University of California. G-IFT OF HENRY DOUGI^ASS BACON. 1877. Accessions No. Zf:<^6)•./;.) Essay on the Pathology of the Urine, 8vo . . .06 {John) History of England, Geo. III., v. 1 to 7, 8vo, each . 14 Political State of the British Empire, 4 v. 8vo . .30 {J.L.) Keports, King's Bench, 1834-40, 12 v. roy. 8vo . 20 New Ser., v. 1 to 11, roy. 8vo 24 19 v. 12, pt. 1 to 3, 8vo 1 13 Adrian, a Tragedy, 8vo 2 Adshead {Jos.) Narrative of the Wreck of the Rothsay Castle, 12mo . 5 Prisons and Prisoners, 8vo 7 Adventurer (The), 3 v. 12mo, 12s, Cadell—i r. 12mo . . . .110 Adventurers ; or, Scenes in Ireland, 3 v. 12mo 11 Adventures in Borneo, a Tale of Shipwreck, post 8vo . . . .07 the Moon and other Worlds, 8vo . . . . . 12 of Ariston, by an Eton Boy, 12mo 4 Congo in Search of his Master, ISmo . . . .03 Hunchback, with Smirke's Designs, 4to . . . .66 Naufragus, 8vo 9 ■ Poor Puss, 12mo 2 Qui Hi, in Hindoostan, a Poem, roy. 8vo . . .15 Quintin Harewood, 16mo 3 Sir Frizzle Pumpkin, and other Tales, 12mo . . .03 ■ Thomas Eustace, 12mo 5 a Donkey, 18mo 2 Dramatist, 2 v. 12mo 12 Gold Finder, Written by Himself, 3 v. post 8vo . .1 11 Greek Lady, Written by Herself, 2 v. post 8vo . .11 King's Page, 3 v. post 8vo 14 Medical Student, by R. Douglas, 3 v. post 8vo . .1 11 post 8vo . . . 10 Ship Boy, 12mo 5 Young Rifleman, from 1806 to 1816, post 8vo . .06 Younger Son, by Trelawney, 3 V. post 8vo . . . 1 11 an Ostrich Feather, 12mo 4 the Gooroo Paramartan, Tamul and English, 4to . .0 18 late Hungarian Campaign, edited by Tyndale, post 8vo 10 Advice from a Lady to her Grand-daughters, 12mo . . . .06 on Playing the Piano-forte, 18mo 3 to Governesses, 12mo ■ • .03 a Young Gentleman on Entering Society, 18mo . . .02 Adye {R.W.) Bombardier and Pocket Gunner, by Eliot, 18mo . .07 iEgineta {Paulus) Medical Works, translated by Adams, v. 1, 8vo . . 12 Jischines et Demosthenes de Corona, (jr., il Bremi, 8vo . . .08 Stock, 2 v. post 8vo . .10 .Slschylus, Agamemnon, Gr., a Blomfield, 8vo 12 Paley, 8vo 4 English Notes by Peile, 8vo . . ,09 — Germ, and Eng., by Kennedy, 8vo . . 12 and English, with Notes bv Gonington, 8vo . 7 in English, by Harford, 8vo, 18.s— 1. p. . .20 . Symmons, 8vo . . . .08 Sewell, 18mo . . . .04 Choephori, Eumenides, Gr., rec. Paley, 8vo .07 ■ ' and Prometheus, in English, by Fox, 12mo . 8 Choephorse, Gr., a Blomfield, 8vo 8 1816—1851. 6 Taylor &W. 6 J. II. Parker 6 Rivington Longman Talhoys Hharpe Cadell Ilighky Churchill 6 J. Wilson 6 Churchill Nickisson Hamilton Longman 6 Colhurn Hamilton Ntviman 6 Longman Lee Lee Cadell Benning Benning 6 Benning 6 Bosworth Hamilton 6 Longman Sharpe Longman 6 Colhurn Longman Cadell Grant ^ G. Hurst Smith w.) Opera, edidit Giles, 8vo Aldine British Pokts, 53 v. 12rao, each Akenside.—Beattie.— Burns, 3 v.— Butler, 2 v.— Chaucer, 6 v.— Churchill, 3 v.— Collins.— Cowper, 3 v.— Dryden, 5 v.— Falconer. —Goldsmith.— Gray.— Kirke White.— Milton, 3 v.— Parnell.— Pope, 3 V. Prior, 2 v. — Shakspeare. — Spenser, 5 v. — Surrey. — Swift, 3 V. Tliomson, 2 v.— Wyatt. — Young, 2 v. Aldis (CJ.) Introduction to Hospital Practice, 8vo {John) Internal Evidences of Christianity Illustrated, 12mo Lectures on Christian Union, I'lmo . Nature and Cure of Glandular Observations on Cancer, Svo Aldrich (Heii.) Artis Logicae Kudimenta, 12mo,2s 6(Z— with Notes, 12mo Notes by Mantell, Svi . Elements of Civil Architecture, by Smyth, 8vo Introduction to Logic, 12mo , Aldridge (Ileri.) History and Antiquities of the Courts of Law, Svo {John) Lectures on Urine and Urinary Diseases, Svo Alexander the Great, Life of, by John Williams, ISmo . {Alex.) Commentaries on Puerperal Fever, &c., Svo Life of, by John Howell, 2 v. 12rao Treatise on the Nature of Vision and the Eye {And.) Kenmrks on Church and State, 12mo {Arch.) Canon of the Script\ircs Ascertained, 12mo Evidences of Christian Religion, 18mo . {Bis.) Lectures on Evidences of Christianity, 12mo {Dr.) Horaj PoeticEe ; or. Poems with Notes, 12mo {Edw.) Memoir and Correspondence, 12mo ■ {JUm]).) Life of, by Lloyd, Svo, 156— in French, by Ilabbe,2 {John) Preacher from the Press; Sermons, 2 v. 12mo {J.A.) Comment on the Prophecies of Isaiah, by Eadie, Svo {J.E.) Excursions in Western Africa, 2 v. Svo . Expedition into South Africa, 2 v. post Svo . Explorations in British America, 2 v. post Svo Intelligence Respecting Europe, Svo Sketches in Portugal, 1S34, Svo . Transatlantic Sketches, America and W. Indies, 2 Travels from India to England, 1825-6, 4to . . of Mirza Itesa Modean, Svo through Russia and the Crimea, 1829, 2' v. {S.) English Grammar, ISmo Saul, King of Israel, Svo {S.Y.) Memoir, by her Father, ISmo {Wm.) Acts of Parliament, Scotland, 1424-1707, roy. Svo Sederunt, Scotland, abridged, roy. Svo . Supplement, roy. Svo . Analysis of Heritable Securities Acts, 1845-47, Svo — Statutes on Conveyancing, roy. Svo Construction and Fitting-up of Meeting-houses, 4to Digest of Bankrupt Act, Scotland, roy. Svo . Journey to Beresford Hall, Derbyshire, sm. 4to Prize Essay on the Divinity of Our Saviour, Svo Rules and Forms for Bills of Exchange, Scotland, 1 ■ {W.L.) Anglo-Catholicism not Apostolical, Svo Connexion and Harmony of Old and New Test., Svo Switzerland and Swiss Churches, 12mo . Alexandre (^i.) Beauties of Chess, including 2000 Positions, roy. 8 Alexandrians, an Egyptian Tale, 2 v. 12mo . Alexis (St.) Life and Times of, by BI. G. Keon, 12mo Alfieri {Cha.) Italian and French Conversations, 12mo 1816—1851. Svo V. 8v 7 Burgess 1 1 Burgess 3 6 Burgess 2 6 Tegg 6 Hivrst 2 6 aiadding 15 Weale 5 Longman 10 6 Longman 1 WhiUaker 8 Caddi 10 iiherwood 10 6 iV«« 5 Pickering 5 Longman 2 6 Aylott 6 Aylott 5 Highley 5 Uighle^J 6 Rivington 7 6 WhiUaker 18 WhiUaker 3 6 WhiUaker 5 Wildy 2 6 Sim2)kin 3 6 Tegg 5 Longman 14 Cadell 5 Longman 4 Smith & E. 5 Miller 1 6 WhiUaker 3 6 milter 5 SimpHn 2 Gilpin 1 i TreiUtel 7 Jackson d;W. 12 IF. Collins 1 4 Colburn 1 1 Colfmrn 1 1 Colburn 18 Allen 10 6 Cochrane 1 8 Bentley 1 11 6 Allen 9 Taylor db W. ] 8 Colbicrn 3 6 Longman 3 6 Hamilton 2 6 Wertheim 1 1 Longman 18 Steve7is ^ JV. 7 6 Stevens d:N. 10 Stevens <£; N. 10 Stevens & N. 10 6 Weale 18 Strvens & N. 5 /. R. Smith 3 /. H. Parker 3 6 Longman 8 Longman 12 Jackson <{; IF. 5 Jackson d: W. 1 4 Barthes 15 Whittaker 3 T.Richardson 3 6 Jeffs 10 ALF ALL Alfieri {Vic.) Memoirs of, 2 v. 8vo by Chas. Lloyd, 12mo Philip, a Tragedy, in English, by Childe, 12mo Tragedie, Italian, Montueci, 3 v. 12nio Scelte, Italian, Eanipini, 18mo. 12mo . Eolandi, 2 v. 12mo . Zotti, 2 V. 12mo • Tragedies, English, with Memoir, by Lloyd, 4 v. 12mo Alford (Hen.) Abbot of Muchelnaye, and other Poems, ]2mo. , . Chapters on the Poets of Ancient Greece, 8vo . Hulsenn Lectures, 1841, 8vo, 74'— 1842 . Lectures on the Influence of the Fifth Commandment, 8vo . Passages for Translation into Greek, Latin, &c., Svo ■ Poetical Works, 2 v. 12mo .... Prose Hymns, Printed for Chanting, 18mo Psalms and Hymns, for Holy days and Sundays, 18mo . School of the Heart, and other Poems, 2 v. 12mo Sermons, Svo ....... Village Sermons on Lord's Prayer, Beatitudes, &c., 12mo Alfred ; or, Adventures of a French Gentleman, 8vo the Youthful Enquirer, 18mo Dudley ; or, the Australian Travellers, 16mo . Moreland, the Would-be Traveller, 12mo . {King) Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius, by Cardale, 8vo, 1^ , Fox, Svo . His Life and Times, by J. A. Giles, Svo Poems, in English Metres, by M. F. Tupper, 12mo ■ Will, Saxon and English, with Notes, Svo Algae Britannicse, with Real Specimens, fol Ali Pacha {of Jannina), Life of, with History of Modern Greece, — Pasha, Life of, by Davenport, ISmo .... {Mrs.) Observations on the Mussulmauns of India, 2 v. Svo — {Shah) History of Bahawalpnr, &c., post Svo . the Sikhs and Affghans, post Svo Alice; or, Infidelity, a Novel, 5 v. 12mo .... Cunningham ; or, the Christian as Daughter, Sister, &c., post Svo Grant; the Two Cousins; the Fair Day, ISrao . Gray, a Novel, by Cath. Mason, 3 v. 12mo Paulet; a Sequel to " Sydenham," 3 v. post Svo Alison {Arch.) England, 1818-45; or, the Currency, Svo Essays on Taste, med. Svo, 2s &d, W. Smith — 2 v. Political, Historical, and Miscellaneous, 3 v. Free Trade and a Fettered Currency, Svo History of Europe, 14 v. Svo, 10^ lOs — roy. Svo . . 20 V. 12mo . Atlas, sm. 4to demy 4 to, Zl Ss — roy. 4 Epitome, post Svo Atlas, sm. 4 to Practice of Criminal Law, Scotland, Svo Principles of Criminal Law, Scotland, 8vo Population, &c., 2 v. Svo . Sermons, 2 v. Svo on the Seasons, 18mo ■{S. S.) Organic Alterations of the Heart, 12mo Propagation of Contagious Poisons, post Svo . {W.P.) Outlines of Pathology, and Practice of Medicine, Svo ■ Human Physiology, Svo Remarks on Poor Laws, Scotland, Svo . Aliva {Rene) Anti-Spelling Book, ISmo .... French Language its own Teacher, 12mo . Aiken {Hen.) Art and Practice of Etching, with Examples, Svo Beauties and Defects of the Horse, Svo . Allan M'Dougal; or. Scenes in the Peninsula, 3 v. 12mo {Jno.) Handbook for Testing Unitarian Doctrines, 12mo {J.H.) Bridal of Caolchairn, and other Poems, Svo Pictorial Tour in the Mediterranean, 4to . {Robt.) Manual of Mineralogy, Svo Review of the Calvinistic Creed, 12mo System of Surgery, 3 v. Svo {Tho.) Mineralogical Nomenclature, Svo 12 10 1 1 4 7 6 2 6 12 2 2 S 10 2 5s, 1. p. Svo 5 2 3 3 2 2 12 12 3 6 18 12 3 1 1 10 12 1 10 5 1 16 1 11 4 1 1 2 5 2 12 4 7 7 18 18 10 4 3 5 18 12 5 1 5 6 18 18 3 12 3 3 Colburn 6 Baldtoyn 6 Saunders^O. Miirray Rolandi 6 Simpkin Dulau Dulau Baldwyn 6 Pickering 6 Whittaker Rivington 6 Rivington Whittaker Rivington Rivington 6 Rivington Longman 6 Rivington, 6 Rivington Willonghly 6 Baldwin 6 R. Clarke 6 Houlston Pickering Pickering G. Bell A. Hall Pickering Blackader Relfe 6 Tegg Allen 6 Madden Murray Newman Wert/isim, 6 Harvey 6 Newman 6 Colburn Blackwood Longman Blackwood 6 Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood 6 Blackwood Blackwood 6 Blackimod Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Longman Longman 6 Longman Wl,'i (taker B/ackirood Blackwood 6 Blackwood 6 Churton Churton Fuller Fuller Newman 6 Blackie Hookham L^o/igman 6 Longman 6 Hamilton Baldivin Hurst ISIG— 18r>l. CATALOGUE. ALL ALL 11 Allanston; or, the Infidel, edited by Lady Chatterton, 3 v. post 8vo Allason {Tho.) Views of the Antiquities of Pola, fol., 3/ lbs — 1. p. Allbut (./.) Elements of Useful Knowledge, 12nio Alleine {Jos.) Alarm to the Unconverted, 32nio, 2s, Teffg—l2mo . . 12mo, 3.f, Lonr/man — 12mo Life and Christian Letters, by Rd. Baxter, 12mo Saint's Pocket Book, ISmo {Jlic.) Instructions about Heart and Prayer, post 8vo Allen {Alex.) Constructive Greek Exercises, by Ilobson, 12nio Eclogse CiceronianiB, 12nio ...... Etymological Analysis of Latin Verbs, 12nio . French Delectus, 12mo Greek Delectus, r2mo Latin Delectus, r2nio ....... and Cornwell's English Grammar, 18mo, Is 9d — abridged . (Card.) Admonitions to England and Ireland, 1588, 12mo {Cha.) History of England, 12mo Home, 12mo {E.) History of England, 2 v. ISmo {F.T.) Law on Summoning Traders to Bankruptcy Courts, ]2mo. {Geo.) Christian's Song in the House of his Pilgrimage, 2 v. ISmo, ea. {Hen.) Prayers for Private and Family Worship, 18mo {U.E.) Doctrina Copularum Linguae Latinae, 8vo {I.N.) March through Sinde and Affghanistan, 1842, post 8vo {Jas.) Notes, &c., on the Book of Revelation, 8vo {John) Exposition of the Bible, 4 v. 8vo, 21 10s— 1. p. Inquiry into Royal Prerogative in England, 8vo Modern Judaism; Opinions, Rights, &c., of the Jews, 8vo. Principles of Riding, for Gentlemen, roy. 8vo . Ladies, roy. 8vo .... Treatise on Arithmetic, 12mo, 3« 6f?— Key to . {.Jos.) Battles of the British Navy, 2 v. 12mo .... Navigation Laws of (Jreat Britain Considered, Svo . {Mat) Cases of Insanity, with Observations, Svo Essay on Classification of the Insane, Svo — Lectures on the Christian Religion, post Svo ■{Roht) Forms of Wills, for every Situation in Life, 12mo Practice of the Common Law Courts, 12nio Insolvent Debtors' Court, 12mo — {S.) Delectus Lectionum, 12mo, 3« — Key to . -{S.J.) Lectures in Defence of Church of England, Svo — {Tho.) Discourses, Svo History of Lambeth, Svo, 11 15s — 4to Lincoln County, 2 v. 4to, 'il lis 6d~\. p. London, 5 v. Svo Surrey, Svo ...... and Sussex, 2 v. Svo . Yorkshire, 6 v. Svo, il is— 3 v. 4to Panorama of London, 16mo {T.S.) Original Rhymes, 12mo . Trip to Paris, in Verse, 12mo . — (IFjh.) Ancient Geography, 12nio Collectanea Latina; Construing Lessons, 12mo . — ■ Epitome of the Christian Religion, ISmo . Elements of English Grammar, with Notes, 12mo abridged, ISmo Life and Correspondence, 8 v. Svo ■ Modern Geography, 1 2mo ..... — Picturesque Views of the River Niger, obi. 4to Sermons, 2 v. Svo ....... Views in the Island of Ascension, imp. 4to and Thomson, Expedition to the Niger, 1841, 2 v. Svo {W.E.) Treatise on Cultivating Cucumbers, Melons, &c., Svo Allester {Dav.) Chapters on Technical Terms for Conveyancers, post 8v Compendious Interest and Commission Tables, 8vo. Decimal Tables of Interest for Days and Years, Svo Dividend Tables, post Svo Alley {Jerome) Vindicise Christianae, Svo Allies {Jahez) Antiquities of Worcestershire, Svo .... {T. ir.) Church of England Cleared from Charge of Schism, Svo Journal in France in 1S45 and 1848, post Svo . Remarks on the Royal Supremacy, Svo . 1816-1851. 1 11 6 Nni'hy 5 10 Jlursl 3 6 Jackson d: W. 2 6 lloulslon 4 W. (Jollins 4 6 Williaws 3 Williams 4 Mason 5 Ta>/lorJb W. 2 6 Taijlor & W. 5 Taylor &W. 2 SimiMn 4 Taylor dfc W. 4 Taylor ilott It Cad,n f 5 Slmpkln c 12 J. H. Parker . f IC 6 Longman . c L 6 Pickering c 2 12 ALL A M E Allies {T. W.) See of St. Peter, the Rock of the Church, &c., 8vo . .05 Sermons on the Epistle to the Romans, &c., 8vo . . 10 Allin {Tho.) Discourses on Modem Atheism, &;c., 12mo, 3^ Qd — 8vo . 5 Allingham (TF/H.) Poems, r2mo 8 AUiott {R.) Lectures on History of the Children of Israel, 12mo . .04 Allison (/.) Guide to the Lakes, 12mo, 36' — with plates . . .06 {M.A.) Child's French Friend, ISmo 2 Guide to English History, by Brewer, 1 8mo , . .03 Petite Franqaise; Vocabulary, &c., 18mo . . . .02 Young Ladies' Arithmetic, 18mo . . . . .02 Allix {Pet.) History of the Churches of the Albigenses, 8vo . . .07 Judgment of the Jewish Church, 8vo . . . . .08 Reflections on the Holy Scriptures, 8vo . . . .08 Remarks on the Ancient Churches of Piedmont, 8vo . .07 Allman (ir.) Anah'sis of the Genera of Plants, 4to . . . .0 10 AUnatt (C.B.) Treatise on the Law of Partition, 8vo . . . .08 {R.H.) Treatment of Tic Doloureux, post 8vo . . . .05 Allnutt (G.8.) General Orders and Rules of Court of Chancery, 12mo . 3 Practice of Wills and Administrations, 12mo . . .0 15 Real Property Statutes, with Notes, 12mo . . .03 {R.L.) Sermons on Isaiah, Chap. 6, 12mo 3 AUom {E.A.) Sea-Side Pleasures, a Tale, 12mo 3 Sea- Weed Collector, 12mo 5 Allston ( IF.) Monaldi ; a Tale, post 8vo 10 AUwood {Phil.) Key to the Book of Revelation, 2 v. 8vo . . .14 Warburtonian Lectures, 1811-15, 2 v. 8vo . . .14 . Supplement to, 8vo . .07 Alma Mater, a Series of Original Pieces, 1 8mo 4 or Seven Years at Cambridge Universitj', 2 v. post 8vo . 18 Abnack {H.) Hints to Landowners on Tenure, &c., 8vo . . . .02 Almacks, a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo Ill Revisited, a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo 1 11 Almoran and Hamet, and History of Nourjahad, 24mo . . . .03 Aloadin, Prince of the Assassins, and other Poems, 12mo . . .04 Aloysius {St.) Angelic Youth ; or. Example of Holy Life, 18mo . .02 Alpha; or. First Principles of the Human Mind, 8vo . . . . 10 a Poem, post 8vo 8 and Omega; Lectures on the Titles of Christ, 12mo . . .03 Alphabets of the Sciences, 18mo, each, 2s Qd — complete, 4 v. . . 1 10 Alpine Tale, 2 v. 12mo 10 Alston (/. IF.) Hints in Landscape Painting, 8vo . . . , .07 Altar of Incense ; or, every Day Sanctified, 18mo . . . . .02 Altham and his Wife, 12mo ........ 5 Althorp Picture Gallery, and other Poetical Sketches, 12mo . . .05 Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet; an Autobiography, 2 v. post 8vo . . 18 Alvary's Latin Prosody, by Baillie, 18mo, Is Qd — by Geoghegan, 18mo . 1 Always Happy; or. Anecdotes of Felix and his Sister, 18mo • .02 Amalie (Princess) Dramas Illustrative of German Life, post 8vo . . 10 Amaranth, edited by T. K. Hervey, imp. 4to, i; lis 6(Z— India . .2 12 a Poetical Selection from British Authors, ISmo . . .02 Selection of Religious Pieces, 32mo . . . . .02 Amari {Mic.) History of the War of the Sicilian Vespers, 3 v. post 8vo . Ill Amarynthus, and other Poems, 12mo . . . . . . .07 Ambassador's Secretary, a Novel, by Jane Harvey, 4 v. 12rao . .12 Ambition, a Novel, by Miss M. G. Lewis, 3 v. 12mo . • . .14 Ambler {Cha.) Reports, Chancery, by Blunt, 2 v. roy. 8vo . . .22 Ambrose Maclandreth; a Tale, by a Clergyman, post 8vo . . .05 Ward; or, the Dissenter Reclaimed, a Tale, 12mo . . .04 {Isaac) Christian Warrior, edited by T. Jones, 12mo . .02 ■ Looking unto Jesus, 2 v. 8vo, 16s, Baynes — 8vo . .0 10 abridged by Cox, 8vo . . .07 Works, 8vo 8 Ambrosse {Bertie) Opoleyta, a Poem, 8vo . . . . . .09 America Compared with England, as to Government, 12mo . . .04 . an Epistle, with otlier Poems, 12mo . . . . .03 ■- and her Slave System, 8vo . 2 the Americans, by a Citizen, 8vo . . . . . 12 American Biography; Lives of Mrs. Judson and Mrs. Ramsay, 18mo . 3 Broad Grins, 1 8mo 2 Indians, their Costumes and Manners, 18mo . . . .01 Mariners ; or, the Atlantic Voyage, a Poem, 12mo. . .08 Negociator, 12mo 4 1816—1851. 0| Burns 6' J. H. Parker 6 Partridge 6 Chaptdanikll. Hamilton Longman Jar r old Jarrold Sim.2)Jcin Longman /. H. Parker J. H. Parker 6 J. H. Parker 6 /. //. Parker 6 Baldwin 6 Benning Churchill Crockford Crockford 6 Crockford 6 Hatchard 6 Aylott Aylott 6 Moxon Rivington Rivington Rivington Colhurn Black 6 Longman 6 Saunders 8(0. 6 Saunders^O. Rivington Simpkin 6 T.Richardson 6 Chapman^H. Ball 6 Nisbet Orr Westley 6 Longman 6 Nisbet 6 Oilier Longman Chapman^II. 6 Simpkin 6 Grant ^ G. 6 /. W.Parker 6 Baily Hamilton 6 Barton 6 Bentley 6 Longman Newman Cadell Benning Hope 6 Cleaver 6 Seeley P. Jackson 6 Sherwood Tegg Longman E. Wilson Lo7igman 6 Simpkin Longman 6 Hamilton Tyas 6 Ward Longman Souter CATALOGUE. A ME AND 13 American Scenery, illustrated by Bartlett, 2 v. 4to in Paris in 1838, 2 v. post 8vo . Americans (The) ; by an American in London, 12mo , Ames (Jon.) Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, 4 v. 4to . Amesbury (Jus.) Deformities of the Spine, Chest, and Limbs, 4to . Fractures of the Trunk and Extremities, 2 v. 8v'o Amethyst; or. Christian's Annual, 1832 34, post 8vo, each . Amnesty, a Tale, by C. F. Ellerman, 2 v. post 8vo Amos (And.) Expediency of Admitting Testimony of Parties to Suits, 8vo Lectures on Advantages of a Classical Education, 8 and Ferard, Treatise on Law of Fixtures, &c., 8vo Amulet; or, Christian Remembrancer, 1827 to 1836, 18mo, each Amurath, Prince of Persia, 12mo Amusement in High Life, post 8vo . Amusements in Retirement, post 8vo of Western Heath, 2 v. 18mo .... Amy Harrington ; or, a Sister's Love, 12mo. Herbert, by a Lady, edited by Rev. W. Sevvell, 2 v. 12mo Ray, a Tale, by Author of " Hours of Childhood," 16mo Amyott's Home ; or. Life in Childhood, a Tale, 12mo . Anacharsis, Travels, by Barthelemy, 6 v. 8vo, il 4.< — 1. p. Anacreon, Odes, Greek and English, by Edwards, 12mo Lexicon and Notes, by Roche, 8vo . Latin, a Aislabie, 8vo ..... translated by Orger, 12mo .... Richardson, 12mo , Analogies and Contrasts; or, Sketches of France and England, 2 Analysis and Summary of Old Testament History, 12mo of Scripture History, with Questions, &c., 12mo the Book of Revelation, Ch. vi., 8vo . Historical Books of the Old Testament, 12mo Hunting Field, roy. 8vo .... Analytical Essay on the Construction of Machines, 4to Prayer Book; Book of Common Prayer, with Notes, '. View of Christianity, 8vo the Gospels, 12mo, 7s — fine paper . Anatomical Drawings from the Museum, Chatham, pts. 1 to 4, fol pt. 5, fol. . Examinations, 2 v. 12mo ..... Remembrancer; or. Pocket Anatomist, 32mo Anatomy of the Human Body, 12mo Anaya (^1.) Discours sur les Langues Vivantes, 12mo . Essay on Spanish Literature, 12mo . • Italian Grammar, 8vo ..... Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Characters Explained, 4to Devotional Poetry, from a MS. of 16th or 17th Centurj', sm, History, from Rollin and others, roy. 8vo of the Feasts, Festivals, &c., of Eastern Nations, Minor Kingdoms, roy. 8vo Indian Literature, 4to Laws and Institutes of England, 2 v. roy. 8vo, 11 10,s— Wales, 2 v. roy. 8vo, 11 16s — 1 Records; or, the Abbey of St. Oswythe, 4 v. 12mo Reliques ; or. 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Parker 10 6 Bentley 16 Benning 12 Wtstleij 4 Walker 10 6 Greenland 10 6 Colburn 4 narns 6 Nisbet 9 Longman 2 6 Hamilton 3 Groombridge 6 6 Mavman 6 Simpkin 12 Valpy 7 Ridgway 3 6 Hunter 6 6 WUttaker 1 10 Ne^ihy 5 6 Bagster 3 6 G. Bell 7 Cadell 6 Whiitaker 1 11 6 Ackermann 18 Ackermann 2 6 Partndge 9 Hatchard 10 Cadell 15 Highley 1 5 Highley 12 Highley 3 6 Highley 10 6 Barton 4 6 Boosey 5 Boosey 6 Boosey 1 1 Mcol 6 6 Tract Society 9 Tract Society 2 6 Cousins 2 Tract Society 1 5 Allen 2 Butterworth 2 4 Buttertvorth 1 2 Newman 1 4 Clarke 7 6 Longman 1 Boosey 1 11 6 Macrone 12 Steve7is 2 6 Pickering 3 Pickering 3 6 Bentley 6 Pickering 4 6 Grant d; G. 4 Grant d; G. 1 1 Bentley 4 6 Grant <£- G. 3 1 11 6 Bentley 2 6 Bogue 1 11 6 Bentley 10 6 Bentley 5 Chapman&H 3 Bums 14 AND AND Andersen (fl'.C) Tales from Denmark, 16mo, 6s — coloured . True Story of my Life, 12mo .... ■ Two Baronesses, a Romance, 2 v. post 8vo . 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Colhurn 6 Bentley 6 Hamilton Simpkin 6 Washhourne Jlalihcin 6 Hudson Lalton 34 BAR- BAR Barbauld (Mrs.) Legacy for Young Ladies, 12mo . ■ Lessons for Children, 18mo in French, 18mo Selections from the Spectator, Tatler, &c., 2 v. 12mo Works, with Life by Mrs. Aikin, 2 v. 8vo . Barber (Jas.) Overland Guide Book to India, via Egypt, {3£.A.) Childhood's Duties, ISmo ■ ■ Early Days of Faith and Love, ISmo Missionary Tales for Little Listeners, ISmo Redemption in Israel; or. Conversion among Jews, 12mo . (S.W.) Arab Bride, a Poem, 12mo .... • (Tko.) Views in Isle of Wight, roy. 8vo . (Wm.) Memoirs of, by his Brother, 8vo Barclay (Alex.) State of Slavery in West Indies, 1828, 8vo . (A.C.) Mystery of God's Dealings with the Jews, 18mo (Hen.) Law of Highways, Scotland, 8vo (John) Elements of Philosophy, 18mo Polite Literature, 18mo Science and Art, 18mo Engravings of the Human Skeleton, 4to Inquiry into Life and Organization, 8vo Letters on Anatomy, with Life by Ballingall, 8vo ■ Select Anecdotes, and Instructive Incidents, 12mo Sequel to the Diversions of Purley, 8vo Socinianism and Irvingism Refuted, 12mo Select Poems for Young People, 12mo . (Robt.) Agricultural Tour in the United States, post 8vo Apology on Divinity as regards Quakers, 8vo 8vo {Mn ( Wm.) English Dictionary, 4to by Dewhurst, 4to Shorten, 4to Bard; a Selection of Poetry, 32mo of the West; a Romance, by Mrs. Peck, 3 v. 12mo Bardi (G.) Lectures Eleraentaires, Interlinear Translation, 12mo Bardsley (J.L.) Hospital Facts and Observations, 8vo . Bardwell (Wm.) Temples, Ancient and Modern, roy. 8vo Bareith {Margravine) Autobiography, 2 v. 18mo, 7s — 2 v. 12mo Memoirs, 2 v. 8vo, 1^ Is — in French, 2 v. 8 Baretti (Jos.) Italian and English Dictionary, 2 v. 8vo . Barfield {Mrs.) Memoirs of, 12mo Barfoot {J.R.) Elements of Drawing, 4to . Barham {A.F.) Key to Alism, and the Highest Initiations, 8vo Socrates, a Tragedy, 8vo {T.F.) Introduction to Greek Grammar, 12mo . {Wm.) Descriptions of Niagara, from Various Sources, 8vo Barker {Dr. F.) and Clieyne's Account of Fever in Ireland, 2 v. 8vc . Montgomery on the Dublin Pharmacopoeia, 8vo {Enii) Extracts from Various Authors, 2 v. post 8vo {E.H.) Classical Recreations, Svo . National Reader, 12mo {Johns.) Poems, 12mo {M.H.) Fortunes of Frank Fairfield, 12mo Hamilton King, a Tale, 3 v. post Svo . ■ Jem Bunt, Svo ..... Land and Sea Tales, 2 v. post Svo Naval Club, 3 v. post Svo . Top-sail-Sheet-Blocks, 3 v. post Svo Tough Yarns ; Naval Tales and Sketches, 1 Victory; or, Ward-Room Mess, 3 v. post Svo {N.J.) Introduction to Solid Geometry, &c., Svo {Tho) Art of Angling, 12mo {W.G.) Strictures on " Elliott's Horae Apocalypticae,' Svo Barlace {J.G.) Progress of Knowledge in England, to 1603, 4to Barlee {Gha.) Adjuraentum; or. Prayers for every Sunday, 12mo {Edw.) Explanatory Version of the Epistles, 12mo — . Minor Prophets, 12mo Barling {John) Review of Trinitarianism, post Svo Barlow {B-p.) Letters on Justification by Faith Only, ISmo . • — {E.) Essay on the Bath Waters, Svo {H.B) Account of Railway Engine and Carriage Wheels, " -coloured LONDON 7 6 Longman 2 6 Masters 2 R. Clarke 10 Moxon 1 4 Longman 5 Allen 2 Nishet 2 6 Nishet 2 6 Nishet 6 Seeleij 5 Bull 10 6 H. Bohn 6 Mason 14 Smith c^ E. 2 Painter 7 Stevens ^ N. 5 Whittaker 5 Whittaker 5 Whittaker 15 Baldwin 14 Whittaker 7 6 Balduyin 4 6 Phillips 7 Smith ^ E. 2 6 Simpkin 3 Phillips 7 6 Blackivood 5 Harvey u 8 ^W 1 5 Tallis 1 12 Virtue 1 10 P. Jackson 2 Hamilton 15 Baldu-in 3 R. Clarke 7 6 Burgess i 1 Eraser 12 Whittaker 12 Colhurn 1 6 Whittaker 3 Holdsworth 7 6 Barton 5 Johnstone 2 6 Painter 4 6 Hunter 5 Hoidston 1 6 Baldwin 16 Longman 14 Whittaker 8 6 Valpy 4 6 Whittaker 1 6 Hoidston 3 6 Orr 1 11 6 Bentley u 14 How 16 E. Wilson 1 11 6 Colhurn 1 4 Bentley 10 6 E. Wilson 1 11 6 Colhurn 12 Longman 3 6 Burn 3 6 Nishet 1 1 Arch 5 Rivington 6 Pickering 4 Pickering 5 /. Chapman 3 Seeley 8 Longman (J Weale 7 6 Weak 1816—1851, CATALOGUE. BAR BAH Barlow {Jas.) Address to Medical Pupils on the Profession, 8vo . .03 Essavs on Surgery and Midwifery, 8vo . . . .0 12 (/o/m) Connexion of Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy, r2nio .'5 - . Man's Power over Himself to Prevent Insanity, 12nio . ;5 (Pg<.) Essay on Magnetic Attractions, 8vo . . . .013 . Strength of Timber and other Materials, Svo . 10 — Experiments on Strength of Malleable Iron, Svo . T) Mathematical Tables, post Svo 10 Tables of Squares, Cubes, Roots, &c., post Svo . .08 Theory of Numbers, Svo 8 Treatise on the Manufactures, &c., of Great Britain, 4to . 3 6 . [Tho.) Tour through Belgium to Paris, 1833, ISmo . . .02 . Trip to Rome in 1835, ISnio .0 ( Field Naturalist's Note Book, oblong . . . .03 Barmby (J.G.) Madhouse, a Poem, 12mo 2 Barn and the Steeple, r2mo 4 Barnabee's Journal, 12mo, 65, 7". yl/6iirt»—12mo 12 Barnadiston; a Tale of the 17th Century, 3 V. post Svo . . .111 Barnard; a Modern Romance, post Svo '11 [Cfeo.) Drawing Book of Trees, obi. 4to / Sketches in Switzerland, fol. 4 4 Studies of Various Artists, fol 9 (Lieut.) Three Years' Cruise in the Mozambique Channel, post Svo 10 (Mrs.) Embroidered Facts, 1 6mo 4 Flowery Funeral of Fancy, 12mo . . . .02 Life of a Negro Slave, 12mo 4 Barnes (Alb.) Notes on Acts, Svo 6 and Romans, post Svo . . . .04 Corinthians, Svo 8 . , Gospels, 2 v. 18mo 4 by Green, post Svo . . . .04 Isaiah, Svo, 15«, Te^'i/— 2 v. post Svo . .08 by Cobbin, 2 v. 12mo . . . .05 Gumming, 3 v. post Svo . . .07 Job, 2 V. post Svo 6 by Gumming, post Svo . . . .04 New Testament, 10 v. post Svo, each . . .03 by Cobbin, 2 v. 4to . .1 10 10 v. 12mo . .13 . Gumming, 5 v. post Svo . 17 Questions on the Gospels, ISmo 2 New Testament, post Svo . . .03 Sermons on Revival of Religion, Prefoce by B. Noel, 18mo 2 (J. TF.) Week's Amusement, Tales from the French, 12mo . .05 ■ {John) Guide to Arithmetic and Book-keeping, 12mo . . .02 . Tour through France, 12mo 4 . St. Helena, 12mo 5 . (7?a^.) History of the Old Testament, 12mo . . . .04 — Inquiry into Law Respecting Real Property, Svo . . 10 (Wm.) Anglo-Saxon Delectus; or, First-Class Book, 12mo . .02 . • Arithmetical and Commercial Dictionary, 12mo • .01 Elements of Linear Perspective, 12mo . . . .02 English Grammar, 18mo 1 - — ■ Exercises in Practical Science, 12mo . . . .02 ■ ■ Investigation of the Laws of Case in Language, 12mo . 2 . Outlines of Geography and Ethnography for Youth, ISmo 3 Poems, Partly of Rural Life, in the Dorset Dialect, 12rao 5 Barnewall {R. V.) and Adolphus, Reports, K. Bench, 1830-34, 5 v. roy. Svo 8 11 Alderson, Reports, K.Bench, 1817-22, 5 V. roy. Svo 7 14 Creswell, Reports, K.Bench, 1822-30, 10 v.roy.Svo 14 16 Barnham (T.C.) Questions for Law Students, by Ings, 12mo . . .08 Baron (John) Delineations of Changes of Structure in Man, 4to . .0 18 • Inquiry into Tubercles, Svo, 14« — Illustrations of, Svo . 15 Baroness ; a Tale, by Author of " Distinction," post Svo . . . 10 Baronet; a Romance, 12mo .06 Baronial Halls, Text by S. C. Hall, 2 v 4to, 71 7«— proofs . . . 10 10 Barr (£chr.) Elevations, Sections, and Details of Strixton Church, fol. . 10 (Jas.) Anglican Church Architecture, 12mo . . . .05 • (John) Help to Professing Christians, 12mo 3 Scripture Student's Assistant, 12mo 2 (/.r.) Recollections of a Minister, post Svo . . . .03 ■ (ZMr.) Journal of a March from Delhi to Cabul, 1839, Svo . .0 12 1816—1851. 6 Longman Baldwin 6 IHck-ering 6 Pickering Ta>ilor^W. Wiale FMowes 6 Taylor 4r W. Taylor ^W. Wmle FeUo%ves 6 Simpkin Ilamilion W. Rofdnson 6 Stocking 6 Holdsworth Harding 6 Saunders ^0. Simpkin 6 Bogite Maclean Roivney 6 Bentley Orr 6 Harvey Washhourne Ward B. L. Green 6 Ward Tract Society B. L. Ch-een Blackie Partridge 6 Routledge Blackie 6 Routledge Blackie Partridge 6 Partridge 6 Routledge Blackie Blackie 6 Blackader Longman 6 Whittaker Darton Richardson, Whittaker Stevens 6 /. R. Smith 6 Longman 6 Longman Longman 6 Relfe 6 Longman 6 Longman /. R. Smith 6 Benning 6 Benning 6 Benning Stevens Ijongman Longman 6 Seeley Smith ^ E. Chajrman^H. 6 /. H. Parker /. H. Parker Blackie 6 Blackie 6 Snow , Madden 7 2 S6 BAR- BAR Barratt (Sarah) Alethea; or, the Maid of the Desert, 18rao . . .0 Barrett (Alf.) Catholic and Evangelical Principles, post 8vo . . . Christ in the Storm; or, the World Pacified, 12mo . . Essay on the Pastoral UtHce, post 8vo . . . . Pastoral Addresses for Retirement and the Closet, 2 v. 12mo (A.C.) Propositions in Mechanics and Hydrostatics, post 8vo . (Rev.B.) Analysis of the Nature and Origin of Sublimity, &c., Svo {C.P.) Overseer's Guide and Assistant, 12mo . ... {E.B.) See Browning [Mrs.) ■ (^.5.) Heroine, a Novel, 3 V. 12mo Woman, a Poem, 12mo {Geo.) Theory of Water-Colour Painting, roy. Svo . . . • {J-T.) Daily Prayers, for Families and Schools, 12mo . . . Memorials of Attleborough Church, Norfolk, imp. Svo . 2 Temptation of Christ Considered, 12mo . . . . [R.A) Synopsis of Criticisms on Old Test., v. 1 and 2, roy. Svo, ea. 1 . V. 3, pt. 1, roy. Svo . (1 Barrington {Arch.) British Genealogy Simplified, 12mo ... .0 • Chart of British Architecture, 4to, Text, 12mo . 1 Display of Heraldry, 12mo ..... Genealogy of the Sovereigns of England, 12mo Introduction to Heraldry, 12mo, 5« — coloured . — Manual and Chart of Foreign Architecture, 12mo Table of British Architecture, 12mo Tabular Display of British Architecture, 12mo {Hon.D.) Naturalist's Journal, oblong 4to . . . . Possibilitj^ of Approaching the North Pole, Svo {Sir J.) Memoirs of the Irish Union, Svo, \As — 2 v. 4to Sketches of his Own Times, 3 v. Svo {J. S.) Life, by Bp. Barrington, Svo, 6s— large paper . • — Theological Works, with Memoir, 3 v. Svo {Hon.L.) Child's Preacher ; or, the Gospel Taught, 12mo Widow of Nain, and other Lectures, 12mo Barron {Art.) and Arnold, Reports, Controverted Elections, 1843-6, Svo Austin, Reports, Controverted Elections, 1841-2, Svo (TFm.) Lectures on Belles Lettres and Logic, 2 v. Svo Barrow {Isc.) Beauties of, post Svo ..... Sermons, 5 v. Svo Eighteen, selected from his Works, Svo Selected from his Works, 2 v. Svo and Fragments, edited by Lee, Svo . Theological Works, 8 V. Svo .... Treatise on Man's Responsibility, 12mo . Supremacy of the Pope, Svo . Works, with Life by Dr. Jas. Hamilton, 3 v. Svo (SirJ.) Autobiogrnphical Memoir, Svo Chronological History of Arctic Voyages, Svo . Memoirs of Naval Worthies, Reign of Elizabeth, Svo Mutiny of the Bounty, 1 8mo .... — Sketches of the Royal Society, and its Club, Svo (John) Facts Relating to North-Eastern Texas, Svo {J.Jr.) Excursions in North of Europe, 1830-33, post Svo Tour Round Ireland, 1835, post Svo in Austrian Lombardy, Bavaria, &c., 1840, post Svo. Visit to Iceland, 1S34, post Svo {Sam.) Christi;in Class Book, 12nio Dictionary of Facts and Knowledge, 12mo - with Questions^ — Scripture Narratives, 1 2rao — Sermons for Schools and Families, 12rao — Young Christian's Library, 18mo {Wm.) Dissertations on Theological and Moral Subjects, Svo Essay on Christian Education, 2 v. 12mo . Sermons on Duties and Doctrines of Christianity, 2 v Vindication of Christian Faith, 12mo Barrow-diggers ; Early History of Barrows in England, 4to . Barry {Cha.) Architecture of the Travellers' Club House, 4to . {Dav.) Treatise on the Venous Blood, Svo . {Hen.) Caesar and the Britons, 8vo .... {Mart.) Narrative of an Ascent to Mont Ijlanc, 1834, Svo {Jas.) Discovery of the F:ilseness, &c., of Anabaptism, ISrao BarteU {A.) Modem Linguist, French, German, and English, l3mo ISIG— 1851. 