I UC-HRLF *D 2 37ft m m '"^k ' 1fc LIBRARY OF Till-: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. <-, i K r ( >K Received Accession No. AM * ICONOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN SALSOLACEOUS PLANTS. BY BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.M.G., M. & PH.R, F.R.S, % QOVERXMEST BOTANIST OF THK COLONT OF VICTORIA. rmo umMin." AM*. *. dL. 14. 3DEC-A.3DE. ROBERT S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOt : - - BIOLOGY UBRARv 6 * TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE EARL OF HOPETOUN, acuo, (Bobcrnor of the (Eolong of Victoria, THIS VOLUME, ELABORATED MAINLY FOR ADVANCING SOME OF THE PASTORAL INTERESTS IN HER MAJESTY'S AUSTRALIAN DOMINIONS, moet gUbmntlg I N .1 desire of continuing the illustrative volumes, issued already on Eucalyptus, Acacia ami allied genera, as well as on Myoporinous plants, it was deemed best, to select the Salsolaceae for next sequence, inasmuch as this ordinal group in the vegetation of Australia presents not only a multitude of endemic forms of high phytologic interest, but also a considerable number of prominent utilitarian value. The "Saltbushes" constitute in many wide tracts of our island-continent the j.r.\ ailing vegetation, and on this again depends then locally to a large extent the sustenance of herds and flocks. Moreover, this kind of pastoral nutriment has proved so particularly wholesome, that " Saltbush-country " has become among Australian ruralists quite famous already for a long series of years, more particularly so as Salsolaceae will live even through the direst periodic droughts. That under such circumstances these important plants may finally succumb through continuous depasturing processes, cannot be surprising ; thus, then the necessity is forced on the proprietors or holders of "runs," to renew the saltbush-vegetation by methodical sowings. Furthermore many pastoral estates could, on adequate soil, doubtless be largely improved by the introduction of the best kinds of these plants as additions to existing natural herbage. It becomes then imperative also, to select only those particular species, which are preferentially liked by pasture- animals, for any portion of this part of the world, to resuscitate failing nutriture. Yet such selections would often be of the utmost difficulty, unless from pictural displays in a special work each of the numerous kinds of our salsolaceous herbs or shrubs could be readily recognised. But, irrespective of our own motives for practical gain, we here should remain conscious, that while we are constantly adding from abroad to the plants-treasures of Australia, we likewise in a cosmo- politan spirit should afford facilities in return, to select from the Australian gifts of nature whatever might be conducive for increasing also the riches of rural pursuits in any other part of the world, with a genuine and disinterested desire for adding thus from here to the comfort and prosperity also in many another land through circumspect benignity and due gratefulness of ours. Melbourne, October, 1889 ATRIPLEX FISSIVALVE. F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographiae Australiae ix. 123 (1875). I. i, cluster of unexpanded staminate flowers. 2 and 3, staminate flowers. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6 and 7, pistillate flowers. 8, a fruit, one half of the calyx removed. 9, longitudinal section of a fruit with half of its calyx. TO, a seed. 1 1 , transverse section of a fruit. 12, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. i Tf \r J UNIVERSITY ATRIPLEX CRYSTALLINUM. J Hooker in London Journal of Botany vi. 279 (1847). II. 1, leaves. 2, portion of a branchlet with a cluster of flowers. 3, a staminate flower. 4, back- and front-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, a pistillate flower. 7, a pistillate flower, half of the calyx removed. 8, a fruit-bearing calyx. 9, a fruit, half of its calyx removed. 10, longitudinal section of a fruit with half its calyx. 1 1 , a seed. 12, transverse section of a fruit. 13, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. II Steam Lflho Oo TYint.r* OfAot Hdb f j /ey^'^vriV(rrifci J. Hooker ATRIPLEX LEPTOCARPUM. F. v. M. in Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria ii. 74 (1857). III. 1, a cluster of staminate and of pistillate flowers. 2, a staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, pistillate flowers. 6, longitudinal section of a fruit with half of its calyx. 7, a fruit. 8, a" seed. 9, transverse section of a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. Ill FvMdirwal atuBMtetaMtafOOoiJUb F.vM. ATRIPLEX LIMBATUM. Bentham, Flora Australiensis v. 178 (1870). 1, cluster of staminate and of pistillate flowers. 2, staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5 and 6, pistillate flowers. 7, a fruit, one half of the calyx removed. 8, transverse section of a seed. 9, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. l\ ib ilium BentfianL. ATRIPLEX VELUTINELLUM. F. v. Mueller, Report on Plants of Babbage's Expedition 20 (1858). 1, a staminate flower. 2, front- and back-view of a stamen. 3, pollen-grain. 4, three pistillate flowers. 5, two fruits, one half of the calyx removed. 