Receded ^fytu _', i
Accessions No. ^^>^^/ ' Shelf No.
INTRODUCTION ------- . - - - ._.- i_6
Altitude-azimuth 7-8
Time-azimuth ---__-____---- -_. 8-9
Time-altitude-azimuth ---____-_.____- 9-10
Horizon-azimuth ----------------- 10
Time-altitude-latitude-azimuth ------------- 10
General remarks upon errors and changes - _-.-__-.-- 11-12
Deduction of differential equations in the problems of
Altitude-azimuth ---------------- 12-13
Time-azimuth --..--_-___--_-_ 14-15
Time-altitude-azimuth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -15-16
Horizon-azimuth ---------------- 16-18
Method of reckoning the angles /, Z, and q __.___. 19-20
Remarks on the terms of the equations, co-ordinates, and diagrams ------- 20-21
Explanation of the terms maximum and minimum as used in this treatise 21
dZ dZ dTj
Tabular statement of equivalent expressions for the value of -JT, r , -rr, etc., in the several azi-
muth problems ---------------- 22
Other useful equations --.-___-__----- 23
Altitude-azimuth - __.__-___-- 25-26
Time-azimuth ____.__--____---- 26-27
Time altitude-azimuth - - _____-____-_-- 27-28
Remarks on the algebraical determination of the expressions of maximum and minimum errors in the
computed azimuth -__-___-- _____ 28-29
Remarks on tracing the curves and a summary of forms of equation to the loci 30
Locus No. i. Altitude-azimuth error in h -'.-'.*,_* - 31-34
Formulas of transformation to obtain the equations of the projected curves - - - - - 34-36
Locus No. 2. Altitude-azimuth error in/,------------ 36-37
Locus No. 3. Altitude-azimuth error in ------ ...--._ 37
Locus No. 4. Time-azimuth error in/ - - - - - - - - - - " - - 37-41
Locus No. 5. Time azimuth error in Z. ._.._-----.- 41-42
Locus No. 6. Time-azimuth error in d - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 2 ~44
Locus No. 7. Time-altitude-azimuth error in h - - - - - - - - - - - 44-46
Locus No. 8. Time-altitude-azimuth error in/----------- 46-48
Locus No. 9. Time-altitude-azimuth error in d - - - - - - - - - - - 48-49
Locus No. 10. Time-azimuth and altitude-azimuth for error in L giving equal numerical values to the
error in azimuth 49~5o
First. Identical errors, signs alike - - 50-51
Second. Equal errors, numerical ; opposite signs 51-53
Introductory remarks - - 54~55
Locus No. i. Altitude-azimuth error in ^ - 55-63
Locus No. 2. Altitude-azimuth error in Z - - - - - - 63-64
Locus No. 3. Altitude-azimuth error in d------------ 64
Locus No. 4. Time-azimuth error in/- - - - - - - - - - - - - 64-70
Locus No. 5. Time-azimuth error in Z - - 70-73
Locus No. 6. Time-azimuth error in d - 73~76
Locus No. 7. Time-altitude-azimuth error in --------- 76-80
Locus No. 8. Time-altitude-azimuth error in/ 80-81
Locus No. 9. Time-altitude-azimuth error in d 81
Locus No. 10. Time-azimuth and altitude-azimuth for error in L giving the same numerical error in
the computed azimuth --.... 81-83
Concluding remarks -_-.... 83-84
Remarks embracing a scheme for deriving a great variety of loci from the variations of the spherical
triangle . 85^3
Loci in time-altitude-latitude-azimuth -.... 93-97
Loci in time-sight --.._ 97-101
Notice of error and its correction ---.._ 101-102
Loci in the problem of latitude by altitude at any time --.._..._ 103-104
Loci in the problem of computing the altitude --___. 104-105
Explanation of the plates ---------____._ IO 6
'*m ;
1. IT is purposed in the following notes to suggest a study of the astronomical triangle
with respect to the azimuth problem, supplementing the teaching of the text-books ; also, to
point out false teaching of the latter on some points referring to the most favorable condi-
tions of observation to reduce to a minimum in the computed azimuth the effect of small
errors in the data.
A thorough study of the astronomical triangle, viewing it in all possible aspects, in the
several problems of nautical astronomy time, latitude, and azimuth is instructive as an
exercise, even when investigation is extended beyond the restricting limits imposed by the
practical problem ; that is, if free to select any part of the triangle, to take successively each
part as fixed, and then to seek the best condition for all the remaining parts ; one of these
predominating in influencing a choice, and so making a third part subservient to fixing the
2. The problem presented in practice restricts the observer to a particular spot, and
many times the observer limits himself to the observation of a particular celestial body : then
the latitude and the declination are fixed, and it remains to find the value of some other
one part affording the most favorable condition for the observation of the body when
considering the error in each datum taken separately ; and, finally, by exercise of the judg-
ment, to choose the condition giving the best result when all the errrors.in the data are
considered. In practice, to know when to observe, the most convenient third part to
find is either the hour-angle or the altitude ; primarily the former, but, for discussion,
sometimes the latter ; from which is easily found the hour-angle to give the time for the
If not restricted to the employment of a particular body, the first step will be to select
the best one from several bodies that are favorably situated for observation.
3. Since the azimuth of a heavenly body is determined for the purpose of ascertaining
(i) at sea the compass error, thence the variation of the magnetic needle or the deviation
caused by the iron in the ship, or both variation and deviation ; (2) on board ship, the true
bearing of some point visible on land ; or (3) on land the same, thence the direction of the
meridian the best practical conditions should be sought.
The lower the altitude the better for an observation of the compass azimuth ; an
altitude of the heavenly body equal to that of the object on land being the best for the
determination of the horizontal angle between the two objects by means of the theodolite.
or for the observation of an astronomical bearing (sextant being used) from which the
horizontal angle is to be computed : because then the error of level will cause the least
effect in observations with the compass and the theodolite, and the error in the observed
sextant-angle will be multiplied less the more nearly the altitudes agree.
Since the terrestrial object should be near the horizon, we may say, in general, the lower
the altitude the better.
On the other hand, if altitude enters the data, the lower the altitude the more uncertain
the refraction, and the computed azimuth will be correspondingly affected by error in alti-
tude. In this case, then, very low altitudes, and in all cases very high altitudes, should be
avoided, whatever conditions are given from the astronomical triangle as theoretically the
most favorable for precision in the computed azimuth. Intelligent discrimination should be
exercised by the observer to effect a compromise between the theoretical and the practical
4. In ordinary circumstances at sea it is unnecessary to exact the best condition when
great labor would attend ascertaining it ; as, for instance, in the case of a body that crosses
the prime vertical above the horizon, to find the best position in which to observe it, to make
the effect of a small error in altitude the least ; for to do this requires the solution of a trig-
onometric equation of the fourth degree. Nevertheless, very bad conditions should be avoided.
In the case of serial time-azimuths to determine the deviation of the magnetic needle,
considerable work may properly be demanded to ensure taking observations extending over
the most favorable time, on each side ; for, granting the impossibility of obtaining very nice
results from observations made at sea, yet as good work as is practicable should be done,
reducing the errors as much as possible.
In a survey on land, with so much better conditions, errors may be eliminated to a great
degree ; and the nearest approach to accuracy that can be made should be insisted on, even
though much labor attends the finding of the best conditions for observation.
5. The truth should be known, notwithstanding the knowledge of it may not always be
put to effective use ; therefore erroneous assertions in well-known and much-used text-books
should not be perpetuated.
In the following extracts the italics are the writer's, not the authors' :
MAYNE'S MARINE SURVEYING, page 90, treating of true bearings, says: " Firstly, the
body should be rising or falling rapidly, when its movement in azimuth will also be rapid." *
In the first place, slow should be substituted for rapid; but, even with this correction
made, the words in italics are not true in reference to any body not on the equator f that, in
its diurnal course, crosses the prime vertical. Though the author favors the method of time-
azimuth, he makes his remarks apply to the altitude-azimuth as well. Now, it is not the
* " In other words, the nearer the prime vertical the better."
f If the declination of the body is zero, the most favorable position, theoretically speaking, is when on the
prime vertical that is, at the intersection of the horizon, equator, and prime vertical (t = 6 h , h = o, Z = 90).
This one exception must be understood throughout, in the statements denying that the position of the body when
crossing the prime vertical is the most favorable and asserting that on the six-hour angle is a better position. In this
case / = 90 and Z 90 coexist and give the best position. But, if understood, It will not be necessary to repeat
that this single exception exists.
When d= L, the body not crossing is in the best position, theoretically, when on the prime vertical.
ratio existing between change of altitude and change of time that should be considered;
but, in the case of time-azimuth, the ratio of change of time to change of bearing, and, in
altitude-azimuth, the ratio of change of altitude to change of bearing. With either method
employed, so far as error in time or error in altitude is concerned, the body will be more
favorably situated at the point of crossing the six-hour circle than at transit on the prime
vertical (see articles 43 and 45). But the best position lies between these two points, in the
case of altitude-azimuth for all latitudes ; and in time-azimuth for all latitudes less than 45,
while with increasing latitudes the best position for certain declinations approaches the
meridian in bearing, and finally reaches it (see art. 95).
While considerable labor may be required to determine this position in order to seize the
observation there, it can be taken at the first point mentioned (t = 90) with less trouble than
if observed at the second (Z = 90), often with the further advantage of having a better alti-
tude for observing the compass-azimuth and the astronomical bearing of the object on the
earth. This is worth knowing in cases where the labor of finding the best position may
reasonably be dispensed with.
6. CHAUVENET'S ASTRONOMY, vol. L, page 431, treating of true bearings, employing
the method of altitude-azimuth, says: "From the first equation of (50), and $ being con-
stant, dA j , and therefore an error in the observed altitude will have the least
cos h tan q
effect upon the computed azimuth when tan q is a maximum ; that is, when the star is on the
Prime vertical. Therefore, in the practice of the preceding method the star should be as far
from the meridian as possible" [far, in bearing or azimuth].
For a star that crosses the prime vertical the quotation in italics is not true. Instead of
" when tan q is a maximum" read when tan q cos h is a maximum, and reject all that follows ;
and this without disputing the correctness of the language intended to convey the meaning.
7. But it may be pertinent to remark here that text-writers have a careless habit of using
the words far from and near to, referring to the meridian and the prime vertical. They
know what Jthey mean to say, but may mislead the novice. The primary idea conveyed by
this language is distance, absolute, which in this particular case would place the body on the
six-hour circle, while in the p. v. is meant; the secondary idea, that of time-measurement
from the upper branch of the meridian, which would place the body in the horizon ; and,
last of all, the idea of angular distance in azimuth (or bearing), yet this is what is meant.
Say far from (or near) in azimuth, or in bearing ; or else say when the body bears most nearly
east and west, or north and south, as the case may be. As an instance of carelessness, a
standard work and many others err in the same way states that for an error in altitude in
the time-sight the effect on the computed time will be least when the body is observed
nearest the prime vertical. Now, a body whose declination is greater than the latitude of
the same name will be nearest the prime vertical when on the meridian, at upper culmina-
tion, when the zenith distance is least ; and this is the worst possible position when consider-
ing errors in altitude not only, but in latitude and declination as well. Growing out of this
carelessness on the part of intelligent authors, many text-books on navigation, compiled by
writers without thinking, publish the absurd statement that the method of single-altitude
observation for latitude should be used only when the heavenly body is within an hour (or
thereabouts) of the meridian. Believing this, what would become of the reputation of the
pole-star, earned by its unvarying good character foi a latitude-observation throughout its
diurnal course?
8. COFFIN'S NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, Fifth Edition, page 277, treat-
ing of true bearings, says: " Z s = NZM, the azimuth of the celestial body, maybe found
from an observed altitude (Prob. 40), or from the local time (Prob. 38).
" In the first case the most favorable position is on or nearest the prime vertical ; for then
the azimuth changes most slowly with the altitude. In the latter, positions near the meridian
may also be successfully used."
For a body that crosses the prime vertical the italicized statement is erroneous. While
the last part of the quotation (not in italics), in respect to error in time, is true ; yet the word
also implies that the best position is on the prime vertical, which is not true. It is worth
remarking in this case (time-azimuth) that an error in latitude will produce a maximum effect
in the computed azimuth if the body is observed at a particular point lying between the
intersections of the prime vertical and the meridian with the diurnal circle ; and this point
should be avoided. Dependent on the relative values of the latitude and declination, it may
be, in bearing, far from or near to the meridian.
9. MARINE SURVEYING, U. S. NAVAL ACADEMY, page 25, on the subject of true bear-
ings, treating of time-azimuth, to be superseded by altitude-azimuth if the time is not accu-
rately known (page 26), says: " The observation should be made when the heavenly body is
near the prime vertical, provided it has not too great an altitude at that time."
10. Even if on the prime vertical were the best position considering error in altitude alone
or time alone, there is another datum the latitude that may have a considerable error,
while both the time and altitude may be determined to a comparatively great degree of ac-
curacy. In this case if the method of altitude-azimuth is chosen, a small error in latitude
will produce no error in the computed azimuth, provided the body is observed when on the
six-hour circle ; hence, this is the most favorable position for error in latitude, and it is a
better position than that on the prime vertical for error in altitude.
If time-azimuth is used, a rising-and-setting body will be in the best position, respecting
error in latitude, when in the horizon the effect of this error then reducing to zero. And
this position may be better than that on the prime vertical for error in time depending on
the relative values of the latitude and declination.
11. Not unfrequently in surveying, a true bearing may be demanded for preliminary
plotting before either time or latitude has been accurately determined. The latter, as well
as the longitude, will in many cases be known approximately: an error in the assumed latitude
then need not deter the surveyor from using the altitude-azimuth, with excellent results,
when the body is on or near the six-hour circle.
Circumstances may have foiled the observer's attempts to determine the latitude, and
yet have permitted excellent observations of equal-altitudes for time. He then can choose
between the two methods for azimuth ; or a third method, the time-altitude-azimuth, in which
latitude does not enter as a part, may be employed, provided the altitude is not very great
when the body is observed near the meridian in bearing, and the hour-angle is not very small.
This method may often be employed with excellent results in observations of the sun when
the declination and the latitude have contrary names (see art. 14), and still better when a
close circumpolar star is observed.
12. If, at a particular instant, an observation for azimuth is wanted, and the time is
accurately known, the first thought will be to use the convenient time-azimuth tables; or, if
the time is not well known, to employ the method of altitude-azimuth. But supposing both
of these data accurately known and the latitude uncertain, which of the two methods shall
be chosen ?
Even admitting comparatively slight errors in altitude and time, which shall be the
choice ?
If the last-mentioned errors should have exactly the same value (measured by the same
unit, in arc), and considering any error existing in the declination, but that no error in the
latitude exists, the method of time-azimuth would be the better for the observation taken at
any time whatever, excepting at the single instant when the parallactic angle might have
the value of ninety degrees (q = 90), possible only when the declination exceeds the lati-
tude ; for then the two methods would give identical values to the total error in the com-
puted azimuth. Therefore, if the latitude could always be known exactly, and time and alti-
tude were equally trustworthy, the choice should always fall on the time-azimuth.
13. Admitting the uncertain and considerable error in latitude, while the conditions of
the preceding paragraph remain otherwise unchanged, the effect of this error alone must be
the criterion for choosing the method to use.
For a circumpolar star whose declination is greater than the latitude, the time-azimuth
will be the better from the time of lower culmination until a point e is reached by the star
before it arrives on the six-hour circle (/ = 90) ; the altitude-azimuth will be better from this
point e until the star attains its greatest elongation (q = 90); thence, until its upper culmina-
tion, the time-azimuth the better.* If not a circumpolar star, the time-azimuth is better from
the time of rising until at e' before reaching t = 90 ; thenceforward to the meridian the same
as for a circumpolar star.
If the declination is less than the latitude of the same name, by substituting " reaches
the prime vertical (.2" =90)" for "attains its greatest elongation (^ := 90)," the foregoing
statement will apply.
If the declination is zero, or has the contrary name to that of the latitude, the time-
azimuth will be the more favorable during the whole time of visibility of the star.
14. The method of time-altitude-azimuth, though generally ignored by navigators, is
deserving of attention, as giving advantage in some circumstances over both the time-azi-
muth, and the altitude-azimuth. It should not be used when Z is near 90, / near o, or with
a high altitude (see art. 11) ; but at sea, when the ship and the sun are on opposite sides of
the equator, there is a wide extent of cruising-space where, at the best, poor conditions are
given for observations of the sun for time. The azimuth determined by this third method,
from the same altitude observed for time, is more conveniently found than if taken from the
time-azimuth tables, considering the double interpolation needed for the actual latitude and
declination. For, working side by side with the computation for time, at the same opening of
the logarithmic tables required by the latter, only two additional logarithms are needed to-
gether with the arithmetical complement of one already taken out, the sum of the three giving
* Considering the eastern hemisphere alone, since symmetrical conditions exist west of the meridian, and limit-
ing the angles to 180, as in art. 17.
the log sine of the whole azimuth. The chief error will be owing to the error in the com-
puted time, arising from any existing error in the latitude ; but the azimuth taken from the
tables will embrace this error, and the error in the latitude itself, the latter not entering in
the method under discussion. Recourse may be had to the altitude-azimuth, but here the error
in latitude enters, and to a much greater degree than in the time-azimuth ; while the work of
computation is considerably greater than in the time-altitude-azimuth. By the latter, the
azimuth being derived from its sine, two values will be given, greater and less, respectively,
than 90; but the conditions of observation readily determine the actual value.
15. The method of horizon azimuth or amplitude, while useful at sea, and very con-
venient in the case of the sun on account of the prepared tables, should not be used in nice
work ; since the degree of correctness in the result depends on the approach to accuracy in
estimating that the body, whose image is lifted by uncertain refraction, is in the true horizon.
Rejecting this fourth method in the summing-up, and noting that the single case of declina-
tion equal to zero is excepted from the truth of the statements, we have the following :
1st. As to errors in declination and in latitude, the body on the prime vertical is not in
its most favorable position for reducing the error in the azimuth computed by any one of the
three methods.
2d. If a body crosses the prime vertical, the best position is not on it for the error in any
single datum in any one of the three methods.
3d. For error in / in the time-azimuth or for error in h in the altitude-azimuth, the body
that crosses the prime vertical is in a less favorable position when on the prime vertical than
when on the six-hour circle ; but the latter is not the best position. The best will not, however,
be the same point for error in h that it is for error in /.
16. Thus far assertions alone have been given ; their truth remains to be proved.
The notation used will be as follows :
d, for the declination of the body;
h, " " altitude " " "
/, " " hour angle " " "
Z, " " azimuth " " "
q, " " parallactic angle of the body ;
/, or co-d, " " polar distance of the body, = (90 d), observing sign ;
z, or co-h, " " zenith distance " " " = (90 h), " "
L, " " latitude " " place;
co-L, " " co-latitude " " " = (90 L).
17. In computing the azimuth the hour-angle t will be (see art. 34) regarded as positive
from o at the upper culmination of the body to 180 at the lower culmination, whether to
the west or east from the meridian; the azimuth Zas positive from o, at the point of the
horizon nearest to the elevated pole (N. or 5. point) around to 180 at the opposite point of
the horizon (S. or JV. point), whether to the west or to the east ; the parallactic angle q as
always positive, o up to a possible 180; the latitude L as always positive towards the
elevated pole, from o to 90 ; the declination d as positive if of the same name as the
latitude, as negative if of contrary name, o to 90 ; the polar distance p as always posi-
tive from o at the elevated pole to 180 at the depressed pole; the zenith distance z as
always positive from o at the zenith to 180 at the nadir; the altitude h as positive if above
the horizon, negative if below, o to 90 : the co-latitude co-L as always positive, o to 90.
18. The following, well-known formulas are given for convenience of reference :
Given h, d, and Z, to find Z. 1 > co - i
|B/a Z ^ c *
From the fundamental formula of trigonometry,
FIG. i. FIG. 2.
cos b = cos a cos c -f- sin a sin c cos B, we have )
sin d = sin h sin L -f- cos h cos L cos Z f
sin d sin h sin L
cos Z = -. = ; (2)
cos h cos L ^ '
from which are derived
cos s cos (s p) 1fr f \
when * = i(L + *+t): (3)
/cos s sin (s d )
= A /- -v when j = #co-L + h-\- d) ; ... (4)
y sin co-L cos A;
/sin (s L) sin (s K)
taniZ = \/~ rr^ when s = $(L -4- h -\- p). ... (5)
y cos s cos (sp)
Small errors in the data will have the same effect on the computed azimuth, whichever
formula is used. So far as inexactness in the logarithmic tables is concerned, formula (5) will
give the result nearest to precision, since the tangent of an angle varies more rapidly than
either the sine or the cosine.
\iZ~> 90, (3) will be better than (4); if Z < 90, (4) is preferable to (3); since the
cosine varies more rapidly than the sine for an angle greater than 45, and less rapidly for an
angle less than 45.
Given /, L, and d, to find Z.
From the fundamental formula, we have
sin A cot B = sin c cot b cos c cos A
sin t cot Z = cos L tan d sin L cos t
cos L tan d sin L cos t
cot Z = : ; (7)
cm / v/
from which are derived tan = cot d cos / ;
cotz= cos(0+)c gi-'-
*: i, - sin(0 + L) sin d
For the solution of an astronomical bearing the altitude of the heavenly body not be-
ing observed formula (10) will be needed for finding the true altitude, from which the
required apparent altitude will be determined.
It will be convenient to accept the value of less than 90, taking care to give it the
proper sign. There will be no ambiguity in the value of Z found from its cotangent. If the
latter is positive, the azimuth is less than 90 ; if negative, greater than 90.
The following formulas, derived from (7), are given in some text-books to the exclusion
of the preceding:
Case /.When 5 < 90
S = l>(p + co-L) .......... , . (11)
D = \{p ~ co-L), the greater minus the less;. . . (12)
tan X =. sin D cosec 5 cot \t; ..... .... (13)
tan Y = cos D sec 5 cot \t ; .......... (14)
Z = X Y. ........... . . . (15)
llp>coL,X+Y=Z ........... (16)
90 :
(.r- F) = Z. ........... (18)
These formulas are convenient when a series of observations is to be taken, as in the
case of serial time-azimuths, therefore convenient for preparing a table of azimuths ; because
sin D, cos D, cosec S, and sec S have constant logarithms (in the case of the sun regarding the
declination at the mean of the times of observation as constant) ; but for a single observation
they give more labor than (8) and (9) exact, and some trouble in freeing the result from
ambiguity, whereas (9) is perfectly clear.
If, however, besides Z the angle q were required to be computed, formulas (11) to (14)
would be the most convenient.
If / > coL, for (12), write D = % (p coL) ;
for tan X, write tan % (Z q) } whence sum = Z;
for tan F, write tan \(Z-\- q) f whence difference = q.
lip < coL,
for D, write (coL /) ;
for tan X, write tan (q Z}, ) whence sum gives q ;
for tan F, write tan %(q-\- Z}, } and difference gives Z.
Given /, h, and d, to find Z\
sin a sin B = sin b sin A |
cos h sin Z = cos d sin / )
sin t cos d . ,
sin Z = -- : .............. (20)
cos li ^ '
Of the two values of Z given by (20), supplements of each other, the proper one may be
known from the conditions of the case. If Z is very near 90, and it is doubtful on which
side of the prime vertical the body lies, the ambiguity may not be removed ; but the method
is inadmissible then, since a small error in any given part may make Z impossible, sin Z
being greater than unity; and in any event such error will produce in Z a. very large error
(see art. 14).
Given h = o, d, and L, to find Z:
sin d
From (2), cosZ:=
Attending to the sign of d, no ambiguity can arise.
