S/SH >A (Tir University Prints Series C Later Italian Art 500 Plates to Accompany Outlines for the Study of Art Volume II Bureau of University Travel Boston, Mass. 191 1 COPYRIGHT, ]![ BUREAU OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL - BOSTON: 8>|iarrfU Jrint 1911 N ' 6 -b o / Gable of Contents. INTRODUCTION LATER ITALIAN ART v PLATES 1-500 CATALOGUE xiii INDEX OF PLACES xxxiv TOPICAL INDEX . xxxvii %ater Italian art The general character and purpose of this series has been stated in connection with the preceding volume on the "Early Italian Art." All that is there stated, by way of explanation and suggestion, holds in a general way of this later series. The same care has been exercised in the choice, the same method is recommended in the use of these prints. The importance of verifying the works which are to stand as representatives of given artists or periods is not lessened, nor does the necessity of studying art itself rather than other people's impressions of it diminish, as we pass to another period or a fuller develop- ment. But while these fundamentals are unchanged, the problem of both editor and student has to take account of new factors and undergo important modifications. In a sense, the work of the editor would seem to have been made easier, as we pass from the dim twilight of art's early morning to the full noon of the high Renais- sance. Our records are far more complete as regards both persons and works, than for the earlier period. Vasari, our chief chronicler, was the contemporary of most of the artists with whom we have here to do. With all his limitations, he is certainly infinitely more reliable in the field of current events than in that of dim tradition. A later artist, too, like Michelangelo, had biographers who record the events of his life and the history of his works with worshipful fidelity. All this is an advantage, and the editor, as he passes from a period of obscurity, where inference is at times uncertain, almost to the point of guess-work, is apt to feel that his difficulties are at an end. vi LATER ITALIAN ART Unfortunately, the high Renaissance has difficulties of its own. It is comparatively free from myth and obscure tradition, but it is beset with skilful fraud. We are not left to guess, as in the case of the Spanish Chapel, who painted the walls of the Stanze or the Farnesina. We are deliberately and explicitly misinformed. This mis- information is due to several practices which were highly characteristic of the high Renaissance and comparatively unknown in the more nai've age that preceded it. The first of these was collaboration. This was pri- marily a labor-saving, that is, a money-making device. Its immediate purpose was to spread the genius of a talented artist over a larger number of works by employing men of humbler capacity to perform the parts of the work deemed less important. In the distinctive field of Florentine art, fresco, this collaboration admitted of especially dangerous possibilities. Fresco is essentially a threefold process. The artist first makes a diagram of his space in miniature and sketches in his proposed picture. This sketch, however slight, is perhaps the most important part of the work, as it deter- mines, in a sense, all that follows. The sketch completed to his satisfaction, he next prepares a cartoon. This is merely a full-size sketch, worked out with such degree of detail as he feels to be necessary. The lines now become exact, permitting no serious modification afterward. Now comes the picture itself. The wall is prepared and a portion is covered with fresh plaster. The cartoon, pre- viously pricked along the outlines as for an embroidery pattern, is fastened up in its place and the outline "pounced" on to the fresh plaster with a bluing bag, or the like. Thus guided, the artist rapidly fills in the outlines, re- serving only a few finishing touches for the work when dry. LATER ITALIAN ART vii The significance of all this lies in the fatal facility with which these several processes could be separated. The descent to Avernus begins with the employment of helpers in painting upon the fresh plaster where haste is necessary, the artist having himself prepared sketches and cartoons and reserv.ing to himself the finishing touches. However unimportant the parts thus turned over to helpers, some- thing of loss was inevitable, as Michelangelo found, when he tried it on the Sistine Ceiling and did the work over as unsatisfactory. Others were less exacting, however, and the use of helpers grew apace. Soon, all the trans- ferring was left to them, the artist adding only the finishing touches in the dry. Later, even these were delegated. Finally, we find collaboration in the preparation of the cartoon, and a second great step downward is taken in the debauchery of art. In its final stages, we find the artist contributing nothing to the work which bears his name except the preliminary sketch which is freely modified by the collaborator, now a more dignified func- tionary, in the making of the cartoon and still more in the transfer and finishing. It is hardly necessary to remind the reader how slight was the control of the artist over his work under these conditions. Color, expression, all subtler quality of every kind, cease to be his. Even composition is subject to serious qualifications. This fatal descent is best illustrated in the later works which go under the name of Raphael in the Vatican and the Farnesina, where his part in the work begins at one hundred per cent and descends to zero. In such cases even the records are often misleading. Contracts, pay- ments, and receipts were all in the name of the artist. Collaboration was taken for granted. (i reatly as the significance of authorship changes under viii LATER ITALIAN ART these circumstances, it has not seemed practicable to indicate its character in the captions of the prints. Pic- tures which belong to Raphael only in this limited sense, can after all be attributed to no one else, and they here retain their traditional attributions, leaving to the de- scriptions in the Handbook the more exact definition of the master's part in the work. A second source of uncertainty in regard to the real authorship of this period shows itself especially in the cases of such artists as Leonardo and Giorgione. Both were men whose ability has never been questioned, at all times a work from their hands would have been highly prized. Both were also men who influenced powerfully every fellow-worker with whom they came in touch. The work of no artist was the same after he had seen the vision revealed by these magicians of the brush. Even during their lifetime their works were frequently copied. And in turn the works of both have met with many vicissitudes, works but casually referred to in contemporary writings have disappeared or are but imperfectly described. It is not surprising, therefore, when the fortunes of Italy were at low ebb and her pictures were being purchased for foreign galleries, that all those pictures which bore the impress of a great master's influence should have been sold and gladly purchased as genuine, especially in an uncritical period. It must, however, be recognized that these works genuinely illustrate the manner and the spirit of a period and are genuinely instructive as showing the influence of a master mind, especially as in the case of artists like Leonardo and Giorgione, whose authenticated works are so few and yet of such rare beauty. To these cases of real uncertainty as to pictures which we may still in a sense call genuine, must undoubtedly LATER ITALIAN ART ix l>e added many examples of deliberate counterfeit. The wonderful development of art in the sixteenth century was the culmination of a long and wide-spread movement which produced not only great artists but a widely dis- seminated interest in art and a mastery of technical processes. The public was quick to recognize artistic achievement, and individuals of wealth were eager to possess the works of famous painters. Even able and independent artists did not feel it amiss to aid their patrons and add to their own resources on occasion, and we find Andrea copying Raphael's portrait of Pope Leo so per- fectly that only by a private mark could his Aledicean patron tell which he was to send as a gift to the Duke of Mantua. Three examples of the portrait of Julius II exist, one of them undoubtedly a copy by Giulio Romano, and critics are. still at variance as to which came from Raphael's brush. Still more flagrant examples have filled some of the lesser galleries with spurious examples that totally belie the art they pretend to imitate. Even into the most famous galleries these misleading works have found their way, whose traditional attributions it has been very difficult to change. This tissue of error and fraud it is the functior highly specialized branch of modern scholarship to in- vestigate. No process could well be more difficult or more technical. The general appearance of the pit is no guide. Even the sentiment or content, we ar (perhaps a little too emphatically at times), is not a indication, being often the very point of the art. Minute physical peculiarities, which i\a- difficult to imitate, and are matters of unconscious habit, are the real tell-tale facts. These the highly specialized investi- gator makes the subject of minute, often of microscopic x LATER ITALIAN ART study. His work resembles that of the handwriting expert. It has as little to do with the study of art, as the latter has to do with the study of literature, though in the one case as in the other, it is its indispensable preliminary. So far as possible, the editors of this series have taken account of the results of this study. Pictures which for ages have borne the name of Raphael or Titian, but which there is convincing proof that they did not paint, have been rejected or published over more probable names. So far as these decisions require or permit ex- planation, that explanation is given in the accompanying Handbook. In every case the decision rests upon recog- nized authority, never upon the editor's own impression. The editors are not attributioni.sts. But while the editors conceive it to be important to correct the traditional attribut.un of the works included in the series, they cannot too strongly urge that the stu- dent of art as such should give little attention to this most technical and most sterile department of the subject. There is no surer way to make the .study of art abortive than by directing attention to inquiries where results are beyond the amateur's reach and in a direction away from his goal. Take the expert's word for the attribution, and then study art. The problem of the student, like that of the editor, seems easier and is harder in the later than in the earlier period. The art of the Italian High Renaissance has so completely dominated the imagination of later times, that it is our norm of judgment. As compared with the struggling half successes of an earlier age, the marvelous creation of Correggio. or Raphael or Titian seem won- derfully perfect and complete. To the beginner, they usually seem far more enjoyable. It is perhaps this very LATER ITALIAN ART xi fact that makes their study so difficult. The teacher who sits down before a class for the study of Raphael's Madonnas can fill the hour with history, biography, and the like, but he will find it singularly difficult to make a beginning at his real subject, the analysis and interpre- tation of art. The exercise is apt to degenerate into mere exclamations of real or atfected delight, but unprofitable from the standpoint of insight and developed appreciation. As between Raphael and one of the primitive painters like Giotto, there is no comparison as regards the delight which a company of novices will get out of his works. But from the standpoint of art analysis and the formula- tion of art principles, the case is reversed, and the odds are quite as great in favor of the earlier artist. It is, therefore, the earnest conviction of the editors, based on much experience in the class-room, that despite the oft-felt necessity of humoring a feebly interested (lass, the study of art should begin with the early and not with the high Renaissance. The pictures, at first glance, will be less enjoyable, but the lessons will be far more so. ( >nly when the struggles of the earlier artists are realized, will the perfection of the later artists be appre- ciated. The study of the earlier period can alone furnish the key for the analysis of the baffling perfection of the high Renaissance. The reader is reminded that the prints in this, as in the other series, are for sale singly, in any number or combination. Also, that the companion volume of "Out- lines" contains condensed information and elaborate sug- gestions for study, regarding the works here published. C 1 ANGELS. (Detail of Verocchio's Baptism of Christ) Academy, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS -ON LEONARDO DA VINCI. 