6, longitudinal section of a fruit with half of its calyx. 7, a seed. 8, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. :, ' ATRIPLEX LOBATIVALVE. F. v. Mueller, inedited. DPL.A.TE 1, branchlet with staminate and pistillate flowers. 2, a staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, three pistillate flowers. 6, a fruit, half of its calyx removed. 7, longitudinal section of a fruit with half of its calyx. 8, a seed. 9, transverse section of a fruit. 10, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. \l .dei&hth rvMdirexiX ATRIPLEX MUELLERI. Bentham, Flora Australiensis v. 175 (1870). VII. 1, portion of a branchlet with a cluster of unexpanded flowers. 2, a staminate flower, expanded. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, five pistillate flowers. 6, a fruit, half of its calyx removed. 7, longitudinal section of a fruit with half of its calyx. 8, a seed. 9, transverse section of a fruit. 10, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. Ml / ' Stan Lifeo Gov.Pnnbng OfflcMuV. Bentham. ATRIPLEX SEMIBACCATUM. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 406 (1810). IPX, .A. TIE 1, cluster of unexpanded flowers. 2, expanded staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, six pistillate flowers. 6, a pistillate flower, one half of the calyx removed. 7 and 8, longitudinal sections of fruit, half of the calyx removed. 9, a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. SUa L&aSovPrwbag Office MUh .- ' ATRIPLEX HUMILE. F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographiae Australiae iv. 48 (1866). 1, portion of a branchlet with unexpanded flowers. 2, expanded staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, two pistillate flowers. 6, three fruit-bearing calyces. 7, a fruit-bearing calyx, half of it removed. 8, longitudinal section of a fruit-bearing calyx. 9, a seed. 10, transverse section of a seed. 11, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. l\ dt; *:>. FvM dirtxit Siefr.L:ti) GovPnnting OfTte* Hdb ATRIPLEX PROSTRATUM. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 406 (1810). 1, portion of a branchlet with unexpanded flowers. 2, a staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5 and 6, five pistillate flowers. 7, a fruit, half of its calyx removed. 8, longitudinal section of a fruit, half its calyx removed. 9, transverse section of a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. 0)0) Rftaff del.i hlh FvMArenl Sleam LitKo Bentham. ATRIPLEX QUINII. F. v. Mueller in Victorian Naturalist v, 96 (1888). 1, separate leaves, one fragmentary. 2, three pistillate flowers. 3, a staminate flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen 5, pollen-grain. 6, three fruit-bearing calyces. 7, a fruit-bearing calyx, one half of it removed. 8, longitudinal section of a fruit-bearing calyx. 9, a seed. 10, transverse section of a seed. 1 1 , longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. Ml StMM LOIvGov.Pnnbng Offic* Mclb . ' ' or TUB UNIVERSITY ATRIPLEX STIPITATUM. Bentham, Flora Australiensis v, 168 (1870). IXIIIZ. 1, portion of two leaves. 2, cluster of unexpanded staminate flowers. 3, expanded staminate flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, cluster of pistillate flowers. 7 and 8, longitudinal sections of fruit, half the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. /Ill 1 A ft X ' Bentham. ATRIPLEX PALUDOSUM. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 406 (1810). 1, portion of two leaves. 2, cluster of unexpanded staminate flowers. 3, an unexpanded staminate flower, separated. 4, an expanded staminate flower. 5, front- and back-view of a stamen. 6, pollen-grain. 7, two pistillate flowers. 8, five fruit-bearing calyces. 9, a fruit with half its calyx removed. 10, a seed. 1 1 , transverse section of a seed. 12, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. \l\ 19 \ V ,*>'' <..,.-; r r 7?. Brown ATRIPLEX CINEREUM. Poiret, Encyclopedic methodique, suppl. i. 471 (1810). i, portion of a leaf. 2 and 3, staminate flowers. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, four pistillate flowers. 7, a pistillate flower, one half of the calyx removed. 8, three fruit-bearing calyces. 9, a fruit-bearing calyx, one half of it removed. 10, a seed. 1 1 , transverse section of a seed. 12, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\ RGr.fr d.l . ATRIPLEX NUMMULARIUM. Lindley in Mitchell's Tropical Australia 64 (1848). 1, portion of a branchlet with unexpanded staminate flowers. 2, an expanded staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, a pistillate flower. 6 and 7, fruit-bearing calyces. 8, a fruit-bearing calyx, one half of it removed. 9, longitudinal section of two fruit-bearing calyces. 10, a fruit, separated. 1 1 , a seed. 12, transverse section of a seed. 13, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. :xvi RjQr.rr.del iclrth tuti Li!ho Gov.PnnUng OfTkvJulb. .-^itiT.q .';' ;. ; ATRIPLEX HYMENOTHECUM. Moquin in De Candolle prodromus xiii, pars ii, 101 (1849). 1, portion of two leaves. 2, cluster of unexpanded staminate flowers. 3, an expanded staminate flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, a pistillate flower. 7, a pistillate flower, one half of the calyx removed. 8, a fruit. 