ROMANCE OF LONDON: STRANGE STORIES, SCENES AND REMARKABLE PERSONS OF THE GREAT TOWN. BY JOHN TIMES, F.S.A. AUTHOR OF 'A CENTURY OP ANECDOTE* ETC. KTC. /- 'Twos strange, 'twas passing strange. SHAKSPEARE. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: RICHARD BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET, PUBLISHER IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. 1865. LCHfDOIC PBIHTED BY SPOTTIS WOODB A5D CO. SEW-STREET SQUABB PBEFACE. THE exhaustless interest and endless suggestiveness of Ancient and Modern London, have induced the author to collect in these volumes some of its more curious characteristics. His object has been more especially to present to the reader who enjoys the Past without underrating the Present, a collection of STRANGE STORIES, SCENES, ADVENTURES and VICISSITUDES, associated with London. Romance, we know, has been accused of corrupting the truth of history ; but the romantic character which the following Narratives possess, has not been gained by a sacrifice of truth ; since our Romance consists of marvellous incidents, verifying the saying that " Truth is stranger than Fiction." As in Nature, so in Art, " 'T is distance lends enchantment to the view : " but the " modern instances " in these volumes are as remarkable in character as the notable things of centu- ries ago. Whether we regard London as a walled town, as a labyrinth of courts and alleys, or as a majestic city, with 2,600 miles of streets, and 360,000 inhabited houses, we shall find, alike in every period, a succes- sion of scenes calculated to excite curiosity and awaken wonder. This work ranges from the building of the first Bridge at London to the startling incident of a few IV PREFACE. days since. In the earlier narratives we have avoided the quaintness overmuch of the old chronicle, as un- suited for popular reading. Here are HISTORIC SKETCHES of many of the leading events with which the History of London is chequered. In REMARK- ABLE DUELS, in the modern sense of the term ; and in the sketches of NOTORIOUS HIGHWAYMEN, we get some glimpses of the wild life of the Metropolis in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ; and in the section of ROGUERIES, CRIMES, and PUNISHMENTS, are pictured many dark deeds romances of real life. LOVE and MARRIAGE present us with lights and shadows ; whilst SUPERNATURAL STORIES invest not a few London localities with mysterious import. SIGHTS and SHOWS, and PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, oc- cupy a considerable space, from their amusing pictures of the manners of the people, and the picturesque customs and gaieties of Londoners which they illus- trate. STRANGE ADVENTURES and CATASTROPHES, and REMARKABLE PERSONS, complete the narrative. June 1865. THE FIEST VOLUME. HISTORIC SKETCHES. PAGE STORY OF THE FERRYMAN'S DAUGHTER, ST. MARY OVERS, AND THE FIRST LONDON BRIDGE .... 3 THE BALLAD OF " LONDON BRIDGE is BROKEN DOWN " . 7 NOTED RESIDENTS ON OLD LONDON BRIDGE . . .11 SMITHFIELD AND ITS TOURNAMENTS .... 