12mo LONDON Hodson 6 Mason Mason 6 Mason Mason J. W. Parker Murray Shaw ^ Sons Colhurn 6 Colhurn 6 Ackermann 6 /. W. Parker /. W. Parker Rivington Lonyman Longman G. Bell G. Bell 6 G. Bell G. Bell H. Bohn G.Bell G.Bell G. Bell 6 Halchard T. Allman Colhurn Colhurn Payne 6 Rivington Wertheim Nishet Su-eet 6 Swe.t Longman 6 Newhy 6 Longman C. K. Society /. H. Parker Fellowes 6 /. H. Parker Longman 6 J. U. Parker Nelson Murray Murray Murray 6 Tegg 6 Murray Simi^kiv, Murray Murray 6 Murray Murray Whitlaker /. Hughes /. Huglces Westley Longman Whittaker 6 Rivington Riinngton Rivington 6 Longman, Whiltaker Weale Underwood 6 Baldwin Blackwood Pa,lmir 6 NutA CATALOGUE. B A II • BAR Bartels (A.) Modern Linguist, English and French, 18mo . German, 18mo Barter {W.B.) (5ainsaying of Core in Nineteenth Century, 8vo (W.G.) Poems, Original and Translated, 12mo . Barth (CM.) Bible Stories for the Young, 18mo . . - Christian Missions, 2 v. 18nio, each . Christmas Morning ; or, the Little Ink Cask, 18mo . Examples and Warnings, 16mo General History, Briefly Told, 18mo . History of the Church of Christ, 18mo Juvenile Anist, 16mo Moravians, 16mo Rene, the Young Crusade, ICmo Setma and Woodroof, Stories, 12mo . Wanderer, 16rao Winter Evening Stories, 16mo Younsj Tyrolese, 16mo (/),-.) and Rogers, Treatise- on Auscultation, by Newbigging, 12mo (Cr'./Z.) Mesmerist's Manual of Phenomena and Practice, 12mo . Bartholdy {F.M.) Sketch of his Life and Works, by Benedict, 8vo Bartholomew {Alf.) Sacred Lyrics ; or. Psalms of David, 12mo Specifications for Practical Architecture, 8vo (Geo.) Affection's Gift, a Poet's Offering, 32mo . Bartlett (A.D.) Historical Account of Cumnor P'ace, Berks, 8vo (Geo.) Cyclopajdial Question Book, 12mo (J.R.) Glossary of American Words and Phrases, 8' {T/io.) Colonisation and Resources of New Holland, Discourses on the Confession of the Church, 1 Stammering Practically Considered, 12mo Treatise on British Mining, on the Cost Book roy. ovo . pt, roy. 8vo {W.H.) Forty Days in the Desert; Cairo to Mt. Sinai Nile Boat ; or. Glimpses of the Land of Egv] Pictorial Gleanings on the Overland Route, roy. 8vo Scripture Sites and Scenes, post 8vo Walks about Jerusalem, roy. 8vo . Bartley {O.W.) Treatise on Forensic Medicine, 12mo . (R.) Essays in Verse on Religious Subjects, 12mo Bartoli, De Simboli Transportati al Morale, 12mo. Barton (B.H.) and Castle's British Flora Medica, 2 v. 8vo {Bern.) Culled Flowers, a Poetical Selection, 12mo Devotional Verses, 12mo Household Verses, 12mo Napoleon, and other Poems, 12mo . New Year's Eve, and other Poems, 8vo . Poems, 12mo ..... Poetic Vigils, 12mo .... Reliquary ; with Appeal for Poetry, 12mo Selection from Poems and Letters, with Memoi , Widow's Tale, and other Poems, 12mo . (Cha.) Concise Forms in Conveyancing, roy. 8vo Dissertations on Conveyancing, roy. 8vo. — Elements of Conveyancing, 5 v. roy. 8vo Points in Conveyancing, 8vo . Precedents in Conveyancing, 7 v. roy. 8vo . Supplement to, by Wilde, 3 v. roy (John) Geography of Plants, 12mo . (Z«(cy) Bible Stories for Children, 18mo . Gospel History of Jesus Christ, 16rao . Scripture History for the Young, 12mo . Natural History for the Y'oung, 12n Testimony of Scripture as to Prayer, 32mo (R.C.) Adelaide of Lorraine, a Poem, 12mo Rosalba ; a Tale, 12mo Gd—co]. (W.P.) Medical Botany of the United States, 2 v. 4to Baruh's Dance, Pythagoras, and other Poems, ]2mo Barwell (Mrs.) Edward, the Crusader's Son, a Tale, 2 v. 18mo Elder Brother, a Tale, 18mo. Little Lessons for Little Learners, 16mo, Novel Adventures of Tom Thumb, 16mo Nursery Government, 12mo . Remember; or, Mamma's Birth-day, a Tale, ICmo — — — -^r— Sunday Lessons for Children, 16mo 1816— ISol. post mo 3 12 7 3 5 System, 8vo 4 ' 12 16 16 4 12 4 r, post 8vo 37 Nutt 6 Nutt 6 Rhington G Pickering Tract .Society 6 Tract Society Hamilton Darton Tract Society 6 Tract Society 6 Darton 6 Darton 6 Darton R. Clarke 6 Darton 6 Darton 6 Darton 6 Whittaker liailliere 6 Murray Rivington J.Williams 6 Tegg /. H. Parker 6 Whittaker /. R. Smith 6 Longman 6 Ilatchard 6 Sherwood E. Wilson A. Hall A.Hall A.Hall A. Hall A. Hall Longman Harvey Rolandi //. Bohn Ball 6 Holdsicm-th Virti(.e Boys Hatchard 6 Baldwin. Baldwin 6 /. W. Parker A. Hall 6 Holdsworih Butterworth Butterworth Stevens Stevens Benning Butterworth 6 R. Clarke 6 Jarrold P. Jackson P. Jackson P. Jackson 6 Harvey Lloyd Lloi/d //»>'>•< Hunt ChapmanS( H. C. Knight 6 Grant ^ O. 6 ChapmanScH. Chapman's,- H. 6 Chapman^ H, Grant ^ G. 38 BAR BAT Barwell (Mrs.) Trials of Strength, a Tale, 12mo . Value of Money, a Tale, 18mo .... ___ Time, a Tale, 18nio Barwick {FaIw.) Treatise on Churcli Government, 8vo . Bashforth {Fras.) Tables for Calculating Earthwork, 8vo - Treatise on Construction of the Oblique Bridge, Basil Barrington and his Friends, a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo (St.) Hexameron, Anglo-Saxon, with Translation by Norman Basile (G.) Pentamerone, translated by J. E. Taylor, post 8vo Basire (Isc.) Life and Correspondence, by Darnell, 8vo . (Jas.) Locomotive Engine Illustrated, fol. . Basket of Fragments from the Field of Nature, 18mo . Bass Rock; its Civic and Ecclesiastical History, post 8vo (/.//.) Lexicon to the New Testament, Gr. and English, 18mo Bassett (IFm.) Molech ; or, the Approach of the Deluge, 8vo . Sermons on the Book of Genesis, 2 v. 12mo . Bassompiere {Fra.) Embassy to England in 1626, 8vo . Bastiat {F.) Popular Fallacies, by G. R. Porter, 12mo . Bastius, Comment. Palaeographica, Excerpta, a Hodgkins, 8vo Batchelor {€'.) Captive's Vow; or, the Bashaw, a Tale, 12mo Bateman {C.H.) English History Tables, obi. folio (Jas.) Orchidacese of Mexico and Guatemala, fol. . (Jos.) Bible the Word of God, 12mo Excise Laws, roy. 8vo .... Officer's Manual, 12mo . — . General Highway Act, with Notes, 12mo Laws of Revenue of Excise, 12mo Turnpike Acts, with Notes, 12mo Precedents of Private IBills, 8vo . Sermons Preached in India, 12mo . to Parents, Masters, Servants, &c., 12mo Treatise on the Law of Auctions, 12mo (Tho.) Account of his Life and Character, post 8vo . the Contagious Fever, 1818, 8vo . Reports on Diseases of London, 1804 to 1816, Svo Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases, Svo Atlas to, by Thomson, roy. Svo {W, Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derbyshire, Svo and Wilhm's Cutaneous Diseases, 4to . I.) Magnacopeia ; Library for Chemists, &c., ISmo Bates (D.N.) Treatise on Acute Abdominal Inflammation, Svo (EH.) Doctrine of Society of Friends, 12mo {El)/) Christian Politics, Svo Observations on some Points in Divinity, 12mo Rural Philosophy, Svo (PFm.) College Lectures on Christian Antiquities, post Svo Ecclesiastical History, 12mo Four Last Things, Svo by Bradley, 12mo and Duty of Resignation, Svo Svo. Harmony of the Divine Attributes, Svo, 3«, Ward—Svo by Bradley, 12mo Select Works, by Bradley, 2 v. 12mo Spiritual Perfection Unfolded, Essay by Smith, 12mo Works, by Farmer, 4 v. Svo, 21 2s — large paper Bather (Edir.) Hints on the Art of Catechising, 12mo Sermons, Chiefly Practical, 3 v. Svo Bathgate (Wm.) Treatise on the Moral Character of God, 12mo Bathurst ; or, the Dartmoor Gipsy, a Novel, 3 v. post Svo . (Bj).) Memoirs, by Archdn. Bathurst, 2 v. Svo Supplement to, by Archdn. Bathurst, Svo {Cha.) Elements of Arithmetic, 12mo, 2s — Key to . Notes on Nets, &c., 12mo (W.II.) Metrical Musings; Sacred Thoughts in Verse, 12mo Batley (E.C.) Ecclesiastical Digest, 4to .... Batt (Rd.) Gleanings in Poetry, 12mo ..... Battel and its Abbey, Gleanings Respecting, 12mo Batten {Edm.) Treatise on the Law of Contracts, Svo . Battle Cross, a Novel, by J. Brent, 3 v. post Svo . of London Life ; or, Boz and his Secretary, post Svo . Navarin, and other Poems, post Svo Trafalgar, a Poem, post Svo 1816 — 1851. LONDON 5 72. Clarke 2 6 Ward 2 6 Ward 12 Rivington '^ 7 6 6?. Bell ll 9 (?. Bell f. 1 11 6 Colhiirn | 4 J. R. Smith h 6 Boc/ue m 12 Hurray 1 S Hebert U 3 Msbet 1 10 Hamilton 5 Baldwin 5 6 Hatchard 11 Hatchard 9 6 Murray 10 Simms^'M'I. 6 Taylor ^ W. 4 SimpHn 3 6 Simpkin 16 16 Ridgway 4 Hatchard 1 11 6 Maxwell 7 6 Maxwell 5 Maxwell 3 6 Maxwell 9 Maxwell 1 4 Maxtvell ■ 5 Hatchard 16 WhittaJcer 7 6 Maxwell 7 6 Longman 6 Longman 9 Longman h 15 Longman I 3 3 Longman ■ 15 J.R. Smith M 5 5 H. Bohn ■ 6 Churchill ■ 8 Baldwin W 2 Gilpin m 9 Longman M 6 Longman " 9 Longman 9 0/. IF. Parker 6 6/. W. Parker 9 Viriite 5 Tcgg 9 Baynes 7 Baynes 5 Tegg 12 Tegg 4 Virtue 3 Baijnes 4 6 Rivington 1 16 Hatchard 2 6 Seeley 1 11 6 Newhy 2 10 Valpy 8 Longman 2 6 Longman 4 Van Voorst 4 6 Seeley 14 Seeley 7 6 Harvey 5 Longman 14 Benning 1 11 6 Neichy 2 Pierce 7 6 Saunders^ 0. 4 6 Whitiaker CATALOGUK. BAT BAY Battle of Waterloo, Account of, 8vo . Details, &c., 2 v. 8vo . with 34 Etchings, 2 v. 8vo,2l lO.s-— 4to Official Bulletins, edited by J. P. Burrell, roy. S Battles of England, Including the Punjab, 8vo Batty (Capt.) Campaign in the Pyrenees, 1813-14, roy. 4to . European Cities, imp. 8vo, il — roy. 4to . Family Tour through South Holland, &c., 18mo French Scenery, imp. 8vo, 71 4s — 4to German Scenery, imp. 8vo, 71 is—ito . Hanoverian Scenery, imp. 8vo, 71 10a- — 4to Sketch of the Campaign of 1815, 8vo Views in Wales, imp. 8vo, 21 2.s — 4to on the Rhine, &c., imp. 8vo, 71 is — 4to . (Miss) Italian Scenery, imp. 8vo, Gl 6.-' — 4to Battye ( 7".) Cancer Extirpated without the Knife, 8vo . Bauer (Ferd.) Genera of Ferns, by Sir W. J. Hooker, roy. 8vo (G.L.) Theology of the Old Testament, 8vo Bausor {Paul) Discovery of Atlas, roy. 18mo Baverstock {J.H.) Account of Maidstone, 8vo . Treatise on Brewing, 8vo Baxter (A.G.) Village Sermons, 8vo {G.R.) Book of the Bastiles, roy. 8vo . . . ■ Humour and Pathos ; Essays, Tales, &c., post 8vo {Johii) Agricultural Gleaner, post 8vo Library of Agriculture, «S:c., 2 v. roy. 8vo Wiltshire Farmer, 8vo Young Christian's Cyclopaedia, 12mo (J.A.) Church History of England, 2 v. post 8vo, 16s — 1 {Rich.) Call to the Unconverted ; Essay by Dr. Chalmers, 12mo Christian Directory, 5 v. 8vo .... abridged by Clark, 2 v. 8vo 1 3 3 . . . . . 12mo . . 1 8vo — Counsel to Young Men, 18 — Directions for Weak Christians, by Sperling, 12mo in Conversion, abridged, 12mo — Divine Poems, 18mo — Dying Thoughts, by Stebbing, 18mo, 2s Gd, A.Hall — Key for Catholics, with Notes, &c., by Allport, 8vo -- Memoirs, by Wm. Orme, 2 v. 8vo . — Notes on the New Testament, 8vo — Poetical Fragments, 18mo ...... — Practical Works, 4 v. imp. 8vo . . . Select, royal 8vo . — Reformed Pastor, by Palmer, 12mo, 3s Gd, Baynes- Essay by I3p. Wilson, 12mo — Saints" Rest, 32mo, 2s, N'ishet — 18mo, 3s— 12mo by Brown, 2 v. 12mo Carruthers, roy. 8vo -8vo Erskine, r2mo Fawcett, 12mo Morison, 8vo and Dying Thoughts, 8vo Self-Ignorance ; Essay by Dr. Young, 12mo Works, with Life, by Orme, 23 v. 8vo . Selections from, by A. Young, 12mo {Wm.) 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Appleyard Murray Graves 6 Teyg Rod well Rodvell Jenninqs Rodu-eil Jennings Jennings Rodwell 6 Simpkin H. G. Bohn 6 Fo.x Hamilton Nichols Whittahr 6 Rivington Smith ^ E. 6 Thomas Simpkin Simpkin 6 Simpkin Harvey Hatchard W. Collins Duncan Baynes Simpkin Nishet 6 Hatchard 6 Pickering Virtue Simpkin Duncan Hamilton G Pickering A. Hall Blackie 4 Ward W. Collins 6 Tegg Hamilton 6 Fullarton W. Collins Longman Virtue Edwards W. Collins Duncan Hatchard WhitUiker Longman 6 Beiitley 6 Groombndge Murray 6 Longman Bidler Seeley Duncan 6 Longman 6 Longman 6 Longman /. Wilson Hunt 6 LongmoM Valpy Benning 40 BAY BE A Bayley (F W.) Four Years' Residence in West Indies, 8vo _J_J_ New Tale of a Tub, in Verse, 16mo, Ix, Or Tales of the late Revolutions, 12rao Wake of Ecstacy, a Poem, 4to (John) History and Antiquities of the Tower, 4to, 6/ 16s 6d — l.p. 12 8vo, H Is — India Law of Bills of Exchange, by Dowdswell, 8vo _. 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BEA BE A 41 Beard (J.R.) Voices of the Church in Reply to Dr. Strauss, 8vo Beardmore (Nath.) Hydraulic Tables, 8vo .... Beart (John) Treatise on Justification, by T. Jones, 12inn Beaslcy {Fre.) Search of Truth in Science of tlie Human Mind, 8vo U/cn.) Druggist's General Receipt Book, 18nio . Pocket Formulary of the rharmacopreias, ISmo {Mat.} DictAtlon Spelling Exercises, l8nio IT.J.) Chancery Practice, Ireland, 8vo . Jeatrice; or, the Wychcrly Family, a Novel, by Mary White, 4 v Chesterford, a Novel, 2 v. post 8vo Beatson (Alex.) System of Cultivation, 8vo, 9.?— Supplement to, 8 Tracts Relative to St. Helena, 4 to (B.W.) Exercises for Greek Iambic Verse, 12mo Prose Composition, 12mo . Latin Prose Composition, 12mo Index in Tragicos Grtecos, 3 v. 8vo Beattie (Jas.) 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Hovenden and Ryland, 4 v. 8vo Stewart, 4 v. 8vo Williams, 4 v. 8vo 6 5 4 6 16 9 3 2 2 5 5 10 2 10 3 7 5 10 8 6 4 10 12 8 Abridged, by Gifford, 8vo in Letters, 12mo Analysis of, by Field, 8vo Elucidated, by Jones, 8vo Supplement to, by Williams, 8vo leports, K. Bench and C. Pleas, 1746-79, 2 v. roy. 8 Blackwall (John) Researches in Zoologjr, post 8vo Blackwell (Jas.) Voice of One Crying in the Desert, 8vo (John) History of the Royal Denbigh Eisteddfod, 8vo Blagdon (F. W.) Dictionary of Classical Quotations, 12mo French Interpreter, 18mo .... Blaine (D.P.) Canine Pathology; or, Diseases of Dogs, 8vo . Encyclopijcdia of Rural Sports, 8vo . 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Reports, Appeals H. of Lords, 1819 20, 3 v. roy. Svo ' " New Series, v. 1 to 11, pt. Blighted Ambition, a Romance, 3 v. 12mo .... Blind Child ; or, Anecdotes of the Wyndham Family, ISmo . Man and his Guide, a Novel, by Miss Youatt, 3 v. post Svo Son, 12mo ...... Bliss {Geo.) Fruit Grower's Instructor, 12mo Notes upon the New Testament, 12mo Reflections on Scripture Texts, li {Hen.) Ideas Seldom Thought of, for Extending Knowledge, post Svo 7 6 Blizard (.Sir IF.) Brief Memoir of, by W. Cooke, Svo . . ^ - - Blofield (././/.) Algeria, Past and Present, Svo . Blomfield {L2>.) Lectures on the Acts and St. John's Gospel, Svo ■ Manual of Family Prayers, ISmo, 2s — Svo . Private Devotion, 18mo Sermons at St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, Svo . {Ezek.) Lectures on Philosophy of History, 4to ((?. li.) Sermons for Country Congregations, 2 {Seve.) Talent and Trial, a Tale,'lSmo . 12mo, each Bloodworth {Emma) Poems, 24mo Bloom (/.//.) Notices of the Castle and Priory at Castleacre, roy. 8 . Pulpit Oratory, Time of James I., Svo . Bloomfield {Nalh.) Poems, 12mo {Roht.) Banks of the Wye, 12mo Farmer's ]5oy, with Westall's Designs, 12mo Illustrations, 12mo — Hazlewood Hall, a Drama, 12mo May Day with the Muses, 12mo . Poems, 18mo, 2s, Scott— Z v. ISmo . Remains, 2 v. 12mo .... 1816—1851. Benning Ilherry Colhurn Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker Bull Simpkin 6 Simpkin Butterworth Butterteorth Stevens Kirby Kirhi/ 6 E. Wilson Harvey 6 G. Bell 6 Longman Longman Longman Colhurn 6 Shoberl Longman Longman 6 Bentley Colburn Colburn 6 Colburn Longman 6 Bentley 6 Bentley 6 Longman Longman Colburn Longman 6 Saunders d-O. 6 Saunders or.s 6 Wcah; T.Rlrhardson Simpkin Simplcin Ikddwin Whillaker 6 Harris Tegg 6 Newman Pickering Bogue 6 Ilighley G'roomhridge 6 Newman 6 Seek'!/ 8vo .Sii 5 5 9 4 2 5 1 1 1 1 11 18 2 1 1 Sim2>kin 6 Tract Society 6 Longman Masters E. Cox E. Cox Butler E. Cox Bogue Blunt 6 Hatchard 6 Hatchard 6 Hatchard Hatchard 6 Hatchard 6 Hatchard 6 Hatchard 6 Hatchard 6 Hatchard 6 Hatchard Hatchard Hatchard Benning 6 Murray J. W. Parker 6 Rivington 6 Rivington Rivington 6 Rivington 6 Tegg Murray 6 Murray 6 Murray 6 Murray Longman 6 Rivington Taylor '.) Treatise on Indulgences, translated by Oakeley, 12mo , Bow in the Cloud; or, a Negro's Memorial, 12ino (R.U.) Treatise on Bracing, with its Application to Bridges, Svo (W.F.) Notions on the Nature of Fever, Svo . . . . Bowden (Jas.) Covenant Right of Infants, as to Baptism, 12mo . Family Conversations, 12mo . . . . . . History of the Society of Friendsin America, pt. 1, Svo. Religious Education Enforced, 12mo . . . . (/. ir.) Thoughts on Creation, Preface by Newman, 12mo {Jos. ) Dialogues for the Lower Ranks, 12mo . Middle Ranks, 12ino . Pravers and Discourses for Families, Svo Bowdich {T.i:.) Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, 4to Bowditch (iVuf.) Discoveries of Portuguese in Angola, &c., Svo . — — Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo, 4to Practical Navigator, by Kirby, Svo Bowdler {John) Selected Poems, Divine and Moral, 12mo Theological Essays, ISmo .... Tracts, ISmo .... ■ (/./)'.) Select Pieces in Verse and Prose, 2 v. Svo . {Miss) Poems and Essays Sermons on Christianity, ISmo . with Essay on Time, 1' {Mrs.) Pen Tamar ; or. History of an Old Maid, post Svo {Tho.) Discourses on the Liturgy, 12nio ... — Few Words on Family Prayer, 12ino . ■ Memoirs of John and Thomas Bowdler, Svo . Prayers for a Christian Household, 12mo Sermons on Nature, Otlices, &c., of Christ, 2 v. Svo to Members of Gospel Covenant, 2 v. post Bowen (Chr.) Things to Come, Practically Inquired into, 12mo {Jas.) Observations on Cataract, 8vo {Mrs.) Kenilworth Castle, and other Poems, post Svo . Ystradffin, a Descriptive Poem, post Svo . Bower {Alex.) History of the University of Edinburgh, .3 v. Svo . {Dean) Sermons Preached in St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Svo Bowerbank (J.S.) Fossil Fruits and Seeds in London Clay, roy. Svo Bowers {M.) Memoranda for Colk'ge of Surgeons, 32mo {J{.) Treatise on the Diseases of Horses, &c., Svo -(IF.) Naval Adventures, 2 V. post Svo . . . . Bowes {John) Christian Union, 12mo {Robt. of Aske) Correspondence, Svo Bowlby {H.Ii.) Lectures on the Resurrection of the Flesh, Svo Bowles {Car.) Works. See Southey (Mrs.) (O.C.) Church Prayers; Reflections on the Liturgy, 12mo . ■ (ir./y.) Annals and Antiquities of Lacock Abbey, Svo, 1^ — 1. Days Departed ; or Ban well Hills, 12mo — Final Appeal Relative to Pope, Svo — Grave of the Last Saxon, a Poem, Svo . History of Bremhill, Wilts, Svo . — Lessons in Criticism, Svo Letters to Lord Byron, on Poetical Criticism, Svo Missionary of Chili, a Poem, 12mo 1816—1851. 4 6 Whiiiaker 2 Simpkln u 2 6 Siwpkiit 3 Law 3 6 lloidston 3 6 Ifoulston S Slmpkin 7 6 Rivinr/ton 3 WhiUaker 5 Pickering 15 OlUvier 18 BaiUiere 7 6 G. Bell 15 a. Bell 1 S a. Bell 4 4 G. Bell 3 6 Bogue 1 4 Boosey 10 Stevens 5 6 Burns 12 Jac/cson <£• W. 3 6 Weak 3 6 Longman 5 Seeley 3 6 Seeley 2 6 Gilpin 5 Seeley 2 6 J. 11. Parker 4 Ihirst 5 Hurst 9 Hunter 3 3 Murray 10 Booth 2 2 Whiftaker 12 Hard)/ 6 Cadell 2 6 Groonhridyc 3 6 Hamilton 1 1 Cadell 6 Hatchard 3 Washbourne 5 Cadell 10 6 Longman 5 6 Longman 1 6 Pickering 10 6 Longman 3 Pickenng 1 4 Longman 15 Pickering 1 6 Ni^het 6 Callow 5 6 Houlston 7 Longman 1 16 Whittaker 7 6 H. Bohn 16 Van Voorst 3 6 Renshaw 10 6 Longman 1 1 Bentlei/ 5 Simpkin 15 Whittaker 5 Rivington 2 6 J. Wright 1 10 Xichols 7 6 Mtirray 7 Hurst 6 Hurst 1 Murray 7 Hurst 7 Hur.H 6 Balcock 66 BOW BOY Bowle8(Tr.Z.) St. John in Patmos, a Poem, 8vo 7 Scenes and Shadows of Days Depaited, Poems, 12mo . 5 Sermons on the Cartoons of Eaphael, 8vo . . .09 Bovvlker {C'ha.) Art of Angling, 12mo 3 Bowman {Hen.) Ecclesiastical Architecture of Great Britain, roy. 4to .25 {J.E.) Introduction to Practical Chemistry, 12mo . . .06 Practical Handbook to Medical Chemistry, 12mo . .06 {Wm.) Lectures on Operations on the Eye, 8vo . . .06 Bownas (Sam.) Life, Travels, and Christian Experience, post 8vo . .03 Bowring {John) Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain, post 8vo . . 10 Batavian Anthology, 12mo . . . . . .07 _ Cheskian Anthology; Poetry of Bohemia, 12mo . .07 . l^'atins and Vespers, 18mo 2 Minor Morals for Young People, 3 v. 12mo . . . 18 Poetry of the Magyars, post 8vo . . . . . 12 Reports on Commerce of France and Gt. Britain, 2 v. fol. 1 6 Servian Popular Poetry, 12mo 8 . Specimens of Polish Poets, 12mo . . . . .08 _ • Russian Poets, 2 v. 12mo . . ' . 15 {Tho.) Lessons in Natural Religion, 18mo . . . .01 Bowyer (C.) Introduction to Arithmetic, 12mo . . . . .02 {Geo.) Commentaries on Modern Civil Law, roy. 8vo . . . 18 . Constitutional Law of England, 8vo . . . . .12 . Dissertation on Statutes of the Cities of Italy, 8vo . .06 (Tho.) Interest Tables, 1 to 8 per cent, 16mo . . . .03 Boy's ]3ook of His own Country, 16mo . . . . . .04 Sports and Games, by Uncle Charles, 16mo . . ,02 Holiday Book of Sports, &c., 18mo 1 Keepsake; Moral and Instructive Tales, 18mo . . . .02 Own Book; Encyclopaedia of Diversions, 16mo . . . .08 Treasury of Sports and Pastimes, 12mo . . . . .06 Week-day Book, 12mo 4 Boyce {Edm.) Belgium and Dutch Traveller, 18mo . . . .09 (P7.5.) Notes on South African Affairs, 8vo . . . .05 Boyd (Arch.) Doctrines of England, Rome, and Oxford Compared, 8vo . 9 . Episcopacy and Presbyter j', 8vo . . . . . 10 Letters on Episcopacy, Ordination, &c., 12mo . . .04 Sermons on the Church, 12mo 4 (Chas.) Turkish Interpreter and Grammar, 8vo . . . .0 12 (H. S.) Fathers not Papists : Six Discourses, 8vo. . . . 10 ■ Thoughts on an Illustrious Exile, and other Poems, Svo . 3 (Sir W.) History of Literature, v. 1 and 2, 8vo, each . . .09 (W^.C.) Guide through Italy, 18mo 7 Boydell (Jas.) Treatise on Landed Property, roy. 8vo . . . .0 10 Ullage Cask Gauger, 8vo . . . . . .07 Boyer (Abel) French and English Dictionary, 4to . . . . .30 and Deletanville, French and English Dictionary, 8vo . 12 Boyes (S.F.) English Repetitions in Prose and Verse, with Notes, 12mo 4 Boyle {Cajjt.) Voyages and Adventures, 18mo . . . . .02 \He7i.) Chronology of the 18th and 19th Centuries, 8vo . .0 15 Universal Chronologist, &c., Svo . . . . . 1 16 (Jas.) 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Exposition on the New Testament, 4to . . . .11 Key to the Book of Psalms, Svo 8 Sermons, Svo . . . . . . . . .010 Suppressed Evidence on Miracles, Svo . . . . 10 1816—1861. LONDON 6 Bulcoch Pickering 6 Murray Longman J.W.Parke.r 6 Churchill 6 Churchill Longman 6 Gilimi 6 Taylor & W. 6 Taylor & W. Hunter 6 /. Chapman 6 Simfkin Hunter C. Knight Baldwin Baldwin Hunter 6 Simi^kin Harvey Stevens Stevens Stevens 6 Houlston Darton H. Allman 6 Davidson Darton 6 Bogue Bogue Tract Society Leigh Mason Seeley 6 Seeky 6 Seeley 6 Seeley Smith & E. 6 Bagster 6 Longman Longman Whittaker 6 E. Wilson Causton Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker 6 Ncivman Sherwood ■ Sherwood High ley Baker Calloiv 6 Callow J.W.Parker 6 Collmrn 6 Longman SaundersihO. 6 J. H. Parker Rivington Virtue Benning Dove Skarpe 6 Rivington 6 Varty 6 Seeley Seeley 6 Seeley 6 Baldvrin Hamilton BOY BRA Noel's 1 .ssay 12mo CATALOGUE. Boys {Tho.) Tactica Sacra, roy. 4to . Tributes to the Dead, 12mo Word for the Church, with Remarks on {T.S.) Picturesque Architecture in Paris, Ghent, &c., fol. Sketches of London, fol., \l is — coloured . Boy ton {('lat.) Letter on the Rule of Faith, 8vo . Brabazoii ( Wal.) Deep Sea and Coast Fisheries of Ireland, 8vo Bracciolini (Poggio) Life of, by W. Shepherd, 8vo Brace (Geo.) Observations on Extension of Copyright of Designs, post 8vo Brackenbury (Edw.) Discourses on Christianity, 2 v. 8vo (^f)■s. U.) Questions on the Pentateuch, 12mo Bradbee {Mm) Ladies' Needlework Instructor, ISmo . Bradbury {John) Travels in the Interior of America, 8vo Bradby (./«.<.) Treatise on Law of Distresses, by Adams, 8vo . Braddnck {John) Memoir on Gunpowder, 8vo Bradfield (/.//.) Athenaid ; or, Modern Grecians, a Poem, 12mo Tales of the Cyclades, and other Poems, 12mo Waterloo ; or, the British Minstrel, a Poem, 8vo Bradford {John) Memoirs of, by Wm. Stevens, 8vo Select Works, by Bradley, ] 2mo . Bradley {Cha.) 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Parker 5 Churchill 2 6 Longman 2 6 Wkittaker 10 6 Wightman 5 L^onqman 1 1 BentU,, 12 Bnrton 5 Sede>i 4 W. Collins 4 Ward 4 6 Pickering 4 6 Simpkin 5 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin, G8 BRA BRA Brake (Cha.) Character, Prophecies^ &c., of Enoch, 12mo Braml.all (.1^^;.) Works, 5 v. 8vo .... Brampton Eectory ; or, the Lesson of Life, post 8vo Bramsen {John) German and English Conversations, 18mo Dialogues, ISmo Guide to the German Language, ISmo. Remarks on the North of f^pain, 8vo . Tour through Sweden, Prussia, &c., 2 ■« Travels in Egypt, Syria, &c., 2 v. 8vo Bramston {John) Exposition of 1st Corinthians, Chap, xiii , 12nio Bramwell {Geo.) Process of Bills in House of Commons, 4to . . ■ TaVile of Private Statutes, 1727 to 1834, 2 v. roy ■ {Wm.) Memoir of, by Harris, 18nio Sigston, ] 2r and Correspondence, by his Family, post 8vo Bran {C.A.) Method of Acquiring German in Fifty Lessons, 12mo Branche {T.) Maxims, &c., in Law and Equity, by Richardson, 12mo Brand {Cha.) 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Parker 7 6 Murray 3 6 Renshato 8 6 Murray 1 1 Wood 5 5 Hannhart 5 5 Boff-ue 3 3 Boff2ie 2 2 G. Bell 5 Longman 6 Pickering 5 AckermaJin 2 6 Baldv-in 5 Balduin 3 6 Longman 8 Simpkin 15 Longman 3 6 J. W. Parker 2 Barthes 5 Rdfe 3 Relfe 1 6 Relfe 3 6 Relfe 3 6 Hamilton 4 Bennett 1 Neioman 3 6 Bentley 2 6 Longman 5 U Longman 15 Longman U 8 Ridngton 10 6 Rivington 1 11 6 Bentley 12 Smith <£• E. 1 4 Murray 12 Smith cfc E. 1 8 6 Bentley 2 12 6 Longman 1 11 6 Longman 6 Longman 12 Smith <£• E. 12 Smith cj- E. 1 11 6 Longman 1 11 6 Colburn 1 11 6 Longman 1 11 6 Longman 12 Smith tfc E. CATALOGUE. BllA P) i; K Biaybrooke (Lord) History of Audley End, Essex, roy. 4to . Bnivlev (EJV.) Castles of EiiLjlmd and Wales, 2 v. roy. 8vo __1_I_ 4to, 71 8,5— Inc . Historical Account of the Theatres of London, 4to History of Surrey, 5 V. roy 8 vo . . . . 5 V. 4to, 15/ I5s — 5 V. roy. 4to Illustrations of Brighton Palace, fol. . . ^- Keminiscences of London, 4 v. 12mo . 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Parker 16 3 Chappie Orr 2 6 Houlston 72 BRI BUI British Cvclopsedia, complete, 10 v. roy. 8vo 6 6 Orr Arts" and Sciences, 2 v. 30s. Geographj% History, kc, 3 v. 45.S. Biography, 2 v. 30s. Natural History, 3 v. 45.s — col. 63». Essayists, by Chalmers, 38 v. 18nio 8 Galleries of Art Described, post 8vo History Briefly Told, 16mo Melodist; or. National Song Book, 18mo itary Biojiraphy, "Alfred to Wellington," 12rao — Minstrel, Modern Snngs, 82mo . . . . Songs, with Music, v. 1 to 3, roy. Svo, each Museum : Historical and Descriptive, 12mo British Museum Publications, viz Ancient Terra Cottas, 4to, 11 lis 6rf— large paper Marbles, 4to, — Ancient Marbles, 4to,- 12 Pt. 1, 1/ 5s 1. p. in5.v. „ 2, 21 12s U 1. p. Zll3s6d. „ 3, 11 10s 1. p. 21 2s. „ 4, 21 2.S 1. p. 31 3s. „ 5, ins 1. p. 11 lis M Pt. 6, 2/ 2s 7, 21 2s 8, 31 3s 9, 21 2s 10, 31 3s Catalogue of Anglo-Gallic Coins, by Hawkins, 4to Arundel MSS., fol., 11 8s — coloured Bumey MSS., fob, 18s — coloured . Geographical Collection of George III., 2 v. 8' MS. Maps, Charts, and Plans, 2 v. Svo . Music, 8vo ...... MSS., Orientalium, pt. 1, Syriac, fol. 2, Arabic, fol. 3, iEthiopic, fol. . Hargrave's Collection, by Ellis, 4to Printed Books, by Ellis, &c., 1813 19, 7 v. 8v . V. 1, fol., 1841 1. p., 31 3s. 1. p., 31 3s. 1. p., il 14s 6d. If.., Egyptian Monuments, Belmore Collection, fol. . Fac Simile of the Codex Alexandrinus, 3 v. fol. . Index to Arundel and Burney MSS., fol. . Inscriptions from Assyrian Monuments, fol. . . , . 1 Nummi Yeteres in Musco R. P. Knight, 4to ... Papyri, Greek, pt. 1, 4to, 10s — large paper Hieratic, pt. 1, fol., 11 Is— pt. 2, II lOs-pt. 3 and Hieroglyphic, Belmore Collection, fol. British Naval Biography, " Howard to Codrington," 12mo Novelists, by Barbauld, 50 v. 18mo ..... Organic Remains, Geological Survey, Decade 1 to 3, roy. Svo, 4to, each — Poetical Miscellanj', 12mo . . . . — Poets, by Chalmers, 21 v. roy. Svo . Milton to Kirk White, 4 v. 12mo . Whittingham's Edition, 100 v. 12mo, 25^- ~ Pulpit ; Sermons, 6 v. Svo . . . . -plates Svo. Quixote ; or. History of Don Poplin, 12mo and Foreign State Papers, 1812-1834, 22 v. Svo, each Britt (./olin) Memoir of, Compiled from Charlotte Elizabeth, ISmo Britton {John) Authorship of the Letters of Junius Elucidated, roy History and Antiquities of Wells Cathedral, 12mo • Antiquities of Great Britain, 5 v. 4to . Normandy, 4to, 6^ 6s — large paper Architectural Dictionary, roy. Svo, 21 1 6s — 4 to, 51 — imp.4to Bath Abbey Church, roy.Svo, ll—ito, lllls 6(Z— imp.4to Bristol Cathedral, 4to Canterbury Cathedral, 4to Cathedral Antiquities, 5 v. 4 to Early Domestic Architecture of England, by Boutell English Cities, 4to Exeter Cathedral, 4to Gloucester Cathedral, 4to .... Hereford Cathedral, 4to .... Historical Account of Cassiobury, fol, 31 3s — larg( Lichfield Cathedral, 4to .... 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Sketches of Tunbridge Wells, &c., 8vo, 5,?— roy. 8 Topography of North Wilts, 8vo, 1^ lit— roy. 8vo Union of Architecture, Sculpture, &c., 4to, 2L 2s— Wells Cathedral, 4to . . Winchester Cathedral, 4to . Worcester Cathedral, 4to . . . • York Cathedral, 4to ..... and Braylev, History of late Houses of Parliament, 8vo L- , roy. 8vo, 2i 2s—iio Memoirs of the Tower of London, post 8vo Broackes (TFot.) Constipation Treated Homcuopathically, 8vo . Cutaneous Diseases Treated HomcEopathically, 8vo Observations on Hom(eopathy, 8vo . . . . Broad belt {Ann) Memoirs of, by S. Thompson, 12mo . . . . Broaders System of Artificial Memory, 8vo, 12s— coloured . Broadhurst {John) Treatise on Political Economy, 8vo . (j/;-s.) Word in Favour of Female Schools, r2mo . {Tho.) Advice to Young Ladies, post 8vo . . . . Broadley {Rt.) Christianity a Divine Revelation, 12mo . . . . Lectures on the Church Services, 8vo . . , - Broad-Line Drawing Book for Use of Children, obi., plain, 4s— coloured Brock {Sir I.) 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History of the British Empire, 4 v. 8vo .... {Jas.) Science of Articulate Sounds, 12mo . . . . {P.B) Fossil Insects of the Secondary Rocks of England, 8vo . On Tax to Successions to Real and Personal Property, 8vo {Roll) Discourses, Doctrinal and Practical, post 8vo {Wal.) Past and Present State of New Zealand, 1845, 8vo . Brodigan's Treatise on the Tobacco Plant, 8vo Brogden {Jas.) Catholic Safeguards against Popery, v. 1 and 2, 8vo, each • Illustrations of the Liturgy, &c., 3 v. post 8vo Brohier {J.H.) Cambist, in English and French, 18mo . . . . Broken Arm, a National Story, 18mo Heart, a Metrical Tale, 12mo . Bromby {C.II.) Sorrows of Bethany, and other Sermons, 12mo Teacher's English Grammar and Etymology, 12rao Bromhead {T.A.) Parent's Medical and Surgical Assistant, 12mo . Bromley {Jas.) Sermons on Various Subjects, 8vo .... Bronsted (P.O.) Essay on the Bronzes of Siris in British Museum, fol. Brook {Benj.) History of Religious Liberty, 2 v. 8vo . 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Chapman 6 Colhurn 3 13 6 Benning 6 Churchill 12 Longman 4 Longman 12 Longman 10 6 Longman 2 12 6 Longman 4 Oroomhridge 9 Van Voorst 3 6 Longman 5 Hamilton 6 6 Whittaker 7 Longman 14 Murray 1 7 Murray 10 6 Leigh 2 4 C. A'. Society 5 Simjik'iii 3 6 /. H. Jackson 2 6 Sim2ykin 3 Harvei) 8 6 Hamilton 2 2 Payne 1 4 West ley 1 16 Black 7 Mardon 7 6 Mardon . 14 Tegg . 7 Longman . 6 Warren . S 6 Longman . U Rirington . 1 10 Colburn. f 74 B R O B R Brooke (CV-) Travels through Sweden, Norway, &c., 1820, 4to . .111 - Winter in Lapland and Sweden, 4to , . . .33 (ffen.) Guide to the Stars, 4to 15 (//.J.) Introduction to Crystallography, post 8vo . . .0 16 (Jas.) Narrative of Events in Borneo, by Capt. Mundy, 2 v. Svo . 