; DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS jfrom Undent ano /l&ooern, Engltsb ano jforcion Sources INCLUDING PHRASES, MOTTOES, MAXIMS, PROVERBS, DEFINITIONS, APHORISMS. AND SAYINGS OF WISE MEN, IN THEIR BEARING ON LIFE, LITERATURE, SPECULATION, SCIENCE, ART, RELIGION, AND MORALS ESPECIALLY IN THE MODERN ASPECTS OF THEM SELECTED AND COM PI LED BY THE REV. JAMES WOOD EDITOR OF " NUTTALL'S STANDARD DICTIONARY" RBIIT ' Aphorisms are portable wisdom." — \V. R. Alger A proverb is much matter decocted into few words." — FULLER LONDON FREDERICK WARNE AND CO, AND NEW YORK Fb"ZC (<> PA/6080 PREFACE THE present "Book of Quotations" was undertaken in the belief that, notwithstanding the many excellent compilations of the kind already in existence, there was room for another that should glean its materials from a wider area, and that should have more respect to the requirements, both speculative and practical, of the times we live in. The wide-spread materials at command had never yet been collected into a single volume, and certain modern writings, fraught with a wisdom that supremely deserves our regard, had hardly been quarried in at all. The Editor has therefore studied to compile a more comprehensive collection ; embracing something of this wisdom, which naturally bears more directly on the interests of the present day. To these interests the Editor has all along had an eye, and he has been careful to collect, from ancient sources as well as modern, sayings that seem to reveal an insight into them, and bear pertinently upon them ; they are such as are specified on the title-page, and they are one and all more than passing ones. The aphorisms which wise men have uttered on these vital topics can never fail to deserve our regard, and they will prove edifying to us, even should we, led by a higher wisdom, be inclined to say nay to them. For, as it has been said, "The errors of a wise man are more instructive than the truths of a fool. The wise man travels in lofty, far- seeing regions ; the fool in low-lying, high-fenced lanes ; retracing the footsteps of the former, to discover where he deviated, whole provinces of the universe are laid open to us ; in the path of the latter, granting even that he has not deviated at all, little is laid open to us but two wheel-ruts and two hedges." The quotations collected in this book, (particularly those bearing on the vital interests referred to,) are, it will be generally admitted, the words of wise men ; therefore the Editor has endeavoured to ascertain and give the names of their authors, when not known. For, though the truth and worth of the sayings are nowise dependent on their author- ship, it is well to know who those were that felt the burden they express, vi PREFACE. and found relief in uttering them. What was of moment to them, may well be of moment to others, and must be worthy of all regard and well deserving of being laid to heart. Except in the case of quotations from Shakespeare, the reader will observe that the Editor has quoted only the names of the authors or the books from which they are taken, and has not, as might be expected of him, supplied either chapter or verse. The reason is, he did not think it worth the labour and expense that would have been involved in doing so, while the quotations given are for most part independent of the context, and are perfectly intelligible in their own light. They are all more or less of an aphoristic quality, and the meaning and application are evident to any one who understands the subject of which they treat. As for the other qualities of these quotations, they will be found to be in general brief in expression and pointed in application, and not a few of them winged as well as barbed. A great many are pregnant in meaning ; suggest more than they express ; and are the coinage of minds of no ordinary penetration and grasp of thought. While some of them are so simple that a child might understand them, there are others that border on regions in which the clearest-headed and surest- footed might stumble and come to grief. The collection might have been larger ; the quarry of the literature of the present century alone might have supplied materials for as big a book. But the Editor's task was to produce a work that should embrace gleanings from different fields of literature, and he could only introduce from that of the present day as much as his limits allowed. Yet, though the quantity given is no index of the quantity available, the Editor hopes the reader will allow that his selection has not been made in the dark, and that what he has given is of the true quality, as well as enough in quantity for most readers to digest. If the quality be good, the quantity is of little account, for what has been said of Reason may be said of Wisdom which is its highest expression : "Whoso hath any, hath access to the whole." A word of explanation in regard to the Arrangement and the appended Index : — The Arrangement adopted may not at once commend itself, but it was found to be the best ; a topical one would have been too cumber- some, as, in that case, it would have been frequently necessary to intro- duce the same quotation under several different heads. The arrangement. PREFACE. vii it will be seen, is alphabetical, and follows the order of the initial letters of the initial word or words. The Index, which is topical, was rendered necessary in consequence of the arrangement followed, and, though a copious one, it only refers to subjects of which there is anything of significance said. It does not include mottoes, and rarely proverbs ; for, apart from the difficulty of indexing the latter, the attempt would almost have doubled the size of the book, and rendered it altogether unwieldy. The Index, too, is limited to subjects that are not in the alphabetical order in the body of the book. Thus there was no need to index what is said on "Art," on p. iS, on "Beauty," on p. 26, or on "Christianity," on pp. 42, 43, as the reader will expect to find something concerning them where they occur in the order adopted. With these preliminary explanations the Editor leaves his book — the pleasant labour of more than three years — in the hands of the public, assured that they will judge of it by its own merits, and that they will be generous enough to acquit him of having compiled either a superfluous or an unserviceable work. London, 1S93, LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DICTIONARY. Amer. American. Luc. Lucan. Apul. Apuleiu^. Liter. , Lucret. Lucretius. Arist. Aristotle. M. Motto. Aid. Gell. Aulus Gellius. Macrob. Macrobius. Bret. Breton. Mart. Martial. Cces. Cresar. Mol. Moliere. Catull. Catullus. Per. Persius. Cic. Cicero. Pelron. Petronius. Claud. Claudius, Claudian. Phced., Phccdr. Phsedrus. Corn. Corneille. Plant. Plautus. Curt. Curtius. Port. Portuguese. Dan. Danish. Pr. Proverb. Diet. Dutch. Pub. Syr. Publius Syrus. Ecclus. Ecclesiasticus. Quinct. Quinctilian. Eurip. Euripides. Puss. Russian. Fr. French. Sail. Sallust. Fris. Frisian. Sc. Scotch. Gael. Gaelic. S chill. Schiller. Ger. German- Sen. Seneca. Gr. Greek. Sh. Shakespeare. Heb. Hebrew. Soph. Sophocles. Horn. Homer. sp. Spanish. Hor. Horace. Stat. Statius. It. Italian. St. Aug. St. Augustine Jul. Julius. Sue/on. Suetonius. Just. Justinian. Swed. Swedish. Juv. Juvenal. Tac. Tacitus. L. Law. Per. Terence. Labcr. Labertius. Pert. Tertullian. La Font. La Fontaine. Pibull. Tibullus. La Roche. La Rochefoucauld. Purl: Turkish. Lat. Latin. Virg. Virgil. Liv. Livy. DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS. A' are guid lasses, but where do a' the ill wives come frae ? Sc. Pr. A' are no freens that speak us fair. Sc. Pr, A aucun les biens viennent en dormant — Good things come to some while asleep. Fr. Pr. Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia — The abuse of a thing is no argument against its use. L. Max. 5 Ab actu ad posse valet illatio — From what has happened we may infer what may happen. A bad beginning has a bad, or makes a worse, ending. Pr. A bad dog never sees the wolf. Pr. A bad thing is dear at any price. Pr. Ab alio expectes, alteri quod feceris — As you do to others, you may expect another to do to you. Laber. 10 A barren sow was never good to pigs. Pr, A bas — Down ! down with ! Fr. A beast that wants discourse of reason. Ham., i. 2. A beau is everything of a woman but the sex, and nothing of a man beside it. Fielding. A beau jeu t ~au retour — One good turn deserves another. Fr. Pr. 15 A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face, and a beautiful behaviour than a beau- tiful form. Emerson. A beautiful object doth so much attract the sight of all men, that it is in no man's power not to be pleased with it. Clarendon. A beautiful woman is the "hell" of the soul, the "purgatory" of the purse, and the "paradise" of the eyes. Pontenelk. A beggarly account of empty boxes, Rom. and Jul., v. i. A beggar's purse is always empty. Pr. 20 A belief in the Bible, the fruit of deep medita- tion, has served me as the guide of my moral and literary life. I have found it a capital safely invested, and richly productive of inte- rest. Goethe. Abends wird der Faule fleissig — Towards even- ing the lazy man begins to be busy. Ger. Pr. A beneficent person is like a fountain watering the earth and spreading fertility. Epicurus. Aberrare a scopo — To miss the mark. Abeunt studia in mores— Pursuits assiduously prosecuted become habits. Ab extra — From without. 25 Abgriinde liegen im Gemiithe, die tiefer als die Holle sind — There are abysses in the mind that are deeper than hell. Platen. Ab honesto virum bonum nihil deterret — Nothing deters a good man from what honour requires of him. Sen, A big head and little wit. Pr. Ab igne ignem — Fire from fire. Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit — He has left, gone 30 off, escaped, broken away. Cic. of Catiline's flight Ability to discern that what is true is true, and that what is false is false, is the char- acteristic of intelligence. Siaedenborg. Ab incunabilis — From the cradle. Ab initio — From the beginning. Ab inopia ad virtutem obsepta est via — The way from poverty to virtue is an obstructed one. Pr. Ab intra — From within. 35 Ab irato — In a fit of passion. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Pr. A bis et a blanc — By fits and starts. Fr. A bitter and perplex'd ' ' What shall I do ? " is worse to man than worst necessity. Schiller. A black hen will lay a white egg. Pr. 40 A blind man should not judge of colours. Pr. A blockhead can find more faults than a wise man can mend. Gael. Pr. A blue-stocking despises her duties as a I woman, and always begins by making her- self a man. Roussea u. Abnormis sapiens — Wise without learning. Hor. A bon chat bon rat — A good rat to match a good 45 cat. Tit for tat. Pr. A bon chien il ne vient jamais un bon os — A good bone never falls to a good dog. Fr. Pr. A bon droit — Justly ; according to reason. Fr. A bon marche — Cheap. Fr. A book may be as great a thing as a battle, Disraeli. A book should be luminous, but not volumi- 50 nous. Bovee. Ab origine — From the beginning. About Jesus we must believe no one but him» self. A miel. A ABOVE [ 2 ] A CHEERFUL Above all Greek, above all Roman fame. Pope. Above all things reverence thyself. Pytha- goras. C Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Victor Hugo. Ab ovo — From the beginning (lit. from the egg). 5 Ab ovo usque ad mala — From the beginning to the end (lit. from the egg to the apples). A bras ouverts — With open arms. Fr. A brave man is clear in his discourse, and keeps close to truth. A rist. A brave spirit struggling with adversity is a spectacle for the gods. .Sen. A breath can make them, as a breath has made. Goldsmith. 10 Abrege — Abridgment. Fr. Absence lessens weak, and intensifies violent, passions, as wind extinguishes a taper and lights up a fire. La Roche. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Bayly. Absence of occupation is not rest ; / A mind quite vacant is a mind distressed. Cowfier. Absens hseres non erit — The absent one will not be the heir. Pr. 15 Absent in body, but present in spirit. St. Paul. Absit invidia — Envy apart. Absit omen — May the omen augur no evil. Absolute fiends are as rare as angels, perhaps rarer. /. S. Mill. Absolute freedom is inhuman. Rahcl. 20 Absolute Individualism is an absurdity. Amicl. Absolute nothing is the aggregate of all the contradictions of the world. Jonathan Ed- wards. Absque argento omnia vana — Without money all is vain. Abstineto a fabis — Having nothing to do with elections (lit. Abstain from beans, the ballot at Athens having been by beans). Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit — It is absurd that he should govern others, who knows not how to govern himself. L. Max. 25 Abundat dulcibus vitiis — He abounds in charm- ing faults of style. Quint. Ab uno ad omnes — From one to all. M. Ab uno disce omnes — From a single instance you may infer the whole. Ab urbe condita (a.u.c.) — From the building of the city, i.e., of Rome. A bureaucracy always tends to become a pedantocracy. /. S. Mill. 30 A burnt child dreads the fire. Pr. Abusus non tollit usum — Abuse is no argument against use. J'r. Academical years ought by rights to give occupation to the whole mind. It is this time which, well or ill employed, affects a man's whole after-life. Goethe. A cader va chi troppo in alto sale — He who climbs too high is near a fall. It. Pr, A capite ad calcem— From head to heel. 35 A careless master makes a negligent servant. Pr, A carper will cavil at anything. /';-. A carrion kite will never make a good hawk. Pr "A cat may look at a king," but can it see a king when it looks at him? Ruskin. A causa perduta parole assai — Plenty of words when the cause is lost. //. Pr. Accasca in un punto quel che non accasca in 40 cento anni — That may happen in a moment which may not occur again in a hundred years. It. Pr. Accedas ad curiam — You may go to the court. A writ to remove a case to a higher court. L. Term. Accensa domo proximi, tua quoque pericli- tatur — When the house of your neighbour is on fire, your own is in danger. Pr. Accent is the soul of speech ; it gives it feeling and truth. Rousseau. Acceptissima semper / Munera sunt, auctor quae pretiosa facit — Those presents are always the most acceptable which owe their value to the giver. Ovid. Accident ever varies ; substance can never 45 suffer change or decay. Win. Blake. Accidents rule men, not men accidents. Hero- dotus. Accipe nunc, victus tenuis qu : d quantaque secum afferat. In primis valeas bene — Now learn what and how great benefits a mode- rate diet brings with it. Before all, you will enjoy good health. Hor. Accipere quam facere praestat injuriam — It is better to receive than to do an injur}'. Cic. Acclinis falsis animus meliora recusat — The mind attracted by what is false has no relish for better things. Hor. Accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Deo— No 50 man is bound to accuse himself unless it be before God. L. Max. Accuse not Nature ; she hath done her part ; / Do thou thine. Milton. Acer et vehemens bonus orator — A good orator is pointed and impassioned. Cic. Acerrima proximorum odia — The hatred of those most closely connected with us is the bitterest. Tac. Acerrimus ex omnibus nostris sensibus est sensus videndi — The keenest of all our senses is the sense of sight. Cic. A certain degree of soul is indispensable to 55 save us the expense of salt. Ben Jonson. A certain tendency to insanity has always attended the opening of the religious sense in men, as if they had been "blasted with excess of light." Emerson. A chacun selon sa capacite, a chaque capa- city selon ses ceuvres — Every one according to his talent, and every talent according to its works. Ft. Pr. A chacun son fardeau pese — Every one thinks his own burden heavy. Fr. Pr, A change came o'er the spirit of my dream. Byron. A chaque fou plait sa marotte Every fool is 60 pleased with his umi hobby. Ft. Pr. A character is a completely-fashioned will. X ova lis. Ach ! aus dem Gliick entwickelt sich Schmerz — Alas ! that from happiness there so often springs pain. Goethe. A cheerful life is what the Muses love ; / A soaring spirit is their prime delight. // ords- worth. ACHERUNTIS t 3 ] A DAY Acheruntis pabulum — Food for Acheron. Plant. Ach ! es geschehen keine Wunder mehr — Alas ! there are no more any miracles. Schiller. A child is a Cupid become visible. Nt volt's. A child may have too much of its mother's blessing'. Pr. 5 A chill air surrounds those who are down in the world. George Eliot. A chip of the old block. A Christian is God Almighty's gentleman. Hare. Ach ! unsre Thaten selbst, so gut als unsre Leiden Sie hemmen unsers Lebens Gang — We are hampered, alas! in our course of life quite as much by what we do as by what we suffer. Goethe. Ach ! vielleicht indem wir hoffen ' Hat uns Unheil getroffen — Ah ! perhaps while we are hoping, mischief has already overtaken us. Schiller. 10 Ach wie glucklich sind die Todten ! — Ah ! how happy the dead are ! Schiller. Ach ! zu des Geistes Fliigeln, wird so leicht kein kdrperlicher Fliigel sich gesellen — Alas ! no fleshly pinion will so easily keep pace with the wings of the spirit. Goethe. A circulating library in a town is an ever-green tree of diabolical knowledge. Sheridan. A circumnavigator of the globe is less in- fluenced by all the nations he has seen than by his nurse. Jean Paul. A clear conscience is a sure card. Pr. 15 A cock aye craws crousest (boldest) on his ain midden-head. Sc. Pr. A cceur ouvert — With open heart ; with candour. Fr. A cceur vaillant rien d impossible— To a valiant heart nothing is impossible, pr. Pr. A cold hand, a warm heart. Pr. A combination, and a form, indeed / Where every god did seem to set his seal / To give the world assurance of a man. Ham., iii. 4. 20 A' complain o' want o' siller ; nane o want o' sense. Se. Pr. A compte — In part payment (///. on account). Fr. A confesseurs, medecins, avocats, la verite ne cele de ton cas — Do not conceal the truth from confessors, doctors, and lawyers. Fr. Pr. A conscience without God is a tribunal without a judge. Lamartine. A consistent man believes in destiny, a cap- ricious man in chance. Disraeli. 25 A constant fidelity in small things is a great and heroic virtue. Bonaventura. A constant friend is a thing hard and rare to find. Plutarch. A contre cceur— Against the grain. Fr. A corps perdu — With might and main. Fr. A countenance more in sorrow than in anger. II am., i. 2. 30 A courage to endure and to obey. Tennyson. A couvert — Under cover, Ir. Acqua lontana non spegne fuoco vicino — Water afar won't quench a fire at hand. It. Pr. A crafty knave needs no broker. /V. quoted in lieu. I 'I. A craw's nae whiter for being washed. Se. Pr. A creation of importance can be produced only 35 when its author isolates himself ; it is ever a child of solitude. Goethe. Acribus initiis, incurioso fine — Full of ardour at the beginning, careless at the end. Tac. A critic should be a pair of snuffers. He is often an extinguisher, and not seldom a thief. Hare. A crowd is not company. Bacon. A crown / Golden in show, is but a 'wreath of thorns. Milton. A crown is no cure for the headache. Pr. 40 A cruce salus — Salvation from the cross. .1/. A cruel story runs on wheels, and every hand oils the wheels as they run. Ouida. A crust of bread and liberty. PoJ>e. Acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta — Out- ward acts betray the secret intention. L. Max. Act always so that the immediate motive of 45 thy will may become a universal rule for all intelligent beings. Kant. Acti labores jucundi — The remembrance of past labours is pleasant. Action can be understood and again repre- sented by the spirit alone. Goethe. Action is but coarsened thought. Amiel. Action is the right outlet of emotion. Ward Beccher. Actions speak louder than words. Pr. 50 Actis asvum implet, non segnibus annis — Hi> lifetime is full of deeds, not of indolent year;,. Ovid. Activity is the presence, and character the record, of function. Greenough. Actum est de republica — It is all over with the republic. Actum ne agas — What has been done don't do over again. Cic. Actus Dei nemini facit injuriam — The act of 55 God does wrong to no man. L. Max. Actus legis nulli facit injuriam — The act of the law does wrong to no man. L. Max. Actus me invito factus, non est meus actus — An act I do against my will is not my act. L. Max. Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea — The act does not make a man guilty, unless the mind be guilty. L. Max. Act well your part ; there all the honour lies. Pope. A cuspide corona — From the spear a crown, i.e., 60 honour for military exploits. M. A custom ' More honoured in the breach than the observance. Ham. , i. 4. Adam muss eine Eve haben, die er zeiht was er gethan — Adam must have an Eve, to blame for what he has done. Ger. Pr. Ad amussim — Made exactly by rule. A danger foreseen is half avoided. Pr. Adaptiveness is the peculiarity of human 65 nature. Emerson. Ad aperturam — Wherever a book may be opened. Ad arbitrium — At pleasure. Ad astraper ardua — To the stars by steep paths. M. A Daniel come to judgment. Mer. of Ten., iv. 1. Ad avizandum — Into consideration. Scots Law, 70 A day may sink or save a realm. Tennyson. A DAY [ i ] A DWARF A day of grace (Gvnst) is as a day in harvest ; one must be diligent as soon as it is ripe. Gcethe. A day wasted on others is not wasted on one's self. Dickens. Ad calamitatem quilibet rumor valet-- When a disaster happens, every report confirming it ob- tains ready credence. Ad captandum vulgus — To catch the rabble. 5 Addere legi justitiam decus — It is to one's honour to combine justice with law. M. A death-bed repentance seldom reaches to restitution. Junius. A deep meaning resides in old customs. Schiller. A democracy is a state in which the govern- ment rests directly with the majority of the citizens. Ruskin. A Deo et rege — From God and the king. 31. 10 Adeo in teneris consuescere multum est — So much depends on habit in the tender years of youth. Virg. Ad eundem — To the same degree. Said of a graduate passing from one university to another. Ad extremum — At last. Ad finem — To the end. Ad Graecas kalendas— At the Greek calends, i.e., never. IS Ad gustum — To one's taste. Adhibenda est in jocando moderatio — Modera- tion should be used in joking. Cic. Ad hoc — For this purpose. Ad hominem — Personal (lit. to the man). Adhuc sub judice lis est — The affair is not yet decided. 20 Adhuc tua messis in herba est — Your crop is still in grass. Ovid. A die — From that day. Adieu la voiture, adieu la boutique — Adieu to the carriage, adieu to the shop, i.e., to the busi- ness. Fr. Pr. Adieu, paniers ! vendanges sont faites — Fare- well, baskets ! vintage is over. Fr. Ad infinitum — To infinity. 25 Ad interim — Meanwhile. Ad internecionem — To extermination. A Dio spiacente ed a' nemici sui — Hateful to God and the enemies of God. Dante. A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando — Praying to God and smiting with the hammer. Sf>. Pr. A discretion — Without any restriction (lit. at discretion). Fr. 30 Ad libitum — At pleasure. Ad majorem Dei gloriam — To the greater glory of God (31. of the Jesuits). Ad mala quisque animum referat sua — Let each recall his own woes. Ovid. Admiration praises ; love is dumb. Borne. Ad modum — In the manner. 35 Ad nauseam — To disgust ; sickening. Ad ogni santo la sua torcia — To every saint his own torch, i.e., his place of honour. It. Pr. Ad ogni uocello suo nido e bello — Every bird thinks its own nest beautiful. //. Pr. Ad ognuno par piu grave la croce sua— Every one thinks his own cross the hardest to bear. It. Pr. A dog's life— hunger and ease. A dog winna yowl if you fell him wi' a bane. 40 Pi A Adolescentem verecundum esse decet- young man ought to be modest. Plant. Ad omnem libidinem projectus homo — A man addicted to every lust. Add - sacan y non pon, presto llegan al hondon — By ever taking out and never putting in, one soon reaches the bottom. Sj>. Pr. Ad patres — Dead ; to death (lit. to the fathers). A downright contradiction is equally mys- 45 terious to wise men as to fools. Goethe. Ad perditam securim manubrium adjicere — To throw the helve after the hatchet, i.e., to give up in despair. Ad perniciem solet agi sinceritas — Honesty is often goaded to ruin. Phcedr. Ad pcenitendum properat, cito qui judicat— He who decides in haste repents in haste. Pub. Syr. Ad populum phaleras, ego te intus et in cute novi — To the vulgar herd with your trappings ; for me, I know you both inside and out. Pers. Ad quaestionem legis respondent judices, ad 50 quasstionem facti respondent juratores — It is the judge's business to answer to the question of law, the jury's to answer to the question of fact. L. Ad quod damnum — To what damage. L. Ad referendum — For further consideration. Ad rem — To the point (lit. to the thing). A droit — To the right. Fr. A drop of honey catches more flies than a 55 hogshead of vinegar. Pr. A drop of water has all the properties of water, but it cannot exhibit a storm. Emerson. A drowning man will catch at a straw. Pr. Adscriptus glebae — Attached to the soil. Adsit regula, peccatis quae poenas irroget aequas — Have a rule apportioning to each offence its appropriate penalty. Hor. Adstrictus necessitate — Bound by necessity. Cic. 60 Ad summum — To the highest point. Ad tristem partem strenua est suspicio- One is quick to suspect where one has suffered harm before. Pub. Syr. Ad unguem — To a nicety (lit. to the nail). Ad unum omnes — All to a (lit. one) man. A dur ane dur aiguillon — A hard goad for a stub- 65 born ass. Fr. Pr. Ad utrumque paratus — Prepared for either case. Ad valorem — According to the value. Advantage is a better soldier than rashness. Hen. V., iii. 6. Adversa virtute repello— I repel adversity by valour. 31. Adversity is a great schoolmistress, as many 70 a poor fellow knows that has whimpered over his lesson before her awful chair. Thackeray. Adversity's sweet milk philosophy. Rom. and Jul, iii. 3. Adversus solem ne loquitor— Speak not against the sun, i.e., don't argue against what is sun-clear. /V. Ad vitam aut culpam- Till some misconduct be proved (lit. for life or fault). Ad vivum — To the life. A dwarf sees farther than the giant when he 75 has the giant's shoulders to mount on. Cole- ridge. /EGIS t 6 ] A FOOL JEgis fortissima virtus — Virtue is the strongest shield. M. /Egrescit medendo — The remedy is worse than the disease (lit. the disorder increases with the remedy). JEgri somnia vana — The delusive dreams of a sick man. Hor. /Egroto, dum anima est, spes est — While a sick man has life, there is hope. Pr. 5 Ae half o' the world doesna ken how the ither half lives. Sc. Pr. Ae man may tak' a horse to the water, but twenty winna gar (make) him drink. Sc. Pr. Ae man's meat is anither man's poison. Sc. Pr. ,/Emulatio aemulationem parit — Emulation be- gets emulation. Pr. .(Emulus atque imitator studiorum ac laborum — A rival and imitator of his studies and labours. Cic. 10 Aendern und bessern sind zwei — To change, and to change for the better, are two different things. Ger. Pr. ^Equabiliter et diligenter— By equity and dili- gence. M. /Equa lege necessitas / Sortitur insignes et imos — Necessity apportions impartially to high and low alike. Hor. Equant memento rebus in arduis / Servare mentem, non secus jn bonis / Ab insolenti temperatam Lffititia — Be sure to preserve an unruffled mind in adversity, as well as one re- strained from immoderate joy in prosperity. Hor. JEqxxam servare mentem — To preserve an even temper. M. 15 jEquanimiter — With equanimity. M. .fliqua tellus / Pauperi recluditur / Regumque pueris — The impartial earth opens alike for the child of the pauper and of the king. Hor. ^quo animo — With an even or equable mind. M. /Equum est / Peccatis veniam poscentem red- dere rursus — It is fair that he who begs to be forgiven should in turn forgive. Hor. /Ere perennius — More enduring than brass. Hor. 20/Erugo animi, rubigo ingenii — Rust, viz.,' idle- ness, of mind is the blight of genius, i.e., natural capability of every kind. ZEs debitorem leve, gravius inimicum facit— A slight debt makes a man your debtor ; a heavier one, your enemy. Later. ./Etatem non tegunt tempora — Our temples do not conceal our age. /Eternum inter se discordant — They are eter- nally at variance with each other. 'Per. JEvo rarissima nostro simplicitas — Simplicity a very rare thing now-a-days. Ovid. 25 A fact is a great thing : a sentence printed, if not by God, then at least by the Devil. Carlyle. A fact in our lives is valuable, not so far as it is true, but as it is significant. Goethe. A facto ad jus non datur consequentia — In- ference from the fact to the law is not legitimate. L. Max. "A fair day's wages for a fair day's work," is as just a demand as governed men ever made of governing ; yet in what corner of this planet was that ever realised ? Carlyle. A fair face may hide a foul heart. Pr. 30 A faithful friend is a true image of the Deity. Napoleon. A fault confessed is half redressed. Pr. A favour does not consist in the service done, but in the spirit of the man who confers it. Sen. A fellow-feeling makes one wondrous kind. Garr ck. A fellow who speculates is like an animal on a barren heath, driven round and round by an evil spirit, while there extends on all sides of him a beautiful green meadow-pasture. Goethe. " A few strong instincts and a few plain rules " 85 suffice us. Emerson, from Wordsworth. Affaire d'amour — A love affair. Fr. Affaire d'honneur — An affair of honour ; a duel. Fr. Affaire du cceur — An affair of the heart. Fr. Affairs that depend on many rarely succeed. Guicciardini. Affection lights a brighter flame / Than ever 40 blazed by art. Comper. Affirmatim — In the affirmative. AfHavit Deus et dissipantur — God sent forth his breath, and they are scattered. Inscription on medal struck to commemorate the destruction of the Spanish A rmada. Afflictions are blessings in disguise. Pr. A fiery soul, which, working out its way / Fretted the pigmy body to decay. Dryden. A fin— To the end. 45 A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a man of wit, and a pebble in the hand of a fool. /. Roux. A fixed idea ends in madness or heroism. Victor PI ago. A flute lay side by side with Frederick the Great's baton of command. Jean Paul. A fly is as untamable as a hyena. Emerson. A fog cannot be dispelled with a fan. Japan. Pr. 50 A fond— Thoroughly (lit. to the bottom). A fonte puro pura defluit aqua — From a pure spring pure water flows. Pr. A fortiori — With stronger reason. A fool always accuses other people ; a par- tially wise man. himself; a wholly wise man, neither himself nor others. Herder. A fool always finds a greater fool to admire 55 him. Boileau. A fool and his money are soon parted. Pr. A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool. Biiliuer. A fool is often as dangerous to deal with as a knave, and always more incorrigible. Colton. A fool is wise in his own conceit. Pr. A fool knows more in his own house than a 60 wise man in another's. Pr. A fool may give a wise man counsel. Pr. A fool may make money, but it takes a wise man to spend it. Pr. A fool may sometimes have talent, but he never has judgment. La Roche. A fool may speer (a>k) mair questions than a wise man can answer. Sc. Pr. A fool resents good counsel, but a wise man 65 lays it to heart. Confucius. A fool's bolt is soon shot. Hen. J'., iii. 7. A fool's bolt may sometimes hit the mark. Pr. A fool when he is silent is counted wise. Pr. A FOOL [ C ] A GREAT A fool who has a flash of wit creates astonish- ment and scandal, like a hack-horse setting out to gallop. Chamfort. A fop is the mercer's friend, the tailor's fool, and his own foe. Lavater. A force de mal aller tout ira bien — By dint of going wrong all will go right. Fr. Pr. A force de peindre le diable sur les murs, il finit par apparaitre en personne — If you keep painting the devil on the walls, he will by and by appear to you in person. Fr. Pr. 5 A friend in court makes the process short. / V. ,~A friend is a person with whom I may be sin- cere. Emerson. A friend is never known till needed. Pr. A friend loveth at all times. /:i;g. 35 A God all mercy is a God unjust. Young. A God I peaks softly in our breast ; softly, yet distinctly, shows us what to hold by and what to slum. Goethe. A gold key opens every door. Pr. A good bargain is a pick-purse. Pr. A good beginning makes a good ending. Pr. A good book is the precious life-blood of a 40 master-spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. Milton. A good friend is my nearest relation. Pr. A good horse should be seldom spurred. Pr. A good inclination is only the first rude draught of virtue, but the finishing strokes are from the will. South. A good king is a public servant. Benjonson. A good laugh is sunshine in a house. Thackeray. 45 A good law is one that holds, whether you recognise it or not ; a bad law is one that cannot, however much you ordain it. Raskin. A good man in his dark striving is. I should say, conscious ot the right way. Goethe. A good man shall be satisfied from himself. Bible. A good marksman may miss. Pr. A good name is sooner lost than won. Pr, 50 A good presence is a letter of recommenda- tion. /';-. A good reader is nearly as rare as a good writer. // 'illmott. A good rider on a good horse is as much above himself and others as the world can make him. Lord Herbert o/Cherbury. A good road and a wise traveller are two different things. Pr. A good solid bit of work lasts. George Eiiot. 55 A good surgeon must have an eagle s eye, a lion's heart, and a lady s hand. Pr. A good thought is a great boon. Bone*. A good wife and health are a man's best wealth. Pr. A gorge deployee — With full throat. Fr. A government for protecting business and GO bread only is but a carcase, and soon falls by its own corruption to decay. A. J'. Ale, -ft. A government may not waver ; once it has chosen its course, it must, without looking to right or left, thenceforth go forward. Bisnuuck. A grands frais— At great expense. Fr. A grave and a majestic exterior is the palace of the soul. Chinese Pr. A great anguish may do the work of years, and we may come out from that baptism of fire with a soul full of new awe and new pity. George I lit .'. A great deal may and must be done which we G5 dare not acknowledge in words, i A great genius takes shape by contact with another gre t genius, but less by assimila- tion than by friction. Heine. A great licentiousness treads on the heels of a reformation, i i A great man is he who can call together the most select company when it pleases him. Lander. A great man is one who affects the mind of his generation. Disraeli. A great man living for high ends is the 70 divinest thing that can be seen on earth. G. S. Hillard. A GREAT [ 7 ] A LEADEN A great man quotes bravely, and will not c'raw on his invention when his memory serves him with a word as good. Emerson. A great master always appropriates what is good in his predecessors, and it is this which makes him great. Goethe. A great observer, and he looks / Quite through the deeds of men. Jul. Cos., i. 2. A great reputation is a great noise ; the more there is made, the farther off it is heard. Napoleon. 5 A great revolution is never the fault of the people, but of the government. Goethe. A great scholar is seldom a great philosopher. Goethe. A great spirit errs as well as a little one, the former because it knows no bounds, the latter because it confounds its own horizon with that of the universe. Goethe. A great thing can only be done by a great man, and he does it without effort. Ruskin. A great thing is a great book, but greater than all is the talk of a great man. Disraeli. 10 A great writer does not reveal himself here and there, but everywhere. Lowell. Agree, for the law is costly. Pr. A green winter makes a fat churchyard. Pr. A grey eye is a sly eye ; a brown one indi- cates a roguish humour ; a blue eye ex- presses fidelity ; while the sparkling of a dark eye is, like the ways of Providence, always a riddle. Bodenstedt. A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. Pr. 15 Agues come on horseback and go away on foot. Pr. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. Pr. A hair of the dog that bit him. Pr. A haute voix — Loudly ; audibly. P'r. A heart to resolve, a head to contrive, and a hand to execute. Gibbon. 20 A hedge between, keeps friendship green. Pr. Ah! il n'y a plus d'enfants — Ah! there are no children now-a-days ! Mol. Ah me ! for aught that ever I could read . . . I The course of true love never did run smooth. Mid. N.'s Dieaiu, i. 1. Ah me ! how sweet this world is to the dying ! Schiller. A hook's well lost to catch a salmon. Pr. 25 A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom for a horse. Rich. III., v. 4. Ah ! pour etre devot, je n'en suis pas moins homme — Though I am a religious man, I am not therefore the less a man. Mol. Ah ! quam dulce est meminisse — Ah ! how sweet it is to remember ! M. Ah ! that deceit should steal such gentle shapes / And with a virtuous visor hide deep vice. Rich. III., ii. 2. A hundred years cannot repair a moment's loss of honour. Pr. 30 A hungry belly has no ears. Pr. Ah ! vitam perdidi operose nihil agendo — I have lost my life, alas ! in laboriously doing nothing. Grotius. Aide-toi, et le ciel l'aidera — Help yourself and Heaven will help you. Pr. At av/jupopal woiovut. /jlclk po\6yovs — Misfortunes AtOoJS oXwXei' — Modesty has died out. Theognis. Ainsi que son esprit, tout peuple a son Ian- 35 gage — Every nation has its own language as well as its own temperament. / oltaite. Air de fete — Looking festive. Pr. Air distingue — Distinguished looking, pr. Airs of importance are the credentials of im- potence. Lavatcr. Aise a dire est difficile a faire — Easy to say is hard to do. Pr. Pr. A jest loses its point when he who makes it 40 is the first to laugh. Schiller. A jest's prosperity lies in the ear / Of him that hears it, never in the tongue / Of him that makes it. Love's L. Lost, v. 2. A Jove principium — Beginning with Jove. A judge who cannot punish, associates himself in the end with the criminal. Goethe. A judicious (verstandiger) man is of much value for himself, of little for the whole. Goethe. A king of shreds and patches. Hani., hi. 4. 45 A king's son is no nobler than his company. Gael. Pr. A knavish speech sleeps^ in a foolish ear. 11 am., iv. 2. A labandon — At random ; little cared for. Pr. A la belle etoile — In the open air. Pr. A la bonne heure — Well-timed ; very well. Fr. 50 A l'abri— Under shelter. Pr. A la chandelle la chevre semble demoiselle — By candlelight a goat looks like a young lady. Pr. Pr. A la derobee — By stealth. Fr. A la fin saura-t-on qui a mange le lard — We shall know in the end who ate the bacon. 1 r. Pr. A la francaise — In the French fashion. 1 r. 55 A la lettre — Literally. Fr. A la mode — According to the fashion. Fr. A l'amour satisfait tout son charme est ote— When love is satisfied all the charm of it is gone. Corneille. A la portee de tout le monde — Within reach of every one. Pr. A la presse vont les fous — Fools go in crowds. 60 Pr. Pr. Alas ! the devil's sooner raised than laid. Sheridan. A last judgment is necessary, because fools flourish. 1 1 in. Blake. A last judgment is not for making bad men better, but for hindering them from oppress- ing the good. // vi. Hlake. A latere — From the side of (sc. the Pope). A lazy man is necessarily a bad man ; an 65 idle, is necessarily a demoralised population. Draper. Albae gallinse filius — The son of a white hen. Album calculum addere — To give a white stone, i.e., to vote for, by putting a white stone into an urn, a black one indicating rejection. Al corral con alio — Out of the window with it. Sp. Alea belli — The hazard of war. Alea jacta est — The die is cast. 70 Alea judiciorum — The hazard or uncertainty of law. a lo^or, crnrH i'n an hnm ccatiharH /V A LEARNED [ 8 ] ALLES A learned man is a tank ; a wise man is a spring-. //'. R. Alger. Al enemigo, si vuelve la espalda, la puente de plata — Make a bridge of silver for the flying enemy. Sp. Pr. Alere flammam— To feed the flame. Ales volat propriis — A bird flies to its own. 5 Al fin se canta la Gloria — Not till the end is the Gloria chanted. Sp. Pr. Al fresco — In the open air. It. Aliam excute quercum — Go, shake some other oak (of its fruit). Pr. Alia res sceptrum, alia plectrum — Ruling men is one thing, fiddling to them another. Pr, A liar is always lavish of oaths. Corneille. 10 A liar should have a good memory. Pr. Alias — Otherwise. Alia tentanda via est— We must try another way. Alibi— Elsewhere. A lie is like a snowball ; the farther you roll it. the bigger it becomes. Luther. 15 A lie has no leg's, but scandal has wings. Pr. A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies. Tennyson Aliena negotia centum / Per caput, et circa saliunt latus — A hundred affairs of other people leap through my head and at my side. Hor. Aliena negotia euro / Excussus propriis — I attend to other people's affairs, baffled with my own. Hor. Aliena nobis, nostra plus aliis placent — That which belongs to others pleases us most ; that which belongs to us pleases others more. Pub. Syr. 20 Aliena opprobria saepe Absterrent vitiis — We are often deterred from crime by the disgrace of others. Hor. Aliena optimum frui insania— It is best to profit by the madness of other people. Pr. Aliena vitia in oculis habemus ; a tergo nostra sunt — We keep the faults of others before our eyes ; our own behind our backs. Sen. Alieni appetens, sui profusus — Covetous of other men's property, prodigal of his own. Sail. Alieni temporis flores — Flowers of other days. 25 Alieno in loco baud stabile regnum est — Sove- reignty over a foreign land is insecure. Sen. Alieno more vivendum est mihi — I must live according to another's humour. 'Per. Alienos agros irrigas tuis sitientibus — You water the fields of others, while your own are parched. Pr. A lie should be trampled on and extinguished wherever found. Carlyle. A lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright But a lie which is part a truth is a harder matter to fight. Tennyson. 30 A life that is worth writing at all is worth writing minutely. Longfellow. A light heart lives long. Pr. Alii sementem faciunt, alii metentem — Some do the sowing, others the reaping. Aliis laitus, sapiens sibi- Cheerful for others, wise for himself. I'r. A 1'impossible nul nest tenu — No one . held bound to do what is impossible. Fr, Pr. 35 A linipioviste — Unawares. Fr. Aliorum medicus, ipse ulceribus scates — A physician to others, while you yourself are full of ulcers. Alio sub sole — Under another sky {lit. sun). Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus — Some- times even the good Homer nods. Hor. Aliquis non debet esse judex in propria causa ■ — No one may sit as judge in his own case. L. Alis volat propriis — He flies with his own wings. 40 M. A little body often harbours a great soul. Pr. A little fire is quickly trodden out ; / Which being suffered, rivers cannot quench. 3 Hen. VI., iv. S. A little is better than none. Pr. A little learning is a dangerous thing / Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring. Pope. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. 45 Pr. A little more than kin, and less than kind. Ham., i. 2. A little neglect may breed great mischief. Franklin. A little philosophy inclineth a man s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. Bacon. A little spark maks muckle wark. Sc. Pr. Alitur vitium vivitque tegendo — Evil is nour- 50 ished and grows by concealment. Virg. Aliud est celare, aliud tacere — To conceal is one thing, to say nothing is another. L. Max. Aliud et idem — Another and the same. Aliud legunt pueri. aliud viri, aliud senes — Hoys read books one way, men another, old men another. Per. A living dog is better than a dead lion. Pr. Alle anderen Dinge miissen; der Mensch ist 55 das Wesen, welches will — All other things must ; man is the only creature who wills. Schiller. Alle Frachten lichten, sagte der Schiffer, da warf er seine Frau iiber Bord— All freights lighten, said the skipper, as he threw his wife into the sea. Ger. Pr. Allegans contraria non est audiendus— No one is to be heard whose evidence is contradictory. L. Max. Allen gehort, was du denkest ; dein eigen ist nur, was du fuhlest — What you think 1> longs to all ; only what you feel is your own. Schiller. Aller Anfang ist heiter ; die Schwelle ist der Platz der Erwartung — Every beginning is cheerful ; the threshold is the place of expec- tation. Goethe. Aller Anfang ist schwer, sprach der Dieb, und 60 stahl zuerst einen Amboss— Every beginning is difficult, said the thief, u hen he began by stealing an an\ il. Ger. i'r. Alle Schuld racht sich auf Erden — Every offence is avenged an earth. Goethe. Alles Gescheidte ist schon gedacht worden ; man muss nur versuchen, es noch einmal zu denken— Everything wise Ins already been thought; one can only try ami think it once mora. Goethe. Alles Vergangliche ist nur ein Gleichniss — rything transitory is only an allegory. Goethe, ALLES [ n 1 ALL Alles wanket, wo der Glaube fehlt — All is unsteady (lit. wavers) where faith fails. Ger. Pr. Alles ware gut, war kein Aber dabei— Every- thing would be right if it were not for the " Buts." Ger. Pr. Alles, was ist, ist verniinftig— Everything which is, is agreeable to reason. Hegel. Alles zu retten, muss alles gewagt werden^ To save all, we must risk all. Schiller. All advantages are attended with disadvan- tages. Hume. All are but parts of one stupendous whole / Whose body Nature is, and God the soul. Pope. All argument will vanish before one touch of Nature. Caiman. All are not hunters that blow the horn. Pr. All are not saints that go to church. Pr. All are not soldiers that go to the wars. Pr. All are not thieves that dogs bark at. Pr. All art is great, and good, and true, only so far as it is distinctively the work of manhood in its entire and highest sense. Ruskin. All balloons give up their gas in the pressure of things, and collapse in a sufficiently wretched manner erelong. Carlyle. All battle is misunderstanding. Goethe. All beginnings are easy ; it is the ulterior steps that are of most difficult ascent and most rarely taken. Goethe. All cats are grey in the dark. Pr. All censure of a man's self is oblique praise ; it is in order to show how much he can spare. Johnson. All cruelty springs from weakness. Sen. All death in nature is birth. Fichte. All deep joy has something of awful in it. Carlyle. All delights are vain ; but that most vain / Which, with pain purchas'd, doth inherit pain. Lo7'e's L. Lost, i. r. All destruction, by violent revolution or how- soever it be, is but new creation on a wider scale. Carlyle. All disputation makes the mind deaf, and when people are deaf I am dumb. Jouhcrt. "AW iffTLV, ZvOa xh Slktj fi\afi7]v (pipei— Some- times justice does harm. Sophocles. I All evil is as a nightmare ; the instant you begin to stir under it, the evil is gone. Car- lyle. All evils, when extreme, are the same. Corncille. All faults are properly shortcomings. Goethe. All faiths are to their own believers just / For none believe because they will, but must. Dry den. All feet tread not in one shoe. Pr. i All flesh consorteth according to its kind, and a man will cleave to his like. Ecclus. All forms of government are good, so far as the wise and kind in them govern the unwise and unkind. Raskin. All good colour is in some degree pensive, and the purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most. Ruskin, All good government must begin at home. H. R. Haiveis. All good has an end but the goodness of God. Gael. Pr. All good things / Are ours, nor soul helps 35 flesh more now / Than flesh helps soul. Browning, All good things go in threes. Ger. and Pr. Pr. All governments are to some extent a treaty with the Devil. Jacobi. All great art is the expression of man's delight in God's work, not in his own. Ruskin. All great discoveries are made by men whose feelings run ahead of their thinkings. C. H. Parkhurst. All great peoples are conservative. Car- 40 lyle. All great song has been sincere song. Ruskin. All healthy things are sweet-tempered. Emer- son. All his geese are swans. Pr. All history is an inarticulate Bible. Carlyle. All immortal writers speak out of their hearts. 45 Ruskin. All imposture weakens confidence and chills benevolence. Johnson. All inmost things are melodious, naturally utter themselves in song. Carlyle. All is but toys. Macb,, ii. 3. All is good that God sends us. Pr. All is influence except ourselves. Goethe. 50 All is not gold that glitters. Pr. All is not lost that's in peril. Pr. All live by seeming. Old Play. All living objects do by necessity form to themselves a skin. Carlyle. Allmachtig ist doch das Gold ; auch Mphren 55 kann's bleichen — Gold is omnipotent ; it can make even the Moor white. Schiller. All mankind love a lover. Emerson. All man's miseries go to prove his greatness. Pascal. All martyrdoms looked mean when they were suffered. Emerson. All measures of reformation are effective in proportion to their timeliness. Ruskin. All men are bores except when we want them. 60 Holmes. All men are born sincere and die deceivers. Vauven argues. All men are fools, and with every effort they differ only in the degree. Boileau. All men commend patience, though few be willing to practise it. Thomas a Kempis. All men have their price. Anon. All men honour love, because it looks up, and 65 not down. Emerson. All men, if they work not as in the great task- master's eye, will work wrong. Carlyle. All men live by truth, and stand in need of expression. Emerson. All men may dare what has by man been done. Young. All men that are ruined are ruined on the side of their natural propensities. Burke. All men think all men mortal but themselves. 70 Young. ALL r io ] ALL All men would be masters of others, and no man is lord of himself. Goethe. All men who know not where to look for truth, save in the narrow well of self, will find their own image at the bottom and mistake it for what they are seeking. Lowell. All minds quote. Old and new make up the warp and woof of every moment. Emerson. All mischief comes from our inability to be alone. La liruyere. 5 All money is but a divisible title-deed. Ries/chi. All my possessions for a moment of time ! Queen Elizabeth's last -words. All nature is but art unknown to thee. / All chance, direction which thou canst not see. / All discord, harmony not understood ; / All partial evil, universal good. Pope. All nobility in its beginnings was somebody's natural superiority. Emerson. All objects are as windows through which the philosophic eye looks into infinitude. Car- lyle. 10 All orators are dumb when beauty pleadeth. Sh. ctXX' ov Zei'S &v8p€acn vo-qfxara Travra Tekeina — Zeus, however, does not give effect to all the schemes of man. J loin. 'AXXos 6716 — Alter ego. Zeno's definition of a friend. All our evils are imaginary, except pain of body and remorse of conscience. Rousseau. All our most honest striving prospers only in unconscious moments. Goethe. 15 All passions exaggerate ; and they are pas- sions only because they do exaggerate. Chamfort. All pleasure must be bought at the price of pain. John Foster. All power appears only in transition. Noz'alis. All power, even the most despotic, rests ulti- mately on opinion. Hume. All power of fancy over reason is a degree of insanity. Johnson. 20 All promise outruns performance. Emerson. All public disorder proceeds from want of work. Courier. All speech, even the commonest, has some- thing of song in it. Carlyle. All strength lies within, not without. Jean Paul. All strong men love life. Heine. 25 All strong souls are related. Schiller. All's well that ends well. Pr. All talent, all intellect, is in the first place moral. Carlyle. All that a man has he will give for right rela- tions with his mates. Emersoi . All that glisters is not gold : / Gilded tombs do worms infold. Mer of /'<•«., ii. 7. 30 All that is best in the great poets of all coun- tries is not what is national in them, but what is universal. Longfellow. All that is human must retrograde, if it do not advance. Gibbon. All that is noble is in itself of a quiet nature, and appears to sleep until it is aroused anil summoned forth by contrast. Gott e. All that lives must die, ,' Passing through nature to eternity. Ham., i. .-. All that man does and brings to pass is the vesture of a thought. Sartbr Resartus. All that mankind has done, thought, gained, 3, or been, it is all lying in magic preservation in the pages of books. Carlyle. All that tread the globe are but a handful to the tribes that slumber in its bosom. Bryant. All the armed prophets have conquered, all the unarmed have perished. Ma< h.'ar-elli. All the arts affecting culture (i.e., the fine arts) have a certain common bond, and are con- nected by a certain blood relationship with each other. Cic. All the difference between the wise man and the fool is, that the wise man keeps his counsel, and the fool reveals it. Gael. Pr. All the diseases of mind, leading to fatalest 4 ruin, are due to the concentration of man upon himself, whether his heavenly interests or his worldly interests, matters not. Raskin. All the faults of the man I can pardon in the player ; no fault of the player can I pardon in the man. Goethe. All the good of which humanity is capable is comprised in obedience. /. S. Mill. All the great ages have been ages of belief. Emerson. All the keys don t hang at one man's girdle. Pr. All the makers of dictionaries, all the com- 4 pilers of opinions already printed, we may term plagiarists, but honest plagiarists, who arrogate not the merit of invention. Vol- taire. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Macb , v. 1. All the pursuits of men are the pursuits of women also, and in all of them a woman is only a weaker man. Plato. All the thinking in the world does not bring us to thought ; we must be right by nature, so that good thoughts may come. ( All the wit in the world is not in one head. Pr. All the wit in the world is thrown away upon I the man who has none. !■> uyire. All the world's a stage / And all the men and women merely players. As You Like It, ii. 7. All things are double, one against another. Good is set against evil, and life against death. Ecclus. All things are for the sake of the good, and it is the cause of everything beautiful. Plato. All things are in perpetual flux and fleeting. /V. All things are symbolical, and what we call I results are beginnings. Plato. All things happen by necessity ; in Nature there is neither good nor bad. Spinoza. All things that are / Are with more spirit chased than enjoyed. Mer. of Ten., ii. 6. All things that love the sun are out of doors. // 'ordswoi tJi. All this (in the daily press) does not concern one in the least : one is neither the wiser nor the better for knowing what the day brings forth. Go, All true men are soldiers in the same army, 1 to do battle against the same enemy -the empire of darkness and wrong. Carlyle. All truth is not to be told at all times. Pr, ALL [ n ] A MAN All virtue is most rewarded, and all wicked- ness most punished, in itself. Bacon. All went as merry as a marriage-bell. Byron. All, were it only a withered leaf, works to- gether with all. Carlyle. All will be as God wills. Gael. Pr. » All wise men are of the same religion, and keep it to themselves. Lord Shaftesbury. All women are good, viz., for something or nothing. Pr. All work and no play makes Jack a du'.l boy. Pr. Allzugrosse Zartheit der Gefiihle ist ein wahres Ungliick — It is a real misfortune to have too great delicacy of feeling. C. J. Weber. Allzustraff gespannt, zerspringt der Bogen — If the bow is overstrained, it breaks. Schiller. 10 Allzuviel ist nicht genug — Too much is not enough. Ger. Pr. Alma mater — A benign mother ; applied to one's university, also to the "all-nourishing" earth. Al molino, ed alia sposa / Sempre manca qualche cosa — A mill and a woman are always in want of something. It. Pr. Almost all our sorrows spring out of our rela- tions with other people. Schopenhauer. Almsgiving never made any man poor. Pr. 15 A loan should come laughing home. Pr. A l'oeuvre on connait I'artisan— By the work one knows the workman. La Font. A loisir — At leisure. Fr. Alomban es szerelemben nines lehetetlenseej — In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. J. Arany. Along the cool sequester'd vale of life / They kept the noiseless tenor of their way. Gray. 20 A los bobos se les aperece la Madre de Dios — The mother of God appears to fools. Sp. Pr. A lover's eyes will gaze an eagle blind. Love's L. Lost, lv. 3. Alte fert aquila — The eagle bears me on high. M. Altera manu fert lapidem, altera panem os- tentat — He carries a stone in one hand, and shows bread in the other. Pr Altera manu scabunt, altera feriunt — They tickle with one hand and smite with the other. Pr. 25 Alter ego — Another or second self. Alter idem — Another exactly the same. Alter ipse amicus — A friend is a second self. Pr. Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest — Let no man be slave of another who can be his own master. St. of Paracelsus. Alter remus aquas, alter mihi radat arenas- Let me skim the water with one oar, and with the other touch the sands, i.e., so as not to go out of my depth. 30 Alterum tantum — As much more. Although men are accused of not knowing their weakness, yet perhaps as few know their strength. Swift. Although the last, not least. King- Lear, i. 1. Altissima quseque flumina minimo sono labun- tur — The deepest rivers flow with the least noise. Curt. Alt ist das Wort, doch bleibet hoch und wahr der Sinn— Old is the Word, yet does the mean- ing abide as high and true as ever. Faust. Altro diletto che' mparar, non provo — Learning 35 is my sole delight. Petrarch. Always filling, never full. Ccnvf>er. Always have two strings to your bow. Pr. Always strive for the whole ; and if thou canst not become a whole thyself, connect thyself with a whole as a ministering member. Schiller. Always there is a black spot in our sunshine, the shadow of ourselves. Carlyle. Always to distrust is an error, as well as always 40 to trust. Goethe. Always win fools first : they talk much, and what they have once uttered they will stick to. Helps. Amabilis insania — A fine frenzy. Hor. A machine is not a man or a work of art ; it is destructive of humanity and art. // 'in. Blake. A madness most discreet, / A choking gall and a preserving sweet, i.e., Love is. Rom. ami Jul., i. 1. A mad world, my masters. Middleton. 45 A main armee — By force of arms. Fr. Ama l'amico tuo con il diffetto suo— Love your friend with all his faults. It. Pr. A man at sixteen will prove a child at sixty. Pr. A man belongs to his age and race, even when he acts against them. Kenan. A man, be the heavens praised, is sufficient 50 for himself ; yet were ten men, united in love, capable of being and doing what ten thousand singly would fail in. Carlyle. A man can be so changed by love as to be unrecognisable as the same person. Per. A man can do no more than he can. Pr. A man can keep another's secret better than his own ; a woman, her own better than another's. La Brnyere. A man canna wive and thrive the same year. Sc. Pr. A man can never be too much on his guard 55 when he writes to the public, and never too easy towards those with whom he converses. D'Alcmbert. A man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven. John Baptist. A man cannot be in the seventeenth century and the nineteenth at one and the same moment. Carlyle s experience while editing Cromwell's Letters. A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. Pr. A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time. Pr. A man dishonoured is worse than dead. Cer- 60 vantes. A man does not represent a fraction, but a whole number ; he is complete in himself. Sch openhauer. A man hears only what he understands. Goethe. A man he was to all the country dear, / And passing rich with iorty pounds a year. Gold- smith. A man in a farm and his thoughts away, is better out of it than in it. Gael. Pr. A man in debt is so far a slave. Emerson, 65 A MAN [ 12 ] A MAN'S A man in the right, with God on his side, is in the majority, though he be alone. Amer. Pr. A man is a fool or his own physician at forty. Pr. A man is a golden impossibility. Emerson. A man is always nearest to his good when at home, and farthest from it when away. /. G. Holland. 5 A man is king in his own house. Gael. Pr. A man is never happy till his vague striving has itself marked out its proper limitation. Goethe. A man is not born the second time, any more than the first, without travail. Carlyle. A man is not as God, / But then most godlike being most a man. Tennyson. A man is not strong who takes convulsion fits, though six men cannot hold him ; only he that can walk under the heaviest weight without staggering. Carlyle. 10 A man is only a relative and a representative nature. Emerson. A man is the facade of a temple wherein all wisdom and all good abide. Emerson. A man is the prisoner of his power. Emerson. A man lives by believing something ; not by debating and arguing about many things. Carlyle. A man may be proud of his house, and not ride on the rigging (ridge) of it. Sc. J^r. 15 A man may do what he likes with his own. Pr. A man may smile, and smile, and be a villain. J I am., i. 5. A man may spit in his nieve and do little. Sc. Pr. A man may survive distress, but not disgrace. Gael. Pr. A man / More sinn'd against than sinning. King Lear, iii. 2. 20 A man must ask his wife's leave to thrive. Pr. A man must become wise at his own expense. Montaigne. A man must be healthy before he can be holy. Mme. Swetchine. A man must be well off who is irritated by trifles, for in misfortune trifles are not felt. Schopenhauer. A man must carry knowledge with him if he would bring home knowledge. Johnson. 25 A man must seek his happiness and inward peace from objects which cannot be taken away from him. //". von Humboldt. A man must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion. Emerson. A man must thank his defects, and stand in some terror of his talents. Emerson. A man must verify or expel his doubts, and convert them into certainty of Yes or No. Carlyle. A man must wait for the right moment. Schopenhauer. 30 A man never feels the want of what it never occurs to him to ask for. Schopenhauer. A man never rises so high as when he knows not whither he is going. < lliver Cromwell. A man of intellect without energy added to it is a failure. ( ham/01 1. A man of maxims only is like a Cyclops with one eye, and that eye in the back of his head. Coleridge. A man of pleasure is a man of pains. Young. A man often pays dear for a small frugality. 35 Emerson. A man of the world must seem to be what he wishes to be. La Bntykre. A man of wit would often be much embarrassed without the company of fools. La Roche. A man only understands what is akin to some things already in his mind. Amiel. A man places himself on a level with him whom he praises. Goethe. A man protesting against error is on the way 40 towards uniting himself with all men that believe in truth. Carlyle. A man so various, that he seem'd to be, / Not one, but all mankind's epitome. Dryden. A man that is young in years may be old in hours, if he have lost no time. /'■aeon. A man used to vicissitudes is not easily de- jected. Johnson. A man who cannot gird himself into harness will take no weight along these highways. Carlyle. A man who claps his Pegasus into a harness, 45 and urges on his muse with the whip, will have to pay to Nature the penalty of this trespass. Schopenhauer. A man who does not know rigour cannot pity either. Carlyle. A man who feels that his religion is a slavery has not began to comprehend the real nature of it. /. G. Hollaiul. A man who has nothing to do is the devil's playfellow. /. G. Hollaiul. A man who is ignorant of foreign languages is ignorant of his own. Goof he. A man who reads much becomes arrogant and 50 pedantic ; one who sees much becomes wise, sociable, and helpful. Lichteitberg. A man will love or hate solitude—that is, his own society — according as he is himse!f worthy or worthless. Schopenhauer. A man will not be observed in doing that which he can do best. Emerson. A man with half a volition goes backwards and forwards, and makes no way on the smoothest road. ( arlyle. A man with knowledge but without energy, is a house furnished but not inhabited ; a man with energy but no knowledge, a house dwelt in but unfurnished. John Sterling. A man's a man for a' that. Burns. 55 A man's aye crousest in his ain cause. Sc. Pr. A man's best fortune or his worst is his wife. /V. A man's best things are nearest him, / Lie close about his feet. Monckton M lines. A man's fate is his own temper. Disraeli. A man's friends belong no more to him than 60 he to them. Schopenhauer. A man's gift makes room for him. /V. A man's happiness consists infinitely more in admiration of the faculties of others than in confidence in his own. R A man's house is his castle. Pr. A man's power is hooped in by a necessity, which, by many experiments, he touches on every side until he learns its arc. Emerson, A man's task is always light if his heart is 65 light. Lc.u Wallace. A MAN'S [ 13 ] AMOR A man's virtue is to be measured not by his extraordinary efforts, but his everyday con- duct. Pascal. A man's walking is a succession of falls. Pr. A man's wife is his blessing or his bane. Gael. Pr. Amantes, amentes — In love, in delirium. Ter. » Amantium irse amoris redintegratio est — The quarrels of lovers bring about a renewal of love. 'Per. A man who cannot mind his own business is not to be trusted with the king's. Savillc. A ma puissance — To my power. M. Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur — To be in love and act wisely is scarcely in the power of a god. Faber. 'AfJ.apTu\al . . . iv avdpibTroiaiv eTrovTcu dvrjrois — Proneness to sin cleaves fast to mortal men. Theognis. 10 Ambigendi locus — Reason for questioning or doubt. Ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces — To scatter ambiguous reports among the people. / 'zrg. Ambition is not a vice of little people. Mon- taigne, Ambition is the germ from which all growth in nobleness proceeds. P. D. English. Ambos oder Hammer — One must be either anvil or hammer. Gcr. Pr. 15 Ame damnee — Mere tool, underling. Pr. Ame de boue — Base, mean soul. Pr. Amende honorable — Satisfactory apology; re- paration. Pr. A mensa. et thoro — From bed and board ; divorced. A menteur, menteur a demi — To a liar, a liar and a half, i.e., one be a match for him. Pr. 20 Amentium, haud amantium— Of lunatics, not lovers. A merchant shall hardly keep himself from doing wrong. Ecclus. A merciful man is merciful to his beast. Bible. A mere madness to live like a wretch and die rich. Burton. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine ; but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Bible. 25 A merveille — To a wonder. Pr. Am Golde hangt doch Alles— On gold, after all, hangs everything. Margaret in "Faust." Amici, diem perdidi — Friends, I have lost a day. Titus (at the close of a day on which he had done good to no one). Amici probantur rebus adversis — Friends are proved by adversity. Cic. Amici vitium ni feras, prodis tuum— Unless you bear with the faults of a friend, you betray your own. Pub. Syr. 30Amico d'ognuno, amico di nessuno — Every- body's friend is nobody's friend. It. Pr. Amicorum esse communia omnia — Friends' goods are all common property. Pr. Amicum ita habeas posse ut fieri hunc inimi- cum scias — Be on such terms with your friend as if you knew he may one day become your enemy. Laber. Amicum perdere est damnorum maximum — To lose a friend is the greatest of losses. Syr. Amicus animae dimidium — A friend the half of life. 35 Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur— A true friend is seen when fortune wavers. Ennius. Amicus curiae — A friend to the court, i.e., an un- interested adviser in a case. Amicus est unus animus in duobus corporibus — A friend is one soul in two bodies. A rist. Amicus humani generis — A friend of the human race. Amicus Plato, sed magis arnica Veritas— Plato is my friend, but truth is my divinity {lit. more a friend). Amicus usque ad aras — A friend to the very 40 altar, i.e. , to the death. A mighty maze ! but not without a plan. Pope. A millstone and a man's heart are kept con- stantly revolving ; where they have nothing to grind, they grind and fray away their own substance. Logan A mirror is better than a whole gallery of ancestral portraits. Menzel. A miser is as furious about a halfpenny as the man of ambition about the conquest of a kingdom. Adam Smith. A miss is as good as a mile. Pr. 45 ' ' Am I to be saved ? or am I to be lost ? " Cer- tain to be lost, so long as you put that ques- tion. Car/yle. Amittit famam qui se indignis comparat — He loses repute who compares himself with unworthy people. Phcrdr. Amittit merito proprium, qui alienum appetit — He who covets what is another's, deservedly loses what is his own. (Moral of the fable of the dog and the shadow.) Phcedr. Am meisten Unkraut tragt der fettste Boden — The fattest soil brings forth the most weeds. Ger. Pr. A mob is a body voluntarily bereaving itself 50 of reason and traversing its work. Emer- son. A modest confession of ignorance is the ripest and last attainment of philosophy. P. D. Hitchcock. A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience. Holmes. A monarchy is 'apt to fall by tyranny ; an aristocracy, by ambition ; a democracy, by tumults. Quarles. Among nations the head has alway preceded the heart by centuries. Joan Paul. Among the blind the one-eyed is a king. Pr. 55 Amor al cor gentil ratto s' apprende.— Love is quickly learned by a noble heart. Dante. Amor a nullo amato amar perdona — Love spares no loved one from loving. Dante. Amor bleibt ein Schalk, und wer ihm ver- traut, ist betrogen— Cupid is ever a rogue, and whoever trusts him is deceived. Goethe. Amore e di sospetti fabro — Love is a forger of suspicions. It. Pr. Amore sitis uniti — Be ye united in love. 60 Amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus— Love is most fruitful both of honey and gall. Plant. Amor et obcedientia — Love and obedience. M. Amor gignit amorem — Love begets love. Amor omnibus idem — Love is the same in all. Virg. Amor patriae — Love of one's country. 65 Amor proximi— Love for one's neighbour. Amor tutti eguaglia — Love makes all equal. It. Pr. AMOTO [ 14 ] AN ERROR Amoto quaeramus seria ludo — Jesting aside, let us give attention to serious business. Hor. Amour avec loyaulte — Love with loyalty. M. Amour fait moult, argent fait tout — Love can do much, but money can do everything. Pr. Pr. Amour propre — Vanity ; self-love. Fr. 5 A mouse never trusts its life to one hole only. Plant. Amphora coepit ' Institui : currente rota cur urceus exit ? — A vase was begun; why from the revolving wheel does it turn out a worthless pitcher ? Hor. Ampliat atatis spatium sibi vir bonus ; hoc est / Vivere bis vita, posse priore frui — The good man extends the term of his life ; it is to live twice, to be able to enjoy one's former life. Mar. Am Rhein, am Rhein, da wachsen uns re Reben — On the Rhine, on the Rhine, there grow our vines ! Claudius. Am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit — On the noisy loom of Time. Goethe. 10 Amt ohne Geld macht Diebe — Office without pay makes thieves. Ccr. Pr. A mucho hablar, mucho errar— Talk much, en- much. Sp. J'?: A multitude of sparks yields but a sorry light. A miel. Anacharsis among the Scythians — A wise man among unwise. An acre in Middlesex is better than a princi- pality in Utopia. Macaulay. 15 An acre of performance is worth a whole world of promise. Hoi Analysis is not the business of the poet. His office is to portray, not to dissect. Macaulay. Analysis kills spontaneity, just as grain, once it is ground into flour, no longer springs and germinates. . I mid. An ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the commonwealth. Sir H II 'often. An ambitious man is slave to everybody. Fcijoo. 20 A name is no despicable matter. Napoleon, for the sake of a great name, broke in pieces almost half a world. I An appeal to fear never finds an echo in German hearts. Bismarck. An archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows. Pr. An arc in the movement of a large intellect does not differ sensibly from a straight line. Holmes. An Argus at home, a mole abroad. Pr. 25 An army, like a serpent, goes on its belly. Frederick the Great I ) A narrow faith has much more energy than an enlightened one Amt An artist is a person who has submitted to a law which it is painful to obey, th.it he may bestow a delight which it is to bestow. Ruskin. An artist is only then truly praised by us when we forget him in his work. An artist must have his measuring tools, no'. in the hand, but in the eye. 30 An artist should be fit for the best society, and should keep out of it. Rusktn. An ass may bray a good while before he shakes the stars down. George Eliot. A nation which labours, and takes care of the fruits of labour, would be rich and happy, though there were no gold in the universe. Ruskin. 'Ara-) Ka 5'oi'oe deol /uaxoircu— The gods them- selves do not fight against necessity. Gr. Pr. Anche il mar, che e si grande, si pacifica — Even the sea, great though it be, grows calm. It. Pr. Anch' io sono pittore — I too am a painter. Cor- 35 reggio before a picture of Raphaels. Anche la rana morderebbe se avesse denti — Even the frog would bite if it had teeth. It. Pr. Ancient art corporealises the spiritual ; modern spiritualises the corporeal. Ancient art is plastic ; modern, pictorial. SchlegeL And better had they neer been born ; Who read to doubt, or read to scorn. Scott. And can eternity belong to me, , Poor pensioner 40 on the bounties of an hour ? 1 'oung. And earthly power doth then show likest God s. When mercy seasons justice. Mer. of I 'en., iv. i. And e'en his failings lean'd to virtue's side. Goldsmith. And found no end, in wand'ring mazes lost. Milton. And he is oft the wisest man , Who is not wise at all. Wordsworth. "And is this all? " cried Caesar at his height, 45 disgusted. Young. An dives sit omnes quaerunt. nemo an bonus— Everj- one inquires if he is rich ; no one a.-k> if he is good. And Mammon wins his way where seraphs might despair. Byron. I And much it grieved my heart to think / What man has made of man .' And. often times, excusing of a fault Do'h make the fault worse by the excuse. King lohn. iv. 2. And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe, ' 50 And then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot. And thereby hangs a tale. As You Like It, ii. 7. And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew, That one small head could carry all he knew. Goidsnt And this our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. As You Like it, ii. 1. A needle's eye is wide enough for two friends ; the whole world is too narrow for two foes. . i'r. 'Al t\ov nai direxov— Bear and forbear. Epic- to: us. A nemico che fugge, fa tin ponte d oro - Make 55 a bridge ol gold For an enemy who b flying from you. it. P>. An empty purse fills the face with wrinkles. Pr. An epigram often flashes light into regions where reason shines but dimly. i ua.\rirg. 25 Arriere pensee— A mental reservation. Ft. Arrogance is the obstruction of wisdom. Bion. Ars artium omnium conservatrix— The art pre- servative of all others, viz., printing. Ars est celare artem-It is the perfection of art to conceal art. ( >Ti'd. Ars est sine arte, cujus principium est mentiri, medium laborare, et finis mendicare — It is an art without art, which Ins its beginning in false- il ■. middle in toil, and it^end in poverty. . i/- ptied originally to the pursuits of t lie A khe mists. Ars longa, vita brevis — Art is long, life is short. 30 Ars varia vulpis, ast una echino maxima — The fox has many tricks ; the hedgehog only one, and that greatest of all. Pr. Art does not represent things falsely, but truly as they appear to mankind. Raskin. Arte magistra— By the aid of art. Virg. Art is a jealous mistress. Emerson. Art is long and time is fleeting, And our 35 hearts, though stout and brave, / Still, like muffled drums, are beating,' Funeral marches to the grave. Longfellow. Art is noble, but the sanctuary of the human soul is nobler still. )!'. Winter. Art is not the bread indeed, but it is the wine of life. Jean Paul. Art is simply a bringing into relief of the obscure thought of Nature. Amiel, Art is the mediatrix of the unspeakable. Goethe. Art is the path of the creator to his work. 40 Emerson. Art is the work of man under the guidance and inspiration of a mightier power, //aie. Artists are of three classes : those who per- ceive and pursue the good, and leave the evil ; those who perceive and pursue the good and evil together, the whole thing as it verily is ; and those who perceive and pur- sue the evil, and leave the good. Ruskm. Artium magister — Master of arts. Art may err, but Nature cannot miss. Dryden. Art may make a suit of clothes, but Nature 45 must produce a man. Hume. Art must anchor in nature, or it is the sport of every breath of folly. Hazli:t. Art must not be a superficial talent, but must begin further back in man. Emerson. Art, not less eloquently than literature, teaches her children to venerate the single eye. /' iil- Jiiott. Art not thou a man ? Bible. Art rests on a kind of religious sense, on a 50 deep, steadfast earnestness ; and on this account it unites so readily with religion. Goethe. Art thou afraid of death, and dost thou wish to live for ever? Live in the whole that re- mains when thou hast long been gone (,wenn du lange dahin bist). Schiller. A rude ane rude anier — A stubborn driver to a stubborn ass. Fr. Pr. A rusty nail, placed near the faithful compass, / Will sway it from the truth, and wreck the argosy. St ott. A sage is the instructor of a hundred ages. Ei 55 A saint abroad, a devil at home. Pr. A saint in crape is twice a saint in lawn. Pope. As all men have some access to primary truth, so all have some art or power of communica- tion in the head, but only in the artist does it descend into the hand. En As a man makes his bed, so must he lie. Gael. Pr. As a priest, or interpreter of the holy, is the noblest and highest of all men ; so is a sham priest the falsest and basest. A satirical poet is the check of the layman on 60 bad priests. Dryden. As a tree falls, so shall it lie. Pr. ASBESTOS t 19 ] AS MUCH &cr(3e(TT0S ye\uis — Unquenchable, or Homeric, laughter. Horn. A scalded cat dreads cauld water. Sc. Pr. As dear to me as are the ruddy drops / That visit my sad heart. Jul. Ccps., ii. i. A second Daniel. Mer. oJJ'en., iv. i. 5 A secret is in my custody if I keep it; but if I blab it, it is I that am prisoner. Arab I'r. A self-denial no less austere than the saint's is demanded of the scholar. Emerson. As ever in my great taskmaster's eye. Milton. As every great evil, so every excessive power wears itself out at last. Herder. As falls the dew on quenchless sands, / Blood only serves to wash ambition's hands. Byron. 10 As for discontentments, they are in the politic body like humours in the natural, which are apt to gather a preternatural heat and in- flame. Bacon. As formerly we suffered from wickedness, so now we suffer from the laws. Tac. As for murmurs, mother, we grumble a little now and then, to be sure. But there's no love lost between us. Goldsmith. As for talkers and futile persons, they are commonly vain and credulous withal. Bacon. As from the wing no scar the sky retains, / The parted wave no furrow from the keel ; So dies in human hearts the thought of death. Young. 15 As good be out of the world as out of the fashion. Pr. As good almost kill a man as kill a good book ; who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God's image ; but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself. Milton. As guid fish i' the sea as e'er came oot o't. Sc. Pr. As guid may haud (hold) the stirrup as he that loups on. .SV. Pr. A's guid that God sends. Sc. Pr. 20 As he alone is a good father who at table serves his children first, so is he alone a good citizen who, before all other outlays, discharges what he owes to the state. Goethe. As he who has health is young, so he who owes nothing is rich. Pr. A short cut is often a wrong cut. Dan. Pr. A sicht (sight) o' you is guid for sair een. Sc. Pr. A sick man's sacrifice is but a lame oblation. Sir Thomas Browne. 25 As idle as a painted ship / Upon a painted ocean. Coleridge. A sight to dream of, not to tell. Coleridge. A silent man's words are not brought into court. Dan. Pr. A siilerless (moneyless) man gangs fast through the market. Sc. Pr. A silver key can open an iron lock. Pr. 30 A simple child, / That lightly draws its breath, ' And feels its life in every limb, , What should it know of death ? II ' ordsworth. A simple maiden in her flower, / Is worth a hundred coats of arms. Tennyson. A simple, manly character need never make an apology. Emerson. As in a theatre, the eyes of men, / After a well-graced actor leaves the stage, / Are idly bent on him that enters next, / Thinking his prattle to be tedious. Rich. II., v. 2. J A single grateful thought turned heavenwards is the most perfect prayer. Lessing. A single moment may transform everything. 35 Wieland. A single word is often a concentrated poem, a little grain of pure gold, capable of being beaten out into a broad extent of gold-leaf. Trench. Asinum sub fraeno currere docere— To teach an ass to obey the rein, i.e., to labour in vain. Pr. Asinus ad lyram — An ass at the lyre, i.e., one unsusceptible of music. Asinus asino, et sus sui pulcher — An ass is beautiful to an ass, and a pig to a pig. Pr. Asinus in tegulis — An ass on the house-tiles. 40 Asinus inter simias- An ass among apes, i.e., a fool among people who make a fool of him. Pr. Asinus in unguento — An ass among perfumes, i.e., things he cannot appreciate. As is the garden, such is the gardener. Heb. Pr. As is the man, so is his God. Riickert, Goethe. A sip is the most that mortals are permitted 45 from any goblet of delight. A. B. Alcott. Ask, and it shall be given you ; seek, and yj shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened to you. Jesus. Ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein. Bible. Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no fibs. Goldsmith. Ask why God made the gem so small, / And why so huge the granite ? / Because God meant mankind should set / The higher value on it. Burns. As long as any man exists, there is some need 50 of him. Emerson. As long lives a merry heart as a sad. Pr. As love without esteem is capricious and vola- tile, esteem without love is languid and cold. Swijt. A slow fire makes sweet malt. Pr. A small man, if he stands too near a great, may see single portions well, and, if he will survey the whole, must stand too far off, where his eyes do not reach the details. Goethe. A small sorrow distracts us, a great one makes 55 us collected. Jean Paid. A small unkindness is a great offence. Hannah More. As man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, / Receives the lurking principle of death ; / The young disease, that must subdue at length, Grows with his growth, and streng- thens with his strength. Pope. As many suffer from too much as too little. Bovee. A smart coat is a good letter of introduction. Dut. Pr. As merry as the day is long. Much Ado, ii. 1. 60 A smile abroad is oft a scowl at home. Tenny- son. A smile re-cures the wounding of a frown. Shakespeare. As much love, so much mind, or heart. Lat. Pr. As much virtua as there is, so much appears ; as much goodness as there is, so much reve- rence it commands. Emerson. A SNAPPER [ 20 ] A STRANGE A snapper up of unconsidered trifles. Winters Tale., iv. 2. A society of people will cursorily represent a certain culture, though there is not a gentle- man or a lady in the group. Emerson. A soldier, / Seeking the bubble reputation / Even in the cannon's mouth. As You Like It, ii. 7. A solis ortu usque ad occasum — From where the sun rises to where it sets. 5 A song will outlive all sermons in the memory. Henry Giles. A sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things. Tennyson. A sorrow shared is but half a trouble, / But a joy that's shared is a joy made double. Pr. A' sottili cascano le brache— The cloak some- times falls off a cunning man. //. Pr. A soul without reflection, like a pile / Without inhabitant, to ruin runs. 3 'oung. 10 A spark neglected makes a mighty fire. Her- riek. A species is a succession of individuals which perpetuates itself. Cuvier. Aspera? facetiae ubi multum ex vero traxere, acrem sui memoriam relinquunt — Satire, when it comes near the truth, leaves a sharp sting be- hind it. Tac. Asperius nihil est humili, cum surgit in altum — Nothing is more offensive than a low-bred man in a high station. Claud. Aspettare e non venire, Stare in letto e non dormire, / Ben servire e non gradire, / Son tre cose da morire — To wait for what never comes, to lie abed and not sleep, to serve and not be advanced, are three things to die of. It. Pr. 15 A spirit may be known from only a single thought. Swedenborg. As poor as Job. Merry Wives, v. 5. A spot is most seen on the finest cloth. Pr. As proud go behind as before. Pr. A spur in the head is worth two in the heels. Pr. 20 As reason is a rebel unto faith, so is passion unto reason, .s ir T. Browne. Assai acqua passa per il molino, che il molinaio non se n'accorge — A good deal of water passes by the mill which the miller takes no note of. //. Pr. Assai basta, e troppo guasta— Enough is enough, and too much spoils. It. Pr. Assai ben balla, a chi fortuna suona— He dances well to whom fortune pipes. //. Pr. Assai e ricco a chi non manca — He is rich enough who has no wants. It. Pr. 25 Assai guadagna chi vano sperar perde— He gains a great deal who loses a vain hope. //. Pr. Assai sa, chi non sa, se tacer sa — He who knows not, knows a good deal if he knows how to hold his tongue. It. Pr. Assez a qui se contente— He has enough who is content. Pr. Pr. Assez dort qui rien ne fait— He sleeps enough who docs nothing. Fr. Pr. Assez gagne qui malheur perd — He gains enough who gets rid of a sorrow. Fr. Pr. 30 Assez sait qui sait vivre et se take— He knows enough who knows how to live and how to keep his own counsel. Fr. Pr. Assez tot si assez bien — Soon enough if well enough. Fr. Pr. Assez y a, si trop n'y a — There is enough where there is not too much. Fr. Pr. Associate with the good, and you will be esteemed one of them. Sp. Pr. As some tall cliff, that lifts its awful form, / Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm, / Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread, / Eternal sunshine settles on its head. Goldsmith. As soon as a man is born he begins to die. 35 Ger. Pr. As soon as beauty is sought, not from religion and love, but for pleasure, it degrades the seeker. Emerson. As soon as the soul sees any object, it stops before that object. Emers . Pr. A tutti non si adatta una sola Scarpa — One shoe does not fit every foot. //. Pr. At vindictum bonum vita jucundius ipsa. Nempe hoc indocti — But revenge is a blessing sweeter than life itself; so rude men feel Juv. 20 At whose sight all the stars / Hide their dimin- ished heads. Milton. Au bon droit— l!y good right. Fr. Au bout de son Latin — At his wit's end (lit. at the end of his Latin). Fr. Au bout du compte — After the close of the ac- count ; after all. Fr. Audi ausentwolkterHohe/ Kami der ziindende Donner schlagen ; / Darum in deinen froh- lichen Tagen Fiirchte des Ungliicks tiick- ische Nahe- Even out of a cloudless heaven the flaming thunderbolt may strike ; tbi I thy days of joy have a fear of the spiteful neigh- bourhood otmisfortune. Schiller. 25 Audi Biicher haben ihr Erlebtes, das ihnen nicht entzogen werden kann — Even books 1 ,.,'.■ their lifetime, of which no one can deprive them. Goethe. Auch das Schone muss sterben- Even what is beautiful must die. St hitler, Audi der Lowe muss sicli vor der Miicke wehren - Even the lion has to defend itsell against flies. Cer, Pr. Auch die Gerechtigkeit tragt eine Binde, / Und schliesst die Augen jedem Blendwerk zu — Even Justice wears a bandage, and shuts her eyes on everything deceptive. Goethe. Auch die Kultur, die alleWeltbeleckt, Hat auf den Teufel sich erstreckt— Culture, which has licked all the world into shape, has reached even the devil. Goethe. Auch die Kunst ist Himmelsgabe, / Borgt sie 30 gleich von ird'scher Glut — Art is a gift of Heaven, yet does it borrow its fire from earthly passion. Schiller. Auch ein Haar hat seinen Schatten — Even a hair casts its shadow. Ger. Fr. Auch fiir die rauhe Brust giebt's Augenblicke ' Wo dunkle Machte Melodien wecken — Even the rude breast has moments in which dark powers awaken melodies. Korner. Auch ich war ein Jiingling mit lockigem Haar, / An Mut und an Hoffnungen reich— I too was once a youth with curly locks, rich in courage and in hopes. Lortzing. Auch ich war in Arkadien geboren, Und ward daraus entfiihrt vom neidischen Glucke. Ist hier der Riickweg? fragt' ich jede Briicke, / Der Eingang hier? fragt' ich an alien Thoren — I too was born in Arcadia, and was lured away by envious Fortune. "Is this the way back?" asked I at every bridge-way; "This the en- trance?" asked I at every portal. Ruckert. Auch in der That ist Raum fiir Ueberlegung— 35 Even in the moment of action there is room for consideration. G ethe. Auch was Geschriebenes forderst du. Pedant ? / Hast du noch keinen Mann, nicht Mannes- Wort gekannt? — Do^t thou, O pedant, require something written too? Hast thou never yet known a man, not word of man? Faust. Au courant — Perfectly acquainted with. Fr. Auctor pretiosa facit — The giver makes the gift valuable. M. Aucto splendore resurgo — I rise again with access of splendour. M. Aucun chemin de fleurs ne conduit a la gloire 40 — No path of flowers conducts to glory. La Font. Audacia pro muro habetur— Daring is regarded as a wall. Sjlllust. Audacter calumniare, semper aliquid haeret — Calumniate boldly, always some of it sticks. Bat on. Audacter et sincere — Boldly and heartily. M. Audax ad omnia fceniina, qua; vel amat vel odit A woman, when she either loves or hates, will dare anything. Pr. Audax omnia perpeti ,' Gens humana ruit per 45 vetitum et nefas Daring to face all hardships, the human race dashes through every human and divine restraint. Hor. Aude aliquid brevibus Gyaris et carcere dig- num, / Si vis esse aliquis Dare to do some- thing worthy of transportation and imprisonment, if you wish to be somebody. Juv. Audendo magnus tegitur timor — Great fear is com eal< d undi i dai ing. /.k. ■•>!. Audentes Fortuna juvat- Fortune favours the brave. Virg. Au dernier les os For the last the bones. Fr. Pr. Aude sapere Dare to be wise. 50 Au desespcir In despair. Fr. AUDI t 23 ] AUS Audi alteram partem — Hear the other party ; hear both sides. L. Max. Audiatur et altera pars — Let the other side also have a hearing. Sen. Audio sed taceo — I hear, but say nothing. M. Audita querela — The complaint having been in- vestigated. L. i Auditque vocatus Apollo — And Apollo hears when invoked. / "ire. Audi, vide, tace, si vis vivere in pace — Use your cars and eyes, but hold your tongue, if you would live in peace. Au fait — Expert ; skilful. Fr. Auf dem Grund des Glaubenmeeres / Liegt die Perle der Erkenntniss ; Heil dem Taucher, der sie findet — At the bottom of the faith-sea lies the pearl of knowledge ; happy the diver that finds it. Bndenstedt, Auf den Bergen ist Freiheit — On the mountains is freedom. Schiller. 10 Auf die warnenden Symptome sieht kein Mensch, auf die Schmeichelnden und Ver- sprechenden allein ist die Aufmerksamkeit gerichtet — To the warning word no man has respect, only to the flattering and promising is his attention directed. Goethe. Auf Dinge, die nicht mehr zu andern sind, / Muss auch kein Blick zuriick mehr fallen ! Was / Gethan ist, ist gethan und bleibt's — On things which are no more to be changed a back- ward glance must be no longer cast ! What is done is done, and so remains. Schiller. Auf ebnem Boden straucheln ist ein Scherz, / Ein Fehltritt stiirzt vom Gipfel dich herab — To stumble on a level surface is matter of jest ; by a false step on a height you are hurled to the ground. Goethe. Auferimur cultu : gemmis auroque teguntur / Omnia ; pars minima est ipsa puella sui — Dress deceives us : jewels and gold hide every- thing : the girl herself is the least part of herself. Ovid. Aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben — Postponed is not abandoned. Gcr. Pr. 15 Aufklarung — Illuminism. Ger. Au fond — To the bottom. Fr. Aufrichtig zu sein kann ich versprechen ; un- parteiisch zu sein aber nicht — I can pro- mise to be candid, but not to be impartial. Goethe. Auf Teufel reimt der Zweifel nur ; / Da bin ich recht am Platze — Only Zweifel (doubt) rhymes to Teufel (devil) ; here am I quite at home. The Sceptic in "Faust." Auf Wind und Meer gebautes Gliick ist schwankend — The fortune is insecure that is at the mercy of wind and wave. Gutzkow. 20 Augise cloacas purgare — To cleanse the Augean stables, i.e., achieve an arduous and disagreeable work. Sen. Augusto felicior, Trajano melior — A more fortu- nate man than Augustus, and a more excellent than Trajan. Futrop. Aujourd'hui marie, demain marri — To-day mar- ried, to-morrow marred. Fr. Pr. Aula regis — The court of the king. Auld folk are twice bairns. Sc. Pr. 25 Auld Nature swears the lovely dears, / Her noblest work she classes, O ; / Her 'prentice han' she tried on man, / An' then she made the lasses, O. Burns. Au nouveau tout est beau— Everything is fine that is ne"w. Fr. Pr. Au pis aller— At the worst. Fr. Au plaisir fort de Dieu— By the all-powerful will of God. M. Aura popularis— Popular favour (lit. breeze). Aurea mediocritas — The golden mean. 30 Aurea nunc vere sunt saecula ; plurimus auro / Venit honos : auro conciliatur amor — The age we live in is the true age of gold ; by gold men attain to the highest honour, and win even love itself. Grid. Aureo piscari hamo — To fish with a golden hook. Au reste — For the rest. Fr. Au revoir — Farewell till we meet again. Fr. Auri sacra fames — The accursed lust of gold. 35 Virg. Auro loquente nihil pollet quaevis ratio — When gold speaks, no reason the least avails. Pr. Aurora musis arnica — Aurora is friendly to the Muses. /V. Aus dem Gebet erwachst des Geistes Sieg — It is from prayer that the spirit's victory springs. Schillerbuch. Aus dem Kleinsten setzt / Sich Grosses zu- sammen zuletzt, Und keins darf fehlen von alien, / Wenn nicht das Ganze soil fallen — Out of the smallest a great is at length com- posed, and none of all can fail, unless the whole is fated to break up. Riickert. Aus dem Leben heraus sind der Wege drei 40 dir gebffnet, ; Zum Ideale fiihrt einer, der andre zum Tod- -Two ways are open for thee out of life ; one conducts to the ideal, the other to death. Schiller. Aus der Jugendzeit, aus der Jugendzeit / Klingt ein Lied mir immerdar, / O wie liegt so weit, O wie liegt so weit, / Was mein einst war — Out of youth-time, out of youth-time sounds a lay of mine ever ; O how so far oft lies, how so far off lies, what once was mine ! Flicker I . Aus der schlechtesten Hand kann Wahrheit noch machtig wirken ; / Bei dem Schonen allein macht das Gefass den Gehalt — Truth may work mightily though in the hand of the sorriest instrument ; in the case of the beautiful alone the casket constitutes the jewel {lit. the vessel makes the content). Schiller. Aus derselben Ackerkrume / Wachst das Un- kraut wie die Blume / Und das Unkraut macht sich breit — Out of the same garden- mould grows the weed as the flower, and the weed flaunts itself abroad. Bodcnstedt. A useful trade is a mine of gold. Pr. A useless life is an early death. Goethe. 45 Aus grauser Tiefe tritt das Hohe kiihn hervor; / Aus harter Hiille kampft die Tugend sich hervor ; / Der Schmerz ist die Geburt der hohern Naturen— Out of a horrible depth the height steps boldly forth ; out of a hard shell virtue fights its way to the light ; pain is the birth (medium) of the higher natures. 'Pledge. Aus jedem Punkt im Kreis zur Mitte geht ein Steg. / Vom fernsten Irrtum selbst zu Gott zuriick ein Weg — There is a way from every point in a circle to the centre ; from the farthest error there is a way back to God Himself. Riickert. Aus Massigkeit entspringt ein reines Gliick — Out of moderation a pure happiness springs. Goethe. AUSPICIUM f 24 } A WISE Auspicium melioris aevi — The pledge of happier times. M. Aussitot dit, aussitot fait — No sooner said than done. Fr. Aus ungelegten Eiern werden spat junge Hiihner — Chickens are long in coming out of unlaid eggs. Ger. Pr. Ausus est vana contemnere— He dared to scorn vain fears. 5 Aut amat, aut odit mulier ; nil est tertium — A woman either loves or hates ; there is no alterna- tive. Fub. Syr. Autant chemine un homme en un jour qu'un limacon en cent ans— A man travels as far in a day as a snail in a hundred years. Fr. Pr. Autant depend chiche que large, et a la fin plus davantage — Niggard spends as much as generous, and in the end a good deal more. Fr. Fr. Autant en emporte le vent — All idle talk {lit. so much the wind carries away). Fr. Fr. Autant peche celui que tient le sac que celui qui met dedans — He is as guilty who holds the bag as he who puts in. Fr. Fr. 10 Autant vaut l'homme comme il s'estime — A man is rated by others as he rates himself. Fr. Fr. Aut bibat, aut abeat — Either drink or go. Aut Caesar aut nihil — Either Ca;sar or nobody. M. of Ciesar Borgia. Authority, not majority. Stahl. Authors alone, with more than savage rage, / Unnatural war with brother authors wage. Churchill. 15 Authors are martyrs, witnesses to the truth, or else nothing. Carlyk. Authors may be divided into falling stars, planets, and fixed stars : the first have a momentary effect ; the second, a much longer duration ; and the third are un- changeable, possess their own light, and shine for all time. Schopenhauer. Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit — The man is either mad, or he is making verses. Hor. Aut non tentaris, aut perfice — Either don't attempt it, or go through with it. Ovid. Auto-da-fe — An act of faith ; a name applied to certain proceedings of the Inquisition connected with the burning of heretics. 20 'Airrds &/>a_ He himself said it ; ipse dixit. Aut prodesse volunt aut delectare poetae— roets wish either to profit or to please. Hor. Autrefois acquis — Acquitted before. Fr, Aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportere — A man ought to be born either a king or a fool. Fr. in Sen. Autre temps, autres mceurs— Other times, other fashions. Fr. Fr. 25 Aut vincere aut mori — Either to conquer or die. Aut virtus nomeu inane est, / Aut decus et pretium recte petit experiens vir — Either virtue is an empty name, or the man of enter- prise justly aims at honour and reward. Hor. Aux armes To arms. Jr. Aux grands maux les grands remedes — Despe- rate maladies require desperate remedies. Fr. Fr. Auxilium ab alto Help from above, .'/. 30 Auxiliinu ineuni a Domino — My help comctli from the Lord, JJ. Avant propos — Prefatory matter. Fr. Avaler des couleuvres — To put up with abuse {lit. swallow snakes). Fr. A valiant and brave soldier seeks rather to preserve one citizen than to destroy a thou- sand enemies. Scipio.' Avancez — Advance. Fr, Avarice has ruined more men than prodigality. 35 Cotton. Avarus, nisi cum moritur, nil recte facit — A miser does nothing right except when he dies. Fr. Avec un Si on mettrait Paris dans une bou- teille — With an "if" one might put Paris in a bottle. Fr. Fr. A verbis ad verbera — From words to blows. A verse may find him who a sermon flies, / And turn delight into a sacrifice. George Herbert. A very excellent piece of villany. Tit. Andron., 40 ii. 3. A very good woman may make but a paltry man. Pope. A veste logorata poco fede vien prestata — A shabby coat finds small credit. //. Fr. A vinculo matrimonii — From the bond or tie of marriage. A virtuous name is the sole precious good for which queens and peasants' wives must con- test together. Schiller. Avise la fin — Consider the end. Fr. 45 Avito viret honore — He flourishes with inherited honours. M. Avoid the evil, and it will avoid thee. Gael. Pr. A volonte — At will. Fr. A votre sante — To your health. Fr. A wee bush is better than nae bield (shelter). 50 Sc. Fr. A weel-bred dog gaes oot when he sees them preparing to kick him oot. Sc. Fr. A well-bred man is always sociable and com- plaisant. Montaigne, A well-cultivated mind is, so to say, made up of all the minds of the centuries preceding. Fontenclle. A well-governed appetite is a great part of liberty. Sen. A well-written life is almost as rare as a well- 55 spent one. Carlyle. A wicked fellow is the most pious when he takes to it. He'll beat you all in piety. Johnson. A wilful man must have his way. Pr, A willing mind makes a light foot. Pr, A wise man gets learning frae them that hae nane. Sc. Pr. A wise man is never less alone than when 60 alone. Pr. A wise man is strong ; yea, a man of know- ledge increaseth strength. Bible. A wise man neither suffers himself to be gov- erned, nor attempts to govern others. La B> Kyere. A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart. Swift. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Bacon, A WISE t 25 ] BATTERING ft wise physician, skill'd our wounds to heal, ' Is more than armies to the public weal. Pope. ft wise scepticism is the first attribute of a good critic. Lowell. ft wise writer does not reveal himself here and there, but everywhere. Lowell. ft witless heed (head) mak's weary feet. Sc. Pr. ft wit with dunces, and a dunce with wits. Pope. \ wolf in sheep's clothing. Pr. V woman conceals what she does not know. Pr. ft woman has two smiles that an angel might envy : the smile that accepts the lover before the words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first-born baby, and assures it of a mother's love. Halibnrton. ft woman in love is a very poor judge of char- acter. J . G. Holland. ft woman moved is like a fountain troubled, Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty. Tain, of Sh., v. 2. ft woman's friendship borders more closely on love than a man's. Coleridge. \ woman's head is always influenced by her heart ; but a man's heart is always influenced by his head. Lady Blessington. ft woman sometimes scorns what best con- tents her. Two Gent, o/l'er., iii. 1. \ woman's whole life is a history of the affec- tions. //*. Irving. ft word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. Pr. ft word from a friend is doubly enjoyable in dark days. Goethe. ft word once vulgarised can never be rehabili- tated. Lowell. ft word sooner wounds than heals. Goethe. ft word spoken in season, at the right moment, is the mother of ages. Carlyle. ft, word spoken in due season, how good is it? Bilk. ft work of real merit finds favour at last. A. B. Alcott. ft world all sincere, a believing world ; the like has been ; the like will again be — cannot help being. Carlyle. A world in the hand is worth two in the bush. Emerson. A world this in which much is to be done, and little to be known. Goethe. ft. worn-out sinner is sometimes found to make the best declaimer against sin. Lamb. A. worthless man will always remain worth- less, and a little mind will not, by daily intercourse with great minds, become an inch greater. Goethe. A wounded spirit who can bear ? Bible. A. wound never heals so well that the scar cannot be seen. Dan. Pr. A. wreck on shore is a beacon at sea. Dut. Pr. A. wretched soul, bruised with adversity, / We bid be quiet when we hear it cry ; , But were we burdened with like weight of pain, / As much, or more, we should ourselves com- plain. Com. 0/ Errors, ii. 1. Ay, but to die, and go we know not where ; / To lie in cold obstruction and to rot. Meas. for .Meas., iii. 1. Aye free, aff-han' your story tell, when wi' a bosom crony; / But still keep something to yoursel' / Ye scarcely tell to ony. Burns. Aye in a hurry, and aye ahint. Sc. Pr. Ay, every inch a king. King Lear, iv. 6. Ay me ! for aught that ever I could read, 35 Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did run smooth. Mid. X.'s Dream, i. 1. Aymez loyaute' — Love loyalty. M. A young man idle, an old man needy. //. Pr. Ay, sir, to be honest as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of two thousand. Ham., ii. 2. Bachelor, a peacock ; betrothed, a lion ; wedded, an ass. Sp. Pr. " Bad company," muttered the thief, as he 40 stepped to the gallows between the hang- man and a monk. Dut. Pr. Bad is by its very nature negative, and can do nothing ; whatsoever enables us to do anything, is by its very nature good. Car- lyle. Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny. Burke. Bad men excuse their faults ; good men will leave them. Ben Jonson. Bal abonne — A subscription ball. Fr. Bal champetre — A country bail. Fr. 45 Ballon d'essai — A balloon sent up to ascertain the direction of the wind ; any test of public feeling. Fr. Banish the canker of ambitious thoughts. 2 Hen. VI., i. 2. Bankrupt of life, yet prodigal of ease. Dryden. Barba bagnata e mezza rasa — A beard well lathered is half shaved. It. Pr. Barbae tenus sapientes — Wise as far as the beard 50 goes. Pr. Barbarism is no longer at our frontiers ; it lives side by side with us. Atniel. Barbarism is the non-appreciation of what is excellent. Goethe. Barbarus hie ego sum, quia non intelligo - ulli — I am a barbarian here, for no one understands what I say. Ovid. Barbouillage — Scribbling. Fr. Barking dogs seldom bite. Pr. 55 Bas bleu — A blue-stocking. Fr. Base envy withers at another's joy, / And hates that excellence it cannot reach. Thomson. Base in kind, and born to be a slave. Cowper. Base men, being in love, have then a nobility in their natures more than is native to them. Othello, ii. 1. Base souls have no faith in great men. Rous- 6(1 scan. Bashfulness is an ornament to youth, but a reproach to old age. A rist. Bashfulness is but the passage from one season of life to another. Bp. Hunt. Basis virtutum constantia — Constancy is the basis of all the virtues. M. Battering the gates of heaven with storms of I prayer. Tennyson. ■■ BATTLE'S f 26 ] BEFORE Battle's magnificently stern array. Byron. Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philo- sophy, be still a man. Hume. Beard was never the true standard of brains. Fuller. Bear one another's burdens. St. Paul. 5 Bear wealth, poverty will bear itself. Pr. Be a sinner and sin manfully (fortiter), but believe and rejoice in Christ more manfully Still. Luther to Mclauchthon. Be as you would seem to be. Pr. Beats memorial — Of blessed memory. Beati monoculi in regione cacorum — Blessed are the one-eyed among those who are blind. Pr. 10 Beatus ille qui procul negotiis, / Ut prisca gens mortalium, / Paterna rura bobus exer- cet suis, / Solutus omni fcenore — Happy the man who. remote from busy life, is content, like the primitive race of mortals, to plough his paternal lands with his own oxen, freed from all borrowing and lending. Hor. Beaucoup de memoire et peu de jugement— A retentive memory and little judgment. Pr. Pr. Beau ideal — Ideal excellence, or one's conception of perfection in anything. Fr. Beau monde — The fashionable world. Fr. Beaute et folie sont souvent en compagnie — Beauty and folly go often together. Fr. Pr. 15 Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll ; / Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul. Pope. Beautiful it is to understand and know that a thought did never yet die ; that as thou. the originator thereof, hast gathered it and created it from the whole past, so thou wilt transmit to the whole future. Carlylc. Beauty blemished once, for ever's lost. Shakc- sficarc. Beauty can afford to laugh at distinctions ; it is itself the greatest distinction. Bovec. Beauty carries its dower in its face. Dan. Pr. 20 Beauty depends more on the movement of the face than the form of the features. Mrs. Hall. Beauty doth varnish age, as if new-born, / And gives the crutch the cradle's infancy. O, 'tis the sun that maketh all things shine. Lozie's L's. Lost, iv. 3. Beauty draws us with a single hair. Pope. Beauty is a good letter of introduction. Ger. Pr. Beauty is a hovering, shining, shadowy form, the outline of which no definition holds. Goethe. 25 Beauty is an all-pervading presence. Channing. Beauty is a patent of nobility. G. Schwab. Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt and cannot last. Bacon. Beauty is a witch, Against whose charms faith melteth into blood. Much Ado, ii. 1. Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye, Not utter'd by base sale of chapmen's tongues. Love's Vs. Lost, ii. .. 30 Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good. Shakespeare. Beauty is everywhere a right welcome guest. Goethe. Beauty is never a delusion. Hawthorne. Beauty is the flowering of virtue. Or. Pr. Beauty is the highest principle and the highest aim of art. Goethe. Beauty is the pilot of the young soul. Emerson. 35 Beauty is the purgation of superfluities. Michael Angela. Beauty is truth, truth beauty — that is all / Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. Keats. Beauty is worse than wine ; it intoxicates both holder and the beholder. Zinnnerinann. Beauty, like wit. to judges should be shown ; Both most are valued where they best are known. Lyttcltou. Beauty lives with kindness. Two Gen. of 40 I'cr., iv. 2. Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. As You Like It, i. 3. Beauty should be the dowry of every man and woman. Emerson. Beauty stands ' In the admiration only of weak minds, / Led captive. Milton. Beauty's tears are lovelier than her smile. Campbell. Beauty too rich for use ; for earth too dear. 45 Rom. and Jul., i. 5. Beauty, when unadorned, adorned the most. Thomson. Beauty without expression tires. Emerson. Beauty without grace is a violet without smell. Pr. Beaux esprits — Men of wit. Fr. Be bold, be bold, and everywhere be bold. 50 Spenser. Be checked for silence, / But never tax'd for speech. Alls Well, i. 1. Be commonplace and cringing, and everything is within your reach. Beau/nan hais. Bedenkt, derTeufelder ist alt, / So werdet alt ihn zu verstehen— Consider, the devil is old; therefore grow old to understand him. Goethe. Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any. // ellingion. Be England what she will, ' With all her faults 55 she is my country still. Churchill. Bees will nnt work except in darkness ; thought will not work except in silence ; neither will virtue work except in secrecy. Carlyte. Before a leaf-bud has burst, its whole life acts ; in the full-blown flower there is no more ; in the leafless root there is no less. Emerson. Before every one stands an image (Bild) of what he ought to be ; so long as he is not that, his peace is not complete. Riicktrt, Before honour is humility. Bible. Before man made us citizens, great Nature 60 made us men. Lowell. Before the curing of a strong disease, Even in the instant of repair and health, The fit is strongest ; evils that take leave, / On their de- parture most of all show evil. King John, iii. 4. Before the immense possibilities of man. all mere experience, all past biography, how- ever spotless and sainted, shrinks away. Emerson, Before the revelations of the soul, Time, Space, and Nature shrink away. Emerson. Be r ore you trust a man, eat a peck of salt with him. Pr, BEGGARS [ 27 ] BENEFICIUM Beggars, mounted, run their horse to death. 3 Hen. VI., i. 4. Beggars must not be choosers. Pr. Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks. Ham. ii. 2. Begniigt euch doch ein Mensch zu sein— Let it content thee that thou art a man. Lcssing. Begun is half done. Pr. Behaupten ist nicht beweisen— Assertion is no proof. Ger. Pr. Behaviour is a mirror in which each one shows his image. Goethe. Behind a frowning providence / God hides a shining face. Cowper. Behind us, as we go, all things assume pleasing forms, as clouds do afar off. Emerson. Behind every individual closes organisation ; before him opens liberty. Emerson. Behind every mountain lies a vale. But. Pr. Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth. St. J onus. Beholding heaven and feeling hell. Moore. Behold now is the accepted time. St. Paul. Behold the child, by Nature's kindly law, / Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw. Pope. Bei den meisten Menschen griindet sich der Unglaube in einer Sache auf blindenGlauben in einer andern — With most men unbelief in one thing is founded on blind belief in another. Liehtenberg. Bei Geldsachen hort die Gemiitlichkeit auf— When money is in question, good day to friendly feeling. D. Hansemann. Beinahe bringt keine Miicke um — Almost never killed a fly. Ger. Pr. Being alone when one's belief is firm, is not to be alone. Aicerb.uh. Being done, / There is no pause. Othello, v. 2. Being without well-being is a curse ; and the greater being, the greater curse. Bacon. Be in possession, and thou hast the right, and sacred will the many guard it for thee. Schiller. Be it never so humble, there's no place like home. J. H. Payne. Bei wahrer Liebe ist Vertrauen— With true love there is trust. Ph. Keger. Be just and fear not; / Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's, / Thy God s, and truth's. Henry VIII., iii. 2. Be just before you be generous. Pr. Beleidigst du einen Monch, so knappen alle Kuttenzipfel bis nach Rom — Offend but one monk, and the lappets of all cowls will flutter as far as Rome. Ger. Pr. Bel esprit — A person of genius ; a brilliant mind. Fr. Belief and love,- a believing love, will relieve us of a vast load of care. Emerson. I Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul ; unbelief, in denying them. Emerson. Believe not each accusing tongue, I As most weak persons do ; / But still believe that story wrong / Which ought not to be true. Sheridan. Believe not every spirit. St. John. Bella ! horrida bella ! — War ! horrid war ! Virg. Bella femmina che ride, vuol dire borsa che piange — The smiles of a pretty woman are the tears of the purse. It. Pr. Bella matronis detestata — Wars detested by 35 mothers. Hor. Belle, bonne, riche, et sage, est une femme en quatre etages — A woman who is beautiful, good, rich, and wise, is four stories high. Er. Pr. Belle chose est tot ravie — A fine thing is soon snapt up. Fr. Pr. Bellet ein alter Hund, so soil man aufschauen ■ — When an old dog barks, one must look out. Ger. Pr. Bellicae virtutis praemium — The reward of valour IB war. M. Bellua multorum capitum — The many-headed 40 monster, i.e., the mob. Bellum internecinum — A war of extermination. Bellum ita suscipiatur, ut nihil aliud nisi pax qusesita videatur — War should be so under- taken that nothing but peace may seem to be aimed at. Cic. Bellum nee timendum nee provocandum — War ought neither to be dreaded nor provoked. Plin. the Younger. Bellum omnium in omnes — A war of all against all. Bellum, pax rursus — A war, and again a peace. 45 Ter. fi€KTiov Oaveif awat, 7) dia f3ioi> rpe/xuv — Better die outright than be all one's life long in terror. sEsop. Bemerke, hore, schweige. Urteile wenig, frage viel — Take note of what you see, give heed to what you hear, and be silent. Judge little, inquire much. Platen. Be modest without diffidence, proud without presumption. Goethe. Benche la bugia sia veloce, la verita l'arriva — Though a lie may be swift, truth overtakes it. It. Pr. Beneath the loveliest dream there coils a fear. 50 /'. Watts. Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword. Buhuer Lytton. Beneath those rugged elms, that yew-tree's shade, / Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap, / Each in his narrow cell for ever laid, / The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep. Groy. Ben e cieco chi non vede il sole — He is very blind who does not see the sun. It. Pr. Benedetto e quel male che vien solo — Blessed is the misfortune that comes alone. It. Pr. Bene est cui Deus obtulit / Parca quod satis 55 est manu — Well for him to whom God has given enough with a sparing hand. Hor. Benefacta male locata, malefacta arbitror — Favours injudiciously conferred I reckon evils. Cic. Benefacta sua verbis adornant — They enhance their favours by their words. Plin. Beneficia dare qui nescit injuste petit — He who knows not how to bestow a benefit is unreason- able if he expects one. Pub. Syr. Beneficia plura recipit qui scit reddere— He receives most favours who knows how to return them. Pub. Syr. Beneficium accipere libertatem vendere est— 60 To accept a favour is to forfeit liberty. Laber. BENEFICIUM [ 28 ] BETTER Beneficium dignis ubi des, omnes obliges— Where you confer a benefit on those worthy of it, you confer a favour on all. Pub. Syr. Beneficium invito non datur— There is no con- ferring a favour (involving obligation) on a man against his will. L. Max. Beneficus est qui non sua, sed alterius causa benigne facit — He is beneficent who acts kindly, not for his own benefit, but for another's. Cic. Bene merenti bene profuerit, male merenti par erit — To a well-deserving man God will show favour, to an ill-deserving He will be simply just. Plant. 5 Bene merentibus — To the well-deserving. M. Bene nummatum decorat Suedela Venusque — The goddesses of persuasion and of love adorn the train of the well-moneyed man. Hor. Bene orasse est bene studuisse — To have prayed well is to have striven well. Bene qui latuit, bene vixit — Well has he lived who has lived well in obscurity. Ovid. Benevolence is the distinguishing character- istic of man. Mencues. 10 Benigno numine — By the favour of Providence. M. Benignus etiam dandi causam cogitat — The benevolent man even weighs the grounds of his liberality. Pr. Be no one like another, yet every one like the Highest ; to this end let each one be perfect in himself. Goethe. Be not angry that you cannot make others what you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself what you wish to be. Thomas a Keinpis. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. St. Paul. 15 Be not righteous overmuch. Bible. Be not the first by whom the new is tried, / Nor yet the last to lay the old aside. Pope. Ben trovato— Well invented. //. Be our joy three-parts pain ! Strive, and hold cheap the strain ; / Learn, nor account the pang ; dare, never grudge the throe ! Browning. Berretta in mano non fece mai danno — Cap in hand never harmed any one. It. Pr. 20 Bescheiden freue dich des Ruhms, / So bist du wert des Heiligthums — If thou modestly enjoy thy fame, thou art not unworthy to rank with the holy. Goethe. Bescheidenheit ist eine Zier, / Doch weiter kommt man ohne ihr- Modesty is an orna- ment, yet people get on better without it. Ge>: Pr. Beseht die Gonner in der Nahe ! Halb sind sie kalt, halb sind sie roh — Look closely at those who patronise you. Half are unfeeling, half untaught. Goethe. Besiegt von einem, ist besiegt von alien — 1 I rpowered by one is overpowered by all. Schiller. Be silent, or say something better than silence. Sp. Pr. 25 Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him. Sc. Pr. Be sober, be vigilant. .S7. Peter. Besser ein Flick als ein Loch — Better a patch than a hole. Ger. l'i: Besser ein magrer Vergleich als ein fetter Prozess — Better is a lean agreement than a fat lawsuit. Ger. Pr. Besser frei in der Fremde als Knecht daheim — Better free in a strange land than a slave at home. Ger. Pr. Besser freundlich versagen als unwillig ge- 30 wahren — Better a friendly refusal than an un- willing consent (lit. pledge). Ger. Pr. Besser Rat kommt iiber Nacht — Better counsel comes over-night. Lessing. Besser was als gar nichts — Better something than nothing at all. Ger. Pr. Besser zweimal fragen dann einmal irre gehn — Better ask twice than go wrong once. Ger. Pr. Be still and have thy will. Tyndal. Be stirring as the time ; be fire with fire ; ' 35 Threaten the threatner, and outface the brow Of bragging horror ; so shall inferior eyes, / That borrow their behaviours from the great, / Grow great by your example, and put on / The dauntless spirit of resolu- tion. King John, v. i. Best men are moulded out of faults. Metis, for Meas., v. i. Be strong, and quit yourselves like men. Bible. Best time is present time. Pr. Be substantially great in thyself, and more than thou appearest unto others. Sir Thomas Browne. Be sure you can obey good laws before you 40 seek to alter bad ones. Kushin. Be sure your sin will find you out. Bible. Be swift to hear, slow to speak. Pr. Bete noir — An eyesore ; a bugbear (lit. a black beast). Fr. Beter eens in den hemel dan tienmaal aan de deur — Better once in heaven than ten times at the door. Dut. Pr. Be thankful for your ennui ; it is your last 45 mark of manhood. Carlyle. Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. Ham., iii. i. Be thou assured, if words be made of breath, / And breath of life, I have no life to breathe / What thou hast said to me. Ham., iii. 4. Be thou faithful unto death. St. John. Betise- Folly ; piece of folly. Fr. Be to her virtues very kind ; / Be to her faults 50 a little blind. Prior. Betrogene Betriiger — The deceiver deceived. Lessing. Betriigen und betrogen werden, / Nichts ist gewbhnlicher auf Erden — Nothing is more common on earth than to deceive and be de- ceived. Seume. Betrug war Alles, Lug, und Schein— All was deception, a lie, and illusion. Goethe. Bettelsack ist bodenlos — The beggar's bag has no hot loin. Ger. Pr. Better a blush in the face than a blot in the 55 heart. I 'ervantes. Better a child should be ignorant of a thousand truths than have consecrated in its heart a single lie. /w, 1 Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one. Chinese Pr. BETTER [ 29 ] BE WISELY etter a fortune in a wife than with a wife. Pr. etter a fremit freend than a freend fremit, i.e., a stranger for a friend than a friend turned stranger. Sc. Pr. etter a living dog than a dead lion. Pr. etter an egg to-day than a hen to-morrow. Pr. etter an end with terror than a terror with- out end. Schill. etter a toom (empty) house than an ill tenant. Sc. Pr. etter a witty fool than a foolish wit. Twelfth Night, i. 5. etter bairns greet (weep) than bearded men. Sc. Pr. etter be at the end o' a feast than the be- ginning o' a fray. Sc. Pr. etter be a nettle in the side of your friend than his echo. Emerson. etter be a poor fisherman than have to do with the governing of men. Danton. etter be disagreeable in a sort than alto- gether insipid. Goethe. etter be idle than ill employed. Sc. Pr. etter bend than break. Pr. etter be persecuted than shunned. Ebers. etter be poor than wicked. Pr. etter be unborn than untaught. Gael. Pr. etter buy than borrow. Pr. etter deny at once than promise long. Pr. etter far off, than— near, be ne'er the near'. Rich. II., v. 1. etter far to die in the old harness than to try to put on another. /. G. Holland. etter fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay. Tennyson. etter go back than go wrong. Pr. etter go to bed supperless than rise in debt. Sc. Pr. etter haud (hold on) wi' the hound than rin wi' the hare. Sc. Pr. etter is an ass that carries us than a horse that throws us. /. G Holland. etter it is to be envied than pitied. Pr. etter keep the deil oot than hae to turn him oot. Sc. Pr. etter keep weel than mak' weel. Sc. Pr. etter knot straws than do nothing. Gael. Pr. etter lose a jest than a friend. Pr. etter mad with all the world than wise all alone. Pr. Pr. etter my freen's think me fremit as fasheous, i.e., strange rather than troublesome. Sc. Pr. etter never begin than never make an end. Pr. etter not be at all / Than not be noble. Tennyson. etter not read books in which you make the acquaintance of the devil. Niebuhr. etter one-eyed than stone-blind. Pr. etter one living word than a hundred dead ones. Ger. Pr. etter rue sit than rue flit, i.e. , regret remaining than regret removing. Sc. Pr. etter say nothing than nothing to the pur- pose. Pr. Better sit still than rise and fa'. Sc, Pr. Better sma' fish than nane. Sc. Pr. Better suffer for truth than prosper by false- hood. Dan. Pr. Better ten guilty escape than one innocent man suffer. Pr. Better that people should laugh at one while 45 they instruct, than that they should praise without benefiting. Goethe. Better the ill ken'd than the ill unken'd, i.e., the ill we know than the ill we don't know. Sc Pr. Better the world know you as a sinner than God as a hypocrite. Dan. Pr. Better to ask than go astray. Pr. Better to get wisdom than gold. Bible. Better to hunt in fields for health unbought, / 50 Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught. / The wise for cure on exercise depend ; / God never made his work for man to mend. Dryden. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. Milton. Better to say " Here it is " than " Here it was.' Pr. Better understand the world than condemn it. Gael. Pr. Better untaught than ill taught. Pr. Better wear out than rust out. Bishop Cum- 55 berland. Better wear shoon (shoes) than sheets. Sc. Pr. Better wrong with the many than right with the few. Port. Pr. Between a woman's "Yes" and "No" you may insert the point of a needle. Ger. Pr. Between saying and doing there's a long road. Pr. Between the acting of a dreadful thing / And 60 the first motion, all the interim is / Like a phantasma or a hideous dream. Jul. Cces., ii. 1. Between the deil and the deep sea. Sc. Pr. Between us and hell or heaven there is nothing but life, which of all things is the frailest. Pascal. Beware, my lord, of jealousy ; / It is the green- eyed monster that doth mock / The meat it feeds on. Othello, iii. 3. Beware of a silent dog and still water. Pr. Beware of a silent man and a dog that does 65 not bark. Pr. Beware of a talent which you cannot hope to cultivate to perfection. Goethe. Beware / Of entrance to a quarrel ; but, being in, / Bear 't that the opposed may beware of thee. Ham., L 3. Beware of false prophets. Jesus. Beware of " Had I wist." Pr. Beware of one who has nothing to lose. It. 70 Pr. Beware of too much good staying in your hand. Emerson. Beware the fury of a patient man. Dryden. Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Emerson. Be warned by thy good angel and not ensnared by thy bad one. Burger. Be wisely worldly ; be not worldly wise. 75 Quarles, BE WISE t 30 ] BLOOD Be wise to-day ; 'tis madness to defer. ! 'oung: Be wise with speed ; / A fool at forty is a fool indeed. 1 'oung. Bewunderung verdient ein Wunder wohl, / Doch scheint ein Weib kein echtes Weib zu sein, / So bald es nur Bewunderung ver- dient — What is admirable justly calls forth our admiration, yet a woman seems to be no true woman who calls forth nothing else. Platen. Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harm- less as doves. Jesus. 5 Bezwingt des Herzens Bitterkeit. Es bringt / Nicht gute Frucht, wenn Hass dem Hass begegnet — Control the heart's bitterness. No- thing good comes of returning hatred for hatred. Schiller, Bibula charta— Blotting-paper. Bien dire fait rire ; bien faire fait taire— Saying well makes us laugh ; doing well makes us silent. Fr. Pr. Bien est larron qui larron derobe— He is a thief with a witness who robs another. Fr. Pr. Bien nourri et mal appris— Well fed but ill taught. Fr. Pr. 10 Bien perdu bien connu — We know the worth of a thing when we have lost it. Fr. Bien predica quien bien vive— He preaches well who lives well. 6"/. Pr. Bien sabe el asno en cuya cara rabozna — The ass knows well in whose face he brays. Sf. Pr. Bien sabe el sabio que no sabe, el nescio piensa que sabe — The wise man knows well that he does not know ; the ignorant man thinks he knows. Sj>. Pr. Bien sabe la vulpeja con quien trebeja— The fox knows well with whom he plays tricks. S/>. Pr. 15 Bien veng;as, mal, si vienes solo— A\ elcome, mis- fortune, if thou contest alone. Sp. Pr. Bien vient a mieux, et mieux a mal — Good comes to better and better to bad. Fr. Pr. Big destinies of nations or of persons are not founded gratis in this world. Carlyle. Bigotry murders religion, to frighten fools with her ghost. Coltotu Big words seldom accompany good deeds. Dan. Pr. 20 Billet-doux— A love-letter. Fr. Biography is the most universally pleasant, the most universally profitable, of all read- ing. ( 'arlyle. Biography is the only true history. Carlyle. Birds of a feather flock together. Pr. Birds of prey do not flock together. Port. Pr. 25 Birth is much, but breeding is more. Pr. Bis dat qui cito dat — He gives twice who gives quickly. L. Pr. Bis est gratum quod opus est, si ultro offeras — That help is doubly acceptable which you offer spontaneously when we stand ill need. Pub. Syr. Bis interimitur qui suis armis perit — He dies twice who perishes by his own weapons or de- vices. Pub. Syr. Bisogna amar l'amico con i suoi difetti We must love our friend with all lii^ defects. //. Pr. 80 Bis peccare in bello non licet — It is not permitted t.> blunder in war a second time, Pr, Bist du Amboss, sei geduldig ; bist du Hammer, schlage hart— Art thou anvil, be patient ; art thou hammer, strike hard. Ger. Pr. Bist du ein Mensch ? so fiihle meine Noth— Art thou a man? then feel for my wretchedness. Margaret in " Faust." Bist du mit dem Teufel du und du, / Und willst dich vor der Flamme scheuen ? — Art thou on familiar terms with the devil, and wilt thou shy at the flame? Goethe s " Faust." Bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria — He conquers twice who, at the moment of victory-, conquers (i.e., restrains) himself. Pub. Syr. Bitin' and scartin' 's Scotch folk's wooing. Sc. 3 Pr. Black detraction will find faults where they are not. Massitiger. Blame is the lazy man's wages. Dan. Pr. Blame where you must, be candid where you can, / And be each critic the good-natured man. Goldsmith. Blanc-bec — A greenhorn. Fr. Elasen ist nicht floten ; ihr musst die Finger 4 bewegen — To blow on the flute is not to play on it ; you must move the fingers as well. Goethe. Blasphemy is wishing ill to anything, and its outcome wishing ill to God ; while Euphemy is wishing well to everything, and its out- come wishing well to— " Ah, wad ye tak' a thocht, and men'." Kttskin. Blasted with excess of light. Gray. Bleib nicht allein, denn in der Wuste trat / Der Satansengel selbst dem Herrn des Himmels —Remain not alone, for it was in the desert that Satan came to the Lord of Heaven himself. Schiller. Bless, and curse not. St. Paul. Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet 4 have believed. Jesus. Blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it. Bible. Blessed be he who first invented sleep ; it covers a man all over like a cloak. Cer- 7'iltlttS. Blessed be nothing. Pr. Blessed is he that considereth the poor. Bible. Blessed is he that continueth where he is ; here 5 let us rest and lay out seed-fields ; here let us learn to dwell. ( arlyle. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. Swift. Blessed is he who is made happy by the sound of a rat-tat. / kackeray. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation. .S7. James. Blessed is the voice that, amid dispiritment, stupidity, and contradiction, proclaims to us, Euge 1 (i.e., Excellent! Bravol). Carlyle. Blessedness is a whole eternity older than £ damnation. Jean Paul. Blessings are upon the head of the just. Bible. Blinder Eifer schadet nur— Blind zeal only does harm. .1/. (,'. / ichtwer. Blinder Gaul geht geradezu— A blind horse goes right on. Ger. Pr. Blindfold zeal can do nothing but harm— harm everywhere, and harm always. Lichtner. Bloemen zijn geen vruchten Blossoms are not( fruits. Dut. Pr. Blood is thicker than water. Pr, BLOSSE [ 31 ] BOOKS Blosse Intelligenz ohne correspondirende Energie des Wollens ist ein blankes Schwert in der Scheide, verachtlich, wenn es nie und nimmer geziickt wird — Mere intelligence without corresponding energy of the will is a polished sword in its scabbard, contemptible, if it is never drawn forth. /, hu/nci: Blow, blow, thou winter wind, / Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude. As You Like It, ii. 7. Blow, wind ! come, wrack ! / At least we'll die with harness on our back. Macb., v. 5. Blue are the hills that are far from us. Gael. Pr. Blunt edges rive hard knots. Trail, and Cress., i- 3- Blushes are badges of imperfection. Wycherley. Blut ist ein ganz besondrer Saft — Blood is a quite peculiar fluid. Mepliisto. in Faust. Boca de mel, coracao de fel — A tongue of honey, a heart of gall. Port. Pr. Boca que diz sim, diz nao — The mouth that can say Yea," can say " Nay." Port. Pr. 5 Bodily exercise profiteth little. St. Paul. Bceotum in crasso jurares aere natum — You would swear he was born in the foggy atmos- phere of the Bceotians. Hor. Bois ont oreilles et champs ceillets — Woods have ears and fields eyes. Pr. Pr. Bole com o rabo o cao, nao por ti, senad pelo pad — The dog wags his tail, not for you, but for your bread. Port. Pr. Bon accord — Good harmony. M. 5Bonse leges malis ex moribus procreantur — Good laws grow out of evil acts. Macrob. Bona fide — In good faith ; in reality. Bona malis paria non sunt, etiam pari numero ; nee lsetitia ulla minimo mcerore pensanda — The blessings of life do not equal its ills, even when of equal number ; nor can any pleasure, however intense, compensate for even the slightest pain. Pliny. Bona nemini hora est, ut non alicui sit mala — There is no hour good for one man that is not bad for another. Pvb. Syr. Bonarum rerum consuetudo est pessima — No- thing can be worse than being accustomed to good things. Pub. Syr. D Bona vacantia — Goods that have no owner. L. Bon avocat, mauvais voisin — A good lawyer is a bad neighbour. Pr. Pr. Bon bourgeois — A substantial citizen. Pr. Bon chien chasse de race — A good dog hunts from pure instinct. Pr. Pr. Bon diable — A good-natured fellow, pr. 5 Bon droit a besoin d'aide — A good cause needs help. Pr. Pr. Bon gre, mal gre — Whether willing or not. pr. Bon guet chasse maladventure — A good look- out drives ill-luck away. Pr. Pr. Bonne epee point querelleur — A good swords- man is not given to quarrel, pr. Pr. Bonne est la maille que sauve le denier — Good is the farthing that saves the penny. Pr. Pr. Bonhomie — Good nature. Pr. Boni pastoris est tondere pecus, non deglubere — It is the duty of a good shepherd to Shear his sheep, not to flay them. Tiberius Casar, in reference to taxation. Bonis avibus — Under favourable auspices. Bonis nocet quisquis pepercerit malis — He does injury to the good who spares the bad. Pub. Syr. Bonis omnia bona — All things are good to the good. M. Bonis quod benefit haud perit — A kindness done 35 to good men is never thrown away. Plaut. Bonis vel malis avibus — Under good, or evil, omens. Bon jour — Good day. Fr. Bon jour, bonne ceuvre — The better the day, the better the deed. Pr. Pr. Bon marche tire l'argent hors de la bourse- -A good bargain is a pick-purse. Pr. Pr. Bon mot — A witticism or jest. Pr. 40 Bon naturel — Good nature or disposition. Fr. Bonne — A nurse. Pr. Bonne bouche — A delicate morsel. Fr. Bonne et belle assez — Good and handsome enough. Fr. M. Bonne journee fait qui de fol se delivre — He 46 who rids himself of a fool does a good day's work. Fr. Pr. Bonne renommee vaut mieux que ceinture doree — A good name is worth more than a girdle of gold. Fr. Pr. Bonnet rouge — The cap of liberty. Fr. Bonnie feathers mak' bonnie fowls. Sc. Pr. Bon poete, mauvais homme — Good as a poet, bad as a man. Fr. Bon sang ne peut mentir — Good blood disdains 50 to lie. Fr. Pr. Bons et maos mantem cidade — Good men and bad make a city. Port. Pr. Bons mots n'epargnent nuls — Witticisms spare nobody. Fr. Pr. Bon soir — Good evening. Fr. Bon ton — The height of fashion. Fr. Bonum ego quam beatum me esse nimio dici 55 mavolo — I would much rather be called good than well off. Plaut. Bonum est fugienda aspicere in alieno malo — Well if we see in the misfortune of another what we should shun ourselves. Pub. Syr. Bonum est, pauxillum amare sane, insane non bonum est — It is good to be moderately sane in love ; to be madly in love is not good. Plaut. Bonum summum quo tendimus omnes — That supreme good at which we all aim. Lucre t. Bonus animus in mala re dimidium est mali — Good courage in a bad affair is half of the evil overcome. Plaut. Bonus atque fidus ' Judex honestum prsetulit 60 utili — A good and faithful judge ever prefers the honourable to the expedient. Hor. Bonus dux bonum reddit militem— The good general makes good soldiers. L. Pr. Bonus vir semper tiro— A good man is always a learner. Bon vivant — A good liver. Fr. Bon voyage — A pleasant journey or voyage. Fr. Books are divisible into two classes, the books 65 of the hour and the books of all time. Ruskin. Books are embalmed minds. Bovee. Books are made from books. Voltaire. Books cannot always please, however good ; / Minds are not ever craving for their food. Crabbe. BOOKS [ 32 ] BUSY Books generally do little else than give our errors names. Goethe. Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. Joineriana. Books still accomplish miracles ; they per- suade men. Carlyle. Books, we know, / Are a substantial world, pure and good. Wordsworth, 5 Boomen die men veel verplant gedijen zelden — Trees you transplant often, seldom, thrive. Did. Pr. Borgen thut nur einmal wohl — Borrowing does well only once. Ger. Pr. Born to excel and to command ! Congreve. Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Cic. Borrowing is not much better than begging ; just as lending on interest is not much better than stealing. Lessing. 10 Bos alienus subinde prospectat foras — A strange ox every now and then turns its eyes wistfully to the door. Pr. Boser Brunnen, da man Wasser muss ein- tragen — It is a bad well into which you must pour water. Ger. Pr. Boser Pfennig kommt immer wieder — A bad penny always comes back again. Ger. Pr. Bos in lingua — He has an ox on his tongue, i.e., a bribe to keep silent, certain coins in Athens being stamped with an ox. Pr. Bos lassus fortius figit pedem — The tired ox plants his foot more firmly. Pr. 15 Botschaft hor' ich wohl, allein mir fehlt der Glaube — I hear the message indeed, but I want the faith. Goethe 's " Faust.'' fiovXevov irpb epyuv, ottws /irj fxiopa Tre\r]Ta.i — Before the act consider, so that nothing foolish may arise out of it. Gr. Pr. Bought wit is best, i.e., bought by experience. Pr. Boutez en avant — Push forward. Fr. Bowels of compassion. St. John. 20 Brag is a good dog, but Holdfast is better. Pr. Brain is always to be bought, but passion never comes to market. Lcnvell. Brave men are brave from the very first. Cor- nettle. Bread at pleasure, / Drink by measure. Pr. Bread is the staff of life. Swift. 25 Breathes there the man with soul so dead, / Who never to himself hath said, , "This is my own, my native land ? " Scott. Breathe his faults so quaintly, / That they may seem the taints of liberty ; / The flash and outbreak of a fiery mind. Ham. ii. i. Breed is stronger than pasture. George Eliot. Brevet d'invention— A patent. Fr. Brevete — Patented. Fr. 30 Breve tempus aetatis satis est longum ad bene honesteque vivendum — A short term on earth is long enough for a good and honourable life. Cic. Brevi manu— Offhand ; summarily (lit. witli a short hand). Brevis a natura nobis vita data est : at memoria bene redditae vitas est sempiterna— A short life has been grv en us by Nature, but the memory of a well-spent one is eternal. Cic. Brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio— When labour- ing to be concise, I become obscure. Hor. Brevis ipsa vita est, sed longior malis — Life itself is short, but lasts longer than misfortunes. Pub. Syr. Brevis voluptas mox doloris est parens — Short- 35 lived pleasure is the parent of pain. Pr. Brevity is the body and soul of wit. Jean Paul. Brevity is the soul of wit. Ham., iii. 2. Bric-a-brac —Articles of vertu or curiosity. Fr. Bricht ein Ring, so bricht die ganze Katte — A link broken, the whole chain broken. Ger. Pr. Brief as the lightning in the collied night, /40 That, in a spleen, unfolds both heaven and earth, / And ere a man hath power to say, ' ' Behold ! " ' The jaws of darkness do devour it up. Mid. X.s' Dream, i. 1. Briefe gehoren unter die wichtigsten Denk- maler die der einzelne Mensch hinterlassen kann — Letters are among the most signifi- cant memorials a man can leave behind him. Goethe. Briller par son absence — To be conspicuous by its absence. Fr. Bring down my grey hairs with sorrow to the grave. Bible. Bring forth men-children only ! ' For thy un- daunted mettle should compose Nothing but males. Macb., i. 7. Broad thongs may be cut from other people's 45 leather. //. Pr. Broken friendships may be sowthered (sol- dered), but never sound. Sc. Pr. Brouille sera a la maison si la quenouille est maitresse — There will be disagreement in the house if the distaff holds the reins. Fr. Pr. Brtiler la chandelle par les deux bouts — To bum the candle at both ends. Fr. Brute force holds communities together as an iron nail, if a little rusted with age, binds pieces of wood ; but intelligence binds like a screw, which must be gently turned, not driven. Draft): Brutum fulmen — A harmless thunderbolt. L. 50 Brutus, thou sleep'st ; awake, and see thyself. Jul. Cirs., ii. 1. Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Caesar. Jul. Cies., i. 2. Biiche tortue fait bon feu— A crooked log makes a good lire. Fr. Pr. Buen siglo haya quien dij6 bolta— Blessings on him that said, Right about face ! Sf. Pr. Buey viejo sulco derecho — An old ox makes a 55 straight furrow. Sp. Pr. Buffoonery is often want of wit. Bruyire. Bullies are generally cowards. Pr. Buon cavallo non ha bisogno di sproni — Don't spur a willing horse. //. /V. Burlaos con el loco en casa, burlara con vos en la plaza — Play with the fool in the house and he will play with you in the .street. S/>. Pr. Burnt bairns dread the fire. Sc. Pr. 60 Business dispatched is business well done, but business hurried is business ill done. Bufwer Lytton. Busy readers are seldom good readers. Wit- la nd. BUT [ 33 ] BY BRAVELY But a bold peasantry, their country's pride, / When once destroyed, can never be sup- plied. Goldsmith. But all was false and hollow ; though his tongue Dropp'd manna, and could make the worse appear / The better reason, to perplex and dash / Maturest counsels. Milton. But by bad courses may be understood, / That their events can never fall out good. Rich, II., ii. i. But Cristes lore, and his apostles twelve, / He taught, but first he folwed it himselve. Chancer. But earthlier happy is the rose distilled, / Than that which, withering on the virgin thorn, / Grows, lives, and dies in single blessedness. Mid. N's. Dream, i. i. But evil is wrought by want of thought / As well as want of heart. Hood. But facts are chiels that winna ding, / An' douna be disputed. Burns. But far more numerous was the herd of such / Who think too little and who talk too much. Drydcn. But for women, our life would be without help at the outset, without pleasure in its course, and without consolation at the end. Jouy. .0 But from the heart of Nature rolled / The bur- dens of the Bible old. Emerson. But human bodies are sic fools, / For a' their colleges and schools, / That, when nae real ills perplex them, ,' They make enow them- sels to vex them. Burns. But hushed be every thought that springs / From out the bitterness of things. Words- worth. But I am constant as the northern star, / Of whose true-fixed and resting quality, / There is no fellow in the firmament. Jul. Ctes., iii. i. But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve / For daws to peck at. Othello, i. i. 5 But man, proud man, / Drest in a little brief authority, / Most ignorant of what he's most assured, / His glassy essence, — like an angry ape, / Plays such fantastic tricks before high Heaven / As make the angels weep. Jileas.for Aleas., ii. i. But men may construe things after their fashion, clean from the purpose of the things themselves. Jul. Cees., i. 3. But men must work, and women must weep, Though storms be sudden and waters deep, / And the harbour bar be moaning. C. Kings- ley. But mercy is above this sceptred sway ; / It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, / It is an attribute to God Himself, / And earthly power doth then show likest God's / When mercy seasons justice. Mer. of Ten., iv. 1. But now our fates from unmomentous things May rise like rivers out of little springs. Campbell. !0 But O for the touch of a vanish'd hand, / And the sound of a voice that is still. Tennyson. But O what damned minutes tells he o'er, / Who dotes, yet doubts ; suspects, yet strongly loves ? Othello, iii. 3. But pleasures are like poppies spread, / You seize the flower, its bloom is shed ; / Or, like the snowfall on the river, / A moment white — then melts for ever. Burns. But Shakespeare's magic could not copied be ;/ Within that circle none durst walk but he. Dfydeu. But shapes that come not at an earthly call, / Will not depart when mortal voices bid. // 'ordsiuorth. But souls that of His own good life partake, / 25 He loves as His own self; dear as His eye / They are to Him ; He'll never them forsake : / When they shall die, then God Himself shall die : / They live, they live in blest eternity. //. More. But spite of all the criticising elves, / Those that would make us feel, must feel them- selves. Churchill. But there are wanderers o'er eternity, / Whose bark drives on and on, and anchor'd ne'er shall be. Byron. But there 's nothing half so sweet in life / As love's young dream. Moore. But thought 's the slave of life, and life time's fool ; / And time, that takes survey of all the world, / Must have a stop. 1 Henry IV., v. 4. But to see her was to love her — love but her, 30 and love for ever. Burns. But truths on which depend our main con- cern, / That 'tis our shame and misery not to learn, / Shine by the side of every path we tread, / With such a lustre, he that runs may read. Coivfer. But war's a game which, were their subjects wise, / Kings would not play at. Cowper. But were I Brutus, / And Brutus Antony, there were an Antony / Would ruffle up your spirits, and put a tongue / In every wound of Caesar, that should move / The stones of Rome to rise and mutiny. Jul. Ccrs. , iii. 2. But what fate does, let fate answer for. Sheridan. But whether on the scaffold high, ' Or in the 35 battle's van, / The fittest place where man can die / Is where he dies for man. M. J. Barry. But who would force the soul, tilts with a straw / Against a champion cased in ada- mant. Wordsworth. But winter lingering chills the lap of May. Goldsmith. But words are things, and a small drop of ink, / Falling, like dew, upon a thought, produces / That which makes thousands, perhaps mil- lions, think. Byron. But wouldst thou know what's heaven? I'll tell thee what : / Think what thou canst not think, and heaven is that. Quar/es. But yesterday the word of Caesar might 40 Have stood against the world ; now lies he there, / And none so poor to do him rever- ence. Jul. Cces., iii. 2. Buying is cheaper than asking. Gcr. Pr. Buy the truth, and sell it not. Bible. Buy what ye dinna want, an' yell sell what ye canna spare. Sc. Pr. By-and-by is easily said. Ham., iii. 2. By any ballot-box, Jesus Christ goes just as 45 far as Judas Iscariot. Carlyle. By blood a king, in heart a clown. Tenny- son. By bravely enduring it, an evil which cannot be avoided is overcome. Pr. BY DESIRING [ 34 ] CANAM By desiring little, a poo. - man makes himself rich. Ve/nocritus. By dint of dining- out, I run the risk of dying by starvation at home. Rousseau. By doing nothing we learn to do ill. Pr. By education most have been misled. Dryden. 5 By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering. Roger Ascham. By nature man hates change ; seldom will he quit his old home till it has actually fallen about his ears. Carlylc. By night an atheist half believes a God. 1 'oitng. By nothing do men more show what they are than by their appreciation of what is and what is not ridiculous. Goethe. By others' faults wise men correct their own. Pr. 10 By persisting in your path, though you forfeit the little, you gain the great. Emerson. By pious heroic climbing of our own, not by arguing with our poor neighbours, wander- ing to right and left, do we at length reach the sanctuary — the victorious summit, and see with our own eyes. Carlyle. By pride cometh contention. Bible. By robbing Peter he paid Paul . . . and hoped to catch larks if ever the heavens should fall. Rabelais. By seeking and blundering we learn. Goethe. 15 By shallow rivers to whose falls / Melodious birds sing madrigals. Marlowe. By sports like these are all their cares be- guil'd, / The sports of children satisfy the child. Goldsmith. By strength of heart the sailor fights with roaring seas, ll'ordsivorth. By the long practice of caricature I have lost the enjoyment of beauty : I never see a face but distorted. Hogarth to a lady who wished to Icam caricature. By three methods we may learn wisdom : first, by reflection, which is the noblest ; second, by imitation, which is the easiest ; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest. Con- Jueius. 20 By time and counsel do the best we can : / Th' event is never in the power of man. Ucrrick. c. Ca' (drive) a cow to the ha' (hall), and she'll riii to the byre. Sc. Pr, Cabin'd, cribb'd, confin'd. Macb., iii. 4. 25 Cacoethes carpendi— An itch for fault-finding. Cacoethes scribendi— An itch for s< ribbling. Cacoethes loquendi An itch for talking. Cada cousa a seu tempo— iiveryihing has its time. Port, I'r. Cada qual en seu officio — Every one to hi* trade. Port. Pr. Cada qual liable en lo que sabe — I.et every one talk of what be understands. Sp. Pr. Cada uno es hijo de sus obras — Every one is the son of his own works ; i.e., is responsible for 1 lis. own acts. A'/. Pr. 30 Cadenti porrigo dextram— I extend my right hand to, ft lulling ma.11. J/, Cadit quffistio — The question drops, i.e., the point at issue needs no further discussion. L. Caeca invidia est, nee quidquam aliud scit quam detrectare virtutes — Envy is blind, and can only disparage the virtues of others. Lky. Caeca regens vestigia filo — Guiding blind steps by a thread. Caesarem vehis, Cassarisque fortunam — You carry Caesar and his fortunes ; fear not, therefore. Ccesar to a pilot in a storm. Caesar non supra grammaticos — Caesar has no 35 authority over the grammarians. Pr. Caesar's wife should be above suspicion. Plut. Casteris major qui melior — He who is better than others is greater. M. Cahier des charges — Conditions of a contract. Fr. Ca ira — It shall goon (a French Revolution song). Ben. Franklin. Caisse d'amortissement — Sinking fund. Fr. 40 Calamitosus est animus futuri anxius ■— The mind that is anxious about the future is miser- able. Sen, Calamity is man's true touchstone — Beaumont and Fletcher. Calflove, half love; old love, cold love. Fris. Pr. Call a spade a spade. Call him wise whose actions, words, and steps 45 are all a clear Because to a clear Why. 1. ,vater. Callida junctura — Skilful arrangement. Hor. Call me what instrument you will, though you fret me, you cannot play on me. Ham., iii. 2. Call not that man wretched who, whatever ills he suffers, has a child he loves. Southey, Coleridge. Call not the devil ; he will come fast enough without. Dan. Pr. Call your opinions your creed, and you will 50 change it every week. Make your creed simply and broadly out of the revelation of God, and you may keep it to the end. /'. Brooks. Calmness of will is a sign of grandeur. The vulgar, fa*' from hiding their will, blab their wishes. A single spark of occasion dis- charges the child of passions into a thousand crackers of desire. Lavatt r. Calumnies are sparks which, if you do not blow them, will go out of themselves. Boer- haavc. Calumny is like the wasp which worries you ; which it were best not to try to get rid of. unless you are sure of slaying it, for other- wise it will return to the charge more furious than ever. Ckamfort. Calumny will sear /Virtue itself: these shrugs, these hums and ha's. Winters I'ale.W. 1. Camelus desiderans cornua etiam aures per- 55 didit — The camel begging for horns was deprived of his ears as well. /V. Campos ubi Troja fuit— The fields where Troy once stood. Lucan. Campus Martius— A place of military exercise {lit. tick! of .Mars). Canaille — The rabble. Fr. Canam mihi et Musis -I will sing to myself and the Muses, i.e., if no one else will listen. Anon. CAN t 35 1 CARA " Can " and " shall," well understood, mean the same thing under this sun of ours. Carlyle. Can anybody remember when the times were not hard and money not scarce ? or when sensible men, and the right sort of men, and the right sort of women, were plentiful ? Emerson. Can ch' abbaia non morde — A dog that barks does not bite. //. Pr. Can che morde non abbaia in vano — A dog that bites does not bark in vain. //. Pr. j Can despots compass aught that hails their sway ? Or call with truth one span of earth their own, / Save that wherein at last they crumble bone by bone ? Byron. Candida pax homines, trux decet ira feras— Wide-robed peace becomes men, ferocious anger only wild beasts. Ovid. Candide et caute — With candour and caution. J/. Candide et constanter — With candour and con- stancy. M. Candide secure — Honesty is the best policy. M. 10 Candidus in nauta turpis color : asquoris unda / Debet et a radiis sideris esse niger — A fair complexion is a disgrace in a sailor ; he ought to be tanned, from the spray of the sea and the rays of the sun. Ovid. " Can do " is easy (easily) carried aboot. Sc. Pr. Candor datviribus alas — Candour gives wings to strength. J/. Candour is the brightest gem of criticism. Disraeli. Canes timidi vehementius latrant quam mor- dent — Cowardly dogs bark more violently than they bite. Q. Curt. 15 Cane vecchio non abbaia indarno — An old dog does not bark for nothing. //. Pr. Can I choose my king ? I can choose my King Popinjay, and play what farce or tragedy I may with him ; but he who is to be my ruler, whose will is higher than my will, was chosen for me in heaven. Carlyle. Canina facundia — Dog {i.e., snarling) eloquence. Appius. Canis a non canedo — Dog is called "canis," from "non cano," not to sing. Varro. Canis in praesepi — The dog in the manger (that would not let the ox eat the hay which he could not eat himself). 20 Cannon and firearms are cruel and damnable machines. I believe them to have been the direct suggestion of the devil. Luther. Can storied urn or animated bust / Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath ? / Can honour's voice provoke the silent dust, / Or flattery soothe the dull cold ear of death ? Gray. Canst thou not minister to a mind diseas'd, / Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, / Raze out the written troubles of the brain ? , And with some sweet oblivious antidote, / Cleanse the stuff' d bosom of that perilous stuff / Which weighs upon the heart ? Macb. , v. 3. Can such things be, / And overcome us like a summer's cloud, / Without our special wonder? Macb., iii. 4. Cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator — The penniless traveller will sing in presence of the robber. Juv. Can that which is the greatest virtue in philo- 25 sophy . doubt, be in religion, what we priests term it, the greatest of sins? Bovce. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots ? Bible. Can there any good thing come out of Na- zareth? Nathanael. Cantilenam eandem canis — You are always .sing- ing the same tune, i.e., harping on one theme. '/ er. Cant is properly a double-distilled lie, the second power of a lie. Carlyle. Cant is the voluntary overcharging or pro- 30 longing of a real sentiment. Hazlitt. Can wealth give happiness ? look around and see, / What gay distress ! what splendid misery ! / Whatever fortunes lavishly can pour, / The mind annihilates and calls for more. 1 'oung. Can we wonder that men perish and are for- gotten, when their noblest and most endur- ing works decay ? A usonius. "Can you tell a plain man the plain road to heaven?" — "Surely. Turn at once to the right, then go straight forward." Bp. Wilber- force. Cad que muito ladra, nunca bom para a caca — A dog that barks much is never a good hunter. Port. Pr. Capable of all kinds of devotion, and of all 35 kinds of treason, raised to the second power, woman is at once the deiight and the terror of man. A ntiel. Capacity without education is deplorable, and education without capacity is thrown away. Saadi. Cap-a-pie — From head to foot. Fr. Capias — A writ to order the seizure of a defendant^ person. L. Capias ad respondendum — You may take him to answer your complaint. L. Capias ad satisfaciendum — You may take him 40 to satisfy your claim. /. . Capiat, qui capere possit — Let him take who can. Pr. Capistrum maritale — The matrimonial halter. Juv. Capitis nives — The snowy locks of the head. Hor. Capo grasso, cervello magro — Fat head, lean brains. It. Pr. Captivity is the greatest of all evils that can 45 befall man. Cervantes. Captivity, / That comes with honour, is true liberty. Masshiger. Captum te nidore suae putat ille culinae— He thinks he has caught you with the savoury smell of his kitchen. Juv. Caput artis est, decere quod facias — The chief thing in any art you may practise is that you do only the one you are fit for. Pr. Caput inter nubila condit — (Fame) hides h<-r head amid the clouds. / *ivg. Caput mortuum — The worthless remains ; a ninny. 10 Caput mundi — The head of the world, i.e., Rome, both ancient and modern. Cara al mio cuor tu sei, ,' Cio ch'e il sole agli occhi miei — Thou art as dear to my heart as the sun to my eyes. It. Pr. CARE [ 36 J CATCH Care, and not fine stables, makes a good horse. Dan. Pr. Care is no cure, but rather a corrosive, / For things that are not to be remedied, i Hen. VI,, iii. 3. Care is taken that trees do not grow into the sky. Goethe. Care keeps his watch in every old man's eye, / And where care lodges, sleep will never lie. Pom. and J ul., ii. 2. 5 Care killed the cat. Pr. Carelessness is worse than theft. Gael. Pr. Careless their merits or their faults to scan, / His pity gave ere charity began. Gold- smith. Care's an enemy to life. Twelfth Sight, i. 3. Cares are often more difficult to throw off than sorrows ; the latter die with time, the former grow with it. Jean Paul. 10 Care that has enter'd once into the breast, / Will have the whole possession ere it rest. Ben Jonson. Caret — It is wanting. Caret initio et fine — It has neither beginning nor end. Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus cavet ■ — He is not exposed to danger who, even when in safety, is on his guard. Pub. Syr. Care to our coffin adds a nail, no doubt, / And every grin, so merry, draws one out. Wolcot. 15 Care will kill a cat, but ye canna live without it. Sc. Pr. Carica volontario non carica — A willing burden is no burden. It. Pr. Car il n'est si beau jour qui n'amene sa nuit — There is no day, however glorious, but sets in night. Pr. Carior est illis homo quam sibi— Man is dearer to them (i.e., the gods) than to himself. Jiet>. Cari suntparentes, cari liberi, propinqui, fami- liares ; sed omnes omnium caritates, patria una complexa est — Dear are our parents, dear our children, our relatives, and our associates, but all our affections for all these are embraced in our affection for our native land. Cic. 20 Carmen perpetuum primaque origine mundi ad tempora nostra — A song for all ages, and from the first origin of the world to our own times. Transposed from ( k'ici. Carmen triumphale — A song of triumph. Carminanilprosunt : nocuerunt carmina quon- dam- My rhymes are of no use; they once wroughl me harm. Ovid. Carmina spreta exolescunt : si irascare, agnita videntur— Abuse, if you slight it. will gradually die away ; but if you show yourself irritated, you m ill be thought to have deserved it. Tac. Carmine di superi placantur, carmine Manes The gods above and the gods below are alike propitiated by song. /lor. 25 Carmine fit vivax virtus ; expersque sepulcri, notitiam serse posteritatis habet By verse virtue is made immortal ; and, exempt from burial, obtains the homage of remote posterity. < >vid. Carpet knights. Burton. Carpe diem— Make a good use of the present. I/or. Carry on every enterprise as if all depended on the success of it. Richelieu. Carte blanche — Unlimited power to act (lit. blank paper). Pr. Car tel est votre plaisir — For such is our pleasure, 30 Pr. Casa hospidada, comida y denostada — A house which is filled with guests is both eaten up and spoken ill of. SJ. Pr. Casa mia, casa mia, per piccina che tu sia, tu mi sembri una badia — Home, dear home, small though thou be, thou art to me a palace. It. Pr. Casar, casar, e que do governo? — Marry, marry, and what of the management of the house ? Port. Pr. Casar, casar, soa bem, e sabe mal — Marrying sounds well, but tastes ill. Port. Pr. Cassis tutissima virtus — Virtue is the safest 35 helmet. M. Casta ad virum matrona parendo imperat — A chaste wife acquires an influence over her hus- band by obeying him. Laher. Casta moribus et integra pudore — Of chaste morals and unblemished modesty. Mart. Cast all your cares on God ; that anchor holds. Tennyson. Cast forth thy act, thy word, into the ever- living, ever-working universe. It is a seed- grain that cannot die ; unnoticed to-day. it will be found flourishing as a banyan-grove, perhaps, alas ! as a hemlock forest, after a thousand years. Carlyle. Cast him (a lucky fellow) into the Nile, and he 40 will come up with a fish in his mouth. Arab. Pr. Castles in the air cost a vast deal to keep up. Bulwer Lytton. Castor gaudet equis, ovo prognatus eodem / Pugnis— Castor delights in horses ; he that sprung from the same egg, in boxing. Hor. Castrant alios, ut libros suos, per se graciles, alieno adipe suffarciant — They castrate the books of others, that they may stuff their own naturally lean ones with their fat. Jovius. Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days. Bible. Cast thy bread upon the waters ; God will 45 know of it, if the fishes do not. Pastern Pr. Casus belli —A cause for war ; originally, fortune of war. Casus quern sa?pe transit, aliquando invenit — Misfortune will some time or other overtake him whom it has often passed by. Pub. Syr. Casus ubique valet ; semper tibi pendeat hamus. Quo minime credas gurgite, piscis erit— There is scope for chance everywhere; let your hook be always banging ready. In the eddies where you least expect it, there will be a fish. 1 ':■:,:. Catalogue raisonne— A catalogue topically ar- ranged. /■>: Catch as catch can. Antiochus 1'fiphanes. {0 Catching a Tartar, i.e., an adversary too strong lor one. Catch not at the shadow and lose the sub- stance. Pr. Catch, then, O catch the transient hour ; / Improve each moment as it flies ; , Life's a snort summer man a flower / He dies — alas ! how soon he dies 1 Johnson. CATHOLICISM [ 37 1 CE NE Catholicism commonly softens, while Protes- tantism strengthens, the character ; but the so'tness of the one often degenerates into weakness, and the strength of the other into hardness. Lecky. Cato contra mundum — Cato against the world. Cato esse, quam videri, bonus malebat — Cato would rather be good than seem good. Sallitst. Cattiva e quella lana, che non si puo tingere — Bad is the cloth that won't dye. It. Pr. 6 Cattivo e quel sacco che non si puo rappezzare — Bad is the sack that won't patch. It. Pr. Cattle go blindfold to the common to crop the wholesome herbs, but man learns to distin- guish what is wholesome (Heil) and what is poisonous (Gift) only by experience. Riickert. Catus amat pisces, sed non vult tingere plantas — Puss likes fish, but does not care to wet her feet. Pr. Causa causans — The Cause of causes. Causa latet, vis est notissima — The cause is hidden, but the effect is evident enough. Ovid. 10 Causa sine qua non — An indispensable condition. Cause and effect are two sides of one fact. Emerson. Cause and effect, means and end, seed and fruit, cannot be severed ; for the effect already blooms in the cause, the end pre- exists in the means, the fruit in the seed. Emerson. Cause celebre — A celebrated trial or action at law. Fr. Caute, non astute — Cautiously, not craftily. M. 15 Caution is the parent of safety. Pr. Cautious age suspects the flattering form, and only credits what experience tells. Johnson. Cautis pericla prodesse aliorum solent — Pru- dent people are ever ready to profit from the experiences of others. P/icrdr. Cautus enim metuit foveam lupus, accipiterque / Suspectos laqueos, et opertum miluus ha- mum — For the wary wolf dreads the pitfall, the hawk the suspected snare, and the fish the con- 'cealed hook. Hor. Cavallo ingrassato tira calci — A horse that is grown fat kicks. It. Pr. 20 Cave ab homine unius libri — Beware of a man of one book. Pr. Caveat actor — Let the doer be on his guard. L. Caveat emptor— Let the buyer be on his guard. L. Cave canem — Beware of the dog. Cavendo tutus — Safe by caution. M. 25 Cave paratus — Be on guard while prepared. .1/. Caviare to the general. Ham., ii. 2. Cease, every joy, to glimmer in my mind, But leave, — oh ! leave the light of hope behind ! / What though my winged hours of bliss have been, / Like angel -visits, few and far be- tween ? Campbell. Cease to lament for that thou canst not help, / And study help for that which thou lament'st. T100 Gent, ofi'er., iii. 1. Cedant arma togae — Let the military yield to the civil power (Jit. to the gown). Cic. 30 Cedant carminibus reges, regumque triumphi — Kings, and the triumphs of kings, must yield to the power of song. Ovid. Cedat amor rebus; res age, tutus eris — Let love give way to business ; give attention to business, and you will be safe. Ovid. Cede Deo — Yield to God. Virg. Cede nullis — Yield to none. M. Cede repugnanti ; cedendo victor abibis — Yield to your opponent ; by so doing you will come off victor in the end. Ovid. Cedite, Romani scriptores ; cedite, Graii — Give 35 place, ye Roman writers ; give place, ye Greeks (ironically applied to a pretentious author). Prop. Cedunt grammatici : vincuntur rhetores / Turba tacet — The grammarians give way ; the rhetoricians are beaten off ; all the assemblage is silent. Juv. Cela fera comme un coup d'epee dans l'eau — It will be all lost labour (lit. like a sword-stroke in the water). Fr. Pr. Cela m'echauffe la bile — That stirs up my bile. Fr. Cela n'est pas de mon ressort — That is not in my department, or line of things. Fr. Cela saute aux yeux — That is quite evident 40 (lit. leaps to the eyes). Fr. Pr. Cela va sans dire — That is a matter of course. Fr. Cela viendra — That will come some day. Fr. Celebrity is but the candle-light which will show what man, not in the least make him a better or other man. Carlyle. Celebrity is the advantage of being known to people whom we don't know, and who don't know us. C hamfort. Celebrity is the chastisement of merit and the 45 punishment of talent. Chamfort. Celer et audax — Swift and daring. HI. Celer et fidelis — Swift and faithful. 71/. Celerity is never more admired / Than by the negligent. Ant. &■= Cleof>., iii. 7. Celsas graviore casu / Decidunt turres — Lofty towers fall with no ordinary crash. Ho". Celui est homme de bien qui est homme de 50 biens — He is a good man who is a man of goods. Fr. Pr. Celui-la est le mieux servi, qui n'a pas besoin de mettre les mains des autres au bout de ses bras — He is best served who has no need to put other people's hands at the end of his arms. Rousseau. Celui qui a grand sens sait beaucoup — A man of large intelligence knows a great deal, \~au- venargues. Celui qui aime mieux ses tresors que ses amis, merite de n'etre aime de personne — He who loves his wealth better than his friends does not deserve to be loved by any one. I ;-. Pr. Celui qui devote la substance du pauvre, y trouve a la fin un os qui l'etrangle— He who devours the substance of the poor will in the end find a bone in it to choke him. Fr. i'r. Celui qui est sur epaules d'un geant voit plus 55 loin que celui qui le porte— He who is on the shoulders of a giant sees farther than he does who carries him. Ft. Pr. Celui qui veut, celui-la peut — The man who wills is the man who can. Fr. Ce ne sont pas les plus belles qui font les grandes passions — It is not the most beautiful women that inspire the greatest passion. Fr. Pr. ' CE N'EST [ SS ] C'EST Ce n'est pas etre bien aise que de rire — Laugh- ing is not always an index of a mind at ease. Fr. Ce n'est que le premier pas qui cotite— It is only the first step that is difficult (Jit. costs). Fr. Censor morum— Censor of morals and public con- duct. Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent. Swift. 5 Cent ans n'est guere, mais jamais c'est beau- coup — A hundred years is not much, but "never" is a long while. Fr. Pr^ Cento carri di pensieri, non pagaranno un' oncia di debito— A hundred cartloads of care will not pay an ounce of debt. Jt. Pr. Cent 'ore di malinconia non pagano un quat- trino di' debito — A hundred hours of vexation will not pay one farthing of debt. It. Pr. Centum doctum hominum consilia sola haec devincit dea / Fortuna — This goddess, For- tune, single-handed, frustrates the plans of a hundred learned men. Plant. Ce que femme veut, Dieu le veut— What woman wills, God wills. Fr. Pr. 10 Ce qui fait qu'on n'est pas content de sa con- dition, c'est l'idee chimerique qu'on forme du bonheur d'autrui — What makes us discon- tented with our condition is the absurdly ex- aggerated idea we have of the happiness of others. Fr. Pr. Ce qu'il nous faut pour vaincre, c'est de l'audace, encore de l'audace, toujours de l'audace ! — In order to conquer, what we need is to dare, still to dare, and always to dare. Dnnton. Ce qui manque aux orateurs en profondeur, / lis vous le donn;nt en longueur — What orators want in depth, they make up to you in length. Montesquieu. Ce qui ne vaut pas la peine d'etre dit, on le chante — What is not worth the trouble of being said, may pass off very fairly when it is sung. Pea uma rcliais. Ce qui suffit ne fut jamais peu — What is enough was never a small quantity. Fr. Pr. 15 Ce qui vient de la flute, s'en retourne au tam- bour — What is earned by the fife goes back to the drum; easily gotten, easily gone. Fr. Pr. Ce qu'on apprend au berceau dure jusqu'au tombeau — What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave. Fr. Pr. Ce qu'on fait maintenant, on le dit ; et la cause en est bien excusable : on fait si peu de chose — Whatever we do now-a-days, we speak of ; and the reason is this: it is so very little we do. Fr. Cercato ho sempre solitaria vita / (Le rive il sanno, e le campagne e i boschi) — I have always sought a solitary life. (The river-banks and the open fields and the groves know it.) Ceremonies are different in every country ; but true politeness is everywhere the same. Goldsmith. 20 Ceremony is necessary as the outwork and defence of manners. Chesterfield. Ceremony is the invention of wise men to keep fools at a distance. Steele. Ceremony keeps up all things ; 'tis like a penny glass to a rich spirit or some excellent water ; without it the water were spilt, the spirit lost. Selden. Ceremony leads her bigots forth, / Prepared to fight for shadows of no worth ; / While truths, on which eternal things depend, / Find not, or hardly find, a single friend. Cowper. Ceremony was but devised at first / To set a gloss on faint deeds . . . / But where there is true friendship, there needs none. Timon of Athens, i. 2. Cereus in vitium flecti, monitoribus asper — 25 (Youth), pliable as wax to vice, obstinate under reproof. Hor. Cernit omnia Deus vindex — God as avenger sees all things. M. Certa amittimus dum incerta petimus — We lose things certain in pursuing things uncertain. Plant. Certain defects are necessary to the existence of the individual. It would be painful to us if our old friends laid aside certain pecu- liarities. Goethe. Certain it is that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as that of a father to a daughter. In love to oar wives there is desire ; to our sons, ambition ; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express. Addison. Certe ignoratio futurorum malorum utilius est 80 quam scientia- It is more advantageous not to know than to know the evils that are coming upon us. Cic. Certiorari — To order the record from an inferior to a superior court. /_. Certum est quia impossibile est — I am sure of it because it is impossible. 'Pert. Certum pete finem — Aim at a definite end. M. Cervantes smiled Spain's chivalry away. Byron. Ces discours sont fort beaux dans un livre — All 35 that would be very fine in a book, i.e., in theory, but not in practice. Boileau. Ces malheureux rois / Dont on dit tant de mal, ont du bon quelquefois — Those unhappy kings, of whom so much evil is said, have their good qualities at times. Andrieux. Ce sont les passions qui font et qui defont tout ■ — It is the passions that do and that undo every- thing, Foi:tenelle. Ce sont toujours les aventuriers qui font de grandes choses, et non pas les souverains des grandes empires — It 1-. always adventurers who do great things, not the sovereigns of great empires. Montesquieu. Cessante causa, cessat et effectus — When the cause is removed, the effect must cease also. C 'okt. Cessio bonorum — A surrender of all one's pro- 40 perty to creditors. Scots Law. C'est-a-dire -That is to say. Fr. C'est dans les grands dangers qu'on voit les grands courages — It is amid great perils »e sec brave hearts. Regnard. C'est double plaisir de tromper le trompeur— It is a double pleasure to deceive the dei eiver. J. a Font, C'est fait de lui — It is all over with him Fr. C'est la grande formule moderne : Du travail, 45 toujours du travail, et encore du travail — The grand maxim now-a-day-. is : To work, always to work, and still to work. Gambetta, C'est la le diable -There's the devil of it, i.e., there lies tin difficulty. Fr. C'EST [ 39 ] CHAQUE C'est la prosperity qui donne des amis, c'est l'adversite qui les eprouve — It is prosperity that gives us friends, adversity that proves them. Fr. C'est le chemin des passions qui m'a conduit a la philosophie — It is by my passions I have been led to philosophy. Rousseau. C'est le commencement de la fin — It is the beginning of the end. Talleyrand on the Hun- dred Days. C'est le crime qui fait honte, et non pas l'echa- faud — It is the crime, not the scaffold, which is the disgrace. Corneille. 5 C'est le geai pare des plumes du paon — He is the jay decked with the peacock's feathers. Fr. C'est le ton qui fait la musique — In music every- thing depends on the tone. Fr. Pr. C'est le valet du diable, il fait plus qu'on ne lui ordonne — He who does more than he is bid is the devil's valet. Fr. Pr. C'est 1'imagination qui gouverne le genre humain — The human race is governed by its imagination. Napoleon. C'est partout comme chez nous — It is every- where the same as among ourselves. Fr. Pr. 10 C'est peu que de courir ; il faut partir a point- It is not enough to run, one must set out in time. Fr. P>: C'est plus qu'un crime, c'est une faute — It is worse than a crime ; it is a blunder. Foitcke. C'est posseder les biens que de savoir s'en passer — To know how to dispense with things is to possess them. Regnant. C'est son cheval de bataille — That is his forte (lit. war-horse). Fr. C'est trop aimer quand on en meurt — It is loving too much to die of loving. Fr. Pr. 15 C'est une autre chose — That's another matter. Fr. C'est une grande folie de vouloir etre sage tout seul — It is a great folly to wish to be wise all alone. La Roche. C'est une grande misere que de n'avoir pas assez d'esprit pour bien parler, ni assez de jugement pour se taire — It is a great misfor- tune not to have enough of ability to speak well, nor sense enough to hold one's tongue. La Bruyere. C'est un zero en chiffres — He is a mere cipher. Fr. Cet animal est tres mechant : / Quand on l'attaque, il se defend — That animal is very- vicious ; it defends itself if you attack it. Fr. 20 Ceteris paribus — Other things being equal. Ceterum censeo — But my decided opinion is. Cato. Cet homme va a bride abattue — That man goes at full speed (///. with loose reins). Fr. Pr. Ceux qui parlent beaucoup, ne disent jamais rien — Those who talk much never say anything worth listening to. BoiUau. Ceux qui s'appliquent trop aux petites choses deviennent ordinairement incapables des grandes — Those who occupy their minds too much with small matters generally become in- capable of great. La Roche. 25 Chacun a sa marotte — Every one to his hobby. Fr. Pr. Chacun a. son gout — Every one to his taste. Fr. Chacun a son metier, et les vaches seront bien gardees — Let every one mind his own business, and the cows will be well cared for. Fr. 1'r. Chacun cherche son semblable — Like seeks like. Fr. Pr. Chacun dit du bien de son cceur et personne n'en ose dire de son esprit — Every one speaks well of his heart, but no one dares boast of his wit. La Roche. Chacun doit balayer devant sa propre porte — 30 Everybody ought to sweep before his own door. Fr. Pr. Chacun en particulier peut tromper et etre trompe ; personne n'a trompe tout le monde, et tout le monde n'a trompe personne — Individuals may deceive and lie deceived ; no one has deceived every one, and every one has deceived no one. Bonhours. Chacun n'est pas aise qui danse — Not every one who dances is happy. Fr. Pr. Chacun porte sa croix — Every one bears his cross. Fr. Chacun pour soi et Dieu pour tous — Every one for himself and God for all. Fr. Pr. Chacun tire l'eau a son moulin — Every one 35 draws the water to his cwn mill. Fr. Pr. Chacun vaut son prix— Every man has his value. Fr. Pr. XaXeTa. ra Ka\d — 'What is excellent is difficult. Chance corrects us of many faults that reason would not know how to correct. La Roche. Chance generally favours the prudent. Joubert. Chance is but the pseudonym of God for those 40 particular cases which He does not choose to subscribe openly with His own sign- manual. Coleridge. Chance is the providence of adventurers. Napoleon. Chance will not do the work : / Chance sends the breeze, / But if the pilot slumber at the helm, / The very wind that wafts us towards the port / May dash us on the shelves. Scott. Chances, as they are now called, I regard as guidances, and even, if rightly understood, commands, which, as far as I have read history, the best and sincerest men think providential. Raskin. Change is inevitable in a progressive country — is constant. Disraeli. Change of fashions is the tax which industry 45 imposes on the vanity of the rich. Cham- Jort. Changes are lightsome, an' fules are fond o' them. J>V. Pr. Change yourself, and your fortune will change too. Port. Pr. Chansons-a-boire — Drinking-songs. Fr. Chapeau bas — Hats off. Fr. Chapelle ardente — Place where a dead body lies 50 in state. Fr. Chapter of accidents. Chesterfield. Chaque age a ses plaisirs, son esprit, et ses mceurs — Every age has its pleasures, its style of wit, and its peculiar manners. Boileau. Chaque branche de nos connaissances passe successivement par trois etats theoretiques differents : l'etat theologique, oufictif; l'etat metaphysique, ou abstrait; l'etat scienti- fique, ou positif — Each department of know- ledge passes in succession through three different theoretic stages : the theologic stage, or ficti- tious ; the metaphysical, or abstract ; the scien- tific, or positive. A. Coiute. CHAQUE [ 40 ] CHEVALIER Chaque demain apporte son pain — Every to- morrow supplies its own loaf. Fr. Pr. Chaque instant de la vie est un pas vers la mort — Each moment of life is one step nearer death. Corneille. Chaque medaille a son revers — Every medal has its reverse. Fr. Pr. Chaque potier vante sa pot — Every potter cracks up his own vessel. F>: Pr. 5 Char-a-bancs — A pleasure car. Fr. Character gives splendour to youth, and awe to wrinkled skin and grey hairs. Emer- son. Character is a fact, and that is much in a world of pretence and concession. A. B. Alcott. Character is a perfectly educated will. Novalis. Character is a reserved force which acts directly by presence and without means. Emerson. 10 Character is a thing that will take care of itself. /. G. Holland. Character is centrality, the impossibility of being displaced or overset. Emerson. Character is higher than intellect. Thinking is the function ; living is the functionary. Emerson. Character is impulse reined down into steady continuance. C. II. Parkhurst. Character is the result of a system of stereo- typed principles. Hume. 15 Character is the spiritual body of the person, and represents the individualisation of vital experience, the conversion of unconscious things into self-conscious men. Whipple. Character is victory organised. Napoleon. Character is what Nature has engraven on us ; can we then efface it ? / 'oltaire. Characters are developed, and never change. n Israeli. Character teaches over our head, above our wills. Emerson. 20 Character wants room ; must not be crowded on by persons, nor be judged of from glimpses got in the press of affairs or a few occasions. Emerson. Charbonnier est maitre chez soi — A coalheaver's house is his castle. Charge, Chester, charge ! On, Stanley, on ! / Were the last words of Marmion. Scott. Charge d'affaires— A subordinate diplomatist. Fr. Charity begins at hame, but shouldna end there. Se. Pr. 25 Charity begins at home. Pr. Charity draws down a blessing on the chari- table. Le Sage. Charity gives itself rich ; covetousness hoards itself poor. Ger. Pr. Charity is the scope of all God's commands. St. Chrysostom. Charity is the temple of which justice is the foundation, but you can't have the top with- out the bottom. Kit skin. 80 Charity shall cover the multitude of sins. St. Peter. Charm'd with the foolish whistling of a name. ( owley. Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul. Pope. Charms which, like flowers, lie on the surface and always glitter, easily produce vanity ; whereas other excellences, which lie deep like gold and are discovered with difficulty, leave their possessors modest and proud. Jean Paul. Charta non erubescit — A document does not blush. Pr. Chasse cousin — Bad wine, i.e., such as was given 35 to poor relations to drive them off. Fr. Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop — Drive out Nature, she is back on you in a trice. Fr. from Hor. Chaste as the icicle / That's curded by the frost from purest snow, / And hangs on Dian's temple. Coriolanus, v. 3. Chastise the good, and he will grow better ; chastise the bad, and he will grow worse. It. Pr. Chastity is like an icicle; if it once melts, that's the last of it. /';-. Chastity is the band that holds together the 40 sheaf of all holy affections and duties. I 'inet. Chastity, lost once, cannot be recalled ; it goes only once. Ovid. Chateaux en Espagne. Castles in the air (Jit. castles in Spain). Fr. Chat echaude craint l'eau froide — A scalded cat dreads cold water. Fr. Pr. Cheapest is the dearest. Pr. Che dorme coi cani, si leva colle pulci — Those 45 who sleep with dogs will rise up with fleas. //. Cheerfulness is health ; the opposite, melan- choly, is disease. Haliburton. Cheerfulness is just as natural to the heart of a man in strong health as colour to his cheek. Puskin. Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health, and is as friendly to the mind as to the body. Addison. Cheerfulness is the daughter of employment. Dr. Home. Cheerfulness is the heaven under which every- 50 thing but poison thrives. Jean Paul. Cheerfulness is the very flower of health. Schopenhauer. Cheerfulness opens, like spring, all the blossoms of the inward man. Jean Paul. Cheese is gold in the morning, silver at mid- day, and lead at night. Ger. Pr. Chef de cuisine— A head-cook. !■>-. Chef-d'oeuvre— A masterpiece. Fr. 55 Chemin de fer— The iron way, the railway. Fr. Che ne puo la gatta se la massaia e matta — How can the cat help it if the maid is fool (enough to leave things in her way)? //. Pr. Che quegli e tra gli stolti bene abbasso, Che senza distinzion afferma o niega, / Cosi nell' un, come nell' altro passo -He who without discrimination affirms or denies, ranks lowest among the foolish ones, and this in either case, i.e., in denying as well as affirming. Dante. Chercher a connaitre, e'est chercher a. douter — To seek to know is to seek occasion to doubt. Fr. Che sara, sara— What will be, will be, M. 60 Chevalier d'industrie -One who lives by persever- ing fraud {lit. a knight of industry). Fr. CHEVAUX I 41 ] CHILDREN Chevaux de frise — A defence of spikes against cavalry. Fr. Chewing the food of sweet and bitter fancy. As You Like It, iv. 3. Chew the cud of politics. Swift. Chi altri giudica, se condanna — Whoso judges others condemns himself. It. Pr. Chi ama, crede — He who loves, believes. It. Pr. Chi ama, qual chi muore Non ha da gire al ciel dal mondo altr' ale — He who loves, as well as he who dies, needs no other wing by which to soar from earth to heaven. Michael Angelo. Chi ama, teme — He who loves, fears. It. Pr. Chi asino e, e cervo esser si crede, al saltar del fosso se n'avvede — He who is an ass and thinks he is a stag, will find his error when he has to leap a ditch. //. Pr. Chi compra cio pagar non puo, vende cio che non vuole — He who buys what he cannot pay for, sells what he fain would not. It. Pr. Chi compra ha bisogno di cent occhi — He who buys requires an hundred eyes It. Pr. Chi compra terra, compra guerra — Who buys land, buys war. It. Pr. Chi con l'occhio vede, di cuor crede — Seeing is believing (Jit. he who sees with the eye believes with the heart), It. Pr. Chi da il suo inanzi morire s'apparecchia assai patire — He who gives of his wealth before dying, prepares himself to suffer much. It. Pr. Chi dinanzi mi pinge, di dietro mi tinge — He who paints me before, blackens me behind. //. Pr. Chi due padroni ha da servire, ad uno ha da mentire — Whoso serves two masters must lie to one of them. It. Pr. Chi e causa del suo mal, pianga se stesso — He who is the cause of his own misfortunes may bewail them himself. It. Pr. Chi edifica, sua borsa purifica — He who builds clears his purse. //. Pr. Chien sur son fumier est hardi — A dog is bold on his own dunghill. Fr. Pr. Chi erra nelle decine, erra nelle migliaja — He who errs in the tens, errs in the thousands. It. Pr. Chiesa libera in libero stato — A free church in a free state. Cavour. Chi fa il conto senza l'oste, gli convien farlo due volte — He who reckons without his host must reckon again. It. Pr. Chi fa quel ch' e' puo, non fa mai bene — He who does all he can do never does well. It. Pr. Chi ha capo di cera non vada al sole — Let not him whose head is of wax walk in the sun. It. Pr. Chi ha danari da buttar via, metta gli operaj, e non vi stia — He who has money to squander, let him employ workmen and not stand by them. It. Pr. Chi ha denti, non ha pane ; e chi ha pane, non ha denti — He who has teeth is without bread, and he who has bread is without teeth. //. Pr. Chi ha, e — He who has, is. Chi ha l'amor nel petto, ha lo sprone a' fianchi — He who has love in his heart has spurs in his sides. It. Pr. Chi ha lingua in bocca, pu6 andar per tutto — He who has a tongue in his head can travel all the world over. It. Pr. Chi ha paura del diavolo, non fa roba— He who has a dread of the devil does not grow rich. It. Pr. Chi ha sanita. e ricco, e non lo sa — He who has 30 good health is rich, and does not know it. It. Pr. Chi ha sospetto, di rado e in difetto — He who suspects is seldom at fault. It. Pr. Chi ha tempo, non aspetti tempo— He who has time, let him not wait for time. Childhood and youth see all the world in per- sons. F.merson. Childhood has no forebodings ; but then it is soothed by no memories of outlived sorrow. George Eliot. Childhood is the sleep of reason. Rousseau. 35 Childhood itself is scarcely more lovely than a cheerful, kindly, sunshiny old age. Mrs. Child. Childhood often holds a truth in its feeble fingers which the grasp of manhood cannot retain, and which it is the pride of utmost age to recover. Ruskin. Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. Milton. Childhood, who like an April morn appears, Sunshine and rain, hopes clouded o'er with fears. Churchill. Children always turn toward the light. Hare. 40 Children and chickens are always a-picking. Pr. Children and drunk people speak the truth. Pr. Children and fools speak the truth. Pr. Children are certain sorrows, but uncertain joys. Dan. Pr. Children are the poor man's wealth. Dan. Pr. 45 Children are very nice observers, and they will often perceive your slightest defects. Fene'lon. Children blessings seem, but torments are, / When young, our folly, and when old. our fear. Otivay. Children generally hate to be idle ; all the care is then that their busy humour should be con- stantly employed in something of use to them. Locke. Children have more need of models than of critics. Jouberi. Children have scarcely any other fear than 50 that produced by strangeness. Jean Paul. Children, like dogs, have so sharp and fine a scent, that they detect and hunt out every- thing — the bad before all the rest. Goethe. Children of night, of indigestion bred, t 'hiirchill of dreams. Children of wealth or want, to each is given / One spot of green, and all the blue of heaven. Holmes. Children see in their parents the past, they again in their children the future ; and if we find more love in parents for their children than in children for their parents, this is sad indeed, but natural. Who does not fondle his hopes more than his recollections ? Cotvos. Children should have their times of being off 55 duty, like soldiers. Ruskin. Children should laugh, but not mock ; and when they laugh, it should not be at the weaknesses and the faults of others. R uskin. CHILDREN t 42 ] CHRISTIANITY Children suck the mother when they are young, and the father when they are old. Pr. Children sweeten labours, but they make mis- fortunes more bitter. Bacon. Children tell in the highway what they hear by the fireside. Port. Pr. Children think not of what is past, nor what is to come, but enjoy the present time, which few of us do. La Bruyere. 5 Chi lingua ha, a Romava— Hewho has a tongue may go to Rome, i.e., may go anywhere. It. Pr. Chi nasce bella, nasce maritata — She who is born a beauty is born married. //. Pr. Chi niente sa, di niente dubita — He who knows nothing, doubts nothing. //. Pr. Chi non da. fine al pensare, non da principio al fare — He who is never done with thinking never gets the length of doing. It. Pr. Chi non ha cuore, abbia gambe — He who has no courage should have legs (to run). //. Pr. 10 Chi non ha, non e — He who has not, is not. //. Pr. Chi non ha piaghe, se ne fa — He who has no worries makes himself some. //. Pr. Chi non ha testa, abbia gambe — He who has no brains should have legs. It. Pr. Chi non istima vien stimato — To disregard is to win regard. It. Pr. Chi non puo fare come voglia, faccia come puo — He who cannot do as he would, must do as he can. It. Pr. 15 Chi non sa fingere, non sa vivere — He that knows not how to dissemble knows not how to live. It. Pr. Chi non vede il fondo, non passi l'acqua — Who sees not the bottom, let him not attempt to wade the water. /;". Pr. Chi non vuol servir ad un sol signor, a molto ha da servir-- He who will not serve one master will have to serve many. It. Pr. Chi offende, non perdona mai — He who offends you never forgives you. //. Pr. Chi offende scrive nella rena, chi e offeso nel marmo — He who offends writes on sand ; he who is offended, on marble. //. Pr. 20 Chi parla semina, chi tace raccoglie — Who speaks, sows ; who keeps silence, reaps. It. Pr. Chi piglia leone in assenza suol temer del topi in presenza— He who takes a lion far off will --hudder at a mole close by. //. Pr. Chi piu sa, meno crede — Who knows most, be- lieves least. It. Pr. Chi piu sa, meno parla — Who knows most, says least. It. Pr. Chi sa la strada, puo andar di trotto— He who knows the road can go at a trot. It. Pr. 25 Chi sa poco presto lo dice— He who knows little quickly tells it. //. Pr. Chi serve al commune serve nessuno— He who serves the public serves no one //. Pr. Chi si affoga, s'attaccherebbe a' rasoj — Adrown- ing man would i .it* li at razors. It. Pr. Chi si fa fango, il porco lo calpestra — He who makes himself tlirt. the swine will tread oil him, //. /V. Chi si trova senz' amici, e come un corpo senz' anima lle« ho is without friends is like a body without a soul. //. Pr. Chi sta bene, non si muova — Let him who is well off remain where he is. It. Pr. Chi tace confessa — Silence is confession. It. Pr. Chi t'ha offeso non ti perdonera mai — He who has offended you will never forgive you. //. Pr. Chi troppo abbraccia nulla stringe — He who grasps at too much holds fast nothing. It. Pr. Chi tutto vuole, tutto perde — Covet all, lose all. It. Pr. Chivalry was founded invariably by knights who were content all their lives with their horse and armour and daily bread. Rusk n. Chi va piano, va sano, chi va sano va lontano — He who goes softly goes safely, and he who goes safely goes far. It. Pr. Chi va, vuole ; chi manda, non se ha cura — He who goes himself, means it ; he who sends another does not care. It. Pr. Chi vuol dell' acqua chiara, vada alia fonte — He who wants the water pure must go to the spring-head. It. Pr. Chi vuol esser mai servito tenga assai famiglia — Let him who would be ill served keep plenty servants. It. Pr. Chi vuol il lavoro mai fatto, paghi innanzi tratto — If you wish your work ill done, pay beforehand. It. Pr. Chi vuol presto e ben, faccia da se — He who wishes a thing done quickly and well, must do it himself. It. Pr. Choose a good mother's daughter, though her father were the devil. Gael. Pr. Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be. Custom will render it easy and agreeable. Pythagoras. Choose an author as you choose a friend. P.arl of Roscommon. Choose thy speech. Gael. Pr. < Choose your wife as you wish your children to be. Gael. Pr. Chords that vibrate sweetest pleasure / Thrill the deepest notes of woe. Bums. Chose perdue, chose connue — A thing lost is a thing known, i.e., valued. /■>. Pr. Xwpts to t ehreiv TroWd Kal to. Kaipia — Volubility of speech and pertinency are some- times very different things. Sophocles. Christen haben keine Nachbarn — Christians I have no neighbours. Ger. Pr. Christianity has not yet penetrated into the whole heart of Jesus. A mid. Christianity appeals to the noblest feelings of the human heart, and these are emotion and imagination. Shorthouse. Christianity has a might of its own ; it is raised above all philosophy, and needs no support therefrom. Goethe. Christianity has made martyrdom sublime and sorrow triumphant, c h.ipin. Christianity is a religion that can make men ! good, only if they are good already. Hegel. Christianity is salvation by the conversion of the will ; humanism by the enlightenment of the mind. Amid. Christianity is the apotheosis of grief, the marvellous transmutation of suffering into triumph, the death of death and the defeat of sin. A mid. CHRISTIANITY t 43 ] CLEMENCY Christianity is the practical demonstration that holiness and pity, justice and mercy, may meet together and become one in man and in God. Amiel. Christianity is the root of all democracy, the highest fact in the rights of men. Novalis. Christianity is the worship of sorrow. Goethe. Christianity's husk and shell / Threaten its heart like a blight. (/. B.) Selkirk. Christianity teaches us to love our neighbour. Modern society acknowledges no neighbour. Disnie i. Christianity, which is always true to the heart, knows no abstract virtues, but virtues result- ing from our wants, and useful to all. Chateau- briand. Christianity without the cross is nothing. W. //. Thomson. Christians have burnt each other, quite per- suaded That all the apostles would have done as they did. Byron. Christ is not valued at all, unless He is valued above all. St. Augustine. ) Christ left us not a system of logic, but a few simple truths. B. R. Hay don. Christmas comes but once a year. Pr. Christ never wrote a tract, but He went about doing good. Horace Mann. Christ's truth itself may yet be taught / With something of the devil s spirit. (/. B.) Sel- kirk. Churches are not built on Christ's principles, but on His tropes. Emerson. i Ci-devant — Former. Fr. Cieco e l'occhio, se l'animo e distratto — The eye sees nothing if the mind is distracted. It. Pr. Ciencia es locura si buen senso no la cura — Knowledge is of little use if it is not under the direction of good sense. Sp. Pr. Ci-git — Here lies Fr. Cineri gloria sera venit — Glory comes too late to one in the dust. Mart. 3 Cio che Dio vuole, io voglio — What God wills, I will. M. Cio che si usa, non ha bisogno di scusa — That which is customary needs no excuse. //. Pr. Circles are prais'd, not that abound / In largeness, but th' exactly round ; , So life we praise, that does excel, / Not in much time, but acting well. V 'alio: Circles in water as they wider flow, / The less conspicuous in their progress grow, / And when at last they trench upon the shore, / Distinction ceases, and they're view'd no more. Crabbe. Circles to square, and cubes to double, / Would give a man excessive trouble. Prior. 5 Circuitus verborum— A roundabout story or ex- pression Circulus in probando — Begging the question, or taking for granted the point at issue (lit. a circle in the proof). Circumstances are beyond the control of man, but his conduct is in his own power. Dis- raeli. Circumstances are things round about ; we are in them, not under them. Lander. Circumstances form the character, but, like petrifying matters, they harden while they form. Lander. Circumstances ? I make circumstances. 30 Napoleon. Cita mors ruit — Death is a swift rider. Citharoedus Ridetur chorda qui semper ob- berrat eadem — The harper who is always at fault on the same string is derided. Hon. Cities force growth, and make men talkative and entertaining, but they make them arti- ficial. Emerson. Cities give not the human senses room enough. Emerson. Cities have always been the fire-places (i.e., 35 foci) of civilisation, whence light and heat radiated out into the dark, cold world. Theo- dore Parker. Citius venit periculum cum contemnitur — When danger is despised, it arrives the sooner. Syr. Civil dissension is a viperous worm / That gnaws the bowels of the commonwealth. i Hen. I '/., iii. i. Civilisation degrades the many to exalt the few. A. B. Alcott. Civilisation depends on morality. Emerson. Civilisation is the result of highly complex 40 organisation. Emerson. Civilisation means the recession of passional and material life, and the development of social and moral life. Ward Beecher. Civilisation tends to corrupt men, as large towns vitiate the air. Amicl. Civility costs nothing, and buys everything. M. Wortley Montagu. Clamorous labour knocks with its hundred hands at the golden gate of the morning. Newman Hall. Claqueur — One hired to applaud. Fr. 45 Clarior e tenebris — The brighter from the ob- scurity. M. Clarum et venerabile nomen — An illustrious and honoured name. Classical quotation is the parole of literary men all over the world. Johnson. Classisch ist das Gesunde, romantisch das Kranke— The healthy is classical, the unhealthy is romantic. Goethe. Claude os, aperi oculos— Keep thy mouth shut, 50 but thy eyes open. Claudite jam rivos, pueri ; sat prata biberunt — Close up the sluices now, lads ; the meadows have drunk enough. Virg. Clausum fregit — He has broken through the en- closure, i.e., committed a trespass. L. Clay and clay differs in dignity, / Whose dust is both alike. Cymbelinc, iv. 2. Cleanliness is near of kin to godliness. Pr. Clear and bright it should be ever, / Flowing 55 like a crystal river ; / Bright as light, and clear as wind. Tennyson on the Mind. Clear conception leads naturally to clear and correct expression. Boileau. Clear writers, like clear fountains, do not seem so deep as they are ; the turbid look the most profound. Landor. Clear your mind of cant. Johnson. Clemency alone makes us equal with the gods. Claudian us. Clemency is one of the brightest diamonds in 60 the crown o! majesty, II . Seeker. CLEVERNESS [ 44 ] COMME Cleverness is serviceable for everything, suffi- cient for nothing'. Amiel. Clever people will recognise and tolerate noth- ing but cleverness. A miel. Climbing is performed in the same posture as creeping. Swift. Clocks will go as they are set ; but man, irregular man, is never constant, never cer- tain. Otway. 5 Close sits my shirt, but closer sits my skin. Pr. Clothes are for necessity ; warm clothes, for health ; cleanly, for decency ; lasting, for thrift ; and rich, for magnificence. Fuller. Clothes have made men of us ; they are threat- ening to make clothes-screens of us. Cariyle. Clothes make the man. Dut. Pr. Clouds are the veil behind which the face of day coquettishly hides itself, to enhance its beauty. Jean Paul. 10 Coal is a portable climate. Emerson. Cobblers go to mass and pray that the cows may die {i.e., for the sake of their hides). Port. Pr. Cobra buena fama, y echate a dormir — Get a good name, and go to sleep. S/>. Pr. Cobre gana cobre que no huesos de hombre — Money {lit. copper) breeds money and not man's bones. SJ. Pr. Ccelitus mihi vires — My strength is from heaven. M. 15 Coelo tegitur qui non habet urnam — He who has no urn to hold his bones is covered by the vault of heaven. Lucan. Coelum ipsum petimus stultitia — We assail heaven itself in our folly, //or. Coelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt — Those who cross the sea change only the climate, not their character. Hor. Coerced innocence is like an imprisoned lark ; open the door, and it is off for ever. Hali- burton. Cogenda mens est ut incipiat — The mind must be stimulated to make a beginning. Sen. 20 Cogi qui potest nescit mori— He who can be compelled knows not how to die. Sen. Cogitatio nostra cceli munimenta perrumpit, nee contenta est, id, quod ostenditur, scire — Our thoughts break through the muniments of heaven, and are not satisfied with knowing what is offered to sense observation. Sen. Cogito, ergo sum — I think, therefore I am. Des- cartes. Cognovit actionem — He has admitted the action. /.. Coigne of vantage. Mad. , i. 6. 25 Coin heaven's image / In stamps that are for- bid. Meat, for Meets., ii. 4. Cold hand, warm heart. Pr. Cold pudding settles one's love. Pr. Collision is as necessary to produce virtue in men, as it is to elicit fire in inanimate matter ; and chivalry is the essence of virtue. Lord John Russell. Colonies don't cease to be colonies because they are independent. J 'Israeli. 30 Colour answers to feeling in man ; shape, to thought ; motion, to will. John Sterling. Colour blindness, which may mistake drab for scarlet, is better than total blindness, which sees no distinction of colour at all. George Eliot, Colour is the type of love. Hence it is espe- cially connected with the blossoming of the earth, and with its fruits ; also with the spring and fall of the leaf, and with the morning and evening of the day, in order to show the waiting of love about the birth and death of man. Raskin. Colours are the smiles of Nature . . . her laughs, as in the flowers. Leigh Hunt. Colubram in sinu fovere — To cherish a serpent in one's bosom. Columbus discovered no isle or key so lonely 35 as himself. Emerson. Combien de heros : glorieux, magnanimes, ont vecu trop d'un jour — How many famous and high-souled heroes have lived a day too long ! J. B. Rousseau. Combinations of wickedness would overwhelm the world, did not those who have long practised perfidy grow faithless to each other. Johnson. Come, and trip it as you go, / On the light fantastic toe. Milton. Come, civil night, / Thou sober-suited matron, all in black. Rom. and Jul, iii. 2. Come, cordial, not poison. Rom. and Jul., v. t. 40 Comedians are not actors ; they are only imitators of actors. Zimmermanu. Come e duro calle — How hard is the path. Dante. Come, fair Repentance, daughter of the skies ! / Soft harbinger of soon returning virtue ; / The weeping messenger of grace from heaven. Browne. Come forth into the light of things, / Let Nature be your teacher. Wordsworth. Come he slow or come he fast, / It is but 45 Death who comes at last. Scott. Come like shadows, so depart. Bowles. Come, my best friends, my books, and lead me on. Cowley. Come one, come all ! this rock shall fly , From its firm base as soon as I. Scott. Comes jucundus in via pro vehiculo est — A pleasant companion on the road is as good as a carriage, Pitb. Syr. Come the three corners of the world in arms, ' 50 And we shall shock them. Nought shall make us rue, / If England to itself do rest but true. King John, v. 7. Come, we burn daylight. Rom. and Jul., i. 4. Come what come may, / Time and the hour runs through the roughest day. Mac/:, i. ;. Come what sorrow can,_ I It cannot counter- vail th' exchange of joy / That one short minute gives me in her sight. Rom. and Jul., ii. 6. Comfort is the god of this world, but comfort it will never obtain by making it an object. Whipple. Comfort's in heaven ; and we are on the earth, / 55 Where nothing lives but crosses, care, and grief. Rich. II., ii. .•. Coming events cast their shadows before. Campbell. Comitas inter gentes — Courtesy between nations. Command large fields, but cultivate small ones. / 'ire. Comme il faut— As it should be. /■'•: Comme je fus — As I was. M. 6Q Comme je trouve- As 1 find it. M. Commend [ 43 ] CON Commend a fool for his wit or a knave for his honesty, and he will receive you into his bosom. Fielding;. Commend me rather to him who goes wrong- in a way that is his own, than to him who walks correctly in a way that is not. Goethe. Commerce changes the fate and genius of nations. T. Gray. Commerce nourishes by circumstances, pre- carious, contingent, transitory, almost as liable to change as the winds and waves that waft it to our shores. Cotton. Commerce has set the mark of selfishness, the signet of all-enslaving power, upon a shin- ing ore and called it gold. Shelley. Commerce is a game of skill, which every one cannot play, which few men can play well. Emerson, Commerce is one of the daughters of Fortune, inconstant and deceitful as her mother. She chooses her residence where she is least expected, and shifts her abode when her con- tinuance is, in appearance, most firmly settled. Johnson. Commit a crime, and the earth is made of glass. Emerson. Committunt multi eadem diverso crimina fato, / Ille crucem sceleris pretium tulerit, hie dia- dema — How different the fate of men who com- mit the same crimes ! For the same villany one man goes to the gallows, and another is raised to a throne. Common as light is love, ,' And its familiar voice wearies not ever. Shelley. Common chances common men can bear. Corio- lanus, iv. i. Common distress is a great promoter both of friendship and speculation. Swift. Common fame is seldom to blame. Pr. Commonly they use their feet for defence whose tongue is their weapon. Sir P. Sidney. Common men are apologies for men ; they bow the head, excuse themselves with prolix reasons, and accumulate appearances, be- cause the substance is not. Emerson. Common-place people see no difference between one man and another. Pascal. Common-sense is calculation applied to life. A miel. Common-sense is the average sensibility and intelligence of men undisturbed by individual peculiarities. //". R. Alger. Common - sense is the genius of humanity. Goethe. Common-sense is the measure of the possible ; it is calculation applied to life. Aiuiet. Common souls pay with what they do ; nobler | souls, with what they are. Emerson. Communautes commencent par batir leur cuisine — Communities begin with building their kitchen. J-'r. Pr. Commune bonum — A common good. Commune naufragium omnibus est consolatio — A shipwreck (disaster) that is common is a consolation to all. Pr. Commune periculum concordiam parit — A com- mon danger tends to concord. L. Communia esse amicorum inter se omnia — All things are common among friends. Ter. Communibus annis — One year with another. Communi consensu— By common consent. Communion is the law of growth, and homes only thrive when they sustain relations with each other. /. (,". Holland. Communism is the exploitation of the strong 30 by the weak. In communism, inequality springs from placing mediocrity on a level with excellence. Proud/ion. Como canta el abad, asi responde el monacillo —As the abbot sings, the sacristan answers. Sp. Compagnon de voyage— A fellow-traveller. Pr. Company, villanous company, has been the spoil of me. i Hen. IV., iii. 3. Comparaison n'est pas raison — Comparison is no proof. Pr. Pr. Compare her face with some that I shall 35 show, / And I will make thee think thy swan a crow. Rom. and Jul, i. 2. Comparisons are odious. Burton. Comparisons are odorous. Much Ado, iii. 5. Compassion to the offender who has grossly violated the laws is, in effect, a cruelty to the peaceable subject who has observed them. Junius. Compassion will cure more sins than condemna- tion. Ward Bcecher. Compendia dispendia— Short cuts are round- 40 about ways. Compendiaria res improbitas. virtusque tarda — Vice is summary in its procedure, virtue is slow. Compesce mentem — Restrain thy irritation. Hor. Complaining never so loud, and with never so much reason, is of no use. Emerson. Complaining profits little ; stating of the truth may profit. Carlyle. Complaint is the largest tribute heaven re- 15 ceives, and the sincerest part of our devo- tion. Swift. Compliments are only lies in court clothes. /. Sterling. Componitur orbis / Regis ad exemplum ; nee sic inflectere sensus / Humanos edicta valent, quam vita regentis — Manners are fashioned after the example of the king, and edicts have less effect on them than the life of the ruler. Claud. Compose thy mind, and prepare thy soul calmly to obey ; such offering will be more accept- able to God than every other sacrifice. Metastasio. Compositum miraculi causa— A story trumped up to astonish, 'lac. Compos mentis — Of a sound mind. 50 Compound for sins they are inclined to ' By damning those they have no mind to. Butler. Comprendre e'est pardonner — To understand is to pardon. Mad. de Stael. Compte rendu— Report, return. Pr. Con agua pasada no muele molino— The mill grinds no corn with water that has passed. Sj>. Pr. Con amore— With love ; earnestly. It. 55 Con arte e con inganno si vive mezzo l'anno ; con inganno si vive l'altra parte — People live with art and deception one half the year, and with deception and art the other half. It. Pr* CONCEAL t 16 ] CONSUETUDO Conceal not the meanness of thy family, nor think it disgraceful to be descended from peasants ; for when it is seen thou art not thyself ashamed, no one will endeavour to make thee so. Cervantes. Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works. Ham., iii. 4. Conceit may puff a man up, but never prop him up. Raskin. Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short, in all the management of human affairs. Emerson. 5 Concio ad clerum — An address to the clergy. Concordia discors— A jarring or discordant con- cord. Ovid. Concordia res parvas crescunt, discordia maxi- ma? dilabuntur — With concord small things in- crease, with discord the greatest go to ruin. Sail. Concours — A competition. Fr. Condemnable idolatry is insincere idolatry — a human soul clinging spasmodically to an Ark of the Covenant, which it half feels is now a phantasm. Carlyle. 10 Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it ! / Why, every fault's condemned ere it be done. Meas.for Meas., ii. 2. Condense some daily experience into a glow- ing symbol, and an audience is electrified. h merson. Con dineros no te conoceras, sin dineros no te conoceran — With money you would not know yourself; without it, no one would know you. Sp. Pr. Condition, circumstance, is not the thing, / Bliss is the same in subject or in king. Pope Conditions are pleasant or grievous to us according to our sensibilities. Lew. Wallace. 15 Con el Rey y con la Inquisicion, chitos — With the King and the Inquisition, hush! Sp. Pr. Confessed faults are half mended. Sc. Pr. Confess yourself to Heaven ; / Repent what's past ; avoid what is to come ; / And do not spread the compost on the weeds, / To make them ranker. Ham., iii. 4. Confess you were wrong yesterday; it will show you are wise to-day. Pr. Confidence imparts a wondrous inspiration to its possessor. It bears him on in security, either to meet no danger or to find matter of glorious trial. Milton. 20 Confidence in another man's virtue is no slight evidence of a man's own. Montaigne. Confidence in one's self is the chief nurse of magnanimity. Sir P. Sidney. Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom. Chatham. Confidence is a thing not to be produced by compulsion. Men cannot be forced into trust. D. Webster, Confido, conquiesco — 1 trust, ami am at rest. M. 25 Confine your tongue, lest it confine you. Pr. Confrere— A brother monk or associate. Fr. Confusion now hath made his masterpiece. / Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope / The Lords anointed temple, and stole thence / The life o' the building. Mad., ii. t. Confusion worse confounded. Milton.. Conge d'elire — A leave to elect, Pr. 30 Con poco cervello si governa il mondo — The world is governed. with, small wit. //. Pr. Conquer we shall, but we must first contend : / 'Tis not the fight that crowns us, but the end. Herrick. Conscia mens recti famas mendacia risit — The mind conscious of integrity ever scorns the lies of rumour. Ovid. Conscience does make cowards of us all ; / And thus the native hue of resolution / Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought ; And enterprises of great pith and moment, / With this regard, their currents turn awry, / And lose the name of action. Ham., iii. 1. Conscience is but a word that cowards use, ' Devised at first to keep the strong in awe ; / Our strong arms be our conscience, swords our law. Rich. III., v. 3. Conscience is our magnetic needle ; / reason, 35 our chart. Josefih Code. Conscience is the chamber of justice. Origen. Conscience is the compass of the unknown. Joseph Cook. Conscience is the sentinel of virtue. Johnson. Conscience is the voice of the soul ; the pas- sions, of the body. Rousseau. Conscience is wiser than science. Lavater. 40 Conscientia mille testes — Conscience is equal to a thousand witnesses. Pr. Con scienza — With a knowledge of the subject. It. Consecrated is the spot which a good man has trodden. Goethe. Consecration is going out into the world where God Almighty is, and using every power lor His glory. Ward Beecher. Conseil d'etat— Council of state. 45 Consensus facit legem — Consent makes the law. L. Consequitur quodcunque petit— He attains to whatever he aims at. M. Conservatism is the pause on the last move- ment. Emerson. Consideration, like an angel, came, / And whipp'd th' offending Adam out of him, / Leaving his body as a paradise, / To en- velop and contain celestial spirits, lieniy V., i. 1 Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow ; 50 they toil not, neither do they spin ; and yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Jesus. Consilio et animis — By counsel and courage. M, Conspicuous by its absence. Lord John Rus- sell. Constans et fidelitate — Constant and with faith- fulness. M. Constant attention wears the active mind, / Blots out her powers, and leaves a blank behind. Churchill. Constantia et virtute — l!y constancy and virtue, 55 M. Constantly choose rather to want less than to have more. 'I homos a Kentpis. Constant occupation prevents temptation. It. Pr. Constant thought will overflow in words un- consciously. Byron. Consuetudinis magna vis est— The force of habit is great t Vis, Consuetudo est altera lex— Custom is a. second 60 law. L. CONSUETUDO f 47 ] CORAM Consuetudo est secunda natura — Custom is a second nature. St. A ttg: Consuetudo pro lege servatur — Custom is ob- served as law. L. Consult duty, not events. Landor. Contaminate our fingers with base bribes ? . . . I'd rather be a dog and bay the moon than such a Roman. Jul. Cces., iv. 3. Contas na mao, e o demonio no coracao — Rosary in the hand, and the devil in the heart. Port. Pr. Contemni est gravius stultitias quam percuti — To be despised is more galling to a foolish man than to be whipped. Contemporaries appreciate the man rather than his merit ; posterity will regard the merit rather than the man. Coiton. Contempt is a dangerous element to sport in ; a deadly one, if we habitually live in it. Carlyle. Contempt is a kind of gangrene, which, if it seizes one part of a character, corrupts all the rest by degrees. Johnson. Contempt is the only way to triumph over calumny. Mde. de Maintcnon. Contented wi' little, an' cantie (cheerily happy) wi' mair. Burns. Content if hence th' unlearn'd their wants may view, / The learn'd reflect on what before they knew. Pope, [Contention is a hydra's head ; the more they strive, the more they may. Burton. Contention, like a horse / Full of high feed- ing, madly hath broken loose, / And bears all down before him. 2 Hen., i. 1. Contentions fierce, / Ardent, and dire, spring from no petty cause. Scott. Contentions for trifles can get but a trifling victory. Sir P. Sidney. Content is better than riches. Pr. Content is the true philosopher's stone. Pr. Contentment, as it is a short road and pleasant, has great delight and little trouble. Epic- tetus. Contentment consisteth not in adding more fuel, but in taking away some fire. Fuller. Contentment is natural wealth. Soe?-ates. Contentment will make a cottage look as fair as a palace. W. Seeker. Contentment without money is the philoso- pher's stone. Lichtiver. Content's a kingdom, and I wear that crown. Heywood. Content thyself to be obscurely good ; / When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, The post of honour is a private station. Addison. Content with poverty, my soul I arm ; / And virtue, though in rags, will keep me warm. I 'ryden after Hor. Contesa vecchia tosto si fa nuova — An old feud is easily renewed, it. Pr. Conticuere omnes, intentique ora tenebant — All were at once silent and listened intent. Virg. Continued eloquence wearies. Pascal. Contra bonos mores — Against good morals. Contra malum mortis, non est medicamen in hortis — Against the evil of death there is no remedy in the garden. Contraria contrariis curantur — Contraries are cured by contraries. Contrast increases the splendour of beauty, but it disturbs its influence ; it adds to its attractiveness, but diminishes its power. Ruskiu. Contrat social — The social compact, specially Rousseau's theory thereof. Contra verbosos noli contendere verbis ; / 35 Sermo datur cunctis, animi sapientia paucis — Don't contend with words against wordy people ; speech is given to all, wisdom to few. Cato. Contredire, e'est quelquefois frapper a une porte, pour savoir s il y a quelqu'un dans la maison — To contradict sometimes means to knock at the door in order to know whether there is any one in the house. Fr. Pr. Contre fortune bon cceur — Against change of fortune set a bold heart. Fr. Pr. Contre les rebelles, e'est cruaute que d'estre humain et humanite d'estre cruel-Against rebels it is cruelty to be humane, and humanity to be cruel. Corneille Muis. Contre-temps — A mischance. Fr. Contrivances of the time / For sowing broad- 40 cast the seeds of crime. Longfelloiv. Contumeliam si dicis, audies — If you utter abuse, you must expect to receive it. Plant. Conversation enriches the understanding ; but solitude is the school of genius. Gibbon. Conversation in society is found to be on a platform so low as to exclude science, the saint, and the poet. Emerson. Conversation is an abandonment to ideas, a surrender to persons. A. B. Ateott. Conversation is an art in which a man has all 45 mankind for competitors. Emerson. Conversation is a traffic ; and if you enter into it without some stock of knowledge to bal- ance the account perpetually, the trade drops at once. Sterne. Conversation will not corrupt us if we come to the assembly in our own garb and speech, and with the energy of health to select what is ours and reject what is not. Emerson. Converse with a mind that is grandly simple, and literature looks like word -catching. Emerson. Conversion — a grand epoch for a man ; pro- perly the one epoch ; the turning-point which guides upwards, or guides downwards, him and his activities for evermore. Carlyle. Conversion is the awakening of a soul to see 50 into the awful truth of things ; to see that Time and its shows all rest on Eternity, and this poor earth of ours is the threshold either of heaven or helL Carlyle. Convey a libel in a frown, ' And wink a reputa- tion down. Swift. Convey thy love to thy friend as an arrow to the mark ; not as a ball against the wall, to rebound back again. C'uaries. Conviction, never so excellent, is worthless till it convert itself into conduct. Carlyle. Copia verborum — Superabundance of words. Coracao determinado, nao soffre conselho— He 55 brooks no advice whose mind is made up. Port. Pr. Coram domino rege— Before our lord the king. Coram nobis — Before the court. Coram non judice— Before one who is not a judge. CORBIES [ 48 j COURAGE Corbies (crows) and clergy are kittle shot (hard to hit). Sc. Pr. Corbies dinna pick oot corbies' een, i.e., harm each other. Sc. Pr. Cordon bleu — A skilful cook {lit. a blue ribbon). Fr. Cordon sanitaire — A guard to prevent a disease spreading. Fr. 5 Corn is gleaned with wind, and the soul with chastening. Geo. Herbert. Cor nobile, cor immobile— A noble heart is an immovable heart. Coronat virtus cultores suos — Virtue crowns her votaries. .1/. Corpo ben feito nao ha mester capa — A body that is veil made needs no cloak. Port. Pr. Corpora lente augescunt, cito extingnuntur — All bodies are slow in growth, rapid in decay. Tac. 10 Corporations cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed nor excommunicated, for they have no souls. ( 'oke. Corporations have neither bodies to be punished nor souls to be damned. 'Ihurlow. Corporis et fortunse bonorum, ut initium, finis est. Omnia orta occidunt, et aucta senes- cunt — The blessings of health and fortune, as they have a beginning, must also have an end. Everything rises but to fall, and grows but to decay. Sail. Corpo satollo non crede all' affamato — A satis- fied appetite does not believe in hunger. It. Pr. Corps d'armee— A military force. Fr. 15 Corps diplomatique— The diplomatic body. Fr. Corpus Christi— Festival in honour of the Eucha- rist or body of Christ. Corpus delicti — The body of the offence. L. Corpus sine pectore — A body without a soul. Hot. Correct counting keeps good friends. Gael. Pr. 20 Correction does much, but encouragement does more. Goethe. Correction is good, administered in time. Dan. Pr. Corre lontano chi non torna mai— He runs a long way who never turns. It. Pr. Corrigenda — Corrections to be made. Corrupted freemen are the worst of slaves. Garrick. 25 Corruption is like a ball of snow, when once set a rolling it must increase. Colton. Corruptions can only be expiated by the blood of the just ascending to heaven by the steps of the scaffold. De Tocgueville. Corruptio optimi pessima— The corruption of the best is the worst. Anon. Corruptissima in republica plurimae leges— In a state in which corruption abounds laws are very numerous. Tat . Cor unum, via una— One heart, one way. M. 30 Corvees Forced labour, formerly exacted of the peasantry in Prance. Fr. Cosa ben fatta e fatta due volte— A thing well i lone i^ twice done. //. Pr. Cosa fatta, capo ha- A thing which is <1 a head, i.e., it i^ never done till completed. //. Pr. Cosa mala nunca muere— A bad tiling never dies SJ>. Pr. Cosi fan tutti — So do they all. It. Cos ingeniorum — A whetstone to their wit. i Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, ' But not expressed in fancy ; rich, not gaudy ; ' For the apparel oft proclaims the man. Ham., i. 3. Costumbre hace ley — Custom becomes law. Sf>. Pr. Could everything be done twice, it would be done better. Ger. Pr. Could great men thunder , As Jove himself does, Jove would ne'er be quiet ; For every pelting, petty officer Would use his heaven for thunder ; nothing but thunder. Meas.for Mius., ii. 2. Could we forbear dispute and practise love, 4 We should agree as angels do above. // 'alter. Could you see every man's career in life, you would find a woman clogging him ... or cheering him and goading him. Thackeray. Couleur de rose — A flattering representation. Fr. Count art by gold, and it fetters the feet it once winged. Oitida, Count the world not an inn, but an hospital ; and a place not to live in. but to die in. Colton. Countries are well cultivated, not as they 4 are fertile, but as they are free. Montcs* quieu. Coup de grace— The finishing stroke. Fr. Coup de main — A bold effort ; a surprise. Coup de pied — A kick. Fr. Coup de soleil — Stroke of the sun. Fr. Coup d'essai — First attempt. Fr. & Coup d'etat — A sudden stroke of policy. Fr. Coup de theatre — Theatrical effect. Fr. Coup d'ceil — A glance of the eye ; a prospect. Courage against misfortune, and reason against passion. Pr. Courage and modesty are the most unequivocal 5 of virtues, for they are of a kind that hypo- crisy cannot imitate. G ethe. Courage consists in equality to the problem before us. Emerson. Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in meeting it with the eyes open. Jean Paul. Courage consists not in hazarding without fear, but being resolutely minded in a just cause. Plutarch. Courage ! even sorrows, when once they are vanished, quicken the soul, as rain the valley. Satis. Courage is generosity of the highest order, 6 for the brave are prodigal of the most pre- cious things, c Courage is on all hands considered an essen- tial of high .character. Fronde. Courage is the wisdom of manhood ; foolhardi- ness, the folly of youth. Pi. Courage mounteth with occasion. King John, ii. 1. Courage never to submit or yield. Milton. Courage of soul is necessary for the triumphs 6; of genius. Mine, de Stall Courage of the soldier awakes the courage o( woman. Emerson. COURAGE [ 40 ] CRESCIT Courage, or the degree of life, is as the degree of circulation of the blood in the arteries. Emerson. Courage sans peur — Courage without fear. Fr. Courage, sir, / That makes man or woman look their goodliest. Tennyson. Courage, so far as it is a sign of race, is pecu- liarly the mark of a gentleman or a lady ; but it becomes vulgar if rude or insensitive. Ruskin. Courtesy costs nothing. Pr. Courtesy is cumbersome to him that kens it not. .SV. Pr. Courtesy is often sooner found in lowly sheds with smoky rafters, than in tapestry halls and courts of princes, where it first was named. Milton. Courtesy itself must convert to disdain, if you come in her presence. Much Ado, i. i. Courtesy never broke one's crown. Gael. Pr. Courtesy of temper, when it is used to veil churlishness of deed, is but a knight's girdle around the breast of a base clown. Scott. Courtship consists in a number of quiet atten- tions, not so pointed as to alarm, nor so vague as not to be understood. Sterne. Coute qu'il coute — Let it cost what it may. Fr. Cover yourself with honey and the flies will fasten on you. Pr, Covetous men need money least, yet most affect it ; and prodigals, who need it most, do least regard it. Theod. Parker Covetousness bursts the bag. Pr. Covetousness is a sort of mental gluttony, not confined to money, but greedy of honour and feeding on selfishness. Chamfort. Covetousness is ever attended with solicitude and anxiety. B. Franklin. Covetousness is rich, while modesty goes barefoot. Phcedrus. Covetousness, like jealousy, when it has once taken root, never leaves a man but with his life. T. Hughes. Covetousness often starves other vices. Sc. Pr. Covetousness swells the principal to no pur- pose, and lessens the use to all purposes. Jeremy Taylor. Covetousness, which is idolatry. St. Paul. Coward dogs / Most spend their mouths when what they seem to threaten Runs far before them. Henry /'. , ii. 4. Cowardice is the dread of what will happen. Epictetus. Cowards are cruel, but the brave / Love mercy, and delight to save. Gay. Cowards die many times before their deaths ; ,' The valiant never taste of death but once. / Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear ; / Seeing that death, a necessary end, / Will come when it will come. Jul. Cwsar, ii. 2. Cowards falter, but danger is often overcome by those who nobly dare. Queen Elizabeth. Cowards father cowards, and base things sire base ; , Nature hath meal and bran, contempt and grace, Cymb., iv. 2. Cowards tell lies, and those that fear the rod. G. Herbert. Crabbed age and youth / Cannot live together. 30 Shakespeare. Craftiness is a quality in the mind and a vice in the character. Sanial Dubay. Craft maun hae claes (clothes), but truth gaes naked. Sc. Pr. Crafty men contemn studies ; simple men ad- mire them ; and wise men use them ; for they teach not their own use ; but that is wisdom without them, and above them won by obser- vation. Bacon. Craignez honte — Fear shame. M. Craignez tout d'un auteur en courroux — Fear 35 the worst from an enraged author. Fr. Crambe repetita — Cabbage repeated (kills). Jin'. Cras credemus, hodie nihil — To-morrow we will believe, but not to-day. Pr. Crea el cuervo, y sacarte ha los ojos — Breed up a crow and he will peck out your eyes. Sp. Pr. Creaking waggons are long in passing. Fn's. Pr. Created half to rise and half to fall, / Great 40 lord of all things, yet a prey to all; / Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurl'd ; / The glory, jest, and riddle of the world. Pope. Creation is great, and cannot be understood. Carlyle. Creation lies before us like a glorious rainbow ; but the sun that made it lies behind us, hidden from us. Jean Paul. Creation's heir, the world, the world is mine. Goldsmith. Creation sleeps ! 'Tis as the general pulse / Of life stood still, and Nature made a pause, / An awful pause, prophetic of her end. Young. Credat Judaeus Apella — Apella, the Jew, may 45 believe that ; I cannot. Hor. Crede quod est quod vis — Believe that that is which you wish to be. Ovid. Crede quod habes, et habes — Believe that you have it, and you have it. Credit keeps the crown o' the causey, i.e., is not afraid to show its face. Sc. /V. Creditors have better memories than debtors. Pr. Credo, quia absurdum — I believe it because it is 50 absurd. Tert. Credula res amor est — Love is a credulous affec- tion. Ovid. Credula vitam / Spes fovet, et fore cras semper ait melius — Credulous hope cherishes life, and ever whispers to us that to-morrow will be better. Tibull. Credulity is perhaps a weakness almost in- separable from eminently truthful char- acters. Tucherman. Credulity is the common failing of inexperi- enced virtue. Johnson. Creep before you gang (walk). Sc Pr. 55 Crescentem sequitur cura pecuniam, ' Major- unique fames — Care accompanies increasing wealth, and a craving for still greater riches. Hor. Crescit. amor nummi quantum ipsa pecunia crescit — The love of money increases as wealth increases. Juv. D CRESCIT [ 50 ] CUJUS Crescit occulto velut arbor aevo— It grows as a tree with a hidden life. Hor. Crescit sub pondere virtus— Virtue thrives under oppression. M. Cressa ne careat pulchra dies nota— Let not a day so lair be without its white mark. Hor, Creta an carbone notandi ? — Are they to be marked with chalk or charcoal ? Hor. 5 Crime and punishment grow out of one stem. Punishment is a fruit that, unsuspected, ripens within the flower of the pleasure that concealed it. Emerson. Crime cannot be hindered by punishment, but only by letting- no man grow up a criminal. A' itskin. Crime, like virtue, has its degrees. Racine. Crimen laesae majestatis — Crime of high treason. Crimen quos inquinat, sequat— Crime puts those on an equal footing whom it defiles. 10 Crimes generally punish themselves. Gold- smith. Crimes sometimes shock us too much ; vices almost always too little. Hare. Crimina qui cernunt aliorum, non sua cernunt, / Hi sapiunt aliis, desipiuntque sibi — Those who see the faults of others, but not their own, are wise for others and fools for themselves. Pr. Crimine ab uno / Disce omnes — From the base character of one learn what they all are. Virg. Cripples are aye better schemers than walkers. Sc. Pr. 15 Criticism is a disinterested endeavour to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in the world. Mattkew A mold. Criticism is as often a trade as a science, re- quiring, as it does, more health than wit, more labour than capacity, more practice than genius. La Bruyere. Criticism is like champagne, nothing more execrable if bad, nothing more excellent if good. Colton. Criticism is not construction ; it is observation. G. jr. Curtis. Criticism must never be sharpened into ana- tomy. The life of the imagination, as of the body, disappears when we pursue it. Will- inott. 20 Criticism often takes from the tree caterpillars and blossoms together. Jean Paul. Criticism should be written for the public, not the artist, li'm. Winter. Critics all are ready made. Byron. Critics are men who have failed in literature and art. J 'Israeli. Critics are sentinels in the grand army of letters, stationed at the corners of news- papers and reviews to challenge every new author. Longfellow. 25 Critics must excuse me if I compare them to certain animals called asses, who, by gnaw- ing vines, originally taught the great advan- tage of pruning them. S hens tone. Crosses are ladders that lead to heaven. Pr. Crows do not pick out crows' eyes. Pr. Cruci dum spiro fido- Whilst I breathe I trust in the cross. M. Crudelem medicum intemperans ager facit A disorderly patient makes a harsh phj i< ian Pub, Syr Crudelis ubique / Luctus, ubique pavor, et30 plurima mortis imago — Everywhere is heart- rending wail, everywhere consternation, and death in a thousand shapes. Virg. Cruel as death, and hungry as the grave. Thomson. Cruel men are the greatest lovers of mercy ; avaricious, of generosity ; proud, of humility, — in others. Colton. Cruelty in war buyeth conquest at the dearest price. Sir P. Sidney. Cruelty is no more the cure of crimes than it is the cure of sufferings. Landor. Crux criticorum — The puzzle of critics. 35 Crux est si metuas quod vincere nequeas — It is torture to fear what you cannot overcome. A usonius. Crux medicorum — The puzzle of physicians. Cry " Havock," and let slip the dogs of war. Jul. C these calamities also. Virg. 25 Da capo — From the beginning //. D accord — Agreed ; in tune. Fr. Da chi mi fido, Guardi mi Dio. Da chi non mi fido, / Mi guardero io — From him I trust may God keep me ; from him I do not trust I will keep myself. It. Pr. Dachtet ihr, der Lowe schliefe, weil er nicht briillte ? — Did you think the lion was sleeping because it did not roar? Schiller. Da die Gdtter menschlicher noch waren, / Waren Menschen gbttlicher — When the gods were more human, men were more divine. Schiller. Dadivas quebrantanpenas — Gifts dissolve rocks. 30 Sp. Fr. Da du Welt nicht kannst entsagen, ' Erobre dir sie mit Gewalt — Where thou canst not re- nounce the world, subdue it under thee by force. Platen. Dafiir bin ich ein Mann dass sich aushalte in dem was ich begonnen, dass ich einstehe mit Leib und Leben fur das Trachten meines Geistes — For this end am I a man, that I should persevere steadfastly in what I have began, and answer with my life for the aspiration of my spirit. Laube. Daily life is more instructive than the most effective book. Goethe. Sa'iros «"t'iart,from Hor. Daylight will come, though the cock does not crow. Dan. Pr. Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom. Bible. De adel der ziel is meer waardig dan de adel des geslachts — Nobility of soul is more honour- able than nobility by birth. Dut. Pr. Dead men open living men's eyes. Sp. Pr. Dead scandals form good subjects for dissec- 30 tion. Byron. De alieno largitor, et sui restrictor— Lavish of what is another's, tenacious of his own. Cic. Deal mildly with his youth ; / For young hot colts, being raged, do rage the more. Rich. //., ii. i. Deal so plainly with man and woman as to constrain the utmost sincerity and destroy all hope of trifling with you. Emerson. Dear is cheap, and cheap is dear. Port. Pr. Dear son of memory, great heir of fame. 35 Milton on Shakespeare. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Bible. Death-bed repentance is sowing seed at Mar- tinmas. Gael. Pr. Death borders upon our birth, and our cradle stands in the grave. Bp. Hall. Death but supplies the oil for the inextinguish- able lamp of life. Coleridge. Death comes equally to us all, and makes us 40 all equal when it comes. Donne. Death finds us 'mid our playthings — snatches us, / As a cross nurse might do a wayward child, / From all our toys and baubles. Old Play. Death gives us sleep, eternal youth, and im- mortality. Jean Paul. Death is a black camel that kneels at every man's door. Turk. Pr. Death is a commingling of eternity with time ; in the death of a good man eternity is seen looking through time. Goethe. Death is a fearful thing. Meets, for Mens., 45 iii. i. Death is a friend of ours, and he who is not ready to entertain him is not at home. Bacon. Death is but another phasis of life, which also is awful, fearful, and wonderful, reaching to heaven and hell. Carlyle. Death is but a word to us. Our own experience alone can teach us the real meaning of the word. W. v. Humboldt. Death is but what the haughty brave, / The weak must bear, the wretch must crave. Byron. Death is sure / To those that stay and those 50 that roam. Tennyson. Death is the only physician, the shadow of his valley the only journeying that will cure us of age and the gathering fatigue of years. George Eliot. Death is the quiet haven of us all. Words- worth. Death is the tyrant of the imagination. Barry Cornwall. Death is the wish of some, the relief of many, and the end of all. Sen. DEATH [ 56 j DEFENDIT Death joins us to the great majority ; / 'Tis to be borne to Platos and to Caesars ; / 'Tis to be great for ever ; / 'Tis pleasure, 'tis ambi- tion, then, to die. Young. Death lays his icy hand on kings. Shirley. Death levels all distinctions. 0. Death lies on her, like an untimely frost, / Upon the sweetest flower of all the field. Rom. and Jul., iv. 5. 5 Death may expiate faults, but it does not repair them. Napoleon. Death opens the gate of fame, and shuts the gate of envy after it. Sterne, after Bacon. Death pays all debts. Pr. Death puts an end to all rivalship and com- petition. The dead can boast no advantage over us, nor can we triumph over them. Hazlitt. Death rides in every passing breeze, / He lurks in every flower. Heber. 10 Death's but a path that must be trod, / If man would ever pass to God. Parnell. Death shuns the wretch who fain the blow would meet. Byron. Death, so called, is a thing which makes men weep, / And yet a third of life is passed in sleep. Byron. Death stands behind the young man's back, before the old man's face. T. Adams- Death treads in pleasure's footsteps round the world. i 'oung. 15 Death will have his day. Rich. II., iii. 2. De auditu — By hearsay. Debate is masculine, conversation is feminine ; the former angular, the latter circular and radiant of the underlying unity. A. B. A Icott. De beste zaak heeft nog een goed' advocaat noodig — The best cause has need of a good pleader. Dut. Pr. Debetis velle quae velimus — You ought to wish as we wish. Plaut. 20 De bonne grace— With good grace ; willingly. Fr. De bonne lutte— By fair means. F>: De bon vouloir servir le roy— To serve the king with good-will. JII Debt is the worst kind of poverty. Pr. Debt is to a man what the serpent is to the bird ; its eye fascinates, its breath poisons, its coil crushes both sinew and bone ; its jaw is the pitiless grave. Buhver Lytton. 85 Debts make the cheeks black. Arab. Pr. De calceo sollicitus, at pedem nihil curans — Anxious about the shoe, but careless about the foot. L. Pr. Deceit and falsehood, whatever conveniences they may for a time promise or produce, are, in the sum of life, obstacles to happiness. Johnson. Deceit is a game played only by small minds. ( 'orncillc. Decency is the least of all laws, yet it is the one which is the most strictly observed. La Roche. 30 Deceptio visus— Optical illusion. Decet affectus animi neque se nimium erigere nee subjicere serviliter We ought to allow the affections of the mind to be neither too much elated nor abjectly depressed. Cic. Decet imperatorem stantem mori — An emperor ought to die at his post {lit. standing). Ves- pasian. Decet patriam nobis cariorem esse quam nos- metipsos — Our country ought to be dearer to us than ourselves. Cic. Decet verecundum esse adolescentem— It be- comes a young man to be modest. Plaut. Decies repetita placebit — Ten times repeated, it 35 will still please. Nor. Decipimur specie recti — We are deceived by the semblance of rectitude. Nor. Decipit / Frons prima multos — First appearances deceive many. Decision and perseverance are the noblest qualities of man. Goethe. Declaring the end from the beginning, and from the ancient times the things that are not yet done. Bible. Decori decus addit avito— He adds honour to 40 the honour of his ancestors. M. Decorum ab honesto non potest separari — Pro- priety cannot be sundered from what is honour- able. Cic. De court plaisir, long repentir— A short pleasure, a long penance. Fr. Decrevi— I have decreed. JII. Decus et tutamen — An honour and defence. M. Dedecetphilosophum abjicere animum— It does 45 not beseem a philosopher to be dejected. Cic. De die in diem — From day to day. Dedimus potestatem— We have given power. L. Dediscit animus sero quod didicit diu — The mind is slow in unlearning what it has been long learning. Sen. Deeds survive the doers. Horace Mann. Deep calleth unto deep. Bible. 50 Deep insight will always, like Nature, ultimate its thought in a thing. Emerson. Deep in the frozen regions of the north, / A goddess violated brought thee forth, / Im- mortal liberty. Smollett. Deep on his front engraven / Deliberation sat, and public care. Milton. Deep subtle wits, / In truth, are master spirits in the world. Joanna Baillie. Deep vengeance is the daughter of deep 55 silence. A {fieri. Deep vers'd in books, and shallow in himself. Milton. De ezels dragen de haver, en de paarden eten die — Asses fetch the oats and horses eat them. Dut. Pr. De facto— In point of fact. Defeat is a school in which truth always grows strong. Ward Beecker. Defeat is nothing but education, nothing but 60 the first step to something better. Wendell rhil/ips. Defect in manners is usually the defect of fine perception. Emerson. Defectio virium adolescentipe vitiis efficitur sacpius quam senectutis Loss of strength is more frequently due to the faults of youth than of old age. Cic. Defendit numerus junctaeque umbone pha- langes— Their numbers protect* them and their compact array. J uv. DEFEND [ 57 ] DELIRANT Defend me, common sense, say I, From reve- ries so airy, from the toil / Of dropping buckets into empty wells, / And growing- old with drawing nothing up. C. Pr. Definition of words has been commonly called a mere exercise of grammarians ; but when we come to consider the innumerable evils men have inflicted on each other from mis- taking the meaning of words, the exercise of definition certainly begins to assume rather a more dignified aspect. Sydney Smith. Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up, And that so lamely and unfashionable, That dogs bark at me as I halt by them. Rich. III., i. 1. Deformity is daring : it is its essence to over- take mankind by heart and soul, and make itself the equal, ay, the superior of the rest. Byron. De fumo in flammam— Out of the frying-pan into the fire. Pr. Degage — Free and unrestrained. Pr. De gaiete de cceur — In gaiety of heart ; sportively ; wantonly. Pr. Degeneres animos timor arguit — Fear is proof of a low-born soul. / 'irg. Degli uomini si puo dire questo generalmente che sieno ingrate, volubili simulatori, fuggi- tori pericoli, cupidi di guadagno — Of mankind we may say in general that they are ungrateful, fickle, hypocritical, intent on a whole skin and greedy of gain. Machiavelli. Degrees infinite of lustre there must always be, but the weakest among us has a gift, however seemingly trivial, which is peculiar to him, and which, worthily used, will be a gift also to his race for ever. Rusl-in. De gustibus non disputandum — There is no dis- puting about tastes. De hambre a nadie vi morir, de mucho comer a cien mil — I never saw a man die of hunger, but thousands die of overfeeding. Sf>. Pr. De haute lutte — By main force. Pr. De hoc multi multa, omnes aliquid, nemo satis — Of this many have said many things, all some- thing, no one enough. Dei gratia — By the grace of God. Dei jussu non unquam credita Teneris — Fated she (i.e., Cassandra) never to be believed by her Trojan countrymen. lirg. Deil stick pride, for my dog deed o'd. Sc. Pr. Deil tak' the hin'most I on they drive, ,' Till 25 a' their weel-swall'd kytes belyve Are bent like drums, / And auld guid man maist like to rive / " Bethankit" hums. Burns. Dein Auge kann die Welt triib' oder hell dir machen ; / Wie du sie ansiehst, wird sie weinen oder lachen — Thy eye can make the world dark or bright for thee ; as thou look'st on it, it will weep or laugh. Riickert. De industria — Purposely. De integro — Over again ; anew. Ae? (pepetv to. twi> Sew-We must bear what the gods lay on us. Dei plena sunt omnia — All things are full of God. 30 Ci'c. Dejeuner a. la fourchette — A meat breakfast. Pr. De jure — By right. De kleine dieven hangt men, de groote laat men loopen — We hang little thieves and let great ones off. Did. Pr. Del agua mansa me libre Dios ; que de la recia me guardare yo — From smooth water God guard me ; from rough, I can guard myself. S/.. Pr. De lana caprina — About goat's wool, i.e., a worth- 35 less matter. Delay has always been injurious to those who are ready. Lucnn. Delay in vengeance gives a heavier blow. /. Ford. Delay of justice is injustice. Landor. Delectando pariterque monendo — By pleasing as well as instructing. Hor. Delenda est Carthago — Carthage must be de- 40 stroyed. Cato Major. Del giudizio, ognun ne vende — Of judgment every one has some to sell. It. Pr. Deliberando saepe perit occasio — An opportunity is often lost through deliberation. Pub. Syr. Deliberandum est diu quod statuendum est semel — We must take time for deliberation, where we have to determine once for all. Pub. Syr. Deliberate treachery entails punishment upon the traitor. Junius. Deliberate with caution, but act with decision ; 45 and yield with graciousness or oppose with firmness. Colton. Deliberat Roma, perit Saguntum — While Rome deliberates, Saguntum perishes. Pr. Delicacy is to the affections what grace is to the beauty. Degerando. Delicacy of taste has the same effect as deli- cacy of passion ; it enlarges the sphere both of our happiness and misery, and makes us sensible to pain as well as pleasures, which escape the rest of mankind. Hume. Delicise illepidae atque inelegantes — Unman- nerly and inelegant pleasures. Catull. Deligas tantum quern diligas — Choose only him 50 whom you love. Delightful task ! to rear the tender thought, ' To teach the young idea how to shoot. Thomson. Deliramenta doctrinae — The crazy absurdities of learned men. L. Delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi — Whatsoever devilry kings do. the Greeks must pay the piper. Hor. DELIRIUMS [ 58 J DEN RECHTEN Deliriums are dreams not rounded with a sleep. Jean Paul. Deliverer, God hath appointed thee to free the oppressed and crush the oppressor. Bryant. Dell' albero non si giudica dalla scorza — You can't judge of a tree by its bark. It. Pr. De loin c'est quelque chose, et de pres ce n'est rien — At a distance it is something, at hand nothing. La Fontaine. 5 Delphinum sylvis appingit, fluctibus aprum— He paints a porpoise in the woods, a boar amidst the waves. Hor. De lunatico inquirendo— To inquire into a man's state of mind. Delusion and weakness produce not one mis- chief the less because they are universal. Burke. Delusion may triumph, but the triumphs of delusion are but for a day. Macaulay. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities. Bovee. 10 Delusive ideas are the motives of the greatest part of mankind, and a heated imagination the power by which their actions are incited. The world in the eye of a philosopher may be said to be a large madhouse. Mackenzie. Del vero s'adira l'uomo— It is the truth that irritates a man. It. Pr. De mal en pis — From bad to worse. Fr. De male quaesitis vix gaudet tertius haeres-- A third heir seldom enjoys what is dishonestly acquired. Juv. Demean thyself more warily in thy study than in the street. If thy public actions have a hundred witnesses, thy private have a thou- sand. Quarles. 15 De medietate linguae — Of a moiety of languages, i.e., foreign jurymen. F. Dem Esel traumet von Disteln — When the ass dreams, it is of thistles. Ger. Pr. Dem Gliicklichen schlagt keine Stunde — When a man is happy he does not hear the clock strike. Ger. Pr. Dem harten Muss bequemt sich Will' und Grille — To hard necessity one's will and fancy (must) conform. Goethe. Dem Herlichsten, was auch der Geist emp- fangen, drangt Stoff sich an — Matter presses heavily on the noblest efforts of the spirit. Goethe, in "Faust." 20 Dem Hunde, wenn er gut gezogen / Wird selbst ein weiser Mann gewogen — Even a wise man will attach himself to the dog when he is well bred. Goethe. De minimis non curat lex— The law takes no notice of trifles. L. Dem Menschen ist / Ein Mensch noch immer lieber als ein Engel — A man is ever dearer to man than an angel. Lessitig. Democracies are prone to war, and war con- sumes them. //■'. //. Seward. Democracy has done a wrong to everything that is not first-rate. A unci. 25 Democracy is always the work of kings. Ashes, which in themselves are sterile, fer- tilise the land they are cast upon. Landor. Democracy is, by the nature of it, a self-can- celling business, and gives in the long-run a net result of zero. Carlyie. Democracy is the healthful life-blood which circulates through the veins and arteries, which supports the system, but which ought never to appear externally, and as the mere blood itself. Coleridge. Democracy is the most powerful solvent of military organisation. The latter is founded on discipline ; the former on the negation of discipline. Renan. De monte alto — From a lofty mountain. M. De mortuis nil nisi bonum (or bene) — Let nothing 31 be said of the dead but what is favourable. De motu proprio — From the suggestion of one's own mind ; spontaneously. Dem thatigen Menschen kommt es darauf an, dass er das Rechte thue ; ob das Rechte geschehe, soil ihn nicht kiimmern — With the man of action the chief concern is that he do the right thing ; the success of that ought not to trouble him. Goethe. Den Bosen sind sie los ; die Bosen sind ge- blieben — They are rid of the Wicked One, (but) the wicked are still there. Goethe. De nihilo nihil, in nihilnm nil posse reverti— From nothing is nothing, and nothing can be reduced to nothing. Denique non omnes eadem mirantur amantque3 — All men do not admire and love the same tilings. //or. Den Irrthum zu bekennen, schiindet nicht — ■ It is no disgrace to acknowledge an error. R. Gutzkov. Denken und Thun, Thun und Denken, das ist die Summe aller Weisheit von jeher aner- kannt, von jeher geiibt, nicht eingesehen von einem jeden — To think and act, to act and think, this is the sum of all the wisdom that has from the first been acknowledged and practised, though not understood by every one, i.e., (as added) the one must continually act and react on the other, like exhaling and inhaling, must correspond as question and answer. Goethe. Denke nur niemand, dass man auf ihn als den Heiland gewartet habe — Let no one imagine that he is the man the world has been waiting for as its deliverer. Goethe. Den leeren Schlauch blast der Wind auf, Den leeren Kopf der Dunkel --The empty bag is Mown un with wind, the empty head with self- conceit. Claudius. Den Mantel nach dem Winde kehren — To trim* ■ >ne's sails (///. to turn one's cloak) to the wind. Ger. Pr. Den Menschen Liebe, den Gottern Ehrfurcht — To men, affection ; to gods, reverence. Grill- far zer. Denn geschwatzig sind die Zeiten, / Und sie sind auch wieder stumm— For the times are babbly, and then again the times are dumb. Goethe. De non apparentibus, et non existentibus, eadem est ratio -Things which d I appeal are to be treated as the same ;is those which do nol exist. Coke. De novo Anew. Den Profit som kom seent, er bedre end aldeles 41 ingen The pn 'tit « hii h comes late is better than none at all. F. II. Vessel. Den rechten Weg wirst nie vermissen, / Handle nur nach Gefiihl und Gewissen — Wilt thou never miss the i i^ 1 1 1 way, thou hast only to act according to thy feeling and con- science. Gattht, DEN SCHLECTEN [ 59 ] DER GEIST Den schlecten Mann muss man verachten ' Der nie bedacht was er vollbringt — We must spurn him as a worthless man who never applies his brains to what he is working at. Schiller. Dens theonina — A calumniating disposition {lit. tooth). Deo adjuvante non timendum — God assisting, there is nothing to be feared. Deoch an doris — The parting cup. Gael. Deo dante nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor — When God gives, envy injures us not ; when He does not give, labour avails not. Deo date — Give unto God. M. Deo duce, ferro comitante — God my guide, my sword my companion. 31. Deo duce, fortuna comitante — God for guide, fortune for companion. 31. Deo ducente — God guiding. 31. Deo favente — With God's favour. Deo fidelis et regi — -Faithful to God and the king. 31. Deo gratias — Thanks to God. Deo honor et gloria— To God the honour and glory. 31. Deo ignoto — To the unknown God. Deo juvante — With God's help. De omnibus rebus, et quibusdam aliis — About everything, and certain things else. De omni re scibile et quibusdam aliis — On everything knowable and some other matters. Deo, non fortuna — From God, not fortune. 31. Deo, optimo maximo — To God, the best and greatest. 31. Deo, patriae, amicis — For God, country, and friends. 31. Deo, regi, patriae — To God, king, and country. 31. Deo, regi, vicino — For God, king, and our neigh- bour. 31. Deo, reipublicae, amicis — To God, the state, and friends. M. Deorum cibus est — A feast fit for the gods. De oui et non vient toute question — All disputa- tion comes out of " Yes" and " No." Pr. Pr. Deo volente — With God's will. Depart from the highway and transplant thy- self in some enclosed ground ; for it is hard for a tree that stands by the wayside to keep her fruit till it be ripe. St. Chrysostom. De paupertate tacentes Plus poscente ferent — Those who say nothing of their poverty fare better than those who beg. Hor. De' peccati de' signori fanno penitenza i poveri — The poor do penance for the sins of the rich. It. Pr. Dependence goes somewhat against the grain of a generous mind ; and it is no wonder, considering the unreasonable advantage which is often taken of the inequality of fortune. Jeremy Collier. Dependence is a perpetual call upon humanity, and a greater incitement to tenderness and pity than any other motive whatsoever. Addison. Depend upon it, if a man talks of his misfor- tunes, there is something in them that is not disagreeable to him. Johnson. De pilo, or de filo, pendet— It hangs by a hair. Pr. De pis en pis — From worse to worse. Pr. De piano — With ease. 35 De praescientia Dei — Of the foreknowledge of God. Deprendi miserum est — To be caught is a wretched experience. Depressus extollor — Having been depressed, I am exalted. 3/. De profundis — Out of the depths. De propaganda fide — For propagating the Ca- 40 tholic faith. De publico est elatus — He was buried at the public expense. Livy. Der Ausgang giebt den Thaten ihre Titel — It is the issue that gives to deeds their title. Goethe. Der beste Prediger ist die Zeit — Time is the best preacher. Ger. Pr. Der Bose hat nicht nur die Guten, sonder nauch die Bosen gegen sich — The bad man has not only the good, but also the evil opposed to him. Bischer. Der brave Mann denkt an sich selbst zuletzt 45 — The brave man thinks of himself last of all. Schiller. Der civilisierte Wilde ist der schlimmste aller Wilden — The civilised savage is the worst of all savages. C. J. II 'eber. Der den Augenblick ergreift / Das ist der rechte Mann — He who seizes the moment is the right man. Goethe. Der Dichter steht auf einer hohern Warte / Als auf den Zinnen der Partei — The poet stands on a higher watch-tower than the pin- nacle of party, Freiligrath. Der echte Geist schwingt sich empor / Und rafft die Zeit sich nach — The genuine spirit soars upward, and snatches the time away after it. Uhland. Derelictio communis utilitatis contra naturam 50 — The abandonment of what is for the common good is a crime against nature. Cic. Der Erde Paradies und Holle / Liegt in dem Worte " Weib " — Heaven and Hell on earth lie in the word "woman." Seume. Der Fluss bleibt triib. der nicht durch einen See gegangen, / Das Herz unsauber, das nicht durch ein Weh gegangen — The river remains troubled that has not passed through a lake, the heart unpurified that has not passed through a woe. Riiekert. Der Frauen Zungen ja nimmer ruhn — Women's tongues never rest. A. v. Chain isso. Der Friede ist immer die letzte Absicht des Krieges — Peace is ever the final aim of war. // 'ielau.i. Der Fuchs andert den Pelz und behii.lt den 55 Schalk — The fox changes his skin but keeps his knavery. Ger. Pr. Der Fiirst ist nichts, als der erste Diener des Staates — The prince is nothing but the first ser- vant of the state. Frederick the Great. Der Geist, aus dem wir handeln, ist das Hochste — The spirit from which we act is the principal (lit. the highest) matter. Goethe. Der Geist der Medicinist leicht zu fassen/ Ihr durchstudiert die gross' und kleine Welt ; / Um es am Ende gehn zu lassen, / Wie's Gott gefallt — The spirit of medicine is easy to master ; you study through the great and the little worlds, to let it go in the end as God pleases. 3IeJ>histo, in " Fausti' TTY DER GEIST [ 60 ] DER MENSCH Der Geist, der stets verneint — The spirit that constantly denies, that says everlastingly " No." Goethe s " Mephistopheles." Der Geist ist immer autochthone — Spirit is always indigenous, i.e., always native to the soil out of which it springs. Goethe. Der geringste Mensch kann complet sein, wenn er sich innerhalb der Granzen seiner Fahigkeiten und Fertigkeiten bewegt — The humblest mortal may attain completeness if he confine his activities within the limits of his capability and skill. Goethe. Der Glaube ist der rechte, der, dass er der rechte bleibt, nicht gezwungen ist einen andern irrglaubig zu finden — That faith is the orthodox which, that it may remain such, is under no necessity of finding another heterodox. Borne. 6 Der Gott, der mir im Busen wohnt, / Kann tief mein Innerstes erregen ; der iiber alien meinen Kraften thront, er kann nach aussen nichts bewegen — The God who dwells in my breast can stir my inmost soul to its depths ; he who sits as sovereign over all my powers has no control over things beyond. Goethe. Der grosste Mensch bleibt stets ein Menschen- kind — The greatest man remains always a man- child, or son of man. Goethe. Der grosste Schritt ist der aus der Thiir — The greatest step is that out of the door. Ger. Pr. Der gute Mann braucht iiberall viel Boden — The good man needs always large room. Lessing. Der gute Wille ist in der Moral alles ; aber in der Kunst ist er nichts : da gilt, wie schon das Wort andeutet, allein Konnen — Goodwill is everything in morals, but in art it is nothing : in it, as the word indicates, only ability counts for aught. Schopenhauer. 10 Der Hahn schliesst die Augen, wann er krahet, weil er es auswendig kann — The cock shuts his eyes when he crows, because he has it by heart. Ger. Pr. Der Handelnde ist immer gewissenlos, es hat niemand Gewissen, als der Betrachtende — The man who acts merely is always without conscience ; no one has conscience but the man who reflects. Goethe. Der hat die Macht, an den die Menge glaubt — He has the power whom the majority believe in. Raupach. Der hat nie das Gliick gekostet, der's in Ruh geniessen will — He has never tasted happiness who will enjoy it in peace. 77/. Kilmer. Der Hauptfehler des Menschen bleibt, dass er so viele kleine hat — Man's chief fault is ever that he has so many small ones. Jean Paul. 15 Der Himmel giebt die Gunst des Augenblicks / Wer schnell sie fasst, wird Meister des Geschicks — Heaven gives the grace needed for the moment ; he who seizes it quickly becomes master of his fate. Raupach. Der Himmel kann ersetzen / Was er entzogen hat What Heaven has taken away, Heaven can make good, RUcktrt. Der Historiker ist ein riickwarts gekehrter Prophet -The historian is a prophet with his face turned backwards. /''. v. Schlegtl. Der hdchste Stolz und der hochste Kleinmuth ist die hochste Unkenntniss seiner selbst — Extreme pride and extreme dejection are alike extreme ignorance of one's self. Spinoza. Der hochste Vorwurf der Kunst fur denkende Menschen ist der Mensch — The highest sub- ject of art for thinking men is man. Winkcl- maim. Deridet, sed non derideor — He laughs, but I am not laughed at. Der Irrthum ist recht gut, so lange wir jung sind ; man muss ihn nur nicht mit ins Alter schleppen— Error is very well so long as we are young, but we must not drag it with us into old age. Goethe. Der ist edel, / Welcher edel fiihlt und handelt — He is noble who feels and acts nobly. Heine. Der Jugend Fiihrer sei das Alter ; beiden sei / Nur wenn sie als Verbundne wandeln, Gliick versichert — Be age the guide of youth ; both will be happy only if they go hand in hand {lit. as confederates) together. Goethe. Der Jiingling kampft, damit der Greis geniesse — The youth fights that the old man may enjoy. Goethe. Der kann nicht klagen iiber harten Spruch, | den man zum Meister seines Schicksals macht — He cannot complain of a hard sen- tence who is made master of his own fate. Schiller. Der kleine Gott der Welt bleibt stets von gleichem Schlag / Und ist so wunderlich, als wie am ersten Tag — The little god of the world (i.e., man) continues ever of the same stamp, and is as odd as on the first day. Goethe. Der Krieg ist die starkende Eisenkur der Menschheit — War is the strengthening iron cure of humanity. Jean Paul. Der Kiinstler muss mit Feuer entwerfen und mit Phlegma ausfuhren — The artist must in- vent (lit. sketch) with ardour and execute with coolness. Winkelmaun. Der Lebende hat Recht— The living has right on his side. Schiller. Der Mann, der das Wenn und das Aber J erdacht Hat sicher aus Hackerling Gold schon gemacht — The man who invented "if" and "but" must surely have converted chopt straw into gold. G. A. Puree r. Der Mann muss hinaus ins feindliche Leben — A man must go forth to face life with its enmi- ties. Schiller. Der Mensch begreift niemals wie anthropmor- phisch er ist — Man never comprehends how anthropomorphic his conceptions are. Goethe, Der Mensch denkt, Gott lenkt — Man proposes, God disposes. Ger. Pr. Der Menschenkenner steht iiberall an seinem Platze — He who knows man is everywhere in his place. Klinger. Der Mensch erfahrt, er sei auch wer er mag, / J Ein letztes Gliick und einen letzten Tag— No man, be he who lie may. but experiences a last happiness and a last day. Goethe. Der Mensch hat nur allzusehr Ursache, sich vor dem Menschen zu schiitzen — Man has only too much reason to guard himself from man. Goethe. Der Mensch ist ein nachahmendes Geschopf und wer der vorderste ist, fiihrt die Herde-- Man is an imitative being, and the foremost leads the flock. Schiller. Der Mensch ist entwickelt, nicht erschaffen — .Man has been developed, not created. Ohen. DER MENSCH [ 61 1 DER WILLE Der Mensch ist frei geschaffen, ist frei, / Und wiird' er in Ketten geboren !— Man has been created free, is free, even were he born in chains. Schiller. Der Mensch ist frei wie der Vogel im Kafig- ; erkann sich innerhalb gewisser Grenzen be- wegen — Man is free as the bird in the cage : he has powers of motion within certain limits. Lavater. Der Mensch ist im Grande ein wildes, entsetz- liches Thier — Man is at bottom a savage animal and an object of dread, as we may see (it is added) he still is when emancipated from all control. Schopenhauer. Der Mensch ist nicht bloss ein denkendes, er ist zugleich ein empfindendes Wesen. Er ist ein Ganzes, eine Einheit vielfacher, innig verbundner Krafte, und zu diesem Ganzen muss das Kunstwerk reden — Man is not merely a thinking, he is at the same time a sentient, being. He is a whole, a unity of manifold, internally connected powers, and to this whole must the work of art speak. Goethe. Der Mensch ist nicht geboren frei zu sein / Und fur den Edeln ist kein schoner Gliick / Als einem Fiirst, den er ehrt, zu dienen — Man is not born to be free ; and for the noble soul there is no fairer fortune than to serve a prince whom he regards with honour. Goethe. Der Mensch ist selbst sein Gott, sein Beraf ist : Handeln — Man is a god to himself, and his call- ing is to act. Pledge. Der Mensch ist, was er isst — Man is what he eats. L. Feuerhach. Der Mensch liebt nur einmal— Man loves only once. Ger. Pr. Der Mensch muss bei dem Glauben verharren, dass das Unbegreifliche begreiflich sei ; er wiirde sonst nicht forschen — Man must hold fast by the belief that the incomprehensible is comprehensible ; otherwise he would not search. Goethe. 3 Der Mensch muss ein Hoheres, ein Gottliches anerkennen— ob in sich oder iiber sich, gleich- viel — Man must acknowledge a higher, a divine — whether in himself or over himself, no matter. Hamerling. Der Mensch versuche die Gdtter nicht— Let not man tempt the gods. Schiller. Der Mensch war immer Mensch, voll Unvoll- kommenheit — Man has ever been man, full of imperfection. J. P. Uz. Der Mensch, wo ist er her ? / Zu schlecht fur einen Gott, zu gut fur's Ungefahr- Man, whence is he? Too bad to be the work of a god, too good for the work of chance. Lessing. Der Muth der Wahrheit ist die erste Bedin- gung des philosophischen Studiums — The courage of truth- is the first qualification for philosophic study. Hegel. 5 Dernier ressort — A last resource. Fr. Der Pfaff liebt seine Herde, doch die Lamm- lein mehr als die Widder — The priest loves his flock, but the lambs more than the rams. Ger. Pr. Der preise gliicklich sein, der von / Den Gdt- tern dieser 'Welt entfernt lebt — Let him count himself happy who lives remote from the gods of this world. Goethe. Der Rathgeber eines Hoheren handelt kliig- lich, wenn er sein geistiges Uebergewicht verbirgt, wie das Weib seine Schonheit verhiillt um des Sieges desto gewisser zu sein — The adviser of a superior acts wisely if he conceals his spiritual superiority, as the woman veils her beauty in order to be the more certain of Conquering. Zachariae. Derriere la croix souvent se tient le diable — Behind the cross the devil often lurks. Fr. Pr. Der Ring macht Ehen, / Und Ringe sind's, die 20 eine Kette machen — The ring makes marriage, and rings make a chain. Schiller. Der Rose siisser Duft geniigt, / Man braucht sie nicht zu brechen / Und wer sich mit dem Duft begniigt / Den wird ihr Dorn nicht stechen — The sweet scent of the rose suffices ; one needs not break it off, and he who is satis- fied therewith will not be stung by the thorn. Bodenstedt. Der Schein regiert die Welt, und die Gerech- tigkeit ist nur auf der Biihne— Appearance rules the world, and we see justice only on the stage. Schiller. Der Schein, was ist er, dem das Wesen fehlt ? / Das Wesen war' es, wenn es nicht erschiene ? — The appearance, what is it without the reality? And what were the reality without the appear- ance? (the clothes, as "Sartor" has it, without the man, or the man without the clothes). Goethe. Der Schmerz ist die Geburt der hoheren Naturen — Pain is the birth of higher natures. Tiedge. Der Sinn erweitert, aber lahmt ; die That 25 belebt, aber beschrankt — Thought expands, but lames ; action animates, but narrows. Goethe. Der Starkste hat Recht— The right is with the strongest. Ger. Pr. Der Stein im Sumpf / Macht keine Ringe — You can make no rings if you throw a stone into a marsh. Goethe. Der Tod entbindet von erzwungnen Pflichten — Death releases from enforced duties. Schiller. Der Umgang mit Frauen ist das Element guter Sitten — The society of women is the nursery of good manners. Goeihe. Der Verstandige findet fast alles lacherlich, 30 der Verniinftige fast nichts — The man of ana- lytic, or critical, intellect finds something ridicu- lous in almost everything ; the man of synthe- tic, or constructive, intellect, in almost nothing. Goethe. Der Vortrag macht des Redners Gliick— It is delivery that makes the orator's success. Goethe. Der Wahn ist kurz, die Reu' ist lang — The illusion is brief, the remorse is long. Schiller. Der Weg der Ordnung, ging er auch durch Krummen, Er ist kein Umweg — The path which good order prescribes is the direct one, even though it has windings. Schiller. Der Weise hat die Ohren lang, die Zunge kurz — The wise man has long ears and a short tongue. Ger. Pr. Der Weise kann des Machtigen Gunst entbeh- 35 ren, / Doch nicht der Machtige des Weisen Lehren — The wise man can dispense with the favour of the mighty, but not the mighty man with the wisdom of the wise. Bodenstedt. Der Wille ist des Werkes Seele — What we will is the soid of what we do. Ger. Pr. DER WIRD [ 62 ] DE TROP Der wird stets das Beste missen / Wer nicht borgt, was andre wissen — He will always lack what is best who does not give credit to what others know. Riickert. Der Witz ist die Freiheit des Sklaven — The witty sally is the freedom of the slave. Huge. Der Zug des Herzens ist des Schicksals Stim- rne — In the drawing of the heart is the oracle of fate. Schiller. Descend a step in choosing thy wife ; ascend a step in choosing thy friend. Tlu Talmud. 6 Description is always a bore, both to the de- scriber and the describee. Disraeli. Deserted, at his utmost need, I By those his former bounty fed. On the bare earth ex- posed he lies, / With not a friend to close his eyes. Dryden. Desiderantem quod satis est, neque / Tumul- tuosum sollicitat mare, / Non verberatas grandine vinea? / Fundusque mendax — A storm at sea, a vine-wasting hail tempest, a dis- appointing farm, cause no anxiety to him who is content with enough. Plor. Desideratum — A thing desired, but regretfully wanting. Desine fata Deum flecti sperare precando— Cease to hope that the decrees of the gods can bend to prayer. / ~i>'g. 10 Desinit in piscem mulier formosa superne — A beautiful woman in the upper parts terminating in a fish. Hor. Desir de Dieu et desir de 1'homme sont deux— What God wishes and man wishes are two dif- ferent things, Fr. Pr. Desires are the pulse of the soul. Manton. Des Lebens Miihe / Lehrt uns allein des Lebens Giiter schatzen — The labour of life alone teaches us to value the good things of life. Goethe. Des Mannes Mutter ist der Frau Teufel. The husband's mother is the wife's devil. Gcr. Pr. 15 Des Menschen Engel ist die Zeit — Time is man's angel. Schiller. Des Menschens Leben ist / Ein kurzes Bliihen und ein langes Welken — The life of man is a short blossoming and a long withering. Uhland. Despair defies even despotism ; there is that in my heart would make its way through hosts with levelled spears. Byron. Despair is like froward children, who, when you take away one of their playthings, throw the rest into the fire for madness. Charron. Despair is the only genuine atheism. Jean Paul. 20 Despair takes heart when there's no hope to speed ; / The coward then takes arms and does the deed, llerrick. Despair- the last dignity of the wretched. //. Giles. Despatch is the soul of business. Chesterfield. Desperate diseases need desperate remedies. Despise anxiety and wishing, the past and the future. Jean Paul. 25 Despise not any man, and do not spurn any- thing ; for there is no man that has not his hour, nor is there anything that has not its place. Rabbi Ben Azai. Despise not the discoveries of the wise, but acquaint thyself with their proverbs, for of them thou snalt learn instruction. Kcclus. Despise your enemy and you will soon be beaten. Port. Pr. Despite his titles, power, and pelf, / The wretch concentred all in self, Living, shall forfeit fair renown, / And, doubly dying, shall go down To the vile dust, from whence he sprung, / Unwept, unhonoured, and unsung. Scott. Despondency comes readily enough to the most sanguine. Emerson. Desponding fear, of feeble fancies full, / Weak 30 and unmanly, loosens every power. Thom- son. Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, provided the end be their improvement, and the means justi- fied by actually effecting that end. /. S. Mill. Despotism is essential in most enterprises ; I am told they do not tolerate "freedom of debate " on board a seventy-four. Carlyle. Despotism is often the effort of Nature to cure herself from a worse disease. Robert, Lord Lytton. Despotism sits nowhere so secure as under the effigy and ensigns of freedom. Landor. Despotismus ist der schwarze Punkt in aller 35 Menschen Herzen — Despotism is the black spot in the hearts of all men. C.J. Weber. Desque naci llore, y cada dia nace porque — I wept as soon as I was born, and every day explains why. Sj>. Pr. Des Rats bedarf die Seele nicht. die Rechtes will — The soul which wills what is right needs no counsel. Platen. Destiny is our will, and will is nature. Disraeli. Destitutus ventis remos adhibe — The wind fail- ing, ply the oars. Destroy h's fib or sophistry — in vain ! / The 40 creature s at his dirty work again. 1 'ope Des Uebels Quelle findest du nicht aus, und aufgefunden fliesst sie ewig fort — The well- spring of evil thou canst not discover, and even if discovered, it flows on continually. Goethe. Desunt caetera — The remainder is wanting. Desunt inopiae multa, avaritias omnia — Poverty is in want uf many things, avarice of everything. L. Pr. Des Zornes Ende ist der Reue Anfang — The end of anger is the beginning of repentance. stedt. Deteriores omnes sumus licentia— We are all 45 the worse for the license. Per. Determined, dared, and done. Smart. Detested sport, that owes its pleasures to another's pain. Cowper. De tijd is aan God en ons — Time is God's and ours. Jhrt. Pr. Det ille veniam facile, cui venia est opus — He who needs pardon should readily grant It. Sen. Detour — A circuitous march. Pr. 50 De tout s'avise a qui pain faut — A man in want of bread is ready for anything. Fr. Pr. Detraction's a bold monster, and fears not / To wound the fame of princes, if it find But any blemish in their lives to work on. Mas- De trop — Too much, or too many ; out of place. Fr. DETUR t S3 J DIE BLUMEN Detur aliquando otium quiesque fessis — Leisure and repose should at times be given to the weary. Sen. Detur digniori — Let it be given to the most worthy. J\I. Detur pulchriori — Let it be given to the fairest. The inscription on the golden apple of dis- cord. Deum cole, regem serva — Worship God, pre- serve the king. M. Deum colit, qui novit — He who knows God wor- ships Him. Sen. Deus avertat — God forbid. Deus ex machina — A mechanical instead of a rational or spiritual explanation (Jit. a god mechanically introduced). Deus haec fortasse benigna / Reducet in sedem vice — God will perhaps by a gracious change restore these things to a stable condition, li or. Deus id.vult — God wills it. War-cry of the Cru- saders before Jerusalem. I Deus major columna — God is the greater support. M. Deus mihi providebit — God will provide for me. M. Deus omnibus quod sat est suppeditat— God supplies enough to all. M. Deus vult — It is God's will. Deux hommes se rencontrent bien, mais jamais deux montagnes — Two men may meet, but never two mountains. Fr. i Deux yeux voient plus clair qu'un — A ghost was never seen by two pair of eyes (lit. two eyes see more clearly than one). Fr. Devil take the hindmost. Beaumont and Fletcher. Devine si tu peux, et choisis si tu l'oses — Solve the riddle if you can, and choose if you dare. Corncille. Devise, wit ; write, pen ; for I am for whole volumes in folio. Love's L. Lost, i. 2. De vive voix — Verbally. Fr. ) Devote each day to the object then in time, and every evening will find something done. Goethe. Devotion in distress is born, but vanishes in happiness. Dryden. Devotion, when it does not lie under the check of reason, is apt to degenerate into enthu- siasm (fanaticism). Addison. De waarheid is eene dochter van den tijd — Truth is a daughter of Time. Dut. J'r. Dewdrops are the gems of morning, but the tears of mournful eve. Coleridge. 5 De wereld wil betrogen zijn — The world likes to be deceived. Dut. Fr. Dexterity or experience no master can com- municate to his disciple. Goethe. Dextras dare — To give right hands to each other. Dextro tempore — At a lucky moment. Hor. Diamonds cut diamonds. Ford. Di bene fecerunt, inopis me quodque pusilli / Finxerunt animi, raro et perpauca loquentis — The gods be praised for having made me of a poor and humble mind, with a desire to speak but seldom and briefly. Hor. Dicam insigne, recens, adhuc / Indictum ore alio — I will utter something striking, some- thing fresh, something as yet unsung by another's lips. Hor. Dicenda tacenda locutus— Saying things that should be, and things that should not be, said. Hor. Dicere quae puduit, scribere jussit amor— What I was ashamed to say, love has ordered me to write. Ovid. Dicique beatus / Ante obitum nemo supre- maque funera debet— No one should be called happy before he is dead and buried. Ovid. Dicta fides sequitur- The promise is no sooner 35 given than fulfilled. Ovid. Dicta tibi est lex — The conditions have been laid before you. Hor. Dictum de dicto — A report founded on hear- say. Dictum factum — No sooner said than done. Ter. Dictum sapienti sat est — A word to a wise man is enough. Plant, and Ter. Did charity prevail, the press would prove / A 40 vehicle of virtue, truth, and love. Cowper. Did I know that my heart was bound to tem- poral possessions, I would throw the flam- ing brand among them with my own hand. Schiller. " Did I not tell you that after thunder rain would be sure to come on ? " Socrates to his friends when, after a volley oj upbraiti- ings, Xantippc threw a jugjiel of water at his head. Didst thou but know the inly touch of love, / Thou wouldst as soon go kindle fire with snow, / As seek to quench the fire of love with Wjrds. Two Gen. ofl'er., ii. 7. Did you ever hear of Captain Wattle ? / He was all for love and a little for the bottle. C. Dibden. Die Aemter sind Gottes ; die Amtleute Teufels 45 — Places are God's ; place-holders are the devil's. Ger. Fr. Die alleinige Quelle des Rechts ist das ge- meinsame Bewusstsein des ganzen Volks ; der allgemeine Geist — The only fountain of justice is the common consciousness of the whole people ; the spirit common to all of them. Lasalle. Die Alten sind die einzigen Alten, die nie alt werden — The ancients (i.e., the Greeks and Romans) are the only ancients that never grow old. C.J. Weber. Die Anmut macht unwiderstehlich — Grace makes its possessor irresistible. Goethe. Die argsten Studenten werden die frommsten Prediger — The worst-behaved students turn out the most pious preachers. Ger. Fr. Die Armen miissen tanzen wie die Reichen 50 pfeifen — The poor must dance as the rich pipe. Ger. Fr. Die Augen glauben sich selbst, die Ohren andern Leuten — The eyes believe themselves, the ears other people. Ger. Fr. Die Augen sind weiter als der Bauch — The eyes are larger than the belly. Ger. Pr, Die besten Freunde stehen im Beutel — Our best friends are in our purse. Ger. Pr. Die Bewunderung preist, die Liebe ist stumm — Admiration praises, love is dumb. Borne. Die Blumen zu pflegen, / Das Unkraut zu 55 tilgen, / Ist Sache des Gartners — The gar- dener's business is to root out the weeds and tend the flowers. Bodenstedt. DIE BOTSCHAFT r 64 ] DIE HINDUS Die Botschaft hor' ich wohl, allein mir fehlt der Glaube — I hear the message, but I lack the faith. Goethe. Die Damen geben sich und ihren Putz zum besten / Und spielen ohne Gage mit — The ladies by their presence and finery contribute to the treat and take part in the play without pay from us. The Theatre Manager in Goethe's " Faust." Die Dammerung ist das freundliche Licht der Liebenden — The gloaming is the light that be- friends the wooer. Seume. Die de wereld wel beziet, men zag nooit schoonder niet — Whoso considers the world well must allow he has never seen a better. But. Pr. 5 Die Dornen, die Disteln, sie stechen gar sehr, doch stechen die Altjungfernzungen noch mehr — Thorns and thistles prick very sore, but old maids' tongues sting much more. C. Geiiel. Die een ander jaagt zit zelfs niet stil — He who chases another does not sit still himself. Dut. Pr. Die Ehe ist Himmel und Holle — Marriage is heaven and hell. Ger. Pr. Die eigentliche Religion bleibt ein Inneres, ja Individuelles, denn sie hat ganz allein mit dem Gewissen zu thun ; dieses soil erregt, soil beschwichtigt werden — Religion, properly so called, is ever an inward, nay, an individual thing, for it has to do with nothing but the conscience, which has now to be stirred up, now to be soothed. Goethe. Die Einsamkeit ist noth ; doch sei nur nicht gemein, / So kannst du iiberall in einer Wiiste sein — Solitude is painful ; only be not vulgar, for then you may be in a desert, every- where. Angeius Silesius. 10 Die Eintracht nur macht stark und gross, / Die Zwietracht stiirzet alles nieder — Only concord makes us strong and great ; discord overthrows everything. Gellert. Die Erde wird durch Liebe frei ; / Durch Thaten wird sie gross — Through love the earth becomes free ; through deeds, great. Goethe. Die Erinnerung ist das einzige / Paradies, aus dem wir nicht vertrieben werden kann — Remembrance is the only paradise from which we cannot be driven. Jean Paul. Die Fabel ist der Liebe Heimatwelt, ' Gern wohnt sie unter Feen, Talismanen, / Glaubt gern an Gotter, weil sie gottlich ist— Fable is_ love's native world, is fain to dwell among fairies and talismans, and to believe in gods, being herself divine. Schiller. Die Frauen sind das einzige Gefass, was uns Neuern noch geblieben ist, um unsere Ideali- tat hineinzugiessen— Woman is the only vessel which still remains to us moderns into which we can pour our ideals. Goethe. 15 Die Frauen tragen ihre Beweise im Herzen, die Manner im Kopfe — Women carry their logic in their hearts ; men, in their heads. Kotzebne. Die Freiheit der Vernunft ist unser wahres Leben - The freedom of reason is our true life. Tiedge. Die Freiheit kann nicht untergehn, / So lange Schmiede Eisen hammern — The sun of free- dom cannot set so long as --mit lis hammer iron, E. M. Arndt. Die Freude kennst du nicht, wenn du nur Freuden kennest ; / Dir fehlt das ganze Licht, wenn du's in Strahlen trennest — Joy knowest thou not if thou knowest only joys ; the whole light is wanting to thee if thou breakest it up into rays. Kiickert. Die Freudigkeit ist die Mutter aller Tugenden — Joyousness is the mother of all virtues. Goethe. Die Gegenwart ist eine machtige Gottin ; Lern' 20 ihren Einfluss kennen — The present is a potent divinity ; learn to acquaint thyself with her power. Goethe. Die Geheimnisse der Lebenspfade darf und kann man nicht offenbaren ; es glebt Steine des Anstosses, iiber die ein jeder Wanderer stolpern muss. Der Poet aber deutet auf die Stelle hin — The secrets of the way of life may not and cannot be laid open ; there are stones of offence along the path over which every wayfarer must stumble. The poet, or inspired teacher, however, points to the spot. Goethe. Die Geisterwelt ist nicht verschlossen / Dein Sinn ist zu, dein Herz ist todt— The spirit- world is not shut ; thy sense is shut, thy heart is dead. Goethe. Die Geschichte der Wissenschaften ist eine grosse Fuge, in der die Stimmen der Vblker nach und nach zum Vorschein kommen — The history of the sciences is a great fugue, in which the voices of the nations come one by one into notice. Goethe. Die Geschichte des Menschen ist sein Cha- rakter — The history of a man is in his character. Goethe. Die Gesetze der Moral sind auch die der 25 Kunst — The laws of morals are also those of art. Schumann, Die Glocken sind die Artillerie der Geistlich- keit — Bells are the artillery of the Church. Josepii II. Die goldne Zeit, wohin ist sie geflohen ? / Nach der sich jedes Herz vergebens sehnt — The golden age, whither has it fled? after which every heart sighs in vain. Goethe. Die Gotter brauchen manchen gotten Mann / Zu ihrem Dienst auf dieser weiten Erde. Sie haben noch auf dich gezahlt- The upper powers need many a good man for their service on this wide earth. They still reckon upon thee. Goethe. Die Gotter sprechen nur durch unser Herz zu uns — The gods speak to us only through our heart. Goethe. Die grosse Moral— das Interesse, sagte Mira- 30 beau, totet in der Regel die kleine — das Gewissen — The great moral teacher, interest, as Mirabeau said, ordinarily slays conscience, the less. C. J. II 'eber. Die grossten Menschen hangen immer mit ihrem Jahrhundert durch eine Schwachheit zusammen — It is always through a weakness that the greatest men are connected with their generation. Goethe. Die grossten Schwierigkeiten liegen da, wo wir sie nicht suchen —The greatest difficulties lie there where we are not seeking for them. Goethe. Die het in het vuur verloren heeft, moet het in de asch zoeken— What is losl in the fire must be searched for in the ashes. Put. Pr, Die Hindus der Wiiste geloben keine Fische ZU essen — The Hindus of the desert take a raw to eat n.. fish Goethe. DIE HOCHSTE [ 65 ] DIEM )ie hochste Naturschdnheit ist das gott- gleiche Wesen : der Mensch — The most beautiful object in Nature is the godlike creature man. Oken. )ie hochste Weisheit ist, nicht weise stets zu sein — It is the highest wisdom not to be always wise. M. Opitz. )ie Holle selbst hat ihre Rechte?