145216 C2 MADONNA AND CHILD. (Detail of Adoration i.f the Magi Uffizi Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LEONARDO DA VINCI. 1462 -!6I9 HEAD OF CHRIST (Detail froi i Last Supper) Refectory, S. (m6ro5/a/ia, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AMBROGIO DE PREDI8. 146071515? LOMBARD SCHOOL C 24 ANGEL PLAYING THE LUTE National Gallery. London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AMBROGIO DE F3EDIS. 1460? 1515? BOMBARD SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF FRANCESCO BREVIO Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AMBROQIO DE PREDIS. 146071515? LOMBARD SCHOOL C26 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ST. CATHERINE Poldl-Pezzoli, Milan ANDREA SOLARIO. I46O? 1620? LOMBARD SCHOOL THE REPOSE IN EGYPT Poldi-Pezzoil, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA SOLARIO. I46O7 1620? LOMBARD SCHOOL C 28 ECCE HOMO Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS 8OSTQN ANDREA SOLARIO. 1460? i520? LOMBARD SCHOOU MADONNA AND CHILD Poldl-Pezzoll, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BELTRAFFIO. 14671616 LOMBARD SCHOOL C 30 ISABELLA OF ARAGON Ambrosiana, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BELTRAFFIO. 1467-1516 LOMBARD SCHOOL 31 ii . o O < u O - _i C32 ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MARCO D'OGGIONO. LOMBARD SCHOOL I47O 71530? C 33 MADONNA AND CHILD Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BERNARDINO DE' OONTI. fl. I49O 1522 LOMBARD SCHOOL' MADONNA WITH SAINTS AND DONORS Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BERNARDINO DE' CONTI. fl. 14901622 LOMBARD SCHOOL C 35 MAGDALEN Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIAMPIETRINO. fl. 16201540 LOMBARD SCHOOL C 36 CO -J m O 10 o IS 10 CO = ol C 37 C 38 ANGEL PRESENTING VIALS Pilgrimage Church, Saronno THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUINI. 147571533? LOMBARD SCHOOL r 39 C40 CHURCH OF S. MAURIZIO: INTERIOR Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUINI. 147571533? C41 MARTYRDOM OF ST. CATHERINE S. Maurizio, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUINI. 147571633? LOMBARD SCHOOL C 42 ST. APPOLLONIA S. Mwtrizio, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUINI. 147571533? LOMBARD SCHOOL C 43 C44 MADONNA OF THE ROSE -TRELLIS Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUINI. 147571533? LOMBARD SCHOOL C 45 MADONNA WITH SS. ANTHONY AND BARBARA Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUINI. 14767 Ifi33? LOMBARD SCHOOL C46 8T. ANTHONY (Detail) Brtra, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUINI. 147671633? LOMBARD SCHOOL C47 B ii 3 O 00 cr co uj O > OQ C 48 C49 THE LAST SUPPER S. M. delta Passione, Milan NIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FERRARI. 148071646 LOMBARD SCHOOL C 60 THE ANNUNCIATION Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FERRARI. 148071546 LOMBARD SCHOOL c: si m CUPOLA OF PILGRIMAGE CHURCH. (DUil) Saronno THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FERRARI. 148071546 LOMBARD SCHOOL C 62 MADONNA AND CHILD Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CESARE DA SESTO. 1480? 1623? LOMBARD SCHOOL C63 EPISODE IN THE LIFE OF ST. BENEDICT Monte Ollueto, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IL 8ODOMA. 1477 1649 LATER SIENESE SCHOOL C 64 C55 MADONNA AND CHILD Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IL SODOMA. 1477 1649 LATER SIENESE SCHOOL C66 C3 1 Ct Z C57 CHRIST BOUND TO THE COLUMN Academy, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SODOMA. 1477 1549 LATER SIENESE SCHOOL C58 ST. SEBASTIAN Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IL SODOMA. 1477 1549 LATER SIENESE SCHOOL C 59 ST. CATHERINE RECEIVING STIGMATA S. Domtnico, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IU SODOMA. 14771649 LATER SIENESE SCHOOL ceo THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CHRIST IN LIMBO Academy, Siena SODOMA. 14771549 LATER SIENESE SCHOOL C 61 SIBYL PREDICTING TO AUGUSTUS THE COMING OF CHRIST Church of Fontegiusta, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON B. PERUZZI. 1481-1636 LATER SIENESE SCHOOL C 62 PA.MBVS SOLVM QMNQVf rr PISCIB\S ovoeys no- MNYM MH1I\ .IK FOEMO THE PERSIAN SIBYL Pavement, Cathedral, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON URBANO DA CORTONA. d. 1504 LATE SIENESE SCHOOL C 63 33 20 co O co oo . 15 D _ a l ui o5 \- "a" z 2 ~ SI oo S UJ oo a. O C 64 ST. CATHERINE RECEIVING THE STIGMATA Academy, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BECCAFUMI. 14861551 LATE SIENESE SCHOOL C65 C 66 ST. CATHERINE. (Detail of Triptych) Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS AUBERTINELLI. 14741516 C67 HOLY FAMILY Pltti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALEERTINELLI. 14741515 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 68 THE VISITATION Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBERTINELLI. 1474 1516 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 69 C70 HOLY FAMILY Corsini, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA BARTOLOMMEO. 1475 1517 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 71 MADONNA AND CHILD Seminario, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA BARTOLOMMEO. 14751617 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 72 THE LAST JUDGMENT (Drawing) Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA BARTOLOMMEO. 14751517 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 73 C74 THE ETERNAL FATHER. SS. MAGDALEN AND CATHERINE Gallery, Lucca THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA BARTOLOMMEO. 1476 1517 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 75 S. MARK Pitti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA BARTOLOMMEO. 14761517 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C76 MADONNA ENTHRONED Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA BARTOLOMMEO. 1475 1617 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 77 MADONNA AND ST. ANNE. (Detail of Madonna Enthroned) Ujpzi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA BARTOLOMMEO. 14751517 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 78 C79 CHRIST AT EMMAUS S. Marco, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA BARTOLOMMEO. 1475-1517 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 80 SAVONAROLA AS ST. PETER MARTYR Academy, Florence FRA BARTOLOMMEO. 14751517 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 81 MADONNA DEL POZZO Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRANCIABIGIO. 1482-1624 FLORENTINE SCHOOL MADONNA ENTHRONED Yale Art Q alter y, New Haven THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RIDOLFO GHIRLANDAJO. 14831561 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C83 THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI SS. Annunziata, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DEL SARTO. 14861631 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 86 MADONNA OF THE HARPIES Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DEL SARTO. 14861631 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 87 MADONNA OF THE HARPIES. (Detail) Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DEL SA/fTO. 14861631 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C88 CHARITY Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DEL 8ARTO. 14861531 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 89 PUTTI Academy, Florence THS UNIVERSITY PRINTS ANDREA DEL 8ARTO. !** I Ml C 90 PORTRAIT OF A SCULPTOR National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DEL SARTO. 1486-1631 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 92 C 93 ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN Pitti. Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DEL SARTO. 14861531 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C94 ST. AGNES Cathedral, Pisa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DEL SARTO. 1486 1631 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 96 C97 PORTRAIT OF ANDREA DEL SARTO fitti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DEL SARTO. 1488 1631 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 98 C 99 PORTRAIT OF COSIMO DE' MEDICI Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTOH PONTOBMO 14941667 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C100 MADONNA. CHILD. AND ANGELS National Qallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C10I THE DONI MADONNA Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1476 1664 C 102 THE ENTOMBMENT National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C 108 I C104 C IOC C 106 -> ^ u. 5 O z -~ O . C 107 C 106 HI - c: .5 .5 uj '$ jE * I- c O 6 E -S s \- ^ C 110 C 111 cm U. z o 5 3 w 0. 5 Xc -s: LU U Q * Z C 114 C 115 C116 UJ 5 U. O O = i! Q "S < a Hi c . I- tj I C 11? THE PROPHET JONAH Ceiling, Sistlne Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1476 1664 C118 THE PROPHET JEREMIAH Ceiling. Sistlne Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C 119 THE PROPHET EZEKIEL Ceiling, Siatlne Chapel, Vatican, Rome F UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475 :564 C 120 THE PROPHET JOEL Ceiling, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14761564 C 121 THE PROPHET ZECHARIAH Ceiling, Sistine Chapel, Vatican. Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C 122 THE PROPHET ISAIAH Celling. Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C 123 THE PROPHET DANIEL Culling, Sistine Chapel. Vatican. Roma THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C124 THE PERSIAN SIBYL Ceiling, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751664 C 126 THE ERYTHREAN SIBYL iiKi SixihiK Chupfl, Vntiran, Home THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14761664 C 126 THE DELPHIC SIBYL Ceiling, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475-1564 C127 THE CUMAEAN SIBYL Celling, Slatlne Chapel, Vatican, Roms THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1476-1564 C128 THE LIBYAN SIBYL ('Ailing. Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475 1664 C 120 C 130 DECORATIVE FIGURE Ceiling, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475-1564 C 132 DECORATIVE FIGURE Ceiling, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome MICHELANGELO. 1475-1664 DECORATIVE FIGURE Ceiling, Sistine Chapel, Vatican. Romt THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475-1664 C 134 THE LAST JUDGMENT East Wall, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475 !664 CHRIST THE JUDGE. (Detail of Last Judgment) fast Wall, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475-1564 I ST. SEBASTIAN. (Detail, Last Judgment) East Wall, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C 137 C138 THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS 5. Triiiita de' Monti, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DANIELE DA VOLTERRA. 1509 C 139 C140 YOUTHFUL JESUS Martinengo Collection, Brescia THE UNIVf ::SITY PRINTS BOSTON VITI. 146971523 C 141 THE ANNUNCIATION Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VITI. 14607^1523 C 142 MAGDALEN IN THE DESERT Gallery, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON C .143 SOLLY MADONNA Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRIN , BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483- I62O C 144 VISION OF A KNIGHT National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14331520 C 145 ST. SEBASTIAN Lochis Collection, Bergamo THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1520 C 146 CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN Picture Gallery, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS RAPHA- C 147 THE MARRIAGE OF THE VIRGIN Brera, Milan rL "~ ""'VF"*"TY PRINTS ' RAPHAEL. 1483 C 148 C149 MADONNA DEL GRANDUCA Plttl. Florence RAPHAEL. 1483 1620 C160 C 151 MADONNA DEL CARDELLINO (Detail) Uffizl, Florence PHE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831620 C 152 F PORTRAIT OF ANGELO DONI Pitti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C153 MADONNA Dl CASA TEMPI Alte Pinakothek. Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1620 C154 MADONNA DEL CORDERO Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C 165 MADONNA ANSIDEI National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1620 C156 LA BELLE JARDINIERE Louure, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1520 C 167 C 158 MADONNA DEL PRATO Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 ',9 9UB C160 ii 5 * K =' o| . I HI <^ ^ a* 5 | LU S C 161 CHRIST (Detail. Dispute of the Sacrmnt) Camera delta Segnatura. Vatican. Rome ~ UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1620 C 162 C 163 C 164 C165 II t a a l O a Q. 2 < S C 166 SAPPHO. (Detail of Parnassus) Camera delta Segnatura, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C187 C 168 C 169 Q . O g I SI 8! C 170 THE JUDGMENT OF SOLOMON Camera delta Segnatura, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. I4( C 171 THEOLOGY Camera delta Segnatura, Vatican, Rome UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14331520 C 172 PORTRAIT OF POPE JULIUS II Pitti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C 173 THE VISION OF EZEKIEL Pitt/, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C 174 MADONNA DELL' IMPANNATA Pitti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C175 MADONNA GARVAGH National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1520 C176 to 3 QC w o s 8* ull C179 C 180 C 181 C 182 SIBYLS. (Detail of the Four Sibyls) S. M. delta Pace, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C 183 GALATEA Farnetina, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1520 C184 MADONNA DEL PESCE* Pradc, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C 185 PORTRAIT OF A CARDINAL Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831620 C186 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS ST. CECILIA Sallery, Bologna RAPHAEL. 1483 1620 C187 LO SPASIMO Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1520 C 188 MADONNA DELLA SEDIA Plttl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483 1520 C189 5 K 3 < gi CO 00 e i o C 190 00 o st CO g LL V LL _ o ~ !- u. CD 3 O -i D O CI91 PSYCHE OFFERING VASE TO VENUS Farnesina, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483 1520 C192 JUPITER CONSOLING CUPID. (Drawing) Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C 193 MADONNA OF FRANCIS I Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1520 C 1. DONNA VELATA Pittl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C195 PORTRAIT OF POPE LEO X Pitti, Florence E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C 196 MADONNA Dl SAN SISTO Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C 197 MADONNA AND CHILD. (Detail of Madonna di San Sisto) Gallery, Dresden CHE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TfTp^A .. 14831520 C 198 LOGGIA Vatican, Rome 'HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 14831520 C199 ill S Q e 2 "5 < C 200 THE TRANSFIGURATION Picture Gallery, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483 1620 C201 HEAD OF CHRIST (Detail, The Transfiguration) Picture Gallery, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAPHAEL. 1483-1520 C202 I I- OS < 2 i C203 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MADONNA DELLA CATINA Gallery, Dresden GIULIO ROMANO. 149271546 C 204 C 205 POLYPHEMUS Sola di Psirhe. Palazzo del T, Mantua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIULIO ROMANO. 14927-1646 C 206 MADONNA AND SAINTS Colonna, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON INNOCENZA DA IMOLA. 1494 I55O C 207 ID . I C208 JUSTICE Camera di Constantino, Vatican, Home THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PERINO DEL VAGA. I5OO 1547 C 209 C210 CIRCE Borghese, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DOSSO DOSSI. 14791542 FERRARA C 211 C 212 THE DEPOSITION Borghese, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GAROFALO. 1481 1534 FERRARA C213 g o m < a 5 oc a o < O 0. < cr O Q C 214 MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH ANGELS Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. I494-S634 PARMA C 216 MADONNA AND CHILD Casiel'o Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. 14941534 PARMA C 216 MADONNA DELLA CESTA National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. 14941534 PARMA C217 MADONNA OF ST. FRANCIS Oa/lery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. 14941634 PARMA C218 o Z 5 Z oi O h o g UJ CO O J DIANA Convent S. Paolo, Parma THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGOIO 14941534 PARMA C'220 MEDALLION Ceiling, Convent S. Paolo, Parma THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. 1494 1534 PARMA C221 MEDALLION Ceiling, Convent S. Paolo, Parma THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGQIO. 14941634 PARMA C 222 VENUS. MERCURY AND CUPID National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. 1494153' PARMA C223 : THE SAVIOUR (Detail, from copy by Toschi) Cupola, S. Giovanni Euangellsta, Parma THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. 1494 1534 PARMA C 224 C225 C 226 C227 31 Za O 5 o 5 2< C228 U. 0- o C 229 THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE Loi/ure, Paris E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. 14941634 PARMA C 230 MADONNA OF ST. SEBASTIAN Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CO' r 'fc -'O. U P/i / C231 MADONNA OF ST. JEROME Gallery, Parma THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. 14941534 PARMA C 232 MADONNA DELLA SCODELLA Gallery, Parma THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO. 14941534 PARMA C 233 ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS (Holy Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS CORREGGIO. 1494 1634 BOSTON PARMA C 234 C235 MADONNA OF ST. GEORGE Gallery, Dresden HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREGGIO 1404-1634 PARMA c m 8! i C 237 GANYMEDE Imperial Qallery, Vienna TON CORREGGIO. 1404 I6U4 PARMA C 238 JUPITER AND IO Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORREQQIO. 1*041634 PAKMA C 239 MADONNA. CHILD AND ANGELS Pittl, Florence IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IL PARMIGIANINO. 1604 1640 PARMA C 240 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN National Museum, Naples THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IL PARMIGIANINO. 1504-1640 PARMA C 241 PORTRAIT OF A YOUTH Imperial Gallery, Vienna -\E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOPO DE' BARBARI? 1460? 1616? VENETIAN SCHOOL C 242 ~, CHRIST BEARING THE CROSS Fenway Court, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIORGIONE. 1477? 1511 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 243 (A) STORMY LANDSCAPE WITH SOLDIER AND GIPSY Giouanelli Palace, Venice IIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIORGIONE. 14777 1511 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 244 THE JUDGMENT OF SOLOMON Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIORGIONE. 1477? 1511 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 245 THE TRIAL OF MOSES Uffizi, Florence HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIORGIONE. 14777 1511 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 246 PORTRAIT OF YOUNG MAN Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIORQIONE. 1477 1511 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 247 MADONNA WITH SS. LIBERALE AND FRANCIS Cathedral, Caste/franco THE UNIVERSITY BOSTON GIORGIONE. 1477? 1611 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 248 MADONNA AND CHILD. (Detail of Altar-piece) Cathedral, Castelfranco THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIORGIONE. 14777 1511 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 249 t~ O t I z z O < C3 I- O O 111 z O CO CO v < .a - 2 C 250 KNIGHT OF MALTA (Iffui, Flv THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIORGIONE. 1477? 1611 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 261 C 262 C 253 ~ o . CO iz O < 5 i- g u 2S j > 254 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Gallery, Budapest THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIORQIONE. 14777 1511 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 256 SHEPHERD BOY. (Attributed) Hampton Court, England THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON C 257 C 258 C 2M C 260 C 261 CD -I 8 h- 00 < Z h < uj Eg H > li b * << Z Z o Q C 262 C 263 HEAD OF MONK (Detail) Pitt!, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 1477 1576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 264 co J h- O to O z h < HI ARTLESS LOVE. (Detail) Borgliese, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 1477 :578 VENETIAN SCHOOL THE MAN WITH THE GLOVE Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 267 ST. MARK ENTHRONED. WITH SAINTS S. M. delta Salute, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771578 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 268 C 269 THE TRIBUTE MONEY Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C270 ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 1477 1676 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 271 THE VIRGIN. (Detail of Assumption) Academy, Venice HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 272 C 273 C 274 ALTAR-PIECE: THE RESURRECTION SS. Nazzaro e Celso, Brescia THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 275 C 276 C 277 ALFONSO D'ESTE AND LAURA DIANTI Louvre, Paris TITIAN. 1477-1676 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 278 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FLORA Uffizi, Florence TITIAN. 14771576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 279 C 280 PORTRAIT OF JACOPO SORANZO Academy, Venice TITIAN. 14771576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 281 MADONNA OF THE PE8ARO FAMILY Frari, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771676 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 282 MADONNA AND CHILD (Detail of Madonna of Pesaro Family) Frari, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 1477 1676 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 283 DONOR (Detail of Madonna of Pesaro Family) Ffarl, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 1477 1576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 284 ST. CHRISTOPHER. (Fresco) Ducal Pa/ace, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON C 286 DEATH OF ST. PETER MARTYR (Copy) SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771676 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 286 ARETINO Pitti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 287 ST. JOHN THE ALMSGIVER S. Giovanni Elemoslnarlo, Venlcf THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771676 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 288 C 289 LA BELLA 'DUCHESS OF URBINO ? Plttt, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN 1477 1576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 290 THE PHYSICIAN. PARMA Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 14771576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C291 Z H < LU C 298 CHARLES V. AT MUHLBERG Prat/o, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 1477 1576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C299 5 10 O T8 < in PS II C300 CHRIST CROWNED WITH THORNS Lou ore Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TITIAN. 1477 1576 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 301 CD O r- o 5 I z h- < UI t u I- > Si I C 302 ST. BARBARA S. M. Formosa, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PALMA VECCHIO. 148071628 VENETIAN SOHOOl. C 303 MADONNA ENTHRONED S. Stefano, Vicenzu THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PALMA VECCHIO. I48O? IB28 VENETIAN SCHOOL C304 68 IS _j z < m Q. > I c > z b o 00 H o: m z 3 HI I I- C306 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Imperial Gallery. Vienna E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PALMA VECCHIO. I48O7 !628 VENETIAN SCHOOL ( , - ARIOSTO. (Questioned) National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PALMA VECCHIO. 1480716 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 309 ST. LORENZO QIU8TINIANI WITH OTHER SAINTS Academy, Venice IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PORDENONE. 14831538 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 310 ST. CHRYSOSTOM WITH SAINTS S. Oiou. Crisostomo, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO. 14851547 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 311 THE VISITATION Academy, Venice IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SEBA8TIANO DEL PIOMBO. 14851547 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 312 LA FORNARINA Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO. 1486164 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 313 C314 RAISING OF LAZARUS National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO. 1485-1547 VENETIAN SCHOOL C315 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN Kniser Friedrlch Museum, Berlin E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO. 1486 1647 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 316 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SEBA8TIANO DEL PIOMBO. 