1 12 (/. ir.) Democrats of Marylebone, post Svo . . . .06 (^Mrs.) Dialogue between a Lady and her Pupils, 12mo . .05 (Rich.) Treatise on the Office and Practice of a Notary, Svo . 1 1 {T.II.) History of St. Helena to 1823, Svo . . . .0 12 Brookes (Rich.) Universal Gazetteer, by Findlay, 18mo, 7^— Svo . . 15 Landmann, ISmo, 5s 6d — Svo . 14 (Sam.) Introduction to Conchology, 4to, 21 2s— large paper , 2 12 Brooks (^.Z'.) Victories of the Sutlej, a Prize Poem, 12mo . . .04 (/. T.) Four Months among the Gold Finders of California, post Svo 8 {J.W.) Abdiel's Essays on the Advent, &c., 12mo . . .04 Elements of Prophetical Interpretation, 12mo . . .06 History of the Jews, 12mo 6 Lectures on Prophecy, 12mo 2 (S.H.) City, Town, and Country Architecture, fol. . •. .24 Designs for Cottages and Villa Architecture, 4to . .119 (r/jo.) Baptismal Regeneration not the Doctrine of Scripture, 12rao 3 Unsearchable Riches of Christ, Svo .... 2 (jF.yl.) Improvement of the Navigation of Rivers, Svo . .05 Brookshaw (6*.) Horticultural Repository, 2 v. roy. Svo . . . 2 10 Pomona Britannica, 2 v. eleph. 4to . . . .12 12 Treatise on Flower Painting, roy. 4to, 21 2s — Supplt. . 15 Broom {Huh.) Practice of Superior Courts of Common Law, v. 1, Svo . 1 5 Rules for Determining Parties to Actions, Svo . . . 12 Selection of Legal Maxims, Svo 10 Broome (Art.) History of Rise and Progress of the Bengal Army, V. 1, Svo 18 Selections from Fuller and South's Works, 12mo . .05 Bromsgrove Greek Grammar, by Jacob, 12mo . . . . .05 for Beginners, 12mo . . .01 Latin Grammar, by Jacob, 12mo 4 for Beginners, 12mo . . .01 Broster (Sarah) Memoirs of, by P. C. Turner, 12mo . . . .03 Brother Jonathan; or, the New Englanders, 3 v. post Svo . . . 1 11 Tragedians, a Novel, 3 v. post Svo 1 11 Brother's Gift; Tales, 16mo , . .01 to a Sister, edited by R. D. Walker, 12mo . . .03 Brotherly Inquiry for the Holy One of Israel, Svo . . . .06 Brothers, a Play, Svo 3 Controversy, on Unitarian Opinions, post Svo . . . .06 and other Stories, 3 v. post Svo Ill (Tho.) United States of North America as they are, 1840, Svo 18 Brougham (Hen.) 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Conversations on Physiological Medicine, Svo . ,09 ■ — History of Chronic Phlegmasiffi, 2 v. Svo . . .18 Physiology Applied to Pathology, Svo . . . .0 16 Browell (U»i.) Real Property Statutes, with Notes, post Svo . .0 14 Brown (Adam) Sacramental Discourses, with Memoir, 12nio . . .04 (ArtL) View of the Differential Calculus, Svo . . . .09 1816—1851. LONDON 6 Rodwell Murray J. Taylor Phillips Murray 6 Cleaver Sherwood Benning Allen Teyg Whittaker 6 Arch 6 Longinan 6 Bogxie 6 Sedty Seeley Seeley Groomhridge /. Williams Kelly Hamilton 10 Ward Weale TJowding Lepard Booth Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Smith VHi,.) Antiquities of the Jews, 2 V. Svo 12 Groombridge . History of Protestant Missions, 2 v. Svo . . .16 Longman New Zealand and its Aborigines, post Svo . . .080 Smith d; E. . Reports, Chancery, 1778-94, by Belt, 4 v. roy. Svo . 4 16 Buiterworth '- Eden, 4 V. roy. Svo. . 4 4 Stevens . Sermons for Families, 2 v. Svo 110 Westley ■ — {W.L.) Comparative View of Christianity, 2 v. Svo . . .0180 Simpkin — _ Essay on Existence of a Supreme Creator, 2 v. Svo .110 Hamilton (l^.W^.) Narrative of an American Slave, 12mo . . . .016 Gilpin Browne {Art.) First Principles of Differential Calculus, Svo . . .090 Whittaker ~ (C'.ff.) Plain Instructions on the Teeth, 12mo . . . .026 Churchill (£fc.) Modern French Phrase Book, r2mo . . . .01 & Simpkin . (^.6^.) Visits to the Shrines of Our Lady, ISmo . . .'0 2 T.Richardson {E.H.) Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, v. 1, Svo . . 10 6 J.W. Parker . Fulfilment of the Prophecies, 12mo . . . .036 Pickering . {E.N.) Erro, a Romantic Poem, Svo 4 T. Hodgson (i^ra.) Lyra Rudis ; Poems, 12mo 5 Longman University Prize Poems, 12mo . . . . .046 I^ongman ■ {Hen.) Ordo Saeculorum ; Chronology of the Scriptures, Svo . 1 J. W. Parker {I.H.) De Animi Immortalitate, edidit P. Hall, 12mo . .020 Nattali — Essays, Religious and Moral, 12mo . . . .070 Cadell . . in Metaphysics, Morals, and Religion, Svo . . 15 Cadell . {Jas.) Highlands and Highland Clans, 4. v. Svo . . .114 Fullarton roy. Svo . .300 FtdlaHon ■ {John) History of York Cathedral, pt. 1 to 33, 4 to, each . .076 Longman India, each 10 6 Longman . Sermons at Cheltenham, Svo 12 Hatchard (/.//.) Inquiry into the Character of Antichrist, 12mo . .036 Hatchard Letters to Archd. Wilkins, on "Body and Soul," 12mn .046 Hatchard . Strictures on some Parts of the Oxford Tracts, Svo .060 Hatchard and Ogbourne, Bankrupt Consolidation Act, 1849, ]2nio 2 6 Authors {.T.R.) Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, and Whale Fishery, Svo . 18 Murray ■ {R.J.) Treatise on Actions at Law, Svo 16 Butterworth {Tho) Classical Dictionary, 12mo 8 Whittaker Italian Tales, and other Poems, post Svo . . .076 Saunders d: 0. Testimonies to the Truth of the Gospel, 12mo . .036 Rivington 1816—1851. CATALOGUE. BRO BRU Browne {TIw.) Union Dictionary, 12mo 10 . iSirT.) Keligio Medici, 12mo 6 12mo, As 6rf, Washhourne — 12mo . .05 and Christian Morals, 8vo . . .08 Tracts, 12mo 4 Works, by Wilkin, 4 v. 8vo, 1/ Us 6(Z— large paper . 2 8 {T.B.) National Bankruptcy, and other Poems, 12nio . .05 Oxford Divines not Members of the Church, 12mo . 5 Thoughts of the Times; or, Men and Things, 12mo . G (1F..1.) Lectures on Insanity and Asylums, 12mo . . .05 ■ {R. IF.) Classical Examination Papers, King's College, 8vo . ,06 {W.Y.) Fun, Poetry, and Pathos; a Miscellany, post 8vo . .06 Browning {C.A.) Convict Ship, and England's Exiles, r2mo . . .05 {Geo.) Political Condition of Great Britain, 8vo . . .0 16 (Z/^.j[i.) Algebra of Katios, nulersmo, 2s, H. G. Clarke— l^mo . . . ,03 Q Kent Bryce {.las.) Elements of Algebra, 12mo 4 6 i/. Allman . First Principles of Geogrtiphy and Astronomy, post 8vd .030 Griffin Sermons, 8 vo . . . . . . . . .0106 Underwood Sketch of Native Education in India, 8 vo . . . .09 Q Allen . Ten Years of the Church of Scotland, 1833-43, 2 v. 8vo . 1 1 Blackwood ■ • and King, Treatise on Book-keeping, 8 vo . . . .050 Sitmns^M'I. Brydges {S.E.) Anti Critic, 8vo 110 Pickering Autobiography, Times, Opinions, &c., 2 v. 8vo . .18 Cochrane Cimelia, 8vo . . . . . , , .110 Pickering Hall of Hellingsley, 3 v. 12mo 18 Longman Imaginative Biography, 2 v. post 8vo . . . .110 Saunders d; 0. Letters from the Continent, 8vo 12 Trijihook on the Character of Lord Byron, post 8vo , .0106 Longman Moral Axioms for the Young, 18mo . . . .036 Macrone ■ Note on the Suppression of Memoirs, 8vo . . .076 Harding Recollections of Foreign Travel, 2 v. post 8vo . . 18 Longman Ruminator, a Series of Essays, 2 V. 12mo . . . 18 Longman Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, 8vo . . .110 Pickering . Tragic Tales, 2 v. 12mo 10 Triphook (//./.) Account of the Mission to Persia, 1107-11, 2 v. 8vo .110 Jas. Bohn Dynasty of the Kajars, and History of Persia, 8vo .14 Jas. Bohn Brydson {T.) Pictures of the Past, ISnio 3 6 Longman Bryson {Alex.) Account of the Epidemic Fevers of Sierra Leone, 12mo .040 Renshavj Report on Climate and Diseases, African Station, roy. 8vo 8 Ilighley Bubbles of Canada, by Sam Slick, 8vo 12 Bentley Buccaniers of America, 24mo . . . . . . . .060 Rivington Buchan {C.F.) History of the Christian Church, 12mo . . . .050 Ilami/ion Voice in the Wilderness, Short Discourses, 12mo . .026 Simpkin ■ {Pet.) Ancient Ballads and Songs of Scotland, 2 v. post 8vo .110/. Barling (TFm.) Domestic Medicine, 8vo 10 6 Cadell 8vo, 7s U, Tegg—Svo . . . 12 Virtue Buchanan {A.C.) Emigration Practically Considered, 8vo . . .046 Colhurn {Glau.) 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Serious Inquiries; or, Important Questions, 12mo Sermons, l"2mo Theological Dictionary, by Henderson, 8vo Treatise on Religious Experience, 12mo Young Christian's Guide, by Benson, 18mo ((?.ir.) Essay on Oblique Bridges, 4to . (John) Solutions of the Higher Orders of Equations, Svo (J. W.) Reports, Bankruptcy, 181C-20, roy. 8vo . Bucke (67i(t.) Beauties and Harmony of Nature, 3 v. Svo Book of Human Character, 2 v. 12mo . Book of Table Talk, 2 v. 12rao Classical Grammar of the English Language, ISmo Fall of the Leaf and other Poems, 8vo . Julio Romano, a Drama, 8vo .... Ruins of Ancient Cities, 2 v. 18mo . Buckingham (J.S.) America, Eastern and Western States, 3 v. 8v Northern States, 3 v. 8vo . Slave States, 2 v. 8vo Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, 8\ Evils of Present System of Popular Elections. National Evils and Practical Remedies, 8vo Parliamentary Evidence on Drunkenness, Svo Sketch of his Voyages, Travels, Writings, &c. Tour in France, Piedmont, Lombardy, &c., 2 of Belgium, Rhine, Switzerland, &c., 2 Travels among the Arab Tribes, 4to in Assyria, Media, &c., 2 v. Svo . Mesopotamia, &c., 2 v. Svo Palestine, 2 v. Svo . Universal Gazetteer, Svo Buckland (A.C.) Letters on Duty of Early Rising, 12mo Letters to an Attorney's Clerk, on his Studie (Tr»i.) Geological Evidences of the Deluge, 4to Treatise on Geology and Mineralogy, 2 Buckler {J.C.) Architecture of English Cathedrals, roy. 4to . . ■- imp. 4to, 5/ St. Alban's Abbey Church, Svo Historical Account of Eltham Palace, Svo Buckley (Wni.) Jurisdiction and Practice of the Marshalsea Court, Buckman (Prof.) Remains of Roman Art at Cirencester, Svo, 15i- Buckminster (J.H.) Works, with Memoir, 2 v. post Svo . Bucknall {T.S.) Orchardist; or. System of Close Pruning, Svo Buck worth (John) Discourses on Religion, 12mo . Memoir of, by Isaac Clarkson, 12mo Budd (Geo.) Treatise on Diseases of the Liver, Svo (IIoi.) Baptismal Education According to Church Services, 2 Infant Baptism the Means of Natural Reformation, 12mo . Silent Preacher, 12mo Buddicom (R.F.) Christian Exodus; Discourses, 2 v. 12mo . Garland, 12mo .... Immanuel on the Cross ; Sermons, 12mo . Sermons, Chiefly Practical, 2 v. 12mo on Faith and Duty, 2 v. 12mo . Life of Abraham, 2 v. 12rao , Budge {Edw.) City of God ; a Vision, post Svo . (E.E.) Christian Naturalist, 12mo . (John) Practical Miner's Guide, Svo . Budgen {L.II.) Smuggler's Children, a Tale, 16mo Budgett {Sarah) Memoirs of, by J. Gaskin, 12mo . 1816—1851. Svo , Svo 18 2 10 18 1 14 IJ 7 12 9 1 G U 7 5 5 G 3 5 U 10 2 14 G 1 15 1 11 12 12 3 5 8 7 2 2 2 2 1 11 15 5 15 G 5 1 8 1 S 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 3 3 1 11 1 15 3 6 14 5 10 1 5 . 1 . 5 . 5 , 4 . 14 12mo 12 10 5 14 4 5 14 10 14 8 3 12 1 4 79 Longman Weak Weak Acker mann Lon(/man Longman G Longman 6 Longman Ackermann Tcgg Long man Westleg JhuuMon J/amiUvn Oak Tegg HoUhvorih 6 IlamiUon Weale Carpenter JhUterworth 6 Tegg C. Knight C Knight Jia/dicin G W/dUaker G Jiodivetl Tegg P. Jackson P. Jackson 6 P. Jackson /■*. Jackson Simpkin /'. Jackson Bagster P. Jackson P. Jackson U P. Jackson i 6 Colburn 6 Colburn 6 Colburn G Colburn Virtue 6 Routledge 6 Houlston 6 Murray Pickering Nichols Nichols Longman Nkhols Svtel G. Bell J. Chapman Sherwood 6 Seeley Hatckard Churchill Seeley 6 Seeky Seeley llatchard Simpkin Seeky Hatclbard Seeley Seeley 6 J. W.Parker Hamilton Longman 6 Bean Simpkin 80 BUD BUN Budinger (M.) Way of Faith ; Abridged Bible, trans, by Asher, post 8vo 6 Buds and Blossoms ; or. Stories of Children, by a Lady, 18mo " " of Thought ; Original Enigmas, Charades, &c., 32mo Bue (/((/.) Application des Idiotismes Fraii9ais, 8vo Buffier {CUi.) Elements of Metaphysics, transl. by Fennel!, 12mo Buffon {Ct.) Morceaux Choisies de, par Ventouillac, 18mo Natural History, by Barr, 16 v. sm. 8vo, 3/ 15«— col, . Wood, 20 V. 8vo Wright, 4 V. 18mo . abridged, 24mo Buffum (E.G.) Residence in California, 1847-49, 12mo Buw ((t«o.) Country Pastor ; Fifteen Sermons, 12mo . Key to Modern Controversy, 12mo . . Scriptural Geologj-, 2 v. 8vo . Bugni (S.) Italian Manual for Self- Tuition, post 8vo Bulkeley (Jas.) La Hogue Bie de Hambie, a Tale, 2 v. 12mo Bull {Bj). 0'.) English Theological Works, 8vo Hannonia Apostolica, by Wilkinson, 8vo _^— — Harmony of St. Paul and St. James on Justification Defence and Vindication of, 8vo Review of, by Bp. Burgess, post 8vo Life of, by R. Nelson, ISmo, 2s 6cZ— Cheap Edition, . Opinion of the Catholic Church, by Rankin, 8vo — Sermons and Discourses on Primitive Christianity, 8 with Life, by R. Nelson, 3 v. 8vo • Vindication of the Church of England, 18mo Works, by Burton, 8 v. 8vo (B.B.) System of Veterinary Instruction, 8vo . {John) Clergyman's Companion to the Sick, post 8vo Devotional Hymns for Public Worship, 12mo Essay on Early Devotion, 12mo Sermons on the Fiftj'-first Psalm, 8vo 8vo ISmo ■ (Mat.) Experiments on Fuel, 8vo (Mc.) Brief Memoir of, by Rev. A. N. Bull, 12mo (Sar.) Baptisms of Scripture Unfolded, 12mo . (Tho.) Hints to Mothers on Health during Pregnancy, 12mo Maternal Management of Children in Disease, 12mo Bullar {John) Account of Pretdr and Thomas Whitty, 12mo . Guide to the Isle of Wight, 12mo, 2s 6d — with Map Historical Particulars of Southampton, 12mo . Lay Lectures on Christian Faith and Practice, 12mo Scripture Questions, 18mo . Selections from British Poets, 12mo {Jos.) Winter in the Azores, 2 v. 8vo ... {Miss) Domestic Life in Greenland and Iceland, 18mo Bullen {Cha.) Sermons, 8vo ...... {Edw.) Treatise on the Law of Distress for Rent, 12mo Buller {Cha.) Poor Law Acts, by Lumley, 12mo . {Era.) Law of Trials at Nisi Prius, by Bridgman, roy. 8vo {F.T.) Apollyon and the Reaction of the Slavonians, 8vo Bulletins and other State Intelligence for 1849, by Authority, 12mo Bulley {Ere.) Variations in the Sacramental Offices, 1549-1062, 8vc Bullinger {Hen.) Sermons on the Sacraments, 8vo Bullock {Tho.) Duties, Drawbacks, &c., of Customs, 12mo — Popular Education, an Antidote to Juv. Delinquency, 12mo (Wtn.) Lectures on Joseph and his Brethren, 12mo , Method of Preserving Natural Subjects, 12mo Travels in Mexico, 2 v. 12mo Bulmer {Agnes) Memoir of, by Anne R. Collinson, 12mo Messiah's Kingdom, a Poem, post 8vo . Scripture Histories, 3 v. 18mo • . -Select Letters, with Notes by Bunting, 12mo {John) Beauties of the Vicar of Llandovery, Poems, 12mo Hymns, Original and Select, 18mo 8vo Bulow {E.G.) Histoire des Campagnes de Hohenlinden, &c, Bulwer {E.L.) Works. See Lytton {E.B.) (ILL.) Autumn in Greece, 1824, post 8vo France ; Social, Literary, and Political, 2 v. post Monarchy of the Middle Classes, 2 v. post 8vo Bunbury {C.J.) Residence at the Cape of Good Hope, post 8vo (iJ.&) Brief Memoir of, 12mo .... Chart of Divine Truth, 12rao 1816-1851. 5 12 1 1 10 14 10 6 6 12 8 1 8 10 18 2 2 9 6 5 5 2 10 7 1 1 7 7 3 4 5 3 16 3 7 6 3 5 5 5 LONDON Bagster Hatchard Bogue /. //. Parker Whitiaher 6 Tegg Sherwood Cadell Tegg 6 Coniish Bentley Seeleg Seeleg Hatchard 6 Whittahr Whittaker 6 /. H. Parker Rivington /. H. Parker /. H. Parker Hatchard 6 /. H. Parker Rivington 6 Rivington Whittaker 6 /. H. Parker /. H. Parker Sirivpkin 6 Rivington Rivington 6 Seeley Longman Miller Whittaker Aijlott Longman Longman Fletcher Simpkin Simpkin Longman 6 Longman Simpkin Van Voorst 6 Van Voorst 6 Masters Shaw &: Sons 6 C. Knight Brooke 6 Partridge Gazette Office 6 Rivington 6 /. W. Parker Smith i.) History of Ireland, to the Union, Svo Burford Cottage and its Robin Red-breast, 12mo . Burge {Wm.) Account of the Restoration of the Temple Church, 8 Commentaries on Colonial and Foreign Law, 4 v Law of Suretyship, Svo. Burger {O.A.) Leonora, transl. by Cameron, illustrated by Maclise, Burges {Geo.) Conservative Standard of the British Empire, Svo {J.B.) Dramas, 2 v. Svo {Mrs.) Progress of the Pilgrim Good Intent, 12mo Burgess {Bj}.) Evidences of the Truth of Christianity, 12mo ■ Excerpta ex Chrysostomo, Gr. et Lat., 12mo First Principles of Christian Knowledge, 12mo Hebrew Elements, 12mo • Initia Homerica, Svo .... Life of, by J. S. Harford, 12mo Motives to the Study of Hebrew, 12mo . ■ Reasons for a New Translation of the Bible, Svo • Review of " Bp. Bull on Justification," post Svo Rudiments of Hebrew Grammar, 12mo . ' ■ Three Catechisms, 12mo .... Tracts and Observations on St. John, Ch. I., v. vii., ■ ■ on the Ancient British Church, 8vo ■ Divinity of Christ, Svo Vindication of 1 John, from Griesbach's Objections, {ffen.) Lectures on Infidelity, 12mo -{J.C.) Hints on Drawing and Painting, Svo Introduction to Flower Painting, 4to Perspective, 4to Practical Essays on Flower Painting, Svo -{Rich.) Circus and Circensian Games, post Svo — Lectures on Insufficiency of Unrevealed Religion, Svo Topography and Antiquities of Rome, 2 v. Svo Tour in Greece and the Levant, 1834, 2 v. 12mo - {T.H.) Physiology, or Mechanism of Blushing, Svo Treatise on Eruptions of the Head, Face, &c., Svo, Ss — col. 1816—1851. Svo LONDON 5 Wesiley 10 P. Jackson 2 6 Tegg 3 Westley 7 Westley 1 6 Ward 2 6 Ward 1 Tract Society 9 Westley 2 Ward 2 Tract Society 1 Tract Society 2 6 Allen 12 C. Taylor 5 Ward 1 16 Duncan 9 Tegg 1 5 6 Longman 8 6 Longman 1 10 Longman 4 J. U. Parker 3 6 Ward 12 Tegg 1 11 6 Collmrn 1 11 6 Colhurn 1 11 6 Newhy 4 6 Hatchard 1 11 6 Ne^vhy 1 11 6 Saunders ^0. 1 11 6 Saunders ikO. 1 11 6 Nexchy 1 11 6 Bentley 1 11 6 Boone 1 11 6 Newhy 16 E. Wilson 2 6 Chapman^H. 1 6 Souter 10 6 Goune 7 Tegg 3 6 Pickering 6 6 Benning 18 Benning 15 Longman 5 Whittaker 1 1 Kerby 4 Hatchard- 3 Rivington 4 Priestley 2 Rivington 6 Tegg 9 Longman s 6 Longman 4 Tegg 7 Budd 8 Hatchard 7 Tegg 6 Hatchard 5 Hatchard 9 Rivington 12 Hatchard 7 Rivington 4 6 Dtnnis 5 Sherwood 1 1 Sherwood 5 Simpkin s Shertvood 9 6 Murray 9 Rivington 3 3 Longman 14 Longman 6 Churchill 14 Renshaw CATALOGUE. BUR BUR 83 Burgess {W.P.) Sermons on Primitive Christianity, ]2mo Wesleyan Hymnology, 18mo Burgh {Will.) Apocalypse Unfultilied, 12mo . — Discourses on the Nature, kc, of Faith, 12mo Essay on Divinity of Christ, I'Jnio . - Exposition of the Book of Revelation, 12mo . General Redemption and Election, 12mo Lectures on the Second Advent, 12mo Marginal Readings on the (Jospels, 12mo Pre-Millennial Advent, 12mo . Tracts for the Church, Sermons, &c., 12mo Burghley (Lord) History of, and his Successors, by Charlton, roy. 8vo Life and Times of, by Charlton, ISrao . Memoirs of, by Nares, 3 v. 4to, 9/ <).<— largo pnpcr Burgomaster of Berlin, from the German of Alexis, 3 v. post 8\ Burgon (./. ir.) Petra, a Poem, post 8vo Buried Bride, and other Poems, post 8vo Burke (Edm.) Correspondence, 1774-97, ed. by Ld. Fitzwilliam, 4 with Dr. F. Laurence, 8vo Inquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful, 8vo Life of, by Jas. Prior, 8vo Political Life of, by Dr. Croly, 2 v. post 8vo Reflections on the French Revolution, 18mo Speeches in Parliament, 4 v. 8vo . Modern Orator, roy. 8vo . Wisdom and Genius of, with Life, by P. Burke, post 8vo Works, 2 V. imp. 8vo, 1^ ]0.<;, //. Bohn— 16 v. 8vo __ and Russell (Ld.J.) upon Party, edited by Cooper, {E.P.) Laws and Government of Rome, 8vo - {Jno.) Extinct, Dormant, and Suspended Peerages, post 8vo Official Kalendar, post 8vo .... Peerage and Baronetage, roy. 8vo . Portrait Gallery of the Female Nobility, 2 v. roy. g - {J.B.) Anecdotes of the Aristocracy, 2 v. post 8vo . 2nd Series, 2 v. post Knightage of Great Britain, 18mo Heraldic Register, 1849-50, roy. 8 Historic Lands of England, v. 1 and 2, roy. 8vo, each Roll of Battle Abbey Annotated, 16mo {J.^J.) Armory of Great Britain and Ireland, roy. Svo Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies, 8vo . Heraldic Illustrations, 3 v. roy. Svo Illuminated, roy. Svo History of the Landed Gentry, with Index, 2 v. roy. Svo Royal Families of Great Britain, &c., 2 v. roy. Svo . {J.F.) Dispensing Chemist and Medical Pupil's Assistant, ISmo . Treatise on British Husbandry, 2 v. Svo, 16s— v. 3, Svo . {J.H.) Days in the East, a Poem, Svo {Pet.) Criminal Law and its Sentences, 12mo Trials Connected with the Aristocracj'', Svo New County Courts Act, 12mo Treatise on the Law of Copyright, 12mo {T.T.) Accoucheur's Vade-Mecum, 12mo Burkitt {Wm.) Help and Guide to Christian Families, 32rao . ■ Notes on New Testament, 2 v. Svo, 1^ Is, Te(jg—2 v. Svo 4to ... by Glasse, 2 v. 4to . Burmeister {Her.) Manual of Entomologj', translated by Shuckard, Burn {And.) Christian Officer's Complete Armour, 12mo Memoirs of, Svo Who Fares Best, ISmo {J.T.) Letters on Population, Emigration, &c., 12mo . {J.S.) Fleet Registers; History of Fleet Marriages, " History of Foreign Protestant Refugees in England, Parish Registers in England, &c., Svo Marriage and Registration Acts, 12mo {Rd.) Ecclesiastical Law, by Phillimore, 4 v. Svo Justice of the Peace, by Bere and Chitty, 6 v. Svo Supplement, to 1851, bv Kean- 1850, by Saimders, Svo 1 18 Statistics of the Cotton Trade, 8\ 1816—1851. 3 Mason 3 Snow 5 Simpkiu 3 6 .Simpkin 2 6 jSimptin 7 J. F. Shaw 2 6 Hainilion 5 J. F. Shaw 4 ./. F. Shaw 2 6 Simpkin 5 Jjinujma'n 12 WhiUaker 2 J. Hughes 12 12 Cvllmrii 1 11 6 Saunders (i-0. 2 6 O.Bell 7 6 Simj)ktn 2 S Rimwjton 8 Jiiriugton 7 6 Riringion 9 //. Bohn 18 Blackwood 4 Whittaker 2 16 Longman 10 Aylott 7 6 Moxon 6 17 Rhmgton 4 Pickering 10 6 Longman 1 1 Collurn 5 6 Colbum 1 18 Collurn 3 3 Bull 1 1 Colhurn 1 1 Churton 5 Churton 1 1 Churton 1 1 Churton 10 6 Churton 1 5 H. Bohn 10 /. R. Smith 4 4 Churton 12 Churton 2 2 Colhurn 2 2 Churton 2 6 Baldurin S Baldwin 6 Smith Sf E. S Richards 16 Benning 5 Bennioig 5 Richards 4 Simpkin 2 Tegg 1 7 Virtue 1 7 Mozley 1 10 P. Jackson. 3 3 Ilatchard 1 Churton 4 6 Leigh 5 Suter 1 6 Suter 6 Ilatchard 7 Rivington 9 Ijongman 10 6 S^der 6 6 Buiterworth 3 16 Sweet 6 10 Sweet 1 13 Shaic <.ir Sons 1 18 Crockford 12 Simjykin M 2 84 BUR BUR Burn (U.S.) Treatise on Practical Ventilation as to Structures, post 8vo . Burne {John) Treatise on Habitual Constipation, 8vo .... Typhus Fever, 8vo [Pet.) Teetotaller's Companion, roy. 8vo with Wine Question, roy. 8vo Bumes (Alex.) Journey to and Residence in Cabool, 8vo Travels in Bokhara, 1831-33, 3 v. 12mo, 18^—3 v. 8vo . (Jos.) History of the Knights Templars, 4to . — Visit to the Court of Sinde, and History of Cutch, 12mo 6 7 7 6 7 18 2 2 1 5 Burness (IF.) Essay on Elements of British Industry, 12mo Burnet (Bj).) Discourse on the Pastoral Care, by Dale, 12mo , Exposition of the Articles, 8vo, 6s, Tegg — 8vo : by Page, 8vo . . Analysis of, by Nevvland, 12mo 9 Epitome of, by Hobart, 12mo . 2 History of His Own Time, 4 v. 8vo . . . .22 roy. 8vo, 10s 6c?— 2 v., plates . 2 2 with Notes, &c., 6 V. 8vo . 2 10 . the Reformation, 7 v. 8vo . . . . 3 10 2 V. roy. 8vo, 1^ Is — with plates 2 15 by Nares, 4 v. 8vo abridged, 2 v. 12nio by Corrie, 8vo 2 9 10 4 7 1 7 1 15 6 Lives of Hale and Rochester, 18mo .... by Bp. Jebb, 12mo, 7s — 8vo - {Geo.) Specimens of English Prose Writers, 3 v. post 8vo . {John) Essay on the Eye as to Painting, 4to, 11 5s — large paper . Essays on Various Branches of the Fine Arts, post 8vo Hints on Colour in Painting, 4to, 1/ lis Qd — large paper . 2 5 ■ Composition in Painting, 4to, 15s — large paper . 1 1 ■ • Light and Shade in Painting, 4to, 18s — large paper 1 11 Portrait Painting, 4to 11 Letters on Landscape Painting in Oil Colours, 4to . .11 Rembrandt and his Works, with Life, 4to, \l lis 6d — 1. p. 5 5 Treatises on Painting, complete, 4to, U 10s — large paper . 7 7 Burnett {CJiL) Insanity Tested by Science, 8vo Philosophy of Spirits in Relation to Matter Power, &c., of God in Creation of Animals, 8vo {G.T.) Outlines of Botany, 8vo {Miss) Illustrations of Useful Plants, No. 1 to 130, 4to, each Burney {Cha.) Treatise on the Game of Whist, 18mo {Dr.C.) Memoirs of, by Mad. D'Arblay, 3 v. 8vo {Jas.) History of the Buccaniers of America, 4to North-Eastern Voj'ages of Discovery, 8vo {llfiss) See D'Arblay {Mad.) Bumhani {Rd.) Pious Memorials, 8vo .... Burning Bush, 18mo Burnley (W'.i^.) Present Condition of Trinidad, 1842, 8vo , Burns' Fireside Library, (sold separate,) 21 v. 12mo .... {Allan) Observations on the Head and Neck, 8vo {Ca])t.) Naval and Military Technical Dictionary, post 8vo . {Dr.J.) Christian Philosophy; or. Materials for Thought, post 8vo Preacher's Pocket Companion, 18nio Sketch Book, 2 v. 12mo Christian's Daily Portion, 12mo . , . . .0 Death-Bed Triumphs of Eminent Christians, roy. 32mo . Light for the House of Mourning, 12mo . . .0 Sick Room; a Book for the Afflicted, 12nio Missionary Enterprises in Many Lands, 32mo . . Mothers of the Wise and Good, 12mo .... Notes of a Tour in the U. States and Canada, 1847, 18mo 15 1 1 1 2 1 11 1 11 12 16 2 5 S 3 15 5 5 2 18 5 Pulpit Cyclop 4 V. post 8vo, each Sermons for Families and Village Worship, post 8vo Sketches and Skeletons of Sermons, 4 v. ]2mo, each — of Sermons for Sunday Schools, &c., 18mo on Christian Missions, 12mo . Parables and Miracles, 12nio Special Occasions, 12mo . Types and Metaphors, 12mo Youthful Christian; Instructions, Counsel, &c., 18mo {Geo.) Pastor's Gilt to his Parish Families; Prayers, 12mo - {Jas.) Sermons, 8vo LONDON Blackviood 6 Longman 6 Longman A. Hall 6 A. Hall Murray Murray Blackwood Longman 6 Longman Washhourne /. H. Parker Scott 6 Hurst 6 Simjikin Numi Orr /. //. Parker /. H. Parker Orr Scott Rivington 6 /. IF. Parker Pickering Duncan Longman C'ari)enter Bogue Carpenter Carpenter 6 Carpenter Bogue Bogue Bogue Carpenter Highley Highley Burns Renshaw Whitlaker Boone 6 Mo.xon 6 Nicol 6 Payne Virtue 6 Hamilton Longman Burns Longman 6 Siiiipkin Hoidston 6 Hoidston Houlston 6 Houlston Houlston 6 Houlston 6 Houlston Tegg 6 Houlston Hoidston 6 Hoidston 6 Houlston 6 Houlston 6 Houlston 6 Aylott 6 Houlston 6 Houlston 6 Houlston 6 Hoidston 6 Washbourne Duncan 1816—1851. CATALOGUE. BUR BUR Burns {John) Christian Fragments ; or, Remarks on Religion, 1 -mo . 5 Guide to Health, r2mo 3 Principles of Christian Philosophy, 12mo . . .06 Midwifery, 8vo 16 Surgery, 2 v. 8vo 14 Treatment of Diseases of "Women and Children, 8vo . 9 (Roht.) Jolly Beggars, a Poem (Fac-simile of), sm. 4to . .07 Life, by Lockhart, l"2mo 3 ^ and Works, by Chambers, 4 v. 12mo . . .0 12 Currie, ISmo, 5.?, &o«— Svo . . 6 Poems, Critique on, with Engravings, 8vo . . . 10 ^ Westall's Designs, 2 V. IGmo, 11^—1 2mo . .0 18 with Life and Glossary, &c., racd. 8vo . .02 12mo, 6.S— with plates . 10 Memoir, &c., by Nicolas, 3 v. 12mo . . 1.5 Works, 24mo 6 ■ Illustrated Edition, 2 V. roy. 8vo . . .26 Life, &c., by Cunningham, roy. 8vo . . .0 10 8 V. 12mo . .20 , — Currie, edit, by G. Burns, 5 v. 8vo . 2 6 5 V. 12mo 1 5 — Hogg and Motherwell, 5 v. 12mo . 17 People's Edition, 33 plates, roy. 8vo . . .0 18 58 plates, roy. 8vo . . .13 — — 75 plates, 2 v. 4to . . . 2 10 and Clarinda, Correspondence of, post 8vo . . .08 (Roht.) Dissertations on the Poor Law, 8vo . . . . 12 (ll'm.) Primitive Doctrine Concerning Christ, 8vo . . .0 10 Bumside {Rt.) Religious Allegories, 3 v. 12mo 10 Remarks Relative to the Weekly Sabbath, 12mo . .05 Theory of Eeligious Composition, 12mo . . .04 Treatise on Religion of Mankind, 2 v. 8vo . . .18 Burr {Fred.) Introduction to the Study of Geology, 12mo . . .06 {G.D.) Instructions in Practical Surveying, &c., post 8vo . .07 Burridge {Jno.) Tanner's Key, 12mo . . . . . . .05 Treatise on Naval Dry Rot, 8vo 10 Burrington {E.II.) Revelations of the Beautiful, &c.. Poems, post 8vo . 7 — {Gill.) Genealogies in the Old Test, and Apocrypha, 2 v. 4to 3 3 Burritt {Elik.) Sparks from the Anvil, and Voice from the Forge, 12mo . 2 Burroughes {Jer.) Jerusalem's Glory before the Second Coming, ISmo . 1 Exposition of Hosea, Memoir by Sherman, roy. 8vo . 1 1 Rare Jewel of Contentment, 18mo, 2s, II. Bohn — 8vo 2 Burrow (E.B.) Select Psalms in English Verse, 12nio . . . .02 {E.J.) Elements of Conchology, 8vo, \Qs — coloured . . .111 Hours of Devotion, translated from the German, 8vo . 12 Remarks on the Elgin Marbles, 8vo . . . .10 Scholar's Companion to the Bible, 12mo . . .02 Summary of Christian Faith and Practice, 3 v. 12mo . 1 1 Burrowes (J.F.) Pianoforte Primer, 12mo .04 Thorough Bass Primer, 12mo 7 (Pet.) Select Speeches and Memoir, 8vo . . . . 12 {Rob.) Sermons, 8vo 10 • on the Liturgy, 8vo 8 First Lessons, Morning Service, Svo . 12 Burrows {G.M) Commentaries on the Causes of Insanity, 8vo . .0 18 Disorders of the Cerebral Circulation, Svo . . .0 10 Burslem {Rollo) Peep into Toorkisthan, Svo . . . . .08 Burt (.1//.) On the Different Systems of Life Assurance, Svo . . .07 (IFw.) Christianity, a Poem, Svo ; 9 • — Miscellaneous Papers on Scientific Subjects, post Svo . .08 Observations on the Curiosities of Nature, post Svo . .07 Burton, a Novel, by Ronald McChronicle, 3 V. r2mo . . . .0 18 Burton (.4//'.) Johnny Newcome in the Navy, a Poem, Svo . . .0 10 {Cha.) Bardiad, a Poem, Svo 12 Lectures on the Deluge and World after the Flood, Svo . 12 Millennium, 12mo 7 • World before the Flood, Svo . . . 12 {C.J.) View of the Creation of the World, Svo . . . .09 {Edw.) Antiquities and Curiosities of Rome, 2 v. post Svo . .0 15 Chronology of the Acts and St. Paul's Epistles, Svo . 3 ■ Considerations on Absolving Power of the Church, Svo . 3 History of the Christian Church, 12mo . . . .05 1816—1851. 85 Longman 6 Simpkin 6 Longman Longman Longman Longman 6 Whittaker Murray On- Orr 6 Hamilton S/nirjki7i, Eton, with English Notes, ISmo . . . .020 Simphin Hunter, 2 v. post Svo 18 Coicie Mac Dowal, 12mo 3 Simpkin Maittaire, 12mo 5 6 Longman Oberiin, Svo 0160 Priestley Schmitz et Zumpt, 12mo 2 6 Orr Smith, 12rao 3 6 Svmjjkin Woodford, Epitome of, ISmo 2 6 Simjikin with English Notes by Anthon, 12mo . . .046 Longman — — 12mo . . .060 Tegg Barker, post Svo . . .066 Longman Prendeville, 12mo . .056 Whittaker Latin and English, by Mair, 12mo . . .030 Whittaker for Beginners, 12mo . .036 Taylor d; W. Commentaries, complete, post Svo 5 0//. Bohn by Duncan, 12mo 7 Simpkin Mongan, 12mo 3 6 Allan Book 1 to 4, by Waring, 12mo . . . .02 Low Helvetic War, Latin and English Interlinear, 12mo . . .020 Taylor^- W. Exercises on, 12mo 16 Taylor t^- W. Extracts from, 12mo 2 6 Taylor^ W. Cahagnet {A.L.) Secrets of Life to Come Revealed by Magnetism, post Svo 4 Peirce 1816—1851. N 90 CAI CAL Cailli^ {Reyie) Travels to Timbuctoo, 1824-28, 2 v. 8vo Cain, the Wanderer, and other Poems, 8vo .... Caird (Jas.) West of Ireland as a Field for Investment, 8vo . Cairn ; or, Gathering of Precious Stones from many Lands, 16mo Cairns ( Wm.) Treatise on Moral Freedom, 8vo . . " . Calabrella (Baroness) Double Oath ; a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo . Land of Promise ; a Tale, sm. 4to Prism of Imagination; Tales, post 8vo . — ^ Thought, post 8vo Tempter and Tempted, 3 v. post 8vo . Calabria, During a Military Residence of Three Years, 8vo . Calamy (IJdm.) Life and Times, by Rutt, 2 v. 8vo Calboa, Italian Lessons, post Svo ..... Calcott (/.TF.) Grammar of Music, 18mo .... Calcraft {J. W.) Defence of the Stage, Svo .... Caldcleugh (Alex.) Travels in South America, 1819-21, 2 v. 8vo Calder (Fred.) Introduction to Higher Parts of Arithmetic, 12mo (F. IF.) Hints on the Cure of Squinting, by Operation, Svo Calderon (Mad.) Life in Mexico, Svo (Fed.) Comedias Escogidas, con Vida, 12mo . Justina ; a Play, translated by 0. J. H., post 8v Caldwell (C'ha.) Thouglits on Physical Education, roy. Svo . — (.I.S.) Digest of the Poor Laws, 12mQ . Results of Reading, Svo .... — Treatise on Law of Arbitration, Svo . Caleb Stukeley ; a Novel, 3 v. post Sv Caledonia Romana ; Roman Antiquities of Scotland, by R. Stuart. Calendar of the Anglican Church Illustrated, 12mo Calico (Cath.) Fairy Tales for Youth, 12mo .... Call to Repent, in Three Letters, Svo ..... upon the Great, post Svo ...... Callanan's Recluse of Inchidony, and other Poems, post Svo . (A.H.) Observations on Typhus Fever, Svo . Callaway (Jno.) 