FK Vk/> ifofnW r i c u I t u r a e n c e s UNIVERSITY - P.. Iiffe3 in EFFECT OF WEATHERING [r "mi 11 I, . ... ON COTTON FABRICS ::|||||, !il " ||t;;1iii!ll ..iijlfi! j liinii . I Willi t WESTERN^ REGIONAL i ; i i"iipiiip ■WliiilliiNlllllllliNi !i! iiliififflliflliiiiil ^RESEARCH t§> PUBLICATION , ,. ^ , Mary Ann Morris CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 823 The Effects of Atmospheric Conditions on Specific Cotton Fabrics" W-60 Western Regional Research Cooperative Project Cooperating agencies: The agricultural experiment stations of California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, and Utah. Administrative Advisors: 1 Dale W. Bohmont, Nevada (1962-1965) Sherman Wheeler, Colorado (1959-1962) D. Wayne Thorne, Utah (1957-1959) Technical Committee Members: 2 California: Oregon: Mary Ann Morris Janet Bubl Elaine Carlson Florence Petzel Colorado: Dagmar Gustafson *w fl(19 57-i 962 ): °t2££S£L» Marilyn Horn New Mexico (1957-1962): Julia S. Lee Statistical Consultant: Elmer Remmenga, Colorado Publication Committee: Janet Bubl Dagmar Gustafson Mary Ann Morris THE AUTHOR: Mary Ann Morris is Associate Professor, Department of Home Economics, and Asso- ciate Biochemist in the Experiment Station, University of California, Davis. Under the procedure of cooperative publications, this regional report becomes, in effect, an identical publication of each of the cooperating agencies, and is mailed under the frank and indicia of each. Limited supplies of this publication are available at the sources listed above. It is suggested that requests be sent to one source only. 1 Dates in parentheses show periods during which individuals served. 2 Dates in parentheses show periods during which experiment station had a contributing project. All others had contributing projects during the entire period 1957-1965. CONTENTS The findings 5 Procedure 5 Fabrics 5 Outdoor exposure 6 Laboratory exposure 7 Evaluations 7 Results and discussion 8 Outdoor exposures 8 Laboratory exposures — A 14 Laboratory exposures — B 14 Comparison of laboratory exposures A and B 17 Comparison of outdoor and laboratory exposures . . . 19 Literature cited 22 Appendix 24 JUNE, 1966 In all outdoor and many indoor uses of cotton textiles the aggregate effect of atmospheric conditions is destructive. These conditions, often called "weathering," include such environmental factors as sunlight, atmospheric pollutants, moisture, and wind. When cotton is exposed to these elements, it deteriorates in strength and appear- ance until ultimately replacement becomes necessary. The degradation of cotton by various atmospheric conditions is of interest to con- sumers and technologists. Because of the many end-uses, cotton fabrics are subjected to a wide range of weather conditions. In addition, cotton is the principal fiber used in outdoor fabrics. Even for fabrics used indoors, atmospheric conditions can affect serviceability. Within the western portion of the United States extreme differences in atmospheric conditions exist because of variations in the amount and intensity of sunlight, in the amount and distribution of precipitation, altitude, and other factors. The western states are therefore in a unique position, through cooperative research, to study the deleterious effect of outdoor exposure on cotton fabrics. In this study cotton fabrics were exposed outdoors to natural weathering and in the laboratory to artificial weathering conditions. The cotton was exposed, up to four months, outdoors at six locations differing widely in geographic and climatic condi- tions. Laboratory exposures to selected components of weathering, i.e. light, heat and humidity, ozone, and air movement, were made for periods up to 900 or 1,200 hours. EFFECT OF WEATHERING ON COTTON FABRICS 3 The nature of the damage caused in cot- ton textiles by the weather has been stud- ied and reported widely. This bulletin does not attempt a complete review but refers only to certain pertinent reports. The deterioration