UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION TARIFF ACTS COMPARED A compilation of the paragraphs of the Bill H. R. 7456 as passed by the House of Representatives and as amended and passed by the Senate, together with the corresponding provisions, respectively, of the Tariff Acts of 1909 and 1913 WASHINGTON GOVRRNMBNT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 4 ^ 3f .-> UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION TARIFF ACTS COMPARED A compilation of the paragraphs of the Bill H. R. 7456 as passed by the House of Representatives and as amended and passed by the Senate, together with the corresponding provisions, respectively, of the Tariff Acts of 1909 and 1913 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION. Office: Eighth and E Streets NW., Washington, D. C. COMMISSIONERS. Thomas O. Marvin, Chairman. William S. Culbertson, Vice Chairman. David J. Levpis. Edward P. Costigan. , Thomas Walker Page. William Burgess. John F. Bethune, Secretary. additional copies or THIS PUBLTCATION MAT BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 30 CENTS PER COPY PREFACE. This publication shows in parallel columns the paragraphs of the dutiable schedules and free list of the tariff bill (H. K. 7456) as passed by the House of Representatives on July 21, 1921 ; as amended and passed by the Senate on August 19, 1922 : and the respective corresponding provisions of the tariff acts of 1909 and 1913. The order of sequence corresi3onds to the numbering of the paragraphs in the bill as it was passed by the House of Representatives. The numbers of the paragraphs as amended by the Senate are shown in italics. The material is so grouped under each paragraph that the pro- visions of the House bill appear at the upper left corner, with the Senate amendments in the column to the right and as nearly as practicable in line with the provisions to which they relate. These amendments are indicated in general as follows: The portions printed in brackets [ ] are proposed to be eliminated from the House bill, and the portions printed in italics are proposed to be inserted. Where no amendment is proposed, this fact is indicated by use of the words " No change." Where the amendments are numerous or of such a nature as to make the statement of them not easily understood, the entire paragraph or clause affected is printed with the amendments indicated in the manner referred to above. The bill as passed by the House of Representatives was based upon "American valuation " as defined in section 402. This provision has been changed by the proposed amendments of the Senate to '' For- eign valuation." In order to keep these facts before the reader the words "American valuation " and " Foreign valuation " have been placed in the dutiable schedules above each paragraph of the House bill and the Senate amendments, respectively. Washington, August £S, 1922. 190193 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. H. R. 7456. AN ACT To provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to en- courage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Title I. — Dutiable List. Section 1. That on and after the day foUowinfr the passage of this Act, ex- cept as otherwise specially provided for in this Act. there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles when imported from any foreign coun- try into the United States or into any of its possessions (except the Philip- pine Islands, the Virgin Islands, and the islands of Guam and Tutuila) the rates of duty which are prescribed by the schedules and paragraphs of the dutiable list of this title, namely : SENATE AMENDMENTS. No change. ACT OF 1909. An Act To provide revenue, equalize duties and encourage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That on and after the day following tlie passage of this Act, except as otherwise specially pro- vided for in the second section of this Act. there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles when im- ported from any foreign country into the United States or into any of its possessions (except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila) the rates of duty which are by the schedules and paragraphs of the dutiable list of this section pre- scribed, namely : ACT OF 1913. An Act To reduce tariff duties and to pro- vide revenue for the Government, and for otlaer purposes. Be it enacted by the Seriate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That on and after the day following the passage of this Act, ex- cept as otherwise specially provided for in this Act, thei-e shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles when imported from any foreign coun- try into the United States or into any of its possessions (except the Philip- pine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila) the rates of duty which are by the schedules and paragraphs of the dutiable list of this section pre- scribed, namely : Title I. DUTIABLE LIST. SCHEDULE 1.— CHEMICALS, OILS, AND PAINTS. PARAGRAPH 1. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Paragraph 1. Acids and acid anhy- drides : Acetic acid containing not more than 65 per centum of acetic acid, three- fourths of 1 cent per pound ; con- taining more than 65 per centum, 2 cents per pound ; acetic anhydride, 8 cents per pound ; boric acid, 2 cents per pound ; chloroacetic acid, 5 cents per pound ; citric acid, 12 cents per pound : lactic acid, containing by weight of lactic acid less than 30 per centum. 1$ cents per pound ; 30 per centum or more and less than 55 per nentum, 3 cents per pound ; and 55 per centum or more, 5 cents per pound ; Provided, That any lactic-acid anhy- dride present shall be determined as lactic acid and included as such : And provided further, That the duty on lactic acid shall not be less than 25 per centum ad valorem ; tannic acid, tannin, and extracts or decoctions of nutgalls, containing by weight of tan- nic acid less than 50 per centum, 4 cents per pound ; 50 per centum or more and less than 80 per centum, 10 cents per pound ; and 80 per centum or more, 20 cents per pound ; tartaric acid, 6 cents per pound ; arsenic acid, arsenious acid or white arsenic, formic acid, gallic acid, oleic acid or red oil, oxalic acid, phosphoric acid, pyrogallic acid, stearic acid, and all other acids and acid anhydrides not specially pro- vided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " containing " insert by weight After ■• (-(Hitaining " insert 1>v weight LSI 5 [123 1^ Lni2 C31// t5lP [or decoctions] [less than 80 per centum] not iiieilicindl [and 80] 50 After " more " insert and medicinal After " arsenic acid," the bill as amended by the Senate reads as fol- lows : 3 cents per pound: [arsenious acid or white arsenic], formic acid, .) cents per pound; gallic acid, 8 cents per pound; oleic acid or red oil, li cents per pound; oxalic acid, ^ cents per pound; phosphoric acid, 2 cents per pound; pyrogallic acid, 12 cents per pound; stearic acid, li cents per pound; and all other acids and acid anhydrides not specially pro- vided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Schedule A. — Chemicals, Oils, and Paints. Par. 1. Acids : Acetic or pyroligne- ous acid, not exceeding tlie specific gravity of one and forty-seven one- thousandths, three-fourths of one cent per pound ; exceeding the specific grav- ity of one and forty-seven one-thou- sandths, two cents per pound ; acetic anhydrid, two and one-lialf cents per pound ; boracic acid, three cents per pound ; * * * citric acid, seven cents per pound ; lactic acid, contain- W ing not over forty per centum by weight of actual hictic acid, two cents per pound ; containing over forty per centum by weiglit of actual lactic acid, three cents per pound ; oxalic acid, two cents per pound ; * * * tan- nic acid or tannin, thirty-five cents per pound ; gallic acid, eight cents per pound ; tartaric acid, five cents per pound ; all other acids not specially provided for in this section, twenty- five per centum ad valorem. Par. 482. Acids : Arsenic or arseni- ous, * * * phosphoric, * * * prussic, silicic, * * * [Free]. Par, 22. * * * extract of nut- galls, aqueous, one-fourth of one cent per pound and ten per centum ad valorem ; * * *. ACT OF 19ia. Schedule A — Chemicals, Oils, and I'aints. Par. 1. Acids: Boracic acid, \ cent per pound ; citric acid, .5 cents per pound ; formic acid, 1^ cents per pound ; gallic acid, 6 cents per pound ; lactic acid, 1^ cents per pound ; oxalic acid, 1^ cents per pound ; pyrogallic acid, 12 cents per pound ; * * * tan- nic acid and tannin, 5 cents per pound ; tartaric acid, 3* cents per pound ; all other acids and acid anhydrides not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 2. Acetic anhydrid, 2^ cents per pound. Par. 387. Acids : Acetic or pyroligne-' ous, arsenic or arsenious, * * * phosphoric, * * * prussic, silicic, * * * [Free]. Par. 30. Extracts and decoctions of nutgalls, * * * jjot containing al- cohol and not medicinal, f of 1 cent per pound. PARAGRAPH 2. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 2. Acetaldehyde, aldol or acetal- dol, aldehyde ammonia, butyraldehyde, crotonaldehyde, paracetaldehyde, ethy- lene chloroliydrin, ethylene dichloride, ethylene glycol, ethylene oxide, glycol monoacetate, propylene chlorohydrin, propylene dichloride, and propylene glycol. 6 cents per pound and 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. * * * chemical compounds, * * * not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad ad valorem ; * * * Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. .5. * * * chemical * * * compounds, * * « ^ot .specially pro- vided for in this section, l.'i per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 3. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 3. Acetone, acetone oil, and ethyl No change, methyl ketone, 25 per centum ad va- lorem. TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Pab. 3. * * * chemical compounds, * * * not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * *. ACT OF 1913. Par. 3. Acetone, 1 cent per pound. PARAGRAPH 4. Par. 4. Alcohol propyl, and H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Aniyl, butyl, i so- fusel oil, 6 cents per pound ; methyl or wood (or methanol), 1.5 cents per gallon ; and ethyl for nonbeverage purposes only, 15 cents per proof gal- lon. ACT OF 1909. Par. 36. Fusel oil, or amylic alcohol, one-fourth of one cent per pound. Par. 300. * * * spirits manufac- tured or distilled from grain or other materials, and not specially provided for in this section, two dollars and sixty cents per proof gallon. Par. 480. * * * articles manufac- tured, in whole or in part, not provided for in this section, * * * twenty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [isopropyl, and] and propyl, 3 cents per pound; 1612 [15] 10 [15] 7() [proof] ACT OF 1913. Par. 33. Fusel oil, or amylic alcohol, 5 cent per pound. Par. 237. * * * spirits manufac- tured or distilled from grain or other materials, not specially provided for in this section, $2.60 per proof gallon. Par. 393. Alcohol, methyl or wood [Free]. PARAGRAPH 5. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 5. All chemical elements and all chemical and medicinal compounds, preparations, mixtures and salts, and combinations thereof . all the foregoing obtained naturally or artificially and not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. Alkalies, alkaloids, * * * and all combinations of the foregoing, and all chemical compounds, mixtures and salts, * * * not specially pro- vided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * *. Par. 28. Iodoform, seventy-five cents per pound. Par. 62. * ♦ * iodate of potash, twenty-five cents per pound. Par. 65. * * * all other medicinal preparations not specially provided for SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [All chemical elements and all chemical and medicinal compounds, preparations, mixtures and salts, and combinations thereof] All chemical elements, all chemical salts and com- pounds, all medicinal preparations, and all combinations and mixtures of any of the foregoing ACT OF 1913. Par. 5. Alkalies, alkaloids, and all chemical and medicinal compounds, preparations, mixtures and salts, and combinations thereof not specially pro- vided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 17. Chemical and medicinal compounds, combinations and all simi- lar articles dutiable under this section, except soap, whether specially pro- vided for or not, put up in individual packages of two and one-half pounds TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * *. Par. 70. * * * allialies containing fifty per centum or more of bicar- bonate of soda, flve-eightlis of one cent per pound. Pak. 76. * * * alkaline silicate, three-eiglitlis of one cent per pound. Par. 248. * * * sugar of milk, five cents per pound. Par. 639. Oils: * * * ichtbyol, * * * [Free]. H. B. 7456. or less gross weight (except samples without commercial value) shall be dutiable at a rate not less than 20 per centum ad valorem ; * * * Par. 38. Iodoform, * * * 15 cents per pound. Par. 67. * * * alkalies containing 50 per centum or more of bicarbonate of soda ; * * * ^ cent per pound ; * * * Par. 449. Chromium, hydroxide of, crude [Free]. Par. 547. * * * sugar of milk [Free]. Par. 561. Oils: * * * ichthyol, * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 6. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 6. Aluminum hydroxide or re- fined bauxite, one-half of 1 cent per pound ; potassium aluminum sulphate or potash alum and ammonium alumi- num sulphate or ammonia alum, 1 cent per pound; aluminum sulphate, alum cake or aluminous cake, contain- ing not more than 15 per centum of alumina and more iron than the equivalent of one-tenth of 1 per centum of ferric oxide, three-tenths of 1 cent per pound ; containing more than 15 per centum of alumina or not more iron than the equivalent of one-tenth of 1 per centum of ferric oxide, three- eighths of 1 cent per pound ; all other aluminum compounds not specially pro- vided for, 25 per centum ad valorem'. ACT OF 1909. Par. 4. Alumina, hydrate of, or re- fined bauxite, containing not more than sixty-four per centum of alu- mina, four-tenths of one cent per pound ; containing more than sixty- four per centum of alumina, six- tenths of one cent per pound. Alum, alum cake, patent alum, sulphate of alumina, and aluminous cake, contain- ing not more than fifteen per centum of alumina and more than three- tenths of one per centum of iron oxide, one-fourth of one cent per pound ; alum, alum cake, patent alum, sul- phate of alumina, and aluminous cake, containing more than Sfteen per centum of alumina, or not more than three-tenths of one per centum of iron oxide, three-eighths of one cent per pound. Par. 3. * * * chemical com- pounds, mixtures and salts. * * « not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-five per centum ad va- lorem : * * *_ Foreign Valuation. [1 centl three-fourths of 1 cent After " aluminum " insert " salts and ACT OF 1913. Par. 6. Alumina, hydrate of, or re- fined bauxite ; alum, alum cake, patent alum, sulphate of alumina, and alu- minous cake, and all other manufac- tured compounds of alumina, not spe- cially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 7. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Pau. 7. AniHioiiimii ciirbonate tents per pound ; annnoniuni cliloride, li cents per pound ; ammonium nitrate, ammonium perehlorate, and ammonium pliosphate, 25 per centum ad valorem ; ammonium sulpliate, tliree-fiftlis of 1 cent per pound ; liquid antiydrous am- monia, 2i cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Pak. 5. Ammonia, carbonate of, one and one-half cents per pound ; muriate of, or sal ammoniac, three-fourths of one cent per pound ; liquid anhydrous, five cents per pound. Par. 3. * * * chemical * * * salts, * * * twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * *. Par. 490. Ammonia, sulphate of [Free]. Foreign Valuation. After "Ammonium carbcmate" insert iiwl hicarhonate After '■ ammonium nitrate," insert 1 (■(■lit jj( r pound, [perehlorate,] perehlorate [25 per centum ad valorem] li cents per pound; [three-fifths] one-fourth ACT OF 1913. Par. 7. Ammonia, carbonate of, and muriate of, f of 1 cent per pound ; phosphate of. 1 cent per pound ; liquid anhydrous, 2i cents per pound ; * * *. Par. 395. Ammonia, sulphate of, per- ehlorate of, and nitrate of [FreeJ. PARAGRAPH 8. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 8. Antimony : Oxide, 2 cents per pound ; tartar-emetic or potassium-anti- mony tartrate, 5 cents per pound ; sulphides and other antimony com- pounds, not specially provided for. 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 173. * * * antimony, oxide of, one and one-half cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 3. * * * chemical compounds, ♦ * * and salts, * * * twenty- five per centum ad valorem ; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [2 cents per pound] li cent a per pound Olid 25 per centum nd valorem [tartar-emetic] tartar emetic [5] 6 After " antimony " insert salts and After " provided for," insert 1 cent per pound and ACT OF 1913. Par. 144. * * * antimony oxide, salts, and compounds of, 25 per centum ad valorem.' Par. 5. * * * chemical * * ♦ compounds, * * * ^5 j^j. centum ad valorem. [G. A. 7899, T. D. 36364 of 1916; United States v. Innis, 7 Ct. Cust. Appls. 3, of 1916.1 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 9. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 9. Argols, tartar, and wine lees, -crude or partly refined, containing not more than 90 per centum of potassium "bitartrate, ."> per centum ad valorem ; containing more tlian 90 per centum of I)otassium bitartrate, ate, and other mercurial prepara- Par. 65. * * * calomel, corrosive sublimate, and other mercurial medici- nal preparations, thirty-five per centum tions, 15 per centum ad valorem ad valorem ; * * ♦. PARAGRAPH 17 H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 17. Carbon tetrachloride, 2* cents per poimd ; chloroform, 8 cents per pound ; tetrachloroethane and trichloroethylene. 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 14. Chloroform, ten cents per pound. Par. 3. * * * chemical com- pounds, * * * jiot specially pro- vided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * *_ 18. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. LSI 6 [25] 35 ACT OF 1913. Par. 19. Chloroform. 2 cents per pound; carbon tetrachloride. 1 cent per pound. P.\R. 5. * * * chemical * ♦ * compounds. * * * not si>ecially pro- vided for in thhis sKiimi. !."> |>er cen- tum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH — . 1!). (IN BILL AS ADOl'TKI) BY TIIF, SENATK.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 19. Casein or lacterene, Jf C9nts per pound. PARAGRAPH 18. 20. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 18. Chalk or whiting or Paris white : Dry, ground, bolted, or precipi- tated, 15 per centum ad valorem ; firound in oil (putty). or put up in the form of cubes, blocks, sticks, or disks, or otherwise, Includ- SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. TJ^lso [or] three-fourths of 1 cent per ponnd ; TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 11 ing tailors', billiard, red, and manufac- tures of chalk not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 13. Chalk, when ground, bolted, precipitated naturally or artificially, or otherwise prepared, whether in the form of cubes, blocks, sticks or disks, or otherwise, including tailors', bil- liard, red, * * • * one cent per pound ; manufactures of chalk not specially provided for in this section, twenty-tive per centum ad valorem. Pah. 54. Whiting and Paris white, dry, one-fourth of one cent per pound ; ground in oil, or putty, one-half of one cent per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 15. Chalk, precipitated, suitable for medicinal or toilet purposes ; chalk put up in the form of cubes, blocks, sticks, or disks, or otherwise, includ- ing tailors', billiard, red, and other manufactures of chalk not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 60. Whiting and Paris white, dry, and chalk, ground or bolted, iV cent per pound ; whiting and Paris white, ground in oil, or putty, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 19. 21. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 19. Chemical compounds, mix- tures, and salts, of which gold, plati- num, rhodium, or silver constitutes the element of chief value, 15 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [15] 25 ACT OF 1913. Par. 3. * * * chemical compounds, Pajb. 65. Salts and all other com- mixtures and salts. * * * not spe- pounds and mixtures of which * * * cially provided for in this section, gold, platinum, rhodium, silver, * * * twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; constitute the element of chief value, * * * . 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 20. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 20. Chemical compounds, salts, and preparations, of bismuth, 25 per [preparations,] mixtures [25] 35 centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. * * * chemical compounds, mixtui'es and salts, * * * uqj specially provided for in this section, twenty -five per centum ad valorem ; ACT OF 1913. Par. 65. Salts and all other com- pounds and mixtures of which bis- muth, * * * constitute the element of chief value, 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 21. 23. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 21. Chemicals, drugs, medicinal and similar substances, whether duti- able or free, when imported in cap- sules, pills, tablets, lozenges, troches, ampoules, jubes, or similar forms, shall be dutiable at not less than 25 per centum ad vahirem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " forms," insert including pow- ders put iip in medicinal doses. 12 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 65. * * * all other medicinal preparations not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem : Provided, That chemicals, drugs, medicinal and similar sub- stances, whether dutiable or free, im- ported in capsules, pills, tablets, lozen- ges, troches, or similar forms, and in- tended for medicinal purposes, shall be dutiable at not less than the rate im- posed by this section on medicinal preparations. ACT OF 1913. I'AK. 17. * * * Provided, That chemicals, drugs, medicinal and simi- lar substances, whether dutiable or free, imported in capsules, pills, tab- lets, lozenges, troches, ampoules, jubes, or similar forms, shall be dutiable at not less than 25 per centum ad va- lorem. PARAGRAPH 22. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 22. Chemical elements, and chemical and medicinal compounds, preparations, mixtures, and salts, dis- tilled and essential oils, expressed and extracted oils, animal oils and greases, ethers and esters, flavoring and other extracts, and natural or synthetic fruit flavors, fruit esters, oils and essences, all the foregoing and their combina- tions when containing alcohol, and all articles consisting of vegetable or min- eral objects immersed or placed in, or saturated with, alcohol, except perfum- ery and spirit varnishes, and all alco- holic compounds not specially provided for, if containing 20 per ctMitum of alco- hol or less, 20 cents per pound and 2.") per centum ad valorem; containing more than 20 per centum and not more than 50 per centum of alcohol, 40 cents per pound and 25 per centum ad va- lorem ; containing more than 50 per centum of alcohol, 80 cents per pound and 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Pau. 2. Alcoholic compounds, includ- ing all articles consisting of vegetable, animal or mineral objects immersed or placed in, or saturated with, alcohol, not specially provided for in this sec- tion, sixty cents per pound and twenty- «ive per centum ad valorem. Par. 3. * * * chemical compounds, mixtures and salts containing alcohol or in the preparation of which alcohol is used, and not specially provided for in this section, fifty-five cents i)er pound, but in no case shall any of the foregoing pay less than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. G5. Medicinal preparations con- taining alcohol or in the preparation of which alcohol is used, not specially provided for in this section, fifty-five cents per pound, but in no case shall the same pay less than twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * * SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [and] or [and] or ACT OF 1913. Par. 10. Chemical and medicinal compounds and preparations, including mixtures and salts, distilled oils, es- sential oils, expressed oils, rendered oils, greases, ethers, flavoring and other extracts and fruit essences, all the foregoing and their combinations when containing alcohol, and all ar- ticles consisting of vegetable or min- eral objects immersed or placed in. or saturated with, alcohol, except per- fumery and spirit varnishes, and all alcoholic compounds not specially pro- vided for in this section, if containing 20 per centum of alcohol or less, 10 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valorem ; containing more than 20 per centum and not more than 50 per centum of alcohol, 20 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valorem ; con- taining more than 50 per centum of alcohol, 40 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 13 PARAGRAPH 23. 2.: H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 23. Chicle, crude, 15 cents per pound ; refined or advanced in value by drying, straining, or any other process or treatment whatever beyond that essential to the proper packing, 20 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 30. Chicle, ten cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Do] 10 [20] 15 ACT OF 1913. Par. 36. Gums: * * * chicle, crude, 15 cents per pound ; refined or advanced in value by drying, strain- ing, or any other process or treatment whatever beyond that essential to the proper packing, 20 cents per pound ; PARAGRAPH 24. 26. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 24. Chloral hydrate, terpin hy- drate, thymol, urea, and glycerophos- phoric acid, and salts and compounds of glycerophosphoric acid, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [25] 3.5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 1. * * * all other acids not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 3. * * * all chemical com- pounds. * * * and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-five per centum ad valo- rem ; chemical compounds, * * ♦ and salts containing alcohol or in the preparation of which alcohol is used, and not specially provided for in this section, fifty-five cents per pound, but in no case shall any of the foregoing pay less than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 65. Medicinal preparations * * * in the preparation of which alcohol is used, not specially provided for in this section, fifty-five cents per pound, but in no case shall the same pay less than twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * * PARAGRAPH 25. Par. 18. Chloral hydrate, * * ♦ urea, terpin hydrate, * * * glycero- phosphoric acid and salts and com- pounds thereof, * * ♦ thymol, 25 per centum ad valorem. 27. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 25. Coal-tar products: Acetani- lide not suitable for medicinal use, alpha-naphthol, aminobenzoic acid, aminonaphthol, aminophenetole, amino- phenol, aminosalicylic acid, aminoan- 103791—22 2 SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. The following added at end of House paragraph : 75 per centum ad valorem based upon American selling price (as defined in division (f) of section 402, Title IV) 14 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. thraquinone, aniline oil, aniline salt, anthraquinone, arsanilic acid, benzal- dehyde not suitable for medicinal use, benzal chloride, benzanthrone, benzi- dine, benzidine sulfate, benzoic acid not suitable for medicinal use, benzoqui- none, benzoyl chloride, benzyl chloride, benzylethylaniline, beta-napjithol not suitable for medicinal use, bronioben- zene, chlorobenzene, chlorophthalic acid, rinnamic acid,cumidine, dehydrothioto- luidene.dianiinostilbene.dianisidine.di- chlorophthalic acid, diniethylaniline, di- methylaminophenol, dimethylphenyl- benzylammonium hydroxide, dimethyl- phenylenedianiine, dinitrobenzene, di- nitrochlorobenzene, dinitronaphtha lene, dinitrophenol, dinitrotoluene, di- hydroxynaphthalene, dipheaylamine, hydroxyphenylarsinic acid, metaniiic acid, methylanthraquinone, naphthyl- aniine, naphthylenediamine, nitroani- line, nitroanthraquinone, nitrobenzal- dehyde, nitrobenzene, nitronaphtha- lene, nitrophenol, nitrophenylenedi- amine. nitrosodimethylaniline, nitro- toluene, nitrotoluylenediamine, phenol, phenylenediannne, phenylhydrazine, phenylnaphthylamine, phenylglycine, phenylglycineortho-carboxylic acid, phtbalic acid, phthalic anhydride, phthalimide, quinaldine, quinoline, re sorcinol not suitable for medicinal use, salicylic acid and its salts not suitable for medicinal use, sulfanilic acid, thio- carbanilide, thiosalicylic acid, t«tra- chlorophthalic acid, tetramethyldiami- nobenzophenone, tetraniethyldiamino- diphenylmethanp. toluene sulfochloride, toluene sulfonaimide. tribromophenol, toluidine, tolidine, toluylenediamine, xylidine, anthracene having a purity of 30 per centum or more, carbazole hav- ing a purity of G5 per centum or more, metacresol having a purity of 90 per centum or more, naphthalene which after the removal of all water present has a solidifying point of seventy-nine degrees ceiitigrade or above, ortbocre- sol having a purity of 90 per centum or more, para-cresol having a puritv of 90 per centum or more; all the foregoing products in this paragraph whether obtained, derived, or manufactured from coal tar or other source; all dis- tillates of coal tar, blast-furnace tar. oil-gas tar, and water-gas tar which on being subjected to distillation vield in the portion distilling belotv' one hundred and ninety degrees centigrade a quantity of tar acids equal to or more than 5 i>er centum of the original distillate; all similar products by of any similar competitive, article man- vfactured or produced in the United States, and lOi cents per pound. If there he no similar competitive article manufactured or produced in the United States then the ad valorem rate shall he hased upon the foreign value or the erport value, whichever is the hifiher, as defined in paragraphs (n), (h). and (c) of section .'f02, Title IV. For the purposes of this para- graph any coal-tar products provided for in this Act shall be considered similar to or competitive with any im- ported coal-tar product which accom- plishes results substantially equal to those accompli shed hy the domestic product u-hcn used in suhstantially the .^ame manner: Provided, That no duty imposed under this paragraph shall be increased under the provisions of sec- tion 315. CtoluyleneiliamineJ tolylenediam ine [tar3 t(i> After "distillate" insert or which on being subjected to distillation yield in TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 15 wliatever name known, which are ob- tained, derived, or manufactured in whole or in part from any of the prod- ucts provided for in this paragraph, or from any of the products provided for in paragraph 1546; all mixtures, in- cluding solutions, consisting in whole or in part of any of the foregoing products provided for in this para- graph, except sheep dip and medicinal soaps ; all the foregoing products pro- vided for in this paragraph, not colors, dyes, or stains, color acids, color bases, (•ri(-c {(IS dclincil in divifdon if) of section 'lO.i of Title IV) of any similar comitelitire ariicle manufactured or produced in the United States and lOi cents per pound. If there he no simi- lar competitive article manufactured or produced in the United States then the ad valorem, rate shall he hased upon- the foreiyn value, or the export value whichever is the higher, as de- fined in paragraphs (a), (h), and (c) of section ^i02, Title TY. In first pro- viso all 7-cent rates changed to ""OA cents. [no package containing] it shall be unlaicful to import or hring into the United States [shall be admitted to entry into the United States unless such package] unless the package, case, or container, [no package containing any such ar- ticle shall be admitted to entry into the United States if it or the] it shall he unlaicful to import or hring into the United States any such color, dye, stain, color acid, color base, color lake, leuco-compound, indoxyl, or indoxyl compound, if the package, case, or con- tainer, or the [such] the [particular ; in the enforcement of the foregoing provisos the Secretary of the Treasury shall adopt a standard of strength for each dye or other article which shall conform as nearly as prac- ticable to the commercial strength in ordinary use in the United States prior to July 1, 1914 : Provided further. That any article or product which may come within the terms of other paragraphs of this Act, as well as within the terms of paragraph 25, 26, or 1546, shall be assessed for duty or exempted from duty as the case may be under para- graph 25, 26, or 1546] particular: Provided further, That in the enforce- ment of the foregoing provisos in this paragraph the Secretary of the Treasury shall adopt a standard of strength for each dye or other article which shall conform as nearly as prac- ticable to the convmercial strength in ordinary use in the United States prior TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 19 to July 1, 1914; that if a dye or other article has been introduced into com- mercial use since said date then the standard of strength for such dye or other article shall conform as nearly as practicable to the commercial strength in ordinary use; that if a dye or other article was or is ordinarily used in more than one commercial strength, then the loivest commercial strength shall be adopted as the standard of strength for such dye or other article: Provided further. That any article or product which is ivithin the terms of Itnrdfiraph 1, 5, 3S, JfO, 61, 68, 84 or 1585, us loell as loithin the terms of paragraph 27, 28, or 151)9, shall be as- sessed for duty or exempted from duty as the case viai/ be under paragraph 27. 28, or 151,9. For the purposes of this paragrwph, any coal-tar product provided for, and all sif-nthetic organic vtedicinals and, chemicals not specially provided for, in this Act shall be considered simi- lar to or competitive with any im- ported coal-tar product or any syn- thetic organic medicinal or cJie-mical not specially provided for, which accomplishes results substantially equal to those accomplished by the domestic product irlien used in sub- stantially the same manner: Provided, That no duty imposed binder this para- graph shall be increased under the prorisioHs of .'■tection 315. for duty or exempted from duty as the case may be, under paragraph 25, 26, or 1546. ACT OF 1909. ACT OP 1913. Par. 15. Coal-tar dyes or colors, not specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem ; all other products or preparations of coal Pab. 20. Coal-tar dyes or colors, not specially provided for in this fAction 30 per centum ad valorem. 20 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. tar, not colors or dyes and not medic- inal, not specially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem. Pab. 3. * * * essential oils, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, tvventy-tive per centum ad valo- rem ; * * *, Par. 18. Coloring for brandy, wine, beer, or other liquors, fifty per centum ad valorem. Par. 25. Indigo extracts or pastes, thi-ee-fourths of one cent per pound ; indigo, carmined, ten cents per pound. Par. 26. * * * ink powders, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Pab. 65. * * * medicinal prepara- tions * * * not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * * Par. 218. Saccharine, sixty-five cents per pound. Par. 435. * * * all explosive sub- stances used for mining, blasting, ar- tillery, or sporting purposes, when valued at twenty cents or less per pound, two cents per pound ; valued above twenty cents per pound, 4 cents per pound. Par. 482. Acids: * * * nitropic- ric. * * * [Free]. Par. 487. Alizarin, natural or artifi- cial, and dyes derived from alizarin or from anthracin [Free]. Par. 536. * * * resorcin * * * [Free]. Par. 592. Indigo [Free]. Par. 617. Madder and munjeet, or Indian madder, ground or prepared, and all extracts of [Free]. ACT OF 1916. Par. 1. * * * salicylic acid, 2i cents per pound ; * * *. Par. 5. * * * all * * * medic- inal compounds, * * * 15 pg^ cen- tum ad valorem. Par. is. * * * salol, phenolphtha- lein, * * * acetanilid, acetphene- tidin, antipyrine, * * * acetylsali- cylic acid, aspirin, guiacol carbonate, * * * 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 21. All other products or prep- arations of coal tar. not colors or dyes, not specially provided for in this sec- tion, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 26. Coloring for brandy, wine, beer, or other liquors, 40 per centum ad valorem. Par. 37. * * * ink powders, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 46. * * * essential and dis- tilled oils * * * not specially pro- vided for in this section. 20 per centum ad valorem ; * * *. PvB. 49. * * * all natural or syn- thetic odoriferous or aromatic sub- stances, preparations, and mixtures used in the manufacture of, but not marketable as, perfumes or cosmetics ; all tlie foregoing not containing alco- hol and not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 67. Soda : Benzoate of, 5 cents per pound ; * * *. Par. 179. Saccharin, 65 cents per pound. Par. 394. Alizarin, natural or syn- thetic, and dyes obtained from aliza- rin, anthracene, and carbazol [Free]. Par. 501. * * * all explosive sub- .stances. not specially provided for in this section, used for mining, blasting, and artillery purposes [Free]. Par. 514. Indigo, natural or syn- thetic, dry or suspended in water, and dyes obtained from indigo [Free]. Par. 538. Madder and munjeet. or Indian madder, ground or prepared, and all extracts of [Free]. ACT OF 1916 — Continued. Title V. — Dyestuffs. Sec. 500. That on and after the day following the passage of this Act, ex- cept as otherwise specially provided for in this title, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon the articles named in this section when imported from any foreign country into the United States or into any of its pos- sessions, except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila, the rates of duties which are pre- scribed in this title, namely : Group II. * * * benzoic acid, * * * salicylic acid * * * 15 per centum ad valorem and 2J cents per pound. Group III. All colors, dyes, or stains, whether soluble or not in water, color acids, color bases, color lakes, photo- graphic chemicals, medicinals, flavors, synthetic phenolic resin, or explosives, not otherwise specially provided for in TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. 21 ACT OF 1916— Coutinued. ACT OF 1916— Continued. this title, when obtained, derived, or manufactured in whole or in part from any of the products provided for in Groups I and II, natural alizarin and indigo, and colors, dyes, or color lakes obtained, derived, or manufactured therefrom, thirty per centum ad va- lorem. Sec. 501. That on and after the day following the passage of this Act, in addition to the duties provided in sec- tion live hundred, there shall be levied, collected, and paid * * * upon all articles contained in Group III (ex- cept natural and synthetic alizarin, and dyesobtained fi-om alizarin, anthracene, and carbazol ; natural and synthetic in- digo and all indigoids, whether or not obtained from indigo ; and medicinals and flavors), a special duty of 5 cents per pound.* During the period of five years be- ginning five years after the passage of this Act such special duties shall be annually reduced by twenty per centum of the rate imposed by this section, so that at the end of such period such special duties shall no longer be as- sessed, levied, or collected ; but if, at the expiration of five years from the date of the passage of this Act, the President finds that there is not being manufactured or produced within the United States as much as sixty per centum in value of the domestic con- sumption of the articles mentioned in Groups * * * III of section five hun- dred, he shall by proclamation so de- clare, whereupon the special duties imposed by this section on such articles shall no longer be assessed, levied, or collected. Sec. 502. That paragraphs twenty, twenty-one, * * * and the words " salicylic acid " in paragraph one of Schedule A of section one of an Act entitled "An Act to reduce tariff duties and to provide revenue for the Govern- ment, and for other purposes," ap- proved October third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and paragraphs three hundred and ninety-four, * * * and five hundred and fourteen, * * * of the " free list " of section one of said Act, and so much of said Act or any existing law or parts of law as may be inconsistent with this title, ar« hereby repealed. PARAGRAPH 27. 29. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 27. Cobalt : Oxide, 20 cents per pound ; sulphate. linoleate, and all other cobalt compounds, 25 per centum ad valor&m. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreig^n Valuation. [sulphate,] sulphate and After " linoleate " insert 10 cents per pound ; After " cobalt " insert salts and [25] 30 ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 16. Cobalt, oxide of, twenty- five cents per pound. Par. 3. * * * chemical compounds, * * * and salts, * * * not spe- cially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; Par. 24. Cobalt, oxide of, 10 cents per pound. Par. 5. * * * chemical * * * compounds, * * * and salts, * * * 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 28. 30. H. R. 7466. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 28. Cellulose esters, collodion and other liquid solutions of pyroxylin, of other cellulose esters or ethers, or of cellulose, 35 cents per pound. Foreign Valuation. 6 The Treasury Department held on Feb. 9, 1922, that the reduction of specific duties. begins on Sent. 9. 1922 (T. D. 39007). 22 TARIFF ACTS CO-MPAKKi). ACT OF 1909. 1'ai;. 17. Collodidii •eiits per poniid ; * ACT OF 1913. forry Par. 25. Collodion and all otlioi liquid solutions of pyroxylin, or of other cellulose esters, or of cellulose 15 per centum ad valorem ; * * * PARAGRAPH 29. 31. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 29. Compounds of pyroxlin, of other cellulose esters or ethers, or of cellulose, by whatever name known, in blocks, sheets, rods, tubes, or other forms, and not made into tinislied or partly finished articles, 40 cents per pound : made into finished or partly finished articles, of which any of the foregoing is the component material of chief value, 65 cents per pound and 25 per centum ad vah)rem : Provided, That all -such articles, whether or not more specifically provided for elsewhere, shall be dutiable under this paragraph. ACT OF 1909. Par. 17. * * * all compounds of pyroxylin or of other cellulose esters, whether known as celluloid or by any other name, forty cents per pound : if in block.'-;, sheets, rods, tubes, or other forms, not polLshed, wholly or partly, and not made up into finished or partly finished articles, forty-fiAe cents per pound ; if polished, wholly or partly, or if in finished or partly finished articles, except moving-picture films, of which collodion or any compound of pyroxylin or of other cellulose esters, by whatever name known, is the component material of chief value, sixty-five cents per pound and thirty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After '■ known " insert (ejecept com- lK>Hnds of cellulose known o.ac dye, * * * [Free]. specially provided for in this section ; all the foregoing not containing alcohol and not medicinal, f of 1 cent per pound. Pak. 26. Coloring for brandy, wine, beer, or other liquors, 40 per centum ad valorem. Par. 31. Extract of chlorophyll, 15 per centum ad valorem ; * * *. Par. 526. Lac dye * * * [Free]. Par. 624. Tanning material : Ex- tracts of quebracho, and of hemlock bark ; extracts of oak and chestnut and other barks and woods other than dyewoods such as are commonly used for tanning not specially provided for in this section; * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 37. -',0. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Pab. 37. Flavoring extracts and nat- ural or synthetic fruit flavors, fruit esters, oils, and essences, all the fore- going not containing alcohol, and not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par, 3. * * * chemical ci impounds, i'ar. 49. * * * flavoring exrracts mixtures * * * not specially pro- ♦ * * 20 per centum ad valorem, vided for in this section, twenty-five Par. 5 * * * chemical * * * per centum ad valorem ; * * * compounds, * * * mixtures * * * Par. 21. * * * fruit ethers, oils, not specially provided for in this sec- or essences, one dollar per pound ; tion. 15 per centum ad valorem. * * *. Par. 46. * * * fruit ethers, oils, and essences, * * * not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem : * * *. PARAGRAPH 38. J,l. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 38. Formaldehyde .-solution or formalin. After " formalin," insert 2 cents per pound ; solid formaldehyde or paraformalde- After " paraformaldehyde," insert 8 cents: per pound; hyde. and hexamethyllenetramine, 25 [25 per centum ad valorem] 10 cents per pound. per centum ad valorem. 28 TARIFF ACTS COMPAKED, ACT OF 1909. Par. 65. * * * medicinal prepara- tions not specially provided lor in this section, twenty-five per centum ad va- lorem : * * *. ACT OF 1913. Par. 32. Formaldehyde solution con- taining not more than 40 per centum of formaldehyde, or formaline, 1 cent per pound. Par. 5. * * * medicinal * * * preparations, * * * not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 39. 1,2. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 39. Gelatin, glue, and glue size, 20 per centum ad valorem and li cents per pound ; manufactures, wholly or in chief value of gelatin; casein glue; isinglass, and other fish sounds, cleaned, split, or otherwise prepared, and agar-agar, 25 per centum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 23. Gelatin, glue, isinglass or fish glue, including agar-agar or Jap- anese isinglass, and all fish bladders and fish sounds other than crude or dried or salted for preservation only, valued at not above ten cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound ; valued at above ten cents per pound and not above thirty-five cents per pound, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifteen cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem ; gelatin in sheets, emulsions, and all manufac- tures of gelatin, or of which gelatin is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this sec- tion, thirty-five per centum ad va- lorem ; glue size, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following .substituted (ossein trans- ferred from free list, par. 1580) : Par. Ji2. Edible gelatin, valued at less than '/O cents per pound, 20 per centum ad valorem and 7 cents per pound; valued at JfO cents or more per pound, 20 per centum ad valorem and 15 cents per pound; gelatin, glue, glue size and fish glue, not specially pro- vided for, valued at less than 40 cents pet pound, 25 per centum ad valorem and li cents per pound; valued at 40 cents or more per pound, 20 per centum ad valorem and 15. cents per pound ; casein glue, agar agar, isinglass and other fish sounds, cleaned, split, or otherwise prepared; and manufac- tures, ivholly or in chief value of gela- tin, glue or glue size, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 34. Gelatin, glue, and glue size, valued not above 10 cents per i)Ound, 1 cent per pound ; valued above 10 centa per pound and not above 25 cents per pound, 15 per centum ad valorem ; valued above 25 cents per pound, 25 per centum ad valorem ; manufactures of gelatin or manufactures of which gelatin is the component material of chief value, 25 per centum ad valorem ; isinglass and prepared fish sounds, 25 per centum ad valorem ; agar-agar, 20 per centum ad valorem. TAHIFF ACTS COMPARED. 29 PARAGRAPH 40. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pab. 40. Glycerin, crude, 1 cent per pound; refined, 3 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 24. Glycerin, crude, not puri- fied, one cent per pound ; refined, three cents per pound. [51 SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 35. Glycerin, crude, not puri- fiefl, 1 cent per pound ; refined, 2 cents per pound. PARAGRAPH 41. ■I'h H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 41. Ink, and ink powders not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 26. Ink and ink powders, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 37. Ink and ink powders, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 42. .',0. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 42. Iodine, resublimed, 20 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS, Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 27. Iodine, resublimed, twenty Par. .515. Iodine cents per pound. limed [Free]. PARAGRAPH 43. .',6. resub- H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 43. Bromine and all bromine compounds not spe- cially provided for, 10 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. * * * chemical com- pounds. * * * and salts. * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-five per centum ad valo- rem ; * * *_ SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigrn Valuation. [Bromine] Bromine, 5 cents per pound ; DO]S ACT OF 1913. Par. 433. Bromin [Free]. Par. 5. * * * chemical * * * compounds, * * * j^ot specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 44. .)/. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 44. Lead : Acetate, white, 3^ cents per pound ; acetate, brown, gray, 103791—22 3 SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C30 30 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. or yellow, 2i cents per pound ; nitrate, 2J cents per pound ; arsenate, resinate, and all other lead compounds not specially provided for, 30 per cent- um ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 58. Lead: Acetate of, white, three cents per pound ; brown, gray, or yellow, two cents per pound ; nitrate of, two and one-fourth cents per pound; * * * Par. 3 * * * chemical com- pounds, * * * and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-five per centum ad va- lorem ; * * *. Di]2 [2i cents per pound :] After " arse- nate," insert and After " resinate," insert 3 centt per pound ; ACT OF 1913. Par. i~. Lead, acetate of, white, and nitrate of, li cents per pound ; acetate of, brown, gray, or jellow, 1 cent per pound ; all other lead compounds not specially provided for in this section. 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 45. J/S. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 45. Licorice, extracts of, inl pastes, rolls, or other forms, 25 per [25 per centum ad valorem] 2 cents pe/' pound centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 29. Licorice, extracts of, in paste, rolls, or other forms, two and one-half cents per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 40. Licorice, extracts of. in pastes, rolls, or other forms, 1 cent per pound. PARAGRAPH 46. yj. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 46. Lime, citrate of, 7 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 613. Lime, citrate of [Free]. U16 ACT OF 1913. Par. 41. Lime, citrate of, 1 cent per pound. PARAGRAPH 47. 50. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 47. Magnesium : Carbonate, pre- cipitated, 2i cents per pound ; chloride, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound ; sul- phate or Epsom salts, one-half of 1 cent per pound ; oxide, medicinal, 7 cents per pound ; calcined magnesia not suitable for medicinal use and calcined magnesite. including dead burned and grain, three-fourths of 1 cent per jiound ; and magnesite, crude or ground, one-half of 1 cent per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [20 Ji After "pound;" insert chlo- ride, anhydrryus, 1 cent per pound; [three-fourths] not specially provided for. one-half After " oxide " insert or calcined mag- iie-sia [7] 3i After " pound [use] use, 3i " ; insert oxide or cents per pound. [and calcined magnesite, including dead burned and grain, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound ; and magnesite, crude or ground, one-half of 1 cent per pound.] TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 31 ACT OF 1909. Par. 31. Magnesia and carbonate of, medicinal, three cents per pound ; cal- cined, medicinal, seven cents per pound ; sulphate of, or Epsom salts, one-fifth of one cent per pound. Par. 3. * * * cliemical com- pounds, * * * and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-five per centum ad va- lorem ; * * * Par. 618. Magnesite, crude or cal- cined, not purified [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 42. Magnesia : Calcined, 3i cents per pound ; carbonate of. pre- cipitated. 1^ cents per pound ; sulphate of, or Epsom salts, I'^j cent per pound- Par. 5. * * * chemical * * * compounds, * * * r^^,] salts, * * * not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 539. IMagnesite, crude or cal- cined, not purified [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 51. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Not specifically mentioned ; carried Par. 51. Manganese : Borate, resin under- Pae. 5. * * * chemical * * * compounds, and salts, * * * ^qI; specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ate, sulphate, and all oilier manganese compounds and salts, not specially pro- vided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Pab. 3 * * * chemical com- pounds. * * * and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, 25 per centum ad valorem. * * * ACT OF 1913. Par. 5. * * * chemical * * * compounds. * * * and salts * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 48. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 48. Menthol, 25 per centum ad [25 per centum ad valoremj 50 cents per pound; valorem; camphor, crude, natural, 1 [pound. J pound: Provided, That there cent per pound ; camphor, refined or sltall he imposed and paid upon all im- synthetic, 6 cents per pound. portafions of cumphor, natural and synthetic, a duty of 25 per centum ad valorem when it is made to appear to the. satisfaction of the President of the United States that manufacturers in the' United States are producing two million pounds of synthetic cam- phor per year. The President shall make known this fact by proclamation, and thereafter said duty shall go into effect. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. * medicinal prepa- twenty-five per cen- Par. 65. * * rations * * * turn ad valorem ; * * =s Par. 12. Camphor, refined, and syn- thetic camphor, six cents per pound. P-AR. 527. Camphor, crude, natural [Free]. Par. 43. Menthol, pound. 50 cents per Par. 36. Gums: * * * camphor, crude, natural, 1 cent per pound; camphor, refined and synthetic, 5 cents per pound ; * * *. 32 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. PARAGRAPH 49. 53. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pak. 49. Oils, animal : Sod, herring, and menhaden, 8 cents per gallon ; whale, seal, and sperm, 10 cents per gallon ; cod and cod-liver, 12^ cents per gallon ; and all fish oils, not spe- cially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem ; wool grease, crude, in- cluding that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease, one-half of 1 cent per pound ; wool grease, not crude, including adeps laure, hydrous and anhydrous, 1 cent per pound ; all other animal oils and greases, not spe- cially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 40. Seal, herring, whale, and other flsh oil including sod oil, not specially provided for in this section, eight cents per gallon. Par. 290. * * * wool grease, in- cluding that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease, crude and not refined, or improved in value or condition, one-fourth of one cent per pound ; refined, or improved in value or condition, and not specially provided for in this section, one-half of one cent per pound. Par. 3. * * * rendered oils * * * and all greases, not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * *. Par. 34. Cod-liver oil, fifteen cents per gallon. Par. 580. Grease, * * * and oils (excepting fish oils), such as are com- monly used in soap making or in wire drawing, or for stuffing or dressing leather, and which are fit only for such uses, and not specially provided for in this section [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreiirn Valuation. [, animal] LSI 5 [whale, seal, and! whale and seal, 6 cents per gallon; [cod and cod liver, 12^ cents per gal- lon ;1 (Cod and cod-liver oil trans- ferred to the free list.) [20 per centum ad valorem] 5 cents per gallon [oils] oils, fats. ACT OF 1913. Par. 44. Oils, rendered : Sod, seal, herring, and other fish oil, not spe- cially provided for in this section, 3 cents per gallon ; whale oil, 5 cents per gallon ; sperm oil, 8 cents per gal- lon ; wool grease, including that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease, crude and not refined or improved in value or condition, ^ cent per pound ; refined or improved in value or condition, and not specially provided for in this section, i cent per pound ; lanolin, 1 cent per pound ; all other animal oils, rendered oils and greases, and all combinations of the same, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 561. Oils: * * * cod, cod liver, * * * [Free]. Par. 498. Grease, * * * and oils (excepting fish oils), not chemically compounded, such as are commonly used in soap making or in wire draw- ing, or for stuffing or dressing leather, not specially provided for in this sec- tion [Free]. PARAGRAPH 50. o.'i. H. E. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 50. Oils, expressed or extracted : Castor oil, 4* cents per pound ; cotton- seed oil, coconut oil, and soya-bean oil, 2 cents per pound ; hempseed oil, li cents per pound ; linseed or flaxseed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized, 2J cents per pound ; olive oil, weighing with the SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [44] 3 [cottonseed oil, coconut oil, and soya bean oil. 2 cents per pound] (Transferred to par. 55 in Bill as adopted by Senate.) [20 31 TAKIFF ACTS COMPAEED. 33 immediate container less than forty- [forty-four] forty four pounds. 7^ cents per pound on contents and container; olive oil, not specially provided for, 6^ cents per pound ; peanut oil, 2J cents per pound ; poppy-seed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized, 2 cents per pound ; rapeseed oil, 1^ cents per pound : all other expressed and extracted oils, not specially pro- vided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 33. Castor oil, thirty-five cents per gallon. I'ar. 35. Flaxseed, linseed, and poppy- seed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized, fifteen cents per gallon of seven and one-half pounds weight. Par. 37. Hempseed oil, ten cents per gallon ; rapeseed oil, ten cents per gal- lon. Par. 38. Olive oil, not. specially pro- vided for in this section, forty cents per gallon ; in bottles, jars, kegs, tins, or other packages, containing less than five gallons each, fifty cents per gallon. Par. 293. * * * refined deodor- ized cocoanut oil, * * * three and one-half cents per pound. Par. 639. Oils: * * * cocoanut (not refined and deodorized), cotton- nut oil or oil of nuts, * * [Free]. * * expressed oils, all combinations of the * * not specially pi'o- this section, twenty-five seed, soy a -bean, * Par. 3. * * * * and foregoing. * vidod for in per centum ad valorem ; * * *_ Par. 580. * * * oils (excepting fish oils), such as are commonly used in soap making or in wire drawing, or for stuffing or dressing leather, and which are fit only for such uses, and not specially provided for in this sec- tion [Free]. [peanut oil, 2^ cents per pound ;] (Transferred to par. 55 in Bill as adopted by Senate.) [1^ cents per pound] 6 cents per gal- ton; ACT OF 1913. Par. 45. Oils, expressed : * * * castor oil, 12 cents per gallon; flax- seed and linseed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized, 10 cents per gallon of 7i pounds; poppy-seed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized, rapeseed oil, and peanut oil,' 6 cents per gallon ; hempseed oil, 3 cents per gallon ; * * * olive oil,' not specially provided for in this sec- tion, 20 cents per gallon ; olive oil,' in bottles, jars, kegs, tins, or other pack- ages having a capacity of less than five standard gallons each, 30 cents per gallon ; all other expressed oils and all combinations of the same, not spe- cially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 232. * * * refined deodor- ized coconut oil, * * * 3^ cents per pound. Par. 561. Oils ; * * * coconut,' * * * cottonseed,* * * * soya- bean,' * * * [Free]. Par. 498. * * * oils (excepting fish oils), not chemically compounded, such as are commonly used in soap making or in wire drawing, or for stuffing or dressing leather, not spe- cially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 50. Oils, expressed or extract- ed : * * * Cottonseed oil, coconut oil, and soya bean oil, 2 cents per pound ; * * * peanut oil, 2^ cents per pound * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigii Valuation. (Transferred from par. 50, H. II. 7456.) Par. 55. Coconut oil, // cents per pound; cotton-seed oil, 3 cents per pound; peanut oil, -i cents per pound; and soya-bean oil, 3 cents per pound. • Emergency tariff act of 1921, par. 11 : 26 cents per gallon. '' Emergency tariff act of 1921. par. 11 : 40 cents per gallon in bulk, 50 cents per gallon in containers of less than 5 gallons. 8 Emergency tariff act of 1921, par. 11 : 20 cents per gallon. 34 TAI^IFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 293. * * * refiued deodor- ized cocoanut oil, * * * tbree and one-lialf cents per pound. Pak. 639. Oils: * * * cocoanut (not relined and deodorized), cotton- seed. * * * nut oil. or oil of nuts, soya-bean. * * * [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 232. * * Ized coconut oil." * * * per pound. Par. 561. Oils: * * * * * * cottonseed ,° * * bean', * * * [Free]. Par. 45. Oils, expressed: peanut oil". 6 cents per gallon refined deodor- -= * 3^ cents coconut.' * soya- PARAGRAPH 51. 56. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 51. Alizarin assistant, Turkey red oil, sulphonated castor or other sul- phouated animal or vegetable oils, soaps made in whole or in part from castor oil, and all soluble greases ; all of the foregoing in whatever form, and ■used in the processes of softening, dye- ing, tanning, or finishing, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 32. Alizarin a.isistant, sulpho- ricinoleic acid, and ricinoleic acid, and soaps containing castor oil, any of the foregoing in whatever form, in the manufacture of which fifty per centum or more of castor oil is used, thirty cents per gallon ; in the manufacture of which less than fifty per centum of castor oil is used, fifteen cents per gallon; all other alizarin assistants and all soluble greases used in proc- esses of softening, dyeing or finish- ing, not specially provided for m this section, thirty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. L25] 3i ACT OF 1913. Par. 45. Oils, expressed : Alizarin assistant, sulphoricinoleic acid, and ricinoleic acid, and soaps containing castor oil. any of the foregoing in whatever form, and all other alizarin assistants and all soluble greases used in the processes of softening, dyeing, or finishing, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH 52. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 52. Hydrogenated or hardened oils and fats, and other oils and fats, the composition and properties of which have been changed by vulcaniz- ing, oxidizing, chlorinating, nitrating, or any other chemical process, and not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [fats, and] fnts, 5 cents per pound, ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.] [No corresponding provision.] 9 Emergency tariff act of 1921, par. 11 : 20 cents per gallon. "Emergency tariff act of 1921, par. 11: 26 cents per gallon. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 35 PARAGRAPH 53. 58. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 53. Combinations and mixtures of auimal, vegetable, or mineral oils or of any of them (except combina- tions of essential or distilled oils or both), with or without other .sub- stances, and not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That no article containing alcohol shall be classified for duty under this paragraph. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. * * * Qj^g^ a^j j^n com- binations of the foregoing, * * * twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [of] or mixtures containing [or both] ACT OF 1913. Par. 44. * * * and all combina- tions of the same [animal oils, ren- dered oils, and greases], not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 45. * * * all combinations of the same [expressed oils], not spe- cially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 54. 5.0. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 54. Oils, distilled or essential : Lemon and orange, 20 per centum ad valorem : clove, eucalyptus, peppermint, patchouli, sandalwood, and all other essential and distilled oils not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad va- lorem : Provided, That no article mixed or compounded or containing alcohol shall be classified for dutj' under this paragraph. ACT OF 1909- Par. 3. * * * distilled oils, essen- tial oils, * * * not specially pro- vided for in this section, twenty-five per centinn ad valorem ; * * *_ Par. 39. Peppermint oil, twenty-five cents per pound. Par. 639. Oils ; * * * amber, crude and rectified ambergris." * * * cajeput, * * * cedrat, chamomile, * * * civet,' * * * fennel, * * * juglandium, juniper, * * * lemon, * * * mace, * * * vale- rian; * * * [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [20] SO ACT OF 1913. Par. 46. Oils, distilled and essen- tial : Orange and lemon, 10 per centum ad valorem ; peppermint, 25 cents per pound ; mace oil, 6 cents per pound ; * * * amber ; ambergris " ; * * * camomile ; * * * cedrat ; * * * civet "■ ; fennel ; * * * juniper ; * * * valerian ; all the foregoing oils, * * * and essential and dis- tilled oils, * * * not specially pro- vided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That no article containing alcohol shall be classified for duty imder this paragraph. Par. .561. Oils: Birch tar. cajeput, * * * juglandium. * * * [Free]. " Oils of ambergris and civet are not articles of commerce. 36 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 55. 60. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 55. Opium containing not less than 8.5 per centum of anhydrous mor- phine, crude or unmanufactured and not adulterated, $3 per pound; pow- dered, or otherwise advanced beyond the condition of crude or unmanufac- tured, and containing 15 per centum or less of moisture, $4 per pound; mor- phine, morphine sulphate, and all opium alkaloids and salts, esters, and other derivatives thereof, $3 per ounce : cocaine, ecgonine, and salts, esters, and other derivatives thereof, $2 per ounce; tincture of opium, such as laudanum, and other liquid prepara- tions of opium, not specially provided for, 60 per centum ad valorem ; opium containing less than 8.5 per centum of anhydrous morphine, $6 per pound : Provided, That nothing herein con- tained shall be so construed as to re- peal or in any manner impair or affect the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to prohibit the importation and iise of opium for other than medicinal pur- poses," approved February 9, 1909, as amended bv an Act approved .Januarv 17, 1914. ACT OF 1909. Pae. 41. Opium, crude or unmanu- factured, and not adulterated, contain- ing nine per centum and over of mor- phia, one dollar and fifty cents per pound ; opium of the same composi- tion , dried, powdered, or otherwise advanced beyond the condition of crude or unmanufactured, two dollars per pound ; morphia or morphine, sulphate of, and all alkaloids of opium, and salts and esters thereof, one dollar and fifty cents per oimce; cocaine, ecgonine, and all salts and derivatives of the same, one dollar and fifty cents per ounce; * * * aque- ous extract of opium, for medicinal uses, and tincture of, as laudanum, and other liquid preparations of opium, not specially provided for in this section, forty per centum ad valorem ; opium containing less than nine per centum of morphia, six dollars per pound ; but preparations of opium deposited in bonded warehouses shall not be re- moved therefrom without payment of duties, and such duties shall not be refunded : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to repeal or in any manner impair SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [21 $2.69 ACT OF 1913. Pae. 47. Opium, crude or unmanufac- tured, and not adulterated, containing 9 per centum and over of morphia, $3 per pound ; opium of the same compo- sition, dried to contain 15 per centum or less of moisture, powdered, or other- wise advanced beyond the condition of crude or unmanufactured, $4 per pound ; morphia or morphine, sulphate of, and all alkaloids of opium, and salts and esters thereof, $3 per ounce; cocaine, ecgonine, and all salts and de- rivatives of the same, $2 per ounce ; aqueous extract of opium, for medi- cinal uses, and tincture of, as laud- anum, and other liquid preparations of opium, not specially provided for in this section, 60 per centum ad va- lorem ; opium containing less than 9 per centum of morphia, $6 per pound ; but preparations of opium deposited in bonded warehouses shall not be re- moved therefrom without payment of duties, and such duties shall not be refunded : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to repeal or in any manner impair or affect the provisions of an Act en- titled "An Act to prohibit the importa- TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. 37 or affect the provisions of an Act en- titled "An Act to prohibit the importa- tion and use of opium for other tlian medicinal purposes," approved Febru- ary ninth, nineteen hundred and nine. tion and use of opium for other than medicinal purposes," a.pproved Febru- ary ninth, nineteen hundred and nine." PARAGRAPH 56. 61. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Pae. 56. Perfume materials Anethol, citral, geraniol, heliotropin, lonone, rhodinol, safrol, terpineol, vanillin, and all natural or synthetic odor- iferous or aromatic chemicals, all the foregoing not mixed and not com- pounded, and not specially provided for, 35 per centum ad valorem ; all mixtures or combinations containing essential or distilled oils, or natural or synthetic odoriferous or aromatic sub- stances, 40 cents per pound, and 40 per centum ad valorem : Pravidecl, That only materials not marketable as per- fumery, cosmetics, or toilet prepara- tions, and not containing more than 10 per centum of alcohol, shall be classi- fied for duty under this paragraph: Provided further, That all of the fore- going materials containing more than 10 per centum of alcohol shall be classi- fied for duty under paragraph 58 as toilet preparations. ACT OF 1909. Par. 83. Vanillin, twenty cents per ounce. Par. 3. * * * chemical com- pounds, * * * jjo^ specially pro- vided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [Anethol,! Ambergris, castoreum, civet, and musk grained or in pods, 20 per centum ad valorem; anethol, (Ambergris, castoreum, civet, and musk grained or in pods, transferred from free list, paragraph 150G.) C35] 45 [pound, and 40] pound and 50 [58] 62 ACT OF 1913. Pae. 70. Vanillin, 10 cents per ounce ; * * *. Par. 49. * * * all natural or syn- thetic odoriferous or aromatic siib- stances, preparations, and mixtures used in the manufacture of, but not marketable as, perfumes or cosmetics; all the foregoing not containing alco- hol and not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 46. * * * all combinations of the same [essential and distilled oils], not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valo- rem : * * *. PARAGRAPH 57. 62. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 57. Perfumery, including cologne and other toilet waters, articles of per- SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. 12 Supplementary acts : Jan. 17, 1914, ch. 9, 38 Stat., 275 ; Dec. 17, 1914, ch. 7, 38 Stat., 785 ; Feb. 24, 1919, ch. 18, sees. 1006, 1007, 40 Stat., 1057, 1130, 1132. 190193 38 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. fuiiiery, whether in sachets or other- wise, and all preparations used as ap- plications to the hair, mouth, teeth, or skin, such as cosmetics, dentifrices, tooth soaps, pastes, theatrical grease paints, pomades, powders, and other toilet preparations, all the foregoing, if containing alcohoi, 40 cents per pound and 60 per centum ad valorem ; if not containing alcohol, 60 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 67. Perfumery, including co- logne and other toilet waters, articles of perfumery, whether in sachets or otherwise, and all preparations used as applications to the hair, mouth, teeth, or skin, such as cosmetics, den- tifrices, including tooth soaps, pastes, including theatrical grease paints and pastes, pomades, powders, and other toilet articles, all the foregoing; if containing alcohol, or in the manufac- ture or preparation of which alcohol is used, sixty cents per pound and fifty per centum ad valorem ; if not containing alcohol, or in the manufac- ture or preparation of which alcohol is not used, sixty per centum ad va- lorem ; * * * not specially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem. [601 7.7 C60] 7.; ACT OF 1913. Pak. 48. Perfumery, including co- logne and other toilet waters, articles of perfumery, whether in sachets or otherwise, and all preparations used as applications to the hair, mouth, teeth, or skin, such as cosmetics, den- tifrices, including tooth soaps, pastes, including theatrical grease paints, and pastes, pomades, powders, and other toilet preparations, all the foregoing, if containing alcohol, 40 cents per pound and 60 per centum ad valorem ; if not containing alcohol, 60 per centum ad valorem ; * * *. PARAGRAPH 58. 63. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pae. 58. Floral or flower waters con- taining no alcohol, not specially pro- vided for, 20 per centum ad valorem ; bay rum or bay water, whether dis- tilled or compounded, 40 cents per pound and 60 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 67. * * * floral or flower wa- ters containing no alcohol, not spe- cially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 305. Bay rum or bay water, whether dis'tilled or compounded, of first proof, and in proportion for any greater strength than first proof, one dollar and seventy -five cents per gallon. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Pak. 48. * * * floral or flower wa- ters containing no alcohol, not spe- cially provided for in this section, 20 per centiun ad valorem. Pak. 242. Bay rum or bay water, whether distilled or compounded, of first proof, and in proportion for any greater strength than first proof, $1.75 per gallon. PARAGRAPH 58. 6 H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 59. Paris green and London purple, 15 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigrn Valuation. [15 per centum ad valorem] 2 cents per pound. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 39 ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 57. Paris green, and London Par. 569. Paris green and London purple, fifteen per centum ad valorem, purple [Freel. PARAGRAPH (>0. 67. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 60. Phosphorus, 10 cents per [101 8 pound. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 59. Phosphorus, eighteen cents Par. 575. Phosphorus [Free], per pound. PARAGRAPH 61. 66. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 61. Plasters, healing or curative, of all kinds, and court-plaster, 15 per [15] 25 centiim ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 66. Plasters, healing or cura- Par. 50. Plasters, healing or cura- tive, of all kinds, and court-plaster, tive, of all kinds, and court-plaster, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 62. 67. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 62. Paints, colors, and pigments commonly known as artists' paints or colors, whether in tubes, pans, cakes, or other forms, 25 per centum ad valo- rem. ACT or 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 67. Paints, colors, and pig- mentH coinmonly known as artists' paints or colors, whether in tubes, cakes, jars, pans or other forms, and not assembled in paint sets, kits, or color outfits, JfO per centum ad va- lorem; paints, colors, and pigments in tubes, pans, cakes, or other forms, ivhen assembled in boxes, kits, paint sets, or color outfits, ivith or without brushes, water pans, outline drawing, stencils, or other articles, 10 per cen- tum ad valorem-. ACT OF 1913. Par. 56. * * * all paints, colors. Par. 63. * * .* all paints, colors, and pigments, commonly known as and pigments commonly known as artists' paints or colors, whether in artists' paints or colors, whether in tubes, pans, cakes or other forms, tubes, pans, cakes, or other forms, 20 thirty i)er centum ad valorem. per centum ad valorem; * * * PARAGRAPH 63. 6S. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 63. Pigments, colors, stains, and paints, including enamel paints, whether dry, mixed, or ground in or SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. 40 TARIFF ACTS COMPABED. mixed with water, oil, or solutions other than oil, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 51. * * * enamel paints made with varnish, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * *. Pab. 56. All paints, colors, pigments, stains, lakes," * * * whether crude or dry or mixed, or ground with water or oil or with solutions other than oil, not othenvise specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem ; * * * ACT OF 1913. Par. 63. Enamel paints, and all paints, colors, pigments, stains, * * * whether crude, dry, mixed, or ground with water or oil or with solutions other than oil, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem ; * * * ,^\\ color lakes," whether dry or in pulp, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 64. 69. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 64. Barytes ore, crude or un- manufactured, $4 iier ton ; ground or otherwise manufactured, $7.50 per ton ; precipitated barium sulphate or blanc fixe, 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 42. Baryta, sulphate of, or ba- rytes, including barytes earth, unmanu- factured, one dollar and fifty cents per ton ; manufactured, five dollars and twenty-five cents per ton. Par. 44. Blanc-fixe, or artificial sul- phate of barytes, * * * one-half of one celit per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign ValuaHion. ACT OF 1913. Par. 51. Baryta, sulphate of, or ba- rytes, including barytes earth, unmanu- factured, 15 per centum ad valorem ; manufactured, 20 per centum ad valo- rem ; blanc-fixe, or artificial sulphate of barytes, * * * 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 65. 70. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 65. Blue pigments and all blues containing iron ferrocyanide or iron ferricyanide, in pulp, dry, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 12 cents per pound ; ultramarine blue, dry, in pulp, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, wash and all other blues containing ultramarine, 3 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 43. Blues, such as Berlin, Prus- sian. Chinese, and all others, contain- ing ferrocyanide of iron, in pulp, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, eight cents per pound. Par. 50. Ultramarine blue, whether dry, in pulp, or mixed with water, and wash blue containing ultramarine, three cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C121S ACT OF 1913. Par. .52. Blues, such as Berlin, Prus- sian, Chinese, and all others, contain- ing ferrocyanide of iron, in pulp, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 20 per centum ad valorem ; ultramarine blue, whether dry, in pulp, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, and wash blue containing ultra- marine, 15 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 41 PARAGRAPH 66. 11. H. R, 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par, 66. Bone black or bone char, blood char, and decolorizing and de- odorizing chars or carbons, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 10. * * * bone char, suit- able for use in decolorizing sugars, and blood char, twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 45. Black, made from bone, ♦ * * by whatever name known, in- cluding bone l)lack * * * dry or ground in oil or water, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 447. * * * blood char, bone char, or bone black, not suitable for use as a pigment [Free]. Par. 53. Black pigments, made from bone, * * * })y wliatever name known ; * * * ^ji-y or ground in or mixed \\4ith oil or water, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 423. Bones * * * burned, calcined, =^= * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 67. 73. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 67. Chrome yellow, chrome green, and other colors containing chromium, in pulp, dry, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 46. Chrome yellow, chrome green, and all other chromium colors in the manufacture of which lead and bi- chromate of potash or soda are used, in pulp, dry, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, four and three- eighths cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. .54. Chrome yellow, chrome green, and all other chromium t^olors in the manufacture of which lead and bi- chromate of potash or soda are used, in pulp, dry, or ground in or mixed witli oil or water, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 68. 13. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 68. Gas black, lampblack, and all other black pigments, by whatever name known, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, and not specially pro- vided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 45. Black, made from * * * ivory, or vegetable substance, by what- ever name known, including * * * lampblack, dry or ground in oil or water, twenty-five per centum' ad va- lorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 53. Black pigments, made from * * * ivory, or vegetal>le substance, by whatever name known ; gas black and lampblack, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 15 per centum ad valorem. 42 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 69. 7; H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pab. 69. Lead pigments: Litharge, orange mineral, red lead, and wliite lead, 2| cents per pound ; all pigments containing lead, dry or in pulp, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, not specially pro- vided for, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 58. Lead: * * * litharge, two and one-half cents per pound. Par. 48. Orange mineral, three and one-fourth cents per pound. Par. 49. Eed lead, two and fiv©- eighths cents per pound. Par. 53. White lead, and white pig- ment containing lead, dry or in pulp, or ground or mixed with oil, two and one-half cents per pound. Par. 52. Vermilion reds, * * * when not containing quicksilver but made of lead or containing lead, four and seven-eighths cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After "Litharge," insert 2i cents per pound; After " mineral, " Insert 3 cents per pound ; [and] ;25 cents per pound; [21] 2^ ACT OF 1913, Par. 56. Lead pigments: Litharge, orange mineral, red lead, white lead, and all pigments containing lead, dry or in pulp, and ground or mixed with oil or water, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad val- orem. Par. 59. Vermilion reds, * * ♦ when not containing quicksilver but made of lead or containing lead, 25 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 70. 75. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 70. Ochers, siennas, and um- bers, crude or not ground, one-fourth of 1 cent per pound ; washed or ground, three-eighths of 1 cent per pound ; iron-oxide and iron-hydroxide pigments not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 47. Oeher and ochery earths, sienna and sienna earths, and umber and umber earths, not specially pro- vided for in this section, when crude or not powdered, washed or pulver- ized, one-eighth of one cent per pound ; if powdered, washed or pulverized, three-eighths of one cent per pound ; if ground in oil or water, one cent per pound. Par. 56. All * * * pigments * * * not otherwise specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad va- lorem ; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [one fourth] one-eighth ACT OF 1913. Par. 55. Ocher and ochery earths, sienna and s'ienna earths, and umber and umber earths. 5 per centum ad va- lorem ; Spanish brown, Venetian red, Indian red, and colcothar or oxide of iron, not specially provided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPABED. 43 PARAGRAPH 71. 76. H. R. 7456. Aineticaii Valuation. Par. 71. Satin white and precipitated calcium sulphate, one-half of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 44. * * * satin white, or Par. 51. * * * satin white, or artificial sulphate of lime, one-half of artificial sulphate of lime, 20 per one cent per pound. centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 72. 77. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 72. Spirit varnishes containing less than 5 per centum of methyl alco- hol, $2.20 per gallon and 25 per centum ad valorem ; spirit varnishes contain- ing 5 per centum or more of methyl alcohol, and all other varnishes not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 51. Varnishes, including so- called gold size or japan, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * * spirit varnish containing five per centum or more of methyl alcohol, thirty-five cents per gallon and thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; spirit varnish containing less than five per centum of methyl alcohol, one dollar and thirty-two cents per gallon and thirty- five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [varnishes] varnL'^Jies, including so- called gold size or japan, ACT OF 1913. Par. 58. Varnishes, including so- called gold size or japan, 10 per centum ad valorem : Proi^ided, That spirit varnishes containing less than 10 per centum of methyl alcohol of the total alcohol contained therein, shall he dutiable at $1.32 per gallon and 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 73. 78. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 73. Vermilion reds containing quicksilver, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 33 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 52. Vermilion reds, containing quicksilver, dry or ground in oil or water, ten cents per pound; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigrn Valuation. [33] 2S ACT OF 1913. Par. 59. Vermilion reds, containing quicksilver, dry or ground in oil or water, 15 per centum ad valorem ; 44 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 74. 79. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 74. Zinc oxide aud leaded zinc oxides containing not more tlian 25 per centnni of lead, in any form of dry powder, 1| cents per pound ; ground in or mixed with oil or water, 2 cents per pound ; litliopone, and other combina- tions or mixtures of zinc sulphide and barium sulphate, 1^ cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 55. Zinc, oxide of, and white pigment containing zinc, but not con- taining lead, dry, one cent per pound ; ground in oil, one and three-fourths cents per potmd ; sulfid of zinc white, or white sulphide of zinc, one and one- fourth cents per pound ; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [1*] li 121 2i mi It ACT OF 1913. Par. 61. Zinc, oxide of, aud pig- ments containing zinc but not contain- ing more than 5 per centum of lead, ground dry, 10 per centum ad valorem ; when ground in or mixed with oil or water, lithopone and white sulphide of zinc, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 75. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 75. Potassium : Chromate and dichromate, 2i cents per pound ; chlorate and perchlorate, 1 cent per pound ; ferricyauide or red prussiate of potash, 7 cents per pound ; ferro- cyanide or yellow prussiate of potash, 4 cents per pound ; iodide, 25 cents per pound ; bromide, 10 cents per pound ; bicarbonate, carbonate, hy- droxide or caustic potash, nitrate or saltpeter, and permanganate, 25 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That for a period of five years beginning on the day following the passage of this Act, there shall be levied, collected, and paid in addition thereto on all the fore- going a duty of 15 per centum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 64. Prussiate of potash, red, eight cents per pound ; yellow, four cents per pound ; * * *. Par. 60. Bichromate and chromate of potash, two and one-fourth cents per pound. Par. 61. Caustic potash, or hydrate of, refined, in sticks or rolls, one cent SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. tl cent] 2 cents DO] 8 After '• bicarbonate," amended para- grapli (amendments in italics) reads as follows: 11 cents per pound; car- bonate, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound; hydroxide or caustic potash. 1 cent per pound; nitrate or salt- peter, refined, one-half of 1 cent per pound; and permanganate, C25 per centum ad valorem] // cents per pound : ^.Provided, That for a period of five years beginning on the day following the passage of this Act, there shall be levied, collected and paid in addition thereto on all the foregoing a duty of 15 per centum ad valorem.] ACT OF 1913. Pai;. 64. Potash : Bicarbonate of, re- fined, and chlorate of, i cent per pound ; chromate and bichromate of, 1 cent per pound ; nitrate of, or saltpeter, re- fined. $7 per ton ; permanganate of, 1 cent per pound ; prussiate of, red, 2 cents per i)ound ; yellow, li cents per pound. TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 45 per pound ; chlorate of, two cents per pound. Par. 62. Hydriodate, iodide, * * * of potasli. twenty-five cents per pound. Par. 63. Nitrate of potash, or salt- peter, i-etined, one-half of one cent per pound. Par. 3. * * * all chemical com- pounds, * * * and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-tive per centum ad va- lorem ; * * *. Par. 655. * * * carbonate of pot- ash, crude or refined ; hydrate of, or caustic potash, not including refined in sticks or rolls ; nitrate of potash or saltpeter, crude; * * * [Free]. Par. 3S. * * * 15 cents per pound. potassium iodide, Par. 5. * * *• aH chemical * * * compounds, * * * and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 580. Potash ; * * * carbonate of; * * * hydrate of, wlien not containing more than 15 per centum of caustic soda ; nitrate of, or saltpeter, crude: - * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 76. 81. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 76. Santonin, and salts of, 75 cents per pound ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [pound! pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 68. Santonin, and all salts Par. 594. Santonin, and its combina- thereof containing eighty per centum tions with acids not subject to duty or over of santonin, fifty cents per under this section [Free], pound. PARAGRAPH 77. S2. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 77. Soap : Castile, 15 per centum ad valorem ; toilet, 30 per centum ad valorem ; all other soap and soap powder not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 69. Castile soap, one and one- fourth cents per pound ; medicinal or medicated soaps, twenty cents per pound ; fancy or perfumed toilet soaps, fifty per centum ad valorem ; all other soaps not specially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [toilet. 30 per centum ad valorem] perfumed toilet soap, 50 per centum ad valorem; unperfumed toilet soap, 10 per centum ad valorem; medicinal soap, 20 per centum ad valorem [JO] 5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 66. Soaps: Perfumed toilet soaps, 30 per centum ad valorem ; medicinal soaps, 20 per centum ad valorem ; castile soap, and unperfumed toilet soap, 10 per centum ad valorem ; all other soaps and soap powder not specially provided for in this section, 5 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 78. 83. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 78. Sodium : Arsenate, 1 cent per pound ; bicarbonate or baking soda, five-eighths of 1 cent per pound ; borate SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation, [five-eighths] one-fourth 103791—22- 4 46 TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. or borax, refinetl, one-eighth of 1 cent per pound ; bromide, 10 cents per pound ; carbonate, calcined, or soda ash, hydrated or sal soda, and niono- hydrated, one-fourth of 1 cent per pound ; chloi-ate, 1^ cents per pound ; chloride or salt, in bags, sacks, bar- rels, or other packages, 11 cents per one hundred pounds ; in bulk, 7 cents per one hundred pounds ; chromate and dichroniate, If cents per pound ; for- mate, 25 per centum ad valorem ; fer- rocyanide or yellow prussiate of soda, 2 cents per pound ; hydroxide or caus- tic soda, one-half of 1 cent per pound ; nitrite, 3 cents per pound ; phosphate, one-half of 1 cent per pound ; sesqui- carbonate, one-fourth of 1 cent per pound ; sulphate, crystallized, or Glau- ber salt, $1 per ton; sulphate, anhy- drous, $2 per ton ; sulphide, contain- ing not more than 35 per centum of sodium sulphide, three-eighths of 1 cent per pound ; containing more than 35 per centum, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound; silicate, sulphite, bisul- phite, meta-bisulphite, and thiosul- phate. three-eighths of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 70. Bicarbonate of soda, or superearbonate of soda, or saleratus, * * * five-eigliths of one cent per pound. Par. 71. Bichromate and chromate of soda, one and three-fourths cents per pound. Par. 72. Crystal carbonate of soda, or concentrated soda crystals, or mono- hydrate, or sesquicarbonate of soda, one-fourth of one cent per pound ; chlo- rate of soda, one and one-half cents per pound. Par. 73. Hydrate of, or caustic soda, one-half of one cent per pound ; nitrite of soda and yellow prussiate of soda, two cents per pound ; sulphide of soda containing not more than thirty-five per centum of sulphide of soda, and hyposulphite of soda, three-eighths of one cent per pound; sulphide of soda, concentrated, or containing moi'e than thirty-five per centum of sulphide of soda, three-fourths of one cent per pound. Par. 74. Sal soda, or soda crystals, not concentrated, one-sixth of one cent per pound. Par. 75. Soda ash, one-fourth of one cent per pound ; arseniate of soda, one cent per pound. Par. 76. Silicate of soda, * ♦ * three-eighths of one cent per pound. DOJ [25 per centum ad valorem] 2 cents per pound ACT OF 1913. Par. 67. Soda: * * * chlorate of, and niti'ite of, J cent per pound; bicarbonate of, or superearbonate of, or saleratus, * * * hydrate of, or caustic ; phosphate of ; hyposulphite of ; sulphid of, and sulphite of. i cent per pound ; chromate and bichromate of, and yel- low prussiate of, f cent per pound; borate of, or borax refined ; crystal carbonate of, monohydrate, and ses- quicarbonate of; sal soda, and soda crystals, i cent per pound ; and sul- phate of soda crystallized, or Glauber salts, $1 per ton. Par. 593. Salt [Free]. Par. 605. Soda, arseniate of, * * * soda ash, silicate of, * * * [Free]. Par. 5. * * * all chemical * * * compounds, * * * and salts, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. TAEIFF ACTS COMPAEED. 47 Par. 77. Sulphate of soda, * * * one dollar per ton. Par. 3. * * * all chemical com- pounds, * * * and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-five per centum ad va- lorem ; * * *. Par. 11. Borax, two cents per pound ; borates of * * * soda, * * * not otherwise provided for in this sec- tion, two cents per pound. Par. 295. Salt in bags, sacks, barrels, or other packages, eleven cents per one hundred pounds ; in bulk, seven cents per one hundred pounds : Pro- vided, That imported salt in bond may be used in curing fish taken by vessels licensed to engage in the fisheries and in curing fish on the shores of the navigable waters of the United States under such regiilations as the Secre- tary of the Treasury shall prescribe; and upon proof that the salt has been used for either of the purposes stated in this proviso, the duties on the same shall be remitted : Provided further. That exporters of meats, whether packed or smoked, which have been cured in the United States with im- ported salt, shall, upon satisfactory proof, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall pre- scribe, that such meats have been cured with imported salt, have re- funded to them from the Treasury the duties paid on the salt so used in cur- ing such exported meats, in amounts not less than one hundred dollars. PARAGRAPH 79. 8/,. H. R, 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 79. Sodium hydrosulphite, hy- drosulphite compounds, sulphoxylate compounds, and all combinations and mixtures of the foregoing, 35 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 3. * * * all chemical com- Par. 5. * * * all chemical * * * pounds, mixtures and salts, * * * compounds, * * * mixtures and not specially provided for in this sec- salts, not specially provided for in this tion, twenty-five per centum ad va- section, 15 per centum ad valorem, lorem ; * * *. PARAGRAPH 80. 85. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 80. Starch : Potato, li cents per After " Potato " insert and wheat pound ; and all other starches not spe- tlO J cially provided for, 1 cent per pound. 48 TARIFF ACTS OOMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 296. Starch, made from pota- toes, one and one-half cents per pound ; all other starch, including all prepa- rations, from whatever substance pro- duced, tit for use as starcli, one cent per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 234. Starch, made from i)ota- toes, 1 cent per pound ; all other starch, includins: all preparations, from whatever substance produced, tit for use as starch, i cent per pound. PARAGRAPH 81. 86. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 81. Dextrine, made from potato starch or potato flour, 1| cents per pound ; dextrine, not otherwise pro- vided for, burnt starch or British gum, dextrine substitutes, and soluble or chemically treated starch, IJ cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 297. Dextrine, dextrine substi- tutes, soluble starch or chemically treated starch, burnt starch, gum sub- stitute, or British gum, one and one- half cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. DO 2i ACT OF 1913. Par. 36. Gums: * * * dextrine, made from potato starch or potato flour, li cents per pound ; dextrine, not otherwise provided for, burnt starch or British gum, dextrine substitutes, and soluble or chemically treated starch, f of 1 cent per pound. PARAGRAPH 82. 87. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 82. Strontium : Carbonate, pre- cipitated, nitrate, and oxide, 25 per oentura ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. * * * all chemical com- pounds, * * * and salts, not spe- cially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; * * * Par. 685. Strontia, oxide of, and protoxide of strontian, * * * [Free], SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 5. * * * all chemical * * * compounds, * * * and salts, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 615. Strontia, oxide of, protoxide of strontian, * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 83. 88. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 83. Strychnine, and salts of, 15 cents per ounce. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 80. Strychnia, or strychnine, Par. 616. Strychnia or strychnine, and all salts thereof, fifteen cents per and its combinations with acids not ounce. subject to duty under this section [Free]. TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 49 PARAGRAPH 84. SO. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 84. Thorium nitrate, thorium oxide, and other salts of thorium not specially provided for, cerium nitrate, cerium fluoride, and other salts of L-erinm not specially provided for, and Kas-mantle scrap cousistinf? in chief value of metallic oxides, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Pab. 183. * * * thorium, oxide of and salts of, * * * and gas man- tle scrap consisting in chief value of metallic oxides, forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 3. * * * all chemical com- pounds, mixtures and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-five per centum ad va- lorem ; * * •. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [251 iO ACT OF 1913. Par. 154. * * * thorium, oxide of and salts of; * * * and gas-man- tle scrap consisting in chief value of metallic oxides, 10 per centum ad va- lorem. Par. 5. * * * all chemical * * * compounds, * * * mixtures and salts, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 85. 90. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 85. Tin bichloride, tin tetrachlo- ride, and all other chemical compounds, mixtures, and salts, of which tin con- stitutes the element of chief value, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. * * * all chemical com- pounds, mixtures and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-five per centum ad valo- rem ; * * * . Par. 606. Lac spirits [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. t20j 25 ACT OF 1913. Par. 65. Salts and all other com- pounds and mixtures of which * * * tin constitute the element of chief value, 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 86. 91. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigrn Valuation. Par. 86. Titanium potassium oxalate, and all compounds and mixtures con- taining titanium, 25 per centum ad [2.5] 30 valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. * * * all chemical com- pounds, mixtures and salts, * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, twenty-flve per centum ad va- lorem ; * ♦ *. ACT OF 1913. Par. 5. * * * all chemical * * ♦ Compounds, * * * mixtures and salts, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. 50 TAEIFF ACTS COMPAEED. PARAGRAPH 87. 02. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 87. Vanilla beans, 30 cents per pound ; tonka beans. 25 cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1909. not ad- Par. 559. Drugs, * * vanced * * * [Free]. Par. 697. Tonquin, tonqua, or tonka beans [Free]. PARAGRAPH 88. ACT OF 1913. Par. 70. * * * vanilla beans, 30 cents per pound ; tonka beans, 25 cents per pound. 93. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 88. Zinc chloride, 1:^ cents per pound ; zinc sulphate, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound ; and zinc sulphide, li cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 55. * * * sulfid of zinc white, or white sulphide of zinc, one and one-fourth cents per pound ; chlo- ride of zinc and sulphate of zinc, one cent per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ForeigTi Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 61. * * * white sulphide of zinc, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 62. Zinc, chloride of and sul- phate of, i cent per pound. SCHEDULE 2.— EARTHS, EARTHENWARE, AND GLASS- WARE. PARAGRAPH 201. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 201. Fire brick, weigliing not more than 10 pounds eacli, not glazed, enameled, ornamented, or decorated in any manner, and brick otlier than fire briclv, 10 per centum ad valorem ; glazed, entimeled, ornamented, or deco- rated, 20 per centum ad valorem ; weighing more than . 10 pounds each and not specially provided for, not glazed, enameled, ornamented, or deco- rated in any manner, 17 per centum ad valorem ; glazed, enameled, orna- mented, or decorated, 20 per centum ad valorem ; magnesite brick, three- fourths of 1 cent per pound and 10 per centum ad valorem ; chrome brick, not glazed, enameled, painted, vitri- fied, ornamented, or decorated in any manner, 20 per centum ad valorem ; if glazed, enameled, painted, vitrified, ornamented, or decorated in any man- ner, 23 per centum ad valorem ; bath brick, 23 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Schedule B. — Earths, Earthenware, AND Glassware. Par. 84. Fire-brick, weighing not more than ten pounds each, not glazed, enameled, ornamented, or decorated in any manner, one dollar and twenty- five cents per ton ; glazed, enameled, ornamented, or decorated, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; weighing more than ten pounds each and not specially provided for in this section, not glazed, enameled, ornamented, or decorated in any manner, thirty per centum ad va- lorem ; glazed, enameled, ornamented, or decorated, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; magnesite brick, chrome brick, and brick other than fire-brick, not glazed, enameled, painted, vitrified, ornamented, or decorated in any man- ner, twenty-five per centum ad valo- rem ; if glazed, enameled, painted, vit- rified, ornamented, or decorated in any SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 201. Bath brick, chrome brick, and fire brick, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem; mag- nesite brick, thre&-fourths of 1 cent per pound and 10 per cent ad valorem, per pound and 10 per centum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1913. Schedule B — Earths, Earthenware, AND Glassware. Par. 71. Fire brick, magnesite brick, chrome brick, and brick not specially provided for in this section, not glazed, enameled, painted, vitrified, orna- mented, or decorated in any manner, 10 per centum ad valorem ; if glazeil, enameled, painted, vitrified, orna- mented, or decorated in any manner, and bath brick, 15 per centum ad va- lorem. 51 52 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. manner, thirty-five per centum ad va- lorem. Par. 95. Articles and wares com- posed * * * of earthy or mineral substances, * * * not decorated * * * thirty-five per centum ad va- lorem ; * * *. [Covered bath brick.] PARAGRAPH 202. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 202. Tiles, unglazed, glazed, ornamented, hand painted, enameled, vitrified, semivitrified, decorated, en- caustic, ceramic mosaic, flint, spar, em- bossed, gold decorated, grooved and corrugated, and all other earthenware tiles and tiling by whatever name knoAvn, except pill tiles and so-called quarries or quarry tiles, but including tiles wholly or in part of cement, valued at not more than 40 cents per square foot, 8 cents per square foot, but not less than 35 nor more than 50 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than 40 cents per square foot. 38 per centum ad valorem ; mantels, friezes, and articles of every description or parts thereof, composed wholly or in chief value of earthenware tiles or tiling, except pill tiles, 38 per centum ad valorem ; so-called quarries or quarry tiles, red or brown in color, 3 cents per square foot, but not less than 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. So. Tiles, plain unglazed, one color, exceeding two square inches in size, four cents per square foot ; glazed, encaustic, ceramic mosaic, vitrified, semivitrified, flint, spar, embossed, enameled, ornamented, hand painted, gold decorated, and all other earthen- ware tiles and tiling, by whatever name known, except pill tiles and so- called quarries or quarry tiles, valued at not exceeding forty cents per square foot, eight cents per square foot ; ex- ceeding forty cents per square foot, ten cents per square foot and twenty- five per centum ad valorem ; so-called quarries or quarry tiles, forty-five per centum ad valorem ; mantels, friezes, and articles of every description, com- posed wholly or in chief value of tiles or tiling, sixty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [and! or After " quarry tiles, " insert red or brown, and measuring seven-eighths of an inch or over in thickness, [35 nor more than 50] Jt5 nor more than 60 [38] 50 [38] 59 [brown in color, 3 cents per square foot, but not less than 20] 'brown, and measuring seven-eighths of an inch or over in thickness. 5 cents per square foot, but not less than SO ACT OF 1913. Par. 72. Tiles, plain unglazed, one color, exceeding two squax'e inches in size. 1* cents per square foot; glazed, ornamented, hand-painted, enameled, vitrified, semivitrified. decorated, en- caustic, ceramic mosaic, flint, spar, embossed, gold decorated, grooved and corrugated, and all other earthenware tiles and tiling, except pill tiles and so-called quarries or quarry tiles, but including tile.s wholly or in part of cement, 5 cents per square foot ; so- called quarries or quarry tiles, 20 per centum ad valorem ; mantels, friezes, and articles of every description or parts thereof, composed wholly or in chief value of earthenware tiles or tiling, except pill tiles, 30 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPAKED. 