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Sacred Harp; Poetry, post Svo (Rev.J.) Parochial and Family Sermons, 2 v. Svo Calvert (Pre.) Law Respecting Parties to Suits in Equity, roy, (Geo.) Reflections on Fever, Svo Treatise on Hsmorrlioides or Piles, Svo Calvin (John) Aphorisms, and Letter to Francis the First, 12mo Christ the End of the Law, transl. by Weedon, 4to — ■ Christian Theology, with Life, by Dunn, 12mo Church Reform, translated by Beveridge, ISmo Commentaries on the Galatians and Ephesians, 12rao Commentary on the Hebrews, 12mo — Romans, translated by Sibson, 1 Psalms, 3 v. Svo Institutes of Christian Religion, by Allen, 2 v. Svo abridged, by Featherstone, 12mo Life of, by Simcs, 18mo _ . ___ and Correspondence, by Dyer, Svo . Times, by Henry, transl. by Stebbing, 2 v. Svo 1S16— 1851. post Svo LONDON 1 10 Colburn 10 6 Whittaker 6 Blackwood 10 G. Bell 12 Longman 1 11 6 Beiitley u 3 6 Madden 1 1 Longman 12 Longman 1 11 6 T.Miller 10 6 E. Wilson 1 12 Colhurn 7 Black 2 6 Davidson 5 Longman 1 10 Murray 3 6 Whittaker 5 Renshaw 11 Chapman^H. u 5 6 Semor 4 Burns 1 Simpkin 14 Benning 10 6 Murray 12 Benning 1 S 6 Blackwood 1 1 Pickering 10 6 /. H. Parker 6 6 So-liter 3 Hastings 4 SeeUy 7 6 Hurst 5 Renshaw 2 6 Jackson & W, 7 Highley 7 6 Dolman 9 Moxon 2 6 Moxon 12 Murray 2 12 6 Longman 2 2 Longman 2 6 Murray 1 6 J. W. Parker 1 5 Longman 10 6 Longman u y Longman 6 6 Simpkin 3 6 Hamilton 14 John Bohn 18 Benning . 7 6 Fellowes 2 Wertheim 6 6 H. G. Bohn 1 1 Bentley 7 Bartlett 1 1 Longman 1 1 Benning u 4 Callow 8 6 Callow 3 6 Whittaker 7 6 //. (/. Collins 6 Tegg 3 iJalton 6 Hamilton 2 G Cornish 7 See/ey 1 10 Tegg 14 Tgg 5 Ha, Hilton 2 Hamilton I.') Murrai) 1 4 Whiilaker CATALOGUE. C A L C A M Calvin {John) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, bj' Mackenzie, 12mo . (l 5 Merits of, by Tholuck, ] 2mo 2 . Share in the Trial of Servetus, Notes by Tweedie, 12mo . 3 Treatise on Baptism and the Lord's Sup])er, 1 2nio . .02 and Storr, Exposition of Philippians and Colossians, 12nio (i 7 . the Swiss Refonnation, by Scott, 12mo . . .00 Calvinism, by Calvin and others, with an Essay by Govett, 18mo . .02 Cambkrwell Collegiate School Books, 12nio, viz. : — ... English : Class ]5ook of ( Information . . . .01 Elements of English Grammar, with Exercises . .01 Manual of Arithmetic, Fractions, Decimals, \c. . .01 Geography, &c. . . . • • .01 Scripture Questions, for Sunday Exercises . . .01 Selections from English Poets, 4s— in Prose . . -01 Latin : Elements of Latin Grammar, \s M — Exercises to .01 Horatii Odarum, lib. 3 1 Livii Historiarum, lib. 1 . . . • • . -j Ph;edri Fabulre et P. Syri Sententise . . . .04 Sallustii Catilina et Jugurtha 2 Virgilii iEneidos, lib. 4 2 Greek : Elements of Greek Grammar, 2s — Exercises to . .01 Evangelium secundum Johannem. . . . .01 Homeri Iliados, lib. 6 . . . . • • .02 Xenophontis Anabaseos, lib. 1 . . . • .01 French : Gil Bias 4 Cambrian Tourist, 18mo 6 Cambridge Arithmetic and Algebra, 8vo, 10,5— Key to . . _ . .05 Classical Examination Papers, Svo, 15s — Second Series . .08 English Prize Poems, 12rao .... ..06 Cireek and Latin Prize Poems, 1814-37, post Svo . .07 Jokes, edited by J. 0. Halliwell, 18mo . . . .02 Mathematical Journal, 4 v. 8vo . . . . • . 3 12 Papers, 2 v. Svo . . . . • .19 . ■ Key to, pt. 1, Svo . . . .07 < Problems, 1801-20, Svo 3 , 1820-37, Svo 12 • 1844, with Solutions, 4to . .04 Questions, 1838-49, arranged by Frost, Svo .07 Portfolio, edited by Rev. J. J. Smith, 2 v. roy. 4to . .44 Tart; Poetical Effusions, 12mo 8 and Dublin Mathematical Journal, v. 1 to 5, Svo, each . . 16 Camden, a Tale of the South, 3 v. 12mo 16 Cameleon Sketches, 12mo 7 Cameo; a Melange of Literature and the Arts, 18mo . . • . 12 Cameron, a Novel, 3 v. post Svo . . . . . . • . 1 11 . {Cha) Influeijce of Variety in Diet, 8vo . . . .05 {C.R.) Parochial Sermons, Svo 10 {D.A.) Advice on the Care of the Teeth, ISmo . . .02 (G.P.) Adventures in Georgia, Circassia, &c., 2 v. post Svo . 1 1 ■ {John) Discourses, 12nio .04 Doctrine of the Scriptures, post Svo . . . .0-5 {Mrs.) Addresses to Children on the Beatitudes, ISmo . .01 Emma and her Nurse, ISmo . . . . .02 Englishwomen in Past and Present Times, 12mo . .03 Fanny and Marten, ISmo 3 Farmer's Daughter, 12mo . . . • • .03 Forms of Pride, ISmo 1 Fruits of Education, 12mo 3 Marten and his Scholars, ISmo 1 ■ Nursery Magazine, 5 v. 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Voyage to and from (^ape of (Joed Hope, 18mo and Richardson, Srrmons on Si>lf, 12mo . {J.J.) Translations from the (Jerniiiu L'oets, 12nu) {J.M.) Sernmns and Lectures, 2 v. 12ino, each {J.iS.) 'I'reatise on Tuberculous Consumption, Svo (J.T.) Power of Association, a Poem, Svo {Lord) Lives of the (Jhancellors of England, 7 v. Svo Chief Justices of England, 2 v. 8\ lU'ports, Nisi Prius, 1807-](i, 4 v. roy. 8vo KSIO— ISf)!. 10 1 1 2 4 2 4 r> 1 11 1 11 8 r> 7 7 8 1 11 1 11 8 12 6 16 (i 10 1 k; 3 2 16 (5 1 4 2 3 2 3 5 10 1 1 4 2 10 7 4 5 12 t> !» 2 2 7 T) l.'i () 1 10 3 8 LONDON Murray Jjomimaii Car/iiiiUer C'/iajimand'Il. L(m(/man IV/rUla/cer 6 Whittaker W/dl/aker IVkUlaker Volburu Jhilaa 6 Colburn WIdttaker Simpkin (J Siiiijikin () ,S/iii/>km tSimpkin () Jiu-Liou (b W. Smilk S( ii- /.(iiiqniau //oii/.slon (I i\r.'f.,f (i iVnrhy lllviwjlon G JlaUdh-c. () MaipMrd Tc'in 'l\;j;, JIamiUotb 1\V!I (i W'/iil taker VadcU Te,n) ./. IK. Parker G Volhum G Volbarn Longman Skerwood Longman Longman llamiltoii llooiw. liouiic Slmpkiii .Siiiipkiii, /loo lie VhiirchUl Volhin-n ,/(>/ni.itoue G W'^st/cg Snow Snow JadnoH cO W. G Allen HV,s7/','y U; St/eg G Snow Snow //arrh Orijlhi Snow {) Snow nnncan. Trad Societg G Snow Cadeli ti iXinhel iiailiare Sannders<&0. Mnrrag Mnrrag lit lining C A M c:a li CATALOUUK. Ciimpbell (Lord) Spceclics at i]\c ]?;ir iiiul llmisc of Cdinnions, 8vo (Afuii) I'ocins, r^iiii) . (/f.f/.) Lays from tlio Kiist, 1 '21110 . (T/ic.) Locturcs on tlio raticnec of Christ, T2iiio . (2'/w.) Gertrude of Wyoiuiiifi;, and otlier I'oeins, I'Jino . Landscape Wreath, 1 to .... . Letters from the South, 2 v. 8vo Life and Letters, by W. 15eattie, 3 v. 8vo . 3 V. post 8vo 93 . — Lives of the Toets, and Essay on Poetry, post 8\ . i ril)i;rim of Glencoe, and other I'oenis, ])ost 8vo riea.sures of Hope, and other Poems, l'2ino Poetical Works, I'Jmo, 8,< — 8vo, plates, M — Tiul ■ 1 81110, 3.V (jd — med. 8vo — — ——Specimens of the Uiitisli Poets, roy. 8vo Theodric, and other Poems, ] '2nio {Wal.) Old Forest llanu'er ; or. Wild Sports of India, 4to {Will.) Instructions to Midwives and Nnrsiis, I'Jino . Introduction to Midwifery, 8vo . Manners and Customs of Kritiah India, 8vo . Memoir on Extra Uterine (Jestatioii, 8vo Treatise on Epidemic Fever in Edinliurgh, 1822, Camus (M.) Treatise on the Teeth of Wheels, by Hawkins, 8\o Can Woman Regenerate Society, 12mo .... Canadian Scenery; Illustrated by Hartlett, 2 v. Uo Canary Hird, a Tale for Youth, 12nio Candli-r (.A-///1) Notices of Hayti, 121110 .... Candli.sli (ll.S.) Cross of Christ; Inquiry on the Atonement, 12mi E.xpo.sition of the Book of (ifeiie.sis, 12iiio Scripture Characters and Miscellanies, 8vo Canning {Geo.) Life of, by Bell, post 8vo .... Styles, 2 v. post 8vo Memoirs of, by Iledc, 8vo .... • Political Life of, by Stapieton, 3 v. 8vo . Speeches and Memoirs, li v. 8vo . '■ at Liverpool, 8vo .... Cannizzaro (G.) Classic Readings in Italian Literature, 8vo . Canova (Ant.) Memoirs of, by Memes, 8vo .... Works, in Outline, by Moses, 3 v. inij). 8vo . Canterbury Papers, Nos. 1 to 8, 1 v. 8vo .... ('antii (('.) Reformation in Europe, traiisl. by Prandi, v. 1, ])ost8vo Capadose {('nl.) Si.xteen Years in the West Indies, 2 v. postSvo (/'ape {./iiiuil.) Course of Mathematics, v. 1 and 2, 8vo, each . Mathematical Tables, Logaritlims, &c., roy. 8vo Capeligiie (li.Il.) Diplomatists of Europe, translated by Monteith, 1 Capern {Tim.) (!iirative Power of Mesmerism, 8vo Capes (■/.;)/.) Bilile History for Use of Catholic Youth, Vlnw ■ Iii<|iiiry into the Use of Church Authority, cSic, 8vo Sunday in London, post 8vo .... Cappe {(kuk) Life of Christ, 8vo Memoirs of, 12nio, T.f — 8vo . Reflections on the Ministry of Christ, 12mo {New.) (,'ritical Remarks on Scripture, 2 v. 8vo . Discourses and Life, 8vo on Practical Sulijects, 8vo Providence of Ood, 12mo Capper (/i-/'.) Topographical Dictionary, 8vo {Sam.) Acknowledged Doctriiu^s of the Church of Rome, i Caprice, an Irish Novel, 3 v. 12mo ..... Captain Rock Detected, 12mo ...... in Rome : Picture of Rome, 2 v. 12nio . Captive, a Tale, by Author of " Pilgrim Brothers," 3 v. post 8vo Maiden ; a Tale of the Third Century, ]2mo . Vigils, a Poem, roy. 8vo ..... Caractacus, a Roman Story, 12nio ..... Caradoc's History of Wales, by Powell, Wynne, and Llwyd, 8vo Caravella {John) Index Aristopliaiiieiis, 8vii Carbonaro ; a Piedinontesc? Tale, 2 v. |inst 8vo Carbutt {Kdw.) Clinical Lectures at Manchester, 8vo . 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Dissertation on the Lord's Supper, 8vo . . . .08 Cardall {}Vm.) Israel's Journeys and Stations in tlie Wilderness, post 8vo 5 Sermons at Lancaster, 8vo 8 Cardi {J.B.) Traveller's Hand-Book, English, Fr., and Italian, 18mo . 5 Cardinal de Retz, by Author of the " Maids Husband," 2 v. post 8vo . 1 1 Cardwell {Edio.) Annals of Reformed Church, 1546-1716, 2 v. 8vo . 18 Articles of Religion, &c., 1547 to 1717, 2 v. 8vo . 19 . Conferences on Book of C. Prayer, 1551 to 1690, 8vo 7 Lectures on Coinage of the Greeks and Romans, 8vo . 8 . :- Reformation of Ecclesiastical Laws, Hen. VIII., &c., 8vo 6 Two Books of C. Prayer, Edw. VI. Compared, 8vo . 8 Careme (.4.) French Cookery, translated by Hall, 8vo . . . . 15 Parisian Cook, translated by Porter, post 8vo . . . 12 Carey {Dav.) Beauties of the Modern Poets, 12mo . . . .07 . Life in Paris, 8vo .".11 Lord of the Desert, and other Poems, 12rao . . .07 {F.J.) Journal of a Tour in France, 1816-17, 8vo . . . 14 (6r.6r.) 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Rose of Tistelon, a Tale of Sweden, 2 v. post 8vo . .11 Carleton (lF»i.) Art Maguire ; or, the Broken Pledge, 12mo . . .03 Black Prophet, with Illustrations, post 8 vo . . . 10 .Fardorouglia the Miser, 12mo 3 Father Butler and the Lough Derg Pilgrim, 12mo . 3 Fawn of Spring Vale, and other Tales, 3 v. post 8vo . Ill Going to Maynooth, a Tale, 12mo . . . .02 Tales and Sketches of Irish Peasantry, 8vo . . .07 . Traits and Stories of Irish Peasantry, 2 v. 8vo . .10 Valentine McClutchy, 8vo 10 3 V. post 8vo . . . . 1 11 Carlile {Jas.) Letters on Origin, &c., of the Scriptures, 2 v. 12mo . .0 10 Sermons on Repentance and Faith, 8vo . . . .09 {Ric.) Manual of Freemasonry, 12mo . . . . .06 Carlisle {Ant.) Means of Preserving Health, 8vo 6 {Nic.) Account of the Privy Chaml;er, roy. 8vo . . .11 , Endowed Grammar Schools, England and Wales, 2 v. 8vo 2 16 Foreign Orders of Knighthood, roy. 8vo . . . .10 Historical Account of Charities, 8vo . . . .10 Carlyle {J.D.) 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Jackson 10 6 V.„Unn-n 1 11 6 VMnmi 1 1 iJolhnriv 6 Ilamilton .0 6 Palmer 7 Sherwood 5 Whittaker 4 6 Hahhard 1 1 Sherwood 2 6 Harvey 3 Nutt 2 6 E. Wilson 2 6 /. Chapman LO 6 Sherwood 10 6 Shertvood 10 Booth 12 Monro 2 6 Slmpkin u 2 6 Willoiiyhhy 6 Thomas 5 6 Orr 14 /. Chapman 5 Longman 5 Longman 4 6 /. Chairman 7 6 Longman 12 J. Chapman 12 Longrnan 10 /. Cha^nnan 12 /. Chapman 7 Longman 7 Whitfield 1 6 Leath 2 6 Ihirst 2 Longman 12 Longman 1 6 Clark 2 Longman 2 Hurst 1 6 Longman 2 6 \Miittaker 2 6 Longman 2 6 SimpHn 3 Strange 2 Strange 3 6 Bogue 1 Tcgg 2 6 Booth 3 6 Strange 2 6 Tegg 12 Teg(j 5 Holdsworth 1 6 Tegg 16 Booth 12 Tegg 3 Strange 2 6 Wakelin 14 Tegg t 6 Orr 12 6 Churchill 6 Orr CAR CAR Carpenter (W.B.) Principles of Comparative Physiology, 8vo Human Physiology, 8vo . 18 . 1 1 Use of Alcoholic Liquors in Health and Disease, post 8vo 5 ~ " " ' .06 . 12 . 2 16 . 5 . 1 1 . 8 . 15 . 3 . Vegetable Physiology and Botany, post 8vo Zoology and Instinct of Animals, 2 v. post 8v Carpentry and Joinery, Elementary and Practical, 2 v. 4to . Carpmael ( Wm.) Law of Patents Familiarly Explained, 8vo . Reports, Patent Cases, v. 1, roy. 8vo . Carpue (J.C.) History of the High Operation for the Stone, 8vo . Operation for Restoring the Nose, 4to Carr {Dan.) On Cure of Consumption and Asthma, 12mo (Geo.) Rational Reform on Constitutional Principles, 8vo Sermons, 8vo (/o/i») Synopsis of Practical Philosophy, 18mo Table of Logarithms to (Sam.) Sermons, 3 v. 8vo {T. »Sf.) Classical Pronunciation of Proper Names, 12mo History and Geography of Greece, 12mo . Homonyma Linguae Latinas, 12mo Latin Selections from Nepos, Phsedrus, and Ovid, 12rao Manual of Classical Mythology, 12mo Roman Antiquities, 12mo . . . ISmo . 1 (T.W.) Sermons on the Seven Churches of Asia, &c., 12mo {Will.) Craven Dialect, with Glossary, 2 v. post 8vo Carrel {A.) and Fox, History ; Charles 11. and James IL, post 8vo Carrera, Treatise on Chess, translated by Lewis, 8vo, 6s — large paper Carrighan (r«-.; Student's Chancery Guide, 12mo. Carrington {F.A.) Rules and Orders in Court of Exchequer, 12mo . Supplement to Treatises on Criminal Law, 12mo . and Kir wan, Reports, N. Prius, 6 to 9 Vic. roy. 8vo ■ v. 2, pt. 1 and 2 5 7 3 3 6 6 6 1 3 9 3 3 13 2 1 1 2 ■Marshman, Reports, N. Prius. 3 to 5 Vic, roy. 8vo 1 13 ■Payne, Reports, N. Prius, 1823-41, 9 v. roy. 8vo 13 15 {H.E.) Plymouth and Devonport Guide, 18mo {N.T.) Poems, complete, 2 v. 12mo Carroll {Wm) Anglers' Vade-Mecum, post 8vo Carrow {J.M.) and Hamerton, Reports, Magistrates, 2 v. roy. 8vo Carruthers {R.) Highland Note-Book; or, Sketches and Anecdotes, Carson {Alex.) God of Providence the God of the Bible, 18mo History of Providence, as Manifested in Scripture, 1 . Knowledge of Jesus, 12mo .... Principles of Biblical Interpretation, 12mo Refutation of " Henderson on Inspiration," 12mo Review of " Wilson, Smith, and Dick on Inspiration Treatise on Baptism in its Modes and Objects, 8vo Works, V. 1 and 2, 12mo, each {A.R.) Exercises in Attic Greek, 12mo ■ Grammatical Latin Exercises, 12mo Qui, Quffi, Quod, 12mo {J as.) Causes of Motion of the Blood and Respiration, 8vo Carstaires {John) Life and Letters of, by Rev. W. Ferrie, 8vo Carstairs {A.G.) Scottish Communion Service, 12mo {Jos. ) Lectures on the Art of Writing, 8vo Carswell {Roht.) Pathological Anatomy, fol Carter {Cha.) Discount and Per Centage Tables, ISmo . {Edin.) History of Cambridgeshire, 8vo Specimens of Ancient Sculpture and Painting, fol. {Eliz.) Letters to Mrs. Montagu, 3 v. 8vo . Memoirs, Poems, &c., by Pennington, 2 v. 8vo . and Talbot's Correspondence, by Pennington, 3 v. 8v {E.J.) Remarks on Christian Gravestones, 8vo . {II. B) Scarborough Illustrated, post 8vo {Jas.) Lectures on Taste, 12mo {John) Ancient Architecture of England, by Britton, — ■ Gothic Architecture of England, 4 v. 16mo — . Memoir of, by W. J. Dampier, post 8vo . Progress of Architecture, 4to . Specimens of Ecclesiastical Costume. &c., roy. 8vo fol. {J.M.) Views of the Rock and Fortress of Gibraltar, fol., 3^ 3s— col. {O.B.) Account of St. John's Church, Bishopstone, 4to, \Qs M — l.p. Ancient Painted Glass in Winchester Cathedral, 4to {Sam.) Midnight Eifusions ; Poems, post 8vo 1816—1851. 12mo 5 10 9 3 18 4 . mo . . . . 12mo . . . . , 12 1 1 1 4 7 10 5 5 18 1 16 -7 Churchill Churchill G{lpi7i Orr Orr Weale SimpHn Slmpkin 6 Longman Longman 6 E. Wilson 6 Baldwin Duncan Weale 6 Baldwin Rivington Simpkin 6 Simpkin Simpkin 6 /. W. Parker 6 Sim2Mn 6 Whittaker Dalton Blenkarn 6 Bog^le Simpkin Wildi/ Sweet Sioeet Sweet 6 Sweet 6 Sweet 6 Sweet Lo7igman Longman Longman Benning Longman 6 Simpjidn Longman 6 Longman Longman Longman 6 Hamilton A. Hall Houlston Longman Whittaker 6 Longman Longman . Hamilton 6 Simpkin Simpikin Longman Simpkin Arch II. Bohn Rivington Rivington Rivington 6 Masters Simpkin 6 Sim^ihin //. Bohn //. Bohn /. W. Parker Nichols 6 Nichols Baily Weale Weale 6 Saunders ^0., CATALOGUE. CAR C A S 97 Carthusian ; a Miscellany, in Prose and Verse, 2 v. post Svo . . .0 Ciirtoons of Raphael, oblong fol '^ Cartwright {Ediu.) Memoir of his Life and Writings, post Svo . . Topography of Arundel, imp. 4to . . . . .5 Bramber, imp. 4 to . . . .5 {J.B.) History of St. James's Church at Jerusalem, 12mo . Sermons on Parable of thi; Sower, I'imo . . .0 Popery, post Svo . . . . .0 {John) Life and Correspondence, by his Kiece, 2 v. 8vn . 1 {Th(,s.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Brooke, Svo (ir»i.) Battle of Waterloo, a Poem, Svo . . . . Cams {C.G.) Comparative Anatomy of Animals, 2 v. Svo, plates, 4to . 3 King of Saxony's Journey through England, kc, 1S44, Svo Carvasso (IFm.) Memoir of, edited by his Son, ISmo . . . . Carver (Jonat.) Influence of Poetry, 12mo {Rolui) Stories about Poland, ISmo Carvill (/.ir.) Manual of Logic, 12mo Carwin, and other American Tales, 3 v. 12mo .... Carwithen (J.B.) History of the English Church, 2 v. 12mo . Cary {Hen.) Act Relating to Oifences against the Person, 12mo . Commentary on Littleton, prior to Coke, roy. Svo Testimonies of the Fathers, First Four Centuries, Svo . Treatise on the Law of Juries and Jurors, 12mo Partnership, Svo . {II.F.) Lives of English Poets; Johnson to Kirke White, 12n 3 4 1 10 .5 11 3 1 *o. Memoir of, by his Son, Notices and Translations of Early French Poets, 12mo {John) Itinerary ; or. Book of Roads, post Svo . Caryl {Jos.) Bible Thoughts, 32mo, 2s, A. Ilull—hy Cobbin, 32mo Casauboni (Asc.) Ephemerides, cum Notis, edidit Russell, 2 v. Svo . Cashmere Shawl, an Eastern Fiction, by Chas. White, 3 v. post Svo Casket; a Lecture for every Sunday in the Year, 12mo Miscellany of Unpublished Poems, Svo .... 1 Caspar Hauser, Account of, by Feuerbach, 12mo ... . .0 3 18 12 5 1 10 7 4 14 7 1 1 5 14 1 1 5 1 11 6 1 4 Caspersonn {S.!!.) Arithmology; or. Theory of Arithmetic, ISmo Casquet of American and European Gems, roy. 32mo . Literary Gems, edited by Whitelaw, 4 v. 12mo Cassan {S.U.) Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, 2 v. Svo Sermons on Doctrinal Errors, Svo . 2 3 1 8 1 10 12 Cassell's Library, 12mo, viz. : — Beard's Dictionary, 2 v. 2s lOd. Footprints of Travellers, Is id. Ferguson's England, 2 v. 2s lOd. Sailings Over the Globe, Is id. Cassella (i/.£.) Italian Correspondence for Ladies, 12mo . . .06 Memorietta Italiana; Ital. and Fr. Conversations, 12mo 3 Traduttore Italiano, 12mo . . . . . ,06 Cassels {W.R.) Eidolon; or. Course of a Soul, and other Poems, 12mo . 6 Casti (&'.) Court and Parliament of Beasts, translated by Rose, 12mo . 6 Three Groats, transl. by Montagu, with Memoir, post Svo . 7 Castilian, a Novel, by Author of " The Exquisites," 3 v. post Svo . Ill Castillo {B.D.) Memoirs, by Himself, translated by Lockhart, 2 v. Svo . 1 4 Castle Baynard, a Romance, by Hal Willis, post Svo . . . .08 Harcourt, a Tale, by L. F. Winter, 3 v. 12mo . . . .0 10 Konar; or, the Minstrel of Koiiar, a Poem, 12mo . . .05 Martyr, a Tale of Old Ireland, 2 v. post Svo . . . .11 of Falkenbourg, and other Stories, from the German, 16mo . .03 Ollada, a Tale, 2 v. 12mo 9 Otranto, Vathek, and Bravo of Venice, 12mo . . .03 Villeroy ; or, the Bandit Chief, 12mo . . . . .08 Castle (//./.) Text-Book for Young Surveyors and Levellers, post Svo . 5 Treatise on Land Surveying and Levelling, Svo . . 12 {Tfto.) Essay on Poisons, 24mo 4 Introduction to Medical Botany, 18mo . . . .04 Lexicon Pharmaceuticum, 12mo 9 Linnaean Artificial System of Botany, 4to . . .05 Manual of Surgery, 12mo 5 Synopsis of Systematic Botany, 4to . . . .04 Systematical and Physiological Botany, 12mo, 10* — col, , 12 Castlereagh {F«c<.) Journey to Damascus and Palestine, 2 V. post Svo , 1 4 Memoirs, Correspondence, Despatches, v. 1 to 4, Svo 2 16 . V. 5 to 8, Svo 2 16 Castles of Wolfnorth and Mont Eagle, a Novel, 4 v. 12mo . . .16 Caswall (.4//.) Law of Copyholds and Copyhold Enfranchisement, 12mo 5 1816—1851. 6 S. Walker 6 I'ivivgton 6 Saurder Mrhuls Nirh.) Narrative of an Expedition from Tripoli, 1817, Svo . Cellarius, Drawing- Room Dances, post 4to . Fashionable Dancing, post 4 to Cellerier {J.E.) Discourse on the Old Testament, by Wreford, Svo . Cellini {Benvenuio) Autobiography, ISmo, ds 6d — 12mo Life of, med. 8vo 1816—1851 1 10 Rogue 1 1 Jleeve (1 10 6 Longman 10 6 Reeve (1 10 6 Reeve 5 Highley 12 Richardson 12 J/oulslon ] 1 P. Jackson 1 5 J. W. Parker 16 J W. Parker 2 6 llanullon 14 J'rUslky 5 tl Lonr/man 12 M,irnui 4 J'lvkering 3 6 Simpkin 2 Snu/din 4 6 Ra/ 1 11 6 Neivby 10 6 Neirhy 15 ^\;ll■hl/ 5 iVoclnj 1 11 6 Jientlei/ 1 11 6 JJentley 1 11 6 iXevby 1 11 6 Colhnni 1 11 « Cuilnmi 1 11 6 Jkntley 1 11 6 Neu-hij 1 11 6 Colo urn 1 1 2tea-e 1 11 6 Colburn 1 11 6 Colburn 1 11 6 Bentley 1 11 6 Bentley 3 6 Blackwood 1 6 Wertheim 2 6 Seeley 2 Seeley 7 6 J. M'. Parker 2 5 Buiterworth 6 Butterioort/i 1 11 6 Smith <£; E. 5 15 6 Arch 8 Riviiujlon 2 6 Suttaby 1 6 /. W.Parker 9 Benning 18 Gardner 10 6 Longman 4 Nislet 1 11 6 Saunders (L'O. 2 6 J. Chapman 6 Simpkin 4 6 SimpHn 6 Sitnpkm 2 6 Sinqj/dn 1 6 Simpkin 10 6 /. Chapman ) 7 Routledge 5 Whitfield 3 Simpkin 1 16 Simpkin 8 Simms&M'I. 6 6 Masters 1 11 6 Bull 8 Moxon 15 Ifatchard 16 Harwood 10 6 JIamilton 8 Hamilton 9 Simjikin 4 Bailliere 7 Bailliere 2 2 Ricltardson 18 Highley 5 Churchill 6 Dyer 3 6 Westley 10 6 Longman 12 /. Chapman 10 6 Bogue 7 6 /. Chapman 6 Fraser 5 Longman 5 6 Seeley 1 1 Ricington 10 Maxicell . b 6 Longman 104 CHA CHA Chapone {3Irs.) Letters, 32mo 1 . and Gregory's Legacy, 24mo . . . .03 . Life, by Davenport, 12mo . . . .03 . . with Westall's Designs, 16mo, 5s 6d — 12rao . 8 Memoirs of, by Cole, 32mo 2 Chappell {Edw.) Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 8vo 12 Newfoundland, 8vo 12 Chapters in the Life of a Dundee Factory Boy; by Himself, 12mo . 1 on Coronations, 12mo ..04 . Physical Sciences, 12mo 6 Shorter Catechism, by a Clergyman's Daughter, 12mo . .03 Character and Costume in Turkey and Italy, by T. Allom, 4to . .1 11 Characteristics; in the Manner of Rochefoucault's Maxims, 12mo . .04 Characters Contrasted, 12mo 4 Scenes, and Incidents of the Reformation, 18mo . . .01 and Opinions: or, the Blue Book, post 8vo . . . . 10 Charcoal Burner, from the German, 18mo, Is 6d, Masters — 16mo . .02 Charlemagne's Travels in Constantinople, &c., a Poem, by Michel, 12mo. 10 Charles Harcourt, a Novel, by G. C. Munro, 3 v. post 8vo . . . 1 11 'Harman; or, the Adopted Child, 12mo 4 Ross; or, Truth and Fiction, 18mo 2 . Vernon, a Transatlantic Tale, by Lt.-Col. Senior, 2 v. post 8vo . 1 1 and Eugenia; a Tale, by Mad. Renneville, 12mo . . .04 James, a First Book of Monosyllables, 16mo . . .01 Charles (I.) His Court and Times, 2 v. 8vo 18 'Life and Character of, by D'Israeli, 5 v. 8vo . . .33 Times of, by A. Cunningham, 32mo . . .02 Memoirs of, by "Warwick, 8vo, 12»- — large paper. . .11 (V.) Correspondence with his Ambassadors, 8vo . . . 18 (X.) and Louis Philippe; Revolution of July, 1830, 8vo . .0 10 John {Kiiiff of Sweden) Memoirs of, by Meredith, 8vo . .0 12 Charles (Dav.) Sermons, with Memoir by Hughes, 12mo . . .05 {Tho.) Essays, Letters, and Papers, edited by Morgan, 12mo . 7 Charlesworth (John) On Affliction and Spiritual Distress, 32mo . .02 Charley Chalk; or. Career of an Artist, 8vo 11 Charlie's Discoveries; or. Good Use for Eyes and Ears, 16mo . .03 Charlotte Elizabeth. See Tonna (Mrs.) ■ (Princess), Memoir of, 8vo 14 . • by Green, 8vo . . . . .0 12 , Huish, 8vo 19 . (Queen) Memoirs of, by Craig, 8vo 12 . . . Watkin, 8vo 12 ■ Williams, 18mo . . . .02 Charlton (IKS'.) Description of Burghley House, Stamford, 8vo . .07 . ~ Poems, post 8vo , . . . . . . 12 Charmed Roe; or, Little Brother and Sister, illust. by Speckter, 16mo . 5 Charnock (Jas.) History of Marine Architecture, 3 v. 4 to . . .33 • (Mart/) Legendary Rhymes, and other Poems, 12mo . .06 . -(Rich.) Bankrupt and Insolvent Act, 7 & 8 Victoria, 12mo . 3 . ■ Digest of Decisions since the New Rules, 12mo . .05 Police Guide, 12mo 6 Rules Relating to Practice and Pleading, 12mo . .08 (Step.) Christ's Death, Exaltation, and Intercession, 18mo . 2 Discourses on the Attributes, 2 v. 12mo . . .0 10 8vo . . . .07 Treatise on Divine Providence, 8to, Is 8d, Ward— 12mo 4 ■ Reconciliation with God, 8vo . . .02 Works, by Parsons, 9 v. 8vo 5 8 Cham wood Forest, History and Antiquities of, 4to . . . .110 Charter (Sam.) Sermons, 2 v. 8vo 18 Charter House, Chronicles of, by a Carthusian, 8vo . . . . 12 . Its Foundation and History, post 8vo . . . .05 , . Prize Poems, 1814-32, Gr., Lat., and English, 12mo . 7 Charter House School Books, viz. — Extracts from Greek Authors, ]2mo 4 Latin Authors, 12rao 6 Greek Rudiments, 12mo 3 Homeri Ilias, Lib. 1, 2, with Vocabulary and Maps, 12mo . .04 Latin Exercises, 12mo 4 Rudiments, 12nio . . . . . . . .03 Lysi£E Orationes, et Taciti Vita Agricolse, 12mo. . . .03 Manual of Dclinitious and Enunciations of Euclid, 12mo . .02 1816-1851. LONDON 6 Bogue Rivinf/ton 6 Arnold S/iarjte Simpkin Maumian Mawinan 6 Ltarton 6 /. W. Parker Whittaker 6 Hamilton 6 P. Jackson 6 Sim^yJcin 6 Hamilton 6 Tract Societij 6 Saunders tbO. 6 Brookes 6 Pickering 6 Bentley T.Rlchardsmi 6 Harvey Longman Souter 6 Chapman&H. Colburn Colburn Routledge Longman Bent leg 6 Saunders ^0. Colburn Ward Seeley Hamilton Berger 6 R. Clarke Booth P. Jackson Kelly P. Jackson Colburn 6 Simpkin 6 Whittaker Rivington Murray Weale 6 Longman 6 Stevens Sweet Richards Lumley Tract Society T7-act Society 6 H. Bohn 6 Jiaynes 4 Ward Baynes Hamilton Blackwood 6 G. Bell Sewell 6 S. Walker S. Walker 6 6 6 CATALOGUE. C H A C H E Charter House School Books contiimed Selection of Enj;lish Prose, post 8vo 10 Selections from the Spectator. &c., 12mo 5 -' in Prose for translating into Greek and Latin, 12mo . 4 Sentences from Cicero, for translating into Latin, 12mo . .02 Xenophon, for translating into Latin, 12mo . .02 Specimens of English Poetry, 12mo . . . . . .03 Vocabulary of Words (4 Gospels), Greek, 12nio . . .04 Chartley, the Fatalist; a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo 18 Charters of Endowments, Inventories, S.) Dissertations on Unaccomplished Prophecy, Svo . . 10 Guide to South Australia, 12mo . . . . .01 Chauntler {Sam.) Elements of Astronomy, by J. Alexander, 16mo . 2 Chauvier {J.H.) Treatise on Punctuation, 12mo 2 Chavasse {P.H.) Advice to Mothers respecting Infants, 12mo . .03 ■ Wives during Pregnancy, 12rao . . .02 Cheam School Introductory Latin Grammar, 12mo . . . .02 Chedworth {Lord) Letters to Rev. J. Crompton, 4to . . . .16 1816— 1S51. 106 S. Walker 6 6 Ihdl Whittaher 6 Jiic/iardson I^ongman Laiv 6 iilmj)Hn 6 Newman 6 Benthy W/nltaker Volhurn Mlvinffton Bentley Colhurn Colhurn Didau Ehers Bentley Colhurn Simms^ M'l. 6 Murray Colhurn Colhurn Colhurn Colhurn Colhurn Colhiirn Colhurn 6 Hunter Longman 6 Hurst 6 W. Phillips E. Wilson Murray Payne Rivington 6 Colhurn 6 Cochrane 6 Bentley 6 Saunders S(0. 6 Burns 6 Saunders ibO. Saundersilor 3 Ilamillon 15 Pickering 10 6 Simpkin 12 Longman 8 6 Longman 14 Longman 12 6 Renshaw 4 Simpkin 5 E. Cox 7 Sim2)l-in 6 Longman 5 Simpkin 1 5 6 Rivuigion 4 Hastings 4 6 Simpkin 3 6 Hamilton 2 Simpkin 12 Longman 4 6 /. Hughes 2 Masters 1 1 Churton 112 CHU CIC Churton's Library for the Million, 12mo, each . . . .01 James's History of Charlemagne. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico. Norton's Tales and Sketches. Scargill's English Sketch Book. Gibber {Colley) Apology for his Life, 18mo, 2>s Qd — 12mo . . .06 by Bellchambers, 8vo . . .04 Cicero, Amicitia et Senectute, Barker, 12mo 4 Ernesti, 8vo 4 Annotationes, a Olivet, 3 v. 8vo, 21 2s — large paper . . .33 Cato Major, sive de Senectute, &c., Eng. Notes, by Long, 12mo . 4 Character of an Orator, by Guthrie, 12mo 6 Divinatione, edidit Allen, post 8vo 7 Atticum, 2 V. 12mo 14 Ernesti, 8vo 14 Familiares, Ernesti, 8vo 14 V. 1, 12mo 7 Selectae, English Notes by T. K. Arnold, 12mo . .05 — Epistles to Atticus, translated by Guthrie, 3 v. 8vo . . .11 Heberden, 2 v. 8vo . . .16 — Finibus, 18mo . _._ . . ^ 4 — Leelius, sive de Amicitia Dialogus, a Scratchley, 12mo . .03 — Life, by Middleton, roy. 8vo 9 Boilings, ISmo 3 _ and Letters, by Middleton and Melmoth, roy. 8vo . .0 16 — Natura Deorum, 12mo 2 Notes by Allen, post 8vo . . . .07 — Nature of the Gods, Notes by Franklin, 12mo . . . .03 — Officiis, Alan, 12mo 4 Ernesti, 8vo 7 — ■ Ferguson, 18mo 1 — ■ ' Heusinger, 48mo, 4^, Pickering — 12mo . . , .05 . English Notes, by Taylor, 12mo 4 Valpy, 12mo 6 Latin and English, by Johnson, post 8vo . . .09 — Offices, translated by Cockman, 12mo 5 Guthrie, 8vo 7 ■ Old Age, translated, with Notes, by a Graduate, 12mo . 3 and Friendship, translated by Lewers, 12mo . 1 Friendship, &c., transl. by Edmonds, post 8vo . 3 — Opera, cum Clave, Ernesti, 8 v. 8vo, Ql — large paper . . .90 Clavis, separate, 8 vo 12 — Oratio pro Milone, English Notes by Hickie, post 8vo . .04 — Orationes, Ernesti, 2 v. 8vo 1 16 in Catilinam, by Barker, 12mo 5 Newland, 12mo . . . .02 with Translation, 8vo . . . .02 Selectae, Ernesti, English Notes by Anthon, 12mo . 6 Anthon and Boyd, 12mo . . . .06 . Arnold, 12mo 4 Delphin, 8vo 10 — Duncan, 8vo Oil — . ■ — Edinburgh Academy, 18mo . . . .04 Ferguson, 18mo 1 Garde, ISmo 4 Gunn and Davidson, 12mo . . . .04 M'Kay, post 8vo, 10s— Key, 8vo . . .06 Rugby School, 12mo 4 Schmitz et Zumpt, 12mo . . . .03 Valpy, post 8vo 7 Epistolas, &c., Selectae, edidit Pillans, 18mo . .03 Sex Fragraenta Inedita, 8vo 9 Verriiiarum, Libri Septem, a Arnold, 8vo . . . 10 ~ Orations, translated by Duncan, post 8vo 7 Guthrie, 2 v. 8vo 18 against Cataline, 8vo . . . . . .08 — Oratore, a Greenwood, 8vo 12 — Oratory and Orators, translated by Guthrie, 2 v. 8vo . . .0 16 12mo . . .04 — Political Works, translated by Barham, 2 v. 8vo . . .11 — Republica, e Codice Vaticano, 8vo . . . . . . 12 — Senectute, a Otto, with English Notes, 12mo . . . .02 Schutz, Rugby School, 12mo 2 — Tusculan Disputations, translated, 12mo, Zs, Washhourne — 8vo . 5 1816—1851. Churton WTiittaker H. Bohn 6 Longman Priestley Priestley 6 Whitiaker Whitiaker Fellowes G. Bell Priestley Priestley 6 G. Bell Rivington Lackington Payne Sinipkin Rivington Moxon 6 Tegg Moxon Whitiaker Fellowes Whitiaker Longman Priestley 6 Simpkin Gardner 6 Whittaker 6 Longman Pickering Talhoys Lackington G. Bell 6 Simpkin 6 //. G. Bohn Priestley Priestley 6 G. Bell Priestley 6 Longman 6 J. W. Parker 6 Simpkin Longman Tegg Rivington 6 Whittaker Wldttaker 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin Smith <£• F. Whittaker Groombridge 6 Whittaker 6 On- Longman Longman Matcman Whittaker Tegg Lackington Whittaker Whittaker Lackington Wldttaker Spettigue Mawman 6 G. Bell Whittaker Whittaker CATALOGUE. CIC CLA 113 Cicero et Pliny, Epistolse, English Notes by Edwards, 12mo . Ciciloni (Ferd.) Italian Grammar, I'Zmo Ciocci (Raff-) Narrative of Iniquities at Rome, 19th Century, 18mo '. in Italian, 18mo Cipriani's Rudiments for Drawing the Human Figure, imp. 4 to Circle of the Seasons, 12mo Circumnavigation of the Globe, to the Death of Capt. Cook, 12mo . Cirencester, History and Antiquities of, 12mo Cities and Principal Towns of the World, 12mo -of Europe, and Theatre of War and Revolution, v. 1, 8vo . Citizen of Prague, translated by Mary Hewitt, 3 v. post 8vo . City Cousins, by the Author of " Annie Sherwood," 18mo . Scenes; or, a Peep into London, 16mo ...... Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, V. 1 to 13, 4to, each . War in Portugal and Siege of Opoito, by a British Officer, 8vo Clack (J.M.) Select Remains of, by Hooper, 8vo Claims of Labour; an Essay on Duties of Employers, &c., 12mo . Clanahan (..Saw.) Discourses, 12mo Clancy {Jas.) Law of Rights, Duties, &c. of Husband and Wife, roy. 8vo Clandestine Marriage, and the Sisters, by Ellen Wallace, 3 v. post 8vo . Clanny {W.Ii.) History of the Cholera at Sunderland, 1832, 8vo Clapham (Sam.) Collection of Points of Sessions' Law, 2 v. Svo Sermons, Adapted to every Sunday, 2 v. 8vo Clapin (/I.e.) Optical Problems, Svo Clapp {John) Sermons on Christianity, for Families, 3 v. Svo . Clapperton (Capt.) Second Journal in Africa, 4to . , (John) Duty, &c., of Hearing the Gospel, ISmo . Clara Chester, a Poem, Svo Webster, a Tale, by Nero, post Svo .... Clare (John) Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery, 12mo Rural Muse ; Poems, 12mo .... Shepherd's Calendar, &c.. Poems, 12mo Village Minstrel, and other Poems, 2 v. 12mo Clarendon (Lord) Correspondence with Earl Rochester, 2 v. 4to , , Essays, Moral and Entertaining, 2 v. 12nio History of the Rebellion, 1 v. roy. Svo, 11 2s — 7 7 v. ISmo . 