HIS While you converse with lords and dukes, I have their betters here---my books, Fixed in an elbow- chair at ease, 1 choose compan ions as 1 please. THOMAS SHERiDAN ~C C- AN SWIFT- BOOK' > 2 S t o .i ft f S^ S d 5 oirj-e-rS X! ti w s **23.K EH g ^rQ gj W *S "C 02 fslll o o> k '* "'a .^^*i^ 1 5 s o S 3 ^^ fi c t> U tn -v" 4 ^ 'cs "^ s-S tcrt^ -a SS^ HOW'S NARRATIVE Of this edition, two hundred and sixty-seven copies have been printed, of which two hundred and fifty are for sale, and the type distributed. This is ML NARRATIVES OF CAPTIVITIES A NARRATIVE OF THE CAPTIVITY OF NEHEMIAH HOW IN n 1745-1747 Reprinted from the original edition of 1748, with introduction and notes by Victor Hugo Paltsits CLEVELAND THE BURROWS BROTHERS COMPANY 1904 COPYRIGHT, 1904 BY THE BURROWS BROTHERS COMPANY CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION, Factor Hugo Paltsits . 7 How's NARRATIVE . . . . .23 Facsimile of original title-page . . 25 INDEX , 61 M13S967 INTRODUCTION THE present town of Putney, Windham County, Vermont, is situated on the west bank of the Connecticut River. It extends for a distance of five miles from north to south, and stretches between six and seven miles from its eastern to its western boundary. In the easterly part of the town, formed by a large bend in the river, the Great Meadow is located, and comprises about five hundred acres. Its soil has always yielded easily to cultivation, rewarding industry with an abun dant crop of hay or various kinds of grain. Originally the surrounding forests were over grown with beach, elm, maple, butternut and oak trees, while the lowest part of the meadow abounded with a tangled growth of yellow pine, and the steep hills on the west were covered with white pines of huge growth.* This region, we may believe, was early inhab ited by the aborigines, if flint arrow-heads, spears, broken pots and other Indian remains are evidence of their habitat; but whether they were permanent or merely occasional residents has not been determined. In 1735-6, the Massachusetts-Bay govern ment, cognizant from bitter experience of the *For the topographical description I am indebted to the accounts by Rev. Amos Foster, and David L. Mansfield, in Hemenway's Vermont Historical Gazetteer, vol. v, pp. 217-222, 250-251. : I J /.INTRODUCTION disasters from Indian incursions at the west ward, determined to establish a chain of fortified settlements in the valley of the Con necticut. Willing settlers were gradually procured through the encouragement of gov ernmental land-grants, and presumably in 1738 or 1739 the occupation of the Great Meadow and No. 2 (now Westmoreland, N. H.), across the river, was begun. Nehemiah How, of Grafton, Mass., William Phips, David Rugg, of Lancaster, Mass., their fam ilies, together with Robert Baker and others, made the first clearing in the Great Meadow, and built a fort in the central part, called Fort Hill. Daniel How, nephew of Nehe miah, also a captive at Quebec during a part of the war, with Thomas Crisson and others from Rutland, Mass., cleared the ground at No. 2, built themselves log-huts and depended for protection on the neighboring fort, to the building of which they had contributed.* In a few years these intrepid pioneers, by the dint of assiduity, succeeded in transforming the primeval meadows and uplands to conditions favorable for vegetation and pasturage, and gathered a good stock of cattle. Yet latent horrors of Indian warfare lay beneath the apparent tranquillity of these years of peace. The first depredation by the Indians in the Connecticut valley, during King George's war, was on the Great Meadow. *N. H. Town Papers, vol. xiii (1884), pp. 652-653. INTRODUCTION On July ^th, 1745, William Phips was hoeing in his cornfield, in the southwest corner of the meadow, when suddenly two Indians surprised him, and led him away captive to the woods a distance of near half a mile. They halted in order to permit one of them to descend a steep hill, where he had left some thing. Phips, with great strategic ingenuity, seizing the moment when the remaining In dian was off his guard, struck him down with his hoe and "chop'd him very much," so that he died soon thereafter. Snatching this In dian's gun, he shot and killed the second Indian as he was returning. Phips then took to his heels, but was almost instantly killed by a shot from one of the guns of three other Indians, who appeared on the spot at this juncture. They scalped him and "mangled his body in a most Inhuman manner." The news of this outbreak brought Capt. Ebenezer Alexander with a company of fifty-six men to the region, and they were kept in service scouting the woods and guarding the towns, from July I2th until September 8th.* There was a brief lull in the exhibitions of savagery, *Doolittle's Short Narrative Of Mischief done ~by the French and Indian Enemy, on the Western Frontiers Of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. Boston, 1750, p. 2; Rev. John Taylor's "Appendix" to Rev. John Williams's Redeemed Captive returning to Zion. Sixth edition. Bos ton, 1795, p. 114; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, vol. ix, p. 163, from Hampshire County Recorder's Book; Temple and Sheldon's Hist, of Northfteld, Mass., pp. 240-241; Hemen- way's Vermont Hist. Gazetteer, vol. v, pp. 219, 252. io INTRODUCTION but on October nth, 1745,* the Great Meadow was infested anew. On this "black Friday" morning Nehe- miah How walked a distance of "about 50 Rods" or a little over one-sixth of a mile from the fort, for the purpose of cutting some wood. He had completed his task and was returning to the fort, but had proceeded only a few paces, when suddenly he heard "the crackling of Fences" behind him and, looking back in the direction whence the noise came, "saw 12 or 13 Indians, with red painted Heads," run ning after him. Starting on a run, he shouted desperately, hoping thereby to attract the attention of the guard at the fort. The fleet- footed Indians, however, overtook him by the time he had gone ten rods. They seized him ; led him away to a "swamp," probably where the creek now is, and there his captors bound him. The Indians, who were a party of Abenakis of St. Francis,t and numbered about fifty,t were in the meadow scarce an hour, but in that time made a futile attack on the fort, and created havoc among the cattle in the *The dates are all according to "old style," in use by the English, unless otherwise designated. ^Collection de Manuscrits relatifs a la Nouvelle-France, vol. iii, p. 268. JDeacon Noah Wright, in a letter written to his brother from Deerfield, on October 27th, 1745, says the sentry at the fort, when attacked, told him there were about fifty Indians in the whole party. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, vol. ii (1848), p. 207. The Hampshire County Recorder's Book, in N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, vol. ix, p. 163, gives their number erroneously as "about fourscore French and Indians." INTRODUCTION u field. Deacon Noah Wright, who arrived in the scout sent out, found "such things to behold as wold raise the passions of the most steddy man in the world." Cattle which the Indians had butchered and hides lay "spred almost over the ground." As they went through the meadow, the scouting party could scarce turn their eyes "without seeing ded creatures sum with their guts tore ought & some ript open & others part of them carried off & a grat many that lay untouched ondly their hyds were taken off."* From the deposition which How made to the French at Quebec, we learn that the fort was commanded by a lieutenant, and con tained twenty soldiers and ten others when attacked.t During the retreat one of the Indians was killed by a shot from the fort; another was so mortally wounded that he died "fourteen Days" after their arrival in Canada, and a third, who had hold of How, had a bullet shot through his powder-horn. How was liberated from the "swamp" and led to a spot "about half a Mile" and "in open Sight of the Fort." Passing along the west bank of the Connecticut River, about three miles in a northerly direction from the fort, they observed two men in a canoe, paddling down the river near the opposite shore, below "Taylor's Island." They were David Rugg *Noah Wright, in N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., vol. ii, pp. 207-208. tCoIZ. de M88., vol. iii, pp. 268-270. 12 INTRODUCTION and Robert Baker. Right speedily "twenty or thirty Guns" were discharged at them. Rugg was killed instantly in the canoe, but Baker succeeded in gaining his safety with some difficulty by reaching the shore. Some of the Indians swam the stretch of the river, and returned with the canoe to inflict upon the warm corpse of Rugg the indignities of the scalping-knife. Proceeding for another mile by the river side, they halted at a house. At the same time How's son, Caleb, together with Jonathan Thayer and Samuel Nutting, were spied by the Indians running along the bank, and five of them gave chase to head them off. Fortunately they escaped, presumably by means of secreting themselves "under the Bank of the River." The Indians continued northward until they arrived at Black River, in the environs of Fort No. 4, now Charles- town, N. H. They then struck out to cross the mountain wilderness of the present state of Vermont; probably came as far as what is now Larrabee's Point, opposite Fort Ticon- deroga; continued to Crown Point, and em barked for Quebec, through Lake Champlain and the rivers Sorel and St. Lawrence. We may accept How's own testimony that he was not subjected to any severe cruelties by his Indian captors, who generally were kind to him. Only at Chambly was he maltreated by some Iroquois whom he encountered. In this he fared far better from these heartless sons of INTRODUCTION 13 the forest, than most of his countrymen in times of conflict.* As soon as the assault on the Great Meadow was communicated to Northfield, Ensign Stratton set out with ten men for Fort Dum- mer. On the afternoon of the same day, Saturday, October i9th, twenty-nine men left Deerfield; marched through Northfield, and joined the former party at Fort Dummer, at ten o'clock that night. Meanwhile Col. Josiah Willard had gone to the Great Meadow, tak ing with him as many men of his garrison as could be spared. The forty others followed on Sunday morning, and arrived at the Great Meadow about two o'clock in the afternoon. Willard had just left with his men, and they were therefore ordered to follow. They soon came up with the advance party and, after gaining what information they could from those at the fort, the whole scout, consisting of ninety-four men, began the march. They followed the tracks of the Indians until about sunset of the aoth, camped, and on Monday morning, the 2ist, started for Fort No. 4, stripping themselves on the way for battle. When they arrived at No. 4 the enemy had departed from the region. Lodging that night at the fort, they began their homeward march on the next morning, October aad; proceeded by way of Upper Ashuelot (Keene, N. H.), *His testimony appears in his pamphlet and in his deposition at Quebec. 