-mseht) (51. 1), majesty. [Divine Father. God-Fseder (43. 8), God-Father, god-spell (47), gospel. god-w^bb (^1), purple. gold (47), gold. VOCABULARY. 297 gold-frsetwa (51. a), plur., golden ornaments. gold-hord (47), treasure. gold-leaf (47), gold leaf. gQng, see gang, graeg (58), gray. [Ger. grau.'] gram (57), fierce., raging. gr^mman (115. a), enrage. [< gram, by 16.] grene (59), green. [Ger. grun.'] greot (47), du^t ; shingle. [Ger. Griess.'] gretan (113), greet., salute; take leave of. [Ger. grllssen.'] grewS", see growan. grindan (III. 104), whirl. [Mod. Eng. grind.'] growan (R. 109), grow. grand (43), earth; bottom; sea (perhaps orig. shallow., shoal). [Ger. Grund, Mod. Eng. ground.] gryre-hwil (51. &), period of terror. gurron, see georran. guma (53), man, hero. [Mod. Eng. (bride) groom.] guS' (51. b; 30), war. [Ger. -gund, in Hildegund, e.g.; cf. Gondibert.] ga9'-fana (53), gonfalon, stand- ard. [See Mod, Eng. gonfalon ; cf. Ger. Fahne, Mod. Eng. vane.] gn9'-freca (53), warrior. gulSf-rinc (43), vmrrior. gu9'-sceorp (47), war-trappings. gyden (51. b ; 17), goddess. gylden (146, 17), golden. gystran-daeg, see giestran-daeg. gyt, see giet. H. habban (121, 188), have; pos- sess ; accept, keep ; receive. [Ger. haben; cf. Lat. habere.] had (43), sex. hador (57), bright, serene. [Ger. heiter.] heel (47), salvation; rescue, es- cape. [Ger. Ileil.] Haelend (43. 6), Saviour, Jesus. [Ger. Heiland.] haelea" (43. 9), hero, man. [Ger. Held.] hselu (51. a), salvation; rescue. hierfest (43), harvest. [Ger. Herbst; cf. Lat. carpere, Gr. /CapTTOS.] haern (51. b), ocean. htes (51. b), order, direction, com- mand. [Cf. Mod. Eng. behest, Ger. Geheiss.] hsetu (51. a), heat, [hat, by 16.] hseffen (57. 3) . heathen. [Cf . Ger. Heide, and Mod. Eng. heath ; so Lat. paganus < pagus.] hal (58), vjhole, hale ; hal gedon, save. [Ger. heil.] halig(57.3; 1^6), holy. [von, somewhat, a little. bwone, see bwa. bwonne (hwienne, hwcenne), vihen; until. bwylc, see bwilc. bwyrfan, see bweorfan. byge-rof (hige-) (58), valiant- souled. byge-iSrancol (57), thoughtful- minded. bybsta, see biebsta. hybt (hiht) (43) hope; joy, glad- ness, bliss; bent. byldu (hyldo) (51. a), kindness. [Cf. Ger. Huld.] byngran (115. b ; 190), hunger. byran, see bieran. byre, see biere. byrned-n^bb (58, 17), horny- beaked. byrst (51. b), ornament. VOCABULARY. 301 I. ic (81). idel (57), empty ^ void, Lat, inanis (Auth. Vers, 'without form'). [Ger. eitel; of. Shak., 0th. 1. 3. 140, 'deserts idle.'] idelnes (51. 6), idleness, indo- lence. ides (51.&), maid, nymph, woman. [From tlie Norse mythology we learn that this Germanic word signified 'demi-goddess,' or per- haps ' female guardian-angel, ' as well as ' maid ' ; it was ap- plied to giantesses and Norns, to heroic women, resembling the Valkyries, such as Brunhild and Gudrun, and to goddesses, such as Freyja. Cf. the remarks of Tacitus, Germania 8: "They even believe that the sex has a certain sa,nctity and prescience, and they do not despise their counsels, or make light of their answers. In Vespasian's days we saw Veleda, long regarded by many as a divinity."] ie, see ea. lecan (yean) (113, 33), augment, aggravate. [< eac] ielde (Side) (44. 