UC-NRLF ^D -IJ -* i !' ■ ': W''''^Mf^!M^.^'M^ v\^> ■/^-c- -/* W^ s^/kK-U '^^--J •./•'4sj^; '? ->i/- r^^^-T 1^^' ^"*/^K. -^ A J^ A .K^ '^h -:.,■,. , // , '> JlJ J^DfL Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cataloguenumbereOOsanfrich San Francisco Public Library CATALOGUE NUMBER EIGHT English Prose Fiction INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS SECOND EDITION SAN FRANCISCO 1905 dM^ Printed by die Atanltp-Saplot Comvanp San Francisco I Z733 jCfoS ENGLISH FICTION. Authors and Titles. A., J. Y., pseud. See Ackerman, J. Y. Abandoned farmer. Preston, S. H Q930.1 Abbe Birotteau. Balzac, H. de in B 198.32s Abbe Constantin, L'. Halevy, L H168.1 Abbe Tigrane. Fabre, F F123.1 Abbess of Vlaye. Weyman, S. J W549.I Abbot, The. Scott, Sir W S431.X Same in S431.34 Abbott, C C. A colonial wooing A130.1 Abbott, E. A. Flatland; a romance of many dimensions A131.1 Abdallah. Laboulaye, £ L124.1 A'Becket, J. J. Song of the comforter. 27 pp in S886.1 Abel Allnutt. Morier, J M8S5.1 Abner Daniel. Harben, W. N H2S5.3 Abner Stone, Love story of. Litsey, E. C. .L777.12 About, R The aunt's stratagem in A 156.3 King of the mountains A156.1 Man with the broken ear A156.2 Mother of a marquise, and. The aunt's stratagem A156.3 Notary's nose A156.4 Story of an honest man A156.S About Catherine de' Medici. Balzac, H. de.B 198.7s Same Bi98.52* Absalom's hair. Bjornson, B B625.7 Absentee. Edgeworth, M in E23S.1 Same **E23S.ii Same. 2 v E235.24-S Accomplished gentleman. Sturgis, J S93S.1 According to Plato. Moore, F. F M820.1 Achsah. Round, W. M. F R86o.i Across the chasm. Magrudcr, J M212.1 Action and the word. Matthews, B M438. 1 Active service. Crane, S C891.7 Actor-manager, The. Merrick, L M568.1 Adam, Uncle (pseud, of C. A, Wetterbergh). Fatal chain, 40 pp in B979.I* Adam, Uncle. — Continued. Hereditary goblet 26 pp in B979.1* Adam Bede. Eliot, G £4^.1 Adam Graeme of Mossgray, Memoirs, etc., of. Oliphant, M. O. W 0475-32 Adam Johnstone's son. Crawford, F. M...C899.1 Adams, A. Log of a cowboy : a narrative of the old trail days A210.12 A Texas matchmaker A210.20 Adams, F. C. Manuel Pereira; or, the sove- reign rule of South Carolina A212.1 Adams, M., pseud. Confessions of a wife. . A218.3 Adams, N. Sable cloud; a southern tale with northern comments A216.1 Adams, O. F. The archbishop's ungfuarded moment, and other stories A217.1 Additional Christmas stories. Dickens, C. . in D548.S2 Adee, a. a. Life magnet. 30 pp in S884.8 Adela Cathcart. MacDonald, G M135.1 Adele. Kavanagh, J K212.1 Adeline Mowbray. Opie, A in O614.1 Adieu. 58 pp. Balzac, H. de in B 198.41 Adirondack stories. Deming, P D382.1 Adirondack tales, v. i. Murray, W. H.H. .M984.1 Admirable Bashville. Shaw, B in S534.3 Admirable Tinker. Jepson, E J547.1 Adolphe. Constant de Rebecque, H. B. . .**C7S7.l Adolphe Renouard. Ward, J W259.1 Adrift. Young, J. D Y693.1 Adventure in the northwest territory. 25 PP fi»Ti43.s Same in T143.S* Adventurer in Spain. Crockett, S. R C938.38 Adventurer of the north. Parker, G Q240.1 Adventures of a Chinaman in China. Verne, J V531.1 Adventures of a freshman. Williams, J. L.W724.1 Adventures of a widow. Fawcctt, E F278.1 ENGLISH FICTION. Adventures of an aide-de-camp. Grant, J. .G761.1 Adventures of an atom. 83 pp. Smollett, T. G in **N938.2i Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Raspe, R. E **R226.I Adventures of Caleb Williams. Godwin, W.G592.1 Adventures of Captain Hatteras. 2 pts. Verne, J V531.2 Adventures of Captain Horn. Stockton, F. R S866.1 Adventures of Captain Kettle. Hyne, C. . .H997.1 Adventures of Captain Mago. Cahun, L. . .C132.1 Adventures of Don Quixote. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de C419.1 Adventures of Frangois. Mitchell, S. W..M681.S Adventures of Gerard. Doyle, A. C D754.26 Adventures of Hajji Baba in England. Morier, J M85S.5 Adventures of Hajji Baba in Turkey, etc. Morier, J M85S.2 Adventures of Harry Richmond. Meredith, G M559.1 Adventures of Joseph Andrews. Fielding, H F459.I Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, and his friend Jack Johnson. Smith, A S641.4 Adventures of Harry Revel. Couch, A. T. Q. C853.27 Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. Bede, C B411.1 Adventures of M. d'Haricot. Clouston, J. S C647.I Adventures of Peregrine Pickle. Smollett, T. G S666.2 Adventures of Philip. Thackeray, W. M. . .T363.2 Adventures of Rob Roy. Grant, J G761.2 Adventures of Roderick Random. Smollett, T. G S666.3 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, A. C D7S4.I Adventures of Telemachus. Fenelon, F. de S. de la M F332.I Adventures of three Elnglishmen and three Russians in southern Africa. Verne, J. V53I.3 Affair at the inn. Wiggin, K. D., and others. W6S5.I Affair in the south seas. An. Irvine, L. H. .I722.1 Afghan knife. Sterndale, R. A S839.1 Afield and afloat. Stockton, F. R S866.34 Afloat and ashore. Cooper, J. F C777.1 Same in €777.^^ Afraja. Miigge, T M951.1 After dark, and other stories. CoUins, W. .C713.1 After many days. Reid, C R353.I After shipwreck. Owen, Mrs. J. A O974.1 After the ball. 12 pp. Opie, A m O614.3 After the divorce. Deledda, G D345.1 After twenty years, etc. Sturgis, J S935.3 Afterglow. Lathrop, G. P L354.1 Aftermath. Allen, J. L A427.1 Afterwards. Watson, J W339.1 Against the stream. Charles, E. R C476.1 Agatha Page. Henderson, I H497.1 Agatha's husband. Mulock, D. M M960.2 Agenor de Mauleon. Dumas, A D886.1 Agincourt. James, G. P. R J276.1 Agnes Grey. Bronte, A in B871.2 Agnes Hilton. Hoffman, M. J H708.1 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe, H. B S892.1 Agnes Surriage. Bynner, E. L B994.Z Aguilar, G. Days of Bruce A283.1 Home influence A283.2 Home scenes and heart studies A2S3.3 Mother's recompense: a sequel to home influence A283.4 Vale of cedars ; or, the martyr A283.S Woman's friendship A283.6 Ahmad, Maulavi Nazir. Bride's mirror: a tale of domestic life in Delhi forty years ago A286.1 Aide, H. Carr of Carrlyon A288.1 Penruddocke A288.3 Voyage of discovery A288.4 Aims and obstacles. James, G. P. R J276.41 AiNSLiE, H., pseud. See Maitland, E. AiNSwoRTH, W. H. Auriol; or, the elixir of life. (Also), A night's adventure in Rome (1830) A297.1 Beau Nash; or, Bath in the i8th century. . A2g7.2 Boscobel ; a tale of the year 165 1 A297.3 Crichton A297.6 Flitch of bacon; or, the custom of Dun- mow A297.7 Guy Fawkes A297.8 Jack Sheppard A297.9 James the Second A297.10 Lancashire witches : a romance of Pendle forest A297.12 Leaguer of Lathom. A tale of the civil war in Lancashire A297.13 Lord Mayor of London A297.26 Mervyn Clitheroe A297.14 Miser's daughter : a tale A297.16 AUTHORS AND TITLES. AiNswoRTH, W. H. — Continued. Night's adventure in Rome in A297.1 Old St. Paul's : a tale of the plague and the fire A297.18 Ovingdean Grange A297.19 Rookwood A297.20 Saint James's ; or, the court of Queen Anne A297.21 The spendthrift A297.22 Star-chamber A297.23 Tower of London A297.24 Windsor Castle A297.2S Airy fairy Lilian. Duchess D829.1 Akerman, J. Y. [A., J. y.] Tales of other days A314.1 Alabaster box. Besant, Sir W B554.3 Aladdin & Co. Quick, H Q992.1 Aladdin, from "The Arabian nights." Ed. by S. Cody in C671.1 Aladdin in London. Hume, F. W H920.1 Aladdin O'Brien. Morris, G M874.1 Alarcon, p. a. de. Tall woman. 34 pp. .in M690.1 Albert Lunel. 3 v. Brougham, Lord H. P B876.1 Albert Savarus. Balzac, H. de B198.1 Same m B 198.44 Same in B198.52" Albrecht. Bates, A B329.1 Alcock, D. The czar. A tale of the time of the first Napoleon A354.1 Dark year of Dundee: a tale of the Scot- tish reformation. Also, Proctor's tithe. . A354.2 Proctor's tithe '. «n A354.2 Spanish brothers: a tale of the sixteenth century A3S4.4 Under the southern cross A354.S Alcott, L. M. Hospital sketches Asss.i Independence: a centennial love story, .in A3S5.4 Modern Mephistopheles A355.2 Moods A35S.3 Silver pitchers ; and, Independence A3SS.4 Work A3SS.S Alderbrook. Chubbuck, E CSS9.1 Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw and other people A36S.3 Same and other stories A3654 Prudence Palfrey A36S.6 Queen of Sheba A365.7 A sea turn and other matters A365.19 Stillwater tragedy A065.8 Two bites at a cherry, etc ." A365.9 — joint author. See Oliphant, M. 0. W: Alec Forbes. MacDonald, G M135.2 Alexander, Mrs. (pseud, of A. F. Hector.) Barbara A374.6 The executor A374.10 Fight with fate A374.12 Forging the fetters, etc A374.13 The Freres A374.IS Golden autumn A374. 16 Her dearest foe A374.17 Look before you leap A374.19 Maid, wife, or widow? A374.20 Mrs. Vereker's courier maid in Ay;/^2j Valerie's fate. {Also) Mrs. Vereker's courier maid A374.27 Wooing o't A374.29 Alexander, F. See Francesca, pseud. Alexis, W. {pseud, of G. W. H. Haring). Hans Preller: a legend of the Rhine falls in T143.20 Alfgar the Dane. Crake, A. D C888.1 Alfrieda. Specht, E. E. H S741.1 Alhambra, The. Irving, W I725.1 Alice. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer L998.1 Alice Learmont. Mulock, D. M in M960.10 Alice Lorraine. Blackmore, R. D B629.1 Alice of old Vincennes. Thompson, M T474.2 Alice Sherwin. M., C. J Miro.i Alide. Lazarus, E L431.1 Aliens. Wright, M. T W952.1 Aline. Greville, H G838.1 Alkahest, The. Balzac, H. de B198.2 All in a garden fair. Besant, Sir W B554.1 All in the dark. LeFanu, J. S L488.1 All sorts and conditions of men. Besant, ^»>W BS54.2 Allan Quatermain. Haggard, H. R H 146.1 Allardyce, a. Edgar Wayne's escape. 62 PP in T143.13 Pundrapore residency. 64 pp in T143.9 Allen, G. British barbarians A425.1 Duchess of Powysland A42S4 Dumaresq's daughter A425.5 For Maimie's sake A42S.7 General Passavant's will, 37 pp in S887.1 Hilda Wade: a woman with tenacity of purpose A425.8 In all shades A425.9 Melissa's tour in S885.9 Michael's crag A425.11 Miss Cayley's adventures A425.ro Recalled to life A425.12 This mortal coil A425.14 ENGLISH FICTION. Allen, G. — Continued. Twelve tales A425.15 What's bred in the bone A425.16 Allen, J. L. Aftermath. Pt. 2 of "A Ken- tucky cardinal." A427.1 Choir invisible A427.2 Flute and violin and other Kentucky tales, etc A427.3 John Gray: a Kentucky tale of the olden time A427.5 A Kentucky cardinal A427.7 Mettle of the pasture A427.13 Reign of law : a tale of the Kentucky hemp fields A427.8 Sister Dolorosa, and Posthumous fame. . A427.19 Summer in Arcady A427.9 Allston, M. (pseud, of A. Farquhar). Her Boston experiences A442.8 Alma. Marshall, E M367.1 Almayer's folly. Conrad, J C754.1 Almeria. 98 pp. Edgeworth, M **E23S.8 Same in £235.22 Same in E235.3S Almirante, a romance of old-time California. A449.1 Almoran and Hamet. Hawkesworth, J in **B232.26 Same in **N938.i Alone. Harland, M H283.1 Aloys. Auerbach, B A918.1 Alpine fay. Werner, E W817.35 Alroy. Disraeli, B D613.1 Alsacian schoolmaster. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A E654.22 Altiora Peto. Oliphant, L O474.1 Alton Locke. Kingsley, C K553.1 Altsheler, J. A. Before the dawn: a story of the fall of Richmond A470.1 The candidate A470.7 Guthrie of the Times A470.9 Herald of the west: an American story of 1811-15 A470.2 In circling camps: a romance of the civil war A470.5 In hostile red : a romance of the Monmouth campaign A470.6 The last rebel A470.4 My captive A470.13 A soldier of Manhattan, and his adventures at Ticonderoga and Quebec A470.3 Wilderness road : a romance of St. Clair's defeat and Wayne's victory. A470.23 Amata. Voss, R V969.2 Amateur cracksman. Hornung, E. W H816.13 Amazing marriage. 2 v. Meredith, G M5S9.2 Amazon, The. Dingelstedt, F., Freiherr v. .0584.1 Amazon, The. Vosmaer, C. V968.1 Ambassadors, The. James, H J277.32 Amber, M. Wistons A491.23 Ambitious woman. Fawcett, E F278.2 Amelia. Fielding, H F459.2 Same in **N938.l American, The. James, H., Jr J277.1 American baron. De Mille, J D381.1 American claimant. Twain, M T969.1 Same, and other stories, etc T969.8 American coin. By the author of "Aris- tocracy." A512.1 American cruiser. Little, G L778.1 American emperor. Tracy, L T761.1 American girl in London. Cotes, S, J. D.. .C843.1 American in Paris. Savidge, E. C S267.1 American politician. Crawford, F. M C899.2 American prisoner. Phillpotts, E Q565.26 American short stories. Ed. by C. S. Bald- win B180.1 American wives and English husbands. Atherton, G A868.5 Amero, C, joint author. See Tissot, V. Ames, L. T. Memoirs of a millionaire A513.1 Among the hills. Poynter, E. F Q892.1 Among the northern hills. Prime, W. C Q942.1 Among the pines. Kirke, E K594.1 Amorassan. Lewis, M. G in L675.1 Amos Judd. Mitchell, J. A M680.1 Amps Kilbright. Stockton, F. R S866.2 Amphiteatrof, a. Napoleonder. Tr. by G. Kennan K341.6 Ampthill Towers. Foster, A. J F754.1 Amulet, The. Conscience, H in C755.6 Amy Foster. Conrad, J C754.6 Anaconda, The. 56 pp. Lewis, M. G in L675.1 Anastatius. 3 v. Hope, T , **H79o. i Ancestral footstep. Hawthorne, N in H399.3 Ancient regime. 3 v. James, G. P. R J276.2 Anderdon, W. H. Antoine de Bonneval: a tale of Paris in the days of St. Vincent de Paul A543.I Andersen, H. C. The improvisatore A544.1 Morten Lange: a Christmas story; Man from Paradise in B979.i^ O. T. : a Danish romance A544.2 Only a fiddler A544.3 Tw.o baronesses A544.4 AUTHORS AND TITLES. Andersonville violets. Collingwood, H. W. .C710.1 Andreas Hofer. Muhlbach, L M952.1 Andreds- weald. Crake, A. D C888.2 Andrew Cleaves. Southey, C in S726.1 Andronike. Xenos, S. T X514.1 Ange Pitou. 2 v. Dumas, A D886.2 Angel of the covenant. Cobban, J. M C653.3 Angele's fortune. Theuriet, A T415.2 Angelina. Edgeworth, M in E235.18 Angelo, the musician. Bartnett, H B290.1 Anglomaniacs, The. Harrison, C. C H318.1 Anima vilis. Rodziewicz, M R6g7.i Anna Karenina. Tolstoi, Count L. N T654.1 Anna of the Five Towns. Bennett, A B470.I Annals of a baby. Stebbins, S. B S811.1 Annals of a quiet neighbourhood. Mac- Donald, G M135.3 Annals of a sportsman. Turgenev, I. S T936.1 Annals of the parish. Gait, J G179.1 Annan Water. Buchanan, R B918.1 Anne. Woolson, C. F W916.1 Anne Carmel. Overton, G O963.1 Anne Fumess. Trollope, F. E T847.1 Anne Judge, spinster. 3 v. Robinson, F. W. R660.1 Anne of Geierstein. Scott, Sir W S431.2 Same in ♦*S43i.2i Anne Severin. Craven, P. de la F C898.1 Annie and her master. 79 pp in T143.14 Annie Kilbum. Howells, W. D H8S9.l Annouchka. Turgenev, I. S T936.2 "Another Juanita," etc Cliflford, J C638.2 Another study of woman. 62 pp. Balzac, H. de in B198.19 Some in B19844 Anstey, F., (pseud, of F. A. Guthrie.) Black poodle. 46 pp in S885.6 Same, and other stories A62S.1 Brass bottle A625.2 Fallen idol A625.3 Giant's robe A62S.5 Tinted Venus A625.7 Vice versa ; or, a lesson to fathers A62S.9 — joint author. See Matthews, B. Antar. 4 v. Tr. by T. Hamilton H221.1 Antarctic mystery. Verne, J VS3146 Anteros. Lawrence, G. A L421.1 Antigone and other portraits of women. Bourget, P. ...B772.1 Anting-antrng stories, etc Kayne, S. ... ..K23S.1 Antinous. Taylor, G .T241.1 Antiquary, The. Scott, Sir W S431.3 Same ♦♦S4314 Antoine de Bonneval. Anderdon, W. H. . . .A543.1 Antoinette. 2 v. Blyth, M. P B66ai Antoinette. Ohnet, G O383.1 Antonia. Sand, G S213.1 Antonina. Collins, W C713.3 Antonio di Carara: a Paduan talc 79 PP in T143.S Same in T143.S* Antony Brade. Lowell, R. T. S L916.1 Apache princess. An. King, C KS23.1 Ape, the idiot, and other people. Morrow, W. C M883.1 Aphrodite. Eckstein, E Ei9S.i Apology of Ayliffe. Kirk, R O K593.1 Apostate, The. Daudet, E D239.1 Apostles of the southeast. Bullen, F. T B936.1 Apprentices to destiny. Long, L. A L848.1 April hopes. Howells, W. D H859.2 April princess. An. Smedley, C S639.I Arabella Stuart. 3 v. James, G. P. R. . .♦*J276.3 Arabesques. Greenough, S. D G81S.1 Arabian nights' entertainments. Tr. from Fr. of A. Galland **N938.i8 Same. Tr. by E. W. Lane. 2 v A658.1/ Same. Tr. by E. Foster in S892.14 Arachne. Ebers, G E165.19 Arblay, Mme. F. B. d'. See Bumey, F. Arbouville, S. de B., Countess d'. Christine : a Dutch story. 85 pp in T143.3 Same in T143.3* Village doctor. 77 pp in T143.3 Same in T143.3* Archbishop's unguarded moment, etc Adams, O. F A217.1 Archibald Malmaison. Hawthorne, J H398.2 Archie Lovell. Edwardes, A E254.1 Archipelago on fire. Verne, J V5314 Ardath. Corelli, M C797.1 Arden Massiter. Barry, W B280.2 Ardis Claverden. Stockton, F. R S866.3 Argonauts, The. Orzeszko, E O803.1 Argonauts of North Liberty. Harte, B H327.1 Abgyle, a. Olive Lacey: a tale of the Irish rebellion of 1798 A695.2 Argyll, J. G. E. H. D. S. Campbell, 9 Duke of. From shadow to sunlight A696.6 Ariadne. Ouida O934.1 Aristocracy A7id.i Aristocrats, The Atherton, G. F A868.27 Arius, the Libyan. Kouns, N. C K883.1 6 ENGLISH FICTION. Armadale. Collins, W C713.4 Arminell. Gould, S. B G698.1 Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant, Sir W B554.4 Armourer of Paris. 83 pp. Smith, A in S641.2 Armourer's prentices. Yonge, C. M Y555.1 Armstrong, L. Sergeant Gore. 30 pp.. in S886.3 Army Portia. King, C in KS23.21 Army tales. Winter, J. S W785.1 Amaud's masterpiece. Larned, W. C L32S.1 Arne. Bjornson, B B625.1 Same B625.1'' Arnim, M. a. B., gr'diin von. Benefactress. (Anon.) A749.2 Arnold, E. L. Phra the Phoenician A753.1 Arnold, G. Why Thomas was discharged. 25 pp in S884.5 Around a spring. Droz, G D793-I Around the golden deep. Reeder, A. P R327-I Around the world in eighty days. Verne, J. V531.5 Arrom, Mrs. C. Bohl de Faber. See Cabal- lero, F., pseud. Arrows of the Almighty. Johnson, O J680.1 Art Maguire. Carleton, W in C281.18 Arthur Blane. Grant, J G761.3 Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland, J. G H735.1 Arthur Merton. Porter, D. D Q844-I Arthur Mervyn. 2 v. Brown, C. B B879.1 Arthur O'Leary, Adventures of. Lever, C. .L658.1 Artists' wives. Daudet, A D238.1 Arundel motto. Hay, M. C H413.1 As God made her. Thrasher, S. M T530.1 As it may happen. Trebor T785.1 As it was written. Harland, H H282.1 As the light led. Baskett, J. N B31S.1 As 'tis in life. Delpit, A D363.1 Asa Holmes. Johnston, A. F J720.1 Asaph. Cooley, A. K C774.1 Ascanio. Dumas, A D886.3 Ashes of empire. Chambers, R. W C445.1 "Ask mamma," Surtees, R. S S962.1 Askaros Kassis the Copt. DeLeon, E D346.1 Aslauga's knight. 42 pp. La Motte-Fouque, F. H. K. Freiherr de in L235.1 Same in L235.6 Asmodeus. LeSage, A. R L622.1 Aspasia. 2 v. Hamerling, R H214.1 Aspendale. Preston, H. W Q927.1 Aspern papers. James, H., Jr J277.2 Asphodel. Braddon, M. E B798.1 Assassins, The. Meakin, N. M ,M482.i Associate hermits. Stockton, F. R. . - S866.4 Assunta Howard, and other stories, etc. Sal- ter, E S177.1 Ass'ya. Turgenev, I. S in T936.12 Astonishing history of Troy town. Couch, A.T. Q C853.9 AsTOR, W. W. Sforza: a story of Milan A858.1 At a high price. Werner, E W492.1 At an old chateau. Macquoid, K. S M173.1 At close range. Smith, F. H S647.27 At fault. Smart, H S636.1 At her mercy. Payn, J Q34S-I At home with the Jardines. Bell, L B433.4 At large. Homung, E. W H8r6.i5 At last. Harland, M H283.2 At last. Kingsley, C K553.2 At odds. Tautphceus, J. M. Freiherrin von T229.1 At Sunwich Port. Jacobs, W. W Ji77-i At the back of beyond. Barlow, J B258.1 At the councillor's. Marlitt, E W817.10 At the gate of the fold. Fletcher, J. S F613.1 At the Grand Hotel du Paradis. Janvier, T. A in J358.8 At the mercy of Tiberius. Wilson, A. J. E. W746.1 At the north pole. Verne, J V531.6 At the sign of the cat and racket. Balzac, H. de B198.6 Same B198.S2* At the sign of the Silver Crescent. Prince, H. C Q944.7 At the time appointed. Barbour, A. M B239.1 At ye Grene Griffin. Holt, E. S H7S8.1 Atelier du Lys. Roberts, M R646.1 Atheist's mass. 20 pp. Balzac, H. de. .in B 198.52' Same in B 198.16 Same in B198.34 Same B 198.42 Atherton, G. F. American wives and English husbands A868.5 The aristocrats. (Anon.) A868.27 Before the gringo came A868.1 Bell in the fog, and other stories A868.29 The Californians A868.6 The conqueror : being the true and romantic story of Alexander Hamilton A868.30 Daughter of the vine A868.7 Los Cerritos . . .• A868.2 Rulers of kings A868.18 Senator North A868.15 AUTHORS AND TITLES. Atherton, G. ¥. —Continued. Splendid idle forties: stories of old Cali- fornia A868.19 Note. — A revised and enlarged edi- tion of "Before the gringo came." Whirl asunder A8684 Atkinson, W. Bill Goldie: a pilgrim, .in H527.22 Atoms of empire. Hyne, C H997.2 Atonement, The. Long, J. L L847.19 Attache, The. Haliburton, T. C H172.1 Attic philosopher. Souvestre, E S7294 Atticus. Ward, R. P W262.3 Attila. James, G. P. R J276.4 Attorney, The. Irving, J. T 1723.1 Aubert Dubayet. Gayarr6, C G285.1 AucASSiN and Nicolette: an old French love story. Ed, and tr. by F. W. Bourdillon. 843.A901 Audrey. Johnston, M J730.1 AuERBACH, B. Aloys A918.1 The axe. 13 pp m Z767.1* Brigitta A918.3 Convicts and their children A918.4 The foresters A918.S The "Good hour" A918.16 Little barefoot A918.8 Issued also as The barefoot maiden. Lorely and Reinhard A918.9 Master Bieland and his workmen A918.10 On the heights. 2 v A918.11 Spinoza A918.13 j Villa on the Rhine. 2 v A918.14 Issued also as Villa Eden. Auld licht idyls. Barrie, J. M 6275.1 Auld licht manse. Barrie, J. M B275.12 Aulnay Tower. Howard, B. W H848.1 Aunt Anne. Clifford, L. L C639.1 Aunt Ann's ghost story. 35 PP in T143.15 Aunt Diana. Carey, R. N 0276.1 Aunt Johnnie. Winter, J. S W78S.2 Aunt Minervy Ann, Chronicles of. Harris, J C H314.2 Aunt Serena. Howard, B. W H848.2 Aunt's stratagem. 74 pp. About, E in A156.3 Aurelian. 2 v. Ware, W W273.1 Aurifodina. Peck, G. W ♦*Q366.i Auriol. Ainsworth, W. H A297.I Aurora Floyd. Braddon, M. E B798.2 Austen, J. Emma A933.1 Mansfield Park A933.2 Northanger Abbey. (Also) Persuasion. .A933.3 Persuasion m A933-3 Austen, J.— Continued. Same in A933.7 Pride and prejudice A9334 Sense and sensibility A933.6 Same, and, Persuasion A933.7 Austin, J. G. Betty Alden A936.1 David Alden's daughter, etc A936.3 Desmond hundred A936.4 Dr. LeBaron and his daughters: a story of the old colony A936.5 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown A936.7 Nameless nobleman A936.S Nantucket scraps A936.9 Standish of Standish A936.12 Austin, M. Isidro A938.9 Austin, M. W. Veronica A937.22 Austin Elliott. Kingsley, H K555- 1 Austin Friars. Riddell, C. E. L R543.1 Author's love. Balch, E B174.1 Autobiography of a child. Lynch, H L987.1 Autobiography of a joint-stock company (limited.) 66 pp in T143.11 Autobiography of a quack, etc Mitchell, S. W M681.6 Autobiography of a thief. Reade, C R285.1 Autobiography of a tramp. Crawford, J. H. C901.1 Autocrats, The. Lush, C. K L969.1 Autumn glory. Bazin, R B363.1 Avatar. Gautier, T in G277.S Average man. Grant, R G763.1 Average woman, etc. Balestier, W B184.1 Averil. Carey, R. N C276.2 Awakening of Mary Fenwick. Whitby, B. . W579.I Awakening of Poccalito. Kellogg, E K293.1 Awakening of the duchess. Charles, F C477.1 Awkward age. James, H J277.30 Axel and Anna. 41 pp. Bremer, F in B836.2 Ayesha, the maid of Kars. Morier, J M855.3 Aylwin. Dunton, T. W DSW-I Ayrshire legatees. Gait, J GiTQ,! Ayton priory. Neale, J. M N346.1 AvTOUN, W. E. Congress and the Agape- dome. 60 pp IN T143.8 Emerald studs. 66 pp in T143.3 Same in Ti43.3* Glenmutchkin railway. 44 pp in S885.8 Same in T143.1 Same m T143.1* How I became a yeoman. 55 pp in T143.1 Same in Ti43.l* How I stood for the Dreepdatly burghs. 8 ENGLISH FICTION. Aytoun, W. E. — Continued. 79 pp in T143.2 Same in T143.2' How we got possession of the Tuileries. 89 pp in T143.3 Same in T143.3* Norman Sinclair. 3 v A990.1 Raid of Arnaboll. 75 pp in T143.8 Rapping the question: a tale of modern magic. 45 pp in T143.15 The surveyor's tale. 48 pp in T 143.4 Same in T143.4* Azarian. Spoflford, H. P S762.2 AzEGUO, M. d'. Challenge of Barletta A993.1 Aztec treasure-house. Janvier, T. A J358.1 Babcock, Mrs. W. E. See Onoto Watanna, pseud. Babe, B. A. Benson, E. F B474.1 Babes in the bush. Boldrewood, R B687.2 Baboe Dalima. Perelaer, T. H Q437-I Babs the impossible. Grand, S G751.S Baby's grandmother. Walford, L. B W174.1 Bacheller, I. Darrell of the Blessed Isles. .B 120.3 D'ri and I: a tale of the second war with the British B120.4 Eben Holden Bi20.S Vergilius : a tale of the coming of Christ. B120.22 Bachelor maid. Harrison, C. C H318.2 Bachelor of Salamanca. 