r ( BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of CALHORNIA NTHROPOLOGY 6l8TCoNOKK.s1 SENATE ^^^''^•9'' Sd ^>.wo7i I I No. 6f)2 REPORTS OF THE IMMKiRATlON COMMISSION DICTIONARY OF RACES OR PEOPLES pRESENTEn BY MR. DILLINGHAM December 5, 1910. — Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with ilhistrations WA.SHINOTON GOVKRNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1011 HnHi rono U^ vt A 10 r^ ^ THE IMMIGRATION COMMISSION. Senator William P. Dillingham, Chairman. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. Senator Asbury C. Latjmer." Senator Anselm J. McLaurin.^ Senator Le Roy Percy.'' Representative Benjamin F. Howell. Representative William S. Bennet. Representative John L. Burnett. Mr. Charles P. Neill. Mr. Jeremiah W. Jenks. Mr. William R. Wheeler. Secretaries: Morton E. Crane. W. W. Husband. C. S. Atkinson. Chief Statistician: Fred C. Croxton. Extract from act of Congress of February 20, JD07, creating and defining the duties of the Immigration Commission. That a commission is hereby created, consisting of three Senators, to be ap- pointed by the President of the Senate, and three Members of the House of Representatives, to be appointed by the Speal^er of the House of Representatives, and three persons to be appointed by the President of the United States. Said commission shall make full inquiry, examination, and investigation, by subcom- mittee or otherwise, into the subject of immigration. For the purpose of said inquiry, examination, and investigation said commission is authorized to send for persons and papers, malce all necessary travel, either in the United States or any foreign country, and, through the chairman of the commission, or any member thereof, to administer oaths and to examine witnesses and papers respecting all matters pertaining to the subject, and to employ necessary clerical and other assistance. Said commission shall report to Congress the conclusions reached by it, and make such recommendations as in its judgment may seem proper. Such sums of money as may 1)0 necessary for the said inquiry, examina- tion, and investigation are lieroby appropriated and authorized to be paid out of the "immigrant fund" on the certitirate of the chairman of said connnission, including all expenses of the commissioners, and a reasonable compensation, to be fixed by the President of the Ifnited States, for those members of the com- mission wlio are not Members of Congress; * * *. "Died February 20, 1908. ''Appointed to succeed Mr. Latimer, February 25, 1908. 1909. '^ Appointed to succeed Mr. McLaurin. March 16, 1910. Died December 22, [155 ANTHROK UBRARY LIST OF REPORTS OF THE IMMIGRATION COMMISSION. Volumes 1 and 2. Abstracts of Reports of the Immigration Commission, with Conclusions and Recom- mendations and Views of tl'.e Minority. (Tlicsc. volumes ineludo tlio Commission's complete reports on the following suhjccto: luunigration Conditions in Hawaii; Immigration and Insanity; Inmii- grants in Charity Ilospitals; Alien Seamen and Stowaways; Contract Lalx)r and Induced and Assisted Immigration; The Greek Padrone System in the United States; Peonage.) (S. Doc. No. 747, 61st Cong., 3d sess.) N'olumo 3. StatLstical Re\-icw of Immigration, 1819-1910— Distribution of Iimnigrants, 1850-1900. (S. Doc. No. 756, 61st Cong., 3d sess.) Volume 4. Emigration Conditions in Europe. (S. Doc. No. 748, 61st Cong., 3d sess.) Volume 5. Dictionary of Races or Peoples. (S. Doc. No. 662, 61st Cong., 3d sess.) Volimies 6 and 7. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 1, Bituminous Coal Mming. (S. Doc. No. 63,3, 61 Jt Cong., 2d sess.) Volumes 8 and 9. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 2, Iron and Steel Manufacturing. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Vohune 10. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 3, Cotton Goods Manufacturing in the North Atlantic States— Pt. 4, Woolen and Worsted Goods Manufacturing. (S. Doc. No. 033, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volume 11. Inunigrants in Industries: Pt. 5, Silk Goods Manufacturmg and Dyeing— Pt. C, Clothing Manufacturing— Pt. 7, Collar, Cull, and Shirt Manufacturing. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess. ) Volume 12. Immigrants in Industries: I't. 8, Leather Manufacturing— Pt. 9, Boot and Shoe Manufac- tiuing— Pt. 10, Glove Manufacturing. (S. Doc. No. 6;J3, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volume 13. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 11, Slaughtering and Meat Packmg. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volume 14. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 12, Glass Manufacturing— Pt. 13, Agricultural Implement and Vehicle Manufacturing. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Vohune 15. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 14, Cigar and Tobacco Manufacturing- Pt. 15, Fumituro Man- ufacturing— Pt. 16, Sugar Refining. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) N'olumc 16. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 17, Copper Mming and Smelting— Pt. 18, Iron Ore Mining— Pt. 19, Anthracite Coal Mining— Pt. 20, Oil Refining. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volume 17. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 21, Diversified Industries, Vol. I. (S. Doc. No. 633, 6lst Cong., 2d sess.) Vohune 18. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 21, Diversified Industries, Vol. II— Pt. 22, The Floating Immi- grant Labor Supply. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volumes 19 and 20. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 23, Summary Report on Immigrants in Manufacturing and Mining. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volumes 21 and 22. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 24, Recent Immigrants in Agriculture. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volumes 23-25. Immigrants in Industries: Pt. 25, Japanese and Other Immigrant Races in the Pacific Coast and Rocky .Mountain States. (S. Doc. No. 633, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Voliuncs 26 and 27. Immigrants in Cities. (S. Doc. No. 338, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volume 28. Occupations of the First and Second Generations of Immigrants in the United .'^'tates- Fe- cundity of Imnugrant Women. (S. Doc. No. 282, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volumes 29-33. The Children of Immigrants in Schools. (S. Doc. No. 749, 61st Con;-., 3d sess.) Volumes 34 and 35. Immigrants as Charity Seekers. (S. Doc. No. 665, 61st Cong., 3 J sess.) Volume 36. Immigration and Crime. (S Doc. No. 7.50, 61st Cong., 3d sess.) Volume 37. Steerage Conditions— Importation and Harboring of Women for Immoral Purposes— Immi- grant Homes and Aid Societies- Immigrant Banks. (S. Doc. No. 753, 61st Cong., 3d sess.) Volume .38. Changes in Bodily Form of Descendants of Immigrants. (S. Doc. No. 208, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) Volume 39. Federal Inunigration Legislation- Digest of Immigration Decisions— Steerage Legislation, 1819-1908— .'^tate Im:nigration and .\Men Laws. (S Doc. No. 758, 6Ist Cong., 3d sess.) VoTuine 40. The Immigration Situation in Other Countries: Canada— Australia-New Zealand— -Vrgen- tma— Brazil. (.S. Doc. No. 761, 61st Cong., 3d sess.) Volume 41. Statements and Recommendations Submitted by Societies and Organizations Interested in the Subject of Inunigration. (S. Doc. No. 704, 61st Cong., 3d sess.) Volume 42. Index of Reports o! the Immigration Commission. (S. Doc. No. 785, 61st Cong., 3d sess.) Ill 985 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. The Immigration Commission, Washington, D. C, Deeemher J, 1910. To the Sixty-frst Congress: I have tlio honor to transmit herewith, on belialf of the Innniiri" tion Commission, a report entitled '' Dictionary of Races ()r Peoples which was prepared for the Commission by Dr. Daniel Folknia assisted by Dr. Elnora C. P'olkmar. Respectfully, William P. Dillingham, Chairman. CONTENTS. Page. Introductory ^ Selected bibliography of general works » Races or peoples LIST OF TABLES. Comparative classification of immigrant races or peoples 5 Some classifications of the grand divisions of mankind .•••■:-• ° Estimated population of certain races in Europe, compared to immigration of such races from Europe to the United States in 1907, and also to the aver- age annual immigration for the twelve vears ending June 30, 1910 7 Population of Austria-Hungary, and immigration to the United States from Austria-Hungary and from Europe, in 1907, by race -0 Czech population of Austria-Himgary i ' ' "^ oa Population of Canada, bv race or origin, census years 1871, 1881, and 1901 ^y European immigration to the United States, 1907, by races specified 32 Races or peoples in the Caucasus ' fv Distribution of Serbo-Croatians in 1900 47 Population and immigration of Serbo-Croatian and related countries 47 Distribution of Serbo-Croat ians, by religion 48 Finnic population of the Russian Empire, 1897 ^ German population of the world -^ ^' Population of India 'J^ Distribution of Italians - '^•^' ^^ Lithuanian and Lettish population of Russia ^^ Number and distribution of Poles i i n 1 1 1 Population of Roumania •^^" {|| Distribution of Roumanians (1900) i|i Races or peoples of the Russian Empire, exclusive of Finland (1897) iJo Races or peoples of Finland (1900) ]\l Number and distribution of Little Rus.sians (Ruthenians) li» Scandinavian ])npulati()n and immigration j-^ The Semitic-Hamitic family j"^ Classification of Slavic tongues -^^^ Rate of immigration per 1,000 of population among the leading European races or peoples { ., Distribution of Turko-Tatars {]! The Teutonic group ■ {^7 Classification of Ural-Altaic languages •'•'*o. ^^' MAPS. Cephalic index, Caucasia .- ■ ^^ Peoples of the Balkan Peninsula opposite 43 Geographical distribution of Jews opposite 74 Peoples in Hungary and Transylvania ^-^ VII DICTIONARY OF RACES OR PEOPLES. INTRODUCTORY. Since eastern Europe became an important source of immi twolvo years oiuling .June ;U), r.)10, are shown in the l:il)U' whirh follows. Koliable data respoc-ting the niunlKU- of Turks ami Sviiaiis in Europe are not available, and consequently these races are omitted. AVith these exwptions, however, the table in- clmU'- all Kuropean races or peoples which in the years specified colli riliuted more than 2,000 immigrants to the movement to, the linited States. JJstiitialcd imittildlioii of cciidiii races- in J']unii)<\ cnniiKircd to immigration of siicli ni<-er, 19(«7. Average atiiHial number, 12 years, 1899-1910. Number per 1,000 e.stimated popu- lation based on- Total number, 1907. Average annual number, 12 years, 1899-1910. Slovak 2.250,000 8,000.000 :<, 000,000 20.000,000 2,311,000 4, .500, (WO 17.000.000 8,000,000 41,870 14(i. 409 47.317 238.409 22,043 37.715 1.37. 147 59,677 44,240 25, 704 23, 751 14; 471 21,9.50 50,510 26,806 7,163 13,, 507 9,232 19,016 61,797 2, 560 91,059 12, 124 2,273 5,948 8,774 16,052 31,272 88,232 27, 704 157,300 17,204 35,086 78, 528 27,848 17,162 14,538 12,059 2,601 12, 436 24.463 30, 453 7,872 5,831 8,301 5,919 6, 782 37,882 1,619 61,253 7,045 2,127 2, 451 6,671 6,751 18.6 18.3 1.3.1 11.9 9.5 8.4 8.1 7.5 7.4 6.4 6.1 4.6 3.9 3.8 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.3 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.3 .5 .3 .3 13.9 Hebrew Croatitui and Slovenian Italian South 11.0 7.7 7.9 7.4 Irish i> 7.8 4.6 3.5 g;^' ::::::::::::::::: 6,000,000 4,000,000 3,900,000 1,57.3,000 3.700.000 .5,727,000 14,500,000 9,000,000 2.700,000 0,000,000 5,000,0(K) 10.000.000 35,300,000 1.700.000 72,200,(HX1 9,000,000 5,(KX),000 20,000,000 .39,000,000 2.9 Lithuanian 3.6 3.1 Dalmatian, Bosnian, and Herzegovinian 1.7 3.4 4.3 Italian North 2.1 Bnlparinn, Servian, and Montenegrin .8 2.2 1.4 1.2 .7 1.1 Welsh ff German 1.0 .8 Dutch and Flemish .8 .4 .1 French .2 Russian (including Ruthenian or Little Russian of R ussia) . 77,200,000 (0 a The population figures represent the total population of Norway, and the immigration figure-s the total number of Scandinavians, mostly Norwegians, coming from Norway. 6 The population figure,« represent the total population of Ireland, and the immigration figures the total number of Iri^h coming from Europe. c The population figures represent the number of Ruttienians in Austria-Hungary, and the immigration figures the number of Hiithciiiaiis coming from Austria-Hungary. d The population figures represent the total population of Sweden and the population of Swedes m Russia (Fi'ilaiul), and the immigration figures the total number of Scandinavians, mosUy Swedes, coming from Sweden and Russia. ' The population fifuros rcjiresent the total population of Denmark, and the Immigration figures the total number of Scandinavians, mostly Danes, comint; from Denmark. / The population figures represent the total population of Kngland and Scotland, and the immigration figures the total numi>er of English and Scotch coming from Hurope. g The population figures represent the total population of Wales, and the immigration figures the total number of Welsh coming from Europe. ft Includes Armeni.in population in Asia and Armenians coming from Asia. »■ Less than 1 per 10,000. 8 The ImmifTration Commission. As previously stated, the dictionary treats of more than 600 sub- jects, but particuhir attention is paid to the races or peoples appear- ing in the classification used for statistical purposes by the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, the chief racial stocks repre- sented among immigrants, and some of the ethnical or political terms most commonly used to designate immigrants. The races or peoples recorded by the bureau in the order of their numerical importance as immigrants to the United States for the twelve years ending June 30, 1910, with the number admitted during that period, are as follows : Italiau, South 1,911,933 Hebrew. 1. 074, 442 Polish 949,064 Germau 754, 375 Scandinavian 586, 306 Irish 439,724 English A 408, 614 Slovak 377, 527 Italian, North 372, 668 Mag>'ar._-: 338, 151 Croatian and Slovenian. 335, 543 Greek 216, 962 Lithuanian 175, 258 Finnish 151, 774 Japanese 148,729 Ruthenian (Russniak)— 147.375 Scotch 136, 842 French 115, 783 Rohcniian and Moravian. 100, 189 I'.'nitiarian, Servian, and JNIontenegrin 97, 391 21. Dutch and Flemish 87,658 22. Russian 83,574 23. Roumanian 82,704 24. Portuguese- 72.897 25. Syrian 56,909 26. Spanish 51.051 27. Cuban 44,211 28. Mexican 41,914 29. African (black) 33,630 30. Dalmatian, Bosnian, and Herzegovinian 31, 696 31. Armenian 26,498 32. Chinese 22.590 33. Welsh 20,752 34. Turkish 12,954 35. West Indian (except Cu- ban) 11,569 36. Spanish American 10, 669 37. Korean 7. 790 38. East Indian 5, 786 39. Pacific Islander 357 It will be noted that in several instances the bureau classifies cer- tain races or peoples together. In such instances separate immigra- tion statistics are not available, but in this dictionaiy each race or people above enumerated is treated separately. By courtesy of D. Appleton & Co., the publishers, and Prof. William Z. Eipley, the author, several maps from Eipley's " The Races of Europe" have been reproduced in the dictionary. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GENERAL WORKS." 1. ETHNOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY. The anthropologist who has been chiefly followed in the classifica- tion adopted is the American, Bcinton. See: Rrinton, Daniel G. Races and Peoples. New York. 1890. Rrinton, D. G. Anthropology and Ethnology. (lu Vol. I of) The Icouographic Kncyclopedia. Philadelphia. 1886. Rrinton, D. G. The American Race. New York. 1891. «No attempt can bo made to mention the special publications consulted— far more numerous than those indicated— which pertain only to a particular race, people, or country. Dictionary of Races or Peoples. Keane has generally supplemented Brinton where the latter is not quite up to date: Keane, A. H. Ethnology, rainbridgo. 1001. Keane. A. H. Man, Past and Present. Cambridge. 1899, Keane, A. H. (Six volumes of) Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. London. 180(3-1901. The linguistic classifications of these two authors have been checked up by the somatological classifications of: Deniker, J. The Races of Man. London. 1900. Ripley, William Z. The Races of Europe. New York. 1899. Sergi, G. The Mediterranean Race: a study of the origin of European peoples. (English edition.) London. 1901. Sergi, G. Specie e varieta umane. Turin. 1900. Since imniigrant races or peoples are classified on the basis of language, frequent reference has been necessary to such works on linguistics as the following: I^efevre, Andre. Race and Language. London. 1894. (In) The Interna- tional Scientific Series (Vol. 76). Hovelacque, Abel. The Science of Language. (Trans.) London. 1877. (In) The Library of Contemporary Science. Whitney, W. D. Language and the Study of Language. 6th ed. New York. 1901. I Miiller. Max. The Science of Language. 2 vols. New York. 1891. Tlie following have been mainly used on general questions, as those of classification, or when detailed information was lacking in the foregoing : Ratzel, Friedrich. The History of Mankind. (English edition.) London. 1897. Waltz, Theodor. Anthropologic der Naturvolker. 6 vols. Leipzig. 1859- 1872. Miiller. Friedrich. Allgemeine Ethnographic. 2. Auflage. Wien. 1879. Peschel. Oscar F. Volkerkunde. 7. Auflage. Leipzig. 1897. Quatrefages, A. de. Histoire generale des races humaines. Paris. 1889, Quatrefages. A. de. The Human Species. 2d ed. London. 1881. (In) International Scientific Series (Vol. 26). Prichard, James C. The Natural History of Man. .3d ed. London. 1848. Prichard, James C. Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 3d ed. London. 1836-1847. 5 vols. Prichard, James C. Ethnographical Maps. 2d ed. London. 1851. Latham. Robert G. Descriptive Ethnology. London. 18159. 3 vols. Latham, Robert G. The Natural History of the Varieties of Man. London. 1850. In anthropology, strictly speaking, one must also consult : Topinard, P. Elements d'Anthropologie gf'nf'rale. Paris. 1885. Tylor, Edward R. Anthropology. New York. 1904. (In) The International Scientific Series (Vol. 62). 60813°— VOL 5—11 2 10 The Immigration Commission. There are only four" special dictionaries which systematically cover the subject of races and peoples, and of these only the first named is of much value to the student of the present day : HandwiJrterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologie und Ethnologie. Herausgege- ben von Prof. Dr. Gustav Jager unter Mitwirkung von . . . F. von Hellwald (etc.). Breslau. 1S80-1900. 8 vols, Dictionnaire des Sciences anthropologiques. Paris. 1889. Publie sous la direction de Ad. Bertillon (etc., etc. A group of distinguished ettinologists cooperated in the preparation of this w^ork. Now rather old). Galtes, Pio. Diccionario Etnografico-Anthropologico. Barcelona. 1894. 12°. (Small, and contains many errors.) Dictionnaire d'Ethnographie moderne. 1853. Paris. (1 vol. of) Nouvelle Encyclopedie Theologique. (Of merely historical interest.) Space can not be taken to mention all the ethnological and other scientific journals to be consulted in such a work as the present. Worthy of especial mention for the bibliographies they contain are : Archiv fiir Anthropologie. Braunschweig. 1866-. ( See its bibliography : ) " Verzeichniss der anthropologischen Literatur " (pp. 1-169, etc.). American Anthropologist. New York. 1888-. Finally, the best ethnographical maps covering the whole field are those of : Gerland. Georg. Atlas der Volkerkunde. (In) Berghaus (Herm.) Physika- lischer Atlas. Gotha. 1892. 2. GEOGRAPHY OF RACES. Ethnography is most intimately connected with the work of general geographers, some of whom have made contributions of prime im- portance to this science. Geographical journals and yearbooks, which, like books of travel and description, are too- numerous to be mentioned here, are among the best sources of information to the eth- nologist. The geographical works most consulted are : Reclus, Eliseo. Nouvelle geographic universelle; la terre et les hommes. Paris, 1876-1894. (English edition) The Earth and its Inhabitants. London. 1876-1894. (Indispensable. The English edition is edited in part by Keane.) Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. New Issue. London. 1893-1899. 7 vols. (See earlier edition for other volumes by Keane.) Hettner, Alfred. Grundziige der Liinderknnde. 1. Band. Europa. Leipzig. 1907-. (As a sample of similar systematic works.) Mill, Hugh H. (editor). The International Geography. 3d ed. London. 1909. (Ditto. Important, though in one ^()lume.) 3. STATISTICS OF POPULATION, BY RACE. Original sources entirely distinct from the above-noted lines of research must be consulted here. Such are, first, the official censuses of the few countries that make a count of the population by race. Those found most necessary to the present work are the censuses and « Matsumura's Gazetteer has since appeared. (See note, p. 2.) Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 11 statistical yearbooks of Russia, Hungary, Austria, Sorvia, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, and India. Conipendiums needed for constant reference, mainly confined to census returns, are: The statesman's Year-Hook. Edited by J. S. Keltie. London. lOOS. (Annual.) Alnianach de (Jotha. Gotha. 1908. (Annual.) Die Bevolkerung der Erde. (In) Petermanns Mittellunsen. Erganzungs- biinde. (^.otlia. Xr. K')."? (1000). Enropa ; Nr. l."..'> (1000). Asion (etc.); Nr. 140 (1004). Amerika, Afrika (etc.). Otto Iliibner's Geographisch-statistische Tabellen. rublislied by Fr. v. Ju- raschek. Frankfurt. 1000. (Revised annually.) Perhaps the most competent estimates of population by race, where censuses of such do not exist, are found in : Braclielli, II. F. (Revised by F. von Juraschek.) Die Staaten Europas. Tith ed. Leipzig. 1007. (Recent, but not complete, even for Europe.) Hickmann. A. L. Geographisch-Statistischer Universal-Tasclieu-Atlas. Wien. 1909. (English edition.) Geographical-Statistic Universal Pocket Atlas. Lon- don. (1907) (The most complete in appearance, but full of serious errors.) Fircks. A. von. Bevolkerungslehre und Bev(>lkerungspolitik. Leipzig. 180S. (In) Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenchaften (by K. Frankenstein, etc.). (Population given in per cents only.) Balbi, Adriano. Atlas ethnographique du globe. Paris. 1826. (Also) Introduction a, I'atlas. Paris. 1826. 416 pp. (Too old, of course, to be of service, but a fine example of what is needed at the present time brought down to date.) Kolb, G. F. Handbuch der vergleichenden statistik. Zurich. 1857. (Eng- lish edition) The Condition of Nations. London. 1880. (A similar remark applies.) 4. STATISTICS OF IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION. Some of the censuses just mentioned devote many pages to statis- tics of the emigration to foreign countries. Good examples are those of Austria, Hungar}", Italy, Servia, and Finland. Some American publications to be consulted are: Commissioner-General of Immigration, Annual Reports. Washington. (Used in preparing each article of the dictionary.) Industrial Commission, Reports. Vol. XV. On Immigration . . . and on Education. Washington. 1901. Hall, Prescott F. Immigration. New York. 1906. Smith, Richmond Mayo-. Emigration and Immigration. New York. 1800. (See also other works by Professor Smith.) Commons, John R. Races and Immigrants in America. New York. 1907. 5. GENERAL WORKS OF REFERENCE. The encyclopedias, gazetteers, and dictionaries mo.st consulted for bibliographical references and otherwise, and followed generally in spelling, are : The New International Encyclop;pdi;;. New York. 1007. The EncycU>p:edia Britannica. 10th ed. London. 1902. The Encyclopedia Americana. New York. 1907. 12 The Immigration Commission. Brockhans Konversations-Lexikon. 14th ed. I^eipzig. 1896. Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. 6th ed. Leipzig. 1909. La Grande Encyclopedia Paris. 1886-1902. The Century Dictionary. New York. 1904. Standard Dictionary. New York. 1907. Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World. Philadelphia. 1906. Longman's Gazetteer of the World. London. 1908. Ritter's Geographisch-Statistisches Lexikon. 9th ed. Leipzig. 1905. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Of general bibliographical assistance, besides the helps already mentioned and the card catalogues and other aids at hand in the Library of Congress, may be mentioned : Bibliographie der Sozial-wissenschaften. Berlin. 1907. (Annual. Helpful in statistical references.) International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. Fifth year. London. 1907. (Annual. Full in special ethnology.) Geographisches Jahrbuch. Vol. XXXI. Gotha. 1908. (Annual. Full in special ethnology.) RACES OR PEOPLES. A. ABYSSINIAN. (See ScmUic-Ilam- itir.) ADERBAIJAN TURK. A name ap- plied ti) tertain Turks of Persia. (See Talariv.) ADRIATIC race. (See Caucasian.) AEROEMOYRET. Same as Evre- meiseti. ( Sec Finnish.) AFGHAN or PATHAN. The native Iranic race or people of Afghanistan, from which the country takes Its name ; Caneasian In physical type and Moham- medan in reliiiion; related in language (Pa.slito) to the Persians and to the northern Hindus (see) ; commonly known in India as " Pathan." Of the r..(HM).(X)0 inhabitants (estimated) of Afghanistan, only one-third are Af- ghans. More than 500.000 are Hindus and about that number are Tajiks, that is. Persians. As in Persia, there is a great variety of other races or peoples in Afghanistan. Turko-Tataric. Mon- gol ic, and Aryan. They do not come to America, so far as is known. AFRICAN (black). (See Negro.) AFSHAR. A nomadic Turkish tribe of Persia relatetl to the Osmanlis. I See these and Tataric.) AINO. A primitive Caucasian-like Iieople in Japan, now numbering less than 20.0(XJ. (See Japanese, Cau- rnsian, and Mongolian.) AISSORE or AYSSORE. (See As- si/riiin anil .S';/n>/«.) ALBANIAN (native name. Skipetar; ancient name. lUyrian; calletl by Turks Arnaut). The native and aboriginal race or people of Albania or western Turkey. T'nlike most of the so-called Etn-opean "races." this is a distinct race physically and not Albanian. merely linguistically. It has the smallest population of any independent division of the Aryans in Europe and does not even appear by name in im- migration statistics. The Albanians are perhaps less known in a scientific way than any other European people, unless it be cer- tain tribes of the Caucasus. Not only Is their classification uncertain in the newer science of physical anthro- pology, philologists also are still dis- agreed as to their place in the Indo- European family. (See article Aryan.) Misled by the Greek loan-woi'ds in it, scholars first classified Albanian as a Hellenic dialect. Others as vainly have tried to place it in the Italic di- vision or in the Slavic. It appears to be really one of the eight or nine distinct branches of the Aryan family tree. It is the most backward in cultivation of all. It hardly has a literature. Like the neighboring Servian or Croatian (see), it labors under the misfortune of be- ing written in different alphabets, in both the Greek and the Latin, accord- ing to the religion prevalent in each locality. It is not surprising that the rate of illiteracy is one of the highest in Europe. From a physical point of view, a more favorable judgment can be awarded Albanians. Tall and muscular, of rather blond and regular features, the Albanian is clearly Caucasian, although subject to a race Mongolian in origin, the Turk. (See articles on these.) Yet in one respect he resembles the Asiatic type; he has one of the broad- est heads not only of Europe but of the world. The face is broad, in sharp contrast with the long, oval face of the pure Greek type, which adjoins the 13 14 The Immigration Commission. Albanian. Albanian on the south. It is this com- bination of " giantism " and hyper- brachyceplialy, that makes the race physically distinct and seems to war- rant Denilier in giving it a separate name, the "Adriatic " or " Dinaric." It resembles most the " Celtic " or "Alpine " race, and is so placed by some. But the type is taller : the northern Albanians, lilie the Montene- grins, rival the Scotch and the Nor- wegians in stature. The Albanians are to-day a mixed race, as is every European people. From northern Albania the type shades off in every direction, most rapidly on the south, where it borders on the long-headed, darlier, and shorter Medi- terranean type. On the east, and especially on the north, it merges into the great wave of Slavic invasion, nearly as broad-headed as the Alba- nian in type but considerably shorter. The Turlis are so few in number in European Turkey and have assimilated so little with the Albanians that they have had but little influence in the composition of the race. Indeed, it is not the Turkish race that incloses the Albanians on the east, but the Bulgarians of Turkey. On the south- east is a small Roumanian popu- lation, the Tsintsars. (See corre- sponding articles.) No line can be drawn as to physical type between those Albanians who in- habit the northern border of Albania and the Serbo-rroatinn peoples that adjoin them ; that is, the Montenegrins. Ihe Dalmatians, the Bosnians, and the southern Serbs. (See all these in article Croatian.) The same "Adri- :itic" typo can be followed parallel with the sea until it merges into the "Ali)ine" tyi)e among the Friulans or Ladius, non-Italian Latins of the Italian border. To speak more pre- cisely, the e.vtremely hi.iili cephalic in- dex of 89 has been found at Scutari, near the northern border of Albania, and the same (88) even in Epirus, Albanian. where most of the people are Greeks. The average height is about 5 feet 7 inches, although on the Herze- govinian border it reaches 5 feet 9 inches. The Albanians go under many dif- ferent names. Skipetar and Arnaut are equivalents of Albanian. All mean '* highlander." (Compare the Alb in Alhaniun with All).) L'ntil about the fifteenth century they were not called Albanians but Illyrians, or even Mace- donians. From them came the name of the ancient Roman province of Illyricum, embracing Epirus and parts of Macedonia, and of Napoleon's " Illyrian Provinces ; " and from these latter came the name Illyrian, wrongly appropriated by all the Sei*bo-Croa- tians (Slavs) early in the last cen- tury. As already indicated, all the Slavs of the Balkan Peninsula made their settlements during the middle ages. The Albanians, or Illyrians proper, previously occupied the entire country north to the Danube. The names of the less important dia- lects and tribes need not be considered. Some of them are temporary ; that is, dependent upon the tribal system of government which still obtains. The Gegs and the Tosks, however, are to be sharply distinguished. The Gegs, including the Malliesors and the Mir- dites, are the northern Albanians ; while the Tosks, including the Yapides, are those living in Epirus on the south. The Gegs are mainly Mohammedans and Roman Catholics using the Latin alphabet; the Tosks are also in part Mohammedan, but mainly Orthodox, like their neighbors, the Greeks, whose religion, civilization, and even lan- guage they have in great part adopted. The northern Gegs are more rude and warlike and generally herdsmen; the Tosks, more civilized and settled agri- culturists. The (Jegs are taller and more truly Albanian in type ; the Tosks, darker and more like the modern Greeks. Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 15 Albanian. The Albanians' main distinction in history is the persistence with which they have kept their indei>endenee. Even the Tnrkish rule in Albania has been but nominal ever since the Mos- lems tirst overran the Peninsula in the tiftetMith century. It is felt only in the larjrer towns. They are brave, but turbulent in spirit — warriors rather than workers. Even their own tribes are at enmity among them- selves and tribal and family feuds are common. Albania, somewhat indefinite in its boundaries, is but a small country, less than 300 miles long by 40 broad. It embraces the Turkish vilayets of Scu- tari and Janina and a part of Monas- tic In the wider sense it includes ancient Epirus and a part of Macedo- nia. There are also Turks and Greeks Alsatian. settled in Albania, and even Kouma- nians (Tsintsars) in the southeast; but the basis of the population is Albanian. No census of Albanians has ever been taken. They probably number 1,500,000; some say 2,000,000. There are also some 250,000 in the eastern part of Greece and 00,000 in southern Italy and Sicily, where they estab- lished colonies centuries ago. The number in the Austro-IIungarian prov- inces north of Albania is still less. In Monastir they number only about 12.000. In religion the Albanians are said to be about equally divided among the Moslem, the Catholic, and the (ireek faiths. Somewhat careful re- ligions statistics have been privately collected for the greater portion of Albania, as follows : Vilayets. Moham- medan. CathoUc. Orthodox. Jewish. Total. Scutari 133,965 228.346 81,997 6,642 267,317 ""3;439" 222,604 499, 102 Total 362,311 355,956 3,439 721,706 In total population Albanians rank below almost all the "races" of Europe. They perhaps outnumber the Slovenians of Austria and are half as numerous as the Norwegians, the Danes, or the Western Finns. But since they have emigrated extensively to Greece and to Italy and the rate of immigration to America on the part of their northern neighbors, the Croa- tians and Slovenians, is one of the highest in Europe, it would appear probable that the Albanians also are to be reckoned with as a factor of American immigration. Thus far they have not been countetl separately by the Bureau of Immigration. Some of them as immigrants are called Greeks because they sjieak that language; oth- ♦■rs. Turks bt^-ause the Mohammedan Albanians often call themselves Turks ; others appear in the column of " Other peoples." In this column we find about 2,000 in 1907, 1,300 of whom came from Turkey in Europe. The number of Greeks reported from the same country was 7,000; the number of Turks, 1,100. ALGERIAN. A native of Algiers. A geographical, not an ethnological term. About two-thirds of the popula- tion of 3,000.000 are Berbers and one- third are Arabs. (See these and Moor.) ALPINE r.ice. (See Aiugraphical term. Alsatians are counte r)A»tHt.cuK). Over 1,000,000 live in Kiissia, ill the Transcaucasus (only ;U).0(H) in CMscaiK-asia) ; 400,000 iu En- rol loan Turkey; 100,0(X) in Persia ; about 1-".(KX1 in or near Ilnnjrary; and ('..(XH.) in India and Africa. Perliaps lialf tlieir number still live iu different parts of the Turkish dominious. Large numbers of those who have migrated (lid so because of the persecutions of llie Turks and Kurds directed against Ihem. Their rate of immigration is very low. about 1 per 2,000 of popula- tion. They stand among the smallest in nuntber of our inunigraut races or peoples, only 2,044 arriving iu 1907, and 20.408 during the 12 years 1S99- 1910. but form noticeable colonies, especially in New York and Massa- chusetts. These two States receive nearly two-thirds of their number. ARMORIC or ARMORICAN. Same as Breton ( see). ARNAUT. Same as Albanian (see). AROMUNI or ARAMANI. Same as Tsintsar. (See JininiKinidn.) ARYAN, INDO-EUROPEAN, INDO- GERMANIC. INDO-CELTIC, CELTO- GERMANIC, JAPHETIC, or SANS- CRITIC. The family of intlected lan- guages spoken by all the races or peo- ples of western Europe (with the ex- ception of the Basques) and through- out eastern Europe and southern Asia, with some exceptions, as far as eastern Ipdia. Since four-fifths of our immigrants are of Aryan stock and their racial relationships to each other are deter- mined by their languages, the student o)' iunnigration will need some ac- quaintance with the results of phi- l(Mogy as regards the ordinary group- ings of the Aryan tongues. I'pon this, he will find, depends the distinction. fi>r exanqilc, between Slovak and Czech ( r.oliemian I, or the relationship of the Lithuanian to the Russian and the Old Prussian, or the very existence of Croatian, Slovenian, Bosnian, and Ilerzegovinian, as distinct "races" Aryan. among our Immigrants from the Balkan States. (See articles on these and Slav for details.) The Aryan is the most, inqxirtant family of all intlected languages. The Semitic-IIamitic (see) is the only other" division of them. The only other type of languages found in Europe is the agglutinative (see Ural- Altaic, Finnish, Turkish, Magyar) ; and the only remaining forms of si)eech in the world are the monosyllabic (see Chinese) and the polysyuthetic (see Indian, American). It will be seen that the words "Aryan," "Indo-European," and the like are linguistic rather than eth- nological. Yet there has been much written, especially among the earlier philologists, about an "Aryan race." Although no longer strictly scientific, this expression will sometimes be used, fur convenience, in this dictionary to designate the group of peoples origi- nally speaking Aryan tongues. It must be admitted that there is greater diversity between eastern and western Aryans than there is, for in- stance, between the Aryan Greeks on the one hand and the Semitic Jews or Turanian " Hungarians " and Finns on the other. As different as the lat- ter are in language from ourselves, they share more fully our modern science, literature, and civilization and they acquire more readily our tongue than does the Ai-yan Hindu or Per- sian. Physically, also, they have be- come more like ourselves than are the darker and Asiaticized Hindus. As a matter of fact, there are at least three races, anthroiK)logically speaking, instead of one in western Europe. They are, as Ripley and others have shown, the "Teutonic" or "Nordic" (tall, blond, and long- headed), the "Alpine" (broad-headed), and the "Mediterranean" (brunette and long-headed). Huxley long ago marked out in this field two distinct physical races, the " Xauthochroid " i8 Hie Immigration Commission. Aryan. and the " Melanochroid," or light and dark Caucasians ( see) . The Aryan, the German, the French, and the Italian are " races " from a linguistic point of view that combine dissimilar portions of physical races. Yet, as has been shown in the Introductory, such use of words is unavoidable (see p. 3). More questionable are innovations in the use of these terms to fit some social theory. De Lapouge, for instance, limits the use of the word "Aryan " to the blond, long-headed, or Teu- tonic race; and an active social propaganda in Germany is built upon this supposed identification of races. Yet Sergi, as an Italian, holds that the original Aryans were dark and of Mediterranean rather than of Teutonic stock. Turning now to a less doubtful use of terms, it is safe to divide the Cau- casian grand division of mankind on the basis of language into the Aryan, Semitic, Hnmite, Caucasic, and Eus- karic stocks (see these). The last two possess agglutinative languages and are confined to the small areas of the Caucasus Mountains and the Tyrenees. The word " Indo-Euro- pean " is preferable to " Aryan " in scientific usage. Germans are more in- clined to use the term " Indo-Ger- manic," and to use " Aryan " in th6 sense of " Indo-Iranian ; " that is, to designate the eastern group of Indo- Europt^jin languages. The Aryan " races " comiirise nearly half the population of the earth, say 700,000,000 out of a total of I.HOO,- 000,000. Of course, a great multitude of these are Asiatic Aryans, the most of whom are crowded into India. Still, the Aryans of Europe are nearly double the Aryans of Asia in number, .'".20,00(),000 as against 2S0.