14851547 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 317 YOUNG MAN WITH A ROSE Alte Pinahotlieh, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TORBIDO. 14861536 VENETIAN SCHOOL C318 FISHERMAN PRESENTING ST. MARK'S RING TO DOGE GRADENIGO Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PARIS BORDONE. 1500 1670 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 319 A LADY OF THE BRIGNOLE FAMILY National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PARIS BORDONE. I5OO-I57O VENETIAN SCHOOL C 320 C 321 C 322 FINDING THE BODY OF ST. MARK Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TINTORETTO. 15181594 VENETIAN SCHOOL C325 C 326 THE ANNUNCIATION. (Detail) S. Rocco, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TINTORETTO. 15181594 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 327 C 328 C 329 120 Q , 51 t ^ o . C330 C 331 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE S. Rocco, Venice E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TINTORETTO. 16181594 VENETIAN SCHOOL C332 C333 C 334 C335 C 336 THE FORGE OF VULCAN Ducal Palace, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TINTORETTO. 15181594 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 337 PORTRAIT OF A PROCURATOR Uffizt. Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TINTORETTO. 1518 1594 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 338 C339 w -< CO < w 5 z O o fc Qr UJ S > O O Z X o o m co z 1 i o oc g sl u. I O UJ u -i * 00 < a < a. C 340 LAZARUS. (Detail of Parable of the Rich Man) Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BONiFAZIO VERONE8 I. I49O7-I640 SCHOOL OF VERONA C 341 ^ co < UJ Z z O O cr CC UJ UJ > U. O O I- a, Z 5 II C 342 C 343 ST. BERNARD AND ST. SEBASTIAN Academy, Venice ,-' '- ZIO (III) VENEZIANO. b. 1525 HOOl. OF VERONA C 344 IT. GREGORY AND ST. JEROME (Compartment of Triptych) Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS MJL VERONESE. 15281688 C345 V THE CORONATION OF ESTHER Ceiling, S. Sebastiano, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PAUL VERONESE. 15281588 SCHOOL OF VERONA C346 C347 - 1 CO g< . O UJ QC CO UJ UJ > O cr O -l O D I < O 0. CO C348 DETAIL OF THE FEAST AT THE HOUSE OF LEVI Academy, Venice PAUL VERONESE. 15281588 SCHOOL OF VERONA C 349 PADRE SERVITO GRANO (Detail) Monte Berico, Vicema THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PAUL VERONESE. 15281688 SCHOOL OF VERONA C350 C 351 ST. HELENA DREAMING OF THE CROSS 7 National Qalleru, London HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS PAUL VERONESE. 1528-1588 BOSTON SCHOOL OF VERONA C352 FINDING OF MOSES Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PAUL VERONESE. 1528-1588 SCHOOL OF VERONA C 363 ST. ANTHONY ABBOT ENTHRONED WITH ST. CORNELIUS AND ST. CYPRIAN Brera, Milan HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PAUL VERONESE. 15281688 SCHOOL OF VERONA 354 co N - 2 | . O in ce co ui u > fe a O _i O D I < O Q. 0) CO 2 CE < Q U_ O .. I CD ol z s < B C 366 ANGEL. ( Detail of Annunciation; Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PAUL VERONESE. 15281588 SCHOOL OF VERONA C356 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE S. Caterina, Venice PAUL VERONESE. 15281588 SCHOOL OF VERONA C 367 C3G8 C 359 MEDALLION Ceiling, Ducal Palace, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PAUL VERONESE. 15281588 SCHOOL OF VERONA C 360 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MADONNA WITH SAINTS S. Bartolommeo, Bergamo LOTTO. 1480? 1666? SCHOOL OF BERGAMO C 361 THE BROTHERS DELLA TORRE National Gallery. London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LOTTO. 148071656? SCHOOL OF BERGAMO C 362 PORTRAIT OF A YOUTH Castello, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LOTTO. 1480? 1556? SCHOOL OF BERGANK C363 C364 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN Brer a, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LOTTO. 148071556? SCHOOL OF BERGAMO C 365 FHE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DONNA LAURA DA POLA ? Brera, Milan LOTTO. I4S07-I666? SCHOOL OF BERGAMO C366 C 367 PORTRAIT OF A MAN A He Pinahotheh, Munich IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARIANI. I48O 1644 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 368 MADONNA ENTHRONED, WITH SAINTS Gallery, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMAN INO. 148571566? SCHOOL OF BRESCIA C 369 C 370 SUPPER AT EMMAUS Martinengo Collection, Brescia THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANINO. 148571566? SCHOOL OF BRESCIA C371 WE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MADONNA IN GLORY Martinengo Collection, Brescia MORETTO. 14981656 SCHOOL OF BRESCIA C372 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ST. JUSTINA Imperial Qallery, Vienna MORETTO. 14981555 SCHOOL OF BRESCIA C 373 ST. NICCOLO DA BARI PRESENTING CHILDREN TO THE VIRGIN Martinengo Collection, Brescia HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MORETTO. 14981655 BRESCIA C 374 MADONNA AND CHILD. (Detail) Martinengo Collection, Brescia THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MORETTO. 1498 I56E BRESCIA C 37i t< h ri 2 C376 O '-5 z ~ ii Is UJ J C 377 COUNT SCIARRA MARTINENGO CESARESCO National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MORETTO. 14981566 BRESCIA C378 THE TAILOR National Qallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MORONI. 152571578 BRESCIA PORTRAIT OF A LAWYER national Ga/lery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MORONI. 152571678 BRESCIA PORTRAIT OF ANTONIO NAVIGERO Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MORONI. 162571578 PRESCIA PORTRAIT OF A MAN National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MORONI. 1625? 1578 BRESCIA C 382 CHRIST IN LIMBO Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BRONZING. 1602- MANNERIST C383 LUCREZIA PANCIATICHI Uffizl, Florence HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BRONZING. 1502 1672 MANNERIST C384 LORENZO THE MAGNIFICENT Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VASARI. 1512157 MANNERIST C 385 CHRIST APPEARING TO MARY (Jffizi, Florence JNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BAROCCIO. 15281612 MANNERIST C 386 MADONNA DEL POPOLO Uffzi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BAROCCIO. 1628-16 MANNERIST C387 MADONNA, ANGELS, AND SAINTS Gallery, Bologna PHE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUDOVICO CARRACCI. 1656 1619 ECLECTIC C 388 COMMUNION OF ST. JEROME Qallery, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AGOSTINO CARRACCI. 1558 I6C ECLECTIC C 3H'J C 390 C 391 O -I T O 10 oo . O g p o 2 o -i < D oc h- 00 CE LU C a S? ^ . O a C392 THE ENTOMBMENT Picture Gallery, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARAVAGGIO. 1569 1609 NATURALISTIC SCHOOL C 393 DEATH OF THE VIRGIN Louure, Paris CARAVAGGIO. 15601609 NATURALISTIC SCHOOL C 394 ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON OUIDO RENI. 16751642 ECLECTIC DEJANIRA AND THE CENTAUR NES8US Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GUIDO RENI. 15751642 ECLECTIC C396 DC O t D CO eg DC D =" Q| < J o o 2 j D O O LU C397 THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL Capuchin Church, Home fHE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GUIOO RENI. ECLECTIC 1575 1642 C 398 C 390 JUDITH WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES Plttl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALLORI. 15771621 ECLECTIC C 400 LAST COMMUNION OF ST. JEROME ^ Picture Gallery, Vatican, Rome THE UNI 'ERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DOMENICHINO. 158116 ECLECTIC C401 HEAD OF AN ACOLYTE (Detail) Picture Gallery, Vatican, Rome "HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DOMENICHINO. 1581 1641 ECLECTIC C 4C2 ASCENSION OF ST. PAUL Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DOMENICH1NO. 1681 ECLECTIC C 403 C404 ST. CECILIA Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DOMENICHINO. 1681 I ECLECTIC C 405 o 10 00 . O O h z o < UI m -i -J O < UJ C406 C 407 THE VIRGIN APPEARING TO ST. BRUNO Gallery, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON QUERCINO. 15911663 ECLECTIC SCHOOL C 408 C 409 THE VIRGIN. (Detail of Annunciation) Gallery, Forll THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GUERCINO. 15911666 ECLECTIC SCHOOL C410 MADONNA AND CHILD Borghese, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GUERCINO. 15911666 ECLECTIC SCHOOL C 411 ST. CECILIA Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARLO DOLCE. 1616 I68Q ECLECTIC SCHOOL C412 ST. CASIMIR Pittl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARLO DOLCE. 16161686 ECLECTIC SCHOOL C 413 C414 ( 416 C 417 C 418 A YOUTHFUL ARTIST Carrara Collection, Bergamo THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHISLANDI. b. 1655 LATE VENETIAN SCHC r C 419 C420 C 421 MADONNA OF THE ROSARY Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TIEPOLO. 16921770 LATE VENETIAN SCHOOL C 422 C423 C 424 DETAIL OF FACADE Certosa, Pauia THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AMBROGIO DA FOSSANO. 145071623 LOMBARD SCHOOL C 426 DETAIL OF PRINCIPAL PORTAL Certosa, Pauia THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AMBROGIO DA FO8SANO. 145071523 LOMBARD SCHOOL C 427 DOOR OF THE SACRISTY Certosa, Paula THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON OMODEO. 14471622 LOMBARD SCHOOL C 428 2 o < EC 1 o: o d C 429 TOMB OF GIAN GALEAZZO VISCONTI Certoaa, Pavia HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PELLEGRINI, fl. I49O LOMBARD SCHOOL C 430 TOMB OF LODOVICO SFORZA AND BEATRICE D'ESTE Certosa, Pauia THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SOLARI. SIXTEENTH CENTURY LOMBARD SCHOOL C 431 BUST OF SCIPIO. (Bas-relief) Louvre, Paris HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SCHOOL OF LEONARDO DA VINCI C 432 C 433 BASE OF FLAG-STANDARD Piazza S. Marco, Venice E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LEOPARD!, d. 1622 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 484 TOMB OF DOGE ANDREA VENDRAMIN. (Detail) SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LEOPARDI. d. 1622 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 486 C436 TOMB OF CARDINAL ASCANIO SFORZA S. M. del Popolo, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA SANSOVINO. 1460-15 C 437 PRUDENCE. (Detail of Tomb of Cardinal Sforza) S. M. del Popolo, Rome HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA SAN8OVINO. 14601629 C 438 MASQUE OF A FAUN Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1476-166* C 439 C 440 ft : I MADONNA. Casa Buonarottt, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751584 C441 ANGEL WITH CANDLESTICK Shrine of St. Dominic. S. Domenlco, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1476-1564 C 442 MICHELANGELO. 1475-1564 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON C 443 KNEELING CUPID Museum, S, Kensington, London I"HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14761564 C 444 PI ETA 5. Peter's, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475 1664 C 446 MADONNA Notre Dame, Bruges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1476-1664 C446 MADONNA (Medallion) Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475 1564 C 447 MADONNA. (Medallion) Burlington House, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475-1564 C 448 MICHELANGELO- 14751564 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON C 449 HEAD OF DAVID Academy, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1476-1664 C 450 TOMB OF POPE JULIUS II S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. I475-I66-: MOSES (Detail, Tomb of Pope Julius II) 5. Pietro in Vincoll. Rome MICHELANGELO. 1476 1664 C 452 THE BOUND SLAVE Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHEL ANGFL.P. 1475 1564 C 453 VICTORY Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14761664 C 454 C 455 TOMB OF GIULIANO DE' MEDICI New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florenct THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C 466 GIULIANO DE' MEDICI (Detail, Tomb) New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14761664 C 457 C 458 If ?. 3 z C 459 TOMB OF LORENZO DE' MEDICI New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475-1564 C 460 LORENZO DE' MEDICI (Detail, Tomb) New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475 1564 C 461 TWILIGHT. (Detail, Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici) New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Morenos THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C 462 MADONNA AND CHILD New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 14751564 C 463 BRUTUS Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELANGELO. 1475-1564 C 464 THE DEPOSITION Cathedral, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON 75 1564 C 465 < c Q o tu C Q . Z -S o I C 466 **^ CHIMNEY PIECE Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROVEZZANO. 14761656 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 468 C 469 C 470 C 471 C 472 BACCHUS Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOPO SANSOVINO. 14871670 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 473 MERCURY Loggietta, Campanile, Venice JACOPO 8AN8OVINO. 1487 1670 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 474 SACRISTY DOOR S. Marco, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOPO 8ANSOVINO. 14871570 VENETIAN SCHOOL C 475 C 476 HERCULES AND CACUS Piazza delta Signoria, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BANDINELLI. 1487 I559S FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 477 PROPHETS. (Reliefs from Altar Screen) Cathedral Museum, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BANDINELLI. 1487-1659 FLORENTINE SCHOOL C 478 C 479 O o Q S a uj < =0 s a. e o 1 1 U5 Z N? 00 K- tr 09 uj O > CQ /I C 480 C 481 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PERSEUS WITH THE HEAD OF MEDUSA Loggia del Lanzl, Florence CELLINI. I50O-I572 C 482 DAN/E WITH THE CHILD PERSEUS Detail : pedestal of Perseus and Medusa Loggia, del Lanzi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CELLINI. 1500157! BUST OF COSIMO Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CELLINI. 15001672 C 484 SILVER PITCHER Pitti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SCHOOL OF BENVENUTO CELLINI 1 C 486 MERCURY Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI DA BOLOGNA. 1524-1608 C 486 RAPE OF THE SABINES Loggia del Lanzi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI DA BOLOGNA. 152-' C 487 E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BRONZE DOORS Cathedral, Pisa GIOVANNI DA BOLOGNA. 1524-1608 488 C 489 BATHERS Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI DA BOLOGNA. I524-I6O8 C 490 HERCULES AND CENTAUR Loggia del Lanzi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI DA BOLOGNA. 1624-1608 C 491 "S r ST. LONGINUS Sf. Peter's, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BERNINI. 15981680 C 493 )LLO AND DAPHNE Borgltese, Rome BERNINI. I598--I680 CM-J' -J ^^-fV*' ^ C 494 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON yOH^/ BERNINI. 1598 1680 I C 495 BUST OF FRANCESCO I D'ESTE Qallery, Modena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BERNINI. 1508-1680 C 496 PIETA S. Giovanni in Laterano, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BERNINI? 15981680 C 497 HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VENUS Pitti, Florence CANOVA. 1757-1822 HERCULES HURLING LICH1AS INTO THE SEA Torlonia, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CANOVA. 17671822 I C 499 TOMB OF ARCHDUCHESS MARIA CHRISTINA Auguatinerhirche, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CANOVA. 1757-1822 C 600 Series C Later Italian Art Painting LOMBARD SCHOOL Leonardo da Vinci. 1452-1519 C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series G " 1 Angel: detail of B 191 ................... Academy, Florence 2 Madonna and Child: detail of cartoon, Adoration of the Magi .................... Uffizi, Florence 3 The Last Supper ......... Refectory-, S. M. delle Grazie, Milan 4 Head of Christ: detail of Last Supper 5 Group of Disciples: right end: detail of 3 6 Group of Disciples: right center: detail of 3 7 Group of Disciples: left center: detail of 3 8 Group of Disciples: left end: detail of 3 9 Head of Christ: drawing (questioned) ........... Brera, Milan 10 Mona Lisa .................................. Louvre, Paris 11 Madonna, with St. Anne: cartoon. . Burlington House, London 12 Virgin of the Rocks ........................... Louvre, Paris 13 Leonardo da Vinci: drawing ............ Royal Library, Turin 14 The Annunciation (attributed ................ Louvre, Paris 15 John the Baptist (questioned), i ............... Louvre, Paris id Madonna, Child, and St. Anne ................ Louvre, Paris 17 La Belle Ferroniere (attributed) ............... Louvre, Paris 18 Bacchus (questioned) ......................... Louvre, Paris 19 Portrait of Isabella d'Este: cartoon ............. Louvre, Paris 20 Study for head of Madonna, 16 ........... Ambrosiana, Milan 21 Battle of Anghiari: Engraving after copy by Rubens Louvre, Paris xiii xiv Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " Ambrogio Preda (de Predis). 1460P-1515? 22 A Young Princess (Beatrice d'Este?) : at- tributed Ambrosiana, Milan 23 Portrait of a Young Man (?) Ambrosiana, Milan 24 Angel playing Lute National Gallery, London 25 Portrait of Francesco Brevio Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan Andrea Solario (Andrea da Milano). 1460P-1520? 26 St. Catherine: compartment of triptych, Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan 27 The Repose in Egypt Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan 28 Ecce Homo Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan Giovanni Antonio Bel traffic (Bol traffic). 1467-1516 29 Madonna and Child Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan 30 Isabella of Aragon: pastel Ambrosiana, Milan 31 Fanciful Portrait (attributed) Uffizi, Florence Marco d'Oggiono. 1470P-1530? 32 Assumption of the Virgin Brera, Milan Bernardino de' Gonti. fl. 1490-1522 33 Madonna and Child Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan 34 Madonna enthroned, Saints and Donors Brera, Milan Giampietrino (Giovanni Pedrini). fl. 1520-1540 35 Magdalene Brera, Milan Bernardino Luini. 1475P-1533? 36 Burial of St. Catherine . Brera, Milan 37 Marriage of the Virgin Pilgrimage Church, Saronno 38 Angel presenting Vials Pilgrimage Church, Saronno 39 Adoration of the Magi Pilgrimage Church, Saronno 40 View of Interior, Church of S. Maurizio Milan 41 Martyrdom of St. Catherine S. Maurizio, Milan 42 St. Apollonia S. Maurizio, Milan Later Italian Art xv C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " 43 Ippolita Sforza with SS. Agnes, Catherine and Scholastica 3. Maurizio, Milan 44 Madonna of the Rose-trellis Brera, Milan x 45 Madonna with SS. Anthony and Barbara Brera, Milan 46 St. Anthony: detail of 45 47 Madonna, Child and St. John S. M. degli Angioli, Lugano 48 Tobias and the Angel Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan Gaudenzio Ferrari. 1480P-1546 49 The Last Supper S. M. della Passione, Milan 50 The Annunciation Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 51 Detail of Cupola Pilgrimage Church, Saronno Gesare da Sesto (Cesare Milanese). 1480P-1523? 52 Madonna and Child Brera, Milan LATE SIENESE SCHOOL II Sodoma (Gianantonio Bazzi). 1477-1549 53 Episode from the life of St. Benedict Monte Oliveto 54 Alexander and Roxana Farnesina, Rome 55 Madonna and Child Brera, Milan 56 Assumption of the Virgin .... Oratory of S. Bernardino, Siena 57 Christ bound to the Column Academy, Siena 58 St. Sebastian Uffizi, Florence 59 St. Catherine receiving the Stigmata S. Domenico, Siena 60 Christ in Limbo Academy, Siena Baldassare Peruzzi. 1481-1536 6 1 Sibyl predicting to Augustus the coming of Christ Church of Fontegiusta, Siena Urbano da Gortona. d. 1504 62 The Persian Sibyl Pavement, Cathedral, Siena Domenico Beccafumi (Mecarino). 1486-1551 63 Moses striking the Rock Pavement, Cathedral, Siena 64 St. Catherine receiving the Stigmata Academy, Siena xvi Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " FLORENTINE SCHOOL Mariotto Albertinelli. 1474-1515 65 Madonna, St. Catherine and St. Barbara (triptych) Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan St. Catherine: detail of 65 Holy Family Pitti, Florence The Visitation Uffizi, Florence Fra Bartolommeo. 1475-1517 69 Nativity and Circumcision Uffizi, Florence 70 Holy Family Corsini, Rome 71 Madonna and Child Seminario, Venice 72 Drawing from the Last Judgment Uffizi, Florence 73 The Deposition Pitti, Florence 74 The Eternal Father, SS. Magdalen and Catherine Gallery, Lucca 75 St. Mark Pitti, Florence 76 Madonna enthroned Uffizi, Florence 77 Madonna and St. Anne: detail of 76 78 Angels with Musical Instruments: detail Pitti, Florence 79 Christ at Emmaus S. Marco, Florence 80 Savonarola as St. Peter Martyr Academy, Florence Franciabigio. 1482-1524 81 Madonna del Pozzo (attributed) Uffizi, Florence Ridolfo Ghirlandajo. 1483-1561 82 Madonna enthroned Yale Art Gallery, New Haven Andrea del Sarto. 1486-1531 83 Birth of the Virgin: detail SS. Annunziata, Florence 84 Adoration of Magi SS. Annunziata, Florence 85 The Annunciation Pitti, Florence 86 Madonna of the Harpies Uffizi, Florence 87 Madonna and Child: detail of 86 Later Italian Art xvii C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " 88 Charity Louvre, Paris 89 Putti.. Academy, Florence 90 Pieta . . Imperial Gallery, Vienna 91 Portrait of a Sculptor National Gallery, London 92 Decapitation of John the Baptist Scalzo, Florence 93 Assumption of the Virgin Pitti, Florence 94 St. Agnes Cathedral, Pisa 95 Madonna del Sacco SS. Annunziata, Florence 96 The Last Supper S. Salvi, Florence 97 Portrait of Andrea del Sarto Pitti, Florence II Rosso (Giovambattista di Jacopo). 1494-1541 98 Angel playing a Lute Uffizi, Florence Pontormo (Jacopo Garrucci). 1494-1557 99 Portrait of Cosimo de' Medici Uffizi, Florence Michelangelo Buonarroti. 1475-1564 (For sculptures by this artist see p. 66.) 100 Madonna, Child and Angels National Gallery, London 101 The Doni Madonna Uffizi, Florence 102 The Entombment National Gallery, London 103 Battle of Pisa. After an engraving Holkham Hall 104 View of Interior of Sistine Chapel Vatican, Rome 105 Separation of Light and Darkness, Ceiling, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome 1 06 Creation of Sun and Moon Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 107 Creation of Land and Water .Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 108 Creation of Man Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 109 The Creator: detail of 108 no Adam: detail of 108 1 1 1 Creation of Eve Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 1 1 2 Temptation and Expulsion from Eden . . Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 1 13 Sacrifice of Noah Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 114 The Deluge: detail: Ceiling, Sistine Chapel xviii Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " 115 Drunkenness of Noah Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 116 Judith with the Head of Holofernes. . .Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 117 The Prophet Jonah Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 118 The Prophet Jeremiah Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 119 The Prophet Ezekiel Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 120 The Prophet Joel Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 121 The Prophet Zechariah .Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 122 The Prophet Isaiah Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 123 The Prophet Daniel Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 124 Persian Sibyl Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 125 Erythrean. Sibyl Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 126 Delphic Sibyl Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 127 . Cumsean Sibyl Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 128 Libyan Sibyl Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 129 Jesse Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 130 Eleazer and Mathan West wall, Sistine Chapel 131 Decorative figure Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 132 Decorative figure Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 133 Decorative figure Ceiling, Sistine Chapel 134 The Last Judgment East wall, Sistine Chapel 135 Christ, the Judge: detail of 134 136 St. Sebastian: detail of 134 137 Exterior of Dome St. Peter's, Rome Daniele da Volterra. 1509-1566 138 Descent from the Cross S. Trinita de' Monti, Rome Marcello Venusti. 1515-1585 139 Christ driving the Traders from the Temple National Gallery, London RAPHAEL AND HIS SCHOOL Timoteo Viti. 1469P-1523 140 Youthful Jesus Martinengo Coll., Brescia 141 The Annunciation Brera, Milan 142 Magdalen in the Desert Gallery, Bologna Later Italian Art xix C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " Raphael Sanzio. 1483-1520 143 Solly Madonna Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 144 Vision of a Knight National Gallery, London 145 St. Sebastian Lochis Collection, Bergamo 146 Coronation of the Virgin Picture Gallery, Vatican, Rome- 147 Marriage of the Virgin Brera, Milan 148 Group of heads: detail of 147 149 Madonna del Granduca Pitti, Florence 150 The Trinity with Saints and Angels S. Severo, Perugia 151 Madonna del Cardellino: detail Uffizi, Florence 152 Portrait of Angelo Doni Pitti, Florence 153 Madonna di Casa Tempi Alte Pinakothek, Munich 154 Madonna del Cordero Prado, Madrid 155 Madonna Ansidei National Gallery, London 156 La Belle Jardiniere Louvre, Paris 157 The Entombment Borghese, Rome 158 Madonna del Prato Imperial Gallery, Vienna 159 View of Interior, Camera della Segnatura Vatican, Rome 1 60 Dispute of the Sacrament .. Camera della Segnatura, Vatican 161 Christ: detail of 1 60 162 Angels: detail of 160 163 Prophets, Martyrs and Saints: detail of 160 164 Parnassus Camera della Segnatura, Vatican 165 Apollo: detail of 164 166 Sappho: detail of 164 167 School of Athens Camera della Segnatura, Vatican 168 Mathematicians: detail of 167 169 Prudence, Force and Moderation, Camera della Segnatura, Vatican 170 Judgment of Solomon, Ceiling, Camera della Segnatura, Vatican 171 Theology: medallion Camera della Segnatura, Vatican 172 Portrait of Pope Julius II Pitti, Florence 173 Vision of Ezekiel Pitti, Florence 174 Madonna dell* Impannata Pitti, Florence 175 Madonna Garvagh National Gallery, London xx Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " 176 Expulsion of Heliodorus Camera d' Eliodoro, Vatican 177 Miracle of Bolsena Camera d' Eliodoro, Vatican 178 Deliverance of Peter: detail Camera d' Eliodoro, Vatican 179 Attila repulsed from Rome Camera d' Eliodoro, Vatican 180 The Four Sibyls S. M. della Pace, Rome 181 Angels: center, detail of 180 182 Sibyls: right side, detail of 180 183 Galatea Farnesina, Rome 184 Madonna del Pesce Prado, Madrid 185 Portrait of a Cardinal Prado, Madrid 1 86 St. Cecilia Gallery, Bologna 187 Lo Spasimo Prado, Madrid 188 Madonna della Sedia Pitti, Florence 189 Christ's Charge to Peter: cartoon for tapestry Museum, South Kensington, London 190 Miraculous Draught of Fishes: cartoon for tapestry Museum, South Kensington, London 191 Psyche offering Vase to Venus Farnesina, Rome 192 Jupiter consoling Cupid: drawing Louvre, Paris 193 Madonna of Francis I Louvre, Paris 194 Donna Velata Pitti, Florence 195 Portrait of Pope Leo X Pitti, Florence 196 Madonna di San Sisto Gallery, Dresden 197 Madonna and Child: detail of 196 198 Interior View of Loggia Vatican, Rome 199 Abraham and the Three Angels Loggia, Vatican, Rome 200 The Transfiguration Picture Gallery, Vatican, Rome 20 1 Head of Christ : detail of 200 Giulio Romano. 1492P-1546 202 Dance of Apollo and the Muses Pitti, Florence 203 Madonna della Catina Gallery, Dresden 204 Detail of Vault Sala dei Giganti, Palazzo del T. Mantua 205 Polyphemus Sala de Psiche, Palazzo del T. Mantua Innocenza da Imola. 1494-1550 206 Madonna and Saints Colonna, Rome Later Italian Art xx ; C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " Perino del Vaga. 1500-1547 207 Archers Borghese, Rome 208 Justice Camera di Costantino, Vatican, Rome Francesco Primaticcio. 1504-1570 209 The Concert Louvre, Paris SCHOOLS OF NORTHERN ITALY EMILIA Dosso Dossi. 1479-1542 210 Circe Borghese, Rome 211 Nymph and Satyr (attributed) Pitti, Florence Garofalo (Benvenuti da Tisi). 1481-1559 212 The Deposition Borghese, Rome Correggio (Antonio Allegri). 1494-1534 213 Adoration of the Magi Brera, Milan 214 Madonna, Child and Angels Uffizi, Florence 215 Madonna and Child Castello, Milan 216 Madonna della Cesta National Gallery, London 217 Madonna of St. Francis Gallery, Dresden 218 Section of ceiling Convent S. Paolo, Parma 219 Diana Convent S. Paolo, Parma 220 Medallion Ceiling, Convent S. Paolo, Parma 221 Medallion Ceiling, Convent S. Paolo, Parma 222 Venus, Mercury and Cupid National Gallery, London 223 The Saviour: detail (from copy by Toschi), Cupola, S. Giovanni Evangelista, Parma 224 St. Thomas and St. James Minor, Cupola, S. Giovanni Evangelista, Parma 225 St. John Evangelist at Patmos, S. Giovanni Evangelista, Parma 226 Coronation of the Virgin Library, Parma 227 Section of Cupola Cathedral, Parma 228 Balustrade of Cupola Cathedral, Parma xxii Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series G " 229 Marriage of St. Catherine Louvre, Paris 230 Madonna of St. Sebastian Gallery, Dresden 231 Madonna of St. Jerome Gallery, Parma 232 Madonna della Scodella Gallery, Parma 233 Adoration of the Shepherds (Holy Night). . .Gallery, Dresden 234 Descent from the Cross Gallery, Parma 235 Madonna of St. George Gallery, Dresden 236 Cupids sharpening Arrows: detail of Danae. . . Borghese, Rome 237 Ganymede Imperial Gallery, Vienna 238 Jupiter and lo Imperial Gallery, Vienna II Parmigianino (Francesco Mazzola). 1504-1540 ^-239 Madonna, Child and Angels Pitti, Florence 240 Portrait of a Woman National Museum, Naples VENICE Jacopo de' Barbari. 1450P-1515? 241 Portrait of a Youth (attributed). . . .Imperial Gallery, Vienna Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli). 1477P-1511 242 Christ bearing the Cross Fenway Court, Boston 243 Stormy Landscape with Soldier and Gipsy, Giovanelli Palace, Venice 244 Judgment of Solomon Uffizi, Florence 245 Trial of Moses Uffizi, Florence 246 Portrait of Young Man Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 247 Madonna enthroned, with SS. Francis and * Liberale Cathedral, Castelfranco 248 Madonna and Child: detail of 247 249 Apollo and Daphne: cassone cover Seminario, Venice 250 Knight of Malta Uffizi, Florence 251 Sleeping Venus Gallery, Dresden 252 Head of Sleeping Venus: detail of 251 253 The Concert Louvre, Paris 254 Portrait of a Man Gallery, Budapest Later Italian Art xxin C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " 255 The Three Philosophers Imperial Gallery, Vienna 256 Shepherd Boy (attributed) Hampton Court, England 257 Madonna with SS. Anthony and Roch Prado, Madrid 258 Holy Family with St. Sebastian (questioned) .... Louvre, Paris Titian (Tiziano Vecelli). 1477-1576 259 Madonnaand Child (Gipsy Madonna), Imperial Gallery, Vienna 260 Madonna of the Cherries Imperial Gallery, Vienna 261 Madonna with Four Saints Gallery, Dresden 262 The Concert (questioned) Pitti, Florence 263 Head of Monk: detail of 262 264 Artless and Sated Love Borghese, Rome 265 Artless Love: detail of 264 266 The Man with the Glove Louvre, Paris 267 St. Mark enthroned, with Saints. . .S. M. della Salute, Venice 268 Madonna with St. Bridget Prado, Madrid 269 The Tribute Money Gallery, Dresden 270 Assumption of the Virgin Academy, Venice 271 The Virgin: detail of 270 272 Angel: detail of 270 273 Madonna with St. Anthony Uffizi, Florence 274 Altarpiece: The Resurrection . . .SS. Nazzaro e Celso, Brescia 275 Three Saints: detail Louvre, Paris 276 Bacchus and Ariadne National Gallery, London 277 Alfonso d'Este and Laura Dianti Louvre, Paris 278 Flora Uffizi, Florence 279 The Entombment Louvre, Paris 280 Portrait of Jacopo Soranzo Academy, Venice 281 Madonna of the Pesaro family Fran, Venice 282 Madonna and Child: detail of 281 283 Donor: detail of 281 284 St. Christopher (fresco) Ducal Palace, Venice 285 Death of St. Peter Martyr (copy), SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice 286 Portrait of Aretino Pitti, Florence 287 St. John the Almsgiver, ..S. Giovanni Elemosinario, Venire 288 Madonna with St. Catherine National Gallery, London xxiv Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series G " 289 La Bella (Duchess of Urbino?) Pitti, Florence 290 The Physician Parma Imperial Gallery, Vienna 291 Presentation of the Virgin Academy, Venice 292 Group of Witnesses: detail of 291 293 Howard, Duke of Norfolk . .Pitti, Florence 294 Portrait of Titian Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 295 Pope Paul III National Museum, Naples 296 Lavinia bearing Salver of Fruit. Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 297 The Great Ecce Homo Imperial Gallery, Vienna 298 Charles V at Miihlberg Prado, Madrid 299 Danae Imperial Gallery, Vienna 300 Christ crowned with Thorns Louvre, Paris 301 The Deposition Academy, Venice Palma Vecchio (Jacopo Palma). 1480P-1528 302 St. Barbara S. M. Formosa, Venice 303 Madonna enthroned S. Stefano, Vicenza 304 Three Sisters Gallery, Dresden 305 Jacob and Rachael Gallery, Dresden 306 Santa Conversazione Academy, Venice 307 Portrait of a Young Lady Imperial Gallery, Vienna 308 Ariosto (questioned) National Gallery, London Giovanni Antonio da Pordenone. 1483-1538 309 S. Lorenzo Giustiniani, with other Saints. . . .Academy, Venice Sebastiano del Piombo. 1485-1547 310 S. Chrysostom with Saints S. Giov. Crisostomo, Venice 31 1 The Visitation Academy, Venice 312 La Fornarina Uffizi, Florence 313 Martyrdom of St. Agatha Pitti, Florence 314 Raising of Lazarus National Gallery, London 315 Portrait of a Woman Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 316 Portrait of a Man Uffizi, Florence Francesco Torbido. 1486-1536 317 Young Man with a Rose Alte Pinakothek, Munich Later Italian Art xxv C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " Paris Bordone. 1500-1570 318 Fisherman presenting St. Mark's Ring to Doge Gradenigo Academy, Venice 319 Portrait of a Lady of the Brignole family, National Gallery, London Bassano (Jacopo da Ponte). 1510-1592 320 The Shepherds Academy, Venice 321 Repose in Egypt Ambrosiana, Milan Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti). 1518-1594 322 Adam and Eve Academy, Venice 323 Miracle of the Slave Academy, Venice 324 Finding the Body of St. Mark Brera, Milan 325 The Marriage at Cana S. M. della Salute, Venice 326 The Annunciation: detail S. Rocco, Venice 327 Flight into Egypt S. Rocco, Venice - 4*^328 The Last Supper: detail S. Rocco, Venice 329 The Crucifixion S. Rocco, Venice 330 Detail of 329, central group 331 Christ before Pilate S. Rocco, Venice ^/$i>2 Presentation of the Virgin Madonna dell' Orto, Venice 333 The Deposition Academy, Venice 334 Bacchus and Ariadne Ducal Palace, Venice 335 Marriage of St. Catherine Ducal Palace, Venice 336 The Forge of Vulcan Ducal Palace, Venice 337 Portrait of a Procurator Uffizi, Florence Palma Giovane (Giacomo Palma). 1544-1628 338 Allegory: League of Cambrai Ducal Palace, Venice VERONA Bonifazio Veronese I. 1490P-1540 339 Parable of the Rich Man Academy, Venice 340 Lazarus: detail of 339 341 The Judgment of Solomon Academy, Venice xxvi Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series G " Bonifazio Veronese II. d. 1553 342 Holy Family Louvre, Paris Bonifazio (III.) Veneziano. b. 1525 343 SS. Bernarc' and Sebastian Academy, Venice Paul \ ronese (Paolo Caliari). 1528-1588 344 St. Gregory nd St. James: compartment of triptych Brera, Milan 345 Coronation f Esther Ceiling, S. Sebastiano, Venice 346 The Marriagt at Cana Louvre, Paris 347 Feast at the House of Levi Academy, Venice 348 Detail of 347 349 Head of Padre Servito Grano: detail of Feast of St. Gregory Monte Berico, Vicenza 350 Adoration of the Shepherds. .S. Giuseppe di Castello, Venice 351 St. Helena dreaming of the Cross. . .National Gallery, London 352 Finding of Moses Prado, Madrid 353 St. Anthony Abbot enthroned with SS. Cornelius and Cyprian Brera, Milan 354 Alexander and the Family of Darius, National Gallery, London 355 Angel: detail of Annunciation Academy, Venice 356 Marriage of St. Catherine S. Caterina, Venice 357 Rape of Europa Anti-Collegio, Ducal Palace, Venice 358 Industry Sala del Collegio, Ducal Palace, Venice 359 Medallion Ceiling, Ducal Palace, Venice BERGAMO AND BRESCIA Lorenzo Lotto. 1480P-1556? 360 Madonna with Saints S. Bartolommeo, Bergamo 361 The Brothers della Torre National Gallery, London 362 Portrait of a Youth Castello, Milan 363 Adoration of the Shepherds Martinengo Coll., Brescia 364 Portrait of Old Man Brera, Milan 365 Donna Laura da Pola (?) Brera, Milan 366 Three Ages of Man (questioned) Pitti, Florence Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " Cariani (Giovanni de' Busi). 1480-1544 367 Portrait of a Man Alte Pinakothek, Munich Girolamo Romanino. 1485P-1566? 368 Madonna enthroned, with Saints Gallery, Padua 369 Altarpiece: The Nativity Natij/al Gallery, London 370 Supper at Emmaus Marti ngo Coll., Brescia , Moretto da Brescia. 1498-1 55 |D 371 Madonna in Glory Martuengo Coll., Brescia 372 St. Justina Imperial Gallery, Vienna 373 S . Niccolo da Ban presenting Children to the Virgin Martinengo Coll., Brescia 374 Madonna and Child: detail of 373 375 Supper at Emmaus Martinengo Coll., Brescia 376 The Annunciation Martinengo Coll., Brescia 377 Count Sciarra Martinengo Cesaresco, National tiaMery, London Giovanni Batista Moroni. 1525P-1578 378 The Tailor National Gallery, London 379 Portrait of a Lawyer National Gallery, London 380 Portrait of Antonio Navigero Brera, Milan 381 Portrait of a Man National Gallery, London LATE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PAINTING Bronzino (Angiolo di Cosimo). 1502-1572 382 Christ in Limbo Uffizi, Florence 383 Portrait of Lucrezia Panciatichi Uffizi, Florence Giorgio Vasari. 1512-1574 384 Lorenzo the Magnificent Uffizi, Florence xxvili Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series G " Federigo Baroccio. 1528-1612 385 Christ appearing to Mary Uffizi, Florence 386 Madonna del Popolo Uffizi, Florence Ludovico Garracci. 1555-1619 387 Madonna, Angels and Saints Gallery, Bologna Agostino Garracci. 1558-1601 388 Communion of St. Jerome Gallery, Bologna Annibale Garracci. 1560-1609 "^389 The Virgin of Silence Louvre, Paris 390 A Bacchante Uffizi, Florence Caravaggio (Michael Angelo Amerighi), 1569-1609 "vl ^39 1 The Card Players Gallery, Dresden '392 The Entombment Picture Gallery, Vatican, Rome ,93 Death of the Virgin Louvre, Paris Guido Reni. 1575-1642 394 St. Peter and St. Paul Brera, Milan 395 Dejaniraand the Centaur Nessus Louvre, Paris 396 Apollo and the Hours (Aurora) Casino, Rospigliosi, Rome 397 The Archangel Michael Capuchin Church, Rome 398 Venus and Cupid Gallery, Dresden Gristofano Allori. 1577-1621 399 Judith with the Head of Holofernes Pitti, Florence Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri). 1581-1641 400 Last Communion qf St. Jerome Gallery, Vatican, Rome 401 Head of Acolyte: detail of 400 402 Ascension of St. Paul Louvre, Paris 403 Two Heads: detail Monastery, Grotta Ferrala ,404 St. Cecilia Louvre, Paris Later Italian Art xxix C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " Francesco Albano. 1578-1660 405 Dance of Little Loves Brera, Milan Guercino (Giov. Francesco Barbieri). 1591-1666 406 Vision of St. Jerome Louvre, Paris 407 The V 7 irgin appearing to St. Bruno. . .' Gallery, Bologna 408 Abraham and Hagar Brera, Milan 409 The Virgin: detail of Annunciation Gallery, Forli Sassoferrato (Giov. Battista Salvi). 1605-1685 410 Madonna and Child Borghese, Rome Carlo Dolce. 1616-1686 41 1 St. Cecilia Gallery, Dresden 412 St. Casimir Pitti, Florence Padovanino (Alessandro Varotari). 1590-1650 413 The Marriage at Cana Academy, Venice Salvator Rosa. 1615-1673 414 Landscape: the Bridge Pitti, Florence 415 The Conspiracy of Catiline Pitti, Florence Luca Giordano. 1632-1705 416 Neptune and Amphitrite Riccardi Palace, Florence 417 The Golden Age Museum, Boston Vittore Ghislandi. b. 1655 418 A Youthful Artist Carrara Coll., Bergamo Gian Battista Tiepolo. 1692-1770 419 Christ's Journey to Calvary: detail S. Alvise, Venice 420 The Last Supper Louvre, Paris 421 Madonna of the Rosary Poldi-Pezzoli, Mi Lin 422 Neptune and Venice Ducal Palace, Venice xxx Later Italian Art G. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " Ganaletto (Antonio Canale). 1697-1768 423 View in Venice Academy, Venice Sculpture The Certosa of Pavia 424 General View 425 Detail of Facade Certosa, Pavia 426 Detail of Principal Portal Certosa, Pavia 427 Door of Sacristy Certosa, Pavia 428 Pieta and Children in Adoration . . . High Altar, Certosa, Pavia 429 Tomb of Galeazzo Visconti Certosa, Pavia 430 Tomb of Lodovico Sforza and Beatrice d'Este. . Certosa, Pavia School of Leonardo da Vinci 431 Bust of Scipio: bas-relief Louvre, Paris Pietro Lombardi. d. 1511? 432 Tomb of Cardinal Zeno S. Marco, Venice Alessandro Leopardi. d. 1522 433 Base of flag-standard Piazza S. Marco, Venice 434 Tomb of Doge Andrea Vendramin: detail, SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice Andrea Sansovino. 1460-1529 435 Baptism of Christ Baptistery, Florence 436 Tomb of Cardinal Ascanio Sforza. . .S. M. del Popolo, Rome 437 Prudence : detail of 436 Michelangelo Buonarroti. 1475-1564 (For paintings by this artist see p. 53) 438 Mask of a Faun (?) Bargello, Florence 439 Combat of Centaurs with Lapiths, Casa Buonarroti, Florence 440 Madonna Casa Buonarroti, Florence Later Italian Art xxxi C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series G " 441 Angel with Candlestick, Shrine of St. Dominic, S. Domenico, Bologna 442 Drunken Bacchus " Bargello, Florence 443 Kneeling Cupid Museum, South Kensington, London 444 Pieta St. Peter's, Rome 445 Madonna Notre Dame, Bruges 446 Madonna: medallion Bargello, Florence 447 Madonna: medallion Burlington House, London 448 David Academy, Florence 449 Head of David: detail of 448 4.50 Tomb of Pope Julius II S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome 451 Moses: detail of 450 452 Bound Slave Louvre, Paris 453 Victory Bargello, Florence 454 View of Interior New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence 455 Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici, New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence 456 Giuliano de' Medici: detail of 455 457 Night: detail of 455 458 Head of Night: detail of 457 459 Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici, New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence 460 Lorenzo de' Medici, detail of 459 461 Twilight: detail of 459 462 Madonna New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence 463 Bust of Brutus Bargello, Florence 464 The Deposition Cathedral, Florence 465 The Wounded Adonis: (questioned) Bargello, Florence Benedetto Rovezzano. 1475-1556 466 St. Giovanni Gualberto expelling a Demon . . Bargello, Florence 467 Chimney Piece Bargello, Florence Antonio Begarelli. 1479-1565 468 The Lamentation S. Pietro, Modena \ xxxii Later Italian Art C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series C " Bambaja (Agostino Busti). 1480-1548 469 Tomb of Gaston de Foix: detail Castello, Milan II Tribolo (Niccolo da Raffaello Braccini). 1485-1550 470 Assumption of the Virgin S. Petronio, Bologna Jacopo Sansovino (Jacopo Tatti). 1487-1570 47 r Loggietta Campanile, Venice 472 Bacchus Bargello, Florence 473 Mercury Loggietta, Campanile, Venice 474 Sacristy Door S. Marco, Venice 475 Miracle of St. Anthony S. Antonio, Padua Baccio Bandinelli. 1487-1559 476 Hercules and Cacus Piazza della Signoria, Florence 477 Prophets: Reliefs from Altar Screen, Cathedral Museum, Florence Giovan' Angelo Montorsoli. 1500-1563 4780 St. Cosimo New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence Raffaello da Montelupo. 1505-1566 4786 St. Damian New Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence Francesco di San Gallo. 1493-1570 479 Tomb of Bishop Leonardo Buonfede. .Certosa di Val d'Ema Benvenuto Cellini. 1500-1572 480 Nymph of Fontainebleau Louvre, Paris 1 Perseus and Medusa Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence 2 Danae with the Child Perseus: detail, pedestal of 481 483 Bust of Cosimo I Bargello, Florence 484 Silver Pitcher. (School of Cellini) Pitti, Florence Later Italian Art xxxiii C. Order by Number, Specifying " Series G " Giovanni da Bologna. 1524-1608 485 Mercury Bargello, Florence 486 Rape of the Sabines Loggia dei Lanzi, Fbrence 487 Bronze Doors Cathedral, Pisa 488 Presentation of Jesus: panel, detail of 487 489 The Bathers Bargello, Florence 490 Hercules and Centaur Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence Stefano Maderna. 1571-1636 491 St. Cecilia S. Cecilia in Trastevere, Rome Lorenzo Bernini. 1598-1680 492 St. Longinus St. Peter's, Rome 493 Apollo and Daphne Borghese, Rome 494 David Borghese, Rome 495 Bust of Francesco d'Este I Gallery, Modena 496 Pieta (Bernini or pupil) S. Giov. in Laterano, Rome Antonio Canova. 1757-1822 497 Venus Pitti, Florence 498 Hercules hurling Lichias into the sea Torlonia, Rome 499 Tomb of Archduchess Maria Christina, Augustinerkirche, Vienna 500 Detail of Canova's Tomb Frari, Venice flnfcei of places. BERGAMO. Gallery. Ghislandi, 418; Raphael, 145. S. Barlolommeo. Lotto, 360. BERLIN. Kaiser Friedrich Museum. Ferrari, 50; Giorgione, 246; Raphael, 143; Sebas- tiano del Piombo, 315; Titian, 294, 296. BOLOGNA. Gallery. Carracci, A., 388; L, 387; Guercino, 407; Raphael, 186; Viti, 142. 5. Domenico. Michelangelo, 441. 5. Petronio. Tribolo, 470. BOSTON. Fenway Court. Giorgione, 242. Museum. Giordano, 417. BRESCIA. Martinengo Collection. Lotto, 363; Moretto, 371, 373, 374, 375, 376; Romanino, 370; Viti, 140. 55. Nazzaro e Celso. Titian, 274. BRUGES. Notre Dame. Michelangelo, 445. BUDAPESTH. Gallery. Giorgione, 254. CASTELFRANCO. Cathedral. Giorgione, 247, 248. DRESDEN. Gallery. Caravaggio, 391; Correggio, 217, 230, 233, 235; Dolce, 411; Gior- gione, 251, 252; Giulio Romano, 203; Palma Vecchio, 304, 305; Raphael, 196, 197; Reni, 411; Titian, 261, 269. FLORENCE. Academy. Andrea del Sarto, 89; Fra Bartolommeo, 80; Leonardo da Vinci, 1; Michelangelo, 448, 449. 55. Annunziata. Andrea del Sarto, 83, 84, 95. Baptistery. Sansovino, A., 435. Bargello. Cellini, 483; Giov. da Bologna, 485, 489; Michelangelo, 438, 442, 446, 453, 463, 465; Rovezzano, 466, 467; Sansovino, J., 472. Casa Buonarroti. Michelangelo, 439, 440. Cathedral. Michelangelo, 464. Cathedral Museum. Bandinelli, 477. Loggia dei Lanti. Cellini, 481, 482; Giov. da Bologna, 486, 490. 5. Lorenzo, New Sacristy. Michelangelo, 454-462; Montelupo, 478b; Montor- soli, 478a. 5. Marco. Fra Bartolommeo, 79. Piazza della Signoria. Bandinelli, 476. Pilti. Albertinelli, 67; Allori, 399; Andrea del Sarto, 85, 93, 97; Bartol- ommeo, Fra, 73, 75, 78; Canova, 497; Dolce, 412; Dossi, 211; Giulio Ro- mano, 202; Lotto, 366; Parmigianino, 239; Raphael, 149, 152, 172, 173, 174, 188, 194, 195; Rosa, 414, 415; Sebas- tiano del Piombo, 313; Titian, 262, 263, 286, 289, 293. Pilti Palace. Cellini, 484. Riccardi Palace. Giordano, 416. 5. Sah-i. Andrea del Sarto, 96. Scalzo. Andrea del Sarto, 92. Uffizi. Albertinelli, 68; Andrea del Sarto, 86, 87; Baroccio, 385, 386; Bartolommeo, Fra, 69, 72, 76, 77; Beltraffio, 31; Bronzino, 382, 383; Carracci, An., 390; Correggio, 214; Franciabigio, 81; Giorgione, 244, 245, 250; Leonardo da Vinci, 2; Michel- angelo, 101; Pontormo, 99; Raphael, 151; Rosso, 98; Sebastiano del Piombo, 312, 316; Sodoma, 58; Tintoretto, 337; Titian, 273, 278; Vasari, 384. FORLI. Gallery. Guercino, 409. GROTTA FERRATA Monastery. Domeni- chino, 403. HAMPTON COURT. Giorgione, 256. HOLKHAM HALL. Michelangelo, 103. LONDON. Burlington House. Leonardo da Vinci, 11; Michelangelo, 447. National Gallery. Andrea del Sarto, 91; Bordone, 319; Correggio, 216, 222; Lotto, 361; Michelangelo, 100, 102; Moretto, 377; Moroni, 378, 379, 381; Palma Vecchio, 308; Preda, 24; Raphael, 144, 155, 175; Romanino, 369; Sebastiano del Piombo, 314; Titian, 276, 288; Veronese, 351, 354; Venusti, 139. South Kensington Museum. Michel- angelo, 443; Raphael, 189, 190. INDEX OF PLACES xxxv LUCCA. Gallery. Fra Bartolommeo, 74. LUGANO. 5. M. degli A ngioli. Luini, 47. MADRID. Prado. Giorgione, 257; Raphael, 154, 184, 185, 187; Titian, 268, 298; Veronese, 352. MANTUA. Palazzo del T. Giulio Romano, 204, 205. MILAN. Ambrosiana. Bassano, 321; Beltraffio, 30; Leonardo da Vinci, 20; Preda, 22, 23. Brera. Albano, 405; Bernardino dei Conti, 34; Cesare da Sesto, 52; Cor- reggio, 213; Giampietrino, 35; Guer- cino, 408; Leonardo da Vinci, 9; Lotto, 364, 365; Luini, 36, 44, 45, 46; Moroni, 380; Oggiono, 32; Raphael, 147, 148; Reni, 394; Sodoma, 55; Tintoretto, 324; Veronese, 344, 353; Viti 141. Castetto. Bambaja, 469; Correggio, 215; Lotto, 362. 5. M. delle Grazie. Leonardo da Vinci, 3-8. 5. M. della Passione. Ferrari, 49. 5. Maurizio. Luini, 40-43. Poldi-Pezzoli. Albertinelli, 65, 66; Bel- traffio, 29; Bernardino dei Conti, 33; Luini, 48; Preda, 25; Solario, 26-28; Tiepolo, 421. MODENA. Gallery. Bernini, 495. 5. Pietro. Begarelli, 468. MONTE OLIVETO. Sodoma, 53. MUNICH. Alte Pinakothek. Cariani, 367; Raphael, 153; Torbido, 317. NAPLES. Museum. Parmigianino, 240; Titian, 295. NEW HAVEN. Yale Art School. Ghirlandajo, R., 82. PADUA. S. Antonio. Sanso vino, J., 475. Gallery. Romanino, 368. PARIS. Louire. Andrea del Sartp, 88; Boni- fa/.io II, 342; Caravaggio, 393; Car- rani, An., 389; Cellini, 480; Correggio, 229; Domenichino, 402, 404; Gior- gione, 253, 258; Guercino, 406; Leo- nardo da Vinci, 10. 12, 14-19, 21; School of, 431; Michelangelo, 462; Primaticcio, 209; Raphael, 166, 192, 193; Reni, 395; Tiepolo, 420; Titian, 266, 276, $77, 279, 300; Veronese, 346. PARMA. Cathedral. Correggio, 227, 228. Gallery. Correggw, 231, 232, 234. S. Gim: Ei-angelista. Correggio, 223- Library. Correggio, 226. 5. Paolo. Correggio, 218, 221. I'AVIA. Certosa. 424-430. PERUGIA. 5. Severe. Raphael, 150. PISA. Cathedral. Andrea del Sarto, 94; Giov. da Bologna, 487. ROME. [CHURCHES.] Capuchin Church. Reni, 397. S. Cecilia in Traslevere. Maderna, 491. S. Giov. in Laterano, Bernini, 496. S. M. della Pace. Raphael, 180-182. 5. M. del Popolo. Sansovino, A., 436, SI. Peter's. Michelangelo, 137, 444; Bernini, 492. S. Pietro in Vincoli. Michelangelo, 450, 451. 5. Trinit^ de' Monti. Volterra, 138. ROME. [PALACES.