UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Agricultural Experiment Station College of Agriculture E. J. Wickson, Acting Director BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CIRCULAR No. 16. (November, L905.) NOTES CONCERNING SEED-WHEAT, By 7 Average yield of wheat from seed which had taken a vacation for three years': Minnesota first and second crop .. 18.55 Difference in favor of the old seed 4.12 Average yield of wheat from Minnesota seed grown in North Dakota one year 21.K8 Average yield of wheat from seed direct from Minnesota 20.<>4 Difference in favor of the older seed 1.24 Average yield of wheat from Minnesota seed grown in North Dakota two years 36.59 Average yield of wheat from Minnesota seed grown in North Dakota one year 31.00 Difference in favor of the older seed 5.59 •Animals and Plants under Domestication. Vol. I, p. 38. 2 Citation from Loisleur: Des Longchamps, Considerations sur les Cereals, pp. 15 70. 3 Bulletin 42, p. 88, Ohio Experiment Station. 4 Bulletin 51, Indiana Experiment Station. 5 Bulletin, North Dakota Experiment Station, p. 422. _ 4 — Here is shown ;i case in which a change of srcd was the only factor, the selection of the seed and its manner of growing having been the same. 'Prof. T. L. Lyon, of the Nebraska Experiment Station, in experi- ments continued from 1899 to l ( -)04, comes to the following conclusion: "That a variety brought from a more humid to a drier climate will not do as well for a number of years as the same variety 'which has been grown in the dry climate continuously." In the light of these carefully conducted experiments we may safely lav down the principle that unless the change be for the purpose of obtaining a better variety or a stronger seed there can be no advantage resulting from a change of seed-wheat, and in case seed be purchased from a portion of the country where climatic conditions are quite unlike those of California tin 1 seed is not likely to be at its best for several years. If seed shows signs of running-out it simply means that proper care has not been taken in the selection of the seed to remove small, shriv- eled, and light-weight kernels, and to use only plump kernels. With proper care in the selection of seed, wheat does not deteriorate from any change within itself. But to maintain the standard of yield rare must he talm) in the selection of the best seed and to practice rational methods of rotation, manuring, and tillage to maintain the fertility of the soil. Large vs. Small Kernels for Seed. — This is another of the mooted questions among growers, aiubthe evidence presented below is respect- fully submitted for their consideration: The Nebraska Experiment Station presents the following results of two years' trials: From heavy seed . .. From ordinary seed From light seed Turkey Red Wheat-. Yield per Acre: Bushteli 1899. 2!). 5 27.5 23.0 1900. 29.3 26.3 26.7 Big Frame Wheat. Yield per Aere: Bushel 1900. 25. 1 25.8 20.5 27.7 25.8 21.2 The average yield for both varieties for each-year is as follows: 1900. 1901. From heavy seed 27.3 bu. 28.5bu. Prom ordinary seed . - (i -~ ( " 25.9 ^ From light seed — 21.8 ' 2d.a Bulletin si), Nebraska Experiment Station. Yield oj rat a and Straw. ii>oi. 1902 L903. Average. Grain. Straw. Grain. Straw. Grain. Straw. Grain. Straw. LARGE HEADS. From large grains From small grains b a. 29.3 22.7 toils. 2.12 1." 76 bn. 27.50 23. 4(i Ill IIS. 1.50 1.36 bn . 40.31 39.58 tans. 3.44 3.41 bn. 32.37 28.5(5 tons. 2.35 2.18 MKDITM HEADS. From largo grains From small grains 29.3 29.0 2.04 2.13 30.41 27.80 1 .63 J. 36 38.33 26.25 3.65 3.36 32. (.8 31.01 2.44 2.28 SMALL HEADS. From large grains ... From small grains. .. 28.2 26. 1 2.21 2. IS 24.60 20.00 1.13 .90 32.50 31.14 3.00 2.72 28.63 25.75 2.11 1.93 GENERAL SELECTION. From large grains Fromcom'l sample From small grains 30.4 22.9 24.5 2.27 1.84 1.85 20.60 20.60 14.30 .88 1.08 .70 34.79 34.47 31.46 2.73 2.72 2.61 28.60 26.00 23.42 1.96 1.88 1.72 1 The Tennessee Experiment Station presents the following data: T u Weight of Large Heads. Grains, lbs. Large grains 2418.7 Small grains 2375.0 Medium Heads. Large grains 2300.0 Small grains 2175.0 Small Heads. Large grains 1850.0 Small grains 1868.7 General Selection. Large grains 2087.5 Commercial sample 2068.7 Small grains 1887.5 The results given below were obtained by Dr. N. A. Cobb, New South Wales 2 , the experiments covering three years, and were far too exhaust- ive to consider each separately. Suffice it to say that with numerous check-plots the investigation embraced twenty-four varieties of wheat separated into large, medium, and small grains, as in the above-named experiment, and the average results obtained were as follows: Bushels per Acre. 1st year. 2d year. From large plump grain 32.02 10.34 From medium plump grain 26.77 8.66 From small plump grain 24.86 6.50 Large and Plump vs. Small and Shriveled Seed. — For the present season the results presented under this head should have special appli- cation, since there are so many farmers, as a result of the extreme rust conditions of 1905, who have on hand nothing but badly shriveled (pinched) seed. The question is constantly being put to the Station authorities as to the value of pinched grain for seed purposes, and it is 1 Bulletin No. 4, Vol. XVI, Tennessee Experiment Station, p. 77. 