(KH),000. This European stock also outnumbers the Chinese, the greatest hnmogoneons population beyond all exception In the world. Assyrian. The Aryan stock is divided as fol- lows by Hickmann : European Races. population. Teutonic (Gei'man, English, Scandinavian, etc.) 131,000.000 Slavonic (Russian, Polish, Bohemian, etc.) 127,200,000 Italic (French, Spanish, etc.)_ 107, 300, 000 Hellenic 4, 400, 000 Lettic (including Lithuanian)- 4, 000, 000 Celtic (Scotch, Irish, Welsh )_ 3,200,000 Illyrie 1, 500, 000 Armenic 300, 000 Indo-Iranic (Hindu, etc.) 300,000 (See other details in Introductory table, p. 5.) These comprise practically all Euro- peans with the exception of the ]Mag- yars of Hungary, the Turks of Turkey, Various Finuo-Tataric peoples of east- ern and northern Russia and of Lap- land, and the Caucasus peoples. Turk- ish Armenia, in Asia, and the greater part of the countries eastward to the Ganges, also are Aryan, excluding the large Dravidian territory (see) in southern and central India. Of American immigrants, as has been said, four-fifths are still Aryan, in spite of the largely increasing num- bers of non-Aryans now arriving from eastern Europe — Hebrews, Magyars, Finns, and Turks. (See details of Aryan immigration under each race ;ind in article Cdiicasinn.) ASHKENAZIM. The northern or German-Polish Jews, as distinguished from the southern or Spanish-Portu- guese Jews, called Sepliardim. They form about 00 per cent of the Jewish race. (See Hebrew.) ASIATIC race. (See MongolUin.) ASSAMESE. A subdivision of the Indo-Aryan Hindus (see) living in Assam, the easternmost province of India jiropei-. Tlieir laii,i:uage, tlie As- samese, is spoken l)y 1.;i."i<),0(K) persons. ASSYRIAN. ASSYROID, AYSSORE, KALDANI (CHALDEAN), SYRO-CHAL- DEAN, NESTORIAN, EAST SYRIAN. All these names have been applied to a Dictionary of Races or Peoples, 19 Assyrian. siiuill population living in the nortli- wostorn anu'lo of I'orsia, near the bor- dt'is of Turkoy and Russia, and espe- rially about Lakorrniia. Sonieofthem oil couiiuj: to the United States as inimi- m-ants insist that they are not Syi-ians. but Assyrians. It is believele have Ixhmi proud to accept and defend the title given them as rei)resentatives of the ancient Assyrians. 20 TTie Immigration Commission. Assyrian. The "Assyrians " are more backward in civilization than the western Syri- ans, having been more sorely pressed to maintain their very existence against the surrounding Mohammedan popu- lation, and especially the Kurds. Some of them, like their neighbors, the Armenians, have sought refuge on Russian soil. The Russian census shows 5,000 of them located in Trans- caucasia. Their entire population is so small that it is of no significance as a source of immigration. Although constituting a few distinct communi- ties in the United States, their num- ber is lost sight of in the general mass of Syrian immigration (see). AUSTAFRICAN. (See Negro.) AUSTRALIAN. Any inhabitant of Australia. Not a racial name. Immi- grants from Australia, of whom there are very few, are listed in immigra- tion statistics as " English," " Irish," etc., according to their mother tongue* (See articles on these.) The name Australian is also applied by ethnolo- Austrian. gists to the black natives of Australia. ( See Negro. ) AUSTRIAN. Not a race name and not used by the Bureau of Immigra- tion. It has no significance as to phys- ical race or language. There is no Austrian race in the sense in which we use the terms French, German, Italian, Hebrew, or Bohemian " race." The term "Austrian " simply means an inhabitant or native of Austria. Austria contains more different races or peo- ples than any other country of Europe except Russia. Germans form the largest ethnical group in Austria; Magyars, the largest of Hungary. The following table shows the diver- sity of races or peoples represented by large populations in Austria-Hun- gary and the relative proportion which • the Austro-IIuugariau section of these races contributes to the immi- gration from Europe to the United States. For further details see articles on each of these races, as German, Hebrew, Polish, Bohemian, Slovenian. Pojiuhition of Amtria-Hunganj, and immigrotion to the United 8tafc. sometimes given to the Lettic (see) group of languages. BASHKIR. One of the largest Ta- tar peoples (see) of Russia. BASQUE (synonyms: Euskarian and, formerly, Iberian as to language). The people originally speaking the Basque language, the sole non-Aryan language of western Europe. But few now live in the old province of south- western France, Gascony, formerly called " Vasconia " after them ; about 500,000 still remain on the other side of the Pyrenees in northwestern Spain. They are a fragment, perhaps the only distinct remnant, of the pre-Aryan race of Europe. Recent researches connect them, not with the Mongolian Finns (see) as formerly, but with the llamitic (Caucasian) Berbers of northern Africa. They are not now easily distinguishable in physical ap- pearance from their Spanish or French neighbors, although many still speak the strange Basque tongue. The lat- ter is not inflected, like most Euro- pean (Aryan) languages, but agglu- tinative, like the typical languages of northern Asia. Bas(pi('s are counted in with Spanish or French by the Bureau of Immigra- tion in case they speak these lan- guages. It is known, however, that but few are coming to the States, al- though they go in considerable numbers as workers to the Panama Canal Zone. It is said that 200.000 Basques have Bhil. I'liiigralcd to South America during the last half century. BAVARIAN. A native of P.avaria, in (Jermany. Not an ethnological term. (See German.) BEDOUIN. A wandering Arab (see). • BELGIAN. A native or citizen of Belgium. Not the name of a race and not used by the Bureau of Immigra- tion. Southern Belgians are for the most part Walloons (see), that is, French (see), and northern Belgians are Flemish. (See Dutch and Flem- ish.) BELSAN. (See Ruthcnian.) BELUCHI, BALUCH, or BILOCH. The native Iranic (Caucasian) peo- ple of Baluchistan. Of no significance in immigration. (Cf. Afghan, Persian, Hindu.) BENGALESE or BENGALI. The principal race or people of Bengal, British India. Their language, a mod- ern Hindu tongue, the Bengali, is spoken by nearly 45,000,000 persons. The broad head of the Bengalese is thought to be due to Mongolian ad- mixture. (See Hindu.) BERBER. The most important na- tive race or people of northwestern Africa; of Hamitic (Caucasian) ori- gin. (See Scmdtic-Hamitic and Moor.) They number at least 7,000,000 in Morocco and Algeria and 500,000 in Tunis and Tripoli. Not known as im- migrants. BERKIN. An Istrian division of the Slovenian race (see). BESSERMAN. A small tribe of East<>rii Finns (see). BHIL. A name given to a people of India of Dravidian physical stock (see), but now speaking a Hindu dia- lect (see). The Indian census re- ports 760,000 persons speaking the Bhil dialects. Their religion is a form of animism requiring neither priest nor temple. 22 The Immigration Commission. Bicol. BICOL or VICOL. (See Filipino.) BIELOCHROVAT, K R A K U S , or CRAKOWIAK. Names applied to a subdivision of tlie Poles (see). BIELO-RUSSIAN. The term nsetl by Russians themselves to designate White Russia*!. (See Russian.) BIRMAN. Same as Burmese (see). BIS A YAK Same as Visayan. (See Filipiito.) BLACK race. {See Negro.) BLACK RUSSIAN. (See Russian.) BLATACI. (See Bohemian and Moravian.) BOER. A white person of Dutch (see) descent, especially in the Trans- vaal. BOHEMIAN and MORAVIAN (CZECH). It will be convenient to dis- cuss these races or peoples in one ar- ticle. They are counted together by the Bureau of Immigration. Czech or Tsekh is best defined as the westernmost race or linguistic divi- sion of the Slavic (with the exception of the Wendish fragment in Ger- many) ; or, as the race or people re- siding mainly in Bohemia and Moravia, but partly also in Hungary. Bohemian is the westernmost divi- sion or dialect of the Czech and the principal people or language found in Bohemia. Moravian is that division of the Czech found in Moravia ; that is, be- tween the Bohemians and the Slovaks. Other definitions different from the above can be referred to good author- ity, but are confusing and will be men- tioned only at this point. Thus, some authors reverse the meanings of Czech and Bohemian, making Bohemian the name of the division which includes the Czech, the Moravian, and the Slovak. (See, for example, Keane'a classification in article Filav, although his usage varies.) The term "Mora- vian Bi-ethren " is also frequently user ooiit liave lijiht eyi's. The race is rather low in stature and stockily built, but no distinctly Mtinp)lian feature remains, unless it 1k^ the high cheek bones and rather narrow eyes which are conuuon anionpst them. It must be assumed that the present Bulgarians have a.ssiniilated Turkish, Greek, and lioumanian elements as well as Slavic. This is true even of their language as well as of their blood. The Bulgarian is, in fact, the most corrupt of all Slavic languages at the present time. Although it possessed the first Slavic literature, it now has almost none; and what it has, has been developed within the last century. Of Bulgarian dialects the most im- portant to mention is the so-called Macedonian. Some have claimed that there is an independent Macedonian language and therefore race or peo- ple. But this would appear to be one of the patriotic misrepresentations not unknown amongst the partisan philol- ogists of this region. The other chief dialects are the Rhodopiau and the Southern Thracian or the Upper and Lower Moesian. The w'ell-known Po- maks are the Mohammedan 'Bulga- rians, a fine type physically. Less than 20 per cent of the Bulgarians are Mohamniechms; three-fourths are of the Orthodox faith. Bulgarians themselves contemptuously call the mongrel people of the coast " Gagaous." There would ajipear to be little doubt that the Bulgars came through southern Kussia to their present liome in the time of the early mi- grations of the middle ages. Some rec- ords locate them in the second century i«n the river Volga, from which they appear to have taken their name. In fact, a country called " Greater Bul- garia " was known there as late as the tenth century. If the common sup- Bulgarian. position be correct, the P.ulgarians are most nearly related in origin to the Magyars of Hungary and the Finns of northern Kussia. After these they are nearest of kin to the Turks, who have long lived amongst them as rul- er.s. But Turks and Finns alike are but branches of the great Ural-Altaic family, which had its origin in northern Asia, probably in Mongolia. ( See arti- cles on these.) The career of the Bulgarians thence- forward is well known. They were for a time the most dreaded foes of the Eastern Empire. They played the part in the east that the Teutons did in the west — first as the enemies of the higher civilization, then as its allies and protectors against the bar- barians living beyond; finally as an independent and powerful peojile. In the tenth century the Kingdom of Bul- garia covered the most of what is now European Turkey and Macedonia. The Bulgarians were practically independ- ent, from 678 A. D. to 1392 A. D., when they were brought under subjection to the Turk ; and within the last gener- ation Bulgaria has again obtained its independence from Turkey, and more recently has received an added slice of Turkish territory — that portion south of the Balkan Mountains, known as East Roumelia. Previously Bulga- ria was limited to the region between the Balkans and the Danube, with the exception of the Roumanian district lying between the lower Danube and the Black Sea, which is called the Do- bruja. On the west, as already inti- mated, Bulgaria is bounded by Servia ; on the southwest, by Turkey. The Bulgarians occupy a territory at least one-lialf larger than Bulgaria itself. The most of this lies south of Bulgaria, in Turkey proper, especially in central Turkey, extending west- ward to Albania. In fact, all of cen- tral Turkey is Bulgarian in population down to the iEgean Sea, excepting a 28 The Immigration Commission. Bulgarian. I narrow strip along the coast, and this is occupied, not by tbe Turks, but by Greeks. It is not conmionly under- stood that the Turks form but a small minority of the population of Euro- pean Turkey ; some say but one-seventh of it. A census has never been taken. Of course they are scattered every- where in an ofQcial capacity, as the Greeks are widely scattered as traders. And there are other races or peoples in the portion of Turkey that in popula- tion is predominantly Bulgarian. Es- pecially in Macedonia is this list of races increased by the addition of Serbs and other southern Slavs, of Albanians, and even of Roumanians, in considerable numbers. The last named, under the designation of Tsin- tsars, or Kutzo-Vlachs, extend in a rather compact body from south- western Macedonia southward well into central Greece. Putting the geography of the Bul- garian people in another way, it covers the eastern third of the Balkan Penin- sula. The western third is Serbo- Croatian; the southern third, Greek and Albanian. All this has been carved out of the older Turkish Em- pire; most, excepting Greece, in the partition of 187S. Bulgaria itself contains nearly 500,000 Turks, includ- ing quite compact settlements in the southern part of East Rcmmolia and in tlio nortliea stern part of Bulgaria near tlie Black Sea. There are also considerable numbers of Gypsies, Rou- manians, Greeks, and Spnnish Jews — from 30,000 to 00,000 of eacli. The Bulgarians themselves number ;{.20O.- 000 (census of lOOf)) in Bulgaria. Tlie total population is 4.000.000. The total number of Bulgarians in Europe has been estimated variously at from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000. Of these, there are probably 1,000,000 in Turkey. To-day they are found in but small numbers elsewhere. The Russian cen- sus gives 170,000. Cagayan. So far as concerns American immi-' gration, the Bulgarians would seem of less consequence than most other Slavs as regards either their present or their future rate of movement. The rate of immigration per 1,000 of population appears to put them below nearly all other Slavs, excepting the Bohemians and the Russians. In 1907 this rate was 3 per 1.000 for the Bulgarians, combined with the Servians and Mon- tenegrins, from whom they can not be sei)arated in immigration statistics. As compared with these, the related Croatian-Slovenian group came to America at the rate of 13 per 1,000 in that year, while the Slovaks with the Hebrews led with a rate of 18 per 1,000. The number of Bulgarians is too small to permit of even such a tem- poi'ary flood of immigration as char- acterizes the Hebrews or the Irish. Bulgarians, Servians, and Montene- grins, like other Slavs, go mainly to States where unskilled labor is most in demand. In the twelve years 1899- 1910, 97..391 immigrants of these races were admitted to the United States. Of these 22,476 went to Pennsylvania, 18.4G7 to Illinois. 15.197 to Ohio, and 9,942 to New York. BURMESE. The native race or, peo- ple of British Burma. Unlike the other peoples of India, wlio are Cau- ciisian in stock, with a dark Dravid- ian element in the south, the Burmese are Mongolian in origin, forming part linguistically of the Indo-Chinese group (see) of Farther India. If any came to the United States they would properly be classed as East Indian (see). The population of Burma numbers 10,000,000. BURTJT. Same as Kara-Kirghiz. (See Kirglii.::.) C. CAGAYAN or IBANAG. (See Fili- pino. ) Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 29 Calabrian. CALABRIAN. A n:it ivo of tllo .soiith- (M'lunost province of tlir li;ili.ni Pen- iusiil.i. A soo^fJipIiic;il Icriii. Calii- I'lians and Sicilians aiv prominenr factors in tlio recent sircat tide of ini- uiigration which pnts Iho South Italian ii the lead of ail inconiins; races. Tliey have not heen count»'d hy provinces in iiuniiirration statistics. CALMTTCK. Same as Kalmiik (seeK CAMBODIAN or KAMBOJAN. Any native of (';inilio(lia. (See Klniier and Imlo-CJihiisc.) CANAANITIC. (See f^rm it ic-Tf (un- it ic.) ■ CANADIAN. A geographical, not a racial, designation. Immigrants from Canada are classified under French, English, Scotch, Irish, etc. (see). The Canadian population has not become sufficiently homogeneous to allow us to speak of a Canadian race. From 1886 to 1906 the I^ureau of Immigration did not attemjit to record the number of immigrants entering the T'nited States from Canada. The increase in Canadian. Ilie Canadian-born population in the United States in various census years, however, shows that the movement has 1)1^11 continuous an41 immigrants were admitteil to the United States from Canada in T.M«). Of the total number admitted l^.sno were recorded as Fr.ench (prac- tically all so-called French Canadians), 10,708 as English, 4,819 as Scotch, 4,332 as Italian, 3,950 as Irish, and 3,031 as German. Among the immi- grants admitted from Canada in re- cent years have been a cousideral)le number of south and east Europeans who have settled in Canada and later came to the United States. Canadians are not recorded as immigrants when they enter the United States for " tem- porary .sojourn " only. The following table, compiled from the Canada Year Book, 1908, shows the composition of Canada's population by race or descent in the census years mentioned : Poiiiilatifm of Cnnadn. hy race or origin, rriisiis ijcars 1S7J, 1S8J, and 1901. Race or origin. 1871. 1881. 1901. Per cent of total. 1871. 1881. 1901. 706. .369 846,414 549,946 7,773 881,301 957,403 699.863 9,947 1,260,899 988,721 800,154 13,421 20.3 24.3 15.8 .2 20.4 22.1 16.2 .2 23.5 Iristi 18.4 Scotch . . . 14.9 Other British .2 Total British 2,110,502 2, .548, 514 .3.063.195 60.5 58.9 57.0 A u stro-H unRarian 18. 178 22.050 33.845 1,649.371 310,501 127,932 10.834 10.131 17.4.37 31,042 28.021 10.639 .31.539 .3 4.383 30,412 1,298.929 254.319 108,547 1,849 067 21,394 .5,223 1.227 8.540 40,806 .9 .31.1 5.8 .7 (") («) .2 .1 .7 .30.0 5.9 2.5 (°) <°'.5 .1 ;9 .4 Dutch 29,662 1,082.940 202,991 23.037 l,a35 125 21.496 1.623 607 4.182 7,561 . 6 5.8 Indian and half-breed . . 2.4 Italian .3 .3 Scandinavian .6 .5 Not .specified .0 3,485,761 4,324,810 5, 371,. 315 100.0 100.0 100.0 a Less than 0.05 per cent. 30 The Immigration Commission. Canadian French. CANADIAN FRENCH. (See French Camidian.) CANARESE or KANARESE. A Dra- vidian tribe (see) of southwestern India; not referring to the Canary Islands. CANTONESE. The Chinese (see) in- habitants of Canton and the sur- rounding; territory. Not an ethnical term. CARINTHIAN. (See Slovenian and German. ) CARNIOLAN. Same as Krainer. (See Slovenian.) CASHMIRIAN. Same as Kashmiri. (See Hindu.) CASTILIAN. A native of Castile, the former kingdom which gave its name to the Castilian or Spanish lan- guage. Not an ethnographical term. In immigration statistics listed as Spanish (see). ' CATALAN. The race or people of Catalonia, the eastern division of Spain. They extend somewhat north over the line into France. Their lan- guage resembles the Provencal of France (see French) more than it does the Castilian of Spain. Castilians can not understand Catalans as easily as they understand Portuguese. For con- venience the Catalans are counted as Spanish (see). CAUCASIAN, CAUCASIC, EURO- PEAN, EURAFRICAN, or WHITE race. (See xdiilliochroi and mcl- anochroi races, p. P.l.) The name given by Blumenl)acli in ITUri to the white race or grand division of mankind as distinguished from the Ethiopian, Mongolian, American, and Malay races (see these). The term is now defined more suitably for our pur- poses in a broader sense by I'.rinton and Keane, namely, to include all races, which, although dark in color or aberrant in other directions, are, when considered from all points of Caucasian. view, felt to be more like the white r.ice than like any of the four other races just mentioned. Thus the dark Gallas of eastern Africa are included, partly on linguistic grounds, partly because they have the regular features of the Caucasian ; the Berbers of north- ern Africa because of the markedly blond and regular features found amongst them; the dark Hindus and other peoples of India still more em- phatically because of their possessing an Aryan speech, relating them still more closely to the white race, as well as because of their physical type ; and possibly the Polynesians, Indonesians, and Ainos of the Pacific because of their physical characteristics, although in this discussion these will be excluded from the definition. (See Pacific Is- lander.) The general opinion is that the Dravidians and Veddahs, south of the Aryan Hindus in India, are not Caucasian. They do not possess au Aryan tongue; and physically they more nearly approach the Negro. It will be seen from the above that the Caucasian race was by no means originally confined to Europe. It has long covered the northern third of Africa and practically all of southern Asia to the borders of Farther India. Although called the " European " race, it more likely had its origin in Asia or even in Africa than in Europe. Be- cause of the latter theory. Brinton calls it the " Eurafrican" race. It does not even now fill certain large sections of I^urope. The jNIongolian race not only occupies the most of eastern and north- ern Russia but norlliern Scandinavia and the greater part of Finland, while the dominant races of Turkey, of Rou- mania, and even of Hungary are ^lon- golian in origin. Although the while race would be supposed to be the one best understood, it is really the one about which there is the most fundamental and sometimes Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 31 Caucasian. violent disoussion. Tlio word " Cauca- sian," for instam-o. is in nearly as bad repute as "Aryan " at the present time amongst etlmologists. Yet, as Keane has said of the former term, both words may bo preserved with conven- tional meanings as are many of the early terms of natural history, al- though the early ideas .-issociated with their use be discarded. While the word " Caucasian " has reference mainly tp physical characters, "Ar- yan " will be used here as applying strictly lo linguistic groupings. As ex- plained in the introduction (p. 4). such use is general and practically un- avoidable in innnigration statistics and in European censuses. The English sel- dom use the word " Caucasian " in the narrower sense as designating only the peoples of the Caucasus Mountains. (See Caucanus pcopla.) The Caucasian is the only grand di- vision of mankiml which possesses in- flected languages. In two of its minor divisions, the Caucasic and Euskaric, are also found agglutinative tongues. The scope of the word " Caucasian " may be better indicated by naming the subdivisions of the race. The follow- ing is substantially agreed upon by both Brinton and Keane. if the doubt- ful Polynesians and Ainos of the latter Ite discarded. The larger linguistic divisions or " stocks " are the Aryan. Caucasic, Euskaric, Semitic, and Ilam- itic. (See articles on these terms and classification in Introductory.) Both authors combine the two last named under the term " South Medi- terranean," a stock located south and east of this great sea. Brinton applies the term " North Mediterranean " to all the rest, while Keane prefers to u.se the terms " North Mediterranean," " North European," " Irauic," and " In- die " as equivalent to Brinton's term "Aryan." Brinton divides the Aryans into the Teutonic. Lettic, Celtic, Sla- Caucasian. vonic, Armenic, Irauic, Illyric, Italic, and Hellenic groups. (See these.) Passing now from the classification found most convenient in immigration topics, other schemes that are unich discussed should be referretl to here. Forty years ago Huxley replaced the word "Caucasian" by two terms: " Xanthochroi," meaning the blond race, and " Melanochroi," or the bru- nette portion of the Caucasian race. Ripley has summed up in a masterly manner all the physical classifications made since that of Huxley. He shows that the great consensus of opinion thus far favors the distinction of three great races in Europe, which he calls the " Teutonic," the "Alpine." and the " Mediterranean." An attempt has been made in the introduction to cor- relate these terms with the more com- mon linguistic classification of Brin- ton. (See table on p. 5.) As is pointed out (p. 4), Ripley's classifica- tion is impracticable in immigration statistics and in censuses of races, and therefore it need not be given extended discussion here. :Moreover, it appears probable that his classification must be largely modified by the studies of Deniker, now in progress. The latter has added to the three classical races of Europe the "Atlanto - Mediterra- nean," the " Oriental," and the "Adri- ;itic," with possibly three or four other " subraces." Rijjley has practically admitted the existence of the Adriatic as a distinct race. (See Albanian.) Deniker has wisely given as an alter- native classification to that of his physical types a classification of " peo- ples " based on linguistic grounds which may be profitably compared, in a discussion of each immigrant race, with those of Brinton and Keane here adopted (as in Introductory, table on p. G). In population the Caucasian race leads the world, with about ,S(K),(K)(»,(M)0 32 The Immigration Commission. Caucasian. souls. Nearly 300,000,000 of these, however, are of darker branches of the race, and live in Asia, 220,000,000 of them being Aryans of India. The Mongolian race numbers, perhaps, 200,- 000,000 less than the Caucasian, al- though extending far into Europe, as above noted. Asia, both jNIongolian and Caucasian, has a population of nearly 900,000.000, as against the 400,- 000,000 inhabitants of Europe. Fully nine-tenths, or 750,000,000, of the Cau- casian population of the world is Indo-European, or Aryan. (The pop- Caucasian. ulation of various Caucasian " races " or peoples will be found in the respec- tive articles relating to each'.) Nearly all the immigrants that come to the United States are from Europe ; that is, about l,200.(MMj out of 1,285.- 000 in 1907. About the same propor- tion is Caucasian. Indeed, 75,000 of the 100,000 counted here at the most as Mongolian are such only in origin and language; they are Finns, Magyars, and Turks who have become European- ized. Ripley has divided the European immigrants of 1907 as follows: European immigration io the United States, 1007, hy raees speeifled. Races. Number. Per cent. 330,000 330,000 194,000 194,000 140,000 25 Slavic . 25 \lpine (or Celtic) \n Jewish 12I The names just written resemble those used by the Bureau of Immigra- tion for the grand divisions of Eu- ropean races, excepting that the Bu- reau counts the Jewish in the Slavic division, and puts Magyars, Turks, and Armenians under the heading "All others." As thus divided, the immi- grants of 1907 were: naces. Number. Per cent. Iberic 283,000 409,000 116,000 214,000 28 Slavic . . 37 n 19 (See Slur for dotiiilcd comparisous amonj. above.) adinj; immigrant races iucluded in the The most interesting fact in immi- gration is the sudden and astounding recent change in the character of the immigration. While up to ISSO it was almost entirely from northwestern lOuropc, or, in other words, was com- posed of races or peoples which now constitute the older American stock, immigration comes mainly at the pres- ent time from southern and south- eastern Europe; that is, chiefly from Italian, Hebrew, and Slavic stocks that differ widely from the American in language, character, and political institutions. Tliis reversal in the char- acter of immigration was effected in Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 33 Caucasian. twenty yoiirs, l)Ot\vtH?n ]SS;2 and 1002, as shown by the followinj; iier cents )f th ears: Caucasus peoples. nniiiL'fation <>f those Tiiutiigmlion to tlie XTniled States. 1882. 1902; From western Europe Per cent. .S7 1.3 Per cent. 78 Western European immigration as here understood does not include the small immifrtation from the Si»auish Peninsula. The per cents of 1!)(>2 liave remained about the same since then. The above facts may be represented in another form as follows: In twenty years the immigration from western Europe has decreased 7." per cent (from 5G3,000 to 137,000) ; tl'.at from southern and eastern Europe has increased 475 per cent (from 84,000 to 480,000). Taking each at its highest tide, the annual immigration from western Eu- rope was. twenty-five yeai'S ago (in 1S82), 503,000; that from Si)utheru and eastern Europe is now (in 1907) 971,000. The newer type of immigration has thus reached in a single year nearly ]. 000.000 out -of a totril immigration from all coimtries of l,2s.-..()00. CAUCASUS PEOPLES, CAUCASIAN. The group of native races or peoples peculiar to the Caucasus, as the Rus- sian territory, Caucasia, is sometimes called; not found elsewhere. More ex- actly defined on linguistic grounds, they constitute one of the four dis- tinct divisions of the white race; that is. they are a non-Aryan stock, which, with the Aryan, the Semitic, and the Knskaric stocks, make up the great Caucasian or White divisi.on of man- kind. It is, of course, confusing and objectionable to use the term " Cau- casian" in the narrowest sense, as is sometimes done, to designate only the peoples of the Caucasus. This term was first used by Rlnmenl)ach, wh'o ap- plied it to the Caucasian division of mankind liccan.se he consi 1 1 i ft ^ a t 1 i Aryan: Russian- Great Russian.... Little Russian. . . . White Russian... Other Aryan- 1,829,793 1,305,463 19,642 171,127 1,118,094 99,836 95,056 35,291 5,286 221,834 45 69 63 25 56 39 Armenian 20 40 49 Tat 95 99 1 28 54 Other 15 15 15 20 Total 4,901,412 40,498 28,898 9,289,364 Of the n,000,000 inhabitants of Cau- casia, the table shows that only about one-fourth, or a little over 2,000,000, are Caucasus peoples, properly speak- ing. Their Russian conquerors consti- tute already the largest homogeneous population of the Caucasus (3,000,000) and are located mainly in the dispos- sessed territory of the Circassians on the Black Sea. The Tatars stand third numerically (1,500,000). They are largely Russified, and located for llie most part on the Caspian side of Transcaucasia. They and their Turko-Tatar kinsmen appear more widely distributed throughout Cau- casia than the Caucasus peoples them- selves, and number three-fourths of the population of the latter. Like the Armenians, some of them are merely extensions of larger populations in Asia. The Armenians, though but recently immigrated into Caucasia from the troublous districts of Turkey, already number over 1.000,000. They, with (he remaining Asiatic Aryans in Caucasia, about equal in number the Turko-Tatars ; that is, equal three- fourths of the Caucasus peoples proper. (See the appropriate articles for dis- cussion of all the preceding races found in Caucasia.) Reviewed by geographical regions, Transcaucasia is mainly Kartvelian or Georgian in the west, Armruian in the center, and " Other Caucasian " in the east, while northern Caucasia is mainly Russian in the west aiul " Other Caucasian " in the east. The Turko-Tatars and 40.000 Hebrews are scattered throughout both divisions. The chief center of population of each ethnical division noted in the fore- going table is computed upon the Rus- sian census of 1S!)7. Compared with the chief emigrating races or petiph^s of Europe the number of Caucasus peoples iiroper is small, and if they ^id emigrate to the United States the movement would be of little impor- tance numerically. The few that do come to this country are probably Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 37 Caucasus peoples. fountod as Russians wlioii tlioy spoak Russian, or uthorwiso aiv iut'lU(l(Hl junonsr the "Other peoples" of the immigration tables. Caucasus peoples. The following classification of Keane is more complete from a linguistic point of view and agrees in the main with that of Ilovelacque: I. SOUTHERN DIVISION (HOVELAC^QUE'S '•SOUTHERN"). [Kartveli stock.] Race or people. Popula- tion. Georgian... Imerian Radian Minprelian . Gurian Leihguni . . Laz Svan Pshav Khevsur... East of Mesk range to Tidis district . I^Iiucria (Imcritia) 1-Mingrelia . Upper Ingur and Tsklicnis valleys, isources of Alazan and Yora II. WESTERN DIVISION (HOVELACQUE'S " CHERKESSIAN "). fUbvch. s|si Cherkess-^Shipsiich H.efl bank Kuban iDshiget J .\bkhasian i Coast of Euxine, north of Ingur River. Kabard .1 North and east of Elbruz III. EASTERN DIVISION (HOVELACQUE-S " KISTIAN " AND "LESGHIAN"). I Ingush Galgai Kist Tush Karabulak i.Vvar, Kazi-Kum- vkh, Andi, Dar- go, Dido, Duo- }^Daghestan dez, Ude, Ku- bachi, Kurini... I Right bank, Upper and Middle Terek IV. CENTRAL DIVISION. Oss or Ossetian Both slopes of Great Caucasus about Kazbek. 127,000 The above terminology does not quite agree with the figures of the last cen- sus. Thus, the Kabards are put into the Western Division, although they are located mainly in the eastern part of Transcaucasia : and Ilovelacque puts the Western and the Eastern divisions together into what he calls the Northern Division, while the census shows that more than ono-half of these tribes are centered in the south ; that is. in Transcaucasia. Finally, the cen- sus is correct in considering the Os- sets as Aryans instead of as a division of the Caucasus peoples proper. Space can not be taken to speak of the physical and social characteristics of each of these subdivisions, nor to fully identify all the tribal names men- tioned by different writers. The fol- lowing additional list may, however, be regarded as appru.\imately correct : KARTVELIAN OR KARTHLI. Gruzlan or Georgian proper. CHBRKESS OR CIRCASSIAN. Abadzeh, Alaz, Adlghe (Natukal, etc.), Abasa, Absno, or Asega. CHECHENZ, KIST, OR KISLI. Itchkerian or Mountain Chechenz, Mosok (Tush), Lamur (Inyush). 38 The Immigration Commission. Caucasus peoples. LESGHIAN. Kurin. — Tsakhur (Tabassauran, etc.). Kazi-Kumyk or Lak. — Agul, Budukh, Khinalugh. Dargo. — Ilyrkelin. Avar. — Maarulal (name Avars give them- selves), Bagulal, Khunzakh, Khindalal, Baktlin. Other Lesghian. — Chek, Muchadar or Rotul, Usmei, Kaltak, Karatin, Akhvak, Akusha, Ideri, Chamalal, Khvarchin, Ka- puchin, Gunzal, Botlikhtz, Artchin, Khaidak, Tzakhur, Tzesa or Tziinta (Didoj, Kuanal (Audi), Agbukhan (Kubachi). Iron, As, and Alan are other names of the Ossets, and therefore not of Caucasus peoples strictly speaking. The Ossets include the Digorians, the Tagaurs, the Kurtatines, and the Alaghirs. Finally the term Circassian is used in ihree senses: (1) Properly as equiv- alent of Cherkess; (2) often as cover- ing the entire Western Division (above) ; and (3) v^'rongly to include also the Eastern. The map on page 34, taken from Ripley, while primarily intended to show the cephalic index of the region, also indicates the location of the principal Caucasus peoples. CELTIC or KELTIC. The western- most branch of Aryan or Indo-Euro- pean languages. It is divided into two chief groups, with several subdivisions, as shown in the following table from Keane : I. GAEDHELIC (GAELIC). Irish, Old and Modern. Erse, or (Gaelic of the Scottish High- lands. Manx, of the Isle of Man. ]I. KYMRIC. Old (iaulish, extinct;. Kymraeg, or Welsh. Cornish, extinct. Brezonek, or Low Breton. Irish, be<'ause of its more extensive literature and greater antiquity, is con- sidered to be the chief branch of the Celtic. Gaelic group. Modern Erse or Scotch is thought to be a more recent dialect of Irish. (See iicotch.) Manx is the dialect spoken by a small number of persons in the Isle of Man. Welsh is the best preserved of the Cymric group. It has a literature nearly if not quite as rich as that of Irish, and is spoken by a larger population than any other Celtic language found in the British Isles, (See Welsh.) Low Breton, or Armorican, is the speech found in Lower Brittany, in France. It is spoken by nearly two- thirds as many persons as are all other Celtic dialects combined. (See Breton.) No Celtic language has a current literature of any extent. Each succeeding census shows a decrease in the number of persons who speak a Celtic tongue. In few places is a Cel- tic language taught in the schools. Everywhere these languages are being supplanted by English or French. The' term " Celtic " is used in differ- ent senses by the philologist and the anthropologist. The former includes in it all peoples originally speaking a Celtic language. The latter has used the term to designate a broad-headed physical type called 'Alpine" by Rip-' ley. As shown elsewhere (see Cau- casian), there are three great phys- ical races in Europe which Ripley calls "Teutonic," "Alpine" ("Cel- tic " ) , and " Mediterranean." The first named is tall, lopg-headed, and blond, and comprises mobt of the northern races of Europe. Ti'e last named is short, long-headed, and very brunette, and includes the races living on the shores of the sea whose name it bears. The "Celtic" is of medium stature. broad-headed, and rather brunette. The eyes are more often giay and the hair brown, though all variations are found, due to admixtures wi'h the Teu- tons and the Mediterraneans living on either side of them. ( For oi her names for this type, see table in lutroduc- Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 39 Celtic. to toryJ This - Celtic" nice s have had its luaiii ctMitcr of dissenii- nation in the lii};hlaiuls of the Alps of uiidwestern Europe. Since the Celtic-speaking races, with the exceptiou of the Breton, are not, as was once thought, of one and the same physical type. Ripley recoumiends the droppinj: of the word " Celtic " a« a term to desijmate a physical stock and the substitution of the word "Alpine" instead. While all Celtic- speaking: peoples are mixed races, those of the British Isles are dis- tinctly long-headed and tall, in fact, are among the tallest of all Europe. They are therefore to be classed as Teutonic or " Northern," rather than as Alpine. The Bretons are the only peo- ple having a Celtic tongue who are predominatingly of the Alpine physi- cal type. And even they have re- ceived much infusion of Teutohic blood, especially in the coast districts. The Bureau of Immigration places in the "Keltic division" three "races or peoples " that speak a Celtic lan- guage — Irish, Scotch, and Welsh — and two that are distinctly of the Alpine or Celtic physical stock, the French and the North Italian. Manx and Breton do not appear by name in immigra- tion statistics. As explained elsewhere (see Introductory and English), this dictionary uses the term " Celtic " in the sense of the philologist and the term "Alpine" to designate the so- called '■ Celtic " physical stock. Celtic-speaking peoples are found in the western part of Ireland; in the mountains of Scotland and Wales; in Monmouthshire, England, which bor- ders on Wales; in the Isle of Man; and in the western part of Brittany. It is impossible to give the population of the Celtic race — that is, of those whose ancestral language was Celtic — since most of its members now speak English or French only. The consiis of 1001 of the United Kingdom reports l,806,f)00 who can speak a Celtic Chaldee. tongue. Ilickniaim estiniiitcs tli(> total Celtic population of ICuroiie at only ;i,L'()(MtO<) and that of the world at O.LM )(>.