9, a seed. 10, transverse section of a seed. 11, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. All Moqum. ATRIPLEX VESICARIUM. Heward in Bentham's Flora Australiensis v, 172 (1870). 1, portion of a branchlet with a leaf. 2, a staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, pistillate flower, one half of the calyx removed. 6, three pistillate flowers. 7, two fruits, one half of the calyx removed. 8, longitudinal section of a fruit and its calyx. 9, a fruit, separated. 10, a seed. 11, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\lll 10 RGrafTdeU PvMdirttrt SUam Litto.Oov. Printing Off* Heward ATRIPLEX HALIMOIDES. Lindley in Mitchell's Three Expeditions i, 282 (1838). 1, staminate flower. 2, front- and back-view of a stamen. 3, pollen-grain. 4, three pistillate flowers. 5, fruit-bearing calyx, one half of it removed. 6, longitudinal section of a fruit-bearing calyx. 7, a fruit, separated. 8, a seed. 9, transverse section of a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. /I/ v 5iwKi.iUuj.j3-/rnT.bnl Office MIb iil 3 a Lindley ATRIPLEX SPONGIOSUM. F. v. Mueller in Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria ii, 74 (1857). 3PL-A.TE! 1, cluster of staminate and pistillate flowers. 2, two expanded staminate flowers. 3, back- and front-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, two pistillate flowers. 6, four fruit-bearing calyces. 7, transverse section of a fruit with its calyx. 8, fruit with one half of the calyx removed. 9, a fruit, separated. 10, a seed. 1 1 , transverse section of a fruit. 12, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. - - . F.vlt&rodt WILLIAM J\. SETCHELL. UHIV. OF C til FORK U. turner. . . . CiLIF ICONOGRAPHY 01- AUSTRALIAN SALSOLACEOUS PLANTS. BY BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.M.G., M. & PH.D., F.R.S., GOVERN* BUT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. "Mma ma mm oc*n. rtact mo aucn-'fruif. Mtttk. uiL, U. or rmm UNIVERSITY DEC-A.IDE. $8 JUthoritg: ROBERT S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. RHAGODIA BILLARDIERI. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 408 (1810). 1, portion of a branchlet with flowers. 2, a staminate flower. 3, a flower with both stamens and pistil. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. i 6, a young fruit. 7, a mature fruit. 8, longitudinal section of a fruit. 9, a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. XXI *hih Li thoGtv Printing OrTioe.lieIb a R. Brown. RHAGODIA SPINESCENS. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 408 (1810). IE* ID .A. TIE ZSIZSIII. 1, portions of two branchlets with flowers. 2, three expanded flowers with various numbers of stamens. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, a young fruit. 6, a mature fruit. 7, longitudinal section of a fruit. 8, a seed. 9, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. XXII FvM d\nxA. Slean Ubo.GovPnnting Office Melb jiiiiiiroxiiii a-piiisiJa'ji,3 - ^ RHAGODIA LINIFOLIA. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 408 (1810). 1, portion of a branchlet with flowers. 2, a staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, a flower with stamen and pistil, both perfect. 6, a young fruit. 7, a mature fruit. 8, longitudinal section of a fruit. 9, a seed. 10, transverse section of a seed. n, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. XXIII '.Graff ddfthlh r"V>| Jl 4 I J jiiiHif oikm Jm i/ Stan LrthoGov Printing C(Tict/elb iin R. Brown. TJNrVEB .1 CY Lcu7 \ S RHAGODIA NUTANS. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 408 (1810). 1, portions of two branchlets with flowers. 2, two staminate flowers. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, a flower with stamen and pistil, both perfect. 6, a fruit. 7, longitudinal section of a fruit. 8, a seed. 9, transverse section of a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. XXIV RJBmfrdeUliih FvMdirexil. Steam Litho GcvPnntingUfKse Melb ij o rJj.ii mtiima v;r. V i > , 1 / .' RHAGODIA HASTATA. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 408 (1810). 1, portion of a branchlet with flowers. 2, a staminate flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, a flower with stamen and pistil perfect. 6, a fruit. 7, a seed. 8, transverse section of a fruit. 9, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. XXV Graff del &hth. F.vM.direttl. Slm Lrtho Gov.Prinfcng Office Mtlb. t&s^RBrown. CHENOPODIUM TRIANGULARE. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 407 (1810). UP mi .A. T IE :x::x:~vi_ 1, portion of a branchlet with flowers. 2, a flower, part of the calyx removed. 3, a flower, stamen and pistil perfect. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, a young fruit. 7, a mature fruit. 8, a fruit, seen from beneath. 9, longitudinal section of a fruit. 10, a seed. 1 1, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\\l TT Graff del ft UlK SlMmIdtto.GovPnnbn^ Office. Mplb tpjgm.rjri'Utt*a R. Brown. CHENOPODIUM MICROPHYLLUM. F. v. M. in the Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria ii, 74 (i8 57 ). 1, three different leaves. 2, portion of a branchlet with flowers. 3, a young flower. 4, an expanded flower. 5, front- and back-view of a stamen. 