2 v. LeSage, A. R. L622.2 Bachelor of the Albany. Savage, M. W S264.1 Bachelor's Christmas, and other stories. Grant, R G763.2 Bachelor's club. Zangwill, I in Z295.18 Bachelor's establishment. Balzac, H. de Br98.37s Same in B198.S2* Bad lot. Cameron, E. S C182.1 Bad penny. Wheelright, J. T W566.2 Bage, R. Man as he is not **B232.48 Bagpipers, The. Sand, G S213.2 Bailey, H. C. Karl of Erbach: a tale of Lichtenstein and Solgau B153.H Bailey, J. M. Mr. Phillips' goneness B1S4.1 BaiHff's maid. Marlitt, E W817.11 Bain, F. W. Dmitri: a romance of old Russia B162.1 Baker, J. The gleaming dawn: a romance of the middle ages B167.3 Baker, W. M. (G. F. Harrington, pseud.) Blessed Saint Certainty B169.1 Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire B169.2 Baker, W. M. — Continued. Inside : a chronicle of secession B 169.3 Making of a man B169.4 Mose Evans B169.S New Timothy B169.6 Virginians in Texas B169.7 Balaam and his master, and other sketches, etc. Harris, J. C H3I4.I Balch, E. An author's love; being the unpublished letters of Prosper Merimee's "Inconnue." B174.1 Balch, F. H. Bridge of the gods : a romance of Indian Oregon B17S.2 Baldwin, C. S., ed. American short stories. Bi8ai Balestier, W. Average woman, etc B184.1 Benefits forgot B184.2 — joint author. See Kipling, R. Ball at Sceaux. Balzac, H. de in B 198.6k* Ball of snow. Dumas, A in D886.4 Ballantyne. Campbell, H C188.5 Ballet dancer, etc. Serao, M S481.2 Balsam-seller of Thurotzer. Gore, C. ..m G666.I* Balthazar the magus. Van Der Naillen, A. V238.3 Balzac, H. de. Works. (Ed. by W. P. Trent. ) 32 v. (in 16) B198.52 V. 1-2: Magic skin; Quest of the abso- lute, and other stories B198.52* V. 3-4: About Catherine de Medici; Gam- bara; Seraphita, and other stories B198.S2* V. S-6: Eugenie Grandet; Ursule Mi- rouet, and other stories B 198.52* V. 7-8: At the sign of the cat and the racket; Bachelor's establishment; Honor- ine, and other stories B 198.52* V. 9-10: Daughter of Eve; Letters of two brides; Woman of thirty, and other stories Bi98.S2* V. 11-12: Marriage settlement; Modeste Mignon, and other stories 6198.52* V. 13-14: Beatrix; Jealousies of a country town ; Commission in lunacy B198.52* V. 15-16: Lost illusions; Distinguished provincial at Paris B198.52* V. 17-18: Lily of the valley; Firm of Nucingen; Country doctor, and other stories 6198.52* V. 19-20: Country parson; Albert Sav- arus ; The peasantry B198.52" V. 21-22: Cousin Betty; Cousin Pons.. B198.52" AUTHORS AND TITLES. Balzac, H. de. — Continued. V. 23-24: Scenes from a courtesan's life; Government clerks B198.52" V. 25-26 : The thirteen ; Father Goriot, and other stories B198.52" V. 27-28: Rise and fall of Cesar Birotteau ; Secrets of a princess; Middle classes. B198.52" V. 29-30: The Chouans; Passion in the desert ; Gondreville mystery ; Muse of the department Bi98.52** V. 31-32: Member for Arcis; Seamy side of history, and other stories B 198.52" Honore de Balzac; an introduction by F. Brunetiere, the translation by G. B. Ives B198.53 Abbe Birotteau. Tr. by C. Bell in B 198.32s Translated also as Vicar of Tours. About Catherine de Medici. Tr. by C. Bell. B198.7S Albert Savarus (also Paz and Madame Fir- miani). Tr. by K P. Wormeley B198.1 The Alkahest; or, The house of Claes. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.2 Translated also as Quest of the Absolute. At the sign of the cat and the racket. Tr. by C Bell B198.6 Same B198.52* Atheist's mass. Tr. by W. Wilson and Count Stenbock in B198.34 Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley in B 198. 16 Same, and other stories. Tr. by C Bell. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.42 Contents: Atheist's mass. Hon- orine. Colonel Chabert Commis- sion in lunacy. Pierre Grassou. Bachelor's establishment. Tr. by C Bell. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.37S Translated also as Two Brothers. Beatrix. Tr. by J. Waring. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.3S Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.3 Brotherhood of Consolation. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B1984 Translated also as Seamy side of history. Bureaucracy. Tr. by K P. Wormeley Br98.5 Same. Tr. by E. Marriage in B 198.51 Translated also as Government Clerks. Cat and battledore, and other tales. Tr. by P. Kent. 3 vols. (vols. 2-3 only) Bi98.6k Balzac, H. ve^— Continued. Contents : The purse. The ball at Sceaux. Madame Firmiani. A dou- ble family. Translated also as At the sign of the cat and racket. Catherine de' Medici. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.7 Translated also as About Catherine de Medici. Cesar Birotteau. Tr. by E. Marriage. "EA. by G. Saintsbury B198.8S Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B 198.8 The Chouans. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.9S Same. Tr. by G. Saintsbury B 198.91 Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.9 Comedies played gratis in B 198. 19 Commission in lunacy in B 198.52* Country doctor. Tr. by K Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.1O8 Same. Tr. by K, P. Wormeley Bi9aiO Country parson. Tr. by R Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198W4OS Translated also as Village rector. Cousin Bette. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley. . B198.11 Cousin Betty. Tr. by J. Waring B198.1IS Cousin Pons. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.12 A Cretin village; A Breton town in Z767.1' Daughter of Eve. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.13 Same. (Also) Letters of two brides. Tr. by R. S. Scott B198.13S Deputy of Arcis. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.43 Distinguished provincial at Paris. Tr. by E. Marriage B198.20S Translated also as Great man of the prov- inces in Paris. Duchesse de Langeais; with, An episode under the Terror ; Illustrious Gaudissart ; A passion in the desert; (and) The hid- den masterpiece. Tr. by K- P. Worme- ley B198.14 Eugenie Grandet Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.15S Same. (Also) Pierrette. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley 6198.15 Fame and sorrow; with. Colonel Chabert; Atheist's mass; La Grande Breteche; 10 ENGLISH FICTION. Balzac, H. de. — Continued. The purse ; La Grenadiere. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B 198.16 Father's curse and other stories. Tr. by J. Waring B198.50 Ferragus, chief of the Devorants. (Also) Last incarnation of Vautrin. Gobseck. (And) Comedies played gratis. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.19 Firm of Nucingen in B198.52' Gallery of antiquities. (Also) an old maid. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.18 Gobseck B198.19 Gondreville mystery B198.21S Translated also as Historical mystery. Government clerks B198.52" Translated also as Bureaucracy. La Grande Breteche, and other stories. Tr. by C. Bell B198.44 Contents : A study of woman. An- other study of woman. La Grande Breteche. Peace in the house. Imaginary mistress. Albert Savarus. Great man of the provinces in Paris. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.20 Translated also as A distinguished pro- vincial in Paris. An historical mystery. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.21 Translated also as Gondreville mystery. Honorine in B198.52* Jealousies of a country town in BigS.iSs Translated also as An old maid. Juana. (Also Adieu; Drama on the sea- shore; Red inn; The recruit; El Ver- dugo; Elixir of life; Hated son; Maitre Cornelius.) Tr. by K. P. Wormeley. .B 198.41 Last incarnation of Vautrin in B198.19 Lesser bourgeoisie. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.22 Translated also as Middle classes. Letters of two brides in B198.13S Translated also as Memoirs of two young married women. Lily of the valley. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.23 Same. Tr. by J. Waring B 198.23s Lost illusions. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley. . B198.24 Same. Tr. by E. Marriage B198.24S Balzac, H. de. — Continued. Louis Lambert. (Also Facino Cane and Gambara). Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.25 Lucien de Rubempre. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.26 Magic skin. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley. .B 198.27 Same Bi98.52^ Translated also as Wild ass's skin. Marriage contract. (Also A double life; Peace of a home.) Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B 198.28 Marriage settlement Bi98.52* Translated also as Marriage contract. Memoirs of two young married women. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.29 Translated also as Letters of two brides. Middle classes. Tr. by C. Bell B 198.22s Translated also as Lesser bourgeoisie. Modeste Mignon. Tr. by C. Bell. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.3OS Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B 198.30 Napoleon of the people. Tr. by G. Ken- nan K341.6 Old Goriot. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.31S Translated also as Pere Groriot. An old maid in B198.18 Translated also as Jealousies of a coun- try town. Parisians in the country. Tr. by J. War- ing B198.49 Passion in the desert in C671.1 The peasantry. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.35S Translated also as Sons of the soil. Pere Goriot. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley. .B 198.31 Translated also as Old Goriot. Pierrette, and, The Abbe Birotteau. Tr. by C. Bell. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B 198.32s Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley in B198.15 Princess's secrets. (Also) Bureaucracy. Tr. by E. Marriage Bi98.5i Quest of the absolute. Tr. by E. Mar- riage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.2S Same in B198.S2* Translated also as The Alkahest. Scenes from a courtesan's life B198.52" Translated also as (Pt. i) Lucien de Ru- bempre. (Pt. 2) Last incarnation of Vautrin. AUTHORS AND TITLES. U Balzac, H. de. — Continued. Seamy side of history. (Also) Z. Marcas. Tr. by C Bell B198.4S Translated also as Brotherhood of conso- lation. Secrets of a princess in B198.S2** Translated also as Princess's secrets. Seraphita. Tr. by C Bell B 198.33s Same. (Also), Jesus Christ in Flanders (and) The exiles. Tr. by K, P. Worme- ley B198.33 Shorter stories. Tr. by W. Wilson and Count Stenbock B198.34 Sons of the soil. Tr. by IC P. Worme- ley B198.35 Translated also as The peasantry. Start in life, etc. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley. . B198.36 The thirteen. Tr. by E. Marriage B 198.48 Two brothers. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley. .B 198.37 Translated also as Bachelor's establishment Unconscious mummers and other stories. Tr. by E. Marriage B198.47 Translated also as Unconscious comedians. Ursula. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.38 Ursule Mirouet. Tr. by C Bell Ed. by G. Saintsbury ; Br98.38s Translated also as Ursula. Village rector. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley.. B198.40 Translated also as Country Parson. Wild ass's skin. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.27S Translated also as Magic skin. Woman of thirty. Tr. by E. Marriage. .B 198.46 Z. Marcas in B1984S Bamboo tales. Reeves, I. L R33I-2 1 Bandeuer, a. F. Delight makers B214.1 Bandolero. Gwynne, P G996.2 Bangs, J. K. Booming of Acre Hill and other reminiscences of suburban life. .B216.2 Coffee and repartee B216.13 ^ The dreamers B216.6 The enchanted type-writer B216.7 Ghosts I have met and some others B216.5 House-boat on the Styx B216.18 The idiot B216.9 Idiot at home B216.10 Inventions of the idiot B216.19 Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica B216.24 Bancs, J. K. — Continued. Mr. Munchausen: being a true account of some of the recent adventures beyond the Styx of the late Hieronymus Carl Friedrich, sometime Baron Munchausen of Bodenwerder B216.23 Olympian nights B216.28 Over the plum pudding B216.2S Peeps at people B216.27 Pursuit of the house-boat B216.26 Rebellious heroine B216.3 Three weeks in politics B216.31 Water ghost and others B2164 — and Sherman, F. D. [Two ivags.] New wagg^ngs of old tales B216.1 Banim, J. The denounced ; or, The last baron of Crana. Also, The conformists. .. .B217.2 Peter of the castle; and, The fetches B217.3 Rival dreamers in S8854 — and M. Clough Fionn; or, the stone of destiny in B217.S Crohoore of the bill-hook in B217.6 Ghost-hunter and his family. (Also) Clough Fionn; or, the stone of destiny B217.S Peep o' day; and, Crohoore of the bill- hook B217.6 Banim, M. The croppy B218.1 Father Connell ; a tale B218.2 Mayor of Wind-gap. Also Canvassing (originally written by Miss Martin and Ed. by J. Banim) B218.3 — joint author. See Banim, J. Banished, The. Morier, J M8554 Banker and the bear. Webster, H. K W380.2 Banks, N. H. Oldfield B219.1S Round Anvil Rock : a romance B219.18 Banner of blue. Crockett, S. R. C938.33 Bannockburn. 2 vols B220.1 Banshee, The in S8854 Bar Harbor tales. Harrison, C C in H318.11 Barabbas. Corelli, M C797.3 Barbara. Alexander, Mrs A374.6 Barbara. Braddon, M. E. B798.3 Barbara Blomberg. 2 vols. Ebers, G E16S.18 Barbara Heathcote's trial. Carey, R. N C2764 Barbara Ladd. Roberts, C G. D R6)43.i4 Barbara's history. Edwards, A. B E261.1 Barbaric tales. Macleod, F M16S.3 Barbauld, a. L., ed. The British novelists, SO V ♦♦B232.1-SO 12 ENGLISH FICTION. Barboxjr, a. M. At the time appointed.. .B239.1 That Mainwaring affair B239.20 BARBOtm, R. H. The land of joy B240.12 Barchester Towers. Trollope, A T846.1 Bardeen, C. W. Roderick Hume B24S.1 Baring-Gould, S. See Gould, S. Baring. Barker's luck, and other stories. Harte, B. H327.40 Barlasch of the Guard. Merriman, H. S. MS7I.I Barlow, J. At the back of beyond 6258.1 Creel of Irish stories 6258.2 From the land of the shamrock B258.6 Irish idylls B258.3 Kerrigan's quality B258.S Lost recruit in S885.4 Maureen's fairing, etc B258.7 Mrs. Martin's company, and other stories. B258.8 Strangers at Lisconnel B258.9 Bamaby Rudge. Dickens, C D548.1 Same in D548.2 Same in D548.3 Barnard, C. (J. Kingsford, pseud.) The soprano : a musical story B259.1 Barnes, J. A Princetonian B261.9 Unpardonable war B261.21 Barney Bradley. Carleton, W in C281.7 Barney Branagan. Carleton, W in C281.3 Baron Munchausen, Adventures of. Raspe, R. E **R226.i Baron of Hertz. Labadye, A. de Lii2.l Barque Future. Lie, J L716.1 Barr, a. E. Beads of Tasmer B268.2 Bernicia B268.3 Between two loves B268.26 Black shilling: a tale of Boston towns. .B268.27 Border shepherdess : a romance of Esk- dale B268.4 Bow of orange ribbon: a romance of New York B268.S Christopher, and other stories B268.6 Daughter of Fife B268.8 Feet of clay B268.10 Friend Olivia B268.11 Jan Vedder's wife B268.12 King's highway B268.13 Knight of the nets B268.14 Last of the Macallisters B268.IS Lion's whelp : a story of Cromwell's time. B268.36 Lone house B268.16 Barr, A. E. — Continued. Maid of Maiden Lane: a sequel to "The bow of orange ribbon." B268.24 Master of his fate B268.17 Paul and Christina B268.18 Prisoners of conscience B268.23 Remember the Alamo B268.19 Rose with a hundred leaves B268.20 Singer from the sea B268.22 Song of a single note B268.43 Squire of Sandal-Side B268.21 Stories of love and life B268.44 Thyra Varrick : a love story B268.45 Barr, R. Face and the mask B269.28 In a steamer chair, and other shipboard stories B269.11 In the midst of alarms B269.1 One day's courtship, and Heralds of fame. B269.5 Over the border B269.15 Prince of good fellows B269.16 Revenge ! B269.7 Strong arm B269.8 Tekla B269.10 The victors B269.22 A woman intervenes B269.2 The woman wins B269.23 — joint author. See Crane, S. Barren honour. Lawrence, G. A L421.2 Barrett, W. Sign of the cross B274.9 Barrie, J. M. Auld licht idyls B27S.1 Auld licht manse, and other sketches. .B275.12 Better dead. — My Lady Nicotine 6275.2 Courting of T'nowhead's Bell. 30 pp. in S885.8 How Gavin Birse put it to Mag Lownie, from "A window in Thrums." in C671.1 Inconsiderate waiter. 21 pp in S885.6 Is it a man ? in S887.1 Little minister B275.5 Little white bird B275.6 My lady Nicotine ^275.7 Same in B275.2 Sentimental Tommy 6275.8 Tommy and Grizel B275.11 When a man's single B275.9 Window in Thrums 6275.10 6arriers burned away. Roe, E. P R699.1 6arrili, a. G. Eleventh commandment. . .6276.1 Whimsical wooing 6276.2 Barrington. Lever, C L658.2 Barrington's fate. Hunt, M. R H942.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 13 Barry, W. Arden Massiter B280.2 The dayspring B2804 New Antigone B280.1 The two standards B280.S Wizard's knot B280.23 Barry Lyndon. Thackeray, W. M in T363.10 Same I T363.14 Same T363.1S Barrys, The. Bullock, S. F. B938.2 Bartlett, F. O. Joan of the alley B289.10 Bartnett, H. Angelo, the musician B290.1 Barton, C. J. Evangel Ahvallah B293.1 Barton, W. E. Hero in homespun B294.1 Pine Knot: a story of Kentucky life. .B294.16 Prairie schooner: a story of the Black Hawk war B294.17 Basil, pseud. See King, R. A. Basil. Collins, W C713.S Baskett, J. N. As the light led B31S.1 Bastonnais, The. Lesperance, J L637.I Bates, A. Albrecht B329.1 Book o' nine tales B329.3 Diary of a saint B329.3 A lad's love B3294 Love in a cloud B329.5 The pagans B329.6 Patty's perversities B329.7 The Philistines B329.8 The Puritans B329.9 Wheel of fire B329.10 Bates, M. Martin Brook B331.13 Bates, T. H. Marvelous evidence; or a wit- ness from the grave: a psychological study B330.1 Bates's tour (personally conducted). 37 pp. - in T143.13 Bath comedy. Castle, A. and E C351.2 Battle-ground. Glasgow, E G549.1 Battle of Dryflfe Sands in W7SO.8 Battle of the Moy; or, how Ireland gained her independence, 1892-1894 B336,l Battle of the strong. Parker, Sir G Q240.2 Battle summer. Harland, M in H283.5 Battlement and tower. Rhoscomyl, O R478.I Bauer, K. See Detlef, K., pseud Bay-path. Holland, J. G H73S.2 Bayard's courier. Benson, B. K B473.a Bayle, a. Thalia B358.1 Bayly, A. E. See Lyall, E., pseud Baylor, F. C. Claudia Hyde B3S9.1 Ladder of fortune B359.10 On both sides B359.2 Bazin, R. Autumn glory; or the toilers of the field B363.1 Beaconsfield, Earl of. See Disraeli, B. Beads of Tasmcr. Barr, A, E B268.2 Beaten path. Makin, R. L. M235.2 Beatrice. Haggard, H. R H 146.2 Beatrice. 2 vols. Hofland, B H712.2 Beatrice. Kavanagh, J K212.2 Beatrice. Sinclair, C S616.1 Beatrice Boville, and other stories. Ouida. • ; 0934-2 Beatrice Cenci. Guerrazzi, F. D G934.1 Beatrice of Bayou Teche. Jones, A. I... . .J767.I Beatrice of Venice. Pemberton, M Q39SIS Beatrix. Balzac, H. de B 198.3 Same Bi98.52^ Beau Nash. Ainsworth, W. H A297.2 Beauchamp. James, G. P. R J276.5 Beauchampe. Simms, W. G S592.1 Beauchamp's career. Meredith, G M559.3 Beaumarchais. Brachvogel, A. E B796.1 Beaumont, F., and Fletcher, J. Philas- ter: or, love lies bleeding. 24 pp.. .in M875.1* Beaumont, M. Joan Seaton B379.5 Revenge of her race in S885.7 Beaurepaire, G. de. See Glouvet, J., pseud. Beau's comedy. Dix, B. M., and Harper, C. A. D618.2 Beauties of German literature as exemplified by the works of Pichler, Richter, Zschok- ke and Tieck B384.1 Beautiful graveyard. Long, J. L. L847.19 Beautiful lady, The. Tarkington, B T187.2 Beauty and the beast; and tales of home. Taylor, B T238.1 Beauty draught. 42 pp in T143.S Same in T143.5* Bebee. Ouida O934.3 Becke, L. By reef and palm B394.2 Ebbing of the tide: south sea stories B394^ Edward Barry, South Sea pearler B394.3 His native wife in B394.2 Pacific tales B394.7 Ridan the devil, and other stories B394.9 Under tropic skies B394.21 Yorke the adventurer, and other stories B394.2S —and Jeffery, W. First Fleet Family. .B394.1 The mutineer 8394^4 Tapu of Banderah, etc B394.20 Beckpord, W. Vathek: an Arabian ule. B396.1 Same in S892.14 14 ENGLISH FICTION. Becquer, G. a. Maese Perez, the organist. in M690.1 Bede, C. (pseud, of E. Bradley.) Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, an Oxford fresh- man B411.1 Issued also as The dude. Bede's charity. Stretton, H .S915.1 Bedford, J. See Godfrey, E., pseud. Beechcroft. Yonge, C. M Y555.2 Beechcroft at Rockstone. Yonge, C. M..YS55.40 Beecher, E. W. B. From dawn to dayhght; or, the simple story of a western home. B414.1 Beecher, H. W. Norwood; or, village life in New England B415.1 Beers, H. A. Split zephyr; an attenuated yarn spun by the fates. 53 pp in S884.8 Beethoven. Rau, H R239.1 Before the dawn. Altsheler, J. A A470.1 Before the dawn. Dulac, G D878.1 Before the dawn. Noble, L. L. P., and E, .N751.2 Before the gringo came. Atherton, G. F. A868.1 Beggar on horseback. Payn, J Q345-2 Beggars all. Dougall, L D731.1 Beginner, A. Broughton, R B877.1 Begum's daughter. Bynner, E. L B994.2 Behind closed doors. Green, A. K G795.1 Behind the arras. Neville, C. M NS22.1 Behind the counter. Hacklander, F. W...H122.2 Behrens, B. See Heimburg, W., pseud. Beleaguered city. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.3 Beleaguered forest. Peattie, E. W Q363.2 Belhaven tales. Harrison, C. C H318.4 Belinda. Edgeworth, M E235.26 Same. 2 v **B232.49-so Same. 2 v in **E235.3-4 Bell, A., pseud. See Bronte, A Bell, C, pseud. See Bronte, C Bell, E., pseud. See Bronte, E Bell, J. J. Later adventures of Wee Macgreegor B432.12 Mrs. M'Lerie B432.13 Wee Macgreegor B432.23 Bell, L. (Mrs. Bogue.) At home with the Jardines B433.4 The expatriates B433.3 Hope Loring B433.8 Instinct of step-fatherhood B433.2 Love affairs of an old maid B433.12 Sir John and the American girl, (etc.). .B433.19 Under side of things B433.I Bell in the fog. Atherton, G A868.29 Bell of St. Paul's. Besant, Sir W B554.6 Bell-ringer of Angel's, and other stories. Harte, B H327.2 Bellamy, C. J. Breton mills B436.1 Experiment in marriage B436.2 Bellamy, E. Blindman's world and other stories B437.6 Dr. Heidenhoff's process B437.1 Duke of Stockbridge: a romance of Shay's rebeUion B437.7 Equality B437.5 Looking backward 2000 — 1887 B437.2 Lost. 20 pp in S884.7 Miss Ludington's sister B437.3 Six to one B437.4 Belles and ringers. Smart, H S636.2 Bells of Botreaux: a legend. 48 pp in T143.7 Belot, a. My good friend B452.3 Belshazzar. Davis, W. S D267.2 Belton estate. TroUope, A T846.2 Ben Brace. Chamier, F C448.1 Ben-Hur. Wallace, L W191.1 Benedict, F. L. John Worthington's name. B463.2 My daughter Elinor B463.5 Price she paid B463.6 Benefactress. Arnim, M. A. B., grdfin von A479-2 Benefits forgot. Balestier, W B 184.2 Benjamin, P. End of New York. 60 pp. in S884.5 Ben-na-groich. 32 pp in T143.4 Same in Ti43.4^ Bennett, A. Anna of the Five Towns B470.1 Bennett twins. Hurd, G. M H960.2 Benson, B. K. Bayard's courier: a story of love and adventure in the cavalry cam- paigns B473.2 Friend with the countersign B473.6 Who goes there ? : the story of a spy in the civil war B473.23 Benson, E. F. The Babe, B. A B474.1 The capsina B474.2 The Challoners B474.3 Luck of the Vails B474.8 Mammon and Co B474.9 Princess Sophia B474.11 The relentless city B474.12 Scarlet and hyssop B474. 13 The vintage: a romance of the Greek war of independence B474.14 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 15 Bent, M. Chapter from an unknown life. 26 pp in T143.24 Benton, K. A. Geber: a tale of the reign of Harun Al Raschid, Khalif of Baghdad. B478.7 Bequeathed. Whitby, B W579.2 Berber, The. Mayo, W. S M473.1 Berger, E., pseud. See Sheppard, K S. Berington, S. Signor Gaudentio di Lucca. in ♦♦N938.2I Berkeley, the banker. Martineau, H in **M385.2 Same. pt. 2 M385.1 Berkeleys and their neighbors. Seawell, M. E S442.1 Berlin and Sans-Souci. Miihlbach, L M952.2 Bernard Lile, Clemens, J C62S.I Bernhard, C. (pseud, of C. T. Heiberg). Aunt Francisca; Damon and Pythias.. in B979.1* The bankrupt. 32 pp in 3979.1* Cousin Carl in B979.1* Bemicia. Barr, A. E B268.3 Berry, E. P. Leah of Jerusalem: a story of the time of Paul B534.1 Bertram family. Charles, "E. R C476.2 Bertrams, The. Trollope, A T846.3 Besant, Sir W. Alabaster box B554.3 All in a garden fair 8554.1 All sorts and conditions of men B554.2 Armorel of Lyonesse B554.4 Bell of St. Paul's B554.6 Beyond the dreams of avarice B554.7 Camilla's last string in B554.16 The changeling B554.8 Children of Gibeon B554.9 City of refuge B554.10 Dorothy Forster B554.11 Dorothy Wallis " B554.12 Even with this in 6554.16 For faith and freedom B554.13 A fountain sealed B554.14 Fourth generation B554.34 Herr Paulus: his rise, his greatness, and his fall B554.15 The holy rose. (Also) Last Mass. — In- ner house. — Even with this. — Camilla's last string B554.16 In deacon's orders, and other stories. .B 554. 17 Inner house in B554.16 Same B5S4.19 Ivory gate B554.18 Katharine Regina B554.21 Besant, 5"»> W. — Continued. Same in B554.30 Lady of Lynn BS54.22 Last mass in B554.16 Master craftsman B554.23 Monks of Thelema B554.47 No other way B554.24 The orange girl B554.25 Quarantine island in S885.9 Rebel queen B554.26 Revolt of man B554.27 St. Katherine's by the tower B554.28 'Self or bearer' in B554.30 Ten years' tenant, and other stories B554.48 To call her mine. (Also) Katharine Re- gina. (And) 'Self or bearer.' B554.30 Verbena Camellia Stephanotis and other stories B554.32 World went very well then B554.33 — and Rice, J. By Celia's arbour B554.37 Case of Mr. Lucraft, and other tales. .B554.38 Chaplain of the fleet B554.39 Golden butterfly B55440 My little girl B554.41 Ready-money Mortiboy 6554^^ Seamy side B554.43 This son of Vulcan B554.44 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay, and other stories 6554^45 With harp and crown B554.46 Besche, C. G. Strange surprising adven- tures of the venerable Gooroo Simple and his five disciples B555.1 Beside the bonnie brier bush. Watson, J. • W339.2 Bessie. Kavanagh, J K212.3 Bessie Rane. Wood, E. P W874.1 Bessie's fortune. Holmes, M. J H751.1 Best of husbands Payn, J 0345-3 Beth Book. Grand, S G7S14 Bethany. Watson, T. E W341.2 Bethesda Pool. Richards, L. E in R516.2 Bethune, a. Ghost of Howdycraigs; — Ghost of Gairybum in W750.6 The warning in W7SO.8 Young laird in W750.3 Bethune, J. Bewildered student in W750.S Beth us Y Hue. V., Grdfin, See Reichen- bach, M. von, pseud. Betrothed, The. Manzoni, A Ma96.l Betrothed, The. Scott, 5"i> W S431.6 Same in ♦♦5431.42 16 ENGLISH FICTION. Betsy Thoughtless. Hasrwood, E in **N938.i3 Better days. Fitch, T., and A. M F546.1 Better dead. Barrie, J. M B27S.2 Better sort. James, H J277-3I Better times. Kirk, E. O KS93.2 Betts, L. W. Story of an east-side family. B 565. 