— Has Hell itself its rights ? Goethe. )ie Ideale sind zerronnen, / Die einst das trunkne Herz geschwellt — The ideals are all melted into air which once swelled the intoxi- cated heart. Schiller. )ie Idee ist ewig und einzig. . . . Alles was wir gewahr werden und wovon wir reden konnen, sind nur Manifestationen der Idee — The idea is one and eternal. . . . Everything we perceive, and of which we can speak, is only a manifestation of the idea. Goethe. )ie Irrthiimer des Menschen machen ihn eigentlich liebenswiirdig — It is properly man's mistakes, orerror*, that makehimlovable. Goethe. Hejenige Regierung ist die beste, die sich iiberflussing macht — That government is best which makes itself unnecessary. II'. v. Humboldt. )ie Kinder sind mein liebster Zeitvertreib — My dearest pastime is with children. Chamisso. )ie Kirche hat einen guten Magen, hat ganze Lander aufgefressen, und doch noch nie sich ubergessen — The Church has a good stomach, has swallowed up whole countries, and yet has not overeaten herself. Goethe, in "Faust. " )ie Kirche ist's, die heilige, die hohe, / Die zu dem Himmeluns die Leiterbaut — TheChurch, the holy, the high, it is that rears for us the ladder to heaven. Schiller. )ie Kleinen reden gar so gem von dem was die Grossen thun — Small people are so fond of talking of what great people do. Ger. Pr. )ie Klugheit sich zur Fiihrerin zu wahlen / Das ist es, was den Weisen macht — It is the choice of prudence for his guide that makes the wise man. Schiller. )ie Kraft ist schwach, allein die Lust ist gross — The strength is weak, but the desire is great. Goethe. )ie kranke Seele muss sich selber helfen - The sick soul must work its own cure (lit. help itself). Gutzkow. )ie Krankheit des Gemiites loset sich / In Klagen und Vertraun am leichtesten auf — Mental sickness finds relief most readily in com- plaints and confidences. Goethe. )ie Kunst darf nie ein Kunststiick werden— Art should never degenerate into artifice. Ger. )ie Kunst geht nach Brod — Art goes a-begging. Ger. Pr. )ie Kunst ist eine Vermittlerin des Unaus- sprechlichen — Art is a mediatrix of the unspeak- able. Goethe. )ie Leidenschaften sind Mangel oder Tugen- den, nur gesteigerte — The passions are vices or virtues, only exaggerated. Goethe. )ie Leidenschaft flieht, / Die Liebe muss blei- ben ; / Die Blume verbliiht, / Die Frucht muss treiben — Passion takes flight, love must abide ; the flower fades, the fruit must ripen. Schiller. )ie letzte Wahl steht auch dem Schwachsten offen ; / Ein Sprung von dieser Briicke macht mich frei — The last choice of all is open even to the weakest ; a leap from this bridge sets me free. Schiller. Die Liebe hat kein Mass der Zeit : sie keimt / Und bliiht und reift in einer schonen Stunde — Love follows no measure of time ; it buds and blossoms and ripens in one happy hour. Kdrner. Die Liebe ist der Liebe Preis— Love is the price of love. Schiller. Die Liebe macht zum Goldpalast die Hiitte— Love converts the cottage into a palace of gold. Holty. Die Lieb' umfasst des Weibes voiles Leben, / 25 Sie ist ihr Kerker und ihr Himmelreich — Love embraces woman's whole life ; it is her prison and her kingdom of heaven. Chamisso. Die Lust ist machtiger als alle Furcht der Strafe — Pleasure is more powerful than all fear of the penalty. Goethe. Die Lust zu reden kommt zu rechter Stunde, / Und wahrhaft fliesst das Wort aus Herz und Munde — The inclination to speak comes at the right hour, and the word flows true from heart and lip. Goethe. Die Manifestationen der Idee als des Schonen, ist eben so fliichtig, als die Manifestationen des Erhabenen, des Geistreichen, des Lusti- gen, des Lacherlichen. Dies ist die Ursache, warum so schwer dariiber zu reden ist— The manifestation of the idea as the beautiful is just as fleeting as the manifestation of the sublime, the witty, the gay, and the ludicrous. This is the reason why it is so difficult to speak of it. Goethe. Die Meisterhaft gilt oft fur Egoismus— Mastery passes often for egoism. Goethe. Die Menge macht den Kiinstler irr' und scheu 30 — The multitude is a distraction and scare to the artist. Goethe. Die Menschen fiirchtet nur, wer sie nicht kennt, / Und wer sie meidet, wird sie bald verkennen — Only he shrinks from men who does not know them, and he who shuns them will soon misknow them. Goethe. Die Menschen kennen einander nicht leicht, selbst mit dem besten Willen und Vorsatz ; nun tritt noch der bose Wille hinzu, der Alles entstellt — Men do not easily know one another, even with the best will and intention ; presently ill-will comes forward, which disfigures all. Goethe. Die Menschen sind im ganzen Leben blind — Men are blind all through life. Goethe. Die Menschheit geben uns Vater und Mutter, die Menschlichkeit aber gibt uns nur die Erziehung — Human nature we owe to father and mother, but humanity to education alone. Weber. Die Milde ziemt dem Weibe, / Dem Manne 35 ziemt die Rache ! — Mercy becomes the woman ; avengement, the man. Bodenstedt. Die Mode ist weiblichen Geschlechts, hat folglich ihre Launen — Mode is of the female sex, and has consequently their whims. C.J. Weber. Die monarchische Regierungsform ist die dem Menschen natiirliche — Monarchy is the form of government that is natural to mankind. Schopenhauer. Die Moral steckt in kurzen Spriichen besser, als in langen Reden und Predigten — A moral lesson is better expressed in short sayings than in long discourse. Immermann. Diem perdidi !— I have lost a day ! Titus, on _findiug that lie had done no worthy action, during the day. DIE MUTTER t 06 ] DIE VEEL Die Mutter geben uns von Geiste Warme, und die Vater Licht — Our mothers give to our spirit heat, our fathers light. Jean Paul. Die Natur ist ein unendlich geteilter Gott — Nature is an infinitely divided God. Schiller, Die Natur weiss allein, was sie will— Nature alone knows what she aims at. Goethe. Die of a rose in aromatic pain. Pope. 5 Die Phantasie ward auserkoren / Zu offnen uns die reiche Wunderwelt — Fantasy was appointed to open to us the rich realm of won- ders. Pledge. Die Rachegbtter schaffen im Stillen — The gods of vengeance act in silence. Schiller, Dies adimit aegritudinem — Time cures our griefs. L. Pr. Die Schonheit ist das hochste Princip und der hochste Zweck der Kunst — Beauty is the highest principle and the highest aim of art. Goethe. Die Schonheit ist verganglich, die ihr doch / Allein zu ehren scheint. Was iibrig bleibt. / Das reizt nicht mehr, und was nicht reizt, ist tot — Beauty is transitory, which yet you seem alone to worship. What is left no longer attracts, and what does not attract is dead. Goethe. 10 Die Schonheit ruhrt, doch nur die Anmuth sieget, / Und Unschuld nur behalt den Preis —Beauty moves us, though only grace conquers us, and innocence alone retains the prize. Scunie. Die Schulden sind der nachste Erbe — Debts fall to the next heir. Get: Pr. Die Schwierigkeiten wachsen, je naher man dem Ziele kommt — Difficulties increase the nearer we approach the goal. Goethe. Dies datus — A day given for appearing in court. Dies faustus — A lucky day. 15 Dies infaustus — An unlucky day. Die Sinne triigen nicht, aber das Urteil triigt — The .senses do not deceive, but the judgment does. Goethe. Dies irae, dies ilia, / Saeclum solvet in favilla / Teste David cum Sibylla — The day of wrath, that day shall dissolve the world in ashes, as David and the Sibyl say. Dies non — A day when there is no court. Die Sorgen zu bannen, / (Das Unkraut des Geistes), den Kummer zu scheuchen, / Die Schmerzen zu lindern, / Ist Sache des Sin- gers — To banish cares (the wild crop of the spirit), to chase away sorrow, to soothe pain, is the business of the singer. Bodertstedt, 20 Die Sorg' am Kiinft'ges niemals frommt ; Man fiihlt kein Uebel, bis es kommt. / Und wenn man's fiihlt, so hilft kein Rat ; / Weisheit ist imraer zu friih und zu spat -Concern for the future boots not ; we feel no evil till it comes. And when wc feel it, no counsel avails ; wisdom is always too early and too laic. A' lickcrt. Dies religiosi— Religious days ; holidays. Die siissesten Trauben liangen am hbchsten — The sweetest grapes hang highest, Gcr. Pr. Diet cures more than doctors. /'/-. Die te veel onderneemt slaagt zelden— lie w ho undertakes too much seldom succeeds. Put. 1'r. 25 Die That allein beweist der Liebe Kraft— The act alone shows the power of lo\e. Goethe. Die Thatigkeit ist was den Menschen gliick- lich macht ; / Die, erst das Gute schaffend, bald ein Uebel selbst / Durch gottlich wir- kende Gewalt in Gutes kehrt — It is activity which renders man happy, which, by simply pro- ducing what is good, soon by a divinely work- ing power converts an evil itself into a good. Goethe. Die Todten reiten schnell !— The dead ride fast ! Burger. Die treue Brust des braven Manns allein ist ein sturmfester Dach in diesen Zeiten — The loyal heart of the good man is in these times the only storm-proof place of shelter. Schiller. Die Tugend des Menschen, der nach dem Geboten der Vernunft lebt, zeigt sich gleich gross in Vermeidung, wie in Ueberwindung der Gefahren — The virtue of the man who lives according to the commands of reason manifests itself quite as much in avoiding as in overcoming danger. Spinoza. Die Tugend grosser Seelen ist Gerechtigkeit I — The virtue of great souls is justice. Platen. Die Tugend ist das hochste Gut, / Das Laster Weh dem Menschen thut — Virtue is man's highest good, vice works him nought but woe. Goethe. Die Tugend ist nicht ein Wissen, sondern ein Wollen — Virtue is not a knowing, but a willing. Zachariae. Die Tugend ohne Lohn ist doppelt schon — Virtue unrewarded is doubly beautiful. Seattle. Dieu aide a trois sortes de personnes, aux fous, aux enfants, et aux ivrognes — God pro- tects three sorts of people, fools, children, and drunkards. Fr. Pr. Dieu avec nous — God with us. M, < Dieu ayde — God help me. M, Dieu defend le droit— God defends the right. M. Dieu donne le froid selon le drap— God gives the cold according to the cloth. Fr. Pr. Dieu et mon droit— God and my right. .1/. Dieu fit du repentir la vertu des mortels— God' has made repentance the virtue of mortals. / 'ol- taire. Dieu garde la lune des loups - God guards the moon from the wolves. Fr. Pr. Dieu mesure le froid a. la brebis tondue ( '.ml measures the cold to the shorn lamb. J ■ r. Pr. Die unbegreiflich hohen Werke / Sind herrlich wie am ersten Tag — The incomprehensibly high works are as glorious as on the first day. Goethe. Dieu nous garde d'un homme qui n'a qu'une affaire (lod keep us from a man who knows only one subject. /■';'. Pr. Die Unschuld hat im Himmel einen Freund — Innocence has a friend in heaven, Schiller. Die Unsterblichkeit ist nicht jedennann's Sache- Immortality is not every man's business or concern. Goethe, Dieu pour la tranchee, qui contre?— If God is our defence, who is against us.? .'/. Dieu seul devine les sots— GoJ only understands fools. Fr. Pr. Die veel dienstboden heeft, die heeft veel dieven— He who has many servants has many thieves. Dut. Pr. DIE VERNDNFTIGE [ 67 ] DIFFICULTIES ie verniinftige Welt ist als ein grosses unsterbliches Individuum zu betrachten, das unaufhaltsam das Nothwendige bewirkt und dadurch sich sogar iiber das Zufallige zura Herrn macht — The rational world is to be regarded as a great immortal individuality, that is ever working out for us the necessary (i.e., an order which all must submit to), and thereby makes itself lord and master of everything con- tingent (or accidental). Goethe. ie Vernunft ist auf das Werdende, der Verstand auf das Gewordene angewiesen ; iene bekiimmert sich nicht : wozu ? dieser fragt nicht: woher?— Reason is directed to what is a-doing or proceeding, understanding to what is done or past , the former is not con- cerned about the " whereto," the latter inquires not about the " whence," Goethe. ie Wacht am Rhein — ' The watch on the Rhine'' A German national song. ie Wahrheit richtet sich nicht nach uns, sondern wir miissen uns nach ihr richten — The truth adjusts itself net to us s but we must adjust ourselves to it. Claudius ie Wahrheit schwindet von der Erde / Auch mit der Treu' ist es vorbei. / Die Hunde wedeln noch und stinken / Wie sonst, doch sind sie nicht mehr treu — Truth is vanishing from the earth, and of fidelity is the day gone by. The dogs still wag the tail and smell the same as ever, but they are no longer faithful. Heine. ie Wahrheit zu sagen ist niitzlich dem, der horet, schadlich dem der spricht — Telling the truth does good to him who hears., harm to him who speaks. Ger. Pr. ie wankelmiit ge Menge, / Die jeder Wind herumtreibt ! Wehe dem, / Der auf dies Rohr sich lehnet — The fickle mob, how they are driven round by every wind that blows 1 Woe to him who leans on this reed \ Schiller. ie Weiber lieben die Starke ohne sie nach- zuahmen ; die Manner die Zartheit, ohne sie zuerwiedern — Women admire strength with- out affecting it ; men delicacy without returning it. Jean I'auU ie Weiber meiden nichts so sehr als das Wdrtchen Ja ; wenigstens sagen sie es erst nach dem Nein — Women are shy of nothing so much as the little word "Yes ; " at least they say it only after they have said " No." Jean Paul. ie Weisen wagen ihre Worte mit der Gold- wage — The wise weigh their words in the balance of the goldsmith. Ecclus. ie Weiseste merken hochstens nur wie das Schicksal sie leitet, und sind es zufrieden— The wisest know at highest only how destiny is leading them, and are therewith content. Foister. ie Welt der Freiheit tragt der Mensch in seinem Innern. Und Tugend ist der Freiheit Gotterkind —Man bears the world of freedom in his heart, and virtue is freedoms divine child. Tiedge. ie Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgericht— The history of the world is the judgment of the world. Schiller. ie Welt ist dumm die Welt ist blind, Wird taglich abgeschmackter - The world is stupid, the world is blind, becomes daily more absurd. Heine. ie Welt ist ein Gefangniss— The world is a prison, Goethe. ie Welt ist voller Widerspruch— The world is full of contradiction. Goethe. Die Welt ist vollkommen uberall / Wo der Mensch nicht hinkommt mit seiner Qual— The world is all perfect except where man comes with his burden of woe- Schiller. Die Worte sind gut, sie sind aber nicht das Beste. Das Beste wird nicht deutlich durch Worte— Words are good ; but are not the best- The best is not to be understood by words. Goethe. Die Zeiten der Vergangenheit / Sind uns ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln ; / Was Ihr den Geist der Zeiten heisst / Das ist im Grund' der Herrn eigner Geist, / In dem die Zeiten sich bespiegeln — The times that are past are a book with seven seals. What ye call the spirit of the times is at bottom but the spirit of the gentry in which the times are mirrored, Goethe, n " Faust,'' Die Zeit ist schlecht, doch giebt's noch grosse 20 Seelen ! — The times are bad, yet there are still great souls. Komer. Die Zukunft decket Schmerzen und Gliicke — The future hides in it gladness and sorrow, Goethe. Different good, by art or nature given- / To different nations, makes their blessings even. Goldsmith. Different minds Incline to different objects ; one pursues /The vast alone, the wonderful, the wild : / Another sighs for harmony and grace, / And gentlest beauty. Akenside. Different times different manners. It. Pr. Difficile est crimen non prodere vultu — It is 25 difficult not to betray guilt by the countenance. Ovid. Difficile est longum subito deponere amorera- It is difficult to relinquish at once a long-cher- ished passion. Catult. Difficile est plurimum virtutem revereri ; qui semper secunda fortuna sit usus — It is diffi- cult for one who has enjoyed uninterrupted good fortune to have a due reverence for virtue- Cic. Difficile est proprie communia dicere — It is difficult to handle a common theme with origin- ality. Hor. Difficile est satiram non scribere— It is difficult not to indulge in {lit. to write) satire. Juv, Difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum— It is 30 difficult to feign mirth when one is in a gloomy mood. Tibulle. Difficilem oportet aurem habere ad crimina — One should be slow in listening to criminal accusations. Pub. Syr. Difficilia quae pulchra — The really good is of diffi- cult attainment. L. Pr. Difficilis, facilis, jucundus, acerbus es idem ; / Nee tecum possum vivere, nee sine te — Cross but easy-minded, pleasant and sour together I can neither live with thee nor yet without thee. Mart. Difficilis in otio quies — Tranquillity is difficult if one has nothing to do. Difficilius est sarcire concordiam quam rum- 35 pere — It is more difficult to restore harmony than sow dissension. Difficult to sweep the intricate foul chimneys of law. Ca rfyle. Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. ChaiDiinc-. Difficulties are things that show what men are. Epictetus. DIFFICULTIES [ 68 ] DISCONTENT Difficulties may surround our path, but if the difficulties be not in ourselves, they may generally be overcome. fowett. Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body. Sen. Difficulty, abnegation, martyrdom, death, are the allurements that act on the heart of man. Kindle the inner genial life of him, you have a flame that burns up all lower considerations. Carlyle. Diffugiunt, cadis / Cum faece siccatis, amici, / Ferre jugum pariter dolosi — When the wine- casks are drained to the lees, our friends soon disperse, too faithless to bear as well the yoke of misfortune. Hor. 5 Diffused knowledge immortalises itself. Sir J. macintosh. Dignity and love do not blend well, nor do they continue long together. Ovid. Dignity consists not in possessing honours, but in deserving them. Arist. Dignity is often a veil between us and the real truth of things, it hippie. Dignity of position adds to dignity of char- acter, as well as dignity of carriage. Bovee. 10 Dignum laude virum Musa vetat mori — The Muse takes care that the man who is worthy of honour does not die. Hor. Digressions in a book are like foreign troops in a state, which argue the nation to want a heart and hands of its own ; and often either subdue the natives, or drive them into the most unfruitful corners. S-wift. Digressions incontestably are the sunshine ; they are the life, the soul of reading. Sterne. Dii laboribus omnia vendunt — The gods sell all things to hard labour. Pr. Dii majores et minores — Gods of a higher and lower degree. 15 Dii majorum gentium — The twelve gods of the highest order. Dii penates — Household gods. Di irati laneos pedes habent — The gods when angry have their feet covered with wool. Pr. Dii rexque secundent — May God and the king favour us. M. Diis aliter visum — The gods have decreed other- wise. Virg. 20 Diis proximus ille est / Quern ratio, non ira movet — He is nearest to the gods whom reason, not passion, impels. Claud. Dilationes in lege sunt odiosse — Delays in the law are odious. I.. Dilettantism, hypothesis, speculation, a kind of amateur-search for truth, toying and coquetting with truth ; this is the sorest sin, the root of all imaginable sins. Carlyle. Dilexi justiciam et odi iniquitatem, propterea morior in exilio — I have loved justice and heted injustice, therefore die I an exile. Gregory I'll, on his death-bed. Diligence increases the fruits of labour. Hesiod. 25 Diligence is the mother of good fortune. Cer- van tcs. Diligentia, qua una virtute omnes virtutes reli- quae continentur — Diligence, the one virtue that embraces in it all the rest. Cic. Diligent, that includes all virtues in it a stu- dent can have. Carlyle, to the Students of Edinburgh Univtrsity. Diligent working makes an expert workman. Dan. Pr. Diligitur nemo, nisi cui fortuna secunda est — Only he is loved who is the favourite of fortune. Ovid. Dimidium facti, qui ccepit, habet — He who has ! begun has half done. Hor. Ding (knock) down the nests, and the rooks will flee awa. Sc. Pr., itsed to justify the demoli- tion of the religious houses at the Reformation. Dinna curse him, sir ; I have heard a good man say that a curse was like a stone flung up to the heavens, and maist like to return on his head that sent it. Scott. Dinna gut your fish till you get them. Sc. Pr. Dinna lift me before I fa'. Sc. Pr. Dinna scald your ain mou' wi ither folk's kail 1 (broth). Sc. Pr. Di nos quasi pilas homines habent— The gods treat us mortals like so many balls to play with. Plant. Diogenes has well said that the only way to preserve one's liberty was being always ready to die without pain. Goethe. Dios es el que sana, y el medico lleva la plata — Though God cures the patient, the doctor pockets the fee. Sf>. Pr. Dios me de contienda con quien me entienda — God grant me to argue with such as understand me. S/>. Pr. Di picciol uomo spesso grand' ombra — A little c . man often casts a long shadow. It. Pr. Dira necessitas — Cruel necessity. Hor. Dirigo — I direct. M. Dirt is not dirt, but only something in the wrong place. Paltnerston. Diruit, asdificat, mutat quadrata rotundis — He pulls down, he builds up, he changes square into round. Hor Dir war das Ungliick eine strenge Schule — i Misfortune was for thee a hard school. Schiller. Disappointment is often the salt of life. Theo- dore Parker. Disasters, do the best we can, / Will reach both great and small ; / And he is oft the wisest man / Who is not wise at all. // 'ords- worth. Disce aut discede — Learn or leave. Disce pati — Learn to endure. Disce, puer, virtutem ex me, verumque labo- 1 rem, / Fortunam ex aliis — Learn, my son, valour and patient toil from me, good fortune from others. / irg. Disciplined inaction. Sir J. Macintosh, Discipulus est prions posterior dies — Each succeeding day is the scholar of the preceding. Pub. Syr. Discite justitiam moniti, et non temnere divos — Warned by me, learn justice, and not to de- spise the gods. I 'irg, Discit enim citius, meminitque libentius illud / Quod quis deridet quam quod probat et veneratur — Each learns more readily, and re- tains more willingly, what makes him laugh than what he approves of and respects. Hor. Discontent is like ink poured into water, which ! fills the whole fountain full of blackness. It casts a cloud over the mind, and renders it more occupied about the evil which disquiets it than about the means of removing it. Feltham. DISCONTENT [ } DIVES Discontent is the want of self-reliance ; it is infirmity of will. Emerson. Discontent makes us to lose what we have ; contentment gets us what we want. Fret- ting never removed a cross nor procured a comfort ; quiet submission doth both. Jacomb. Discontents are sometimes the better part of our life. Feltham. Discord oft in music makes the sweeter lay. Sf>enser. Discreet women have neither eyes nor ears. Fr. Pr. Discrepant facta cum dictis — The facts don't agree with the statements. Cic. Discretion / And hard valour are the twins of honour, / And, nursed together, make a conqueror ;/ Divided, but a talker. Beaumont and Fletcher. Discretion is the perfection of reason, and a guide to us in all the duties of life. La Bruyere. Discretion is the salt, and fancy the sugar s of life ; the one preserves, the other sweetens it. Boz'ee. Discretion of speech is more than eloquence, and to speak agreeably to him with whom we deal is more than to speak in good words or in good order. Bacon. Discretion, the best part of valour, Beaumont and Fletcher. Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eye, / Misprising what they look on. Much Ado, iii. i. Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth / In strange eruptions, and the teeming earth / Is with a kind of cholic pinch'd and vex'd / By the imprisoning of unruly wind / Within her womb, which, for enlargement striving, / Shakes the old beldam earth, and topples down / Steeples and moss-grown towers. Hen. IV., iii. i. Diseases, desperate grown, / By desperate appliance are relieved, / Or not at alL Ham., iv. 3. Diseur de bons mots — A sayer of good things ; a would-be wit. Fr. Diseuse de bonne aventure — A mere fortune- teller. Fr. Disgrace consists infinitely more in the crime than in the punishment. Bacon. Disguise our bondage as we will, / 'Tis woman, woman rules us still. Moore. Disguise thyself as thou wilt, still, Slavery, thou art a bitter draught. Sterne. Dishonesty is the forsaking of permanent for temporary advantages. Bovee. Dishonest men conceal their faults from them- selves as well as others ; honest men know and confess them. Bovee. Dishonesty will stare honesty out of counte- nance any day in the week, if there is any- thing to be got by it. Dickens. Dishonour waits on perfidy. The villain / Should blush to think a falsehood ; 'tis the crime/ Of cowards. C. Johnson. Disillusion is the chief characteristic of old age. Disjecta membra — Scattered remains. Disjecti membra poeta? — Limbs of the dismem- bered poet. Hor. Disjice compositam pacem, sere crimina belli — Dash the patched-up peace, sow the seeds of wicked war. / 'try, Dismiss your vows, your feigned tears, your flattery ; / For where a heart is hard, they make no battery. Shakespeare. Disobedience is the beginning of evil and the broad way to ruin. D. Davies. Disorder in a drawing-room is vulgar ; in an 30 antiquary's study, not ; the black stain on a soldier's face is not vulgar, but the dirty face of a housemaid is. Ruskin. Disorder is dissolution, death. Carlyle. Disorder makes nothing at all, but unmakes everything. Prof. Blackie. Disponendo me, non mutando me — By dis- placing, not by changing me. .]/. Disputandi pruritus ecclesiarum scabies — The itch for controversy is the scab of the Church. Wot ton. Dissensions, like small streams at first begun, / 35 Unseen they rise, but gather as they run. Garth. Dissimulation in youth is the forerunner of perfidy in old age. Blair. Dissimulation is but faint policy, for it asketh a strong wit and a strong heart to know when to tell the truth and to do it. Bacon. Distance produces in idea the same effect as in real perspective. Scott. Distance sometimes endears friendship, and absence sweeteneth it. Howell Distinction is an eminence that is attained but 40 too frequently at the expense of a fireside. Simms. Distinction is the consequence, never the object, of a great mind. IV. A listen. Distinction, with a broad and powerful fan / Puffing at all, winnows the light away. '1 roil, and Cress., i. 3. Distingue — Distinguished ; eminent ; gentleman- like. Fr. Distinguished talents are not necessarily con- nected with discretion. Junius. Distortion is the agony of weakness. It is the 45 dislocated mind whose movements are spas- modic. U'illmott. Distrahit animum librorum multitudo — A mul- titude of books distracts the mind. Sen. Distrait — Absent in mind. Fr. Distressed valour challenges great respect, even from enemies. Plutarch. Distringas — You may distrain. L. Distrust and darkness of a future state / 50 Make poor mankind so fearful of their fate, / Death in itself is nothing ; but we fear / To be we know not what, we know not where, Drydcn. Dites-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es — Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. Brillat-Savarin. Ditissimus agris — An extensive landed pro- prietor. Di tutte le arti maestro e amore — Love is master of all arts. It. Pr. Diversite, e'est ma devise — Variety, that is my motto. La Fontaine. Dives agris, dives positis in fcenore nummis — 55 Rich in lands, rich in money laid out at interest. Hor, DIVES [ TO ] DOMESTIC Dives aut iniquus est aut iniqui haeres — A rich man is an unjust man, or the heir of one. Pr. Dives est, cui tanta possessio est, ut nihil optet amplius — He is rich who wishes no more than he has. Cic. Dives qui fieri vult, / Et cito vult fieri — He who wishes to become rich, is desirous of becoming so at once. J ' nv. Divide et impera — Divide and govern. 5 Divina natura dedit agros, ars humana sedi- ficavit urbes — Divine nature gave the fields, man's invention built the cities. larro. Divination seems heightened to its highest power in woman. A. B. Alcott. Divine love is a sacred flower, which in its early bud is happiness, and in its full bloom is heaven. Heroey. Divine moment, when over the tempest-tossed soul, as over the wild-weltering chaos, it was spoken : Let there be light. Even to the greatest that has felt such a moment, is it not miraculous and God-announcing ; even as, under simpler figures, to the humblest and least ? Carlyle. Divine Philosophy, by whose pure light / We first distinguish, then pursue the right ; / Thy power the breast from every error frees, / And weeds out all its vices by degrees. Juv. 10 Divine right, take it on the great scale, is found to mean divine might withal. Carlyle. Divines but peep on undiscovered worlds, / And draw the distant landscape as they please. Drydeit. Divinity should be empress, and philosophy and other arts merely her servants. Luther. Divitiae grandes homini sunt, vivere parce / .^Equo animo — It is great wealth to a man to live frugally with a contented mind. Liter. Divitia? virum faciunt — Riches make the man. 15 Divitiarum et format gloria fluxa atque fragilis ; virtus clara aeternaque habetur — The glory of wealth and of beauty is fleeting and frail ; virtue is illustrious and everlasting. Sail. Divitis servi maxime servi — Servants to the rich are the most abject. Divorce from this world is marriage with the next. Talmud. Dla przyjaciela nowego / Nie opuszczaj sta- rego ! — To keep a new friend, never break with the old. Russ. Pr. Do as others do, and few will laugh at you. Dan. Pr. 20 Do as the bee does with the rose, take the honey and leave the thorn. Atner. Pr. Do as the lassies do; say "No" and tak' it. Sc. Pr. Dobrze to w kazdym znales'c przyjaciela !— How delightful to find a friend in every one. Brot izinski, Docendo discimus — We learn by teaching. Dochters zijn broze waren — Daughters are fragile- ware. Dut. Fr. 25 Doch werdet ihr nie Herz zu Herzen schaffen / Wenn es auch nicht von Herzen geht Yet will ye never bring heart to heart unless it goes out of your own. G . Docti rationem artis intelligunt, indocti volup- tatem — The learned understand the principles of art, the unlearned feel the pleasure only. Quinct. Doctor Luther's shoes don't fit every village priest. Ger. Pr. Doctor utriusque legis — Doctor of both civil and canon law. Doctrina sed vim promovet insitam / Rectique 3 cultus pectora roborant — But instruction im- proves the innate powers, and good discipline strengthens the heart. Hor. Doctrine is nothing but the skin of truth set up and stuffed. Ward Beecher. Does Homer interest us now, because he wrote of what passed beyond his native Greece, and two centuries before he was born ; or because he wrote what passed in God's world, which is the same after thirty centuries ? Carlyle. Do falta dicha, por demas es diligencia — Dili- gence is of no use where luck is wanting. Sj>. Pr. Dogmatic jargon, learn'd by heart, / Trite sentences, hard terms of art, / To vulgar ears seem so profound, / They fancy learning in the sound. Gay. Do good and throw it into the sea ; if the fish 3 know it not, the Lord will. Turk. Pr. Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame. Pope. Do good to thy friend to keep him, to thy enemy to gain him. Ben. Franklin. Dogs should not be taught to eat leather (so in- dispensable for leashes and muzzles). Ger. Pr. Dogs that bark at a distance ne'er bite at hand. Sc. Pr. Doing good is the only certainly happy action 4 of a man's life. Sir P. Sianey. Doing is activity ; and he will still be doing. Hen. /'., iii. 7. Doing is the great thing ; for if people reso- lutely do what is right, they come in time to like doing it. Raskin. Doing leads more surely to saying than saying to doing. / 'inet. Doing nothing is doing ill. Pr. Dolce far niente— Sweet idleness. TV. 4 Dolci cose a vedere, e dolci inganni — Things sweet to see, and sweet deceptions. Ariosto. Dolendi modus, timendi non autem — There is a limit to grief, but not to fear. J 'liny. Doli non doli sunt, nisi astu colas — Fraud is not fraud, unless craftily planned. Plan:. Dolium volvitur — Anempty vesselrollseasily. Pr. Dolori affici, sed resistere tamen — To be affected i with grief, but still to resist it. Pliny. Dolus an virtus, quis in hoste requirat ? — Who inquires in an enemy whether it be stratagem or valour? Virg. Dolus versatur in generalibus— Fraud deals in 1 tlilies. L. Domandar chi nacque prima, 1'uovo ola gallina — Ask which was first produced, the egg or the hen. It. Pr. Domestic happiness is the end of almost all our pursuits, and the common reward of all our pains. Fielding. Domestic happiness! thou only bliss 'Of hap- J piness that has survived the Fall. < 'ovuftr. DOMI [ 71 ] DOS EST Domi manere convenit felicibus — Those who are happy at home should remain at home. Pr. Domine, dirige nos — Lord, direct us! Domini pudet, non servitutis — I am ashamed of my master, but not of my condition as a servant. Sen. Dominus illuminatio mea — The Lord is my light. M. Dominus providebit — The Lord will provide. M. Dominus videt plurimum in rebus suis — The master sees best in his own affairs. Pkeed. Dominus vobiscum, et cum spiritu tuo— The Lord be with you, and with thy spirit. Domitae naturae— Of a tame nature. Domus arnica domus optima — The house of a friend is the best house. Domus et placens uxor — Thy house and pleasing wife. Domus sua cuique tutissimum refugium — The safest place of refuge for every man is his own home. Coke. Dona praesentis cape laetus horse, et / Linque severa — Gladly enjoy the gifts of the present hour, and banish serious thoughts. Hor. Donatio mortis causa — A gift made in prospect of death. L. Don de plaire — The gift of pleasing. Fr. Donee eris felix multos numerabis amicos ; / Tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris — So long as you are prosperous you will reckon many friends ; if fortune frowns on you, you will be alone. Ovid. Done to death by slanderous tongues. Much Ado, v. 3. Donna di finestra, uva di strada — A woman at the window is a bunch of grapes by the wayside. It. Pr. Donna e mobile come piume in vento— Woman is as changeable as a feather in the wind. Verdi. Donner de si mauvaise grace qu'on n'a pas d'obligation — To give so ungraciously as to do away with any obligation. Fr. Donner une chandelle a Dieu et une au diable — To give one candle to God and another to the devil. Fr. Pr. Donner, mais, si vous pouvez, epargnez au pauvre, la honte de tendre la main — Give, but, if possible, spare the poor man the shame of holding out the hand. Diderot. Dono dedit — Gave as a gift. Do not allow your daughters to be taught letters by a man, though he be a St. Paul or a St. Francis of Assisi. The saints are in heaven. Bp. Liguori. Do not ask if a man has been through college. Ask if a college has been through him. Chapin. Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, / Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven, / Whilst, like a puffed and reckless libertine, / Himself the primrose path of dalliancetreads, / And recks not his own rede. Ham., i. 3. Do not flatter your benefactors. Buddhist Pr. Do not, for one repulse, forego the purpose / That you resolv'd to effect. Tempest, iii. 2. Do not give dalliance / Too much the rein ; the strongest oaths are straw / To the fire i' the blood. Be more abstemious, / Or else good night your vow. Tempest, iv. 1. Do not halloo till you are out of the wood. Pr. Do not lose the present in vain perplexities 30 about the future. If fortune lours to-day, she may smile to-morrow. Sir T. Martin. Do not refuse the employment which the hour brings you for one more ambitious. Emerson. Do not talk Arabic in the house of a Moor. Sp. Pr. Do not tell a friend anything that you would conceal from an enemy. A r. Pr. Do not think of one falsity as harmless, and one as slight, and another as unintended. Cast them all aside ; it is better our hearts should be swept clean of them. Ruskin. Do not train boys to learning by force or harsh- 35 ness ; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be the better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each. Plato. Do not trouble yourself too much about the light on your statue ; the light of the public square will test its value. Michael Angelo to a young sculptor. Don't be a cynic and disconsolate preacher. Don t bewail and moan. Omit the negative propositions. Nerve us with incessant affirmatives. Don't waste yourself in rejec- tion, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good. Emerson. Don't be " consistent," but be simply true. Holmes. Don't budge, if you are at ease where you are. Ger. Pr. Don't despise a slight wound or a poor relative. 40 Han. Pr. Don't dissipate your powers ; strive constantly to concentrate them. Genius thinks it can do whatever it sees others doing, but it is sure to repent of every ill-judged outlay^ Goethe. Don terrible de la familiarite— The terrible gift of familiarity. Mirabeau. Don't fly till your wings are fledged. Ger. Pr. Don't hate ; only pity and avoid those that follow lies. Carlyle. Don't put too fine a point to your wit, for fear 45 it should get blunted. Cervantes. Don't quit the highway for a short cut. Port. Pr. Don't reckon your chickens before they are hatched. Pr. Don't throw away the old shoes till you've got new ones. Hut. Pr. Donum exitiale Minervae — The fatal gift to Minerva, i.e., the wooden horse, by means of which the Greeks took Troy. / irg. Do on the hill as ye do in the ha'. Sc. Pr. 50 Do right ; though pain and anguish be thy lot, / Thy heart will cheer thee when the pain's forgot ; / Do wrong for pleasure's sake, then count thy gains, /The pleasure soon departs, the sin remains. Bp. Shuttleivorth. Dormit aliquando jus, moritur nunquam— A right is sometimes in abeyance, but never abo- lished. L. Dormiunt aliquando leges, nunquam moriun- tur— The law sleeps sometimes, but never dies. L. Dos dane— Saddleback {lit. ass's back). Fr. Dos est magna parentum / Virtus— The virtue 55 I of parents is a great dowry. Hor. DOS EST [ 72 ] DREAMS Dos est uxoria lites— Strife is the dowry of a wife. Ovid. Aocns o'dXi-yij re, (piX-q re— Gift both dainty and dear. Ho»i. Dos linajes solo hay en el mundo, el " tener " y el "no tener" — There are but two families in the world, those who have, and those who have not. Cervantes. A6s \x.ol ttov /ecu ttjv yr/v Kivrjaio — Give me where to stand, and I will move the earth. A rchimedcs. 5 Dost thou love life ? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. B. Franklin. Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say aye ; / And I will take thy word. Yet if thou swear'st, / Thou may'st prove false ; at lovers' perjuries / They say Jove laughs. Rom. and Jul., ii. 2. Dost thou love pictures ? We will fetch thee straight / Adonis painted by a running brook ; I And Cytherea all in sedges hid ; / Which seem to move and wanton with her breath ; / Even as the waving sedges play with wind. Tam. the Shrew, Ind. 2. Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there are to be no more cakes and ale ? Twelfth Night, ii. 3. Do that which is assigned you, and you can- not hope too much or dare too much. Emer- SOtl. 10 Do the duty that lies nearest to you. Every duty which is bidden to wait returns with seven fresh duties at its back. Kingsley. Do the duty which lies nearest to thee. Thy second duty will already have become clearer. Curly le. Do thine own task, and be therewith content. Goethe. Doth not the appetite alter ? A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. Much Ado, ii. 3. Doth the eagle know what is in the pit, / Or wilt thou go ask the mole ? William Blake. 15 Do thy little well, and for thy comfort know, / Great men can do their greatest work no better than just so. Goethe. Double, double, toil and trouble, / Fire burn, and caldron bubble. Macb., iv. 1. Double, double toil and trouble ; that is the life of all governors that really govern ; not the spoil of victory, only the glorious toil of battle can be theirs. Carlyle. Double entendre — A double meaning. Fr. Double entente — Double signification. Fr. 20 Doubting the reality of love leads to doubting everything. A miel. Doubting things go ill often hurts more / Than to be sure they do. Cymbelin,-, i. 7. Doubt is an incentive to truth, and patient inquiry leadeth the way. //. lial.su. Doubt is the abettor of tyranny. Ami.!. Doubt is the vestibule which all must pass before they can enter into the temple of wisdom. Cotton. 25 Doubtless the pleasure is as great / Of being cheated as to cheat. Butler. Doubt of any sort cannot be removed except by action. Goethe. Doubt thou the stars are fire ; / Doubt that the sun doth move ; Doubt truth to be a liar ; / But never doubt I love. Ham., ii. 2. Douceur — A bribe. Fr. Do ut des — I give that you may give. Maxivi 0/ Bismarck. Doux yeux — Tender glances. Fr. 3 Dove bisognan rimedj, il sospirar non vale — Where remedies are needed, sighing is of no use. It. Pr. Dove e grand' amore, quivi e gran dolore — Where the love is great the pain is great. It. Pr. Dove e il Papa, ivi e Roma — Where the Pope is, Rome is. //. I-r. Dove e l'amore, la e l'occhio — Where love is, there the eye is. It. Pr. Dove entra il vino, esce la vergogna — When S wine enters modesty goes. It. Pr. Dove la voglia e pronta, le gambe son leggiere — When the will is prompt, the legs are light. //. Pr. Do weel and doubt nae man ; do ill and doubt a' men. Sc. P>: Do we not all submit to death ? The highest sentence of the law, sentence of death, is passed on all of us by the fact of birth : yet we live patiently under it, patiently undergo it when the hour comes. Carlyle. Dower'd with the hate of hate, the scorn of scorn, / The love of love. Tennyson, 0/ the poet. Do what he will, he cannot realise / Half he 4 conceives — the glorious vision flies ; Go where he may, he cannot hope to find The truth, the beauty pictured in the mind. Rogers. Do what we can, summer will have its flies ; if we go a-fishing, we must expect a wet coat. Emerson. Down, thou climbing sorrow ; / Thy element's below. King Lear, ii. 4. Downward to climb and backward to advance. Pope. Downy sleep, death's counterfeit. Macb., iii. 2. Do you think the porter and the cook have no 4 anecdotes, no experiences, no wonders for you? Snterson. Do you wish to find out the really sublime ? Repeat the Lord's Prayer. Napoleon. Dramatis personae — Characters represented. Draw thyself from thyself. Goethe. Dream after dream ensues, / And still they dream that they shall still succeed / And still are disappointed. Covuper. Dream delivers us to dream, and there is no 5 end to illusion. Emerson. Dreams are but interludes which fancy makes. / When monarch reason sleeps, this mimic wakes ; / Compounds a medley of disjointed things, / A mob of cobblers and a court of kings ; / Light fumes are merry, grosser fumes are sad ; / Both are the reasonable soul run mad. Dryden. Dreams are excursions into the limbo of tilings, a semi-deliverance from the human prison. Amid. Dreams are the bright creatures of poem and legend, who sport on the earth in the night season, and melt away with the first beams of the sun. Dickens. DREAMS [ 73 J DULCIS Dreams are the children of an idle brain, / Begot of nothing but vain phantasy ; J Which are as thin of substance as the air, / And more inconstant than the wind. Rom. and Jul., i. 4. Dreams ; books, are each a world ; and books, we know, / Are a substantial world, both pure and good ; / Round these, with tendrils strong as flesh and blood, / Our pastime and our happiness will grow. Wordsworth. Dreams, indeed, are ambition ; for the sub- stance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream. Ham., ii. 2. Dreams., in general, take their rise from those incidents that have occurred during the day. Herodotus. Dreams in their development have breath / And tears and torture and the touch of joy ;/ They leave a weight upon our waking thoughts ; / They take a weight from off our waking toils ; / They do divide our being ; they become a portion of ourselves as of our time, / And look like heralds of eternity. Byron. Dreigers vechten niet — Those who threaten don't fight. Dnt. Pr. Dress has a moral effect upon the conduct of mankind. Sir J. Barrington. Drinking water neither makes a man sick nor in debt, nor his wife a widow. John Nieal. Drink nothing without seeing it, sign nothing without reading it. Port. Pr. 3 Drink not the third glass, which thou canst not tame / When once it is within thee ; but before, / May'st rule it as thou list ; and pour the shame, / Which it would pour on thee, upon the floor. G. Herbert. Drink to me only with thine eyes, / And I will pledge with mine ; / Or leave a kiss but in the cup, / And I'll not look for wine. Ben Jonson. Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well. Bible. Drive a coach and six through an act of parlia- ment. Baron S. Rice. Drive a cow to the ha , and she'll run to the byre. .SV. Pr. 5 Drive thy business, let not thy business drive thee. Franklin. Droit d'aubaine — The right of escheat ; windfall. Droit des gens — Law of nations. Fr. Droit et avant — Right and forward. Fr. Droit et loyal — Right and loyal. Fr. Drones hive not with me. Mer. of Ven., ii. 5. Drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags. Bible. Drudgery and knowledge are of kin, / And both descended from one parent sin. 6". Butler. Drunkenness is the vice of a good constitution or of a bad memory ; — of a constitution so treacherously good than it never bends till it breaks ; or of a memory that recollects the pleasures of getting intoxicated, but for- gets the pains of getting sober. Cotton. Drunkenness is voluntary madness. Sen. !5 Apvos irecroucrris was avi)p ^vXeverat — When an oak falls, every one gathers wood. Men. Dry light is ever the best, i.e.., from one who, as disinterested, can take a dispassionate view of a matter. Heraclitus. Dry shoes won t catch fish. Gael P>:^*>' Duabus sedere sellis— To sit between two stools. Du bist am Ende was du bist — Thou art in the end what thou art. Goethe. Dubitando ad veritatem pervenimus — By way 30 of doubting we arrive at the truth. Cic. Dubiam salutem qui dat afflictis, negat— He who offers to the wretched a dubious deliverance, denies all hope. Sen. Ducats are clipped, pennies are not. Ger. Pr. Duce et auspice — Under his guidance and auspices. M. Duces tecum — You must bring with you (certain documents). L. Duce tempus eget — The time calls for a leader. 35 Lucan. Du choc des esprits jaillissent les etincelles — When great spirits clash, sparks fly about. Fr. Pr. Ducis ingenium, res / Adversae nudare solent, celare secunda? — Disasters are wont to reveal the abilities of a general, good fortune to conceal them. Hor. Ducit amor patriae — The love of country leads me. M. Du cote de la barbe est la toute-puissance — The male alone has been appointed to bear rule. Moliere. Ductor dubitantium— A guide to those in doubt. 40 Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt— Fate leads the willing, and drags the unwilling. Sen. from Cleanthes. Du fort au faible — On an average {lit. from the strong to the weak). Fr. Du glaubst zu schieben und du wirst geschoben — Thou thinkest thou art shoving and thou art shoved. Goethe. Du gleichst dem Geist. den du begreifst / Nicht mir— Thou art like to the spirit which thou coin- prehendest, not to me. Goethe. Du hast das nicht, was andre haben, /45 Und andern mangeln deine Gabe ; / Aus dieser Unvollkommenheit / Entspringt die Geselligkeit — Thou hast not what others have, and others want what has been given thee ; out of Guch defect springs good-fellowship. Gellert. Du haut de ces pyramides quarante siecles nous contemplent — From the height of these pyramids forty centuries look down on us. Napoleon to his troops in Egypt. Dulce domum — Sweet home. A school song: Dulce est desipere in loco — It is pleasant to play the fool (i.e. relax) sometimes. Hor. Dulce est miseris socios habuisse doloris — It is a comfort to the wretched to have companions in misfortune. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori— It is 50 sweet and glorious to die for one's country. Hor. Dulce periculum — Sweet danger. M. Dulce sodalitium — A pleasant association of friends. Dulcibus est verbis alliciendus amor — Love is to be won by affectionate words. Pr. Dulcique animos novitate tenebo— And I will hold your mind captive with sweet novelty. Ovid. Dulcis amor patria?, dulce videre suos— Sweet 55 is the love of country, sweet to see one's kindred. Ovid. DULCIS [ V4 ] DUX Dulcls inexpertis cultura potentis amici ; / Expertus metuit — The cultivation of friendship with the great is pleasant to the inexperienced, hut he who has experienced it dreads it. Hor. Dull, conceited hashes, / Confuse their brains in college classes ; / They gang in stirks, and come oot asses, / Plain truth to speak. Burns. Dull not device by coldness and delay. Othello, ii. 3. Dumb dogs and still waters are dangerous. Ger. Pr. 5 Dumbie winna lee. Sc. Pr. Dumb jewels often, in their silent kind, / More than quick words do move a woman's mind. Two Cent, of l'er. s iii. 1. Dum deliberamus quando incipiendum incipere jam serum est — While we are deliberating to begin, the time to begin is past. Quinet. Dum fata fugimus, fata stulti incurrimus — While we flee from our fate, we like fools rush on it. Buchanan. Dum in dubio est animus, paulo momento hue illuc impellitur — While the mind is in suspense, a very little sways it one way or other. 'Per. 10 Dum lego, assentior — Whilst I read, I assent. Cic. Dum loquor. hora fugit — While I am speaking, time flies. Ovid, Dummodo morata recte veniat, dotata est satis — Provided she come with virtuous prin- ciples, a woman brings dowry enough. Plaut. Dummodo sit dives, barbarus ipse placet — If he be only rich, a very barbarian pleases us. Ovid. Dum ne ob malefacta peream, parvi aestimo — Sobe I do not die for evil-doing, I care little for dying. Plaut. 15 Du moment qu'on aime, on devient si doux— From the moment one falls in love, one becomes sweet in the temper. Mannontel. Dum se bene gesserit — So long as his behaviour is good. L. Dum singnli pugnant, universi vincuntur— While they fight separately, the whole are con- quered. Tacit. Dum spiro, spero— While I breathe, I hope. M. Dum tacent, clamant — While silent, they cry aloud, i.e., their silence bespeaks discontent. Cic. 20 Du musst steigen oder sinken, / Du musst herr- schen und gewinnen, / Oder dienen und ver- lieren, / Leiden oder triumphiren, / Amboss oder Hammer sein — Thou must mount up or sink down, must rule and win or serve and lose, suffer or triumph, be anvil or hammer. Goethe. Dum vires annique sinunt, tolerate Iabores : / Jam veniet tacito curva senecta pede— While your strength and years permit, you should en- dure labour ; bowed old age will soon come on with silent foot. Ovid. Dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currunt — While fools shun one set of faults, they run into the opposite one. Hor. Dum vivimus, vivamus— While we live, let us live. M. D'une vache perdue, e'est quelque chose de recouvrer la queue When a cow is lost, it is something to recover the tail. /■ r. Pr. 25 Duo quum faciunt idem non est idem— When two do the same thing, it is nit the same. lei. Duos qui sequitur lepores neutrum capit — He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither. Pr. Dupes indeed are many ; but of all dupes there is none so fatally situated as he who lives in undue terror of being duped. Carlyle. Durante beneplacito — During good pleasure. Durante vita— During life. Dura piu incudine che il martello — The anvil 30 lasts longer than the hammer. //. Pr. Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis — Be patient, and preserve yourself for better times, lirg. Durch Verniinfteln wird Poesie vertrieben / Aber sie mag das Verniiftige lieben — Poetry loves what is true in reason, but is scared away (dispersed) by subtlety in reasoning. Goethe. Durum et durum non faciunt murum— Hard and hard {i.e., without mortar) do not make a wall. Durum ! Sed levius fit patientia / Quicquid corrigere est nefas — 'Tis hard! But that which we are not permitted to correct is ren- dered lighter by patience. Hor. Durum telum necessitas — Necessity is a hard 35 weapon. Pr. Du sollst mit dem Tode zufrieden sein. / Warum machst du dir das Leben zur Pein? — Thou shouldst make peace {lit. be content) with death. Why then make thy life a torture to thee? Goethe. Dusting, darning, drudging, nothing is great or small, / Nothing is mean or irksome : love will hallow it all. Dr. H 'alter Smith. Dust long outlasts the storied stone. Byron. Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return. Bible. Du sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas — There 40 is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous. Napoleon. Dutchmen must have wide breeches. Fris. Pr. Duties are but coldly performed which are but philosophically fulfilled. Mrs. Jameson. Duties are ours ; events are God's. Cecil. Duty by habit is to pleasure turn'd ; / He is content who to obey has learn'd. Sir P.. Brydges. Duty demands the parent's voice I Should sane- 45 tify the daughter's choice, , In that is due obedience shown ; To choose belongs to her alone. Moore. Duty, especially out of the domain of love, is the veriest slavery in the world. /. G. Holland. Duty has the virtue of making- us feel the reality of a positive world, while at the same time it detaches us from it. Amiel. Duty is a power which rises with us in the morning, and goes to bed with us in the evening. Gladstone. Duty is the demand of the passing hour. Goethe. Duty scorns prudence, and criticism has few 50 terrors for a man with a great purpose. Disraeli. Duty -the command of Heaven, the eldest voice of God. Kingeley. Dux fcemina facti — A woman the leader in the deed. / irg. EACH [ 75 ] EARTHLY B. Each animal out of its habitat would starve. Emerson. Each change of many-colour'd life he drew, / Exhausted worlds, and then imagined new. Johnson, Each creature is only a modification of the other ; the likeness in them is more than the difference, and their radical law is one and the same. Emerson. Each creature seeks its perfection in another. Luther. Each day still better other's happiness, / Until the heavens, envying earth's good hap, / Add an immortal title to your crown, Rich. JL, i. i. Each departed friend is a magnet that attracts us to the next world, and the old man lives among graves. Jean Paul. Each good thought or action moves /The dark world nearer to the sun, Whittier. Each heart is a world. You find all within yourself that you find without. The world that surrounds you is the magic glass of the world within you. Lavater. Each human heart can properly exhibit but one love, if even one ; the "first love, which is infinite," can be followed by no second like unto it. Carlyle. .0 Each in his narrow cell for ever laid, / The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep. Gray. Each man begins the world afresh, and the last man repeats the blunders of the first. A miel. Each man can learn something from his neigh- bour ; at least he can learn to have patience with him — to live and let live. Kingsley. Each man has his fortune in his own hands, as the artist has a piece of rude matter, which he is to fashion into a certain shape. Goethe. Each man has his own vocation ; his talent is his call. There is one direction in which all space is open to him. Erne/sou. .5 Each man sees over his own experience a certain stain of error, whilst that of other men looks fair and ideal. Emerson, Each man's chimney is his golden milestone, is the central point from which he measures every distance through the gateways of the world around him. Longfellow, Each mind has its own method. A true man never acquires after college rules. Emerson. Each must stand on his glass tripod, if he would keep his electricity. Emerson. Each one of us here, let the world go how it will, and be victorious or not victorious, has he not a life of his own to lead ? Carlyle. !0 Each particle of matter is an immensity, each leaf a world, each insect an inexplicable compendium. Lavater. Each plant has its parasite, and each created thing its lover and poet. Emerson. Each present joy or sorrow seems the chief. Sh. Each sin at heart is Deicide. Aubrey de Vere {the younger). Each substance of a grief hath twenty shadows, / Which show like grief itself, but are not so ; / For sorrow's eye, glazed with blinding tears, / Divides one thing entire to many objects. Rich. //., ii. 2. Each thing is a half, and suggests another thing 25 to make it whole ; as spirit, matter ; man, woman ; odd, even ; subjective, objective ; in, out ; motion, rest ; yea, nay, Emerson. Each thing lives according to its kind ; the heart by love, the intellect by truth, the higher nature of man by intimate com- munion with God, Chapin. Each year one vicious habit rooted out, in time might make the worst man good. Ben. Franklin. Ea fama vagatur — That report is in circulation. Eagles fly alone ; they are but sheep that always herd together. Sir P. Sidney, Eamus quo ducit gula — Let us go where our 30 appetite prompts us. lirg. Early and provident fear is the mother of safety. Burke. Early birds catch the worms. Sc. Pr. Early, bright, transient, chaste, as morning dew, / She sparkled, was exhaled, and went to heaven. Young. Early master soon knave (servant). Sc. Pr. Early start makes easy stages, Amer. Pr. 35 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Pr. Earn well the thrifty months, nor wed / Raw Haste, half-sister to Delay. Tennyson. Earnest and sport go well together. Dan. Pr. Earnestness alone makes life eternity. Goethe. Earnestness in life, even when carried to an 40 extreme, is something very noble and great. IV. v. Humboldt. Earnestness is a quality as old as the heart of man. G Giljillan. Earnestness is enthusiasm tempered byreason. Pascal. Earnestness is the cause of patience ; it gives en- durance, overcomes pain, strengthens weak- ness, braves dangers, sustains hope, makes light of difficulties, and lessens the sense of weariness in overcoming them. Bavee. Earnestness is the devotion of all the faculties. Bovee. Earth changes, but thy soul and God stand 45 sure. Browning. Earth felt the wound ; and Nature from her seat, / Sighing through all her work, gave sign of woe / That all was lost, .tin ton. Earth has scarcely an acre that does not re- mind us of actions that have long preceded our own, and its clustering tombstones loom up like reefs of the eternal shore, to show us where so many human barks have struck and gone down. Chaf>in. Earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. Moore. Earth hath nothing more tender than a woman's heart when it is the abode of piety. Luther. Earth is here (in Australia) so kind, just tickle 50 her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest. Douglas Jerrold, Earthly pride is like a passing flower, that springs to fall and blossoms but to die. Kirke White. EARTH t 76 ] EDITIONES Earth, sea, man, are all in each. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Earth, that's Nature's mother, is her tomb. Rom. and Jul., ii. 3, Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection. Burial Service. Earth, turning from the sun, brings night to man. 1 'oung. 5 Earth with her thousand voices praises God, Coleridge. Earth's crammed with heaven, / And every common bush afire with God. Leigh. Earth's noblest thing, a woman perfected. Lowell. Ease and honour are seldom bed-fellows. Sc. Pr. Ea sola voluptas / Solamenque mali — That was his sole delight and solace in his woe. Virg. 10 East and west, home (hame) is best. Eng. and Sc. Pr. Ea sub oculis posita negligimus ; proximorum incuriosi, longinqua sectamur — We disregard the things which lie under our eyes ; indifferent to what is close at hand, we inquire after things that are far away. Pliny. Easy-crying widows take new husbands soonest ; there's nothing like wet weather for transplanting. Holmes. Easy writing's curst hard reading. Sheridan. Eat at your own table as you would eat at the table of the king. Confucius. 15 Eat at your pleasure, drink in measure. Pr: Eating little and speaking little can never do harm. Pr. Eating the bitter bread of banishment. Rich. II., iii. 1. Eat in measure and defy the doctor. Sc. Pr. Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others. Ben. Franklin. 20 Eat-weel's drink-weel's brither. Sc. Pr. Eat what you like, but pocket nothing. Pr. Eau benite de cour— False promises (lit. holy water of the court). Fr. Eau sucree — Sugared water. Fr. 'Eavrof TLp.upovp.evos — The self-tormentor. Menander. 25 Ebbe il migliore / De' miei giorni la patria — The best of my days I devoted to my country. It. E bello predicare il digiuno a corpo pieno — It is easy to preach fasting with a full belly. It. Pr. Eben die ausgezeichnetsten Menschen bediir- fen der Religion am meisten, weil sie die engen Grenzen unseres menschlichen Ver- standes am liebhaftesten empfinden — It is just the most eminent men that need religion most, because they feel most keenly the narrow limits of our human understanding. Ca'tvos. Eben wo Begriffe fehlen, / Da stellt ein Wort zur rechten Zeit sich ein— It is just where ideas fail that a word comes most opportunely to the rescue. Goethe. E buon comprare quando un altro vuol vendere • — It is well to buy when another wishes to sell. It. Pr. 30 Ecce homo— Behold the man ! Pontius Pilate. Ecce iterum Crispinus !— Another Crispinus, by Jove! (a profligate at the court of llomitian). Juv. Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character has abounded ; and the amount of eccentricity in a society has been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigour, and moral courage it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time. /. S. Mill, Eccentricity is sometimes found connected with genius, but it does not coalesce with true wisdom., Jay. Ecce signum — Here is the proof. Eccovi l'uom ch' e stato all 1 Inferno — See, there's 35 the man that has been in hell. It. (Said of Dante by the people of I'erona.) Echoes we : listen ! / We cannot stay, / As dewdrops glisten, / Then fade away Shelley. Echo is the voice of a reflection in a mirror. Hawthorne, 'Ex#pos yap p.01 Keivos, 6/iws 'Ai'dao irv\riWJ' tidwpa 8Qpa — An enemy's gifts are no gifts. Soph, Eclaircissement — The clearing up of a thing. Fr. 40 Eclat de rire — A burst of laughter, Fr. E ccelo descendit yv(x>Qi. aeavrov— From heaven came down the precept,, " Know thyself." Juv. Economy does not consist in the reckless re- duction of estimates ; on the contrary, such a course almost necessarily tends to increased expenditure. There can be no economy where there is no efficiency. Disraeli. Economy is an excellent lure to betray people into expense. Zimmcrmaun. Economy is half the battle of life ; it is not so 45 hard to earn money as to spend it. Spttrgeon. Economy is the parent of integrity, of liberty, and of easej and the beauteous sister of temperance, of cheerfulness, and health. Johnson. Economy no more means saving money than it means spending money. It means the ad- ministration of a house, its stewardship ; spending or saving, that is, whether money or time, or anything else, to the best possible advantage. Kits/an. E contra — On the other hand. E contrario — On the contrary. Ecorcher l'anguille par la queue— To begin at 50 the wrong end (lit. to skin an eel from the tail). Fr. Ecrasons l'infame — Let us crush the abomination, i.e., superstition. Voltaire. Edel ist, der edel thut — Noble is that noble does. Ger. Pr. Edel macht das Gemiith, nicht das Gebliit— It is the mind, not the blood, that ennobles. Ger. Pr. Edel sei der Mensch / Hiilfreich und gut / Denn das allein / Unterscheidet ihn / Von alien Wesen / Die wir kennen — He man noble, help- ful, and good; for that alone distinguishes him from all the beings we know. Goethe. Edition de luxe — A splendid and expensive edi- 55 tionofabook. Fr. Editiones expurgatae— Kditions with objection- able passages eliminated. EDITIO [ 77 ] EGO APROS Editio princeps — The original edition. Edo, ergo ego sum — I eat, therefore I am. Monkish Pr Educated persons should share their thoughts with the uneducated, and take also a certain part in their labours. Ruskin. Educate men without religion, and you make them but clever devils. Wellington. 5 Education alone can conduct us to that enjoy- ment which is at once best in quality and infinite in quantity. H. Mann. Education begins its work with the first breath of the child. Jean Paul. Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company, and reflection must finish him. Locke. Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearing of little children tends towards the forma- tion of character. //. Ballon. Education does not mean teaching people to know what they do not know ; it means teaching them to behave as they do not behave. Ruskin. 10 Education gives fecundity of thought, copious- ness of illustration, quickness, vigour, fancy, words, images, and illustrations ; it decorates every common thing, and gives the power of trifling without being undignified and absurd. Sydney Smith. Education, however indispensable in a culti- vated age, produces nothing on the side of genius. Where education ends, genius often begins. Isaac Disraeli. Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. E. Everett. Education is generally the worse in proportion to the wealth and grandeur of the parents. D. Swift. Education is only like good culture ; it changes the size, but not the sort. Ward Beecher. 15 Education is only second to nature. H. Bush- nell. Education is our only political safety. Outside of this ark all is deluge. //. Maun. Education is the apprenticeship of life. Will- mo tt. Education is the constraining and directing of youth towards that right reason which the law affirms, and which the experience of the best of our elders has sanctioned as truly great. Plato. Education is the only interest worthy the deep, controlling anxiety of the thoughtful man. Wendell Phillips. 20 Education is the leading human souls to what is best, and making what is best of them. The training which makes men happiest in themselves also makes them most serviceable to others. Ruskin. Education may work wonders as well in warp- ing the genius of individuals as in seconding it. A. B. Alcott. Education of youth is not a bow for every man to shoot in that counts himself a teacher, but will require sinews almost equal to those which Homer gave Ulysses. Milton. Education ought, as a first principle, to stimu- late the will to activity. Zachariae. Education should be as broad as man. Emer- son. "H TjKiffTO. t) TJbiffTa— Either the least or the 25 pleasantest. Een diamant van eene dochter wordt een glas van eene vrouw — A diamond of a daughter becomes a glass of a wife. Dut. Pr. Een dief maakt gelegenheid — A thief makes op- portunity. Dut. Pr. E'en from the tomb the voice of Nature cries, / E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires. Gray. Een hond aan een been kent geene vrienden —A dog with a bone knows no friends. Dut. Pr. Een kleine pot wordt haast heet — A little pot 30 becomes soon hot. Dut. Pr. Eenmaal is geen gewoonte — Once is no custom. Dut. Pr. Een once geduld is meer dan een pond vers- tand — One ounce of patience is worth more than a pound of brains. Dut. Pr. E'en though vanquished he could argue still. Goldsmith. r/ evdai/novia. tu)v avTcipxw eo"rt— Happiness is theirs who are sufficient for themselves, A rist. Effloresco— I flourish, M. 35 Effodiunturopes, irritamentamalorum — Riches, the incentives to evil, are dug out of the earth. Ovid. Efforts, to be permanently useful, must be uniformly joyous, — a spirit all sunshine, — graceful from very gladness, — beautiful be- cause bright. Carlylc. Effugit mortem, quisquis contempserit : timi- dissimum quemque consequitur — Whoso de- spises death escapes it, while it overtakes him who is afraid of it. Curt. E flamma cibum petere— To live by desperate means {lit. to seek food from the flames). Pr. Efter en god Avler kommer en god Oder— 40 After an earner comes a waster. Dan. Pr. Eftsoons they heard a most melodious sound. Spenser. E fungis nati homines — Upstarts {lit, men born of mushrooms). Egad 1 I think the interpreter is the hardest to be understood of the two. Sheridan. t] yap (pvens j3e(3aiov, ov ra xpVf J - aTa — It is only the character of a man, not his wealth, that is stable. A ?-ist. Egen Arne er Guld vaerd — A hearth of one's own 45 is worth gold. Dan. Pr. Eggs and oaths are easily broken. Dan. Pr. Eggs of an hour, bread of a day, wine of a year, but a friend of thirty years is best. It. Pr. E77t'a' trdpa o'arr] — Be security, and mischief is nigh. 7'hales. Egli ha fatto il male, ed io mi porto la pena— He has done the mischief, and I pay the penalty. //. Pr. Egli vende l'uccello in su la frasca — He sells the 50 bird on the branch. //. Pr. Egli venderebbe sino alia sua parte del sole — He would sell even his share in the sun. //. Pr. 'H y\(3(T. Pr. El Dorado — A region of unimagined wealth fabled at one time to exist in S. America ; a dreamland of wealth. Sp. Elegance is necessary to the fine gentleman, dignity is proper to noblemen, and majesty to kings. J/azlitt. Elegit — He has chosen. A writ empowering a creditor to hold lands for payment of a debt. L. Elephants endors'd with towers. Milton. 25 Eleve le corbeau, il te crevera les yeux Bring up a raven, he will pick out your eyes. pr. Pr. Elige eum cujus tibi placuit et vita et oratio — Make choice of him who recommends himself to you by his life as well as address. Sen. Elk het zijne is niet te veel — Every one his own is not too much. Dut. Pr. Ell and tell is gude merchandise, i.e., ready money is. Sc. Pr. Elle a trop de vertus pour n'etre pas chr^tienne — She has too many virtues not to be a Christian. Corn. 30 Elle n'en fit point la petite bouche— She did not mince matters (lit. make a small mouth about it). Pr. Pr. Elle riait du bout des dents — She gave a forced laugh (lit. laughed with the end of her teeth). Pr. Pr. El malo siempre piensa engano — The bad man always suspects some knavish intention. Sp. Pr. El mal que de tu boca sale, en tu seno se cae — The evil which issues from thy mouth falls into thy bosom. Sp. Pr. El mal que no tiene cura es locura — Folly is the one evil for which there is no remedy. Sp. Pr. Elocution is the adjustment of apt words and 35 sentiments to the subject in debate. Cic. Eloignement — Estrangement. Pr. Eloquence, at its highest pitch, leaves little room for reason or reflection, but addresses itself entirely to the fancy or the affections, captivates the willing hearers, and subdues their understanding. Hume. Eloquence is a pictorial representation of thought. Pascal. Eloquence is in the assembly, not in the speaker. II 'm. Pitt. Eloquence is like flame : it requires matter to 40 feed on, motion to excite it, and it brightens as it burns. Tac. Eloquence is the appropriate organ of the highest personal energy. Emerson. Eloquence is the child of knowledge. When the mind is full, like a wholesome river, it is also clear. Disraeli. Eloquence is the language of nature, and cannot be learned in the schools. Col/on. Eloquence is the painting of thought ; and thus those who, after having painted it, still add to it, make a picture instead of a por- trait. Pascal. Eloquence is the poetry of prose. Bryant. 45 Eloquence is the power to translate a truth into language perfectly intelligible to the person to whom you speak. Emerson. Eloquence is to the sublime as a whole to its part. La Bruycic. Eloquence must be grounded on the plainest narrative. Emerson. Eloquence shows the power and possibility of man. E.-icrson. Eloquence the soul, song charms the sense. 50 Milton. Eloquence, to produce her full effect, should start from the head of the orator, as Pallas from the brain of Jove, completely armed and equipped. Col/on. El pan comido, la compafiia deshecha — The bread eaten, the company dispersed. Sp. Pr. El pie del dueno estierco para la heredad — The foot of the owner is manure for the farm. Sp. I'r. El que trabaja, y madia, hila oro— He that labours and perseveres spins gold. Sp. Pr, El rey va hasta do poede, y nc hasta do quiere 55 — The king goes as far as he may, not as far as he would. ~ Sp. Pr. El rey y la patria — For king and country. Sp. El rio pasado, el santo olvidado — The river (danger) past, the saint (delivery) forgotten. Sp. I'r. ' El sabio muda consejo, el necio no— The wise man i-hanges his mind, the fool never. Sp. Pr. El secreto a voces— An open secret. Calderon. EL TIEMPO [ SI ] E MULTIS El tiempo cura el enfermo, que ne el unguento — It is time and not medicine that cures the disease. Sp. Pr. Elucet maxime animi excellentia magnitu- doque in despiciendis opibus— Excellence and greatness of soul are most conspicuously displayed in contempt of riches. El villano en su tierra, y el hidalgo donde quiera — The clown in his own country, the gen- tleman where he pleases. Sp. Pr. Elysian beauty, melancholy grace, / Brought from a pensive through a happy place. Wordsworth. 5 E mala cosa esser cattivo, ma e peggiore esser conosciuto — It is a bad thing to be a knave, but worse to be found out. It. Pr. Emas non quod opus est, sed quod necesse est : / Quod non opus est, asse carum est — Buy not what you want, but what you need ; what you don't want is dear at a cent. Cato. Embarras de richesses — An encumbrance of wealth. D'Allainvat. Embonpoint — Plumpness or fulness of body. Fr. E meglio aver oggi un uovo, che dimani una gallina — Better an egg to-day than a hen to- morrow. It. Pr. 10 E meglio cader dalla finestra che dal tetto — It is better to fall from the window than the roof. It. Pr. E meglio dare che non aver a dare — Better give than not have to give. It. Pr. E meglio domandar che errare — Better ask than lose your way. It. Pr. E meglio esse fortunato che savio — 'Tis better to be born fortunate than wise. It. Pr. E meglio esser uccel di bosco che di gabbia — Better to be a bird in the wood than one in the cage. It. Pr. 15 E meglio il cuor felice che la borsa — Better the heart happy than the purse (full). It. Pr. E meglio lasciare che mancare — Better leave than lack. It. Pr. E meglio perder la sella che il cavallo — Better lose the saddle than the horse. It. Pr. E meglio sdrucciolare col pie che con la lingua ■ — Better slip with the foot than the tongue. It. Pr. E meglio senza cibo restar che senz' onore — Better be without food than without honour. It. Pr. 20 E meglio una volta che mai— Better once than never. It. Pr. E meglio un buon amico che cento parente — One true friend is better than a hundred rela- tions. It. Pr. ■}] fiev yap ■ 5 En arriere — In the rear. Fr. En attendant— In the meantime En avant — Forward ; on. Fr. En badinant— In jest. Fr. En beau— In a favourable light. 10 En bloc— In a lump. Fr. t En boca cerrada no entra mosca-Fhes don t enter a shut mouth. Sp. Pr. En bon train— In a fair way. Fr. En buste— Half-length. Fr. En cada tierra su uso— Every country has its own custom. Sp. Pr. 15 Encouragement after censure is as the sun after a shower. Goethe. En cueros— Naked. Sp. Endeavouring, by logical argument, to prove the existence of God, were like taking out a candle to look for the sun. Carlyle, after Kant, Endeavour not to settle too many habits at once, lest by variety you confound them, and so perfect none. Locke. En dernier ressort— As a last resource. Fr. 20 En deshabille— In an undress. Fr. En Dieu est ma fiance— In God is my trust. M. En Dieu est tout— All depends on God. M. Endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty. Ruskm. Endurance is the crowning quality, and patience all the passion, of great hearts. Lowell 25 En echelon— Like steps. Fr. En effet— In fact ; substantially. Fr. Ene i Raad, ene i Sorg— Alone in counsel, alone in sorrow. Dan. Pr. En el rio do no hay pezes por demas es echar redes— It is in vain to cast nets in a river where there are no fish. Sp. Pr. En emoi— In a nutter or ferment. Fr. 30 Energy may be turned to bad uses ; but more good may always be made of an energetic nature than of an indolent and impassive one. J. S. Mill. L . Energy will do anything that can be done in this world ; no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will make a two-legged animal a man without it. Goethe. "Y.v Zf>iva.ai Se viK$ Tl'XV, ov ffOe'vos—ln great acts it is not our strength but our good fortune that has triumphed, Pindar. En famille- -In a domestic state. Fr. Enfant gate du monde qu'il gatait— A child spoiled l>y the world which he spoiled. .Said of I ■oltaire. 35 Enfants de famille— Children of the family. Fr. Enfants perdus -The forlorn hope (lit. lost children). Fr. Enfants terribles Dreadful children ; precocious youths who say and do rash things to the annoy- ance of theit more conservative seniors. Fr, Enfant trouve— A foundling. Fr. Enfermer le loup dans la bergerie— To shut up the wolf in the sheepfold ; to patch up a wound or a disease. Fr. Pr. En fin les renards se trouvent chez le pelletier« foxes come to the furrier's in the end. /' r. 1 r. Enflamed with the study of learning and the admiration of virtue ; stirred up with high hopes of living to be brave men and worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages. Milton. En foule— In a crowd. Fr. England expects this day that every man shall do his duty. Nelson, his signal at Trafalgar. England is a domestic country: here home is revered and the hearth sacred. Disraeli. England is a paradise for women and a hell 4 for horses ; Italy a paradise for horses and a hell for women. Burton. England is safe if true within itself. 3 H' n - VI., iv. 1. , .„ English speech, the sea that receives tribu- taries from every region under heaven. Emerson. En grace affie— On grace depend. Fr. En grande tenue— In full dress. Fr. En habiles gens— Like able men. Fr. Enjoying things which are pleasant, that is not the evil ; it is the reducing of our moral self to slavery by them that is. Carlylc. Enjoyment soon wearies both itself and us ; effort, never. Jean Paul. Enjoyment stops when indolence begins. Pol- lock. Enjoy the blessings of this day, if God sends them, and the evils bear patiently and sweetly. For this day only is ours; we are dead to yesterday and we are not born to to-morrow. Jeremy Taylor. Eniov what God has given thee, and willingly dispense with what thou hast not. Every condition has its own joys and sorrows. Gellert. Enjoy what thou hast inherited from thy sires if thou wouldst possess it ; what we em- ploy not is an oppressive burden ; what the moment brings forth, that only can it profit by. Goethe. Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. Goethe. Enjoy your little while the fool is seeking for more. Sp. Pr. , Enjoy your own life without comparing it Witt I that of another. Condorcet. En la cour du roi chacun y estpour soi— In th< court of the king it is every one for himsell. t > Enlarge not thy destiny ; endeavour not to d( more than is given thee in charge. Gr. ( 'raeu En la rose je fleuris- In the rose I flourish. M. En mariage, comme ailleurs, contentemen passe richesse - In marriage, as in other states contentment is better than riches. Moliere En masse— In a body. Fr. En mauvaise odeur- -In bad repute. Fr. Ennemi ne s'endort -An enemy does not go t sleep. Fr. Pr, Ennui has perhaps made more gamblers tha I avarice, more drunkards than thirst, an I perhaps as many suicides as despair. Ctltu ENNUI [ 83 ] ENVY Ennui is a growth of English root, though nameless in our language. Byron. Ennui is a word which the French invented, though of all nations in Europe they know the least of it. Bancroft. Ennui is our greatest enemy. Justus Moser. Ennui is the desire of activity without the fit means of gratifying the desire. Bancroft. 5 Ennui shortens life and bereaves the day of its light. Emerson. Ennui, the parent of expensive and ruinous vices. Ninon de I ' Encles. Enough is as good as a feast /v. Enough is better than too much. Pr. Enough is great riches. Pan. Pr. 10 Enough is the wild-goose-chase of most men's lives. Brothers Mayheio. Enough — no foreign foe could quell / Thy soul, till from itself it fell ; / Yes, self-abasement paved the way / To villain bonds and despot sway. Byron. Enough requires too much ; too much craves more. Quarles. En papillote. — In curl-papers. Pr. En parole je vis — I live by the word. Pr. 15 En passant — By the way. Pr. En pension — Board at a pension. Pr. En petit champ croit bien bon ble — Very good corn grows in a little field. Pr. Pr. En peu d'heure Dieu labeure — God works in moments, i.e., His work is soon done. Pr. En plein jour — In open day. Pr. 20 En potence — In the form of a gallows. Pr. En presence — In sight of each other. Pr. En queue — Behind. Enquire not what is in another man's pot. Pr. En rapport— In relation ; in connection. Pr. 25 En regie — According to rules, pr. En resume — Upon the whole. Pr. En revanche — In revenge ; to return ; to make amends. Pr. En route — On the way. Pr. En salvo esta el que repica — He is in safe quarters who sounds the alarm. S/. Pr. 30 Ense et aratro — With sword and plough. Jf. En suite — In company. Pr. En suivant la verite — In following the truth, pr. Entente cordiale — A good or cordial understand- ing. Pr. Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm. Longfellow. 35 Enthusiasm flourishes in adversity, kindles in the hour of danger, and awakens to deeds of renown. Dr. Chalmers. Enthusiasm gives life to what is invisible, and interest to what has no immediate action on our comfort in this world. M»ie. de St ail. Enthusiasm imparts itself magnetically, and fuses all into one happy and harmonious unity of feeling and sentiment. A. B. Alcott. Enthusiasm is grave, inward, self-controlled ; mere excitement, outward, fantastical, hys- terical, and passing in a moment from tears to laughter. John Sterling. Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity, and truth accomplishes no victories without it. Buhner Lytion. Enthusiasm is the height of man ; it is the 40 passing from the human to the divine Emer- son. Enthusiasm is the leaping lightning, not to be measured by the horse-power of the under* standing, t-.merson. Entienda primero, y habla postrero— Hear first and speak afterwards. Sf>. Pr. Entire affection hateth nicer hands. Spenser. Entire love is a worship and cannot be angry. Leigh Hunt. 'TLv tQ> /. Jewel. Error is always more busy than ignorance. 50 Ignorance is a blank sheet on which we may write, but error is a scribbled one from which we must first erase. Colton. Error is always talkative. Goldsmith. Error is but opinion in the making, Milton. Error is but the shadow of truth. Stillingjleet. ERROR [ 85 ] ES IST Error is created ; truth is eternal. Wm. Blah'. Error is on the surface ; truth is hid in great depths. Goethe. Error is sometimes so nearly allied to truth that it blends with it as imperceptibly as the colours of the rainbow fade into each other. IV. B. Clttlow. Error is worse than ignorance. Bailey. 5 Error never leaves us, yet a higher need always draws the striving spirit gently on to truth. Goethe. Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. Jefferson. Errors like straws upon the surface flow ; / He who would search for pearls must dive below. Dryden. Error, sterile in itself, produces only by means of the portion of truth which it contains. Mine. Swetchine. Errors, to be dangerous, must have a great deal of truth mingled with them ; . . . from pure extravagance, and genuine, unmingled false- hood, the world never has sustained, and never can sustain, any mischief. Sydney Smith. 10 Error, when she retraces her steps, has farther to go before she can arrive at truth than ignorance. Colton. Errdten macht die Hasslichen so schon : / Und sollte Schone nicht noch schoner machen ? — Blushing makes even the ugly beautiful, and should it not make beauty still more beautiful? Lcssing. Ersparte Wahl ist auch ersparte Miihe — Selec- tion saved is trouble saved. Platin. Er steckt seine Nase in Alles — He thrusts his nose into everything. Ger. Pr. Erst seit ich liebe ist das Leben schon, / Erst seit ich liebe, weiss ich, dass ich lebe — Only since I loved is life lovely ; only since I loved knew I that I lived. /Comer. 15 Erst wagen, dann wagen — First weieh, then venture. At. of ' Moltke. Ertragen muss man was der Himmel sendet. / Unbilliges ertragt kein edles Herz — We must bear what Heaven sends. No noble heart will bear injustice. Schiller. Erudition is not like a lark, which flies high and delights in nothing but singing ; 'tis rather like a hawk, which soars aloft indeed, but can stoop when she finds it convenient, and seize her prey. Bacon. Er wiinscht sich einen grossen Kreis / Um ihn gewisser zu erschiittern — He desires a large circle in order with greater certainty to move it deeply. Goethe. Es bedarf nur einer Kleinigkeit, um zwei Liebende zu unterhalten — Any trifle is enough to entertain two lovers. Goethe. 20 Es bildet ein Talent sich in der Stille, / Sich ein Character in dem Strom der Welt — A talent is formed in retirement, a character in the current of the world. Goethe. Es bildet / Nur das Leben den Mann, und wenig bedeuten die Worte — Only life forms the man, and words signify little. Goethe. Eschew fine words as you would rouge ; love simple ones as you would native roses on your cheek. Hare'. Escuchas al agujero ; oiras de tu mal y del ageno — Listen at the keyhole ; you will hear evil of yourself as well as your neighbour. Sp. Pr. E se finxit velut araneus— He spun from himself like a spider. Esel singen schlecht, weil sie zu hoch anstim- 25 men — Asses sing abominably, because they pitch their notes at too high a key. Ger. Pr. Es erben sich Gesetz' und Rechte / Wie eine ewige Krankheit fort— Laws and rights descend like an inveterate inherited disease. Goethe. Es findet jeder seinen Meister— Every one finds his master. Ger. Pr. Es geht an — It is a beginning. Ger. Es giebt eine Hdflichkeit des Herzens ; sie ist der Liebe verwandt — There is a courtesy of the heart which is allied to love ; out of it there springs the most obliging courtesy of external behaviour. Goethe. Es giebt eine Schwelgerei des Geistes wie 30 es eine Schwelgerei der Sinne giebt — There is a debauchery of spirit, as there is of senses. Borne. Es giebt gewisse Dinge, wo ein Frauenzimmer immer scharfer sieht, als hundert Augen der Mannspersonen — There are certain things in which a woman's vision is sharper than a hundred eyes of the male. Lessing. Es giebt keine andre Offenbarung, als die Gedanken der Weisen — There is no other reve- lation than the thoughts of the wise among men. Schopenh a iter. Es giebt kein Gesetz was hat nicht ein Loch, wer's finden kann — There is no law but has in it a hole for him who can find it. Ger. Pr. Es giebt Manner welche die Beredsamkeit weiblicher Zungen iibertreffen, aber kein Mann besitzt die Beredsamkeit weiblicher Augen — There are men the eloquence of whose tongues surpasses that of women, but no man possesses the eloquence of women's eyes. Weber. Es giebt mehr Diebe als Galgen — There are 35 more thieves than gallows. Ger. Pr. Es giebt Menschen, die auf die Mangel ihrer Freunde sinnen ; dabei kommt nichts heraus. Ich habe immer auf die Verdienste meiner Widersacher Acht gehabt und davon Vor- theil gezogen — There are men who brood on the failings of their friends, but nothing comes of it. I have always had respect to the merits of my adversaries, and derived profit from doing so. Goethe. Es giebt Naturen, die gut sind durch das was sie erreichen, andere durch das was sie verschmahen — There are natures which are good by what they attain, and others that are so by what they disdain. H. Grimm. Es giebt nur eine Religion, aber es kann vielerlei Arten der Glaubens geben — There is only one religion, but there may be divers forms of belief. Kant. Es hort doch Jeder nur was er versteht— Every one hears only what he understands. Goethe. Es irrt der Mensch, so lang er strebt — Man is 40 liable to err as long as he strives. Goethe. Es ist besser, das geringste Ding von der Welt zu thun, als eine halbe Stunde fur gering halten — It is better to do the smallest thing in the world than to regard half an hour as a small thing. Goethe. Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath / Dass man vom Liebsten, was man hat, / Muss scheden— It is ordained in the counsel of God that we mu-t all part from the dearest we possess. Fetich- tersleben. ES 1ST B6 ] EST BONUS Es ist das Wohl des Ganzen, wovon jedes patriotische, wovon selbst jedes eigenniit- zige Gemiith das seinige hofft — It is the welfare of the whole from which every patriotic, and even every selfish, soul expects its own. Gcntz. Es ist der Geist, der sich den Korper baut— It is the spirit which builds for itself the body. Schiller. Es ist freundlicher das menschliche Leben anzulachen, als es anzugrinzen — It is more kindly to laugh at human life than to grin at it. Wieland. Es ist klug und kiihn den unvermeidlichen Uebel entgegenzugehen — It shows sense and courage to be able to confront unavoidable evil. Goethe. 5 Es ist nicht gut, wenn derjenige der die Fackel tragt, zugleich auch den Weg sucht— It is not good when he who carries the torch has at the same time also the way to seek. Colvos. Es ist nicht ndtig, dass ich lebe, wohl aber, dass ich meine Pflicht thue und fur mein Vaterland kampfe — It is not a necessity that I should live, but it is that I should do my duty and fight for my fatherland. Frederick the Great. (?) Es ist ode, nichts ehren konnen, als sich selbst — It is dreary for a man to be able to worship nothing but himself. Hebbel. Es ist schwer gegen den Augenblick gerecht sein; der gleichgiiltige macht uns Lange- weile, am Gute.i hat man zu tragen und am Bosen zu schleppen--It is difficult to be square with the moment ; the indifferent one is a bore to us (lit. causes us ennui) ; with the good we have to bear and with the bad to drag. Goethe. Es ist so schwer, den falschen Weg zu meiden — It is so difficult to avoid the wrong way. Goethe. 10 Es ist unkoniglich zu weinen — ach, / Und hier nicht weinen ist unvaterlich— To weep is unworthy of a king — alas ! and not to weep now is unworthy of a father. Schiller. Es kampft der Held am liebsten mit dem Held — Hero likes best to fight with hero. Korner. Es kann der beste Herz in dunkeln Stunden fehlen — The best heart may go wrong in dark hours. Goethe. Es kann ja nicht immer so bleiben / Hier unter dem wechselnden Mond — Sure it cannot always be so here under the changing moon. Kotzebue. Es kann nichts helfen ein grosses Schicksal zu haben, wenn man nicht weiss, dass man eines hat— It is of no avail for a man to have a great destiny if he does not know that he has one. Rahel. 15 Es kommen Falle vor im Menschenleben, / Wo's Weisheit ist, nicht allzu weise sein— There are situations in life when it is wisdom not to be too wise. Schiller. Es leben Gotter, die den Hochmut rachen— There live gods who take vengeance on pride. Schiller. Es liebt die Welt das Strahlende zu schwart- zen, / Und das Erhabne in den Staub zu ziehn -The world is fain to obscure what is brilliant, and to drag down to the dust what is exalted. Schiller. Esliesse sich Alles trefflich schlichten, Konnte man die Sachen zweimal verrichten — Every- thing could be beautifully adjusted if matters could be a second time arranged. Goethe. Es muss auch solche Kauze geben — There must needs be such fellows in the world too. Goethe. T) oo: Etiam obliyisci quod scis, interdum expedit— It is sometimes expedient to forget what you know Pub. Syr. Etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet— Though the wound is healed, a scar remains. Etiam sapientibus cupido gloriae novissima exuitur— Even by the wise the desire of glory is the last of all passions to be laid aside Joe. E U am summa Procul villarum culmina fumant / Majoresque cadunt altis de montibus umbra; —And now the cottage roofs yonder smoke, and the shadows fall longer from the mountain-tops Et mea cymba semel vasta percussa procella / Ilium, quo laesa est, horret adire locum— My bark, once shaken by the overpowering storm, shrinks from approaching the spot where it has been shattered. Ovid. Et mihi res, non me rebus, subjungere conor— My aim ever is to subject circumstances to my- self, not myself to them. Hor. Et minimas vires frangere quassa valent— A very small degree of force will suffice to break a vessel that is already cracked. Ovid. Et monere, et moneri, proprium est veras amicitiae— To give counsel as well as take it, is a feature of true friendship. Cic. Et nati natorum, et qui nascentur ab illis— The 30 children of our children, and those who shall be born of them, i.e., our latest posterity. Et nova fictaque nuper habebunt verba fidem st / Grasco fonte cadunt parce detorta— And new and lately invented terms will be well re- ceived if they descend, with slight deviation, irom a Grecian source. Hor. Et pudet, et metuo, semperque eademque precan, / Ne subeant animo tasdia justa tuo — 1 am ashamed to be always begging and begging the same things, and fear lest you should conceive for me the disgust I merit. Ovid. Et quas sibi quisque timebat, / Unius in miseri exitium conversa tulere-And what each man dreaded for himself, they bore lightly when diverted to the destruction of one poor wretch 1 '"„ 20 Et je sais, sur ce fait, / Bon nombre d'hommes qui sont femmes-And I know a great many men who in this particular are women La I- out. Et l'avare Acheron ne lache pas sa proie— And _ greedy Acheron lets not go his prey Racine. Et le combat cessa faute de combattants-And the battle ceased for want of combatants I or ne ill,\ Et Ton revient toujours / A ses premiers amours —One returns always to his lirsi love. /■>. /'/-. Et mala sunt vicina bonis- There are bad ciudi- ties near akin to good. Ovid. 25 Et male tornatos incudi reddere versus — And take lurk ill-poKshed stanzas to the anvil JJor. Et quiescenti agendum est, et agenti quies- cendum est— He who is indolent should work and he who works should take repose. Sen. Et qui nolunt occidere quenquam / Posse 35 volunt— Even those who have no wish to kill another would like to have the power. Juv. Et quorum pars magna fui— And in which I played a prominent part. / 'irg. Etre capable de se laisser servir n'est pas une des moindres qualites que puisse avoir un grand roi— The ability to enlist the service, of others in the conduct of affairs is one of the most distinguishing qualities of a great monarch. A ichelicu. Etre pauvre sans etre libre, c'est le pire etat ou 1 homme puisse tomber— To be poor without being free is the worst condition into which man can sink. Rousseau. Etre sur le qui vive— To be on the alert. /v. Etre sur un grand pied dans le monde-To be in 40 high standing^*, on a great foot) in the world. Fr. Et rose elle a vecu ce que vivent les roses / L espace d un matin— As rose she lived the life of arose for but the space of a morning. Mai- nerve. Et sanguis et spiritus pecunia mortalibus — Money is both blood and life to men. Pr. Et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum— And a word once uttered flies abroad never to be recalled. Hor. Et sequentia, Et seq.— And what follows Et sic de ceteris— And so of the rest. 45 Et sic de similibus— And so of the like. "Et tu, Brute fili"— And thou, son Brutus La-sar, at sight of Prut us anions: the con- spimtors. Et vaincre sans peril serait vaincre sans gloire —To conquer without peril would be to conquer Without glory. Corueille. ET VITAM EVERY AGE Et vitam impendere vero— Stake even life for truth. M. Et voila justement comme on ecrit l'histoire— And that is exactly how history is written. Voltaire. Etwas ist besser als gar nichts— Something is better than nothing at all. Gcr. Pr. Euch zu gefallen war mein hochstes Wunsch ; / Euch zu ergdtzen war mein letzer Zweck — To please you was my highest wish ; to delight you was my last aim. Goethe. Ei/SocTt Ki'pros aipei— While the fisher sleeps the net takes. Gr. Pr. Euge, poeta '.—Well done, poet ! Pers. Eum ausculta, cui quatuor sunt aures— Listen to him who has four ears, i.e., who is readier to hear than to speak. Pr. TLvpTjKO. — I have found it. Archimedes when he found out the way to test the purity of Hiero's golden crown. Europe's eye is fixed on mighty things, / The fall of empires and the fate of kings. Burns. ) Yiinvyia TTo\\«pCho%— Success is befriended by many people. Gr. Pr, EiVi'XWj' firj 'i(r$i VTrepr/fiavos, aTropi)aas firj TO.irei.vov — Be not uplifted in prosperity nor downcast in adversity. Clcobulus. E' va piu d'un asino al mercato — There is more than one ass goes to the market. It. Pr. Evasion is unworthy of us, and is always the intimate of equivocation. Balzac. Evasions are the common subterfuge of the hard-hearted, the false, and impotent, when called upon to assist. Lavater. 5 Even a fly has its spleen. It. Pr. Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise. Bible. Even a frog would bite if it had teeth. It. Pr. Even a haggis could charge down-hill. Scott. Even a hair casts a shadow. Pr. Even a horse, though he has four feet, will stumble. Pr. Even among the apostles there was a Judas. It. Pr. Even beauty cannot palliate eccentricity. Balzac. Even by means of our sorrows we belong to the eternal plan. II ". v. Humboldt. Even foxes are outwitted and caught. //. Pr. 5 Even in a righteous cause force is a fearful thing ; God only helps when men can help no more. Schiller. Evening is the delight of virtuous age : it seems an emblem of the tranquil close of busy life. Buhner Lytton. Even in social life, it is persistency which attracts confidence, more than talents and accomplishments. Whipple. Even perfect examples lead astray by tempt- ing us to overleap the necessary steps in their development, whereby we are for the most part led past the goal into boundless error. Goethe. Even so my sun one early morn did shine, / With all triumphant splendour on my brow ; / But out, alack ! it was but one hour mine ; Sh. Even success needs its consolations. George 30 Eliot. Even that fish may be caught which resists most stoutly against it. Dan. Pr. Even the just man has need of help. It. Pr. Even the lowest book of chronicles partakes of the spirit of the age in which it was written. Goethe. Even then a wish (I mind its power), / A wish that to my latest hour / Shall strongly heave my breast, / That I, for puir auld Scotland's sake, / Some usefu' plan or beuk could make, / Or sing a sang at least. Burns at the plough. Even though the cloud veils it, the sun is ever 35 in the canopy of heaven {Himmelszelt). A holy will rules there ; the world does not serve blind chance. F. K. Weber. Even though vanquished, he could argue still. Goldsmith. Even thou who mourn st the daisy's fate, / That fate is thine— no distant date ; / Stern Ruin's ploughshare drives elate / Full on thy bloom, / Till crush'd beneath the farrow's weight / Shall be thy doom. Burns. Events are only the shells of ideas ; and often it is the fluent thought of ages that is crys- tallised in a moment by the stroke of a pen or the point of a bayonet. Chapin. Events of all sorts creep or fly exactly as God pleases. Cowper. Eventus stultorum magister est — Only the event 40 teaches fools. Liv. Even weak men when united are powerful. Schiller. Eveque d'or, crosse de bois ; crosse d'or, eveque de bois — Bishop of gold, staff of wood; bishop of wood, staff of gold. Fr. Pr. Ever, as of old, the thing a man will do is the thing he feels commanded to do. Carlylc. Ever charming, ever new, / When will the landscape tire the view ? John Dyer. Ever learning, and never able to come to the 45 knowledge of the truth. St. Paul. Evermore thanks, the exchequer of the poor. Rich. II., ii. 3. Ever must pain urge us to labour, and only in free effort can any blessedness be imagined for us. Carlyle. Ever must the sovereign of mankind be fitly entitled king, i.e., the man who lens and can. Carlyle. Ever since Adam's time fools have been in the majority, Casimir Delavigne. Ever take it for granted that man collectively 50 wishes that which is right ; but take care never to think so of one ! Schiller. Every absurdity has a champion to defend it ; for error is talkative. Goldsmith. Every action is measured by the depth of the sentiment from which it proceeds. Emer- son. Every advantage has its tax, but there is none on the good of virtue ; that is the incoming of God himself, or absolute existence. Emer- son. Every age regards the dawning of new light as the destroying fire of morality ; while that very age itself, with heart uninjured, finds itself raised one degree of light above the preceding. Jean Paul. EVERY ATTEMPT [ 90 ] EVERY FRIEND Every attempt to crush an insurrection with means inadequate to the end foments in- stead of suppressing it. C. Pox. Every author, in some degree, portrays him- self in his works, be it even against his will. Goethe. Every base occupation makes one sharp in its practice and dull in every other. Sir P. Sidney. Every bean has its black. Pr. 5 Every beginning is cheerful ; the threshold is the place of expectation. Goethe. Every beloved object is the centre of a para- dise. Novalis. Every being is a moving temple of the Infinite. Jean Paul. Everybody is wise after the event. Pr. Everybody knows that fanaticism is religion caricatured ; yet with many, contempt of fanaticism is received as a sure sign of hos- tility to religion. // 'hippie. 10 Everybody knows that government never be- gan anything. It is the whole world that thinks and governs. W. Phillips. Everybody likes and respects self-made men. It is a great deal better to be made in that way than not to be made at all. Holmes. Everybody says it, and what everybody says must be true. /. F. Cooper. Everybody's business in the social system is to be agreeable. Dickens. Everybody's business is nobody's. Pr. 15 Everybody's friend is nobody's. Pr. Every book is good to read which sets the reader in a working mood. Emerson. Every book is written with a constant secret reference to the few intelligent persons whom the writer believes to exist in the million. Emerson. Every brave life out of the past does not appear to us so brave as it really was, for the forms of terror with which it wrestled are now overthrown. Jean Paul. Every brave man is a man of his word. Cor- neille. 20 Every brave youth is in training to ride and rule his dragon. Emerson. Every bullet has its billet. Pr. Every Calvary has its Olivet. //. Giles. Every capability, however slight, is born with us ; there is no vague general capability in man. Goethe. Every child is to a certain extent a genius, and every genius is to a certain extent a child. Schopenhauer. 25 Every cloud engenders not a storm. 3 Hen. VI., v. 3. Every cloud that spreads above / And veileth love, itself is love. Tennyson. Every cock is proud on his own dunghill. Pr. Every conceivable society may well be figured as properly and wholly a Church, in one or other of these three predicaments : an audibly preaching and prophesying Church, which is the best ; a Church that struggles to preach and prophesy, but cannot as yet till its Pen- tecost come ; a Church gone dumb with old age, or which only mumbles delirium prior to dissolution. Carlyle. Every cottage should have its porch, its oven, and its tank. Disraeli. Every couple is not a pair. Pr. ! Every craw thinks her ain bird whitest. Sc. Pr. Every creature can bear well-being except man. Gael. Pr. Every crime has in the moment of its perpetra- tion its own avenging angel. Schiller. Every day hath its night, every weal its woe. Pr. Every day in thy life is a leaf in thy history. I Arab. Pr. Every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly until he knows that every day is Doomsday. Emer- son. Every day should be spent by us as if it were to be our last. Pub. Syr. Every department of knowledge passes succes- sively through three stages : the theological, or fictitious ; the metaphysical, or abstract ; and the scientific, or positive. Comte. Every desire bears its death in its very grati- fication. \V. Irving. Every desire is a viper in the bosom, who, when he was chill, was harmless, but when warmth gave him strength, exerted it in poison. Johnson. Every dog must have his day. Swift. Every door may be shut but death's door. Pr. Every established religion was once a heresy. Buckle. Every event that a man would master must be mounted on the run, and no man ever caught the reins of a thought except as it galloped past him. Holmes. Every evil to which we do not succumb is a benefactor ; we gain the strength of the temptation we resist. Emerson. Every excess causes a defect ; every deficit, an excess. Every sweet has its sour ; every evil, its good. Every faculty which is a re- ceiver of pleasure has an equal penalty put on its abuse. Emerson. Every experiment, by multitudes or by indi- viduals, that has a sensual and selfish aim, will fail. Emerson. Every faculty is conserved and increased by its appropriate exercise. Epictetus. Every fancy that we would substitute for a reality is, if we saw it aright and saw the whole, not only false, but every way less beautiful and excellent than that which we sacrifice to it. /. Sterling. Every flood has its ebb. Dut. Pr. Every fool thinks himself clever enough. Dan. Pr. Every fool will be meddling. Bible. Every foot will tread on him who is in the mud. Gael. Pr. Every form of freedom is hurtful, except that which delivers us over to perfect command of ourselves. Goethe. Every form of human life is romantic. 'P. 11'. Higginson, Every fresh acquirement is another remedy against affliction and time. // 'illmott. Every friend is to the other a sun and a sun- flower also ; he attracts and follows. Jean Paul. EVERY GENERATION [ 91 ] EVERY MAN Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the herd. Thoreau. Every generous action loves the public view, yet no theatre for virtue is equal to a con- sciousness of it. Cic. Every genius has most power in his own lan- guage, and every heart in its own religion. Jean Paul. Every genius is defended from approach by quantities of unavailableness. Emerson. 5 Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun. Emer- son, Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great if it be given with affection. Pindar. Every good act is charity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows. Mahomet. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. St. James. Every good gift comes from God. Pr. 10 Every good picture is the best of sermons and lectures : the sense informs the soul. Sydney Smith. Every good writer has much idiom ; it is the life and spirit of language. La/utor. Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Emerson. Every great and original writer, in proportion as he is great or original, must himself create the taste by which he is to be relished; Jl'ordsworih. Every great book is an action, and every great action is a book. E uther. 15 Every great genius has a special vocation, and when he has fulfilled it, he is no longer needed. Goethe. Every great man is unique. Emerson, Every great mind seeks to labour for eternity. All men are captivated by immediate advan- tages ; great minds alone are excited by the prospect of distant good. Sehiller. Every great poem is in itself limited by neces- sity, but in its suggestions unlimited and infinite. Longfellow. Every great reform which has been effected has consisted, not in doing something new, but in undoing something old. Buckle. 20 Every great writer is a writer of history, let him treat on almost what subject he may. He carries with him for thousands of years a portion of his times ; and, indeed, if only his own effigy were there, it would be greatly more than a fragment of his cen- tury, Landor. Every healthy effort is directed from the in- ward to the outward world. Goethe. Every heart knows its own bitterness. Pr. Every hero becomes a bore at last. Emerson. Every heroic act measures itself by its con- tempt of some external good ; but it finds its own success at last, and then the prudent also extol. Emerson. 25 Every honest miller has a golden thumb. Pr. Every hour has its end. Scott. Every house is builded by some man ; but he that built all things is God. St. PauU Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to be what no other is, to do what no other can. Channing. Every human feeling is greater and larger than the exciting cause — a proof, I think, that man is designed for a higher state of existence. Coleridge. Every idea must have a visible unfolding. 30 / 'ictor Hugo. Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judg- ment. Jesus. Every inch a king. Lear, iv. 6. Every inch of joy has an ell of annoy. Sc. Pr Every individual colour makes on men an im- pression of its own, and thereby reveals its nature to the eye as well as the mind. Goethe. Every individual nature has its own beauty. 35 Emerson. Every inordinate cup is unbless'd, and the in- gredient is a devil. Othello, ii. 3. Every joy that comes to us is only to strengthen us for some greater labour that is to succeed. Fichte. Every knave is a thorough knave, and a thorough knave is a knave thoughout, Bp. Berkeley. Every light has its shadow. Pr. Every little fish expects to become a whale. 40 Dan. Pr. Every little helps. Pr. Every little helps, as the sow said when she snapt at a gnat. Dan. Pr. Every loving woman is a priestess of the past. Amicl. Every man alone is sincere ; at the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins, Emerson. Every man as an individual is secondary to 45 what he is as a worker for the progress of his kind and the glory of the gift allotted to him. Stedman. Every man can build a chapel in his breast, himself the priest, his heart the sacrifice, and the earth he treads on the altar. Jeremy Taylor. Every man can guide an ill wife but him that has her. Sc. Pr. Every man carries an enemy in his own bosom. Dan. Pr. Every man carries within him a potential mad- man. Carlyle. Every man deems that he has precisely the 50 trials and temptations which are the hardest to bear ; but they are so because they are the very ones he needs. Jean Paul. Every man desires to live long, but no man would be old. Swift. Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action. Lowell. Every man has a bag hanging before him in which he puts his neighbour's faults, and another behind him in which he stows his own, Coriolanus, ii. 1. Every man has a goose that lays golden eggs, if he only knew it. A mer. Pr. Every man has at times in his mind the ideal 55 of what he should be. but is not. In all men that really seek to improve, it is better than the actual character. 'P/ieo. Parker. EVERY MAN r 9-2 ] EVERY NEWLY Every man hath business and desire, ' Such as it is. Ham., i. 5. Every man has his fault, and honesty is his. Timon of Athens, iii. 1. Every man has his lot, and the wide world before him. Dan. Pi: Every man has his own style, just as he has his own nose. Lcssing. 5 Every man has his weak side. Pr. Every man has in himself a continent of undis- covered character. Happy is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul. Sir J. Stephens. Every man has just as much vanity as he wants understanding-. Pope. Every man hath a good and a bad angel attending on him in particular all his life long. Burton. Every man, however good he may be, has a still better man dwelling in him which is properly himself, but to whom nevertheless he is often unfaithful. It is to this interior and less unstable being that we should attach ourselves, not to the changeable every-day man. IF. v. Humboldt. 10 Every man in his lifetime needs to thank his faults. Emerson. Every man is an impossibility until he is born ; everything impossible till we see it a success. Emerson. Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors. Emerson. Every man is a rascal as soon as he is sick. Johnson. Every man is exceptional. Emerson. 15 Every man is his own greatest dupe. A. B. Alcott. Every man is not so much a workman in the world as he is a suggestion of that he should be. Men walk as prophecies of the next age. Emerson. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. Sallust. Every man must carry his own sack to the mill. Dan. Pr. Every man must in a measure be alone in the world. No heart was ever cast in the same mould as that which we bear within us. Berne. 20 Every man of sound brain whom you meet knows something worth knowing better than yourself. Bulwer Lytton. Every man ought to have his opportunity to conquer the world for himself. Emerson. Every man rejoices twice when he has a partner of his joy. Jeremy Taylor. Every man seeks the truth, but God only knows who has found it. Chesterfield. Every man shall bear his own burden. St. Paul. 25 Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer. Bible. Every man should study conciseness in speak- ing; it is a sign of ignorance not to know that long speeches, though they may please the speaker, are the torture of the hearer. Feliham. Every man stamps his value on himself. The price we challenge for ourselves is given us. Schiller. Every man takes care that his neighbour shall not cheat him. Emerson, Every man acts truly so long as he acts his nature, or some way makes good the facul- ties in himself. Sir T. Browne. Every man turns his dreams into realities as 3 far as he can. Man is cold as ice to the truth, but as fire to falsehood. La Fontaine. Every man who observes vigilantly and re- solves steadfastly grows unconsciously into a genius. Buhner Lytton. Every man who strikes blows for power, for influence, for institutions, for the right, must be just as good an anvil as he is a hammer. J. G. Holland. Every man who would do anything well must come to us from a higher ground. Emerson. Every man willingly gives value to the praise which he receives, and considers the sentence passed in his favour as the sentence of dis- cernment. Johnson. Every man, within that inconsiderable figure 3; of his, contains a whole spirit -kingdom and reflex of the All ; and, though to the eye but some six standard feet in size, reaches downwards and upwards, unsur- veyable, fading into the regions of immensity and eternity. Carlyle. Every man without passions has within him no principle of action nor motive to act. Hclvctius. Every man's blind in his ain cause. Sc. Pr. Every man's destiny is in his own hands. Sydney Smith. Every man's follies are the caricature resem- blances of his wisdom. /. Sterling. Every man's life lies within the present. Mar- 4' cus Antoninus. Every man's man has a man, and that gar'd the Tarve (a Douglas Castle) fa'. Sc. Pr. Every man's own reason is his best CEdipus. Sir Thomas Browne. Every man's powers have relation to some kind of work, and wherever he finds that kind of work which he can do best, he finds that by which he can best build up or make his manhood. /. G. Holland. Every man's reason is every man's oracle. Bolingbroke. Every moment, as it passes, is of infinite 4; value, for it is the representative of a whole eternity. Goethe. Every moment instructs, and every object, for wisdom is infused into every form. It has been poured into us as blood ; it convulsed us as pain ; it slid into us as pleasure. Emer- son. Every morsel to a satisfied hunger is only a new labour to a tired digestion. South. Every mortal longs for his parade-place ; would still wish, at banquets, to be master of some seat or other wherein to overtop this or that plucked goose of the neighbourhood. ( arlylt. Every movement in the skies or upon the earth proclaims to us that the universe is under government. Draper. Every natural action is graceful. Emerson. 5( Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact. Emerson. Every newly discovered truth judges the world, separates the good from the evil, and calls on faithful souls to make sure their election. Julia ;/'. Howe. EVERY NEW EVERY SHADOW Every new opinion, at its starting, is pre- cisely in a minority of one. Carlyle. Every noble crown is, and on earth will ever be, a crown of thorns. Carlyle. Every noble life leaves the fibre of it inter- woven for ever in the work of the world. Ruskiu. Every noble work is at first impossible. Carlyle. i Every novel is a debtor to Homer. Emerson. Every offence is not a hate at first. Mer. of 1 'en., lv. i. Every one believes in his youth that the world really began with him, and that all merely exists for his sake. Goethe. Every one bows to the bush that bields (protects) him, '.e., pays court to him that does so. Sc. Pr. Every one can master a grief but he that has it. Much Ado, iii. 2. 10 Every one complains of his memory, no one of his judgment. La Roche. Every one draws the water to his own mill. Pr. Every one excels in something in which another fails. Pub. Syr. Every one fault seeming monstrous till his fellow-fault came to match it. As You Like It, iii. 2. Every one finds sin sweet and repentance bitter. Dan. Pr. 15 Every one for himself and God for us all. Pr. Every one has a trial of his own : my wife is mine. Happy is he who has no other. Say- ing of Pittacus. Every one is a preacher under the gallows. Dirt. Pr. Every one is as God made him, and often a great deal worse. Cervantes. Every one is his own worst enemy. Schefer. 20 Every one is judge of what a man seems, no one of what a man is. Schiller. Every one is poorer in proportion as he has more wants, and counts not what he has, but wishes only what he has not. Manlius. Every one is well or ill at ease according as he finds himself. Montaigne. Every one knows best where his shoe pinches him. Pr. Every one knows better than he practises, and recognises a better law than he obeys. Fronde. 25 Every one knows good counsel except him who needs it. Go: Pr. Every one of us believes in his heart, or would like to have others believe, that he is some- thing which he is not. Thackeray. Every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Bible. Every one rakes the fire under his own pot. Dan. Pr. Every one regards his duty as a troublesome master from whom he wiould like to be free. La Roche. 30 Every one should sweep before his own door. Pr. Every one sings as he has the gift, and marries as he has the luck. Port. Pr. Every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Jesus. Every one that doeth evil hateth the light. St. John. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. Jesus. Every one thinks his own burden the heaviest. 35 Pr. Every one who is able to administer what he has. has enough. Goethe. Every one would be wise ; no one will become so. Peuch tersleben. Every one would rather believe than exercise his own judgment. Sen. Every opinion reacts on him who utters it. Emerson. Every other master is known by what he 40 utters ; the master of style commends him- self to me by what he wisely passes over in silence. Schiller. Every painter ought to paint what he himself loves. Ruskiu. Every passion gives a particular cast to the countenance, and is apt to discover itself in some feature or other. Addison. Every people has its prophet. Arab. Pr. Every period of life has its peculiar prejudices. Whoever saw old age that did not applaud the past and condemn the present ? Montaigne. Every period of life has its peculiar tempta-45 tions and dangers. /. Haives. Every period of life is obliged to borrow its happiness from the time to come. Johnson. Every person who manages another is a hypo- crite. Thackeray. Every petition to God is a precept to man. Jeremy Taylor. Every place is safe to him who lives with justice. Epictetus. Every pleasure pre-supposes some sort of 50 activity. Schopenhauer. Every poet, be his outward lot what it may, finds himself born in the midst of prose ; he has to struggle from the littleness and ob- struction of an actual world into the free- dom and infinitude of an ideal. Carlyle. Every power of both heaven and earth is friendly to a noble and courageous activity. J. Burroughs. Every production of genius must be the pro- duction of enthusiasm. Disraeli. Every race has its own habitat. Knox. Every reader reads himself out of the book 55 that he reads. Goethe. Every real master of speaking or writing uses his personality as he would any other service- able material. Holmes. Every real need is appeased and every vice stimulated by satisfaction. Amiel. Every rightly constituted mind ought to re- joice, not so much in knowing anything clearly, as in feeling that there is infinitely more which it cannot know. Ruskin. Every rose has its thorn. Pr. Every scripture is to be interpreted by the 60 same spirit which gave it forth. Quoted by Emerson. Every sect, as far as reason will help it, gladly uses it : when it fails them, they cry out it is matter of faith, and above reason. L ocke. Every shadow points to the sun. Emerson. EVERY SHIP [ 04 ] EVERY TRANSITION Every ship is a romantic object except that we sail in. Emerson. Every shoe fits not every foot. Pr. Every shot does not bring: down a bird. Put. Pr. Every soo (sow) to its ain trough. Sc. Pr. 5 Every species of activity is met by a negation. Goethe. Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house a world, and beyond its world a heaven. Emerson. Every spirit makes its house, but afterwards the house confines the spirit. Emerson. Every step of life shows how much caution is required. Goethe. Every step of progress which the world has made has been from scaffold to scaffold and from stake to stake. Wendell Phillips. 10 Every Stoic was a Stoic, but in Christendom where is the Christian ? Emerson. Every style formed elaborately on any model must be affected and strait-laced. Whipple. Every subject's duty is the king's, but every subject's soul is his own. Hen. /"., iv. i. Every tear of sorrow sown by the righteous springs up a pearl. Matthew Henry. Everything a man parts with is the cost of something. Everything he receives is the compensation of something. /. G. Holland. 15 Everything calls for interest, only it must be an interest divested of self-interest and sin- cere. Desjardins. Everything comes if a man will only wait. Disraeli. Everything, even piety, is dangerous in a man without judgment. Stanislaus. Everything good in a man thrives best when properly recognised. /. G. Holland. Everything good in man leans on what is higher. Emerson. 20 Everything good is on the highway. Emer- son. Everything great is not always good, but all good things are great. Demosthenes. Everything holy is before what is unholy ; guilt presupposes innocence, not the re- verse : angels, but not fallen ones, were created. Jean Paul. Everything in life, to be of value, must have a sequence. Goethe. Everything in nature contains all the powern of nature. Everything is made of one hidden stuff. Emerson. 25 Everything in nature goes by law, and not by luck. Emerson. Everything in nature has a positive and a negative pole. Emerson. Everything in nature is a puzzle until it finds its solution in man, who solves it in some way with God, and so completes the circle of creation. T. T. Mungtr. Everything in the world can be borne except a long succession of beautiful days. Goethe. Everything in this world depends upon will. I 'Israeli. 30 Everything in this world is a tangled yarn ; we taste nothing in its purity ; we do not remain two moments in the same state. Rousseau. Everything is as you take it. Pr, Everything is beautiful, seen from the point of the intellect ; but all is sour if seen as experience. Emerson. Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Creator ; everything degenerates in the hands of man. Rousseau. Everything is mere opinion. J/. A urelius Everything is sold to skill and labour. Hume. ; Everything is sweetened by risk. A. Smith. Everything is what it is, and not another thing. Bishop Butler. Everything is worth the money that can be got for it. Pub. Syr. Everything looks easy that is practised to per- fection. Goethe. Everything rises but to fall, and increases but ' to decay. Sail. Everything runs to excess ; every good quality is noxious if unmixed ; and to carry the danger to the edge of ruin. Nature causes each man's peculiarity to superabound. Emerson. Everything springs into being and passes away accord ng to law, yet how fluctuating is the lot that presides over the life which is to us so priceless. Goethe. Everything that exceeds the bounds of mode- ration has an unstable foundation. Sen. Everything that happens, happens of necessity. Schopenhauer. Everything that happens in this world is part ' of a great plan of God running through all time. Ward Beecker. Everything that happens to us leaves some trace behind it, and everything insen- sibly contributes to make us what we are. Goethe. Everything that is exquisite hides itself. /. Rohx. Everything that is popular deserves the atten- tion of the philosopher ; although it may not be of any worth in itself, yet it characterises the people. Emerson. Everything that looks to the future elevates human nature ; for never is life so low as when occupied with the present. Landor. Everything that tends to emancipate us from t external restraint without adding to our own power of self-government is mischievous. Goethe. Everything unnatural is imperfect. N Everything useful to the life of man arises from the ground, but few things arise in that condition which is requisite to render them useful. Hume. Every thought that arises in the mind, in its rising aims to pass out of the mind into act ; just as every plant, in the moment of generation, struggles up to the light. Emerson. Every thought was once a poem. Emerson. (?) Every thought which genius and piety throw 5 into the world alters the world. Emerson. Every time a man smiles, much more when he laughs, it adds something to his fragment of life. Stern,-. Every time you forgive a man you weaken him and strengthen yourself. .-/ mer. Pr. Every transition is a crisis, and a crisis pre- supposes sickness. Goethe. EVERY TRAVELLER [ 05 ] EXAGGERATION Every traveller has a home of his own, and he learns to appreciate it the more from his wandering. Dickens. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Jesus. Every true man's apparel fits your thief. Mens. for Meas., IV. 2. Every tub must stand on its own bottom. Pr. 5 Every unpleasant feeling: is a sign that I have become untrue to my resolutions. Jean Pan/. Every unpunished murder takes away some- thing from the security of every man's life. Dan. Webster. Every vicious habit and chronic disease com- municates itself by descent, and by purity of birth the entire system of the human body and soul may be gradually elevated, or by recklessness of birth degraded, until there shall be as much difference between the well- bred and ill-bred human creature (whatever pains be taken with their education) as be- tween a wolf-hound and the vilest mongrel cur. Rnskin. Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of society. Emerson. Every wanton and causeless restraint of the will of the subject, whether practised by a monarch, a nobility, or a popular assembly, is a degree of tyranny. Blackstone. 10 Everywhere I am hindered of meeting God in my brother, because he has shut his own temple doors, and recites fables merely of his brother's or his brother's brother's God. Emerson. Everywhere in life the true question is, not what we gain, but what we do ; so also in intellectual matters it is not what we re- ceive, but what we are made to give, that chiefly contents and profits us. Carlyle. Everywhere the formed world is the only habitable one. Carlyle. Everywhere the human soul stands between a hemisphere of light and another of dark- ness ; on the confines of two everlasting, hostile empires, Necessity and Free Will. Carlyle. Everywhere the individual seeks to show him- self off to advantage, and nowhere honestly endeavours to make himself subservient to the whole. Goethe. 15 Every white will have its black, / And every sweet its sour. T. Percy. Every why hath a wherefore. Com. 0/ Errors, ii. 2. Every wise woman buildeth her house, but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Bible. Every word was once a poem. Emerson. Every worm beneath the moon / Draws dif- ferent threads, and late and soon / Spins, toiling out his own cocoon. Tennyson. 20 Every youth, from the king's son downwards, should learn to do something finely and thoroughly with his hand. Ruskin. E vestigio — Instantly. Evil and good are everywhere, like shadow and substance ; (for men) inseparable, yet not hostile, only opposed. Carlyle. Evil, be thou my good. Milton. Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches. Pr. Evil communications corrupt good manners. 25 Pr. Evil events from evil causes spring. Aris- tophanes. Evil is a far more cunning and persevering propagandist than good, for it has no inward strength, and is driven to seek countenance and sympathy. Lowell. Evil is generally committed under the hope of some advantage the pursuit of virtue seldom obtains. B. R. liaydon. Evil is merely privative, not absolute ; it is like cold, which is the privation of heat. All evil is so much death or nonentity. Emerson. Evil is wrought by want of thought / As well 30 as want of heart. 7 . Hood. Evil, like a rolling stone upon a mountain-top, / A child may first impel, a giant cannot stop. Prench. Evil men understand not judgment, but they that seek the Lord understand all things. Bible. Evil news rides post, while good news bates. Milton. Evil often triumphs, but never conquers. /. Roux. Evil, what we call evil, must ever exist while 35 man exists ; evil, in the widest sense we can give it, is precisely the dark, disordered material out of which man's freewill has to create an edifice of order and good. Ever must pain urge us to labour ; and only in free effort can any blessedness be ima- gined for us. Carlyle. Evils can never pass away ; for there must always remain something which is antago- nistic to good. Plato. Evils that take leave, / On their depar- ture most of all show evil. King Jolm. iii. 4. Evolare rus ex urbe tanquam ex vinculis — To fly from the town into the country, as though from bonds. Cic. Ewig jung zu bleiben / 1st, wie Dichter schreiben / Hochstes Lebensgut ; / Willst du es erwerben / Musst du friihe sterben — To continue eternally young is, as poets write, the highest bliss of life ; wouldst thou attain to it, thou must die young. Riickert. Ewig zu sein in jedem Momente — To be eternal 40 at every moment. Schleiermacher. Ex abrupto — Without preparation. Ex abundante cautela — From excessive pre- caution. L. Ex abusu non arguitur ad usum — There is no arguing from the abuse of a thing against the use of it. L. Ex abusu non argumentum ad desuetudinem — The abuse of a thing is no argument for its discontinuance. L. Exact justice is commonly more merciful in 45 the long run than pity, for it tends to foster in men those stronger qualities which make them good citizens. Loiuell. Ex asquo — By right. Ex aequo et bono — In justice and equity. Exaggeration is a blood relation to falsehood. H. Ballon. Exaggeration is to paint a snake and add legs, Chinese Pr. ^ EXAMINE [ 06 1 EX HYPOTHESI Examine the religious principles which have, in fact, prevailed in the world. You will scarcely be persuaded that they are any- thing but sick men's dreams. Hume. Examine your soul and its emotions, and thoughts will be to you so many glorious revelations of the Godhead. Nourisson. Example acquires tenfold authority when it speaks from the grave. // '. Phillips. Example has more followers than reason. Banee. 5 Example is a hazardous lure ; where the wasp gets through, the gnat sticks. La Fontaine. Example is more efficacious than precept. Johnson. Example is more forcible than precept. People look at me six days in the week, to see what I mean on the seventh. Cecil. Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other. Burke. Examples of rare intelligence, yet more rarely cultivated, are not lights kindled for a moment ; they live on here in their good deeds, and in their venerated memories. Gladstone. 10 Examples would indeed be excellent things, were not people so modest that none will set them, and so vain that none will follow them. Hare. Ex animo— From the soul ; heartily: Ex aperto — Openly. Ex auribus cognoscitur asinus — An ass is known by his ears. Pr. Ex cathedra — From the chair ; with authority. 15 Excellence is never granted to man but as the reward of labour. Sir Jos. Reynolds. Excellent wretch ! Perdition catch my soul, / But I do love thee ! and when I love thee not, / Chaos is come again. Othello, iii. 3. Excelsior — Still higher. Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone ; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. Jesus. Except by mastership and servantship, there is no conceivable deliverance from tyranny and slavery. Carlyle. 20 Except I be by Silvia in the night, / There is no music in the nightingale. Two Cent. 0/ I er., iii. 1. Except in knowing what it has to do and how to do it, the soul cannot resolve the riddle of its destiny. Ed. Except in obedience to the heaven-chosen is freedom not so much as conceivable. Carlyle. Except pain of body and remorse of conscience, all our evils are imaginary. Rousseau. Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it ; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh in vain. Bible. 25 Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven, fosus. Exceptio probat regulam — The exception proves the rule. Exceptis excipiendis — The requisite exceptions being made. Excepto quod non simul esses, caetera laetus— Except that you were not with me, in other respects I was happy. Excerpta — Extracts. L. Excess generally causes reaction, and pro- 3( duces a change in the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in indi- viduals, or in governments. Plato. Excess in apparel is costly folly. The very trimming of the vain world would clothe all the naked ones. Wm. Penn. Excess of wealth is cause of covetousness. Marlowe. Excessit ex ephebis — He has come to the age of manhood. 'Per. Excessive distrust is not less hurtful than its opposite. Most men become useless to him who is unwilling to risk being deceived. / auvenargues. Excitari, non hebescere — To be spirited, not 35 sluggish. M. Exclusa opes omnes — All hope is gone. Plant. Ex commodo — Leisurely. Ex concesso — Admittedly. Ex confesso — Confessedly. Ex curia— Out of court. 40 Excusing of a fault / Doth make the fault worse by the excuse. Kin? John, iv. 2. Ex debito justitias — From what is due to justice ; from a regard to justice. Ex delicto — From the crime. Ex desuetudine amittuntur privilegia— Rights are forfeited by disuse. L. Ex diuturnitate temporis omnia praesumuntur 45 esse solemniter acta — Everything established for a length of time is presumed to have been done in due form. L. Exeat — Let him depart. Exegi monumentum aere perennius — I have reared a memorial of myself more durable than brass. Hor. Exempli gratia — By way of example. Exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus— We live more by example than reason. Exemplumque Dei quisque est in imagine 50 parva — Each man is the copy of his God in small. A/anil. Exercise is labour without weariness. John- son. Exercise the muscles well, but spare the nerves always. Schopenhauer. Exercitatio optimus est magister— Practice is the best master. Pr. Exercitatio potest omnia — Perseverance con- quers all difficulties. Exeunt omnes — All retire. 55 Ex facie — Evidently. Ex factis non ex dictis amici pensandi— Friends are to be estimated from deeds, not words. Liv. Ex facto jus oritur — The law arises out of the fact, i.e., it cannot till then be put in force. L. Ex fide fortis— Strong from faith. M. Ex fumo dare lttcem— To give light from smoke 60 M. Ex humili magna ad fastigia rerum Extollit, quoties voluit fortuna jocari— As oft as Fortune is in a freakish mood, she raises men from a humble station 10 the imposing summit of things. J 117: Ex hypothesi— Hypothetically. EXIGITE t 97 ] EXTRA Exigite ut mores teneros ceu pollice ducat, / Ut si quis cera vultum facit — Require him as with his thumb to mould their youthful morals, just as one fashions a face with plastic wax. Juv. Exigui numero, sed bello vivida virtus— Few in number, yet their valour ardent for war. I'irg. Exiguum est ad legem bonum esse — It is but a small matter to be good in the eye of the law only. Sen, Exile is terrible to those who have, as it were, a circumscribed habitation : but not to those who look upon the whole globe as one city. Cic. 5 Exilioque domos et dulcia limina mutant / Atque alio patriam quasrunt sub sole jacen- tem — They exchange their home and sweet thresholds for exile, and seek under another sun another home. Virg. Ex improviso— Unexpectedly. Ex industria — Purposely. Ex inimico cogita posse fieri amicum— Think that you may make a friend of an enemy. Sen. Ex integro — Anew ; afresh. 10 Ex intervallo — At some distance. Existence is not to be measured by mere dura- tion. Caird. Exitio est avidium mare nautis — The greedy sea is destruction to the sailors. Hor. Ex malis eligere minima — Of evils to choose the least. Cic. Ex malis moribus bonae leges natae sunt— From bad manners good laws have sprung. Coke. 15 Ex mero motu — Of one's own free will. Ex nihilo nihil fit — Nothing produces nothing. Ex officio — By virtue of his office. Ex opere operato — By the external act. Exoriare aliquis nostris ex ossibus ultor — An avenger shall arise out of my bones. I'irg. 20 Ex otio plus negotii quam ex negotio habemus — Our leisure gives us more to do than our business. Ex parte — One-sided. Ex pede Herculern — We judge of the size of the statue of Hercules by the foot. Expect injuries ; for men are weak, and thou thyself doest such too often. Jean Paul. Expediency is the science of exigencies. Kossuth. 25 Expense of time is the most costly of all ex- penses. Theophrastus. Experience, a jewel that I have purchased at an infinite rate. Merry Wives, ii. 2. Experience converts us to ourselves when books fail us. A. B. Alcott. Experience is a text to which reflection and knowledge supply the commentary. Schopen- hauer. Experience is by industry achieved, / And perfected by swift course of time. Two Gent. rfrcr.,i.3- 30 " Experience is the best teacher," only the school-fees are heavy. Hegel. (?) Experience is the grand spiritual doctor. Carlyle. Experience is the mistress of fools. Pr. Experience is the only genuine knowledge. Goethe. Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that ; for it is true we may give advice, but we cannot give conduct. Ben. Franklin. Experience makes even fools wise. Pr. 35 Experience makes us see a wonderful dif- ference between devotion and goodness. Pascal. Experience takes dreadfully high school- wages, but teaches as no other. Carlyle. Experience teaches us again and again that there is nothing men have less command over than their tongues. Spinoza. Experience teacheth that resolution is a sole help in need. (?) Experience that is bought is good, if not too 40 dear. Pr. Experience to most men is like the stern- lights of a ship, which illumine only the track it has passed. Coleridge. Experientia docet— Experience teaches. Pr. Experimentum crucis — A decisive experiment. Expert men can execute, but learned men are more fit to judge and censure. Bacon. Experto credite — Believe one who has had ex- 45 perience. / 'irg. Expertus metuit — He who has had experience is afraid. Hor. Expetuntur divitise ad perficiendas voluptates — Riches are coveted to minister to our plea- sures. Explorant adversa viros ; perque aspera duro / Nititur ad laudem virtus interrita clivo — Adversity tries men, and virtue struggles after fame, regardless of the adverse heights. Sit. Hal. Ex post facto — After the event. L. Expression alone can invest beauty with 50 supreme and lasting command over the eye. Fuseli. Expressio unius est exclusio alterius — The naming of one man is the exclusion of another. L. Ex professo — As one who knows ; professedly. Ex quovis ligno non fit Mercurius — A Mercury is not to be made out of any log. Pr. Ex scintilla incendium — From a spark a con- flagration. Pr. Ex tempore— Off-hand ; unpremeditated. 55 Extended empire, like expanded gold, ex- changes solid strength for feeble splendour. Johnson. External manners of lament / Are merely shadows to the unseen grief / That swells with silence in the tortured soul. Rich. II., iv. 1. Extinctus amabilis idem — He will be beloved when he is dead (who was envied when he was living). Hor. Extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science, as the strangled snakes beside that of Hercules. Huxley. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus— Outside the Church 60 there is no safety. Extra lutum pedes habes — You have got your feet out of the mud. Pr. Extra muros — Beyond the walls. Extra telorum jactum — Beyond bow-shot. G EXTREMA [ ] FACILIUS Extrema gaudii luctus occupat— Grief treads on the confines of gladness. Pr. Extrema manus nondum operibus ejus impo- sita est — The finishing hand has not yet been put to his works. Extreme justice is often extreme injustice. Extremes beget extremes. Pr. 5 Extreme in all things ! hadst thou been be- twixt, / Thy throne had still been thine, or never been. Byron. Extremes in nature equal ends produce ; / In man they join to some mysterious use. Pope. Extremes meet. Pr. Extremes, though contrary, have the like effects ; extreme heat mortifies, like extreme cold ; extreme love breeds satiety as well as extreme hatred ; and too violent rigour tempts chastity as much as too much license. Chapman. Extremis malis extrema remedia — Extreme remedies for extreme evils. Pr. 10 Extremity is the trier of spirits. Coriol. iv. i. Exuerint sylvestrem animum, cultuque fre- quenti, / In quascunque voces artes, haud tarda sequentur — They lay aside their rustic ideas, and by repeated instruction will advance apace into whatever arts you may initiate them. / irg. Ex umbra in solem— Out of the shade into the sunshine. Pr. Ex ungue leonem — The lion may be known by his claw. Ex uno disce omnes — From one judge of all. 15 Ex vita discedo, tanquam ex hospitio, non tanquam ex domo — I depart from life as from an inn, not as from a home. Cic. Ex vitio alterius sapiens emendat suum From the faults of another a wise man will correct his own. Later. Ex vitulo bos fit— From a calf an ox grows up. Ex vultibus hominum mores colligere— To con- strue men's characters by their looks. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. St. Paul. 20 Eye Nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, / And catch the manners living as they rise. Pope. Eyes are better, on the whole, than telescopes or microscopes. Emerson. Eyes bright, with many tears behind them. Carlyle, on his Wife. Eyes not down-dropp'd nor over-bright, but fed with the clear-pointed flame of chastity. Tennyson. Eyes / Of microscopic power, that could dis- cern / The population of a dewdrop. /. Montgomery. 