2 V. roy. Svo, with plates Life of, by Himself, 2 v. 4 to, sheets and Administration, by Lister, 3 v. Svo Religion and Policy, 2 v. roy. Svo, sheets (Tho.) Treatise on the Foot of the Horse, 12mo . Clarenswold : or, Tales of the North, 12mo .... Clarentine, a Novel, 3 v. 12mo Claridge (Ji.T.) Familiar Guide to Hydropathy, 8vo Guide along the Danube to Constantinople, 12mo Clark's Foreign Theological Library, Svo, viz. : — Giesler's Ecclesiastical History, 2 v Hagenbach's History of Doctrines, 2 v. . Havernick's Introduction to the Pentateuch Hengstenberg's Commentary on the Psalms, 3 v. . Neander's Church History, v. 1 to 6 . Olshausen's Commentary on Corinthians Gospels and Acts, 4 v. Romans .... Clark (Ben.) Domestic Sanctuary : Scripture Comments, 24mo ■ (Bra.) Description of Expansion Horse Shoes, 4 to the Vertical Section of the Horse, fol Essay on the Gripes of Horses, 4to History of the Horse, 4to Pharmacopoeia Equina ; or, Horse's Medicines, &c., 4to Stereoplea; or. Defence of the Horse's Hoof, 4to Structure of the Horse's Foot, and Shoeing, 4to Treatise on Bits of Horses, 4to — Bots of Horses, 4to, Ss— coloured . (Cha.) Russia Trader's Assistant, 2 v. Svo Summary of Colonial Law, Svo , col. — and Finelly, Reports, Appeals, 1832-46, 12 v. roy. Svo (Edic.) Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges, 2 v. Svo, plates fol. . proofs . (F.F.) Plain Sermons to Country Congregations, 12mo 1816—1851. 4 J. W. Parker 6 Murray 2 6 NUbet 3 6 Nisbet 12 Fidler 10 6 Hookham 3 Nelson 5 Longman 6 Longman 7 6 French 1 11 6 Colburn, 1 6 Tract Society 4 6 R. Clarke 1 Groombridge 9 M 0X071 7 Simpkin, 6 Pickering 4 Simpkin 1 Benning 1 11 6 Bentley 7 6 Whittaher 1 8 Benning 1 4 Baldwin 4 G. Bell 1 1 Rivington 2 2 Murray 2 Whittaker 7 6 Whittaker 4 6 Piper 5 6 Taylor <& W. 7 Whittaker 6 Taylor -«.) Life of, by J. Sortain, 12rao (Ric.) Sketches in Biography, 12mo Cleaveland (Parker) Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology, Svo Cleaver (B^j.) Sermons on Select Subjects, Svo • (Wm.) Sermons, Svo ...... Clegg (Sa7n.) Treatise on Architecture of Machinery, 4to Manufacture of Coal Gas, 4to Cleghorn (Geo.) History of Ancient and Modern Art, 2 v. 12mo {Jas.) System of Agriculture, 4to Treatise on Widow's Schemes, 12mo . Cleland (Jas.) Annals of Glasgow, 2 v. Svo, 1^ 1^ — abridged, Svo Census and Statistics of Glasgow, &c., fol. Description of the Peel Banquet at Glasgow, 4to Enumeration of the Inhabitants of Glasgow, fol ■ Scotland, Svo ' Public Institutions of Glasgow, Svo Clemency of Titus, Svo ....... Clement (of Alexandria) Writings and Opinions of, by Bp. Kaye, ■ (of Rome) Epistles, translated by T. Chevallier, 8vo (W.J.) Observations on Surgery and Pathology, Svo Clements (Edw.) Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, Ireland, Svo (Geo.) Guide to the Customs, 12rao Clemons {Mrs.) Manners and Customs of Society in India, post Sv Svo Clendon (J.C.) Observations on Extraction of Teeth, 12mo Cleobuery (Wm.) Account of the System of Friction, Svo Review of Different Operations on the Eyes, Svo Cleone, with other Poems and Stanzas, by Author of " Zayda," 12mo Clergyman's Assistant ; Statutes, &c., Relating to the Clergy, Svo . ■ Instructor; Tracts on the Ministerial Duties, Svo Orphans, a Tale, ISmo Clerical Economics, 12mo Portrait, a Study for the Young Divine, Svo . . . . Clerk (John) Essay on Naval Tactics, Svo (K.M.) Baptism, Confirmation, and Communion, 12mo . Clerke (C.C.) Form of Prayer and Ceremonies, &c., Svo Clermont's Complete Cook, Svo . Cleveland, a Tale of the Roman Catholic Church, post Svo , • (CB.) English Literature, Maudeville to Cowper, post Svo . Clias' Course of Gymnastic Exercises, Svo Cliflfe (C.F.) Book of North Wales ; its Scenery, Antiquities, &c., 12mo South Wales ; its Scenery, Antiquities, &c., 12mo 1816—1851. LONDON 1 1 Colburn 1 2 Hatchard 3 6 Cornish 1 5 Thorpe 10 6 Murray 1 11 6 Porter 3 Grant & G. 1 11 6 Newhy U 5 Rivington 10 6 Murray 7 6 Mawman 7 6 Smith ^ E. 6 Smith & E. 6 Whittaker 1 2 Newman 2 6 Hatchard 8 6 Rivington 9 Simpkin 1 6 Taylor^ W. 6 6 H. Johnson 1 10 P. Jackson 6 Rivington 1 6 /. W. Parker 7 6 J. W. Parker 7 6 J.W.Parker 10 Sweet 2 /. H. Jackson 6 /. H. Jackson 9 Ward 3 A. Hall 3 Ward 5 Groombridge 1 10 Longman 9 Ridgway 8 Hamilton 12 Weak 1 8 Weale 12 Blackwood 9 Simpkin 2 6 Longman 10 6 Longman 2 2 Longman 12 Murray 15 Longman 6 Longman 7 6 Longman 3 6 Whittaker 12 Rivington 14 Rivington S Whittaker 16 Stevens d: JV. 6 Longman 9 Smith & E. 4 Highley 7 6 Hurst 10 6 Underwood 6 6' Whittaker 15 Gardner 7 Gardner 1 6 Houlston 4 Groombridge 7 Cadell 1 5 Longman 3 6 Barton 6 Hatchard 10 6 Zow 10 6 llentley 7 6 Gilpin 10 6 Sherwood 5 Longman 6 Longman CATALOGUE. CLI CLU {Leigh) Margaret Coryton, a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo . Reniiniseences of Literary Characters, 12mo Sceptic, and other Poems, 12mo Clifford {Arth.) Introduction to the Latin Language, 5 v. 18mo {Edtr) Fractional Arithmetic Exemplified, 12mo Clinton {C.J.) Doctrinal and Practical Sermons, post 8vo (y)gU'.) Memoirs of, by Hosack, 4to .... {F.II.) Fasti Hellenici: Chronology of Greece, v. 1, 4tc - V. 2, 1/ 14*— V. 3 Romani : Chronology of Home, v. 1, 4to V. 2, Appendix, 4to Clio; or, a Discourse on Taste, with Notes, 8 vo . Clissold {Aug.) Illustrations of the End of the Church, 8vo . Principles of Apocalyptical Interpretation, 3 v. 8vo {Hen.) Last Hours of Eminent Christians, 12mo, 8«' Qd—S\Q Prayers of Eminent Persons, for Family Worship, 8vo Prophecies of Christ and Christian Times, 8vo Clitherow {Marg.) Life and Death of, by W. Nicholson, 18mo Clive {J.H.) System of Shorthand, ] 2mo .... {Lord) Life of, by Gleig, post 8vo .... Memoirs of, by Malcolm, 3 v. Svo . Clockmaker ; or. Sayings and Doings of Sam. Slick, 3 v. post —3 V. 12mo, each Cloncurry {Lord) Life and Times, by Himself, post 8vo, 7s 6ci— Svo Cloquet (//.) System of Anatomy, translated by Knox, Svo . (/.) Anatomy of Hernia, by M'Whinnie, roy. Svo . Surgical Pathology, 12mo .... Close {Fra.) Catholic Doctrine of the Second Advent ; Sermons, 1 . Church Architecture Scripturally Considered, 12mo Discourses on the Parables, 12mo Historical Discourses on Genesis, 12mo — Lectures in Passion Week, 12mo — Miscellaneous Sermons at Cheltenham, 2 v. Svo — Occasional Sermons at Cheltenham, 12rao . — Sermons on Leading Truths in the Liturgy, 12ni Typical Persons of the Old Testament, 12 Sketches of Sermons on Various Subjects, Svo {II. J) Family Prayers, 12mo Clothi {L.G.) Poetical Works, Svo Clouds and Sunshine, post Svo Clough {A.U.) Bothie of Toper-na-Fuosich, a Vacation Pastoral, roy {Ban.) Pali Grammar, with Vocabulary, Svo Singhalese and English Dictionary, 2 v. Svo {Mrs) Memoirs of, edited by Adam Clarke, ISmo Clowes {John) Letters on the Character, &c., of Swedenborg, Svo iiuman Body, Svo . Soul, Svo Memoir of, by Himself, with Letters, Svo Miracles of Jesus Christ Explained, 12mo Miscellaneous Thoughts and Observations, Svo Parables of Our Saviour Explained, 12mo Religious Instruction for Youth, 2 v. 12mo Scripture Histories, 3 v. ISmo Sermons, Miscellaneous, Svo .... , at St. John's, v. 1, Svo, 5«— v. 2, 12mo on the Beatitudes, Svo , Children of Israel, Svo . , Lord's Prayer and Commandments. , Parable of the King's Son, Svo — Ten Virgins, Svo Translation of St. Matthew's Gospel, with Notes, Svo Mark's Gospel, with Notes, Svo Luke's Gospel, with Notes, Svo John's Gospel, with Notes, Svo the Psalms, from the Hebrew, Svo Treatise on Delights, Svo Mediums, their Divine Origin, &c., Svo . Opposites, Svo Twelve Hours of the Day, 12mo Club, a Series of Essays, ISmo Book, Consisting of Original Tales, 3 v. post Svo , Clubs of London, with Anecdotes, &c., 2 v. post Svo 1816—1851. Svo Svo 1 7 6 5 1 5 3 6 2 2 1 10 1 16 2 2 1 6 6 12 1 4 13 10 6 3 7 6 2 2 1 1 2 14 1 1 5 S 1 2 1 117 Beilefeld 6 Beilefrld Sinipkiii Longman 6 SImplcin Painter Longman J. II. I'arher 6 /. //. Parker /. //. Parker 6 /. II. Parker 6 Longman Simpkin Neiuherij Rivinglon 6 Rivington 6 Rivington T.Richardson Whitlaker Murray Murray Bentley 6 Bentley Ojt Baldicin Ilighley 6 Ilighley 6 Ilaichard 6 Hatchard 6 Seeley Seeley Hatchard Hatchard 6 Seeley Hatchard Hatchard Hatchard 6 Cleaver H. Hughes 6 Maunder 6 ChapmandiH, Allen Allen Mason Hodson Hodson 6 Hodson 6 Hodson Hodson Hodson 4 Hodson 6 Hod-wn 6 Hodson Hodson 6 Hodson Hodson Hodson Hodson 6 Hodson Hodson 6 Hodson Hodson Hodson 6 Hodson Hodson 9 Hodson Hodson 6 Hodson Hodson 6 Hurst Cochrane Colbum 118 CLU COB LONDON Clulow (TF.jB.) Aphorisms and Reflections, post 8vo . . . . 12 Murray Clunie {Jas.) Meditations on the Sufferings of Christ, 12mo . . .026 Nishet Clutterbuck {Hen.) Essay on Symptomatic Fever, 8vo . . . .050 Highley Essays on Inflammation and its Varieties, 8vo . .030 Highley . Inquiry into Fever, 8vo 12 Anderson . Observations on Epidemic Fever, 1818, 8vo . .080 Longman Proper Administration of Blood-letting, roy. 8vo .060 Highley . (J.B.) Port Philip in 1849, 12mo ^ J. W. Parler . {Rob) Historyof Hertfordshire, 3 v.fol.,18n8«— large paper 31 10 Nichols Clyne {Norral) Ballads and Lays from Scottish History, 12mo . .050 Orr Coad (/o/t?i) Memorandum During the Eebellion to 1688, 12mo . .046 Longman Coates ( Nature and Treatment of the Club-foot, 8vo . . .026 Bailliere Cobbett {Anne) English Housekeeper, 12mo 6 Cohhett , {John) Letters from France, 12mo . . . . . .046 Cobbett . {J-P-) Law of Pawns and Pledges, 12mo . . . .050 Blenkarn French Exercises, 12mo 2 Cobbett Ride in France, 12mo 2 6 Cobbett Tour in Italy, &c., 12mo 4 6 Cobbett . {Wrn.) Advice to Young Men and Women, 12mo . . .050 Cobbett Collection of Sermons, 12mo 3 6 Cobbett Collective Political Commentaries, 12mo . . .030 Cobbett _ Corn Book; or. Treatise on Corn, 12mo . . .050 Cobbett Cottage Economy, 12mo 2 6 Cobbett . Curse of Paper Money, 12mo 4 Cobbett . Emigrant's (iuide to America, 12mo . . . .026 Cobbett English Gardener, 12mo 6 Cobbett Grammar, 12mo 3 Cobbett . Spelling-Book, 12mo 16 Cobbett French Grammar, 12mo . . . . . .050 Cobbett and English Dictionary, 8vo . . . . 12 Cobbett Geographical Dictionary of England and Wales, 8vo . 12 Cobbett History of the Protestant Reformation, 2 v. 12mo . .050 Cobbett . Regency and Reign of George IV,, 12mo 10 6 Cobbett . Italian Grammar, 12mo 6 Cobbett . . Latin Grammar, 12mo . . . . . . .030 Cobbett Law of Turnpikes, 12mo 3 6 Cobbett Legacy to Labourers, 18mo 14 Cobbett . Parsons, 1 8mo . . . . . .016 Cobbett Peel, 18mo 16 Cobbett Life of, 12mo 7 i^. Mason Manchester Lectures on Reform, 12mo . . . .026 Cobbett . Political Works, Selections from, 6 v. 8vo . . . 2 10 Cobbett . . Roman History, French and English, 2 v. 12mo . .060 Cobbett Rural Rides in England, 12mo 5 Cobbett — Tour in Scotland, 12mo 2 6 Cobbett • Tull's Horse Hoeing Husbandry, 8vo . . . . 15 Cobbett Twopenny Trash, 2 v. 12mo 3 Cobbett Woodlands ; Art of Preparing Ground for Planting, 8 vo . 14 Cobbett , Year's Residence in America, 12mo . . . .050 Cobbett Cobbin {Ing) Bible, Analytical, 12mo 7 6 Partridge Condensed Commentary, imp. 8 vo and roy. 4to, each 1 10 Ward . Domestic, with Notes, &c., 4to . . . .18 Partridge . . Oriental, with Notes, post 8vo . . . . 18 6 Partridge ■ People's Pocket Commentary, 12mo . . .030 Partridge Portable Commentary, 12mo 8 Partridge Reader's Hand-Book, 32mo 2 6 Partridge Remembrancer, 16mo 3 6 Partridge Book of Popery, a Manual for Protestants, 18mo . .020 Berger . Child's Commentator on the Scriptures, sq. 8vo . . 10 6 Ward Prayer Book, 18mo 16 Ward Classical English Vocabularj', 12mo . . . .030 SimjyHn Descriptive New Testament, Notes and Plates, 12mo .050 Routledge Dying Sayings of Eminent Christians, 12mo . . .060 Westley . Elementary Steps to Geography and Astronomy, 18mo .010 Ward Elements of Arithmetic, 18mo 10 Ward English Grammar, 18mo . . . .010 Ward Geography, 18mo 2 6 Ward Spelling and Reading, 18mo . . .010 Ward . Evangelical Biography, 18mo 2 6 Ward Synopsis, Old and New Test., 3 v. imp. 8vo .400 Berger New Testament, separate, imp. 8vo . 1 5 Berger French Preacher; Discourses, Translated, 8vo . . . 14 Black 1816—1851. CATALOGUK. COB coc Cobbin (Ing.) Grammatical and Pronouncing Spelling Book, 1 2mo . . . Instructive Reader, 12mo Memoirs of my Dog, 16mo ...... Moral Fables and Parables, 32mo Philanthropy, a Poem, 12mo Pilgrim's Fate, and other Poems, 12mo . Plain Reasons for Infant Baptism, 18mo . School Hand-Book to tiic Bible, ISmo Scripture Comparisons, 18mo . Light in Popish Darkness, 18mo Proverbs for the Young, 18mo . View of the Reformed Church of France, 8vo Cobbold {Eliz.) Poems, with Memoir, ]2mo 5 {Rich.) Comforter; Addresses from the Book of Job, ]2mo . 5 Freston Tower; or, Days of Cardinal Wolsey, 3 v. post 8vo 111 History of Margaret Catchpole, post 8vo . . . 10 Lecture on the Character of Woman, 8vo . . .03 Mary Ann Wellington, post 8vo, IOa- Qd — 3 v. post 8vo . 1 11 Original, Serious, and Religious Poetry, 12mo . .07 Proverbs of Solomon, in Prose and Verse, 12mo . .05 Valentine Verses, 8vo 1 10 Voice from the Mount ; Pastoral Letters, 12mo . .08 Young Man's Home ; or, the Penitent Returned, post 8vo 10 6 Zenon, the Martyr, 3 v. post 8v Cobden {Ric.) Speeches Delivered during 1849, 12mo . Cobham {Lord) Life and Times, by T. Gaspey, 2 v. 8vo Cobwebs to Catch Flies, 18mo Cochrane {A.B.) Ernest Vane; a Novel, 2 v. post Svo . Meditations of other Days, 8vo . . . , Morea, with Remarks on Greece, post Svo . Young Italy, post 8vo .... {C.S.) Residence and Travels in Columbia, 2 v. Svo ((?«o.) Wanderings in Greece, 2 v. Svo ... {Jas.) Arcana of Arts; or. Modern Receipt Book, ISmo ■ Companion to Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 12mo Discourses on Difficult Texts of Scripture, l"2mo Peculiar Texts of Scripture, 15 — Manual of Family and Private Devotion, post Svo — Protestant's Manual, v. 1, 12mo . . . . — World to Come, 12mo .... {John) Treatise on Game of Chess, Svo . {J.D.) Journey through Russia, &c., 2 v. 18mo and Tartary, 2 v. post Svo Cock and Anchor; a Chronicle of Old Dublin City, 3 v. post Svo {Edw.) Anatomy of the Nerves of Head, Neck, and Chest, 1 {3Irs.) Hymns for the Family and the Closet, 18mo Cockayne {T.O.) 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Wilson 5 6 Ward 3 6 Ward 12 Iloldsworth 4 6 Longman 6 Longman 5 Longman 5 Longman 7 6 Longman 3 6 Longman 2 6 Longman 4 Longman 3 Rivington 10 6 Rivington 12 6 /. W. Parker 14 Moxon 16 Simpkiii 5 6 Murray 3 6 Tegg 3 Rivington 3 6 Rivington 1 6 Rivington 12 Pickering 1 6 Bogne 18 Pickering 7 6 Pickering 6 Pichring 15 Pickering 18 Pickering 18 Moxon 10 6 Pickering 2 5 Pickering 12 Pickering t) Pickering 15 Pickering 5 Ackermann 6 Miirray 4 Churchill 9 Pickering 2 J. W. Parker 5 Bennett 2 6 Houlston 2 Gardner 14 Longman 1 11 6 Bentley 2 6 Taylor ^ W. 3 Uatchard 1 1 Neichy 1 6 H. G. Collins 1 11 6 Colhurn 9 Longman 10 6 Longman 12 Pickering 10 Simpkin 9 Sherwood 15 Boys 10 Rivington 2 6 A. Hall 122 COL COL Collier (Rev. A.) Memoirs of hia Life, &c., by Benson, 8vo . {O.F.) Code of Safety ; Treatise on Asiatic Cholera, 8vo . (Jer.) Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, 9 v. 8vo . . Pearls of Great Price ; Maxims and Reflections, ISmo . (J.P.) Criticisms on the Bar, 12mo .... 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Bell 7 Longman 8 Fraser 6 6 Pddgway 9 Rivington 12 Ridgway 4 Grant ^ G. 3 Painter 5 Longman 3 Burton 1 1 Maxwell 8 Brooke 4 Simphin 12 6 Longman 4 Houlston 1 6 Houlston 3 6 Longman 8 Pickenng 5 Pickering 3 6 Rivington 12 Bogue 1 11 6 Bentley 15 Bentley 1 1 Longman 3 Painter 10 6 Rivington 1 1 /. Williamt 7 Longman 4 6 Hatchard 4 Moxon 12 Whittaker 18 Sweet 4 1 Siveet 1 11 6 Sweet 8 Hunter 14 Allen 14 Allen 14 Allen 14 Allen 14 Allen 14 Allen 14 Allen 4 6 Bagster 16 Bentley 6 Cadell 5 Longman 10 6 Longman 1 5 Longman 1 1 Colhurn 1 1 Pdheram 8 Petheram 12 Petheram, 4 Simpkin 2 6 Sim2>kin 1 16 Baldwin 5 Wildy 5 Bentley 18 Newman 6 Wkitlaker IS Longman CATALOGUE. COL ■COM Colquhoun {John) Moor and the Loch; or. Ilighhind Sports, 8vo . —^-^- Hocks and Rivers ; or, Highland Wanderings, post Sermons, 12mo Treatise on Covenant of Grace, 12mo Works, 12mo Law and Gospel, 12mo . Promises, 12mo Repentance, 12mo . 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Parker Trenttel 6 Tract Society 6 Simpkin Simpkin 6 Longman Simj)kin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpikin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin Simpkin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin Simpki)i Sim2)k'in 8 Sinvpkin 6 Simpikin Simpkin Ackermanii Ackermann 6 Boys Murray 6 /. H. Parker Longman Hurst Colhurn Bentley 6 Bentley Whittaker Bogue Orr Smith ^ E. Cundall 6 Seeley 6 Murray Fry Benning Tract Society R 2 1-24 COM CON Commentary on the Bible from Henry and Scott, 6 v. roy. 8vo Miniature edition, 3 v. 18mo Comments on Scripture for Bible Readers, 18mo . Commercial Instructor and Accountant's Guide, ISmo . Policy of Pitt and Peel, 1785 and 1846, 8vo Room, by " One of Us," 12rao . . Tables of Interest, Money, Weights, &c., 12mo . Tourist ; a Satirical Poem, 8vo . Commodore and his Daughter ; a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo . Common Events ; Continuation of " Rich and Poor," post Svo Place Book of Anecdotes, 18mo Plloquence, 18mo Epigrams, 18mo ■ Humourous Poetry, 18mo . 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View of Authenticity of Old and New Test., 1 Compendium of Ancient Geography, by a Lady, Svo Common Law Practice, Svo Law of Husband and Wife, Svo Music, by a Lady, roy. 4to . Scotch Mercantile Sequestrations, 4to . Universal History, by a Lady, ISmo . Compitum ; Meeting of Ways at Catholic Church, Book 1 to Complete Assistant for the Landed Proprietor, &c., Svo Correspondent, 12mo Governess, Svo Grazier, Revised by Youatt, Svo ... Compton Audley, a Novel, by Lord W. Lennox, 3 v. post Svo Merivale; by the Author of "Brampton Rectory," • (iJjj.) Episcopalia ; Letters to his Clergy, ISmo Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, 12mo (Cha.) Savings' Bank Assistant, 12mo Comstock (J.L.) Natural Philosophy, by Hoblyn, 12mo . Lees, ISmo Comte (Aug.) Book of Birds, translated by Clarke, roy. Svo Comyn's Description of the Philippine Islands, Svo (Roht.) History of the Western Empire, to Chas. V., 2 v. Svo ■ ■ {R.B.) Law of Landlord and Tenant, by Chilton, roy. 8vo Usury, Svo post {Sam.) 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Parker 2 Rivington 3 Seeley 5 Longman 6 Scott 4 6 Whittaker 1 11 6 Houlston 12 T. Allman 2 2 Allen 1 3 Benning 10 Pheney 1 6 Benning 10 10 Longman 1 11 6 Be^itley 1 5 Duncan 8 6 /. //. Parker 5 6 /. U. Parker 2 6 Pickering 3 6 Orr 6 Baldioin CAT.M,OGUE. CON CON Conde the Great, Life of, by Lord Mahon, post 8vo . . . .06 Condensed Discourses; or, Pulpit Helps, 12iuo 4 Conder ((?.ir.) Lectures to Working Men on Christianity, 12ino . .01 (Jos.) Choir and the Oratory ; or, Praise and Prayer, 12nio . (i Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Geography, 12mo . 12 Exposition of the Apocalypse, 12mo . . . .07 History of Italy, 3 v. 18nio 18 Poet of the Sanctuary ; Labours, &c., of I. Watts, 12mo 5 Protestant Nonconformity, 2 v. 8vo . . . . 14 . abridged, 1 2mo . . .05 Star in the East, and other Poems, 12mo . . .06 View of all lleligioiis, 8vo 14 Condition of the Anglo-Eastern Empire, 1832, 8vo . . . .0 9 Condorcet {Marqm.i) Method of Learning to Count, 12mo . . .04 Conduct is Fate, a Novel, 3 V. 12nio 11 Coney (Jolui) Beauties of Continental Architecture, 4to . . . 1 16 Church Architecture of Yorkshire, edited by Giles, foL . 1 1 Engravings of Ecclesiastical Edifices, 2 v. fol. . . .88 Foreign Cathedrals, &c., folio . . . 3 13 Confederate, a Story, 3 v. 12mo 11 Conferences of the Reformers, &c., of the Early English Church, 8vo . 5 Confession, and other Poems, 12mo 4 Confessions of Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Bias, 2 V. post 8vo . . .0 15 a Convert from Baptism in Water, &c., 18mo . . .02 Gamester, edited by Rev. J. Peers, post 8vo. . .07 Homoeopathist, 12mo 7 Hypochondriac, by M. R. C. S., post 8vo . . .0 10 Member of the Church of England, 8vo . . .06 Pencil Case, 12mo 5 Thug, 3 V. post 8vo Ill Whitefoot, post 8vo 10 an English Opium Eater, 12mo 5 Etonian, by J. E. M., post 8vo 6 Old Bachelor, post 8vo 10 Maid, by E. Carrington, 3 v. post 8vo . . .18 Confessor, a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo Ill Confidence in God the Only True Rest for the Soul, 12rao . . .05 Congregational Hymn Book, 32mo, Is— 18mo, 3s— 12mo . . .04 Congreve (lF»i.) Analysis of the Security against Forgery, 8vo . .11 Treatise on Mounting Naval Ordnance, 4to . .0 10 the Rocket System, 4to . . . .11 Conirdan ; or, the St. Kildians, a Tale, 12mo 7 Conjuration contre Venise, 12mo . . . . • • .06 Connell {./as.) Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus, 8vo . .09 Regimental Coventry in the British Army, 2 v. 8vo .10 (Jno) Treatise on Election Laws, Scotland, 8vo . . . 18 - Law of Tithes, Scotland, 3 v. 8vo . .22 Connelly's English Grammar for Spaniards, 12mo 6 Connexion between Revelation and Mythology, by Philomathes, 12mo . 3 of the Old and New Testament, 18mo . . . .02 Connoisseur, 3 v. roy. 18mo 10 Connon (C. W.) System of English Grammar, 12mo . . . .02 Connor (Sam.) Elements of Greek Grammar, 8vo 7 Conolly {Arih.) Overland Journey to the North of India, 2 v. 8vo .14 {John) Construction and Government of Lunatic Asylums, 8vo 6 Inquiry on the Indications of Insanity, 8vo . . . 12 Study and Practice of Medicine, 12mo . . .05 Conquerors of the New World and their Bondsmen, v. 1, post 8vo . .06 Conquest of Ireland; Anglo-Norman Poem, edited by Michel, 12mo . 10 {J.T.) 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Nature and Cure of Pestilential Cholera, 12mo Treatise on Palsy and on Apoplectic Diseases, post Svo 1816—1851. 1 1 Bentley 10 6 Bentley 11 6 Bentlei/ 11 6 (Jolharn 4 Bentley 11 6 Bentlei/ 1 Sin,],kin 1 Miller 11 C Bentliy 11 6 Bentlei/ 11 6 Bentley 11 6 Bentley 18 Bentlei/ 8 Colburn 11 6 Bentley 1 Miller 18 Simpkin 4 Coll^urn 4 Colburn 11 6 Bentley 1 Be7itley 11 6 Bentley 1 Bentley 11 6 Bentley 11 6 Be7itley 1 Whittaker 11 6 Bentley 11 6 Colburn 11 6 Bentley 11 6 Bentley 2 6 Seeley 2 6 Mason 1 1 Bentley 4 Longman •■I 6 Dolman 6 6 Rivington 10 6 Rivington 18 Longman 18 Longman 5 9 6 Longman 5 Petheram 5 A. Hall 10 6 Hunter 7 A. Hall 15 A. Hall 10 6 SimpHn 2 6 Longman 2 Harris 2 Harris 7 6 J. R. Smith 4 Smith & E. 7 amrchill 4 6 Highley 1 8 Butterworth 1 1 Benning 1 10 Benning 7 6 Ollivier 5 Morgan 10 6 Rivington 7 Rivington 4 Jos. Smith 4 Jos. Smith 9 Ollivier 16 Masters 3 6 Masters 1 6 Laurie / Vhinrlrill 5 Jlirii>,//on 15 Si,lil/i <(: E. 3 Longman 5 Longman 10 6 Longman 130 COP COR Copland (5am.) History of the Island of Madagascar, 8vo . Copleston {Edu\) Inquirj^ into Necessity and Predestination, 8vo . . — Piselectiones AcaJeiuicae, 8vo . Copley (CJ.) Law of Landlord and Tenant, 12mo (Esth.) Anna and her Doll, a Tale, ISmo . ^ Comprehensive Knitting Book, oblong Cottage Comforts, with Hints for Promoting Them, 12mo . , Covetousness ; its Prevalence, Evils, and Cure, 12mo .Early Friendship, a Tale, 18mo Eliza Harding, a Tale, 18mo . . History of Slavery, and its Abolition, 12mo , ._ Housekeeper's Guide ; Domestic Cookery, 12mo . . Modern Speaker, 18mo . : —My Mother's Stories, 12rao . Poplar Grove ; or. Little Harry and his Uncle Ben, 1 Smo .. Scripture Biography, 8vo ...... . . 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Pearls of the East ; Beauties from Lalla Rookh, imp. 4to coloured Corbet (Tho.) Causes and Modes of Wealth of Individuals, 12mo . Corbett {Uve.) Inquiry into the Election Laws, 8vo and Daniell, Reports, Controverted Elections, 8vo . Corbyn {Fred.) Diseases of Infants in India, roy. 8vo . . Sacred and Interesting Biography, for Children, 12mo . Treatise on Epidemic Cholera in India, 8vo . Corcoran (Pe<.) The Fancy; Poetical Remains, 12mo . . . . Corder (Sits.) Memorials of Deceased Members, Society of Friends, 8vo Corderius (Mat.) Colloquia, a Clarke, ISmo Loggon, 12mo ' Milligan, 18mo ■Willymott, 12mo Cordiner (Jas.) ■Voyage to India, 8vo Cordingley {John) Poems, 12rao Cordova {Her.) Memoirs of, transl. from Quintana, by Russell, post Svo . Corfe Castle ; or, Keneswitha, a Tale, 8vo {Geo.) Physiognomy of Diseases, 4to Popular Treatise on the Kidneys, Svo . . . . Corfield {Fred.) 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Jackson 3 Darton 2 6 Holdsioorth 1 Groombridge 1 6 Darton 13 P. Jackson 4 6 Whittaker 3 6 Hamilton 7 Sceley 10 Seeley 2 6 Gilpin 5 Gilpin 12 Longman 1 1 Longman 1 7 Boone 3 6 W. Hughes 2 6 Sim-pUn 13 6 Longman 12 Longman 2 Author 1 11 6 Tilt 2 12 6 Tilt 6 Smith ^ E. 16 Stevens 14 Stevens 1 11 6 Allen 6 Allen 12 Allen 5 6 Taylor^ W. 7 Gilpin 1 6 Whittaker 2 Longman 2 Simpkin 1 6 Simmsd-M'I. 7 Longman 5 Longman 7 6 Chnrton 12 Hurst 10 6 Nishet 10 6 Baisler 10 Baldwin 7 Colhurn 7 Seeley 5 Robins 1 1 Bentley 3 Hamilton 2 Washbourne 4 Longman 5 6 Churchill 3 6 Longman 3 Highley 15 Souier 6 Hamilton 2 6 Groombridge 7 6 Benning CATALOGUE. COK COR 131 Corner {Jul.) Baronet; ou, I'Amant Malgre Lui, 12mo Children's Own Sunday Book, 12mo Edward Castleton, a Tale, 16mo Every Child's History of England, 18mo . First History of England, 16mo, 2.s M — with plates Improvidence ; and a Marriage like Many, 16iuo Pictorial History of China and India, 8vo Play Grammar, 12mo .... 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Volume of the Affections ; or. Bridal Offering (W.F.) Essay on the Doctrine of Remainders, 8vo Uses, 8\ • Treatise on Purchase Deeds, 8vo Cornwall {Barry) Dramatic Scenes, and other Poems, 12mo English Songs, and other Poems, 24mo, 2s Flood of Thessaly, and other Poems, 8vo Marcian Colonna, and other Poems, 12mo Poetical Works, 3 v. 12mo Sicilian Story, &c., 12mo . Cornwallis (Lady) Private Correspondence, 1613-44, 8vo {Mary) Observations on the Canonical Scriptures, . Preparation for the Lord's Supper, ISmo Corn well {Jas.) School Geography, 12mo, 34' 6d — with Maps Young Composer, pt. 1, 12mo, Is 6d — Key Coronation Anecdotes, by Gossip, 12mo ... Claims, from Richard II. to George II., 8vo of George IV., by Sir G. Nayler, fol. . Coronations; their Origin, Nature, and History, 12mo . Corp {Harr.) Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, 12mo . Sequel to, Conversations on Religion and Morality, 12mo . Talents Improved; or, the Philanthropist, 12mo Corpe {Hen.) Introduction to Modern Greek, 12mo Corpus Christi; Devotions from Older Divines, 24mo . Poetarum Latinorum, edidit Walker, 8vo . Corrado (X) Refutation of the Popish Doctrine of Gift of the Key Correction; a Novel, 3 v. 12mo ...... Correspondence, Inventories, &c., of Coldingham Priory, 8vo of Scientific Men of the 17th Century, 2 v. 8vo Corrie {Bp.D.) Memoirs and Correspondence, 8vo . Corsair's Bride; a Novel, by L. S. Stanhope, 3 v. 12mo Cortes ; or, the Fall of Mexico, a Romance, by Dr. Bird, 3 v. post {Hern). Life of, by Don Trueba, 18mo Cory {E.A.) Treatise on Diseases of Children, r2mo (/. P.) Ancient Fragments of Various Writers, 8vo Inquiry into Ancient and Modern Philosophy, 12mo 1816—1851. 2 4 3 3 10 3 7 2 2 4 10 2 6 5 10 12 9 7 12 10 2 2 2 . 18 12mo 2 . 1 1 . 15 . 1 4 . 14 . 18 8vo Smith ij- E. Longman 6 Dean 6 JJean 6 JJean 6 iJean JJean 6 J)ean Lonymatl 6 Ihau 6 Dean Dean, 6 6 6 Bentley Simpkin 6 Simpkin /. R. Smith 6 Mozley Rivington 6 Longman Smith ^E. Richards Sherioood Benning 6 Benning Benning Colburn Moxon Colburn Colburn Colburn 6 Colburn 6 S. Bentley Baldwin Hayioard 6 Simpkin Simjikin 6 Jennings Nichols //. Bohn 6 /. W. Parker 6 Baldwin 6 Baldwin Westley 6 ShertPood Oroombridge G Hamilton //. Bohn Partridge Longman Whittaker Gardner Seeley Newman Bentley 6 Whittaker Draper Pickering 6 Pickering s 2 132 COR- COT Cory (/. P.) Metaphj'sical, Mythological, and Chronological Inquiries, 12mo 13 Mythological and Chronological Inquiries, 12mo Practical Treatise on Accounts. 8vi Treatise on Official Accounts, 8vo Corvisart (J.N.) Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels, 8vo Cosin {B}}.) History of Popish Transubstantiation, with Memoir, 1 Private Devotions, 32mo Theological Works, 3 v. 8vo .... Cospatrick of Raymondsholm ; a Tale, 2 v. 12mo . Cossham (J.N.) Time-Tables for 365 Days, 8vo . Costa (A.) Analytical Considerations on the Art of Singing, 12mo , Costello (Col.) Memoirs, written by Himself, post 8vo . (Dud.) 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Christ Made Sin, 8vo (Toh.) Works, edited by Dr. Gill, 2 v. 8vo Crispin's Anecdotes, ISmo Crister {Win.) The Wall's End Miner, Life of, by Jas. Everett, 18mo . Critchett {Geo.) Lectures on Ulcers of the Lower Extremity, 8vo . . Critchton {A.) Festival of Flora; a Poem, 18mo, is Qd — coloured . . Crithannah {Job) Original Fables, 8vo 10 Critic in Parliament and in Public, since 1835, 12mo . . . .05 Crocker {Ahr.) Land Surveying, by Bunt, with Farley's Tables, post 8vo 12 Timber Dealer's Guide, 12mo 4 (C/ta.) Kingley Vale, and other Poems, 12mo . . . .02 Vale of Obscurity, and other Poems, 8vo . . .05 . {Jas.) Theory of the Latin Subjunctive Mood, 12mo, 4^ — Key . 1 Use of the Latin Subjunctive Mood, 12mo . . .04 Rules and Exercises, 12mo . Key to, 12mo . . Crockett {Dav.) Narrative of his Life, by Himself, 12mo {H.C.) American in Europe, pt. 1 to 18, 4to, each Crockford House; a Rhapsody, 12mo ....... Crockford's ; or, Life in the West, 2 v. post 8vo ..... 1 Crofton {J.S.) 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Beauties of the British Poets, 12mo 4 2 3 1 7 1 15 7 7 7 14 12 8 3 5 8 10 1 2 5 5 7 Catiline, a Tragedy, with other Poems, 8vo . . .0 Divine Providence; or, Three Cycles of Revelation, 8vo . 15 Exposition on Popery and the Popish Question, 8vo . .05 Historical Sketches, Speeches, and Characters, post 8vo . 10 Interpretation of the Apocalypse, post 8vo . . .08 Marston; or, the Soldier and Statesman, 3 v. post 8vo . 1 11 Paris in 1815, and other Poems, 8vo . . . .0 11 Personal History of George IV., 2 v. post 8vo . . .11 Poetical Works, 2 v. post 8vo . . . . . .11 ■ Political Life of Burke, 2 v. post 8vo Regeneration of Infants in Baptism Vindicated, 8vo . Salathiel, a Romance, 3 v. post 8vo . . . . , Sermons at the Foundling, and St. Stephen Walbrook, 8vo on Important Subjects, 12mo . . . , Tales of the Great St. Bernard, 3 v. post 8vo • Year of Liberation in 1813, 2 v. post 8vo ... Crombie {Alex.) Essay on Philosophical Necessity, 8vo . Essays on Natural Theology, 2 v. 8vo , Etymology and Syntax of the English Language, 8vo Gymnasium, sive Symbola Critica, 2 v. 8vo . abridged, 12mo Clavis, 8vo ..... Questions on, by Cowie, 12mo, 2« 6(^ — 8v 18 8 1 7 10 {John) Discourses on Character and Offices of Christ, 8vo Crompton {C.J.) and Jervis, Reports, Exchequer, 1830-31, 2 v. roy. 8vo • Meeson, Reports, Exchequer, 1832-3, 2 v. roy. 8vo 1833-4, 2 V. roy. 8vo {S.F.) Stories for Sunday Afternoons, 16mo . Cromwell in Ireland, an Historical Romance, 3 v. post 8vo {Oliv.) Letters and Speeches, by T. Carlyle, 2 v. 8vo ' ■ ■ 4 V. post 8vo Lifeof, by Russell, 2 V. ISmo Memoirs of, and His Sons, 2 v. 8vo 5 10 3 2 3 15 3 18 2 1 11 1 16 2 2 7 1 8 LONDON Rivington Sweet Chiirchill 6 Maxioell 6 Bennett Bennett 6 Hamilton 6 SimpHn Churchill 6 Hailes Ball G. Bell Longman 6 Longman 6 Groombridge Longman 6 Wliittaher Whittaker J. W. Parker 6 J. W. Parker Limbird Tallis Murray SaundersdiO. /. Williams 6 Talboys Rivington Rivington Talboys P. Jackson 6 Tegg P. Jackson P. Jackson 6 Colbiirn 6 Murray Murray Murray Boone Whittaker 6 Hurst Duncan Whittaker 6 Rivington 6 Colburn Warren Colburn Colburn Blackwood Colb^ 6 Smith tfc E. 6 Kendrick 6 Colburn Duncan Hunter Hunter 6 Simpkin Simpkin Simpkin Simpkin Simpkin 6 Underwood 6 Sweet 6 Sweet 6 Stceet 6 /. Chapman 6 JVewby ChaimanSH. Chapman&H, Wliiltaker Longman CATALOGUE. CRO CRO Cromwell(OZm) and His Times, by Tho. Cromwell, 8vo . . .0 16 Bunyan, Lives of, by Southey, post 8vo . . .02 (r/tos.) Druid; a Tragedy, with Notes, 8vo . • • .05 _ History of Colchester, 2 v. post 8vo, II 12«- large paper 2 12 . Literary Florets, V2mo 5 . Schoolboy, and other Poems, post 8vo . . . .0 5 Walks through Islington, I'imo, 126' — 8vo . . .11 Cromwelliana; Detail of Events from 1642-Gl.fol. . . . ' I ^l Crone (Ric.) Glossarial Interpreter to Book of Revelation, &c., 8vo . U o Cronhelm (F. ir.) Method of Book-Keeping, 4to Ill Cronin (D.) Essay on Deafness, 12mo . . . . • • • ^ ^ Crook (W.H.) Manual for Formation of Hebrew Letters, bvo . . V Z Plan for Remembrance of Nimibers. 