()()(». However much others may increase this number, the Celtic popu- lation of the world is insignificant when conii)ared with that of other branches of the Indo-European family, as Teutonic 131.000,000, Romance or Italic 107,300,000, and Slavonic 127,- 200.000. Nevertheless, despite their small pop- ulation, the Celtic races formed, until the recent change in the tide of immi- gration to America, a very Important element. (For further details and immigration figures, see articles Irish, Scotch, Welsh, and Breton.) CELTO-GERMANIC. Same as Aryan (SCO). CENTRAL AMERICAN. All immi- grants born in Central America, ex- coi)ting Spanish Americans (see), are Classified by the Bureau of Immigra- tion according to race as Negro (see) or as members of the European or other race or people from which they sprang. (Cf. Cuban, Mexican.) CERNAGORIAN or TSRNAGORTSI. Same as Montenegrin. (See Vron- tinn.) CEYLONESE. Any native of Cey- lon ; mainly Sinhalese and Tamils (.•].2no.O()()) ; also about 4,000 very primitive aborigines, the Veddahs (See these and Caucasian.) CHALDEAN. A term used in' Brin- ton's classification (see Introductory and IScniitic-Jlamitic) to designate that group of Semitic languages which includes the Babylonian, the Assyrian, the Canaanitic (Hebrew, etc.). and the Aramaic dialects. (See article on Syrian for subdivisions of the Aramaic, and on Assyrian for a discussion of the AyssQres, who some- times call themselves Assyrians.) CHALDEE or SYRO - CHALDAIC. The Aramaic language s]miUimi by the Jews in the time of Christ, said by 40 The Immigration Commission. Chaldee. some to have been brought to Pales- tine from Babylon after the captivity. Sometimes called also Chaldean (see), although that word is defined accord- ing to Brinton as a group term to in- clude the Chaldee and many other lan- guages. The language is now but little used except where revived by mis- sionaries. A dialect is still spoken by the Ayssores. (See Assyrian and Sijrian.) CHAR VAT. (See Slovak and Croa- tian.) CHECH or CHEKH. (See C::cch in article Bohemian and Moravian.) CHEREMISS or CHERMISSIAN. A division uf the Eastern Finns (see). CHERKASI, CIRCASSIAN (see) or CHERKESS. (See Caucasus peoples and Ruthenian.) CHERNOMORISH. A division of the Cossacks (see) of the Dnelper; that is, a subdivision of the Little Russians. (See Ruthenian.) CHINESE. The race or people inhab- iting China proper. Linguistically, one of the Sinitic groups of the Mongolian or Asiatic race. The name Chinese is also applied, erroneously from an eth- nical standpoint, to all the natives of the Chinese Empire, including China proper; that is, to the entire Sibiric group. These are, on the northeast the Manchus, on the north the Jlongols, on the west the tribes of Turkestan and of Tibet. The name does not properly apply to the other Sinitic I)eoples — the (Cochin-Chinese and the Annamese of the French colonies and the Burmese of the British colonies, all of whom border on China on the south and southwest. (See East In- dian.) The iieople of Manchuria and of Mongolia are not so nearly related linguistically to the Chinese as (hey are to the Japanese (see). All these "Sibiric" peoples have agglutinative languages, while the Chinese is isolat- ing and monosyllabic, being more nearly related to the languages stretch- Chinese. ing from Tibet southeast to the Malay Peninsula. The Chinese physical type is well known— yellowish in color, with slant- ing eyes, high cheek bones, black hair, and a flat face. The eye is more properly described as having the " Mongolic fold " at the inner angle. This mai-k is found to some extent in all Mongolian peoples, in the Japa- nese, and now and then in individuals of the European branches of this race in Russia and Austria-Hungary. Estimates of the population of China proper run from 270.000.000, an Amer- ican official estimate, to 400,000.000, a Chinese estimate. The other peoples of the Empire are comparatively small in numbers, the entire Chinese Em- ]ilre having a population of froyi 330,- 000,000 to 430,000.000. The Chinese are spreading I'apidly over the coun- trie'S toward the south, replacing the Malay to a great extent as a land- owning class in the Malay Peninsula and other portions of Malaysia, where they already number between 5,000.000 and 7.000,000, including those in the Philippines. In the Americas and Hawaii there are about 140.000. Chinese laborers have been excluded from the United States since 1SS2. It is estimated that the total emigra- tion of Chinese to the United States has exceeded 200,000, of whom only 00,000 now. remain. Still larger num- bers. 350,000, have gone to the Dutch East Indies. Adding to these an eniigration of 130,000 to Singapore, 120,000 to Peru, and perhaps 30,000 to Australia, there appears a total emi- gration within fifty years of over 800.000. This number, however, is small when compared with emigration from several Euroiiean countries dur- ing that period. In the twelve years 1800-1910, 22,500 Chinese were ad- mitted to the United States. No doubt Manchus and others who can not strictly be called Chinese ap- pear as such in United States immi- Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 41 Chinese. m'atioii statistics, ospocially stutleiits iiiiil other members of the Maiichu fiuuilies who have loiij; been a ruling caste in Cliina. Aniorican law defines the w(n'(l "('hin(>so" in a political sense to include all subjects of China. Koreans. Japanese, and East Indians (see these) are counted separately. CHOROBAT. (See Croatian and Slovak.) CHOTSCHER. (See Chude imder Finnish.) CHTJDE. A western subdivision of the Finns (see). CHUVASH. An important Tataric people ( see) in eastern Russia, classi- fied by some among the Finns (see). CINGALESE. Same as Sinhalese (see). CIRCASSIAN (CHERKASI) or ADIGHE. The northwestern group of the Caucasus peoples (see). They call themselves Adighe and are known to Russ'ians and Turks as Cherkess. They speak a non-Aryan tongue. Among the dialectal divisions of the Circassians are the Shapsuch, T'bych, and Dshiget. Some call the Abkasians and Kabardians Circassians. All these groups show more or less admixture of Tataric (Mongolian) intrusive ele- ments. Their women are noted for their beauty and adorn the harems of Turkey and Persia. The Circassians are Mohammedans and are a proud- spirited people. They formerly num- bered about .■>00,000, but nearly four- llfths of them emigrated to Asiatic and European Turkey after the Russian conquest, some forty-five years ago. COCHIN-CHINESE. (See Indo-Chi- ticsc.) COPTS or KOPTS. The purest rep- resentatives of the ancient Egyptians. (See E(/yi)tian and Scniitic-IIamitic.) COREAN. (See A'orcnn.) CORNISH. The native race or peo- ple of Cornwall, the southwestern county of England. The (Cornish, lln- (50813°— VOL 5—11 i Cossack. guistically and physically, is Kymric, a division of the Celtic branch of the Aryan stock. Its nearest relatives are the Welsh and the Breton; next come the Irish, the Manx, and the Gaelic of the Scottish highlands. (See these and Celtic.) The people of Cornwall are, therefore, not so nearly related to the English as to the Irish. Yet they are for convenience usually counted as English when they come to this country as immigrants. Their language is now English, the Cornish speech having become extinct a little over a century ago. But the popula- tion is the most deeply brunette in Great Britain, being quite the ojiposite of the typical English. The popula- tion of the county is about .520,000. CORSICAN. A native of the island of Corsica, which has belonged to France since the time of Napoleon, who was born here. The language is an Italian dialect. The population is mixed in race, but is supposetl to be at bottom Iberic, thus being related to the early inhabitants of Spain and per- Iiai)s to the Berbers of Xorth Africa, with later additions chiefly from Italy and France. The Corsican is almost as dwarfish as his neighbor, the Sar- dinian (see), being fully 9 inches shorter than the Teutonic average of northern Europe. The population numbers about 300,000. In spirit the Corsican is independent and revengeful, and the history of the long rule of Genoa in the island was marked by continuous revolt. It is not known to what extent Corsicans come to the I'nited States, as in im- migration statistics they are included with innnign>nts coming from France. COSSACK or KAZAK. (Cf. Kirghiz- Kazdk, following). This term is used in two very different sen.scs. The first is popular and historical, rather than ethnological, and refers to " the Cos- sacks of the Don " and others of southern Russian origin, who furnish the famous cavalry of the Czar, 42 The Immigration Commission. Cossack. These Cossacks are Russian (Cauca- sian), rather than Tataric, in race. In its second, meaning, strictly ethno- logical, the word is equivalent to " Kirghiz-Kazak," and refers to the largest race of Central Asia of Ta- taric (Mongolian) origin. The his- torical Cossacks, being the best known, may first be briefly discussed; then the real Kazaks, ethnologically speak- ing. The former may be called the Western or Russian Cossacks; the latter the Eastern or Asiatic Cos- sacks, or Kazaks proper. The latter spelling of the name is more scientific and preferable when speaking of the Eastern Kazaks. ( Cf. Kirghiz, Korea n, Kalmitk.) WESTERN COSSACK (OR COSSACK OF THE DON, ETC.). The historical Cossacks, named, after the portions of southern Russia they first occupied, " Cossacks of the Dnieper " and " Cossacks of the Don," are of mixed race ethnically. Those of the Dnieper are mainly Little Russian— that is, Ruthenian (see) in origin; those of the Don are Great Russian. Some were Polish in origin, as the famous chieftain Mazeppa, the hero of Byron's verse. Others, on the Don, may have been of Tataric ori- gin; at least the name and the form of social organization are Tataric. The name " Kazak " means " rider " or " robber." The Cossacks were both. Their name is to be defined as mean- ing, not a race, but a mixed Russian population having a certain social or- ganization, communistic and semimili- tary in character. These connnunitios probably had their origin toward the close of the middle ages as a result of the desperate and repeated struggles with Asiatic invaders. They had the form of organization best fitted to sur- vive, as it is now the best fitted to protect the Asiatic boundaries of the Empire. Hence Cossack settlements have extended as the Empire enlarged. Emigration has been to Siberia, under government auspices, rather than to the United States. Other races, as the Bashkirs, have become organized on the Cossack plan. The Cossacks of southern Russia who have remained in the old home have devoted them- selves more seriously to agricultural pursuits, and, if any come to Amer- ica, are probably known simply as Ruthenians, or Russians, according to the language they speak. The Zaporog Cossacks were so called in the six- teenth century because they lived " be- low the cataracts," on the Dnieper. Thej' were Ruthenians. EASTERN KAZAK (OR KIRGIIIZ-KAZAK) . To be defined as the largest Ta- taric tribe of Central Asia, extending from Lake Balkash on the east to the Volga in Russia ; nomadic. Moham- medan, and possessing a relatively lAire Turkish speech. Their speech points to this region as being a former home of the Turks of Turkey, al- though the latter have become, physic- ally, far more Europeanlike than the Kirghiz. Although called Kirghiz by ethnologists, tliey themselves reserve this term for their kinsmen, the Kara- Kirghiz (see Kirghiz), and call them- selves simply Kazak. The Russians applied to them the name Kirghiz- Kazak, to distinguish them from the western Cossacks or military conmiu- nities described above. Some writers claim that the Kirghiz are physically Mongollc but linguistically Tataric. There is no doubt that their features are more Asiatic in type than those of the Tatars of Russia, but this may have come from tlieir frequent inter- marriages with Mongolic tribes. Their civilization is still very primi- tive. Only the wandering life of herds- men is possible on the barren steppes Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 43 Cossack. of rontiMl Asia. Tlio pooplo nro nn- U'ttt'ivd ;iml thrir religion is often SliaiuMiiisin raliier tlinn the Molmin- nHHliinisni whicli they jtfofess. They nmnher 4.mX>,000, some 200.000 of wliom live in the proviiu-e of Astra- l:hiz of Central Asia are comparatively of little importance. They number only about 100,000. If members of either of these tribes came to America, it would be less con- fusing to call them " Kirghiz " instead of •• Kazak." .\s has just been shown, the latter term applies to men of vari- ous races. (See Tat a tie for other de- tails as to population.) COSTA RICAN. (See Spanish Amer- i( (til.) CRAKUS. KRAKOWIAK, or BIEL- OCHROVAT. Names applied to a sub- division of tlie Poles (see). CREOLE. (See Xcgro.) CRETAN. (See Greek.) CRIMEAN TATAR. A Tatar (see) living in the Crimea, in southern Russia. CROATIAN or SERVIAN, or. better, SERBO-CROATIAN, including the so- called Croatian. Servian. Bosnian. Dal- matian. Herzegovinian, and Montene- grin (Tsrnagortsi) races or peoples. (Related wn-ds: Chroat, Khrobat, Carpath, Khorvat, Horvath, and llcriat or II r vat; also Scrh or Srp, Sorb, and Sorabian. Sometimes in- cluded, with Magyars and others, in the term Huns in American speech. To avoid this name Croatian immi- grants sometimes insist that they are Aii.'itrianx, while some call themselves Ilervats rather than Croatians.) The Serbo-Croatian is a distinct and homogeneous race, from a linguistic point of view, and may be defined as the one which, with the closely related Slovenian, constitutes the Southern Di- vision of the Slavic, the linguistic stock M-hich occupies the countries above in- Croatian. dicated, including Slavonia. It is not an ethnical unity in physical charac- ters and descent, but a mixed race. It is sei)arated into the above so-called races on political and even religious grounds. It forms an important sub- ject in the present study, for it is typ- ical of the newer flood of iunnigratlon from southeastern Europe and contrib- utes largely to it. GEOGRAPHY OF THE BALKAN PENINSULA. Definitions of the Serbo-Croatian peoples depend so largely upon politi- cal boundaries that a preliminai*y sketch of the Balkan States will con- duce to clearness. The southern part of the Balkan Peninsula is occupied by Greeks, Albanians, and a minority of Turks. All the rest— that is. the greater part — is Slavic. Rou,ghly speaking, the eastern half of the Slavic territory is Bulgarian (see). This race belongs to the Eastern Divi- sion of Slavs and occupies the entire region from the Danube south nearly to the .Egean Sea and Constanti- nople itself. The main range of the Balkan Mountains is in their territory, running eastward to the Black Sea. The Serbo-Croatians are west of the Bulgarians, occupying all the territory to the Adriatic Sea. They are re- stricted, therefore, to the northwestern part, or about one-third, of the Balkan Peninsula. Once the Emjiire of Servia covered all the country southward to Greece. If the northern boundary of the peninsula be considered ji line run- ning eastward from the head of the Adriatic to the Black Sea following, the Save River to the Danube and down the latter, it will include all the Bulgarians and the Southern Slavs with the exception of the Slovenian territory, northern Croatia, and Sla- vonia. These will also be included within the limits of the peninsula if its boundary may be fixed a little far- 44 TTie Immigration Commission. Croatian. ther north to the Drave. This article is not concerned further with the coun- tries of Greece, Turkey (including Al- bania), and Bulgaria (including East- ern Roumelia), nor with Roumania, which lies north of Bulgaria, and therefore outside the limits of the Bal- kan Peninsula. Ripley, however, in- cludes the Roumanians among the peoiDles of the Balkan Peninsula, as is shown by the map facing page 43. (See article Roumanian for this race or people, kindred in physical type to the Slavic, but possessing a Latin tongue. ) The remaining States constitute Serbo-Croatian territory. The King- dom of Servia, situated just south of the Danube and the Save, midway be- tween the Black Sea and the Adriatic, is the only independent State amongst them, excepting the small principality of Montenegro. The latter occupies the southern angle of the Serbo-Croa- tian territory, with Turkey on the southeast and the narrow territory of Dalmatia and the Adriatic on the southwest. The remaining Serbo- Croatian territory belongs to the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Herze- govina, northwest of JNIontenegro and similar to it in size, and Bosnia, larger and extending north from Herzegovina to the Save and Slavonia, were at- tached in 187S ; Dalmatia, a narrow strip of coast land between these two States and the Adriatic, is an older possession of Austria. Still farther north are the former kingdoms of Sla- A-onia, lying along the southwestern boundary of Himgary proi)er, and Croatia, lying farthest to the north- west in the peninsula next to Austria and the Adriatic. These two prov- inces now form part of the Kingdom of Hungary. All the Southern Slavs — that is, the Serbo-Croat ians and the Bulgarians — were subject to Turkey only thirty years ago, excepting those on the northern fringe inhabiting Croatia, Slavonia, and Dalmatia. If, Croatian. as is sometimes said, these are not Balkan States, all the Balkan Penin- sula excepting Greece was then cov- ered by Turkey — as also was Greece itself a century ago. THE SERBO-CROATIANS IN GENERAL. Ask a Bosnian his race and he will answer " Turk " if he is a Mohamme- dan ; " Latin " or " Croatian " if a Ro- man Catholic ; and " Servian " if an adherent of the Greek Church. Yet in all these cases the race is the same because the language is the same. The case of the Bosnian is typical of the entire Serbo-Croatian people, which is peculiar amongst all the races or peo- ples of Europe in appearing to be divided into six or more separate ethnical branches; that is, as many as there are political States if not relig- ions in this region, while the scientist can have no doubt but that all are of one race. Their case resembles that of the Poles, who, since the partition of Poland, make part of three different nationalities ; or that of the Germans, constituting to a greater or less de- gree the German, the Swiss, and the Austrian nationalities. In like man- ner, Bosnian, Dahnatian, Montenegrin, and Herzegovinian are only names of nationalities or of political groups, while the corresponding race or peo- ple is Serbo-Croatian. Language, as explained in the Intro- ductory, is the necessary basis of all official classifications of European races. It is the one followed by all European censuses of races, and is adopted in this dictionary. The Bu- reau of Inmiigratiou has found it de- sirable for practical considerations to subdivide and group the Serbo-Croa- tians as follows: The Servian and Montenegrin are counted with the Bul- garian, the Croatian with the Slove- rian, and tlie Dalmatian, Bosnian, and Herzegovinian are given a separate column. Yet there can be no doubt Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 45 Croatian. that tlu> r.iil-arians and the Slove- uians are mitsiik' tin.' Sorlto-C'roatiaii rac-e, altlioujjh tlicy are most closely relatiHl to it by language. The c'oufusiou iu Serbo-Croatian terminology has its origin iu botli poli- ties and religion. From a partisan stamii)oint it has become quite cus- tomary to use only provincial names, like Croatian. To recognize the broader racial name would lend weight to the sentiment for Serbo-Croatian consolidation and the political inde- pendence of the Serbo-Croatians. Lin- guistic grounds are sought by others for a broader union embracing the en- tire northern belt of Balkan States from the Adriatic to tlie Black Sea, in- cluding both the Slovenian territory on one side of the Serbo-Croatians and Bulgaria on the other. Iteligious rival- ries likewise have led to ethnograph- ical fictions. Not only has a fraction of a race like the Bosnians been led to say that they are of three races or peoples when they practically mean tliree religious; these religious have given them three ali)habets for oue speech. The Serbo-Croatians of the west, who are Koman Catholic, can not read the publications of the east- ern Serbo-Croatians, who are Ortho- dox, although both have the same lan- guage, for the former use the Roman {\lphabet or sometimes the strange Glagolitic letters, while the latter use the Russian characters fostered by the Greek Church. The geographical limits of the Serbo- Croatians are not easily determined. They are defined on the north by the Danube and the Drave; that is, by Hungarian and Slovenian territory. On the east, also, they coincide with the boundary between Servia and Bul- garia, except that northeastern Servia is occupied by Roumanians. But as to the southern boundary the wildest and most diverixent statements are made b.v students of the. questicm ac- cording to their political bias. Some Croatian. I>ro-Servians would t-laim Macedonia and the greater part of Turkey, even to the Black Sea, to be Servian by language; while It is generally held that the Slavic language found here is Bulgarian. A fair statement would seem to be that northwestern Turkey is Serbo - Croatian, including a nar- row strip of northern Albania, as well as the largo districts known as Old Servia and Novibazar. The last named lies between Servia and JNlontenegro. Old Servia is farther southeast. These to'o Serbo-Croatian districts in Tur- key are about as large as Montenegro and Herzegovina. As thus delimited, the Serbo-Cro-j atians are inclosed on the west by the Adriatic Sea ; on the northwest by the closely related Slovenians; on the north by the totally different Magyars or Hungarians, of Mongol origin ; on the northeast 1)y a more nearly related people, the Roumanians ; on the south- east by distant relatives, the Bulga- rians; and on the south by the Alba- nians, a race differing both in lan- guage and physical type from any other in Europe. The region is aptly named, the " whirlpool of Europe." The Balkans are the storm center, and the " Eastern question " is always acute. Within a generation European Turkey has lost half of its territory, and several new nations have ap- peared upon the map of the penin- sula. The keen rivalries between na- tionalities and races have obscured scientific questions and rendered more difficult the classification of i)eoples. Even the choice of the term Serbo- Croatian is a comparatively recent ex- pedient to allay national jealousy. The language may as properly be called either Croatian or Servian. It was once called the Illyrian, an eth- nical misnomer for which an excuse was sought in political history. But the ancient Illyrians were an entirely different race. (See Alhaiiian.) Few traces of them, it is said, can be found 46 The Immigration Commission. Croatian. {imong the Slavs now occupying the country. The apostles of the " Illyr- ian " propaganda would take into their fold Bulgaria on the east and the Slo- venians on the west. " Yugo-Slavic "- — that is " South Slavic " — is a name more recently adopted by other patri- otic Slavs in an attempt to inculcate a feeling of unity among all Serbo- Croatians and Slovenians. It is pan- slavism on a small scale. The historical and linguistic rela- tions existing between widely sepa- rated branches of the Slavs are often indicated or suggested by strange simi- larities in their names. The terms Slav, Slovak, Slovenian, and Slavonian are discussed in the article on the Slo- venian. As there pointed out, Sla- vonian in the narrowest sense may mean the nationality (not a race) in- 'habiting the former kingdom of S!a- vonia. The race or people living there is the Servian or Croatian. Curiously enough, Croat, Hervat. and the related words given at the head of this article are variations of an old word meaning highlands or mountains (cf. Carpa- tliiam) ; hence not strictly ethnical terms, although some immigrants in- sist that Hervat and not Croatian is the proper name of their people. " Horvatok " is the name given Cro- atians on the Magyar ethnographical map. In like manner as the forms Hervat, Horvath, and even Kharpath come from Hrvat. so such variations as Serb and Sorb came from Srp. In the Serbo-Croatian, as in other Slavic lan- guages, a vowel is not written with this " r." The "h" easily passes into " kh " and " b " into " p " or "v." In these and similar words, therefore, are indicated the ancient relationships ex- isting between widely different divi- sions of the Slavs ; between the Serbs. Croats, or Hervats. and Slovenians or Winds of the Southern Division on the one hand, and. on the othrr. in the north, the disnppcaring Sorbs and Wends and the Slovaks, with their Croatian. forerunners, who left their name in ancient Chrobatia and the Carpathians. The technicalities of the stho, cha, and kuy dialects of the Serbo-Croatian need not be entered into here. In a general way they correspond to: (1) The southern, Ser\ian, or, better, that spoken in Herzegovina, which has be- come the literary form of the Serbo- Croatian ; (2) the western. Croatian, the use of which is gradually receding to the coast of Dalmatia ; and (3) that found on the western border of Croatia, which is more properly called a separate language, the Slovenian. Of the numerous names borne by Serbo-Croatian dialects and divisions of the population only a few need be given here. Some are merely names of political divisions. Thus the " Cer- nagorians " are simply the Montene- grins, the two words having the same meaning. '" Tsrna Cora," in their lan- guage, means " black mountain." The Ragusans are the natives of the old city of Ragusa ; Dubrovcans is another name for these. Others are the Syr- mians, sometimes considered to be a fourth division of the Serbo-Croatians, named after a plain in Croatia-Slavo- nia ; the Cices of Istria, and the Hran- icares of the borders. Skipetar is a name applied to the Slavouizod Albani- ans (see) of the coast. An Istrian — that is. a native of Istria — may be of any race; more likely a Serbo-Croa- tian. Italian, or Slo\enian. The Morlaks, who call themselves " Mah " or " Wlach," may be, as some claim, Slavonized Roumanians (Wal- lachs) ; but if so, the change has been quite complete, for they might be taken lo-day as the primitive Servian stock, not only in physical appearance and dialect, but in character and customs. They form a considerable population in northern Dalmatia and adjacent terri- tory, especially in Istria. Reclus says that they are amongst the least ad- vanced peoples of i:uroi)e. Certain other names found amongst Serbo- Dictionary of Races or Peoples, 47 Croatian. CroMtinns i'(>iin.v (losiKn:it(> sociiil •rroiil's nilluT tliMii distiiicl imc«>s. dia- Iccts. or luiliiiral divisions. 'I'hus the wi'll-luiowii word " llaiduiv," luoaiiiiiff orijrinaily in the Turkish laiiiiuase soniethins; like hi.uhwayiuau or free- booter, was adopted by the Servians in the sense of defender of the home land. Formerly Servians of the best fannlies beeauie Haiduks and pillaged Turkish villages. The Tchetnitsi were a class of these that made a specialty of tak- ing the heads of their slain enemies. The I'skoks were, like them, brigands before they settled down to agricul- tural pursuits. They Med from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Montenegrin mountains for protection against the Turks. The siivage manners of the last cen- tury are still met with amongst some Serbo-Croatians of to-day. Armed conflicts are not uncommon. Political feuds are especially bitter. Murders resulting from private vendet2 Mohammedans are Turks, althouirh srenerally c.tllini; themselves by that name. It is sajd that the Bosnian nobility became Mohamme- dans in order to preserve their feudal rijjhts. but that they differ in more respects than race from Turkish Mo- hammedans. For instance, they do not practice polygamy. Of the Servian nationality — that is, of the citizens of Servia — 90 per cent are Servian by race and DS i)er cent Orthodox in religion. The Rouma- nians in Servia number only 90.000. The Gypsies come next with half that number. The Roumanians (see), like the Servians, are for the most part Orthodox. While the Turks proper number only 1,000 in Servia, there are 15,(K»0 Mohammedans. The small independent principality of Montenegro has had no census. It is estimated that nearly 90 per cent of the population of 250,000 are Or- thodox. The remainder are Roman Catholics or Mohammedans, the latter being Albanians. In Dalmatia 96 per cent of the population is Serbo-Croa- tian by race and 84 per cent Roman Catholic in religion. These probably all call themselves " Croatian." Nearly all the rest of the people are Greek (not "United") in religion. Less than 3 per cent of the population are Italians. These live along the coast in cities like Ragusa. There are no Turks in Dalmatia, so far as shown by the census. In the Hungarian provinces of Croa- tia and Slavonia, besides the Serbo- Croatian population, which, as shown above, is 87 per cent of the whole, about ^ per cent of the population, or 184,000, are German, ;ind 4 per cent Cuban. " Hungarian." This is the dassifica- lion by mother tongue. Classitied by religion, all the Servians are " Oriental (Jreek," while 9!) per cent of the " Croa- tians" are Roman Catholic, as are also 80 i)er cent of the Germans and Hun- garians. No Turks or Mohanunedans appear as such by name in the census. Finally, in the Coastland. including Istria. while nearly one-half of the population is Italian, tlie most of the remainder are Serbo-Croatians (143,- 000) and Slovenians. Nearly 99 per cent are Catholic. CUBAN. Defined sufficiently well for the purposes of this dictionary by the Bureau of Immigration and Nat- uralization : " The term ' Cuban ' re- fers to the Cuban people (not Ne- groes)." This narrower definition covers, however, only 60 per cent of the population of Cuba — that is, the native whites — for 13 per cent are Negroes, 16 per cent mulattoes, and 10 per cent foreign-born whites. It also excludes Indians. The term is gener- ally used in a wider sense to include all natives of Cuba, regardless of color, especially including those of mixed blood. In race, therefore, the iX)pulation of Cuba is mainly composed of pure Span- ish stock, contrary to the popular im- pression, if Catalans and Basqiies may be called pure Spanish, for these are tlie most imi)ortant stocks that have come to the island from Spain. It is also popularly supposeo) sect. Not the name of a race. Dutch and Flemish. DRAVIDIAN. The great native stock of southern India, including the Tamils and Telugus, the Munda tribes, such as the Kohls, located farther north, and perhaps the Sinhalese and A'eddahs of Ceylon. Though clearly non-Aryan, especially as to language, there is no agreement as to their place i!) a pi'imary classification of manlvind. Their relationship has been variously given as with the Caucasian (southern Hindus), the Mongolian, the African, and the "Australoid " races, and, finally, as independent of all. (See articles on these, and Hindu and East Indian.) They number nearly 60,- 000,000 in India and 3.0(K),0()0 in Cey- lon. A good number emigrate as coolies. DRUSE. A warlilve branch of the Syrians (see) inhabiting the mountain regions of the Lebanon and the dis- trict of Hauran. They call themselves " Unahidin " (Unitarians). DUBROVCAN. Same as Ragusan. (See Croatian.) DUTCH and FLEMISH (loss accu- rately Hollander, Netherlander, and Belgian). The two westernmost races or peoples on the Continent of Low German or Teutonic origin, the Dutch being the native people of Holland (the Netherlands) and the Flemish that of Flanders— that is, of the western i)art of Belgium. The Dutch and Flemish languages are intermedi- ate between English on the one hand and German on the other. The chief differences between the Dutch and Flemi.sh are those of political boimd- aries, customs, and religion, rather than of language or physique. Hol- lander, Netherlander, and Belgian are names of nationalities and not of races. IIolland-I>utch is a term vul- garly used in America, to distinguish Dutch from German, while Bennsyl- vanla Dutch is a name wrongly given to the old Pennsylvania German fami- lies. Dictionary of Races or Peoples, 51 Dutch and Flemish. UVTCll. Etymolofiioiilly nutcli is simply the (ierinan " 'IVutscli"— tliat. is, " Teu- ton " — and, tlieroforo, niijiht be used as a generic term to include all Ger- mans. But in scientific usa^e the \ are about KHXOOO Jews in Holland. In social customs the Dutch siiow greater atfinity to the English than to the Ger- man. They have been called the Eng- lishmen of the mainland. Like the English, the Dutch have been great colonizers. Holland is an Independent kingdom. It is now calletl the Netherlands, a term formerly given to the lowland country comprising both Holland and Belgium. It is one of the smallest countries of Europe, having a superfi- cial area of only 12,000 square miles. Its ethuograjihical boundaries coincide with its topographical formation: the Frieslanders hold the alluvial plaiTis,_ the Saxons are confined to sandy tracts, while the lowlands of the delta of the Rhine have a population mixed in origin. The Dutch population of the world has been variously esti- mated at from 4,000.000 to 6,300,000. The population of Holland itself is 6.000.000, or 1.000,000 less than that of Belgium, and a third more than that of Ireland. Rudler and Chisholm esti- mate 71 per cent of the population to be Dutch, 14 per cent Frisian. 