2 Seed Wheat: Misc. Pub. No. 625, N. S. \V. Department of Agriculture. hoped that the following results secured by Dr. N. A. Cobb in New South Wales 1 in a most painstaking investigation may prove suggestive. These experiments covered five varieties, which gave the following average results, they being uniformly in favor of the plump seed: From plump seed 20.18 bu. From shrunken seed 18.52 " That the germination of such seeds is fair is indicated by a test made by the writer of this circular, which showed 9*2 per cent of the grain actually germinated; but the plantlets were very weak and undoubtedly their vitality would always remain low. It is not easy to give an accurate definition as to what is meant by shriveled seed, but the following illustration will serve to show the contrast between plump and shriveled seed as here discussed. Doubt- less the entire discussion is due to the fact that extremelv inferior-look- Fig. 1. A good type of seed-wheat: natural size. Fig. A type of seed very much shrunken natural size. ing seed will actually germinate and to a certain extent grow and bear a crop, and under favorable conditions may even produce a good yield. This fact has unfortunately given rise to much carelessness in the selection of seed-wheat, which must be overcome if we are to secure the highest results in grain culture. These results are in entire harmony with what we know as to the necessity of securing vigorous, plump seed in the case of alfalfa and other crops. The same fact is recognized by the farmer with reference to the parentage of his animals, but unfortunately the idea holds that the case is different with wheat. It is to be hoped that grain-growers will take advantage of the condition of much of the local supply of wheat to secure new seed, and start with a good type of seed-wheat. In this connection it may be mentioned that there will be no more favorable time than this to make a trial of some of the harder winter wheats, especially that desirable bread variety known as "Turkey 1 Seed Wheat: Misc. Pub. No. 625, N. S. W. Department of Agriculture. Red," which gave so much promise last season when grown alongside of our more common varieties. Prevention of Smut. — An examination of a large number of samples of California-grown wheat shows a deplorable lack of attention to the prevention of smut. Farmers doubtless do not realize the large loss which occurs from this trouble. In a number of cases the samples have shown as high as 10 per eent of smutted grains — an amount suf- ficient to seriously affect the profit from the crop. This is more to be deplored since the methods which can be employed are both easy of application and extremely effective. There are three methods which can be recommended as well nigh positive in result, when the seed has been properly treated. These methods are set forth below 7 in the order in which they are recom- mended. FORMALDEHYD METHOD. Use one pound of formaldehyd (40 per cent strength, known as for- malin) to 50 gallons of water. The solution may be placed in barrels or tanks until used. The wheat may be dipped into the solution in loosely woven bags or wire baskets, allowed to remain for ten minutes, and then drained to save all the liquid possible, and dried when it is ready to sow. If it is preferred, the seed may be spread on a clean canvas or board floor and the formaldehyd solution applied with a sprinkler, or hose and nozzle, constantly stirring and mixing the grain with a rake or shovel until all the kernels are thoroughly wetted, when it is allowed to dry. Be sure to get 40 per cent formalin. Dealers sometimes give a 25 or 30 per cent formalin for a 40 per cent. The formalin should be weighed in order to make sure that a full pound to each 50 gallons of water be used. The cans in which the formalin comes often contains only three fourths of a pound, hence the necessity of this precaution. This treatment has an advantage over some others, in that it is not poisonous to persons handling the material. BLUESTONE OR COPPER SULFATE METHOD. This is the method practiced almost exclusively in California. Its lack of effectiveness in many cases may generally be traced to a lack of thoroughness in the work. The details of the treatment are the same as in the formalin method. A solution is made by dissolving 1 pound of blue vitriol in 4 gallons of cold water, and dipping the wheat in the solution, as above, until the grain has become thoroughly wet, after which it is immediately dried. Or the wheat may be piled upon a floor or canvas, and thoroughly - 8 — sprinkled or sprayed with the solution while the grain is being con- stantly shoveled over, so that every grain becomes wet over the entire surface. Care should be taken that the solution is of uniform density by thoroughly agitating just previous to use. HOT- WATER METHOD. When the proper care is taken this method has proven very effective. Utensils Required. — 1st, a boiler or large kettle in which to boil water; 2d, a vessel for cold water; 3d, a vessel for water at 120°-132° F.; 4th, a vessel, barrel, or tank containing water kept constantly between 132° and 135° F.; 5th, a drying place where the grain is dried so it will pass through the drill or seeder; and 6th, an accurate ther- mometer to keep the temperature of the water within the above limits. How to Proceed. — The vessels having been arranged and filled with water at the proper temperature, some convenient bulk of well-cleaned seed-wheat is taken in a loosely-woven bag and immersed in the first vessel containing water at 120°-132° F., keeping the wheat in constant agitation by moving the bag in the water, or by stirring the wheat. In about five minutes, when the seed will be well warmed and thoroughly wet, it is raised out and most of the water allowed to drain out, then immersed in the second vessel containing water at 132°-135° F., moving or stirring as before, and keeping close watch that the temperature does not fall below 132°. After twelve minutes it may be taken out and spread out to dry at some place where it will not be contaminated with fresh spores. When it is dry it may be sown. Some advise dipping in cold water at last, but that retards the drying, and should be omitted. Cautions. — 1. Keep the water in the first vessel well up to 132° in temperature, as the cold wheat will lower it rapidly. 2. Keep the temperature within the limits stated for the second vessel (which should be a large one), or the method will not give the desired results. 3. He sure the thermometer registers correctly. 4. The seed-wheat will swell somewhat, and one third to one half more bulk of seed must be sown to remedv this result.