25 Eyes raised towards heaven are always beau- tiful, whatever they be. Joubert. Eyes speak all languages ; wait for no letter of introduction ; they ask no leave of age or rank ; they respect neither poverty nor riches, neither learning, nor power, nor virtue, nor sex, but intrude and come again, and go through and through you in a moment of time. Emerson. Eyes will not see when the heart wishes them to be blind ; desire conceals truth as dark- ness does the earth. Sen. Ez for war, I call it murder ; / There you hev it plain and flat ; / I don't want to go no furder / Than my Testyment for that. Lou/ell. F. P*a bene, e non guardare a chi — Do good, no matter to whom. It. Pr. Faber suae fortunae — The maker of his own for- 30 tune. Sail. Fabricando fabri fimus — We become workmen by working. Pr. Fabula, nee sentis, tota jactaris in urbe — You are the talk, though you don't know it, of the whole town. Ovid. Faces are as legible as books, only they are read in much less time, and are much less likely to deceive us. Lavater. Faces are as paper money, for which, on de- mand, there frequently proves to be no gold in the coffer. F. G. Traffbrd. Faces are but a gallery of portraits. Bacon. 3i Faces which have charmed us the most escape us the soonest. Scott. Fac et excusa — Do it and so justify yourself. Pr. Facetiarum apud praepotentes in longum me- moria est — It is long before men in power forget the jest they have been the subject of. Tac. Fach — Department. Ger. Facienda — Things to be done. 4 Facies non omnibus una, / Nee diversa tamen ; qualem decet esse sororum- The features were not the same in them all, nor yet are they quite different, but such as we would expect in sisters. Ovid, . Facies tua computat annos— Your fate records your age. Jm>. Facile est imperium in bonis — It is easy to rule over the good. Plaut. Facile est inventis addere— It is easy to add lo or improve on what has been already invented. Pr. Facile largiri de alieno — It is easy to be generous 4 with what is another's. Pr. Facile omnes cum valemus recta consilia / ./Egrotis damus — We can all. when we are well, easily give good advice t.> the sick. Tcr. Facile princeps — The admitted chief; with ease at the top. Facilis descensus Averno est, / Noctes atque dies patet atri jauua Ditis ; / Sed revocare gradum superasque evadere ad auras, /Hoc opus, hie labor est The descent to hell is easy; night and day the gate of gloomy Dis stands open ; but i" retrace your steps and escape to the upper air, this is a work, this is a tolL ' 'irg. Facilius crescit quam inchoatur dignitas— It is more easy to obtain an accession of dignity than to acquire it in the first instance. Later. Facilius sit Nili caput invenire— It would be 6 easier to discover the source of the Nile. Old Pr. FACINUS FAITH Facinus audax incipit, Qui cum opulento pauper homine ccepit rem habere aut nego- tium — The poor man who enters into partnership with a rich makes a risky venture. Plant. Facinus majoris abollae — A crime of a very deep dye {fit. one committed by a man who wears the garb of a philosopher). Juv. Facinus quos inquinat squat — Those whom guilt stains it equals, i.e., it puts on even terms. Litcan. Facit indignatio versum— Indignation gives in- spiration to verse. 5 Facito aliquid operis, ut semper te diabolus inveniat occupatum— Keep doing something, so that the devil may always find you occupied. St. Jerome. Faciunt nae intelligendo, ut nihil intelligant— They are so knowing that they know nothing. 'Per. Facon de parler — A manner of speaking. Fr. Facsimile — An engraved resemblance of a man's handwriting ; an exact copy of anything {lit. do the like). Facta canam ; sed erunt qui me finxisse loquan- tur — I am about to sing of facts ; but some will say I have invented them. Ovid. 10 Facta ejus cum dictis discrepant— His actions do not harmonise with his words. Cic. Facta, non verba — Deeds, not words. Fact is better than fiction, if only we could get it pure. Emerson. Facts are apt to alarm us more than the most dangerous principles. Junius. Facts are chiels that winna ding, / And downa be disputed. Bums. 15 Facts are stubborn things. Le Sage. Facts are to the mind the same thing as food to the body. Burke. Facts — historical facts, still more biographical — are sacred hierograms, for which the fewest have the key. Carlyle. Factis ignoscite nostris / Si scelus ingenio scitis abesse meo— Forgive what I have done, since you know all evil intention was far from me. Ovid. Factotum — A man of all work {lit. do everything). 20 Factum abiit ; monumenta manent — The event is an affair of the past ; the memorial of it is still with us. Ovid. Factum est — It is done. M. Factum est illud ; fieri infectum non potest — It is done and cannot be undone. Plant. Fader og Moder ere gode, end er Gud bedre— Father and mother are kind, but God is kinder. Dan. Pr. Faex populi — The dregs of the people. 25 Fagerhed uden Tugt, Rose uden Hugt — Beauty without virtue is a rose without scent. Dan. Pr. Fahigkeiten werden vorausgesetzt ; sie sollen zu Fertigkeiten werden — Capacities are pre- supposed : they are meant to develop into capa- bilities, or skilled dexterities. Goethe. Failures are with heroic minds the stepping- stones to success. Halibnrton. Fain would I, but I dare not ; I dare, and yet I may not ; ' I may, although I care not, for pleasure when I play not. Raleigh. "Fain would I climb, but that I fear a fall." Raleigh on a pane of glass, to which Queen Elizabeth a-idei, " If thy heart fail thee, then why climb at all?" Faineant— Do nothing. Fr. 33 Faint heart never won fair lady. Pr. Faint not ; the miles to heaven are but few and short. S. Rutherford. Fair and softly goes far in a day. Pr. Fair enough, if good enough. Pr. Fair fa' guid drink, for it gars (makes) folk 35 speak as they think. Sc. Pr. Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, / Great chief- tain o' the puddin' race ! / Abune them a' ye tak' your place, / Paunch, tripe, or thairm : / Weel are ye wordy o' a grace / As lang's my airm. Burns to a Haggis. Fair flowers don't remain lying by the high- way. Ger. Pr. Fair folk are aye fusionless (pithless). Sc. Pr. Fair is not fair, but that which pleaseth. Pr. Fair maidens wear nae purses (the lads always 40 paying their share). Sc. Pr. Fair play's a jewel. Pr. Fair tresses man's imperial race ensnare. / And beauty draws us with a single hain Pope. Fair words butter no parsnips. Pr. Faire bonne mine a. mauvaise jeu — To put a good face on the matter. Fr. Faire le chien couchant— To play the spaniel ; to 45 cringe. Fr. Faire le diable a quatre — To play the devil or deuce. Fr. Faire le pendant — To be the fellow. Fr. Faire mon devoir — To do my duty. Fr. Faire patte de velours— To coax {lit. make a velvet paw). Fr. Faire prose sans le savoir — To speak prose 50 without knowing it. Moliere. Faire sans dire— To act without talking. Fr. Faire un trou pour en boucher un autre— To make one hole in order to stop another. Fr. Fairest of stars, last in the train of night, / If better thou belong not to the dawn. Milton. Fais ce que dois, advienne que pourra — Do your duty, come what may. Fr. Pr. Fait accompli — A thing already done. Fr. 55 Faith affirms many things respecting which the senses are silent ; but nothing that they deny. Pascal. Faith always implies the disbelief of a lesser fact in favour of a greater. A little mind often sees the unbelief, without seeing the belief, of large ones. Holmes. Faith and joy are the ascensive forces of song. Stedman. Faith builds a bridge across the gulf of death, / To break the shock blind Nature cannot shun. And lands thought smoothly on the farther shore. 1 'oung. Faith builds a bridge from the old world to the 60 next. I 'oung. Faith doth not lie dead in the breast, but is lovely and fruitful in bringing forth good works. Craumer. Faith, fanatic faith, once wedded fast, / To save dear falsehood, hugs it to the last. Moore. Faith has given man an inward willingness, a world of strength wherewith to front a world of difficulty. Carlyle. J lyle. Fight the good fight. St. Pan?. 10 Filii non plus possessionum quam morborum haeredes sumus — We sons are heirs no less to diseases than to estates. Filius nullius — The son of no one ; a bastard. L. Filius terrae — A son of the earth ; one low- born. Fille de chambre — A chambermaid. Fr. Fille de joie — A woman of pleasure ; a prostitute. Fr. 15 Fin contre fin — Diamond cut diamond. Fr. Fin de siecle — Up to date. Fr. Find earth where grows no weed, and you may find a heart where no error grows. Knowles. Find employment for the body, and the mind will find enjoyment for itself. Pr. Find fault, when you must find fault, in private, if possible, and some time after the offence, rather than at the time. Sydney Smith, 20 Find mankind where thou wilt, thou findest it in living movement, in progress faster or slower ; the phcenix soars aloft, hovers with outstretched wings, filling earth with her music ; or, as now, she sinks, and with spheral swan-song immolates herself in flame, that she may soar the higher and sing the clearer. Carlyle. Find out men's wants and will, / And meet them there. All worldly joys go less / To the one joy of doing kindnesses. Herbert. Finding your able man, and getting him in- vested with the symbols of ability, is the business, well or ill accomplished, of all social procedure whatsoever in this world. Carlyle. Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together ; the head inferior to the heart, and the hand inferior to both heart and head. R us kin. Fine by defect and delicately weak. Pope. 25 Fine by degrees and beautifully less. J'> nor. Fine feathers make fine birds. Pr. Fine feelings, without vigour of reason, are in the situation of the extreme feathers of a peacock's tail— dragging in the mud. JohH Foster. Fine manners are the mantle of fair minds. None are truly great without this ornament. A. B. Alcott. Fine manners need the support of fine manners in others. Emerson. Fine sense and exalted sense are not half so useful as common sense. Pope. Fine speeches are the instruments of knaves / Or fools, that use them when they want good sense ; / Honesty needs no disguise or ornament. Otway. Fine words without deeds go not far. Dan. Pr. Finem respice — Have regard to the end. Finge datos currus, quid agas? — Suppose the chariot (of the sun) committed to you, what would you do ? Apollo to Phaethon in Ovid. Fingers were made before forks, and hands before knives. Swift. Fingunt se medicos quivis idiota, sacerdos, Judaeus, monachus, histrio, rasor, anus — Any untrained person, priest, Jew, monk, playactor, barber, or old wife is ready to prescribe for you in sickness. Pr. Finis coronat opus — The end crowns the work, i.e., first enables us to determine its merits. Pr. Fire and sword are but slow engines of de- struction in comparison with the tongue of the babbler. Steele. Fire and water are good servants but bad masters, Pr. Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head. Ger. Pr. Fire is the best of servants ; but what a master ! Carlyle. Fire maks an auld wife nimble. Sc. Pr. Fire that's closest kept burns most of all. Two Cent, of Verona, i. 2. Fire trieth iron, and temptation a just man. Thomas d Kempis. Firmior quo paratior — The stronger the better prepared. I\I. Firmness, both in sufferance and exertion, is a character I would wish to possess. I have always despised the whining yelp of complaint and the cowardly feeble resolve. Burns. First assay / To stuff thy mind with solid bravery ; / Then march on gallant : get sub- stantial worth : / Boldness gilds finely, and will set it forth. George Herbert. First cast the beam out of thine own eye, and then thou shalt see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Jesus. First catch your hare. Mrs. Glass's a the housewife. First come, first served. Pr. First deserve and then desire. Se. Pr. First flower of the earth and first gem of the sea. Moore, First keep thyself in peace, and then thou shalt be able to keep peace among others. Thomas a Kempis. First must the dead letter of religion own itself dead, and drop piecemeal into dust, if the living spirit of religion, freed from its charnel-house, is to arise in us, new-born of heaven, and with new healing under its wings. Carlyle. FIRST r 107 ] FLUVIUS First resolutions are not always the wisest, but they are usually the most honest. Lessing. First worship God ; he that forgets to pray / Bids not himself good-morrow nor good day. T. Randolph. Fishes live in the sea, ... as men do on land — the great ones eat up the little ones. Pericles, ii. i. Fit cito per multas pra?da petita manus — The spoil that is sought by many hands quickly accumulates. Ovid. • Fit erranti medicina confessio — Confession is as healing medicine to him who has erred. Fit fabricando faber— A smith becomes a smith by working at the forge. Pr. Fit in dominatu servitus, in servitute domi- natus — In the master there is the servant, and in the servant the master (lit. in masterhood is servanthood, in servanthood masterhood). Cic. Fit scelus indulgens per nubila saecula virtus — In times of trouble leniency becomes crime. Fit the foot to the shoe, not the shoe to the foot. Port. Pr. 10 Fit words are fine, but often fine words are not fit. Pr. Five great intellectual professions have hither- to existed in every civilised nation : the soldier's, to defend it ; the pastor's, to teach it ; the physician's, to keep it in health ; the lawyer's, to enforce justice in it ; and the merchant's, to provide for it ; and the duty of all these men is, on due occasion, to die for it. Rvskin. Five minutes of to-day are worth as much to me as five minutes in the next millennium. Emerson. Fix'd to no spot is happiness sincere ; / 'Tis nowhere to be found, or everywhere. Pofre. Fixed like a plant on his peculiar spot, / To draw nutrition, propagate, and rot. Pope. 15 Flagrante bello — During the war. Flagrante delicto — In the very act. Flames rise and sink by fits ; at last they soar / In one bright flame, and then return no more. Dryden, Flamma fumo est proxima — Where there is smoke there is fire (lit. flame is very close to smoke). Plant. Flatter not the rich ; neither do thou appear willingly before the great. Thomas d Kempis. 20 Flatterers are cats that lick before, and scratch behind. Ger. Pr. Flatterers are the bosom enemies of princes. South. Flatterers are the worst kind of traitors. Raleigh. Flattery brings friends, but the truth begets enmity. Pr. Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver, and adulation is not of more service to the people than to kings. Burke. 25 Flattery is a base coin, to which only our vanity gives currency. La Roche. Flattery is the bellows blows up sin ; / The thing the which is flattered, but a spark, / To which that blast gives heat and stronger glowing ; / Whereas reproof, obedient and in order., / Fits kings, as they are men, for they may err. Pericles, i. 2. Flattery is the destruction of all good fellow- ship. Disraeli. Flattery is the food of pride, and may be well assimilated to those cordials which hurt the constitution while they exhilarate the spirits. Arliss Lit. Col. Flattery labours under the odious charge of servility, lac. Flattery sits in the parlour when plain deal- 30 ing is kicked out of doors. Pr. Flattery's the turnpike road to Fortune's door, ll'alcot. Flebile ludibrium — A " tragic farce ; " a farce to weep at. Flebit, et insignis tota cantabitur urbe — He shall rue it, and be a marked man and the talk of the whole town. Hor. Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo — If I cannot influence the gods, I will stir up Acheron. / T irg. Flecti, non frangi — To bend, not to break. M. 35 Flee sloth, for the indolence of the soul is the decay of the body. Cato. Flee you ne'er so fast, your fortune will be at your tail. Sc. Pr. Flesh will warm in a man to his kin against his will. Gael. Pr. Flet victus, victor interiit — The conquered one weeps, the conqueror is ruined. Fleur d'eau — Level with the water. Fr. 40 Fleur de terre — Level with the land. Fr. Fleurs-de-lis — Lilies. Fr. Fleying (frightening) a bird is no the way to catch it. Sc. Pr. Flies are easier caught with honey than vinegar. Fr. Pr. Fling away ambition ; / By that sin fell the 45 angels ; how can man, then, / The image of his Maker, hope to win by it? Hen. VII 7., iii. 2. Flints may be melted, but an ungrateful heart cannot ; no, not by the strongest and noblest flame. South. Floriferis ut apes in saltibus omnia libant — As bees sip of everything in the flowery meads. L ucret. Flour cannot be sown and seed-corn ought not to be ground. Goethe. Flowers and fruits are always fit presents — flowers, because they are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of man. h merson. Flowers are the beautiful hieroglyphics of 50 Nature, by which she indicates how much she loves us. Goethe. Flowers are the pledges of fruit. Dan. Pr. Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into. Ward Peec/ter. Flowers never emit so sweet and strong a fragrance as before a storm. Jean Paul. Flowers of rhetoric in sermons and serious discourses are like the blue and red flowers in corn, pleasing to those who come only for amusement, but prejudicial to him who would reap profit from it. Pope. Fluctus in simpulo exitare— To raise a tempest 55 in a teapot. Cic. Fluvius cum mari certas — You but a river, and contending with the ocean. Pr. FLY [ 108 ] FOOTPATHS Fly idleness, which yet thou canst not fly / By dressing, mistressing, and compliment. / If these take up thy day, the sun will cry / Against thee ; for his light was only lent. George Herbert. Foedum inceptu, foedum exitu — Bad in the be- ginning, bad in the end. Livy. Fcenum habet in cornu, longe fuge, dummodo risum / Excutiat sibi, non hie cuiquam parcit amico — He has (like a wild bull) a wisp of hay on his horn : fly afar from him ; if only he raise a laugh for himself, there is no friend he would spare. Hor. Foliis tantum ne carmina manda ; / Ne tur- bata volent rapidis ludibria ventis— Only com- mit not thy oracles to leaves, lest they fly about dispersed, the sport of rushing winds. Virg. 5 Folk canna help a' their kin (relatives). Sc. Pr. Folk wi' lang noses aye tak' till themsels. Sc. Pr. Folks as have no mind to be o' use have always the luck to be out o' the road when there's anything to be done. George Eliot. Folks must put up with their own kin as they put up with their own noses. George Eliot. Folle est la brebis qui au loup se confesse— It is a silly sheep that makes the wolf her confessor. Fr. Pr. 10 Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee. Pr. Follow the copy though it fly out of the window. Printer's saying. Follow the customs or fly the country. Dan. Pr. Follow the devil faithfully, you are sure to go to the devil. Carlyle. Follow the river, and you will get to the sea. Pr. 15 Follow the road, and you will come to an inn. Port. Pr. Follow the wise few rather than the vulgar many. It. Pr. Folly, as it grows in years, / The more ex- travagant appears. Butler. Folly ends where genuine hope begins. Ccnvper. Folly is its own burden. Sen. 20 Folly is the most incurable of maladies. Sp. Pr. Folly, letting down buckets into empty wells, and growing old with drawing nothing up. Cowper. Folly loves the martyrdom of fame. Byron. Fond fools / Promise themselves a name from building churches. Randolph. Fond gaillard— A basis of joy or gaiety. Fr. 25 Fons et origo mali — The source and origin of the mischief. Fons malorum — The origin of evil. Fons omnium viventium— The fountain of all living things. Fontes ipsi sitiunt — Even the fountains complain of thirst. Pr. Food can only be got out of the ground, or the air, or the sea. Ruskin. 30 Food fills the wame and keeps us livin' ; / Though life's a gift no worth receivin', / When heavy dragg'd wi' pine and grievin' ; / But oil'd by thee, the wheels o' life gae doon- hill scrievin' / Wi' rattlin' glee. Burns, on Scotch drink. Food for powder, i Hen. IV., iv. i. Fool before all is he who does not instantly seize the right moment ; who has what he loves before his eyes, and yet swerves (sclnveift) aside. Platen. Fool not ; for all may have, / If they dare try, a glorious life or grave. George Herbert. Fool, not to know that love endures no tie, / And Jove but laughs at lovers' perjury. Drydcn. Fool of fortune. King Lear, iv. 6. Fooled thou must be, though wisest of the wise ; / Then be the fool of virtue, not of vice. Persian saying. Foolish legislation is a rope of sand, which perishes in the twisting. Emerson. Foolish people are a hundred times more averse to meet with wise people than wise people are to meet with foolish. Saadi. Fools and bairns shouldna see things half done. 5V:. Pr. Fools and obstinate men make lawyers rich. Pr. Fools are apt to imitate only the defects of their betters. Swift. Fools are aye fond o' flittin', and wise men o' sittin'. Se. Pr. Fools are aye seeing ferlies (wonderful things). Sc. Pr. Fools are known by looking wise. Butler. Fools are my theme ; let satire be my song. Byron. Fools ask what's o'clock, but wise men know their time. Pr. Fools build houses, and wise men buy them. Get: Pr. Fools can indeed find fault, but cannot act more wisely. Langbern. Fools for arguments use wagers. Butler. Fools grant whate'er ambition craves, / And men, once ignorant, are slaves. Pope. Fools grow of themselves without sowing or planting. Rus. Pr. Fools grow without watering. Pr. Fools invent fashions and wise men follow them. Fr. Pr. Fools karn nothing from wise men, but wise men much from fools. Ditt. Pr. Fools make a mock at sin. Bible. Fools mak' feasts, and wise men eat them. / Wise men mak' jests, and fools repeat them. Sc. Pr. Fools may our scorn, not envy raise, , For envy is a kind of praise. Gay. Fools measure actions after they are done by the event ; wise men beforehand, by the rules of reason and right. Bp. Hale. Fools need no passport. Dan. Pr. Fools ravel and wise men redd (unravel). Sc. Pr. Fools, to talking ever prone, / Are sure tc make their follies known. (,'. Forgotten pains, when follow gains. Sc. Pr. 30 Forma bonum fragile est— Beauty is a fragile good. Ovid. Forma viros neglecta decet- Neglect of appear- ance becomes men. Ovid. Formerly it was the fashion to preach the natural ; now it is the ideal. Schlegel. Formerly the richest countries were those in which Nature was most bountiful ; now the richest countries are those in which man is most active. Buckle. Formerly when great fortunes were only made in war, war was business ; but now when great fortunes are only made by business, business is war. Bovee. Formidabilior cervorum exercitus, duce leone, quam leonum cervo — An army of stags would be more formidable commanded by a lion, than one of lions commanded by a stag. Pr. Formosa facies muta commendatio est — A hand- some face is a mute recommendation. Pub. Syr. Formosos saepe inveni pessimos, / Et turpi facie multos cognovi optimos — I have often found good-looking people to be very base, and I have known many ugly people most estimable. Pheed. Forms which grow round a substance will be true, good ; forms which are consciously put round a substance, bad. Carlyle. Formulas are the very skin and muscular tissue of a man's life ; and a most blessed indispensable thing, so long as they have vitality withal, and are a living skin and tissue to him. Carlyle. Forsake not God till you find a better maister. 1 .Sc. Pr. Forsan et hasc olim meminisse juvabit ; Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis — Perhaps it will be a delight to us some day to recall these misfortunes. Bear them, therefore, and reserve yourselves for better times. Virg. Forsan miseros meliora sequentur— Perhaps a better fortune awaits the unhappy. Virg. Fors et virtus miscentur in unum — Fortune and valour are blended into one. Virg. Forte e l'aceto di vin dolce — Strong is vinegar from sweet wine. //. Pr. Forte et fidele— Strong and loyal. M. ! Fortem facit vicina libertas senem — The ap- proach of liberty makes even an old man brave. Sen. Fortem posce animum mortis terrore caren- tem, / Qui spatium vitae extremum inter muner.". ponat Naturae— Pray for a strong soul free from the fear of death, which regards t lie final period of life among the gifts of Nature. Juv. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis ; ' Est in juvencis, est in equis patrum ' Virtus, nee imbellem feroces Progenerant aquilae columbam— lhave men are generated by brave and good: there is in steers and in horses the virtue of their sires, nor does the fierce eagle beget the unwarlike dove. I lor. Forte scutum salus ducum— The safety of leaders is a strong shield. M. Fortes fortuna adjuvat— Fortune assists the J brave. Per. Fortes in fine assequendo et suaves in modo assequendi simus— Let us be resolute in pro- secuting OUT purpose and mild in the manner of attaining it. AquavtVO. Forti et fideli nihil difficile— To the brave and 1 rue nothing is difficult. .1/. Fortify courage with the true rampart of patience. Sir P. Sidney, Fortify yourself with moderation ; for this is an impregnable fortress. P/ictctus. FORTIOR [ 113 ] FOUR Fortior et potentior est dispositio legis quam hominis — The disposition of the law is stronger and more potent than that of man. L. Fortis cadere, cedere non potest — A brave man may fall, but cannot yield. M. Fortis et constantis animi est, non perturbari in rebus asperis — It shows a brave and resolute spirit not to be agitated in exciting circum- stances. Cic. Fortis sub forte fatiscet — A brave man will yield to a brave. M. i Fortiter et recte— Courageously and honourably. M. Fortiter ferendo vincitur malum quod evitari non potest — By bravely enduring it, an evil which cannot be avoided is overcome. Pr. Fortiter, fideliter, feliciter— Boldly, faithfully, successfully. M. Fortiter geret crucem— He will bravely support the cross. M. Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo — Vigorous and resolute in deed, gentle in manner. Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues. Locke. Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armour of the will, and the fort of reason. Bacon. Fortitude is to be seen in toils and dangers ; temperance in the denial of sensual plea- sures ; prudence in the choice between good and evfl ; justice in awarding to every one his due. Cic. Fortitude rises upon an opposition ; and, like a river, swells the higher for having its course stopped. Jeremy Collier. Fortitudini — For bravery. M. 5 Fortuito quodam concursu atomorutn — Certain fortuitous concourse of atoms. Cic. Fortunas caetera mando — I commit the rest to fortune. Ovid. Fortunae Alius — A child or favourite of fortune. Hor. Fortunae majoris honos, erectus et acer— An honour to his elevated station, upright and brave. Claiut. Fortuna favet fatuis — Fortune favours fools. Pr. Fortuna favet fortibus — Fortune favours the brave. Pr. Fortuna magna magna domino est servitus— A great fortune is a great slavery to its owner. Pub. Syr. Fortunam debet quisque manere suam— Every one ought to live within his means. Ovid. Fortuna meliores sequitur — Fortune befriends the better man. Sail. Fortuna miserrima tuta est — A very poor fortune is safe. Ovid. 5 Fortuna multis dat nimium, nulli satis— To many fortune gives too much, to none enough. Mart. Fortuna nimium quern fovet, stultum facit — Fortune makes a fool of him whom she favours . too much. Pub. Syr. Fortuna non mutat genus — Fortune does not change nature. Hor. Fortuna obesse nulli contenta est semel — Fortune is not content to do one an ill turn only once. Pub. Syr. Fortuna opes auferre, non animum potest— Fortune may bereave us of wealth, but not of courage. Sen. Fortuna parvis momentis magnas rerum com- 30 mutationes efficit — Fortune in brief moments works great changes in our affairs. Fortuna sequatur— Let fortune follow. M. Fortunato omne solum patria est — To a favourite of fortune every land is his country. Fortunatus et ille deos qui novit agrestes— Happy the man who knows the rural gods. Virg. Fortunatus' purse — A purse which supplies you I with all you wish. Fortuna vitrea est, turn cum splendet frangitur 35 — Fortune is like glass ; while she shines she is broken. Pub. Syr. • Fortune brings in some boats that are 111— I steered. Cymbeline, iv. 3. Fortune can take from us nothing but what I she gave. Pr. Fortune does not change men ; it only un- masks them. Mme. Riccoboni. Fortune favours the brave, as the old proverb says, but forethought much more. Cic. Fortune has rarely condescended to be the 40 companion of genius. Isaac Disraeli. Fortune hath something of the nature of a woman, who, if she be too closely wooed, goes commonly the farther off. Charles /'. Fortune is like a mirror— it does not alter men ; it only shows men just as they are. Billings. Fortune is like the market, where many times, if you can stay a little, the price will fall. Bacon. Fortune is merry, and in this mood will give us anything. Jul. Cces., iii. 2. Fortune is not content to do a man one ill 45 turn. Bacon. Fortune is the rod of the weak, and the staff of the brave. Lowell. Fortune makes folly her peculiar care. Chur- chill. Fortune makes him a fool whom she makes her darling. Bacon. Fortune often knocks at the door, but the fool does not invite her in. Dan. Pr. Fortune reigns in the gifts of the world, not in 50 the lineaments of nature. As You Like It, i. 2. Fortune ! There is no fortune ; all is trial, or punishment, or recompense, or foresight. / 'oltaire. Fortune turns round like a mill-wheel, and he that was yesterday at the top lies to-day at the bottom. S/>. Pr. Forward, forward let us range, ' Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change. Tennyson. Forwardness spoils manners. Gael. Pr. Foster the beautiful, and every hour^thou55 callest new flowers to birth. Foul cankering rust the hidden treasure frets : / But gold that's put to use, more gold begets. Shakespeare. Foul deeds will rise, / Though all the earth o'erwhelm them, to men's eyes. Ham., i. 2. Fou (full) o' courtesy, fou o' craft. Sc. Pr. Four eyes see more than two. Pr. H FOUR t 114 ] FRIEND Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. Napoleon. Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests ; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head. Jesus. Foy est tout — Faith is everything. M. Foy pour devoir — Faith for duty. Old Fr. 5 Frae saving comes having. Sc. Pr. Fragili quserens illidere dentem / Offendet solido — Trying to fix her tooth in some tender part, / Envy will strike against the solid. Hor. Fraile que pide por Dios pide por dos — The friar who begs for God begs for two. Sp. Pr. Frailty, thy name is woman. Ham., i. 2. Frame your mind to mirth and merriment, / Which bars a thousand harms and lengthens life. Tain. ofSh., Ind. 2. 10 Frangas, non flectes— You may break, but you will not bend me. Frappe fort — Strike hard. M. Fraternite ou la Mort — Fraternity or death. '1 he "watchword of the first French Revolution. Fr. Frauen, richtet nur nie des Mannes einzelne Thaten ; / Aber iiber den Mann sprechet das richtende Wort — Women, judge ye not the individual acts of the man ; the word that pro- nounces judgment is above the man. Schiller. Frauen und Jungfrauen soil man loben, es sei wahr oder erlogen — Truly or falsely, women and maidens must be praised. Ger. Pr. 15Fraus est celare fraudem— It is a fraud to con- ceal fraud. L. Frau und Mond leuchten mit fremden Licht — Madame and the moon shine with borrowed light. Ger. Pr. Freedom and slavery, the one is the name of virtue, the other of vice, and both are acts of the will. Epictctus. Freedom and whisky gang thegither ! / Tak' aff your dram, /turns. Freedom consists not in refusing to recognise anything above us, but in respecting some- thing which is above us. Goethe. 20 Freedom exists only with power. Schiller. Freedom has a thousand charms to show, / That slaves, howe'er contented, never know. Cowper. Freedom is a new religion — the religion of our time. Heine. Freedom is not caprice, but room to enlarge. C. A. Bartol. Freedom is only granted us that obedience may be more perfect. Ruskin. 25 Freedom is only in the land of dreams, and the beautiful only blooms in song. Schiller. Freedom is the eternal youth of nations. Gen. Foy. Freedom's sun cannot set so long as smiths hammer iron. C. M. Arndt. Free governments have committed more fla- grant acts of tyranny than the most perfect despotic governments which we have ever known. Burke. Free-livers on a small scale, who are prodigal within the compass of a guinea. //". Irving, OOFreends are like fiddle-strings; they mamma be screwed ower tight. .SV. Pr, Freethinkers are generally those who never think at all. Sterne. Free will I be in thought and in poetry ; in action the world hampers us enough. Goethe. Freie Kirche im freien Staat — A free Church in a free State. Cavour. Freilich erfahren wir erst im Alter, was uns in der Tugend begegnete— Not till we are old is it that we learn to know (lit. experience) what we met with when young. Goethe. Frei muss ich denken, sprechen und atmen Gottes Luft, / Und wer die drei mir raubet, der legt mich in die Gruft — Freely must I think, speak, and breathe what God inspires in me, and he who robs me of these three entombs me. Chamisso. Freits (prognostications) follow those who look to them. .SV. Pr. Frei von Tadel zu sein ist der niedrigste Grad und der hdchste, Denn nur die Ohnmacht fiihrt oder die Grosse dazu — To be free from blame is to be of the lowest and highest grade, for only imbecility or greatness leads to it. Schiller. Freiwillige Abhangigkeit ist der schonste Zustand, und wie ware der mbglich ohne Liebe ? — Voluntary dependence is the noblest condition we can be in ; and how were that possible without love? Goethe. Fremde Kinder, wir lieben sie nie so sehr als die eignen ; / Irrtum das eigne Kind, ist uns dem Herzen so nah — We never love the child of another so much as our own ; for this reason error, which is our own child, is so near to our heart. Goethe. Fremdes Pferd und eigene Sporen haben bald den Wind verloren — Another's horse and our own spurs soon outstrip the wind. Ger, Pr. Freno indorato non megliora il cavallo — A golden bit, no better a horse. //. Pr. Frequent and loud laughter is the character- istic of folly and ill-manners. Chesterfield. Fresh as a bridegroom, and his chin, new reap'd, / Show'd like a stubble-field at harvest-home ; / He was perfumed like a milliner, / And 'twixt his finger and his thumb he held / A pouncet-box, which ever and anon / He gave his nose, and took 't away again, lien. II'., i. 3. Fret not over the irretrievable, but ever act as if thy life were just begun. Goethe. Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked ; for there shall be no reward to the evil man ; the candle of the wicked shall be put out. Bible. Fretting cares make grey hairs. Pr. Freude hat mir Gott gegeben— God has to me given joy. Schiller. Freud' muss Leid, Leid muss Freude haben— Joy must have sorrow ; sorrow, joy, I Freundschaft ist ein Knotenstock auf Reisen, / Lieb' ein Stabchen zum Spazierengehn — Friendship is a sturdy stick to travel with ; love a slender cane to promenade with. Chamisso. Friar Modest never was prior. /.'. Pr. Friend after friend departs ; / Who hath not lost a friend ? / There is no union here of hearts / That finds not here an end. /. Montgomery. Friend, hast thou considered the " rugged, all-nourishing earth," as Sophocles well names her ; how she feeds the sparrow on the housetop, much more her darling, man ? < art vie. FRIEND t H5 ] FROM Friend, however thou earnest by this book, I will assure thee thou wert least in my thoughts when I writ it. Bunyan. " Friend, I never gave thee any of my jewels ! " " No, but you have let me look at them, and that is all the use you can make of them yourself ; moreover, you have the trouble of watching them, and that is an employ- ment I do not much desire." Goldsmith. Friends and acquaintances are the surest passports to fortune. Schopenhauer. Friends are lost by calling often and calling seldom. Gael. Pr. Friends are ourselves. Donne. Friends are rare, for the good reason that men are not common. Joseph Roux. Friends are the leaders of the bosom, being more ourselves than we are, and we comple- ment our affections in theirs. A. B. Alcctt. Friends, like mushrooms, spring up in out-of- the-way places. Pr. Friends may meet, / But mountains never greet. Pr. ) Friends reveal to each other most clearly exactly that upon which they are silent. Goethe. Friends should associate friends in grief and woe. Tit. And> ph., v. 3. Friends should be weighed, not told. Coleridge. Friends show me what I can do ; foes teach me what I should do. Schiller. Friends, such as we desire, are dreams and fables. Emerson. 5 Friends will be much apart. They will respect more each other's privacy than their com- munion, for therein is the fulfilment of our high aims and the conclusion of our argu- ments. . . . The hours my friend devotes to me were snatched from a higher society. J'horeau. Friendship can originate and acquire perma- nence only practically (praekttscA). Liking (Neigung), and even love, contribute nothing to friendship. True, active, productive friend- ship consists in this, that we keep the same pace (gleichen Schntt) in life, that my friend approves of my aims, as I of his, and that thus we go on steadfastly (unverrttckt) to- gether, whatever may be the difference otherwise between our ways of thinking and living. Goethe. Friendship canna stand a' on ae side. Sc. Pr. Friendship, in the old heroic sense of that term, no longer exists ; except in the cases of kindred or other legal affinity, it is in reality no longer expected or recognised as a virtue among men. Carlyle. Friendship is a plant which one must water often. Ger. Pr. Friendship is a vase, which, when it is flawed by heat, or violence, or accident, may as well be broken at once ; it never can be trusted after. Landor. Friendship is but a name. Napoleon. Friendship is communion. Arist. Friendship is constant in all other things, / Save in the office and affairs of love ; , There- fore, all hearts in love use their own tongues ; / Let every eye negotiate for itself, / And trust no agent. Much Ado, ii. 1. Friendship is infinitely better than kindness. Cic. Friendship is like a debt of honour ; the 25 moment it is talked of, it loses its real name, and assumes the more ungrateful form of obligation. A rliss' Lit. C ol. Friendship is love with understanding. Ger. Pr. Friendship is love without its flowers or veil. Hare. Friendship is love without its wings. Byron. Friendship is no plant of hasty growth. Joanna Baillie. Friendship is one soul in two bodies. Par- 30 phyry. Friendship is stronger than kindred. Pub. Syr. Friendship is the greatest bond in the world. Jeremy 1 dylor. Friendship is the ideal ; friends are the reality ; the reality always remains far apart from the ideal. Joseph Roux. Friendship is the marriage of the soul. Vol- taire. Friendship is the shadow of the evening, 35 which strengthens with the setting sun of life. La Fontaine. Friendship is too pure a pleasure for a mind cankered with ambition or the lust of power and grandeur. Junius. Friendship, like love, is but a name, / Unless to one you stint the flame. Gay. Friendship, like love, is self-forgetful. H. Giles. Friendship, like the immortality of the soul, is too good to be believed. Emerson. Friendship made in a moment is of no moment. 40 Pr. Friendship often ends in love ; but love in friendship — never. Colton. Friendship should be surrounded with cere- monies and respects, and not crushed into corners. Emerson. Friendship, unlike love, which is weakened by fruition, grows up, thrives, and increases by enjoyment : and being of itself spiritual, the soul is reformed by the habit of it. Montaigne. Friendships are discovered rather than made. Mrs. Stowe. Friendship's as it's kept. Gael. Pr. 45 Friendship's full of dregs. Timon of Athens, i. 2. Friendships that are disproportioned ever ter- minate in disgust. Goldsmith. Friendship's the privilege Of private men. N. Tate. Friendship's the wine of life ; but friendship new is neither strong nor pure, i 'oung. Friendships which are born in misfortune are 50 more firm and lasting than those which are formed in happiness. IT Urfey. Frigidam aquam effundere — To throw cold water on a business. Frisch gewagt ist halb gewonnen— Boldly ven- tured is half done (won). Ger. Pr. From a bad paymaster get what you can. Pr. From a closed door the devil turns away. Port. Pr. FROM CAMP [ 116 ] FRUGALITY From camp to camp, through the foul womb of night, / The hum of either army stilly sounds, / That the fix'd sentinels almost receive / The secret whispers of each other's watch ; / Fire answers fire, and through their paly flames / Each battle sees the other's umber'd face ; / Steed threatens steed in high and boastful neighs, / Piercing the night's dull ear, and from the tents / The armourers, accomplishing the knights, / With busy hammers closing rivets up, Give dreadful note of preparation. Hen. /'., iv. (chorus). From every moral death there is a new birth ; / in this wondrous course of his, man may indeed linger, but cannot retrograde or stand Still. Carlylc. From every spot on earth we are equally near heaven and the infinite. Am id. From grave to gay, from lively to severe. Pope. 5 From great folks great favours are to be expected. Cervantes. From hand to mouth will never make a worthy man. Gael. Pr. From hearing comes wisdom, from speaking repentance. Pr. From Helicon's harmonious springs / A thou- sand rills their mazy progress take. Gray. From his cradle ' He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one ; / Exceeding wise, fair- spoken, and persuading ; Lofty and sour to them that loved him not, / But to those men who sought him, sweet as summer ; / And to add greater honours to his age / Than man could give ; he died fearing God. Hen. VIII., iv. 2. 10 From ignorance our comfort flows ; / The only wretched aie the wise. Prior. From kings and priests and statesmen war arose, / Whose safety is man's deep em- bittered woe, / Whose grandeur his debase- ment. Shelley. From labour health, from health contentment springs. Beatt. e. From lowest place where virtuous things pro- ceed, / The place is dignified by the doer's deed. As You Like It, ii. 3. From obedience and submission spring all other virtues, as all sin does from self- opinion. Montaigne. 15 From our ancestors come our names, from our virtues our honours. Pi: From out the throng and stress of lies, / From out the painful noise of sighs, / One voice of comfort seems to rise, / It is the meaner part that dies. lewis Mori is. From pillar to post — originally from whipping- post to pillory, i.e. from bad to worse. P>. From saying " No," however cleverly, no good can come. Goethe. From seeming evil still educing good. Thom- son. 20 From servants hasting to be gods. Pollock. From small beginnings come great things. Dut. Pi. From stratagem to stratagem we run, / And he knows most who latest is undone : An honest man will take a knave's advice, / But idiots only will be cozened twice. Drydcn. From the beginning and to the end of time, Love reads without letters and counts without arithmetic. Ruskin. From the deepest desire oftentimes ensues the deadliest hate. Socrates. From thee, great God, we spring, to thee we tend, / Path, motive, guide, original and end. Johnson. " From the height of these pyramids forty cen- turies look down on you.' Napoleon to hu troops in Egypt. From the lowest depth there is a path to the loftiest height. Carlyle. From the low prayer of want and plaint ol woe / O never, never turn away thine ear ! Forlorn is this bleak wilderness below, Ah what were man should heaven refuse tc hear ! Beattie. From the same flower the bee extracts honey and the wasp gall. //. Pr. From the summit of power men no longer turn their eyes upward, but begin to look about them. Lowell. From the sum / Of duty, blooms sweeter and more divine / The fair ideal of the race, than comes From glittering gains of learn ing. Lewis Morris. From time to time in history men are born a whole age too soon. Emerson. From within or from behind, a light shines through us upon things, and makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all. Emerson. From women's eyes this doctrine I derive : / They sparkle still the right Promethean fire ; / They are the books, the arts, the academes, / That show, contain, and nourish all the world ; / Else none at all in aught proves excellent. Love's L. Lost, iv. 3. From yon blue heaven above us bent. / The grand old gardener and his wife / Smile at the claims of long descent. Tennyson. Fromm, Klug, Weis, und Mild, gehort in des Adels Schild — The words pious, prudent, wise, and gentle are appropriately suitable on the shield of a noble. Get: Pr. Fromire Leute wohnen weit auseinander- Good people dwell far apart. Gei: Pi: Frommigkeit ist kein Zweck, sondern ein Mittel, um durch die reinste Gemuthsruhe zur hochsten Cultur zti gelangen— -Piety i- not an end, but a means to attain the highest cul- ture through the purest peace of mind. Goethe. Fronti nulla fides — There is no trusting external appearances (lit. features). Jut. Frost and fraud both end in foul. Pi. Frost is God's plough. Puller. Fructu non foliis arborem aestima — Judge of a tree from its fruit, not from its leases. Pined. Frugality, and even avarice, in the lower orders of mankind are true ambition. These afford the only ladder for the poor to rise to preferment. Goldsmith. Frugality is an estate. Pr. Frugality is founded on the principle that all riches nave limits. Burke. Frugality is good, if liberality be joined with it. Win. Pen*. Frugality may be termed the daughter ol prudence, the sister of temperance, and the parent of liberty. Johnson. FRUGES f U7 ] FUROR Fruges consumere nati — Born merely to consume the fruits of the earth. Hor. Friihe Hochzeit, lange Liebe — Early marriage, long love. Ger. Pr. Fruit is seed. Pr. Frustra fit per plura, quod fieri potest per paucora — It is vain to do by many agencies what may be done by few. 5 Frustra Herculi — In vain to speak against Her- cules. Pr. Frustra laborat qui omnibus placere studet — ■ He labours in vain who studies to please every- body. Pr. Frustra retinacula tendens / Ferter equis auriga, neque audit currus habenas — In vain as he tugs at the reins is the charioteer borne along by the steeds, and the chariot heeds not the curb. / irg. Frustra vitium vitaveris illud, / Si te alio pravus detorseris — In vain do you avoid one fault if you perversely turn aside into another. llor. Fugam fecit — He has taken to flight. L. lOFuge magna ; licet sub paupere tecto / Reges et regum vita prsecurrere amicos — Shun gran- deur ; under a poor roof you may surpass even kings and the friends of kings in your life. Hor. Fugere est triumphus — Flight (i.e., from tempta- tion) is a triumph. Pr. Fugit improbus, ac me / Sub cultro linquit — The wag runs away and leaves me with the knife at my throat, i.e., to be sacrificed. Hor. Fugit irreparabile tempus — Time flies, never to be repaired. / irg: Fiihlst du dein Herz durch Hass von Menschen wegetrieben — / Thu' ihnen Gutes ! schnell wirst du sie wiedtr lieben — Shouldst thou feel thy heart repelled from men through hatred, do thou them good, soon shall thy love for them revive in thee. B. Paoli. 15 Fuimus — We have been. M. Fuimus Troes, fait Ilium, et ingens / Gloria Teucrorum — We Trojans are no more ; Ilium is no more, and thegreat renown of the Teucri. / 'irg. Fuit haec sapientia quondam, / Publica privatis secernere, sacra profanis, / Concubitu prohi- bere vago, dare jura maritis, / Oppida moliri, leges incidere ligno — This of old was accounted wisdom, to separate public from private property, things sacred from profane, to restrain from va- grant concubinage, to ordain laws for married people, to build cities, to engrave laws on tablets. Hor. Fuit Ilium— Troy was. Fules are aye fond o' flittin'. Sc. Pr. 20 Fulgente trahit constrictos gloria curru, / Non minus ignotos generosis — Glory draws all bound to her shining car, low-born and high- born alike. Hor. Full little knowest thou that hast not tried / What hell it is in suing long to bide ; / To lose good days that might be better spent, / To waste long nights in pensive discontent. Spenser. Full many a day for ever is lost / By delaying its work till to-morrow ; / The minutes of sloth have often cost / Long years of boot- less sorrow. I'.liza Cook. Full many a gem of purest ray serene / The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear ; / Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, / And waste its sweetness on the desert air. Gray. Full many a stoic eye and aspect stern / Masks hearts where grief has little left to learn ; / And many a withering thought lies hid, not lost, / In smiles that least befit who wears them most. Byron. Full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing. 25 Macb., v. 5. Full oft have letters caused the writers / To curse the day they were inditers. Butler. Full of wise saws and modern instances. As You Like It, ii. 7. Full seldom doth a man repent, or use / Both ^race and will to pick the vicious quitch / Of blood and custom wholly out of him, / And make all clean, and plant himself afresh. 1 cnnyson. Full twenty times was Peter fear'd / For once that Peter was respected. Words- worth. Full vessels give the least sound. Pr. 30 Full wise is he that can himselven knowe. Chaucer. Fully to possess and rule an object, one must first study it for its own sake. Goethe. Fumos vendere — To sell smoke. Mart. Fumum, et opes, strepitumque Roma? — The smoke, the wealth, and din of the town. Juv. Functus officio — Having discharged his duties 35 and resigned. Fundamentum est justitiae fides— The founda- tion of justice is good faith. Cic. Fungar vice cotis, acutum / Reddere qua? fer- rum valet, exsors ipsasecandi — I will discharge the office of a whetstone, which can give an edge to iron, though it cannot cut itself. Hor. Fiirchterlich / 1st einer der nichts zu verlieren hat — Terrible is a man who has nothing to lose. Goethe. Fiir den Dialektiker ist die Welt ein Begriff, fur den Schongeist ein Bild, fiir den Schwar- mer ein Traum, fiir den Forscher Wahrheit — For the thinker the world is a thought ; for the wit, an image ; for the enthusiast, a dream ; for the inquirer, truth. L. Biichner. Fiir eine Nation ist nur das gut was aus ihrem 40 eignen Kern und ihrem eignen allegmeinen Bediirfniss hervorgegangen, ohne Nachaff- ung einer andern — Only that is good for a nation which issues from its own heart's core and its own general wants, without apish imitation of another ; since (it is added) what may to one people, at a certain stage, be wholesome nutri- ment, may perhaps prove a poison for another. Goethe. Fiir einen Leichnam bin ich nicht zu Haus; / Mir geht es wie der Katze mit der Maus— For a dead one I am not at home ; I am like the cat with the mouse. Goethe's Mephistopheles. Fiir ewig ist ja nicht gestorben, was man fiir diese Welt begrabt — What is buried for this world is not for ever dead. A', v. Hottci. Fiir Gerechte giebt es keine Gesetze — There are no laws for just men. Gcr. Pr. Furiosus absentis loco est— A madman is treated as one absent. Coke. Furiosus furore suo punitur — A madman is pun- 45 ished by his own madness. L. Furor arma ministrat — Their rage finds them arms. Virg. Furor fit haesa sapius patientia— Patience, when outraged often, is converted into rage. Pr. FUROR [ 118 ] GATHERING Furor iraque rnentem praecipitant— Rage and anger hurry on the mind. Virg. Furor loquendi — A rage for speaking. Furor poeticus — The poet's frenzy. Furor scribendi — A rage for writing. 5 Fur seinen Konig muss das Volk sich opfern, / Das ist das Schicksal und das Gesetz dsr Welt — For its chief must the clan sacrifice itself; that is the destiny and law of the world. Schiller. Fiirst Bismarck glaubt uns zu haben, uni wir haben inn — Prince Bismarck thinks he has us, and we have him. Socialist organ. Fiirsten haben lange Hande und viele Ohren — Princes have long hands and many ears. Ger. Pr. Further I will not flatter you, / That all I see in you is worthy love, / Than this ; that nothing- do I see in you / That should merit hate. King John, ii. 2. Fury wasteth, as patience lasteth. Pr. 10 Futurity is impregnable to mortal kin ; no prayer pierces through heaven's adamantine walls. Schiller. Futurity is the great concern of mankind. Burke. Futurity still shortens, and time present sucks in time to come. Sir Thomas Browne. Fuyez les proces sur toutes les choses, la con- science s'y interesse, la sante s'y altere, les biens s'y dissipent — Avoid lawsuits beyond all things ; they pervert conscience, impair your health, and dissipate your property. La Bruycre. G, Gab es keine Narren, so gab es keine Weisen — Were there no fools, there would be no wise men. Ger. Pr. 15 Gaiete de cceur — Gaiety of heart. Fr. Gaiety is often the reckless ripple over depths of despair. Ckapin. Gaiety is the soul's health ; sadness is its poison. Stanislaus. Gaiety overpowers weak spirits ; good-humour recreates and revives them. Johnson. Gaiety pleases more when we are assured that it does not cover carelessness. Mine. de Stall 20 Gain at the expense of reputation should be called loss. Pub. Syr. 'Gainst the tooth of time / And rasure of oblivion. Meas. for Meas , v. 1. Galea spes salutis — Hope is the helmet of salva- tion. M. Galeatum sero duelli pcenitet— After donning the helmet it is too late to repent of war, i.e., after enlistment. Juv. Gallantry thrives most in a court atmosphere. Mme. Necker. 25Gallice— In French. Gallus in sterquilinio suo plurimum potest— The cock is proudest 011 his own dunghill. Pr. Gambling is the child of avarice, but the parent of prodigality. ( olton. Gambling with cards, or dice, or stocks, is all one thing ; it is getting money without giving an equivalent for it. // 'ard Bcecher. Game is a civil gunpowder, in peace / Blowing up houses with their whole increase. Her- bert. Ta/j-elv 6 /xeAXw els ^ejavotav cp^erat — He who is about to marry is on the way to repentance. Or. Pr. Games of chance are traps to catch school-boy novices and gaping country squires, who begin with a guinea and end with a mort- gage. Cumberland. Gaming finds a man a cully and leaves him a knave. 7. Hughes. Gaming has been resorted to by the affluent as a refuge from ennui ; it is a mental dram, and may succeed for a moment, but, like other stimuli, it produces indirect debility. Cotton. Gaming is the destruction of all decorum : the prince forgets at it his dignity, and the lady her modesty. Marchioness d'Atembert. Gammel Mands Sagn er sielden usand An old man's sayings are rarely untrue. Dan. Pr. Td/j.os yap avdpunroicriv evKTaTov Kanov — ■ Marriage is an evil men are eager to embrace. Men. Gang to bed wi' the lamb and rise wi' the laverock (lark). Sc. Pr. Garcon — A boy ; a waiter. Fr. Garde a cheval — Horse-guards; mounted guard. Fr. Garde a pied — Foot-guards. Fr. '. Garde a vous — Attention. Fr. Garde-chasse — Gamekeeper. Fr. Garde du corps — A bodyguard. Fr. Garde-feu — A fire-guard. Fr. Garde-fou— A hand-rail. Fr. '■ Gardez — Keep it. Fr. Gardez bien — Take care. Fr. Gardez cela pour la bonne bouche— Keep that for a tit-bit. Fr. Pr. Gardez la foi — Guard the faith. M. Garments that have once a rent in them are subject to be torn on every nail, and glasses that are once cracked are soon broken : such is a good man's name once tainted with just reproach. Bp. Hall. Garrit aniles / Ex re fabellas— He relates old women's tales very apropos. Her. Gar Vieles lernt man, um es wieder zu ver- gessen ;/ Um an den Zielzu stehen, muss man die Balm durchmessen — Much we learn only to forget it again; to stand by the goal] we must traverse all the way to it. Pucker/. Gateau et mauvaise coutume se doi vent rompre -A cake and a bad custom are fated to be broken. Fr. Pr. Gater une chandelle pour trouver une epingle — To waste a candle to find a pin. Fr. Pr. Gather gear by every wile that's justified by J honour ; Not for to hide it in a hedge, nor for a train attendant ; / But for the glorious privilege of being independent. Burns. Gather the rosebuds while ye may, I Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles to-day, / To-morrow will be dying. Herrick. Gathering gear (wealth) is pleasant pain. Sc. Pr. Gathering her brows like gathering storm, / Nursing her wrath to keep it warm. Burns. GATO [ no ] GENEROSITY Gato maullador nuncabuen cazador— A mewing cat is never a good mouser. S/>. Pr. Gaude, Maria Virgo — Rejoice, Virgin Mary. Gaudeamus — Let us have_a joyful time. Gaudent praenomine molles / Auriculae — His delicate ears are delighted with a title. Hor. 5 Gaudet equis, canibusque, et aprici gramine campi — He delights in horses, and dogs, and the grass of the sunny plain. Hor. Gaudet tentamine virtus — Virtue rejoices in being put to the test. Gaudetque viam fecisse ruina — He rejoices at having made his way by ruin. Lucan, of Julius Ccesar. Gave / His body to that pleasant country's earth, / And his pure soul unto his captain Christ, / Under whose colours he had fought so long. Rich. II., iv. i. Gay hope is theirs by fancy fed, / Less pleasing when possest ; / The tear forgot as soon as shed, / The sunshine of the breast. Gray. 10 Gear is easier gained than guided. Pr. Geben ist Sache des Reichen — Giving is the business of the rich. Goethe. Gebrade duijven vliegen niet door de lucht — ■ Roasted pigeons don't fly through the air. Dut. Pr. Gebratene Tauben, die einem im Maul fliegen ? — Do pigeons fly ready-roasted into one's mouth 1 Ger. Pr. Gebraucht der Zeit, sie geht so schell von hinnen, / Doch Ordnung lehrt euch Zeit gewinnen — Make the most of time, it glides away so fast ; but order teaches you to gain time. Goethe. 15 Gebt ihr ein Stuck, se gebt es gleich in Stiicken — If your aim is to give a piece, be sure you give it in pieces. Goethe. Gedanken sind zollfrei, aber nicht hollenfrei— Thoughts are toll-free, but not hell-free. Ger. Pr. Gedenke zu leben — Think of living. Goethe. Gedichte sind gemalde Fensterscheiben — ■ Poems are painted window-panes, i.e., when genuine, they transmit heaven's light through a contracted medium coloured by human feeling and fantasy. Goethe. Gedult gaat boven geleerdheid — Patience excels learning. Dut. Pr. 20 Gedwongen liefde vergaat haast — Love that is forced does not last. Dut. Pr. Geese are plucked as long as they have any feathers. Dut. Pr. Gefahrlich ist's, den Leu zu wecken, / Verderb- lich ist des Tigers Zahn ; / Jedoch der schrecklichste der Schrecken, / Das ist der Mensch in seinem Wahn — Dangerous it is to rouse the lion, fatal is the tiger's tooth, but the most frightful of terrors is man in his self-delu- sion. Schiller. Gefahrlich ist's ein Mordgewehr zu tragen / Und auf den Schiitzen springt der Pfeil zuruck — It is dangerous to carry a murderous weapon, and the arrow rebounds on the archer. Schiller. Gefahrlich ist's mit Geistern sich gesellen — To fraternise with spirits is a dangerous game. Goethe. 25 Gefahrte munter kiirzt die Meilen — Lively companionship shortens the miles, Ger. Pr. Gefiihl ist alles ; / Name ist Schall und Rauch / Umnebelnd Himmelsglut — Peeling is all; name is sound and smoke veiling heaven's splen- dour. Goethe. Gegen grosse Vorziige eines andern giebt es kein Rettungsmittel als die Liebe— To coun- tervail the inequalities arising from the great superiority of one over another there is no speci- fic but love. Goethe. Gegner glauben uns widerlegen, wain sie ihre Meinung wieder holen und auf die unsrige nicht achten — Our adversaries think they con- fute rfs by repeating their own opinion and pay- ing no heed to ours. Goethe. Geheimnissvoll am lichten Tag / Lasst sich Natur des Schleiers nicht berauben, / Und was sie deinem Geist nicht offenbaren mag, / Das zwingst du ihr nicht ab mit Hebeln und mit Schrauben — In broad daylight inscrutable, Nature does not suffer her veii to be taken from her, and what she does not choose to reveal to the spirit, thou wilt not wrest from her by levers and screws. Goethe. Geld beheert de wereld. Money rules the 30 world. Dut. Pr. Geld est der Mann — Money makes {lit. is) the man. Ger. Pr. Geld im Beutel vertreibt die Schwermuth— Money in the purse drives away melancholy. Ger. Pr. Gelegenheit macht den Dieb — Opportunity makes the thief. Ger. Pr. Gelehrte Dummkopf — A learned blockhead ; dry- asdust. lYXwj &Kcupo$ kv ppoTois deivbv KO.KOV— 111-35 timed laughter in men is a grievous evil. Men. Gemeen goed, geen goed — Common goods, no goods. Dut. Pr. Gemsen steigen hoch und werden doch gefangen — The chamois climb high, and yet are caught. Ger. Pr. General abstract truth is the most precious of all blessings ; without it man is blind ; it is the eye of reason. Rousseau. General infidelity is the hardest soil which the propagators of a new religion can have to work upon. Paley. General suffering is the fruit of general mis- 40 behaviour, general dishonesty. Carlyle. General truths are seldom applied to particular occasions. Johnson. Generally all warlike people are a little idle, and love danger better than travail. Bacon. Generally speaking, an author's style is a faithful copy of his mind. If you would write a lucid style, let there first be light in your own mind ; and if you would write a grand style, you ought to have a grand character. Goethe. Generations are as the days of toilsome man- kind ; death and birth are the vesper and the matin bells that summon mankind to sleep, and to rise refreshed for new advance- ment. Carlyle. Generosity during life is a very different thing 45 from generosity in the hour of death ; one proceeds from genuine liberality and benevo- lence, the other from pride or fear. Hot-ace Mann. GENEROSITY [ 120 ] GENIUS Generosity is catching : and if so many escape it, it is somewhat for the same reason that countrymen escape the small-pox — because they meet with no one to give it to them. Lord Greville. Generosity is the flower of justice. Hawthorne. Generosity is the part of the soul raised above the vulgar. Goldsmith. Generosity should never exceed ability. Cic. 5 Generosity, wrong placed, becomes a vice. A princely mind will undo a private family. Fuller. Generous souls are still most subject to cre- dulity. Sir II'. Davenant. Geniesse, wenn du kannst, und leide, wenn du musst, / Vergiss den Schmerz, erfrische das Vergniigen — Enjoy if thou canst, endure if thou must ; / forget the pain and revive the pleasure. Goethe. Genius and virtue, like diamonds, are best plain set. Emerson. Genius always gives its best at first, prudence at last. Lavater. 10 Genius begins great works, labour alone fin- ishes them, /oubert. Genius believes its faintest presentiment against the testimony of all history, for it knows that facts are not ultimates, but that a state of mind is the ancestor of everything. Emerson. Genius borrows nobly. Emerson. Genius can never despise labour. Abel Stevens. Genius cannot escape the taint of its time more than a child the influence of its beget- ting. Ouida. 15 Genius can only breathe freely in an atmos- phere of freedom. /. .V. Mill. Genius counts all its miracles poor and short. Emerson. Genius does not need a special language ; it newly uses whatever tongue it finds. Stcd- mau. Genius does what it must, and talent does what it can. Owen Meredith. Genius easily hews out its figure from the block, but the sleepless chisel gives it life. Willmott. 20 Genius, even as it is the greatest good, is the greatest harm. Emerson. Genius ever stands with nature in solemn union, and what the one foretells the other will fulfil. Schiller, Genius finds its own road and carries its own lamp. // 'illmott. Genius grafted on womanhood is like to over- grow it and break its stem. Holmes. Genius has privileges of its own ; it selects an orbit for itself ; and be this never so eccen- tric, if it is indeed a celestial orbit, we mere star-gazers must at last compose ourselves, must cease to cavil at it, and begin to observe it and calculate its laws. Car/ylc. 25 Genius in poverty is never feared, because Nature, though liberal in her gifts in one instance, is forgetful in another. />'. R. Hay don. Genius invents fine manners, which the baron and the baroness copy very fast, and, by the advantage of a palace, better the instruction. They stereotype the lesson they have learned into a mode. Emerson. Genius is always ascetic, and piety and love. Emerson. Genius is always a surprise, but it is born with great advantages when the stock from which it springs has been long under cultivation. Holmes. Genius is always consistent when most auda- cious. Siedman. Genius is always impatient of its harness ; its! wild blood makes it hard to train. Holmes. Genius is always more suggestive than ex- pressive. Abel Stevens. Genius is always sufficiently the enemy of genius by over-influence. Emerson. Genius is a nervous disease. De Tours. Genius is ever a secret to itself. Carlylc. Genius is ever the greatest mystery to itself, i Schiller. Genius is inconsiderate, self-relying, and, like unconscious beauty, without any intention to please. /. 31. II 'ise. Genius is intensity of life ; an overflowing vitality which floods and fertilises a con- tinent or a hemisphere of being ; which makes a nature many-sided and whole, while most men remain partial and fragmentary. //. II'. Maine. Genius is lonely without the surrounding presence of a people to inspire it. T. II'. Higginson, Genius is mainly an affair of energy. Matthew A mold. Genius is not a single power, but a combination A of great powers. It reasons, but it is not reasoning : it judges, but it is not judgment ; imagines, but it is not imagination ; it feels deeply and fiercely, but it is not passion. It is neither, because it is all. // 'hippie. Genius is nothing but a great capacity for patience. Bnffon. Genius is nothing but labour and diligence. Hogarth. Genius is nothing more than our common facul- ties refined to a greater intensity. Haydon. Genius is nothing more than the effort of the idea to assume a definite form. / Genius is nourished from within and without. 4 // 'illmott. Genius is only as rich as it is generous. I ii ore an. Genius is religious. Emerson. Genius is that in whose power a man is. Lowell Genius is that power of man which by its deeds and actions gives laws and rules ; and it does not, as used to be thought, manifest itself only by over-stepping existing laws, breaking established rules, and declaring itself above all restraint. Goethe. Genius is the gold in the mine ; talent is the S miner who works and brings it out. Lady Blessington. Genius is the power of carrying the feelings of childhood into the powers of manhood. Colet Genius is the transcendent capacity of taking trouble first of all. Carlyle. Genius is the very eye of intellect and the wing of thought : it is always in advance of its time, and is the pioneer for the genera- tion which it precedes. Simms. GENIUS [ 121 ] GESETZLOSE Genius is to other gifts what the carbuncle is to the precious stones. It sends forth its own light, whereas other stones only reflect borrowed light. Schopenhauer. Genius loci — The presiding genius of the place. Genius makes its observations in shorthand ; talent writes them out at length. Bovee. Genius may at times want the spur, but it stands as often in need of the curb. Lon- ginus. 5 Genius melts many ages into one. ... A work of genius is but the newspaper of a century, or perchance of a hundred centuries. Haw- thorne. Genius must be born, and never can be taught. Dryden. Genius of a kind is necessary to make a for- tune, and especially a large one. La Bruyire. Genius only commands recognition when it has created the taste which is to appreciate it. Frond 1 . Genius only leaves behind it the monuments of its strength. Hazlitt. 10 Genius should be the child of genius, and every child should be inspired. Emerson. Genius, the Pythian of the beautiful, leaves its large truths a riddle to the dull. Buhver Lytton. Genius unexerted is no more genius than a bushel of acorns is a forest of oaks. Beecher. Genius will reconcile men to much. Carlyle. Genius works in sport, and goodness smiles to the last. Emerson. 15 Gens d'armes — Armed police. Fr. Gens de bureau — Officials in a government office. Fr. Gens de condition — People of rank. Fr. Gens d'eglise — Churchmen. Fr. Gens de guerre — Soldiers. Fr. 20 Gens de langues — Linguists. Fr. Gens de lettres — Literary people. Fr. Gens de lois — Lawyers. Fr. Gens de meme famille — Birds of a feather. Fr. Gens de peu — The lower classes. Fr. 25 Gens togata — The nation with the toga, i.e., the Roman. Gentility is nothing else but ancient riches. Lord Burleigh. Gentility without ability is waur (worse) than plain begging. Sc. Pi: Gentle passions brighten the horizon of our existence, move without wearying, warm without consuming, and are the badges of true strength. Feicchtersleben. Gentle words, quiet words, are, after all, the most powerful words. They are more con- vincing, more compelling, more prevailing. IF. Gladden. 30 Gentleman, in its primal, literal, and perpetual meaning, is a man of pure race. Buskin. Gentleman is a term which does not apply to any station, but to the mind and the feelings in every station. Talfourd. Gentlemanliness is just another word for in- tense humanity. Ruskin. Gentlemen have to learn that it is no part of their duty or privilege to live on other people's toil ; that there is no degradation in the hardest manual or the humblest ser- vile labour, when it is honest. Ruskin. " Gentlemen of the jury, you will now consider your verdict." Lord Tenterderis last words. Gentleness corrects whatever is offensive in 35 our manners. Blair. Gentleness ! more powerful than Hercules. Ninon de I Enelos. Gentleness, when it weds with manhood, makes a man. Tennyson. Gently comes the world to those / That are cast in gentle mould. Tennyson. Gently didst thou ramble round the little circle of thy pleasures, jostling no creature in thy way : for each one's sorrows thou hadst a tear ; for each man's need thou hadst a shilling. Sterne's Uncle Toby. Gently, gently touch a nettle, / And it stings 40 you for your pains ; / Grasp it like a man of mettle, / And it soft as silk remains. Aaron Hill. Genug ist iiber einer Sackvoll — Enough excels a sackful. Ger. Pr. Genuine morality depends on no religion, though every one sanctions it and thereby guarantees to it its support. Schopenhauer. Genuine religion is matter of feeling rather than matter of opinion. Bovee. Genuine simplicity of heart is a healing and cementing principle. Burke. Genus et proavos et quas non fecimus ipsi, / 45 Vix ea nostra voco — Birth, ancestry, and what we have ourselves not done, I would hardly call our own. Ovid. Genus humanum superavit — He surpassed the human race in natural ability. Lucre t. Genus immortale manet, multosque per annos / Stat fortuna domus, et avi numerantur avorum — The race continues immortal, and through many years the fortune of the house stands steadfast, and it numbers grandsires of grandsires. I irg. Genus irritabile vatum — The sensitive tribe of poets. TTjpdcrKio d' del TroWa didaffKO/nevos — Always learning many things the older I grow. Solon. Gerechtigkeit ist mehr die mannliche, Men- 50 schenliebe mehr die weibliche Tugend— Jus- tice is properly the virtue of the man, charity of the woman. Schopenhauer. Geredt ist geredt, man kann es mit einem Schwamme abwischen — What is said is said ; there is no sponge that can wipe it out. Ger. Pr. Germanice — In German. Gescheite Leute sind immer das beste Kon- versationslexikon — Clever people are always the best Conversations-lexicon. Goethe. Geschichte ist eigentlich nichts anderes, als eine Satire auf die Menschheit — History is properly nothing else but a satire on humanity. C.J. Weber. Geschrei macht den Wolf grosser als er ist— 55 Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is. Ger. Tr. Gesellschaft ist die Grossmutter der Mensch- heit durch ihre Tochter, die Erfindungen — Society is the grandmother of humanity through her daughters, the inventions. C. J. Weber. Gesetz ist machtig, machiger ist die Noth — Law is powerful ; necessity is more so. Goethe. Gesetzlose Ge wait ist die furchbarste Sch wache ■ — Lawless power is the most frightful weakness. Herder. GESPENSTER [ 122 ] GIVE Gespenster sind fiir solche Leute nur / Die sehn sie wollen— Ghosts visit only those who look for them. l/oltei. Get a good name and go to sleep. Pr. Get money, honestly if you can, but get money. Pr. Get once into the secret of any Christian act. and you get practically into the secret of Christianity itself. Ed. 5 Get on the crupper of a good stout hypothesis, and you may ride round the world. Stoic. Get place and wealth, if possible, with grace ; / If not, by any means get wealth and place. Pope. Get spindle and distaff ready, and God will send the flax. Pr. Get thee to a nunnery ! Ham., iii. r. Get to live ; / Then live and use it ; else it is not true / That thou hast gotten. Hubert. 10 Get what ye can and keep what ye hae. Sc. Pr. Get your enemies to read your works in order to mend them, for your friend is so much your second self that he will judge too like you. Pope. Geteilte Freud' ist doppelt Freude— Joy shared is joy doubled. Goethe. Gewalt ist die beste Beredsamkeit— Power is the most persuasive rhetoric. Schiller. Gewinnen ist leichter als Erhalten— Getting is easier than keeping. Gcr. Pr. 15 Gewohne dich, da stets der Tod dir draut, / Dankbar zu nehmen, was das Leben beut— Accustom thyself, since death ever threatens thee, to accept with a thankful heart whatever life offers thee. Bodenstedt. Gewohnlich glaubt Mensch, wenn er nur Worte hort, / Es miisse sich dabei doch auch was denken lassen — Men generally believe, when they hear only words, that there must be something in it. Goethe. Ghosts ! There are nigh a thousand million walking the earth openly at noontide ; some half-hundred have vanished from it, some half-hundred have arisen in it, ere thy watch ticks once. Carlyle. Giant Antaeus in the fable acquired new strength every time he touched the earth ; so some brave minds gain fresh energy from that which depresses and crushes others. Murphy. Gibier de potence— A gallows-bird. Fr. 20 Gie a b;. : .rn his will and a whelp his fill, an' neither will do well. Sc. Pr. Gie a beggar a bed, and he'll pay you with a louse. Sc. Pr. Gie him tow enough and he'll hang himsel', i.e., give him enough of his own way. .SV. Pr. Gie me a canny hour at e'en, / My arms about my dearie, O, / An' warl'ly cares an' warl'ly men / May a' gang tapsalteerie, O. Bjirns. Gie me ae spark o' Nature's fire ! / That's a' the learning I desire ; / Then though I drudge through dub and mire, / At pleugh or cart, / My Muse, though hamely in attire, / May touch the heart. Bums. 25 Gie me a peck o' oaten strae, / An' sell your wind for siller. The cow to the /•/per who put her off with piping to her. Gie the deil his due, an' ye'll gang till hiin. Sc. Pr. Gie the greedy dog a muckle bane. Sc. Pr. Gie wealth to some be-ledger'd cit, / In cent. per cent. ; / But gie me real, sterling wit, / And I'm content. Burns. Gie your heart to God and your awms (alms) to the poor. Sc. Pr. Gie your tongue mair holidays than your head. 30 Sc. Pr. Giebt es Krieg, so macht der Teufel die Holle weiter — When war falls out, the devil enlarges hell. Get. Pr. Giebt's schonre Pflichten fiir ein edles Herz / Als ein Verteidiger der Unschuld sein, / Das Recht der unterdriickten zu beschirmen? — ■ What nobler task is there for a noble heart than to take up the defence of innocence and protect the rights of the oppressed ? Schiller. Gierigheid is niet verzadigd voor zij den mond vol aarde heeft — Greed is never satisfied till its mouth is filled with earth. Dut. Pr. Giff-gafF maks gude friends, i.e., mutual giving. Sc Pr. Gift of prophecy has been wisely denied to 35 man. Did a man foresee his life, and not merely hope it and grope it, and so by neces- sity and free-will make and fabricate it into a reality, he were no man, but some other kind of creature, superhuman or subter- human. Carlyle. Gifts are as gold that adorns the temple ; grace is like the temple that sanctifies the gold. Burkett. Gifts are often losses. //. Pr. Gifts come from on high in their own peculiar forms. Goethe. Gifts from the hand are silver and gold, but the heart gives that which neither silver nor gold can buy. Ward Beecher. Gifts make their way through stone walls. 40 Pr. Gifts weigh like mountains on a sensitive heart. Mme. Fee. Gigni pariter cum corpore, et una / Crescere sentimus pariterque senescere mentem— We see that the mind is born with the body, that it grows with it, and also ages with it. Lucret. Gin (if) ye hadna been among the craws, ye wadna hae been shot. .SV. Pr. Giovine santo, diavolo vecchio — A young saint, an old devil. It. Pr. Gird your hearts with silent fortitude, Suffer- 45 ing yet hoping all things. Mrs. Hemans. G'rls we love for what they are ; young men for what they promise to be. Goethe. Give a boy address and accomplishments, and you give him the mastery of palaces and fortunes where he goes. Emerson, Give a dog an ill name and hang him. Pr. Give a hint to a man of sense and consider the thing done. /V. Give alms, that thy children may not ask 50 them. Dan. Pr. Give a man luck and throw him into the sea. Pr. Give ample room and verge enough. Gray. Give an ass oats, and it runs after thistles. Dut. Pr. Give, and it shall be given to you. Jesus. Give and spend, / And God will send. Pr. 55 Give and take. Pr. GIVE [ 123 ] GLADIATOR Give a rogue rope enough, and he will hang himself. Pr. Give, but, if possible, spare the poor man the shame of begging. Diderot, Give every flying minute / Something to keep in store, Walker. Give every man his due. Pr. 5 Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice ; I Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment. Ham., i. 3. Give from below what ye get from above, ' Light for the heaven-light, love for its love, I A holy soul for the Holy Dove. Dr. Walter Smith. Give God the margin of eternity to justify Himself in. Haiveis. Give him an inch and he'll take an ell. Pr. Give him a present ! give him a halter. Mer. of I' en., ii. 2. 10 Give me again my hollow tree, / A crust of bread, and liberty. Pope. Give me a look, give me a face, I That makes simplicity a grace, Robes loosely flowing, hair as free ; / Such sweet neglect more taketh me, / Than all the adulteries of art ; / They strike mine eyes, but not my heart. Ben Jonson. Give me but ' Something whereunto I may bind my heart ; / Something to love, to rest upon, to clasp / Affection's tendrils round. Mrs. Hemans. Give me health and a day, and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous. Emerson. Give me insight into to-day, and you may have the antique and future worlds. . . . This idea has inspired the genius of Goldsmith, Burns, Cowper, and, in a newer time, of Goethe, Wordsworth, and Carlyle. Their writing is blood-warm. Emerson. 15 Give me my Romeo : and, when he shall die. ' Take him and cut him out in little stars, / And he will make the face of heaven so fine ' That all the world will be in love with night, ' And pay no homage to the garish sun. Rom. and Jul., iii. 2. Give me that man / Who is not passion's slave, and I will wear him / In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of hearts. Ham., iii. 2. Give me the avow'd, th' erect, the manly foe, / Bold I can meet, perhaps may turn, his blow ; ' But of all plagues, good Heaven, thy wrath can send, / Save, save, oh ! save me from the candid friend. Canning. Give me the eloquent cheek, where blushes burn and die. Mrs. Osgood. Give me the liberty to know, to think, to be- lieve, and to utter freely, according to con- science, above all other liberties. Milton. 29 Give neither counsel nor salt till you are asked for it. Pr. Give not that which is holy to the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine. Jesus. Give only so much to one that you may have to give to another. Dan. Pr. Give orders, but no more, and nothing will be done. Sp. and Port. Pr. Give pleasure to the few ; to please many is vain. Schiller. 25 Give ruffles to a man who wants a shirt. Fr. Pr. (?) Give sorrow words ; the grief that does not speak, Whispers the o'erfraught heart, and bids it break. Macbeth, iv. 3. Give the devil his due. 1 Hen. IV., i. 2. Give the devil rope enough and he will hang himself. Pr. Give thy need, thine honour, and thy friend his due. Herbert. Give thy thoughts no tongue, / Nor any un- 30 proportioned thought his act. Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. / The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, / Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel : But do not dull thy palm with enter- tainment / Of each new-hatch d unfledged comrade. Ham., i. 3. Give to a gracious message ' An host of tongues ; but let ill tidings tell / Themselves when they be felt. Ant. and Cleo., ii. 5. Give to him that asketh of thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thoa away. Jesus. Give to the masses nothing to do, and they will topple down thrones and cut throats ; give them the government here, and they will make pulpits useless, and colleges an impertinence. Wendell Phillips. Give tribute, but not oblation, to human wis- dom. Sir P. Sidney. Give unto me, made lowly wise, / The spirit of 35 self-sacrifice ; / The confidence of reason give ; / And in the light of truth thy bond- man let me live. Wordsworth. Give us the man who sings at his work ! Be his occupation what it may, he will be equal to any of those who follow the same pursuit in silent sullenness. He will do more in the same time ; he will do it better ; he will persevere longer. Carlyle. Give way to your betters. Pr. Give you a reason on compulsion? If reasons were as plenty as blackberries, I would give no man a reason upon compulsion. 1 Hen. IV., ii. 4. Give your tongue more holiday than your hands or eyes. Rabbi Hen Azai. Given a living man, there will be found clothes 40 for him ; he will find himself clothes ; but the suit of clothes pretending that it is both clothes and man — Car/vie. Given a world of knaves, to educe an Honesty from their united action, is a problem that is becoming to all men a palpably hopeless one. Carlyle. Given the men a people choose, the people itself, in its exact worth and worthlessness, is given. Carlyle. Gives not the hawthorn bush a sweeter shade / To shepherds, looking on their silly sheep, / Than doth a rich embroider'd canopy / To kings that fear their subjects' treachery. 3 Hen. VI., ii. 5. Giving alms never lessens the purse. Sf. Pr. Giving away is the instrument for accumulated 45 treasures ; it is like a bucket for the distri- bution of the waters deposited in the bowels of a well. Hitopadcsa. Giving to the poor increaseth a man's store. Sc. Pr. Gladiator in arena consilium capit— The gladia- tor is taking advice when he is already in the lists. Pr. GLANZENDES [ 124 ] GO MISER Glanzendes Elend — Shining misery. Goethe. Glasses and lasses are brittle ware. Sc. Pr. Glaube nur, du hast viel gethan / Wenn dir Geduld gewohnest an — Assure yourself you have accomplished no small feat if only you have learned patience. Goethe. rXaO/c' 'Ad-qva^e— Owls to Athens. 5 Glebae ascriptus — Attached to the soil. Gleiches Blut, gleiches Gut, und gleiche Jahre machen die besten Heirathspaare — Like blood, like estate, and like age make the happiest wedded pair. Ger. Pr. Gleich sei keiner dem andern ; doch gleich seijeder dem Hochsten. Wie das zu machen? Es sei jeder vollendet in sich — Let no one be like another, yet every one like the Highest. How is this to be done? Be each one perfect in himself. Goethe. Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gem, sprach der Teufel zum Kohler — Like will to like, as the devil said to the charcoal-burner. Ger. Pr. Gleichheit est immer das festeste Band der Liebe — Equality is the firmest bond of love. Lessing. 10 Gleichheit ist das heilige Gesetz der Mensch- heit — Equality is the holy law of humanity. Schiller. Gli alberi grandi fanno pifi ombra che frutto — Large trees yield more shade than fruit. It. Pr. Gli amici legano la borsa con un filo di rag- natelo — Friends tie their purses with a spider's thread. It. Pr. Gli uomini alia moderna, e gli asini all' antica ■ — After the modern stamp men, and after the ancient, asses. It. Pr. Gli uomini fanno la roba, e le donne la con- servano — Men make the wealth and women husband it. It. Pr. 15 Gli uomini hanno gli anni che sentono, e le donne quelli che mostrano — Men are as old as they feel, and women as they look. //. Pr. Gli uomini hanno men rispetto di offendere uno che si facci amare che uno che si facci temere — Men shrink less from offending one who in- spires love than one who inspires fear. Machia- velli. Gloria in excelsis Deo— Glory to God in the highest. Gloria vana florece, y no grana — Glory which is not real may flower, but will never fructify. Sp. Pr. Gloria virtutis umbra — Glory is the shadow (i.e., the attendant) of virtue. 20 Gloriae et famae jactura facienda est, publicae utilitatis causa — A surrender of glory and fame must be made for the public advantage. < A . Gloriam qui spreverit, veram habet — He who despises glory will have true glory. Livy. Glories, like glow-worms, afar-off shine bright, ' But looked at near, have neither heat nor light. // 'ebster. Glorious men are the scorn of wise men, the admiration of fools, the idols of parasites, and the slaves of their own vaunts. Bat on. Glory and gain the industrious tribe pro- voke ; / And gentle dulness ever loves a joke. Pope, 25 Glory fills the world with virtue, and, like a beneficent sun, covers the whole earth with flowers and fruits. / 'auvenargut*. Glory grows guilty of detested crimes. Love's L. Lost, iv. i. Glory is like a circle in the water, / Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself, / Till, by broad spreading, it disperse to naught, i Hen. VI., i. 2. Glory is safe when it is deserved ; not so popu- larity ; the one lasts like mosaic, the other is effaced like a crayon drawing. BouffUrs. Glory is so enchanting that we love whatever we associate with it, even though it be death. Pascal. Glory is the fair child of peril. Smollett. 3( Glory is the unanimous praise of good men. Cic. Glory long has made the sages smile, ' 'Tis something, nothing, words, illusion, wind, ' Depending more upon the historian's style / Than on the name a person leaves behind. Byron. Glory relaxes often and debilitates the mind ; censure stimulates and contracts — both to an extreme. Shettstone. Gliick auf dem Weg — Good luck by the way. Ger. Pr. Gliick macht Mut — Luck inspires pluck. Goethe. Zl Gliick und Weiber haben die Narren lieb — Fortune and women have a liking for fools. Ger. Pr. Glucklich, gliicklich nenn' ich den / Dem des Daseins letzte Stunde / Schlagt in seiner Kinder Mitte — Happy! happy call I him the last hour of whose life strikes in the midst of his children. Grillparzcr. Glucklich wer jung in jungen Tagen, / Gliick- lich wer mit Zeit gestahlt, Gelernt des Lebens Ernst zu tragen — Happy he who is young in youth, happy who is hardened as steel with time, has learned to bear life's earnestness. Puschkin. Gluttony and drunkenness have two evils attendant on them : they make the carcass smart as well as the pocket. Marcus Anto- HI IIUS. Gluttony is the source of all our infirmities 4( and the fountain of all our diseases. As a lamp is choked by a superabundance of oil, a fire extinguished by an excess of fuel, so is the natural health of the body destroyed by intemperate diet. Burton. Gluttony kills more than the sword. Pr. Gluttony, where it prevails, is more violent, and certainly more despicable, than avarice itself. J oh us, 'ii. Gnarling sorrow hath less power to bite / The man that mocks at it and sets it light. Rich. I/., i. 3. Gnats are unnoticed whereso'er they fly, / But eagles gazed upon by every eye. Shake- speare. YvSiQi . Pr. God blesses still the generous thought, / And still the fitting word He speeds, And truth, at His requiring taught, / He quickens into deeds. Wkiitier. God blesses the seeking, not the finding. Ger. Pr. God builds His temple in the heart and on the ruins of churches and religions. Emerson. 20 God comes at last, when we think He is farthest off. Pr. God comes in distress, and distress goes. Gael. Pr. God comes to see us without bell. Pr. God comes with leaden feet, but strikes with iron hands. Pr. God created man in his own image. Bible. 25 God deals His wrath by weight, but His mercy without weight. Pr. God deceiveth thee not. 'Thomas li Kernel's. God defend me from the man of one book. Pr. God desireth to make your burden light to you, for man hath been created weak. Koran. God does not measure men by inches. Sc. Pr. God does not pay every week, but He pays at 30 the end. Diet. Pr. God does not require us to live on credit ; He pays what we earn as we earn it, good or evil, heaven or hell, according to our choice. C. Mildmay. God does not smite with both hands. Sp. Pr. God does not weigh criminality in our scales. God's measure is the heart of the offender, a balance so delicate that a tear cast in the other side may make the weight of error kick the beam. Lowell. God does with His children as a master does with his pupils ; the more hopeful they are, the more work He gives them to do. Plato. God enters by a private door into every indi-35 vidual. Emerson. God estimates us not by the position we are in, but by the way in which we fill it. T. Edwards. God gave thy soul brave wings ; put not those feathers / Into a bed to sleep out all ill weathers. Herbert. God gives all things to industry. Pr. God gives birds their food, but they must fly for it. Diet. Pr. God gives every bird its nest, but does not 40 throw it into the nest. /. G. Holland. God gives his angels charge of those who sleep, But He Himself watches with those who wake. Harriet E. H. King. God gives sleep to the bad, in order that the good may be undisturbed. Saudi. God gives strength to bear a great deal, if we only strive ourselves to endure. Hans Andersen. God gives the will ; necessity gives the law. Dan. Pr. God gives us love. Something to love / He 45 lends us ; but when love is grown / To ripe- ness, that on which it throve Falls off, and love is left alone. Tenm son. God giveth speech to all, song to the few. Dr. Walter Sm tk. God grant you fortune, my son, for knowledge avails you little. Sp. Pr. God hands gifts to some, whispers them to others. W.R.Alger. God hangs the greatest weights on the smallest wires. Bacon. God has been pleased to prescribe limits to His 50 own power, and to work out His ends within these limits. Paley. God has commanded time to console the un- happy. Joubert. God has connected the labour which is essential to the bodily sustenance with the pleasures which are healthiest for the heart ; and while He made the ground stubborn, He made its herbage fragrant and its blossoms fair. R u skin. God has delegated Himself to a million deputies. Emerson. God has given a prophet to every people in its own tongue. A rab Pr. GOD HAS r 126 i GOD IS God has given nuts to some who have no teeth. Port. Fr. God has given us wit and flavour, and bright- ness and laughter, and perfumes to enliven the days of man's pilgrimage, and to charm his pained steps over the burning marl. Sydney Smith. God has His little children out at nurse in many a home. Dr. Walter Smith. God has lent us the earth for our life ; it is a great entail. Ruskin. 5 God has made man to take pleasure in the use of his eyes, wits, and body ; and the foolish creature is continually trying to live with- out looking at anything, without thinking about anything, and without doing anything. Ruskin. God has made sunny spots in the heart : why should we exclude the light from them ? Halliburton. God has not said all that thou hast said. Gael. Pr. God has sunk souls in dust, that by that means they may burst their way through errors to truth, through faults to virtue, and through sufferings to bliss. Engcl. God hath anointed thee to free the oppressed and crush the oppressor. Bryant. 10 God hath given to man a short time here upon earth, and yet upon this short time eternity depends. Jeremy Taylor. God hath given you one face, and you make yourselves another : you jig, you amble, and you lisp, and you nickname God's creatures, and make your wantonness your ignorance. Ham., iii. i. God hath many sharp-cutting instruments and rough files for the polishing of His jewels. Leighton. God hath yoked to Guilt her pale tormentor, Misery. Bryant. God help the children of dependence ! Burns. 15 God help the poor, for the rich can help them- selves. Sc. Pr. God help the rich folk, for the poor can beg. Se. Pr. God help the sheep when the wolf is judge. Dan. Pr. God help the teacher, if a man of sensibility and genius, when a booby father presents him with his booby son, and insists on light- ing up the rays of science in a fellow's head whose skull is impervious and inaccessible by any other way than a positive fracture with a cudgel. Burns. God helps the strongest. Cer. and Put. Pr. 20 God helps those who help themselves. Pr. God Himself cannot do without wise men. Luther. God Himself cannot procure good for the wicked. Welsh I'riaa. God is able to do more than man can under- stand. Thomas .) Kempis. God is a circle whose centre is everywhere, and its circumference nowhere. .S7. Augus- tine. 25 God is a creditor who has no bad debts. Ger. J'r. God is a good worker, but He loves to be helped. Basque Pr. God is alpha and omega in the great world ; endeavour to make Him so in the little world. Quartes. God is always ready to strengthen those who strive lawfully. Thomas a Kempis. God is a shower to the heart burnt up with grief, a sun to the face deluged with tears. Joseph Rou.x. God is a sure paymaster. He may not pay 30 at the end of every week or month or year, but He pays in the end. Anne of Austria. God is a tabula rasa, on which nothing more stands written than what thou thyself hast inscribed thereon. Luther. God is at once the great original I and Thou. Jean Paul. God is better served in resisting a temptation to evil than in many formal prayers. W. Penn, God is goodness itself, and whatsoever is good is of Him. Sir P. Sidney. God is glorified, not by our groans, but by our 35 thanksgivings ; and all good thought and good action claim a natural alliance with good cheer. WiUmott. God is great, and we know Him not ; neither can the number of His years be searched out. Bible. God is great in what is the greatest and the smallest. Herder. God is greater than man. Bible. God is His own interpreter. Cowper. God is in heaven, and thou upon earth ; there- 40 fore let thy words be few. Bible. God is in the generation of the righteous. Bible. God is in the word "ought," and therefore it outweighs all but God. Joseph God is kind to fou (drunk) folk and bairns. Sc. Pr. God is light. St. John. God is love. St. John. 45 God is more delighted in adverbs than in nouns, i.e., not in what is done so much as how- it is done. Heb. Pr. God is, nay, alone is ; for with like emphasis we cannot say that anything else is. Car- iyle. God is not a man, that He should lie : neither the son of man, that he should repent : hath He said it, and shall He not do it ? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good ? Bible. God is not found by the tests that detect you an acid or a salt. Dr. Walter Smith. God is not so poor in felicities or so niggard in 50 His bounty that He has not wherewithal to furnish forth two worlds. //'. R '. Greg. God is not to be known by marring His fair works and blotting out the evidence of His influences upon His creatures ; not amidst the hurry of crowds and the crash of innova- tion, but in solitary places, and out of the glowing intelligences which He gave to men of old. Ruthin. God is on the side of virtue ; for whoever dreads punishment suffers it, and whoever deserves it dreads it. I God is patient, because eternal, St. Augustine. God is spirit. Jesus. GOD IS t 127 ] GOD WHEN God made all the creatures, and gave them our love and our fear, / To give sign we and they are His children, one family here. Browning. God is the great composer ; men are only the performers. Those grand pieces which are played on earth were composed in heaven. Balzac. God is the light which, never seen itself, makes all things visible, and clothes itself in colours. Thine eye feels not its ray, but thine heart feels its warmth. Jean Paul. God is the number, the weight, and the mea- sure which makes the world harmonious and eternal. Kenan. 5 God is the perfect poet, / Who in His person acts His own creations. Brorvning. God is the reason of those who have no reason. Kenan. God is where He was. Pr. God is with every great reform that is neces- sary, and it prospers. Goethe. God keep me from my friends ; from my enemies I will keep myself. It. Pr. 10 God knows I'm no the thing I should be, / Nor am I ev'n the thing I could be ; / But twenty times I rather would be / An atheist clean, / Than under Gospel colours hid be, / Just fcr a screen. Burns. God Konge er bedre end gammel Lov — A good king is better than an old law. Dan. Pr. God loveth a cheerful giver. St. Paul. God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man. Mer. o/Ven., i. 2. God made man to go by motives, and he will not go without them, any more than a boat without steam or a balloon without gas. Ward Beecker. 15 God made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions. Bible. God made me one man ; love makes me no more / Till labour come, and make my weak- ness score. Herbert. God made the country ; man made the town. Cowper. God made the flowers to beautify / The earth and cheer man's careful mood ; / And he is happiest who hath power / To gather wis- dom from a flower, / And wake his heart in every hour / To pleasant gratitude. // 'ords- •morth. God made us, and we admire ourselves. Sp. Pr. 20 God manifests Himself to men in all wise, good, humble, generous, great, and magnani- mous souls. Laziater. God may consent, but only for a time. Emer- son. God moves in a mysterious way / His wonders to perform ; / He plants His footsteps in the sea, / And rides upon the storm. Cowper. God must needs laugh outright, could such a thing be, to see His wondrous manikins here below. Hugo von Trimberg, quoted by Carlyle. God narrows Himself to come near man, and man narrows himself to come near God. Ed. 25 God never forsakes His own. Pr. God never imposes a duty without giving the time to do it. Ruskin. God never made His work for man to mend. Dry den. God never meant that man should scale the heavens / By strides of human wisdom . . . He commands us in His Word / To seek Him rather where His mercy shines. Cowpei . God never pardons ; the laws of the universe are irrevocable. God always pardons ; sense of condemnation is but another word for penitence, and penitence is already new life. Will. Sun til. God never sends mouths but He sends meat, 30 Dan. Pr. God never shuts one door but He opens another. Irish Pr. God offers to every man his choice between truth and repose. Emerson. God often visits us, but most of the time we are not at home. Joseph Koi/.r. God only opened His hand to give flight to a thought that He had held imprisoned from eternity. /. G. Holland. God pardons like a mother, who kisses the 35 offence into everlasting forgetfulness. Ward Beecker. God permits, but not for ever. Pr. God said, Let there be light ; and there was light. Bible. God save the fools, and don't let them run out ; for, without them, wise men couldn't get a living. A mer. Pr. God save the mark. 1 Hen. II'., i. 3. God send us some siller, for they're little 40 thought o' that want it. Sc. Pr. God send you mair sense and me mair siller. Sc. Pr. God sendeth and giveth both mouth and the meat. 'I'usser. God sends meat and the devil sends cooks. It. Pr. God sends nothing but what can be borne. It. Pr. God should be the object of all our desires, 45 the end of all our actions, the principle of all our affections, and the governing power of our whole souls. Massillon. God, sir, he gart kings ken that there was a lith in their neck. Boswelfs father of Crom- well. God stays long, but strikes at last. Pr. God taketh an account of all things. Koran. God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. Sterne. God the first garden made, and the first city 50 Cain. Cowley. God, through the voice of Nature, calls the mass of men to be happy ; He calls a few among them to the grander task of being severely but serenely sad. II'. K. Greg. God trusts every one with the care of his own soul. Sc. Pr. God will accept your first attempt, not as a perfect work, but as a beginning. II aid Beecker. God will not make Himself manifest to cowards. J: me > son. I God will punish him who sees and him who is 55 seen. Eastern saying. God, when He makes the prophet, does not I unmake the man. Locke. GOD WORKS t 123 ] GOOD God works in moments. Fr. Pr. God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers, and clouds and stars. Luther. God's commandments are the iron door into Himself. To keep them is to have it opened, and His great heart of love revealed. S. W. Duffield. God's creature is one. He makes man, not men. His true creature is unitary and infinite, revealing himself indeed in every finite form, but compromised by none. Henry James. 5 God's free mercy streameth / Over all the world, / And His banner gleameth, / Every- where unfurled. How. God's goodness is the measure of His provi- dence. More. God's help is nearer than the door. Irish Pr. God's in His heaven : / All's right with the world ! Browning: God's justice, tardy though it prove per- chance, / Rests never on the track till it reach / Delinquency. Browning. 10 God's men are better than the devil's men, and they ought to act as though they thought they were. Ward Beecher. God's mill grinds slow but sure. George Herbert. God's mills grind slow, but they grind woe. Eastern saying. God's providence is on the side of clear heads. Ward Beecher. God's sovereignty is not in His right hand or His intellect, but His love. Ward Beecher. 15 Gods water over Gods akker laten loopen — Let God's waters run over God's fields. Dut. Pr. God's way of making worlds is to make them make themselves. Prof. Drummond. Godfrey sent the thief that stole the cash away, And punished him that put it in his way. Pope. "Godlike men love lightning;" godless men love it not ; shriek murder when they see it, shutting their eyes, and hastily putting on smoked spectacles. Carlyle. Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. St. Pan!. 20 Godliness with contentment is great gain. St. Paul. Godly souls have often interdicted the gratifi- cations of the flesh in order to help their spirits in the Godward direction. John Pulsford. Godt Haandvaerk har en gylden Grund — A good handicraft rests on a golden foundation. Dan. Pr. Goed verloren, niet verloren : moed verloren, veel verloren ; eer verloren, meer verloren ; ziel verloren, al verloren— Money lost, nothing lost ; courage lost, much lost ; honour lost, more lost ; soul lost, all lost. Dut. Pr. Goethe's devil is a cultivated personage and acquainted with the modern sciences ; sneers at witchcraft and the black art even while employing them, and doubts most things, nay, half disbelieves even his own existence. Carlyle. Going by railroad I do not consider as travel- 25 ling at all; it is merely "being sent" to a place, and very little different from becoming a parcel. Raskin. Going to ruin is silent work. Gael. Pr. Gold and diamonds are not riches. Ruskin. Gold beheert de wereld — Gold rules the world Dut. Pr. Gold does not satisfy love ; it must be paid in its own coin. Mine. Deluzy. Gold, father of flatterers, of pain and care 30 begot, / A fear it is to have thee, and a pain to have thee not. Palladas. Gold glitters most when virtue shines no more. Young. Gold has wings which carry everywhere ex- cept to heaven. R us. Pr. Gold is a wonderful clearer of the understand- ing ; it dissipates every doubt and scruple in an instant, accommodates itself to the meanest capacities, silences the loud and clamorous, and brings over the most ob- stinate and inflexible. Addison. Gold is Cassar's treasure, man is God's ; thy gold hath Caesar's image, and thou hast God's. Quarles. Gold is the fool's curtain, which hides all his 35 defects from the world. Feltham. Gold is the sovereign of all sovereigns. Pr. Gold is tried in the fire, friendship in need. Dan. Pr. Gold liegt tief im Berge, aber Koth am Wege — Gold lies deep in the mountain, but dirt on the highway. Ger. Pr. Gold, like the sun, which melts wax and hardens clay, expands great souls and con- tracts bad hearts. Rivarol. Gold that is put to use more gold begets. 40 Sh. Gold thou may'st safely touch ; but if it stick Unto thy hands, it woundeth to the quick. Herbert. Gold, worse poison to men's souls, , Doing more murder in this loathsome world, ' Than these poor compounds that thou may'st not sell. Sh. Gold's worth is gold. //. Pr. Golden chains are heavy, and love is best ! Dr. Walter Smith. Golden lads and girls all must, / As chimney- 45 sweepers, come to dust. Cytni., iv, 2. Gone for ever is virtue, once so prevalent in the state, when men deem a mischievous citizen worse than its bitterest enemy, and punish him with severer penalties. Cie. Gone is gone ; no Jew will lend upon it. Ger. Pr. Good actions done in secret are the most worthy of honour. Pascal. Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others. .V. Smiles. Good advice can be given, a good name cannot 50 be given. Turk. Pr. Good advice /Is beyond all price. Pr. Good advice may be communicated, but not good manners. 'Park. Pr. Good ale needs no wisp (of hay for advertise- ment), .v. /v. Good and bad men are less so than they seem. C oleridge. GOOD AND t 120 ] GOOD-NATURE Good and evil are names that signify our appetites and aversions. Hobbes. Good and evil will grow up in this world to- gether ; and they who complain in peace of the insolence of the populace must re- member that their insolence in peace is bravery in war. Johnson. Good and quickly seldom meet. Pr. Good as is discourse, silence is better, and shames it. Emerson. 5 Good bees never turn drones. Pr. Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen, the more select the more enjoyable. A. B. Alcott. Good bread needs baking. Pr. in Goethe. Good-breeding carries along with it a dignity that is respected by the most petulant. Chesterfield. Good-breeding differs, if at all, from high- breeding, only as it gracefully remembers the rights of others, rather than gracefully insists on its own. Carlyle. 10 Good-breeding is benevolence in trifles, or the preference of others to ourselves in the little daily occurrences of life. Chatham. Good-breeding is surface Christianity. Holmes. Good-breeding is the result of much good sense, some good nature, and a little self- denial for the sake of others. Chesterfield. Good-breeding shows itself most where to an ordinary eye it appears least. Addison. Good-bye, proud world ! I'm going home ; Thou art not my friend, and I'm not thine. Emerson. 15 Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue. Izaak Walton. Good company upon the road is the shortest cut. Pr. Good counsel is no better than bad counsel, if it is not taken in time. Dan. Pr. Good counsel rejected returns to enrich the giver's bosom. Goldsmith. Good counsels observed are chains to grace. Fuller. 20 Good counsel tendered to fools rather provokes than satisfies them. A draught of milk to serpents only increases their venom. Hiio- padesa. Good counsel without good fortune is a wind- mill without wind. Ger. Pr. Good counsellors lack no clients. Mcas. for Meas., i. 2. Good courage breaks ill-luck. Pr. Good deeds in this life are coals raked up in embers to make a fire next day. Sir T. Overbury. 25 Good discourse sinks differences and seeks agreements. A. B. Aleolt. Good digestion wait on appetite, / And health on both. Macb., iii. 4. Good example always brings forth good fruits. S. Smiles. Good example is half a sermon. Ger. Pr. Good fortune is the offspring of our endeavours, although there be nothing sweeter than ease. Hitopadesa. 30 Good gear goes in sma' book (bulk). Sc. Pr. Good-humour and generosity carry the day with the popular heart all the world over. Alex. Smith. Good-humour may be said to be one of the very best articles of dress one can wear in society. Thackeray. Good hunters track closely. Dut. Pr. Good husbandry is good divinity. Pr. Good is a good doctor, but Bad is sometimes 35 better. Emerson. Good is best when soonest wrought, / Linger- ing labours come to nought. Southwell. Good is good, but better carrieth it. Pr. Good is never a something into which a man can be borne, but always a something born of the man, which he himself carries, and which does not carry him. Ed. Good is not got without grief. Gael. Pr. Good is the delay that makes sure. Port. 40 Pr. Good judges are as rare as good authors. .Si*. Evremond. Good laws often proceed from bad manners. Pr. Good leading makes good following. Dut. Pr. Good luck comes by cuffing. Pr. Good luck is the willing handmaid of upright, 45 energetic character, and conscientious ob- servance of duty. Lowell. Good luck lies in odd numbers. Merry Wives, v. 1. Good management is better than a good in- come. Port. Pr. Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices. Emerson. Good manners are part of good morals. Whately. Good manners give integrity a bleeze, / When 50 native virtues join the arts to please. Allan Ramsay. Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. Who- ever makes the fewest persons uneasy is the best bred in the company. Swift. Good maxims are the germs of all excellence. Joubert. Good men are the stars, the planets of the ages wherein they live, and illustrate the times. Ben Jonson. Good mind, good find. Pr. Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, / 55 Is the immediate jewel of their souls ; / Who steals my purse, steals trash ; 'tis something, nothing ; / 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands ; ' But he that filches from me my good name, / Robs me of that which not enriches him, / And makes me poor in- deed. Othello, iii. 2. Good-nature and good sense are usually com- panions. Pope. Good-nature and good sense must ever join ; / To err is human, to forgive divine. Pope. Good-nature is more agreeable in conversa- tion than wit, and gives a certain air to the countenance which is more aimiable than beauty. Addison. Good-nature is stronger than tomahawks. Emerson. Good-nature is the beauty of the mind, and, GO like personal beauty, wins almost without anything else. Hanway. I GOOD-NATURE I 138 ] GOTT Good-nature is the very air of a good mind, i the sign of a large and generous soul, and the peculiar soil in which virtue nourishes. Goodman. Good-night, good-night ; parting is such sweet sorrow / That I will say good-night till it be to-morrow. Rom. and Jul., ii. -z. Good pastures make fat sheep. As You Like It, iii. 2. Good people live far apart. Ger. Pr. 5 Good poetry is always personification, and heightens every species of force by giving it a human volition. Emerson. Good poets are the inspired interpreters of the gods. Plato. Good qualities are the substantial riches of the mind, but it is good-breeding that sets them off to advantage. Locke. Good reasons must of force give place to better. Jul. Ca-s., iv. 3. Good right needs good help. Dut. Pr. 10 Good-sense and good-nature are never separ- ated, though the ignorant world has thought otherwise. Dryden. Good-sense, which only is the gift of Heaven, / And though no science, fairly worth the seven. Pope. Good shepherd, tell this youth what 'tis to love. ... It is to be all made of sighs and tears. ... It is to be all made of faith and service. . . . It is to be all made of fantasy, / All made of passion, and all made of wishes ; / All adoration, duty, and observance ; / All humbleness, all patience, and impatience ; / All purity, all trial, all observance. As You Like It, v. 2. Good sword has often been in poor scabbard. Gael. Pr. Good take heed / Doth surely speed. Pr. 15 Good taste cannot supply the place of genius in literature, for the best proof of taste, when there is no genius, would be not to write at all. Mine, de Stall. Good taste comes more from the judgment than from the mind. La Roche. Good taste is the flower of good sense. A. Poincelot. Good taste is the modesty of the mind ; that is why it cannot be either imitated or ac- quired. Mine. Girardin. Good the more / Communicated more abundant grows. Milton. 20 Good things take time. Dut. Pr. Good thoughts are no better than good dreams unless they be executed. Emerson. Good to begin well, but better to end well. Pr. Good to the heels the well-worn slipper feels / When the tired player shuffles off the buskin ; / A page of Hood may do a fellow good / After a scolding from Carlyle or Ruskin. Lowell. Good unexpected, evil unforeseen, / Appear by turns, as fortune shifts the scene ; / Some rais'd aloft, come tumbling down amain / And fall so hard, they bound and rise again. Lord Lansdo\v)u . 25 Good ware makes a quick market. Pr. Good-will is everything in morals, but nothing in art ; in art, capability alone is anything. Schopenhauer. Good-will, like a good name, is got by many actions and lost by one. Jeffrey. Good wine is a good familiar creature, if it be well used. Othello, ii. 3. Good wine is its own recommendation. Dut. Pr. Good wine needs no brandy. Ainer. Pr. 30 Good wine needs no bush, i.e., advertisement. Pr. Good women grudge each other nothing, save only clothes, husbands, and flax. Jean Pauls Good words and no deeds. Pr. Good words cool more than cold water. Pr. Good words cost nothing and are worth much. 35 Pr. Good words do more than hard speeches ; as the sunbeams, without any noise, will make the traveller cast off his cloak, which all the blustering winds could not do, but only make him bind it closer to him. Leigh/on. Good works will never save you, but you will never be saved without them. Pr. Good writing and brilliant discourse are per- petual allegories. Emerson. Goodman Fact is allowed by everybody to be a plain-spoken person, and a man of very few words ; tropes and figures are his aver- sion. Addison. Goodness and being in the gods are one ; , He 40 who imputes ill to them makes them none. Euripides. Goodness consists not in the outward things we do, but in the inward thing we are. Ghapin. Goodness is beauty in its best estate. Mar- loivt. Goodness is everywhere, and is everywhere to be found, if we will only look for it. P. Desjardins. Gorgons, and hydras, and chimaeras dire. Milton. Gossiping and lying go hand in hand. Pr. 45 Gossip is a sort of smoke that comes from the dirty tobacco-pipes of those who diffuse it , it proves nothing but the bad taste of the smoker. George Eliot. Gott hilft nur dann, wenn Menschen nicht mehr helfen- God comes to our help only when there is no more help for us in man. Schiller. Gott ist ein unaussprechlicher Seufzer, in Grunde der Seele gelegen— Cod is an unutter- able sigh planted in the depth of the soul. Jean Paul. Gott ist eine leere Tafel, auf der / Nichts weiter steht, als was du selbst / Darauf geschrieben — God is a blank tablet on which nothing further is inscribed than what thou hast thyself written thereupon. Luther. Gott ist machiger und weiser als wir ; darum 50 macht er mit tins nach seinem Gefallen — God is mightier and wisur than we ; therefore he does with us according to bis good pleasure. Goethe. Gott ist iiberall, ausser wo er seinem Statt- halter hat— God is everywhere except where his vicar is. Ger. Pr. Gottlob ! wir haben das Original — God be praised, we have still the original. Lessiue;. Gott macht gesund, und der Doktor kriegt das Geld — God tutu us, and the doctor gels the fee. Ger. Pr. GOTT t 131 ] GRAM Gott mit uns — God with us. Ger. Gott miisst ihr im Herzen suchen und finden - Ve must seek and find God in the heart. Jean Paul. Gott schuf ja aus Erden den Ritter und Knecht. / Ein hoher Sinn adelt auch niedres Geschlecht — God created out of the clay the knight and his squire. A higher sense ennobles even a humble race. Burger. Gott-trunkener Mensch — A god-intoxicated man. Xovalis, of Spinoza. 5 Gott verlasst den Mutigen nimmer — God never forsakes the stout of heart. Kerner. Gottern kann man nicht vergelten ; / Schon ist's, ihnen gleich zu sein — We cannot recom- pense the gods ; beautiful it is to be like them. Schiller. Gottes Freund, der Pfaffen Feind — God's friend, priest's foe. Ger. Pr. Gottes ist der Orient, ' Gottes ist der Occi- dent, I Nord- und Sudliches Gelande Ruht im Friede seiner Hande — God's is the east, God's is the west ; north region and south rests in the peace of his hands. Goetlie. Gottes Mtihle geht langsam, aber sie mahlt fein — God's mill goes slow, but it grinds fine. Ger. Pr. 10 Gottliche Apathie und thierische Indifferenz werden nur zu oft verwechselt — Divine in- difference and brutish indifference are too often confounded. Feitchtersleben. Goutte a goutte — Drop by drop. Fr. Govern the lips as they were palace-doors, the king; within ; ' Tranquil and fair and courteous be all words which from that pre- sence win. Sir Edwin A mold. Government and co-operation are in all thing's the laws of life ; anarchy and competition, the laws of death. Ruskin. Government arrogates to itself that it alone forms men. . . . Everybody knows that Government never beg"an anything:. It is the whole world that thinks and governs. Wendell Phillips. 15 Government began in tyranny and force, in the feudalism of the soldier and the bigotry of the priest : and the ideas of justice and humanity have been fighting their way like a thunderstorm against the organised selfish- ness of human nature. Wendell Phillips. Government has been a fossil ; it should be a plant. Emerson. Government is a contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants. Burke. Government is a necessary evil, like other go- carts and crutches. Our need of it shows exactly how far we are still children. All governing over- much kills the self-help and energy of the governed. // 'endell Phillips. Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees : and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people. H. Clay. 20 Government is the greatest combination of forces known to human society. It can command more men and raise more money than any and all other agencies combined. D. D. Field. Government must always be a step ahead of the popular movement {Be-wegung). Count Arnim. Government of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Abraham Lincoln. Government of the will is better than increase of knowledge. Pr. Government should direct poor men what to do. Emerson. Governments exist only for the good of the 25 people. Macaulay. Governments exist to protect the rights of minorities. Wendell Phillips. Governments have their origin in the moral identity of men. Emerson. Gowd (gold) gets in at ilka (every) gate except heaven. S-c. Pr. Gowd is gude only in the hand o' virtue. Sc. Pr. Goza tu de tu poco, mientras busca mas el 30 loco— Enjoy your little while the fool is in search of more. Sp. Pr. Grace abused brings forth the foulest deeds, /' As richest soil the most luxuriant weeds, Cowper. Grace has been defined the outward expres- sion of the inward harmony of the soul. Hazlitt. Grace in women has more effect than beauty. Hazlitt. Grace is a light superior to Nature, which should direct and preside over it. Thomas a Kempis. Grace is a plant, where'er it grows ' Of pure 35 and heavenly root ; I But fairest in the youngest shows, / And yields the sweetest fruit. Confer. Grace is in garments, in movements, and man- ners ; beauty in the nude and in forms. Joubert. Grace is more beautiful than beauty. Emer- son. Grace is the beauty of form under the influ- ence of freedom. Schiller. Grace is the proper relation of the acting person to the action. Winckelmann. Grace is to the body what good sense is to the 40 mind. La Roche. Grace pays its respects to true intrinsic worth, not to the mere signs and trappings of it, which often only show where it ought to be, not where it really is. Thomas a Kempis. Grace was in all her steps, heav'n in her eye, / In every gesture dignity and love. Milton. Gracefulness cannot subsist without ease. Rousseau. Gradatim — Step by step ; by degrees. Gradu diverso, via una — By different steps but 45 the same way. Gradus ad Parnassum — A help to the composi- tion of classic poetry. Grascia capta ferum victorem cepit. et artes / Intulit agresti Latic — Greece, conquered her- self, in turn conquered her uncivilised conqueror, and imported her arts into rusticated Latium. Hor. Gram, loquitur ; Dia. vera docet : Rhe. verba colorat ; Mu. canit ; Ar. numerat : Geo. pon- derat ; As. docet astra — Grammar speaks ; dialectics teaches us truth ; rhetoric gives colour- ing to our speech ; music sings ; arithmetic reckons : geometry measures ; astronomy teache» us the stars. GRAMMAR [ 132 1 GRAVITY Grammar knows how to lord it over kings, and with high hand make them obey. Moliere. Grammaticus Rhetor Geometres Pictor Alip- tes / Augur Schoenobates Medicus Magus— omnia novit — Grammarian, rhetorician, geome- trician, painter, anointer, augur, tight-rope dancer, physician, magician — he knows every- thing. Juv. Grain of glory mixt with humbleness / Cures both a fever and lethargicness. Herbert. Grand besoin a de fol qui de soi-meme le fait— He has great need of a fool who makes himself one. Fr. Pr. 5 Grand bien ne vient pas en peu d'heures — Great wealth is not gotten in a few hours. Fr. Grande parure — Full dress. Fr. Grandescunt aucta labore — They grow with in- crease of toil. M. Grandeur and beauty are so very opposite, that you often diminish the one as you in- crease the other. Shenstone. Grandeur has a heavy tax to pay. Alex. Smith. 10 Grand parleur, grand menteur — Great talker, great liar. Fr. Pr. Grand venteur, petit faiseur — Great boaster, little doer. Fr. Pr. Grant but memory to us, and we can lose nothing by death. U'hittier. Granted the ship comes into harbour with shrouds and tadkle damaged ; the pilot is blameworthy ; he has not been all-wise and all-powerful ; but to know how blameworthy, tell us first whether his voyage has been round the globe or only to Ramsgate and the Isle of Dogs. Carlyle. Gran victoria es la que sin sangre se alcanza — Great is the victory that is gained without blood- shed. Sj>. Pr. 15 Grasp all, lose all. Pr. Grass grows not on the highway. Pr. Grata naturam vincit — Grace overcomes Nature. Grata superveniet quae non sperabitur hora— The hour of happiness will come the more wel- come when it is not expected. Hor. Gratias expectativas — Expected benefits. 20 Gratia gratiam parit — Kindness produces kind- ness. Pr. Gratia, Musa, tibi. Nam fcu solatia prasbes ; / Tu curae requies, tu medicina mail — Thanks to thee, my Muse. For thou dost afford me com- fort ; thou art a rest from my cares, a cure for my woes. Ovid. Gratia placendi— The satisfaction of pleasing. Gratia pro rebus merito debetur inemtis — Thanks are justly due for things we have not to pay for. Ovid. Gratior et pulchro veniens in corpore virtus — Even virtue appears more lovely when enshrined in a beautiful form. / irg. 25 Gratis— For nothing. Gratis anhelans, multa agendo nihil agens— Out of breath for nothing, making much ado about nothing. Pha-d. Gratis asseritur — It is asserted but not proved. Gratitude is a duty which ought to be paid, but which none have a right to expect. Rousseau. Gratitude is a keen sense of favours to come. Talleyrand. 30 Gratitude is a species of justice. Johnson, Gratitude is memory of the heart. (?) Gratitude is never conferred but where there have been previous endeavours to excite it ; we consider it as a debt, and our spirits wear a load till we have discharged the obligation. Goldsmith. Gratitude is one of the rarest of virtues. Theodore Parker. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul ; and the heart of man knoweth none more fragrant. H. Ballon. Gratitude is the least of virtues, ingratitude 3 the worst of vices. Pr. Gratitude is with most people only a strong desire for greater benefits to come. La Roche. Gratitude once refused can never after be recovered. Goldsmith. Gratitude which consists in good wishes may be said to be dead, as faith without good works is dead. Cervantes. Gratis dictum — Said to no purpose ; irrelevant to the question at issue. Gratum hominem semper beneficium delectat ; 41 ingratum semel — A kindness is always delight- ful to a grateful man ; to an ungrateful, only at the time of its receipt. Sen. Grau' Haare sind Kirchhofsblumen — Gray hairs are churchyard flowers. Ger. Pr. Grau, teurer Freund, ist alle Theorie. / Und griin des Lebens goldner Baum— Gray, dear friend, is all theory, and green life's golden tree. Goethe. Grave nihil est homini quod fert necessitas — No burden is really heavy to a man which neces- sity lays on him. Grave paupertas malum est, et intolerable, quae magnum domat populum — The poverty which oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil. Grave pondus ilium magna nobilitas premit — 4 His exalted rank weighs heavy on him as a grievous burden. Sen. Grave senectus est hominibus pondus — Old age is a heavy burden to man. Graves, the dashes in the punctuation of our lives. -S\ W. Duffield. Grave virus / Munditiae pepulere — More elegant manners expelled this offensive style. Hor. Graviora quaedam sunt remedia periculis — Some remedies are worse than the disease. Pub. Syr. Gravis ira regum semper— The anger of kings £ is always heavy. Sen. Gravissimum est imperium consuetudinis — The empire of custom is most mighty. Pub. Syr. Gravity is a mysterious carriage of the body, invented to cover the defects of the mind. La Roche. Gravity is a taught trick to gain credit of the world for more sense and knowledge than a man is worth. Sterne, Gravity is only the bark of wisdom, but it preserves it. ( 'on foetus. Gravity is the ballast of the soul, which keeps 5 the mind steady. Fuller-. Gravity is the best cloak for sin in all countries. Fielding. Gravity is the inseparable companion of pride. Goldsmith. GRAVITY- [ 133 1 GREAT MAMMON Gravity is twin brother to stupidity. Bovee. Gravity, with all its pretensions, was no better, but often worse, than what a French wit had long- ago denned it, viz., a mysterious car- riage of the body to cover the defects of the mind. Sterne, Gray hairs seem to my fancy like the light of a soft moon, silvering over the evening of life. Jean Paul. Gray is all theory, and green the while is the golden tree of fife. Goethe. 5 Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing. . . . His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff : you will seek all day ere you find them ; and when you have them, they are not worth the search. Mer. of 1 en., i. i. Great actions crown themselves with lasting bays ; Who well deserves needs not another's praise. Heath. Great acts grow out of great occasions, and great occasions spring from great principles, working changes in society and tearing it up by the roots. Hazlitt. Great ambition is the passion of a great char- acter. He who is endowed with it may per- form very good or very bad actions ; all de- pends upon the principles which direct him. Napoleon. Great art dwells in all that is beautiful ; but false art omits or changes all that is ugly. Great art accepts Nature as she is, but directs the eyes and thoughts to what is most perfect in her ; false art saves itself the trouble of direction by removing or alter- ing whatever is objectionable. Raskin. 10 Great attention to what is said and sweetness of speech, a great degree of kindness and the appearance of awe, are always tokens of a man's attachment. H ihpadesa. Great barkers are nae biters. Sc, Pr. Great boast, small roast. Pr. Great books are written for Christianity much oftener than great deeds are done for it. H. Mann. Great causes are never tried on their merits ; but the cause is reduced to particulars to suit the size of the partisans, and the con- tention is ever hottest on minor matters. Emerson. 15 Great countries are those that produce great men. Disraeli. Great cowardice is hidden by a bluster of daring. Lucan. Great cry but little wool, as the devil said when he shear'd his hogs. Pr. Great deeds cannot die ; / They with the sun and moon renew their light, For ever bless- ing those that look on them. Tennyson. Great deeds immortal are — they cannot die, / Unscathed by envious blight or withering' frost, / They live, and bud, and bloom ; and men partake / Still of their freshness, and are strong thereby. Aytoun. 20 Great dejection often follows great enthusiasm. Joseph Roux. Great edifices, like great mountains, are the work of ages. / 'ictor Hugo. Great endowments often announce themselves in youth in the form of singularity and awk- wardness. Goethe. Great, ever fruitful ; profitable for reproof, for encouragement, for building up in manful purposes and works, are the words of those that in their day were men. Carlyle. Great evils one triumphs over bravely, but the little eat away one's heart. Mrs. Car- lyle. Great fleas have little fleas / Upon their backs 25 | to bite 'em ; And little fleas have lesser fleas, .' And so ad infinitum. Lowell. Great folks have five hundred friends because they have no occasion for them. Goldsmith. | Great fools have great bells. Dut. Pr. Great genial power consists in being alto- gether receptive. Emerson. Great geniuses have always the shortest biographies. Emerson. Great gifts are for great men. Pr. 30 Great God, I had rather be A Pagan suckled in some creed outworn ; So might I, stand- ing on this pleasant lea. Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn. Words- •worth. Great grief makes those sacred upon whom its hand is laid. Joy may elevate, ambition glorify, but sorrow alone can consecrate. H. Greeley. Great griefs medicine the less. Cymbeline, iv. 2. Great haste makes great waste. Ben. Franklin. Great honours are great burdens ; but on 35 whom / They're cast with envy, he doth bear two loads. Ben Jonson. Great joy is only earned by great exertion. Goethe. Great is he who enjoys his earthenware as if it were plate, and not less great the man to whom all his plate is no more than earthen- ware: Sen. Great is not great to the greater. Sir P. Sidney. Great is self-denial ! Life goes all to ravels and tatters where that enters not. Carlyle. Great is song used to great ends. Tennyson. 40 Great is the soul, and plain. It is no flatterer, it is no follower ; it never appeals from itself. Emerson. Great is the strength of an individual soul true to its high trust : mighty is it, even to the redemption of a world. Mrs. Child. Great is truth, and mighty above all things. Apocrypha. Great is wisdom ; infinite is the value of wis- dom. It cannot be exaggerated ; it is the highest achievement of man. Carlyle. Great joy, especially after a sudden change 45 and revolution of circumstances, is apt to be silent, and dwells rather in the heart than on the tongue. Fielding-. Great knowledge, if it be without vanity, is the most severe bridle of the tongue. Jeremy Taylor. Great lies are as great as great truths, and prevail constantly and day after day. Thackeray. Great lords have great hands, but they do not reach to heaven. Dan. Pr. Great Mammon !— greatest god below the sky. Spenser. GREAT MEN [ 134 1 GREAT PROFITS Great men are always of a nature originally melancholy. A rist. Great men are among' the best gifts which God bestows upon a people. G. S. Hillard. Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude. Schopenhauer. Great men are more distinguished by range and extent than by originality. Emerson. 5 Great men are never sufficiently known but in struggles. Burke. Great men are not always wise. Bible. Great men are rarely isolated mountain- peaks ; they are the summits of ranges. T. IV. Higginson. Great men are sincere. Emerson. Great men are the fire-pillars in this dark pilgrimage of mankind ; they stand as heavenly signs, ever-living witnesses of what has been, prophetic tokens of what may still be, the revealed, embodied possi- bilities of human nature. Cariyle. 10 Great Men are the inspired (speaking and acting) Texts of that Divine Book of Revela- tions, whereof a Chapter is completed from epoch to epoch, and by some named History. Cariyle. Great men are the modellers, patterns, and in a wide sense creators, of whatsoever the general mass of men contrived to do and attain. Cariyle. Great men are the true men, the men in whom Nature has succeeded. Aiuiel. Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world. Emerson. Great men do not content us. It is their soli- tude, not their force, that makes them con- spicuous. Emerson. 15 Great men do not play stage tricks with the doctrines of life and death ; only little men do that. Ruskin. Great men essay enterprises because they think them great, and fools because they think them easy. Vauvenargues. Great men get more by obliging inferiors than by disdaining them. South. Great men, great nations have ever been per- ceivers of the terror of life, and have manned themselves to face it. Emerson. Great men have their parasites. Sydney Smith. 20 Great men lose somewhat of their greatness by being near us ; ordinary men gain much. Landor. Great men may jest with saints ; 'tis wit in them, / But in the less, foul profanation. Mens, for Mem., ii. 2. Great men need to be lifted upon the shoulders of the whole world, in order to conceive their great ideas or perform their great deeds ; that is, there must be an atmosphere of greatness round about them. A hero cannot be a hero unless in a heroic world, H.i-.ftiiorne. Great men not only know their business, but they usually know that they know it, and are not only right in their main opinions, but they usually know that they are right in them. Ruskin. Great men oft die by vile Bezonians. a Hen. VI. , iv. i. 25 Great men often rejoice at crosses of fortune, just as brave soldiers do at wars. Sen. Great men or men of great gifts you will easily find, but symmetrical men never. Emerson. Great men, said Themistocles, are like the oaks, under the branches of which men are happy in finding a refuge in the time of storm and rain ; but when they have to pass a sunny day under them, they take pleasure in cutting the bark and breaking the branches. Goethe. Great men should drink with harness on their throats. Tim. of Athens, i. 2. Great men should think of opportunity, and not of time. Time is the excuse of feeble and puzzled spirits. Disraeli. Great men stand like solitary towers in the 3( city of God, and secret passages running deep beneath external Nature give their thoughts intercourse with higher intelli- gences, which strengthens and consoles them, and of which the labourers on the sur- face do not even dream. Longfellow. Great men, though far above us, are felt to be our brothers ; and their elevation shows us what vast possibilities are wrapped up in our common humanity. They beckon us up the gleaming heights to whose summits they have climbed. Their deeds are the woof of this world's history. Moses Han>ey. Great men too often have greater faults than little men can find room for. Landor. Great men will always pay deference to greater. Landor. Great minds erect their never-failing trophies on the firm base of mercy. lUassinger. Great minds had rather deserve contempor- 3 aneous applause without obtaining it, than obtain without deserving it. Cotton. Great minds, like Heaven, are pleased in doing good, / Though the ungrateful sub- jects of their favours , Are barren in return. Great minds seek to labour for eternity. All other men are captivated by immediate ad- vantages ; great minds are excited by the prospect of distant good. Schiller. Great names stand not alone for great deeds ; they stand also for great virtues, and, doing them worship, we elevate ourselves. //. Giles. Great part of human suffering has its root in the nature of man, and not in that of his institutions. Lowell. Great passions are incurable diseases; the 4' very remedies make them worse. Goethe. Great patriots must be men of great excellence ; this alone can secure to them lasting admira- tion. H. Giles. Great people and champions are special gifts of God, whom He gives and preserves ; they do their work and achieve great actions, not with vain imaginations or cold and sleepy cogitations, but by motion of God. Luther. Great pleasures are much less frequent than great pains. Hume. Great poets are no sudden prodigies, but slow results. Lowell. Great poets try to describe what all men see 4 and to express what all men feel ; if they cannot describe it, they let it alone. Ruskin. Great profits, great risks. ( 'Ames* Pn GREAT RESULTS [ 1S5 1 GREATNESS Great results cannot be achieved at once ; and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk, step by step. 6". Smiles. Great revolutions, whatever may be their causes, are not lightly commenced, and are not concluded with precipitation. D/s- raeli. Great souls are always royally submissive, reverent to what is over them ; only small, mean souls are otherwise. Carlyle. Great souls are not cast down by adversity. Pr. 5 Great souls are not those which have less passion and more virtue than common souls, but only those which have greater designs. La Roche. Great souls attract sorrows as mountains do storms. But the thunder-clouds break upon them, and they thus form a shelter for the plains around. Jean Paul. Great souls care only for what is great. A miel. Great souls endure in silence. Schiller. Great souls forgive not injuries till time has put their enemies within their power, that they may show forgiveness is their own. Dryden. 10 Great spirits and great business do keep out this weak passion (love). Bacon. Great talents are rare, and they rarely recog- nise themselves. Goethe. Great talents have some admirers, but few friends. Niebuhr. Great talkers are like leaky pitchers, every- thing runs out of them. Pr, Great talkers are little doers. Pr. 15 Great thieves hang little ones. Ger. Great things are done when men and moun- tains meet ; \ These are not done by jostling in the street. IFm. Blake. Great things through greatest hazards are achiev'd, / And then they shine. Beaumont. Great thoughts and a pure heart are the things we should beg for ourselves from God. Goethe. Great thoughts come from the heart. I'auven- argues. 20 Great thoughts, great feelings come to them, ' Like instincts, unawares. .)/. Milnes. Great thoughts reduced to practice become great acts. Hazlitt. Great towns are but a large sort of prison to the soul, like cages to birds or pounds to beasts. Charron. Great warmth at first is the certain ruin of every great achievement. Doth not water, although ever so cool, moisten the earth ? Hitopadesa. Great warriors, like great earthquakes, are principally remembered for the mischief they nave done. Bavee. 25 Great wealth, great care. Dut. Pr. Great wits are sure to madness near allied, / And thin partitions do their bounds divide. Dryden. Great wits to madness nearly are allied ; / Both serve to make our poverty our pride. Emer- son. Great women belong to history and to self- sacrifice. Leigh Hunt. Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. Johnson. Great writers and orators are commonly econo- 30 mists in the use of words. Whipple. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Jesus. Greater than man, less than woman. Essex, of Queen Elizabeth. Greatest scandal waits on greatest state. Shakespeare. Greatly to find quarrel in a straw, / When honour's at the stake. Hum., iv. 4. Greatness and goodness are not means, but 35 ends. Coleridge. Greatness appeals to the future. Emerson. Greatness, as we daily see it, is unsociable. Landor. Greatness can only be rightly estimated when minuteness is justly reverenced. Greatness is the aggregation of minuteness ; nor can its sublimity be felt truthfully by any mind unaccustomed to the affectionate watching of what is least. Ruskin. Greatness doth not approach him who is for ever looking down. H/topadesa. Greatness envy not ; for thou mak'st thereby / 40 Thyself the worse, and so the distance greater. Herbert. Greatness, in any period and under any cir- cumstances, has always been rare. It is of elemental birth, and is independent alike of its time and its circumstances. // '. Winter. Greatness is a spiritual condition worthy to excite love, interest, and admiration ; and the outward proof of greatness is that we excite love, interest, and admiration. Mat- thew A mold. Greatness is its own torment. Theodore Parker. Greatness is like a laced coat from Monmouth Street, which fortune lends us for a day to wear, to-morrow puts it on another's back. /• i elding. Greatness is not a teachable nor gainable 45 thing, but the expression of the mind of a God-made man : teach, or preach, or labour as you will, everlasting difference is set between one man's capacity and another's ; and this God-given supremacy is the price- less thing, always just as rare in the world at one time as another. . . . And nearly the best thing that men can generally do is to set themselves, not to the attainment, but the discovery of this : learning to know gold, when we see it, from iron-glance, and diamond from flint-sand, being for most of us a more profitable employment than try- ing to make diamonds of our own charcoal, Ruskin. Greatness is nothing unless it be lasting. Napoleon. Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right using of strength. He is greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own. Ward Beecher. Greatness may be present in lives whose range is very small. Phil. Brooks. Greatness of mind is not shown by admitting small things, but by making small things great under its influence. He who can take no interest in what is small will take false interest in what is great. Ruskin. GREATNESS [ 136 ] GROSSER Greatness, once and for ever, has done with opinion. Emerson. Greatness, once fallen out with fortune, / Must fall out with men too ; what the declined is, / He shall as soon read in the eyes of others / As feel in his own fall. Troil. and Cress., iii. 3. Greatness stands upon a precipice ; and if prosperity carry a man never so little be- yond his poise, it overbears and dashes him to pieces. Cotton. Greatness, thou gaudy torment of our souls, / The wise man's fetter and the rage of fools. Otway. 5 Greatness, with private men / Esteem'd a blessing, is to me a curse ; / And we, whom from our high births they conclude / The only free men, are the only slaves : / Happy the golden mean. Jlassmger. Greediness bursts the bag. Pr. Greedy folk hae lang airms. Sc. Pr. Greedy misers rail at sordid misers. Hel- vetians. Greek architecture is the flowering of geo- metry. Emerson. 10 Greek art, and all other art, is fine when it makes a man's face as like a man's face as it can. R uskin. Greif nicht leicht in ein Wespennest, Doch wenn du greifst, so stehe fest — Attack not thoughtlessly a wasp's nest, but if you do, stand fast. M. Claudius. Greife schnell zum Augenblicke, nur die Gegenwart ist dein — Quickly seize the moment : only the present is thine. Korner. Grex totus in agris / Unius scabie cadit — The entire flock in the fields dies of the disease intro- duced by one. Juv. Grex venalium — A venal pack. Sueton. 