13 per cent Flemish, and 2 per cent other Low (Jerman. There are about 4O0,(W0 Boers in South Africa and 7r).0(X) Dutch colonists in the East and West Indies. In Immigration Bureau statistics Dutch and Flemish are counted to- gether. In ]!M»7 there were 6,037 im- migrants from Holland, 6.4r)6 of whom are classed as Dutch and Fleuush. The rate of Dutch immigration from Holland in that year was but a little over 1 per 1,(K)0 of the population. FF.KXIISII. IMiiloIogists dirt'er as to the iM.sition of Flemish, linguistically. Some con- sider it to be a branch of Old Low Ger- 52 The Immigration Commission. Dutch and Flemish. man, closely akin to Dutch, if not iden- tical with it; others place it as a dia- lect of Dutch and say that it is now nearly extinct; while still others con- sider it to be a dialect of equal rank with Frisian and Saxon, but distinct from Dutch. The literary language of the Flemish people is now Dutch. Physically the Flemish are of the prevailing Dutch type — tallish, blond, and round-faced — the type so often portrayed by Rubens. The Flemish oc- cupy the northern and western prov- inces of Belgium and the northeastern part of France bordering on Flanders. There are over 3,000,000 in Belgium, 750,000 in Holland, and 200,000 in the northern part of France, making a to- tal of over 4.000.000 Flemish in Eu- rope — that is, about equal to the num- ber of Dutch in Holland. The term Belgian simjily means a native or inhabitant of the Kingdom of Belgium. It has no significance as to physical race or language. The Belgian nation is represented by two chief linguistic stocks, a Teutonic (Flemish) which occupies the plains and the coast lands, and a French (Walloon) which occupies the uplands (see these). The two peoples also differ in uidustries. The Flemings are characteristically tenant farmers; the AValloons are small proprietary farmers, miners, and manufacturers. Belgium ranks eighteenth in super- ficial area and eighth in population amongst European countries. It is the most densely populated country in Eu- rope, having a population of over 7,000,000 in an area of 11,300 square miles; that is, of about GOO to the square mile. The Kingdom is not evenly populated, the Flemish prov- inces being much more densely settled llian the Walloon. Of the total num- ber, 42 per cent speak Flemish only .Tud 38 per cent French only, while 12 per cent speak both Flemish and East Indian. French, and 6 per cent speak Flemish, French, and German. Both French and Flemish are official languages. All pub- lic documents are printed in both. Both are taught in the schools. At the University of Ghent the professors lec- ture in both French and Flemish. The Belgians are for the most part Catholics. Despite its density of population Belgium is an exception amongst Eu- ropean countries in that it has more immigration than emigration. About 90 per cent of this movement is to and from Holland, France, and Germany. Only an insignificant number come to America, less than 1 per 1,000 of the population. In 1907 there were 4,162 emigrants from Belgium to the United States, of whom 2,929 are reported by the Bureau of Immigration as Dutch and Flemish. In number of immigrants the Dutch and Flemish taken together stand twenty-first down the list — that is, above the French, but far below all the principal immigrant i-aces or peo- ples. They go mostly to Michigan, Illinois, Xew York, and New Jersey. E. (See EASTERN or ORIENTAL race. Caucasian.) EAST INDIAN. Any native of the East Indies. The latter is a very broad and vague term which has come down from the time of Columbus, and embraces the vast i)opulations of India, Farther India, and ]Malaysia ; that is, of all the countries sotuh of the Chi- nese Empire and lying between the Indus on the west and the island of New Guinea on the east. The last- named island falls to the domain, therefore, of the Pacific Islanders (see). Filipinos (see) are Malayan, and therefore East Indian, as thus de- fined, but are not counted in immigra- tion statistics. Ethnologically the term " East In- dian " has no meaning, although its Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 53 East Indian. convtMiitMico lias jierhaps .justifiocl its use wliilo inuuljjration (o tlio I'niled States from this part of the workl was very small. (^oojiraphically it com- iirisos races of the most diverse cpulat ion of the four great races found in the East Indies, with the ex- ception of the black race, is immense, certainly over 350,000,0(X), forming with that of China about half the pop- ulation of the entire earth. Of all the East Indians, nearly six-sevenths are natives of India, and will claim chief attention here as a probtible factor ill future immigration. The peoples farther east have shown little tend- ency to emigrate. Of these, the densest population is that of Java, num- bering nearly 30,000,000. Although llie oldest in Malay civilization, this iK'ople has neither the physical imi- the mental energy of its kinsmen, the Filipinos, and, unlike the Hindus, it has shown little or no tendency to emigrate to other countries. The Indo-Chinese of the mainland, like the Malays, have less energy and en- terprise than the true Chinese and do not nugrate. Their country is not so densely populated. Practically none of those populations, with the exception East Indian. of the Filiiiinos, are Chrisliaii or greatly inlluenced by western civiliza- tion. Of the 2!)4,000,000 people of India, including Burma, it is unnecessary in (his work to especially consider the non-Aryan multitudes, a population iicarly as large as that of the United Slates. The dark Dravidian element is much the largest of these, number- ing (>0,()00,000. Three-fourths of India, however, is, like ourselves, Aryan— (220,000,000) a iwpulation nearly two- thirds as great as that of all Europe. It is this Aryan population of northei-n India that is generally called Hindu, although the term also applies to a religion or to the people having a certain social organization based upon Brahnianism. (See Hindu.) One of the many "Hindu" tongues is Hindi, spoken, with its dialects, by about 100,000.000 perscnis. About a,000,000 of these are Christians, The Caucasian features of the north- ern Hindus are easily reuKirked, al- though they are generally dark. They are often tall, although not so strong, eiuu'getic, and aggressive as the Chi- nese in competition with Europeans. Some have been educated in English schools or colleges in India. All are keen in trade, making good merchants, and perliaiis identify themselves with western civilization to a greater degree than do the Chinese. The population of India is one of the densest of the globe. The peoiile must emigrate or die by the million in the famines that periodically reduce their II limbers, 'i'lie [irotection of the rest socoiul. I^iit how loiii: a ro^idiMuo in Kiifiliiiul will entitle an Irishman, or a Si-otclmian, or a French Ilujinenot, or one of Noruian French slock, to l)e called Enjilish if the mother tongue is the test? Evidently this phrase must be interpretetl to mean the ancestral or racial language in dealing with a stock which lias kept itself quite pure in descent. But since the greater part of the English popula- tion of to-day is of mixed origin, a census may adopt the arbitrary rule that the paternal line only shall deter- mine the race, or, what is evidently more difficult and more scientific, it may name the mixeil races as such, or consider the race to be determined by the preponderating element in the mixture. Since all this is merely a matter of definition, so far as consistency in the present dictionary is concerned, the following principles and definitions may be given as those adopted and presumably scientific. In the narrow sense, the race of an immigrant is de- termined by ancestral language, as above indicated. The historical limit which determines the transition from one race into another as thus defined varies with different races. It will be assumed in this article that the Eng- lish race is practically one thousand years old, since the essential elements Cf-mposing it were welded before or soon after the Norman invasion. Still other definitions will conduce to clearness of thinking. Not only is a distinction to be made between race and nationality, but the terms " Eng- lish people," " English stock," " Eng- lish - speaking people," and, conse- quently, " English language " need defi- nition also. The English nationality includes all native and naturalized citizens of England. It therefore includes members of other races be- sides Englishmen in the ethnical sense. The term " Englishman " may mean merely one of English English. nationality. The " English st(K-k " is a loose expression for the English race. A stock in ethnology generally in- cludes several races. The " English- speaking people," as is evident, in- cludes all individuals in all parts of the world who speak the English lan- guage. The term "English language" is more capable of exact definition than all the foregoing, for, philolog- ically, it is impossible to confuse it with any other. It is only as old as the English race. The expression " English people " is a loose one. By definition in this dictionary it is the equivalent of the term " the English race," which embraces the P^nglish in America ; it means also the people of the particular country or nationality, England. " Briton " is a name applietl to the ancient race of _ England, by some supposed to have been qf Cel- tic origin. The word is used at times to mean any native of Great Britain. In this sense it includes difi:'erent races, as English, Irish, and Welsh. It, or rather " North Briton," is the term by which the Lowland Scotch prefer to be called instead of English. In this dic- tionary they will be called " Scotch " (see). " British " is a term of nation- ality rather than of race. It also means the Celtic language spoken by the ancient Britons. Einguistically. the English are Teu- tons. Although the English language is very composite, thegranuuar and the spoken language are still characteristic- ally Anglo-Saxon, that is, Low German, notwithstanding that it has lost many of its infle<'tions. English is closely related to the dialects still spoken in Flanders, in the Netherlands, and on the northern shores of Germany. It is to-day the language of about 12(5.- 000.000 individuals living under a score of different governments, among which are two of the greatest nations of the world, the British Emjiire and the United States of America. No other Indo-European tongue is spoken by so 56 The Immigration Commission. English. English. many persons, Russian ranks next with 90.000,000, then German with 76,000,000, Spanish with 50,000,000, French with 40,000,000, and Italian with 33,500,000 (Hickmann). Physically, as well as linguistically, the English are a very composite prod- uct. The prevailing English type is tall, long-headed, and generally blond, although, as Beddoe has pointed out, there is no one type characteristic of all England. He finds what he calls Anglo-Scandinavians and Anglo-Sax- ons, both Teutonic in type, located in the northern, the eastern, and the southern parts of England ; a short, darker type of marked "Celtic" character in the western part, bordering on Wales, and a still darker Celtic type, the Cornish, (see) in Cornwall. The Lowland Scotch (see Scotch), the people living south of the southern firths of Forth and dlyde and on the eastern side of Scotland, are said to be nearly identical in racial character and closely related in their dialect to the people of the northern part of England. It has been variously estimated that the English race is fi-om one-fifth to one-half Scan- dinavian, if not, in fact, more Scandi- navian than Anglo-Saxon. Freeman says " when we set foot on the shores of Scandinavia and northern Germany, we are simply revisiting our ancestral home." In geographical distribution the Eng- lish are more widely dispersed than any other people, being found in all parts of the world. No exact figures can be given as to the number of the p]ngUsh. The population of England is about 31.000,000. According to the Canadian census of 1901 there were In Canada 1,200,899 persons of Eng- lish race or origin. And, as is well known, the English form no small part of the population of the United States. The English hold high rank as an emigrating and colonizing people. They, with the Irish, Scotch. Germans, and Scandinavians, gave the distinc- tive character to immigration to the United States prior to 1882. These races from northwestern Europe then formed nearly 90 per cent of the total immigration from Europe. Since then there has been a rapid decrease in the immigration of the Celto-Teutonic peo- ples, but a still more rapid increase in that from the countries of south- eastern Europe, comprising especially Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Greece. In 1902 the latter countries furnished nearly 80 per cent of our European immigration, while that from northwestern Europe fell to 22 per cent. This change of ratio is not due so much to the falling off of three- fourths of the immigration from north- western Europe as to the rapid in- crease in that from southeastern Eu- rope, an increase of nearly fivefold in twenty years, and of over twentyfold in twenty-five years, that is, to 1907. The United States was until 1900 the favored destination of British emi- grants, the total number coming here annually from the United Kingdom being greater than of those going to all other countries combined; but in 1905 the curve of immigration to British North America rose and passed that for the United States. During the to'enty years 1883-1903, British emi- gration to South Africa, Australia, and Canada was about equally divided, sel- dom rising above 20,000 per year to each, and never above 40.000. For some years past Australasia and South Africa have attracted only about 10,000 to 15,000 annually. In 1909 there were 39,021 English immigrants to the United States, of whom 26.203 came from the United Kingdom and 10,708 from British North America. In absolute numbers of immigrants the English in 1907 held eighth place d«nvn the list of immi- gi-ant races and peoples, with a total of .51,120. Their rate of movement is very low, only a little over 1 per 1.000 of the population of England, which is Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 57 English. hut one-sixth that of the Irish aud oue- lifteeuth that of the Slovalv or of the Hebrew. As compared with these races, future inmiigratiou from Eng- land must relatively increase. The l>oi)ulation of the smaller races is so far below that of the English that they can not long continue coming at the present rate. The English, like the Irish and the CJermans, are found in all parts of the United States. The States to which they went in largest numbers in 1!X)9 are: New York (10.439), Massachu- setts (4.379), Pennsylvania (2,945), California (2,438), Illinois (2.048), ESKIMO. The northernmost race or people of America, held to belong to the American race by most American writ- ers, but to the Mongolian by many others, (See these terms.) It differs much in important respects from either of these races, combining character- istics of both. The difficult questions involved need no discussion here. It is but rarely that one of this race has been brought to the United States. The Aleuts of the Bering Sea region resemble Mongolians more than do the Eastern Eskimos, in that they are short-headed. They speak, however, an Eskimo dialect unrelated to any Mongolian tongue. The Eskimo popu- lation is variously estimated at from 20.000 to 40.000. ESTH or ESTHONIAN. A division of the Western Finns. (See Finnish.) ETHIOPIAN. A word used in differ- ent senses to designate: (1) the entire Negro race (see), (2) a language spoken by a Semitic people of Abys- sinia, and (3) the East African Ham- ites. (See f^emitic-Hamitic.) EIIRAFRICAN. Same as Caucasian (see). EUROPEAN race. A term generally u.sed as equivalent to Caucasian (see). Hut "'Homo EuropcBus " is the name applied by recent writers, following T^apouge, to the tall, blond, and long- 60813°— VOL 5—11 5 Filipino. headed or " Northern " race of Eu- rope distinguished generally from the "Alpine " and " Mediterranean " races of central and southern Europe. It is also called the "Aryan" race by La- I>ouge. but includes little more than the Teutonic and Celtic divisions of the Aryans as defined in this diction- ary. (See these terms and Introduc- toi-y.) EUSKARIC stock. A linguistic divi- sion of the Caucasian race at present represented by only the Basques (see) of Spain and France. Their language is of the agglutinative type, the only non-Ai-j-au language of western Eu- rope. EVREMEISETI. A division of the Western Finns. (See Finnish.) F. FELLAH. A name given to the peas- ant class of Egyptians. (See Efiy^ptian and ^riitilic-Haniific.) FILIPINO or PHILIPPINE ISLAND- ER. A geographical rather than an ethnographical term, meaning any na- tive of the Philippine Islands. It is included, therefore, in the terms " East Indian " aud " Mongolic Division," as used by the Bureau of Immigra- tion (see these terms). Filipinos of pure blood are all Malay (called by Keane "Oceanic Mongol"), with the exception of the Negritos and possibly the doiibtful " Indonesians." But few words can be given to them in this dictionary, for they are not considered legally as immigrants upon coming to the United States. The tendency among recent ethnologists in the Philippines is to consider that the pagan Indonesians of the interior are not an " aberrant Caucasian stock," as held by prominent ethnologists, but represent an earlier Primitive Ma- layan wave of migration. They show a close relationship physically, and es- pecially in language, to the eight so- called " Christian " peoples who con- stitute nine-tenths of the population 58 The Immigration Commission. Filipino. (7,GU(),00U) of the islands. These ra-e, in the order of their numerical im- portance : The Visayan or Bisayan, the Tagalog, the Ilocano, the Bicol or Vicol, the Pangasinan, the Pampan- gan, the Cagayan, and the Zambalau. Of these, the Tagalogs, who dwell in the provinces about Manila, are de- cidedly the most prominent politically. The Moros (cf. Moors of Spain), that is. the Mohammedans of the Sulu and other southern islands, are closely related to the Christian peoples eth- nically, hut are less in sympathy with European civilization. They stand seventh in population among Philip- pine peoples. The Igorots of the north stand next numerically. They are the best-known representatives of the Primitive Malayan stock, still head-hunters and non-Christian for the most part, but settled agricul- turists. Another well-known ethnical division is the dwarf Negro stock known as " Negrito," numbering now only 24,000. This is a disappearing remnant of one of the earliest and lowest races of mankind and can be traced throughout Malaysia as far east as the somewhat similar I'aupans of New Guinea and as far west as the Andaman Islanders, in the Bay of Bengal. There are many mestizos, esi)ecially of Tagalog-Chiuese and of Tngalog-Spanish ancestry. The Chi- nese form an important element of the urban population, especially in Manila. The Thiited States immigration and Chinese-exclusion laws are applied to aliens entering the Philippines. • A\- tliough Filipinos are not legally citi- zens of the United States, they are not counted as immigrants upon coming to this country. Chinese, however, coming from the I'hilippines to the United States are subject to the usual restrictions. IModern Filipinos are not known as an emigrating people. Few (•(^nie to tlie United States except as proteges of the Government. Finnish. FINNIC, FINNO-HUNGARIAN. FIN- NO-UGRIC, TJGRO-FINNIC, TJGRIAN. The language of the Finns, using this word in the wider sense to include the Magyars and, sometimes, the Bulga- rians. (See Finnifih, Ural-Altaic, and Ugro-Finnic.) FINNISH. Best defined for the pur- poses of this work from a linguistic point of view in a narrow sense as the race or people of Finno-Tataric stock which now constitutes the chief popu- lation of Finland and embraces also the related peoples of northwestern Paissia, exclusive of the Lapps (see). This group may be also called the " Finns Proper " or " Western Finns," and includes the Esths, Livs, Vots, Veps, Tavastiaus, and Karelians, to- gether with the Ijores and Chudes, subbranches of the last named. The Karelians extend nearly to the center of Russia and are called by some •' Eastern Finns." It would appear more significant to reserve this latter nj'.me to designate the Ugro-Finnic peo- ples living in Eastern Itussia and in Asia. Although speaking languages similar to the AVesteru Finns or Suomi, they are widely different from the latter in blood, and to a great ex- tent in civilization. The Western and Eastern Finns are more unlike than the North and South Italians, who are, for a similar reason, counted sepa- rately by the Bureau of Immigration. Finnish immigration has been larger in recent years than that of most other rac(>s having so small a population. 1( is practically contined to the West- ern Finns or Finns proper. These are Caucasian rather than Mongolian in appearance, while the Eastern or Volga Finns, who are not known to come as yet to America, show distinctly their Asiatic origin. They are divided from the Finns proper by a broad band of Great Russians which extends through Central Russia from north to south. The Lapps and Samoyeds, another very Dictionary of Rcvces or Peoples. 59 Finnish. (littVivnt stock, may be ciiIUhI the " Xorthorn Finns." The term " Finn " or " Finnic " is equivalent to " Ugro-Fiunie " (see) wlien employed in a still wider sense tc ineludo all thus far mentioned and in addition the MafO'«ii"s and possibly the r?ul?;ariaus (see). The former are linsuistlealiy I'liro-Finnic ; the lat- ter were so originally. The word "Finnic" is even used at times to designate the entire Finno-Tataric di- vision of the Sibiric branch of the Mongolian race. It then includes the Turks (see). Even the Japanese, Man- chus, and Kalmuks belong to coordi- nate stocks. (See Uml-Altitic for the relations of all Mongolian languages.) Finally the term Finns is used in a fourth sense, narrowest of all, to designate only the Finns of Finland; that is. little more than the Tavas- tians, considering the Esths and Livs, for instance, as distinct races. It is evidently necessary to analyze further this complex subject. The Eastern Finns number about 2.(K)0.(X»f) : the Northern Finns, or Lapps and Samoyeds, only 17.0()0: the West- ern Finns, or Finns proper, nearly -J.(KX),000. Of the last named, 2,350.000 live in Finland. Certain districts in the western part of Finland are occu- pied almost entirely by the blondest of Finnish. Teutons. Swedes who number uol less than anO.OOO. The total , population of the country is about 2,.S,")0,000. Until ISO!) Finland was a i)art of Sweden, and before the dawn of history the Finns and Swedes were no doubl inter- mingling. This will account in part for the prevailing bloudness and Euro- pean cast of countenance amongst the Finns, which has led the Bureau of Im- migration to put them into the " Teu- tonic division " of races. But the en- tire Ugro-Finnie stock seems to have been, in origin, lighter in cglor than most other Mongolians, perhaps as a result of their northern residence. Formerly they w^ere fciken out of the Mongolian gi-and division by certain ethnologists and put into a separate division of " allophylian whites." Whatever their original stock, the Finns of Finland are to-day the most truly European of any race possessing a Mongolic speech, and in some re- spects their institutions are abreast of any in Europe. Other branches of the rgro-Finnic stock are classified as below in the census of the Bussian Empire for 1897. Since this census does not cover Fin- land, the first item in the table is taken from the census of Finland for 1!)00. (See article Russian for additional statistics.) Finnic population of the Hu'7. Branches. In Europe. In Asia. Total. Branches. In Europe. In Asia. Total. Total 5,782,127 88,850 5,870,977 Eastern Finns-Con. Mordvinian Votyak Permyak Zyrian 989,959 420,073 103,. 347 144.. 309 2,850 .33,8.S2 297 1..344 9.249 4,801 19,063 Western Finns 3,739,947 0,513 3, 740, 460 420,970 104,691 153,618 7 051 In Finland a 2,352,990 141,184 208,083 998,090 13,774 25,820 2,352,990 143,0(58 208,101 1,002,702 13.774 25,825 Finnish 1,884 18 4,000 VORUl KareUan osfyak..;::;::; Esth Northern Finns liore... 0.650 11,988 18.644 Chude 5 1.812 3,940 904 1,812 15,871 %1 Eastern Finns 2,035,524 70,349 2,105.873 Samoyed ii,9:n Cheremiss .374,.32fi l.,13 375,439 Census of Finland for 1000. Subdivisions of Finns in Finland not given. 60 The Immigration Commission. Finnish. WESTERN FINNS. Only brief additional data may be given concerning the above-mentioned and otlier divisions of the Ugro-Finns. Chude is an old name once applied to all Finns by the Kussians. The celisns limits the name to those locally called " Chotscher " or "Kaivan," who speak a Karelian dialect. They live in one of the two Karelian provinces, Olonetz; that is, northeast of St. Petersburg. The Veps are northern Chudes; the Vots, southern Chudes, The largest Karelian population is found in Tver province, southeast of St. Petersburg. The Karelians are the easternmost branch of the Finns liroper, and show perhaps more trace of an Asiatic origin. They are mainly agriculturists. The Ijores, on the con- trary, are found mainly in the city of St. Petersburg. They are descendants of the Ingers, but no longer a pure Tavastian stock, and therefore not good types of the "Western Finns. Yet they apparently constitute the group called " Finns " in the Russian census, as the latter live mostly in St. Petersburg. The Finns of Finland are mainly Tavastians, or Hemes, and Savolaks. The Kwaenes extend farther north and a re in a transitional stage between the more cultured Finns toward the south and the Lapps on the north. The Esths and Livs do not differ much from the Finns of Finland in stock. They live south of the Gulf of Finland and along the Baltic, forming about 00 per cent of the population of Esthonia and 40 per cent of that of Livonia. The extinct Krevs formerly lived near these in Courland, in Esthonia, and es- pecially in Livonia. The agglutinative langiiage of the Finns Is modified by the radically different Aryan speech of the liOtts and Lithuanians (see), who adjoin them on the south. In the I)n)vince of Pskof they speak a N'oiiuls. Finnish oini^'nmts to the United States are all. so far as known, West- ern or true Finns. Inniiigration has ht^Mi rapid iu recent years. In the thirteen years from 18!)3 to 1905 Fin- land lost 128.(100 by emigration. Nearly all of these came to America — in 190.5, all but 37. In the twelve years 1899- 1910. l."l.TT4 Finnish immisrants were admitted to the Fnited States, the race rankinj; fourteenth in that regard .luionff all races or peoples. The rate per l.O(M) of the population of Western Finns arriving per year (4 in 1907) is only half that of the Italians, Irish, or Norwegians, and less than one- fourth that of the Hebrews or Slovaks. During the twelve years mentioned. 109,229 of the Finnish immigrants ad- mitted were destined to four States as follows: Michigan. 40.91."); Massachu- setts. 2.">.1.")3: Minnesota. 22.799; New York. 20,3G2. It will be seen that .-ibont 27 per cent of the Finns went to Michigan and 1.5 per cent to Minnesota, which States received, respectively, only 2.4 and 1.9 per cent of all immi- grants during the period. FINNO-TATARIC or FINNO-TURKIC PEOPLES. A tt'rm somcliincs used to fuibrace the Finnic and Tataric (see) groups of the Siberic stock of the Mongolian i:ace. To be defined as (hat group of Mongolian races speak- ing the T'ral-Altaic languages (see). FLEMISH. (See Dutch and Flem- ish.) FLORENTINE. Counted in immi- gr.it ion st.uistics as South Italian. ( .■<('♦' Itdlinn.) FRANKISH or FRANCONIAN. (See (lerman and Dutch and Flemish.-) FRENCH. The principal race or people of France; the northern branch of the Romanct^speaking iieojtles, in- cluding, besides the French of France, the French P.elgians. the French Swiss. the French of Alsace-Lorraine (now a French. Iiarl of (Jermniiyi. .iihI the French Ca- nadians of the New World. As thus defined the French constitute about 9;{ per cent of the poimlation of France, nearly one-half that of Belgium, about one-fourth that of Switzerland, and nearly one-third that of Canada. Ac- cording to the census of 1900 there were 395.000 Canadian-born French persons in the Fnited States, and 4.36,000 na- tive-born iiersons one or both of whose Iiarenfs were Canadian-born French. The French is not a well-defined race efhnologically, being a mixture of the three chief prehistoric races of Europe, the broad-headed "Alpine" or "Cel- tic " element predominating. linguis- tically French belongs to the Romance or Italic group of the Aryan family. The French are put into the " Keltic di- vision " by the Bureau of Immigration, while they are usually classified with the Romanic peoples. The French Belgians are found mainly in the southeastern provinces of Belgium. (See article . Dutch and Flemish.) They speak a dialect called the " "Walloon." They are supposed to be descended from the Belgae of CtTpsar. are tall and long-faced, and resemble the French of Normandy. The French Swiss constitute the greater part of the inhabitants of the western cantons of Switzerland. They belong to the broad-headed Alpine race, are brunette, and much shorter in stature than the French Belgians. French Canadian (see) is an expres- sion used to designate the inhabitants of Canada, especially those of the province of Quebec, who are descend- ants of the French. They speak a diale<'t which iiossesses many pecul- iarities developed on Canadian soil. Their blooti has been more or less mixed with that of the English-speak- ing Canadians and has had some infu- sion of the Indian, though to a much less degree than is generally supposefl. The term "French language" may be used in a broad or generic sense to G2 The Immigration Commission. French. include not only the modern literary I'reneb, but all the dialects of Old French still in use, as the Walloon, the Provengal, and the Catalan. In a narrower or restricted sense it means the " langue d'oil," which is now the literary as well as the gen- eral and official language of Franco. Old French had two distinct and equally important dialects — the "langue d'oil," spoken north of the Loire and eastward to Berne, Switzerland, and the " langue d'oc." in the south. The former is now spoken by about 22,500.- 000 persons in France. It is one of the two official languages of Belgium. Switzerland, and Canada. It is the diplomatic language of many countries. Owing to its clearness and precision it is the language par excellence of sci- ence and criticism. One of its dialects, the Walloon, is still used familiarly by about 3.000,000 persons living in Bel- gium and the northeastern part of France. This is especially character- ized by a large number of Celtic and German elements. Though it once had a literature of its own. it is now assum- ing the character of a patois. The Provengal, often called the " langue d'oc." is the native language of the southern half of France. With the closely related dialects, such as the Gascon, Limousin, Auvergnat, and Savoisin, it is spoken by over 12,- 500,000 persons in southern France and by several hundred thousand in Switzerland and Italy. The Catalan dialect, spoken on both sides of the Catalonian border, occupies a place between Provencal and Castilian. (See Sixinish.) Physically the French are not a ho- mogeneous race. There has been much blending of racial elements even with- in historic times. At the present time France presents three distinct ethnic types, whose persistence depends in part on their geographical location and in part on more recent intrusions. F'rance appears to have been once oc- French. cupied quite generally by a broad- headed, rather brunette ("Alpine") race which still characterizes the cen- tral part of the countrj-. especially among the Auvergnats, and is found in considerable numbers in Brittany among the Bretons (see). It is esti- mated by Brinton that this Alpine ele- ment forms fully three-fifths of the French race. A tall, long-headed. Teu- tonic type predominates in the north- eastern part of France, especially in Normandy. Many of the inhabitants of this region are blond. In fact, it is said that northern France is more Teutonic than is southern Germany. (See German.) In the most southern part of France, especially along the Mediterranean coast, the inhabitants are of the long-headed brunette or " Mediterranean " type. These three types are fairly well amalgamated in the great cities of France into what is generally recognized as the typical Frenchman. His ethnic position is that of an intermediate between the northern and the southern races. The Basques (see) of southwestern I'rance seem to be a peculiar modifica- tion of the Alpine race of central France. France is thus seen to present great diversities in language and physique. It is the only place on the Continent where a Celtic tongue is spoken — the Breton. With Sixain, it is the habitat of the Basques, who speak a non- Aryan tongue. France has a population of 38,500,- 000. French, using the tei-m in the broad sense, is spoken throughout France, except in four small districts — the western part of Brittany, occupied by the Bretons (1.350.000) ; a Flemish section (230.000) on the Belgian border; the extreme southwestern cor- ner, occupied by Basques (150,000), and a district occcupied by Italians (330,000) on the Italian border. Out- side of France French populations are found in Belgium (nearly 3,000,000), Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 03 French. ill (uMiii.iiiy tliiXMHHM. in Switzerland (7;Ut.(KH)). iintl in tlio northwestern part of Italy (SO.(KX)). The tola) I'reneh popnlation of Eurojie is. there- fore, ahout ;'.!),0(H).(KX). It is esti- liiateil that 4.0ersons born in I'rance. and' .•>0.~).0(U] French persons who were born in Canada. The Breton innnisrrants from west- ern France and the Basque inunii^rants from the southwestern part are counted for convenience as French in inunitiration statistics. During the twelve years 1S99-1910, the total French immigration to the United States from all sources was 115.TS3, the race r.-mking eighteenth in point of numbers during that period. Even the innnlgration of Finns or Roumanians exceeded the immigration from France in 1907. The rate of immigration from this country is low. about 2 per 10,000 of its population. This rate is sur- passetl by that of all important immi- gi'ant races or peoples, e.xcepting the Great Russians, by whom it is equaled. The chief destinations of French im- migrants in 190!) were Massachusetts (4..3S.3), New York (4,21.^)), New Ilanqtshire (2.:>77). and Rhode Island (I.-mO). FRENCH CANADIAN. That section of the French race or people which lives in Canada. According to the Cana lived in the province of Quebec, where they constitute a large iHa.jority of the population. (See French for general description.) It need only be further said here that the French language as .spoken in Canada has become considerably nioditied dur- ing the two hundrwl years or more of its exile. There is also some slight physical change going ou in the race. Gascon. although it is not widely intermingled with Indian blood, as some misin- formed poisons think. The French Canadians have been sending a large contingent to the States for a long period, although, as explained in the article on French, a record of this im- migration is not available. French Canadians form an important part of the impulation in many New England towns. In 1884 Catholic statistics showed .",2(;.000 to be living in New England. According to the census of 1890 there were 302,496 Canadian-born French jiersons in the United States and in 1900 tlie number had increased to 395,066. (See Canadian.) FRISIAN. A name given to a Low German people living in Friesland, Holland, and in the ad.iacent islands. (See Dutch and (Jernian.) FRIULAN or FURLAN. A Rhteto- Romansh (see) people living northeast of the Italians. G. GAELIC. (See Celtic, Irish, and Scotch.) GAGAOUS. A name given by Bul- garians to the mongrel people of the coast of the Black Sea. (See Bul- garian.) GALICIAN. Has two meanings : (1) Generally any native of. Galicia. a province in Austria, north of Hungary, ar.d therefore of any race or people found there, but generally Rnthenian (see) ; (2) a native of Galicia in north- western Spain or of northern Fortngal. The latter sjjcak a Portuguese dialect and are also called " Gallegos." (See fipanish and Portuguese.) GALLEGO. Same as the Galician (sec) of northern Portugal. (.Msoseo Sjianisli.) GASCON. A native of Gascony, the southwestern part of I'^rance. (See French.) 