19 Betty Alden. Austin, J. G A936.1 Between the lines. King, C K523.3 Between two loves. Barr, A. E B268.26 Between whiles. Jackson, H. M J127.1 Betwixt the forelands. Russell, W. C R968.40 Beulah. Wilson, A. J. E W746.2 Beverly of Graustark. McCutcheon, G. B. MI33-2 Bewitched fiddle. MacManus, S M168.2 Beyond chance of change. Shafer, S. A...S52S.2 Beyond the breakers. Owen, R. D O976.1 Beyond the city gates. Watson, A. C W340.2 Beyond the dreams of avarice, Besant, Sir W B5S4-7 Beyond the gates. Phelps, E. S Q539-I Beyond the pale. Croker, B. M C943.2 Bianca. Maturin, E M44S.1 Bicycle of Cathay. Stockton, F. R S866.36 BiDDLEj S. M. The new doctor; or, health and happiness: a story BS84.14 Biddy's episodes. Whitney, A. D. T W617.14 BiDWELL, J. There's nothing in it B585.1 BiERCE, A. Tales of soldiers and civilians. .B588.1 BiGLY, Cantell a., pseud., See Peck, G. W. Bigot, Mrs. M. H. See Healy, M. BiKELAS, D. Loukis Laras. Reminiscences of a Chiote merchant during the Greek war of independence B595.1 Tales from the iEgean 6595.2 Biography of a prairie girl. Gates, E G259.2 . Bird, Capt. A dead man's vengeance, 44 pp. in T143.23 Bird, R. M. The infidel; or, the fall of Mexico. 2 V B618.1 Nick of the woods: a tale of Kentucky. .B618.2 Birds of prey. Braddon, M. E B798.4 Birth and education. Schwartz, M. S S408.1 BiscHOFF, J. E. K. [K. von Bolanden.] Trowel or the cross, and other stories and sketches B621.1 Bishop, W. H. Choy Susan and other stories. B622.1 Detmold B622.2 Golden justice B622.4 House of a merchant prince B622.5 'One of the thirty pieces. 40 pp in S884.1 Bishop, W. H. — Continued. Pound of cure B622.7 Yellow snake B622.9 Bishop, The. Brady, C. T B810.1 Bishopfs carriage. In the. Michelson, M..M623.9 BiSLAND, E. (Mrs. Wetmore). Candle of understanding B623.3 BiTzius, A. See Gotthelf, J., pseud. Bivouac. Maxwell, W. H M465.2 BjoRNSON, B. Absalom's hair, and A painful memory B625.7 Arne B625.1 Same. (Also) The happy boy B625.1* The betrothal. (Also) The wedding. Extr. from The bridal march in Z767.1* Bridal march, and. One day B625.2 Captain Mansana, and other stories . . . B625.3 The fishing girl B625.4 Happy boy: a tale of Norwegian peasant life in B625.1* Magnhild B625.5 One day in B625.2 Railroad and the churchyard (etc). 54 pp. in G622.I Synnove Solbakken B625.6 BjuRSTEN, J. Play of fate B626.1 Black, A. Girl and the guardsman B630.7 Black, Mrs. J. D. See Potter, M. H. Black, W. Briseis B627.1 Daughter of Heth B627.3 Donald Ross of Heimra B627.4 Green pastures and Piccadilly B627.6 Handsome Humes B627.8 Highland cousins B627.9 In far Lochaber B627.11 In silk attire B627.12 Judith Shakespeare B627.13 Kilmeny B627.15 MacLeod of Dare B627.17 '" Madcap Violet B627.18 Magic ink, and other tales B627.19 Maid of Killeena, and other stories B627.20 Marriage of Moira Fergus B627.44 Monarch of Mincing-Lane B627.21 Prince Fortunatus B627.23 Princess of Thule B627.24 Queen Tita's wager in S88S.3 Sabina Zembra B627.27 Shandon bells B627.29 Strange adventures of a houseboat B627.30 Strange adventures of a phaeton B627.31 Sunrise B627.33 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 17 Black, W. — Continued. That beautiful wretch B627.35 Three feathers B627.36 White heather B627.38 White wings : a yachting romance B627.39 Wild Eelin B62741 Wolfenberg B62742 Yolande B627.43 Black : the story of a dog. Dumas, A D886.6 Black arrow. Stevenson, R. L S848.1 Black baronet. Carleton, W C281.1 Black barque. Hains, T, J H153.2 Black but comely. Melville, G. J W ,M530.i Same in ♦*MS30.32 Black chanter. The. Giristie, N €556.2 Black curtain. Loughead, F. H L887.3 Black diamonds. Jokai, M J745-I Black Douglas. Crockett, S. R C938.1 Black dwarf. Scott, ^i> W S431.7 Same m **S43i.4 Black gauntlet. Schoolcraft, M. H S372.1 Black gown. Hall, R H178.2 Black heart and white heart. Haggard, H. R in H146.22 Black ice. Tourgee, A. W T727.1 Black Lion Inn. Lewis, A. H L673.2 Black list. Ewing, H E955.1 Black poodle. Anstey, F. A625.1 Black prophet. Carleton, W C281.2 Same m C281.18 Black Rock. Connor, R C752.2 Black shilling. Barr, A. E B268.27 Black tulip. Dumas, A D886.7 "Black Watch." Grant, J , G761.27 Black Wolf's breed. Dickson, H D5542 Blackall, E. L. Superior to circumstances B628.1 Won and not one B628.2 Blackmore, R. D. Alice Lorraine B629.1 Christowell : a Dartmoor tale B629.2 Clara Vaughan B6294 Cradock Nowell: a tale of the New Forest B629.5 Cripps, the carrier B629.6 Dariel: a romance of Surrey B629.18 Erema ; or, my father's sin B629.7 Kit and Kitty B629.8 Loma Doone B629.9 Maid of Sker B629.1 1 Mary Anerley : a Yorkshire tale B629.12 Perlycross B629.14 Blackmore, R. D.— Continued. Remarkable history of Sir Thomas Upmore, Bart, M. P., formerly known as "Tommy Upmore." B629.15 Slain by the Doones, and other stories.. B629. 16 Springhaven : a tale of the great war B629.17 Tales from the telling-house : Slain by the Doones ; Freda ; George Bowring ; Crock- er's hole B629.19 Bladys Stewponey. Gould, S. B G698.12 Blanche Carey. Patricia Q3i4«i Blanche de Beaulieu. Dumas, A in D886.48 Blanche, Lady Falaise. Shorthouse, J. H..S559.1 Blazed trail. White, S. E W588.2 Blazed trail stories. White, S. E W588.1 Bleak House. Dickens, C D548.5 Blennerhassett. Pidgin, C. F Q612.2 Blessed Saint Certainty. Baker, W. M...B169.1 Blessington, M. p. Gardiner, Countess of. Country quarters B648.1 Blicher, S. S. Esben. 30 pp in B979.1* Tale of Jutland. 34 pp in B979.1* Blind love. Collins, W C713.6 Blindman's world. Bellamy, E B437.6 Blithedale romance. Hawthorne, N H3g9.i6 Same in H399.11 Blix. Norris, F N855.2 Blockade of Phalsburg. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A E654.1 Blockade runners. Verne, J V531.7 Same in V531.IS Bloody chasm. De Forest, J. W D315.1 Blot, T. (?) Man from Mars: his morals, politics and religion B657.1 Blow, Mrs. M. W. G. See Glascock M. W. Blue and gold, For the. Lichtenstein, J...L699.6 Blue banner. Cahun, L C132J Blue flower. Van Dyke, H V247.2 Blue pavilions. Couch, A. T. Q €853.1 Bluebeard's keys. 41 pp. Thackeray, A. I. .T362.1 BluflFton. Savage, M. J S263.1 Blundell, Mrs. F. See Francis, M. E., pseud. Blunt, M. Fate of the Georgiana. 71 pp. in S886.S Blvth, M. p. Antoinette: a tale of the ancien regime. 2 v B660.1 BoARDMAN, W. H. Lovers of the woods. .B662.12 Bob, son of battle. Ollivant, A O501.3 "Bobbo" and other fancies. Wharton, T..W554,i BoccAcao, G. Patient Griselda, from the "Decameron." in C671.1 Body and soul. Wilkins, G **W683.i 18 ENGLISH FICTION. Bog-myrtle and peat. Crockett, S. R C938.2 BoGH, E. Story of a story; Young Jens Jensen ; A patient in V629.1 BoiSGiLBERT, E., (pscud. of I. Donnelly). Caesar's column: a story of the twentieth century B683.1 Doctor Huguet B683.2 BoLANDEN, K. von, pscud. See Bischoff, J. E. K Bolanyo. Read, O R284.4 BoLDREWOOD, R. {pscud. of T. A. Browne). Babes in the bush B687.2 Crooked stick B687.3 Miner's right B687.4 Modem buccaneer B687.5 Robbery under arms : a story of life in the bush and in the goldfields of Australia. .B687.7 Sealskin cloak B687.8 Squatter's dream B687.9 Bolton, C. E. Harris-Ingram experiment. .B695.1 Bon oncle d'Amerique. Janvier, T. A... in J358.8 Bonaventure. Cable, G. W C115.1 Bondman, The. Caine, H C13SI "Bones and I." Melville, G. J. W M530.2 Same »« **MS30.35 Boniface, J. X. See Saintine, X. B., pseud. Bonner, G. Hard-pan: a story of bonanza fortunes B715.8 The pioneer: a tale of two states B71S.16 To-morrow's tangle B715.20 Bonner, S. (Mrs. McDowell.) Dialect tales B716.1 Suwanee river tales B716.2 Bonny Kate. Reid, C R3S3-2 Bonnybel Vane. Cooke, J. E C772.1 Bonnyborough. Whitney, A. D. T W617.1 Bonsal, S. ed. Golden horseshoe B721.7 Book o' nine tales. Bates, A B329.2 Book of martyrs. Pratt, C. A Q901.2 Book of pity and of death. Loti, P L883-I Book of Scottish story B724.1 Book of snobs. Thackeray, W. M T363.3 Same in T363.13 Book of true lovers. Thanet, O T367.2 Booming of Acre Hill, etc. Bangs, J. K. . .B216.2 BooNE, H. B., and Brown, K. Eastover courthouse B72S.5 Redfield succession B725.8 Booties' baby. Winter, J. S W785.26 Border beagles. Simms, W. G S592.2 Border shepherdess. Barr, A. E B268.4 Born player. West, M. WS19.1 Bornemann, M. Madame Jane Junk and Joe B736.1 Borrow, G. Lavengro, the scholar — the gypsy — the priest B737.I The Romany Rye ; a sequel to "Laven- gro." B737.2 Bosboom-Toussaint, a. L. G. Major Fran- ces in Z767.1* Boscobel. Ainsworth, W. H A297.3 Boss, The. Lewis, A. H L673.1 Boss of Taroomba. Hornung, E. W H8i6.i4 Bostonians. James, H., Jr J277.4 Bothwell. Grant, J G761.4 BouciCAULT, D., joint author. See Reade, C. Boulderstone. Sime, W S589.1 BouRGET, P. Antigone and other portraits of women (Voyageuses) B772.1 Cosmopolis B772.3 A divorce B772.5 Domestic dramas B772.4 The disciple B772.10 Monica, and other stories B772.13 Pastels of men. 2d ser B772.6 The son '^772.7 Was it love? B772.9 Bourgonef. 89 pp in T143.19 Bow of orange ribbon. Barr, A. E B268.5 BowRiNG, Sir J., tr. The flowery scroll. A Chinese novel. See Hwa tsien ki. Bowsham puzzle. Habberton, J Hi 13.2 BowYER, J. T. Witch of Jamestown ; a story of colonial Virginia B788.X Boxes, The. 12 pp in T143.4 Same in T143.4* Boyar of the terrible. Whishaw, F W576.3 Boyce, J. See Peppergrass, P^pseud Boyd, A. Crown ward. 3 v B789.1 BoYESEN, H. H. A daring fiction. 42 pp. in S884.10 Daughter of the Philistines B791.1 Falconberg B791.2 Gunnar : a tale of Norse life B791.3 Ilka on the hill-top, and other stories B791.4 Light of her countenance B791.S Mammon of unrighteousness B791.6 Norseman's pilgrimage B791.7 The old Adam B791.8 Queen Titania, and other stories B791.9 Social strugglers B791.10 Tales from two hemispheres B791.11 Vagabond tales , B791.12 Boyle, F. A fetish city. 10 pp in T143.19 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 19 BoYLX, V. F. Brokenburne B790.2 Devil tales B7904 BoYLSTON, P, John Charaxes: a tale of the civil war in America B793.1 Boys and men. Holbrook, R H724.2 Boz, pseud. See Dickens, C. Bracebridge Hall. Irving, W 1725-2 Brachvogel, a. E. Beaumarchais 6796.1 Braddon, M. E. (Mrs. Maxwell.) Asphodel. :6798.i Aurora Floyd B798.2 Barbara B798.3 Birds of prey B7984 Charlotte's inheritance B798.S Cloven foot B798.6 The day will come B798.8 Dead men's shoes B798.9 Dead-sea fruit B798.10 The doctor's wife B798.12 Fenton's quest B798.13 Hostages to fortune B798.14 The infidel B798.45 An Ishmaelite B798.15 John Marchmont's legacy B798.16 Joshua Haggard's daughter B798.17 Lady Audley's secret B798.18 Lady's mile B798.19 Lovels of Arden B798.20 Lucius Davoren B798.29 Issued also as Publicans and sinners. Mohawks B798.23 Mount Royal B798.24 Only a clod B798.26 Open verdict B798.28 Publicans and sinners B798.29 Issued also as Lucius Davoren. Ralph the bailiff, etc B798.30 Rupert Godwin B798.31 Sir Jasper's tenant B798.32 Strange world B798.34 Strangers and pilgrims B798.35 Taken at the flood B798.36 To the bitter end B798.37 Under the red flag B798.38 The Venetians B798.39 Vixen B798.40 Weavers and weft B798.41 Wyllard's weird B79842 Bradley, A. G. The doctor: an old Virginia fox hunter. 47 pp in T143.22 Mar'se Dab after the war. A Virginia remi- niscence. 39 pp in T143.24 Braih.£V, a. G. — Continued. Sketches from old Virginia B811.5 Bradley, E. See Bede, C, pseud. Bradley, M. Pentock. 84 pp in T 143.21 Brady, C. T. The bishop; being some ac- count of his strange adventures on the plains BSiai For love of country ,". . r B8104 For the freedom of the sea : a romance of the war of 1812 B810.5 Grip of honor: a story of Paul Jones and the American revolution B810.7 Hohenzollem: a story of the time of Fred- erick Barbarossa. 1902 B810.8 A little traitor to the South B810.12 Quiberon touch : a romance of the days when "the Great Lord Hawke" was king of the sea B810.17 The southerners: a story of the civil war. B810. 19 Two captains B810.20 When blades are out and love's afield: a comedy of cross purposes in the Caro- linas B810.23 Brady, J. E. Tales of the telegraph B812.9 Braga, T., joint author. See Harding, V. E. Bragelonne, the son of Athos. Dumas, A. .D88643 Brailsford, H. N. Broom of the war god. B813.3 Brainerd, T. H., (pseud of M. T. Jarboe) "Go forth and find." B8i4-i Robert Atterbury B814.2 Brakespeare. Lawrence, G. A. L421.3 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Lever, C. .L658.3 Bras d'acier. Brehat., A. de B834.1 Brass bottle. Anstey, F A625.2 Brave lady. Mulock, D. M M960.4 Bravo, The. Cooper, J. F. C777.2 Braxton's Bar. Daggett, R. M D125.1 Brazen android. O'Connor, W. D i» O196.2 Brazen calf. Ford, J. L F708.2 Bread line. Payne, A. B Qi45-2 Bread upon the waters. Mulock, D. M.m M960.10 Bread-winners, The. Hay, J H412.1 Breaking a butterfly. Lawrence, G. A.....L4214 Breath of the gods. McCall, S M121.2 Bred in the bone. Page, T. N Qi33-2 Bred in the bone. Payn, J Q345-4 Breezie Langton. Smart, H S636.3 Brehat, A. G. de. Bras d' acier; or, on the gold path in '49 B834.1 20 ENGLISH FICTION. Bremer, F. Axel and Anna in B836.2 Brothers and sisters B836.1 A diary, The H family, Axel and Anna and other tales B836.2 Same. (Also) Strife and peace B836.10 The H family in B836.2 The home. (Also) Strife and peace B836.6 Midnight sun: a pilgrimage B836.7 The neighbours, (and other stories) .. .B836.8 Parsonage of Mora B836.11 Issued also as Life in Dalecarlia. The president's daughters B836.12 Same, pt. 2 B836.12* Strife and peace in B836.6 Same in B836.10 Bresciani, a. Lionello B842.4 Lorenzo ; or, the conscript B842.1 Mathilda of Canossa, and Yoland of Gron- ingen B842.2 Ubaldo and Irene. 2 v B842.3 Bressant. Hawthorne, J H398.3 Brethren, The. Haggard, H. R H146.24 Breton mills. Bellamy, C. J B436.1 Brian Fitz-Count. Crake, A. D C888.3 Brichanteau. Claretie, J C591.2 Bricks without straw. Tourgee, A. W T727.2 Bridal march, and other stories. Bjornson, B B625.2 Bride from the bush. Hornung, E. W H816.1 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott, Sir W. ...S431.11 Same S431.12 Same S431.13 Bride of the Nile. 2 v. Ebers, G E165.1 Bride's mirror. Ahmad, Maulavi Nazir. .A286.1 Bridegroom of Bama. 78 pp in T143.6 Same in T143.6* Bridge of the gods. Balch, F. H B17S.2 Bridges, Mrs. Col. See Forrester, Mrs., pseud. Briery creek. Martineau, H in ** M385.3 Brigadier Frederick. Erckmann, E., and Cha- trian, A E654.2 Brigand. Dumas, A D886.48 Bright, Mrs. M. A. See Lyndon, pseud. Brigitta. Auerbach, B A918.3 Brink, Mrs. M. (di S.) ten. See Lenzen, M. Brinton Eliot from Yale to Yorktown. Far- mer, J. E F233.2 Briseis. Black, W B627.1 British barbarians. Allen, G A42S.1 British novelists (ed.) by Mrs. Barbauld. 50 vols **B232.i-5o Brittany and La Vendee. Souvestre, E. ..S729.1 Broad Summerford. Southey, C in S726.1 Brodhead, Mrs. See McGlasson, E. W. Broken columns. Dixon, J D620.I Broken ring. Tompkins, E. K T662.1 Broken to harness. Yates, E Y317.2 Brokenburne. Boyle, V. F B790.2 Bronte, A. (A. Bell, pseud.) Agnes Grey. in B871.2 Tenant of Wildfell Hall B869.I Bronte, C. (Mrs. Nicholls.) (C. Bell, pseud.) Emma in B870.3 Jane Eyre B870.1 The professor B870.2 Same. (Also) Emma, (and) Poems B870.3 Shirley B870.4 Villette B870.5 Bronte, E. (E. Bell, pseud.) Wuthering heights B87I.I Same. (Also) Agnes Grey, by A. Bronte. B871.2 Brooke, F. M. (M. Singleton, pseud.) Lady Julia Mandeville **B232.27 Brooke, H. Fool of quality. 2 v B872.1 Brooke and Brooke farm. Martineau, H. in **M385.4 Brookes of Bridlemere. Melville, G. J. W. M530.3 Same **M530.4 Brooks, C. E. Pax spheros B867.16 Brooks, E. S. Son of Issachar : a romance of the days of Messias B875.1 Brooks, H. Master of Caxton B866.13 Brooks, N. Lost in the fog. 24 pp in S884.4 Tales of the Maine coast B868.6 Brooks, S. Gordian knot B8741 Sooner or later B874.2 Brooksmith. James, H., Jr in J277.8 Broom of the war god. Brailsford, H. N..B813.3 Broom-squire. Gould, S. B G698.2 Brosboll, K. See Etlar, C, pseud. Brother Jacob. Eliot, G in E426.9 Brother to dragons, etc. Rives, A R623.2 Brotherhood of Consolation. Balzac, H de. B198.4 Brothers, The; or, a good conscience. 22 pp. in 6979.1' Brothers, The. 2 v. Herbert, H. W.. .**H536.i Brothers and sisters. Bremer, F B836.1 Brothers' bet. Flygare-Carlen, E. S F648.1 Brothers Rantzau. Erckmann, E., and Cha- trian, A E654.3 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 21 Brougham, H. P. Lord Brougham and Vaux. Albert Lunel; or, the chateau of Lang- aedoc **B8;6.i Brought home. Stretton, H S915.2 Brouchton, R. a beginner B877.1 Cometh up as a flower B877.2 Foes in law B877.8 Good-bye sweetheart B877.3 Joan in B8774 Nancy. (Also) Joan B8774 Not wisely but too well ^77$ Red as a rose is she B877.6 Broughton house. Perry, B Q463.I Brown, A. Day of his youth B878.2 High noon B8784 Judgment B878.5 King's End B878.6 The Mannerings _ B878.8 Margaret Warrener B878.7 Meadow-grass B878.1 Tiverton tales B878.9 Brown, A. R. Sir Mark B881.5 Brown, C. B. Arthur Mervyn. 2 v B879.1 Clara Howard in B8794 Edgar Huntly B879.2 Jane Talbot B879.3 Ormond. Clara Howard B879.4 Wieland B879.S Brown, G. B. See Douglas, G., pseud. Brown, H. D. Petrie estate B880.1 Brown, K., joint author. See Boone, H. B. Brown, W. G. A gentleman of the south: a memory of the Black Belt B888.7 Brown man's servant. Jacobs, W. W.. .in ]i77.9 Brown of Lost River. Stickney, M. E S854.2 Browne, G. W. Hero of the hills B887.8 Browne, L B. Words that bum B883.5 Browne, T. A. See Boldrewood, R., pseud. Browne, T. M. Gerald Thurlow B884.5 Browning courtship, and other stories. White, E. O WS844 Brownlows. Oliphant, M. O. W O47S.5 Brownson, O. a. Spirit-rapper; an auto- biography B88S.I Brudno, E. a. The fugitive; being memoirs of a wanderer in search of a home B890.6 Brueton's bayou. Habberton, J H113.10 Bruner, J. W. Free prisoners: a story of California life B894.1 Brush, C. C. Colonel's opera cloak B912.1 Brushes and chisels. Serrao, T S488.1 Bryda. Field, Mrs. E. M. F4S2.1 Brydces, Sir S. E, Hall of Hellingsley. 3 v. ♦♦B916.1 Tragic tales. 2 v ♦*B9i6.2 V. I. Coningsby. V. 2. Coningsby. Lord Brockenhurst Bubble fortune. Tytler, S T997.7 BucHAN, J. The half-hearted B917.S A lost lady of old years B917.7 Buchanan, R. Annan water B918.1 "Come, live with me, and be my love.". .B918.2 Father Anthony B918.IS God and the man B918.3 Heir of Linne B918.7 A marriage by capture B918.8 Shadow of the sword B918.5 Buchanan, T. The castle comedy B919.3 Buchholz family. 2 v. Stinde, J S860.1 BucKLAND, C. T. Pickle of salt : a tale of the Indian monopoly. 16 pp in T143.24 Bug-Jargal, etc. Hugo, V H895.7 Building of the city Beautiful. Miller, J..M649.1 Bullen, F. T. Apostles of the southeast. .B936.1 Deep-sea plunderings B9364 A whaleman's wife B936.23 Bullock, S. F. The Barrys B938.2 Irish pastorals B938.9 Ring o' rushes B938.S The squireen B938.19 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. See Lytton. BuNCE, O. B. Romance of the revolution: true stories of the days of '76 B^o.i BuNGENER, L. Preacher and the king; or, Bourdaloue in the court of Louis XIV. B941.1 Priest and the Huguenot; or, persecutions in the ages of Louis XV. 2 vols B941.2 BuNNER, H. C. Love in old cloathes. 17 pp. in S8844 Same, and other stories B942.1 The Midge B942.2 More "short sixes" B942.3 Runaway Browns B942.4 "Short sixes" B942.5 Story of a New York house B942.8 A woman of honor B942.6 Zadoc Pine, and other stories B942.7 — joint author. See Matthews, B. BuNYAN, E. T., joint author. See Wagner, H. Bun VAN, J. Pilgrim's progress B943.1 Same in S892.14 BuRBURY, Mrs. E. J. See Burbury, S. 22 ENGLISH FICTION. BuRBURY, S. "The trust." 24 pp in S637.2 BuRCH, H. E. Stella Rae B947.1 BuRDETT, C Margaret Moncrieffe; the first love of Aaron Burr B9SI.1 Issued also as The beautiful spy. Bureaucracy. Balzac, H. de B 198.5 Same in B198.SI Burgess, G. Vivette B955.7 — and Irwin, W. The picaroons B95S.16 Reign of Queen Isyl B955.18 BxjRGiN, G. B. Shutters of silence: the ro- mance of a trappist . B956.19 Burglar who moved Paradise. Ward, H. D. W258.2 Burgomaster's family. Miiller, C M957.1 Burgomaster's wife. Ebers, G E16S.2 Burial of the guns. Page, T. N Qi33-i Burke, Sir B. Family romance; or, episodes in the domestic annals of the aristocracy. B9S9.I Burlesques. Thackeray, W. M T363.4 Same in T363.1S BuRNAND, F. C. My health B963.1 My time and what I've done with it B963.2 Burnett, F. H. Dolly: a love story B964.23 Issued also as Vagabondia. Earlier stories, ist ser. : Lindsay's luck ; Miss Crespigny ; Theo B964.3 Same, 2d ser. : Kathleen Mavourneen ; Pretty Polly Pemberton B964.4 A fair barbarian B964.6 Haworth's B964.8 His Grace of Osmonde B964.9 In connection with the De Willoughby claim B964.2S Kathleen Mavourneen in B964.4 Lady of quality B964.10 Lindsay's luck in B964.3 Louisiana B964.13 Making of a marchioness B964.14 Methods of Lady Walderhurst B964.16 Miss Crespigny in B964.3 Pretty Polly Pemberton in B964.4 Pretty sister of Jose B964.18 A quiet life B964. 19 Story of the Latin quarter. 30 pp in S884.3 Surly Tim and other stories B964.21 That lass o' Lowrie's B964.11 Theo in B964.3 Through one administration B964..22 Vagabondia B964.23 Issued also as Dolly. BuRNEY, F. (Mme. d'Arblay). Cecilia. 2 v. B96S.2 Same, 3 v. **B232.40-42 Evelina; or, the history of a young lady's introduction to the world B965.1 Same. 2 v **B232.38-39 BuRNHAM, C. L. Dearly bought B966.3 Jewel : a chapter in her life B966.26 Jewel's story book B966.27 B966.27 Miss Archer Archer B966.4 Miss Bagg's secretary: a West Point ro- mance B966.S Miss Pritchard's wedding trip B966.7 Mistress of Beech Knoll B966.6 Next door B966.8 "No gentlemen" B966.9 Right princess B966.34 West Point wooing and other stories. .B966. 13 The wise woman B966.14 Young maids and old B966.15 Burnt million. Payn, J Q345.5 BiJRSTENBiNDER, E. See Werner, E., pseud. Burton, J. Bloundelle. Denounced B973.4 In the day of adversity B973.9 Burton, Mrs. M. E. Don Angelo's stray sheep in T143.22 Fiddlers three. 41 pp in T143.21 Burton, R. F., ed. Vikram and the vam- pire; or, tales of Hindu devilry B974.1 BuscHiNG, J. G. G. History of Count Wal- ter and the Lady Helgunda; Assassina- tion of the empress of Tartary, 1240. in R794.1- BusHBY, A. S., tr. The Danes, sketched by themselves. 3 v B979.i^-* Contents : v. i : Bernhard, C. Cousin Carl.— Ingemann, B. S. Doomed house; Secret witness; Felon's reverie. — Ander- sen, H. C. Morten Lange; Man from Paradise.— Blicher, S. S. Tale of Jut- land.— Baggesen, J. Agnete and the merman; A waking dream. — Winther, C. The confessional. — Knorring, Baron- ess. The ancestress. V. 2 : Etlar, C. Too old ; Shipwrecked mariner's treasure. — Bernhard, C. Aunt Francisca; Damon and Pythias. — Adam, Uncle. Fatal chain. V. 3: Fair prospect. — Oehlenschloe- ger, A. Death and his victims. — Inge- mann, B. S. All Souls' Day; Aged rabbi; Death ship. Hoist, H. P. Lisette's AUTHORS AND TITLES. 23 BuSHBY, A. S. — Continued. castles in the air. — Etlar, C. Twice sac- rificed. — Storm, E. Herr Sinclair. — Bern- hard, C. The bankrupt. — Adam, Uncle. Hereditary goblet; The brothers. — Blich- er, S. S. Esben. Bushwhackers. Craddock, C. E C884.2 BusKEN-HuET, C. Gitje, 10 pp. Saturday at the Hague, 4 pp. (and) Along the church- yard. 6 pp in Z767.1* But a Philistine. Townsend, V. F T751.1 But men must work. Carey, R. N C276.6 But yet a woman. Hardy, A. S H268.1 Butler, S. Erewhon; or, over the range. BgSd.i Erewhon revisited twenty years later, both by the original discoverer of the country and his son B986.2 Butler, W. A. Mrs. Limber's raffle, B987.1 BuTTERWORTH, H, In old New England. .B989.1 Button's inn. Tourgee, A. W T727.3 By a way she knew not. Robertson, M. M. R6sr.i By and by. Maitland, E M231.1 By Celia's arbour. Besant, Sir W., and Rice, J B554.37 By his own might. Hillem, W. von H651.1 By order of the prophet Henry, A. H...H520.2 By proxy. Payn, J Q34S-6 By reef and palm, etc. Becke, L B394.2 By shore and sedge. Harte, B H327.3 By still waters. Garrett, E. and R G239.1 By sundown shores. Macleod, F in M16S.6 By the gate of the sea. Murray, D. C...M981.1 By the marshes of Minas. Roberts, C. G. D. R64315 By the Tiber. Tincker, M. A T587.2 By the waters of Paradise. Crawford, F. M. in C899.24 Bye- ways. Hichens, R. S H626.2 Bye- words. Yonge, C. M Y5S5.39 Bylow Hill. Cable, G. W C115.14 Bynner, E. L. Agnes Surriage B994.1 The begum's daughter B994.2 Damen's ghost B994.3 Nimport B994.4 Penelope's suitors B994.5 Tritons B994.6 Zachary Phips B994.7 — joint author. See Hale, L. P. Bvr, R. Sphinx B995.19 Caballero, F. (pseud, of C. Bohl de Faber Arrom). Gaviota — the sea-gull C112.1 Old and the new in 2767.1* Cabbages and kings. Henry, O H523.3 Cable, G. W. Bonaventure: a prose pastoral of acadian Louisiana C115.1 Bylow Hill Ci 15.14 The cavalier C115.2 Dr. Sevier C115.3 The Grandissimes : a story of Creole life.CliS.S John March, southerner Ci 15.7 Madame Delphine Ci 15.8 Old Creole days Ci 15.9 Strange true stories of Louisiana C115.11 Strong hearts C115.12 Caddell, C. M. Nellie Netterville C121.1 Wild times: a tale of the days of Queen Elizabeth C121.2 Caesar's column. Boisgilbert, E B683. i Caged lion. Yonge, C. M YS55.3 Cahan, a. The imported bridegroom and other stories of the New York Ghetto. C131.2 The white terror and the red C131.23 Yekl: a tale of the New York Ghetto. . .C13M Cahun, L. Adventures of Captain Mago; or, a Phoenician expedition, B. C. 1000. C132.1 Blue banner; or, the adventures of a Mus- sulman, a Christian, and a pagan, in the time of the crusades and Mongol con- quest C132.2 Caine, H. The bondman C135.1 Capt'n Davy's honeymoon Ci35.2- The Christian C135.16 The deemster C135.3 Eternal city C135.5 The Manxman C135.6 The prodigal son C135.8 The scapegoat C135.9 Shadow of a crime C135.10 Son of Hagar C135.12 Cairo, M. Romance of the moors Cr36.i Wing of Azrael C136.2 Cakes and ale. Jerrold, D. W in J566.3 Same J566.1 Calbot's rival. 