15 Grey hairs are wisdom— if you hold your tongue ; / Speak- -and they are but hairs, as in the young. Philo. Grief best is pleased with griefs society. Shakespeare. Grief boundeth where it falls, / Not with an empty hollowness, but weight. Rich. II., i. 2. Grief divided is made lighter. Pr. Grief fills the room up of my absent child, / Lies in his bed, walks up and down with me ; / Puts on his pretty look, repeats his words. Remembers me of all his gracious parts, / Stuffs out his vacant garments with his form : Then have I reason to be fond of grief. King Joint, iii. 4. 20 Grief finds some ease by him that like doth bear. Spenser. Grief hallows hearts, even while it ages heads. Bailey. Grief has its time. Johnson, Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can, and common sufferings are far stronger links than common joys. Lamartine. Grief is a species of idleness, and the neces- sity of attention to the present, preserves us from being lacerated and devoured by sorrow for the past. Dr. Johnson. 25 Grief is a stone that bears one down, but two bear it lightly. IV. Hauff. Grief is only the memory of widowed affection. lames Martineau. Grief is proud and makes his owner stout. King John, iii. 1. Grief is so far from retrieving a loss that it makes it greater ; but the way to lessen it is by a comparison with others' losses. IVycherley. Grief is the agony of an instant : the indul- gence of grief the blunder of a life. Dis- raeli. Grief is the culture of the soul ; it is the true 30 fertiliser. Dime, de Girardin. Grief, like a tree, has tears for its fruit. Philemon. Grief makes one hour ten. Rich. II., i. 3. Grief or misfortune seems to be indispensable to the development of intelligence, energy, and virtue. Fearon. Grief sharpens the understanding and streng- thens the soul, whereas joy seldom troubles itself about the former, and makes the latter either effeminate or frivolous. F. Schubert. Grief should be / Like joy, majestic, equable, 36 sedate, Conforming, cleansing, raising, making free. Aubrey de J 'ere {the younger). Grief should be the instructor of the wise ; / Sorrow is knowledge : they who know the most Must mourn the deepest o'er the fatal truth, / The Tree of Knowledge is not that of Life. Byron. Grief still treads upon the heels of Pleasure. Congrevc. Grief, which disposes gentle natures to re- tirement, to inaction, and to meditation, only makes restless spirits more restless. Macaulay. Griefs assured are felt before they come. Drydcn. Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled 40 front. . . . He capers nimbly in a lady's cham- ber, / To the lascivious pleasing of a lute. Rich. III., i. 1. Grind the faces of the poor. Bible. Gross and vulgar minds will always pay a higher respect to wealth than to talent ; for wealth, although it is a far less efficient source of power than talent, happens to be far more intelligible. Colton. Gross Diligenz und klein Conscienz macht reich — Great industry and little conscience make one rich. Ger. Pr. Gross ist, wer Feinde tapfer iiberwand ; / Doch grosser ist, wer sie gewonnen — Great is he who has bravely vanquished his enemies, but greater is he who has gained them. Senme. Gross kann man sich im Gliick. erhaben nur 45 im Ungliick zeigen — One may show himself great in good fortune, but exalted only in bad. Schiller. (?) Gross und leer, wie das Heidelberger Fass- — Big and empty, like the Heidelberg tun, Ger. Pr. Grosse Leidenschaften sind Krankheiten ohne Hoffnung; was sie heilen konnte, macht sie erst recht gefahrlich— Great passions are in- curable diseases ; what might heal them is pre- cisely that which makes them so dangerous. Goethe. Grosse Seelen dulden still — Great souls endure in silence. Schiller. Grosser Herren Leute lassen sich was bediin- ken -Great people's servants think themselves of no small 1 1 msequence, ( ■•■<■. Pr. GRUDGE [ 137 ] HABENT Grudge not another what you canna get your- sel'. Sc. Pr. Grudge not one against another. St. James. Guardalo ben, guardalo tutto / L'uom senza danar quanto e brutto — Watch him well, watch him closely ; the man without money, how worth- less he is ! It. Pr. Guardati da aceto di vin dolce — Beware of the vinegar of sweet wine. //. Pr. Guardati da chi non ha che perdere — Beware of him who has nothing to lose. /.'. Pr. Guardati dalT occasione, e ti guardera / Dio da peccati — Keep yourself from opportunities, and God will keep you from sins. It. Pr. Guards from outward harms are sent ; / Ills from within thy reason must prevent. Dryden. Guard well thy thought ; / Our thoughts are heard in heaven. Young. Gude advice is ne'er out o' season. Sc. Pr. ) Gude bairns are eith to lear, i.e., easy to teach. Sc. Pr. Gude breeding and siller mak' our sons gentle- men. Sc. Pr. Gude claes (clothes) open a' doors. Sc. Pr. Gude folk are scarce, tak' care o' ane. Sc. Pr. Gude foresight furthers the wark. Sc. Pr. 5 Gude wares mak' a quick market. Sc. Pr. Guds Raadkammer har ingen Nogle — To God's council-chamber we have no key. Dan. Pr. Guenille, si Ton veut ; ma guenille m'est chere — Call it a rag, if you please ; my rag is dear to me. Moliere. Guerra al cuchillo — War to the knife. Sp. Guerra cominciata, inferno scatinato — War be- gun, hell let loose. //. Pr. Guerre a mort — War to the death. Fr. Guerre a. outrance — War of extermination ; war to the uttermost. Fr. Guerre aux chateaux, paix aux chaumieres I — War to the castles, peace to the cottages 1 Fr. Guessing is missing (the point). Dut. Pr. Guilt is a spiritual Rubicon. Jane Porter. 5 Guilt is ever at a loss, and confusion waits upon it. Cougreve. Guilt is the source of sorrow ; 'tis the fiend, / Th' avenging fiend that follows us behind / With whips and stings. Rowe. Guilt, though it may attain temporal splen- dour, can never confer real happiness. Scott. Guiltiness will speak, though tongues were out of use. Othello, v. i. Guilty consciences make men cowards. Van- brugh. Gunpowder is the emblem of politic revenge, for it biteth first and barketh afterwards ; the bullet being at the mark before the noise is heard, so that it maketh a noise not by way of warning, but of triumph. Fuller. Gunpowder makes all men alike tall . . . Here- by at last is the Goliath powerless and the David resistless ; savage animalism is no- thing, inventive spiritualism is all. Carlyle. Gustatus est sensus ex omnibus maxime voluptarius — The sense of taste is the most exquisite of all. Cic. Gut Gewissen ist ein sanftes Ruhekissen — A good conscience is a soft pillow. Ger. Pr. Gut verloren, etwas verloren ; / Ehre verloren, viel verloren ; / Mut verloren, alles verloren — Wealth lost, something lost ; honour lost, much lost ; courage lost, all lost. Goethe. Giite bricht einem kein Bein — Kindness breaks 35 no one's bones. Ger. Pr. Guter Rath kommt iiber Nacht — Good counsel comes over-night. Ger. Pr. Guter Rath lasst sich geben, aber gute Sitte nicht — Good advice may be given, but manners not. Turkish Pr. Gutes aus Gutem, das kann jedweder Ver- standige bilden ; / Aber der Genius ruft Gutes aus Schlechtem hervor— Good out of good is what every man of intellect can fashion, but it takes genius to evoke good out of bad. Schiller. Gutes und Boses kommt unerwartet dem Menschen ; / Auch verkiindet, glauben wir's nicht — Good and evil come unexpected to man ; even if foretold, we believe it not. Goethe. Gutta cavat lapidem, consumitur annulus 40 usu, / Et teritur pressa vomer aduncus humo — The drop hollows the stone, the ring is worn by use, and the crooked ploughshare is frayed away by the pressure of the earth. Ovid. Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo — The drop hollows the stone not by force, but by continually falling. Pr. Gutta fortune prae dolio sapientiae — A drop of good fortune rather than a cask of wisdom. Pr. H. Ha! lass dich denTeufelbei einem Haar fassen, und du bist sein auf ewig — Ha ! let the devil seize thee by a hair, and thou art his for ever. Lessing. Ha ! welche Lust, Soldat zu sein — Ah ! what a pleasure it is to be a soldier. Boicldieu. Hab' mich nie mit Kleinigkeiten abgegeben— 45 I have never occupied myself with trifles. Schiller. " Habe gehabt," ist ein armer Mann — " I have had," is a poor man. Ger. Pr. Habeas corpus — A writ to deliver one from prison, and show reason for his detention, with a view to judge of its justice, lit. you may have the body. L. Habeas corpus ad prosequendum — You may bring up the body for the purpose of prosecution. L. Writ. Habeas corpus ad respondendum — You may bring up the body to make answer. L. Writ. Habeas corpus ad satisfaciendum — You may 50 bring up the body to satisfy. /.. Writ. Habemus confitentem reum — We have the con- fession of the accused. L. Habemus luxuriam atque avaritiam, publice egestatem, privatim opulentiam — We have luxury and avarice, but as a people poverty, and in private opulence. Cato in Sail. Habent insidias hominis blanditiaa mali — Under the fair words of a bad man there lurks some treachery. Phaedr. Habent sua fata libelli — Books have their des- tinies. Hor. HABEO [ 133 ] HJEC SCRIPSI Habeo senectuti magnam gratiam, quas mihi sermonis aviditatem auxit — I owe it to old age, that my relish for conversation is so in- creased. Cic. Habere derelictui rem suam — To neglect one's affairs. A id. Gell. Habere et dispertire — To have and to distribute. Habere facias possessionem — You shall cause to take possession. L. Writ. 5 Habere, non haberi — To hold, not to be held. Habet aliquid ex iniquo omne magnum exem- plum, quod contra singulos, utilitate publica rependitur — Every great example of punishment has in it some tincture of injustice, but the wrong to individuals is compensated by the promotion of the public good. J'ac. Habet iracundia hoc mali, non vult regi— There is in anger this evil, that it will not be controlled. Sen. Habet salem — He has wit ; he is a wag. Habit and imitation are the source of all work- ing and all apprenticeship, of all practice and all learning, in this world. Carlyle. 10 Habit gives endurance, and fatigue is the best nightcap. Kiucaid. Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity. St. Augustine. Habit is a cable. We weave a thread of it every day, and at last we cannot break it. Horace Alantt. Habit is a second nature, which destroys the first. Pascal. Habit is necessary to give power. Hazlitt. 15 Habit is ten times nature. Wellington. Habit is the deepest law of human nature. Carlyle. Habit is the purgatory in which we suffer for our past sins. George Eliot. Habit is too arbitrary a master for my liking. Lavaier. Habit, with its iron sinews, clasps and leads us day by day. Lamartine. 20 Habits are at first cobwebs, at last cables. Pr. Habits (of virtue) are formed by acts of reason in a persevering struggle through tempta- tion. Bernard Gilpin. Habits leave their impress upon the mind, even after they are given up. Spurgeon. Habitual intoxication is the epitome of every crime. Douglas Jerrold. Hablar sin pensar es tirar sin encarar— Speak- ing without thinking is shooting without taking aim. S/<. Pr. 25 Hac mercede placet — I accept the terms. Hac sunt in fossa Bedae venerabilis ossa— In this grave lie the bcnes of the Venerable Bede. Inscription on Bede's tomb. Hac urget lupus, hac canis— On one side a wolf besets you, on the other a dog. lior. Hactenus— Thus far. Had Caesar or Cromwell changed countries, the one might have been a sergeant and the other an exciseman. Goldsmith. 30 Had God meant me to be different, He would have created me different. Goethe. Had I but serv'd my God with half the zeal / I serv'd my king, He would not in mine age / Have left me naked to mine enemies, lien. I III., iii. 2. Had I succeeded well, I had been reckonei amongst the wise ; so ready are we to judg from the event. Euripides. Had not God made this world, and deati too, it were an insupportable place. Cat Ij'le. Had religion been a mere chimaera, it woul long ago have been extinct ; were it sus ceptible of a definite formula, that formul; would long ago have been discovered Renan, Had sigh'd to many, though he loved but one Byron. Had we never loved sae kindly, Had w never loved sae blindly, Never met o never parted, / We had ne'er been broken hearted ! Burns. Hae nugae seria ducent /' In mala — These trifle will lead to serious mischief, Hor. Hae tibi erunt artes, pacisque imponer morem, / Parcere subjectis et debellar superbos — These shall be thy arts, to lay dow the law of peace, to spare the conquered, and t subdue the proud. Virg. Hae you gear (goods), or hae you nane, / Tin (lose) heart, and a's gane. Sc. Pr. Hasc a te non multum abludit imago— Thi picture bears no small resemblance to yoursell Ho?: Hasc amat obscurum ; volet haec sub luc videri, / Judicis argutum quae non formida acumen ; Hasc placuit semel ; haec decie repetita placebit — One (poem) courts the shade another, not afraid of the critic's keen eye chooses to be seen in a strong light ; the on pleases but once, the other will still please if te times repeated. Hor. Haec brevis est nostrorum summa malorum- Such is the short sum of our evils. Ovid. Hasc ego mecum / Compressis agito labris ubi quid datur oti, / Illudo chartis — Thes things I revolve by myself with compressed lip^ When I have any leisure, I amuse myself wit my writings. Hor. Haec est condicio vivendi, aiebat, eoque Responsura tuo nunquam est par fam; labori — " Such is the lot of life," he said, " am so your merits will never receive their due meei of praise." Hor. Hasc generi incrementa fides — This fidelity wil bring new glory to our race. M. Haec olim meminisse juvabit— It will be a jo; to us to recall this, some day. / 'wjf. Haec omnia transeunt — All these things pas away. M. Haec perinde sunt, ut illius animus, qui e; possidet. / Qui Ufa scit, ei bona, illi qui noi lltitur recte. mala — These things are exactf according to the disposition of him who possesse them. To him who knows how to use them, the; are blessings ; to him who does not use ther aright, they are evils. Ter. Hasc prima lex in amicitia sanciatur, ut nequi rogemus res turpes, nee faciamus rogat — Be this the first law established in friend ship, that we neither ask of others what is dis honourable, nor ourselves do it when asked Cic. Haec scripsi non otii abundantia, sed amori erga te — I have written this, not as havinj abundance of leisure, I nit out of love for you Cic. H/EC STUDIA [ 130 ] HAPPINESS Haec studia adolescentiam alunt, senectutem oblectant, secundas res ornant, adversis sola- tium ac perfugium praebent, delectant domi, non impediunt foris, pernoctant nobiscum, peregrinantur, rusticantur — These studies are the food of youth aud the consolation of old age ; they adorn prosperity and are the comfort and refuge of adversity ; they are pleasant at home and are no encumbrance abroad ; they accom- pany us at night, in our travels, and in our rural retreats. Cic. Haec studia oblectant — These studies are our delight. M. Haec sunt jucundi causa cibusque mali — These things are at once the cause and food of this deli- cious malady. Ovid. Haec vivendi ratio mihi non convenit— This mode of living does not suit me. Cic. 5 Haeredis fletus sub persona risus est — The weeping of an heir is laughter under a mask. Pr. Haereditas nunquam ascendit — The right of in- heritance never lineally ascends. L. Haeres jure repraesentationis — An heir by right of representation. L. Haeres legitimus est quem nuptiae demonstrant — He is the lawful heir whom marriage points out as such. L. Haeret lateri lethalis arundo — The fatal shaft sticks deep in her side. / r irg. 10 Halb sind sie kalt, Halb sind sie roh — Half of them are without heart, half without culture. Goethe. Half a house is half a hell. Get-. Pr. Half a loaf is better than no bread. Pr. Half a man's wisdom goes with his courage. Emerson. Half a word fixed upon, or near, the spot is worth a cartload of recollection. Gray to Palgrave. 15 Half the ease of life oozes away through the leaks of unpunctuality. Anon. Half the gossip of society would perish if the books that are truly worth reading were but read. George Dawson. Half the ills we hoard within our hearts are ills because we hoard them. Barry Corn- wall. Half the logic of misgovemmsnt lies in this one sophistical dilemma : if the people are turbulent, they are unfit for liberty ; if they are quiet, they do not want liberty. Mac- aulay. Half-wits greet each other. Gael. Pr. 20Haltst du Natur getreu im Augenmerk, / Frommt jeder tuchtige Meister dir : / Doch klammerst du dich bios an Menschenwerk, / Wird alles, was du schaffst, Manier— If you keep Nature faithfully in view, the example of every thorough master will be of service to you ; but if you merely cling to human work, all that you do will be but mannerism. Geibel. Hanc personam induisti, agenda est — You have assumed this part, and you must act it out. Sen. Hanc veniam petimusque damusque vicissim — We both expect this privilege, and give it in re- turn. Hor. Hands that the rod of empire might have sway'd. / Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre. Gray. Handsome is that handsome does. Pr. Handsomeness is the more animal excellence, 25 beauty the more imaginative, //are. Hang'andiegrosse Glocke nicht/ Wasjemand im Vertrauen spricht — Blaze not abroad to others what any one confides to you in secret. C/a udins. Hang a thief when he's young, and he'll no steal when he's auld. Sc. Pr. Hang constancy ! you know too much of the world to be constant, sure. Fielding. Hang sorrow ! care will kill a cat, / And there- fore let's be merry. G. II 'ither. Hange nicht alles auf einen Nagel — Hang not 30 all on one nail. Ger. Pr. Hanging and wiving goes by destiny. Mer. of ' I'en., ii. 9. Hannibal ad portas— Hannibal is at the gates. Cic. Hap and mishap govern the world. Pr. Happiest they of human race, / To whom God has granted grace To read, to fear, to hope, to pray, To lift the latch and force the way ; / And better had they ne'er been born, / Who read to doubt, or read to scorn. Scott. Happily to steer / From grave to gay, from 35 lively to severe. Pope. Happiness consists in activity ; it is a running stream, and not a stagnant pool. /. /If. Good. Happiness depends not on the things, but on the taste. La Roche. Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked up in strangers' galleries. Douglas Jerrold. Happiness is a ball after which we run wher- ever it rolls, and we push it with our feet when it stops. Goethe. Happiness is a chimaera and suffering a reality. 40 Schopenhauer. Happiness is "a tranquil acquiescence under an agreeable delusion.'' Quoted by Sterne. Happiness is but a dream, and sorrow a reality. Voltaire. Happiness is deceitful as the calm that pre- cedes the hurricane, smooth as the water on the verge of *he cataract, and beautiful as the rainbow, that smiling daughter of the storm. Arliss' Lit. Col. Happiness is like the mirage in the desert; she tantalises us with a delusion that dis- tance creates and that contiguity destroys. A rliss' Lit. Col. Happiness is like the statue of Isis, whose 45 veil no mortal ever raised. Landor. Happiness is matter of opinion, of fancy, in fact, but it must amount to conviction, else it is nothing. Cliamfort. Happiness is neither within us nor without us ; it is the union of ourselves with God. Pascal. Happiness is nothing but the conquest of God through love. Amu I. Happiness is only evident to us by deliverance from evil. Nicole. Happiness is the fine and gentle rain which 50 penetrates the soul, but which afterwards gushes forth in springs of tears. 71/. dt Gue'rin. Happiness is unrepented pleasure. Socrates. Happiness lies first of all in health, G. IK Curtis. HAPPINESS I 140 1 HAS PATITUR Happiness, like Juno, is a goddess in pursuit, but a cloud in possession, deified by those who cannot enjoy her, and despised by those who can. A ■.':>>' .' it. i .'. Happiness never lays its fingers on its pulse. Happiness springs not from a large fortune, but temperate habits and simple wishes. Riches increase not by Increase 01 the supply of want, but by decrease of the sense of it, —the minimum of it being the maximum of them. Happiness, that grand mistress of ceremonies in the dance of life, impels us through all its ina.-cs and meandei ings, but leads none of us by the same route. 5 Happiness travels incognita to keep a private assignation with contentment, and to par- take of a tete-a-tete and a dinner of herbs in a cottage. :. i .-.. Happiness, when unsought, is often found, and. when unexpected, often obtained : while those who seek her the most diligently fail the most, because they seek her where she is not. Happy are they that hear their detractions, and can put them to mending. Mm ii. _-,. Happy child ! the cradle is still to thee an in- finite space ; once grown into a man, and the boundless world will be too small to thee. Happy contractedness of youth, nay. of man- kind in general, that they think neither of the high nor the deep, of the true nor the false, but only of what is suited to their own conceptions, i 10 Happy he for whom a kind heavenly sun brightens the ring of necessity into a ring of duty, i Happy he that can abandon everything by which his conscience is defiled or burdened. . Happy in that we are not over-happy ; On Fortune's cap we are not the very "button. . ii. .-. Happy is he who soon discovers the chasm that lies between his wishes and bis powers. Happy is that house and blessed is that con- ' negation where Martha still complains of Mary P, 15 Happy he whose last hour strikes in the midst of Ins children. I Happv is he that is happy in his children. Happy is he to whom his business itself be- comes a puppet, who at length can play with it, and amuse himself with what his situation makes his dutv. Hapny is the boy whose mother is tired of talking nonsense to him before he is old enough to know the sense of it Happy is the hearing man; unhappy the speaking man CO Happy la the man who can endure the highest the lowest fortune. He who has en- dured such vicissitudes with equanimity has deprived misfortune of its power. Happy is the man whose father went to the devil Happy lowly clown ! that wears a crown ! Uneasy lies the head a //<-«. // '. , iii. i. Ki Happy men are full of the present, for its bounty suffices them : and wise men also, for its duties engage them. Our grand business undoubtedly is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand. Cat fyi . Happy season of virtuous youth, when shame is still an impassable celestial barrier, and the sacred air-castles of hope have not shrunk into the mean clay hamlets of reality, and man by his nature is yet infinite and free. I an Happy that I can Be crossed and thwarted as a man. Not left in God's contempt apart. With ghastly smooth life, dead at heart, / Tame in earth's paddock, as her prize. nimf. Happy the man, and happy he alone. He who can call to-day his own : He who, secure within, can say, To-morrow do thy worst, for I have lived to-day. Drydtn, after ff0TUCt. Happy the man to whom Heaven has given a morsel of bread without his being obliged to thank any other for it than Heaven itself. (V":.. Happy the people whose annals are blank in History's book. Happy thou art not ; For what thou hast not still thou strlv'st to get. And what thou hast, forgett'st. Altos, . iii. i. Happy who in his verse can gently steer, / From grave to light, from pleasant to severe. Dry* Hard is the factor's rule : no better is the minister's. Gmtl. Pr. Hard pounding, gentlemen ; but we shall see who can pound the longest. Wtll -■: WmttrU*. Hard with hard builds no houses; soft binds hard Hard work is still the road to prosperity, and there is no other. Hardness ever of hardiness is mother. CjM* ; . iii. 6. Hardship is the native soil of manhood and self-reliance. ,.•'.••.• Mm/. Harm watch, harm catch. Pr. Hart kann die Tugend sein, doch grausam mo. unmenschlich nie Virtue may though never Crud, never inhuman. Si Harvests are Nature's bank dividends, //.«.'/- Has any man, or any society of men, a tnitlH to speak, a piece of spiritual work to do ; they can nowise proceed at once and with the mere natural organs, but must first call a public meeting, appoint committees, issue prospectuses, eat a public dinner ; in a word. construct or borrow machinery, wherewith to speak it ami do it. Without machinery they were hopeless, helpless; a colony of Hindoo weavers squatting in the heart of Lancashire. Has patitur peenas peccandi sola voluntas. Nam scelus Intra se taciturn qui cogitat ullum. Facti crimen habet — Such penalties does the mere intention to sin suffer ; for he who meditates any secret wickedness within himself incurs the guilt of the deed. ./»?, HAS PCENAS r i4i i HAVING Has pcenas garrula lingua dedit— Th: ment a prating tongue brought on him. Ovid. Has vaticinationes eventus comprobavit— Th-; • has verified these pi Hassen und Neiden Mussder Biedre leiden. / Es erhoht des Mannes Wert. Wenn der Hass sich auf ihn kehrt— I be upright must suffer hatred and envy. It enhances the worth of a man if hatred pursues him. Gottfried von Strassburg. Hast du im Thai ein sichres Haus, / Dann wolle nie zu hoch hinaus— Hast thou a secure house in the valley ''. Then set not thy heart on a higher beyond. Fdrster. Haste and rashness are storms and tempests, breaking and wrecking business ; but mmble- ness is a full, fair wind, blowing it with speed to the haven. Puller. Haste is of the devil. Koran. Haste makes waste, and waste makes want, and want makes strife between the gudeman and the gudewife. Sir, Pr. Haste trips up its own heels, fetters and stops itself. Haste turns usually on a matter of ten minutes too late. Btrvce. Hasty resolutions seldom speed well. Pr. Hat man die Liebe durchgeliebt Fangt man die Freundschaft an — After love friendship (lit. when we have lived through love we begin friendship). Heme. Hate injures no one ; it is contempt that casts men down. Goetne. Hate makes us vehement partisans, but love still more so. Goethe. Hatez-vous lentement, et sans perdre courage — L-zUurely, and don t lose heart. /• r. Hath fortune dealt thee ill cards ? Let wisdom make thee a good gamester. Quarles. Hath not a Jew eyes ? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, pas- sions ? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is ? If you prick us, do we not bleed ? if you tickle us, do we not laugh ? if you poison us, do we not die ? and if you wrong us, shall not we revenge ? Me>: of Venice, iii. i. Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time ; hatred ceases by love. Buddha. Hatred is a heavy burden. It sinks the heart deep in the breast, and lies like a tombstone on all joys. Goethe. Hatred is active, and envy passive, disgust ; there is but one step from envy to hate. Goethe. Hatred is but an inverse love. Carlyle. Hatred is keener than friendship, less keen than love. I 'auvenargues. Hatred is like fire ; it makes even light rubbish deadly. f,eorge Eliot. " Hatte ich gewusst," ist ein armer Mann—" If . . . i-> a poor man. Ger. Pr. Haud aequum facit, / Qui quod didicit, id de- discit — He does not do right who unlearns what he has learnt. Plaut. Haud facile emergunt quorum virtutibus ob- stat / Res angusta domi — Not easily do those attain to distinction whose abilities are cramped by domestic poverty. Juv. Haud ignara ac non incauta futuri— >.'• .'; fatmc Hor. Haud ignara mali miseris succurrere disco — unfamiliar with rr.. ; >", I have learned to mooour th': rg. Haud passibus acquis — With unequal steps. Virg. Haut et bon— Oreat and good. .!/. , Haut gout — High flavour. Pr. 30 Have a care o' the main chance. ButUr. Have a specialite, a work in which you are at home. Have any deepest scientific individuals yet dived down to the foundations of the uni- verse and gauged everything there ? Did the Maker take them into His counsel, that they read His ground-plan of the incompre- hensible All. and can say, This stands marked therein, and no more than this ? Alas '. not in any wise. Have I a religion, have I a country, have I a love, that I am ready to die for? are the first trial questions to itself of a true soul. I Hush in. Have I in conquest stretched mine arm so far ' 35 To be afeard to tell gray-beards the truth ? Jul. la's., ii. 2. Have I not earn'd my cake in baking of it? Tenn Have more than thou showest ; Speak les3 than thou knowest : Lend less than thou owest ; Learn more than thou trowe-.t Set less than thou throwest. King Lea- , i. 4. Have not all nations conceived their God as omnipresent and eternal, as existing in a I universal Here, an everlasting Now? : He gave his honours to the world again, / His blessed part to heaven, and slept in peace. Hen. VIII., iv. 2. He giveth His beloved sleep. Bible. He goeth back that continueth not. St. Augus- tine. He goeth better that creepeth in his way 3! than he that runneth out of his way. St. A ugustine. He had a face like a benediction. Cervantes. He had been eight years upon a project for ex- tracting sunbeams out of cucumbers, which were to be put in phials hermetically sealed, and let out to warm the air in raw inclement seasons. Swift. He had never kindly heart, / Nor ever cared to better his own kind, / Who first wrote satire with no pity in it. 'Tennyson. He has a bee in his bonnet, i.e., is hare-brained. Sc. Pr. He has a head, and so has a pin. Port. 4( Pr. He has a killing tongue and a quiet sword, by the means whereof a breaks words and keeps whole weapons. Hen. !■'., iii. 2. He has faut (need) o' a wife wha marries mam's pet. Sc. Pr. He has hard work who has nothing to do. Pr. He has no '•eligion who has no humanity. Arab. Pr. He has not learned the lesson of life who 4.( does not every day surmount a fear. Enter- He has paid dear, very dear, for his whistle. Ben. Franklin. He has seen a wolf. Pr. of one who suddenly curbs his tongue. He has verily touched our hearts as with a live coal from the altar who in any way brings home to our heart the noble doings, feelings, darings, and endurances of a brother man. Carlylc. He has wit at will that, when angry, can sit him still. Sc. Pr. He hath a heart as sound as a bell, and his 5C tongue is the clapper ; for what his heart thinks his tongue speaks. Much Ado, iii. _>. He hath a tear for pity, and a hand / Open as day for melting charity. 2 Hen. II'., iv. 4. He hath ill repented whose sins are repeated. St. A ugustine. He hath never fed of the dainties that are bred in a book. Love's L. Lost, iv. 2. He honours God that imitates Him. Sir T. Browne. He in whom there is much to be developed will 55 be later than others in acquiring true per- ceptions of himself and the world. Goethe. He is a fool who empties his purse, or store, to fill another's. Sp. Pr. He is a fool who thinks by force or skill / To turn the current of a woman's will. 5". Tuhe. He is a great and a good man from whom the needy, or those who come for protection, go not away with disappointed hopes and dis- contented countenances. Hitopadesa. ME IS t 143 J HE IS He is a great man who inhabits a higher sphere of thought, into which other men rise with labour and difficulty : he has but to open his eyes to see things in a true light and in large relations, while they must make painful cor- rections, and keep a vigilant eye on many sources of error. Emerson. He is a happy man that hath a true friend at his need, but he is more truly happy that hath no need of his friend. Arthur Warwick. He is a hard man who is only just, and he a sad man who is only wise. Voltaire. He is a little chimney, and heated hot in a moment ! Longfellaiv. He is a little man ; let him go and work with the women ! Longfelloiu. He is a madman (Rasender) who does not em- brace and hold fast the good fortune which a god (ein Gott) has given into his hand. Schiller. He is a man who doth not suffer his members and faculties to cause him uneasiness. Hito- padesa. He is a minister who doth not behave with insolence and pride. Hitopadesa. He is a poor smith who cannot bear smoke. Pr. ) He is a strong man who can hold down his opinion. Emerson. He is a true sage who learns from all the world. Eastern Pr. He is a very valiant trencherman ; he hath an excellent stomach. Muck Ado, i. i. He is a wise child that knows his own father. Pr. He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. Epietetus. 5 He is a wise man who knoweth that his words should be suited to the occasion, his love to the worthiness of the object, and his anger according to his strength. Hitopadesa. He is a wise man who knows what is wise. Xenopiwn. He is a worthy person who is much respected by good men. Hitopadesa. He is all there when the bell rings. Pr. He is an eloquent man who can speak of low things acutely, and of great things with dignity, and of moderate things with temper. Lie. D He is an unfortunate and on the way to ruin who will not do what he can, but is ambitious to do what he cannot. Goethe. He is below himself who is not above an injury. Quarles. He is best served who has no need to put the hands of others at the end of his arms. Rous- seau. He is but a bastard to the time / That doth not smack of observation. King John, i. i. He is but the counterfeit of a man who hath not the life of a man. Shakespeare. 5 He is gentil that doth gentil dedes. Chaucer. He is great who is what he is from nature, and who never reminds us of others. Emerson. He is happiest., be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his own home. Goethe. He is happy who is forsaken by his passions. Hitopadesa. He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper : but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstances. Hare. He is just as truly running counter to God's 30 will by being intentionally wretched as by intentionally doing wrong. //*. R. Greg. He is kind who guardeth another from misfor- tune, liitopadesa. He is lifeless that is faultless. Pr. He is my friend that grinds at my milL Pr. He is my friend that helps me, and not he that pities me. Pr. He is nearest to God who has the fewest wants. 35 Dan. Pr. He is neither fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring. Pr. He is no wise man that will quit a certainty for an uncertainty. Johnson. He is noble who feels and acts nobly. Heine. He is not a bad driver who knows how to turn. Dan. Pr. He is not a true man of science who does not 40 bring soiuj sympathy to his studies, and expect to learn something by behaviour as well as application. Thoreau. He is not only idle who does nothing, but he is idle who might be better employed. Socrates. He is not the best carpenter who makes the most chips. Pr. He is not yet born who can please everybody. Dan. Pr. He is oft the wisest man / Who is not wise at all. Wordsworth. He is richest that has fewest wants. Pr. 45 He is the best dressed gentleman whose dress no one observes. Trollope. He is the best gentleman that is the son of his own deserts, and not the degenerated heir of another's virtue. Victor Hugo. He is the free man whom the truth makes free, / And all are slaves besides. Cowper. He is the greatest artist who has embodied in the sum of his works the greatest number of the greatest ideas. Ruskin. He is the greatest conqueror who has con- 50 quered himself. Pr. He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own. Ward Beeclier. He is the half part of a blessed man, / Left to be finished by such as she ; / And she a fair divided excellence, , Whose fulness of per- fection lies in him. King John, ii. 2. He is the rich man in whom the people are rich, and he is the poor man in whom the people are poor ; and how to give access I to the masterpieces of art and nature is the problem of civilisation. Emerson. He is the rich man who can avail himself of all men s faculties. Emerson. I He is the world's master who despises it, its 55 I slave who prizes it. It. Pr. He is truly great who is great in charity. Thomas a Kempis. He is ungrateful who denies a benefit : he is ungrateful who hides it ; he is ungrateful. who does not return it ; he, most of all, who has forgotten it. Sen. HE IS f U4 ] HE PREACHES He is well paid that is well satisfied. Mer. of Ven., iv. i. He is wise that is wise to himself. Euri/>ides. He is wise who can instruct ns and assist us in the business of daily virtuous living; ; he who trains us to see old truth under academic formularies may be wise or not, as it chances, but we love to see wisdom in unpretending forms, to recognise her royal features under a week-day vesture. Carlyle. He is wit's pedlar, and retails his wares / At wakes and wassails, meetings, maikets, fairs ; / And we that sell by gross, the Lord doth know, / Have not the grace to grace it with such show. Love's L. Lost, v. 2. 5 He is wrong who thinks that authority based on force is more weighty and more lasting than that which rests on kindness. 'Per. He jests at scars that never felt a wound. Rom. and Jul., ii. 2. He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him : was not this to know me ? saith the Lord. Bible. He kens muckle wha kens when to speak, but far mair wha kens when to haud (hold) his tongue. Sc. Pr. He knew what's what, and that's as high / As metaphysic wit can fly. Butler. 10 He knocks boldly at the door who brings good news. Pr. He knows best what good is that has endured evil. Pr. He knows little who will tell his wife all he knows. Fuller. He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue. P>: He knows not how to speak who cannot be silent, still less how to act with vigour and decision. Lavater. 15 He knows not what love is that has no chil- dren. Pr. He knows the water the best who has waded through it. Pr. He knows very little of mankind who expects, by facts or reasoning, to convince a deter- mined party-man. Lavater. He left a name at which the world grew pale, / To point a moral or adorn a tale. Johnson. He lies there who never feared the face of man. The Earl of Morton at John Knox 's grave. 20 He life's war knows / Whom all his passions follow as he goes. George Herbert. He little merits bliss who others can annoy. Thomson. He lives twice who can at once employ ' The present well and e'en the past enjoy. Pope. He lives who lives to God alone, / And all are dead beside ; / For other source than God is none / Whence life can be supplied. Cowper. He looks the whole world in the face, / For he owes not any man. Longfellow. 25 He loses his thanks who promises and delays. Pr. He loves but lightly who his love can tell. Petrarch. He makes no friend who never made a foe. Tennyson. He (your Father) maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Jesus. He maun lout (stoop) that has a laigh (low) door. Sc. Pr. He may rate himself a happy man who lives : remote from the gods of this world. Goethe. He, mon ami, tire-moi du danger ; tu feras apres ta harangue — Hey ! my friend, help me out of my danger first ; you can make your speech afterwards. La Fontaine. He most lives / Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best. P. J. Bailey. He must be a good shot who always hits the mark. Dut. Pr. He must be a thorough fool who can learn nothing from his own folly. Ha re. He must cry loud who would frighten the devil. Dan. Pr. He must needs go that the devil drives. Pr. He must stand high who would see his destiny to the end. Dan. Pr. He must mingle with the world that desires to be useful. Johnson. He needs a long spoon who eats out of the same dish with the devil. Pr. He needs no foil, but shines by his own proper light. Drydcn. He ne'er made a gude darg (day's work) wha gaed (went) grumbling about it. Sc. Pr. He never is crowned ,' With immortality, who fears to follow / Where airy voices lead. Keats. He never knew pain who never felt the pangs of love. Platen. He never lees (lies) but when the holland's (holly's) green, i.e., always. Sc. Pr. He never yet stood sure that stands secure. Quarles. He on whom Heaven bestows a sceptre knows not the weight of it till he bears it. Cor- neille. He only employs his passion who can make no use of his reason. Cic. He only is advancing in life whose heart is getting softer, whose blood warmer, whose brain quicker, and whose spirit is entering into living peace. Buskin. He only is an acute observer who can observe minutely without being observed. Lavater. He only is exempt from failures who makes no efforts. Whately. He only is great of heart who floods the world with a great affection. He only is great of mind who stirs the world with great thoughts. He only is great of will who does something to shape the world to a great career ; and he is greatest who does the most of all these things, and does them best. A'. D. Hitchcock. He only is rich who owns the day. Emerson. He only who forgets to hoard has learned to live. Keble. He ought to remember benefits on whom they are conferred ; he who confers them ought not to mention them. Cic. He paidles a guid deal in the water, but he tak's care no to wet his feet. Se. Pr. He prayeth best who loveth best / All things, both great and small ; / For the dear Lord who loveth us, / He made and loveth all. Coleridge . He preaches well who lives well. S/>. Pr. HE PRESENTS t 14S ] HE THAT He presents me with what is always an accept- able gift who brings me news of a great thought before unknown. Bovee. He rais'd a mortal to the skies, / She drew an angel down. Dryden. He raises not himself up whom God casts down. Goethe. He reads much : / He is a great observer, and he looks / Quite through the deeds of men : he loves no plays, / As thou dost, Anthony ; he hears no music : / Seldom he smiles ; and smiles in such a sort / As if he mock'd him- self, and scorn'd his spirit / That could be moved to smile at anything. / Such men as he be never at heart s ease j Whiles they behold a greater than themselves ; / And therefore are they very dangerous. Jul. Cos., i. 2. He rideth easily enough whom the grace of God carrieth. Thomas a Kempis. He runs far who never turns. It. Pr. He scarce is knight, yea, but half-man, nor meet To fight for gentle damsel, he who lets / His heart be stirr'd with any foolish heat / At any gentle damsel's waywardness. Tennyson. He serves his party best who serves his country best. A". B. Haves. He shall be a god to me who can rightly divide and define. Quoted by Emerson. .0 He shone with the greater splendour because he was not seen. Tae. He sins as much who holds the sack as he who puts into it. Fr. Pr. He sleeps as dogs do when wives bake, i.e., is wide awake, though pretending not to see. Sc. Pr. He spends best that spares to spend again. Pr. He submits himself to be seen through a microscope who suffers himself to be caught in a fit of passion. Lavater. 15 He swallows the egg and gives away the shell in alms. Get: Pr. He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. Bible. He that aspires to be the head of a party will find it more difficult to please his friends than to perplex his foes. He must often act from false reasons, which are weak, because he dares not avow the true reasons, which are strong. Colton. He that at twenty is not, at thirty knows not, and at forty has not, will never either be, or know, or have. //. Pr. He that believeth shall not make haste. Bible. 20 He that blows the coals in quarrels he has nothing to do with, has no right to complain if the sparks fly in his face. Ben. Franklin. He that boasts of his ancestors confesses that he has no virtue of his own. Charron. He that builds by the wayside has many masters. Pr. He that buyeth magistracy must sell justice. Pr. He that buys what he does not want, must often sell what he does want. Pr. 25 He that, by often arguing against his own sense, imposes falsehoods on others, is not far from believing them himself. Locke. He that by the plough would thrive, / Himself must either hold or drive. Pr. He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor. Bible. He tnat can be patient has his foe at his feet. Dut. Pr. He that can be won with a feather will be lost with a straw. Pr. He that can conceal his joys is greater than he 30 who can hide his griefs. Lavater. He that can define, he that can answer a question so as to admit of no further answer, is the best man. Emerson. He that can discriminate is the father of his father. The I'edas. He that can endure / To follow with allegiance a fall'n lord, , Does conquer him that did his master conquer, / And earns a place i' the story. Ant. and Cleop., iii. n. He that can heroically endure adversity will bear prosperity with equal greatness of soul; for the mind that cannot be dejected by the former is not likely to be transported by the latter. Fielding. He that can write a true book to persuade 35 England, is not he the bishop and arch- bishop, the primate of England and of all England ? Carlyle. He that cannot be the servant of many will never be master, true guide, and deliverer of many. Carlyle. He that cannot keep his mind to himself can- not practise any considerable thing what- ever. Carlyle. He that cannot pay in purse must pay in per- son. Pr. He that ceases to be a friend never was a good one. Pr. He that claims, either in himself or for another, 40 the honours of perfection will surely injure the reputation which he designs to assist. Johnson. He that climbs the tall tree has won a right to the fruit : / He that leaps the wide gulf should prevail >n his suit. Scott. He that comes unca'd (uninvited) sits unsair'd (unserved). Sc. Pr. He that cometh to seek after knowledge with a mind to scorn and censure, shall be sure to find matter for his humour, but none for his instruction. Bacon. He that complies against his will, / Is of the same opinion still. Butler. He that conquers himself conquers an enemy. 45 Gael. Pr. He that cuts himself wilfully deserves no salver— — Pr. He that defers his charity until he is dead is, if a man weighs it rightly, rather liberal of another man's goods than his own. Bacon. He that descends not to word it with a shrew does worse than beat her. V Estrange. He that deserves nothing should be content with anything. Pr. He that dies, pays all debts. Tempest, iii. 2. 50 He that does a base thing in zeal for his friend burns the golden thread that ties their hearts together. Jeremy Taylor. K HE THAT t 146 1 HE THAT He that does not knot his thread will lose his first stitch. Gael. He that does not know those thing's which are of use and necessity for him to know, is but an ignorant man, whatever he may know besides. Tillotson. He that does what he can, does what he ought. Pr. He that does you a very ill turn will never for- give you. Pr. 5 He that doeth evil hateth the light. Jesus. He that doeth truth cometh to the light. St. John. He that doth not plough at home won't plough abroad. Gael. Pr. He that doth the ravens feed, / Yea, provi- dently caters for the sparrow, / Be comfort to my age. As You Like It, ii. 3. He that eats longest lives longest. Pr. 10 He that endureth is not overcome. Pr. He that, ever following her (Duty's) com- mands, / On with toil of heart and knees and hands, / Thro' the long gorge to the far light has won / His path upward, and prevail'd, / Shall find the toppling crags of Duty scaled, / Are close upon the shining tablelands 1 To which our God Himself is moon and sun. Tennyson* He that falls into sin, is a man ; that grieves at it, is a saint ; that boasteth of it, is a devil ; yet some glory in that shame, counting the stains of sin the best complexion of their souls. Fuller. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. St. John. He that fights and runs away / May live to fight another day. Goldsmith. 15 He that filches from me my good name ' Robs me of that which not enriches him, / And makes me poor indeed. Othello, iii. 3. He that finds something before it is lost will die before he falls ill. Dut Pr. He that flees not will be fled from. Gael. Pr. He that gallops his horse on Blackstone edge / May chance to catch a fall. Old song. He that gets gear (wealth) before he gets wit, is but a short time master o' it. Sc. Pr. 20 He that gets patience, and the blessing which / Preachers conclude with, hath not lost his pains. George Herbert. He that gives to the poor lends to the Lord. Pr. He that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing. Pr. He that goes softly goes safely. Pr. He that grasps at too much holds nothing fast. Pr. 25 He that has a head of wax should not walk in the sun. Pr. lie that has a head will not want a hat. It. Pr. He that has a wife has a master. Sc. Pr. He that has ae sheep in a flock will like a' the lave (rest) better for 't. Sc. Pr. He that has an ill wife likes to eat butter (but her, i.e. without her). ^SV. Pr. 30 He that has been taught only by himself has had a fool for a master. Ben Jonson. He^that has just enough can soundly sleep : / The o'ercome only fashes fowk to keep. Allan Ramsay. He that has light within his own clear breast may sit in the centre and enjoy bright day. Milton. He that has lost his faith, what staff has he left ? Bacon. He that has muckle would aye hae mair. Sc. Pr. He that has no head needs no hat. S/>. Pr. He that has no sense at thirty will never have any. Pr, He that has no shame has no conscience. Pr. He that has siller in his purse canna want (do without) a head on his shoulders. Sc. Pr. He that has to choose has trouble. Dut. Pr. He that hateth gifts shall live. Bible. He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man. Much Ado, ii. 1. He that hath a satirical vein, as he maketh others afraid of his wit, so he hath need to be afraid of others memory. Bacon. He that hath a trade hath an estate, and he that hath a calling hath an office of profit and honour. Hen Franklin. He that hath a wife and children hath given hostages to fortune ; for they are impedi- ments to gre^t enterprises, either of virtue or mischief. Bacon. He that hath but gained the title of a jester, let him assure himself the fool is not far off. Quarles. He that hath care of keeping days of pay- ment is lord of another man's purse. Lord Burleigh. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Jesus. He that hath gained an entire conquest over' himself will find no mighty difficulties to subdue all other opposition. Thomas il Kemf-is. He that hath knowledge spareth his words. Bible. He that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he. Bible. He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls. Bible. He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth to the Lord. Bible. He that hath sense hath strength, ffito- Jadesa. He that hears much and speaks not at all, / Shall be welcome both in bower and hall. Pr. He that high growth on cedars did bestow, ' Gave also lowly mushrooms leave to grow. R. South/well. He that hinders not a mischief is guilty of it. Pr. He that humbles himself shall be exalted. Pr, He that imposes an oath makes it. Not he that for convenience takes it. Butler. He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Bible. He that invented the Maiden, first hanselled it, i.e., first put it to the proof. (The Maiden was a hind of guillotine.) Sc Pr. He that is a friend to himself is a friend to all men. Sen. HE THAT [ 147 ] HE THAT He that is born of a hen must scrape for a living. Pr. He that is courteous at all, will be courteous to all. Gael. Pr. He that is discontented and troubled is tossed with divers suspicions ; he is neither quiet himself, nor suffereth others to be quiet. Thomas a Keiupis. He that is doing nothing is seldom without helpers. Pr. He that is down needs fear no fall ; / He that is low no pride. Bun-yon. He that is down, the world cries " Down with him ! " Pr. He that is embarked with the devil must sail with him. Dut. Pr. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much ; and he that is unjust in the least, is unjust also in the much. Jesus. He that is full of himself is very empty, Pr. He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody. Pr. He that is not against us is on our part. Jesus. He that is not handsome at twenty, strong at thirty, rich at forty, nor wise at fifty, will never be handsome, strong, wise, or rich. Pr. He that is not open to conviction is not quali- fied for discussion. Whately. He that is not with me is against me. Jesus. 5 He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. Bible. He that is proud eats up himself; pride is his own glass, his own trumpet, his own chroni- cle ; and whatever praises itself but in the deed devours the deed in the praise. TroiL and Cress., ii. 3. He that is robb'd, not wanting what is stolen, / Let him not know 't, and he's not robb'd at all. Othello, iii. 3. He that is ready to slip is as a lamp despised in the thought of him that is at ease. Bible. He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty ; and he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city. Bible, !0 He that is slow to wrath is of great under- standing. Bible. He that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. St. Paul. He that is surety for another, is never sure himself. Pr. He that is the inferior of nothing can be the superior of nothing, the equal of nothing. Carlyle. He that is tied with one slender string, such as one resolute struggle would break, is prisoner only to his own sloth ; and who would pity his thraldom ? Decay of Piety. 15 He that is to-day a king, to-morrow shall die. Ecclus. He that is violent in the pursuit of pleasure won't mind to turn villain for the purchase. M. Aurelius. He that is well-ordered and disposed within himself careth not for the strange and per- verse behaviour of men. Thomas d Kempis. He that keeks (pries) through a keyhole may see what will vex him. Sc. Pr. He that keepeth his way preserveth his soul. Bible. He that kills a man when he is drunk must be 30 hanged for it when he is sober. Pr. He that knoweth not that which he ought to know, is a brute beast among men ; he that knoweth no more than he hath need of, is a man among brute beasts; and he that knoweth all that may be known, is a god amongst men. Pythagoras. He that knows a little of the world will admire it enough to fall down and worship it ; he that knows it most will most despise it. Colton. He that knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep Arouse him. A rabian Pr. He that knows, and knows that he knows, Is wise. Follow him. A rabian Pr. He that knows is strong. Gael. Pr. 35 He that knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is stupid. Shun him. Arabian Pr. He that knows not, and knows that he knows not, is good. Teach him. A rabian Pr. He that lacks time to mourn lacks time to mend. Sir H. Taylor. He that lies down with dogs will rise up with fleas. Pr. He that lives in perpetual suspicion lives the 40 life of a sentinel, of a sentinel never relieved. Young. He that lives longest sees most. Gael. Pr. He that lives must grow old ; and he that would rather grow old than die, has God to thank for the infirmities of old age. Johnson. He that lives upon hopes will die fasting. Ben. Franklin. He that lives with cripples learns to limp, Pr. He that lives with wolves will learn to howl. 45 Pr. He that loses his conscience has nothing left that is worth keeping. Izaak Walton. He that loves Christianity better than truth will soon love his own sect or party better than Christianity. Coleridge. He that loves God aright must not desire that God should love him in return, i.e., lovetoGod, as to man, should be entirely unselfish. Spinoza, He that loveth a book will never want a faith- ful friend, a wholesome counsellor, a cheer- ful companion, an effectual comforter. Isaac Barrow. He that loveth danger shall perish therein. 50 Ecclus. He that loveth father and mother more than me is not worthy of me. Jesus. He that loveth not his brother, whom he hath seen, how can he love God. whom he hath not seen ? St. John. He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man. Bible. He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver ; nor he that loveth abundance with increase. Bible. He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be 55 innocent. Bible. He that marries before he is wise will die before he thrive. Sc. Pr. KE THAT [ 148 ] HE THAT He that marries for money sells his liberty. Pr. He that meddleth with strife belonging not to him is like one that taketh a dog by the ears. Bible. He that needs five thousand pound to live, / Is full as poor as he that needs but five. George Herbert. He that never thinks can never be wise. Johnson. 6 He that observeth the wind shall not sow ; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. Bible. He that on pilgrimages goeth ever, ' Becometh holy late or never. Pr. He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want. Bible. He that pities another minds himsel'. Sc. Pr. He that prieth in at her windows shall also hearken at her doors. Ecclus. 10 He that promises too much means nothing. Pr. He that purposes to be happy by the affection or acquaintance of the best, the greatest man alive, will always find his mind unsettled and perplexed. Thomas a Kempis. He that questioneth much will learn much. Bacon. He that revels in a well-chosen library has innumerable dishes, and all of admirable flavour. IV. Godwin. He that ruleth among men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. Bible. 15 He that runs in the dark may well stumble. He that runs may read. Pr. He that seeks others to beguile ; / Is oft o'er- taken in his own wile. Pr. He that seeks to have many friends never has any. It. Pr. He that serves the altar should live by the altar. Pr. 20 He that shuts his eyes agcinst a small light would not be brought to see that which he had no mind to see, let it be placed in never so clear a light and never so near him. A tterbury. He that sows in the highway loses his corn. Pr. He that sows iniquity shall reap sorrow. Pr. He that spares the bad injures the good. Pr. He that spares the rod spoils the child. Pr. 25 He that speaks the thing he should not ' Must often hear the thing he would not. Pr. He that speaks the truth will find himself in sufficiently dramatic situations. Prof. Wilson. He that spends his gear (property) before he gets it will hae little gude o't. .SV. Pr. He that stands upon a slippery place Makes nice of no vain hold to stay him up. King John, iii. 4. He that steals a preen (pin) will steal a better thing. Sc. Pr. 30 He that steals for others will be hanged for himself, Pr. He that strikes with the sword shall perish by the sword Pr, He that studieth revenge keepeth his own wounds green. Bacon. He that takes away reason to make way for revelation puts out the light of both. Locke. He that talks deceitfully for truth must hurt it more by his example than he promotes it by his arguments. A tterbury. He that talks much errs much. Pr. He that talks much lies much. Pr. He that tholes (bears up) oercomes. Sc. Pr. He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread. Bible. He that turns not from every sin, turns not aright from any one sin. Brooks. He that undervalues himself will undervalue others, and he that undervalues others will oppress them. Johnson. He that voluntarily continues ignorant is guilty of all the crimes which ignorance produces. Johnson. He that waits long at the ferry will get over some time. Gael. Pr. He that walketh uprightly walks surely. Bible. He that walketh with wise men shall be wise ; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Bible. He that wants good sense is unhappy in having ■ learning, for he has thereby only more ways of exposing himself; and he that has sense knows that learning is not knowledge, but rather the art of using it. Steele. He that wants money, means ; and content is without three good friends. As You Like It, iii. 2. He that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing. Sallust. He that will believe only what he can fully comprehend must have a very long head or a very short creed. Cotton. He that will carry nothing about him but gold will be every day at a loss for readier change. Pope. He that will have his son have a respect for I him must have a great reverence for his son. Locke. He that will lose his friend for a jest, deserves to die a beggar by the bargain. Puller. He that will love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. St. Peter. He that will not reason is a bigot : he that cannot, is a fool ; and he that dare not, is a slave. Sir W, Drummond. He that will not when he may, / When he will he shall have nay. Pr. He that will not work shall not eat. Pr. He that will to Cupar, maun to Cupar, i.e., he that will to jail, must to jail. Sc. Pr. He that will watch Providence will never want a Providence to watch. Flavel. He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow. Bible. He that winna be counselled canna be helped. Sc Pr. He that winna save a penny will ne'er hae I ony. Sc. Pr. He that won't plough at home won't plough abroad. Gael. Pr. He that would be rich in a year will be hanged in half a year. Pr. HE THAT [ 149 1 HE WHO He that would be singular in his apparel had need of something superlative to balance that affectation. Feltham. He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of the hens. Pr. He that would have his virtue published is not the servant of virtue, but of glory. Johnson. He that would live in peace and rest / Must hear s and see, and say the best. Pr. He that would reap well must sow well. Pr. He that would reckon up all the accidents pre- ferments depend upon, may as well under- take to count the sands or sum up infinity. South. He that would relish success to purpose should keep his passion cool and his expectation low. Collier. He that would reproach an author for obscurity should look into his own mind to see whether it is quite clear there. In the dusk the plainest writing is illegible. Goethe. He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Burke. He that wrongs his friend / Wrongs himself more, and ever bears about / A silent court of justice in his breast, / Himself the judge and jury, and himself / The prisoner at the bar, ever condemnedc Tennyson. He the cross who longest bears / Finds his sorrow's bounds are set. " inkworth. He thinks no evil who means no evil. Gael. Pr. He thinks too much ; such men are dangerous. Jul. Cccs. , i. 2. He thought as a sage though he felt as a man. J, Beattie. He thought he thought, and yet he did not think, / But only echoed still the common talk, / As might an empty room. Waiter C. Smith. He thought the World to him was known, / Whereas he only knew the Town ; / In men this blunder still you find, / All think their little set— Mankind. Hannah More. He travels safe and not unpleasantly who is guarded by poverty and guided by love. Sir P. Sidney. He trudged along, unknowing what he sought, / And whistled as he went, for want of thought. Dryden. He wants wit that wants resolved will. 7'wo Gent. ofVer., ii. 6. )He was a bold man that first ate an oyster. Swift. He was a man, take him for all in all, / I shall not look upon his like again. Hani., i. 2. He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one : / Exceeding wise, fair spoken, and persuad- ing ; / Lofty and sour to them that loved him not ; / But to those men that sought him, sweet as summer. Hen. VI 11., iv. 2. He was exhaled ; his great Creator drew / His spirit, as the sun the morning dew. Dryden. He was my friend, faithful and just to me. Jul. Cos., iii. 2. 5 He was not of an age, but for all Time, / Sweet Swan of Avon. Ben Jonson. He was perfumed like a milliner, / And 'twixt his finger and his thumb he held / A pouncet- box, which ever and anon / He gave his nose, and took t away again. 1 Hen. IV., i- 3- He was scant o' news that told that his father was hanged. Sc. Pr. He was the Word that spake it ; / He took the bread and brake it ; / And what that Word did make it, / I do believe and take it. Dr. Donne. He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat. Much Ado, i. 1. He wha eats but (only) ae dish seldom needs 30 the doctor. Sc. Pr. He who asks a favour for another has the confidence which a sense of justice inspires ; while he who solicits for himself experiences all the embarrassment and shame of one appealing for mercy. La Bruyere. He who avoids the temptation avoids the sin. Pr. He who begins with trusting every one will end with estimating every one a knave. Hebbel. He who breaks confidence has for ever for- feited it. Schopenhauer. He who can at all times sacrifice pleasure to 35 duty approaches sublimity. Lavater. He who can conceal his joys is greater than he who can conceal his griefs. Lavater. He who can enjoy the intimacy of the great, and on no occasion disgust them by fami- liarity or disgrace them by servility, proves that he is as perfect a gentleman by nature as his companions are by rank. Colton. He who cannot bear foes deserves no friend. Schafer. He who cannot profit you as a friend may at any time injure you as an enemy. Gellert. He who carries his heart on his tongue runs 40 the risk of expectorating it. Soar. He who ceases to grow greater grows smaller. A iniel. He who ceases to pray ceases to prosper. Pr. He who coldly lives to himself and his own will may gratify many a wish, but he who strives to guide others well must be able to dispense with much. Goethe. He who combines every defect will be more likely to find favour in the world than the man who is possessed of every virtue. Fr. Pr. He who comes up to his own ideal of greatness 45 must always have had a very low standard of it in his mind, tlazlitt. He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched than he who suffers it. Plato. He who conforms to the rule which the genius of the human understanding whispers secretly in the ear of every new-born being, viz., to test action by thought and thought by action, cannot err ; and if he errs, he will soon find himself again in the right way. Goethe. He who considers too much will accomplish little. Schiller. He who deals with honey will sometimes be licking his fingers. /V. He who despises mankind will never get the 50 best out of either others or himself. Tocgue- vilte. HE WHO 150 ] HE WHO He who did well in war just earns the right ' To begin doing well in peace. Browning. He who does a good deed is instantly ennobled ; he who does a mean deed, is by the action itself contracted. Emerson. He who does evil that good may come, pays a toll to the devil to let him into heaven. Hare. He who does me good teaches me to be good. Pr. 5 He who does not advance falls backward. A miel. He who does not expect a million of readers should not write a line. Goethe. He who does not help us at the needful moment never helps ; he who does not counsel at the needful moment never counsels. Goethe. He who does not imagine in stronger and better lineaments, and in stronger and better light than his perishing mortal eye can see, does not imagine at all. I I'm. Blake. He who does not know foreign languages knows nothing of his own. Goethe. 10 He who does not lose his wits over certain matters has none to lose. Lessing. He who does not think too highly of himself is more than he thinks. Goethe. He who does nothing for others does nothing for himself. Goethe. He who doth not speak an unkind word to his fellow-creatures is master of the whole world to the extremities of the ocean. Hitopadesa. He who dwells in temporary semblances and does not penetrate into the eternal substance, will not answer the sphinx-riddle of to-day or of any day. Carlyle. 15 He who enquires into a matter has often found more at a glance than he wished to find. Lessing. He who entereth uncalled for, unquestioned speaketh much, and regardeth himself with satisfaction, to his prince appeareth one of a weak judgment. Hitopadesa. He who esteems trifles for themselves is a trifler ; he who esteems them for the con- clusions he draws from them or the advan- tage to which they can be put, is a philo- sopher. Bulwer. He who exercises wisdom exercises the know- ledge which is about God. Epictetits. He who fears not death fears not threats. Cormille. 20 He who fears nothing is not less powerful than he whom all fear. Schiller. He who feeds the ravens / Will give His chil- dren bread. Cowper. He who feels he is right is stronger than king's hosts ; he who doubts he is not right has no strength whatever. Carlyle. He who finds a God in the physical world will also find one in the moral, which is History. Jean Paul. He who formeth a connection with an honest man from his love of truth, will not suffer thereby. Hitopadesa. 25 He who gives up the smallest part of a secret has the rest no longer in his power, lean Paul He who goes alone may start to-day ; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready. Thoreau, He who has a bonnie wife needs mair than twa een. Sc. Pr. He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, / And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere. Alt Ben Abu Saleb. " He who has been born has been a first man," has had lying before his young eyes, and as yet unhardened into scientific shapes, a world as plastic, infinite, divine, as lay before the eyes of Adam himself. Carlyle. He who has been once very foolish will never be very wise. Montaigne. He who has done enough for the welfare (den Besten) of his own time has lived for all times. Schiller. He who has imagination without learning has wings without feet. Joubert. He who has less than he desires should know that he has more than he deserves. Lichten- berg. He who has lost confidence can lose nothing more. Bois.'e. He who has love in his heart has spurs in his heels. Pr. He who has made no mistakes in war has never made war. Tureiute. He who has most of heart knows most of sorrow. P. J. Bailey. He who has no ear for poetry is a barbarian, be he who he may. Goethe. He who has no opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave. Klopstock. He who has no passions has no principle, nor motive to act. Helvetius. He who has no vision of Eternity will never get a true hold of Time. Carlyle. He who has no wish to be happier is the happiest of men. /(". R. Alger. He who has not been a servant cannot be- come a praiseworthy master : it is meet that we should plume ourselves rat'ner on acting the part of a servant properly than that of the master, first towards the laws, and next towards our elders. Plato. He who has not known poverty, sorrow, con- tradiction, and the rest, and learned from them the priceless lessons they have to teach, has missed a good opportunity of schooling. Carlyle: He who has not the weakness of friendship ( has not the strength, joubert. He who has nothing to boast of but his an- cestry is like a potato : the only good be- longing to him is underground. Sir T. Overbury. He who has published an injurious book sins in his very grave, corrupts others while he is rotting himself. South. He who has reason and good sense at his command needs few of the arts of the orator. Goethe. He who imitates what is evil always exceeds ; he who imitates what is good always falls short. Guicciardini. He who in any way shows us better than wei knew before that a lily of the fields is beauti- ful, does he not show it us as an effluence of the fountain of all beauty as the hand- writing, made visible there, of the great Maker of the universe ? Carlyle, HE WHO [ 151 1 HE WHO He who indulges his senses in any excesses renders himself obnoxious to his own reason ; and, to gratify the brute in him, displeases the man, and sets his two natures at vari- ance. .Scott. He who, in opposition to his own happiness, delighteth in the accumulation of riches, carrieth burdens for others and is the vehicle of trouble. Hitopadesa. He who intends to be a great man ought to love neither himself nor his own things, but only what is just, whether it happens to be done by himself or by another. Plato. He who is a fool and knows it is not very far from being a wise man. /. B. {Selkirk). 5 He who is conscious of guilt cannot bear the innocence of others : he tries to reduce other characters to his own level. C". Fox. He who is deficient in the art of selection may, by showing nothing but the truth, produce all the effect of the grossest falsehood. It perpetually happens that one writer tells less truth than another, merely because he tells more truth. Macau/ay. He who is destitute of principles is governed, theoretically and practically, by whims. Jacobi. He who is firm in his will moulds the world to himself. Goethe. He who is good has no kind of envy. Plato. 10 He who is in disgrace with the sovereign is disrespected by all. Hitopadesa. He who is lord of himself, and exists upon his own resources, is a noble but a rare being. Sir E. Brydges. He who is most slow in making a promise is the most faithful in the performance of it. i\.oussean. He who is moved to tears by every word of a priest is generally a weakling and a rascal when the feeling evaporates. Fr. v. Sallet. He who is not possessed of such a book as will dispel many doubts, point out hidden treasures, and is, as it were, a mirror of all things, is even an ignorant man. Hitopadesa. 15 He who is of no use to himself is of no use to any one. D an. Pr. He who is one with himself is everything. Auerbach. He who is only half instructed speaks much, and is always wrong ; he who knows it wholly, is content with acting, and speaks seldom or late. Goethe. He who is only just is stern ; he who is only wise lives in gloom. / 'oltaire. He who is servant to (die/it) the public is a poor animal ( Thier) ; he torments himself, and nobody thanks him for it. Goethe. 20 He who is suave with all {lieblich thun mil alien will) gets on with none : he pleases no one who tries to please thousands. Boden- stedt. He who is the master of all opinions never can be the bigot of any. IV. R. Alger. He who is too much afraid of being duped has lost the power of being magnanimous. A mi el. He who is weighty is willing to be weighed. Pr. He who is willing to work finds it hard to wait. Pr. He who knows himself well will very soon 25 learn to know all other men : it is all re- | flection {Zuriickstrahlung). Lichtenberg. He who knows how to sunder jest and ear- I nest is a wise man, and who by cheerful play- i fulness reinvigorates himself for strenuous diligence. Riickert. He who knows not the world, knows not his i own place in it. Marcus Aurelius. He who knows right principles is not equal to him who loves them. Confucius. He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight. Pr. He who laughs can commit no deadly sin. 30 Goethe's Mother. He who lays out for God lays up for himself. Pr. He who learns and makes no use of his learn- ing is a beast of burden with a load of books. Saadi. He who learns the rules of wisdom without conforming to them in his life, is like a man who labours in his fields but does not sow. Saadi. He who likes borrowing dislikes paying. Pr. He who lives, and strives, and suffers for others 35 dear to him, is to be envied ; he who lives only for himself is poor. H. Lingg. He who lives to no purpose lives to a bad pur- pose. Nevius. He who lives wisely to himself and his own heart looks at the busy world through the loopholes of retreat, and does not want to mingle in the fray. Hazhtt. He who loses wealth loses much, who loses a friend loses more, who loses his spirits loses all. Sp. Pr. He who loves goodness harbours angels, re- veres reverence, and lives with God. Emer- son. He who loves not books before he comes to 40 thirty years of age will hardly love them enough afterwards to understand them. Clarendon. He who loves with purity considers not the gift of the lover, but the love of the giver. Thomas a Kempis. He who makes claims (Anspriiche), shows by doing so that he has none to make. Seiime. He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion. Pr. He who makes religion his first object makes it his whole object. Ruskin. He who means to teach others may indeed 45 often suppress the best of what he knows, but he must not himself be half-instructed. Goethe. He who mistrusts humanity is quite as often deceived as he who trusts men. Jean Paul. He who mocks the infant's faith / Shall be mock'd in age and death. IViu. Blake. He who never in his life was foolish was never a wise man. Heine. He who obeys is almost always better than he who commands. Renan. He who offers God a second place offers Him 50 no place. Ruskin. He who ordained the Sabbath loves the poor. Holmes. HE WHO t 152 ] HE WHO He who overcomes his egoism rids himself of the most stubborn obstacle that blocks the way to all true greatness and all true happi- ness. Cotvos. He who partakes in another's joys is more humane than he who partakes in his griefs. Lavater. He who parts with his property before his death may prepare himself for bitter experi- ences. Fr. Pr. He who pleased everybody died before he was born. Pr. 5 He who praises everybody praises nobody. Johnson. He who promises runs in debt. Talmud. He who reaches the goal receives the crown, and often he who deserves it goes without it. Goethe. He who receives a sacrament does not per- form a good work ; he receives a benefit. Luther. He who reforms himself has done more to- wards reforming the public than a crowd of noisy impotent patriots. Lavater. 10 He who says, " I sought, yet I found not," be sure he lies : he who says, " I sought not and found," be sure he deceives ; he who says, " 1 sought and found," him believe — he speaks true. Riickert. He who says what he likes must hear what he does not like. Dan. Pr. He who scrubs every pig he sees will not long be clean himself. Pr. He who seeks only for applause from without has all his happiness in another's keeping. Goldsmith. He who seeks the truth should be of no country. Voltaire. 15 He who seeth not the filthiness of evil wanteth a great foil to perceive the beauty of virtue. Sir P. Sidney. He who sends mouths will send meat. Pr. He who serves God serves a good Master. Pr. He who serves the public serves a fickle master. Dut. Pr. He who serves under reason anticipates necessity. Herder. 20 He who speaks sows ; he who keeps silence reaps. //. Pr. He who spends himself for all that is noble, and gains by nothing but what is just, will hardly be notably wealthy or distressfully poor. Plato. He who stays in the valley will never cross the mountain. Pr. He who steals an egg would steal an ox. Pr. He who strikes terror into others is himself in continual fear. Claudian. 25 He who tastes every man's broth often burns his mouth. Dan. Pr. He who tells a lie is not sensible how great a task he undertakes, for he must be forced to invent twenty more to maintain that one. Pope. He who tells the failings of others to you will be ready to tell your failings to others. Turk. Pr. He who the sword of Heaven will bear Should be as holy as severe. Meas.for Meat., iii. 2. He who thinks for himself, and imitates rarely, is a free man. Klopstock. He who thinks his place below him will cer- 30 tainly be below his place. Saville. He who thinks to save anything by his re- ligion besides his soul will be loser in the end. Up. Barlow. He who thinks too much will accomplish little. Schiller. He who traces nothing of God in his own soul will never find God in the world of matter — mere circlings of force there of iron regula- tion, of universal death and merciless indiffer- ency. CarlyU. He who travels to be amused, or to get some- what which he does not carry, travels away from himself, and grows old even in youth among old things. Emerson. He who trusts a secret to his servant makes 35 his own man his master. Dryden. He who waits for dead men's shoes may go barefoot. Pr. He who wants any help or prop, in addition to the internal evidences of its truth for his belief, never was and never will be a Chris- tian. B. R. Haydon. He who wants everything must know many things, do many things to procure even a few ; different from him whose indispensable knowledge is this only, that a finger will pull the belli CarlyU. He who will be great must collect himself; only in restriction does the master show himself. Goethe. He who will deaden one half of his nature to 40 invigorate the other half will become at best a distorted prodigy. Sir J. Stephen. He who will do faithfully needs to believe firmly. CarlyU. He who will eat the nut must crack it. L'Hsian Pr. He who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock. Cornish Pr. He who will sell his fame will also sell the public interest. Solon. He who will work aright must not trouble 15 himself about what is ill done, but only do well himself. Goethe. He who wills all, wills in effect nothing, and brings it to nothing. Hegel. He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own. Confucius. He who works with symbols merely is a pedant, a hypocrite, and a bungler, Goethe, He who would be everywhere will be nowhere. Dan. P>: He who would bring home the wealth of the 50 Indies must carry the wealth of the Indies with him. Sp. Fr. He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. (.•'<;•. Pr. He who would gather honey must brave the sting of the bees. Dut. Pr. He who would gather roses must not fear thorns. Put. J'r. He who would not be frustrate of his hope to write well hereafter in laudable things ought himself to be a true poem. Milton. He who would pry behind the scenes oft sees 55 a counterfeit. Dtyden. HE WHO t 153 ] HEAVEN He who would rule must hear and be deaf, must see and be blind. Ger. Pr. He who would write heroic poems must make his whole life a heroic poem. Milton, quoted by Carlyle. He whom God has gifted with a love of retire- ment possesses, as it were, an extra sense. Bulwer Lytton. He whom God steers sails safely. Pr. 5 He whom the inevitable cannot overcome is unconquerable. Epictetus. He whom toil has braced or manly play, / As light as air each limb, each thought as clear as day. Thomson. He whose actions sink him even beneath the vulgar has no right to those distinctions which should be the reward only of merit. Goldsmith. He whose days are passed away without giv- ing or enjoying, puffing like the bellows of a blacksmith, liveth but by breathing. Hito- padesa. He whose goodness is part of himself is what is called a real man. Mencius. 10 He whose sympathy goes lowest is the man from whom kings have the most to fear. Emerson. He whose understanding can discern what is, and judge what should or should not be applied to prevent misfortune, never sinketh under difficulties. Hitopadesa. He whose word and deed you cannot predict, who answers you without any supplication in his eye, who draws his determination from within, and draws it instantly, — that man rules. Emerson. He whose work is on the highway will have many advisers. Sp. Pr. He will never have true friends who is afraid of making enemies. Hazlitt. 15 He will never set the Thames on fire. Pr. He would fain fly, but wants wings. Pr. He works hard who has nothing to do. Pr. He wrought all kind of service with a noble ease / That graced the lowliest act in doing it. Tennyson. He's a blockhead who wants a proof of what he can't perceive, / And he's a tool who tries to make such a blockhead believe. Wm. Blake. 20 He's a man who dares to be / Firm for truth when others flee. Pr. He's a silly body that's never missed. Sc. Pr. He's a wise man wha can take care o' himsel'. Sc. Pr. He's armed without that's innocent within. Pope. He's idle that may be better employed. Sc. Pr. 25 He's looking for the blade o' corn in the stack o' chaff. /. M. Barric. He's most truly valiant That can wisely suffer the worst that man Can breathe ; and make his wrongs his outsides : To wear them like his raiment, carelessly, / And ne'er prefer his injuries to his heart, / To bring it into danger. Timon of Athens, iii. 5. He's only great who can himself command. Lansdovme. He's well worth (deserving of) sorrow that buys it with his ain siller. Sc. Pr. He's wise that's wise in time. Sc. Pr. Headstrong liberty is lashed with woe. Coin. 30 0/ Errors, ii. 1. Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other. Spectator. Health consists with temperance alone. Pope. Health is better than wealth. Pr. Health is the condition of wisdom, and the sign is cheerfulness — an open and noble temper. Emerson. Health is the first of all liberties, and happi- 35 ness gives us the energy which is the basis of health. Amiel. Health lies in labour, and there is no royal road to it but through toil. Wendell Phillips. Health, longevity, beauty are other names for personal purity, and temperance is the regimen for all. A. B. Alcott. Healthy action is always a balance of forces ; and all extremes are dangerous ; the excess of a good thing being often more dangerous in its social consequences than the excess of what is radically bad. Prof. Blackie, to J 'oung Men. Hear God, and God will hear you. Pr. Hear it not, Duncan ; for it is a knell / That 40 summons thee to heaven or to hell. Macb., ii. 1. Hear much and speak little : for the tongue is the instrument of the greatest good and the greatest evil that is done in this world. Raleigh. Hear one side, and you will be in the dark ; hear both, and all will be clear. H aliburton. Hear ye not the hum / Of mighty workings ? Keats. Hearsay is half lies. Pr. Hearts are flowers ; they remain open to the 45 softly falling dew, but shut up in the violent downpour of rain. Jean Paul. Hearts are stronger than swords. Wendell Phillips. Hearts grow warmer the farther you go / Up to the North with its hills and snow. Walter C. Smith. Hearts may agree though heads differ. Sc. Pr. Hearts philanthropic at times have the trick / Of the old hearts of stone. " alter C. Smith. Heart's-ease is a flower which blooms from 50 the grave of desire. //". A'. Alger. Heat and darkness, and what these two may breed. Carlyle. Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from the eternal. Panto. Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot / That it doth singe yourself. Hen. I'll I., i. 1. Heaven and God are best discerned through tears ; scarcely, perhaps, are discerned at all without them. James Martiueait. Heaven and yourself / Had part in this fair 55 maid (Juliet) ; now heaven hath all. Rom. and Jul, iv. 5. Heaven bestows / At home all riches that wise Nature needs. Cowley. Heaven doth with us as we with torches do, / Not light them for themselves ; for if our virtues / Did not go forth of us, 'twere all alike / As if we had them not. Meets, for Meas., i. 1. HEAVEN [ 154 ] HER EYES Heaven finds means to kill your joys with love. Rom. and Jul., v. 3. Heaven from all creatures hides the book of fate, / All but the page prescribed— their present state. Pope. Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned. Con- greve. Heaven hath many tongues to talk of it, more eyes to behold it, but few hearts that rightly affect it. Bp. Hall. 5 Heaven is above all yet ; there sits a Judge / That no king can corrupt. Hen. VIII., iii. 1. Heaven is as near by sea as by land. Pr. Heaven is in thy faith ; happiness in thy heart. A rndt. Heaven is never deaf but when man's heart is dumb. Quarks. Heaven is not always angry when He strikes. / But most chastises those whom most He likes. Pom/ret. 10 Heaven lies about us in our infancy. Words- worth. Heaven never helps the man that will not act. Sophocles. Heaven often regulates effects by their causes, and pays the wicked what they have de- served. Corneille. Heaven trims our lamps while we sleep. A. B. Alcott. Heaven, which really in one sense is merciful to sinners, is in no sense merciful to fools, but even lays pitfalls for them and inevitable snares. Raskin. 15 Heaven's above all; and there be souls that must be saved, and there be souls that must not be saved. Othello, ii. 3. Heavens ! can you then thus waste, in shame- ful wise, ' Your few important days of trial here ? / Heirs of eternity ! yborn to rise Through endless states of being, still more near / To bliss approaching, and perfection clear. Thomson. Heaven's eternal wisdom hath decreed that man of man should ever stand in need. Theocritus. Heaven's fire confounds when fann'd with folly's breath. Quarles. Heaven's gates are not so highly arched as princes' palaces ; they that enter there must go upon their knees. Paniel Webster. 20 Heavens ! if privileged from trial, / How cheap a thing were virtue ! Thomson. Heaven's Sovereign saves all beings but Him- self that hideous sight — a naked human heart. Young. Heav'n finds an ear when sinners find a tongue. Quarles. Heav'n is for thee too high ; be lowly wise. Milton. Heav'n is not always got by running. Quarles. 25 Heav'n is not day'd. Repentance is not dated. Quarles Hebt mich das Gliick, so bin ich froh, / Und sing in dulci jubilo ; / Senkt sich das Rad una quetscht mich nieder, So denk' ich : nun, es hebt sich wieder — Winn fortune lifts 1110 up, then am I glad and sing in ■•wtct exulta- tion J when she sink-, down and lays me pros- trate, then 1 begin to think, Now it will rise again. Goethe. Hectora quis nosset, si felix Troja fuisset? / Publica virtuti per mala facta via est — Who would have known of Hector if Troy had been fortunate ? A highway is open to virtue through the midst of misfortunes. Ovid. Hectors Liebe stirbt im Lethe nicht — Hector's love does not perish in the Hoods of Lethe. Schiller. Hedges between keep friendship green. Pr. Hedgerows and Hercules-pillars, however per- 30 feet, are to be reprobated as soon as they diminish the free world of a future man. Jean Paul. Heilig sei dir der Tag ; doch schatze das Leben nicht hotter / Als ein anderes Gut, und alle Guter sind triiglich — Sacred be this day to thee, yet rate not life higher than another good, for all our good things are illusory. Goethe. Hei mihi ! difficile est imitari gaudia falsa ! / Difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum — Ah me ! it is hard to feign the joys one does not feel, hard to feign mirth when one's heart is sad. Tib. Hei mihi ! qualis erat ! quantum mutatus ab illo / Hectore, qui redit, exuvias indutus Achilli — Ah me, how sad he looked ! how changed from that Hector who returned in triumph arrayed in the spoils of Achilles. Virg. Heitern Sinn und reine Zwecke / Nun, man kommt wohl eine Strecke— Serene sense and pure aims, that means a long stride, I should say. Goethe. " Helas ! que j'en aivu mourir de jeunes filles " 35 — "Alas, how many young girls have I seen die of that 1 " / 'ictor Hugo. Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of men are never satisfied. Bible. Hell is on both sides of the tomb, and a devil may be respectable and wear good clothes. C. H. Parkhurst. Hell is paved with good intentions. John- sou. Hell is paved with the skulls of priests. Modi- tied from St. Chrysostom. Hell lies near, / Around us, as does heaven, 40 and in the world, / Which is our Hades, still the chequered souls, / Compact of good and ill — not all accurst, Nor altogether blest— a few brief years ' Travel the little journey of their lives, , They know not to what end. Lewis Morris. Helluo librorum — A devourer of books. Help others and seek to avenge no injury. Fors. Help which is long on the road is no help. Pr. Help yourself and your friends will help you. Pr. Helpless mortal! Thine arm can destroy 45 thousands at once, but cannot enclose even two of thy fellow-creatures at once in the embrace of love and sympathy. Jean Paul. Hence, babbling dreams ; you threaten here in vain ; / Conscience, avaunt, Richard's himself again. Collty 1 Her angel's face, / As the great eye of heaven, shined bright, / And made a sunshine in the shady place. Spenser. Her eyes are homes of silent pray jr. Penny- son. HER FEET [ 155 ] HIC ET Her feet, beneath her petticoat, Like little mice stole in and out, / As if they fear'd the light ; But oh ! she dances such a way, No sun upon an Easter-day Is half so fine a sight. Sir J. Suckling. Her own person, / It beggar d all description. Ant. and Cleop., ii. 2. Her sun is gone down while it was yet day. Bible. Her voice was ever soft, I Gentle, and low — an excellent thing in woman. King Lear, v. 3- 5 Hercules himself must yield to odds ; / And many strokes, though with a little axe, Hew down and fell the hardest -timber d oak. 3 Hen. II., ii. 1. Here eyes do regard you ' In Eternity's still- ness ; J Here is all fulness, Ye brave, to reward you. Work and despair not. Goethe. Here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. St. Paul. Here have we war for war, and blood for blood, ' Controlment for controlment. King /o/in, i. 1. Here I and sorrows sit ; / Here is my throne ; bid kings come bow to it. King Joan, iii. 1. 10 Here I lay, and thus I bore my point. 1 Hen. IV., ii. 4. Here in the body pent, ' Absent from Him I roam, / Yet nightly pitch my moving tent / A day's march nearer home. /. Montgomery. Here lies Johnny Pigeon ! What was his religion, Wha e'er desires to ken / To some ither warl' Maun follow the carl, / For here Johnny Pigeon had nane. Burns. Here lies one whose name was writ in water. Keats epitaph. Here lies our sovereign lord the king, 'Whose word no man relies on; / He never says a foolish thing, / Nor ever does a wise one. Rochester on Charles 1 1. s chamber-door. 15 Here lieth one, believe it if you can, Who, though an attorney, was an honest man ! Epitaph. Here, on earth we are as soldiers fighting in a foreign land, that understand not the plan of the campaign, and have no need to under- stand it, seeing well what is at our hand to be done. Carlyle. Here or nowhere is America. Goethe. Here our souls Though amply blest. ' Can never find, although they seek, A perfect rest. Procter. Here was a Caesar ! when comes such another ? Jul. Cces., iii. 2. 20 Here's a sigh for those who love me, / And a smile for those who hate, And whatever sky's above me, / Here's a heart for every fate. Byron. Hereditary bondsmen ! know ye not, Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow ? Byron. Hereditary honours are a noble and a splendid treasure to descendants. Plato. Heroes are much the same, the point's agreed. ' From Macedonia's madman to the Swede. Pope. Heroism is an obedience to a secret impulse of an individual's character. Emerson. Heroism is the brilliant triumph of the soul 25 over fear ; fear of poverty, of suffering, of calumny, of sickness, of isolation and death. . . . It is the dazzling and glorious concen- tration of courage. Am- el. Heroism is the self-devotion of genius mani- festing itself in action. Hare. Heroism, the Divine relation which, in all times, unites a great man to other men. Carlyle. Hero-worship exists, has existed, and will for ever exist, universally among mankind. Car- lyle. Herradura que chacotea clavo le falta — A clattering hoof means a nail gone. S/>. Pr. Herrenlos ist auch der Freiste nicht — Even 30 the most emancipated is not without a master. Schiller. Herrschaft gewinn ich, Eigentum ; Die That ist alles, nichts der Ruhm— Lordship, aye ownership, is my conquest ; the deed is every- thing, the fame of it nothing. Goethe. Heu melior quanto sors tua sorte mea !— Alas ! how much better is your fate than mine ! " Ovid. Heu nihil invitis fas quenquam fidere divis — Alas ! it is not permitted to any one to feel con- fident when the gods are adverse. Virg. Heu pietas ! Heu prisca fides — Alas ! for piety ! Alas! for ancient faith ! Virg. Heu! quam difficile est crimen non prodere35 vultu ! — Alas ! how difficult it is not to betray guilt by our looks ! Ovid. Heu ! quam difficilis gloriae custodia est ! — Alas ! how difficult is the custody of glorv. Pub. Syr. Heu ! quam miserum est ab eo laedi, de quo non ausis queri — Alas ! how galling is it to be injured by one against whom you dare make no complaint. Pub. Syr. Heu quantum fati parva tabella vehit ! — Ah ! with what a weight of destiny is this one slight plank freighted ! Ozu'd. Heu ! totum triduum ! — What ! three whole days of waiting ! Per. H eureka — I have found it out. Gr. 40 Heureux commencement est la moitie de l'ceuvre — A work well begun is half done. Pr. Pr. Heute muss dem Morgen nichts borgen — To- day must borrow nothing of to-morrow. Ger. Pr. Heute roth, Morgen todt — To-day red, to- morrow dead. Ger. Pr. Hi motus animorum atque hasc certamina tanta / Pulveris exigui jactu compressa quiescent — These passions of soul, these con- flicts so fierce, will cease, and be repressed by the casting of a little dust. Virg. Hiatus maxime deflendus — A deficiency or blank 45 very much to be deplored. Hibernicis ipsis hibernior — More Irish than the Irish themselves. Hie dies, vere mihi festus, atras ' Eximet curas — This day, for me a true holiday, shall banish gloomy cares. Hor. Hie est aut nusquam quod quserimus — Here or else nowhere is what we are aiming at. Hor. Hie est mucro defensionis tuae — This is the point of your defence. Cic. Hie et nunc — Here and now. 50 HIC ET [ 156 ] HIS FAILINGS Hie et ubique — Here and everywhere. Hie finis fandi— Here let the conversation end. Hie funis nihil attraxit— This bait has taken no fish ; this scheme has not answered. Pr. Hie gelidi fontes, hie mollia prata, Lycori, / Hie nemus, hie toto tecum consumerer aevo — Here are cool springs, Lycoris, here velvet meads, here a grove ; here with thee could I pass my whole life. Virg. 5 Hie hseret aqua '.—This is the difficulty {lit. here the water (in the water-clock) stops. Hie jacet — Here lies, Hie locus est partes ubi se via findit in ambas —This is the spot where the way divides in two branches. / i'g. Hie murus aheneus esto, / Nil conscire sibi, nulla pallescere culpa — Be this our wall of brass, to be conscious of no guilt, to turn pale at no charge brought against us. Hor. Hie niger est ; hunc tu, Romane, caveto— This fellow is black ; have a care of him, Roman. Hor, 10 Hie nigrae succus loliginis, haec est / JErugo mera— This is the very venom of dark detrac- tion ; this is pure malignity. Hor. Hie patet ingeniis campus, certusque merenti / Stat favor : ornatur propriis industria donis — Here is a field open for talent, and here merit will have certain favour, and industry be graced with its due reward, Claud. Hie Rhodos, hie salta — Here is Rhodes ; here leap. Hie rogo, non furor est ne moriare mori?— I ask, is it not madness to die that you may not die? Mart. Hie situs est Phaeton currus auriga paterni ; / Quern si non tenuit, magnis tamen excidit ausis — Here lies buried Phaeton, the driver of his father's car, which if he did not manage, still he perished in a great attempt. Ovid. 15 Hie transitus efficit magnum vitse compendium — This change effects a great saving of time (lit. life). Hie ubi nunc urbs est, turn locus urbis erat— Here, where the city now stands, was at that time nothing but its site. Ovid. Hie ver assiduum, atque alienis mensibus sestas — Here (in Italy) is ceaseless spring, and summer in months in which summer is alien. Virg. Hie victor csestus artemque repono — Here victorious I lay aside my cestus and my net. Virg. Hicvigilans somniat— He sleeps awake. Plaut. 20 Hie vivimus ambitiosa / Paupertate omnes — We all live here in a state of ostentatious poverty. Jnv. Hid jewels are but lost. Quarlcs. Hier bin ich Mensch, hier darf ich's sein — Here am I a man, here may I be one. Goethe. Hier ist die Zeit durch Thaten zu beweisen, / Dass Manneswiirde nicht der Gdtterhohe weicht — Now is the time to show by deeds that the dignity of a man does not yield to the sublimity of the gods. (/■ ••'.' i . Hier ist keine Heimat -Jeder treibt I Sich an dem andern rasch und fremd voriiber, Und fragt nicht nach seinem Schmerz — Here is no home for a man : every one drives past another hastily and unneighbourly, and inquires not after his pain. Schiller, Hier sitz' ich auf Rasen mit Veilchen bekranzt 25 — Here sit I upon the sward wreathed with violets. A". Schmidt. Hier stehe ich ! Ich kann nicht anders. Gott helfe mir ! Amen— Here stand I. I cannot act otherwise. So help me God! Luther at the Diet of Worms. Hier steht einer, der wird mich rachen— Here stands one who will avenge me. Frederick U illiam of Prussia, pointing to his son. High air-castles are cunningly built of words, the words well-bedded in good logic mortar ; wherein, however, no knowledge will come to lodge. Carlyle. High birth is an accident, not a virtue. Metas- tasio. High erected thoughts seated in the heart of 30 courtesy. Sir P. Sidney. High houses are usually empty in the upper storey. Gcr. Pr. High is the head of the stag on the mountain crag s Gael. Pr. High station has to be resigned in order to be appreciated, Pascal. Hilarisque tamen cum pondere virtus— Virtue may be gay, yet with dignity. Statius. Hilft Gott uns nicht, kein Kaiser kann uns 35 helfen — God helps us not ; no emperor can. Schiller. Hills peep o'er hills ; and alps on alps arise. Pope. Hilo y aguja, media vestidura — Needle and thread are half clothing. Sp. Pr. Him only pleasure leads and peace attends, / Him, only him, the shield of Jove defends, / Whose means are fair and spotless as his ends. Wordsworth. Him who makes chaff of himself the cows will eat. A rab. Pr. Hin ist die Zeit, da Bertha spann— Gone is the 40 time when Queen Bertha span. Ger. Pr. Hin ist hin ! Verloren ist verloren — Gone is gone ! Lost is lost. G. A. Burger. Hinc illae lachrymae — Hence these tears. Virg. Hinc lucem et pocula sacra — Hence light to us and sacred draughts. M. of Cambridge Uni- versity, Hinc omne principium, hue refer exitum— To them (the gods) ascribe every undertaking, to them the issue. Hor. Hinc subitse mortes atque intestata senectus45 — Hence (from sensual indulgence) sudden deaths and intestate old age. Juv. Hinc totam infehx vulgatur fama per urbem — Hence the unhappy news is spread abroad through the whole city. / '<>g. Hinc usura vorax, avidumque in tempore faenus, / Et concussa fides, et multis utile bellum— Hence (from the ambition of Cesar) arise devouring usury, grasping interest, shaken credit, and war of advantage to many. Lue.ui. Hinc venti dociles resono se carcere solvunt, / Et cantum accepta pro libertate rependunt — Hence the obedient winds are loosed from their sounding prison, and repay the liberty they have received with a tune. Of an organ. His bark is waur nor (worse than) his bite. Se. Pr. His Christianity was muscular. Disraeli. 50 His failings lean'd to virtue's side. Goldsmith. HIS KISSING [ 157 ] HOC ERAT His kissing is as full of sanctity as the touch of holy bread. As You Like It, iii. 4. His imagination resembled the wings of an ostrich. It enabled him to run, though not to soar. Macaulay. His lachrymis vitam damus, et miserescimus ultro — To these tears we grant him life, and pity him besides. / r irg. His legibus solutis respublica stare non potest — With these laws repealed, the republic cannot last. Cic. 5 His life was gentle, and the elements / So mix d in him, that Nature might stand up, / And say to all the world : This was a man ! Jul. Cies., v. 5. His nature is too noble for the world ; / He would not flatter Neptune for his trident, / or Jove for his power to thunder. Corioianus, iii. 2. His nunc prsemium est, qui recta prava faciunt — Nowadays those are rewarded who make right appear wrong. 'Per. His opinion who does not see spiritual agency in history is not worth any man's reading. Win. Blake. His own character is the arbiter of every one's fortune. Pub. Syr. 10 His rash, fierce blaze of riot cannot last, / For violent fires soon outburn themselves. Rich. II., ii. 1. His saltern accumulem donis, et fungar inani munere — -These offerings at least I would be- stow upon him, and discharge a duty though it no longer avails. Virg. His speech was like a tangled chain ; / Nothing impaired, but all disordered. Mid. Night's Dream, v. 1. His thoughts look through his words. Ben Jonson. His time is for ever, everywhere his place. Cowley. 15 His tongue could make the worse appear the better reason. Milton. His tongue / Dropp'd manna, and could make the worse appear / The better reason, to per- plex and dash / Maturest counsels. Milton. His very foot has music in 't, / As he comes up the stair. W. J. Mickle. His wit invites you by his looks to come, / But when you knock, it never is at home. Cowper. His words are bonds, his oaths are oracles. Two Cent, of Verona, ii. 7. 20 Historia quo quomodo scripta delectat— His- tory, however written, is always a pleasure to us. Pliny. Histories are as perfect as the historian is wise, and is gifted with an eye and a soul. Carlyle. Histories make men wise ; poets, witty ; the mathematics, subtle ; natural philosophy, deep ; morals, grave ; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. Bacon. History and experience prove that the most passionate characters are the most fanati- cally rigid in their feelings of duty, when their passion has been trained to act in that direction. /. 6". Mill. History, as it lies at the root of all science, is also the first distinct product of man's spiritual nature, his earliest expression of what may be called thought. Carlyle. History ensures for youth the understanding 25 of the ancients. Diodorus. History has only to do with what is true, and what is only probable should be relegated to the imaginary domain of romance and poetical fiction. (?) History is a cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of man. Shelley. History is always written ex post facto. History is an impertinence and an injury, if it be anything more than a cheerful apo- logue or parable of my being and becoming. I: nicrson. History is an imprisoned epic, nay, an im- 30 prisoned psalm and prophecy. Carlyle. History is but a fable agreed on. Napoleon. History is but the unrolled scroll of prophecy. Garfield. History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of man- kind. Gibbon. History is like sacred writing, for truth is essential to it. Cervantes. History is made up of the bad actions of 35 extraordinary men. All the most noted destroyers and deceivers of our species, all the founders of arbitrary governments and false religions, have been extraordinary men, and nine-tenths of the calamities which have befallen the human race had no other origin than the union of high intelligence with low desires. Macaulay. History is only a confused heap of facts. Chesterfield. History is philosophy teaching by examples. Quoted by Bolingbroke. History is properly nothing but a satire on mankind. C. J. Weber. History is the true poetry. Carlyle. History shows that the majority of the men 40 who have done anything great have passed their youth in seclusion. Heine. History teems with instances of truth put down by persecution ; if not suppressed for ever, it may be thrown back for centuries. y. s. Mm. Hitch your waggon to a star. Emerson. Hitherto all miracles have been wrought by thought, and henceforth innumerable will be wrought ; whereof we, even in these days, witness some. Carlyle. Hitherto doth love on fortune tend ; / For who not needs, shall never lack a friend ; / And who in want a hollow friend doth try, / Directly seasons him his enemy. Ham., iii. 2. Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further ; and 45 here shall thy proud waves be stayed. Bible. Hizonos Dios, y maravillamonos nos — God made us, and we admire ourselves. Sp. Pr. Hobbes clearly proves that every creature , Lives in a state of war by nature. Sitnft. " Hoc age" is the great rule, whether you are serious or merry ; whether . . . learning science or duty from a folio, or floating on the Thames. Intentions must be gathered from acts. Johnson. Hoc age — Mind what you are about {lit. do this). Hoc erat in more majorum — This was the custom 50 of our forefathers. HOC ERAT [ 158 1 HOMINI Hoc erat in votis ; modus agri non ita magnus ; / Hortus ubi, et tecto vicinus jugis aquae fons, / Et paulum silvae super his foret — This was ever my chief prayer : a piece of ground not too large, with a garden, and a spring of never-failing water near my house, and a little woodland be- sides. Hor. Hoc est quod palles ? cur quis non pran- deat, hoc est? — Is it for this you look so pale? is this a reason why one should not dine? Pers. Hoc est / Vivere bis, vita posse priore frui — To be able to enjoy one's past life is to live twice. Martial. Hoc fonte derivata clades, / In patriam, popu- lumque fluxit — From this source the disaster flowed that has overwhelmed the nation and the people. Hor. 5 Hoc genus omne — All persons of that kind. Hoc Herculi Iovis satu, edito' potuit fortasse contingere, nobis non item — This might per- chance happen to Hercules, of the seed royal of Jove, but not to us. Cic. Hoc loco — In this place. Hoc maxime officii est, ut quisquis maxime opus indigeat, ita ei potissimum opitulari — It is our prime duty to aid him first who most stands in need of our assistance. Cic. Hoc opus, hie labor est — This is a work, this is a toil. Virg. 10 Hoc patrium est, potius consuefacere filium / Sua sponte recte facere, quam alieno metu — It is a father's duty to accustom his son to act rightly of his own free-will rather than from fear of the consequences. Ter. Hoc pretium ob stultitiam fero— This reward I gain for my folly. Ter. Hoc scito, nimio celerius / Venire quod moles- turn est, quam id quod cupide petas — Be sure of this, that that which is disagreeable comes more speedily than that which you eagerly de- sire. Plant. Hoc signo vinces — By this sign (the cross) you will conquer. M. Hoc virtutis opus — This is virtue's work. M. 15 Hoc volo, hoc jubeo ; sit pro ratione voluntas — This I wish, this I require : be my will instead of reason. Juv. Hodie mihi, eras tibi — My turn to-day, yours to-morrow. Hodie nihil, eras credo — To-morrow I will trust, not to-day. Varro. Hodie vivendum amissa praeteritorum cura — Let us live to-day, forgetting the cares that are past. An Epicurean maxim. Hoi polloi — The multitude. Gr. 20 Hoist up the sail while gale doth last — / Tide and wind wait no man's pleasure ! Seek not time when time is past — Sober speed i^ wisdom's leisure ! Southwell. Hold all the skirts of thy mantle extended when heaven is raining gold. Eastern Pr. Hold the living dear and honour the dead. Goethe. Hold their farthing candle to the sun. ) 'bung, of critics. Hold thou the good ; define it well. Tenny- 25 Hold up thy head ; the taper lifted high / Will brook the wind when lower tapers die. Quarles. Holy fields, / Over whose acres walked those blessed feet / Which fourteen hundred years ago were nail'd, / For our advantage, on the bitter cross, i Hen. IV., i. i. Holy men at their death have good inspira- tions. Mer. of I 'en., i. 2. Hombre de barba — A man of intelligence. Sf. Hombre pobre todo es trazas— A poor man is all schemes. Sp. Pr. Home, in one form or another, is the great 30 object of life. /. G. Holland. Home is heaven for beginners. C. H. Park- hurst. Home is home, be it never so homely. Pr. Home is the place of Peace ; the shelter, not only from all injury, but from all terror, doubt, and division. R 11 skin. Home should be an oratorio of the memory, singing to all our after life melodies and harmonies of old-remembered joy. Ward Bcechcr. Home, the nursery of the infinite. Channing. 35 Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits. Two Cent. o/Ver., i. 1. Homer's Epos has not ceased to be true ; yet is no longer our Epos, but shines in the dis- tance, if clearer and clearer, yet also smaller and smaller, like a receding star. It needs a scientific telescope, it needs to be rein- terpreted and artificially brought near us, before we can so much as know that 'twas a sun. . . . For all things, even celestial luminaries, much more atmospheric meteors, have their rise, their culmination, their de- cline. Cariyle. Homine imperito nunquam quidquam injustius ' Qui, nisi quod ipse fecit, nihil rectum putat— Nothing so unjust as your ignorant man, who thinks nothing right but what he himself has done. Ter. Hominem non odi sed ejus vitia — I do not hate the man, but his vices. Mart. Hominem pagina nostra sapit — My pages con- 40 cern man. Mart. Hominem quaero — I am in quest of a man. Pluidr. after Diogenes. Homines ad deos nulla re propius accedunt quam salutem hominibus dando — In nothing do men so nearly approach tile gods as in giving health to men. Cic. Homines amplius oculis quam auribus credunt : longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla — Men trust their eyes rather than their ears : the road by precept is long and tedious, by example short and effectual. Sen. Homines nihil agendo discunt male agere — By doing nothing men learn to do ill. C ato. Homines plus in alieno negotio videre, quam 45 in suo — Men see better into other people's busi- ness than their own. Sen. Homines proniores sunt ad voluptatem, quam ad virtutem — Men are more prone to pleasure than to virtue. Cic. Homines, quo plura habent, eo cupiunt amph- ora — The more men have, the more they want. Justin. Homini necesse est mori Man must die. Cic. Homini ne fidas nisi cum quo modium salis absumpseres- Trust no man till you have eaten a peck of salt with him, i.e., known him so long as you might have done so. Pr. HOMINIBUS [ 159 ] HONOURABLE Hominibus plenum, amicis vacuum — Full of men, vacant of friends. Sen. Hominis est errare, insipientis perseverare— It is the nature of man to err, of a fool to perse- vere in error. Hominum sententia fallax— The opinions of men are fallible. Ovid. Homme assailli a. demi vaincu — A man assailed is half overpowered. Fr. 5 Homme chiche jamais riche — A niggardly man is always poor. Fr. Pr. Homme d'affaires — A business man. Fr. Homme d'esprit — A witty man. Fr. Homme d'etat — A statesman. Fr. Homme d'honneur — A man of honour. Fr. 10 Homme instruit — A learned or literary man. Fr. Homo ad res perspicacior Lynceo vel Argro, et oculeus totus — A man more clear-sighted for business than Lynceus or Argus, and eyes all over. Af>ul. Homo antiqua virtute ac fide — A man of the old-fashioned virtue and loyalty. Ter. Homo constat ex duabus partibus, corpore et anima, quorum una est corporea, altera ab omni materia? concretione sejuncta — Man is composed of two parts, body and soul, of which the one is corporeal, the other separated from all combination with matter. Cic. Homo doctus in se semper divitias habet — A learned man has always riches in himself. Pkadr. 15 Homo extra est corpus suum cum irascitur — A man when angry is beside himself. Pub. Syr. Homo fervidus et diligens ad omnia paratur — The man who is earnest and diligent is prepared for all things. Thomas H Kcmpis. Homo homini aut deus aut lupus — Man is to man either a god or a wolf. Erasmus. Homo is a common name to all men. i Hen. //'., ii. i. Homo multarum literarum — A man of many letters, i.e., of extensive learning. 20 Homo multi consilii et optimi — A man always ready to give his advice, and that the most judicious. Homo nullius coloris — A man of no party. Homo qui erranti comiter monstrat viam, / Quasi lumen de suo lumine accendit, facit ; Nihilominus ipsi luceat, cum illi accenderit — He who kindly shows the way to one who has gone astray, acts as though he had lighted another's lamp from his own, which both gives light to the other and continues to shine for himself. Cic. Homo solus aut deus aut demon — Man alone is either a god or a devil. Homo sum, et nihil humani a me alienum puto — I am a man, and 1 reckon nothing human alien to me. 'Per. 25 Homo toties moritur, quoties amittit suos— A man dies as often as he loses his relatives. Pub. Syr. Homo trium literarum— A man of three letters, i.e., fur, "a thief." Piatt. Homo unius libri — A man of one book. Thomas Aquinas' definition of a learned man. Homunculi quanti sunt, cum recogito— What poor creatures we men are, when I think of it. Plant. Honest labour bears a lovely face. T. Dekker. Honest men marry soon, wise men never. Sc. 30 Pr. Honesta mors turpi vita potior — An honour- able death is better than an ignominious life. Tac. Honesta paupertas prior quam opes mala?— Poverty with honour is better than ill-gotten wealth. /V. Honesta qua?dam scelera successus facit— Success makes some species of crimes honour- able. Sen. Honesta quam splendida — Honourable rather than showy. M. Honestum non est semper quod licet — What is 35 lawful is not always honourable. L. Honestum quod vere dicimus, etiamsi a nullo laudatur, laudabile est sua natura — That which we truly call honourable is praiseworthy in its own nature, even though it should be praised by no one. Cic. Honesty is like an icicle ; if it once melts, that is the last of it. Atner. Pr. Honesty is the best policy. Pr. Honesty is the poor man's pork and the rich man's pudding;. Pr. Honesty may be dear bought, but can ne'er be 40 an ill pennyworth. Sc. Pr. Honi soit qui mal y pense — Evil be to him that evil thinks. Royal M. Fr. Honnetes gens — Upright people. Fr. Honneur et patrie — Honour and country. M. Honor Deo — Honour be to God. M. Honor est prasmium virtutis — Honour is the 45 reward of virtue. Cic. Honor fidelitatis praemium — Honour is the re- ward of fidelity. M. Honor sequitur fugientem — Honour follows him who flies from her. .1/. Honores mutant mores — Honours change manners. Honos alit artes, omnesque incenduntur ad studia gloria — Honours encourage the arts, for all are incited towards studies by fame. Cic. Honour a physician with the honour due unto 50 him for the uses which ye may have of hiin, for the Lord hath created him. Ecclus. Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. St. Peter. Honour and ease are seldom bedfellows. Pr. Honour hath no skill in surgery. . . . Honour is a mere scutcheon, i Hen. II'., v. i. Honour is nobler than gold. Gael. Pr. Honour is not a virtue in itself; it is the mail 55 behind which the virtues fight more securely. G. H. Calvert. Honour is unstable, and seldom the same ; for she feeds upon opinion, and is as fickle as her food. Colton. Honour is venerable to us because it is no ephemeris. Emerson. Honour to whom honour is due. St. Paul. Honour travels in a strait so narrow, / Where one but goes abreast. Trail, and Cress., iii. 3. Honour won't patch. Gael. Pr. 60 Honourable (F.krlicli) is a word of high rank, and implies much more than most people attach to it. Arndt. HONOURS r i«j ] HOW tJUHbilNtrS Honours, like impressions upon coin, may give an ideal and local value to a bit of base metal ; but gold and silver will pass all the world over, without any other recommenda- tion than their own weight. Sterne. Honours to one in my situation are something like ruffles to a man that wants a shirt. Goldsmith, of liimself. Honour's the moral conscience of the great. D ' Avenant. Honteux comme un renard qu'une poule aurait pris — Sheepish as a fox that has been taken in by a fowl. La Pont. 5 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. Bible. Hope is a curtail dog in some affairs. Merry Wives, ii. i. Hope is a good anchor, but it needs something to grip. Pr. Hope is a lover's staff: walk hence with that, / And manage it against despairing thoughts. Two Gent. ofVer., iii. i. Hope is a pleasant acquaintance but an un- safe friend. He'll do on a pinch for your travelling companion, but he's not the man for your banker. Atner. Pr. 10 Hope is a waking man's dream. Pr. Hope is itself a species of happiness, and per- haps the chief happiness which this world affords ; but, like all other pleasures, its ex- cesses must be expiated by pain : and expec- tations improperly indulged must end i:i disappointment. Johnson. Hope is not the man for your banker, though he may do for your travelling companion. Haliburton. Hope is the best part of our riches. Bovee. Hope is the only good which is common to all men. T hales. 15 Hope is the ruddy morning ray of joy, recol- lection is its golden tinge ; but the latter is wont to sink amid the dews and dusky shades of twilight, and the bright blue day which the former promises breaks indeed, but in another world and with another sun. Jean Paul. Hope never comes that comes to all. Mi/ton. Hope never spread her golden wings but in unfathomable seas. Emerson. Hope not wholly to reason away your troubles ; but do not feed them with attention, and they will die imperceptibly away. Johnson. Hope, of all ills that men endure, / The only cheap and universal cure. Cowley. 20Hope springs eternal in the human breast ; / Man never is, but always to be, blest. Pope. Hope springs exulting on triumphant wing. Burns. Hope thou not much, and fear thou not at all. Quoted by Swinburne. Hope to joy is little less in joy / Than hope enjoyed. Rich. II., ii. 3. Hoping and waiting is not my way of doing things. Goethe. 25 Hora e sempre— Now and always. .17. Horae cedunt, et dies, et menses, et anni, nee praiteritum tempus unquam revertitnr — Hours and days, months and years, pass away, and time once past never returns. Cic. Hora? / Momento cita mors venit, aut victoria laeta — In a moment of time comes sudden death or joyful victory. Hor. Horas non numero nisi serenas — I mark no hours but the shining ones. Of a dial. Horrea formicae tendunt ad inania nunquam ; / Nullus ad amissas ibit amicus opes — As ants never bend their way to empty barns, so no friend will visit departed wealth. Ovid. Horresco referens — I shudder as I relate. Virg. 30 Horribile dictu — Horrible to relate. Horror ubique animos, simul ipsa silentia ter- rent — Everywhere horror seizes the soul, and the very silence is dreadful. Virg. Horror vacui — Abhorrence of a vacuum. Hors de combat — Out of condition to fight Pr. Hors de propos — Not to the purpose. Pr. 35 Hortus siccus — A dry garden ; a collection of dried plants. Hos successus alit ; possunt quia posse viden- tur — These are encouraged by success ; they prevail because they think they can. Virg. Hospice d'accouchement — A maternity hospital. Pr. Hospice d'allaitement — A foundling hospital. Pr. Hospitality must be for service, not for show, 40 or it pulls down the host. Emerson. Hostis est uxor invita quae ad virum nuptum datur — The wife who is given in marriage to a man against her will becomes his enemy. Plant. Hostis honori invidia — Envy is honour's foe. M. Hotel de ville — A town-hall. Pr. Hotel Dieu — The house of God ; the name of an hospital. Pr. Household words. Hen. !'., iv. 3. 45 Housekeeping without a wife is a lantern with- out a light. Pr. Houses are built to live in, and not to look on. Bacon. How are riches the means of happiness? In acquiring they create trouble, in their loss they occasion sorrow, and they are the cause of endless divisions amongst kindred ! Hito- Jadesa. How beautiful is death, seeing that we die in a world of life and of creation without end ! Jean Paul How beautiful is youth ! how bright it gleams, /50 With its allusions, aspirations, dreams ! / Book ot beginnings, story without end, / Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend. Longfellow. How beautiful to die of a broken heart on paper ! Quite another thing in practice ! Every window of your feeling, even of your intellect, as it were begrimmed and mud- bespattered, so that no pure ray can enter ; a whole drug-shop in your inwards ; the fore- done soul drowning slowly in a quagmire of disgust. Carlyle. How bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes! As You Like It, v. 2. How blessed might poor mortals be in the straitest circumstances, if only their wisdom and fidelity to Heaven and one another were adequately great. Carlyle, apropos to his lij'e at Craigenputtock. How blessings brighten as they take their flight! Young, HOW BLEST [ 161 ] HOW MANY How blest the humble cotter's fate ! < He woos his simple dearie ; The silly bogles, wealth, and state, Can never make them eerie. Burns. How can a man be concealed ? How can a man be concealed ? Confucius. How can he be godly who is not cleanly ? Pr. How can man love but what he yearns to help ? Browning. 5 How can we expect a harvest of thought who have not had a seed-time of character ? Thorcau. How can we learn to know ourselves ? Never by reflection, but only through action. Essay to do thy duty, and thou knowest at once what is in thee. Goethe. How charming is divine philosophy ! Milton. How creatures of the human kind shut their eyes to the plainest facts, and by the mere inertia of oblivion and stupidity live at ease in the midst of wonders and terrors. Car. lyle. How difficult it is to get men to believe that any other man can or does act from dis- interestedness. B. R. Hay don. 10 How dire is love when one is so tortured ; and yet lovers cannot exist without torturing themselves. Goethe. How doth the little busy bee ' Improve each shining hour, And gather honey all the day / From every opening flower. Watts. How dull it is to pause, to make an end, / To rust unburnish'd, not to shine in use, / As though to breathe were life. Tennyson. How enormous appear the crimes we have not committed ! Mine. Necker. How far that little candle throws his beams ! / So shines a good deed in a naughty world. Mer. of Veil., v. i. 15 How fast has brother followed / From sun- shine to the sunless land. Wordsworth. How few think justly of the thinking few ; / How many never think, who think they do ! Jane Taylor. How foolish and absurd, nay, how hurtful and destructive a vice is ambition, which, by undue pursuit of honour, robs us of true honour ! Thomas a. Kempis. How forcible are right words 1 Bible. How fortunate beyond all others is the man who, in order to adjust himself to fate, is not required to cast away his whole pre- ceding life ! Goethe. 20 How full of briers is this working-day world I As You Like It, i. 3. How glorious a character appears when it is penetrated with mind and soul. Goethe. How good is man's life, the mere living ! how fit to employ All the heart, and the soul, and the senses for ever in joy ! Browning. How happy could I be with either, / Were t'other dear charmer away ! Gay. How happy is he born or taught That serv- eth not another's will ; / Whose armour is his honest thought, / And simple truth his utmost skill. Sir Henry Wotton. 25 How happy is the blameless vestal's lot ! / The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Po^e. How happy is the prince who has counsellors near him who can guard him against the effects of his own angry passions ; their names shall be read in golden letters when the history of his reign is perused. Scott. How happy should we be ... / If we from self could rest, / And feel at heart that One above, In perfect wisdom, perfect love, / Is working for the best ! Anstice. How hard it is (for the Byron, for the Burns), whose ear is quick for celestial messages, to "take no counsel with flesh and blood," and instead of living and writing for the day that passes over them, live and write for the eternity that rests and abides over them ! Carlyle. How hardly man the lesson learns. / To smile, and bless the hand that spurns : To see the blow, to feel the pain, And render only love again! Anon. How hardly shall they who have riches enter 30 into the kingdom of God ! Jesus. How ill white hairs become a fool and a jester. 2 Hen. IV., v. 5. How indestructibly the good grows, and pro- pagates itself, even among the weedy en- tanglements of evil ! Carlyle. How is each of us so lonely in the wide bosom of the All ? Jean Paul. How is it possible to expect that mankind will take advice, when they will not so much as take warning. Swift. How little do the wantonly or idly officious 35 think what mischief they do by their mali- cious insinuations, indirect impertinence, or thoughtless babblings ! Burns. How little is the promise of the child fulfilled in the man. Ovid. How long halt ye between two opinions? Bible. How long I have lived, how much lived in vain ! / How little of life's scanty span may remain ! / What aspects old Time in his progress has worn ! / What ties cruel fate in my bosom has torn ! / How foolish, or worse, till our summit is gain'd ! / And downward, how weaken' d, how darken'd, how pain'd I Burns. How many ages hence Shall this our lofty scene be acted over / In states unborn and accents yet unknown ! Jul. Cies.. iii. 1. How many causes that can plead for them- 40 selves in the courts of Westminster, and yet in the general court of the universe and free soul of man, have no word to utter ! Carlyle. How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false As stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins / The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars ! Who, inward searched, have livers white as milk. Mer. of Venice, iii. 2. How many honest words have suffered cor- ruption since Chaucer's days ! Middleton. How many illustrious and noble heroes have lived too long by a day ! Rousseau. How many men live on the reputation of the reputation they might have made 1 Holmes. How many people make themselves abstract 45 to appear profound ! The greatest part of abstract terms are shadows that hide a vacuum. Joubert. L HOW MANY [ 162 ] HOW WELL How many things by season season'd are / To their right praise and true perfection ! Mer. of Venice, v. i. How many things, just and unjust, have no higher sanction than custom ! Ter, How much a dunce that has been sent to roam / Excels a dunce that has been kept at home ! Cowper. How much better is it to get wisdom than gold ! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver .' Bible. 5 How much better it is to weep at joy than to joy at weeping ! Much Ado, i. 4. How much easier it is to be generous than just ! Junius. How much lies in laughter, the cipher-key wherewith we decipher the whole man. Carlyle. How much the wife is dearer than the bride ! Lyttelton. How narrow our souls become when absorbed in any present good or ill ! It is only the thought of the future that makes them great. Jean Paul. 10 How noble is heroic insight without words in comparison to the adroitest flow of words without heroic insight ! Carlyle. How noiseless is thought ! No rolling of drums, no tramp of squadrons, or immea- surable tumult of baggage-waggons, attends its movements ; in what obscure and seques- tered places may the head be meditating which is one day to be crowned with more than imperial authority ; for kings and em- perors will be among its ministering ser- vants ; it will rule not over, but in all heads, and bend the world to its will. Carlyle. How oft do they their silver bowers leave / To come to succour us that succour want ! Spenser. How one is vexed with little things in this life ! The great evils one triumphs over bravely, but the little eat away one's heart. Mrs. Carlyle. How paint to the sensual eye what passes in the holy-of-holies of man's soul ; in what words, known to these profane times, speak even afar-off of the unspeakable ? Carlyle. 15 How poor are they that have not patience ! / What wound did ever heal but by degreej ? Othello, ii. 3. How poor, how rich, how abject, how august, / How complicate, how wonderful is man I 1 'oung. How prone to doubt, how cautious are the wise 1 Tope, after Homer. How quick to know, but how slow to put in practice, is the human creature ! Goethe. How quickly Nature falls into revolt / When gold becomes her object! 2 Hen. IV., iv. 4. 20 How rarely reason guides the stubborn choice, / Rules the bold hand or prompts the suppliant voice. Johnson. How ready some people are to admire in a great man the exception rather than the rule of his conduct ! Such perverse worship is like the idolatry of barbarous nations, who can see the noonday splendour of the sun without emotion, but who, when he is in eclipse, come forward with hymns and cymbals to adore him. Canning. How rich a man is, all aesire to know, I But none enquire if good he be or no. Herrick. How sad a path it is to climb and descend another's stairs ! Dante. How science dwindles, and how volumes swell, / How commentators each dark pas- age shun, And hold their farthing candle to the sun ! Young. How shall a man escape from his ancestors, or i draw off from his veins the black drop which he drew from his father's or his mother's life ? Emerson. How shall he give kindling in whose inward man there is no live coal, but all is burnt out to a dead grammatical cinder? Carlyle. How shall we know whether you are in ear- nest, if the deed does not accompany the word ? Schiller. How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is / To have a thankless child ! King Lear, i. 4. How small a part of time they share / That are so wondrous sweet and fair ! Ii. Waller. How small, of all that human hearts endure, / c That part which laws or kings can cause or cure ! / Still to ourselves, in every place consigned, / Our own felicity we make or find. Johnson. How should he be easy who makes other men's cares his own? Thomas a Kempis. How should thy virtue be above the shocks and shakings of temptation, when even the angels kept not their first estate, and man in Paradise so soon fell from innocence? Thomas a Kempis. How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night, / Like softest music to attending ears 1 Rom. and Jul., ii. 2. How soon "not now" becomes "never!" Luther. How sour sweet music is, when time is hroke c and no proportion kept ! So is it in the music of men's lives. Rich. II., v. 5. How still the evening is, / As hushed on pur- pose to grace harmony ! Much Ado, ii. 3. How sweet it is to hear one's own convictions from a stranger's mouth ! Goethe. How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank ! / Here will we sit and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears : soft stillness and the night Become the touches of sweet harmony. Mer. of Ten., v. 1. How the sight of means to do ill deeds / Make deeds ill done ! King John, iv. 2. How the world wags ! As You Like It, ii. 7. 4 How they gleam like spirits through the shadows of innumerable eyes from their thrones in the boundless depths of heaven 1 Carlyle, on the stars. How use doth breed habit in a man ! Two Gent, of I'er., v. 4. How vainly seek / The selfish for that happi- ness denied / To aught but virtue ! Shelley. How we clutch at shadows (in this dream* world) as if they were substances, and sleep deepest while fancying ourselves most awake ! Carlyle. How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable / '. Seem to me all the uses of this world. Ham., i. 2. How well he's read, to reason against reading 1 Love's L. Lost, i. 1. HOW WERE [ lt>3 ] HUMILITY How were friendship possible ? In mutual devotedness to the good and true, other- wise impossible ; except as armed neutra- lity or hollow commercial league. Carfyle. How wonderful is Death, / Death and his brother Sleep ! / One, pale as yonder waning moon, / With lips of lurid blue ; / The other, rosy as the morn, / When, throned on ocean's wave, / It blushes o'er the world : / Yet both so passing wonderful. Shelley. How wounding a spectacle is it to see those who were by Christ designed for fishers of men, picking up shells on the shore, and un- manly wrangling about them too ! Decay of Piety. How wretched is the man that hangs on by the favours of the great ! Bunts. 5 Howe'er it be, it seems to me / 'Tis only noble to be good. / Kind hearts are more than coronets, / And simple faith than Norman blood. Tennyson. However, an old song, though to a proverb an instance of insignificance, is generally the only coin a poet has to pay with. Burns. However brilliant an action, it should not be esteemed great unless the result of a great motive. La Roche. However far a man goes, he must start from his own door. Pr. However varied the forms of destiny, the same elements are always present. Schopen- hauer. 10 Howsoever thou actest, let heaven be moved with thy purpose ; let the aim of thy deeds traverse the axis of the earth. Schiller. Hue propius me, / Dum doceo insanire omnes, vos ordine adite — Come near me all in order, and I will convince you that you are mad, every one. II or. Huic maxime putamus malo fuisse nimiam opinionem ingenii atque virtutis — This I think to have been the chief cause of his mis- fortune, an overweening estimate of his own genius and valour. AV/., of Themistoclcs. Huic versatile ingenium sic pariter ad omnia fuit, ut natum ad id unum diceres, quod- cunque ageret — This man's genius was so ver- satile, so equal to every pursuit, that you would pronounce him to have been born for whatever thing he was engaged on. Livy, on tie elder Caio. Human action is a seed of circumstances (I'er- hdngnissen) scattered in the dark land of the future and hopefully left to the powers that rule human destiny. Schiller. 15 Human beliefs, like all other natural growths, elude the barriers of system. George Eliot. Human brutes, like other beasts, find snares and poison in the provisions of life, and are allured by their appetites to their destruc- tion. Sivijt. Human courage should rise to the height of human calamity. Gen. Lee. Human creatures will not go quite accu- rately together, any more than clocks will. Carlyle. Human felicity is lodged in the soul, not in the flesh. Sen. 20 Human intellect, if you consider it well, is the exact summary of human worth. Carlyle. Human judgment is finite, and it ought always to be charitable, W. Winter. Human knowledge is the parent of doubt. Greville. Human life is a constant want, and ought to be a constant prayer. 3". Osgood. Human life is everywhere a state in which much is to be endured and little to be en- joyed. Johnson. Human life is more governed by fortune than 25 by reason. Hume. Human nature in its fulness is necessarily human ; without love, it is inhuman ; with- out sense (nous), inhuman ; without disci- pline, inhuman. Ruskin. Human nature . . . / Is not a punctual pre- sence, but a spirit / Diffused through time and space. /( ordsworth. Human nature (Menschheit) we owe to father and mother, but our humanity (Menschlich- keif) we owe to education. Weber. Human reason is like a drunken man on horse- back ; set it up on one side, and it tumbles over on the other. Luther. Human society is made up of partialities. 30 Emerson. Humani nihil alienum— Nothing that concerns man is indifferent to me. M. Humanitat sei unser ewig Ziel— Be humanity evermore our goal. Goethe. Humanitati qui se non accommodat, / Plerum- que pcenas oppetit superbiae— He who does not conform to courtesy generally pays the penalty of his haughtiness. Pluedr. Humanity is about the same all the world over. Bonn Piatt. Humanity is better than gold. Goldsmith. 35 Humanity is constitutionally lazy. /. G. Hol- land. Humanity is great but men are small. Borne. Humanity is never so beautiful as when pray- ing for forgiveness, or else forgiving another. Jean Paul. Humanity is one, and not till Lazarus is cured of his sores will Dives be safe. Celia Bur- leigh. Humanity is the virtue of a woman, generosity 40 of a man. Adam Smith. Humanum amare est, humanum autem ignos- cere est— It is natural to love, and it is natural also to forgive. Plaut. Humanum est errare— To err is human. Humble wedlock is far better than proud vir- ginity. St. Augustine. Humbleness is always grace, always dignity. Lowell. Humiles laborant ubi potentes dissident— The 45 humble are in danger when those in power dis- agree. Phcedr. Humility disarms envy and strikes it dead. Collier. Humility is a virtue all preach, none practise, and yet everybody is content to hear. The master thinks it good doctrine for his ser- vant, the laity for the clergy, and the clergy for the laity. Selden. Humility is a virtue of so general, so exceed- ing good influence, that we can scarce pur- chase it too dear. Thomas a Kempis. Humility is often a feigned submission which we employ to supplant others. La Roche, HUMILITY L 1-34 ] I AM Humility is the altar upon which God wishes that we should offer Him His sacrifices. La Roche. Humility is the hall-mark of wisdom. Jeremy Collier. Humility is the only true wisdom by which we prepare our minds for all the possible vicis- situdes of life Arliss' Lit. Col. Humility is the solid foundation of all the virtues. Confucius. 5 Humility, that low, sweet root / From which all heavenly virtues shoot. Moore. Humour has justly been regarded as the finest perfection of poetic genius. He who wants it, be his other gifts what they may, has only half a mind ; an eye for what is above him, not for what is about him or below him. Carlyle. Humour is a sort of inverse sublimity, exalt- ing, as it were, into our affections what is below us, while sublimity draws down into our affections what is above us. Carlyle. Humour is consistent with pathos, while wit is not. Coleridge. Humour is of a genial quality and is closely allied to pity. Henry Giles. 10 Humour is properly the exponent of low things ; that which first renders them poeti- cal to the mind. Carlyle. Humour is the mistress of tears. Thackeray. Humour, warm and all-embracing as the sun- shine, bathes its objects in a genial and abiding light. Whipple. Hundreds of people can talk for one who can think, but thousands can think for one who can see. To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion all in one. Ruskin. Hunger and cold betray a man to his enemy. Pr. 15 Hunger is a good cook. Gael. Pr. Hunger is the best sauce. Pr. Hunger will break through stone walls. Pr. Hungry bellies have no ears. Pr. Hunt half a day for a forgotten dream. Words- worth. 20 Hunters generally know the most vulnerable part of the beast they pursue by the care which every animal takes to defend the side which is weakest. Goldsmith. Hunting was the labour of savages in North America, but the amusement of the gentle- men of England. Johnson Hurtar el puerco, y dar los pies por Dios— To steal the pig, and give away the feet for God's sake. Sp. Pr. Husbands can earn money, but only wives can save it. Pr. Hyperion to a satyr ; so loving to my mother, / That he might not beteem the winds of heaven / Visit her face too roughly. Ham., i. 2. 25 Hypotheses non fingo- I frame no hypotheses. Sir Isaac Newton. 