64 The Immigration Commission. Geg. GEG. A name applied to the north- ern Albanians (see) as distinguished from the southern Albanians or Tosks. GENOVESE. Counted in immigra- tion statistics as South Italian. (See Italian.) GEORGIAN. In a broad sense the Kartvelian or Southern Division of the Caucasus peoples (see), including the Georgians proper, the Mingrelians, the Imeretians, and the Svanetians. All these groups speak non-Aryan lan- guages more or less distantly related. They belong to the Caucasian race, al- though there is some admixture with Mongolian elements. They number about 1,150,000. The Georgians proper or Grusians are the best known of these peoples. They live in Transcaucasia and are renowned for their physical beauty. They are tall, broad-headed, and have black hair. Their women, like those of the Circassians* (see), are prized as slaves and members of harems in Tur- key and Egypt. Georgians do not ap- pear by name in immigration statis- tics, and if they come at all are counted among " Other peoples." GERMAN (incorrectly Dutch). The race or people whose mother tongue is the German language in the narrower sense of the word; that is. excluding the Dutch, Flemish, English, and Scan- dinavian divisions of the Germanic or Teutonic group of languages, but in- cluding the German dialects foimd in all other countries, as in Austria and Switzerland ; the race which uses the modern literary German. Although this is the definition that tacitly under- lies all emigration and immigration statistics and censuses of races as taken in various countries, the " race " so defined is a somewhat arbitrary or artificial division of mankind. Like many of the so-called " races " of Eu- rope, it is not a unity from a physical I'oint of view. Nor will it even stand the linguistic test adopted in this die- German. tionary. (See Introductory and Eng- li.sh.) For. if we make the mother tongue the test, the Dutch and the Flemish are as much German as are other Frankish or Saxon populations. Merely the historical or political acci- dent that Holland and Belgium have established by law another literary standard than that of Germany leads to their being considered non-German in race. Some German scholars have no doubt been influenced by pan-Teu- tonism — that is, the ideal for a com- mon bond of sympathy, if not of po- litical unity, among all Teutonic peo- ples — to overstate the linguistic unity of the Germans with the Dutch, the English, and the Scandinavians. It is the same tendency which is found in much more exaggerated form among the panslavists farther east. English and the Scandinavian languages are often classified as divisions of the Low German. It needs but a mo- ment's reflection to realize that though English may have been Low German in origin, it is now, especially in its vocabulary, more like French or other Ifomauce tongues than like German. The ease with which an Englishman learns the former proves this. The physical anthropologist recognizes a still greater difference in type, and therefore in origin, between the broad- headed and brunette southern Ger- mans, "Alpine" in race, and the typical English or especially the Scandina- vians, who are the extreme of the op- l)osite type, long-headed and pure blonds. Some confusion may arise from the fact that certain ethnical terms are used in opposite senses in the English and the Gi^rman languages. It has elsewhere been explained that the English word "Dutch" (see) is never properly applied to a German, although the latter calls himself by practically the same name, Dcittsch. Again, English philologists generally employ the word " Teutonic," which Dictionary of Races or Peoples. fi5 German. c'onu's fioiii tlu> liittor word. Ttiil-^rli. ill tlio lirojitlost siMise of iill. to inclmli' the " (ienuan," whilo (Jcrniaii philolo- j;ists reverse tlie tenuinology and make •• CJernianie " ((Icrmaitinh) iiu-Uule the Diiitsch. The Austrians and the Swiss Ger- mans can not be considered non-Ger- man in race by the test above applied to the Dutch. Altliou;,'!! they may spealv dialects very different from the modern literary (Jerman, they nialve the latter the lejial lanjiuage and really lii'lons. themselves, to the Hiirh German division of dialects, from which the literary German takes its rise. In other words, the Austrian dialects are nearer the true German than are the North Saxon (Low German) dialects. On linguistic maps the Austrian and the Bavarian groups of dialects are one in name and color. The difference in political atfiliation and otherwise does not justify us in speaking of an "Aus- trian " race, distinct from the German, any more than we can speak of a " Swiss" race (see these). The Swiss Germans are one, linguistically, with the neighboring population in Ger- many, the Alenianni (Suabian). Their case Is. therefore, the same as that of the Austrian, so far as language is concerned. Their case is stronger sta- tistically, 'for they constitute two- thirds of the population of Switzer* land, while the German Austrians number but little over one-third of the l)opulatlon of Austria, not including Hungary. But in the popular mind, as well as scientifically, the word Swiss may mean a Frenchman or an Italian :!s well as a German. The term "Aus- trian " may also properly apply to the 2'. per cent of Czechs ( Bohemians, etc.) or to the .35 per cent of other Slavs found in Austria. Among the Austrian dialects are the Tyrolese, the Styrian, and the rnrinthian. The Zips are certain Ger- mans of northern Hungary. In eastern Hungary, in Transylvani:i, is a large German. population of SaxoMS. Otiici- names a.pplied to Germans on the ethnograph- ical map of Austria are the )Valsei-, the Alemanen, the Pinzgauer, the Ton- ga uer. the Lungauer, and the Gott- scheer. The Frisians, a Low German stock, live in northern Holland. The many other dialects of the Ger- man language need no discussion, for the people speaking them are all ad- mittedly German in race. They are contined mainly to Germany, that is. they are German in nationality as well as in race, with the exception of minor segments which have spread over into Bohemia or neighboring countries. Of course, all who speak these dialects call themselves German in race. Of such are the Saxons, already mentioned, the Francouians or modern Franks, the Hessians, the Suabians, the Thurin- gians, the Westphalians, the Lim- burgers, and the I.,uxemburgers. Other Germans bear names of purely polit- ical divisions, as the Hanoverians and the Pomeranians. The names of others are sometimes used in two senses. Thus the Prussian, as a term of na- tionality, is wider than the ethnical term Prussian, which applied to a jieople of non-German origin, related to the liettish, in eastern Prussia. The Alsatian is properly a German dialect, as is the Tyrolese, yet Alsace, the prov- ince, has also a large French popu- lation, as Tyrol has of Ladins (RhsBto- Romansh), and other Latins (Ital- ians). Finally, the Silesians are those who gave their name to the two prov- inces called Silesia — the one on the Prussian side, the other on the Aus- trian side of the border. These, the Prussians, and all other divisions of the Germans living in the eastern jiart of Germany and in German Austria, ai-e intermingled with non-German peo- ples to a degree that does not obtain in western Germany and on the southern border of the race, adjoining Italy. In the northeast the PoU^s and, to soTue cxtfMit, the Letts are pressing far over 66 The Immigration Commission. German. tlie German line, while the Germans, on the other hand, have scattered set- tlements far into Russian and Aus- trian territory. Properly speakinfr, there is no Ger- man race from the point of view of physical characteristics. It is true that this name, or, better, the name " Teutonic," has been given to the so- called " Nordic " type, one of the tliree si"ea't races of Europe as de- scribed by physical anthropologists. ]",ut only a part of the people living in northern Germany, especially in the j.rovinces nearest Denmark, are pure iei»resentatives of this extreme type, blond, with light hair and blue eyes, tall, and very long-headed. The type is far better represented by the Scan- dinavians. The German stock in Ger- many itself includes the most opposite extremes in type from the Nordic, just described, to the so-called "Al- pine" race of Bavaria and Switzer- land. Among these are some of the broadest-headed men in Europe, as in north Germany are found some of the longest-headed. A cranial index of 87 is fomid in Tyrol, as contrasted with one of 77 on the Danish border. The Alpine type, further, is brunette and short, although not so dark as the "Mediterranean" type of southern Italy. A unique census of school chil- dren by color of hair and eyes was taken some twenty years ago by four countries having a large German popu- lation. The results show the region in northwestern Germany already men- tioned, and certain districts on the r.allic coast farther east, to be the only p.irts of Germany in which 50 per cent are pure blond. Farther south from 20 to 40 per cent are pure blond; then from 16 to 20 per cent are pure bru- nette; and finally, among the Germans of the southern boi-der and of Switzer- land and Austria, 20 to 30 per cent are pure brunette. On the average, liowover, the (Jerman population is de- cidedly of the blond type. German. Few of the so-called " races " of Europe include so many dissimilar ele- ments, especially from the point of view of language, as the Germans. The Swiss, the Austrians, and the Mecklenburgers of northern Germany can not understand one another; and were it not for the written language they might be called different races as properly as the Dutch and Flemish. The Germans differ among themselves, as regards language, more than the great Slavic races. As has just been shown, they are also of different races physically. In many other re- spects they are far from being a homo- geneous people. Germany lacks the unifying effect of a national religion, such as that of Russia. While the northern and most of the central por- tions of Germany are Protestant, the eastern border and the greater part of southern and western Germany are Catholic. There is no need to speak of pecul- iarities in customs and the many im- portant elements which determine the place of the German race in modern civilization. The German is too well known in America to necessitate fur- ther discussion. The Germans of Europe number over 72,000,000 as against less than 40,000,- 000 English, Irish, and Scotch com- bined. They are larger in numbers than any other European race, if the Great Russian (55,000,000) be con- sidered as separated from the Ruthe- niau or TJttle Russian (25,000.000). as is done in this dictionary. The Italian or the French race is only about half as large. The total (Jerman-spcaking population of the world has been esti- mateil at from 75,000,000 to 85,000,000 (see list following). It is exceeded only by the English-speaking popula- tion, which, however, includes nearly as many individuals non-English in race as there are English. The Cierman is oi.e of the most widely distributed of I European races. As colonists, and Dictionary of Races or Peoples. r>7 I'siHH-ia'ly as nicn-liaiits. they are found in nearly cvfrv country in the world. (ItriiKiii iii)j)ulitti<>>i of th ' irorhl. 1 Fnun M.'v.'i's Kouvfi-sat ions I. •xikon. lOoit. I'.nml 21 .1 Europe : German Empire 55, 766, 541 Austria !). 170.930 Hungary 2, 1.35, 181 Switzerland 2, 312, 949 Russia 2, 000, 000 Miscellaneous 834, 117 America : 11. 000. 000 Canada .309, 741 Brazil 400, 000 Miscellaneous 88, 400 Summary : Europe 72, 219, 727 America 11, 798, 141 Australia and Oceania 110, 035 Africa Gl, 577 Asia 58, 687 Total 84, 248, 167 Austria has the largest German pop- ulation of any European country out- side of Germany itself, but tlie German population of America is still greater — in the foregoing estimate nearly 1 -'.000,000. The United States census of 15J00 gives the German-born popula- tion of the United States at 2,007,000, while the native-born of German-born parents number about 5.000,000 more. All of " Central Europe," as de- fined by Partsch to include Holland and Bulgaria, and all between, be- sides the greater part of Poland and Hungary, is predominantly (ierman (i>l per cent). In this territory the most numerous of the other races or peoples reach less than 7 per cent each. These are the Dutch and Flemish, the Serbo-Croat ians. the Magyars, the I'oles, the Czechs, and the Roumanians. This list, with the addition of the Ital- ians and the French, indicates the ethnical boundaries of the (ierman jieople. Outside of Germany itself no country is pretlominantly German by race, excepting Switzerland (69 per German. cent, or 2,300.000). Cisleithan Austria is 36 per cent German (D.OOO.OOO) ; Hungary, 12 per cent (2,000,000) ; the little independent principality of Lux- emburg is 03 per cent German (220,- 000). Russia has a large German population, l.SOO.OOO, although this is only 1.5 per cent of the total poimla- tion of that vast empire. Four-tifths cf the Germans of Europe are found in Germany itself. In Germany 94 per cent of the popu- lation is German in race. In the re- maining 6 per cent the only race or people largely represented is the Po- lish. These number about 3.400.000. mainly in Prussia, while the Danes, the Lithuanians, and the Wends, num- ber but little over 100,000 each. During the period for which immi- gration statistics are available, 1820- 1910. Germany furnished 5.3.j1,746 im- migrants to the United States. This is the largest number coming from any single country, although the United Kingdom as a whole furnishetl 7.760.- 330. The greatest immigration from Germany occurred in 1882, when 2i')0,- 030 were admitted. The movement de- creased rai)idly, however, and at the present time it is a noteworthy fact that more German immigrants come from Austria-Hungary to the Ignited States than from Germany itself— in 1907, 40,497, as against 32,276. In the s;ime year Russia sent us rather more than two-fifths as many Germans as did Germany itself, and the little coun- try Switzerland sent about 3,000 im- migrants out of its 2,300,000 German r,eople. The next largest source of (Jerman immigration to the United States in that year was British North America, 1,121. The total for the year was 92.036. and for the twelve yeai's 1809-1010. 7ij4..375, which places the German fourth down the list of immi- grant races or peoples. The races ex- cotHling the Germans in this regard during the twelve years were the South Italians, 1,911,933; Hebrews, 68 The Immigration Commission. German. ],074.441i; aiul Polish, 949,004. Fol- lowing the Germans in the order named were the Scandinavians, Irish. English, Slovaks, North Italians, and Magyars. The falling off in German immigra- tion is evident from another compari- son. Its rate per 1.000 of the popula- tion, only 1.3 in 1907, was the lowest of all the peoples that are now signifi- cant in our immigration tide, if we omit the (ireat Russian, which sends its emigrants elsewhere than to Amer- ica. Next above the German in rank come the English and the Scotch taken together; then the Bohemian-Mora- vian group, with a rate of about 2 per 1.000. The German rate of immigra- tion in the year mentioned was only one-fifteenth that of the Hebrews or the Slovaks. An interesting comparison is fur- nished by German statistics of emi- gi-ation for the twenty-seven years pre- vious to 1898. The very period of its highest flood to America, 1881-1883, was also the period of greatest emi- gration to Australia. But the latter amounted to only 2,100 at the highest; that is, only about one one-hundredth part of the annual emigration to the TInited States. This emigration to Australia was exceeded in the case of only two otlier countries aside from the United States — Brazil iind Canada. The highest wave of emigration to Brazil came in 1890, namely, 4,0(K); the highest to British North America in 1893, which reached 6,100. No otlier country comes near these figures as a destination for ley says that the cei)halic index of the modern Greeks ranges with great constancy about SI. All of the Greeks of Asia Minor are distinctly broad-headed, it is said, like the Turks among whom they live. To what degree the ancient and the modern races of Greece differ in char- acter and civilization may be still more difficult to determine than their physical types. The most contradictory accounts are given by partisans on this point. It can not be denied at least that the ancient Greeks were leaders in the civilization of tlieir own da}-, and laid the foundations of mod- ern civilization ; while modern Greece is one of the weaker nations of Europe. The ancient Greeks were l.reeminent in philosophy and science, a position not generally accredited to the modeni Greeks as a race, although there is no doubt as to their nimble intelligence. They compete with the Hebrew race as the best traders of the Orient. If there be a great dif- ference between the ancient and the modern civilization of Greece, the question still remains whether this change should be explained as simply the decadence of an ancient race or because of the debasement it has re- ceived, as did the civilization of the Koman, through the incursions of bar- barian hordes, and, in recent history, through the long oppression of Turk- ish rule. It is not generally understood that the language of the modern Greeks is really the language of the ancient Greeks. The difference is only dia- lectal. The literary language of to- day is but a continuation of the main literary dialect of ancient Greece, the Attic, as modified in passing through tlu' P.yzanline. It, or rather the mod- ern vernacular, is sometimes called Itomaic, a misleading term, which found its origin in the period of Ro- 70 The Immigration Commission. Greek. nuui supremacy. To this day the (Ireeks living in Euroiieau Turkey are called Romtiika. There are several dialects of the modern Greek or Ro- maic, such as the Mainot, the Pha- nariot, and the Cypriot, which need no further discussion in this connec- tion. Of late there is a tendency among Greek authors to return more closely to the ancient form of the language. The spoken dialects of Greece vary more widely from it, al- though the so-called Tsaconic, which is- spoken on the eastern side of lower Greece (Peloponnesus or ^Nlorea), closely resembles the ancient Dorian. The modern language is much closer to the ancient than any modern de- scendant of the Latin is to the ancient Latin. Greek is no longer spoken by the Greek colonists of southern Italy, nor even by many of the Greeks of Asia Minor. Crete is practically all Greek, and even southern Macedonia and the coast as far east as Constanti- nople itself, which has a larger popu- lation of Greeks than of Turks. As has been explained in the article "Turkish" (see), the Turks them- selves form but a small minority of the l)opulatlon of Turkey. The Greek race of to-day is in- tensely proud of its language and its history, and naturally wishes to be considered as genuinely Hellenic. The official title of the country is now the " Kingdom of Hellas," and any citizen, however mixed in race, styles himself a Hellone. The peoi)le are wide-awake on political questions, are avid readers of newsi)apers, and. like the Greek of olden times, eager to learn some new thing. Generally speaking, in c-ustonis, superstitions, and folklore, llie modern race Is a continuation of the ancient. It shows in other re- spects, as in the clothing now worn, the influence of the mixture of races. As already intimated, the race is com- mercial rather than agricultural In its instincts, and in that respect differs from the Slavic, by which it is sup- Greek. posed to be modified. In religion it is Orthodox (Greek), which is also the national church of Russia and several other countries of eastern and south- eastern Europe. It is from this ex- pansion of the Greek religion that much confusion has arisen in the use of the racial name. Even Rutheuians (see), or Little Russians, in America sometimes call themselves Greeks, apparently in contradistinction from their Slavic neighbors, who are Catho- lic. Statistics published by Greek partisans are said to exaggerate the number of Greeks found in Turkey by counting as such Bulgarians, Servians, and others who have become Hellen- ized* and are members of the Greek Church. How many of the inhabitants of Greece itself are really non-Grecian in race is a question diflicult to answer. No statistics of the country are taken by race. It is well known, however, that eastern Greece, even in the Pelo- ponnesus, has a large Albanian popu- lation, usually estimated at about 200,- 000. They are so fully Hellenized that but 40,000 now speak the Albanian language. This is perhaps the chief foreign element that is incorr)orated into the Greek race, although special account must be made also of the Slavic, the Turkish, the Roman, and the (Jothlc, and even the Roumanian (Kutzo-Vlach, or Tsintsar). The last named is so recent in arrival that it is hardly yet incorporated into the race. It has come in largely since (Jreec-e was freed from Turkish rule, in ISoO, and still forms large settle- ments extending from the central part of northern Greece into Macedonia. The Slavic element is the oldest that has profoundly modificxl the stock of ancient Greece. By the sixth century Greece had been overrun time and again by Slavic tribes to the very southern extremity of the country. It may not be c(mmionly known that the greater part of the (ireeks live out- side of Greece. The total population Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 71 Greek. ..f I lit' o.imtry miiiiluM-s but 2.(1(X).0(X). iimch less lliiiu half tlio poiuiliition of siK-h small ((unitries as Holland and lU'lpiuni. Kii>k\v, ('liisbolni, and others say that tho Creek race num- bers above S,(KH1.(HK). although the more et)muion estimates place it under -l.r.(K).(X)0 in Europe, or something over "i.fKM^.oon in Kurojie and Asia Minor ci.mbinwl. Chisholm says that the Creeks living outside of Greece are twice as numerous as those in Greece, liipley says that they form a third of the total population of the Balkan States. The latter number at least 20.000.(HX). Even the Statesman's Year-Book gives the total number of Greeks as 8,8.10.000, divided as fol- lows: In Greece. 2.200.000; in Enro- I)ean Turkey, 4.000,000; in Asia :Minor, 2.000.000: in insular Gree<'e. etc., G50.000. On the other hand, von Ilell- wald says that of the popnl;i(ion of (ireoce itself only about 1.300,000 are truly Greek in race. In 1907, 46.283 Greeks were admitted to the United States, the largest num- ber in any single year. Of these 36.404 came from Greece. 7,060 from Euro- jiean Turkey, and 1.353 from Turkey in Asia. In the twelve years ISnO-lOlO. 216.962 Greeks were admitted to the United States, and 79.6 per cent of them came from Greece. The race milked twelfth in the number of im- migrants furnished during that period. Greeks go to the States having the l.irgest cities, the ju-incipal destinations during the period mentioned being New York, 70,007. Massachusetts, 34,4r.O. Illinois. .31,014. Pennsylvania, 12.8.3'.), and Missouri. 12.673. Accei)ting 6.000.000 as a conservative estimate of the population of the race, more than 7 per 1.000 of population came to the T'nited States in the year 1907. The rate of immigration from Greece alone in that year was nearly twice as great, about 14 jter 1,000 of the pojiulation. This was the highest Gypsy. rate of any cotuitry. Norw.iy being second with Kt per l,fKM». Tho Greeks, as a race, came in that year at a more rapid rate than all other immigrant races or peoples with the exception of the Slovaks Hebrews, Groat ians and Slovenians, South Italians, Norwegians, Irish, Poles, and Miigyars. As shown elsewhere (see Hebrew and Slav), the Hebrews j'.nd the Slovaks in that year stood at tlie head with about 18 immigrants per 1,000 population. GRISON. A dialect of the Rhseto- Romansh language. The term is some- times used in an ethnical sense, but more properly in a political, meaning the inhabitants of the Canton of the Grisons. in the eastei-n part of Switzer- land. This canton has a population of about 108,000, nearly half of whom speak German, over one-third Romansh, and one-sixth Italian (see these). Ger- man is now taught everywhere in the schools of the canton. In religion, five-ninths of the Grisons are Roman Catholics and the rest are Protestants. GRUSIAN. Same as Georgian (see). GUAM, people of. A subject people of the United States belonging to the northern Micronesian stock (see Micro- nesian and Pacific Islander) ; related in language, and to a less degree physically, to the Filipinos (see). Like the latter, they are not counted as im- migrants on coming to the United States. They are insignificant in nmnbers. GUATEMALAN. (See Spa n ish A UK ric(ni. ) GYPSY. A well-known wandering people scattered throughout western Asia, northern Africa, all parts of Eu- roi>e, and even through parts of the Americas and Australia. As indicated by the language he si)eaks, which is closely related to Sanscrit, the Gypsy belongs to the Aiy;tn race and is there- f(.W0 to S50.000, of whom tlireo-fourths are in Europe. There are 2W.(;mX) in Koumania. 100.000 each in Hungary and the Balkan Peninsula, rtO.tM^O each in Spain, Russia, and Ser- via, and 50.000 in Germany and Italy combined. The number in the British Isles is variously estimated at from .'..000 to 20.000. There are thought to be 100.000 in Asia and 25,000 in Africa. Only a few thousand are found in the Americas. They are included among ■■ Other peoples " in immigration sta- tistics. They are supposed to have first come to this country in the be- ginning of the eighteenth century. Simson says that many were banished from the British Isles to America in colonial times and that many more were sent to serve in the British army (luring the Revolution. He found a number of settled Gypsies in the East- ern States, and suggests that many of the keepers of small tin shops and peddlers of tin, as well as many of tJie fortune tellers of the great cities of I lie United States, are in reality of (iyitsy descent. II. HADJEMI. A rersian (see). HAIDUK. (See Croatian.) HAIK. The native name of Arme- nians (see). HAMITIC. (See Semitic-Ifamiiic.) HANAK. A subdivision of the Mo- ravians. (See Bolicmian and Mora- vittn.) HANOVERIAN. ( See f/fn/ia/i.) 60813°— VOL .5—11 G Hebrew, HAWAIIAN or SANDWICH ISLANDER. An individual member of the northernmost Polynesian people subject to the I'nited States. (See I'u- cifir Islander.) Not counted among immigrants on arriving in the United States. HAYTIAN. (See West Indian.) HEBREW, JEWISH, or ISRAELITE. The race or people that originally spoke the Hebrew language; primarily of Semitic origin. Scattered through- out Europe, especially in Russia, yet preserving their own individuality to a marked degree. Linguistically, the nearest relatives of the ancient He- brew are the Syriac (see Syrian), Assyrian, and Arabic languages of the Semitic-Hamitic family (see). The latter constitutes one of the four great divisions of the Caucasian race. While the Hebrew is not so nearly a dead language as the related Syrian. Aramaic, or the ancient Assyrian, its use in most Jewish communities is contiued mainly to religious exer- cises. The Jews have adopted the languages of the peoples with whom they have long been associated. More speak Yiddish, called in Europe " Judeo-German." than any other lan- guage, since the largest modern popu- lation of Jews borders on eastern Germany and has been longest under s or poojjles now cou- frihutiu;: tlu^ cliicf tide of iiuniifxm- tioii lo .Viuorica. tlio Hebrew and the Slovak stand at the head as repirds the ratt> per eent of iK)pulation at whirli tlu\v eonie. In IJKtT eaeh of tbrse raee.s .sent abont IS inunigrants to ouch l.tXK) of its Enropean popnla- tion. Tlie Croatian-Slovenian group lanie next witli 13 per 1,000; tlieu the South Italians, the Norwegians, tlie Irish, and eertain i)eoples of eastern ;iiid st)utheastern Europe with from c to n per 1.000. Future Hebrew immigration, however, could not long conipete nnnierically with that from Italy. helc. Dialects or divisions of these languages (which see). HIGHLANDER (SCOTCH). (SeeC'c?- tic and Hcolvh.) HINDU. In the broadest sense, any native of India.; so defined for con- venience in this dictionary. In the more ordinary religions sense this word applies only to the two-thirds of the ix)pulation who are " Hiiuluized "— that is, who profess Hinduism and have a certain social organization based upon Brahmanism. Ethnolog- ically often defined In a still different sense as signifying the three-fourths of the population in northern India who are of Aryan stock (see) whether pro- fessing Ilindnisin or Mohammedanism. In immigration questions, where (he immense population of India is be- ginning to arouse some concern, all natives of India are indiscriminately known as "Hindus." Perhaps a few, as the Sikhs, are known by name be- cause of their prominence amongst the native troops. But it is not generally realized how great a number of races and trilies there are in India, many of them extremely low in civilization and approaching the Negro in physical characteristics. Such are some of the Dravidas and Mundas, who occupy all of southern India. In greatest con- trast with these are the Aryan Hindus Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 75 Hebrew. Hindu. (>r tlir L.M) r:ict>s or ik'oiiIos now coii- tribmiiiK tlu> cliiof titlo of iiiuniKni- tion to AnuM-k-n, tlie Ilelu'ew aiut tlie Slovak staiul at the liead as repirds the rate |H>r cont of iwpulatiou at which they come. In 1907 each of these races sent about IS immigrants to each 1,000 of its European popula- tion. Tlie Croatian-Slovenian group eanie next with 13 per l.(XX); then the South Italians, tlie Norwegians, the Irish, and certain peojiles of eastei'n and southeastern Europe with from i; to 9 per 1.000. Future Hebrew iiunilgration, however, could not long conii)ete numerically with that from Italy, because there are less than 8,000,000 Hebrews left in Europe as against 35,000,000 Italians. Among other factors which would continue a high rate of immigration from the two leading immigrant peo- ples, the Italian and the Hebrew, is the- large number of each already in the Unitetl States, many of them of recent arrival and therefore doubly interested in inducing their relatives (•) follow. As is well known. Jewish immigrants settle almost entirely in the cities. New York City has the largest Jewish population of any city in the world, nr)w estimated by some at about 1,000.000, or nearly one-fourth of the total population. About 50.0(X) more are added annually. Among large cities. Warsaw and Odessa have a still larger ratio of Jewish pf)pulation, namely, one-third. In London, on the contrary, only one-fiftieth of the popu- lation is Hebrew. The Jewish poiiu- lation of the entire Unittnl States is less than 2.miO,000. Jewish estimates jilace I'ennsylvania next to New York with a Hebrew jiopulation of 150.000 ; Illinois next, with 110,0(KI; and Massa- chusetts next, with 90,000. HELLENIC. (See Orrrk.) HEMES or HEMELAISET. Same as Tavastian. ( Si-e Fiimish.) HER VAT, H R V A T H , HRVAT, KHORBAT. C A R P A T H, KHROVAT, CROAT, or CROATIAN. Different forms of an old Slavic word meaning highlands, mountains (cf. Carpath- ians) ; hence not strictly an ethnical term, although some immigrants insist that Ilorvath, and not Croatian (see), is the i)roper name of their people. Jldiratdk is the name given Croatians on the .Magyar ethnographical maii. HERZEGOVINIAN. A political di- vision of the Serbo-Croatians. (See Croat kin.) HESSIAN. tSre GcniKiii.) HIGH GERMAN, HIGH LETTIC, etc. Dialects or divisions of these languages (which see). HIGHLANDER (SCOTCH). (SeeCc/- iiv and Scotch.) HINDU. In the broadest sense, any native of India.; so defined for con- venience in this dictionary. In the more ordinary religious sense this word applies only to the two-thirds of the ixipulation who are " Hinduized " — that is, who profess Hinduism and have a certain social organization based upon Brahmanism. Ethnolog- ically often defined hi a still different sense as signifying the three-fourths of the population in northern India who are of Aryan stock (see) whether pro- fessing Hinduism or Mohammedanism. In immigration questions, where the immense population of India is be- ginning to arouse some concern, all natives of India are indiscriminat(>ly known as " Hindus." I'erhaps a few, as the Sikhs, are known by name be- cause of their prominence amongst the native troops. But it is not generally realized how great a number of races and tribes there are in India, many of them extremely low in civilization and approaching the Negro in physical characteristics. Such are some of the Dravidas and Mundas, who occui)y all of southern India. In greatest con- trast with these are the Aryan Hindus 76 The Immiaration Commission. Hindu. of the north, more closely related in language, if not in physical appear- ance, to our northern Europeans than are the Turks, Magyars, and various peoples of eastern Russia. Hindi and Hindustani, the most widely spread modern languages or group of dialects of India, are vari- ously defined. Thus, while Hindustani Is generally understood in Europe to be the polite speech of all India, and especially of Hindustan, the name is limited by some philologists to certain subdivisions of the Hindi. Urdu is the form of the language which uses the Persian letters. Other forms use let- ters of Hindu origin. Hindi, in the Hindu. wider sense of the term, is spoken by !)7,000,000 of people, mainly of north- ern India. The population of India is one of the densest on the globe, reaching even in agricultural districts 650 to the square mile. Including the 10,500,000 inhabitants of Burma, it amounts to nearly 300,000,000 souls, or one-fifth of the population of the world. The darker non-Aryans and Mongolians alone of India nearly equal the popu- lation of the United States. There are 147 peoples or tribes speaking differ- ent languages, of which the principal ones are represented as follows in the Census of 1901 : Population of India. Language. Number speaking. Principal location. 294,400,000 221,200,000 Hindi and Bihari 97,000,000 44,600,000 18,000,000 17,000,000 11,000,000 10,000,000 9, 700, 000 3,300,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 1,350,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 750,000 .100,000 Central part of northern India. Bengal. Bengali Marath i Rajasthani Western and central India. Gujarati Oriya Sindlii Western India. Pahari Pashto Western liorder of India. Bhil Central and western India. 59,700,000 Telugu 20, 700, 000 ](i,500.000 10,-l()(), (H)() C, 111)11, (lOlt 1,, SI 1(1,1101) i,i:iO,ooo 950,000 2,220,000 Eastern part of soiitheni India. Soulliern India and Cevloii. Tamil Soul hern extremity of southem India. lU'llg;)!. Santali Gond (Vntral India. Kol Others Indo-Chinese 11,700,000 1,800,000 Burma. As to religion, Hinduism predomi- luites everywhere except in the north- west, where it shades off into the uni- versal Mohammedanism of the coun- tries farther west. The latter religion is found to some extent in all other parts of India as well, especially in the northeast. Christianity is nowhere strong except among the darker and more backward tribes of the extreme south. Buddhism is confinwl mainly (o the MongoliMU poi)ulation of Burma. There are S.n00,000 who are still animists: th;it is. who worship the Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 77 Hindu. spirits of (ii'i's, of nn-ks, aiul of most couiiuon ol»jec'ts iibont tbeiii. Kmifira- tion from Iiitlia is still small. (Sfc Utist liiiliiin for lliudii imnilKi'iition and (illirr dclails. HOLLAl^DER (.r HOLLAND DUTCH. ( Stv Diitili. ) HONDURAN. (See iiisli Amcri- caii.) HORAK. (S(X> liohrmiaii and Mo- rn r inn. I HORVATH. HERVAT. HORVATOK, HRVAT. (See llcnnt and CnxttUni.) HRANICAR. (Seo Croat inn.) HUGUENOT FRENCH. A name ap- liliod to tilt' FreiK-li Protestants of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. (See French.) HUN. A people that overran east- ern Europe in the middle ajies. sup- posedly of Tataric (see) origin. The modern Magyars or " Hungarians" are wrongly called " Huns " in America. (See Miigi/nr.) HUNGARIAN or HUNKY. ( See Mug- ynr.) HUZUL or GUZUL. A very broad- headeti people of P.ukowina. who speak a Ruthenian dialect (sw). I. IBERIC or IBERIAN. (1) Iberian is a name sometimes given in a nar- row sense to the Basques (see) since the latter were thought to be Identical with the ancient Iberians who gave their name to the Iberian Peninsula, Spain and Portugal. (2) Il)eric or Ihero-Insular is a term sometimes used ill a wider sense to indicate the " Medi- terranean " race, one of the three or four great races of Eurojie from a jihysical point of view. Sonie make it include the ancient Picts of Britain. As used by the P.ureau of Immigration, the " Iberic division " comprises the Indian. Spanish .nul I'ortiiguese. South Ital- i;nis. Creeks, :nid Syrians (sec these). IBERO-INSULAR race. ( Sr,. Ilnrir and Cn iicdsinn.) ICELANDIC. (See t^canttinarian.) IGOROT. (See Filipino.) IJORE. ISHORE. or INGER. A divi- sion of the Western Finns. (See Fin- nish.) ILLYRIAN. T'sed in two senses : (1) l''or the old Albanian (see) lan- guage' and race; (2) less properly for the Southern Slavs. (See Croatian.) ILOCANO. (See miplno.) INDIAN, AMERINDIAN, AMERI- CAN, or RED race. That great divi- sion of mankind which is native to America. To avoid confusion arising from the popular use of the word "American " to indicate the imported Caucasian stock, Brinton calls the na- tives "Amerinds," a contraction of the term "American Indians." This race includes all the aborigines of North. Central, and South America, with the possible exception of the Eskimos. Although an interesting sub.ject to American ethnologists, but little space can be given it in a discussion of im- migration ; for, as will presently be seen, it cuts no figure in immigration statistics. As to ethnical relationships, the In- dian stands closer to the Mongolian, physically, than to any other grand di- vision. In language, it is of different type from all. But although undoubt- edly of Asiatic origin, at least for the most part, the Indian race has lived so long in American environments that it is now as much different from the Mongolian as the latter is from the Caucasian race. Hence a tendency, especially in America, to hold that the Indian constitutes a di.stinct race. Other recent classifications, however, regard the American as merely a branch of the Mongolian race. Still more will agree that at least the Es- 78 The Immigration Commission. Indian. kimo is Monyoliaii iu type aud assert tliat lie resembles certain natives of northeastern Asia more than he does the American Indian. There is no doubt that there has been migration into America by way of Bering Strait. Brinton claims that the peopling of America took place while there was still land connection with Europe. Keane, in like manner, argues that the Eskimo and some of the southernmost tribes, such as the Fuegians, who have, like the Eskimo, relatively long heads, may have come from the primitive long-headed stock of Europe. But lit- tle reliance can be placed upon cranio- metrical resemblances, however, com- pared with linguistic relationships in classifying American tribes. As a matter of fact, the entire race, except- ing the Eskimos, is remarkably homo- geneous from a physical point of view. It is unnecessary here to discuss lin- guistic classifications. The American is the smallest grand division of mankind, numbering, with half-breeds, at most 23,000,000, or half the population of the next largest race, the Malay. Of these, only 260,000 live in the United States, Indians do not appear by name in the statistics of the Bureau of Immigration, and the few who may come presumably are counted among " Other peoples." Since the term " Spanish Americans," under the statistical rules of the bu- reau, excludes Indians, presumably no Indians are counted in that division of the Spanish race in America called " Mexicans," nor among immigrants fi'om the West Indies and Cuba who are not Negroes (see these). It is evi- dent also that if there be any Indians among the 20,000 immigrants who came frcm Canada in 1007. they were found among the 3G "Other peoples." The "Other peoples" from all other Amer- ican countries numbered only 41. As has been said iu the article on Cubans, the Indians of that island are prac- tically extinct. The figures of all Inger. American countries make it appear I'robable therefore that not 100 In- dians a year are enrolled amongst our immigrants — probably less than the number that remove annually from the United States. The Ameri- can race, therefore, like the Malay race, is of no practical importance in this study. Even the small Negro immigration of 5,000 per year, stand- iut; thirtieth in number down the list, has far more significance. INDIAN, EAST. (See East Indian.) INDO-BRITON and INDO-ENGLISH. A person of British or English descent born in India. INDO-CELTIC or INDO-KELTIC, and INDO-CLASSIC. Same as Aryan (see). INDO-CHINESE. A group of peo- ple constituting, with the Chinese and the Tibetan groups, the so-called " Sinitic " branch of the Mongolian race. (See these and East Indian.) It is confined to the southeastern peninsula of Asia, known as Farther India, and includes not only the Anna- luese (see), Cochin-Chinese, Tonkinese, and the Cambodians of French Indo- China, but the Burmese (see) of Brit- ish India and the indei)endent Siamese. The i)opulation exceeds 35,000,000. There has as yet been shown little tendency to emigrate. If any came to the Unitet! States, they would lie classed as East Indian. INDO-EUROPEAN or INDO-GER- MANIC. Same as Aryan (see). INDO-IRANIC. The group of Indo- Eurojiean languages found in Asia and comi)rising the Indie of India and the Iranic of Persia. (See these.) INDONESIAN. A name applied by some ethnologists to Polynesians (see) and certain Philippine tribes. (See Malay.) INDO-TEUTONIC. Same as Aryan (see). INGER. Same as Ijore. (See Fin- nish). Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 79 Iranian Turk. IRANIAN TURK. A 'rmU liviii- in Inin, as Porsiii is soiut'tiiiit's calleil. but not of the "Iraiiic" (Aryan) rat-e. (Soo Tuihi.sli.) IRANIC. Tlio Aryan languages (see) of "Iran,' the native name of Persia : including the Afghan, Beluchi, Kurdio. and, aecoixling to some. Ar- nienic and Ossetian; that is, all the Indo-Euroiiean languages of Asia with the exception of those of India (see these). IRISH. The principal race or people of Ireland: the race which originally spoke Irish, one of the Celtic group of Aryan tongues. The term Irish is gen- erally understood iu a wider sense to include also the Scotch-Irish aud even the English who have settled in Ire- ];ind, with their descendants abroad; but this is a detiuitiou of nationality rather than of race. This dictionary considers those to be of the Irish race whose ancestral language was Irish even though English has been the me- dium of intercourse for generations. No other race or people of its size has emigi-ated so extensively to this country. Like the English, the Irish come to the Tuited States si)eaking our own language and imbued with sympathy for our ideals and our demo- cratic institutions. The difhculty in determining whether a given immigrant ft-om Ireland is Irish or English, or even Scotch, has already been referred to in the article ■' English." The common understand- ing in America that the Irish race in- cludes all of the Irish nationality — that is, all who live iu Ireland — is probably not far wrong if we except T'lster prov- ince, since the majority of the remain- ing population are descended from those who spoke Irish. This language is a branch of the Gaelic division of the Celtic group of the Aryan or Indo- European family (see these). It is fast going out of use as a mele to n-ad a book in Irish; that not a single Irish newsi)aper is ])ub- lished; that no church services an* conducted in the language, and that it is not taught in the elementary schools. Irish was spoken in 1S51 by 1,500,000 persons ; that is, by 23 per cent of the population. In 1901 only 640,000 per- sons, or 14 per cent of the population of Ireland could converse iu it — a loss of over one-half in absolute numbers in fifty years. Only 4 in 1.000 are ignorant of English. Irish is now but little used except in the most western part of Ireland. The Irish type is known to all Americans — tall, long-headed, with dark-blue or gray eyes, and hair more often dark than light. This type pre- dominates throughout the greater part of Ireland. Beddoe considers the Irish of to-day to be at least one- third English or Scotch in blood, Teu- tonic ("Nordic") in type rather than "Celtic" (see), notwithstanding the opinion long prevalent among ethnolo- gists. Fi'om what has been said of the lan- guage and physique of the Irish, it will be seen that it is difficult to de- termine the population of the race. Reclus and Ilanna have pointed out, however, that in Ireland the statistics of religious confession "bear a close alfinity to those of the various racial elements of which the population is composed: " that the Roman Catholics represent approximately the Irish ele- ment ; the Presbyterians, the Scotch or so-called Scotch-Irish; the Episcopali- ans, the English or Anglo-Irish. In 1!)01 the Roman Catholics numbered 3.308,- 601— that is. 74 per cent of the popu- lation; and there were 44.3,276 Presby- terians and .W1,0S0 Episcopalians. On the basis of the number of persons in England and Scotland who were born in Ireland, Ravenstein has estimated the number of Irish in these countries to be 2.000,000. If Ravenstein and Hanna be right, the Irish population 80 The Immigration Commission. Irish. of the United Kiugdom is in the neigh- borhood of 5,000,000. It is generally given as less — that is, the number, of the Celts in Europe is given as only about 3,000,000 by Brachelli and Hick- mann. But they apparently count those only who speak Celtic languages. Longstaff estimates that 22 per cent of the population of Canada, or nearly 1,000.000, are Irish. THE SCOTCH-IEISH. The term " Scotch-Irish " does not necessarily indicate, as many Ameri- cans suppose, a mixed Scotch and Irish descent, although in many individual cases it could be properly so used. It is an appellation given to the American descendants of the Lowland Scotch, Presbyterians in religion, who emi- grated in the early part of the seven- teenth century to Ulster province in northern Ireland, and thousands of whom emigrated to America during the following century. At first they called themselves Scotch. They speak an English dialect with a peculiar accent closely akin to that of the northern part of England. Physically they are a mixed race descended from the ancient Britons with later Teutonic additions, especially of Scandinavian, Danish, and Anglian origin. It is claimed by some that difference in religion, strong racial prejudice, and the policy of the Government in land allotments, have all tended to keep the Lowland Scotch of Ulster and the Irish apart. There is a difference of opinion as to the proportion of inter- marriages that take place; some say very few. Yet to the average Ameri- can," an Irishman and a Scotch-Irish- man as found in the United States look very much alike. The latter have con- tribu|:ed some of the greatest states- men of American history. The Irish were the first people to come to the Unite7,660 came from the United Kingdom. During the twelve years 1899-1910, a total of 439.724 Irish immigrants were admitted to the United States, placing the race sixth in point of numbers for the period. Their rate of movement, however, is still high, being, in 1907, 8 per 1,0{X) of the population of Ire- land. This rate is not equaled by any other race from northwestern Europe except the Norwegian, but it was ex- ceeded by some from eastern Europe, for example, by the Hebrew and the Slovak, with 18 each per 1.000 of population, and the Croatian-Slovenian group with 13. It was about equale. tlie I'oles 1T,(>0().(MH», and the Italians ;;."),0(KMH)<>. The census of 1901 for Ireland shows that there were 433,- .".I't; emif:rant,s for the decade of 1S91- T.HH), over 89 per cent of whom were destined to the United States, 4 per cent to England and Wales, 2.4 per cent to Scotland, 2 per cent to Aus- tralia, and 1.5 per cent to Canada. The Irish are shown by the Census of 1900 to bold second place among the foreign-born in the T'nited States. There are, in fact, more Irisb of tbe tii-st and second generations alone in the United States than in Ireland — l.(jlS.5G7 who were born in Ireland and 3.220,110 native-born of foreign- horn parents. Irish inmiigrants go mainly to the New England and Middle Atlantic States, although they are fairly well distributed throughout tbe entire United States. During tbe twelve years 1S99-1910, their principal des- tinations in the T'nited States were as follows: New York 1.59.080 Massachusetts 91. 565 Pennsylvania — _ Now Jersey Illinois 57,435 24,377 22,342 -_ 16,368 9, 867 — - — 9,210 ISRAELITE. (See Ifrhrcir.) ISTRIAN. A geograpbical, not a racial name, and not used by the Bu- reau of Immigration; any native or inhabitant of Istria, a crownland of Austria on tbe Adriatic coast. The Istrians are for the most part Slavs or Italians. The population of Istria is 330,000, of whom 43 jier cent are Italian. Serho-Croatians, 40 per cent Italians, 1'j per cent Slovenians, and only 2 per cent Germans (see these). Tbe Is- trians almost to a man are Itonian Catbolic in religion. ITALIAN. The race or people of Italy. The Bureau of Immigration di- vides this race into two groups, North Italian and South Italian. These two groups differ from each other materi- ally in language, physique, and char- acter, as well as in geograi)hical dis- tribution. Tbe former may be de- fined as including those Italians who are natives of the basin of tbe Po (coni- liartimenti of Piedmont. T>ombardy, Venetia. and Emelia) and of the Italian districts of France, of Switzerland, and of Tyrol (Austria), and their de- scendants. All of the people of the peninsula proper and of the islands of Sicily and Sardinia are South Italian. Even Genoa is South Italian. I>inguistically, Italian is one of the grand divisions of the Romance group of languages descended from tbe Latin stock of the Aryan family. It has many dialects, the separation and pres- ervation of which is favored by the geographical configuration of Italy. Ilovelacque divides these dialects into three groups, the upper, the central, and the lower. The first includes the Genoese, Piedmontese, Venetian, Emil- ian, and Lombard dialects ; the central group includes the Tuscan, Roman, and Corsican, and the lower group in- cludes the Neapolitan, Calabrlan. Si- cilian, and Sardinian. These dialects diverge much more from each other than do the dialects of English or Spanish. In fact, it is said that it is difficult for a Neapolitan or a Sar- dinian to make himself understood by the natives of tbe valley of the Po. Perhaps in no other country do the educated classes cling more tenaciously to the familiar use of the local dia- lects in j)reference to tlie national literary form of the language. The 82 The Immigration Commission, Jiilter is the Florentine dialect jof Tus- cany as embalmed in literature by Dante, Tetrarch, and Bocaccio in the fourteenth century. A number of the other dialects, however, have quite a considerable literature, especially the A'enetian, Lombard, Neapolitan, and Sicilian. The last named is remark- ably rich in poetry. All the upper group of dialects as defined by Hovelacque, except the f;euoese, are North Italian. They contain many Gallic or Celtic ele- ments and show affinities for the Provengal and the Rhieto-Romansh (Ladin and Friulan) languages, which bound them on all sides except the south. The Genoese and the dialects of the central and lower groups are used by South Italians. I'hysically the Italians are anything but a homogeneous race. The Apen- nine chain of mountains forms a geo- graphical line which corresponds to the boundary between two distinct ethnic groups. The region north of this line, the basin of the Po, is inhab- ited by a very broad-headed ("Al- pine") and tallish race, the North Italian. The inhabitants of the east- ern and western halves of this basin show slight variations due to some Teutonic admixture in Lombardy and to an infusion of Slavic blood in A'^e- netia. All of Italy south of the Apen- nines and all of the adjacent islands are occupied by a long-headed, dark, " Mediterranean " race of short stat- ure. This is the South Italian, sup- I)osed to be descended from the ancient Ligurians of Italy and closely related to the Iberians of Spain and the Berbers of northern Africa. Indeed, the fore- most Italian ethnologist, Sergl, traces their origin to the Ilamitic stock (see Semitic- II amitic) of North Africa. It must bo remembered that the Hamites are not Negritic or true African, al- though there may be some traces of an infusion of African blood in this stock in certain communities of Italian. Sicily and Sardinia, as well as in northern Africa. The Bureau of Im- migration places the North Italian in the " Keltic " division and the South Italian in the " Iberic." Compara- tively little admixture has taken place between these two ethnic groups, al- though many North Italians have found their way around the eastern end of the mountain chain into middle Italy. Therefore, the line of demar- cation between the Emilians and the Tuscans is much less sharp than it is between the Piedmontese and the Genoese. An Italian sociologist, Niceforo, has pointed out that these two ethnic groups differ as radically in psychic characters as they do in physical. He describes the South Italian as excit- able, impulsive, highly imaginative, im- practicable; as an individualist hav- ing little adaptability to highly organ- ized society. The North Italian, on the other hand, is pictured as cool, deliberate, patient, practical, and as capable of great progi-ess in the po- litical and social organization of mod- ern civilization. Both North and South Italians are devoted to their families, are benevolent, religious, ar- tistic, and industrious. Nearly all are Catholic in religion. Most of the Italian immigration to the United States is recruited from the farming and the laboring classes of Italy. In America, however, they have not attained distinguished success as farmers, although as fruit and wine growers, especially in California, they rank among the foremost. Bosco, the Italian statistician, ad- mits that Italy still holds first place for the number of crimes committe -cM-raiihicnl l.<.niidarit>s of llic Italian race ai'c wider than those of Italy. Considerable numbers are found in the adjacent countries of France, Switzerland, and Austria. The jirovinces of Tj^'ol and Istria, in Austria, are one-third Italian. Large numbers of them are found in the New A\'orld. Italy itself is nearly all Ital- ian. It has a population of 34,000,000, and contains only small islets of other races — some 80,000 French in the western part of northern Italy, 30,000 Slays in northeastern Italy, about 30,000 Greeks in southern Italy, some 90,000 Albanians in southern Italy and in Sicily, and 10,000 Catalans (Span- ish) in Sardinia. There are a few Germans in the Italian Alps; perhaps fewer than 10,000. Nearly two-fifths of the population of Italy is found in the valley of the Po; that is, in less than one-third the length of Italy. Roughly divided by compartimenti, the population of this district, which is occupied by North Italians, is about 1-1,000,000. This includes the Friulans of northeastern Italy, who, although they speak a Latin language distinct from Italian, are hardly distinguish- able from the North Italians in race.. Their number has been variously esti- mated at from 50,000 to 450,000. The population of the South Italian dis- tricts is about 19,750.000, of whom 125,000 belong to other races. Most of the Italians of France, Switzerland, and Austria are North Italian in race. Those of Corsica, an island belonging to France, are South Italian. DiKtrihiition of Iltiliaiift. [Kstlinat.-d f«v lilOl.] In Europe : Italy 3.-?, 200, 000 Franco .S50, 000 Switzerland 200,000 Austria 1 B.'JO, 000 Corsica 300,000 Other Kurope 300,000 Total 35, 000, 000 84 The Immigration Commission. Italian. Elsewhere : " Brazil 1, 000, 000 Argentine Republic 620, 000 Otiier parts of South America 140,000 United States ^ 1,200,000 Africa ^_ 60,000 Total 3,020,000 Total for the world (in round numbers) 38,000,000 More than half a million Italians have emigrated in certain years since 1900 to different parts of the world. About one-half of this emigration is to other European countries and is tem- porary in character, being composed mostly of men. From 1890 to 1910. inclusive, 2,284,001 Italian immigrants were admitted to the United States and a large number also emigrated from Italy to South American coun- tries. A large part of those who come to the United States return to their former homes. The net gain, how- ever, especially in New York and other States of the East, is large. The South Italian immigrants numbered more than 240,000 in 1907— that is, more than half as many again as the next highest immigi-ant race. The North Italians send .only about one- fifth as many. The immense capacity of the Italian race to populate other parts of the earth is shown by the fact that they outnumber the Spanish race in Span- ish Argentina and the Portuguese race in Brazil, a " Portuguese " country. (See Spanisfi Ainerican.) Italian im- nn'gration to the United States is per- haps of more significance in the study of immigration than any other at the I)reseiit time, not only because it is far larger each year than that of any other race, nor merely because it stands high in the rate per 1,000 of the population now coming to the United States. More significant still is the fact that this race has a larger "Estimates, mainly from Franceschini. Italian. population than any of the dozen other races ranking highest in the rate of immigration. In other words, out of its .35.000.000 population and the high birth rate that characterizes the race, it can continue to lead in im- migration when the other races now contributing largely to the immigrant tide, the Hebrews (population 8,000,- 000), the Slovaks (2,250,000), and the Croatian-Slovenian group (3,600.000), are depleted, as, in fact, Ireland is to-day. It is not generally realized that dur- ing the decade 1891-1900 Italy was the leading source of American immigra- tion. In the early eighties — that is. nearly thirty years ago — Italy had al- leady begun to gain upon the northern European countries in this regard. Yet it was not until about 1890 that the United States forged ahead of South American countries as a destination for Italian immigrants. During the preceding decade or longer Brazil re- ceived more Italians than did the Ar- gentine Republic, although the latter is wrongly supix»sed to have the largest Italian population in South America. In 1907 the United States received 294,000 out of 41.5.000 Italian emi- grants to transatlantic countries. The total emigration to European countries for that year, mostly temporary, was 288,774. Much of the Italian immi- gration to the United States has thus far assumed a temporary character. Mosso estimates that the average time spent by Italians in the United States is eight years. The heaviest transatlantic emigra- tion from Italy is chiefly from districts south of Home inhabited by South Italians. They come especially from Sicily and Calabria, the least pro- ductive and most poorly developed portions of the country. Very few emigrate from Sardinia (see). The comi)artimento of Uiguria, the home of the Genoese, also South Italian in race, Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 85 Italian. i-ontributi's more (Miiijinints (bau any other province in northern Italy. The total Aniork'jui inunifiration from cer- tain compartimenti has reached phe- nouu'Mal proportions, hcinf: s»'veral times the natural increase of the popn- lation. with the result that some agri- lultnral distrirts are already partly depopnlated. Compared with ctlier immi^raTit races as to ahsolnte niuubcr of arri- vals, the Sonth Italian heads the list with 1.911.933 iu the twelve years 1809-1910. Next comes the Hebrew with 1.074,442; then the Polish with 9-{9.n(;4. followed by the (Jerman with 7."4.:'.T.". and the Scandinavian with r)S(i.:;()(). The North Italians occupy the ninth place down the list in the same period with 372.668. next after the English and Slovaks, but above the Majryars, Croatiaus and Slove- luans, and Greeks. In rate of trans- atlantic movement the North and the South Italians present quite a con- trast; for example, the emigration from Calabria was eleven times as great as that from Venetia in 1905. In 1907 the rate of movement of North Italians to the United States was about 3 per 1.000 of their population in Italy, while that of the South Ital- ians was about 12 per 1,000. The rate of movement of the North Italians was about the same as that of the Swedes and the Fiims. It was three -tinu's that of the Germans, but only half that of the Uuthenians from Austria- Hungary. The rate of movement of the South Italians, on the other hand, is exceeded by only the Croatian- Slovenian group, which sent us 13 per 1.000 of its population in 1907, and by the IIel)rews and the Slovaks with IS each per l.tXHJ of their populations in the same year. Italian immigrants come to the United States cliiefly from the follow- ing countries in addition to Italy: British North America (3,so<» iu 1907), Japanese. Austria-Hungary (1,S00), the United Kingdom (600), South America (6(K)). and Switzerland (200). Those coming from Switzerland and Austria-Hungary are generally of the North Italian race. In the twelve years lS<)9-li)10. the l)riTU'ipal destinations in the Uiute0,000 live outside of Japan. Since the Russian-Japanese war there are probably 40,000 or 50,0 America. KUTZO-VLACH. Same as Tsintsar. A n:iiiio given by Macedonians to an iiuporlaul division of Roumanians (see) living in the central l)art of northern Greece. Their native name is Lappish. Aromuni; that is, Romans. (See Bnl- (jarkin.) KTJYEV. A subdivision of the Poles (see). KWAEN, ftUAEN, or KAINALAISET. The branch of Western Finns (see Fin- nish) living farthest north in Finland and Sweden, and therefore adjoining the Lapps. A few are found even amongst the Norwegians, from whom they are distinguished physically by their darker color. In manner of life they are in a transitional stage between the nomadic Lapps and the cultured Finns. KYMRIC or CYMRIC. (See Ccltit:) L. LADIN. A mountain people of Tyrol and the north Italian border who speak a modern Latin tongue, the Ladin, distinct from the Italian. They are a subdivision of the Rhseto-Ro- maush group (see). LAPOTNIKI. Same as Bugan (see). A name applied to Ruthenians (see) living on the Bug. LAPPISH (called by themselves Same- lat). The westernmost Siberic (Mon- golian) race or people, from which Lap- land takes its name. This region, of in- definite boundaries, extending across northern Norway and Sweden and into northwestern Russia, is inhabited by the two most opposite racial stocks of Europe— on the one hand the dark, dwarlish, rouiid-headeouge) . The languages spoken l)y tliese two races are as different as their physical types. That of the Lapps is agglutinative, like that of the Finns and Mongols; that of the Swedes or of the Norwegians is a cross l)etween English and German, that is, inflected and belonging to the Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 89 Lappish. illl ( sc liuio-Kun . l;inj:uii.i;('s. Altlti.iiu'h tlu> sul>.i(v to the otliiioloijist. no : space notnl be piven //(//( > family of : is inlfi-cstiiii: reat amount of to the La PI'S. They are but a reumant numerically and so ditTcrent in habits of civiliza- tion from ourselves that biit few mem- bers of the race find tlieir way to America. Their total popuhition in the tliree kinsrdonis is only 30.000. In Scandinavia where they are most nu- Mierous, tliey do not number one-half of 1 per cent of the population. Lap- land itself has far more Scandinavians. Russians, and Finns than Lapps living in it. Many Lapps, of course, are of mixed bUuxl, taller and more fair than those of the ancient type. In fact, the race bids fair to disappear by amalgama- tion. But it is a curious mistake of well-informed persons to think that the Lapps are Norwegians, or even fair. Their nearest relatives in appearance and manner of life, if not in language, are the Samoyeds (see) of northeast- ern Russia and of Siberia. Although Lapland falls largely within the Arctic Circle, the climate is milder than that (»f the Siberian coast farther east. Per- haps it is because their hard conditions of life resemble somewhat those of the Eskimos that there is a slight phys- ical resemblance between the two races. In head form alone is there a marked difference. While the p]skimo is long- headed, the Lapp is the broadest- headed of the broad-headed Mongo- lians and "Alpine " peoples of Europe. It remains only to be said that tiie Lapps are nominally Christians, but for the most part very superstitious and ignorant: and that throughout much of Lapland they still lead a no- madic life from the necessity of follow- ing their herds of reindeer over vast stretches of desolate mountain, tundra, and swamp. The few that have come to America Ji^re lost sight of in the sta- tistics of the Bureau of Immigration. They are a part of the "Other peoples." 60813°— VOL 5—11 7 Liberian. LATVI. Same as Letts (see). LAZ. A branch of the Georgians. (See Caucasus peoples.) LEK. Has two uses: (1) A name rurnierly applied to Poles (see), and (2) same as Waterpolak. The latter are considered by some to be Mora- vians. (See Bohemian and Moravian.) LEMKE. A division of Little Rus- sians, so called because of their pe- culiar pronunciation. (See Ruthc- iiian.) LESGHIAN. The principal people of Daghostan, in Transcaucasia, or their language: a branch of the Eastern Division of the Caucasus peoples (see). • LETT, LETTISH, or LATVL The northernmost division of the Letto- Lithuanian or Lettic stock. The Letts speak a language related to Lith- uanian about as Italian stands to Latin. It is dividefl into the Low Lettish or Tahmian spoken in North- western Courland: the High Lettish toward the east, and the Middle Let- tish, w^hich is the literary form. The Letts live for the most part in the southern Baltic provinces of Russia. They are counted as Lithuanians in the statistics of the Bureau of Immi- gration. (See Lithuanian for details concerning them.) LETTIC, LETTO-LI THU ANI AN, LITHUANIAN-LETTISH, or BALTIC. The name given to that group of Ar- yan languages which is made up of the Lettish, the Lithuanian, the Jmoud, and the Old Prussian. (See these, and especially LHhuaniait.) "Lettic" is sometimes used in the sense of Lettish only. LETTO-SLAVIC. WENDIC, or BAL- TO-SLAVIC. The closely related Lettic and Slavic (see) groups of languages are sometimes put together under these names. LIBERIAN. A native of Liberia, Africa. A political, not an ethnical, term. (See Negro.) 90 The Immigration Commission. Lithuanian. LITHUANIAN, LITVA, or LETUVI- NINKAI. The Aryan race of western Russia, which gave its name to the former principality of Lithuania, and which, with the related Letts, Jmouds, and Old Prussians, forms a distinct subdivision linguistically of the Aryan stock. This subdivision is variously called the Lettic, Baltic, Letto-Lithua- nian, or, less properly, the Lithuanian group, using the last given name in the widest sense, and it is sometimes combined with the Slavic (see) under the designation " Letto-Slavic." For convenience Letts and Jmouds are counted as Lithuanians and are put into the " Slavic division " by the Bureau of Immigration. They will be considered together in this article. The Lithuanians are one of the three or four peoples now most active in immigration from Russia. There is a marked opposition be- tween the conclusions of the philologists and those of the physical anthropol- ogists as to the relationship of the Lithuanians to the Slavs. While the former consider them to be the most closely related to the Slavs of all non- Slavic peoples, the anthropologists, as typified by Ripley, place them at nearly the opposite extreme from the Slavs in European ethnology. The letter are put in the brunette, broad-headed, and wide-faced "Alpine " or " Celto-Slavic " race, while the TJtbuanians, and espe- cially the more typical Letts, are said to 1)0 " pure blond" and to " approxininto quite closely to our Anglo-Saxon model ; " that is, to approach the ex- treme of the long-headed tyi)e, and therefore to belong to the " Nordic," or at least to the " Sub-Nordic " race. No doubt both are right. To-day they stand as close linguistically to their eastern neighbors, the Russians, as they do physically to their western neighbors, the Swedes. What they were originally is the question. Is their language or their physical type the last acquired? That it is not the Lithuanian. language might be argued from the fact that the Lithuanian is older than perhaps any other Aryan tongue of Europe. Leaving the ethnical center of the race in Courland, on the Baltic, it is found that it shades off in every direc- tion into the types of the surrounding peoples. Toward the southwest, in Prussia, it has almost disappeared in the German, as the Old Prussian, for- merly spoken by the Lithuanians in that region, has entirely disappeared — a dialect, by the way, which must not be thought from its name to be Teu- tonic : it is purely Letto-Slavic. On the southeastern border it is difficult to draw the line, except in language, between the White Russians and the Lithuanians. On the north, in the province of Livonia, there is clearly an approximation to the Finnish type through intermarriage with the Livs and Esths. The Lithuanians are interesting his- torically. Although surrounded by ag- gressive races, they long retained their own independence, thanks to their im- penetrable swamps and forests. But they retained also their pagan beliefs, traces of which may be found even in the peasantry of to-day. Not till the fourteenth century were they Chris- tianized. Through their political union with Poland, the Lithuanians proper and the Jmouds became Catholic, and are to-day the northernmost people of that faith on the Continent. The Letts are divided among the Lu- theran, the Catholic, and the Russian or Orthodox churches. The greater nvimber (750.000), who adjoin the Protestant Finnish population on the north and were united politically with it, are Lutherans; toward the east 50,000 affiliate with the great mass of the Russian population in the Greek church; while farther south, in Vitebsk province, which formerly belonged, like the Lithuanian provinces, to Cath- Dictionary oi Races or Peoples. 91 Lithiianian. Ih l.vtU oik' rdniul Catliolit.-. There are scvonil divisions of (lie Lettic or Letto-Litbnanian uroiiii of lanj;uas;es. In the first plate. Lithu- anian is about as ditTerout from Let- tish as Latin is from Italian. Then there are subdivisions. The Jmoud, Znuidz, Jemaitic, Samogitian, or Low Lithuanian is a dialect of the Lithu- anian. The Lettish has three dhilects, one of them calleil the Tahmiau. An- other people, considered by some to be Lithuanian, is the black-haired Yat- vyn.cs, farther south, who are probably a mixture of White Russians and Ma- znrs ( roles) . These i^erhaps have been included in the count of Lithuanians in Suwalki and other Polish provinces by the Russian census. (See table.) The Lithuanian is a small race numerically, only about 1 per cent of Lithuanian. the total population of lOurope, or 3* per cent of the population of Russia. It does not e.vceiHl 4,(Kio.0()0 in num- bers, and is therefore only one-fourth the size of the Polish race, one-half that of the Hebrew, or one-fifteenth that of the Great Russian, and is about equal to that of the Ruthenians of Austria-Hungary, or of the Bul- garians. The Prussian census shows but little over 100.000 Lithuanians in that country. In the six Lithuanian provinces listed below, the total popu- lation is over 7.000.000. More than one-half therefore of the population i? of outside peoples, mostly White Russian. Polish, Hebrew, and, along the Paltic, (Jerman. That the Letts come fiom (piite different provinces from the Lithuanians proper is evident from the following figures taken from the Russian census of 1897 : Litliiitinitni (uid Ijitish iioiiiilalion of Russia. Provinces. Letts. Jmoiids. Lithua- nians. Total. Northorn: 563,829 505,994 264,032 35,188 471 74 06, .349 100 1,517 67 444,921 157 54 1,206 6, .594 16,531 2,335 574,8.53 279,720 304,548 25,929 570,523 524,042 Vitebsk 266,434 Central: 1,0.54,962 Southern: 280,348 304,676 93, 484 1,4:35,937 448,022 1,210,510 3,094,469 In other words, the Letts are found mainly in the northern provinces of this regicm, the .Imouds in the center, and the Lithuanians, although more scattered, occui)y the central and southern provinces. In Suwalki, a province of what is to-day called Po- land, the Lithuanians number one-half of th'j population. In Kovno, adjoin- ing it on the north, they constitute one-third, and the .Imouds, or Low Lithuanians, another third of the popu- lation. While the Lithuanians are small in immbers, they have been among the more active races in immigration to America. In 1007 they stood tenth in rank as to the rate of immigration, G per 1,000 of population. In this re- spect they were surpassed by several Slavic peoples, the Poles, the Slovaks, and the Croatian-Slovenian group. The Ruthenians from Austria-Hun- gary came in about the same ratio, but the rate of Hebrew or Slovak immigration in that year was three 92 The Immigralion Commission. Lithuanian. times sreater. During the twelve years ending .June 30, 1910, Lithuanian immigration to the United States was 175,258, or more than twice as great as the immigration of Russians proper, although the population of the latter race is fifteen times larger. As to the absolute number of immigrants, Lithu- anians stood thirteenth in rank dur- ing the period last mentioned. While Polish immigrants were more than five times as numerous in the twelve years referred to, their rate of immi- gi-ation was only a little larger, or 4.6 per 1,000, as compared with 3.G per 1.000 for Lithuanians. The num- ber of Hebrew immigrants was more than six times that of Lithuanians. Nearly three-fourtias of the Lithu- anians go to the same States to which most Poles and other typical Slavic peoples go, namely, Pennsylvania. Illi- nois, New York, and Massachusetts. LITTLE RUSSIAN, MALO-RUSSIAN, oi RTJSSNIAK. Same as Ruthenian (see). LITVA. Same as Lithuanian (see). LIV or LIVONIAN. A division of the Western Finns living in Livonia. (See Finnish.) LOPARI. A division of the Western Finns. (See Finnish.) LOTHARINGIAN. (See (IrrnKin.) LOW GERMAN, LOW LETTIC, LOW LITHUANIAN, etc. Dialects or divi- sions of tliese respective languages (wliich see). LOWLAND SCOTCH. (Set^ Em/li^h iiiid Scotch.) LUBLINIAN. A sul)di vision of tht Poles (see). LUNGAUER. A name applied 1< certain Germans (see) of Austria. LURI. A wandering tribe of Persia (See r////>s-.'/.) LUSATIAN. Same as Wend (se^ this and Shir). LUXEMBURGER. (See German.) Magyar. M. MACEDONIAN. (See Bulgarian.) MAGYAR (prou. Mil-jar), Hunga- rian, Hun, or Hunyak in popular lan- guage. The race, of Finno-Tatar origin, that invaded Hungary about the ninth century and is now dominant there. Often called "Hungarian," although this is more properly a politi- cal than an ethnological term and may be applied also to that half of the population of Hungary which is not Magyar. "Huns" and "Huiikies" are names still more incorrectly ap- plied to this race and to Slavs indis- criminately in some parts of America. The Huns, properly speaking, were a horde that overran parts of Europe in the middle ages and are supposed to be more closely represented by the modern Kalmuks or Turks than by the Magyars. The " Hunagars " and " Mogers " pushed later over the Asi- atic border and absorbed the earlier Mongol and other elements of what is .now Hungary.' They became Chris- tianized in the eleventh century, the earliest of all the Finno-Tataric tribes of Europe. Thus it is that the Mag- yars, together with the Finns, are the "foremost branches of the Mongolian race, as measured by western civiliza- tion. As has been said elsewhere (see I'inmsh and Ural-Alfaic), the Ma'gj'ars are related linguistically to the Turks and Japanese (see), all these be- longing to the great Sibiric stock possessing agglutinative speech. But physically the Magyars and the Finns of to-day are not Mongolian as much :;s Caucasian. Because of mixture with Caucasian peoples, they have deviated more widely from the ancient type than have the Turks. While these latter are becoming southern European in type, the ^Ligyars are often blonds, yet not so generally as are the Finns. In short, while the Magyars have im- posed their speech and rule upon Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 93 >^? Q_VJ ^. 94 The Immigration Commission. Magyar. Ilmiffary, tliey have taken on the physical characters and the civiliza- tion of the subject peoples. Ripley says that they are "perhaps one-eighth Finnic and seven-eighths Alpine" or " Celto-Slavic." They are not counted in the same great divisions with Eu- ropean races by the Bureau of Immi- gration but find a place with Turks and Armenians among "All others." The Magyars form a compact popu- lation with but minor subdivisions, such as the Szeklers, of Transylvania. The race is i?onflned to Hungary. Standing like an island in the Cauca- sian population that surrounds them, they steadily increase in numbers and spread their language among the peo- ple whom they rule. While they con- stitute only half the population of Hungary, Magyar is the language of three-fourths of the schools. The other principal peoples of Hungary proper— that is, exclusive of Croatia and Slovenia— are the Roumanians, Germans, and Slovaks, who constitute, respectively, 17, 12, and 12 per cent of the population. In the entire king- dom there were in 1900 about 8,500,000 Magyars. More than half of these are Catholic and one-fourth are "Evan- gelical." Magyar is also the language of 000,000 .Tews. The geographical dis- tribulion of the various races in Hxm- gary is shown on the map on page 93. From 1899 to 1910, inclusive, 338,151 Magyar inunigrants were admitted to the TTnited States. This number was exceeded by only nine other races or peoples during the period, and was far ahead of any other people that is Mon- golian in origin, the Finnish race, with 151,774 inunigrants during the same twelve years, ranking next in this comparison. As regards their rate of immigration to the United States. Magyars in 1907 stood eighth in rank, that is, 7 per 1,000 of population, but still in the lead of most Slavic peoples. The Magyars thus form an imi)ortant element in the southeastern lOuropean Malay. immigration to the United States. Only two Slavic peoples, the Polish and Slo- vak, exceeded the Magyar in absolute numbers of immigrants in the twelve years considered, although tlie Croatian and Slovenian peoples, also from Hun- garian territory, are not far beliiud them. Like most eastern Europeans the Magyars go to industrial States. During the twelve years considered, 106,641 were destined to Pennsylvania, 04,201 to-New York, 55,433 to Ohio, and 51,119 to New .Terspy. MAGYAR-SLOVAK. (See Slorak.) MAHRATTA or MARATHI. A mixed Hindu people (see) living in western and central India, between the Dravid- ians and the Hindus proper. Their language, an Aryan tongue called " Marathi," is spoken by about 18,000,- 000 iiersons. MALAY, MALAYSIAN, or BROWN race. One of the five grand divi- sions of mankind as commonly classi- fied since the time of Blumenbach, but the most disputable one in the view of recent ethnologists. Many consider it to be a branch of the Mongolian race (see), but such admit, at least, that it is the most divergent great branch of the latter. Little attention need be given to the debates amongst scien- tists concerning it, as it is a race of little consequence in immigration stud- ies. It is the smallest grand divi- sion of mankind, numerically, with the exceiition'of the American, having an estimated population of 35.(X)0,000. Practically no Malays come as immi- grants to the TTnited States. The few Filii>inos (see) that come are not c-ounted as immigrants. For the purposes of this classifica- tion the Malay race may be defined as that grand division of mankind which is distinguishtvl by its brown color and which is native to the Malay Archipel- ago and Peninsula and the Island of Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 95 Malay. M.