22. A fifth method, which the writer has never seen alluded to, may be employed. It
may be termed TiME-ALTITUDE-LATITUDE-AZIMUTH, to distinguish it from that of art. 20,
which, to be precise, should be called Time-altitude-declination-azimuth.
Given t, h, and L, to find Z. This method may be resorted to in the remote contingency
of declination not known, as, for instance, the mutilation of the ephemeris so far as concerns
the declination only.
From trig., sin B cot A = sin c cot a cos c cos B\ ) , .
sin Z cot / = cos L tan h sin L cos Z; )
whence cot $ = tan A cos c ; \
cos $' = cos $ tan c cot a ; V ..... . ... (23)
B = & & ; )
Z =
Attending to the signs, there will still be two values found for Z. But, sine* negative
values of Z and values greater than 180 are excluded (art. \7\ the proper value will be
When d is given it will be more trustworthy than is usually the Z., hence this method is
not considered farther, though having a place in the problem of azimuths.
cot L tan h ; ......... (3,
23. The error in the computed azimuth arising from small errors in the data may be trans-
lated into the change in the value of the azimuth corresponding to small changes in the data.
Since with three parts given in the astronomical triangle and not less than three
parts the remaining parts can be found, we have in the problem of azimuths four parts in
each of the methods proposed.
In order that the astronomical triangle shall change its aspect, not more than two parts
can remain constant all the others must vary.*
In the fundamental formulas employed, differentiating for any two parts of the triangle
as variable, the other two being constant, the change in one variable may be found in some
terms of the other variable and the two constants, and in a simpler form, sometimes, by
employing parts of the triangle that do not enter the problem. For the investigation of
maximum and minimum effects of errors, these equivalent expressions may be used with
24. In this problem, since Z is regarded always as one of the variables, we shall find the
expression for the approximate error in Z corresponding to a small error in each of the given
parts, taken separately, the other two parts being regarded as constant for that occasion.
The expression for the total error in Z will be, for practical purposes, the algebraic sum
of the three errors thus found ; that is, the total differential equals the sum of the partial
25. In each case the expression for error depends on the particular parts of the triangle
used, both the variables and the two constants ; the remaining two parts, though they do
not enter the formula, vary with the variables employed.
For illustration, the error in the computed azimuth owing to a small error in latitude
will not have the same value when the method of time-azimuth is employed that it will have
in the altitude-azimuth computation excepting as stated in art. 13, for one point of obser-
vation of the celestial body ; namely, when either q or Z equals 90, whichever may be
possible ; at e or / the numerical values of the resulting errors will be the same by both
methods, but the signs will be contrary. Therefore, in practice, having determined the
azimuth, and afterwards finding that the latitude used is slightly erroneous, care must be
taken in correcting the result that dZ is not computed from the expression derived from
the formula of the method not used to compute the azimuth. The foregoing applies as well
to the case of error in declination ; but in practice the occasions will be few when the
declination can be regarded as having any appreciable error. For discussion, however, a
sensible error in declination affords interesting study, and it will not be omitted in showing
the relations of the errors in the data.
Though the expressions for the errors are not strictly true excepting when the incre-
* Except in the one peculiar case of two sides and the angles opposite them remaining constantly equal, each to
90; while the remaining side and its opposite angle are the only variables, varying by the same amount, being always
equal each to the other, in angular measure.
ments of change are infinitely small, yet they are nearly enough true provided the change
in circular measure is sufficiently small to be regarded equal to its sine ; therefore, since an
angle that does not exceed one degree may be regarded equal to its sine to insure accuracy
to the nearest second in the result, the small errors in the data usually met in practice may
be dealt with. dZ may, "however, fall beyond the limits allowable as a finite difference for
numerical use as a correction.
26. The increment of change is really length in arc. If given in seconds or minutes it
may readily be reduced to circular measure, the radius being unity ; but, in practice, this
need not be done, for, the error sought being expressed in the same unit as the given error
(in seconds or minutes), the factor for reduction common to both will divide out.
27. The expressions are often useful to find the actual value of the error in a result aris-
ing from the employment of erroneous data ; or, speculatively, to determine the restrictions
to be imposed on probable errors in the data, in order to keep within the limits of error allow-
able in the result. The expressions derived are for errors; hence the sign must be changed to
make them corrections to be applied to the computed azimuth.
The most important use, however, for these expressions is their application to the in-
vestigation of the best and the worst conditions for observation of the celestial body.
28. For convenience, before deducing any equation of maximum and minimum errors in
the computed azimuth, we shall derive all the expressions for the resulting error arising from
errors in the data taking each datum separately as variable, the other two given parts as
constant in the several methods of ascertaining the azimuth. It will be convenient to
adhere to the familiar common notation of spherical trigonometry to facilitate the changing
of expressions into others equivalent until the result for each error in the data is reached.
Therefore we shall have with the astronomical triangle a companion triangle, employing
the latter to obtain the partial derivatives (see Figs. I and 2, art. 18). In the final ex-
pressions it is deemed unnecessary to replace dZ, dh, etc., by AZ, Ah, etc., to represent finite
Given h, L, and d, to find Z.
1st Case. Error in Z owing to error in h :
Z and h (B and d) variable ;
L and d (c and b) constant.
cos b = cos c cos a -|- sin c sin a cos B (25)
o = cos c sin ada-\- sin c cos a cos B da sin c sin a sin B dB ;
sin c sin a sin B dB = (sin a cos c sin c cos a cos B] da ;
= sin b cos C da ;
, D sin b cos C
art = ; : : = da ;
sin c sin a sin B
, D cot C sin b sin c
<*& = aa, since -: ~ = >=.;
sin a sin B sin C
- *) ; . ' '
I. 2d Case. Error in Z owing to error in L :
Z and L (B and c) variable ;
h and d (a and b} constant.
By interchanging c and a in the preceding case we derive, in the same way as in the ist
dL ....... (27)
tan t cos L
I. ^d Case. Error in Z owing to error in d\
Z and d (B and b) variable ;
h and L (a and c] constant.
From (25), sin b db = sin c sin a sin B dB ......... (28)
JD sin b J,
dB = -. ---- : -- : 5 do ;
sin c sin a sin B
sin b sin a
.'. since -. ~ -*,
sin B sin A
. .
sin c sin A
-- j. -
cos L sin t
A ^
cos Z, sm t
Total error, dZ = dZ K -f- dZ L -\- dZ & ;
^ : dd ............ (.29)
dh + - T 1 - - dL - -^-- l - dd ..... (30)
- - -- T - T - - T - -^-- -
tan q cos h tan t cos L sm / cos L
Given t, d, and L, to find Z.
1st Case. Error in Z owing to error in t:
Z and t (B and A) variable ;
L and d (c and b) constant.
sin A cot B sin c cot b cos ccos A ......... (31)
cos A cot B dA sin A cosec" B dB = cos c sin ^4 a^4 ;
multiplying by sin B,
cos A cos ^ ^4 sin A cosec .5 dB = cos sin A sin .# L4 ;
cos A cos ^ cos c sin ^4 sin B ,
dB - - : -f ^ -- dA ;
sin A cosec B
cos C
dB -- :
sm A cosec B
cos C sin .5 . cos C sin
dA ;
. -
sin A sin
cos ^ cos d
dZ t = . dt ............... (32)
cos h
II. 2d Case. Error in Z owing to error in L:
Z and L (B and c] variable ;
/ and d (A and b) constant.
From (31), - sin A cosec 2 BdB = cos c cot b dc + sin c cos A dc ;
A i DJD cos c cos b -4- sin < sin c cos y2 ,
sin A cosec Z&/Z? = -- ! -- - -- dc '
sm <7
sin A cos #
~slr?"^^ : = lirr^^ ; .......... (33)
sin* sin*
sin^ sin*
trig., .
' ........... (34)
. . multiplying the first and second members of (33) by the first and second members of (34),
dB = cot a dc ;
sin B
dB = cot a sin B dc ;
dZ = tan // sin Zd (go L) ;
dZ L = tan h sin ZdL .............. (35)
II. $d Case. Error in Z owing to error in d\
Z and d (B and b) variable ;
L and / (c and A) constant.
From (31), sin A cosec 2 B dB = sin c cosec 2 b db\
multiplying by sin B sin b,
sin A sin b sin c sin B
- . 5 dB = - : 7 do ;
sin B sin b
sin A sin a sin c sin C
by trig., - = = ~^ /< and -: -, = -. D ;
sin ^ sin sin b sin /? '
/. sin 0d!Z? sin C db ;
cos ^ dZ = sin ^ (90 d} ;
dZ* - - - , dd. (36)
cos h
Total error, ;
cot d
. ' . from (49), dZ d cot d cot Z dd. ............. (50)
Total error dZ = tan L cot Z dL cot L, at the upper transit on the meridian Z passes through o, from Z < 360 to Z >
o ; increases to a maximum value < 90, when q = 90, then decreases to \ f- > at lower transit ;
( 3 )
from 360, decreases to a minimum value > 270, when q = 270, then increases to j ^ [at
upper transit.
If d < L, Z at upper transit passes through 180, from^> 180 to Z <, 180; de-
creases through 90 to \ ^ o f at lower transit ; from 360 decreases through 270 to 180
( 3 )
at upper transit.
If d^> L, Z at upper transit passes through 180, from ^> 180 to 2T< 180; de
creases to a minimum > 90, when q = 90, then increases to 180 at lower transit ; increases
to a maximum < 270, when q = 270, then decreases to 180 at upper transit.
q will be reckoned to a possible 360 as follows : If -f- af> L, q = 180 at upper transit ;
decreases through 90 to < ,- [ at lower transit ; from 360 decreases through 270 to
( 3 )
1 80 at upper transit.
If d < L, q o at upper transit ; attains a maximum value < 90, when Z 90 then
decreases to \ ,- [at lower transit; from 360 decreases to a minimum > 270, when
; ( 3 >
Z = 270 then increases to j 3 a t upper transit.
If d> L, q o at upper transit, increases, passing through 90, to 180 at lower
( 360 )
transit ; continues to increase through 270 to j * [ at upper transit.
Briefly, whenever the given star crosses the meridian of a given place, every one of the
angles /, Z, and q passes through either o or 180; rot necessarily the same value for all at
the same time. But each angle is < 180 or > 180 according as the other angles are, each,
< 180 or > 180; the sides remaining as noted in article 16.
35. For use in a given observation the higher equations giving points of maximum and
minimum errors will be made to consist of terms in some trigonometric functions of L and
d and some one function of / (or of h}. Substituting the values of L and d that belong to
the particular occasion for finding the azimuth, / (or h} can be determined, to know when to
observe the body so that the resulting error shall be a minimum ; or, to know what point
of observation and its neighborhood to avoid as giving a maximum error.
For convenience in tracing the locus of the equation, and for the best exhibition of it, L
will be regarded as fixed, with d and / (or h) variable : hence, giving different values to d,
those of t (or h}, corresponding, will be found.
36. In the equation to the locus, with given values of L and d, and calling, for instance,
sin h = x, the roots found from the numerical equation embracing both real and imaginary
ones, even though every real root correspond to some point of a plane curve regarded as
purely algebraic, in which x may have any value, not being restricted to the value of sin h
lying between -f- I and I, yet the locus on the sphere may not contain every point repre-
sented by the real roots. For if one of these gives sin h > I, it will present an impossible
case. Again, the root may have a value not impossible for the trigonometric function, yet
one that sin h never attains. For illustration, when d= o the greatest value that h can have
is (90 Z), when sin h = cos Z; hence, in this case should the root have a numerical
value greater than cos L it will be inadmissible.
Therefore, among several real roots there may be but one value that is admissible. The
problem may also be materially simplified on account of positions of the body that are
impracticable for observation ; for example, the diurnal circle may cross a curve of minimum
errors below the horizon ; then (theoretically) the best practicable position of the body is in
the horizon.
37. While equations in the terms mentioned must be resorted to for finding the time or
the altitude at which most favorably to observe a given body in the observer's latitude, and
though incidentally useful in constructing the curves of maximum and minimum errors, yet,
for the latter purpose, equations in terms of Z, L, and h are far simpler.* By them, the
point tracing the locus is virtually referred to polar co-ordinates instead of the more compli-
cated bi-polar co-ordinates employed with the equations in terms of t, Z, d, and of //, Z, d.
But, more than this, the system of polar spherical co-ordinates may readily be trans-
formed into a system of plane rectangular co-ordinates for the projection of the curve. By
employing the equations to the latter, the difficulties inherent in all the other equations for
determining all the properties of the curve are removed, and analysis may be made. With-
out a knowledge of the properties of the curve of projection, a true conception of the curve
on the surface of the sphere is unattainable.
There remain two other forms of equations that are interesting and incidentally useful ;
namely, (i) the equation referring the point to the system of rectangular spherical co-ordi-
nates, the origin being the zenith, and the spherical axes the meridian and prime vertical ;
(2) the polar equation to the plane curve of the projection in which 6 is the complement of
the azimuth and r the linear distance corresponding to the projection of the zenith distance.
38. The diagrams are stereographic projections on the primitive plane of the horizon,
* Insisting on the use of the horizon as the primitive plane, for the best view of the curve (article 38).
the point of sight being at the nadir. The parts lying above the horizon are drawn in full
lines ; those below the horizon, in broken lines. The distortion in the projection of the
lower hemisphere gives an appearance of asymptotic properties to branches of the curves
passing through the nadir, and of lack of symmetry in the branches of the loci above and
below the horizon. But symmetry exists, and may be more easily perceived if the lower
hemisphere is revolved 180 about a tangent at the east point, the point of sight being
moved to the new pole of the primitive circle. This can be easily sketched without attempt
at great accuracy ; but the stereographic projection is considered preferable for the cases
presented. In the projection itself the asymptotic properties do exist.
No attempt is made to construct diagrams on a sufficient scale, or with the precision
necessary, for use in graphically finding the point to accept as the best, or to avoid as the
worst, in observing the body.
39. Tables should be prepared giving the most favorable time for observation, when
error in h in the altitude-azimuth and error in / in the time-azimuth are considered, in the
case of bodies that cross the prime-vertical in their diurnal course ; and tables to give the
dividing line between altitude-azimuth and time-azimuth being the better method when
error in latitude alone is concerned. Tables applicable to other cases would be useful, but
they are not so much needed as are those specified.
40. Since it is purposed to determine, from investigation of the expression for error, the
best and the worst conditions for observation numerical maxima and numerical minima, ir-
respective of sign, will often be called max. and min. ; notwithstanding that when found alge-
braically the numerical max. may be an algebraic min., and the numerical min. an algebraic
max., according to the sign. In general, in this treatise, if the terms maximum error and
minimum error occur unqualified they will mean numerically greatest and least errors, re-
Algebraic max. and min. corresponding to true max. and min. where true is the term
used by mathematicians respecting max. and min. found by giving to the first differential co-
efficient the value zero.
Inspection of the given expression will usually show whether it is susceptible of algebraic
max. and min. If these exist it will sometimes further be seen at exactly what position of
the heavenly body they occur. If not obvious, recourse must be had to the analytical method
of finding the precise conditions giving them.
But inspection may show that, though no true max. or min. exists, yet values of o and
oo do occur, and, for our purpose, these are the truest maxima and minima, sacrificing English
to emphasis. To distinguish these from true (algebraic) max. and min., and from finite nu-
merical max.. and min., the term absolute will be used in this treatise ; dZ = o, an absolute
min.; d Z '= oo , an absolute max.
41. To facilitate comparisons to be made hereafter, it will be convenient to collect the
several expressions for errors and to give to each one some equivalent forms from trigonom-
etry not given in what precedes.
dZ I cos q cos ^
No. I. -77- = - -- 7 = -- 7 = . f ; L and ....... (67)
cos ^ = cos a cos b -\- sin a sin b cos C. >
Differentiating the first of (67), all parts being variable,
sin a da = sin b cos db cos b sin cdc -f- cos b sin c cos A db
-f-sin b cose cos A dc sin sin csin A dA. . (68)
{ (sin b cos t cos b sin ccosyi) d# \ / sinacosCdb \
(sin ^cos # cos sin dcosA)dc > = < sin # cos ,# afc V. . (69)
sin b sin cs'm A dA ' sin a sin b sin
Dividing out sin a, da = cos C db cos B dc sin b sin " L at its elongation ; but, for these bodies, no algebraic max.
or min.
For all bodies whose d < Z, algebraic max. and min. occur, both being numerical
min. Where the min. occurs is not obvious, though text-writers have given overwhelming
preponderance to tan q, treating cos h as insignificant, and thus have erroneously assigned
the min. error to the position on the prime-vertical. (See articles 5 to 9.)
In the case of d > Z, when Z '= 90 is never attained, incidentally the min. occurs
when the body is nearest in azimuth to the prime-vertical. But for d < L recourse must be
had to solving d\- r] = o to obtain the conditions giving algebraic max. and min.,
\tan q cos h]
which are numerical min. Though the exact point desired (on either side of the meridian) is
not obvious, yet it is seen to lie on that side of the prime-vertical towards the nearer pole,
since for equal values of q on each side of the prime-vertical h will there be less and cos h
greater. This branch of the curve of min. errors from zenith to nadir through the east and
west points together with the branch derived from q = 90, giving the entire curve of min.
errors, is shown in locus No. I, the meridian being the locus of max. errors.
It will readily be seen that the text-writers would have erred to a less degree had they
assigned the most favorable position to the six-hour circle instead of to the prime-vertical.
For, if d < L,
when Z = go c
tan q =
cot L
cos h'
tan q = - ,
cos d
and (55) becomes
TT = tan L. . . . (tf)
When / = 90
cot L
tan Z cos
= tan L sin Z. . . . (b)
(b) < (#) excepting for d = o, when / = 90 and Z = 90 occur at the same time. (See
arts. 5 and 15.)
44. The following brief memoranda result from an inspection of the several coefficients
of error, L and d being now constant, even though the coefficient is that for error, or change,
in one of them ; hence that one a variable in getting the expression for error.
No. 2. From ($6), -,-=r = = , for error in L, absolute max. when t = o or 180 ;
3 ' dL tan t cos L
absolute min. when t = 90 or 270. No algebraic max. or min. The locus of max. errors,
the meridian ; that of min. errors, the six-hour circle.
No. T,. From (^7), ,= : f, for error in d, absolute max. when t = o or
dd sin t cos L
1 80; numerical min. when / 90 or 270. Loci: the meridian for max.; the six-hour
circle for min.
The numerical min. is obvious, but may be verified by finding the algebraic max. and
min. The loci being the same as for error in L (No. 2), but the min. error > o.
dZ cos q cos d
No. 4. From (58), -,- = ~ , for error in t.
dt cos h
For d > L, absolute min. when q = 90, 270.
For d < L, numerical min. erroneously assigned to the prime-vertical by some text-
For all bodies algebraic max. and min. generally giving numerical max. when q = o, 180.
Solving d f- . j = o, algebraic max. and min. will be found, giving numerical max.
generally when q = o, 180 ; and for d < L numerical min., which, though the point is not
obvious, proves to lie on that side of the prime-vertical towards the nearer pole. In very
high latitudes, for some declinations, this point is very near the meridian and very far from
the prime-vertical, in bearing; hence the importance to arctic explorers to know the truth,
not to be misled by false teaching.
As in No. i (see last paragraph of art. 43) the prime-vertical gives a less favorable posi-
tion of the body than that on the six-hour circle. For if d < Z,
when Z 90, When t = 90,
dZ cos, d ' dZ cos
= COS Q r 77= COS
7, ~~ V*WO I/ 7, \^V/^ */ 7
at cos # at * cos #
tan af cos ^ cot cos a?
tan ^ ' cos ^ cot /i ' cos /
sin d _ cos 2 a? sin h
~" sin ^ ~ cos 2 h ' sin d
= sin Z. (V) cos 8 d
sin 2 /
sin 2 z
sin L
Excepting when d= o, t = Z = 90, (d} is always less than (c) ; for when t 90, z is nearer
to 90 than is/.
sin 2 / .
. ' . -75 is a proper fraction,
sin #
Loci : Absolute min., curve of q = 90. Numerical min., curve shown in No. 4. Nu-
merical max., the meridian.
No. 5. From (59), -jj = tan h sin Z, for error in L. Absolute min., when h = o, also
when Z =0, 180. For rising-and-setting bodies numerical max. in each quadrant ; for a cir-
cumpolar star, a max. on each side of the meridian, above the horizon ; for a star always
below the horizon, a max. on each side of the meridian. The positions giving numerical
max. not obvious, but corresponding to algebraic max. and min. found from d(ia.n h sin Z)
= o.
Loci : Absolute min., the horizon and the meridian ; numerical max. on curve No. 5.
7 ^
No. 6. From (60), -jj = 7, for error in d. Absolute min. when q o, 180 and h
J dd cosk
not 90. Numerical max. and min. from algebraic max. and min. found from d\ -7) = o.
\cos hi
Inspection alone does not serve to determine even approximately all the positions of the
body causing max. and min. errors : but in the single case of d > Z, it is obvious that there
is one max. on each side of the meridian, occurring between the times of the upper culmina-
tion of the body and its elongation ; since for equal values of sin q on each side of unity
(q = 90), cos h will be less for the greater altitude.
Loci : Absolute min., the meridian ; numerical max. and min. given by curve No. 6.
46. No. 7. From (61), TV = tan Z tan h, for error in h. Absolute max. when^= 90,
270. Absolute min. when Z = o, 180 also when k = o. Numerical max. from algebraic max.
and min. found by d(tan Z tan h) = o. There will he a max., then, for any star that does not
cross the prime-vertical ( d> Z,), on each side of the meridian above and also below the
horizon, if a rising-and-setting body. 'If the body is always visible, a max. above the horizon
on each side of the meridian ; if always hidden, a max. on each side of the merid. below the
horizon. For bodies that cross the prime-vertical above the horizon (-f- d < L), a max. be-
low the horizon on each side of the meridian ; for those that cross below ( d < L), a max.
above, on each side.
Loci : Absolute max., the prime-vertical ; absolute min., the horizon and the meridian ;
numerical max. by curve No. 7.
sf "7 4- *7
No. 8. From (62), - r = - , for error in /. Absolute max., Z = 00 (when / is
at tan r
not 90) ; absolute min., t = 90 (when Z is not 90) ; numerical max. or min. when Z =
/cos d cos /\
o, 180, and t = o, 180, from algebraic max. and min. found by d\ -- ~ -- 7) or
-- ~ -- 7
vcos cos til
\ tan
Loci: Absolute max., the prime-vertical; absolute min., the six-hour circle; numerical
max. and min., the meridian.
N dZ sin / sin d
No. Q. From (63), -TT = tanZtantf = ~ 7, for error in #. Absolute mm..
' dd cos Zcos h
when Z = o, 180 ; absolute max., when Z = 90, 270; numerical max., when q = 90
(limited to bodies having */> Z), obvious, but may be derived by algebraic max. and min.
jf sin * \
from d \ ~ 7) = o.
\cosZcos /z/
Loci : Absolute min., the meridian ; absolute max., the prime-vertical ; numerical max.,
the curve of q = go .
[NOTE. In the Horizon-azimuth, inspection of (48) and (50) shows that, at a given place, d = o is the best con-
dition for either error in d or error in L ; and that for a given d, the lower the latitude the better.]
47. The determination of the expressions of maxiimim and minimum errors in the computed
azimuth, due to small errors in the given parts of the astronomical triangle.
In No. I, error in 7z, putting d \ T) = o, it would appear that the second differ-
& \tan<7cos^/
ential is usurping the functions of the first differential coefficient ; but it must not be so re-
garded for this problem of the variation of the triangle. The equation that the first differ-
ential is derived from is the general equation giving the relations existing at all times among
the parts of the triangle represented, the constants as well as the variables, and it is not an
equation conditioned on algebraic max. and min. existing.