of cotton from weather involves chemical or physical processes and has been reviewed by Howard and McCord (1960). They report that the chief agencies causing chemical deterioration are sunlight and mildew or rot. Other chemical factors such as airborne acids and alternate wetting and drying are listed also, but have less effect. Physical deterioration, they state, results from fiber damage due to rubbing, flexing, or re- peated tensioning caused by wind, alter- nate freezing and thawing, and dust abra- sion. The relative importance of these factors varies with location and time of year, and the rate of weather attack may vary considerably if cotton is exposed in areas of widely different climatic condi- tions. Several comprehensive reviews of the action of light on cotton textiles have been published (Appleby, 1949; Howard and McCord, 1960; and Robinson and Reeves, 1961). The exact mechanism through which light degrades cotton is not known, but it is generally agreed to be oxidative in nature. According to Egerton (1949), two general mechanisms are involved in the degradation of cellulosic materials by light in the visible and ultraviolet ranges. In the short-wave uv region (2,000-3,000 A), the breakdown is believed to be caused by the photolysis of the cellulose chains. The other type of reaction is thought to involve the presence of a sub- stance which can act as a photosensitizer. The photosensitizing agents can absorb light in the near-ultraviolet or visible part of the spectrum and, in their excited state, induce the degradation of cellulose (Phil- lips and Arthur, Jr., 1964). As received at the surface of the earth, the solar radiation spectrum may be di- vided approximately as follows: 1) ultra- 3 Submitted for publication August 17, 1965. violet radiation ranging from 2,700 to 3,900 A; 2) visible radiation ranging from 3,500 to 7,600 A; and 3) infrared radia- tion ranging above 7,600 A (Bush, 1960, and Robinson and Reeves, 1961). Such factors as season of year, time of day, alti- tude of place, and amount of water vapor, dust, and other absorbing materials in the atmosphere all have a marked influence on the radiation characteristics. Fabrics to be weathered outdoors are usually placed on racks facing south, at a 45° angle. Weathering results may be considered valid only for the particular conditions, time, and place of exposure (Howard and McCord, 1960). Only a few studies have been reported where the same textile was exposed outdoors in dif- ferent locations (Fels, 1940, and Pomroy and Stevens, 1964). To shorten the exposure time, samples are sometimes irradiated in the laboratory in a Weather-Ometer. This instrument ex- poses the samples to the light of a carbon- arc lamp and to a water spray. The light source varies in intensity with time, and it also supplies light farther into the ultra- violet than outdoor sunlight. The Fade- Ometer also employs the carbon-arc as its light source and may be used as a labora- tory source of light. No methods specifically designed for studying the effect on textiles of atmos- pheric pollutants, heat and humidity, and air movement in the laboratory have been reported. However, studies have been re- ported on controlled laboratory exposures to heat (Hessler and Workman, 1959), heat and moisture (Orr et ah, 1954, and I Ward, 1955), air movement (Whittaker, 1935), and ozone (Bogaty et al, 1952, and Doree and Healey, 1938). There is some evidence that all cotton fibers may not degrade at the same rate when exposed to the elements of weather- ing. Investigations have shown that mer- cerized cotton is more resistant to sunlight and to weathering than unmercerized cot- ton (Cyrot, 1958, and Goldthwait and Robinson, 1958). > [4] THE FINDINGS The six locations where samples of a cot- i ton fabric were exposed outdoors for pe- riods up to four months were Berkeley, California; Fort Collins, Colorado; Reno, Nevada; Las Cruces, New Mexico; Cor- vallis, Oregon; and Logan, Utah. After exposure the samples