6, pollen-grain. 7 and 8, two fruits. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed. 10, a seed. 1 1 , transverse section of a fruit. 12, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. XXVII irafF.dd&lilh. ce.Mslb ^lvy.'lh' 1 1 ci F.V.M. CHENOPODIUM NITRARIACEUM. F. v. M. in Bentham's Flora Australiensis v, 158 (1870). 1, portion of a branchlet with flowers. 2, two young flowers. 3, expanded flower, part of the calyx removed. 4, expanded flower. 5, front- and back-view of a stamen. 6, pollen-grain. 7, a fruit. 8, longitudinal section of a fruit. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed. 10, a seed. n, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. XXVIII " FvM.direxil StcamLilho.Gov Pnnhng Office Me Ib r.vM CHENOPODIUM AURICOMUM. Lindley in Mitchell's Tropical Australia 94 (1848). i, a young flower. 2 and 3, expanded flowers. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, two fruits at different stages of age. 7, a seed. 8, transverse section of a seed. 9, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. XXIX : Steam LithoGov Priming O.TIre Melb I J J mmiL rvn'ei. Lindley CHENOPODIUM ATRIPLICINUM. F. v. M. fragmenta phytographiae Australiae vii, n (1869). 1, portion of a branchlet with flowers. 2, a flower, part of the calyx removed. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5 and 6, three fruits. 7, longitudinal section of a fruit. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, transverse section of a fruit. 10, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. x\\ FvM dirojcil. . !/ WILLItM >f. S ETC HELL. UHIV. OF CHLIFORHIM. BUKtLtY, - - - CWf< ICONOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN SALSOLACEOUS PLANTS. BY BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.M.G., M. & Pfl.D,, F.R.S., GOVERNMENT BOTANIST Of TUS COLONY OF VICTORIA. "Mem mm man TOCIH, rtna mo aacn."-Smf. *. uU., 14. or Tint UNIVERSITY ' ZFOTJRTI! $5 JUthorits : ROBERT S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNI 18OO. CHENOPODIUM CRISTATUM. F. v. M. fragmenta phytographiae Australiae vii, n (1869) i and 2, portion of a branchlet with flowers and fruits 3, two separate flowers. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, three fruits with calyx. 7, a fruit, part of the calyx removed. 8, a fruit, the calyx wholly removed. 9, a seed. 10, transverse section of a fruit. 11, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\\l RGrmfrtfGovPrinUng OITic.- FvK DYSPHANIA SIMULANS. F. v. M. and Tate in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia viii, 71 (1885). 1, portion of a branchlet with unexpanded flowers. 2, portion of a branchlet with expanded flowers. 3, a detached flower. 4, a flower, part of the calyx removed. 5, front- and back-view of a stamen. 6, pollen-grain. 7 and 8, two fruits with their calyx. 9, a fruit, part of the calyx removed. 10, longitudinal section of a fruit with its calyx. 11, two fruits, the calyx removed, the style and stigmas remaining. 12, two seeds. 13, transverse section of a fruit. 14, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\\l\ P.vM.dironL r Steam Li3vaGovPnnXingOf fictMelb. . . . DYSPHANIA PLANTAGINELLA. F. v. M. fragmenta phytographiae Australiae i, 61 (1858). 1, portion of a branchlet with bracts and unexpanded flowers. 2, portion of a branchlet with expanded flowers. 3, a detached flower. 4, a flower, part of the calyx removed. 5, back- and front-view of a stamen. 6, pollen-grain. 7, two fruits with their calyx. 8, transverse section of a fruit and calyx. 9, fruit with a two-lobed calyx. 10, two fruits, the calyx removed. 1 1 , transverse section of a fruit. 12, longitudinal section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\\\ f R Graff (kLAlilh FVM L>lho GwPrintatf Off Melb ' DYSPHANIA LITORALIS. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 411 (1810). 1, portion of a branchlet with flowers and a leaf. 2, two flowers. 3, a flower, part of the calyx removed. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, two young fruits. 7, transverse section of two fruits. 8, two mature fruits with their calyx. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed, the stigmas remaining. 10, a seed. 11, longitudinal section of a fruit. 12, transverse section of a fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\X\I FvMdtrexil. Stoam Littw GovPnhbngOffietMelb RBrown. BABBAGIA DIPTEROCARPA. F. v. M., Report on Plants of Babbage's Expedition 21 (1858). 1, two leaves. 2, portion of a leaf. 3, a young flower. 4, a fully developed flower. 5, pistil and stamens. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grain. 8, five fruits. 9, vertical section of a fruit and its calyx. 10, a fruit, the calyx removed, the pistil remaining. i i , a seed. 12, vertical section of a seed. 13, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\\\ll > FvM direxit. n F.V.M. BABBAGIA SCLEROPTERA. F. v. M. in Wing's Southern Science Record, November (1885). 1, a leaf and portion of another. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, three fruits with calyx. 6, longitudinal section of a fruit with calyx. 7, a fruit, separated from the calyx, the style and stigmas remaining. 8, longitudinal section of a fruit with style and stigmas. 