The first differential coefficient gives the ratio of change of bearing to change of altitude
for a given body in a given latitude. But, this ratio having different values for different
positions of the body in its diurnal course, the maximum and minimum values are sought, L
and d remaining constant. Hence, regarding the first differential as an isolated factor, legiti-
mately derived, which multiplies the error in altitude to produce the error in the computed
azimuth, we dispossess it of its character as a differential, regard it as a quantity susceptible
of true max. and min. values, and seek these by putting its own first differential equal to
The new variable q thus enters, but its differential is eliminated, knowing the relation ex-
isting between it and that of the variable h, while L and d are constants ; leaving dh a factor
in every term of the derived equation, thus dividing out.
The equation with any assumed latitude is that of a curve, on the surface of the sphere,
which is intersected by parallels of declinations within certain limits. The intersections show
where the bodies having the declinations corresponding to the parallels must be observed to
give algebraic max. or min. errors in the azimuth. To obtain this equation, in whatsoever
terms of the astronomical triangle it may be expressed,/- and d are assumed constant not only
while deriving the partial differential, but while finding its true max. and min. values ; hence
these, in this case, are found by making the second differential coefficient in the orignal
problem of finding simply the general expression for error in altitude equal to zero.
Not so, however, in the cases of error in L and in d. That we are dealing with variations
of the astronomical triangle is forcibly shown in these cases. Taking (59) as an instance,
-Tf = tan h sin Z, the expression for error in L is the partial differential regarding t and d
constants ; that is, no error in the declination or in the recorded time of observation. But,
having obtained this first differential coefficient, it is not the second differential that is put
equal to zero to obtain algebraic max. and min. errors in the azimuth. We do, indeed, put
d (tan h sin Z} = o ; but this must be solved regarding L, now, as constant as well as d. For
the error in L will have its maximum effect if the star is observed when tan h sin zT attains its
maximum value, as the star moves with its unchanged declination viewed by the observer in
his fixed latitude even though his assumed latitude is slightly in error. Similar considera-
tions obtain when error in d is concerned.
It is imperative, then, that in putting the differential of \hzfactor of the error equal to zero,
as, for example, (59) d (tan h sin Z} = o or (60) d ( ~-\ = o, L and d shall be regarded
C.OS / j
constant in the solution, notwithstanding the factor multiplying the error is derived from a
variable L or d ; for the change in the aspect of the astronomical triangle is caused by all the
parts, other than L and d, varying.
48. The preceding conditions being fulfilled, to determine the relations existing among
the several parts of the astronomical triangle to give a max. or min. effect to the coefficient
of the error in any given part in the problem, when any star is observed at any place, the
latitude and declination both remaining fixed, while the star travels along its path, it is evi-
dent that the resulting equation expressed in terms of L, d, and any other one part, will give
the value of this part required to fulfil the condition of most favorable or least favorable ob-
' ' ] *
Hence the most convenient parts to form the equation are L, d, and /, for determining
the time to observe. L and dfbeing known, t can be found from the properly selected root of
the equation, taking care that t is represented by the same trigonometric function throughout.
The conditions, good for the particular star, hold good for any star whatsoever ; hence,
giving successive values to d, while L remains constant, the roots of the equation give the hour-
angles (/) corresponding ; and the curve, on the surface of the sphere, of max. and min. values
of the error in the computed azimuth is the locus of the intersections of the parallels of
declination with the hour-circles given by the imposed conditions. Hence, in this sense, we
may say that / and d vary together without denying the unvarying character of d so far as
concerns the establishment of the relations causing the coefficient of error to be a maximum
or a minimum. Giving different values to the arbitrary constant L, we shall have on the sur-
face of the sphere a system of curves.
49. For tracing the curve, in any particular latitude, the equation to the curve may be
turned into terms of Z-, fixed, and any other two parts varying together. Thus the terms may
be in trigonometric functions of Z, d, and h, one function adhered to for^, the next best con-
dition to L, d, and / terms for determining at what point to observe in any given case.
But, for curve-tracing, the most useful originally derived equation is that consisting of
terms in Z, h, and Z the function, for Z being the cosine for from this equation we can de-
rive the equation to the projection of the curve referred to plane rectangular co-ordinates.
The foregoing remarks apply to all the cases, in the several methods of finding the azi-
muth, remaining unmemioned. Briefly, the coefficient of error once legitimately derived, its
max. or min. effect must be sought by considering that the latitude and declination do not
vary while the aspect of the astronomical triangle changes with the progress of the star along
its path the diurnal circle = parallel of declination.
50. Forms of equations to the loci.
(l) In terms of Z, d, t; ]
, . (( For use in finding position to observe in any given case.
\2 ) JL^, ^Z, rt, ]
(3) " " " L,/i,Z; referred to spherical polar co-ordinates.
(4) derived from (3); referred to spherical rectangular co-ordinates.
(5) derived from (3); referred to plane polar co-ordinates.
(6) " (3) or (5); referred to plane rectangular co-ordinates.
(l), (2), (3), and (4) all refer to the curve on the surface of the sphere ; (5) and (6) to the
stereographic projection of the curve.
(4) and (5), though interesting, are of little use in this treatise.
The next step will be to deduce the equations of algebraic max. and min. in the several
cases, before discussing the curves they represent for numerical max. or min. The equation
to equal numerical effect of error in L, by both time-azimuth and altitude-azimuth, will also be
51. Locus No. i. Altitude-azimuth, error in h (art. 43). The equation to that part of the
locus of numerical mininum error, not obvious, being the locus of algebraic max. and min.,
when d < L.
1st Equation in terms of Z,, d, and /. Of the several equivalent forms of (55)
any one may be differentiated to give the equation, but care must be taken that a factor
essential to give some part of the entire curve shall not be divided out during the operations
of simplifying ; otherwise, a true branch may be missing in the result : so, also, in the remain-
ing cases (56), (57), etc. The labor of reduction varies with the different forms used. In these
pages, the expression giving the least labor, in each case, is retained, after experimenting with
the several forms to ascertain which is preferable, as well as to check .the result.
(cos o\
tl =
sin LI
sin / sin q dq cos q cos / dt = o (77)
cos Z sin q
Substituting from (65), dq = : - at;
cos Z sin 8 q cos q cos t = o; (78)
.*. cosZ(l cos 8 q) cos q cos t = o, turn into /, L, d;
cos (i cos 8 C) cos CcosA = o, turn into A, c, <
sin c cos b cos c sin b cos A
By trig., cos B - . ; (80)
sin a
sin b cos c cos b sin c cos A.
COS C = : ' (ol)
sin a
cos a = cos b cos c -J- sin b sin c cos A; (82)
sin 8 a i cos 8 a (83)
Substituting (80) to (83) in (79) and reducing,
cos 4 A -j- tan b cot c (cot 2 b 2} cos 3 A 3 cot 2 cos" ^
-|- tan b cot c (2 cosec 2 b -\- cot 2 c) cos A cosec 2 b = o ;
cos 4 * -I j (tan 2 d 2} cos 3 * 3 tan 2 L cos 2 /
1 tan d v
+ >(2 sec 2 */-|- tan 2 Z) cos t sec 2 d = o.
1 tan */ v '
52. 2d Equation in terms of L, d, and /z, may be derived from the foregoing, but more
conveniently from
tan q
- -- 7 ] =
cos h)
/. tan q sin h dh cos h sec 2 q dq = o.
From (64),
tan Z cos
Substituting and dividing out dk,
tan q sin ^
tan Z cos ^
= o.
/. sin q cos q tan Z sin ^ I = o.
sin q =
sin Z cos L
cos d
we have
cos q sin 2 Z cos L sin
cos ^ cos Z
I = o.
cos ^ (i cos 2 Z) cos Z sin // cos Z cos d = o, turn into //, Z,
cos C (i cos 2 .Z?) sin cos # cos B sin & = o, turn into rt, , &
" } (91)
By trig.,
cos / =
cos b cos c cos a
: -- . - .
sin a sin ^
cos 6 =
cos c cos a cos
sin sin b
Substituting (92), (93), and (83) in (91), and reducing,
sin 4 h : 7 (sin 2 d-\- 2) + 3 sin 2 L sin 2 h 4- ' -7 (2 cos 2 d sin 9 Z-) sin h cos 1 d = o. (94)
sintfP sm*/ v
Note the difference between (84) and (94) in the functions of L and d.
53. 3d Equation in terms of h, L, and Z.
From (79), cos B (i cos 2 C) cos C* cos A = o, turn into /?, , r.
Multiply by sin 2 b.
sin 2 cos B sin 2 ^ cos B cos 2 C sin b cos 7 . sin b cos ^4. ... (95)
From trig., sin b cos C = sin cos t: cos # sin c cos .# (96)
sin b cos yi = sin c cos tf cos c sin # cos B (97)
sin 2 b i cos 2 (98)
cos # = cos c cos # -f- sin sin cos /? (99)
Substituting (96) to (99), as required, in (95) and reducing,
cos 3 ^-f- cos a sin a cot c cos 2 ^ (i -j- sin 2 cot 2 c -f- cos 2 a) cos .Z? -|- sin a cos a cot c = o. (100)
. . letting A represent tan Z.,
cos 3 ^4" A sin h cos ^ cos 2 Z (i -\- A 2 cos 2 ^-f- sin 2 ^) cos ^"-j- A cos h sin /t = o. . (101)
Or, putting zenith-distance in place of the complement of the altitude,
cos 3 Z -\- A cos z sin # cos 2 Z (i -|- A 2 sin 2 z + cos 2 z) cos Z -\- A sin ^ cos^r = o. . (102)
54. From (102) may readily be derived the equation to the stereographic projection of
the curve, referred to plane rectangular co-ordinates.
The primitive plane being the horizon, the rectangular axes X and Y are, respectively,
the projections of the prime-vertical and meridian ; the origin being the centre of the primi-
tive circle, representing the zenith ; the point of sight situated at the nadir. To agree with
the accepted reckoning of / and Z to the westward, x should be reckoned positive to the west-
ward and negative to the eastward. Hence, in north latitude x would be positive to the
left, negative to the right hand, and the reverse in south latitude ; the latter conforming to
the conventional reckoning for plane rectangular co-ordinates.
So far as tracing the curve is concerned, since there are always branches symmetrically
situated on each side of Y. the meridian, it does not matter which direction for x is arbitrarily
chosen as positive ; therefore, for convenience, x will be taken positive to the right hand,
negative to the left, adhering to the conventional reckoning, y is reckoned positive towards
the elevated pole, negative towards the depressed pole.
55. To obtain the formulas of transformation of equation (102) to the equation of the pro-
jected curve.
The radius of the primitive circle being unity, z the zenith distance of any point of the
celestial sphere, and r the linear distance, on the projection, of this projected point from the
centre of the primitive circle, we have, from the principles of stereographic projection,
r = tan%z; (103)
2 tan ^z
and from plane trig., sin z = - ~- (104)
i + tan \z
I tan 2 4ar
coz * = r+Twn^ - (105)
2 tan \s
tan z = - rr~ ............ (106)
i tan z
Since the angle Z on the sphere and in the projection has the same value,
cos Z = sin co-Z - ;
and, since r 2 = x* -\-y\ ............ (108)
we have for direct substitution in (101) or (102), to obtain the equation to the projected curve,
~ / IOQ \
x* y
, . (no)
i r ' i .*' y
cot z = tan h = - = - ; --- ^_ . . . (\ 12)
= ' ' (U3)
A represent tan L ;
B cos A whence |/7~^B 2 = sin Z ;
C " sin A " 4/r^C 2 cos L.
[NOTE. A, alone, is required in the cases discussed in this treatise ; but based on the principles contained
herein, a large number of curves interesting to mathematicians may be found, when considering all the variations
of the astronomical triangle, even though the problems lack utility in astronomy. The writer has found, in the
case of Time-altitude-latitude azimuth (art. 22), the necessity of employing either B or C, in order to introduce
but one arbitrary constant (see Appendix).]
It will be found convenient to retain r until its elimination is effected as far as possible
before substituting for r\ r\ etc., x* + y, x* + 2.x*f + y, etc.
56. To obtain the equation to No. i, for the projected curve, we have from (101) or
(102), substituting, as required, the equations of art. 55,
_ _
r 3 "* r\i + V) a ~\ l h
2Ar 4 (i - r 2 ) = o. (116)
Writing out
r" x 3
= o. (117)
Substituting, as required, (118) in (117); arranging in order of powers of y, and changing
signs throughout, to give positive sign to the first term, we have :
-f 4A/
= O.
... (i 19)
Rearranging in order of highest-degree terms,
+ 4 Ay - 2y + 8Avy
- 4Aj 4 - 6A;tr 2 y -
This is the equation to the locus of algebraic max. and min., giving numerical min., and
applies only when d<^L.
57. For this case, the equation referred to spherical rectangular co-ordinates is of too
high a degree to be useful ; but in some of the subsequent cases that form will be of interest
if not adding anything to aid in the analysis of the curve. The equation in this form will be
introduced in Locus No. 4.
The equation referred to plane-polar co-ordinates may be easily obtained by omitting to
substitute for cos Z, in the foregoing work, =. But little additional interest will be
yy -{- x*
lent in any case, and for this locus the equation is too complex to be used advantageously.
58. Although not a locus of algebraic max. and min., the curve q = 90 is a branch of
the locus of numerical min., giving absolute min. = o, applicable only when d > L. This
curve, for our purposes, may be called the curve of elongations, while known to mathema-
ticians as the spherical ellipse.*
The equations are as follows :
tan L sin L tan L
cos / = - - j ; sin h = . -,\ cos Z = - - 7- ...... (121)
tan a sin a tan h
Substituting, from art. 55, in the last of (121), we have for the equation to the projection :
/ + 2A/ .? + .*> + 2A** = o; ........ (122)
or, y -\-sfy-\- 2Ay -\-2.Kx* y o ......... (123)
59. The remaining branch, giving absolute max., the meridian, is clearly defined as the
axis Y. No equation is needed ; but we have, as a matter of interest,
cos" t I = o, cos t = i ; i
{cos (L d,
cos (L -f- d;
cos* Z I = o, cos Z = i-
' * = o ..... ... (125)
For analysis of (120) and (123) see arts. 92, 93.
60. Locus No. 2. Alt.-az., error in L (art. 44).
There is no branch of algebraic max. and min. For absolute max., the meridian, as in
No. I (art. 59). For absolute min., the six-hour circle, which is clearly defined by simple
construction according to the principles of stereographic projection ; yet, as a matter of in-
terest, we have the equations
* For the knowledge th,at the curve of q = 90 is the spherical ellipse, the writer is indebted to Prof. W. W.
Hendrickson, U.S.N.
cos t = o ; sin h = sin d sin L ; cos ^ = ^ . (126)
y -j- 2A.y -f- x 1 i = o,
or, y -1- x* 4- 2Ai/ i = o.
Whence, y A ^A a + i x> (128)
For analysis see art 94.
6l. Z-^J .Afa. 3. Alt.-az., error in d (art. 44).
The meridian is a branch, giving absolute max. (see art. 59). The six-hour circle is a
branch giving algebraic max. and min., always numerical min. This is obvious from (57),
dZ i / i \
-jj = -- : - -- r ! but, to derive the equation, we have d\- -- .- = o :
dd sin t cos L \sm q cos h'
.'. sin ^ sin ^^ cos & cos g dg = o ......... (130)
By (64), dq = -.
. ^
sin Z cos
cos q cos ^
sin 0- sin h -- * ~ = o
sin Z
sin ^ sin Z" sin h cos cos Z o ; )
. * D !, > ....... (132)
sm C sin B cos # cos C cos .5 = o. )
By trig., the first member of (132) = cos A-,
. * . cos A = o ;
cos t o, t = 90 or 270,
whence (126) to (129) recur (art. 60).
62. Locus No. 4. Time-azimuth^ error in t (art. 45).
Curve of q = 90 is a branch of absolute min (see art. 58). Curve of algebraic max. and
min. giving generally numerical max., the meridian ; numerical min. on (?) to be found.
The equation in terms of t, L, and d.
, /cos q sin Z\
From (58), d\- -) =o.
\ sin t I
sin t sin g sin Z dg sin t cos $ cos Z dZ -{- cos 4 sin Z cos t dt = o. . . . (133)
cos Z sin q ,_ cos q sin Z
From (65) and (58), dq = ^- f dt ; dZ ^-^ (W ;
. . _ cosZsin 2 ^sin Z -\- cos 2 ^ sin ZcosZ-f- cos q sin Z cos / = o. . . (134)
Divide out sin Z and substitute i cos 2 q for sin 2 q, ( J 35)
and we have - cos Z(i 2 cos 2 q) -J- cos q cos t = o ;
cos .5(1 2 cos 2 7) -j- cos (7 cos A = o.
Now turn (136) into /, Z, d; A, c, b.
[NOTE. Though the factor sin Z, which is divided out, gives the meridian when Z = o, yet enough remains to
give it still. But, employing d 1 -^ I = o, (cos d being constant), sin Z also divides out and leaves nothing to
represent the meridian (see art. 51).]
In (136), substituting (80), (81), (82), and (83), and reducing,
3 2 7.
cos 4 A 2 tan b cot c cos 3 A -4- . , , r-^ cos 2 A -J- 2 tan cot ^ cos ^
sin # sin c
sin 2 sin 2 b cos 3
cos 2 L cos 2 d
cos 4 / 2 cot d tan cos s *-| 5-7 r-r- cos 2 / + 2 cot tan Lcost
cos Z, cos i,
the positive sign of the radical is inadmissible. This branch is that of numerical minimum.
64. The equation in terms of h, L, and d.
sin h sin L sin d
In (139), substitute cos/= j , (142)
v JW cos L cos d
The first factor becomes (sin h sin L sin d}* cos" L cos" d= o; (H3)
. . sin h sin Lsind = cosL cosd; ( 1 44)
( sin Z-sin d-\- cos L cos = cos (Z, Z gives an imaginary result ; therefore this branch exists only
for I, the positive sign of the radical is inadmissible. This branch
Sill &
gives numerical min. The whole curve is given by
[(sin h sin Z sin d}* cos 2 L cos 2 d~\ [sin 2 h sin d 2 sin Z sin h -f- sin d~\ ; (148)
or sin* h ^-^ . \, S1 " ^ sin 3 h 4- (5 sin 2 Z + sin 2 //) sin 2
, 2 sin L(i sin 2 Z 2 sin s ^) ,
s j sm h (i sin L sin 8 ^) = o.
sin d v y
65. The equation in terms of Z, L, h.
Taking (136), cos B 2 cos B cos 2 C cos C cos A, turn into C, B, a.
Multiplying by sin" b,
sin 2 b cos B 2 cos .Z? sin 2 b cos 2 C sin b cos C . sin b cos ^4. ... (150)
Substituting (96), (97), (98), (99), in (150) and reducing,
cos a sin a cos c cos # sin a cos
COS B , N COS .Z? COo # 4- -: - T -, -- {
sin 4 1 + cos 2 a) ' sin <:([ + cos* #)
Letting A = tan Z,,
A sin h cos /; _ . A sin h cos h
A sin h cos k
Factoring, (cos 2 Z i) ^cos Z -- ~
The first factor defines the meridian ; for the remaining branch we have
A sin h cos h
66. The equation to the stereographic projection of the branch given by (153).
Substituting in (153) as needed, from art. 55, and reducing,
o; . . (154)
or, rearranging,
4 - A/- A* 9 +.7 = 0. . . . (155)
For analysis see art. 95.
67. The equation referred to spherical rectangular co-ordinates.
The axes X and Y being, respectively, the prime-vertical and the meridian, the origin at
the zenith, x, in arc, may be reckoned positive to the westward around to 360, or positive
west to 180 and negative east to 180 ; y, positive towards the elevated pole up to 90, the
point in the horizon which is the pole to the prime-vertical ; negative to 90 towards the
other pole.
sin y sin y
We have then, cos Z = sin co-Z = ^ = -- - f ; ....... (156)
sin 2 cos h
cos z = sin h = cos x cos^/ ........... ( 1 S7)
Substituting (156 and (157) in (153),
sinjj/ _ A cos x cos y cos h
cos h ~ cos a x cos 2 y + I
. *. sin y cos* x cos*^/ + sin^/ = A cos x cos_7 cos* h ...... ( J 59)
Then, since cos" h I sin" h = I cos 2 x cos 2 j/; ....... (160)
sin y cos" ^r cos a ^ -(- sin ^ = A cos x cos _y A cos 3 x cos 8 ^ ; . . . (161)
. * . A cos 3 y cos 3 x -j- sin y cos" j/ cos 2 ^ A cos y cos x -f- sin _y = o ; . . (162)
sinj I sinj
COS X-\--j: - - COS X -- COS;r4--T -- = O ...... ( 1 V$)
1 Acosj/ cos y A cos y
For the branch q = 90, see art. 58.
68. Locus No. 5. Time-azimuth, error in L (art. 45).
The meridian and the horizon define the absolute min. For numerical max., the curve
of algebraic max. and min. as follows :
The equation in terms of /, Z, d.
From (59), */ (tan h sin Z) = o ;
. . tan h cos ZdZ -\- sin Z sec 2 h dh = o ........
By (55),
- - - 7
tan cos h
. . sin h + tan ^ tan q = o, turn into t, L,d.
cos # -f- tan ^ tan T = o, turn into A
, c, &.)
Multiply (165) by sin 2 A cot A cot B, and in the resulting second term put i cos 2 A for
sin 2 A, and we have
cos a cot B sin A cot 7 sin ^ -J- i cos 8 A Q ...... ( J 66)
By trig., cot B sin ^4 = sin c cot # cos c cos /2 ; ....... ( l ^7)
cot C sin y2 sin b cot ^ cos b cos ^ ; ....... 068)
cos # cos b cos ^ -f- sin b sin cos A ......... ( l &9)
In (166), substituting (167), (168), (169), and reducing, we have
s 3 sin* Z sin 8 sin 2 L sin 2 d I
cos* * + - - . . , -- - -- cos 2 t
sin fz sin Z, cos d cos Z
+ <2 r * '2 T \//
sin sin Z.
-j- 1 1 tan- L. tan- a ) cos r -+- -. -r-.^ : - F = O.
sin -f x* - x* = o ; ....... (194)
or, / *' + 2A/ + 2A^r> / + x* = o ...... . (1940)
For analysis, see art. 98.
76. Locus No. 7. Time-alt. -azimuth, error in h (art. 46).
The meridian and the horizon are branches giving absolute min. ; the prime-vertical giv-
ing absolute max. The branch of numerical max. given by algebraic max. and min. as
follows :
From (61),
cos L
sin 2 ? cos dcosZ-\- sin A cos g cos L = o ( ! 97)
sin* q =. i cos*^,
cos */cos Z cos d cos Z cos* q 4- sin h cos ^ cos Z = o ; turn into *, Z, ;
sin cos 5 sin ^ cos Z? cos* T -)- cos # cos f sin c = o ; turn into A , c, b ;
Multiplying by sin 3 a,
sin* a sin b cos Z? sin a sin sin a cos /? sin" # cos* C-\- sin* # cos a sin ^ cos C sin a = o. (199
By trig.,
cos B sin a = sin c cos b cos c sin b cos ^4
cos C sin # = sin b cos cos b sin ^ cos ^4
sin 2 a = i cos* ;
cos # = cos ^ cos c -j- sin # sin c cos ^4.