-iila.irascMi-. with perhaps a few re- InttHl rouiiiauls of tribes in Indo- china. Tlie Malay Archiperago in- rl lilies the Philippines, bnt not New Ciiiiiea on the east. Within this archi- pelago there is no other native race, with the exception of the small groups of pigmy Negroes ealliil Negritos (see), distantly related to the Papuan of New Ciuinea. if not to the Australian — un- less we consider also that the " Indo- nesian " element in the interior of the iioi-tliern islands is Caucasian rather than "Pi-oto-Malayan." All the languages sjioken by the Mnlay race belong to the great IMalayo- I'olynesian family of languages, which fire found everywhere amongst Poly- nesians (vSee) ; that is, as far east as the waters of South America and northward to include the Hawaiian Islands. The term Malay is also ap- plied in a narrower sense to that part of the Malay race called the " true Malay" or " Orang Malaya," that is, the section speaking the standard Malay tongue and which liveted the Mongolian type of civili- zation so much as the Caucasian type. The Filipinos are far in advance of iiny other Malay jieople in the latter respiH-t. although the earlier Malayan Manx. civilization was most highly develoi»ed in Java. Huddhism has here been re- placed by Mohammedanism, which has extended even into the southern Philip- I)ines. (See Ea.st Indian, I'acific l.sldmh r. and Poliincfiian.) MALAYALAM. A branch of the Dra- vidian people (see) living on the west- ern coast of the most southern portion of India. Their language, the Mala- yalam, of no relation to Malay, is spoken by over 0,000,000 persons. MALAY-POLYNESIAN. The family of languages spoken throughout most of the Pacific. (See Malay, Polyne- fiian, and Pacific Itilaniler.) MALIIESOR. (See Albanian.) MALO-RUSSIAN. Same as Little Russian. (See Rutheniun.) MALTESE. A native of the Medi- terranean island of Malta, a British colony; generally of Italian or Arabian stock (see these). Arabic is the pre- vailing language. Ninety per cent of t he 200,000 inhabitants are Catholic. MANCHTJ. The race or people from which Manchuria takes its name. The leading member of the Tuugusic divi- sion of the Ural-Altaic or Sibiric divi- sion of the Mongolians (see these), and therefore more closely related to the Japanese, Mongols, and Tats in lan- guage than to the Chinese. Yet they are not readily distinguished physic- ally from the latter, especially since Chinese blood by intermixture now predominates in Manchuria. China has for two hundred years been ruled by a Manchurian dynasty. (See Chi- nese for immigration, etc.) MANILAMAN. An old term applied to sailors iiailing from Manila. Philip- jiine Islands. (See I'iliitino.) MANSUR. A branch of the Nogai 'i'alars (si'e). MANX. The native race or people of the Isle of .Man. Linguistically 96 The Immigration Commission. Manx. the Manx is a corrupt dialect of the Gaelic branch of the Celtic (see) group of the Aryan or Indo-European languages. It is closely allied to Irish and Scotch, but is unimportant. ]Manx is now spoken by fewer than 5,000 persons; that is, by less than one- tenth of the population of the Isle of Man. Fewer than 100 speak Manx only. It is found only in the northwestern parishes and in a few places along the western coast of the island. It will undoubtedly soon become extinct, as did Cornish, another Celtic dialect, in the last century, since nearly all the inhabitants now converse in English. Manxmen do not api^ear in immigra- tion statistics. They are probably classed as English. MARONITE. (See Syrian.) MASUR or MAZUR. One of the four dialectal divisions of the Poles (see). Their language is called Mazurian or Masovian and is considered by some to be but a corrupt form of the Great Polish. It is mainly spoken in east Prussia and about Warsaw. MECKLENBURGER. ( See German. ) MEDITERRANEAN race. (See Cau- casian and Celtic.) MELANESIAN. A Negroid people; the central division of the Pacific Islanders (see). MENNONITE. Not an ethnical term. The name of a religious sect found in the Netherlands, in Russia, and in other parts of Europe. MESTCHERJAK. A small Tatar people (sec) in eastern Russia. MESTIZO. The issue of a white per- son by an Indian. (See Negro.) A Spanish word originally meaning of mixed blood. MEXICAN. Any native of Mexico who is neither of Negro nor of Indian descent. Defined thus for immigration purposes, because Negroes and Ameri- can Indians (see) are listed separately regardless of nativity (cf. Cuban and Mokcha. Spanisli American). The Mexican population, unlike that of Cuba, is mainly of Indian or mixed origin and is therefore largely excluded from this definition. While 70 per cent of the inhabitants of Cuba are white, less than 20 per cent of the people of Mexico are of pure white blood. About 40 per cent (5,000.000) are of pure In- dian blood, to whom must be added 43 per cent of mixed blood. The total population is over 13,000,000. Mexico is Spanish as to official language, as to the greater part of its white popula- tion, and as to type of civilization, al- though the last named is perhaps in- fluenced by the United States more than is true of any other Latin-Ameri- can republic. For many years there has been a considerable immigration fi-om Mexico to the border States and Territories, but previous to 190S statistics relative to the overland movement were not re- corded by the Bureau of Immigration. In that year, 5,682 persons listed as " Mexicans " were admitted to the United States; in 1909 there were 15,591, and in 1910, 17,760. The great majority of these were destined to Texas. A few immigrants of other races or peoples, including (Jerman, Spanish, English, and Syrian, are an- nually admittee Albanian.) MOESIAN. A subdivision of the lUilgarians (see). MOKCHA. A sul)di vision of I he Mordvinians (see Finnish) living in eastern Russia. Dlcllonary of Races or Peoples. 97 Moldavian. MOLDAVIAN. A j;(M.i;r:\iilii.al ili vision (if the Komiianians (see) re- sidiiii; in the former principality of M()i(l:i\ ill. which now forms the north- ern part ()f Kt)nmania. Not a racial name. MOLDO-WALLACHIAN. A name ap- plied to the Hoiunaiiians (see). The former principalities of Moldavia, AVallachia, and Eastern lloumelia now I'onstitnte liouuiania. MONGOL or MONGOLIC. The sub- division of the Sibiric branch of the Moniioli.in race or errand division of mankind from which the latter has taken its name. They are interesting historically, in that at different times they have ruled India and still rule, through the Mauchu dynasty, China. In the thirteenth century, headed by the descendants of Genghis Khan, they penetrated into Europe as far as Ger- many. Their only representatives now in Europe are the Kalnmks (see) of southeastern Russia, a decadent stock. The term " Mongolic," and even " Mongol," is sometimes used in a wider sense to mean the entire Mon- golian race (see). The Bureau of Im- migration uses " Mongolic " in a still wider sense to include also the East liidians. Pacific Islanders, and Fili- pinos (see all these). The Mongols or natives of Mongolia are comparatively unimportant in im- migration and international questions, being small in number and located in the interior of Asia, back of China proper. Estimates of their population rate them at only from 2,(W0.fKW to .■.(H)O.O(X) in numbers, while of Chi- nese (see) there are perhaps 300,- (X)0.()00. The Mongols are not so closely related linguistically to the Chi- nese as they are to the Japanese and even to the Finns, Turks, and Magyars. The Mongols proper extend at present westward over waste regions as far as the Turko-Tataric populations of Rus- sian central Asia. As they extend on Mongolian. the east nearly to I'cUiug, a few may have found their way to tlie I'nilcd States as "Chinese" immigiants, from whom they are not easily distin- guishable, MONGOLIAN, MONGOL. MONGOLIC, MONGOLOID, ASIATIC, or YELLOW race. That grand division of man- kind which is typically, as to color, yellowish, and as to origin, culture, and present habitat, Asiatic. An im- portant subject in immigration. The Mongolian and the Caucasian (see) are the two largest "races" or divi- sions of mankind, the latter being somewhat the larger because it in- cludes the greater part of the popula- tion of India. The term "Asiatic " may be used in a geographical sense to include India. lu this sense the Asiatics are far greater in number than either the Mongolians or the Europeans. Just as the Caucasian race extends into southwestern and southern Asia, so the Mongolian race extends far into Europe, embracing not only the Lapps of Scandinavia, the Finns, Cossacks, and many other peoples of Russia, and the Turks of southern Europe, but even the Magyars of Hungary, the most advanced of all the Europeans of Mongolian origin. The main west- ern branches of 'we Mongolians, al- though Euroi)eanized in blood as well as in culture, still possess a Turanian speech. The Mongolians have also extended from time immemorial over the Arctic coast of North America, if we ai-cejit the view most generally held as to the origin of the Eskimos. Indeed, many ethnologists so define " Mongolian "as to include the entire American and Malay races. Huxley's term " Mongo- loid " includes not only these, but also the Polynesians and " Indonesians," who are considered by some to repre- sent an ancient Caucasian element in the Pacific. Huxley therefore finds no 98 The Immigration Commission. Mongolian. race but the Mongoloid on or near the I'aciflc Ocean, with the exception of a " Negroid " element in Malaysia. The word " Mongolian " is sometimes used in a more restricted sense as equiva- lent to "Mongol" (see), the name of a small group of Japanese-like people living northwest of China proper in Mongolia. The term " Mongolic grand division " is used by the Bureau of Immigration in the widest sense of all, to include the Malays, as well as the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. All of northern, central, and eastern Asia was originally occupied exclu- sively by the Mongolian race, if we ex- clude from this grand division the doubtful Eskimos near Bering Sea and the Ainos of northern Japan and the Malays and Negritos of the Malay Peninsula. Brinton divides the Mongolian race Into two great branches, the Sinitic and the Sibiric. The former is the more populous, and is confined to Asia, being subdivided into the Chinese, Indo-Chinese, and Tibetan groups (see these). The Sibiric branch includes all the invaders into Europe above mentioned, who are therefore more closely related linguistically to the Japanese than to the Chinese. This Itranch includes, besides the Japanese, Arctic, and Tnngusigj|groups, the Fin- nic, Tataric, and Mongolic. It is the three last-named groups that are rep- resented in Europe; the Finnic by the Finns, Lapps, Esths, Livs, Mord- A inians, and others of Bnssia, and the Magyars of Hungary: the Tataric group by the Kirghiz-Kazaks. Turko- mans, and kindri'd tribes in Russia, and the Osmanlis, or Turks of Tur- key; and the Mongolic group by the Kalmuks of eastern Russia. ( See arti- cles on the above and sunnnary under UrdJ-Mtdic.) Southwestern Asia is iiractically oc- cujiied by Caucasians, with the ex- (■('I'tion of the Turkish race in Ana- tolia (Asia Minor). West of the Hin- Mongolian. dus come their Aryan kinsmen, the Af- ghans, Beluchis, Persians, Armenians, and Kurds, many of whom are Moham- medan ; then come the Semites, incluQ- ing the Jews, Arabs, and Syrians. Among the many other definitions of " Mongolian race," which vary from those given above, it is most important to notice those illustrated in the usage of Keane and Linnaeus. These authors consider Blumeubach's Malay race (see) to be only a branch of the Mongolian, while they do not put the American Indian (see) into that cate- gory, as does Huxley. Furthermore, Keane, following Quatrefages in hav- ing no Malay race into which he can place the " Indonesians " and Poly- nesians of the Pacific, considers these to be an aberrant Caucasian stock. Friedrich Miiller, the German eth- nologist, considers the American and Malay races to be distinct from the Mongolian, but separates from the lat- ter a " Hyperborean " race, which in- cludes the Eskimo and certain Sibe- rian tribes. Far more reprehensible was the tendency, once widespread, to find " Lappic " skulls and vestiges of " Turanian " speech everywhere in Europe. Fragments of the latter speech were even detected in America. The word " Turanian " finally became discredited and was generally replaced by " Ural- Altaic " (see). It is suf- ficient at this point to say that this term denotes the agglutinative speech of the Sibiric branch of Mongo- lians, the latter including, as just said, the Magyars and others in Europe. Tiie Sinitic branch, typified by the Chi- nese, possesses a monosyllabic speech. Both of these tyi>es of speech differ widely from the inflected tongues of western Europe and southwestern Asia. In this particular the Malays resem- ble the Sibiric branch. Passing to physical characteristics, but little need be said. The Chinese type is well known. Close observa tiou will show that the peculiarity of Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 99 Mongolian. till" " Moiitjoliiiii oyc " ildt'S not coii- sis( ill its Ihmul: set ohiiiiuely, l)iit in having' a fold df tlu' uiiikt lid at tlu> iiHU'f anfjle of tlio oyo, wliicli covers tlio caruiu'le. The lattor is exposed in the C^aucasian eye and peneralty amongst the inodilied Monfrolians of l^iirope. This fohl is fonnd also ainongst Mahiys. Finally, the short, or Itrachycephalic, type of bead is more cliaracteristic of the Monfiolian and .Malay races than of any other. The eastern Eskimos, however, like most American Indians aiid Negroes, have long heads. The short-headed type of Enroi)eans fonnd in central i:nroi)e is traced hy some to an Asiatic origin. If this view be correct, the tyi)e goes back to prehistoric times. It may lie safely said that no considerable in- vasion of the Mongolian race into En- rope can be proven except those of the Christian era, as above indicated. The popnlation of the Mongolian race will be best discnssed in articles pertaining to its most important di- visions, such as the Chinese. As al- ready indicated, it rivals the Cau- casian race in numbers, sometimes being estimated as larger, but gener- ally as about 200.000.000 less. A safe I'stlmate of the total Mongolian popu- lation is about 000,000.000. The popu- lation of Asia, however, is ■nearly !K)0.000,000. It will he remembered that nearly 300,000,000 of these are Caucasians, living mainly in India. While the density of the great popula- tions of India and China is nnparal- Itled in any e .MS Ural-Altaic (se<-). MONTENEGRIN. A political divi- sion of the Scrho-Ci'o.ilians. (See Cn Kit id II.) MOOR. A historic.-il rather than an cthnograiihical t«'rm aiii'iied to very different i)eoi)les of .northwestern Africa. In lionian history It is applied to inhabitants of Mauretauiu (Morocco and Algeria), who were in part Pluenician colonists, in Spanish his- tory the "Moors" and " Moriscos " were mainly I'.erbers rather than, as commonly sui)iiosed. Arabs. To-day the word is wrongly applied totheKilTs of Morocco and to the town dwellers of Algeria and Tunis. The latter call themselves generally "Arabs," although often in part of Berber blood. The Moors, in a stricter ethnological sense, are the mixed Trarza and other tribes on the western coast, from jNIorocco to the Senegal, mainly of nomadic habits. They are of mixed Berber, Arab, and often Negro blood. Many speak Arabic. ( See Scmitic-llninitic. ) MORAVCICI. A branch of the Hanaks, who form a subdivision of the Moravians (see). MORAVIAN. (See BohcuUin ami .]f lira rid II.) MORAVIAN-SLOVAK. (See t^lnvak.) MORDVINIAN. The largest division of the Eastern Finns. (See Finnish.) MORISCO. A Moor (see) of Spain. MORLAK. A branch of the Servians living in northern Dalmatia and ad- .jacent teiTitory. (See Cnmliaii.) MORO. ( See rUipliK,.) MOROCCAN. Any native of .Mo- rocco. About two-thirdsof the S,()00.(K>0 population are Berbers (see), oc('ui)y- ing four-fifths of the land. The re- maining one-third are mainly Aral)s (see), who i»redominale in the cities. 100 The Immigration Commission. Mulatto. MULATTO. Any person of mixed white and Negro blood. Classed as a Negro (see) in immigi-ation statistics. MUNDA. A name applied to cer- tain tribes of Bengal. {See Draindian.) MUSCOVITE. Same as Russian (see). • N. NAT. A wandering tribe of India. (See Gypsy.) NAZAIRI, NUSARIEH, or NAZA- RINI. (See Si/ridii.) NEAPOLITAN. (See //(i7irt//.) NEGRILLO. (See Xcgro.) NEGRITO. A Philippine tribe. ( See Malay, East Indian, and Filiyino.) NEGRO, NEGROID, AFRICAN, BLACK, ETHIOPIAN, or AUSTAFRI- CAN. That grand division of man- Idnd distingnished by its black color and, generally speaking, by its woolly hair. While the black, like the white and yellow races, is accepted by prac- tically all ethnologists as a primary division of mankind, there is the great- est difference of opinion as to what should be included in it. Some would put the Hottentots and Bushmen of South Africa into a si'parate gmnd di- vision. Still more would set apart the '• Oceanic Negroes " — that is, the Ne- gritos of Malaysia and the Papuans of New Guinea, and especially the Australians. Some call these doubtful branches " Negroid," a name applied by Huxley to all Negroes excepting the Australians. In a simple classification for Emi- gration purposes it is preferable to include all the above under the term " Negroes." They are alike in inhab- iting hot countries and in belonging to the lowest division of mankind from an evolutionary standpoint. While the Australians do not have the kiidvy hair of the African Negroes, they are .still lower in civilization. Only the Negrillos or dwarf Negroes Negro. of Africa and the Negritos of Malay- sia equal them in this respect. The detinitiou must exclude, however, the dark, almost black, Veddahs and Dra- vldian tribt'S of India, and especially the dark Hamites and Semites of north- ern and northeastern Africa. (See these.) The two latter groups belong to the Caucasian stocks of southwest- ern Asia, linguistically, as well as, to a certain extent, in temperament, civili- zation, and regularity of features. They inhabit nearly one-third of Africa, including Abyssinia. The so- called "Ethiopic" language and old form of Christianity are found in the latter country, and not in the mis- named " Ethiopian " race. The only Negroes to whom practi- cally all ethnologists are willing to apply the term are those inhabiting the central and western third of Africa, excluding even the Bantus, who occupy practically all Africa south of the Equator. The Bantus, well typi- fied by the Zulu subdivision, are lighter in color than the true Negroes, never sooty black, but of a reddish- brown. From the Negroes proper of the Sudan have descended most American Negroes. To some extent the northern Negro stock has become intermixed with the African Caucasian, already mentioned, especially about the Upper Nile, in Abyssinia, and in Gallaland and So- mali land farther east. Brinton's term for the Negro race, "Austafrican," is justified perhaps on Keane's theory that the Australians and Africans rep- resent the earliest offshoots of the precursors of man wlio inhabited the continent now submerged in tlie Indian Ocean. In line witli this theory is the claim that the Vetldahs and Dra vid- ians of India are still more divergent branches toward the north which have become more affectetl by Caucasian or, perhaps, ^Mongolian elements. Excluding lli('S(> .^lO.ooO.OOO or more dark inhabitants of India, the Negro Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 101 Negro. i:ut> iiumhors porliaps ind.ddo.iKid. or nhont one-qii;irtor tlu» pdiniliition of tlio Mongolian race. Tho total mini- hor of N(\i:roos in the Anioricas is esti- iiiati'0. Brazil alone nnnibers in her population between ().(XX1,000 and 7.000.(X)0 Negroes and uuilattoes, not mucli less than the colored ixipulation of the Uniteil States. There is a bewildering confusion in the terms used to indicate the differ- ent mixtures of white and dark races in America. Thus, all natives of Cuba, whether colored or white, are called •• Creoles." as this word is loosely used in the United States; but Creole, as more strictly defined, applies only to those who are native-born but of pure European descent. This is the use of the word in Mexico. lu Brazil and Peru, on the contrary, it is applied to those possessing colored blood in some proportion, in Brazil to Xejrroes of pure descent, in Peru to the issue of whites and mestizos. "Mestizo" is the Span- ish word applied to half-breeds (white and Indian). Immigration statistics count as Ne- gro, or "African (black)" "aliens whose appearance indicates an admix- ture of Negro blood," " whether com- ing from Cuba or other islands of the "\\est Indies, North or South America, lUirope. or Africa." Only American- born immigrants of pure European blood are counted as Cuban. Spanish American, Mexican, and West Indian (see). All these " natives of the West^ ern Hemisphere," together with Amer- ican Indians and Negroes, are included with the Magyar, Turkish, and Ar- iiieiiian races in the term "All others," the sixth grand division of iumiigrant races as classified by the Bureau of Immigration. The immigration statistics of the race are of no significance so far as Africa is concerned, for only 15 are recorded as having come from that continent in 1907. About nine-tenths Nogai Tatar. of all Negro innnigration in that year (■.•nne from the West Indies, where the mulatto population alone, it is said, is three-fifths of the entire population. It may therefore be assumed that wt; get but few Negro immigrants of pure blood. Perhaps such come in largest numbers from Portuguese territory, in- cluding the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands, off the coast of Africa, which, next to the West Indies, send the largest number of Negro immigrants. This number, however, is of little con- sequence — 341 in 1907. During the twelve years 1899-1910, 33.630 Negro immigrants were admitted to the United States, most of whom were from the West Indies. They ranked ^twenty-ninth among immigrant races during that period, among the rr.ces which they surpassed in point of ntmi- btrs being tho Armenian, Chinese, Welsh, and Turkish. The chief des- tinations in the United States of Negro Immigrants during the twelve years specified were: Florida, 13,112; New York, 10,120, and Massachusetts, 5,301. NESTORIAN. An ecclesiastical, not an ethnographical, term applying to an early Christian sect in Asia not subject to Rome, which has to-day but small importance. (See Kurd and Assyrian.) NETHERLANDER and NETHER- LANDISH. (See Dutch and Flemish.) NEWFOUNDLANDER. Like Cana- dian (sec), a term of nationality, not of race. NEW ZEALANDER. Any inhabit- ant of New Zealand. Counted as English. Scotch, etc., in immigration statistics. The aborigines, calh^d Maoris, are Polynesians (see). NICARAGUAN. (See Spanish Anirr- iran.) NISTROVINIAN. A mixed stock of IJttl<> Russian and Roumanian blood. (See I\ lit lie II inn.) NOGAI TATAR. A small Tataric people (see) living in the Caucasus 102 The Immigration Commission. Nogai Tatar. near the Caspian and formerly in the Crimea, in southern Russia. NORDIC race. (See Aryan and Cau- casian.) NORSE. (See Scandinavian.) NORTH AMERICAN. All immi- grants born in North America are classified in immigration statistics according to the European or other stock from which they sprang (see each race). NORTH EUROPEAN race. (See Cuu- caf."»7 having been admitted during the twelve years ending June ',iO, 1910. Their entire i)opulation is only 1.500,- (MiO, not counting the 40.00(),(HW "East Indians" of M.ilaysia. Hawaiians, like Filipinos (see), are not counted as inmiigrants on coming to the States. PAMPANGAN. (See Filipino.) PANAMAN. A geographical term. Immigrants from the Canal Zone are Dictionary of Races or Pcoi^lcs, 103 Panaman. ti-t'MttHl liko citiziMis of riin;im:i or any other foreifiii country ai\cl (.■ounted as iiimilfrrants. dirterinit from citizens of (ther American possessions. Most are, tlierefore, counted as Spanish Ameri- can or as Nejrro (sei' these). PANGASINAN. (See Filipino.) PANJABI. Same as Punjabi. (See Hind It.) PAPUAN. (See racifir Isluudcr and Main II.) PARAGUAYAN. (. See Sixni /.s'// A in er- ica ii.) PARSI. A small Persian people (see), now largely settled in India. PERMYAK. A division of the East- ern Finns. (See Finnish.) PERSIAN. The Persian race or peo- ple is quite different from the Persian nationality. The latter includes sev- eral very different peoples, as will presently h(> seen. Linguistically, the I'ersian is the chief race of Persia speaking an Iranic language, that is, one of the Aryan tongues most nearly related to the Hindi (see these). Physically, the race is of mixed Cau- casian stock. It is almost entirely composed of Tajiks. The small section known as " Parsis " or. incorrectly, *' Fire worshipers," liave for the most part emigrated to India. The Arme- nians are so closely related to the Per- sians linguistically as to be put with them l)y some into the Iranic branch. The Kurds, the Pelucliis. and the Afghans also belong to the latter. Of the n..")()(),000 estimated popula- tion of Persia about two-thirds are true Persian or "Tajik." Tlie other third is also Caucasian for the most part, including Kurds (400,000), Arme- nians (lilO.OOO), and other Iranians (,S20,000), and the non-Aryan Arabs (:;r.0.n(M)). There are .^).">().()00 Turks and 3(M),000 Mongols in the Empire. The only Christians are the Armenians and a small group of 2.">.000 " Chal- deans," "Assyrians." or " Xestorians," really eastern Syrians (see these Poliechuk. terms), aixnit Lake rrinia, on the northwestern bord»>r. In intellect, if not in civiii/ation, the Persian is perhaps more nearly a Euroi)ean than is the pure Turk. He is more alert and accessible to iimova- tion. Yet he is rather brilliant and poetical than solid in temperament. Like the Hindu he is more eager to secure the semblance than the sub- stance of modern civilization. Iininigralion from Persia is a lu^gli- gible (luantity. It is includtnl in tlie 171 "Other peoples" from "Other Asia " in the innnigration report of 1!K)7. PERUVIAN. (See Simni.^h Ameri- can.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDER. ( See Fill- liino.) PINSGAUER. AsulMlivisionof Ger- mans (see) living in Austria. PODHALIAN. A Slavic population of about 40,000 speaking Polish (see), but having a physical resemblance to the neighboring Slovaks. PODHORAK. A subdivision of the Moravians (see). PODLACHIAN. A name applied to mixed Poles living west of the Po- lesians in Grodno province. West Kussia. (See Poli.'ih.) PODOLIAN. A geographical term applied to the Poles (see) living in P(Klolia in southwestern Russia. POIK. An Istrian division of the Slovenians (see). POKUTI. A mixed stock of Little Knssian and Koumaniau (see) blood. POLAK. Same as Podlachian. (See I-oHkIi.) POLESIAN. A mixed Polish (see) jiopulation in West Kussia. POLIECHUK. A division of the AVhite Russians much mixed with Little Russian, They live on the bor- der of Little Russia and near Poland. 1 (See liunsian.) 104 The Immigration Commission. Polish. POLISH (formerly ciilled Lech; often incorrectly called Polack in the United States). The West Slavic race (see) which gave its name to the former Kingdom of Poland, now di- vided among Russia, Austria, and Ger- many. Of high interest in an immi- gration study, for the Poles have risen to the third place in point of numbers coming to the United States, being exceeded only by the South Italians and Hebrews. The Poles stand physically and so- cially, as they do geographically, be- tween the Russian peoples of eastern Europe and the Teutonic peoples of western Europe. They are neither the one nor the other. In language they are Slavs. In religion they reject the Russian church and adhere for the most part to the Catholic. Politically and socially they look upon Russia as their enemy, but this is mainly a his- torical distinction. It must be said that their civilization has lacked some of the stable qualities shown by na- tions farther west. Finally, in their physical inheritance, they resemble the " Eastern " or Slavic race more than that of northwestern Europe, although probably modified by ra- cial intermixture from the earliest times. In more technical la nguage, the Poles verge toward the " Northern " race of Europe, although still more closely re- lated to the Eastern race, especially those speaking the Maxuriau dialect. Deniker puts them in a race quite apart from both these and names them after their chief river, the " Vistulan." He finds them to be somewhat shorter Polish. than the Lithuanians and White Rus- sians of the Eastern race, and not quite So broad-headed. While darker than the Lithuanians, the Poles are lighter than the average Russian. In other words, they show more of the Teutonic and little or none of the Asiatic ele- ment of eastern Europe. In tempera- ment they are more high-strung than are the most of their neighbors. In this respect they resemble the Hun- garians farther south. The Poles are surrounded on the east by the White Russians and Little Russians or Ruthenians; on the south by the Slovaks and Moravians, both of them with languages more closely re- lated to the I'olish than is Russian; and on the west and north by the Ger- mans, with the exception of the uou-' Slavic Lithuanians, who touch their territory on the northeast (see arti- cles on these races). The Polea are now divided among Russia, Austria, and Germany. Once their proud king- dom extended from the Baltic to the Black Sea and rivaled Russia. At one time or another it included the territory of the Lithuanians, the Livs, the White Russians, the Slovaks, most of the Little Russians, the Moravians, and even the Bohemians and the Ger- mans westward to the vicinity of Ber- lin. In 17!)5 came the final partition. Six-sevenths of Poland proper now be- longs to Russia, and only one-seventh of this fraction is called I'oland to- day. In this small territory nt)w re- side nearly two-thirds of the Poles. The rest of the estimated population of 17,000,000 or more are divided as indicated below : Kuinhcr find (Jintrihiition of Poles. Countries. Number and cen- sus year. Mainly in provinces of— 7,031,307(1897) 4,259,152 (1900) 13,394,134(1900) ''1,000,000(1900) b 1,000,000(1900) Polaml (0,021,497), White Kussla (424.23(1). Little kussia (388,582), Lithu- ania (308,444). Austria I'o.sen (1,162,.539), Silesia (1,141,473), West Prussia (546,322). Elsewhere in Europe America I Including 148,000 Mazurs, mainly in East Prussia, and 101,000 Kashoubs, mainly in West Prussia. ' Estimated. Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 105 Polish. The VoUsh lau.uuaw lias four tlia- leots — the Great I'olish, the Mazurian, the Kashoubisli, and the Silesian. The (Jreat Poles live west of Warsaw prov- ince. The Mazurian or Masovian is said in Toland to be but a corrupt form of tli(» (Jreat Pulish. It is spoki-n mainly in East Prussia and about War- saw. The Kashoubs, who call them- selves •• Kaszebi," live still farther northwest ou the Baltic. Those in West Prussia are Catholics; those far- ther west, iu Pomerauia, are Protest- ants. The Silesiau dialect is spoken in the Ceruiau and Austrian provinces of that name. The names I'odhalians. Pi.rals, and Gorals Uhat is, '• mountain dwellers " ) apply more properly to the I'oles living north of the Tatra Moun- tains, between Moravia and the main range of the Carpathians. This popu- lation approaches the Slovaks in physi- cal type, as it does geographically. It is said to be in part of German blood, like the neighboring Gluchoniemcy, or •• Deaf Germans," who also speak Polish. Other names applying to subdivi- sions of the Poles are the Bielochro- vats (the same as the Krakuses or Cracovinians), the Kuyevs, the Kup- rikes, the Lublinians, and the Sando- niirians. Podolian is apparently a geo- graphical term applying to the Poles of I'odolia, iu southwestern Russia ; and Polesian is the name of the mixed Polish population living farthest toward the east, in West Kussia. Finally, the name Polak. or Podia- chian, applies only to the mixed Poles living just west of the Polesians, in Grodno province. The Polabs are ex- tinct. They were not Poles, but Wends (.stM'); that is, of a related linguistic slock. Of the population of Russian Poland only about two-thirds are Poles— that is, 6,621,497. Next comes the very large Hebrew population of 1.267,000, ninnliering nearly as many as the four other principal peoples of that country 60813°— VOL 5—11 8 Polish. combined, namely, tlie Germans, the Lithuanians, the Ruthenians, and the Great Russians. While the last named are rapidly increasing in Poland, the Poles themselves are gaining ground in Germany. The unusually large .Jewish population of Poland is its mo.st re- markable feature and had its origin in the early hospitality shown by the Polish Government to this race. War- saw was the chief Jewish city of the world until New York recently suc- ceeded to that distinction. It is significant to the student of im- migration that the Jews and the Poles reside mainly in the same region. Excepting the Italian, these are the races now coming in greatest num- bers to America. They are therefore largely representatives of the same type of civilization as well as the same ex- pulsive causes. About 1885 the Rus- sian Government prohibited all emi- gration except that of Poles and Jews. The Polish people may be supposed to be a more permanent factor than the Hebrew in future immigration, for although its rate of immigration per 1,000 of population is only one-half that of the Hebrew, that is, 9 as com- pared with the Hebrew 18 per 1,000, the number of Poles in Europe is twice that of the Hebrews. The Polish is the largest race in Russia next to the Russian itself, although it forms only 7 per cent of the population. During the twelve years 1S95>-1910, 949.064 Polish immigrants were ad- mitted to the I'nited States. Of these 471,378 came from Russia and 432,809 from Austria-Hungary. In 1907 their rate of innnigration was 8.1 to 1.. (See Croatian.) RAJPUT. The name of a ruling "tribal caste" of India; not a race. (See Hindu.) They number about l(i.