12mo . . .04 Crookshank (Wm.) History of the Church of Scotland, 2 y. 12mo . • ^ J Crool (RJ.) Restoiation of Israel, and Answer by Scott, 8vo . . 10 Crosby's Builder's Price Book, 8vo 4 Crosby (/l-a,«) Memoir of, roy. 4to . ■,.■ • • • '? i Crosland (Mrs.) Lays and Legends of English Life, 4to ... 1 1 Little Berlin Wool Worker, 16mo . . . .01 . -Partners for Life, a Christmas Story, 12mo . . .06 . ., Poems, 12mo . . . • . • • .05 __^ Stratagems, a Story for Youth, 16mo . . . .02 , .Toil and Trial; a Story of London Life, 12mo . .02 and Double Claim, by Hervey, Tales, 16mo 5 Cross (Capt.) System of Drill and Manoeuvres, 8vo . . . .05 (Fra.) Hints to Purchasers or Builders of House Property, 12mo . 2 {John) Mechanism and Motions of the Foot and Leg, 8vo . .05 , , Physiognomy, upon Scientific Principles, 8vo . . .08 . Treatise on Law of Lien, and Stoppage in Transitu, 8vo . 15 (Roh.) Physiology of Human Nature, post 8vo . . . .06 (irm.) Feelings and Fancies. Expressed in Lyrical Poems, 12mo . 5 Crosse (John) Account of the York Musical Festival, 1823, 4to . .22 (/.(?.) History of the Varioloid Epidemic in Norwich, 1819, 8vo 9 Treatise on Urinary Calculus, 4to, 21 2s — coloured . . 2 12 Crosslev (J.T.) Comprehensive Class Book, 12mo, 2s Qd — Questions to . 2 •^ Reader, 12mo 1 Spelling, 12mo * . . . .01 Intellectual Calculator, 12mo, Is 8cZ— Key to . .03 (Tho.) Flowers of Ebor, Poems, 12mo 6 Crossman {F.G.) History and Character of Zacchaus, 12mo . . .03 . Prayers for Families, &c., 12mo . . . .02 Scriptiure Melodies, with Reflections, 18mo . . .02 Sermons at the Penitentiary, Bath, 8vo . . .08 for Families, 8 vo 8 on Christ's Dealings with His Church, 8vo . 9 . Christian Experience, post 8vo . . .06 Crosthwaite (Chas.) Synchronology; History of Ancient Egyptians, Svo 10 (J.C.) Discourses on the Christian Ministry, Svo . .06 Modern Hagiology, 2 v. 12mo . . . .09 Sermons on Practical Subjects, 12mo . . .07 Treatise on the Holy Communion, 18mo . . .02 Crotch {Wm.) Elements of Musical Composition, 4to . . . . 12 . Lectures on Music, Svo 7 Crotchet Castle, Headlong Hall, &c., by Peacock, 12mo . . .03 Crotty {Mic.) Narrative of the Reformation at Birr, Ireland, Svo . . 10 Croudace (John) Interest Tables, 4 per Cent., for 365 Days, Svo . .111 Crow (Edw.) Plain Sermons, 12mo 3 [Hugh) Memoirs of, with Sketches of Africa, Svo . . . .09 Crowdy {Ant.) Christian Villager's Guide Book, 18mo . . . .02 Church of England Village Dialogues, 12mo . . .01 Crowe {Cath.) Light and Darkness; or, Mysteries of Life, 3 v. post Svo. 1 11 Men and Women; or. Manorial Rights, 3 v. post Svo . Ill Night Side of Nature, 2 v. post Svo . . . .11 Pippie's Warning; or. Mind your Temper, 16mo . .02 ■ ■ Story of Lilly Dawson, 2 v. 12mo 6 ■ 3 V. post Svo . . . .111 Susan Hopley, a Tale, roy. Svo, 2s 6d—d v. post Svo . 1 11 {E.E.) History of France, 3 v. 12mo 18 . • To- Day in Ireland, Tales, 3 v. post Svo . . . . 1 11 Yesterday in Ireland ; Tales, 3 v. post Svo . . .111 {Fred.) Gospel in Central America, post Svo . . . .07 (14^?«.) Lewesden Hill, and other Poems, 12mo . . . .07 1816—1851. 139 Sherwood 6 Mnrrui/ JSherwood Jennings J. Cfuipvian Cromwell Sherwood 6 Wright Longman 6 Longman 6 Werlheim 6 Jilrington s; ^^l^sl;el Sede;/ Jo>/ Jennings A. Hall Orr Orr Orr 6 A. Hall 6 A. Hall A. Hall 6 CIOVKS 6 Nelson Longman Longman, Stevens A. Hall Longman Longman Burgess 6 Churchill Simpkin 6 Simpkin Simjy/cin 6 Simphin Longman 6 Pigott 6 Pigott 6 Hamilton Hamilton Hatchard Hatchard Hamilton 6 /. W. Parler Duncan J. W. Parker 6 Rivington 6 Rivington Longman 6 Longman 6 Benlley Hatchard 6 Hurst 6 Wertheim 6 Longman 6 Nishet 6 Nishet 6 Colhiirn 6 Saunders^O. Newhy 6 A. Hall A. Hall 6 Colbum 6 Saunders l 3s — coloured . {J. J.) Topographical History of Liecester, Svo, 12s — large paper Curtius {Q,.) History of Alexander the Great, by Pratt, 2 v. Svo . Curwen {J.C.) Observations on the State of Ireland, 1818, 2 v. Svo Curzon (Pre.) Lays and Legends of the West, Prose and Verse, 12mo . {lioh.) Visit to the Monasteries in the Levant, post Svo Cushing {Joh)i) Exotic Gardener, Svo Cust {SirE.) New Testament Narrative Harmonized, Svo ' Noctes Dominicae ; or, Sunday Night Readings, Svo Custance {Geo.) Survey of the Reformation, Svo . Cuthbert, a Novel, by Sophia Reeve, 3 v. post Svo {Mm.) Exposition of the Church Catechism, ISmo . {Saial) Account of, by Jas. Raine, 4to, 1^ lis Qd — large paper . • his Life, Death, &c., by C. Eyre, imp. Svo . ■ Miracles of, by Ant. Reginald, Svo .... 1816—1851. 12 12 8 2 9 13 16 6 1 18 2 2 3 10 6 7 7 4 8 6 16 18 1 10 1 1 5 15 10 1 1 15 12 1 8 2 3 3 1 1 15 LONDON 6 Boone Colhurn 6 Whittaher Saunders 8fO. 6 Harms 6 Hamilton Longman 6 Newby 6 Whittaler 6 Bagster 6 Rioington Baillih'e Aylott Leath 6 Nishet 6 Bogue 6 Tract Society Bogue 6 Orr 6 Newman Tegg Lov} 6 Bentley 6 Bentley 6 Bentley Bentley Longmam, Highley 6 Seeley Cowie J Williams Hurst 6 Blackwood 6 Hardier Routledge SimpJdn 6 Simpkin 6 Rivington Longmun Cotes Benning Benning Maxwell Maxioell Benning Groombridge Reeve Reeve 6 Longman 6 Longman 6 amrchill 6 Longman 6 Longman, Leath Sherwood Sherioood H. Bohn 6 Arch Sherwood Harding Baldwin Whittaker Marray 6 SIcerwood Rivington Rivington Jjongman 6 Sustenance 6 Rivington Nichols Burns Whittaler i CATALOGUE. CUT DAL Cuthbertson {John) Two Lives of, with Life of Oswin of Deira, 8vo Treatise on Electricity and Galvanism, 8vo Cutler (TAos.) Popular Surgery, 12mo Surgeon's Guide in Dressing and Bandaging, l2mo Cutts (E.L.) Manual for Study of Sepulchral Slabs and Crosses, 8vo Cuvier {Baron) Animal Kingdom, 16 v. 8vo, 12n2A'— roy. 8vo, coloured Landseer's plates, roy. Svo, 11 1 — . Notes, by M'Murtrie, 4 v. Svo abridged by M'Murtrie, Svo Discourse on the Revolutions of the Globe, post Svo Essay on Theory of the Earth, by Jameson, Svo Memoirs of, by Mrs. Lee, Svo and his Works ; or. Rise, &c., of Zoology, 12mo {Clem.) Memoir of, by J. A. James, ISmo Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine, 4 v. roy. Svo , Surgery, v. 1, imp. Svo . Cynosure ; a Literary Album, ISrao Cyprian {St.) Epistles ; and Pacian's Works, Svo Tracts, abridged, Svo . Treatises, Svo . Works, with Life by Poole, 3 v. Svo Cyril Thornton, a Novel, by Capt. Hamilton, 12mo, 4s — 3 v. 12mo {St.) Catechetical Lectures, Svo . Cyrus, Voyages de, par De la Voye, ISmo . Czar, a Romance of History, 3 v. post Svo Czerny {Carl) Exercises on Harmony and Thorough . Letters on Thorough Bass, Svo to a Young Lady on Playing the Pianoforte, Svo . Treatise on Composition of Music, by Bishop, 3 v. fol. . Dacier {And.) French Dictionary, 12mo . . . . Da Costa {Isc.) Four Witnesses ; or, the Gospel Harmonized, Svo Israel and the Gentiles, post Svo . Dacre, a Novel, 3 v. post Svo {Rev.B.) Testimonies on Salt as a Manure, Svo . {Lady) Tales of a Chaperone, 12mo, Zs 6d — 3 v. post Svo Peerage and Peasantry, 12mo, 3s 6d — 3 v Dacresfield, a Novel, 4 v. 12mo D'Agincourt {S.) History of Art by its Monuments, 3 v. fol. Dagley {E.F.) Birth Day, and other Tales, 12mo Fairy Favours, and other Tales, 12mo . Village Nightingale, and other Tales, 12mo_ . Young Seer ; or. Early Searches into Futurity, ISmo {Rich.) Compendium of Drawing and Painting, 4to . Death's Doings, in Prose and Verse, with Designs, Gems, with Croly's Verse Illustrations, post Svo Takings ; Life of a Collegian, a Poem, roy. Svo Daguerre {L.J.) History of Photogenic Drawing, by Memes, 12mo D'Aguesseau {JI.F.) Life of, by C. Butler, Svo Dahlmann {F.C.) History of the English Revolution, by Lloyd, Svo Dailey {Wm.) Return of the Victors, a Poem, post Svo . Daille {John) Right Use of the Fathers, post Svo Exposition of Philippians and Colossians, roy. Svo Daily Bread ; or. Meditations on Scripture, Svo . Devotions for Young Persons, 32mo .... Food for the Inner Man, 32mo . Meditations and Readings for the Young, 2 ISmo -col. 12 12 4 C 12 20 5 24 S 8 1 11 3 12 12 7 14 12 6 2 1 1 10 2 1 11 4 4 4 4 14 143 Nivhols /. Wilson Longman 6 Taylor cfc IF. /. //. Parker Whittaker W/ditaker Henderson 6 Orr JiaUUmn Orr 6 Whittaker Cadell IjOiigman /. W. Parker Hamilton Sherwood Sherwood Pickering J. H. Parker Westlei/ 6 /. H. Parker 6 /. //. Parker Blackicood 6 /. H. Parker J. W. Parker 6 Smallwood Cocks Cocks Cocks Q Cocks . . . . 1 . . 1 }vo 1 . 1 . 5 . . . . . Svo 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . or. Heart Communings for each Day of the Month, 32mo 2 6 Services of the United Church of England and Ireland, 12mo Steps towards Heaven ; Gospel History, 32mo .... Dakeyne {J.O.) Essay on Baptismal Regeneration, Svo .... Dalby {Isaac) Course of Mathematics, 2 v. roy. Svo .... Dale {R. W.) Talents ; Man's Nature, Power, and Responsibility, 12mo . {Tho.) Domestic Liturgy ; Services and Prayers, Domestic Use, 4to Exposition of the Sixteenth Psalm, 12mo . Twenty-third Psalm, 12mo Family Chaplain ; Sermons for Every Sunday, 4to First Companion to the Lord's Table, 32mo Irad and Adah, and other Poems, Svo Outlaw of Taurusj Svo 1816—1851. 6 Cowie JVisbet 6 JVisbet 6 Longman Longman 6 Bentley 6 Beutleg Newman Longman Griffitlis Maunder Hailes Smith (L- E. Whittaker Andrews 6 Hurst Wai-ren 6 Smith d-E. 6 Dolman 6 Longman E. Wilson White 6 H. Bohn 6 Virt^le Hamilton 6 Wertheim Seeleg Whittaker J. H. Parker 6 J. H. Parker 6 Rivington Glendenning 6 Aylott 6 I^ Borcdery Bowdery Longman Peacock Richardson 6 Richardson 144 DAL DAL Pale {Tho.) Pastoral Sermons at Denmark Hill, 8vo - — Poetical WoAs, 12mo Sabbath Companion, Two Series, 12mo, each Sermons at Cambridge, 1832, 8vo, 4s— 1835-36, 8vo, St. Bride's Church, London, 8vo Widow of Nain, and other Poems, 8vo Dalgairns {Mrs.) Practice of Cookery, 12mo Dallas {Alex.) Book of Psalms, arranged in Daily Portions, 32mo Cottager's Guide to the Acts of the Apostles, 12mo Epistles, 12mo . New Testament, 6 v. 12mo, each each Curate's Offering, Village Sermons, 12mo Introduction to Prophetical Kesearches, 12mo . Lent Lectures on Christ's Temptation, 18mo . Ministerial Responsibility, 12mo . Miracles of Christ Explained and Applied, ISmo Missionary Crisis in the Church, 12mo . My Church Yard ; its Token and Remembrances, Parables of Christ Explained and Applied, 18mo Pastor's Assistant, 3 v. in 1, 12mo . ■ Pastoral Superintendence, its Motive, Detail, &c., 8vo Point of Hope in Ireland's Present Crisis, post 8vo Practical Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, 12mo Progress of a Christian Mission at Castlekerke, post 8vo Prophecy upon the Mount, 12mo .... Realizing ; the Strength of an Effectual Ministry, 18mo Revelation Readings ; Aid to the Apocalypse, v. 1, 12mo Rise, Progress, and Prospects of Romanism, 8vo . Scriptural View of the Position of the Jews, 12mo , Sermons to Country Congregations, 12mo {R.C) Adrastus, a Tragedy, with other Poems, Svo . Conspiracy Against the Jesuits Detected, 8vo . Felix Alvarez ; or, Manners in Spain, 3 v. 12mo Poems, in Youth, post Svo . Ramirez, a Poem, 8vo . Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, Svo Sir Francis Darrell, a Novel, 4 v. 12mo . Dallaway {Jas.) Discourses on Gothic Architecture, roy. Svo . History of Western Sussex, 2 v. 4to . Statuary and Sculpture of the Ancients, imp. Svo {Mrs) Manual of Heraldry for Amateurs, 12mo {R.C.) Observations on Education, 12mo . Servant's Monitor, 12mo .... Dally {F.F.) Apotheosis of Shakspere, and other Poems, Svo Dalrymple {Dav.) Annals of Scotland, 3 v. Svo . {Sir H.) Memoir of the Peninsular War, Svo . {.John) Anatomy of the Human Eye, Svo . Pathology of the Human Eye, pts. 1 to 6, 4to, each D'Alton {H.A.) Memory, and other Poems, 12mo . Outcast of Naples, and other Poems, 12m {John) History of Co. Dublin ; and Lives of Archbishops, 2 Ireland to the Year 1245, 2 v. Svo Dalton {Echo.) Lectures on the Life of Joseph, 12mo . Principles and Acts of the Jesuits, ISmo Sermons for the Times, ISmo Speeches, Selection from, by a Ladj', ISmo {John) Chemical Philosophy, 2 v. Svo Meteorological Observations and Essays, Svo {J.E) Litanies and Prayers for Sunday Schools, Svo (/. S) Book of Experiments, 16mo . — Coronation Manual, 12mo {Wm) Doctrines of the Romish Chin-ch, 12mo . Exposition of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, Expository Discourses on the Lord's Prayer, 1" Family Altar; Prayers for Every Day, 12rao Dalyell (/.&'.) Darker Superstitions of Scotland, Svo Musical Memoirs of Scotland, 4to . Rare and Remarkable Animals of Scotland, 2 v. 4to Dalzel {And.) Analecta Grajca Minora, by White, post Svo Collectanea (irreca Majora, v. 1, 9« M — v. 2, 11s- Lectures on the Ancient Greeks, 2 v. Svo {Arch.) History of Dahomy, 4to 1816— 1S51. Svo LONDON 10 Richardson 7 Bogv^ 6 6 Bowdery 4 Richardson 10 6 Richardson 5 6 Richardson 6 Houlston 2 6 Nishet 3 6 Nishet 3 6 Nishet 3 6 Nishet 3 Baldwin, 2 Nishet 1 3 Nishet 3 Nishet 1 3 Nishet 1 Nishet 3 Nishet 1 3 Nishet 9 Nishet 12 Nishet 2 6 Nishet 4 6 Baldmn 4 Nishet 3 Nisbet 1 Nishet 3 6 Nishet 1 6 Nishet 2 6 Nisbet 3 6 Rivington 7 Caivthorn 9 Ridguay 18 Baldivin 8 6 Murray 5 Cawthorn 15 C. Knight 1 8 Longman 14 J. Williams 20 Nichols 2 8 Murray 7 Pickering 5 Harvey 5 Harvey 5 Whittaker 1 11 6 Longman 9 Boone 12 Longman 1 Churchill 3 6 Kendrick 6 6 Whittaker 1 5 Simphin 1 Dolman 6 Dalton 3 Dalton 2 6 Dalton 2 Baisler 1 11 6 Weale 6 Weale 4 Dalton 3 6 Darton 2 6 Darton 4 Seeky 2 6 Hamilton 6 Hamilton 5 Hamilton 16 Whittaker 2 2 Longman 6 6 Van Voorst 6 Longman 14 Longman 1 4 Hurst 18 Nicol CATALOGUE. DAM DAN Dame Truelove's Short Tales, 16mo Darner (Airs.) Diary of a Tour in (Ireece, Turkey, Kgypt, &c., 2 v. post 8vo Damm (CT.) Lexicon Homericum, 2 v. 8vo, 1/ 4s — large paper . et Piiidaricum, by Duncan, 4to Pindaricum, by Huntingford, 8vo Dan Daisy ; or, the Lady and the Sweep, a llomaunt, by Ion, 12nio Dana (J.J).) Manual of Mineralogy, 12nio (R.II.) Seaman's Manual, Timo Two Years before the Mast, med. Svo Danby (Wm.) Extracts from Young and Cicero, post Svo Ideas and Realities, Svo .... Poems, 12nio ...... Thoughts, Chiefly on Serious Subjects, 2 v. Svo on Various Subjects, post Svo . Dandolo (Ct.) Art of Rearing Silk Worms, post Svo Dangeau (Marq.) Memoires de, 3 v. Svo (Mar! //. Bohn, Cadell 6 Hamilton 6 J. Chapviav, Afoxon Moxoih 6 liivington Rivinglon Uuvsl Rivington 6 Rivington 6 Murray Colhiirn Culburn Relfe 6 Sher^oood Nelson 6 Longman Rivington Benlley 6 Pickering 6 Pickering 6 J. Taylor 6 /. Tay/or 6 Dolman 6 Rivington 6 Newby 6 Ne%cby 6 Newby 6 Newby 6 Newby Harvey Rivington 6 Longman 6 Simpkin Harding Stevens Stevens Stevens Benning /. W. Parker J. IF. Parker Gardiner Cadell Murray Longman Longman 6 Highley 6 Preston Preston Dickinson Rivington Benning Pickering Dulau Rolandi Rolandi 6 Simpkin Murray Dulau Blackwood W.Smitk 6 H. Bohn Taylor cdW. Taylor cD IF. Longman Duiaii. Chapnan^H. 6 Painter 146 DAN DAU Dante, Lyrical Poems, translated by Lyell, 12mo, is 6tZ— med. 8vo Pictures from, in the Version of Wright, 12mo . Danube (The), Illustrated by Bartlett, Text by Beattie, 4to . D'Anville (J.B.) Compendium of Ancient Geography, 2 v. 8vo Daracot {Risdon) Memoirs of, by Bennett, 12mo . D'Arblay (Mad.) Camilla; or, a Picture of Youth, 3 v. roy. 32mo . Cecilia ; or, Memoirs of an Heiress, 3 v. 12mo Diary and Letters, 7 v. post 8vo ^ Evelina, 24mo, 4.--, Rivington — 2 v. 12mo . Romance of Private Life, 3 v. post Svo Tragic Dramas, post Svo . . . • . Wanderer; or, Female Difficulties, 5 v. 12mo Darby {^John) Practical Arithmetic, 12mo .... Student's Algebra, 12mo Darbyshire {C.J.) Tables for Setting Out Railway Curves, 12mo Dare {Jos.) Garland of Gratitude ; Poems, post Svo Dark Ages and Dawn of Civilization, ISmo Darley {Geo.) Errors of Extasie, and other Poems, Svo . , Ethelstan, a Dramatic Chronicle, Svo Familiar Astronomy, 12mo .... Poems ; Sylvia, or the May Queen, 12mo . . System of Algebra, 12mo . . . _ . Geometry, 12mo, is 6i:Z— Companion to, 12mo . Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical, 12mo {J.R.) Treatise on Dramatic Literature of the Greeks, Svo Homer, with Questions, 12mo D'Arlincourt {Vict.) Ipsiboe, a Tale, 2 v. 12mo . Three Kingdoms, 2 Darling (/./.) Powers and Duties of Law Officers, Scotland, Svo Practice of the Court of Session, Scotland, 2 v. Svo Darnell ( W.N.) Sermons, Svo Dart (/.//.) Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates, Svo Dartmouth Parsonage; a Tale for Youth, 12mo . Dartnell {G.R.) Shipwreck of the Transport " Premier," 4to Darton's Holiday Library, ISmo, each Book of Riddles, &c. Childhood of Mary Leeson. Household Stories. How to Spend a Week Happily. In and Out Door Sports, 2 v. Darton's School Library, edited by Rev. B. G. Johns, ISmo, each Elements of Geography. History of England. Darton {M.E.) Words in Season for the Weary, ISmo . Darvill {Rich.) Treatise on the English Race Horse, 2 v. Svo Darwall {John) Instructions for Management of Infants, 12mo Darwin (C'to.) Geological Observations ; CorAl Formations, Svo : South America, Svo Volcanic Islands, Svo LONDON 2 6 W. Smith 2 6 Longman 2 2 Virtv^ 1 1 Longman 6 Hamilton 4 6 Lacey 15 Cudell 3 13 6 Colburn 8 Neioman 1 11 6 Colburn 9 6 Murray 2 2 Longman 3 Whittaker 3 6 Whittaker 4 Weak 3 /. Chapman 1 6 Tract Society 4 Whittaker 4 Moxon 5 Taylor & W. 7 Taylor & W. 4 6 Taylor & W. 4 6 Taylor <& W. 3 6 Taylor st Svo , — (Luc.) Amir Khan, and other Poems, post Svo — ■ — Memoirs and Remains, by Miss Sedgwick, 12mo -- {Mar.) Life and Poetic Remains, by W. Irving, 12mo -{Af.^-L.) Lives of, by W. Irving and Miss Sedgwick, 32mo 1816—1851. 2 Johnstone 1 13 ]Valther 12 Simj^km 5 .SunpHn (J aimphin 6 Nelson 7 6 W. Collins 12 W. Collins 14 Whiliaker 1 15 Blactie 6 JilacHe 3 Jkujster 4 Dalton 3 6 ISeeley 5 Bain, 7 Nishet 1 11 6 Cothurn 2 Whittaher 2 6 Leath 2 2 Smith d;E. 6 T. Jones 10 Dolman 8 Hatchard 7 Hatchard 7 SIterwood 1 S Hamilton 1 4 Hamilton IS Colburn 4 Boosey 15 Hatchard 12 Tcyg 5 Relfe 3 6 Tegg 3 6 Tegg 3 6 Tegg 1 2 Newman 16 6 Neioman 16 6 Newman 12 Nemnan IS NeicTiian 18 Neivman 5 Longman 6 Churchill 1 11 6 Newhrj 5 Souter 1 5 Allen 4 S. S. Union 10 6 Maxwell 9 Maxicell 1 1 Culhurn 12 Whittaker 1 17 Simpkin 13 Sim2)kin 4 Hamilton 4 6 Whittaker 2 6 Whittaker 10 6 Madden 2 6 Dcwidson 2 6 Davidson 6 6 Longman 5 6 Nichols 2 6 Nichols 5 Longman 7 Uhittaker 2 Whittaker 4 Whittaker 1 6 Simpkin 3 6 Simpkin 7 Kcnnett 5 Bogue 5 Bogue 2 Tegg u 2 148 D AV DAV Davidson (Sam.) Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament, Introduction to the New Testament, 3 v. 8v , Lectures on Biblical Criticism, 8vo Sacred Hermeiieutics Developed and Applied, 8vo , . (pVm.) Essay on the Fevers of Great Britain and Ireland, Svo Examination of the Smig of Solomon, Svo . Treatise on Diet, and Use of Food, 12mo Davies (C.A.) History of England, 16mo . (C.G.) Sermons, 12nio .... (CM.) History of Holland, 3 v. Svo . (C.JV.) Lectures on Prophecy, 12nio . (Eben.) Tour in the United States, post Svo (^Ediv.) Celtic Researches ; or. Origin, &c., of the Britons, roy. Svo Discourses on Church Union, Svo . Letter on Conversion of the Jews, Svo Mythology and Rites of the British Druids, roy. {Evan) China and her Spiritual Claims, 12mo (Grif.) Introduction to Reading, 12mo Tables of Life Contingencies, Svo (Hen.) View of Cheltenham, Past and Present, Svo (Jas.) Supremacy of Scripture the Divine Rule of Religion {John) Collection of Cases respecting Patents, &c., roy. " , Elements of Greek Versification, 12mo . Estimate of the Human Mind, Svo . Hiind-Maid to Literature and Philosophy, 12mo . Historic Prologues, Svo .... Hulsean Essay for 1842, Svo . Letters from Normandy, &c., 1833-34, post Svo Ordinances of Religion Illustrated, Svo . Popular View of Atheism, 12mo Reniiirks on the Use of Iodine in Disease, Selections in Pathology and Surgery, Svo -(/. /.) Sketches from the Cross, post Svo Cent., {Roht.) Extracts from Records of City of York, 15th Fancies of a Dreamer, 12mo . History of the Favvkes's of York, 16th Century, post Svo 12mo Svo {Sam.) Sermons, 4 v. Svo {Step.) Appeal to Society in Behalf of Young Men, ,- Nature of Divine Agency, 12mo {Thos.) Lectures on Diseases of the Lungs and Heart, {W.M.) Ocean Gem, and other Poems, 12ino Da Vinci {Leo.) Life of, by J. W. Brown, post Svo Treatise on Painting, translated by Rigaud, 1 Davis {Ann) Memorials of, 12mo .... {A. II.) Hints to Hearers, 12mo .... • Religious Education in Sunday Schools, 12mo {D.D.) Acute Hydrocephalus; or, Water in the Head, Svo Elements of Obstetric Medicine, Svo, plates 4to Operative Midwifery, 4to Midwifery and Obstetric Medicine, 2 v. 4to {Emi.) Holly Branch, an Album, 4to . {Fra.) Lispings of the Lagan; Poems, 12mo {Hen.) Farming Essays, Svo, First Seiies, 2s Qd - Second Series Progressive Exercises in Latin Composition, 12mo {II. H.) Outlines of Descriptive Geography, 12mo . {Jane) White Chief's Urn, and other Poems, 12mo {Jo/m) Lectures on the History of Joseph, 12mo . Legislative Enactments Relative to Quakers, roy. Svo {J.B.) Annals of the Dispensary for Children, Svo ■ Manual of the Art of Preserving Health, post Svo {J.E.) Law of Evidence in New County Courts, 12mo ■ {J.F.) Chinese Moral Maxims, with Translations, Svo . Novels, Svo ..... Description of China and its Inhabitants, 2 v. post 8 3 v. 18mo Massacre of Benares; or, Vizier Ali Khan, 12n Sketches of Cliina, ISmo, Is 6t^ C. Cox— 2 v. - {J.S.) Veteran Soldier, a Poem, Svo . ■{Mary) Divine Economy of Human Life, 12mo Fables in Verse, 12mo ..... Helps to Devotion, 12mo .... Selection from Parables of the New Test., in Verse, 12mo 1816—1851. 12rao LONDOU 9 6 Jackson d: W. 1 17 6 Bagster 14 Hamilton 1 1 Hamilton 3 CImrcMll 12 Hatchard 4 Churchill 2 6 Souter 8 6 Seeley 1 16 /. W. Parker 4 Tegg 7 6 Snow 18 Booth 7 6 Booth 6 Booth 18 Booth 2 Snow 2 Lackington 10 6 Longman 10 6 Longman 5 Ward 16 Hunter 2 6 Simpkin 14 /. W. Parker 4 /. W. Parker 5 Whittaker 3 6 Rivington 8 6 Seeley 7 Hatchard 3 Seeley 3 Longman 6 Longman 5 Ward 12 Nichols 3 Simpkin 2 6 Nichols 1 16 Baynes 4 6 Hatchard 4 Hatchard 12 Longman 4 6 Simpkin 10 6 Pickering 10 Nichols 1 6 Hamilton 2 6 Hatchard 3 Westley 9 6 Taylor Voice from North Africa, 12mo 4 Smithy E. l!!l^__I South Africa, 12mo 4 l/amiKon (TJic/i) Memoir of, by J. Davis, 12mo 5 ^) lloidston YsVui-i.) Notes of a Tour in America, 1832-33, ISmo . . .020 Whittaker /|[r„i\ Description and Use of the Globes, 12nio . . .026 Jkijnes Journey round a Biblionianiac's Library, 12mo . . .076 Dains the Second, 8vo 8 6 Davig . Olio of Literary Anecdotes and Memoranda, 12mo . .056 Davis Eights of Infants to Baptism, ISmo . . . .026 Snow . Treatise on Land Surveying, 8vo 12 Davis True Dignity of Human Nature, 12mo . . . .036 Snow Davison (Fra.) Poetical Rhapsody ; Sonnets, &c., by Nicolas, 2 v. post 8vo 1 1 Pickering . (Hen.) and Merivale, Reports, Queen's Bench, 1843-4, roy. Svo 1 7 Sweet . ijuhii) Inquiry into Origin, &c., of Primitive Sacrifice, Svo .076 Murray Remains and Occasional Publications, Svo . . . 15 J.W.Parker Remarks on Baptismal Regeneration, Svo . . . ^ & J. H. Parker , Warburtonian Discourses on Prophecy, Svo . . . 12 /. Z?. Parker (Trwi.) Secretary to Q. Elizabeth, Life of, by Sir H. Nicolas, Svo 12 Nichols Davy iCha.) Cottage Prayers, 18mo 2 6 Seeley Sermons, 2 V. 12mo 7 Hamilton - Discourses on Edification, ISmo 2 6 Seeley Eucharist; or, Sermons on the Holy Sacrament, 18mo .020 Seeley (C'Ar.) Treatise on Artificial Foundations, Svo . . . . 12 J/. Taylor i^Edic.) Experimental Guide to Chemistry, 12mo . . . .036 Hehert (Hen) Architectural Antiquities of Suffolk, imp. 4to . . .880 Griffiths . Views of Gentlemen's Seats, 4to 1 10 Griffiths (SirH.) Account of the Safety Lamp for Miners, Svo . . .050 Weale Agricultural Chemistry, Svo 15 Lonr/man by Shier, Svo . . . .050 Grijfin . Chemical Philosophy, Svo IS Hmter . . Consolations in Travel, 12mo 6 Murray Discourses Delivered before the Royal Society, 4to . .03 R.d-. 7. Taylor Life of, by Dr. Paris, 2 v. Svo 18 Colharn Memoirs of, by John Davy, 2 v. Svo . . . .18 Longman Salraonia; or, Days of Fly-Fishing, 12mo . . .060 Murray "Works, edited by his Brother, 9 v. post Svo, each . . 10 6 Smith <5s E. {John) Account of, and Travels in Ceylon, 4to . . . .3136 Longman Lectures on the Study of Chemistry, 12mo . . .050 Longman Notes, &c., on the Ionian Islands and Malta, 2 v. Svo . 1 12 Smith ^ E. Physiological and Anatomical Researches, 2 v. Svo . . 1 10 Smith Sf; E. (ir»i.) Discourses on the Divinity of God, &c., 2 v. Svo . .18 Rivington Life of, by Dr. Paris, 2 v. Svo ISO Colhurn Davys {Bp.) History of England, for Children, ISmo . . . .026 Rivington Letters on Roman History, and other Subjects, ISmo .020 Rivington Volume for a Lending Library, 12mo . . . .046 Rivington Dawe (./.ir.) Sacred Epistles Explained and Familiarized, 12mo . .04 6 Smith ^ E. Dawes (Mat.) Epitome of the Law of Landed Property, Svo . . .060 Benning (Pdc.) Hints towards Improved Secular Instruction, 12mo . .020 Groomhndge Miscellanea Critica, cura Kidd, Svo . . . . 18 Whittaker Dawn of Life ; or. Scripture Conversations, by a Clergyman, 12mo .036 Seeley the Reformation ; or, the Lollards, ISmo . . . .036 Baldwin Dawson (Ben.) Terrainational Dictionary of Latin Substantives, Svo .050 Longman (Cha.) Analysis of Musical Composition, 12mo . . .040 Longman Elements of Music for Students of Piano Forte, 12mo .030 Longman {G.P.) Nosological Practice of Physic and Physiology-, Svo .0106 Longman (John) Greek and English Lexicon, New Test., by Taylor, Svo .090 Whittaker (/.//.) Law of Attorneys, Solicitors, and Agents, roy. Svo . 10 6 Butterworth (il/M.). Memoirs of, 12rao 5 6 Duncan (iZtc/t.) Essay on Spermatorrhea and Urinary Deposits, post Svo .040 Ayloti Marriage, its Physiological and Physical Relations, Svo . 3 6 // Hughes Observations on Nervous Affections and Hydropathy, Svo 3 Aylott (/ioJO Present State of Australia, 1830-31, Svo . . .0 14 Smith c^E. (TI'»i.) Correspondence, 12mo 7 Hamilton ■ Memoirs of, by J. Everett, 12mo, 6s 6d—8\o . . 10 6 Hamilton . abridged, 12mo 3 Hamilton Dax (E.T.) Costs in Superior Courts of Common Law, 12mo . .110 Stevens (r/io.) Costs as Allowed on Taxation, 12mo 6 Shaw Si; Sons in Superior Courts of Common Law, 12rao . . 15 Sieeeris Day Lamp of Life ; a Bonk for the New Year, 16mo . . . .026 JVisbct in Stowe Gardens ; Tales, post Svo 9 Hunt of Days ; Dialogues on the Sabbath, by D. H. W., ISmo . .026 Guillaume Rest, and other Poems, by a Clergyman, 12mo . . .026 Simphin 1816— ISol. 150 DAY- DEC Day (Alf.) Latin Syntax, 12mo Syntax of the Relative Pronoun, 8vo ..... {G.E) Domestic Management of Diseases of Advanced Life, 8vo . {H.T.) Algarsife, and other Poems, 12mo Sermons at Mendlesham, 12mo {Jas.) Treatise on Construction and Formation of Railways, post 8vo {Jul.) Poems, 12mo, ^s Qd — Second Series, 12mo . . . . (S.P^ Origin, Progress, &c., of Monastic Institutions, 12mo . . (TAo.) Chronicles of lerne ; Tales, post 8vo Sandford and Merton, 18mo, 2s Qd, R. Clarice — 24mo 12mo, Zs Qd, Washhoiirne — 12mo Modernized, by Zornlin, 12mo -{Wni.) Guide to Art of Memory, with Mnemonic Chart, 16mo Punctuation Reduced to a System, 18mo Dayes {FAw.) Picturesque Tour in Yorkshire and Derbyshire, roy. 8vo Davman {John) Essay Concerning the Nature of Man, 8vo . Days and Seasons ; or. Church Poetry for the Year, 18mo . of Queen Mary ; or. Annals of her Reign, 1 2mo . Deacon {Aug) Elements of Perspective Drawing, 8vo . {E.E.) Guide to Magistrates out of Sessions, 2 v. 8vo Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, by De Gex, 2 v. ■ Reports, Bankruptcy, 1835-40, 4 v. roy. " 8vo Treatise on the Game Laws, 8vo and Chitty, Reports, Bankruptcy, 1832-35, 4 v. roy Hindmarch, Digest of Criminal Law, 2 v. 8vo Deadly Adulteration and Slow Poisoning Unmasked, 12mo Deakin {Fra.) Treatise on Nature of Scripture Covenants, 12mo {H.C.) Deliverance of Switzerland, a Poem, 12mo . Portraits of the Dead, and other Poems, 12mo ■ ■ {Rd.) Florigraphia Britannica, 4 v. 8vo, viz. : — Flowering Plants, v. 1 to 3, each 1/ 10s — coloured Ferns and their Allies, v. 4, 14s — coloured . Dealtry {Wm.) Principles of Fluxions, 8vo .... Sermons, Doctrinal and Practical, 8vo . at Clapham, 8vo Dean (6?.^.) Construction of Farm Buildings and Labourers' Cottages, 4to Land Steward ; Tenant Right, &c., roy. 8vo Deane {J.B.) Worship of the Serpent Traced, 8vo -■ {3Irs.) Tour through Upper Provinces of Hindostan, 8vo Deans (Jos.) History and Antiquity of Melbourne Church, 8vo Dearden {Wm.) Death of Leyland's African Blood-Hound, a Poem Star-Seer, a Poem, 8vo Vale of Caldene, a Poem, 12mo . Dearn {T.D.) Account of the Weald of Kent, 8vo Designs for Cottages and Rural Dwellings, roy. ■ Lodges and Entrances to Parks, &c, Improved Method of Building, 8vo -Tables of Cube Measure, 12mo 4to , imp 4to 4to Dearsley {H.R.) Lands Drainage Acts, 12mo Death-Bed Scenes ; or, Christian's Companion, 12mo Thoughts, post 8vo ..... of Cain, 18mo ....... Death's Jest Book; or, the Fool's Tragedy, 12rao Debate on Christian Baptism (Macella and Campbell), 12mo Evidences of Christianity (Owen and Campbell), 8vo De Beaumont {Add.) Sketches in Denmark, &c., fol., U 4s— coloured {Gust.) State of Ireland, transl. by Taylor, 2 v. post 8vo De Beauvoir; or, Second Love, a Novel, 3 v. Timo De Bode {Baron) Bokhara, its Amir and its People, Svo Travels in Luristan and Arabistan, 2 v. 8vo Debrett {Jno.) Baronetage, by Collen, 8vo ..... Peerage, by Collen, 8vo De Burgh {W.) Compendium of Hebrew Grammar, roy. Svo. Discourses on the Life of Christ, 12mo ... De Burtin {F.X.) Knowledge Necessary for Amateurs of Pictures, 8vo De Bury {Baroness) Germania ; its Courts, Camps, and People, 2 v. Svo De Butt {Aug.) Rambles in Ceylon, post Svo ..... Decameron of the West, post Svo . De (Jandolle {A. P.) Vegetable Organography, by Kingdon, 2 v. Svo De Castro {Adol.) Spanish Protestants; Persecution of, by Philip II., 12mo {Wm.) Memoirs of, 12mo ....... De Cavour {Cam.) Present and Future State of Ireland, 1845, Svo . 1816—1851. Whittaker 6 Rivington 6 Boone 6 Pickering Painter Simj)1cin Nishet 6 Newhy Rivington, R. Clarice 6 J. W. Parker 6 Gilpin 6 Ollivier Nichols Longman 6 Motley Tract Society Taylor & W. Stevens Shav) — large paper by Cruikshank, 2 v. 16mo . Grandville, Svo Harvey, 12mo Stothard, 2 V. Svo 2 V. roy. Svo . post Svo Strutt, 2 v. 12mo . with Howell's Life of Selkirk, 12mo 12mo, 2,s, Simpkin — 12mo — Reflections, ISmo, 2s Hd — coloured Works, by Hazlitt, v. 1 to 3, roy. Svo, each and Life, by Scott, 20 v. 12mo, each 5s, viz. :- 12 7 6 10 7 1 11 5 15 5 2 2 3 13 7 10 7 7 3 10 Complete Tradesman, 2 Family Instructor, 2 v. History of Apparitions. the Devil. Plague. Life of Defoe. Captain Singleton. Colonel Jack. Memoirs of Carleton and Davies. Duncan Campbell. a Cavalier. Religious Courtship. Robinson Crusoe, 2 v. Roxana. System of Magic. Voyage Round the World Defroux (Mad.) Recreations Francaises, 1^ ■ Theatre des Jeunes Demoiselles, 12mo . De Garay (Dan.) Survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Svo Degge (Simon) Parson's Counsellor, with Law of Tithes, Svo 1816— 1S51. 151 Newman Grant dk O. Dolman 6 Weak 6 Grant & O. Sim-pkin Longman 6 Mason Pickering Newman 6 Hamilton 6 J. W. Parker 2 Ward 6 Leigh Longman Longman Longman Newly 6 Longman 6 Neiohy 6 Longman Newman 6 Simj)bin Wcrlheim Newman Saunders ^0. Whitlaker Whiliaker 6 Rivington 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin Tegg Renshaw 6 Tegg Hurst Nishet Rivington R. Clarke 6 Routledge WItittingham Rivington Scott Strange 6 Whittaker 6 Major Thomas Tyas H. Bohn Cadell 6 Cadell 6 Bogue Cochrane 6 Smith ^H:. 6 Tegg 6 Grant ^- G. 6 Clements Tegg 6 Drdau 6 Dulau 6 Ackermann 14 Hunter 152 DEG DEL London De Grey, a Tale of Codnor Castle, a Poem, post Svu . . . ,050 WMttaker De Guays {J.£.) Letters to a Man Disposed to Believe, 12rao . .040 Newhery 8vo . . .030 Bodson De Harno, a Story of the Olden Time, post 8vo 6 Saimders ^0. De Haviland (t'.iJ.) li'Onie's Outworks; Our Controversy with Rome, 8vo 6 Hatchard [Mrs.) Outline of the History of Home, ISmo . . .036 Houlston De Hell {Xav.) Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, &c., 8vo . 