were evaluated for breaking strength, cellulose fluidity, re- sistance to abrasion, changes in reflect- ance and color, and nonfibrous materials. A fabric made of Acala 4-42 cotton fiber and one made from Pima S-l fiber 1 were exposed in the laboratory to the light of carbon-arc lamps in Fade-Ome- ters; the light of a carbon-arc lamp in a Weather-Ometer with intermittent water spray; to heat in an oven and to varying combinations of heat and humidity in a relative-humidity cabinet; to ozone in a fumigation chamber; and to air movement in a wind tunnel. After exposure for pe- riods up to 900 or 1,200 hours, cellulose fluidity and breaking strength measure- ments were used to evaluate changes. These are the results of the outdoor and laboratory exposures: ■ • The degree and rate of degradation of the cotton fabric exposed outdoors varied widely at the different locations. Outdoor exposure at California, Nevada, and Oregon resulted in greater changes than exposure at the other locations for all properties measured except reflectance and color. The longer outdoor exposure lasted the greater, in general, was the amount of degradation. • Observed changes in cellulose fluid- ity, breaking strength, and pH of the water extract of the samples exposed out- doors indicate that the deterioration was 1 caused chiefly by photochemical action. • Both relative humidity and hours of sunshine affected changes in cellulose fluidity of the outdoor exposed samples. A high number of hours of sunshine and high relative humidity tended to result in larger increases in cellulose fluidity; hu- midity was the most important factor. • Exposure in the laboratory of cotton fabrics to heat and humidity, ozone, and air movement in the absence of light did not result in any appreciable change in cellulose fluidity or breaking strength. • Laboratory exposure to the carbon- arc lamps of the Fade-Ometer and Weather-Ometer increased cellulose fluid- ity and reduced breaking strength of cot- ton fabrics. • No significant differences were ob- served between the rates of degradation or the relationship between fluidity and strength changes for the Acala 4-42 and Pima S-l cotton fabrics. • Exposure to the light of carbon-arc lamps in the Fade-Ometer or Weather- Ometer resulted in similar increases in cellulose fluidity. However, exposure in the Weather-Ometer, with intermittent spraying of the samples with water, re- sulted in less loss in strength than expo- sure in the Fade-Ometer. • The proportionate differences be- tween increases in fluidity values and loss in strength of samples exposed outdoors and in the laboratory under different con- ditions of humidity indicate that exposure to light in moist air resulted in nonlocal- ized cleavage of the cellulose chain while exposure in drier air resulted in more localized degradation of the cellulose near the end of the chain. • Laboratory exposure to light in the Weather-Ometer gave some indication of the rate of degradation that occurred dur- ing outdoor exposure at the California and Oregon locations. Exposure to light in the Fade-Ometer gave little indication of the rate or amount of degradation re- sulting from outdoor exposure. PROCEDURE Fabrics The cotton fabric used for outdoor expo- sures was a commercially produced 80- square print cloth, warp yarns cotton 33:Z22tpi (17.7 tex), filling cotton 40: Z25tpi (14.7 tex). It was bleached and [5] desized, with no bluing, optical bleach or finishing material present. The two 80-square fabrics used for lab- oratory exposures were made especially for this study: one fabric from Acala 4-42 cotton fiber, the other from Pima S-l. The warp yams were cotton 30:Z24tpi (20 tex), and the filling yarns cotton 40:Z22tpi (14.8 tex). Finishing included onlv the following: desizing and scouring, bleaching with a continuous hydrogen peroxide bleach, and compressional shrinkage, leaving a residual shrinkage of 1.6 per cent. All sampling of the fabrics for specific exposures was done at one of the cooperating stations. The Acala 4-42 fiber had been grown near Shafter, California, and the Pima S-l near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Some data on the fiber follows: Acala Classification: 4-42 grade M staple length, inches . . 