53 PARAGRAPH 203. H. a. 7456. American Valuation. Pab. 203. Roman, Portland, and other hydraulic cement, in barrels, sacks, or other packages, 5 cents per 100 pounds, including weight of barrel or package ; in bulk, 4 cents per one hundred pounds; other cement, not specially provided for, 17 per centum ad valorem. * ACT OF 1909. Par. 86. Roman, Portland, and other hydraulic cement, in barrels, sacks, or other packages, eight cents per one hundred pounds, including weight of barrel or paclvage ; in bulk, seven cents per one hundred pound.s ; other cement, not otherwise specially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out. See par. 15.'i3, in Bill as adopted by Senate. ACT OF 1913. Par. 444. Cement, Roman, Portland, and other hydraulic [Free]. Par. 74. * * * all other cements not specially provided for in this sec- tion, 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 204. 203. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 204. Limestone (not suitable for use as monumental or building stone), crude, or crushed but not pul- verized, 5 cents per one hundred pounds ; lime, not specially provided for, 10 cents per one hundred pounds, including weight of barrel or package ; hydrated lime, 12 cents per one hun- dred pounds, including weight of bar- rel or package. ACT OF 1909. Pak. 87. Lime, five cents per one hundred pounds, including weight- of barrel or package. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " including " insert the [barrel or package] the container. [weight of barrel or package.] the ■weight of the container. ACT OF 1913. Par. 73. Lime, 5 per centum ad va- lor ejn. Par. 614. * * * limestone, un- manufactured and not suitable for use as monumental or building stone ; all of the foregoing not specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH . 20',. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Carried under— Par. 47. * * * calcined magnesia not suitable for medicinal use and cal- cined luagnesite, including dead burned and grain, three-fourths of 1 cent per Foreign Valuation. Par. 20.'/. Crude magnesite, five- sixteenths of 1 cent per pound : caustic calcined magnesite. fire-eighths of 1 cent per pound; dead burned and grain magnesite, not suitable for manufac- 54 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. pound ; and magnesite, crude or ground, one-half of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. ture into oxijcliloride cements, four- ienths of 1 cent per pomifJ. (Note. — The amendment transfers from schedule 1, par. 47 to schedule 2, the forms of magnesite used exclu- sively for refractory and cemeutitious purposes. ) ACT or 1913. Par. 618. Magnesite, crude or cal- Par. 539. Magnesite, crude or cal- cined, not purified [Free]. cined, not purified [Free]. PARAGRAPH 205. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 205. Plaster rock or gypsum, crude, 25 cents per ton ; if ground or calcined, $1.40 per ton ; white non- staining Portland cement, 8 cents per one hundred pounds, including weight of barrel or package; Keene's cement, or other cement of which gypsum is the component material of chief value, if valued at $14 per ton or less, $3.50 per ton ; if valued above $14 and not above $20 per ton, $5 per ton ; if valued above $20 and not above $40 per ton, $10 per ton ; if valued above $40 per ton, $14 per ton. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Forsigrn Valuation. [crude, 25 cents per ton ; if] After " including " insert the [barrel or package] the container [or] and [f] [if] [if] [if] [$14 per ton.] $lJt per ton; other Ge-meyit, not speoially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 88. Plaster rock or gypsum, crude, thirty cents per ton ; if ground or calcined, one dollar and seventy- five cents per ton ; pearl hardening for paper makers' use, twenty per centum ad valorem ; Keene's cement, or other cement of which gypsum is the com- ponent matei'ial of chief value, if valued at ten dollars per ton or less, three dollars and fifty cents per ton ; if valued above ten dollars and not above fifteen dollars per ton. five dol- lars per ton ; if valued above fifteen dollars and not above thirty dollars per ton, ten dollars per ton ; if valued above thirty dollars per ton, fourteen dollars per ton. Par. 86. * * * Portland * * * cement, in barrels, sacks, or other packages, eight cents per one hundred pounds, including weight of barrel or package ; * * * . PARAGRAPH 206 ACT OF 1913. Par. 74. Plaster rock or gypsum, crude, ground or calcined, pearl hard- ening for paper makers' use ; white, non-staining Portland cement, Keene's cement, or other cement of which gyp- sum is the component material of chief value, * * * 10 per centum ad va- lorem. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 206. Pumice stone, unmanufac- tured, valued at $15 or less per ton, two-tenths of 1 cent per pound ; valued at more than $15 per ton, three-tenths SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [two-tenths] one-tenth [three-tenths] one-fourth TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 55 of 1 cent per pound ; wholly or partly nmuufaotured, fifty-five one-hundredths of 1 cent per pound ; manufactures of pumice stone or of whicli pumice stone is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 26 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 89. Pumice stone, wholly or partially manufactured, three-eighths of one cent per pound ; unmanufac- tured, valued at fifteen dollars or less per ton, thirty per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than fifteen dollars per ton, one-fourth of one cent per pound ; manufactures of pumice stone or of which pumice stone is the component material of chief value not specially provided for in this* section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. After first a comma. C26135 stone, " in the line, insert ACT OF 1913. Par. 75. Pumice stone, unmanufac- tured, 5 per centum ad valorem ; wholly or partially manufactured, } cent per pound ; manufactures of pumice stone, or of which pumice stone is the com- ponent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 207. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 207. Clays or earths, unwrought or unmanufactured, including common blue clay and Gross-Almerode glass pot clay, not specially provided for, $1 per ton ; wrought or manufactured, not specially provided for, $2 per ton ; china clay or kaolin, $2.50 per ton; bauxite or beauxite, crude, not refined or otherwise advanced in condition in any manner, $1 per ton ; fuller's earth, unwrougiit and unmanufactured, $1.50 per ton ; wrought or manufactured, $3 per ton of 2,000 pounds ; silica, crude, not specially provided for, $4 per ton ; silica, suitable for use as a pigment, not specially provided for, $7.50 per ton ; fluorspar, $5 per ton of 2,000 pounds: Provided, That after the expiration of one year beginning on the day follow- ing the passage of this Act, the duty on fluorspar shall be $4 per ton of 2,000 pounds. ACT OF 1909. Par. 90. Clays or earths, unwrought or unmanufactured, not specially pro- vided for in this section, one dollar per ton ; wrought or manufactured, not specially provided for in this section, two dollars per ton; china clay or kaolin, two dollars and fifty cents per ton ; * * * bauxite, or beauxite, crude, not refined or otherwise ad- vanced in condition from its natural state, one dollar per ton; fuller's earth, unwrought and unmanufactured, one dollar and fifty cents per ton ; SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigrn Valuation. [bauxite or beauxite] bauxite [$3 per ton of 2,000 pounds] $3.25 per ton After " $7.50 per ton ; " insert glass sand, containing 99 per centum or more of silica. $1.50 per ton; C$5 per ton of 2,000 pounds : Provided, That after the expiration of one year beginning on the day following the pas- sage of this Act, the duty on fluorspar shall be $4 per ton of 2,000 pounds] ^5.66' per ton ACT OF 1913. Par. 76. Clays or earths, unwrought or unmanufactured, not specially pro- vided for in this section. .50 cents per ton ; wrought or manufactured, not specially provided for in this section, $1 per ton; china clay or kaolin, $1.25 per ton ; fuller's earth, miwrought and unmanufactured, 75 cents per ton ; wrought or manufactured, $1.50 per ton ; fluorspar, $1..50 per ton : Pro- vided, That the weight of the casks or other containers shall he included in the dutiable weight. 56 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. wrought or manufactured, three dol- lars per ton ; fluorspar, three dollars per ton. Par. 534. Clay : Common blue clay and Gross-Almerode glass-pot clay, in cases or casks suitable for the manu- facture of crucibles and glass melting pots or tank blocks [Free]. Par. 693. Terra alba, not made from gypsum or plaster rock [Free]. [No corresponding provision for silica, crude (in finest form might have been classified as sand) ; nor for silica suitable for use as a pigment (pow- dered silica was held free as sand; if suitable for use as pigment might have been classified under paragraph 56 as a pigment).] Par. 411. Bauxite or beauxite, crude, not refined or otherwise advanced in condition from its natural state [Free]. Par. 450. Common blue clay and Gross-Almerode glass-pot clay, in cases or casks, suitable for the manufacture of crucibles and glass melting pots or tank blocks [Free]. Par. 629. Terra alba, not made from gypsum or plaster rock [Free]. [No corresponding provision for silica crude ( in finest form might have been classified as sand) ; nor for silica, suitable for use as a pigment (pow- dered silica was held free as sand ; if suitable for use as a pigment, it might have been classified under paragraph 63 as a pigment).] PARAGRAPH 208. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 208. Mica, unmanufactured, or rough trimmed only, 4 cents per pound and 17 per centum ad valorem ; mica, cut or trimmed, mica splittings, mica plates, and built-up mica, and all manufactures of mica or of which mica is the component material of chief value, 10 cents per pound and 17 per centum ad valorem; ground mica, 4 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS, Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 208. Mica, unmanufactured, valued at not above 15 cents per pound, 4 cents per pound; valued above 15 cents per pound, 25 per centum ad valorem; mica, cut or trimmed, and mica splittings, 30 per centum ad valorem; mica plates, and built-up mica, and all tnanufactures of mica or of which mica is the component mate- rial of chief value, 40 per centum ad valorem; ground mica, 20 per centum ad vaJorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 91. Mica, unmanufactured, or rough trimmed only, five cents per pound and twenty per centum ad va- lorem ; mica, cut or trimmed, mica plates or built-up mica, and all manu- factures of mica or of which mica is the component material of chief value, ten cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for ground mica.] Par. 77. Mica, unmanufactured, valued at not above 15 cents per pound, 4 cents per pound ; valued above 15 cents per pound, 25 per centum ad valorem ; cut mica, mica splittings, built-up mica, and all manu- factures of mica, or of which mica is the component material of chief value, 30 per centum ad valorem ; ground mica, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 209. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 209. Talc, steatite or soapstone, and French chalk, crude and unground, one-fourth of 1 cent per pound ; ground, washed, powdered, or pulverized, ex- cept toilet preparations , one-half of 1 cent per pound ; cut or sawed, or in blanks, crapons, cubes. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [except toilet preparations] {except toilet preparations) [one-half of 1 cent per pound] 25 per centum, ad valorem TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 57 disks, or other forms, 1 cent per pouud ; manufactures (except toilet prepara- tions), of which talc, steatite or soap- stone, or French chalk is the compo- nent material of chief value, wholly or partly finished, and not specially pro- vided for, if not decorated, 25 per centum ad valorem ; if decorated, 30 I>er centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 13. * * * French chalk, one cent per poimd ; * * *, Pak. 95. Ax'ticles and wares com- posed wholly or in chief value of earthy or mineral substances, * * * if not decorated in any manner, thirty- five per centum ad valorem ; if dec- orated, forty-five per centum ad va- lorem ; * * *. Par. 4S0. * * * articles manufac- tured, in whole or in part, not provided for in this section, * * * twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 626. Minerals, crude, * * * [Free]. C25] 35 C30] .',5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 69. Talcum, ground talc, stea- tite, and French chalk, cut, powdered, washed, or pulverized, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 81. Earthy or mineral sub- stances wholly or partially manufac- tured and articles and wares composed wholly or in chief value of earthy or mineral substances, not specially provided for in this section, whether susceptible of decoration or not, if not decorated in any manner, 20 per centum ad valorem ; if decorated, 25 per centum ad valorem ; * * *_ Par. 621. Talcum, steatite, and French chalk, crude and unground [Free]. PARAGRAPH 210. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 210. Connnon yellow, brown, or gray earthenware made of natural, unwashed, and unmixed clay, plain or embossed ; common salt-glazed stone- ware ; stoneware and earthenware cru- cibles ; all the foregoing not orna- mented, incised, or decorated in any manner, and manufactures wholly or in chief value of such ware, not specially pro- vided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 92. Common yellow, brown, or gray earthenware, plain, embossed, or salt-glazed common stoneware, and earthenware or stoneware crucibles, all the foregoing not decorated in any manner, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; j^ellow earthenware, plain or embossed, coated with white or trans- parent vitreous glaze but not other- wise ornamented or decorated, * * * forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 92. * * * Rockingham earth- enware, forty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " any manner," insert 15 per centum ad ralorem; ornamented, in- cised, or decorated in any manner [valorem.] valorem; and Rockingham eartkenicare, 25 per centum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 78. Common yellow, brown, or gray earthenware made of natural un- washed and unmixed clay ; plain or embossed, common salt-glazed stone- ware; stoneware and earthenware crucibles ; all the foregoing, not orna- mented, incised, or decorated in any manner, 15 per centum ad valorem ; * * * and manufactures wholly or in chief value of such ware, not spe- cially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem ; * * *. Par. 78. * * * Rockingham earth- enware, 30 per centum ad valorem. 58 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 211. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 211. Graphite or plumbago, Entire paragrapli struck out and crude or refined, not specially provided par. 213, in Bill as adopted by Senate, for, 10 per centum ad valorem. (see) substituted therefore. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 654. Plumbago [Free]. Par. 579. Plumbago [Free]. PARAGRAPH 212. 211. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 212. Earthenware and crockery ware composed of a nouvitrified ab- sorbent body, including white granite and semiporcelain earthenware, and cream-colored ware, and stoneware, in- cluding clock cases with or without movements, pill tiles, plaques, orna- ments, toys, charms, vases, statues, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins, lamps, and all other articles composed wholly or in chief value of such ware ; if plain white, plain yellow, plain brown, plain red, or plain black, not painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed, ornamented, or deco- rated in any manner, and manufac- tures in chief value of such ware not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem ; if painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any man- ner, and manufactures in chief value of such ware, not specially provided for, 28 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 93. * * * earthen, stone and crockery ware, including clock cases with or without movements, pill tiles, plaques, ornaments, toys, charms, vases, statues, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins, and lamps, all the foregoing wholly or in chief value of such ware ; painted, colored, tinted, stained, enam- eled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any manner ; and manu- factures in chief value of such ware not specially provided for in this sec- tion, sixty per centum ad valorem. Par. 94. * * * earthen, stone and crockery ware, plain white, plain brown, including clock cases with or without movements, pill tiles, plaques, ornaments, toys, charms, vases, stat- ues, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins, and SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [ifl [251 4-5 Cor ornamented] ornamented. [283 50 (Note. — "Filter tubes" of the acts of 1909 and 1913 not specially provided for.) ACT OF 1913. Par. 79. Earthenware and crockery wai'e composed of a nouvitrified ab- sorbent body, including white granite and semiporcelain earthenware, and ci*eam-colored ware, and stoneware, including clock cases with or without movements, pill tiles, plaques, orna- ments, toys, charms, vases, statues, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins, lamps, and all other articles composed wholly or in chief value of such ware ; if plain white, plain yellow, plain brown, plain red, or plain black, not painted, col- ored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed, ornamented or decorated in any manner, and manufactures in chief value of such ware not specially pro- vided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem ; if painted, colored, tinted, TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 59 lamps, all the foregoing wholly or in chief value of such ware, not painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or deco- rated in any manner and manufac- tures in chief value of such ware not specially provided for in this section, fifty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 96. * * * filter tubes, thirty- five per centum ad valorem ; * * *. stained, enameled, gilded, printed, or oi'namented or decorated in any man- ner, and manufactures in chief value of such ware not specially provided for in this section, 40 per centum ad valorem. Par. 82. * * * filter tubes, 30 per centum ad valorem ; * * *_ PARAGRAPH 213. 212. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 213. China, porcelain, and other vitrified wares, including chemical porcelain ware and chemical stone- ware, composed of a vitrified nonab- sorbeiit body which when broken shows a vitrified or vitreous, or semi- vitrified or semivitreous fracture, and all bisque and parian wares, including clock cases witli or without movements, plaques, ornaments, toys, charms, vases, statutes, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins, lamps, and all other articles composed wholly or in chief value of such ware, if plain white, or plain brown, not painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any man- ner, and manufactures in chief value of such ware not specially provided for, 35 per centum ad valorem ; if painted, colored, tinted, stained, enam- eled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any manner, and manu- factures in chief value of such ware not specially provided for, 40 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 93. China, porcelain, parian, bisque, * * * ware, including clock cases with or without movements, pill tiles, phiques, ornaments, toys, charms, vases, statues, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins, and lamps, all the foregoing wholly or in chief value of such ware ; painted, colored, tinted, stained, enam- eled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any manner ; and manii- factures in chief value of such ware not specially provided for in this sec- tion, sixty per centum ad valorem. Par. 94. China, porcelain, parian, bisque, * * * ware, plain white, plain brown, including clock cases with or without movements, pill tiles, plaques, ornaments, toys, charms, vases, statues, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins, and lamps, all the foregoing wholly or in chief value of such ware, not painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [35] GO [if] After " plaques," inseit pill tiles. [itl IS51 60 [if] [40 per centum ad valorem.] 70 per centum ad valorem; any of the fore- going articles, containing 25 per cen- tum or more of calcined bone, not painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed or orna- mented or decorated in any manner, 50 per centum ad valorem; painted, col- ored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any manner, 55 per centum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 80. China and porcelain wares compo.'^ed of a vitrified nonabsorbent body which when broken shows a vitri- fied or vitreous, or semivitrlfled or semivitreous fracture, and all bisque and parian wares, including clock cases with or without movements, plaques, ornaments, toys, charms, vases, statues, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins, lamps, and all other articles composed wholly or in chief value of such ware, if plain white, or plain brown, not painted, colored, tinted, stained, enam- eled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any manner ; and manu- factures in chief value of such wart> not specially provided for in this sec- tion, 50 per centum ad valorem ; if painted, colored, tinted, stained, enam- \ eled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any manner and manufac- tures in chief value of such ware not 60 TARIFF ACTS COMPABED. gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any manner ; and manu- factures in chief value of such ware not specially provided for in this ^^ec- tion, tifty-tive per centum ad valorem. specially provided for in this section, 55 per centum ad valorem. * scientific appa- * * for * * * purposes * * * Par. 650. ratus, utensils, scientific * * [Free]. Par. 92. * * * or salt-glazed com- mon stoneware ^ * * * not deco- rated in any manner, twenty-five per centum ad valoi'em ; * * * Par. 573. * ratus, utensils, scientific * * [Free]. Par. 78. * * not ornamented ad valorem. * * scientific appa- * * * for * * * * purposes * * * * stoneware^ * * * * * * per centum PARAGRAPH 213. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Carried under — Par. 211. Graphite or plumbago, crude or refined, not specially provided for, 10 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 654. Plumbago [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 213. Graphite or plumhago, crude or refined: Amorphous, 10 per centum ad valorem; crystalline lump, chip, or dust, 20 per centum ad va- lorem; crystalline flake, 2 cents per pound. As used in this paragraph, the term " arystalline flake " means graph- ite or plxmibago ivMch occurs dissemi- nated as a relatively thin flake through- out its containing rock, decomposed or not, and irhich may he or has been separated therefrom by ordinary crush- ing, pulverizing, screening, or mechani- cal concentration process, such flake being made up of a number of parallel lamince, which may be separated by mechanical means. ACT OF 1913. Par. 579. Plumbago [FreeJ. PARAGRAPH 214. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 214. Earthy or mineral sub- stances wholly or partly manufactured and articles, wares, and materials, crude or advanced in condition , composed wholly or in chief value of earthy or mineral substances, not spe- cially provided for, whether suscepti- ble of decoration or not, if not deco- rated in any manner, 21 per centum ad valorem ; if decorated, 28 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 95. Articles and wares com- posed wholly or in chief value of SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [materials, crude or advanced in con- Aitioviy mat&i'ials {crude or advanced in condition) Dl!lS5 1:2s] J,5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 81. Earthy or mineral sub- stances wholly or partially manufac- 1 Chemical stoneware, if made of unwashed clay, came in as " stoneware, not orna- mented." TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 61 earthy or mineral substances, not spe- cially provided for in this section, whether susceptible of decoration or not. If not decorated in any manner, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; if liecorated. forty-tive per centum ad va- lorem ; * * *. tured and articles and wares composed wholly or in chief value of earthy or mineral substances, not specially pro- vided for in this section, whether sus- ceptible of decoration or not, if not decorated in any manner, 20 per centum ad valorem ; if decorated, 25 I>er centum ad valorem ; unmanufac- tured carbon, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem ; * * *. PARAGRAPH 215. H. K. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 215. Gas retorts, 15 per centum ad valorem ; lava tips for burners, and magnesia clay supporters, consist- ing of rings, rods, and other forms for gas mantles, 35 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 96. Gas retorts, twenty per centum ad valorem ; lava tips for burn- ers, ten cents per gross and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [15] 20 After " burners, " insert 10 cents per gross and 15 per centum ad valorem; ACT OF 1913. Par. S2. Gas retorts, 10 per centum ad valorem ; lava tips for burners, 15 per centum ad valorem ; * * *. Par. 81. Earthy or mineral sub- stances wholly or partially manufac- tured and articles and wares composed wholly or in chief value of earthy or mineral substances, not specially pro- vided for in this section, whether sus- ceptible of decoration or not, if not decorated in any manner, 20 per centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH 216. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. I'AK. 21 G. Carbons and electrodes, of whatever material composed, and wholly or partly manufactured, for producing electric arc light ; electrodes, composed wholly or in part of carbon or graphite, and wholly or partly manufactured, for electric furnace or electrolytic purposes ; brushes, of what- ever material composed, and wholly or partly manufactured, for electric motors, generators, or other electrical machines or appliances ; plates, rods, and other forms, of whatever material composed, and wholly or partly manu- factured, for manufacturing into the afores'aid brushes ; and articles or wares (composed wholly or in part of carbon or graphite) , wholly or partly manufactured, not specially provided for, 35 per centum ad valorem. 103791—22 5 SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [(Composed wholly or in part of car- bon or graphite)] co/»/)o.9e(i wholly or in part of carbon or graphite [35] J,5 62 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 95. ■■' * * carbon, not spe- cially provided lor in this section, twent.v per centiini ad valorem ; elec- trodes, brushes, plates, and disks, all the toref^oing composed wholly or in chief value of carl)on, thirty per centun.i ad valorem. I'AK. 90. * * * carbons for electric li.t,iiting, wholly or partly tinished, made entirely from petroleum coke, thirty-five cents per hundred feet; if ct>mposed chiefly of lampblack or re- tort carbon, sixty -five cents per hun- dred feet ; * * * porous carbon pots for electric batteries, without me- tallic connections, twenty per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 81. * * * electrodes for elec- tric furnaces, electrolytic and battery purposes, brushes, plates, and disks, all the foregoing composed wholly or in chief value of carbon, 25 per centum ad valorem ; manufactures of carbon not specially provided for in this sec- tion, 20 i^er centum ad valorem. Par. 82. * * * carbons for electric lighting, wholly or partly finished, made entirely from petroleum coke, 15 cents per hundred feet; if composed chiefly of lampblack or retort carbon, 40 cents per hundred feet ; carbons for flaming arc lamps, not specially provided for in this section, * * * 30 per centum ad valorem ; porous car- bon pots for electric batteries, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 217. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 217. Plain green or colored, molded or pressed, and flint, lime, or lead glass bottles, vials, jars, and cov- ered or uncovered demijohns, and car- boys, any of the foregoing, filled or unfilled, not specially provided for, and whether their contents be dutiable or free (except such as contain merchan- dise subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a rate of duty based in whole or in part upon the value thereof, which shall be dutiable at the rate applicable to their contents), shall pay duty as follows : If holding more than one pint, 1 cent per pound ; if holding not more than one pint and not less than one-fourth of a pint, 1* cents per pound ; if holding less than one-fourth of a pint, 50 cents per gross : Provided, That none of the above articles shall pay a less rate of duty than 28 per centum ad valorem : Provided further, That the terms " bot- tles." " vials." " jars," " demijohns," .ind " carboys," as used herein, shall be restricted to such articles when suitable for use as and of the charac- ter ordinarily employed as containers for the holding and transportation of merchandise, and not as appliances or implements in chemical or other op- erations. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. fiProvidrd. That none of the above articles shall pay a less rate of duty than 28 per centum ad valorem :] Cfurther] Cas] [as containers] [operations.] operations, and not to include bottles for table sei'vice and thermostatic bottles. (Note. Ther- mostatic bottles carried in par. 14.54.) ACT OF 1913. I'ar. 07. Plain green or colored, molded or pressed, and flint, lime, or lead glass bottles, vials, jars, and cov- Par. 83. Plain green or colored, molded or pressed, and flint, lime, or lead glass bottles, vials, jars, and cov- TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 63 eved or uncovered demijohns, and car- boys, any of the foregoing, filled or un- tilled. not otlierwise specially provided for in this section, and whether their contents he dutiable or free (except such as contain merchandise subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a rate of duty based in whole or in part upon the value thereof which shall be dutiable at the rate applicable to their contents), shall pay duty as follows: If holding more than one pint, one cent per pound ; if holding not more than one pint and not less than onc-fourtli of a pint, one and one-half cents per pound ; if holding less than one-fourth of a pint, fifty cents per gross : Pro- vided, That none of the above articles shall pay a less rate of duty than forty per centum ad valorem : Provided fur- Ihev, That the. terms bottles, vials, jars, demijohns, and carboys, as used herein, shall be restricted to such articles when suitable for use as and of the character ordinarily employed as con- tainers for the holding or transporta- tion of merchandise, and not as ap- pliances or implements in chemical or other operations. ered and uncovered demijohns, and carboys, any of the foregoing, filled or unfilled, not otherwise specially pro- vided for in this section, and whether their contents be dutiable or free (ex- cept such as contain merchandise sub- ject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a rate of duty based in whole or in, part upon the value thereof which- shall be dutiable at the rate applicable to their contents), 30 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That the terms bottles, vials, jars, demijohns, and car- boys, as used herein, shall be restricted to such articles when suitable for use as and of the character ordinarily em- ployed as containers for the holding or transportation of merchandise, and not as appliances or implements in chemical or other operations. PARAGRAPH 218. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 218. Bottles, and all articles of every description, composed wholly or in chief value of glass or paste, blown or partly blown in the mold or other- wise, colored, cut, engraved, etched, frosted, gilded, ground (except such grinding as is neces.sary for fitting stoppers or for purposes other than ornamentation), painted, printed in any manner, sand-blasted, silvered, stained, or decorated or ornamented in any manner, whether filled or unfilled, or whether their contents be dutiable or fi'ee. 40 per centum ad valorem: Provided. That the foi-egoing con- tainers of merchandise subject to an ad valorem rate of duty or to a rate of duty based in whole or in part upon the value thereof, shall be dutiable at the rate applicable to their contents, but not less than the rate provided for in this paragraph : Provided further, That for the purposes of this Act, bot- tles with cut-glass stoppers shall with the stoppers be deemed entireties. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted. (See Sunnnary below) : Par. 218. Biological, chemical, met- allurgical, pharmaeeutieal, and surgi- cal articles and utensils of all kinds, including all scientific articles, utensils, tubing and rods, whether used, for ex- perimental purposes in hospitals, lab- oratories, schools and universities, colleges, or othermse, all of the fore- going, finished or unfinished, composed ivholly or in chief value of glass or paste, or a combination of glass and paste, 75 per centdim ad valorem; illu- minating articles of every description, including chimneys, globes, shades, and prisms, for use in connection ivith arti- ficial illumination, all of the foregoing, finished or unfinished, composed ivholly or in chief value of glass or paste, or a combination of glass and paste. 70 per centum ad valorem; all glassivare com- mercially knoivn as plated or cased glass, composed of two or more laiier% of clear, opaque, colored, or seniitram- lucent glass, or combinations of the same. 70 per centum ad valorem; table and kitchen articles and uten.nls, and all articles of every description not TARIFF ACTS COMPABED. specially provided for, composed 'wholly or in chief value of glass or paste, or combinations of glass and paste, blovm or partly Moton in the mold or other- wise, or colored, cut, engraved, etched, frosted, gilded, ground {except such grinding as is necesssary for fitting stoppers or for purposes other than ornamentation), painted, printed in any manner, sand-hlasted, silvered, stained, or decorated or ornamented in any manner, tvhethcr filled or unfilled, or ichether their contents be dutiable or free. 65 pi.r centum ad valorem ; table and kitchen articles and utensils, composed icJwlly or in chief value of glass or paste, or a combination of glass and paste, when pressed and un- polished, whether or not decorated or ornaiiicnted in any manner or ground (except such grinding as is necessary for fitting stoppers or for purposes other than ornamentation), whether filled or unfilled, or whether their con- tents be dutiable or free, 50 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That any of the articles specified in this paragraph, if containers of merchandise subject to an ad valorem rate of duty or to a rate of duty based, in tchole or in part upon the value thereof, shall be dutiable at the rate applicable to their contents, but not less than the rate provided for in this paragraph: Provided fur- ther. That for the purposes of this Act, bottles loith cut-glass stoppers sJiall with their stoppers be deemed entireties. ( Summary : The substituted para- graph provides specifically for scien- tific or testing articles and utensils of glass, for plated or cased glass shades and reflectors and for unpolished pressed glass table and kitchen ware. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Pak. 98. Gla.ss bottles, decanters, and all articles of every description com- posed wholly or in chief value of glass, ornamented or decorated in any man- ner, or cut, engraved, painted, deco- rated, ornamented, colored, stained, silvered, gilded, etched, sand blasted, frosted, or printed in any manner, or ground (except such grinding as is nec- essary for fitting stoppers or for pur- poses other than ornamentation), and all articles of every description, in- cluding bottles and bottle glassware, composed wholly or in chief value of glass blown either in a mold or other- wise : all of the foregoing, not specially provided for in this section, filled or nnfilkd, and whether their contents be Par. 84. Glass bottles, decanters, and all articles of every description com- posed wholly or in chief value of glass, ornamented or decorated in any man- ner, or cut, engraved, painted, deco- rated, ornamented, colored, stained, silvered, gilded, etched, sand blasted, frosted, or printed in any manner, or ground (except such grinding as is necessary for fitting stoppers or for purposes other than ornamentation), and all articles of every description, including bottles and bottle glassware, composed wholly or in chief value of glass* blown either in a mold or other- wise; all of the foregoing, not specially provided for in this section, filled or unfilled, and whether their contents TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 65 dutiable or free, sixty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That for the pur- poses of this Act, botth's with cut jrlass stoppers shall, with tlie stoppers, be deemed entireties. be dutiable or free. 4rt per centum ad valorem: Provided. That for the pur- poses of this Act : bottles with cut- jrlass stopi)ers sliall. witli the stoppers, be deemed entireties. PARAGRAPH 219. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pak. 219. Cylinder, crown, and sheet glass, by whatever process made, un- polished, not exceeding one hundred and fifty square inches, 1] cents per pound ; above that, and not exceeding three hundred and eighty-four .square inches, IJ cents per pound ; above that, and not exceeding seven Innidred and twenty square inches, 21 cents per pound'; above that, and not exceeding eight hundred and sixty-four square inches, 2f cents per pound ; above that, and not exceeding one thousand two hundred square inches, 3i cents per pound ; above that, and not exceeding two thousand four hundred square inches, 3f cents per pound ; above that, 4 cents per pound : Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay less duty than 3n per centum ad valorem : Pro- vided further. That unpolished cylin- der, crown, and s-heet glass, imported in lioxes, shall contain fifty square feet, as nearly as sizes will permit, and the duty shall be computed thereon according to the actual weight of glass. -^ ACT OF 1909. Pak. 99. Unpolished, cylinder, crown, iind common window glass, not exceed- ing one hundred and fifty square inches, valued at not more than one and one-half cents per pound, one and one-fourth cents per pound ; valued at more than one and one-half cents per pound, one and three-eighths cents per pound ; above that, and not exceeding three hundred and eighty-four square inches, valued at not more than one and three-fourths cents per pound, one and three-fourths cents per pound ; valued at more than one and three- fourths cents per pound, one and seven- eighths cents per pound ; above that, and not exceeding seven hundred and twenty square inches, valued at not more than two and one-eighth cents per pound, two and one-fourth cents per pound : valued at more than two and one-eighth cents per pound, two and three-eighths cents per pound ; above that, and not exceeding eight SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " process made." insert and for trhatever purpose used. tlO H [21] if E2f3 n [3:13 2 [31 ] 21 [4] 2* [That none arrel molds not in bars; alloys used as substitutes for steel in the manufactiu-e of tools; all de- scriptions and shapes of dr\' sand, loam or iron-molded steel castings; sheets and plates and steel not specially provided for in this section, all of the al)0\'e valued at three-fourths of one cent per pound or less, seven-fortieths of one cent per pound; valued above three-fourths of one cent and not above one and three-tenths cents per pound, three-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one and three- tenths cents and not above one and eight- tenths cents per pound, five-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one and eight-tenths cents and not aljove two and two-tenths cents per poimd, six-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above two and two-tenths cents and not above three cents per poimd, eight-tenths of one cent per pound; ^•alued above three cents per poimd and not aboAe four cents per pound, one and one-tenth cents per pound; valued aliove four (^ents and not above seven cents per ])ound. one and two-tenths cents per pound; valued above seven cents and not above ten cents per pound, one and nine-tenths cents per pound; valued above ten cents and not above thirteen cents per pound, two and three-tenths cents per pound; valued above thirteen cents and not above six- teen cents per pound, two and seven- tenths cents per pound; valued above sixteen cents and not above twenty-four cents per pound, four and six-tenths cents per pound; -^-alued above twenty-four cents and not above thirty-two cents per pound, six cents per pound ; valued above thirty-two cents and not above forty cents per pound, seven cents per pound; valued above forty cents per pound, twenty per eentiim ad valorem. Par. 137. * * * on steel circular Par. 109. * saw plates there shall be paid one-fourth rated in colors of one cent per pound in addition to the ad valorem, rates provided in this section for steel plates. Par. 171. * * * ingots, cogged in- gots, blooms, or blanks for the same, with- out regard to the degree of manufacture, one cent per pound: * * * ["The same" refers to wheels for railway pur- poses or parts thereof made of steel and steel locomotive car or other railway tires or parts thereof.] PARAGRAPH H. R. 7456. American Valuation. tanium, iridium, luanium, tantalum, boron, and similar alloys, [Free]. Pah. 110. Steel bars, and tapered or beveled bars; mill sbafting; pressed,, sheared, or stamped sha]>es, not advanced' in Aalue or condition by any ])rocess or- operatitm subsequent to the process of stamping; hammer molds or swaged steel ; gun-barrel molds not in l)ars; all descrip- tions and shapes of dry sand, loam, or iron molded steel castings, sheets, and plates; all the foregoing, if made bv the Bessemer, Siemens-Martin, ci})en-hearth, or similar processes, not containing al]o\s, such as nickel, cobalt, vanadium, chro- mium, tungsten or wolfram, molyb- denum, titanium, iridium, uranium, tantalum, boron, and similar alloys, 8 per centum ad valorem ; steel ingots^ cogged ingots, blooms and slabs, die blocks or blanks; billets and bars and tai)ered or beveled bars ; pressed , sheared, urstamped shapes not advanced in A-aUie or condition by any process' or operation subsequent to the process of stamping; hammer molds or swaged steel; gun-barrel molds not in bars; alloys used as substitutes for steel in the manufacture of tools; all descrip- tions and shapes ot dry !=and, loam, or iron molded castings, sheets, and jtjates; * * * and steel not specially ])rovided for in this section, ah the foregoing when made by the crucible, electric, "or ce- mentation process, either with or without alloys, and finished by rolling, hammer- ing, or otherwise, and all steels b> what- ever process made, containing alloys such as nickel, cobalt, vanadium^ chromium, tungsten, wolfram, molybdenum, tita- nium, iridium, uranium, tantalum, boron, and similar alloys, 15 per centum ad valorem . Par. 105. * * * crucible plate steel and saw plates, cut or sheared to shape or otherwise, or unsheared,* * * 12 per centiun ad valorem. metal sheets deco- * 15 per centum 305. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 305. In addition to the rates of duty p^o^■ided for in this title on steel in all forms and shapes, by whatever process made, and by whatever name designated, [this title] pai-agraph 30^ 82 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. whether cast, hoi or cold rolled, forged, stamped, or drawn, coutainiiig more than six-tenths of 1 per centum of nickel, co- balt, vanadium, chromium, tungsten, mo- lybdenum, or any other metallic element used in alloying steel, there shall be levied, collected, and paid 15 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That mangaTiese and silicon shall not be considered as alloying material unless present in the steel in excess of 1 per centum manga- nese or silicon: Provided further, That an additional cumulative duty of $1.25 per pound on the molybdenum content in excess of Ih, per centum, and 72 cents per pound on the tungsten content in excess of 1^ per centum shall be levied, collected and paid on any articles containhig molybdenum and tungsten. ACT OF 1909. Par. 131. [Specific rates according to value up to 40 cents per pound, above which 20 percentum ad valorem. No distindtion between alloy steels and car- bon steels of similar value.] C151 S t$1.25] fio cents [lO six-tenths of 1 [1^] six-tenths of one Ccolleeted] collected. [articles] nKiteriul jirorided for in paragraph 30/f ACT OF 1913. Par. 110. * * * and all steels by whatever process made, containing alloys such as nickel, cobalt, vanadium, chrom- ium, tungsten, wolfram, molybdenum, titanium, iridium, uranium, tantalum, boron, and similar alloys, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 306. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. oOG. All metal produced from iron or its ores, which is cast and malleable, of whatever description or form, without regard to the percentage of carbon con- tained therein, whether produced by cementation, or converted, cast, or made from iron or its ores, by the crucible, electric, l^essemer, Clapp-Griffith, pneu- matic, Thomas-Gilchrist, basic, Siemens- Martin, or open-hearth process, or by the equivalent of either, or by a combination of two or more of the processes, or their equivalents, or by any fusion or other pro- cess which produces from iron or its ores a metal either granular or fibrous in struc- tui:e, which is cast and malleable, ex- cepting what is known as malleable-iron castings, shall be classed and denomi- nated as steel. ACT OF 1909. Par. 139. All metal produced from iron or its ores, which is cast and malle- able, of whatever description or form, without regard to the percentage of carbon contained therein, whether pro- duced by cementation, or converted, cast, or made from iron or its ores, by the crucible, Bessemer, Clapp-Griffith, pneu- matic, Thomas-Gilchrist, basic, Siemens- SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 117. All metal produced from iron or its ores, which is cast and malle- able, of whatever description or form, without regard to the percentage of carbon contained therein, whether pro- duced by cementation, or converted, cast, or made from iron or its ores, by the crucible, Bessemer, Clapp-Griffith, pneu- matic, Thomas-Gilchrist, basic, Siemens- TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 83 Martin, or open-hearth process, or by the equivalent of either, or by a combination of two or more of the processes, or their equivalents, or by any fusion or other process which produces from iron or its ores a metal either granular or fibrous in structure, which is cast and malleable, excepting what is known as malleable- iron castings, shall be classed and denomi- nated as steel. Martin, or open-heartn process, or by the equivalent of either, or by a combination of two or more of the processes, or their equivalents, or by any fusion or other process which produces from iron or its ores a metal either granular or fibrous in structure, which is cast and malleable, excepting what is known as malleable- iron castings, shall be classed and denomi- nated as steel. PARAGRAPH 307. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 307. Boiler or other plate iron or steel, except crucible plate steel and saw plate steel, not thinner than one hundred and forty one-thousandths of one inch, cut or sheared to shape or otherwise, or unsh eared, and skelp iron or steel sheared or rolled in grooves, valued at 1 cent per pound or less, seven-twentieths of 1 cent per pound; valued above 1 cent per pound and not above 3 cents per pound, five- tenths of 1 cent per pound ; valued at over 3 cents per pound, 20 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all sheets or plates of iron or steel thinner than one hundred and forty one-thousandths of one inch shall pay duty as iron or steel sheets. ACT OF 1909. Par. 122. Boiler or other plate iron or steol, except crucible iilate steel and saw plates hereinafter ])rovided for in this section, not thinner than number ten wire gauge, cut or sheared to sha]ie or otherwise, or unsheared, and skelp iron or steel sheared or rolled in grooves, val- ued at eicht-tenths of one cent per pound or less, three-tenths of one cent per pound : valued above eieht-tenths of one cent and not above one cent per pound, four-tenth.-^ of one cent per ])ound; A'alued above one cent and not above two cents per pound, five-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above two cents and not above three cents per pound, six-tenths of one cent per pound; valued at OAor tlu-ee cents per pound, twenty per centum ad valorem: Providfd, That all sheets or plates of iron or steel thinner than number ten wire gauge shall pay duty as iron or steel sheets. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [forty] nine [forty] nine ACT OF 1913. Par. 105. Boiler or other plate iron or steel, * * * uot specially provided for in tliis section; sheets of iron or steel, common or black, of whatever dimensions, whether plain, corrugated or crimped. * * * and skelp iron or steel, whether sheared or rolled in grooves, or otherwise, 12 j)er centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 308. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 308. Sheets of iron or steel, com- mon or black, of whatever dimensions, and skelp iron or steel, valued at 3 cents per pound or less, thinner than one SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. 84 TARIFF ACTS GOMPAKED. huudred and forty one-thousandths and not thinner than" thirty-eight one-thoii- Bandths of an inch, forty-hve one-hun- dredths ol' 1 cent per pound: thinner than thirty-eight one-thousandths and not thinner than twenty-two one-thousandths of an inch, hfty-fiVe one-hundredths of 1 cent per pound: thinner tlian twenty- two one-thousandths and not thinner than ten one-tliousandths of an inch, seventy- five one-hundredths of 1 cent per pound; thinner than ten one-thousandths of an inch, eighty-five one-hundredths of a cent per pound: corrugated or crimped, seventy-five one-hundredths of 1 cent per pound; all the foregoing when valued at more than 3 cents per pound, 20 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all sheets or plates of common or black iron or steel not thinner than one hundred and forty one-thousandths of an inch shall paj- duty as plate iron or plate steel. ACT OF 1909. Par. 127. Sheets of iron or steel, com- mon or black, of whatever dimensions, and skelp iron or steel, valued at three cents per pound or less, thinner than number ten and not thinner than number twenty ^\^re gauge, five-tenths of one cent per pound; thinner than number twenty wire gauge and not thinner than number twenty-five mre gauge, six-tenths of one cent per pound; thinner than number twenty- five wire gauge and not thinner than numl^er thirty-two ^vire gauge, eight- tenths of one cent per pound; thinner than number tliirty-two ^^^re gauge, nine- tenths of one cent per pound; corrugated or crimped, eight-tenths of one cent per pound; all the foregoing valued at more than three cents per pound, thirty per centum ad valorem: Prnrickd, That all sheets or plates of common or black iron or steel not thinner than number ten ^\^re gauge shall pay duty as plate iron or plate steel. [lortyl nine [forty] nine ACT OF 1913. Par. 105. Boiler or other plate iron or steel, * * * not specially provided for in thi.' section ; sheets of iron or steel, common or black, of whatever dimensions, whether plain, corrugated or crimped, including crucible plate steel and saw plates, cut or sheared to shape or otherwise, or un- sheared, and skelp iron or steel, whether sheared or rolled in grooves, or otherwise, 12 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 309. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. ?>09. All iron or steel sheets, plates, bars, and rods, and all hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel, excepting what are known commercially as tin plates, terne- plates, and taggers tin, when galvanized or coated with zinc, spelter, or other met- als, or any alloy of those metals, shall pay two-tenths of 1 cent per pound more duty than if the same was not so galvanized or coated; sheets or plates composed of iron, steel, copper, nickel, or other metal A^dth layers of other metal or metals imposed SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. TARIFF AC;TS COMPARED. 85 thereon by forging, hammering, rolling, or welding, 28 per centum ad valorem; sheets and plates of iron or steel, pol ished, planished, or glanced, by whatever name designated, IJ cents per pound: Provided, That plates or sheets of iron or steel, bv whatever nauK> designated, other than polished, planished, or glanced, herein provided for, which have been pickled or cleaned by acid, or by any other material or process, or which are cold-rolled, smoothed only, not pol- ished, shall pay two-tenths of 1 cent per pound more duty than the rates pro^'ided on corresponding thicknesses of common or black sheet iron or steel. ACT OF 1909. Par. 128. All iron or steel sheets or plates, and all hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel, excepting what are known com- mercially as tin plates, terneplates, and taggers tin, and hereinafter provided for, when gah'anized or coated with zinc, spelter, or other metals, or any alloy of those metals, shall pay two-tenths of one cent per pound more duty than if the same was not so galvanized or coated; sheets or plates composed of iron, steel, copper, nickel, or other metal with layers of other metal or metals imposed thereon by forging, hammering, rolling, or weld- ing, forty per centum ad valorem. Par. i29. Sheets of iron or steel, pol- ished, planished, or glanced, by whatever name designated, one and one-half cents per pound : Provided, That plates or sheets of iron or steel, by whatever name desig- nated, other than the polished, planished, or glanced herein provided for, which have been pickled or cleaned by acid, or by any other material or process, or which are cold-rolled, smoothed only, not polished, shall pay two-tenths of one cent per pound more duty than the cor- responding gauges of common or black sheet iron or steel. [2S] 30 After " ad valorem insert llnriiiostafie metal in sheets, plates, or otlur forms, 50 per centum ad rnloron ; ACT OF 1913. H. R. 7456. Par. 109. All iron or steel sheets, plates, or strips, and all hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel, when galvanized or coated with zinc, spelter, or other metals, or any alloy of those metals; sheets or plates composed of iron, steel, copper, nickel, or other metal with layers of other metal or metals imposed thereon I)y forg- ing, hammering, rolling, or welding; sheets of iron or steel, polished, planished , or glanced, by whatever name designated, including such as have been pickled or cleaned by acid, or l)y any other material or process, or which are cold rolled, smoothed only, not polished, and such as are cold hammered, blued, l^rightened, tempered, or polished In' any process to such perfected surface finish or polish let- ter than the grade of cold rolled, smoothed only; * * * metal sheets * * * coated with nickel or other metals by dipping, printing, stenciling, or other process, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 310. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. .310. Sheets or plates of iron or steel, or taggers iron or steel, coated \nth tin or lead, or \%'ith a mixture of which Foreign Valuation. 86 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. these metals, or either of them, is a com- ponent part, by the dipping or any other process, and commercially known as tinplates, terneplates, and taggers tin, Iys cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 130. Sheets' or plates of iron or steel, or taggers iron or steel, coated ■with tin or lead, or with a mixture of which these metals, or either of them, is a com- ponent part, by the dipping or any other process, and commercially known as tin plates, terneplates, and taggers tin, one and two-tenths cents per pound. [tinplates! tin plates [1 iV centsl 1 cent ACT OF 1913. Par. 109. * * * and sheets or plates of iron or steel, or taggers iron or steel, coated with tin or lead, or with a mixture of which these metals, or either of them is a component part, by the dipping or any other process, and commercially known as tin plates, terneplates, and taggers tin, and tin plates coated with metal, and metal sheets * * * coated with nickel or other metals by dipping, printing, stenciling, or other process, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 311. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 311. Xo article not specially pro- Tided for which is whollv or partly manu- factured from tinplate, terneplate, or the sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel, or of which such tinplate, terne- plate, sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel shall 1 e the material of chief value, shall pay a lower rate of duty than that imposed on the tinplate, terneplate, or sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel from wliich it is made, or of which it shall be the component thereof of chief value. ACT OF 1909. Par. 136. No article not specially pro- vided for in this section, which is wholly or partly manufactured from tin plate, terneplate. or the sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel herein pro- vided for, or of which such tin plate, terneplate, sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel shall be the material of chief value, shall pay a lower rate of duty than that imposed on the iinplate, terneplate, or sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel from which it is made, or of which it shall be the component thereof of chief value. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [tinplate] tin plate [thel [tinplate] tin plate [tinplate] tin phite ACT OF 1913. Par. 115. No article not specially pro- vided for in this section, which is wholly or partly manufactured from tin plate, terneplate, or the sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel herein pro- vided for, or of which such tin plate, terneplate, sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel shall be the material of chief value, shall pay a lower rate of duty than that imposed on the tin pl»te, terneplate, or sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel from which it is made, or of which it shall be the com- ponent thereof of chief value. PARAGRAPH 312. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 312. Beams, girders, joists, an- gles, channels, car-truck channels, tees, columns and posts, or parts or sections of columns arid posts, deck and bulb beams, and building forms, together with all other structural shapes of iron or steel, not SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 87 assembled, manufactured, or advanced beyond hammering, rolling, or casting, seven-twentieths of 1 cent per pound; any of the foregoing if machined, drilled, punched, assembled, fitted, fabricated for use, or otherwise advanced beyond hammering, rolling, or casting, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par, 121. Beams, girders, joists, angles, channels, car-truck channels, TT. col- umns and posts or parts or sections of columns and posts, deck and bulb beam?, and building forms, together with all other structural shapes of iron or steel, not assembled, or manufactured, or ad- vanced beyond hammering', rolling, or casting, valued at nine-tenths of one cent per pound or less, three-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above nine-tenths of one cent per pound, four-tenths of one cent per pound. Cmanufactured.l manufactured [seveu-twentiethsl one-fifth [if] C251 20 Cad valorem] ad valorem; sashes, frames, and 'building forms, of iron or steel, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 101. Beams, girders, joiste, angles, channels, car-truck channels, TT, col- umns and posts or parts or sections of columns and posts, deck and bulb beams, * * * and building forms, together with all other structural shapes of iron or steel, whether plain, punched, or fitted for use, or whether assembled or manu- factured, 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 313. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 313. Hoop, band, and scroll iron or steel, not specially provided for, valued at 3 cents per pound or less, eight inches or less in width, and thinner than three- eighths and not thinner than one hun- dred and forty one-thousandths of one inch, twenty-five one-hundredths of 1 cent per pound; thinner than one hun- dred and forty one-thousandths and not thinner than thirty-eight one-thousandths of one inch, thirty-five one-hundredths of 1 cent per pound; thinner than thirty- eight one-thousandths of one inch, fifty- five one-hundredths of 1 cent per pound: Provided, That barrel hoops of iron or steel, and hoop or band iron, or hoop or band steel, flared, splayed, or punched, with or ^^•ithout buckles or fastenings, shall pav no more duty than that imposed on the boop or band iron or steel from which they are made, bands and strips of iron or steel, whether in long or short lengths, not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 124. Hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel, not otherwise provided for in this section, valued at three cents per pound or less, eight inches or less in width, and less than three-eighths of one inch thick and not thinner than number ten wire gauge, three-tenths of one cent per pound ; thinner than number ten wire gauge and not thinner than number twenty wire SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Cfoi'ty] nine [forty] nine [made,] made; [20] 25 ACT OF 1913. Par. 105. * * * strips of iron or steel, not specially provided for in this section; * * * 12 per centum ad valorem. Par. 107. Hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel not otherwise provided for in this section, and barrel hoops of iron or steel, wholly or partly manufactured, 10 per centum ad valorem. 88 TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. gauge, four-tenths of one cent per pound; thinner than number twenty wire gauge, six-tenths of one cent per pound: Pro- vided, That barrel hoops of iron or steel, and hoop or band iron or hoop or band steel flared, splayed or punched, with or without buckles or fastenings, shall pay one-tenth of one cent per pound more duty than that imposed on the hoop or band iron or steel from which they are made; bands and strips of steel, exceeding twelve feet in length, not specially pro- vided for in this section, tliirty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 314, H. R. 7466. American Valuation. Pah. 314. Hoop or band iron, and hoop or band steel, cut to lengths, or wholly or partly manufactured into hoops or ties, coated or not coated with paint or any other preparation, with or without buck- les or fastenings, for baling cotton or any other commodity, one-fourth of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 125. Hoop or band iron, or hoop or band steel, cut to lengths, or wholly or partly manufactured into hoops or ties, coated or not coated with paint or any other preparation, with or without buckles or fastenings, for baling cotton or any other commodity, three-tenths of one cent per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 509. Hoop or band iron, or hoop or band steel, cut to lengths, or wholly or partly manufactured into hoops or ties, coated or not coated with paint or any other preparation, with or without buckles or fastenings, for baling cotton or any other commodity [Free]. PARAGRAPH 315. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 315. Wire rods: Rivet, screw, fence, and other iron or steel wire rods, whether round, oval, or square, or in any other shape, nail rods and fiat rods up to six inches in width ready to be drawn or rolled into wire or strips, all the foregoing in coils or othermse, valued at not over 4 cents per pound, three-tenths of 1 cent per pound ; valued over 4 cents per pound, six-tenths of 1 cent per pound: Provided, That all round iron or steel rods smaller than twenty one-hundredths of one inch in diameter shall be classed and dutiable as wire: Provided further, That all iron or steel wire rods which have been tem- pered or treated in any manner or partly manufactured shall pay an additional duty of one-fourth of 1 cent per pound: Provided further. That on all iron or steel bars and rods of whatever shape or sec- tion which are cold rolled, cold drawn, cold hammered, or polished in any way SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " valued " insert at Cclassed] classified TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 89 in addition to the ordinary process of hot rolling or hammering, there shall l>e paid one-eighth of 1 cent per pound in addition to the rates provided on bars or rods of whatever section or shape which are hot rolled; and on all strips, plates, or sheets of iron or steel of what- ever shape, other than polished, plan- ished, or glanced sheet iron or sheet steel, which are cold hammered, blued, bright- ened, tempered, or polished by any process to such perfected surface finish or polish better than the grade of cold rolled, smoothed only, there shall l)e paid two-tenths of 1 cent per pound in addition to the rates provided on plates, strips, or sheets of iron or steel of com- mon or black finish of corresponding thickness or value. ACT OF 1909. Par. 134. Wire rods: Rivet, screw, fence, and other iron or steel wire rods, whether round, oval, fiat, or square, or in any other shape, and nail rods, all the foregoing in coils or otherwise, valued at four cents or less per pound, three-tenths of one cent per pound; valued over four cents per pound, six- tenths of one cent per pound : Provided, That all round iron or steel rods smaller than number six wire gauge shall be classed and dutiable as wire: Provided further, That all iron or steel wire rods which have been tempered or treated in any manner or partly manu- factured shall pay an additional duty of one-half of one cent per pound. Par. 137. On all iron or steel bars or rods of whatever shape or section which are cold rolled, cold drawn, cold ham- mered, or polished in any way in addition to the ordinary process of hot rolling or hammering, there shall be paid one-eighth of one cent per pound in addition to the rates provided in this section on bars or rods of whatever section or shape which are hot rolled; and on all strips, plates, or sheets of iron or steel of whatever shape, other than the polished, planished, or glanced sheet iron or sheet steel herein- before provided for, which are cold ham- mered, blued, brightened, tempered, or polished by any process to such perfected surface finish or poHsh better than the grade of cold rolled, smoothed only, here- inbefore provided for, there shall be paid four-tenths of one cent per pound in addition to the rates provided in this section upon plates, strips, or sheets of iron or steel of common or black finish of corresponding gauge or value; * * *. [No corresponding provision for horse- shoe nail rods.l ACT OF 1913. Par. 113. Rivet, screw, fence, nail, and other iron or steel wire rods, whether round, oval, or square, or in any other shape, and flat rods up to six inches in width ready to be drawn or rolled into wire or strips, all the foregoing in coils or otherwise, including wire rods and iron or steel bars, cold rolled, cold drawn, cold hammered, or polished in any way in addition to the ordinary process of hot rolling or hammering, not specially pro- vided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all round iron or steel rods smaller than twenty one- hundredths of one inch in diameter shall be classed and dutiable as wire. Par. 109. * * * sheets or plates composed of iron, steel, * * * and such as are cold hammered, blued, l)right- ened, tempered, or polished by any pro- cess to such perfected surface finish or polish better than the grade of cold rolled, smoothed only; * * * 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 110. * * * rolled wire rods in coils or bars not smaller than twenty one- hundredths of 1 inch in diameter * * * when made by the crucible, electric, or cementation process, * * * and fin- ished by rolling, hammering, or other- wise, * * * 15 per centum ad va- lorem. Par. 554. * * * horseshoe nail rods, * * [Free]. 90 TARIFF ACTS COMPAKED. PARAGRAPH 316. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 316. Round iron or steel wire, not smaller than ninety-five one-thousandths of one inch in diameter, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound; smaller than ninety- five one-thousandths and not smaller than sixty-five one-thousandths of one inch in diameter, 1^ cents per pound: smaller than sixty-five one-thousandths of one inch in diameter, IJ cents per pound: Provided, That all of the foregoing valued above 6 cents per pound shall pay a duty of 20 per centum ad valorem; all wire composed of iron, steel, or other metal, not specially provided for, except gold, silver, or platinum; all flat wires and all steel in strips not thicker than one- c^uarter of one inch and not exceeding sixteen inches in width, whether in long or short lengths, in coils or otherwise, and whether rolled or drawn through dies or rolls, or otherwise produced, and all other wire not specially provided for, 20 per centimi ad valorem: Provided, That all wire of iron, steel or other metal coated by dipping, galvanizing, sherardizing, elec- trolytic or any other process with zinc, tin, or other metal, shall pay a duty of two-tenths of 1 cent per pound in addi- tion to the rate imposed on the wire of wkich it is made; telegraph, telephone, and other wires and cables composed of iron, steel, or other metal except gold, silver, or platinum, covered with or com- posed in part of cotton, jute, silk, enamel, lacquer, rubber, paper, compound, or other material, with or without metal covering, 30 per centum ad valorem : wire rope and wire strand, 30 per centum ad valorem ; spinning and twisting ring trav- elers, 30 per centum ad valorem; wire heddles and healds, 25 cents per thousand and 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 135. Round iron or steel wire, not smaller than number thirteen wire gauge, one cent per pound ; smaller than number thirteen and not smaller than number six- teen wire gauge, one and one-fourth cents per pound; smaller than number sixteen wire gauge, one and three-fourths cents per pound: Provided, That all the forego- ing shall pay duty at not less than thirty- five per centum ad valorem; all wire com- posed of iron, steel, or other metal except gold or silver, covered with cotton, silk, or other material, * * * and all flat mres, and steel in strips, not thicker than number fifteen wire gauge and not exceeding five inches in width, whether in long or short lengths, in coils or otherwise, and whether SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [201 25 Cfor. except] for {except [platinum] platinum) [and all other wire not specially pro- vided for 20] 25 [steel] steel, [electrolytic] electrolytic, [except] {except [platinum] platimim) , [30] 35 [30] 35 [30] 35 ACT OF 1913. Par. 114. Round iron or steel wire; wire composed of iron, steel, or other metal, ex- cept gold or silver, covered with cotton, silk, or other material ; * * * and all flat wires and steel in strips not thicker than number fifteen ^vire gauge and not ex- ceeding five inches in width, whether in long or short lengths, in coils or otherwise, and whether rolled or drawn through dies or rolls, or otherwise produced; telegraph, telephone, and other wires and cables composed of metal and rubber, or of metal, rubber, and other materials; iron and steel wire coated by dipping, galvanizing, or similar process with zinc, tin, or other metal: all other ware not specially pro- Added fur in this section and articles man- TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 91 rolled or drawn through dies or rolls, or otherwise produced, and all other wire not specially provided for in this section, shall pay a duty of not less than thirty-five per centum ad valorem : on iron or steel wire coated by dipping, galvanizing, or similar process with zinc, tin, or other metal, there shall be paid two-tenths of one cent per pound in addition to the rate imposed on the wire of which it is made: Provided further. That articles manufactured wholly or in chief value of any wire or wires pro- vided for in this paragraph shall pay the maximum rate of duty imposed in this section upon any wire used in the manu- facture of such articles and in addition thereto one cent per pound: And 'provided further, That no article made from or com- posed of wire shall pay a less rate of duty than forty per centum ad valorem: tele- graph, telephone, and other wires and ca- bles composed of metal and rubber, or of metal, rubber, and other materials, forty per centum ad valorem; * * * wire heddles or healds, twenty-five cents J)er thousand, and in addition thereto, orty per centum ad valorem. Par. 199. Articles or wares not specially provided for in this section, composed wholly or in part of * * * metal, * * * forty-five per centum ad valo- rem. ufactured wholly or in chiet value of any wire or wires proAided for in this section; all the foregoing 15 per centum ad valo- rem; wire heddles and healds, 25 per centum ad valorem; Avire rope, 30 per centum ad valorem. Par. 167. Articles or wares not specially provided for in this section; * * * if composed wholly or in chief value of * * * metal * * * 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 317. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par 317. All gaWanized wire not specially provided for, not larger than twenty one-hundredths and not smaller than eight one-hundredths of one inch in diameter, of the kind commonly used for fencing purposes, galvanized wire fencing composed of wires not larger than twenty one-hundredths and not smaller than eight one-hundredths of one inch in diameter; and all wire commonly used for baling hay or other commodities, one- half of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 135. * * * all other wire not specially provided for in this section, abiall pay a duty of not less than thirty-five per centum ad valorem; on iron or steel wire coated by dipping, galvanizing or similar process with zinc, tin, or other metal, there shall be paid two-tenths of • one cent per pound in addition to the rate imposed on the wire of which it is made : Provided further, That articles manufac- tured wholly or in chief value of any wire or wires pro\ided for in this paragraph shall pa>- the maxim mn rate of duty im- posed in this section upon any wire used SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 645. * * * galvanized wire not larger than twenty one-hundredths of one inch in diameter and not smaller than eight one-hundredths of one inch in diameter of the kind commonly used for fencing piu-poses, galvanized wire fencing composed of wires not larger than twenty one-hundredths of one inch in diameter nor smaller than eight one-hundredths of one inch in diameter, and wire commoiily used for baling hav or other commodities [Free]. 92 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. in the manufacture of such articles and in addition thereto one cent per pound: Ayid provided further, That no article made from or composed of wire shall pay a less rate of duty than forty per centum ad valorem; * * * . PARAGRAPH 318. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 318. Woven-wire cloth: Gauze, fabric, or screen, made of wire composed of steel, brass, copper, bronze, or any other metal or alloy, not specially pro- vided for, \vith meshes not finer than thirty wires to the lineal inch in warp or filling, 20 per centum ad valorem; with meshes finer than thirty and not finer than ninety wires to the lineal inch in warp or filling, 30 per centum ad valorem; with meshes finer than ninety wires to the lineal inch in warp or filling, 40 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [20] 23 [30] 35 [40] J,5 ACT OF 1909. Par. 199. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section, com- posed wholly or in part of * * * metal, * * * forty-five per centum a,d valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 114. * * * and articles manu- factured wholly or in chief value of any wire or wires provided for in this section ; all the foregoing 15 per centum ad va- lorem; * ^ *. Par. 167. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section; * * * if composed wholly or in chief value of * * * metal, * * * 20 per centum ad A'alorem. PARAGRAPH 319. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 319. Iron or steel anchors and parts thereof; forgings of iron or steel, or of combined iron and steel, not machined, tooled, or other^^ise advanced in condi- tion by any process or operation subse- quent to the forging process, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 123. Iron or steel anchors or parts thereof, one cent per pound; forgings of iron or steel, or of combined iron and steel, but not machined, tooled, or other- wise advanced in condition by any process or operation subsequent to the forging process, not specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 106. Iron or steel anchors or parts thereof; forgings of iron or steel, or of combined iron and steel, but not ma- chined, tooled, or otherwise advanced in condition by any process or operation subsequent to the forging process, not specially provided for in this section, 12 per centum ad valorem; * * * TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 93 PARAGRAPH 320. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 320. Electric storage batteries and parts thereof, storage battery plates and Zp\iites'Jpl('tes, storage battery plate material, wholly or partly manufactured, all the foregoing not specially pro%'ided for, 30 per centum C30] '/O ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. [Classable according to component ma- [Classable according to component ma- terial of chief value.] terial of chief value.] PARAGRAPH 321. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 321. Antifriction balls and rollers, metal balls and rollers commonly used in ball or roller bearings, metal ball or roller bearings, and parts thereof, whether fin- ished or unfinished, for whatever use in- tended, 10 cents per pound and 35 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [351 5.5 ACT OF 1909. Par. 123. * * * antifriction balls, ball bearings, and roller bearings, of iron or steel or other metal, finished or unfinished, forty-five per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 106. * * * antifriction balls, ball bearings, and roller bearings, of iron or steel or other metal, finished or un- finished, and parts thereof, 35 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 322. H. R. 7456. » American Valuation. Par. 322. Railway fishplates or splice bars, made of iron or steel, one-fourth of 1 cent per pound; all other railway bars made of iron or steel, and railway bars made in part of steel, T rails, and punched iron or steel flat rails, seven-fortieths of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 126. Railway bars, made of iron or steel, and railway bars made in part of steel, T rails and punched iron or steel flat rails, seven-fortieths of one cent per pound; railway fish-plates or splice-bars, made of iron or steel , three-tenths of one cent per pound. 103791—22 7 SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " splice bars " insert tie plates, After " pound ; " insert rail braces, and [seven-fortieths] one-tenth ACT OF 1913. Par. 108. Railway fishplates or splice bars made of iron or steel, 10 per centum ad valorem. Par. 587. Railway bars, made of iron or steel, and railway bars made in part of steel, T rails, and punched iron or steel flat rails [Free]. 94 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 323. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 323. Axles and parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks, and forgings for axles, of iron or steel, without reference to the stage or state of manufacture, not specially provided for, valued at not more than 6 cents per pound, six-tenths of 1 cent per pound: Provided, That when iron or steel axles are imported fitted in wheels, or parts of wheels, of iron or steel, they shall be dutial)le at the same rate as the wheels in which they are fitted. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. Par. 142. Axles, or parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks, or forgings for axles, whether of iron or steel, 'ivithout reference to the stage or state of manufacture, not otherwise provided for in this section, valued at not more than six cents per pound, three-fourths of one cent per pound: Provided, That when iron or steel axles are imported fitted in wheels, or Earts of wheels, of iron or steel, they shall e dutiable at the same rate as the wheels in which they are fitted. PARAGRAPH ACT OF 1913. Par. 121. Axles, or parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks, or forgings for axles, whether of iron or steel, without reference to the stage or state of manufacture, not otherwise provided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That when iron or steel axles are imported fitted in wheels, or parts of wheels, of iron or steel, they shall be dutiable at the same rate as the wheels in which they are fitted. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 324. Wheels for railway purposes, and parts thereof, of iron or steel, and Bteel-tired wheels for railway purposes, wholly or partly finished, and iron or steel locomotive, car, or other railway tires and parts thereof, wholly or partly manufactured, 1 cent per pound: Pro- vided, That when wheels for railway pur- poses, or parts thereof, of iron or steel, are imported with iron or steel axles fitted in them, the wheels and axles together shall be dutiable at the same rate as is provided for the wheels when imported separately. ACT OF 1909. Par. 171. Wheels for railway purposes, or parts thereof, made of iron or steel, and steel-tired wheels for railway purposes, whether wholly or partly finished, and iron or steel locomotive, car, or other rail- way tires or parts thereof, wholly or partly manufactured, one and one-fourth cents per pound; ingots, cogged ingots, blooms, or blanks for the same, without regard to the degree of manufacture, one cent per pound: Provided, That when wheels for railway purposes, or parts thereof, of iron or steel, are imported ^vith iron or steel axles fitted in them, the wheels and axles together shall be dutiable at the same rate as is provided for the wheels when imported separately. 324. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. i No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 142. Wheels for railway purposes, or parts thereof, made of iron or steel, and steel-tired wheels for railway purposes, whether wholly or partly finished, and iron or steel locomotive, car, or other rail- way tires or parts thereof, wholly or partly manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That when wheels for railway purposes, or parts thereof, of iron or steel, are imported with iron or steel axles fitted in them, the wheels and axles together shall be dutiable at the same rate as is provided for the wheels when imported separately. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 95 PARAGRAPH 325. Par. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. 325. Anvils of iron or steel, or of iron and steel fonibinetl. by wliatever process made, or in whatever stage of manufacture, If cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 140. AnAals of iron or steel, or of iron and steel combined, by whatever process made, or in whatever stage of manufacture, one and five-eighths cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [AnviLsJ Je)celers' and other anvils ireigliinfj less than five pounds each, 'i') per coittnii a -five one-thousandths of an inch, if not less than three-eighths of an inch in diameter, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound ; if less than three-eighths and not less than one-fourth of an inch in diam- eter, l\ cents per pound; if less than one- fourth of an inch in diameter, If cents per pound: Provided, That no tubes, pipes, flues, or stays made of charcoal iron shall pay a less rate of duty than IJ cents per pound ; cylindrical and tubular tanks or vessels, for holding gas, liquids, or other material, whether full or empty; welded cylindrical furnaces, tubes and flues made from plate metal, whether corrugated, ribbed, or otherwise rein- forced against collapsing pressure, and all other finished or unfinished iron or steel tubes not specially proWded for, 20 per centum ad valorem; flexible metal tubing or hose, whether covered with wire or other material, including any appliances or attachments affixed thereto, not specially provided for, and rigid iron or steel tubes or pipes prepared and lined oi coated in any manner suitable for use as conduits for electrical conductors, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 151. Lap-vrelded, butt -welded, seamed, or jointed iron or steel tubes, pipes, flues, or stays, not thinner than number sixteen wire gauge, if not less than three-eighths of an inch in diameter, one cent per pound; if less than three- eighths of an inch and not less than one- fourth of an inch in diameter, one and one-half cents per pound; if less than one-foiu'th of an inch in diameter, two cents per pound: Provided, That no tubes. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Cand3 or Cand] or [201 30 C253 35 ACT OF 1913. Par. 127. Lap -welded, butt -welded, seamed, or jointed iron or steel tubes, pipes, flues, or stays; cylindrical or tubular tanks or vessels, for holding gas, liquids, or other material, whether full or empty; flexible metal tubing or hose, not specially provided for in this section, whether covered with wii'e or other mate- rial, or otherwise, including any appli- ances or attachments affixed thereto; welded cvlindrical fiu-naces. tubes or TARIFF ACTS COMPARED, 97 pipes, flues, or stays, made of diajcoai iron, shall pay a less rate of duty than one and one-half cents per pound; cylindrical or tubular tanks or Aessels, for holding gas, liquids, or other material, whether full or empty, thirty per centum ad valorem; flexible metal tubing or hose, not specially provided for in this section, whether covered with wire or other mate- rial, or otherwise, including any appli- ances or attachments affixed thereto, thirty per centum ad valorem; welded cylindrical furnaces, tubes or flues made from plate metal, and corrugated, ribbed, or otherwise reinforced against collapsing pressure, two cents per pound: all other iron or steel tubes, finished, not specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad Aalorem. PARAGRAPH 329. flues made from plate metal, and corru- gated, ribbed, or otherwise reenforced against collapsing pressure, and all other iron or steel tubes, finished, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 329. Chain and chains of all kinds, made of iron or steel, not less than three- fourths of one inch in diameter, 1 cent per pound ; less than three-fourths and not less than three-eighths of one inch in diameter, 1^ cents per pound; less than three- eighths and not less than five-sixteenths of one inch in diameter, 2^ cents per pound; less than five-sixteenths of one inch in diameter, 4 cents per pound; chain and chains of all kinds, of iron or steel, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem; sprocket and ma- chine chains, of iron or steel, and parte thereof, 30 per centum ad valorem; anchor or stud link chain, two inches or more in diameter, 1^ cents per pound; less than two inches in diameter, 2 cents per pound: Provided, That all articles manufactured wholly or in chief vahi^ of chain shall not pay a lower rate of duty than that im- posed upon the chain of which it is made, or of which chain is the component material of chief value. ACT OF 1909. Par. 150. Chain or chains of all kinds, made of iron or steel, not less than three- fourths of one inch in diameter, seven- eighths of one cent per pound; less than three-fourths of one inch and not less than three-eighths of one inch in diameter, one and one-eighth cents per pound; less than three-eighths of one inch in diameter and not less than five-sixteenths of one inch in diameter, one and six-eighths cents per pound: less than five-sixteenths of one inch in diameter, three cents per pound; but no chain or chains of any description shall pay a lower rate of duty than lortj'- five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [1] seven-eigliths of 1 till H C20 H 1413 [chain and chains of all kinds, of iron or steel, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem ;] C303 35 ACT OF 1913. Par. 126. Chain or chains of all kinds, made of iron or steel, not specially pro- \-ided for in this section, 20 per centurn ad valorem; sprocket and machine chains, 25 per centum ad valorem. 98 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 330. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. .3:^0. Nuts, nut blanks, and washers, of ■tvrought iron or steel, six- tenths of 1 cent per pound; bolts, with or without threads or nuts, and bolt blanks, of iron or steel, \ cent per pound; spiral nut locks, and lock washers, of iron or steel, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. without Par. 144. Bolts, with or threads or nuts, or bolt blanks, * * * whether of iron or steel, one and one- eighth cents per pound. Par. 162. * * * nuts, and wash- ers, * * * of wrought iron or steel, three-fourths of one cent per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C30] .',0 ACT OF 1913. Par. 123. Nuts or nut blanks, and washers, 5 per centum ad valorem; bolts of iron or steel, with or without threads or nuts, or bolt blanks, * * * 10 per centum ad valorem; spiral nut locks and lock washers, whether of iron or steel, 30 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 331. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 331. Cut nails and cut spikes, of iron or steel, exceeding two inches in length, four-tenths of 1 cent per pound; cut tacks and brads, hobnails and cut nails, of iron or steel, not exceeding two inches in length, 20 per centum ad valorem; horseshoe nails, and other iron or steel nails, not specially provided for, 2 cents per pound; nails, spikes, tacks, brads, and staples, made of iron or steel wire, not less than one inch in length nor smaller than sixty-five one-thou- sandths of one inch in diameter, four- tenths of 1 cent per pound; less than one inch in length and smaller than sixty- five one-thousandths of one inch in diameter, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound; spikes, tacks, brads, and staples, not specially provided for, six-tenths of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 159. Cut nails and cut spikes of iron or steel, four-tenths of one cent per pound. Par. 160. Horseshoe nails, hob nails, and all other wrought-iron or steel nails not specially provided for in this section, one and one-half cents per pound. Par. 161. Wire nails made of wrought iron or steel, not less than one inch in length and not lighter than number sixteen wire gauge, four-tenths of one cent per pound; less than one inch in length and lighter than number sixteen wire gauge, three-fourths of one cent per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. DO] li ACT OF 1913. Par. 554. Cut nails and cut spikes of iron or steel, horseshoe nails, * * * hobnails, and all other wrought-iron or steel nails not specially provided for in this section; wire staples, wire nails made of wrought iron or steel, spikes, * * * of iron or steel, and cut tacks, brads, or si)rigs [Free,] TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 99 Par. 162. Spikes, * •* * of wrought iron or steel, three-fourths of one cent per pound. Par. 163. Cut tacks, brads, or sprigs, not exceeding sixteen oxinces to the thousand, five-eighths of one cent per thousand; exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand, three-fourths of one cent per pound. PARAGRAPH 332. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 332. Rivets, studs, and steel points, lathed, machined, or brightened, and rivets or studs for nonskidding auto- mobile tires, 25 per centum ad valorem; rivets of iron or steel, not specially pro- vided for, 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 167. Rivets, studs, and steel points, lathed, machined, or brightened, and rivets or studs for nonskidding auto- mobile tires, forty-five per centum ad valorem; rivets of iron or steel, not specially provided for in this section, one and one-fourth cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [2.5] 30 ACT OF 1913. Par. 138. Rivets, studs, and steel points, lathed, machined, or brightened, and rivets or studs for nonskidding auto- mobile tires, and rivets of iron or steel, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 333. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 333. Horse, mule, or ox shoes, of wrought iron or steel, six -tenths of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [horse] Common horse [six-tenths] one-fifth Z.vonnd'j pound ; horse, mtile, or ox shoes, punched, drilled or tapped, of tvrought iron or steel, for use with ad- justable icroug?it-iron or steel skid calks, and solid drop-forged calked shoes of wrought iron or steel, 1 cent per pound ACT OF 1913. Par. 162. * * * horse, mule, or ox Par. 554. * * •* horse, mule, or ox shoes, of wrought iron or steel, three- shoes, of iron or steel, * * * [Free], fourths of one cent per pound. PARAGRAPH 334. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 334. Steel wool, 10 cents per pound ; steel sha\dng8, 5 cents per pound ; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, 30 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That in computing the duty the weight and value of the package shall be included and the net weight of the contents shall be plainly marked upon each package. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Proviso liMS been deleted. 100 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 132. Steel wool or steel shaving forty per centum ad Aalorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 111. Steel wool or steel shavings, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 335. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 335. Grit, shot, and sand of iron or steel, in any form, 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 133. Grit, shot, and sand made of iron or steel, that can be used only as abrasives, one cent per pound. After " form," insert three- fourths of ACT OF 1913. Par. 112. Grit, shot, and sand made of iron or steel, that can be used as abrasives, 30 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 336. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 336. Corset clasps, corset steels, and dress steels, whether plain or covered with cotton, silk, or other material, 25 per 1125] 35 centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 135. * * * corset clasps, cor- set steels, dress steels, * * * shall pay a duty of not less than thirty-five per cent ad valorem; * * * . ACT OF 1913. Par. 114. * * * corset clasps, cot- set steels, dress steels, * * * all the foregoing 15 per centum ad valorem; PARAGRAPH 337. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 337. Card clothing not actually and permanently fitted to and attached to carding machines or to parts thereof at the time of importation, when manufac- tured with tempered or un tempered round iron or steel wire, or with plated wire, or other than round iron or steel wire, or with felt face, wool face, or rubber-face cloth containing wool, 35 per centum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 145. Card clothing not actually and permanently fitted to and attached to carding machines or to parts thereof at the time of importation, when manufac- tured with round iron or untempered round steel wire, twenty cents per square foot; when manufactured with tempered round steel wire, forty-five cents per square foot; when manufactured with plated wire or other than round iron or steel wire, or with felt face, wool face, or rubber-face cloth containing wool, fifty- five cents per square foot. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [tempered or untempered round iron or steel wire,] round iron or untem- pered round steel icire, 20 per centum (id valorem; ivhen manufactured with tempered round steel wire, [35] J,5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 124. Card clothing not actually and permanently fitted to and attached to carding machines or to parts thereof at the time of importation, when manufac- tured with round ir()n or untempered round steel wire, 10 per centum ad valo- rem ; when manufactured with tempered round steel wire, or with plated wire or other than round iron or steel ^vire, or with felt face, or wool face, or nibber-face cloth containing wool, 35 per centum ad valo rem. TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. 101 PARAGRAPH 338. H. R. 7456, American Valuation. Par. 338. Screws, commonly called wood screws, of iron or steel, more than two inches in length, 10 cents per gross; over one inch and not over two inches in length, 8 cents per gross; over one-half inch and not over one inch in length, 5 cents per gross; one-half inch and less in length, 3 cents per gross: SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigm Valuation. [more than two inches in length, 10 cents per gross ; over one inch and not over two inches in lengtli, 8 cents per gross; over one-half inch and not over one inch in length, 5 cents per gross ; one-half inch and less in length, 3 cents per gross] 25 per centum ml valorem: Provided, That each package or carton shall have conspicuously marked there- on the number of screws contained therein and the duty shall not be as- sessed upon a less number tliau so marked. ACT OF 1909. Par. 169. Screws, commonly called wood screws, made of iron or steel, more than two inches in length, three cents per pound; over one inch and not more than two inches in length, five cents per pound ; over one-half inch and not more than one inch in length, eight cents per pound; one-half inch and less in length, 10 cents per pound. Proviso struck out. ACT OF 1913. Par. 140. Screws, commonly called wood screws, made of iron or steel, 25 per centum ad valorem.. PARAGRAPH 339. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 339. Table, household, kitchen, and hospital utensils, and similar hollow or flat ware, not specially provided for; composed of iron or steel and enameled or glazed \x\t\v vitreous glasses, 5 cents per pound and 30 per centum ad valorem; composed wholly or in chief vahie of aluminum, 28 per centum ad valorem; and in addition thereto, upon any of the foregoing articles containing electrical heating elements as constituent parts thereof, 10 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 158. Table, kitchen, and hospital utensils, or other similar hollow ware, of iron or steel, enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses, but not ornamented or decorated ^vith lithographic or other printing, forty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [similar] [28] 15 cents per pound and 60 After " ad valorem " insert composed tuholly or in chief value of copper, brass, steel, or other mietal, not specially provided for, 50 per centum ad valorem; ACT OF 1913. Par. 134. Table, kitchen, and hospital utensils or other similar hollow ware com- posed of iron or steel, enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses; table, kitchen, and hospital utensils or other similar hollow ware composed wholly or in chief value 102 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. Par. 199. Articles or wares not specially pro\'idecl for in this section, composed wholly or in part of * * * ahimi- num, or other metal, * * * forty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 340. of aluminum; all the foregoing not spe- cially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem. H. B. 7466. American Valuation. Par. 340. Crosscut saws, mill saws, pit and drag saws, circular saws, steel band saws, finished or further advanced than tempered and polishtMl, hand, back, and all other saws, not specially pro\aded for, 15 per centum ad valorem; jewelers' or piercing saws, 40 cents per gross. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [15] 30 ACT OF 1913. Par. 168. Crosscut saws, five cents per linear foot; mill saws, e^ight cents per linear foot; pit and drag saws, six cents per linear foot; circular saws, twenty per centum ad valorem; steel band saws, fin- ished or further advanced than tempered and polished, five cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; hand, back, and all other saws, not specially pro\ided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 341. Par. 139. Crosscut saws, mill saws, pit and drag saws, circular saws, steel hand saws, finished or further advanced than tempered and polished, hand, back, and all other saws, not specially provided for in this section, 12 per centum ad valorem. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 341. Steel plates, stereotype plates, electrotype plates, halftone plates, photogravure plates, photo-en- graved plates, and plates of other ma- terials, engraved for printing, and plates of iron or steel engraved or fashioned for use in the production of designs, patterns, or impressions on glass in the process of manufacturing plate or other glass, 15 per centum ad valorem; lithographic plates of stone or other material engraved, drawn, or prepared, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 166. Steel plates engraved, stereo- type plates, electrotype plates, and plates of other materials, engraved for printing, twenty per centum ad a- alorem ; plates of iron or steel engraved or fashioned for use in the production of designs, patterns, or impressions on glass in the process of manufacturing plate or other glass, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; lithographic plates of stone or other material, engraAcd, drawn, or prepared, * * * fifty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After "engraved " insert or otherioise prepared [15] 25 [20] SO ACT OF 1913. Par. 137. Steel plates engraved, stereo- type plates, electrotype plates, halftone plates, photograA'ure plates, photo- engraved plates, and plates of other materials, engraved for printing, plates of iron or steel engraved or fashioned for use in the production of designs, patterns, or impressions on glass in the process of manufacturing plate or other glass, 15 per centum ad valorem; lithographic plates of stone or other material engraved, drawn, or prepared, * * * 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 612. Steel engraAed forms for bonds, debentures, stock certificates, TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 103 H. R. 7456. negotiable receipts, notes and other securi- ties; and engraved steel plates, * * * suitable for use in engraving or printing bonds, stock certificates or other securities [Free]. PARAGRAPH 342. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 342. Umbrella and parasol ribs and stretchers, composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, or other metal, in frames or other^\'iso, and tubes for um- brellas, wholly or partly finished, 35 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 170. Umbrella and parasol ribs and stretchers, composed in chief value of iron, steel, or other metal, in frames or otherwise, and tubes for umbrellas, wholly or partially finished, fifty per centum ad valorem. Foreign Valuation. [35] 50 ACT OF 1913. Par. 141. Umbrella and parasol ribs and stretchers, composed in chief value of iron, steel, or other metal, in frames or otherwise, and tubes for umbrellas, wholly or partially finished, 35 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 343. H. R. 7456 American Valuation. Par. 343. Spring-beard needles, and other needles for knitting, sewing, shoe, or embroidery machines of every descrip- tion, not specially provided for, and cro- chet needles, $1.15 per thousand and 25 per centum ad valorem; latch needles, $2 per thousand and 35 per centum ad valorem; tape, knitting, and all other needles, not specially pro\'ided for, bod- kins of metal, and needle cases or needle- books furnished with assortments of needles or combinations of needles and other articles, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 164. Needles for knitting or sew- ing machines, one dollar per thousand and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; latch needles, one dollar and fifteen cents per thousand and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; crochet needles and tape needles, knitting and all other needles, not specially provided for in this section, and bodkins of metal, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; 1)ut no articles other than the needles which are specifically named in tins section shall be dutiable as needles imless having an eye, and fitted and iised for carrv-ing a thread. Needle cases or needle books furnished with assortments of needles or coml)ina- tions of needles and other articles, sh^U pay duty as entireties according to the component material of chief value therein. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [2.51 -',0 [35] 50 [30] ',0 ACT OF 1913. Par. 135. Needles for knitting or sew- ing machines, latch needles, crochet needles, and tape needles, knitting and all other needles not specially provided for in this section, bodkins of metal, and needle cases or needle books furnished •m.i\\ assortments of needles or combina- tions of needles and other articles, 20 per cent\im ad valorem; but no' articles other than the needles which are specifically named in this section shall be dutial)le as needles imless having an eye and fitted and used for carrying a thread. Par. 555. * * * needles for shoe machines [Free]. 104 TABITF ACTS COMPAEED. PARAGRAPH 344. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 344. Fishhooks, fishing rods and reels, artificial flies, artificial l)aits,8nelled hooks, leaders or casts, and all other fish- ing tackle and parts thereof, fly books, fly boxes, baskets or creels, finished or unfin- ished, not specially provided for, except fishing lines, fishing nets, and seines, 35 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That any prohibition of the importation of feathers in this Act shall not be construed as apph-ing to artificial flies ueed for fish- ing, or to feathers used for the manufac- ture of such flies. ACT OF 1909. Par. 165. Fish hooks, fishing rods and reels, artificial flies, artificial baits, snelled hooks and all other fishing tackle or parts thereof, not specially provided for in this section, except fishing lines, fishing nets and seines, forty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " fly boxes," insert fishing [3.0] J,5 ACT OF 1913, Par. 136. Fishhooks, fishing rods and reels, artificial flies, artificial baits, snelled hooks, and all other fishing tackle or parts thereof, not specially provided for in this section, except fishing lines, fishing nets and seines, 30 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That any prohibition of the importation of feathers in this sec- tion shall not be construed as applying to artificial flies used for fishing. PARAGRAPH 345. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 345. Saddlery and harness hard- ware: Buckles, rings, snaps, l)its, swivels, and all other articles of iron, steel, brass, composition, or other metal, commonly or commercially known as saddlery or harness hardware, 35 per centum' ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. [No corresponding provision.