80 pp. Hawthorne, J.. in H398.4 Calderon, the courtier. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- m L998.14 Caleb Field. Oliphant, M. O. W O4754 Caleb West. Smith, F. H S647.1 Caleb Williams, Adventures of. Godwin, W. in G592.r 24 ENGLISH FICTION. Calhoun, A. R. Kohala of Hawaii C1S2.1 Californians, The, Atherton, G A868.6 Calkins, F. W. My host the enemy, and other tales C1SS.13 Two wilderness voyagers : a true tale of In- dian life C1SS.20 Call of the wild. London, J L846.2 Called back. Conway, H C767.2 Called to account. Thomas, A T453.1 Callista. Newman, J. H NS53.1 Calmettes, F. Fisher girl of France C163.1 Calmire C164.1 Calumet "K." Merwin, S., and Webster, H. K. M576.3 Calvert of Strathore. Goodloe, A. C G6S2.4 Cambric mask. Chambers, R. W C44S.1S Cambridge, A. (Mrs. Cross). A humble en- terprise C178.3 Little minx C178.6 Cameos. Corelli, M C797.5 Cameron, E. S. A bad lot C182.1 Cameron, Mrs. H. L. See Cameron, E. S. Cameron pride. Holmes, M. J H751.2 Cameronians, The. Grant, J G761.5 Camilla's last string. 16 pp. Besant, Sir W. in B554.16 Camors. Feuillet, O F426.1 Camp of refuge. Macfarlane, C M143.2 Camp on the Severn. Crake, A. D C888.4 Campaigning with Crook, and stories of army Hfe. King, C K523.5 Campaner Thai. 69 pp. Richter, J. P. F..R535.1 Campbell, A. Autobiography of Willie Smith; Rival nightcaps; Monk of St. Anthony; The katheran; Monks of Dry- burgh in W750.2 Curate of Govan; Countess of Cassilis; Grace Cameron in W7S0.8 Disasters of Johnny Armstrong; Countess of Wistonbury ; Donald Gorm in W750.1 Floshend inn; The dream; Retribution; Skean dhu in W750.7 Hawick spate ; Lord of Hermitage ; Curse of Scotland ; Barley bannock in W750.10 Laird of Lucky's How; Chatelard. .in W7SO.5 Merchant's daughter; Doctor , Dobbie; Lady Rae in W7s0.li Penny wedding; Good man of Dryfield; Leein Jamie Murdiston; Duncan M' Arthur in W1750.4 Rattling, roaring Willie; Highland boy; Snowstorm of 1825 in W7S0.3 Campbell, A. — Continued. The recluse; A highland tradition; Found- ling at sea; The assassin; The stone- breaker in W750.9 Two comrades; The surtout; The moss- trooper: The forger in W7SO.6 Campbell, Archibald. Captain Macdonald's daughter C186.1 Campbell, Sir G. Dark stories from the sunny south; or, legends of the Mediterranean. C187.1 Campbell, H. Ballantyne C188.S Mrs. Hemdon's income C188.1 Roger Berkeley's probation C188.2 Unto the third and fourth generation. . .C188.3 Campbell, J. F. Popular tales of the west highlands. 4 v *Ci89.i-4 Campbell, J. G. E. H, D. S., 9 Duke of Ar- gyll. See Argyll. Campbell-Praed, Mrs. See Praed, R. Camp- bell. Camps and quarters. Forbes, A., and others. F692.1 Can you forgive her? Trollope, A T846.4 Canadians of old. Gaspe, P. A. de G249.1 Candidate, The. Altsheler, J. A A470.7 Candle of understanding. Bisland, E B623.3 Canfield, H. S. Fergy the guide, and his in- structive lies about beasts, birds and fishes C222.S Cannon, C. J. See Greenway, Grandfather, pseud. Canolles. Cooke, J. E C772.2 Canon's ward. Payn, J Q345-7 Canterbury tales. 2 vols. Lee, H 1478.1 Canterbury tales. Lee, S L481.1 Canvassing. Martin, Miss in B218.3 Cape Cod folks. Greene, S. P. McL G812.3 Cape Cod week. Trumbull, A. E T868.3 Capillary crime. Millet, F. D M653.1 Cap'n Eri. Lincoln, J. C L738.3 Cap'n Simeon's store. Wasson, G. S W323.3 Capsina, The. Benson, E. F B474.2 Captain, The. Williams, F. C W719.3 Captain Blake. King, C KS23.6 Captain Carleton, Memoirs of. Defoe, D. in D3144 Captain Dieppe. Hope, A H7914 Captain-general. Gordon, W. J G664.1 Captain in the ranks, A. Eggleston, G. C. E295.20 Captain Jack, the scout. McKnight, C M158.X AUTHORS AND TITLES. 25 Captain Jinks, hero. Crosby, E C948.3 Captain Macdonald's daughter. Campbell, A. C186.1 Captain Macklin. Davis, R. H D264.2 Captain Mago, Adventures of. Cahun, L.. .C132.1 Captain Mansana, and other stories. Bjorn- son, B B62S.3 Captain of the Gray-horse troop. Garland, H. G233.9 Captain of the guard. Grant, J G761.6 Captain of the Janizaries. Ludlow, J. M. L945.1 Captain of the Polestar, and other tales. Doyle, Sir A. C D7S4.3 Captain Ravenshaw. Stephens, R. N S836.3 Captain Shannon. Kernahan, C K396.3 Captain Shays. Rivers, G. R. R R622.2 Captain Singleton, Life of. Defoe, D..D314.3 "Captains courageous." Kipling, R K57S.I Captains of the world. Overton, G O963.3 Captain's toll-gate. Stockton, F. R S866.8 Captive of the Roman eagles. Dahn, F. .D1314 Capt'n Davy's honeymoon. Caine, H C13S.2 Captured dream, etc Thanet, O T367.10 Carcellini emerald, with other tales. Harri- son, C. C. H318.13 Cardigan. Chambers, R. W C44S.17 Cardinal sin. Conway, H C767.3 Cardinal's daughter. Warfield, C A W274.1 Cardinal's snuff-box. Harland, H H282.2 Career of a nihilist. Stepniak S838.1 Camy, J. H., tr. The Marannos: a tale of the Inquisition C274.3 Carey, R. N. Aunt Diana C276.1 Averil C276.2 Barbara Heathcote's trial C276.4 But men must work C276.6 Cousin Mona C276.8 Doctor Luttrell's first patient C276.10 Esther C276.11 For Lilias C276.13 Heriot's choice C276.IS Little Miss Muffet C276.17 Mary St. John C276.19 Merle's crusade C276.20 Mistress of Brae Farm C276JI Nellie's memories C276.22 Not like other girls C276.23 Old, old story C276.24 Only the governess C276.25 Our Bessie €276^ Queenie's whim C276.28 | Cabey, R. If.— Continued. Robert Ord's atonement C276.29 Search for Basil Lyndhurst C276.31 Sir Godfrey's grand-daughters C276.32 Uncle Max C276.34 Wee wifie C276.35 Wooed and married C276.36 Carine: a story of Sweden. Enault, L E561.1 Carissima, The. Malet, L M247.1 Carita. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.6 Caklen, Mrs. Flygare. See Flygare-Carlen, E. S. Carleton, W. Barney Branagan in C281.3 Black baronet; or, the chronicles of Bally- train C281.1 Black prophet: a tale of Irish famine C281.2 The clarionet ; The dead boxer, and Barney Branagan C281.3 Dead boxer in C281.3 Emigrants of Ahadarra C2814 The evil eye; or, the black spectre C281.5 Fardorougha, the miser C281.6 Jane Sinclair, or, the fawn of Springvale, (and other stories) C281.8 Same; Neal Malone, and other tales C281.7 Neal Malone in C281.7 Same m S88S.4 Tithe-proctor C281.10 Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. S V ♦*C28l.I2 Same. (Also) Black prophet, etc C28i.i8 Tubber Derg: or the red well; and other tales of Irish life C281.14 Valentine M'Qutchy, the Irish agent... C281.15 Willie Reilly, and his dear Colleen bawn. C281.16 Carleton, pse%td. See Coffin, C. C. Carlotta's intended. Stuart, R. McE S932.1 Carlton, R. The new purchase, or, seven and a half years in the far west 2 v C28S.1 Carlyle, T., tr. Tales by Musaeus, Tieck, Richter. 2 vols C286.1-2 Carlyon's year. Payn, J Q345.8 Carmen. Merimce, P M5614 Carmen Sylva. (pseud, of Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania). Edleen Vaughan C287.S The mother-in-law. (Also) In fetters. in 923C288 Carolina cavalier. Eggleston, G. C E29S.3 Carpenter, E. Your money or your Hfe. .C294.1 Carpenter, E. J. Woman of Shawmut C295.I Carpenter, The. O'Connor, W. D in O196.2 26 ENGLISH FICTION. Carr of Carrlyon. Aide, H A288.1 Carroll, L. (pseud, of C. L. Dodgson). A tangled tale C319.1 Carroll O'Donoghue. Faber, C F11S.2 Carryl, C. E. Captain Black. 64 pp... in S886.5 River syndicate and other stories C320.7 Carryl, G. W. The lieutenant-governor. .C321. 12 Zut and other Parisians C321.26 Gary, A. Clovernook; or, recollections of our neighbourhood in the west C332.1 Pictures of country life C332.2 Casa Braccio. 2 v. Crawford, F. M C899.3 Case and exceptions. Hill, F. T H645.3 Case of George Dedlow. Mitchell, S. W.tn M681.6 Case of Mr. Lucraft, and other tales. Besant, Sir W., and Rice, J 6554.38 Case of Reuben Malachi. Edwards, H. S. E266.1 Case of sardines. Cleaves, C. P C621.3 Casella. Finley, M FS13.1 Cashel Byron's profession. Shaw, B S534.3 Casimir Maremma. Helps, Sir A H484.1 Caskoden, E., pseud. See Major, C. Cassian. 2 v. Gore, C G666.i^-* Castaigne, a. Fata Morgana: a romance of art student life in Paris C346.S Castaway, The. Rives, H. E R624.3 Castelneau. James, G. P. R **J276.2 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Ale- shine. Stockton, F. R S866.S Castle, A. My little Lady Anne C351.26 — and E. Bath comedy C351.2 House of romance : stories C351.S Incomparable Bellairs C351.6 Pride of Jennico C351.7 Rose of the world C351.18 Secret orchard C3SI.19 Star dreamer C351.20 Castle, E. Consequences C352.1 Light of Scarthey C352.4 Marshfield the observer, and The death- dance C352.5 "Young April" C352.7 — joint author. See Castle, A. Castle comedy. Buchanan, T B919.3 Castle Craneycrow. McCutcheon, G. B..M133.3 Castle Daly. Keary, A K241.1 Castle Dangerous. Scott, Sir W in S431.49 Same in **S43i.i9 Castle Foam. French, H. W F874.1 Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss, A W817.28 Castle in Spain. De Mille, J D381.2 Castle in the air. Ewing, H E955.2 Castle Inn. Weyman, S. J W549.2 Castle meadow. Marshall, E M367. 14 Castle Nowhere. Woolson, C. F W916.2 Castle Omeragh. Moore, F. F M820.2 Castle of Ehrenstein. James, G. P. R.. .in J276.5 Castle of Otranto. Walpole, H W218.1 Same in **B232.22 Castle of Pictordu. Sand, G S213.3 Castle of Roussillon. La Rochere, E de...L328.i Castle of the Carpathians. Verne, J V531.8 Castle Rackrent. 86 pp. Edgeworth, M. in E23S.1 Same E235.16 Same **E235.2 Castle Richmond. TroUope, A T846.S Castleton, D. R. Salem : a tale of the sev- enteenth century C353.1 Cat and the cherub, and other stories. Fer- nald, C. B F362.3 Cathedral, The. Huysmans, J. K H988.3 Cathedral courtship. Wiggin, K. D W655.3 Catherine. Peard, F. M Q359-2 Catherine. Thackeray, W. M T363.S Catherine de' Medici. Balzac, H de B198.7 Catherine's lovers. Erckmann, E., and Cha- trian, A E654.27 Catherwood, M. H. Chase of Saint Castin. C363.2 Days of Jeanne d'Arc C363.3 Lady of Fort St. John C363.4 Lazarre C363.25 Little Renault in C363.8 Mackinac and lake stories C363.5 Old Kaskaskia C363.6 Queen of the swamp and other plain Ameri- cans C363.12 Romance of Dollard C363.7 Spirit of an Illinois town, and Little Re- nault C363.8 Story of Tonty C363.9 White islander C363.11 Catlin, H. G. Yellow Pine basin C365.1 Gaunter, H. Romance of history. India. C374.1 Cause worth trying. 49 pp .in T143.16 Cavalier, The. Cable, G. W C115.2 Cavalier, The. James, G. P. R J276.7 Cavaliers, The. Keightley, S. R K273.1 Cavaliers of England. Herbert, H. W....H536.7 Cavaliers of fortune. Grant, J G761.7 Cavalry life. Winter, J. S in W78S.1 Caxton, L. (pseud, of L. B. Comins.) Mar- ion Berkley C384.2 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 27 Caxton, Pisistratus, pseud. See Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer. Caxtons, The. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwcr- L998.2 Cecil Castlemaine's gage, etc. Ouida O9344 Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop, T W793.1 Cecilia. 2 v. Burney, F B965.2 Same 3 v **B232.40-2 Cecilia. Crawford, F. M C899.32 Cecilia de Noel. Falconer, L F182.1 Celebrity, The. Churchill, W C563.4 Celibates' club. Zangwill, I Z295.18 Centlivre, S. The busybody. 32 pp...tn M875.1' Cerise. Melville, G. J. W MS30.S Same in **M53o.i6 Cerritos, Los. Atherton, G. F. A868.2 Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Don Quixote. C419.1 Same „ ♦♦N938.8 Same. 3 vols C419.2 Galatea: a pastoral romance C419.3 Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda; a northern story C419.4 Cesar Birotteau. Balzac, H. de B 198.8 Same B198.52" Cisette. Pouvillon, E Q880.1 Chainbearer, The. Cooper, J. F C777.4 Challenge of Barletta. Azeglio, M. d' A993.1 Challoners, The Benson, E. F. B474.3 Chalmette. Ross, C R824.3 Chamberlain, E. and L. Mrs. Essington: the romance of a house-party C441.13 Chamberlain, L., joint author. See Cham- berlain, E. Chambers, J. (F. Somers, pseud.) Mad world and its inhabitants C444.1 Chambers, R. W. Ashes of empire C44S.1 Cambric mask C445.15 Cardigan C445.17 The conspirators C445.16 Haunts of men C445.2 In search of the unknown C445.23 "In the quarter" C445.24 A king and a few dukes C445.3 King in yellow C4454 Lorraine C445.7 The maid-at-arms C44S.38 Maids of paradise C445.9 Maker of moons, and others stories C44S.5 Mystery of choice C445.8 Outsiders C445.10 Red republic C445.6 Chambers, R. W. — Continued. A young man in a hurry, and other short stories C44540 Chameleon, The. Linn, J. W L758.3 Chamier, F. Ben Brace; the last of Nelson's Agamemnons C448.1 Saucy Arethusa C448.2 Tom Bowling C448.3 Chamisso, a. de. Peter Schlemihl C449.1 Chamois-hunter. Souvestre, E S729.2 Champfleury (pseud, of ]. F. F. Husson- Fleury). Faience violin C451.1 Champney, E. W. Heartbreak cameo. 22 pp. in S884.6 Chance acquaintance. Howells, W. D H859.5 Chances and changes. Strutt, E **S9a8.i Chandos. Ouida O934.S Change of air. Hope, A H791.5 Changeling. Besant, Sir W B554.8 Channing, G. E. House on the hilltop. 60 pp in S886.1 Sister of a saint, and other stories C458.1 Channings, The. Wood, E. P W874.2 Chantry House. Yonge, C. M Y5S5.S Chap-book stories C462. i Chaplain of the fleet. Besant, Sir W., and Rice, J B554.39 Chaplet of pearls. Yonge, C. M Y55S.6 Chapun, H. W. (C H. White, pseud.) EIL 38 pp in S884.9 Village convict. 25 pp in S884.6 Characteristics. Mitchell, S. W M681.3 Charlemont. Simms, W. G S592.3 Charles, E R. Against the stream. Story of a heroic age in England C476.1 Bertram family C746.2 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. C476.3 Conquering and to conquer C4764 Cripple of Antioch, and other scenes from the Christian life in early times C476.5 Diary of Kitty Trevylyan. A story of the times of Whitefield and the Wesleys. C476.6 Draytons and the Davenants : a story of the civil wars C476.7 Early dawn; or, sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time C476.8 Joan the maid, deliverer of France and England C476.9 Lapsed, but not lost C476.10 Liberators of Holland in C476.11 28 ENGLISH FICTION. Charles, E. R. — Continued. Martyrs of Spain, and, The liberators of Holland C476.11 On both sides of the sea. A sequel to The Draytons and the Davenants C476.12 Victory of the vanquished. A story of the first century C476.14 Winifred Bertram and the world she lived in C476.IS Charles, F. Awakening of the duchess. .C477.1 In the country God forgot: a story of to- day C477-9 Siege of youth C477.19 Charles Auchester. Sheppard, E. S SS49.1 Charles Lever. Gresley, W G831.1 Charles IX., Chronicle of the reign of. Meri- mee, P M561.3 Charles O'Malley. Lever, C L658.4 Charles Tyrrell. James, G. P. R J276.8 Charlotte Ackerman. Miiller, O M959.1 Charlotte's inheritance. Braddon, M. R.B798.S Charmed sea. Martineau, H in **M38s.2 Same 1 M38S.5 Chase of Saint-Castin. Catherwood, M. H. C363.2 Chateau d'Or. Holmes, M. J H7SI.3 Chateau Frissac. Logan, O L831.1 Chatelain, C. de p. de. Dalecarlian con- juror's day book **C492.i Chatrian, a., joint author. See Erckmann, E. Chatter JEE, B. C. Poison tree: a tale of Hindu life in Bengal C49S.1 Cheadle, W. B. My hunt of the silver fox. 29 pp in T143.16 Cheape, D. Betsy Brown in T143.10 Cheever, H. T. a reel in a bottle, for Jack in the doldrums: adventures in a voyage to the celestial country C515.1 Chelsea householder. Lawless, E L418.1 Cheney, E. D. Nora's return; a sequel to "The doll's house" of Henry Ibsen. . ..C518.1 Cheney, Mrs. H. V. Peep at the PHgrims. CSI7-I Cheney, J. V. The old doctor 0519.2 Cheney, W. Way of the North C520.10 Cherbuliez, V. Count Costia Cs2i.i Jean Teterol's idea C521.2 Same (extract) in 2767.1^ Meta Holdenis C521.3 Prosper C521.4 Romance of an honest woman CS21.5 Cherbuliez, V. — Continued. Saints and sinners Cs2i.6 Samuel Brohl and Company 0521.7 With fortune made C521.10 Cherokee hills. Stories of the. Thompson, M. T474.7 Cherry. Tarkington, B T187.3 Cherry and Violet. Manning, A M283.1 Chesebro', 0. Dreamland by daylight O524.2 Foe in the household C524.1 Isa : a pilgrimage O524.3 Peter Carradine C524.4 Chesney, 0. 0. Fall of England? The bat- tle of Dorking: reminiscences of a vol- unteer 0525.1 Same in T143.8 Chesnutt, 0. W. House behind the cedars. O526.8 Marrow of tradition C526.10 Wife of his youth, and other stories of the color line C526.12 Chesterton, G. K. Club of queer trades. C528.3 Chetwode, R. D. John of Strathbourne..C527.io Chevalier d'Auriac. Yeats, S. L YS15.3 Chevalier d'Harmental. Dumas, A D886.8 Chevalier de Maison Rouge. Dumas, A..D886.9 Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. Fuller, H. B..F968.1 Chevaliers of France. Herbert, H. W. ..H536.2 Chicot, the jester. Dumas, A D886.16 Chief factor. Parker, Sir G Q240.3 Ohien d'or. Kirby, W K582.1 Chiffon's marriage. Gyp G997.1 Chh^d, F. S. Friend or foe: a tale of Con- necticut during the war of 1812 C535.6 Unknown patriot O535.9 Child, L. M. Philothea: a Grecian romance. C536.1 Child of nature. Mabie, H. W Mi 12.3 Child of the cavern. Verne, J V531.39 Child of the century. Wheelwright, J. T..W566.1 Child of the Jago. Morrison, A M878.3 Child of the revolution. Roberts, M R646.2 Child who will never grow old. King, K. D. K533.3 Child wife. Reid, M R357-I Childhood, boyhood, youth. Tolstoi, Count L. N T654-.2 Same 8917.31 Children at Sherburne House. Douglas, A. M. D734-2 Children of destiny. Seawell, M. E S442.2 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 29 Children of Gibeon. Besant, Sir W BS54.9 ! Children of tempest. Munro, N M968.3 | Children of the abbey. Roche, R. M R673.1 Children of the forest. Young, E. R Y691.3 Children of the frost. London, J L846.3 Children of the Ghetto. Zangwill, I Z295.1 Children of the king. Crawford, F. M...C899.4 Children of the mist. Phillpotts, E Q56S.4 Children of the New Forest. Marryat, Capt. F M362.1 Children of the sea. Conrad, J C754.3 Children of the soil. Sienkiewicz, H S572.3 Children of the tenements. Riis, J. A RS72.3 Children of the world. Heyse, P H621.1 Children of to-morrow. Sharp, W S531.1 Child's dream of a star. Dickens, C. .. .in C671.1 "Chimmie Fadden," etc. Townsend, E W. ••• T747.1 Chimmie Fadden and Mr. Paul. Townsend, E. W T747.3 Chinese Quaker. Eyster, N. B E987.3 Chinese tales. Gueullette, T. S in **N938..S Chita. Hearn, L H436.1 Chloris of the island. Watson, H. B. M.W338.3 Choir invisible. Allen, J. L. A427.2 Cholmondeley, M. Danvers jewels, and Sir Charles Danvers C547.3 Diana Tempest C547.4 Moth and rust and other stories C547.13 Red pottage CS47.9 Chosen few short stories. Stockton, F. R.S866.6 Chosen valley. Foote, M. H F689.1 Chouans, The. Balzac, H. de B198.9 Chouans, etc., The. Balzac, H. dc B 198.52" Choy Susan, etc. Bishop, W. H B622.1 Chris. Norris, W. E N861.3 Christian. S. Persis Yorke C5S5.1 Christian, The. Caine, H C135.16 Christian physiologist. Griffin, G GSsi.l Christian's mistake. Mulock, D. M M960.6 Christie, N. The black chanter, and other Highland stories C556.2 Christie Johnstone. Reade, C R28S.2 Same R285.21 Same R285.22 Christie's faith. Robinson, F. W R660.2 Christina Chard. Praed, R. C- Q897.1 Christine of the hills. Pcmberton, M Q39S-3 Christmas books. Dickens, C D548.7 Same DS48.13 Christmas books. Thackeray, W. M T363.6 Christmas carol. Dickens, C in C671.1 Christmas eve and Christmas day. Hale, E. E H161.1 Christmas Eve on Lonesome, etc Fox, J., Jr _> F792.3 Christmas stories. Dickens, C D548.S3 Christmas stories. Dickens, C in D548.29* Christmas wreck, and other stories. Stock- ton, F. R S866.7 Christopher, and other stories. Barr, A. E. B268.6 Christopher Tadpole. Smith, A S641.1 Christowell. Blackmore, R. D B62g.a Christy Carew. Laflfan, M L163.1 Chronicle of reign of Charles IX. M^rimee, P Ms6r.3 Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. Harris, J. C H314J Chronicles of Count Antonio. Hope, A...H791.6 Chronicles of Dustypore. Cunningham, H. S. • C973.I Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. Charles, R R. C47d3 Chrysal. 4 v. (in 2). Johnston, C J723.i-a Chubbuck, E. (Mrs. ludson). (Fanny For- ester, pseud.) Alderbrook CS59.I Church, F. M. Ross-. See Marryat, F. Church and the king. Green, E. E G796.1 Church of humanity. Murray, D. C M981.20 Churchill, W. The Celebrity C5634 The crisis CS63.5 The crossing C563.6 Richard Carvel C563.13 Churchill, W. S. Savrola : a tale of the rev- olution in Laurania C564.11 (Thurchyards. Southey, C S7a6.i Churton, H., pseud. See Tourg^, A. W. Cigarette-maker's romance. Crawford, F. M. C899.S Cinderella. Crockett, S. R. C938.3 Cinderella, and other stories. Davis, R. H. D264.3 Cinnamon and pearls. Martineau, H.in ♦♦M385.6 Cinq-mars. Vigny, A. V., comte de V688.1 Ciphers. Kirk, E. O K593.3 Circle, The. Thurston, K. C T54S.3 Circle in the square. Sears, B S438.3 Circle of a century. Harrison, C C....H318.14 Circuit rider. Eggleston, E E294.1 Circumstances. Mitchell, S. W M681.11 Citizen Bonaparte, 1794-1815. Erckmann, E., and CHiatrian, A E6544 Same in E654.21 30 ENGLISH FICTION. Citizen of Prague. Paalzow, H. W. von.. .Qiii.i Citoyenne Jacqueline. Tytler, S T997.1 City and suburb. Riddell, C. K L RS43-2 City of refuge. Besant, Sir W B554.10 Civil-service reform. Simpleton, Major. S612.1 Claim jumpers. White, S. E W588.4 Clairmonte, Mrs. M. C. D. See Egerton, G., pseud. Clansman, The. Dixon, T., Jr D622.3 Qara Howard. Brown, C. B in B879.4 Clara Vaughan. Blackmore, R. D B629.4 Clarence. Harte, B H327.4 Claretie, J. Brichanteau, actor C591.2 Monsieur le ministre C591.1 Clarionet, The. 82 pp. Carleton, W C281.3 Clarissa Harlowe. Richardson, S R525.1 Same. 2 v **N938.i4-i5 Same. 8 v **B232.i-8 Clark, J. F. Society in search of truth; or, stock gambling in San Francisco. .C594.1 Clark, H. S. The legionaries C593.9 Clark, I. God's puppets : a story of old New York CS9S.7 Clarke, M. Cowden-. Girlhood of Shake- speare's heroines. 2 v C599.1 A rambling story C599.2 Classic tales C615.1 Contents : Johnson, S., Rasselas ; Goldsmith, O., Vicar of Wakefield; Swift, J., Gulliver's travels ; Sterne, L., Sentimental journey. Claude Gueux. Hugo, V in H895.7 Claudia. Douglas, A. M D734.3 Claudia Hyde. Baylor, F. C B359.1 Clavers, Mrs. M., pseud. See Kirkland, C. M. Claybornes, The. Sage, W S 129.3 Claytor, G. Pleasant Waters: a story of southern life C622.1 Cleaves, C. P. A case of sardines : a story of the Maine coast C621.3 Cleg Kelly, arab of the city. Crockett, S. R. C938.4 Clegg, J. T. David's loom C623.1 Clemens, J. Bernard Lile : a romance of the Texas revolution and the Mexican war. C625.1 Clemens, S. L. See Twain, M., pseud. Clementina. Mason, A. E. W M398.2 Cleopatra. Ebers, G E165.3 Cleopatra. Haggard, H. R H146.16 Clerk, A. M., tr. Ilam-en-Nas. Historical tales and anecdotes of the times of the early Khalifahs. Tr. from the Arabic. C631.1 Clerk, Mrs. Godfrey. See Clerk, A. M. Clever woman of the family. Yonge, C. M. Y5557 Cliff-dwellers. Fuller, H. B F968.2 Clifford, F. S. Romance of perfume lands. C637.1 Clifford, J. "Another Juanita" and other stories C638.2 Overland tales C638.1 Clifford, L. L. Aunt Anne C639.1 Dominant note, and other stories C639.2 Flash of summer C639.3 Love-letters of a worldly woman C639.5 Margaret Vincent C639.12 Thomas. 28 pp in T143.19 Clifford, Mrs. W. K. See Clifford, L. L. Clifford family : or a tale of the Old Domin- ion. By one of her daughters C640.1 Clipper of the clouds. Verne, J V531.9 Clockmaker, The. Haliburton, T. C H172.2 Cloister and the hearth. Reade, C R285.4 Cloister legends. Stewart, E. M S8si.i Cloistering of Ursula. Scollard, C S422.3 Closing door. Schubin, O S384.1 Cloud pictures. Underwood, F. H U363.1 Clough Fionn. Banim, J., and M in B217.5 Clouston, J. S. Adventures of M. d'Hari- cot C647.1 Our Lady's Inn C647.15 Cloven foot. Braddon, M. E B798.6 Clovernook. Cary, A C332.1 Club-book. Ed. by A. Picken Q594-I Club of queer trades. Chesterton, G. K. . . C528.3 Coast of Bohemia. Howells, W. D H859.8 Cobban, J. M. Angel of the covenant C653.3 Julius Courtney; or, master of his fate. .C653.1 A soldier and a gentleman C653.2 Cobleigh, Tom, pseud. See Raymond, W. CocKTON, H. George Julian C666.1 Issued also as The prince. The prince C666.1 Issued also as George Julian. Stanley Thorn C666.2 Sylvester Sound; the somnambulist. .. .C666.3 Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist C666.4 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 31 Cody, S., td. Selections from the world's greatest short stories, illustrative of the history of short story writing. With crit- ical and historical comments C671.1 Ccelebs in search of a wife. More, H....M835.1 Same M835.2 Cceur d' Alene. Foote, M. H F689.2 Coffee and repartee. Bangs, J. K B216.13 Coffin, C. C. Daughters of the revolution and their times C67S.1 Coffin, R. F. How old Wiggins wore ship. 13 pp in S884.9 Cogswell, F. H. The regicides C677.5 Coleman, G. Poor gentlemen. 29 pp. Heir at law. 33 pp in M875.1* Coleridge, S. H. Phantasmion, a fairy tale. C693.1 Collaboration. James, H.Jr in J277.22 College girls. Goodloe, A. C G652.1 College theatricals. 