11 Chapman&H. Dehon {Bp.) Sermons, with Life, by Gaskin, 2 v. 8vo . . . .110 Rivington abridged, by Berens, 12mo . . . .050 Rivington De Jongh (Z./.) Treatise on Cod-Liver Oil, translated by Carey, 8vo .066 Taylor ^ W. De la Beche (^.r.) Greological Notes, 8vo 6 Treuttel — Observer, 8vo 18 Longman How to Observe — Geology, post 8vo . . . 10 6 C. Knight Manual of Geology, 8vo 18 C. Knight . . Report of the Geology of Cornwall, &c., 8vo . . 14 Longman Researches in Theoretical Geology, 12mo . .086 C. Knight Sections and Views of Geological Phenomena, 4to .220 Treuttel Selection of the Geological Memoirs, 8vo , . 18 W.Phillips Delacroix, Benefits of Religion, translated by C. C, 12mo . . .026 T.Richardson De Lacy; or. Passion's Slave, a Tale, 3 v. 12mo 18 Neioman De La Faye {Jul.) Family Suppers ; Tales, 2 v. 18mo, Is — coloured .090 SovMr Delafons' Treatise on Extracting and Fixing Teeth, 8vo . . .050 Hatchard Delagarde {P-C.) Treatise on Cataract, 8vo 8 Longman De La Macy; a Tale of Real Life, 2 v. 8vo 10 0^. Wilson De la Motte {Phil.) Choice Examples of Art Workmanship, imp. 8vo .15 Cundall large paper. 3 3 Cundall {P. II.) Anastatic Printing and Papyrography, 8vo . .046 Bogue (ir.^.) Historical and Abusive Arms, 4to . . .330 Nichols — Sketches of St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Priory, 4to 10 6 Ford Views of Oxford and its Colleges, fol., il 4s — col. . 10 10 Boys Delane {W.F.) Arrangement of General Turnpike Acts, 12mo . .080 Butterworth — — Highway Acts, 12mo . . . .050 Butterieorth Decisions on Revising Lists of Electors, 12mo . . 12 Butterworth De Lara (D.) Art of Illumination and Missal Painting on Vellum, 12mo 6 Ackermann {D.E.) Gramatica Inglesa, para los Espagnoles, 12mo . . .060 Boosey ■ Key to the Portuguese Language, 18mo . . . .026 Boosey — — ■ Spanish Language, 18mo . . . .026 Noticia Selecta; Spanish and English Prose, 12mo . .040 Spanish Grammar, 12mo 3 6 Longman Delanglass's Observations on Geographical Projections, 8vo . . .040 Longman Delany {Mrs)} Letters to Mrs. F. Hamilton, post 8vo . . . .066 Sustenance De la Reistra (N.) Exchange Tables, 4to 15 SimpMn De la Voye {M.G.) Comparative French Grammar, 12mo . . . 12 6 Law — Critical French Pronouncing Vocabulary, 12mo . 4 6 i?. Clarice Eugenie, the Laundress of the Bastile, 3. v. post 8vo 1 11 6 Eoi>e • French and English Lexicon, 12mo . . .080 Laxo Heures Dorees de Lecture Franqaise, 12mo . .030 Baily • Instructions on French Pronunciation, 4to . .059 Baily Jeune Narrateur, ISmo 2 Grant ^G. Melange, Prose et Vers, English and French, 12mo .050 Law ■ Nouveau Chnix de Lecjons Fran^aises, 12mo , .046 Baily Melange, Narratif, &c., 12mo . . .046 Baily Nouvelles Recreations Francaises, 12mo . . .046 Baily Orthoepist; or, Dictionary of Sounds, 12mo . .019 Law Pictorial French Grammar, 16mo . . . .020 Grant ds O, De Leuze (T.P.) Instruction in Animal Magnetism, post 8vo . . .046 Bailliere Deliciae Literariae ; a Volume of Table Talk, 18mo . . . .046 Simpikin Delille (/a«.) Les Jardins, Poeme, 18mo . . . . . .026 Dulau — (C./.) French Class Book, 12mo 5 6 Whittaker Grammar, 12mo, 5s 6(7— Key to . . . .030 Whittaker Introductory Lessons, 18nio . . . . .016 Groomhridge Leqons et Modeles de Poesie Fran^aise, 12mo .060 Whittaker Manuel Etymologique, 12mo . . . .026 Whittaker Proverbes Dramatiques, 12mo . . . .030 Whittaker Repertoire des Prosateurs Fran^ais, 12mo . .066 Wldttaker Delineations of Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, 4to, 11 \ls &d — 1. p. .250 Longman Delineator; Poems, by an Old Author, 12mo 2 6 Whittaker De Lisle ; or, the Distrustful Man, by the Hon. Mrs. Grey, 3 v. post 8vo 1116 Bull Dell's Evening Amusements, ]2nio .060 Fellowes Dell (ZJ.) System of Book-keeping by Double Entry, 4 to . . . 10 6 Welster <5e Co. Del Mar (ii'?)ia?i.) English Grammar, 12mo . . . . . .020 Cradock Grammar for Spaniards to Learn English, 8vo . .080 Ackermann 1816-1851. CATALOGUE. DEL DEN Del Mar (Eman.) Guide to Spanish and English Conversation, 12mo , Modelos de Literatura, 12mo .... Spanish Grammar and Exercises, 12mo, Ss — Key to Delolme (J.L.) Constitution of England, with Notes, 8vo by Hughes, 8vo Western, 8vo Tableau de la Languo Francaise, sq. 1. De Loude (L.C.) Surgical, Operative, and Mechanical Dentistry, 8vo Deluc {J. A.) Elementary Treatise on (ieology, 8vo Geological Travels in England, 2 v. 8vo . France, &c., 2 v. 8vo North of Europe, 8vo . Letters on the Physical History of the Earth, 8vo Delvin (J.D.) Helps to Hereford History, Civil and Legendary, 12mo De Maistre (Jos.) The Pope in his Relations with the Church, 12mo D'Emden, Commentaire Litteraire, 12mo Demmler {Fra.) German Grammar, 12mo Exercises on, 12mo, 2s 6d — Key Reader, Prose and Verse, 12mo Democrat and the Huguenot, Tales, 3 v. post 8vo ... De Montfort ; or, the Old English Nobleman, a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo De Morgan (Ang.) Connexion of Number and Magnitude, post 8vo . Differential and Integral Calculus, 8vo . Elements of Algebra, post 8vo Arithmetic, post 8vo . Trigonometry, &c., post 8vo . Essay on Probabilities, 12mo First Notions of Logic, post 8vo. Formal Logic ; or, the Calculus of Inference, 8vo Notices of Arithmetical Books and Authors, post 8vo Treatise on Calculus of Functions, 4to . Theory of Probabilities, 4to . the Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial, 8vo , Trigonometry and Double Algebra, post 8vo Demosthenes, Opera, Gr., Dindorfii, 4 v. 8vo ■ Annotationes, 3 v. 8vo . Oratio ad Leptinem, Gr., Notis variorum, 8vo . de Corona, Gr., Eng. Notes by Arnold, 12mo with Transl. by Lord Brougham, post — Falsa Legatione, Gr., Notes by Shilleto, 8vo in Midiara, Gr., Notis variorum, 8vo Oration on the Crown, transl. from Stock, by Spillan, 12mo Orationes, Gr., contra Androtionem et Timocratem, 8vo , .Olynthicffi, Gr., Notes by Arnold, 12mo . Hickie, post 8vo Philippicse, Gr., Notis variorum, 8vo edidit Stock, 2 v. post «' et Lat. a Allen, 8vo ■ Selectse, Gr., Notes by Barker, post 8vo Penrose, 1 2nio et Lat., a Mounteney, 8vo Orations, translated by FlintofF, 8v Kennedy, post 8\ Leland, 2 v. 8vo Philippic and Olynthiac, transl. by Spillan, et .ffischines, Oratio de Corona, Gr., Notis variorum, Falsa Legatione, Gr., Notis Orationes, Gr., 2 v. 8vo et Lat., cum Notis, 10 Lat., 2 V. 8vo 4 4 3 8 12 1 5 7 12 7 14 14 12 6 2 1 10 10 6 3 5 3 4 9 16 8 8 5 9 3 9 16 2 9 9 1 11 8vo Aristides, Orationes, English Notes, post 8vo De Mowbray ; or. Stranger Knight, a Romance, 4 v. 12mo Dempsey {G.B.) Examples for Iron Roofs, 4to, plates, fol. Roads, Railways, &c., 4to, plates fol. Mechanical and Engineering Railway Papers, 4to On Iron Applied to Railway Structures, 4 to Malleable Iron Bridges, 4to, plates fol. . 1 11 6 1 2 1 11 1 11 9 Practical Railway Engineer, 4 to and Danson, Inventor's Manual, &c., 8vo Dendy (fF.C.) Book of the Nursery ; Management of Infants, 12mo Phenomena of Dreams and Illusions, 12mo . ■ Philosophy of Mystery, 8vo .... 1816—1851. 153 Dulau Null 6 Null Wldllaker Jlalchard Jiutterworth 6 ;S,mler G Wldllaker Jiivinglon liivinglon liivinylon liivingloii liivinffton 6 J.R.Sviilh Dolman Law SoiUer 6 Souter Souler 6 BiM 6 Bentley Taylor S[W. BaldiDin Taylor ^W. Taylor ^W. Taylor ^W. Longman 6 Taylor ^W. Taylor '^W. Taylor \W. Griffin 6 Griffin Taylor &W. 6 Taylor &W. /. U. Parker /. H. Parker Priestley 6 Pdvinglon 6 C. Knight 6 Wldllaker Priestley Simpkin Priestley Rivington 6 G. Bell Priestley W/dttaker J. H. Parker 6 Longman /. W. Parker Longman Richards /. W.Parker Whitiaker 6 Simiikin I^Hestley Priestley 6 Priestley Dove 6 Priestley 6 G. Bell Ncmnan 6 Atchley 6 Atchley Weale 6 Atchley 6 Atchley Weale Weale W/dltaker Whitiaker Longman 154 DEN DEP Dendy (W.C.) Portraits of Diseases of the Scalp, 4to . . . .14 Remarks on Diseases of the Skin in Children, 8vo . .06 Treatise on Cutaneous Diseases in Childhood, 8vo . ,0 10 Denham {Dav.) Selection of Hymns, 24mo 4 . (J.E.) Sermons on Various Subjects, 2 v. 8vo . . . .14 {J.F.) Account, St. Dunstan's Church, West, 4to, 11 lis 6f^— col. 2 12 Letters to a Mother upon Education, 12mo . . .06 Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister, 8vo , . .02 Spelling and Reading, pt. 1 to 3, 12mo, each . .01 {Maj.) and Clapperton, Travels in Africa, 4 v. 18mo, 1^ — 2 v. 8vo 1 16 (Tkos.) Poems and Snatches of Prose, 12mo . . . .03 ■ {W.H.) Hints to Parents on Study of Medical Profession, 18mo 3 Denison (Bp.) Sermons before Oxford University, 8vo . . . .0 10 {E.B.) Letters on " Todd's Discourses on Antichrist," 12mo . 3 . — ■ Rudimentary Treatise on Clock and Watchmaking, 12mo 2 [Jos.) Analogy for Determining Distance of Planets, 12mo . 2 Dirges of the Whigs, 12mo 2 Inquiry into Government Scheme of Education, 12mo . 1 Introduction to Mathematics, 8vo .... Lectures on Arithmetic, 12mo . . . . .03 Nature, Force, &c., of Gravitation on the Planets, 12mo 2 Paradise Lost, 12mo 2 Philosophy of the Turf, 18mo 2 Principles of Determining Measures of Areas, &c., 12mo 2 • Remorse of Orestes, and other Poems, 12mo . . .05 Supplement to Euclid, 8vo, 3s — Appendices to ditto, 8vo 2 Theory of Gravitation, post 8vo 3 Treatise on Mechanics, 8vo .07 {W.H.) Cricketer's Companion, 12mo 2 Denman (John) Drama Vindicated, with Notes, ISmo . . . .02 {Lord) Law of Landlord and Tenant, Debtor and Creditor, 8yo 1 2 {Thos.) Aphorisms on Practical Obstetricy, 32mo . . .02 Introduction to Midwifery, by Denman, 8vo . .15 Smellie, 8vo . . ,12 Waller, 8vo . . .0 16 Observations on the Cure of Cancer, 8vo . . .03 Obstetrician's Vade-Mecum, &c., by Ryan, 12mo . .09 and Macintosh's Elements of Obstetricy, by Rogers, ISmo 5 Dennant's Soul Prosperity; or. Closet Companion, 12mo . . .04 Dennie (TF./7.) Narrative of Campaigns in Affghanistan, 12mo . .05 Dennis {Oco.) Cid ; Chronicle of the Poetry of Spain, 18mo . . .01 Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 2 v. 8vo . . .22 Summer in Andalusia, 2 v. 8vo 14 {Jon.) Key to the Regalia, 8vo 5 Landscape Gardener, 8vo, Qs — coloured . . . .09 Tracts on Church Reform, &c., 12mo . . . .05 Denniston {Jas.) Legends of Galloway, 8vo 7 Denny {SirE.) Hymns and Poems, 12mo . . . . . .03 {Hen.) Monographia Anoplurorum Britanniae, 8vo . . . 1 11 Pselaphidarura, &c., 8vo . . . . 12 Denroche {Edw.) Curate's Book, 12mo 3 Dens {Pet) Theologia Moralis et Dogmatica, 8 v. 12mo . . .22 Denton Hall ; or, the Rough Diamond, a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo . . 1 11 Denton {J.B.) Drainage of Lands and Sewerage of Towns, 8vo , .03 — Method of Model Mapping, 8vo 4 Dependence, a Tale, by the Author of " Little Sophy," post 8vo . .07 D'Epinay {Mad.) Memoires et Correspondence, 3 v. 8vo . . . 18 De PoKQtiET (/'".) Educational and othkr Wokks, viz. : — Foreign Ready Reckoner, 18mo 2 France, Historique et Geographique, 12mo . . . ,03 French Dictionary, compute, 12mo 5 Exercises, 12mo, 3* &d — Key to , . , .01 Genders, blue and black, 12mo , . . , ,02 Grammar, 12mo, Zs 6(Z — Key to . . . .01 Grammatical Annotations, 12mo . . . .01 Reading Book, First, 12mo 2 Spelling and Grammar, 12mo 2 Versions, 12mo 3 German Reading Book, First, 12mo 3 Tresor, I2mo, 4.s' — Kej' to . . . . .03 Histoire d'Angleterre, 12rao, 4* Qd — Questions on, 12mo . 1 ■ de France, r2mo 4 1816—1851. 6 9 Highley 6 Renshaw 6 Churchill Wightman Rivington 6 Waller Wood j: Son Simphin 6 Simpkin Murray Smith I E. 6 Churchill 6 Talhoys 6 Painter Weale Wldttaher Whittaher WhittaJcer Whittaher 6 Whittaher Whittaher Whittaher Whittaher 6 Wldttaher Whittaher Whittaher 6 Whittaher Whittaher 6 Piper 6 Onwhyn 6 Virtue 6 E. Cox E. Cox E. Cox E. Cox 6 Hunter E. Cox Butler Wightman Longman 6 C. Cox Murray Bentley 6 Hatchard Ridgway Whittaher Hurst Nisbet 6 H. Bohn H. Bohn Seeley Cowie 6 Boone Weale Weale Cowie Colburn Simphin CATALOGUE. D E P D E S 155 De Porquet {F.) EducationaTj and other Works continued . , Simi^hin Histoire de Napoleon, 12mo 5 History of England, 12nio 4 6 Idioms to Turn into French, 12nio, Zs 6ci— Key to . .036 Italian Grammar, 12mo, Si' Cfi— Key to . . . .026 Grammatical Annotations, 12mo 2 Language, New Key to, 12mo 3 6 Phrase and Dialogue Book, 12mo . . . .036 Reading Book, First, 12mo 3 6 Second, Silvio Pellico, 12mo . .036 and French Conversations, 12mo . . . .040 English Conversations, 12mo . . . .036 Latin Tresor, 12mo, 3s 6(Z— Key to 3 Lettres de Madame Du Praslin, 12mo 3 6 Methode pour Enseigner 1' Anglais aux Etrangeres, 16mo .038 Parisian Conversations, 12mo 3 6 Phraseology, 12mo, 2s Qui — Introduction to, 12mo .016 Petit Vocabulaire, 12mo 16 Portuguese Tresor, 12mo, 3.s Qd — Key to . . . .030 Premier Cours de Litterature; or, French Poetical Gift, 12mo .036 Premiers Pas a la Langue Frangaise, 12mo . . . .026 Secretaire Italien, 12mo, 3s Qd — Key to . . . .036 Parisien, 12mo, 3s 6(^— Key to . . . .036 Spanish Tresor, 12mo, 3s M—Kej to 3 6 Tesoretto Italiano, 12mo, 3s &d — Key to . . . .046 Theatre des Jeunes Demoiselles, 12mo 3 6 Gens, 12mo 3 6 Traducteur Parisien, 12mo 3 6 Tresor de I'Ecolier Francjais, 12mo, 3s 6cJ— Key to . .036 Complement du, 12mo . .036 Voyage de Six Semaines en France, 12mo . . . .036 Depositions Respecting Rebellion of 1569, from Court of Durham, 8vo . 15 Whittaher Depping {J.B.) Evening Entertainments, 12mo 7 Hailes Depradt {D.D.) Colonies, and American Revolution, 8vo . . . 12 Baldwin Congress of Vienna, 8vo 10 6 Leigh Embassy to Warsaw and Wilna, Svo . . . .070 Sherteood Europe and America in 1821, 2 v. Svo . . .0180 Cowie De Quincey (Thos.) Essay on Imitation of the Fine Arts, by Kent, Svo . 14 Smith & E. Logic of Political Economy, Svo . . . .076 Blackwood D'Erbine ; or, the Cynic, a Novel, 3 v. 12mo 14 Simpkin Dercsenyis (Baron) Researches for a Remedy against Communism, 8vo .040 Shillinglaw Derenzey; or, Man of Sorrow, a Novel, by R. N. Kelly, 3 v. 12mo . 15 Simpkin Derenzy (G. W.) Enchiridion ; or, a Hand for the One-handed, Svo .050 Underwood Derham (IFm.) Physico-Theology; Boyle Lectures, 1711-12, 2 V. Svo . 18 C'adell Dering (CE.) Sermons, 12mo 5 Rivington Sketches of Human Life, 12mo 3 6 Rivington {Mrs) Gatherings from the Scriptures, in Verse, 32mo . .016 WeHheim Humble Sorrows, and other Poems, Svo . . . . 12 OroomhHdge Dermoncourt {Gen.) Duchess of Berri in La Vendee, Svo . . . 10 6 Bull Dermott {G.D.) Description of the Arteries, 12mo . . . .060 Highley Peritoneum and Pleurse, Svo . .046 Highley ■ Illustrationsof the Arteries Connected with Aneurism, fol. 1 10 Burgess Surgical Anatomy of Hernia, fol 15 Highley De Roos (F.F.) Travels in the United States and Canada, 1826, Svo . 12 Ainsuwth De Ros (U'.i^.) Yeomanry Regulations, Svo 8 Parker d: Co, Derwentwater; a Tale of 1715, 2 v. post Svo 14 Kidd . {Earl) Memoirs of, by W. S. Gibson, Svo, 12s— roy. Svo 18 6 Longman De Sales (,S<.i^.) I^eauties of, by Camus, 12mo 6 Longman Life of, translated by Coombes, 2 v. Svo . . . 16 Dolman Treatise on the Love of God, Svo . . . .050 Dolman De Santillana; or, the Force of Bigotry, a Novel, 4 v. 12mo . . .14 Newman Desborough Family, a Novel, by Mrs. Ponsonby, 3 v. post Svo . . 1 11 6 Mortimer Des Carrieres (^1./.) French Phrases, 12mo 3 6 Whittaker Histoire de France, par Tarver, 12mo . . .070 Whittaker Descartes (J/.) Discourse on Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences, 12mo 2 6 Simpkin Deschamp {John) Scenery and Reminiscences of Ceylon, fol. 21 2s — col. .330 Ackermann Deschapelles {M.) Treatise on Whist, 2 v. post Svo, each . . .080 Hookham Description of Eaton Hall, Cheshire, fol 6 6 W. Clarke ■ Pictures in the Royal Museum, Paris, ISmo . . .04 Leigh Preparations in St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 4to . .076 Wix Three Hundred Animals, 12mo 7 6 H. Bohn an Ancient City Discovered in Spanish America, 4to .18 Suttaby 1816—1851. X 2 156 DES DEW Descriptive Geography, with Popular Statistics, ISmo . De Sepres (P.V-) Abridgment of Sacred History, 12mo Deserter; a Novel, 4 V. 12mo Deshon {II.C.) Treatise on Cold and Consumption, 8vo , Designs for Gates for Lodges, imp. 4to . Glebe Houses and Rural Cottages, obi. 4to . . Park Gates, Garden Seats, &c., 8vo . Shop Fronts, Style of Louis XIV., 4to Deslyons, French Dialogues, 12mo . . . . ■ Tutor, 12mo . . . . 2 12mo . 1 Des Mechel, History of the Middle Ages, by Jones, 12mo Despatches of Visct. Hardinge, Baron Gough, and Sir H. Smith, E De Stains {V.D.) Phonography; or. Writing of Sounds, 8vo . Destructive Character of the Church of Rome, 18mo Desultory Sketches and Tales of Barbadoes, 12rao Detached Thoughts, by the Widow of an Irish Clergyman, 24mo Deuchar {Alex.) British Crests Described, 2 v. 8vo Deux Perroquets ; French Dialogues and Letters for Ladies, by a Lady, 12mo 4 De Vavasour; a Tale, by Lord Blessington, 3 v. post 8vo . . . 1 11 Developements of Protestantism and Puseyism in its Results, 12mo , 2 De Vere (. S.) Evidence of the Truth of Christian Revelation, 8vo . .0 10 (TF»i.) Beauties of History, 12mo 4 . Comfort of the Afflicted, 12mo 6 . Discourses on the Miracles and Parables, 4 v. 8vo . . 1 10 . Reflections on Death, 12mo 4 Sermons to Young Men, 8vo 9 — • Thoughts in Prison, and other Pieces, 12mo . . .04 Doddington (B^M^ Autobiography, 18mo, 3^ 6(^—1 2mo . . .06 1 Diary, Geo. IIL, 1749-61, by Wyndham, 8vo . 10 Doddridge (P.) Devotional Letters, 18mo 1 and Meditations, post 8vo . . 10 Evidences on Christianity, 18mo 2 Family Expositor, Life by Fletcher, 6 v. 8vo . . .20 , . Kippis, 4 v. 8vo . . . 1 16 Orton and Kippis, imp. 8 vo . 16 abridged, by Redford, 2 v. 12mo . 10 . Lectures on Pneumatology, &c., by Kippis, 2 v. 8vo . 18 . . .Preaching, 12mo 2 — Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Orton, 12mo , 2 _— Miscellaneous Works, Essay by Morrell, imp. 8vo . . 18 __^ ■ and Life by Orton, 5 v. 8vo . .20 . Private Life and Correspondence, 5 v. 8vo . . .3 15 . — Rise and Progress of Religion, 24mo, 3s 6d — 12mo . 3 12mo . . . .03 8vo . . . .06 ^ . _ — . Essay by Foster, 12mo . 4 — — Sacramental Meditations, 18mo 1 . Sermons on the Power and Grace of Christ, 18mo . .01 . Various Subjects, 4 v. 8vo . . . .116 Treatise on Regeneration, 32mo 2 by Wardlaw,24mo,ls6fZ— 12mo 3 Works, edited by Williams, 10 v. 8vo, il 10s— large paper 6 . Selections from, ISmo 3 Dodgson (C'/tr.) Controversy on Faith in Baptism, post 8vo . . .03 Dodimeade (^.) Posy of Stray Wildlings, 18mo 2 Dods (Adam) Physician's Guide, 8vo . 10 {And.) Observations on the Contorted Spine, 8vo . . .06 (/.jB.) Treatise on Electro-Psychology, by Dr. Darling, 12mo . 3 ■ (Marc.) Incarnation of the Eternal Word, 12mo . . . .03 {Marg) Cook and Housewife's Manual, 12mo . . . .06 Dodsley (Rt.) Collection of Old Plays, by Read, 12 v. 8vo, U 8s— 1. p. . 8 8 Suppt. to, by Collier, 8vo, 9s— l.p. 12 Economy of Human Life ; and Mason on Knowledge, 24mo 3 Fables of .aisop and Others, 12mo 3 Dodson {John) Reports, Admiralty, 1811-22, 2 v. roy. 8vo . . .28 Dodsworth (>F?».) Advent Lectures, 12mo . . . . . .03 Anglicanism Considered in its Results, 8vo . .02 Clarendon, a Tale, 3 v. post 8vo . . . . 1 11 ■ Discourses on Romanism and Dissent, 12mo . .04 ■ ■ — General Redemption and Limited Salvation, 12mo . 2 ■ History of Salisbury Cathedral, roy. 4to, 8^ 13s 6tZ— l.p. 6 6 Priest's Companion for the Sick, 12mo . . .02 Sermons on the Lord's Supper, 12mo . . .02 Signs of the Times; Sermons in Advent, 12nio . 2 Dodwell {Edio.) Tour through Greece, 2 v. 4to 10 10 Views in Greece, imp. fol. . . . . .66 1816—1851. 161 Mozley Rivinffion 6 Whittaker W. Collins Churchill 6 Van Voorst ChapmanSfll. Whittaker 6 Whittaker 6 Whittaker Dolman ** Dolman Benning C. Cox C. Knight Evans 6 Rivinglon '' Cowie Mawman Hatchard Fellowes Fellotves Fellowes Whittaker 6 Murray 6 Snow 6 Kidd 6 Baynes Virtue Longman //. Bohn Nisbet Duncan 6 Baynes 6 Nisbet //. Bohn Rivington Colhurn 6 Rivington Tract Society Rivington W. Collins 6 Snow 6 Tract Society Hatchard Hamilton W. Collins Baynes 6 Holdsworth Murray 6 Groomhridge 6 Longman 6 Cadell GHffin 6 Allan 6 Simphin Prowett Picko-ing Rivington 6 Whittaker Benning Burns 6 Pickering 6 Simpkin Bums 6 Nisbet Wilkie 6 Burns 6 Masters 6 Masters Rodwell Rodwll 162 DOD DOR Dodwell {Edw.) Views of Pelasgic Remains in Greece and Italy, fol. -. and Miles's Indian Army List, 1770 to 1837, imp. 8vo . Doederlein (Lud.) Latin Synonymes, translated by H. H. Arnold, 8vo . Doherty {Hugh) English Grammar, on Universal Principles, Svo Doisy (.4./.) French Grammar, 12mo Recueil Litteraire, Prose et Vers, 12mo Dolby {Rd.) Cook's Dictionary and Housekeeper's Directory, post 8' {Tko.) Shakspearian Dictionary, 12mo, 7« " ' Dollinger (././.) History of the Church, translated by Cox, v. 1 to 4 Dollman {F.T.) Examples of Ancient Pulpits in England, 4to Domeier {E.A.) Descriptive Road Book of Germany, 18mo , Domestic Anecdotes, with Moral Reflections, 12mo ■ Architecture; Time of Henry VIII., Elizabeth, &c, Cookery, by a Lady, 12rao .... Economist and Adviser, imp. Svo . Economy and Cookery, 12mo ... - — - — - Hints, by a Lady, 18mo ..... Life in England, 12mo or. Hints for Daily Use, ISmo Portraiture; Richmond Family, 12mo . Preacher; Short Discourses, 2 v. 12mo . Scenes, a Novel, 3 v. 12nio .... Tale, by Author of the " Baroness," 12mo in Greenland, 18mo Tales, by Mary Johnston, 12mo for Youth, 18mo . Tyranny, 12mo and Foreign Policy of the British Empire, Svo Don Carlos (Career of), from the Death of Ferdinand VII., S Don Esteban ; or. Memoirs of a Spaniard, 3 v. post Svo Don Juan, Beauties of, 2 v, 12mo .... Continued, by * * * *, Canto xvii., Svo Junior, by Byron's Ghost, edited by Baxter, Svo Don {Dav) Prodromus Florae Nepalensis, 12mo . ■ {Geo.) System of Gardening and Botany, 4 v. 4to, each {Jas.) Hortus Cantabrigiensis, by P. N. Don, Svo . ■ Sinclair, Svo Donaldson {John) Enemies to Agriculture, Botanical, Zoological, Svo . Treatise on Cultivated Plants of the Farm, 12mo Manures and Grasses, Svo -{Jos.) Eventful Life of a Soldier, 12mo fol. {J.W.) Constructionis Graecae Praecepta, 12mo Contributions to Knowledge of Greek Language, Svo • Greek Grammar for Use of Learners, 12mo Principles and Process of Classical Philology, Svo Varronianus ; Introduction to Latin Language, Svo . -{T.L) Architectural Maxims and Theorems, 8vo ' Examples of Ancient Doorways, 4to Modern Doorways, 4to Donatti {L.A) German Grammar, 12mo Done {Jos.) Treatise on the Construction of Pianofortes, 18mo Donkin {RuJ.) Dissertation on the River Niger, Svo Donne {John) Devotions, ISmo .... and Two Sermons; Life by Iz. Walton, 12mo . Works, with Life by Alford, 6 v. Svo •Selections from, ISmo Donnegan {Jas) Greek and English Lexicon, roy. Svo . Donnett {Alf.) Poems, 12mo Donovan {Edw.) History of British Birds, 10 v. roy. Svo Fishes, 5 v. roy. Svo Insects, 16 v. roy. Svo Quadrupeds, 3 v. roy. Svo Shells, 5 V. roy. Svo Insects of China, by Westwood, 4to ■India, by Westwood, 4to Naturalist's Repository of Exotic History, ; -{Mic.) Treatise on Chemistry, 12mo Domestic Economy, 2 v. 12mo Doom of Direnzie ; a Tale, 12mo Doomed, a Novel, 3 v. post Svo .... Doomed One, a Novel, by Ilos. St. Clair, 3 v. 12mo Dora Melder, a Tale, from the German, edited by C. B. Tayler, 1 1816—1851. LONDON 6 16 6 Treuttel 2 2 7 6 3 3 Longman 6 Rlvington Simpkin 6 Simms^M'I. 6 Simms ^M'l. 12 6 Colhurn 12 Smith & E. 1 14 Dolman 2 2 G. Bell 10 5 1 5 6 Leigh Westley Weale 6 3 Murray Orr 9 2 5 2 6 8 Longman 6 Rogue Tegg 6 Tract Society Seeley Jackson d:W. 1 1 7 2 Longman Seeley Van Voorst 5 Whittaker 2 6 Burns 2 Whittaker 9 14 1 8 Ridgway Beniley 6 Colburn 12 Caiothorn 2 6 Ckurton 4 Thomas 15 Gale 3 12 12 Rivington H. Bohn 1 4 3 Rivington, Baldwin 3 12 6 Groomhridge Baldwin 5 Washlourne 2 6 /. W. Parker IS /. W. Parker 4 6 /. W. Parker 5 J. W. Parker 10 3 1 11 6 Longman 6 Taylor & W. 6 Weale 1 11 6 Weale 3 Nutt 2 9 3 6 6 SimpJdn 6 Murray 6 Talboys Pickering 1 IG H. Bohn 4 1 1 Talboys H. Bohn 4 18 10 10 24 16 5 8 Simjikin Rivington Rivington Rivington Rivington 7 15 2 5 Rivington //. Bohn 2 5 U. Bohn 10 10 6 12 5 Simjjk-in Longman Longman Robins 1 7 Smith ^ E. IS Netmnan 7 Longman CATALOGUE. DOR DOW Doria (Sam.) Compendium of Ancient Geography, 12mo . Exposition of tiie Church Catechism, 18mo Dorman (W.H.) Principles of Truth as to State of the Church, 18mo Dorn (Bern.) Chrestomathy of the Afghan Language, 4to Dorney {Hen.) Divine Contemplations, 12mo Dorset {Mrs.) Montezuma, and other Poems, roy. 8vo . Peacock at Home, Ilhistrated, 16mo Dost Mohammed Khan, Life of, by Mohan Lai, 2 v. Svo Double Duel ; or, Hoboken, by T. S. Fay, 3 v. post Svo . Trial, a Tale, 3 v. post Svo . Doubleday {Edw.) Genera of Butterflies, pt. 1 to 40, imp. 4to, each Nomenclature of British Birds, post Svo . {Thos.) Caius Marius ; a Tragedy, Svo Dioclesian ; a Poem, 12mo Financial, Monetary, kc, History of England, True Law of Population, Svo Douce {Fra.) Dissertation on the Dance of Death, Svo . Doudney {D.A.) Leaves from My Note Book, 32mo Pilgrim Papers ; Counsel for Christian Travellers, Dougall {J.D.) Treatise on Salmon and Trout Angling, 12mo Douglas D'Arcy ; or. Passages in the Life of an Adventurer, 12mo Family; a Tale, by Cousin Kate, ISmo . {A7xh.) Sermons, with Memoir by Clayton, Svo {C.E.) One Fold of Christ; Practical and Spiritual Unity, {Dav.) Fall of Constantinople ; a Poem, Svo . History of Baptist Churches in North of England {Fred.) Narrative of his Life, by Himself, 12mo ■ ~{F.S.) Essay on the Ancient and Modern Greeks, Svo (How.) Essay on Construction of Military Bridges, Svo Naval Evolutions ; a Memoir, Svo Observations on Carnot's System of Fortification, ■ Treatise on Naval Gunnery, Svo Svo ■ {Jas.) Advancement of Society in Knowledge, &c., 16mo Errors of Religion, 16mo , Hints on Missions, ISmo Philosophy of the Mind, Svo Principles of English Grammar, with Exercises, ISmo Structure of Prophecy, Svo Truths of Religion, Svo {Bp.J.) Criterion of the True Miracles, Svo . Select Works and Memoir, by Macdonald, imp. 4to {Sijl.) Reports, King's Bench, 19 to 25 Geo. IIL, 4 v. roy Douglass (C'.£.) Doctrine of Holy Baptism Considered, 12mo Douville (/. V.) French Grammar, 2 v. Svo .... Introduction to the French Language, ISmo . Speaking French Grammar, Svo, 7s Qd — Key to Dovaston {J.F.) Poems, Legendary, Incidental, &c., 12mo Dove on the Cross, and other Thoughts in Verse, ISmo {John) Biographical History of the Wesley Family, 12mo ( Wm.) Treatise on Penmanship, for Ladies, 4to . Dover {Lord) Character of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, Svo Lives of Eminent Sovereigns of Europe, 12rao True History of the Iron Mask, post Svo Doveton ; or, the Man of many Impulses, 3 v. post Svo Dow (P.) Reports, Appeal Cases, 1814-19, 6 v. roy. Svo and Clark, Reports, Appeal Cases, 1827-32, 2 v. roy. Svo — {Wm.) Discourses, Practical and Doctrinal, Svo Dowdeswell {G.M.) Law of Life and Fire Insurances, 12mo . Dowding (TF.C.) Village Lectures on the Homilies, 12mo Dowell {C.T.) Explanation of the Old Testament, ISmo {Tho.) Churchman's Companion, Svo Thoughts for the Present Hour, 1 2mo . Dowling {A.S.) Reports, Q. Bench, &c., 1830 41, 9 v. roy. Svo • 1841-43, 2 V. roy. Svo Statutes, 11 Geo. IV. to 3 Will. IV., 3 v. 12mo and Lowndes, Reports, Q. B., &c., 1843-8, 5 v. r, -{Dan.) Improved System of Calculation, 12mo System of Arithmetic, 12mo, 5s M — Key to 32mo 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . , 12mo . 12rao . . . 1 . -{Jas.) Common Law Practice, 12mo and Ryland, Reports, K. B., 2 to S Geo. IV., 9 v. roy. Svo 15 Magistrates, 1822-27, 4 v. Svo . 3 {J.O.) Critical Study of Ecclesiastical History, Svo . . .0 1816—1851. 163 Tcuff 6 SnnpHn TractSocieUj Allen Baynes 6 lioduell Cundall Longman 6 Bentley Smllh^E. Lonyman 6 Van Voorst Macrone Hurst E. Wilson E. Wilson Pickering 6 Darton //. G. Collins 6 Orr Mason Hamilton Ward /. H. Parker 6 Proweit 6 Houlston 6 II. Clarke 6 Murray Boone Boone Egerton MxLrray 6 Longman 6 Lo7igman 6 Cadell Longman 6 Longman 6 Hamilton Longman 6 /. H. Parker Cadell Street 6 Masters Simpkin 6 Sim2>kin 6 Simpkin Longman 6 iVishet Hamilton 6 Simpkin 6 Murray Ward 6 Murray 6 Smith ^j.) Christian's Freedom on Christian Liberty, ISmo Downes (Geo.) Letters from Mecklenburg and Holstein, 8vo . the Continent, 2 v. post 8vo ■ Three Months in the North, 12mo —(Jos.) Proud Shepherd's Tragedy; a Poem, 8vo Downie {Sir A.) Efficacy of Mineral Waters in Chronic Diseases, 12mo . Downing {A. J.) Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, roy. 8vo . (C.T.) Fanqui ; or. Foreigner in China, 3 v. post 8vo {Har.) 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Autumn Evenings ; Series of Essays, 2 v. post 8vo Gleaner, a Series of Essays, 4 v. 8vo Harp of Judah ; Translation of the Psalms, 2 v. post 8vo ■ Literary Hours, 3 v. post 8vo Memorials of Shakspeare, 8vo Mornings in Spring ; Biog. Retrospections, 2 v. post 8vo ■ Noon-tide Leisure, Tales, 2 v. post 8vo .... — Shakspeare and his Times, 2 v. 4to, 51 5s — large paper . Winter Nights; or. Fireside Lucubrations, 2 v. post 8vo {Wm.) History of England, from Caesar and Tacitus, 12mo ■ Method of Arithmetic, 1st and 2nd Series, 12mo, each . Drama Brought to the Test of Scripture, 12mo of Life; Scenes Fearful and Fanciful, 12mo .... Dramas for Children, 18mo . • • from the Novels of Waverley, &c., 12mo Dramatic Beauties, 18mo Souvenir, post 8vo ........ Tales, Illustrative of the Lower Scotch, 2 v. 12mo . Dransfield (IF.) Forty-six Short Sermons, 3 v. 12mo, I2s, Simphin — 8vo Guide to the Choice of Books, 12mo .... Prayers for Family Worship, post 8vo .... Draper {B.H.) Art of Being Happy, roy. 32mo Bible Illustrations, by Kitto, 16mo .... Lives, Old Testament, 2 v. 32mo .... ■ New Testament, 2 v. 32mo Story Book, 1st and 2nd Series, 32mo — ' 3rd and 4th Series, 16mo Book for the Lord's Day, 32mo Glass Book of Christian Morals, 12mo . . . . Conversations on Genesis, 12mo Natural Philosophy, 18mo . Edwin ; or, the Motherless Boy, 12mo . . . . Guide to Jersey and Guernsey, 12rao . . . . Juvenile Naturalist, IGmo Lives of Eminent Youth, 32mo . . . . . Mammon Demolished ; an Essay on Love of Money, 18mo Miracles of Our Saviour, 32mo . . . . . Modern History, from 1789 to 1834, 12mo . Papa's Book, 12mo ....... Parables of Our Saviour, 16mo Sketches from the Volume of Creation, 12mo . 1816—1851. LONDON 7 6 J.H.Parker 7 6 Rivington 4 6 Burns 2 6 Nishet 10 6 Taylor 1 1 SimpMn 5 Cadell 9 Hurst 6 Churchill 18 Longman 1 1 Colhurn 10 6 G. Bell 3 Murray 3 Churchill 2 J. W. ParUr 6 Bolman 6 Dolman 8 6 8a%miders&0. 2 6 Saunders &0. 2 6 Longman 12 How 1 6 Longman U 3 6 Longman 12 Longinan 4 6 Rivington 1 1 Rivington 6 E. Wilson 2 12 6 Baldwin 3 Nelson 14 Murray 4 Bogue 1 1 Longman 2 2 Baldwin 1 1 Rivington 1 11 6 Longman 10 6 Colhurn 18 Murray 18 Cadell 7 7 Cadell 18 Longman 3 6 Longman 2 6 SimpMn 2 6 Hamilton 2 P.Richardson 2 6 Baldwin 5 6 Black 4 6 Orr 8 Tilt 14 Longman 16 Snow 6 6 SimpUn 5 6 Aylott 1 6 Barton 4 Grant & Q. 3 6 Ward 2 6 Ward 2 Ward 2 6 Berger 2 Barton 3 6 Houlston 5 Barton 2 Houlston 5 Harvey 3 Whittaker 4 6 H. Bohn 1 Ward 2 6 Barton 2 6 Barton 3 6 Barton 2 6 Houlston 3 6 Barton 3 6 Grant <& O. k CATALOGUE. DRA DRU 105 Draper (B. H.) Stories from the Old and New Testament, 12mo ____^ of the Animal World, 16mo Drawing-Room Magazine; or, Ladies' Book of Needlework, &c., 8vo Scrap Book^ 1832-50, 4to, each . Table Book, 1848, 4to, 16«— 1849, 4to . Dream Chintz, a Story, by Author of " Old JoUiffe," 12mo . of Youth, a Poem, 12mo Dredge {Jas.) Manual of Prayer, ISmo Dredge's Suspension Bridge, Explained by Turnbull, 8vo Drelincourt (L'lui.) Christian's Defence Against the Fearsof Death, post 8 vo Drennan's Fugitive Pieces, 12mo Dressner {Carl) Genuine Pronunciation of the Ancient Romans, 12mo , Drew {G.S.) Sermons Preached in St. Pancras Church, 8vo . {John) Manual of Astronomy, 12mo .... {Sam) Bee ; Evening Tales, Svo .... . Essay on the Being and Attributes of God, 2 v. Svo .