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " other metal " insert not plated irith gold or silver, tsaddlery or] [ad \alorem.3 ad valorem: all articles of iron, steel, brass, composition, or other metal, not plated with gold or silver, commonly or commercially Jcnoicn as saddlery, or riding-bridle hardivare, 50 per centum ad valorem; all the foregoing, if plated ivith gold or silver, 60 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. [A^o corresponding provision.] PARAGRAPH 346. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 346. Belt buckles, trouser buckles, and waistcoat buckles, shoe or slipper buckles, and parts thereof, made wholly or partly of iron or steel, valued at not more than 20 cents per hundred, 5 cents per hundred; valued at more than 20 and not more than 50 cents per hundred, 10 cents per hun- dred ; valued at more than 50 cents per hundred, 15 cents per hundred ; and in addition thereto, on all of the fore- going, 20 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. [iron and steel.] iron, steel, or other base metal, TAHIFF ACTS COMPARED. 105 ACT OF 1909. Par. 425. Trousers buckles and waist- coat buckles, made wholly or partly of iron or steel, or parts thereof, valued at not more than fifteen cents per hundred, five cents per hundred; valued at more than fifteen cents per hundred and not more than fifty cents per hundred, ten cents per hundred; valued at more than fifty cents per hundred, fifteen cents per hundred; and in addition thereto on each and all of the above buckles or parts of buckles, fifteen per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for belt buckles, shoe and slipjier buckles; class- able according to kind or component ma- terial of chief value.] ACT OF 1913. Par. 151. Belt buckles, trousers buckles, waistcoat buckles, * * * any of the foregoing made wholly or in chief value of iron or steel; * * * all the foregoing and parts thereof, not otherwise specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for shoe or slipper buckles; classable according to kind or component material of chief value.] PARAGRAPH 347. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 347. Hooks and eyes, wholly or in chief value of metal, whether loose, carded, or otherwise, including weight of cards, cartons, and immediate wrap- pings and labels, 4^ cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [15] 2S ACT OF 1909. Par. 180. Hooks and eyes, metallic, whether loose, carded, or otherwise, in- cluding weight of cards, cartons, and im- mediate wrappings and labels, four and one-half cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Pah. 151. * * * hooks and eyes, metallic; * * * all the foregoing and parts thereof, not otherwise specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 348. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 348. Snap fasteners and clasps, and parte thereof, by whatever name known, or of whatever material composed, not plated with gold, silver, or platinum, and not mounted on tape, 40 per centum ad valorem; mounted on tape, 45 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [40] 55 [4.5] including sew-on fasteners, 60 ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 427. * * * snap fasteners, or clasps, or parts thereof, by whatever name known, fifty per centum ad valo- rem; * * *. snap fasteners, or Par. 151. * * * snap fasteners and ' ' ' ' clasps by whatever name known, any of the foregoing made wholly or in chief value of iron or steel; * * * all the foregoing and parts thereof, not otherwise specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. [Snap fasteners and clasps composed of metal other than iron or steel, dutiable as manufactures of metal, Par. 167, 20 per centum ad valorem.] 106 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 349. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 349. Metal troiiser buttons, ex- cept steel and nickel bar buttons, one- twelfth of 1 cent per line ])er gross; steel trouser buttons, one-fourth of 1 cent per line per gross; buttons of metal, not specially pro\'ided for, three-fourths of 1 cent per line per gross; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, 10 per centum ad valorem; metal buttons em- bossed with a design, device, pattern, or lettering. 35 per centum ad valorem: Provided. That the term "line" as used in this paragraph shall mean the line button measure of one-fortieth of one inch. ACT OF 1909. Par. 427. * * * metal trousers but- tons (except steel), and nickel bar but- tons, one-twelfth of one cent per line per gross; * * * steel trousers buttons, one-fourth of one cent per line per gross; * * * buttons of * * * metal, not specially provided for in this section, three-fourths of one cent per line- per gross, and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this paragraph, fifteen per centum ad valorem; * * * buttons of metal, embossed with a design, device, pattern, or lettering, forty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. tbuttons, except steel] buttons {except steel) tlfl 20 [35] J,5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 151. * * * steel trousers but- tons, and metal buttons; all the foregoing and parts thereof, not otherwise specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 350. H, R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 350. Pins with solid heads, with- out ornamentation, including hair, safety, hat, bonnet, and shawl pins; and brass, copper, iron, steel, or other basic metal pins, with heads of glass, paste, or fusible enamel; all the foregoing not plated with gold or silver, and not commonly known as jewelry, 28 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 188. Pins with solid heads, with- out ornamentation, including hair, safety, hat, bonnet, and shawl pins; any of the foregoing composed whoUv of brass, cop- per, iron, steel, or other base metal, not plated with gold or silver, and not com- monly known as jewelry, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [basic] base [28] 3i ACT OF 1913. Par. 158. Pins with solid heads, with- out ornamentation, including hair, safety, hat, bonnet, and shawl pins; any of the foregoing composed wholly of brass, cop- per, iron, steel, or other base metal, not plated with gold or silver, and not com- monly known as jewelry, 20 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 107 PARAGRAPH 351. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 351. Pens, metallic, not specially provided for, 12 cents per gross; with nib and barrel in one piece, 15 cents per gross. ACT OF 1909. Par. 186. Pens, metallic, except gold pens, twelve cents per gross; with nib and barrel in one piece, fifteen cents per gross. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 156. Pens, metallic, not specially provided for in this section, 8 cents per gross; with nib and barrel in one piece, 12 cents per gross. PARAGRAPH 352. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 352. Penholder tips, penholders and parts thereof, gold pens, combina- tion penholders comprising penholders, pencil, rubber eraser, automatic stamp, or other attachments, 25 cents per gross and 20 per centimi ad valorem; mechan- ical pencils made of base metal and not plated Avith gold, silver, or platinum, 45 cents per gross and 20 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That pens and pen- holders shall be assessed for duty sepa- rately. ACT OF 1909. Par. 187. Penholder tips, penholders and ])arts thereof, five cents per gross and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; gold pens, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; * * * combination penholders, com- prising penholder, pencil, rubber eraser, automatic stam]), or other attachment, forty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That pens and penholders shall be assessed for duty separately. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Paw. 157. Penholder tips, penholders and parts thereof, gold ]jens, * * * combination penholders, comprising pen- holder, pencil, rubber era^^er, aulomatic stamp, or other attachment, 25 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That pens and penholders shall be assessed for duty sei)arately. PARAGRAPH 353. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 353. Fountain pens, fountain- pen holders, stylographic pens, and parts thereof, valued at not more than $2 per dozen, 72 cents per dozen; valued at more than $2 and not more than $6 per dozen, $1.50 per dozen; and in addi- tion thereto, on all of the foregoing, 25 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That the value of cartons and fillers shall be included in the dutiable value. ACT OF 1909. Par. 187. * * * fountain pens, stylographic pens, thirty per centum ad valorem; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [valued at not more than $2 per dozen, 72 cents per dozen ; valued at more than .$2 and not more than .$6 per dozen, .$1..50 per dozen ; and in addi- tion thereto, on all of the foregoing, 2.') per centum ad valorem] 72 cents per dozen and J/O per eentnni ad valorem ACT OF 1913. Par. 157. * * * foum^iu [ens, and stylographic pens: * * ,'.* 25 jjer centum ad valorem: * * *. 108 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 354. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 354. Penknives, pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, budding knives, erasers, manicure knives, and all knives by whatever name known, includ- ing such as are denominativelv men- tioned in this Act, which have folding or other than fixed blades or attachments, valued at not more than 40 cents per dozen, 40 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 40 and not more than 50 cents per dozen, 1 cent each and 30 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 50 cents and not more than $1.25 per dozen, 5 cents each and 30 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.25 and not more than $3 per dozen, 10 cents each and 30 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $3 and not more than $8 per dozen, 20 cents each and 30 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $8 per dozen, 30 cents each and 30 per centum ad valorem ; blades, handles, or other parts of any of the foregoing knives or erasers shall be dutiable at not less than the rate herein imposed upon knives and erasers valued at more than 50 cents and not exceeding $1.25 per dozen ; cuticle knives, corn knives, nail files, tweezers, hand forceps, and parts thereof, finished or unfinished, by whatever name known, 40 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That any of the foregoing, if imported in the condition of assembled, but not fully finished, shall be dutiable at not less than the rate of duty herein imposed upon fully finished articles of the same material and quality, but not less in any case than 15 cents each and 35 per centum ad valorem: Provided further, That all the articles specified itt^'this paragraph, when im- ported, shall have the name of the maker SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [valued at not more than 40 cents per dozen, 40 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than 40 and not more than 50 cents per dozen, 1 cent each and 30 per centum ad valorem ; val- ued at more than 50 cents and not more than $1.25 per dozen, 5 cents each and 30 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $1.25 and not more than $3 per dozen. 10 cents each and 30 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $3 and not more than $8 per dozen, 20 cents each and 30 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $8 per dozen, 30 cents each and 30 per centum ad valorem] valued at not more than .1/0 cents per dozen, 2 cents each and 60 per centum ad va^ lorein; valued at more than J/0 and not more than 50 cents per dozen, 5 cents each and 60 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 50 cents and not more than $1.25 per dozen, 12 cents each and 60 per cen- tum, ad valorem; valued at more than $1.25 and not more than $3 per dozen, 20 cents each and 60 per centtim ad valorem; valued at more than $3 and not more than $6 per dozen, 30 cents each and 60 per centum ad palorem; valued at more than $6 per dozen, JfO cents each and 60 per centtim ad va- lorem [40] 60 [35] 60 After " maker " insert or purchaser TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. 109 and beneath the same the name of the country of origin die sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the shank or tang of at least one or, if practicable, each and every blade thereof. ACT OF 1909. Par. 152. PenkniA'cs, pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, budding knives, erasers, manicure knives, and all knives by whatever name known, in- cluding such as are denominatively men- tioned in this section, which have folding or other than fixed blades or attachments, valued at not more than forty cents per dozen, forty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than forty cents per dozen and not exceeding fifty cents per dozen, one cent per piece and forty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than fifty cents per dozen and not exceeding one dollar and twenty-five cents per dozen, five cents per piece and forty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than one dollar and twenty-five cents per dozen and not exceeding three dollars per dozen, ten cents per piece and forty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than three dollars per dozen, twenty cents per piece and forty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That any of the fore- going knives or erasers, if imported in the condition of assembled, but not fully fin- ished, shall be dutiable at not less than the rate of duty herein imposed upon fully finished knives and erasers of the same material and quality, but not less in any case than ten cents each and forty per centum ad valorem: Provided further, That blades, handles, or other parts of any of the foregoing knives or erasers shall be dutiable at not less than the rate herein imposed upon knives and erasers valued at more than fiftj^ cents per dozen and not exceeding one dollar and twenty-five cents per dozen; * * * Provided further, That on and after October first, nineteen hundred and nine, all the articles speci- fied in this paragraph shall when imported have the name of the maker or purchaser and beneath the same the name of the country of origin die-sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the shank or tang of at least one or, if practicable, each and every blade thereof. * * *. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] ACT OF 1913. Par. 128. Penknives, pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, budding knives, erasers, manicure knives, and all knives by whatever name known, in- cluding such as are denominatively men- tioned in this section, which have fold- ing or other than fixed blades or attach- ments, * * * all the foregoing, whether assembled but not fully finished or finished; valued at not more than $1 per dozen, 35 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1 per dozen, 55 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That blades, handles, or other parts of any of the foregoing knives, * * * or erasers shall be dutiable at not less than the rate herein imposed upon the knives, * * * and erasers, of which they are parts. * * * Provided further. That all arti- cles specified in this paragraph shall, when imported, have the name of the maker or purchaser and beneath the same the name of the country of origin die- sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the blade, shank, or tang of at least one or, if practicable, each and every blade thereof. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] PARAGRAPH 355. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 355. Table, butchers', carving. Entire paragraph struck out and cook8',hunting, kitchen, bread, cake, pie, the following substituted: slicing, cigar, butter, vegetable, fruit. Par. 355. Table, butcheys', carving, cheese, canning, fish, carpenters' bench, cooks', hunting, kitchen, bread, cake, 103791—22 8 110 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. curriers', drawing, farriers', fleshing, hay, sugar-beet, beet-topping, tanners', plumb- ers', painters', palette, artists', shoe and similar knives, forks, and steels, and cleavers, all the foregoing, finished or un- finished, not specially provided for, with or without handles of mother-of-pearl, shell, ivory, deer, or other animal norn, silver, nickel silver, or other metal than iron or steel, 16 cents each; with handles of hard rubber, solid bone, celluloid, or any pyroxylin, casein, or sindlar mate- rial, 8 cents each; with handles of any other material, if less than four inches in length, exclusive of handle, 3 cents each; if four inches in length or over, exclusive of handle, 8 cents each; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, 35 per centmu ad valorem: Provided, That all articles specified in this paragraph when imported, shall have the name of the maker and beneath the same the name of the country of origin die-sunk legibly and indelibly upon the blade in a place that shall not be covered. ACT OF 1909. Par. 154. Table, butchers', carving, cooks', hunting, kitchen, bread, butter, vegetable, fruit, cheese, carpenters' bench, curriers', drawing, farriers', flesh- ing, hay, tanners', plumbers', painters', palette, artists', and shoe knives, forks and steels, finished or unfinished; if im- ported with handles of mother-of-pearl, shell, ivory, silver, nickeled silver, or other metal than iron or steel, fourteen cents each; with handles of deerhorn, ten cents each; with handles of hard rubber, solid bone, celluloid, or any pyroxyline material, four cents each; with handles of any other material than those above mentioned, one cent each, and in addi- tion, on all the above articles, fifteen per centum ad valorem; any of the knives, forks or steels, emmierated in this paragraph, if imported without handles, forty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That none of the above-named articles shall pay a less rate of duty than 40 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all the articles specified in this paragraph when imported on and after October first, nineteen hundred and nine, shall have the name of the maker or pur- chaser and beneath the same the name of the country of origin indelibly stamped or branded thereon in a place that shall not be covered thereafter. pie, slicing, cigar. Matter, vegetable, fruit, cheese, canning, fish, carpenters' hrnch. curriers', draiving, farriers', peshing, hay, sugar-beet, beet-topping, t(iniiQ per centum ad val- orem : Provided further, Th^t all art- icles specified in this paragraph, when imported, shall have the name oJ' the n'aker and beneath the same the name of the country of origin die-sunk con- spicuously and indelibly on the blade or shank or tank of each and every blade and on safety razors and parts thereof. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ^Razors, finisiied or unfinished, valued at less than $2 per dozen, 10 cents each; valued at $2 and less than .$3 per dozen, 12 cents each ; valued at .s:3 and less than $4 per dozen, 16 cents each ; valued at $4 or more per dozen, 20 cents each ; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing. .30 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That hiindles, unfinished razors and blades (except for safety razors), safety razors and safety razor handles and frames, shall pay no less duty than that imposed on finished razors valued at %2 per dozen: Provided further,1 Safety razors, and safety-razor handles and frames, 10 cents each and 30 per centum ad valorem; razors and parts thereof, finished or unfinished, valued at less than 15 cents per dozen, 20 cents each; valued at 75 cents and less than $1.50 a dozen, 30 cents each; valued at $1.50 and less than $3 per dozen, 35 cents each; valued at $3 and less than $.'f per dozen, .{0 cents each: valued at $Jf or more per dozen, 50 cents each; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, 50 per cent ad valorem: Provided, .\fter "name of the maker" insert or purchaser [die-sunk] die sunk TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 113 ACT OF 1909. Par. 152. * * * razors, finished, valued at less than one dollar per dozen, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; valued at one dollar and less than one dollar and fifty cents ]k-v dozen, six cents each and thirty-five per centum ad ^■a- lorem; valued at one dollar and fifty cents and less than two dollars per dozen, ten cents each and thirty-five ])er <'entum ad valorem; valued at two dollars and less than three dollars per dozen, twelve cents each and thirty-five per cent Tim ad valorem; valued at three dollars or more per dozen, fifteen cenis each and thirty- five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That blades (except for safety razors), handles, and unfinished razors shall pay no less duty than that imposed on finished razors \alued at two dollars per dozen: Provided further. That on and after Oc- tober first, nineteen hundred and nine, all the articles specified in this para- gra]>h shall when imjjorted have the name of the maker or purchaser and beneath the same the name of the country of origin die-sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the shank or tang of at least one or if practicable, each and every blade thereof. * * * ACT OF 1913. Par. 128. * * * razors, all the fore- going, whether assembled but not fully finished or finished; valued at not more than $i per dozen, 35 per centum ad va- lorem; valued at more than $1 per dozen, 55 per centum ad valorem: Provided, ^rhat Idades, handles, or other i)arts of any of the foregoing * * * razors, * * * shall be dutiable at not less tlian the rate herein imposed upon the * * * razors, * * * of which they are parts. * * * Provided further. That all articles specified in this para- graph shall, when imported, have the name of the maker or purchaser and beneath the same the name of the country of origin die-sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the blade, shank, or tang of at least one or. if ])racticable, each and everv blade thereof. PARAGRAPH 359. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 359. Surgical and dental ii>stru- ments, or parts thereof, composed wholly or in part of iron, siteel, copper, brass nickel, aluminum, or ot her metal, fin ished or unfinished, valued nt not more than .$5 per dozen, 60 cents per dozen ; valued at more than ^5 per dozen, 12 cents per dozen for each .$1 per dozen of such value ; and in addi- tion thereto, on all of the foregoing. 35 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all articles specified in this para- graph, when imported, shall have the name of the maker and beneath the same the country of origin die-sunk con epicuously and indelibly on the outside or if a jointed instrument on the outside" when closed. Foreign Valuation. I'aragraph to " Provided " struck out and the following inserted: Par. 359. Surgical instruments, and parts thereof, composed ivhollu or in part of iron, steel, copper, brass, nickel, aluminum, or other metal, fin- ished^ or unfinished, 45 per centum ad valorem; dental instruments, and parts thereof, composed icholly or in part of iron, steel, copper, brass, nickel, aluminum, or other metal, finished or unfinished, 35 per centum ad valorem: Provided, After " maker " insert or purchaser After " same the " insert name of the [die-sunkj die sunk. ACT OF 1909. Par. 1^9. Articles or wares not spe- cially pro\ided for in this section, com- posed wholly or in part of iron, steel, lead, copper, nickel, pewter, zinc, gold, silver, platinum, aluminum or other metal, and whether jiartly or wholly manufacinred, forty-five per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 167. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section; if composed wholly or in part of ])latinum. gold, or silver, and articles or wares plated with gold or sih'er, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, .'^0 ])er centum ad valorem; if composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, lead, copper. 114 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. S60. Philosophical, scientific, and laboratory instruments, apparatus, uten- sils, appliances (including dra^ving, sur- veying, and mathematical instruments), and parts thereof, composed wholly or in chief value of metal, and not plated with gold, silver, or platinum, finished or un- finished, not specially provided for, 40 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all articles specified in this paragraph, when imported, shall have the name of the maker jind beneath the same the country of origin die-sunk conspicu- ously and indelibly on the outside, or if a jniuted instrument on the outside when closed. ACT OF 1909. Par. 650. Philosophical and scientific apparatus, utensils, instruments, and E reparations, ^ including bottles and oxes containing the same, specially im- ported in good faith for the use and by order of any society or institution incor- porated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encourage- ment of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any state or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasiu-y shall prescribe [Free]. Par. 653. * * * vases, retorts, and other apparatus, vessels, and parts there- of, composed of platinum, for chemical uses [Free]. Par. 1 99. Articles or wares not specially provided for in this section, composed wholly or in part of iron, steel, lead, cop- per, nickel, pewter, zinc, gold, silver, platinum, aluminum, or other metal, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, forty-five per centum ad Aalorem. brass, nickel, pewter, zinc, aluminum, or other metal, but not plated with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem, PARAGRAPH 360. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [surveying,] [40] and surr eying parts thereof, 35 iiif!trument-'i and After " maker " insert or purchaser and after " same the " in.sert name of the [die-sunk] die sunk [closed.] closed: Prorided further. That any such articles imported for eaueational institutions and to he used solely for educational purposes shall be admitted free of duty. ACT OF 1913. Par. 573. Philosophical and scientific appatarus, utensils, instruments, and preparations, ^ including bottles and boxes containing the same, specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society or institution incorporated or established solely for religious, philosoph- ical, educational, scientific, or literary piu-poses, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public Library, and not for sale, and articles solely for experimental purposes, when imported by any society or institu- tion of the character herein described, subject to such regulations as the Secre- tary of the Treasury shall prescribe [Free]. Par. 578. * * * vases, retorts, and other apparatus, vessels, and parts there- of, composed of platinum, for chemical uses [Free]. Par. 167. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section ; if com- posed wholly or in part of platinum, gold, or silver, and articles or wares plated with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 50 per centum ad valorem; if composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, pewter, zinc, aluminum, or other metal, but not plated with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufac- tured, 20 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS C0MPAEP:D. 115 PARAGRAPH 361. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 361. Pliers, pincers, and nippers of all kinds, finished or unfinished, four inches in length and under, 8 cents each; over four and not over six inches in length, 10 cents each; over six inches in length, 12 cents each; and in addition thereto on all of the foregoing 25 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all articles speci- fied in this paragraph, when imported, shall have the name of the maker and beneath the same the name of the country of origin die sunk conspicuously and in- delibly on the outside of the joint. ACT OF 1909. Par. 198. Nippers and pliers of all kinds (except blacksmiths' tongs, surgical and dental mstmments or parts thereof), wholly or partly manufactured, eight cents per pound and forty per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 362. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [four Inches in length and under, 8 cents each ; over four and not over six inches in length, 10 cents each; over six inches in length, 12 cents each, and in addition thereto, on all the fore- going, 25 per centum ad valorem :1 60 per centiiiii- ad valorem: After " maker " insert or purchaser ACT OF 1913. Par. Ififi. Nippers and pliers of all kinds wholly or partly manufactured, 30 per centum ad valorem. American Valuation. Pak. 362. Files, file blanks, rasps, and floats of all cuts and kinds, two and one-half inches in length and under, 25 cents per dozen ; over two and one-half and not over four and one-half inches in length, 47i cents per dozen ; over four and one-half and under seven inches in length, 62^ cents per dozen ; seven inches in length and over, 77^ cents per dozen. ACT OF 1909. Par. 155. Files, file-blanks, rasps, and floats, of all cuts and kinds, two and one- half inches in length and under, twenty- five cents per dozen; over two and one- half inches in len.gth and not over four and one-half inches, forty-seven and one-half cents per dozen; over four and one-half inches in length and under seven inches, sixty- two and one-half cents per dozen; seven inches in length and over, seventy- seven and one-half cents per dozen. Foreign Valuation. [floats of all cuts and kinds] floats, of ichatever cut or kind, ACT OF 1913. Par. 131. Files, file blanks, rasps, and floats, of all cuts and kinds, 25 per centum ad valorem. 116 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 363. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 3G3. Sword blades, and swords and side arms, irrespective of quality or use, wholly or in part of metal, 40 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 153. Sword blades, and swords and side arras irrespective of quality or use, in part of metal, fifty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [403 50 Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 129. Sword blades, and swords and side arms, irrespective of quality or use, in part of metal, 30 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 364. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 364. Muzzle-loading muskets, shotgiins, rifles, and parts thereof, 20 per [20] 25 centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 156. Muskets, muzzle-loading Par. 132. Muskets. * * * muzzle- shotguns, rifles, and parts thereof, twenty- loading shotgims and rifles, and parts five per centum ad valorem. thereof, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 365. SENATE AMENDMENTS. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 365. Double or single barreled sporting breech-loading and repeating shotguns, rifles, and combination shot- guns and rifles, valued at not more than $5 each, $1.50 each; valued at more than $5 and not more than $10 each, $4 each; valued at more than $10 and not more than $25 each, $6 each; valued at more than $25 each, $10 each: and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, 35 per centum ad valorem; barrels for sporting breech-loading shotguns and rifles, further advanced in manufacture than rough bored only, $4 each; stocks for sporting breech-loading shotguns and rifles, wholly or partly manufactured, $5 each; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, 40 per centum ad valorem; on all parts of Buch guns or rifles, and fittings for such stocks or barrels, finished or unfinished, 45 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all sporting lireech-loading shotguns and rifles imported without a lock or locks or other fittings shall be subject to a duty of $10 each and 40 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Foreign Valuation. [sporting] [35] J,5 [sporting] After " breech-loading' p eating [sporting] [40] 50 insert and r. [45] 55 [sporting [40J 5t ACT OF 1913. Par.Io/ Double-barreled, sporting. Par. 133. Breech-loading shotguns brepch-loadmg shotgims, combination and rifles, combination shotguns and shotguns and nfles, valued at not more rifles, and parts thereof and fittings TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. .117 than five dollars, one dollar and fifty cents each and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorern; valued at more than fi^-e dollars and not more then ten dollars, four dollars each and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem each; valued at more than ten dollars, six dollars each; double barrels for sporting breech-loading shot- guns and rifles, further advanced in manufacture than rough bored only, three dollars each; stocks for double- barreled sporting breech-loading shot- guns and lilies wholly or partially manu- factured, three dollars each; and in addi- tion thereto on all such gims and rifles, valued at more than ten dollars each, and on such stocks and barrels, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; on all other parts of such guns or rifles, and fittings for such stocks or barrels, finished or unfinished, fifty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all double-barreled sporting breech- loading shotgims and rifles imported without a lock or locks or other fittings shall be subject to a duty of six dollars each and thirty-five per centiim ad valorem; single-barreled breech-loading shotgiuis, or parts thereof, except as otherwise specially provided for in this section, one dollar each and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *■. therefor, including barrels further ad- vanced than rough bored only; * * * 35 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 366. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 366. Pistols: Automatic, magazine, or revolving, and parts thereof and fittings therefor, valued at not more than $4 each, $1.25 each; valued at more than $4 and not more than $8 each, §2.50 each ; valued at more than $8 each, $3.50 each; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 157. * * * pistols, automatic, magazine, or revolving, or parts thereof, seventy-five cents each and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [25] 60 ACT OF 1913. Par. 133. * * * pistols, whether automatic, magazine, or revolving, or parts thereof and fittings therefor, 35^per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 367. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 367. Watch movements, whether imported in cases or othenvise, assembled or knocked down for reassembling, if hav- ing less than seven jewels, 75 cents each; having seven and not more than eleven jewels, $1.25 each; having more than eleven and not more than fifteen jewels, $2 each; having more than fifteen and not SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [down for reassemblingldottn 118 TARIFF ACTS COMPAKED. more than seventeen jewels, unadjusted, $2.75 each; haAdng seventeeTi jewels and adjusted to temperature, $3.50 each: hav- ing seventeen jewels and adjusted to three positions, $4.75 each; ha\dng seven- teen jewels and adjusted to five positions, $6.50 each: having more than seventeen jewels, adjusted or unadjusted, $10.75 each; watchcases and parts of watches, chronometers, box or ship, and parts thereof, 35 per centum ad valorem: all [35] 50 jewels for use in the manufacture of watches, clocks, meters, or compasses, 10 per centum ad valorem; enameled dials for watches or other instruments, 3 cents per dial and 35 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all watch and clock dials, whether attached to movements or not, when imported shall have indelibly painted or printed thereon the name of the country of origin, and that all watch movements and plates, lever clock move- ments with jewels in the escapement, assembled or knocked down for reassem- bling, and cases shall have the name of the manufacturer and the country of [35] 50 [lever clock movements with jewels in the escapement.] [down for reassembling] down manufacturer " insert or pur- manufacture cut, engraved, or die-sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the plate of the movement and the inside of the case, respectively, and the movement and plates shall also have marked thereon by one of the methods indicated the number of jewels and adjustments, said numbers to be expressed both in words and in Arabic numerals, and if the movement is not adjusted, the word "unadjusted" shall be marked thereon by one of the methods indicated, and none of the afore- said articles shall be delivered to the im- porter unless marked in exact conformity to this direction: Provided further, That only the number of the jewels which serve a mechanical purpose as frictional bear- ings shall be marked as herein provided. ACT OF 1909. Par. 192. Watch movements, includ- ing time-detectors, whether imported in cases or not, if having not more than seven jewels, seventy cents each; if having more than seven jewels and not more than eleven jewels, one dollar and thirty-five cents each: if having more than" eleven jewels and not more than fifteen jewels, one dollar and eighty-five cents each: if having more than fifteen and not more than seventeen jewels, one dollar and twenty- five cents each and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; if having more than seventeen jewels, three dollars each and twenty-five per centum ad valorem: watch cases and parts of watches, chronometers, box or ship, and parts thereof, forty per centum ad val- orum ; * * * all jewels for use in the manufacture of watches or clocks, ten per After chaser [a:e-sunk] die sunk ACT OF 1913. Par. 161. Watch movements, whether imported in cases or not, watch cases and parts of watches, chronometers, box or ship, and parts thereof * * * all jewels for use in the manufacture of watches, clocks, or meters. 10 per centum ad valorem; * * * enameled dials and dial plates for watches or other in- struments, 30 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all watch and clock dials, whether attached to movements or not, shall have indelibly painted or printed thereon the name of the country of origin, and that all watch movements, and plates, lever clock movements with jewels in the escapement, whether imported assem- bled or knocked down for reassembling, and cases of foreign manufacture, shall have the name of the manufacturer and country of manufacture cut, engraved, or TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 119 centumTad valorem; enameled dials for watches or other instruments, three cents per dial and forty per centum ad valorem: Provided. That all watch and clock dials, whether attached to movements or not, shall have indelibly painted or printed thereon the country of origin, and that all watch movements, lever clock move- ments with jewels in the escapement, and cases of foreign manufacture shall have the name of the manufacturer and coun- try of manufacture cut, engraved, or die- sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the plate of the movement and the inside of the case, respectively, and the move- ments shall also have marked thereon by one of the methods indicated the number of jewels and adjustments, said number to be expressed both in words and in Arabic numerals; and none of the afore- said articles shall be delivered to the im- porter unless marked in exact conformity to this direction. die-sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the plate of the movement and the inside of the case, respectively, and the move- ments and plates shall also have marked thereon by one of the methods indicated the number of jewels and adjustments, said numbers to be expressed either in words or in Arabic numerals; and if the movement is not adjusted, the word "unadjusted" shall be marked thereon by one of the methods indicated; and none of the aforesaid articles shall be delivered to the importer unless marked in exact conformity to this direction. PARAGRAPH 368. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 368. Clocks and clock move- ments, and clockwork mechanisms, cased or uncased, whether imported complete or in parts, and any device or mechanism having an essential operating feature in- tended for measuring time, or the flowage of water, gas, electricity, or similar uses, or for regulating or controlling the speed of arbors, drums, disks, or similar uses, or for recording, indicating, or performing any operation or function at a predeter- mined time or times, any of the foregoing whether wholly or partly complete or knocked down for reassembling (in which condition they shall be appraised at the valuation of the complete article) ; cases and casings for clockwork mechanisms im- ported separately; all the foregoing, 35 per centum ad valorem; and in addition thereto, upon any of the foregoing articles or parts thereof, having jewels, but not more than two jewels, in the escapement, $1 each ; having more than two but not more tha-n four jewels, $2 each; having more than four jewels, $4 each; if without jew- els in the escapement and valued at not over $1.10 each, 35 cents each; valued at more than $1.10 and not more than $2.25 each, 70 cents each; valued at more than $2.25 but not more than $5 each, $1 each; valued at more than $5 but not more than $10 each, $2 each; valued at more than $10 each, $3 each; all parts and materials for use in any of the foregoing if imported separately, and not specially pro \'ided for, 40 per centum ad valorem ; Provided, That all dials SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " movements," insert including lever clock moveinents, After " measuring time," insert dis- tance, or fares, [for reasseniblingl [35] 50 [40] JJ [dials] dials, irhethcr attached to move- 120 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. aud the front or back plate of the move- ment frame of any of the foregoing -when imported shall have the name of the maker, the country where manufactured, ami the numbor of jewels, if any. indeli- bly stamped on the most visible part of same; but if such markings are in whole or in part sufficiently similar to the trade name of an established American manu- facturer as to be liable to deceive the user in the T.'nited States, entry thereof shall be denied if such trade name or trade- mark has been placed on file with the col- lector of customs. ACT OF 1909. Par. 192. * * * lever clock move- ments having jewels in the escapement, and clocks containing such movements, one dollar each and forty per centum ad valorem; all other clocks aud parts there- of, not otherwise provided for in this sec- tion, whether separately packed or other- wise, not composed wholly or in chief value of china, porcelain, parian, bisque, or earthenware, forty per centum ad va- lorem; * * * enameled dials for watches or other instruments, three cents per dial and f ortv per centum ad valorem : * * * [See proviso to par. 367, H. R. 745G.] ments or not, when imported, shall hare indelibly painted, printed, or stamped thereon the name of the coun- try of origin. [maker.l name of maker or purchaser, the After mark trade name " insert or trade- ACT OF 1913. Par. 161. * * * lever clock move- ments having jewels in the escapement, and clocks containing such movements, aU other clocks and parts thereof, not otherwise provided for in this section, whether separately packed or other^vise, not composed wholly or in chief value of china, porcelain, parian, bisque, or earthenware, 30 per centum ad valorem; * * * time detectors, 15 per centum ad valorem; enameled dials and dial plates for watches or other instruments, 30 per centum ad valorem: * * *. [See proviso to par. 367, H. R. 7456.] PARAGRAPH 369. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 369. Automobiles, automobile bodies, automobile chassis, and parts of automobiles, not including tires, 25 per centum ad valorem : Provided, that if there be imported into the United States any of the foregoing ar- ticles manufactured in or exported from any country wliich imposes a duty greater than 25 per centum ad valorem upon similar articles exported from the United States, there shall be levied, paid, and collected upon such articles a duty equal to the duty im- posed by such country upon such ar- ticles imported from the United States, but not to exceed in any ca.se 50 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " chassis," insert motor cycles, [automobiles] the foregoing After " tires," insert all of the forego- ing ■whether finished or unfinished, [valorem :] valorem. Entire proviso deleted. TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 121 ACT OF 1909. Par. 141. Automobiles, * * * and finished parts of any of the foregoing, not including tires, forty-five per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 119. Automobiles, valued at $2,000 or more, and automobile bodies, 45 per centum ad valorem; automobiles valued at less than ?2,000, 30 per centum ad valorem: automobile chassis, and fin- ished parts of automobiles, not including tires, 30 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 370. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 370. Airplanes, hydroplanes, motor boats, and parts thereof, 30 per [thereof] of the foregoing centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. [No corresponding provision; classaljle according to component material of chief value.] ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision; classable according to component matei-ial of chief value. 1 PARAGRAPH 371. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par.' 371. Bicycles, motor cycles, and finished parts of bicycles and motor cy- cles , 30 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That if there be imported into the United States any of the foregoing articles manu- factured in or exported from any country which imposes a duty greater than 30 per centum ad valorem upon similar articles exported from the I'nited States, there shall be levied, paid, and collected upon such articles a duty equal to the duty im- posed by such country upon such articles imported from the United States, but not to exceed in any case 50 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Cmotor cycles, and finished parts of bicycles and motor cycles! and parts thereof, not including tires Sivalorem :3 valorem: Entire proviso deleted. Par. 141. * * * bicycles, and motor- cycles, and finished parts of any of the foregoing, not including tires, forty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 372. ACT OF 1913. Par. 120. Bicycles, motor cycles, and fimshed parts thereof, not including tires, 25 per centum ad valorem. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 372. Steam engiues and steam locomotives, 15 per centum ad valorem; SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " ad yalorem ;" insert sewing maehines, and, parts thereof, not spe- cially provided for, valued at not more than $75 eacJi, 25 per centum ad va- lorem; valued at more than $75 each, J/O per centum ad valorem; cash registers, and parts thereof, 25 per 122 TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. machine tools and parts of machine tools, embroidery machines, including shuttles for sewing and embroidery machines, lace-makiug machines, machines for making lace curtains, nets and nettings, and all other machines or parts thereof, finished or unfinished, not specially pro- \'ided for, 35 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That machine tools as used in this paragraph shall be held to mean any machine operating other than by hand power which employs a tool for work on metal. ACT OF 1909. Par. 197. * * * jute manufacturing machinery, * * * machine tools, printing presses, sewing machines, * * * and all steam engines, thirty per centum ad valorem; embroidery machines and lace-making machines, including ma- chines for making lace curtains, nets, or nettings, forty-five per centum ad valo- rem: Provided, however. That all em- broidery machines and Lever or Go- through lace-making machines, machines used only for the weaving of linen cloth from flax and flax fiber, * * * shall, if imported prior to January first, nine- teen hundred and eleven, be admitted free of duty. centum ad valm-em ; printing presses, not specially provided for, lawn mow- ers, and After " parts of macliine tools," insert 15 per ccntiim ad valorem ; [and] SO per centum ad valorem; knitting, hraiding, lace braiding, and insulating machines, and all other similar textile machinery or parts thereof, finished or tinfinished, not specially provided for. 50 per centum ad valorem; all other textile ma- chinery or parts tliereof. finished or unfinished, not specially provided for, 35 per centum ad valorem: cream sepa- rators and other centrifugal machines for the separation of liquids or liquids and solids, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem : combined adding and, ti/peir7-iting machines. SO per centum ad valorem; [85] 30 ACT OF 1913. Par. 165. All steam engines, steam lo- comotives, printing presses, and machine tools, 15 per centum ad valorem; em- broidering machines, and lace-making machines, including machines for making lace curtains, nets, or nettings, 25 per centum ad valorem ; machine tools as used in this paragraph shall be held to mean any machine operated by other than hand power which employs a tool for working on metal. Par. 441. * * * sewing machines, cream separators valued at not exceed- ing $75, * * *^ whether imported in whole or in parts, * * *. [Free].^ Par. 167. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section; * * * if composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, pewter, zinc, aluminum, or other metar, but not plated with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem. [Covering parts of machine tools.] PARAGRAPH 373. H. R. 7456. American Valaation. Par. 373. Shovels, spades, scoops, and drainage tools, and parts thereof, com- posed wholly or in cnief value of iron, SENATE AMENDMENTS, Foreign Valuation. After "scoops," insert scythes, sickles, grass hooks, corn knives, 3 Exempt under Par. 1504 if held to be agricultural implements: otherwise possibly dutiable as machines not specially provided for, Par. 372, H. R. 7456. TAEIFF ACTS COMPAEED. 123 steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, alumi- mim, or other metal, whether partly or wholly manufactured, 25 per centum ad valorem . ACT OF 1909. Par. 199. Articles or wares not spe- cially pro^dded for in this section, com- posed wholly or in part of iron, steel. lead, copper, nickel, pewter, zinc, ?old, silver, platinum, aluminum, or other metal, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, forty-fiAe per centum ad valorem. [251 S5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 167. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section; * * * if composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, pewter, zinc, aluminum, or other metal, * * * and whether partly or wholly manufactured , 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 391. * * * all other agricul- tural implements of any kind and descrip- tion, whether specifically mentioned herein or not, whether in whole or in parts, including repair parts [Free].* PARAGRAPH 374. H. R. 7456. Par. 374. Aluminum, aluminum scrap, and alloys of any kind in which aluminum is the component material of chief value, in crude form, 5 cents per pound; in plates, sheets, bars, rods, circles, disks, blanks, strips, rectangles, and squares, 9 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 172. Aluminum, aluminum scrap, and alloys of any kind in which aluminum is the component material of chief value, in crude form, seven cents per pound; in plates, sheets, bars, and rods, eleven cents per pound; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. After " pound ; in " insert coils. ACT OF 1913. Par. 143. Aluminum, aluminum scrap, and alloys of any kind in which aluminum is the component material of chief value, in crude form, 2 cents per pound; alumi- num in plates, sheets, bars, strips, and rods, 3^ cents per pound; * * *. PARAGRAPH 375. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 375. Metallic magnesium and metallic magnesium scrap, $1 per pound; magnesium alloys, powder, sheets, rib- bons, tubing, wire, and all other articles, wares, or manufactures of magnesium, not specially pro^dded for, $1 per pound on the metallic magnesium content and 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 172. * * * magnesium, * * * and alloys of which said metals are the component material of chief value, three cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 375. Metallic mafm^sium : Crude, ingots, mugncsium alloys and scrap, 10 cents per pound; in coils, plates, sheets, bars, rods, circles, disks, blanks, strips, rectangles, squares, and other unfinisJied forms, 20 cents per pound on the metallic magnesium con- tent; ribbons, tubing, wire, powder, and all other finished, articles, JfO cents per pound on the metallic magnesium content and 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 143. * * * magnesium, * * * and alloys of which said metals are the component material of chief value, 25 per centum ad valorem. * Exempt under Par. 1504 if held to be agricultural implements; otherwise possibly dutiable as ma- chines not specially provided for, Par. 372, H. R. 7456. 124 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. PARAGRAPH 376. H. K. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 376. Antimony, as regulus or metal, IJ cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 173- Antimony, as regulus or metal, one and one-half cents per pound; DO 2 [pound.] pound; needle or liquated antimony, Ihrce-fowths of 1 cent per pound (Transferred from free list par. 1509). ACT OF 1913. Par. 144. Antimony, as regulus or metal, * * * 10 per centum ad va- lorem;. * * *. PARAGRAPH 377. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Aitierican Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Carried under — I'AK 1.523. Bismuth [Free]. Par. 377. Bismuth, 7* per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913, Far. 511. Bisnuith [Free]. Far. 418. Bismuth [Free]. PARAGRAPH . 578. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456, American Valuation. Carried under — Fah. 1539. Cadmium [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 37S. Cadmium, 15 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909, Par, 526. Cadmium [Free]. ACT OF 1913, Par. 439. Cadmium [Free], PARAGRAPH . 37.9. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Carried under — Far. 15.59. Metallic mineral sub- stances in a crude state and metals un- wrought, whether capable of being •wrought or not, not specially provided for [Free]. ACT OF 1909. Pae. 497, Arsenic and sulphide of arsenic, or orpiment [E'ree], Par. 379. Metallic arsenic, 6 cents per pound. ACT OF 1913, Par. 403. Arsenic and sulphide of ar- senic, or orpiment [Free]. TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. 125 PARAGRAPH 377. .m. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 377. German silver, or nickel silver, unmanufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Cad valorem] od valorem: nickel silver sheets, strips, rods, and tvire, 30 per centum ad 'valorem ACT OF 1913. Par. 174. Argentine, albata, or Ger- Par. 145. Argentine, albata, or Ger- man silver, unmanufactured, twenty-five man silver, unmanufactured, 15 per per centum ad valorem. centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 378. SSL H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 378. Copper in rolls, rods, or sheets, 2h cents per pound; copper en- graver's plates, not ground, and seamless copper tubes and tubing, 7 cents per pound; copper engraver's plates, ground, and brazed copper tubes, 11 cents per pound; brass rods, sheet brass, brass plates, bars, and strips, Muntz or yellow metal sheets, sheathing, bolts, piston rods, and shafting, 4 cents per pound; seamless brass tubes and tubing. 8 cents per pound; brazed brass tulles, brass angles and channels, 12 cents per pound; bronze rods and sheets, 4 cents per pound; bronze tubes, 8 cents per pound, ACT OF 1909. Par. 176. Copper, * * * called braziers' copper, sheets, rods, pipes, and copper bottoms, two and one-half cents per pound; sheathing or yellow metal of which cop])er is the component material of chief value, and not composed wholly or in part of iron ungalvanized, two cents per pound. Par. 199. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section, com- posed wholly or in part of * * * metal, and whether partly or wholly manufac- tured, forty-five per centum ad valorem. Foreign Valuation. [engraver'sl engravers' ACT OF 1913. Par. 147. Copper, * * * called braziers' copper, sheets, rods, strips, pipes, and copper bottoms, sheathing or yellow metal of which copper is the component material of chief value, and not composed wholly or in part of iron ungalvanized, 5 per centum ad valorem. Par. 167. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section; * * * if composed wholly or in chief value of * * * brass * * * and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 379. 3S- H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. .379. Bronze powder, SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [Bronze] Aluminum or tin foil less than six one-thousandths of an inch in thickness, 35 per centum ad valorem; bronze 103791—22 9 126 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. powdered tin, ln-i .cades, flitters, and nietallies. IG cents pei- pound; bronze, or Duteli metal, or aluniiniun, in leaf, 8 cents per one liundred leaves. Tlie foreiioins,' rate applies to leaf not ex- ceed intr in size the equivalent of five and one-half by five and one-half inches; additional duties in the same pr(»i)ortion shall be assessed on leaf excetHliui,' in size saie p!'esei#)ed by the Secretary of the Treasury] unless fictuaUii rrcorered [an3 a proper [by ^vet assay without deduction] 130 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. and the import entries shall be liquidate*! thereon. And the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all neces siry regulations to enforce the provisions of this paragraph . ACT OF 1909. Par. 181 . Lead-bearing ore of all kinds, one and one-half cents per pound on the lead contained therein: Provided, That on all importations of lead-bearing ores the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a l)ond gi\en in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether d(>signated as bonded warehouses or otherwise. On the arri\al of the ores at such estal)lishments they shall l)e sampled according to com- mercial methods under the super\ision of government officers, who shall be sta- tioned at such establishments, and who shall submit the samples thus obtained to a government assayer, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make a proper assay of the sample and report the result to the proper customs officers, and the import entries shall be liquidated thereon, except in case of ores that shall be removed to a bonded ware- house to be refined for exportation as provided by law. And the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to enforce the pro- visions of this paragraph. ACT OF 1913, Par. 152. Lead-bearing oies nl all kinds containing more than 3 per centum of lead, I cent per pound on the lead contained therein: Provided, That on all importations of lead-bearing ores the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a bond given in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded for the trans- portation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sam- pling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or other- wise. On the arrival of the ores at such establishments they shall be sampled ac- cording to commercial methods under the supervision of Government officers, w^ho s>all be stationed at such establishments, and who shall submit the samples thus* obtained to a Government assayer, desig- nated by the Secretary of the Treasu'y, who shall make a proper assay of the sample and report the result to the proper customs officers, and the import entries shall be liquidated thereon, except in case of ores that shall be removed to a bonded warehouse to be refined for ex- portation as provided by law. And the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to enforce the provisions of this paragraph. PARAGRAPH 389. 39S. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 389. Lead bullion or base bullion, lead in pigs and bars, lead dross, re- claimed lead, scrap lead, antimonial lead, antimonial scrap lead, type metal, Babbitt metal, solder, all alloys or com- binations of lead not specially provided for, 21 cents per pound on the lead con- tained therein; lead in sheets, pipe, shot, glazier's lead, and lead wire, lead in anv article or material not specially provide! for, 2ii cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 182. Lead dross, lead bullion or base bullion, lead in pigs and bars, lead in anv form not specially provided for in this section, old refuse lead run into blocks and bars, and old scrap lead fit only to be remanufactured; all the fore- going, two and one-eighth cents per SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. 1 [lead in any article or specially provided forj material not ACT OF 1913. Par. 153. Lead dross, lead bullion or base bullion, lead in pigs and bars, lead in any form not specially provided for in this section, old refuse lead run into blocks and bars, and old scrap lead fit only to be remanufactured: lead in sheets, pipe, shot, glaciers" lead, and lead wire; TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 131 pound: lead in sheets, pipe, shot, glaziers' lead and lead wire, two and three- eighths cents per pound. Par. 191. Type metal, one and one- half cents per pound on the lead contained therein; * * *. Par. G49. Pewter and hritannia metal, old, and fit onlv to be remanufactured [Free]. Par. 702. Types, old. and fit only to be remanufactured [Free). all the foregoing, 25 per centum ad va- lorem, on the lead contained therein. Par. 160. Type metal, per centum ad valorem. 15 Par. 572. Pewter and britannia metal, old, and fit only to be remanufactured [Free]. Par. 6;^7. Type, stereotype metal, elec- trotype metal, linotype composition, all of the foregoing, old and fit only to be re- manufactured [Free]. PARAGRAPH 390. 39.',. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 390. Zinc-bearing ore of all kinds, containing less than 10 per centum of zinc, shall be admitted free of duty; containing 10 per centum or more of zinc and less than 20 per centum, one-half of 1 cent per ])ound on the zinc contained therein; containing 20 per centum or more of zinc and less than 25 per centum, 1 cent per pound on the zinc contained therein; containing 25 per centum of zinc, or more, 1^ cents per pound on the zinc contained therein: Provided, That on all importa- tions of zinc-bearing ores the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a bond given in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unap- praised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or otherwise. On the arrival of the ores at such establishments they shall be sampled according to commercial methods under the supervision of Government officers, who shall be stationed at such establishments, and who shall submit the samples thus obtained to a Government assayer, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make an assay of the sample by wet assay without deduc- tion and report the result to the proper customs officers, and the import entries shall he liquidated thereon. And the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to en- force the pro\dsions of this paragraph. ACT OF 1909. Par. 193. Zinc-bearing ore of all kinds, including calamine, containing less than ten per centum of zinc, shall be admitted free of duty; containing ten per centum or more of zinc and less than twenty per centum, one-fourth of one cent per pound on the zinc contained therein; containing twenty per centum or more of SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. [an] a proper |[l3y wet a.ssay without deduction] ACT OF 1913. Par. 162. Zinc-bearing ores of all kinds , including calamine, 10 per centum ad valorem upon the zinc contained therein: Provided, That on all importations of zinc-bearing ores the duties shall be esti- mated at the port of entry, and a bond given in double the amount of such esti- mated duties for the transportation of the 132 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. zinc and less than twenty-five per cen- tum, one-half of one cent per pound on the zinc conlainod therein; containing twenty-five per centum of zinc, or more, one cent per ])ound on the zinc contained therein: J'roii'/ed. That on all importa- tions of zinc-bearing ores the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a bond gi\ en in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded for the transportation of ap|)raised or unap- praised merclumdise to projierly equipped 8am])ling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded ware- houses or otherwise. On the arrival of the ores at such establishments they shall be sampled according to commercial methods under the super\ ision of govern- ment oflicers, who shall be stationed at such establishments, and who shall sub- mit the samples thus obtained to a gov- ernment assayer, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make a proper assay of the sample, and report the result to the proper customs officers, and the import entries shall be liquidated thereon, except in case of ores that shall be removed to a bonded ware- house to be refined for exportation as provided by. law. And the Secretar}^ of the Treasury is authorized fo make all necessary regulations to enforce the pro- visions of this paragraj)h. PARAGRAPH 391. 35 7. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ores by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sam- pling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or other- wise". On the arrival of the ores at such establishments they shall be sampled according to commercial methods under the supervision of Government officers, who shall be stationed at such establish- ments, and who shall submit the samples thus obtained to a Government assayer, designated by the Secretary of the Treas- ury, who shall make a proper assay of the sample and report the result to the proper custom officers, and the import entries shall be liquidated thereon, except in case of ores that shall be removed to a bonded warehouse to be refined for ex- portation as provided by law. And the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to enforce the provisions of this paragraph. American Valuation. Par. 391. Zinc in blocks or pigs and zinc dust. If cents per pound; in sheets, If cents per pound; in sheets coated or plated with nickel or other metal, or solutions. If cents per poimd; old and worn-out, fit only to be remanufactured, 1 cent per pound: Provided, That for a period of two years beginning on the clay follomng the enactment of this Act the rates of duty shall be as folloAvs: On zinc in blocks, piers, or slal s, and old and worn-out zinc fit only to 1)e remanufac- turod, 2 cents per pound; zinc in sheets, plates, strips, or coils, plated with nickel or other l>ase metals, or in fabricated form, and zinc dust, 2^ cents per pound. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 395. Zinc in blocks, pigs, or slabs, and zinc dust, if. cents per potmd; in sheets, 2 cents per pound; in sheets coated or plated with nickel or other metal {except r/old, silver, or platimvm). or solutions, 2i cents per pound : old and worn-out. fit only to be rciiHinufuctured, 11 cents per povvd. ACT OF 1909. Par. 194. Zinc in blocks or pigs and zinc dust, one and three-eighths" cents per pound; in sheets, one and five-eighths cents per pound; in sheets coated or plated with nickel or oth»r metal, or solutions, one and three-fourths cents' per pound; old and worn-out, fit only to be reman ufactured, one cent per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 163. Zinc in blocks, pigs, or sheeta, and zinc dust; and old and worn-out zinc fit only to be remanufactured, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 109. * * * metal sheets * * * coated with nickel or other metals by dipping, printing, stenciling, or other process, 15 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. 133 PARAGRAPH 392. .inc. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 392. Print rollers and print blocks used in printing, stamping, or cutting designs for wall or crepe paper, linoleum, oilcloth, or other material, not specially provided for, composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, copper, brass, or any other metal, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 199. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section, com- posed wholly or in part of iron, steel, lead, copper, nickel, pewter, zinc, gold, silver, platinum, aluminum, or other metal, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, forty-five per centum ad valorem. £301 GO ACT OF 1913. Par. 167. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section; if composed wholly or in part of platinum, gold, or sih^er, and articles or wares plated with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 50 per centum ad valorem; if composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, pewter, zinc, aluminum, or other metal, but not plated "with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPHS 397 AND 398 (See page 134.) PARAGRAPH 393. 390. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 393. Articles or wares not specially provided for, if composed wholly or in chief value of platinum, gold, or silver, and articles or wares plated with plati- num, gold, or silver, or colored with gold lacquer, whether partly or wholly manufactured, 45 per centum ad valorem; if composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, pewter, zinc, aluminum, or other metal, l>ut not plated with platinum, gold, or silver, or colored with gold lacquer, whether partly or wholly manufactured, 35 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 199. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section, com- posed wholly or in part of iron, steel, load, copper, nickel, pewter, zinc, gold, silver, platinum, aluminum, or other ;netal, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, forty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 135. * * * Provided finihcr, That articles manufactured wholly or in chief value of any wire or wires provided ior in this paragraph shall pay the maxi- mum rate of duty imposed in this section upon any wire used iu the manufacture of .-^uch articles and in addition thereto one Foreign Valuation. [453 60 £353 40 Par. ACT OF 1913. frames, 10 per 104. * * * sashes, * * * of iron or steel, * * ' centum ad valorem. Par. 114. * * * articles manufac- tured wholly or in chief value of any wire or wires provided for in this section; all the foregoing 15 per centum ad valorem; * * * Par. 167. Articles or wares not specially provided for in this section; if composed wholly or in part of platinum, gold, or sil- ver, and articles or wares plated w\th gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 50 per centum ad valorem; if composed wholly or in chief 134 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. cent per pound: Ay^d provided further, That no article made from or composed of wire shall pay a less rate of duty than forty per centum ad valorem; * * *. Pah. 144. * * * finished hinges or hinge blanks, whether of iron or steel, one and one-eighth cents per pound. P.\u. 551. * * * quoits, and curl- ing-stone handles [Free]. P.\H. t)53. Platinum * * * in * * * sheets, ^^•i^e, * * * [Free]. value of iron, steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, pewter, zinc, aluminum, or other metal, Ijut not plated with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manu- factured, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 470. * * * quoits, and curl- ing-stone handles [Free]. Par. 578. Platinum * * * in * * * sheets, wire, * * * [Free]. Par. 612. * * * engraved steel * * * dies and rolls, suitable for use in engi'aving or printing bonds, stock cer- tificates or other securities [Free]. PARAGRAPH 394. -'lOO- H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 394. Xo allowance or reduction of duties for partial loss or damage in conse- quence of rust or of discoloration shall be made upon any description of iron or steel, or upon any article wholly or partly manufactured of iron or steel, or upon any manufacture of iron or steel. ACT OF 1909. Par. 138. No allowance or reduction of duties for partial loss or damage in consequence of rust or of discoloration shall be made upon any description of iron or steel, or upon any article wholly or partly manufactured of iron or steel, or upon any manufacture of iron or steel. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 116. No allowance or reduction of duties for partial loss or damage in consequence of rust or of discoloration shall be made upon any description of iron or steel, or upon any article wholly or partly manufactured of iron or steel, or upon any manufacture of iron or steel . PARAGRAPH 38S. (As adopted by the Senate.) Par. 3S8. Dynamite, and other high explosives, put up in sticks, cartridges, or other forms, suitable for hlasting, 11 cents per pound. PARAGRAPH . 3.97. (As adopted by the Senate.) Par. .V.)1. CijUndrical .steel rolls, ground and polished, valued at 25 cents per pound or over, 25 per centum ad valorem: PARAGRAPH — . .V)8. (As adopted by the Senate.) Par. 39S. Twist drills, reamer. er cubic foot. ACT OF 1909. ScHKDur.E D. — Wood and Manu- factures OF. I'ar. 200. Timber, hown, sided or squared otherwise than by sawing (not less than eisht inches square) and round timber used for spars or iu building whai'ves, one-half of one cent per cubic foot. Par. 713. Woods; * * * red cedar (Juniperus Virginiima) timber, hewn, sided, squared, or round ; * * * fFree]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and pro- visious transferred to free list, par. 1683. ACT OF 1913. Schedule D — Wood and Manu- factures OF. Par. 647. Wood ; * * * timber * * * hewn or sawed, sided or squared; * * * [Free]. Par. 64S. Woods ; * * * red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) timber, hewn, sided, squared, or round ; * * * [Free], PARAGRAPH 402. H. K. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 402. Logs of flr, spruce, cedar, or Western hemlock, $1 per one thou- sand feet l)oard measure : FrovUled, That any such class of logs cut from any particular class of lands shall be exempt from such duty if imported from any country, depenilency, prov- ince, or other subdivision of govern- ment which has, at no time during the twelve months immediately preceding their importation into the United States, maintained any embargo, pro- hibition, or other restriction (whether hy law, order, regulation, contractual relation or otherwise, directly or indi- rectly) upon the exportation of such class of logs from such country, de- pendency, province, or other subdivi- sion of government, if cut from such class of lands. ACT OF 1909. Par. 712. Wood : Logs and round unmanufactured timber, including pulp woods, * * * not specially provided for in this section [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out. See free list, par. 1707, in Bill as adopted by Senate. ACT OF 1913. Par. 647. Wood: Logs, round, unmanufactured, * w^oods, * * * [Free]. pulp 135 136 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 403. y//. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. P.\R. 403. Brier root or brier wood, ivy, or laurel root, and similai" wood uiimaiiulac-tured, or not furllier ad- vanced than cut into blocks suitable for the articles into which they are in- tended to be converted. 10 per centum . ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 202. Briar root or briar wood, ivy or laurel root, and similar wood unmanufactured, or not further ad- vanced than cut into blocks suitable for the articles into which they are in- tended to be converted, fifteen per cen- tum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [ivy.] ivv ACT OE 1913. Pak. IGS. Briar root or briar wo(jd, ivy or laurel root, and similar wood unmanufactured, or not further ad- Aanced than cut into blocks suitable for tlie articles into which they ai"e in- tended to be converted, 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 404. ',0.^. H. iR. 7456. American Valuation. Pai>. 404. Cedar commercially known as Spanish cedar, lignum-vita', lance- wood, ebony, box, frranadilla, ma- hogany, rosewood, satinwood. .Japanese white oak, and Japanese maple, in the log. 10 per centum ad valorem ; in the form of sawed boards, planks, deals, and all other forms not further manu- factured than sawed, 15 per centum ad valorem; veneers of wood and wood unmanufactured, not specially pro- vided for. 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 203. Sawed boards, planks, deals, and all forms of sawed cedar, lignum- vitfe, lancewood, ebony, box. granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, and all other cabinet woods not further manufactured than sawed, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; veneers of wood, and wood unmanufactured, not spe- cially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem. Pak. 713. Woods: Cedar, lignum- xitpe. lancewood, ebony, box, grana- dilla, mahogany, rosewood, satin- wood, and all forms of cabinet woods, in the log, rough, or hewn onl.v, * * .+ rFree], SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and fol- lowing substituted : Par. 402. Sawed hoards, planks, deals, and all forms of sawed cedar, cotnmerciaUy knoicn as Spanish cedar, Ugnum-vitai, lancewood, ebony, box, f/ranadiUa, mahogany, roseirood, satln- ivood, Japanese ivhite oak, Japanese maple, and all otlier cabinet iroods not further manufactured than sawed, 15 per centum ad valorem; veneers of 'Wood, and tcood unmanufactured, not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. (Note. — The Senate amendment in effect admits certain cabinet woods free of duty when in the log (see par. J70-'i, in Bill as adopted by Senate). and retains the House rate of 1.5 per cent when they are sawee(ls wroUiilU or iniiiui- factured from rattan.s or reeds, whether round, Hat, split, oval, or in whatever form, cane wrouu-ht or manu- lactured from rattan, Ciine webhiuL;', and split or partiall.v manuraclnred lattan, not speciall.v provided for in I Ids section, 20 per centum ad valorem. l"'or the purpose of assess nu" duties, hand-made reeds or cane shall be held 111 be comparal)le in value io machino- lut reeds or cane of correspondin.tr size. I'urniture made with frames wholly nr in part of wood, rattan, reed, bam- boo, or malacca, and covered wholly or In part with rattan, reed, grass, or tiller of any kind, HO per centum ad valoi-em; .split l)amboo, 2 cents per pound; osier or willow, includ ii.g chip !'.f and split willow, prepared for basket maker's use, 25 per centum ad \alorem: all articles not specially pro- viy the polariscope over ninety- nine degrees, produced from beet or cane grown in the continental United States, shall for eacli pound so manu- factured or refined during any month in any State. Territory, or tlie Dis- trict of Columbia, be permitted to im- port, at any time l)efore the expiration of nine months after the last day of such month (for the sole purpose of being manufactured or refined by him in such State. Territory, or District), two i)ounds of sugar testing by the polariscope not above ninety-six de- grees, at tliree-fourths of the rate of duty to which such sugar would other- wise be subject. The Secretary of the Treasury shall make all regulations necesfsary for the enforcement of this paragraph, including the tak'ng of bonds to secure compliance with its provisions. ACT OF 1909. [No corresponding i)rovision.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragrapli struck out. ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.] PARAGRAPH 503. 502. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. oO.^. Molasses and sirups testing not above 48 per centum total sugars, twenty-five one-hundredths of 1 cent per gallon ; testing above 48 per centum total ;?ugars, two hundred and seventy-five one-thousandths of 1 cent additional for each per centum of total sugars and fractions of a per centum ■in proportion. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [sirups] suf/ar simps, not specially provided for, TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 143 ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Pak. 210. * * * molasses testing not above forty decrees, twenty per centum ad valorem; testing above forty degrees and not above fifty-six degrees, tliree cents per gallon; test- ing above tifty-six degrees, six cents per gallon ; sugar drainings and sugar swceijings sliall lie subject to duty as molasses or sugar, as tbe case may be, according to polariscopic test. Par. 177. * * * molasses testing not above forty degrees, 15 per centinn ad valoi-eni ; testing above forty de- grees and not above tifty-six degrees, 2i cents per gallon ; testing atiove tifty- six degrees, 4i cents per gallon; sugar drainings and sugar sweepings shall be subject to duty as molasses or sugar, as the case may be, according to liolariscopic test : ° * * * PARAGRAPH 504. .W.i. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pak. nOi. Maple sugar and maple sirup. 4 cents per pound ; dextrose testing not above G9.7 per centum and dextrose sirup, IJ cents per pound. Sugar cane in its natural state, or unmanufactured, $1 per ton of two thousand pounds ; sugar contained in dried sugar cane, or in sugar cane in any other than its natural state, 75 per centum of the rate of duty ap- plicable to manufactured sugar of like polariscopic test. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [or unmanufactured] ACT OF 1913. Pae. 217. IVIaple sugar and maple sirup, four cents per pound ; glucose or grape sugar, one and one-half cents per pound ; sugar cfine in its natural state, or unmanufactured, twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 178. Maple sugar and maple sirup. 3 cents per pound ; glucose or grape sugar, IJ cents per pound; sugar cane in Its natural state, or \in- manufactured. 15 per centum ad va- loi'em : Provided, That on and after the first day of May. nineteen hundred and sixteen, the articles hereinbefore enumerated in tliis paragraph shall be admitted free of duty. [The proviso was repealed bv the act of April 27, 1916, chapter 93.] PARAGRAPH 505. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 505. Adonite, arabinose. dnlcite, galactose, inosite, inulin, levulose, man- nite, d-talose. d-tagatos-e, ribos-e. meli- biose. dextrose testing above 99.7 per centum, mannose. melitzitose, rafiinose. rhanmose, salcin, soi-bite, xylose, and other of the higher saccharides re- quired for scientific purposes-. 50 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [melitzitose3/»c/c:(7o,i?e [of the higher saccharides refjuired for scientific purposes] .sarchd rides '■ Molassos tostinj; not above forty degrees. 24 per centum ad valorem ; testing above forty degrees and not above flfty-six degrees, 3i cents per gallon ; testing above fifty-six degrees, 7 cents per gallon ; sugar drainings and sugar sweepings shall be sul).1ect to dutv as moiasses or sugar as the case mav be according to polariscopic test. Par. 20 emergency tariff act of 1921, 144 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 665. Salicin [Free]. P.\R. 3. * * * all chemical com- pounds, mixtures and salts, * * * not specially provided for in tbis sec- tion, twenty-tive per centum ad va- lorem ; * * *_ ACT OF 1913. Par. 591. Salicin [Free]. Par. 5. * * * all chemical and medicinal compounds, preparations, mixtures and sa'ts * * * not spe- cially providcHl for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 506. )0-). H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. .500. Sugar candy and all con- feet^ionery not .specially provided for, and on sugar after being refined, when tinctured, colored, or in any way adul- terated, 30 per centum ad valorem. The v-:ilue of the immediate coverings other than the outer packing case or other covering shall be included in thi dutiable value of the merchandi.se. ACT OF 1909. Par. 219. Sugar candy and all con- fectionery not specially provided for in this section, valued at fifteen cents per pound or less, and on sugars after being refined, when tinctured, colored or in any way adulterated, four cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than 15 cents per pound, fifty per centum ad va- lorem. The weight and the value of the immediate coverings, other than the outer packing case or other cover- ing, shall be included in the dutiable weight and the value of the merchan- dise. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Con] rso] .',0 CThe value of the immediate cover- ings other than the outer pack'ng case or other covering shall be included in the dutiable value of the merchandise.] ACT OF 1913. Par. 180. Sugar candy and all con- fectionery not specially provided for in this section, valued at 15 cents i)er pound or less, 2 cents per pound ; valued at more than 15 cents per pound, 25 per centum ad valorem. The weight and the value of the immediate coverings, other than the outer pack- ing case or other covering, shall be in- cluded in the dutiable weight and the value of the merchandise. SCHEDULE 6.— TOBACCO AND MANUFACTURES OF. PARAGRAPH 601. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. GOl. Wrapper tobacco, and filler tobacco when mixed or packed with more than 50 per centum of wrapper tobacco, and all leaf tobacco the prod- uct of two or more countries or de- pendencies when mixed or packed to- gether, if unstemmed. $2.10 per pound ; if stemmed, $2.75 per pound; filler tobacco of the kind known as Turkish, $1 per pound ; filler tobacco not spe- cially provided for, if unstemmed, 45 cents per pound ; if stennued, 60 cents per pound : Provided, That filler to- bacco, not specificall.v provided for, conmionly used without removing: the stem slinll be subject to the same duty as stemmed. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [50] 35 Tfiller tobacco of the kind known as Turkish. $1 per pound ;3 E4.51 35 reO] 50 ZPi'01'ided, That filler tobacco, not spe- cifically provided for, commonly used without removing the stem sliall be subject to the same duty as stemmed.] ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Schedule P. — Tobacco and Manufac- tures OF. 'Schedule F. — Todacco and jManufac- TURES OF. Par. 220. Wrapper tobacco, and filler tobacco when mixed or packed with more than fifteen per centum of wrap- per tobacco, and all loaf tobacco the product of two or more countries or dependencies when mixed or packed together, if unstenmied, one dollar and eighty-five cents per pound ; if .stemmed, two dollars and fifty cents jier pound ; filler tobacco not speciall.v provided for in this section, if un- stemmed. thirty-five cents per pound; if stenjmed, fifty cents per pound. [No corresponding provision for to- bacco of the kind known as Turkish.] Par. 181. Wrapper tobacco, and filler tobacco when mixed or packed with more than 13 jier centum of wrap- per tobacco, and all leaf tobacco the product of two or more countries or dependencies when mixed or packed together, if unstemmed, .$1.85 per pound ^; if stemmed, $2..50 per pound ^; filler tobacco not specially provided for in this section, if unstemmed. 35 cents per pound ' ; if stemmed, 50 cents per pound *. [No corresponding provision for to- bacco of the kind known as Turkish.] * $2.35 per pound, par. 25. emergency tariff act of 1921. '$?> per pound, par. 2.", emergency tariff net of 1921. * 35 cents per pound, par. 25, emergency tariff act of 1921. *50 cents per pound, par. 25, emergency tariff act of 1921. 145 146 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 602. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. G02. The term " wrapper to- bacco " as used in this title means that qualit.v of leaf tobacco wliich has the requisite color, texture, and burn, and is of sutlicient size for cigar wrappers, and the term "filler tobacco" means all other leaf tobacco. Collectors of customs shall permit entry to be made, under rules and r(>£;ulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treas- ury, of any leaf tobacco when the in- voices of the same shall specify in de- tail the character of such tobacco, whether wrapper or filler, its origin and quality. In the exam 'nation for classification of any imported leaf to- bacco, at least 1 bale, box, or package in every 10, and at least 1 in every invoice, shall be examined by the ap- praiser or person authorized by law to make such examination, and at least 10 hands shall be examined in each exanuned bale, box, or package. ACT OF 1909. Par. 221. The term wrapper tobacco as used in this section means that qual- ity of leaf tobacco which is suitable for cigar wrappers, and the term filler to- bacco means all other leaf tobacco. Collectors of customs shall not permit entry to be made, except under regula- tions to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasur.v, of any leaf tobacco, unless the invoices of the same shall specify in detail the character of such tobacco, whether wrapper or filler, its origin and quality. In the examination for classification of any imported leaf tobacco, at least one bale, box, or pack- age in every ten, and at least one in every invoice, shall be examined by the appraiser or person authorized by law to make such examination, and at least ton hands shall be examined in each examined bale, box, or package. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 182. The term wrapper tobacco as used in this section means that qual- it.v of leaf tobacco which has the req- u site color, texture, and burn, and is of suflicient size for cigar wrappers, and the term filler tobacco means all other leaf tobacco. Collectors of cus- toms shall not permit entry to be made, except under regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treas- ury, of any leaf tobacco, unless the in- voices of the same shall specify in de- tail the character of such tobacco, whether wrapper or filler, its origin and quality. In the examination for classification of any imported leaf to- liacco, at least one bale, box, or package in every ten, and at least one in every invoice, shall be examined by the ap- praiser or person authorized by law to make such examination, and at least ton hands shall be examined in each examined bale, box, or package. PARAGRAPH 603. H. E,. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 003. All other tobacco, manu- factured or unmanufactured, including scrap tobacco, not specially provided for, 55 cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [including scrap tobacco! [pound! pound ; scrap tobacco, 35 cents per pound TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 147 ACT OF 1909. Par. 222. All other tobacco, manufac- tured or unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this section, and scrap tobacco, fifty-five cents per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 183. All other tobacco, manufac- tured or unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this section, 55 cents per pound ; scrap tobacco, 35 cents per pound. PARAGRAPH 604. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. G04. Snuff and snuff flour, man- ufacturetl of tobacco, ground dry, or dnmp, and pickled, scented, or other- wise, of all descriptions, and tobacco stems, cut. j;round, or pulverized, 55 cents per pound. • ACT OF 1909. Par. 223. SnufC and snuff flour, man- ufactiu'ed of tobacco, ground dry, or damp, and pickled, scented, or other- wise, of all descriptions, fifty-five cents per pound. Par. 696. Tobacco stems [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 184. Snuff and snuff flour, man- ufactured of toliacco, ground dry, or damp, and pickled, scented, or other- v>'ise. of all descriptions. 55 cents per I)()und. Par. 632. Tobacco stems [Free]. PARAGRAPH 605. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 605. Cigars, cigarettes, clieroots of all kinds, .$4.50 per pound and 25 per centum ad valorem, and paper cigars and cigarettes, including wrap- pers, shall be subject to the same duties as are herein imposed upon cigars. ACT OF 1909. Par. 224. Cigars, cigarettes, cheroots of all kinds, four dollars and fifty cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem, and paper cigars and ciga- rettes, including wrappers, shall be subject to the same duties as are herein imposed upon cigars. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 185. Cigars, cigarettes, cheroots of all kinds, $4.50 per pound and 25 per centum ad valorem, and paper cigars and cigarettes, including wrap- pers, shall be subject to the same duties as are herein imposed upon cigars. I SCHEDULE 7.— AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND PROVISIONS, PARAGRAPH 701. H. B.. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 701. Cattle, less than two years old, 1 cent per pound; two years old or over, li cents per pound r pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. [less than two years old, 1 cent per poinid ; two years old or over, li cents per pound] weighing less than one thousand and fifty pounds each, li cents per pound; weighing one thousand and fifty pounds each or more, 2 cents per pound D3 5* ACT OF 1909. Schedule G. — Agricultural Products AND Provisions. Par. 225. Cattle, if less than one year old, two dollars per head; all other cattle if valued at not more than fourteen dollars per head, three dollars and seventy-five cents per head; if valued at more than fourteen dollars per head, twenty-seven and one-half per centum ad valorem. Par. 285. Fresh beef, veal, * * * one and one-half cents per pound. Par. 290. Tallow, one-half of one cent per pound; * * *. Par. 3. * * * expressed oils, * * * twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. G40. Oleo stearin [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Schedule G.— Agricultural Products AND Provisions. Par. 619. [Free].' * cattle, * * Par. 545. Meats: Fresh beef, veal, * * * [Free]. 2 Par. 622. Tallow [Free]. Par. 44. * * * all other animal oils, * * * 15 per centum ad valo- rem. [Covered oleo oil.] Par. 562. Oleo stearin [Free]. PARAGRAPH 702. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign V^ahiation. Par. 702. Sheep and goats, 1 cent per fl cent per poundj S2 per licad pound; fresh murtm, IJ [mutton, liJnmtton and goat meat, cents per pound ; fresh lamb, 2 cents 2i per pound. [2] 5 » Cattle, e.xcept f^r breeding, 30 por centum ad valorem. (Par. 12, emergency taritl a' t »( 19-'l.) » Freih or froy.ea bed or veal, 2 cents per pound. (Par. 14, cmergencv tariff act of 1921.) 149 150 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 22S. Sheep, one year old or over, one dollar and fifty cents per head; less than one year old, seventy-five cents per head. Par. 229. All other live animals, not specially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 285. Fresh * * * mutton, lamb, * * * one and one-half cents per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 019. * * * sheep, and all other domestic live animals suitable for human food not otherwise provided for in this section [Free].^ Par. 545. Meats: Fresh * * * mut- ton, lamb, * * * [Free]." PARAGRAPH 703. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 70.3. Swine, one-half of 1 cent per pound; fresh pork, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound; bacon, hams, and shoulders, of pork, prepared or preserved, 1} cents per pound; lard, 1 cent per pound; lard compounds and lard substitutes, 20 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. [ofl iDKl other D-]] 2 [20 per centum ad valoreml 5 cents per pound ACT OF 1909. Par. 226. Swine, one dollar and fifty cents per head. Par. 284. Bacon and hams, four cents per pound. Par. 285. Fresh * * * pork. * * * one and one-half cents per pound. Par. 288. Lard, one and one-half cents per pound. [No corresponding provision for lard compounds and lard substitutes.] ACT OF 1913. Par. 619. Swine, * * * [Free]. Par. 545. Meat.s : Fresh * * * pork ;' bacon and liani.s ; * * * [Free]." Par. 528. Lard, lard compounds, and lard substitutes [Free]. PARAGRAPH 704. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 704. Reindeer meat, 20 per cen- [20 per centum ad valorem ;] turn ad valorem; venison and other game After "game" insert (e.rcei>t birds) not specially provided for, H cents per [l]] '/ pound. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 285. * * * venison and other Par. 227. Venison, and other game, IJ game, except birds, one and one-half cents per pound; * * *. cents per pound. [No corresponding provision for rein- [No corresponding provision for rein- deer meat.] deer meat.] 5 Sheep; One year old or over, $2 per head; less than one year old, $1 per head. (Par. 13, emergency tariff act onfi21.) . b . * Fresh or frozen mutton, lamb, 2 cents per pound. fPar. 14, emergencv tariff act of 1921.) ^ Pork dutiable at 2 cent.s ner pound. (Far.' 14, emergency tariff act of 1921.) "Meat.s of all kinds, prepared or preserved, n. s. p. f., 2.5 per centum ad valorem. (Par. 14, emergency act of 1921.) I TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. 151 PARAGRAPH 705. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 705. Extract of meat, including fluid, 1-^ cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 287. Extract of moat, not espe- cially provided for in this section, thirty- five cents per pound; fluid extract of meat, fifteen cents per poimd, but the dutiable weight of the extract of meat and of the fluid extract of meat shall not in- clude the weight of the packages in which the same is imported. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No. change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 228. Extract of meat, not spe- cially provided for in this section, 10 cents per pound; fluid extract of meat, 5 cents per pound, but the dutiable weight of the extract of meat and of the fluid extract of meat shall not include the weight of the packages in which the same is imported. PARAGRAPH 706. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 706. Sausage casings, weasands, intestines, bladders, tendons and integu- ments, not specially provided for; meats, fresh, prepared, or preserved, not specially provided for, 15 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no meats of any kind shall be imported into the United States unless the same is healthful, whole- some, and fit forhumanfoodandcontainsno dye, chemical, preservative, or ingredient which renders the same unhealthful, un- wholesome, or unfit for human food, and unless the same also complies with the rules and regulations made by the Secre- tary of Agriculture, and that, after entry into the United States in compliance with said rules and regulations, said meats shall be deemed and treated as domestic meats within the meaning of and shall be sub- ject to the provisions of the Act of June 30, 1906 (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page 674), commonly called the "Meat Inspection Amendment," and the Act of June 30, 190H (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page 768), commonly called the "Food and Drugs Act," and that the Secretary of Agriculture be and hereby is authorized to make rules and regulations to carry out the purposes of this provision, and that in such rules and regulations the Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe the terms and conditions for the destruc- tion of all such meats offered for entry and refused admission into the United States unless the same be exported by the consignee within the time fixed therefor in such rules and regulations. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [Sau.sage casings, weasands, intes- tines, bladder.s. tendons and integu- ments, not specially provided for;] (Transferred to free list. par. 1651, in bill as adapted by Senate.) Tnieatsl Meats, [15] 20 152 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 512. Bladders, and all integu- ments, tendons and intestines of ani- mals * * * crude, dried or salted for preservation only, and unmanufactured, not speciall.v provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 23. * * * fish bladders * * * other than crude or dried or salted for preservation only, valued at not above ten cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound; valued at above ten cents per pound and not above thirty-five cents per pound, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifteen cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 288. Meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 667. Sausages, bologna [Free]. ACT OF 1913. ^■ r. Par. 419. Bladders, and all integu- ments, tendons and intestines of ani- mals * * * crude, dried or salted for preservation only, and unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 385. * * * unmanufactured articles not enumerated or provided for in this section, a duty of 10 per centum ad valorem. * * *. [Weasands fall within this provision. T. D. 35886 of 1915; United States v. White, 8 Ct. Gust. Appls., 115, of 1917. Sausage casings come within paragraph 419 above. (Abstract 19744, T. D. 29288. of 1908.)] Par. 545. * * * meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, not specially pro- vided for in this section [Free] J'rovidf.d, however, That none of the foregoing meats shall be admitted into the United States unless the same is healthful, wholesome and fit for human food and contains no dye, chemical, preservative, or ingredient which renders the same unhealthfuL un- wholesome or unfit for hum.an food, and unless the same also complies with the rules and regulations made by the Secre- tary of Agriculture, and that, after entry into the United States in complia,nce with said rules and resulations, said imported meats shall be deemed and treated as domestic meats A^dthin the meaning of and shall be subject to the provisions of the Act of June thirtieth, nineteen him- hundred and six, (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page six hundred and seventv- four), commonly called the Meat Inspec- tion Amendment, and the Act of June thirtieth, nineteen himdred and six (Thirty-fciirth Statutes at Large, page seven himdred and sixty-eight), com- monlv called the Food and Drugs Act, and that the Secretary of Agriculttu-e be and herel^y is authorized to make niles and regulaticns to carry out the purposes of this paragraph, and that in such rules anrt regulations the Secretary of Agricul- ture may prescribf the terms and condi- tions for the destruction for food purposes of all such meats offered for ent>'v and refused aamission into the United >States unless the sam.e be exported by the con- signee within the time fixed therefor in such ndes and regulations.^ ' Meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, n. tariff act of 1921.). s. p. [., 25 per centum ad valorem. (Par. U, emergency TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 153 PARAORAPII 707. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pak. 707. Milk, fresh, 1 cent per gallon: sour milk and hutt/^>rmilk, one-half of 1 cent per .gallon: cream, having less than 30 per centum of luitter fat, 5 cents per gallon: having SO per centum or more of butter fat, 10 cents per gallon. ACT OF 1909. P.\R. 247. Milk, fresh, two cents per gallon; cream, live cents per gallon. [\o corresponding provision for sour milk and buttermilk.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ri cent] 2i cents tone-half of] [having Ies.s than 30 per centum of butter fat, 5 cents per gallon; having 30 per centum or more of butter fat. 10] 221 [gallon.] (jallo)i: I'rovided, Til at fresh or sour milk containing not more than 1 per centum of butter fat shall be dutiable as cream, and cream eontainiiifi more than .}.5 per centum of butter fat shall be dutiable as butter. ACT OF 1913. Par. 547. Milk and cream, * * * [Free]. 7 [No corresponding provision for sour milk and buttermilk.] PARAGRxlPH 708. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. • Par. 708. Milk, condensed or ev^apo- rated: In hermetically sealed containers, unsv.'eetcned, 1 cent per pound; sweet- ened, 1^ cents per pound; all other, l^ cents per pound; whole milk powder, 3 cents per pound; cream powder, 8 cents per pound; and skimmed milk powtler, 1^ cents per pound; malted milk, and compounds of or substitutes for milk or cream, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 248. ililk, preserved or condensed, or sterilized by heating or other processes, including weight of immediate coverings, two cents per pound; * * *. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [pound ;] pound, [8] 6 In.sert after " compounds " or mixtures ACT OF 1913. Par. 547. Milk and cream, including milk or cream preserved or condensed, or sterilized by heating or other processes, * * * [Free].** [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] PARAGRAPH 709. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 709. Butter, 8 cents per pound; oleomargarine, 8 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 245. Butter and substitutes there- for, six cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " oleomargarine " in.sert and other butter substitutes, ACT OF 1913. Par. 195. Butter and butter substi- tutes, 2i cents per pound.' ■^ Milk, fresh, 2 cents per gallon ; cream, 5 cents per gallon. (Par. 23, emergency tariff act of 1921.) •* Milk, preserved or condensed, or sterilized by heating or other process, including wfiuht of immediate coverings, 2 cents per pound. (Par. 24, emergncy tariff act of 1921.) » Butter and substitutes therefor, 6 cent.s per pound. (Par. 21, emergency tariff act of 1921.) Oleomargarine in packages of less than 10 pounds prohibited by act of Aug. 2, 1886, sec. 10. 154 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 710. H. R. 7456. American Valuativn. Par. 710. Cheese, valued at less than 30 cents per pound, 5 cents per pound; valued at 80 cents or more per pound, 25 per centum ad valorem; cheese substi- tutes, 5 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 246. Cheese, and substitutes herefor, six cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. Paragraph modified to read as fol- lows : Par. 110. Cheese and substitutc.'i therefor, 5 cents per pound, hut not less than 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913 Par. 196. Cheese and substitutes there- for, 20 per centum ad valorem.''' PARAGRAPH 711. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 711. Birds, live: Poultry, 2 cents per pound; all other, valued at" $5 or less each, 50 cents each; valued at more than $5 each, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. 1213 ACT OF 1913. Par. 289. Poultry, live, three cents per Par. 229. Poultry, live, 1 cent per pound; * * *. ' pound; * * *. Par. 510. Birds and land and water Par. 416. Birds and land and water fowls [Free]. fowls, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 712. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 712. Birds, dead, dressed or un- dressed: Poultry, 4 cents per pound; all other, 20 per centum ad valorem; all the foregoing, prepared or preserved in any manner and not specially pro^dded for, 22 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C43 6 [20 per centum ad valoremj S cents per pound ; [22] 35 ACT OF 1909. dead. Par. 289. Poultry, * * five cents per pound. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.! ACT OF 1913. Par. 227. * * * game birds, dressed, 30 per centum ad valorem. Par. 229. Poultry, * * * dead, or prepared in any manner, including the weight of the immediate coverings or containers, 2 cents per pound. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] J< Cheese, and substitutes therefor, 23 per centum ad valorem. (Par. 22, emergency tariff act of 1921.) TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. 155 PARAGRAPH 713. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 713. Eggs of poultry, in the shell, 6 cents per dozen; whole eggs, egg yolk, and egg albumen, frozen or otherwise prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for, 4 cents per pound; dried whole eggs, dried egg yolk, and dried egg albumen, 15 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 256. Eggs, not specially pro\'ided for in this section, five cents per dozen. Par. 257. Eggs, dried, fifteen cents per pound; eggs, yolk of, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; albumen, egg or blood, three cents per pound; * * * SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C6] C416 [15] 18 ACT OF 1913. Par. 4. Dried egg albumen, 3 ceuta per pound. Par. 203. Eggs frozen or otherwise prepared or preserved in tins or other packages, not specially provided for in this section, including the weight of the immediate coverings or containers, 2 cents per pound; frozen or liquid egg albumen, 1 cent per pound. Par. 204. Eggs, dried, 10 cents per pound; eggs, yolk of, 10 per centum ad valorem. Par. 478. Eggs of poultry, * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 714. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 714. Horses and mules, valued at not more than $150 per head, $30 per head; valued at more than $150 per head, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 227. Horses and mules, valued at one hundred and fifty dollars or less per head, thirty dollars per head; if valued at over one hundred and fifty dollars, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 186. Horses and mules, 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 715. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 715. Black or silver foxes, $350 per head. ACT OF 1909. Par. 229. All other live animals, not specially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigrn Valuation. Entire paragrapli struck out. ACT OF 1913. Par. 187. All live animals not spe- cially provided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem. 156 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 716. 77 J. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 716. Live animals, vertebrate and invertebrate, not specially provided for, 15 per centum ad a alorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 229. All other live animals, not Par. 187. All live animals not specially specially provided for in this section, provided for in this section, 10 per centum twentv per centum ad valorem. ad valorem. Par. G19. * * * all other domestic live animals suitable for human food not otherwise provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 717. IIG. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 717. Honey, 2\ centa per pound. C20 3 ACT OF 1909. Par. 259. Honey, twenty cents per gallon. PARAGRAPH 718. ACT OF 1913. Par. 206. Honey, 10 cents per gallon. ■/: H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 718. All fish, fresh, frozen, or packed in ice, not specially provided for, 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 271. Fresh -water fish not specially provided for in this section, one-fourth of one cent per pound. Par. 272. * * *; herrings, fresh, one- fourth of one cent per pound; eels and smelts, fresh or frozen, three-fourths of one cent per pound. Par. 273. Fish, fresh, * * * frozen, packed in ice or otherwise prepared for preservation, not specially provided for m this section, three-fourths of one cent per pound; * * * mackerel, halibut, or salmon, fresh, * * * one cent per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [All] Fish, fresh, frozen, or packed in ice: Ilalibni, salmon, mackerel, and sicordfish, 2 cents per pound; other [fresh, frozen, or packed in ice,] ACT OF 1913. Par. 483. Fresh-water fish, and all other fish not otherwise specially pro- vided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 719. 778. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 719. Salmon, pickled, salted, smoked, kippered, or otherwise prepared or preserved, 25 per centum ad valorem: TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 157 finnan haddie, 25 per centum ad valorem; fish, dried, salted or unaalted, If cents per pound ; fish, skinned or boned, including her- ring skinned, in bulk, or in immediate containers weighing with their con- tents more than thirty pounds each, 2^ cents per pound, including the weight of the immediate container ^ith the contents. ACT OF 1909. Par. 273. Fish, * * * smoked, dried, salted, pickled, * * * or otherwise prepared for preservation, not specially prpvided for in this section, three-fourths of one cent per pound; fish, skinned or boned, one and one-fourth cents per pound; * * * salmon, * * * pick- led, or salted, one cent per pound. [fish, drit^d] dried fish, DO U Insert after " pound ;" smoked herring, skinned or boned, 21 cents per pound; all other [including herring skinned,] [thirty] fifteen [. including the weight of the imme- diate container with the contents.] net weight ACT OF 1913. Par. 216. * * * all other fish, except shellfish, in tin packages, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per cen- tum ad valorem; * * * fish, skinned or boned, f of 1 cent per pound. Par. 483. * * * all other fish not otherwise specially pro\dded for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 720. 710. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 720. Herring and mackerel, pickled or salted, whether or not boned, when in bulk, or in immediate containers weighing with their contents more then thirty pounds each, 1\ cents per pound, including the weight of the immediate container and the brine, pickle, and salt. ACT OF 1909. Par. 272. Herrings, pickled or salted, * * * one-half of one cent per pound; * * * Par. 273. * * * mackerel, * * * pickled, or salted, one cent per pound. Foreign Valuation. [thirty] fifteen [1^ cents] 1 cent [including the weight of the immedi- ate container and the brine, pickle, and salt] net ir eight ACT OF 1913. Par. 483. * * * all other fish not otherwise specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 721. 120. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Jl'^' "^ SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 721. Fish (except shellfish), by whatever name known, packed in oil or in oil and other substances, 26 per centum ad valorem; all fish (except shellfish), pickled, salted, smoked, kippered, or other-\^ise prepared or preserved (except in oil or in oil and other substances), in immediate containers weighing ^\^.th their contents not more than thirty pounds each, 20 per centum ad valorem; in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with their contents more than thirty pounds each, li- cents per pound, including the weight of the immediate container \rith the contents. 103791—22 11 [2G] 30 [thirty] fifteen [20] 25 [thirty] fifteen [including the weight of the immedi- ate container with the contents] net iceight 158 TARIFF ACTS COMPABED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 270. Fish (except shellfish) by whatever name known, packed in oil, in bottles, jars, kegs, tin boxes, or cans, shall be dutiable as follows: When in packages containing seven and one-half cubic inches or less, one and one-half cents per bottle, jar, keg, box, or can; containing more than seven and one-half and not more than twenty-one cubic inches, two and one-half cents per bottle, jar, keg, box, or can; containing more than twenty-one and not more than thirty-three cubic inches, five cents per bottle, jar, keg, box, or can; containing more than thirty-three and not more than seventy cubic inches, ten cents per bottle, jar, keg, box, or can; all other fish (ex- cept shellfish) in tin packages, thirty per centum ad valorem; fish in packages, containing less than one-half barrel, and not specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 272. Herrings, pickled or salted, smoked or kippered, one-half of one cent per pound; * * *. Par. 273. Fish, * * * smoked, dried, salted, pickled, * * * or other- wise prepared for preservation, not spe- cially provided for in this section, three- fourths of one cent per pound; * * * mackerel, halibut, or salmon, * * * pickled or salted, one cent per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 216. Fish, except shellfish, by whatever name known, packed in oil or in oil and other substances, in bottles, jars, kegs, tin boxes, or cans, 25 per centum ad valorem; all other fish, ex- cept shellfish, in tin packages, not spe- cially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 483. * * * all other fish not otherwise specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 722. 72/. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 722. Crab meat, packed in ice or frozen, or prepared or preserved in any manner, 26 per centum ad valorem; fish paste and fish sauce, 28 per centum ad valorem; caviar and other fish roe for food purposes, packed in ice or fro/en, prepared or preserved, by the addition of salt in any amount, or by other means, 28 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 253. * * * fish paste or sauce, forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 270. * * * caviar, and other preserved roe of fish, thirty per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for crab meat.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [26J 15 [28] 30 [28] 30 ACT OF 1913. Par. 201. * * * fish paste or sauce, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 216. * * * caviar and other preserved roe of fish, 30 per centum ad valorem; * * *, [No corresponding provision for erab meat.] TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 159' PARAGRAPH 723. 722. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 723. Barley, hulled or unhiUled, 15 cents per bushel of forty-eight pounds; barley malt, 40 cents per one hundred pounds; pearl barley and barley flour, 2 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 230. Barley, thirty cents per bushel of forty-eight pounds. Par. 231. Barley malt, forty-five cents per bushel of thirty-four pounds. Par. 232. Barley, pearled, patent, or hulled, two cents per poimd. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " pearl barley hdrley, insert , patent ACT OF 1913. Par. 188. Barley, 15 cents per bushel of forty-eight pounds. Par. 189. Barley malt, 25 cents per bushel of thirty-four pounds. Par. 190. Barley, pearled, patent, or hulled, 1 cent per poimd. PARAGRAPH 724. 123. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 724. Buckwheat, hufled or un- bailed, 30 cents per one hundred pounds; [303 Ki buckwheat flour and grits or groats, one- half of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 234. Buckwheat, fifteen cents per Par. 435. Buckwheat and buckwheat bushel of forty-eight pounds; buckwheat flour [Free], flour, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 725. 12',. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 725. Corn or maize, including cracked corn, 15 cents per bushel of fifty- pix pounds; corn grits, meal, and flour, and similar products, 30 cents per one hundred pounds. ACT OF 1909. Par. 235. Corn or maize, fifteen cents per bushel of fifty-six pounds. Par. 236. Com meal, forty cents per one hundred pounds. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [15] 20 ACT OF 1913. Par. 465. Corn or maize [Free]. Par. 466. Corn meal [Freel. PARAGRAPH 726. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 726. Macaroni, vermicelli, noo- dles, and similar alimentary pastes, 1^ ClO ^ cents per pound. « Com or maize, 15 cents per bushel of 56 pounds. (Par. 4, emergency tariff act of 1921.) 160 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 237. Macaroni, vermicelli, and all similar preparations, one and one-half cents per pound. PARAGRAPH 727 ACT OF 1913, Par. 191. Macaroni, vermicelli, and all similar preparations, 1 cent per pound. 726. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 727. Oats, hulled or unhulled, 10 cents per bushel of thirty -two pounds; unhulled ground oats, 32 cents per one hundred pounds: oatmeal, rolled oats, oat grits, and similar oat products, 60 cents per one hundred pounds. ACT OF 1909. Par. 238. Oats, fifteen cents per bushel. Par. 239. Oatmeal and rolled oats, one cent per pound; * * *. [No corresponding proAdsion for un- hulled ground oats.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. DO] 15 [321 Jo [60] !)0 ACT OF 1913. Par. 192. Oats, 6 cents per bushel of thirty-two pounds; oatmeal and rolled oats, 30 cents per one hundred pounds; * * * [No corresponding provision for un hulled ground oats.l PARAGRAPH 728. 721 E. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 728. Paddy or rough rice, 1 cent per pound; brown rice (hulls removed), 1\ cents per pound; milled rice (bran removed), 2 cents per pound; broken rice, and rice meal, flour, polish, and bran, one-half of 1 cent per pound; all the foregoing not specially proAdded for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 240. Rice, cleaned, two cents per pound; un cleaned rice, or rice free of the outer hull and still basing the inner cuticle on, one and one fourth cents per pound; rice flour, and rice meal, and rice broken which will pass through a number twelve wire sieve of a kind pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, one-fourth of one cent per pound; paddy, or rice having the outer hull on, three- fourths of one cent per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [; all the foregoing vided for] not specially pro- ACT OF 1913. Par. 193. Rice, cleaned, 1 cent per pound; un cleaned rice, or rice free of the outer hull and still ha\"ing the inner cuticle on, f of 1 cent per pound; rice flour, and rice meal, and rice broken which will pass through a number twelve sieve of a kind prescribed by the Secre- tary of the Treasury, \ cent per pound; paddy, or rice having the outer hull on, I of 1 cent per pound. ^^ PARAGRAPH 729. 72S. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 729. Rye, 10 cents per bushel of fifty-six pounds; rye flour and meal, 30 cents per one hundred pounds. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [10] u [30] J,c n Rice, cleaned, 2 cents per pound, except rice cleaned for use in the manufacture of canned foods, on which the rate of duty shall be 1 cent per pound; uncleaned rice, or rice free of the outer hull and still having the inner cuticle on, If cents per pound; rice flour, and rice meal, and rice broken which will pass through a number twelve wire sieve of the kind prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, one-fourth of 1 cent per pound; paddy, or rice having the outer hull on, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound. (Par. 9, emergency tariff act of 1921.) TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 161 ACT OF 1909. Par. 241. Rye, ten cents per bushel; rye flour, one-half of one cent per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 589. Rye and rye flouj [Free]. PARAGRAPH 730. 720. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pak. 730. Wheat, 25 cents per bushel of sixty pounds; wheat flour, semolina, crushed or cracked wheat, and similar wheat products not specially provided for, 50 cents per one hundred pounds. ACT OF 1909. Par. 242. \\Tieat, twenty-five cents per bushel. Par. 243. Wheat flour, and semolina, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [25] 30 EoO] 78 ACT OF 1913. Par. 644. WTieat, wheat flour, semo- lina, and other wheat products, not spe- cially provided for in this section [Free] : Provided, That wheat shall be subject to a duty of 10 cents per bushel, that wheat flour shall be subject to a duty of 45 cents per barrel of 196 pounds, and semolina and other products of wheat, not specially provided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem, when imported directly or indirectly from a country, dependency, or other subdivision of government which imposes a duty on wheat or wheat flour or semolina imported from the United States." PARAGRAPH 731. 730. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 731. Bran, shorts, and other by- product feeds obtained in milling wheat or other cereals, 15 per centum ad valo- rem per ton; hulls of oats, barley, buck- wheat, or other grains, ground or un- ground, 10 cents per one hundred pounds; dried beet pulp, malt sprouts, and brew- ers' grains, •?5 per ton; mixed feeds, con- sisting of an admixture of grains or grain products with oilcake or oilcake meal, or molasses, or other feedstuffs, fi per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 239. * * * oat hulls, ten cents per hundred pounds. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [and other] After " cereals," insert malt sprouts and breircrs' grains, [15] 10 [per ton] [dried beet pulp, malt sprouts, and brewers' grains.] dried beet pulp, [oilcake or oilcake meal, or] oil cake, oil-cake meal, [6] 15 ACT OF 1913. Par. 192. * * * oat hulls, 8 cents per one hundred pounds. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] •2 Wheat, 35 cents per bushel, par. 1; wheat flour and semolina, 20 per centum ad valorem. (Par. 2, emer- gency tariff act or 1921.) 162 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 732. 7.?/. H. R. 7466. American Valuation. Par. 732. Screenings, scalpings, chaff, or Bcouringa of wheat, flaxseed, or other grains or seeds: Unground, 75 cents per ton; ground, $1.50 per ton: Provided, That screenings, dirt, and other foreign matter mixed with grains or seeds pro- vided for in this title shall pay the same rate of duty as the grains or seeds: Pro- vided further, That when grains or seeds contain more than 5 per centum of. any one foreign matter dutiable at a rate higher than that applicable to the grain or seed the entire lot shall be dutiable at such higher rate. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreien Valuation. [75 cents per ton ; ground, $1.50 per ton] or ground, JO per centum ad valorem [That screenings, dirt, and other foreign matter mixed with grains or seeds provided for in this title shall pay the same rate of duty as the grains or seeds: Provided fur- ther. 2 ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.] [No corresponding provision.] PARAGRAPH 733. 732. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 733. Cereal breakfast foods, and similar cereal preparations, by whatever name known, processed further than milling, and not specially provided for, 17 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [17] 25 ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.] [No corresponding provision.) PARAGRAPH 734. 7S.i. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 734. Biscuits, wafers, cake, cakes and similar baked articles, and puddings, all the foregoing by whatever name known, whether or not containing choco- late, nuts, fruits, or confectionery of any kind, 28 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 244. Biscuits, * * * wafers, and similar articles, not specially pro- vided for in this section, twenty per cen- tum ad valorem; biscuits, wafers, cakes, and other baked articles, by whatever name known, composed in whole or in part of eggs, or any kind of flour or meal, or other material, when sweetened with sugar, honey, molasses, or other material, or combined with chocolate, nuts, fruit, or confectionery of any kind, or both so sweetened and combined, and without SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [28] 30 ACT OF 1913. Par. 194. Biscuits, * * * wafers, cakes, and other baked articles, and pud- dings, by whatever name known, con- taining chocolate, nuts, fruit, or confec- tionery of any kind, and without regard to the component material of chief value, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 417. Biscuits, * * * and wafers, not specially provided for in this section ]Free]. Par. 640. Wafers, unleavened or not edible [Free]. TARIFF A(;TS compared. 1(13 regard to the component material of chief value, valued at fifteen cents per pound or lees, three cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than fifteen cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem. Par. 708. Wafers, unleavened or not edible [Free]. PARAGRAPH 735. 73//. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 735. Apples, green or ripe, 25 cents per bushel of 50 pounds; dried, desiccated, or evaporated, 2 cents per pound; other^vise prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for, 2^ cents per pound . ACT OF 1909. Par. 274. Apples, * * * green or ripe, twenty-five cents per bushel; * * * all edible fruits, * * * when dried, desiccated, evaporated, or prepared in any manner, not specially provided for in this section, two cents per pound; * * * fruits of all kinds preserved or packed in sugar, or having sugar added thereto, or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices, if containing no alcohol, or containing not over ten per centum of alcohol, one cent per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. Foreign Valuation. [25] 30 ACT OF 1913. Par. 217. Apples, * * * green or ripe, 10 cents per bushel of fifty pounds;'* * * * all edible fruits, * * * when dried, desiccated, evaporated, or pre- pared in any manner, not specially pro- vided for in this section, 1 cent per poimd; * * * fruits of all kinds pre- served or packed in sugar, or having sugar added thereto or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices, if containing no alcohol, or con- taining not over 10 per centum of alcohol, 20 per centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH 735. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) Par. 735. Apricots, green, ripe, dried, or in brine, one-half of 1 cent per pound; otherwise prepared or preserved, JfO per centum ad va- lorem. PARAGRAPH 736. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 736. Bananas, 2 cents per bunch; dried, desiccated, or evaporated, and banana flour, 4 cents per one hundred pounds. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out. Ba- nanas, green or ripe, ti-ansferred to free list. par. 1511. in Bill as adopted by Senate. Dried bananas and banana flour dropped. ACT OF 1913. Par. 571. Fruits * * * green, ripe. Par. 488. Fruits * * * green, ripe, or dried, * * * not specially pro- or dried, * * * not specially pro- vided for in this section [Free]. vided for in this section [Free]. Par. 217. * * * all edible fruits * * * when dried, desiccated, evapo- rated, * * * not specially pro- vided for in this section, 1 cent per pound; * * *. "Apples, 30 cents per bushel. (Par. 26, emergency tariff act of 1921.) 164 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 737. 736. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 737. Berries, edible, in their nat- ural condition or in brine, 1 cent per ponnd; dried, desiccated, or evaporated, 2^ cents per pound; otherwise prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 274. * * * berries, edible, in their natural condition, one cent per quart; cranberries, twenty-five per cen- tum ad valorem; all edible * * * ber- ries, when dried, desiccated, evaporated, or prepared in any manner, not specially provided for in this section, two cents per pound; * * * fmiits of all kinds pre- served or packed in sugar, or having sugar added thereto, or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices, if containing no alcohol, or con- taining not over ten per centum of alco- hol, one cent per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [1 cent] li cents [20] 35 ACT OF 1913. Par. 217. * * * berries, edible, in their natural condition, ^ cent per quart; cranberries, 10 per centum ad va- lorem; all edible * * * berries, when dried, desiccated, evaporated, or pre- pared in any manner, not specially pro- A'ided for in this section, 1 cent per pound; * * * fruits of all kinds pre- served or packed in sugar, or ha\dng sugar added thereto or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices, if containing no alcohol, or con- taining not over 10 per centum of alcohol, 20 per centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH 738. 737. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 738. Cherries, in their natural state or in brine, IJ cents per pound; maraschino cherries and cherries prepared or preserved in any manner, 20 per centum ad valorem, ACT OF 1909. Par. 274._ * * * cherries, * * * green or ripe, twenty-five cents per bushel; * * * fruits of all kinds pre- served or packed in ^gar, or having sugar added thereto, or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices, if containing no alcohol, or con- taining not over ten per centum of alcohol, one cent per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. " Par. 571. * * * fruits in brine, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. Foreign Valuation. [state] state, sulphured, C20] J,5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 217. * * * cherries, * * * green or ripe, 10 cents per bushel of fifty pounds; * * * fruits of all kinds preserved or packed in sugar, or having sugar added thereto or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices, if containing no alcohol, or containing not over 10 per centum of alcohol, 20 per centum ad valorem; * * *.i* Par. 488. * * * fruits in brine, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 739. 7S PARAGRAPH 771. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 771. Turnips, 12 cents per one No change. hundred pounds. ACT OF 1909. [No corresponding provision; classable as vegetables.] ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provisions; classable as vegetables.] PARAGRAPH 772. H. B. 7456. American Valnation. Par. 772. Vegetables in their natural state, not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That in the assessment of duties on vegetables no segregation or allowance of any kind shall be made for foreign matter or impurities mixed therewith. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C20], ACT OF 1913. Par. 254. Cabbages, two cents each. Par. 269. Vegetables in their natural Par. 215. Vegetables in their natural state, not specially provided for in this state, not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad section, 15 per centum ad valorem, valorem. PARAGRAPH 773. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 773. Vegetables, if cut, sliced, or other^vise reduced in size, or if parched or roasted, or if pickled, or packed in salt, brine, oil, or prepared or preserved in any other way and not specially provided for; soya beans, prepared or preserved in any manner; bean stick, miso, bean cake, and similar products, not specially provided for; soups, pastes, balls, puddings, hash, and all similar forms, composed of vege- tables, or of vegetables and meat or fish, or both, not specially pro\dded for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 252. Vegetables, if cut, sliced, or otherwise reduced in size, or if parched or roasted, or if pickled, or packed in salt, brine, oil, or prepared in any way; any of the foregoing not specially provided for in this section, and bean stick or bean cake, miso, and similar products, forty per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities; soya beans classable as beans.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After '• provided for ;" insert sauces of all kinds, not specially provided for; ( " Sauces of all kinds not specially provided for " transferred from par. 748). [25] 35 ACT OF 1913. Par. 200. Vegetables, if cut, sliced or otherwises reduced in size, or if parched or roasted, or if pickled, or packed in salt, brine, oil, or prepared in any way; any of the foregoing not specially provided for in this section, and bean stick or bean cake, miso, and similar products, 25 per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities; soya beans classablo as soya beans or as vegetables, prepared 180 TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 774. H. R. 7466. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 774. Broom corn, $2 per ton. Transferred to free list, par. 1538, ACT OF 1909. Par. 233. Broom corn, three dollars per ton. PARAGRAPH 775. Transferred to free list, par. in Bill as adopted by Senate. ACT OF 1913. Par. 434. Broom corn [Free]. /<-). H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 775. Acorns, and chicory and dandelion roots, crude, 1^ cents per pound; ground, or otherwise prepared, 3 cents per pound; all coffee substitutes and adulterants, and coffee essences, 3 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 291. Chicory root, raw, dried, or undried, but unground, one and one-half cents per pound; chicory root, burnt or roasted, ground or granulated, or in rolls, or otherwise prepared, and not specially provided for in this section, three cente per pound. Par. 294. Dandelion root and acorns prepared, and articles used as coffee, or as substitutes for coffee not specially pro- vided for in this section, two and one-half cents per pound. Par. 484. Acorns, raw, dried or un- dried, but unground [Free]. Par. 554. Dandelion roots, raw, dried, or undried, but unground [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 230. Chicory root, raw, dried, or undried, but unground, 1 cent per pound; chicory root, burnt or roasted, ground or granulated, or in rolls, or otherwise pre- pared, and not specially provided for in this section, 2 cents per pound. Par. 233. Dandelion root, and acorns prepared, and articles used as coffee, or as substitutes for coffee not specially pro- vided for in this section, 2 cents per pound. Par. 389. Acorns, raw, dried or un- dried, but unground [Free]. Par. 473. Dandelion roots, raw, dried or undried, but unground [Free]. PARAGRAPH 776. 775. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 776. Chocolate and cocoa, sweet- ened or unsweetened, powdered, or other- wise prepared, 17^ per centum ad valo- rem, but not less than 2 cents per pound; cacao butter, 3^ cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 292. Chocolate and cocoa, pre- pared or manufactured, not specially pro- vided for in this section, valued at not over fifteen cents per pound, two and one- half cents per pound; valued above fif- teen and not above twenty-four cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; valued above twenty-four and not above thirty- SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [3i cents per pound] 25 per centum- ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 231. Unsweetened chocolate and cocoa, prepared or manufactured, not specially provided for in this section, 8 per centum ad valorem. Sweetened choc- olate and cocoa, prepared or manufac- tured, not specially provided for in this section, valued at 20 cents per pound or less, 2 cents per pound; valued at more than 20 cents per pound, 25 per centum TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 181 five cents per pound, five cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; valued above thirty -five cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem. The weight and value of all coverings, other than plain wooden, shall be included in the duti- able weight and value of the foregoing merchandise; powdered cocoa, unsweet- ened, five cents per pound. Par. 293. Cocoa butter or cocoa butter- ine, * * * and all substitutes for cocoa butter, three and one-half cents per pound. PARAGRAPH 777 ad valorem. The weight and the value of the immediate coverings, other than the outer packing case or other covering, shall be included in the dutiable weight and the value of the merchandise. Par. 232. Cocoa butter or cocoa butter- ine, * * * and all substitutes for cocoa butter, 3^ cents per pound. '77). H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 777. Ginger root, candied, or otherwise prepared or preserved, 15 per [15] 20 centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision; classable [No corresponding provision; classable as sweetmeats.] as sweetmeats.] PARAGRAPH 778. 777. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. per ton; straw, $1 [$1] W.JO Par. 778. Hay, per ton. ACT OF 1909. Par. 258. Hay, four dollars per ton. Par. 267. Straw, one dollar and fifty cents per ton. ACT OF 1913. Par. 205. Hay, $2 per ton. Par. 213. Straw, 50 cents per ton. PARAGRAPH 779. 77S. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 779. Hops, 24 cents per pound; hop extract, $1.50 per pound; lupulin, 75 [$1.50] $2.^0 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 260. Hops, sixteen cents per Par. 207. Hops, 16 cents per pound; pound; hop extract and lupulin, fifty per hop extract and lupulin, 50 per centum centum ad valorem. ad valorem. PARAGRAPH — . 779. (IX BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Carried under — Par. 779. Sago flour and tapioca Par. 1644. * * * sago flour flon?; one-half of 1 per cent per pound; [Free]. tapioca flake or pearl, three-fourths of Par. 1666. Tapioca, tapioca flour, 1 cent per pound. * * * [Free]. 182 TARIFF ACTS* COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Pak. 664. * * * sago flour [Free]. Pak. 689. Tapioca, tapioca flour, * * [Freel. ACT OF 1913. Par. 590. * * * sago flour [Free]. Par. 625. Tapioca, tapioca flour, * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 780. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 780. Spices and spice seeds: Anise seeds, 2 cents per pound; caraway seeds, 1 cent per pound; cardamom seeds, 10 cents per pound; cassia, cassia l)uds, and cassia vera, unground, 2 cents per pound; ground, 5 cents per pound; cloves, unground, 3 cents per pound; ground, 6 cents per pound; clove stems, unground, 2 cents per pound; ground, 5 cents per pound; cinnamon and cinnamon chips, unground, 2 cents per pound; ground. 5 cents per pound; coriander seeds, one- half of 1 cent per pound; cummin seeds, 1 cent per pound; curry and curry powder, 2 cents per pound ; fennel seeds, 1 cent per pound; ginger root, not preserved or candied, unground, 2 cents per pound; ground, 5 cents per pound; mace, un- ground, 4 cents per pound; gi-ound, 8 cents per pound; Bombay, or wild mace, unground, 18 cents per pound; ground, 22 cents per pound; mustard seeds (whole), 1 cent per pound; mustard, ground, prepared in bottles or otherwise, 5 cents per pound; nutmegs, unground, 2 cents per pound; ground, 5 cents per pound; pepper, capsicum or red pepper or cayenne pepper, and paprika, un- ground, 2 cents per pound; ground, 5 cents per pound; black or white pepper, unground, 2 cents per pound; ground, 5 cents per pound; pimento (allspice*, un- ground, 1 cent per pound; ground, .3 cents per pound; whole pimientos, packed in brine or in oil, or prepared or preserved in any manner, 6 cents per pound; sage, unground, 1 cent per pound; ground, 3 cents per pound; turmeric, 10 cents per pound; mixed spices, and spices and spice seeds not specially provided for, including all herbs or herb leaves in glass or other small packages, for culinary use, 20 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That in all the foregoing no allowance shall be made for dirt or other foreign matter: Provided further, Tliat the im- portation of pepper shells, ground or unground, is hereby prohibited. ACT OF 1909. Par. 266. Seeds: * * * seeds of all kinds not specially provided for in this section, ten cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [curry and curry powder, 2 cents per pound;] (Transferred to free list, par. lob'S. in Bill as adopted by Senate.) [ground.] ground or [5]S [turmeric, 10 cents per pound ;] (Transferred to free list, par. 1690, in Bill as adopted by Senate.) [20] ACT OF 1913. Par. 212. Seeds:* * *; caraway seed. 1 cent per pound; anise seed, 2 cents per pound; * * * seeds of all kinds not specially pro\-ided for in this section, 5 cents per pound: Provided, That no allow- ance shall be made for dirt or other im- TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 183 Par. 668. Seeds: Anise, * * * cara- way, cardamom, * * * coriander, * * * cummin, fennel, * * * mus- tard, * * * [Free]. Par. 298. Spices: Mustard, ground or prepared, in bottles or otherwise, ten cents per pound; capsicum or red pepper, or cayenne pepper, two and one-half cents per pound ; sage, one cent per pound ; spices not specially provided for in this flection, three cents per pound. Par. 679. Spices: Cassia, cassia vera, and cassia buds; cinnamon and chips of; cloves and clove stems; mace; nutmegs; pepper, black or white, and pimento; all the foregoing when unground; ginger root, unground and not preserved or candied [Free]. Par. 552. Curry, and curry powder (Free]. Par. 698. Turmeric [Free]. [No corresponding provision for whole pimientos; dutiable as vegetables pre- pared.] purities in seeds provided for in this paragraph. Par. 595. Seeds: Cardamom, * * * coriander, * * * cummin, fennel, * * * mustard, * * * [Free]. Par. 235. Spices, unground: Cassia buds, cassia, and cassia vera; cinnamon and cinnamon chips; ginger root, un- ground and not preserved or candied; nutmegs; pepper, black or white; capsi- cum or red pepper, or caj'enne pepper; and clove stems, 1 cent per pound; cloves, 2 cents per pound; pimento, J of 1 cent per pound; sage, i cent per pound; mace, 8 cents per pound; Bombay or wild mace, 18 cents per pound; ground spices, in each case, the specific duty per pound enumerated in the foregoing part of this paragraph for unground spices, and in addition thereto a duty of 20 per centum ad valorem; mustard, ground or prepared, in bottles or otherwise, 6 cents per pound; all other spices not specially provided for in this section, including all herbs or herb leaves in glass or other small packages for culinary use, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 471. Curry, and curry powder [Free]. Par. 634. Turmeric [Free]. [No corresponding provision for whole pimientos; dutiable as vegetables pre- pared.] PARAGRAPH 781. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuatioa. Par. 781. Teasels, 25 per centum ad No change, valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 268. Teazels, thirty per centum valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 214. Teazels, 15 per centum ad valorem. SCHEDULE 8.— SPIRITS, WINES, AND OTHER BEVERAGES. PARAGRAPH 801. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. I'AK. SOI. Liqueurs, as detined in tlie National Proliibitioii Act, when im- ported in compliance with the pro- visions of that Act, shall he dutiable at the rates hereinafter provided in this title. ACT OF 1909. ScHEnrr.E H. — Spirits, Wines, and Other Beverages. XNo corresponding provision.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 801. Nothing in this schedule shall be construed as in any manner limiting or restricting the provisions of Title II or III of the National Prohi- bition Act, as amended. The duties prescribed in Schedule 8 and imposed by Title I shall be in addition to the internal-revenue taxes imposed under existing laic, or any siihi^equent Act. ACT OF 1913. Schedule H. — Spirits, Wines, and Other Beverages. [No corresponding provision.] PARAGRAPH 802. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 802. Brandy and other .spirits •manufactured or distilled from grain -or other materials, cordials, liqueurs, arrack, absinthe, kirschwasser, ratafia, and bitters of all kinds containing spirits, and compounds and prepara- tions of which distilled si^irits are the component part of chief value and not specially provided for, .$5 per proof .gallon. ACT OF 1909. Par. 300. Brandy and other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain •or other materials, and not specially provided for in this section, two dollars and sixty cents per proof gallon. Par. 302. On all compounds or prep- arations of which distilled spirits are SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After "kinds" in.sert {except Angos- tura bitters) [part] material [gallon] gallon; Angostura bitters, $2.60 per proof gallon ACT OF 1913. Par. 237. Brandy and otlier spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials, and not specially provided for in this section, .$2.G0 per proof gallon.' Par. 239. On all compounds or prep- arations of which distilled spirits are » Imported spirits are subject to the duty imposed by this paragraph as well as to the internal-revenue tax. 185 186 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. a component part of chief value there shall be levied a duty not less than that imposed upon distilled spirits. Par. 303. Cordials, liqueurs, arrack, absinthe, kirschwasser, I'atafia, and other spirituous beverages or bitters of all kinds, containing spirits, and not specially provided for in this section, two dollars and sixty cents per proof gallon. a component part of chief value there shall be levied a duty not less than that imposed upon distilled spirits. 240. Cordials, liqueurs, arrack, ab- sinthe, kirschwasser, ratafia, and other spirituous beverages or bitters of all kinds, containing spirits, and not specially provided for in this section, $2.60 per proof gallon. PARAGRAPH 803. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 803. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, $6 per proof gallon. ACT OF 1909. Par. 306. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, nine dollars and sixty cents per dozen ; containing not more than one pint each and more than one- lialf pint, four dollars and eighty cents per dozen ; containing one-half pint each or less, two dollars and forty cents per dozen ; in bottles or other vessels containing more than one quart each, in addition to nine dollars and sixty cents per dozen bottles, on the quantity in excess of one quart, at the rate of three dollars per gallon ; but no separate or additional duty shall be levied on the bottles. SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. [proof gallon] gallon ACT OF 1913. Par. 243. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, $9.60 per dozen ; containing not more than one pint each and more than one-half pint, $4.80 per dozen ; containing one-half pint each or less, $2.40 per dozen ; in bottles or other vessels containing more than one quart each, in addition to $9.60 per dozen bottles, on the quantity in excess of one quart, at the rate of $3 per gallon ; but no separate or additional duty shall be levied on. the bottles. PARAGRAPH 804. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS, American Valuation. Par. 804. Still wines, including ginger wane or ginger cordial, vermuth, and rice wine or sake, and similar bever- ages not specially provided for, $1.25 per gallon: Provided, That any of the foregoing articles specified in this paragrapli when imported containing more than 24 per centum of alcohol shall be class-ed as spirits and pay duty accordingly. ACT OF 1909. Par. 307. Still wines, including gin- ger wine or ginger cordial, vermuth, and rice wine or sake, and similar beverages not specially provided for in this section, in casks or packages other than bottles or jugs, if containing four- teen per centum or less of absolute alcohol, forty-five cents per gallon ; if containing more than fourteen per Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 244. Still wines, including gin- ger wine or ginger cordial, vermuth, and rice wine or sake, and similar beverages not specially provided for in this section, in casks or packages other than bottles or jugs, if contain- ing 14 per centum or less of absolute alcohol. 45 cents per gallon ; if con- taining more than 14 per centum of TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 187 centum of absolute alcohol, sixty cents per gallon. In bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs, con- taining each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty- four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and eighty-five cents per case ; and any ex- cess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of six cents per pint or frac- tional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs : Provided, That any wines, ginger cordial, or vermuth im- ported containing more than twenty- four per centum of alcohol shall be classed as spirits and pay duty accord- ingly : * * *. PARAGRAPH H. R. 7456. American Valuation. absolute alcohol, 60 cents per gallon. In bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs, containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, $1.85 per case ; and any ex- cess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of 6 cents per pint or frac- tional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs: Provided, That any wines, ginger cordial, or vermuth imported containing more than 24 per centum of alcohol shall be classed as spirits and pay duty accordingly : Par. 805. Ale, porter, stout, beer, and fluid malt extract, $1 per gallon; malt extract, solid or condensed, 60 per centum ad valorem. 805. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 308. Ale, porter, stout, and beer, in bottles or jugs, forty-five cents per gallon, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs ; otherwise than in bottles or jugs, twenty-three cents per gallon. Par. 309. Malt extract, fluid, in casks, twenty-three cents per gallon ; in bottles or jugs, forty-five cents per gallon ; solid or condensed, forty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 245. Ale, porter, stout, and beer in bottles or jugs, 45 cents per gallon, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs ; otherwise than in bottles or jugs, 2? cents per gallon. Par. 246. Malt extract, fluid, in casks 23 cents per gallon ; in bottles or jugs, 45 cents per gallon ; solid or condensed, 45 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 806. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 806. Cherry juice, prune juice, or prune wine, and all other fruit juices and fruit sirups, not specially provided for, containing less than one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol, 70 cents per gallon ; containing one-half of 1 per centum or more of alcohol, 70 cents per gallon and in addition thereto $5 per proof gallon on the alcohol containetl therein. ACT OF 1909. Par. 310. Cherry juice and prune juice, or prune wine, and other fruit juices, and fruit sirup, not specially provided for in this section, contain- ing no alcohol or not more than eight- een per centum of alcohol, seventy SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. The following added to the House paragraph : Grape juice, grape sirup, and other similar prodttcts of the grape, by what- soever name knoitm, containing or capable of producing less than 1 per centum of alcohol, 70 cents per gallon; containing or capable of producing more than 1 per centum of alcohol, 70 cents per gallon and i7i addition thereto $5 per proof gallon on the alcohol con- tained therein or that can be produced therefrom. ACT OF 1913, Par. 247. Cherry juice and prune juice, or prune wine, and other fruit juices, and fruit sirup, not specially provided for in this section, containing no alcohol or not more than 18 per centum of alcohol, 70 cents per gallon ; 188 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED, cents per gallon ; if containing more than eighteen per centum of alcohol, seventy cents per gallon and in addi- tion thereto two dollars and seven cents per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein. if containing more than 18 per centum of alcohol, 70 cents per gallon and ii addition thereto $2.07 per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein. PARAGRAPH 807. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pak. 807. Ginger ale, ginger beer, lemonade, soda water, and similar beverages containing no alcohol, and beverage.s containing less than one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol, not specially provided for, 15 cents per gallon. ACT OF 1909. Par. 311. Ginger ale, ginger beer, lemonade, soda water, and other simi- lar beverages containing no alcohol, in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, containing each not more than three-fourths of a pint, eighteen cents per dozen ; containing more than three-fourths of a pint each and not more than one and one-half pints, twenty-eight cents per dozen ; but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles ; if imported otherwise than in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, or in such bottles containing more than one and one-half pints each, fifty cents per gallon, and in addition thereto duty shall be collected on the bottles, or other coverings, at the rates which would be chargeable thereon if imported en)pty. Beverages not spe- cially provided for containing not more than two per centum of alcohol shall be assessed for duty under this para- graph. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. i No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 248. Ginger ale, ginger beer, lemonade, soda water, and other simi- lar beverages containing no alcohol, in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, containing each not more than one-half pint, 12 cents per dozen ; containing each more than one-half pint and not more than three- fourths of a pint, 18 cents per dozen ; containing more than three-fourths of a pint each and not more than one and one-half pints, 28 cents per dozen ; but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles ; if imported ctherwise than in plain green or col- or9d, molded or pressed, glass bottles, or in such bottles containing more than one and one-half pints each, 50 cents per gallon, and in addition thereto duty shall be collected on the bottles, or other coverings, at the rates which would be chargeable thereon if imported empty. Beverages not spe- cially provided for containing not more than 2 per centum of alcohol shall be assessed for duty under this para- graph. PARAGRAPH 808. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 808. All m'neral waters and all imitations of natural mineral waters, and all artificial mineral waters not specially provided for. 10 cents per gallon ACT OF 1909. Par. 312. All mineral waters and all imitations of natural mineral w'aters, and all artificial mineral waters not specially provided for in this sec- tion, in bottles or jugs containing not Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 249. All mineral waters and all imitations of natural mineral waters, and all artificial mineral waters not specially provided for in this sec- tion, in bottles or jugs containing not TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 189 more than one pint, twenty cents per dozen bottles ; if containing more ttian one pint and not more than one quart, thirty cents per dozen bottles ; if im- ported in bottles or in jugs containing more than one quart, twenty-four cents per gallon ; if imported otherwise than in bottles or jugs, eight cents per gal- lon ; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, duty shall be collected upon the bottles or other containers at one-third of the rates that would be charged thereon if imported empty or separately. more than one-half pint, 10 cents per dozen Iwttles ; if containing more than one-half pint and not more than one pint, 15 cents per dozen bottles ; if containing more than one pint and not more than one quart, 20 cents per dozen bottles ; if imported in bottles or in jugs containing more than one quart, 18 cents per gallon ; if imported otherwise than in bottles or jugs, 8 cents per gallon ; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, duty shall be collected upon the bottles oi other containers at one-third of the rates that would be charged thereon if imported empty or separately. PARAGRAPH 809. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 809. AVhen any article pi-ovided for in this title is imported in bottles or jugs, duty shall be collected upon the bottles or jugs at one-third the rate provided on the bottles or jugs if im- ported empty or separately. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Ctitle] schedule ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.] [No corresponding provision.] PARAGRAPH 810. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 810. Each and every gauge or wine gallon of measurement shall be counted as at least 1 proof gallon ; and tlie standard for determining the proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any kind when imported shall be the same as* that wiiich is detined in the laws relating to internal revenue. The Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, may authorize the ascer- tainment of the proof of wines, cordials, or other liquors and fruit juices by distillation or otherwise, in cases where it is impracticable to as- certain such proof by the means pre- scribed by existing law or regulations. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Pak. 301. Each and every gauge or wijie gallon of measurement shall be counted as at least one proof gallon ; and the standard for determining the proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any kind imported shall be the same as that which is defined in the laws relating to internal revenue: Par. 238. Each and every gauge or wine gallon of measurement shall be counted as at least one proof gallon ; and the standard for determining the proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any kind imported shall be the same as that which is defined in the laws relating to internal revenue : 103791—22- 190 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. Provided, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, to authorize the ascertain- ment of the proof of wines, cordials, or other liquors, by distillation or other- wise, in cases where it is impracticable to ascertain such proof by the means prescribed by existing law or regula- tions : * * * Provided, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, to authorize the ascertain- ment of the proof of wines, cordials, or other liquors, by distillation or otiier- wise, in cases where it is impracticable to ascertain such proof by the means prescribed by existing law or regula- tions : * * *. PARAGRAPH 811. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 811. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid on the articles enumerated in paragraph 802 of this title than that fixed by law for the description of first proof ; but it shall be increasetl in pro- portion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof, and all imitations of brandy, spirite, or wines imported by any names whatever shall be subject to the highest rate of duty provided for the genuine articles re- spectively intended to be represented, and in no case less than $C per gallon : Prorided, That any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquors imported in any sized cask, bottle, jug, or other packages, of oi- from any country, dependency, or province under whose laws similar sized casks, bottles, jugs, or other packages of distilled spirits, wine, or other beverage put up or filled in the United States are denied en- trance into such country, dependency, or province, shall be forfeited to the United States. ACT OF 1909. Par. 304. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous beverages than that fixed by law for the description of first proof; but it shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof, and all imitations of brandy or spirits or wines imported by any names what- ever shall be subject to the highest rate of duty provided for the genuine articles respectively intended to be represented, and in no case less than one dollar and seventy-five cents per gallon. Par. 301. * * * And provided fur- ther. That any brandy or other spiritu- ous or distilled liquors imported in any sized cask, bottle, jug. or other packages, of or from any country, de- pendency, or province under whose SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [title] schedule After " per " insert proof ACT OF 1913. Par. 241. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous beverages than that fixed by law for the description of first proof ; but it shall be increased in proporticm for any gn'ater strength than the strength of first proof, and all imitations of brandy or spirits or wines imported by any names what- ever shall be subject to the highest rate of duty provided for the genuine articles respectively intended to be represented, and in no case less than $1.75 per gallon. Par. 288. * * * And provided fur- ther, That any brandy or other spiritu- ous or distilled liquors imported in any sized cask, bottle, jug, or other pack- ages, of or from any country, de- pendency, or province under whose TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 191 laws similar sized casks, bottles, jugs, or otber packages of distilled spirits, wiue, or other beverage put up or filled iu the United States are denied en- trance into such country, dependency, or province, shall be forfeited to the United States ; and any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquor imported in a cask of less capacity tlian ten gallons from any country shall be for- feited to the United States. laws similar sized casks, bottles, jugs, or other packages of distilled spirits, wine, or other beverage put up or filled in the United States are denied en- trance into such country, dependency, or jirovitice, shall be forfeited to the United States ; and any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquor im- ported in a cask of less capacity than ten gallons from any country shall be forfeited to the United States. PARAGRAPH 812. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 812. There shall be no construc- tive or other allowance for breakage, leakage, or damage on wines, liquers. cordials, or distilled spirits, except that when it sliall appear to the col- lector of customs from the ganger's return, verified by an affidavit by the importer to be filed within five days after tlte delivery of the merchandise, that a cask or package has been broken or otlierwise injured in transit from a foreign port and as a result thereof a part of its contents, amounting to 10 per centum or more of the total value of the contents of the said cask or package in its conditioji as ex- ported, has been lost, allowance there- for may be made in the liquidation of the duties. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Pak. 307. * * * And provided fur- ther, That there shall be no construc- tive or other allowance for breakage, leakage, or damage on wines, liquors, cordials, or distilled spirits * * *.' Pak. 244. * * * And provided fur- ther, That there shall be no construc- tive or other allowance for breakage, leakage, or damage on wines, liquors, cordials, or distilled spirits, except that when it shall appear to the collec- tor of customs from the ganger's re- turn, verified by an affidavit by the importer to be filed within five days after the delivery of the merchandise, that a cask or package has been broken or otherwise injured in transit from a foreign port and as a result thereof a part of its contents amounting to 10 per centum or more of the total value of the contents of the said cask or package in its condition as exported, has been lost, allowance therefor may be made in the liquidation of the duties. * * *.' "This proviso concluded with the following sentence: " Wines, cordials, brandy, and other spirituous liquors, including bitters of all kinds, and bay rum or bay water, imported in bottles or jugs, shall be packed in packages containing not less than one dozpn bottles or jugs In each package, or duty shall be paid as if such package contained at least one dozen bottles or jugs, and in addition thereto, duty shall be collected on the bottles or jugs at the rates which would be chargeable thereon If im- ported empty. The percentage of alcohol in wines and fruit juices shall be determined in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall by regulation prescribe." 192 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 813. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valutitioii. [title] schedule American Valuation. Pak. 813. No wines, spirits, or other liquor.>< or artieleh* provided tor in tliis title cuniaiuiiig one-half of 1 per centum or more of alcohol shall he imported or permitted entry except on a permit issued therefor by the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue, and any such wines, spirits, or other liquors or articles imported or brought into the United States without a permit shall he seized and forfeited in the same manner as for other violations of the customs laws. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.] [No corresponding provision.] PARAGRAPH 814. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pak. 814. The Secretary of the Treas- ury is hereby authorized and directed to make all rules and regulations neces- sary for the enforcement of the pro- visions of this title. ACT OF 1909. [No corresponding provision.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [titlel schedule ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.] SCHEDULE 9.— COTTON MANUFACTURES. PARAGRAPH — . iiOl. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. No correspondiii;.' piv.vision. Car- Par. 900. Cotton havinfj a -Staple of ried under — one and three->eighths inches or more Pak. 1557. Cotton and cotton waste in length, 7 cents per pound. [Free], ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 548. Cotton, and cotton waste Par. 467. Cotton, and cotton waste or flocks [Free]. or flocks [Free].^ PARAGRAPH 901. .90?. H. R. 7456. • American Valuation. Par. 901. Cotton yarn. inehKling warps, in any form, not bleached, dyed, colored, combed, o)- plied, of num- ber.s not exceeding number 40. one-tifth of 1 cent per number per pound ; ex- ceed ingc number 40 and not exceedins number 120, S cents per pound and, in addition thereto, one-fourtli of 1 cent per nmnber per pound for every number in excess of number 40 ; ex- ceeding number 120, 28 cents per pound : Provided, That none of the foregoing, of numbers not exceeding number 100. shall pay less duty than 5 per centum ad valorem and, in addi- tion thereto, for each number, one- fifth of 1 per centum ad valorem ; nor of numbers exceeding number 100, less tlian 25 per centum ad valorem. Cotton yarn, including warps, in any form, bleached, dyed, colored, or plied, of numbers not exceeding number 40, one-fourth of 1 cent per number per pound : exceeding number 40 and not exceetling number 120. 10 cents per pound and. in addition thereto, three- tenths of 1 cent per number per pound for every numlier in excess of number 40 ; exceeding number 120. 34 cents SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [1003 so [one-fifthl one-foiirtJ) [100] 80 Insert after "colored," comhed ^ Seven cents r»er pound imposed by par. 16 of the emergency tariff act ot May 27, 1921, on cotton having a staple of If inches or more in length. 19.3 194 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. per pound : Provided, That none of tlic foregoing, of numbers not exceeding number 100, shall pay less duty than 7 per centinn ad valorem and, in addi- tion thereto, for each number, one- fifth of 1 per centum ad valorem; nor* of numbers excee'ncy tariff act of" May 27, 1921, on manufacture.* of which cotton having a staple of li inches or more in length is the component material of chief value. 196 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. six cents per dozen; exceeding one hundred yards on each spool, reel, or ball, for every additional hundred yards or fractional part thereof in ex- cess of one hundred, six cents per dozen spools, reels, or balls; if in skeins, cones or tubes, containing less than six hundred yards each, one-half of one cent for each one hundred yards or fractional part thereof: Provided, That in no case shall the duty be as- sessed upon a less number of yards than is marked on the spools, reels, cones, tubes, skeins, or balls : And pro- vided further. That none of the fore- going shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 903. 90.',. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. I'AK. 903. Cotton cloth, not bleached, printed, dyed, colored, or woven-fig- ured, containing yarns the average number of which does not exceed num- ber 40, forty one-hundiedths of 1 cent per average number per pound ; ex- ceeding number 40, 16 cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, fifty-five one- hundredths of 1 cent per average num- ber per pound for every nunil)er in ex- cess of number 40: Provided. That none of the foregoing, when containing varus the average number of which does not exceed number 100, shall pay less duty than 9 per centum ad valorem and, in "addition thereto, for each num- ber,' one-fifth of 1 per centum ad valorem ; nor when exceeding number 100, less than 29 per centum ad valorem. Cotton cloth, bleached, containing yarns the average number of which does not exceed number 40. forty-five one-hundredths of 1 cent per average number per pound ; exceeding number 40, 18 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, three-fifths of 1 cent per aver- age number per pound for every num- ber in excess of number 40: Provided. That none of the foregoing, when con- taining yarns the average number of which does not exceed number 100, shall pay less duty than 13 per centum ad valorem and, in addition thereto, for each number, one-fifth of 1 per centum ad valorem ; nor when exceed- ing number 100, less than 33 per centum ad valorem. Cotton cloth, printed, dyed, colored, or woven-figured, containing yar:is the average number of which does not ex- ceed "number 40, fifty -five one-hun- dredths of 1 cent per average number SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [pound,] pound [100] SO 19J10 [one-fifth] one-fourth [100] SO [29] 50 [100] SO [one-fifth] one-fourth [100] 89 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 197 per pound ; exceeding number 40. 22 cents per pound and, in add.tion thereto, sixty-tive one-liundredtlis of 1 cent per average number per pound for every number in excess of number 40: Pror-idcd, That none of the fore- going, wlien containing yarns the aver- age number of wliich does not exceed number 100, shall pay less duty than 13 per centum ad valorem and. for "ach number, one-tifth of 1 per centum ad valorem ; nor when exceeding num- ber 100, less than 33 per centum ad valoi'em. Plain gauze or leno woven cotton nets or nettings shall be classified for duty as cotton cloth. ACT OF 1909. Par. 315. Cotton cloth, valued at not over seven cents per square yard, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding fifty threads to the square inch, count- ing the wai-p and tilling, one cent per square yard; if bleached, and valued at not over nine cents per square yard, one and one-fourth cents per square yard ; if dyed, colored, stained, * * * or printed, and valued at not over twelve cents per square yard, two cents per square yard ; cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding fifty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and tilling, and valued at not over seven cents per square yard, not ex- ceeding six square yards to the pound, one and one-fourth cents per square yard ; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and three-fourths cents per square yard ; cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and valued at over seven and not over nine cents per square yard, two and one-fourth cents per square yard ; valued at over nine and not over ten cents per square yard, two and three-fourths cents per square yard ; valued at over ten and not over twelve and one-half cents per [1001,9(9 [13] 15 tone-fifth] five-sixteenths [100] SO [33 per centum ad valorem.] '/(> j>cr centum er square yard ; exceeding eight square yai-ds to the pound, four and one-lialf cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, dyed, colored, stained, * * * or printed, and valued at over twelve and one-half but not over tifteen cents per square yard, five and one-fourth cents per square yard ; valued at over fifteen and not over seventeen and one-half cents per square yard, seven cents per square yard ; valued at over seventeen and one-half but not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty cents per sqtiare yard, ten cents per square yard but not less than thirty-five per centum ad valorem. I'ar. 317. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding one hundred and fifty and not exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceed- ing three and one-half square yards to the pound, two cents per square yard : exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, two and three- fourths cents per square yard : exceed- ing four and one-lialf and not exceed- ing six .square yards to the pound, three cents per square j-ard: exceeding six square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard : any of the foregoing valued at over ten and not over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, four and three- eighths cents per square yard ; valued at over twelve and one-half and not over fourteen cents per square yard, five and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over fourteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard : valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard, but not less than thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; if bleached, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per sqxiare yard ; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding four TABIFF ACTS COMPARED. 201 and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard; exceeding six square yards to tlie pound, four and ont^-fourth cents per square yard ; any of the fore- {:oin^ bleached, and valued at over twelve and not over fifteen cents per square yard, live and one-fourth cents per square yard ; valued at over fifteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over sixteeii and not over twenty cents per square yard, eifrht cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard, but not less than thirty-five per centum ad valorem; if dyed, colored, stained, * * * or printed, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one- fourth cents per square yard : exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six .'jquare yards to the pound, four and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding six square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, dyed, colored, stained, * * * or printed, and valued at over twelve and one-half and not over fifteen cents per square yard, six cents per square yard ; valued at over fifteen and not over seventeen and one-half cents per square yard, seven cents per square yard; valued at over seventeen and one-half and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard but not less than forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 318. Cotton cloth not bleached. dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding two hundred and not exceeding three hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding two and one-half square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per sqtiare yard : exceeding two and one-half and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard ; exceeding three and ojie-half and not exceeding five square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding five square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard ; any of the foregoing valued at over twelve and one-half and not over fourteen cents per square 202 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. yard, five and one-half cents per square yard ; valued at over fourteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard ; valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem ; if bleached, and not exceeding two and ■ one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding two and one-half and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard ; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding five square yards to the pound, five and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding five square yaras to the pound, six cents per square yard ; any of the foregoing, bleached, and valued at over fifteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard ; valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one- fourth cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem ; if dyed, col- ored, stained. * * * or printed, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, six and one-fourth cents per square yard ; ex- ceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, seven cents per square yard ; any of the foregoing, dyed, colored, stained, * * * or printed, and valued at over seventeen and one-half and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents per squai-e yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 319. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed,\ colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding three hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceed- ing two square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard ; exceeding two and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding three and not exceeding four square yards TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 203 to the pound, five cents per square yard ; exceeding four square yards to tlie poiuid, five and one-half cents per square yard ; any of the foregoing valued at over fourteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard ; valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty and not over twenty-tive cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem ; if bleached and not exceeding two square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard ; ex- ceeding two and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, five and one-half cents per square yard ; ex- ceeding three and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, six cents per square yard ; exceeding four square yards to the pound, six and one-half cents per square yard ; any of the foregoing, bleached, and valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem ; if dyed, colored, stained. * * * or printed, and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, six and one-half cents per square yard ; ex- ceeding three square yards to the pound, eight cents per square yard ; any of the foregoing, dyed, colored, stained, * * * qy printed, an(l valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard ; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 904. 905. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 904. The term cotton cloth, or cloth, wherever used in this schedule, unless otherwise specially provided for, shall be held to include all woven fabrics of cotton, in the piece, whether figured, fancy, or plain, and shall not 204 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. include any article, finished or unfin- ished, made from cotton cloth. In the ascertainment of the condition of the cloth or yarn ui)on which the duties imposed upon cotton cloth are made to depend, the entire fabric and all parts thereof shall he included. The average number of the yarn in cotton cloth herein provi, and 907, there shall be paid on all yarns finer than number 70, and on all yarns finer than number 70 con- tained, in threads and cloth, if consti- tuting more than 10 per centum in ircif/ht of such threads or cloth, 10 cents per pound; and on all laps, sliver and roving and on all yarns not finer tfmn number 70. and on all yarns not finer than number 70 contahied in threads and cloth, if containing cotton of one and three-eighths inch staple or longer, 10 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 323. lu addition to the duty or duties imposed upon cotton cloth by the various provisions of this section, there shall be paid the following cumu- lative duties, the intent of this para- graph beinij to add such duty or duties to those to which the cotton cloth would be liable if the provisions of this paragraphdid not exist, namely : On all cotton cloth in which other than the ordinary warp and filling threads are used to form a figure or fancy effect, whether known as lappets or otherwise, one cent per square yard if valued at not more than seven cents per square yard, and two cents per square yard if valued at more than seven cents per square yard ; on all cotton cloth mercerized or subjected to any similar process, one cent per square yard. [No corresponding provision for cot- ton sateens.] (Xo corresponding provision; see par. 252.] PARAGRAPH 906. 901). H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 906. Tracing cloth, 5 cents per square yard and 17 per centum ad valorem; cotton window hollands, ali oilcloths (except silk oilcloths and oilcloths for floors), and tilled or coated cotton cloths not specially pro- vided for, 3 cents per square yard and 17 per centum ad valorem ; waterproof cloth composed wholly or in chief value of cotton or other vegetable fiber, whether or not in i)art of India rubber, .5 cents per square yard and 20 per centum ad valoren). SENATE AMENDMENTS. D73 20 [17] 20 £20] IW Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1S13. Par. 321. * * * Cotton cloth filled or coated, ;ill oilcloths (except silk oil- clotlis ;ind oilcloth.s for floors), and cot- ton window Hollands, three cents per square yard and twenty per centum ad Par. 254. * * * tracing cloth, 30 per centum ad valorem ; cotton cloth filled or coated, all oilcloths (except silk oilcloths and oilcloths for floors), and cotton window hollands, 25 per TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 207 valorem ; tracing cloth, five cents per square yard and twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 347. * * * waterproof cloth conipo.sed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, whether composed in part of In- dia rubber or otherwise, ten cents per square yard and twenty per centum ad valorem. [See opposite Par. 903 for painted cotton cloth, omitted there where stars appear.] PARAGRAPH 907 centum ad valorem ; waterproof cloth composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, or of which cotton or other vege- table fiber is the component material of chief value or of cotton or other vegetable fiber and india rubber, 25 per centum ad valorem. [See opposite Par. 903 for painted cotton cloth, omitted there where stars appear.] !U(). H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 907. Cloth in chief value of cot- ton, containing silk or artificial silk, 8 cents per &*quare yard and 17 per centum ad val<*rem : Frovided. That mine of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty tlian 33i per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragi'apli struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1)10. Vlttfh hi chief r!■'>. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. !*10. Tab!e damask, composed wholly or in chief value of cotton, and manufactures, in any form, composed wliolly or in chief value of such dam- ask, 28 per centum ad valorem. Foreis^i Valuation. [28].?(/ TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 209 ACT OF 1909. Par. 331. Cotton table damask, forty per ceutuiB ad valoi'em ; manufactures uf cdtKiu talile ( la nut sk iir of which cot- ton table damask is the component ma- terial of chief value, not specially pro- vided for in this section, forty per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 263. Cotton table damask, and manufactures of cotton table damask, or of which cotton table damask is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 911. i)l',. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. [)11. Quilts or bedsiireads, com- posed wholly or in chief value of cot- ton, woven of two or more sets of warp threads or of two or more sets of filling threads, 30 per centum ad valorem ; other quilts or bedspreads, wholly or in chief value of cotton, 20 per centum ad valorem ; sheets, pillow- case.s, blankets, towels, polishinj,' cloths, dust clotlis, and mop cloths, composed wholly or in chief value of cotton, not Jacquard figured or terry-woven, nor made of pile fabrics, and not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem ; table and bureau covers, cen- terpieces, runners, scarfs, napkins, and doilies, made of plain-woven cot- ton clotli. and not si^ecially provided for, 23 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. [No corresponding provision.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " betlspreads." insert in the piece or otlicncise, [30J ',0 £203 25 C20], [23] 30 ACT OF 1913. Par. 264. Towels. * * * quilts, blankets, polishing cloths, mop cloths, * * * sheets, pillowcases, * * ♦ any of the foregoing made of cotton, or of which cotton is the component material of chief value, not em- broidered nor in part of lace and not otherwise provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] PARAGRAPH 912. 915. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 912. Fabrics with fast edges not exceeding twelve inclies in width, and articles made therefrom : tubings, gar- ters, suspenders, braces, cords, tassels, and cords and tassels ; all the fore- going composed wholly or in chief value of cotton or of cotton and india rubber, and not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem ; spindle banding, and lamp, stove, or candle wickng. made of cotton or other vege- SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C25] 35 210 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. table tiher, 10 cents per pound and 12i per centuiii ad valorem ; hoot, shoe, or corset lacings, madetal)Ie tiljer, 15 cents per pound and IL'A per centum ad valorem; loom harness, healds, and collets, made wholly or in chief value of cotton or other vegetable liber, 25 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valorem; labels for jrarments or other articles, composed of cotton or other vegetable fil)er. 50 c<>nts per pomid and 20 per centum ad valorem ; belting, for ma- chinery, composed wholly or in chief 'value of cotton or other vegetable fiber, or cotton or other vegetable liber and India rubber, 20 per centum ad valoi-eni. ACT OF 1909. Pak. 330. Bone casings, garters, * * * suspenders and braces, and tubing, any of the foregoing made of cotton * * * and India rul)ber, or of wliich cotton * * * {^ the com- ponent material of chief value, and not embroidered by hand or machinery. lOi-ty-five per centum ad valorem ; spin- dle banding, woven, braided or twisted lamp, stove, or candle wickiug made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, ten cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; loom harness, healds or collets made of cotton or other vege- table fiber, or of which cotton or other vegetable fiber is the component mate- rial of chief value, fifty cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valoiem; boot, shoe, and cor.set lacings made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, twenty-five cents per pound and fif- teen per centum ad valorem ; labels, for garments or other articles, com- posed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, fifty cents per pound and thirty per centum ad valorem ; belting for ma- chinery made of cotton or other vege- jtable fiber and india rubber, or of Avliich cotton or other vegetable fiber is tlie component material of chief Talue. thirty per centum ad valorem. Par. 349. * * * bands, bandings, belts, beltings, bindings, cords, * * * ribbons, tapes, webs, and webbings; * * * all of the foregoing, composed wholly or in chief value of cotton, * * * or other vegetable fiber, or of cottnn. * * * or other vegetable fil)er and india rul)ber, or of cotton. * * * or other vegetable fiber, india I'ubber. and metal, and not elsewhere specially provided for in this section, sixty per centum ad valorem : Pro- vided, That no article composed wholly [51.1 cents per pound and 20] 50 C203 .10 ACT OF 1913. Par. 262. Bandings, belts, beltings, bindings, bone casings, cords, tassels, cords and tassels, garters, * * * suspenders and braces, and iDrics with fast edges not exceeding twelve inches in width, all of the foregoing made of cotton * * * or of whicli cotton * * * is the component ma- terial of chief value, or of cotton * * * and india rubber, and not em- broidered by hand or machinery ; spin- dle banding, woven, braided, or twisted lamp, stove, or candle wicking made of cotton or otlier vegetable fiber ; loom harness, healds, or collets made of cot- ton or other vegetable fiber, or of which cotton or other vegetable fiber is the component material of chief value ; boot, shoe, and corset lacings maue of cotton or other vegetable fiber; and labels for garments or other articles, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, 25 per centum ad valorem ; belt- ing for machinery made of cotton or other vegetable fil)er and india rubber, or of which cotton or other vegetable fiber is the component material of chief value, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 358. * * * coach, carriage, and automobile laces, * * * 60 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 211 Ml- in chief value of one or more of the materials or Roods specified in this paragraph, shall pay a less rate of duty than the highest rate imposed hy this section upon any of the materials or goods of which the same is composed : PARAGRAPH 913. H16. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 913. Knit fahric. in the piece, composed wholly or in chief value of cotton or other vegetable fiber, made on a warp-knitting machine, 35 per centum ad valorem ; made on other than a warp-knitting machine, 23 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [35] 60 [233 35 ACT OF 1913. rXo corresponding provision; duti- [No corresponding provision; duti- able^ under basket paragraph 332, at able under basket paragraph 266, at 45 irt.n- centum ad valorem.] 30 per centum ad valorem.] PARAGRAPH 914. 917. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 914. Gloves, composed wholly or in chief value of cotton or other vegetable fiber, made of fabric knit on a warp-knitting machine, 40 per centum ad valorem : made of fabric knit on other than a warp-knitting machine. 33i per centum ad valorem ; nmde of woven fabric, 23 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS, Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 917. Gloves, couiposed icholljf or in chief value of cotton or other vec/etable fiber, made of fabric knit on a ivnrp-knitting machine, if .single fold of s^uch fabric, when unshrunk and not sueded, and having less than JiO roirs of loops per inch in width on the face of the glove, 50 per cent ad valorem; tchen shrunk or sueded or having J/O or more rotes of loops per inch in tridth on the face of the glove, and not over 11 inches in length. $2.50 per dozen pairs, and for each addi- tional inch in excess of 11 inches, 10 cents per dozen pairs; if of tico or more folds of fabric, any fold of irhich is made on a warp-knitting machine, and not over 11 inches in length, $3 per dozen pairs, and for each addi- tional inch in excess of 11 inches, 10 cents per dozen pairs; made of fabric knit on other than a tcarp-knitting machine, 50 per cent ad valorem: made of icoven fabric, 25 per cent ad valorem: Provided. That in no case shall the dutg or duties imposed upon gloves in this paragraph exceed 75 per cent ad x'alorem. 212 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Pak. 328. * * * Men's and boys' cotton gloves, knitted or woven, valued at not more than six dollars per dozen pairs, fifty cents per dozen pairs and forty per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than six dollars per dozen pairs, tifty per centum ad valorem. [Women's cottoji gloves, not being specifically provided for, were held dutiable as cotton wearing apparel, under paragraph 324, at 50 per centum ad valorem.] ACT OF 1913. Par. 260. * * * Gloves by what- ever process made, composed wholly or in chief value of cotton, 35 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 915. 918. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. I'Ai:. 915. Hose and half-hose, fash- ioned, seamless, or mock-seamed, fin- ished or unfinished, comjjosed of cot- ton or other vegetable fiber, made wholly or in part on knitting ma- chines, or knit by hand, valued at not more than $1 per dozen pairs, 35 cents per dozen pairs ; valued at more than $1 and not more than $1.50 per dozen pairs, 45 cents per dozen pairs ; valued at more than $1.50 and not more than $2 per dozen pairs, 65 cents per dozen pairs ; valued at moi-e than $2 and not more than $3 per dozen pairs, $1.20 per dozen pairs ; valued at more than $3 and not more than $5 per dozen pairs, $2 per dozen pairs; and, in ad- d.tion thereto, on all of the foregoing, ]2i per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $5 per dozen pairs, 35 per centum ad valorem, H(jse and half-hose, finished or un- finished, made or cut from knitted fabric composed of cotton or other vegetable filler, and not specially pro- vided for. 23 per centum ad valoi-em. ACT OF 1909. Pak, 327. Stockings, hose and half- hose, made on knitting machines or frames, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, and not otherwise spe- cially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem. Par. 328. Stockings, hose and half- hose, selvedged, fashioned, narrowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless stockings, hose and half-hose and clocked stockings, hose and half-hose, all of the above com- posed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, finished or unfinished, valued at not more than one dollar per dozen pairs. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " half-hose," insert selvedged, After " hand." remainder of paragraph to " Hose and half-hose " struck out and the following substituted : 50 per cent inn ad valorem; if such hose or half-hose contains cotton wholly or in chief vahie of if inch staple or lonc/er, 10 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem. C23] 30 ACT OF 1913. Par, 259, Stockings, hose and half hose, made on knitting machines or frames, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, and not otherwise spe- cially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 260. Stockings, hose and half hose, selvedged, fashioned, narrowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knit- ting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commer- ciall.v known as seamless stockings, hose and half hose, and clocked stock- ings, hose and half hose, all of the above composed of cotton or other veg- etable fiber, finished or unfinished ; if valued at not more than 70 cents per TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 213 seventy cents per dozen pairs ; valued at more than one dollar per dozen pairs, and not more tlian one dollar and fifty cents per dozen pairs, eighty- five cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than one dollar and tifty cents per dozen pairs, and not more than two dollars i>er dozen pairs, ninety cents per dozen pairs ; valued at more than two dollars per dozen pairs, and not more than three dollars per dozen pairs, one dollar and twenty cents per dozen pairs ; valued at more than three dollars per dozen pairs, and not more than live dollars per dozen pairs, two dollars per dozen pairs ; and in addition thereto, upon all the forego- ing, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than five dollars per dozen pairs, fifty-five per centum ad valorem. * * *. dozen pairs, 30 per centum ad valorem ; if valued at more than 70 cents, and not more than $1.20 per dozen pairs, 40 per centum ad valorem ; if valued at more than $1.20 per dozen pairs, 50 per centum ad valorem. * * *. PARAGRAPH 916. 919. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 916. Underwear and all other wearing apparel of every descriptio;i. finished or unfinished, composed of cot- ton or other vegetable fiber, made wholly or in part on knitting machines, or knit by hand, and not specially provided for, valued at not more than $1.50 per dozen, 40 cents per dozen and 12^ per cenlum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.50 and not more than $3 per dozen, 70 cents per dozen and 12^ per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $3 and not more than $5 per dozen, $1.20 per dozen and 20 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $5 and not more than $7 per dozen, $1.40 per dozen and 25 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $7 and not more than $15 per dozen, $2.25 per dozen and 25 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $15 and not more than $20 per dozen, $4 per dozen and 28 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $20 per dozen, 40 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 329. Shirts and drawers, pants, vests, union suits, combination suits, tights, sweaters, corset covers and all underwear of every description made wholly or in part on knitting ma- chines or frames, or knit by hand, finished or unfinished, not including stockings, hose and half-ho.se, com- posed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, valued at not more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, sixty SENATE AMENDMENTS, Foreign Valuation. After " not specially provided for," re- mainder of paragraph struck out and the following substituted : 4-5 per cr, 33^ l^er centum ad valorem. Shirt collars and culfs, of cotton, not specially provided for, 2.^ cents per dozen pieces- and 12* per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 324. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, composed of cotton * * * or of which cotton * * * jg the component material of chief value, made up or manufactured, wholly or in part, by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer, and not otherwise pro- vided for in this section, fifty per centum ad valorem. Par. 34S. Shirt collars and cuffs, composed of cotton, forty-five cents per dozen pieces and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; * * * . SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [33 O 35 [2.-)l 35 ACT OF 1913. Par. 256. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every de- scription, composed of cotton * * * or of which cotton * * * is the com- ponent material of chief value, or of cotton * * * and india rubber, made up or manufactured, wholly or in part, by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer, and not otherwise spe- cially provided for in this section, 30 per centum ad valorem ; shirt collars and cuffs of cotton, not specially pro- vided for in this section, 30 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 919. 922. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 919. Lace window curtains, nets, nettings, jjillow shams, and bed sets. finished or unfinished, made on the Nottingham lace-curtain machine, and composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, when counting five points or spaces between the waii:) threads to the inch, 1^ cents per s-quare yard ; when counting mf)re than five such points or spaces to the inch, three- fourths of 1 cent per square yard in addition for each point in exce?^s of five; and in addition thereto, on all the forego'ng articles in this para- grai)h. 17 per centum ad valorem: Pro- vided. That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 40 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 351. Lace window curtains, nets, nettings, pillow .shams, and bed sets, finished or unfinished, made on the Nottingham lace-curtain machine or on the Nottingham warp machine. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After "bed sets," insert and all other articles and fabrics, liy vhatever name knoioi, plain or .j)fcquard p'fiiired, After "finished or unfin'.shed." insert irhollif or partly manufactured, for any use ivliat soever, [17] 30 [401 aO ACT OF 1913. Par. 265. Lace windo\v curtains, pil- low shams, and bed sets, finished or unfinished, made on the Nottingham lace-curtain machine, and composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, when 216 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. and composed of cotton or other vege- table fiber, when counting tive points or spaces between the warp threads to the inch, one cent per square yard; when counting more than five such points or spaces to the inch, one-half of one cent per square yard in addi- tion for eacli such point or space to the inch in excess of five ; and in ad- dition thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this paragraph, twenty per centum ad valorem: Frovided. That none of the above-named articles shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. counting not more than six points or spaces between the warp threads to the inch, 35 per centum ad valorem ; when counting more than six and not more than eight points or spaces to the inch, 40 per centum ad valorem; when counting nine or more points or spaces to the inch, 45 per centum ad valorem. Tar. 358. * * * nets, nettings. * * * and articles made in whole or in part of any of the foregoing fabrics or articles; all of the foregoing of whatever yarns, thi-eads, or filaments composed, 60 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 920. 92S. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Pau. 920. All articles made from cot- ton cloth, whether finished or unfin- ished, and all manufactures of cotton or of whicli cotton is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 28 per centum ad valorum. ACT OF 1909. Par. 326. Curtains, table covers, and nil articles manufactured of cotton chenille, or of which cotton chenille is the component material of chief value, * * * composed wholly or in chief value of cotton or other vege- table liber ; any of the foregoing, in the piece or otherwise, fifty per centum ad valorem. Par. 332. All articles made from cot- ton cloth, whether , finished or unfin- ished, and all maniSfactures of cotton, or of which cotton is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, forty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C2S3 .)0 ACT OF 1913. Par. 258. Curtains, table covers, and all articles manufactured of cotton chenille, or of which cotton chenille is the component material of chief value. * * * any of the foregoing, in the piece or otherwise, 35 per centum ad valorem ; all other Jac- quard figured manufactures of cotton or of which cotton is the component material of chief value, 30 per centum ad valorem. Par. 264. * * * batting, any of the foregoing made of cotton, or of which cotton is the component ma- terial of chief value, * * * and not otherwise provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 266. All articles made from cot- ton cloth, whether finished or unfin- ished, and all manufactures of cotton or of which cotton is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 30 per centum ad valorem. SCHEDULE 10.— FLAX, HEMP, AND JUTE, AND MANUFAC TURES OF. PARAGRAPH 1001. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1001. Flax straw, $2 per ton; flax, not hackled, 1 cent per pound; flax, hackled, inclndins: ''dressed line," 2- cents per pound; flax tow and flax noils, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound: hemp and hemp tow, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound: hackled hemp, including "'line of hemp, " 1^ cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Schedule J. — Flax, Hemp, and Jute, AND Manufactures of. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After '• noils." insert (/•/». vegetal, or ixilni-jeiif filter, tivisfed or not tiristed, Cthree-fourths of 1 cent] 2 cents Cincludins' " line of hemp."] Cu] -'/ ACT OF 1913. Schedule J. — Flax, Hemp, and Jute, and Manufactures of. Par. 33.3. Flax straw, five dollars per ton. Par. 334. Flax, not hackled or dressed, one cent per pound. Par. 335. Flax, hackled, known as "dressed line," three cents per pound. Par. 330. Tow of flax, twenty doUara per ton. Par. 337. Hemp, and tow of hemp, twenty-two dollars and fifty, cents per ton; hemp, hackled, known as "line of hemp, " forty-five dollars per ton. Par. 485. Flax straw, flax, not hackled or dressed; flax hackled, known as "dressed line, " tow of flax and flax noils; hemp, and tow of hemp: Jiemp hackled, known as "line of hemp" [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1002. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1002. Sliver and roving, of flax, hemp, ramie, or other vegetable fiber, not specially provided for, 13 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 341. * * * ramie sliver or rov- ing, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. CIS] ACT OF 1913. Par. 270. * * * ramie sliver or rov- ing, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1003. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1003. Jute yarns or roving, single, K^oarser in size than twenty-pound, 2^ cents per pound; twenty-pound up to but not including ten-pound, 4 cents per SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. 217 218 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. pound; ten-pound up to but not including five-pound, 5 J cents per pound; five- pound and finer, 9 cents i)er pound; jute sliver, H cents per pound; twist, twine, and cordage, composed of two or more jute yarns or rovings t\\'isted together, the size of the single yarn or roving of which is coarser than twenty-pound, 3§ cents per pound; twenty-pound up to but not including ten-pound, 5 cents per pound; ten-pound up to but not including five- pound, 6^ cents per pound; five-pound and finer, 11 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 338. Single yarns made of jute, not finer than five "lea or number, one cent per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; if finer than five lea or number, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; yarns made of jute not otherwise specially pro- vided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for twist, twine and cordage.] [9] 7 After " 9 cents per pouud " in- sert hut )wt more tlian IjO per eentum ml rdlomii. ACT OF 1913. Par. 267. Single yarns made of jute, .not finer than five lea or number, 15 per centum ad valorem; if finer than five lea or number and yarns made of jute not otherwise specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for twist, twine and cordage.] PARAGRAPH 1004. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1004. Single yarns, in the gray, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, not finer than eight lea, 8 cents per pound; finer than eight lea and not finer than sixty lea, 8 cents per pound and one-half of 1 cent per pound additional for each lea or part of a lea in excess of eight; finer than sixty lea, 35 cents per pound; and in addition thereto, on any of the foregoing yarns when boiled, bleached, dyed, or otherwise treated, 5 cents per pound: Provided, That the duty on any of the foregoing yarns not finer than eight lea shall Ije not less than 20 per centum ad valorem; on any of the foregoing yarns finer than eight lea, not less than 23 per centum ad valorem. Threads, twines, and cords, composed of two or more yarns of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, twisted together, the size of the single yarn of which is not finer than eight lea, 16 cents per pound; finer than eight lea and not finer than sixty lea, 16 cents per pound and three-fourths of 1 cent per pound additional for each lea or part of a lea in excess of eight; finer than sixty lea, 56 cents per pound : Provided, That the duty on the fore- going threads, twines and cords shall he not less tlian 23 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. D'iglit] tirclve [81 10 Ceightl ticelve L^llO [eightl ticelve After " boiled,"' insert 2 cents per pound : icJien [yarns not finer than eight lea shall be not less than 20 per centum ad va- lorem ; on any of the foregoing yarns finer than eight lea, not less than 23 per centum ad valorem.] yarns shall not be less than :iO nor more than JiO per centum ad valorem. ZeightJ eleven [IG] iSi [eiii'ht] eleven [10] 18i [eight] eleven After •'pound" insert ; and in addi- tion thereto, on any of the foregoinfi threads, twines, and cords when boiled, 2 cents per pound; ivJien bleuched, dyed, or otherwise treated, 6 cents per pound [twines] tirines, [23] JiO TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 219 ACT OF 1909. Par. 340. Threads, twines, or cords, made from yarn not finer than five lea or number, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of wliich these substances or either of them is tlie component material of chief value, ten cents per pound; if made from yarn finer than five lea or numlier, twelve cents per pound, and three-fourths of one cent per pound addi- tional for each lea or number, or part of a lea or number, in excess of five. Pak. 341. Single yarns in the gray, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of anv of them, not finer than eight lea or number, six cents per pound ; finer than eight lea or number and not finer than eighty lea or number, forty per centum ad valorem; single yarns, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, finer than eighty lea or number, fifteen per centum ad valorem; * * *. [Single yarns not in the gray and not finer than eighty lea were dutiable at 45 per centum under paragraph 358.] ACT OF 1913. Par. 269. Threads, tmnes, or cords, made from yarn not finer than five lea or number, comj)osod of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these sul stances or any of them is the component material of chief value, 20 per centum ad valorem; if made from yarn finer than five lea or number, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 270. Single yarns, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, not finer than eight lea or number, 12 per centum ad valorem; finer than eight lea or number and not finer than eighty lea or number, 20 per centum ad A'alorem; finer than eighty lea or numlier, 10 per centum ad valorem > * * *. [No distinction made between yarns in the gray and not in the gray.] PARAGRAPH 1005. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1005. Cordage, including cables, tarred or untarred, wholly or in chief value of manila, sisal, or other hard fibers, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound; cordage, including cables, tarred or untarred, wholly or in chief value of hemp, sunn, or other bast fibers, but not including cordage made of jute, 2 cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Cliemp.3 [pound.] pound; tchoUij or in chief value of hemp, 3 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 339. Cables and cordage, com- posed of istle, Tampico fiber, maiula, sisal grass or sunn, or a mixture of these or any of them, three-fourths of one cent per pound; cables and cordage made of hemp, tarred or untarred, two cents per pound. Par. 268. Cables and cordage, com- posed of istle, Tampico fiber, manila, sisal grass or sunn, or a mixture of these or any of them, ^ cent per pound; cables and cordage made of hemp, tarred or un- tarred, 1 cent per pound. PARAGRAPH 1006. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1006. Gill nettings, nets, webs, and seines, and other nets for fishing, com- posed wholly or in chief value of flax, hemp, or ramie, shall pay the same duty per pound as the highest rate imposed in this Act upon any of the thread, twine, or cord of which the mesh is made, and, in addition thereto, 10 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [highest] 220 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 342. Flax gill nettings, nets, webs, and seines shall pay the same duty per pound as is imposed in this schedule upon the thread, twine, or cord of wliich they are made, and in addition thereto twenty per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 271. Gill nettings, nets, webs, and seines made of flax, hemp, or raniie, or a mixture of any of them, or of which any of them is the component material of chief value, 25 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1007. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1007. Hose, suitable for conduct- ing Liquids or gases, composed wholly or in chief value of vegetable fiber, 26 per [26] 11 cents per pound and 10 centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 345. Hydraulic or flume hose, Par. 274. Hydraulic or flume hose, made in whole or in part of cotton, flax, made in whole or in part of cotton, flax, hemp, ramie, or jute, fifteen cents per hemp, ramie, or jute, 7 cents per pound, pound. PARAGRAPH 1008. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. iocs. Fabrics, composed wholly of jute, plain-woven, twilled, and all t ther, not specially pro\-ided for, not bleaclied, printed, stenciled, painted, dyed, colored, nor rendered noninflam- mable, 1 cent ])er pound; bleached, print- ed, stenciled, painted, dyed, colored, or rendered noninflammaljle, 1 cent per pound, and in addition thereto, 13 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 352. Plain woven fabrics of single jute yarns, by whatever name known, weighing not less than six ounces per square yard and not exceeding thirty threads to the square inch, countins: the warp and fdling, nine-sixteenths of one cent per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; if exceeding thirty and not exceeding fifty-five threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, .seven-eighths of one cent per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. [Twilled, and all other jute fabrics, not specially jmjvided for, were dutiable at 45 per centum under paragraph 358.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Cpound, and in addition thereto, 13] pound and 10 ACT OF 1913. Par. 279. Plain woven fabrics of single jute yarns, by whatever name known, bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, printed, or rendered noninflammable by any process, 10 per centum ad valorem. Par. 408. * * * plain woven falirics of single jute yarns by whatever name known, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, printed, or rendered noninflam- mable by any process; * * * [Free]. [Twilled, and all other jute fabrics, not specially provided for, were dutiable at 35 per centum under paragraph 284.] TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 221 PARAGRAPH 1009. lOOn and 1010. H B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1009. Woven fabrics, not includ- ing articles, finished or unfinished, of flax, hemp, ramie, or other vegetable fiber except cotton, or of which these sub- stances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially pro- vided for, 28 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 357. Woven fabrics * * * not specially provided for in this section, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, weighing four and one-half ounces or more per square yard, when containing not more than sixty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, one amd three-fourths cents per square yard ; containing more than sixty and not more than one hundred and twenty threads to the square inch, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; containing more than one hundred and twenty and not more than one hundred and eighty threads to the square inch, six cents per square yard; containing more than one hundred and eighty threads to the square inch, nine cents per square yard, and in addi- tion thereto, on all the foregoing, thirty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That none of the foregoing * * * fabrics in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. Plain woven fabrics, not including articles, finished or unfinished, of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, including such as is known as shirting cloth; weighing less than four and gne-half ounces per square yard and containing more than one hundred threads SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1010. [articles,] articles C2S] J,0 Par. 1009. 