'Ait\ovv rd du, pd.5i.ov rd HXfjdes — Justice is simple, truth easy. Lycurgus. Hypothesen sind Wiegenlieder, womit der Lehrer seine Schiiler einlullt — Hypotheses are the lullabies with which the teacher lulls his scholars to sleep. Goethe. Hysteron proteron— The last first, or the cart before the horse. Gr. I I. i I am a man More sinned against than sinning. ! King Lear, iii. 2. I am afraid to think what I have done ; / Look 30 on't again I dare not. Macb., ii. 2. I am always afraid of a fool ; one cannot be sure that he is not a knave as well. Hazlitt. I am always as happy as I can be in meeting a man in whose society feelings are devel- oped and thoughts defined. Goethe. I am always ill at ease when tumults arise among the mob —people who have nothing to lose. Goethe. I am amazed, methinks, and lose my way / Among the thorns and dangers of the world. King John, iv. 3. I am as free as Nature first made man, / Ere 35 the base laws of servitude began, / When wild in woods the noble savage ran. Dryden. I am black, but I am not the devil. Pr. I am bound to find you in reasons, but not in brains. Johnson. I am but a gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff. Sir Henry U'otton. I am constant as the northern star, ' Of whose true-fix'd and resting quality / There is no fellow in the firmament. Jul. Ctrs., iii. 1. I am convinced that the Bible always becomes 40 more beautiful the better it is understood, that is, the better we see that every word which we apprehend in general and apply in particular had a proper, peculiar, and im- mediately individual reference to certain circumstances, certain time and space rela- tions, i.e., had a specially direct bearing on the spiritual life of the time in which it was written. Goethe. I am equally an enemy to a female dunce and a female pedant. Goldsmith. I am fortune's fool. Rom. and Jul., iii. 1. I am fully convinced that the soul is indestruc- tible, and that its activity will continue through eternity. It is like the sun, which, to our eyes, seems to set in night ; but it has in reality only gone to diffuse its light else- where. Goethe. I am monarch of all I survey, ' My right there is none to dispute ; / From the centre all round to the sea, / I am lord of the fowl and the brute. Camper. I am more afraid of my own heart than of the 45 Pope and all his cardinals. I have within me the great pope, self. Luther. I am neither so weak as to fear men. so proud as to despise them, or so unhappy as to hate them. Marmontel. I am never merry when I hear sweet music. Mer. oj l',u., v. 1. I am no herald to inquire of men's pedigrees ; it sufficeth me if I know their virtues. Sir /'. Sidney. I am no orator, as Brutus is ; / But, as you know me all, a plain blunt man, / That loves my friend. Jul. Cees., iii. 2. I am not mad ; I would to heaven I were ! ' 50 For then 'tis like I should forget myself. King John, iii. 4. I AM f 166 1 I DO I am not what I am. Twelfth Night, iii. i ; Othello, i. i. I am nothing- if not critical. Othello, ii. i. " I am searching for a man." Diogenes, going about Athens by day with a lit lantern. I am Sir Oracle, / And when I ope my lips, let no dog bark. Mer. of I 'en., i. i. 5 I am sorry to see how small a piece of religion will make a cloak. Sir •!'. Waller. I am very content with knowing, if only I could know. Emerson. I am very fond of the company of ladies. I like their beauty : I like their delicacy ; I like their vivacity ; and I like their silence. Johnson. I and time against any two. Philif> o/S/>ai>i. I augur better of a youth who is wandering on a path of his own than of many who are walking aright upon paths which are not theirs. Goethe. 10 I awoke one morning and found myself famous. Byron. I believe in great men, but not in demigods. Bovee. I believe more follies are committed out of complaisance to the world than in following our own inclinations. Lady Mary Montagu. I believe there are few persons who, if they please to reflect on their past lives, will not find that had they saved all those little sums which they have spent unnecessarily they might at present have been masters of a competent fortune. Eustace Budgell. I beseech you, dear brethren, think it pos- sible that you may be wrong. Cromwell. 15 I bide my time. M. I can but trust that good shall fall / At last — far off— at last, to all. Tennyson. " I can call spirits from the vasty deep." "Why, so can I, or so can any man; but will they come when you do call for them ? " i Hen. I J ~., iii. i. I can count a stocking-top while a man 's getting s tongue ready ; an' when he out wi' his speech at last, there 's little broth to be made on't. George Eliot. I can teach you to command the devil, / And I can teach you to shame the devil, / By telling truth, i Hen. II'., ii. i. 20 I can tell you, honest friend, what to believe : believe life ; it teaches better than book and orator. Goethe. I cannot call riches better than the baggage of virtue. ... It cannot be spared or left behind, but it hindereth the march. Bacon. I cannot hide what I am ; I must be sad when I have cause, and smile at no man's jests ; eat when I have stomach, and wait for no man's leisure ; sleep when I am drowsy, and tend on no man's business ; laugh when I am merry, and claw no man in his humour. Much Ado, i. 3. I cannot love thee as I ought, / For love reflects the thing beloved : My words are only words, and move Upon the topmost froth of thought. Tennyson. I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and seeks her adversary, but slinks out of the race where that im- mortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat. Milton. I cannot think of any character below the 25 flatterer, except he that envies him. Steele. I can't work for nothing, and find thread. Pr. I care not though the cloth of state should be / Not of rich Arras, but mean tapestry. George Herbert. I charge thee, fling away ambition ; / By that sin fell the angels. Hen. I'll I., iii. 2. I chatter, chatter, as I flow / To join the brimming river, , For men may come and men may go, / But I go on for ever. Tenny- son. I contented myself with endeavouring to make 30 your home so easy that you might not be in haste to leave it. Lady Montagu (to her daughter). I could a tale unfold, whose lightest word / Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, / Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres, / Thy knotted and com- bined locks to part, / And each particular hair to stand on end, / Like quills upon the fretful porcupine. Ham., i. 4. I could have better spared a better man. 1 Hen. IV., v. 4. I could not but smile at a woman who makes her own misfortunes and then deplores the miseries of her situation. Goldsmith. I count life just a stuff / To try the soul's strength on. Browning. I cuori fanciulli non vestone a bruno — A child's 35 heart wears no weeds. B. Zendrini. I d?nari del comune sono come 1' acqua bene- d.tta, ognun ne piglia— Public money is like holy water ; everybody helps himself to it. //. Pr. I dare do all that may become a man ; / Who dares do more, is none. Macb., i. 7. I dare to be honest, and I fear no labour. Burns. I, demens ! et saevas curre per Alpes, / Ut pueris placeas, et declamatio fias— Go, mad- man, and run over the savage Alps to please schoolboys, and become the subject of declama- tion. Juv., of Hannibal. I desire no future that will break the ties of 40 the past. George Eliot. I die by the help of too many physicians. A le.xander the Great. I do but sing because I must, / And pipe but as the linnets sing. Tennyson. I do know of these ! That therefore only are reputed wise / For saying nothing. Mer. of I '<;;., i. 1. I do know, When the blood burns, how pro- digal the soul / Lends the tongue vows. Ham., i. 3. I do not like "but yet," it does allay / The 45 good precedence; fie upon "but yet:" / "But yet" is as a jailer to bring forth / Some monstrous malefactor. Ant. and Cleop., ii. 5. I do not love a man who is zealous for nothing. Goldsmith. I do not love thee, Dr. Fell, / The reason why I cannot tell ; / But this alone I know full well, / I do not love thee, Dr. Fell. I do not need philosophy at all. Goethe. I do pity unlearned gentlemen on a rainy day. Falkland. ! DONT t ice ] I HAVE " I don't care," is a deadly snare. Pr, I earn that I eat, get that I wear ; owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness ; glad of other men's good, content with my harm. As You Like It, iii. 2. I esteem that wealth which is given to the worthy, and which is day by day enjoyed ; the rest is a reserve for one knoweth not whom. Hitopadesa. I fatti sono maschii, le parole femine — Deeds are masculine, words feminine. It. Pr. 5 I favoriti dei grandi oltre all' oro di regali, e l'incenso delle lodi, tocca loro anche la mirra della maldicenza — The favourites of the great, besides the gold of gifts and the incense of flattery, must also partake of the myrrh of calumny. It. Pr. I fear God, and, next to God, I chiefly fear him who fears Him not. Saadi. I fear thy nature ; / It is too full of the milk of human kindness / To catch the nearest way. Alaco., i. 5. I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience. Hen. VIII., iii. 2. I find nonsense singularly refreshing. Talley- rand. 10 I for ever pass from hand to hand, / And each possessor thinks me his own land. / All of them think so, but they all are wrong ; / To none but Fortune only I belong. Anon., of afield. I found Rome brick, I left it marble. Augustus Cwsa r. I gaed a waefu' gate yestreen, / A gate, I fear, I'll dearly rue ; / I got my death frae twa sweet een, / Twa lovely een o' bonnie blue. Bums. "I go at last out of this world, where the heart must either petrify or break." Chamfort, at Ins last moments. I go through my appointed daily stage, and I care not for the curs who bark at me along the road. Frederick the Great. 15 I gran dolori sono muti — Great griefs are dumb. It. Pr. I grieve that grief can teach me nothing, nor carry me one step into real nature A/uerson. I grudge the dollar, the dime, the cent I give to such men as do not belong to me and to whom I do not belong ; (but) there is a class of persons to whom, by all spiritual affinity, I am bought and sold ; for them I will go to prison if need be. Emerson. 1 guadagni mediocri empiono la borsa — Mode- rate profits fill the purse. It. Pr. I had as lief not be, as live to be / In awe of such a thing as I myself. Jul. Ctes., i. 2. 20 I had better never see a book than be warped by its attraction clean out of my own orbit and made a satellite instead of a system. Hnterson. I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon, / Than such a Roman. Jul. Cees., iv. 3. " I had rather be first here than second in Rome." Cirsar, in an insignificant tcnvnlet. I had rather be Mercury, the smallest among seven (planets), revolving round the sun, than the first among five (moons) revolving round Saturn. Goethe. had rather believe all the fables in the legends, the Talmud, and the Koran, than that this universal frame is without a mind. Bacon. had rather dwell in the dim fog of supersti- 25 tion than in air rarified to nothing by the air-pump of unbelief. Jean Paul. had rather have a fool to make me merry than experience to make me sad. As You Like It, iv. 1. had rather people laugh at me while they instruct me than praise me without bene- fiting me. Geethe. hae a penny to spend, / There — thanks to naebody ; / I hae naething to lend — / I'll borrow frae naebody. Burns. hate a style that slides along like an eel, and never rises to what one can call an inequality. Shenstone. hate bungling as I do sin, but particularly 30 bungling in politics, which leads to the misery and ruin of many thousands and millions of people. Goethe. hate ingratitude more in a man ' Than lying, vainness, babbling, drunkenness, / Or any taint of vice whose strong corruption / In- habits our frail blood. Twelfth Nighty iii. 1. have a kind of alacrity in sinking. Merry Wives, iii. 5. have a very poor opinion of a man who talks to men what women should not hear. Richardson, have all I have ever enjoyed. Bettine. have always been a quarter of an hour 35 before my time, and it has made a man of me. Nelson. have always despised the whining yelp of complaint, and the cowardly, feeble resolve. Burns. have always found that the road to a woman's heart lies through her child. Judge llaliburton. have been reasoning all my life, and find that all argument will vanish before one touch of Nature. Column. have been tempted by opportunity, and seconded by accident. MarmontcL have been too much occupied with things 40 themselves to think either of their beginning or their end. Goethe. have boujrht / Golden opinions from all sorts of people. Mae/'., i. 7. have ever held it as a maxim never to do that through another which it was possible for me to execute myself. Montesquieu. have, God wot, a large field to ear ; / And weake be the oxen in my plough. Chaucer. have great hope of a wicked man, slender hope of a mean one. // 'ard Beecher. have known some men possessed of good 45 qualities which were very serviceable to others, but useless to themselves ; like a sun-dial on the front of a house, to inform the neighbours and passengers, but not the owner within. (?) have learned in whatsoever state I am there- with to be content. St. Paul. have little knowledge which I find not some way useful to my highest ends. Baxter. have lost the ring, but I have my finger still. It. and Sp. Pr. I HAVE [ 167 ] I MUST I have never been able to conquer this fero- cious wild beast (impatience). Calvin. I have never seen a greater monster or miracle in the world than myself. Montaigne. I have no idea of the courage that braves Heaven. Burns. I have no notion of a truly great man that could not be all sorts of men. l'a> -. '-. 5 I have no other but a woman's reason ; / I think him so because I think him so. Two Cent, of I'er., i. 2. I have no spur / To prick the sides of my intent. Macb., i, 7. I have no words, / My voice is in my sword. Macb., v. 7. I have saved the bird in my bosom, i.e., kept my secret. Pr. I have seen some nations, like overloaded asses, / Kick off their burdens, meaning the higher classes. Byron. 10 1 have seldom known any one who deserted truth in trifles that could be trusted in matters of importance. Paley. I have set my life upon a cast, / And I will stand the hazard of the die. Rich. III., v. 4. I have that within which passeth show ; / These but the trappings and the suits of woe. Ham. , i. 2. I have this great commission, / From that supernal judge that stirs good thoughts ' In any breast of strong authority, / To look into the blots and stains of right. King John, ii. 1. I have thought some of Nature's journeymen had made men, and not made them well ; they imitated humanity so abominably. Ham., iii. 2. 15 I hear, yet say not much, but think the more. 3 Hen. VI., iv. 1. I hold ambition of so airy and light a quality, that it is but a shadow's shadow. Ham., ii. 2. I hold every man a debtor to his profession. Bat ft. I hold it cowardice / To rest mistrustful where a noble heart , Hath pawn'd an open hand in sign of love. 3 Hen. I 'I. I hold it truth, with him who sings / To one clear harp in divers tones, / That men may rise on stepping-stones / Of their dead selves to higher things. Tennyson. 20 I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano ; / A stage, where every man must play a part, / And mine a sad one. Mer. of I 'en., i. 1. I hope I don't intrude. Paul Pry. I humbly trust I should not change my opinions and practice, though it rained garters and coronets as the reward of apostasy. Havelock. I joukfduck aside) beneath misfortune's blows / As well's I may ; / Sworn foe to sorrow, care, or prose, / I rhyme away. Burns. I know but of one solid objection to absolute monarchy ; the difficulty of finding any man adequate to the office. Fielding. 251 know enough to hold my tongue, but not to speak. Pr. I know no evil death can show, which life / Has not already shown to those who live / Embodied longest. Byron. I know no evil so great as the abuse of the understanding and yet there is no one vice more common. Steele. I know no judgment of the future but by the past. Patrick Henry. I know nothing sublime which is not some modification of power. Burke. I know only one thing sweeter than making a 30 book, and that is to project one. Jean Pant. I know that dancin' 's nonsense ; but if you stick at everything because it's nonsense, you wonna go far in this life. George Eliot. " I know that it is in me, and out it shall come." Sheridan to his friends over their disappointment at the failure of his 7tiaiden speech. I know that my Redeemer liveth. Job, in the Bible. I know that nothing is mine but the thought that flows tranquilly out of my soul, and every gracious (gunstige) moment which a loving Providence (Geschick) permits me thor- oughly {von Grund aus) to enjoy. Goethe. I labour, and you get the pearl. Talmud. 35 I let every one follow his own bent, that I may be free to follow mine. Goethe. I like a good hater. Johnson. I live in the crowd of jollity, not so much to enjoy company as to shun myself. Johnson. I live not in myself, but I become / Portion of that around me ; and to me/ High mountains are a feeling. Byron. I look upon an able statesman out of business 40 like a huge whale, that will endeavour to overturn the ship unless he has an empty cask to play with. Steele. I love a hand that meets mine own with a grasp that causes some sensation. Mrs. Osgood. I love everything that's old — old friends, old tunes, old manners, old books, old wine. Goldsmith. I love God and little children. Jean Paul. I love him not, nor fear him ; there's my creed. Hen. VI II., ii. 2. I love my friends well, but myself better. 45 Pr. I love sometimes to doubt, as well as to know. Dante. I love / The name of honour more than I fear death. Jul. Cees., i. 2. I lovo to browse in a library. Johnson. I'll make assurance doubly sure, / And take a bond of fate. Jlacb., iv.i. I made all my generals out of mud. Napoleon. 50 I make the most of my enjoyments ; and as for my troubles, I pack them in as little compass as I can for myself, and never let them annoy others. Soutney. I might have my hand full of truth, and open only my little finger. Fontenelle. I mourn not those who lose their vital breath ;/ But those who, living, live in fear of death. LuciUus. I must be cruel, only to be kind. Ham., iii. 4. " I must sleep now." Byron's last words. 55 I must work the work of Him that sent me while it is day ; the night cometh when no man can work. Jesus. I'M NEVER I 16R ] I WAIVE I'm never less at leisure than when at leisure, nor less alone than when alone. Scipio Africanus. I'm not denyin' the women are foolish ; God Almighty made 'em to match the men. George Eliot. I'm not one of those who can see the cat i' the dairy an' wonder what she's come after. George Eliot. I'm sure sma' pleasure it can gie, / E'en to a deil, / To skelp an' scaud (scald) puir dogs like me, / An' hear us squeel. Burns. 5 I never could believe that Providence had sent a few men into the world ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions ready saddled and bridled to be ridden. Richard Rujubold. I never could tread a single pleasure under foot. Brmvning. I never heard tell of any clever man that came of entirely stupid people. Carlyle. I never knew a man of letters ashamed of his profession. Thackeray. I never knew any man grow poor by keeping an orderly table. Lord Burleigh. 10 I never knew any man in my life who could not bear another's misfortunes perfectly as a Christian. Pope. I never saw, heard, or read that the clergy- were beloved in any nation where Christi- anity was the religion of the country. Swift. I never whisper' d a private affair / Within the hearing of cat or mouse, / No, not to myself in the closet alone, / But t heard it shouted at once from the top of the house ; / Every- thing came to be known. Tennyson. I only look straight before me at each day as it comes, and do what is nearest me, without looking further afield. Goethe. I picciol cani trovano, ma i grandi hanno la lepre— The little dogs hunt out the hare, but the big ones catch it. It. Pr. IS I pick up favourite quotations and store them in my mind as ready armour, offensive or defensive, amid the struggle of this turbu- lent existence. Of these there is a very favourite one from Thomson: "Attach thee firmly to the virtuous deeds / And offices of life ; to life itself, With all its vain and transient joys, sit loose." Burns. I pity men who occupy themselves exclusively with the transitory in things and lose them- selves in the study of what is perishable, since we are here for this very end that we may make the perishable imperishable, which we can do only after we have learned how to appreciate both. Goethe. I pity the man who can travel from Dan to Beersheba, and cry : Tis all barren. Swift. I pounce on what is mine wherever I find it. Marniimtcl. I prize the soul that slumbers in a quiet eye. Eliza Cook. 20 1 quote others only in order the better to express myself. Montaigne. I renounce the friend who eats what is mine with me, and what is his own by himself. Port. Pr. I say beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. Tkortau. I say the acknowledgment of God in Christ, / Accepted by thy reason, solves for thee All questions on the earth and out of it. Brown- mg. scorn the affectation of seeming modesty to cover self-conceit. Burns. secundo omine — Go, and may all good go with 25 you. Hor. see my way as birds their trackless way. Browning. see that sensible men and conscientious men all over the world are of the one religion of well-doing and daring. Emerson. see thy vanity through the holes of thy coat. Plato, to the Cynic. seek divine simplicity in him who handles things divine. Comper. seek not to wax great by others' waning. 30 2 Hen. VI., iv. io. ' I shall go to-morrow," said the king. "You shall wait for me," quoth the wind. Gael. Pr. shall light a candle of understanding in thine heart which shall not be put out. Esdras. shall perhaps tremble in my death-hour, but before shall I never. Lessing. should be glad were all the meadows on the earth left in a wild state, if that were the consequence of men's beginning to redeem themselves. Tkortau. stay here on my bond. Mer. of I 'en., iv. i. 35 stout and you stout, who will carry the dirt out ? Pr. take it to be a principal rule of life not to be too much addicted to any one thing. Per. talk of chalk and you of cheese. Pr. think a lock and key a security at least equal to the bosom of any friend whatever. Burns. think it is as scandalous for a woman not 40 to know how to use a needle as for a man not to know how to use a sword. Lady Montagu. think nothing is to be hoped from you if this bit of mould under your feet is not sweeter to you than any other in this world. Tkortau. think sculpture and painting have an effect to teach us manners and abolish hurry. think women have an instinct of dissimula- tion ; they know by nature how to disguise their emotions far better than the most con- summate male courtiers can do. Thackeray. tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just. 'P. Jefferson. very much fear that our little terraqueous 45 globe is the lunatic asylum of the universe. / oltaire. 've had my say out, and I shall be th' easier for't all my life. George Eliot. 've never any pity for conceited people, be- cause I think they carry their comfort about witli them. George Eliot, 've wandered east, I've wandered west. Through many a weary way ; But never, never can forget The love of life's young day. Mother-well. waive the quantum o' the sin, The hazard of concealing ; ' But oh ! it hardens a' within, / And petrifies the feeling. Bums. I WANT f 169 I ICH HABE I want that glib and oily art, / To speak and purpose not ; since what I well intend, / I'll do 't before I speak. King Lear, i. i. I was not born for courts or great affairs ; / I pay my debts, believe, and say my prayers. Pope. I was well, would be better, took physic and died. Epitaph. I wasted time, and now doth time waste me. Rich. II., v. 5. S I watch the wheels of Nature's mazy plan, / And learn the future by the past of man. Campbell. I were but little happy if I could say how much. Much Ado, ii. 1. I will a round unvarnish'd tale deliver / Of my | whole course of love. Othello, i. 3. I will be as harsh as truth and as uncom- promising as justice. W. Lloyd Garrison. I will chide no breather in the world but my- self, against whom I know most faults. As You Like It, in. 2. 10 I will divide my goods ; / Call in the wretch and slave : / None shall rule but the humble, / And none but toil shall have. Emerson. I will get it from his purse or get it from his skin. Pr. I will give thrice as much to any well-deserving friend ; but in the way of bargain, mark me, I will cavil on the ninth part of a hair. 1 Hen. IV., iii. 1. I will lay a stone at your door, i.e., never forgive you. Pr. I will listen to any one's convictions, but pray keep your doubts to yourself; I have plenty of my own. Goethe. 15 I will move the world. Archimedes. I will speak daggers to her, but use none. Ham., iii. 2. I will wear my heart upon my sleeve / For daws to peck at. Othello, i. 1. I wish there were some cure, like the lover's leap, for all heads of which some single idea has obtained an unreasonable and irregular possession. Johnson. I would applaud thee to the very echo, that should applaud again. Macb., v. 3. 20 1 would choose to have others for my acquaint- ance, but Englishmen for my friends. Gold- smith. I would condone many things in one-and- twenty now, that I dealt hardly with at middle age. God Himself, I think, is very willing to give one-and-twenty a second chance. /. ill. Barrie. I would desire for a friend the son who never resisted the tears of his mother. Lacretelle. I would fain avoid men ; we can give them no help, and they hinder us from helping our- selves. Goetlie. I would give all my fame for a pot of ale and safety. Hen. V., iii. 2. 25 I would have been glad to have lived under my woodside, to have kept a flock of sheep, rather than undertaken such a government as this. Cromwell. " I " (self-love) would have the world say " I," / And all things perish so if she endure. Sir Edwin Arnold. I would it were bed-time, Hal, and all well. 1 Hen. IV.. v. 1. I would not enter on my list of friends . . . the man / Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm. Coivper. I would not for much that I had been born richer. Jean Paul. I would rather be found suffering than doing 30 what is unjust. Phocion. I would rather be the author of one original thought than conqueror of a hundred battles. W. B. Clulow. I would rather make my name than inherit it. Thackeray. Ibi omnis / Effusus labor — By that (one negli. gence) all his labour was lost. Virg. Ibidem — In the same place. Ibis, redibis non morieris in bello — Thou shalt 35 go, thou shalt return, thou shalt not die in battle ; or, Thou shalt go, thou shalt not return, thou shalt die in battle. An ambiguous oracle, due to the uncertain application of the adverb "non." Ibit eo quo vis, qui zonam perdidit — He who has lost his purse (lit. girdle) will go wherever you wish. Hor. Iceland is the finest country on which the sun shines. Iceland Pr. Ich bin des trocknen Tons nun satt, / Muss wieder recht den Teufel spielen — I am now weary of this prosing style, and must again play the devil properly. Goethe, " Mephisto." Ich bin ein Mensch gewesen, / Und das heisst ein Kampfer sein — I have been a man, and that is to be a fighter. Goethe. Ich bin es miide, fiber Sklaven zu herrschen — 40 I am tired of ruling over slaves. Frederick the Great. Ich bin zu alt, um nur zu spielen ; / Zu jung, um ohne Wunsch zu sein — I am too old for mere play ; too young to be without a wish. Goethe, " Faust." Ich denke so : / Was nicht zusammen kann / Bestehen, ist am besten sich zu losen — In my regard 'twere best throw that into the pot which can no longer hold itself together. Schiller. Ich dien — I serve. Ger. M. Ich finde nicht die Spur, / Von einem Geist, und alles ist Dressur — I find no trace of spirit here ; it is all mere training. Goethe, "Faust." Ich fiihT ein ganzes Heer in meiner Brust — 45 I feel a whole host on my bosom. Korner. Ich fiihle Mut, mich in die Welt zu wagen / Der Erde Weh, der Erde Gliick zu tragen — I feel courage enough to cast myself into the world, to bear earth's woe and weal. Goethe. Ich glaube, dass alles was das Genie, als Genie thut, unbewusst geschieht — Everything that genius, as genius, does, is in my regard done unconsciously. Goethe. " Ich glaube an einen Gott." Das ist ein schones lobliches Wort ; aber Gott anerkennen, wo und wie er sich offenbare, das ist eigentlich die Seligkeit auf Erden — "I believe in a God." That is a fine praiseworthy saying; but to acknowledge God, where and as He reveals Himself, that is properly our blessedness on this earth. Goethe. Ich habe es ofters riihmen hdren, / Ein Komo- diant kbnnte einen Pfarrer lehren- I have often heard say that a player might teach a parson. Goethe, "Faust." ICH HABE [ 1T0 ] IF A Ich habe genossen das irdische Gliick ; / Ich habe gelebt und geliebet— I have experienced earthly happiness ; I have lived and I have loved. Schiller. Ich habe gethan, was ich nicht lassen konnte — I have done what I could not get done. Schiller. Ich habe hier bios ein Amt und keine Meinung — I hold here an office merely, and no opinion. Schiller. Ich habe nichts als Worte, und es ziemt / Dem edlen Mann, der Frauen Wort zu achten —I have nothing but words, and it becomes the noble man to respect a woman's word. Goethe. 5 Ich heisse der reichste Mann in der getauften Welt : Die Sonne geht in meinem Staat nicht unter — I pass for the richest man in the baptized world ; the sun never sets in my domi- nions. Philip II. of Spain's boast. Ich mocht mich gleich dem Teufel iibergeben, / Wenn ich nur selbst kein Teufel war — I would give myself up at once to the devil if only I were not a devil myself. Goethe, Mephis- topheles in "Faust." Ich muss, das ist die Schrank', in welcher mich die Welt, / Von einer, die Natur von andrer Seite halt — I must — that is the barrier within which the world confines me on the one hand and Nature on the other. Riickert. Ich schweige zu vielem still ; denn ich mag die Menschen nicht irre machen, und bin wohl zufrieden, wenn sie sich freuen, da wo ich mich argere — I keep silent to a great extent, for I don't choose to lead others into error, and am well content if they are happy in matters about which I vex myself. Goethe. Ich setze die Souveranitat fest wie einen eisernen Felsen — I plant the roj'al power firm as a rock of iron. Frederick William I. of Prussia. 10 Ich singe, wie der Vogel singt, / Der in den Zweigen wohnet / Das Lied, das aus der Kehle dringt, / Ist Lohn, der reichlich lohnet — I sing but as the bird sings which dwells among the branches ; the lay which warbles from the throat is a reward that richly recom- pences. Goethe. Ich stehe in Gottes Hand, und ruh' in Gottes Schooss / Vor ihm fiihl' ich mich klein, in ihm fiihl' ich mich gross — I stand in Clod's hand and rest in God's bosom; before Him I feel little, in Him I feel great. Riickert. Ich thue recht und scheue keinen Feind — I do the right and fear no foe. Schiller. Ici l'honneur m'oblige, et j'y veux satisfaire — Here honour binds me, and I am minded to satisfy her. Corneille. Id arbitror / Adprime in vita esse utile, ne quid nimis — This I consider to be a valuable principle in life, not to do anything in excess. 'Per. 15 Id cinerem, aut manes credis curare sepidtos ? — Do you think that ashes and buried spirits of the departed care for such things? Virg. Id commune malum ; semel insanivinms omnes — It is a common calamity; we have all been mad once. Mantuanus. Id demum est homini turpe, quod meruit pati — That only brings disgrace on a man which he has deserved to suffer. Plurd. Id est— That is. Id facere laus est quod decet, non quod licet— The man is deserving of praise who does what it becomes him to do, not what he is free to do. Sen. Id genus omne — All persons of that description. 2( Id maxime quemque decet, quod est cujusque maxime suum — That best becomes a man which is most peculiarly his own. Cic. Id mutavit, quoniam me immutatum videt— He has changed his mind because he sees me un- changed. 'Per. Id nobis maxime nocet, quod non ad rationis lumen sed ad similitudinem aliorum vivimus — This is especially ruinous to us, that we shape our lives not by the light of reason, but after the fashion of others. Sen. Ideals are the world's masters. /. G. Hoi' land. Ideals can never be completely embodied in 2! practice ; and yet ideals exist, and if they be not approximated to at all, the whole matter goes to wreck. Carlyle. Ideas must work through the brains and arms of good and brave men, or they are no better than dreams. Emtrson. Ideas often flash across our minds more com- plete than we could make them after much labour. I. a Roche. Idem — The same. Idem quod — The same as. Idem velle et idem nolle ea demum firma 31 amicitia est — To have the same likes and the same dislikes is the sole basis of lasting friend- ship. Sail. Idle folks lack no excuses. Pr. Idle people have the least leisure. Pr. Idleness and pride tax with a heavier hand than kings and parliaments. Ben. Franklin. Idleness in the midst of unattempted tasks is always proud. P. Brooks. Idleness is an appendix to nobility. Burton. 3J Idleness is many gathered miseries in one name. Jean Paul. Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds and the holiday of fools. Pr. Idleness is the badge of gentry, the bane of body and mind, the nurse of naughtiness, the step-mother of discipline, the chief ;.uthor of mischief, one of the seven deadly sins, the cushion on which the devil chiefly reposes, and a great cause not only of melancholy, but of many other diseases. Burton. Idleness is the greatest prodigality in the world. Pr. Idleness is the root of all evil. Pr. 4( Idleness is the sepulchre of a living man. .-( nschn. Idleness rusts the mind. Pr. Idolatry is simply the substitution of an " Eidolon," phantasm, or imagination of good for that which is real and enduring, from the highest Living Good which gives life, to the lowest material good which ministers to it. Ruskin. Idoneus homo — A fit man. If a barrel-organ in a slum can but drown 4! a curse, let no Christian silence it. Prof. Drummond. If a beard were all, the goat would be winner. fan. Pr. IF A [ 171 1 IF ANY If a book come from the heart, it will contrive to reach other hearts. Carlyle. If a book is worth reading, it is worth buying. Ruskin. If a cause be good, the most violent attack of its enemies will not injure it so much as an injudicious defence of it by its friends. Colton. If a dog has a man to back him, he will kill a baboon. Wit and Wisdom from West Africa. 6 If a donkey bray at you, don't bray at him. Pr. If a God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent one. / 'oltaire. If a great thing can be done at all, it can be done easily ; but it is in that kind of ease with which a tree blossoms after long years of gathered strength. Ruskin. If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. Jesus. If a man be born in a stable, that does not make him a horse. Pr. 10 If a man cannot be a Christian in the place where he is, he cannot be a Christian any- where. Ward Beecker. If a man could bequeath his virtues by will, and settle his sense and learning upon his heirs as certainly as he can his lands, a noble descent would then indeed be a valu- able privilege. Anon. If a man deceives me once, shame on him ; if he deceives me twice, shame on me. Pr. If a man do not erect in this age his tomb ere he dies, he will live no longer in monument than the bell rings and the widow weeps. Much Ado, v. 2. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it from him. Ben. Franklin. 15 If a man fear or reverence God, he must hate covetousness ; and if he fear or reverence covetousness, he must hate God. Ruskin. If a man hath too mean an opinion of himself, it will render him unserviceable both to God and man. John Selden. If a man have freedom enough to live healthily and work at his craft, he has enough ; and so much all can easily obtain. Goethe. If a man have not a friend, he may quit the stage. Bacon. If a man is not virtuous, he becomes vicious. Bovee. 20 If a man knows the right way, he need not trouble himself about wrong paths. Lessing. If a man makes himself a worm, he must not complain when trodden on. Kant. If a man makes me keep my distance, the comfort is he keeps his own at the same time. Swift. If a man once fall, all will tread on him. Pr. If a man read little, he had need of much cun- ning to seem to know that he doth not. Bacon. 25 If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him. Buddha. If a man wishes to become rich, he must appear rich. Goldsmith. If a man with the material of enjoyment around him and virtually within his reach walks God's earth wilfully and obstinately with a gloomy spirit, . . . making misery his wor- ship, we feel assured he is contravening his Maker's design in endowing him with life. ir. R. Gref. If a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. Emerson. If a man wound you with injuries, meet him with patience ; hasty words rankle the wound, soft language dresses it, forgiveness cures it, and oblivion takes away the scar. J. Beaumont. If a man write a book, let him set down only 30 what he knows. I have guesses enough of my own. Goethe. If a man s gaun doun the brae, ilka ane gi'es him a jundie (push). Sc. Pr. If a noble soul is rendered tenfold beautifuller by victory and prosperity, an ignoble one is rendered tenfold and a hundredfold uglier, pitifuller. Carlyle. If a people will not believe, it must obey. Tocqueville. If a pig could give his mind to anything, he wouldn't be a pig. Dickens. If a word be worth one shekel, silence is worth 35 two. Rabbi Ben Azai. If ae sheep loup (jump) the dike, a the lave (rest) will follow. Sc. Pr. If aged and life-weary men have called to their neighbours: "Think of dying!" we younger and life-loving men may well keep encouraging and reminding one another with the cheerful words: "Think of wan- dering ! " Goethe. If all be well within, . . . the impertinent cen- sures of busy, envious men will make no very deep impression. Thomas a Kempis. If all dogs on this earth should bark, / It will not matter if you do not hark. Saying. If all the misfortunes of mankind were cast 40 into a public stock in order to be equally distributed among the species, those who now think themselves the most unhappy would prefer the share they have already to that which would f-ill to them by such a division. Socrates. If all the world were falcons, what of that? / The wonder of the eagle were the less, / But he not less the eagle. Tennyson. If all the year were playing holidays, / To sport would be as tedious as to work, i Hen. IV., i. 2. If all were rich, gold would be penniless. Bailey. If an ass goes a-travelling, he'll not come home a horse. Pr. If an ass kicks me, shall I strike him again ? 45 Socrates. If an ass looks in, you cannot expect an apostle to look out. Lichtenberg. If an idiot were to tell you the same story every day for a year, you would end by believing him. Burke. If any false step be made in the more momen- tous concerns of life, the whole scheme of ambitious designs is broken. Addison. If any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth. St. Peter. If any man will come after me. let him deny 50 himself, and take up his cross and follow me. Jesus. If any one tells you that a man has changed his character, don't believe it. Mahomet. IF ANY t 172 ] IF I If any speak ill of thee, fly home to thy own conscience and examine thy heart. If thou art guilty, it is a fair correction ; if not guilty, it is a fair instruction. George Her- bert. If any would not work, neither should he eat. St. Paul. . If blushing makes ugly people so beautiful, ought it not to make the beautiful still more beautiful ? Lcssing. If coals do not burn, they blacken. Pr. 5 If cheerfulness knocks for admission, we should open our hearts wide to receive it, for it never comes inopportunely. Schopenhauer. If children grew up according to early indica- tions, we should have nothing but geniuses. Goethe. If cut (in the costume) betoken intellect and talent, so does the colour betoken temper and heart. Carlyle. If destructive criticism is injurious in anything, it is in matters of religion, for here every- thing depends upon faith, to which we cannot return when we have once lost it. Goethe. If each one does his duty as an individual, and if each one works rightly in his own vocation, it will be well with the whole. Goethe. 10 If ever a fool's advice is good, a prudent man must carry it out. Lessing. If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings. Welsh Pi: If everybody knew what one says of the other, there would not be four friends left in the world. Pascal. If evil be said of thee, and if it be true, correct thyself; if it be a lie, laugh at it. Epic- tetus. If fame is only to come after death, I am in no hurry for it. Martial. 15 If folly were a pain, there would be crying in every house. Sp. Pr. If fortune favour you, be not elated ; if she frown, do not despond. A usom'us. If fortune give thee less than she has done, / Then make less fire, and walk more in the sun. St r li . Baker. If fortune would make a man estimable, she gives him virtues ; if she would have him esteemed, she gives him success. Joubert. If frequent failure convince you of that medio- crity of nature which is incompatible with great actions, submit wisely and cheerfully to your lot. Sydney Smith. 20 If friendship is to rob me of my eyes, if it is to darken the day, I will have none of it. J'horeau. If fun is good, truth is still better, and love most of all. Thackeray. If happiness ha'e not her seat / And centre in the breast, We may be wise, or rich, or great, / But never can be blest. Burns, If heraldry were guided by reason, a plough in a field arable would be the most noble and ancient arms. Cowley. If Hercules and Lichas play at dice / Which is the better man, the greater throw May turn by fortune from the weaker hand ; / So is Alcides beaten by his page. Met: oj Ven., ii. i. If honour calls, where'er she points the 2 way, / The sons of honour follow and obey. Churchill. If I am anything, which I much doubt, I made myself so merely by labour. Sir Isaac Nezvton. If I am master and you are master, who shall drive the asses'? Arab. Pr. If I am not worth the wooing, I surely am not worth the winning. Longfellozu. If I am right, Thy grace impart ' Still in the right to stay ; If I am wrong, O teach my heart to find the better way. Pope. If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there ; if 3 I make my bed in hell, behold Thou art there ; if I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me. Bible, If I be dear to some one else, / Then I should be to myself more dear. Tennyson. If I call bad bad. what do I gain ? But if I call good bad, I do a greatdeal of mischief. Goethe. If I can catch him once upon the hip, / I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. Mer. of Ven., i. 3. If I choose to take jest in earnest, no one shall put me to shame for doing so ; and if I choose to carry on (treiben) earnest in jest, I shall be alwaysmyself (Jmmerderselbe bieiben). Goethe. If I do lose thee (life), I do lose a thing / That 3 none but fools would keep ; a breath thou art, / Servile to all the skyey influences, / That do this habitation, where thou keep'st, Hourly inflict, hteas. for Meas., iii. i. If I for my opinion bleed, / Opinion shall be surgeon to my hurt, i Hen. /'/., ii. 4. If I had read as much as other men, I would have been as ignorant as they are. Hobbes. If I had wit enough to get out of this wood, I have said enough to serve mine own turn. Mid. Night's Dream, iii. 1. If I knew the way of the Lord, truly I would be only too glad to walk in it ; if I were led into the temple of truth (in der Wahrheit Hans), I would not, with the help of God (iei Colt), go out of it again. Goethe. If I lose mine honour, I lose myself. Ant. ,:«s., i. 2. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. St. Paul. If it is a happiness to be nobly descended, it is not less to have so much merit that nobody inquires whether we are so or not. La Bruyere. 10 If it is disgraceful to be beaten, it is only a shade less disgraceful to have so much as fought. Ca> lyle. If it rains— well ! If it shines— well ! Pr. If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well / It were done quickly . . . that but this blow / Might be the be all and the end all here. Macb., i. 7. If it were not for hope, the heart would break. /V. If it were not for respect to human opinions, I would not open my window to see the Bay of Naples for the first time, whilst I would go five hundred leagues to talk with a man of genius whom I had not seen. Mine, de Stall. 15 If Jack were better, Jill would not be so bad. Pr. If ladies be but young and fair, / They have the gift to know it. As You Like It, ii. 7. If life, like the olive, is a bitter fruit, then grasp both with the press and they will yield the sweetest oil. Jean Paul. If man had a higher idea of himself and his destiny, he would neither call his business amusement nor amuse himself instead of transacting business. Goethe. If man is not kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and ignoble creature. Bacon. If men duly felt the greatness of God, they 20 would be dumb, and for very veneration unwilling to name Him. Goethe. If money be not thy servant, it will be thy master. The covetous man cannot so pro- perly be made to possess wealth as that it may be said to possess him. Bacon. If money go before, all ways do lie open. Merry Wives, ii. 2. If music be the food of love, play on ; / Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, / The appe- tite may sicken, and so die. Twelfth Might, i. 1. If my person be crooked, my verses shall be straight. Pope. If Nature is one and a living indivisible 25 whole, much more is mankind, the image that reflects and creates Nature, without which Nature were not. Carlyle. If new-got gold is said to burn the pockets till it be cast forth into circulation, much more may new truth. Carlyle. If, of all words of tongue and pen, /The saddest are, " It might have been," / More sad are these we daily see : " It is, but hadn't ought to be." Bret Harte. If once you find a woman gluttonous, expect from her very little virtue ; her mind is en- slaved to the lowest and grossest tempta- tion. Johnson. If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours, 'Phorean. If one age believes too much, it is but a natu- 30 ral reaction that another age should believe too little. Buckle. If one door shuts, another will open. Pr. If one sees one's fellow-creature following damnable error, by continuing in which the devil is sure to get him at last, are you to let him go towards such consummation, or are you not rather to use all means to save him ? Carlyle. If one were to think constantly of death, the business of life would stand still. Johnson. If our era is an era of unbelief, why murmur at it? Is there not a better coming— nay, come ? Carlyle. See Matt. v. 4. If people did not flatter one another, there 35 would be little society. / 'auvenargucs. If people take no care for the future, they will soon have sorrow for the present. Chinese Pr. If people were constant, it would surprise me. For see, is not everything in the world sub- ject to change ? Why then should our affec- tions continue ? Goethe. If people would whistle more and argue less, the world would be much happier and pro- bably just as wise. Book of Wisdom. If poverty is the mother of crimes, want of sense is the father of them. La Bruyere. If poverty makes a man groan, he yawns in 40 opulence. Rivarol. If reasons were as plenty as blackberries, I would give no man a reason upon compul- sion. 1 Hen. IV. , ii. 4. IF SATAN [ 174 ] IF IHhKtS If Satan ever laughs, it must be at hypocrites ; they are the greatest dupes he has. Cotton. If she be not fit for me, / What care I for whom she be ? G. Wither. If solid happiness we prize, I Within our breast this jewel lies, / And they are fools who roam. / The world has nothing: to bestow ; / From our own selves our joys must flow, And that dear hut, our home. -V. Cotton. If sorrow falls, / Take comfort still in deeming: there may be / A way to peace on earth by woes of ours. Sir Edwin A moid. 5 If speculation tends to a terrific unity, in which all things are absorbed, action tends directly backwards to diversity. Emerson. If that God give, the deil daurna reave (bereave). Sc. Pr. If that thy fame with every toy be posed, / 'Tis a thin web which poisonous fancies make ; / But the great soldier's honour was composed / Of thicker stuff, which would endure a shake. George Herbert. If the Almighty waited six thousand years for a man to see what He has made, I may well wait two hundred for others to see what I have seen. Kepier. See Isa. xxviii. 16 {last clause). If the ancients left us ideas, to our credit be it spoken, we moderns are building houses for them. A. B. Alcott. 10 If the beard were all, the goat might preach. Dan. Pr. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Heb. Pr. If the cap fit, wear it. Pr. If the chaff-cutter had the making of us, we should all be straw, I reckon. George Eliot. If the counsel be good, no matter who gave it. Pr. 15 If the deil were dead, folk would do little for God's sake. Sc. Pr. If the devil takes a less hateful shape to us than to our fathers, he is as busy with us as he was with them. Lowell. If the doctor cures, the sun sees it ; if he kills, the earth hides it. Sc. Pr. If the East loves infinity, the West delights in boundaries. Emerson. If the eye were not of a sunny nature {sonnen- i:a/t), how could it see the sun ? If God's own power did not exist within us, how could the godlike delight us ? Goethe. 20 If the farmer cannot live who drives the plough, how can he live who drives a fast-trotting mare ? /V. If the heart of a man is depressed with cares, / The mist is dispelled when a woman appears. Gay. If the hungry lion (invited to a feast of chicken- weed) is to feast at all, it cannot be on the chickenweed, but only on the chickens. Car- lyle. If the king is in the palace, nobody looks at the walls. It is when he is gone, and the house is filled with grooms and gazers, that we turn from the people to find relief in the majestic men that are suggested by the pictures and the architecture. Emerson. " If the Lord tarry, yet wait for Him," for He "will surely come' and heal thee. Thomas » Kempa. If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, : Mahomet will go to the mountain. .Ma- homet. If the nose of Cleopatra had been a little shorter, it would have changed the history of the world. Pascal. If the paternal cottage still shuts us in, its roof still screens us : and with a father we have as yet a prophet, priest, and king, and an obedience that makes us free. Carlyle. If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded. Pr. If the poet have nothing to interpret and reveal, it is better that he remain silent. C. Fitzhugh. If the poor man cannot always get meat, the i rich man cannot always digest it. Henry Giles. If the profession you have chosen has some unexpected inconveniences, console yourself by reflecting that no profession is without them. Johnson. If the single man plant himself indomitably on his instincts, and there abide, the huge world will come round to him. Emerson. If the sun shines on me, what matters the moon ? Pr. If the sky fall, we shall catch larks. Pr. If the time don't suit you, suit yourself to the; time. lurk. Pr. If the tongue had not been formed for articula- tion, man would still be a beast in the forest. Emerson. If the true did not possess an objective value, human curiosity would have died out cen- turies ago. Kenan. If the weather don't happen to be good for my work to-day, it's good for some other man's, and will come round to me to-morrow. Dickens. If the world were put into one scale and my mother into the other, the world would kick the beam. Lord Longdate. If the young knew, if the old could, there's 4 nothing but would be done. Pr. If there be / A devil in man, there is an angel too. Tennyson. If there be light, then there is darkness ; if cold, heat ; if height, depth ; if solid, fluid ; if hard, soft ; if rough, smooth; if calm, tem- pest ; if prosperity, adversity ; if life, death. Pythagoras. If there be no enemy, no fight; if no fight, no victory; if no victory, no crown. Savanar. If there be not a religious element in the rela- tions of men, such relations are miserable and doomed to ruin. Carlyle. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy 4 the sun. Pr. If there were no falsehood in the world, there would be no doubt ; if no doubt, no inquiry ; and if no inquiry, no wisdom, no knowledge, no genius. Lander. If there were no fools, there would be no knaves. Pr. If there were only one religion in the world, it would be haughtily and licentiously des- potic, Frederick the Great. If there's a hole in a' your coats, ' I rede ye tent it : / A chiel s amang you takin' notes, / And faith he'll preut it, Burns, of C apt. Grose. IF THEY I 17.. ] IF WE If they do these things in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry ? Jesus. If they hear not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead. Jesus. If thou art a master, be sometimes blind ; if a servant, sometimes deaf. Fuller. If thou art rich, thou art poor ; / For, like an ass whose back with ingots bows, / Thou bear'st thy heavy riches but a journey, / And death unloads thee. Meas. for Mens., iii. i. i If thou art wise, thou knowest thine own ignorance ; and thou art ignorant, if thou knowest not thyself. Luther. If thou be a severe, sour-complexioned man, then here I disallow thee to be a competent judge. Isaac Walton. If thou be master-gunner, spend not all ' That thou canst speak at once, but husband it. George Herbert. If thou bear the cross cheerfully, it will bear thee. Thomas a Kempis. If thou canst let others alone in their matters, they likewise will not hinder thee in thine. Thomas a Kempis. LO If thou cast away one cross, without doubt thou shalt find another, and that perhaps more heavy. Thomas a Kempis. If thou deniest to a laborious man and a de- serving, thou killest a bee ; if thou givest to other than such, thou preservest a drone. Quarles. If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted ? Bible. If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. Bible. If thou hast fear of those who command thee, spare those who obey thee. Rabbi Ben Azai. 15 If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou con- tend with horses ? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan ? Bible. If thou love learning, thou shalt be learned. Isocrates. If thou seest the oppression of the poor, . . . marvel not at the matter : for He that is higher than the highest regardeth ; and there be higher than they. Bible. If thou sustain injustice, console thyself; the true unhappiness is in doing it. Democrates. If thou wouldst profit by thy reading, read . humbly, simply ; honestly, and not desiring to win a character for learning. Thomas a Kempis. 20 If thou wouldst reap in love, / First sow in holy fear ; / So life a winter's morn may prove / To a bright endless year. Keble. If thy estate be good, match near home and at leisure ; if weak, far off and quickly. Lord Burleigh. If thy son can make ten pound his measure, / Then all thou addest may be called his trea- sure. George Herbert. If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches and poor men's cottages princes' palaces. Mer. of Ven., i. 2, If truth be with thy friend, be with them both. George Herbert. If vain our toil, we ought to blame the culture, 25 not the soil. Pope. If virtue keep court within, honour will attend without. Pr. If we are not famous for goodness, we are practically infamous. Spurgeon. If we are rich with the riches which we neither give nor enjoy, we are rich with the riches which are buried in the caverns of the earth. Hitopadesa. If we are told a man is religious, we still ask what are his morals ; but if we hear he has honest morals, we seldom think of the other question, whether he be religious. Shaftes- bury. If we are wise, we may thank ourselves ; if we 30 are great, we must thank fortune. Bulwer Lytton. If we bear what we must bear with mur- muring and grudging, we do but gall our shoulders with the yoke, and render that a heavy unprofitable load which might be fruitful and glorious. Thomas a Kempis. If we . . . /' Cannot defend our own doors from the dog, / Let us be worried, and our nation lose / The name of hardiness and policy. lien. /'., i. 2. If we cannot help committing errors, we must build none. Goethe. If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve happiness. Fichte. If we cast off one burden, we are immediately 35 pursued and oppressed by another. Thomas a Kemfiis. If we clear the metaphysical element out of modern literature, we shall find its bulk amazingly diminished, and the claims of the remaining writers, or of those whom we have thinned by this abstraction of their straw-stuffing, much more easily adjusted. Rusk in. If we could have a little patience, we should escape much mortification. Time takes away as much as it gives. Mme. de Sevigne. If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. Longfellow. If we do not find happiness in the present moment, in what shall we find it? Gold- smith. If we do not now reckon a great man literally 10 divine, it is that our notions of the divine are ever rising higher : not altogether that our reverence for the divine, as manifested in our like, is getting lower. Carlyle. If we do well here, we shall do well there. J. Edwin. If we engage into a large acquaintance and various familiarities, we set open our gates to the invaders of most of our time. Cowley. If we examine our thoughts, we shall find them always occupied with the past and the future. Pascal. If we fail to conquer smaller difficulties, what will become of us when assaulted by greater? Thomas a KemJ/ii, If we hope for what we are not likely to possess, we act and think in vain, and make life a greater dream and shadow than it really is. Addison. If we live truly, we shall see truly. Emerson. If we love those we lose, can we altogether lose those we love ? Thackeray. If we reflect on the number of men we have seen and know, and consider how little we have been to them and they to us, what must our feelings be ? (wie wird uns da zu Muthe). We meet with the man of genius (Geistreich) without conversing with him, with the scholar without learning from him, with the traveller without gaining informa- tion from him, the amiable man without making ourselves agreeable to him. And this, alas ! happens not merely with passing acquaintances ; society and families conduct themselves similarly towards their dearest members, cities towards their worthiest citizens, peoples towards their most ex- cellent princes, and nations towards their most eminent men. Goethe. 5 If we saw all the things that really surround us, we should be imprisoned and unable to move. Emerson. If we should all bring our misfortunes into one place, most of us would be glad to take our own home again rather than take a propor- tion out of the common stock. Solon. If we shut Nature out at the door, she will come in at the window. Sir R. L Estrange. If we sit down sullen and inactive, in expecta- tion that God should do all, we shall find ourselves miserably deceived. Rogers. If we will disbelieve everything because we cannot certainly know all things, we shall do much as wisely as he who wouid not use his legs, but sit still and perish because he had no wings. Locke. 10 If we wish to do good to men, we must pity and not despise them. Amiel. If we would amend the world, we should mend ourselves and teach our children what they should be. Win. Penn. If we would endeavour like brave men to stand in the battle, surely we should feel the assistance from Heaven. Thomas d Kemph. If we would have a genuine torment, let us wish for too much time. Goethe. If we would put ourselves in the place of other people, the jealousy and dislike which we often feel towards them would depart, and if we put others in our place, our pride and self-conceit would very much decrease. Goethe. 15 If what happens does not make us richer, we must bid it welcome if it make us wiser. Johnson. If "wise memory" is ever to prevail, there is need of much "wise oblivion " first. Carlyle. If within the sophisticated man there is not an unsophisticated one, then he is but one of the devil's angels. Thoreau. If women were humbler, men would be honester. / 'anbrugh. If wrong our hearts, our heads are right in vain. J 'oung. 20 If ye believe a' ye hear, ye may eat a' ye see. Se. Pr. ye gi'e a woman a' her will, / Guid faith, she 11 soon o'ergang ye. Burns. you agree to carry the calf, they 11 make you carry the cow. Pr. you anticipate your inheritance, you can at last inherit nothing. Johnson. you are idle, be not solitary ; if you are solitary, be not idle. Johnson. you cannot bite, never show your teeth. Pr. you cannot drive the engine, you can clear the road. Pr. you cannot have the best, make the best ol what you have. Pr. you cannot make a man think as you do, make him do as you think. A mer. Pr. you can't get a loaf, don't throw away a cake. /V. you can't heal the wound, don't tear it open. Dan. Pr. you can't pay for a thing, don't buy it. II you can't get paid for it, don't sell it. So you will have calm days, drowsy nights, and all the good business you have now, and none of the bad. Kuskin. you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheer- fully. Pr. you criticise a fine genius, the odds are that you are out of your reckoning, and instead of the poet, are censuring your own carica- ture of him. / merson. you desire faith, then you've faith enough. Browning. you desire to enjoy my light, you must sup- ply oil to my lamp. Pr. you dinna see the bottom, don't wade (i.e., don't venture, if you can't see your way). Sc. Pr. you dissemble sometimes your knowledge of that you are thought to know, you shall be thought, another time, to know that you know not. Bacon. you do anything for the sake of the world, it will take good care that you shall not do it a second time. Goethe. you do not err, you do not attain to under- standing. Goethe. you do not wish a man to do a thing, you had better get him to talk about it ; for the more men talk, the more likely they are to do nothing else. Carlyle. you don't do better to-day, you'll do worse to-morrow. Pr. you don't touch the rope, you won't ring the bell. /';-. you eat, eat a portion ; do not eat all. Wit and Wisdom from West Africa. you have a good seat, keep it. Pr. you have a special weakness, do not expose it by attempting to do things which will bring it out. Spnrgeon. you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost ; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Tkortav. you have lived one day, you have seen all. Mo>:ttig)ie. you have tears, prepare to shed them now. Jul. C> all his words. Joubert, of Rousseau. II en est d'un homme qui aime, comme d'un moineau, pris a la glu ; plus il se debat, plus il s'embarrasse— It is with a man in love, as with a sparrow caught ill bird-lime ; the more he Struggles, the more he is entangled. Pr. Pr. II en fait ses choux gras — He feathers his nest 55 with it. Fr. Pr. IL EST t 179 ] IL N'AVAIT II est aise d'ajouter aux inventions des autres — It is easy to add to the inventions of others. Fr. Pr. II est aise d'aller a pied, quand on tient son cheval par la bride — It is easy to go afoot when one leads one's horse by the bridle. Fr. Pr. II est aux anges — He is supremely happy (lit. with the angels). II est avis a vieille vache qu'elle ne fut oncques veau — The old cow persuades herself that she never was a calf. Fr. Pr. 5 II est bien aise a ceux qui se portent bien de donner des avis aux malades — It is very easy for those who are well to give advice to the sick. Fr. Pr. II est bien difficile de garder un tresor dont tous les hommes ont la clef — It is very difficult to guard a treasure of which all men have the key. Fr. Pr. II est bien fou qui s'oublie — He is a great fool who forgets himself. Fr. Pr. II est bon d'etre ferme par temperament et flexible par reflexion — It is good to be firm by temperament and pliable by reflexion. Vauvcn- argues. II est bon d'etre habile, mais non pas de le paraitre — It is good to be clever, but not to show it. Fr. Pr. 10 II est comme l'oiseau sur la branche — He is unsettled or wavering (lit. like a bird on a branch). Fr. Pr. II est peu de distance de la roche Tarpeienne au Capitole — It is but a short way from the Tarpeian rock to the Capitol. Mirabcau. II est plus aise d'etre sage pour les autres que pour soi-meme — It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves. La Roche. II est plus honteux de se defier de ses amis que d'en etre trompe — It is more disgraceful to sus- pect our friends than to be deceived by them. La Roche. II est souvent plus court et plus utile de cadrer aux autres que de faire que les autres s'adjustent a nous — It is often more easy and more convenient to conform to others than to make others conform to us. La Brnyere. 15 II est temps d'etre sage quand on a la barbe au menton — It is time to be wise when you have a beard on your chin. Fr. Pr II est tout preche qui n'a cure de bien faire — He is past preaching to who does not care to do well. Fr. Pr. II est trop difficile de penser noblement, quand on ne pense que pour vivre — It is too difficult to think nobly when one thinks only to get a livelihood. Rousseau. II faisoit de necessite vertu — He made a virtue of necessity. Rabelais. II fallait un calculateur, ce fut un danseur qui l'obtint — A financier was wanted, a dancing- master got the post. Beaumarchais. 2011 faut attendre le boiteux— We must wait for the lame. Fr. Pr. II faut avaler bien de la fumee aux lampes avant que de devenir bon orateur — A man must swallow a great deal of lamp-smoke before he can be a good orator. Fr. Pr. II faut avoir pitie des morts— One must have pity on the dead. Victor Hugo. II faut avoir une ame- It is indispensable that we should have a soul. Tolstoi. II faut de plus grandes vertus pour soutenir la bonne fortune que la mauvaise — It requires greater moral strength to bear good fortune than bad. La Roche. II faut en affrontant l'orage ' Penser, vivre et 25 mourir en roi — I must in face of the storm think, live, and die as a king. Frederick the Great. II faut hurler avec les loups — You must howl if you are among wolves. Fr. Pr. II faut laver son linge sale en famille— One's filthy linen should be washed at home. Fr. Pr. II faut payer de sa vie — One must pay with his life. Fr. Pr. II faut perdre un veron pour pecher un saumon We must lose a minnow to catch a salmon. Fr. Pr. II faut qu'une porte soit ouverte ou fermee — 30 A door must either be open or shut. Brueys et Palaprat. II faut savoir s'ennuyer — One must accustom one's self to be bored. Lady Bloomfield. II faut sortir de la vie ainsi que d'un banquet, / Remerciant son hote, et faisant son paquet — One must quit life as one does a banquet, thanking the host and packing up one's belong- ings. Voltaire. II fuoco non s'estingue con fuoco — Fire is not extinguished by fire. It. Pr. II fut historien pour rester orateur— He turned historian that he might still play the orator. II me faut du nouveau, n'en fut-il point au 35 monde — I must have something new, even were there none in the world. La Fontaine. II meglio e l'inimico del bene — Better is an enemy to well. //. Pr. II meurt connu de tous et ne se connait pas — He dies known by all and does not know him- self. I'aitquelin des Yvetaux. II mondo e di chi ha pazienza -The world is his who has patience. It. Pr. II mondo e fatto a scale ; / Chi le scende, e chi le sale — The world is like a staircase; some are going up and some going down. //. Pr. II mondo sta con tre cose : fare, disfare, e dare 40 ad intendere — The world gets along with three things : doing, undoing, and pretending. It. Pr. II monta sur ses grands chevaux— He mounted his high horse. Fr. Fr. II nage entre deux eaux — He keeps fair with both parties (lit. swims between two waters). Fr. Pr. II n'a ni bouche ni eperon — He has neither wit nor go in him (lit. he has neither mouth nor spur). Fr. II n'a pas invente la poudre — He was not the inventor of gunpowder. Fr. Pr. II n'a pas l'air, mais la chanson — He has not 45 the tune, but the song. Fr. Pi: II n appartient qu'aux grands hommes, d'avoir de grands defauts — It is only great men who can afford to have great defects. La Roche. II n'attache pas ses chiens avec des saucisses — He does not chain his dogs together with sausages. Fr. Pr. II n'avait pas precisement des vices, mais il etait ronge d'une vermine de petits defauts, dont on ne pouvait l'epurer — He had not vices exactly, but he was the prey to a swarm of small faults of which there was no ridding him. Fr, IL N'EST [ 180 ] IL TEMPO II n'est d'heureux que qui croit l'etre — Only he is happy who thinks he is. Fr. Pr. II n'est orgueil que de pauvre enrichi — There is no pride like that of a poor man who has become rich. Fr. Pr. II n'est pas d'homme necessaire — There is no man but can be dispensed with. Fr. Pr. II n'est pas echappe' qui traine son lien — He is not escaped who still drags his chains. Fr. Pr. 5 II n'est rien d'inutile aux personnes de sens- There is nothing useless to people of sense. La Fontaine. II n'est sauce que d'appetit — Hunger is the best sauce. Fr. Pr. II ne fait rien, et nuit a qui veut faire — He pro- duces nothing, and hinders those who would. Ir. II ne faut jamais se moquer des miserables, / Car qui peut s'assurer d'etre toujours heu- reux ? — We must never laugh at the miserable, for who can be sure of being always happy ? La Fontaine. II ne faut pas nous facher des choses passees — We should not trouble ourselves (Sc. fash) about things that are past. Napoleon. 10 II ne faut pas parler latin devant les Cor- deliers — It doesn't do to talk Latin before the Grey Friars. Fr. Pr. II ne faut pas voler avant que d'avoir des ailes — One must not fly before he develops wings. Fr. Pr. II ne faut point parler corde dans la famille dun pendu — Never speak of a rope in the family of one who has been hanged. Fr. Pr. II ne sait plus de quel bois faire fleche— He is put to his last shift (lit. knows of no wood to make his arrow). Fr. Pr. II ne sait sur quel pied danser — He knows not on which foot to dance (i.e. he is at his wit's end). 15 II n'y a de nouveau que ce qui a vieilli — There is nothing new but what has become antiquated. Fr. Pr. II n'y a de nouveau que ce qui est oublie— There is nothing new but what is forgotten. Mdlle. Bertine. II n'y a de sots si incommodes que ceux qui ont de l'esprit — There are no fools so unsuffer- able as those who have wit. La Roche. II n'y a pas a dire— There is no use saying any- thing ; the thing is settled. Fr. Pr. II n'y a pas de cheval si bon qu'il ne bronche pas— There is no horse so sure-footed as never to trip. Fr. Pr. 20 II n'y a pas de gens plus affaires que ceux qui n'ont rien a faire — There are no people so busy as those who have nothing to do. Fr. Pr. II n'y a pas de petit ennemi — There is no such thing as an insignificant enemy. Fr. Pr. II n'y a peut-etre point de verite qui ne soit a quelque esprit faux matiere d'erreur — There is, perhaps, no truth that is not to some false minds matter of error, l'auvenargues. II n'y a plus de Pyrenees- There are no longer any Pyrenees. Louis XIV., on the departure of t/ie Duke of Anjou from Paris for Spain. II n'y a point au monde un si penible metier que celui de se faire un grand nom. La vie s acheve que Ton a a peine ebauche son ouvrage- There is not a more laborious under- taking in the world than that of earning a great name ; life comes to a close before one has well schemed out one's course. La Bruyirt, II n'y a point de chemin trop long a qui marche 25 lentement et sans se presser, il n'y a point d'avantages trop eloignes a qui s'y prepare par la patience — No road is too long for him who advances slowly and does not hurry, and no attainment is beyond his reach who equips him- self with patience to achieve it. La Bruyere. II n'y a point de plus cruelle tyrannie que celle que Ion exerce a l'ombre des lois et avec les couleurs de la justice — There is no crueller tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice. Montesquieu. II n'y a que la verite qui blesse — It is only the truth that offends (lit. wounds). Fr. Pr. II n'y a que le matin en toutes choses — There is only the morning in all things. Fr. Pr. II n'y a que le premier pas qui coute— It is only the first step which costs. Fr. Pr. II n'y a que les honteux qui perdent — It is only 30 the bashful who lose. Fr. Pr. II n'y a que les morts qui ne reviennent pas — It is only the dead who do not return. Barere. II n'y a rien de si puissant qu'une republique oil Ton observe les lois, non pas par crainte, non pas par raison, mais par passion — There is no commonwealth so powerful as one in which the laws are observed not from a principle of fear or reason, but passion. Montesquieu. II n'y a rien que la crainte et l'esperance ne persuadent aux hommes — There is nothing that fear and hope does not persuade men to do. / 'auz'euargues. II parait qu'on n'apprend pas a mourir en tuant les autres — It does not appear that people learn how to die by taking away the lives of others. Chateaubriand. II passa par la gloire, il passa par le crime, et il 35 n'est arrive qu'au malheur — He passed through glory and through crime, and has landed only in misfortune. Said of Napoleon III. II penseroso — The pensive man. It. II plait a tout le monde et ne saurait se plaire — He pleases all the world but cannot please himself. Boileau, of Moliere. II porte le deuil de sa blanchisseuse — He wears mourning for his laundress, i.e., his linen is dirty. Fr. Pr. II riso fa buon sangue— Laughter makes good blood ; puts one in good humour. It. Pr. II rit bien qui rit le dernier— He laughs with 40 reason who laughs the last. II sabio muda conscio, il nescio no — A wise man changes his mind, a fool never. Sp. Pr. II se fait entendre, a force de se faire ecouter — He makes himself understood by compelling people to listen to him. Villcmain. II se faut entr'aider ; e'est la loi de nature— We must assist one another ; it is the law of Nature. Fr. Pr. II sent le fagot— He is suspected of heresy (///. he smells of the faggot). Fr. II tacer non fu mai scritto — Silence was never 45 written down. //. Pr. II tempo e un galant 'uomo — Time is a fine lord (or lady). Mazarin. II tempo buono viene una volta sola— The good time comes but once. //. I'r. II tempo e una lima sorda — Time is a file that emits no noise. It. Pr. IL TEMPO [ 181 ] ILLA 1 trouverait a tondre sur un ceuf— He would skin a flint {lit. find something to shave on an egg). Fr.Pr. 1 va du blanc au noir — He runs to extremes {lit. from white to black). Fr. Pr. 1 vaut mieux avoir affaire a Dieu qu'a ses saints — It is better to deal with God than with His saints. Fr. Pr. 1 vaut mieux etre fou avec tous, qua sage tout seul — Better to be mad with everybody, than wise all alone. Fr. Pr. 1 vaut mieux etre marteau qu'enclume — It is better to be hammer than anvil. Fr. Pr. I vaut mieux etre singe perfectionne qu'un Adam degenere — Better a perfect ape than a degenerate man. Claparedc. 1 vaut mieux faire envie que pitie — It is better to be envied than pitied. Fr. Pr. 1 vaut mieux tacher d'oublier ses malheurs que d'en parler — It is better to try and forget one's misfortunes than to speak of them. Fr. Pr. 1 vero punge, e la bugia unge — Truth stings and falsehood salves over. It. Pr. 1 villano en su tierra, y el hidalgo donde quiera — The clown in his own country, the gentleman where he pleases. Sp. Pr. 1 volto sciolto, i pensieri stretti — The counten- ance open, the thoughts reserved. It. Pr. 1 y a anguille sous roche — There is a snake in the grass ; a mystery in the affair. Fr. Pr. 1 y a bien des gens qu'on estime, parce qu'on ne les connait point — Many people are esteemed merely because they are not known. J>r. Pr. 1 y a dans la jalousie plus d' amour-propre que d'amour — There is more self-love than love in jealousy. La Roche. 1 y a des gens a qui la vertu sied presque aussi mal que le vice — There are some men on whom virtue sits almost as awkwardly as vice. Bouhours. 1 y a des gens auxquels il faut trois cent ans pour commencer voir une absurdite— There are people who take three hundred years before they begin to see an absurdity. Fr. (?) 1 y a des gens degoutants avec du merite, et d'autres qui plaisent avec des defauts— There are people who disgust us in spite of their merits, and others who please us In spite of their faults. La Roche. 1 y a des gens qui ressemblent aux vaude- villes, qu'on ne chante qu'un certain temps — Some men are like the ballads that are sung only for a certain time. La Roche. 1 y a des reproches qui louent, et des louanges qui medisent — There are censures which are commendations, and commendations which are censures. La Roche. 1 y a des verites qui ne sont pas pour tous les hommes et pour tous les temps — There are truths which are not for every man and for every occasion. Fr. (?) 1 y a encore de quoi glaner — There are still other fields to glean from ; the subject is not exhausted. Fr. Pr. 1 y a fagots et fagots — There is a difference between one faggot and another. Moliere. 1 y a plus de quarante ans que je dis de la prose sans que j'en susse rien — I have been speaking prose forty years without knowing it. Moliere. II y a plus fous acheteurs que de fous vendeurs ■ — There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers. Fr. Pr. II y a quelque chose dans les malheurs de nos 25 meilleurs amis qui ne nous deplait pas — There is something in the misfortunes of our best friends which does not displease us. Fr. Pr. II y a souvent de l'illusion, de la mode, du caprice dans le jugement des hommes — In the judgments of people there is often little more than self-deception, fashion, and whim. Voltaire. II y a une espece de honte d'etre heureux a la vue de certaines miseres — It is a kind of shame to feel happy with certain miseries before our eyes. Fr. II y en a peu qui gagnent a etre approfondis — Few men rise in our esteem on a closer scrutiny. Fr. Pr. II y va de la vie — Life depends on it ; it is a matter of life or death. Iliacos intra muros peccatur et extra — Sin is 30 committed as well within the walls of Troy as without, i.e., both sides were to blame. Hor. Ilicet infandum cuncti contra omina bellum / Contra fata deum, perverso numine poscunt — Forthwith, against the omens and against the oracles of the gods, all to a man, under an adverse influence, clamour for unholy war. I 'irg. Ilka (every) blade o' grass keps (catches) it ain drap o' dew. Sc. Pr. Ilka dog has his day. Sc. Pr. Ilk happing bird, wee, helpless thing, / That, in the merry months of spring, / Delighted me to hear thee sing, / What comes o' thee ? / Where wilt thou cower thy chittering wing, an' close thy e'e ? Burns, "A Winter Night." III bairns are best heard at hame. Sc. Pr. 35 111 begun, ill done. Diet. Pr. Ill can he rule the great that cannot reach the small. Spenser. Ill comes upon war's back. Pr. Ill-doers are ill thinkers. Pr. Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, / 40 Where wealth accumulates and men decay. Goldsmith. Ill fortune never crushes that man whom good fortune deceived not. Ben Jonson. Ill got, ill spent. Pr. Ill-gotten wealth seldom descends to the third generation. Pr. Ill habits gather by unseen degrees, / As brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas. Drydcn. Ill hearing mak's ill rehearsing. Sc Pr. 45 Ill-humour is nothing more than an inward feeling of our own want of merit, a dissatis- faction with ourselves. Goethe. Ill luck comes by pounds and goes away by ounces. It. Pr. Ill news comes apace. Pr. Ill weeds are not hurt by frost. S/. and Port. Pr. Ill weeds grow apace. Pr. 60 Ilia doletvere quae sine teste dolet — She grieves sincerely who grieves when unseen. Mart. Ilia est agricolae messis iniqua suo — That is a harvest which ill repays its husbandman. Ovid. ILLA [ 182 ] IMAGINATION Ilia laus est, magno in genere et in divitiis maximis, / Liberos hominem educare, generi monumentum et sibi — It is a merit in a man of high birth and large fortune to train up his children so as to be a credit to his family and himself, Plaut. Ilia placet tellus in qua res parva beatum / Me facit, et tenues luxuriantur opes — That spot of earth has special charms for me, in which a limited income produces happiness, and moderate wealth abundance. Mart. Ilia victoria viam ad pacem patefecit — By that victory he opened the way to peace. Illseso lumine solem — [To gaze] on the sun with undazzled eye. M. 5 Illam, quicquid agit. quoquo vestigia flectit, / Componit furtim, subsequiturque decor — In whatever she does, wherever she turns, grace steals into her movements and attends her steps. Tibnll. Ille crucem sceleris pretium tulit, hie diadema — That one man has found a cross the reward of his guilt ; this one, a diadem. Juv. Ille igitur nunquam direxit brachia contra / Torrentem ; nee civis erat qui libera posset / Verba animi proferre, et vitam impendere vero — He never exerted his arms against the torrent, nor was he a citizen who would frankly utter the sentiments of his mind, and stake his life for the truth. Juv. Ille per extentum funem mihi posse videtur / Ire poeta, meum qui pectus inaniter angit / Irritat mulcet falsis terroiibus implet / Ut magus : et modo me Thebis, modo ponit Athenis — That man seems to me able to do anything {lit. walk on the tight-rope) who, as a poet, tortures my breast with fictions, can rouse me, then soothe me, fill me with unreal terrors like a magician, set me down either at Thebes or Athens. Hor. Ille potens sui / Laetusque degit, cui licet in diem / Dixisse, Vixi : eras vel atra / Nube polum pater occupato / Vel sole puro — The man lives master of himself and cheerful, who can say day after day, " I have lived ; to- morrow let the Father above overspread the sky either with cloud or with clear sunshine." Hor. 10 Ille sinistrorsum, hie dextrorsum, abit : unus utrique / Error, sed variis illudit partibus— One wanders to the left, another to the right ; both are equally in error, but are seduced by different delusions. Hor. Ille terrarum mihi prater omnes / Angulus ridet — That nook of the world has charms for me before all else. Hor. Ille vir. haud magna cum re, sed plenus fidei — He is a man, not of large fortune, but full of good faith. Illi inter sese multa vi brachia tollunt / In numerum, versantque tenaci forcipe massam — They (the Cyclops), keeping time, one by one raise their arms with mighty force, and turn the iron lump with the biting tongs. Virg. Illi robur et aes triplex / Circa pectus erat, qui fragilem truci / Commisit pelago ratem ' Primus — That man had oak and triple brass around his breast who first intrusted his frail bark to the savage sea. Hor. 15 Illic apposito narrabis multa Lyaeo — There, with toe wine iii front of you, you will tell luauy a story. Ovid. Illud amicitiae sanctum ac venerabile nomen / Nunc tibi pro vili sub pedibusque jacet— The sacred and venerable name of friendship is now despised and trodden under foot. Ozu'd. Illusion on a ground of truth is the secret of the fine arts. Joubert. Illustrious acts high raptures do infuse, / And every conqueror creates a muse. Waller. lis chantent, ils payeront — Let them sing ; they will have the piper to pay. Mazarin. Ils n'ont rien appris, ni rien oublie— They have 20 learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Talley- rand, of the Bourbons. Ils s'amusaient tristement, selon la coutume de leur pays — They (the English) are heavy- laden in their amusements, according to the cus- tom of their country. Froissart. Ils se ne servent de la pensee que pour autoriser leurs injustices, et emploient les paroles que pour deguiser leurs pensees — Men use thought only to justify their unjust acts, and employ speech only to disguise their thoughts. Voltaire. Ils sont passes, ces jours de fete — They are gone, those festive days. Gritty. Ils veulent etre libres et ne savent pas etre justes — They wish to be free and understand not how to be just. Abbe Sieyis. Im Alter erstaunt und bereut man nicht mehr 25 — In old age one is astonished and repents no more. Goethe. Im Becher ersaufen mehr als im Meer— More are drowned in the wine-cup than in the sea. Gcr. Pr. Im Ganzen, Guten, Wahren resolut zu leben — To live resolutely in the whole, the good, the true. Goethe. Im Gedrange hier auf Erden / Kann nicht jeder, was er will — In the press of things on earth here, not every one can do what he would. Goethe. Im Grabe ist Ruh ! — In the grave is rest ! Lang- haufen, Heine. Im Leben ist der Mensch zehn Jahre in Kriege 30 und zehn in der Irre, gleich dem Ulysses — Man, like Ulysses, spends ten years in war and ten in wandering. Feuei'bacli. Im Leben ist nichts Gegenwart — In life is the present nothing, or there is no present. Goethe. Im Mangel, nicht im Ueberfluss / Keimt der Genuss — Enjoyment germinates not in abund- ance but in want. Herder. Im Schmerze wird die neue Zeit geboren — In pain is the new time born. Chainisso. Im Ungliick halte aus ; / Im Gliicke halte ein — In bad fortune hold out ; in good, hold in. Ger. Pr. Im Wasser kannst du dein Antlitz sehn, Im 35 Wein des andern Herz erspahn — In water thou canst see thine own face, in wine thou canst see into the heart of another. Pr. Imaginary evils so6n become real ones by in- dulging our reflections on them. Swift. Imagination is always the ruling and divine power, and the rest of the man is only the instrument which it sounds, or the tablet on which it writes. Rush-in. Imagination is a mettled horse that will break the rider's neck when a donkey would have carried him to the end of his journey, slow but sure. Southej. IMAGINATION [ 1SB ] IMPROBE Imagination is but a poor matter when it has to part company with understanding. Car- lylc. Imagination is central; fancy, superficial. Emerson. Imagination is Eternity. Wm. Blake. Imagination is the eye of the souL Joubert. 5 Imagination is the mightiest despot, Auer- back. Imagination is too often accompanied with a somewhat irregular logic. Disraeli. Imagination rules the world. Napoleon. Imitation is born with us, but what we ought to imitate is not easily found. Goethe. Imitation is the sincerest flattery. Cotton. 10 Imitation is suicide. Emerson. Immediate are the acts of God, more swift , Than time or motion. .Milton. Immer etwas Neues, selten etwas Gutes — Always something new. seldom anything good. Gcr. Pr. Immer Neues spriesset / Eh' ein Mensch geniesset / Mit Verstand das Alte — Not till a new thing sprouts up does a man ever enjoy I intelligently that which is old. Riickert. Immer wird, nie ist— Always a-being, never being. Schiller. 15 Immer zu '. Immer zu ! / Ohne Rast und Ruh ! — Ever onward ! ever onward ! without rest and quiet. Goethe. Immer zu misstrauen ist ein Irrthum wie immer zu trauen — Always to distrust is an error, as well as always to trust. Goethe. Immo id, quod aiunt. auribus teneo lupum Nam neque quomodo a me amittam, invenio : neque, uti retineam scio— It is true they say I have caught a wolf by the ears ; for I know not either how to get rid of him or keep him in restraint. Ter. Immodest words admit of no defence, / For want of decency is want of sense. Ros- common. Immoritur studiis, et amore senescit habendi — He is killing himself with his efforts, and in his greed of gain is becoming an old man. Hor. 20 Immortale odium et nunquam sanabile vulnus — A deadly hatred, and a wound that can never be healed. J«v., on the effects of religious con- tention between neighbours. Immortalia ne speres monet annus, et almum / Quae rapit hora diem — The year in its course, and the hour that speeds the kindly day, ad- monishes you not to hope for immortal (i.e., per- manent) blessings. J! or. Immortality will come to such as are fit for it ; and he who would be a great soul in future must be a great soul now. Emerson. Imo pectore— From the bottom of the heart. Impatience changeth smoke to flame. Eras- mus. 25 Impatience dries the blood sooner than age or sorrow. C/ia/itt. Impatience is the principal cause of most of our irregularities and extravagances. Sterne. Impatience waiteth on true sorrow. 3 Hen. VI., iii. 3. Impavidum ruinae ferient— The wreck of things will strike him unmoved. Hor. Impera parendo — Command by obeying. Sf. Imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique— 30 Money amassed is either our slave or our tyrant. Hor. Imperfection is in some sort essential to all that we know of life. It is the sign of life in a mortal body, that is, of a state of progress and change. Ruskin. Imperfection means perfection hid, / Reserved in part to grace the after-time. Brcnvning. Imperfections cling to a man, which, if he wait till he have brushed off entirely, he will spin for ever on his axis, advancing nowhither. Carlyle. Imperia dura tolle, quid virtus erit ?— Remove severe restraint, and what will become of virtue? Sen. Imperious Caesar, dead and turn d to clay, / 35 Might stop a hole to keep the wind away. Ham., v. 1. Imperium et libertas — Empire and liberty. Cic. Imperium facile iis artibus retinetur, quibus initio partum est — Power is easily retained by those arts by which it was at first acquired. Sail. Imperium in imperio — A government within a government. Impertinent and lavish talking is in itself a very vicious habit. Thomas d Kempis. Impetrare oportet, quia aequum postulas— 40 You ought to obtain what you ask, as you only ask what is fair. Plant. Implacabiles plerumque laesae mulieres — Women, when offended, are generally implac- able. " Impossible " est un mot que je ne dis jamais — "Impossible" is a word which I never utter. Collin d' H artevilles. Impossible is the precept " Know thyself," till it be translated into this partially possible one, " Know what thou canst work at." Carlyle. Impossible ! Ne me dites jamais ce bete de mot — Impossible! Never name to me that blockhead of a word. Miraieau, to his secre- tary, Dumont. " Impossible " n'est pas francais — " Impossible " 45 is not French. Napoleon. " Impossible," when Truth and Mercy and the everlasting voice of Nature order, has no place in the brave man's dictionary. Carlyle. "Impossible!" who talks to me of impossi- bilities ? Chatham. Impotentia excusat legem — Inability suspends the action of law. /. . Impransus — One who has not dined, or who can't find a dinner. Imprimatur — Let it be printed. 50 Imprimis — First of all. Imprimis venerare Deos — Before all things reve- rence the gods. Virg. I Improbae / Crescunt divitiae, tamen / Curtae I nescio quid semper abest rei — Riches increase to an enormous extent, yet something is ever wanting to our still imperfect fortune. Hor. Improbe amor, quid non mortalia pectqra i cogis ? — Cruel love ! what is there to which thou dost not drive mortal hearts ? Virg. 1 Improbe Neptunum accusat, qui naufragium55 iterum facit — He who suffers shipwreck twice is unjust if he throws the blame on Neptune. I Pub. Syr. 11V1I- I\UD10 UN ftlVIDIMV^n Improbis aliena virtus semper formidolosa est — To wicked men the virtue of others is always matter of dread. Sail. Impromptu — Off-hand ; without premeditation. Improvement is Nature. Leigh Hunt. Imprudent expression in conversation may be forgotten and pass away ; but when we take the pen into our hand, we must remember j that litera scripts, matiet. Blair. 6 Impudence is no virtue, yet able to beggar them all. Sir T. Osborne. Impunitas semper ad deteriora invitat — Im- punity always tempts to still worse crimes. Coke. In a boundless universe / Is boundless better, boundless worse. Tennyson. In a calm sea, every man is a pilot. Pr. In a commercial nation impostors are abroad in all professions. // 'in. Blake. 10 In a fair gale every fool may sail, but wise j behaviour in a storm commends the wisdom of the pilot. Qiuii/es. In a free country there is much complaining but little suffering ; under a despotism, much suffering but little complaining. Giles' Pro- verbs. In a good lord there must first be a good animal, at least to the extent of yielding the incomparable advantage of animal spirits. Emerson. In a great soul everything is great. Pascal. In a healthy state of the organism all wounds have a tendency to heal. Mine. Swet- chine. 15 In a lawsuit nothing is certain but the ex- pense. A. Butler. In a leopard the spots are not observed. Her- bert's Coll. In a lottery, where there is (at the lowest com- putation) ten thousand blanks to one prize, it is the most prudent choice not to venture. Lady Montagu. In a man's letters his soul lies naked : his letters are only the mirror of his breast. Johnson. In a matter of life and death don't trust even your mother ; she might mistake a black bean (used in voting) for a white one. Alci- biades. 20 In a narrow circle the mind grows narrow ; the more a man expands, the larger his aims. Schiller. In a noble race, levity without virtue is seldom found. In a mine of rubies, when shall we find pieces of glass ? Hitopadcsa. In a poem there should be not only the poetry of images, but also the poetry of ideas. Joubert. In a symbol there is concealment and yet revelation, silence and speech acting to- gether, some embodiment and revelation of the infinite, made to blend itself with the finite, to stand visible, and, as it were, attainable there, i arlyle. In a thousand pounds of law there is not an ounce of love. Pr. 25 In a valiant suffering for others, not in a sloth- ful making others suffer for us, did nobleness ever lie. Carlyle. In acta — In the very act. In action, a great heart is the chief qualifica- tion ; in work, a great head. Sclwpenhauer. In aequali jure melior est conditio possidentis — Where the right is equal, the claim of the party in possession is the best. L. In aeternum — For ever. In all battles, if you await the issue, each 30 fighter has prospered according to his right. His right and his might, at the close of the account, were the same. Carlyle. In all faiths there is something true f . . . Something that keeps the Unseen in view, / . . . And notes His gifts with the worship due. Dr. Walter Smith. In all human action, those faculties will be strong which are used. Emerson. In all human narrative, it is the battle only, and not the victory, that can be dwelt on with advantage. Carlyle. In all literary history there is no such figure as Dante, no such homogeneousness of life and works, such loyalty to ideas, such sublime irrecognition of the unessential. Lowell. In all matters prefer the less evil to the 35 greater, and solace yourself under any ill with the reflection that it might be worse. Spurgeon. In all provinces there are artists and artisans ; men who labour mechanically in a depart- ment, without eye for the whole, not feeling that there is a whole ; and men who inform and ennoble the humblest department with an idea of the whole, and habitually know that only in the whole is the partial to be truly discerned. Carlyle. In all science error precedes the truth, and it is better it should go first than last. Horace Walfiole. In all situations (out of Tophet) there is a duty, and our highest blessedness lies in doing it. Carlyle. In all straits the good behave themselves with meekness and patience. Thomas a Kem/>is. In all things that live there are certain irregu- 40 larities and deficiencies, which are not only signs of life, but sources of beauty. Kuskin. In all things, to serve from the lowest station upwards is necessary. Goethe. In all times it is only individuals that have advanced science, not the age. Goethe. In all true work, were it but true hand-labour, there is something of divineness. Carl) le. In all vital action the manifest purpose and effort of Nature is, that we should be uncon- scious of it. . . . Nature so meant it with us ; it is so we are made. Carl) le. In allem andern lass dich lenken / Nur nicht 45 im Fiihlen und im Denken— la everything el>e let thyself be led, only not in feeling and in thinking, v. Sallet. In alms regard thy means and others' merit. / Think Heaven a better bargain than to give Only thy single market-money for it. George Herbert. In ambiguo— In doubt. In America you can get tea, and coffee, and meat every day. But the only true America is that country where you are at liberty to pursue such a mode of life as may enable you to do without these. Thoreath IN AN [ 135 ] IN DEO In an aristocratical institution like England, not trial by jury, but the dinner is the capital institution. It is the mode of doing- honour to a stranger to invite him to eat, and has been for many a hundred years. Emerson. In anima vili — On a subject of little worth. In annulo Dei figuram ne gestato — Wear not the image of the Deity In a ring, i.e., do not use the name of God on frivolous occasions, or in vain. Pr. In any controversy, the instant we feel angry we have already ceased striving for truth and begun striving for ourselves. Goethe. 5 In aqua scribis — You are writing on water. Pr. In arena aedificas — You are building on sand. Pr. In arguing, be calm ; for fierceness makes / Error a fault, and truth discourtesy. George Herbert. In argument with men, a woman ever / Goes by the worse, whatever be her cause. Milton. In art and in deeds, only that is properly achieved which, like Minerva, springs full- grown and armed from the head of the inventor. Goethe. 10 In art, to express the infinite one should sug- gest infinitely more than is expressed. Goethe. In articulo mortis— At the point of death. In audaces non est audacia tuta — Daring is not safe against daring men. Ovid. In beato omnia beata — With the fortunate every- thing is fortunate. Hor. In bocca chiusa non c' entran mosche — Flies can't enter into a mouth that is shut. It. Pr. 15 In books lies the soul of the whole past time ; the articulate audible voice of the past, when the body and material substance of it has altogether vanished like a dream. Carlylc. In breathing there are two kinds of blessings (Guaden) : inhaling the air and exhaling (lit. discharging) it ; the former is oppressive, the latter refreshing-, so strangely is life mingled. Thank God when He lays a burden on thee, and thank Him when He takes it off. Goethe. In bunten Bildern wenig Klarheit, / Viel Irr- tum und ein Funkchen Wahrheit, / So wird der beste Trank gebraut, / Der alle Welt er- quickt und auferbaut — With little clearness (light) in motley metaphors, much falsehood and a spark of truth, is the genuine draught prepared with which every one is refreshed and edified. Goethe. In buying horses and taking a wife, shut your eyes and commend yourself to God. //. Pr. In caducum parietem inclinare— To lean against a falling wall. Pr. 20 In calamitoso risus etiam injuria est — Even to smile at the unfortunate is to do them an injury. Pub. Syr. In capite — In chief. In casu extremae necessitatis omnia sunt com- munia — In a case of extreme emergency all things are common. L. In Catholic countries religion and liberty ex- clude each other ; in Protestant ones they accept each other. Ainiel. In cauda venenum— Poison lurks in the tail; or, there is a sting in the tail. Pr. n causa facili, cuivis licet esse diserto— In an 25 easy matter any man may be eloquent. Ovid. n character, in manner, in style, in all things the supreme excellence is simplicity. Long- fellow. n cheerful souls there is no evil ; wit shows a disturbance of the equipoise. Novalis. n childhood be modest, in youth temperate, in manhood just, and in old age prudent. Socrates. n choosing friends, we should choose those whose qualities are innate, and their virtues virtues of the temperament. A miel. n Christ the infinite itself has come down to 30 the level of the finite, and the finite has been raised to the level of the infinite, and in His single person the spirit of the universe stands revealed. Ed. n civil broils the worst of men may rise to honour. Plutarch. n clothes, cheap handsomeness doth bear the bell. George Herbert. n clothes clean and fresh there is a kind of youth with which age should surround itself. Joubert. n ccelo nunquam spectatum impune cometam — A comet is never seen in the sky without indicating disaster. Claud. n ccelo quies — There is rest in heaven. 35 n ccelum jacularis — You are aiming at the heavens ; your anger is bootless. n commendam — In trust or recommendation. n common things the law of sacrifice takes the form of positive duty. Fronde. n communism, inequality springs from plac- ing mediocrity on a level with excellence. Proudhon. n composing a book, the last thing that one 40 learns is to know what to put first. Pascal. n constitutional states, liberty is a compensa- tion for heaviness of taxation ; in despotic ones, lightness of taxation is a compensation for liberty. Montesquieu. n contemplation, if a man begin with cer- tainties, he shall end in doubts ; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties. Bacon. n conversation, boldness now bears sway. George Herbert. n conversation, humour is more than wit, easi- ness more than knowledge. Sir Win. Temple. n courtesy rather pay a penny too much than 45 too little. Pr. n crucifixo gloria mea — I glory in the Crucified. n cumulo— In a heap. n curia — In the court. n cute curanda plus aequo operata juventus — Youth unduly busy with pampering the outer man. Hor. n days of yore nothing was holy but the 50 beautiful. Schiller. n deep waters men find great pearls. Pr. n deinem Glauben ist dein Himmel, / In deinem Herzen ist dein Gliick— In thy faith is thy heaven, in thy heart thy happiness. Arndt. n deinem Nichts hoff' ich das All zu finden— In thy nothing hope I to find the all. Goethe. n delay / We waste our lights in vain, like lamps by day. Rom. and Jul., i. 4. n Deo spero — In God I hope. M. 55 m ujik. UN rAUH In der jetzigen Zeit soil Niemand schweigen oder nachgeben ; man muss reden und sich riihren, nicht um zu iiberwinden, sondern sich auf seinem Posten zn erhalten ; ob bei der Majoritat oder Minoritat, ist ganz gleich- giiltig — Al the present time no one should yield or keep silence ; every one must speak and bestir himself, not in order to gain the upper hand, but to keep his own position — whether with the majority or the minority is quite indifferent. Goethe. In der Kunst ist das Beste gut genug— In art the best is good enough. Goethe. In der Noth allein / Bewahret sich der Adel grosser Seele — -In difficulty alone does the nobility of great souls prove itself. Schiller. In dictione — In the expression, or the form. 5 In die Holle kommt man mit grdsserer Miihe, als in den Himmel — It's harder work getting to hell than heaven, dr. Pr. In diem — To some future day. In diem vivere — To live from hand to mouth. In dim eclipse disastrous twilight sheds / On half the nations, and with fear of change perplexes monarchs. Milton. In diving to the bottom of pleasures we bring up more gravel than pearls. Balzac. 10 In doubtful matters courage may do much ; in desperate, patience. Pr. In dubiis — In matters of doubt. In dubiis benigniora semper sunt praeferenda — In cases of doubt we should always lean to the side of mercy. L. In dulci jubilo— Now sing and be joyful. Peter of Dresden. In duty prompt, at every call, / He watch'd, and wept, and felt, and prayed for all. Gold- smith. 15 In dyeing the spiritual nature there are two processes— first, the cleansing and wringing out, which is the baptism with water ; and then the infusing of the blue and scarlet colours, gentleness and justice, which is the baptism with fire. Ruskin. In eadem re utilitas et turpitudo esse non potest — In the same thing usefulness and base- ness cannot coexist. Cic. In eating, after nature is once satisfied, every additional morsel brings stupidity and dis- tempers with it. Goldsmith. In eburna vagina plumbeus gladius — A leaden sword in an ivory sheath. Diogenes, of an empty fop- In eloquence, the great triumphs of the art are when the orator is lifted above him- self; when consciously he makes himself the mere tongue of the occasion and the hour, and says what cannot but be said. Emerson. 20 In equilibrio — In equilibrium. In esse — In actual being. In every age and clime we see / Two of a trade can never agree. Gay. In every battle the eye is first conquered. Tac. In every beginning think of the end. Pr. 25 In every bone there is marrow, and within every jacket there is a man. .Saudi. In every change there will be many that suffer real or imaginary grievances, and therefore many will be dissatisfied. Johnson. In every child their lies a wonderful deep. Schumann. In every country the sun rises in the morning. In every creed there are two elements — the Divine substance and the human form. The form must change with the changing thoughts of men ; and even the substance may come to shine with clearer light, and to reveal unexpected glories, as God and man come nearer together. R. IV. Dale. In every department of life we thank God that3( we are not like our fathers. Fronde. In every department one must begin as a child ; throw a passionate interest over the subject ; take pleasure in the shell till one has the happiness to arrive at the kernel. Goethe. In every epoch of the world, the great event, parent of all others, is it not the arrival of a thinker in the world ? Carlyle. In every fault there is folly. Pr. In every great epoch there is some one idea at work which is more powerful than any other, and which shapes the events of the time and determines their ultimate issues. Buckle. In every heart are sown the sparks that kindle 3' fiery war ; occasion needs but fan them, and they blaze. Cowfer. In every landscape the point of astonishment is the meeting of the sky and the earth, and that is seen from the first hillock as well as from the top of the Alleghanies. Erne /son. In every life there is an upward and a down- ward tendency (Trie/'); he is to be praised who remains steadfast in the mean between. RUckert. In every man there is a certain feeling that he has been what he is from all eternity, and by no means became such in time. Schelling. In every parting there is an image of death. George Eliot. In every phenomenon the beginning remains 4C always the most notable moment. Carlyle. In every rank, or great or small, / 'Tis industry supports us all. Gray. In every ship there must be a seeing pilot, not a mere hearing one. Carlyle. In every the wisest soul lies a whole world of internal madness, an authentic demon- empire ; out of which, indeed, his world of wisdom has been creatively built to- gether, and now rests there, as on its dark foundation does a habitable flowery earth- rind. Carlyle. In every village there will arise a miscreant to establish the most grinding tyranny by calling himself the people. Sir R . Petl. In exalting the faculties of the soul we annihi- 4S late, in a great degree, the delusion of the senses. Aime-Martin. In extenso — In full. In extremis — At the point of death. In failing circumstances no man can be relied on to keep his integrity. Em-rson. In Faith and Hone the world will disagree, / But all mankind's concern is Charity. Pope. In faith everything depends on " that " you be- 50 lieve ; in knowledge everything depends on "what " you know, as well as how much and how well. Goethe. IN FASHIONABLE [ 187 ] IN MATTERS In fashionable circles general satire, which attacks the fault rather than the person. is unwelcome ; while that which attacks the person and spares the fault is always acceptable. Jean Paul. In ferrum pro libertate ruebant — They rushed upon the sword in defence of their liberty. M. In flagranti delicto — In the act. In flammam flammas, in mare fundis aquas — You add fire to tire, and water to the sea. In for a penny, in for a pound. Pr. In forma pauperis — As a pauper or poor man. In foro conscientiae — Before the tribunal of con- science. In frosty weather a nail is worth ahorse. Sf>. Pr. In furias ignemque ruunt ; amor omnibus idem —They rush into the flames of passion ; love is the same in all. Virg. In futuro — In future ; at a future time. In general, indulgence for those we know is rarer than pity for those we know not. Rivarcl. In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes. Raskin. In generalibus latet dolus — In general assertions some deception lurks. In giants we must kill pride and arrogance ; but our greatest foes, and whom we must chiefly combat, are within. Cervantes. In Gliick Vorsichtigkeit, in Ungliick Geduld — In good fortune, prudence; in bad, patience. Ge>: Pr. In good bearing beginneth worship. Hazlitt's Coll. In good years, corn is hay ; in ill years, straw is corn. Hazlitt's Coll. In granting and in refusing, in joy and in sorrow, in liking and in disliking, good men, because of their own likeness, show mercy unto all things which have life. Hitopadesa. In great states, children are always trying to remain children, and the parents wanting to make men and women of them. In vile states, the children are always wanting to be men and women, and the parents to keep them children. Raskin. In health, to be stirring shall profit thee best ; In sickness, hate trouble, seek quiet and rest. Thomas Pusser. In heaven ambition cannot dwell, / Nor avarice in the vaults of hell. Soutlicy. In heaven the angels are advancing continu- ally to the spring-time of their youth, so that the oldest angel appears the youngest. Swedcnborg. In Heaven's sight the mere wish to pray is prayer. (?) In her eyes that never weep, lightnings are laid asleep. A . Mary P. Robinson. In her first passion, woman loves her lover, / In all the others, all she loves is love. Byron. In high life every one is polished and courteous, but no one has the courage to be hearty and true. Goethe. In Him we live and move and have our being. St. Paul. In hoc signo spes mea — In this sign is my hope. M. In hoc signo vinces — By this sign (the cross) thou shalt conquer. M, In hoc statu — In this state or condition. 30 In hope to merit heaven by making earth a hell. Byron. In idleness alone is there perpetual despair. Carlyle. In illo viro, tantum robur corporis et animi fuit, ut quocunque loco natus esset, fortunam sibi facturus videretur — In that man there was such oaken strength of body and mind, that whatever his rank by birth might have been, he gave pro- mise of attaining the highest place in the lists of fortune. Livy, o/Cato the elder. In intercourse with people of superior station, all that is required is not to be perfectly natural, but always to keep within the line of a certain conventional propriety. Goethe. In jedem Menschen ist etwas von alien Men- 35 schen — In every man there is something of all men. Lichtenberg. In judicando criminosa est celeritas — In pro- nouncing judgment, haste is criminal. L. In just and equal measure all is weighed ; / One scale contains the sum of human weal, / And one, the good man's heart. Shelley. In King Cambyses' vein, i Hen. IV., ii. 4. In lapidary inscriptions a man is not upon oath. Johnson. In learning anything, its first principles alone 40 should be taught by constraint. Goethe. In letters, if anywhere, we look for the man, not for the author. Blair. In life a friend may be often found and lost; but an old friend never can be found, and Nature has provided that he cannot easily be lost. Johnson. In life, as in art, the beautiful moves in curves. Buhver Lytton. In life every situation may bring its own pecu- liar pleasures. Goldsmith. In life there is no present. Byron. 45 In limine — At the threshold or outset. In literature to-day there are plenty good masons, but few good architects. Joubert. In loco parentis — In the place of a parent. In long-drawn systole and long-drawn diastole must the period of faith alternate with the period of denial ; must the vernal growth, the summer luxuriance of all opinions, spiri- tual representations and creations, be fol- lowed by and again follow the autumnal decay, the winter dissolution. Carlyle. In love all is risk. Goethe. 50 In love we are all fools alike. Gay. In love we never think of moral qualities, and scarcely of intellectual ones. Temperament and manner alone, with beauty, excite love. Hazlitt. In loving thou dost well, in passion not, / Wherein true love consists not. Milton. In magnis et voluisse sat est — In great things it is enough even to have willed. Propertius. In maiden meditation, fancy-free. Mid. N.'s55 Dream, ii. 1. In manners tranquillity is the supreme power Mine, de Main tenon. In marriage, as in other things, contentment excels wealth. Moliere. In matters of conscience, first thoughts are best ; in matters of prudence, last thoughts are best. Robert Hall. 1IN MfcUlAVAL [ 183 ] IN PEAC1 In mediaeval art, thought is the first thing:, execution the second ; in modern art, execu- tion is the first thing and thought the second. Rnskin. In mediaeval art, truth is first, beauty second ; in modern art, beauty is first, truth second. Rusk in. In medias res — Into the midst of a thing at once. In medio tutissimus ibis — You will go safest in the middle or in a middle course. Ovid. 5 In medio virtus — Virtue lies in the mean. Pr. In meinem Revier Sind Gelehrten gewesen / Ausser ihrem Brevier / Konnten sie keines lesen — In my domain there have been learned men, but outside their breviary they could read nothing. Goethe. In meinem Staate kann jeder nach seiner Facon selig werden — In my dominions every one may be happy in his own fashion. Frederick the Great. In melle sunt sitae linguae vestrae atque ora- tiones, / Corda felle sunt lita atque aceto — Your tongues and your words are steeped in honey, but your hearts in gall and vinegar. Plant. In memoriam — To the memory of. 10 In men we various ruling passions find ; / In women, two almost divide the mind ;/ Those, only fix'd, they first or last obey, / The love of pleasure and the love of sway. Pope. In mercatura facienda multae fallaciae et quasi praestigiae exercentur— In commerce many deceptions, not to say juggleries, are prac- tised. In misfortune, in error, and when the time appointed for certain affairs is about to elapse, a servant who hath his master's welfare at heart ought to speak unasked. Hitopadcsa. In moderating, not in satisfying desires, lies peace. Bp. Heber. In modern England the ordinary habits of life and modes of education produce great plain- ness of mind in middle-aged women. Raskin. 15 In morals, as in art, saying is nothing, doing is all. Kenan. In morals good-will is everything, but in art it is ability. Schopenhauer. In morals, what begins in fear usually ends in wickedness ; in religion, what begins in fear usually ends in fanaticism. Mrs. Jame- son. In much corn is some cockle. Pr. In much wisdom is much grief, and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Bible. 20 In my Father's house are many mansions. Jesus. _ In my virtue ( Tugend) I wrap myself and sleep. Platen. In Nature there's no blemish but the mind ; / None can be called deformed but the unkind. Twelfth Night, iii. 4. In Nature things move violently to their places, and calmly in their place ; so virtue in ambition is violent, in authority settled and calm. Bacon. In Nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with some- thing else which is before it, beside it, under it, and over it. Goethe. In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, omnibus charitas — In essential matters, un in doubtful, liberty ; In all, charity. Met than. In nine cases out of ten, the evil tongue longs to a disappointed man. Bancroft. In no time or epoch can the Highest be spol of in words— not in many words, I think, e\ Carlyle. In nocte consilium— In the night is counsel ; t a night to think over it ; sleep upon it. In nomine — In the name of. In nomine Domini incipit omne malum— In name of the Lord every evil begins. Media Pr. In nubibus — In the clouds. In mice Iliad — An Iliad in a nutshell. In obscuro — In obscurity. In old age nothing any longer astonishes Goethe. In old times men used their powers of painti to show the objects of faith ; in later tin they used the objects of faith to show th powers of painting. Ruskin. In omni re vincit imitationem Veritas - everything truth surpasses its imitation or co Cic. In omnia paratus — Prepared for all emergenc: M. In omnibus quidem, maxime tamen in ju aequitas est — In all things, but particularly law, regard is to be had to equity. L. In one thing men of all ages are alike ; th have believed obstinately in themselv Jacobi. In oratory the will must predominate. Hat In order to do great things, it is necessary live as if one were never to die. I'auv argues. In order to love mankind, we must not expi too much of them. Helvetius. In order to manage an ungovernable bea he must be stinted in his provender. Qui Elizabeth. In our age of down-pulling and disbelief, t very devil has been pulled down ; you a not so much as believe in a devil. Carlyli In our fine arts, not imitation, but creation, the aim. Emerson. In our judgment of human transactions < law of optics is reversed ; we see the mi indistinctly the objects which are clc around us. // 'haiely. In our own breast, there or nowhere flows t fountain of true pleasure. Wielanti. In pace leones, in praelio cervi — Brave as lii in peace, timid as deer in war. In pain is a new time born, Chamisso. In pari materia— In a similar matter. In partibus infidelium - In unbelieving countri In peace, there's nothing so becomes a ma As modest stillness and humility ; But wh the blast of war blows in our ears, Th imitate the action of the tiger ; Stiffen t sinews, summon up the blood, / Disguise f Nature with hard-favour'd rage, / Then le the eye a terrible aspect ; / Let it pry throu the portage of the head / Like the bra cannons. Hen. /'., iii. 1, In peace, who is not wise ? liitopadcsa. IN PERFECT [ 189 J IN SPITE In perfect wedlock, the man, I should say, is the head, but the woman the heart, with which he cannot dispense. Riickert. In perpetuam rei memoriam — In everlasting remembrance of a thing. In pertusum ingerimus dicta dolium — We are pouring our words into a perforated cask, i.e., are throwing them away. Plant. In petto — Within the breast ; in reserve. It. In pios usus — For pious uses. In Plato's opinion, man was made for philo- sophy ; in Bacon's opinion, philosophy was made for man. Macaulay. In pleno— In full. In politics, as in life, we must above all thing's wish only for the attainable. Heine. In politics, merit is rewarded by the possessor being raised, like a target, to a position to be fired at. Boz>ee. In politics, what begins in fear usually ends in folly. Coleridge. In pontificalibus — In full canonicals. In portu quies — Rest in port. M. In posse — Possibly ; in possibility. In practical life, the wisest and soundest men avoid speculation. Buckle. In praesenti — At present. In pretio pretium est ; dat census honores, / Census amicitias ; pauper ubique jacet — Worth lies in wealth ; wealth purchases honours, friendships ; the poor man everywhere is ne- glected. Ovid. In pride, in reasoning pride, our error lies ; / All quit their sphere and rush into the skies. Pope. In principatu commutando, civium / Nil praeter domini nomen mutant pauperes — In a change of masters the poor change nothing except their master's name. Phtedr. In private grieve, but with a careless scorn ; / In public seem to triumph, not to mourn. Granville. In proportion as one simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less com- plex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. Thoreau. In propria persona — In person. In prosperity caution, in adversity patience. Dut. Pr. In prosperity no altars smoke. It. Pr. In puris naturalibus — Stark naked. In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. Bible. In quite common things much depends on choice and determination, but the highest which falls to our lot comes from no man knows whence. Goethe. In radiant, all-irradiating insight, a burning interest, and the glorious, melodious, per- ennial veracity that results from these two, lies the soul of all worth in all speaking men. Carlyle. In re — In the matter of. In referenda gratia, debemus imitari agros fertiles qui plus multo afferunt quam accepe- runt — In repaying kindness, we ought to imitate fertile lands, which give back much more than they have received. Cic. n regard to a book, the main point is what it 30 brings me, what it suggests to me. Goethe. n regard to virtue, each one finds certainty by consulting his own heart. Kenan. n religion as in friendship, they who profess most are ever the least sincere. Sheridan. n religion, the sentiment is all ; the ritual or ceremony indifferent. Emerson. n religion / What damned error but some sober brow / Will bless it and approve it with a text? Mer. of l'c/i., iii. 2. n rerum natura — In the nature of things. 35 n resolving to do our work well, is the only sound foundation of any religion whatsoever ; and by that resolution only, and what we have done, and not by our belief, Christ will judge us, as He has plainly told us He will. A 1 uskin. n reverence is the chief joy and power of life. Ruskin. n Rome the Ten Commandments consist of the ten letters, Da pecuniam, Give money. C.J. Weber. n saecula saeculorum — For ages and ages ; for ever and ever, n sanguine fcedus — A covenant ratified in blood. 40 M. n saying aye or no, the very safety of our country and the sum of our well-being lies. L' Estrange. n science read the newest works ; in litera- ture, the oldest. Buhner Lytton. n science the new is an advance ; but in morals, as contradicting our inner ideals and historic idols, it is ever a retrogression. Jean Paul. n science we have to consider two things : power and circumstance. Emerson. n se magna ruunt — Great interests are apt to 45 clash with each other. Lucan. n seipso totus, teres, atque rotundus — Perfect in himself, polished, and rounded. Hor. n self-trust all the virtues are comprehended. Emerson. n serum rem trahere — To protract the discus- sion, or the sitting, to a late hour. Livy. n service, care or coldness / Doth ratably thy fortunes mar or make. George Herbert. n situ — In its original position. 50 n small proportion we just beauties see, / And in short measures life may perfect be. Ben Jonson. n so complex a thing as human nature, we must consider it hard to find rules without exceptions. George Eliot. n solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself. Sterne. n solo Deo salus — Salvation in God alone. M. n solo vivendi causa palato est — To gratify the 55 palate is the sole object of their existence. Juv. n some men a certain mediocrity of mind helps to make them wise. La Bruyhe. n some men there is a malignant passion to destroy the works of genius, literature, and freedom. Junius. n some sort, love is greater than God. Jacob Boh me. n some things all, in all things none, are crossed. R. Southwell. n spite of all his faults, there is no creature 60 worthier of affection than man. Goethe. In spite of all misfortunes, there is still enough to satisfy one. Goethe. In spite of all the evil that is said of the un- fortunates, kings sometimes have their good qualities too. The Miller of Sans Souci. In spite of seeming difference, men are all of one pattern. Emerson. In statu quo— In the state in which it was. 5 In stinting wisdom, greatest wisdom lies. Sir Richard Baker. In such a world as this a man who is rich in himself is like a bright, warm, happy room at Christmastide. while without are the frost and snow of a December night. Schopenhauer. In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy ; but in passing it over, he is superior. Not traceable. In tale or history your beggar is ever the first antipode to your king. Lamb. In tenui labor, at tenuis non gloria — Slight is the subject of my work, but not the glory. / T irg. 10 In terrorem — As a warning. In that fire-whirlwind (of the burning of the world-Phoenix), creation and destruction pro- ceed together ; ever as the ashes of the old are blown out, do organic filaments of the new mysteriously spin themselves ; and amid the rushing and waving of the whirlwind element come tones of a melodious death- song, which end not but in tones of a more melodious birth-song. Carlyle. In the adversity of our best friends we always find something that does not altogether dis- please us. La Roche. In the balance, hero dust / Is vile as vulgar clay : / Thou, mortality, art just / To all that pass away. Byron. In the breast of every single man there slumbers a frightful germ (R'eim) of mad- ness ( ;/ 'ahusinn). Feuchtersleben. 15 In the career of nations no less than of men the error of their intellect and the hardening of their hearts may be accurately measured by their denial of spiritual power. Ritskin. In the catalogue ye go for men. Afacb., iii. i. In the childhood of nations speaking was sing- ing ; let this be repeated in the childhood of the individual. Jean Paul. In the coldest flint there is hot fire. Pr. In the confidence of youth man imagines that very much is under his control ; in the dis- appointment of old age, very little. Draper. 20 In the darkest spot on earth / Some love is found. Procter. In the degree in which you delight in the life of any creature, you can see it ; not other- wise. R u skin. In the denial of self is the beginning of all that is truly generous and noble. Carlyle. In the destitution of the wild desert does our young Ishmael acquire for himself the highest of all possessions, that of self-help. ( 'arfyle. In the divine commandment, "Thou shalt not steal," if well understood, is comprised the whole Hebrew decalogue, with Solon's and Lycurgus's constitutions, Justinian's pandects, the Code Napoleon, and all codes, catechisms, divinities, moralities whatso- ever that man has devised (and enforced with altar-fire and gallows-ropes) for his social guidance. Carlyle. In the division of the inheritance, friendshi standeth still. Dut. Pr. In the dullest existence there is a sheen c inspiration or of madness (thou partly hast i in thy choice which of the two) that gleam in from the circumambient eternity, an colours with its own hues our little isle of time. Carlyle. In the dusk the plainest writing is illegible Goethe. In the end / Things will mend. Pr, In the end we retain from our studies only tha which we practically apply. Goethe. In the evening one may praise the day. Pr. In the exact proportion in which men are brec capable of warm affection, common-sense and self-command, and are educated to love to think, and to endure, they become noble live happily, die calmly, are rememberec with perpetual honour by their race, anc for the perpetual good of it. Ruskin. In the eye of the Supreme, dispositions hole the place of actions. Blair. In the face of every human being his historj stands plainly written, his innermost nature steps forth to the light ; yet they are the fewest who can read and understand. Bode//- stedt. In the fact that hero-worship exists, has existed, and will for ever exist universally among mankind, mayest thou discern the corner- stone of living rock, whereon all politics for the remotest time may stand secure. Car- lyle. In the family where the house-father rules secure, there dwells the peace (Friede) which thou wilt in vain seek for elsewhere in the wide world outside, C. In the field none other can supply our place, each must stand alone,— on himself must rely. Schiller. J In the fine arts, as in many other things, we know well only what we have not learned. Chamfort. In the fog of good and evil affections, it is hard for man to walk forward in a straight line. Emerson. In the godlike only has man strength and freedom. Carlyle. In the good as well as in the evil of life, less depends upon what befalls us than upon the way in which we take it. Schopenhauer. In the great duel (of opinion), Nature herself is umpire, and does no wrong. Carlyle. In the great hand of God I stand. Macb., ii. 3. In the grimmest rocky wildernesses of exist- ence there are blessed well-springs, there is an everlasting guiding star. Carlyle. In the hands of genius the driest stick be- comes an Aaron's rod, and buds and blos- soms out in poetry. H. X. Hudson. In the husband, wisdom ; in the wife, gentle- < ness. Pr. In the interchange of thought use no coin but gold and silver. J In the land of promise a man may die of huneer Dut. Pr. In the lexicon of youth, which fate reserves for a bright manhood, there is no such word as fail. Bulwer Lytton. IN THE [ 101 1 IN THY In the meanest hut there is a romance, if you knew the hearts there. I 'amhagen von Ensc. In the midst of life we are in death. Burial Set vice. In the midst of the sun is the light, in the midst of the light is the truth, and in the midst of the truth is the imperishable being. The I 'cdas. In the mind, as in a field, though some things may be sown and carefully brought up, yet what springs naturally is the most pleasing. Tac. 5 In the mirror we see the face ; in wine, the heart. Ger. P>\ In the modesty of fearful duty / I read as much as from the rattling tongue / Of saucy and audacious eloquence. Slid. Night's Dream, v. I. In the morning mountains ; / In the evening fountains. Herbert ' s Coll. In the morning of life, work ; in the mid-day, give counsel ; in the evening, pray. Gr. saying;. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand : for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. Bible. 10 In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin. Bible. In the ordinary concerns of life, moral energy is more serviceable than brilliant parts ; while in the more important, these latter are of little weight without it, evaporating only in brief and barren flashes. Prescott. In the perishable petals of the flower there resides more spirit and life than in the lumpish granite boulder that has defied the tear and wear of thousands of years. Feuer- bach. In the place where the tree falleth, there it shall lie. Bible. In the pursuit of intellectual pleasure lies every virtue ; of sensual, every vice. Goldsmith. 15 In the religion of Christ, as in the philosophy of Hegel, the negative principle is the crea- tive, or determinative, principle. Christianity begins in No, subsists in No, and survives in No, to the spirit of the world ; this it at first peremptorily spurns, and then calmly disre- gards as of no account. Ed. In the same measure in which you wish to receive, you must give. If you wish for a whole heart, give a whole life. Riickert. In the smallest cottage there is room enough for two lovers. Schiller. In the spiritual world, as in the astronomical, it is the earth that turns and produces the phenomena of the heavens. Carlyle. In the spiritual world there is properly no in and no out. Jean Paul. 20 In the state nobody can enjoy life in peace, but everybody must govern ; in art, nobody will enjoy what has been produced, but every one wants to reproduce on his own account. Goethe. In the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat thy bread. Bible. In the true Utopia, man will rather harness himself with his oxen to his plough, than leave the devil to drive it. R uskin. In the unhappy man forget the foe. Addison. In the utmost solitudes of Nature, the exist- ence of hell seems to me as legibly de- clared by a thousand spiritual utterances as that of heaven. R uskin. In the way of righteousness is life : and in the 25 pathway thereof there is no death. Bib e. In the wilderness of life there are springs and palm-trees. S. Lover. In the winter, warmth stands for all virtue. T/ioreau. In the works of many celebrated authors men are mere personifications. We have not a jealous man, but jealousy ; not a traitor, but perfidy ; not a patriot, but patriotism. The mind of Bunyan, on the contrary, was so imaginative that personifications, when he dealt with them, became men. Macaulay. In the world's opinion marriage, as in a play, winds up everything ; whereas it is, in fact, the beginning of everything. Mine. Swelchine. In the world-strife now waging, the victory 30 cannot be by violence ; and every conquest under the Prince of War retards the stan- dards of the Prince of Peace. Raskin. In the wreck of noble lives / Something im- mortal still survives. Long-fellow. In theatro ludus — Like a scene at a play. In these days, whether we like it or not, the power is with the tongue. Lord Salisbury. In these sick days, when the born of heaven first descries himself in a world such as ours, richer than usual in two things, in truths grown obsolete, and trades grown obsolete — what can the fool think but that it is all a den of lies, wherein whoso will not speak lies and act lies must stand idle and de- spair ? Carlyle. In these times we fight for ideas, and news- 35 papers are our fortresses. Heine. In things pertaining to enthusiasm, no man is sane who does not know how to be insane on proper occasions. A. B. Alcott. In things that may have a double sense, it is good to think the better was intended ; so shall we still both keep our friends and quiet- ness. Feltham. In this blunder still you find, All think their little set mankind. Hannah More. In this theatre of man's life, it is reserved only for God and angels to look on. Pythagoras. In this wild element of a life, man has to 40 struggle onwards ; now fallen, deep-abased ; and ever, with tears, repentance, with bleed- ing heart, he has to rise again, struggle again, still onwards. That his struggle be a faithful, unconquerable one— that is the question of questions. Carlyle. In this world, full often our joys are only the tender shadows which our sorrows cast. Ward Beecher. In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich. Ward Beecher. In this world there is one godlike thing, the essence from first to last of all of godlike in it— the veneration done to human worth by the hearts of men. Carlyle. In thy breast are the stars of thy fate. Schiller. In thy thriving still misdoubt some evil : / Lest 45 gaining gain on thee, and make thee dim / To all things else. George Herbert. In time comes he whom God sends. Herbert's Coll. In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke. Much Ado, i. i. In time we hate that which we often fear. Ant. and Cleop., i. 3. In times of anarchy one may seem a despot in order to be a saviour. Mirabeau. 5 In times of danger it is proper to be alarmed until danger be near at hand ; but when we perceive that danger is near, we should oppose it as if we were not afraid. Hito- padesa. In times of misfortune men's understandings even are sullied. Hitopadesa. In times of necessity the words of the wise are worthy to be observed. Hitopadesa. In too much disputing truth is lost. Fr. 1'r. In totidem verbis — In so many words. 10 In toto — In the whole ; entirely. In toto et pars continetur — In the whole the part also is contained. In transitu — In passing. In treachery it is not the fraud, but the cold-heartedness, that is chiefly dreadful. Jiiiskin.. In trinitate robur— My strength lies in trinity (or triunity). M. 15 In true marriage lies / Nor equal, nor unequal : each fulfils / Defect in each, and always thought in thought, / Purpose in purpose, will in will, they grow, / The single pure and perfect animal, / The two-cell' d heart beat- ing, with one full stroke, / Life. Tennyson. In turbas et discordias pessimo cuique plurima vis — In seasons of tumult and discord, the worst men have the greatest power. Tac. In unoquoque virorum bonorum habitat Deus — God has his dwelling within every good man. Sen. In usum Delphini — For the use of the Dauphin. In utero — In the womb. 20 In utramvis dormire aurem— To sleep on both ears, i.e., soundly, as no longer needing to keep awake. Pr. In utraque fortuna paratus — Prepared in any change of fortune. M. In utroque fidelis— Faithful in both. M. In vacuo — In empty space. In vain do they talk of happiness who never subdued an impulse in obedience to a prin- ciple. Horace Mann. 25 In vain does the mill clack / If the miller his hearing lack. Herbert's Coll. In veritate religionis confido — I confide in the truth of religion. M. In veritate victoria— Victory lies with the truth. M. In vino Veritas — There is truth in wine ; that is, the truth comes out under its influence. In vitium ducit culpae fuga — In flying from one vice we are sometimes led into another. Hor. 30 In water you may see your own face ; in wine the heart of another. Pr. In well-regulated civil society there is scarcely a more melancholy suffering to be undergone than what is forced on us by the neighbour- hood of an incipient player on the flute or violin. Goethe. In wenig Stunden / Hat Gott das Rechte gefunden— God takes but a short time to find out the light. Goethe. In wonder all philosophy began ; in wonder it ends ; and admiration fills up the interspace. Coleridge. In wonder the spirits fly not as in fear, but only settle. Bacon. In working well, if travail you sustain, / Into J the wind shall lightly pass the pain, , But of the deed the glory shall remain. Nicholas Grinnuald. In works of labour or of skill, / I would be busy too, / For Satan finds some mischief still / For idle hands to do. Watts. In writing readily, it does not follow that you write well ; but in writing well, you must be able to write readily. Quinct. In your own country your name, in other coun- tries your appearance. Heb. Pr. In youth and beauty wisdom is but rare. Pope, after Homer. In youth it is too early, in old age it is too late 4 to marry. Diogenes, In youth, one has tears without grief; in age, grief without tears. Jean Paul. Inactivity cannot be led to good. Hannah More. Inanis verborum torrens — An unmeaning torrent of words. Quinct. Incedis per ignes , Suppositos cineri doloso — You are treading on fire overlaid by treacherous ashes. Hor. Incedit in Scyllam qui vult vitare Charybdim 4 — He falls into Scylla in struggling to escape Charybdis. Pr. Incendit omnem feminas zelus domum — The jealousy of a woman sets a whole house in a flame. Pr. Incense is a tribute for gods only but a poison for mortals. Goethe. Inceptis gravibus plerumque et magna pro- fessis, Purpureus, late qui splendeat, unus et alter/ Adsuitur pannus — Oftentimes to lofty beginnings and such as promise great things, one or two purple patches are stitched on in order to make a brilliant display. Hor. Incerta haec si tu postules . Ratione certa facere, nihilo plus agas, Quam si des operam ut cum ratione insanias — If you require reason to make that certain which is uncertain, you are simply attempting to go mad by the rules of reason. Per. Incerta pro nullis habetur — What is uncertain 5< is to be treated as non-extant. /.. Incerti sunt exitus belli -The results of war are uncertain. C ' ic. Incertum est quo te loco mors expectet ; itaque in omni loco illam expecta — It is uncertain in what place death awaits you ; be ready for it therefore in every place. Sen. Incessant scribbling is death to thought. Car- lyle. Incessu patuit Dea — By her gait the goddess stood revealed. / i>v. Incidents ought not to govern policy ; but 5! policy, incidents. Napoleon. Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius — The men- tion by name of the one implies the exclusion of the other. /.. INCOCTUM r 193 i INFLICT Incoctum generoso pectus honesto— A heart imbued with generous honour. Pers. Inconsiderate persons do not think till they speak ; or they speak, and then think. Judge Hale. Inconsistencies of opinion, arising from changes of circumstances, are often justifiable. Daniel Webster. Increased means and increased leisure are the two civilisers of men. Disraeli. B Incredules les plus credules — The incredulous are the most credulous. Pascal. Incudi reddere — To return to the anvil, i.e., to improve or recast. Hor. Inde datas leges ne fortior omnia posset — Laws have been ordained to the end that the stronger may not have everything their own way. L. Inde irae et lacrimae — Hence rage and tears. Juv. Indecision and delay are the parents of failure. Canning: 10 Independence, in all kinds, is rebellion ; if un- just rebellion, why parade it and everywhere prescribe it. Carlyle. Independence, in all kinds, is rebellion. Were your superiors worthy to govern, and you worthy to obey, reverence for them were even your only possible freedom. Carlyle. Independence, like honour, is a rocky island without a beach. Napoleon. Independence you had better cease to talk of, for you are dependent not only on every act of people whom you never heard of, who are living round you, but on every past act of what has been dust for a thousand years. R ii skin. Index expurgatorius — An expurgatory index. 15Indica tigris agit rabida cum tigride pacem / Perpetuam : saevis inter se convenit ursis. / Ast homini ferrum letale incude nefanda / Produxisse parum est — The Indian tigers live in perpetual peace with each rabid tigress ; savage bears agree among themselves, but man without remorse beats out the deadly sword on the accursed anvil. Juv. Indictum sit— Be it unsaid. Indigestion is the devil — nay, 'tis the devil and all. It besets a man in every one of his senses. Burns. Indigna digna habenda sunt haeres quae facit — Things unbecoming are to be held becoming if the master does them. Plant. Indignant good sense is often the perfection of absurdity. Thackeray. 20 Indignante invidia florebit Justus — The just man will prosper in spite of envy. .'/. Indigne vivit per quern non vivit alter— He by whom another does not live does not deserve to live. Indignor quidquam reprehendi, non quia crasse / Compositum, illepideve putetur, sed quia nuper — I feel indignant when a work is censured not as uncouth or rough, but as new. Individuality is everywhere to be spared and respected, as the root of everything good. Jean Paul. Individuality is of far more account than nationality. Schopenhauer. 25 Individually man is a weak being, but strong in union with others. Herder. Individuals may form communities, but it Is institutions alone can create a nation. Dis- raeli. Individuals must be modest, but modesty de-- grades nations. Gioberti. Indocilis pauperiem pati — One that cannot learn to bear poverty. Hor. Indocilis privata loqui — Incapable of betraying secrets. Lucan. Indocti discant, et ament meminisse periti — 30 Let the ignorant learn, and the learned take pleasure in refreshing their remembrance. Presi- dent Henault, after Pope. Indolence and stupidity are first cousins. Rivarol. Indolence is the paralysis of the soul. Lavatcr. Indolence is the sleep of the mind. Vauven- argucs. Industria floremus — By industry we flourish. J/. Industriae nil impossibile — Nothing is impossible 35 to industry. Industry is Fortune's right hand, and Frugality her left. Pr. Industry is the parent of success. Industry is the parent of virtue. Industry need not wish. Ben. Franklin. Indutus virtute ab alto — Anointed with virtue 40 from above. Inest et formicae sua bills— Even the ant has its bile. Inest sua gratia parvis— Even little things have a grace of their own. Inest virtus et mens interrita lethi — He has a valiant heart and a soul undaunted by death. Ovid. Infancy is the perpetual Messiah, which comes into the arms of fallen men, and pleads with them to return to Paradise. Emerson. Infancy presents body and spirit in unity ; the 45 body is all animated. Coleridge. Infandum, regina, jubes renovare dolorem — Indescribable, O Queen, is the grief you bid me renew. J irg. Infecta pace — Without effecting a peace. Ter. Inferior poetry is an injury to the good, inas- much as it takes away the freshness of rhymes, blunders upon and gives a wretched commonality to good thoughts, and, in general, adds to the weight of human weariness in a most woeful and culpabJe manner. Ruskin. Infidelity is not always built upon doubt, for this is diffident ; nor philosophy always upon wisdom, for this is meek ; but pride is neither. Colton. Infidelity, like death, admits of no degrees. 