38 pp in T143.1 Same in T143.1* Collegians, The. Griffin, G G851.2 Colungwood, H. W. Andersonville violets: a story of northern and southern life..C7io.i Coluns, F. C. joint author. See Collins, Mortimer. CoLUNS, Mortimer. Fight with fortune. .C71 2.1 Marquis and merchant C712.2 — and F. C. Frances C7124 Collins, R. U. 5"^^ Reed, C, pseud. Collins, W. After dark, and other stories. C713.1 Antonina; or, the fall of Rome C713.3 Armadale C713.4 Basil C713.5 Blind love C713.6 Dead secret C713.8 Evil genius C713.9 The frozen deep, and other tales C713.11 Guilty river C713.13 Hide-and-seek C713.15 "I say No."; or the love letter answered. C71316 The law and the lady C713. 18 Little novels C713.19 Man and wife C713.21 Mr. Lismore and the widow in S885.3 The moonstone C713J3 My tnisccllanics €713.22 New Magdalen C713J14 No name C713.2S Poor Miss Finch C713.27 Collins, W. — Continued. Queen of hearts C713.28 Terribly strange bed. 43 pp in 8885.10 Two destinies C713.31 Woman in white C713.34 Colloquies of Edward Osborne. Manning, A. M283.11 CoLLYER, J. Letters from Felicia to Char- lotte in ♦♦N938.23 Attributed also to Mrs. M. CoUyer. CoLOMA, L. Currita, Countess of Albomoz. C7».3 Colomba. Merimee, P M561.1 Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith, F. H. S647.2 Colonel Carter's Christmas. Smith, F. H. :.... S647.6 Colonel Chabert. Balzac, H. de in B198.16 Same in B198.42 Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire. Baker, W. M Bi69-2 Colonel Jack, Life of. Defoe, D in D314.3 Colonel Quaritch, V. C Haggard, H. R.. .H 146.3 Colonel Starbottle's client and other people. Harte, B H327.5 Colonel's Christmas dinner, etc. King, C. K523.7 Colonel's daughter. King, C KS23.8 Colonel's opera cloak. Brush, C. C B9IZI Colonial free lance. Hotchkiss, C. C H832.3 Colonial wooing. Abbott, C. C Ai3ai Colonials, The. French, A F872.3 Colonna the painter: a tale of Italy and the arts in T143.I Same in T143.1* Color studies. Janvier, T. A J358.3 Colossus, The. Roberts, M R6474 CoLTON, A. Delectable mountains C725-4 Port Argent C725.16 Columbia. Musick, J. R M987.1 Column, The. Marriott, C M360.3 CoLViLLE, W. J. Dashed against the rock. C727.t Colville of 'the Guards.' Grant, J G76i.8 CoMBE, T. Question of love: a story of Switz- erland C7a9.l Come forth. Phelps, E S., and Ward, H. D. 0539^18 "Come, live with me, and be my love." Buchanan, R 6918.2 Comedies and errors. Harland, H H282.3 Comedies of courtship. Hope, A H791.8 32 ENGLISH FICTION. Comedies played gratis. i8 pp. Balzac, H. de t« B198.19 Comedy of conscience. Mitchell, S. W...M681.12 Comedy of sentiment. Nordau, M N828.1 CoMENius, J. A. Labryinth of the world, and the Paradise of the heart C732.1 Cometh up as a flower. Broughton, R B877.2 Coming of Theodora. White, E. O....W584.1 Coming race. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- L998.3 Same L998.4 CoMiNS, L. B, See Caxton, L., pseud. Commander Mendoza. Valera, J V162.1 Commission in lunacy. 85 pp. Balzac, H. de. in B198.42 Same in 6198.52^ Commodore's daughters. Lie, J L716.2 Common lot. The. Herrick, R Hs66.2 Commonplace, and other short stories. Ros- setti, C. G R829.1 Companions of Jehu. 2 v. Dumas, A..D886.11 Comtesse de Chamy. 4 v. Dumas, A. .D886.12 Con Cregan, Confessions of. Lever, C...L658.S Con O'Regan. Sadlier, M. A S126.1 Concerning Isabel Carnaby. Fowler, E, T. F78S.3 Condensed novels. Harte, B H327.6 Same, etc H327.7 Same. 2d ser H327.51 Conemaugh, Wreck of the. Hains, T. J. H1S3.19 Confederate chieftains. Sadlier, M. A. S 126.2 Confession. Simms, W. G S592.4 Confessions of a clarionet player, and other tales. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. E6S4S Confessions of a frivolous girl. Grant, R. G763.3 Confessions of a thug. Taylor, M T244.1 Confessions of a wife. Adams, M A218.3 Confessions of an odd-tempered man. 19 pp. Opie, A in O614.3 Confessions of Claud. Fawcett, E F278.3 Confessions of Con Cregan. Lever, C. ...L658.S Confessions of Fitz-Boodle. Thackeray, W. M T363.29 Confidence. James, H., Jr J277.5 Confident to-morrow. Matthews, B M438.2 Conformists, The. Banim, J in B217.2 Confounding of Camelia. Sedgwick, A. D. S449.2 Coningsby. 2 v. Brydges, Sir S. E **B9i6.2 Coningsby. Disraeli, B D613.2 Conjuror's house. White, S. E W588.3 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. Twain, M T969.2 Connolly, J. B. On Tybee Knoll C751.14 Out of Gloucester C751.15 The seiners C751.19 Connor, R. (pseud, of C. W. Gordon). Black Rock : a tale of the Selkirks C752.2 Glengarry school days : a story of early days in Glengarry C752.7 Man from Glengarry: a tale of the Ottawa. C752.13 The prospector. C7S2.16 Sky pilot: a tale of the foothills C752.19 CoNOLLY, M. F. Tales of the east neuk of Fife: Castle of Crail; Legend of the Church of Abercrombie; Romance of the May in W750.S Same. Robbery at Pittenweem and the Porteous mob; Story of Charles Gordon and Christina Cunningham in W750.9 Conquering and to conquer. Charles, E. R. C476.4 Conquering of Kate. Mowbray, J. P M936.3 Conqueror, The. Atherton, G. F. A868.30 Conquest, The. Dye, E. E D99S.3 Conquest of Charlotte. Meldrum, D. S..M519.3 Conquest of Rome. Serao, M S481.3 Conrad, J. Almayer's folly C7S4.1 Children of the sea C754.3 Falk. Amy Foster, To-morrow: three stories C7S4.6 Lord Jim C754.7 Nostromo C754.14 An outcast of the islands C7S4.8 Tales of unrest C754.10 Typhoon C7S4.20 Youth and two other stories C7S4.25 — owrf Hueffer, F. M. Romance: a novel . C7S4.9 Conscience, H. The amulet in C755.6 Count Hugo of Craenhove C755.8 Same. (Also) Curse of the village C755.1 Curse of the village in C755.X Fisherman's daughter in C7S5.10 Happiness of being rich. (Also) Ricke- ticketack. (And) Wooden Clara C755.2 Lion of Flanders C7SS.3 Ludovic and Gertrude. (Also) Young doctor C755.4 Merchant of Antwerp C755.5 Poor gentleman. (Also) The amulet ..C755.6 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 83 I Conscience, H. — Continued. Ricketicketack in C7S5-3 Tales of Flemish life C7S57 Tales of old Flanders, (vis.) : Count Hugo of Craenhove, Wooden Clara and The village innkeeper C7S5.8 Veva; or, the war of the peasants C75S.9 Village innkeeper in C755.8 Same. (Also) Fisherman's daughter, .C755. 10 Wooden Qara in C755-2 Same in C7558 Young doctor in C75S.4 Conscript, The. Dumas, A D886. 13 Conscript, The. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A E654.6 Consequences. Castle, E C352. i Conspirators, The. Chambers, R. W C44S.16 Conspirators, The. Dumas, A D886.8 Constable of France, etc. Grant, J G761.9 Constance. Hawthorne, J H398.4 Constance Sherwood. Fullerton, Lady G..F971.1 Constance Trescot. Mitchell, S. W M681.13 Constant Dz Rebecque, H. B. Adolphe.**C757.i Constantine. Horton, G H823.3 Consuelo. Sand, G S213.4 Contarini Fleming. Disraeli, B D613.4 Same. 2 v **D6i3.3 Continental dragoon. Stephens, R. N S836.4 Contraband. Melville, G. J. W.- M530.6 Same **M530.7 Contrast, The. Edgeworth, M **E23S.7 Same in E235.20 Conversations with an ambitious student in ill health, etc. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- L998.28 Converse, F. Long Will C76o.r2 Convict, The in W750.n Convict, The. James, G. P. R J276.9 Convicts and their children. Auerbach, B. A9184 Conway, H. (pseud, of F. J. Fargus). Called back C767.2 A cardinal sin C767.3 Dark days C767.4 Living or dead C767.6 Conway, M. D. Prisons of air C768.1 CoNYNCHAM, D. P. The O'Mahony: a talc of the rebellion of '98 C770. i Cook, G. C. Roderick Taliaferro: a story of Maximilian's empire C764.18 CooKE, G. M. ' joint author. See MacGowan, A. —and McKinney, A. B. Mistress Joy. . .C766.13 CooKE, J. E. (Anas Todkill, pseud.) Bon- nybel Vane C7721 Issued also as Henry St. John, Canolles: the fortunes of a partisan of '81. C772.2 Doctor Vandyke C772-3 Fairfax : or the master of Greenway Court. C7724 Henry St. John, Gentleman. A tale of I774-'7S C772.1 Issued also as Bonnybel Vane. Her Majesty the queen C772.6 Leather stocking and silk. A story of the valley of Virginia C772.8 Mohun; or, the last days of Lee and his paladins C772.9 My Lady Pokahontas. A true relation of Virginia C772.10 Out of the foam C772." Pretty Mrs. Gaston, and other stories.. .C772.12 Surry of Eagle's Nest C772.14 Virginia Bohemians C772.15 Youth of Jefferson ; or, a chronicle of col- lege scrapes at Williamsburg in Virginia, A. D. 1764 C772.17 CooKE, R. T. Happy Dodd C773-I Huckleberries gathered from New England hills C773-2 Somebody's neighbors C773.3 The sphinx's children and other people's. C773A Steadfast C773-5 CooLEY, A. K. Asaph : an historical novel. .C774.1 CooLEY, W. F. Emmanuel: the story of the Messiah C775.1 Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore C777.1 Same in C777.36 The bravo C777.2 The chainbearer; or, the Littlcpage man- uscripts C777.4 The crater. A tale of the Pacific C777-6 The deerslayer C777.8 Same. (Also) Last of the Mohicans C777.9 Eve Effingham ; or, home. A sequel to "Homeward bound." C777.13 Issued also as Home as found. The headsman; or, the Abbaye des Vigne- rons C777.10 Same ....im C777.12 34 ENGLISH FICTION. Cooper, J. F. — Continued. The Heidenmauer ; or, the Benedictines. A legend of the Rhine C777.11 Same. (Also) The headsman C777.12 Home as found. Sequel to "Homeward bound." C777.13 Same in C777.1S Issued also as Eve Effingham. Homeward bound; or, the chase C777.14 Same. (Also) Home as found C777.1S Jack Tier; or, the Florida reef C777.16 Same in C777.44 Issued also as Rose Budd. Last of the Mohicans; or, a narrative of 1757 C777.17 Same in €777.9 Leather stocking tales: The deerslayer C777.8 Last of the Mohicans C777.17 The pathfinder C777.25 The pioneers C777.28 The prairie C777.29 Lionel Lincoln; or, the leaguer of Boston. C777.I8 Same. (Also) The wept of Wish-Ton- Wish C777.19 Mercedes of Castile; or, the voyage to Cathay C777.20 Miles Wallingford. Sequel to Afloat and ashore in C777.21 Issued also as Lucy Hardinge. The monikins C777.22 Same in C777.46 Ned Myers, or a life before the mast. .C777.47 The oak openings ; or, the bee-hunter. . C777.23 Same. (Also) Satanstoe C777.24 The pathfinder; or, the inland sea C777.25 The pilot C777.26 The pioneers; or, the sources of the Sus- quehanna C777.28 The prairie C777.29 Precaution C777.30 Same. (Also) Ways of the hour C777.31 Red Rover C777.32 The redskins; conclusion of the Little- page manuscripts C777.33 Satanstoe; or, the Littlepage manuscripts. C777-34 Same in C77.7.24 Sea lions ; or, the lost sealers C777.35 Same. (Also) Afloat and ashore C777.36 The spy: a tale of the neutral ground... C777.37 Cooper, J. F. — Continued. Two admirals C777.38 Same in C777.41 The Water-witch C777.39 Same. (Also) Two admirals C777.41 Ways of the hour C777.40 Same in C777.31 Wept of Wish-Ton- Wish C777.42 Same in C777.19 Issued also as The Borderers. Wing-and-Wing C777.43 Issued also as Jack-o'-Lantern. Same. (Also.) Jack Tier C777.44 Wyandotte; or, the hutted knoll C777.45 Same. (Also) The monikins C777.46 Cooper, Mrs. K. S. See Saunders, K. COPPEE, F. Disillusion ; or, the story of Ame- dee's youth C785.1 Tales for Christmas and other seasons. .. C78S.4 Ten tales C78S.2 True riches C785.3 Copper cross. Ulrich, C U4S3.3 Copperhead, The. Frederic, H F8s2.i CoRBETT, J. Fall of Asgard C790.3 For God and gold C790.4 Kophetua the Thirteenth C790.S Cord and creese. DeMille, J D381.3 CoRELLi, M. Ardath C797.1 Barabbas C797.3 Cameos C797.5 God's good man: a simple love-story. .C797.23 Hired baby. 32 pp in S885.6 Jane C797.6 Master-Christian C797.8 Mighty atom C797.7 Romance of two worlds C797.9 Soul of Lilith C797.12 Temporal power. C797.14 Thelma C797.13 Vendetta C797.15 Wormwood C797.16 Corinna's Fiammetta. Van Rensselaer, M. G in V274.S Corinne. Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. N. Baronne de S778.1 Corleone. 2 v. Crawford, F. M C899.31 Cornell stories. Sanderson, J. G S2X6.4 Corse de Leon. James, G. P. R J276.10 Corsican brothers. Dumas, A in D886.37* Cosmopolis. Bourget, P. B772.3 Cossacks, The. Tolstoi, Count L. N T654.3 Same 8917.32 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 35 Cotes, S. J. D. American girl Jn London. C843.1 Daughter of to-day C8434 Hilda: a story of Calcutta C8437 His honor, and a lady C843.8 The imperialist C843.9 Pool in the desert C843.12 Simple adventures of a memsahib C843.14 Social departure: how Orthodocia and I went round the world by ourselves. .C843. 16 Those delightful Americans C843.18 Vernon's aunt C843.20 Voyage of consolation C843.22 Cottar's daughter, The in W750.8 CoTTiN, S. R. Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia in S892.14 Matilda, princess of England. A romance of the crusades. 2 v C848.1 The Saracen, a crusade romance. 4 v. (in 2) **C848.2 Couch, A. T. Q. (Q, pseud.) Adventures of Harry Revel C853.27 Astonishing history of Troy town C8S3.9 Blue pavilions C853.1 Dead man's rock C8S3.2 Delectable duchy C853.3 Fort Amity C8S3.30 Hetty Wesley C8s3 34 I saw three ships C853.4 la : a love story C853.5 Laird's luck and other fireside tales C853.6 Noughts and crosses C853.7 Old fires and profitable ghosts C853.12 Shining ferry C8S3.17 Ship of stars C853.11 Splendid spur: adventures of Mr. John Marvel, a servant of his late majesty. King Charles L, in 1642-3 C853.8 The omnibus. 9 pp in S885.6 Two sides of the face C853.46 Wandering heath C853.10 ^ The Westcotes C853.24 p White wolf and other fireside tales C853.2S Q)ULEVAiN, P. de. (pseud, of Mile. Favre.) Eve triumphant C856.5 Counsel of perfection. Malet, L M247.2 Count Hannibal. Weyman, S. J W549.26 Count Hugo of Craenhove. Conscience, H. C7SSI Same m C755.8 Count Kostia. Cherbuliez, V C521.1 Count Lucanor. Juan Manuel, Prince J913.1 ; Count Mirabeau. Mundt, T M965.1 Count of Monte-Cristo. Dumas, A D886.15 Count Robert of Paris. Scott, Sir W...S431.17 Same **S43M9 Count Ulrich. Kingston, W. H. G K5S8.1 Counterparts, Sheppard, E. S S549.2 Countess de Chamy. Dumas, A D886.12 Countess Erika's apprenticeship. Schubin, O. W817.25 Countess Eve. Shorthouse, J. H S559.2 Countess Gisela. Marlitt, E W817.12 Countess Irene. Fogerty, J F654.1 Countess Loreley. Menger, R M544.I Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Sidney, Sir P S569.1 Countess of Rudolstadt Sand, G S213.5 Countess Radna. Norris, W. E N86m Country by-ways. Jewett, S. O J593-3 Country doctor. Balzac, H. de B198.10 Same in 8198.52* Country doctor. Jewett, S. O J593-4 Country gentleman. Oliphant, M. O. W...O475.7 Country in danger. (1792). Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A E654.7 Same in E654.17 Country luck. Habberton, J Hi 13.3 Country of the pointed firs. Jewett, S. O.J593.19 Country parson. Balzac, H, de B 19840s Same, etc 8198.52'* Country quarters. Blessington, Countess of. 8648.1 Count's snuflF-box. Rivers, G. R. R R622.3 CouPERUS, L. Ecstasy C857.1 Eline Vere C857.3 Footsteps of fate C857.3 Coupon bonds, etc. Trowbridge, J. T T863.1 Course of true love never did run smooth. Reade, C R^57 Same R285.8 Court of Boyville. White, W. A W589.3 Court of Charles IV. Perez Galdos, B. .Q438.2 Court of Rath Croghan. O'Byme, M. L. .O138.1 Court Royal. Gould, S. B.- G698.3 Courting and farming. Smith, J, P S653.3 Courtship in 1720. Smart, H S6364 Courtship in i860. Smart, H in S6364 Courtship of a careful man. Martin, E. S. M377.3 Courtship of Morrice Buckler. Mason, A. E. W M398.3 Cousin Bette. Balzac, H. de B198.11 Same Bi^iis Same B198.53" 36 ENGLISH FICTION. Cousin John's property. 58 pp in T143.13 Cousin Marshall. Martineau, H in **M385.7 Cousin Maud. Holmes, M. J H751.5 Cousin Mona. Carey, R. N C276.8 Cousin Pons. Balzac, H. de B 198. 12 Same in B198.52" Cousin William. Hook, T H781.2 Cousins. Walford, L. B W174.2 Coventry, F. Pompey the little **B232.23 Same in **N938.i9 Covering end. James, H in J277.29 Cowley, H. The belle's stratagem. 27 pp. in M875.1* CowPER, F. Christmas eve on a haunted hulk. 34 pp in T143.24 Crackenthorpe, H. Last studies C883.1 Craddock, C. E. (pseud, of M. N. Murfree). Bushwhackers, and other stories C884.2 Despot of Broomsedge Cove C884.3 The frontiersmen C884.4 His vanished star C884.5 In the clouds C884.6 In the "stranger's people's" country C884.7 In the Tennessee mountains C884.8 The juggler C884.9 Mystery of Witch-face mountain C884.10 Phantom of the foot-bridge C884.13 Prophet of the Great Smoky mountains. .C884.14 Spectre of power C884.19 Story of old Fort Loudon C884.15 Where the battle was fought C884.16 Cradock Nowell. Blackmore, R. D B629.5 Craig, A. Ionia : land of fair women C886.1 Craigie, Mrs. P. W. See Hobbes, J. O., pseud. Crake, A. D. Alfgar the Dane : a tale of the days of Edmund Ironside C888.1 The Andreds-weald : a tale of the Norman conquest C888.2 Brian Fitz-Count C888.3 Camp on the Severn : a tale of the tenth persecution in Britain C888.4 Doomed city: a tale of the Anglo-saxon conquest of Britain and the mission of Augustine C888.S Edwy the fair: a tale of the days of Saint Dunstan C888.6 Fairleigh Hall : a tale of Oxfordshire dur- ing the great rebellion C888.7 Last abbot of Glastonbury C888.8 The victor's laurel: a tale of school-life during the tenth persecution in Italy. .C888. 10 Crane, A. M. See Seemiiller, A. M. Crane, S. Active service C891.7 George's mother C891.1 Little regiment, and other episodes of the American civil war C891.4 Maggie : a girl of the streets C891.2 The open boat and other tales of adventure. C891.6 Red badge of courage C891.3 Third violet C891.5 Whilomville stories C891.8 Wounds in the rain : war stories C891.9 — and Barr, R. The O'Ruddy C891.10 Cranford. Gaskell, E. C G248.1 Crater, The. Cooper, J. F C777.6 Craven, Mme. A. See Craven, P. de la F. Craven, P. de la F. Anne Severin C898.1 Fleurange C898.3 A sister's story C898.4 Crawford, F. M. Adam Johnstone's son. . .C899.1 American politician C8g9.2 By the waters of Paradise in C899.24 Casa Braccio. 2 v C899.3 Cecilia : a story of modern Rome C899.32 Children of the king C899.4 Cigarette-maker's romance C899.5 Corleone. 2 v C899.31 Doctor Claudius C899.6 Don Orsino. (Sequel to Sant' Ilario.) . .C899.7 Greifenstein C899.8 Heart of Rome C899.36 In the palace of the king : a love story of old Madrid C899.37 Katharine Lauderdale. 2 v. ... ^ C899.9 Khaled : a tale of Arabia C899.10 Love in idleness C89g.4o Marietta : a maid of Venice C899.41 Marion Darche C899.11 Marzio's crucifix C899.12 Mr. Isaacs : a tale of modem India C899.13 Paul PatoflF C899.14 Pietro Ghisleri C899.15 The Ralstons. 2 v. (Sequel to Katharine Lauderdale.) C899.16 Roman singer C899.17 Rose of yesterday C899.30 Sant' Ilario. (Sequel to Saracinesca) . .C899.18 Saracinesca C89Q. 19 Tale of a lonely parish C899.20 Taquisara. 2 v C899.23 Three fates C899.21 To leeward C899.22 AUTHORS AND TITLES. t7 Crawford, F. M.— Continued. The upper berth; By the waters of Para- dise C899.24 Via crucis C899.2S Whosoever shall offend C899.51 Witch of Prague €899-26 With the immortals C899.27 Zoroaster C899.29 Crawford, J. H. Autobiography of a tramp. C901.1 Crayon, Geoffrey, Gent., pseud. See Irving, W. Crayon miscellany. No. 3. Irving, W **I72S4 Craze of Christian Engelhart. Darnell, H. F. D223.1 Creel of Irish stories. Barlow, J B258.2 Cressy. Harte, B H327.8 Crew of the "Dolphin." Stretton, H S915.3 Crew of the "Sam Weller." Habberton, J . . H 1 13.4 Crichton. Ainsworth, W. H A297.6 Crime and punishment. Dostoyevsky, F. M. D724.1 Crime of Henry Vane. Stimson, F. J S859.1 Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. France, A. . .F814.3 Crimson sign. Keightley, S. R K273.2 Crimson star. Wright, S. A W953.1 Cripple of Antioch. Charles, E. R C476.5 Cripps, the carrier. Blackmore, R. D B629.6 Crisis, The. Churchill, W C563.5 Crittenden. Fox, J. Jr F792.2 Crockett, S. R. Adventurer in Spain C938.38 Banner of blue C938.33 Black Douglas C938.1 Bog-myrtle and peat C938.2 Cinderella C938.3 Cleg Kelly, arab of the city C938.4 The dark o' the moon C938.5 The firebrand C938.6 Flower-o' the-com C938.37 Galloway herd C938.7 Gray man C938.8 "The heather Untie." 15 pp in S885.8 lone March C938.22 Isle of the winds C938.24 Joan of the sword hand C938.23 Kit Kennedy, country boy C938.31 Lad's love C938. 18 Lilac sunbonnet C938.9 Lochinvar C938.19 Ix»ves of Miss Anne C938.25 Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills C938.10 Men of the moss-hags C938.1 1 Crockett, S. R. — Continued. The play-actress C938.14 The raiders C938.16 Red axe C938.20 Silver skull C938.26 Standard bearer C938.15 Stickit minister C938.17 Stickit minister's wooing C938.27 Strong Mac C938.28 — and others. Tales of our coast C938.30 Crohoore of the bill-hook. Banim, J., and M. in B217.6 Croker, B. M. Beyond the pale C943.2 Some one else C943.1 Terence C943.9 Croly, G. Marston: or, the soldier and statesmen. 3 v C944.1 Salathiel, the immortal C944.2 Issued also as Tarry thou till I come. , Tarry thou till I come, or, Salathiel the wandering Jew €944.2 Originally published as Salathiel. Cromptons, The. Holmes, M. J H751.31 Cromwell's own. Paterson, A Q296.2 Crook of the bough. Dowie, M. M D7464 Crooked places. Garrett, E G239.2 Crooked stick. Boldrewood, R B687.3 Crooked trails. Remington, F R388.3 Croppy. Banim, M B218.1 Crosby, E. Captain Jinks, hero C948.3 Crosby, M. (M. Floyd, pseud.) Passages from the journal of a social wreck. 23 pp. in S884.7 Cross, Mrs. M. A. E. See Eliot, G., pseud. Crossing, The. Churchill, W C563.6 Crotchet Castle. Peacock, T. L Q356.1 Crowe, C. Night side of nature; or, ghosts and ghost seers C953.1 Story of Martha Guinnis and her son. .in J737.I Same in T5S9.1 Crowley, M. C. Daughter of New France. C952.4 The heroine of the Strait: a romance of Detroit in the time of Pontiac C952.8 Crown of straw. Upward, A U688,3 Crown of thorns. Longhead, F. H in L887.1 Crown ward. 3 v. Boyd, A B789.I Crowning of Candace. Woods, K. P W895.5 Crowninshield, Mrs. S. Latitude 19°: a romance of the West Indies in 1820 C954.4 Where the trade-wind blows C954.7 Crow's nest. Harrison, C C in H3184 38 ENGLISH FICTION. Crucial instances. Wharton, E WS53.3 Crucifix of Baden, and other stories C955.1 Cruciform mark. Stephens, R S835.1 Cruger, Mrs. J. G. S. See Gordon, J., pseud. Cruikshank at home C957.1 Cruise of the Midge. Scott, M S428.1 Cruise of the Petrel. Hains, T. J Hi 53.3 Crusade of the Excelsior. Harte, B H327.9 Crusoe in New York, and other tales. Hale, K E H161.2 Crust and the cake. Garrett, E G239.3 Cryptogram, The. De Mille, J D381.4 Cryptogram, The. Verne, J in V531.19 Cuckoo in the nest. Oliphant, M. O. W. . .O475.8 Cudjo's cave. Trowbridge, J. T T863.2 CuDLip, Mrs. A. H. T. See Thomas, A. CuDLip, Mrs. Pender. See Thomas, A. Cumberland vendetta, and other stories. Fox, J., Jr F792.1 Cum MING, C. F. Gordon. "Unfathomed mysteries." 45 pp in T143.24 Cummins, M. S. El Fureidis C970.1 The lamplighter C970.2 Cunning Murrell. Morrison, A M878.4 Cunningham, A. Gowden Gibbie in Q594.I Lord Roldan C971.1 Cunningham, G. C, ed. Foreign tales and traditions, chiefly from the fugitive lit- erature of Germany. 2 v C972.1 Cunningham, H. S. Chronicles of Dusty- pore: a tale of modem Anglo-Indian society C973.1 Cup of trembling, and other stories. Foote, M. H F689.3 Cupid's garden. Fowler, E. T F785.2 CUPPLES, G. A spliced yarn: some strands from the life cable of Bill BuUen C974.19 Curate and the rector. Strutt, E S928.2 Curate in charge. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.9 Curious career of Roderick Campbell. Mcllwraith, J. N M151.3 Curious courtship of Kate Poins. Shipman, L. E S556.3 Currita, Countess of Albornoz. Coloma, L..C720.3 Curse of Game's Hold. Henty, G. A H527.1 Curse of Koshiu. Wingfield, L W771.1 Curse of the village. Conscience, H C755.1 Curtis, G. W. Prue and I C979.1 Trumps C979.2 Cushing, p. (pseud, of R. A. Wood). A bud that lived. 30 pp in T143.23 Custom of the country. Eraser, M. C F842.3 CuTHBERTSON, Misses. Forcst of Montal- bano. 4 V **C988.i CuTHELL, E. E., joint author. See Foster, A. J Cutler, M. C. Philip: a story of the first century C989.1 Cutting, M. S. Little stories of married life 0991.12 Cyparissus. Eckstein, E E195.7 Cyrano de Bergerac, Story of. Rostand, E. .R839.3 Cyril Thornton. 2 v. Hamilton, Col. T..H216.1 Cyrilla. Tautphoeus, J. M. Freiherrin von . . T229.2 Czar, The. Alcock, D A354.1 Dacre. Morley, F. T. Parker, Countess of **M864.i Daggett, R. M. Braxton's Bar; a tale of pioneer life in California D125.1 Dague, R. a. Henry Ashton : a thrilling story and how the famous co-operative com- monwealth was established in Zanland.Di28.8 Dahlgren, M. V. Lights and shadows of a life D130.1 Dahn, F. a captive of the Roman eagles. .D131.4 German original published under title: Bisula. Felicitas D131.1 Scarlet banner. Tr. by M. J. SafFord. , .D131.20 Daisy. Warner, S W284.1 Daisy Bums. Kavanagh, J K212.4 Daisy chain. Yonge, C M Y55S.8 Daisy Miller. James, H J277-25 Daisy Thornton. Holmes, M. J in H7S1.6 Dale, A. Dwellers in Gotham D 139.4 Dalecarlian conjurer's day-book. Chatelain, C. de P. de **C492.i Dally. Pool, M. L Q821.4 Dalton, W. Phaulcon the adventurer D152.1 Daltons, The. Lever, C L658.6 Same L658.7 Damant, M. Peggy Thomhill: a tale of the Irish rebellion D155.1 Dame Care. Sudermann, H S943.5 Dame de Monsoreau. 2' v. Dumas, A D886.16 Damen's ghost. Bynner, E. L B994.3 Damnation of Theron Ware. Frederic, H. .F8S2.2 Damsel errant. Rives, A R623.5 Damsel of Darien. Simms, W. G **S592.5 Danes, The, sketched by themselves. Stories tr. by Mrs. Bushby. 3 v B979.1 Daniel Deronda. 