^ . Immateriality of the Human Soul, 12mo Resurrection of the Human Body, Svo ■ Life of, by his Son, Svo . Remains, Sermons, cSiC, edited by his Son, Svo Tell-tale and Fireside Companion, Svo {Step.) Principles of Self Knowledge, 2 v. Svo . Drewry {C.S.) Memoir on Suspension Bridges, Patent Law Amendment Act, with Notes, Svo . . Treatise on Law and Practice of Injunctions, Svo Drexelius {Hier) Reflections on Eternity, transl. by Dunster, 12mo Dring {Mary) Child's Poetical Naturalist, 18mo . . . . . Memory's Review; or, Principles and Practice, 12mo Drinkwater {John) History of the Siege of Gibraltar, post Svo Driver {H.A.) Arabs, a Poetical Tale, Svo . . Harold de Burun, a Semi-Dramatic Poem, post Svc . {John) Letters from Madeira in 1834, 12mo Droppings from the Sanctuary, 32mo Droz (P.) French and English Grammar, 12mo . . Grammaire Fran9aise Simplifiee, 12mo . Druery's Notices of Great Yarmouth, post Svo Druidess, a Tale of the Fourth Century, from the German, 16mo Druitt {Roht) Memoranda of Anatomy and Surgery, 32mo . . Surgeon's Vade Mecum, 12mo Drummond {All).) Sermons on Public Occasions, Svo . {D.K.) Exposition of St. John's Gospel, 12mo Sketch of Episcopacy in Scotland, 12mo {Hen.) Abstract Principles of Revealed Religion, post Condition of the Agricultural Classes, 2 v. Svo Elements of the Christian Religion, 12mo . Government by the Queen and the People, Svo Histories of British Families, pt. 1, 2, and 6 to 8, pt. 3 to 5, fol., ea. Prayers for Family Worship, 12mo • Social Duties on Christian Principles, 12mo {J.L.) First Steps to Anatomy, 12mo Botany, r2mo Letters to a Young Naturalist, 12mo Observations on Natural Systems of Botany, 12mo - {Mrs.) Christian Experience, 12mo - Christian's Anchor ; or, I mil Hope Continually • Heritage of Peace, 12mo Louisa Moreton ; or, Children Obey your Parents Lucy Seymour, a Tale, 18mo . Peace for the Christian Mourner, 12mo . Wilmot Family, a Tale, 18mo . - {Wm.) Life of, by Cunningham, 12mo — Odin, a Poem, roy. 4to . Remarks on Origin of Empires, States, &c., 4 {W.II.) Pleasures of Benevolence, a Poem, 12mo . Rights of Animals, (Prize Essay,) 12mo . Treatise on the Doctrine of the Trinity, Svo Drury {A.H.) Annesley, and other Poems, 12mo Eastbury, a Tale, 12mo Friends of Fortune ; a Tale, 12mo {Chas.) Hints and Discoveries in Agriculture, Svo System of Preparing Corn, &c., for Cattle, Svo 1816—1851. fol., ( ISrao 5 Grant tk 0. 5 narlon 14 6 I/oulxton 1 1 F. Jackson 1 1 A. Hall 5 W.N. Wright 4 6 Cadell 2 Simpkin 5 Wcale 8 Jialihidn 8 Longmcm 2 Longman 4 Rivington 7 6 Darton 8 P. Jackson 18 Duncan 4 P. Jackson 12 Duncan 12 P. Jackson 10 6 P. Jackson 12 P. Jackson 1 Longma,n 12 Longman 5 Richards 16 Sweet 5 Burns 2 6 Hamilton 2 6 Whittaker 2 6 Murray 5 Longman 6 Longman 4 6 Longman 2 6 Longman 5 Longman 3 Longman 12 Longman 2 6 Cornish 3 Renshaw 12 6 Churchill 5 Rivington 6 Seeley 3 6 Seeley 9 6 Murray 1 1 Murray 2 6 Hatchard 3 Hatchard 3 3 Pickering 1 11 6 Pickering 2 6 Bosworth 4 Hatchard 5 Van Voorst 9 Longman 7 6 Longman 3 Longman 4 Hamilton 2 Hamilton 5 Hamilton 3 6 Hamilton 2 6 Hamilton 5 Seeley 3 Hamilton 5 Cochrane 18 Whittaker 2 8 Baldtnn 4 6 Holdsu-oHh 5 Mardon 5 6 Hunter 4 6 Pickering 8 6 Pickering 7 Picka-ing 7 Simpkin 10 6 Baldwin 166 DRU- DUK Dniry (Drew.) Exotic Entomology, hy Westwood, 3 v. 4to (J.L.) Sense for Latin Verses, 12mo .... (Roht.) Autobiography, 18mo, 3*- 6c/ — 12mo {\V.B) and Walsh, Reports, Chancery, Ireland, 2 v. roy. 8vo . Warren, Reports, Chancery, Ireland, 4 v. roy. 8vo Dry Leaves from Young Egypt ; a Glance at Sindh, post 8vo Dryden {John) Fables, with Aikin's Essay, 12mo Poems, with Memoir by Mitford, 5 v. 12mo . Poetical Works, with Notes, 4 v. 8vo . . Works, Notes and Life by Sir W. Scott, 18 v. 8vo Drysdale {John) Sermons and Life, 2 v. 8vo Du Barri {Mad.) Autobiography, 4 v. 18mo, 14s— 4 v. 12mo Dublin Hospital Reports and Communications, v. 1 to 5, 8vo Latin Grammar, Syntax and Delectus, 12mo . . Prize Poems, by Geo. Downes, 8vo . • Problems, 8vo • • • ^ University Examinations, 8vo and its Environs Described, 12mo . . . . Dubois {J. A) Description of the People of India, 4to . Letters on State of Christianity in India, 8vo . Dubost {Chr.) Commercial Arithmetic, 12mo — Elements of Commerce, 8vo Du Bourdieu {F.) Wild Flowers from Germany : Poems, 12mo Dubourg {Geo.) Treatise on the Violin and its Professors, 12mo . , {Mat.) Views of Ancient Buildings at Rome, 4 to . Dubrunfaut's Art of Distillation and Rectification, 12mo Dubuc {Dr.) Extraits des Ouvrages de Lamartine, &c., 12mo French Grammar, 12mo Ducarel {P.J.) De Wyrhale ; a Poetical Tale of Dean Forest, 8 Paraphrase of the Psalms, Blank Verse, 8vo . Duchess ; or, Woman's Love and Woman's Hate, 3 v. post 8vo Duchesse de Bracciano, and Original Fables, transl. by E. O'Hara, 12mo Duckett {G.F.) Technological Military Dictionary, Ger., Fr., and Eng., 8vo 1 Dudgeon {R.E.) Pathogenetic Cyclopaedia, pt. 1, 8vo . Dudley Cranbourne; a Woman's History, 3 v. post 8vo {Earl) Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff, 8vo . {John) Anti-Materialist, 8vo Naology ; Origin, &c., of Sacred Structures, 8vo Duellist ; or. Rise, Progress and Practice of Duelling, 8vo . Duff {Alex.) Commentaries on Recent Statutes in Conveyancing, 8vo India and India Missions, 8vo Missions, the Chief End of the Christian Church, 12mo , Treatise on Deed of Entail, Scotland, 8vo . Deeds and Forms as to Feudal Rights, 8\ Chiefly Affecting Moveables, 8vo {Jas.) Missionary Addresses in Scotland, 1835, 37, and 39, {J.G.) History of the Mahrattas, 3 v. 8vo . {Pat.) Sketch of the Geology of Moray, roy. 8vo Duffin {E.W.) Remarks on Cure of Strabismus, or Squinting, 8vo Deformity of Spine in Females, 8vo Dufief {N.G.) Nature Displayed in Teaching French, 2 v. post 8vc Spanish, 2 v. 8vo Pronouncing French and English Dictionary, post Dufour ( Wm.) Treatise on the Cure of Rupture, 8vo Dufrenoy {P. A.) Use of Hot Air in Iron Works of England, &c, Du Fresnoy {Ahhe) Abridgment of Ancient Geography, 16mo Dufton {.John) National Education ; What it is, What it should be, ( Will.) Nature and Treatment of Deafness, post 8vo . Dufty {Rich) Tables for Valuing Land, 12mo Dugdale ( Win.) History of St. Paul's Cathedral, by Ellis, fol ■ large paper Life, Diary, and Correspondence, by Hamper, roy. 4t Monasticon Anglican um, 8 v. fol., hf.-bd. Du Gue {B) French and English Grammar, 12mo . Pronouncing Dictionary, 16mo Duhring {Hen.) Art of Living, post 8vo .... Essays on Human Happiness, 12mo Remarks on the United States, post 8vo Duke of Clarence ; a Romance, 4 v. 12mo .... {Edio.) Druidical Temples of the County of Wilts, 12mo the Halle of John Halle, v. 1, 8vo . 8vo , 8vo {Val.) Essay on Cerebral Affections in Infancy and Childhood, 8vo 1816—1851. LONDON 6 16 6 H. Bohn 1 6 Fellowes 6 Whittaker 4 7 Butter-worth 7 Butterworth 7 6 Madden 9 Cadell 1 5 Pickering 3 3 Rivington 9 9 Hurst 12 Rivington 1 4 Wfdttaker 3 9 Longman 3 Longman 5 6 Baldivin 6 6 Whittaker 8 Baldwin. 3 Orr 2 2 Longman 7 Longman 3 6 Boosey 14 Boosey 6 Farrington 5 Colhurn 7 7 M. Taylor 12 Sherwood 4 G. Bell 4 W.Allan 10 Longman 8 Hamilton 1 11 6 Bentley 7 6 Smithes. 3l 2 6 Parker tfc Co. 18 Highley 1 11 6 Bentley 10 6 Murray 6 G. Bell 15 Rivington 6 Longman 8 Benning 12 Groombridge 2 6 Groombridge 9 Benning 16 Benning 14 Berming 3 6 Johnstone 2 15 Longman 8 6 Smith & E. 6 Churchill 8 Longman 16 Didav, 1 11 6 Longman 12 Dxdau 5 Chappie 5 6 Murray • 2 6 Grant S'. Hodgson 6 Newhy 6 Carpenter Cliapple Weale Hastings Tegg Virtue Sherwood Virtue Aiiiold Knight /lor4:W. 8 Ilatchard 1 11 6 J. \V. Parker 8 llookham 5 Ward 6 Partridge 8 Westley 3 6 J.W.Parker 5 J. W. Parker 3 6 Seeley 5 E. Wilson 7 6 Allen 14 Longman 10 6 Longman 6 Seeleij 8 Hurst 5 Whittaker 3 Longman 10 6 Churton 5 Seeley 10 Fellowes 7 Baldwin 2 Fullarton 7 Longman 6 6 Baldwin 18 Longman 7 6 Hurst 10 10 Longman 3 6 Orr 18 Newman 16 6 Newman 3 Simpkin 2 6 Mason 7 6 Longman 5 Simpkin 2 6 Whittaker 7 6 Whittaker 2 6 Pickering 2 6 Pickering 2 Hams E. Williams 1 3 2 2 6 4 2 6 2 6 4 6 2 15 12 7 17 6 5 3 6 4 3 6 3 6 4 2 1 6 5 3 6 2 6 3 2 2 4 2 4 182 ETO EUP LONDON Eton CoLiiEOE School Books, Continued. E. Williams Graecae Grammaticae Rudimenta Minima, 12mo . . . .016 Minora et Syntaxis, 12mo . .02 Appendix to, by Dr. Jelf, 12mo . 3 Questions to, by Simpson, 12mo . 2 Historia Antiqua, 12mo 4 Horatii Opera, 18mo . . . . . . . . .02 Juvenalis Satirae Expurgatae, Notes by Owen and Browne, 12mo . 4 Latin Grammar, Prosody and Construings, by C. D. Yonge, 12mo . 2 and Notes, 12mo . .026 Questions to, by Morgan, 12mo . . . ,016 Nomenclatura ; Nouns and Verbs in English and Latin, 12mo .016 Orationes Funebres, Gr. et Lat., 8vo 8 6 Ovidii Epistolae quaedara Selectae, 8vo . . . . . .040 Phaedri Fabula Selectae, et Vet. Test., 12mo 16 Pindari Carmina, Pars 1, Odae Olympicae, Svo . . . .076 2, Odae Pythiae, Svo 7 6 3, Odae Nem. et Isthmiae, 8vo . . .076 4, Fragmenta et Index, 8vo . . .076 quaedam Selecta, Svo 2 6 Poetae Graeci, Pars 1, Svo, 4s— Pars 2, Svo 8 Scriptores Graeci, Svo 090 Romani, Svo 7 6 Selectae e Profanis Scriptoribus Historiae, 12mo . . . .036 Veteri Testamento Historiae, 12mo . . . .020 Shorter Examples ; Exercises for Lower Classes, 12mo . . .026 Tursellini Romani Historiarum Epitome, 12mo . . . .026 Etonian ; a Series of Essays, &c., 3 v. post Svo 18 Colhurn Ettrick (l-rm.) Season and Time ; Exposition of Prophecy, Svo . . 12 Longman Second Exodus ; or. Later Prophecy, 3 v. Svo . .110 Baldwin Euchologion ; Collection of Prayers, &c., for the Use of Families, 12mo . 3 6 J. H. Parser Euclid's Elements, by Colenso, ISmo, As 6d — -with Key . . .066 Longman Problems and Key, separate, ISmo .036 Lmigman Cooley, 12mo 4 6 Whittaker Creswell, Svo, 145— Supplement to, Svo . .0170 Whittaker Douglas, Svo 7 Longman Elrington, Svo 7 Whittaker Ingram, Svo 8 Simj^kin and Trotter, 12mo 2 6 Simpkin Lardner, Svo . . . . . . .060 H. Bohn Luby, Svo 10 Simpkin Playfair, Svo 6 6 Longman Potts, 12mo, 4s 6(Z— Svo 10 d J.W.Parker Rutherford, ISrao 5 Tegg Simson and Blakelock, 18mo . . . .060 Longman Davidson, Svo . . . . .090 Simpkin • Maynard, 12mo, 5s — Svo . . .090 Longman Thomson, 12mo 5 Simms&M'I. Walker, Svo . . . . . . .050 Longman Young, ISmo 5 Lo7igman Arranged in Syllogisms, 12mo 6 Bogue Symbolically by Williams, ISmo, 6s 6c?— Svo 7 Bogue Books I in., Simson's Text, by Tate, 12mo . . 1 6 Longman ■ I.— IV., Companion to, 12mo . . . Q 4: J.W. Parker — I. — VI., with Diagrams by Byrne, 4to . .110 Pickering Enunciations of, 16mo . . . . . .026 Whittaker and Figures of, by Brasse, 12mo . .010 G.Bell Exposition of, by Day, 12mo . . . . .020 Hamilton Figures of, by Cooley, 12mo 16 Whittaker with Questions by Edwards, 12mo . . 3 J. IF. Parker Preparation for, 12mo . . . . . .036 Seeleij Eugene {Prince) Memoirs of, Svo 7 Colhurn and Herbert of Cherbury, Autobiography, ISmo . .036 Whittaker 12mo . .060 Whittaker Eulenstein {Cha.) German Grammar, 12mo 4 NiM Progressive Exercises for Speaking German, 12mo .026 Null Euler {Leon.) Elements of Algebra, translated by Hewlett, Svo . . 15 Longman Letters to a (xerraan Princess, by Hunter, 2 v. 12mo . 16 6 Longman Eunomus; or. Dialogues of the Law, by Bythewood, 2 v. 12rao , . 14 Sweet ■ Wynne, 2 V. Svo . . . 18 Stevens Euphonia; Portions of Holy Scripture Marked for Chanting, 12mo . 2 ^4. Ilall Euphranor; a Dialogue on Youth, 12mo . . . . . .026 Pickering 1816—1851. CATALOGUE. EUP EUS Euphronia ; or, the Captive, a Novel, 3 v. 12iuo . Eureka; a Prophecy of the Future, 3 v. pdSt 8vo Euripides, Alcestis, Gr. cura monk, 8vo English Notes by Major, post 8vo . Prose Translation by Edwards, 8vo Andromache, (jr., cura Matthiae, Svo •- et Lat., cum Notis Variorum, 8v Bacchae, Gr., cura Elmsley, 8vo . and Heraclidaj, in English, 12mo . Cyclops, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis Variorum, 8vo in English Verse, 12mo . Electra, Gr., cura Kobinson, 8vo . et Lat., 8vo Hecuba, Gr., cura Porson, Svo — — English Notes by Major, post Svo Prose Translation by Edwards, Svo Heraclidee et Medea, Gr., cura Elmsley, Svo Hercules Furens, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis Variorum Hippolytus, Gr., cura Monk, Svo . English Notes by Yonge, 12mo and Alcestis, English Prose, 12mo Index, Gr., a Beck, Svo Ion, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis Variorum, Svo . Iphigenia iu Aulide, Gr. et Lat., 8vo . with English Notes, Svo Tauris, Gr. et Lat., Svo with English Notes, Svo Medea, Gr., cura Elmsley, Svo Porson, Svo . English Notes by Major, post Svo Notes by Negris, 12mo Prose Translation by Edwards, Svo Orestes, Gr., cura Porson, Svo . English Notes by Major, post Svo Prose Translation by Edwards, Svo Svo Phoenissse, Gr., cura Porson, 8 English Notes by Major, post Svo Prose Translation by Edwards, Svo Khesus, Gr. et Lat., cumJMotis Variorum, Svo Supplices, Gr., cura Markland, Svo Tragcediae, Gr., Dindortii, 2 v. Svo Annotationes, 2 v. Svo cura Matthiae, 2 v. Svo et Index a Beck, 5 v. Svo et Lat., 9 v. Svo, til 6s — large paper Lat., adapted to Matthiae's Text, Svo Notae in, a TroUope, 2 v. Svo (IV.) Gr., cura Porson, Svo et Schsefer, post Svo Scholetield, Svo Prose Translation by Edwards, 8 (V.) Gr., English Notes by Major, post Svo (VI.) Gr., Oxford Classics, ISmo Tragedies, translated by Buckley, 2 v. post Svo Potter, 2 v. Svo Troades, Gr., in English Prose, with Notes, 12mo Svo .... cura ex editione Matthiae, Svo et Lat., cum Notis Variorum, Svo Europe; or, a Survej-^ of the Principal Powers, 1S22, Eusebius, Divine Manifestation of Our Saviour, transl. by S. Lee, Ecclesiastical History, translated by Cruse, Svo post Svo Eclogae Propheticae, edidit Gaisford, Svo ■ Evangelicae Praeparationis, recens. Gaisford, 4 v. Svo Historia Ecclesiastical, recens. Burton, Svo Annotationes Variorum, 2 v. 8v Leaves from, translated by Rev. H. Street, post Svo Eustace (J.C.) Classical Tour through Italy, 4 v. Svo . 3 V. 18mo, 10s 6d — 3 v. post Svo ■ Conway ; or, the Brother and Sister, 3 v. post Svo . Fitz-Richard, a Tale. 4 v. 12mo .... 15 1 11 6 5 5 4 8 6 3 s 1 5 8 3 5 5 12 8 7 5 3 1 1 8 9 6 9 5 S 3 5 2 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 8 6 14 1 1 18 3 3 10 10 12 1 4 12 14 14 1 1 4 3 10 1 5 S 7 8 12 11 7 5 10 2 10 9 1 11 7 3 1 4 1 11 1 4 183 Colburn 6 Longman Felluwes Longman Sivijikin Whittaker Priestley 6 J. U. Parker 6 Waskbourne PHesdetj 6 WhUtaker 6 Whittaker Priestley 6 Whittaker Lonyvian Simpkin 6 J. U. Parker Priestley Fellowes Wasiihourne 6 Waskbourne Whittaker Priestley Priestley J. W. Parker Priestley J.W.Parker 6 /. //. Parker 6 Wkittaker Longman 6 Hamilton Simpkin 6 Wkittaker Longman Simjikin 6 Wkittaker Longman Simpkin Priestley Wkittaker J. H. Parker J. H. Parker Wkittaker /. H. Parker Priestley Whittaker Wkittaker Whittaker Priestley Rivington Sim2>kin Longman 6 /. i/. Parker H. Bohn Whittaker Washbo^lrne Valjiy 6 Fellowes Priestley Longman Seeley Bagster U. Bohn 6 J. H. Parker J. H. Parker 6 /. U. Parker /. H. Parker 6 Bull Mamnan Tegg 6 Bentley Nexcman 184 EUT EVA Eutropius (F.) Historia Romana, by Allen, 12mo . ■ Bradley and White, 12mo .^ • Gibson, 18mo Neilson, 18mo Stirling, 12mo Eva Von Troth, and other Tales, transl. by Mrs. Addison, 2 v. post Evagrius, Ecclesiastical History, 8vo Historica Ecclesiastica, Gr., recens. Valesii, 8vo Evangelical Alliance ; Embodiment of Spirit of Christendom, 12mo Christendom, v. 1, roy. Svo, 6s — v. 2 to 4, roy. Svo, each Melodies, 12mo .... Preacher, Scotch Selections, 3 v. 12mo Rambler, 2 v. 12mo .... Spectator, 3 v. 12mo .... Evans {A.B.) Dissent and its Inconsistencies, 12mo Leicestershire Words, Phrases, and Proverbs, 12; Sermons on Christian Life and Character, Svo . Relative Duties of the Poor, 12mo True Minister of the Church of England, 12mo (Chris.) Memoirs of, by D. R. Stephen, 12mo {D.M.) City; or, the Physiology of London Business, 12mo Commercial Crisis, 1847-8, Svo {De L.) On the Designs of Russia, Svo Practicability of an Invasion of British India, Svo {E. J.) Sermons on the Trinity, Svo (Fra.) History of Furness and Furness Abbey, 12mo (Q. W.) Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily, 3 v. Svo , Description of Van Diemen's Land, Svo . (Jas.) Remarks on Ulcerations of the Genital Organs, Svo (Jane) Parterre, and other Poems, 12mo . (John) Authenticity, &c., of the Old and New Testament, Discourses on the Christian Temper, with Life, Svo Essay on Education, 12mo .... Essays, Biographical, Literary, Moral, &c., 12mo _- First Latin Lessons, 12mo .... Golden Centenarj^ Sequel to his " Sketch," 12mo Juvenile Pieces, 12mo ..... . Tourist, 12mo ..... Progress of Human Life, 12mo Sermons to Young People, 12mo • Sketch of all Religions, by Bransby, 12mo Burns, 32mo . • Statutes of Fourth General Council of Lateran, Svo of Discount and Profit, roy. 4to . -(J.C.) Concise System of Geography, 12mo Digest of Laws Relating to Bribery, &c., at Elections, 12mo (J.E.) Political Institutions of Europe and America, Svo ■ France, Svo (J.H.) Checks to Infidelity, in Four Essays, ISrao Letters to a Friend on his Dialogues, 12mo Sermons on the Spirit of Holiness, &c., ISmo . Vintage Gleanings ; Selection from his Sermons, roy, (J.T.) Lectures on Pulmonary Phthisis, Svo (Lew^ Zaida, and other Poems, 12mo (Mau.) Egis of England, Svo, 14^ — large paper . (Rack.) Home Scenes ; or, Tavistock and its Vicinity, Svo (B.M.) Evenings with the Chroniclers, 16mo Story of Joan of Arc, 16mo .... Tales of the Olden Time, from Froissart, 16mo (R.W.) Biography of the Early Church, 2 v. 12mo, each Bishoprick of Souls, 12mo Church of God, in a Series of Sermons, Svo Day in the Sanctuary, 12mo . Ministry of the Body, 12mo . Parochial Sermons, 2 v. 12rao Sketches in Verse, 12mo . — Rectory of Valehead, 12mo . — Scripture Biography, 3 v. 12mo, each — Sermons, Svo ..... — Tales of the Ancient British Church, 12mo -(Tho.) English and Welsh Dictionary, by Richards, 8v 1816—1851. Svo 32mo LONDON 3 SimpMn 2 6 Longman 2 6 Lonffman 2 SimpHn 3 6 Baldwin 1 1 Thomas 7 Bagster 7 /. H. Parker 2 Simpkin 7 6 Partndge 6 Dalton 12 Duncan 10 Ward 13 6 Westley 4 Cadell 5 Pickering 12 Cadell 4 Cadell 2 6 Cadell 5 Ai/lott 6 Baily 8 6 Letts 8 6 Murraij 8 Richardson 8 Simpkin 6 6 Whittaker 1 16 Longman 7 6 Souter 5 6 Burgess 8 Longman 3 Rivington 10 6 Baynes 3 6 Sherwood 5 6 Souter 2 Souter 5 Baldwin 4 6 Baldwin 7 6 Baldwin 6 Whittingham 3 Hamilton 5 Simpkin 2 J. Smith 4 6 Seeley 1 1 Cowie 2 6 R. Clarke 3 Elsworth 15 Black 15 Black 2 /. F. Shaw 2 6 JVishet 2 6 J. F. Shaw 3 J. F. Shaw 7 6 Longman 5 Houlston&S. 1 5 Valjnj 10 6 Simpkin 3 6 H. Bohn 3 6 E. Bohn 3 6 H. Bohn 6 Rivington 6 Rivington 10 6 Smith tt- E. 4 6 Rivington 7 6 Rivington 12 Rivington 6 Rivington 5 Smith & E. 6 Rivington 5 6 Rivington 5 Rivington 6 //. Hughes ^ CATALOGUE. EVA- EWI Evans (Tho.) Exposition of the Faith of Society of Friends, 8vo . Walks through North and South Wales, 12nio . (IFm.) Memoirs of, by Hooper, 12rao .... (TF.Z>.) Statutes, by Hammond and Granger, 10 v. 8vo . — Relating to Bankrupts, 8vo the Clergy, 8vo (W.E.) Order of Family Prayer, for every Day, post Svo . Revelations of God to Man ; Sermons on Genesis, 12mo Songs of the Birds, Prose and Poetry, 12mo . 4 8 3 {W.J.) Sugar Planters' Manual, Svo . Treatise on Endemic Fevers of the West Indies, 8vo {W.S.) Art of Blazon; or, Grammar of British Heraldry, 8vo Continuous Outline of Sacred History, 12mo . Evanson (Edw.) Sermons and Life, Eve of Allhallows, a Romance, by M. W. Hartstronge, 3 v. 12mo . St. Agnes, a Novel, by Cath. Mason, 4 v. Timo Evelyn Harcourt, a Novel, by Author of " Temptation," 3 v. post Svo . Howard, a Tale, 2 v. post Svo . Mountjoy, a Novel, by R. Moore, 4 v. 12mo . . . • Stuart ; or, Right versus Might, by Adrian, 3 v. post Svo . Evelyn (John) Diary and Correspondence, 4 v. post Svo History of True Religion, edit, by Evanson, 2 v. post Svo Memoirs of his Life and Writings, &c., 5 v. Svo . — 2 V. roy. 4to . Miscellaneous Writings, by ITpcott, roy. 4to . Silva ; Discourse of Forest Trees, by Hunter, 2 v. roy. 4to Evening Reflections in a Country Churchj-ard, a Poem, 12mo Thoughts, by a Physician, post Svo Evenings Abroad, by Author of " Sketches of Corfu," post Svo at Haddon Hall, Illustrated by Cattermole, post Svo Sea, post Svo ......••• of Mental Recreations, 12mo ....■• with Emma, ISmo the Old Story Tellers; Moral Tales, 12mo Eventful Epoch, a Novel, by N. Michell, 3 v. post Svo .... Events in Sacred History, Pictures by Holbein, &c., sq. Svo, 6s — col. . Everard (Ann) Flowers from Nature, with Instructions, imp. 4to . • (iiVZw.) Preparatory Latin Grammar, 12mo .... Everest (Geo.) Measurement of the Meridional Arc of India, 2 v. roy. 4to ■ (Roh.) Journey through Lapland, Norway, and Sweden, Svo (Mrs.) Narratives of a Parent ; or, Birth-day Tales, 12mo . (Tho.) Popular View of Homoeopathy, Svo .... Everett (Jas.) 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Evidence of Profane History to the Truth of Revelation, post Svo . on the State of Ireland, Svo ...... Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion, 3 v. Svo .... Evill (Mary) Memoir of, ISmo Evils of England, Social and Economical, 12mo Ewald (F.C.) Missionary Labours in Jerusalem, 1842 44, 12mo . (G.H.) Hebrew Grammar, Old Test., transl. by Nicholson, Svo . Ewart (Jno.) Biographical Sketches of Eminent Characters, Svo . Ewbank (Tho.) Account of Hydraulic Machinery, roy. Svo . -(IF. IF.) Commentary on Epistle to the Romans, v. 1, post Svo . 2 2 2 2 1 10 12 Ewing (Barb.) Memoirs of, 12mo (Geo.) Essays addressed to the Jews, 2 v. 12mo 1816—1851. 1 2 3 2 4 10 10 18 5 3 6 185 Gilpin Sherwood 6 Westley Jienning Jknning Jienning 6 Rivington Rivington 6 Ridnyion Longman Churchill Longman 6 Masters Longman Whitlaker Newman 6 Colbum Saunders (kO. Longman 6 Rentley Colbum Colbnrn Colbiim 6 Colbum Colbwn Colbum Jno. Jiohn 6 Van Voorst Smith ^- E. 6 H. Bohn 6 Bentley 6 Hailes 6 Bennett 6 Btirns 6 Simphin 6 Cundall 6 Dickinson 6 Simphin Allen Underwood Smith SfE. Bailliere 6 Hamilton 6 Hamilton 6 Hamilton 6 Hamilton Hamilton 6 Darton Darton Smith tfc E. 6 P. Jackson 6 Longman 6 Bentley Knight Grant ^ G. 6 Van Voorst 6 Strange 6 Sim2)i:in 6 Darton 6 Simptin 6 /. IF. Parker Murray 6 Orr 6 Tilt 6 J.W.Parker 6 Wertheim 6 Whittaker 6 Rivington J. Chapman 6 J. W. Parker 6 Nisbet Williams 186 EWI EYR Ewing {Geo.) Essays on Baptism, 12mo {Gre.) Greek Grammar, 8vo . , and English Lexicon, 8vo -Memoir of, by his Daughter, 8vo ■ {J.C. ) Sermons on Important Subjects, 12mo {Tho.) English Learner, 12mo ...... Geography and Astronomy, 12mo, 4s Qd — with Maps Principles of Elocution, 12mo .... -Rhetorical Exercises, 12mo (TF??t.) Critical Observations on Book of Job, 8vo Ewington {H.) Arcana of Shorthand, 18mo Examination Papers for Theological Students, 12mo Questions and Answers, from Butler's Analogy, 12mo of the Century Question, 8vo Principles of British Government in India, Svo Example j or. Family Scenes, 12mo Examples in Architectural Engineering, 12mo, Atlas, fol. Exceeding Great and Precious Promises, 8vo .... Excellent Woman, as Described in Proverbs, Ch. xxxi., 16mo Excerpta Historica ; or. Illustrations of English History, roy. Svo . - Protestantia ; View of the Church of England, 12mo ex Scriptoribus Classicis de Britannia, a Giles, Svo . of Wit; or, Railway Companion, ISmo . . . . Exchange Calculator, 12mo Excitement, a Literary Annual, 8 v. 18mo, each for 1847, ISmo, • a Tale of Our Times, 2 v. post Svo Qd — coloured Excursion through the United States and Canada, 1822-23, Svo Excursions in Cornwall, by Stockdale, 12mo, 12s — Svo . Normandy, edited by F. 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Exposition of 1851 ; or. Wealth of the World in its Workshops, Svo Book of Revelation, by Author of Scheme of Prophecy, 12mo Church Catechism, for Diocesan Schools, 12mo . Hebrews, Chap, xi., by an Indian Layman, 12mo Principles, Pretensions, &c., of the Court of Rome, 8 Quackery and Imposition in Medicine, post Svo . State of the Medical Profession, Svo Vulgar and Common Errors, 12mo . Express, a Novel, 3 v. 12mo Exquisites ; or, Foreign Exdusives, by Author of " Castilian," 3 v Exton {R.B.) Lectures on Portions of the Psalms, Svo . . Speculum Gregis; or. Minister's Parochial Assistant, Extracts, Moral and Entertaining, 12rao .... ■ for Schools and Families, 12mo .... .^ — from Common-Place Book of an Eclectic, 12mo Diary, &c., of Mrs. Simpson, 12mo of a Living Physician, post Svo . Parliamentary Papers on the West Indies, roy. Svo Travels, Illustrative of Scripture, 12mo . on Prophecy, 12mo Eyre (C'Aa.) Illustration of St. Paul's Epistles, 2 v. Svo 1816-1851. obi. LONDON 4 Duncan 6 Duncan 1 4 Duncan L2 Snow 5 Ward 2 SimiMn 6 6 Simpkin 3 6 Siin2}kin 3 6 Simpkin 5 /. W. Parker 2 6 Joy 3 Longman 1 6 /. W. Parker 3 G. Bell 7 Hurst 5 Smith &■ E. 16 Weak 2 Seeley 3 Tract Society 1 1 Bentley 2 6 Halchard 7 6 Whitiaker 4 6 Richardson 5 Richardson 3 Sim'pkin 4 6 Cundall 1 1 Orger 16 Baldwin 18 Simpkin 1 1 Colburn 9 6 Relfe 5 Rivington 1 6 Darton 4 6 Sams 1 1 Whittaker 3 6 Cochrane 11 Gilpin 4 Ramsay 4 6 Hamilton 5 Longman 14 Longman 2 6 Hamilton 6 Smith ^ E. 10 6 Bentley 1 2 Newman 2 6 Baker 6 Harvey 1 11 6 Bentley 5 Simpkin 3 6 Msbet 5 6 Murray 2 6 Churton 4 6 B. L. Green 3 Burns 5 Seeley 2 6 Shoherl 7 6 Hodson 9 Longman 3 6 Pickering 15 Newman 1 1 Colburn 12 Longman 5 Rivington 3 Madden 4 Harvey 5 Whittaker 3 6 Hamilton 6 Saunders^O. 7 6 C. Knight 4 /. IF. Parker 4 6 Msbet 1 4 Longman CATALOGUE. E Y R ■ B^AI ^yie (Edv.) Parables of the Lord in Verse, for Youth, 18mo . (E.J.) Expeditions of Discover}' into Central Australia, 2 (John) Remarks on some Exhausting Diseases, post 8vo iVinc.) Narrative of Military Operations at Cabul, post 8vo Eyres (Geo.) System of Stenography, for the Law Student, 8vo Eyton (John) Sermons, 2 v. 8vo _L (T.C.) Catalogue of British Birds, Svo, Ss 6d—Toy. 8vo Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, v. 1, post 8vo . ^ V. 2, pt. 1, post Svc . History of the Rarer British Birds, Svo, 10s Cf^— roy. Svo. , . . Monograph of the Anatida; ; or, Duck Tribe, &c, 4to 2 1 16 4 12 10 14 7 12 5 1 1 4 Fabe's French Orthoepy, 12mo Faber (F.W.) Cherwell Water Lily, and other Poems, 12mo . . Essay on Beatification, Canonization, &c., post Svo Jesus and Mary; or. Catholic Hymns, ISmo . . Rosary, and other Poems, 12mo Sights and Thoughts in Foreign Churches, &c., Svo Sir Lancelot, a Poem, 12mo .... Spirit and Genius of the Oratory of St. P. Neri, 12mo . Styrian Lake, and other Poems, 12mo [G.S.) Apostolicity of Trinitarianism, 2 v. 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Parher 6 Thomas WiUoughhy 6 Harns 6 Burns Ackermann Dulau 6 Baldidn Tract Society WiUoughhy 6 Kidd W. Mason Smith d: E. Partridge Madden 6 Grant (fc G. 6 Highley Colhurn Butterwortk 6 Weale Burst 6 Hamilton 6 Johnstone Hamilton Author Weaie ]88 FAI FAM Fairbaim {Wm.) Remarks on Canal Steam Navigation, 8vo . Fail-fax Correspondence, 4 v. 8vo Fairholme (Geo.) Natural Demonstrations of Mosaic Deluge, 8vo View of the Geology of Scripture, 8vo Fairholt {F. W.) Costume in England Illustrated, 8vo . Eccentric and Kemarkable Characters, v. 1, 12mo Home of Shakspere Illustrated and Described, 12mo Fairinan (Wm.) Account of the Public Funds, by Cohen, 8vo Fairy Birds from Fancy Islet ; or, the Children in the Forest, a Tale,16mo Bower ; or, the History of a Month, by Mrs. Mozley, 12mo • Dell, Exile's Bride, and other Poems, 18mo Tales, 2 v. 24mo .... . . and Legends of Many Nations, 12mo . in Verse, 12mo ...... Faith and Infidelity ; Two Dissertations, Pt. 1, 8vo Patience of the Saints, 12mo .... Practice : Thoughts in Verse, by a Country Curate, 12mo in Christ, the Fruit of Righteousness, 12mo Faithful Pastor Delineated, 12mo FaithfuU (J.G.) Justification by Faith Cleared from Error, 12mo Faithorn [John) Observations on Liver Complaints, 8vo Falcon Family; or. Young Ireland, a Novel, post 8vo . Falconar (Tho.) Discovery of the Mississippi, &c., post 8vo . Falconer (For.) Selections from the Bostan of Sadi, in Persian, 16mo (Ric.) Voyages, Adventures and Escapes, 18mo ~{Tho.) Essay on Probate Courts, 8vo Reports, Controverted Elections, 1839, 8vo . ■ Views on Christianity, 12mo ( Wm.) Marine Dictionary, by Burney, 4to Poems, with Memoir by Mitford, 12mo . Shipwreck, a Poem, 32mo, Is 6d, Bogue — 12mo ■ Landseer's Designs, ISmo . Westall's Designs, 16mo, 5s 6d — 12mo Falkner (Fre.) Muck Manual; Treatise on Manures, 12mo . Fall of Wnrsaw, a Poem, 12mo the Nan Soung, a Tale, by A. L. Lymburner, 3 v. post 8vo Nibelungers, transL, with Notes, by Lettsom, post 8vo Fall (Tko.) Surveyor's Guide for Making Roads, 12mo . Fallacies of Hope, a Poem, 12mo Falle {Phil.) History of Jersey, with Notes, by Rev. E. Durrell, 8vo Falloon (D.) Dialogues on the Apostolic Church, 12mo . Fallow (T.M.) Order of Baptism, Public and Private, 12mo . False Step, and The Sisters, a Novel, 3 v. post 8vo Familiar Account of Trees, 12mo ...... Address on the Lord's Supper, 18mo . . . • . Conversations for Children, 12mo Dialogues for Young Ladies on Sundays, ISmo Exposition of the Collects, 12mo -Hints on Sea-Bathing, 12mo ...... History of England; Question and Answer, 18rao Introduction to the Christian Religion, 12mo . Sketches of Catholic Life, 18mo ..... • Views of Lunacy and Lunatic Life, 12mo Family Affection, a T,ale for Youth, I2mo ..... Album and Repertory of Amusement and Instruction, ISmo Altar ; Guide to Devotion, by various Ministers, 12mo Catechist, ISmo ........ Choir; or, Psalms, Hymns, &c., with Music, post Svo Classical Library ; Translations, 52 v. ISmo, each Commentary on New Testament, by a Lady, 4 v. 12rao St. Matthew and St. Mark, roy. Svo Conversations on the Works of God, ISmo Cookery Book, 12mo Economist, v. 1 to 3, 12mo, each Failings, a Novel, 3 v. post Svo ..... Friend, v. 1 to 3, 12mo, each, 2s 6d — fine paper, each ' Hand Book ; Information in Domestic Economy, 12mo • Jo Miller, a Drawing Room Jest Book, 18mo . Law Adviser and Useful Manual, ISmo .... Manual and Servant's Guide, 12mo . .... Monitor, Svo ......... Oblation; or. Prayers for Domestic Worship, 12mo , 1816—1851. LONDON 8 6 Longman 3 Bentley 16 Ridgivay 14 Ridgivay 1 li 6 Chapman^H. 2 6 Bentley 2 6 ChapmamisH. U LI Richardson 5 Ackei~mann 6 Mozley 2 WhUtaker 8 Rivington 1 6 H. G. Collins 5 Thomas 6 Hatchard 3 Baisler 3 G. Bell 2 6 Longman 2 SimpMn 4 6 Wertheim, 9 Longman 9 Chapman&ff. 6 6 S. Clarke 8 Allen 3 6 Churton 2 Reynell 1 15 Benning 6 Whittaker 4 14 6 Cadell 5 Pickering 6 Cadell 2 Orr 8 Sharpe 6 6 Murray 5 Relfe 1 11 6 Saunders m2}km 6 Whittaker 6 Whittaker Smith & E. Hatchard Neu-man 6 Groomhridge 6 Seeley Duncan 6 Seeley 6 Hatchard Fullarton Cleaver Bailliere Bailliere 6 /. R. Smith 6 Macrone Longman Longman Bentley CATALOGUE. FAU FEL 191 Faulkner (Nut.) Letters on Experimental Religion, 12nio (T/iO.) Designs for Mural Monuments, Tombs, &c., 4to History of Brentford, Ealing, and Chisvvick, 8vo 4to Chelsea, 2 v. 8vo Fulliam, 8vo, 1^ Is— 4to . Hammersmith, 8vo, 11 Is — 4to Kensington, 8vo, 1^ 8s — 4to Organ Builder's Assistant, imp. 4to Faussett {God/.} Sermons at Bampton Lecture, 1820, 8vo Faust, a Phantasia in Three Acts, transl. by Drakeford, 12mo (B.O.) Catechism of Health, r2mo .... Faustus, his Life, Death, and Descent into Hell, 12mo . Fauvet (A.J).) Champ de Roses, 12mo .... Faux (Wm.) Memorable Days in the United States, 8vo Favourite Library, 12 v. 16mo, viz., each 1. Eskdale Herd Boy. 7. Never "Wrong. 2. Mrs. Leicester's School. 8. Perambulations of a Mouse. 3 Palmer ir, M. Taylor 1 1 Himpkin 2 2 Simpkin 2 2 Nichols 2 2 Nichols 2 2 Nichols 2 12 6 Nichols 2 2 Weak 10 6 Jdvinijton 2 (i lU'iilley a Richardson 7 6 Slmpkin 5 Simjikin 14 Simpkin 1 Grant J; G. 3. Trimmer's Robins. 4. Bob the Terrier. 5. Keeper's Travels. 6. Scottish Orphans. Fawcett (John) Account of hi 9. Trimmer's Knowledge. 10. Right and Wrong. 11. Harry's Holidays. 12. Short Poems and Hymns. Life and Writings, 8vo Admonitory Hints of a Seminary, 12mo Discourses on Christian Life, 8vo . . . . . 10 Happiness of God, 12mo . Essay on Anger, 18mo Sermons for Families, 2 v. 12mo 3 V. 8vo Sick Man's Employ ; Devotional Exercises, 12mo (Jos.) Church Rides in Neighbourhood of Scarborough, 12mo Sermons at the Old Jewry, 2 v. 8vo {Tho.) Miscellaneous Works, 12mo ..... Fawckner [Jas.) 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Guide to Immortality, 3 v. 8vo 1816—1851. 12 Baldivin 2 10 6 Simpkin 6 Slraker 2 2 6 Seeley Ball 12 Nishet 1 11 2 6 Seeley 6 Hamilton 3 16 Sim2)k{n Haviilton 4 6 Simpkin 4 Schloss 7 7 6 Longman 6 Whittaker 1 6 /. F. Shaw 2 4 6 Wightman 6 Smith