1%2 Fiber length (Fibrograph): upper half mean, inches 1.08 uniformity ratio 80.0 Fiber fineness and maturity: micronaire reading . . 4.6 predicted causticaire. . 4.6 Pima S-l 3 l 7 /lG 1.28 80.0 3.6 3.2 Fiber tensile strength (Pressley): /s" gauge, index 115 115 %" gauge, grams 25.0 33.6 Outdoor Exposure Samples were exposed outdoors at Berke- ley, California; Fort Collins, Colorado; Reno, Nevada; Corvallis, Oregon; Las Cruces, New Mexico; and Logan, Utah, for the following periods: Dates Days March 1-April 2 32 April 2-May 4 32 May 4-June 5 32 June 5-July 7 32 March 1-May 4 64 March 1-June 5 96 March 1-July 7 128 The samples, approximately 36 x 36 inches in size, were attached to frames by means of casings and rods. Supported by exposure racks, the bottoms of the frames were approximately 2 feet from the ground and were held at a 45° angle from the horizontal, facing due south. The front and back of the fabric were fully exposed. The frames were rotated a quarter turn every eight days to give equal distribution of exposure to all parts of the sample. Descriptive data of exposure location Location Latitude and longitude Altitude (feet) Exposure site Surroundings of campus Berkeley, 37°52' N 280 Roof of three-story building. Roof Surrounded by business and resi- California 122°16' W surface asphalt covered with gravel. dential districts; often smog from neighboring areas. Fort Collins, 40°34' N 5,004 Ground, edge of campus, untend- Bordered by residential and com- Colorado 105°04' W ed area, no shading or wind- breaks. mercial districts, some farming, no large industry. Reno, Nevada 39°32' N 4,580 Roof of one-story building. Area Surrounded by residential area, no 119°49'W covered by gray, unpainted wood decking. large industry. Las Cruces, 32°17' N 3,900 On plowed ground, open area. Rural, semi-desert area, consider- New Mexico 106°45' W able dust. Corvallis, 44°38' N 386 Roof of six-story building, con- Bordered by residential and busi- Oregon 123°16' W crete surface. ness districts, practically no smog from industry. Logan, Utah 41°45'N 4,772 Ground, center of campus on Bordered by residential area, no 1 1 1 °50' W untended area, no shading or wind breaks. smog from industry. [6] General descriptive data of the expo- sure locations are shown in the box on page 6. During the exposure periods i weather data were collected at climato- logical stations as near as possible, in most cases within a mile, except for Ne- vada where the station was 2.6 miles away. The following data were obtained for all exposure sites: 1) temperature: daily minimum and maximum, 2) precipi- tation: daily total, 3) wind: average hourly speed, 4) sunshine: total number of hours. 1 Laboratory Exposure Laboratory exposures — A Preliminary laboratory exposures of the Acala 4-42 cotton fabric were made to light, weathering, and heat for periods of 300, 600, and 900 hours. Light exposures were made by Nevada, weathering by California, and heat by Oregon. The lab- oratory light source was the carbon-arc lamp of a Fade-Ometer. Samples were exposed at a black panel temperature of 145 ± 5°F for the specified number of standard fading hours (Am. Ass'n of Tex- tile Chemists and Colorists, 1960). The carbon-arc lamp operated for 4 hours and was then off for 1 hour. Hours of expo- sure were counted only when the lamp was on. The weathering exposures were made in a Weather-Ometer equipped with a carbon-arc lamp. The instrument was operated at 20-minute cycles consisting of 17 minutes of light and 3 minutes of water spray plus light. The black panel temperature was 145 ± 5° F at the end of the 17 minute period of light and 96 °F at the end of the 3 minute spray-plus- light period. The relative humidity of the ambient air in the exposure chamber