2 v. Eliot, G E426.2 AUTHORS AND TITLES. S9 Daniel Rode Erckmann, E., and Cbatrian, A. E654.25 Danilkvski, G. p. Princess Tarakonava. .D187.1 Danites in the Sierras. Miller, J M649.2 Danny. Ollivant, A O501.S Dan vers jewels. Cholmondeley, M C547.3 Dan vers papers. Yonge, C. M in Y555.16 Danvis folks. Robinson, R. £ R664.5 Danvis pioneer, A. Robinson, R. E R664.4 D'Arcy of the Guards. Shipman, L, E SS564 Dare. Glascock, M. W G548.1 Dariel. Blackmore, R. D B629.18 Darien. 3 v. Warburton, E. B. G W254.1 Dark days. Conway, H C767.4 Dark o' the moon. Crockett, S. R C938.S Dark stories from the sunny south. Camp- bell, Sir G C187.1 Dark year of Dundee. Alcock, D A354.2 Darkness and dawn. Farrar, F. W F242.1 Darkness and daylight. Holmes, M. J H 75 1.7 Darlingtons, The. Peake, E. E Q3574 Dakuestetek, Mrs. A. M. F. See Robinson, A. M. F. Daknell, H. F. Craze of Christian Engel- hart D223.1 Damley. James, G. P. R J276.li Darrel of the Blessed Isles. Bacheller, I. . .B 120.3 Darryll Gap. Townsend, V. F T75I.2 Dasent, G. W., tr. Story of Gisli the outlaw. **D229.I Dashed against the rock. Colville, W. J. . .C727.1 Daskam, J. D. Madness of Philip, and other tales of childhood D230.13 Memoirs of a baby D230.15 Middle aged love stories D230.14 Smith College stories D230.9 Whom the gods destroyed D230.23 Daudet, a. Alphonse Daudet; an introduc- tion by W. P. Trent, the translation by G. B. Ives D238.17 Contents: Alphonse Daudet (1840- 1897). Letters from my mill. Mon- day tales. Artists' wives D238.1 Issued also as Wives of men of genius. Head of the family D238.2 The immortal; or, one of the "Forty"... D238.3 Issued also as One of the "Forty." Indret; The vice (and) The Machines. (Extr. from Jack.) in Z767.1* Jack D238u| Kings in exile D238.5 Daudet, A. — Continued. Letters from my mill D238.6 Numa Roumestan D238.8 Port Tarascon, the last adventures of the illustrious Tartarin D238.9 Robert Helmont: diary of a recluse 1870- 1871 D23aio Sidonie. (Fromont jeune et Risler atni.) D238.12 Stories of Provence D238.13 Tartarin of Tarascon D238.14 Tartarin on the Alps D238.15 Wives of men of genius D238.16 Issued also as Artists* wives. Daudet, K The apostate D239.1 Daughter of an empress. Miihlbach, L. . . .M952.4 Daughter of Bohemia. Reid, C R353-3 Daughter of Eve. Balzac, H. de B 198. 13 Same B198.13S Same 8198.52* EVaughter of Eve. Kirk, E. O K5934 Daughter of Fife. Barr, A. E B268.8 Daughter of Heth. Black, W B627.3 Daughter of New France. Crowley, M. C. .C9524 Daughter of the Philistines. Boyesen, H. H. B79M Daughter of the pit Jackson, M. D J12&4 Daughter of the Sioux. King, C K523.10 Daughter of the snows. London, J L8464 Daughter of the soil. Francis, M. E F819.3 Daughter of the tenements. Townsend, £. W. T747.2 Daughter of the veldt, A. Maman, B M3534 Daughter of the vine. Atherton, G. F A868.7 Daughter of to-day. Cotes, S. J. D C8434 Daughters of Nijo. Onoto Watanna O5884 Daughters of the revolution and their times. Coffin, C. C C675.1 Davenport Dunn. 2 v. Lever, C L658.8 David Alden's daughter, etc. Austin, J. G. A9364 David Balfour. Stevenson, R. L S848.3 David Copperfield. Dickens, C D548.14 David Ellginbrod. MacDonald, G M1354 David Grieve, History of. Ward, M. A. A. Wa6i.3 David Harum. Westcott, E. N W5244 David Lloyd's last will. Stretton, H S915.4 David Lorimer in W750.11 David Simple. Fielding, S in •♦N938.9 David's loom. Qegg. J. T C623.1 Davis, A. J. Tale of a physician D260.X 40 ENGLISH FICTION. Davis, H. R. In sight of the goddess D261.1 DaviSj L. B, Modern Argonaut D266.1 Davis, L. C. A stranded ship D262.1 Davis, M. K M. Little chevalier D265.2 Queen's garden D265.3 Under the man-fig D26S.5 The wire cutters D265.8 Davis, Mrs. R. H. Balacchi brothers. 25 pp. in S884.1 Doctor Warrick's daughters D263.1 Frances Waldeaux D263.6 John Andross D263.5 Silhouettes of American life D263.3 Tirar y Soult. 48 pp in S886.6 Waiting for the verdict • D263.4 Davis, Richard H. Captain Macklin D264.2 Cinderella, and other stories D264.3 The exiles, and other stories D264.5 Gallegher and other stories D264.7 King's jackal D264.8 Lion and the unicorn D264.9 Princess Aline D264. 10 Ranson's folly D264.18 Soldiers of fortune D264.11 Van Bibber and others D264.12 Davis, R. S. See Trebor, pseud. Davis, V. A. J. Romance of summer seas. D259.9 Davis, W. S. Belshazzar : a tale of the fall of Babylon D267.2 A friend of Caesar: a tale of the fall of the Roman republic, 50-47 B. C D267.6 "Gk)d wills it!" a tale of the first crusade. D267.7 Davison, C. S. How I sent my aunt to Baltimore. 21 pp in S886.4 Dawes, R. Nix's mate: an historical re- mance of America D270. i Dawn. Haggard, H. R H146.4 Dawson, A. J. Hidden manna D273.9 Middle greyness D273.7 Dawson, E. F. An itinerant house and other stories D271.3 Dawson, W. J. London idylls D272.4 Story of Hannah D272.7 Thro' lattice-windows D272.10 Day and night stories. Sullivan, T. R. ...S952.1 Day at Laguerre's, and other days. Smith, F. H S647.3 Day before yesterday. Shafer, S. A S52S.4 Day in the woods. Miller, T M650.1 Day of fate. Roe, E. P R699.2 Day of his youth. Brown, A B878.2 Day of the dog. McCutcheon, G. B M 133.4 Day of their wedding. Howells, W. D...H859.9 Day will come, The. Braddon, M. E B798.8 Days like these. Townsend, E. W T747.5 Days of auld lang syne. Watson, J W339.5 Days of Bruce. Aguilar, G A283.1 Days of Jeanne d'Arc. Catherwood, M. H. C363.3 Days of Lamb and Coleridge. Lord, A. E L866.1 Days of yore. 2 v. Tytler, S T997.2 Day's ride. Lever, C in L658.7 Same L658.9 Day's work. Kipling, R K57S.3 Dayspring, The. Barry, W B280.4 Dayspring. Marshall, E M367.2 Deacon Bradbury. Dix, E. A D617.4 Dead boxer. Carleton, W in C281.3 Same in C281.8 Dead man's rock. Couch, A. T. Q C853.2 Dead marquise. Kip, L K572.1 Dead men tell no tales. Homung, E. W. . .H816.S Dead men's shoes. Braddon, M. E B 798.9 Dead-sea fruit. Braddon, M. E B798.10 Dead secret. Collins, W C713.8 Dead sin, and other stories. Garrett, E. .. .G239.4 Dead tryst. Grant, J G761.10 Deal in wheat, etc. Norris, F N855.4 Dean's daughter. Veitch, S. F. F V429.1 Dean's watch. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A in E654.2 Dear Lady Disdain. McCarthy, J M122.13 Dearly bought. Burnham, C. L B966.3 Death-dance. Castle, E in C3S2.5 Death of the gods. Merejkowski, D M560.4 Death of the laird's Jock. Scott, Sir W..tn 8431.51 Same in **S43r.i9 Death trust. Halstead, A. L H197.1 Debit and credit. Freytag, G F895.1 Deborah. Ludlow, J. M L945.7 Debts of honor. Jokai, M J745-2 "December roses." Praed, R. C- Q897.2 Deemster, The. Caine, H C135.3 Deep-sea plunderings. Bullen, F. T B936.4 Deep sea vagabonds. Sonnichsen, A S699.4 Deephaven. Jewett, S. O J593-S Deerbrook. Martineau, H M385.8 Deerings of Medbury. Townsend, V. F.. .T751.10 Deerslayer, The. Cooper, J. F C777.8 Same €777.9 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 41 Defoe, D. Works. 3 v D314.3-S 1. Captain Singleton. Colonel Jack. 2. Memoirs of a cavalier. Captain Carleton. Dickory Cronke, etc. 7. Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe D314.S Same in **N938.4 Same in S892.14 Same. 2. v ♦*B232.i6-i7 De Forest, J. W. Bloody chasm D315.1 Issued also as The oddest of courtships. Brigade commander in S884.8 Inspired lobbyist. 35 pp in S8844 A lover's revolt D315.7 Wetherel affair D315.6 De Kay, C. Manmat'ha. 24 pp in S884.10 De La Mare, W. J. Henry Brocken: his travels and adventures in the rich, strange, scarce-imaginable regfions of romance. D336.8 Deland, M. Dr. Lavendar's people D337.2 John Ward, preacher D337.3 Mr. Tommy Dove, and other stories D337.S Old Chester tales D337.6 Philip and his wife D337.7 Sidney D337.9 Wisdom of fools D337.12 Delaware. James, G. P. R J276.12 Delectable duchy. Couch, A. T. Q C853.3 Delectable mountains. Colton, A C72S.4 Deledda, G. After the divorce D345.1 De Leon, E. Askaros Kassis, the Copt: a romance of modem Egypt D346.1 Delight makers. Bandelier, A. F B214.1 Delitzsch, F. Jos^ and Benjamin: a tale of Jerusalem in the time of the Herods. D35SI Deliverance, The. Glasgow, E G549.4 Delxenbaugh, F. S. a singular case, .in T143.21 De rOrme. James, G. P. R J276.13 Delpit, a. As 'tis in life D363.1 Deluge, The. 2 v. Sienkiewicz, H S572.4 Demcrara. Martineau, H M385.9 Same m ♦♦M385.10 De Mille, J. American baron D38M Castle in Spain D381.2 Cord and creese D381.3 The cryptogram D38t.4 Dodge Qub D381.5 Lady of the ice D381.6 Living link D381.8 Open question D381.9 Deming, p. Adirondack stories D382.1 Tompkins and other folks D382.2 Democracy. King, C K524.1 De Molai. Flagg, E FS74.1 Demon of Cawnpore. Verne, J V531.35* Same in VS31.3S Dempster, C. L. Ninette: an idyll of Prov- ence D389.1 Dene Hollow. Wood, E. P W874.3 Denis Dent. Hornung, E. W H816.18 Denis Duval. Thackeray, W. M T363.7 Denison, M. a. Mr. Peter Crewitt D396.1 Denounced. Banim, J B217.3 Denounced. Burton, J. B- B9734 Denzil Quarrier. Gissing, G GS35.1 De profundis. Gilbert, W G466.1 De Pue, E. S. Dr. Nicholas Stone. D425.3 Deputy of Arcis. Balzac, H. de B19843 Derelict, The. Hyne, C H9974 Derelicts. Locke, W. J L8154 Dering, R. G. Giraldi; or, the curse of love. D433.I Derrick Vaughan, novelist Lyall, E L981.3 Derval Hampton. Grant, J G761.11 Descendant, The. (Glasgow, K) G549.a Descent of man, etc Wharton, E WS534 Desert, The. Smith, A. C in S643.20 Desert and the sown. Foote, M. H F6894 Desert drama. Doyle, A. C D7544 Desert of ice. Verne, J V531.13 Deserter, and other stories. Frederic, H. . .F852.9 Deserter, The. King, C K523.9 Desmond hundred. Austin, J. G. A9364 Desperate character, and other stories. Tur- gencv, I T936.17 Desperate remedies. Hardy, T H272.3 Despot of Broomsedge cove. Craddock, C. E- C884.3 Despotism and democracy: a study in Wash- ington society and politics. (Anon.) . .D472.1 Destiny. Ferrier, S. E. F391.1 Destruction of Gotham. Miller, J M649.3 Desultory man. James, G. P. R J276.14 Detlep, K. (pseud, of K. Bauer). Valen- tine, the countess D481.1 Detmold. Bishop, W. H B622.2 De Valuere, G. Opals from a Mexican mine D488.1 De Vane. HilHard, H. W H654.1 De Vere. Ward, R. P W262.1 Devkreux, M. Lafitte of Louisiana D490.12 Devereux. Lytton, E, G. E. U Bulwer-...L998.s 42 ENGLISH FICTION. Devil-puzzlers, and other sketches. Perkins, F. B Q448-I Devil upon two sticks, etc. Le Sage, A. R. in **N938.2 Same L622.1 Devil tales. Boyle, V. F B790.4 Devil's Ford. Harte, B in H327.23 Devil's frills: a Dutch illustration of the water cure. 29 pp in T143.14 Devil's pool. Sand, G. S213.25 De Willoughby claim, In connection with the. Burnett, F. H B964.25 Dialect tales. Bonner, S B716.1 Dialstone lane. Jacobs, W. W J 177.20 Diamond lens, etc. O'Brien, F- J O132.4 Diana. Warner, S W284.2 Diana, Lady Lyie. 3 v. Dixon, W. H.. .D621.1 Diana of the crossways. Meredith, G M5S9.4 Diana Tempest. Cholmondeley, M C547.4 . Diary, A. Bremer, F B836.2 Same in B836.10 Diary of a goose girl. Wiggin, K. D W65S.2 Diary of a saint. Bates, A B329.3 Diary of a superfluous man. Turgenev, I. S. in T936.7 Same, etc T936.16 Diary of an old doctor. Maitland, J. A. .M232.1 Diary of Kitty Trevylyan. Charles, E. R. . .C476.6 Dibble, H. C. Sequel to a tragedy: a story of the far west D543.19 Dick Netherby. Walford, L. B W174.3 Dick Sands. Verne, J Vs31.11 Dickens, C. Additional Christmas stories. in 0548.52 American notes in D548.20 Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the riots of 'eighty D548.1 Same, and. Hard times D548.2 Same. (Also) Sketches. Pt. 2 DS48.3 Bleak House D548.5 Child's dream of a star in C671.1 Christmas books D548.7 Christmas carol in C671.1 Christmas stories D548.53 Same D548.13 Same, (another collection) in D548.29* David Copperfield D548.14 Dombey and son D548.16 Edwin Drood in D548.50 Same, and other stories D548.29 Same. (Also) Reprinted pieces. (And) Christmas stories DS48.29' Dickens, C. — Continued. George Silverman's explanation. 29 pp. in D548.29* Great expectations D548.19 Same, and, Hard times DS48.21 Same. (Also) Pictures from Italy. And American notes D548.20 Hard times in D548.2 Same in DS48.2* Same in D548.21 Holiday romance in D548.29* Home narratives D548.56 Little Dorrit D548.22 Martin Chuzzlewit DS48.24 Master Humphrey's clock in 0548.29 Same in D548.29* Same in O548.33 Mudf og papers D548.27 Nicholas Nickleby O548.30 Old curiosity shop. (Also) Master Hum- phrey's clock O548.33 Oliver Twist 0548.37 Our mutual friend O548.40 Pickwick papers O548.42 Pictures from Italy in O548.20 Reprinted pieces in O548.29' Same in D548.35* Same. (Also) Lazy tour of two idle ap- prentices D548.46 Sketches by Boz D548.47 Same. Pt. 2 in D548.3 Tale of two cities D548.49 Same. (Also) Edwin Drood D548.S0 Uncommercial traveller D548.51 Same and additional Christmas stories . O548.52 Same. (Also) Child's history of England. 0548.54 Pierce, G. A. and Wheeler, W. A. The Dickens dictionary D548.55 Oickory Cronke. Defoe, O in O314.4 Dickson, H. Black wolf's breed D554.2 The Ravanels D554.17 Siege of Lady Resolute O554.19 Dictator, The. McCarthy, J M122.1 Did she love him? Grant, J G761.13 Diderot, D. Rameau's nephew 0555.1 OiEHL, A. M. Or. Paull's theory O560.1 Differences. White, H W585.4 Oigby Grand. Melville, G. J. W- M530.8 Same **M530.9 Dillon, M. The rose of old St. Louis O579.18 Oillwyn, R A. Jill and Jack D580.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 48 Dimitri Roudine. Turgenev, I. S T936.3 DiNGELSTEDT, F. Pftiherr von. The amazon. D584.1 Dinna forget Winter, J. S W78S.5 Dion and the sibyls. Keen, M. G K3774 Dionysius the weaver's heart's dearest. How- ard, B. W H848.8 Diplomat's diary. Gordan, J G663.1 Disaster, The. Margueritte, P. and V M331.5 Disciple, The. Bourget, P B772.10 Disentanglers, The. Lang, A L269.3 Disillusion. Copp^, F. C785.1 Disowned, The. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- L998.6 Disraeli, B. Earl of BeaconsHeld. Alroy; (Also) Ixion in heaven; The infernal marriage ; (and) Popanilla D613.1 Contarini Fleming. 2 v. **D6i3.3 Same. (Also) Rise of Iskander D6134 Coningsby; or, the new generation D613.3 Endymion D613.5 Henrietta Temple D613.7 Infernal marriage in D613.1 Ixion in heaven in D613.1 Lothair D613.8 Popanilla in D613.1 Rise of Iskander in D613.4 Sybil ; or, the two nations D613.10 Tancred; or, the new crusade D613.12 Venetia D613.1 1 Vivian Gray D613.14 The young duke D613.16 Same. (Also) Count Alarcos 1)613.15 Distinguished provincial at Paris. Balzac, H. de B198.20S Same in Bi98.52* Disturbing element. Yonge, C. M Y555.9 Dita. Majendie, Lady M M233.1 Divine adventure. McLeod, F. M 165.6 Divine fire. Sinclair, M S6144 Divorce, A. Bourget, P B772.5 Dix. B. M. Hugh Gwyeth D6ia5 Life, treason, and death of James Blount of Breckenhow D618.10 Making of Christopher Ferringham. .. .D618.13 — and Harper, C. A. The beau's comedy. D6r8.2 Dix, E. a. Deacon Bradbury D6174 Old Bowen's legacy D617.IS Dixon, J. Broken columns D6ao.i Dixon, T., Jr., The clansman D6a2.3 The leopard's spots : a romance of the white man's burden, 1865-1900 D622.ia Dixon, T., Jr. — Continued. The one woman D622.15 Dixon, W. H. Diana, Lady Lyle. 3 v. ..D621.1 Ruby Grey. 3 v D62i.a "Dizzy Dave." Long, J. L. in L847.16 Djambek the Georgian. Suttner, A. G. von. S967.1 Dmitri. Bain, F. W B162.1 Doctor Birch and his young friends. Thack- eray, W. M T363.27 Doctor Breen's practice. Howells, W. D.H859.11 Doctor Claudius. Crawford, F. M C89916 Doctor Congalton's legacy. Johnston, H...J725.1 Dr. Dale. Harland, M., and Terhune, A. P. H283.23 Dr. Faustus in R794.1* Dr. Goethe's courtship. Miiller, O M959.2 Doctor Grimshawe's secret Hawthorne, N. H399.1 Doctor Hathem's daughters. Holmes, M. J. H75i.a8 Dr. Heidenhoflf's process. Bellamy, E B437.1 Doctor Hildreth. White, A. L. W5&.1 Doctor Huguet Boisgilbert E B683^ Doctor Jacob. Edwards, M. B- E267.1 Dr. Janet of Harley street Kenealy, A...K334.1 Dr. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde, Strange case of. Stevenson, R. L S848.11 Same in S848.7 Doctor Johns. 2 v. Mitchell, D. G M679.I Dr. Lavendar's people. Deland, M D337J Dr. LeBaron and his daughters. Austin, J. G A936.S Doctor Luttrell's first patient Carey, R. N. C276.10 Dr. Nicholas Stone. De Pue, E. S D425.3 Dr. North and his friends. Mitchell, S. W. M681.7 Doctor of the old school. Watson, J W339.6 Dr. Paull's theory. Diehl, A. M. D560. i Dr. Rameau. Ohnet, G. O383.3 Dr. Sevier. Cable, G. W C115.3 Doctor Theme. Haggard, H. R Hi46.ao Doctor Thorne. Trollope, A T846.7 Doctor Vandyke, Cooke, J. E. C772.3 Dr. Wainwright's patient Yates, E Y317.3 Doctor Warrick's daughters. Davis, Mrs. R. H Da63.i Doctor Xavier. Pemberton, M Q395- 18 Doctor Zay. Phelps, E. S Q539-2 Doctor's family. Oliphant M. O. W. .in O475.51 Doctor's wife. Braddon, M. E B798.13 44 ENGLISH FICTION. DoDD, A. B. Glorinda D639.1 DoDD, W. The sisters in **N938.5 Dodd family abroad. 2 v. Lever, C L658.10 Dodge, M. A. See Hamilton, G., pseud. Dodge, M. M. Theophilus and others D64S.1 Dodge, W. P. Three Greek tales D646.1 Dodge Club. De Mille, J D381.S Dodgson, Rev. C. L. See Carroll, L., pseud. Doffed coronet: a true story. By the author of "The martyrdom of an empress.". . .1)653. i Dog fiend. Marryat, Capt. F M362.2 Dog's tale. Twain, M T969.3 Doing and dreaming. Garrett, E G239.5 Doings of Raffles Haw. Doyle, A. C D754.5 "Dolce." Long, J. L in L847.16 Dole, E. P. Hiwa : a tale of ancient Hawaii. D662.2 The stand-by D662.1 Dole, N. H. Not angels quite D663.3 Omar the tentmaker: a romance of old Persia D663.S On the point D663.4 Dollars and cents. Warner, A. B W279.1 Dollie and the two Smiths. 35 pp in T143.12 Dolliver romance. Hawthorne, N H399.3 Dolly. Burnett, F. H B964.23 Dolly dialogues. Hope, A H791.10 Dombey & Son. Dickens, C DS48.16 Domestic dramas. Bourget, P B772.4 Domestic happiness. Tolstoi, Count L. N. 8917-33 Dominant note, and other stories. Clifford, L. L C639.2 Dominion of dreams. McLeod, F M165.1 Domitia. Gould, S. B G698.14 Don Braulio. Valera, J V162.2 Don Gesualdo. Ouida in O934.10 Don John. Ingelow, J I464.1 Don Luis' wife. Shuey, L. H S562.4 Don Orsino. Crawford, F. M C899.7 Don Quixote. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. C419.1 Same. 2 v C419.2 Same **N938.8 Don Quixote, Continuation of. Fernandez de Avellaneda, A in **N938.i6 Dona Luz. Valera, J V162.3 Dona Perfecta. Perez Galdos, B Q438.1 Donal Grant. Mac Donald, G M13S.5 Donald Marcy. Phelps, E. S Q539.3 Donald Ross of Heimra. Black, W B627.4 Donaldson, P., joint editor. See Ridgely, J. L. Donna Teresa. Peard, F. M Q359-3 Donnelly, K C. Lot Leslie's folks and their queer adventures among the French and Indians, A. D. 1755-1763 D685.7 Donnelly, I. See Boisgilbert, E., pseud. DoNNET, L. Notary's daughter D686.1 Donovan. Lyall, E L981.4 Donovan Pasha. Parker, Sir G Q240.4 Doom castle. Munro, N M968.4 Doomed city. Crake, A. D C888.5 Dora Deane. Holmes, M. J H751.8 DoRAN, J. Zanthon D693.1 Doreen, the story of a singer. Lyall, E. . ..L981.5 Dorothea. Maartens, M M111.2 Dorothea; or, a ray of the new light. 3 v. **D7i5.i Dorothy, and other Italian stories. Wool- son, C. F W916.3 Dorothy Forster. Besant, Sir W B554.11 Dorothy South. Eggleston, G. C E295.4 Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall. Major, C. M234.4 Dorothy Wallis. Besant, Sir W B554.12 DoRRiNGTON, E., pseud. (?) English hermit. in **N938.2i DoRSEY, A. H. Oriental pearl ; or, the Catho- lic emigrants D718.2 Palms D718.3 Student of Blenheim Forest D718.4 DoRSEY, S. A. (Filia, pseud.) Lucia Dare. D719.2 DosTOYEVSKY, F. M. Crime and punishment. D724.1 Poor folk D724.2 Double barrelled detective story. Twain, M. T969.11 Double family. Balzac, H. de in Bl98.6l^ Double harness. Hope, A H791.9 Double life. 97 pp. Balzac, H. de in B 198.28 Double thread, A. Fowler, E. T F785.4 Double wedding. Warfield, C. A W274.2 DouBLEDAY, T. The murderer's last night. 22 PP in T143.4 Same in Ti43.4^ DouGALL, L. Beggars all D731.1 The mermaid D731.2 What necessity knows D731.3 Douglas, A. M. Children at Sherburne House D734.2 Claudia D734.3 Floyd Grandon's honor D734.5 Foes of her household D734.6 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 46 Douglas, A. M. — Continued. Fortunes of the Faradays D734.7 From hand to mouth D734.8 Heir of Sherburne D734.9 Heirs of Bradley house D734. ro Her place in the world D734.36 Home nook D734.1 1 Hope Mills D734.12 In the king's country D734. 13 In trust D734.14 Lost in a great city D734. 16 Lyndell Sherburne D734.18 Mistress of Sherburne D734.35 Modem Adam and Eve in a garden. . .D734. 19 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom D734.20 Old woman who lived in a shoe D734.21 Issued also as There's no place like home. Osborne of Arrochar D734.22 Out of the wreck D734.23 Seven daughters D734.24 Sherburne cousins D734.25 Sherburne girls D734.37 Sherburne house D734.26 Sherburne inheritance D734.38 A Sherburne quest D734.39 Sherburne romance D734.27 Stephen Dane D734.28 Sydnie Adriance D734.29 Whom Kathie married D734.32 Woman's inheritance D734.34 Douglas, E., pseud. See Bumham, C. L. Douglas, G. (pseud, of G. B. Brown). House with the green shutters D733.8 Douglas, R. K. Chinese girl graduate.. m S885.7 A matrimonial fraud ; adapted from a chap- ter of a Chinese novel. 31 pp T143.19 The twins in T 143.22 Within his danger: a tale from the Chinese. 51 pp in T143.20 Douglas Duane. Fawcett, E in H398.18 Dove in the eagle's nest. Yonge, C. M.. ¥555. 10 DowiE, M. M. (Mrs. Norman.) Crook of the bough D746.4 Down-easters. Neal, J ♦♦N34i.r Down to the sea. Robertson, M R6534 Downfall, The. Zola. E Z8614 Doyle, Sir A. C Adventures of Gerard. D754.26 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes D754.1 Captain of the Polestar, and other tales. • D754.3 Desert drama: a tragedy of the Korosko. D7S44 Doyle, Sir A. C. — Continued. Doings of Raffles Haw D754.S A duet D754.6 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard D754.7 Firm of Girdlestone D754^ Great shadow D754.9 Green flag, and other stories of war and sport D754.10 Hound of the Baskervilles : another adven- ture of Sherlock Holmes D7S4.32 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes D7S4-II Micah Clarke D754.12 Mysteries and adventures D754.14 Mystery of Sasassa Valley in S885.1 The refugees D754.17 Return of Sherlock Holmes D754.42 Rodney Stone D754.19 Round the red lamp D754.18 Sherlock Holmes, Adventures of D754.1 Same, Memoirs of D754.H Same, Return of D75443 Sign of the four D754.20 Stark Munro letters D754.22 Study in scarlet D754. 16 Uncle Bernac D754.24 White company D754.2S Doyle, C. W. Shadow of Quong Lung. . .D7S5.6 Taming of the jungle D755.7 Drachmann, H. Paul and Virginia of a northern zone D757.1 Issued also as Nanna. Dracula. Stoker, B S8744 Dragon's teeth. Queiros, E. de Q993-I Drake, J. In old St. Stephen's D7<5i.r Metropolitans D7614 Drama in Dutch. Z., Z Ziii.i Drama in sunshine. Vachell, H. A V118.S Drama of the seashore. 27 pp. Balzac, H. de :in B198.34 Same in B19841 Draytons and Davenants. Charles, E. R...C476.7 Dream and a forgetting. Hawthorne, J..H398.5 Dream-Charlotte. Edwards, M. B- £^67.2 Dream days. Grahame, K G743.2 Dream life. Mitchell. D. G M679.2 Dream life and real life. Schreiner, O S378.r Dream of a throne. Embree, C. F E5324 Dream of empire, A. Vcnable, W. H V4474 Dream of John Ball. Morris, W M8774 Dream tales and prose poems. Turgenev, I. T936.14 Dream woman. Long, J. L. in L&17.16 46 ENGLISH FICTION. Dreamer, A. Wylde, K W982.1 Dreamers, The. Bangs, J. K B216.6 Dreamers of the Ghetto. Zangwill, I Z295.2 Dreamland by daylight. Chesebro', C. . , . €524.2 Dreams. Schreiner, O S378.2 Dred. Stowe, H. B S892.2 D'ri and I. Bacheller, I B120.4 Drift from Redwood Camp. 43 pp. Harte, B in H327.27 Drift from two shores. Harte, B H327.11 Drift-wood. Longfellow, H. W in L853.1 Dromgoole, W. a. Heart of Old Hickory, and other stories of Tennessee D786.8 Drone and a dreamer. Lloyd, N L794.4 Dross. Merriman, H. S M571.2 Droz, G. Around a spring D793.1 Drummond, H. a king's pawn D795.11 Drury, a. H. Eastbury D796.1 Dryad. McCarthy, J. H M120.4 Dubois, C. Madame Agnes D813.1 Du Bois-Melly, C. History of Nicolas Muss : an episode of the massacre of St. Bar- tholomew D814.1 DuBoiSGOBEY, F. Fontenay, the swordsman. D816.5 Du Chaillu, p. B. Ivar the viking D826.5 Duchess. {pseud, of M. Hungerford). Airy fairy Lilian D829.1 The duchess D829.6 Faith and unf aith D829.7 Lady Branksmere D829.9 Little Irish girl (and other stories) ... .D829. 10 Loys, Lord Beresford, and other tales. D829.11 Mrs. Geoffrey D829.12 Molly Bawn D829.13 Phyllis D829.1S Portia D829.16 Three Graces D829.18 Duchess Frances. 2 v. Tytler, S T997.3 Duchess of Powysland. Allen, G A425.4 Duchess of Rosemary Lane. Far j eon, B. L. F229.2 Duchesse de Langeais. Balzac, H. de B 198. 14 DuDENEY, A. L. Folly comer D845.6 Maternity of Harriott Wicken D845.9 Men of Marlowe's D84S.10 Robin Brilliant D84S.18 Spindle and plough D845.I9 Story of Susan D845.20 DuDENEY, Mrs. H. See Dudeney, A. L. DuDEVANT, Mnte. A. L. A. D. See Sand, G., pseud. Duellists, The: a tale of the "Thirty years' war." 28 pp in T143.5 Same in T143.5* Duer, C. Unconscious comedians D853.21 Duet, A. Doyle, A. C D754.6 Duffels. Eggleston, E E294.2 Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders. Grant, J G761.14 Duke of Monmouth. Griffin, G G8SI.3 Duke of Stockbridge. Bellamy, E B437.7 Duke's dilemma. 52 pp in T 143.2 Same in T143.2' DuLAC, G. Before the dawn : a story of Paris and the Jacquerie D878. i Dulcie Carlyon. Grant, J G761.15 Dull Miss Archinard. Sedgwick, A. D S449.3 Dumaresq's daughter. Allen, G A425.5 Dumas, A. Agenor de Mauleon. 