14 INTRODUCTION and arrived in Northfield on Wednesday, October 23d.* In March, 1747, thirty or forty Indians attempted to burn Shattuck's Fort, between Northfield and Col. Hinsdale's Fort. They were pursued on the 3ist from Northfield by Capt. Eleazer Melvin and his company, as far as the Great Meadow, but the Indians succeeded in burning the fort which the Eng lish had deserted.t The deserted region of the Great Meadow began to be resettled in February, 1755, and in the early part of that year the few new settlers built another fort, in the southeast part of the meadow. A town charter had been granted in advance from New Hampshire, dated December 26th, 1753. During the dispute with New York over territorial domain, that colony gave the town a charter, dated November 6th, 1766. The town was organized and the first town officers chosen, on May 8th, 1770.$ Its subsequent history has been steady and honorable, but historic instinct must ever accord a high place to the sturdy pioneers who laid the foundation stones of its superstructure. "This analysis is given with particularity from Noah Wright, in N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, vol. ii, pp. 207-208, because misinterpreted to some extent in Hemenway's Gazetteer, vol. v, p. 253, and Temple and Sheldon's Hist, of Northfield, p. 241. f Doolittle, p. 11, Of. conflicting statements in Hemen- way, vol. v, pp. 219, 252. JHemenway, pp. 220-221. BIBLIOGRAPHY Three narratives by New England captives, during the Five Years' French and Indian war, run parallel so far as their common resi dence in Quebec is concerned. They were written by Nehemiah How, Rev. John Nor ton, chaplain of Fort Massachusetts, and Cap tain William Pote, Jr., master of the schooner Montague, in the employ of the Massachusetts- Bay government. The small but now exces sively rare pamphlets of How and Norton were both printed in the year 1748, while the very extensive and by far more important journal of Pote, lay in manuscript until its first publication in 1896. There are numerous discrepancies of a day or two in the dates of deaths as recorded by these three diarists, but I am inclined generally to favor the earliest date as the true one, because it seems likely that each of them recorded in his diary as soon as he received the information. They exhibit, however, other vagaries as, for ex ample, mistakes in personal and place nomen clature, while the three accounts supplement each other as to material facts. It is, no doubt, a patent fact that very much of the earlier editing of American historical texts was performed in a faulty manner, judged by modern critical methods. This we have found to be particularly true of the Indian Captivities collected by Samuel G. Drake, and first printed for him in 1839. But we are not to despise pioneer efforts in the 1 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY landmarks of our historical work, even if our verdict is against their present service. Drake, be it said to his honor, saved from oblivion much that might otherwise have been gnawed by the tooth of time, and his work created an interest in a field which he made peculiarly his own. In the above-mentioned collection he presented the first and only reprint of How's pamphlet which has appeared up to the present edition. He also reprinted for the first time an annotated text of Norton's work, as an appendix to his Particular History of the Five Years' French and Indian War, publish ed at Boston in 1870. At the same time he reissued one hundred copies separately, with new pagination and a copy of the original title-page. In reprinting How's pamphlet we have had recourse to a fine uncut copy in the New York Public Library (Lenox Library Build ing). It was purchased at the first Brinley sale, in 1879, item 481, for twenty- five dollars, and the autograph of the Rev. Dr. Edward Wigglesworth on the title-page, shows that he owned it in 1748, the year of its publication. As this tract seldom appears in the market, and as the demand for original early Indian captivities is great, it would be hazardous to guess a particular figure which so fine a copy might fetch to-day. The following analy tical collation is presented for the service of collectors and bibliographers: A I NARRATIVE I Of the Captivity I OF | Hefyemiafy Who was taken by the 3n6iattS at the Great- \ Meadow Fart above Fort-Dum- mer, where he was [ an Inhabitant, October llth 1745. | Giving an Account of what he met with in his | travelling to Canada, and while he was in Prifon | there. | Together with an Account of Mr. HOW's Death | at Canada. \ [Quotation from Psalm cxococvii] \ BOSTON : N. E. \ Printed and Sold oppofite to the Prifon in Queen- [ Street. 1748. 1 Printed page measures 5% in. height, by 3% in. width; title, verso blank; "A Narrative, &c.," pp. 3-22; "The Names of the Subfcribers," pp. (2). Signatures : A C in fours. GENEALOGY Nehemiah How belonged to a worthy fam ily of Massachusetts Puritans.* His grand father, John How or Howe, was a son of John How, Esq., who it is supposed lived in Hodin- hull, Warwickshire, England, and was con nected with the family of Lord Charles How, Earl of Lancaster, during the reign of Charles I. The grandfather, who perhaps first resided at Watertown, was admitted a freeman of Sudbury on May i3th, 1640, and in 1642 was marshal and one of the town's selectmen. In May, 1656, he was one of thirteen petitioners for the grant which constituted Marlborough, and moved to that place in 1657, where he opened the first tavern about 1661, and was certainly carrying on the business in 1670. He built himself a cabin in Marlborough "a little to the east of the Indian Planting Field," where his descendants lived for many genera tions. John How was a leading citizen of the place, and died there on May 28th, 1687, his "These genealogical data are interpreted from conflict ing statements in Hudson's History of Sudbury, Mass., pp. 38-39; Vital Records of Sudbury, Mass., (1903), pp. 73-74, 219- 220, 311-312; Hudson's History of Marlborough, Mass., pp. 380-381; Pierce's History of Graf ton, Mass., pp. 51, 59, 507- 508; Temple and Sheldon's History of Northfield, Mass., pp. 468-469; Worcester Magazine, vol. ii (1826), p. 131; Memorial of the Morses, Boston, 1850, appendix, p. 87, No. 12; and chapter on "Howe Family in America," in Filial Tribute to Memory of Rev. John Moffat Howe, pp. 8, 9, 11. GENEALOGY 19 will being proved in 1689. By his wife, Mary, he had ten sons and two daughters, born be tween 1641 and 1663. One of his sons, Samuel, father of Nehe- miah, was born in Sudbury, on October 2Oth, 1642. His first wife was Martha Bent, whom he married in Sudbury on June th, 1663. She died on August 29th, 1680. They had a numerous issue. His second consort was the widow Sarah (Leavitt) Clapp, whom he mar ried in Sudbury, on September i8th, 1685. Lieut. Samuel How died at Sudbury, on April I3th, 1713. Nehemiah How was apparently the third child by the second marriage, and was born in 1693 at Marlborough (there is no entry of his birth in the printed Sudbury vital records) . He was in Sudbury in 1716; removed to Graf- ton in 1728, where he received a partition of five acres of land, on May 2ist, 1733. The record shows him an active participant at the meetings of the proprietors of Grafton, and they sometimes met at his house. In 1734, he was moderator at two meetings of this body, was selectman in 1735; town clerk from 1736-1738; assessor in 1737; on the school committee of Grafton in 1739, and constable in that year. About that year he removed to the Great Meadow, as one of the original settlers there. Nehemiah married Margaret, the daughter of Capt. Benjamin Willard, and they had twelve children, as follows: 20 GENEALOGY 1. Joshua, b. October nth, 1716; m. Ly- dia Robbins. 2. Submit, b. March 4th, 1718. 3. Caleb, b. January 3Oth, 1720; d. June 2d, 1721. 4. Easter, b. April 25th, 1722. 5. Caleb, b. December 3ist, 1723; m. Jemima, widow of William Phips. She suf fered a doleful captivity in 1755, and he was scalped and died on July 28th, 1755, in the same incursion. 6. Sarah, b. July i3th, 1725. 7. Samuel, b. June i^th, 1727. 8. Edward, b. May 28th, 1728. 9. Abner, b. October 2Oth, 1731. 10. Hannah, b. November 29th, 1733. 11. Mary, b. April I2th, 1735. 12. Martha, b. September i6th, 1738. The capture and imprisonment of Nehe- miah How are treated fully in the "Introduc tion" to this volume. While in prison at Quebec, Canada, he became ill "of y e Fever,"* about the middle of the month of May, 1747, and was removed to "the Hospital," where he died on the 25th of that month, after an incar ceration of "one Year, seven Months, and fif teen Days."t In a postscript to his printed tract some anonymous friend added this trib ute: "He was a loving Husband, and a tender Father; greatly belov'd by his Brethren and *Pote's Journal, p. 135. fHow, p. 22. GENEALOGY 21 Sisters, and indeed by every One who was acquainted with him: Mr. How was a Per son who had behav'd himself as a Christian from his Youth. His Death is a great Loss to his Friends; but I believe a Gain to him self; and that he is gone from a Captivity of Sorrow on Earth, to join in Songs of everlast ing Joy among the Ransom'd of the Lord in the heavenly Zion."* His fellow prisoner, Pote, recorded in his journal that How was "a Good Pious old Gentleman . . . and y e most Contented and Easey of any man In y e Prison."t VICTOR HUGO PALTSITS. New York, January 9th, 1904. *How, p. 22. f Pote, p. 135. HOW'S NARRATIVE BOSTON, 1748 Reprinted from a copy of the original edition in the New York Public Library (Lenox Building) A NARRATIVE Of the Captivity O F Who was taken by the JtWllattS! at the Great* Meadow Fort above Fort-Dummer^ where he was an Inhabitant Offoter Htb 1745. Giving an Account of what he ftiet with in his travelling to Canada^ and while he was in Prifon there. Together with an Account of Mr. HOW* Death at Canada. Pfal. cxxxvii. 