50 j\Ime. de Girardin. Infinite is the help man can yield to man. Carlyle. Infinite pity, yet also infinite rigour of law ; it is so Nature is made. Carlyle. Infinite toil would not enable you to sweep away a mist ; but, by ascending a little, you may often overlook it altogether. Helps. Infiatum plenumque Nerone propinquo — Puffed up and full of his relationship to Nero. Juv. Inflict not on an enemy every injury in your 55 power, for he may aiterwards become your friend. Saadi. N Influence is to be measured not by the extent of surface it covers, but by its kind. Chan- ning. Infra dignitatem— Beneath one's dignity, Ingenii largitor venter — The belly i.-> the be- stower of genius. Ingeniis patuit campus, certusque merenti / Stat favor : ornatur propriis industria donis — The field is open to talent and merit is sure of its reward. The gifts with which industry is crowned are her own. Claud. 5 Ingenio facies conciliante placet — When the disposition wins us, the features please. Ovid. Ingenio non aetate adipiscitur sapientia— Wisdom is a birth of Nature, not of years. Ingenio stat sine morte decus — The honour accorded to genius is immortal. Propert. Ingenioram cos aemulatio — Rivalry is the whet- stone of talent. Ingenium ingens / Inculto latet hoc sub cor- pore — A great intellect lies concealed under that uncouth exterior. Hor. 10 Ingenium mala saspe movent— Misfortunes often stir up genius. Ovid. Ingenium res adversae nudare solent, celare secundae — As a rule, adversity reveals genius, and prosperity conceals it. Hor. Ingens telum necessitas— Necessity is a power- ful weapon. Ing'entes animos angusto in corpore versant — They have mighty souls at work within a stinted body. Virg. Ingenuas didicisse fideliter artes / Emollit mores, nee sinit esse feros— A faithful study of the liberal arts refines the manners and corrects their harshness. Ovid. 15Ingrata patria, ne ossa quidem habebis — Un- grateful country, thou shalt not have even my bones. Scipio. Ingratis servire nefas — To serve the ungrateful is an offence to the gods. Ingratitude and compassion never cohabit in the same breast. South. Ingratitude drieth up wells, / And time bridges fells. Wod?-ocphe. Ingratitude is a crime so shameful, that the man was never yet found who would acknow- ledge himself guilty of it. (?) 20 Ingratitude ! thou marble-hearted fiend, 'More hideous, when thou show'st thee in a child, / Than the sea-monster. King Lear, i. a. Ingratus est qui remotis testibus agit gratiam — He is an ungrateful man who is unwilling to acknowledge his obligation before others. Sen. Ingratus unus miseris omnibus nocet — One ungrateful man does an injury to all needy people. Pub. Syr, Inimicus et invidus vicinorum oculus — An enemy and an envious man is an eye over his neighbour. Pr. Iniqua nunquam regna perpetua manent — Authority founded on injustice i.-> sever of long duration. Sen. 25 Iniquum est aliquem rei sui esse judicem— It is unjust that any one should be judge in his own cause. Coke. Initia magistratuum nostrorum meliora ferme, et finis inclinat— The commencement of our official duties is characterised by greater vigour and alacrity, but towards the end they nag. Tac. Initium est salutis, notitia peccati— The first step in a man's salvation is knowledge of his sin. Sen. Injuria absque damno— Injury without loss. Injuria spretae exolescunt, si irascaris agnitae videntur — Injuries that are slighted and un- noticed are soon forgotten ; if you are angry, they are seen to be acknowledged. Pr. Injuriam qui facturus est jam facit — He who is bent on doing an injury has already done it. Sen. Injuriarum remedium est oblivio — Oblivion is the best remedy for injuries. Pr. Injuries come only from the heart. Sterne. Injusta ab justis impetrare non decet ; / Justa autem ab injustis petere, insipientia est — To ask what is unreasonable from the reasonable is not right ; to ask what is reasonable from the unreasonable is folly. Plaut. Inmost things are all melodious, naturally utter themselves in song. The meaning of song goes deep. Carlyle. Innocence has a friend in heaven. Schiller. Innocence is a flower which withers when touched, and blooms not again though watered with tears. Hooper. Inopem me copia fecit — Plenty has made me poor ; wealth makes wit waver. Ovid. Inopi beneficium bis dat, qui dat celeriter — He confers a twofold benefit on a need} - man who does so quickly. Pub. Syr. Inops, potentem dum vult imitari, pent— An incapable man who attempts to imitate a cap- able is sure to come to grief. JVuedr, Inquinat egregios adjuncta superbia mores — The best manners are stained by the addition of pride. Claud. Inquisitiveness as seldom cures jealousy as drinking in a fever quenches the thirst. 1 1 'ychcrlcy. Ins Innre der Natur Dringt kein erschaffner Geist. / Gliickselig, wem sie nur Die aussre Schale weist — No created spirit penetrates into the inner secret of Nature. Happy he to whom she shows but the outer shell. Haller. Insani sapiens nomen ferat, aequus iniqui, / Ultra quod satis est virtutem si petat ipsam — Let the wise man hear the name of fool, and the just of unjust, if he pursue Virtue herself beyond the proper bounds. Hor. Insanire parat certa ratione modoque — He is preparing to act the madman with a certain degree of reason and method. Hor. Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked. Holmes. Insanus omnis furere credit caeteros — Every madman believes that all others are mad. Syr. Insculpsit — He engraved it. Inservi Deo et lastare — Serve God and rejoice. M. Insipientis est dicere, Non putarem — It is the part of a fool to say, "I should not have thought so." Insita hominibus natura violentiae resistere— It is natural to man to resist oppression. I ac. Insita mortalibus natura, propere sequi quae piget inchoare — People are naturally ready enough to follow in matters in which they are disinclined to take the lead. Tac. Insolence is pride when her mask is pulled off. Pr. INSOUCIANCE T 195 ] INTO Insouciance — Indifference. Fr. Insperata accidunt magis saepe quam qua speres — What you do not expect happens more frequently than what you do. Plant, Inspicere, tanquam in speculum, in vitas omnium / Jubeo, atque ex aliis sumere ex- emplum sibi — I would have you to look into the lives of all, as into a mirror, and draw from others an example for yourself. Per. Inspiration must find answering inspiration. A. B. Alcott. 5 Inspirations that we deem our own are our divine foreshadowing and foreseeing of things beyond our reason and control. Longfellow. Inspiring bold John Barleycorn ! / What dangers thou canst make us scorn ! Bunts. Instar omnium — Like all the others. Instead of the piteous and frightful figure of Death, stepping whip in hand by the peasant's side in the field, . . . place there a radiant angel, sowing with full hands the blessed grain in the smoking furrow. George Sand. Instead of watching the bird as it flies above our heads, we chase his shadow along the ground ; and, finding we cannot grasp it, we conclude it to be nothing. Hare. 10 Instinct is a great matter ; I was a coward on instinct, i Hen. IJ '. , ii. 4. Instinct is intelligence incapable of self-con- sciousness. John Sterling. Instruction does much, but encouragement everything. Goethe. Intaminatis fulget honoribus— He shines with unspotted honours. M. Integer vita scelerisque purus / Non eget Mauris jaculis neque arcu — The man of up- right life and free from crime has no need of Moorish javelin or bow. Hor. 15 Integrity gains strength by use. Tillotson. Integrity is the shortest and nearest way to our end, carrying us thither in a straight line, and will hold out and last longest. Tillotson. Integrity without knowledge is weak and use- less, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. Johnson. Intellect annuls fate ; so far as a man thinks, he is free. Emerson. Intellect is aristocratic ; charity is democratic. Amid. 20 Intellect is not speaking and logicising ; it is seeing and ascertaining. Carlyle. Intellect lies behind genius, which is intellect constructive. Evierson. Intellectual fairness is often only another name for indolence and inconclusiveness of mind, just as love of truth is sometimes a fine phrase for temper. /. Morley. Intellectual tasting of life will not supersede muscular activity. Emerson. Intelligabilia, non intellectum, fero— I provide you with things intelligible, but not with intelli- gence. 25 Intemperans adolescentia effetum corpus tradet senectuti — An incontinent youth will transmit a worn-out bodily frame to old age. Cic. Intemperate wits will spare neither friend nor foe, and make themselves the common enemies of mankind. L' Estrange. Intense study of the Bible will keep any man from being vulgar in point of style. Coleridge. Inter alia — Among other matters. Inter amicos omnium rerum communitas — Among friends all things are common. Cic. Inter arma leges silent — In the midst of arms 30 the laws are silent. Cic. Inter canem et lupum — Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight. Inter cetera mala, hoc quoque habet stultitia proprium, semper incipit vivere — Among other evils, folly has also this special characteristic, it is always beginning to live. Sen. Inter delicias semper aliquid saevi nos stran- gulat — In the midst of our enjoyments there is always some wrong to torture us. Pr. Inter Graecos graecissimus, inter Latinos latinissimus — In Greek he is the most accom- plished Grecian, and in Latin the most thorough Latinist. Inter malleum et incudem — Between the hammer 35 and the anvil. Inter nos — Between ourselves. Inter nos sanctissima divitiarum / Majestas— Among us the most sacred majesty is that of riches. Juv. Inter pueros senex — An old man among boys. Pr. Inter spem curamque, timores inter et iras, / Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum :/ Grata superveniet quae non sperabitur hora — In the midst of hope and care, in the midst of fears and passions, believe each day that dawns on you is your last ; welcome will steal upon you the hour that is not hoped for. Hor. Inter sylvas Academi quaerere verum— Amid 40 the woods of Academus to seek for truth. Hor. Inter utrumque tene — Keep a mid course between the two extremes. Ovid. Inter vivos — Among the living. Interdum lacrymae pondera vocis habent — Sometimes tears have the weight of words. Ovid. Interdum stultus bene loquitur — Sometimes a fool speaks reasonably. Interdum vulgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat 45 — Sometimes the common people judge aright ; at other times they err. Hor, Interea gustus elementa per omnia quaerunt, / Nunquam animo pretiis obstantibus ; interius si / Attendas, magis ilia juvant, qua? pluris emuntur — Meantime they search for relishes through all the elements, with minds regardless of expense ; look at it closely, those things please more which cost the higher price. Juv. Interest blinds some people and enlightens others. La Roche. Interest is the spur of the people, but glory- that of great souls. Rousseau. Interest reipublicae ut quisque re sua bene utatur — It is for the interest of the state that every one make a good use of his property. Interest speaks all sorts of tongues, and plays 50 all sorts of parts, even the part of the dis- interested. Zi Into each life some rain must fall, / Some days must be dark and dreary. Longfellow. Intolerabilius nihil est quam foemina dives — There is nothing more insufferable than a rich woman. Jm'. Intra muros — Within the walls. Introite, nam et hie dii sunt — Enter, for here too are gods. Heraclitus,from Arist. 5 Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once. It seldom belongs to man to say without presumption, " I came, I saw, I con- quered." Leeoater, Intus et in cute novi hominem — I know the man inside and out. Pcrs. Intus et in jecore aegro / Nascuntur domini — Masters spring up in our own breasts, and from a morbid liver. Pers. Intus si recte, ne labora — If inwardly right, don't worry. Intuta quae indecora — What is unbecoming is unsafe. Toe. 10 Inveni portum, Spes et Fortuna valete, / Sat me lusistis, ludite nunc alios — I have reached the port ; hope and fortune, farewell ; you have made sport enough of me ; make sport of others now. Lines at the end of Le Sage s " Gil Bias." Invent first, and then embellish. Johnson. Invention breeds invention. Emerson. Invention is the talent of youth, and judgment of age. Swift. Inventions have all been invented over and over fifty times. Man is the arch-machine, of which all these shifts drawn from himself are toy models. Emerson. 15 Invia virtuti nulla est via — No way is impassable to virtue. Ovid. Invidia gloriae comes — Envy is the attendant on glory. Ovid. "Invidia," jealousy of your neighbour's good, has been, since dust was first made flesh, the curse of man ; and " charitas," the desire to do your neighbour grace, the one source of all human glory, power and mate- rial blessing. Ruskin. Invidia Siculi non invenere tyranni ' Tormen- tum majus — Sicilian tyrants invented nothing that is a greater torment than envy. Juv. Invidiam ferre aut fortis aut felix potest— Only the brave or the fortunate are able to endure envy. Pub. Syr. 20 Invidiam placare paras, virtute relicta? — Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue V Invidus alterius macrescit rebus opimis — The envious man grows lean at the prosperity of another. Hor. Invidus, iracundus, iners, vinosus, amator, ' Nemo adeo ferus est, ut non mitescere pos- sit, / Si modo culturae patientem commodet aurem — The envious, the passionate, the indo- lent, the drunken, the lewd — none is so savage that he cannot be tamed, if he only lend a patient ear to culture. Hor. Invisa nunquam imperia retinentur diu — Hated governments never hold out long. Sen. Invisa potentia, atque miseranda vita eorum, qui se metui quam amari malunt— The power is detested, and the life wretched, of those who would rather be feared than loved. Com. .\ ',•/•. 25 Invito. Minerva— Without -enius or the requisite inspiration ; against the will of Minerva. Invitat culpam qui peccatum praeterit — He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another. Pub. Syr. Invitum qui servat idem facit Occident! — He who saves a man against his will, does the same as if he killed him. Ho>: Invitum sequitur honos — Honour follows him unsolicited. M. Inward cheerfulness is an implicit praise and thanksgiving to Providence under all its dispensations. Addison. Ipsas rursum concedite sylvse— Once again, ye woods, adieu ! / "irg. Ipse dixit — He himself (viz. Pythagoras) said it. Assertion without proof. Ipse docet quid agam : fas est et ab hoste doceri — He himself teaches me what to do ; one ought not to be above taking a lesson even from an enemy. Ovid. Ipse Jupiter, neque pluens omnibus placet, neque abstinens — Even Jupiter himself cannot please all, whether he sends rain or fair weather. Pr. Ipsepavet; nee qua commissas flectat habe- nas, / Nee scit qua sit iter ; nee, si sciat, im- peret illis — Scared himself, he knows neither how to turn the reins intrusted to him, nor which way to go ; nor if he did, could he con- trol the horses. Ovid, of Phaethon. Ipsissima verba — The exact words. ! Ipso facto — By the fact itself. Ipso jure — By the law itself. Ir por lana, y volver trasquilado — To go for wool and come back shorn. Sp. Pr. Ira furor brevis est ; animum rege, qui, nisi paret, ,' Imperat : hunc frenis, hunc tu com- pesce catena — Anger is a shortlived madness ; control thy temper, for unless it obeys, it com- mands thee ; restrain it with bit and chain. Hor. Ira quae tegitur nocet ; / Professa perdunt ! odia vindictas locum — Resentment which is concealed is dangerous ; hatred avowed loses its opportunity of revenge. Sen. Irarum tantos volvis sub pectore fluctus ? — Dost thou roll such billows of wrath within your breast '? V irg. Iratus cum ad se redit, sibi turn irascitur — When an angry man returns to himself, he is angry with himself. Pub. Syr. Ire tamen restat, Numa quo devenit et Ancus — It still remains for you to go where Numa has gone, and Ancus before you. Hor. Iron sharpeneth iron ; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Bible. Iron with often handling is worn to nothing. ! Lyly's Euphues. Irony is an insult conveyed in the form of a compliment. Whipple. Irony is jesting hidden behind gravity. John Weiss. Irremeabilis unda — The river there is no re- crossing ; the styx. Hor. Irresolution loosens all our joints ; like an ague, it shakes not this limb or that limb, but all the body is at once in a fit. The irresolute man hatches nothing, but addles all his actions. Feltham. Irritabis crabrones — You will irritate the hor- ' nets. Plant. Irritation, like friction, is likely to generate heat instead of progress. George Eliot. IRRTHUM [ 197 ] ISTUC Irrthum verlasst uns nie ; doch ziehet ein hoher Bediirfniss immer den strebenden Geist leise zur Wahrheit hinan — Error never leaves us, yet a higher need always draws the striving spirit gently on to truth. Goethe. Is a man one whit the better because he is grown great in other men's esteem ? Thomas a Kempis. Is any place so inaccessible that an ass laden with gold cannot penetrate ? Philip of Mace- don to a scout -who pronounced a certain terri- tory impregnable. Is beauty vain because it will fade ? Then are earth's green robe and heaven s light vain. Pierpont. 5 Is cadet ante senem, qui sapit ante diem — He will die before he is old who is prematurely wise. Pr. Is common opinion the standard of merit? Thomas a Kempis. Is habitus animorum fuit, ut pessimum facinus auderent pauci, plures vellent, omnes pate- rentur — Such was the public temper, that some few dared to perpetrate the vilest crimes, more were fain to do so, and all looked passively on. Tac. Isit in destroying and pulling down that skill is displayed? The shallowest understand- ing, the rudest hand, is more equal to that task. Burke. Is it not astonishing that the love of repose keeps us in continual agitation ? Stanislaus. 10 Is it not strange that men should be so ready to fight for religion and so reluctant to ob- serve its precepts ? Lichtenberg. Is it not the same to whoso wears a shoe as if the earth were thatched all over with leather ? Hitopadesa. Is it right to despair, and shall truth make us sad ? Reman. Is maxime divitiis utitur, qui minime divitiis indiget — He employs riches to the best pur- pose who least needs them. Sen. Is mihi demum vivere et frui anima videtur, qui aliquo negotio intentus, praeclari facino- ris aut artis bonae famam quaerit — He alone appears to me to live and to enjoy life, who, being engaged in some business, seeks reputa- tion by some illustrious action or some useful art. Sail. 15 Is mihi videtur amplissimus qui sua virtute in altiorem locum pervenit — He is in my regard the most illustrious man who has risen by his own virtues. Cic. Is not belief the true God-announcing miracle ? Novalis. Is not cant the prima materia of the devil, from which all falsehoods, imbecilities, abomina- tions body themselves, from which no true thing can come ? Carlyle. Is not light greater than fire ? It is the same element in a state of purity. Carlyle. Is not marriage an open question when it is alleged, from the beginning of the world, that such as are in the institution wish to get out, and such as are out wish to get in ? Emerson. 20 Is not shame the soil of all virtue, of all good manners and good morals ? Carlyle. Is ordo vitio careto, caeteris specimen esto — Let this class (viz. the nobility of Rome) be free from vice and a pattern to the rest. The Twelve Tables. Is sapiens qui se ad casus accommodet omnes ; / Stultus pugnat in adversis ire natator aquis — He is a wise man who adapts himself to all contingencies ; the fool struggles like a swim- mer against the stream. Is that a wonder which happens in two hours ; and does it cease to be wonderful if happen- ing in two millions ? Carlyle. Is the God present, felt in my own heart, a thing which Herr von Voltaire will dispute out of me or dispute into me ? To the " wor- ship of sorrow " (Christianity) ascribe what origin and genesis thou pleasest, has not that worship originated and been generated ; is it not here ? Feel it in thy heart and then say whether it is of God ! Carlyle. Is the jay more precious than the lark because 25 his feathers are more beautiful? Tarn, of Shrew, iv. 3. Is there anything of its own nature beautiful or not beautiful ? The beauty of a thing is even that by which it shineth. Hitopadesa. Is there evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it? Bible. Is there for honest poverty / That hangs his head, and a' that ? / The coward slave we pass him by, / We dare be poor for a' that. Burns. Is there no God, then ? but at best an absentee God, sitting idle, ever since the first Sabbath, at the outside of His universe, and seeing it go ? Carlyle. Is there no stoning save with flint and rock? 30 Tennyson. Is there no way to bring home a wandering sheep but by worrying him to death? Thomas Fuller. Is this a dagger which I see before me, / The handle toward my hand ? Come, let me clutch thee. Macb., ii. 1. Is thy complexion sour? / Then keep such company. Herbert. Is your trumpeter dead, that you are obliged to praise yourself? Pr. Isaac's fond blessing may not fall on scorn, /35 Nor Balaam's curse on love which God hath blest. Keble. Island ez hinn besta haud sun solinn shinnar uppa — Iceland is the best land on which the sun shines. Icelandic Pr. Isolation is the sum-total of wretchedness to a man. Carlyle. Ist's Gottes Werk, so wird's besteh'n / Ist's Menschenwerk, wird's untergeh'n — If it be God's work, it will stand ; if man's, it will perish. Ista decens facies longis vitiabitur annis ; / Rugaque in antiqua fronte senilis erit — That comely face of thine will be marred by length of years, and the wrinkle of age will one day scar thine aged brow. Ovid. Istaec in me cudetur faba — I shall have to smart 40 for it (///. that bean will hit me). 'Per. Istuc est sapere, non quod ante pedes modo est / Videre, sed etiam ilia quae futura sunt / Prospicere — That is wisdom, not merely to see what is immediately before one's eyes, but to forecast what is going to happen. 'Per. Istuc est sapere, qui, ubicunque opus sit, animum possis flectere — You are a wise man if you can easily direct your attention to whatever may require it. Ter. IT ADDS I 198 ] IT IS It (love) adds a precious seeing to the eye. Lcnie's L. Lost, iv. 3. It belongs to great men to have great defects. Fr. Pr. It can do us no harm to look at what is extra- ordinary with our own eyes. Goethe. It chanceth in an hour that cometh not in seven years. Pr. 5 It costs more to revenge injuries than to bear them. Pr. It dawns no sooner for one's early rising. Port. Pr. It exalteth a man from earthly things to love those that are heavenly. Thomas u Kempis. It happens as with cages, the birds without despair to get in, and those within despair of getting out. Montaigne. It happens to men of learning as to ears of corn ; they shoot up and raise their heads high while they are empty ; but when full and swelled with grain, they begin to flag and droop. (?) 10 It has been well said that our anxiety does not empty to-morrow of its sorrows, but only empties to-day of its strength. Spur. geon. It is a bad trade that of censor; he is sure to incur the hatred of those he censures, with- out finding them improved by the correction. Guy Patin. It is a beautiful trait in the lover's character, that he thinks no evil of the object loved. Longfellow. It is a beggarly conception to judge as if poetry should always be capable of a prose rendering. John Morley. It is a brave act of valour to contemn death ; but when life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valour to dare to live. Sir T, Browne. 15 It is a characteristic of true genius to disturb all settled ideas. Goethe. It is a clear gain to sacrifice pleasure in order to avoid pain. Schopenhauer. It is a common error to think that in politics legislation is everything and administration nothing. Macau/ay. It is a common failing of old men to attribute all wisdom to themselves. Fielding. It is a common law of Nature, which no time will ever change, that superiors shall rule their inferiors. Dionysius. 20 It is a custom / More honoured in the breach than the observance. Ham., i. 4. It is a damnable audacity to bring forth that torturing Cross, and the Holy One who suffers on it, and to expose them to the light of the sun, which hid its face when a reck- less world forced such a sight on it ; to take these mysterious secrets, in which the divine depth of sorrow lies hid, and play with them, fondle them, trick them out, and rest not till the most reverend of all solemnities appears vulgar and paltrv G •■the. J It is a delusion (IVahn') to suppose that adver- sity (Unglilck) makes man better. As well believe that the rust makes the knife sharp, dirt promotes purity, and mud clarifies the stream. Bodenstedt. " It is a devout imagination." The Regent Murray's answer to John Knox's proposal to conserve the property of the Church for the spiritual benefit of t lie lieges. It is a fair and holy office to be a prophet of Nature. y oval is. It is a fine thing to command, though it were S but a herd of cattle. Cervantes. It is a foul bird that dirties its own nest. Pr. It is a golden rule not to judge men according to their opinions, but according to the effect these opinions have on their character. Lichtenberg. It is a good divine that follows his own instruc- tions. Mcr. of I 'en., i. 2. It is a good horse that never stumbles, and a good wife that never grumbles. Pr. It is a good thing to stay away till one's com- 3 pany is desired, but not so good to stay after it is desired. Johnson. It is a grave offence to bind a Roman citizen, a crime to flog him, almost the act of a parricide to put him to death ; what shall I call crucifying him ? Language worthy of such an enormity it is impossible to find. Cic. It is a great ease to have one in our own shape a species below us. and who, without being enlisted in our service, is by nature of our retinue. Steele. It is a great journey to life's end. Pr. It is a great misfortune not to possess talent enough to speak well, or sense enough to hold one's tongue. La Brvyere. It is a great mistake to think that because 3; you have read a masterpiece once or twice or ten times, therefore you have done with it. . . . You ought to live with it and make it part of your daily life. John Morley. It is a great piece of folly to sacrifice the inner for the outer man. Schopenhauer. It is a great pity when the man who should be the head figure is a mere figure-head. Spurge, n. It is a great point of wisdom to find out one's own folly. Pr. It is a great shame to a man to have a poor heart and a rich purse. Cote. It is a great sin to swear unto a sin, / But a4( greater still to keep a sinful oath. 2 Hen. VI., v. 1. It is a great step in finesse to make people under-estimate your acuteness. La Bruyere. It is a hard winter when one wolf eats another. Pr. It is a kindly spirit which actually constitutes the human element in man. Schiller. It is a long lane that has no turning. Pr It is a long way from granite to the oyster ; 41 farther yet to Plato, and the preaching of the immortality of the soul. Emerson, It is a low benefit to give me something ; it is a high benefit to enable me to do somewhat of myself. Emerson. It is a lucky eel that escapes skinning. George Eliot. It is a main lesson of wisdom to know your own from another's. £mersoH. It is a man's sincerity and depth of vision that makes him a poet. Larlyle. IT IS t 190 ] IT IS It is a mathematical fact that the casting- of a pebble from my hand alters the centre of gravity of the universe. Ca> lyle. It is a maxim of those who are esteemed per- fect, that abundance is the perverter of reason. Hitopadesa. It is a mere and miserable solitude to want true friends, without which the world is but a wilderness. Bacon. It is a moral impossibility that any son or daughter of Adam can stand on any ground that mortal treads, and gainsay the healthy tenure on which we hold our existence. Dickens. 5 It is a poor art that the artisan can't live by. It. Pr. It is a poor heart that never rejoices. Pr. It is a poor horse that is not worth its oats. Dan. Pr. It is a poor mouse that has but one hole. Pr. It is a poor sport that is not worth the candle. George Herbert. 10 It is a profound error to presume that every- thing has been discovered ; it is to take the horizon which bounds the eye for the limit of the world. Lemierre. It is a proof of mediocrity of intellect to be addicted to relating stories. La Bruyere. It is a rare thing, except it be from a perfect and entire friend, to have counsel given us, but such as shall be bowed and crooked to some ends which he hath that giveth it. Bacon. It is a reproach to be the first gentleman of one's race, but greater to be the last. Pr. It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock. Pr. 15 It is a shame for a man to desire honour be- cause of his ancestors, and not to deserve it by his own virtue. St. Chrysostom. It is a sign that your reputation is small or sinking if your own tongue must praise you. Judge Hale. It is a sin against hospitality to open your doors and shut up your countenance. Pr. It is a small virtue to keep silence on matters, but a grave fault to speak of what should be kept silent. Ovid. It is a sorry goose that will not baste itself. Pr. 20 It is a strange habit of wise humanity to speak in enigmas only. Rusk In. It is a universal weakness of human nature to have an inordinate faith in things unseen and unknown, and to be affected unduly by them. Ccesar. It is a very good world to live in, / To lend, or to spend, or to give in ; / But to beg, or to borrow, or to get a man's own, / It is the very worst world that ever was known. Rochester. It is a very risky, nay, a fatal thing, to be sociable. Schiller. It is a virtue in hermits to forgive their enemies as well as their friends ; but it is a fault in princes to show clemency towards those who are guilty. Hitopadesa. 25 It is a wise father that knows his own child. Mer. ojp'en., ii. 2. It is absurd to contend for any sense of words in opposition to usage ; for all senses are founded upon usage, and upon nothing else. Paley. It is advisable that a man should know at least three things: — first, where he is; secondly, where he is going ; thirdly, what he had best do under the circumstances. R nskin. It is all in my eye, i.e., it is nowhere else. Pr. It is allowed by the laws of war to deceive an enemy by feints, false colours, spies, false intelligence, or the like ; but by no means in treaties, truces, signals of capitulation or surrender. Paley. It is always an ease, and sometimes a happi- 30 ness, to have nothing. Joseph Hall. It is always by adventurers that great deeds are done, and not by the sovereigns of great empires. It is always good when a man has two irons in the fire. P. Beaumont. It is always necessary to show some good opinion of those whose good opinion we solicit. Johnson. It is always term time in the court of con- science. Pr. It is always the individual, not the age, that 35 stands up for the truth. Goethe. It is always vitally important to ourselves to be scrupulously true. Spurgeon. It is an argument of great wisdom to do nothing rashly, nor to be obstinate and inflexible in our opinions. Thomas a Kempis. It is an assured sign of a worthy and generous spirit whom honour amends ; for honour is, or should be, the place of virtue. Bacon. It is an egregious error to go by the excep- tion instead of the rule. Pascal. It is an equal failing to trust everybody and 40 to trust nobody. Pr. It is an honour for a man to cease from strife. Bible. It is an ill sign to see a fox lick a lamb. Pr. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. Pr. It is as difficult to appropriate the thoughts of others as to invent. Emerson. It is as easy to be a scholar as a gamester. 45 Hazveis. It is as easy to deceive one's self without per- ceiving it, as it is difficult to deceive others without their finding it out. La Roche. It is as great a point of wisdom to hide ig- norance, as to discover knowledge. (?) It is as little the part of a wise man to reflect much on the nature of beings above him as of beings beneath him. Rttskin. It is as much a part of true temperance to be pleased with the little that we know and the little that we can do as with the little that we have. Rvskin. It is as much intemperance to weep too much 50 as to laugh too much. Pr. It is as natural for the old to be prejudiced as for the young to be presumptuous ; and in the change of centuries each generation has something to judge for itself. Ruthin. It is as rare as it is pleasant to meet an old man whose opinions are not ossified. /. F. Boyes. IT IS [ 200 ] IT IS It is as sport to a fool to do mischief. Bible. It is at least fatal to the philosophic preten- sion of a line or stanza if, when it is fairly reduced to prose, the prose discloses that it is nonsense. John Morley. It is bad, having once known the right, / And the impulse of nobleness prized, ; To accept the less worthy, and order the fight For a cause that is meaner, and walk by a light / That you once had despised. Dr. Walter Smith. It is beneath the dignity of a soul that has but a grain of sense to make chance, and winds, and waves the arbitrary disposers of happi- ness. L ncas. 5 It is best not to be angry ; and best, in the next place, to be quickly reconciled. Johnson. It is best to rise from life as from a banquet, neither thirsty nor drunken. A >ist. It is best to take half in hand and the rest by and by. Pr. It is best to take with thankfulness and ad- miration from each man what he has to give. John MorLy. It is better and kinder to flog a man to his work than to leave him idle till he robs and flog him afterwards. Ruskin. 10 It is better for a young man to blush than to turn pale. Cato. It is better for the man whom God helps than for him who rises early. Cervantes. It is better living on a little than outliving a great deal. (?) It is better not to live at all than to live dis- honoured. Sophocles. It is better to be a self-made man, filled up according to God's original pattern, than to be half a man, made after some other man's pattern. /. G. Holland. 15 It is better to be affected with a true penitent sorrow for sin than to be able to resolve the most difficult cases about it. Thomas a Kempis. It is better to be lost than to be saved all alone. A miel. It is better to be nothing than a knave. M. Antoninus. It is better to be the hammer than the anvil. Fr. Pr. It is better to be the head o' the commonalty than the tail o' the gentry. Sc. Pr. 20 It is better to be wrong by rule than to be wrong with nothing but the fitful caprice of our disposition to impel us. Xatalia in " Wilhelnt Meister." It is better to cleanse ourselves of our sins now, than to reserve them to be cleansed at some future time. Thomas it Kempis. It is better to create than to be learned. Creating is the essence of life. Niebuhr. It is better to die once than live always in fear of death. C. It is better to do well than to say well. Pr. 25 It is better to dwell in a corner of the house- top than with a brawling woman in a wide house. Bible. It is better to fight for the good than to rail at the ill. Tennyson. It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting. Bible. It is better to have a lion at the head of an army of sheep than a sheep at the head of an army of lions. Defoe. It is better to have friends in our passage through life than grateful dependants ; and as love is a more willing, so it is a more lasting tribute than extorted obligation. Goldsmith. It is better to have loved and lost than never 31 to have loved at all. Tennyson. It is better to have one's evil days when one is young than when one is old. Carlyle- It is better to have to do with God than with His saints. Fr. Pr. It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise than for a man to hear the song of fools. Bible. It is better to live by begging one's bread than to gratify the mouth at the expense of others. Hi:opadesa. It is better to live in a haunted forest . . . 3i than to live amongst relations after the loss of wealth. Hitopadesa. It is better to live on the crust of your own industry than on the fruits of other people's. Cervantes. It is better to make friends than adversaries of a conquered race. B. R. Haydon. It is better to trust the eye than the ear. Ger. Pr. It is bitter fare eating one's own words. Dan. Pr. It is but the outer hem of God's great mantle 4 our poor stars do gem. Ruskin. It is but vain to waste honey on those that will be caught with gall. Quarles. It is by attempting to reach the top by a single leap that so much misery is produced in the world. Cobbett. It is by being conversant with the inventions of others that we learn to invent, as by reading the thoughts of others we learn to think. Joshua Reynolds. It is by faith that poetry as well as devotion soars above this dull earth. Henry Giles. It is by his personal conduct that any man of 4 ordinary power will do the greatest amount of good that is in him to do. Ruskin. It is by imitation, more than by precept, that we learn anything. Burke. It is by presence of mind in untried circum- stances that the native metal of a man is tested. Lowell. It is by study that we become contemporaries of every age and citizens of the world. (T) It is certain my belief gains quite infinitely the moment I can convince another mind thereof. Nooalis. It is certain that either wise bearing or 5 ignorant carriage is caught as men take diseases, one of another. 2 Hen. II'., v. 1. It is character which builds an existence out of circumstance. Our strength is measured by our plastic power. Carfyie. It is cheap enough to say, " God help you." Pr. It is common to esteem most what is unknown. Tac. It is commonly the imagination which is wounded first, rather than the heart ; it is so much more sensitive. Thoreau. IT IS [ 201 ] IT IS It is courage that conquers in war, and not good weapons. Sp. Pr. It is cowardly to quit the post the gods elect for us before they permit us. Pythagoras. It is delightful, after wandering in the thick darkness of metaphysics, to behold again the fair face of Truth. Carlyle. It is delightful to transport one's self into the spirit of the past, to see how a wise man has thought before us, and to what a glorious height we have at last reached. Goethe. 5 It is difficult to act a part long, for where truth is not at the bottom, nature will peep out and betray itself one time or other. South. It is difficult to descend with grace without seeming to fall. Blair. It is difficult to do good without multiplying the sources of evil. Ruskin. It is difficult to feel deep veneration and great affection for one and the same person. La Roche. It is difficult to know at what moment love begins ; it is less difficult to know that it has begun. Longfellow. 10 It is difficult to say whether irresolution renders a man the more unhappy or the more despic- able ; also whether it is productive of worse consequences to make a bad resolution, or none at all. La Bruyire. It is difficulties that give birth to miracles. Dr. Sharpe. It is dreary (ode) to be able to respect nothing but one's self. Fr. Hebbel. It is doubt (Zweifel) which turns good into bad. Goethe. It is downright madness to contend where we are sure to be worsted. L' Estrange. 15 It is easier for a wit to keep fire in his mouth, than to hold in a witty saying that he is burning to tell. Cic. It is easier not to begin to go wrong than it is to turn back and do better after beginning. President Garfield. It is easier to carry the world in one's thoughts than on one's shoulders. A. B. Alcott. It is easier to know man in general than men in particular. La Roche. It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow it. Ben. Franklin. 20 It is easier to worship than to obey. Jean Paid. It is easier to write an indifferent poem than to understand a good one. Montaigne. It is easy for a man who sits idle at home, and has nobody to please but himself, to ridicule or censure the common ways of mankind. Johnson. It is easy for men to write and talk like philo- sophers ; but to act with wisdom, there's the rub. Rivarole. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion ; easy in solitude to live after our own ; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. Emerson. 25 It is easy to be a spendthrift with other people s property. Platen. It is easy to condemn ; it is better to pity. Abbott. It is easy to criticise an author, but it is diffi- cult to appreciate him. Vauvenargties. It is easy to give offence, though it is hard to appease. Grillparzer. It is easy to open a shop, but hard to keep it open. Chinese Pr. It is easy to screw one's self up into high and 30 ever higher altitudes of Transcendentalism, and see nothing under one but the everlasting snows of Himalaya, the earth shrinking into a planet, and the indigo firmament sowing itself with daylight stars ; but whither does it lead ? One dreads always to inanity and mere injuring of the lungs. Carlyle to Emer- son. It is enough for thee to know what each day wills ; and what each day wills the day itself will tell. Goethe. It is exactly in the treatment of trifles that a man shows what he is. Schopenhauer. It is exceedingly difficult for a man to be as narrow as he could have been had he lived a century ago. Whipple. It is excellent / To have a giant's strength, but tyrannous / To use it like a giant. Meas.for Slfeas., ii. 2. It is falling in with their own mistaken ideas 35 that makes fools and beggars of the half of mankind. J 'oung. It is fancy, not the reason of things, that makes us so uneasy. L 'Estrange. It is far better to give work which is above the men than to educate the men to be above their work. Ruskin, It is far easier to make a great rush than to plod steadily on through a long life. Spur- geon. It is far from universally true that to get a thing you must aim at it. There are some things which can only be gained by renoun- cing them. Renan. It is far more difficult to be simple than to be 40 complicated ; far more difficult to sacrifice skill and ease exertion in the proper place, than to expend both indiscriminately. Rus- kin. It is folly to lay out money in the purchase of repentance. Ben. Franklin. It is folly to live in Rome and strive with the Pope. Pr. It is folly to pretend that one ever wholly re- covers from a disappointed passion. Such wounds always leave a scar. Longfellow. It is for the sake of him (the virtuous man) and of those like him that the earth exists and maintains itself in being. Renan. It is for truth that God created genius. La- 45 martins. It is for want of application, rather than of means, that men fail of success. La Roche. It is force and right that determine everything in the world ; force till right is ready. Jou- bert (?). It is fortune, not wisdom, that rules man's life. Cic. It is from books that wise men derive consola- tion in the troubles of life. I 'ictor Hugo. It is from the difference we feel between the 50 finitude of fact and the infinitude of fantasy that all the evils spring which torment hu- manity. Rousseau. IT IS [ 202 ] IT IS It is fruition, and not possession, that renders us happy. Montaigne. It is generally a sign of a small mind to think differently from great minds. Goethe. It is given us to live only once in the world. Goetlie. It is good for a man to be driven, were it by never such harsh methods, into looking at this great universe with his own eyes, for himself and not for another, and trying to adjust himself truly there. Carlyie. 5 It is good that we sometimes be contradicted, and that we always bear it well ; for perfect peace cannot be had in this world. Jeremy Taylor. It is good to do nothing bad, but better to wish nothing bad. M. Claudius. It is good to fear the worst ; the best can save itself. Pr. It is good to lend to God and the soil ; they pay good interest. Dan, Pr. It is good to rub and polish our brains against that of others. Montaigne. 10 It is great, it is manly, to disdain disguise. Young. It is great prudence to gain as many friends as we honestly can, especially when it may be done at so easy a rate as a good word. Judge Hale. It is hard even to the most miserable to die. Pr. It is hard for an empty sack to stand upright. Pr. It is hard to be poor and honest. Pr. 15 It is hard to carry a full cup. Pr. It is hard to kick against the pricks. Pr. It is hard to maintain the truth, but much harder to be maintained by it. South. It is hard to put old heads on young shoulders. Pr. It is hard to suffer wrong and pay for it too. Pr. 20 It is harder to avoid censure than to gain ap- plause ; for this may be done by one great or wise action in an age ; but to escape censure, a man must pass his whole life without say- ing or doing one ill or foolish thing. (?) It is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well. /V. It is harder to weave than to gather wool. Spurgeon. It is harder work to resist vices and passions, than to toil in bodily labours. Thomas a Kempis. It is his excess of sensibility that distinguishes man from other animals. Schopenhauer. 25 It is his moral sentences on mankind or the state that rank the prose writer among the sages. John Morley. It is his restraint which is honourable to a man, not his liberty. Kuskin. It is human nature to hate him whom you have injured. Toe. It is idleness that creates impossibilities ; and where men care not to do a thing, they shelter themselves under a persuasion that it cannot be done. South. It is ill standing in dead men's shoes. Pr. 30 It is ill to take out of the flesh what is bred in the bone. Pr. It is impossible completely to understand what we do not love. Mrs. Jameson. It is impossible for any man to form a right judgment of his neighbour's sufferings. Ad- dison. It is impossible that an ill-natured man can have a public spirit ; for how should he love ten thousand men who never loved one ? Pope. It is impossible that anything so natural, so necessary, and so universal as death should ever have been designed by Providence as an evil to mankind. Stvift. It is impossible to be a hero in anything unless 35 one is first a hero in faith. Jacobi. It is impossible to be just, if one is not generous. Pascal. It is in great perils we see great acts of daring. Regnard. It is in human nature soon to relax when not impelled by personal advantage or disadvan- tage. Goetie. It is in the politic as in the human constitution ; if the limbs grow too large for the body, their size, instead of improving, will diminish, the vigour of the whole. Goldsmith. It is in the soul of man, when reverence, love, 40 intelligence, magnanimity have been de- veloped there, that the Highest can dis- close itself face to face in sun-splendour, independent of all cavils and jargonings ; — there, of a surety, and nowhere else. Car- lyle. It is in the world that a man, devout or other, has his life to lead, his work waiting to be done. Carlyie. It is in trifles that the mind betrays itself. Buhver. It is in vain for a man to be born fortu- nate, if he be unfortunate in his marriage. Dacier. It is incalculable what by arranging, com- manding, and regimenting you can make of men. Carlyie. It is inconceivable how much wit it requires 45 to avoid being ridiculous. Cham/ort. It is incredible how much the mind can do to sustain the body. Goethe. It is indeed all twilight in this world, a trifle more or less. Goethe. It is indeed only in old age that intellectual men attain their sublime expression. Schopen- hauer. It is infamy to die and not be missed. C. 11 'ileox. It is invariably found that the contented man 50 is a weak man. John ll'agstaj/'e. It is joy to think the best we can of human kind, Wordsworth. It is just those who grope with the mole and cling with the bat who are vainest of their sight and of their wings. Kuskin. It is less difficult to bear misfortunes than to remain uncorrupted by pleasure. Pac. It is madness to make fortune the mistress of events, because in herself she is nothing, but is ruled by prudence. Pry, leu. It is matter of the commonest remark how a 55 timid man who is in love will show courage, or an indolent man will show diligence. Matthew Arnold. IT IS [ 203 ] IT IS It is meet / That noble minds keep ever with their likes ; / For who so firm that cannot be seduced? Jul. Cess., i. 2. It is mere cowardice to take safety in nega- tions. George Eliot. It is mere Philistinism on the part of private individuals to bestow too much interest on matters that do not concern them. Goethe. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Jesus. 5 It is more difficult, and calls for higher ener- gies of the soul, to live a martyr than to die one. //. Mann. It is more honourable to be raised to a throne than be born to one ; fortune bestows the one, merit obtains the other. Petrarch. It is more important to discover a new source of happiness on earth than a new planet in the sky. (?) It is more kindly to laugh at human life than to grin at it. Wieland. It is more painful to do nothing than some- thing. Pr. 10 It is more pleasing to see smoke brightening into flame than flame sinking into smoke. Johnson. It is much easier to be critical than to be correct. Disraeli. It is much easier to bind on a wreath than to find a head worthy to wear it. Goethe. It is much easier to recognise error than to find truth ; the former lies on the surface, the latter rests in the depths. Goethe. It is much more easy to inspire a passion than a faith. St'tnms. 15 It is much safer to obey than to govern. Thomas a Kcmpis. It is natural to a man to believe what he wishes to be true, and to believe it because he wishes it. Schopenhauer. It is natural to man to regard himself as the final cause of creation. Goethe. It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer ; but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth. Bible. It is never permitted to any one in heaven to stand behind another and look at the back of his head : for then the influx which is from the Lord is disturbed. Sivedenborg. 20 It is never too late to mend. Pr. It is never wise to slip the bonds of discipline. Leisj. II 'allace. It is no man's business whether he has genius or not : work he must, whatever he is, but quietly and steadily ; and the natural and unforced results of such work will always be the things that God meant him to do, and will be his best. Kuskin. It is no mean happiness to be seated in the mean, lifer, of I 'en., i. 2. Itis no more in our power to love always than it was not to love. La Bruyire. 25 It is no more possible to prevent thought from reverting to an ideal than the sea irom re- turning to the shore. Joseph Cook. It is no small commendation to manage a little well. He is a good waggoner that can turn in a little room. Pp. Hall. It is no such heinous matter to fall afflicted, as, being down, to lie dejected. V. Ckty- sostom. It is no wonder man's religion has much suffer- ing in it ; no wonder he needs a suffering God. George Eliot. It is nobler to become great than to be born great. Pr. It is nobler to convert souls than to conquer 30 kingdoms. Louis le Debonnaire. It is not a question how much a man knows, but what use he can make of what he knows. /. G. Holland. It is not advisable to reward where men have the tenderness not to punish. L' Estrange. It is not always necessary that the true should embody (verkffrpere) itself ; enough if it hovers around spiritually and produce accordance (Lfebereinstimmu/ig) in us; if it hover (-wogt) through the atmosphere in earnest friendly tones like the sound of bells. Goethe. It is not an unhealthy (krdnkelnde) moral philosophy, but a sturdy morality that is of any profit to us. Feuchtersleben. It is not because of his toils that I lament for 35 the poor ; we must all toil, or steal, which is worse ; no faithful workman finds his task a pastime. . . . But what I do mourn over is that the lamp of his soul should go out ; that no ray of heavenly, or even earthly, know- ledge should visit him ; but only in the hag- gard darkness, like two spectres, Fear and Indignation bear him company. Carlyle. It is not by shirking difficulties that we can remove them or escape them. M. R. Greg. It is not enough that a poet possess inspira- tion ; his inspiration must be that of a cul- tured spirit. Schiller. It is not enough to aim ; you must hit. //. Pr. It is not enough to know how to steal ; one must know also how to conceal. It. Pr. It is not enough to know, one must also apply ; 40 it is not enough to will to do, one must also do. Goethe. It is not enough to speak, but to speak true. Mid. Night's Dream, v. 1. It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal ; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise. Goethe. It is not every man that can afford to wear a shabby coat. Cotton. It is not everybody one would set to choose a horse or a pig ; how much less a member of Parliament? Kuskin. It is not everybody who can bend the bow of 48 Ulysses, and most men only do themselves a mischief by trying to bend it. John Morley. It is not fit to tell others anything but what they can take up. A man understands nothing but what is commensurate with him. Goethe. It is not from masters, but from their equals, that youths learn a knowledge of the world. Goldsmith. It is not from nature, but from education and habits, that our wants are chiefly derived. Fielding. It is not given to the world to be contented. Goethe. It is not good for man to be, especially to work, 50 alone. Goethe. It is not good to have an oar in every one's boat. Camden. IT IS t 204 ] IT IS It is not good to meddle with divine mysteries. Goethe. It is not good to pass by that we dislike, even to gain that which we like ; for the water of life becometh mortal when mixed with a poison. Hitopadesa. It is not he who gives abuse or blows who affronts, but the view we take of these things as insulting. Epictctus. It is not his own individual sins that the hero atones for, but original sin, i.e., the crime of existence. Schopenhauer. 5 It is not history which educates the con- science ; it is conscience which educates history. Amiel. It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Bible. It is not juggling that is to be blamed, but much juggling ; for the world cannot be governed without it. Selden. It is not lost that comes at last. Pr. It is not merely by virtue of the sunlight that falls now, and the rain and dew which it brings, that we continue here, but by virtue of the sunlight of a^ons of past ages. John Burroughs. 10 It is not metre, but metre-making agreement that makes a poem, a thought so passionate and alive, that, like the spirit of a plant or an animal, it has an architect of its own, and adorns nature with a new thing. Emer- son. It is not poetry, but prose run mad. Pope. It is not possible to buy obedience with money. Carlyle. It is not proper to place confidence in one who cometh without any apparent cause. Hito- padesa. It is not propositions, not new dogmas and a logical exposition of the world, that are our first need ; but to watch and tenderly cherish the intellectual and moral sensibilities, those fountains of right thought, and woo them to stay and make their home with us. Emer- son. 15 It is not quite so easy to do good as those may imagine who never try. Kd. Sharp. It is not so much our neighbour's interest as our own that we love him. Bp. Wilson. It is not so much the being exempt from faults, as the having overcome them, that is an advantage to us. Swift. It is not strength, but art obtains the prize. Pope. It is not the beard that makes the philosopher. Br. 20 It is not the custom when a prince doth sneeze to say, as to other persons, " God help you," but only to make a low reverence. Gerbier. It is not the face which deceives ; it is we who deceive ourselves in reading in it what is not there. Schopenhauer. It is not the fact that a man has riches which keeps him from the kingdom of heaven, but the fact that riches have him. Dr. Caird. It is not the fraud, but the cold-heartedness which is chiefly dreadful in treachery. Pus- h-in. It is not the greatness of a man's means that makes him independent, so much as the smallness of his wants. Cobbett. It is not the insurrections of ignorance that 25 are dangerous, but the revolts of intelligence. Lowell. It is not the knowledge, but the use which is made of it that is productive of real benefit. Scott. It is not the loss of heritage / That makes life poor ; it is that, stage by stage, / Some leave us with a lessening faith in man. And less of love than when our life began. Dr. Walter Smith. It is not the manner of noble minds to leave anything half done. Wieland. It is not the number of facts he knows, but how much of a fact he is himself, that proves the man. Bovee. It is not the punishment, but the crime that is 30 the disgrace. A (fieri. It is not the quantity, but the quality of know- ledge which determines the mind's dignity. II'. E. Channing. It is not the reading of many books that is necessary to make a man wise and good, but the well-reading of a few. R. Baxter. It is not the stamp on the coin that gives it its value, though on the bank-note it is. J. Burroughs. It is not the victory that constitutes the joy of noble souls, but the combat. Montalembert. It is not thy works, which are all mortal, 35 infinitely little, . . . but only the spirit thou workest in, that can have worth or continu- ance. Carlyle. It is not titles that reflect honour on men, but men on their titles. Machiavelli. It is not to taste sweet things, but to do noble and true things, and vindicate himself under God's heaven as a God-made man, that the poorest son of Adam dimly longs. Carlyle. It is not, truly speaking, the labour that is divided, but the men ; divided into mere segments of men, broken into small frag- ments and crumbs of life ; so that all the little piece of intelligence that is left in a man is not enough to make a pin or a nail, but exhausts itself in making the point of a pin or the head of a nail. Ruskin. t is not want, but rather abundance that creates avarice. Montaigne. t is not want of good fortune, want of happi- 40 ness, but want of wisdom that man has to dread. Carlyle. t is not well to make great changes in old age. Spurgeon. t is not what he has, nor even what he does, which directly expresses the worth of a man, but what he is. Amiel. t is not wisdom, but ignorance which teaches men presumption. Bvhver Lytton. t is not with saying, "Honey, honey," that sweetness comes into the mouth. Turk. Pr. t is not work that kills men, it is worry. 45 It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery, but the friction. Ward Beechcr. t is of more importance to teach manners and customs than to establish laws and tribunals. Mirabeau. t is of no use running ; to set out betimes is the main point. La Fontaine. IT IS [ 205 IT IS t is of some consequence for a man to forego his own inclinations, even in matters of no great importance. Thomas d Ken/pis. t is often because an author proceeds from the thought to the expression, and the reader from the expression to the thought, that a clear writer is obscure. Speroni. t is often easier, as well as more advan- tageous, to conform to the opinions of others than to persuade them into ours. La Bruyere. t is often even wise to reveal what cannot long remain concealed. Schiller. t is one of the wretchednesses of the great that they have no approved friends. Chan- ning. t is one soul which animates all men. Emer- son. t is one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall. Shakespeare. t is one thing to see that a line is crooked, and another thing to be able to draw a straight one. Rd. Sharp. t is one thing to speak much, and another to speak pertinently. Pr. t is only a part of art that can be taught ; the artist needs the whole. Goethe. t is only at the first encounter that a face makes its full impression upon us. Schopen- hauer. t is only because they are not used to taste of what is excellent that the generality of people take delight in silly and insipid things, provided they be new. Goethe. t is only by labour that thought can be made healthy, and only by thought that labour can be made happy. Ruskin. t is only by universals, and never by singulars, that we can think. Dr. Hutchison Stirling. t is only God's business to make laws, and the lawyer's to read and enforce them. Ruskin. t is only in society that a man's powers can have full play. Schopenhauer. t is only in their misery that we recognise the hand and finger of God leading good men to good. Goethe. t is only kindred griefs that draw forth our tears, and each weeps really for himself. Heine. t is only men collectively that live the life of man. Goethe. t is only necessary to grow old to become indulgent. I see no fault committed that I have not committed myself. Goethe. t is only on reality that any power of action can be based. Emerson. t is only people who possess firmness that can possess true gentleness. La Roche. t is only reason that teaches silence. The heart teaches us to speak. Jean Paul. t is only rogues who feel the restraints of law. /. 6". Holland. t is only strict precision of thought that con- fers facility of expression. Schiller. t is only the finite that has wrought and suf- fered ; the infinite lies stretched in smiling repose. Emerson. t is only time that possesses full reality, and our existence lies in it exclusively. Schopen- hauer. t is only when a man is alone that he is really free. Schopenhauer. t is only when it is bent that the bow shows its strength. Grillparzcr. t is only with renunciation that life, strictly 30 speaking, can be said to begin. Goethe. t is our relation to circumstances that deter- mines their influence over us. The same wind that carries one vessel into port may blow another off shore. Bovec. t is petty expenses that empty the purse. It. Pr. t is pleasant to die if there be gods, and sad to live if there be none. Marcus Antoninus. t is possible to sin against charity, when we do not sin against truth. Pr. t is precisely in accepting death as the end 35 of all, and in laying down, on that sorrowful condition, his life for his friends, that the hero and patriot of all time has become the glory and safety of his country. Ruskin. t is profound ignorance that inspires a de- generate tone. La B> uyere. t is proof of a high culture to say the greatest matters in the simplest way. Emerson. t is proper and beneficial sometimes to be left to thyself. Thomas a Kempis. t is prudent to be on the reserve even with your best friend, when he betrays a too eager curiosity to worm out your secret. La Bruyere. t is rare indeed that there is not ample 40 occasion for grumbling. John tt'agstaffc. t is religion that has formed the Bible, not the Bible that has formed religion. R. D. C. Levin. t is sad to have to live in a place where all our activity must simmer within ourselves. Goethe. t is sad to see how an extraordinary man so often strangles himself, struggling in vain with himself, his circumstances, and his time, without once coming upon a green branch. Goethe. t is said no man is a hero to his valet. The reason is that it requires a hero to recognise a hero. The valet, however, will probably know well enough how to estimate his equals. Goethe. t is so much easier to do what one has done 45 before than to do a new thing, that there is a perpetual tendency to a set mode. Emer- son. t is St. Christopher that carries Christ, not Christ St. Christopher, i.e., in this myth, it is not Christ that bears the Church, but the Church that bears Christ. Ed. t is sure to be dark if you shut your eyes. Pr. t is the ambiguous distracted training which they are subject to that makes men uncer- tain ; it awakens wishes when it should quicken tendencies. Goethe. t is the best sign of a great nature, that it opens a foreground, and, like the breath of morning landscapes, invites us onward. Emerson. t is the best use of fate to teach a fatal cour- 50 age. Emerson. t is the bright day that brings forth the adder, / And that craves wary walking. Jul. C: Pr. It takes a great deal of living to get a little deal of learning. Ruskin, It takes a great man to make a good listener. Helps. It takes much more penetration to discover a fool than a clever man. Cato. It takes ten pounds of common-sense to carry one pound of learning. Persian Pr. It was a stroke Brought the stream from the 25 flinty rock. Dr. II . Smith. It was alway yet the trick of our English nation, if they have a good thing, to make it too common. 2 Hen. IV., i. 2. It was always the aim of the artists as well as the wise men of antiquity, to mean much though they might say little. IVinkei- mafin. It was for beauty that the world was made. Quoted by Emerson. It was the nightingale, and not the lark / That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear. Rom. and Jul., iii. 5. It was the wisdom of the ancients to regard 30 the most useful as the most illustrious. Sen. It were better to be of no church than bitter for any. //". Pom. It were easier to stop Euphrates at its source than one tear of a true and tender heart. Byron. It were good for a man to have some anchor- age deeper than the quicksands of this world ; for these drift to and fro so as to baffle all conjecture. Carlyle. It were no virtue to bear calamities if we did not feel them. Mme. Xecker. It will be all the same a hundred years hence. 35 Pr. It will be an ill web to bleach. Pr. It will have blood : they say, blood will have blood ; / Stones have been known to move, and trees to speak. Maeb., iii. 4. It will never out of the flesh that's bred in the bone. Ben Jonson. It would be better that we should not exist, than that we should guiltily disappoint the purposes of existence. Ruskin. It would be some advantage to live a primitive 40 and frontier life, though in the midst of an outward civilisation, if only to learn what are the gross necessaries of life, and what methods have been taken to obtain them. Thoreau. It's a glide heart that says nae ill, but a better that thinks nane. Sc. Pr. It's a poor man that always counts his sheep. Pr. It's a poor sport that's not worth the candle. George Herbert. It's a sair field where a's slain. Sc. Pr. It's a small joke sets men laughing when they 45 sit a-staring at one another wi' a pipe i' their mouths. George Eliot. It's a weary warld, and naebody bides int. /. M. Barrie. It's all very well having a ready-made rich man, but it may happen he'll be a ready- made fool. George Eliot. It's an ill wind that blaws naebody gude. Sc. Pr. It's aye the cheapest lawyer's fee ,' To taste the barrel. Burns. It's bad flesh that won't take salt; worse is 50 the body that won't take warning. Gael. Pr. It's difficult to give sense to a fool. Gael, Pr. It's dogged as does it. Pr, IT'S GOOD [ 209 ] JACET It's good sheltering- under an old hedge. Pr. It's hard sailing when there is no wind. Pr. It's hard to take the twist out of an oak that grew in the sapling. Gael. It's hard to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on. George Eliot. 5 It's harder work getting to hell than to heaven. Ger. Pr. It's hardly in a body's power / To keep, at times, frae being sour, / To see how things are snared. Burns. It's height makes Grantham steeple stand awry. /';-. It's ill livin' in a hen-roost for them as doesn't like fleas. George Eliot. It's ill living where everybody knows every- body. Pr. 10 It's ill talking between a full man and a fast- ing. Sc. Pr. It's ill wool that will take no dye. Pr. It's lang ere the devil dee by the dyke-side. Sc. Pr. It's never too late to learn. Pr. It's no in titles nor in rank ; / It's no in wealth like London bank, To purchase peace and rest : / It's no in makin' muckle mair, / It's no in books, it's no in lear, / To mak' us truly blest. Burns. 15 It's no tint (lost) that a friend gets. Sc. Pr. It's no use filling your pocket full of money if you have got a hole in the corner. George Eliot. It's no use killing nettles to grow docks. Pr. It's no use pumping a dry well. Pi: It's not "What has she?" but "What is she?" Pr. 20 It's poor eating where the flavour of the meat lies in the cruets. George Eliot. It's poor friendship that needs to be constantly bought. Gael. Pr. It's pride that puts this country down ; / Man, take thine old cloak about thee. Old ballad. It's sin, and no poverty, that maks a man miserable. Sc. Pr. It's them as take advantage that get advan- tage i' this world, I think ; folks have to wait long enough before it's brought to 'em. George Eliot. 25 It's too late to cast anchor when the ship is on the rocks. Pr. It's wiser being good than bad ; / It's safer being meek than fierce ; It's fitter being sane than mad. My own hope is, a sun will pierce / The thickest cloud earth ever stretch'd ; / That after last returns the first, / Though a wide compass round be fetch'd ; / That what began best can't end worst, / Nor what God blessed once prove accurst. Browning. It's your dead chicks take the longest hatchin'. George Eliot. Ita lex scripta — Thus the law is written. Ivory does not come from a rat's mouth. Chinese Pr. J. J'ai bonne cause — I have good cause or reason. 30 J'ai en toujours pour principe de ne faire jamais par autrui ce que je pouvais faire par moi- meme — I have ever held it as a maxim never to do that through another which it was pos- sible for me to do myself. Montesquieu. J'ai failli attendre— I was all but kept waiting. Louis XIV., as /lis carriage drove up just at the last moment. J'ai graisse la patte au concierge — I have tipped the door-keeper {lit. greased his paw). Pr. Pr. J'ai ris, me voila. desarme — I was set a-laughing, and lo ! I was at once disarmed. Piron. J'ai toujours vu que, pour reussir dans le 35 monde, il fallait avoir l'air fou et etre sage— I have always observed that to succeed in the world a man must seem simple but be wise. Montesquieu. J'ai trouve chaussure a. mon pied— I have found a good berth {lit. shoes for my feet). Fr. Pr. J'ai vecu— I existed through it all (the Reign of Terror). Sieyes. J'ai voulu voir, j'ai vu— I wish to see, and have seen. Racine. J'aime mieux ma mie— I love my lass better. A French Old Song. J'appelle un chat un chat, et Rolet un fripon— 40 I call a cat a cat, and Rolet a knave. Boilean. J'embrasse mon rival, mais e'est pour l'etouffer — I press my rival to my heart, but it is to smother him. Corncille. J'en passe et des meilleurs— I pass by them, and better than they. Victor Hugo. J'etais poete, historien, / Et maintenant je ne suis rien — I was once a poet and a historian, and now I am nothing. Boudier, for his epitaph. J'etais pour Ovide a quinze ans, / Mais je suis pour Horace a. trente — I was for Ovid at fifteen, but I am for Horace at thirty. Ducerceau. J'evite d'etre long, et je deviens obscur— In 45 avoiding to be diffuse, I become obscure. Boileau, after Horace. J'y suis, et j'y reste — Here I am, and here I re- main. MacMahon in the trenches before the Malakojf. Ja, das Gold ist nur Chimare — Yes, gold is but a chima;ra. Scribe-M eye beer. Ja, der Krieg verschlingt die Besten ! — Yes, war swallows up the best people ! Schiller. Ja, grosse Manner werden stets verfolgt, / Und kommen immer in Verlegenheiten — Yes, great men are always subject to persecu- tion, and always getting into straits. Schiller. Ja, so schatzt der Mensch das Leben, als50 heiliges Kleinod, / Dass er jenen am meisten verehrt, der es trotzig verschmahet— Yes, man values life as a sacred jewel in such a way that he reveres him most who haughtily scorns it. Platen. Jacet ecce Tibullus, / Vix manet e toto parva quod urna capit — See, here Tibullus lies ; of all that he was there hardly remains enough to fill a little urn. Ovid. JACK [ 210 ] JE N'AI Jack at a pinch. Pr. Jack is as good as Jill. Pr. Jack-o'-both sides is, before long, trusted by nobody, and abused by both parties. Pr. Jack of all trades and master of none. Pr. 5 Jack shall pipe and Jill shall dance. G. Wither. Jack will never be a gentleman. Pr. Jack's as good as his master. Pr. Jacta alea est— The die is cast. Ccesar, when he passed the Rubicon. Jactitatio — A boasting. Jactitation of mar- riage is cognisable in the Ecclesiastical Courts. I L. 10 Jam nunc minaci murmure cornuum / Per- stringis aures ; jam litui strepunt— Even now you stun our ears with the threatening murmur of horns; already I hear the clarions sound. Hor. Jam pauca aratro jugera regiae / Moles relin- quent— Soon will regal piles leave but few acres to the plough. Hor. Jam portum inveni, Spes et Fortuna valete ! / Nil mihi vobiscum est, ludite nunc alios— Now I have gained the port, hope and fortune, farewell ! 1 have nothing more to do with you ; go now and make sport of others. A Greek epitaph. Jam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna— Now the Virgin goddess of justice returns ; now the reign of Saturn and age of gold returns. Virg. Jam seges est ubi Troja fuit, resecandaque falce / Luxuriat Phrygio sanguine pinguis humus — New fields of com wave where Troy once stood, and the ground enriched with Trojan blood is luxuriant with grain ready for the sickle. Ovid. 15 Jam summa procul villarum culmina fumant— Now the high tops of the far-off villas send forth their smoke. Virg. Jamais abattu — Never cast down. M. Jamais arriere — Never behind. M. Jamais l'innocence et le mystere n'habiterent long tems ensemble — Innocence and mystery never dwelt any length of time together. Pr. Jamais la cornemuse ne dit mot si elle n'a le ventre plein— The bagpipe never utters a word till its belly is full. Pr. Pr. 20 Jamais long nez n'a gate beau visage— A big nose never disfigured a handsome face, i.e., it is disfigured already. Pr. Pr. Jamais nous ne goutons de parfaite alle- gresse ; / Nos plus heureux succes sont meles de tristesse— We never taste happiness in perfection ; our most fortunate successes are mixed with sadness. CorneilU. Jamais on ne vaincra les Romains que dans Rome— The Romans will never be conquered except in Rome. Pr. Jamque opus exegi, quod nee Jovis ira, nee ignis, / Nee poterit ferrum, nee edax abolere vetustas — And now I have completed what neither the wrath of Jove, nor fire, nor the BWOrd, nor the corroding tooth of time will be able to destroy. Ovid. Janua? mentis— Inlets of knowledge {lit. gates of the mind). 25 Januis clausis With closed doors. Jardin des plantes— A botanical garden. Pr. Jasper fert myrrham, thus Melchior, Bal- thazar aurum. / Haec quicum secum portet tria nomina regum, / Solvitur a morbo, Domini pietate, caduco— Jasper brings myrrh, Melchior frankincense, and Balthazar gold. Whoever carries with him the names of these three kings (the three kings of Cologne, the Magi) will, by the grace of God, be exempt from the falling sickness. A Medianial charm. Je allseitiger, je individueller— The more uni- versal a man is, the greater he is as an indi- vidual. Mme. Varnhagen von Ense. Je cognois tout, fors que moy-mesme— I know everything except myself. Old Pr. Je crains Dieu, cher Abner, et n'ai pas d' autre 30 crainte— I fear God, Abner, and have no other fear. Racine. Je crains l'homme d'un seul livre— I am afraid of the man of one book. Thomas Aquinus. Je fetter der Floh, je magerer der Hund— The fatter the flee, the leaner the dog. Ger. Pr. Je jouis des ouvrages qui surpassent les miens — I enjoy works which surpass my own. La Harpe. Je laisse a. penser la vie ' Que firent ces deux amis — I leave you to imagine the festive time these two friends (the town mouse and the country mouse) had of it. La Fontaine. Je le tiens— I hold it. Hf. 35 Je m'en vais chercher un grand peut-etre : tirez le rideau, la farce est jouee— I am going in quest of a great perhaps ; let the curtain drop, the farce is played out. Rabelais, on his death- bed. Je m'en vais voir le soleil pour la derniere fois ! — I shall see the sun for the last time. Rons- scans last words. Je m'estonne fort pourquoy / La mort osa songer a moy / Qui ne songeais jamais a elle — I wonder greatly why death should con- descend to think of me, who never thought of her. Regnier. Je maintiendrai le droit— I will maintain the right. M. Je me fie en Dieu— I put my trust in God. M. 40 Je mehr der Brunnen gebraucht wird, desto mehr giebt er Wasser— The more the well is used, the more water it gives. (,',■>-. Pr. Je mehr Gesetze, je weniger Recht — The more laws, the less justice. Ger. Pr. Je mehr man das Ich versteckt, je mehr Welt hat man — The more we merge our I, the larger is our world. Hippel. Je mets en fait que, si tous les hommes sa- vaient ce qu'ils disent les tins des autres, il n'y aurait pas quatre amis dans le monde —I lay it down as beyond dispute that if eve iv one knew what every one said of another, there wotdd not be four friends in the world. Pascal. Je minder sich der Kluge selbst gefallt, / Urn 45 desto mehr schatzt ihn die Welt— The less the sage pleases himself, the more the world esteems him. Gcllcrt. Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parceque je n'ai pas en le loisir de la faire plus courte — I have made this (letter) a lather long one, only because I had not the leisure to make it shorter. Pascal. Je n'ai merite / Ni cet exces d'honneur ni cetto indignite — I have deserved neither so much honour nor such disgrace. CorneilU. JE N'AI [ 211 JEDEN Je n'ai point d'ennemis que ceux de l'etat— I have no enemies whatever but those of the state. Richelieu to his confessor on his death-bed. Je n'oublierai jamais— I will never forget. M. Je ne change qu'en mourant — I change only when I die. M. Je ne changerois pas mon repos pour tous les tresors du monde — I would not exchange my leisure hours for all the wealth in the world. S Je ne cherche qu'un— I seek but one. .]/. Je ne connais que trois moyens d'exister dans la societe : etre ou voleur, ou mendiant, ou salarie-I know only three means of subsisting in society : by stealing, begging, or receiving a salary. Mirabeau, to the Clergy. Je ne puis pas me refondre — I cannot change my opinion or purpose (lit. recast myself). Fr. Je ne sais quoi — I know not what. Fr. Je pense — I think. M. 10 Je pense plus— I think more. M. Je plie et ne romps pas— I bend, but don't break. La Font. Je prends mon bien ou je le trouve— I take my own where I find it. Moliere. Je sais a mon pot comment les autres bouillent — I can tell by my own pot how others boil. Fr. Pr. Je schoner die Wirthin, je schwerer die Zeche —The fairer the hostess the heavier the bill. Ger. Pr. 15 Je sens qu'il y a un Dieu, et je ne sens pas qu'il n'y en ait point ; cela me suffit— I feel there is a God, and I don't feel there is none ; that is enough for me. La Bntyere. Je suis assez semblable aux girouettes, qui ne se fixent que quand elles sont rouillees— I am like enough to the weathercocks, which don't veer only when they become rusty. Voltaire. Je suis oiseau, voyez mes ailes ! / Je suis souris ; vivent les rats — I am a bird, see my wing ! I am a mouse ; long live the rats. La Fontaine. Je suis pret— I am ready. M. Je suis riche des biens dont je sais me passer —I am rich in the goods that I can do without. Vigee. 20 Je t'aime d'autant plus que je t'estime moins— I love you all the more the less I esteem you. Colle Cocatrix. Je veux de bonne guerre— 1 am for fairplay in war. M. Je veux le droit— I mean to have my right. M. Je veux que, le dimanche, chaque paysan ait sa poule au pot- It is my wish that every peasant may have a fowl in his pot on Sundays. Henty IV. of France. Je vis en espoir — I live in hope. M. 25 Je vois, je sais, je crois, je suis desabuse — I see, I know, I believe, I am undeceived. Corneille. Je voudrais voir un homme sobre. modere, chaste, equitable prononcer qu'il n y-a Doint de Dieu ; il parlerait du moins sans interet ; mais cet homme ne se trouve point— I should like to see a man who is sober, moderate, chaste and just assert that there is no God ; he would speak disinterestedly at least, but such a man is not to be found. La Bruyere. Je vous apprendrai a vivre— I will teach you better manners {lit. to live). Fr. Pr. Je vous ferai voir de quel bois je me chauffe— I will let you see what metal I am made of (lit. with what wood I heat myself). Fr. Pr. Je weniger die Worte, je besser Gebet— The fewer the words, the better the prayer. Ger. Pr. Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, / 30 Seeking the bubble reputation / Even in the cannon's mouth. As Von Like It, ii. 7. Jealousy dislikes the world to know it. Byron. Jealousy / Hath in it an alchemic force to fuse / Almost into one metal love and hate. Tennyson. Jealousy is a painful passion ; yet without some share of it, the agreeable affection of love has difficulty to subsist in its full force and violence. Hume. Jealousy is always born with love, but it does not always die with it. La Roche. Jealousy is cruel as the grave ; the coals 35 thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Bible. Jealousy is love's bed of burning snarl. George Meredith. Jealousy is often the helpmate of sweet love. Kingsley. Jealousy is the forerunner of love, and some- times its awakener. /■'. Marion Ctauford. Jealousy is the rage of a man. Bible. Jealousy is the sister of love, as the devil is 40 the brother of the angel. Weber. Jealousy : ' It is the green-eyed monster that doth mock / The meat it feeds on. Othello, iii. 2. Jealousy lives upon doubts ; it becomes mad- ness or ceases entirely as soon as we pass from doubt to certainty. La Roche. Jean a etudie pour etre bete — John has been to college to learn to be a fool. Fr. Pr. Jean s'en alia comme il etait venu — John went away as he came. La Fontaine's epitaph, "writ- ten by himself. Jeddart justice : First hang a man, and syne 45 (then) try him. Sc. Pr. Jede grosse Zeit erfasst den ganzen Menschen — Every great epoch seizes possession of the whole man. Mommsen. Jede Macht, welche wir iiber andere Gegen- stande ausiiben, hangt von der Macht ab, die wir iiber uns selbst besitzen — All the power which we, in every case, exercise over other objects depends on the power we have over ourselves. Cb't7'6's. Jede That der Weltgeschichte / Zeugt auch wieder eine That — Every deed in the history of the world begets another deed in turn. Arnold Schlonbach. Jede Unthat, /Tragt ihren eig^ien Racheengel schon, / Die bose Hoffnung unter ihrem Herzen — Every evil deed already bears its own avenging angel, the dread of evil, in the heart of it. Schiller. Jedem das Seine ist nicht zu viel— To no one is 50 his own too much. Ger. Pr. Jedem redlichen Bemiihn / Sei Beharrlichkeit verliehn. Be perseverance vouchsafed to every honest endeavour. Goethe. Jeden anderen Meister erkennt man an dem, was er ausspricht ; was er weiss, ver- schweigt, zeigt mir den Meister des Styls — Every other master may be known by what he expresses ; what he wisely suppresses reveals to me the master of style. Schiller. JEDER [ 212 ] JEUNE Jeder ausserordentliche Mensch hat eine gewisse Sendung, die er zu vollfiihren beru- fenist — Every man above the ordinary has a certain mission which he is called to fulfil. Goetlic. Jeder freut sich seiner Stelle, /Bietet dem Ver- achter Trutz — Every one is proud of his office, and bids defiance to the scorner. Schiller. Jeder gilt so viel als er hat — Every one is worth as much as he has. Ger. Pr. Jeder ist seiner Worte bester Ausleger — Every one is the best interpreter of his own words. Ger. Pr. 5 Jeder Jiingling sehnt sich so zu lieben. / Jedes Madchen so geliebt zu sein : / Ach, der hei- ligste von unsern Trieben / Warum quillt aus ihm die grimme Pein ? — The youth longs so to love, the maiden so to be loved ; ah ! why does there spring out of this holiest of all our instincts such agonising pain ? Goethe. Jeder Kramer lobt seine Ware — Every dealer cracks up his wares. Ger. Pr. Jeder Mensch muss nach seiner Weise denken : denn er findet auf seinem Wege immer ein Wahres, oder eine Art von Wahrem, die ihm durchs Leben hilft ; nur darf er sich nicht gehen lassen ; er muss sich controliren ; der blosse nackte Instinct geziemt nicht dem Menschen — Every man must think in his own way ; for on his own pathway he always finds a truth, or a measure of truth, which is helpful to him in his life ; only he must not follow his own bent without restraint ; he must control himself; to follow mere naked instinct does not beseem a man. Goethe. Jeder Morgen ruft zu, das Gehorige zu thun, und das Mogliche zu erwarten — We are sum- moned every morning to do what it requires of us, and to expect what it may bring. Goethe. Jeder muss der Natur seine Schuld bezahlen — Every one must pay his debt to Nature. Ger. Pr. 10 Jeder muss ein Paar Narrenschuhe zerreissen, zerreisst er nicht mehr — Every one must wear out one pair of fool's shoes, if he wear out no more. Ger. Pr. Jeder, sieht man ihn einzeln, ist leidlich klug und verstandig ; / Sind sie in corpori, gleich wird euch ein Dummkopf daraus — Every man, as we see him singly, is tolerably wise and intel- ligent ; but see him in a corporate capacity, and you think him a born blockhead and fool. Schiller. Jeder stirbt / Und sterben ist die grosste That fiir jedem — Every one dies, and for every one to die is his greatest act. L. Scliefcr. Jeder Tag hat seine Plage / Und die Nacht hat ihre Lust — Every day has its torment, and the night has its pleasure. Philina, in Goethe. Jeder Weg zum rechten Zwecke / Ist auch recht in jeder Strecke— Every road to the right end is also right in every stretch (step or turn) of it. Goethe. 15 Jeder Zustand, ja jeder Augenblick, ist von unendlichem Werth, denn er ist der Repra- sentant einer ganzen Ewigkeit— Every con- dition, nay, every moment, is of infinite value, for it is the representative of a whole eternity. Goethe. Jedes ausgesprochene Wort erregt den Eigen- sinn— Every uttered {fit. outspoken) word rouses our self-will. Goethe. Jedes Weib will lieber schdn als fromm sein — Every woman would rather be handsome than pious. Ger. Pr. Jedes Weibes / Fehler ist des Mannes Schuld — The husband is to blame for the fault of the wife (in every case). Herder. Jedwede Tugend / Ist fleckenrein bis auf den Augenblick , Der Probe — Every virtue is stain- less up to the moment of trial. Schiller. Jedwede Zeit hat ihre Wehen— Every time has 20 its sorrows. Freiligrath. Jedweder ist des dunkeln Schicksals Knecht— Every one is dark fate's thrall. Schillerbuch. Jeer not others upon any occasion. South. Jeerers must be content to taste of their own broth. Pr. Jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit — The hijngry stomach rarely scorns plain fare. Hor. Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked. Bible. 25 Jess would have been an omnivorous reader of books had it not been her conviction that reading was idling. George Eliot. Jest not with the eye, nor religion. Pr. Jest so that it may not become earnest. Sfi. Pr. Jest with an ass, and he will flap you in the face with his tail. Pr. Jest with your equals. Dan. Pr. 30 Jesters do oft prove prophets. King- Lear, v. 3. Jesting brings serious sorrows. Pr. Jesting lies bring serious sorrows. Pr. Jesting Pilate, asking, " What is truth ? " had not the smallest chance to ascertain it. He could not have known it had a god shown it to him. Carlyle. Jesus Christ belonged to the true race of pro- 35 phets. He saw with open eye the mystery of the soul. Drawn by its severe harmony, ravished with its beauty, He lived in it, and had His being there. Emerson. Jesus hominum salvator — Jesus the Saviour of men. M. Jesus of Nazareth, and the life He lived and the death He died ;— through this, as through a miraculous window, the heaven of Martyr Heroism, the "divine depths of sorrow," of noble labour, and the unspeakable silent ex- panses of eternity, first in man's history dis- close themselves. Carlyle. Jesus of Nazareth was not poor, though He had not where to lay His head. (?) Jesus speaks always from within, and in a degree that transcends all others. In that is the miracle. Emerson. Jet d'eau— A jet of water. Fr. 40 Jeter le manche apres la cognee — To throw the helve after the hatchet. Fr. Pr. Jetzt giebt es keine Riesen mehr ; Gewalt / Ist fiir den Schwachen jederzeit ein Riese — There are no more any giants now ; for the weak, force is a giant at all times. Schiller. Jeu d'enfant -Child's play. Fr. Jeu de hazard— Game of chance. Fr. Jeu de mains, jeu de vilain — Horse-play, or 45 practical joking, is vulgar. Fr, Jeu de mots—Quibble ; pun. Fr. Jeu de theatre - Stage-trick ; clap-trap. Fr. Jeune chirurgien, vieux medecin — A surgeon (should be) young, a physician old. Fr. Pr. y JEUNE [ 213 ] JUCUNDUM Jeune, et dans lage heureux qui meconnait la crainte — Young, and at that happy age which knows no fear. Fr. Jeune, on conserve pour sa vieillesse ; vieux, on epargne pour la mort — In youth men save for old age ; in old age, they hoard for death. La Bruyere. Jewels five words long, / That on the stretch'd forefinger of all time / Sparkle for ever. Tennyson. Jo sedlere Blod, jo mindre Hovmod — The nobler the blood, the less the pride. Dan. Pr. 5 Jo argere Skalk, je bedre Lykke — The greater knave, the better luck. Dan. Pi: Jo mere af Lov, jo mindre af Ret — The more by law, the less by right. Dan. Pr. Joan is as good as my lady in the dark. Pr. John Gilpin kiss'd his loving wife ; / O'erjoy'd was he to find / That, though on pleasure she was bent, / She had a frugal mind. Cowfier. Johnsons are rare ; yet, Boswells are perhaps still rarer. Carlyle. 10 Join hands with God to make a man to live. George Herbert. Joindre les mains, e'est bien ; les ouvrir, e'est mieux — To fold the hands (in prayer) is well ; to open them (in charity) is better. Fr. Pr. Joke at your leisure ; ye kenna wha may jibe yoursel'. Sc. Pr. Joke with a slave, and he'll soon show his heels. Ar. Pr. Jong rijs is te buigen, maar geen oude boomen — Young twigs will bend, but not old trees. Did. Pr. 15 Jonge lui, domme lui ; oude lui, koude lui — Young folk, silly folk; old folk, cold folk. Did. Pr. Jouk and let the jaw (or jaup) gae by, i.e., duck and let the dash of dirty water pass over you. Sc. Pr. Jour de fete — Holiday. Fr. Jour de ma vie — The day of my life. M. Jour gras — Flesh day. Fr. 20 Jour maigre — Fish day. Fr. Journal pour rire — Comic journal. Fr. Journalists are like little dogs ; whenever any- thing stirs they immediately begin to bark. Schopenhauer. Journeys end in lovers' meeting, / Every wise man's son doth know. Twelfth Night, ii. 3. Jove tonante cum populo agi non est fas — When Jove thunders there must be no parleying with the people. Cic. 25 Jovis omnia plena — All things are full of Jove, i.e., of the deity. Virg. Joy? a moon by fits reflected in a swamp or watery bog. Wordsworth. Joy and grief are never far apart. Wilhnott. Joy and sorrow / Are to-day and to-morrow. Pr. Joy descends gently upon us like the evening dew, and does not patter down like a hail- storm. Jean Paul. 30 Joy has this in common with pain, that it robs men of reason. Platen. Joy, in a changeable subject, must necessarily change as the subject changeth. S. Bern. Joy is a guest who generally comes uninvited. Schopenhauer. Joy is a sunbeam between two clouds. Mmc. Deluzy. Joy is as a raiment fine, / Spun of magic threads divine ; / Which as you are in act to don, / The wearer and the robe are gone. Sophocles. Joy is buyable — by forsaking all that a man 35 hath. Rtiskin. Joy is like the ague ; one good day between two bad ones. Dan. Pr. Joy is more divine than sorrow ; for joy is bread, and sorrow is medicine. Ward Beecher. Joy is the best of wine. George Eliot. Joy is the mainspring in the whole round of universal Nature ; joy moves the wheels of the great timepiece of the world ; she it is that loosens flowers from their buds, suns from their firmaments, rolling spheres in distant space not seen by the glass of the astronomer. Schiller. Joy is the sweet voice, joy the luminous cloud. 40 Coleridge. Joy may elevate, ambition glorify, but sorrow alone can consecrate. Horace Greely. Joy must have sorrow ; sorrow, joy. Goethe. Joy never feasts so high as when the first course is of misery. Suckling. Joy ruled the day and love the night. Dry- den. Joy shared is joy doubled. Goethe. 45 Joy surfeited turns to sorrow. Pr. Joy wholly from without is false, precarious and short. Joy from within is like smelling the rose on the tree ; it is more sweet, and fair, and lasting. 1 'oung. Joy's a subtle elf; / I think man's happiest when he forgets himself. Cyril Tourneur. Joys are for the gods ; / Man's common course of nature is distress ; / His joys are prodi- gies ; and like them too. Portend approach- ing ill. The wise man starts / And trembles at the perils of a bliss. 1 'oung. Joys are our wings, sorrows are our spurs. 50 Jean Paul. Joys carried too far change into sorrows. Justin Berturh. Joy's recollection is no longer joy, while sorrow's memory is a sorrow still. Byron. Joys shared with others are more enjoyed. Pr. Joys, tender and true, / Yet all with wings. Proctor. Joyful to live, yet not afraid to die. Prior. 55 Joyfulness (Freudigkeit) is the mother of all virtues. Goethe. Jubilate Deo — Be joyful in the Lord. Jucunda est memoria praeteritorum malorum — The recollection of past miseries is pleasant. Cic. Jucunda et idonea dicere vitas — To describe what is pleasant and suited for life. Hor. Jucunda rerum vicissitudo — A delightful change 60 of circumstances. Jucundi acti labores— It is pleasant to think of labours that are past. Cic. Jucundum et carum sterilis facit uxor amicum — A wife who has no children makes (to her hus- band's heirs) a dear and engaging friend. Juv. JUDEX [ 214 ] JURADO Judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitor— The judge is found guilty when a criminal is acquitted. Pub. Syr. Judex non potest esse testis in propria causa — A judge cannot be a witness in his own cause. Coke. Judge before friendship, then confide till death, / Well for thy friend, but nobler far for thee. ] 'oung. Judge me, ye powers ; let fortune tempt or frown, I am prepared ; my honour is my own. Lansdowm. 5 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. Jesus. Judge not of men and things at first sight. Pr. Judge not, that ye be not judged. Jesus. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, / But trust Him for His grace. Cowper. Judge not the play before the play is done : / Her plot has many changes ; every day ' Speaks a new scene ; the last act crowns the play. Quarles. 10 Judge not the preacher. . . . Do not grudge / To pick out treasures from an earthen pot. / The worst speak something good ; if all want sense, / God takes a text and preacheth patience. George Herbert. Judge of the pleasure of the heart by the pleasure of the eye. Bacon. Judge thou me by what I am, / So shalt thou find me fairest. Tennyson. Judge thyself with a judgment of sincerity, and thou wilt judge others with a judgment of charity. Mason. Judges and senates have been bought for gold ; / Esteem and love were never to be sold. Pope. 15 Judges are but men, and are swayed, like other men, by vehement prejudices. D. Dudley Field. Judges ought to be more learned than witty, more reverent than plausible, and more ad- vised than confident. Above all things, in- tegrity is their portion and proper virtue. Bacon. Judgment for an evil thing is many times de- layed some day or two, some century or two, but it is sure as life, it is sure as death. Carlyle. Judgment is forced upon us by experience. Johnson. Judgment is not a swift-growing plant ; it requires time and culture to mature it. //. Ballon. 20 Judgment is turned away backward, and jus- tice standeth afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Bible. Judgment must sway the feelings and keep them in their right place, or harm will be done where good was intended. Spurgcon. Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools. Bible. Judgments that are made on the wrong side of the danger amount to no more than an affectation of skill, without either credit or effect. V Estrange. Judicandum est legibus, non exemplis— Judg- ment should be given according to law and not precedent. L. 25 Judicata res pro veritate accipitur A matter that lias been adjudged is received as true. L. Judice te mercede caret, per seque petenda est / Externis virtus incomitata bonis — In your judgment virtue needs no reward, and is to be sought for her own sake, unaccompanied by external benefits. Ovid. Judicia Dei sunt ita recondita ut quis ilia scrutari nullatenus possit — The purposes of God are so abstruse that no one can possibly scrutinise them. Cic. Judicio acri perpendere — To weigh with a keen judgment. Lucret. Judicious persons will think all the less of us because of the ill-judged praises of our silly friends. Spurgeon. Judicis est innocentiae subvenire — It is the duty 30 of the judge to support innocence. Cic. Judicis est judicare secundum allegata et pro- bata — It is the judge's duty to decide in accord- ance with what is alleged and proved. L. Judicis est jus dicere non dare — It is the judge's duty to enunciate the law, not to make it. L. Judicis officium est, ut res, ita tempora rerum quserere — It is the judge's duty to inquire into not only the facts, but the circumstances. Ovid. Judicium a non suo judice datum nullius est momenti — Judgment given by a judge in a matter outside his jurisdiction is of no legal force. L. Judicium Dei — The judgment of God (as by 35 ordeal). Judicium parium aut leges terras — The judg- ment of our peers or the laws of the land. L. Judicium subtile videndis artibus — A judgment nice in discriminati ig works of art. Hor. Jugez un homme par ses questions, plutot que par ses reponses — Judge of a man by his ques- tions rather than his answers. Fr. Jugulare mortuos — To stab the dead ; to slay the slain. Pr. Juncta juvant — Trivial things when united aid 40 each other. Junctaeque Nymphis Gratiae decentes — The beauteous Graces linked hand in hand with the nymphs. Hor. Junge Faullenzer, alte Bettler— A young idler makes an old beggar. Ger. Pr. Junger Spieler, alter Bettler— Young a gam- bler, old a beggar. Ger. Pr. Jungere dextras — To join right hands ; to shake hands. I irg. Jungere equos Titan velocibus imperat Horis 45 — Titan commands the swift-flying Hours to yoke the horses of the sun. Ovid. Juniores ad labores — The younger men for labours, i.e., the heavier burdens. Jupiter est quodcunque vides, quocunque moveris — Whatever you see, wherever you turn, there is Jupiter (Deity). I.ucan. Jupiter in multos temeraria fulmina torquet, / Qui pcenam culpa non meruere pati— Jupiter hurls his reckless thunderbolts against many who have not guiltily deserved such punishment. Ovid. Jupiter tonans — The thunderer Jove. Jura negat sibi nata, nihil non arrogat armis 50 — He says that laws were not framed for him ; he claims everything by force of arms. Hor. Jurado ha el vano de lo negro no hacer bianco - The bath has sworn not to wash the black man white. Sp. Pr. JURARE [ 215 ] JUSTICE Jurare in verba magistri — To swear by the words of the master. Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero — I have sworn with my tongue, but I bear a mind un- sworn. Cic. Jure divino — By Divine right, or ordination of heaven. Jure humano — By human law, or the will of the people. 5 Jure, non dono— By right, not by gift. M. Jure representations — By right of representa- tion. L. Jurgia praecipue vino stimulata caveto— Above all, avoid quarrels excited by wine. Ovid. Juris utriusque doctor — Doctor of both laws, civil and canon. Juristen, bose Christen— Jurists are bad Chris- tians. Ger. Pr. 10 Jus civile — The civil or Roman law. Jus civile neque inflecti gratia, neque perfringi potentia, neque adulterari pecunia debet — The law ought neither to be warped by favour, nor broken through by power, nor corrupted by money. Cic. Jus commune — The common or customary law. Jus devolutum — A devolved right, specially of a presbytery in Scotland to present to a bene- fice, the patron having failed to do so. L. Jus et norma loquendi — The law and rule of language. 15 Jus gentium — The law of nations, as the basis of their international relations. Jus gladii — The right of the sword. Jus in re — A real right. L. Jus omnium in omnia, et consequenter bellum omnium in omnes — The right of all to every- thing, and therefore of all to make war on all. Hobbes. Jus mariti — The right of a husband. L. 20 Jus postliminii — The law of recovery of forfeited rights. L. Jus primogeniturae — The right of primogeniture. L. Jus proprietatis— The right of property. L. Jus regium — Royal right, or right of the Crown. L. Jus sanguinis — The right of consanguinity, or blood. L. 25 Jus summum saepe summa malitia est — Ex- treme law is often extreme wrong. Per. Jusqu'ou les hommes ne se portent-ils point par l'interet de la religion, dont ils sont si peu persuades, et qu'ils pratiquent si mal ? — To what excesses are not men carried in the in- terest of a religion of which they have little or no faith, and which they so badly practise? La Bruyere. Just a kind word and a_ yielding manner, and anger and complaining may be avoided. Spurgeon. Just a path that is sure, / Thorny or not, / And a heart honest and pure / Keeping the path that is sure, / That be my lot. Dr. IV. Smith. Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Bible. 30 Just are the ways of God, / And justifiable to men ; / Unless there be who think not God at all. Milton. Just as a moth gnaws a garment, so doth envy consume a man. St. Chrysostom. Just as "dirt is something in its wrong place," so social evils are mainly wrong applications of right powers. H. Willett. Just as gymnastic exercise is necessary to keep the body healthy, so is musical exer- cise necessary to keep the soul healthy ; the proper nourishment of the intellect and pas- sions can no more take place without music than the proper functions of the stomach and the blood without exercise. Plato, interpreted by Kits kin. Just as the flint contains the spark, unknown to itself, which the steel alone can wake into life, so adversity often reveals to us hidden gems which prosperity or negligence would cause for ever to lie hid. Billings. Just at the age 'twixt boy and youth, / When 35 thought is speech, and speech is truth. Scott. Just enou', and nae mair, like Janet Howie's shearers' meat. Sc. Pr. Just hatred of scoundrels, fixed, irreconcilable, inexorable enmity to the enemies of God ; this, and not love of them, is the backbone of any religion whatsoever, let alone the Christian. Carlyle. Just knows, and knows no more, her Bible true,/ A truth the brilliant Frenchman never knew. Coivper. Just laws are no restraint upon the freedom of the good, for the good man desires nothing which a just law will interfere with. Fronde. Just plain duty to know, / Irksome or not, / 40 And truer and better to grow / In doing the duty I know, / That I have sought. Dr. W Smith. Justa razon enganar el enganador — It is fair to cheat the cheater. Sp. Pr. Justas causae facilis est defensio — The defence of a just cause is easy. Juste milieu — Right medium. M. of the govern- ment of Louis Philippe. Justi ut sidera fulgent — The just shine as the stars. 71/. Justice always is, whether we define or not. 45 Everything done, suffered, or proposed in Parliament, or out of it, is either just or un- just ; either is accepted by the gods and eternal facts, or is rejected by them. Car- lyle. Justice and humanity have been fighting their way, like a thunderstorm, against the or- ganised selfishness of human nature. God has given manhood but one clue to success — utter and exact justice. Wendell Phillips. Justice and judgment are the habitation of God's throne. Bible. Justice and reverence are the everlasting central law of this universe. Carlyle. Justice and truth alone are capable of being "conserved" and preserved. Carlyle. Justice and truth are two points of such ex- 50 quisite delicacy, that our coarse and blunted instruments will not touch them accurately. Pascal. Justice consists in doing no injury to men ; decency in giving no offence. Cic. Justice consists mainly in the granting to every human being due aid in the development of such faculties as it possesses for action and enjoyment, . . . taking most pains with the best material. Riiskin. JUSTICE [ 216 ] KALTE Justice gives sentence many times / On one man for another's crimes. Butler. Justice (such as Giotto represents her) has no bandage about her eyes, and weighs not with scales, but with her own hands ; and weighs, not merely the shares and remunerations of men, but the worth of them ; and finding them worth this or that, gives them what they deserve— death or honour. Kuskin. Justice is always violent to the party offending, for every man is innocent in his own eyes. Daniel Defoe. Justice is blind ; he knows nobody. Dryden. 5 Justice is conformity to what the Maker has seen good to make. Carlyle. Justice is lame as well as blind among us. Otiuay. Justice is love's order. /. M. Gibbon. Justice is not postponed. A perfect equality ad- justs its balance in all parts of life. Emerson. Justice is the bread of the nation ; it is always hungry for it. Chateaubriand. 10 Justice is the first virtue of those who com- mand, and stops the complaints of those who obey. Didci ot. Justice is the freedom of those who are equal. Injustice is the freedom of those who are un- equal. Jacobi. Justice is the great end of civil society. Dud- ley Field. Justice is the keynote of the world, and all else is ever out of tune. Theod. Parker. Justice is the whole secret of success in govern- ments ; as absolutely essential to the train- ing of an infant as to the control of a mighty nation. Simms. 15 Justice is truth in action. Disraeli. Justice, like lightning, ever shall appear, / To few men's ruin, but to all men's fear. Swet- naiu. Justice may be furnished out of fire, as far as her sword goes ; and courage may be all over a continual blaze. Addison. Justice must and will be done. Carlyle. Justice of thought and style, refinement in manners, good breeding, and politeness of every kind, can come only from the trial and experience of what is best. Duncan. 20 Justice pleaseth few in their own house. Dr. Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone. Emerson. Justice, self-command, and true thought are our salvation. Plato. Justice, the miracle-worker among men. John Bright. Justice were cruel weakly to relent ; / From Mercy's self she got her sacred glaive : Grace be to those who can and will repent ; / But penance long and dreary to the slave. Thomson. 25 Justice, while she winks at crimes, / Stumbles on innocence sometimes. Butler. Justice without power is inefficient ; power without justice is tyranny. Pascal. Justice without wisdom is impossible. Fronde. Justicia, mas no por mi casa — Justice by all means, but not in my own house. SJ>. Pr. Justissimus unus / Et servantissimus aequi - Just and observant of what is right, as no Other is. Virg. Justitia erga Deum religio dicitur ; erga pa- 30 rentes pietas — The discharge of our duty towards God is called religion ; towards our parents, piety. Cic. Justitia est constans et perpetua voluntas jus suum cuique tribuendi— Justice is the constant and unswerving desire to render to every man his own. Just. Justitia est obtemperatio scriptis legibus— Justice is conformity to the written laws. Cic. Justitia et pax— Justice and peace. M. Justitia nihil expetit praemii— Justice seeks no reward. Cic. Justitia non novit patrem nee matrem, solum 35 veritatem spectat— Justice knows neither father nor mother ; it regards the truth alone. L. Justitia tanta vis est, ut ne illi quidem, qui maleficio et scelere pascuntur, possint sine ulla particula justitiae vivere — There is such force in justice, that those even who live by crime and wickedness cannot live without some small portion of it among them. Cic. Justitia virtutum regina— Justice is the queen of virtues. M. Justitiae partes sunt, non violare homines yerecundiae non offendere— It is the office of justice to injure no man ; of propriety, to offend none. Cic. Justitiae soror fides— Faith the sister of justice. M. Justitiae tenax— Tenacious of justice. M. 40 Justum bellum quibus necessarium, et pia arma quibus nulla nisi in armis relinquitur spes — War is just to those to whom it is necessary ; and to take up arms is a sacred duty with those who have no other hope left. Livy. Justum et tenacem propositi virum, / Non civium ardor prava jubentium, / Non vultus instantis tyranni / Mente quatit solida— Not the rage of the citizens commanding wrongful measures, not the aspect of the threatening tyrant, can _ shake from his firm purpose the man who is just and resolute. Hor. Justus propositi tenax— A just man steadfast to his purpose. Hor. Justus ut palma florebit— The just shall flourish as a palm tree. U. Juvante Deo— By the help of God. M. 45 Juvenile yitium regere non posse impetum— It is the failing of youth not to be able to restrain its own violence. Sen. K. Ka.8fx.eta viay—A Cadrnsean victory, i.e., one in which the conquerors suffer as much as the con- quered. Kcti tovto toi t' avSpeiou, i) TrpopiTjOia — And forethought too is a manly virtue. Euripides. Kaipdv yvQOi— Know your opportunity. Pitta- chits, one of the seven sages of Greece. Kuk6i> &l>ay Ktuov— A necessary evil. 50 KaKOV k6p. Pr. Kill no more than you can salt. Pan. Pr. Kin or no kin, evil to him who has nothing. //. Pr. Kind hearts are more than coronets, and simple faith than Norman blood. Tennyson. Kind words are worth much and they cost 35 little. Pr. Kind words don't wear the tongne. Dan. Pr. Kind words prevent a good deal of that per- verseness which rough and imperious usage often produces in generous minds. Locke. Kindle not a fire that you cannot extinguish, Pr. Kindliness decreases when money is in ques- tion. Hausemann. Kindness by secret sympathy is tied; / For 40 noble souls in nature are allied. Drydcn. Kindness canna aye lie on ae side o' the hoose. Sc. Pr. Kindness comes o' will ; it canna be coft (bought). Sc. Pr. Kindness has resistless charms ; / All things else but weakly move ; Fiercest anger it disarms, / And clips the wings of flying love. Rochester. Kindness, in act at least, is in our power, but fondness is not. Johnson. Kindness in us is the honey that blunts the 45 sting of unkindness in another. Landor. Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, shall win my love. Tarn, the Shrew, iv. 2. Kindness is a good tiling in itself. Johnson. Kindness is lost upon an ungrateful man. Pr. Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. Goethe. Kindness is virtue itself. Lamartine. 50 KINDNESS [ 219 ] KNOW Kindness, nobler ever than revenge. As Vou Like It, iv. 3. Kindness out of season destroys authority. Saadi. Kindness overcomes a' dislike. Sc. Pr. Kindness will creep whaur it canna gang. Sc. Pr. 5 Kindnesses, like grain, increase by sowing. Pr. Kindnesses misplaced are nothing but a curse and a disservice. Ennius. Kindred weaknesses induce friendship as often as kindred virtues, Bovee. Kings alone are no more than single men. Pr. Kings and bears aft worry their keepers. Sc. Pr. 10 Kings and their subjects, masters and slaves, find a common level in two places — at the foot of the cross and in the grave. Colton. Kings are but the slaves of their position ; they dare not follow what their own hearts dictate. Schiller. Kings are like stars ; they rise and set ; they have / The worship of the world, but no re- pose. Shelley. Kings are said to have long arms ; but every man should have long arms, and should pluck his living, his instruments, his power, and his knowing from the sun, moon, and stars. Emerson. Kings are willing to be aided, but not sur- passed. Grattan. 15 Kings' caff (chaff) is better than ither folk's corn, i.e., perquisites in his service are better than the wages others give. Sc. Pr. Kings' cheese gangs half awa' in parings, i.e., in the expense of collecting it. Sc. Pr. Kings chiefly in this should imitate God ; their mercy should be above all their works. Win. Pcnn. Kings do with men as with pieces of money ; they give them what value they please, and we are obliged to receive them at their cur- rent, and not at their real value. La Roche. Kings fight for empires, madmen for applause. Dryden. 20 Kings hae long lugs (ears). Sc. Pr. Kings have long arms. Pr. Kings may be bless'd, but Tarn was glorious, / O'er a' the ills o' life victorious. Burns. Kings ought to be kings in all things. Adrian. Kings ought to shear, not skin their sheep. Herrick. 25 Kings' titles commonly begin by force, /Which time wears off, and mellows on to right. Dryden. Kings who affect to be familiar with their companions make use of men as they do of oranges, which, when they have well sucked, they throw away. Alva. Kings will be tyrants from policy, when sub- jects are rebels from principle. Burke. Kings wish to be absolute, and they are some- times told that the best way to become so is to make themselves beloved by the people ; but the maxim, unhappily, is laughed at in court. Rousseau. Kiss (a) from my mother made me a painter. Ben. West. Kisses are like grains of gold or silver found 30 upon the ground, of no value themselves, but precious as showing what a mine is near. George I "illiers. Kisses are pledges and incentives of love. c otton. Kisses are the messengers of love. Dan. Pr, Kissing goes by favour. Pr. Klein gewin brengt rijkdom in — Small gains bring riches in. Ditt. Pr. Kleine Diebe henkt man, grosse lasst man 35 laufen — We hang little thieves, but we let big ones off. Ger. Pr. Kleine Diebe henkt man, vor grossen zieht man den Hut ab — We hang little thieves, and doff our hats to big ones. Ger. Pr. Kleine Feinde und kleine Wunden sind nicht zu verachten — Paltry enemies and trifling wounds are not to be despised. Ger. Pr. Kleine Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft — Little gifts keep friendship green. Montes- quieu. Kleiner Profit und oft, ist besser wie grosser und selten — Slender profits and often aie better than large ones and seldom. Ger. Pr. Kluge Manner suchen wirthliche Frauen — 40 Prudent men woo thrifty women — Ger. Pr. Knave ! because thou strikest as a knight ; / Being but knave, I hate thee all the more. '1 e nny son. Knavery is supple, and can bend, but honesty is firm and upright, and yields not. Collier. Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long-run. Pr. Knavery's plain face is never seen till used. Othello, ii. 1. Knaves easily believe that others are like 45 themselves ; they can hardly be deceived, and they do not deceive others for any length of time. La Bi uyire. Knaves starve not in the land of fools. Churchill. Knaves will thrive when honest plainness knows not how to live. Shirley. Kneeling ne'er spoiled silk stockings ; quit thy state ; / All equal are within the church's gate. George Herbert. Know ere thou hint, and then thou may'st slack : / If thou hint ere thou know, then it is too late. Pr. Know, fools only trade by the eye. Quarles. 50 Know from the bounteous heaven all riches flow ; / And what man gives, the gods by man bestow. Po/e. Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong. Longfellow. Know, Nature's children all divide her care ; / The fur that warms a monarch warm d a bear. PoJ>e. Know of a truth that only the time-shadows have perished or are perishable ; that the real being of whatever was, and whatever is, and whatever will be, is even now and for ever. Carlyle. Know that nothing can so foolish be I As 55 empty boldness. George Herbert. Know that the loudest roar of the million is not fame ; that the wind bag, are ye mad enough to mount it, will burst, or be shot through with arrows, and your bones too shall act as scarecrows. Carlyle. KNOW [ 220 ] KNOWLEDGE Know then this truth (enough for man to know), / Virtue alone is happiness below. Pope. Know then thyself ; presume not God to scan ; / The proper study of mankind is man. Pope. Know thy thought — believe it — front heaven and earth with it, in whatsoever words nature and art have made readiest for thee. Carlyle. Know thyself, for through thyself only thou canst know God. Ruskin. 5 Know whom to honour, and emulate, and follow ; know whom to dishonour and avoid, and coerce under hatches, as a foul rebel- lious thing — this is all the Law and all the Prophets. Carlyle. Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God ? St. James. Know ye not who would be free themselves must strike the blow ? / By their right arms the conquest must be wrought. Byron. Know ye the land where the cypress and myrtle / Are emblems of deeds that are done in their clime ; / Where the rage of the vulture, the love of the turtle, / Now melt into sorrow, now madden to crime ? Byron. Knowing I loved my books, he furnished me / From mine own library with volumes that / I prize above my dukedom. Tempest, i. 2. 10 Knowing is seeing. Locke. Know'st thou yesterday, its aim and reason ; / Work'st thou well to-day for worthy things ; / Calmly wait the morrow's hidden season ; / Need'st not fear what hap soe'er it brings. Carlyle, after Goethe. Knowledge advances by steps, and not by leaps. Macaulay. Knowledge always desires increase ; it is like fire, which must first be kindled by some ex- 1 ternal agent, but which will afterwards pro- pagate itself. Johnson. Knowledge and timber should not be much used until they are seasoned. Holmes. 15 Knowledge and Wisdom, far from being one, / Have ofttimes no connection. Knowledge dwells / In heads replete with thoughts of other men ; / Wisdom, in minds attentive to their own. Cowper. Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous. Plato. Knowledge being to be had only of visible and certain truth, error is not a fault of our knowledge, but a mistake of our judg- ment, giving assent to that which is not true. Lo. ke. Knowledge by rote is no knowledge, it is only • a retention of what has been intrusted to the memory. Montaigne. Knowledge by suffering entereth, / And life is perfected by death. E. B. Browning. 20 Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. Tenny- son. Knowledge comes from experience alone. Car- lyle. Knowledge conquered by labour becomes a possession — a property entirely our own. S. Smiles. Knowledge descries alone, wisdom applies ; / That makes some fools, this makecli none but wise. Qua>lcs. Knowledge exists to be imparted. Emerson. Knowledge has its penalties and pains as 25 well as its prizes. Bulwer Lytton. Knowledge hath a bewildering tongue, and she will stoop and lead you to the stars, and witch you with her mysteries, till gold is a forgotten dross, and power and fame toys of an hour, and woman's careless love light as the breath that breaks it. Willis. Knowledge humbleth the great man, aston- isheth the common man, and puffeth up the little man. Pr. Knowledge in music is in the thinking, and not in memorising. //. E. Holt. Knowledge introduceth man to acquaintance ; and, as the humble stream to the ocean, so doth it conduct him into the hard-ac- quired presence of the prince, whence for- tune floweth. Hitopadesa. Knowledge is a perennial spring of wealth, 30 . . . and of itself is riches. Saatii. Knowledge is a retreat and shelter for us in advanced age ; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. Chesterfield. Knowledge is as food, and needs no less / Her temp'rance over appetite, to know / In measure what the mind may well contain, / Oppresses else with surfeit, and soon turns / Wisdom to folly, as nourishment to wind. Milton. Knowledge is boundless ; human capacity limited. Chamfort. Knowledge is easy unto him that under- standeth. Bible. Knowledge is escape from ones self. (?) 35 Knowledge is essential to freedom. Channing. Knowledge is just like the sun in the heavens, inviting us to noble deeds and lighting our path. M. Haivey. Knowledge is like current coin. A man may have some right to be proud of possessing it, (only) if he has worked for the gold of it, and assayed it, and stamped it, so that it may be received of all men as true, or earned it fairly, being already assayed, Ruskin. Knowledge is more than equivalent to force. Bacon. Knowledge is most surely engraved on brains 40 well prepared for it. Rousseau. Knowledge is no burden. Pr. Knowledge is not an inert and passive prin- ciple, which comes to us whether we will or no ; but it must be sought before it can be won ; it is the product of great labour, and therefore of great sacrifice. Buckie. Knowledge is not education, and can neither make us happy nor rich. R 11 shin. Knowledge is not happiness, and science but an exchange of ignorance for that which is another kind of ignorance. Byron. Knowledge is of things we see ; ' And yet we 45 trust it comes from thee, A beam in dark- ness ; let it grow. 'Tennyson. Knowledge is power. Bacon. Knowledge is proud that he has learn'd so much ; / Wisdom is humble that he knows no more. Cowper. Knowledge is that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another Addison. KNOWLEDGE [ 221 1 L'AFFAIRE Knowledge is the consequence of time, and multitude of days are fittest to teach wis- dom. Jeremy Collier. Knowledge is the excellency of man, whereby he is usually differenced from the brute. Swinnock. Knowledge is the knowing that we cannot know. Emerson. Knowledge is the material with which genius builds her fabrics. Bryant. 5 Knowledge is the parent of love ; wisdom, love itself. Hare. Knowledge is the treasure, but judgment the treasurer, of a wise man. II in. Pern:. Knowledge is the treasure of the mind, but discretion is the key to it, without which it is useless. The practical part of wisdom is the best. Feltham. Knowledge is to one a goddess, to another only an excellent cow. Schiller. Knowledge, love, power, constitute the com- plete life. Amiel. 10 Knowledge may not be as a courtesan for pleasure and vanity only ; or as a bond- woman, to acquire and gain for her master s use ; but as a spouse, for generation, fruit, and comfort. Bacon. Knowledge of my way is a good part of my journey. A. Warwick. Knowledge of our duties is the most useful part of philosophy. II "hately. Knowledge of the world is dearly bought at the price of moral purity. E. 11 igglesiuorth. Knowledge perverted is knowledge no longer. Buhver Lytt.-n. 15 Knowledge produceth humility ; from humility proceedeth worthiness ; from worthiness riches are acquired ; from riches religion, and thence happiness. Hitopailesa. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. St. Paul. Knowledge shall vanish away. St. Paul. Knowledge that a thing is false is a truth. Schopenh auer. Knowledge that terminates in curiosity and speculation is inferior to that which is use- ful, and of all useful knowledge that is the most so which consists in a due care and just notion of ourselves. St. Bernard. 20 Knowledge, the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. 2 Hen. I 'I. , iv. 7. Knowledge to their eyes her ample page, / Rich with the spoils of time, did ne'er unroll ; , Chill penury repress'd their noble rage, / And froze the genial current of the soul. Gray. Knowledge, when wisdom is too weak to guide her, / Is like a headstrong horse that throws the rider. Quarles. Knowledge without education is but armed in- justice. Hot: Knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. Johnson. 25 Knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom. Plato. Knowledge without practice is like a glass eye, all for show, and nothing for use. Snvinnock. Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world. St. Paul. Komm jedem, wie er sei, mit edeln Sinn ent- gegen, / Vielleicht wird dann in ihm, was edel ist, sich regen— Accost whoever you may meet with noble feeling ; perhaps what is noble will begin to stir in him. J. Trojan. Kraft erwart' ich vom Mann, des Gesetzes Wiirde behaupt' er ; / Aber durch Anmuth allein herrschet und herrsche das Weib — I look for power in the man ; he affirms the dignity of the law ; but the woman rules, and will con- tinue to rule, through grace alone. Schiller. Krankes Fleish, kranker Geist— Sickly in body. 30 sickly in mind. Ger. Pr. Krieg bis aufs Messer— War to the knife. Ger. Krieg ist ewig zwischen List und Argwohn, Nur zwischen Glauben und Vertraun ist Friede — War is unending between cunning and mistrust ; only between faith and trust is there peace. Schiller. Kpelcraov toi ffcxpir) Kal ue~ya\rjs aperi}? — Wis. dom is better than even great valour. Theognis . KptTruv j) irpovoia rrjs /j.eTa/j.e\eLa$— Thought beforehand is better than regret afterwards. Diony sius of Hal. KTrj/na is del— A possession for ever. Thucy- 35 dales. KOSos— Fame ; glory. Gr. Kiihl bis an's Herz hinan — Cool to the very heart. Goethe. Kwds Ofxuar ^aw— Having dog's eyes. Horn. Kunst ist die rechte Hand der Natur. Diese hat nur Geschbpfe, jene hat Menschen gemacht — Art is the right hand of Nature. The latter has made only creatures, the former has made men. Schiller. Kurz ist der Lieb' Entzucken, doch ewig ist 40 die Pein — Short is the rapture of love, but eternal is the pain. -S". Possini. Kurz ist der Schmerz, und ewig ist die Freude I — Short is the pain and eternal the joy ! Schiller. Kyrie eleeison — Lord, have mercy upon us. Kythe (appear) in your ain colours, that folk may ken ye. Sc. Pr. L'absence est a l'amour ce qu'est au feu le vent ; j II e'teint le petit, il allume le grand — Absence is to love what wind is to a fire ; it quenches the small flame and quickens the large. Bussy. L'adresse surmonte la force— Skill surpasses 45 strength. Pr Pr. L'adversite est sans doute un grand maitre ; mais ce maitre se fait payer cher ses lecons, et souvent le profit qu'on en retire ne Vaut pas le prix qu'elles ont coiite — Adversity is without doubt a great teacher, but this teacher makes us pay dear for his instructions, and often the profit we derive from them is not worth the price we are required to pay. Rousseau. L'adversite fait l'homme, et le bonheur les monstres — Men are formed in adversity, mon- sters in prosperity. Pi: L'affaire s'achemine— The affair is going for- ward. Pr. L'AGE r L'ESPRIT L'age d'or etait 1'a.ge ou l'or ne regnait pas— The golden age was the age in which gold did not reign. Lezay de Marnezia. L'age d'or, qu'une aveugle tradition a place jusquici dans le passe, est devant nous — The golden age, which a blind tradition has hitherto placed behind us, is before us. St. Simon. L'aigle d'une maison est un sot dans une autre — The eagle of one house is a fool in another. Gresset. L'aimable siecle ou rhomme dit a. 1'homme, / Soyons freres, ou je t'assomme — That loving time when one man said to another, " Let us be brothers, or I will brain you." Le Bruit, of French Revolution times. 5 L'AUegorie habite un palais diaphane — Alle- gory dwells in a transparent palace. Lemierre. L'Allegro — The merry Muse. L'ime n'a pas de secret que la conduite ne revele — The heart has no secret which our conduct does not reveal, Lr. Pr. L'ame qui n'a point de but etabli, elle se perd ; c'est n'etre en aucun bien, qu'etre par tout ■ — The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost ; to be everywhere is to be nowhere. Mon- taigne, L'ami du genre humain n'est point du tout mon fait — He who is the friend of every one has no interest for me. Moliere. 10 L'amitie est 1' amour sans ailes — Friendship is love without wings, i.e., is steadfast. Fr. Pr. L'amour apprend aux anes a. danser— Love teaches even asses to dance. Fr. Pr. L'amour de la justice n'est, en laplus part des hommes, que la crainte de souffrir ('injustice — The love of justice is, in the majority of man- kind, nothing else than the fear of suffering injustice. La Roche. L'amour est le roman du cceur, / Et le plaisir en est l'histoire — Love is the heart's romance, pleasure is its history. 71/. de Bier/v. L'amour est un vrai recommenceur — Love is a true renewer. Bussy-Rabutin. 15 L'amour est une passion qui vient souvent sans savoir comment, et qui s'en va aussi de meme — Love is a passion which comes often we know not how, and which goes also in like manner. Fr. L'amour et la fumee ne peuvent se cacher — Love and smoke cannot be concealed. Fr. Pr. L'amour-propre est le plus grand de tous les flatteurs— Self-love is the greatest of all flat- terers. La Roche. L'amour-propre est un ballon gonfle de vent, dont il sort des tempetes quand on lui fait une piqure— Self-love is a balloon blown up with wind, from which tempests of passion issue as soon as it is pricked into. Voltaire. L'amour-propre offense ne pardonne jamais — Self-love offended never forgives. / 'igtt, 20 L'amour soumet la terre, assujettit les cieux, / Les rois sont a. ses pieds, il gouverne les dieux — Love rules the earth, subjects the heavens ; kings are at his feet ; he controls the gods, t orn. L'anglais a les prejuges de l'orgueil, et les francais ceux de la vanite— The English are predisposed to pride, the French to vanity. Rousseau. L'anime triste di coloro / Che visser senza in- famia, e senza lodo— The sad souls of those who lived without blame and without praise. Dante, L'animal delle lunghe orecchie, dopo aver beveto da calci al secchio — The ass (lit. long-eared animal), after having drunk, gives a kick to the bucket. It. Pr. L'apparente facilite d'apprendre est cause de la perte des enfants — The apparent facility of learning is a reason why children are lost. Rousseau. L'appetit vient en mangeant— Appetite comes 25 with eating, i.e., the more one has, the more one would have. Rabelais. L'arbre de la liberte ne croit qu'arrose par le sang des tyrans — The tree of liberty grows only when watered by the blood of tyrants. Barere. L'arco si rompe se sta troppo teso— The bow when overstrained will break. //. Pr. L'argent est un bon passe-partout — Money is a good pass-key or passport. Fr. Pr. L'argent est un bon serviteur et un mechant maitre — Money is a good servant, but a bad master. Fr. Pr. L'art de vaincre est celui de mepriser la mort 30 — The art of conquering is that of despising death. Mme. de Sivry. L'asino che ha fame mangia d'ogni strame — The ass that is hungry will eat any kind of litter. //. /V. L'aspettar del malo e mal peggiore / Forse che non parebbe il mal presente— The anti- cipation of evil is perhaps worse than the evil is felt to be when it comes. Tasso. L'atrocite des lois en empeche l'execution — The severity of the laws prevents the execution of them. Montesquieu. L'avare est comme ces amans qu'un exces d'amour empeche de jouir — The miser is like a lover the excess of whose passion bars the en- joyment of it. Fr. L'avenir — The future. Fr. 35 L'elevation est au merite, ce que la parure est aux belles personnes — Exalted station is to merit what the ornament of dress is to hand- some persons. /■ r. L'eloquence a fleuri le plus a Rome lorsque les affaires ont ete en plus mauvais etat — Elo- quence flourished most in Rome when its affairs ■were in the worst condition. Montaigne. " L'empire, c'est la paix" — " The empire, that is peace." Napoleon 111. L'empire d?s lettres— The republic of letters. Fr. L'ennui du beau, amene le gout du singulier 40 — When we tire of the beautiful it induces a taste for singularity. Fr. L'ennui naquit un jour de l'uniformite— Ennui was born one day of uniformity. I.imottc- Houdard. L'enseigne fait la chalandise— A good sign at- tracts custom. La Fontaine, L'esclave n'a qu'un maitre ; l'ambitieux en a autant qu'il y a de gens utiles a sa fortune- - A slave has but one master ; the ambitious man has as many as there are people who help him to his fortune. La Bruyhe. L'esperance est le songe d'un homme eveille- Hope is the dream ofa man awake. Fr. I'r. L'esprit a son ordre, qui est par principes et 45 demonstrations, le cceur en a un autre— The mind has its way of proceeding by principles and demonstrations; the heart has a different method. Pascal, L'ESPRIT r 293 ] L'INFLUENCE L'esprit de la conversation consiste bien moins a en montrer beaucoup qu'a en faire trouver aux autres — Wit in conversation consists much less in displaying much of it than in stimulating it in others. La Bruyhe. L'esprit de la plupart des femmes sert plus a fortifier leur folie que leur raison — The wit of most women goes more to strengthen their folly than their reason. La Roche. L'esprit de moderation doit etre celui du legislateur — A legislator should be animated by the spirit of moderation. Montesquieu. L'esprit est le dieu des instants, le genie est le dieu des ages — Wit is the god of the moments, but genius is the god of the ages. Fr. 5 L'esprit est toujours la dupe du cceur — The mind is always the dupe of the heart. La Roche. L'esprit est une plante dont on ne sauroit arreter la vegetation sans la faire perir — Wit is a plant of which you cannot arrest the development without destroying it. Fr. 1'r. L'esprit qu'on veut avoir, gate celui qu'on a — The wit which we strive to possess spoils that which we naturally possess. Cresset. L'esprit ressemble aux coquettes ; ceux qui courent apres lui sont ceux qu'il favorise le moins — Wit is like a coquette ; those who run after it are the least favoured. Fr. "L'etat, e'est moi" — "The state, I am the state." Loin's A'/I'. 10 L'etat doit avoir aussi des entrailles— The state as well as the individual ought to have a feeling heart. Cousin. " L'Europe m'ennuie " — " I am tired of Europe. " Napoleon, when he took the Jiel.i against Russia. L'exactitude est la politesse des rois — Punctu- ality is the politeness of kings. Max. of Louis XI 'III. L'excellence et la grandeur d'une ame brille et eclate d'avantage dans le mepris de richesse — ■ The excellence and greatness of a soul are most conspicuously and strikingly dis- played in the contempt of riches. Fr. L'experience de beaucoup d'opinions donne a. l'esprit beaucoup de flexibilite, et l'affermit dans celles qu'il croit les meilleures— Acquain- tance with a wide range of opinion imparts to the mind great flexibility, and confirms it in those which it believes to be the best. Fr. 15 L'imitazione del male supera sempre l'es- sempio ; come per il contrario l'imitazione del bene e sempre inferiore — He who imitates what is bad always goes beyond his model, while he, on the contrary, who imitates what is good always comes short of it. Guicciardini. L'impromptu est justement la pierre de touche de l'esprit— Impromptu is precisely the touch- stone of wit. Molicre. L'habit ne fait point le mo : .ne— It is not the garb he wears that makes the monk. Pascal. L'heure est a. Dieu, l'esperance a. tous — The hour appertains to God, hope to all. Fr. L'histoire n'est que le tableau des crimes et des malheurs- History is but a picture of crimes and misfortunes. / 'oltaire. 20 L'homme absurde est celui qui ne change jamais — The absurd man is he who never changes. Barthelemy. L'homme est de glace aux verites, / II est de feu pour les mensonges— Man is as ice to what is true, and as fire to falsehood. La Fontaine. L'homme est sourd a. ses maux tant qu'a. ses interets quand il s'agit de ses plaisirs— Men are regardless of their misfortunes as well as their interests when either are in competition with their pleasures. Fr. L'homme est toujours l'enfant, et l'enfant toujours l'homme — The man is always the child, and the child is always the man. Fr. L'homme est un apprenti, la douleur est son maitre ; / Et nul ne se connait, tant qu'il n'a pas souffert — Man is an apprentice, pain is his master ; and none knows himself so long as he has not suffered. A. de Musset. L'homme n'est jamais moins miserable que 25 quand il parait depourvu de tout — Man is never less miserable than when he appears destitute of everything. Fr. L'homme n'est ni ange ni bete, et le malheur veut que qui veut faire l'ange fait la bete — Man is neither an angel nor a brute, but, as the evil genius will have it, he who aspires to be an angel degenerates into the brute. Pascal. L'homme n'est qu'un roseau, le plus faible de la nature, mais e'est un roseau pensant — Man is only a reed, the weakest in nature, but he is a reed that thinks. Pascal L'homme necessaire — The right man. Fr. L'homme propose et Dieu dispose— Man pro- poses and God disposes. Fr. Pr. L'homme vraiment libre ne veut que ce qu'il 30 peut, et fait ce qu'il lui plait — The man who is truly free wills only what he can, and does only what pleases him. Rousseau. L'honneur acquis est caution de celui qu'on doit acquerir — Honour acquired is an earnest of that which is to follow. La Roche. L'hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend a la vertu — Hypocrisy is the homage which vice renders to virtue. La Roche. L'imagination est la folle du logis — Imagination is the madcap of the brain (lit. the merryandrew of the dwelling). Malebranche. L'imagination galope, le jugement ne va que le pas — The imagination gallops, the judgment merely walks. Fr. L'impossibilite oil nous sommes de prouver 35 que Dieu n'est pas. nous decouvre son exist- ence — The impossibility which we feel of prov- ing that there is not a God reveals to us His existence. Fr. L'incredulite est une croyance, une religion tres exigeante, qui a ses dogmes, sa liturgie, ses pratiques, ses rites . . . son intolerance, ses superstitions — Incredulity is a belief, a religion highly peremptory, whicli has its dog- mas, its liturgy, its practices, its rites, ... its intolerance, and its superstitions. Alphonse Karr. L'incroyable — The incredible ; past belief. L'industrie des hommes s'epuise a briguer les charges, il ne leur en reste plus pour en remplir les devoirs— The energies of men are so exhausted in canvassing for places, that they have none left to perform the duties which belong to them. Fr. L'influence feminine devient l'auxiliaire indis- pensable de tout pouvoir spirituel, comme le moyen age l'a tant montre— The influence of woman proves to be the indispensable auxiliary of all spiritual power, as the Middle Ages have so abundantly testified. (?) L'INGEGNO [ 224 ] LA COUR L'ingegno, che spopola e che spalea / E l'asino d'un pubblico insolente, / Che mai lo pasce e sempre lo cavalca — The genius which devas- tates and destroys is the ass of the insolent public, who always mount and ride it, but never feed it. Giuseppe Giusti. L'injustice a la fin produit Tindependance — Independence in the end is the fruit of injustice. Voltaire. L'institut des Jesuites est une epee, dont la poignee est a. Rome et la pointe partout — The order of the Jesuits is a sword, the handle of which is at Rome and the point everywhere. Dupin. L'ltalia fara da se — Italy will do it by herself. HI. of the Italian Revolution of 1849. 5 L'occasion fait le larron — Opportunity makes the thief. Fr. Pr. L'on espere de vieillir et Ton craint la vieillesse ; e'est a dire Ton aime la vie et l'on fuit la niort — We hope to grow old, yet we dread old age ; that is to say, we love life and shrink from death. La Bruyeir. L'on ne peut aller loin dans Tamitie, si l'on n'est pas dispose se pardonner, les uns aux autres, les petits defauts — ■ Friendship cannot go far if we are not disposed mutually to forgive each other's venial faults. La Bruyere. L'on ne vaut dans ce monde que ce que l'on veut valoir — We are valued in this world at the rate at which we desire to be valued. La Bruyere. L'on se repent rarement de parler peu,_ tres souvent de trop parler : maxime usee et triviale que tout le monde sait, et que tout le monde ne pratique pas — We rarely repent of having spoken too little, very often of having spoken too much : a maxim this which is old and trivial, and which every one knows, but which every one does not practise. La B?-uyere. 10 L'or est une chimere — Gold is but a chimaera, or fabulous monster. S. Meyerbeer. L'orateur cherche par son discours un ar- cheveche, l'apotre fait des conversions ; il merite de trouver ce que l'autre cherche — The preacher aims by his eloquence at an arch- bishopric, the apostle makes converts ; he de- serves to get what the other aims at. La Bruyere. L'oreille est le chemin du cceur— The ear is the road to the heart. / 'oltaire. L'orgueil ne veut pas devoir, et l'amour-propre ne veut pas payer — Pride wishes not to owe, and self-love does not wish to pay. La Roche. L'ozio e il padre di tutti i vizi — Idleness is the parent of all the vices. //. Pr. 15L'ultima che si perde e la speranza— Hope is the last thing we lose. It. Pr. L'une des marques de la mediocrite d'esprit est de toujours conter — One of the marks of a mediocrity of intellect is to be given to story- telling. La Bruyere. L'union fait la force — Union is strength. M. L'usage frequent des finesses est toujours Teffet d'une grande incapacity, et la marque d'un petit esprit --The frequent recourse to finesse is always the effect of incapacity and t lie mark of a small mind. Fr, La beaute de l'esprit donne de radmiration, celle de lame donne de l'estime, et celle du corps de Tamour— The charms of wit excile admiration, those of the soul esteem, and those of tin- body love. Fr, La beaute sans vertu est une fleur sans par- 20 fum — Beauty without virtue is a flower without fragrance. Fr. Pr La biblioteca e 1'nutrimento dell' anima — Books are nourishment to the mind. It. Pr. La bonne fortune et la mauvaise sont neces- saire a. l'nomme pour le rendre habile — Good fortune and bad are alike necessary to man in order to develop his capability. Fr. La bride stir le cou — With loose reins ; at full speed. Fr. La buena v?.da padre y madre olvida— Pros- perity forgets father and mother Sp. Pr. La carriere des lettres est plus epineuse que 25 celle de la fortune. Si vous avez le malheur d'etre mediocre, voila des remords pour la vie ; si vous reussissiez, voila. des ennemis ; vous marchez sur le bord d'un abime entre le mepris et la haine — A literary career is a more thorny path than that which leads to fortune. If you have the misfortune not to rise above medio- crity, you feel mortified for life ; and if you are successful, a host of enemies spring up against you. Thus you find yourself on the brink of an abyss between contempt and hatred. / 'oltaire. La carriere ouverte aux talents— The course is open to men of talent — the tools to the man that can handle them (of which truth Napoleon has been described as the great preacher). Fr. La Charte sera desormais une verite — The Charter shall be henceforward a reality. Louis Philippe. La clemence des princes n'est souvent qu'une politique pour gagner l'affection des peuples — The clemency of princes is often only a politi- cal manoeuvre to gain the affections of their subjects. La Roche. La colpa seguira la parte offensa / In grido, como suol — Blame, as is wont, wreaks its rage en those who suffer wrong. Dante. La condition par excellence de la vie, de la 30 sante et de la force chez l'etre organise, est Taction. C'est par Taction qu'il developpa ses facultes, qu'il en augmente Tenergie, et qu'il atteint la plenitude de sa destinee- The chief condition on which depends the life, health, and vigour of an organised being is action. It is by action that it develops its faculties, that it increases its energy, and that it attains to the fulfilment of its destiny. ProuMou. La confiance fournit plus a. la conversation que l'esprit — Confidence contributes more to conversation than wit. La Roche. La conscience est la voix de Tame, les passions sont la voix du corps — Conscience is the voic ■ of the soul, the passions are the voice of the body. Rousseau. La Constance des sages nest que Tart de renfermer leur agitation dans leur cceur— The constancy of the wise is nothing but the art of shutting up whatever might disturb them within themselves. La Roche. La corruption de chaque gouvernement com- mence presque toujours par celle des prin- cipes The decay of every government almost always dates from the decay of the principles on which it is founded. Montesquieu. La cour est conime un edifice bati de marbre ; 35 je veux dire qu'elle est coinposee d'hommes fort durs mais fort polis — The court is like an edifice built of marble ; I mean, it is com- posed of men very hard but very polished. La Bruyhre, LA COUR t 255 1 LA JUSTICE La cour ne rend pas content, elle empeche qu'on ne le soit ailleurs — The court does not make a man happy, and it prevent? him from being so elsewhere. La Bruyere. La crainte suit le crime, et c'est son chatiment — Fear haunts crime, and this is its punishment. Voltaire. La credulite est plutot une erreur qu'une faute, et les plus de gens de bien ensont susceptibles — Credulity is rather an error than a fault, and the worthiest people are most subject to it. Fr. La criaillerie ordinaire fait qu'on s'y accoutume et chacun la meprise — By continually scolding your inferiors, they at length become accustomed to it, and despise your reproof. Fr. 5 La critique est aisee, et l'art est difficile — Criti- cism is easy, and art is difficult. Destouches. La decence est le teint naturel de la vertu, et le fard du vice — Decency is the natural com- plexion of virtue and the deceptive guise of vice. Fr. Pr. La defense est un charme ; on dit qu'elle assaisonne les plaisirs, et surtout ceux que 1' amour nous donne — Prohibition acts as a charm ; it is said to give a zest to pleasures, especially to those which love imparts. La Fontaine. La diffidenza e la madre della sicurta— Diffi- dence (caution) is the mother of safety. //. Pr. La dissimulation la plus innocente n'est jamais sans inconvenient ; criminel ou non, l'artifice est toujours dangereux, et presque inevit- ablement nuisible — Dissimulation, even the most innocent, is always embarrassing ; whether with evil intent or not, artifice is always dan- gerous, and almost inevitably disgraceful. La Bruyere. 