4), plur. men. ieldra, see eald. ieldu(51.a; 19; Vt),age. [Mod. Eng. eld; see Cliaucer, K. T. 1589.] ielfete (53. 1), swan. ierfe (48), inheritance. ierfe-land (47), heritable land, inheritance. ierman (113), afflict. [< earm, by 16.] ievm.tSn{bl. a), poverty. [), remnant ; to lafe, Ze/iC. lago-, see lagu-. lagu (45), ocean, sea. lagu-faesten (47), ocean, deep. lagu-flod (lago-) (43), sea-flood. lagu-lad (lago-) (51. b), ocean- journey. lagu-stream (43), ocean-stream. lam. (43), dust (lit. loam). [Ger. Lehm ; more remotely cognate (ablaut relation) with Lat. li- mus.'] lamb (50), lamb. land (47, 24), land, country; her on lande, in this country. [Ger. Land, and cf. hier zu Lande.'] land-bfiend (iQud-^ (43. 6), dweller in the land. land-ge-maere (48), border. land-sceap (47), land. lang (58, 65), long. [Ger. lang.] lange (70, 77), long (of time). lang-sweored (57), long-necked. [Cf. Koch, Gram. III. 71 ; Matz- ner, I. 470.] lar (51. 6), study; instruction, teaching; counsel, guidance. [Ger. Lehre, Mod. Eng. lore.] lareow (43), teacher, master ; learned man. [< lar + iffeow.] last (43), track, footprint. [Mod. Eng. last (for shoes), Ger. Leist- e(n).] latteowdom (43, 14), guidance. [Cf. the etymology of lareow.] laiac (58), hostile; hateful. lalS'ian (118), summon. [Ger. {ein^laden.] lead (47), lead. [Ger. Lot.] leaf (51. b), leave, permission. [Ger. ( Ur)laub, (Er)laub(niss).] leaf (47), leaf [Ger. Laub.] leahtor (43), sin, iniquity. lean (43), reward, recompense. [Ger. Lohn.] l^cgean (115, note), place, put, set. [From the second stem (92) of licgan, by 16; Ger. legen, Mod. Eng. lay.] l^nctenlic (57), vernal. l^ncten-tid (51. 1), spring. [Cf. Ger. Lenz, Mod. Eng. Lent.] l^ng, see lange. l^ngra, see lang. l^ngu (51. a), length. leo (Lat.), lion. leoda (leode) (44. 4), plur., peopZe. [Ger. Leute.] leod-mearc (51. b), region. [Cf. Mod." Eng. margrave, Marches, marquis.] leof (58, 64, 165), dear, well- beloved; sb. sir, master ; comp. dearer, preferable. [Ger. lieb, Mod. Eng. lief, lieve ; cf . Spenser, F. Q. 3. 2. 33.] leofa, see libban. leofw^^nde (59), friendly ; leof- w^ndum, ardently, fervently. leoht (47), light. [Ger. Licht.] leoht (58) , bright, radiant. [Ger. licht.] VOCABULARY. 303 leoht-fruma (53) , author of light ; for lifes leohtfruma cf. Jn. 8. 12, Acts 3. 15. [Cf. fruma.] leoma (53), lights radiance,, brightness. leomu, see lim. leornian (118), learn. [Ger, lern- en.'] leornung (51. 3), study. [Mod. Eng. learning.'] leoiJ (47), poetry, verse. [Ger. Lied.] let, see Isetan. libban (122), live. [Ger. lehen.] licgan (V. 106), lie; rest. [Ger. liegen.] lic-hama (53), body, [hama = shape., cover; cf. Ger. Leich- nam.] lic-ham-leas (58, 146), bodiless, incorporeal. lic-hamlic (57), bodily. lician (118 ; 164. A:),p/ease. [Mod. Eng. like; cf. Spenser, F. Q. 2. 7. 27.] lid (47), vessel, craft, bark. [Cf. ITS' an.] lid-weard (43), shipmaster. lid-werig (57), weary with voyag- i7ig. liefan (113), allow, permit. [< leaf; Ger. (er)lauben.'] lieg (43), thunderbolt, levin. lieget (47. 7), lightning. liehting (51. 3), lighting, illumi- nation. [at (43), sea-boat, vessel. m^re-faro9' (43), sea-waves (sea- voyage ?) . meregreote (53), pearl. m^re-lii5'end (43. 