1,2,3,4. By the Rivers of Babylon^ then we fat down We banged our Harps upon the Wil- tows, in the midji thereof. For there they that car ried us away captive r required of us a Song > and they that wafted us^ required of us Mirth -, faying* Sing tes one of the Songs of Zion, How (hall we fing the Lord's Seng in a ftrange Land. BOSTON: N. B. Piinttd and Sqld oppofite to the Prifon in Qjeen. fiircet. 1748. HOW'S NARRATIVE 27 [3] HOW'S NARRATIVE &c. AT the Great - Meadow - Fort* fourteen Miles above Fort-Dummer, October nth 1745, where I was an Inhabitant, I went out from the Fort about 50 Rods to cut Wood; and when I had done, I walk'd towards the Fort, but in my Way heard the crackling of Fences behind me, & turning about, faw 12 or 13 Indians, with red painted Heads, running after me : On which I cry'd to God for Help, and ran, and hollow' d as I ran, to alarm the Fort; but by that I had ran ten Rods, the In dians came up with me and took hold of me : At the fame Time the Men at the Fort fhot at the Indians, and kill'd one on the Spot, wound ed another, who died fourteen Days after he got Home, and likewife fhot a Bullet thro 7 the Powder-Horn of one that had hold of me. They then led me into the Swampt and pinion'd me. I then committed my Cafe to God, and Pray'd, that fince it was his Will to deliver me into the Hands of thefe cruel Men, I might find Favour in their Eyes: Which *Now Putney, Windham County, Vt. The history of this incursion is given in extenso, in the Introduction to this volume. tProbably where the creek now is. David L. Mansfield, in Hemenway's Gazetteer, vol. v, p. 252. 28 HOW'S NARRATIVE Requeft,God of his infinite Mercy was pleafed to grant; for they were generally kind to me while I was with 'em: Some of the Indians, at that Time, took the Charge of [4] me, oth ers ran into the Field to kill Cattle. They led me about half a Mile; where we ftaid in open Sight of the Fort, 'till the Indians who were killing Cattle came to us laden with Beef: Then they went a little further to a Houfe, where they ftay'd to cut the Meat from the Bones, and cut the Helve off my Ax, and ftuck it into the Ground, pointing the Way we went. Then we travel'd along by the River Side;* and when we got about three Miles, I efpied a Canoe coming down on the further Side the River, with David Rugg and Robert Baker belonging to our Fort. I made as much Noife as I could, by Hamming &c. that they might fee us before the Indians faw them, and fo get afhore, and happily efcape; but the Indians faw them, and fhot a-crofs the River twenty or thirty Guns at them, and kill'd the firft mention'd Perfon, viz. David Rugg, but Robert Baker the other Perfon got afhore, and efcaped. Then fome of the Indians fwam over the River, & bro't the Canoe over the River, fcalp'd & ftript the dead Man, and then went about a Mile further, when we came to another Houfe, where we ftop'd; while there, we heard Men running by the Bank of the River, whom I knew to be Jonathan Thay- "Connecticut River. HOW'S NARRATIVE 29 er, Samuel Nutting, & my Son Caleb How: Five of the Indians ran to head them. My Heart ak'd for them, & pray'd to God-to fave them from the Hands of the Enemy. I fup- pofe they hid under the Bank of the River; for the Indians were gone fome Time, but came back without them, bleffed be God. We went about a Mile further, where we lodg'd that Night, and roafted the Meat they had got: The next Day we travel'd very flow, by Reafon of the In- [5] dian who was wound ed, which was a great Favour to me. We lodg'd the fecond Night againft Number Four'* the third Day we likewife traveled flowly, and ftop'd often to reft, & to get along the wounded Man; we lodg'd that Night by the fecond fmall Rivert that runs into the great River againft Numb. Four. The fourth Day Morning, the Indians held a Piece of Bark, and bid me write my Name, & how many Days we had travel'd; for, faid they, May be Englifh-Men will come here. That was a hard Day to me; for it was a wet Day, and we went over prodigious Mountains, fo that I became weak & faint; for I had not eaten the value of one Meal from the Time I was taken, having nothing to eat but Beef *Now Charlestown, N. H., so called in honor of Sir Charles Knowles. In 1745 it was the most northern settle ment on the Connecticut River. tBlack River, located on the Morris Map, 1749, pub lished with William Pote's Journal', also on Sauthier's map of New York, 1779. 30 HOW'S NARRATIVE almoft raw, without Bread or Salt. When I came firft to the Foot of thofe Hills, I tho't it was impof f ible for me to afcend them, without immediate Help from God; therefore my con- f tant Recourfe was to him for Strength ; which he was gracioufly pleafed to grant me; and for which I defire to Praife him. We got that Day a little before Night to a Place where they had a hunting Houfe, a Kettle, fome Beef,* Indian Corn, and Salt: They boiPd a good Mefs of it; I drank of the Broth, eat of the Meat & Corn, and was wonderfully re- frefhed, fo that I felt like another Man. The next Morning we got up early, and after we had eaten, my Mafter faid to me, You muft quick 'walk to Day, or I will kill you. I told him I would go as faft as I could, and no f after, if he did kill me : At which, an old Indian who was the beft Friend I had, took Care of me. We traveled that Day very hard, and over fteep Hills, but it being a cool windy [6] Day, I performed it with more Eafe than before; yet I was much tired before Night, but dare not complain. The next Day the Indians gave me a Pair of their Shoes, fo that I traveled with abundant more Eafe than when I wore my own Shoes; tho' I eat but very little, our Victuals being almoft fpent; when the Sun was about two Hours high, the Indians fcattered to hunt, and *Misprinted "Beer" in the original, but corrected by a contemporary hand in the copy used for this reprint. HOWS NARRATIVE 3 1 they foon kill'd a Fawn, & three fmall Bears; fo that we had again Meat enough, fome of which we boil'd, and eat heartily of, by which I felt ftrong. The next Day we travePd very hard, and perform'd it with Eafe; infomuch that one of the Indians told me, I was a very ftrong Man : About three of the Clock we came to the Lake,* where they had five Canoes, and Pork, Indian Corn, & Tobacco. We got into the Canoes, when the Indians^/hick up a Pole about eight Feet long with the Scalp of David Rugg on the Top of it, painted red, with the Likenefs of Eyes and Mouth on it: We faiPd about ten Miles, and then went on Shore; and after we had made a Fire, we boil'd a good Supper, and eat heartily. The next Day we fet fail for Crown-Point, but when we were within a Mile of the Place, they went on Shore, where were eight or ten French & Indians, but before I got on Shore two of them came running into the Water Knee deep, and pulPd me out of the Canoe; there they fang and danced round me, after which one of them bid me fet down, which I did; and then they pull'd off my Shoes and Buckles, and [7] took them from me. Soon after we went along to Crown-Point, and when we got there, the People both French and Indians were very thick by the Water-Side; *Probably they embarked nearly opposite Ticonderoga, at about the present Larrabee's Point. 32 HOW'S NARRATIVE two of the Indians took me out of the Canoe, and leading me, bid me run, which we did; it was about twenty Rods from the Fort; the Fort is large, built with Stone & Lime; they led me up to the third Loft, where was the Captain's Chamber; a Chair was bro't that I might fet by the Fire and warm me. Soon after the Indians that I belonged to, and others that were there, came into the Chamber, among whom was one I knew, named Peal- tomy- he came and fpake to me, and fhook Hands with me; and I was glad to fee him: He went out, but foon returned and brought to me another Indian named Amrufus* Huf- band to Mrs. Eunice Williams, Daughter of the late Rev. Mr. Williams^ of DeerfielJ] he was glad to fee me, and I to fee him. He afked me after his Wife's Relations, and *Eunice Williams, born on September 16th, 1696, daughter of Rev. John Williams, of Deerfield, Mass., was carried captive to Canada in 1704. She remained there and married an Indian, assumed Indian habits, and forgot what English she had known. In Canada she died at the age of about ninety years. The Rev. Eleazer Williams, her great-grandson, stated that she married an Indian by the name of De Rogers, but I believe How is nearer the truth, since De Rogers may have been phonetically misunderstood for Amrusus. Williams Genealogy. Greenfield, 1847, pp. 92, ff. tRev. John Williams, first minister of Deerfield, was captured there by French and Indians on February 29th, 1703-4. He was carried into captivity to Canada; was redeemed, and left Quebec on October 25th, 1706, for Boston, where he arrived on November 21st. He published an account of his captivity, namely, The Redeemed Captive, Returning to Zion. Boston: B. Green, 1707. A second edition was printed during his lifetime, and there have been many editions since. HOW'S NARRATIVE 33 fhew'd a great deal of Refpect to me. A while after this, the Indians fat in a Ring in the Chamber, and Pealtomy came to me, and told me, I muft go fing and dance before the Indians; I told him, I could not: He told me over fome Indian Words, and bid me fing them: I told him, I could not. With that the reft of the Fort who could fpeak fome Englifh came to me, & bid me fing it in Eng- lifh, which was, / don't know where I go; which I did, dancing round that Ring three Times ; and then I fat down by the Fire : The Prieft came to me, and gave me a Dram of Rum; after that the Captain brought me Part of a Loaf of Bread and a Plate of Butter, and afk'd me [8] to eat, which I did heartily; for I had not eaten any Bread from the Time I was taken till then. The French Prieft and all the Officers fhew'd me a great deal of Refpect: The Captain gave me a Pair of good Buckfkin Shoes, the Prieft fix'd them on my Feet; and we ftay'd there that Night; where I flept with the Prieft, Captain & Lieut: The Lieutenant's Name was Ballock* he had been a Prifoner at Bofton, and had been at Northampton and the Towns there abouts. This Day, which was the Sabbath, I was well treated by the French Officers with Victuals and Drink: We tarried there 'till Noon, then went off about a Mile, and put on *No doubt this refers to Sieur de Beaulac, "a reformed lieutenant," who commanded at Fort Chambly in 1746. N. Y. Col. Docs., vol. x, p. 36. 