10 La docte antiquite est toujours venerable, / Je ne la trouve pas cependant adorable — To the learning of antiquity I always pay due veneration, but I do not therefore adore it as sacred. Boileau. La donna e mobile — Woman is inconstant. It. La duree de nos passions ne depend pas plus de nous que la duree de notre vie — The duration of our passions no more depends upon ourselves than the duration of our lives. La Roche. La faiblesse de l'ennemi fait notre propre force — The weakness of the enemy forms part of our own strength. Pr. La faim chasse le loup hors du bois — Hunger drives the wolf out of the wood. Fr. Pr. 15 La fama degli eroi spetta un quarto alia loro audacia, due quarti alia sorte e l'altro quarto ai loro delitti — Great men owe a fourth part of their fame to their daring, two-fourths to fortune, and the remaining fourth to their crimes. U. Foscolo. La farina del Diavolo, va tutta in crusca— The devil's meal turns all to chaff. Sp. La farine du diable s'en va moitie en son —The devil's meal goes half to bran. Fr. Pr. La faveur met 1'homme au-dessus de ses egaux ; et sa chute au-dessous — Favour exalts a man above his equals, and his fall or disgrace beneath them. La Bruyere. La femme est l'element le plus moral de l'hu- manite — Woman is the element in humanity that has the most moral power. (?). 20 La feuille tombe a terre, ainsi tombe la beauti — The leaf falls to earth, so also does beauty. La finesse n'est ni une trop bonne ni une tres mauvaise qualite : elle flotte entre le vice et la vertu ; il n'y a point de rencontre oil elle ne puisse, et peut-etre ou elle ne doive etre suppleee par la prudence — Finesse is neither a very good nor yet a very bad quality. It hovers between vice and virtue, and there are few occasions in which it cannot be, and perhaps ought not to be superseded by common pru- dence. La Bruyere. La fleur des pois — The tip-top of fashion. Fr. La force, proprement dite, e'est-ce qui regit les actes, sans regler les volontes — Force, strictly speaking, is that which rules the actions without regulating the will. (?) La fortune du pot — Pot-luck. Fr. La fortune passe partout — The vicissitudes of 25 fortune are felt everywhere. M. La fortune vend ce qu'on croit qu'elle donne — Fortune sells what we think she gives. Fr. Pr. La France est une monarchic absolue, tem- peree par des chansons — France is an absolute monarchy tempered by epigrams. Quoted by Cliamfort. La France marche a la tete de la civilisation — France leads the van in the civilisation of the world. Guizot. La garde meurt et ne se rend pas — The guard dies but does not surrender. Ascribed to Gen. Cambronnc at Waterloo. La generosite suit la belle naissance ; / La 30 pitie l'accompagne et la reconnaissance- Generosity follows in the train of high birth ; pity and gratitude are attendants. Corncille. La gola e'l sonno e l'oziose piume / Hanno del mondo ogni vertu sbandita — Lust, sleep, and idleness have banished every virtue out of the world. Petrarch. La goutte de rosee a l'herbe suspendue, / y reflechit un ciel aussi vaste, aussi pur, / Que l'immense ocean dans ses plaines d'azur — The dropofdew which hangs suspended from the grass-blade reflects a heaven as vast and pure as the ocean does in its wide azure plains. Laiuartinc. La grammaire, qui sait regenter jusqu'aux rois — Grammar, that knows how to lord it even over kings. Moliere. La grande nation— The great nation. Napoleon token General Bonaparte, of France. La grande sagesse de 1'homme consiste a 35 connaitre ses folies— It is in the knowledge of his follies that man shows his superior wisdom. Fr. Pr. La guerre ou l'amour— War or love. M. La jeunesse devrait etre une caisse d'epargne —Youth ought to be a savings' bank. Mine. Szuetchinc. La jeunesse vit d'esperance, la vieillesse de souvenir — Youth lives on hope, old age on memory. Fr. Pr. La justice de nos jugements et de nos actions n'est jamais que la rencontre heureuse de notre interet avec l'interet public- The jus- tice of our judgment and actions is never any- thing but the happy coincidence of our private with the public interest. Hehietius. La justice et la verite sont deux pointes si 40 subtiles, que nos instrumens sont trop emousses pour y toucher exactement— Jus- tice and truth are two points so fine that our instruments are too blunt to touch them ex- actly. Pascal. LA LANGUE f 226 ] LA PATIENCE La langue des femmes est leur epee, et elles ne la laissent pas rouiller — The tongue of a woman is her sword, which she seldom suffers to rust. Fr. Pr. La legalite nous tue — Legality will be the death of us. M. Viennet. La liberalite consiste moins a donner beau- coup, qu'a. donner a-propos — Liberality con- sists less in giving a great deal than in giving seasonably. I. a Bruyere. La libertad es la ju ventud eterna de las naciones — Liberty is the eternal youth of the nations. Gen. Foy. 5 La liberie, convive aimable, / Met les deux coudes sur la table — Liberty, an amiable guest, puts both her elbows upon the table, i.e., is free and at her ease. Voltaire La liberte est ancienne ; e'est le despotisme qui est nouveau — Liberty is of ancient date ; it is despotism that is new. Fr. La lingua batte dove la dente duole — The tongue strikes where the tooth aches. It. Pr. La loi ne saurait egaliser les hommes malgre la nature — The law cannot equalise men in spite of nature. V ' auv en argues. La maladie sans maladie. The disease without disease, i.e., hypochondria. Fr. 10 La maniere de former les idees est ce qui donne caractere a l'esprit humain — It is the way in which our ideas are formed that a character is imparted to our minds. Rousseau. La marque d'un merite extraordinaire est de voir que ceux qui l'envient le plus, sont con- traints de le louer — The proof of superior merit is to see how those who envy it most are con- strained to praise it. Fr. La menzogna c'insegue anche sotterra— False- hood follows us even into the grave. Giuseppe Nicolini. La mode est tin tyran dont rien nous delivre, / A son bizarre gout il faut s'accommoder — Fashion is a tyrant from which there is no de- liverance ; all must conform to its whimsical taste. Fr. La moderation des faibles est mediocrite — The moderation of the weak is mediocrity. Vaziven- arques. 15 La moitie du monde prend plaisir a. medire, et l'autre moitie a. croire les medisances— One half of the world takes delight in slander, and the other half in believing it. Fr. Pr. La moltiplicita delle leggi e dei medici in un paese sono egualmente segni di malore di quello— A multiplicity of laws and a multiplicity of physicians in any country are proofs alike of its bad state. It. Pr. La montagne est passee, nous irons mieux — We are over the hill ; we shall go better now. Frederick the Great's tost words. La moquerie est souvent indigence d'esprit— Derision is often poverty of wit. La Bmyire. La morale trop austere se fait moins aimer qu'elle ne se fait craindre ; et qui veut qu'on profite de ses lecons donns envie de les en- tendre — Morality when too austere makes itself less loved than feared ; and he who wishes others to profit from its lessons should awaken a desire to listen to them. Fr. 20 La mort est plus aisee a supporter sans y penser, que la pensee de la mort sans peril Death is more easy to bear when ii comes without thought of it, than the thought of it without the i isk of it. Pascal. La mort ne surprend point le sage ; / II est toujours pret a. partir, / S'etant su lui-meme avertir / Du temps oil Ion se doit resoudre a ce passage — Death is no surprise to the wise man ; he is always ready to depart, having learnt to anticipate the time when he must make up his mind to take this last journey. La Fontaine. La musique seule est d'une noble inutilite, et e'est pour cela qu'elle nous emeut si profon- dement ; plus elle est loin de tout but, plus elle se rapproche de cette source intime de nos pensees que l'application a un objet quelconque reserve dans son cours — Music alone is nobly non-utilitarian, and that is why it moves us so profoundly ; the further it is re- moved from serving any purpose, the nearer it approaches that inner spring of our thoughts which the application to any object whatever hampers in its course. Aln/e. de Stael. La naissance n'est rien oil la vertu n'est pas — Birth is nothing where virtue is not. Moliere. La nation en deuil — The nation in mourning. Montalembcrt on Poland. La nation ne fait pas corps en France; elle 25 reside toute entiere dans la personne du roy ■ — In France the nation is not a corporate body ; it resides entirely in the person of the king. Loicis XIV. La nature a donne deux garants de la chastite des femmes, la pudeur et les remords ; la confession les prive de l'un, et l'absolution de l'autre — Nature has given two safeguards for female chastity, modesty and remorse, but confession deprives tbem of the one and absolu- tion of the other. Fr. La nature aime les croisements— Nature is partial to cross-breedings. Fourier. La nature est juste envers les hommes — Nature is just to men. Montesquieu. La nature s'imite — Nature imitates herself. Pascal. La nuit porte conseil — The night brings good 30 counsel. Fr. Pr. La ou ailleurs — There or elsewhere, ill. La ou la chevre est attachee, il faut qu'elle broute — -The goat must browse where it is tethered. Fr. Pr. La parfaite valeur est de faire sans temoins ce qu'on serait capable de faire devant tout le monde — Sterling worth shows itself in doing unseen what we would be capable of doing in the eye of thi world. La Roche. La parole a ete donnee a l'homme pour de- guiser sa pensee — Speech has been given to man to conceal his thought. / 'oltaire. La passion deprave, mais elle eleve aussi — Fas- 35 sion depraves, but it also elevates. Lamarline. La passion fait souvent un fou du plus habile homme, et rend souvent habiles les plus sots — Love often makes a fool of the cleverest man, and often gives cleverness to the most foolish. La Roe he. La patience est amere, mais le fruit en est doux— Patience is bitter, but it yields sweet fruit. Rouiseau. La patience est l'art d'esperer — Patience is the art of hoping. Van-: -enargues. La patience est le remede le plus sure contre les calomnies : le temps, tot ou tard, de- couvre la verite — Patience is the surest anti- dote against calumny ; time, sooner or later, will disclose the truth. Fr. LA PATRIE [ 827 ] LA TEMPERANCE La patrie veut etre servie, et non pas dominee — Our country requires us to serve her, and not to lord it over her. Fr. La pauvrete n'est pas un peche, / Mieux vaut cependant la cacher— Poverty is not a sin ; but it is better to hide it. Fr. Pr. La perfection marche lentement, il lui faut la main du temps— Perfection is attained by slow- degrees ; she requires the hand of time. Vol- taire. La peur est un grand inventeur— Fear is a great inventor. Fr. Pr. 5 La philosophie non seulement dissipe nos in- quietudes, mais elle nous arme contre tous les coups de la fortune— Philosophy not only dissipates our anxieties, but it arms us against the buffets of fortune. Fr. La philosophie qui nous promet de nous rendre heureux, trompe — Philosophy, so far as she promises us happiness, deceives us. Ft. La philosophie triomphe aisement des maux passes, et des maux a venir ; mais les maux presents triomphent d'elle — Philosophy tri- umphs easily enough over misfortunes that are past and to come, but present misfortunes tri- umph over her. La Roche. La plupart des hommes, pour arriver a leurs fins, sont plus capables d'un grand effort que d'uue longue perseverance — To attain their ends most people are more capable of a great effort than of continued perseverance. La Bruyere. La plupart des peuples, ainsi que des hommes, ne sont dociles que dans leur jeunesse ; iis devieunent incorrigibles en vieillisant — Most nations, as well as men, are impressible only in their youth ; they become incorrigible as they grow old. Rousseau. 10 La plupart des troubles de ce monde sont grammairiens — The majority of the troubles in this world are the fault of the grammarians. Montaigne. La plus belle victoire est de vaincre son cceur — The noblest victory is to conquer ones own heart. La Fontaine. La plus courte folie est toujours la meilleure— The short folly is always the best. Fr. La plus part des hommes emploient la premiere partie de leur vie a rendre l'autre miserable — The generality of men expend the early part of their lives in contributing to render the latter part miserable. La Bruyere. La plus part des hommes n'ont pas le courage de corriger les autres, parcequ'ils n'ont pas le courage de souffrir qu'on les corrige — The generality of mankind have not the courage to correct others, because they have not themselves the courage to bear correction. 15 La poesia non muore — Poetry does not .die. B. Zendrini. La politesse est l'art de rendre a chacun sans effort ce que lui est socialement du— Polite- ness is the art of rendering spontaneously to every one that which is his due as a member of society. Fr. La popularite e'est la gloire en gros sous — Popularity is glory in penny-pieces. Victor Hugo. La priere est un cri d'esperance— Prayer is a cry of hope. A. de Musset. La propriete e'est le vol— Property, that is theft. Proudlwn.. La propriete exclusive est un vol dans la 20 nature — Exclusive ownership is a theft in nature. Fr. La prosperite fait peu d'amis— Prosperity makes few friends. Vanvenargues. La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure — The argument of the strongest is always the best, i.e., has most weight. La Fontaine. La raison emancipee n'a pas nui a la cause de Dieu ; elle l'a servie — The emancipation of reason has not injured the cause of God ; it has promoted it. V. Cousin. La raison seule peut faire des lois obliga- toires et durables— Reason alone can render laws binding and stable. Mirabeau. La recherche de la paternite est interdite — 25 Investigation of paternity is forbidden. Code Napoleon. La recherche du vrai, et la pratique du bien, sont les deux objets les plus importants de la philosophie — The pursuit of what is true and the practice of what is good are the two most important objects of philosophy. Voltaire. La reconnaissance est un fardeau, et tout fardeau est fait pour etre secoue — Gratitude is a buiden, and every burden is made to be shaken off. Diderot. La reputation d'un homme est comme son ombre, qui tantot le suit, et tantot le pre- cede ; quelquefois elle est plus longue, et quelquefois plus courte que lui— A man's reputation is like his shadow, which sometimes follows, sometimes precedes him, and which is occasionally longer, occasionally shorter than he is. Fr. La roche Tarpeienne est pres du Capitole — The Tarpeian rock is near the Capitol, i.e., the place of execution is near the scene of triumph. Jcniy-Spontiui. La ruse est le talent des egoistes, et ne peut 30 tromper que les sots que prennent la turbu- lence pour l'esprit, la gravite pour la pru- dence, effronterie pour le talent, l'orgueil pour la dignite ? — Cunning is the accomplish- ment of the selfish, and can only impose upon silly people, who take bluster for sense, gravity for prudence, effrontery for talent, and pride for dignity. Mirabeau. La sage conduite roule sur deux pivots, le passe et l'avenir — Prudent conduct turns on two pivots, the past and the future, i.e., on a faithful memory and forethought. La Bruyere. La sauce vaut mieux que le poisson — The sauce is better than the fish. Fr. Pr. La science du gouvernement n'est qu'une science de combinaisons, d'applications et d'exceptions, selon le temps, les lieux, les cir- constances — The science of government is only a science of combinations, applications, and ex- ceptions, according to time, place, and circum- stance. Rousseau. La seule vertu distingue les hommes, des qu'ils sont morts — By their virtues alone are men dis- tinguished after they are dead. L' A bbe'de Ckoisy. La silence est la vertu de ceux qui ne sont 35 pas sages — Silence is the virtue of the foolish. Bouhours. La speranza e l'ultima ch'abbandona l'infelice — Hope is the last to abandon the unhappy. It. Pr. La temperance et le travail sont les deux vrais medicins de l'homme — Temperance and labour are the two real physicians of man. Rousseau, *r LA TERRE t 228 ] LABOUR La terre est couverte de gens qui ne meritent pas qu'on leur parle — The earth swarms with people who are not worth talking to. Vol- taire. La verdad es hija de Dios — Truth is the daughter of God. Sp. Pr. La verdad es sempre verde— Truth is always green. Sp. Pr. La verite est cachee au fond du puits — Truth is hidden at the bottom of a well. Pr. Pr. 5 La verite ne fait pas autant de bien dans le monde que ses apparences y font de mal — Truth does not produce so much good in the world as the hypocritical profession of it does mischief. Fr. La vertu a des appas qui nous portent au veritable bonheur — Virtue has attractions which lead us to true happiness. Fr. La vertu dans l'indigence est comme un voya- geur, que le vent et la pluie contraignent de s'envelopper de son manteau — Virtue in want is like a traveller who is compelled by the wind and rain to wrap himself up in his cloak. Fr. Pr. La vertu e simile ai profume, che rendono piu grato ordore quando triturati — Virtue is like certain perfumes, which yield a more agreeable odour from being rubbed. //. La vertu est la seule noblesse — Virtue is the only true nobility. M. 10 La vertu est partout la meme ; c'est qu'elle vient de Dieu, et le reste est des hommes — Virtue is everywhere the same ; the reason is it proceeds from God, and the rest is from men. Voltaire. La vertu fut toujours en minorite sur la terre — Virtue has ever been in the minority on earth. Robespierre. La yertu n'iroit pas si loin, si la vanite ne lui tenait compagnie— Virtue would not go so far if vanity did not bear her company. La Roche. La vicinanza de' grandi sempre e pericolosa ai picoli ; sono grandi come il fuoco, che brucia eziandio quei che vi gettano dell' incenso se troppo vi si approsimino — The neighbourhood of the great is always danger- ous to the little. The great are to them as a fire which scorches those who approach it too nearly. It. La vida es corta y la esperanza larga, / El bien huye de mi y el mal se alarga — Life is short, yet hope endures ; good flies off, but evil ever lurks about. Luis de Gdngora. 15 La vie des heros a enrichi l'histoire, et l'his- toire a embelli les actions des heros — The lives of heroes have enriched history, and his- tory has embellished the exploits of heroes. La Bruyire. La vieillesse nous attache plus de rides en l'esprit qu'en visage Old age contracts more wrinkles on the mind than the countenance. Montaigne. La ville est le sejour de profanes humains, les dieux habitent la campagne— Towns are the dwelling-places of profane mortals ; the gods in- habit rural retreats. Rousseau. La violence est juste oil la douceur est vaine — Force is legitimate where gentleness avails not. Corneille. La volonta. e tutto— The will is everything. //. Pr. La vraie science et le vrai etude de 1'homme, 20 c'est 1'homme — The real science and the real study for man, is man himself. Charron. Labitur et labetur in omne volubilis aevum — The stream flows, and will go on flowing for ever. Hor. Labitur occulte, fallitque volubilis aetas — Time glides on stealthily, and eludes us as it steals past. Ovid. Labor ipse voluptas — Labour itself is a pleasure. M. Labor omnia vincit / Improbus, et duris urgens in rebus egestas — Persevering labour overcomes all difficulties, and want that urges us on in the pressure of things. Virg. Laborare est orare — Work is worship (lit. to 25 labour is to pray). Monkish Pr. Lahore — By labour. 71/. Lahore et honore — By labour and honour. M. Lahore vinces — ■ By labour you will conquer. 71/. Laborum dulce lenimen— The sweet soother of my toils. Hor. to his lyre. Labour bestowed on nothing is fruitless. Hito- 30 padesa. Labour endears rest, and both together are absolutely necessary for the proper enjoy- ment of human existence. Bums. Labour for labour's sake is against nature. Locke. Labour has a bitter root but a sweet taste. Dan. Pr. Labour is exercise continued to fatigue ; exer- cise is labour used only while it produces pleasure. Johnson. Labour is life. From the inmost heart of the 35 worker rises his God-given force — the sacred celestial life-essence breathed into him by Almighty God. Curly It: Labour is preferable to idleness, as brightness to rust. Plato. Labour is the beginning, the middle, and the end of art. Anon. Labour is the fabled magician's wand, the philosopher's stone, and the cap of For- tunatus. /. Johnson. Labour is the instituted means for the metho- dical development of all our powers under the direction and control of the will. /. C Holland. Labour is the Lethe of both past and present. 40 Jean Paul. Labour is the ornament of the citizen ; the re- ward of toil is when you confer blessings on others ; his high dignity confers honour on the king ; be ours the glory of our hands. Schiller. Labour is the talisman that has raised man from the condition of the savage. M'Cul- loch. Labour itself is but a sorrowful song, The protest of the weak against the strong. Faber. Labour, if it were not necessary for the exis- tence, would be indispensable for the happi- ness, of man. Johnson. Labour, like everything else that is good, is 45 its own reward. Whipple. Labour like this our want supplies, ' And they must stoop who mean to rise. Cowper. LABOUR [ 220 ] LANGUAGE Labour of the hands, even when pursued to the verge of drudgery, is perhaps never the worst form of idleness (for the mind) ; it has a constant and imperishable moral Thoreau. Labour past is pleasant. Pr. Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire— conscience. Wash- ington. Labour, wide as the earth, has its summit in heaven. Carl\ le. 5 Labour with what zeal we will, I Something still remains undone, / Something uncom- pleted still / Waits the rising of the sun. Longfellow. Lachen, Weinen, Lust und Schmerz / Sind Geschwister-Kinder — Laughing and weeping, pleasure and pain, are cousins german. Goethe. Lacrymaeque decorae, / Gratior et pulchro veniens in corpore virtus — His tears, that so well become him, and a merit still more pleasing that shows itself in his fair form. / 'irg. Lactuca innatat acri / Post vinum stomacho— Lettuce after wine floats on the acrid stomach. Hor. Lad's love is lassie's delight, / And if lads won't love, lassies will flite (scold). Craven. 10 Lad's love's a busk of broom, hot awhile and soon done. Pr. Lade nicht alles in ein Schiff— Embark not your all in one venture. Ger. Pr. Ladies like variegated tulips show ; / 'Tis to their changes half their charms they owe. Pope. Laeso et invicto militi — For our wounded but un- conquered soldiery. Inscription on the Berlin Iiwalidenhans. Laetus in praesens animus, quod ultra est / Oderit curare, et amara lento / Temperet risu. Nihil est ab omni / Parte beatum — The mind that is cheerfully contented with the present will shrink from caring about anything beyond, and will temper the bitters of life with an easy smile. There is nothing that is blessed in every respect. Hor. 15 Laetus sorte tua vives sapienter — You will live wisely if you live contented with your lot. Pr. Laetus sum laudari a laudato viro— I am pleased to be praised by a man who is so praised as you are. Cic. Laisser dire le monde, et toujours bien faire, e'est une maxime, qui etant bien observee assure notre repos, et etablit enfin notre reputation— To let the world talk, and always to act correctly, is a maxim which, if well ob- served, will secure our repose, and in the end establish our reputation. Pr. Laissez dire les sots, le savoir a son prix — Let ignorance talk, learning has its value. La Fon- taine. Laissez faire, laissez passer ! — Let it be 1 Let it pass ! Gournay, Quesnay. 20 Laissez faire— the "let alone" principle, is, in all things which man has to do with, the principle of death. It is ruin to him, certain and total, if he lets his land alone— if he lets his fellow-men alone— if he lets his own soul alone. R uskin. Laissez-leur prendre un pied chez vous, ,,' lis en auront bientot pris quatre — Let them take one foot in your house, and they will soon have taken four (give them an inch and they will take an ell). La Fontaine. Lamenting becomes fools, and action wise folk. Sir P. Sidney. Lampoons and satires, that are written with wit and spirit, are like poisoned darts, which not only inflict a wound, but make it incur- able. Addison. Land is the right basis of an aristocracy. No true aristocracy but must possess the land. Carlyle. Land of lost gods and godlike men. Byron of 25 Greece. Land should be given to those who can use it, and tools to those who can use them. Bus- kin. Land was never lost for want of an heir. Pr. Lands intersected by a narrow firth / Abhor each other. Mountains interposed / Make enemies of nations, which had else, / Like kindred drops, been mingled into one. Cozv- Per. Lands mortgaged may return, and more es- teemed ; , But honesty once pawned is ne'er redeemed. Middleton. Lang ill, soon weel. Sc. Pr. 30 Lang syne, in Eden's bonny yaird, / When youthfu lovers first were pair d, , And all the soul of love they shared, / The raptured hour, / Sweet on the fragrant flowery swaird, In shady bower, / Then you, ye auld sneck- drawing (latch -lifting) dog, / Ye cam' to Paradise incog, / And play'd on man a cursed brogue, ' (Black be your fa') And gied the infant warld a shog (shake), , 'Maist ruin'd a'. Burns to the Deil. Langage des halles — Language of the fish- market. Fr. Lange ist nicht ewig — Long is not for ever. Ger. Pr. Lange Ueberlegungen zeigen gewohnlich, dass man den Punkt nicht im Auge hat, vondem die Rede ist ; iibereilte Handlungen, dass man ihn gar nicht kennt — Long ponder- ing on a matter usually indicates that one has not properly got his eye on the point at issue ; and too hasty action that he does not know it at all. Goethe. Langes Leben heisst viele iiberleben— To live 35 long is to outlive many. Goethe. Langeweile ist ein boses Kraut ' Aber auch eine Wiirze, die viel verdaut — Ennui is an ill weed, but also a condiment which digests a good deal. Goethe. Langh festjen is nin brae sperjen — A long fast saves no bread. Fris. Pr. Langsam nur im Menschengeiste / Reift das Saatkorn der Erkenntniss, / Doch die Blu- men wachsen schnell — The seed-grain of know- ledge ripens but slowly in the spirit of man, yet the flowers grow fast. Bodenstedt. Language at its infancy is all poetry. Ei/ier- Language is always wise. Emerson. Language is fossil poetry. Trench. Language is not only the vehicle of thought, it is a great and efficient instrument in thinking. Sir H. Daz . Lass die Winde stiirmen auf des Lebens Bahn, / Ob sie Wogen tiirmen gegen deinen Kahn / Schiffe ruhig weiter, wenn der Mast auch brichc, Gott ist dein Begleiter, er vergisst dich nicht — Let winds storm on life's course, even though they swell over and threaten thy skiff. Sail quietly on, even if the mast gives way. God is thy convoy ; He forgets thee not. 'Pledge. Lass diesen Handedruck dir sagen / Was unaussprechlich ist — Let this pressure of the hand reveal to thee what is unutterable. Goethe, Faust to Maigarite. Lass ruhn, lass ruhn die Toten, / Du weckst sie mit Klagen nicht auf -Let them rest, let thy dead ones rest, thou awakest them not with thy wailing. Ckainisso. Lasses and glasses are brittle wares. Sc. Pr. 30 Lasst fahren hin das allzu Fltichtige ! / Ihr sucht bei ihm vergebens Rat ! / In dem Vergangnen lebt das Tiichtige / Verewigt sich in schoner That — Let the too transient pass by ; ye seek counsel in vain of it. Yet what will avail you lives in the past, and lies immor- talised in what has been nobly done. Goethe. Lasst uns hell denken, so werden wir feurig lieben — Let us think clearly, we shall love ardently. Schiller. Last come, worst served. Last in bed, best heard. Pr. Last, not least. Jul. Ccrs., hi. i. Lear, i. i. 35 Last scene of all, . . . / Is second childishness and mere oblivion ; Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. As i'ou Like It, ii. 7. Late children are early orphans. S/. Pr. Late fruit keeps welL Ger. Pr. Lateat scintillula forsan— A small spark may perhaps lurk unseen, 71/. Laterem laves — You may as well wash a clay 40 brick white. Ter. Latet anguis in herba— There is a snake in the grass. / 'irg. Xdde /3tuxras— Remain hidden in life. Epicurus. Latitat — He lurks ; a writ of summons (Law). Latius regnes, avidum domando / Spiritum, quam si Libyam remotis I Gadibus jungas, et uterque Pcenus / Serviat uni— By subduing an avaricious spirit you will rule a wider empire than if you united Lybia to the far-off Gades, and the Carthaginian on both shores should be subject to you alone. Hor. Latrante uno, latrat statim et alter canis — 45 When one dog barks, another straightuav begins to bark too. Pr. Latrantem curatne alta Diana canem?— Does the high-stepping Diana care for the dog that bays her? Pr. Laudant quod non intelligent — They praise what they don't understand. Laudari a viro laudato maxima est laus — To he commended by a man of high repute i^ the greatest possible praise. Laudat venales qui vult extrudere merces— He praises his wares who wishes to palm them off upon others. Hot: Laudato ingentia rura, Exiguum colito— Praise 50 a large estate, but cultivate a small one. / 'irg. Laudator temporis acti— The praispr of bygone times. Hor. LAUDATUR [ 231 ] LAWS Laudatur ab his, culpatur ab illis — Some praise him, others censure him. Hor. Laudatus abunde, / Non fastiditus si tibi, lector, ero — Abundantly, reader, shall I be praised if I do not cause thee disgust. Ovid. Laudem virtutis necessitati damus — We give to necessity the praise of virtue, Qttinct. Laudibus arguitur vini vinosus — He is convicted of being a wine-bibber byhis praises of wine. Hor, 5 Laudo Deum verum, plebem voco, congrego clerum, / Defunctos ploro, pestem fugo, festa decoro — I praise the true God, I summon the people, I call together the clergy, I bewail the dead, I put to flight the plague, I celebrate fes- tivals. Inscription on a church bell. Laudo manentem ; si celeres quatit / Pennas, resigno quae dedit, et mea / Virtute me in- volvo probamque / Pauperiem sine dote quaero — I praise her (Fortune) while she stays with me ; if she flaps her swift pinions, I resign all she has given me, and wrap myself up in my own virtue and pay my addresses to honest un- dowered poverty. Hor. Laugh and be fat. Ben Jonson. Laugh at all twaddle about fate. A man's fate is what he makes it, nothing else. Anon. Laugh at leisure ; ye may greet (weep) ere nicht. Sc. Pr. 10 Laugh not too much: the witty man laughs least : ,' For wit is news only to ignorance. / Less at thine own things laugh : lest in the jest / Thy person share, and the conceit ad- vance. George Herbert. Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, / But vindicate the ways of God to man. Pope. Laughing 1 cheerfulness throws the light of day on all the paths of life ; sorrow is more confusing and distracting than so- called giddiness. Jean Paul. Laughter almost ever cometh of things most disproportioned to ourselves. Sir P. Sidney. Laughter and tears are meant to turn the wheels of the same machinery of sensibility ; one is wind-power, and the other water- power, that is all. Holmes. 15 Laughter, holding both his sides. Milton. Laughter is akin to weeping, and true humour is as closely allied to pity as it is abhorrent to derision. H. Giles. Laughter is one of the very privileges of reason, being confined to the human species. Leigh Hunt. Laughter is the cipher-key wherewith we decipher the whole man. Carlyle. Laughter leaves us doubly serious shortly after. Byron. 20 Laughter makes good blood. It. Pr. Laughter should dimple the cheek, not furrow the brow. Feltham. Laus Deo — Praise be to God. M. Laus est facere quod decet, non quod licet— It is doing what we ought to do, and not merely doing what we may do, that is the ground of praise. Laus in proprio ore sordescit — Self-praise is offensive. Pr. 25 Laus magna natis obsequi parentibus — Great praise is the meed of children who respect the wishes of their parents. Phaedr. Lavish promises lessen credit. Hor. Lavishness is not generosity. Pr. Law and equity are two things which God hath joined, but which man hath put asunder. Cotton. Law cannot persuade when it cannot punish. Pr. Law has her seat in the bosom of God, her 30 voice in the harmony of the world. Hooker. Law is a bottomless pit ; keep far from it. Pr. Law is a lottery Pr. Law is not law if it violates the principles of eternal justice. L. M. Child. Law is powerful, necessity more so. Goethe. Law it is which is without name, or colour, or 35 hands, or feet ; which is smallest of the least, and largest of the large ; all, and knowing all things ; which hears without ears, sees without eyes, moves without feet, and seizes without hands. Emerson. Law licks up a'. Sc. Pr. Law-makers should not be law-breakers. Pr. Law, man's sole guardian ever since the day when the old brazen age in sadness saw love fly the world. Schiller. Law teaches us to know when we commit injury and when we suffer it. Johnson. Law that shocks equity is reason's murderer. 40 A Hill. Lawless are they that make their wills their law. Sh. Laws act after crimes have been committed ; prevention goes before them both. Zimmer- mann. Laws and rights are transmitted like an in- veterate hereditary disease. Goethe. Laws are generally found to be nets of such texture as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle size are alone entangled in. Shenstone. Laws are intended to guard against what 45 men may do, not to trust what they will do. Junius. Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through. Swift. Laws are like spider webs, small flies are ta'en, / While greater flies break in and out again. Braithwaite. Laws are not made for particular cases, but for men in general. Johnson. Laws are not made like nets — to catch, but like sea-marks — to guide. Sir P. Sidney. Laws are not masters, but servants, and he 50 rules them who obeys them. Ward Beecher. Laws are not our life, only the house wherein our life is led ; nay, they are but the bare walls of the house ; all whose essential furniture, the inventions and traditions and daily habits that regulate and support our existence, are the work not of Dracos and Hampdens, but of Phoenician mariners, of Italian masons, and Saxon metallurgists, of philosophers, alchymists, prophets, and the long-forgotten train of artists and artisans, who from the first have been jointly teaching us how to think and how to act, how to rule over spiritual and physical nature. Carlyle. Laws are the silent assessors of God. IV. R. Alger. Laws are the sovereigns of sovereigns. Louis XIV. LAWS t 232 ] LE CHEMIN Laws are the very bulwarks of liberty. They define every man's rights, and stand between and defend the individual liberties of all. /. G. Holland. Laws are usually most beneficial in operation on the people who would have most strongly objected to their enactment. Ruskin. Law's costly; tak' a pint and 'gree. Sc. Pr. Laws exist in vain for those who have not the courage and the means to defend them. Macaulay. 5 Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law. Goldsmith. Laws, like cobwebs, catch flies, but let hornets go free. Pr. Laws of Nature are God's thoughts thinking themselves out in the orbs and the tides. C. H. Parkhurst. Laws should be like death, which spares no one. Montesquieu. Laws undertake to punish only overt acts. Montesquieu. 10 Laws were made for rogues. //. Pr. Laws, written, if not on stone tables, yet on the azure of infinitude, in the inner heart of God's creation, certain as life, certain as death, are there, and thou shalt not disobey them. Carlyle. Lawyers and painters can soon make black white. Pr. Lawyers and woodpeckers have long bills. Pr. Lawyers are always more ready to get a man into troubles than out of them. Goldsmith. 15 Lawyers are needful to keep us out of law. Pr. Lawyers' houses are built of fools' heads. Pr. Pr. Lawyers, of whose art the basis / Is raising feuds and splitting cases. Butler. Lawyers' robes are lined with the obstinacy of litigants. //. Pr. Lawyers will live as long as mine and thine does. Ger. Pr. 20 Lay by, like ants, a little store, / For summer lasts not evermore. Pr. Lay by something for a rainy day. Pr. Lay not all the load on the lame horse. Pr. Lay not that flattering unction to your soul. Ham., iii. 4. Lay not thine heart open to every one, but treat of thy affairs with the wise and such as fear God. Thomas a KcmJ>is. 25 Lay the blame at the right door. Pr. Lay the proud usurpers low ! / Tyrants fall in every foe ! / Liberty's in every blow ! / For- ward ! let us die. Burns. Lay thy hand upon thy halfpenny twice before thou partest with it. Pr. Lay up and lay out should go together. Pr. Lay up that you may lay out. Pr. 30 Lazarus did not go to Abraham's bosom be- cause he was poor, or every sluggard would go there easily. Spurgeon. Laziness begins with cobwebs and ends with iron chains. Pr. Laziness is nothing unless you carry it out. Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him. Ben. Franklin. Lazy as Ludlam's dog, that laid his head against the wall to bark. Pr. Lazy folks ask for work with their lips, but 35 their hearts pray God that they may not find it. Creole saying. Lazy folk's stomachs don't get tired. Uncle Remus. Lazy is the hand that ploughs not. Gael. Pr. Le beau monde — The fashionable world, pr. Le bestemmie fanno come le processioni ; ritornano donde partirono — Curses are like processions, they come back to whence they set out. TV. Pr. Le bien ne se fait jamais mieux que lorsqu'il 40 opere lentement- -Good is never more effec- tually done than when it is produced slowly. Pr. Pr. Le bon sens vulgaire est un mauvais juge quand il s'agit des grandes choses — Good common-sense is a bad judge when it is a ques- tion of high matters. Penan. Le bon temps viendra — The good time will come. M. Le bonheur de l'homme en cette vie ne con- siste pas a etre sans passions, il consiste a en etre le maitre — The happiness of man in this life does not consist in being devoid of passions, but in mastering them. Pr. Le bonheur des mechants comme un torrent s'ecoule — The happiness of the wicked passes away like a brook. Racine. Le bonheur des peuples depend et de la felicite 45 dont ils jouissent au dedans et du respect qu'ils inspirent au dehors — The welfare of nations depends at once on the happiness which they enjoy at home and the respect which they command abroad. Helvetius. Le bonheur et le malheur des hommes ne de- pendent pas moins de leur humeur que de la fortune— The happiness and unhappiness of men depend as much on their dispositions as on fortune. La Roche. Le bonheur n'est pas chose aisee : il est tres- difficile de le trouver en nous, et impossible de le trouver ailleurs — Happiness is no easy matter ; it is very hard to find it within our- selves, and impossible to find it elsewhere. Chamfort. Le bonheur ne peut etre / Ou la vertu n'est pas— Happiness cannot exist where virtue is not. Quinault. Le bonheur ou le malheur vont ordinairement a ceux qui ont le plus de l'un ou de l'autre — Good fortune or bad generally falls to those who have the greatest share of either. La Roche. Le bonheur semble fait pour etre partage 50 — Happiness seems appointed to be shared. Racine. Le bruit est si fort, qu'on n'entend pas Dieu tonner — The no^e (of things) is so deafening that we cannot hear God when He thunders, Pr. Pr. Le bruit est pour le fat, la plainte est pour le sot, / L'honnete homme trompe s'eloigne et ne dit mot — Blustering is for the fop. whimper- ing for the fool ; the sensible man when deceived goes off and says nothing. Lanoue. Le chemin est long du projet a la close — The road is a long one from the projection of a thing to its accomplishment. Molierc. LE CIEL [ 233 ] LE JOUR Le ciel me prive d'une epouse qui ni m'a jamais donne d' autre chagrin que celui de sa mort — Heaven bereaves me of a spouse who never caused me any other vexation than by her death. Louis XIV. of his wife. Le citoyen peut perir, et l'homme rester— The citizen may perish and man remain. Montes- quieu. Le cceur a ses raisons, que la raison ne con- noit pas — The heart has its reasons, which reason does not know. Pascal. Le cceur de l'homme n'est jamais si inflexible que son esprit — The heart of man is never so inflexible as his intellect. Lamartine. 5 Le cceur d'une femme est un vrai miroir qui recoit toutes sortes d'objets sans s'attacher a aucun — The heart of woman is a real mirror, which reflects every object without attaching itself to any. Fr. Le congres ne marche pas ; il danse —The Con- gress does not advance ; it dances. The Prince de Ligne of the Vienna Congress. Le conquerant est craint, le sage est estime, / Mais le bienfaiteur plait, et lui seul est aime — The conqueror is held in awe, the sage is esteemed, but it is the benevolent man who wins our affections and is alone beloved. Fr. Le conseil manque a lame, / Et le guide au chemin — The soul wants counsel, and the road a guide. Fr. Le contraire des bruits qui courent des affaires, ou des personnes, est souvent la verite — The converse of what is currently reported about things and people is often the truth. La Bru- yere. 10 Le contrat du gouvernement est tenement dis- sous par despotisme que le despot n'est le maitre qu'aussi long temps qu'il est le plus fort ; et que si tot qu'on peut l'expulser, il n'a point a reclaimer contre la violence — The contract of government is so dissolved by des- potism, that the despot is master only so long as he is the strongest, and that as soon as there is power to expel him, he has no right to protest against the violent proceeding. Rousseau. Le corps politique, aussi bien que le corps de l'homme, commence a mourir des sa nais- sance, et porte en lui-meme les causes de sa destruction — The body politic, like the body of man, begins to die as soon as it is born, and bears within it the seeds of its own dissolution. Rousseau. Le cose non sono come sono, ma come si vedono — Things are not as they are, but as they are regarded. It. Pr. Le courage est souvent un effet de la peur — Courage is often an effect of fear. Fr. Pr. Le coiite en ote le gout — The cost takes away from the relish. Fr. Pr. 15 Le cri d'un peuple heureux est la seule elo- quence qui doit parler des rois — The acclaim of a happy people is the only eloquence which ought to speak in the behalf of kings. Le crime fait la honte, et non pas l'echafaud — It is the crime that's the disgrace, not the scaf- fold. Comeille. Le desespoir comble non seulement notre misere, mais notre faiblesse — Despair gives the finishing blow not only to misery, but to weakness. Vaiivenargues. Le desespoir redouble les forces — Despair doubles our powers. Fr. Pr. Le despotisme tempere par l'assassinat, c*est notre Magna Charta — Despotism tempered by assassination is our Magna Charta. A Russian noble to Count MUnster on the murder of the Czar Paul. Le dessous des cartes — The lower side of the 20 cards. Fr. Le devoir, e'est 1'ame interieure, e'est la vie de l'education — Duty is the inner soul, the life of education. Michelet. Le devoir des juges est de rendre justice, leur metier est de la differer ; quelques uns sa- vent leur devoir, et font leur metier — The duty of judges is to administer justice, but their practice is to delay it ; some of them know their duty, but adhere to the practice. La Bruyere. Le diable etait beau quand il etait jeune— The devil was handsome when he was young. Fr. Pr. Le divorce est le sacrement de l'adultere— Divorce is the sacrament of adultery. Le doute s'introduit dans l'ame qui reve, la foi 25 descend dans l'ame qui souffre — Doubt in- sinuates itself into a soul that is dreaming ; faith comes down into one that struggles and suffers. Le droit est au plus fort en amour comme en guerre, / Et la femme qu'on aime aura tou- jours raison — Right is with the strongest in love as in war, / And the woman we love will always be right. A. de Musset. Le feu qui semble eteint souvent dort dans la cendre — The fire which seems extinguished often slumbers in the ashes. Comeille. Le genie e'est la patience — Genius is just patience. Fr. Pr. Le genie n'est autre chose qu'une grand apti- tude a la patience — Genius is nothing else than a sovereign capacity for patience. Buffon. Le geologue est un nouveau genre d'anti- 30 quaire — The geologist is a new species of anti- quarian. (?) Le gouvernement representatif est la justice organisee, la raison vivante, la morale armee — Representative government is justice organ- ised, reason in living action, and morality armed. Royer Collard. Le grand art de la superiorite, e'est de saiser les hommes par leur bon cote- The great art of superiority is getting hold of people by their right side. Mirabeati. Le grand monarque — The grand monarch, Louis XIV. Le grandeur et le discernement sont des choses differentes, et l'amour pour la vertu, et pour les vertueux une troisieme chose— High rank and discernment are two different things, and love for virtue and for virtuous people is a third thing. La Bruyere. Le hazard donne les pensees : le hazard les 35 ote : point dart pour conserver ni pour acquerir— Chance suggests thoughts ; changes deprive us of them : there is no rule for pre- serving or acquiring them. Pascal. Le hazard est un sobriquet de la Providence — Chance is a nickname for Providence. Chain- fort. Le jeu est le fils de l'avarice et le pere du desespoir — Gambling is the son of avarice and the father of despair. Fr. Pr. Le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle — The game is not worth the candle. Fr. Pr. Le jour viendra— The day will come. ill. LE MASQUE [ 234 ] LE R01 Le masque tombe, 1'homme reste / Et le heros s'evanouit — The mask falls off, the man re- mains, and the heroic vanishes. /. B. Rousseau. Le mauvais metier que celui de censeur — A bad business that of censor. Guy Patin. Le mechant n'est jamais comique— A bad man is never amusing. De Maislre. Le medicin Tant-pis et le medicin Tant- mieux — The pessimist and the optimist {/it. Doctor So-much-the-\vorse and Doctor So-much- the-better). La Fontaine. 5 Le merite est souvent un obstacle a la fortune ; e'est qu'il produit toujours deux mauvais effets, l'envie et la crainte — Merit is often an obstacle to fortune ; the reason is it produces two bad effects, envy and fear. Fr. Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien— Better is the enemy of well. Fr. Pr. Le moindre grain de mil serait bien mieux mon affaire — The smallest grain of millet would serve my needs better. La Fontaine, " The Cock and the Pearl." Le moineau en la main vaut mieux que l'oie qui vole— A sparrow in the hand is worth a goose on the wing. Fr. Pr. Le monde, chere Agnes, est une etrange chose — The world, dear Agnes, is a queer concern. Moliere. 10 Le monde est le livre des femmes— The world is the book of women. Rousseau. Le monde est plein de fous, et qui n'en veut pas voir / Doit se tenir tout seul et casser son miroir — The world is full of madmen, and he who would not see one must keep himself quite alone and break his looking-glass. Le monde paye d'ingratitude— The world pays with ingratitude. Fr. Pr. Le monde savant — The learned world. Fr. Le mort est le dernier trait du tableau de la vie — Death is the finishing touch in the picture of life. Fr. 15 Le mot de I'enigme— The key to the riddle. Fr. Le moy est haissable — Egotism is hateful. Pascal. Le moyen le plus sur de se consoler de tout ce qui peut arriver, e'est de s'attendre tou- jours au pire — The surest way to console one's self against whatever may happen is always to expect the worst. Fr. Le nombre des elus au Parnasse est complet — The list of the elect of Parnassus is made up. (?) Le nombre des sages sera toujours petit— The wise will always be few in number. 20 Le parjure est une vertu, / Lorsque le serment fut un crime — Perjury is a virtue when the oath was a crime. / 'oltaire. Le pas — Precedence in place or rank. Fr. Le pays du mariage a cela de partieulier, que les etrangers ont envie de l'habiter, et les habitans naturels voudroient en etre exiles — The land of matrimony possesses this peculiarity, that strangers to it would like to dwell in il, and the natural inhabitants wish to be exiled. Montaigne. Le pedant et l'instituteur disent a peu pros les memes choses ; mais le premier les dit a tout propos : le second ne les dit que quand il sur de leur effet — The pedant and the teacher say nearly the same things ; but the former on every occasion, the latter only when be is sure of their effect. Rousseau. Le petit monde — The lower orders. Fr. Le peuple anglais pense etre libre ; il ne Test 25 que durant 1' election des membres du parle- ment — The English think they are free ; they are free only during the election of members of Parliament. Rousseau. Le peuple est le cceur du pays — The people is the heart of a country. Laiuartine. Le peuple ne comprend que ce qu'il sent. Les seuls orateurs pour lui sont ceux qui l'emeu- vent — The people understand only what they feel ; the only orators that can affect them are those who move them. Lamartine. Le plaisir le plus delicat est de faire celui d'autrui — The most exquisite pleasure con- sists in promoting the pleasures of others. La Bruyere. Le plus ane des trots n'est pas celui qu'on pense — The greatest ass of the three is not the one who seems so. La Fontaine, " The Miller, his Son, and his Ass." Le plus dangereux ridicule des vieilles per- 30 sonnes qui sont aimables, e'est d'oublier qu'elles ne le sont plus — For old people, how- ever estimable, to forget that they are no longer old is to expose themselves to certain ridicule. La Roche. Le plus lent a promettre est toujours le plus fidele a tenir — He who is slow in promising is al- ways the most faithful in performing. Rousseau. Le plus sage est celui qui ne pense point l'etre — The wisest man is he who does not think he is so. Boileau. Le plus semblable aux morts meurt le plus a. regret — He who most resembles the dead dies with most reluctance. La Fontaine. Le plus veritable marque d'etre ne avec de grandes qualites, c est d'etre ne sans envie — The sure mark of being bom with noble quali- ties is being born without envy. La Roche. Le premier ecu est plus difficile a. gagner que 35 le second million — The first five shillings are harder to win than the second million. Fr. Pr. Le premier soupir de l'amour est le dernier de la sagesse— The first sigh of love is the last of wisdom. Charrou. Le present est gros de l'avenir — The present is big with coming events. Leibnitz. Le present est pour ceux qui jouissent, l'avenir pour ceux qui souffrent — The present is for those who enjoy, the future for those who suffer. Fr. Le public ! combien faut-il de sots pour faire un public ? — The public ! How many fools must there be to make a public ? Chamfort. Le reel est etroit, le possible est immense— The 40 real is limited, the possible is unlimited. Lamar- tine. Le refus des louanges est souvent un desir d'etre loue deux fois— The refusal of praise often proceeds from a desire to have it repeated. Le repos est une bonne chose, mais l'ennui est son frere— Repose is a good thing, but ennui is his brother. I'oltaire. Le reste ne vaut pas l'honneur d'etre nomme — The rest don't deserve to be mentioned. Corneille. Le roi est mort ; vive le roi !— The king is dead ; long live the king ! The form of announ. ing the death of a Frtnch king. Le roy et 1 etat— The king and the state. M. 45 Le roi le veut— The king wills it. The formula tf royal assent in France. LE ROI r ass i LEARN Le roi regne et ne gouverne pas — The king reign;; but does not govern. Thiers at the ac- cession of Louis Philippe. Le roi s'avisera — The king will consider it. The form of a royal veto in France. Le sage entend a demi-mot — A hint suffices for a vise man. Fr. Pr. Le sage quelquefois evite le monde de peur d'etre ennuye — The wise man sometimes shuns society from fear of being bored. La Bruyere. 5 Le sage songe avant que de parler a ce qu'il doit dire ; le fou parle, et ensuite songe a ce qu'il a dit — A wise man thinks before he speaks what he ought to say ; the fool speaks and thinks afterwards what he has said. Fr. Pr. Le savoir faire — Knowing how to act ; ability. Le savoir vivre— Knowing how to live ; good manners. Le secret d'ennuyer est celui de tout dire — The secret of boring people is saying all that can be said on a subject. I 'ol fa ire. Le sens commun est le genie de l'humanite — Common sense is the genius of humanity. Goethe. 10 Le sentiment de la liberte est plus vif, plus il y entre de malignite — The passion for liberty is the keener the greater the malignity asso- ciated with it. Fr. Le silence du peuple est la lecon des rois — The silence of the people is a lesson to kings. 71/. de Beauvais. Le silence est l'esprit des sots, / Et l'une des vertus du sage — Silence is the wit of fools, and one of the virtues of the wise man. Bonnard. Le silence est la vertu de ceux qui ne sont pas sages — Silence is the virtue of those who want it. Boithonrs. Le silence est le parti le plus sur pour celui qui se defie de soi-meme — Silence is the safest course for the man who is diffident of himself. La Roche. 15 Le soleil ni la mort ne se peuvent regarder fixement — Neither the sun nor death can be looked at fixedly. La Roche. Le sort fait les parents, le choix fait les amis — It is to chance we owe our relatives, to choice our friends. Delilie. Le style est l'homme meme — The style is the man himself. Bnffon. Le superflu, chose tres-necessaire — The super- fluous, a thing highly necessary. Voltaire. Le temps est un grand maitre, il regie bien les choses — Time is a great master ; it regulates things well. Corneille. 20 Le temps guerit les douleurs et les querelles, parcequ'on change, on n est plus le meme per- sonne — Time heals our griefs and wranglings, because we change, and are no longer the same. Pascal. Le temps n'epargne pas ce qu'on fait sans lu: — Time preserves nothing that has been done without her, i.e., that has taken no time to do. Favolle. Le tout ensemble — The whole together. Fr. Le travail du corps delivre des peines de l'esprit ; et c'est ce qui rend les pauvres heureux — Bodily labour alleviates the pains of the mind, and hence arises the happiness of the poor. La Roche. Le travail eloigne de nous trois grand maux, l'ennui, le vice, et le besoin — Labour relieves us from three great evils, ennui, vice, and want. Fr. Le trepas yient tout guerir ; / Mais ne bou-23 geons d'ou nous sommes : / Plutot souffrir que mourir, / C'est la devise des hommes — Death comes to cure everything, but let us not stir from where we are. "Endure sooner than die," is the proper device for man. La Fon- taine. Le trident de Neptune est le sceptre du monde — The trident of Neptune is the sceptre of the world. Lemierrc. Le vesciche galleggiano sopre aqua, mentre le cose di peso vanno al fondo — Bladders swim on the surface of the water, while things of weight sink to the bottom. It. Pr. Le vivre et le couvert, que faut-il davantage? — Life and good fare, what more do we need ? La Fontaine, il 'The Rat in Retreat." Le vrai merite ne depend point du temps ni de la mode — True merit depends on neither time nor mode. Fr. Pr. Le vrai moyen d'etre trompe, c'est de se croire 30 plus fin que les autres — The most sure way to be imposed on is to think one's self cleverer than other people. La Roche. Le vrai nest pas toujours vraisemblable — The true is not always verisimilar. Fr. Pr. Le vrai peut quelquefois n'etre pas vraisemble — What is true may sometimes seem unlike truth. Boileau. Lead, kindly light, amid th' encircling gloom, / Lead thou me on. Newman. Lead thine own captivity captive, and be Caesar within thyself. Sir Thomas Browne. Leal heart leed never. Sc. Pr. 35 Lean liberty is better than fat slavery. Pr. Lean not upon a broken reed, which will not only let thee fall, but pierce thy arm too. Thomas a Kempis. Lean, rent, and beggared by the strumpet wind! Mer. of Ten., ii. 6. Learn a craft while you are young, that you may not have to live by craft when you are old. Pr. Learn never to repine at your own misfor- 40 tunes, or to envy the happiness of another. A ddison. Learn of the little nautilus to sail, / Spread the thin oar and catch the driving gale. Pope. Learn taciturnity ; let that be your motto. Burns. Learn that nonsense is none the less nonsense because it is in rhyme ; and that rhyme with- out a purpose or a thought that has not been better expressed before is a public nuisance, only to be tolerated because it is good for trade. C. Fitzhugii. Learn the value of a man's words and expres- sions, and you know him. Each man has a measure of his own for everything ; this he offers you inadvertently in his words. He who has a superlative for everything wants a measure for the great or small. Lavater. Learn to be good readers, which is perhaps a 45 more difficult thing than you imagine. Learn to be discriminative in your reading ; to read faithfully, and with your best attention, all kinds of things which you have a real in- terest in — a real, not an imaginary — and which you find to be really fit for what you are engaged in. Carlyle to students. LEARN [ 236 ] LEAVES Learn to be pleased with everything- ; with wealth so far as it makes us of benefit to others ; with poverty, for not having much to care for ; and with obscurity, for being unenvied. Plutarch. Learn to creep before you leap. Pr. Learn to hold thy tongue. Five words cost Zecharias forty weeks' silence. Fuller. Learn to labour and to wait. Longfellow. S Learn to say before you sing. Pr. Learn to say No ! and it will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin. Spur- geon. Learn wisdom from the follies of others. Pr. Learn you a bad habit, an' ye'll ca'd a custom. Sc. Pr. Learn young, learn fair ; / Learn auld, learn mair. Sc. Pr. 10 Learned fools are the greatest of all fools. Ger. Pr. Learned Theban. Lear, iii. 4. Learned without sense and venerably dull. Churchill. Learning by study must be won, / 'Twas ne'er entail'd from son to son. Gay. Learning hath gained most by those books by which printers have lost. Fuller. 15 Learning hath its infancy, when it is almost childish ; then its youth, when luxurious and juvenile ; then its strength of years, when solid ; and lastly its old age, when dry and exhaust. Bacon. Learning is a companion on a journey to a strange country. Hitopadesa. Learning is a dangerous weapon, and apt to wound its master if it is wielded by a feeble hand, and by one not well acquainted with its use. Montaigne. Learning is a livelihood. Hitopadesa. Learning is a sceptre to some, a bauble to others. Pr. 20 Learning is a superior sight. Hitopadesa. Learning is an addition beyond / Nobility of birth ; honour of blood, / Without the orna- ment of knowledge, is / A glorious ignor- ance. Shirley. Learning is better than hidden treasure. Hito- padesa. Learning is better worth than house or land. Crabbe. Learning is but an adjunct to ourself: 'And, where we are, our learning likewise is. Love's L. Lost, iv. 3. 25 Learning is not to be tacked to the mind, but we must fuse and blend them together, not merely giving the mind a slight tincture, but a thorough and perfect dye. Montaigne. Learning is pleasurable, but doing is the height of enjoyment. Novalis. Learning is strength inexhaustible. Hito- padesa. Learning is the dictionary, but sense the grammar, of science. Sterne. Learning is the source of renown, and the foun- tain of victory in the senate. Hitopadesa. 30 Learning itself, received into a mind / By nature weak or viciously inclined, ' Serves but to lead philosophers astray. / Where children would with ease discern the way. Cowper. Learning, like money, may be of so base a coin as to be utterly devoid of use ; or, if sterling, may require good management to make it serve the purpose of sense and happiness. Shenstone. Learning, like the lunar beam, affords light, not heat. Young. Learning makes a man a fit companion for himself. Pr. Learning makes a man wise, but a fool is made all the more a fool by it. Pr. Learning needs rest ; sovereignty gives it. 35 Sovereignty needs counsel ; learning affords it. Ben Jonson. Learning once made popular is no longef learning. Johnson. Learning passes for wisdom among them who want both. Sir IV. Temple. Learning puffeth men up ; words are but wind, and learning is nothing but words ; ergo, learning is nothing but wind. Swift. Learning to a man is a name superior to beauty. Hitopadesa. Learning to the inexperienced is a poison. 40 Hitopadesa. Learning without thought is labour lost. Pr. Least said is soonest mended. Pr. Leave a jest when it pleases you best. Pr. Leave a man to his passions, and you leave a wild beast of a savage and capricious nature. Burke. Leave a welcome behind you. Pr. 45 Leave all piggies' ears alone rather than seize upon the wrong one. Spurgeon. Leave all things to a Father's will, / And taste, before him lying still, Even in afflic- tion, peace. Anstice. Leave all to God, / Forsaken one, and stay thy tears ! U 'ink-worth. Leave Ben Lomond where it stands. Sc. Pr. Leave her to heaven, / And to those thorns 53 that in her bosom lodge, To prick and sting her. Ham., i. 5. Leave it if you cannot mend it. Pr. Leave not the meat to gnaw the bones, / Nor break your teeth on worthless stones. Pr. Leave off no clothes / Till you see a June rose. Pr, " Leave off your fooling and come down, sir." Oliver Cromwell. Leave the court ere the court leave you. 55 Sc. Pr. Leave the great ones of the world to manage their own concerns, and keep your eyes and observations at home. Thomas a Kempis. Leave this keen encounter of our wits, / And fall somewhat into a slower method. Rich. III., i. 1. Leave to-morrow till to-morrow. Pr. Leave to the diamond its ages to grow, nor expect to accelerate the births of the eternal. Emerson. Leave well alone. Pr. 60 Leave you your power to draw, / And I shall have no power to follow you. Mid. Night's Dream, ii. 2. Leaves enough, but few grapes. Pr, LEAVES r 237 i LES AMIS Leaves have their time to fall, / And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, , And stars to set ; but all. Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O death ! Mrs. He/nans. Leaving for gleaner makes farmer no leaner. Pr. Lebe, wie du, wenn du stirbst, / Wiinschen wirst, gelebt zu haben — Live, as you will wish to have lived when you come to die. Gellert. Leben athme die bildende Kunst, / Geist fordr' ich vom Dichter — Let painting and sculpture breathe life ; it is spirit itself I require of the poet. Schiller. 5 Leben heisst traumen ; weise sein heisst angenehm traumen — To live is to dream, to be wise is to dream agreeably. Schiller. Leberide csecior — Blinder than a serpent's slough. Pr. Led by illusions romantic and subtle decep- tions of fancy, ' Pleasure disguised as duty, and love in the semblance of friendship. Longfell. Corbet. Let but the mirror be clear, this is the great point ; the picture must and will be genuine. Carlyle. Let but the public mind once become thor- oughly corrupt, and all attempts to secure property, liberty, or life by mere force of laws written on parchment will be as vain as putting up printed notices in an orchard to keep off canker-worms. J lor. Mann. Let byganes be byganes, / Wha's huffed at anither, Dinna cloot the auld days / And the new anes thegither ; ; Wi' the fauts and the failings / O' past years be dune, / Wi a grip o' fresh freen'ship , A New- Year begin. M. IV. Wood. Let charity be warm if the weather be cold. 30 Pr. Let dogs delight to bark and bite, / For God hath made them so. Watts. Let each tailor mend his own coat. Pr. Let every bird sing its own note. Dan. Pr. Let every eye negotiate for itself, and trust no agent. Much Ado, ii. i. Let every fox take care of his own brush. 35 Pr. Let every herring hang by its own tail. Irish Pr. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. St. Paul. Let every man come to God in his own way. Ward Beecher. Let every man do what he was made for. Pr. Let every man praise the bridge he goes over. 40 Pr. Let every minute be a full life to thee. Jean Paul. Let every one inquire of himself what he loveth, and he shall resolve himself of whence he is a citizen. S. A ugustine. Let every one look to himself, and no one will be lost. Put. Pr. Let every tailor keep to his goose. Pr. Let every thought too, soldier-like, be 45 stripped, / And roughly looked over. /'. /. Ba /icy. Let ev'ry man enjoy his whim ; / What's he to me or I to him ? Churchill. Let fate do her worst ; there are moments of joy, / Bright dreams of the past, which she cannot destroy ; / Which come in the night- time of sorrow and care, / And bring back the features that joy used to wear. Moore. Let fortune empty her whole quiver on me, / I have a soul that, like an ample shield, / Can take in all, and verge enough for more. Dryden. Let fouk bode weel, and strive to do their best ; / Nae mair's required ; let Heaven mak' out the rest. Allan Ramsay. Let gleaners glean, though crops be lean. 50 Let go desire, and thou shalt lay hold on peace. Thomas : Let the world slide, let the world go ; ' A fig for care, and a fig for woe I / If I can't pay, why, I can owe, And death makes equal the high and low. Heywood. Let the world wag. Pr. 5 Let the young people mind what the old people say, And where there is danger keep out of the way. Pr. Let them call it mischief : When it is past and prosper' d it will be virtue. Ben Jonson. Let them obey that know not how to rule. 2 Hen. VI., v. i. Let there be thistles, there are grapes ; / If old things, there are new ; / Ten thousand broken lights and shapes, / Yet glimpses of the true. Tennyson. Let thine eyes look right on. Bib V. 10 Let this be an example for the acquisition of all knowledge, virtue, and riches. By the fall of drops of water, by degrees, a pot is filled. Hitopadesa. Let those have night that love the night. Quarles. Let those who believe in immortality enjoy their belief in silence, and give themselves no airs about it. Goethe. Let those who hope for brighter shores no more. / Not mourn, but turning inland, bravely seek / What hidden wealth re- deems the shapeless shore. Eugene Lee Hamilton. Let thy alms go before, and keep heaven's gate / Open for thee, or both may come too late. George Herbert. 15 Let thy child's first lesson be obedience, and the second will be what thou wilt. Ben. Franklin. Let thy fair wisdom, not thy passion, sway. Twelfth Night, iv. i. Let thy great deeds force fate to change her mind ; / He that courts fortune boldly, makes her kind. Dryden. Let thy mind still be bent, still plotting where, / And when, and how thy business may be done, ' Slackness breeds worms ; but the sure traveller. / Though he alights some- times, still goeth on. George Herbert. Let thy mind's sweetness have his operation Upon thy body, clothes, and habitation. George Herbei t. 20 Let thy words be few. Bible. Let us a little permit Nature to take her own way ; she better understands her own affairs than we. Montaigne. Let us approach our friend with an audacious trust in the truth of his heart, in the breadth, impossible to be overturned, of his founda- tions. Emerson. Let us be back'd with God, and with the seas, ' Which He hath given for fence impregnable, / And with these helps only defend ourselves ; In them, and in ourselves, our safety lies. 3 Hen. V/., iv. i. Let us be content in work I To do the thing we can, and not presume / To fret because it's little. E. B. Browning. Let us be men with men, and always children 25 before God. Joubert. Let us be poised, and wise, and our own to-day. Emerson. Let us be silent, for so are the gods. Emerson. Let us beware that our rest become not the rest of stones, which, so long as they are torrent-tossed and thunder-stricken, main- tain their majesty ; but when the stream is silent and the storm passed, suffer the grass to cover them and the lichen to feed upon them, and are ploughed down into dast. Ruskin. Let us do the work of men while we bear the form of them. Ruskin Let us endeavour to see things as they are, 30 and then inquire whether we ought to com- plain. Johnson. Let us enjoy the cloven flame whilst it glows on our walls. Emerson. Let us fear the worst, but work with faith : the best will always take care of itsel r . / 'ictor Hugo. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand it. Lincoln. Let us have the crisis ; we shall either have death or the cure. Carlyle. Let us know what to love, and we shall know 35 also what to reject ; what to affirm, and we shall know also what to deny ; but it is dan- gerous to begin with denial and fatal to end with it. Carlyle. Let us learn upon earth those things that can call us to heaven. St. Jerome. Let us leave the question of origins to those who busy themselves with insoluble pro- blems, and have nothing better to do. Goethe. Let us make haste to live, since every day to a wise man is a new life. Sen. Let us march intrepidly wherever we are led by the course of human accidents. Where- ever they lead us, on what coasts soever we are thrown by them, we shall not find our- selves absolutely strangers. Bolingbroke. Let us not burden our remembrances with '40 A heaviness that's gone. The Tempest, v. i. Let us not make imaginary evils when we have so many real ones to encounter. Gold- smith. Let us not strive to rise too high, that we may not fall too low. Schiller. Let us not throw away any of our days upon useless resentment, or contend who shall hold out longest in stubborn malignity. Johnson. Let us th' important " now " employ, / And live as those who never die. B irns. Let us, then, be up and doing, / With a heart 45 for every fate : / Still achieving, still pur- suing, / Learn to labour and to wait. Longfellow. Let us, then, be what we are, and speak what we think, and in all things / Keep ours:lves loyal to truth and the sacred professions of friendship. Longfellow. Let us try what esteem and kindness can effect. Johnson. Let vain men pursue vanity ; leave them to their own methods. Thomas o. Kempis. LET WEALTH [ 244 ] LIARS Let wealth and commerce, laws and learning' die, / But leave us still our old nobility. Lord J. Manners. Let wealth shelter and cherish unprotected merit, and the gratitude and celebrity of that merit will richly repay it. Burns. Let whatever you are and whatever you do, grow out of a firm root of truth and a strong soil of reality. Prof. Blackie. Let Whig and Tory stir their blood ; / There must be stormy weather ; / But for some true result of good, / All parties work to- gether. Tennyson. 5 Let woman learn betimes to serve according to her destination, for only by serving will she at last learn to rule, and attain the in- fluence that belongs to her in the household. Goethe. Let women spin, not preach. Pr. Let your daily wisdom of life be in making a good use of the opportunities given you. Prof. Blackie. Let your enemies be disarmed by the gentle- ness of your manner, but let them feel, at the same time, the steadiness of your just resentment. Chesterfield. Let your literary compositions be kept from the public eye for nine years at least. Hor. 10 Let your pen fall, begin to trifle with blotting- paper, look at the ceiling, bite your nails, and otherwise dally with your purpose, and you waste your time, scatter your thoughts, and repress the nervous energy necessary for your task. G. H. Lewes. Let your purse be your master. Pr. Let your reason with your choler question. . . . To climb steep hills / Requires slow pace at first. Hen. VIII., i. i. Let your rule in reference to your social senti- ments be simply this ; pray for the bad, pity the weak, enjoy the good, and reverence both the great and the small, as playing each his part aptly in the divine symphony of the universe. Prof. Blackie. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how to answer every man. St. Paul. 15 Let your trouble tarry till its own day comes. Pr. Let's live with that small pittance which we have ; / Who covets more is evermore a slave. Herrick. Let's not unman each other— part at once; / All farewells should be sudden when for ever, / Else they make an eternity of moments, / And clog the last sad sands of life with tears. Byron. Let's take the instant by the forward top ; / For we are old, and on our quick'st decrees Th' inaudible and noiseless foot of time / Steals ere we can effect them. All's Well, v. 3 . Let's teach ourselves that honourable stop, not to out-sport discretion. Othello, ii. 3. 20 Letters may be always made out of the books of the morning or talk of the evening. Johnson. Letters of mere compliment, congratulation, or affected condolence, which have cost the authors most labour in composing, never fail of being the most disagreeable and insipid to the readers. Blair. Letters that are warmly sealed are often coldly opened. Jean Paul. Letters without virtue are like pearls in a dunghill. Cervantes. Letting down buckets into empty wells, and growing old with drawing nothing up. Cowper. Lettres de cachet — Warrants of imprisonment 25 under royal seal, liberally issued in France before the Revolution. Leuk twice or ye loup ance, i.e., look twice before you leap once. .SV. Pr. Leve aes alienum debitorem facit, grave inimi- cum — A small debt makes a man your debtor, a large one your enemy. Sen. Leve fit quod bene fertur onus — The burden which is cheerfully borne becomes light. Ovid, Leve incommodum tolerandum est — A slight inconvenience must be endured. M. Leve (trust) none better than thyself. Hazlitt's 30 Poems. Level roads run out from music to every side. Goethe. Leves homines futuri sunt improvidi — Light- minded men are improvident of the future. J'ac. Levia perpessi sumus, / Si flenda patimur— Our sufferings are light, if they are merely such as we should weep for. Leviores sunt injuriae, quae repentino aliquo motu accidunt, quam eae quae meditate prae- parata inferuntur — The injuries which befall us unexpectedly are less severe than those which we are deliberately anticipating. Cic. Levis est dolor qui capere consilium potest — 35 Grief is light which can take advice. S, 11. Levis sit tibi terra — May the earth lie light on thee. Levity is a prettiness in a child, a disgraceful defect in men, and a monstrous folly in old age. La Roche. Levity is often less foolish, and gravity less wise, than each of them appears. Cotton. Levity of behaviour is the bane of all that is good and virtuous. Sen. Levius fit patientia / Quicquid corrigere est 40 nefas — Whatever cannot be amended becomes easier to bear if we exercise patience. Hor. Levius solet timere qui propius timet — A man's fears are lighter when the danger is near at hand. Sen. Lex aliquando sequitur asquitatem — Law is sometimes according to equity. L. Lex citius tolerare vult privatum damnum quam publicum malum — The law will sooner tolerate a private loss than a public evil. Coke. Lex neminem cogit ad impossibilia — The law compels no one to do what is impossible. L. Lex non scripta — The common law. 45 Lex prospicit non respicit— The law is prospec- tive, not retrospective. L. Lex scripta — The statute law. Lex talionis — The law of retaliation. Lex terras — The law of the land. Lex universa est quae jubet nasci et mori— 50 There is a universal low which commands that we shall be born and shall die. Pul: Syr. Liars act like the salt-miners ; they undermine the truth, but leave just so much standing as is necessary to support the edifice. Ji.in Paul. LIARS I 245 ] LICET Liars are always ready to take oath. A [fieri. Liars are the cause of all the sins and crimes in the world. Epictetus. Liars ought to have good memories. Sidney. Libenter homines id, quod volunt, credunt — Men are fain to believe what they wish. Ccrsar. 5 Libera chiesa in libero stato — A free church in a free state. Cavour. Libera Fortunse mors est : capit omnia tellus / Quae genuit — Death is not subject to fortune ; the earth contains everything which she ever brought forth. Lue. Libera me ab homine malo, a meipso — Deliver me from the evil man, from myself. St. Augustine. Libera te metu mortis — Deliver thyself from the fear of death. Sen. Liberality consists less in giving profusely than in giving judiciously. La Bruyere. 10 Liberality is not giving largely but wisely. Pr. Libertas— Liberty. M. Libertas est potestas faciendi id quod jure licet — Liberty consists in the power of doing what the law permits. L. Libertas in legibus — Liberty under the laws. M. Libertas, quse sera, tamen respexit inertem — Liberty, which, though late, regarded me in my helpless state. V'irg. 15 Libertas sub rege pio— Liberty under a pious king. M. Libertas ultima mundi / Quo steterit ferienda loco — In the spot where liberty has made her last stand she was fated to be smitten. Lucan. Liberte toute entiere — Liberty perfectly entire. M. Liberty, and not theology, is the enthusiasm of the nineteenth century. The very men who would once have been conspicuous saints are now conspicuous revolutionists, for while their heroism and disinterested- ness are their own, the direction which these qualities take is determined by the pressure of the age. H. W. Lecky. Liberty comes with Christianity, because Christianity develops and strengthens the mass of men. // 'ard Beccher. 20 Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint. Webster. Liberty has no actual rights which are not grafted upon justice. J\Ime. Swetchine. Liberty has no crueller enemy than license. Pr. Pr. Liberty is a principle ; its community is its security; exclusiveness is its doom. Kossuth. Liberty is a slow fruit. It is never cheap ; it is made difficult because freedom is the accom- plishment and perfectness of man. Emerson. 25 Liberty is an old fact ; it has had its heroes and its martyrs in almost every age. Chapin. Liberty is God's gift ; liberties are the devil's. Gcr. Pr. Liberty is not idleness ; it is an unconstrained use of time. To be free is not to be doing nothing ; it is to be one's own master as to what one ought to do or not to do. La Bruyere. Liberty is of more value than any gifts ; and to receive gifts is to lose it. Be assured that men most commonly seek to oblige thee only that they may engage thee to serve them. Saadi. Liberty is one of the most precious gifts that Heaven has bestowed on man, and captivity is the greatest evil that can befall him. Cervantes. Liberty is quite as much a moral as a political 30 growth, the result of free individual action, energy, and independence. S. Smiles. Liberty is the right of doing whatever the laws permit. Montesquieu. Liberty is to the collective body what health is to every individual body. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man ; without liberty no happiness can be enjoyed by society. Bolingbrokc. Liberty is to the lowest rank of every nation little more than the choice of working or starving. Johnson. Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty as well as by the abuse of power. Madison. Liberty must be a mighty thing, for by it 35 God punishes and rewards nations. Mine. S-wet chine. Liberty must be limited in order to be pos- sessed. Burke. Liberty of thinking and expressing our thoughts is always fatal to priestly power, and to those pious frauds on which it is com- monly founded. Hume. Liberty raises us to the gods ; holiness pros- trates us on the ground. Amiel. Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth. Washington. Liberty will not descend to a people ; a people 40 must raise themselves to liberty ; it is a blessing that must be earned before it can be enjoyed. Cotton. Liberty, with all its drawbacks, is everywhere vastly more attractive to a noble soul than good social order without it, than society like a flock of sheep, or a machine working like a watch. This mechanism makes of man only a product ; liberty makes him the citizen of a better world. Schiller. Liberum arbitrium — Free will. Libidinosa et intemperans adolescentia effce- tum corpus tradit senectuti — A sensual and intemperate youth transmits to old age a worn- out body. Cic. Libido effrenata effrenatam appetentiam efficit — Unbridled gratification produces unbridled de- sire. Pr. LibitO fe licito — What pleased her she made law, 45 Dante. Libra justa justitiam servat — A just balance pre- serves justice. Libraries are as the shrines where all the relics of saints full of true virtue, and that without delusion and imposture, are pre- served and reposed. Bacon. Libraries are the wardrobes of literature, whence men, properly informed, might bring forth something for ornament, much for curiosity, and more for use. /. Dyer. License they mean when they cry liberty. Milton. Liceat concedere veris — We are free to yield to 50 truth. Hor. Licet superbus ambules pecunia, / Fortuna non mutat genus — Although you strut insolent in your wealth, your fortune does not change your low birth. Hor. LICHT [ 246 ] LIFE Licht und Geist, jenes im Phyischen, dieses im Sittlichen herrschend, sind die hochsten denkbaren untheilbaren Energien— Light and spirit, the one sovereign in the physical, the other in the moral, are the highest conceivable indivi. sible potences at work in the universe. Goethe, Licuit, semperque licebit / Parcere personis, dicere de vitiis— It ever has been, and ever will be, lawful to spare the individual but to censure the vice. Lie not in the mire, and say, "God help I" Pr. Lie not, neither to thyself, nor man, nor God. Let mouth and heart be one ; beat and speak tog-ether, and make both felt in action. It is for cowards to lie. George Herbert. 5 Liebe bleibt die goldne Leiter / Darauf das Herz zum Himmel steigt— Love is ever the golden ladder whereby the heart ascends to heaven. Geibcl. Liebe ist die altest-neuste / Einz'ge Welt- begebenheit — Love is the oldest-newest sole world-event. Riickert. Liebe kann nicht untergehen ; / Was verwest, muss auferstehen — Love cannot perish ; what decays must come to life again. /. G. Jacobi. Liebe kann viel, Geld kann alles — Love cannot do much ; money everything. Ger, Pr. Liebe kennt der allein, der ohne Hoffnung liebt — He alone knows what love is who loves without hope. Schiller. 10 Liebe ohne Gegenliebe ist wie eine Frage ohne Antwort — Love unreciprocated is like a question without an answer. Ger. Pr. Liebe schwarmet auf alien Wegen ; / Treue wohnt fiir sich allein ; / Liebe kommt euch rasch entgegen ; / Aufgesucht will Treue sein — Love ranges about in all thoroughfares ; fidelity dwells by herself alone. Love comes to meet you with quick footstep ; fidelity will be sought out. Goethe. Liebe ward der Welt von Gott verliehen, / Um zu Gott die Seele zu erziehen— Love was bestowed on the world by God, in order to train the soul for God. Riickert. Lieber Neid denn Mitleid — Better envy than pity. Ger. Pr. Lies are like nitro-glycerine — the best of judges can't tell where they are going to burst and scatter confusion. Billings. 15 Lies are sufficient to breed opinion, and opinion brings on substance. Bacon. Lies are the ghosts of truths, the masks of faces. /. Sterling. Lies have short legs. It. and Ger. Pr. Lies hunt in packs. Pr. Lies may be acted as well as spoken. Pr. 20 Lies, mere show and sham, and hollow super- ficiality of all kinds, which is at the best a painted lie. avoid. Prof. Blackic to young men. Lies need a great deal of killing. Pr. Lies that are half true are the worst of lies. Pr. Life abounds in cares, in thorns, and woes ; many tears flow visibly, although many more are unseen. Antoni Malaaesku Life admits not of delays. Johnson. 25 Life alone can rekindle life. Amiel. Life, as we call it, is nothing but the edge of the boundless ocean of existence where it comes upon soundings. Holmes. Life at the greatest and best is but a froward child, that must be humoured and coaxed a little till it falls asleep, and then all the care is over. Goldsmith. Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for vicissitudes. Goethe. Life cannot subsist in society but by reciprocal concessions. Johnson. Life every man holds dear ; but the brave 30 man / Holds honour far more precious dear than life. Troil. and Cress., v. 3. Life everywhere will swallow a man, unless he rise and try vigorously to swallow it. Car- lyle. Life expresses. A statue has no tongue, and needs none. (?) Life, full life, / Full-flowered, full-fruited, reared from homely earth. / Rooted in duty, . , . this is the prize / 1 hold most dear, more precious than the fruit / Of knowledge or of love. Lewis Morris. Life has been compared to a race, but the allusion still improves, by observing that the most swift are ever the least manageable, the most apt to stray from the course. Great abilities have always been less ser- viceable to the possessors than moderate ones. Goldsmith. Life has no memory. Emerson. 35 Life has no pleasure nobler than that of friend- ship. Johnson. Life, however short, is made shorter by waste of time ; and its progress towards happiness, though naturally slow, is made still slower by unnecessary labour. Johnson. Life I leave, as I would leave an inn, rather than a home ; nature having given it us more as a sort of hostelry to stop at, than as an abiding dwelling - place. Cato in Cicero. Life in itself is neither good nor evil, but the scene of good or evil, as you make it ; and if you have lived one day, you have lived all days. Montaigne. Life is a campaign, not a battle, and has 40 its defeats as well as its victories. Donn. Piatt. Life is a casket, not precious in itself, but valuable in proportion to what fortune, or industry, or virtue has placed within it. J.andor. Life is a comedy to him who thinks, and a tragedy to him who feels. Horace li'al- Jolc. Life is a crucible, into which we are thrown and tried. The actual weight and value of a man are expressed in the spiritual substance of the man ; all else is dross. ( 'Itaf'in. Life is a disease of the spirit ; a working in- cited by passion. Rest is peculiar to the spirit. Nivalis. Life is a disease (A" rank he it), sleep a palliative, 45 death the radical cure. C. J. II 'ebtr. Life is a dream and death an awakening. Seaumttle. Life is a fairy scene : almost all that deserves the name of enjoyment or pleasure is only a charming delusion ; and in comes repining age, in all the gravity of hoary wisdom, and wretchedly chases away the bewitching phantom. Burns. LIFE LIFE Life is a fortress which neither you nor I know anything about. Why throw ob- stacles in the way of its defence? Its own means are superior to all the apparatus of your laboratories. Emerson. Life is a fragment, a moment between two eternities, influenced by all that has pre- ceded, and to influence all that follows. I Chanuing. Life is a jest, and all things show it ; / I thought so once, but now I know it. Gay. Life is a kind of sleep ; old men sleep longest, nor begin to wake until they are to die. La Bruyere. 5 Life is a little gleam of time between two eternities. Catlylc. Life is a long lesson in humility. /. M. Ban ie. Life is a moment between two eternities. Chanuing. Life is a plant that grows out of death. Ward Beecher. Life is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment. Johnson. 10 Life is a quarantine for Paradise. C. J. II r eber. Life is a rich strain of music suggesting a realm too fair to be. G. W. Curtis. Life is a scale of degrees. Between rank and I rank of our great men are wide intervals. Emerson. Life is a search after power ; and this is an i element with which the world is so satu- ! rated — there is no chink or crevice in which it is not lodged — that no honest seeking goes unrewarded. Emerson. Life is a series of surprises, and would not be worth taking or keeping if it were not. Emerson. 15 Life is a short day, but it is a working day. Hannah More. Life is a shuttle. The Merry Wives, v. i. Life is a sincerity. In lucid intervals we say, "Let there be an entrance opened for me into realities ; I have worn the fool's cap too long." Emerson. Life is a sleep, love is a dream, and you have lived if you have loved. A . tie Mussel. Life is a stream upon which drift flowers in spring and blocks of ice in winter. Joseph Roux. 20 Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. All is riddle, and the key to a riddle is another riddle. Emer- son. Life is a voyage. Victor Hugo. Life is a warfare. Sen. Life is a wrestle with the devil, and only the frivolous think to throw him without taking off their coats. /. .)/. Barrie. Life is act, and not to do is death. Lewis Morris. 25 Life is all a variorum ; ,' We regard not how it goes ; Let them cant about decorum Who ha\ e characters to lose. ' A fig for those by law protected ! ' Liberty's a glo- rious feast ; / Courts for cowards were erected, / Churches built to please the priest. Bums, " Jolly Beggars." Life is an earnest business, and no man was ever made great or good by a diet of broad grins. Prof. Blackie. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale, / Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man. King John, iii. 4. Life is as the current spark on the miner's wheel of flints ; while it spinneth there is light ; stop it, all is darkness. Tupper. Life is burdensome to us chiefly from the abuse of it. Rousseau. Life is but a tissue of habits. Amiel. 30 Life is but another name for action ; and he who is without opportunity exists, but does not live. G. S. Hiliard. Life is but thought ; so think I will that youth and I are housemates still. V. T. Coleridge. Life is freedom— life in the direct ratio of its amount. . . . The smallest candle fills a mile with its rays, and the pupillse of a man run out to every star. Emerson. Life is girt all round with a zodiac of sciences, the contributions of men who have perished to add their point of light to our sky. . . . These road-makers on every hand enrich us. We must extend the area of life and multiply our relations. We are as much gainers by finding a property in the old earth as by acquiring a new planet. Emerson. Life is given us not to enjoy, but to overcome. 35 Schopenhauer. Life is half spent before we know what life is. Fr. Pr. Life is immeasurably heightened by the solem- nity of death. Alex. Smith. Life is kindled only by life. Jean Paul. Life is like wine; he who would drink it pure must not drain it to the dregs. Sir II'. Temple. Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or 43 duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what win the heart and secure comfort. Sir H. Davr. Life is made up, not of knowledge only, but of love also. . . . The hues of sunset make life great ; so the affections make some little web of cottage and fireside populous, im- portant. Emerson. Life is movement. Arist. Life is no merrymaking. Dr. II '. Smith. Life is not as idle ore, I But iron dug from central gloom, / And heated hot with burn- ing fears, / And dipt in baths of hissing tears, / And battered with the shocks of doom / To shape and use. Tennyson. Life is not intellectual or critical, but sturdy 45 Its chief good is for well-mixed people, who can enjoy what they find without question. Emerson. Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation how it shall be spent. John; on. Life is not long enough for art, not long enough for friendship. Emerson. Life is not so short but there is always time enough for courtesy. Emerson. Life is not the supreme good ; but of all earthly ills the chief is guilt. Schiller. Life is not victory, but battle. R. D. Hitch- 50 cock. Life is poor when its old faiths are gone, / Poorest when man can trust himself alone. Dr. Walter Smith. LIFE [ 248 ] LIFE'S Life is probation, and this earth no goal, /But starting-point of man. Browning. Life is rather a state of embryo, a prepara- tion for life ; a man is not completely born till he has passed through death. Franklin. Life is ravelled almost ere we wot, / And with our vexing / To disentangle it, we make the knot / But more perplexing, / Embittering our lot. Dr. Walter Smith. Life is real, life is earnest. Longfellozu. 5 Life is sacred ; but there is something more sacred still : woe to him who does not know that withal. Carlyle. Life is so complicated a game, that the devices of skill are liable to be defeated at every turn by air-blown chances, incalculable as the descent of thistle-down. George Eliot. Life is so healthful that it even finds nourish- ment in death. Carlyle. Life is that which holds matter together. Porphyry. Life is the art of being well deceived. Haz- litt. 10 Life is the best thing we can possibly make of it. G. W. Curtis. Life is the jailer, death the angel sent to draw the unwilling bolts and set us free. Lowell. Life is the jailer of the soul in this filthy prison, and its only deliverer is death. What we call life is a journey to death, and what we call death is a passport to life. Colton. Life is the transmigration of a soul / Through various bodies, various states of being ; / New manners, passions, new pursuits in each ; / In nothing, save in consciousness, the same. Montgomery. Life is the triumph of our mouldering clay ; death, of the spirit infinite, divine ! Voting. 15 Life is to be considered happy, not in warding off evil, but in the acquisition of good : and this we should seek for by employment of some kind or by reflection. Cic. Life is too much for most. So much of age, so little of youth ; living., for the most part, in the moment, and dating existence by the memory of its burdens. A. B. Alcott. Life is too short to waste / In critic peep or cynic bark, / Quarrel or reprimand ; / 'Twill soon be dark. Emerson. Life itself is a bubble and a scepticism, and a sleep within a sleep. Emerson. Life just the stuff/ To try the soul's strength on, educe the man. Browning. 20 Life lies before us as a huge quarry before the architect ; and he deserves not the name of architect except when, out of this fortui- tous mass, he can combine, with the greatest economy, fitness and durability, some form the pattern of which originated in his own soul. Goethe. Life lies most open in a closed eye. Quarks. Life, like a dome of many coloured glass, / Stains the white radiance of eternity. Shelley. Life, like some cities, is full of blind alleys, leading nowhere ; the great art is to keep out of them. Bovee. Life, like the water of the seas, freshens only when it ascends towards heaven. Jean Paul. Life may as properly be called an art as any 25 other, and the great incidents in it are no more to be considered as mere accidents than the severest members of a fine statue or a noble poem. Fielding. Life must be lived on a higher plane. We must go up to a higher platform, to which we are always invited to ascend ; there the whole aspect of things changes. Emerson. Life only avails, not the having lived. Emer- son. Life outweighs all things, if love lies within it. Goethe. Life passes through us ; we do not possess it. A miel. Life protracted is protracted woe, / Time 30 hovers o'er, impatient to destroy, / And shuts up all the passages of joy. Johnson. Life sues the young like a new acquaintance. . . . To us, who are declined in years, life appears like an old friend. Goldsmith. Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression : we must always purpose to do more or better than in time past. Johnson. Life, upon the whole, is much more pleasur- able than painful, otherwise we should not feel pain so impatiently when it comes. Leigh Hunt, Life was intended to be so adjusted that the body should be the servant of the soul, and always subordinate to the soul. /. G. Hol- land. Life was never a May-game for men ; not play 35 at all, but hard work, that makes the sinews sore and the heart sore. Carlyle. Life was spread as a banquet for pure, noble, unperverted natures, and may be such to them, ought to be such to them. W, K. Greg. Life wastes itself while we are preparing to live. Emerson. Life, whether in this world or any other, is the sum of our attainment, our experience, our character. In what other world shall we be more surely than we are here ? ( hapin. Life with all it yields of joy and woe, / And hope and fear, / Is just our chance o' the prize of learning love, How love might be, hath been indeed, and is. Browning. Life without a freend is death wi' a witness. 40 Sc, Pr. Life without laughing is a dreary blank. Thackeray. Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it. Pr. Life's a reckoning we cannot make twice over. George Eliot. Life's a tragedy. Raleigh. Life's a tumble-about thing of ups and downs. 45 / Hsraeli. Life's but a day at most. Burns. Life's but a means unto an end ; that end / Beginning, mean, and end to all things- God. Bailey. Life's but a walking shadow ; a poor player, ' That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, / And then is heard no more ! It is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing. Macb., v. 5. L1FES t 249 ] LIKE Life's ebbing stream on either side / Shows at each turn some mould'ring hope or joy, / The man seems following still the funeral of the boy. Keblc. Life's enchanted cup but sparkles near the brim, Byron. Life's life ony gate (at any rate). Scott. Life's no resting, but a moving ; / Let thy life be deed on deed. Goethe. 5 Light another's candle, but don't put out your own. Pr, Light boats sail swift, though greater hulks draw deep Trail, and Cress., iii. 3. Light burdens carried far grow heavy. Fr. ami Gcr. Pr. Light cares (or griefs) speak ; great ones are dumb. Sen. Light flashes in the gloomiest sky, / And music in the dullest plain. Keble. 10 Light gains make heavy purses, because they come thick, whereas the great come but now and then. Bacon. Light is. as it were, a divine humidity. Joubert. Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil. St. John. Light is coming into the world ; men love not darkness ; they do love light. Carlyle. Light is, in reality, more awful than darkness ; modesty more majestic than strength ; and there is truer sublimity in the sweet joy of a child, or the sweet virtue of a maiden, than in the strength of Antaeus or the thunder- clouds of iEtna. R it skin. 15 Light is light, though the blind man doesn't see it. Gcr. Pr. Light is no less favourable to merit than un- favourable to imposture. H. Home. Light is, perhaps, the most wonderful of all visible things. Leigh Hunt. Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Bible Light is the burden love lays on ; Content and love brings peace and joy. What mair hae queens upon a throne ? Burns. 20 Light is the symbol of truth. Lowell. Light not your candle at both ends. Pr. Light, or, failing that, lightning — the world can take its choice. Carlyle. Light seeking light doth light of light beguile. Loz'e's L. Lost, i. 1. Light suppers mak' lang life. Sc. Pr. 25 Light that a man receiveth by counsel from another is drier and purer than that which cometh from his own understanding and judgment, which is ever in his affections and customs. Bacon. Light that makes things seen makes some things invisible. Sir Thomas Browne. Light visits the hearts, as it does the eyes, of all living. Carlyle. Light without life is a candle in a tomb : / Life without love is a garden without bloom. Pr. Lightly come, lightly go. Pr. 30 Lightning and thunder (heaven's artillery) As harbingers before th' Almighty fly : Those but proclaim His style, and dis- appear ; / The stiller sounds succeed, and God is there. Dryden. Like a great poet, Nature produces the greatest results with the simplest means. There are simply a sun, flowers, water, and love. Heine. Like a large heart overflowing with an impo- tent and vague love, the universe is cease- lessly in the agony of transformation. Penan. Like a lusty winter, frosty but kindly. Pr. Like a man do all things, not sneakingly. George Herbert. Like a morning dream, life becomes more and 35 more bright the longer we live, and the reason of everything appears more clear. Jean Paul. Like a tailor's needle, say, "I go through." Pr. Like an old woman at her hearth, we warm our hands at our sorrows and drop in faggots, and each thinks his own fire a sun in pre- sence of which all other fires should go out. /. M. Barrie. _ Like angels' visits, few and far between. Campbell, from Blair. Like angels' visits, short and bright ; / Mor- tality's too weak to bear them long. /. X orris. Like author, like book. Pr. 40 Like blude, like gude, like age, mak' the happy marriage. Sc. Pr. Like coalesces in this world with unlike. The strong and the weak, the contemplative and the active, bind themselves together. Fr. Robertson. Like cures like. Pr. Like dogs in a wheel, birds in a cage, or squirrels in a chain, ambitious men still climb and climb, with great labour and in- cessant anxiety, but never reach the top. Burton. Like doth quit like, and measure still for 45 measure. Meas. for Meets., v. 1. Like draws to like, the world over. Pr. Like everything else in nature, music is a be- coming, and it becomes its full self when its sounds and laws are used by intelligent man for the production of harmony, and so made the vehicle of emotion and thought. Theo- dore 'T. Mungcr. Like father, like son. Pr. Like leaves on trees the race of man is found, / Now green in youth, now withering on the ground ; / Another race the following spring supplies ; / They fall successive, and succes- sive rise. Pope's Homer. Like master, like man. Pr. 50 Like mighty rivers, with resistless force, / The passions rage, obstructed in their course, / Swell to new heights, forbidden paths ex- plore, / And drown those virtues which they fed before. Pope. Like mistress, like maid. Pr. Like mother, like daughter. Pr. Like Niobe, all tears. Ham. i. 2. Like other plants, virtue will not grow unless 55 its root be hidden, buried from the eye of the sun. Carlyle. Like our shadows / Our wishes lengthen as our sun declines. Young. Like patience on a monument, / Smiling at grief. Twelfth Might, ii. 4. LIKE [ 250 ] LITERATURE Like priest, like people. Pr. Like prince, like people. Pr. Like Scotsmen s aye wise ahint the hand (after the event). Pr. Like talks best with like, laughs best with like, works best with like, and enjoys best with like ; and it cannot help it. /. G. Hol- land. 5 Like the air, the water, and everything else in the world, the heart too rises the higher the warmer it becomes. Co'tvos. Like the dog in the manger, he will neither eat himself nor let the horse eat. Pr. Like the hand which ends a dream, Death, with the might of his sunbeam, / Touches the flesh and the soul awakes. Browning. Like two single gentlemen rolled into one. G. Col man. Likely tumbles in the fire, / When unlikely rises higher. Pr. 10 Lima? labor et mora — The labour and tediousness of polishing as with a file. Nor. Limit your wants by your wealth. Pr. Limitations refine as the soul purifies, but the ring of necessity is always perched at the top. Emerson. Limiting of one's life always conduces to hap- piness. Schopenhauer, Lingua mali loquax mala? mentis est indicium — An evil tongue is the proof of an evil mind. Pub. Syr. 15 Lingua mali pars pessima servi — His tongue is the worst part of a bad servant. Juv. Lingua melior, sed frigida bello / Dextera — Excels in speech, but of a right hand slow to war. Virg, Linguae centum sunt, oraque centum, / Ferrea vox — It has a hundred tongues, a hundred mouths, a voice of iron, lirg., of Rumour. Linguam compescere, virtus non minima est — To restrain the tongue is not the least of the virtues. Linquenda tellus, et domus, et placens / Uxor, neque harum, quas colis, arborum, / Te, praeter invisas cupressos, / Ulla brevem do- minum sequetur — Your estate, your home, and your pleasing wife must be left, and of these trees which you are rearing, not one shall follow you, their short-lived owner, except the hateful cypresses. Hor. 20 Lions are not frightened by cats. Pr. Lions' skins are not to be had cheap. Pr, Lippen to (trust) me, but look to yoursel'. Sc. Pr. Lips become compressed and drawn with anxious thought, and eyes the brightest are quenched of their fires by many tears. .S'. Lover, Lips never err when wisdom keeps the door. Del a unc. 25 Lis litem generat— Strife genders strife. Pr. List geht uber Gewalt — Cunning overcomes strength. Ger. Pr. List his discourse of war, and you shall hear I A fearful battle render'd you in music ; / Turn him to any cause of policy, I The Gordian Knot of it he will unloose, / Familiar as his garter. Hen. /'., i. i. Listen at a hole, and ye'll hear news o' your- sel'. Sc. Pr. Listeners never hear good of themselves. Sp. Pr. Lite pendente — During the lawsuit. 30 Litem parit lis, noxa item noxam parit — Strife begets strife, and injury likewise begets injury. Pr. Litera canina — The canine letter (the letter R). Litera occidit, spiritus autem vivificat — The letter killeth, but the spirit quickeneth. / 'ulgate. Litera scripta manet, verbum ut inane perit — Written testimony remains, but oral perishes. Literae Bellerophontis — A Bellerophon's letter, 35 i.e.. a letter requesting that the bearer should be dealt with in some summary way for an offence. Literae humaniores— Polite literature ; arts in :\ university Literary history is the great morgue where all seek the dead ones whom they love, and to whom they are related. Heine. Literary men are ... a perpetual priesthood. Carlyle. Literature, as a field for glory, is an arena where a tomb may be more easily found than laurels ; as a means of support, it is the very chance of chances. //. Giles, Literature consists of all the books— and they 40 are not many— where moral truth and human passion are touched with a certain largeness, sanity, and attraction of form. Joint Motley. Literature draws its sap from the deep soil of human nature's common and everlasting sympathies. Lowell Literature happens to be the only occupation in which wages are not given in proportion to the goodness of the work done. Fronde. Literature has her quacks no less than medi- cine : those who have erudition without genius, and those who have volubility witn- out depth. Co/ton. Literature has other aims than that of harm- lessly amusing indolent, languid men. Car- lyle. Literature is a fragment of a fragment, and 45 of this but little is extant. Goethe. Literature is a great staff, but a sorry cratch. Scott. Literature is fast becoming all in all to us —our church, our senate, our whole social constitution. Carlyle. Literature is representative of intellect, which is progressive ; government is representa- tive of order, which is stationary. Buckle. Literature is so common a luxury that the age has grown fastidious. Tuckerman. Literature is the thought of thinking souls. 50 Carlyle. Literature, like virtue, is its own reward. Chesterfield. Literature positively has other aims than this of amusing from hour to hour ; nay, perhaps this, glorious as it may be, is not its highest or true aim. C,i Literature, taken in all its bearings, forms the grand line of demarcation between the human and the animal kingdoms. //'. God' win. Literature, when noble, is not easy ; only when ignoble. It too is a quarrel and internecine duel with the whole world of darkness that lies without one and within one; -rather a hard fight at times. Carlyle, LITTERS { 251 ] LIVE Litterae non erubescunt — A letter does not blush. Cic. Little and often fills the purse. Pr. Little bantams are great at crowing. Pr. Little boats must keep near shore. Pr. 5 Little bodies have great souls. Pr. Little by little the little bird builds its nest. Pr. Little children, little sorrows ; big children, great sorrows. Pr. Little chips light great fires. Pr. Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, / Make our earth an Eden like the heaven above. F. S. Osgood. 10 Little dew-drops of celestial melody. Carlyle, of Burns songs. Little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth ; for a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love. Bacon. Little drops of rain pierce the hard marble. Lilys. Little drops of water, little grains of sand, / Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land. / Thus the little minutes, humble though they be, / Make the mighty ages of eternity. F. S. Osgood. Little enemies and little wounds must not be despised. Pr. 15 Little fishes should not spout like whales. Pr. Little flower — if I could understand / What you are, root and all, and all in all, / I should know what God and man is. Tennyson. Little folks like to talk about great folks. Pr. Little gear, less care. Sc. Pr. Little griefs are loud, great sorrows are silent. Pr. 20 Little is done when every man is master. Pr. Little joys refresh us constantly, like house- bread, and never bring disgust ; and great ones, like sugar-bread, briefly, and then with satiety. Jean Paul. Little kingdom is great household, and great household little kingdom. Bacon. Little-minded people's thoughts move in such small circles that five minutes' conversation gives you an arc long enough to determine their whole curve. Holmes. Little minds are tamed and subdued by mis- fortune, but great minds rise above it. Washington Irziing. 25 Little minds are too much wounded by little things : great minds see all, and are not even hurt. La Roche Little minds, like weak liquors, are soonest soured. Pr. Little odds between a feast and a fu' wame (stomach). Sc. Pr. Little of this great world can I speak, / More than pertains to feats of broil and battle ; / And, therefore, little shall I grace my cause / In speaking for myself. Yet by your gracious patience, / 1 will a round unvarnish'd tale de- liver / Of my whole course of love. Othello, i. 3. Little ones are taught to be proud of their clothes before they can put them on. Locke. 30 Little opportunities should be improved FenHon. Little pigeons can carry great messages. Pr. Little pigs eat great potatoes. Pr. Little pitchers have long ears, i.e., children have. Pr. Little pot, / Don't get hot / On the spot. Pr. Little pots soon boil over. Ger. Pr. 35 Little souls on little shifts rely. Dryden. Little strokes fell great oaks. Pr. Little thieves have iron chains and great thieves gold ones. Dut. Pr. Little things blame not : Grace may on them wait. / Cupid is little ; but his godhead's great. Anon. Little things please little minds. Pr. 40 Little troubles are great to little people. Pr. Little waves with their soft white hands efface the footprints in the sands. Longfellow. Little wealth, little sorrow. Pr. Little wit in the head makes much work for the feet. Pr. Little wrongs done to others are great wrongs 45 done to ourselves. Pr. Littore quot conchse, tot sunt in amore dolores ■ — There are as many pangs in love as shells on the sea-shore. Ovid. Littus ama, altum alii teneant — Hug thou the shore, let others stand out to sea. Virg. Live and learn ; and indeed it takes a great deal of living to get a little deal of learning. Ruskin. Live and let live. Pr. Live as long as you may, the first twenty 50 years are the longest half of your life. Southey. Live for to-day ! to-morrow's light, / To- morrow's cares shall bring to sight ; / Go sleep, like closing flowers, at night, / And Heaven thy morn will bless. Keble. Live in to-day, but not for to-day. Pr. Live, live to-day ; to-morrow never yet / On any human being rose or set. Marsden. Live not for yourself alone. Pr. Live not to eat, but eat to live. Pr. 55 Live on, brave lives, chained to the narrow round / Of Duty ; live, expend yourselves, and make ' The orb of Being wheel onward steadfastly / Upon its path — the Lord of Life alone / Knows to what goal of Good ; work on, live on. Le-.vis Morris. Live on what you have ; live if you can on less ; do not borrow either for vanity or pleasure — the vanity will end in shame, and the pleasure in regret. Johnson. Live only a moment at a time. Pr. Live thou ! and of the grain and husk, the grape, / And ivy berry, choose ; and still depart / From death to death thro' life and life, and find / Nearer and ever nearer Him, who wrought / Not Matter, nor the finite- infinite, / But this main miracle, that thou art thou, / With power on thine own act and on the world. Tennyson. Live to learn and learn to live. Pr. 60 Live upon trust, / And pay double you must. Pr. Live virtuously, and you cannot die too soon nor live too long. Lady R. Ritssel. Live we how we can, yet die we must. 3 Hen. VI., v. 2. LIVE [ 252 7 LOOK Live with a singer if you would learn to sing. Pr. Live with thy century, but be not its creature ; produce for thy contemporaries, however, what they need, not what they applaud. Schiller. Live with your friend as if he might become your enemy. Pr. Lively feeling of situations, and power to express them, make the poet. Goethe. 5 Lives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime ; / And departing leave behind us / Footprints on the sands of time. Longfellow. Living religion grows not by the doctrines, but by the narratives of the Bible. Jean Paul. Living well is the best revenge. Pr. Lo ageno siempre pia por su dueno — What is another's always chirps for its master. Sp. Pr. Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Jesus to His disciples. 10 Lo que hace el loco a la derreria, hace el sabio a la primeria — What the fool does at length the wise man does at the beginning. Sp. Pr. Lo que no acaece en un aiio, acaece en un rato — A thing that may not happen in a year may happen in two minutes. Sp. Pr. Lo ! the poor Indian, whose untutor'd mind ' Sees God in clouds, or hears Him in the wind : / His soul proud science never taught to stray / Far as the solar walk or milky way ; ' Yet simple nature to his hope has given, / Behind the cloud-topt hills, a humbler heaven. Pope. Loan oft loses both itself and friend. Ham., »• 3- Loans and debts make worries and frets. Pr. 15 Loans should come laughing home. Pr. Loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud. Shakespeare. Loaves put awry in the oven come out awry. Pr. Loci communes — Topics. Lock the stable before you lose the steed. Pr. 20 Locking the stable door when the steed is stolen. Pr. Loco citato — In the place quoted. Locum tenens — A deputy or substitute. Locus classicus — A classical passage. Locus est et pluribus umbris — There is room for more introductions. Hor. 25 Locus in quo — The place in which ; the place pre- viously occupied. Locus penitentiae— Place for repentance. Locus sigili — The place for the seal ; pointed out in documents by the letters L.S. Locus standi — Standing in a case ; position in an argument. Lofty mountains are full of springs ; great hearts are full of tears. Joseph Kou.v. 30 Logic works ; metaphysic contemplates. Jou- bert. Loin de la cour, loin du souci — Far from court, far from care. pr. Pr. Long customs are not easily broken ; he that attempts to change the course of his own life very often labours in vain. Jo/inson. Long experience made him sage. Gay. Long lent is not given. Pr. Long talk makes short work. Pr. 35 Long talking begets short hearing, for people go away. Jean Paul. Longa est injuria, longae / Ambages — Long is the story of her wrongs, tedious the details. Virg. Longa mora est, quantum noxae sit ubique re- pertum / Enumerare : minor fuit ipsa infamia vero — It would take long to enumerate how great an amount of crime was everywhere perpetrated ; even the report itself came short of the truth. Ovid. Longe aberrat scopo — He is wide of the mark ; has gone quite out of his sphere. Longe absit — Far be it from me ; God forbid. 40 Longe mea discrepat istis / Et vox et ratio — Both my language and my sentiments differ widely from theirs. Hor. Longo sed proximus intervallo — Next, with a long interval between. / ~irg. Longum iter est per prascepta, breve et efficax per exempla — The road to learning by precept is long, by example short and effectual. Sen. Look above you, and then look about you. Pr. Look, as I blow this feather from my face, / And 45 as the air blows it to me again ' . . . Com- manded always by the greater gust ; / Such is the lightness of you common men. 3 Henry /"/,, iii. 1. Look at home, father priest, mother priest ; your church is a hundredfold heavier respon- sibility than mine can be. Your priesthood is from God's own hands. Ward Beecher. Look at paintings and fightings from a dis- tance. Pr. Look at the bright side of a failure as well as the dark. A nan. Look at your own corn in May, ,' And you'll come weeping away. Pr. Look before you leap. Pr. 50 Look before you, or you'll have to look behind you. Pr. Look for squalls, but don't make them. Pr. Look how the floor of heaven / Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold ; / There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st But in his motion like an angel sings, Still quir- ing to the young-eyed cherubims. Mer. 0/ I 'en., v. I. Look how we can. or sad or merrily, / Inter- pretation will misquote our looks. 1 Hen. //'., v. 2. Look in the glass when you with anger glow, 55 And you'll confess you scarce yourself would know. Ovid. Look in thy heart and write. Sir P. Sidney. Look not a gift horse in the mouth. Pr. Look not mournfully into the past — it comes not back again ; wisely improve the present — it is thine ; go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart. Longfellow. Look not on pleasures as they come, but go. / Defer not the least virtue ; life's poor span / Make not an ell by trifling in thy woe. / If thou do ill, the joy fades, not the pains; ' If well, the pain doth fade, the joy remains. George Herbert. LOOK [ 253 ] LOVE Look not to what is wanting: in any one ; consider that rather which still remains to him. Goethe. Look out for a people entirely destitute of re- ligion. If you find them at all, be assured that they are but few degrees removed from brutes. Hume. Look round the habitable world, how few / Know their own good, or, knowing it, pur- sue. Dryden, after Juvenal. Look, the morn, in russet mantle clad, / Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastern hill. Ha»t., i. i. 5 Look through a keyhole, and your eye will be sore. Pr. Look to the players ; . . . / They are the ab- stract and brief chroniclers of the times. Ham., ii. 2. Look to thy mouth ; diseases enter there. George Herbert. Look to thyself ; reach not beyond humanity. Sir P. Sidney. Look unto those they call unfortunate ; / And, closer viewed, you'll find they are unwise. 1 oung. 10 Look upon every day, O youth, as the whole of life, not merely as a section, and enjoy the present without wishing, through haste, to spring on to another. Jean Paul. Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig. Marcus Aurelius. Lookers-on see more than the players. Pr. Looking round on the noisy inanity of the world, words with little meaning, actions Lorsqu'une pensee est trop faible pour porter une expression simple, c est la marque pour la rejeter — When a thought is too weak to bear a simple expression, it is a sign that it deserves rejection. Vauvenargues. Lose the habit of hard labour with its manli- ness, and then, / Comes the wreck of all you hope for in the wreck of noble men. Dr. II 'alter Smith. Lose thy fun rather than thy friend. Pr. Losing the bundles gathering the wisps. Gael. Pr. Losses are comparative, only imagination 30 makes them of any moment. Pascal. Lost time is never found again. Pr. Lotis manibus — With clean-washen hands. Loud clamour is always more or less insane. Carlyle. Loud laughter is the mirth of the mob, who are only pleased with silly things ; for true wit or good sense never excited a laugh since the creation of the world. Chesterfield. Loudness is a foe to melody. Pr. 35 Louer les princes des vertus qu'ils n'ont pas, c'est leur dire impunement des injures — To praise princes for virtues which they do not possess, is to insult them with impunity. La. Heche. Louis ne sut qu'aimer, pardonner et mourir ; / II aurait su regner s'il avait su punir — Louis (XVI.) knew only how to love, pardon, and die ; had he known how to punish, he would have known how to reign. Tilly. Love abounds in honey and poison. Sp. Pr. Love accomplishes all things. Petrarch. wuiiu, wuius wiui June meaning, itciioiis l 1 ■ " t>~» -* w.*'^'.. with little worth, one loves to reflect on the i Love all, trust a few, / Do wrong to none ; be 40 great empire of silence. The noble silent men, scattered here and there each in his department, silently thinking, silently work- ing ; whom no morning newspaper makes mention of. Carlyle. Looking where others looked, and conversing witli the same things, we catch the charm which lured them. Emerson. 15 Looks kill love, and love by looks reviveth. Shakespea re. Loop'd and window'd raggedness. Lear, iii. 4. Loquacity storms the ear, but modesty takes the heart. Pr. Loquendum ut vulgus, sentiendum ut docti — We should speak as the populace, think as the learned. Coke. Lord, help me through this warld o' care, / I'm weary sick o't late and air ; Not but I hae a richer share / Than mony ithers ; / But why should ae man better fare, / And a' men brithers ? Burns. 20 Lord, keep my memory green ! Dickens. Lord of himself, that heritage of woe. Byron. Lord of himself, though not of lands ; having nothing yet hath all. Sir Henry Wotton (?). Lord of the lion heart and eagle eye, / Thy steps I follow with my bosom bare, / Nor heed the storm that howls along the sky. Smollett. Lord of thy presence and no land beside. King John, i. 1. 25 Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be. Ham., iv. 5. able for thine enemy / Rather in power than use ; and keep thy friend / Under thy own life's key ; be checked for silence, / But never tax'd for speech. All's Well, i. r. IV Love and death are the two great hing««'on which all human sympathies turn. B. K. /■ Haydon. \ Love and friendship exclude each other. J Du 11 Cceilr. Love and gratitude are seldom found in the same breast without impairing each other . . . we cannot command both together. Goldsmith. Love and light winna hide. Sc. Pr. Love and lordship like not fellowship. Pr. 45 Love and poverty are hard to hide. Pr. Love and pride stock Bedlam. Pr. Love and religion are both stronger than friendship. Disraeli. Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. Fielding. Love and the Soul, working together, might 50 go on producing" Venuses without end, each different, and all beautiful ; but divorced and separated, they may continue produc- ing indeed, yet no longer any being, or even thing, truly godlike. Ed. Love and trust are the only mother-milk of any man's soul. Buskin. Love, and you shall be loved. All love is mathematically just, as much as the two sides of an algebraic equation. Emerson. Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness, Pr. LOVE I 254 ] LOVE Love at two-and-twenty is a terribly intoxi- cating draft. Ruffiui. Love betters what is best, / Even here below, but more in heaven above. W'ordsiuorth. Love breaks in with lightning: flash : friend- ship comes like dawning moonlight. Love will obtain and possess ; friendship makes sacrifices but asks nothing. Geibel. Love can do much, but duty still more. Goethe. 5 Love can hope where reason would despair. Lyttleton. Love can neither be bought nor sold ; its only price is love. Pr. Love cannot clasp all it yearns for in its bosom, without first suffering for it. Ward Beeeher. Love concedes in a moment what we can hardly attain by effort after years of toil. Goethe. Love converts the hut into a palace of gold. Holty. 10 Love delights in paradoxes. Saddest when it has most reason to be gay, sighs are the signs of its deepest joy, and silence the expression of its yearning tenderness. Bovee. Love delights to bring her best / And where love is, that offering evermore is blest. Keble. Love dies by satiety, and forgetfulness inters it. Du Ceeur, Love divine, all love excelling, /Joy of heaven to earth come down. Toplady. Love does much, but money does more. Pr. 15 Love ends with hope : the sinking statesman's door / Pours in the morning worshipper no more. Johnson. Love ever flows downward. Quoted by Hare. Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, / Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies. Pope. Love, friendship, charity are subjects all / To envious and calumniating time. Trail, and Cress., iii. 3. Love furthers knowledge. Pr. 20 Love gives itself, and is not bought. Long- fellow. Love goes toward love, as schoolboys from their books ; / But love from love, toward school with heavy looks. Ram. and Jul., ii. 2. Love has made its best interpreter a sigh. Byron. Love has no age, as it is always renewing itself, rascal. Love has the tendency of pressing together all the lights, all the rays emitted from the beloved object, by the burning-glass of fan- tasy, into one focus, and making of them one radiant sun without spots. Goethe. 25 Love hath a large mantle. Pr. Love hides ugliness. Gael. J'r. Love in the heart is better than honey in the mouth. /V. Love is a bottomless pit ; it is a cormorant— a harpy that devours everything. Sivi/t. Love is a boy by poets spoiled. .?. Butler. 30 Love is a debt which inclination always pays, obligation never, Pascal. Love is a familiar : love is a devil : there is no evil angel but love. Yet was Samson so tempted, and he had an excellent strength ; yet was Solomon so seduced, and he had a very good wit. Love's L. Lost, i. 2. Love is a personal debt. George Herbert. Love is a reality which is born in the fairy region of romance. Talleyrand. Love is a secondary passion in those who love most, a primary in those who love least. He who is inspired by it in a high degree is in- spired by honour in a higher ; it never reaches its plenitude of growth and perfection but in the most exalted minds Landor. Love is a secret no man knows / Till it within 35 his bosom glows. /'/. Love is a sleep ; love is a dream : and you have lived if you have loved. Alfred De Musset. Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs : ' Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes ; / Being vex'd, a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears : What is it else? A madness most discreet, / A choking gall, and a pre- serving sweet. Ram. and Jul., i. 1. Love is a spirit all compact of fire ; ' Not gross to sink, but light and will aspire. Shake- speare. Love is a superstition that doth fear the idol which itself hath made. Sir T. ( h'crbury. Love is a sweet idolatry, enslaving all the soul. 40 Tupper. Love is an exotic of the most delicate con- stitution. Goldsmith. Love is an image of God, and not a lifeless image ; not one painted on paper, but the living essence of the divine nature, which beams full of all goodness. Luther. Love is as warm among cottars as courtiers. Sc. Pr. Love is as warm in fustian as in velvet. Pr. Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty 45 follies _ that themselves commit. Mer. oj I 'en., ii. 6. Love is blind, and the figure of Cupid is drawn with a bandage round his eyes. Blind : yes, because he does not see what he does not like ; but the sharpest-sighted hunter in the universe is Love for finding what he seeks, and only that. Emerson. Love is deemed the tenderest (c.'irtcs e) of our affections, as even the blind and the deaf know ; but I know, what few believe, that true friendship is more tender still. Platen. Love is eternally awake, never tired with labour, nor oppressed with affliction, nor discouraged by fear. Thomas a Kcmpis. Love is ever busy with his shuttle, is ever wearing into life's dull warp bright gor- geous flowers and scenes Arcadian. Long- fellow. Love is ever the beginning of knowledge, as 50 fire is of light ; and works also more in the manner of fire. Carlyle. Love is ever the gift, the sacrifice of self. Can>n Lid.ton. Love is full of unbefitting strains ; / All wanton as a child, skipping and vain ; Formed by the eye, and therefore, like the eye, Full of strange shapes, of habits, and of forms. Varying in subjects as the eye doth roll To every varied object in his glance. Love's L. Lost, v. 2. LOVE f 255 ] LOVE Love is incompatible with fear. Pub. Syr. Love is indestructible, / Its holy flame for ever burneth ; / From heaven it came, to heaven returneth. Southey. Love is just another name for the inscrutable presence by which the soul is connected with humanity. Simms, Love is kin to duty. Lewis Morris. 5 Love is life's end— an end, but never ending. . . , Love is life's wealth ; ne'er spent, but ever spending. . . . Love's life's reward, rewarded in rewarding. Spenser. Love is like the painter, who, being- to draw the picture of a friend having- a blemish in ; one eye, would picture only the other side ' of his face. South. Love is loveliest when embalmed in tears. ! Scott. Love is merely a madness. As You Like It, iii. 2. Love is mightier than indignation. Ward Beecher. 10 Love is more pleasing than marriage, because romances are more amusing than history. Chamfort. Love is neither bought nor sold. Pr. Love is never lasting which flames before it burns. Feltliam. Love is not a fire which can be confined within the breast ; everything betrays it ; and its fires imperfectly covered, only burst out the more. Racine. Love is not altogether a delirium, yet has it many points in common therewith ... I call it rather a discerning of the Infinite in the Finite, of the Idea made Real ; which dis- cerning again may be either true or false, either seraphic or demonic, Inspiration or Insanity. Carlyle. 15 Love is not blind ; it is an extra eye, which shows us what is most worthy of regard. /. M. Barrir. Love is not love ' Which alters when it altera- tion finds. Shakespeare. Love is not to be reason'd down or lost / In high ambition or a thirst of greatness. Ad- dison. Love is old, old as eternity, but not outworn ; with each new being born or to be born. Byron. Love is omnipresent in nature as motive and reward. Emerson. 20 Love is sparingly soluble in the words of men, therefore they speak much of it ; but one syllable of woman's speech can dissolve more of it than a man's heart can hold. Holmes. Love is strong as death. Many waters can- not quench love, neither can the floods drown it. Bible. Love is strongest in pursuit, friendship in pos- session. Emerson. Love is swift, sincere, pious, pleasant, gentle, strong, patient, faithful, prudent, long-suf- fering, manly, and never seeking her own. Thomas a Kempis. Love is the bond which never corrodes. Dr. Pa rker. 25 Love is the business of the idle, but the idle- ness of the busy. Buhver Lylton. Love is the eldest, noblest, and mightiest of the gods, and the chiefest author and giver of virtue in life and happiness after death. Plato. Love is the greatest thing that God can give us, and it is the greatest we can give God. Jeremy Taylor. Love is the joining of two souls on their way to God. J. til. Barrie. Love is the master-key that opens every ward of the heart of man. /. //. Evans. Love is the most easy and agreeable, and 30 gratitude the most humiliating, affection of the mind. Goldsmith. Love is the mother of love. Pr. Love is the occupation of an idle man, the amusement of a busy one, and the ship- wreck of a sovereign. Napoleon. Love is the only ink which does not fade. Dr. Parker. Love is the only memory which strengthens with time. Dr. Parker. Love is vanity, / Selfish in its beginning as its 35 end. Byron. Love knows nothing of labour. TV. Pr. Love labour ; for if thou dost not want it for food, thou may'st for physic, ll'm. Penn. Love laughs at locksmiths. Pr. Love lessens the woman's refinement and strengthens the man's. Jean Paul. Love lieth deep ; Love dwells not in lip- 40 depths ; / Love laps his wings on either side the heart / . . . Absorbing all the incense of sweet thoughts, / So that they pass not to the shrine of sound. Tennyson. Love lightens labour and sweetens sorrow. Pr. Love like a shadow flies when substance love pursues ; / Pursuing that that flies, and fly- ing what pursues. Merry li 'ives, ii. 2. Love, like fire, cannot subsist without con- tinual motion, and ceases to exist as soon as it ceases to hope or fear. La Roche. Love, like men, dies oftener of excess than hunger. Jean Paul. Love likes not shallow mirth. Dr. Walter 45 Smith. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind ; / And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind. Mid. Night's Dream, i. 1. Love makes labour light. /. G. Holland. Love makes obedience lighter than liberty. If. R. Alger. Love makes time pass away, and time makes love pass away. Ft: Pr. Love me little, love me long, ' Is the burden of 50 my song ; / Love that is too hot and strong/ Burneth soon to waste ; / Still I would not have thee cold, / Not too backward or too bold ; / Love that lasteth till 'tis old / Fadeth not in haste. Old Ballad. Love me, love my dog. Pr. Love mocks all sorrows but its own, and damps each joy he does not yield. Lady Dacre. Love moderately ; long love doth so ; / Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. Rom. and J til., ii. 6. Love must be as much a light as a fl?r:e. Thoreaii. - LOVE [ 256 ] LOVE Love must be taken by stratagem, not by open force. Goldsmith. Love never reasons, but profusely gives — gives, like a thoughtless prodigal, its all, and trembles then lest it has done too little. Hannah More. Love not pleasure ; love God. This is the everlasting Yea, wherein all contradiction is solved : wherein whoso walks and works, it is well with him. Carlyle. Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty. Bible. 5 Love not thyself, nor give thy humours way ; / God gave them to thee under lock and key. George Herbert. Love of gain never made a painter, but it has marred many. II'. A lis /on. Love of glory can only create a great hero ; contempt of it creates a great man. Tallry- raml. Love of men cannot be bought by cash pay- ment ; and without love men cannot endure to be together. Carlyle. Love of power, merely to make flunkeys come and go for you, is a love, I should think, which enters only into the minds of persons in a very infantine state. Carlyle. 10 Love of truth shows itself in being able every- where to find and value what is good. Go, the. Love on his lips and hatred in his heart : / His motto— constancy, his creed— to part. Byron. j. Love one human being with warmth and ^ purity, and thou wilt love the world. The heart, in that celestial sphere of love, is like the sun in its course. From the drop on the rose to the ocean, all is for him a mirror, which he fills and brightens. Jean Paul. Love one time layeth burdens, another time giveth wings. Sir P. Sidney. Love ought to raise a low heart and not humble a high one. Ariosto. 15 Love ower het (hot) soon cools. Sc. Pr. Love prefers twilight to daylight. Holmes. Love reckons hours for months, and days for years ; and every little absence is an age. Dryden. Love requires not so much proofs as expres- sions of love. Jean Paul. Love rules his kingdom without a sword. /V. 20 Love rules the camp, the court, the grove, And men below and saints above ; / For love is heaven, and heaven is love. Scott. Love rules without a sword and binds without a cord. Pr. Love rules without law. It. Pr. Love sees what no eye sees ; hears what no ear hears ; and what never rose in the heart of man love prepares for its object. Lavatcr. Love seldom haunts the breast where learning lies, / And Venus sets ere Mercury can rise. Pope. 25 Love should have some rest and pleasure in himself, / Not ever be too curious for a boon, / Too prurient for a proof against the grain / Of him ye say ye love. Tennyson. Love should not be all on one side. Pr. Love shows, even to the dullest, the possibili- ties of the human race. Helps. Love silence rather than speech in these tragic days, when for very speaking the voice of man has fallen inarticulate to man. Carlyle. Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. Twelfth Night, iii. i. Love strikes one hour — love. Those never 30 loved / Who dream that they loved once. Elizabeth B. Browning. Love that can flow, and can admit increase, / Admits as well an ebb, and may grow less. Suckling, Love the good and forgive the bad. Gael. Pr. Love, the last relay and ultimate outpost of eternity. D. G. Rossetti. Love the sense of right and wrong confounds ; / Strong love and proud ambition have no bounds. Dryden. Love thinks nae ill, envy speaks nae gude. 35 Sc. Pr. Love thyself, and many will hate thee. Anon. Love to a yielding heart is a king, but to a resisting is a tyrant. Sidney. Love to make others happy ; yes, surely at all times, so far as you can. But at bottom that is not the aim of any life. Do not think that your life means a mere searching in gutters for fallen creatures to wipe and set up. ... In our life there is no meaning at all except the work we have done. Carlyle. Love too late can never glow. Keble. Love took up the harp of life, and smote on all 40 the chords with might ; / Smote the chord of Self, that, trembling, passed in music out of sight. Tennyson. Love-verses, writ without any real passion, are the most nauseous of all conceits. S hen- stone. Love waits for love, though the sun be set, / And the stars come out, the dews are wet, / And the night -winds moan. Dr. Walter Smith. Love — what a volume in a word, an ocean in a tear ! Tupper. Love, when founded in the heart, will show itself in a thousand unpremeditated sallies of fondness ; but every cool deliberate exhi- bition of the passion only argues little un- derstanding or great insincerity. Goldsmith. Love which hath ends will have an end. 45 Dryden. Love, which is only an episode in the life of a man, is the entire history of a woman's life. Mine, de Slael. Love, which is the essence of God, is not for levity, but for the total worth of man. Emer- son. Love will creep where it cannot go. Pr. Love wi 1 find its way / Through paths where wolves would fear to prey. Byron. Love will subsist on wonderfully little hope, 50 but not altogether without it. Scott. Love with men is not a sentiment, but an idea. Mine, de Girardiu. Love without return is like a question without an answer. Gcr. Pr. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour; there- fore love is the fulfilling of the law. St. Paul. Love works a different way in different minds, / The fool enlightens and the wise he blinds, Dryden. LOVE L 257 ) LUSISTI Love yet lives, and patience shall find rest. Keble. Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. Jesus. Love your neighbour, but don't tear down the fence. Ger. Pr. Love yourself, and in that love / Not uncon- sidered leave your honour. Hen. I'll I., i. 2. 5 Love's fire, if it once go out, is hard to kindle. Pr. Love's heralds should be thoughts, Which ten times faster glide than the sun's beams / Driving back shadows over lowering hills. Rom. and Jul., ii. 5. Love's not love ' When it is mingled with regards that stand , Aloof from the entire point. Lea*-, i. 1. Love's of a strangely open simple kind, / And thinks none sees it 'cause itself is blind. Cowley. Love's of itself too sweet ; the best of all 'Is when love's honey has a dash of gall. Her- rick. 10 Love's plant must be watered with tears and tended with care. Pan. Pr. Love's reasons without reason. Cy»ibelinc, iv. 2. Love's sweetest meanings are unspoken ; the full heart knows no rhetoric of words, and resorts to the pantomime of sighs and glances. Bovee. Love's the noblest frailty of the mind. Dryden. Love's true function in the world is as the regenerator and restorer of social life, the reconciler and uniter of living men. Ed. 15 Love's voice doth sing as sweetly in a beggar as a king. Decker. Lovely, far more lovely, the sturdy gloom of laborious indigence than the fawning simper of thriving adulation. Goldsmith. Loveliness does more than destroy ugliness ; it destroys matter. A mere touch of it in a room, in a street, even on a door-knocker, is a spiritual force, Prof. Drummond. Loveliness ' Needs not the foreign aid of orna- ment, But is, when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most. Thomson. Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, ' Such shaping fantasies, that appre- hend / More than cool reason ever compre- hends. Mid. Sight's Dream, v. 1. 20 Lovers are as punctual as the sun. Goethe. Lovers are never tired of each other : they always speak of themselves. La Koche. Lovers break not hours, ' Unless it be to come before their time ; ' So much they spur their expedition. Two Gent, o/l'er., v. 1. Lovers' purses are tied with cobwebs. Pr. Lovers (I'erliebte) see only each other in the world, but they forget that the world sees them. Platen. 25 Lovers' time runs faster than the clock. Pr. Loving goes by haps : some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps. Much Ado, iii. 1 Lowliness is the base of every virtue, and he who goes the lowest builds the safest. Bailey. Lowliness is young ambition's ladder, Where- to the climber-upward turns his face ; / But when he once attains the upmost round, / He then unto the ladder turns his back, / Looks in the clouds, scorning the base de- grees By which he did ascend. Jul. C