6) seafarer. m^re-stream (43), ocean-stream. mi^re-swin (47), dolphin. m^re-9'issa (-'Syssa) (53), ocean- scourer, rusher through the deep. m^rgen (43), morning. metan (113), meet; find; find out. m^te (44), food. [Mod. Eng. meat.] meiaCe (59), fatigued, weary. [Ger. miide.] melSfel-, see maeafel-. micel (mycel) (57), much, great, large; long ; loud. [Cf. Scotch micJde, Eng. much, and Spenser, Shep. C'al, Feb. 109.] miclum (myclum) (72), greatly. mid (57; 166. 1), middle. mid (168; 172. 1; 177), with; mid ealle (175), completely. middan-geard (43), world. [Cf. Cleasby and Vigfusson's Ice- landic-English Dictionary, s.v. miS-gartSr : "The earth (Mrs- gar's), the abode of men, is seated in the middle of the uni- verse, bordered by mountains and surrounded by the great sea (uthaf ) ; on the other side of this sea is tlie tit-gar's (out- yard), the abode of giants; the Mi'Sgar'S is defended by the ' yard ' or ' burgh ' As-garS (the burgh of the gods), lying in the middle (the heaven being con- ceived as rising above the earth). Thus the earth and mankind are represented as a stronghold be- sieged by the powers of evil from without, defended by the gods from above and from within."] mid-9'am-9'e, lohen. mid-d'y, when, while. mid-'Sy ffe, when, while. miht (51. 1), power, ynight. [Ger. Macht.] miht, see mugan. mihtig (57) , mighty. [Ger. mdcht- mild-heortnes (51. 5), mercy, compassion, loving-kindness. milts (51. 5), plur. as sing., mercy, loving -kindness. [< mild, mild, by 33.] miltsian (mildsian) (118), have mercy upon. min (83, 81), my. mis- (142). mislic (57), various. mislice (70), variously, in differ- ent ways; miisliee gebleod, variegated. 306 VOCABULARY. mis-lician (118), di^lease. missenlic (57), various (kinds of). mis-ffyncean (114; 164. l)^ mis- judge ; ffe mis9'ync9', Lat. male suspicaris. [Cf. Milton, P. L. 9. 289, Shak., 3 Hen. VI. 2. 5. 108, A7iL and Cleop. 5. 2. 176.] mod (47, 146), heart, soul, mind; courage. [Ger. Mut.] mod-ge-iaranc (43), thought of the heart, counsel. [Cf. Ger. Gedanke.'] modig (57), noble-minded, mag- nanimous, courageous. [Ger. mutig.] niodiglic (57), high-souled. modigues (51. 5), pride, arro- gance. modor (52. 2), mother. [Ger. Mutter, Lat. matey;.'] mona (53), moon. [Cf. Ger. Mond, where (^ is a late ad- dition.] monad' (43), month. [Ger. Mo- nat.] mQii(ii), see man(n). morgen (43), morning. [Ger. Morgen, Mod. Eng. morn.'] morgen-giefu (51. a) , dowry, mar- riage portion. marls' or (47), deadly injury. [Mod. Eng. murder.] motan (137), wa?/. [Cf. Spenser, F. Q. 1. 9. 27.] miigan (135), can, he able. miind (51. 5), hand. munt (43), mountain. [Lat. mont{em).] munuc (43), monk. [Ger. 3r6nch.] murcnung (51. &; 144), sorrow, unhappiness, lamentation. muscule (Lat.), mussel. mycel, see micel. myclum, see miclum. myngian (118), admonish, ad- jure. mynian (118), direct, inspire. mynster (47), monastery. N. na (no), not even, by no means, not at all ; no. nabban (121, 29), have not. naca (53), hark. [Ger. Nachen.] nacod (57), naked; clothed in a tunic only (p. 168). n^dl (51. b), needle. [Ger. Nadel.] naedre, naeddre (53. 1), serpent. naefre, never. nxnig (89. a), no one. ntere, ii«ron, naes, see 138. naht (noht) (47 ; 89. 