9, two seeds. 10, horizontal section of a seed. 1 1 , embryo. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\\MI! s ^ ( \ FvM direul SUam Lilto Gov g^(&^^!mFvM if BABBAGIA ACROPTERA. F. v. M. and Tate in Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia vi, 1 08 (1883). 1, a flower. 2, front- and back-view of a stamen. 3, pollen-grain. 4, three fruits with calyx, stamens, style, and stigmas remaining. 5, vertical section of a fruit with calyx, style and stigmas. 6, a fruit separated, with style and stigmas. 7, two seeds. 8, vertical and horizontal section of a seed. 9, embryo. All enlarged, but to various extent. \\\r \ \- iff del * Uih FvM dawut Lilho Gov Pnntwtf Offw. BABBAGIA PENTAPTERA. F. v. M. and Tate in Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia vi, 108 (1883). 1, a leaf and portion of another. 2, two flowers. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen 4, pollen-grain. 5, portion of a branchlet with a fruit and calyx. 6, a fruit seen from beneath. 7, vertical section of a fruit with calyx, style and stigmas. 8, horizontal section of a fruit with calyx. 9, a fruit separated, with style and stigmas. 10, a seed. 1 1 , embryo. All enlarged, but to various extent. <, & $wy( XL . " FvM dirotit Stm LKH> Gv F.v.M. A TRTE. OF TUB UNIVERSITY 4. SETCHEU. . OF ICONOGRAPHY 01- AUSTRALIAN SALSOLACEOUS PLANTS. BY BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.M.G., M. & PH.D., F.R.S. BOTAXIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. CTNIVEBSITY *icnifoin^ Main nrai mm ocn, ruxt nmo aucn.* Bmmf. JTctt*. ulL. 14. $5 Jluthoritp: ROBERT S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. KOCHIA DICHOPTERA. F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographiae Australiae viii, 37 (1873). ZXILX. 1, portions of leaves. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, fruit-bearing calyces, two seen from above, one from beneath. 6, fruit-bearing calyces still further enlarged. 7, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. Steam Littc Cm Pnnting GfTV*.Helb a r /l. UNIVERSITY KOCHIA OPPOSITIFOLIA. F. v. Mueller in Transactions of the Victorian Institute 134 (1855). 1, portion of a branchlet with leaves and flower-buds. 2, two flowers. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, fruit-bearing calyces, variously viewed. 6, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 7, two fruits, the calyx removed. 8, a seed. 9, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. XI. II ' on * lath Kv.V AMfcl4flGnrPrrttftxj Office lUbT F.vM. KOCHIA BREVIFOLIA. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 409 (1810). IXZLIII. 1, portion of two branchlets with leaves and flowers. 2, two flowers in different stages of development. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, two fruit-bearing calyces, one seen from above, the other from beneath. 6, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 7, a fruit, the calyx removed. 8, a seed. 9, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. \IJII \1 RjGraffd* F.vM.diiwfl n : . KOCHIA FIMBRIOLATA. k F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographiae Australiae ix, 75 (1875). 1, portion of a branchlet with leaves and fruits. 2, a flower. 3, vertical section of a flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, side-view of a fruit-bearing calyx. 7, back-view of a fruit-bearing calyx. 8, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed. 10, a seed. 11, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. \l.l\ o 10 aff iel \ FvM iirexil SUam Litho Gw PnnlyOrr Mdb ZV2 \ B R A fir -rnx '7 DIVERSITY KOCHIA LOBIFLORA. F. v. Mueller in Bentham's Flora Australiensis v, 184 (1870). 1, portion of a branchlet with leaves and flowers. t 2, front- and back-view of a stamen. 3, pollen-grain. 4, side-view of a fruit-bearing calyx. 5, vertical section of two fruits with their calyces. 6, back-view of a fruit with its calyx. 7, a fruit, the calyx removed. 8, a seed. 9, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. ! Graff del & bth FvM direut Steam Ltthc Gov Fr:t a>ii FvM. KOCHIA LANOSA. Lindley in Mitchell's Tropical Australia 88 (1848). IXIIL.'VI- 1, portion of two leaves. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, side-view of a fruit-bearing calyx. 6, back-view of a fruit-bearing calyx. 7, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. R Graff FvM dtrewl StMB Lite Onr Phntetf OTTtc Mdb Lmdley. or TSTK UNIVERSITY KOCHIA PROSTECOCHAETA. F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographiae Australiae xii, 14 (1882). 1, portions of leaves. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, a young fruit-bearing calyx. 6, a mature fruit-bearing calyx. 7, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, vertical section of a seed. 1 1 , horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. \IA!I R Graff del* FvMdirtour Steam LdboGov Pnnhng Office Melb FvM. KOCHIA MELANOCOMA. F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographiae Australiae xii, 14 (1882). 1, portion of two leaves. 2, a flower. 3, vertical section of a flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, a young fruit-bearing calyx. 7, a mature fruit-bearing calyx. 8, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed. 10, a seed. n, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. \IAIII " FvMdircx; Steam Lifowr Fv.M. KOCHIA PYRAMIDATA. Bentham, Flora Australiensis v, 186 (1870). ZE'L-A.TIE i and 2, portion of two branchlets with leaves and flowers. 3, portion of two leaves. 4, two flowers. 5, a flower in a more advanced state. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grain. 8, two flowers far advanced, one with half the calyx removed. 9, two fruit-bearing calyces. 10, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. u, a fruit, the calyx removed. 12, a seed. 13, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. \u\ 1 & U* " y - I * * ^th ' ' - . J /o o FvM direuat. Steam jitho Gov Printing Office Melb n or TBR UNIVERSITY KOCHIA TRIPTERA. Bentham, Flora Australiensis v, 185 (1870). L. 1, portion of two leaves. 2, two flowers. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, fruit-bearing calyces, variously viewed. 6, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 7, two fruits, the calyx removed. 8, a seed. 9, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. I. Bent ham. WILLIAM >f. SETCHELL. UHIV. OF GHUFORHIA. iMtLr, - . . ICONOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN SALSOLACEOUS PLANTS BY BARON FERD, VON MUELLER, K.C.M.G., M. & PH.D., F.R.S. OOVKRN11ENT BOTANIST OP TUt COLONY OP VICTORIA. "Xmn warn man meat, rum TWO uan.* J%nni. Mmtik. iilL, 14. ROBERT S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. 1800. KOCHIA SPONGIOCARPA. F. v. Mueller in Victorian Naturalist iii, 92 (1886). LI. 1, portion of two leaves. 2, a flower. 3, back- and front-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, side-view of a fruit-bearing calyx. 6, back-view of a fruit-bearing calyx. 7, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, vertical section of a seed. 11, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. I.I ,, R Graff del > :: / : . '. ' KOCHIA MICROPHYLLA. F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographiae Australiae viii, 148 (1874). 1, portion of two branchlets with leaves and flowers. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, a fruit-bearing calyx, seen from above. 6, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 7, a fruit, the calyx removed. 8, vertical section of a fruit without its calyx. 9, a seed. 10, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent nffdel il-.lh FvM dvool Slnm Lute Cor Pnnling OTTioa Melb KOCHIA VILLOSA. Lindley in Mitchell's Tropical Australia 91 (1848). LUX. 1, portion of three leaves. 2, three flowers in different stages. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, three fruit-bearing calyces, two seen from above, one from below. 6, vertical section of fruits with their calyces. 7, two fruits, the calyx removed. 8, a seed. 9, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. I. Ill Kbtff dji Lith irexu v Printing OfTi< MA. . : ; KOCHIA SEDIFOLIA. F. v. Mueller in Transactions of the Victorian Institute i, 134 (1855). 1, leaves in various positions. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, three flowers, advanced. 6, a flower still more advanced. 7, front-view of a fruit-bearing calyx. 8, back-view of a fruit-bearing calyx. 9, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 10, two fruits, the calyx removed. 11, a seed. 12, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. RGrairdcUbth FvMdirexil unvx . ic . KOCHIA APHYLLA. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 409 (1810). 1, leaves in various positions. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, vertical section of a young fruit with portion of its calyx. 6, fruit-bearing calyces, one seen from above, the other from below. 7, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, horizontal section of a seed. 11, section of a gall. All enlarged, but to various extent. ' Jtbth Steam. LWK. (ixPrmUng Offic* Hzfo iiii R. BROWN. UNIVERSITY **fC4UFORN\Li KOCHIA HUMILLIMA. F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographiae Australiae ix, 168 (1875). 1, portion of a young leafy shoot. 2, portion of a branchlet with one developed and several young leaves. 3, two flowers. 4, three pistils with various stigmas. 5, front- and back-view of a stamen. 6, pollen-grain. 7, two fruit-bearing calyces, seen from above. 8, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. / 9, a fruit, the calyx removed. to, a seed. 1 1 , vertical section of a seed. 12, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. l.\ I II l R Graff del A hth SUvn Litho GovPRrttny Omce nut KOCHIA ERIANTHA. F. v. Mueller, Report on the Plants of Babbage's Expedition 20 (1858). IE* H,^ TIE 1, portion of two leaves. 2, two flowers. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-gratn. 5, side-view of a calyx in an advanced state. 6, a fruit-bearing calyx, seen from above. 7, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. . 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. IA II R Graff del fc iith Steam L jtho Gov Pnntey Office Malb L& D c "in n ^ J^A iiiri rii u KOCHIA CILIATA. F. v. Mueller, Report on Plants of Babbage's Expedition 20 (1858). i, portion of a leaf. t, portion of a branchlet with leaves and flowers. 