was approximately 70 per cent. Exposures to heat were made in a lab- oratory oven at 145°F in the presence of air. The fabric samples were suspended in the oven during the exposures. Laboratory exposures — B In these laboratory exposures, samples of the Acala 4-42 and Pima S-l fabrics were exposed to light, heat and humidity, air i movement, and ozone. Samples were exposed continuously to the light of a carbon-arc lamp in a Fade- Ometer at 145 ± 5°F for 300, 600, and 900 standard fading hours (Am. Ass n of Textile Chemists and Colorists, 1960). These exposures were made by Oregon. California studied the effect of an air pollutant on the fabrics; samples were suspended in an airtight chamber con- taining ozone at 70 °F and 72 per cent RH. Ozone was produced by a spark gap generator, and a concentration of 40 to 60 pphm was maintained inside the cham- ber. A Mast Portable Ozone Meter and Recorder provided continuous measure- ment and recording of the ozone concen- tration throughout the exposure period. Exposures were made in the absence of light and with minimum air movement for 300, 600, 900, and 1,200 hours. Samples of the cotton fabrics were sus- pended in a relative-humidity cabinet with mechanical refrigeration for periods of 300, 600, 900, and 1,200 hours. Within the cabinet was a minimum of air move- ment and light. Exposures were made by Oregon under the following conditions: 45 ± 2 per cent RH:70, 105, and 145°F 95 ± 2 per cent RH:70, 105, and 145°F. The fabrics were exposed by Colorado to an artificially produced air movement simulating a 40-mile-an-hour wind. An institution-type refrigerator, together with lead-in and return ducts, housed the cir- culating air. Air movement was produced by means of a 25-inch fan which was driven by a 7.5-horsepower motor. Air temperature was maintained at approxi- mately 70 °F and relative humidity ranged from 20 to 30 per cent during exposure. Samples were mounted in wooden frames and held in place by means of coil springs assuring even tension over the 12-inch square sample. Air movement over the sample was equalized through use of an egg-crate type straightener placed at the end of the air duct leading into the area where the sample was mounted. Samples were exposed for periods of 300, 600, and 900 hours. Evaluations After outdoor or laboratory exposures all samples were sent to one of the cooperat- ing stations for the appropriate laboratory [7] C -t— «« >>02 «4- o3T3 N (N ■* OO ■* lO o-d o ^h ^h OS OO O CO g M a CO CO CO CO >* cs -d 00 OS t— CNI "0 t-h tO ■* N lO w © , «n <*-, o3TJ Ot!_0 ^ o VI ~ 5 -3 a en a a g~a >o GO o % Al eo'"d CUl -r) O /£ oo Al o-d.o ^ -fi 05 t^ t-H OO VI ~ O S fr a CO a >.* t~-i 4-1 "x o3T5 ^ 03 cS -d.o IN S N O) f ■* c3 4-» 00 3 S 2 a ^h CO CO CO "0 08 a> T3 03 0) C 3 a a o •*— 1-5 T3 fe «♦-. 03T3 o-d o O 00 "*i CM CO ■* C! o3 a a S3 >-5 s •^ a >> >,* 03 'S 03-d a TJ o O iO iO OS <— i CC s ~a CO >0 l-H i-H >> 03 1 be -^ oj o o> o o o co m o o 05 3 6 Id o t^ io o o ia n N O U5 N N n id e to n s ++++++ CM o CO + a « N N W O N M OO N Ol * O) CO CO CO o 00 CO CM O OS CM CM CO CO O o — —i + + + + + CO OS CO CM CM lO 8.S CM CM CO o o © » W N O) O C* t^ CM iO iO «0 t~ (N U5 (N f M U) ©©©©©© 3T3 h » « 9 0O h T3 § cd o a> a> c +2 O O £ £ O D © o © o © o © IC *C lO *0 iO lO ©©©©©©' -+ 1 »o © t~- © CM CM t iO » U) « OOZZOD OO > 00 03 o o PhPh per cent in strength, and the samples ex- posed in Oregon lost 46 per cent. The next greatest loss was observed on sam- ples exposed in New Mexico (29 per cent) and Colorado (19 per cent). The samples exposed in Utah lost only 10 per cent in strength. The loss in breaking strength was greatest for samples exposed during June in all locations except California. The first 32 days of exposure caused an increase in the breaking elongation of all samples. Subsequent exposure tended to result in a decrease in elongation for all samples, except for those exposed in Utah. After 128 days of exposure the samples exposed in California and Ne- vada had