6 ; 27), naught, nothing. na-hwser, nowhere. na-hwider, nowhither. nalaes (nalas), not at all. nama (53, 24), name. [Ger. Na- men.] nan (89. a; 154. 6), no {one). nat, see 126. nates-hwon, not at all. ne (ni), not. ne, nor; ne . . . ne (202), neither . . . nor. neah (58, 67, 60), nigh, near; ast niehstan, at length, finally. neah, adv., near, nigh at hand; superl. nearly. neah (neh), prep., near. nea-laecan (113), approach. nearunes (nearo-) (51. 5), an- guish, agony. nearu (51. a), difficulty; nearu aCrowian, be in straits. [Cf. Mod. Eng. narroio.} VOCABULARY. 307 neat (47), cattle. [Cf. Mod. Eng. 'neatherd,' 'neat's-foot oil,' 'neat cattle.' Shakespeare has ( Wint. T.1.2. 124) : ' The steer, the heifer, and the calf Are all called neat; Cijmb. 1. 1. 148: ' Would I were A neatherd'' s daughter.'] nefne, except. neh, see neah, prep. nellan (139), will not. [See Chaucer, Prol. 650, Spenser, F. q. 1. 6. 17; 1. 9. 15, Shak., Haml. 5. 1. 19.] n^mnan (115. &), mean (lit. name). neosian (neosan) (118 ; 156. m), seek, look for. neowolnes (51. 6), abyss, deep. [Orig. from nihol-, *nihold-, *nihald-, sloping.'] n^riend (n^regend) (43. 6), Sa- vior. Died (51. 6), need, necessity ; use. nied-faru (neid-) (51. a), needful journey. nied-aCearflic (57), needful, neces- sary. niehst, see neah, adv. niehsta, see neah, adj. nieten (47. 1), creature, beast, cattle. [roperty. sunne (53. 1), sun. [Ger. Sonne.] sunu (45), son. [Ger. Sohn.] suff-dsel (43), southern part; south. suff-westerne (59), southwestern. [Cf. Ger. sudwest] swa, so; as; yet; since; such; which ; call swa, see eall ; swa (swa) . . . swa (202), so . . . as, as ... as; the . . . the; inasmuch as ; whether . . . or. sw^sendu (47), plur., viands, food. [For the plural, cf. Lat. epulce.] swaefforian, see sw^e(o)i5'erian. swa-hwael5'er (89. a), whichever. swa-hwast-swa (89. d), what(so)- ever. swan (43), swan. [Ger. Schwan.] swa-swa, like ; as ; just as ; as if. swatig (47), bloody. [Ger. schweissig.] swa-SSeah, nevertheless. swaicFu (51. a)-, track, footprint. swefan (V. 106), sleep. sw^efel (43), sulphur. [Ger. Schwefel.] sweg (43), music. sweg-craeft (43), music. VOCABCTLARY. 315 swegel (47), sky, heaven. SAveging (51. 3), noise. sw^ncan (113), weary, fatigue, wear out. [Formed from the second stem of swincan, by 16.] sweora (53), neck. sweorcan (III. 104), grow dark, become overoast. sweord (swyrd) (47), sword. sweot (47), troop, army. sweotol (swutol) (57), clear. sweotole (70), clearly, plainly. sweotoUice (yO), plainly, clearly. sw^rian (VI. 107), swear. [Ger. schworen.'] swete (59), siveet. [Ger. sitss ; cf. Lat. suavis, Gr. 7?5i/s.] swetnes (51.5; 144), siveetness ; goodness. swe(o)9'erian (118), depart, melt away, vanish; subside. swican (I. 102 ; 164. w) , desert. swift (58), swift, fleet. swiftnes (51. 6; 144), swiftness, celerity. swige (53. 1), silence. swigian (118), be silent, keep silence. swilc (89. a), such, this sort. [< *swalic < swsi + lie; cf. swich, Chaucer, Prol. 3,] swilce, adv., likewise. swilce (swylce), conj., as if; eac swilce, swilce eac, see eac. sw^imman (III. 104), swim. [Ger. schwimmen.