Substituting (200) in (199) and reducing,
cos 4 / 4- (4 tan d tan L -4- -. j -- J cos 3 1
v* ' sin tf cos rf/
4- | 3 tan* Z (tan* ^ i) --- 5-^ 5-^ [
I J ' cos d cos Z )
/ tan Z tan */\
1 4 tan d tan Z -\ ---- = j j cos
cos* ^ cos 4 Z
cos rf
tan* d tan 4 Z = o.
. . . (201)
[NOTE. The writer has done a great amount of " dead work" in attempting to simplify this equation, as well as
the other complex equations in this treatise. In the end, of the many various forms obtained in any instance, that
form has been retained that seemed, taken all in all, to be the simplest. The remaining forms found are not given
here, though perhaps some of them would appear to the reader preferable. The writer would be glad to see the vari-
ous equations simplified by any one that will attempt the work.
It may be remarked that in performing the operations indicated in this treatise and believed to be indicated
fully as to steps taken to obtain the equations of high degree in trigonometric functions, there is a vast amount of
trigonometric gymnastics required in order to present the equations not more complex than shown. After perform-
ing the operations step by step, and collecting the terms (as they then stand) in the order of highest degree terms of the
function of that particular part of the triangle that is given but one function, the coefficients of the different powers
of this function are often very complex. Putting the entire computation into these pages would encumber the work.]
In symplifying the coefficients just mentioned, the formula found most useful is sin* x
-f- cos* x = i ; and from it sin 4 x = sin* x (i cos*;tr) and cos 4 x cos*;r (i sin* x) are often
77. The equation in terms of h, Z, d.
In (198), substituting (92), (93) and (83), and reducing,
. 4 . sin 3 Z . 2-|-sin*Z . 3 sin*/ sin Z . , cos* d sin" Z
sin h + j-y sin 3 h ^rj sin* h -f ^- f sin h -4- - -? = o. (202)
sin at cos Z cos Z cos Z coe Z
78. The equation in terms of Z, L, h.
Multiplying (198) by sin b,
sin 2 b cos B sin 2 cos" CcosB-\- cos a sin csin b cos C= O (203)
In (203), substituting (96), (98), (99), and reducing,
cos 3 B sin a a cos B cos a sin a cot c = o (204
cos 3 Z cos* A cos2T sin ^ cos /z tan L o (205)
79. The equation to the projection.
In (205), substituting from art. 55 as needed, and we have
, , j (206)
~r y ~T oA^-y 4A#y 43 : y -f- 2A;r 2A;r = O; )
or, y 1 -\- 2x*y* -f- x*y* -\- 2 Ay* -f- 6A,ry -|- 6A.ry -f- 2 A^r 8 |
[For analysis, see art. 99.]
80. Locus No. 8. Time-alt. -azimuth, error in t (art. 46).
The prime-vertical is a branch for absolute max. The six-hour circle is a branch for ab-
solute min. The branch of numerical max. and min. given by algebraic max. and min., as
follows :
The equation in terms of t, Z, and d.
From (62), */(tan Z cot /) = o ;
tan t sec ^ d/^, tan sec / dt ^^ o. (200)
By (58),
hence, (208) reduces to cos q cos t -4- cos Z= o ; )
cos C cos A -\- cos B = o I ) .........
which from trig, give sin A sin C cos = o ;
sin / cos L
sin / sin q sin = o ; turn into
c , , .. . sin / cos
Substitute sin q =. T ,
2 cos h
/, L, d. )
and we have sin" / cos L sin d = o ; }
(cos* t i) cos L sin d = o. f
Hence with any latitude and declination,
cos 2 / i = o, cos t = i, t = o, 180 ;
giving the meridian.
8l. The equation in terms of k, L, d.
sin h sin L sin d
In (2ii), substitute cos / = - ? - -j - ; . . . .
cos L cos d
or the same result as follows :
cos a cos b cos c
By trig., cos^ = - -j. -- .......... (213)
sin b sin c x J/
In (209), substitute (213), (92), (93), and, reducing, we have
cos 6 (cos 3 a 2 cose cos 6 cos a-\- cos* c cos a sin" sinV) = o; . . . (214)
.*. (cos a cos b cos c)* sin* b sin" c = o ;
(sin h sin d sin Z,) a cos 2 dcos* L= o ; J
The first factor in (214), sin d, as a constant, divides out; the second factor, put equal to
zero and solved, gives, from (215),
sin h sin d s\n L= cos d cos Z; ....... ( 2J 6)
.'. sin /*= 1
sin L sin d-\- cos L cos d cos (L d\ == cos ( L, and it is obviously
the curve q = 90, as shown in (63), -77 tan Ztan d. Though obvious, we may find this
branch analytically, as one of algebraic max. and min., as follows : choosing from (63), we have
. , sin q
d\ %,) = o;
cos Z cos q dq -f- sin q sin Z dZ = o.
By (66),
dZ =
cos q cos d
-- = -- =*& ;
cos Z cos Z, z
, sin q sin .Z cos q cos ^
. . cos Z cos # -j ^ -f = o.
cos Zcos L
_ sin Z cos L
sin o :
cos d
and clear of fractions, when we have
cos" Z cos q -(- sin" Z cos q o ;
/cos* Z + sin 4 Z\
( _ j J cos ? = o.
cos ^ = o,
cos / -
sin / =
tan d'
sin L
sin d '
tan L
tan h'
. J90 C
For the equation to the projection of q = 90, see art. 58, Locus No. I, where this curve ex-
ists for an absolue min. Eq. (123), y* -j- x*y -f- 2 Ay -f- 2A.T 2 y = o (see art. 101).
85. Locus No. 10. Time-azimuth and altitude- azimuth giving equal numerical values
to the error in the computed azimuth, arising from a small error in the latitude ; whence the
limits within which the one method is more favorable than the other, so far as the error in lati-
tude is concerned.
By inspection of (56) and (59), taking for investigation the single case of a rising-and-
setting body having -\- d> L, we see that in the method of altitude-azimuth the error when
the body is in the horizon at rising, t lying between 180 and 270, has a positive finite value,
decreasing to zero when t becomes equal to 90 as the star travels in its diurnal path ; by the
time-azimuth, when the star is in the horizon the value of the error is zero, and then it in-
creases negatively to a negative finite value when t = 90 ; Z throughout this time remaining
between 360 and 270.
.Therefore, (l) for some point of observation (e') in the star's path, between the horizon
and the six-hour circle, the values of the error in the azimuths, computed with both methods
separately, will be numerically equal, with contrary signs ; (2) it is obvious also that before
the star reaches the meridian, after passing (*'), some point of observation (/"') will give
identical values to the errors, that is, numerically equal, having the same sign.
The time-azimuth then will be preferable from the time of rising of the star until e is
reached ; thenceforward, passing through t = 90 and up to (/'), the altitude-azimuth the
better method; thereafter to the meridian we should employ the time-azimuth. We may,
in a similar way, follow the star west of the meridian.
Our object, now, will be to find the equations to the curves of equal errors with opposite
signs, and with like signs ; whence, constructing the curves, the limits within which either
method is preferable will be graphically given.
86 (a). First. Identical errors signs alike.
Putting (56) and (59) equal to each other,
f = tan h sin Z\
tan / cos L
cot / tan h sin Z cos L = o ; )
cot A cot a sin B sin c o. )
Multiplying by sin B, sin B cot A cot a sin 2 B sin c = o ........ (234)
By trig., sin B cot A = sin c cot a cos c cos B ; }
sin 2 B = i - cos 1 B. \ ......
Substituting (235) in (234) and reducing,
cos" B cot a sin c cos B cos c = o ; )
cos 2 Z i an h cos L cos Z sin L = o; > ....... (236)
cos Z(cos Z tan h cos L sin L = o. )
The first factor of (236) gives cos Z = o ; ............ (237)
.'. Z=go, 270, and the prime- vertical is a branch of the locus.
Putting the second factor equal to zero, we have
tan L
which value can exist only when q = 90, 270 ; hence the curve of elongations, q = 90, is a
branch of the locus.
Hence the prime vertical is a branch for all bodies having d < L, and we have for con-
tan d sin d
cos t = - f, sin h = j ; ......... (239)
tan L sin L
and the curves of elongations are branches for d > , giving
tan L sin L
cos t = - - ->, sin It -- -g .......... (240)
tan a sin d
From (238) we have, as in (123), the equation to the projection of the curve of elongations,
/ + *?y + 2 A/ -f 2A* 8 y o ;
and from (237) for the prime-vertical y= o equation to the projection.
86 (&). The branches found in art. 86 (a) may be determined with less labor by selecting
from (56) and (59) as follows :
cos t sin h sin Z sin q
sin t cos L sin t cos L
but both methods are retained as checks upon each other.
From (232)^ we have cos t sin h sin Z sin q = o ;
cos A cos a sin B sin C = o.
By trig., - cos B cos C (233)^ ;
. . cos B cos C = o ; )
_ ..... ..... (236)*
cos Z cos q o. )
. * . cos Z = o (gives the prime-vertical, and)
cos q = o (gives the curve of elongations.)
87. Second. Equal errors, numerical, opposite signs.
Changing the sign of one member in (232)^, and cancelling sin t cos Z, we have
cos / == sin h sin Z sin q ; j
cos A -f- cos a sin B sin C = O. )
For the equation in terms of t, L, d\ A, c, b.
sin A sin b sin A sin c
By trig.. sin B = - : -- and sin C = - : - :
sin a sin a
cos a sin b sin c sin* A
substituting in (241), cos A -) --- -- = o.
ol 1 1 c
Substituting sin* a I cos" a, and sin 8 ^4 = I cos* A,
and clearing, we have
cos A cos" a cos /2 -f- sin sin t cos # sin sin c cos # cos a A = o. . . (242)
Since cos # = cos b cos r -j- sin b sin cos A,
we have cos ^4 cos 8 b cos 8 cos A 2 cos # cos *: sin sin c cos 8 y2 }
sin 8 b sin 8 cos 3 A -f- sin sin ^ cos cos -j- sin 8 sin 8 c cos ,/2 > (243)
sin b sin cos b cos cos 8 A sin 8 sin 8 c cos 3 ^4 = o. )
Arranging in order of powers of cos A, collecting terms,
2 sin 8 b sin 8 c cos 3 A 3 sin b sin c cos # cos c cos 8 y4 )
-f- (i cos 2 b cos 8 c -j- sin 8 # sin 8 ^) cos ^4 . -j- sin b sin c cos b cos = o. f
The coefficient of cos ^ reduces to sin' b -f- sin 8 r, and dividing through by 2 sin 8 b sin 8 c
we have
cos 3 A-\-% cot # cot *: cos 8 A % (cosec a c -\- cosec 8 b) cos A % cot b cot c = o; l
cos 3 * -f f tan d tan Z cos 8 / - \ (sec 8 Z + sec 8 d) cos / - tan ^ tan Z = O. j
88. The equation in terms of h, L, d\ a, b, c.
T /^..W U *.-.. i.- /i COS COS ^ COS
In (242), substituting cos A =
sin b sin c
performing the operations, collecting terms, and simplifying, we have
s , sin 8 c -f- sin 8 b \
cos a f cos b cos c cos 8 a -- -J -- cos + cos cos <: o ; |
V (246)
sin 3 h | sin d sin Z sin 8 h \ (cos 8 Z + cos 8 d} sin ^ + $ sin L sm d o. )
89. The equation in terms of Z, L, h ; B, c, a.
Changing the sign of the second term of (233),
cot t -f- tan h sin Z cos L = o ; )
cot A -j- cot a sin B sin c = o. J
Multiplying by sin B, sin B cot A -j- cot sin 8 .Z? sin = o. ........ (248)
Substituting (235) in (248), and reducing,
cos a B -f- cot c tan # cos B 2 = o ; ........ (249)
cos 9 Z-{-tan jr cot h cos Z 2 = o ......... ( 2 5)
90. The equation to the projection of the curve of equal numerical errors, contrary signs.
Substituting in (250) from art. 55, as required, and reducing, we have
-2 = ........... (250
2x* + 2x" = o ; ...... (252)
or, rearranging, y -f 3^y + 2;r 4 + 2Ay + 2AA-jj/ y 2^r 2 = o ...... (253)
For analysis see art. IO2.
91. To Lieutenant H. O. Rittenhouse, U.S.N., the writer is greatly indebted for assistance,
both mathematical and constructive, in analyzing the equations and tracing the loci. In the
progress of delineating the latter, Lieutenant Rittenhouse gave much aid in removing diffi-
culties encountered. The drawings for the accompanying plates were made by him, and they
represent the curves faithfully for the particular latitudes given, to serve as illustrations.
For the determination of the most favorable and the least favorable conditions for obser-
vation of the star, by finding the algebraic maximum and minimum effects of the errors in the
data, the writer claims originality. To the fact that text-writers have been content to ascer-
tain (?) by inspection of the first differential of the particular equation employed in the prob-
lems for time, latitude, and azimuth what conditions are the best, is due the fallacy of ac-
crediting the prime-vertical the place of best observation, when error in h and error in t are
concerned, in the altitude-azimuth and the time-azimuth.
Having undertaken this work, the problem of finding, in any given case, the best position
for observation demanded the equation in /, L, d, or, as an alternative, in h, L, d, for L and d
must be known and used. By means of these two equations considerable progress was made
in describing the curves : where one equation failed to clear some doubtful point, the other
would sometimes come to the rescue. But, still, there always remained some points in ob-
scurity; inciting guesses where reason failed: some guesses being very good, as ultimately
proved ; others as bad as could be. All the curves had been defined (?) by these equations,
and the writer was continuing a great amount of " dead work" among them, in the hope that
some one curve, at least, simpler than its fellows, would prove accommodating when it oc-
curred to him that the tracing of the curve need have no dependence on the problem of find-
ing, in a given case, the time to observe at, or the altitude to observe ; but that, in a given
latitude, by varying the altitudes for points of the curve, the corresponding azimuths might
be found and therefore the curve could be traced. Consequently, the equations were de-
rived in terms of Z, L, and h ; and it was then discovered that these equations could be easily
transformed into the equations in terms of x, y, and one arbitrary constant, tan Z, for refer-
ring the projection of the curves to plane rectangular co-ordinates.* If this were not accom-
plished, still the equations in Z, L, h, were much more useful than the others, for they re-
* See foot-note to art. 37.
ferred to the more simple system of spherical polar co-ordinates ; and, at the same time, in
general, they dropped one degree lower than those in t, L, d and h, L, d.
The equations to the projection, once obtained, the tracing of the curves became com-
paratively easy, notwithstanding some of the equations are of high degree and involve some
nice points. It is not believed that all these points have been discovered, and the writer will
be gratified to see newly discovered truths respecting the curves presented. Considered as
plane curves, simply, losing sight of the problem from which they are evolved, they possess
very interesting features. Based on the same principles giving these curves, a great number
of others may be discovered by considering all manner of variations in the astronomical tri-
angle outside of the utility problems. (For this subject, see appendix.)
Each curve is given for latitudes 30, 45, 60, thus fairly showing the alterations of form
between these stages as the curve gradually changes between the limiting latitudes of o and
90. In the growth of the curves few unlooked-for changes of form occur. In No. I and No.
4 some surprises are met with. In No. 4, apart from analysis, the change in form between
30 and 60 of latitude graphically hints at a great change in higher latitudes.
92. Locus No. i. Alt.-azimuth, error in h. Articles 43 and 51 to 56. Branches I.
Algebraic max. and min., giving numerical min. 2. Absolute min., curve of elongations. 3.
Absolute max., the meridian.
1st Branch.
(d] By (120), / + 4*y + s*y +
-f 4A/ + ioA*y + 8A*y + 2 A* 8
+ 4A 2 / - 2/ -f
4 A/ 6A*y
+/ + 2x*y = o ................. (254)
From terms of highest degree, y (j? + *")" (y -|- 2x*) = o .......... (, 2 55)
Hence, there exists an infinite branch having an asymptote parallel to X\ and no other real
infinite branch.
Coefficient of highest power of x\s2y-\- 2A ;
. ' . y = A for the asymptote, (256)
which is the projection of the parallel of declination, d = L ( 2 57)
For y= tan L, and disregarding sign of y, let ? = arc from the origin to the point a
where the asymptote cuts the meridian, Y ; then
tan \z y tan L, .'. z 2L .......... (258)
. * . z = L -\- L. On Y the arc from the origin to the equator = L ; from equator to the
point a, the arc = dec. of point a = the remaining L, . * . resuming sign, d = L.
(b] For points of locus on Y, put x = o, . .
o; ...... (259)
= o .......... (260)
First factor gives y* = o, the origin.
Second factor gives y = A 4/A 2 -f- i (261)
N. and S. poles, P and P'. (Imaginary, see (/)).
(c) For points on X, put y = o.
= o;
. . x* = o, the origin ; x* = i, E. and W. points (262)
(d) For form at origin, from terms of lowest degree :
y -f- ^y = o, or y (y -f- 2x*} = o, (imaginary) (263)
But from 2yx* 2Ax* = o (264)
y = tv? (265)
And the curve is of the form
'g- 4).
(e) Form of curve at E. point.
Moving origin to (i, o) the coefficient of x is found to be 4A; the coefficient of y,
4 A'
. . y = -- T- a x is the tangent at E ........ (266)
I -f- A
Similarly, y = . /rs is the tangent at W .......... (267)
(/') To ascertain the character of the locus at P and P' ; moving origin to P, putting for
y,y A -(- 4/A 3 -f- I, the coefficient of y vanishes. We have for determining the sign of the
coefficient ofy,
|2A 4 + 3A 1 -f i - 2A 3 |/A 2 + i - 2A 4/A a + i ; }
similarly for x\ |2A 4 + 3 A 2 + i - 2A 3 l/A^+1 - 2A
The signs of these two terms, therefore, will be always the same, and the form at P is imag-
inary. P is therefore a peculiar point, and, from the symmetry of the locus, P' must also be
a peculiar point.
() Though no real branch of this curve passes through P or P', curves to follow do
pass through these points; therefore, to prove that the N. and S. poles -are given by
y A 4/A 2 -\- i, we have for P, the N. pole, co-L = arc from the origin (zenith) to the
pole. By stereographic projection, if r is the linear distance from origin to P,
then r = tan \ co.-L ........... (268)
i cos co-Z, i sin L , ., N
By trig., tantco-= = -- ........... (269)
sin L /sin 2 L -f- cos* L . .
1 ' 5-r- ( 2 7)
- Y .
cos L
Similarly for P',
I sin L . .
y ........... (271)
_ i _|_ sin L
or -j = A + fA 2 -f i= ~; - - ( 2 7 2 )
r' = distance from origin to P' = tan (90 + L).
i cos (go -r L i + sin L
By trig, tanl(90 + )= "-' ..... (273)
r'=-j ............. (274)
(^) The curve does not cross its asymptote, for, combining (256) with (254), we have
(A' + 2AX + 2A(A'+i)y-fA 3 (A' + i)':=Q, ..... (275)
which gives imaginary roots only.
(/) For limiting form of curve, L = o, put A = o in (254),
y = o divides out ; ...........
.-. axis of X, the prime-vertical, is a part of the locus. There remains
y + 4*y + 5 *y + 2* 6 2/ 2^y + y + 2** = o ..... (277)
Infinite branches are imaginary and form at origin imaginary.
If y = 0, S = O, ................ (278)
and x = V i, imaginary. ........... (279)
If x = o, y = o, ................ (280)
and (y i) a = O, # = I, double point at N. and S. . . (281)
Moving origin to N., putting y = y -f- r > the f rm * s given by
*>+y = o; ............ (282)
.'. imaginary branch at N. point, the same at S. point ; N. and S. are isolated points.
Arranging (277) as a cubic in x*, we have
+ ( 4 y - 2 y + 2)^+y(y-2/+i) = o ..... (283)
These coefficients are all positive, therefore x* can have no positive root, and therefore
x can have no real root. The locus is therefore imaginary, excepting the line y o (that is
X, the prime-vertical which is the equator), and the peculiar points at zenith and N. and S.
(k) For limiting form L = 90. Put A = oo in (254) and we have
= o; (284)
/. y = o, giving X, the prime-vertical ; (285)
(x* '-}- y) s = o, giving origin, zenith, a double conjugate point. . . . (286)
(/) Not considering detached points, it is seen from (/) and (K) that starting with Lat. = o,
the axis of X is the locus ; and ending with Lat. = 90, again the axis of X is the locus;
while between these limiting latitudes there is always one branch passing through the origin
and E. and W., and always having an asymptote/ = A. On the sphere it is a continuous
branch through zenith, E., nadir, W., to zenith.
The question arises : How does the curve change its shape with the change of latitude,
so that it shall return to its original form?
[NOTE. For the following elucidation and the determination of the envelope, the writer is much indebted to
Lieutenant Rittenhouse and Professor Hendrickson.]
The equation (254) to the curve contains A and A 2 . Arranging it as a quadratic in A,
we have
= o.
Now, for any values of x and y, two values of A can be found to satisfy the equation.
That is, suppose the curve drawn for a given latitude, take some point on it, and this reason-
ing declares that for some other latitude, also, the curve will pass through the chosen point.
The fact that the curve returns to its initial shape while the latitude increases to 90 is prim a-
facie evidence that the curve in some way reaches a limit and then returns. This taken in
connection with the quadratic character of A points to the envelope of the curve as a means of
obtaining the limit sought. The envelope is obtained from the condition fi* = ^AC (in the
general quadratic equation) ; that is, it is the condition that will make A have equal roots in
the locus (287).
Squaring the coefficient of A and putting the result equal to four times the coefficient of
A 3 into the absolute term and simplifying, we obtain
4/V -f is/* 4 -f-
x" -f 8j>V + 26/V +
- x? = o. i
+ ^]=0.. (289)
(ni) The equations given by the several factors of (289) make up the envelope. The first
factor, x*, gives the line Y ; the second factor, (x* +y) 2 , gives the point (o, o), the origin :
neither is of use to us. But the remaining factors give a locus shown in Fig. 5.
[NOTE. The part for the 3d factor alone will be discussed.]
From which we see that the line ZME may form a boundary within which the curve No. I
FIG. 5.
may pass through its phases. All facts ascertained respecting the curve develop nothing to
conflict with such a conclusion, and all facts are satisfied by such conclusion.
(ri) Taking the 3d factor of (289),
(*>+/) (27 + *) + 27 -* = a . . . . . * i . (290)
The only infinite branch is given by 2^-j~ ;c ( 2 9 ! )
and its asymptote is jp = , ( 2 9 2 )
since there are no terms of the degree next to the highest.
For points on X and Y,
Put y o, x 3 x = o, x (X* i) = o, .# = o, origin ; \
x- i, E. and W. j ' (293)
Put x = o, 2y* 4- 2y = o, r ( V s 4- i) = o, y = o, origin ;
> (294)
^ = l/_ i, imaginary.
For tangent at origin, 27 JT = o, y ~ ........ ( 2 95)
For tangent at E. point, put x-\- I for ;r.
Lowest-degree terms are 4/-f~ 2;tr I 'J /= -- ....... ( 2 9^)
The curve crosses its asymptote only at the origin.
(o) By (266) the tangent to the curve No. I at E is found to bej = -;*'. This
I -f-A
expression has a limiting value i when A = i, L = 45. Now this limit of the inclination of
the curve at E is exactly equal to the inclination of the envelope at E by (296).
(/) To find the maximum ordinate of the envelope (for the point M).
The equation to the envelope (290) expanded is
-f */ -f 2;r> + * 8 -f 2j/ * = ......... (297)
dx 6/ + zxy -\-
For maximum ordinate we have -~ = o. Putting the numerator = o, we have
f + W + 3** - i = o ........... (298)
Solving (297) and (298) for x and y, we obtain from (298)
y= 2x Vi -\-x* (299)
Substituting (299) in (297), we have, after squaring and simplifying, the cubic
2$x e -\- \6x* + I2x* 4 = 0; (300)
From which an approximate root is found
^ = .238126 + ; .-.* = 0.483 5422+ (301)
Substituting (301) in (299) we find
y = 0.1468784 + for max. ordinate (302)
(q) To ascertain the character of the curvature of No. I at E.
In (254) move the origin to (i, o).
The terms of first degree give only the line y = : v-j, (266). Taking the terms of
1 H- A
second degree in connection with those of the first degree, we have the conic whose curva-
ture near the origin is similar to that of the curve. The equation of the conic is
A/ -f 8 (i + A a ) xy + 9 A* 2 + 2(1+ A> -f 2 A* = o. (hyperbola). . . (303)
If y = o, we have gAx* -f- 2 Kz = o ;
whence for all values of A, x = o, x = f (34)
If x = o, we have Ay* -f- 2 (i + A") y = o;
2 (i + A 9 )
y = 0, y= J i (305)
The second value of y always negative for positive values of A and never less numerically
than 4.
For asymptotes,
{- 4 (A'+ i) - l^i6A 4 + 2 3 A'+ i6| x - ( 4 A* + 8A a + 5)
y = ~K~
|- 4(A a + i) + VI6A* + 2 3 A'+ i6| x f (4A* + 6A a + 3) . n .
y = ^ . . . . (307)
(306) and (307) are the asymptotes of the form
c mc m m and
These asymptotes always intersect in the 2d angle ; and since the curve always goes
through the origin and has the two negative intercepts, the curvature at
E is always of the form shown in Fig. 6. ^^
(r) The conclusions regarding the envelope are supported by accurately -
constructed curves for lat. 30, 45, and 60, and also for a high latitude,
A = 4', lat. about 75. For L < 45 the curve is not tangent to the
envelope ; L = 45 it is tangent at E. point ; L > 45 it is tangent at some
point S. of the envelope, but the curvature diminishes at E. As L increases, the point of
tangency S. moves towards Z, and the curve flattens more and more rapidly until it coincides
with the prime-vertical. From a mathematical point of view the latitude to which most sig-
nificance should be attached would appear to be that at which the curve ceases to swell
at E. and begins to swell towards the origin, that is, lat. 45. But, for our purposes, the lati-
tude that gives the broadest swell to the curve is significant, for the curve will then have the
widest departure from the prime-vertical.
The curve constructed with any latitude will have its own greatest ordinate. In the
system of curves the maximum of these greatest ordinates must be the maximum ordinate of
the envelope ; and the curve will be tangent to the envelope at the extremity of this ordinate.
The writer has not yet been able to find, analytically, the exact latitude which will give this
maximum ordinate.
The approximate numerical value of the latter, and that of the corresponding abscissa
(found in (/)), when substituted in the equation of the curve expressed as a quadratic in A,
(287), will give an approximate value of A, whence the desired latitude.
Assuming the roots equal (the numerical solution verifies the equal roots), we have
A __ V -^
Substituting the values of x and y, the computation gives
A = 1.40242 = (tan
L = 54 30' 33-" '
93. Locus No. i. 2d Branch.
(a) By (123), / + *> + 2A/-f2A**-.y = o (310)
By terms of highest degree y(y*-\-x*} =
one infinite branch whose asymptote is parallel to X.
By highest power of x, y -J- 2A = o ; /. y 2A . .
gives asymptote. The curve does not cross its asymptote. This asymptote cuts the meridian,
Y, at twice the distance from the origin that the asymptote to the 1st branch of this locus
cuts it, for by (256) y = A.
(b) To find where the curve cuts Y, put x = o ;
/. y -f- 2A/ y = o, or y (y 9 -|- 2 Ay i) = o ;
y = o origin, and y = A 4/F+~A a ; P and P' (313)
To find points on X, put y = o; .-.x y = o (314)
Tangent at origin, y = o, axis of X. >
Tangents at P and P', parallel to X. )' (3* 5)
(c) Limiting form for L = o, A = o.
- y = o, or y (y* -J- & * J ) = '>
y = o, axis of X, prime-vertical ;
xs o , prme-vertca ; )
r ('* i (
= i, primitive circle, horizon. ) '
y -f- X*
(d?) Limiting form for L = go, A = oo .
2Ay + 2 A^ a = o, y -f- #* = <> origin, zenith ...... (317)
The 3d branch the meridian, axis of Y.
94. Locus No. 2. Alt. -azimuth, error in L. Articles 44 and 60. Branches I. Absolute
min., the six-hour circle. 2. Absolute max., the meridian.
1st Branch. Though a great circle, easily constructed, yet, as interesting, a brief analysis
is given.
By(l26), / + 2Aj-f^ l = o ........... (318)
There is no infinite branch.
Points on X, x= I, E. and W. ; . ........... (319)
Points on Y, y = A V\ -+- A 2 , P and P' ......... (320)
Tangents at E. and W., j = -r-, y = -^ . . . . (321)
Tangents at P and P' parallel to X.
94a. Locus No. 3. Altitude-azimuth, error in d. Articles 44 and 61. Branches the
same as in No. 2, but the six-hour circle a curve of true max. and min., giving numerical min.
95. Locus No. 4. Time-azimuth, error in t. Arts. 45 and 62 to 67. Branches i. Alge-
braic max. and min., giving numerical min. 2. Absolute min., curve of q = 90. 3. Curve of
algebraic max. and min., giving generally numerical max., the meridian.
(a) By (155), / + 2*y-f*> + A/ + 2A*'/ + A* 4 - A/- Ax*+y = o. . (322)
Highest-degree terms, y (y -}- ^r 2 ) 2 = o, ........... (3 2 3)
gives one infinite branch only, that having an asymptote parallel to X. The coefficient of
highest power of x,
A -\-y = o ; /. y = A, asymptote, ........ (324)
the projection of the parallel of declination, d = L (see art. 92 (#)).
(b) Points on X.
If y = o, x* (l * a ) = 0, x* o, origin ;
x = i, E. and W
Points on Y.
. \
+ A/
= o, origin ; and y -f- Ay Ay -j- i = o,
_?.} ' (326)
r ,
(See (^ to (0-)
(<:) Tangent at origin, axis of X.
Form of curve at origin, y = A*", same as in No. i (see art. 92 (d}} ...... (3 2 7)
(d) For tangent at E.
, g ,
/. for tangent at E., y = A* ; }
similarly, tangent at W., y = Kx. \
(e) For points on Y other than the origin. Returning to (326), we have
y + Ay - A>/ + 1 = o ........... (330)
Not having been able directly to factor (330), recourse is had to the equation to the curve on
A sin h cos h
the surface of the sphere, (153), cos Z = - . a , . The condition required to give
, i. ~] sin /?
points, other than the origin, on Y is Z o or 180 ; /. cos Z i, and we have
(i -j-sin 1 ^) = A sin h cos h .......... (33 1 )
(/") From (330) we see that, with L = o, y is imaginary, and no point on Y ; and with
L = go , when A = oo, we have_^ (y i) = o; y = o and y = I ; .'. the two points on
the primitive at its intersections with Y ; that is, on the sphere, at the intersections of the
meridian with the horizon, giving h = o for each point.
Now, by (331), for any permissible values of L < 90 to give points on the meridian, sin
h, hence h also, must be positive for cos Z = -f- i ; and negative for cos Z = -- i ; that is,
-\- y cannot exceed unity, and y cannot be less numerically than unity.
(<") Squaring both members of (331), we have
I + 2 sin 2 h -f sin 4 h = A 2 sin 2 h cos 2 h = A 2 sin 2 h (i sin 2 /i) = A 8 sin 8 h A 2 sin 4 h, (332)
2 A 2 i
whence sin 4 h -f -pqp^i sin 8 h = - t , A ........ (333)
Solving (333) as a quadratic,
(A 8 - 2) A
. , A 8 - 2 I/A 8 - 8 , .
sm h -- - - ....... (335)
By trig., cos # = -j - a~r", which by the principles of stereographic projection gives
I r" tclll 0*3*
i y
coss =-- i; ........... (336)
whence, taking the positive sign of the radical in (335),
A 2 - 2 -f A ^A 8 -8
i - / j
r+? =
squaring both members of (337), clearing, and dividing by the coefficient of y\
6A a 2A 4/A 3 -
4 + A 3 -
Solving (338) as a quadratic,
_ 3A 8 + A I/A' - 8 |2 (A 4 + A 3 VA a - 8 - A a + A i/ATTg - 2)|*
4 + A' - A |/A^8
5 ' (339 '
whence the two values of j, rejecting the inadmissible signs, to conform to the conditions
in (/), are
y =
3A 2 + A i/A 3 - 8 - 2[2 (A 4 -f A 3 V A a - 8 - A 3 -f A V A 3 - 8 - 2)]* ) *
A 2 -A4/A 3 -8
3 A a + A VA* - 8 -f 2 [2 (A 4 + A* i/A 3 "^ - A 3 + A l/A 3 "^ - 2^1*
- ~
(/) There remain two other values of y found by taking the negative sign of the radical
in (335)> whence
TT?^ (
A 3 - 2 - A V A 3 - 8
2(1+ A 3 )
Solving, as in (K), rejecting inadmissible signs, we have
3A' - A I/ A 3 - 8 - 2 [2(A 4 - A 3 VA* - 8 - A'- A
8 - 2)]
* *
( 4 _j_ A 3 + A V A a -
( 3A a - A t/A' 8 + 2 [2 (A 4 - A 3
8 - A* - A 4/A 3 - 8 - 2)]
* ) *
- [ (344)
(^) It is obvious that these values of y are imaginary for any value of A* < 8 or A < 2 t/2
[also seen from (335)]. Hence, with the lower latitudes, the curve does not touch the me-
ridian at any point other than the origin. For the latitude whose tan is 2 4/2~ we have two
pairs of equal roots, for then (340) and (343) become identical, and (341) and (344) identical.
What have been in the lower latitudes continuous branches of the curve on each side of the
meridian, passing through the zenith and E. and W. points (Fig. 6), at the instant A = 2 4/2,
cross on the meridian. (Fig. 7, for one pair of equal roots above the horizon.)
FIG. 6.
FIG. 7.
FIG. 8.
Similarly below the horizon for the other pair of equal roots.
But when A becomes greater than 2 4/2 by the smallest increment, the equal roots
separate, and we have two different roots, and the branches of the curve separate as in Fig. 8.
(/) To investigate for the points on the meridian, Y, where the equal roots occur:
I st. The altitude of the point.
In (334) substitute
A = 2 4/2, A 2 = 8;
sin' h =
sin h = V$ = =.
Hence two branches of the curve cross each other, above the horizon, on the meridian,
at an altitude whose sine equals -f- =; the zenith-distance of this point having the direction
towards the elevated pole. And the lower branches cross on the meridian at a negative alti-
tude numerically equal to the positive, reckoned towards the depressed pole.
(;) 2d. The declination of the point.
To find the parallels of declination passing through these points.
Taking the equation in terms of /, L, d (139), the second factor gives
2A cos d i
cos t : - cos t -\- _ ^ j A 2 = o ;
sin d
cos 2 d
cos / = i, whence i
2A cos d i
sin d cos'' d
-A 2 =o;. . . . (347)
2A cos d i
T~ A I
-\- - , .TV -
sin d
cos 2 d'
A = 21/2,
4 4/2 cos d
cos 8 d'
32 cos* d 14 i
Squaring both members, -^^r- =49-^7^ H-^r
clearing of fractions, 32 cos 6 */= 49 sin 2 ^ cos 4 d 14 sin" ).
(o) As a matter of interest the approximate values of the latitude, etc., for the occurrence
of equal roots may be found.
Lat. 70 32', co-L = 19 28', A -p = 35 16, z = d= 54 44',
- d' = 54 44', *' = (180 - d'} = 125 16', - h' = (180 -/) = 35 16'.
Conclusions, looking at the change in the character of the curve in high latitudes.
In Lat. 70 32', the most favorable position of the star whose dec. is 54 44' is on the
meridian at lower culmination, as far as possible from the prime-vertical in bearing. Where
this star's parallel of declination crosses the meridian is the point of intersection of two curves
of algebraic max. and min. ; namely, the curve under present discussion and the meridian.
It has been asserted that the meridian is generally the locus of numerical max. ; though the
numerical maxima would not be equal numerically for the two culminations of the body, yet
at both culminations we shall have maxima as compared to the numerical minima on the
first branch of curve No. 4, at the points of the star's crossing it, for stars whose d < L.
This holds good for all such stars with latitudes less than 70 32' (approx.). With higher
latitudes there may be a belt (a belt above the horizon, also one below) crossing the meridian,
within which stars having certain declinations between the limiting declinations of the points
at which the two branches of the curve intersect the meridian, will not touch the curve of
numerical min. For such stars there will be a numerical max. and a numerical min. on the
meridian, corresponding to algebraic max. and min.; for there exists no other minimum with
which to compare. From (58) we see that the numerical min. will occur at that culmination
of the star that has the less altitude, whether positive or negative. But the sign of (58) being
negative, the numerical min. will be the algebraic max., regarding the error in t as positive.
We therefore see how erroneous may be the statements italicized in arts 5 and 9, when ap-
plied to observations in very high latitudes ; for, with declinations permitting the star to cross
the first branch of the curve, the best position may be very near the meridian in azimuth.
(/) For limiting forms of the curve,
L 90, A = oo.
From (322) we have (x* + y) (i x* y 1 } = o; ......... (360)
X* -j~y = O, the zenith, a point ;
:= I, the horizon.
L = o, A = o, ^r> + 2^y+/ = o; j(*'+y) = o; . . . (362)
y = o, the prime-vertical ; )
x* + y = o, the zenith, a point, f '
96. Locus No. 4. Second branch, q =. 90, for absolute min.
The same as in Locus No. I, art. 93.
<)6a. Third branch. The meridian for algebraic max. and min. ; numerical max., for all
latitudes below that for which tan L = 2 4/2, at both culminations of the star ; the max. at
the culmination having the less altitude, whether positive or negative, being the less. For
higher latitudes than tan L = 2 4/2, stars within certain declinations will have one numerical
min. and one numerical max. on the meridian, and will not touch the first branch (see art. 95 (0)).
97. Locus No. 5. Time-asimuth, error in L. Arts. 45, 68 to 71. Branches I. The
horizon for absolute min. 2. The meridian for absolute min. 3. The branch given by (179),
for algebraic max. and min., giving numerical max.
(a) y + *y - *y - * + 2 A/ + 4 A*y + 2 A*>
- ** = o.
Highest-degree terms give (y x) (y + x)(f + #*)' = O .......... (365)
Hence infinite branches having asymptotes.
To find asymptote parallel to (y x} = o we have from (364), retaining only highest-
degree terms and those of the next degree,
.*. y x = A and y -f- x = A for asymptotes. . . . (368)
There are no parabolic infinite branches.
(b) Points on X. Put y = o.
-x'-2x<-x* = o; .-.*(*'+ ,)' = o; (369)
whence x 3 o, origin, zenith, and (V -f i) a = o, imaginary (370
(c) Points on Y. Put x = o.
y 4- 2Ay 2y 2Ay -f y = o ;
-i) = o. > (37I)
y = o, origin ;
y i, N. and S. points. \ (372)
y A Vi 4- A 2 , P and P 7 , poles.
(d) For tangents at origin,
y -*" 18 = o, jj/ = ^r and ^/ = x tangents (373)
() To find points of the curve on the line y x, put_y = x\r\ (364) and we have
8A* 5 S* 4 - 4Ajtr 3 = o ; (374)
x\2 A*' 2x A) = o \ _ i /r+TA 3 ; (375)
( * 2A~
Hence the line y = x cuts the curve once at infinity, Mm- times at origin, and at two other
real points depending for position on A. The six points being thus accounted for, there is no
inflexion at the origin.
(/) To find points of the curve on the line y = x, put / = x in (364), and we obtain
8A.r 6 8* 4 + 4A* 3 = o ; ......... (376)
2A j
The same conclusions as in (e).
Also by taking cos Z equation, (177), and putting cos Z = V$ (i.e., y = x),
we obtain sin h = + I and sin h = +
FIG. s. Therefore h = 90 and h = sin - x /
2 Ay
For the line j = x we obtain the same value of h as for y = x, since cos Z = t/
corresponds also to j/ = ;tr.
The results in (e) and (/) indicate for the parts above the horizon the form in Fig. 8,
and inflexion occurs at some point K below X.
(g) To find form of curve at N. and S. points.
For N. put y = y -\- \.
The coefficient of y is 4A; always -f-
The coefficient of x* is (2A 4) ; -j- when A > 2, when A < 2.
Hence when A > 2 the form is shown in Fig. 9; and when A < 2, as seen in Fig. 10.
FIG. 9. FIG. 10.
For latitudes 30, 45, and 60 the form as in Fig. 10.
For S. point put y = y I.
The coefficient of y is 4A; always .
The coefficient of x* is 2A 4; always .
/. the form is always as in Fig. 10.
(K) For form at P and P'.
Moving origin to P and P', y = y -f- b, in which b is A -f- I/A* -f- I, for P, and
- A I/ A 2 i for P', we have,
Coefficient of y is \6P + ioA 4 - 8 3 - 6A' + 2b\.
Coefficient of x* is \V -f 4A 3 4^ 2A i }.
For latitudes 30, 45, and 60, substituting the values A = l/f, i, and VJ,
and the corresponding values of b, we find form at P and at P 7 for all these lati-
tudes, as shown in Fig. n.
FIG. n.
(/) To determine where the curve cuts the asymptotes.
In (364) let y = x A, and we obtain
(4A a + 6)* 4 - (8A 3 + I2AX+ (8A 4 -f 8A'+ 2)x*-
2A a - 2A)* - (A 1 - A 8 ) = o. (378)
When A = V\, this equation has one positive and one negative root, both less numerically
than unity, and has no other real roots ; when A = i, one positive root less than unity, one
root equal to zero, and no other real roots ; when A = 1/J, there are no real roots.
Similarly for the other asymptote, substitute
y = x A.
(K) For limiting forms of curve.
and by (364),
L = 90, A = oo,
x 1 -|- y = o, conjugate point at origin, zenith;
x* -\- y = i, horizon.
L = o, A = o.
- 2
-*' = 0. . . ( 3 80)
The curve is symmetrical with regard to both X and Y ;
tangents at origin, y = x ;
asymptotes, y = x.
The curve crosses asymptotes at origin only, has inflexion
at origin and is shown in the accompanying diagram.
98. Locus No. 6. Time-azimuth, error in d. Arts. 45 and 72 to 75. Branches i. The
meridian for absolute min. 2. The curve of algebraic max. and min., giving numerical max.
and min.; given by equation (194).
Highest-degree terms give
2.d Branch.
2 A
/ + x 1 - o.
whence two asymptotes parallel to y - x, and there are no parabolic infinite branches.
For asymptote parallel to y = x,
=-A (383)
-, = *
For asymptote parallel to y = x,
y = A i/A a + i, poles
(c) Tangents at origin, y = x.
For tangents at E. and W., differentiating (381),
whence y = x A, and y = x A are asymptotes. . . . (385)
(b) Points of curve on X, put^ = o.
x* x* = o ; /. x* = o, origin, zenith ; (386)
x = i,E. and W. points (387)
Points of curve on Y. Put x = o ;
f + 2 Ay y = o; -'-f = o, zenith ; ,
/J4I A ** ___ ^ * A A *VM/ T
uy f\x AX A.t\xy
" : _|_ faRni
dx 4.y 2y -\- 2Kx* -i- f^A^ \*= i ~ - A ' WSV
' y = -T- are tangents at E. and W, (39)
(d) To ascertain the form of the curve at Pand f, put y -\- b for_y and move origin to
(o, b\
The coefficient of y becomes 4^' + 6A a 2b (391)
The coefficient of x* becomes 2 Kb -J- I . (392)
For point P, b = 4/A' + i A,
and the
coefficient of y is always -J-,
coefficient of x* is always -j- ;
.-. at .Pthe form is always as in Fig. n, art. 97 (h).
For point P',
The coefficient of y is always .
The coefficient of x* is -(- when A < |/T giving form
The coefficient of x* is - when A > ^ g j v i ng f orm same as at P.
0) For curve crossing its asymptote. Combine first of (385) and (381).
Eliminating/, we have
x =
t u- u
for which
I + A' |/i -A 4
(/) Therefore, when A < I, asymptote crosses curve in two real points ;
when A = i, asymptote is tangent to curve (and coincides with the tan-
gent to the curve at E. and W. points) ;
when A > i, asymptote does not cross the curve.
(g) Combining second of (385) and (381), we find
A 2 ) VT^"A 4
i - A a Vi - A 4
. ,
and the same condition as by (/).
(h) For limiting forms of curve.
L = o, A = o,
equation (381) becomes
y" x" f-\-x*=o',
Two line^ = x,(Z = 45 and 135), and primitive circle, horizon.
(i) If L = 90, A = oo,
(381) becomes 2Ay -(- 2A;r 2 j o ;
j(y + *') = o; (398)
whence axis of x and conjugate point (zenith).
99. Locus No. 7. Time-altitude-azimuth, error in h. Arts. 46 and 76 to 79. Branches
I. The prime-vertical for absolute max. 2. The meridian for absolute min. 3. The hori-
zon for absolute min. 4. For algebraic max. and min., giving a numerical max. by equation
The first three branches are defined.
By equation (207),
*y + 2 Ay
- 4A*y - 2AS +/ = o. (399)
(a) Highest-degree terms, y* (y* -f- 2^y -f-^" 4 ) ; .......... (400)
gives no real infinite branches.
The terms 2Ajr" -j-^V 4 , put equal to zero, indicate a parabolic branch,
(b] To determine contact of curve with axes. Points on X.
Put y = o ;
2Ay 2A^r 4 = o; .. x" (x* i) = o ; (402)
Whence x" = o, ze nith ; (403)
x i, E. and W (404)
Points on Y. Put x = o ;
y + 2 Ay 2y 2 Ay -i-y = o;
= o, zenith ; \
y = i, N. and S. ; >- (406)
y = - A Vi+A\ P and P'. )
/_.... (407)
For form at origin y* = 2Ajr 4 . . . .
(c) For tangents at E. and W.
dy-\ -
-- = - ---- = A; ........ (408)
j/ = A^r, tangents at E. and W ......... (49)
(d~) To determine form of curve at N. and S.
Put y y -\- i, and move origin to N.
Coefficient of y is 4A, always -}-.
Coefficient of x? is 2A 4 ; if A < 2 ; -f if A > 2.
Hence, when A < 2
When A > 2
From next higher terms when A = 2, same as A > 2.
Put y i for jj/, and move origin to S.
Coefficient of y is 4A.
Coefficient of x* is 2A + 45 ' at S. always as A < 2 for N.
(e) To determine the form of curve at P and, P'.
Put y -(- b for y, and move origin to (o.#).
The sign of the coefficient of y is found then to depend on
3|, (410)
and the sign of the coefficient of X* to depend on
Substituting the values of A and of b for the cases of the curves drawn, lats. 30, 45, 60,
we find from the signs of (410) and (411) the form of the curve at P and at P' to be the same
as at N. for A > 2.
The values of A and b being as follows :
For P, since b = A + 4/A a + i,
Lat. 30; A = l/, b = Vl>\
Lat. 45; A= i, b = V~2 I ;
Lat. 60 ; A = 4/J, b =2 V$.
For P', since b = A ^A' -f i,
Lat. 30 ; A = VI b = - V$-
Lat. 45 ; A = I, b = \/2 i ;
Lat. 60 ; A = i/J, b = - i/J - 2.
(/) To find circles of altitude tangent to locus.
Let *'+y = c' ............. (412)
Substitute in (399) X* = c* y* to eliminate x, and we have a cubic in y :
y (i + <7-4X- 2^(1-0 = 0; ....... (413)
~ - / x
Or > /- ( Tqr?7^- - a - 2x" = o ; . . . . (419)
i) = o; ......... (420)
whence peculiar point (/ + * 8 ) = o, zenith ; .......... (421)
x 3 +y = I, circle, horizon .......... (422)
(K) L = o, A = o,
in (399) / + 2^y + ^y-2y-6^y-44r>+/ = o
y + 2^> 4 + jry - 2j/ 4 - 6^y - 4** +/ = a
Highest-degree terms y 1 (y + ^ a ) s = o, gives infinite branches whose asymptotes, parallel
to X, by coefficient of highest power of x are
y-4 = o, y = 2 ........... (424)
For form at origin y 1 = 4%* ; i
y = *> - ~V^- ...... (425)
(*) For contact with X and Y.
4 = o, at origin only, zenith ......... (426)
y_ 2 y + y =0;
y =
= o, origin
i, double
1 o . . . (428)
points. )
(/) For form at (o, i) move origin, and lowest-degree terms give
x* = o ; )
= x. \
(/) Combining (424) with (423), we find that the curve does not cross its asymptotes.
Form when A = o.
100. Locus No. 8. Time-altitude- azimuth, error in t. Arts. 46 and 80 to 83. Branches
I. Absolute max., the prime-vertical. 2. Absolute min., the six-hour circle. 3. Algebraic
max. and min., giving numerical max. and min., the meridian. We have, also, the equator
for a branch giving a constant error.
Though all branches are great circles, and therefore directly defined in the projection,
yet it may be of interest to analyze the equation to the equator ; that of the six-hour circle
having been treated in art. 94.
The equation to the equator, by (223), is
From y -f- x*, there is no infinite branch.
Contact with X, put
Contact with Y, put
= i, E. and W.
'y =
For tangents at E. and W., move origin to ( i, o),
y = ^f hx, tangents at E. and W. . . ...... (433)
Limiting forms,
L = o, A = o, y = o, axis of X, the prime-vertical ;
L = 90, A = oo, y* -\- x* = i, primitive circle, horizon.
101. Locus No. 9. Time-altitude-azimuth, error in d, Arts. 46 and 84. Branches i. The
meridian for absolute min. 2. The prime-vertical for absolute max. 3. The curve of elonga-
tions, q = 90, for algebraic max. and min. giving numerical min.
The third branch has been treated in art. 58. It is noteworthy that this curve, q = 90,
though it has occurred frequently in the loci preceding No. 9, yet in no case heretofore giveh
has it been the locus of algebraic max. and min.
102. Locus No, 10. Time-azimuth and altitude-azimuth, for error in L, giving the same
numerical error in the computed azimuth. Arts. 85 to 90. Branches i. Errors equal, hav-
ing signs alike, the prime- vertical and the curve of q = 90. 2. Errors equal numerically with
contrary signs.
id Branch.
By equation (253),
/ + 3*y + 2* 4 + 2 A/ -f 2hx*y - / - 2*' = o ...... (434)
(a) Highest-degree terms have no real factors; therefore, there is no infinite branch. No
real factors in terms of lowest degree ; hence, no branches through the origin.
(b) For contact with X and Y.
Put j = o, 2* 4 - 2*' = o, **(** i) = o; ...... (435)
x* = o, conjugate point at origin, zenith; )
*=i,E.andW. f ...... (436)
Put x = o, y + 2A/-/ = o, or ?(f + 2hy- i) = o; . . . (437)
y = O, conjugate point at origin ; y = A Vi -\- A", P and P 7 . . . (438)
(c) To find form of curve at E. and W.
Moving origin to (i, o) in (434). Terms of lowest degree,
2.X , _
give y = x for tangent at E. ;
similarly y = -r- for tangent at W.
Numerical values of for different latitudes:
3.47 in lat. 30, 2 in lat. 45, 1.15 in lat. 60 (440)
() For forms at P and P'.
For P, move origin by substituting
y A + VA 3 -}- i iory.
The coefficient of/ is found to be 2 (A* -f- i 2A V A 2 -f- i) 4/A" -f- I, always -\-.
The coefficient of X? is found to be 4 A" -|- i 4A I/A 3 -f- i,
which is -f- when A < \ V~2 and when A > \ V2.
For the curves drawn for lat. 30, 45, and 60, the smallest value of A is V~$ (lat. 30),
which is greater than J ^2 ; hence, for the latitudes used, the coefficient of 3? is in all cases
minus and the curve at P is of the form
For P', substitute y A VA* + I for y, and we find
the coefficient of y to be always ,
and the coefficient of x* to be always -f- ;
hence, form at P' always as shown for P above.
(e) For limiting forms of curve.
If L = o, A = o,
equation (434) becomes f -f $x*y* -f 2;tr 4 - / 2x* = o,
= o, )
= o. i
+ ^ = i, .primitive circle, horizon; |
-[- 2.T 1 ) o, conjugate point at origin, zenith, f '
If L = 90, A = oo,
the equation becomes 2y 3 -}- 2x*y = o, or y (}? -J- x*} = o ; . = . . . . . (443)
y = o, giving X ;
jj/ a -f- x* = o, conjugate point at origin.
103. Though this treatise is called Azimuth, and though an attempt has been made to
present the subject in a new light on some points, no attempt has been made to put into the
hands of the worker in the field the practical methods of observation for the elimination of
errors. The Coast Survey office, in its appendices* to the reports, leaves nothing to be de-
sired on the score of precision in work with refined instruments. For the navigator, provided
with the sextant, there is, it is hoped, something gained by the investigations pursued, appli-
cable as well to more refined work. Even with the sextant, when the observation on shore
for determining the direction of the meridian cannot be taken at the most favorable instant,
errors in the data may sometimes be eliminated by observing at the same relative points both
east and west of the meridian. Even though the error -by the observation on one side of the
meridian may be large, the mean of the results on both sides may leave no resulting error in
the computed azimuth.
But the azimuth problem has also been particularly useful in studying the variations of the
astronomical triangle. For this, the problems on time and on latitude do not bring out so
many truths. Inspection of the terms in which the errors are expressed usually suffices in
the two problems mentioned. Not so, often, in the azimuth problem, though much will be
obvious. .,,
104. A single instance will suffice. Taking the case dZ - ' -j dt (58) for error
in Z, due to a positive error in the hour angle, which, by art. 34, employing the general astro-
nomical triangle, is error in time. Having regard to the signs of trigonometric functions and
to the resulting sign before the whole expression necessitates a knowledge of the approxi-
mate values of the particular parts of the triangle found in the expression within the limits of
quadrants. We look to the resulting sign of dZ to determine whether it is an algebraic max.
or min. at particular points. If -j- and dZ changes from an increasing function to a decreas-
ing function, we shall have an algebraic max. If -|-, and the change is from a decreasing
function to an increasing function, we shall have an algebraic min. If and dZ changes
from a numerically increasing function to a decreasing function, we shall have an algebraic
min., though a numerical maximum negative. If and change is from a numerically de-
creasing function to an increasing function, we shall have an algebraic max., but a numerical
From (58), by inspection alone, we cannot tell whether there is any point, other than on
the meridian, where the function changes from increasing to decreasing or the contrary ; but
if there be such a point for -|- d < L, for instance, we know from the change that occurs on
the meridian at upper culmination that here will be an algebraic min. (numerical max. neg.) ;
and at the point of change before lower culmination we shall have an algebraic max. (nu-
merical min. negative) ; at lower culmination an algebraic min. (numerical max. negative), not
having, however, the same numerical value as at upper transit, the latter being greater; at
the next point east of the meridian an algebraic max. (numerical min. negative). The curve
* By Charles A. Schott.
passing through W, Z, E, as found in No. 4, determines for a given declination whether the
star reaches any point on it ; then we can discriminate between the algebraic max. and min.
If there is a point, we have already seen how to discriminate. If there is no point on the
curve, as for certain declinations, when the observer is in very high latitudes, then we have
the meridian alone to consider ; d being less than Z, at upper culmination we shall have an
algebraic min. (numerical max. negative), and at lower culmination an algebraic max. (numeri-
cal min. negative), for cos h will be greater for lower transit ; hence dZ numerically less but
105. In respect to the elimination of errors by observing at symmetrically situated points
on both sides of the meridian, notwithstanding a poor point of observation for one side
alone: In No. I, No. 2, and No. 3, if the body is observed at the same altitude on both
sides of the meridian, the error due to error in h, that due to error in Z, and that due to
error in a? will be eliminated. Therefore, since in No. I, even though the error in h should
not be eliminated, yet if the star is observed at q = 90 the error will reduce to zero, we
should endeavor to observe at that point on both sides of the meridian ; therefore select a
close circumpolar star. But if the star crosses the prime-vertical we should observe at its
crossing the curve of min. errors for error in h on both sides of the meridian.
In No. 4 the error in t cannot be eliminated by the mean of the results, but if q = 90
for d > L, it will be zero, and if d < L there is a point of min. error ; this point, then, or
q = 90, should be selected on both sides of the meridian, for then, by No. 5 and No. 6, the
errors in L and d will be eliminated. Therefore the value of a close circumpolar star to apply
these conditions.
I. The curves already obtained from the problems on azimuth suggest the possibility
of obtaining a great variety of loci derived from the variations of the spherical triangle ; and,
from the astronomical triangle, by regarding always L and d constant in finding the maximum
and minimum effects of variation in any part, due to the variation in any other part, we may
find many interesting curves, though the number will be less than if not restricted to L and d
2. The ultimate equation in x and/ may be disengaged or not, at one's pleasure, from
any idea of the sphere, since A (or B, or C) will be a single arbitrary constant (see art. 55) ;
but the sphere furnishes the astronomical triangle as the means of obtaining the equations.
Therefore there may be curves of interest to the mathematician, though having no utility.
3. To adopt a system for obtaining the equations to the loci, we have the following :
1st. Any four parts of the triangle involved, and any three of these given, the remaining
part may be found.
2d. Form all possible groups of four parts.
3d. In each group, each part may be taken in turn as the one to find.
4th. In every case, the partial differential coefficient, for each given part in error and the
part to be found, may be taken.
5th. Each partial differential coefficient* will have some kind of max. and min., as defined
for the purposes of this treatise ; assuming always, in determining these max. and min., that
L and d are constant, in order to conform to the nature of the case in the problems used in
practice, even though L or d, or both, may have been variable in the problem giving the
partial differential.
6th. If algebraic max. and min. occur, the differential coefficient's own first differential put
equal to zero will show their existence from the equations derived, all parts except L and d
7th. If there were an instrument to measure q accurately, and if our instrument for
measuring 2T gives precision, and if, in nature, there were problems demanding Z and q as
given parts, then all possible problems based on the astronomical triangle might be of utility.
8th. Lacking utility, all possible cases will still give examples in curve-tracing.
9th. Great circles of the sphere will probably recur many times in the loci of the preced-
ing article, as they have done in the curves Nos. I to 10 defined in this treatise ; and possibly
the same novel loci that those curves give, or that may be found in the future, will also recur.
loth. Making the combinations, we have 90 individual cases; each one having a recipro-
cal, which need not be considered, thus making 180.
* Excepting when it consists of functions of the constanis. only.
nth. In these ninety cases are included the equations to curves found in this treatise,
and equations for additional useful problems (time ; latitude ; computation of the altitude
in the problem of astronomical bearing; and the time-altitude-latitude-azimuth, in distinction
from time-altitude-declination-azimuth, called in this work time-altitude-azimuth).
I2th. In making the cases for partial differentials, the two constants will, of course, be
given parts in the original problem, and either one of the variables will be another given
part ; the remaining variable, a part to be found.
1 3th. For illustration :
1st A, b, and c, being given, to find B. A and b constant, c and B variable, we shall indi-
dB^ dB_
dc ' dc.
cate by writing A, b, -j\ 7- being the coefficient of error in B due to a small error in c. For
max. and min. effects, we have d \~~r~] = O regarding b and c (corresponding to co-Z- and co-
\d *
din the companion triangle), always as constant in this part of the work.
2d. For the reciprocal :
Given A, b, and B, to find c. A and b constant, B and c variable, A, b, -T~, error in c, due
to error in B.
The reciprocal will, in all cases, be omitted as giving the same locus as the first form, but
having max. and min. interchanged ; and to simplify the indication we shall omit the symbol
. B
a, writing only A, 0, .
I4th. For combinations of four of the six parts A, B, C, a, b, c of the triangle we have
1. A,,C,a (6)
2. A, B, C, b (7)
3 A,B, C, c (8)
4. A, , a, &. (3)
5- A,B,a,c (4)
6. A,B,b,c (2)
7- A, C,a,& (9)
8. A, C, a, c (10)
9. A, C, &,c (11)
10. A, a, b, c (5)
11. ,C,a,6....- (12)
12. B, C, a,c (13)
13- B,C,b,c (14)
14. B, a, b, c (i)
15. C, a, b, c. (15)
The numbers (i), (2), and (3) show the parts taken for the curves described in this treat-
ise. (4), the parts for the time-altitude-latitude-azimutlt ; and (5) those for the time-sight, the
problem of latitude at any time, and the computation of h for use in the astronomical bearing.
1 5th. From the astronomical triangle,
A = t, B Z, C=q, a = co-h, b = co-d, c = co-L ;
we derive the following cases for loci :
(1) Parts involved, , a, b, c; Z, h, d, L.
D ^
a, b, ; h, d, -j \ alt.-az., error in L (a)
C J_^
a, c, T ', h, L, -j : alt.-az., error in d. (b)
b, c, ', h, L,-r : alt.-az., error in h . . . (c)
Ct rL
h //
B,a,-^;Z,h,- (d)
B,b,-;Z,d y j^ (e)
a h
B, c, -T', Z, L,, (/ )
(2) Parts involved, A, B, b, c\ t, Z, d, L.
A, b, ; t, d,j: time-az., error in Z- (g)
A, c,-,; t L, -j : time az., error in d. (h)
b a
b, c, -.;d,L,-\ time-az., error in / (i)
A t
B,b,-; Z,d,j. (*)
c L,
(3) Parts involved A, B, a, b ; /, Z, h, d.
A, a, -T ; t, h, , : time-alt.-dec.-az., error in d. ()
A, b, ; t,d,j-: time-alt.-dec.-az., error in h (o)
, B Z
a, b, -;, A, a,-: time-alt.-dec.-az., error in t (fi)
*i T
A,B, a r , t ,Z h j fr)
A t_
B,b, -; Z,d,- H ( S )
(4) Parts involved, A, J3, a, c\ t y Z, h, L.
A, a, ; t, h, j : time-alt.-lat.-az., error in L.
T> rp
A, c, ; t, L, j : time-alt.-lat.-az., error in A.
T> ^
a, c, -7; h, L, : time-alt.-lat.-az., error in t.
jfi t
r> rr i ( ,\
B,a,-; Z, h, - L
B, f ,^;Z,L,^..
a h
(5) Parts involved, A, a, b, c; /, h, d, L.
A t ( time-sight, error in L. j
c ' L ( reciprocal, for lat. problem, error in t. r - (A)
A . t
a, c, ; A, Z,, : time-sight, error in d. n$\
, A t ( time-sight, error in h.
b, c, a, L, -7 : {
a n ( recip., alt. computed, error in t.
c L
A, a, -r ; /, h, -, : lat. problem, error in d. (D)
. , c L ( lat. problem, error in Ji. ) ,
' a ' ' h ' \ recip., alt. computed, error in L, }
a r h
A, c, T ; t, L, = : alt. computed, error in d.
(6) Parts involved, A,, C, a; t, Z, q, h.
a n
A C B , Z -
A, (-, - , t, g, fi.
B , Z
A >V / M
A, a, c , *>**-
B C^- Z a*-
B > 6 ' a ' * 9 ' h'
A , t ,,,
B, a, -~; Z, k,-. (^)
s* A r * (M\
I SI /7 h ....... \LVJ. )
Ixj t*, TJ > ff) ft-t *y /
-D ^
(7) Parts involved, A, , C, &; /, Z, ^,
- ^ 6 'f ; '*! w
5 Z
A,b,-\t,d,- (P)
B,C,j\Z,i 9 j (Q)
B,b,^',Z,q,- (R)
A t
C, b, -^ ; q, d, ^
A? ^
(8) Parts involved, A,B,C,c\ t, Z, ?, Z.
^^ ?. /z ?:
-,^, -; r,^, r
A,C,-', t,g,j. (^
c A
A c - t L Z - -(V)
**} c t S" i /7 "
B C *' Z a- ' ' '( W )
Js, \s i i "> Y< 7*
^r -t>
^4 t
B,c, --, Z,L,-.
A t
C,c, B \ q, L, g.
(9) Parts involved, A, C, a, b\ /, q, h, d.
a h
(10) Parts involved, A, C, a, c, ; t, q, h, L.
(n) Parts involved, A, C, b, c\ t, q, d, L.
. b d
C q %
A ' "' ~b ' tj k ' d ( b )
a h
A ' C ' c ; *' ?> L
A, a, - f, h, \ (h)
-; AA| . (o
^; g.hSj. (k)
- L* m
a ' 9 ' L ' h'
A , t
A L C J 9
A, b, - ; /, d, ^ (o)
C q
A,c, j-; t,L,j ( p )
A t
I*, 0, = ; q, d, -j (q)
(12) Parts involved, B, C, a, b; Z, q, h, d.
Z,q,' d . . . ..,. -,_. . . . .
. . . (t)
B, a,
7 , q
. . . (u)
z ' d >'h-
* (v)
. . . (w)
a '
. . . (x)
a, d,
. . (y)
(13) Parts involved, B, C, a, c; Z, q, h,
^. B,C,
- ;
**i- .
... (A)
c '
Z ' h ' L' ' ' ' '
. . . (B)
' ' . . B,c,
a ''
Z L q
^^ h'
. . . (C)
7 ;
q ' h 'L
. . . (D)
C, c,
. . . (E)
a, c,
' V
. . . (F)
(14) Parts involved, B, C, b, c ; Z, q, d,
. . . (G)
', y,
, q
. . . (H)
B c
Z L q
... (I)
' ' d'
qd Z -
. . . (K)
C, c,
. . . (L)
b, c,
d, L,
. . . (M)
-^ , t*, J-r,
6 q
(15) Parts involved, C, a, b, c \ q, h, d, L.
b d
C,a,-;q,k, 7 ............. (N)
C J-*
C,b t l; q.dfj. ............ (O)
a r h
C, c, - ; g, L, j ............. (P)
a,b, -; A, 4 | ............. (Q)
a, c, -; h, L, ............. (R)
4. Fundamental equations from trigonometry for the solution of the various problems
of finding any part of the triangle, three parts being given ; needed for transforming, in find-
ing equations to the curve of max. and min. variations, in any three terms ; and used, if de-
sired, for differentiating directly for the general expression of error in one part due to an
error in some other part. For convenience, these equations are written here, and the parts
involved written at the left hand ; (i), (2), etc., conforming to the groups given in the I4th
and 1 5th sections of art. 3.
B, a, b, c. cos b = cos c cos a -f- sin c sin a cos B ........ (i)
A, , b, c. sin A cot B = sin c cot b cos c cos A ........ (2)
A,B,a,b. sin a sin = sin b sin A ............. (3)
A, B, a, c. sin B cot A = sin c cot a cos c cos B ........ (4)
A, a, b, c. cos a = cos c cos b-\- sin c sin b cos A ........ (5)
A, B, C, a. cos A = cos B cos C -\- sin B sin C cos a ...... (6)
A, B, C, b. cos B = cos C cos A -j- sin C sin A cos b ...... (7)
A, B, C, c. cos C = cos A cos B -f- sin A sin ^ cos ...... (8)
A, C, a, b. sin C cot ^ = sin b cot # cos b cos 7. ....... (9)
A, C, a, c. sin sin A = sin # sin C. ...... ...... (10)
A, C, b, c. sin A cot C= sin ^ cot c cos cos A ........ (i i)
B, (7, a, b. sin f cot B sin cot C = sin cot c cos # cos B ........ (13)
B, C, b, c. sin b sin C = sin c sin B ............. (14)
C, a, b, c. cos c = cos a cos -f- sin a sin ^ cos C. ....... (15)
5. Additional formulas involving five parts, useful in transforming.
A, B, a, b, c. sin a cos B sin c cos b cos c sin b cos A (16)
B, C, a, b, c. sin b cos C = sin a cos c cos a sin c cos Z? (17)
^[, 7, #, b, c. sin c cos A = sin # cos a cos sin a cos ..... (i 8)
A,C,a,b,c. sin # cos C = sin b cos cos b sin cos y2 (19)
A, B, a, &, c. sin # cos yi = sin c cos # cos c sin # cos B (20)
.#, C a, b, c. sin ^ cos B = sin # cos b cos sin b cos ....-. (21)
A, B, C, a, b. sin A cos # = sin C cos Z? -j- cos C sin Z? cos (22)
^4, Z?, (7, b, c. sin Z? cos c = sin ^ cos C ' -\- cos y2 sin C cos (23)
A, B, C, a, c. sin C cos # = sin B cos y -j- cos B sin y4 cos c. ... (24)
y4, /?, C, a, c. sin ^4 cos c = sin Z? cos 7+ cos Z? sin C cos . ... (25)
A, B, C, a, b. sin B cos # = sin C cos ^4 -f- cos C sin ^4 cos b (26)
^4, ^, ", b, c. sin C cos b = sin ^4 cos B -(- cos ^4 sin B cos c (27)
6. The following differential equations will furnish all the partial differential coefficients
required, without recourse to differentiating the equation of the particular problem considered :
A, a, b, c. da = cos C db -\- cos B dc -j- sin b sin C dA (28)
B, a, b, c. db = cos A dc -j- cos C da -(- sin c sin A dB (29)
f, 0, b, c. dc = cos B da + cos ^4 db -\- sin sin B dC. (30)
Or, corresponding,
t, k, d, L. dh = cos q dd -\- cos ZdL cos d sin q dt (31)
Z, h, d, L. dd = cos t dL -f- cos q dh cos L sin / dZ. (32)
q, k, d, L. dL = cos Z dh -f- cos t dd cos /z sin 2Td^ (33)
1st. Error in /. , , -.
t, h, L, to find Z ;
A, a, c, to find B. Group (4)
sin B cot ^4 = sin c cot cos c cos .Z?. Eq. (4)
sin Z cot ^ = cos L tan ^ sin L cos Zl
From (28), o = cos C db -\- sin b sin CdA. ... ... (34)
From (29), db = sin c sin A dB. ... . . . . . . , . (35)
dB sin b sin C sin
Eliminating 0, -r^ = ~ = ^ 7*= - 7^ (3 6 )
dA. sin c sin yi cos o sin # cos C
^? = cos ^ ( . 7)
dfr COS // COS <^* S**'
It is obvious that the curve of elongations is that of absolute max.
Putting d (2d member) = o, eliminating dh and dq, and simplifying, we obtain
sin Z (cos d cos q sin h -j- cos L cos 2T) = o (38)
sin Z = o, the meridian one branch.
The other branch by sin b cos C cos # -j- sin c cos B = o (39)
To turn into B, a, c, substitute from (17) sin b cos C,
sin a cos cos c cos 2 # sin c cos .# -j- sin c cos ^ = o (40)
Substitute cos 2 # = I sin 8 a.
sin c sin 2 # cos B = sin # cos # cos c (41)
cos = -r- cot <2 cot c (42)
cos Z = tan A tan L. Equator (43)
No novel curve, and (43) proves to be a curve of constant error; for, when d = o, by substi-
. . dZ i
tuting (19) in (37) we have -r- = 7-.
dt sin L
Meridian for algebraic max. and min. gives numerical min. at that culmination of the star
having the less altitude, and numerical max. for greater altitude. But both these are numeri-
cal min. for stars whose d > Z, as compared with absolute max. for q 90, 270. The
equator divides the meridian into branches of algebraic max. and min.
7 D
2d. Error in L. t, /i, j ; A, a, ^.
By (28) and (29), db = cos A dc + sin c sin A dB; (44)
o = cos C db -\- cos B dc . (45)
Eliminating db,
cos C cos A dc -f- cos C sin c sin A dB -(- cos B dc = o ; . . . . (46)
dB _ cos C cos A -\- cos B
dc cos C sin c sin A
sin C sin A cos b , .
and by (7), = - ^-r : z , . . . ........ (47)
cos C sm c sin ^
^2T tan q sin
B l/i - B 2 (i - r 2 ) 2r 4 = o.
By - 6Bvy + Bvy
- 6B 4/1 - BV/ + 6B 4/i - B 1 X r*
2B4/I -B f xr 4 2B i/ 1 - B 2 X r 8 = o.
and we obtain,
-f /
- 6B'>V - 6B 2 / + B>V + 2BV/ + B 2 / - 6B i/i -
- 6B Vr
6B I/ 1 - B>V + I2B 1/i^
+ 6B 1/i - B 2 / + 4*> -f 8#y + 4/ + 2B Vi - BV
+ 46 l/i - BV/ + 2B Vi - By - 2B 4/i - BV-6B i/i -BV/
- 6B i/r^^BV/ - 2B i/7^=~By = o
Collecting coefficients of /, /, etc.,
+ 6B 4/1 - B 3
- 6B 3
- 6B 4/i - B 3
+ "D*
- 6B 4/1 - BV
+ 4*'
- 2B 4/i - B a
-f 2BV
4- I2B 4/i -- BV
- 6BV
4- 6B 4/i BV
+ 4
+ 2B 4/1 -- B 3
4- BV
4- 46 4/1 BV
6B 4/i - BV
4- 8*'
- 6B 4/1 - BV
2B ^i - BV,
26 V i -BV,
absolute terms,
B 1 / 4- 48 4/i - B 3 / - 6B 3 / 4- 2BV/ 4- 4/ - 46 4/1 - B'/
4- 6B 4/i - BV/ 4- B 3 / - 6B 3 * 3 / 4- BV/
2B 4/i BV/ 4- 4*> 4- 2B 4/i BV 2B 4/i BV = o.
Dividing by the coefficient of/, and arranging in order of terms of highest degree,
2 . 5 , 4 3 ,4 <
/i B a e
6 4/i B 2
, 24/1 --B 3 6
*> + */-*
>* + ~*y
/rirs v/
t~ g x y
4 i -t/ 3 o
44/1 -- B 3 4 24
2 4/1 - B 3
i ^ u >
. . (68)
which is the equation to the stereographic projection of the locus of algebraic max. and min.
for error in h in time-alt.-lat.-azimuth.
Given h, L, */ d, ^ find t.
cos # = cos b cos 4" s ' n ^ sm ^ cos ^
sin ^t = sin d sin Z. 4~ cos d cos Z cos /;
. . (69)
from which are derived the well-known formulas,
/cos s sin (s ft) . , , . T .. /'
= y C os Z sin/ ' m which * ==l(-f / -f *)? (?o)
/sin j sin fa z)
= V sinco-Xsin/ m wh ' ch
-* /.ji****.^*.** i * *' / 1*1 1 / 7" I *. l 7 \ /\
cos ^ = A / - -, . /, m which s = i (co-Z +/ + A); . . (71)
cos ^ sin * i / r i / i
ru^T)75rTr-^)' * = *(+*+/). . (72)
Small errors in the data will have the same effect on the hour-angle computed by each
of these formulas. So far as inexactness in the logarithmic tables is concerned, (72) will give
the result nearest to precision.
If t > 90, (71) will be preferable to (70).
If t < 90, (70) will be preferable to (71).
9. ist Case. Error in t owing to error in h.
t A
Group (5), d, L, ^ ; b, c, - .
Differentiating (69), sin a da = sin b sin c sin A dA ; . . . . . . . . (73)
dA sin a sin b i
da ' sin A sin b sin c sin B sin b sin c sin B sin
dt i i cos
.; (74)
rr- (75)
d% sin ^ cos Z sin q cos d? sin t cos cos Z
Inspection of (75) shows that for a small error in h the most favorable position of the
body is either on the prime vertical or at elongation, whichever is attained; hence the nearer
in bearing to the prime vertical the better. At a given place, all bodies that cross the prime
vertical, if seized exactly on it, will give the same value to the numerical min. whatever the
declination ; and the less the latitude the better.
If the body does not cross the prime vertical the best position is when at elongation ; and
the less the declination the better. For a given body, seized exactly at q = 90, or 270, all
latitudes permissible (Z < d} will give the same value to the numerical min.
For d the most favorable position is, theoretically, in the horizon.
If observed at the same distance from the meridian, in bearing, on both sides, the con-
stant error in h (instrumental) will be eliminated ; therefore the value of the method of equal-
altitudes (with a correction for change of declination when there is any change).
The most unfavorable position is on the meridian giving absolute max.
10. Inspection gives all that is needed, but we may easily deduce the algebraic max. and
min., giving the numerical min. This is interesting, as giving both the curve of elongations
and the prime vertical ; and since we do not need the equation for curve-tracing, let it be
found in terms of t, Z, d.
From (75), since L and d are constant,
/ cosh\
\ -r J=OJ ............ (76)
\ sin t>
sin t sin h dh -)- cos h cos t dt = o ; (77)
dt sin / sin h cos h
" dh ~ cos t cos h ~~ sin / cos d cos Z ^ ^ ' ' ^ '
/. sin 8 t sin ^ cos Z cos d cos cos 8 h = o (79)
From trig, substitute, i sin 2 h for cos 2 k,
and sin Z sin d-\- cos Z cos ^ cos t for sin &
Performing the operations and collecting terms,
sin Z sin d cos Z cos cos 2 t -\- (cos 2 Z cos 2 d-\- sin 2 Z sin 2 ^ i) cos
-{- cos Z cos d sin Z sin aT = o. J
For coefficient of cos t substitute
sin 2 Z cos 2 L for i,
and we obtain [cos 2 Z (cos 2 d i) -(- sin 2 Z (sin 8 L ........... (85)
Lclll w^
Though in the problems of azimuth both of these have been found to be branches of
numerical min. at the same time, yet both have never been derived algebraically from the
given expression for error.
II. 2d Case. Error in t owing to error in L.
, , t A
n, a, -j^', a, b, - .
From (69) we obtain
o = cos b sin c dc -J- sin b. cos c cos A dc sin b sin c sin A dA. . . . (86)
dA cot b sin c cos c cos A
Dividing by sin b --- ~ ~' ........
sin A cot B cot B
And from (2), = -- : -- = ^- = -- : -- ; ......... (88)
sin c sin A sin c
dt i dL
.'. -77 = r - ^ -- T dt^ = 7 - ^ -- T ....... (oQ)
dL tan Z cos L tan Z cos L
Inspection shows that the prime vertical and the curve of elongations form the locus of
minimum errors in the computed time ; the former for absolute min. when d < L, and
the latter for algebraic max. and min., giving numerical min., when d > L. It will not
be necessary to derive the equation to the latter. The lower the latitude the better.
12. ^d Case. Error in / owing to error in d.
t A
' ' ~d ' a ' c ' ~b '
Interchanging b and c, d and L in the preceding, we derive
dt d = - - ............ (90)
tan q cos d
Inspection shows that the locus of numerical min. consists of the same branches as for error
in L ; but here the curve of elongation gives absolute min. when d > L ; and the prime-
vertical gives numerical min. from algebraic max. and min., f or d < Z,.
Total error, dt = : ~ 7 dh 4- - - = ~dL -f- - ;<:/. .... (91)
sin Z^ cos L ' tan Z cos Z tan cos d
13. An erroneous assertion by Chauvenet should be corrected.
Chauvenet's Astronomy, vol. i., page 212, says:
"dt=- ,- , (92)
cos d tan q
which shows that the error
in the declination of a given star produces the least effect when the star is on the
( prime vertical ;
[2] and of different stars the most eligible is that which is nearest the equator."
(a) Now, as far as error in declination is concerned, if we may select the star to be given,
we should take one having d > L (which will not come on the prime vertical) and observe
at greatest elongation, q = 90, when dt d = o. If observed at this instant, it matters not what
the declination may be, between the limits d = 90 and d > L ; but, for failure to seize the
star exactly at q = 90, the less the declination the better.
(#) Supposing the star given us does cross the prime vertical, then [i] is true but [2] is
(c] Since errors in d are less likely to occur than errors in L and h, and since these two
errors will give the least dt when Z= 90, we would better select a star that crosses the
prime vertical, when dth = cosec Z sec L dh = sec L dh, and dt L = sec L cot Z dL = o.
(d} Therefore, for error in h and error in L it matters not what the declination is, pro-
vided the star is observed on the prime vertical.
(e) But for error in d, the most eligible star of those that cross the prime vertical is that
having greatest declination, not as asserted in [2] preceding.
(/) Therefore, for errors in all the data, theoretically, the most eligible star is the one
crossing the prime vertical, that has the greatest declination ; that is, d = L, making Z = 90
and q = 90 when the star is on the meridian. Practically we should avoid stars on the me-
ridian and take one whose d Z., provided it is observed at q = 90, then dt d = o. This excludes stars that
cross the prime vertical.
2d. But Chauvenet makes his given star come on the prime vertical. Therefore d < L,
and q cannot = 90; the error dt d cannot reduce to o, but it will be least for q nearest to 90,
which will occur when Z = 90 ; that is, when the star is on the prime vertical.
3d. Of several given stars observed on the prime vertical the most favorable one will be
that whose cos d tan q, when on the prime vertical, is greatest. And this will be for d = L.
For notwithstanding the greater d is, the less the cos d, yet the greater the d the nearer will
q be to 90, and tan q will be the greater; and tan q will preponderate, making cos d'by its
side insignificant.
Singularly enough, in (92) Chauvenet gives cos d overwhelming preponderance over tan q,
provided the star is on the prime vertical ; whereas in dZ = 7 dh, of like form, he
tan q cos h
permits cos h to have no influence, and assigns the star to the prime vertical on the strength
of tan q alone.
Proof of Fallacy.
Changing the form of Chauvenet's expression into one equivalent, we have, since sin Z
cos L = sin q cos d,
dt = . ^ Y dd. . . . (93)
sm Zcos L
Therefore, for any given star the nearer q and ^both are to 90 the more favorable; and as
one nears 90 so does the other.
For any one of several given stars restricted to d < L and to observations on the prime
vertical, (Z = 90),
cos L
L being fixed, to select the best one of these stars we have to consider q alone, and take
that one giving q nearest to 90 which will make cos q the least.
sin Z cos L
Now, since sin q = - j ,
* cos d
("*("\C j
when Z 90, sin q -> (95)
cos d
Cos L being constant, q will be nearest to 90 when the declination is greatest ; or
directly from (95) q = 90 when d '= L, and the star that is farthest from the equator, instead
of nearest (as asserted by Chauvenet), is the most eligible.
Latitude by an altitude observed at any time.
Given t, h, and d, to find L.
Given A, a, and b, to find c.
cos a = cos b cos c -f- sin b sm c cos A ;
sin h = sin ^/ sin Z. -|-cos ^ cos L cos / ;
from which are derived the well-known formulas,
tan =. tan d sec
sin sin
cos ==
sm #
L = T 0'.
Attending to the algebraic signs of and 0', there will still be two values of L. The
proper value will be determined by the known approximate value.
16. ist Case. Error in L owing to error in h.
From (96), A and b being constant,
sin a da = cos b sin cdc-\- sin b cos c cos A dc ;
da cos b sin c sin.# cos c cos A
dc sin a
and from (16),
sin a cos .Z?
= cos
cos ^'
By inspection, the most favorable position of the body is on the meridian, and the least
favorable on the prime vertical, giving absolute max. If the star does not come on the prime
vertical, the least favorable position will be on the curve of elongations, q = 90, 270. The
latter condition is obvious, but it may be found algebraically, there being algebraic max. and
in in.
17. 2d Case. Error in L owing to error in /.
This is the reciprocal of (89),
/. = tan Z cos L, ........... ( IO2 )
and the max. and min. are interchanged, as compared with art. n.
18. 3^ Case. Error in L owing to error in d.
From (96),
o cos c sin b db cos b sin c dc -j- cos b sin c cos A db -f- sin b cos c cos A dc ; (103)
dc sin b cos c cos b sin c cos y4
sin c cos cos c sin cos
and by (16) and (19),
sin a cos {7 cos C
sin a cos B cos B
The meridian is found to be the locus of algebraic max. and min., and this gives numeri-
cal max. for d > L and numerical min. for _ d < L, since for q = 90 there is absolute
min. and for Z = 90 an absolute max.
In the curves discussed in this treatise heretofore, q = 90 and Z= 90 have been com-
panions very often in giving, alike, numerical max. or min. But here they part company,
one giving absolute min., the other giving absolute max.
Given t, L, d, to find h.
(a) For error in h owing to error in t we have the reciprocal to (75) and an interchange
of max. and min.
(b) For error in h owing to error in L we have the reciprocal to (101) and max. and min.
(c) For error in h owing to error in d,
- a
t, L,, A, C, Y.
a n
Differentiating (69),
\ t
sin a da = cos c sin b db -}- sin cos A cos # d# ; ( IO 7)
dfo -j- cosV sin b sin c cos # cos A
db -\- sin #
, . / sin # cos C
and by (19), = -5- = cos C. (109)
Therefore absolute min. when q = j 9 [ and numerical max, when q = | 8 I from al-
gebraic max. and min., the maximum being equal to unity.
Numerical min. > o and < i for Z = 90 from algebraic max. and min.
Loci. The curve of elongations and the prime vertical for min. The meridian for max.
The numbers shown on the plates correspond to the loci numbered in the text.
Each locus is shown separately for the latitudes of 30, 45, and 60, marked respectively
A, B, and C.
Each plate shows the stereographic projection of the sphere on the plane of the horizon ;
the prime-vertical being the axis of x, and the meridian that of y.
On each plate are drawn diurnal circles, i.e., parallels of declination, marked at their inter-
sections with the meridian, the axis of y, as follows :
d' for a star having -f- d > L ;
d" for a star having -f- d < L ;
d'" for a star having d < L
d lv for a star having d > L.
Diurnal circles are shown also for d = o, the equator ; and for the parallel d = L, as a
right line passing through the nadir at infinity, and parallel to the prime-vertical, the axis of x.
The diurnal circle -f- d = L is not drawn, but it may readily be imagined as tangent to
X at the zenith, Z.
The astronomical triangles are not constructed, since their lines would encumber and ob-
scure the plates for their more important use, that of showing the curves of max. and min.
errors. The triangles may easily be completed, mentally, by imagining the vertical circles,
through Z, and the hour-circles, through P, as intersecting on the parallels of declination at
the points discussed as giving max. and min. errors thus with co-Z,, already drawn, forming
the triangle.
Lines above the horizon are drawn full ; those below, dotted.
The loci are discussed with regard only to the theoretically most favorable and least favor-
able positions of the body (see Introduction, art. 3) ; and equal respect will be paid to points
below the horizon as is paid to points that would be visible to the observer on the earth.
Again, indetermination may occur at the point that otherwise would be theoretically the
best, and the close vicinity to this point will be a favorable region.
Therefore the point that theory declares to be the most favorably situated may be re-
ferred to one that \* practicably the best from the theoretical point of view. The terms prac-
ticably and practically should not be confounded, as the best practical conditions may be left
for the observer to select, after presenting those that in theory are the best.
Since true maxima and minima are such with respect to the values of the function that
lie immediately on each side of them, neither the several maxima being equal to one another,
nor the several minima equal to one another ; and since, also, of alternate true maxima and
minima, a particular maximum need not be so great as a minimum that is not alternately
near; and since, moreover, disregarding signs, out of several numerical maxima of the func-
tion, one may be the greatest, and one the least, in numerical value (and the same respecting
numerical minima), therefore we shall avoid, in defining the points in the first instance, un-
less there can be no mistaking them, the use of the terms most favorable and least favorable ;
and shall say favorable and unfavorable, these terms corresponding respectively to numerical
min. and numerical max., whichever algebraic sign the function may have. The terms most
and least favorable may afterwards be used with discrimination.
In no case of these loci has it been found necessary to have recourse to the second differ-
ential of the expression for the error, in order to discriminate the maxima and minima. In
No. I the method of discriminating is given, for illustration ; but it is deemed unnecessary to
repeat this proceeding in detail in all cases, since what is obvious to the writer will be obvious
to the reader.
A positive error in the datum is assumed for the discussion of maxima and minima values
in the error of the computed azimuth. Evidently, to make the expressions serve in practice as
corrections, the proper sign of the error found to have existed in a given part must be used ;
and, also, the sign of the expression for the error must, itself, be changed.
It will be necessary to keep in mind the method used in this treatise in reckoning the
angles /, Z, and q, and the explanation of the terms maximum and minimum, as here used.
The reckoning of Z differs from that of astronomers, generally, who reckon from the south
point of the horizon. But the writer considers the method used in this treatise the rational
one for the purpose in view ; and there seemed no way of escape from making terms with the
maxima and minima. (See pp. 19-21.)
Though P in the diagrams may be either the north or south pole, whichever is the
elevated pole, so long as d of the same name as the latitude is regarded as positive, and if
of the contrary name as negative, yet, for convenience and uniformity, the plates are for
north latitude. Therefore with respect to the plates we refer to points north and south, as
well as east and west.
In referring to circumpolar stars we may have those with d < L, possible only when
L > 45; one with d = X, = 45 as the single case ; those whose d > L, which may be called
close circumpolar stars, for they will possess ihe general characteristics of stars very near P,
/ being small, and they cannot have a d < 45.
There will be stars to consider whose d > Z, yet not circumpolar stars, possible only
when L < 45; and the stars whose d < L cannot be circumpolar ones when L < 45.
In referring to the plates, only a brief of the matter from the text will be given, and
abbreviations will be largely used.
[Summary of pp. 25,26,31-36,55-63-] = ^ ^ (55)
Branches: I. Absolute max., the merid. NFS.
2. Absolute min., curve of elongations Pa' Za" and e'P'e".
3. Num. min., from alg. max. and min., curve c'Eb'Zb" We".
It is obvious that the merid. and q = 90 curves give no alg. max. or min.; for the sign
of (55) depends on tan q, since cos h is always positive. (55) therefore changes sign when q
passes through the values o, 90, 180, 270.
At b", W, and c", q lies between o and 90; therefore tan q is (-}-), and alg. max. occur
with respect to alg. min. at b ', , and c 1 ', where tan q is ( ), since q > 270 and < 360.
But on a given par. of dec. these alg. max. and min. are equal numerically, and both are
num. min. as compared with abs. max. on merid.
Following the star in its diurnal course, beginning at lower cul., we find :
For -j- d > L, at d\ abs. max. oo ; a ', abs. min. o favorable ; d', abs. max. oo ; a", abs.
min. Q favorable.
For -\- d == L, at low. cul. abs. max.; at Z indeterminate, but akin to a min. The slight-
est departure from the zenith gives a determinate case, and a very small error, which increases
continuously during the progress of the star towards low. cul., where oo occurs.
For -\- d < Z., at low. cul. d", abs. max. oo ; b', alg. min., num. min. ( ), favorable; d",
abs. max. oo ; b", alg. max., num. min. (-[-). favorable.
For d= o, on merid. abs. max. oo ; at E and W, num. min., ( ) and (-J-) respectively,
For d <. L, num. min. at c' ( ) and c" (-J-), favorable, but practicably in the horizon.
For d= L. In the projection, this is the asymptote to the curve of alg. max. and
min., meeting it as a tangent at infinity, the nadir. Practicably, the horizon gives its favor-
able points.
For > L, abs. min. o at e' and e" , favorable ; practicably in horizon, if star rises.
The unlettered line parallel to d = L is the asymptote to the lower curve of elonga-
tions. In the projection it crosses the merid. at the distance 2 tan L from the origin ; and,
from the origin, d = L lies at the distance tan L. The lower asymptote is, on the sphere,
a small circle inclined to the equator, and is tangent at the nadir to the p. v. and to the curve
of elong.
For all bodies whose d> L, and d= o, the most favorable practicable positions are in
the horizon. The constant (instrumental and personal) error in h will be eliminated in the
mean of the results of observation of a star east and west of the meridian, if taken on the
same parallel of altitude.
The algebraic max. and min. curve, coinciding with the p. v. in L = o, swells, with in-
creasing latitudes, until the max. ordinate occurs (or widest departure from the p. v.), in about
latitude 54 31'; it then returns to its first form by the time that latitude 90 is attained.
(Compare with No. 4.)
Altitude -Azimuth, error ink
Altitude -Azimuth, error in L
Altitude Azimuth, error in //
[Summary of pp. 26,36,37,63,64.] d = J. . . . (56)
Branches: i. Absolute max., the merid. NPS.
2. Absolute min., the six-hour circle Pa'b'E . . . . P' . . . . W .... P.
Neither branch gives algebraic max. and min., because tan t changes sign when the given
body transits the six-hour circle and the meridian.
The least favorable positions for any star are those on the meridian, the error giving .
The most favorable positions are on the six-hour circle, giving o for error, as follows :
+ d>
a' and
V and
E and
c' and
e' and
But for all rising and setting bodies having negative declinations the best practicable
points are in the horizon.
In determining the direction of the meridian on shore, the error in latitude will be elimi-
nated in the mean of the results of observation of the given body east and west of the
meridian on the same parallel of altitude.
Alcilude -Azimuth, error in L
Altitude -Azimuth, error in L.
\liiludi' -Azimuth, error in L,.
-7 1
' 1
' 1
' 1
f-d = LJ {
.- i
[Summary of pp. 26, 37, 64.] = : (57)
1 dd sin / cos L
Branches: I. Absolute max., the meridian NFS.
2. Num. min., from alg. max. and min., the six-hour circle Pa'b'E . . . P', etc.
These branches, with their- kinds of max. and min., are obvious ; for sin t changes sign
on passing through o and 180; but does not change sign when passing through 90
and 270.
From the sign of (57) we see that the num. minima, having the same numerical value
east and west of the meridian, are alg. min. on the west side and alg. max. when east.
The least favorable position for any given body is when on the merid., error = oo,
The most favorable, the error having a finite numerical value = sec Z,, is on the six-hour
circle, as follows :
-f- d > L, at a' or a" ;
-f- d = Z, at points on the 6 h circle ;
+ d < L, at V or b" ;
d = o, at E or W;
d < L, at c' or c" ;
d = Z, at points on the 6 h circle ;
d > Z, at e' or e".
The points for max. and min. are the same as in No. 2, but the num. min. in No. 2 is
absolute, o, for all bodies ; while in No. 3 it is equal to sec L for each of all bodies.
For all rising-and-setting bodies having negative declinations, the best practicable points
are in the horizon.
If the given body is observed east and west of the merid. on the same par. of altitude,
the error will be eliminated in the mean of the results of computing the azimuth ; and since
this condition is the same regarding error in h and error in L, we should observe as follows :
If the error in L is likely to have a more pernicious effect than the error in h, owing to
uncertainty of the geographical position while our instrument and the conditions for observa-
tion of the altitude are good, we should observe the star east and west, on the six-hour
circle : then, failing to seize the observation exactly at the points aimed for, the failure to
eliminate the error whoMy wiirhot have much effect.
But if the conditions are reversed, and error in h is more to be apprehended, try to seize
the body east and west when on the curve of min. error in No. I.
In moderately high latitudes a close circumpolar star will give q 90 and / 90 very
near each other, so that whichever is chosen it will be favorable for eliminating the errors in
both L and h, and also d. Besides, the>akrtude~ will be favorable for the practical problem
aside from the theoretical.
Altitude -A.zttnu.ih. error in A
Al/i/in/f A'/J//iu//i, ('//<;/ i// d
'Altitude -Azimuth, error in. rf
, dZ cos a cos d
[Summary of pp. 26, 27, 37-41, 64-70.] = - (58)
Branches: i. Absolute min., the curves of elongation Pa' Za" and e'P'e" .
2. Alg. max. and min., giving num. max. and min., the merid. NFS and the curve c'Eb'Zb" We"-
The latter gives always numerical min., and pertaining, as it does, to d < L, all those stars will cross it
unless the latitude is very high. So long as all stars having d < L cross this curve c'E .... c", the merid.
will give num. max. at each culmin. for all stars. Because, for d> L the values on the merid. will be
numerically greater than the valge o on the curves of elong. ; and for d < L they will be greater on the
meridian than on the other curve. But in latitudes > 70 32' (about) some d's L, alg. max. and min. both occur on the meridian. At upper transit, q 180, cos^ does
not change sign when passing through this value, but is ( ) on each side ; therefore the sign of ~ is (-f )
and we have an alg. max. At lower transit q, having passed through the value 90 (causing cos q to change
sign, and so giving no alg. max. or min., though the value o is found) is equal to o c ; and in transit cos q
7 r?
does not change sign, but is (-f) on each side, making the sign of 7- ( ), whence an alg. min. To attain
upper culmin. again, q passes through the value 270, cos^ changes sign, and, though we get o for the error,
no alg. max. or min. occurs until the max on the merid. recurs.
Therefore for J s-d> L, the num. max. and min., if governed solely by algebraic max. and min., would
correspond to the latter, not only numerically but in the algebraic signs ; for the (+) error is the greater
numerically since cos h at the upper transit is less than at the lower. But at a' and a" absolute min., o,
intervene and the alg. max. and min. on the merid. both become num. max.
For d > L similar conditions prevail, but not exactly like conditions, for the alg. max. and min. are
reversed, both in numerical value and sign ; for cos h is then the greater at upper transit, and q there passes
through o, and at lower transit through 180.
Taking d < L, q on one side of the meridian remains always between o and 90. and on the other be-
J "7
tween 360 and 270. Therefore the sign of cosy is always (-}-) and the sign of y always ( ). Therefore alg.
max. and min. occur alternately ; the minima on the meridian (unequal numerically) and the maxima on the
other curve (equal numerically). But our numerical maxima and minima (unfavorable and favorable points^
interchange with the algebraic minima and maxima.
To follow the star in its diurnal course, beginning at the lower culmination :
For -j- d > L. At d', alg. min., num. max. ( ), unfavorable ; at a', abs. min. = o, favorable; d ', alg. max.,
num. max. (+), itnfavorable ; a' 1 , abs. min. = o, favorable. For -\- d < L. At d' 1 , alg. min., num. max. ( ),
unfavorable; b' , alg. max., num. min. ( }, favorable; d" , alg. min., num. max. ( ), unfavorable ; b" , alg. max.,
num. min. ( ), favorable. For -\-d-L. Practicably, favorable very near Z, the zenith, and unfavorable at
low. culm. At Z the value is indeterminate. For d = o. At E and W favorable, on the merid. unfavor-
able. For d < L. At d'" , low. culm., alg. min., num. max. ( ), unfavorable; at c', alg. max., num. min.
( ), favorable ; at d"' , alg. min., num. max. ( ), unfavorable; at c", alg. max., num. min. ( ), favorable. For
d > L. At low. culm., alg. max., num. max. (-}-), unfavorable; at e', abs. min. = o, favorable ; at d IT ,
above horizon, alg. min., num. max., unfavorable ; at e" , abs. min. =o, favorable.
For d= o and for negative d's the horizon furnishes the best practicable points if the body rises and sets.
The error in Z due to error in t will not be eliminated by observing the star east and west, symmetrically
situated with respect to the meridian.
The asymptotes are the same as those in No. I ; one at the distance from Z equal to tan Z, and the other
at the distance 2tan L. Both No. i and No.-2 have the spherical ellipse for giving points of absolute min.; and
the other branches look alike in low latitudes ; but, both starting with the p. v. in latitude o, No. i swells
out until reaching its limit of growth, when it returns to coincide with the prime-vertical in latitude 90.
No. 2, on the other hand, continues its growth until the branches meet on the merid., then separate, and
maintain separation in very high latitudes, untiljnjat^ 90 one branch becomes the horizon (equator), and
the other a point at the zenith (pole).
Time -Altitude -Azi//t nth, erro/' /// , /
7'i/nr A'/J//tul/t, , m error in t
Tim.e-Aliitude- Azimuth, error in t
- -I.--
/? 7
[Summary of pp. 27, 41, 42, 70-73.] - = tan h sin Z = etc (59)
Branches: I. Absolute min., the horizon NESW.
2. Absolute min., the meridian NFS,
3. Algebraic max. and min., giving numerical max., the curve
together with the infinite branches b'a Na^b^ and e'P'e" 1 .
Governed by the signs of sin 2Tand tan h, the alg. max. and min. are alternates. Leaving
out of consideration the abs. min. on the horizon and on the meridian, we find for -f- d > >
when not a circumpolar star (Plate A) at a', alg. max. ; at a'", alg. min. ; at a iv , alg. max. ; at
Z., already used. But taking in the
absolute min. to complete the discrimination in max. and min. of the various kinds, we have :
At d' (lower transit), abs. min. = o ; at a', aig. max., num. max. (-(-) ; at a", abs. min. =
O; at a'", alg. min., num. max. ( ) ; at d', abs. min. = o ; at a [v , alg. max., num. max. (-f-) ;
at a v . abs. min. = o; at a vi , alg. min., num. max. ( ).
Taking -(- d > L when the star is a circumpolar one (Plates B and C), we see that it is
most favorably situated at lower culmination ; since for a given error in azimuth in the seizure
of the star on the meridian, tan h sin Z will be less than its value close to the upper culmi-
Comparing No. 4 with No. 5, it will be seen that the most favorable position considering
error in t is near the most unfavorable with respect to error in Z, in the case of stars whose
> L, even if not circumpolar; if a circumpolar star, these antagonistic points approach
closer; and if a close circumpolar star, they are very near together. But the error in latitude
will be eliminated if the star is observed both east and west at the same relative points to the
meridian. Therefore select q = 90. and 270 to reduce the error in t to o if the star is seized
exactly at those points, and nearly zero if near those points.
Time -Axi/niitli, error in L.
Time Azimuth, error in L
ime -Azimuth, vrrvr in L.
dZ sin q
[Summary of pp. 27, 42-44, 73-76.] = - J. . ...... (60)
[NOTE. The investigation of Locus No. 6 (time-azimuth error in d) by its equations (186) and (187), or
inspection of the corresponding diagrams, indicates that for some latitudes and declinations there maybe
three points on either side of the meridian where the diurnal path of a body may cross the locus. These
three points are determined by the three roots of the cubic equations referred to above.
By reference to the diagram for Locus No. 6 (A), it is readily seen that for latitude 30 some bodies cross
the locus three times on each side of the meridian, while others cross it but once, and it is clear that for some
particular declination the diurnal circle will be tangent to the locus.
The relation between a given latitude, L, and the declination, d, causing the diurnal circle to be tangent
to the locus, is found by determining the condition that will give equal roots to cos / and sin h, in their re-
spective equations.
The equation (186) is the more convenient for this purpose. Writing A for tan L, and B for tan d, the
equation becomes
cos 3 /+ (A* + B* - i) cos t- 7.AB = o ............ (a)
Should either A or B be greater than unity, the coefficient of cos / will be positive ; and by the theory
of equations two roots will be imaginary. Thus at the outset we are limited to the consideration of latitudes
and declinations not exceeding 45.
The condition for equal roots in (a) is
(A* + *- I) 8 + zjA'JS* = o ; ) -,
or A 1 + B* - i= - 3 V^ 3 ^'. f '
Expanding (b) and arranging, we have
(A* - i) 3 - o.
This is a cubic equation in B*; and if A (tan L) is known, we can solve for IP by Horner's method of
approximation, and thence deduce B, The two values of B thus found, equal numerically, with opposite
signs, determine the two declinations (North and South), giving tangency to the locus.
Having found B, we may easily deduce the value of cos t corresponding to the point of tangency; for,
substituting from (b) 3V^ 2 2? a for A 9 + B* i in (a), we have
cos 3 1 - 3V^g 2 cos / - 2AB = o ;
the roots of which are always *^AB, -*\/AB, and 2*\/AB ............. (c)
Therefore cos t = \/AB gives the value of t corresponding to the point of tangency ; and from (c) we may
observe that, for the point of cutting the locus, cos / is opposite in sign and numerically twice as great as for
the point of tangency.
A particular case of interest is that in which the declination causing tangency is equal to the latitude.
Put B = A in (b).
We have SA' + 15^* + 6A* - i = o; ............. (d)
whence (8A* - i) (A 9 + i) (A 9 + i) = o.
The equation in A* has one positive root, A 3 = , and two negative roots, A* = i. The two last give
imaginary values for A. From the first we obtain A = J V^z. Log A = 9.5484550. Whence L = d =
19 28' i6".39, giving tangency to the locus.]
Branches: i. Abs. min., the merid. NFS.
2. Alg. max. and min., giving num. max. and min., the curve c'Eb'Za"Pa'Zb"Wc", and the
infinite branch e'P'e" .
In lats. 45 to 90 every par. of dec. will cut the curve of alg. max. and min. (on either side of the merid.)
once, and only once. In lats. < 45 each par. of dec. cuts at least once ; some one north par. in the given
lat. intersects once and at another point is tangent ; so also some one south par. of dec.: some parallels
cut the curve three times. Therefore Plate A presents more features than do B and C. Looking at one side
of the merid. only, if L > 45, the curve meets its asymptote at infinity only, the nadir; if L = 45, the
asymptote is tangent to the curve at ^and then meets it again only at infinity; if L < 45, the asymptote
crosses the curve once above the horizon, once below, and then meets it at infinity. Alg. max. and min.
points for parallels of dec. that interse'ct the curve once on each side of the merid. may easily be discrimi-
nated, since they depend on the sign of sin q alone. In case the parallel cuts thrice, the num. value of
COS /f
must be considered in connection with its sign. But, since the points are of alternate max. and min., no
difficulty will be experienced in distinguishing the max. from the min., though from inspection of (60) the
relative numerical values are not obvious. Recollecting that sin q is (+) west of the merid. and (r-) east,
let us follow the star characterized by m', m", etc.: at low. cul., abs. min. o ; at m', alg. max., num. max. ( + ) ;
at m", alg. min., num. min. (+) ; at m'", alg. max., num. max. (+) ; at upper cul., abs. min. o; at w lT , alg.
min., num. max. ( ) ; at m", alg. max., num. min. ( ) ; at m vl , alg. min., num. max. ( ). The tangent par-
allels of dec. are not drawn. At their points of cutting the curve will occur num. max., and at tangency no
max. or min., but a decreasing or increasing function as may be, algebraically. For + d> L, max. error at
a' and a": if the star is not circumpol., practicably the most favorable position is exactly on merid. at upper
cul., but in horizon is good ; if a circumpol. star, then at low. cul. For + d = L the choice is lower cul.; at
Z the error is indeterminate, but close to Z very large. For + d < Z., if a circumpol. star, at low. cul. best ;
but if not circumpolar, at upper cul., though the horizon may be good ; the max. lying at b' and b". For all
stars with (-) dec. observe on merid.
Comparing No. 4 with No. 6, the remarks on Nt>. ^ app^^iere, by substituting for error in L the words
error in d; and considering all the errors in ;he data, the conclusions are the same as given in No. 5.
JVo. 6
a -Azimuth, erro/- in-d
T/mc : Az/,mut/-t, e/ror ui d
Time -Azimuth, error in d
[Summary of pp. 27, 28, 44-46, 76-80.] = tan Z tan A (61)
Branches: i. Absolute max., the prime- vertical WZE.
2. Absolute min., the merid. NFS.
3. Absolute min., the horizon NESW.
4. Alg. max. and min., giving numerical max., Pa'"Zd lv and Na'b'Ec'"e"'S
W JrttfaiuU'/V 1 .
Considering only the curve of alg. max. and min., it is evident that on either side of the
If -\-d> L and circumpolar, the star will cross the curve once, above the horizon only;
if not circumpolar, once below and once above the horizon, \i-\- d = L > 45, one contact
only, in the zenith ; if -f- d = L = 45, a point of contact in Z and one in N\ if -\-d = L <
45, contact at Z and a cut below horizon. If -f- d < Z., and circumpolar star, no points of con-
tact ; if not circumpolar, one cut below horizon. If d = o, the equator at cuts the curve.
If d < Z-, one point of intersection, above horizon. If d> L, once above and once be-
low the horizon, if a rising and setting body ; if not, there is one point, below only.
Now, including the branches of absolute max. and min., and attending to the signs of tan
Z and tan h, we have :
For -|~ d > L (not circumpolar, Plate A), at d', low. cul., abs. min. o ; at a', alg. max.,
num. max. (-J-) ; at a", abs. min. o ; at a'" t alg. min., num. max. ( ) ; at d', abs. min. o ;
at a iv , alg. max., num. max. (-{-) ; at a v , abs. min. o ; at a vi , alg. min., num. max. ( ).
For the close circumpol. star d> L (Plates B and C), at low. cul. d', abs. min. o ; a',
alg. min., num. max. ( ) ; d' t upper cul., abs. min. o ; a", alg. max., num. max. (-{-).
For -j- d < Z, at low. cul. d", abs. min. o ; b', alg. max., num. max. (-(-) ; b", abs. min. o ;
b'", abs. max. oo ; at upper cul., abs. min. o, etc.
For d = o, at E and W indeterminate, and in their vicinity bad conditions. Observe at
transit on the merid.
For d < Z., at low. cul. abs. min. o ; <:', abs. max. oo ; c" y abs. min. o ; c'", alg. max.,
num. max. (-J-) ; d'", upper cul., abs. min. o ; ^ T , alg. min., num. max. ( ), etc.
For d > Z,, e" t d^, and e v , abs. min. o ; while at e" f and ^ v , num. max.
In any case, the choice of the horizon or the mecid. to give abs. min. points depends on
their relative proximity to a point of max. error. Observations east and west may be made
to eliminate the error.
For -\-d L, avoid the zenith, as giving indetermination ; and its vicinity as giving a
large error, and observe at low. cul.
Time -Altitude -Azimuth, error in h
Time -Altitude -Azimuth, error in k
, .. dZ tan Z cos d cos t
[Summary of pp. 28, 46-48, 80, 8i.J -- = = (62)
dt tan t cos h cos Z
Branches: I. Abs. max., the p. v. WZE.
2. Abs. min., the six-hour circle Pb'EP '.
3. Alg. max. and min., giving num. max. and min., the merid. NPS.
Not considering the abs. max. and min., the alg. max. and min. occur as follows:
For -|~ d > Z, at low. cul. cos t is ( ) and cos "(+); .'. dZ is ( ) and at upper cul. cos t
and cos Z both (-J-); therefore an alg. min. at lower and alg. max. at upper cul. whatever the
relative values of cos h. But these values make the numerical max. and min. correspond to
the algebraic. For d= L the same, but at upper cul., regarding Z as changing from < 90
to > 270, not passing into the 2d or 3d quadrant, the absolute max. will be also an algebraic
max. = -\- oo . Therefore at low. cul., alg. min., and at upper cul., alg. max. correspond to
num. min. and max. For -f- d < Z, at both culminations the function is ( ) ; hence the
value of cos h governs. For d between d L and d = o,
{h is less numerically }
cos h is greater numerically > than at upper cul.
dZ is less numerically )
Therefore at low. cul. we find an algebraic max., and at upper cul. an algebraic min.. but
numerically the names are changed. For d=.Q the error has a constant numerical value and
is ( ) at each culmination ; hence there is neither max. nor min. of any kind. For d < Z
at both culminations the function is ( ) ;
( h is greater numerically )
at low. cul. \ cos h is less numerically v than at upper cul.
( dZ is greater numerically )
Therefore an alg. min. at low. cul. and alg. max. at upper cul.; but numerically the names are
For d> Z, alg. max. at low. cul., num. max. (-f-); and alg. min. at upper cul., num.
min. ( ).
Considering, now, the absolute max. and min. in connection with the preceding, we have
for numerical max. and min. on the meridian the same name as given by the algebraic max.
and min., except for d > Z. For, these stars not crossing the p. v., at both transits occur
numerical max.
For-)- d > Z, at low. cul. alg. min., num. max. ( ) ; a', abs. min. o; at d' (upper), alg.
max., num. max. (+) ; a", abs. min. o. For d= L, at low. cul. alg. min., num. max. ( );
on six-hour circle, abs. min. o ; at Z, alg. max. -(- oo , absolute max. oo ; on six-hour circle,
abs. min. o. For -f- d < Z, at low. cul., alg. max., num. max. ( ) ; b ', abs. min. o; b",
absolute max. oo ; at upper cul. alg. min., num. min. ( ) (greater, however, numerically than the
numerical max, .'( ) at low. cul.: in most cases our numerical max. is numerically greater than
our numerical min., distinguished from alg. max. and min. by disregarding algebraic signs ;
but the intervening absolute max. and min. now interchange the names of numerical max.
and min., as first assigned when comparing with only alg. max. and min.); at b'", absolute
max., oo ; # v , absolute min. o. For d = o, a constant value to dZ. equal to : r -. For
sin Z
d < Z, at low. cul., d"", alg. min., num. min. ( ) ; c', abs. max. oo ; c", abs. min.b; d'",
upper cul., alg. max., num. max. ( ) (less numerically than the num. min. at lower cul.) ; at
c'", abs. min. o; c {v , abs. max. oo. For d = L, at low. cul., alg. max., -f- oo (Z changing
from > 90 to < 270), absolute max. oo ; on six-hour circle, abs. min. o; at upper cul., alg.
min., num. min. ( ) ; on six-hour circle, abs. min. o. For d > Z, at low. cul., alg. max.,
num. max. -f-J *', abs. min. o ; upper cul., alg. min., num. max. ( ) ; at e" , abs. min. o.
For all -f- d's avofd observing on that side of the six-hour circle towards the p. v. For
all dTs the horizon is theoretically the best place to seize the star at. ' Practically, both
these conditions must yield something to the best conditions foi the altitude (a given part of
the triangle entering the problem), and, therefore, a point near the meridian, in bearing, may
be chosen.
v The error in Z owing to error in t will not be eliminated by observations east and west.
No X
Time 'Altitude Azimuth, error in I
Time -AltUu>de -Azimuth, error in f
Time -Altitude -Azimuth, -error in t
Wo. 8
re , , -, dZ sin t sin d
[Summary of pp. 28, 48, 49, 8i.J - = tan Ztan */ = r (63)
act cos Zcos A
Branches: I. Absolute min., the meridian NPS.
2. Absolute max., the prime-vertical WZE.
3. Algebraic max. and min., giving num. max., the curve of elongations
Pa'Za" and e'Pe".
Alg. max. and min. only for d > L ; alg. min. west and alg. max. east for -j- d, and
conversely for d.
For + >, at low. cul., d", abs. min. o; a', alg. max., num. max. (-J-) ; at upper transit.
d'j abs. min. o ; a", alg. min., num. max. ( ).
For -f- d = L, at low. cul., abs. min. o ; at upper cul. indeterminate, but may be called
abs. max. for close to the zenith the error dZ is very large. Z is the meeting-point of the an-
tipathetic curves, but its vicinity, through which d=. L travels, partakes of the character of
the absolute max.
For -f- d < L, at d", low. cul., abs. min. o ; b', abs. max. oo ; d", upper cul., abs. min. o ;
b" t abs. max. oo . The equator and d < L, on merid., abs. min.; on p. v. abs. max.
For d L, the converse' of -\-d=. L ; the vicinity of the nadir the unfavorable region,
upper cul., abs. min. o.
For d> L, num. max. east (/) and west (e") have contrary signs to those for -f- d > L.
Observations east and west on the same parallel of altitude will eliminate the error in
For error in every datum, the prime-vertical gives abs. max., and points near the prime-
vertical, in bearing, should be avoided.
Since errors in d and in h will be eliminated by observing east and west on the same paral-
lel of altitude, and since the error in /will not thus, be eliminated, but, if the body is observed
on either side of the meridian, on the six-hour circle the error will reduce to o, the best con-
dition will be afforded by a close circumpolar star observed east and west as near to the six-
hour circle as it can be seized.
Time Altitude -Azimuth, error in d
Time -Altitude -Azi/n uth, error in d
' -A/filuf/r Axt/ttufh, error in cl
[Summary of pp. 49-53, 81-83.]
Branches: I. Identical errors in the resulting azimuths computed by both methods,
the prime-vertical, WZE, and the curve of elongations, Pa"Za'" and
2. Equal resulting errors, numerical, but having contrary signs, the curve
Pa'b'Ec"e"P'e'"c'" W^a^P.
In the plates, the six-hour circle, instead of being drawn full above the horizon, is a
dotted line throughout.
The branches of the locus form the boundaries to the regions within which the one
method of finding the azimuth is to be preferred to the other.
The method that is the more favorable is :
For -j- d > L, time-azimuth from the time of low. cul., until the star arrives at a' ; alti-
tude-azimuth from a' to a"; time-azimuth from a" to a'", crossing the meridian ; altitude-azi-
muth, from a'" to # lv ; time-azimuth from # iv , through lower culmination, to a' again.
For -J- d = L, time-azimuth until cutting the curve at a point between a' and b'\ thence,
passing the zenith to the point between # lv and # v , the altitude-azimuth ; thenceforward, to a
repetition, time-azimuth.
For -f- d < L, from lower culmination until b' is reached, time-azimuth ; b' to b", altitude-
azimuth ; b" to b'", time-azimuth ; b"' to 6 1V , altitude-azimuth ; thenceforward time-azimuth
during the course of the star to b' again.
For d o, time-azimuth throughout, with the reservation that altitude-azimuth is equally
good at the points E and W, the error reducing to o by each method.
For d < L, from lower culmination to c', time-azimuth c' to c", altitude-azimuth ; c"
to c" f , time-azimuth ; c"' to lv , altitude-azimuth ; thence to c' again, time-azimuth.
For d = L, time-azimuth during the time the star is above horizon.
For d> L, from lower culmination to e', time-azimuth ; e' to e", altitude-azimuth ;
from e", passing d lv to e"', time-azimuth ; e'" to ^ v , altitude-azimuth ; thenceforward to e'
again, time-azimuth.
For all bodies having negative declinations, and for d = o, the time-azimuth is the -better
during the whole time of visibility of the star.
M. 10
For error in. L, lime -Azimuth an,d
Altitude-Azimuth equally favorable
For erroj" in. 2,, Time-Azi?mit7i and
Altitude -Azimuth e equally favorable
' in /., Time-AzimiLth rt/td
Altitude -Azimuth rtf/ffl It/ ft/ r
/ /
\ \
/ /
\ \
/ /
\ \
/ /
/ /
\ \
f- cl = LJ
1 i
.:.*' .'.**