values lower than those for the unexposed cotton. Abrasion resistance Comparison of the values for resistance to abrasion of the exposed fabrics by the impeller tumble method with values for the inflated diaphragm method gave simi- lar results. Samples exposed for 128 davs in California, Nevada, and Oregon showed less resistance to abrasion than those exposed at the other locations. Colorado- and Utah-exposed samples showed the best resistance to abrasion and New Mexico samples showed inter- mediate resistance. The resistance to abrasion of the sam- ples varied among the four 32-day pe- riods; there was no marked trend for resistance to abrasion to change with sea- sonal weather variations. Reflectance and color changes Reflectance and color measurements were made on the samples before extraction for nonfibrous material and therefore reflect changes due to the impingement of for- eign material (dust, etc.) plus the changes of the fiber per se. Exposure for 128 days at all locations resulted in a decrease in the reflectance of the samples, an increase in the "a" readings (redness) and an in- crease in "b" values (yellowness). The change in reflectance was the smallest for samples exposed at Oregon, approxi- mately 23 per cent, and was 26 to 28 per cent for the samples exposed at other stations. The Oregon samples also showed [11] considerably less yellowing than samples exposed at the other locations. During the first 32 days of exposure all samples decreased approximately 10 per cent in reflectance. Additional exposure resulted in continued decreases in reflectance. Comparison of the four 32-day periods shows that exposure during June resulted in greater yellowing than during the other months for samples exposed in California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oregon. Colo- rado samples yellowed to about the same extent during each of the 32-day periods and the Utah samples yellowed the most during April and approximately the same during the other months. Nonfibrous material and pH of water extract After 128 days of outdoor exposure the samples exposed in California, Nevada, and Oregon contained the highest per- centage of nonfibrous material — 2.8 per cent, 2.1 per cent, and 1.3 per cent re- spectively. The nonfibrous material ex- tracted from samples exposed in Utah represented 1 per cent of the total weight of the samples, and approximately 0.6 per cent nonfibrous material was found on the Colorado and New Mexico samples. In all cases most of the nonfibrous material was water soluble. The pH of the water extract for the California, Nevada, and Oregon samples ranged from 5.00 to 4.55. Comparable values for samples exposed in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah were 6.60, 7.05, and 7.95, respectively. Generally, increasing length of expo- sure resulted in a larger amount of non- fibrous material present on the fabric. Large variations in the percentage of non- fibrous material and pH of the extract occurred among samples exposed for the four 32-day periods. Comparison of observed changes While exposure of the cotton fabric at all of the six locations resulted in degrada- tion, the rates of change varied. The sam- ples exposed at California, Nevada, and Oregon tended to change more rapidly than samples exposed at Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Exceptions were re- flectance and color changes. These were the only measurements where the greatest changes were not observed for California, Nevada, and Oregon. The relationship between change in breaking strength and increase in cellu- lose fluidity of the exposed samples is shown in figure 1. The increase in cellu- lose fluidity values for a corresponding decrease in breaking strength was great- est for samples exposed in California and Oregon and least for samples exposed in New Mexico. The amount of nonfibrous material ex- tracted from the exposed samples ap- peared to be related to the extent the cotton had been degraded. Samples with high