^ swincan (III. 104), ivork with effort. [Cf. swincan, and ar- chaic Mod. Eng. swink, as in Chaucer, Prol. 186, Milton, Com. 293.] sw^ingan (III. 104) , whip 9 throw 9 swiiaP (58, 64, 30), strong; comp. right. [Cf. Ger. geschwind.~\ swiS'e (swy'Se) (70), much, greatly, very; comp. rather, more. swiijlice (70) , exceedingly, greatly. swil^-mod. (58), vehement- souled. swutol, see sweotol. swylce, see swilee. sw^yrd, see sw^eord. SAvy3'e, see swiiSre. sybb, see sibb. sylf, see self. syllan, see s^llan. syllic, see sellic. syn(n) (51. b), sin. [Cf. Ger. Sunde.^ synderlic (57, 146), separate, in- dividual. [Cf. Ger. sonderlich.'] syndon, see wesan. syn-fuU (58), sinful. sySfffan, see si9'9'an. syxtyne, see siextlene. T. tacen (47), sign, signal. [Ger. Zeichen, Mod. Eng. token.^ tacen-bora (53), groomsman (lit. standard-bearer) . tacnian (118), signify, betoken, indicate. tiecean (114), teach. tselan (113), blame, censure. tal (51. 6), censure; to tale, cen- surable, blameworthy. tear (43), tear. [Cf. Ger. Zdhre and Gr. MKpv.'] t^lg (43), dye. tempel (47), temple. [< Lat. templum.'] teon (II. lQZ),pull, bring. [Ger. ziehen.'\ teon (tian) (113), arrange, or- dain. ticcen (47), goat. [Ger. ZicA:e.] 316 VOCABULARY. tid (51. 1), time, season; while; day; hour. [Ger. Zeit, Mod. Eng. tide in Christmastide, Whitsuntide.'] tigel-fag (58), variegated with tiles, [tigel < Lat. tegula.] tigris (Lat.), tiger. til, to. [Mod. Eng. till; cf. Ger. Ziel.] tllian (118), gain, obtain, pro- vide. [Ger. zielen, Mod. Eng. till.'] tilung (51. 3), acquisition, pro- curing. tima (53), time. tlmbran (115. &), huild, construct. [Ger. zimmern.] tin (47), tin. [Ger. Zinn.] tinterg (^1), punishment. tir (43), glory, fame. [Ger. Zier.] tiS" (51. b ; 28), 6oo?i. til^ian (118; 159. a; 28), (/raw«, bestow. [Cf. tiiS".] to, prep., to; for; according to; the sign of the gerund, and gov- erning the following infinitive as a noun in the dative. [Ger. zu.] to, adv., too. [Ger. zu.] to- (142). [Cf. Spenser, F. Q. 4. 7. 8 ; 5. 9. 10.] to-berstan (IIL 104), break up, go to pieces. [Cf. Chaucer, EnighVs Tale 1753, 1833, 1899.] to-brecan (IV. 105), break in pieces, shatter. [Ger. zer- brechen.] to-daeg, to-day. [Cf. Ger. heut zu Tage.] to-dselan (113), divide, part asun- der, separate, disperse. [Ger. zertheilen.] to-don (140), separate. to-driefan (113), drive away. [drgefan < second stem of drifan (102), by 16.] to-foran, before. to-gaedere, together. to-geanes, towards, to meet. to-ge-iecan (113), add. to-ge-lSdan (113), bring. to-glidan (I. 102)., glide away^ slip away. to-hopa (53), hope. [Cf. Ger. hoffen.] to-lireosan (II. 103), fall away. tolite (53. 1), conflict. to liwon, why. to-nilddes, amidst, in the midst of top (43), top? ball? [Ger. Zopf.] torht (58), resplendent. torr (43), tower; watch-tower; crag. [< Lat. turris.] to-sceacan (VI. 107), depart, pass away. to-sceadan (R. 110), separate, divide. to-slitan (I. 102), rend, tear, de- stroy, [rupt. to-twaeman (113), divide ; inter- to-weorpan (III. 104), blot out, forgive (lit. break in pieces) ; quell, compose, Lat. dissolvere. trsef (47. 4), building. tree (47. 3), tree. treow-cynn (47), sort of tree. treownes (51. 