11 oven fabrics, not in- cluding articles finished or unfinished, of flax, Jiemp, or ramie, or of lohieh these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value {ex- cept such, as are commonly used as paddings or interlinings in clothing), exceeding thirty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, weighing not less than four and one-half and not more than twelve ounces per square yard, and exceeding twelre inches but not exceeding tirenty-four inches in width, 55 per centum ad valorem. * * * ( For balance of par. 1009 in Bill as adopted by Senate see par. 1010. ACT OF 1913. Par. 283. Plain woven fabrics, not in- cluding articles, finished or unfinished, of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or any of them is the compo- nent material of chief value, including such as is known as shirting cloth, 30 per centum ad valorem. Par. 284. * * * manufactures of flax , hemp, ramie, or other vegetable fiber, or of which these substances, or any of them, is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem. 103791—22- -15 222 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; weighing less than four and one-half ounces per square yard and containing not more than one hundred threads to the square inch, thirty per centum ad va- lorem. PARAGRAPH 1010. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1010. Woven fabrics, composed wholly or in chief value of flax, hemp, or jute, exceeding thirty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weigh- ing not less than four and one-half and not more than twelve ounces per square yard, such as are commonly used as pad- dings or interlinings in clothing, 33J per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. rart of 1009. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and fol- lowing- part of par. 1009 substituted: Far. 1009. * * • * * • Woven fabrics, such as are commonly used for paddings or inter- lininys in clothing, composed wholly or in chief value of flax, or hemp, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, exceeding thirty and not exceeding otie hundred and ten threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weighing not less than four and one-half and not more than twelve ounces per square yard, 55 per centum ad valorem; composed wholly or in chief value of jute, exceeding thirty threads to the square inch, counting the tvai^p and filling, and weighing not less than four and one- half ounces and not more than ticelve ounces per square yai-d, 50 per cefiitum ad valorem. (For first part of par. IQOQ in Bill as adopted by Senate see par. 1009.) [Not specially provided for: If of all jute, dutiable under par. 352, at seven- eighths of 1 cent per pound, and 15 per centum ad valorem ; if of all flax or all hemp, or in chief value of flax or hemp, dutiable under par. 357 at 2f cents per square yard, and, in addition, 30 per centum ad valorem, -svith a minimum duty of 50 per centum ad valorem ; if in chief value, but not wholly, of jute, duti- able at 45 per centum ad valorem under par. 358.] PARAGRAPH ACT OF 1913. [Not specially provided for: If of all jute, free under par. 408; if of all flax, or all hemp, or in chief value of flax, or hemp, dutiable under par. 283, at 30 per centum ad valorem; if in chief value, but not wholly, of jute, dutiable under par. 284 at 35 per centum ad valorem.] 1011. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) Par. '1011. Plain-woven fabrics, not including articles finished or- unfin- ished of flax, hemp, ramie, or otJier vegetable fiber, except cotton, loeigh- ing less than four and one-half ounces per square yard, 35 per centum ad va- lorem. TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 223 PARAGRAPH 1011. 1012. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1011. Pile fabrics, composed wholly or in chief value of vegetable fiber other than cotton, cut or uncut, whether or not the pile covers the whole surface, and manufactures in any form, made or cut from any of the foregoing, 33J per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 353. All pile fabrics, whether or not the pile covers the entire surface, composed of flax, or of which flax is the component material of chief value, and all articles and maniifactures made from such fabrics, not specially provided for in this section, sixty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. t330 // r,o ACT OF 1913. Par. 280. All pile fabrics, whether or not the pile covers the entire surface, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which flax, hemp, or ramie is tke com- ponent material of chief value, and all articles and manufactures made from such fabrics, not specially provided for in .this section, 40 per centum ad valorem.. PARAGRAPH 1012. 1013. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1012. Table damask composed wholly or in chief value of vegetable fiber other than cotton, and manufactures com- posed wholly or in chief value of such damask, 28 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. [Xot specially provided for. Dutiable under par. 357 at a ininimum rate of 50 per centum ad valorem, or under par. 358 at 45 per centum ad valorem, depending on whether weight did or did not exceed 4^ ounces per square yard.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [28 J JfO ACT OF 1913. [Not specially provided for. Dutiable at 35 per centum ad valorem under par. 284.] PARAGRAPH 1013. 101 H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1013. Towels, sheets, and pillow- cases, composed wholly or in chief value of flax, 28 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. lOlJf. Toicels and napkins, fin- ished or unfinished, composed wholly or in chief value of flax, or hemp, or of tohich these substances are, or either of them is, the component material of chief value, not dTceeding one hun- dred and ttrentii threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, 55 per centum, ad valorem; exceeding one hundred and twenty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, JfO per centum ad valorem.; sheets and pillowcases, composes wholly or in chief value of flax, or 224 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. ACT OF 1909. fNot specially provided for. Dutiable at a minimum rate of 50 per centum ad valorem under par. 357, or at 45 per centum ad valoiem under par. 358, de- pending on whether the weight did or did not exceed 4^ ounces per square yard.] hemp, or of trhich these substances are, or either of them is, the. component material of chief value, JfO per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. [Not specially provided for. Dutiable at 35 per centum ad valorem under par. 284.1 PARAGRAPH 1014. lOU H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1014. Fabrics with fast edges not exceeding twelve inches in width, and articles made therefrom, tubings, garters, suspenders, braces, cords, tassels, cordS and tassels; all the foregoing composed wholly of vegetable fiber other than cot- ton, or wholly of vegetable fiber other than cotton and India rubber, and not specially provided for, 28 per centum ad valorem; tapes composed wholly or in part of flax, woven with or without metal threads, on reels, spools, or otherwise, and designed expressly for use in the manufacture of measuring tapes, 23 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [therefrom.l therefrom; After " tassels," insert and After " wholly," insert or in chief value CwhoUy] [and not specially provided for, 28] [23] 30 ACT OF 1909. Par. 346. Tapes composed wholly or in part of flax, woven with or without metal threads, on reels, spools, or otherwise, and designed expressly for use in the manu- facture of measuring tapes, forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 349. * * * bands, bandings, belts, beltings, bindings, cords, * * * ribbons, tapes, webs, and webbings; * * * all of the foregoing, composed wholly or in chief value of * * * flax, or other vegetable fiber, or of * * * flax, or other vegetable fiber and india rubber, or of * * * flax, or other vegetable fiber, india rubber, and metal, and not elsewhere specially provided for in this section, sixty per centum ad va- lorem: Provided, That no article composed wholly or in chief value of one or more of the materials or goods specified in this paragraph, shall pay a less rate of duty than the highest rate imposed by this section upon any of the materials or goods of which the same is composed: * * *. ACT OF 1913. Par. 275. Tapes composed wholly or in part of flax, woven with or without metal thread", on reels, spools, or other- wise, and designed expressly for use in the manufacture of measuring tapes, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 278. Bands, bandings, belts, belt- ings, bindings, cords, ribbons, tapes, webs and webbings, all the foregoing composed wholly of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of flax, hemp, or ramie and india rubber, and not otherwise specially provided for in tliis section, 30 per centum ad valorem; * * *. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 225 PARAGRAPH 1015. 1016. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1015. Handkerchiefs composed wholly or in chief value of vegetable fiber other than cotton, finished or unfinished, not hemmed, 33^ per centum ad valorem; hemmed or hemstitched, 36 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 356. Handkerchiefs composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances, or either of them, is the com- ponent material of chief value, whether in the piece or otherwise, and whether finished or unfinished, not hemmed or hemmed only, fifty per centum ad valorem; if hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, * * * but not em- broidered, initialed, or in part of lace, fifty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C330 -l-* [36] or nufininhed, threads, Ji5 having draivn ACT OF 1913. Par. 282. Handkerchiefs composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances, or any of them, is tne com- ponent material of chief value, whether in the piece or otherwise, and whether finished or unfinished, not hemmed or hemmed only, 35 per centum ad valorem; if hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, * * * but not embroidered, initialed, or in part of lace, 40 per centum ad valorem . PARAGRAPH 1016. lOn. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENT- American Valuation. Par. 1016. Clothing, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, com- posed wholly or in chief value of vege- table fiber other than cotton, and whether manufactured wholly or in part, not specially provided for, 33J per centum ad valorem; shirt collars and cuffs, composed wholly or in part of flax, 28 cents per dozen, and, in addition thereto, 17 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 324. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every de- scription, composed of ^ * * veg^ table fiber, or of which * * * vege- table fiber is the component material of chief value, made up or manufactured, wholly or in part, by the tailor, seam- stress, or manufacturer, and not otherwise pro\dded for in this section, fifty per centum ad valorem. Par. 348. Shirt collars and cuffs, * * * composed in whole or in part of linen, forty cents per dozen pieces and twenty per centum ad valorem. Foreign Valuation. [33 O S5 [28 cents per dozen, and, in addition thereto, 17j JfO cents per dozen and 10 ACT OF 1913. Par. 278. * * * wearing apparel composed wholly of flax, hemp, or lamie, or of flax, hemp, or ramie and india rub- ber, 40 per centum ad valorem. Par. 277. Shirt collars and cuffs, com- posed in whole or in part of linen, 30 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1017. 1018. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 1017. Bags or sacks made from plain woven fabrics of single jute yarns or Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following sub.'^tituted : Par. lOlS. Buys or sacks made from plain woven fabrics of single jute 226 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. from twilled or other fabrics composed wholly of jute, 1 cent per pound, and, in addition thereto, 17 per centum ad va- lorem . ACT OF 1909. Par. 354. Bags or sacks made from plain woven fal-rics, of single jute yarns, not dyed, colored, stained, painted, printed, or bleached, and not exceeding thirty threads to the square inch, count- ing the warp and filling, seven-eights of one cent per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. [Jute bags or sacks containing more than 30 threads to the square inch, or made from twilled fairies, or dyed, colored, etc., were dutiable at 45 per centum ad valorem under par. 358.] yarns or from ticiUe'J or other fabrics composed iclioUy of jute, not bleached, printed, stenciled, painted, dyed, col- ored, nor rendered noninftamniable, 1 cent per pound and 10 per centum ad valorem; bleached, printed, stenciled, painted, dyed, colored, or rendered noninflammable, 1 cent per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 281. Bags or sacks made from plain woven fal)rics, of single jute yarns, not dyed, colored, stained, painted, print- ed, or bleached, 10 per centum ad va- lorem. [Jute bags or sacks, dyed, colored, etc., or made from twilled fabrics, are dutiable at 35 per centum ad valorem under par. 284.] PARAGRAPH lOUJ. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1517. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and similar fabrics, suitable for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of jute, jute butts, seg, Russian seg, New Zealand tow, Nor- wegian tow, aloe, mill waste, cotton tares, or other material not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding sixteen threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weighing not less than fifteen ounces per square yard ; and waste of any of the foregoing articles suitable for the manufacture of paper [Free]. ACT OF 1909. Par. 355. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and similar fabrics, suitable for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of jute, jute butts, or hemp, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding six- teen threads to the square inch, count- ing the warp and filling, and weigh- ing not less than fifteen ounces per square yard, six-tenths of one cent per square yanl. Par. 644. * * * and waste bag- ging, and all other waste not specially provided for in this section, including * * * old gunny bags, used chiefly for papermaking [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1019. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and similar fabrics, suit- able for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of jute, jute butts, or other vegetable fiber, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding sixteen threads to the square inch, counting the ivarp and filling, and weighing not less than fifteen ounces nor more than thirty-two ounces per square yard, six-tenths of 1 cent per square yard; iceighing more than thirty-tico ounces per square yard, three-tenths of 1 cent per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 408. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and similar fabrics, suitable for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of jute, jute butts, seg, Bussian seg, New Zealand tow, Nor- wegian tow. aloe, mill waste, cotton tares, or other material not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding sixteen threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weighing not less than fifteen ounces per square yard; * * * and waste of any of the above articles suitable for the manu- facture-of paper [Free]. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 227 PARAGRAPH 1018. 1020. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1018. Linoleum, including corti- cine and cork carpet, 28 per centum ad valorem; floor oilcloth. 20 per centum ad valorem; mats or rug-s made of linolexxm or floor oilcloth shall he suliject to the same rates of duty as herein provided for linoleum or floor oilcloth. ACT OF 1909. Par. 347. Linoleum, corticene, and all other fabrics or coverinos for floors, made in part of oil or any similar prod;ict, plain, stamped, painted or printed, only, not specially provided for herein, if nine feet or under in width, eight cents per square yard and fifteen per centum ad valorem; over nine feet in \vidth, twelve cents per square yard and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; and any of the foregoing of what- ever width, the composition of which forms designs or patterns, whether inlaid or otherwise, by whatever name known, and cork carpets, twenty cents per square yard and twenty per cent ad valorem; mats for floors made of oilcloth, linoleum, or corticene, shall be subject to the same rate of duty herein provided for oilcloth, linoleum, or corticene; oilcloth for floors, if nine feet or less in width, six cents per square yard and fifteen per centum ad valorem; over nine feet in width, ten cents per square yard and fifteen per centum aa valorem ; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [281 S5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 276. Linoleum, plain, stamped, painted, or printed, including corticine and cork carpet, figured or plain, also linoleum known as granite and oak- plank, 30 per centum ad valorem; inlaid linoleum, 35 per centum ad valorem; oil- cloth for floors, plain, stamped, painted, or printed, 20 per centum ad valorem; mats or rugs made of oilcloth, linoleum, corticine, or cork carpet shall be subject to the same rate of duty as herein pro- vided for oilcloth, linoleum, corticine, or cork carpet. PARAGRAPH 1019. 1021. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1019. All woven articles, finished or unfinished, and all manufactures of vegetable fiber other than cotton, or of which such fibers or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 28 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 357. Woven * * * articles not specially provided for in this section, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, weighing four and one-half ounces or more per square yard, when containing not more that sixty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, one «,nd three-fourths cents per square yard; containing more than sixty and not more than one hundred and twenty threads to SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [28] J,0 ACT OF 1913. Par. 284. All woven articles, finished or unfinished, and all manufactures of flax, hemp, ramie, or other vegetable fiber, or of which these substances, or any of them, is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem. 228 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. Ihe square inch, two and three-foiirths cents per square yard; containing more than one hundred and twenty and not more than one hundred and eighty threads to the square inch, six cents per square yard; containing more than one hundred and eighty threads to the square inch, nine cents per square yard, and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, thirty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That none of the foregoing articles * * * in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. * * *. Par. 358. All woven articles, finished or imfinished, and all manufactures of flax, hemp, ramie, or other vegetable fiber, or of which these substances, or any of them, is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, forty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1020. 1022. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1020. Common China, Japan, and India straw matting, and floor coverings made therefrom, 3 cents per square yard; all other floor coverings not specially provided for, 26 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 343. Floor mattings, plain, fancy, or figured, manufactured from straw, round or split, or other vegetable sub- stances, not other\vise pro^^Lded for in this section, and having a warp of cotton, hemp, or other vegetable substance, in- cluding what are commonly known as China, Japan, and India straw matting, three and one-half cents per square yard. Par. 344. Carpets, carpeting, mats and rugs made of flax, hemp, jute, or other vegetable fiber (except cotton), valued at not exceeding fifteen cents per Bquare yard, four cents per square yard and thirty per centum ad valorem; valued above fifteen cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard and thirty per centum ad valorem. Par. 384. * * * chenille carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or car- peting of like character or description, sixty cents per square yard and in addi- tion thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 393. Carpets and carpeting of * * * flax, or cotton, or composed in part of any of them, not specially pro- vided for in this section, and mats, mat- ting, and rugs of cotton, fifty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " yard ;" insert carpets, carpet- ing, mats, matting, and rugs, made whoVy of cotton, flax, Jiemqx or jute, or a. mi,Ttvre thereof, 35 per centum ad valorem : C26] '!■> ACT OF 1913. Par. 272. Floor mattings, plain, fancy, or figured, including mats and rugs, manufactured from straw, round or split, or other vegetable substances, not other- wise provided for in this section, and having a warp of cotton, hemp, or other vegetable substances, including what are commonly known as China, Japan, and India straw matting, 2^ cents per square yard. Par. 273. Carpets, carpeting, mats and rugs made of flax, hemp, jute, or other vegetable fiber (except cotton), 30 per centum ad valorem. Par. 293. * * * chenille carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or car- peting of like character or description, 35 per centum ad valorem. Par. 302. Carpets and carpeting of * * * cotton, or composed in part of either of them [wool or cotton], not spec- ially provided for in this section, and on mats, matting, and rugs of cotton, 20 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 229 PARAGRAPH 1021. JOiS. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1021. Matting made of cocoa fiber or rattan, 9 cents per square yard; mats made of cocoa fiber or rattan, 7 cents per square foot. ACT OF 1909. Par. 466. Matting made of cocoa fiber or rattan, six cents per square yard; mats made of cocoa fiber or rattan, four cents per square foot. [9] [73 SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 371. Matting made of cocoa fiber or rattan, 5 cents per square yard; mats made of cocoa fiber or rattan, 3 cents per square foot. SCHEDULE 11.— WOOL AND MANUFACTURES OF. PARAGRAPH 1101. H. R. 7456. American Valnatioiu Par. 1101. Wools, not improved by the admixture of merino or English blood, such as Donskoi, native Smyrna, native South American, Cordova, Valparaiso, and other wools of like character or description, and hair of the camel, 28 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That the duty shall not exceed 7 cents per pound. The duty on such wools, imported on the skin, shall be 24 per centum ad valorem, but not to exceed 6 cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [28 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That the duty shall not exceed 7 cents per pound. The duty on such wools, imported on the skin, shall be 24 per centum ad valorem, but not to exceed 6 cents per pound] in the- grease, 12 cents per pound; washed, IS cents per pound; scoured, 2.) cents per pound. The duty on such wools imported on the skin shall be 11 cents per pound: Provided, That such wools may be hn- ported under bond in an amount to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury and under such regulations as he shall prescribe; and if within three years from the date of importation or tcith- dratval from bonded toarehouse satis- factory proof is furnished that the xvools hare been used in the manu- facture of rugs, carpets, or any other floor coverings, the duties shall be re- mitted: Provided further. That if any such wools imported under bond as above prescribed are used in the manu- facture of articles other than rugs, carpets, or any other floor coverings, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on any wools so used in violation of the bond, in addition to the regular duties provided by this paragraph. 20 cents per pound, which shall not be remitted or refunded on exportation of the articles or for any other reason. Whols in the grease shall be considered such as shall have been shorn from the sheep without any cleansing; that is, in their natural condition. ^Yashed tvools shall be considered such as have been trashed tvith water only on the sheep's back, or on the skin. 231 232 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Schedule K — Wool, and Manufac- tures OF. Par. 360. All wools, hair of the camel, * * * and other like animals shall be divided, for the purpose of fixing the duties to be charged thereon, into the three following classes: * * *. Par. 362. Class two * * * hair of the camel * * *. Par. 363. Class three, that is to say, Donskoi, native South American, Cordova, Valparaiso, native Smyrna, Russian camel's hair, and all such wools of like character as have been heretofore usually imported into the United States from Turkey, Greece, Syria, and elsewhere, excepting improved wools hereinafter provided for. Par. 368. The duty upon * * * hair of the camel, * * * of class one and class two, which shall be imported in any other than ordinary condition, or which has been sorted or increased in value by the rejection of any part of the original fleece, shall be twice the duty to which it would be otherwise subject: Provided, * * * The duty upon * * * hair of the camel * * * of any class wliich shall bf changed in its character or condition for the purpose of evading the duty, or which shall be reduced in value by the admixture of dirt or any other foreign substance, shall be twice the duty to which it would be otherwise subject. * * *. Par. 370. On wools of the third class and on camel's hair of the third class the value whereof shall be twelve cents or less per pound, the duty shall be four cents per pound. On wools of the third class and on camel's hair of the third class, the value whereof shall exceed twelve cents per pound, the duty shall be seven cents per pound. Par. 371. The duty on wools on the skin shall be one cent less per pound then is imposed in this schedule on other wools of the same class and condition, * * *. Schedule ACT OF 1913. K — Wool and tures of.' Manufac- Par. 650. Wool of the sheep, hair of the camel, and other like animals, and all wools and hair on the skin of such animals * * *. This paragraph shall be ef- fective on and after the first day of De- cember, nineteen hundred and thirteen, until which time the rates of duty now provided by schedule K of the existing law shall remain in full force and effect [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1102. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1102. Wools, not specially pro- vided for, and hair of the Angora goat, SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the followins .'substituted : 1 Paragraph 310 provided that— "The provisions of this schedule (K) shall be eSfactive on and after the first day of January, nineteen hun Irel and fourteen, until which date the rates of duty now provided by Schedule K of the existing law shall remain in full force and effect. " Paragraph 19, emergency tariff act of 1921 provides that — "Woo' an 1 hair of the kind provided for in paragraph 18, when advanced in any manner or by any process of manufacture beyond the washed or scoured condition, and manufactures of which wool or hair of the kin 1 provided for in paragraph 18 is the component material of chief value, 45 cents per pound in addition to the rates of duty imposed thereon by existing law. " TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 233 alpaca, and other like animals, imported in the pjease or washed, 25 cents per pound of clean content; imported in the secoued state, 26 cents per pound; im- portrd on the akin, 24 cents per pound of clean content: Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay a higher rate of duty than 35 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 360. All wools, hair of the * * *. goat, alpaca, and other like animals shall be divided, for the purpose of fixing the duties to be charged thereon, into the three following classes; Far. 361. Class one, that is to say, merino, mestiza, metz, or metis wools, or other wools of Merino blood, immediate or remote, Down clothing wools, and wools of like character with any of the preced- ing, including Bagdad wool, China lamb's wool, Castel Branco, Adrianople skin wool or butcher's wool, and such as have been heretofore usually imported into the United States from Buenos Aires, New Zealand, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, Russia, Great Britain, Canada, Egypt, Morocco, and elsewhere, and all wools not hereinafter included in classes two and three. Par. 302. Class two. that is to say, Leicester, Cotswold, Lincolnshire, Down combing wools, Canada long wools, or other like combing wools of English blood, and usually known by the terms herein used, and also hair of the * * *, An- gora goat, alpaca, and other like animals. Par. 365. Whenever wools of class three shall have been improved by the ad- mixture of Merino or English blood, from their present character as represented b> the standard samples now or hereafter to be deposited in the principal custom- houses of the United States, such im- proved wools shall be classified for duty either as class one or as class two, as the case may be. Par. 366. Theduty on wools of the first class which shall be imported washed shall be twice the amount of the duty to which they would be subjected if im- ported unwashed; and the duty on wools of the first and second classes which shall be imported scoured shall be three times the duty to which they would be sub- jected if imported unwashed. * * * . Par. 1102. ^Voo}s, not specially pro- vided for, and hair of the Ayigora goat. Cashmere goat, alpaca, and other like animals, imported in the grease or ira.slicd. 33 cents per pound of clean content: imported in the scoured state, 33 cents per pound; impoHed on the skin, 32 cents per pound of clean content. ACT OF 1913. Par. 305. Hair of the Angora goat, al- paca, and other like animals, and all hair on the skin of such animals, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 650. Wool of the sheep, hair of the camel, and other like animals, and all wools and hair on the skin of such ani- mals, * * *. This paragraph shall be effective on and after the first day of De- cember, nineteen hundred and thirteen, until which time the rates of duty now provided by schedule K of the existing law shall remain in full force and effect [Free] .2 * Par. 18, emergeucy tariff act of May 27, 1921: "Wool, commonly known as clothing wool, including hair of the camel, angora goat, and alpaca, but not such wools as are commonly known as carpet wools: Unwashed, 15 cents per pound; ♦ ♦ *. Unwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have been shorn from the animal without any cleaning; washed wools shall be considered such as have been washed with water only on the animal's back or on the skin; wools washed in anv other manner than on the animal's back or on the skin shall be considered as scoured wool. On wool and hair provided for in this paragraph, which is sorted or increased in value by the re- jection of any part of the original fleece, the duty shall be twice the duty to wlich it would otherwise b« subject, but not more than 45 cents per pound." 234 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. Par. 3fi7. Unwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have been shorn from the sheep -ndthout an 3- cleansing; that is, in their natural condition. Washed wools shall be considered such as have been washed with water only on the Bheep'sback, or ontheskin. Wools of the • first and second classes washed in any other manner than on the sheep's back or on the skin slia]l be considered as scoured wool. Par. 368. The duty upon wool of the sheep or hair of the * * * Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals, of class one and class two, which shall be imported in any other than ordinary con- dition, or which has been sorted or in- creased in value by the rejection of any part of the original fleece, shall be twice the duty to which it would be otherwise subject: Provided, That skirted wools as imported in 1890 and prior thereto are hereby excepted. The duty upon wool of the sheep or hair of the * * * Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals of any class wliich shall be changed in its charac- ter or condition for the purpose of evading the duty, or which shall be reduced in value by the admixture of dirt or any other foreign substance, shall be twice the duty to which it would be otherwise sub- ject. When the duty assessed upon any wool equals three times or more that which would be assessed if said wool was imported unwashed, the duty shall not be doubled on account of the wool being sorted. * * *. Par. 369. The duty upon all wools and hair of the first class shall be eleven cents per pound, and upon all wools or hair of the second class twelve cents per pound. Par. 371. The duty on wools on the ekin shall be one cent less per pound than is imposed in his schedule on other wools of the same class and condition, * * *_ PARAGRAPH 1103. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1103. If any bale or package con- No change, taining wools, hairs, wool wastes, or wool waste material, subject to different rates of duty, be entered at any rate or rates lower than applicable, the highest rate applicable to any part shall apply to the entire contents of such bale or package. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 368. * * * If any bale or pack- [No corresponding provision.] age of wool or hair specified in this Act in- voiced or entered as of any specified class, or claimed oy the importer to be dutiable as of any specified class, shall contain any TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 235 wool or hair subject to a hia;her rate of duty than the class so specified, the whole bale or package shall be subject to the hiG;hest rate of duty charsjeable on wool of the class subject to such hiijher rate of duty, and if any bale or packase be claimed by the importer to be shoddy, mungo, flocks, wool, hair, or other mate- rial of any class specified in this Act, and such bale contain any admixture of any one or more of said materials, or of any other material, the whole bale or packacje shall be subject to duty at the hia:hest rate imposed upon any article in said bale or package. PARAGRAPH 1104. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1104. The Secretary of the Treas- ury is hereby authorized and directed to prescribe methods and regulations for car- rying out the pro\'isions of this schedule relating to the duties on wool and hair. ACT OF 1909. Par. 364. The standard samples of all wools which are now or may be hereafter deposited in the principal custom-houses of the United States, under the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall bo the standards for the classification of wools under this Act, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to renew these standards and to make such addi- tions to them from time to time as may be required, and he shall cause to be de- posited like standards in other custom- houses of the United States when they may be needed. Par. 371. * * * the quantity and value to be ascertained under such rules as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre- scribe. No change. ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.) PARAGRAPH 1105. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1105. Top waste, slubbing waste, ro^'ing waste, and ring waste, 25 cents per pound; garnetted waste, 20 cents per pound; noils, carbonized, 20 cents per pound; noils, not carbonized, 16 cents per pound; thread or yarn waste, and all other wool wastes not specially pro- vided for, 14 cents per pound; shoddy and wool extract, 14 cents per pound; mungo, woolen rags, and flocks, 6 cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1105. -Top tcaste, slubhing waste, roving tvaste, and ring tvaste, 33 cents per pound; garnetted tvaste, 26 cents per pound; noils, carhonized, 26 cents per pound; noils, not carbonized, 21 cents per pound; thread or yam waste, and all other tvool wastes not specially provided for, 18 cents per pound; shoddy, and wool extract, 18 cents per pound ; mungo, tcoolen rags, and flocks, 8 cents per pound. Wastes of the hair of the Angora goat, Cashmere goat, ^alpaca, and other like animals shall be dutiable at the rates provided for simi- lar types of icool wastes. 236 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 372. Top waste, slabbing waste > roving waste, ring waste, and gar netted waste, thirty cents per pound. Par. 373. Shoddy, twenty-five cents per pound; noils, wool extract, yarn waste, thread waste, and all other wastes composed wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in this section, twenty cents per pound. Par. 374. Woolen rags, mungo, and flocks, ten cents per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 651. Wool wastes: All noils, top waste, card waste, slubbing waste, roving waste, ring waste, yarn waste, bur waste, thread waste, garnetted waste, shoddies, mungo, flocks, wool extract, carbonized wool, carbonized noils, and all other wastes not specially provided for in this section. This paragraph shall be effec- tive on and after the first day of December, nineteen hundred and thirteen, until which time the rates of duty now pro- vided by schedule K of the existing law shall remain in full force and effect [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1106. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1106. Wool which has been ad- vanced in any manner or by any process of manufacture beyond the washed or scoured condition, and not specially pro- vided for, including tops and roving, valued at not more than 40 cents per pound, 16f cents per pound and, in addi- tion thereto, 10 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 40 cents per pound, 27^ cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 10 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 366. * * * The duty on wools of the third class, if imported in condition for use in carding or spinning into yarns, or which shall not contain more than eight per centum of dirt or other foreign substance, shall be three times the duty to which they would otherwise be sub- jected. Par. 375. On combed wool or tops, made wholly or in part of wool or camel's air, valued at not more than twenty ents per pound, the duty per pound shall he two and one-fourth times the duty im- posed by this schedule on one pound of "unwashed wool of the first class; valued at more than twenty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three and one- third times the duty imposed by this schedule on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class; and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, thirty per centum ad valorem. Par. 376. Wool and hair which have been advanced in any manner or by any process of manufacture beyond the washed or scoured condition, not specially provided for in this section, shall be sub- ject to the same duties as are imposed upon manufactures of wool not specially provided for in this section. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the foHowing substituted : Par. 1106. Wool, and hair of the kinds provided for in this schedule, irhich has been advanced in any man- lier or by any process of manufacture beyond the icashed or scoured condi- tion, including tops, but not further ad- vanced than roving, 36 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 286. Combed wool or tops and roving or roping made wholly or in part of wool or camel's hair, and on other wool and hair which have been advanced in any manner or by any process of manu- facture beyond the washed or scoured condition, not specially provided for in this section, 8 per centum ad valorem. Par. 306. Tops made from the hair of the Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animalf , 20 per centum ad valorem. f TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 237 PARAGRAPH 1107. H. B. 7466. American Valuation. Par. 1107. Yarn, made wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than 55 cents per pound, 20 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 15 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 55 cents but not more than $1.50 per pound, 30 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 18 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.50 per pound, 30 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 377. On yarns made wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than thirty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be two and one-half times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem; valued at more than thirty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three and one-half times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Far. 1107. Yarn, made wholly or in chief value of wool, valued at not more than 30 cents per pound, 26 cents per pound and 30 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 30 Gents but not more than $1 per pound, 3!) cents per pound and 35 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1 per pound, 39 cents per pound and 40 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 287. Yarns made wholly or in chief value of wool, 18 per centum ad valorem. Par. 307. Yarns made of the hair of the Ajigora goat, alpaca, and other like animals, 25 per centum ad valorem PARAGRAPH 1108. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1108. Woven fabrics, weighing not more than four ounces per square yard, wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than $1.25 per pound, 30 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 22 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.25 per pound, 36 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 27i per centum ad valorem: Provided, That if the warp of any of the foregoing is wholly of cotton or other vegetable fiber, the duty shall be 25 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, if the fabric is valued at not more than $1.25 per pound, 22 per centum ad valorem; if valued at more than .$1.25 per pound, 27i per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1900. Par. 379. * * * Flannels composed wholly or in part of wool, valued at above fifty cents per pound, shall be classified and pay the same duty as women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, and goods of similar char- acter and description pro\'ided by this aection * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1108. Woven fabrics, weighing not more than four ounces per square yard, wholly or w chief value of ivool, valued at not more than 80 cents per pound, JfO cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 80 cents per pound, //9 cents per poiind upon the ivool content thereof and 50 per centum ad valorem: Pro- vided, That if the irarp of any of the foregoing is wholly of cotton or other vegetable fiber, the duty shall be 39 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1013. Par. 289. * * * flannels, composed wholly or in chief value of wool, 25 per centum ad valorem; flannels composed wholly or in chief value of wool, valued at above 50 cents per pound, 30 per centum ad valorem. Par. 290. Women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, bunt- 103791—22- -16 238 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. Par. 380. On women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian clothe, and goods of similar description and char- acter of which the warp consists wholly of cotton or other vegetable material with the remainder of the fabric composed wholly or in part of wool, valued at not ex- ceeding fifteen cents per square yard, the duty shall be seven cents per square yard : valued at more than fifteen cents per square yard, the duty shall Vie eight cents per square yard; and in addition thereto on all the foregoing valued at not above seventy cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem; valued above seventy cents per pound, fifty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That on all the fore- going, weighing over four ounces per square yard, the rates of duty shall be five per centum less than those imposed by this schedule on clotlis. Par. 381. On women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, bunting, and goods of similar description or character composed wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in this section, the duty shall be eleven cents per square yard; and in addition thereto on all the foregoing valued at not above seventy cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem: valued above seventy cents per pound, fifty-five per centum ad valorem- * * ine, and goods of similar description and character, composed wholly or in chief value of wool, and not specially provided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem. Par. 308. Cloth * * * wholly or in chief value of the hair of the Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals, not spe- cially provided for in this section, 40 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1109. H. R. 7466. American Valuation. Par. 1109. Woven fabrics, weighing more than four ounces per square yard, wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than 75 cents per pound, 20 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 18 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 75 cents but not more than $1.25 per pound, 25 cents per pound and, in addi- tion thereto, 21 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.25 but not more than $2.50 per pound, 30 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 24 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $2.50 per pound, 36 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 27^ per centum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 378. On cloths, * * * made wholly or in part of wool * * * val- ued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following .substituted : Fae. JIOD. Wove7i fabrics, weighing more than four ounces per sqnare yard, tchoUy or in chief value of loool, valued at not more than 60 cents per pound, 26 cents per pound and JfO per centum ad valorem; valued at more than GO cents but not more than 80 cents per pound, 40 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem; valued at man' than 80 cents but not more than $1.50 per pound, 49 cents per pound upon the wool content thereof and 50 per centum ad valorem, valued at inor'e than $1.50 per pound, J/O cents per pound upon the wool content thereof and 50 per centum ad VQlorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 288. Cloths, ♦ * * wholly or in chief value of wool, not specially pro- vided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem; * * *, TARIFF ACIS COMPARED. 239 times the duty imposed by this section on a ]>ound of unwashed wool of the first class; valued at above forty cents per pound and not aboA^e seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, fifty per centum ad va- lorem; valued at over seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class and fifty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 379. On * * * flannels for un- derwear composed wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be the same as the duty imposed by this sec- tion on two pounds of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than forty cents and not more than fifty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad va- lorem. * * *. Par. 381. On women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, bunting, and goods of similar description or character composed wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in tliis section, the duty shall be eleven cents per square yard; and in addition thereto on all the foregoing valued at not above seventy cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem; valued above sev- enty cents per pound, fifty-five per cen- tum ad valorem: Provided, That on all the foregoing, weighing over four ounces per square yard, the duty shall be the same as imposed by this schedule on cloths. Par. 2S9. * * * flannels, composed wholly or in chief value of wool, 25 per centum ad valorem; flannels composed wholly or in chief value of wool, valued at above 60 cents per pound, 30 pei centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1110. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1110. Woven fabrics, wholly or in part of wool, which have been cut to garment or suiting lengths or which have been subject to the process of damping, sponging, or shrinking, shall pay, in ad- dition to the rates hereinbefore provided, 2 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. [No corresponding provision.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out. ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision. 240 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1111. JllO. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1111. Pile fabrics, cut or uncut, whether or not the pile covers the whole surface, made of wool or of which wool is a component material, whether or not constituting chief value, and manufac- tures, in any form, made or cut from such pile fabrics, 36 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 27^ per centum ad. valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 378. On * * * all manufac- tures of every description made wholly or in part of wool, not specially provided for in this section, valued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty im- posed by this section on a pound of un- washed wool of the first class; valued at above forty cents per pound and not above seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, fifty per centum ad valorem; valued at over seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class and fifty- five per centum ad valorem. Par. 443. Plushes * * * and man- ufactures thereof, composed of the hair of the camel, goat, alpaca, or any animal, combined with wool, vegetable fiber, or silk, shall be classified and dutiable aa manufactures of wool. SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. After " made " insert wholly or in chief value Cor of which wool is a component material, whether or not constituting chief value] C36 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 270 45 cents per pound and 50 ACT OF 1913. Par. 288. * * * plushes, velvets, and all other pile fabrics, cut or uncut, woven * * * whether or not the pile covers the entire surface, made wholly or in chief value of wool, and articles made wholly or in chief value of such plushes, velvets, or pile fabrics, 40 per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 309. Plushes, velvets, and all other pile fabrics, cut or uncut, woven * * * whether or not the pile covers the entire surface, made wholly or partly of the hair of the Angora goat, alpaca, or other like animals, and articles made wholly or in chief value of such plushes, velvets, or pile fabrics, 45 per centum ad valorem Par. 358. * * * coach, carriage, and automobile laces, * * * 60 per cen- tum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1112. 1111. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1112. Blankets, wholly or in part of wool, not exceeding three yards in length, plain woven, with not more than one color in warp or filling, and not ad- vanced l^eyond weaving by any process of finishing, valued at not more than 75 cents per pound, 20 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 20 per centum ad va- lorem; valued at more than 75 cents, but not more than $1.50 per pound, 25 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 20 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $l..oO per pound, .30 cents per pound and. in addition thereto, 20 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : P 1111. Blankets and similar articles, including carriage and auto- mobile rohes and steamer rugs, made of blanketing, wholly or in chief value of wool, not exceeding three yards in length, valued at not more than 50 cents per pound, 20 cents per pound and 30 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 50 cents but not more than $1 per pound, 30 cents per pound and 32i per centum ad valorem; valued at ynore than $1 but not more than $1.50 per pound, 33 cents per pound and 35 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.50 per pound, \o cents per pound and J/O per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 241 ACT OF 1909. Par. 379. On blankets. * * * com- posed wholly or in part of wool , valued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be the same as the duty imposed by this section on two pounds of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than forty cents and not more than fifty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwas'lied wool of the first claes, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On blankets composed wholly or in part of wool, val- ued at more than fifty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. * * * ACT OF 1913. Par. 289. Blankets * * * composed wholly or in chief value of wool, 25 per centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH 1113. llli H. R. 7456. American Valnation. Par. 1113. Felts, not woven, wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than 75 cents per pound, 20 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 20 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than 75 cents but not more than $1.50 per pound, 25 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 20 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.50 per pound, 30 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valnation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1112. Felts, not icoven, ivholly or in chief value of wool, valued at not more than 50 cents per pound, 20 cents per pound and SO per centum ad va- lorem; valued at more than 50 cents but not more than $1.50 per pound, 30 cents per pound and 35 per centum- ad valorem; valued at more than $1.50 per pound, 40 cents per pound and 40 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 382. On * * * felts not woven, and not specially provided for in this section, composed wholly or in part of wool, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto sixty per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1114. 1113. Par. 288. * * * felts not woven, * * * wholly or in chief value of wool, not specially provided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem; * * «. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1114. Fabrics with fast edges not exceeding twelve inches in width, and articles made therefrom; tubings, garters, suspenders, braces, cords, and cords and tassels; if wholly of wool, 36 cents per pound; if in part of wool, whether or not wool constitutes chief value, 25 cents per pound; and, in addition thereto on all the foregoing, 30 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1113. Fabrics with fast edges not exceeding ttcelve inches in width, and articles made therefrom; tubings, garters, suspenders, braces, cords, and cords and tassels; all the foregoing if wholly or in chief value of v:ool, 49 cents per pound upon the wool con- tent thereof and 50 per centum ad valorem. 242 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 383. Webbings, goiings, sus- penders, braces, bandings, beltings, bind- ings, * * * cords, cords and tassels, ribbons, * * * any of the foregoing made of wool or of which wool is a com- ponent material, whether containing India rubber or not, fifty cents per pound and sixty per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 292. Webbings, suspenders, braces, bandings, belts, beltings, bind- ings, cords, cords and tassels, and rib- bons; any of the foregoing made of wool or of which wool or wool and india rub ber are the component materials of chief value, and not specially provided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem. Par. 358. * * * coach, carriage, and automobile laces, * * * 60 per centum ad valorem. -, PARAGRAPH 1115. Un H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1115. Knit fabrics, made of wool or of which wool is a component part, whether or not constituting chief value, valued at not more than SI. 25 per pound, 25 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 20 per centum ad valorem: valued at more than $1.25 per pound, 36 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 25 per centum ad valorem. Hose and half hose, and gloves and mittens, made of wool or of wliich wool is a component part, whether or not con- stituting chief value, valued at not more than $3 per dozen pairs, 30 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 25 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $3 per dozen pairs, 36 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 30 per centum ad valorem. Knit underwear, finished or unfinished, made of wool or of which wool is a com- ponent part, whether or not constituting chief value, valued at not more than $2.50 per pound, 30 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 20 per centum ad valorem: valued at more than $2.50 per pound, 36 cents per pound and, in addi- tion thereto, 25 per centum ad valorem. Outerwear and other articles, knit or crocheted, finished or unfinished, made of wool or of which wool is a component part, whether or not constituting chief value, valued at not more than §2.50 per pound, 30 cents per pound and, in addi- tion thereto, 28 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $2.50 per pound, 36 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 33^ per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 378. On * * * knit fabrics * * ■* made wholly or in part of wool, not specially provided for in this section, valued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this section on a pound of unwashed wool of the first class; valued at above forty cents per SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. lllJf. Knit fabrics in the piece, ivhoUy or in chief value of icool, valued at not more than $1 per pound, 33 cents per pound and JfO per centum ad ralorem ; valued at more than $1 per pound, .'i9 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem. Hose and half hose, and (/loves and mittens, irholly or in chief value of ivool, valued at not more than $1.75 per dozen pairs, 39 cents per pound and 35 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.75 per dozen pairs, Jf9 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem. Knit undericear, finished or unfin- ished, wholly or in chief value of wool, valued at not more than $1.75 per pound, 39 cents per pound and 30 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1,75 per pound, 49 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem. Outerivear and other articles, knit or crocheted, pnished or unfinished, vholly or in chief value of wool, and not specially provided for. valued at not more than $1 per pound, 39 cents per pound and J/O per centum ad va- lorem; valued at more than $1 and not more than $2 per pound, J/Jf cents per pound and .}.5 per centum ad va- lorem ; valued at more than $2 per povnd, Jf9 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 288. * * * knit fabrics, * * * wholly or in chief value of wool, njt specially provided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem; * * * stockings, hose and half hose, made en knitting machines or frames, composed wholly or in chief value of wool, not specially provided for in this section, 20 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 243 pound and not above seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed l)y this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, fifty per centum ad valorem; valued at over seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this sec- tion on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class and fifty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 382. On * * * articles of wearing apparel of every description, in- cluding shawls whether knitted * * * and knitted articles of every description made up or manufactured wholly or in part * * * and not specially pro- vided for in this section, composed wholly or in part of wool, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty im- posed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto sixty per centum ad valorem. per centum ad valorem; stockings, hose and half hose, selvedged, fashioned, nar- rowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless stockings, hose and half hose, and clocked stockings, hose and half hose, gloves and mittens, all of the above, composed wholly or in chief value of wool, if valued at not more than $1.20 per dozen pairs, 30 per centum ad valorem; if valued at more than .$1.20 per do/en pairs, 40 per centum ad valorem; * * * Par. '291. * * * shawls * * * knitted * * * and knitted articles of every description made up or manufac- tured wholly or in part, and not specially provided for in this section, composed wholl}^ or in chief value of wool, 35 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1116. IIK H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1116. Clothing and articles of wearing apparel of every description, not knit or crocheted, manufactured wholly or in part, made of wool or of which wool is a component part, whether or not constituting chief value, valued at not more than $2.50 per pound, 20 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 25 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $2.50 but not more than $5 per pound, 25 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 25 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $5 per pound, 36 cents per pound and, in addition thereto, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 382. On clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, including shawls * * * woven, * * * and not specially pro- vided for in this section, composed wholly or in part of wool, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty im- posed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the fijat class, and in addition thereto sixty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. J 115. Clothing and articles of irearinr; apparel of every description, not k)iit or crocheted, manufactured ivhoUy or in part, composed tvholly or in chief value of wool, valued at not more than $2 per pound, 26 cents per pound and JfO per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $2 but not more than $Jf per pound, 33 cents per pound and Jfo per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $4 per pound, 49 cents per pound and 50 per centum, ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1913, Par. 291. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, including shawls * * * woven * * * made up or manufac- tured wholly or in part, and not specially provided for in this section, composed wholly or in chief value of wool, 35 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1117. 1116. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1117. Oriental, Axminster, Sa- vonnerie, Aubusson, and other carpets SENATE AMENDMENTS. ForeiKn Valuation. 244 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. and rugs, not made on a power-driven loom; carpets and rugs of oriental weave or weaves, produced on a power-driven loom; chenille Axminster carpets and rugs, whether woven as separate carpets and rugs or in rolls of any width; all the foregoing, plain or figured, 5 cents per square foot and, in addition thereto, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 384. Aubusson, Axminster, mo- quette, and chenille carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, sixty cents per square yard and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 391. Carpets of every description, woven whole for rooms, and Oriental, Ber- lin, Aubusson, Axminster, and similar rugs, ten cents per square foot and forty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That in the measurement of all mats, rugs, carpets and similar articles, of whatever material composed, the selvage, if any, shall be in- cluded. [5 cents per square foot and, in addi- tion thereto, 30] 55 ACT OF 1913. Par. 293. Aubusson, Axminster, mo- quette, and chenille carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, 35 per centum ad valorem. Par. 300. Carpets of every description, woven whole for rooms, and Oriental, Berlin, Aubusson, Axminister, and simi- lar rugs, 50 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1118. 1117. H. B. 7456. American Valaation. Par. 1118. Axminster carpets and rugs, not specially provided for, and carpets and rugs of like character or description, 2 cents per square foot; Wilton carpets and rugs, and carpets and ruga of like character or description, 3 cents per square foot; Brussels carpets and rugs, and carpets and rugs of like character or description, 2 cents per square foot; velvet and tapestry carpets and rugs, and carpets and rugs of like character or description, 1^ cents per square foot; and, in addition thereto, on all the fore- going, 25 per centum ad valorem. Ingrain carpets, and ingrain rugs or art squares, of whatever material com- posed, and carpets and rugs of like char- acter and description, not specially pro- vided for, 1 cent per square foot and, in addition thereto, 20 per centum ad valorem. All other floor coverings, including mats and druggets, not specially provided for. composed wholly or in part of wool, whether or not constituting chief value, 2 cents per square foot and, in addition thereto, 25 per centum ad valorem. Parts of any of the foregoing shall be dutiable at the rate provided for the complete article. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [Par. 1118. Axminster carpets and rugs, not specially provided for, and carpets and rugs of like character or description, 2 cents per square foot ; Wilton carpets and rugs, and carpets and rugs of like character or descrip- tion, 3 cents per square foot; Brussels carpets and rugs, and carpets and rugs of like character or description, 2 cents per square foot ; velvet and tapestry carpets and rugs, and carpets and rugs of like character or description, li cents per square foot ; and, in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, 25 per centum ad valorem.] Par. lin. Axminster carpets and rugs, not specially provided for ; Wil- ton carpets and rugs ; Brussels carpett and rugs; velvet and tapestry carpets and rugs; and carpets and rugs of like character or description, 40 per centum ad valorem. [and] or [1 cent per square foot and, in addi- tion thereto, 20] 25 [part] chief value [whether or not constituting chief val- ue, 2 cents per square foot and, in addi- tion thereto, 25] 30 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 245 ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 384. * * * Axminster, mo- quette, and chenille carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, sixty cents per square yard and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 385. Saxony, Wilton, and Tournay velvet carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, sixty cents per square yard and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 386. Brussels carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, forty-four cents per square yard and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 387. Velvet and tapestry velvet carpets, figured or plain, printed on the warp or otherwise, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, forty cents per square yard and in addi- tion thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 388. Tapestry Brussels carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpet- ing of like character or description, printed on the warp or otherwise, twenty- eight cents per square yard and in addi- tion thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 389. Treble ingrain, three-ply, and all chain Venetian carpets, twenty- two cents per square yard and in addition thereto 40 per centum ad valorem. Par. 390. Wool Dutch and two-ply in- grain carpets, 18 cents per square yard and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 392. Druggets and bockings, printed, colored, or otherwise, twenty- two cents per square yard and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Par. 393. Carpets and carpeting of wool, * * * not specially provided for in this section, * * * fifty per centum ad valorem. Par. 394. Mats, rugs for floors, * * * bedsides, art squares, and other portions of carpets or carpeting made wholly or in i)art of wool, and not specially provided or in this section, shall be subjected to the rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpetings of like character or descrip- tion. Par. 293. * * * Axminster, mo- quette, and chenille carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, 35 per centum ad valorem. Par. 294. Saxony, Wilton, and Tour- nay velvet carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, 30 per centum ad valorem. Par. 295. Brussels carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 296. Velvet and tapestry velvet carpets, figured or plain, printed on the warp or otherwise, and all carpets or car- peting of like character or description, 30 per centum ad valorem. Par. 297. Tapestry Brussels carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpet- ing of like- character or description, printed on the warp or otherwise, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 298. Treble ingrain, three-ply, and all-chain Venetian carpets, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 299. Wool Dutch and two-ply in- grain carpets, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 301. Druggets and bockings, printed, colored, ' or otherwise, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 302. Carpets and carpeting of wool * * * or composed in part of either of them [wool or cotton], not spe- cially provided for in this section, * * * 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 303. Mats, rugs for floors, * * * bedsides, art squares, and other portions of carpets or carpeting, composed wholly or in part of wool, and not specially pro- vided for in this section, shall be sub- jected to the rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpeting of like character or description. PARAGRAPH 1119. lllS. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 1119. Screens, hassocks, and all other articles composed wholly or in part of carpets or rugs, and not specially pro- vided for, 22 per centum ad valorem . Foreign Valuation. [22] 30 246 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 394. * * * screens, covers, has- socks, * * * made wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in this section, shall be subjected to the rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpetings of like character or description. ACT OF 1913. Par. 303. * * * screens, covers, h&n- socks, * * * composed wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in this section, shall be subjected to the rate of duty herein imposed on car- pets or carpeting of like character or de- scription. PARAGRAPH 1120. 1119. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 1120. All manufactures not spe- cially provided for, composed of wool or of which wool is a component part, whether or not constituting chief value, 25 per cen- tum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 378. On * * * all manufac- tures of every description made wholly or in part of wool, not specially pro\'ided for in this section, valued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this section on a pound of unwashed wool of the first class; valued at above forty cents per pound and not above seventy cents per pound, the duty per poi>id shall be four times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, fifty per centum ad valorem; valued at over seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class and fifty-five per centum ad va- lorem. Par. 379. * * * On blankets com- posed wholly or in part of wool, valued at more than fifty cents per pound, the duty per pound siiall be three times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. * * * Provided, That on blankets over three yards in length the same duties shall be paid as on cloths. PARAGRAPH 1121. 1120. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1119. All manufactures not specially provided for, ivholly or in chief value of icool, 55 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 288. * * * all manufactures of every description made, by any process' wholly or in chief value of wool, not specially pro\ided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 308. * * * and all manufac- tures of every description made by any process, wholly or in chief value of the hair of the Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals, not specially provided for in this section, 40 per centum ad valorem. Par. 289. Blankets, * * * com- posed wholly or in chief value of wool, 25 per centum ad valorem; * * *. American Valuation. Par. 1121. Whenever in this title the word "wool" is used in connection with a manufactured article of which it is a component material, it shall be held to Foreign Valuation. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 247 include wool or hair of the sheep, camel, Angora goat, alpaca, or other like animals, whether manufactured by the woolen, worsted, felt, or any other process. ACT OF 1909. Par. 395. Whenever, in any schedule of this Act, the word •'wool" is used in connection with a manufactured article of which it is a component material, it shall he held to include wool or hair of the fiheep, camel, jroat, alpaca or other animal, whether manufactured by the woolen, worsted, felt, or any other process. After "Angora goat," insert Cashmere goat, ACT OF 1913. Par. 304. Whenever in this section the word "wool '" is used in connection with a manufactured article of which it is a com- ponent material, it shall be held to in- clude wool or hair of the sheep, camel, or other like animals, whether manufac- tured by the woolen, worsted, felt, or any other process. PARAGRAPH 1122. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1122. All samples of manufac- tures of wool which are not admitted under bond for exportation within six months shall be subject to the same rates of duty and the same valuation as the manufactured articles which they are in- tended to represent. ACT OF 1909. [Xo corresponding provision.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out. ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision. Subsec. 4 of par. J of Section IV, however, ex- empts from duty "samples solely for use in taking orders for merchandise. "] SCHEDULE 12.— SILK AND SILK GOODS. PARAGRAPH 1201. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1201. Silk partiallj- manufactured from raw silk, waste silk, or cocoons, and silk noils exceeding two inches in length, not twisted or spun, 35 cents per pound: Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Schedule L. — Silks and Silk Goods. Par. 396. Silk partially manufactured from cocoons or from waste silk, and not further advanced or manufactured than carded or combed silk, thirty-five cents per pound. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1201. Silk partially manufac- tured, including total or partial de- gumming other than in the reeling proces.'i, from raw silk, tvaste silk, or cocoons, or kHJc and artificial silk, and silk noils exceeding tico inches in length; all the foregoing not ticisted or spun, 35 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Schedule L.— Silks and Silk Goods. Par. 311. Silk partially manufactured from coccons or frcm waste silk and not further advanced or manufactured than carded or combed silk, and silk noils ex- ceeding two inches in length, 20 cents per pound. 248 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1202. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1202. Spun silk or schappe silk yarn, and roving, in skeins, cops or warps, if not bleached, dyed, colored, or ad- vanced beyond the condition of singles, by grouping or twisting two or more yarns together on all numbers up to and includ- ing number 205, 45 cents per pound and in addition thereto ten one-hundredths of 1 cent per number per pound; exceeding number 205, 45 cents per pound, and in addition thereto fifteen one-hundredths of 1 cent per number per pound; if advanced beyond the condition of singles by group- ing or twisting two or more yarns together, at the rate on the single yarn and in addi- tion thereto 5 cents per pound cumula- tive; if bleached, dyed, or colored, at the rate on unbleached yarn and in addition thereto 10 cents per pound cumulative: Provided, That any of the foregoing on bobbins, spools, or beams shall pay the foregoing rates, according to the character of the yarn or roving, and in addition thereto 10 cents per pound: Provided further. That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 26 per centum ad valorem. In assessing duty on all spun silk or schappe silk yarn and roving, the number indicating the size of the yarn or roving shall be determined by the number of kilometers that weigh, one kilogram, and shall, in all cases, refer to the size of the singles: And provided further, That in no case shall the duty be assessed on a less number of yards than is marked on the skeins, bobbins, cops, spools, or beams. ACT OF 1900. Par. 397. Spun silk or schappe silk yarn, valued at not exceeding one dollar per pound, whether in singles, or ad- vanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more yarns together, thirty-five cents per pound; it valued at exceeding one dollar per pound, in the gray, in skeins, warps, or cops, if in singles or not advanced beyond the con- dition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more yarns together, on all num- bers up to and including number two hundred and five, forty-five cents per Eound, and in addition thereto ten one- undredths of one cent per number per SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " schappe silk yarn," insert or yarn of silk and artificial silk, [singles,] singles [together] together, [l)ound] pound. [at the] the specific [at the] the specific After " foregoing " insert specific £Prot-ided further, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 26 per centum ad valorem.] Provided further, That none of the foregoing single yarn or roving shall pay a less rate of duty than JfO per Centum ad valorem: And provided further, That none of the foregoing two or more ply yarn shall pay a less rate of duty than Jf5 per centum ad valorem. After " yarn " insert , or yarn of silk and artificial silk. ACT OF 1913. Par. 312. Spun silk or schappe silk yarn, 35 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 249 pound; exceeding number two hundred and five, forty-five cents per pound, and in addition thereto fifteen one-hundredths of one cent per number per pound: if advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more yarns together, on all numbers up to and includ- ing number two hundred and five, fifty cents per po\md, and in addition thereto ten one-hundredths of one cent per num- ber per pound; exceeding number two hundred and five, fifty cents per pound, and in addition thereto fifteen one-hun- dredths of otie cent per number per pound; if valued at exceeding one dollar per pound, in the gray, on bobbins, spools, or beams, if in singles or not advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more yarns together, on all numbers up to and includ- ing number two hundred and five, fifty- five cents per pound, and in addition thereto ten one-hundredths of one cent Eer number per pound; exceeding num- er two hundred and five, fifty-five cents per pound, and in addition thereto fifteen one-hundredths of one cent per number per pound; if advanced beyond the con- dition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more yarns together, on all num- bers up to and including number two hundred and five, sixty cents per pound, and in addition thereto ten one-hun- dredths of one cent per number per pound; exceeding number two hundred and five, sixty cents per pound, and in addition thereto fifteen one-hundredths of one cent per number per pound; if valued at exceeding one dollar per pound, colored, bleached, or dyed, in skeins or warps, if in singles or not advanced beyond the condition of singles by group- ing or twisting two or more yarns together, on all numbers up to and including number two hundred and five, fifty-five cents per pound, and in addition thereto ten one-hundredths of one cent per num- ber per pound; exceeding number two hundred and five, fifty-five cents per pound, and in addition thereto fifteen one-hundredths of one cent per number per pound; if advanced beyond the con- dition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more yarns together, on all num- bers up to and including number two hundred and five, sixty cents per pound, and in addition thereto ten one-hun- dredths of one cent per number per pound; exceeding number two hundred and five, sixty cents per pound, and in addition thereto fifteen one-hundredths of one cent per number per pound; if valued at exceeding one dollar per pound, colored, bleached, or dyed, on bobbins, cops, spools, or beams, if in singles or not advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more yarnB 250 TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED, together, on all numbers up to and in- cluding number two hundred and five, sixty-five cents per pound, and in addi- tion thereto ten one-hundredths of one cent per number per pound; exceeding number two hundred and five, sixty-fi've cents j)er pound, and in addition thereto fifteen one-hundredths of one cent per number per pound; if advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more yarns together, on all numbers up to and including number two hundred and five, se\ enty cents per pound, and in addition thereto ten one- hundredths of one cent per number per pound; on all numbers exceeding number two hundred and five, seventy cents per pound, and in addition thereto fifteen one-hundredths of one cent per num()er per pound. In assessing duty on all spun silk or schappe silk yarn, the number indicating the size of the yarn shall be taken according to the metric or French BVstem, and shall, in all cases, refer to the size of the singles: Provided, That in no case shall the duty be assessed on a less number of yards than is marked on the skeins, bobbins, cops, spools, or beams. But in no case shall any of the goods enumerated in this paragraph pay less rate of duty than tliirty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1203. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1203. Thrown silk in the gum, if singles, 50 cents per pound; if tram, 75 cents per pound; any of the foregoing con- taining more than thirty turns of twist per inch, and organzine, $1 per pound; if un- gummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture, in addition to the rates herein provided, 50 cents per pound; Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 12^ per centum ad valorem. In no case shall the duty be assessed on a less number of yards than is marked on the goods as imported. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1203. Throicn silk not more adryniced than singles, tram, or or- (/(liizine, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 398. Thrown silk in the gum, if singles, fifty cents per pound; if tram, seventy-five cents per pound; if organ- zine, one dollar per pound; and if un- gummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture, in addition to the rates herein provided, fifty cents per pound. * * *. Par. 313. Thrown silk not more ad- vanced than singles, tram, or organzine, * * * 15 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 251 PARAGRAPH 1204. H. R. 7456, American Valuation. Par. 1204. Sewing silk, twist, flo.'is, and silk threads or yarns of any description, made from raw silk, not specially pro- vided for, if in the gum, $\ per pound: Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 20 per centum ad valorem; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced hy any pro- cess of manufacture, ?l.5() per pound: Providrd, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 26 per centum ad valorem. In no case shall the duty be assessed on a less number of yards than is marked on the goods as imported. ACT OF 1909. Par. 398. * * * Sewing silk, twist, floss, and silk threads or yarns of any description made from raw silk, not spe- cially provided for in this section, if in the gum, one dollar per pound; if ungummed wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture, one dollar and fifty cents per pound : Provided, That in no case shall duty be assessed on a less number of yards than is marked on the ekeins, bobbins, cops, spools, or beams. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [: Provided, That none of the fore- going shall pay a less rate of duty than 2(1 per centum ad valorem] T)ut not Icxx than 3.') per centum ad raloreni ; C: Provided, That none of the fore- going shall pay a less rate of duty than 26 per centum ad valorem.] hut not less thuii J/O per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 313. * * * sewing silk, twist, floss, and silk threads or yarns of every description made from raw silk, 15 per centum ad valoren. PARAGRAPH 1205. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1205. Woven fabrics in the piece, composed wholly or of chief value of silk, if dyed in the thread or yarn, and the weight is not increased in dyeing beyond the original weight of raw silk, if contain- ing not more than 30 per centum in silk, $1.25 per pound; if containing more than 30 per centum but not more than 45 per centum in weight of silk, $1.60 per pound; if containing more than 45 per centum in weight of silk, $3 per pound; if weight is increased in dye- ing beyond the original weight of raw Bilk; if weighing more than one-third of one ounce but not more than one ounce per square yard, if black (except sel- vedges), $2.25 per pound; if other than black, $3 per pound; if weighing more than one ounce but not more than one and or i- third ounces per square yard, if black (e icept selvedges), $2 per pound; if other tha-n l)lack, $2.75 per pound; if weighing more than one and one-third but not more than one and two-thirds ounces per square yard, if black (except selvedges), $1.80 per pound; if other than black, $2.50 per pound; if weighing more than one and SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph stiiick out and the following substituted : Par. 1205. Woven fabrics in the piece, composed icholly or in chief value of silk, not specifically provided for, 55 per cent ad valorem,. 252 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. two-thirde but not more than two ounces per square yard, if black (except sel- vedges), $1.65 per pound; if other than black, $2.25 per pound; if weighing more than two but not more than eight otwices per square yard, and if containing not more than 30 per centum in weight of silk, if black (except selvedges), 75 cents per pound; if other than black, 90 cents per pound; if containing more than 30 per centum but not more than 45 per centum in weight of silk; if black (except sel- vedges), $1.10 per pound; if other than black, $1.30 per pound; if containing more than 45 per centum in weight of silk, but not more than 60 per centum, if black (except selvedges), $1.40 per pound; if other than black, $1.60 per pound; if containing more than 60 per centum in weight of silk, or if composed wholly of silk, and if ha\dng not more than four hundred and forty single threads to the inch in the warp; if black (except selvedges), $1.50 per pound; if other than black, $2 per pound; if ha\'ing more than four hundred and forty, but not more than six hdndred single threads to the inch in the warp, if black (except sel- vedges), $1.65 per pound; if other than black, $2.25 per pound; if having more than six hundred but not more than seven hundred and sixty single threads to the Inch in the warp, if black (except sel- vedges), $1.80 per pound; if other than black, $2.50 per pound; if having more than seven hundred and sixty, but not more than nine hundred and twenty single threads to the inch in the warp, if black (except selvedges), $2 per pound; if other than black, $2.75 per pound; if having more than nine hundred and twenty single threads to the inch in the warp, if black (except selvedges), $2.25 per pound; if other than black, $3 per pound ; if weighing more than 8 ounces per square yard, 33J per centum ad valorem. Woven fabrics in the piece, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, not specially provided for, weighing not more than one-third of one ounce per square yard, $4 per pound; weighing more than one-third of one ounce, but not more than two-thirds of one ounce per square yard, if in the gum, $3 per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, $3.25 per pound; if further advanced by any process of manu- facture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, $3.50 per pound; if weighing more than two-thirds of one ounce, but not more than one ounce per square yard, if in the gum, $2.65 per pound; if un- gummed, wholly or in part, $3 per pound; if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, $3.25 per pound; if weighing more than one ounce, but not TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 253 more than one and one-third ounces per square yard, if in the gum, $2.50 per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, $2.85 per pound; if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, $3.10 per pound; if weighing more than one and one-third ounces, hut not more than two and one-half ounces, and if containing not more than 20 per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, 75 cents per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, 85 cents per pound; if containing more than 20 per centum, but not more than 30 per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, 85 cents per pound: if un- gummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, $1.10 per pound; if containing more than 30 per centum, but not more than 40 per centumin weight of silk, if in the gum, .?1.05 per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, $1.25 per pound; if containing more than 40 per centum, but not more than 50 per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, $1.25 per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, $1.50 per pound; if containing more than 50 per centum in weight of silk or if wholly of silk, if in the gum, $2.50 per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or other- wise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, $3 per pound; if weighing more than two and one-half ounces, but not more than eight ounces per square yard, and if containing not more than 20 per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, 57^ cents per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, 70 cents per pound; if containing more than 20 per centum but not more than 30 per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, 75 cents per pound; if un- gummed. wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, 90 cents per pound; if containing more than 30 per centum, but not more than 40 per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, 90 cents per pound; if un- gummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, $1.10 per pound; if containing more than 40 per centum, but not more than 103791—22 17 254 TARIFF ACTS OUrPAHKH. 50 per cenluni in weight of silk, if in the gum. $1.10 ppr pound: if unpunimed. wholly or in part, or if further advancod by any i>roc('Pf of manufacture or other- wise, or if dyed or j)rinti-d in the piece, fl.MO per pound; if containing more than 50 j)er centum in weight oi silk, or if wholly of silk, if in the gum. $2.25 per pound; if ungunimed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture, or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, $2.75 per pound. Woven fabrics in the piece, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, having threads or yarns whether in the warp or tilling containing more than thirty turns of twist to the inch, or woven on Jacquard looms, or ha\ ing more than one color in the lilling. shall pay. in addition to the foregoing specific rates, 25 cents per pound. " None of the foregoing fabrics in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than 31 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 399. * * * Woven fabric sin the piece, composed wholly or in chief Aalue of eilk, not specially proWded for in this sec- tion, weighing not more than one-third of one ounce per square yard, four dollars per pound; weighing more than one-third of one ounce, but not more than two-thirds of one ounoe per square yard; if in the gum, three dollars per pound; if un- gummed, wholly or in part, three dollars and twenty-five cents per pound; if further advanced by any process of man- ufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed ]fl. the piece, three dollars and fifty cents per pound; if weighing more than two-thirds of one ounce but not more than one ounce per square yard; if in the gum, two dollars and sixty-five cents per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, three dollars per pound; if further ad- vanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, three dollars and twent>-five cents per pound; if weighing more than one ounce but not more than one and one- third ounces per square yard; if in the gum, two dollars and fifty cents per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, two dollars and eighty-five cents per pound ; if further advanced l)y any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, three dollars and ten cents per pound; if weighing more than one and one-third ounces, but not niore than two and one-half ounces, and if containing not more than twenty per centum in .weight of silk, if in the "gum, seventy cents per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or other- wise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, eighty-five cents per pound; if containing ACT OF 1913. Par. 318. Woven fabrics, in the piece or otherwise, of which silk is the com- ponent material of chief value, * * * not specially provided for in this section, 45 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARKD, 2f)i> more than twenty per centum, l>iit not more than thirty per centum in weight of ailk; if in the gum, eighty-five cents per pound; if ungummed. wholly or in part, or if further adAanced l«y any proc- ess of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, one dollar and ten cents per pound; if containing more than thirty per centum, lut not more than forty per centum in weight of silk; if in the gum, one dollar and five cents per pound; if ungummed. Avholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, one dollar and twent>--five cents per pound; if con- taining more than forty per centum, lait not more than fifty per centum in weight of silk; if in the gum, one dollar and twenty-five cents per pound; if un- gummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, one dollar and fifty cents per pound; if containing more than fiftv per centum in weight of silk or if wholly of silk; if in the gum, two dollars and fifty cents per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, three dollars per pound ; if weighing more than two and one-half ounces, but not more than eight ounces per square yard, and if containing not more than twenty per centum in weight of silk; if in the gum, fifty-seven and one-half cents per pound ; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of man- ufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, seventy cents per pound; if containing more than twenty per centum, Imt not more than thirty per centum in weight of silk; if in the gum, seventy-five cents per pound; if ungummed, wholly or in part, or if further ad^'anced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, ninety cents per pound; if containing more than thirty per centum, but not more than forty per centum in weight of silk; if in the gum, ninety cents per pound; if un- gummed, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by anv ])rocess of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, one dollar and ten cents per pound; if containing more than forty per centum, 1)ut not more than fifty per cen- tum in weight of silk; if in the gum, one dollar and ten cents per pound; if un- gumnied, wholly or in part, or if further advanced by any process of manufacture or otherwise, or if dyed or printed in the piece, one dollar and thirty cents per pound; if containing more tlian fifty per centum in weight of silk, or if wholly 256 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. silk; if in the^'i'ii, two dollars and twenty- five cents per pound; if nngumnied^ wholly or in part, or if further advanred by any process of inanr.factiire or other- ^vi8e, or if dyed or printed in the }>iece, two dollars and 8e\enty-fi\"e cents per pound. * * * Woven fabrics in the piece, compesed wholly or of chief value of silk, if dyed in the thread or yarn, and the weight is not increased in dye- ing beyond the original weight of raw silk, if containing less than thirty per centum in silk, one dollar and twenty- five cents per pound; if containing more than thirty per centum but not more than forty-five per centum in weight of silk, one dollar and sixty cents per pound ; if containing more than forty-five per centum in weight of silk, three dollars per pound: if weight is increased in dyeing beyond the original weight of raw silk; if weighing more than one-third of one ounce, but not more than one ounce, per square yard; if black f except sel- , vedges), two dollars and twenty-five cents per pound; if other than black, three dollars per pound ; if weighing more than one ounce, but not more than one and one-third ounces per square yard; if black (except selvedges), two dollars per pound; if other than black, two dollars and seventy-five cents per pound; if weighing more than one and one-third but not more than one and two-thirds ounces per square yard; if black (except selvedges), one dollar and eighty cents per pound; if other than black, two dollars and fifty cents per pound; if weighing more than one and two-thirds but not more than two ounces per square yard; if black (except selvedges), one dollar and sixty-five cents per pound; if other than black, two dollars and twenty-five cents per pound; if weighing more than two but not more than eight ounces per square yard, and if containing not more than thirty per centum in weight of silk; if black ( except selvedges ), seventy-five cents per pound; if other than black, ninety cents per pound; if containing more than thirty per centum but not more than forty-five per centum in Weight of silk; if black (except sel- vedges), one dollar and ten cents per pound; if other than black, one dollar and thirty cents per pound; if containing more than forty-five per centum in weight of silk, but not more than sixtv per centum; if black (except selvedges), one dollar and forty cents per pound; if other than black, one dollar and sixty cents per pound; if containing more than sixty per centum in weight of silk, or if composed wholly of silk, and if having not more than four hundred and fortv TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 257 sina'le threads to the inch in the warp; if black (except selved?es\ one dollar and fifty cents per pound; if other than black, tAVo dollars per pound; if havinj; more than four hundred and forty, but not more than six hundred single threads to the inch in the Avrrp; if black (except selvedges), one dollar and sixty-five cents per pound; if other than black, two dol- lars and twenty-five cents per pound; if having more than six hundred, but not more than seven hundred and sixty single threads to the inch in the warp; if black (except selvedges), one dollar and eighty cents per pound; if other than black, two dollars and fifty cents per pound; if having more than seven hundred and sixty, but not more than nine hundred and twenty single threads to the inch in the warp; if black (except selvedges), two dollars per pound; if other than black, two dollars and se"^'enty-five cents per pound; if having more than nine hundred and twenty single threads to the inch in the warp; if black (except sel- vedges), two dollars and twenty-five cents per pound; if other than black, three dollars per pound; if printed in the warp and weighing not more than one and one-third ounces per square yard, three dollars and tif ty cents per pound ; weighing more than one and one-third but not more than two ounces per square yard, three dollars and tweuty-five cents per pound; weighing more than two ounces per square yard, two dollars and seventy-five cents per pound. But in no case shall any goods made on Jacquard looms or any goods contain- ing more than one color in the tilling, or any of the goods enumerated in this para- graph, including such as ha"\ e India rub- ber as a com^i^onent material, pay a less rate of duty than forty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1206. H. il. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. ] 206. Plushes, cut or uncut, com- Entire paragraph struck out and posed wholly or in chief value of silk, the following substituted: weighing not less than nine and one-half I'ai:. J206. Pluslies, Including such ounces per square yard, $1 per pound; as are commcrciallv known as hatter's weighing less than nine and one-half plush, velvets, chenilles, velvet or ounces per square yard, $2.40 per pound: phish ribhons, and ■ nil other pile Provided, That none of the foregoing faDrics. cut or uncut, composed wholly shall pay a less rate of duty than 33J per or in chief value of silk, GO per cen- centum ad valorem. Velvets, chenilles, fym ad valorem. and other pile fabrics, not specially pro- vided for, cut or uncut, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, weighing not less than five and three-fourths ounces per square yard, |1. 50 per pound; weigh- ing less than five and three-fourths ounces per square yard, but not less than 258 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. four ounces, if all the filling is not cotton, $2.75 per pound ; if all the tilling is cotton, $2 per pound; all the foregoing weighing less than four ounces per square yard, $4 per pound: Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 33J per centum ad valorem. Measure- ments to ascertain widths of goods for determining weight per square yard of the foregoing articles shall not include the [selvedges,] but the duty shall be levied upon the total weight of goods, including the [selvedges.] The distinction between "■ plushes" and "velvets" shall be determined by the length of the pile; those having pile exceeding one-seventh of one inch in length to be taken as "plushes"; those having pile one-seventh of one inch or less in length shall be taken as "velvets." The distance from the end of the pile to the bottom of the tirst binding pick shall be considered as the length of the pile. Velvet or plush ribbons, and all other pile fabrics, cut or uncut, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, not specially provided for, not over twelve inches and not less than three-fourths of one inch in width, containing no silk except that in the pile and selvedges; if black, $1.60 per pound; if other" than black, $1.75 per pound; if containing silk other than that in the pile and selvedges; if black. $2 per pound; if other than black. $2.25 per pound; for each one- fourth of one inch or fraction thereof, less than three-fourths of one inch in width, there shall be paid in addition to the above rates, 40 cents per pound: Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 33^ per cen- tum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 399. Velvets, chenilles, and other pile fabrics, not specially pro\ided for in this section, cut or imcut, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, weighing not less than five and three-fourths ounces per square yard, one dollar and fifty cents per pound; weighing less than five and three-fourths ounces per square yard, but not less than foiu ounces, or if all the filling is not cotton, two dollars and seventy-five cents per poimd; if all the filling is cotton, two dollars per pound: all the foregoing weighing leas than four ounces to the square yard, four dollars per pound. Plushes, cut or uncut, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, weighing not less than nine and one-half ounces per square yard, one dollar per poimd; weighing less than nine and one-half ounces per square yard, two dollars and forty cents per pouiul. Measurements to ascertain widths of ACT OF 1913. Par. 314. Velvets, plushes, chenilles, velvet or plush ribbons, or other pile fabrics, composed of silk or of which silk is the component material of chief value, 50 per centum ad valorem. Par. 358. * * * coach, carriage, and automobile laces, * * * 60 per cen- tum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 259 goods for determining weight per square yard of the foregoing article3 shall not include the selvedges, but the duty shall be levied upon the total weight of goods, including the selvedges. The distinc- tion between ''plushes'' and "velvets" shall be determined by the length of the pile; those having pile exceeding one- seventh of one inch in length, to be taken as "plushes"; those having pile one- seventh of one inch or less in length, shall be taken as "velvets." The dis- tance from the end of the pile to the bottom of the tirst binding pick shall be • considered as the length of the pile. Velvet or plush riljljons. or other pile fabrics not over twelve inches and not less than three-fourths of one inch in width, cut or uncut, of which silk is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, containing no silk except that in the pile and selvedges; if black, one dollar and sixty cents per pound; if other than black, one dollar and seventy-live cents per pound; if containing silk other than that in the pile and selvedges; if black, two dollars per pound ; if other than black, two dollars and twenty-five cents per pound; for each one-fourth of one inch or fraction thereof, less than three-fourths of one inch in width, there shall be paid in addition to the at>ove rates, forty cents per pound. * * * But in no case shall any goods made on Jacqaard looms or any of the goods containing more than one color in the filling, or any of the goods enumerated in this paragraph, including such as have India rubber as a component material, pay a less rate of duty than forty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1207. H. K. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Pah. 1207. Fabrics with fast edges, wholly or in chief value of silk, not ex- ceeding twelve inches in width, including ribbons, and articles made therefrom, tubings, garters, suspenders, braces, cords, tassels, and cords and tassels; all the foregoing composed wholly or in chief value of silk or silk and india rubber, if After " or " insert of [ifj not embroidered in any manner by hand or machinery, and not specially pro\-ided for, 33^ per centum ad valorem. [330 55 ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 401. Ribbons, bandings, includ- Par. 316. Ribbons, bamdinga, includ- ing hatbands, beltings, bindings, all of ing hatbands, belts, beltings" bindings, the foregoing not exceeding twelve inches all of the foregoing not exceeding twelve in width, and if with fast edges, bone cas- inches in width and if with fast edges, ings, braces, cords, cords and tassels, gar- bone casings, braces, cords, cords and tas- ters, gorings, suspenders, tubings, and sels, garters, suspenders, tubings, and webs and webbings, composed wholly or webs and webbings; all the foregoing 260 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. in chief value of silk, and whether com- posed in any part of India rubber or other- wise, if not embroidered in any manner, by hand or machinery, fifty per centum ad valorem. made of silk or of Avhich silk or silk and india rubber are the component materials of chief value, if not embroidered in any manner, and not specially provided for in this section, 45 per centum ad valorem. Par. 358. * * * coach, carriage, and automobile laces, * * * 60 per cen- tum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1208. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1208. Knit fabrics, in the piece, composed wholly or in chief value of Bilk, 35 per centum ad valorem; knit underwear, hose, half hose, and gloves, finished or unfinished, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, 40 per centum ad valorem; outerwear and other goods, knit or crocheted, finished or unfinished, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, 40 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 402. * * * clothing ready made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, including knit goods, made up or mamifactured in whole or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufac- turer; all of the foregoing composed of silk, or of silk and metal, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, whether in part of India rubber or other- wise * * * not speically pro\dded for in this section * * * sixty per cen- tum ad valorem: Provided, That articles composed wholly or in chief value of any of the materials or goods dutiable under this paragraph shall pay not less than the rate of duty imposed upon such materials or goods by this section: * * *. Par. 403. All manufacturers of silk, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, including such as have India rubber as a component material, not specially pro\'ided for in this section, fifty per centum ad valorem: * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [35] [40] 60 [40] 6$ ACT OF 1913. Par. 317. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every de- scription, including knit goods, made up or manufactured in whole or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer; all the foregoing composed of silk or of which silk or silk and india rubber are the component materials of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 50 per centum ad valorem. Par. 3 Is. * * * manufactures of silk, or of which silk or silk and india rubber are the component materials of chief value, not specially pro\ided for in this section, 45 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1209. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 1209. Handkerchiefs, and woven mufflers, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, finished or unfinished, not hemmed, 33J per centum ad valorem; hemmed or hemstitched, 40 per centum ad valorem. Foreign Valuation. [33 O 55 [40] GO TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 261 ACT OF 1909. Par. 400. Handkerchiefs or mufflers omposed wholly or in chief A-ahie of ciilk, finished or unfinished, if cut, not hemmed or hemmed only, shall pay fifty per centum ad valorem; if such handker- chiefs or mufflers are hemstitched or imi- tation hemstitched, * * * sixty per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 315. Handkerchiefs or mufflers composed wholly or in chief value of silk, finished or unfinished; if cut, not hemmed or hemmed only, 40 per centum ad Aalorem; if hemstitched or imitation hemstitched, * * * hut not embroid- ered in any manner with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, 50 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1210. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1210. Shirt collars, composed in whole or in part of silk, whether natural or artificial, 50 cents per dozen and 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out, thus placing silk collars under paragraph 1212. ACT OF 1913. Par. 402. * * * clothing ready made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, * * * made up or manufactured in whole or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer; all of the foregoing composed of silk, * * * or of which silk is the component mate- rial of chief value, * * * not spe- cially provided for in this section, * * * sixty per centum ad Aalorem: Proiiflcd. That articles composed wholly or in chief value of any of the materials or goods dutiable imder this paragraph shall pay not less than the rate of duty imposed upon such materials or goods by this sec- tion: * * *. Par. 405. * * * articles * * * composed wholly or in chief value of yarns, threads, filaments, or fibers of artificial or imitation silk or of artificial or imitation horsehair, by whatever name known, and by whatever process made, forty-five cents per pound, and in addi- tion thereto, sixty per centimi ad valorem. Par. 317. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every de- scription, * * * rnade up or manu- factured in whole or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer; all the fore- going composed of silk or of which silk * * * are the cojnponent materials of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 50 per centum ad valorem. Par. 319. * * * _ articles * * * composed wholly or in chief value of yarns, threads, filaments, or fillers of arti- ficial or imitation silk or of artificial or imitation horsehair * * * by what- ever name known, and by whatever proc- ess made, 60 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1211. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1211. Shirts, for men and boys, in whole or in part of silk, whether natural or artificial, 40 per centum ad valorem, but not less than 10 per centum in ad- dition to the duty on the component materials. ACT OF 1909. Par. 402. * * * clothing ready made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description. * * * made up or manufactured in whole or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer; all of SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out. thus placing silk shirts under paragraph 1212. ACT OF 1913. Par. 317. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every de- scription, * * * made up or manu- factured in whole or in part by the tailor , seamstress, or manufacturer; all the fore- 262 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. the foregoing composed of silk, * * * or of which silk is the component material of chief value. * * * not specially provided for in this section, * * * sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That articles composed wholly or in chief value of any of the materials or goods dutiable under this paragraph shall pay not less than the rate of duty imposed upon such materials or goods by this section: * * » . Par. 405. * * * articles * * * composed wholly or in chief value of yarns, threads, filaments, or fibers of artificial or imitation silk or of artificial or imitation horsehair, by whatever name known, and by whatever process made, forty-five cents per pound, and in ad- dition thereto, sixty per centum ad valorem. going composed of silk or of which silk * * * are the component materials of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 50 per centum ad valorem. Par. 319. * * * articles * * * composed wholly or in chief value of yarns, threads, filaments, or fibers of artificial or imitation silk or of artificial or imitation horsehair * * * by whatever name known, and by whatever process made, 60 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1212. 1210. H. B. 7466. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. fready-made.J Par. 1212. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every de- scription, not knit or crocheted, manu- factured wholly or in part, composed wholly or in chief value of silk, and not specially provided for, 40 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That articles com- posed wholly or in chief value of any of the materials or goods dutiable under this paragraph shall pay not less than the rate of duty imposed upon such materials or goods by this title. ACT OF 1909. Par. 402. * * * clothing ready made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, * * * made up or man- ufactured in whole or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer; all of the foregoing composed of silk or of silk and metal, or of which silk is the com- ponent material of chief value, whether in part of India rubber or otherwise, * * * not specially proAided for in this section, * * * sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That articles com- posed wholly or in chief value of any of the materials or goods dutiable under this paragraph shall pay not less than the rate of duty imposed upon such materials or goods by t.big sprtion: * * *. PARAGRAPH 1213. 1211. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [40J 60 Proviso omitted. ACT OF 1913. Par. 317. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every de- scription, .* * * made up or manu- factured in whole or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer; all the fore- going composed of silk or of which silk or silk and india rubber are the component materials of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 50 per centum ad valorem. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1213. All manufactures of silk, or of which silk is the component mate- rial of chief value, not specially pro- vided lor, 35 per centum ad valorem. [35] 60 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 263 ACT OF 1013. Par. 318. * * * all manufactures of silk, or of which silk or silk and india rubber are the component materials of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 45 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1009. Par. 403. All manufactures of silk, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, including such as have India rubber as a component material, not specially provided for in this sec- tion, lifty per centum ad valorem: Pro- vided, That all manufactures of silk enu- merated under any paragraph of this schedule, if composed in any part of wool, shall be classified and assessed for duty as manufactures of wool. PARAGRAPH 1214. 1212. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 1214. In ascertaining the weight or number of silk under the provisions of this title, either in the threads, yarns, or fabrics, the weight or number shall be taken in the condition in which found in the goods, without deduction there- from for any dye, coloring matter, or moisture, or other foreign substance or material. The number of single threads to the inch in the warp provided for in thi.s title shall be determined by the number of spun or reeled singles of which such single or two or more ply threads are com- posed. ACT OF 1909. Par. 404. In ascertaining the weight of silk under the provisions of this sched- ule, either in the threads, yarns, or fabrics, the weight shall be taken in the condition in which found in the goods, without deductions therefrom for any dye, coloring matter, or other foreign substance or material. The number of single threads to the inch in the warp provided for in this schedule shall be determined by the number of spun or reeled singles of which such single or two or more ply threads are composed. Foreign Valuation. [title] schedule ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.] PARAGRAPH 1215. 1.113. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1215. Yarns, threads, filaments, and lame, of artificial or imitation silk, or of artificial or imitation horsehair, or of the waste of such materials, by whatever name known, and by whatever process made, if singles, 45 cents per pound; if tram, 50 cents per pound; if organzine, 60 cents per pound; Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than 23 per centum ad valorem. Knit goods, ribbons, and other fabrics SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1213. Artificial silk vxiste, 10 per centum ad valorem ; artificial .'?i1k ira.ste, not further advanced than slii'er or roving, 20 cents per pound, but not less than 25 per centum ad valorem; yarns made from artificial silk waste, if singles, 25 cents per pound: if advanced beyond the condi- tion of singles by grouping or twist- ing tico or more yarns together, SO cents per pound : yarns, threads, and 264 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. and articles composed wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing, 45 centa per pound, and in addition thereto 37^ per centum ad valorem. ACT OT 1909. P.VR. 405. Yarns, threads, filaments of artificial or imitation silk, or of artificial or imitation horsehair, by whatever name known, and by whatever process made, if in the form of singles, forty-five cents per pound; if in the form of tram, fifty cents per pound; if in the form of organ- zine, sixty cents per i^ound: Provided, That in no case shall any yarns, threads, or filaments of artificial or imitation silk or imitation horsehair, or any yarns, threads, or filaments made from waste of such materials, pay a less rate of duty than thirty per centum ad valorem; * * * beltings, cords, tassels, ribbons, or other articles or fabrics composed wholly or in chief value of yarns, threads, filaments, or fibers of artificial or imita- tion silk or of artificial or imitation horse- hair, by whatever name known, and by whatever process made, forty-five cents per pound, and in addition thereto, sixty per centum ad valorem. phniicnts of artificial or imitation silk, or of artificial or imitation iinrse- liair, hji wliatrver name kuoirn ami fill vhatcrcr proccaf^ made, if sinffles, JfO cents per povnd ; if advanced he- yond the condition of singles by aroupiny or ticistiny tiro or more yarns ioyether, oO cents per pound; products of ceUulose, not compounded, ifJietJier knoicn as risca, cellophane, or by any other name, such as are ordinarily used in braidiny or v:enviny and, in imitation of silk, stratv, or similar substances, 55 cents per pound; but none of the foregoing yarns, threads, or filaments, or prod- ucts of cellulose shall pay a less rate of duty than 35 per centum ad ra- Jorem. Knit goods, ribbons, and other fabrics and articles composed ivholly or in chief value of any of the fore- going. .'i5 cents per pound and 60 per centum ad valorem ACT OF 1913. Par. 319. Yarns, threads, filaments of artificial or imitation silk, or of artificial or imitation horsehair, by whatever name known, and by whatever process made, 35 per centum ad valorem; beltings, cords, tassels, ribbons, or other articles or fabrics composed wholly or in chief value of yarns, threads, filaments, or fibers of artificial or imitation silk or of artificial or imitation horsehair, or of yarns, threads, filaments or fibers of artificial or imitation silk, or of artificial or imitation horsehair and india rubber, by whatever name known, and by whatever process made, 60 per centum ad valorem. SCHEDULE 13.— PAPERS, AND BOOKS. PARAGRAPH 1301. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1301. Printing paper, not spe- cially provided for, one-fourth of 1 cent per pound and 10 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That if any country, depend- ency, provdnce, or other subdivision of government shall forbid or restrict in any way the exportation of (whether by law, order, regulation, contractual relation, or otherwise, directly or indirectly), or im- pose any export duty, export license fee, or other export charge of any kind what- soever (whether in the form of additional charge or license fee or otherwise) upon printing paper, wood pulp, or wood for use m the manufacture of wood pulp, the President may enter into negotiations wdth such country, dependency, prov- ince, or other subdivision of governnient to secure the removal of such prohibition, restriction, export duty, or other export charge, and if it is not removed he may, by proclamation, declare such failure of aegotiations, setting forth the facts. Thereupon, and until such prohibition, restriction, export duty, or other export charge is removed, there shall be imposed upon printing paper provided for in this paragraph, when imported either directly or indirectly from such country, depend- ency, province, or other subdivision of government, an additional duty of 10 per centum ad valorem and in addition there- to an amount equal to the highest export duty or other export charge imposed by such country, dependency, pro^■ince, or other subdivision of government, upon either an equal amount of printing paper or an amount of wood pulp or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp neces- sary to manufacture such printing paper. ACT OF 1909. Schedule M. — Pulp, Papers, and Books. Par. 409. Printing paper (other- than paper commercially known as handmade or machine handmade j^aper, japan paper, and imitation japan paper by whatever name known), unsized, sized, or glued, suitable for the printing of books and newsjiapers, but not for covers or bind- ings, not specially provided for in this sec- tion, * * * valued above two and SENATE AMENDMENTS. Fsreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Schedule M.^ — Papers and Books. Par. 322. Printing paper (other than paper commercially known as handmade or machine handmade paper, japan pa- per, and imitation japan paper by what- ever name known), unsized, sized, or glued, suitable for the printing of books and newspapers, but not for covers or bindings, not specially provided for in this section, valued above 2h cents per 265 266 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. one-half cents per po\ind and not above four cents per pound, five-tenthe of one cent per pound; valued above four cents and not above five cents per pound, eight- tentlip of one cent per pound; valued above live cents per pound, fifteen per centum ad valorem: Provided, hovever. That if any country, dependency, prov- ince, or other subdivision of povf-rnment shall forbid or restrict in any way the ex- portation of (whether by law, order, regu- lation, contractual relation, or otherwise, difectly or indirectly) or impose any ex- port diity, export license fee, or other ex- port charge of any kind whatsoever (whether in the form of additional charge or license fee or otherwise) upon printing paper, wood pulp, or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp, there shall be imposed upon printing paper when im- ported either directly or indirectly from such country, dependency, province, or- other subdivision of government, an addi- tional duty of one-tenth of one cent per pound, when valued at three cents per pound or less, and in addition thereto the amount of such export duty or other ex- port charge imposed by such country, de- pendency, province, or other subdivision of government, upon printing paper, wood pulp, or wood for use in the mianufacture of wood pulp. pound. 12 per centum ad valorem: Pro- rided. houever, That if any country, de- pendency, province, or other subdivision of government shall impose any export duty, export license fee. or other charge of any kind whatsoever (whether in the form of additional charge or license fee or other- wise) upon printing paper, wood pulp, or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp, there shall be imposed upon print- ing paper, valued above 2^ cents per pound, when imported either directly or indirectly from such coiintry, depend- ency, province, or other subdivision of government, an additional duty equal to the amount of the highest export duty or other export charge imposed by such country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of government, upon either printing paper, or upon an amount of wood pulp, or wood for use in the manu- facture of wood pulp necessary to manu- facture such printing paper. [Value per pound changed from 2| to 5 cents by sec. 600 of Revenue Act of 1916, and to 8 cents by Act of Apr. 23, 1920, chap. 158.] PARAGRAPH 1302. H. B. 7456. American Valnation. Par. 1302. Paper board and pulp- board, including cardboard, and leather board or compress leather, not laminated, glazed, coated, lined, embossed, printed, decorated or ornamented in any manner, nor cut into shapes for boxes or other articles and not specially provided for, 10 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That for the purposes of this Act any of the foregoing less than nine one-thousandths of an inch in thickness shall be deemed to be paper; sheathing paper, roofing paper, deadening felt, sheathing felt, roofing felt or felt roofing, whether or not saturated or coated, 10 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [board] boat-d, icallboard, [valorem:! valorem; pulpboard in roll-t. for use in the mamifacture of iraUboard, 5 per centum ad valorem: After " ad valorem." insert If any country, dependency, province, or other x%ibdivi.^ion of government imposes a. duty on any article sp(cified in this paragraph, ichen imported from the United States, in excess of the duty herein provided, there shall he im- posed upon such article, tvhen im- ported either directly or indirectly from such country, dependency, prov- ince, or other subdivision of govern- ment, a duty equal to that imposed by such country, dependency, province, or TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. 267 ACT OF 1909. Par. 407. Sheathing paper and roofing felt, ten per centum ad valorem. * * * cardboard and thirty-five per centum ad Par. 415. bristol board, valorem; * * Par. 5()4. Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels [ Free] . [No corresponding provision for paper board, pulpboard, and leather board.] other siib(1irisio)i of (lovcrnment on such article iinijorted from the United States. ACT OF 1913. Par. 320. Sheathing paper, pulpboard in rolls, not laminated, roofing felt, com- mon paper-box board, not coated, lined, embossed, printed or decorated in any manner, nor cut into shapes for boxes or other articles, 5 per centum ad va- lorem. Par. 328. * * tol board, * * valorem. Par. 481. Felt, adhesive, for Sheathing vessels [Free]. Par. 530. * * * leather board or compressed leather; * * * [Free]. [No corresponding provision for paper board.] cardboard and bris- 25 per centum ad PARAGRAPH 1303. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1303. Filter masse or filter stock, composed wholly or in part of wood pulp, wood flour, cotton or other vegetable fiber, 1^ cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem; indurated fiber ware, masks composed of paper, pulp or papier- mach^, manufactures of pulp, and manu- factures of papier-mache, not specially provided for, 23 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 408. Filter masse or filter stock, composed wholly or in part of wood pulp, wood flour, cotton or other vegetable fiber, one and one-half cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. Par. 447. Indurated fiber ware and manufactures of pulp, not specifically pro- vided for in this section, printed or im- printed, thirty-five per centum ad valo- rem. Par. 464. Manufactures of * * * papier-mache, * * * or of which these substances or any of them is the compo- nent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, * * * thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 465. Masks, composed of paper or j)ulp, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [li cents per pound and 1.5] 20 [23] 25 ACT OF 1913. Par. 321. Filter masse or filter stock, composed wholly or in part of wood pulp, wood flour, cotton or other ^•egetable fiber, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 355. Indurated fiber ware and manufactures of pulp, not specially pro- vided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 369. * * * manufactures of * * * papier-mache, * * * or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 370. Masks, of whatever material composed, 25 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1304. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1304. Papers commonly known as ti-ssue paper, stereotype paper, and copy- in'" paper and all papers not specially pro- Tided for in this section SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [paper and all papers not specially provided for in this section] paper, in- 268 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. weiShinj: not over eight pounds to the ream of four hundred and eighty slieots on the basis of twenty by thirty inches, and whether in reams or any other form, 6 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem ; if weighing over eight pounds and less than twelve and one-half pounds to the ream, 5 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem ; crSpe paper, 6 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article composed wholly or in chief value of one or more of the papers speci- fied in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than that imposed upon the com- ponent paper of chief value of which such article is made. ACT OF 1909. Par. 410. Papers commonly known as copying paper, stereotype paper, bibu- lous paper, tissue paper, pottery paper, and all papers not specially provided for in tliis section, colored or uncolored, white or printed, weighing not over six pounds to the ream of four hundred and eighty sheets, on the basis of twenty by thirty inches, and whether in reams or any other form, six cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; if weigh- ing over six pounds and less than ten pounds to the ream, and letter copjdng books, whether wholly or partly manu- factured, five cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; crepe paper * * * five cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article composed wholly or in chief value of one or more of the papers speci- dia and hihle paper, condenser paper, carbon paper, coated or uncoated, hibulouii paper, pottery paper, tissue paper for waxing, and all paper similar tb any of the foregoing, not specially provided for, colored or uncolored, white or printed, [eight] six Df] [eight] six [twelve and ouedialf] ten After "ad valorem;" insert india and bible paper weighing over ten pounds and less than eighteen pounds to the ream, .'i cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem; ACT OF 1913. Par. 323. Papers commonly known as copjdng paper, stereotype paper, bibu- lous paper, tissue paper, pottery paper, * * * cr§pe paper * * » and articles manufactured from any of the foregoing papers or of which such paper is the com- ponent material of chief value, 30 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1303. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1305. Papers with coated surface or surfaces, not specially provided for, 5 cent? per pound; papers' with coated sur- face or surfaces, embossed or printed other%\-ise than lithographically, and pa- pers wholly or partly covered \\-ith metal or its solutions (except as herein pro- vided), or vdth gelatin or flock, 5 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem; SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " pound " insert and 15 per cen- tum ad valorem [gelatin] gelatin, linseed oil cement, TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 269 papers, including wrapping paper, with the surface or surfaces wholly or partly decorated or covered vdth a design, fancy effect, pattern, or character, except de- signs, fancy effects, patterns, or characters produced on a paper machine v\-ithout at- tachments, or produced by lithographic process, 4^ cents per pound, and in addi- tion thereto, if embossed, or printed other- wise than lithographically, or wholly or partly covered with metal or its solutions, or with gelatin or flock, 17 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That paper wholly or partly covered Mith metal or its solutions, and weighing less than fifteen pounds per ream of four hundred and eighty sheets, on the basis of twenty by twenty-five inches, shall pay a duty of 5 cents per pound and 17 per centum ad valorem; gummed papers, including decalcomania paper not printed, 5 cents per pound; cloth-lined or reinforced paper, 5 cents per pound and 17 per centum ad valorem; papers ^vith paraffin or wax-coated surface or surfaces, vegetable parchment paper, grease-proof and imitation parchment pa- pers which have been supercalendered and rendered transparent or partially so, by whatever name known, all other grease- proof and imitation parcliment paper, not specially provided for, by whatever name known, 3 cents per pound and 13 per centum ad valorem; bags, printed mat- ter other than lithographic, and all other articles, composed wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing papers, not specially provided for, and all boxes of paper or papier-mache or wood covered or lined Mith any of the foregoing papers or lithographed paper, or covered or lined ^vith cotton or other vegetable liber, 5 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad va- lorem; plain basic paper for albumenizing, sensitizing, baryta coating, or for photo- graphic or solar printing processes, 3 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem; albumenized or sensitized paper or paper otherwise surface coated for photographic purposes, 3 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valorem; wet transfer paper or paper prepared wholly with glycerin or glycerin combined %\ith other mate- rials, containing the imprints taken from lithographic plates, 30 per centum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 166. * * * wet transfer paper or paper prepared wholly vni\\ glycerin, or glycerin combined with other mate- rials, containing the imprints taken from lithographic plates, fifty per centum ad valorem. D7] u [including decalcomania paper not lirinted] not soecinUii provided for, iiicliidinrj simplex decalcomania pa- per not printed, [17] l9 [13] ].l [or solar printing processes] processes Jill using solar or artificial liyht [plates. 30] plates or stones, 65 ACT OF 1913. Par. 137. * * * wet transfer paper or paper prepared wholly with glycerin, or glycerin combined vdiii other materials, containing the imprints taken from litho- graphic plates, 25 per centum ad valorem. 103791—22- -18 270 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. Par. 411. Papers with coated surface or surfaces, not specially proA-ided for in this section, five cents per pound; if wholly or partly covered with metal or its solutions (except as hereinafter provided), or Anth jielatin or flock, or if embossed or printed, five cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; papers, includ- ine: wrappiniT paper, with the surface decorated or covered with a design, fancy effect, pattern or character, whether pro- duced in the pulp or otherwise, but not by lithoj^raphic process, four and one-half cents per pouncl; if embossed, or wholly or partly covered with metal or its solu- tions, or with gelatin or flock, 5 cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valo- rem: Provided, That paper wholly or partly covered with metid or its solutions, and weighing less than fifteen pounds per ream of four hundred and eighty sheets, on a basis of twenty by twenty-five inches, shall pay a duty of five cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; parchment papers, and grease- proof and imitation parchment papers which have been supercalendered and rendered transparent, or partially so, by whatever name known, 2 cents per pound and 10 per centum ad valorem; all other grease-proof and imitation parchment pa- pers, not specially provided for in this section, by whatever name known, two cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; bags, * * * printed matter other than lithographic, and all other arti- cles composed wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing papers, not specially provided for in this section, and ail boxes of paper or wood covered ^ith any of the foregoing paper, five cents a pound and thirty per centum ad valorem; albu- menized or sensitized paper or paper otherwise surface coated for photographic purposes, thirty per centum ad valorem; plain basic papers for albumenizing, sensitizing, baryta coating, or for photo- graphic or solar printing processes, three cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem. Par. 418. All boxes made wholly or in chief value of paper or papier-mache, if covered with surface-coated paper, forty- five per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for papers with paraffin or wax-coated surface or Burfaces,] Par. 324. Papers wholly or partly cov- ered with metal leaf or with gelatin or flock, papers with white coated surface or surfaces, calender plate finished, hand dipped marbleized paper, parchment paper, and lithographic transfer paper not printed, 25 per centum ad valorem; pa- pers A\'ith coated surface or surfaces suita- ble for covering boxes, not specially pro- vided for, whether or not embossed or printed except by lithographic process, 40 per centum ad valorem; all other paper mth coated surface or surfaces not spe- cially provided for in this section; un- coated papers, gummed, or "vidth the sur- face or surfaces wholly or partly deco- rated or covered with a design, fancy effect, pattern, or character, whether pro- duced in the pulp or otherwise except by lithographic process, cloth-lined or rein- forced papers, and grease-proof and imita- tion parchment papers which have been supercalendered and rendered transpar- ent or partially so, by whatever name known, all other grease-proof and imita- tion parchment papers, not specially pro- \dded for in this section, by whatever name known, bags, * * * and all other articles composed wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing papers, not specially provided for in this section, and all boxes of paper or papier-mache or wood covered with any of the foregoing papers or covered or lined %vith cotton or other vegetable fiber, 35 per centum ad valorem; albuminized or sensitized paper or paper otherwise surface-coated for pho- tographic purposes, 25 per centum ad valorem; plain basic papers for albuminiz- ing, sensitizing, baryta coating, or for photographic or solar printing processes, 15 per centum ad valorem. Par. 567. * * * decalcomania pa- per, not printed [Free]. [No corresponding provision for papers with paraffin or wax-coated surface or surfaces.] PARAGRAPH 1306. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 130G. Pictures, calendars, cards, labels, flaps, cigar bands, placards, and other articles, composed wholly or in chief value of paper lithographically printed in whole or in part from stone, gelatin, metal, or other material (except Foreign Valuation. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 2 7 J boxes, views of American scenery or ob- jects, and music, and illustrations when forming' part of a periodical or newspaper, or of bound or unbound books, accom- panjang the same), not specially provided for, shall pay duty at the following rates: Labels and (laps, printed in less than eight colors (bronze printing to be counted as two colors'), but not printed in whole or in part in metal leaf. 20 cents per pound; L-OJ 25 cigar bands of the same number of colors _ and printings, 30 cents per pound ; labels L301 35 and flaps printed in eight or more colors (bronze printing to be counted as two colors), but not printed in whole or in part in metal leaf. 30 cents per pound; C30l J.j cigar bands of the same number of colors and printings, 40 cents per pound ; labels E-^Ol 50 and Haps, printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, 50 cents per pound; cigar [oOj 60 bauds, printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, 55 cents per pound ; all labels, [553 ^-5 flaps, and bands, not exceeding ten square inches cutting size in dimensions, if embossed or die-cut. shall pay the same rate of duty as hereinbefore provided for cigar bands of the same number of colors and printings (but no extra duty shall be assessed on labels, flaps, and bands for embossing or die-cutting): fashion maga- zines or periodicals, printed in whole or in part by lithographic process, or deco- rated by iiand, 8 cents per pound; decal- comanias in ceramic colors, weighing not over one hundred pounds per one thou- sand sheets on the basis of twenty by thirty inches in dimensions, 70 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem; weighing over one hundred pounds per one thousand sheets on the basis of twenty by thii'ty inches in dimensions, 22 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem; if backed with metal leaf. 65 cents per pound; all other decalcomanias. except toy decalcomanias, 40 cents per pound; all other articles than those here- inbefore specifically provided for in this paragraph, not exceeding eight one-thou- sandths of an inch in thickness. 20 cents [203 -5 per pound; exceeding eight and not ex- ceeding twenty one-thousandthe of an inch in thickness, and less than 35 [3.53 thiriy-fiv^ square inches cutting size in dimen- sions, 8^ cents per pound; exceeding [8*3 iO thirty-five square inches cutting size in . dimensions, 8 cents per pound, and in f^j y^ addition thereto on all of said articles exceeding eight and not exceeding twenty one-thousandths of an inch in thickness, if either die-cut or embossed, one-half of 1 cent per pound; if both die-cut and embossed, 1 cent per pound; exceeding twenty one-thousandths of an inch in thickness, 6 cents per pound: [G3 "^ Provided, That in the case of articles here- inbefore specified the thickness which shall determine the rate of duty to be imposed shall be that of the thinnest 272 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. material found in the article, but for the purposes of this paragraph the thickness of lithographs mounted or pasted upon paper, cardboard, or other material shall be the combined thickness of the litho- graph and the foundation on which it is mounted or pasted, and the cutting size shall be the area which is the product of the greatest dimensions of length and breadth of the article, and if the article is made up of more than one piece, the cutting size shall be the combined cut- ting sizes of all of the lithographically printed parts in the article. ACT OF 1909. Par. 412. Pictures, calendars, cards, labels, flaps, cigar bands, placards, and other articles, composed wholly or in chief value of paper, lithographically printed in whole or in part from stone, metal, or material other than gelatin (ex- cept boxes, views of American scenery or objects, and music, and illustrations when forming part of a periodical or newspaper, or of bound or unbound books, accom- pan>'ing the same, not specially provided for in this section), shall pay duty at the follo'.ring rates: Labels and flaps, printed in less than eight colors (bronze printing . to be counted as two colors), but not printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, twenty cents per pound; cigar bands of the same number of colors and printings, thirty cents per pound; labels and flaps printed in eight or more colors, but not printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, thirty cents per pound; cigar bands of the same number of colors and print- ings, forty cents per pound; labels and flaps, printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, fifty cents per pound; cigar bands, printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, fifty-five cents per pound; all la])els, flaps, and bands not exceeding ten square inches cutting size in dimensions, if em- bossed or die-cut, shall pay the same rate of duty as hereinbefore provided for cigar bands of the same number of colors and printings (^but no extra duty shall be assessed on labels, flaps, and bands for embossing or die-cutting); * * * fa.shion magazines or periodicals, printed in whole or in part by lithographic proc- ess, or decorated by hand, eight cents per pound; * * * decalcomanias in ce- ramic colors, weighing not over one hun- dred potmds per thousand sheets on the basis of twenty by thirt>- inches in dimen- sions, seventy cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem: weighing over one hundred pounds per thousand sheets on the basis of twenty by thirty inches in dimen- sions, twenty-two cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; if backed with metal leaf, sixty-five cents per pound; all other decalcomanias, except toy decalcomanias, forty cents per pound; ACT OF 1913. Par. 325. Pictures, calendars, cards, * * * labels, flaps, cigar bands, plac- ards, and other articles composed wholly or in chief value of paper lithographically printed in whole or in part from stone, gelatin, metal, or other material (except boxes, views of American scenery or ob- jects, and music, and illustrations when forming a part of a periodical or news- paper or of bound or unbound books, ac- compan}ing the same, not specially providecl for in this section) shall pay duty at the following rates: Labels and flaps printed in less than eight colors O:)ronze printing to be counted as two colors), but not printed in whole or in part of metal leaf, 15 cents per pound; cigar bands of the same ntimber of colors and printings, 20 cents per pound; labels and flaps printed in eight or more colors (l)ronze printing to be counted as two colors i. but not printed in whole or in part of metal leaf, 20 cents per pound; cigar bands of the same number of colors and printings, 25 cents per pound ; labels and flaps printed in whole or in part of metal leaf, 35 cents per pound; cigar l)and3 printed in whole or in part of metal leaf, 40 cents per pound; * * * all other articles not exceeding eight one-thou- sandths of an inch in thickness, 15 cents per pound; exceeding eight one-thoti- sandths of an inch and not exceeding twenty one-thousandths of an inch in thickness and less than thirty-five square inches cutting size in dimension, 5 cents per pound; exceeding eight and not exceeding twenty one-thousandths of an inch in thickness and thirty-five square inches and over cutting size in dimension, 7 cents per pound ; exceeding twenty one- thousandths of an inch in thickness, 5 cents per pound, providing that in the case of articles hereinbefore specified the thickness which shall determine the rate of duty to ]je imposed shall be that of the thinnest lithographed material found in the article, but for the purpose of this paragraph the thickness of lithographs mounted or pasted upon paper, cardboard, or other material shall be the combined thickness of the lithograph and the foun- TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 273 all other articles than those hereinbefore specihcally provided for in this paragraph, not exceeding eight one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, twenty cents per pound; exceeding eight and not, exceed- ing twenty one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, and less than thirty-live square inches cutting size in dimensions, eight and one-half cents per pound; ex- ceeding thirty-live square inches cutting size in dimensions, eight cents per pound, and in addition thereto on all of said arii- cles exceeding eight and not exceeding twenty one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, if either die cut or embossed, one-half of one cent per pound; if both die cut and embossed, one cent per po\ind; exceeding twenty one-thotisandths of one inch in thickness, six cents per pound: Provided, That in the case of articles hereinbefore specified the thickness which shall determine the rate of duty to be imposed shall be that of the thinnest material found in the article, Viut for the purposes of this paragraph the thickness of lithographs mounted or pasted upon paper, cardboard, or other material, shall be the combined thickness of the litho- graph and the foundation on which it is mounted or pasted. Par. 4L5. * * * articles composed wholly or in chief value of paper printed by the photogelatin process and not spe- cially provided for in this Act, three cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. dation upon which it is mounted or pasted; * * * fashion magazines or periodicals printed in whole or in part by lithographic process or decorated by hana , 6 cents per pound; * * * decalco- manias in ceramic colors, weighing not over one hundred pounds per thousand sheets, on a basis of twenty by thirty inches in dimensions, (iO cents per pound; all other decalcoinanias, except toy de- calco.manias, 15 cents per pound. Par. 425. * * ' bound or unbound, lithographic prints * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1307. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1307. Writing, letter, note, draw- ing, handmade paper and paper commer- cially known as handmade paper and m^a- chine handmade paper, japan paper and imitation japan paper by whateA-er name known. and ledger, bond, record, tablet, type- writer, manifold, and onionskin and imitation onionskin paper, Bristol board of the kinds made on a Four- drinier machine, calendered or un- calendered. 3 cents per pound and 1.5 per centum ad valorem; but if any of the foregoing is ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, or decorated in any manner, other than by lithographic process, it shall pay 10 per centum ad valorem in addition to the foregoing rates. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " known," insert Bristol hoard of the kinds made on a Fourdrinier ma- chine, [Bristol board of the kinds made on a Fourdrinier machine,] After " uncalendered," insert tveighing seven pounds or over per ream, and paper similar to any of the foregoing. Erates.l rates: Provided, That in coni- puting the duty on such paper every one hundred and eighty-seven thousand square inches shall be taken to be a ream. » 274 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 413. Writinji, letter, note, hand- made paper and paper commercially known as handmade paper and machine handmade paper, japan paper and imita- tion japan paper by vhatever name knovn, and Itdprer, bond, record, tablet, typewriter, manifolfl, and onionskin and imitation onionskin papers calendered or uncalendered, v.eighin^ six and one- fourth ])ounds or over per ream, three cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; but if any such paper is ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, or decorated in any manner, other than by lithographic process, it shall pay ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the foregoing rates: Provided, That in com- puting the duty on such paper every one hundred and eighty thousand square inches shall be taken to be a ream. Par. 415. * * * bristol board, thir- ty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. ACT OF 1913. Par. 326. Writing, letter, note, draw- ing, handmade paper and paper commer- cially known as handmade paper and machine handmade paper, japan paper and imitation japan paper by whatever name known, and ledger, bond, record, tablet, typewriter, and onionskin and imitation onionskin papers calendered or uncalendered, whether or not any such paper is ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, or decorated in any man- ner, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 328. ^ * * bristol board, * * * 25 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1308. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1308. Paper envelopes not spe- cially provided for, folded or flat, if plain, shall pay the same rate of duty as the paper from which made and 5 per centum ad valorem; if bordered, em- bossed, printed, tinted, decorated, or lined, 10 per centum ad valorem in addi- tion to the foregoing rates. SEN.A.TE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [for. folded or flat, if plain,] for Cand 5 per centum ad valorem ; if bordered, embossed, printed, tinted, decorated, or lined, 10 per centum ad valorem in addition to the foregoing rates! id in addition thereto, if plain, 5 per centum ad valorem; if bordered, emhosned, printed, tinted, decorated, or lined, 10 per centum ad valorem; if lithot/ruphed, 30 per centum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 411. * * * envelopes, * * * composed wholly or in chief value of the foregoing papers, not specially pro- vided for in this section, * * * five cents a pound and thirty per centum ad valorem, * * *. 414. Paper envelopes not specially pro- vided for in this section, folded or flat, if plain, twenty per centum ad valorem; if bordered, embossed, printed, tinted, decorated, or lined, thirty-five per cent- um ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 324. * * * envelopes, * * * composed wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing papers, not specially provided for in this section, * * * 35 per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 327. Paper envelopes, folded or flat, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1309. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1309. Jacquard designs on ruled paper, or cut on .Tacquard cards, and parts of such designs, 23 per centum ad valorem; ||23 J 35 lianging paper, not printed, lithographed, TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 275 dyed, or colored, 10 per cetituiu ad va- lorem; paper hangings witli paper back or composed wholly or in chief value. of paper, not printed, lithographed, dyed, or colored, 5 cents per ])ound; i)rinted, litho- graphed, dyed, or colored, '20 per centum ad valorem; wrapping paper not specially Erovided for, 23 per centum ad valorem; lotting paper, 2 cents per pound and 10 per centum ad valorem; hltering paper, 5 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad ^alorem ; paper not specially provided for, 23 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 410. * * * filtering paper, five cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem: Provi/kd, That no article composed wholly or in chief Aalue of one or more of the papers specified in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than that imposed upon the component paper of chief Aalue of which such article is made. Par. 415. Jacquard designs on ruled paper, or cut on Jacquard cards, and parts of such designs, * * » thirty- five per centum ad valorem; * * * paper hangings with paper back or composed wholly or in chief value of paper, twenty- five per centum ad valorem; wrapping paper not specially provided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; paper not specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valo- rem: * * *. [No corresponding provision for hanging paper and blotting paper.] [paper hangings with paper back or compo.sed wholly or in chief value of paper, not printed, lithographed, dyed, or colored, .5 cents per pound:] After "colored." iuscri /A iciits IJOitnd and per r23] 30 v.- cents [23] SO per pound and 10] 30 ACT OF 1913. Par. 3.']2. * * * all papers * * * not specially provided for in this sec- tion, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. .328. .Jacquard designs on ruled paper, or cut on Jacquard cards, and parts of such designs, * * * paper hangings with paper back or composed wholly or in chief value of paper, and wrapping paper not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 323. * * * hltering paper, and articles manufactured from any of the foregoing papers, or of which such paper is the component material of chief value , 30 per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for hanging paper and blotting paper.] PARAGRAPH 1310. H. R. 7458. American Valuation. Par. 1310. Books of all kinds, bound or unbound, including blank books, slate books and pamphlets, drawings, engrav- ings, photographs, etchings, maps, charts, music in books or sheets, and printed matter, all the foregoing not specially pro- vided for. 20 per centum ad valorem ; books bound wholly or in part in leather, the chief value of which is in the binding, not spe(?ially provided for, 33J per cen- tum ad valorem : SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [Books of all kinds, bound or un- bound, including blank books, slate books and pamphlets, drawings, en- gravings, photographs, etchings, maps, charts, music in books or sheets, and printed matter, all the foregoing not specially provided for. 20 per centum ad valorem ; books bound wholly or in part in leather, the chief value of which is in the binding, not specially provided for, 334 pt^i" centum ad va- lorem;] Unbound books of all ki>id.-i, xlteets or printed pages of books hound irliolly or in, part in leather, hound hooks of all kinds except those bound wholl!/ or in part in leather, including blank books, slate books, and pamphlets, engravingft. phojo- graphs. etchings, maps, charts, music in books or sheets, and printed mat- ter, all the foregoing not speciaUg pr<)ride.d for, if of bona fide foreign 276 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. liooks of paper or other material for ihililreii's use, printed lithographically ui- otherwise, not exceeding in weight twentv-four ounc-es each, with more reading matter than letters, numeF- als. or descriptive words. 20 per centum ad valorem; booklets, printed lithograph- icallv or otherwise, not specially pro- vided for, 7 cents per pound; booklets, wholly or in chief vahie of paper, deco- rated "in whole or in part by hand or by epra}-ing, whether or not printed, 15 cents per pound; all post cards (not in- cluding American views), plain, deco- rated, embossed, or printed except by lithographic process, 26 per centum ad valorem; views of any landscape, scene, building, place or locality in the United States, on cardboard or paper, not thinner than eight one-thousandths of one inch, bv whatever process printed or produced, including those wholly or in part pro- duced by either lithographic or photo- gelatin process (except show cards), occu- pying tliii-ty-five square inches or less of surface perview, bound or unbound, or in any other form, 15 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valorem; thinner than eight one-thousandths of one inch, $2 per thousand; Christmas and other greeting cards, printed lithographically or other- wise, or decorated in whole or in part by hand or by spraying, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 410. * * * letter copying books, whether wholly or partly manu- factured, five cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; * * * Pro- vided, That no article composed wholly or in chief value of one or more of the papers specified in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than ithat imposed upon the component paper of chief value of which such article is made. Par. 412. * * * booklets, seven cents per pound; books of paper or other material for children's use, not exceeding in weight twenty-four ounces each, six cents per pound; * * * booklets,- dec- orated in whole or in part by hand or by spraying, whether or not lithographed, fifteen cents per pound; * * *. Par. 416. Books of all kinds, bound or unbound, including blank books, slate books and pamphlets, engravings, pho- tographs, etchings, maps, charts, music in books or slieets, and printed matter, authorship, 15 per centum ad valorem; all other, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad ruloreia; hook bind- ings or covers nholhj or in part of leather, not specially provided for, SO per centum ad valorem; C20] 25 After " printed " insert not specially provided for [2G1 30 [20] 25 CClnistmas and other greeting cards, printed lithographically or otherwise, or decorated in whole or in part by hand or by spraying, 30 per centum ad valoreml (jreeting cards, and all other social and gift cards, including those in the form of folders and booklets, wholly or partly manufactured, with text or greeting, Ji5 per centum ad va- lorem; without text or greeting, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 323. * * * letter-copying books, wholly or partly manufactured, * * * 30 per centum ad valorem. Par. 325. * * * booklets, * * * composed wholly or in chief value of paper lithographically printed in whole or in part from stone, gelatin, metal, or other material * * * booklets, 7 cents per pound; * * * books of paper or other material for children's use, lithographi- cally printed in whole or in part, not exceeding in weight twenty -four ounces each, 4 cents per pound; * * * book- lets, wholly or in chief value of paper, decorated in whole or in part by hand or by spraying, whether or not lithographed, 10 cents per pound; * * *. Par. 329. Books of all kinds, bound or unbound, including blank books, slate books and pamphlets, engravings, pho- tographs, etchings, maps, cliarts, music in books or sheets, and printed matter, all the foregoing, and not specially pro- TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. 277 all tlie foregoing wholly or in chief value of paper, and not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Views of any landscape, scene, building, place or locality in the United States, on cardboard or paper, not thinner than eight one-thousandths of one inch, by whatever process printed or produced, including those wholly or in part produced by either lithographic or photogelatin procees (except show cards), occupying tliirty-five square inches or less of surface per Aaew, bound or un- bound, or in any other form, fifteen cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad ad valorem; thinner than eight one-thou- sandths of one inch, two dollars per thou- Band: Provided, That the rate or rates of duty provided in the tariff Act approved July twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, shall remain in force until October first, nineteen hundred and nine, on all views of any landscape, scene, building, place, or locality, provided for in this paragraph, which shall have, prior to July first, nineteen hundred and nine, been ordered or contracted to be delivered to bona fide purchasers in the United States, and the Secretary of the Treasurj^ shall make proper regulations for the enforcement of tliis pro\ision. Par. 517. Books, maps, music, en- gra\dngs, photographs, etchings, bound or unbound, and charts, which shall have been printed more than twenty years at the date of importation, * * * [Fr e]. Par. 518. Books and pamphlets printed chiefly in languages other than Eng- lish; * * * [Free]. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] vided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. Views of any landscape, scene, building, place or locality in the United States, on cardboard or paper, not thinner than eight one-thousandths of one inch, by whatever process printed or produced, including those wholly or in part produced l>y either lithographic or photogelatin process (except show cards), bound or unbound, or in any other form, 20 cents per pound; thinner than eight one-thousandths of one inch, $2 per thousand. Par. 332. * * * all post cards, not including American views, plain, deco- rated, embossed, or printed, except by- lithographic process, * * * 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 425. Books, maps, music, en- gra^dngs, photographs, etchings, litho- graphic prints, bound or unbound, and charts, which shall have been printed more than twenty years at the date of importation, * * * [Free]. Par. 426. Books and pamphlets pri ted wholly or chiefly in languages other than English; * * * and all textbooks used in schools and other educational institutions; * * * [Free]. Par. 42S. Books, libraries, * * •» of persons or families from foreign coun- tries, * * * if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale. Par. 5S2. Professional books, * * * in the actual possession of persons emi- grating to the United States owned and used by them abroad; * * *. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] PARAGRAPH 1311. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1311. Photograph, autograph, scrap, post-card and postage-stamp al- bums, and albums for phonograph records, wholly or partly manufactured, 23 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 417. Photogi'aph, autograph, scrap, post-card, and postage stamp albums, wholly or partly manufactured, thirty- five per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for albums for phonograph recoras.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [233 30 ACT OF 1913. Par. 330. Photograph, autograph, scrap, post-card, and postage-stamp albums, wholly or partly manufactured, 25 per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for albums for phonograph records.] PARAGRAPH 1312. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreien Valuation. CO per CGO] 10 cents per pack and 20 Par. '1312. Playing cards, centum ad valorem. 278 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 331. Playing centum ad valorem. Par. 419. Plaving cards, in packs not exceeding fifty-four cards and at a like rate for any number in excess, ten cents per pack "and twenty per centum ad ''"^'^'^'^ PARAGRAPH 1313. cards, 60 per H. R 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1313. Papers and paper board and pulpboard, including cardboard and leatherboard or compress leather, em- bossed, cut, die-cut, or stamped into designs or shapes, such as initials, mono- grams, lace, borders, bands, strips, or other forms, or cut or shaped for boxes or other articles, plain or printed, but not lithographed, and not specially provided for; paper board and pulpboard, including cardboard and leatherboard or compress leather, laminated, glazed, coated, lined, printed, decorated, or ornamented in any manner; press boards and press paper, 23 per centum ad valorem; test or container boards of a bursting strength above 60 pounds per square inch by the Mullen or the Webb test, 15 per centum ad valorem; stereotype-matrix mat or board, 28 per centum ad valorem; wall pockets, com- posed wholly or in chief part of paper, papier-mache or paper board, whether or not die-cut, embossed, or printed .litho- graphically or otherwise; boxes, composed wholly or in chief value of paper, papier- mach6 or paper board, and not specially provided for; manufactures of paper, or of which paper is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 26 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 415. * * * press boards or press paper, valued at ten cents per pound or over, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; * * * paper not specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That paper embossed, or cut, die-cut, or stamped into designs or shapes, such as initials, monograms, lace, borders, bands, strips, or other forms, or cut or shaped for boxes, plain or printed but not lithographed, and not specially provided for in this section, shall be dutiable at thirty-five per centum ad valorem; articles composed wholly or in chief value of paper printed by the photogelatin process and not specially provided for in this Act, three cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 420. Manufactures of paper, or of which paper is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreien Valuation. £231 fl// tlic foregoing, [28] 35 [parti value [261 "U ihe foregoing, 35 ACT OF 1913. press boards or 25 per centum ad Par. 328. * * press paper, * valorem. Par. 332. Papers or cardboard, cut, die cut, or stamped into designs or shapes, such as initials, monograms, lace, bor- ders, or other forms, * * * and man- ufactures of paper or of which paper is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 5.30. * * * leatherboard or compressed leather; * * * [Free]. Par. 650. * * * paper twine for binding any of the foregoing (wool I * * * [Free.] SCHEDULE 14.— SUNDRIES. PARAGRAPH 1401. H. R. 7453. American Valuation. Par. 1401. Asbestoa, manufactures of: Taper and millboard, composed of long fiber asbestos, used for making gaskets or aimilar articles, and electrical papers not exceeding five one-hundredths of one inch in thickness, 8 cents per pound; composed of other asbestos fibers, 1^ cents per pound; sheets and plates, of asbestos and hydraulic cement, flat, not exceeding one-eighth of one inch in thickness, 1 cent per square foot: exceed- ing one-eighth but not exceeding one- fourth of one inch in thickness, 2 cents per square foot; exceeding one-fourth of one inch in thickness, 2 J cents per square foot; other than flat, 3^ cents per square toot; colored, stained, or mixed with other material, 3^ cents per square foot and 10 per centum ad valorem; wick and rope, 18 cents per pound; woven sheet packing, in rolls, 24 cents per pound; gaskets, folded or cut from the straight sheet, rubberized, graphited, or other- wise coated or treated, 56 cents per pound; yarn containing more than 10 per centum of foreign matter, 32 cents per pound; yarn and listings, containing less than 10 per centum of foreign matter, exceeding twenty-tive one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, 84 cents per pound; not exceeding twenty-live one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, $1.68 per pound; textile fabrics containing 10 per centum and not more than 20 per centum of foreign matter, 42 cents per pound; con- taining more than 20 per centum of foreign matter, 32 cents per pouiid; mantle threads, \\'ith or without wire, treated or untreated, $1.40 per pound; all other manufactiu-es of asbestos, or of which asbestos is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article manufactured from any of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than herein imposed on the asbestos paper, millboard, electrical papers, sheets, plates, wick, rope, woven sheet packing, yarn, listings, or textile fabrics of which it is composed. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. I'fOl. Asbestos; manufactm-es of: Yarn and woven fabrics composed wholly or in chief value of asbestos, SO per centum, ad valorem; all other manufactures composed wholly or in chief value of asbestos, 25 per centum ad raJnrcni. 279 280 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par 462. Manufactures of * * * asbestos, * * * or of which these euhsUincps or auv of them is the compo- nent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; woven fabrics composed wholly or in chief value of asbestos, forty per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 367. Manufactures cif * * * asbestos, * * * or of which these substances or any of them is the compo- nent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem: yarn and woven fabrics composed vi holly or in chief value of asbestos, 20 per centum ad valorem . PARAGRAPH 1402. H. B. 7456. American Valuation, Par. 1402. Boxing gloves, ice and roller skates, and parts thereof, baseballs, foot- balls, tennis balls, golf balls, and all other l)alls, of whatever material com- posed, finished or unfinished, designed for use in p^sical exercise or in any indoor or outdoor game or sport, and all clubs, rackets, bats, or other equipment, such as is ordinarily used in conjunction therewith in exercise or play, all the foregoing, not specially provided for, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. [Classable according to component ma- SENATE AMENDMENTS. [ice and thereof,] Foreign Valuation. roller skate<, and parts terial of chief value.] tad .vaiuieui.3 ad ralorcm; ice and roller .^kutes, and parts thereof, 20 per crriiinii ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. [Classable according to component ma- terial of chief value.] PARAGRAPH 1403. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1403. Spangles and beads, includ- ing bugles, but not including imitation pearl beads and beads in imitation of precious or semiprecious stones, 25 per centum ad valorem; fabrics and articles not embroidered, tamboured, appliqued nor scalloped, composed wholly or in chief value of beads or spangles other than imitation pearl beads and beads in imitation of precious or semiprecious stones, 40 per centum ad valorem; imita- tion pearl beads of all kinds and shapes, of whatever material composed, pierced or unpierced, strung or loose, mounted or unmounted, 40 per centum ad valorem; all other beads in imitation of precious or semiprecious stones, of all kinds and shapes, of whatever material composed, pierced or unpierced, strung or loose, mounted or unmounted. 45 per centum SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " not including " insert heads of ivory or [25] So After " ad valorem ;" insert heads of ivory, Ji5 per centum ad valorem; After " not " Insert ornamented with heads, spangles or hxigles, nor [nor] or [40] 60 [pierced or unpierced,] [40] eo [pierced or unpierced,] TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 281 ACT, OF 1913. Par. 333. Beads and spangles of all kinds, including imitation pearl beads, not threaded or strung, or strung loosely on thread for facility in transportation only, 35 per centum ad valorem; cur- tains, and other articles not embroidered nor appliqued and not specially pro- vided for in this section, composed wholly or in chief value of beads or spangles made of glass or paste, gelatin, metal, or other material, 50 per centum ad valorem. ad valorem: Provided, That no article composed wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing beads or spangles shall pay duty at a less rate than is imposed in any paragraph of this Act upon such articles \\'ithout such beads or spangles. ACT OF 1900. Par. 421. Beads and spangles of all kinds, including imitation pearl beads, not threaded or strung, or strung loosely on thread for facility in transportation only, thirty-live per centum ad valorem; fabrics, * * * and other articles not specially provided for in this section, com- posed wholly or in chief value of beads or spangles made of glass or paste, gelatin, metal, or other material, but not in part of wool, sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article composed wholly or in chief value of beads or spangles made of glass, paste, gelatin, metal, or other material shall pay duty at a lees rate than is imposed in any paragraph of this section upon such arti- cles without such beads or spangles. PARAOHAPH 1404. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1404. Ramie hat braids, 30 per No cliang^. centum ad valorem; manufactures of ramie hat braids, 40 per centum ad valorem . ACT OF 1909. Par. 349. * * * braids * * * com- posed wholly or in chief value of cotton, flax, or other vegetable fiber, * * * and not elsewhere specially provided for in this section, sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article com- posed wholly or in chief value of one or more of the materials or goods specified in this paragraph, shall pay a less rate of duty than the highest rate imposed by this section upon any of the materials or goods of which the same is composed." ACT OF 1913. Par. 334. Ramie hat braids, 40 per centum ad valorem; manufactures of ramie hat braids, 50 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1405. H. il. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1405. Boots, shoes, or other foot- wear, the uppers of which are composed wholly or in chief value of wool, cotton, ramie, animal hair, fiber, silk or substi- tutes therefor, whether or not the soles are composed of leather, wood, or other material, 25 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Hsilk or substitutes therefor] or silk, or substitutes for any of the foregoing C2.5] J,0 282 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. [No corresponding proAieion.] ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provLsion '. PARAGRAPH 1406. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1406. Braids, plaits, laces, and willow sheets or squares, composed wholly or in chief vahie of straw, chip, grass. "palm leaf, ^^•illow. osier, rattan, real horsehair. cul>a liark, or inanila hemp, suitable for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets, or hoods, not bleached, dyed, colored, or stained, 13 per centum ad valorem; bleached, dyed, colored, or stained, 17 per centum ad valorem; hats, bonnets, and hoods composed wholly or in chief Aahie of any of the foregoing materials, whether "wholly or partly manufactured, but not blocked or trimmed, 25 per centum ad Valorem; blocked or trimmed. 33| per centum ad valorem; straw hats known as harvest hats, valued at less than $3 per dozen, 20 per centimi ad valorem; all other men's hats, composed wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing materials, whether wholly or partly manufactured, not blocked or l)locked. not trimmed or trimmed, if sewed, 40 per centiim ad valorem. But the terms *" grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural form and structure, and not the separated filler thereof. ACT OF 1909. Par. 422. Braids, plaits, laces, and willow sheets or squares, composed wholly or in chief value of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier, rattan, real horsehair, cuba l>ark, or manila hemp, suitable for making or ornament- ing hats, bonnets, or hoods, not bleached, dyed, colored, or stained, fifteen per centum ad valorem; if bleached, dyed, colored, or stained, twenty per centum ad valorem; hats, bonnets, and hoods composed wholly or in chief value of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, \villow, osier, rattan, culia bark, or manila hemp, whether wholly or partly manufactured, l)ut not trimmed, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; if trimmed, fifty per centum ad valorem. But the terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural form and structure, and not the separated fiber thereof. SENATE AMENDMENT .S. Foreigrn Valuation. [133 15 D7l 20 r25l 35 [33i3 50 E203 30 tmen's] [401 (!0 ACT OF 1913. Par. 335. Braids, plaits, laces, and willow sheets or squares, composed wholly or in chief value of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier, rattan, real horsehair, cuba bark, or manila hemp, suitable for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets, or hoods, not bleached, dyed, colored, or stained, 15 per centimi ad valorem; if bleached, dyed, colored, or stained. 20 per centum ad valorem; hats, bonnets, and hoods composed wholly or in chief value of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier, rattan, cuba bark, or manila hemp, whether wholly or partly manufactured, but not blocked or trimmed, 25 per centum ad valorem; if blocked or trimmed, and in chief value of such materials, 40 per centum ad valorem. But the terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural form and structure, and not the separated fiber thereof. TAFJPF ACTS COMPARED. 283 PARAGRAPH 1407. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Fah. 1407. Broom?, made of broom corn, straw, wooden fiber, or t^vig9, 15 per centum ad valorem; tooth brushes and other toilet brushes, 35 per centum ad valorem; all other brushes not spe- cially provided for, including feather dusters and hair pencils in quills or other- wise, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 423. Brushes, brooms, and feather dusters of all kinds, and hair pencils in quills or otherwise, forty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. c:^-i ;• [dusters3 dusters. ACT OF 1913. Par. 336. Brooms, made of broom corn, straw, wooden fiber, or twigs, 15 per centum ad valorem; brushes and feather dusters of all kinds, and hair pencils in quills or other^vise, 35 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1408. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1408. Bristles, sorted, bunched, No change, or prepared, 7 cents per pound. ACT OF 1913. Par. 424. Bristles, sorted, bunched, or Par. 337. Bristles, sorted, bunched, or prepared, seven and one-half cents per prepared, 7 cents per pound, pound. PARAGRAPH 1409. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1409. Button forms of lastings, mo- hair or silk cloth, and manufactures of other material, in patterns of such size, shape, or form as to be fit for buttons ex- clusively, and not exceeding three inches in any one dimension, 10 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 426. Button forms of lastings, mo- hair or silk cloth, or other manufactures of cloth, woven or made in patterns of such size, shape or form as to be fit for buttons exclusively, and not exceeding three inches in any one dimension, ten per centum ad A'alorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par* 338. Button forms of lastings, mo- hair or silk cloth, or other manufactures of cloth, woven or made in patterns of such size, shape, or form as to be fit for buttons exclusively, and not exceeding eight inches in any one dimension, 10 per centum ad valorem. 28-4 TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 14:10. H. R. 7456. American Valaation. Par. 1410. Buttons of vegetable ivory, finished or partly finished, 1\ cents per line per gross; vegetable ivory button blanks, not turned, faced, or drilled, three-fourths of 1 cent per line per gross; buttons of pearl or shell, finished or partly fimahed. l| cents per line per gross; pearl or shell button blanks, not turned, faced, or drilled, 1^^ cents per line per gross; and. in addition thereto, on all the foregoing. 15 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That the term " line " as used in this paragraph shall mean the line button measure of one- fortieth of one inch . ACT OF 1909. Par. 427. Buttons or parts of buttons and button molds or blanks, finished or unfinished, shall pay duty at the follow- ing rates, the line-button measure being one-fortiethof one inch, namely: * * * buttons of pearl or shell, one and one- half cents per line per gross; buttons of * * * vegetable ivory, * * * not specially provided for in this section, three-fourths of one cent per line per gross, and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this paragraph, fifteen per centum ad valorem; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [turned, faced, or drilled, three- fourths of] drilled, dyed, or finished, thtee-foin'ths of C15] ACT OF 1913. Par. 339. Buttons of vegetable ivoi v in sizes thirty-six lines and larger, 35 per centum ad valorem; below thirty-six lines, 45 per centum ad valorem; buttons or shell and pearl in sizes twenty-six lines and larger, 25 per centum ad valorem; below twenty-six lines, 45 per centum ad valorem; * * * parts of buttons and button molds or blanks, finished or un- finished, * * * all the foregoing * * * 40 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1411. H. R. 7456. American Valaation. Par. 1411. Buttons commonly known as agate buttons, 15 per centum ad va- lorem; parts of buttons and button molds or blanks, finished or unfinished, not specially provided for, and all collar and cuff buttons and studs composed wholly of bone, mother-of-pearl, ivory, vegetable ivory, or agate, and buttons not specially pro%'ided for, 38 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 427. Buttons or parts of buttons and button molds or blanks, finished or unfinished, shall pay duty at the follo-King rates, the line-button measure being one- fortieth of one inch, namely: Buttons known commercially as agate buttons, * * * one-twelfth of one cent per line per gross; buttons of bone, * * * one-fourth of one cent per line per gross; * * * buttons of horn, * * * glass, * * * not specially provided for in this section, three-fpurths of one cent per line per gross, and in addition SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C383 J,5 ACT OF 1913. Par. 339. * * * agate buttons and shoe buttons, 15 per centum ad valorem; parts of buttons and button molds or blanks, finished or unfinished, and all collar and cuff buttons and studs com- posed wholly of bone, mother-of-pearl, ivory, or agate, all the foregoing and but- tons not specially provided for in this section, 40 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 285 thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this paragraph, tifteen per centum ad valorem; shoe buttons made of paper, board, papier-mach^, pulp or other similar material, not specially p^o^dded for in this section, valued at not exceeding three cents per gross, one cent per gross; * * * buttons not specially provided for in this section, and all collar or cuff buttons and studs composed wholly of bone, mother- of-pearl, or ivory, fifty per centum ad valorem. Par. 383. * * * buttons or barrel buttons or buttons of other forms for tas- sels or ornaments * * * any of the foregoing made of wool or of which wool is a component material, whether contain- ing india rubber or not, fifty cents per pound and sixty per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1412. H. B. 7456. American Valnation. Par. 1412. Cork bark, cut into squares, cubes, or quarters, 8 cents per pound; stoppers over three-fourths of one inch in diameter, measured at the larger end, and disks, wafers, and washers over three- sixteenths of one inch in thickness, made from natural cork bark, 20 cents per pound; made from artificial or composition cork, 10 cents per pound; stoppers, three- fourths of one inch or less in diameter, measured at the larger end, and disks, wafers, and washers, three-sixteenths of one inch or less in thickness, made from natural cork bark, 25 cents per pound; made from artificial or composition cork, 12^ cents per pound; cork, artificial, commonly known as composition or com- pressed cork, manufactured from cork waste or granulated cork, in the rough and not further advanced than in the form of slabs, blocks, or planks, suitable for cut- ting into stoppers, disks, liners, floats, or similar articles, 6 cents per pound; in rods or sticks suitable for the manufacture of disks, wafers, or washers, 10 cents per pound; granulated or ground cork; cork insulation, wholly or in chief value of cork waste, granulated or ground cork, in slabs, boards, planks, or molded forms; cork tile; cork paper, and manufactures, wholly or in chief value of cork bark or artificial cork and not specially pro\'ided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 429. Cork bark cut into squares, cubes, or quarters, eight cents per pound; manufactured corks over three-fourths of an inch in diameter, measured at larger end, fifteen cents per pound ; three-fourths SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [ground cork] ground centum ad valorem cork, per [25130 ACT OF 1913. Par. 340. Cork bark, cut into squares, cubes, or quarters, 4 cents per pound; manufactured cork stoppers, over three- fourths of an inch in diameter, measured at the larger end, and manufactured cork 103791—22- -19 286 TAHIFF ACTS COMPAEED. of an inch and less in diameter, measured at larger end, twenty-five cents per pound; cork, artificial, or cork substitutes, manu- factured from cork waste or granulated cork, and not otherwise provided for in this section, six cents per pound; manu- factures, wholly or in chief value of cork, or of cork bark," or of artificial cork or cork substitutes, granulated or ground cork, not specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem. disks, wafers, or washers, over three- sixteenths of an inch in thickness, 12 cents per pound; manufacttu-ed cork stoppers, three-fourths of an inch or less in diameter, measured at the larger end, and manufactured cork disks, wafers, or washers, three-sixteenths of an inch or less in thickness, 15 cents per pound; cork, artificial, or cork substitutes manufac- tured from cork waste, or granulated corks, and not otherwise provided for in this section, 3 cents per pound; cork in sulation, wholly or in chief value of granulated cork, in slabs, boards, planks, or molded forms, ^ cent per pound; cork paper, 35 per centum ad valorem; manu- factures wholly or in chief value of cork or of cork bark, or of artificial cork or bark substitutes, granulated or ground cork, not specially provided for in this section, 30 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1413. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1418. Dice, dominoes, draughts, chessmen, and billiard, pool, and baga- telle balls, and poker chips, of ivory, bone, or other material, 40 per centum atl valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 430. Dice, dominoes, draughts, chessmen, chess balls, and billiard, pool, and bagatelle balls, of ivory, bone, or other materials, 50 per centum ad va- lorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. 1402 50 ACT OF 1913. Par. 341. Dice, dominoes, draughts, chessmen, chess balls, and billard, pool, bagatelle balls, and poker chips, of ivory, bone, or other materials, 50 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1414. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1414. Dolls, and parts of dolls, doll heads, toy marbles, of whatever ma- terials composed, air rifles, toy Ijalloons, toy books without reading matter other than letters, numerals, or descriptive words, bound or unbound, and parts thereof, and all other toys, and parts of toys, not composed of china, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen or stone ware, and not spe<'ially provided for, 40 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " thereof " insert garland, fes- tooning, and Christmas tree decora- tions, made wholly or in chief value of tinsel rcire, lame or lahn, bullions or metal threads. [401 70 ACT OF 1909. Par. 412.* * * books of paper or other material for children's use, not ex- ceeding in weight twenty-four ounces each, six cents per pound; * * *. Par. 431. Dolls, and parts of dolls, doll ACT OF 1913. Par. 325. * * * books of paper or other material for children's use, litho- graphically printed in whole or in part, not exceeding in weight twenty-four ounces each, 4 cents per pound; * * *. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 287 heads, toy marl)lo8 of whatever iiiaterialfi composed, and all other toys, and parts of toys, not composed of china, ])orcelain, parian, ]>isque, earthen or stone ware, and not specially provided for in this section, thirty-five jjer centum ad valorem. Par. 342. Dolls, and parts of dolls, doll heads, toy marl>les of whatever materials composed, and all other toys, and parts of toys, not composed of china, porcelain, parian, 1 isqiie, earthen or stone ware, and not specially pro^ ided for in tliis section, 35 per centum ad valorem. Par. 132. * * * air-rifles, * * * and parts thereof, 15 per centum ad va- lorem. PARAGRAPH 14.15. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1415. Emery, corundum and arti- ficial abrasive grains and emery, corun- dum and artificial abrasives, ground, pul- verized, refined, or manufactured, 1 cent per pound; emery wheels, emery files, emery paper, and manufactures of which emery, corundum or artificial abrasive is the component material of chief value, 20 per centum ad valorem ; crude artificial abrasives, 5 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 432. Emery grains and emery, manufactured, ground, pulverized, or refined, one cent per pound; emery wheels, emery files, and manufactures of which emery or corundum is the com- ponent material of chief value, twenty- five per centum ad valorem; crude arti- ficial abrasives, ten per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [emery paper,] [20] not specially provided for; and all papers, cloths, and combinations of paper and cloth, wholly or partly coated toith artificial or natural abras- sives, or with a combination of natural and artificial abrasives; all the fore- going 20 [; crude artificial abrasives, 5 per centum ad valorem.]. (Transferred to free list, par. 1565.) ACT OF 1913. Par. 343. Emery grains and emery, manufactured, ground, pulverized, or refined, 1 cent per pound; emery wheels, emery files, emery paper, and manufac- tures of which emery or corundum is the component material of chief value, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 479. * * * and crude artifi- cial abrasives, not specially provided for [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1416. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1416. Firecrackers of all kinds, 8 cents per pound; bombs, rockets, Roman candles, and fireworks of all descriptions, not specially pro\'ided for, 12 cents per pound; the weight on all the foregoing to include all coverings, wrappings, and packing material. ACT OF 1909. Par. 433. Firecrackers of all kinds, eight cents per pound; bombs, rockets, Roman candles, and fireworks of all descriptions, not specially provided for in this section, twelve cents per pound; the weight on all the foregoing to include all coverings, wrappings, and packing material. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 344. Firecrackers of all kinds, 6 cents per pound; bombs, rockets, Roman candles, and fireworks of all descriptions, not specially provided for in this section, 10 cents per pound; the weight on all the foregoing to include all coverings, wrap- pings, and packing material. 288 TAKIFF ACTS COMPAEED. PARAGRAPH 1417. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1417. Matches, friction or lucifer, of all descriptions, per gross of one hun- dred and forty-four boxes, containing not more than one hundred matches per box, 6 cents per gross; when imported other- wise than in boxes containing not more than one hundred matches each, three- fourths of 1 cent per one thousand matches; wax matches, wind matches, and all matches in books or folders or having a stained, dyed, or colored stick or stem, tapers consisting of a wick coated with an inflammable substance, night lights, fusees and time-burning chemical signals, by whatever name known, 30 per centiun ad valorem: Provided, That in accordance with section 10 of "An Act to provide for a tax upon white phosphorus matches, and for other purposes," approved April 9, 1912, white phosphorus matches manu- factured wholly or in part in any foreign country shall not be entitled to enter at any of the ports of the United States, and the importation thereof is hereby pro- hibited: Provided further, That nothing in this Act contained shall be held to re- peal or modify said Act to proAdde for a tax upon white phosphorus matches, and for other piuposes, approved April 9, 1912. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Yaluatio*. [61 i^ [three-fourths of3 [301 45 ACT OF 1909. Par. 436. Matches, friction or lucifer, of all descriptions, per gross of one hun- dred and forty-four boxes, containing not more than one hundred matches per box, six cents per gi'oss; when imported other- wise than in boxes containing not more than one hundred matches each, three- fourths of one cent per one thousand matches; wax and fancy matches and tapers, thirty-five per centimi ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 345. Matches, friction or lucifer, of all descriptions, per gross of one hun- dred and forty-four boxes, containing not more than one hundred matches per box, 3 cents per gross; when imported other- wise than in boxes containing not more than one hundred matches each, | of 1 cent per one thousand matches; wax matches, fusees, wind matches, and all matches in books or folders or having a stained, dyed, or colored stick or stem, and tapers consisting of a wick coated with an inflammable substance, and night lights, 25 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That in accordance with section ten of "An Act to pro\ade for a tax upon white phosphorus matches, and for other pur- poses," approved April ninth, nineteen hundred and twelve, white phosphorus matches manufactured wholly or in part in any foreign country shall not be en- titled to enter at any of the ports of the United States, and the importation thereof is hereby prohibited: Provided further, That nothing in this Act contained shall be held to repeal or modify said Act to pro\'ide for a tax upon white phosphorus matches, and for other purposes, approved April ninth, nineteen hundred and twelve. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 289 PARAGRAPH 1418. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1418. Percussion caps, cartridges, and cartridges shells empty, 25 per cen- tum ad valorem; blasting caps, contain- ing not more than one gram charge of explosive, $2.25 per thousand; contaiiiing more than one gram charge of explosive, 75 cents per thousand additional for each additional one-half gram charge of ex- plosive; mining, blasting, or safety fuses of all kinds, not composed in chief value of cotton, 1 $1 per thousand feet. ACT OF 1909. Par. 437. Percussion caps, cartridges, and cartridge shells empty, thirty per centum ad valorem; blasting caps, two dollars and twenty-five cents per thou- sand; mining, blasting, or safety fuses of all kinds, not composed in chief value of cotton, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. C25J SO [not composed in chief value of cot- ton,! ACT OF 1913. Par. 346. Percussion caps, cartridges, and cartridge shells empty, 15 per cen- tum ad valorem; blasting caps, one dollar per thousand; mining, blasting, or safety fuses of all kinds, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1419. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1419. Feathers and downs, on the skin or otherwise, crude or not dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced or manu- factured in any manner, not specially pro\ided for, 20 per centum ad valorem; dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced or manufactured in any manner, includ- ing quilts of down and other manufactures of down, artificial or ornamental feathers suitable for use as millinery ornaments, artificial and ornamental fruits, vege- tables, grains, leaves, flowers, and stems or parts thereof, of whatever material composed, not specially pro\dded for, 45 per centum ad valorem; natural leaves, plants, shrubs, herbs, trees, and parts thereof, chemically treated, colored, dyed or painted, not specially pro\T.ded for, 45 per centum ad valorem; boas, boutonnieres, wreaths, and all articles not specially provided for, composed wholly or in chief value of any of the feathers, flowers, leaves, or other material herein mentioned, 50 per centum ad va- lorem: Provided, That the importation of birds of paradise, aigrettes, egret plumes or so-called osprey plumes, and the feathers, quills, heads, wings, tails, skins, or parts of skins, of wild birds, either raw or manufactured, and not for scientific or educational purposes, is hereby pro- hibited; but this provision shall not ap- ply to the feathers or plumes of ostriches or to the feathers or plumes of domestic fowls of any kind: Provided further, That SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [down,] down; [and] or [45] 60 [45] 65 [50] 60 » Safety fuses In chief value of cotton mil come within par. 820. 290 TAKIFF ACTS COMPARED. birds of paradise, and the feathers quills, heads wings, tails, skins, or parts thereof, and all aigrettes, egret plumes, or so-cal ed osprev plumes, and the feathers, quiUs, heads ^\-ings, tails, skins, or parts of skins, of ^^■iU\ birds, either raw or manufactured, p.^ -■ ^j^g^^ of like kind to those, the importation of Luio»e,j which is prohibited by the foregoing pro- visions of this paragraph, which may be found in the United States, on and after the passage of this Act, except as to such plumage or parts of birds in actual use for personal adornment, and except such plumage, birds or parts thereof imported therein for scientific or educational pur- poses, shall be presumed for the purpose of seizure to have been imported unlaw- fully after October 3, 1913, and the col- lector of customs shall seize the same unless the possessor thereof shall estab- lish, to the satisfaction of the collector that the same were imported into the United States prior to October 3, 1913, or as to such plumage or parts of birds that thev were plucked or derived m the United States from birds la\vfully therein; and in case of seizure by the collector, he shall proceed as in case of forfeiture for violation of the customs laws, and the same shall be forfeited, unless the claim- ant shall, in any legal proceeding to eri- force such forfeiture, other than a crimi- nal prosecution, overcome the presunip- tion of illegal importation and establish that the birds or articles seized, of like kind to those mentioned the importation of which is prohibited as above, were imported into the United States prior to October 3, 1913, or were plucked in the United States from birds lawfully therein. That whenever birds of plumage, the importation of which is prohibited by the foregoing pro-visions of this para.gi'aph, are forfeited to the Government, the Secre- tary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to place the same 'with the departments or bureaus of the Federal or State Govern- ments or societies or museums for exhibi- tion or scientific or educational purposes, but not for sale or personal use; and in the event of such birds or plumage not being required or desired by either Fed- eral or State Government or for educa- tional purposes, they shall be destroyed. That nothing in this Act shall be con- strued to repeal the provisions of the Act of March 4, 1913, chapter 145 (Thirty- seventh Statutes at Large, page 847), or the Act of July 3, 1918 (Fortieth Statutes at Large, page 755), or any other law of the Ignited States, now in force, intended for the protection or preservation of birds within the United States. That if on investigation by the collector before seizure, or before trial for forfeiture, or if at such trial if such seizure has been made, it shall be made to appear to the collector, or the prosecuting officer of the TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 291 Government, as the case may be, that no illegal importation of such feathers has been made, but that the possession, acquisition or purchase of such feathers is or has been made in \dolation of the provisions of the Act of March 4, 1913, chapter 145 (Thirty-seventh Statutes at Large, page 847 1, or the Act of July 3, 1918 (Fortieth Statutes at Large, page 755), or any other law of the United States, now of force, intended for the protection or preservation of birds within the United States, it shall be the duty of the collector, or such prosecuting officer, as the case may be, to report the facts to the proper officials of the L'nited States, or State or Territory charged ^vith the duty of enforcing such laws. ACT OF 1909. Par. 438. Feathers and downs of all kinds, including bird skins or parts thereof with the feathers on, crude or not dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced, or manufactured in any manner, not spe- cially pro\'ided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem; when dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced or manu- factured in any manner, including quilts of down and other manufactures of down, and also dressed and finished birds suit- able for millinery ornaments, and arti- ficial or ornamental feathers, fruits, grains, leaves, flowers, and stems or parts thereof, of whatever material composed, not specially provided for in this section, sixty per centum ad valorem; boas, boutonnieres, wreaths, and all articles not specially provided for in this section, composed wholly or in chief value of any of the feathers, flowers, leaves, or other materials or articles herein mentioned, sixty per centum ad valorem. Par. 509. Birds, stuffed, not suitable for millinerj' ornaments [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 347. Feathers and downs, on the skin or otherwise, crude or not dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced or manu- factured in any manner, not specially pro^-ided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem; when dressed, colored, or other^\"ise advanced or manufactured in any manner, and not suitable for use as millinery ornaments, including quilts of down and manufactures of down, 40 per centum ad valorem ; artificial or orna- mental feathers suitable for use as mil- linen.- ornaments, artificial and orna- mental fruits, grains, leaves, flowers, and stems or parts thereof, of whatever ma- terial composed, not specially pro\'ided for in this section, 60 per centum ad valorem; boas, boutonnieres, wreaths, and all articles not specially provided for in this section, composed wholly or in chief value of any of the feathers, flowers, leaves, or other material herein men- tioned, 60 per centum ad valorem; Provided. That the importation of aigrettes, egret plumes or so-called osprey plumes, and the feathers, quills, heads, wings, tails, skins, or parts of skins, of ^vild birds, either raw or manufactured, and not for scientific or educational purposes, is here- by prohibited: but this provision shall not apply to the feathers or plumes of ostriches, or to the feathers or plumes of domestic fowls of any kind. PARAGRAPH 1420. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1420. Furs dressed on the skin, excepting silver or black fox furs, not advanced further than dyeing, 20 per centum ad valorem; plates and mats of dog and goat skins, 10 per centum ad valorem: manufactures of furs, excepting silver or black fox, further advanced than dressing and dyeing, prepared for use as SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [20] 30 292 TABIFF ACTS COMPABED. material, joined or sewed together, in- cluding plates, linings, and crosses, ex- cept plates and mats of dog and goat skins, and articles manufactured from fur, not specially provided for, 35 per centum ad valorem; silver or black fox skins, dressed or undressed, and manufactures thereof, not specially provided for, 40 per centum ad valorem; articles of wear- ing apparel of every description partly or wholly manufactured, composed wholly or in chief value of hides or skins of cattle of the bovine species, or of dog or goat skins, 15 per centum ad valorem; articles of wearing apparel of every description wholly or in part manufactured, composed wholly or in chief value of fur, not spe- cially pro\dded for, 50 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 439. Furs dressed on the skin, not advanced further than dyeing, but not repaired, twenty per centum ad valorem; manufactures of furs, further advanced than dressing and dyeing, when prepared for use as material, including plates, linings, and crosses, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; articles of wearing apparel of every description, partly or wholly manufactured, composed of or of which fur is the component material of chief value, fifty per centum ad valorem. * * * Par. 573. Furs, undressed [Free]. Par. 574. Fur skin of all kinds not dressed in any manner and not specially provided for in this section [Free]. [No provision for articles manufactured from fur not specially provided for.] [35] 1,0 [40] 50 After " skins," insert and not epeoially provided for, ACT OF 1913. Par. 348. Furs dressed on the skin, not advanced further than dyeing, 30 per centum ad valorem; plates and mats of dog and goat skins, 10 per centum ad valorem; manufactures of furs, further advanced than dressing and dyeing, when prepared for use as material, joined or sewed together, including plates, linings, and crosses, except plates and mats of dog and goat skins, and articles manufactured from fur not specially provided for in this section, 40 per centum ad valorem; articles of wearing apparel of every description partly or wholly manufactured, composed of or of which hides or skins of cattle of the bo\dne species, or of the dog or goat are the component material of chief value, 15 per centum ad valorem; articles of wearing apparel of every description partly or wholly manufactured, composed of or of which fur is the component material of chief value, not specially pro- vided for in this section, 50 per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 491. Furs and fur skins, un- dressed [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1421. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1421. Hatters' furs, or furs not on the skin, prepared for hatters' use, includ- ing fur skins carroted, 22 per centum ad [22] 35 valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 439. * * * Furs not on the skin, prepared for hatters' use, including fur skins carroted, twenty per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 348. * * * furs not on the skin, prepared for hatters' use, including fur skins carroted, 15 per centum ad va- lorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 293 PARAGRAPH 1422. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1422. Fans of all kinds, except common palm-leaf fans, 40 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 440. Fans of all kinds, except common palm-leaf fans, fifty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [403 50 ACT OF 1913. Par. 349. Fans of all kinds, except common palm-leaf fans, 50 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1423. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1423. Gun wads of all descrip- tions, not specially provided for, 10 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 441. Gun wads of all descriptions, twenty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [10] 20 ACT OF 1913. Par. 350. Gun wads of all descriptions, 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1424. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1424. Human hair, raw, 10 per centum ad valorem; cleaned or commer- cially known as drawn, but not manufac- tured, 20 per centum ad valorem; manu- factiu"es of human hair, including nets and nettings, or of which human hair is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 35 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 442. Hair, human, if clean or drawn but not manufactured, twenty per centum ad valorem; manufactures of human hair, or of which human hair is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 583. * * * human hair, raw, uncleaned, and not drawn [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 351. Human hair, raw, 10 per centum ad valorem; if cleaned or com- mercially known as drawn, but not manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem; manufactures of human hair, including nets and nettings, or of which human hair is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1425. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 1425. Hair, ciu"led, suitable for beds or mattresses, 10 per centum ad valorem. Foreign Valuation. No change. 294 TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 444. Hair, curled, suitable for Par. 352. Hair, curled, suitable for beds or mattresses, ten per centum ad beds or mattresses, 10 per centum ad valorem. valorem. PARAGRAPH 1426. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1426. Haircloth, known as "crin- oline" cloth, haircloth, known as "hair Beating," and hair press cloth, 35 per centum ad valorem; hair felt, made wholly or in chief value of animal hair, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem; manufactiires of hair felt, including gun wads, 35 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 382. On * * * felts not woven, and not specially pro\aded for in this sec- tion, composed wholly or in part of wool, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this section on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto sixty per centum ad valorem. Par. 441. Gun wads of all descriptions, twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 445. Haircloth, known as "crino- line" cloth, eight cents per square yard; haircloth, known as "hair seating,'' and hair press cloth, twenty cents per square vard. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " cloth," insert not specially pro- vided for. Cad valorem] ad valorem; clotJhs and all other manufactures of every de- scription, wholly or in chief value of cattle hair or horsehair, not specially provided for, 40 per ceiitum ad va- lorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 288. * * * felts not woven, and all manufactures of every description made, by any process, wholly or in chief value of wool, not specially provided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem; cloths if made in chief value of cattle hair or horse hair, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem; * * * press cloth composed of camel's hair, not specially pro^-ided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem. Par. 350. Gun wads of all descriptions, 10 per centum ad valorem. Par. 353. Haircloth, known as "crino- line" cloth, 6 cents per square yard; haircloth, known as "hair seating," and hair press cloth, 15 cents per square yard. Par. 422. * * * Press cloths com- posed of camel 's hair, imported expressly for oil milling purposes, and marked so as to indicate that it is for such purposes, and cut into lengths not to exceed seventy-two inches and woven in widths not under ten inches nor to exceed fifteen inches and weighing not less than one- half pound per square foot [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1427. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1427. Hats, caps, bonnets, and hoods, for men's, women's, boys', or chil- dren's wear, trimmed or untrimmed, in- cluding bodies, hoods, plateaux, forms, or shapes, for hats or bonnets, composed wholly or in chief value of fur of the rabbit, beaver, or other animals, valued SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 295 at not more than $4.50 per dozen, $1.50 per dozen; valued at more than S4.50 and not more than ?9 per dozen, $3 per dozen; valued at more than ?!) and not more than B15 per dozen, $5 per dozen; valued at more than $15 and not more than $24 per dozen, $7 per dozen; valued at more than $24 and not more than $36 per dozen, $10 per dozen; valued at more than S36 and not more than $48 per dozen, $13 per dozen; valued at more than $48 per dozen, $16 per dozen; and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, 20 per centum ad valorem. [20] 30 ACT OF 1909. Par. 439. * * * articles of wearing apparel of every description, partly or wholly manufactured, composed of or of which fur is the component material of chief value, fifty per centum ad valorem. * * * Par. 446. Ha*«i\ bonnets, or hoods, for men's, women's, boys', or children's wear, trimmed or untrimmed, including bodies, hoods, plateaux, forms, or shapes, for hat^ or bonnets, composed wholly or in chief value of fur of the rabbit, beaver, or other animals, valued at not more than four dollars and fifty cents per dozen, one dollar and fifty cents per dozen; valued at more than four dollars and fifty cents per dozen and not more than nine dollars per dozen, three dollars per dozen; valued at more than nine dollars per dozen and not more than eighteen dollars per dozen, five dollars per dozen; valued at more than eighteen dollars per dozen, seven dollars per dozen: and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, twenty per coiitum ftd valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 348. * * * articles of wearing apparel of every description, partly or wholly manufactured, composed of or of which fur is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 50 per centum ad valorem; * * * Par. 354. Hats, bonnets, or hoods, for men's, women's, boys', or children's wear, trimmed or untrimmed, includina bodies, hoods, plateaux, forms or shapes, for hats or bonnets, composed wholly or in chief value of fur of the rabbit, beaver, or other animals, 45 per centum ad valorem. PARAGR^O*H 1428. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1428. Jewelry, commonly or com- mercially so known, valued above 20 cents per dozen pieces, 55 per centum ad valorem; rope, curb, cable, and fancy patterns of chain not exceeding one-half inch in diameter, width, or thick- ness, valued alove 30 cents per yard; and articles valued al)ove 20 cents per dozen pieces, designed to lie worn on apparel or carried on or about or attached to the person, such as and including buckles, cardcases, chains, cigar cases, cigar cut- ters, cigar holders, cigarette cases, ciga- rette holders, coin holders, collar, cuff, and dress buttons, com! s, match V>oxe8, mesh bags and purses, millinery, military and hair ornaments, pins, powder cases, SENATE AMENDMENIS. Foreign Valuation. After "known," insert finished or un- finished, of lohatever material com- posed, [55] 80 296 TABIFF ACTS COMPAKED. Btanip oases, vanity cases, and like ar- ticles; all the foregoing and parts thereof, finished or partly finished, composed of metal, whether or not enameled, washed, covered, or plated, including rolled gold plate, and whether or not set witli pre- cious or semiprecious stones, pearls, ca,m- eos, coral, or amber, or with imitation precious stones or imitation pearls, 55 per centum ad valorem; stampings, galleries, mesh, and other materials of metal, whether or not set with glass or paste, finished or partly finished, separate or in strips or sheets, suitable for use in the manufacture of any of the foregoing ar- ticles in this paragraph, 45 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 448. Chains, pins, collar, cuff, and dress buttons, charms, combs, millinery and military ornaments, together with all other articles of every description, finished or partly finished, if set with imitation precious stones composed of glass or paste (except imitation jet), or composed wholly or in chief value of silver, German silver, white metal, brass, or gun metal, whether or not enameled, washed, covered, plated, or alloyed with gold, silver or nickel, and designed to be worn on apparel or carried on or about or attached to the person, valued at twenty cents per dozen pieces, one cent each and in addition thereto three-fifths of one cent per dozen for each one cent the value ex- ceeds twenty cents per dozen; all stamp- ings and materials of metal (except iron or steel), or of metal set with glass or paste, finished or partly finished, suitable for use in the manufacture of any of the foregoing articles (except chain valued at less than thirty cents per yard other than nickel or nickel-plated chain), val- ued at seventy-two cents per gross, three cents per dozen pieces and in addition thereto one-half of one cent per gross for each one cent the value exceeds seventy- two cents per gross; rope, curb, cable, and other fancy patterns of chain, without bar, swivel, snap or ring, composed of rolled gold plate or of silver, German silver, white metal, or brass, not exceed- ing one-half of one inch in diameter, breadth or thickness, valued at thirty cents per yard, six cents per foot, and in addition thereto three-fifths of one cent per yard for each one cent the value ex- ceeds thirty cents per yard; finished or unfinished bags, purses, and other articles, or parts thereof, made in chief value of metal mesh composed of silver, German silver, or white metal, valued at two dollars per dozen pieces, ten cents per piece and in addition thereto three-fifths of one cent per dozen pieces for each one [553 80 £451 75 ACT OF 1913. Par. 356. Jewelry, commonly or com- mercially so known, valued above 20 cents per dozen pieces, 60 per centum ad valorem; rope, curb, cable, and fancy patterns of chain not exceeding one-half inch in diameter, width, or thickness, valued above 30 cents per yard; and ar- ticles valtied above 20 cents per dozen pieces designed to be worn on apparel or carried on or about or attached to the person, such as and including buckles, card cases, chains, cigar cases, cigar cut- ters, cigar holders, cigarette cases, ciga- rette holders, coin holders, collar, cuff, and dress buttons, combs, match boxes, mesh bags, and purses, millinery, mili- tary, and hair ornaments, pins, powder cases, stamp cases, vanity cases, and like articles ; all the foregoing and parts thereof finished or partly finished, composed of metal, whether or not enameled, washed, covered, or plated, including rolled gold plate, and whether or not set with pre- cious or semiprecious stones, pearls, cameos, coral, or amber, or with imita- tion pi-ecious stones or imitation pearls, 60 per centum ad valorem. Stampings, galleries, mesh and other materials of metal, whether or not set udth glass or paste, finished or partly finished, separate or in strips or sheets, suital)le for use in the manufacture of any of the foregoing articles in this paragraph, 50 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 297 cent the value exceeds two dollars per dozen; all of the foregoing, whether knoM^n as jewelry or otherwise and whether or not denominatively or otherwise pro\'ided for in any other paragraph of this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem in addition to the specific rate or rates of duty herein proAdded; all articles com- monly or commercially known as jewelry, or parts thereof, finished or unfinished, including chain, mesh, and mesh bags and purses composed of gold or platinum, whether set or not set with diamonds, pearls, cameos, coral, or other precious or semiprecious stones, or imitations thereof, sixty per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1429. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1429. Diamonds and other pre- cious stones, rough or uncut, and not advanced in condition or value from their natural state by cleaving, splitting, cut- ting, or other process, whether in their natural form or broken, any of the fore- going not set, and diamond dust, 10 per centum ad valorem; pearls and parts thereof, drilled or undnlled, but not set or strung; diamonds, coral, rubies, cameos, and other precious stones and semiprecious stones, cut but not set, and suitable for use in the manufacture of jewelry, 20 per centum ad valorem; chatons, doublets, and synthetic cut stones, used in the manufacture of jewelry and other similar articles, 20 per centum ad valorem; imitation pearls of all kinds and shapes, of whatever ma- terial composed, jjierced or unpierced, mounted or unmounted, and imitation precious or semiprecious stones except chatons, doublets, and synthetic cut stones of any kind, of all kinds and shapes, of whatever material composed, 45 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [strung;] strung, 20 per centum ad valorem; After " ad valorem ; " remainder of paragraph struck out and the follow- ing substituted : imitation precious stones, cut or fac- etted, imitation semiprecious stones, facetted, imitation half pearls and hol- loio or filled pearls of all shapes, tvitli- out hole or tvith hole partly through only, 20 per centum ad valorem; imi- tation precious stones, not cut or" fac- etted, imitation semiprecious stones, not facetted, imitation jet duttons, cut, pol- ished, or faceted, and imitation solid pearls tvholly or partially pierced, m'ounted or unmounted, 60 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 449. Pearls and parts thereof, drilled or undrilled, but not set or strung, ten per centum ad valorem: diamonds, coral, rubies, cameos, and other precious stofies and semi-precious stones, cut but not set, and suitable for use in the manufacture of jewelry, ten per centum ad valorem; imitation pre- cioua stones, including pearls and parts thereof, for use in the manufacture of jewelry, doublets, artificial, or so-called ACT OF 1913. Par. 357. Diamonds and other pre- cious stones, rough or uncut, and not advanced in condition or value from their natural state by cleaving, splitting, cutting, or other process, whether in their natural form or broken, and bort; any of the foregoing not set, and diamond dust, 10 per centum ad valorem; pearls and parts thereof, drilled or undrilled, but not set or strung; diamonds, coral, rubies, cameos, and other precious 298 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. eynthetic or reconstructed pearls and parts thereof, rubies, or other precious stones, twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 555. Diamonds and other pre- cious stones, rough or uncut, and not advanced in condition or value from their natural state by cleaving, spUtting, cut- ting, or other process * * * [Free]. Par. 556. * * * bort ^; any of the foregoing not set, and diamond dust [Free]. stones and semiprecious stones, cut but not set and amtal^lA for hbp in tVip mtinii- facture of HUO nCtj emu C5Ui.l/a»»JlC IWA LADC LXX UllC LuaiAU- facture of jewelry, 20 per centum ad valorem; imitation precious stones, in- cluding pearls and parts thereof, for use in the manufacture of jewelry, doublets, artificial, or so-called synthetic or recon- structed pearls and parts thereof, rubies, or other precious stones, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1430. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1430. Laces, including burnt-out laces, lace window curtains; handker- chiefs, napkins, wearing apparel, and all other articles or falirics of lace, or made wholly or in part, however small, of lace or of imitation lace of any kind; edgings, insertings, galloons, nets, nettings, veils, veilings, neck rutllings, ruchings, tuck- ings, trimmings, flouncings, fiutings, quill- ings, ornaments; ribbons ornamented in the process of weaving; braids loom woven and ornamented in the process of weaving, or made by band, or on any braid ma- chine, knitting machine, or lace ma- chine; and all articles composed in any part, however small, of any of the fore- going fabrics or articles; all the foregoing (except plain gauze or leno woven cotton nets or nettings, and materials and articles specially provided for in paragraphs 919, 1006, 1403, 1404, 1406, and 1424 of this Act), by whatever name known, and to whatever use applied, and whether or not named, described, or provided for else- where in this Act, when composed wholly or in chief value of yarns, threads, fila- ments, tinsel wire, lame, bullions, metal threads, spangles, or beads, 45 per centum ad valorem ; embroider- ies, handkerchiefs, napkins, wearing apparel, and all other articles or fab- rics embroidered in any manner by hand or machinery, whether with a plain or fancy initial, monogram, or otherwise, or tamboured, appliqu6d, scalloped, or ornamented witli beads or spangles, or from wliich threads have been omitted, drawn, punched, or cut, and with tlireads introduced after weaving to finish or ornament the openwork, not in- cluding straight hemstitching; all the foregoing (except plain gauze or leno woven cotton nets or nettings, and ma- terials and articles specially provided for in paragraphs 919, 1006, 1403, 1404, 1406, and 1421 of this Act), by whatever name known, and to whatever use applied, and whether or not named, described, or pro- SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Entire paragraph struck out and the following sub.stituted : J'ar. U/SO. Laves, lace iclndmo cur- tains, hurnt-out laces and eiiibroider- ies, capable of concersion into hurnt- out laces, nets and nettings, embroid- ered or otherioise, veils, veilings, flouncings, all-overs, neck riifflings, flutings, qnilMngs, ruchings, tuckings, insertings, galloons, edgings, trim- mings, fringes; gimps, ornaments; braids, loom iroven and ornamented in the process of icearing, or made by hand, or on any braid machine, knit- ting machine, or luce machine; and all fabrics and articles composed in any part, hotcever small, of any of the foregoing fabrics or articles; all the foregoing, finished or unfinished {ex- cept materials and articles p^^ovided for in paragraphs 922, 1006, lJ,OJi, I4O6, and, l'i2Jf of tJiis' act), by whatever name knoicn, and to whatever use ap- plied, and whether or not named, de- scribed, or provided for elseiohere in this Act, when composed wholly or in chief value of yarns, thr'eads, filaments, tinsel toirc, lame, bullions, metal threads, beads, bugles, spangles, or products of cellulose provided for in paragraphs 1213 of this Act, 90 per cent ad valorem; embroideries not spe- cially provided for, and all fabrics and articles embroidered in any manner by hand or machinei'y, xvhether tvit,h a plain or fancy initial, monogram, or otherwise, or tamboured, ajypliqued, svaUoped, or ornamented tvith beads, bugles, or spangles, or from which threads have been omitted, dratvn, pnnflicd. or cut, and icith threads in- troduced after weaving to finish or ornament tlie opemrork, not including straight hemstitching ; all the fore- going, finished or unfinished, by wluit- erer wrmc knoicn. and to icliatcrer use applied, and whether or not named, described, or provided for elsetohere in • Or opposite par. 1561, H. R. 7456. TARIFF ACTS COAIPARED. 299 vided for elsewhere in this Act, when composed wholly or in chief Aalue of yarns,- threads, tilaments, tinsel wire, lame, bullions, metal threads, spangles, or beads, 37^ per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 179. * * * laces, embroider- ies, braids, galloons, trimmings, * * * ornaments, " * * * made wholly or in chief value of tinsel wire, lame or lahn, bullions, or metal threads, fifteen cents per pound and sixty per centum ad va- lorem. Par. 322. Handkerchiefs or mufflers composed of cotton, whether in the piece or otherwise and whether finished or un- finished, * * * embroidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, by hand or ma- chinery, or are tamboured, appliqu^d, or trimmed wholly or in part with lace or with tucking or insertion, they shall not pay a less rate of duty than sixty per centum ad valorem. Par. 349. Laces, lace window curtains, and all other lace articles; handkerchiefs, napkins, wearing apparel, and all other articles made wholly or in part of lace or laces, or in imitation of lace; nets, net- tings, veils, veilings, neck rufflings, ruch- ings, tuckings, flutings, quillings, em- broideries, trimmings, braids, feather- stitch braids, edgings, insertings, fiounc- ings, galloons, gorings, * * * orna- ments, ribbons, * * * wearing ap- parel, handkerchiefs, and other articles or fabrics embroidered in any manner by hand or machinery, whether with a plain or fancy letter, initial, or monogram, or otherwise, or tamboured, appliqu^d, or scalloped, by hand or machinery, for any purpose, or from which threads have been drawn, cut, or punched to produce open- work, ornamented or embroidered in any manner herein described, in any part thereof, however small; hemstitched or tucked fiouncings or skirtings; all of the foregoing, composed wholly or in chief value of cotton, flax, or other vegetable fiber, or of cotton, flax, or other vegetable fiber and india rubber, or of cotton, flax, or other vegetalile fiber, india rubber, and metal, and not elsewhere specially pro- vided for in this section, sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article composed wholly or in chief value of one or more of the materials or goods specified in this paragraph, shall pay a less rate of duty than the highest rate imposed by this section upon any of the materials or goods of which the same is composed: And provided further, That no article or fabric of any description, composed of flax tJtis Act, irlien coiiipofied icholJi/ or in chief value of yarns, threads, ftta- Dteiits. tinsel ioirc, lame, bulliojis, metal threads, beads, bugles, spangles, or products of cellulose provided for in paragraph 1213, 75 per cent ad valo- rem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 358. Laces, lace window curtains, not specially pro\dded for in this section, coach, carriage, and automobile laces, and all lace articles of whatever yarns, threads, or filaments composed; handkerchiefs, napkins, wearing apparel, and all other articles or fabrics made wholly or in part of lace or imitation lace of any kind ; em- broideries, wearing apparel, handker- chiefs, and all articles or fabrics embroid- ered in any manner byhand or machinery, whether with a plain or fancy initial, monogram, or otherwise, or tamboured, appliqu^d, or scalloped by hand or ma- chinery, any of the foregoing by whatever name known; edgings, insertings, gal- loons, nets, nettings, veils, veilings, neck rufflings, ruchings, tuckings, flouncings, flutings, quillings, ornaments; braids, loom woven and ornamented in the proc- ess of weaving, or made by hand, or on any braid machine, knitting machine, or lace machine, and not specially provided for; trimmings not specially provided for; woven fabrics or articles from which threads have been omitted, drawn, punched, or cut, and with threads intro- duced after weaving, forming figures or designs, not including straight hem- stitching; and articles made in whole or in part of any of the foregoing fabrics or articles; all of the foregoing of whatever yarns, threads, or filaments composed, 60 per centum ad valorem. 300 ' TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. or other vegetable fiber, or of which these materials or any of them is the component material of chief value, when embroidered by hand or machinery, or having hand or machinery embroidery thereon, shall pay a less rate of duty than that imposed in this section upon any embroideries of the materials of which such embroidery is composed. Par. 350. Laces, embroideries, edgings, insertings, galloons, flouncings, nets, net- tings, trimmings, and veils, composed of cotton, silk, artificial silk, or other ma- terial (except wool), made on the Lever or Gothrough machine, seventy per centmn ad valorem: Provided, That no wear- ing apparel, handkerchiefs, or articles of any description, composed wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing, shall pay a less rate of duty than that imposed upon the articles or the materials of which the same are composed. Par. 383. * * * braids, galloons, edgings, insertings, flouncings, fringes, gimps, * * * ornaments, laces, trim- mings, and articles made wholly or in part of lace, embroideries and all articles embroidered by hand or machinery, head nets, nettings, * * * ^ and manufactures of wool ornamented with beads or span- gles of whatever material composed, any of the foregoing made of wool or of which wool is a component material, whether containing india rubber or not, fifty cents per pound and sixty per centum ad valorem. Par. 400. Handkerchiefs or muflSers composed wholly or in chief value of silk, finished or unfinished, * * * em- broidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, appliqueed, or having tucking or inser- tion, sixty per centum ad valorem. Par. 402. Laces, edgings, insertings, galloons, flouncings, neck rufflings, ruch- ings, braids, * * * trimmings, orna- ments, nets or nettings, veils or veilings, and articles made wholly or in part of any of the foregoing, or of chiffons, embroid- eries and articles embroidered by hand or machinery, or tamboured or appli- queed, * * * all of the foregoing com- posed of silk, or of silk and metal, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, whether in part of India rub- ber or otherwise and braid composed in part of India rubber, not specially pro- vided for in this section, and silk goods ornamented \^ith beads or spangles, sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That articles composed wholly or in chief value of any of the materials or goods dutiable under this paragraph shall pay not less than the rate of duty imposed upon such materials or goods by this section: Pro- vided further, That tamboured, embroid- TARIFF ACTS COMPARED, 301 ered, or appliqu^ed articles or fabrics shall pay no less rate of duty than that imposed upon the material if not so tam- boured, embroidered, or appliqu6ed. Par. 405. * * * braids, laces, em- broideries, galloons, neck rufHings, ruch- ings, * * * trimmings, * * * or other articles or fabrics composed wholly or in chief value of yarns, threads, fila- ments, or fibers of artificial or imitation silk or of artificial or imitation horsehair, by whatever name known, and by what- ever process made, forty-five cents per pound, and in addition thereto, sixty per centum ad valorem. Par. 421. * * * nets or nettings, laces, embroideries^ galloons, wearing apparel, ornaments,'*rimmings, curtains, fringes, and other articles not specially provided for in this section, composed wholly or in chief value of beads or span- gles made of glass or paste, gelatin, metal, or other material, but not in part of wool, sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article composed wholly or in chief value of beads or spangles made of glass, paste, gelatin, metal, or other ma- terial shall pay duty at a less rate than is imposed in any paragraph of this section upon such articles without such beads or spangles. PARAGRAPH 1431. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1431. Chamois skins, pianoforte, pianoforte-action, player-piano-action leather, enameled upholstery leather, and glove leather, finished, in the white or in the crust, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 451. * * * chamois skin, twenty per centum ad valorem; * * * en- ameled leather weighing not over ten pounds per dozen hides or skins, twenty- seven cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; if weighing over ten pounds and not over twenty-five pounds per dozen, twenty -seven cents per pound and eight per centum ad valorem; if weighing over twenty-five pounds per dozen, twenty cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; pianoforte leather and piano-forte-action leather, and glove leather, twenty per centum ad valorem; * * *. Band, bend, or belting leather, rough leather, and sole leather, five per centum ad valorem ; dressed upper and all other leather, calfskins tanned or tanned and SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigrn Yalaation. After " upholstery leather," insert barf, strap, case, football, After " crust," insert and seal, sheep, goat, calf, and pig leather, dressed and finished, other than shoe leather, ACT OF 1913. Par. 359. Chamois skins, 15 per centum ad valorem; pianoforte, pianoforte action, enameled upholstery leather, and glove leathers, 10 per centum ad valorem. 103791—22- -20 302 TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. dressed, kangaroo, sheep and goat skins (including lamb and kid skins) dressed and finished, other skins and bookbinders' calfskins, all the forego- ing not specially provided for in this section, fifteen per centum ad va- lorem ; * * * skins for morocco, tanned but unfinished, five per centum ad valorem ; patent, japanned, var- nished, or * * * leather shoe laces, finished or unfinished, fifty cents per gross pairs and ten per centum ad valorem ; * * * Provided, That leather cut into shoe uppers or vamps or other forms, suitable for conversion into manufactured articles, and gauffre leather, shall pay a duty of ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty imposed by this paragraph on leather of the same character as that from which they are cut. PARAGRAPH 1432. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1432. Bags, baskets, belts, satchels, cardcases, pocketbooks, jewel boxes, portfolios, and other boxes and cases, wholly or in chief value, of leather or parchment, not jewelry, and moccasins, and manufactures of leather, rawhide, or parchment or of whic^ leather, rawhide, or parchment is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem; any of the foregoing permanently fitted and fiir- nished with traveling, bottle, drinking, dining or luncheon, sevidng, manicure, and similar sets, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 452. Bags, baskets, belts, satchels, cardcases, pocketbooks, jewel boxes, portfolios, and other boxes and cases, made wholly of or in chief value of leather, not jewelry, and manufactures of leather, or of which leather is the com- ponent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, forty per centum ad valorem; any of the foregoing permanently fitted and fur- nished with traveling, bottle, drinking, dining or luncheon and similar sets, fifty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Insert after " cases," not jewelry, Cnot jewelry,] [25] 30 Cand] or [30] J,5 ACT OF 1913, Par. 360. Bags, baskets, belts, satchels, cardcases, pocketbooks, jewel boxes, portfolios, and other boxes and cases, made wholly of or in chief value of leather or parchment, not jewelry, and manufactures of leather or parchment, or of which leather or parchment is the com- ponent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 30 per centum ad valorem; any of the fore- going permanently fitted and furnished with traveling, bottle, drinking, dining, luncheon and similar sets, 35 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1433. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1433. Gloves made wholly or in chief value of leather, whether wholly or partly manufactured, shall pay duty at TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 303 the follo\nug rates, the lengths stated in each case being the extreme length when stretched to their full exteiit, namely: Men's gloves not over twelve inches in length, .?!4 per dozen pairs; and women's and children's gloves not over twelve inches in length, $3 per dozen pairs; for each inch in length in excess thereof, 50 cents per dozen pairs: Provided, That, in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing there shall be paid the following cumula- tive duties: WHien lined with cotton, wool, or silk, $2.40 per dozen pairs; when lined with leather or fur, $4. per dozen pairs; when embroidered or embellished, 40 cents per dozen pairs: Provided further, "That all the foregoing shall pay a duty of not less than 37^ per centum ad valorem: Provided further'^ That glove tranks, with or \nthout the usual accompanying pieces, shall pay 75 per centum of the duty pro- vided for the gloves in the fabrication of which they are suital)le. ACT OF 1909. Par. 453. Gloves made wholly or in part of leather, whether wholly or partly manufactured, shall pay duty at the fol- lo«dng rates, the lengths stated in each case being the extreme length when stretched to their full extent, namely: Par. 454. Women's or children's "glace" finish, Schmaschen (of sheep origin), not over fourteen inches in length, one dollar and twenty-five cents per dozen pairs ; over fourteen inches and not over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and twenty-five cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" finish, Schmaschen (sheep), three dollars per dozen pairs. Par. 455. Women's or children's "glace" finish, lamb or sheep, not over fourteen inches in length, two dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; over four- teen and not over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" finish, lamb or sheep, four dollars per dozen pairs. Par. 456. Women's or children's "glace" finish, goat, kid, or other leather than of sheep origin, not over fourteen inches in length, three dollars per dozen pairs; over fourteen and not over seven- teen inches in length, three dollars and peventy-five cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars [.$4] 5 [.$3] $J, [.'iTO '50 iior more than 70 [suitable.] suitahle. Gloves made ivJioVu OP in chief value of leather made from horsehides or pigskins, tvhether n-holhj or partly maniifae- tnred,25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 361. Gloves, not specially pro- vided for in this section, made wholly or in chief value of leather, whether wholly or partly manufactured, shall pay duty at the following rates, the lengths stated in each case being the extreme length when stretched to their full extent, namely: Par. 362. Men's, women's, or children's "glace" finish, Schmaschen (of sheep origin), not over fourteen inches in length, $1 per dozen pairs; over fourteen inches in length, 25 cents additional per dozen pairs for each inch in excess of fourteen inches. Par. 363. All other women's or chil- dren's gloves wholly or in chief value of leather, not over fourteen inches in length, $2 per dozen pairs; over fourteen inches in length, 25 cents additional per dozen pairs for each inch in excess of fourteen inches; all men's leather gloves not specially provided for in this section, $2.50 per dozen pairs. Par. 364. In addition to the foregoing rates there shall be paid the following cumulative duties: On all leather gloves when lined with cotton or other vegetable fiber, 25 cents per dozen pairs; when lined with a knitted glove or when lined with silk, leather, or wool, 50 cents per dozen pairs; when lined ^^'ith fur, $2 per dozen pairs; on all pique and prixseam gloves, 25 cents per dozen pairs. Par. 365. Glove tranks, M^th or with- out the usual accompanying pieces, shall pay 75 per centum of the duty provided 304 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" fimsh, kid, goat, or other leather than of sheep origin, four dollars per dozen pairs. Par. 457. Women's or children's of sheep origin, with exterior grain sur- face removed, by whatever name known, not over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, three dol- lars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; men's, of sheep origin, with exterior sur- face removed, by whatever name known, four dollars per dozen pairs. Par. 458. Women's or children's kid, goat, or other leather than of sheep origin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, not over fourteen inches in length, three dollars per dozen pairs ; over fourteen inches and not over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; men's goat, kid, or other leather than of sheep origin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, four dollars per dozen pairs. Par. 459. In addition to the foregoing rates there shall be paid the following cumulative duties: On all leather gloves, when Uned, one dollar per dozen pairs; on all pique or prix seam gloves, forty cents per dozen pairs; on all gloves stitched or embroidered, with more than three single strands or cords, forty cents ^per dozen pairs. Par. 460. Glove tranks, with or with- out the usual accompanying pieces, shall pay seventy-five per centum of the duty provided for the gloves in the fabrication of which they are suitable. for the gloves in the fabrication of which they are suitable. Par. 495. Gloves, made wholly or in chief value of leather made from horse hides, pigskins, and cattle hides of cattle of the bovine species, excepting calf- skins, whether wholly or partly manufac- tured [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1434. H. R. 7466. American Valuation. Par. 1434. Catgut, whip gut, worm gut, oriental gut, and manufactures there- of, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 462. Manufactures of * * * catgut or whip gut or worm gut, * * * or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially pro\ided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [worm gut,3 (Transferred to free list, par. lll'i in Bill a.s adopted by Senate.) After " thereof," insert not specially provided for, and manufactures of icorm gut, [25] 50 ACT OF 1913. Par. 366. Manufactures of catgut, or whip gut, or worm gut, including strings for musical instruments; any of the fore- going or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 305 Par. 467. * * * strings for mueical instruments, not othensise enumerated in this section, * * * forty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 529. Catgut, whip gut, or worm gut, unmanufactured [P^ee]. Par. 443. Catgut, whip gut, or worm gut, unmanufactured [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1435. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1435. Gas, kerosene, or alcohol mantles, and mantles not specially pro- vided for, treated with chemicals or metallic oxides, wholly or partly manu- factured, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 183. * * * gas mantles treated with chemicals or metallic oxides, * * * forty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS Foreign Valuation. [30] 50 ACT OF 1913. Par. 154. * * * gas, kerosene, or alcohol mantles treated with chemicals or metallic oxides, 25 per centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH — . l-i36. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1436. Harness valued at more than $70 per set, saddles valued at more than $^0 each, saddlery, and parts (except metal parts) for any of the foregoing, 35 per centum ad va- lorem. PARAGRAPH — . l',37. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Carried under — Par. 393. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for, if composed wholly or in chief value of platinum, gold, or silver, and articles or wares plated with platinum, gold, or silver, or colored with gold lacquer, whether partly or wholly manufactured, 45 per centum ad valorem ; if composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, pewter, zinc, aluminum, or other metal, but not plated with platinum, gold, or silver, or colored with gold lacquer, whether partly or wholly manufactured, 35 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1437. Cabinet locks, not of pin tumhler or cylinder construction, not over one and one-half inches in width, 70 cents per dozen; over one and one- half and not over ttco and one-half inches in ividth, $1 per dozen; over tiro and one-half inches in width, $1.50 per dozen; padlocks, not of pin tum- bler or cylinder construction, not over one and one-half inches in width, 35 cents pei' dozen; over one and one-half and not over tico and one-half inches in widtli, 50 cents per dozen; over tico and one-half inches in width, 75 cents per dozen; padlocks of pin tnnvbler or cylinder construction, not over one and one-half inches in width, $1 per dozen; over one and one-half and not over two and one-half inches in width, $1.50 per dozen; over two and one-half 306 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Pak. 199. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section, composed wholly or in part of iron, steel, lead, copper, nickel, jewter, zinc, gold, silver, platinum, aluminum, or other metal, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, forty-five per centum ad valorem. inches in width, $2 per dozen; all other locks or latches of inn tumbler or cyl- inder construction, $2 per dozen; and in addition thereto, on all the fore- going, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 167. Articles or wares not spe- cially provided for in this section ; * * * if composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, pewter, zinc, aluminum, or other metal, but not plated with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1436. US8. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Par. 1436. Manufactures of amber, bladders, or wax, or of which these sub- Btances cr any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially pro- vided for, 15 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 462. Manufactures of amber, * * * bladders, * * * or wax, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; Foreign Valuation. [15] ACT OF 1913. Par. 367. Manufactures of amber, * * * bladders, or wax, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially pro\'ided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH 1437. i'/.39. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1437. Manufactures of bone, chip, grass, horn, quills, india rubber, gutta- percha, palm leaf, straw, weeds, or whale- bone, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem; automobile and bicycle tires composed wholly or in chief value of rubber, 10 per centum ad valorem; molded insulators and insulat- ing materials, wholly or partly manufac- tured, composed wholly or in chief value of india rubber or guttapercha, 30 per centum ad valorem; combs composed wholly of horn or of horn and metal, 35 per centum ad valorem. The terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural state and not the separated fibers thereof. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [20l 25 [automobile] automobile, mo- tor cycle, [35] 50 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 307 ACT OF 1909. Par. 463. Manufactures of bone, chip, ?;ra88, horn, quills, india rubber, palm eaf, straw, weeds, or whalebone, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; but the terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances 'in their natural form and structure, and not the separated fiber thereof; sponges made of rubber, forty per centum ad valorem; combs, composed wholly of horn, or com- posed of horn and metal, fifty per centum ad valorem. Par. 464. Manufactures of gutta-per- cha, * ■* * or of which these sub- stances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially pro- vided for in this section, * * * thirty- five per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 368. Manufactures of bone, chip. grass, horn, india rubber or gutta-percha, palm leaf, quills, straw, weeds, or whale- bone, or of which any of them is the com- ponent material of chief value not other- mse specially provided for in this section, shall be subject to the follo^ving rates: Manufactures of india rubber or gutta- percha, commonly known as druggists' sundries, 15 per centum ad valorem; man- ufactures of india rubber or gutta-percha, not specially pro^^ded for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem; palm leaf, 15 per centum ad valorem; bone, chip, horn, quills, and whalebone, 20 per centum ad valorem; grass, straw, and weeds, 25 per centum ad valorem; combs composed wholly of horn or of horn and metal, 25 per centum ad valorem. The terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural state, and not the separated fibers thereof. PARAGRAPH 1438. lUO. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1438. Manufactures of ivory or vegetable ivory, or of which either of these substances is the compduent material of chief value, not specially provided for ; manufactures of mother-of-pearl, shell, plaster of Paris, and india rubber known as " hard rubber," vulcanized or unvul- cauized, or of which these substances or any of them is the component ma- terial of chief value, not specially pro- vided for ; and shells and pieces of shells engraved, cut, ornamented, or otherwise manufactured, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 464. Manufactures of * * * ivory, vegetable ivory, mother-of-pearl and shell, plaster of Paris, * * * and vulcanized india rubber known as "hard rubber," or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially proAaded for in this section, and shells engraved, cut, ornamented, or otherwise manufactured, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreism Valuation. [vulcanized or unvulcanized,! [30] 35 ACT OF 1913. Par. 368. * * * Manufactures of india rubber * * * commonly known as druggists' sundries, 15 per centmn ad valorem; * * *. Par. 369. * * * manufactm-es of ivory or vegetable ivory, or of which either of these suTastances is the component ma- terial of chief value, not specially pro- vided for in this section, 35 per centum ad valorem; manufactures of mother-of-pearl and shell, plaster of Paris, * * * and vulcanized india rul)ber known as "hard rubber," or of which these substances or any of them is the component -material of chief value, not specially proA-ided for in this section. 25 per centum ad valorem; shells engraved, cut. ornamented, or oth- erwise manufactured, 25 per centiim ad valorem. 308 TAEIFF ACTS COMPAEED. PARAGRAPH 1439. UH- H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1439. Electrical insulators and other articles, wholly or partly manufac- tured, composed wholly or in chief value of shellac, copal, or synthetic phenolic resin, not specially pro\ided for, 30 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valnation. ACT OF 1909. [Classable according material of chief value.] to component ACT OF 1913. fClassable according to component material of chief value.] PARAGRAPH 1440. lJt-',2- H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1440. Moes and sea grass, eelgrass, and seaweeds, if manufactured or dyed, 10 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 78. Moss and sea grass, eelgrass, and seaweeds, if manufactured or dyed, ten per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigrn Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 372. Moss and sea grass, eelgrass, and seaweeds, if manufactiu-ed or dyed, 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1441. UJ,3. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1441. Musical instruments and parts thereof, not specially provided for, pianoforte or player actions and parts thereof, cases for musical instruments, pitch pipes, timing forks, tuning ham- mers, and metronomes, music wire, strings for musical instruments, composed wholly or in part of steel or other metal, all the foregoing, 35 per centum ad valorem; tuning pins, $1 per thousand and 25 per centum ad valorem; vioUns, violas, violoncellos, and double basses, of all sizes, wholly or partly manufac- tured or assembled, $1.50 each and 35 per centum ad valorem; unassembled parts of the foregoing, 35 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909 Par. 467. Musical instruments or parts thereof, pianoforte actions and parts thereof, strings for musical instruments, not otherwise enumerated in this section, cases for musical instruments, pitch pipes, tuning forks, tuning hammers, and metro- nomes; strings for musical instruments, composed wholly or in part of steel or other metal, all the foregoing, forty-five per centum ad valorem . SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [music wire] [instruments,] instruments [35] J,0 [25] 35 [$1.50 each and 35] 45 [35] 1,0 ACT OF 1913. Par. 373. Miisical instruments or parts thereof, pianoforte actions and parts thereof, cases for musical instruments, pitch pipes, tuning forks, tuning ham- mers, and metronomes; strings for musi- cal instruments, composed wholly or in part of steel or other metal, all the fore- going, 35 per centum ad valorem. Par. 114. * * * all other wire not specially provided for in this section. I TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 309 Par. 135. * * * all other wire not specdally provided for in this section, shall pay a duty of not less than thirty- five per centum ad valorem; * * * * * * 15 per centum ad valorem; * * * Par. 366. Manufactures of catgut, or whip gut, or worm gut, including strings for musical instruments; * * * not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1442. IW,. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1442. Phonographs, gramophones, graphophones, and similar articles and parts thereof, 30 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 468. Phonographs, gramophones, graphophones, and similar articles, or parts thereof, forty-five per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [articles] articles. After " thereof," insert not specialUj provided for, [ad valorem.] ad valorem.; needles for phonographs, gramophones, grapho- phones, and simitar articles, J/S per centum, ad. valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 374. Phonographs, gramophones, graphophones, and similar articles, or parts thereof, 25 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1443. 1^5. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1443. Rolls: Calendar rolls or bowls made wholly or in chief value of cotton, paper, husk, wool, or mixtures thereof, or stone of any nature, com- pressed between and held together by iron or steel heads or washers fastened to iron or steel mandrels or cores, suitable for use in calendering, embossing, mang- ling, or pressing operations, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreigrn Valuation. [Calendar] Calender [25] S5 ACT OF 1913. [Classable according to component [Classable according to component material of chief value.] material of chief value.] PARAGRAPH 1444. U-'iG. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1444. Rosaries, chaplets, and simi- lar articles of religious devotion, of what- ever material composed , valued at not more than $1.25 per dozen, 15 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $1.25 per dozen, 30 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After "composed" insert {except if made in whole or in part of gold, silver, platinvm, gold plate, silver plate, or precious or imitation precious stones) [ad valorem] cd valorem; any of the foregoing if m,ade in whole or in part 310 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. ACT OF 1909. [Classable according to component ma- terial of chief value or as articles "de- signed to be worn on apparel or carried on or about or attached to the person."] of gold, silver, platinum, gold plate, silver plate, precious or imitation precious stones, 50 per centum ad va- lorem ACT OF 1913. [Classable according to component ma- terial of chief value or as articles "do- signed to be worn on apparel or carried on or about or attached to the person."] PARAGRAPH 1445. IW'. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1445. Sponges, 15 per centum ad valorem; manufactures of sponges, or of which sponge is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 79. Sponges, twenty per centum ad valorem; manufactures of sponges, or of which sponge is the component mate- rial of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. ACT OF 1913. Par. 68. Sponges: Trimmed or un- trimmed but not advanced in value by chemical processes, 10 per centum ad va- lorem; bleached sponges and sponges ad- vanced in value by processes involving chemical operations, manufactures of sponges, or of which sponge is the compo- nent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section. 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1446. lUS. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1446. Violin rosin, 10 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 469. Violin rosin, in boxes or cases or otherwise, twenty per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [10] 15 ACT OF 1913. Par. 375. Violin rosin, in boxes or cases or otherwise, 10 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1447. 1U9. H. B. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1447. Works of art, including paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, and copies, repli- cas, or reproductions of any of the same; statuary, sculptures, or copies, replicas, or reproductions thereof ; and etchings and engra\dngs; all the foregoing, not specially pro^dded for, 15 per centum ad valorem. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. [15] 25 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. A.CT OF 1913. 311 Par. 170. Paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, and sculptures, not specially provided for in this section, fifteen per centum ad valorem; Init the term "sculptures" as used in this Act shall be understood to include only such as are cut, carved, or otherwise wrought by hand from a solid block or mass of marble, stone, or alabaster, or from metal, and as are the professional production of a sciilptor only, and the term "painting" as used in this Act shall l)e understood not to include such as are made wholly or in part by stenciling or other mechanical processes. P.-vR. 416. * * * engraAings, * * * etchings, * * * all the fore- going wholly or in chief value of paper, and not specially pro\ided for in this sec- tion, twenty-five per centum ad valorem Par. :j76. Works of art, including paintings in oil or water-colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, or copies, replicas or reproductions of any of the same, statuary, sculptures, or copies, replicas or reproductions thereof, and etchings and engraAangs, not specially proAdded for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1448. l.',50. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. American Valuation. Foreign Valuation. Par. 1448. Peat moss, 50 cents per ton. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 471. Peat moss, one dollar per ton. Par. 377. Peat moss, 50 cents per ton. PARAGRAPH 1449. Uol. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS American Valuation. Par. 1449. Pencils of paper, wood, or other material not metal, filled with lead or other material, pencils of lead, crayons, including charcoal crayons or fusains. and mechanical pencils, not specially provided for, 50 cents per gross and 25 per centum ad valorem; and in addition thereto, the following cimaulative duties: Caps or pro- tectors, whether separate or attached to pencils, and pencils prepared for caps or protectors, 25 cents per gross; pencils stamped with names other than the manu- facturers', 50 cents per gross; slate pencils, not in wood, 25 per centum ad valorem. Foreign Valuation. [r>0 cents per gross and 25 per centum ad valorem ; and in jiddition thereto, the following cumulative duties : Caps or protectors, whether separate or at- tached to pencils, and pencils prepared for caps or protectors, 25 cents per gross ; pencils stamped with names other than the manufacturers', 50 cents per gross \\ 40 cents per gross, hut not less tlian J/S per centum ad valo- rem; pencil point protectors and clips, whether separate or attached to pen- cils, 25 cents per gross, • pencils stamped iMth names other than the manufac- turers' or the manufacturers' trade name or trade-murk, 50 cents per gross, hut not less than Jf5 per cent ad valo- rem; 312 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 56. * * * crayons, including charcoal crayons or fiieains * * * not otherwise specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem; * * * Par. 199. Articles or wares not specially provided for in this section, composed wholly or in part of * * * metal, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, forty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 448. * * * articles of every de- scription, finished or partly finished, * * * composed wholly or in chief value of silver, German silver, white metal, brass, or gunmetal, whether or not enameled, washed, covered, plated, or alloyed with gold, silver or nickel, and designed to be * * * carried on or about or attached to the person, valued at twenty cents per dozen pieces, one cent each and in addition thereto, three-fifths of one cent per dozen for each one cent the value exceeds twenty cents per dozen; * * * Par. 472. Pencils of paper or wood, or other material not metal, filled with lead or other material, and pencils of lead, forty-five cents per gross and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; slate pencils, covered with wood, thirty-five per cen- tum ad valorem; all other slate pencils, three cents per one hundred. Par. 63. * * * crayons, including charcoal crayons or fusains * * * not specially pro\ided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 167. Articles or wares not specially provided for in this section; if composed wholly or in part of platinum, gold, or silver, and articles or wares plated with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 50 per centum ad valorem; if composed wholly or in chief value of * * * other metal, but not plated with gold or silver, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem. Par. 356. * * * articles valued above 20 cents per dozen pieces designed to be worn on apparel or carried on or about or attached to the person, such as and including * * * like articles; all the foregoing and parts thereof, finished or partly finished, composed of metal, whether or not enameled, washed, covered, or plated, including rolled gold plate, and whether or not set with pre- cious or semiprecious stones, * * * or with imitation precious stones, * * ^* 00 per centum ad valorem. * * *. Par. 378. Pencils of paper or wood, or other material not metal, filled with lead or other material, pencils of lead, 36 cents per gross, but in no case shall any of the foregoing pay less than 25 per centum ad valorem; slate pencils, 25 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1450. U52. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1450. Pencil leads not in wood or other material, 6 cents per gross; leads not exceeding six one-thousandths of one inch in diameter and commonly known as refills, 10 cents per gross ; colored, copy or in- delible leads, 60 cents per gross; and, in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 473. Pencil leads not in wood, or other material, black, three-fourths of one cent per ounce; colored, one and one- fourth cents per ounce; copying, two cents per ounce. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreign Valuation. After " gross ; " remainder of para- graph struck out and the following substituted : leads, commonly knoivn as ■refills, black, colored, or hidelible, not exceeding six one-1iundredths of 1 inch in diameter and not exceeding 2 inches in length, 10 cenits per gross, and longer leads shall pay in proportion in addition thereto; colored or crayon leads, copy or indelible leads, not spe- cially provided for, 40 per centt^tn ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 379. Pencil leads not in wood or other material, 10 per centum ad valorem^ i TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 313 PARAGRAPH 1451. l.m. H. R. 7456. American Valuation. Par. 1451. Photojjraj)hic rainoraa and parts thorof, not specially t>ro\ido(l for, 30 per centum ad valorem; photograi)hic 'ing across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven across such boundary line by the owner for temporary pasturage purposes only, together with their offspring, may be brought l)ack to the United States within six months free of duty, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasurj': And provided further, That the provisions of this Act shall apply to all such animals as have been imported and are in quarantine, or otherwise in the custody of customs or other officers of the United States, at the date of the passage of this Act. further, That the certificate of such record and pedigree of such animal shall be pro- duced and submitted to the Department of Agriculture, duly authenticated by the proper custodian of such book of record, together with an affidavit of the owner, agent, or importer that the animal im- ported is the identical animal described in said certificate of record and pedigree. The Secretary of Agriculture may pre- scribe such regulations as may be required for determining the purity of breeding and the identity of such animal : And pro- vided further, That the collectors of cus- toms shall require a certificate from the Department of Agriculture stating that such animal is pure bred of a recognized breed and duly registered in a book of record recognized by the Secretary of Agriculture for that breed. ^ The Secretary of the Treasury may pre- scribe such additional regulations as may be required for the strict enforcement of this provision. Horses, mules, and asses straying across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven across such boundary line by the owner for temporary pasturage purposes only, together with their off- spring, shall be dutiable unless brought back to the United States -ttdthin six months, in which case they shall be free of duty, under regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury: And provided further. That the provisions of this Act shall apply to all such animals as have been imported and are in quar- antine or otherwise in the custody of cus- toms or other officers of the United States at the date of the taking effect of this Act. PARAGRAPH 1508. 1501. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1508. Animals brought into th United States temporarily for a perioe not exceeding six months, for the pur- pose of breeding, exhibition, or compe- tition for prizes offered by any agri- cultural, polo, or racing association; but a bond shall be given in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secre- tary of the Treasury; also teams of animals, including their harness and tackle, and the wagons or other vehicles actually owned by persons emigrating from foreign countries to the United States with their families, and in actual use for the purpose of such emigration, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; and wild animals and birds intended for exhibi- tion in zoological collections for scientific or educational purposes, and not for sale or profit. •Par. 15 of the emergencj tariff act of 1921 reads: "Cattle and sheep and other stock imported for breeding purposes shall be admitted free of duty." 324 TAEIFF ACTS COMPAEED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 493. Animals brought into the United States temporarily for a period not exceeding six months, for the pur- pose of breeding, exhibition or compe- tition for prizes offered by any agri- cultural, polo, or racing association; but a bond shall be given in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secre- tary of the Treasury; also teams of animals, including their harness and tackle and the wagons or other vehicles actually owned by persons emigrating from foreign countries to the United States with their families, and in actual use for the purpose of such emigration under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; and wild animals intended for exhibition in zoo- logical collections for scientific and edu- cational purposes, and not for sale or profit [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 398. Animals brought into the United States temporarily for a period not exceeding six months, for the pur- pose of breeding, exhibition or compe- tition for prizes offered by any agri- cultural, polo, or racing association; but a bond shall be given in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secre- tary of the Treasury; also teams of animals, including their harness and tackle, and the wagons or other vehicles actually owned by persons emigrating from foreign countries to the United States with their families, and in actual use for the purpose of such emigration under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; and wild animals intended for exhibition in zoo- logical collections for scientific and edu- cational purposes, and not for sale or profit [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1509. 1508. H. R. 7456. Par. 1509. Antimony ore and needle or liquated antimony, but only as to the antimony content. ACT OF 1909. Par. 173. * * * antimony ore, stib- nite and matte containing antimony, but not containing more than ten per centum of lead, 1 cent per pound on the antimony contents therein contained: Provided, That on all importations of antimony- bearing ores and matte containing anti- mony the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a bond given in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or otherwise. On the arrival of the ores at such establish- ment, they shall be sampled according to commercial methods under the super- vision of government officers, who shall be stationed at such establishment, and who shall submit the samples thus ob- tained to a government assayer, desig- nated by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make a proper assay of the sample, and report the result to the proper customs officers, and the import en,try shall be liquidated thereon, except in case of ores that shall be removed to a bonded warehouse to be refined for ex- portation as provided by law, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to enforce the pro\i8ions of this paragraph ; * * *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [and needle or liquated antimony, but only as to the antimony content] ACT OF 1913. Par. 144. * * * matte containing antimony but not containing more than 10 per centum of lead, 10 per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 396. Antimony ore and stibnite containing antimony, but only as to the antimony content [Free]. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 325 PARAGRAPH 1510. 1^09. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1510 Annatto and all extracts of, archil or archil liquid, cochineal, cud- bear, gambier, litmus prepared or un- prepared, saffron and safflower; all of the foregoing not containing alcohol ACT OF 1909. Par. 494. Annatto, roucou, rocoa, or Orleans, and all extracts of [Free]. Par. 539. Cochineal [Free]. Par. 550. Cudbear [Free]. Par. 575. Gambier [Free]. Par. 615. Litmus, prepared or not prepared [Free]. Par. 642. Orchil, or orchil liquid [Free]. Par. 663. Saffron and safflower, and extract of,' and saffron cake [Free]. Par. 694. Terra japonica [Free]. [. stift'ron iind safilower] for red to par. 36). ACT OF 1913. (Trans- Par. 399. Annatto, roucou, rocoa, or Orleans, and all extracts of [Free]. Par. 455. Cochineal [Free]. Par. 469. Cudbear [Free]. Par. 492. Gambier [Free]. Par. 536. Litmus, prepared or not prepared [Free]. Par. 564. Orchil, or orchil liquid [Free]. Par. 31. * * * saffron and safflow- er, and extract of,' and saffron cake, 10 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article containing alcohol shall be classi- fied for duty under this paragraph. Par. 630. Terra japonica [Free]. H. R. PARAGRAPH 1511. 1310. r456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1511. Antitoxins, vaccines, vi- ruses, serums, and bacterins, used for therapeutic purposes. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 704. \'accine virus [Free]. Par. 400. Antitoxins, vaccine virus, [No corresponding pro^'i8ion for the and all other serums derived from animals other commodities.] and used for therapeutic purposes [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1512. 1511. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 402. Arrowroot in its natural state and not manufactured [Free]. Par. 1512. Arrowroot in its natural Btat« and not manufactured. ACT OF 1909. Par. 496. Arrowroot in its natural state and not manufactured [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1513. 1-512. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1513. Sulphide of arsenic. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 497. Arsenic and sulphide of Par. 403. Arsenic and sulphide of arsenic, or orpiment [Free]. arsenic, or orpiment [Free]. PARAGRAPH . 151S. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1513. Arseniou.s acid or tvhite arsenic. 326 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1514. H. R. 7456 SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par, 1514. Articles the growth pro- duce, or manufacture of the United States, when returned after ha\dng been exported, without ha\dng been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means if imported by or for the account of the person who exported them from the United States; steel boxes, casks, barrels, carboys, bags, and other containers or coverings of American manufacture ex- ported filled with American products, or exported empty and returned filled with foreign products, including shooks and staves when returned as l;arrel8 or lioxes; also quicksilver flasks or bottles, iron or steel drums of either domestic or foreign manufacture, used for the shipment of acids, or other chemicals, which shall have l)een actually exported from the United States; but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made, under general regulations to be prescribed by the Secre- tary of the Treasury, but the exemption of bags from duty shall apply only to such domestic bags as may be imported by the exporter thereof, and if any such articles are subject to internal-revenue tax at the time of exportation, such tax shall be proved to have been paid before exporta- tion and not refunded; photographic dry plates and films of American manufacture (except moving-picture films), exposed abroad, whether developed or not, and photographic films light struck or other- wise damaged, or worn out, so as to be un- suitable for any other purpose than the recovery of the constituent materials, pro- vided the basic films are of American manufacture, but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made under general regulations to be prescribed by the Secre- tary of the Treasury; articles exported from the United States for repairs may be returned upon payment of a duty upon the value of the repairs at the rate at which the article itself would be subject if imported, under conditions and regula- tions to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided, That this para- graph shall not apply to any article upon which an allowance of drawback has been made, the reimportation of which is hereby prohibited except upon payment of duties equal to the drawl lacks allowed; or to any article manufactured in bonded warehouse and exported under any pro- vision of law: Provided further, That when manufactured tol acco which has l^een ex- ported without payment of internal-rev- enue tax shall be reimported it shall be retained in the custody of the collector of customs until internal-revenue stamps TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 32' in payment of the legal duties shall he placed thereon: And provided further, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to animals made dutiable under the pro\d8ions of paragraph 1507. ACT OF 1909. Par. 500. Articles the gi-owth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, not including animals, when returned after ha\ang been exported, without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means; casks, barrels, carboys, bags, and other containers or coverings of American manufactiu'e exported filled with American products, or exported empty and returned filled with foreign products, including shooks and staves when returned as barrels or boxes; also quicksilver flasks or bottles, iron or steel drums used for the shipment of acids, of either domestic or foreign manufacture, which shall have been actually exported from the United States; but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made, under general regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but the exemption of bags from duty shall apply only to such domestic bags a.s may be imported by the exporter thereof, and if any such articles are sub- ject to intemal-revenue tax at the time of exportation, such tax shall be proved to have been paid before exportation and not refunded; photographic dry plates or films of American manufacture (except moving- picture films), exposed abroad, whether developed or not and films from moving- picture machines, light struck or other^vise damaged or worn out, so as to be unsuitable for any othc-r purpose than the recovery of the con- stituent materials, provided the basic films are of American manufacture, but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made under general regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treas- ury: Provided, That this paragraph shall not apply to any article upon which an allowance of drawback has been made, the reimportation of which is hereby prohibited except upon payment of duties equal to the drawbacks allowed; or to any article manufactured in bonded warehouse and exported under any pro- \dsion of law: And provided further, That when manufactured tobacco which has been exported without payment of intemal-revenue tax shall be reimported it shall be retained in the custody of the collector of customs until internal- revenue stamps in payment of the legal duties shall be placed thereon. [Amended by the act of Jidy 27, 1911 (T. D. 31784), by striking out the words Z]rA)72 l.-,06 ACT OF 1913. 401. Articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, when returned after having been exported, without ha^ing been aJvancel in value or improved in con.lition by any process of manufacture or other means; steel boxes, casks, liarrels carlioys, hags and other containers or co^■erings of American manufacture ex})orted filled with Amer- ican products, or exported empty and returned filled with foreign products, including shooks and staves when re- turned as barrels or boxes; also quick- .silver flasks or bottles, iron or steel drums of either i.omestic or foreign manufac- ture, used for the shipment of acias, or other chemicals, which shall have been actually e>- ported from the United States; but proof of the iientity of such articles shall be ma.fie under general regulations to be prescril)ea by the Secretary of the Treasury, but the exemption of bags from duty shall apply only to such domestic bags as may be imported by the exporter thereof, and if any such articles are sub- ject to internal-revenue tax at the time of exportation, such tax shall be proved to have been paid before exportation and not refunded; photographic dry plates or films of American manufacture (except moving-picture films), exposed abroad, whether developed or not, and films from moving- picture machines, light struck or otherwise damaged, or worn out, so as to be unsuitable for any other pur- pose than the recovery of the constitu- ent materials, provided the oasic films are of American manufactiue. but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made imder general regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treas- ury; articles exported from the United States for repairs may be returned upon j^ayment of a duty upon the value of the repairs at the rate at which the article itself would be subject if imported under conditions and regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury : Provided. That this paragraph shall not apply to any article upon which an allowance of drawback has been made, the reimportation of which is hereby pro- hibited except upon payment of duties equal to the drawbacks allowed; or to any article manufactured in bonded warehouse and exported under any pro- vision of law: And provided further , That when manufactured tobacco which has been exported without payment of in- 328 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. "not including animals" and adding the following pro\dso: And provided further, That cattle, horses, sheep, ano other domestic animals stray- ing across the boimdary line into any foreign country or driven across such boundar\' line by the owners for tem- porary pasturage purposes only, together with their offspring, shall be dutiable, unless brought back to the United States vsithin six months, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, in accordance with the pro- visions of paragraph 492.] temal-reA'enue tax shall be reimported it shall be retained in the custody of the collector of customs until internal-revenue stamps in payment of the legal duties shall be placed thereon: And provided further, That the provisions of this para- graph shall not apply to animals made dutiable under the provisions of para- graph 397 [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1515. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1515. Asbestos, unmanufactured, _ _ asbestos crudes, fibers, stucco, and sand, L-'^and, orj sand and or refuse containing not more than 15 per centum of foreign matter. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 501. Asbestos, unmanufactured Par. 406. Asbestos, unmanufactured [Free]. [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1516. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1516. Azides, fulminates, fulmi- nating powder, and other like articles not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Transferred to par. adoiiterl hy Senate. 587 in Bill as Par. 434. Fulminates, fulminating powders, and like articles suitable for miners' use, twenty per centum ad valo- rem; all other not specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1517. ACT OF 1913. Par. 490. Fulminates, fulminating powder, and other like articles not spe- cially provided for in this section [Free]. H. R. 7456. Par. 1517. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and similar fabrics, suitable for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of jute, jute butts, seg, Russian seg. New Zealand tow, Norwegian tow, aloe, mill waste, cotton tares, or other material not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceed- ing sixteen threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weigh- ing not less than fifteen ounces per square yard; and waste of any of the foregoing articles suitable for the manufacture of paper. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Entire paragraph struck out. See par. 1019 in Bill as adopted by Senate. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 329 I ACT OF 1909. Par. 355. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and similar fabrics, suitable for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of jute, jute butts, or hemp, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding sixteen threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weighing not less than fifteen ounces per square yard, six-tenths of one cent per square yard. Par. 644. * * * and waste bagging, and all other waste not specially provided for in this section, including * * * old gunny bags, used chiefly for paper- making [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 408. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and similar fabrics, suitable for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of jute, jute butts, seg, Russian seg. New Zealand tow, Norwegian tow, aloe, mill waste, cotton tares, or other material not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceed- ing sixteen threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weigh- ing not less than fifteen ounces per square yard; * * * and waste of any of the above articles suitable for the manu- facture of paper [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . IJIG. (IN KILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1516. Waste bugying. icaste .sugar sack cloth. PARAGRAPH — . l-UJ. and (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. Carried under — Par. 736. Bananas, 2 cents per bunch ; * * * ACT OF 1909. Par. 571. Fruits * * * green, ripe, * * * not specially provided for in this section [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1.517. Buiiunas. green or ripe. ACT OF 1913. Par. 488. Fruits * * * green, ripe. * * * not specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1518. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1518. Barks, cinchona or other, No change, from which quinine may be extracted. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 505. Barks, cinchona or other Par. 410. Barks, cinchona or other, from which quinine may be extracted from which quinine may be extracted; [Free]. [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1519. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1519. Bells, broken, and bell metal. No change. broken and fit only to be remanufactured. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 508. Bells, broken, and bell metal Par. 413. Bells, broken, and bell metal broken and fit only to be remanufactured broken and fit only to be remanufactured [Free]. [Free]. 330 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. PARAGRAPH 1520. I H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1520. Bibles, coraprising the books of the Old or New Testament, or both, bound or unbound. ACT OF 1909. [No corresponding provision.] No change. ACT OF 1913. Par. 414. Bibles, comprising the books of the Old or New Testament, or both, bound or unbound [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1621. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1521. All binding twine manufac- tured from New Zealand hemp, manila, istle or Tampico fiber, sisal grass, or sunn, or a mixture of any two or more of them, of single ply and measuring not exceeding seven hundred and fifty feet to the pound. ACT OF 1909. Par. 507. Binding twine: All binding twine manufactured from New Zealand hemp, manila, istle or Tampico fiber, sisal grass, or sunn, or a mixture of any two or more of them, of single ply and measuring not exceeding six hundred feet to the pound [Free]: Provided, That arti- cles mentioned in this paragraph, if im- ported from a country which lays an import duty on like articles imported from the United States, shall be subject to a duty of one-half of one cent per pound. After " hemp," insert henequen, ACT OF 1913. Par. 415. All binding twine manufac- tured from New Zealand hemp, manila, istle or Tampico fiber, sisal grass, or sunn, or a mixture of any two or more of them, of single ply and measuring not exceeding seven hundred and fifty feet to the pound [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1522. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1522. Bread: Provided, That no No change, article shall be exempted from duty as bread unless yeast was the leavening Bubstance used in its preparation. ACT OF 1909. Par. 244. * * * bread, twenty per centum ad valorem ; Par. 417. [Free]. ACT OF 1913. * * * bread. PARAGRAPH 1523. H. R. 7456. Par. 1523. Bismuth. ACT OF 1909. Par. 511. Bismuth [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Tran.sferred to dutiable list, par. 377, in Bill as adopted by Senate. ACT OF 1913. Par. 418. Bismuth [Free]. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 331 PARAGRAPH 1524. 1523. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1524. Fish Bounde, crude, dried or salted for preservation only, not spe- After " only," insert and unmanulac- cially provided for. tured ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 512. * * * fish sounds, crude, Par. 419. * * * fish sounds, crude, dried or salted for preservation only, and dried or salted for preservation only, and unmanufactiu-ed, not specially provided unmanufactured, not specially provided or in this section [Free]. for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1525. lo2'i. H. R. 7456. Par. 1525. Blood, dried, not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 257. * * * dried blood, when soluble, one and one-half cents per pound. Par. 513. Blood, dried, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 420. Blood, dried, not specially provided for in tLis section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1526. 1525. H. R. 7456. Par. 1526. Bolting cloths composed of silk, imported expressly for milling pur- poses, and so permanently marked as not to be available for any other use. ACT OF 1909. Par. 514. Bolting cloths composed of silk, imported expressly for milling pur- poses, and so permanently marked as not to be available for any other use [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 422. Bolting cloths composed of silk, imported expressly for milling pur- poses, and so permanently marked as not to be available for any other use. * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1527. 1520. H. R. 7456. Par. 1527. Bones: Crude, steamed, or ground; bone dust, bone meal, and bone ash. ACT OF 1909. Par. 463. Manufactures of bone, * * * thirty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 515. Bones, crude, or not burned, calcined, ground, steamed, or other^vise manufactured, and bone dust or animal carbon, and bone ash, fit only for fertiliz- ing purposes [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [and bone ashj and hone ash; and animal carbon suitable only for fer- tilising purposes ACT OF 1913. Par. 423. Bones, crude, * * * ground, steamed, * * * and bone dust or ani- mal carbon, bone meal, and bone ash [Free]. 332 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1528. lo27. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1528. Books, engravings, photo- graphs, etchings, bound or unbound, maps and charts imported by authority or for the use of the United States or for the use of the Library of Congress. ACT OF 1909. Par. 516. Books, engravings, photo- graphs, etchings, bound or unbound, maps and charts imported by authority or for the use of the United States or for the use of the Library of Congress [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 424. Books, engravings, photo- graphs, etchings, bound or unbound, maps and charts imported by authority or for the use of the United States or for the use of the Library of Congress [Free]. [and] or PARAGRAPH 1529. 152S. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1529. Hydrographic charts and publications issued for their subscribers or exchanges by scientific or literary associations and academies, and publications of indi- viduals for gratuitous private circu- lation, not advertising matter, and public documents issued by foreign (iovernments. [Governments.] Goverunieuts ; hooks. maps, music, engravings, photographs. ctcJiings, lithographic prints, bound or unbound, and charts ivhich hare been printed more than twenty years at the time of importation: Provided, That vherc any such books have been re- bound, wholly or in part in leather uithin such period, the binding so placed upon such books shall be dutiable as provided in paragraph 1310. ACT OF 1913. Par. 425. * * * hydrographic charts, and publications issued for their sub- scribers or exchanges by scientific and literary associations or academies, or pub- lications of individuals for gratuitous pri- vate circulation, not advertising matter, and public documents issued by foreign governments [Free]. ACT OF 1909. PvR. 517. * * * hvdrographic charts, ani publications is3ued for their sub- s:^riber3 or ex'^hmges bv snentific and literarv as30"iatioQS or academies, or pub- lications of indi^dduals for gratuitous pri- vate circulation, and public documents issued by foreign governments [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1530. 1-J29. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1530. Books . pamphlets, and music, in raised print, used exclusively by or for the blind ; Braille tablets, cubarithms. special ap- paratus and objects serving to teach the blind, including printing appara- tus, machines, presses, and types for the use and benefit of the blind ex- clusively. [Books]Boofcs and pamphlets printed ivholly (/r chiefly in languages other than English; books TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 333 ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 518. * * * books and music, in raised print, used exclusively l>y the blind [Free]. Par. 426. * * * books and music, in raised print, used exclusively bv the blind, * * * Braille tablets, cujljarithms, special aj)])aratU8 and ob- jects serving to teach the l)lind, includ- ing printing apparatus, machines, presses, and types for the use and benefit of the blind exclusively [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1531. 1530. H. R. 7456. Par. 1531. Any society or institution incorporated or established solely for re- ligious, philosophical, educational, scien- tific, or literary purposes, or for the en- couragement of the fine arts, or any col- ege, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public library, may import free of duty, not to exceed two copies of any book, map, music, engraving, photograph, etching, lithographic print, or chart, for its own use or for the encouragement of the fine arts, and not for sale, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. ACT OF 1909. Par. 519. Books, maps, music, photo- graphs, etchings, lithographic prints, and charts, specially imported, not more than two copies in any one invoice, in good faith, for the use and by order of any society or institution incorporated or es- tablished solely for religious, philosophi- cal, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any state or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Sec- retary of the Treasurv shall prescribe [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. tiiot to exceed two copies of] ACT OF 1913. Par. 427. Books, maps, music, en- gravings, photographs, etchings, litho- graphic prints, and charts, specially im- ported, not more than two copies in any one invoice, in good faith, for the use and by order of any society or institution in- corporated or established solely for re- ligious, philosophical, educational, scien- tific, or literary purposes, or for the en- couragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public li- brary, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treas- ury shall prescribe [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1532. 1531. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Far. 1532. Books and libraries of persons or families from foreign countries if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or per- sons, nor for sale, and not exceeding $250 in value. 103791—22 22 [Books and libraries] Books, libraries, usual and reasonable furniture, and similar household effects [, and not exceeding $250 in value] 334 TARIFF ACTS COMPAEED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 520. Books, libraries, * * * of persons or families from foreign coun- tries, all the foregoing if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 428. Books, libraries, * * * of persons or families from foreign coun- tries, all the foregoing if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1533. 1532. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1533. Borax, crude and unmanu- factured, and borate of lime, borate of soda, and other borate material, crude and unmanufactured, not specially pro\'ided for. • ACT OF 1909. Par. 11. Borax, two cents per pound; borates of lime, soda, or other borate ma- terial not otherwise provided for in this section, two cents per pound. Cand3 or ACT OF 1913. Par. 429. Borax, crude and unmanu- factured, and borate of lime, soda, and other borate material, crude and unman- ufactured, not otherwise pro\'ided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1534. 153S. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1534, Brass, old brasB, cUppinge from brass or Dutch metal, all the fore- going, fit only for remanufacture. ACT OF 1909. Par. 521. Brass, old brass, clippings from brass or Dutch metal, all the fore- going, fit only for remanufacture [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 430. Brass, old braes, clippings from brass or Dutch metal, all the fore- going, fit only for remanufactiire [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1531 (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. If advanced in value by shredding, grinding, chipping, etc., dutiable under par. 31 at 10 per centum ad valorem. If not advanced in value by shred- ding, grinding, chipping, etc., free under par. 1562. ACT OF 1909. If advanced in value by shredding, grinding, chipping, etc., dutiable under par. 20 at 10 per centum ad valorem. If not advanced in value by shred- ding, grinding, chipping, etc., free under par. 559. Par. beans. 153). Brazilian pichurim ACT OF 1913. If advanced in value by shredding, grinding, chipping, etc., dutiable under par. 27 at 10 per centum ad valorem. If not advanced in value by shred- ding, grinding, chipping, etc, free under par. 477. PARAGRAPH 1535. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. I- No change. Par. 1535. Brazilian pebble, wrought or unmanufactured. » TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. 335 Par. 622. Brazilian pebble, unwrought Par. 431. Brazilian pebble, unwrought or unmanufactured [Free]. or unmanufactured [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 1536. (IN BILL AS ADOPTKD BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. lijSSa. Briok, not specially pro- vided for: Provided, That if any coun- try, dependency, province or other sub- division of government imposes a duty on .Sivch brick imported from the United States, an equal duty shall he imposed upfjn such brick coming into the United States from such country, dependency, province, or other subdimsion of gov- ernment. PARAGRAPH 1536. toSl. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1536. Bristles, crude, not sorted, bunched, or prepared. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913, Par. 523. Bristles, crude, not sorted, Par. 432. Bristles, crude, not sorted, bunched, or prepared [Free]. bunched, or prepared [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 1538. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Carried under — Par. 1538. Broom corn. Par. 774. Broom corn, $2 per ton. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 233. Broom corn, three dollars Par. 434. Broom corn [Free], per ton. PARAGRAPH 1537. 1539. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1537. Bullion, gold or silver. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 524. Bullion, gold or silver [Free]. Par. 436. Bullion, gold or silver [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1538. 15J,0. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1538. Burgundy pitch. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 525. Burgundy pitch [Free]. Par. 437. Burgundy pitch [Free]. 336 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1539. H. R. 7456. Par. 1539. Cadmium. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Transferred to dutiable list, par. 378 in Bill as adopted by Senate. ACT OF 1913. ACT OF 1909. Par. 526. Cadmium [Free]. Par. 439. Cadmium [Free] PARAGRAPH 1540. l.i',1. H. R. 7456. Par. 1540. Calcium: Acetate, chloride, crude; nitrate, and cyanamid or lime nitrogen: Provided, That when any country, dependency, or other subdi- vision of government imposes a duty on calcium acetate imported from the United States, an equal duty shall be imposed upon such article coming into the United States from such country. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. * * * all chemical com- pounds, * * * not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 581. * * * calcium cyanamid or lime nitrogen [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Entire proviso struck out. ACT OF 1913. Par. 440. Calcium, acetate of, brown and gray, and chloride of, crude; * * * and calcium nitrate [Free]. Par. 499. * * * calcium cyanamid or lime nitrogen [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1541. /Ji>. H. R. 7456. Par. 1541. Cash registers, linotype and all typesetting machines, sewing ma- chines, typewriters, shoe machinery, sand-blast machines, sludge machines, and tar and oil spreading machines used in the construction and maintenance of roads and in improving them by the use of road preservatives; all the foregoing whether in whole or in parts, including repair parts. ACT OF 1909. Par. 197. Cash registers, * * * linotype and all typesetting machines, * * * sewing machines, typewriters, * * * thirty per centum ad valorem; * * * Provided, however, That all * * * tar and oil spreading machines used in the construction and maintenance of roads and in impro^dng them by the use of road preservatives, shall, if im- Sorted prior to January first, nineteen undred and eleven, be admitted free of dutv. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [Cash registers, linotypel Linotype [sewing machines.] ACT OF 1913. Par. 441. Cash registers, linotype and all typesetting machines, sewing^ ma- chines, typewriters, shoe machinery, * * * sand-blast machines, sludge ma- chines, and tar and oil spreading machinea used in the construction and mainte- nance of roads and in improving them by the use of road preservatives, all the foregoing whether imported in whole or in parts, including repair parts [Freel. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 337 PARAGRAPH — . II',.]. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Far. 15-i3. Cement, Roman, Fort- land, and other hydraulic: Provided, That if any country, dependency, prov- ince, or other suhdivi.si^n of (jovern- rnent impo-scn a duty on such cement imported from the United States, an cqn/il duty .fhall be impof^ed upon such cement coming into the United States from such country, dependency, prov- ince, or other suhdirision of yovern- ntcnt. PARAGRAPH 1542. loU. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1542. Cerium, cprite or cerium CCei'ium, cerite] Cerite ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 530. Cerium, cerite, or cerium Par. 44b. Cerium, cerite, or cerium ore [Free]. ore [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1543. 7TJ.5. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1543. Chalk, crude, not ground, qolted. precipitated, or otherwise manu- factured. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 531. Chalk, crude, not ground, Pap.. 446. Chalk, crude, not ground. Doited, precipitated, or otherwiee manu- Doited, precipitated, or otherwise manu- factured [Free]. factured [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 15J,S. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Carried under — Par. 755. * * * chestnuts, in- eluding marrons, in their natural state, dried, or baked, one-half of 1 cent per pound ; prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for, 15 cents per pound ; * * * ACT OF 1909. Far. 635. * * * Marrons, crude, * * *. [Free]. Par. 283. Nuts of all kinds, shelled or unshelled, not specially provided for in this section, one cent per pound ; hut no allowance shall be made for dirt or other impurities in nuts of any kind, shelled or unshelled. Par. 274. * * * comfits, sweet- meats, preserved or packed in sugar, or having sugar added thereto, or pre- served or packed in molasses, spirits, one cent per pound and thirty-five per cent ad valorem ; Par. 1546. Chestnuts, including mar- rons, crude, dried, "baked, prepared or preserved in any manner. ACT OF 1913. Par. 557. Marrons, crude * * ♦. [Free]. Par. 226. Nuts of all kinds, shelled or unshelled, not specially provided for in this section, 1 cent per pound ; but no allowance shall be made for dirt or other impurities in nuts of any kind, shelled or unshelled. Par. 217. * * * comfits, sweet- meats, preserved or packed in sugar, or having sugar added thereto or pre- served or packed in molasses, spirits, 20 per centum ad valorem ; 338 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1544. loip. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1544. Chronaite or chrome ore. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 532. Chromate of iron or chromic Par. 448. Chromate of iron or chromic ore [Free]. ore [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1545. ms. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1545. Coal, anthracite, bitumi- nous, culm, slack, and shale; coke; compositions used for fuel in which coal or coal dust is the component material of chief value, whether in briquets or other form: Provided, That when any country, dependency, or other subdivision of government imposes a duty on such articles imported from the United States, an equal duty shall be imposed upon such articles coming into the United States from such country. Entire proviso struck out. ACT OF 1909. Par. 428. Coal, bituminous, and shale, forty-five cents per ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel; coal slack or culm, such as will pass through a half-inch screen, fifteen cents per ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel: Provided, That the rate of fifteen cents per ton herein designated for "coal slack or culm*' shall be held to apply to importations of coal slack or culm produced and screened in the ordinary way, as such, and so shipped from the mine; coke, twenty per centum ad valorem; compositions used for fuel in which coal or coal dust is the com- ponent material of chief value, whether in briquettes or other form, twenty per centum ad valorem: Provided further, That on all coal imported into the United States, wnich is afterwards used for fuel on board vessels propelled by steam and engaged in trade with foreign countries, or in trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States, and which are registered under the laws of the United States, a drawback shall be allowed equal to the duty imposed by law upon such coal, and shall be paid under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. Par. 535. Coal, anthracite, and coal stores of American vessels, but none shall be unloaded [Free], ACT OF 1913. Par. 451. Coal, anthracite, bituminous, culm, slack, and shale; coke; composi- tions used for fuel in which coal or coal duet is the component material of chief va^ue, whether in briquets or other form [Free]. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 339 CremovingJ the removal of PARAGRAPH 1546. 1549. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1546. Coal-tar j^roducta: Acenaph- thene, anthracene having a purity of less than 30 per centum, benzene, carbazole having a puiity of less than 65 per cen- tum, cumene, cymene, fluorene, methyl- anthracene, methylnaphthalene, naph- thalene, which after removing all the water present has a solidifying point less than seventy-nine degrees centigrade, pyridine, toluene, xylene, dead or creo- sote oil, anthracene oil, pitch of coal tar, pitch of blast-furnace tar, pitch of oil-gas tar, pitch of water-gas tar, crude coal tar, crude blast-furnace tar, crude oil-gas tar, crude water-gas tar, all other distillates of any of these tars which on being sub- jected to distillation yield in the portion distilling below one hundred and ninety degrees centigrade a quantity of tar acids less than 5 per centum of the original dis- tillate, all mixtures of any of these distil- lates and any of the foregoing pitches, and all other materials or products that are found naturally in coal tar, whether produced or obtained from coal tar or other source, and not specially provided for in paragraph 25 or 26 of Title I of this Act. IJ2o or 26] 27 or 2S ACT OF 1909. Par. 536. Coal tar, crude, pitch of coal tar, and products of coal tar known as dead or creosote oil, benzol, toluol, naphthalin, xylol, * * * cresol, * * * all the foregoing not medicinal and not colors or dyes [Free]. Par. 15. * * * all other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes and not medicinal, not specially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem. [Covered acenaph- thene, carbazole, cumene, cymene, fluor- ene, methylanthracene, methylnaphtha- lene, pjTidine, anthracene oil, and all other materials or products.] [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] ACT OF SEPT. 8, 1916, TITLE V. Sec. 500. That on and after the day following the passage of this Act, except as otherwise specially provided for in this title, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon the articles named in this sec- tion when imported from any foreign country into the United States or into any of its possessions, except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and ACT OF 1913. Par. 452. Coal tar, crude, pitch of coal tar, * * * or other tar, dead or creosote oil, and products of coal tar known as an- thracene and anthracene oil, naphthalin, * * * and cresol [Free]. Par. 22. Coal-tar distillates, not spe- cially provided for in this section; ben- zol, * * * toluol, xylol; all the fore- going not medicinal and not colors or dyes, 5 per centum ad valorem. [Covered ace- naphthene, carbazole, cumene. cymene, fluorene, metbylanthracene, methylnaph- thalene, pyridine.] Par. 21. All other products or prepara- tions of coal tar, not colors or dyes, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem. [No corresponding provision for the other commodities.] ACT OF SEPT. 8, 1916, TITLE V. ( Continued. ) Tutuila, the rates of duties which are pre- scribed in this title, namely: FREE LIST. Group I. Acenaphthene, anthracene having a purity of less than twenty-five per centum, benzol, carbazol having a purity of less than twenty-five per 34-0 TARIFF ACTS COMPAREt). centum, cresol, cumol, fluorene, meta- tar acids less than five per centum of the cresol having a purity of less than ninety original distillate, and all other products per centum, methylanthracene, methyl- that are found naturally in coal tar, naphthalene, naphthalene having a solid- whether produced or obtained from coal ifying point less than seventy-nme degrees tar or other source, and not otherwise spe- centigrade, orthocresol having a purity of cially provided for in this title, shall be less than ninety per centum, paracresol exempt from duty. havingapurityof less than ninety per cen- Group II. * * * carbazol having a turn, pyndin, * * * toluol, xylol, crude purity of 25 per centum or more, * * * coal tar, pitch of coal tar, dead or creosote 15 per centum ad valorem, * * * [and oil, anthracene oil, all other distillates 2§ cents per pound], which on beSng subjected to distillation [No corresponding provision for the yield in the portion distilling below two other commodities.] hundred degrees centigrade a quantity of PARAGRAPH 1547. 1550. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1547. Cobalt and cobalt ore. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 537. Cobalt and cobalt ore [Free]. Par. 453. Cobalt and cobalt ore [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1548. lo-ll. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1548. Cocoa or cacao beans. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 540. Cocoa, or cacao, crude, and Par. 456. Cocoa, or cacao, crude, and fiber, leaves,* and shells of [Free]. fiber, leaves,* and shells of [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1549. 1552. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1549. Coffee. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 541. Coffee [Free]. Par. 457. Coffee [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1550. ir,.-,.i H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1550. Coins of gold, silver, cop- per, or other metal. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 542. Coins of gold, silver, copper, Par. 458. Coins of gold, silver, copper, or other metal [Free]. or other metal [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1551. 155',. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1551. Coir, and coir yarn. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 543. Coir, and coir yarn [Free]. Par. 459. Coir, and coir yarn [Free]. • Not an article of commerce; possibly confused with coca leaves (par. 33, H. R. 7456). TARIFF ACTS COMPARED, 341 PARAGRAPH 15o2. />: H. R. 7456. Par. 1552. Composition metal of which copper is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 545. Competition metal of which Par. 460. Composition metal of which copper is the component material of chief copper is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this value, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1553. 1556. H. R. 7456. Par. 1553. Copper ore; regulus of, and black or coarse copper, and copper ce- ment; old copper, fit only for remanufac- fure, copper scale, clippings from new copper, and copper in plates, bars, ingots, or pigs, not manufactured or specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 544. Copper ore; regulus of. and black or coarse copper, and copper ce- ment; old copper, lit only for remanufac- ture. clippings from new copper, and cop- per in plates, bars, ingots, or pigs, not manufactured or specially provided for in this section [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [copper cement] cement copper ACT OF 1913. Par. 461. Copper ore; regulus of, and black or coarse copper, and copper ce- ment; old copper, iit only for remanufac- ture, copper scale, clippings from new copper, and copper in plates, bars, ingots, or pigs, not manufactured or specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1554. 1557. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1554. Copper sulphate or blue vitriol; copper acetate and subacetate or verdigris. ACT OF 1909. Par. 9. Blue vitriol or sulphate of copper, one fourth of one cent per pound. Par. 3. * * * salts * * * twenty five per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 706. Verdigris, or subacetate of copper [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 421. Blue vitriol, or sulphate of copper; acetate and subacetate of copper, or verdigris [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1555. 1558. H. R. 7456. Par. 1555. Coral, marine, uncut, and unmanufactured . ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 546. Coral, marine, uncut, and Par. 463. Coral," 'marine, uncut, and unmanufactured [Free]. unmanufactured [Free]. 342 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1556. 1.J.59. H. R. 7456. Par. 1556. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured, and cork waste, shav- ings, and cork refuse of all kinds. ACT OF 1909. Par. 547. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 464. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured, and cork waste, shav- ings, and cork refuse of all kinds [Free] . PARAGRAPH 1557. 1560. H. R. 7466. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Foreisrn Valuation. American Valuation. Fab. 1557. Cotton and cotton waste. ACT OF 1909. [Cotton] Cotton, not specially provided for. ACT OF 1913. Par. 548. Cotton, and cotton waste or Par. 467. Cotton, and cotton waste or flocks [Free]. flocks [Free].' PARAGRAPH 1558. 1561. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1558. Cryolite, or kryolith. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 549. Cryolite, or kryolith [Free]. Par. 468. Cryolite, or kryolith [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1559. 1562. H. R. 7456. Par. 1559. Metallic mineral substances in a crude state, and metals unwrought, whether capable of being wrought or not, not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 172. * * * barium, calcium, * * * sodium, and potassium, and alloys of which said metals are the com- ponent material of chief value, three cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Par. 183. Metallic mineral substances in a crude state, and metals unwrought, whether capable of being wrought or not, not specially provided for in this section, twenty per centum ad valorem ; * » *. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 143. * * * barium, calcium, * * * sodium, and potassium, and al- loys of which said metals are the com- ponent material of chief value, 25 per centum ad valorem. Par. 154. Metallic mineral substances in a crude state, and metals unwrought, whether capable of being wrought or not, not specially provided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem; * * *. - 7 cents per pound, in addition to the rates of duty imposed thereon by existing law. Is imposed by par. 17 of the emergency tariff act of May 27, 1921. on manufactures of which cotton having a staple of ] i inches or more in length is the component material of chief value. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 343 PARAGRAPH . 1563. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Carried under — Par. 1563. Curry, and curry poic- Pae. 780. * * * curry and curry der. powder, 2 cents per pound ; * * * ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 552. Curry, and curry powder Par. 471. Curry, and curry powder [Free]. " [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1560. 156',. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Far. 1560. Cuttlefish bone. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 553. Cuttlefish bone [Free]. Par. 472. Cuttlefish bone [Free]. PARAGRAPH . 1565. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1-565. Cyanide: Potassium cya- nide, sodium cyanide, all cyanide salts and cyanide mixtures, combinations, and compounds containing cyanide not specially provided for. PARAGRAPH 1561. 1566. H. R, 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1561. Glaziers' and engravers' diamonds, unset; miners' diamonds. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 655. * * * glaziers' and en- Par. 474. Glaziers ' and engravers ' dia- gravere' diamonds not set [Free].* monds, unset, miners' diamonds [Free]. Par. 556. Miners' diamonds, whether in their natural form or broken, * * *; any of the foregoing not set, * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1562. 1561. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1562. Drugs such as barks, beans, berries, buds, bulbs, bulbous roots, ex- crescences, fruits, flowers, dried fibers, dried insects, grains, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, logs, roots, stems, vege- tables, seeds faromatic, not garden seeds), seeds of morbid growth, weeds, and all • See note, par. 1429, p. 1148. 344 TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. other drugs of vegetable or animal origin; all of the foregoing which are natural and uncompounded drugs and not edible, and not specially provided for, and are in a crude state, not advanced in value or con- dition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any other process of treat- ment whatever beyond that essential to the proper packing of the drugs and the prevention of decay or deterioration pend- ing manufacture: Provided, That no article containing alcohol shall be admitted free of duty under this paragraph. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 559. Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, * * * buds, bulbs, bulbous roots, excrescences, fruits, flowers, dried fibers, dried insects, grains, * * * herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, nuts, * * * roots, stems, spices, vegetables, seeds (aromatic, not garden seeds), seeds of morbid growth, weeds, * * * any of the foregoing which are natural and un- compounded drugs and not edible and not specially provided for in this section, and are in a crude state, not advanced in value or condition by any process or treatment whatever beyond that essential to the proper packing of the drugs and the prevention of decay or deterioration pending manufacture [Free]: Provided, That no article containing alcohol, or in the preparation' of which alcohol is used, shall be admitted free of duty under this paragraph . Par. 504. Balm of Gilead [Free]. Par. 666. Salep, or salop [Free]. Par. 477. Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, buds, bulbs, bulbous roots, ex- crescences, fruits, flowers, dried fibers, dried insects, grains, * * * herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, logs, roots, stems, vegetables, seeds (aromatic, not garden seeds), seeds of morbid growth, weeds; any of the foregoing which are natural and uncompounded drugs and not edible and not specially provided for in this section, and are in a crude state, not advanced in value or condition by shredding, grind- ing, chipping, crushing, or any other process or treatment whatever beyond that essential to the proper packing of the drugs and the prevention of decay or deterioration pending manufacture [Free]: Provided, That no article conta.lning alcohol shall be admitted free of duty under this paragraph. Par. 409. Balm of Gilead [Free]. Par. 592. Salep, or salop [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1563. 1568. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1563. Dyeing or tanning mate- rials: Fustic wood, hemlock bark, log- wood, mangrove bark, oak bark, quebra- cho wood, wattle bark, divi-divi, myrob- alans friut, sumac, valonia, nutgalls or gall nuts, and all articles of vegetable origin used for dyeing, coloring, staining, or tanning, whether crude or treated solely for proper packing or prevention of decay or deterioration pending manu- facture ; all the foregoing not containing alco- hol and not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 559. * * * woods used ex- pressly for dyeing or tanning; [Free] * * * Prorided, That no article con- taining alcohol, or in the preparation of [whether crude or treated solely for proper packing or prevention of decay or deterioration pending manufacture! all the foregoing, whether crude or advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crush- ing, or any similar process ACT OF 1913. Par. 624. Tanning material: * * * nuts and nutgalls and woods used ex- pressly for dyeing or tanning, whether or not advanced in value or condition by TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 345 which alcohol is used, shall be admitted free of duty under this paragraph. Par. 557. Divi-divi [Free]. Par. 632. Myrobolans [Free]. Par. 705. Valonia [Free]. Par. 499. Articles in a crude state used in dyeing or tanning not specially provided for in this section [Free]. [Covered hemlock bark and logwood.] [No corresponding provision for sumac] shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any other process; and articles in a crude state used in dyeing or tanning; all the foregoing not containing alcohol and not specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 475. Divi-divi [Free]. Par. 553. Myrobolans fruit [Free]. Par. 618. Sumac, * * * unground [Free]. Par. 639. Valonia [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1564. 1569. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1564. Eggs of birds, fish, and in- sects (except fish roe for food purposes): Provided, That the importation of eggs of wild birds is prohiVuted, except eggs of game birds imported for propagating pur- poses under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Aericulture. and specimens imported for scientific collections. ACT OF 1909. Par. 560. Eggs of birds, fish, and in- sects (except fish roe preserved for food purposes): Provided, however, That the importation of eggs of game birds or eggs of birds not used for food, except speci- mens for scientific collections, is pro- hibited: Provided further, That the im- portation of eggs of game birds for pur- poses of propagation is hereby authorized, under rules and regulations to be pre- scribed by the Seclretarv of the Treasiu-y [Free]. Par. 674. Silkworm eggs [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 478. Eggs of * * * birds, fish, and insects (except fish roe preserved for food purposes): Provided, however, That the importation of eggs of game birds or eggs of lurds not used for food, except speci- mens for scientific collections, is pro- hibited: Provided further, That the im- portation of eggs of game birds for pur- poses of propagation is hereby authorised, under rules and regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury [Free]. Par. 601. Silkworm eggs [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1565. i.570. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1565. Emery ore and corundum [cnrvuiduni ore] corundum ore, and ore. crude artificial abrasives ACT OF 1909. Par. 561. Emerv ore and corundum [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 479. Emerv ore and corundum. * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1566. loll. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1566. Enfleurage greases, floral essences and floral concretes: Provided, That no article mixed or compounded or containing alcohol shall ' be exempted from duty under this paragraph. 346 TABIFF ACTS COMPARED, ACT OF 1909, ACT OF 1913. Par. 639. Oils: * * * jasmine or Par. 46. Oils, distilled and essential: jasimine, * * * enfleurage grease, * * * jasmine or jasimine; * * * 20 liquid and solid primal flower essences per centum ad valorem: * * *. not compounded * * * [Free]. Par. 49. * * * enfleurage greases and floral essences by whatever method obtained; * * * all the foregoing not containing alcohol and not specially pro- vided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1567. 1512. H, R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS, Par. 1567. Fans, common palm-leaf, plain and not ornamented or decorated in any manner, and palm leaf in its natural state not colored, dyed, or other- wise advanced or manufactured. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 563. Fans, common palm-leaf. Par. 480. Fans, common palm-leaf, plain and not ornamented or decorated plain and not ornamented or decorated in any manner, and palm leaf in its in any manner, and palm leaf in its natural state, not colored, dyed, or other- natural state, not colored, dyed, or other- wise advanced or manufactured [Free]. wise advanced or manufactured [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1568. 1.513. H. R. 7456, - SENATE AMENDMENTS, Par. 1568. Ferrous sulphate or cop- j)eraB. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913, Par. 19. Copperas, or sulphate of iron. Par. 462, Copperas, or sulphate of fifteen-hundredths of one cent per pound, iron [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1569. 151',. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1569. Fibrin, in all forms, ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 566. Fibrin, in all forms [Free], Par. 482. Fibrin, in all forms [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 1515. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Pak. 1515. Fish imported to be used for fnirposes other than human con- sumption. PARAGRAPH 1570. 1516. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1570. Fishskins, raw or salted. ACT OF 1909, ACT OF 1913, Par. 568. Fishskins [Free]. Par. 484. Fishskins [Free]. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 347 PARAGRAPH 1571. i.577. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1571. Flint, flints, and flint etonee, unground. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 569. Flint, flints, and flint etonee, Par. 486. Flint, flints, and flint etonee, unground [Free]. unground [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1572. 1578. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1572. Foeeile. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 570. Foeeile [Free]. Par. 487. Foeeile [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1573. 1579. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1573. Furs and fur ekins, un- After " skins, " insert not specially dreesed. provided for, ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 573. Fare, undressed [Free]. Par. 491. Fure and fur skins, undressed Par. 574. Fur skin of all kinde not [Free]. dressed in any manner and not specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 1580. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Pae. 1580. Gloves made wholly or in chief value of leather made from cattle hides of cattle of the bovine species. PARAGRAPH 1574. 15S1. H. R. 7466. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1574. Goldbeaters' molds and gold- beatere' skins. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 579. Goldbeaters' molds and gold- Par. 496. Goldbeaters' molds and gold- beaters' skins [Free]. beaters' skins [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1575. 1582. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. ]575. Grasses and fibers: Istle or Tampico fiber, jute, jute butts, manila, eisal grass, sunn, and all other textile [sisal grass,l sisal, henequen, graeeee or fibrous vegetable substances, not dressed or manufactured in any man- ner, and not specially provided for. 348 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 578. Grasses and fibers: Istle or Tampico fiber, jute, jute butts, uianila. 'sisal grass, sunn, and all other textile grasses or fibrous vegetable sul:)stances, not dressed or manufactured in any man- ner, and not specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 540. Cocoa, or cacao *^ ^ * fiber * * * [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 497. Grasses and fibers: Istle or Tampico fiber, jute, jute butts, manila, sisal grass, sunn, and all other textile grasses or fibrous A^egetable substances, not dressed or manufactured in any man- ner, and not specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 456. Cocoa, or cacao * * * fiber * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1576. 15S3. H. B. 7456. Par. 1576. Guano, basic slag, ground or unground, manures, and all other sub- stances used chiefly for fertilizer, not specially pro\dded for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 581. Guano, manures, and all substances used only for manure, includ- ing Ijasic slag, ground or unground, * # * [Freej. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [for] for: Provided, That no article specified by name in Title I shall be free of duty under this paragraph. ACT OF 1913. Par. 499. Guano, manures, and all substances used only for manure, includ- ing l)asic slag, ground or unground, * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1577. 158',. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1577. Gums and resins: Amber and amberoid, arable or Senegal, damar. kauri, and other copals; dragon's blood, kadaya, sandarac, tragacanth, tragasol, and other gums, gum resins, and resins, not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 488. Amber, and amberoid un- manufactured, or crude gum, gum Kauri, and gum Copal [Free]. Par. 20. Drugs, such as * * * gums and gum resin, * * * one-fourth of one cent per pound, and in addition thereto ten per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article containing alco- hol, or in the preparation of which alcohol is used, shall be classified for duty under this paragraph. Par. 559. Drugs, such as * * * gums, gum resin, * * * not advanced * * * [Free]. Par. 558. Dragon's blood [Free]. [Amber and amberoid, arable or Sene- gal, damar] Dnmar, Amber and amberoid unmanufactured, n. s. p. f., arable, or Senegal, trans- ferred to par. 11, in Bill as adopted by Senate, [and other copals ;] copal. ACT OF 1913. Par. 36. Gums: Amber, and amberoid unmanufactured, or crude gum, not spe- cially provided for in this section, $1 per pound; arable, or senega], ^ cent per pound; * * *. Par. 500. Gum: Amber in chips valued at not more than 50 cents per pound, copal, damar, and kauri [Free]. Par. 27. Drugs, such as * * * gums, * * * advanced * * * 10 per cen- tum ad valorenl. Par. 477. Drugs, such as * * * gums, gum resin, * * * not advanced * * * [Free]. Par. 476. Dragon's blood [Free]. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 349 PARAGRAPH 1.578. loS5. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1578. Gunpowder, and all other explosive substances, used for mining, blasting, or artillery purposes, not spe- cially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 4.35. Gunpowder, and all explosive substances used for mining, blasting, artillery, or sporting purposes, when valued at twenty cents or less per pound, two cents per pound; valued above twenty cents per pound, four cents per pound. Entire parugrapli struck out and the following substitutetl : Par. J5S5. G unpoicder, sporting pow- ticr, and all other explosive substances ■not spcciollij provided for: Provided, That if any counti'y, dependency, prov- ince, or other subdiviHion of govern- ment imposes a duty on any article ■specified in this paragraph, ivhen im- ported from the United States, an equal duty shall be imposed ujyon such article coming into the United States from such country, dependency, prov- ince, or other subdivision of govern- ment. ACT OF 1913. Par. 501. Gunpowder, and all explo- sive substances, not specially provided for in this section, used for mining, blast- ing, and artillery purposes [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1579. 1586. H. R. 7456. Par. 1579. Hair of horse, cattle, and other animals, cleaned or uncleaned, drawn or undrawn, but unmanufactured, not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 583. Hair of horse, cattle, and other animals, cleaned or uncleaned, drawn or undrawn, but unmanufactured, not speciallv pro\'ided for in this section; * * * [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 503. Hair of horse, cattle, and other animals, cleaned or uncleaned, drawn or undrawn, but unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this section [Fr^e]. PARAGRAPH 1580. 1587. H. R. 7456. Par. 1580. Hide cuttings, raw, with or without hair, ossein, and all other glue stock. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 584. Hide cuttings, raw, with or Par. 504. Hide cuttings, raw, with or without hair, and all other glue stock without hair, and all other glue stock [Free]. [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1581. 1588. H. R, 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1581. Rope made of rawhide. 103791—22 23 350 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 585. Plide rope [Free]. Par. 505. Hide rope [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1582. 158D. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS Par. 1582. Hides of cattle, raw or uncured, or dried, sailed, or pickled. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 450. Hides of cattle, raw or un- Par. 506. Hides of cattle, raw or un- cured, whether dry, salted, or pickled, cured, or dry, salted, or pickled [Free], shall be admitted free of duty: * * *. PARAGRAPH 1583. 1.1:)(). H. R. 7466. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1583. Hones and whetstones. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 586. Honesand whetstones [Free]. Par. 507. Hones and whetstones [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1584. l.Wl. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1584. Hoofs, unmanufactured. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 587. Hoofs, unmanufactured Par. 508. Hoofs, unmanufactured [Free]. [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1585. i 7'L?. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1585. Horns and parts of, includ- ing horn strips and tips, unmanufactured. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 589. Horns and parts of, includ- Par. 511. Horns and parts of, includ- ing horn strips and tips, unmanufactured ing horn strips and tips, unmanufactured [Free]. [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1586. I.IH.L H. R. 7466. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1586. Ice. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913, Par. 590. Ice [Free]. Par. 512. Ice [Free]. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1587. 15<>.',. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS Par. 1587. India rubber and gutta- percha, crude, including jelutong or pontianak, guayule, gutta balata, and gutta siak, and scrap or refuse india rub- ber and gutta-percha fit only for reraanu- facture. 351 ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 591. India rubber, crude, and milk of, and scrap or refuse India rub- ber, fit only for re manufacture, and fit only for remanufacture [Free] which has been worn out by use [Free] Par. 513. India rubber, crude, and milk of, and scrap or refuse india rubber. Par. 582. Gutta-percha, crude [Free]. Par. 502. Gutta-percha, crude [Free PARAGRAPH 1588. 1J9J. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1588. Iodine, crude. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 593. Iodine, crude [Free]. Par. 515. Iodine, crude, * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1589. 1596. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1589. Iridium, osmium, palla- dium, rhodium, and ruthenium and na- tive combinations thereof with one an- other or with platinum. ACT OF 1909. Par. 595. Iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium, and ruthenium and native com- binations thereof with one another or with platinum [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 517. Iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium, and ruthenium and native com- binations thereof with one another or with platinum [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1590. 1597. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1590. Iron ore. including man- ganiferous iron ore, and the dross or residuum from burnt pyrites. ACT OF 1909. Par. 117. Iron ore, including man- ganiferous iron ore, and the dross or residuum from burnt pyrites, fifteen cents per ton: Fro tided. That in levying and collecting the duty on iron ore no deduction shall be made from the weight of the ore on account of moisture which may be chemically or physically com- bined therewith. ACT OF 1913. Par. 518. Iron ore, including man- ganiferous iron ore, and the dross or residuum from burnt pyrites; * * * [Free]. 352 TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED, PARAGRAPH 1591. 1598. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1591. Ivory tuska in their natural state or cut vertically across the grain only, with the bark left intact. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 596. Ivory tusks in their natural Par. 369. Ivory tusks in their natural state or cut vertically across the grain state, or cut vertically across the erain only, with the bark left intact, * * * only, with the bark left intact, 20 per [Free]. centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH 1592. 1599. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Tah. 1592. Jet, unmanufactured. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 598. Jet, unmanufactured [Free]. Par. 520. Jet, unmanufactured [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1593. 1600. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1593. Joss stick or joss light. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 599. Joss stick or Joss light [Free]. Par. 521. Joss stick or josa light [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1594. 1601. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1594. Junk, '^^d ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 600. Junk, old [Free]. Par. 522. Junk, old [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1595. 1602. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1595. Kelp. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 601. Kelp [Free]. Par. 523. Kelp [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1596. 1603. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1596. Kieserite. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 602. Eaeserite [Free]. Par. 524. Kieserite [Free]. TABIFF ACTS COMPARED. 353 PARAGRAPH 1597. iGOJf. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1597. Lac, crude, seed, button, stick, or shell. ACT OF 1909. Par. 605. Lac * * * crude, seed. button, stick, and shell [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 526. Lac * * * crude, seed, button, stick, and shell [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1598. H. R. 7456. Par. 1598. Lactarene or casein. ACT OF 1909. Par. 607. Lactarene, or casein [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Entire paragraph struck out and transferred to dutiable list, par. 19, in Bill as adopted by Senate. ACT OF 1913. Par. 527. Lactarene or casein [Free] PARAGRAPH 1599. 1G05. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1599. Lava, unmanufactured. Par. [Free]. ACT OF 1909. 608. Lava, unmanufactured Par. [Free]. ACT OF 1913. 529. Lava, unmanufactured H. R. PARAGRAPH 1600. 160G. r456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1600. Leather: All leather not specially provided for; harness, saddles, and saddlery, in sets or parts, except metal parts, finished or unfinished; leather cut into shoe uppers, vamps, soles, or other forms suitable for conversion into manufactured articles; and leather shoe laces, finished or unfinished. ACT OF 1909. Par. 450. * * * Provided, That on and after October first, nineteen hundred and nine, grain, buff, and split leather shall pay a duty of seven and one-half per centum ad valorem; * * * that har- ness, saddles and saddlery, in sets or in parts, finished or unfinished, composed wholly or in chief value of leather, shall pay a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 451. Band, bend, or belting leather, rough leather, and sole leather, five per centum ad valorem; dressed upper and all other leather, calfskins tanned or tanned and dressed, kangaroo, sheep and goat skins (including lamb and kid skins) dressed and finished, other skins and bookbinders' calfskins, all the ACT OF 1913. Par. 530. AUleather not specially pro- vided for in this section * * * leather cut into shoe uppers or vamps or other forms suitable for conversion into boots or shoes; * * * leather shoe laces, fin- ished or unfinished ; harness, saddles, and saddlery, in sets or in parts, finished or unfinished [Free]. 354 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. foregoing not specially provided for in this section, fifteen per centum ad valorem; * * * glfing for morocco, tanned but unfinished, five per centum ad valorem; patent, japanned, varnished, or enameled leather weighing not over ten pounds per dozen hides or skins, twenty-seven cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; if weighing over ten pounds and not over twenty-five pounds per dozen, twenty-seven cents per pound and eight per centum ad valorem; if weighing over twenty-five pounds per dozen, twenty cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; * * * leather shoe laces, finished or unfinished, fifty cents per gross pairs and ten per centum ad valorem; * * * Provided, That leather cut into shoe uppers or vamps or other forms, suitable for conversion into manufactured articles, and gauffre leather, shall pay a duty of ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty imposed by this paragraph on leather of the same character as that from which they are cut. Par. 461. Harness, saddles, saddlery, in sets or in parts, finished or unfinished, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1601. wn. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1601. Boots and shoes made wholly or in chief value of leather. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 451. * * * boots and shoes Par. 530. * * * boots and shoea made of leather, fifteen per centum ad made wholly or in chief value of leather; valorem: * * * * * * [Free]. Par. 450. * * * tj^at all boots and shoea, made wholly or in chief value of leather made from cattle hides and cattle Bkins of whatever weight, of cattle of the bovine species, including calfskins, shall pay a duty of ten per centum ad valorem; * * *_ PARAGRAPH 1602. 1608. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1602. Leeches. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 609. Leeches [Free]. Par. 531. Leeches [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1603. 1G09. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1603. Limestone rock asphalt; as- [Limestone rock] Limestone-rock phaltum and bitumen. . TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 355 ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 90. * * * limestone rock aa- P.^.r. 534. Limestone-rock asphalt; as- phalt, fifty cents per ton; asphaltiim and phaltum, and bitumen [Free], bitumen, not specially pro^'ided for in this section, crude, if not dried, or other- wise advanced in any manner, one dollar and fifty cents per ton; if dried or other- wise advanced in any manner, three dollars per ton; * * *. PARAGRAPH 1604. liiin. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1604. Lemon juice, lime juice, and sour orange juice, all the foregoing containing not more than 2 per centum of alcohol. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 610. Lemon juice, lime juice, and Par. 532. Lemon juice, lime juice, and sour orange juice, all the foregoing con- sour orange juice, all the foregoing con- taining not more than two per centum taining not more than 2 per centum of of alcohol [Free]. alcohol [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1605. 1611. H. R. 7456. SENATE i^MENDMENTS. Par. 1605. Lifeboats and life-saving apparatus specially imported by societies and institutions incorporated or estab- lished to encourage the saving of human life. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 612. Lifeboats and life-saving Par. 533. Lifeboats and life-saving apparatus specially imported by societies apparatus specially imported by societies incorporated or established to encourage and institutions incorporated or estab- the saving of human life [Free]." lished to encourage the saving of human life [Free].i2 PARAGRAPH 1606. 1612. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1606. Lithographic stones, not engiaved. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 614. Lithographic stones, not en- Par. 535. Lithographic stones, not en- graved [Free]. graved [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1607. 1613. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1607. Loadstones. ACT OF 1909, ACT OF 1913. Par. 616. Loadstones [Free]. Par. 537. Loadstones [Free]. 356 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1608. 16U. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1608. Manuscripts, not specially pidvided for. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. I'ar. 621. Manuscripts [Free]. I'ar. 542. Manuscripts [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1609. 1615. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 16(i0. Marrow, crude. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 622. Marrow, crude [Free]. Par. 543. Marrow, crude [Free] PARAGRAPH 1610. 1616. H. B. 7456. Pab. 1610. Mechanically ground wood pulp, chemical wood pulp, unbleached or DIeached : I'rovid^'d, Tliat whenever the President shall ascertain as a fact that any country, dependency, prov- ince, or other subdivision of govern- ment forbids or restricts in any way (whether by law, order, regulation, contractual rehition, or otherwise, di- rectly or indirectly) the exportation of, or imposes any export duty, export license fee, or other export charge of any kind whatever, either directly or indirectly (whether in the form of ad- ditional charge or license fee, or other- wise), upon printing paper, wood pulp, or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp), he may by proclamation, declare such ascertainment setting forth the facts ; whereupon, and imtil said proclamation shall be revoked, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon mechanically ground wood pulp and chemical wood pulp, un- bleached or bleached, when imported either directly or indirectly from such country, dependency, pi'ovince, or other subdivision of government, a duty of 1(» per centum ad valorem, and, in addi- tion thereto, an amount equal to the highest export duty or other export charge imposed by such country, de- pendency, province, or other subdivi- sion of government, upon either an equal amount of wood pulp or an amount of wood necessary to manu- facture such wood pulp, or an amount of printing paper ordinarily manufac- tured from such wood pulp. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Entire proviso deleted. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 357 ACT OF 1909. Par. 406. Mechanically ground wood pulp, one-twelfth of one cent per pound, dry weight: Provided, however, That mechanically ground wood pulp shall be admitted free of duty from any country, dependency, province, or other subdivi- sion of government (being the product thereof) which does not forbid or restrict in any way the exportation of (whether by law, order, regulation, contractual rela- tion, or otherwise, directly or indirectly) or impose any export duty, export license fee, or other export charge of any kind whatsoever, either directly or indirectly (whether in the form of additional charge or license fee or otherwise) upon printing paper, mechanically ground wood pulp, or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp: Provided further. That if any country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of government, shall impose an export duty or other export charge of any kind whatsoever, either directly or indirectly (whether in the form of addi- tional charge, or license fee, or otherwise) upon printing paper, mechanically ground wood pulp, or wood for use in the manu- facture of wood pulp, the amount of such export duty or other export charge shall be added as an additional duty to the duty herein imposed upon mechanically ground wood pulp when imported directly or indirectly from such country, depend- ency, province, or other subdivision of government. Chemical wood pulp, un- bleached , one-sixth of one cent per pound , dry weight; bleached, one-fourth of one cent per pound, dry weight: Provided, That if any country, dependency, prov- ince, or other subdivision of government shall impose an export duty, or other ex- port charge of any kind whatsoever, either directly or indirectly (whether in the form of additional charge or license fee or otherwise) upon printing paper, chemical wood pulp, or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp, the amount of such export duty, or other export charge, shall be added as an additional duty to the duties herein imposed upon chemical wood pulp when imported directly or indirectly from such country, dependency, province, or other subdivi- sion of government. ACT OF 1913. Par. 649. Mechanically ground wood pulp, chemical wood pulp, unbleached or bleached * * ♦ [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1611. J6J7. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1611. Medals of gold, silver, or copper, and other metallic articles actu- ally bestowed by foreign coimtries or citizens of foreign countries as trophies or prizes, and received and accepted as honorarv distinctions. 358 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 624. Medals of gold, silver, or copper, and other metallic articles actii- ally bestowed as trophies or prizes, and received and accepted as honorary dis- tinctions [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 546. Medals of gold, silver, or copper, and other articles actually he- stowed as trophies or prizes, and receiv(id and accepted as honorary distinctions [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1612. H. R. 7456. Par. 1612. Meerschaum. ACT OF 1909. Par. 625. Meerschaum, crude or un- manufactured [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Transferred to par. 1452. ACT OF 1913. Par. 381. * * * meerschaum, crude or unmanufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem. PARAGRAPH 1613. J 6 18. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1613. Mineral salts obtained by evaporation from mineral waters, when accompanied by a duly authenticated certificate and satisfactory proof sho^ving that they are in no way artificially pre- pared and are only the product of a desig- nated mineral spring. ACT OF 1909. Par. 627. Mineral salts obtained by evaporation from mineral waters, when accompanied by a duly authenticated certificate and satisfactory proof, showing that they are in no way artificially pre- pared, and are only the product of a desig- nated mineral spring [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 548. Mineral salts obtained by evaporation from mineral waters, when accompanied by a duly authenticated cer- tificate and satisfactory proof showing that they are in no way artificially pre- pared and are only the product of a desig- nated mineral spring [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1614. 1610. H. R. 7456. Par. 1614. Minerals, crude, or not ad- vanced in value or condition by refining or grinding, or by other process of ma nu- facture, not specifically provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 626. Minerals, crude, or not ad- vanced in value or condition by refining or grinding, or by other process of manu- facture, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS, ACT OF 1913. Par. 549. Minerals, crude, or not ad- vanced in value or condition by refining or grinding, or by other process of manu- facture, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1615. 1620. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1615. Models of inventions and of other improvements in the arts, to be used exclusively as models and incapable of anv other use. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 359 ACT OF 1909. Par. G29. Models of inventions and of other improvements in the arts, to be used exclusively as models and incapable of any other use [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 551. Models of inventions and of other improvements in the arts, to be used exclusively as models and incapable of any other use [Free]. PARAGRAPH JG.^1. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMEISTDMENTS. Carried under — Pak. ."iOS. Molasses and sirups test- ing not above 48 per centum total sugars, twenty-five one-hundredths of 1 cent per gallon ; testing above 48 per centum total sugars, two hundred and seventy-live one-thousandths of 1 cent additional for each per centum of total sugars and fractions of a per centum in proportion. ACT OF 1909. Pas. 1621. J/o/crsse.s te^thuf not above, 56 per centum total sufjars vot imported to he commercially used for the extraction of sugar, or for human consumption. ACT OF 1913. Par. 216. * * * Molasses testing not above forty degrees, twenty per centum ad valorem ; testing above forty degrees and not above fifty-six degrees, three cents per gallon ; test- ing above fifty-six degrees, six cents per gallon. PARAGRAPH 1616. 162 Par. 177. * * * Molasses testing not above forty degrees, 15 per centum ad valorem ; testing above forty de- grees and not above fifty-six degrees, 2i cents per gallon ; testing above fifty-six degrees, 4^ cents per gallon. H. R. 7456. Par. 10)16. Monazite sand and other thorium ores. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 183. * * * monazite sand Par. 154. and thorite, four cents per pound; and thorite; * * *. valorem. monazite sand 25 per centum ad PARAGRAPH 1617. 16:2S. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1617. Moss, seaweeds, and vege- table substances, crude or unmanufac- tured, not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 630. Moss, seaweeds, and vege- table substances, crude or unmanufac- tured, not otherwise specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 540. Cocoa, or cacao, crude, * * * shells of [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 552. Moss, seaweeds, and vege- table substances, crude or unmanufac- tured, not otherwise specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 456. Cocoa, or cacao, crude, * * * shells of [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1618. 162J,. H. R. 7456. Par. 1618. Needles, hand sewing or darning. SENATE AMENDMENTS. 360 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 633. Needles, hand Bewing and darning [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 555. Needles, hand-sewing and darning * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH J62o. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1625. Nets or sections of nets for use in otter trawl fishing, if com- posed ichoUy or in chief value of ma- nilla or vegetable fiber. PARAGRAPH 1619. 1626. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1619. Newspapers and periodicals; but the term "periodicals" as herein used shall be understood to embrace only un- bound or paper-covered publications is- sued within six months of the time of . entry, devoted to current literature of the day, or containing current literature as a predominant feature, and issued regularly at stated periods, as weekly, monthly, or quarterly, and bearing the date of issue. ACT OF 1909. Par. 634. Newspapers and periodicals; but the term "periodicals" as herein used shall be understood to embrace only un- bound or paper covered publications is- sued within six months of the time of entry, devoted to current literature of the day, or containing current literature as a predominant feature, and issued regularly at stated periods, as weekly, monthly, or quarterly, and bearing the date of issue [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 556. Newspapers and periodicals; but the term "periodicals" as herein used shall be understood to embrace only un- bound or paper-covered publications is- sued within six months of the time of entry, devoted to current literature of the day. or containing current literature as a predominant feature, and issued regularly at stated periods, as weekly, monthly, or quarterly, and bearing the date of issue [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1620. 162:. H. R. 7456. Par. 1620. Nuts: Crude in the shell and broken coconut meat or copra, not shredded, desiccated, or prepared in any manner, and not specially pro\dded for; palm nuts and palm-nut kernels. ACT OF 1909. Par 635. Nuts: * * * palm nuts and palm-nut kernels; * * * broken cocoanut meat or copra, not shredded, desiccated, or prepared in any manner [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Entire paragraph struck out and the following substituted : Par. 1627. Oil-hearing seeds and nuts: Copra, coconuts, henipseed, palm nuts, palm-nut kernels, tung nuts, rape- seed, per ilia and sesame seed; seeds and nuts, not specially provided for, ivhen the oils derived therefrom are free of duty. ACT OF 1913. Par. 557. * * * broken coconut meat or copra, not shredded, desiccated, or prepared in any manner; palm nuta and palm-nut kernels [Free]. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 361 PARAGRAPH 1621. 1628. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1621. Nux vomica. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 636. Nux vomica [Free]. Par. 558. Nux vomica [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1622. 162!). H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1622. Oakum. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 637. Oakum [Froe]. Par. 559. Oakum [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1623. 1630. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1623. Oil cake and oil-cake meal. ACT OF 1809, ACT OF 1913. Par. 638 Oil cake [Free]. Par. 560. Oil cake [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1624. 1631. g. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1624. Oils, animal: Spermaceti, whale, and other fish oils of American fiBheries, and all fish and other products of Buch fisheries. [fisheries.] fisheries; and all cod and cod-liver oil. (Cod and cod-liver oils tran.sferred from par. 49.) ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 6,30. Oils: * * * and also sper- Par. 561. Oils: * * * and also sper- maceti, whale, and other fish oils of «aaceti, whale, and other fish oils of American fisheries, and all fish and other American fisheries, and all fish and other products of such fisheries; * * * [Free.] products of such fisheries [Free]. Par. 567. Fish, fresh, frozen, or packed in ice, caught in the Great Lakes or other fresh waters by citizens of the United States, and all other fish, the products of American fisheries [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1625. 163^. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1625. Oils, distilled or essential: Anise, bergamot, bitter almond, c'amphor, caraway, cassia, cinnamon, citronella, geranium, lavender, lemon-grass, lime, lignaloe, neroli or orange flower, origa- After " lignaloe " insert or hois de rose num, palmaro.?a, pettigrain, rose or otto of roses, rosemary, spike lavender, thyme, andylang-ylang: Provided, That no article After " ylang-ylang " insert or cananga mixed or compounded or containing al- cohol shall be exempted from duty under thie paragraph . TAKll-1- ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. Par. 639. Oils: Almond, * * * anise or anise seed, * * ^ aspic or spike lavender, bergamot, * * * caraway, cassia, cinnamon, * * * citronella or lemon grass, * * * lavender, * * * limes, * * * neroli or orange flower, * * * attar of roses, * * * rose- mary or anthoss, * * * thyme, orig- anum red or white, * * * [Free]. Par. 3. * * * distilled oils, essen- tial oils, * * * twenty -five per cen- tum ad valorem: * * *. ACT OF 1913. Par. 46. Oils, distilled and essential: * * * almond, bitter; * * * aniee or anise seed; bergamot; * * * cara- way; cassia; cinnamon; * * * citron- ella and lemon-grass; * * * lavender, and aspic or spike lavender; limes; neroli or orange flower; origanum, red or white; rosemary or anthoss; attar of roses; thyme; * * * all the foregoing oils, * * * and essential and distilled oils and all combinations of the same, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article containing alcohol shall be classified for duty under this paragraph. PARAGRAPH 1626. J6J3. H. R. 7456. Par. 1626. Oils, expressed or ex- tracted: Croton, palm, palm-kernel, perilla, sesame, and sweet almond ; olive oil rendered unfit for use as food or for any but mechanical or manufacturing purposes, by such means as shall be satis- factory to the Secretary of the Treasury and under regulations to be prescribed by him; Chinese and Japanese tung oils; and nut oils not specially pro\dded for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 639. Oils: Almond, * * * croton, * * * nut oil or oil of nuts, * * * olive oil rendered unfit for use aa food or for any but mechanical or man- ufacturing purposes, by such means as shall he satisfactory to the Secretary of the Treasury and under regulations to be prescribed by him; * * * palm, palm- kernel, * * * sesame or eesamum seed or bean, * * * [Free]. Par. 3. * * * expressed oils, * * * twenty-five per centum ad valorem; * * * [Covered oils not specifically mentioned in 1909.]. SENATE AMENlJMTi^NTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 561. Oils: * * * croton, * * * palm, palm-kernel, perilla, * * * and olive oil rendered unfit for use as food or for any but mechanical or manufactur- ing purposes, by such means as shall be satisfactory to the Secretary of the Treas- ury and under regulations to be pre- scribed by him; Chinese nut oil, nut oil or oil of nuts not specially provided for in this section; * * * [Free]. • Par. 45. Oils, expressed: * * * al- mond oil, sweet, 5 cents per pound; sesame or sesamum seed or bean oil, 1 cent per pound ; * * *, PARAGRAPH 1627. 163J,. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1627. Oils, mineral: Petroleum, crude, fuel, or refined, and all distillates obtained from petroleum, including kero- sene, benzine, naphtha, gasoline, par- affin, and paraffin oil, not specially pro- vided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 639. Oils: * * * petroleum, crude or refined, including kerosene, benzine, naphtha, gasoline, and similar oils produced from petroleum [Free]. Par. 645. Paraflin [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 561. Oils: * * * petroleum, crude or refined, and all products ob- tained from petroleum, including kero- sene, benzine, naphtha, gasoline, j)ar- affin, and paraffin oil; * * * [Free]. I TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 363 PARAGRAPH 1628. i6 JJ. I H. R. 7456. Par. 1628. Ores of gold, silver, or nickel, and nickel matte; ores of the platinum metals; sweepings of gold and silver. ACT OF 1909. Par. 643. Ores of gold, silver, or nickel, and nickel matte; sweepings of gold and silver [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS, [nickel, anil] nickel; ACT OF 1913. Par. 565. Ores of gold, silver, or nickel, and nickel matte; ores of the platinum metals; sweepings of gold and silver [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 16S6. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. Carried under — Par. 1305. Decalcomania paper not printed, 5 cents per pound. ACT OF 1909. Not specifically provided for. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1636. Duplex decalromania pa- lter not printed. ACT OF 1913. Par. 567. * * * Decalcomania pa- per, not printed [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1629. 1631. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1629. Parchment and vellum. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. [Free]. 646. Parchment and vellum Par. 568. Parchment and v e 1 1 u m [Free]. PARAGRAPH . 1638. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1638. Pads for horses. PARAGRAPH 1630. 16.3fi. H. R. 7456. Par. 1630. Pearl, mother of, and shells, not sawed, cut, flaked, polished, or other- M'ise manufactured, or advanced in value from the natural state. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 647. Pearl, mother of, and shells. Par. 570. Pearl, mother of, and shells, not sawed, cut, polished, or otherwise not sawed, cut, flaked, polished, or other- manufactured, or advanced in value from wise manufactured, or advanced in value the natural state [Free]. from the natural state [Free]. 364 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1631. J6',0. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1631. Personal effects, not ex- [not exceeding $3(X) in value.l • :eeding 5:300 in value, not merchandise, ')f citizens of the United States dying in foreign countries. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 648. Personal effects, not mer- Par. 571. Personal effects, not mer- chandise, of citizens of the United States chandise, of citizens of the United States dying in foreign countries [Free]. dying in foreign countries [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1632. IG',!. H. R. 7458. Par. 1632. Phosphates, crude, and apatite. ACT OF 1909. Par. 651. Phosphates, crude [Free]. Par. 495. Apatite [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 574. Phosphates, crude [Free]. Par. 401. Apatite [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 16',2. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. Carried under — Par. 711. Birds, live: * * * all other, valued at $5 or less each, 50 cents each ; valued at more than $5 each, 20 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. Par. 510. Birds and land and water fowls [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Pak. 1642. Pigeons, fancy and rac- ing. ACT OF 1913. Par. 416. Birds and land and water fowls, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1633. 16'. H. R. 7456. Par. 1633. Plants, trees, shrubs, roots, seed cane, seeds, and other material for planting, imported by the Department of Agriculture or the United States Botanic Garden. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 652. Plants, trees, shrubs, roots, Par. 577. Plants, trees, shrubs, roots, seed cane, and seeds, imported by the seed cane, and seeds, imported by the Department of Agriculture or the United Department of Agriculture or the United States Botanic Garden [Free]. States Botanic Garden [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . IGi'i- SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. IGPi. Plaster rock or gypsum, crude. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 365 PARAGRAPH 1634. /6). H. R. 7456. Par. 1634. Platinum, unmanufactured or in ingots, bars, plates not less than one- eighth of one inch in thickness, sponge, or scrap. ACT OF 1909. Par. 653. Platinum, unmanufactured or in ingots, bars, plates, or scrap, * * * [Free]. * -v * SENATE AMENDMENTS. After ■' bars," insert shrets, or ACT OF 1913. Par. 578. Platinum, unmanufactured sponge, or in ingots, bars, plates, * * * sponge, or scrap, * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1635. 16 ',6. H. R. 7456. Par. 1635. Potassium chloride or muri- ate of potash, potassium sulphate, kainite, wood ashes and beet-root ashes, and all crude potash salts not specially provided for: Provided, That for a period of five years beginning on the day following the passage of this Act there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the actual potash (potassium oxide) content of all the fore- going, a duty of 2^ cents per pound for the first two years; 2 cents per pound for the third year; 1^ cents per pound for the fourth year; and 1 cent per pound for the fifth year: Provided further, That there- after the said potash content shall be free of duty. ACT OF 1909. Par. 655. Potash, crude, or "black salts;" * * * sulphate of potash, crude or refined, and muriate of potash [Free]. Par. 604. Kyanite, or cyanite, and kainite [Free]. Par. 502. Ashes, wood and lye of, and beet-root ashes [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Entire proviso struck out. ACT OF 1913. Par. 580. Potash: Crude, or "black salts"; * * * sulphate of; * * * and muriate of [Free]. Par. 525. Kyanite, or cyanite, and kainite [Free]. Par. 407. Ashes, wood and lye, and beet-root ashes [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1636. 16J,7. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1636. Potassium cyanide. [cyanide] nitrate or saltpeter, crude. (Potassium nitrate or saltpeter, crude, not specifically mentioned in H. R. 74.50. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 64. * * * cyanide of potas- Par. 580. Potash: * * * cyanide sium, twelve and one-half per centum ad of; * * * [Free], valorem. 103791—22- -24 366 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1637. J6.',S. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. IfiSy. Professional books, imple- ments, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment in the actual possession of persons emigrating; to the United States owned and used by them abroad, not exceeding $250 in value; but this exemption shall not be construed to include machinery or other articles im- ported for use in any manufacturing es- tablishment, or for any other person or persons, or for sale, nor shall it be con- strued to include theatrical scenery, prop- erties, and apparel; but such articles brought by proprietors or managers of the- atrical exhibitions a'^riving from abroad, for temporary use by them in such exhibi- tions, and not for any other person, and not for sale, and which have been used by them abroad, shall be admitted free of duty under such regulations as the Secre- tary of the Treasury may prescribe; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by laAv upon any and all such articles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation: Provided. That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a further term of six months in case applica- tion shall be made therefor. ACT OF 1909. Par. 656. Professional books, imple- ments, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment, in the actual possession at the time of arrival, of persons emigrating to the United States; but this exemption shall not be construed to in- clude machinery or other articles im- ported for use in any manufacturing es- tablishment, or for any other person or persons, or for sale, nor shall it be con- strued to include theatrical scenery, prop- erties, and apparel; but such articles brought by proprietors or managers of the- atrical exhibitions arriving from abroad, for temporary use by them in such exhibi- tions, and not for any other person, and not for sale, and wMch have been used by them abroad, shall be admitted free of duty under such regulations as the Secre- tary of the Treasury may prescribe; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be im- posed by law upon any and all such arti- cles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation: Provided, That the Secretary oi the Treasury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a further term of six months in case appli- cation shall be made therefor. C . not exceeding $250 in value] ACT OF 1913. Par 582. Professional books, imple- ments, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment in the actual possession of persons emigrating to the United States owned and used by them abroad; but this exemption shall not be construed to include machinery or other articles imported for use in any manufac- turing establishment, or for any other per- son or persons, or for sale, nor shall it be constnied to include theatrical scenery, properties, and apparel; but such articles brought by proprietors or managers of the- atrical exhibitions arriving from abroad, for temporary use by them in such exhibi- tions, and not for any other person, and not for sale, and which have been used by them abroad, shall be admitted free of duty under such regulations as the Secre- tary of the Treasury may prescribe; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all such ar- ticles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in Ms discretion, extend such period for a further term of six months in case appli- cation shall be made therefor. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 367 PARAGRAPH 1638. 16 ',9. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1638. Pulu. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 657. Pulu [Free]. Par. 583. Pulu [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1639. ICoO. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1639. Quinine sulphate and all alkaloids and salts of alkaloids derived from cinchona bark. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 658. Quinia, sulphate of and all Par. 584. Quinia, sulphate of, and all alkaloids or salts of cinchona bark [Free], alkaloids or salts of cinchona bark [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 1651. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1651. Radio i-acuuin tubes. PARAGRAPH 1640. 1652. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1640. Radium, and salts of, and radioactive substitutes. ACT OF 1909. Par. 659. Radium [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 585. Radium and salts of, radio- active substitutes * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1641. 165S. H. R. 7456. Par. 1641. Rag pulp; paper stock, crude, of every description, including all grasses, fibers, rags, waste, including jute, hemp and flax waste, shaWngs, clippings, old paper, rope ends, waste rope, and waste bagging, and all other waste not specially provided for, including old gunny cloth, and old gunny bags, used chiefly for paper making, no longer suit- able for bags. ACT OF 1909. Par. 644. Paper stock, crude, of every description, including all grasses, fibers, rags (other than wool), waste, including jute waste, shavings, clippings, old paper, rope ends, waste rope, and waste bagging, and all other waste not specially provided for in this section, including old gunny cloth and old gimny bags, used chiefly for paper making [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. After " making," insert and ACT OF 1913. Par. 566. Paper stock, crude, of every description, including all grasses, fibers, rags, waste, including jute, hemp and flax waste, shavings, clippings, old paper, rope ends, waste rope, and waste bagging, and all other waste not specially ])ro\'ided for in this section, including old gunny cloth and old gimny bags, used chiefly for paper making [Free]. Par. 649. * * * rag pulp [Free]. 368 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED, PARAGRAPH 1642. 76VJ/,. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1642. Rennet, raw or prepared. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. fi02. Rennets, raw or prepared Par. 588. Rennets, raw or prepared [Free]. [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1643. /6.77. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1643. Rice cleaned for use in the [Rice! Potna rice manufacture of canned foods. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. [No corresponding provision.] [No corresponding prov-ision.] '^ PARAGRAPH 1644. 1656. H. R. 7456. Par. 1644. Sago, crude, and sago flour. ACT OF 1909. Par. 664. Sago, crude, and sago flour [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [. and sago fiourj (Sago flour ti'ans- ferred to par. 779 in Bill a.s adopted by Senate. ACT OF 1913. Par. 590. Sago, crude, and sago flour [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 165 (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Carried under — Par. 706. Sausage casing.s. weasands. intestines, bladders, tendons and in- teguments, not specially provided for; * * * 1.5 per centum ad valorem ; * * * ACT OF 1909. Par. .512. Bladders, and all integu- ments, tendons and intestines of ani- mals * * * crude, dried or salted for preservation only, and unmanu- factured, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 23. * * * fish l)ladders * * * other than crude or dried or salted for preservation only, valued at not above ten cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound ; valued at above ten cents per pound and not above thirty- five cents per pound, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifteen cents per pound and twenty per cent- um ad valorem ; * * *. Par. 16-57. Snusntje casings, tvea- satids, intestines, blad(^ers, tendons, and integuments, not specially pro- vided for. ACT OF 1913. Par. 419. Bladders, and all integu- ments, tendons and intestines of ani- mals * * * crude, dried or salted for preservation only, and unmanufac- tured, not specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 385. * * * unmanufactured articles not enumerated or provided, for in this section, a duty of 10 per centum ad valorem, * * *. [Weasands fall within this pro- vision. T. D. 35886 of 1915; United States V. White, 8 Ct. Oust. Appls., 115, of 1917. Sausage casings come within paragraph 419 above. (Ab- stract 19744, T. D. 29288, of 1908.)] " Dutiable at 1 cent per pound, par. 9, emergency tarifl act of 1921. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 369 PARAGRAPH 1645. lU.ls. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1645. Sea herrinp; and tima, fresh, I'ura^n-aph chanjied to read as fol- frozen, or packed in ice. lows : Par. 16oS. Frenh .sea herring and ftinclts and tuini fish, fresli frozen or packed in ice. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 272. * * * iierrings, fresh, one- Par. 483. * * * all other fish not fourth of one cent per pound; * * *. otherwase specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 273. Fish, fresh, * * * frozen. packed in ice * * * three-fourths of one cent per pound * * *. PARAGRAPH . 1659. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Carried under — Par. 765. Chickpeas or garbanzos, 1 Par. 1659. Sccdfi: f'hickpcas or gar- cent per pound : cowpeas, one-half of banzos, cowpeas, and s^iyar heet. 1 cent per pound ; * * *_ Par. 672. * * * Sugar beet, 1 cent per pound ; * * * ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1919. [No corresponding provision. Chick- [No corresponding provision. Chick- peas and cowpeas classable as peas, peas and cowpeas classable as peas, par. 262.1 par. 209.1 Par. 668. Seeds: * * * sugar Par. 595. Seeds: * * * sugar beet [Free]. beet [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1646. 1660. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1646. Selenium, and salts of. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 480. * * * articles manufao Par. 585. * * * eelenium and salts tured, in whole or in part, not provided of [Free]. for in this section * * * twenty per centum ad valorem. Par. 3. * * * chemical * * * salts * * * twenty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH 1647. 1661. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1647. Sheep dip. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 660 Sheep dip [Free]. Par. 596. Sheep dip [Free]. "370 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED, PARAGRAPH . 1662. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Carried under — Pab. 408. Shingles, 50 cents per Par. 1662. Shingles. thousand. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 209. Sliingles, fifty cents per Pae. 647. Wood: * * * shingles thousand. * * * [Pree]. PARAGRAPH 1648. 1663. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1648. Shotgun barrels, in single tubes, forged, rough bored. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 670. Shotgun barrels, in single Par. 597. Shotgun barrels, in single tubes, forged, rough bored [Free]. tubes, forged, rough bored [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1649. 166.^. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1649. Shrimps, lobsters, and other shellfish, fresh, frozen, packed in ice, or prepared or preserved in any manner, and not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 671. Shrimps and other shellfish Par. 598. Shrimps, lobsters, and other [Free]. shellfish [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1650. 166-5. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1650. Silk cocoons and silk waste. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913, Par. 673. Silk cocoons and silk waste Par. 599. Silk cocoons and silk waste [Free]. [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1651. 1666. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1651. Silk, raw, in skeins reeled from the cocoon, or rereeled, but not wound, doubled, twisted, or advanced in manufacture in any way. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 672. Silk, raw, in skeins reeled Par. 600. Silk, raw, in skeins reeled from the cocoon, or rereeled, but not from the cocoon, or rereeled, but not wound, doubled, twisted, or advanced in wound, doubled, twisted, or advanced in manufacture in any way [Free]. manufacture in any way [Free]. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 371 PARAGRAPH 1652. 1667. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1652. Skeletons and other prepa- rations of anatomy . ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 675. Skeletons and other prepa- Par. 602. Skeletons and other prepa- rations of anatomy [Free]. rations of anatomy [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1653. J66S. H. R, 7456. Par. 1653. Skins of all kinds, raw, and hides not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 676. Skins of all kinds, raw (ex- cept sheepskins with the wool on), and hides not specially provided for in this section [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 603. Skins of hares, rabbits, dogs, goats, and sheep, undressed [Free]. Par. 604. Skins of all kinds, raw, and hides not specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH . 1660. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE. H. R. 7456. [No corresponding provision.] ACT OF 1909. [Xo corresponding' provision.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1669. SJdns of all kinds, not specially provided for, tanned hut not finished. ACT OF 1913. [Xo corresponding provision.] PARAGRAPH 1654. 1610. H. R. 7456. Par. 1654. Sodium: Cyanide, nitrate, sulphate, crude, or salt cake, and niter cake. ACT OF 1909. Par. 3. * * * chemical compounds, mixtures and salts * * * twenty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. Par. 677. Soda, nitrate of, or cubic nitrate [Free]. Par. 77. Sulphate of soda, or salt cake, or niter cake, one dollar per ton. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [Cyanide, nitrate,] Nitrate, ACT OF 1913. Par. 605. Soda, * * * cyanide of, sulphate of, crude, or salt cake and niter cake, * * * nitrate of, or cubic ni- trate [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1655. 1611. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. i Par. 1655. Specimens of natural his- tory, botany, and mineralogj', when im- ported for scientific public collections, and not for pale. 372 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 678. Specimens of natural his- Par. 607. Specimens of natural his- tory, botany, and mineralogy, when im- tory, l)otan}', and mineralogy, when im- ported for scientific public collections, ported for scientific public collections, and not for sale [Free]. and not for sale [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1656. 1672. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1656. Spunk. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 680. Spunk [Free]. Par. 608. Spunk [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1657. /67a. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1657. Spurs and stilts used in the maniifacture of earthen, porcelain, or stone ware. ACT OF 1909. Par. 681. ^Spurs and stilts used in the manufactiu-e of earthen, porcelain, and stone ware [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 609. Spurs and stilts used in the manufacture of earthen, porcelain, and stone ware [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1658. IGJ.',. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1658. Stamps: Foreign postage or revenue stamps, canceled or uncanceled, and foreign government stamped post cards bearing no other printing than the official imprint thereon. ACT OF 1909. Par. 682. Stamps; foreign postage or revenue stamps, canceled or uncanceled, and foreign government stamped post cards bearing no other printing than the official imprint thereon [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 610. Stamps: Foreign postage or revenue stamps, canceled or uncanceled, and foreign government stamped post cards bearing no other printing than the official imprint thereon [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1659. 1675 H. R. 7466. Par. 1659. Standard newsprint paper: Provided, That whenever the President shall ascertain as a fact that any country, dependency, province, or other subdivi- sion of government forbids or restricts in any way (whether by law, order, regula- tion, contractual relation, or otherwise, di- rectly or indirectly) the exportation of, or imposes any export duty, export license fee, or other export charge of any kind whatever, either directly or indirectly (whether in the form of additional charge or license fee, or otherwise), upon print- ing paper, wood pulp, or wood for use m the manufacture of wood pulp, he may SENATE AMENDMENTS. Entire lu'ovi.so deleted. li TARIFF ACTS COMPAKED. 373 by proclamation declare such ascer- tainment setting forth the facts; where- upon, and until said proclamation shall be revoked, there shall be levied, col- lected, and paid upon standard news- print paper, when imported either di- rectly or indirectly from such country, dependency, province, or other sub- division of government, a duty of 10 per centum ad valorem, and, in addition thereto, an amount e [ual to the highest export duty or other export charge im- posed by "such country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of govern- ment, upon either an e:-;ual amount of printing paper or an amount of wood pulp or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp necessary to manufacture such printing paper. ACT OF 1909. Par. 409. Printing paper (other than paper commercially known as hand- made or machine handmade paper, japan paper, and imitation japan paper by whatever name known), unsized, sized, or glued, suitable for the printing of books and newspapers, but not for covers or bindings, not specially pro- vided for in this section, valued at not above two and one-fourth cents per pound, three-sixteenths of one cent per pound; valued above two and one-fourth cents and not above two and one-half cents per pound, three-tenths of one cent per pound; * * * Provided, however, That if any country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of government shall forbid or restrict in any way the exporta- tion of (whether by law, drder, regula- tion, contractual relation, or otherwise, directly or indirectly) or impose any ex- port duty, export license fee, or other export charge of any kind whatsoever (whether in the form of additional charge or license fee or otherwise) upon printing paper, wood pulp, or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp, there shall be imposed upon printing paper when im- ported either directly or indirectly from such country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of government, an additional duty of one-tenth of one cent per pound when valued at three cents per pound, or less, and in addition there- to the amount of such export duty or other export charge imposed by such country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of government, upon print- ing paper, wood pulp, or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp. ACT OF 1913. Par. 567. Printing paper (other than paper commercially known as handmade or machine handmade paper, japan paper, and imitation japan paper by whatever nam.e known), unsized, sized, or glued, suitable for the printing of books and newspapers, but not for covers or bindings, not specially provided for in this section, valued at not above 2^ cents per pound, * * * [Free]. 374 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED, PARAGRAPH 1660. i676. H. R. 7456. Par. Ifi60. Statuary and casts of sculp- ture for use as models or for art educa- tional purposes only: regalia and gems, where specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, sci- entific, or literary purposes, or for the en- couragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, seminary of learning, orphan asy- lum, or public hospital in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regula- tions as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; luit the term ''regalia" as herein used shall be held to embrace only such insignia of rank or office or emblems as may be worn upon the person or borne in the hand during public exer- cises of the society or institution, and shall not include articles of furniture or fix- tures, or of regular wearing apparel, nor personal property of individuals. ACT OF 1909. Par. fiGl. Statuary and casts of sculp- ture for use as models or for art educa- tional purposes only; regalia and gems, where specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society incor- porated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encourage- ment of the line arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, seminary of learning, orphan asylum, or public hospital in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe: but the term "'regalia" as herein used shall be held to embrace only such insignia of rank or office or emblems as may be worn upon the person or borne in the hand during public exercises of the society or institution, and shall not in- clude articles of furniture or fixtures, or of regular wearing apparel, nor personal property of individuals [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 611. Statuary and casts of sculp- ture for use as models or for art educa- tional purposes only; regalia and gems, where specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society in- corporated or established solely for re- ligious, philosophical, educational, scien- tific, or literary purposes, or for the en- couragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, seminary of learning, orphan asy- lum, or public hospital in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regula- tions as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; but the term "regalia" as herein used shall be held to embrace only such insignia of rank or office or emblems as may be worn upon the person or borne in the hand during public exer- cises of the society or institution, and shall not include articles of furniture or fix- tures, or of regular wearing apparel, nor personal property of individuals [Free]. PARAGRAPH . 1677. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SEN.\TE.) H. R. 7456. [No corresponding provision.] SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1677. Altars, pulpits, com- munion tables, baptismal fonts, shrines, or parts of any of the fore- going, and statuary, imported in good faith for presentation {itnthout charge) to, and for the use of, any corporation or association organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED, 375 ACT OF 1909. No corresponding provision. ACT OF 1913. No corresponding provision. PARAGRAPH 1(>61. /678. H. B. 7456. Par. 1661. Stone and sand: Burrstone in blocks, rough or iinmanufactiired; quartzite; rottenstone tripoJi, and sand, crude or manufactured; cliff stone, free- stone, granite, and sandstone, unmanu- factured, and not suitable for use as monumental or building stone; all of the foregoing not specially provided for. ACT OF 1909. Par. 683. Stone and sand: Burrstone in blocks, rough or unmanufactured; cliff stone, unmanufactured; rotten stone. tripoli, and sand, crude or manufactured, not otherwise provided for in this section [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. After "quartzite;" insert traprock, ACT OF 1913. Par. 614. Stone and sand: Burrstone in blocks, rough or unmanufactured ; rotten stone, tripoli, and sand, crude or manu- factured; cliff stone, freestone, granite, sandstone, * * * unmanufactured, and not suitable for use as monumental or building stone; all of the foregoing not specially provided for in this section [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1662. 167D. H. R. 7456. Par. 1662. Strontianite or mineral strontium carbonate and celestite or mineral strontium sulphate. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 685. Strontia, * * * and Par. 615. Strontia, * * * and strontianite, or mineral carbonate of strontianite or mineral carbonate of strontia [Free]. strontia f Free]. PARAGRAPH 1663. 1680. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1663. Sulphur in any form, and sulphur ore, such as pyrites or sulphuret of iron in its natural state, and spent oxide of iron, containing more than 25 per centum of sulphur. ACT OF 1909. Par. 686. Sulphur, lac or precipitated, and sulphur or brimstone, crude, in bulk, sulphur ore as pyrites, or sulphuret of iron in its natural state, containing in excess of twenty-five per centum of sulphur, and sulphur not otherwise provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 81. Sulphur, refined nr sublimed, or flowers of, four dollars per to'>. ACT OF 1913. Par. 617. Sulphur in any form, brim- stone, and sulphur ore as pyrites, or sul- phuret of iron in its natural state, contain- ing in excess of 25 per centum of sulphur [Free]. 376 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1664. J6S1. H. B. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1664. Tagua nuts. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 596. * * * vegetable ivory in 620. Tagua nuts [Free], its natural state [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1665. J 682. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1665. Tamarinds. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913, Par. 688. Tamarinds [Free]. Par. 623. Tamarinds [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1666. 76cS '. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS, Par. 1666. Tapioca, tapioca flour, and [Tnpioca, tapioca flour, and cassava! cassava. Cassava. (Tapioca, and tapioca flour trans- ferred to par. 779 in Bill as adopted by Senate. ACT OF 1909. Par. 689. Tapioca, tapioca flour, cas- sava or cassady [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 625. Tapioca, tapioca flour, cas- sava or cassady [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1667. 168',. H. R. 7456. Pap. 1667. Tar and pitch of wood. ACT OF 1909. Par. 690. Tar and pitch of wood [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 626. Tar and pitch of wood [Free]. Par. 452. * * * pitch of * * * wood * * * tar, * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1668. J 68.: H. R. 7456. Par. 1668. Tea not specially provided for, and tea plants: Provided, That all cans, boxes, and other immediate con- tainers, including paper, and other wrappings of tea in packages of less than five pounds each, and all intermediate containers of such tea, except mats, shall be dutiable at the rate chargeable thereon if imported empty: Provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to repeal or impair the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to prevent the importation of impure and unwholesome tea," approved March 2, 1897, and any Act amendatory thereof. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [except mats,l TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 377 ACT OF 1909. Par. 691. Tea and tea plants: [yree] Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to repeal or impair the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to prevent the importation of impure and unwholesome tea," approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, and any Act amendatory thereof. Par. 195. Cans, boxes, packages, and other containers of all kinds (except such as are hermetically sealed by soldering or otherwise), composed wholly or in chief value of metal lacquered or printed by any process of lithography whatever, if filled or unfilled, and whether their con- tents be dutiable or free, four cents per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That none of the fore- going articles shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty-five per centum ad valorem; but no cans, boxes, packages, or con- tainers of any kind, of the capacity of five pounds or under, subject to duty under this paragraph, shall pay less duty than if the same were imported empty; and the dutiable value of the same shall include all packing charges, cartons, wrappings, envelopes, and printed matter accompanying them when such cans, boxes, packages, or containers are im- ported wholly or partly filled wdth mer- chandise exempt from duty (except liquids and merchandise commercially known as drugs) and which is commonly dealt in at wholesale in the country of original exportation in bulk or in pack- ages exceeding five pounds in capacity: Provided further, That paper, cardboard or pasteboard wTappings or containers that are made and used only for the pur- pose of holding or containing the article with which they are filled, and after such use are mere waste material, shall not be dutiable unless their contents are dutiable. ACT OF 1913. Par. 627. Tea not specially provided for in this section, and tea plants: [Free] Provided, That the cans, boxes, or other containers of tea packed in packages of less than five pounds each shall be duti- able at the rate chargeable thereon if imported empty: Provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be con- strued to repeal or impair the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to prevent the importation of impure and unwhole- some tea," approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and any Act amendatory thereof. PARAGRAPH 1669. 16S6. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1669. Teeth, natural, or unmanu- factured . ACT OF 1909. Par. 692. Teeth, natural, or unmanu- factured [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 628. Teeth, natural, or unmanu- factured [Free]. 378 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED, PARAGRAPH 1670. 1687. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1670. Tin ore or cassiterite, and olack oxide of tin: Provided, That there shall be imposed and paid upon cassiter- ite, or black oxide of tin, a duty of 4 cents per pound, and upon bar, block, pig tin and grain or granulated, a duty of 6 cents per pound when it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the President of the United States that the mines of the United States are producing one thousand five hundred tons of cassiterite and bar, block, and pig tin per year. The Presi- dent shall make known this fact by proc- lamation, and thereafter said duties shall go into effect. ACT OF 1909. Par. 695. Tiij ore, cassiterite or black oxide of tin, * * * [Free] Provided, That there shall be imposed and paid upon cas- siterite, or black oxide of tin, and upon bar, block, pig tin and grain or granulated, a duty of 4 cents per pound when it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the President of the United States that the mines of the United States are producing one thousand five hundred tons of cas- siterite and bar, block, and pig tin per year. The President shall make known this fact by proclamation, and thereafter said duties shall go into effect. ACT OF 1913. Par. 631. Tin ore, cassiterite or black oxide of tin, * * * [Free] Provided, That there shall be imposed and paid upon cas- siterite, or black oxide of tin, and upon bar, block, pig tin and grain or granulated, a duty of 4 cents per pound when it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the President of the United States that the mines of the United States are producing one thousand five hundred tons of cas- siterite and bar, block, and pig tin per year. The President shall make known this fact by proclamation, and thereafter said duties shall go into effect. PARAGRAPH — . 168S. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Carried under — Pas. 1HS8. Tin in bars, blocks or Par. 386. Tin in bars, blocks or pigs, pi known as master records, or metal matrices obtained therefrom, for use in the manufacture of sound records for export purposes. [purpo.ses.3 purpose.'i, shall he ad- mitted free of duty under .fuch regu- tatiotis OH the Secretary of the Treas- vry may prescribe. ACT OF 1913. Par. 367. Manufactures of * * * wax, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem; ACT OF 1909. Par. 462. Manufactures of * * * wax, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; * * *. PARAGRAPH 1678. 70.'W. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1678. Wearing apparel, articles of -personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons arriving in the United States; but this exemption shall include only such articles as were actually owned by them and in their possession abroad at the time of or prior to their departure from a foreign country, TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 381 and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persons and are intended for such wear and use, and shall not be held to apply to merchandise or articles intended for other persons or for sale: Provided, That in the case of residents of the United States returning from abroad all wearing apparel, personal and hoiise- hold effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their identity being established under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Sec- retary of the Treasury: Provided further, That up to but not exceeding $250 in value of articles acquired abroad by such residents of the United States for personal or household use or as souvenirs or curios, but not bought on commission or intended for sale, shall be admitted free of duty. ACT OF 1909. Par. 709. Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons arriving in the United States; but this exemption shall onh^ include such articles as actually accompany and are in the use of, and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persons, for the im- mediate purposes of the journey and present comfort and convenience, and shall not be held to apply to merchandise or articles intended for other persons or for sale: [Free] Provided, That in case of residents of the United States returning from abroad, all wearing apparel ancl other personal effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty, ^vithout regard to their value, upon their identity being established, under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but no more than one hundred dollars in value of articles purchased abroad by such resi- dents of the United States shall be ad- mitted free of duty upon their return. 103791—22 ^25 After Provided, insert That all jetoelry and similar articles of personal adorn- ment having a value of $300 or more, brought in bi/ a nonresident of the United States, shall, if sold icithin three years after the date of the ar- rival of such person in the United States, be liable to duty at the rate or rates in force at the time of such sale, to be paid by such person, Provided further E$2502 $100 ACT OF 1913. Par. 642. Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons arriving in the United States; but this exemption shall include only such articles as were actually owned by them and in their possession abroad at the time of or prior to their departure from a foreign country, and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persops and are intended for such wear and use, and shall not be held to apply to merchandise or articles intended for other persons or for sale: [Free] Provided, That in case of residents of the United States returning- from abroad all wearing apparel, personal and household effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their identity being established under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided fur- ther. That up to but not exceeding $100' in value of articles acquired abroad by such residents of the United States for personal or household use or as souvenirs or curios, but not bought on commission, or intended for sale, shall be admitted free of duty. 382 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1679. 1690. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1679. Whalebone, unmanufac- tured. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 710. Whalebone, unmanufactured Par. 643. Whalebone, unmanufactured [Free]. [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1680. 1700. H. R. 7456. Par. 1680. All barbed wire, whether plain or galvanized. ACT OF 1909. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 135. * * * barbed fence wire, Par. 645. All barbed wire, * * * three-fourths of one cent per pound, but [Free], the same shall not be subject to any addi- tional or other rate of duty hereinbefore provided; * * *. PARAGRAPH 1681. 1701. H. R. 7456. Par. 1681. Witherite. ACT OF 1909. Par. 711. Witherite [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OP 1913. Par. 646. Witherite [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1682. 1702. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1682. Wood charcoal. ACT OF 1909. Par. 10. €harcoal in any form, not specially pro\'ided for in this Act; * * * twenty per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1913. Par. 447. Charcoal, * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1683. 1703. H. R. 7456. Par. 1683. Wood: Logs and round, un- manufactured timber, firewood, handle bolts, shingle bolts, gun blocks for gunstocks, rough hewn or sawed or planed on one side, sawed boards, planks, deals, and other lum- ber, not further manufactured than sawed, planed, and tongued and grooved ; clapl)oar(ls. laths, ship tim- ber; all of the foregoing not specially pro- vided for: Provided. That if there is im- ported into the United States any of the SENATE AMENDMENTS. [Logs and round unmanufactured tim- her,'J Lof/s; timher, roimd. unmanufac- tured, heicn, sided or squared other- iHse than by .mwing ; imlp woods; round timber used for spars or in buildinn \rharrei< : i;i)Olts3 bolts; and [side,] side; TAEIFF ACTS COMPARED. 383 foregoing lumber, planed on one or more sides and tongiied and grooved, manufac- tured in or exported from any country, dependency, province, or other eubdivi- Bion of government, which imposes a duty upon such lumber exported from the United States, the President may enter into negotiations with such coun- try, dependency, province, or other sub- division of government to secure the re- moval of such duty, and if such duty is not removed he may by proclamation declare such failure of negotiations, and in such proclamation shall state the facts upon which his action is taken to- gether with the rates imposed, and make declaration that like and equal rates shall be forthwith imposed as herein- after provided; whereupon, and until such duty is removed, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon such lumber, when imported directly or in- directly from such country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of gov- ernment, a duty equal to the duty im- posed by such country, dependency, province, or other subdi\'ision of govern- ment upon such lumber imported from the United States. ACT OF 1909. Par. 712. Wood: Logs and round un- manufactured timber, including pulp woods, firewood, handle bolts, sliingle bolts, gun blocks for gunstocks rough hewn or sawed or planed on one side, * * * ship timber * * * all the foregoing not specially provided for in this section [Free]. Par. 201. Sawed boards, planks, deals, and other lumber of whitewood, syca- more, and basswood, fifty cents per thousand feet board measure; sawed lum- ber, not specially provided for in this section, one dollar and twenty -five cents per thousand feet board measure; but when lumber of any sort is planed or finished, there shall be levied in addi- tion to the rates herein provided, the following: For one side so planed or finished, fifty cents per thousand feet board meas- ure; for planing or finishing on one side and tonguing and groo-ving or for plan- ing or finishing on two sides, seventy- five cents per thousand feet board meas- ure; for planing or finishing on three sides, or planing and finishing on two sides and tonguing and grooving, one dollar and twelve and one-half cents per thousand feet board measure; for plan- ing and finishing on four sides, one dollar and fifty cents per thousand feet board measure; and in estimating board meas- ure under this schedule no deduction [government,] yovern)nent ACT OF 1913. Par. 647. Wood: Logs, timber, round, unmanufactured, hewn or sawed, sided or squared; pulp woods, * * * fire- wood, * * * handle bolts, shingle bolts, gun blocks for gunstocks rough hewn or sawed, or planed on one side; * * * sawed boards, planks, deals, and other lumber, not further manufactured than sawed, planed, and tongued and grooved; clapboards, laths, * * * ship timber, * * * all the foregoing not specially provided for in this sec- tion [Free]. 384 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. shall be made on board measure on ac- count of planing, tonguing, and groo\ing. Par. 205. Clapboards, one dollar and twenty-five cents per thousand. Par. 207. Laths, twenty cents per one thousand pieces. PARAGRAPH — . 110 (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Carried under — Par. 404. Cedar commercially known as Spanish cedar, lignum-vitEe, lance- wood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahog- any, rosewood, satinwood, Japanese white oak, and Japanese maple, in the log, 10 per centum ad valorem. * * * ACT OF 1909. Par. 713. Woods : Cedar, lignum- vitse, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, and all forms of cabinet woods, in the log, rough or hewn only * * * [Free]. Par. 1704. Woods: Cedar, lignuin- vitce, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, muhogany. rosewood, satinivood, Jap- anese tvhite oak, Japanese maple, and, all forms of cabinet woods, in the log, rough, or hetcn only. ACT OF 1913. Par. 648. Cedar, including Spanish cedar, lignum-vitse, lancewood, ebony, box, grauadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, and all forms of cabinet woods, in the log, rough, or hewn only * * * [Free]. PARAGRAPH — . 1105. (IN RILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENTS. Pae. 170.5. Paving po.s-ts, raih-oad ties, and telephone, trolley, electric- light, and telegraph poles of cedar or other ivoods. PARAGRAPH — . 1706. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENT. Par. 1706. Pickets, palings, hoops, and staves of wood of all kinds. PARAGRAPH — . 1707. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) SENATE AMENDMENT. Par. 1707. Logs of fir, spruce, cedar, or western, hemlock. PARAGRAPH 1684. 170S. H. R. 7456. Par. 1684. Woods: Sticks of partridge, hair wood, pimento, orange, myrtle, bamboo, rattan, India malacca joints, and other woods not specially pro-vided for in this 'section in the rough, or not further advanced than cut into lengths suitable for sticks for umbrellas, parasols, sun- shades, whips, fishing rods, or walking canes. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [for in this section! for. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 385 ACT OF 1909. Par. 713. Woods: * * * sticks of partridge, hair wood, pimento, orantre, myrtle, ];amhoo, rattan, reeds unmanu- factured, india malacca joints, and other woods not speeiallN' pro^•ided for in this section, in the rough, or not further ad- vanced than cut into lengths suitable for sticks for umlirellas, parasols, sunshades, whips, fishing rods, or walking canes [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. C48. Woods: * * * sticks of partridge, hair wood, pimento, orange, myrtle, bamboo, rattan, reeds unmanu- factured, india malacca joints, and other woods not specially i)ro\ ided for in this section, in the rough, or not further ad- vanced than cut into lengths suitalde for sticks for umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, whips, fishing rods, or M'alking canei [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1685. 1709. H. R. 7456. Par. 1685. Original paintings in oil, mineral, water, or other colors, pastels, original dra^vings and sketches in pen and ink or pencil and water colors, artists' proof etchings unbound, and engravings and woodcuts unbound, original sculp- tures or statuary, including not more than two replicas or reproductions of the same; but the terms "sculpture" and "stat- uary " as used in this paragraph shall be understood to include professional pro- ductions of sculptors only, whether in round or in relief, in bronze, marble, stone, terra cotta, ivory, wood, or metal, or whether cut, carved, or otherwise wrought by hand from the solid block or mass of marble, stone, or alabaster, or from metal, or cast in bronze or other metal or substance, or from wax or plaster, made as the professional productions of sculptors only; and the words "painting" and "sculpture" and "statuary" as used in this paragraph shall not be understood to include any articles of utility, nor such as are made wholly or in part by stenciling or any other mechanical process; and the words "etchings," " engra\dngs, " and "woodcuts" as used in this paragraph shall be understood to include only such as are printed by hand from plates or blocks etched or engraved with hand tools and not such as are printed from plates or blocks etched or engraved by photochemi- cal or other mechanical processes. ACT OF 1909. Par. 717. Works of art, including paint- ings in oil, mineral, water, or other colors, pastels, original drawings and sketches, etchings and engravings, and sculptures, which are proved to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury under rules pre- scribed by him to have been in existence more than twenty years prior to the date of their importation, but the term "sculp- tures " as herein used shall be understood to include professional productions of sculptors only, whether round or in relief, in bronze, marble, stone, terra cotta, ivory, wood, or metal; and the word "painting," as used in this Act, shall not SENATE AMENDMENTS. [pen and ink or pencil and] pen, ink, pencil, or ACT OF 1913. Par. 652. Original paintings in oil, mineral, water, or other colors, pastels, original drawings and sketches in pen and ink or pencil and water colors, artists' proof etchings unbound, and engravings and woodcuts unbound, original sculp- tures or statuary, including not more than two replicas or reproductions of the same; but the terms "sculpture" and "stat- uary" as used in this paragraph shall be understood to include professional pro- ductions of sculptors only, whether in round or in relief, in bronze, marble, stone, terra cotta, ivory, wood, or metal, or whether cut, carved, or otherwise 386 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. be understood to include any article of utility nor such as are made wholly or in part by stenciling or any other mechani- cal process; and the words "etchings" and "engravings," as used in this Act, shall be understood to include only such as are printed by hand from plates or blocks etched or engraved with hand tools, and not such as are printed from plates or blocks etched or engraved by photochemical processes. * * * [Free.] wrought by hand from the solid block or mass of marble, stone, or alabaster, or from metal, or cast in bronze or other metal or substance, or from wax or plas- ter, made as the professional productions of sculptors only; and the words "paint- ing" and "sculpture" and "statuary" as used in this paragraph shall not be under- stood to include any articles of utility, nor such as are made wholly or in part by stenciling or any other mechanical proc- ess; and the words "etchings," "engrav- ings," and "woodcuts" as used in this paragraph shall be understood to include only such as are printed by hand from plates or blocks etched or engraved with hand tools and not such as are printed from plates or blocks etched or engraved by photochemical or other mechanical processes [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1686. 1110. H. R. 7456. Par. 1686. Works of art, drawings, engravings, photographic pictures, and philosophical and scientific apparatus Drought by professional artists, lectiirers, or scientists arriWng from abroad for use by them temporarily for exhibition and in illustration, promotion, and en- couragement of art, science, or industry in the United States, and not for sale, shall be admitted free of duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all such articles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a further term of six months in cases where application therefor shall be made. ACT OF 1909. Par. 714. Works of art, drawings, en- gravings, photographic pictures, and philosophical and scientific apparatus brought by professional artists, lecturers, or scientists arriving from abroad for use by them temporarily for exhiliition and in illustration, promotion, and encourage- ment of art, science, or industry in the United States, and not for sale, shall be admitted free of duty, under such regu- lations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all such articles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a fur- ther term of six months in cases where applications therefor shall be made. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 653. Works of art, drawings, en- gravings, photographic pictures, and philosophical and scientific apparatus brought by professional artists, lecturers, or scientists arriving from abroad for use by them temporarily for exhibition and in illustration, promotion, and encourage- ment of art, science, or industry in the United States, and not for sale, shall be admitted free of duty, under such regu- lations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all such articles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a fur- ther term of six months in cases where application therefor shall be made. TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. 387' PARAGRAPH 1687. 1111. H. R. 7456. Par. 1687. Works of art, collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, sciences, agriculture, or manufactures, photographs, works in terra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, antiquities and artistic copies thereof in metal or other material, imported in good faith for ex- hibition at a fixed place by any State or by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts, science, agriculture, or education, or for a munici- pal corporation, and all like articles im- ported in good faith by any society or association, or for a municipal corporation, for the purpose of erecting a public monu- ment, and not intended for sale nor for any other purpose than herein expressed; but bond shall be given, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, for the payment of lawful duties which may accrue should any of the articles aforesaid be sold, trans- ferred, or used contrary to this pro\dsion, and such articles shall be subject at any time to examination and inspection by the proper officers of the customs: Pro- vided, That the pri\aleges of this and the preceding paragraph shall not be allowed to associations or corporations engaged in or connected with business of a private or commercial character. ACT OF 1909. Par. 715. Works of art, collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, sciences, or manufactures, photographs, works in terra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, antiquities and artistic copies thereof in metal or other material, im- ported in good faith for exhibition at a fixed place by any State or by any society or institution established for the encour- agement of the arts, science, or education, or for a municipal corporation, and all like articles imported in good faith by any society or association, or for a municipal corporation for the purpose of erecting a public monument, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than herein expressed : [Free] but bonds shall be given under such rules and regulation sas the Sec- retary of the Treasury may prescribe, for the payment of lawful duties which may accrue should any of the articles aforesaid be sold, transferred, or used contrary to this provision, and such articles shall be subject, at any time, to examination and inspection by the proper officers of the customs: Provided, That the privileges of this and the preceding section shall not be allowed to associations or corporations ■engaged in or connected with business of a. private or commercial character. SENATE AMENDMENTS. ACT OF 1913. Par. 654. Works of art, collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, sciences, agriculture, or manufactures, photographs, works in terra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, antiquities and artistic copies thereof in metal or other material, imported in good faith for ex- hibition at a fixed place by any State or by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts, science, agriculture, or education, or for a munici- pal corporation, and all like articles im- ported in good faith by any society or association, or for a municipal corporation, for the purpose of erecting a public monu- ment, and not intended for sale nor for any other purpose than herein expressed; [Free] but bond shall be given under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, for the payment of lawful duties which may accrue should any of the articles aforesaid be sold, trans- ferred, or used contrary to this provision, and such articles shall be subject, at any time, to examination and inspection by the proper officers of the customs: Pro- vided, That the privileges of this and the preceding paragraph shall not be allowed to associations or corporations engaged in or connected with business of a private or commercial character. 388 TARIFF ACTS COMPARED. PARAGRAPH 1688. 1712. H. R. 7456. Par. 1688. Works of art, productions of American artists residing temporarily abroad, or other works of art, including pictorial paintings on glass, imported ex- pressly for presentation to a national insti- tution or to any State or municipal cor- poration or incorporated religious society, college, or other public institution, in- cluding stained or painted window glass or stained or painted glass windows im- ported by houses of worship . and excluding any article, in whole or in part, molded, cast, or mechani- cally wrought from metal withiu twenty years prior to importation ; but such exemption shall be subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. ACT OF 1909. Par. 716. Works of art, productions of American artists residing temporarily abroad, or other works of art, including pictorial paintings on glass, imported ex- pressly for presentation to a national institution, or to any state or municipal corporation or incorporated religious society, college, or other public institu- tion, except stained or painted window glass or stained or painted glass windows, and except any article, in whole or in part, molded, cast, or mechanically wrought from metal within twenty years prior to importation: but such exemption shall be subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe [Free]. SENATE AMENDMENTS. [imported by houses of worship] irhich are loorjcs of art when imported to he used in houses of worship and when ordered after the passage of this Act, xinliied at $15 or more per square foot. ACT OF 1913. Par. 655. Works of art, productions of American artists residing temporarily abroad, or other works of art, including pictorial paintings on glass, imported ex- pressly for presentation to a national insti tution or to any State or municipal cor- poration or incorporated religious society, college, or other public institution, in- cluding stained or painted window glass or stained or painted glass windows im- ported to be used in houses of worship, and excluding any article, in whole or in part, molded, cast, or mechanically wrought from metal within twenty years prior to importation; but such exemption shall be subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre- scribe [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1689. 1113. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1689. Works of art (except rugs and carpets), collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, works in bronze, marble, terra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, artistic antiquities, and ob- jects of art of ornamental character or educational value which shall have been produced more than one hundred years prior to the date of importation, but the free importation of such objects shall be subject to such regulations as to proof of antiquity as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. TAEIFF ACTS COMPAEED. 389 ACT OF 1909. Par. 717. * • * works of art (ex- cept ruga and carpets), collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, works in bronze, marble, terra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, artistic an- tiquities, and objects of art of ornamental character or educational value which shall have been produced more than one hundred years prior to the date of im- portation, but the free importation of such objects shall be subject to such regula- tions as to proof of antiquity as the Secre- tary of the Treasury may prescribe [Free]. ACT OF 1913. Par. 656. Works of art (except rugs and carpets), collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, works in bronze, marble, terra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, artistic antiquities, and objects of art of ornamental character or educa- tional value which shall have been pro- duced more than one hundred years prior to the date of importation, but the free importation of such objects shall be sub- ject to such regulations as to proof of antiquity as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe [Free]. PARAGRAPH llUi. (IN BILL AS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE.) H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Carried under — Par. 171 /f. Worin gut, unmanufac- Par. 1434. * ♦ * worm gut, tured, and surgical catgut. * * *, 25 per centum ad valorem. ACT OF 1909. ACT OF 1913. Par. 529. * ♦ ♦ worm gut, Par. 443. * ♦ * worm gut, • * [Free]. unmanufactured [Free]. PARAGRAPH 1690. 1115. H. R. 7456. SENATE AMENDMENTS. Par. 1690. Zaffer. ACT OF 1909. Par. ri8. Zaffer [Free]. 103791—22 26 ACT OF 1913. Par. 657. Zaffer [Free]. o • 4 9 S ? ^ I This book is DUE on the last date stamped below FEB 5 19611) APR 2 2 196^ i Form L-9-15»t-7,'32 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 848 818 13 e.^. UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY l51K-^J .-. ,'^Aw ->,«*•>.^^^..'^.^vr.'iv■^Jwm"-*^^'■^-'*^4^^■■rw♦/^*-i«4^rt*<' itt;:^ tta^SffisrSCK:^^; 'XJ-.r-j. ;^^v|vKi:^.j.;^i.jt