2 v D886.1 Ange Pitou. Sequel to Queen's necklace. D886.2 Issued also as Six years later; Taking the Bastile. For continuation see Com- tesse de Chamy. Ascanio D886.3 Ball of snow D886.4 Black: the story of a dog D886.6 Black tulip D886.7 Blanche de Beaulieu : a story of the French revolution in D886.48 Bragelonne, the son of Athos; or, "ten years later." D886.43 Issued also as Vicomte de Bragelonne. Sometimes published in three parts as Bragelonne, The iron mask, Louise La Valliere. The brigand : a romance of the reign of Don Carlos. (Also) Blanche de Beau- lieu: a story of the French revolution. D886.48 Chevalier d'Harmental D886.8 Issued also as The conspirators. For continuation see The regent's daughter. Chevalier de Maison Rouge: a tale of the reign of terror. Sequel to "Comtesse de Charny." D886.9 Chicot, the jester. Sequel to "Marguerite de Valois." D886.16 Issued also as La dame de Monsoreau ; Diana of Meridor. For continuation see The forty-five. AUTHORS AND TITLES. 4T Dumas, A. — Continued. Companions of Jehu D886.ii Issued also as Roland Montrcval. For continuation see The whites and the blues. Comtcsse de Charny. Sequel to Ange Pitou. D886.I2 Issued also as Countess de Charny. For continuation see Chevalier de Maison- Rougc. The conscript. (Conscience finnocent.) D886.13 The conspirators; or, the chevalier d'Har- mental D886.8 Issued also as Chevalier d'Harmental. For continuation see The regent's daughter. Corsican brothers in D886.37* Count of Monte Cristo D886.15 Dame de Monsoreau. Sequel to Margue- rite de Valois D886.16 Issued also as Chicot the jester; Diana of Meridor. For continuation see The forty-five. D'Artagnan romances. 3 pts. 1. Three musketeers D886.39 2. Twenty years after D88640 3. Vicomte de Bragelonne D886.43 The forty-five. Sequel to La dame de Mon- soreau D886.19 Issued also as The forty-five guardsmen. The horoscope: a romance of the reign of Franqois II .D88649 Ingenue D886.21 Margaret de Valois D886.a9 Issued also as Margaret of Navarre; La Reine Margot. For continuation see Chicot the jester. Marie Antoinette romances. 5 pts. 1. Memoirs of a physician D886.30 2. Queen's necklace D886.35 3. Ange Pitou D886.2 4. Comtesse de Charny D886.I2 5. Chevalier de Maison-Rouge D886.9 Memoirs of a physician D886.30 The two parts of this romance are some- times published separately as Joseph Balsamo and Andrie de Tavemey, Memoirs of a physician ser. See Marie Antoinette romances. Dumas, A. — Continued. Mohicans of Paris D886.31 Last part issued as The horrors of Paris. Contin. and conclusion Salvator. Monsieur de Chauvelin's will. (Also) Wo- man with the velvet necklace D886.SO Nanon ; or, woman's war D88645 Issued also as War of women. Napoleon romances. 2 pts. 1. Companions of Jehu D886.11 2. Whites and the blues D88647 Olympe de Cleves D886.33 Page of the duke of Savoy D886.34 Issued also as Emmanuel-Philibert. Queen's necklace. Sequel to "Memoirs of a physician." D886.3S For continuation see Ange Pitou. The regent's daughter. Sequel to Chev- alier d'Harmental D886.36 She- wolves of Machecoul. (Also) The Corsican brothers D886.37 Sultanetta in DS86.4 Sylvandire: a romance of the reign of Louis XIV D886.38 Taking the Bastile. Sequel to "The queen's necklace." D886.2 Issued also as Ange Pitou. Tales of the Caucasus: Ball of snow, and Sultanetta D886.4 Three guardsmen D886.39 Issued also as Three Musketeers. For continuation see Twenty years after. Three guardsmen scr. See D'Artagnan romances. Three musketeers D886.39 Issued also as Three guardsmen. For continuation see Twenty years after. Twenty years after. Sequel to The three guardsmen D886.40 For continuation see Vicomte de Brage- lonne. Two Dianas D886.41 Valois romances. 3 pts. 1. Margaret de Valois D886.2g 2. La Dame de Monsoreau D886.16 3. The forty-five D886.19 Vicomte de Bragelonne D88643 War of women. 2 v D88545 Issued also as Nanon. Whites and the blues. (Sequel to com- panions of Jehu. ) D886.47 Woman with the velvet necklace m D886.50 48 ENGLISH FICTION. DuMaurier, G. The Martian D887.3 Peter Ibbetson D887.1 Trilby D887.2 Dun, The. Edgeworth, M **E235.9 Same in E235.21 Same in E23S.34 Dunbar, P. L. The fanatics D899.4 Folks from Dixie D899.5 In old plantation days D899.6 Love of Landry D899.7 Sport of the gods D899.8 Strength of Gideon, and other stories D899.9 The uncalled D899.11 Duncan, N. Way of the sea D912.23 Duncan, S. J. See Cotes, S. J. D. Dunderviksborg and other tales. (Ed. by) F. C. Henderson H496.1 DuNiWAY, A. S. From, the West to the West ; across the plains to Oregon D918.4 DuNLAP, W. Thirty years ago ; or, the mem- oirs of a water-drinker. 2 v D921.1 Dunn, M. B. 'Lias's wife: an island story. D923.12 Memory street: a story of life D923.13 Dunraven ranch. King, C in K523.2S Dunstable Weir, Tales of. Zack Z168.20 DuNTON, T. W. Aylwin D927.1 DuPUY, E. A. Huguenot exiles D945.4 DtniAND, A. M. C. H. See Greville, H., pseud. Durket sperret. Elliott, S. B E467. i Dutchman's fireside. Paulding, J. K Q325-I DuTHEiL, E. See La Rochere, E. de, pseud. DuTT, R. C. Lake of Palms D979.12 Dwellers in Gotham. Dale, A Di39.4 Dwellers in the hills. Post, M. D Q857-4 Dye, E. E. The conquest: the true story of Lewis and Clark D995.3 Dynamiter. Stevenson, R. L., and F. V.. .S848.17 Dynevor terrace. Yonge, C. M ¥555.1 1 DziEWlCKi, M. H. Airy nothing. 42 pp. in T143.24 Eagle flight. Rizal, J R627.S Eagle's heart. Garland, H G233.11 Earle, a. M. In old Narragansett : romance and realities E128.7 Earle, M. T. Man who worked for Collister, etc E129.9 Through old rose glasses and other stories. E129.17 Early dawn. Charles, E. R C476.8 Earnest trifler. Sprague, M. A S766.1 Earth and the fullness thereof. Rosegger, P. R810.5 Earth trembled. Roe, E. P R699.3 Earth's enigmas. Roberts, C. G. D R643.1 East and west. Hale, E. E H161.18 East Angels. Woolson, C. F. W916.4 East Lynne. Wood, E. P W874.4 East-side family. Story of an. Betts, L. W. B565.19 Eastbury. Drury, A. H 0796.1 Easter trip of two ochlophobists in T143.IS Eastover courthouse. Boone, H. B.. and Brown, K B725.5 Ebb-tide. Reid, C R353.4 Ebb tide. Stevenson, R. L., and Osbourne, L S848.14 Ebbing of the tide. Becke, L B394.26 Eben Holden. Bacheller, I B120.5 Eberhardt, ( — ) The bet. Treachery its own betrayer in R794.i^ Ebers, G. Arachne. 2 v E165.19 Barbara Blomberg. 2 v E165.18 Bride of the Nile. 2 v E165.1 Burgomaster's wife E165.2 Cleopatra E165.3 Egyptian princess E16S.4 Issued also as Daughter of an Egyptian king. The elixir, and other tales Er65.5 The emperor. 2 v E165.6 Homo sum, E165.8 In the Blue Pike E165.20 In the fire of the forge : a romance of old Nuremberg. 2 v E16S.9 Joshua: a tale of Biblical times E165.10 Margery: a tale of old Nuremberg. 2 v. E165.11 Issued also as Gred of Nuremberg. A question E165.12 Serapis E165.13 The sisters Er65.i4 A thorny path. (Per aspera). 2 V...E165.15 Uarda: a romance of ancient Egypt. 2 v. E165.16 A word only a word E165.17 Ebner-Eschenbach, Freifrau M. von. Two countesses E167.20 Echo of passion. Lathrop, G. P L354.2 Eckstein, E. Aphrodite: a romance of anci- ent Hellas E195. 1 Cyparissus E195.7 Monk of the Aventine E195.3 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 40 Eckstein, E. — Continued. Nero : a romance, 2 v E19S4 Prusias: a romance of ancient Rome un- der the republic. 2 v E195.5 Quintus Claudius: a romance of imperial Rome. 2 V E195.6 Ecstasy. Couperus, L €857.1 Eddy, J. A dinner-party. 48 pp in S884.2 Edelweiss of the Sierras, etc. Harrison, C. C. H318.5 Edgar Huntly. Brown, C. B B879.2 Edge of things. Peattie, E. W Q363-5 Edgeworth, M. Tales and miscellaneous pieces. 14 v **E235.2-i5 Tales and novels. 18 v E235. 16-32 The absentee »» £235.1 Almeria in E235.35 Belinda. (Also) Modem Griselda. 2 v. ♦*B232.49-50 Castle Rackrent, and, The absentee E23S.1 The dun in E235.34 Emilie de Coulanges in E235.33 Ennui, and, Emilie de Coulanges E235.33 Madame de Fleury in E235.34 Manoeuvring in E235.35 Same. (Also) Madame de Fleury. (And) The dun E235.34 Modern Griselda. 82 pp in **B232.50 Vivian. (Also) Almeria. (And) Man- ceuvering E235.35 Edina. Wood, E. P W874.S Edith Lyle. Holmes, M. J H751.9 Edleen Vaughan Carmen Sylva C287.5 Edna Browning. Holmes, M. J H751.10 Edward. 2 v. Moore, J M822.1 Same 4 v ♦*M822.2 Edward Barry. Becke, L. B394.3 Edward Burton. Wood, H W875.3 Edward Osborne, Colloquies of. Manning, A M283.11 Edwakdes, a. Archie Lovell E254.1 Leah : a woman of fashion ^54-3 Ought we to visit her? £^54-4 Pearl-powder E254.6 Point of honor £254.7 Susan Fielding E254.8 Edwards, A. Set Edwardes, A. Edwards, A. B. Barbara's history Ea6i.i Four-fifteen express in S885.2 Miss Carew E261.3 Edwards, B. Rachel Noble's experience.. .E263.1 Edwards, C. Di Vasari: a tale of Florence. 95 PP "» T1434 Same in T1434* Edwards, Harry StillwelL His defence, etc E265.3 Sons and fathers E265.2 Two runaways and other stories EI265.1 Edwards, H. S. Case of Reuben Malachi. .E266.1 Edwards, M. Betham- Doctor Jacob E267.1 Dream-Charlotte E267.2 North country comedy E267.3 The Sylvestres ; or, the outcasts E2674 Edwin Brothertoft. Winthrop, T W793.2 Edwin Drood. Dickens, C D548,29 Same D548.29* Same in D548.50 Edwy the fair. Crake, A. D C888.6 Egerton, F., Earl of Ellesmere. Dramatic scenes founded on Victor Hugo's Her- nani in Q594.1 EcERTON, G. (pseud, of Mrs. M. C. D. Qair- monte). Rosa Amorosa: the love-letters of a woman E292.18 EcGLESTON, R Circuit rider E294.1 Duffels E294^ End of the world E294.3 Faith doctor: a story of New York ..E2944 The Graysons: a story of Illinois E294.5 Hoosier school-master £294.6 Mystery of Metropolisville £294.7 Roxy £294.8 Egcleston, G. C. a captain in the ranks . £295.20 A Carolina cavalier: a romance of the American revolution £295.3 Dorothy South : a love-story of. Virginia just before the war E2954 Evelyn Byrd £295.5 Man of honor £295.1 Master of Warlock: a Virginia war story. £295.13 Southern soldier stories £295.7 — and, Marbourg. D. Juggernaut : a veiled record £295.2 Eglantine. Tabor, E. Ti 14.1 Egoist, The. Meredith, G M559.5 Egyptian princess. Ebers, G £1654 Eichhofs, The. Reichenbach, M. von W817.23 '89. Henry, E. H521.1 Ekkehard. Scheffel, J. V. von S317.1 £1 Furcidis. Cummins, M. S C970.1 Eleanor. Ward, M. A. A W261.1 Elect lady. MacDonald, G M 135.6 50 ENGLISH FICTION. Elective affinities. Goethe, J. W. v in G599.2 Eleventh commandment. Barrili, A. G...B276.1 Eline Vere. Couperus, L C857.2 EuoT, A. From four to six. 39 pp in S886.2 White birches E425.1 Eliot, G. (pseud, of M. A. E. Cross) Adam Bede E426.1 Brother Jacob in E426.9 Daniel Deronda E426.2 Felix Holt, the radical E426.3 Lifted veil in E426.9 Middlem,arch : a study of provincial life. E426.4 Mill on the Floss E426.6 Romola E426.7 Scenes of clerical life E426.10 Silas Marner. The lifted veil, and Brother Jacob. (Also) poetical works E426.9 Elissa. Haggard, H. R H146.22 Elixir and other tales. Ebers, G E16S.5 Elixir of life. 30 pp. Balzac, H. de in B198.41 Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. See Carmen Sylva. Elizabeth. Nathusius, M. von N276.1 Elizabethines, The. 38 pp. Gore, C. . . .in G666.1* Ella of Garveloch. Martineau, H...m **M385.io Ellen Duncan. Carleton, W in C281.8 Ellen Middleton. FuUerton, Lady G F971.2 Elliot, F. The Italians E46S.1 Romance of old court-life in France E465.2 Elliott, Mrs. M. H. See Howe, M. Elliott, S. B. Durkett sperret. (Also) An idle man E467.1 The Felmeres E467.6 An incident and other happenings E467.4 Jerry E467.2 John Paget E467.3 Making of Jane E467.13 Ellis, S. S. Home; or, the iron rule E473.3 Look to the end. 2 v E473.S Ellwoods. Welles, C S W449-5 Elsie Venner. Holmes, O. W H752.1 Elsket. Page, T. N Qi334 Elster's folly. Wood, E. P W874.6 Elusive lover. Woods, V W897.2 Elves, The. Tieck, L T559.1 Emanuel. Pontoppidan, H Q818.1 Embarrassments. James, H. Jr J277.6 Embree, C. F. Dream of a throne: the story of a Mexican revolt E532.4 Emerald gems: a chaplet of Irish fireside tales E536.1 Emigrants of Ahadarra. Carleton, W C281.4 Emilie de Coulanges. Edgeworth, M E235.33 Same in E235.25 Same **E235. 10 Emma. Austen, J A933.1 Emma. Bronte, C in B870.3 Emmanuel. Cooley, W. F €775.1 Emmy Lou. Martin, G. M M380.5 Emperor, The. 2 v. Ebers, G Ei6s.6 Empress Josephine. Miihlbach, L M952.S Empress Octavia. Walloth, W W21S.2 Empty heart. Harland, M H283.3 En route. Huysmans, J. K H988.5 Enault, L. Carine: a story of Sweden. . .E561.1 Enchanted type-writer. Bangs, J. K B216.7 Enchanter, The. Silberrad, U. L SS82.S Enchanter Faustus and Queen Elizabeth. 12 pp in T143.1 Same in T143.1* End of the trail. To the. Nason, F. L. . .N263.20 End of the world. Eggleston, E E294.3 Endymion. Disraeli, B D613.5 Enemy to the king. Stephens, R. N S836.5 Engel, M. E. The anti-speculator. Toby Witt. Lady Elizabeth Hill in R794.1* English at the north pole. Verne, J V531.12 Same in V531.2 English hermit. Dorrington, E in **N938.2i English orphans. Holmes, M. J H751.11 Englishwoman's love-letters. (Anon.) Hous- man, L H843.5 Ennui. Edgeworth, M in **E23S.8 Same in E23S.2I Same in E235.33 Enoch Willoughby. Wickersham, J. A W636.S Ensign Knightley, etc. Mason, A. E. W..M398.S Entail, The. Gait, J G179.2 Entailed hat. Townsend, G. A T748.1 Enthusiasts. Ward, R. P W262.7 Episode of Fiddletown. Harte, B H327.12 Episode under the Terror. Balzac, H. de in B198.14 Same in B198.34 Equality. Bellamy, E B437.S Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. Alsacian schoolmaster E654.22 Blockade of Phalsburg: an episode of the empire E6S4.1 Brigadier Frederick. (Also) The dean's watch. (And) Invisible eye E654.2 Brothers Rantzau E654.3 AUTHORS AND TITLES. SI Ebckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. — Continued. Citizen Bonaparte, 1794-1815: the story of a peasant E654.4 Some in E654.21 Confessions of a clarionet player, and other tales E654-5 The conscript: a story of the French war of 1813 E654.6 Country in danger E654.7 Same in E654.17 Daniel Rock, the blacksmith E6S4.2S The dean's watch in £654.2 Forest house, and, Catherine's lovers. . .E654.27 Friend Fritz: a tale of the banks of the Lauter E654.9 Illustrious Dr. Math^us E654.10 Invasion of France in 1814: comprising the night march of the Russian army past Phalsburg E654.11 Invisible eye in £^54.2 Madame Th^r^e; or, the volunteers of '92 E654. 12 Man of the people : a tale of 1848. 2 v. .E654.13 The plebiscite; or, a miller's story of the war E654.14 Issued also as A miller's story of the war. Story of the plebiscite. Polish Jew, (the original work upon which the play of "The bells" is founded,) and other tales E654. 15 States general ( 1789) E654.16 Same, and, The country in danger E654.17 Stories of the Rhine E654.18 Waterloo. Sequel to The conscript of 1813. E654.19 Year one of the republic — 1793 E654.20 Same, and. Citizen Bonaparte E654.21 Erema. Blackmore, R. D B629.7 Erewhon. Butler, S B986.1 Erewhon revisited. Butler, S B986.2 Eric Brighteyes. Haggard, H. R H 146.5 Ernest Maltravers. Lytton, R G. E. L. Biilwer- I-998.7 Ernestine. 2 v. Hillem, W. von H651.2 Errant wooing. Harrison, C. C H318.6 Ersilia. Poynter, E. F Q892.a Erskine, Mrs. T. W)mcote E735.1 Escape from the tower. Marshall, E M367.3 Escaped from Siberia. Tissot, V. and Amiro, C T616.1 EscHSTRUTH, N. VON. Polish blood E748.16 EscRicH, E. P. Martyr of Golgotha, a v. .E746.1 EsLER, E. R. Way they loved at Grimpat. .E763.S Espiritu Santo. Skinner, H. D S628.5 Essay on Irish bulls. Edgeworth, M...in ♦♦£235.2 Same in E235.16 Essay on self- justification. Edgeworth, M. m ♦♦£235.5 Same in £235.16 Estevan. Musick, J. R M987.2 Esther. Carey, R- N C276.1i Etchingham letters. Pollock, Sir F., and Maitland, E. F Q776.5 Eternal City. Caine, H C135.5 Eternal quest. Steuart, J. E S842.3 Ethan Brand. Hawthorne, N H399.18 Ethelyn's mistake. Holmes, M. J H751.12 Ethne. Field, Mrs. E. M F452.3 Etidorhpa. Lloyd, J. U L793.1 Etlar, C. (pseud, of K. Brosboll). Priest's lamb. Repaid. White stone. Aunt Bodil. What a woman never for- gets. A masquerade. Who can one de- pend on? Whitsuntide at Tibirke..m V6a9.i Too old. Shipwrecked mariner's treasure. in B979.I* Twice sacrificed. 48 pp in B979.1* Etna Vandemir. Hancock, S. J H235.1 Ettrick Shepherd, pseud. See Hogg, J. Eugene Aram. Lytton, £. G. E. L Bulwer-.L998.8 Eugenie Grandet. Balzac, H. de B 198. 15 Same 6198.52* European slave life. Hacklander, F. W...H 122.1 Europeans. James, H., Jr Ji77-7 Eutaw. Simms, W. G S592.6 Eva St. Clair. James, G. P. R J276.IS Evan Harrington. Meredith, G M559.6 Evangel Ahvallah. Barton, C. J B293.1 Evans, A. J. See Wilson, A. J. Eve. Gould, S. B- G6984 Eve Effingham. Cooper, J. F C777.13 Eve triumphant. Coulevain, P. de C8s6.S Evelina. Bumey, F B965.1 Same. 2 v ♦♦B232.38-9 Evelyn Byrd. Eggleston, G. C. £2955 Even with this. 22 pp. Besant, Sir W. . in B554.16 Evenings at Haddon Hall £935-t Every inch a soldier. Winter, J. S W785.7 Every one his own way. Wyatt, E W975.S Eve's ransom. Gissing, G G535.2 Evil eye. Carleton, W C281.5 Evil genius. Collins, W C713.9 Evolution of "Dodd." Smith, W. H S664.1 52 ENGLISH FICTION. EwALD, H. F. Treasure of Kjcersholm. Olufsborg in V629.1 EwiNG, H. Black list E955.1 Castle in the air £955.2 Executor, The. Alexander, Mrs A374.10 Exeter Hall. McDonnell, W M136.1 Exiles, The. 46 pp. Balzac, H. de in B198.33 Same in B198.33S Exiles, and other stories. Davis, R. H D264.5 Exile's romance. Keyser, A K445.1 Expatriates. Bell, L B433.3 Expatriation. By the author of "Aristoc- racy" E964.1 Experience of life. Sewell, E. M S516.5 Experiment in altruism. Sherwood, M S553.3 Experiment in marriage. Bellamy, C. J...B436.2 Expiation. Thanet, O .T367.3 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. Doyle, A. C. D7547 ExpLORABiLis, pseud. See Haywood, E. Express messenger, and other tales of the rail. Warman, C W277.3 Eye of the harem. Smith, A. C in S643.13 Eyes like the sea. Jokai, M J745-3 Eyster, N. B. a Chinese Quaker; an unficti- tious novel E987.3 Fabens, J. W. Story of life on the isthmus. F114.1 Faber, C. Carroll O'Donoghue F115.2 Fickle fortune F115.1 Fabiola. Wiseman, N. P. S W814.1 Fables. Stevenson, R. L S848.18 Fabre, F. Abbe Tigrane: candidate for the papal chair F123.1 Face and the mask. Barr, R B269.28 Face illumined. Roe, E. P R699.4 Facino Cane. 22 pp. Balzac, H. de. .. .in B 198.25 Same in B198.34 Fadette. Sand, G S213.6 Faience violin. Champfleury C451.1 Fair barbarian. Burnett, F. H B964.6 Fair emigrant. Mulholland, R M9S6.1 Fair god. Wallace, L W191.2 Fair Harvard. Washburn, W. T W315.1 Fair maid of Perth. Scott, Sir W S431.20 Same **S43i.2i Fair prospect. 12 pp B979.1* Fair Puritan. Herbert, H. W H536.3 Fairer than a fairy. Grant, J G761.16 Fairfax, L. R. Misfortunes of bro' Thomas Wheatley. 25 pp in S884.6 Fairfax. Cooke, J. E C772.4 Fairleigh, F., pseud. See Smedley, F. E. Fairleigh Hall. Crake, A. D C888.7 Fairy tales and romances. Hamilton, Count A H210.1 Faith and unfaith. Duchess D829.7 Faith doctor. Eggleston, E E294.4 Faith Gartney's girlhood. Whitney, A. D. T. W617.2 Faith of men, etc. London, J L846.6 Falcon family. Savage, M. W S264.2 Falconberg. Boyesen, H. H B791.2 Falconer, L. (pseud, of M. Hawker.) Cecilia de Noel F182.1 Falk. Conrad, J C754.6 Falkland. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer-..tM L998.4 Falkner, J. M. Moonfleet F193.7 Fall of Asgard. Corbett, J C790.3 Fall of Damascus. Russell, C. W R960.1 Fall of England ? Chesney, C. C C525.1 Fallen idol. Anstey, F A625.3 False coin or true? Montresor, F. F M811.1 False or true. 19 pp. Opie, A in O614.3 Falsely accused : a criminal trial in Niirn- berg, 1790 in T143.9 Fame and sorrow. 91 pp. Balzac, H. de. .B 198. 16 Family feud. Harder, L W817.2 Family fortunes. Garrett, E. and R G239.6 Family romance. Burke, Sir B B959.1 Fanatics, The. Dunbar, P. L D899.4 Fane, V. (pseud, of M. M. L. Singleton.) Story of Helen Davenant F211.1 Fanshawe. Hawthorne, N H399.3 Same in H399.3^ Far above rubies. MacDonald, G M135.35 Far above rubies. Riddell, C. E. L R5434 Far from the madding crowd. Hardy, T. .H272.5 Far from today. Hall, G H176.1 Far in the forest. Mitchell, S. W M681.8 Fardorougha, the miser. Carleton, W C281.6 Parous, F. J. See Conway, H., pseud. Farina, S. Separation in Z767.1* Farina. Meredith, G in M559.12 Farjeon, B. L. Duchess of Rosemary Lane F229.2 For the defence. (Also) Story of Jael. By S. Baring-Gould F229.3 Great Porter Square F229.5 Grif : a story of Australian life F229.6 The last tenant F229.10 Nine of hearts F229.13 Shadows on the snow : a Christmas story. F229.14 AUTHORS AND TITLES. tt Fabjeon, B. L. — Continued. Something occurred F229.15 Toilers of Babylon ¥229.16 Farm of the dagger. Phillpotts, E QS^S-S^ Farmer, J. E. Brinton Eliot from Yale to Yorktown F233.2 Farquhar, a. See AUston, M., pseud. Farquhar, G. Beaux stratagem. 30 pp. . in M875.1' Farquharson, a. C. St. Nazarius F238.19 Farquharson, M. pseud. See Finley, M. Farrar, F. W. Darkness and dawn F242.1 Gathering clouds F242.2 Farrers of Budge-Row. Martineau, H..»n M385.H Farringdons, The. Fowler, E. T F78S.7 Farrincton, M. V. Fra Lippo Lippi: a romance F246.1 Fat contributor. Thackeray, W. M....in T363.28 Fata Morgana. Castaigne, A C346.5 Fatal gift. Moore, F. F M820.3 Fatal repast. 20 pp in T143.5 Same in T143.5* Fate, The. James, G. P. R in J27641 Fate of a voice. Foote, M. H F689.7 Fate of Mansfield Humphreys. White, R. G. W587.1 Fated to be free. Ingelow, J I464.2 Father Anthony. Buchanan, R B918.15 Father Connell. Banim, M B218.2 Father Goriot. Balzac, H. de in B 198.52" Father Oswald F252.1 Father Stafford. Hope, A H791.12 Fathers and sons. Hook, T H781.3 Fathers and sons. Turgenev, I. S T936.4 Father's curse, A. Balzac, H. de B198.SO Favhe, Mile. See Coulevain, P. de, pseud. Fawcett, E. Adventures of a widow F278.1 An ambitious woman F278.2 Confessions of Claud F278.3 Douglas Duane in H398.18 Gentleman of leisure F278.7 Heir to millions F278.8 Her fair fame F278.9 House at High Bridge F278.10 A man's will F278. 12 Olivia Dclaplaine F278.14 Fay, T. S. Norman Leslie. 2 v **F382.i Fearful responsibility, and other stories. Howells, W. D H859.13 Federal judge. Lush, C. K. L969.S l^cct of clay. • Barr, A. E B268.10 I'eiling, C. a., joint tr. See Oxenford, J. I'elicitas. Dahn, F D13M Felix Holt, the Radical. Eliot, G E426.3 Felkin, Mrs. A. L See Fowler, E. T. Fellowe and his wife. Howard, B. W., and Sharp, W H848.7 Felmeres, The. Elliott, S. B E467.6 Felon's reverie. 22 pp in B979.1* Female nihilist. Stepniak S838.2 Female Quixote. Lennox, C. R in **N938.I3 Same. 2 v ♦•B232.24-5 Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Telemachus. .F332.1 Same in ♦♦N938.17 Same. Tr. by J. Hawkesworth F332.ih Fenian alarm. 47 pp in T143.16 Fenn, G. M. Master of ceremonies F334.1 Nurse Elisia F334.3 Witness to the deed F334.12 Fenton's quest Braddon, M. E B798. 13 Ferdinand, Count Fathom. Smollett, T. G. in **N938.7 Ferguson, Sir S. (Michael HefFeman, pseud.) Father Tom and the Pope, .in T143.2 Same in T143.2* Gascon O'DriscoU in T143.19 Wet wooing: a narrative of ninety-eight. 65 PP in T1434 Same in T1434* Ferguson, V. M. Music hath charms F353.1 Fergy the guide. Canfield, H. S C222.5 Fern. F. (pseud, of S. P. W. Parton.) Ruth Hall : a domestic tale F361.1 Fernald, C. B. The cat and the cherub, and other stories F362.3 Under the jackstaff F362.21 Fernandez de Avellaneda, A. (pseud.) Continuation of Don Quixote in ♦♦N938.16 Fernandez y Gonzalez, M. Hermesenda; or, bishop, husband, and king F363.1 Ferragus, chief of the Dcvorants. Balzac, H. de B198. 19 Ferries, S. E. Destiny; or, the chiefs daugh- ter F391.1 The inheritance F391.2 Marriage F391.3 Note. — Miss Oavering contributed a few pages: the 'History of Mrs. Douglas.' Ferry on the Danube. 23 pp. Gore, C. .in G666.1' Festival of the Three Kings. 30 pp. Gore, C in G666.I* Fetches, The. Banim, J in B21 7.3 Feud of Oakfield creek. Royce, J R890.1 54 ENGLISH FICTION. FEtraxET, O. (Desire Hazard.) Camors. .F426.1 Issued also as Count de Camors. Julia de Trecoeur in Z767.1 Madame de Maurescamp: a story of Par- isian life F426.3 Romance of a poor young man F426.4 Story of Sibylle F426.5 Few words on social philosophy. 33 pp. . in T143.6 Same in T143.6* Fiander's widow. Francis, M. E F819.6 Fickle fortune. Faber, C Fi 15.1 Field, C. K., and Irwin, W. H. Stanford stories F451.9 Field, Mrs. E. M. Bryda : a story of the In- dian mutiny F452.1 Ethne : being a truthful historic of the great and final settlement of Ireland by Oliver Cromwell F452.2 Field, E. Holy cross, and other tales F453.2 The house F4S3.1 Little book of profitable tales F453.4 Second book of tales F4S3.3 Field, M. ? Secret of Fontaine-la-Croix..F4SS.i Field clover and beach grass. Swett, S. H. S979-2 Field of ice. Verne, J V531.13 Same in V531.2 Fielding, H. Amelia F45g.2 Same in **N938.i Jonathan Wild the Great in **N938.9 Same; and, A journey from this world to the next, etc F4S9.3 Joseph Andrews F459.1 Same **B232.i8 Same in **N938.i Journey from this world to the next. . .in F4S9.3 Same in **N938.i2 Tom Jones F459.4 Same in **N938.3 Same. 3 v **B232.i9-2i Fielding, S. David Simple in **N938.9 Ophelia in **N938.i9 Fielding. 