5 ; 144), trust. treow-wyrhta (53, 147), carpen- ter. [Cf. wyrhta.] trum (57), secure, strong. trymman (115. a), confirm, es- tablish, strengthen. [< trum, hy 16.] tungol (47. 6), star, heavenly body. tusc (43), tusk. twa, see twegen. VOCABULARY. 317 twegen (78, 79), two. [Mod. Eng. twain, Chaucerian tweye {Prol. 704), archaic Ger. zween.'] tw^lf (78, 24), twelve. [Ger. zwolf.^ twentig (78), twenty. [Ger. zwanzig.'] tweonian (118 ; 159. 6), doubt. Tyrisc (57), Tyrian. tyrnan (113), revolve. [Mod. Eng. turn.'] e. ara, pron. ; see 84, 87. [Cf . Chau- cer, Prol. 498.] SI'S (84. 1), the^i., when; there., where. [Ger. da; archaic Mod. Eng. tho., as in Chaucer, Knighfs Tale 135, Spenser, F. Q. 1. 1. 18.] ffaece (53. 1), roof. [Ger. Dach, Mod. Eng. thatch.] lafgem, see 84. iSaer (75), there, ivhere. [Cf. Chaucer, Prol. 34, 172, 547.] laCaera, Sfaere, see 84. Bfaer-on, therein. S'aer-to-eacan, besides, in addition to that. iaCaes, see 84. iSfaes-iye, see 157. 1. )Sf«t, see 84 ; 189. 3. 9" set, conj., ^/laJ. iaraette (34), that; to iafon iSfaette, so that. [reata J^rylffuin, p. 219, 1. 3, is doubtful. iffryiaC-bearn (47, 38), mighty son, i.e. mighty youth. ffryff-cyning («rl«-) (43), king of might. iffu, see 81. (ffahton, see iffyiicean. iffurfaii (131), need. [Ger. (be)- diirfen.] sffurh, through; throughout; in; by; by means of; iaFurh eall, see eall. [Mod. Eng, th{o)r- ough; Chaucer has thurghf KnighVs Tale 362.] VOCABULARY. 319 ffurstig (57), thirsty. [Ger. durstigJ] aCus, thus (always with a verb of utterance in these texts) . ffusend (78, 79), thousand. i0Fnsend-maelum (72), by thou- ffweal (47), hath. ffwieres (^weores) (71), trans- versely. ffy, see 84, 175 ff. ffys, see 85. ffyder, see Sfider. afy-laes-aPe, lest. [Cf. Lat. quo- minus.'] afyllic (89. a), such like, this kind. fSyn (113), coerce, restrain. lafyncean (114 ; 164. l), seem. [Ger. dunken, Mod. Eng. (me)- thi7iks.] ffyrel (47), hole. [< *ffurliil (16). Cf. Chaucer, Knight's Tale 1852; Spenser, F. Q. 1. 11. 20, 22.] ffyrstan (113, 190), thirst. [Ger. dursten, Mod. Eng. thirst.] Sfyssum, see 85. U. ufan-weard (58; 166. 1), upper, above. Ohte (53. 1), dawn, daybreak. un-aesacele {b9), plebeian, simple. un-a-s^cgende (61), unspeakable, ineffable. un-a-swundenlice (70), forth- with, without delay. un-cuff (58, 30), unknown. [Mod. Eng. uncouth; see Chaucer, Knight's Tale 1639, Spenser, ii^. ^. 1. 11. 20, Shak., Tit. And. 2. 3. 211.] I un-cystig (57, 146), wicked. under, under; among. [Ger. unter.] under-fon (R. 110), assume; re- ceive, take in, entertain. under-standan (VI. 107), under- stand. under- afeodnes (51. 5; 144), sub- mission. [See underSfiedan.] under-gfiedan (113), subjoin, add. [< ffeod, by 16.] un-easaTe, with difficulty, hardly. [Cf. unieiafe, and F. Q.2.1. 27.] un-for-culS (58), excellent. [Cf. fracoS".] un-f or-wandiendlice (70) , boldly, saucily, forwardly. un-ge-cnawen (62, 109), un- known. un-ge-l£ered (62), untaught, un- learned, uneducated. [See Iser- an.] un-ge-limp (47), mishap, ill-luck. un-ge-rydelice (70), suddenly, on a sudden. un-ge-sewenlic (57), invisible. un-ge-iaranc-full (58, 146), un- thankful, luigrateful. un-ge-ffweernes (51. 5; 144), wickedness, depravity. un-ge-wened (63) , unexpected. [See wenan.] un-ge-werged (62) , unwearied. [See werig.] un-ge-wunelic (57, 146), unusual. [See wunian]. un-iesare (59), difficult. [See uneaSfe.] un-lifiende (-lyfigende) (61), un- living, dead. [Cf. libban.] unnan (129; 159. a), grant, allow. [See est.] un-nyt (57, 155), devoid, desti- tute. 320 VOCABULARY. un-riht-wis (58, 146), unright- eous. un-riht-wisnes (51. 5; 144), un- righteousness. un-rim (47; 154. a; 142), multi- tude. un-rot (58), son-oicful, dejected. un-sc^afiffig (57, 146), innocent. un-scrydan (113, 162), divest. [See scrydan.] un-softe (70), harshly, cruelly. [Cf. Ger. unsa7ift.] un-stille (59), unquiet, restless. un-stilnes (51. 5; 144), disorder, confusion. un-trum (57), sick. un-trymnes (51. 5; 144), ilbiess, disease, infirmity. [< untrum.] up, up. up-a-hiefednes (51. 5; 144),;)nV?e, arrogance. [Cf. upah^bban.] up-a-h^bban (VI. 107), lift up. [Cf. Chaucer, KnighVs Tale 1570.] upji-standan (upp-) (VI. 107), rise up. [Cf. Ger. a%iferstehen.'\ up-a-stigan (I. 102), rise, as- cend. up-gan (141), go up. [Ger. auf- gehen.'] up-gang (43), rising. nplic (57, 146), upper, above. uppan, upo7i, on top of. uppe, up. Ore (user) (83), our, ours. [Ger. unser.] nrig-feiJere (59), dewy-feathered. iirnon, see iernaii, user, see Ore. ut, out. ut-a-blawan (R. 109), blow out, breathe out, exhale. utan, about, externally, on the out- side, [Ger. aussen.'] ate (69), outside. ut-gan (141), go out. ut-gangan (K. 109), go out. uton (wuton), let us. W. -w^eccen (51. b), vigil. waid (47), water, billow, flood. wfced (51. 6), garment. [Cf. Chaucer, Knight's Tale 148, Spenser, F. Q. 2. 3. 21, Shak., Son7i. 76. G, and our 'widow's weeds.'] wSdla (53), poor man, destitute one. waBfels (43), cloak, mantle. wSg (43), billow, flood. [Cf. Chaucer, K. T. 1100, Spenser, F. Q. 2. 12. 4.] ■wSg-flota (53), water-floater, ship. wael (47), slaughter. [Cf. Wal- halla, Walkyrie.~\ wael-gifre (59), greedy for slaugh- ter. wael-grim (57), fierce, cruel, safi- guinary. wael-hreow (58), cruel. wael-hreownes (61. 5; 144), cru- elty. W£elm, see wielm. wael-scel (47 '0? carnage. waepen (47. 1), weapon; plur. arms. WaBr (47), ocean. wfcer (51. &), covenant ; protection, care, safe-keeping. Avter-faest (58, 146), covenant- keeping, faithful. wiestm (43), growth, size ; fruit. [Cf. weaxan, and Ger. Wachs- tum ; Mod. Eng. waist.'] waeter (47. 1, 6), water* [Ger. Wasser.] VOCABULARY. 321 waeter-broga (53), water terror, terrible waters. wseter-^gesa (-^gsa) (63), dread of the waters, dreadful loaters. waeter-flod (43), water-flood. waeter-scipe (44. 1), body of water. wafian (118), weaver. wald, see weald. waldend, see wealdend. wana (158), wanting, lacking. wang (43), field, mead. wann (wQnn) (58), dark, black. [Mod. Eng. wan.'] waroS", waruij, see wearoS". wat, see witan. wea (53), woe. [Cf. Ger. Weh.~\ weald (wald) (43), weald, for- est. ■wealdend (waldend) (43. Q), ruler, lord. wealh-stod (43), interpreter, trans- lator. weall (43) , wall, rampart. [< Lat. vallum.'] weallan (R. 109), seethe, foam. [See wielm.] weard (43), guardian, warden. [Ger. -wart.] wearoff (waro'S, waru'S) (43), strand, shore, beach. wearo9'-gewinn (waru'S-) (47), strife of the shore, i.e. surf, breakers. w^earS", see weoriafan. weax (47), wax. [Ger. 