34 HOWS NARRATIVE Shore; where they ftay'd the reft of the Day, and having Rum with them, moft of them were much Liquor'd. Pealtomy and his Squaw, and another Indian Family went with us, and by them I found out that Wm. Phips* kill'd an Indian, bef ides that wet wounded be fore he was kill'd, for an Indian who was with us, afk'd me, if there was one kill'd near our Fort laft Summer? I told him, I did not know: He faid he had a Brother went out then, and had not feen him fince, and that he had heard he was kill'd at our Fort, and wanted to know if it was true: But I did not think it beft to tell him any fuch Thing was fufpected. But the Indians now got into a Frolick and quarel'd about me; they made me fet in the Canoe by the Water-fide: I was afraid they would hurt if not kill me: They attempted to come to me, but the fober Indians hinder'd them that were in Liquor. Pealtomy feeing the Rout went to the Fort, and foon after Lieut. Ballock, with fome Soldiers, came to us, [9] and when the Indians w r ere made eafy, they went away : We lodg'd there that Night, and the next Day was a ftormy Day of Wind *William Phips was one of the original settlers of the Great Meadow (Putney, Vt.). He was captured by the Indians on July 5th, 1745, while hoeing in his corn-field at the south-west corner of the meadow, and he was butchered about a half mile from the place, but not without his first succeeding in killing one of his captors and mortally wounding another. Of. Doolittle's Short Narrative. Bos ton, 1750, p. 2; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, vol. ix, p. 163. tA misprint in the original for "he." HOWS NARRATIVE 35 Snow & Rain ; fo that we* forc'd to tarry there that Day and the next Night; in this Time the Indians continued fetching Rum from the Fort, and kept half drunk: Here I under went fome Hardfhip by ftaying there fo long in a Storm without Shelter or Blanket. They had a great Dance that Night, and hung up David Rugg's Scalp on a Pole, dancing round it: After they had done, they lay down to fleep. The next Morning, which was the tenth Day from the Time of my being taken, we went off in a Canoe, and the Night after we arriv'd at the wide Lake^ and there we stay'd that Night; fome of the Indians went a hunt ing, and kill'd a fat Buck-Deer, fo that we had Victuals plenty, for we had a full Supply of Bread given us at the Fort at Crown-Point. The next Morning the Wind being calm, we fet out about two Hours before Day; foon after came to a Schooner lying at Anchor, went on Board, the French treated us very civilly: They gave each of us a Dram of Rum, and Victuals to eat. As foon as it was Day we left the Schooner, & two Hours before Sun-fet got over the Lake, & next Day came to Shamballee^- where we met 300 French and 200 Indians, who did the Mifchief at & *The omission of "were" is so in the original. tLake Champlain. JFort Chambly, named from Jacques de Chambly, founder of the seigniory of Chambly. How's form is merely one of several phonetical spellings which are numerous in the documents. 36 HOW'S NARRATIVE about Mr. Lydius^ Fort.* I was taken out of the Canoe by two Frenchmen, and fled to a Houfe about ten Rods off as faft as I could run, the Indians flinging Snow-Balls at me. As foon as I got to the Houfe, the Indians ftood round me very thick, and bid me fing & dance; which I did with [10] them, in their Way, then they gave a Shout, and left off. Two of them came to me, one of whom fmote me on one Cheek, to'thert on the other, which made the Blood run plentifully. Then they bid me fing and dance again, which I did with them, and they with me, fhouting as before. Then two French Men took me under each Arm, and run fo faft that the Indians could not keep up with us to hurt me: We ran about 40 Rods to another Houfe; where a Chair was bro't for me to fet down: The Houfe was foon full of French & Indians, and round the Houfe they were looking in at the Windows. A French Gentleman came to me, took me by the Hand, and led me into a fmall Room, where none came in but fuch as he admitted: He gave me Victuals and Drink: Several French Gentlemen and Indians came in, and were civil to me. The Indians who came in, could fpeak Englifh; they fhook Hands with me, call'd me, Brother. They told me they were all Soldiers, and were going to New- *Fort Edward, often called Port Lydius, after John Henry Lydius, who was governor there for many years. tA vagary for "t'other." HOW'S NARRATIVE 37 England: They faid, they fhould go to my Town; which was a great Damp to my Spirit, 'till I heard of their Return, where they had been, and what they had done. A while after this, the Indians whom I belong'd to, came to me, and told me we muft go; which we did; and after going down tfre River about two Miles, we came to the thickeft of the Town, where was a large Fort built with Stone and Lime, & very large and fine Houfes in it; where was the General of the Army I fpake of before : He afked me, what News from London and Boston ; I told him fuch as I tho't convenient, and omitted the reft; and then [ 1 1 ] went down to the Canoes, when fome of the Indians went and got a plenty of Bread & Beef, which they put into the Canoes, and then we went into a French Houfe, where we had a good Supper: There came in feveral French Gentlemen to fee me, who were civil to me; one of them gave me a Crown Sterl. We lodg'd there 'till about two Hours before Day, when we arofe, and went down the River;* I fuppofe we went a Hundred Milest that Day, which bro't us into the great River call'd Quebec-River] we lodg'd that Night in a French Houfe, and were civilly treated. The next Day we went down the River, and I was carried before the Governour there, *The Sorel River, also called Richelieu and Chambly. tEvidently an exaggeration, unless the distance includ ed the Sorel and part of the St. Lawrence. 38 HOW'S NARRATIVE which was the Sabbath, and the i6th Day after my being taken. We ftay'd there about three Hours, and were well treated by the French ; and then the Indians were order'd to carry me down to Quebeck; which was 90 Miles further: We went down the River about three Miles that Night; then went afhore, and lodg'd the remainder of the Night. The next Morning we fet off, and the fecond Day which was the i8th from the Time I was taken, we arrived at Quebec. The Land is inhabited on both Sides the River from the Lake to Quebec, which is at leaft two Hun dred Miles, but efpecially from Shamballe very thick, fo that the Houfes are within Sight of one another all the Way. But to return; after we arrived at Quebec, I was carried up into a large Chamber which was full of Indians, who were civil to me: Many of the French came in to fee me, and were very kind to me: I [12] ftay'd there about two Hours, when a French Gentleman who could fpeak good Englifh came in and told me, I muf t go with him to the Governour ; which I did; and after anfwering to a great many Queftions,* and treated with as much Bread & Wine as I defired, I was fent with an Officer to the Guard Houfe, and led into a fmall Room, where was an Englifh-Man *The nature of the questions and How's replies are given in Collection de Manuscrits relatifs d la Nouvelle- France, vol. iii, pp. 268-270. HOW'S NARRATIVE 39 named William Stroud, a Kinfman of the Hon. Judge Lynde's in New-England: He belong'd to South-Carolina, and had been at Quebec fix Years, whom the Governour kept confm'd for fear he fhou'd leave them and go to New-England, and difcover their Strength: Mr. Stroud and I were kept in the Guard- Houfe one Week, with a Sufficiency of Food and Drink: The French Gentlemen kept coming in to fee me, & was very civilly treated by them: I had the better Opportunity of difcourfing with them as Mr. Stroud was a good Interpreter. After this we were fent to Prifon, where I found one James Kinlade* who was taken 14 Days before I was, at Sheep-cot at the Eaft- ward in New-England: I was much pleafed with^his Converfation, efteeming him a Man of true Piety: We were kept in Prifon eight Days, with Liberty to keep in the Room with the Prifon-keeper. We were daily vifited by Gentlemen and Ladies, who fhew'd us great Kindnefs, in giving us Money and other Things, and a pleafant Behaviour towards us; bleffed be God therefor, for I defire to afcribe all the Favours I have been the Partaker of ever fince my Captivity, to the abundant *Kincaid, Kinkead or Kinkhead is of Gaelic origin, and in Scotland is written Kincade. He was captured on September 27th, 1745. His deposition to the French is printed in Coll. de MSS. relates d la N.-F., vol. iii, pp. 261- 262. 40 HOW'S NARRATIVE Grace & Goodnefs of a bountiful God, as the firft Caufe. [13] After this, Mr. Kinlade and I were fend* to another Prifon, where were 22 Sea men belonging to feveral Parts of our King's Dominions, three of them Captains of Veffels, viz James Southerland^ of Cape-Cod, Wil liam Chipmani- of Marblehead, William Pote\ of Caf co-Bay- this Prifon was a large House built with Stone & Lime two Feet thick, and about 120 Feet long. We had two large Stoves in it, & Wood enough, fo that we could keep ourfelves warm in the coldeft Weather. We had Provifion fufficient, viz. two Pound of good Wheat Bread, one Pound of Beef, and Peas anfwerable, to each Man ready drefs'd every day.ll When I had been there a few Days the Captives defir'd me to lead them in carrying *So printed in the original. tJames Sutherland, commander of the schooner Sea- flower. He was captured in Annapolis Basin, Nova Scotia, with Captain William Pote, Jr., and the full details are recorded in the Journal of the latter. JWilliam Chapman was captured with his brigantine while "Bound from Maryland to London," on May 24th, 1745. Pote's Journal, p. 80. His personal history is given in the appendix to his newjy-found journal, edited by me for Bishop John P. Hurst. The Journal of Captain William Pote, Jr., during his Captivity in the French and Indian War from May, 1745, to August, 1747. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1896. 8vo, pp. xxxvii+223, with Charles Morris's map of 1749. In this work I have recorded the personal history of nearly all the captives referred to in How's pamphlet. ||How was brought to this prison on Sunday, November 17th, 1745. HOW'S NARRATIVE 41 on Morning and Evening Devotion, which I was willing to do : We had a Bible, a Pfalm- Book, and fome other good Books; our con- ftant Practice was to read a Chapter in the Bible, and fing Part of a Pf aim, and to pray, Night and Morning. When I was at the firft Prifon I was ftript of all my old and loufey Cloaths, and had other Cloathing given me from Head to Foot, and had many Kindneffes fhewn me by thofe that liv'd thereabouts, more efpecially by one Mr. Corby and his Wife, who gave me Money there, and brought me many good Things at the other Prifon. But here I was taken ill, as was alfo moft of the other Prifoners, with a Flux, which lafted near a Month, fo that I was grown very weak, but after that I was healthful, thro' divine Goodnefs, bleffed be God for it: I was much concerned for my Country, efpecially for the Place I was taken from, [14] by Reafon that I met an Army going thither, as they told me : The 2jth Day of November* we had News come to the Prifon that they were come back to Shamballe, and had taken upwards of a Hundred Cap tives, which increas'd my Concern, for I ex pected our Fort, & others thereabouts, were deftroy'd, which put me upon earneft Prayer to God, that he would give me Grace to fubmit *This information supplies a partial gap in Pote's Journal. It refers to the attack on Saratoga, the present Schuylerville, on the night of November 28 and 29 (new style), 1745. 42 HO WS NARRA TIVE to his Will; after which I was eafy in my Mind. About a Fortnight after,* a Dutchman was bro't to Prifon, who was one of the Captives the f aid Army had taken ; he told me they had burnt Mr. Ly dins' s Fort, and all the Houfes at that new Townfhip, and had kill'd Capt. Schyler^ and five or fix more, and had brought 50 Whites and about 60 Negroes to Montreal: I was forry to hear of fo much Mifchief done, but rejoyc'd they had not been upon our River and the Towns thereabouts; for which I gave Thanks to God for his great Goodnefs in pre- ferving them, and particularly my Family. When Chriftmas came,t the Governour fent us 24 Livres; the Lord-Intendant came into the Prifon and gave us 24 Livres more, which was about two Guineas : He told us he hop'd we fhould be fent Home in a little Time; he was a pleafant Gentleman, and very kind to the Captives: Some time after Mr. Shearly a Gentleman of Quality came to us, and gave to the three Sea Captains 24 Livres, and to me twelve, and the next Day fent me a Bottle of Claret Wine. About ten Days after he fent *December llth (old style). Pote, p. 85. tApparently Capt. Nicholas Schuyler is meant, but he was not killed. tThe Canadians of course celebrated Christmas eleven days earlier than the New Englanders, or according to "new style." Cf. Pote, p. 85, under date of December 15th. M. de Chalet, interpreter of the King. This visit was made on January 10th, 1745-6. Cf. Pote, p. 85. HOW'S NARRATIVE 43 me twelve Livres more; it was in all eight Pounds old Tenor. [15] January 2Oth 1745, 6. Eighteen Cap tives* were brought from Montreal to the Prifon at Quebec, which is 180 Miles. February 22. Seven Captives more who were taken at Albany^ were brought to the Prifon to us, viz. fix Men and one old Woman 70 Years old, who had been fo infirm for feven Years paft, fhe had not been able to walk the Streets, yet perform'd this tedious Journey with Eafe. March 15. One of the Captives taken at Albany after 14 or 15 Days Sicknefs died in the Hofpital at Quebec, a Man of a fober pious Converfation, his Name was Lawrence Plaffer,^ a German born. May 3d 1746. Three Captives taken at Number Four, fixteen Miles above where I was taken, viz. Capt. John Spafford, Ifaac Parker, and Stephen Farnfivorth, were brought to Prifon to us ; who inform'd me my Family was well a few Days before they were taken, which rejoyc'd me much. I was forry for the Misfortune of thefe my Friends, but was glad of their Company, and of their ""They were among those whom Lieutenant Marin had taken captive at Saratoga. Pote, p. 86. tSaratoga is correct. iDuring the many months in which captives had been confined in this prison, none had died. Lawrence Platter or Plater, according to Norton, p. 30, and Pote, p. 165, was the first to succumb to illness. He also was captured at Saratoga. 44 HOW'S NARRATIVE being well ufed by thofe who took them : Let God have the Praife. May 14. Two Captives were brought into Prifon, viz. Jacob Read and Edward Clout- man^ taken at a new Townfhip called Gorham- Town near Caf co-Bay. They inform'd us that one Man, and four Children of one of them were kill'd and his Wife taken at the fame Time with them, & was in the Hands of Indians.* May 1 6. Two lads, viz. James & Samuel And erf on, Brothers, taken at S keep f cot were bro't to Prifon. May 17. Samuel Burbank & David Wood- well^ who were taken at New-Hopkington near Rumford, were [16] brought to Prifon, and inform'd us, there were taken with them two Sons of the faid Burbank, and the Wife, two Sons and a Daughter of the faid Wood- well, whom they left in the Hands of the Indians. t May 24. Thomas Jones of Hollifton, who was a Soldier at Contocook, was brought to Prifon, and told us, that one Elifha Cook, and a Negro belonging to the Rev Mr. Stevens, were kill'd, when he was taken. t June i. William Aikings taken at Pleaf- *William Bryant and family. See names and details in Pote's Journal, pp. 88, 97, 104, 117. tCompare Pote's Journal, pp. 89, 90. JFuller details are given in Pote, p. 90. William Akins Pote, p. 90. HOW'S NARRATIVE 45 ant Point near George s Fort was brought alfo to Prifon. June 2. Mr Shearly* brought feveral Letters of Deacon Timothy Brown's of Lower- AfhuelotsJ and Money, and delivered them to me; which made us think he was kill'd or taken. A few Days after, Mr. Shearly told me he was taken : I was glad to hear he was alive. June 6. Timothy Cumingst aged 60 was bro't to Prifon, who informed us, he was at Work with five other Men, about 40 Rods from the Block-Houfe at George's, when five Indians fhot at them, but hurt none. The Men ran away and left him & their Guns to the Indians; he told us that the Enfign was kiird as he ftood on the Top of the Fort, and that the Englifh kill'd five Indians at the fame Time. June 13. Mr. Shearly bro't to the Cap tives fome Letters which were fent from Al bany, and among them one from Lieut Gov- ernour Phipps of the Maffachufetts-Bay, to the Governour of Canada, for the Exchange of Prifoners, which gave us great Hopes of a fpeedy Releafe. June 22. Eight Men were brought to Prifon, among whom was Deacon Brown and *De Chalet. tNow Swanzey, N. H. tTimothy Cummings. 46 HO WS NARRA TIVE Robert Morfe* [17] who inform me there was fix or eight Indians kill'd a little before they were taken at Upper-Afhuelots, and that they learnt by the Indians who took them, there were fix more of the Englifh kill'd at other Places near Connecticut-River; & fev- eral more much wounded; thefe laft, were fuppos'd to be the Wife and Children of the aforefaid Burbank and WoodwelL July 5. We fent a Petition to the chief Governor that we might be exchang'd; and the yth Mr. Shearly told us we fhould be exchang'd for other Captives in a little Time; which caus'd great Joy among us : The fame Day at Night John Beman of Northfield was bro't to Prifon, who told us, that an Expedi tion againft Canada w r as on Foot, which much rejoyc'd us: He alfo told us of the three Fights at Number Fowr, and who were kill'd & taken ; and of Mifchief done in feveral other Places near Connecticut-River; and that my Brother Daniel How's Son Daniel was taken with him. and was in the Hands of Indians, who defsign'd to keep him.t July 20. John Jones a Seaman was brought into Prifon, who told us he was going from *Deacon Timothy Brown and Robert Moffat. Potc, p. 91. tJohn Beaumont, Beaman or Bement and Daniel How were captured during an attack upon a number of men at work in the meadow at Bridgman's fort, on the site of Ver- non, Vermont. Cf. Pote, pp. 91, 92. HO W'S NARRA TIVE 47 Cape-Breton to Newfoundland with one Eng- lifhman, and four Frenchmen who had fworn Allegiance to King George, and in the Paf- fage kilPd the other Englifhman, but carried him to the Bay of Arb, where there was an Army of French and Indians, to whom they delivered him; and by them was fent to Que bec. July 21. John Richards and a Boy of nine or ten Years old, who belonged to Rochester in N ew-H amp f hire, were brought to Prifon, and told us, there were four Englifhmen kill'd when they were taken.* [18] August 15. Seven Captives, who with eight more taken at St. John's Ifland, were bro't to Prifon, and told us, that feveral were kill'd after Quarters were given, among whom was James Owen late of Brookfield in New- England.^ August 16. Thomas Jones late of Sher- burne in New-England, after 7 or 8 Days Sicknefs died: He gave good Satisfaction as to his future State. Auguft 25. We had at Canada a Squal of Snow. September 12. Robert Downing^ who had been a Soldier at Cape-Breton, and was taken at St. /oAw's, and who was with the Indians *For a full account see Pote, p. 93. tFor their names and the circumstances of their cap ture, see Pote, p. 93. IPote calls him "Rob*- Dewen." 48 HOW'S NARRATIVE two Months, and fuffer'd great Abufe from them, was brought to Prifon. September 15. Twenty-three of the Cap tives taken at Hoofuck-Fort* were brought to Prifon, among whom was the Reverend Mr. John Norton: They inform us, that after fighting 26 Hours with 800 French and In dians, they furrendered themfelves on Capitu lation Prifoners of War : They alf o informed us, that Thomas Nalton^ and Jofiah Read$ were kill'd when they were taken. The Names of thofe now brought in Prifoners, are as fol lows, viz. The Rev. Mr. John Norton, John Hawks, John SmeeJ, his Wife and fix Child ren, John Perry and his Wife, Mofes Scot his Wife and two Children, Samuel Goodman, Jonathan Bridgman, Nathan Ernes ^ Jofeph Scot, Amos Pratt, Benjamin Sinconds, Samuel Lovet, David Warren, and Phineas Furbufh :\\ *Fort Massachusetts, in the present town of Adams, Berkshire County, Mass. The best contemporary account of its surrender is contained in Rev. John Norton's The Redeemed Captive, Being a Narrative Of the taking and carrying into Captivity The Reverend Mr. John Norton When Fort Massachusetts Surrendered to a large Body of French and Indians Aug. 20th, JUtf. Boston, 1748. It was reprinted by Samuel G. Drake in 1870. tThomas Knowlton was shot through the head on the morning of August 20th, before the fort surrendered, "so that some of his brains came out, yet life remained in him for some hours." Norton, p. 8. JJosiah Reed had a "long and tedious sickness" at the time of the surrender, and "either died of his illness, or else was killed by the enemy," on the following night. Norton, pp. 12, 14. Nathan Eames. ||Phinehas Forbush. HO W'S NARRA TIVE 49 The two laft of thefe inform me, that my Brother Daniel How's Son was taken from the Indians, and lives with a French Gentleman at Montreal. There were four Captives more taken at Albany the laft Summer brought to Prifon the fame Day.* [19] September 26. Seventy-four Men and two Women taken at Sea were brought to Prifon.t October I. Jacob Shepard\ of Wef thor ough, taken at Hoofuck, was brought to Prif on. Octob. 