3, two flowers. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, a fruit-bearing calyx. 7, vertical section of two fruits with their calyces. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, horizontal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. mil jfTdel* FvMdirejal Steam lulho Oov Prating Offtc* Mdb FvM. ;l KOCHIA BRACHYPTERA. F. v. Mueller, Second General Report 15 (1854). 1, portion of two leaves. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, two fruit-bearing calyces, side-view. 6, two fruit-bearing calyces, back-view. 7, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, horizontal section of a seed. i All enlarged, but to various extent. I.IX R Graff. dl*lrth. Fv ' Fv.M. DlDYMANTHUS ROEI. Endlicher, Novarum Stirpium Decades 8 (1839) 1, portion of two leaves. 2, twin flowers. 3, twin flowers, the calyx of one partly removed. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6 and 7, two pairs of fruit-bearing calyces. 8, vertical section of a pair of fruits with their calyces. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed. 10, a seed. 1 1 , transverse section of a fruit. 12, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. R.Graff.dl '.' - Sleara Lrtho bov Knnung UUeeMela '... o. WILLIAM >f. UMIV. OF CALIFOHHI*. KMlLtf, - t/K ICONOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN SALSOLACEOUS PLANTS BY BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.M.G., M, & PH.D., F.R.S. GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OP THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. "Mow n mrr TOCATI. rum n*o oucn.* tttmg. MttA. - 1 14. Jlp ROBT. S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. 1801. BASSIA BI FLORA. F. v. M., Census of Australian Plants 30 (1882). ZDIXII. 1, portions of leaves. 2, a pair of flowers. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, different connate fruits with calyces. 6, longitudinal section of connate fruits with calyces. 7, two fruits, the calyx removed, the style and stigmas remaining. 8, a seed. 9, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. : '. BASSIA PARADOXA. F. v. M., Census of Australian Plants 30 (1882). LIXIII- 1, portions of leaves. 2, a lot of connate flowers. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, vertical section of a lot of fruits with their connate calyces. 6, a fruit, the calyx removed, the style and stigmas remaining. 7, two seeds. 8, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. af . del Qf&osMelb. -'./ BASSIA TRICORNIS. F. v. M., Census of Australian Plants 30 (1882). 1, portions of leaves. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, fruits with their calyces. 6, vertical section of a fruit with calyx. 7, fruits, the calyx removed, the style and stigma remaining. 8, a seed. 9, transverse section of a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. IAIN V^X Graff, del. illlh. SlMin Lilho 6ov FHhtinQ QBIet Uelh F.vM BASSIA TRIDENS. F. v. M. ( fragmenta phytographiae Australiae xii, 12 (1882). LIXII'V. 1, branchlet with flowers. 2, portions of leaves. 3, flowers in different stages of development. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, a young fruit with calyx, style and stigmas. 7, a developed fruit with calyx, style and stigma. 8, vertical section of a fruit with calyx, style and stigmas. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed, the style and stigmas remaining. 10, a seed. 1 1 , longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. LXIV -.iff delJkhth. F v.M diwtt. ' '*:".// BASSIA ASTROCARPA. F. v. M., fragmenta phytographiae Australiae xii, 12 (1882). 1, leaves. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, three fruits with calyx, style and stigmas. 6, vertical section of a fruit with calyx, style and stigmas. 7, a fruit, the calyx removed. 8, a seed. 9, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. L/V "^t^^JBt^ ^*^*^ V 1 <. Graff dI.luX F.v M direxil. . / ' BASSIA GLABRA. F. v. M., Census of Australian Plants 30 (1882). i and 2, branchlets with leaves and fruits. 3, a flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, a fruit with calyx, style and stigmas. 7, vertical section of a fruit with calyx, style and stigmas. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed, the style and stigmas remaining. 9, two seeds. 10, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. LZVI ddftlfth. Fv.M djrtjal F.vM BASSIA BREVICUSPIS. F. v. M., Census of Australian Plants 30 (1882). i and 2, portions of two branchlets with flowers and fruits. 3, portions of leaves. 4, flowers in different stages of development. 5, front- and back-view of a stamen. 6, pollen-grain. 7, four different fruits with their calyces, styles and stigmas. 8, vertical section of a fruit with calyx, style and stigmas. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed, the style and stigmas remaining. 10, a seed. 11, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. LXVI1 FvM Direxjt IdU Gar Pntiaq QRvtMJh .''.' \BRA OP THR UNIVERSITY STELLIGERA. Maireana stelligera, F. v. M., fragmenta phytographiae Australiae i, 139 (1859). 1, portion of. a branchlet with flower and fruits. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, several fruits with calyx, style and stigmas. 