fluidity and low strength values gen- erally contained a higher amount of ex- tractable material and had acidic pH values. The amount of nonfibrous mate- rial extracted from the exposed fabric was not related to the amount of change in reflectance or color. No correlation was apparent between loss in reflectance or yellowing and cotton degradation as shown by changes in fluidity and strength. The longer exposure lasted, the greater was the amount of degradation. After 128 days of outdoor exposure there was little indication that the rate of degradation was decreasing. For the fabrics exposed in California, Nevada, and Oregon the high fluidity values and great loss in strength would indicate that the cotton had been so severely degraded that the future serviceability of the material had been substantially limited. The fabric ex- posed in New Mexico for 128 days had begun to show indications of damage that might impair its serviceability, while those exposed in Colorado and Utah showed rather mild amounts of deteriora- tion. Outdoor exposures of cotton textiles by other workers (Fels, 1960; Goldthwait and Robinson, 1958; Pomroy and Stevens, 1964; and Race, 1949) have generally shown an increase in cellulose fluidity or a decrease in breaking strength more nearly like the values found for samples exposed in California, Nevada, and Ore- gon than those exposed in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Thus it may be sug- gested that the extent and rate of degra- dation observed on the cotton fabric after [12] 0.650 0.600 e 0.550 cd ^ W r£3 r-l 0.500 4J M C 85°F Trace or more >25 mph California days hours 32 days (March-April) . . . 12 1 241 Colorado 25 12 4 311 Nevada 25 12 11 330 New Mexico 8 4 7 359 Oregon 8 23 113 Utah 11 9 4 333 64 days (March-May) .... California 18 2 584 Colorado 34 24 6 578 Nevada 47 23 24 698 New Mexico 9 9 5 11 726 Oregon 10 49 252 Utah 15 3 25 7 650 96 days (March-June). . . . California 1 22 2 971 Colorado 35 2 39 6 892 Nevada 54 8 27 36 1,121 New Mexico 9 36 12 16 1.125 Oregon 11 72 472 Utah 16 8 31 16 1,045 32 days (April-May) California 7 1 343 Colorado 9 12 2 267 Nevada 22 11 13 368 New Mexico 1 9 1 4 367 Oregon 2 27 139 Utah 4 3 16 3 317 32 days (May-June) California 1 3 387 Colorado 1 2 15 314 Nevada 7 8 4 12 423 New Mexico 27 7 5 419 Oregon 1 23 220 Utah 1 5 6 9 395 32 days (June-July) California 1 297 Colorado 15 17 3 357 Nevada 1 29 5 11 456 New Mexico 33 9 5 407 Oregon 4 2 343 Utah 26 1 3 416 [24] U5 i— os r-t -h o -r CO t~ CO t-» CO t~- CD CO W^ a 73 O o3 OS Xi 53 o CM 113 i— ' -V CM O CM 1 o o o o o o © z * N « » "5 O CM H_ rt © rt r- ^ « r CO t M T M CO CO Xi ++++++ + . o o O * O IN ^ (N O - CO o3 o o o o o o © ++++++ + o c J "a U5 o 115 O QO CO CO o ce N N H CO >t IN 4) oo oo oc oo oo a © « ~f © © -H U5 113 W (D K5 (O 115 co > ©©O©©© © o> k_ o -^ CO OlIC t N r- 3-C © H3 © t- CM «C r~ 13 ^ "I 1 iO O ^ Ol ^ M * 1 X 03 O > a> a; > > ii a.a, 1 u **, IM IO » O W 15 iO CM — h t- 00 O »-i CO kj n •* e W « =o «* ft co ?rZ O 03 g£ lO CO 00 "!f t-i o> CO CO CO O CM 00 t- CM _ O ^h i-i o o o fc cm t~- O O »0 CO CM ^_ n 0O N H N lO o ; M « lO N IN h CO 43 ++++++ + ^ O o D O CM tf5 O CM CM CO ? » rt O H ■* O CO o3 O N N * O N * a> rt l 3 MT3 <» 8 |gi Ss 5 O) Ol » * 0O ffl CM a £.2£ io o t~ as oo o> co -d a « O S IS m-d 111 III ■* o h oao) oo X! O ^h 00 CO CO i- © << &§ o 9l -* 03 £ CS o o o o o o HH cD 2£ £ io iri co o oo oo »o 55 M 115 CO US ■* 1(5 CO ,> o o o o o o o PQ « n5^H n f in n i« o i>- o n a oi o so cm o« c o 1 « CC 1 is 1 =« h-1 9 s- c 1 8! O o '* S E 1 T3 1 $ 1 ft JH O ^ > M -g 1 X , 2 S O «) 4) £ + i a C L X X C i= i t PmPh S s o - O O w U o o ^> a sf i •c cu < C/3 ^ « Q CO cu I-I PQ « o ^ Hi CD H nn T3"d C fl O lO o oo IN Oi CM 00 CO CO HO CO I s + + + o — i o — + + + + + + a> co © cm £.2 S CD cD"d 111 ti< co oo tr> CO CM CO CO rX ce o t^ O i-i CO CM CO CO o o o o CM — Ct3 3^ >o o t- o o o o o CO ^*i oo »o SB 3 3 > & CD cp & ^5 ^ J5 O P bO X . OJ *£ co co to to o o O) 00 -t to lO n to co "S"B Tf e id to o n CO W* a (B O 03 CM O CO — 00 t^ Oi -D S W -f 00 Ol N M eg-g -d 111 s e Ct> -^ o w n io io a 00 ,Q j__ o. CO — H CO i-h CM o o «! ^3 Jj u >J 3g r o o o o o o o pq to O OS CM ~h CM O j=T3 £ CM O to CM i-i f^ •f (D O) W N * t^ o* c o +J '- 8 03 J o H o « (Si ■a s s T3 1 a ^ o g ^ £b -c X S O S) « 2 5 c u L y fc c £ «£ > > J-l o o •g u p o u © O H3 4-* 3 o ^-—^ ►. 