3. Jonath. Batherlckl was bro't to Prifon. October 5. Seventeen Men were brought to Prifon, three of them taken with Mr. Nor ton & others, viz. Nath. Hitchcock, John Aldrick,\\ and Stephen Scot : Richard Subes^ who was taken at Nen7 17. JoArc Di'// of Hull^ in England died. * Spelled Dugan by Pote, and Dogan by Norton. f James Megraw. Pote, p. 166; "Thomas Magra, an Irishman." Norton, p. 35. $Mary Smeed. For the tragical history of the Smeed or Smead family, see Pote, p. 115 (note). John Smeed, son of John Smeed is meant. Pote, p. 116. 1 1 Antonio, a Portuguese sailor. Pote, p. 116; Norton, p. 36. flNorton, p. 36, says he "belonged to Nantaskett." 54 HOW'S NARRATIVE April 1 8. Samuel Venhon* of Plimouth died. April 26. Capt. Jonathan Williamson was brought to Prifon; he was taken at a new Town on Sheepfcot River. April 26. Three Men were brought to Prifon, who were taken at Albany three Weeks before, and tell us, that thirteen were kill'd, Capt. Trent one of them, they were all Sol diers for the Expedition to Canada. April 27. Joseph Denox^ died. April 28. Samuel Evans died. The fame Night the Prifon took Fire, and was burnt,t but the Things therein were moftly faved: We were kept that Night under a Guard. May 7. Sarah Lydle whofe Name was Briant when fhe was taken, and married while a Captive, died. [22] May 13. Mr. Smeed's Son Daniel died. May 14. Christian Fether died. The fame Day died Mr. Hezekiah Huntington, a hopeful Youth of a liberal Education, Son to Col. Huntington\\ of Connecticut, in New- England. May 15. Joseph Gray died. *Samuel Vaughan is the correct name. Pote, p. 118. t Joseph Denen. Pote, p. 118; Norton says, "Joseph Denring of Cape Ann." JPote gives a detailed account of the fire. Journal, pp. 122-125. Chriatian Veddjer. Pote spells his name "Vader," and Norton gives it as "Tedder." ||Deacon Hezekiah Huntington, of Norwich, Conn. HOWS NARRATIVE 55 May 19. Samuel Burbanks* died. At the fame Time died two Childrent who were put out to the French to Nurfe. At that Time I received a Letter from Major Willard, dated March 17. 1747, where in he informs me, my Family was well ; which was joyful News to me. May 19. Abraham Forfi died. *Samuel Burbank, of New Hopkinton. tOne of these was Captivity Smeed, aged about nine months. She died, May 17th or 18th. tHe was a brother of John Fort. 56 HO W'S NARRA TIVE By another Hand. MAY 25, 1747. This Day died Mr. lf0W, in the Hofpital at Quebec in Cana da, in the 55th Year of his Age ; who had been a Captive there one Year, feven Months, and fifteen Days : He enjoy' d his Health 'till about the middle of this Month: He was a loving Hufband, and a tender Father; greatly belov'd by his Brethren and Sifters, and in deed by every One who was acquainted with him: Mr. How was a Perfon who had be- hav'd himfelf as a Chriftian from his Youth. His Death is a great Lofs to his Friends; but I believe a Gain to himfelf; and that he is gone from a Captivity of Sorrow on Earth, to join in Songs of everlafting Joy among the RanfonVd of the Lord in the heavenly Zion. HO W'S NARRATIVE 57 [23] The Names of the Subfcribers, with the Places of their Abode, to the foregoing Narrative, with the Number of Books fub- fcribed for. Worcester. The Hon. John Chandler, Efq; Six Books. Major Daniel Howard, fix Books. Mr. Thomas Wheeler, fix Books. Mr. John Curtifs, fix Books. Concord, The Hon. James Minot, Efq; fix Books. Mr. Thomas Munrow, fix Books. Mr. Henry Flint, fix Books. Bofton, Mr. Jonas Leonard, fix Books. Mr. John Burbeeen [sic] fix Books. Rutland, Capt. Jofeph Stevens, fix Books. Capt. Edward Rice, fix Books, Mr. Mofes Leonard, fix Books. Mr. Andrew Henry, fix Books. Mr. Thomas Flint, fix Books. Mr. Nathan Stone, fix Books. Mr. James Calwell, fix Books. Mr. Joseph Houlton, fix Books. Mr. Aaron Rofs, fix Books. Capt. John Hubbard, fix Books. 58 HOWS NARRATIVE Rutland, Mr. Edward Savage, fix Books. Mr. Eliphalet How, fix Books. Mr. Jonas Stone, fix Books. Mr. Daniel Davis, three Books. Mr. Ifrael How, fix Books. Mr. Benjamin Willard,ii^ Books. Mr. Skelten Felton, fix Books. Deacon Eleazer Ball, fix Books. Mr. Mofes How, feven Books. [24] Lancaster, Samuel Willard, Efq; fix Books. Mr. Joshua Hide, fix Books. Cambridge, William Brattle, Efq; fix Books. Edmund Goffe, Efq ; fix Books- Stoughton, John Shepard, Efq; fix Books. Shrewfbury,Mr. Daniel Willard, feven Books. Hartford, Mr. Edward Gadwell, Jun. fix Books. Brim fie Id, Mr. Daniel Burt, fix Books. Sturbridge, Capt. Mofes Marfey, fix Books. Norton, Capt. Jonathan Lawrence, feven Books. Sudbury, Mr. Ifaac Baldwin, fix Books. Mr. David How, fix Books. Mr. Ezekiel How, fix Books. Brookfield, Oliver Hayward, Efq; fix Books. Mr. Ebenezer How, fix Books. Mr. Abner Brown, fix Books. Uxbridge, John Harwood, Efq; fix Books. Upton, Mr. Jonathan Wood, fix Books. Wood-ftock, Mr. Joseph Chaff e, Jun. fix Books. HOWS NARRATIVE 59 Mendon, Mr. William Rawfon, Jim. fix Books. Townfhend, Mr. Timothy Heald, fix Books. Leicester, Mr. Oliver Witt, five Books. Marlboro\ Mr. Ephraim Bridgham, fix Books. Springfield, Mr. Luke Stebbins, f ix 5ooks. MY. Nathaniel Ely, fix Books. INDEX ABENAKIS of St. Francis, cap ture Nehemiah How on Great Meadow, 10. Adams, Robert, brought to pris on at Quebec, 50, 50 note. Adams, Berkshire County, Mass., site of Port Massachusetts, 15; captives from, brought to pris on at Quebec, 47, 49, 49 note; depredation at Fort Massachu setts, 48, 48 note. Aikings, William. See Akins. Akins, William, brought to pris on at Quebec, 44-45. Albany, N. Y., 43, 45, 49, 49 note, 51, 54. Aldrich, John, brought to prison at Quebec, 49. Alexander, Ebenezer, captain, marches with company to pro tect frontiers near Great Mead ow, 9. Almsbury, perhaps an error for Newbury, Mass., 51. Amrusus, Indian, husband of Eunice Williams, visits How at Crown Point, 32, 32 note. Anderson, Sr., James, father of James and Samuel, killed, 50. Anderson, Jr., James, brought to prison at Quebec, 44; his fath er killed, 50; Capt. John Mc- Near his uncle, 50, 51, 51 note. Anderson, Samuel, brought to prison at Quebec, 44. Andrews, Francis, dies in prison at Quebec, 52, 52 note. Andrews, Phineas. See Andrews, Francis. Annapolis Basin, Nova Scotia, vessels captured in, 40 note. Antonio, a Portuguese, dies in prison at Quebec, 53, 53 note. BAGLEY, Jacob, dies in prison at Quebec, 52, 52 note. Bagley, William, captain, dies in prison at Quebec, 51, 51 note; his brother dies at Quebec, 52. Bailey, Jacob. See Bagley. Bailey, William, captain. See Bagley. Baker, Robert, settles at Great Meadow, 8; narrowly escapes death by Indians, 12, 28. Baldwin, Isaac, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. ' Ball, Eleazer, original subscrib er for How's tract, 58. Ballock, Lieut. See Beaulac, Sieur de. Batherick, Jonathan. See Don- ham. Bay of Arb, army of French and Indians at, 47. Beaman, John. See Bement. Beaulac, Sieur de, French lieu tenant at Fort Chambly, a pris oner at Boston, 33; at Crown Point, 33; subdues boisterous- ness of drunken Indians, 34. Beaumont, John. See Bement. Beman, John. See Bement. Bement, John, brought to prison at Quebec, 46; account of, 46 note. Bennet, Richard, dies in prison at Quebec, 53. 62 INDEX Bent, Martha. See How, Martha (Bent). i Black River, Vermont, 12; locat ed, 29 note. Boon, John, apprentice to Capt. David Roberts, dies in prison at Quebec, 50, 51 note. Boscawen, N. H., formerly Con- toocook, soldier from, brought to prison at Quebec, 44. Boston, Mass., 57; How's tract printed originally at, 17, 25; Rev. John Williams returns from captivity to, 32; Sieur de Beaulac, French lieutenant, prisoner at, 33; How inter viewed concerning news from, 37. Braban, Giat. See Braband, Guy. Braband, Guy, dies in prison at Quebec, 52, 52 note. Brabbon, Guyart. See Braband, Guy. Bradshaw, John, dies in prison at Quebec, 51. Brattle, William, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Briant, Sarah. See Lydle, Sarah. Bridgman, Ephraim, original subscriber for How's tract, 59. Bridgman, Jonathan, brought to prison at Quebec, 48. Bridgman's Fort. See Vernon, Vt. Brimfield, Mass., 58. Brinley, George, his copy of How's tract in New York Pub lic Library, 16. Brookfield, Mass., 47, 58. Brown, Abner, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Brown, Timothy, letters from, delivered to How, 45; brought to prison at Quebec, 45, 46 note. Bryant, Sarah. See Lydle, Sarah. Bryant, William, killed at Gor- hamtown, 44, 44 note; his wid ow married to Leonard Lydle in prison, 50. Bryant family, 44, 44 note. Burbank, Samuel, brought to prison at Quebec, 44; two sons of, captured, 44; wife and chil dren of, 46; dies in prison, 55. Burbeen, John, original sub scriber for How's tract, 57. Burt, Daniel, original subscrib er for How's tract, 58. CADWELL (Caldwell?), Jr., Ed ward, original subscriber for How's tract, 58. Calwell (Caldwell?), James, orig inal subscriber for How's tract, 57. Cambridge, Mass., 58. Canada, 11, 17, 20, 25, 32 note, 47, 50, 54, 56; governor of, re ceives letter from Mass., for exchange of prisoners, 45; pro posed expedition against, 46. Cape Ann, prisoners from, die at Quebec, 52, 54 note. Cape Breton, 47. Cape Cod, Mass., 40. Casco Bay, Maine, 40, 44. Chaffe, Jr., Joseph, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Chalet, M. de (written Shearly by How), interpreter of the King, visits prisoners at Que bec, 42, 42 note, 45, 46. Chambly, fort, 12, 38, 41; Sieur de Beaulac commands at, 33 toote; How and his captors ar rive at, 35; number of French and Indians there in October, 1745, 35-37; origin of name, 35 note; description of, 37. Chambly River. See Sorel River. Chandler, John, original sub scriber for How's tract, 57. Chapman, William, captain, in prison at Quebec, 40; account of, 40 note; his carpenter dies at Quebec, 52. INDEX Charlestown, N. H., formerly called "No. 4," Indians at, 12, 29; Col. Josiah Willard with scouting party at, 13; captives from, brought to prison at Que bec, 43; three attacks on, 46. Christmas, celebrated in prison at Quebec, 42, 42 note. Clapp, Sarah (Leavitt). See How, Sarah (Leavitt) (Clapp). Cloutman, Jr., Edward, brought to prison at Quebec, 44; es capes from prison, 50. Concord, Mass., 57. Connecticut, 54. Connecticut River, 7, 11, 28, 29 note', land-grants in valley of, 8; Indian incursions along val ley of, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 46. Contoocook. See Boscawen, N. M. Cook, Elisha, killed at Contoo cook, now Boscawen, N. H., 44. Corby, M., he and his wife are kind to How in prison, 41. Crisson, Thomas, settles at "No. 2," 8. Crown Point, fort, 12, 31; des cription of, 32; Indians sup plied with bread at, 35. Cummings, Timothy, brought to prison at Quebec, 45; dies in prison, 53. Curtiss, John, original subscrib er for How's tract, 57. DAILY, William, dies in prison at Quebec, 52, 52 note. Daly, William. See Daily. Davis, Daniel, original subscrib er for How's tract, 58. Davis, John, dies at Quebec, 50. Dayly, William. See Daily. De Chalet. See Chalet. De Rogers. See Amrusus. Deerfield, Mass., 13; Indian in cursion at, in 1704, 32 note; Rev. John Williams first min ister of, 32 note. Denen, Joseph, dies in prison at Quebec, 54. Denning, Joseph. See Denen. Denox, Joseph. See Denen. Devonshire, England, 51 note. Dewen, Robert. See Downing. Dill, John, dies in prison at Que bec, 53. Dogan, Michael. See Dugan. Donham, Jonathan, brought to prison at Quebec, 49, 49 note; dies at Quebec, 51. Downing, Robert, also called De- wen, brought to prison at Que bec, 47, 48. Drake, Samuel Gardiner, esti mate of his editorial work, 15, 16. Dugan, Michael, dies in prison at Quebec, 53. Dunbar, Robert, escapes from prison at Quebec, 50. Dunham, Jonathan. See Donham. EAMES, Nathan, brought to pris on at Quebec, 48, 48 note; dies at Quebec, 50. Ely, Nathaniel, original subscrib er for How's tract, 59. Ernes, Nathan. See Eames. Evans, Samuel, dies in prison at Quebec, 54. FARNSWORTH, Stephen, brought to prison at Quebec, 43. Felton, Skelten, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Fether, Christian. See Vedder. Five Years' French and Indian War, 8; narratives of Indian Captivities during, 15-17, 40 note. Flint, Henry, original subscrib er for How's tract, 57. Flint, Thomas, original subscrib er for How's tract, 57. Forbush, Phinehas, brought to prison at Quebec, 48, 48 note. INDEX Fort, Abraham, dies in prison at Quebec, 55. Fort, John, captain, dies in pris on at Quebec, 53; his brother dies in prison, 55, 55 note. Fort Chambly. See Chambly. Fort Crown Point. See Crown Point. Fort Dummer, 13, 17, 25, 27. Fort Edward, also called Fort Lydius, French and Indians who attacked, at Fort Cham bly, 35, 36; its names, 36 note; depredation at, 42. Fort Hill, built in the Great Meadow, at Putney, Vt., 8, 41; Indians attack, 10, 11, 27; burned by Indians, 14. Fort Hinsdale. See Hinsdale's Fort. Fort Lydius. See Fort Edward. Fort Massachusetts. See Adams, Berkshire County, Mass. Fort Shattuck. See Shattuck's Fort. Fort Ticonderoga, 12, 31 note. Furbush, Phineas. See Forbush, Phinehas. GALBOATH, William, dies in pris on at Quebec, 52, 52 note. Garwafs, William. See Galboath. George II, Frenchmen swear al legiance to, 47. George's Fort, Maine, 45; cap tive from, brought to prison at Quebec, 45; depredation at, 45. Goffe, Edmund, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Gooden, Pike. See Gordon. Goodman, Samuel, brought to prison at Quebec, 48; dies in prison, 53. Gordon, Joseph, father of Pike Gordon, 50 note. Gordon, Pike, brought to prison at Quebec, 50; his brother kill ed at Saco, 50; dies at Quebec, 51. Gorhamtown, Maine, captives from, brought to prison at Que. bee, 44. Grafton, Mass., 8, 19. Gray, Joseph, dies in prison at Quebec, 54. Great Meadow. See Putney, Windham County, Vermont. HABTFOBD, Conn., 58. Harthan, Jonathan. See Hoga- dorn. Harwood, John, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Hawks, John, sergeant, brought to prison at Quebec, 48. Hayward, Oliver, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Heald, Timothy, original sub scriber for How's tract, 59. Henry, Andrew, original sub scriber for How's tract, 57. Hide, Joshua, original subscrib er for How's tract, 58. Hinsdale's Fort, 14. Hitchcock, Nathaniel, brought to prison at Quebec, 49. Hodinhull, Warwickshire, Eng land, probable home of Nehe- miah How's ancestors, 18. Hogadorn, Jonathan, dies in prison at Quebec, 52, 52 note. Holliston, Mass., captive from, brought to prison at Quebec, 44. Hoosuck Fort, otherwise called Fort Massachusetts. See Adams, Berkshire County, Mass. Hopkinton, N. H., captives from, brought to prison at Quebec, 44; prisoners from, die at Que bec, 51 note, 55. INDEX Houlton, Joseph, original sub scriber for How's tract, 57. How, Abner, son of Nehemiah How, 20. How, Caleb, the 1st, son of Ne hemiah How, 20. How, Caleb, the 2d, son of Ne hemiah How, narrowly es capes capture by Indians, 12, 29; married the widow of Wil liam Phips, 20; scalped by In dians, 20. How, Lord Charles, Earl of Lan caster, 18. How, Sr., Daniel, brother of Ne hemiah How, 46, 49. How, Jr., Daniel, nephew of Ne hemiah How, settles at "No. 2," 8; captured by Indians, 46, 49; lives with a Frenchman at Montreal, 49; brought to pris on at Quebec, 53. How, David, original subscriber for How's tract, 58. How, Easter, daughter of Ne hemiah How, 20. How, Ebenezer, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. How, Edward, son of Nehemiah How, 20. How, Eliphalet, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. How, Ezekiel, original subscrib er for How's tract, 58. How, Hannah, daughter of Nehe miah How, 20. How, Israel, original subscrib er for How's tract, 58. How, Jemima (Phips), wife of Caleb How, 2d, captured by Indians, 20. How, John, probably of Hodin- hull, Warwickshire, England, great-grandfather of Nehemiah How, 18. How (Howe), John, grandfather of Nehemiah How, 18, 19. How, Joshua, son of Nehemiah How, 20. How, Margaret (Willard), wife of Nehemiah How, 19. How, Martha (Bent), first wife of Samuel How, father of Ne hemiah How, 19. How, Martha, daughter of Nehe miah How, 20. How, Mary, paternal grandmoth er of Nehemiah How, 19. How, Mary, daughter of Nehe miah How, 20. How, Moses, original subscriber for How's tract, 58. How, Nehemiah, settles at Great Meadow, 8; captured by Aben- akis at Great Meadow, 10, 27; his deposition to governor at Quebec, 11, 38; led to Canada, 11-13; maltreated by Iroquois at Chambly, 12; bibliography of his "Narrative," 15-17; gen ealogy of, 18-21; death of, 20- 21, 56; writes his name on bark for Indians, 29; at Crown Point, 32; dances for Indians at Crown Point, 33; Indians quarrel about, 34; arrives at Fort Chambly, 35-37; Indians pelt him with snowballs, 36; dances for Indians at Chambly, 36; beaten by two Indians and rescued by Frenchmen, 36; ar rives at Quebec, 38; sent to guard house at Quebec, 38; sent to prison-keeper's quar ters at Quebec, 39, 41; sent to regular prison at Quebec, 40, 40 note; leads the prisoners in morning and evening devotion, 40-41; ill in prison, 41, 56; sev eral friends of, brought to pris on, 43; letters of Deacon Tim othy Brown brought to, 45; receives letter from his fath er-in-law, 55; obituary of, 56. 66 INDEX How, Samuel, lieutenant, father of Nehemiah How, 19. How, Samuel, son of Nehemiah How, 20. How, Sarah (Leavitt) (Clapp), second wife of Samuel How, and mother of Nehemiah How, 19. How, Sarah, daughter of Nehe miah How, 20. How, Submit, child of Nehemiah How, 20. How family, genealogy of, 18-21. Howard, Daniel, major, original subscriber for How's tract, 57. Hubbard, John, captain, original subscriber for How's tract, 57. Hull, Mass., 53. Huntington, Sr., Hezekiah, his son dies in prison at Quebec, 54, 54 note. Huntington, Jr., Hezekiah, dies in prison at Quebec, 54. Hyde. See Hide. INDIANS, 7; depredations by, on or near Great Meadow, 8, 9, 10, 11, 27-29; kill David Rugg, 11-12; attempt to burn Shat- tuck's Fort; 14; burn fort at Great Meadow, 14; method of indicating their tracks, 28; paint and erect on pole the scalp of David Rugg, 31; sing and dance around How, 31; require How to dance, 33, 36; intoxicated, 34, 35; quarrel about How, 34; subdued by Sieur de Beaulac, 34; dance around scalp of David Rugg, 35; number at Fort Chambly when How arrived there, 35; throw snowballs at How, 36; two of them beat How, 36; threaten to go against the Great Meadow settlement, 36- 37; depredations by, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. See also under family and tribal names for other refer ences. Iroquois, maltreat Nehemiah How, 12. JONES, John, brought to prison at Quebec, 46-47. Jones, Thomas, brought to prison at Quebec, 44; dies at Quebec, 47. Jordan, James, captain, dies in prison at Quebec, 53; one of his men dies in prison, 53. KEENE, N. H., 13; captive from, 'brought to prison at Quebec, 46. Kincaid, origin of family name of, 39 note. Kincaid, James, imprisoned at Quebec, 39, 40; account of, 39 note. Kinkead, Kinkhead. See Kincaid. Kinlade, James. See Kincaid. Knowles, Sir Charles, 29 note. Knowlton, Thomas, killed at Fort Massachusetts, 48, 48 note. LAKK. CHAMPLAIN, 12, 31, 34, 38. Lancaster, Mass., 8, 58. Lancaster, Earl of. See How, Lord Charles. Larrabee's Point, Vermont, 12, 31 note. L'Aurore, French ship, persons captured by, brought to prison at Quebec, 49, 50, 50 note, 51 note. Lawrence, Jonathan, captain, original subscriber for How's tract, 58. Leavitt, Sarah. See How, Sarah (Leavitt) (Clapp). INDEX 67 Le Castor, French ship, persons captured by, brought to prison at Quebec, 49, 50, 50 note, 51 note. Leicester, Mass., 59. Leonard, Jonas, original sub scriber for How's tract, 57. Leonard, Moses, original sub scriber for How's tract, 57. London, England, 37, 40 note. Lovet, Major, of Mendon, Mass., his son dies in prison at Que bec, 52. Lovet, Samuel, brought to pris on at Quebec, 48; dies at Que bec, 52. Lower Ashuelot. See Swanzey, N. H. Lydius, John Henry, governor of Fort Edward, also called Fort Lydius, 36 note, 42. Lydius's Fort. See Fort Edward. Lydle, Leonard, prisoner at Que bec, marries the widow of William Bryant, 50; his wife dies in prison, 54. Lydle, Sarah, widow of William Bryant, married in prison to Leonard Lydle, 50; dies in prison at Quebec, 54. Lynde, Judge, of New England, 39. McGRAW. See Megraw. McNear, John, captain, uncle of James Anderson, Jr., captur ed, 50; brought to prison at Quebec, 51, 51 note. Magra, Thomas. See Megraw, James. Marblehead, Mass., 40. Margra, James. See Megraw. Marin, M., lieutenant, depreda tion by, at Saratoga, 43 note. Marlborough, Mass., 18, 19, 50, 59. Marsey, Moses, captain, original subscriber for How's tract, 58. Maryland, 40 note. Massachusetts, land-grants in valley of the Connecticut granted by, 7-8; schooner "Montague," commanded by Capt. William Pote, Jr., in ser vice of, 15; genealogical data on How family in, 18-21; sends letter for exchange of prison ers at Quebec, 45; John Perry petitions government of, con cerning losses, 52 note. Megraw, James, dies in prison at Quebec, 53. Melvin, Eleazer, captain, pur sues Indians trying to burn Shattuck's Fort, 14. Mendon, Mass., 52, 59. Minot, James, original subscrib er for How's tract, 57. Moffat, Robert, brought to pris on at Quebec, 46. Montague, schooner, Capt. Wil