6, vertical section of two fruits with calyx, style and stigmas. 7, horizontal section of a fruit with calyx. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed, the style and stigmas remaining. 9, a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. Lxvra : i Lj'ho GjvPnnhnqOfTL. BASSIA ECHINOPSILA. F. v. M., Census of Australian Plants 30 (1882). 1, portions of leaves. 2, flowers in different stages of development. 3, a flower, portion of the calyx removed. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, fruits with calyx, style and stigmas. 7, vertical section of three fruits with calyx. 8, three fruits, the calyx removed, the stigmas remaining. 9, two seeds. 10, vertical section of two seeds. 1 1 , longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. I. XIX Kbratl FvMDirexit Steam LtfoGw.PnndngQfrw.VL-. F.vM. BASSIA LUEHMANNI. F. v. M. in Victorian Naturalist vii, 47 (1890). 1, two leaves. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, different fruits with their calyces. 6, vertical section of a fruit with its calyx. 7, a fruit, the calyx removed, the style and stigmas remaining. 8, a seed. 9, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. I AX KUrafrdel.&hth. FvM.dtrdL Steam LrthofiovPnub^ CTiw Melb iiiiiiiniii .'.'. ' WILLIAM J(. SETCHfLL. UHIV. OF ULIFORMIA. iLMKELCf, - - - CtLIF. ICONOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN SALSOLACEOUS PLANTS BY BARON FEED. VON MUELLER, K.C.M.G., M. & PH.D., F.R.S., OOVtRNMIKT BOTANIST Of TBM COLOKT Of VICTORIA. "Una BBB ten nun, Ttaa rmo HUCTT.-- Mrmnf. Mfttk. ssiL, 14. EIC3-HTHI 1DEC-A.IDE- ROBT. S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. 1801. BASSIA TATEI. F. v. M. in Victorian Naturalist vii., 66 (1890). 1, portion of a branchlet with fruits. 2, portions of leaves. 3, a flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6 and 7, fruit-bearing calyces. 8, vertical section of a fruit-bearing calyx. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed. 10, a seed. 11, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. LXXI R Graff del 1 lith. Fv.M direxil " BASSIA BIRCHII. F. v. M., Census of Australian Plants 30 (1882). 1, leaves. 2, an unexpanded flower. 3, an expanded flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen 5, pollen-grain. 6, fruit-bearing calyces. 7, vertical section of a fruit-bearing calyx. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. Ifiirsihii ' BASSIA BICUSPIS. F. v. M., Census of Australian Plants 30 (1882). 1, portions of leaves. 2, an unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flowers. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6, longitudinal section of a fruit-bearing calyx- 7, a fruit, the calyx removed. 8, a seed. 9, transverse section of a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a seed. , All enlarged, but to various extent. I. \\lll FvM. dirtrfl Sam LRho (x* H-MJn> (< c> 1 r I A T! ;, Stea* Lliho SwrPrtnUa^ OFI^t 1 /? RPDWM THRELKELDIA PROCERIFLORA. F. v. M., fragmenta phytographiae Australiae viii., 38 (1873). 1, portions of a leaf. 2, an unexpanded flower. 3, an expanded flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grain. 6 and 7, fruit-bearing calyces. 8, vertical section of a fruit-bearing calyx. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed. 10, a seed. 1 1 , transverse section of a seed. 12, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. l\\\\ll R.Grffd*i i Swam Litno uov r rinun^ vrnce Men> II If "I ^ < 5> T OSTEOCARPUM SALSUGINOSUM. F. v. M., Second General Report 15 (1855). 1, portions of a leaf. 2, a flower. 3, front- and back-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5 and 6, fruit-bearing calyces. 7, vertical section of a fruit-bearing calyx. 8, a fruit, the calyx removed. 9, a seed. 10, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. 1JOXMII z l FvM. SUAEDA MARITIMA. Dumortier, Florula Belgica 22 (1827). 1, portions of a leaf. 2, portion of a branchlet with leaves and flowers. 3, a flower seen from beneath. 4, side-view of a flower. 5, front- and back-view of a stamen. 6, pollen-grain. 7, a fruit-bearing calyx. 8, vertical section of a fruit-bearing calyx. 9, a fruit, the calyx removed. 10, a seed. 1 1 , transverse section of a seed. 12, longitudinal section of a seed. 13, embryo. All enlarged, but to various extent. IA\\I\ . Dumoptiep . SALSOLA KALI. Linne, Species Plantarum 222 (1753). 3IC. 1, portion of a branchlet with a flower, floral leaf and bracteoles. 2, a flower, the calyx removed. 3, back- and front-view of a stamen. 4, pollen-grain. 5, immature fruit-bearing calyces. 6, a fruit-bearing calyx with floral leaf and bracteoles. 7, fruit-bearing calyces. 8, vertical section of a fruit-bearing calyx. 9, fruits, the calyces removed. 10, embryos, extracted. 11, longitudinal section of a seed. All enlarged, but to various extent. \( Gr*tt 41 tlltb. TvVf PH- Linne' s: THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FA.UURE TO HITTIIRN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY Wl ?N J TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO S1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. LD21-10m-5,'43 (6061s) .- **.. 704/2 BIO UMAHY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY