BUDDHISM ITS HISTORY AND LITERATURE by T. W. RHYS DAVIDS, LL.D., Ph.D. Chairman of the Pali Text Society, Secretary a-ux Librarian of the Roval Asiatic Society professor of Pali and Buddh^t Literature at University LONDON fcf NEW YORK G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, LTD. First Published - 1896 New Edition - 1926 Made and Printed in G reat Britain ai ths tiotolph Printing Works, Gate Street, Kings way, W. 3L NOTE The Lectures comprising this volume were delivered at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, under the auspices of the American Committee for Lectures on the History of Religions. 292217 Digitized by the Internet Archive # in 2013 http://archive.org/details/buddhismitshistoOOdavi TABLE OF CONTENTS. LECTURE I. RELIGIOUS THEORIES IN INDIA BEFORE BUDDHISM. PAGE Religion, the meaning of the word ...... I Value, from the comparative point of new, of the history of the Buddhist religion ........ 6 Theories of God and the Soul, generally ..... 10 The same in India ; the Vedas ...... 14 Rise of monotheism, especially in India . . . .19 The Lokayatas and Jains ....... 24 The Sankhya system ........ 24 The Sixty-two Heresies ........ 30 Summary of this chapter ........ 36 Importance attached by Buddhist writers to the question of the soul-theory ......... 39 LECTURE II. AUTHORITIES ON WHICH OUR KNOW- LEDGE OF BUDDHISM IS BASED Interest of the discover}' of new literatures ... 44, 45 First discovery of Pali . . . . . . .46 Tumour's Maha Vansa ........ 47 Prof. Fausboli's Dhammapada ...... 48 The Dictionary . . . . . . . -49 The Three Pitakas ......... 52 The Vinaya, Rules of the Order ...... 54 The Great Nikayas . . . . . . . .58 The Abhidhamma . . . . . . . .62 The miscellaneous books ....... 65 Quotations from the Songs of the Sisters . . . 73—75 The Pali Text Society 80-86 List of the Pitakas 83 vii viii Table of Contents LECTURE III. NOTES ON THE LIFE OF THE BUDDHA. PAGE No ancient biography extant . . . . . . .87 The Pali and Sanskrit poems ....... 88 The Sakya clan 91 The Buddha not a king's son ....... 92 The legends of his birth and childhood ..... 93 The Great Renunciation ........ 96 King Bimbisara's offer ........ 99 The Teachers . . . . - . . . . 102 Attainment of Nirvana ........ 104 First Sermon .......... 105 Daily life 108 The Buddha and the Brahmins . . . . . .113 LECTURE IV. THE SECRET OF BUDDHISM. Part I. The Signs, the Path, and the Fetters. The Ajanta cave fresco of the Wheel 118 Wonders of the Wheel . . . . . . . .120 Impermanence . . . . . . . . 123 Sorrow and individuality . . . . . . .124 Delusions about self or soul 125 Karma ........... 129 Future life 131 J The Noble Eightfold Path 135 . txThe Four Noble Truths 136 Modern parallels ......... 140 The Ten Fetters 141 Nirvana . .151 LECTURE V. THE SECRET OF BUDDHISM. Part II. The Wheel of Life and Arahatship (or Nirvana). Salvation, from what ? . 153 The Twelve Causes 155 ^