liam Pote, Jr., master, 15. Montreal, prisoners brought to, 42, 49, 50; prisoners from, brought to Quebec, 43, 53; scalps brought to, 50. Morris, Charles, his map pub lished with Pote's "Journal," 40 note. Morse, Robert. See Moffat. Munrow, Thomas, original sub scriber for How's tract, 57. NALTON, Thomas. See Knowlton. Nantasket, Mass., 53 note. New Casco, incursion at, 49, 49 note. New England, 36-37, 39, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54. New Hampshire, grants town charter to Great Meadow set tlers, 14. New Hopkinton. See Hopkinton, N. H. 68 INDEX New York, grants town charter to settlers at Great Meadow, 14; prisoner from, dies at Quebec, 52. New York Public Library (Len ox Library Building), depos itory of the copy of How's tract used for this reprint, 16, 23. Newfoundland, 47. Norman, Mr., captive, 50. Northfield, Mass., 13, 14, 46. Northampton, Mass., 33. Norton, Mass., 58. Norton, Rev. John, 49; account of his "Redeemed Captive," 15- 16, 48 note; brought to prison at Quebec, 48; marries Leonard Lydle and Sarah Bryant in prison, 50; recovers from ill ness and preaches in prison at Quebec, 52. Norwich, Conn., 54 note. Nova Scotia, 40 note. Number Four (No. 4). See Charlestown, N. H. Number Two (No. 2). See West moreland, N. H. Nutting, Samuel, narrowly es capes capture by Indians, 12, 29. OWEN, James, of Brookfield, Mass., killed on St. John's Island, 47. PARKEB, Isaac, brought to pris on at Quebec, 43. Pealtomy, Indian, visits How at Crown Point, 32, 33; converses with How, 34. Perry, John, he and wife brought to prison at Quebec, 48; his wife dies at Quebec, 52, 52 note; petitions government of Massachusetts concerning his losses, 52 note. Perry, Rebecah, wife of John Perry, dies in prison at Que bec, 52, 52 note. Phips, Jemima. See How, Jemi ma (Phips). Phips, Spencer, lieutenant-gov ernor of Mass., sends letter to Canada for exchange of pris oners, 45. Phips, William, settles at Great Meadow, 8, 34 note; killed by Indians on Great Meadow, 9, 34; his widow, Jemima, mar ried to Caleb How, 2d, son of Nehemiah How, 20; account of, 34 note. Plaffer, Lawrence. See Platter. Platter, Lawrence, captured at Saratoga, dies at Quebec, 43, 43 note. Pleasant Point, near George's Fort, Maine, captive from, brought to prison at Quebec, 44-45. Plymouth, Mass., 54. Pote, Jr., William, captain, mas ter of the schooner Montague, account of his "Journal," 15, 40 note; his opinion of Nehe miah How, 21; in prison at Quebec, 40; gap in his "Journ al," supplied by How, 41 note; fellow captive of, arrives at Quebec prison, 49, 49 note. Pratt, Amos, brought to prison at Quebec, 48; dies in prison, 53. Prince Edward Island, formerly 'St. John's, depredation on, 47; captives from, brought to pris on at Quebec, 47, 48. Prisoners, at Montreal, 42, 49, 50, 53; at Quebec, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55; letter from Mass., propos ing exchange of, 45; petition INDEX 69 governor of Canada to be ex changed, 46; illness and mor tality of, at Quebec, 51; isola tion of the sick, at Quebec, 52. Putney, Windham County, Ver mont, description of, 7; his tory of, 7-14; Indian incur sions at, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 27-28, 34 note', Col. Josiah Willard reconnoiters the region, in pur suit of Indians, 13-14; fort at, burned by Indians, 14; desert ed region resettled, 14; new fort built, 14; town charter granted by New Hampshire, 14; town charter granted by New York, 14; organized as town, 14; Nehemiah How orig inal settler on Great Meadow at, 19; How's capture by In dians at, 27; Indians at Port Chambly threaten to attack again, 36-37. QUACKINBUSH, Martha, dies in prison at Quebec, 51, 51 note. Quebec, 8, 11, 12, 15, 20, 32 note; How arrives at, 38; prison- keeper's quarters at, 39; des cription or" regular prison at, 40; rations to prisoners at, 40; illness of prisoners at, 41; governor at, sends money to prisoners, 42; royal intendant at, sends money to prisoners, 42; prisoners from Montreal brought to, 43; captives im prisoned at, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54; deaths of prisoners at, 43, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56; snow in August at, 47; two captives married in prison at, 50; illness and mortality of prisoners at, 51; sick prison ers isolated at, 52; prison at, burned, 54, 54 note. Quebec River. See St. Lawrence River. RAWSON, Jr., William, original subscriber for How's tract, 59. Read, Jacob, brought to prison at Quebec, 44; dies at Que bec, 50. Read, John, dies at Quebec, 50. Read, Josiah. See Reed. Reed, Josiah, of Fort Massachu setts, dies, 48, 48 note. Rice, Edward, captain, original subscriber for How's tract, 57. Richards, John, brought to pris on at Quebec, 47. Richelieu River. See Sorel River. Roberson. See Roberts, David, captain. Roberts, David, captain, his ap prentice dies in prison at Que bec, 50, 51 note. Rochester, N. H., captives from, brought to prison at Quebec, 47; depredation at, 47, 47 note. Ross, Aaron, original subscriber \for How's tract, 57. Rugg, David, settles at Great Meadow, 8; killed and scalped by Indians, 11-12, 28; his scalp painted and stuck on a pole, 31 ; Indians dance around scalp of, 35. Rumford, N. H., 44. Rutland, Mass., 8, 57. Saco, Maine, depredation at, 50, 50 note. St. Francis. See Abenakis. St. John's Island. See Prince Edward Island. St. Lawrence River, 12, 37 note, 38. Saneld, John. See Smeed, Jr., John. Saratoga, N. Y., attack on, at tributed by How to Albany, 41 note, 43 note", letters to INDEX prisoners from, brought to prison at Quebec, 45. Savage, Edward, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Scaffield, Philip, brought to pris on at Quebec, 53; dies in pris on, 53. Schuyler, Nicholas, captain, 42 note. Schuylerville, N. Y. See Sara toga. Scoffil, Philip, bee Scaffield. Scot. See Scott. Scotland, 39 note. Scott, Joseph, brought to prison at Quebec, 48. Scott, Miriam, wife of Moses Scott, dies in prison at Quebec, 51, 51 note. Scott, Sr., Moses, he and family brought to prison at Quebec, 48; his wife dies at Quebec, 51; his son dies at Quebec, 52, 52 note. Scott, Jr., Moses, youngest child of Moses Scott, dies in prison at Quebec, 52, 52 note. Scott, Stephen, brought to prison at Quebec, 49. Scott (Scot), William, brought to prison at Quebec, 53. Seaflower, schooner, Capt. James Sutherland, commander, 40 note. Shamballe, Shamballee. See Chambly. Shattuck's Fort, Indians attempt to burn, 14. Shearly. See Chalet. Sheepscott, Maine, captives from, brought to prison at Quebec, 39, 44, 50, 54. Sheepscott river, 54. Shepard, John, original subscrib er for How's tract, 58. Shepherd, Jacob, brought to pris on at Quebec, 49, 49 note. Sherborn, Mass., 47. Shrewsbury, Mass, 53, 58. Sinconds, Benjamin, brought to prison at Quebec, 48. Smeed, Captivity, dies at Quebec, 55, 55 note. Smeed, Daniel, dies in prison at Quebec, 54. Smeed, Sr., John, he and family brought to prison at Quebec, 48; his wife dies in prison, 53; his son John dies in prison, 53, 53 note', his son Daniel dies in prison, 54; his youngest child, Captivity, dies at Que bec, 55, 55 note. Smeed, Jr., John, dies in prison at Quebec, 53, 53 note. Smeed, Mary, wife of John Smeed, dies in prison at Que bec, 53. Smith, John, brought to prison at Quebec, 53. Smith, Richard, brought to pris on at Quebec, 53. JSorel River, 12, 37; its names, 37 note. South Carolina, 39. Spafford, John, captain, brought to prison at Quebec, 43. Springfield, Mass., 59. Stebbins, Luke, original subscrib er for How's tract, 59. Stevens, Joseph, captain, orig inal subscriber for How's tract, 57. Stone, Jonas, original subscrib er for How's tract, 58. Stone, Nathan, original subscrib er for How's tract, 57. Stoughton, Mass., 58. Stratton, Ensign, takes part in pursuit of Indians near Great Meadow, 13. Stroud, William, from South Carolina, imprisoned at Que bec, 39. INDEX Stubs, Richard, brought to pris on at Quebec, 49. Sturbridge, Mass., 58. Subes, Richard. See Stubs. Sudbury, Mass., 18, 19, 58. Sunderland, John, brought to prison at Quebec, 53. Sutherland, James, captain, com mander of schooner Seaflower, in prison at Quebec, 40; ac count of, 40 note. Swanzey, N. H., captive from, brought to prison at Quebec, 45. TAINTER, Benjamin, brought to prison at Quebec, 53. Tainter, Simon, lieutenant, his son in prison at Quebec, 53. Taylor's Island in Connecticut river, 11. Tedder, Christian. Se Vedder. Thayer, Jonathan, narrowly es capes capture by Indians, 12, 28, 29. Townsend (Townshend), Mass., 59. Trent, Capt., killed, 54. UPPER ASHUELOT. See Keene, N. H. Upton, Mass., 58. Uxbridge, Mass., 58. VADER, Christian. See Vedder. Vanderverick, Geret, dies in prison at Quebec, 51, 51 note. Vaughan, Samuel, dies in prison at Quebec, 54. Vedder, Christian, dies in prison at Quebec, 54, 54 note. Venhon, Samuel. See Vaughan. Vermont, 12. Vernon, Vt, depredation at, 46 note. WARREN, David, brought to pris on at Quebec, 48. Warwickshire, England, 18. Watertown, Mass., 18. Westborough, Mass., 49, 53. Westmoreland, N. H., formerly called "No. 2" settlement of, 8. Wheeler, Thomas, original sub scriber for How's tract, 57. Wigglesworth, Rev. Dr. Edward, his autograph on copy of How's tract used for this re print, 16. Willard, Benjamin, captain, fath er-in-law of Nehemiah How, 19; sends letter to How, 55. Willard, Benjamin, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Willard, Daniel, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Willard, Josiah, colonel, com mands scouting party near Great Meadow, 13-14. Willard, Margaret. See How, Margaret (Willard). Willard, Samuel, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Williams, Rev. Eleazer, great- grandson of Eunice Williams, 32 note. Williams, Eunice, daughter of Rev. John Williams, married to Amrusus (otherwise called De Rogers), an Indian, 32, 32 note. Williams, Rev. John, captured by Indians in 1704 at Deerfield, 32, 32 note', returns to Boston and publishes account of cap tivity, 32 note. Williamson, Jonathan, captain, brought to prison at Quebec, 54. Windham County, Vermont, 7, 27 note. Witt, Oliver, original subscriber for How's tract, 59. Wood, Jonathan, original sub scriber for How's tract, 58. Woodstock, 58. 72 INDEX Woodwell, Daniel. See Wood- Woodwell, Mary, wife of David well, David. Woodwell, dies in prison at Woodwell, David, brought to Quebec, 51, 51 note. prison at Quebec, 44; two sons, Worcester, Mass., 57. daughter and wife of, cap- Wright, Noah, his account of at- tured, 44, 46; his wife dies at tack on Great Meadow, 10 Quebec, 51, 51 note. note, 11. 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