14 PLANTAGENET PIGS 16 " WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT " 17 CROSBY PLACE, SHAKSPEARE, AND RICHARD III. . . 24 SORROWS OF SANCTUARY 27 THE HUNGERFORDS AT CHARING CROSS . . ... 30 JANE SHORE: HER TRUE HISTORY . . . .35 STORY OF A KING'S HEAD 39 QUEEN ELIZABETH BY TORCHLIGHT 41 ROMANCE OF THE BEAUCHAMP TOWER . . . .43 TRAITORS' GATE, IN THE TOWER 49 THE BLOODY TOWER 51 Two PRISONERS IN THE BELL TOWER .... 53 WHAT BECAME OF THE HEADS OF BISHOP FISHER AND SIR THOMAS MORE 56 EXECUTION OF LADY JANE GREY 58 V1 CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. FAGB "WHERE WAS ANNE BOLEYN BURIED ? . . .61 SIR WALTER KALEIGH WRITING HIS " HISTORY OF THE WORLD" 63 SIR WALTER RALEIGH ATTEMPTS SUICIDE IN THE TOWER 65 THE EXECUTION OF SIR WALTER RALEIGH ... 69 THE POISONING OF SIR THOMAS OVERBURY ... 71 A FAREWELL FEAST IN THE TOWER 74 THE GUNPOWDER PLOT DETECTED 76 Two TIPPLING KINGS 86 FUNERAL OF JAMES 1 88 HISTORICAL COINCIDENCES . 91 QUEEN HENRIETTA MARIA DOING PENANCE AT TYBURN . 93 "OLD PARR" . 96 GEORGE AND BLUE BOAR INN. THE INTERCEPTED LETTER 100 LORD SANQUHAR'S REVENGE : A STORY OF WHITEFRIARS 101 MARTYRDOM OF KING CHARLES I. . . . . . 103 THE STORY OF DON PANTALEON SA 106 SIR RICHARD WILLIS'S PLOT AGAINST CHARLES H. .110 MANSION OF A CITY MERCHANT PRINCE .... 112 TREASURE-SEEKING LN THE TOWER . . . .113 COLONEL BLOOD STEALS THE CROWN FROM THE TOWER . 115 THE STORY OF NAN CLARGES, DUCHESS OF ALBEMARLE . 122 SIR EDMUND BERRY GODFREY: His MYSTERIOUS DEATH 126 COLONEL BLOOD'S ATTACK UPON THE DUKE OF ORMOND, IN ST. JAMES'S STREET 132 THE HEROIC LADY FANSHAWE 134 CROMWELL'S SKULL 137 A STORY OF MIDDLE TEMPLE GATE 139 THE STORY OF NELL GWYNNE 141 FRANCIS BACON IN GRAY'S INN 149 LORD CRAVEN AND THE QUEEN OF BOHEMIA . . . 151 ADDISON'S "CAMPAIGN" 156 LADIES EXCLUDED FROM THE HOUSE OF LORDS 161 CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. Vll PAGE JEMMY DAWSON 162 SECRET VISITS OF THE YOUNG PRETENDER TO LONDON . 165 THE EIOTS OF 1780 173 ALDERMAN BECKFORD AND HIS MONUMENTAL SPEECH . 178 ROYALTY DEDUCED FROM A TUB- WOMAN .... 183 UNFORTUNATE BARONETS 184 THE VICTORY OF CULL'ODEN . . . . . . 186 SUICIDE OF LORD CLIVE 187 FUNERAL OF NELSON 190 LORD CASTLEREAGH'S BLUNDERS 193 ACCESSION OF QUEEN VICTORIA. 194 THE ROYAL EXCHANGE MOTTO 196 LONDON RESIDENCE OF THE EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH IN 1847-8 197 THE CHARTISTS IN 1848 199 APSLEY HOUSE . . . . . . . . 201 REMARKABLE DUELS. TRIAL BY BATTLE 205 THE FIELD OF FORTY FOOTSTEPS 207 THE FAMOUS CHESHIRE WILL CASE 211 DUEL BETWEEN THE DUKE OF HAMILTON AND LORD MoHUN 214 DUEL BETWEEN LORD BYRON AND MR. CHAWORTH . . 225 DUEL. BETWEEN THE DUKE OF YORK AND COLONEL LENOX 231 "FIGHTING FITZGERALD" 234 PRIMROSE HILL 236 LORD CAMELFORD, THE DUELLIST 236 A LITERARY ' DUEL 242 A TERRIBLE DUEL 245 NOTORIOUS HIGHWAYMEN. HEROES OF THE ROAD 249 CLAUDE DUYAL 253 Vlll CONTENTS OF THE FIKST VOLUME. PAGE JEMMY WHITNEY, THE HANDSOME HIGHWAYMAN . . 254 DICK TURPIN . . . 255 M