5 i— > A fl S i— » Cfl ^ d Q 03 cq . « CO 02 C oS jjt -c vS.2 S OJ 03-C Hi g'l'S 03 M m-5 C-J C-5 O C-1 OS T CO CM M N - O f t O) X » CM CM CM CM CM tO o o o o o o tO to d d O tO 05 -rr ^ lO * f o o o o o r- -r to co cm to T CM O t~- CM OS co co cm to to -^r Jt: o ? > t* — — — > > m as 03 O OJ 0) C -2 O O £ 2 C - z z as a; TABLE 8A. 32 Days (March-April) and 128 Days Outdoor Exposure: Mean Laboratory Measurements and Standard Deviations for Breaking Strength and Elongation, and Resistance to Abrasion. Resistance to abrasion Exposure Breaking strength elongation Impeller tumble method Inflated diaphragm method Location Period Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. days 32 128 32 128 32 128 32 128 32 128 32 128 lb/yarn inch per cent wt loss no. cycles California Colorado Nevada 0.545 0.278 0.598 0.522 0.545 0.257 0.600 0.459 0.599 0.350 0.618 0.579 0.021 0.008 0.042 0.014 0.054 012 0.026 0.023 0.025 0.023 0.024 0.022 0.30 18 0.25 0.24 0.32 0.18 0.30 0.27 0.30 25 0.30 0.32 01 0.02 01 0.01 0.03 01 00 01 0.02 02 01 01 12 28 12 14 11 30 10 15 11 22 10 13 1.1 2.7 4.2 1.7 7 2 1.0 2.4 1.8 1.8 1.7 0.6 93.4 42.1 133 . 1 108.4 111.2 47.2 101.2 84.0 114.6 58.8 110.7 98.3 18.9 4.2 23.6 19.4 15.6 7 5 22 8 Oregon Utah 15.1 12.4 7.1 16 2 17.4 TABLE 9A. Relative Humidity Near Exposure Locations During Outdoor Exposure Station reporting 32-day period Location March-April April-May May-June June-July Oakland Airport Denver Airport Reno Airport El Paso Airport Salem Airport Salt Lake City Airport per cent RH (average) California 72 50 57 28 82 63 69 39 50 20 82 48 70 46 40 20 81 44 71 Colorado Nevada New Mexico 45 36 27 Oregon 69 Utah 23 TABLE 10A. Multiple regression — Cellulose Fluidity Upon Relative Humidity and Hours of Sunshine Source of variation Sum of squares Degrees of freedom Mean square Relative humidity 167.7 60.4 228.1 139.5 367.6 1 1 20 22 Sunshine Relative humidity and sunshine 60.4 Residual 6.98 Total F = 8.65 Caluloee Fluidity - 0.221 IIH + 0.0295 Sunshine - 12.55. [28] TABLE 11 A. Regression of Cellulose Fluidity Upon Relative Humidity Source of variation Sum of squares Degrees of freedom Mean square 167.7 199.9 367.6 1 21 22 167.7 9.5 Total F = 17.7 Cellulose Fluidity = 0.142 RH + 1.39. To simplify this information, it is sometimes necessary to use trade names of prod- ucts or equipment. No endorsement of named products is intended nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned. 7im-6,'66(G936)J.F. THE GOOD EARTH ... is the abundant earth. To achieve it, vast knowledge is needed now — and more will be required as expanding populations continue to make even greater demands upon the earth's resources. How are scientists, researchers, and agriculturists developing and implementing knowledge which will make the good earth flourish for future generations? In part, the answer will be found in the many pub- lications put out by the University of California's Division of Agricul- tural Sciences. Among these publications are: V «$§$&• the BULLETIN series . . . designed for an audience of scientists, and for informed lay- men interested in new research. the CIRCULAR series intended for a popular audience, and offering extensive dis- m cussions of some phase of an agricultural' operation ^CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE ... a ^monthly magazine describing latest research Mn the Division of Agricultural Science, and designed for researchers, informed farmers, and agri-businessmen LEAFLETS . . . these are short circulars de- k signed to answer one or a few questions for^ the home-grower or farmer without giving' detailed background information