2 v. Ward, R. P W262.4 Fifty years, three months, two days. Wolff, J W857.1 Fight for the crown. Norris, W. E N861.21 Fight with fate. Alexander, Mrs. A374.12 Fight with fortune. Collins, M C712.1 Fighting bishop. Hopkins, H. M H792.6 Filcher, J. A. Untold tales of Calif omia..F48o.i File No. 113. Gaboriau, E G116.S FiLiA, pseud. See Dorsey, S. A. Filibusters. Hyne, C H997.6 Filigree ball. Green, A. K G79S.15 Filleul, M. Pendower : a story of Cornwall in the time of Henry the Eighth F48S.1 Final war. Tracy, L. T761.3 FiNDLATER, J. H. Green graves of Balgowrie. F494-3 Rachel F494.9 FiNDLATER, M. A narrow way F495.14 FiNLEY, M. (M, Farquharson, pseud.) Cas- ella F513.1 Signing the contract and what it cost. . . .FS13.2 Thorn in the nest F513.3 Wanted — a pedigree F513.4 Fior d'Aliza. Lamartine, A. de L217.1 Firebrand, The. Crockett, S. R C938.6 Firm of Girdlestone. Doyle, A. C D754.8 Firm of Nucingen. Balzac, H. de in 6198.52* First and last crime. 25 pp in T143.6 Same in Ti43.6^ First and last kiss. 37 pp in T143.S Same in T143.5* First family of Tasajara. Harte, B H327.13 First fam'lies of the Sierras. Miller, J M649.4 First Fleet family. Becke, L., and Jeffery, W B394.1 First love. Turgenev, I in T936.11'' First love and last love. Grant, J G761.17 First men in the moon. Wells, H. G. ..W4S3.17 First person singular. Murray, D. C M981.2 First violin. Fothergill, J F761.1 Fish of Monsieur Quissard. Janvier, T. A. in J358.8 Fisher girl of France. Calmettes, F C163.1 Fisherman's daughter. Conscience, H..m C7SS.10 Fishing girl. B jomson, B B62S.4 Fitch, A. M., joint author. See Fitch, T. Fitch, T., and A. M. Better days FS46.1 Fitzboodle papers. Thackeray, W. M. .in T363.16 Fitzgerald, D. G. Quest of Coronado: ro- mance of the Spanish cavaliers in Ne- braska FS53.17 Five hundred majority. Hume, J. F H921.1 Five weeks in a balloon. Verne, J VS31.14 Flagg, E. De Molai: the last of the mili- tary grand masters of the order of Templar Knights FS74.1 Flame-gatherers, The. Potter, M. H Q868.6 Flaminia and other stories F579'i Flammarion, C. Lumen FS81.3 Urania F581.2 Flandrau, C. M. Harvard episodes Fs8s.6 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 55 Flash of summer. Clifford, L. L C639-3 Flatland. Abbott, E. A A13M Flaubert, G. Gustave Flaubert: an intro- duction by F. T. Marzials, the translation by G. B. Ives F587.1 Contents: Gustave Flaubert (1821- 1880). A simple heart. The legend of St. Julian the hospitaller. Herodias. Madame Bovary F587.2 Fleming, A. M. Pinchbeck goddess F596.1 Fleming, G. (pseud, of J. C. Fletcher). Head of Medusa FS97.1 Kismet FS97.2 Issued also as A Nile novel. Mirage FS97.3 Vestigia F5974 Fletcher, J., joint author. See Beaumont, F. Fletcher, J. C. See Fleming, G., pseud. Fletcher, J. S. At the gate of the fold..F6i3.i In the days of Drake F613.2 Mistress Spitfire: episodes in the revolu- tion 1642-1644 F613.3 When Charles the First was king F613.4 Fleu range. Craven, P. de La F C898.3 Fleurv, J. F. F. HussoN- See Champfleury, pseud. Flint Goodwin, M. W G657.3 Flip. Harte, B H327.14 Flirtation Camp. Van Dyke, T. S V248.1 Flitch of bacon. Ainsworth, W. H A297.7 Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor, etc. Laffan, M L163.2 Floating beacon. 36 pp in T143.1 Same in T143.1' Floating city. Verne, J V531.1S Flood and field. Maxwell, W. H M46S.3 Flood-tide. Greene, S. P. McL G812.5 Florence Macarthy. Morgan, Lady S. O..M850.1 Florida pirate. 48 pp in T143.5 Same in T143.5* Flotsam. Merriman, H. S MS71.3 Floww, E. Policeman Flynn F644.16 The spoilsmen F644.19 Flower de Hundred. Harrison, C C H318.7 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. Richter, J. P. F R53S.2 Flower-o'-the-com. Crockett, S. R C938.37 Flower of youth. Gilson, R. R G4go.6 Flower that grew in the sand, and other stories. Higginson, E. H636.3 Flowery scroll. Hwa Tsien Ki Hggi.i Floyd, M., pseud. See Crosby, M. Floyd Grandon's honor. Douglas, A. M...D734.S Flute and violin, etc Allen, J. L A427.3 FLYGARE-CARLfeN, E. S. The brothers' bet F648.1 The guardian. 3 v F648.3 Gustavus Lindorm F648.3 The smugglers in Z767.1* Flying Dutchman. Russell, W. C R968.3 Flying mail. 36.pp. Goldschmidt, M. A. .G622.1 Flynt, J. (pseud, of J. F. Willard). Little brother: a story of tramp life F649.I7 — and Walton, F. Powers that prey F649.16 Foe in the household. Chesebro', C C524.1 Foes in ambush. King, C K523.11 Foes in law. Broughton, R B877.8 Foes of her household. Douglas, A. M..D734.6 FoGAZZARO, A. The poet's mystery : a novel. F653.16 FoGERTY, J. Countess Irene F654.1 Folk-tales of Napoleon. Tr. by G. Kennan. K341.6 Folks from Dixie. Dimbar, P. L D899.5 Folle-farine. Ouida O934.6 Folly and fresh air. Phillpotts, E QS65.1 Folly comer. Dudeney, A. L D845.6 Folly of Eustace, and other stories. Hich- ens, R. S H626.3 Foma Gordyeeff. Gorky, M G670.6 Fontenay. Du Boisgobey, F D816.S Food of the gods. Wells, H. G W4S3.18 Fool of nature. Hawthorne, J H398.7 Fool of quality. 2 v. Brooke, H B872.1 Fool's errand. Tourgec, A. W T727.5 Same T727.6 FooTE, M. H. Chosen valley F689.1 Cocur d'Alene F689.3 Cup of trembling, and other stories F689.3 Desert and the sown F6894 Friend Barton's concern. 54 pp in S884.4 In exile, and other stories F689.5 John Bodewin's testimony F689.6 Last assembly ball, and Fate of a voice. .F689.7 The Led-horse claim F689.8 The prodigal F689.12 A touch of sun, and other stories F689.20 Footsteps of a throne. Pemberton, M...Q395.30 Footsteps of fate. Coupcrus, L. C857.3 "For a dream's sake." Martin, M. E M382.1 For each and all. Martineau, H in **M385.I2 For faith and freedom. Besant SirV/ 6554.13 For God and gold. Corbett, J C790.4 For her sake. Roy, G R888.1 56 ENGLISH FICTION. For Lilias. Carey, R. N C276.13 For love of country. Brady, C. T B810.4 For Maimie's sake. Allen, G A425.7 For the blue and the gold. Lichtenstein, J . L699.6 For the defense. Farjeon, B. L F229.3 For the freedom of the sea. Brady, C. T. .B810.5 For the major. Woolson, C. F W916.S For the pleasure of his company. Stoddard, C W S867.6 For the right. Franzos, K. E F837.1 For the white rose of Arno. Rhoscomyl, O. R478.S Forayers, The. Simms, W. G Ssg2.7 Forbes, A., and others. Military sketches and stories; camps and quarters F692.1 Ford, J. L. Brazen calf F708.2 Ford, P. L. Great K. and A. train robbery. F711.2 Honorable Peter Stirling F711.1 Janice Meredith F711.6 Story of an untold love F711.3 Tattle-tales of Cupid F711.5 Wanted — a match maker F711.14 ForDj S. Horses nine: stories of harness and saddle F712.8 Foregone conclusion. Howells, W. D H8S9.14 Foreign tales and traditions. Ed. by G. C. Cunningham. 2 v C972.1 Forest and game-law tales, v. i. Martineau, H M38S.20 Forest days. James, G. P. R J276.16 Forest folk. Prior, J Q949.6 Forest hearth, A. Major, C M234.6 Forest house. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. E654.27 Forest house. Holmes, M. J H751.13 Forest life. 2 v. Kirkland, C. M K598.1 Forest lovers. Hewlett, M H612.4 Forest of Montalbano. 4 v. Cuthbertson, Misses **C988.i Forest orchid, and other stories. Higginson, E H636.5 Forest-Race romance. 53 pp in T143.4 Same in Ti43.4^ Forest schoolmaster. Rosegger, P R810.6 Forester, F., pseud. See Chubbuck, E. Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, H. W. Forester. Edgeworth, M in E235. 17 Foresters, The. Auerbach, B A918.5 Foresters. Wilson, J W749.2 Same in W749.4 Forewarned, forearmed. 30 pp. Riddell, C. E. L in R543S Forge in the forest. Roberts, C. G. D . . R643.3 Forging the fetters. Alexander, Mrs A374.13 Forney, J. W. New nobility: a story of Europe and America F727.1 Forman, J. M. Journeys end : a romance of to-day F724.10 Monsigny F724.13 Forsslund, L. (pseud, of M. L. Foster). The ship of dreams F732.19 FoRSTER, E., tr. Tales from the Arabian nights' entertainments in S892.14 Fort Amity. Couch, A. T. Q C853.30 Fortunate country maid. Mouhy, C. de F. Chevalier de in **N938.7 Fortunes of Glencore. Lever, C L6s8.ii Fortunes of Harry Racket Scapegrace. Smed- ley, F. E S637.1 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott, Sir W S431.22 Same **S43i.23 Same S431.24 Fortunes of Oliver Horn. Smith, F. H . . S647.4 Fortunes of Rachel. Hale, E. E H161.3 Fortunes of the Colville family. Smedley, F. E S637.2 Fortunes of the Faradays. Douglas, A. M. D7347 Fortunes of the Scattergood family. Smith, A S641.2 Forty-five. 2 v. Dumas, A D886.19 Foster, A. J. Amp thill Towers F754.1 — and Cuthell, E. E. Robber baron of Bed- ford Castle F754.2 Foster, M. G. The heart of the doctor: a story of the Italian quarter F7S6.8 Foster, M. L. See Forsslund, L., pseud. Fothergill, J. First violin F76i.i Healey F761.2 Kith and kin F761.3 Made or marred in F761.4 "One of three," and Made or marred. .F761.4 Probation F761.6 The Wellfields F761.7 Foul play. Reade, C, and Boucicault, D, .R28S.33 Found at Blazing Star. 84 pp. Harte, B. in H327.14 Found dead. Payn, J 0345-9 Found in the Philippines. King, C KS23.31 Fountain sealed. Besant, Sir W BSS4.14 Four destinies. Gautier, T G277.2 Four feathers. Mason, A. E. W M398.21 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 57 Four for a fortune. Lee, A L477.6 Four roads to Paradise. Goodwin, M. W. .G657.6 Four seasons. La Motte-Fouque, F. H. K. Baron de L23S.1 Fourteen to one. Phelps, E. S QS39-4 Fourth estate. Valdes, A. P Vi45-2 Fourth generation. Besant, Sir W 6554.34 Fowler, E. T. Concerning Isabel Camaby. F785.3 Cupid's garden F785.2 A double thread F785.4 The Farringdons F785.7 Fuel of fire F785.8 Place and power F785.17 Sirius : a volume of fiction F785.19 Fowler, The. Harraden, B H296.1 Fox, J., Jr. Christmas Eve on Lonesome, and other stories F792.3 Crittenden : a Kentucky story F792.2 Cumberland vendetta, and other stories. .F792.1 The Kentuckians F792.9 Little shepherd of kingdom come F792.10 A mountain Europa F792.12 Fox-woman. Long, J. L L847.4 Fra Lippo Lippi. Farrington, M. V F246.1 Framley parsonage. Trollope, A T846.10 France, A. Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. ..F814.3 Frances. Collins, M., and F. C C712.4 Frances Waldeaux. Davis, Mrs. R. H...D263.6 Francesca (pseud, of F. Alexander). Story of Ida F815.1 Francezka. Seawell, M. E S442.3 Francilujk, R. E. a dog without a tail. 38 pp in T143.12 Grace Owen's engagement in T 143.8 Left-handed Elsa in T14318 Story of Eulenburg in Tl43.l4 Under Slieve-Ban F817.1 Zelda's fortune F817.2 —and Senior, W. Golden flood F817.3 FRANas, M. R (pseud, of Mrs. Francis Blun- dell) . Daughter of the soil F819.3 Fiander's widow F819.6 In a north-country village F819.2 Miss Erin F819.13 Story of Dan FSig.! Yeoman Fleetwood F8194 Francis Qudde, Story of. Weyman, S. J. W549.20 Fran<;ois the waif. Sand, G S213.24 Franco, J. J. Tigranes: a tale of the days of Julian the Apostate F82SX Frank Fairlegh. Smedley, F. E S637.3 Frank Forester's sporting scenes, etc 2 v. Herbert, H. W H536.6 Frank Freeman's barber shop. Hall, B. R. H1731 Frank Hilton. Grant, J G761.18 Frank Mildmay. Marryat, Capt. F. M362.3 Frank Sinclair's wife. Riddell, C. E. L. . . .R543-5 Frank Warrington. Harris, M. C H31S.1 Frankenstein. Shelley, M. W S54S-« Franzos, K. E. For the right F8371 Jews of Bamow F837.2 Eraser, Mrs. The cousins in J737. i Same »»» T559.1 Eraser, Mrs. H. See Fraser, M. C. Eraser, J. See Tasma, pseud. Eraser, M. C. Custom of the country: tales of new Japan F842.3 Mama's mutiny F842.13 Splendid Porsenna F842.IS The stolen emperor F842.16 Eraser, W. A. Thoroughbreds F843.20 Fraser-Tytler, C. C. See Tytler, C C F- Frau Frohmann, etc Trollope, A T846.37 Frau Wilhelmine. Stinde, J S860.2 Frederic, H. Brother Sebastian's friend- ship. 20 pp «« S884.6 The copperhead F852.1 Damnation of Theron Ware F852.3 The deserter and other stories F852.9 Gloria mundi F852.10 In the sixties F852.3 In the valley F8524 The Lawton girl F85ZS March hares F852.6 The market-place F8s2.l1 Marsena, and other stories of the war- time i F852.7 Seth's brother's wife F852.8 Frederick the Great and his court. Muhl- bach, L M952.6 Frederick the Great and his family. Miihl- bach, L. M9S2-7 Fridirique. Privost, M Q933-6 Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches. Harris, J. C H314.3 Free prisoners. Bruner, J. W B894.1 Free to serve. Raynor, E. R^5-6 Freeland. HerUka, T H576.1 Freeman, M. E. W. See Wilkins, M. E. Freischutz, Der. 27 pp in 0^72.1* French, Aucx. See Thanet, C, pseud. 58 ENGLISH FICTION. French, Allen. The colonials ; being a nar- rative of the siege and evacuation of Bos- ton F872.3 French, Mrs. A. W. See Warner, A. French, H. W. Castle Foam: a Russian story F874.1 The only one F874.2 French revolution, Tales of the. Martineau, H M38S.19 French wines and politics. Martineau, H. in **M385.I2 Freres, The. Alexander, Mrs. A374.15 Freshman, Adventures of a. Williams, J. L. W724.1 Freytag, G. Debit and credit F89S.1 German professor in Z767.1* Lost manuscript F89S4 Our forefathers. 2 v. i. Ingo. 2. Ingra- ban F89S.2-3 Fridolin's mystical marriage. Wilbrandt, A. von W665.1 Friedman, I. K. Poor people F910.9 Friedrich, B. H. See Raimund, G., pseud. Friend Fritz. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. E654.9 Friend of Caesar. Davis, W. S D267.6 Friend Olivia. Barr, A. E B268.11 Friend or foe. Child, F. S C53S.6 Friend with the countersign. Benson, B. K. B473.6 Friends. Phelps, E. S 05395 Friends of Bohemia, 2 v. Whitty, E. M..W627.1 Friendship. Ouida O934.8 Frhs, J. A. Lajla: a tale of Finmark F913.1 Frith, W. In search of quiet F920.1 From a Swedish homestead. Lagerlof, S..L174.1 From an island. Thackeray, A. I in T362.S From dawn to daylight. Beecher, E. W. B. B414.1 From dusk to dawn. Woods, K. P W895.1 From flag to flag. Ripley, E. McH R589.1 From hand to hand. Raimund, G W817.21 From hand to mouth. Douglas, A. M...D734.8 From jest to earnest. Roe, E. P R699.5 From my youth up. Harland, M H283.4 From one generation to another. Merriman, H. S M571.4 From sand hill to pine. Harte, B H327.44 From shadow to sunlight. Argyll, Duke of. A696.6 From the earth to the moon. Verne, J. . . V531.16 From the land of the shamrock. Barlow, J. B258.6 From the memoirs of a minister of France. Weyman, S. J W549.3 From the other side. Fuller, H. B F968.4 From the ranks. King, C in K523.9 From the West to the West. Duniway, A. S. D918.4 Front yard, and other Italian stories. Wool- son, C. F. W916.6 Frontiersmen, The. Craddock, C. E C884.4 Frothingham, E. B. Turn of the road. . .F940.20 Froude, J. A. Nemesis of faith F942.1 Two chiefs of Dunboy: an Irish romance of the last century F942.2 Frozen deep, and other tales. Collins, W. C71311 Frozen pirate. Russell, W. C R968.4 Fuel of fire. Fowler, E. T F785.8 Fugitive, The. Brudno, E. A B890.6 Fugitive, The. Spears, J. R , S740.3 Fugitive blacksmith. The. Stewart, C. D..S852.6 Fulham Lawn. Thackeray, A. I in T362.2 Fuller, A. Katherine Day F965.11 A literary courtship under the auspices of Pike's Peak F96S.12 One of the pilgrims F965.4 Peak and prairie F96S.1 Pratt portraits sketched in a New England suburb F965.2 Venetian June F965.3 Fuller, F. A. See Victor, F. A. F. Fuller, H. Vivian of Virginia F969.5 Fuller, H. B. Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. F968.1 Cliff-dwellers F968.2 From the other side ; stories of transatlantic travel F968.4 Last refuge : a Sicilian romance F968.12 Under the skylights F968.22 With the procession F968.3 Fullerton, Lady G. Constance Sherwood : an autobiography of the i6th century. .F971.1 Ellen Middleton F97X.2 Lady-bird F971.3 Fur country. 2 pts. Verne, J V531.17 FuRMAN, L. S. Stories of a sanctified town. F986.1 G., Rev. W. Farewell to a place on the bor- ders in W750.12 G. T. T. Hale, E. E H161.4 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 59 Gabobiau, E. Amateur detective in 2767.1* File No. 113 G116.S Honor of the name Gri6.3 Monsieur Lecoq G116.7 Mystery of Orcival G116.8 Gabriel Conroy. Harte, B H327.15 Gabriel Tolliver. Harris, J. C H3 14. 17 Gadfly, The, Voynich, E. L V975.5 Gagz, C. S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. 12 pp in S884.9 Gala-days. Hamilton, G H220.2 Galama. Liefde, J. B. de L719.1 Galatea. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de C419.3 Galdos, B. p. See Perez Galdos, B. Galk, J. S. The vanguard, a tale of Korea. G151.22 Galland, a., tr. Arabian nights entertain- ments in **N938.i8 Gallegher and other stories. Davis, R. H. D264.7 Gallery of antiquities. Balzac, H. de B198.18 Galloping Dick. Watson, H. B. M W338.1 Gallops. Gray, D G779.7 Gallops 2. Gray, D G779.8 Galloway herd. Crockett, S. R C938.7 Galt, J. Annals of the parish, and, The Ayrshire legatees G179.1 Ayrshire legatees in G179.1 Book of life; — Fatal whisper; — Haddad- Ben-Ahab ; — The painter ; — Unguarded hour in Q594.1 The entail G179.2 Lawrie Todd. 3 v G179.8 The member G179.3 Same in G179.6 Provost, and other tales G1794 The radical G179.5 Same in G179.6 The reform: being The member and The Radical G179.6 Sir Andrew Wylie of that ilk G179.7 Wearyful woman. 10 pp in T143.2 Same in T143JI* Gambara. 86 pp. Balzac, H. de in Bi98.a5 Same in B198.53* Garden of a commuter't wife. Recorded by the gardener G217.1 Garden of Allah. Hichens, R. S H626.7 Garden of Eden. Howard, B. W H84&9 Garden of romance. Ed. by E. Rhys R48a7 Garden of swords. Pemberton, M 03^54 Garden of women. Tytler, S T9974 Gabi»nhir£, S. M. Lux cruds G219.12 Gakdinek, M. p.. Countess of Blessington, See Blessington, Countess of. Gaklano, H. The captain of the Gray-horse troop G233.9 Eagle's heart G233.11 Her mountain lover G233.13 Hesper G233.12 Jason Edwards G233.1 Light of the star G233.15 Main-travelled roads G233.2 Member of the Third House G233.6 Prairie folks G233.3 Rose of Dutcher's Coolly G2334 Spirit of Sweetwater G233.19 Spoil of office: a story of the modem west. G233.5 Tyranny of the dark G233.18 Wayside courtships G233.20 Garnett, O. Petersburg tales G235.16 Garnett, R. The twilight of the gods G236.20 Garrett, E., pseud. See Garrett, E., and R. Garrett, E., and R. {pseud, of I. F. Mayo). By still waters G239.1 Crooked places G239.2 Crust and the cake G239.3 Dead sin, and other stories G2394 Doing and dreaming. (Also) A real lady. G239-5 Family fortunes G239.6 Gold and dross G239.7 House by the works G239.8 John Winter G239.9 Occupations of a retired life G239.10 Premiums paid to experience G239.1 1 A real lady in G239.5 White as snow G239.13 Garth. Hawthorne, J H39a8 Garthowen. Raine, A Ri557 Gaskell, E. C Cranford G248.1 Same, etc G248-4 Lizzie Leigh and other tales G248.2 Mary Barton, and other tales G248.3 Moorland cottage G248.10 North and south G248.5 Phyllis G248.6 Right at last, and other tales G248.7 Ruth Ga4a 1 1 Sylvia's lovers G24a8 Wives and daughters G248.9 Gaspe. p. a. de. The Canadians of old. . .G249.1 Gaston de Latour. Pater, W Q295-> «0 ENGLISH FICTION. Gates ajar. Phelps, E. S Q539-6 Gates between. Phelps, E. S Q539-7 Gathering clouds. Farrar, F. W F242.2 Gautier, J. (Mme. Mendes.) The usurper: an episode in Japanese history G276.1 Gautier, T. Theophile Gautier; an introd. by F. C. de Sumichrast, the translation by G. B. Ives G277.6 Contents : Gautier (181 1-72). — Tales : The fleece of gold; — Arria Mar- cella; — Dead leman; — Nest of night- ingales. — Poems. Four destinies G277.2 Romance of a mummy G277.3 Spirite G277.4 — and Merimee, P. Tales before supper. .G277.5 Contents: Introduction. (Sketch of T. Gautier) by E. Saltus. — Avatar, by T. Gautier.— Venus of Ille, by P. Mer- imee. tjravin Hamilton, Lively adventures of. Sea- well, M. E S442.13 Gaviota, La, — the sea-gull. Caballero, F...C112.1 Gayarre, C. Aubert Dubayet; or, the two sister republics. (Sequel to "Fernando de Lemos.") G285.1 Gayworthys, The. Whitney, A. D. T W617.3 C^ber. Benton, K. A B478.7 General Bounce. Melville, G. J. W M530.10 Same **M530.ii General manager's story. Hamblen, H. E. .H199.7 General's double. The. King, C K523.13 Genlis, S. F. Comtesse de. Madamoiselle de La Fayette; an hist, novel of the court of Louis XIII **G332.2 Gentle belle. Reid, C R353.5 Gentleman from Indiana. Tarkington, B. . .T187.7 Gentleman of France. Weyman, S. J WS49.4 Gentleman of Japan and a lady. Long, J. L. m L847.7 Gentleman of leisure. Fawcett, E F278.7 Gentleman of the old school. James, G. P. R. J276.17 Gentleman of the south. Brown, W. G B888.7 Gentleman vagabond and some others. Smith, F.H ..S647.5 Genuine girl. Lincoln, J. G L737.1 Geoffrey Strong. Richards, L. E Rsi6.i Geoffrey the knight. Jaufre, Chevalier. .. .J41 3.1 Geoffry Hamlyn, Recollections of. Kings- ley, H K555.9 George Dedlow, Case of. Mitchell, S. W.t» M681.6 George Geith of Fen Court. Riddell, C. E. L. R543.6 George Julian. Cockton, H C666. 1 George Silverman's explanation. 29 pp. Dickens, C in DS48.29' George's mother. Crane, S C891.1 Georgia scenes. Longstreet, A. B L857.1 Georgians, The. Harben, W. N H255.7 Gerald Estcourt. Marryat, F M361.2 Gerald Ffrench's friends. Jessop, G. H....J585.1 Gerald Thurlow. Browne, T. M B884.5 Gerard, D (Mrs. Longard de Longgarde.) Orthodox G356.1 Rich Miss Riddell G356.2 Supreme crime G356.19 — joint author. See Gerard, E. Gerard, E. (Mrs. von Laszouski) and, D. A sensitive plant G357.1 Gerard, Adventures of. Doyle, A. C D754.26 Gerda. Schwartz, M. S S408.2 German emigrants. Goethe, J. W. v.... in G599.2 German Gil Bias. 3 v. Knigge, Baron A. F. F. L. von K960.1 German novelists. Tr. by T. Roscoe R794.I Gertrude. Sewell, E. M SS16.4 Gerund de Campazas, History of the famous preacher. 2 v. Isla, J. F I821.1 Gervase Skinner. Hook, T H781.4 Ghost, The. 78 pp. O'Connor, W. D O196.1 Same in O196.2 Ghost-hunter and his family. Banim, J. and M B217.5 Ghost of Dred Power. McClelland, M. G. in M126.1 Ghosts I have met. Bangs, J. K B216.S Giannetto. Majendie, Lady M M233.2 Giant raft. 2 pts. Verne, J VS31.19 Giant's gate. Pemberton, M Q39S-2I Giant's robe. Anstey, F A62S.S GiBERNE, A. The rector's home G445.1 Gibson, C. D. My Lady and Allan Darke. .G448.7 Gideon Fleyce. Lucy, H. W L943.1 Gift of Yoshida Aramidzu. Long, J. 'L. .in L847.16 Gil Bias. Le Sage, A. R L622.3 Same in **N938.4 Gilbert, W. De profundis G466.1 Gilbert Gurney. Hook, T H781.S Gilded age. Twain, M. and Warner, C. D. .T969.7 Gilder, J. L. Taken by siege .G468.3 Gilian the dreamer. Munro, N M968.S AUTHORS AND TITLES. •t Gillespie, T. Gleanings of the covenant 1-9: Grandmother's narrative ; Covenanter's march ; Peden's farewell sermon ; Perse- cution of the M'Michaels ; Rescue at En- terkin; Fatal mistake; Bonny Mary Gib- son; Eskdale-muir story; E)ouglas tragedy in W750.8 Same, 10-17: Sergeant Wilson; Helen Palmer; Cairny cave of Gavin Muir; Porter's Hole ; James Renwick ; Old Isbel Kirk; The curlers; Violated coffin, .iw W750.9 Same, 18-23: Kinaldy; Trials of the Rev. Samuel Austin; John Govan's narrative; "Old Bluntie;" Thomas Harkness of Lockerben ; Shoes reversed in W7SO.10 Same, Early days of a friend of the cove- nant in W750.11 Some, Last scrap in W750.12 Professor's tales: Family incidents; Home and the gipsy maid; The return in W750.4 Same, Last of the pedlars in W750.3 Same, Mountain storm; Fair maid of Cel- lardykes; Convivialists ; Philips Grey. in W750.1 Same, Natural history of idiots; The en- thusiast; Trees and burns; Kirkyards. in W750.7 Same, Pheebe Fortune; Early recollections of a son of the hills; Suicide's grave. in W750.2 Same, Social man ; The wedding in W750.6 Sam€, Three brethren; Mistake rectified; Dura Den ; Peat-casting time ; The medal. in W750.5 GiLUAM, E. W. 1791: a tale of San Do- mingo G480.1 Gillies, R. P. Thurston tales.. 2 v **G48i.i GiLLMORE, p. Travel, war, and shipwreck. .G482.1 Oilman, B. Parsonage porch G486.9 Oilman, C. Recollections of a New England bride and of a southern matron G487.1 GiLMORE, J. R. See Kirke, E., pseud. GiLSON, R. R. The flower of youth G490.6 In the morning glow; short stories G490.9 When love is young G490.23 Gingham rose. Ullman, A. W U415.7 Giordano Bruno. 2 v. Plumptre, C. E Q736.I Gipsy, The. James, G. P. R J276.i8 Giraldi. Dering, R. G D433.1 Girl and the governor. Warren, C W287.7 Girl and tlie guardsman. Black, A B63a7 Girl at Cobhurst. Stockton, F. R S866.35 Girl at the halfway house. Hough, E H838.7 Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. 2 v. Clarke, M. C C599.1 Girls of Feversham. Marryat, F M36i.3 GissiNG, G. Denzil Quarrier G53S.1 Eve's ransom G535.3 In the year of jubilee G535.3 Odd women G535.4 Private papers of Henry Ryecroft G535.8 Veranilda G535.5 Givers. The. Wilkins, M. E W684.I Gladiators, The. Melville, G. J. W M530.12 Same •*M530.i3 Glascock, M. W. (Mrs. Blow.) Dare G548.1 Glasgow, E. Battle-ground G549.1 The deliverance: a romance of the Vir- ginia tobacco fields G5494 The descendant G549.2 Phases of an inferior planet G549.16 Voice of the people G549.9 Gleaming dawn. Baker, J B167.3 Glengarry school days. Connor, R C752.7 Glimpse of the world. Sewell, E. M Ssi6.l Gloersen, K. Mighty hunter. 4 pp in V629.I Gloria mundi. Frederic, H F852.10 Gloria victis. Mitchell, J. A M680.4 "Gloria victis." Schubin, O S384.a Glorinda. Dodd, A. B D639.1 Glory. Long, J. L in L847.7 Gloucester, Out of. Connolly, J. B C7S115 Glouvet, J. DE (pseud, of G. de Beaurepaire). The woodman G564.1 Glovatski, a. The Pharaoh and the priest: an historical novel of ancient Egypt. .0565.16 Glumer, C. von. a noble name. Tr. by A. L. Wister W8i7.i "Go forth and find." Brainerd, T. H B814.1 GoBiNEAU, J. A. Comte de. Romances of the east G575.1 Typhaines Abbey: a tale of the twelfth century G575.2 Gobseck. 94 pp. Balzac, H. de B198.19 Same in Bi98.5i* God and the man. Buchanan, R B918.3 Go