^ Borghese. Bernini, 493, 494; Correggio, 236; Dossi, 210; Garofalo, 212; Perino del Vaga, 207; Raphael, 157; Sassoferrato, 410; Titian, 264, 265. Colonna. Imola, 206. Corsini. Fra Bartolommeo, 70. Farnesina. Raphael, 183, 191; Sodoma, 54. Rospigliosi. Reni, 396. Tononia. Canova, 498. Vatican; Gallery. Caravaggio, 392; Domenichino, 400, 401; Raphael, 146, 200. Loggia. Raphael, 198, 199. Sisttne Chapel. Michelangelo, 104-136. Stanze. Perinodel Vaga, 208; Raphael, 159-171; 176-179. SARONNO. Pilgrimage Church. Ferrari, 51; Luini, 37-39. SIENA. Academy. Beccafumi, 64; Sodoma, 57, 60. S. Bernardino. Sodoma, 56. Cathedral. Beccafumi, 63; L'rbano, 62. S. Domenico. Sodoma, 59. Fontegiusta. Peruzzi, 61. TURIN. Library. Leonardo da Vimi, 13. VAL D' EMA. Ctrtota, San Gallo, F., 470. XXX VI LATER ITALIAN ART VENICE. Academy. Bassano, 320; Bonifazio I, 339-341; Bonifazio III, 343; Bordone, 318; Canaletto, 423; Padovanino, 413; Palma Vecchio, 306; Pordenone, 309; Sebastiano del Piombo, 311; Tinto- retto, 322, 323, 333; Titian, 270-272, 280, 291, 292, 301; Veronese, 347, 348, 355. S. Alvise. Tiepolo, 419. 5. Calerina. Veronese, 356. Ducal Palace. Palma Giovane, 338; Tiepolo, 422; Tintoretto, 334-336; Titian, 284; Veronese, 357-359. Frari. Canova, 500; Titian, 281-283. Gioi'anelli Palace. Giorgione, 243. S. Gim: Crisoslomo. Sebastiano del Piombo, 310. 5. Gim'. Elemosinario. Titian. 287. SS. Gim. e Paolo. Leopardi, 434; Titian, 285. .9. Giuseppi di Caskllo. Veronese, 350. Madonna dell' Orto. Tintoretto, 332. 5. Marco. Lombardo, 432; Sansovino, J., 474. 5. M. Formosa. Palma Vecchio, 302. 5. M. della Salute. Tintoretto, 325; Titian, 267. Piazza S. Marco. Leopardi, 433; Sanso- vino, J., 471, 473. 5. Rocco. Tintoretto, 326-331. 5. Sebastiano. Veronese, 345. Sentinario. Fra Bartolommco, 71; Giorgione, 249. VlCENZA. Monte Berico. Veronese, 34!). 5. Stefano. Palma Vecchio, 303. VIENNA. Augustinerkirchc. Canova, 499. Imperial Gallery. Andrea del Sarto, 90; Barbari, 241; Correggio, 237, 23S; Giorgione, 255; Moretto, 372; Palma Vecchio, 307; Raphael, 158; Titian, 259, 260, 290, 297, 299. topical Unfcei. ALLEGORICAL AND LEGENDARY. Attfgory. Archers 207 Artless and Sated Lo\e . . . 264,265 Dispute of the Sacrament .... 160 League of Cambrai 338 Miracle of Bolsena 177 Neptune and Venice 422 Vision of a Knight 144 Church Legends. St. Catherine, Burial, 36; Marriage, 229, 288, 335, 356; Martyrdom, 41; Stigmata, 59, 64. Christ in Limbo 60, 382 Miracles, of St. Anthony, 474; of St. Benedict, 53; of Bolsena, 177; of St. Giov. Gualberto, 466; of St. Mark, 318, 323, 324. Sibyl and Augustus 61 (See Madonna, life of; Saints.) Personifications. Charity, 88; Force, 169; Industry, 358; Justice, 208; Moderation, 169; Pru- dence, 169, 437; Theology, 171; Victor)', 453. ARCHITECTURAL. Chimney-piece 467 Doors. Pav ia, Certosa 426, 427 Pisa, Cathedral 487, 488 Venice, San Marco 474 Exteriors. Pavia, Certosa 424, 425 Rome, St. Peter's lj Venice, Loggietta 471 Interiors. Florence, S. Lorenzo, Sacristy . . 454 Milan, S. Maurizio 40 Parma, S. Paolo 218 Rome, Vatican 104, 159, 198 BIBLICAL. Apocrypha. Heliodorus, Expulsion of Judith and Holofemes . , Moses, Trial of .... Tobias and the Angel . . . 176 116,399 245 48, 184 xxxvii T ew Testament. Angels, 1, 24, 38, 51, 78, 89, 98, 162, 178, 181, 272, 355, 397, 441. Apostles, 5-8, 32, 49, 56, 93, 96, 146, 189, 200, 227, 270, 328, 393, 420, 470. (See Saints.) Christ, figure, 4, 9, 28, 57, 59, 135, 140, 161, 201, 223 Scenes from the Life of. Adoration of the Magi, 39, 84, 213; Adoration of the Shepherds, 233, 350, 363; Baptism, 430; Circumcision, 69; Driving Traders from Temple, 139; Feast at House of Leu, 347; Marriage at Cana, 325, 346, 413; Nativity, 69, 369; Parable of Rich Man, 339, 340; Presentation, 488; Raising of Lazarus, 314; Transfiguration, 200; Tribute Money, 269. Scenes from the Passion. Bearing the Cross, 187, 242, 385, 419; Before Pilate, 297, 331; Crowned with Thorns, 28, 57, 300; Crucifixion, 329, 330; Deposition, 73, 138, 212, 234, 301, 333, 464, 468; Ecce Homo, 28, 297; Entombment, 102, 157, 279, 392; Last Supper, 3-8, 49, 96, 328, 420; Pieta, 90, 428, 444, 496. Scenes of the Resurrection. Appearing to Man', 385; Charge to Peter, 189; Draught of Fishes, 190; Emmaus, 79, 370, 375; Resurrection, 274. Last Judgment 72, 134 Lazarus, 340; raising of, 314. Madonna . . 20.151,161,271,386,409 Madonna and Child, 2, 29, 33, 44, 52, 55, 71, 87, 143, 149, 153, 197, 248, 259, 282, 374, 410. 440, 445, 462. with Angels, 61, 100, 214, 239. with John, 12, 47, 81, 156, 158, 176, 188, 215, 389, 446. 447. with Joseph, 27, 67, 70, 95, 101, 154, 216. 232, 260, 321, 327. with Saints, 11, 16, 34, 46, 64, 65, 76, 77, 82, 86, 155, 174, 184, 193. 190. 203, 206, 217, 230, 231. 235, 247, 2*7, 258, 261, 268, 273, 281, 288, 303. 306, 342, 360, 368, 371, 373, 387. 407, 421 XXXV111 LATER ITALIAN ART Scenes in the Life of. Annunciation, 14, 50, 85, 141, 274, 326, 376, 409; Assumption, 32, 56, 93, 227, 270, 470; Birth, 83; Coronation, 146, 226; Death, 393; Marriage, 37, 147; Presentation, 291, 332; Visitation, 68, 311. Old Testament. Abraham 163,199,408 Adam, 108, 110; and Eve, 60, 111, 112, 322, 382. Creator,.The 74*105-109, 111, 160, 161, 173,270 David 448,449,494 Eleazer 130 Esther, Coronation of 345 Hagar 408 Jacob and Rachel 305 Jesse 129 Mathan 130 Moses 63, 163, 352, 451 Noah 113-115 Prophets 117-123,173,477 Solomon, Judgment of . . 170,244,341 CLASSICAL AND MYTHOLOGICAL. Adonis 465 Alexander 54, 354 Amphitrite 416 Apollo, with Daphne, 249, 493; with Muses, 164, 165, 202; with Hours, 396 Ariadne 276,334 Athens, School of 167, 168 Aurora 396 Bacchante 276,390 Bacchus 18,442,472,276,334 Brutus 463 Centaur 183, 395, 439, 490 Circe 210 Cupid, 54, 183, 191, 192, 222, 236, 264, 357, 396, 398, 405, 416, 443. DanaS 299, 482 Daphne 249, 493 Dejanira 395 Diana 219 Europa, Rape of 357 Faun Mask 438 (See Satyr.) Flora 278 Galatea 183 Ganymede 237 Giants, Fall of 204 Golden Age, The 417 Hercules . 476,490,498 Jupiter and Cupid, 192; and lo . . . 238 Lapiths - 439 Lichias 498 Medusa 481 Mercury 222, 473, 485 . Neptune 416-422 Nymph, of Fontainebleau, 480; with Satyr, 211 (see Daphne, Galatea). Parnassus 164 Perseus 481,482 Polyphemus 205 Psyche \g\ Sabines, Rape of 486 Sappho 164, 166 Satyr 211,276,442,472 Scipio 431 Sibyl 61, 62, 124-128, 180-182 Venus . . 222, 251, 252, 334, 398, 404, 497 Vulcan, Forge of 336 DECORATIVE. Figures 131-133 Medallions 220,221,359 HISTORICAL. Alexander, with the Family of Darius Marriage of Battle, of Anghiari, 21; of Pisa . . Brutus Conspiracy of Catalinc Meeting of Otto III and St. Nilus . , Sappho , Scipio MISCELLANEOUS. Bathers Card-players Flag Standard Silver Pitcher 354 . . 54 . . 103 . . 463 . . 415 . . 403 . . 166 . . 431 . . 489 . . 391 . . 433 . . 484 PASTORAL AND IDYLLIC. Artless and Sated Love 264 Concerts . - 209, 253 Golden Age 417 Landscapes 243, 414, 423 Shepherd Boy 256 Shepherds 320 Three Philosophers 255 Men. PORTRAITS. Aretino, 286, 297; Ariosto, 308; Brevio, Francesco, 25; Cardinal, 185; Cesar- esco, Count, 377; Charles V, 298; Doni, Angelo, 152; Este, Francesco I d', 495; Grano, 349; Howard, Duke of Norfolk, 293; Julius II, 172, 176, 177; Knight of Malta, 250; Lawyer, 379; Leo X, 179, 195; Leonardo da Vinci, 13; Medici, Cosimo, 99; Cosimo I, 483; Lorenzo, 384; Man with Glove, 266; Man with Rose, 317; Navigero, Antonio, 380; Parma, Physician, 290; Paul III, 295; Pesaro, Benedetto, 283; Procurator, 337; Savonarola, 80; del Sarto, 97; Sculptor, 91; Sforza, Lodo- vico, 34, 427, 430; Children of, 34; Soranzo, Jacopo, 280; Tailor, 378; Titian, 294; della Torre Brothers, 361; Unknown, 254, 262, 263, 316, 364, 366, 367, 372, 381; Young Men. 23, 241, 246, 362, 418; Veronese, Paul, 348; Visconti, 427. TOPICAL INDEX xxxix Women. La Bella, 289; Dianti, Laura, 277; Donna Velata, 194; Este, Beatrice d', 22(?), 34, 430; Isabella d'. 19; Fer- roniere, La belle, 17; Fomarina, La, 312; Isabella of Aragon, 30; Lady of the Brignole Family, 319; Lavinia, 296; Laura da Pola, 365; Mona Lisa, 10; Panciatichi, Lucrezia, 383; Sforza, Ippolita, 43; Three Sisters, 304; Unknown, 31, 240, 307, 315. SAINTS. Female. Agatha, 313; Agnes, 43, 94, 310, 371; Anne, 11, 16, 77, 174; Apollonia, 42; Barbara, 45, 65, 196, 302; Bridget, 268; Catherine of Alexandria, 26, 36, 41, 43, 65, 66, 217, 229, 288, 310, 335, 356; of Siena, 59, 64, 74; Cecilia, 186, 404, 411, 491; Elizabeth, 68, 174, 193, 203. 311; Euphemia, 371; Helena, 351; Justina, 368, 372; Lucia, 303; Magdalene, 35, 73, 74, 142, 157, 186, 231, 258, 261, 306, 310, 330, 387; Margaret of Cortona, 93; Monica, 368, 387; Scholastica, 43. Hale. Alexander, 369; Ambrose, 34, 275; Anthony, Abbot, 45, 46, 273, 353; of Padua, 217, 257, 475; Augustine, 34, 186, 310; Benedict, 53,. 150, 368, 371 ; Martyr, 150; Bernard, 309, 343; Bruno, 407; Casimir, 412; Christopher, 284; Chrysostom, 310; Cosimo, 267. 478a; Cornelius, 353; Cyprian, 353; Damian, 267, 478b; Dominic, 82, 387 ; Filippo Benizio, 369; Francis, 86, 217, 247, 281, 309, 387; Gaudioso, 369; Geminianus, 230; George, 235, 303; Giovanni Gualberto, 406; Gregory, 34, 344; James, 163, 224, 344; Jerome, 34, 82, 184, 231, 235, 261, 369, 388, 400, 406; John, the Almsgiver, 287; the Baptist as Child, 11, 70, 76, 77, 100, 174, 193, 203, 206, 260, 273, 288, 342, 371 (see Madonna and Child); as Man, 15, 92, 141, 155, 161, 217, 235, 261, 306, 309, 310, 360; the Evangelist, 73, 86, 157, 186, 225, 330 (see Apostles); Martyr, 150; Joseph, 193, 203, 206, 306 (see Madonna and Child; Adoration of the Magi, and Shepherds, Marriage of Virgin); Law- rence, 163; Liberale, 247, 310; Longi nus, 492; Lorenzo Giustiniani, 309; Mark, 75, 267, 323, 324; Maurice, 275; Maurus, 150; Nicholas of Ban, 93, 155, 373; Nilus, 403; Paterius, 371; Paul, 163, 186, 261, 394, 402; Peter, 178, 281, 394 (see Apostles); Peter Martyr, 80, 235, 285; Placidus, 150; Prosdocino, 368; Roch, 230, 257, 267; Romualdus, 150; Sebastian, 58, 136, 141, 145, 229, 230, 258, 267. 274, 343; Sixtus, 196; Stephen, 275; Thomas, 224. TOMBS. Buonafede, Bishop 479 Canova 500 Este, Beatrice d' 430 Foix, Gaston de 469 Tulius II 450-452 Maria Christina, Archduchess . . . 499 Medici, Giuliano dc' 455-458 Lorenzo de' 459-461 Sforzi, Cardinal Ascanio 436 Lodovico 430 Vendramin, Andrea 434 Visconti, Gian Galeazzo 429 Zeno, Cardinal 432 of Hrtists. PLATE NO. Albano, Francesco 405 Albertinelli, Mariotto 65-68 Allori, Cristofano 399 Bambaja 469 Bandinelli, Baccio 476, 477 Barbari, Jacopo de' 241 Baroccio, Federigo 385, 386 Bartolommeo, Fra 69-80 Bassano, 320, 321 Beccafumi, Domenico fi3, 64 Begarelli, Antonio 468 Beltraffio, Giov' Antonio 29-31 Bernardino de' Conti 33, 34 Bernini, Lorenzo 492-496 Bologna, Giovanni da 485-490 Bonifazio I, Veronese 339-341 Bonifazio II, Veronese 342 Bonifazio III, V'eneziano 343 Bordone, Paris 318, 319 Bronzino 382, 383 Canaletto 423 Canova, Antonio 497-500 Carracci, Agostino 388 Carracci, Annibale 389-39J Carracci, Ludovico 38', Caravaggio 391-393 Cariani 367 Cellini, Benvenuto 480-484 Certosa, Pavia 424-430 Correggio 213-238 Dolce, Carlo 4fi, 412 Domenichino 400-404 Dossi, Dosso 210-211 Ferrari, Gaudenzio . 49-51 Franciabigio 81 Garofato 212 Ghirlandajo, Ridol/o 82 Ghislandi, Vittore 418 Giampietrino 35 Giordano, Luca 416,417 Giorgione 242-258 Guercino . 406-409 Innocenzo da Imola ' 206 Leonardo da Vinci 1-21, 431 Leopardi, Alessandro 433, 434 Lombard!, Pietro 432 PLATE NO. Lotto, Lorenzo 360-366 Luini, Bernardino 36-48 Maderna, Stefano . . .491 ' "^Michelangelo 100-137,438-465 Montelupo, Raffaello da 478b Montorsoli, Giov. Angelo 478a Moretto da Brescia 371-377 Moroni, Giov. Battista .... 378-381 Oggiono, Marco da 32 Padovanino 413 Palma, Giovane 338 Palma, Vecchio 302-308 Parmagianino, II, 239, 240 Perino del Vaga 207, 208 Peruzzi, Baldassare 61 Pontormo 99 Pordenone, Giov. Antonio da ... 309 Preda, Ambrogio 22-25 Primaticcio, Francesco 209 "Raphael 143-201 Reni, Guido . . 394-398 Romanino, Girolamo 368-370 Romano, Giulio 202-205 Rosa, Salvator 414,415 Rosso, II 98 Rovezzano, Benedetto 466, 467 San Gallo, Francesco di 479 Sansovino, Andrea 435-437 Sansovino, Jacopo 471-475 Sarto, Andrea del 83-97 Sassoferrato 410 Sebastiano del Piombo .... 310-316 Sesto, Cesare da 52 Sodomarll 53-60 Solario, Andrea 26-28 Tiepolo, Giov. Battista .... 419-422 Tintoretto 322-337 Titian 259-301 Torbido, Francesco 317 Tribolo, II 470 Urbano da Cortona 62 Vasari, Giorgio 384 Venusti, Marcello 139 Veronese, Paul 344-359 Viti. Timoteo 140-142 Volterra, Daniele da 138 X UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. MarlS'Ot. ^ av l t 2 5 2 Apr 9 62 Aorll 62 May 4 f * Ju/1364 HUG 2 197S Apr 116^ O*X C-. i Jul22 64 tJ\ ^J ^ /v> ' D Jan 155 3j ( JU1276.4 Febl5.63 Feb25 6^ * O O ^5 % A n^5^^ ^\ ^B' jun 4 63 ' JUL 2 6 1963 Jar, 27 6 4 taji 10 6 5 I 1 Form L9-30m-ll,'58(.8268s4)444 3 1158 00493 5655