'Wachs.] weaxan (K. 109,24), grow, be fruit- ful, increase. [Ger. wachsen; cf. Shak., M. N. D. 2. 1. 56, Haml. 1. 3. 12.] w^ccean (114), wake. w^cg (43), metal. [Mod. Eng. wedge; cf. Shak., Bich. III. 1. 4. 26.] weder (47), weather. [Ger. Wet- ter.] weder-candel (51. 5), weather- candle, i.e. the sun. weg (43, 24), way. [Ger. Weg.] wegan (V. 106), carry. wel, well. wela (53), wealth, riches, weal. [Cf. Chaucer, Knight's Tale 37.] welig (57, 146), rich, ivealthy, abounding. [Cf. our 'well off,' ' well to do.'] wel-willende (61), benevolent, kind-hearted, generous. wel-willendlice (70), lovingly. w^el-willendnes (51. 5; 144), gen- erosity, liberality. wen (51. 1), expectation, prospect, chance; -wen is iSfset, perhaps, perchance. [Ger. Wahn.] wenan (113; 156. 9^), expect, look for; think, supjjose, imagine. [Ger. wdhyien, Mod. Eng. ween; cf. Shak., 1 Hen. VI. 2. 5. 88.] w^^ndan (113), turn; return; translate. [Ger. wenden; cf. Mod. Eng. wend, went.] winding (51. 3), rotation. w^nian (116), accustom, train. weoloc (43, 20), cockle, whelk. weoloc-read (58), scarlet. weoloc-sciell (51. b), cockle-shell. weolor (-ur) (51. b; 20), lip. weorc (47; 21. &), work; exer- cise; deed; energy. [Ger. TFe?-^.] weorod (weorud, werod) (47, 20), host. [< wer.] weoriafan (wyr'San) (104; 187; 21. b), become; be; weoriaran to sometimes nearly ^weorlJan. [Ger. werden ; cf . our ' woe worth the day.'] weorffian (118; 21. b), honor, ex- alt. [Cf. Shak., Lear 2. 2. 128.] 322 VOCABULARY. weoriJ-full (58, 146), honorable. weorlJlic (-lie) (57, 146), honor- able; exalted. ■weorfflice (70), worthily ^ honor- ably. weoraf-mynt (43 — orig. 51. b — 144; 34), dignity. [<*weoraf- inundij>a.] weoriaf-scipe (44. 1; 143), honor., dignity. [Mod. Eng. worship; cf! Shak., W. T. 1. 2. 314, Lear 1. 4. 288.] weoruld, see woruld. wepan (R. 109), iceep. [< wop, by 16.] wer (43), man, husband. [Cf. Lat. vir-l wer-had (43), male sex. [Cf. had.] werig (57, 146), weary. ■werod, see weorod. wer-ffeod (51. b), nation. wesan (138, 187), be. westan, from the icest. west-sse (43; 51. &), sea on the west. wic (47), dwelling. [Cf. Mod. Eng. bailiwick; cognate with Lat. vicusy Gr. okos.] -wiclan (118), visiY, lodge, sojourn. [< wic] wid (58), wide. [Ger. weit.'] wide (70), loidely, far. wid-fereude (61), traveling (trav- eler) from a distance. wid-faeiaCine (59), capacious, ex- tensive. [See faeaCm.] wTd-gill {b%) y extensive ; spacious. wid-gilnes (51. 5; 144), extent, compass. wielm (wylm, wselm) (43), boil- ing, swelling, surging. [See weallan, and Mod. Eng. whelm.'] wierdan (113), mar, injure. wif (47, 38), wife ; woman. [Ger. Weib ; cf. Chaucer, Prol. 445, Shak., T. N. 5. 139.] wif-had (43), female sex. wig (47), war. wigend (wiggend) (43. 6), war- rior. wig-hus (47), icar-house, tower. wiht (47; cf. 89. b), whit. wild (58), tcild. [Ger. wild.'] wildeor (47, dS),wild animal, wild beast. willa (53), will; request; desire; delight. [Ger. Wille.] willan (wyllan) (139, 188), will, wish, desire. [Cf. Ger. wollen, Lat. velle.] wilnian (118), desire. [See Chau- cer, Knight's Tale 751.] win (47), wine. [' ti-lv .> •4 (__ - ■* /■ >^A.