<1(K>.00<>. RED race. (See 1 ml inn.) RED RUSSIAN. (Hce Rutlirnian.) RHiETO-ROMANSH, including Ro- mansh, Ladin. and Friulan. A group name given to certain races or peoples living in the region of the central Alps of Switzerland. Austria, and Italy who speak an Italic tongue and are, therefore, Caucasian. Although small in population, these peoples form one ot the great divisions of the Romance group of the Aryan family of lan- guages. They are thought by some to be the modern representatives of the ancient Rhietians of the Roman Em- pire who once occupied the entire re- gion of the central Alps. They are now broken up into small groups and established in the canton of the Gri- scms, Switzerland; in parts of Tyrol, Austria ; and in Italy north of the Adriatic. This RhiBto-Romansh group may be subdivided into three parts, both lin- guistically and geographically — the Romansh proper, the Ladin (a name sometimes given to the entire group), and the Friulan. These languages are now recognized to be a thoroughly in- dependent neo-Latin group on a level with Italian, Spanish, French, Prov- encal, and Roumanian. Romansh pro|)er, sometimes called Orison, resem- bles the dialects of the " langue d'oc " of southern France, but it contains a number of Cerman elements. It is the language of about 40.000 (Irisons (see) living in the valleys of the Rhine and the Inn in eastern Switzerland. Ro- mansh is surrounded by German on Rhaeto-Romansh. three sides and by Kalian on the fourth, the south. Ladin. as the name indicates, is to- day more closely related to the iuici(>nt Latin than is Italian. It resembles the dialects of northern Italy and is spoken by about 90,000 Tyroiese (see), who are bounded on the north by Ger- mans and on the other sides by Ital- ians. It is separated from the Ro- mansh proper by a strip of territory occupied by Germans and Italians. Friulan is the name ai)plied to that group of the RhiBto-Romansh peoples living in the old province of Friuli, the most northeastern part of Italy. They extend over the border line as far as Goritz in Austria and number, according to Hovelacque, about 4,000 persons. Rectus, however, says that the number in Italy still speaking the Friulan dialect does not exceed 00.000. They are bounded on the north by Germans, on the east by Slovenians, on the south by the Adriatic Sea, and on the west by North Italians. Physically the Rhjeto-Romansh are a mixed people, but preponderantly of the broad-headed, brunette "Alpine " type. Those in the west, like the Lombards of Italy, show some Teu- tonic admixture, while those in the Friulan district, like the Venetians, show an infusion of Slavic blood. In religion they are for the most part Catholic, especially those of Italy and Austria. Their literature consists chiefiy in periodicals and numerous religious works. They are being pressed upon from all sides and their speech is being gradually replaced by German and Italian. Rudler and Chlsholm consider tliem a doomed race. They are not listed separately in immigration statistics, but those from Italy and Switzerland are probably counted as North Italian. (See Ital- ian.) 108 The Immigration Commission. Riflf. RIFF. A division of the Libyan group of Hamites living in Morocco. ( See Semitic-Hamitic. ) ROMANY. Same as Gypsy (see). ROMAIC, Same as modern Greek (see). ROMANSH. (See Rhwto-Romansh.) ROUMANIAN, DACO - ROUMANIAN, VLACH, or MOLDO-WALLACHIAN, in- cluding tlie Moldavians and Macedo- Vlachs (Aromuni, Tsintsars, or Kutzo- Vlachs) of northern Greece. The native race or people of Roumania ; linguistically the easternmost division of the Romance (Italic) branch of the Aryan family tree; physically a mixed race, of Slavic or " Eastern " type in the west, but in the eastern part show- ing the influence of the old Roman colonies from which it has received its name and language. The Rou- manians are the largest race numeri- cally of southeastern Europe (not in- cluding the Russian), but have sent a ■\ery small stream of immigration to America as yet. Like the Bulgarians south of them, the Roumanians are an exceptional jipople in being linguistically of one rjice and physically of another, at least for the most part. As in Bul- garia, also, it was apparently but a small body of invaders who gave their name to the Slavs who were found in occupation of this region. P.ut while the Bulgarians, of Mongol origin, lost tlioir language, exchanging it for a Slavic tongue, the Roman soldiers who settled on the Danube gave their speech to modern Roumania. The peo- ple are proud to call themselves " Ro- luani," but their civilizalion and his- tory are part and parcel of those of the Balkan Peninsula. They are of the Balkan States, if not strictly in them. Some geographers place them in that group topographically, as well as po- litically. But strictly speaking, it would appear more logical to consider Roumanian. them as outside the peninsula, because they are north of the Danube. Like the Balkan States proper, Roumania was until a generation ago a part of Turkey. The race was, in fact, but little known until recently. It has even been supposed that their language belonged to the Slavic group, because it was written, like most of the latter, in the Cyrillic characters. This, with the fact that the greater majority of the people are Slavic in appearance and civilization, is, no doubt, what has led the Bureau of Immigration to place them, as it did the Hebrews, in the " Slavic division." (See Slav and Cau- casian.) As an Immigrant type, they may well be placed there; but in con- formity with the principles of classifi- cation elsewhere explained (see In- troductory), this dictionary, like all foreign censuses taken by race, places them in the Italic or Romance group. (See Aryan.) Since the Roumanians have adopted the Roman alphabet, which they did recently, the language looks far more familiar to one acquainted with Ro- mance or Latin languages. The chief peculiarity that strikes the eye is the annexation of the article to the end of the noun. This is but rarely found among the Aryan tongues. P^'rom the fact that it is found in the neighboring languages to the southwest, the Bul- garian and the Albanian, it would ap- pear to be a survival of an ancient language common to all these, perhaps Dacian. The language has indeed undergone profound internal changes, although in some respects it reminds one forcibly of the ancient Latin. Two-fifths of the vocabulary, however, is now Slavic, borrowed, of course, from the tongue of the predominant element in the population. While only one-fifth of the words can be traced to the Latin, they are the words in most common use, the most significant f.ict in determining the earliest form of the language. Dictionary of Races or Peoples. lOi) Roumanian. Siiico coinninnity of idoas and, ulti- niatt'ly. the typo of sivial institutions and of the civilization itself, are pro- foundly deitendent upon a conunnnity of site»H'h, we should expect the Kou- inanians to be more in synipatliy with the Latin races and civilization than with the Slavic. This will no doubt be more fully the case when the peoijle are more widely educated. Already their leaders are found frequenting the universities of Paris and Home. The progress of the country has of course been retardeil, as that of all the Balkan States, by the generally unsettleil condition of affairs iu this region. Roumanians appear to com- pare favorably with the races of the Balkans, although some say that they are more backward. They are preemi- nently agriculturists, like the Slavs in general, but they are prominent also in commerce, even in the capitals of Austria and Hungary. In religion they are mainly Greek. In customs and traditions they show both their Latin and their Slavic origin. In tem- perament they are more emotional than the Slav, less stolid and heavy than the Bulgarian. It is concerning the physical anthro- pology of the Roumanians tliat there is the greatest difference of opinion. They have not been as yet sutliciently studied on the field. There would seem to be little doubt, how'ever, that in Itoumania, as in Bulgaria, which ad- joins it on the south, there are two di.stinct types. While that of the east reminds one of the Italian or " Jledl- terranean" type, long-headed, dark, and slender iu build, that far in the west, in Hungary, is typically Slavic or "Hungarian" — that is, broad of face and head, shorter, and lighter in complexion. Partisanship is bound to appear in this question as everywhere in Balkan ethnography. There are those who unduly emphasize the Roman element in the origin and present type of the Roumanians. Slavic writers, on the other hand, have been inclined to Roumanian. belittle this element. The medium I»osition would seem more reasonable in recognizing both constituents of the race. It is improbable that the L'4U,()U0 Roman colonists who settled on the opposite bank of the Danube under Trajan could have peopled the terri- tory now occupied by 10,000,000 Rou- manians, half of which extends out- side of Roumania itself into Hungary and Russia, especially since it seems to be the fact that these colonists with- drew to Macedonia in the third cen- tury and did not cross the Danube into Roumania until the thirteenth. It i.s, therefore, the theory of some writers that the Pindus is the real center of dispersion of the Roumanians. It is in this region, in the central pai't of northern Greece, that resides an im- portant division of the race, the Kutzo- Vlachs or Tsiutsars. These are sharper iu feature, although they, too, have deviated from the Roman type through admixture with Albaniajis and Greeks (see these). Even in the valleys of the Carpathians, the northern Vlachs or Roumanians are often dark and short and quite Roman in type of face. But the average cephalic index of the entire race Is nearer that of the Slavic. They are not only broad-headed, but of medium height, as are the Northern and Eastern Slavs, much shorter than the Serbo-Croatian or Albanian type along the Adriatic. A word of explanation may be given to the many names borne by the Rou- manians. They indicate political divi- sions rather than linguistic. Thus the Moldavians and the Wallachians or A'lachs are found, respectively, in the former principalities of Moldavia, which now constitutes northern Rou- mania, and Wallachia, or its southern part. Combined they are called Moldo- Wallachians. Ylach is a familiar Slavic word, originally meaning horse- man, and sometimes applied to people of entirely different stock, as the so- called " Walachs " of eastern Moravia. (See Bohemian and Moravian.) The 110 The Immigration Commission. Roviinanian. Moiiaks, a Serbo-Croatian stock living on the Adriatic, were formerly consid- ered by ethnologists to be Vlachs, whose name they appear to retain in another form. The Macedo- Vlachs call themselves Aromnni, that is, Romans, but are called by other Tsintsars or Kutzo-Vlachs. The Roumanians are the largest both in numbers (10,000,000) and in the extent of territory covered of all the many peoples of the Balkan Penin- sula and Austria-Hungary combined, that vast territory which has been called "the whirlpool of Europe." They occupy more space than all the Serbo-Croatian peoples together (see Croatian), or than the Greeks, or the Bulgarians, or the Magyars. They are nearly half as large in numbers as the Little Russians who adjoin them on the north, nearly one-third as large as their linguistic kinsmen nearest them on the west, the Italians. The Rou- manians occupy nearly one-half of Hun- gary and number one-third as many as the Magyars themselves. On the eth- nographical map, the eastern point of Hungary and of the Carpathian range stands in the very center of Rouma- nian territory. Here is found the curious islet of eastern Magyars known as Szeklers, entirely surrounded by the expanding Roumanians. The latter number over 1.000,000 also in Ikussia, mainly in the province of Bes- sarabia, which was formerly a part of Moldavia. They extend across the Danube only near its mouth on the Black Sea into what is known as the Dobruja. With this exception the Roumanian territory is for the most part separated from the sea by Bul- garians, Little Russians, and a few Tatars. The Little Russians of Russia and Ruthenians of Austria-Hungary (one in race) border the Roumanians on the north ; the Bulgarians border them on the sou(h; tiie Servians on the southwest ; and the Magyars, or *' Hungarians," on the west. Roumanian. These peoples, with the others found in the Balkan Peninsula, are the ones that typify the newer flood of immigra- tion to the United States. As showTi elsewhere (see Slav and Caucasian), they, with the Poles and other subject races of western Russia and the Ital- ians, who may be designated as South- eastern Europeans in type, have re- placed the Northwestern Europeans as our predominant and typical annual accession. The Roumanians, however, contribute a very small portion of this so-called Slavic flood. In this they resemble the Bulgai-ians, located also on the eastern side of the Peninsula. They stand almost the lowest of all the Slavs in their inmiigration rate per 1,000 of population, while the Slo- venians and Croatians, on the western side of the Peninsula, together with the Slovaks and the Hebrews, lead all immigrant races in this respect. The Roumanian rate of immigration in lOai was less than 2 per 1,000 of the population, while the rate of Slovaks and Hebrews was about 18 per 1,000. The Roumanian immigra- tion during the twelve years 1890- 1010, was 82,704, placing it twenty- third in rank among immigrant races. The great majority of these, 76,755, came from Austria-Hungary, with comparatively a few from Roumania and Turkey. Their chief destinations during the period were as follows: Ohio, 31.835; Pennsylvania, 22,301; Indiana, 7,479, and New York, 5.-^)82. Nearly nine-tenths of the population of Roumania is Roumanian in race. Among the rest are to be noted in the following tables the predominance of Gypsies and Jews: Population of Roumania. [Reclus, 18f)3.] Races : Roumanians 4, 700, 000 Jews 300, 000 Gypsies 200,000 Bulgarians .50,000 Armenians 15,000 Dictionary of Races or Peoples. Ill Roumanian. Kact's — ('oiitimii'd. Uussiaus IG. 000 Turks and Tatars 3, 000 Magyars 1,500 Foreigners 80,000 Miscellaneous 434, 500 Totjil 5.800,000 DistiUnition ,,f h'ninintnidns {I'.IOO). Countries : Uouniaiii:, ^- "5.500,000 Hungary - "1^,800.000 Austria . - "230,000 Russia-- ^-. "1,170,000 Servia -- -- "90,000 T"i-ke.v- --1 « 150, 000 (Jreece J KlsewluM-e "60,000 Total (approximate) 10,000,000 RUSNAKY. (Seo h'ulhenhin.) RUSSIAN. GREAT RUSSIAN, VE- LIKO-RUSSIAN. MUSCOVITE. (See :ils() ll7(/7c h'itssi llu' Aivtk-. a vast region TiOO or (lOU iiiiU's wide, soiiaratiiij; the Finns of Flnhuul Iroui their kinsmen and the Tatars on the Asiatic borcU-r ; and it extends east to Asia with tlie exeeptiou of the Finnic and tlu> Ta- ta rie islets that dot the luap of East- ern Kussia. (See Tainric and Fin- nish.) The greatest expanse of Euro- pean Russia that is not Great Russian is southwestern Russia, and that is Little Russian. The "Cossacks of the Don" (see) were Great Russian; those of the Dnieper, Little Russian. The Great Russians number nearly half of the total population of Euro- pean Russia, excluding from this term Finland, Poland, and Caucasia, as is "done in the official census. Over 5.000,000 of them live in Asia. In the entire Empire there are 55.000.000 Great Russians out of a total popula- tion of 125.000,000 of all races. The emigration of Great Russians is peculiar in that it is mainly from Europe to the Russian possessions in Asia, not to America. In the year 1907, 577,000 persons migrated from European Russia to Siberia, and dur- ing the fiscal year 1907, 2.5S.943 came from Russia to the Unitetl States. The movement to Siberia is partly the re- sult of the building of the great rail- way to the Pacific, but mainly because s(>uthern Siberia has been found to be a pleasant country and capable of sup- porting millions of population, while the Government encourages and as- sists the migration of peasants as a, nieans of relieving the relative conges- tion of population in agrarian Russia. Southern Siberia is a wheat country, resembling the Dakotas and western Canada. In its rapid development it resembles in many respects our own West. Immigration to the United States from Russia, including Finland, was 1.749,075 in the twelve years ending June ?.0 1910. Of this number only 77..321 are reportetl as Russian by race, while the total immigration of this Russian. race from all sources was 83,574 dur- ing this period. The Great Russians, therefore, stand twenty-second down the list of immigrant races. Of the uumber admitted during the twelve ytars considered, 20,477 went to New York, 17,839 to Pennsylvania, 6,294 to Massachusetts, 6,02G to Illinois, and 3.069 to California. WHITK RUSSIAN AND BLACK RUSSIAN. " Black Russia " is a historical term that may be disposed of in a brief paragraph. It appears on the four- teenth century map some distance north of the Black Sea, directly east of Kiev and the Dnieper, and south- east of White Russia. At that time it formed part of the important kingdom of Lithuania. It was afterwards em- braced in Poland, and is now swal- lowed up in Little Russia. Ripley ap- plies the term " Black Russian " to quite a different district, that of the Gorals, or " mountaineers," of the Aus- trian Carpathians, and finds that the name distinguishes the latter, as a vei-y brunette stock, from the neighborUig " Red Russians " or reddish blonds. The western Gorals, however, are of Polish speech. The White Russian is one of the three distinct branches of the Russian language and race, although of far less importance numerically and po- litically than either of the other two. It is as much a " race " as the Great Russian ("Russian") or the Little Russian (Ruthenian), although usu- ally considered simply as Russian in America. Unlike the term "Black Russia," " White Russia " is still found on the ethnographical map. It is a compact but small district roughly corresponding with what is now called " West Russia," though reaching somewhat nearer Moscow on the east. II is bounded on the northeast and east by (Jreat Russian territory, on the northwest by Lithuanian, on the southwest by Polish, and on the south i and southeast by Little Russian. The 114 Russian. The Immigration Commission. White raissians constitute over tliree- fciirtlis of the population of :Mogilef and Minsk provinces and about lialf of Vitebslv, Vilna, and Grodno. In Kovno and Courland tliey approach the Baltic. The White Russians have long been in political subjection, first to Lith- uania, then to Poland, and, finally, to. the Great Russians, although their lot now appears preferable to that of all the other subject peoples of western Russia. For this reason, among others, we hear little of them as a distinct race. They are said by travelers to be a distinctly weaker stock than the Great Russian, and less prepossessing in ai)pearance. They are usually con- sidered to be of purer Russian stock than either the (ireat or the Little Russians. Both the latter are far more modified by Mongolian elements, Finnic and Tataric. The White Rus- sians are naturally more influenced by their Lithuanian and Polish neighbors (see) on the west, and these, especially the former, as has been said elsewhere, apin-oach the blond Teutonic type more than the Slavs in appearance. Yet the White Russians are truly Slavs in breadth of head. Their cephalic index Is 82, which is but slightly below that of the Little Russians. They are. therefore, of the purest type of the so- called "Eastern" or "Celto-Slavic" race. But few subdivisions of the White Russian need be mentioned. The Po- liechuks (see Ruthcnian) are a White Russian population much mixed with Little Russian and very broad-headed (cephalic index, 85). They live in IMinsk and Yolhynia provinces; that is, on the border of Little Russia and near Poland. The Zabludov, a transi- tion dialect standing between the lit- tle and the AVhite Russian, is found in this district. The White Russians number less than 6.000,000, or but little over one- tenth as many as the Great Russians. They are not counted separately as immigrants. Russian. OTHER RACES OR PEOPLES OF RUSSIA. The term " Russian " in the last United States census, and until re- cently in United States immigration statistics, included more persons who were not of the Russian race than those who were. In fact, not 5 per cent of the " Russians " of the Census of 1900 are true Russians, as defined above. They are merely citizens of Russia. Probably over 50 per cent of them are Jews. Certain national- ities are grouped together to constitute the group of " Slavs," and New York is made to apjiear as their chief resi- dence. On the contrary, they are largely Jews from Slavic countries, of whom it is estimated that l,Ot)0,0(X) reside in New York City." It is deemed wise to indicate what a variety of peoples go to make up the Russian nationality and which of them are the chief ones that come to Amer- ica (see table following). About 100 races are listed in the Russian census of 1897, of which number perhaps 20 are confined almost entirely to Asia. In European Russia itself there are as many Mongolian as Caucasian " races " or languages represented. Of the Caucasians, most of the divi- sions speak, not Indo-European or Ar- yan languages, like the Russian, but the peculiar agglutinative tongues of the Caucasus, more different from ours than are the Semitic of Western Asia and the Hamitic of North Africa. The great majority (about SO per cent) of the population, howevei", is Slavic, especially Great Rnssian (nearly 50 per cent). Little Russian (20 per cent), and Polish (7 per cent). Next in numbers come the Jews, Sem- ites (5 per cent) ; then the Lithu- anians, Aryans who resemble Teutons more than Russians physically, if not " The common use of the term " nation- ality " instead of " race " in public discus- sions has created an endless amount of con- fusion in the public mind, if not of absolute misinformation, as indicated above. Dictionary of Races or Peoples. Hi Russian. Russian. ii> laiiKViaKO l.'i per coiil ) ; IIumi the l-'iiitis, M(m.i,'()li:ui by laiif,'U:it,'c luit ("au«asi;ni in ai)iiearaiK'(', osiKvially (liose who have loiij; iutorniarried with the Swedes (nearly 3 jx'r cent) ; ;iiul tinally tlio Tatars (also about 3 I.er cent). It has been made clear in the arti- cles on the leadini,' races of Russia that our ininiijiration comes almost entirely from those liviui,' on the western bor- der, who are in a sen.se subject races, not from the Great or true Russians. In absolute luimbers, of all innnij^rants to the United States the Hebrews stand second, the Poles third, and the (iermans, most of whom come from Russia and Au.stria, fourth. The Ruthenians stand sixteenth down the list: (he snftiller populatioJis of Lithu- anians ;ind I-'inns thirteenth and four- teenth, resix'ctively ; and the Russians proper, usually lower. As shown in the article ou the Slavs, however, all these come at about the same raie |ier I. (Mil) of pojiulalion (4 to S) e.veept the (Jerman.s, the liussians proper, and the Jews. The Jews exceed all other races from liussia in the rate of inuni- Kration (ls,'-> iu 10,(IO(t). while the (Jreat liussians come to a less deyree (L* iu 10,000) than any otlier people which characterizes recent American Immigration. The following table is taken from the only complete census of the Rus- sian Empire, that of 1807. l-Mnland has a .separate census (total popula- tion, 2,.5!)2,S(;4 in 1000). For most non- Russian races of Russia only the group tot.-ils ar(> given. Detailed statistics of these will be found in the articles dis- cussing each race, especially those on the Tatars, the Finns, and the Cau- casus peoples. The peoples that are practically confined to Siberia natu- rally need no discussion in a diction- ary of immigrant races. (See article Ural-Altaic for linguistic classifica- tion.) Races or peoples of the Russian Empire, exclusive of Finland (1897). Races or peoples (linguistic). European Russia with Poland. Caucasus. Asia. Total. Total 102,845,117 9,289,364 13,505,540 125,640,021 .\ r vans 89,635,187 4,901,412 5,794,917 100,331,516 Slavs 83,514,884 3,183,870 5,390,979 Russians 75,428,814 3,154,898 5,349,855 83,933,567 Great Russians. . 48,82.5,881 20,750.203 5,852.730 7,805,437 220,633 1,829,793 1,305.403 19, 042 25,117 3,855 5,011.795 324,885 13.175 40,753 371 55,607,469 22,380,551 5,885,547 7,931,307 224 859 Little Russians Poles Other Slavic languafjes 3,077,430 1,132,858 1,719,402 49,511 141,036 6,687 8,955 56.729 1,118,094 527,077 10, .340 1,1S7 14. 2^18 5,491 372,616 1,143,000 1.173,090 1 040 729 Other Aryans Jews. . 4,982,189 8,221,201 40,498 1,902,142 40,409 7,-542,330 5,003.156 17,065,673 I'gro-Flnns . . .3,417,770 4,626,454 3,946 173,030 7,422 1,879,908 70,955 7,094,889 11,931 66,269 292,286 3,.'-i02,147 13,601,251 15,877 66,270 480,128 Tunguzes Mongols... 14,812 Georgians 1,461 818 53 1,3.50.275 1,088,373 15 799 2, 591 80,045 36,996 1393 1 352 535 other Caucasians 1 091 782 Hyperboreans 36,996 12,250 4,208 6,649 116 The Immiglation Commission. Russian. Races or peoples of Finhiiid (1900). Finns 2, 352, 990 Swedes 349, 733 Russians ,'5, 939 Germans 1, 925 Lapps 1, 336 Others 639 Total 2, 712, 562 RUSSIAN, BLACK, RED, WHITE, and GREAT. (See Russian; for Little Russian and Red Russian, see Riitlic- nian. ) RUSSINE or RUSSNIAK. (See Rutlienian.) RUTHENIAN (synonyms, little Rus- sian, Malo-Russian, South Russian, Yugo-Russian; in Austria, Russniak, Russine, Red Russian. Galician; in Russia, also Ukrainian, Cherkasi; in addition some call themselves simply "Russian" (Rusy) and sometimes in America, even "Greek"). The name Tattle Russian would seem most avail- able of all this list at present for a clear and scientific definition. The Little Russian " race " or linguistic subdivision is that branch of the Rus- sian, a "Southern Slavonic" (see) division of Aryan tongues, which is found native throughout southwestern Russia and in Oalicia (Austria). Physically Little Russians are Cau- casian, infrequently modified by a Mongol element. The Little Russians (Ruthenians) furnish more immi- grants than any other true Russian stock coming to America. "Little Russia" is a literal trans- lation of the term "Malo-Rossiya.^' " South Russian " and, less frequently, " Yugo-Russian," and even " Cos- sack " or " Cherkess," are among the many names which have been be- stowed upon this people by their n)ore powerful Icinsmen of the north, the Muscovites, who liave assumed to themselves the name " Russian " (see) and the hegemony of the race. For similar, that is for political, reasons, Austria has fotmd it convenient to name her Little Russian subjects Ruthenian. "Ruthenians;" and this word is now commonly, but loosely, applied, even iu scientific usage, to all Little Rus- sians, including those of Ukrainia, iu Russia. Still the Galicians call them- selves "Rusyny'' which is sometimes translated " Russine." " Russniak " is a less common equivalent of Ruthe- nian. " Red Russian " is a historical term which still designates one of the three dialects of the Little Russian language, the western. It appears that " Ruthe- nian " comes from the same root, mean- ing " red." Upon immigrating to America, some refuse to acknowledge that they are Ruthenians, a name fas- tened upon them as a subject people. In some communities they are known here as " Greeks " when th^y are of the United " Greek " Church, and thus dis- tinguished from the Roman Catholic Poles and Slovaks of the community. Of course there is not a true Greek among them. Some American districts confer still other names upon them, lumping them together with Magyars (see) and perhaps with all Slavs under the picturesque, but stupid, title "Huns" or " Himkies." The "Ruthenian (Russniak)" column of our immigration tables apparently in- cludes all Little Russians, although but few are rei)orted as coming from Russia. It is to be understood that all who bear the foregoing names are of one " race." They read one and the same language, which differs both from the White Russian (see) and from the Great or true Russian. The Ruthenian alphabet itself is an earlier form of the Russian. What has been said in the articles on the Slavs and the Russians (see) aiiplies in general to the Little Rus- sians or Ruthenians so far as concerns their physical qualities, their intellec- tual and emotional make-up. their civ- ilization, and the notable increase in their immigration. But little need be r(>peated here except to make clear in Diclionary of Races or Peoples. 117 Ruthenian. tlioy (litTcr from other what rt'siiocts Slavs. They aro still luoro broad -hoadeil than the Great Russians. This is taken to indicate a greater Tatar ( Mon- jrolian) admixtiye than is found among the hitter, probably as does also the smaller nose, more scanty beard, and somewhat darker complex- i(>n. While hardly so muscular as the Great Russians, they are slightly tal- ler. They are perhaps less practical, solid, and persevering than their com- petitors of the north, and therefore have been less successful as empire builders. But they often show a higher grade of intelligence and taste, and once led the Russias in scientific work. Their literature and their early history warrant them in claiming that they are the true Russian race rather than the northern stock which has usurped the name and the rule — the Great Russians. A large section of them have broken away from the Greek or Russian Church and have united with the Roman Catholic under a particular dispensation which allows them peculiar features of the Greek service and a married clergy. Hence the name " United Greek Church." Although the T-ittle Russians stand much closer to the Great Russians than do the rolish. Hebrew, Lithuanian, and (Jerman elements in Russia's poi)ulation, nevertheless the use of their language has been discouraged and in a very remote sense they are a subject people in Russia as well as in Austria. Their ethnical subdivisions and inter- mixtures are difficult to disentangle, as is the case with other Slavic peo- ples. The Roikos evidently l)elong to the Red Russian division of the Ruthe- nians. They live in the Carpathians of Galicla and P.ukowina. The Huzuls or Guzuls, a very broad-headed peojile of Rukowina speaking a Red Russian dialect, have evidently grafted a Mon- golian element upon the Ruthenian Ruthenian. slock. This element may have come down from the extinct Uzes or Ku- nians ('J'atars) who early penetrated this region, or it may be of Daco- Roumanian origin. The IIuzuls are not friendly to the Roikos, their neigh- bors. The Touholtses, Ruthenians of Galicla, are very broad-headed like the Huzuls. The Little Russian stock is also found mixed with the Rou- manian in the Pokutis and the Nistro- vinians ; with the Polish in the Bel- sans; .-ind with the White Russian in the Poliechuks. As has been explained at length in an article on the Cossacks (see), the Cossacks of the Dnieper have been an important branch of the liittle Rus- sians historically. The Zaparogs, named from their geographical posi- tion on the river, and the Chernomo- rishes are divisions of these. Little Russian populations have often re- ceived names because of some natural location or social condition. Such are the Stepoviks (of the steppes), the Poliechuks (of the forest), the Wer- chowinci (of the mountains), the Hai- duks (or "rolibers"), and the Lemkes (so called because of their pronuncia- tion). The last named, who live in the Beskids. call themselves "Rii-siKiki/''' — that is. Ruthenians, although they re- semble the Slovaks in language and physical type. Finally, there are the self-explanatory geographical terms by which certain Little Russians are known, as the Bukowinians, the Gali- cians, the Ukrainians, and the Bugans, or dwellers on the Bug. The Bugans are also known as the Lapotniki and are of a distinct type. It must not be inferred that the majority of the inhabitants of Galicla, Bnkowina, and the Ukraine are Little Russians. In Galicia they are sur- passed in numbers by the Poles; in P.ukowina nearly equaled by the Rou- manians. In each of these districts the (Jermans stand third in population, with 210,000 and 160,000 souls, respec- 118 The Immiorration Commission. Ruthenian. tively. lu the Ukraine many peoples are represented: the Great Russians, the present masters of Little Russia ; the Poles, its former masters ; large colonies of Germans, with some Bohe- mians and more Bulgarians ; Tatar communities in the south ; Rouma- Samoyed. nians annexed with their territory on the southwest; and multitudes of Jews, besides Armenians, Greeks, and Gypsies everywhere. The Little Russians themselves are distributed geographically as shown in the following table : Xiiiiibcr (iiul (listrihiition of Little Nu.^xiaiis (Riitlicnidiis) . Country. Estimated for 1897. Census. Chief location. Total 25,000,000 20,750,000 20,750,000(1897) Little Russia. 17,006,000 2, 180, 000 1,564,000 17,006,000(1897) 2,180,000(1897) 1,564,000(1897) Bessarabia. Central Great Russia White Russia. Austria 3,285,000 3,375,000(1900) Oalicia 3,074,000(1900) 298,000(1900) 3,000(1900) Bukowina Hungary 415,000 50,000 500.000 420,000(1900) North Central Hunpary. United States Roughly speaking, one-half of Rus- sia south of the latitude of Moscow and eastward along the Black Sea as far as the Caucasus, the Kalmuks, and the Cossacks of the lower Don, is Little Russian. The race also covers all of eastern Austi-ia — that is, Galicia and Bukowina---with the exception of a small district about Cracow (Polish), and spreads out far beyond the Car- pathians into Hungary. Among the Slavic peoples their total population is second only to that of the Great Rus- sians. During the fiscal years ISOO to 1!)10, inclusive, 147,375 Little Rus- sians (or Ruthenians as they are designated in immigration statistics) were admitted to the United States and the race ranked sixteenth among all races in this regard. Of these. 144.710, or nS.2 per cent, came from Austria-Hungary, and only 1,034 from Russia, although, as will be noted from the preceding table, there are approxi- mately 20.7r.O.0OO Little Russians in Russia and only 3,700,000 in Austria and Hungary. Their large population makes it appear probable that the Little Russians will be more largely representefl in the Slavic immigration of the future. The principal destinations of Ruthe- nians in the United States during the twelve-year period referred to were: Pennsylvania, 73,449; New York, 31,307; and New Jersey, 16,015. S. SAMARITAN. A branch of the Chaldean group of the Semitic stock (see). SAMEIAT. Same as Lapp (see). SAMOAN. A Polynesian inhabiting the Samoan Islands. (See Pacific /ulamlcr.) SAMOGITIAN. Same as Jmoud. (Se(> Finnish.) SAMOYED. The Ugro-Finnic peo- ple living on the Arctic Ocean in north- eastern Russia and northwestern Si- Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 119 Samoyed. borin. Of little iinportniu'e luuuorirally (poinilation about I'MtOO) or iu civili- zation. They are still more primitive iu manner of life and more Mousolian in appearance than are their western relatives, the Lapps. ( See above terms ; also Finnifili and Ural-Altaic.) While having: a similar laniruape to the Eu- ropeanized Finns, th?y are quite the opi>osi1e to them iu appearance, true Asiatics. None are known to come to America. SANDOMIRIAN. A subdivision of the I'ulish (sec).. SANDWICH ISLANDER. (See Ha- ir a iiaii.) SANSKRITIC. A term sometimes ai)plied to all the Aryan languages (see). The Sanskrit is the oldest of these lanpuases. SANTAL. A small subdivision of the Dravidlnn race (see) living in Bengal. (See Hindu.) SARD or SARDINIAN. A native of the island of Sardinia, a possession of Italy. The language is a dialect of Italian (see) peculiar to the island, called " Sardinian." Physically the Sardinians are one of the most homo- geneous groups of Europe. Like their neighbors, the Corsicans. they are sup- liosed to be at bottom Iheric thus being related to the South Italians and the early iidiabitants of Spain, and per- hajis to the Berbers of northern Africa. The Sardinian, of all the Italians, is the purest representative of the " Mediterranean " ra<-e in head form and color of hair and eyes. He is the most dwarfish in stature of European peoples, the average being several inches sliorter than the Teutonic aver- age of northern Europe. The facial features often betray an infusion of African blood. The Sardinians arc^ Illiterate, very backward, have no great industries, :ind but little foreign trade. In re- ligion nearly all are Catholic. Scandinavian. 'I'he 0(10, I population of Sai'dini early all of whom ;i ^ S.-.O.- South Italians, except 10,000 Catalans (see i^jHinisli) in the northern part of the island. The latter form the aris- tocracy of Sardinia. Comi)aratively few Sardinians enngrate, and those who come to the United States are ])robably listed as South Italian. SARTE. A Tataric (see) tribe of Asia. SAVOLAK, SAVAKOTI, or SAVOLAI- SET. A division of the Western Finns. (See Finnish.) SAVOYARD. (See Frrnch.) SAVRIN. An Istrian division of the Slovenians (see). SAXON. (See German.) SCANDINAVIAN (sometimes Norse), including the Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, and Icelandic races or peo- ples. The native, Teutonic, race or races of Scandinavia in the wider sense. The name " Scandinavia " is sometimes applied to the northern peninsula only— that is, to Norway and Sweden — but it is also properly ap- plied to Denmark and Iceland. The Scandinavian is the most familiar in America of the older innnigrant types from the Continent of Europe, with the exception of the German ; that is. it is the most numerously represented, espe- cially in the North Central States. The definitions of the subdivisions of the Scandinavian group are self-evi- dent, to wit, the Teutonic races of Nor- way, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland, respectively. The term " Norse"" is ai)i)1ied only to themselves by the Nor- wegians, who are called "Nor.sk" in their own language. But it is better justified in international usage as a name of the entire Scandinavian group of languages. The Old Norse, or the early language of Iceland, was the predec(»ssor of all modern Scandina- vian languages. It is hardly necessary to remind the reader that the term " Norseman " or " Northman " was ap- 120 The Immigration Commission. Scandinavian. lilied during the middle ages to the vik- ing rovers of all these countries, who established dynasties m England, Rus- sia, France (Normandy), and Sicily, settled Iceland, and without doubt pre- ceded Columbus to America. Nor is it necessary to remind the student of ethnology that the Scandinavian is considered to be the purest type of one of the three great races of Europe as divided from a physical point of view; tliat is, of the " Northern " or " Teu- tonic " race in contradistinction from the "Alpine " and " Mediterranean " races farther south. (See Caucasian and Aryan.) If races be divided merely by physi- cal characters, all Scandinavians form a homogeneous race more truly than any of the large populations or races south of them. The English, and es- pecially the French and the German, are much more mixed in physical type. The typical Scandinavians average as the longest-headed and most purely blond, if not the tallest people of Eu- rope. In height they appear to be sur- P'assed only by the Scotch. Both the height and the cephalic index increase as we pass from Denmark to Sweden and from Sweden to Norway. The cephalic index in these countries rises in the order named from 77.8 to 78, then to 78.5; the height from 1.68 meters to 1.70 meters, and then to 1.72 meters. In English measui'es, the Nor- wegian average, the last named, is about r> feet 8 inches, which the Scotch exceeds by one-half inch. It • must be remembered that the small population of Lapps, 30,000, in northern Scandinavia is of entirely different race, the very opposite of the Scandinavian, in fact, both in language and in physical type. As elsewhere ex- plained (see Lappish), they still sp(>ak a Mongol or Ugro-Finnic tongue — ag- glutinative in struclure, instead of iJi- fle<-ted, as is tlie Ary:iu family of lan- guages, to which the Scandinavian be- longs. Physically the Lapps are very Scandinavian. short and indicate in their dark fea- tures and extremely broad heads their Asiatic origin. Very little intermix- ture has taken plnce with this stock considering the length of time the Scandinavians and Lapps have lived in neighboring districts, unless a broader-headed and darker type of Norwegians found in the extreme southwest indicates an ancient in- fusion of this sort. Ripley prefers to think it a survival of an early "Al- pine " element from Central Europe. The character of the Norse element in America is well erfough known to need no detailed description. They make ideal farmers and are often said to Americanize more rapidly than do the other peoples who have a new lan- guage to learn on their arrival. In Norway the rate of illiteracy is the lowest in Europe. In religion the Scandinavians are Protestant almost to a man — over 09 per cent, according to the censuses of these countries. NORWEGIAN. The most difficult question that re- mains for discussion relates to the Norwegian race or people and lan- guage. Are the Norwegians to be con- sidered a separate race or people from the Danes? Of course, as a national- ity they are different. In fact there exists a separatist feeling among the three Scandinavian nationalities \\hich persists to a degree even in America. But the literary language of Norway and that of Denmark are gen- erally supposed to be one and the same. As has been repeatedly ex- plained (see Introductory, EiKjIish, and German) . this dictionary adopts the test of race which is followed in all national censuses, namely, that of language; and it was found in the case of the Dutch .-ind the Flemish (see acniiait) that only the literary languages, and not a difference in spoken dialects, .iustified separating them from other " Germans." Dictionary of Races or People Scandinavian. A fair answer to the qin'slioii just raised apjjears to be thai the Xorwt^ i:iaii can now be i-ailcd, Icclmicaliy, a (lilVoroiit race or lu'oplo fnnii liii' l>anisli. altliou.uli this was not true a (eiitury a,i:o. Of course, this is only an arbitrary distinction and is one of the uiost artilicial distinctions we are callal upon to lualce among the so- I ailed Kuropean "races," as deter- nuned by language or by any other siandard. I'hysically, as already shown, the Norwegians and the Danes are, to a remarkable degree, homo- geneous. Furthermore, so far as dia- lectal differences are concerned, there is no more reason for separating them from one another than for dividing the Norwegians themselves into differ- ent races. The fact is that from 1397 to 1814, when Norway regained her independ- ence from Denmark, a modified Danish was not only the literary language of Norway but was generally used in the cities and among the educated classes. Since this date a new literary lan- guage, the " Dano-Norwegian," has been rapidly developed at tlie hands of Norway's greatest litterateurs, in- cluding Ibsen. While this language is based npon the Danish formerly in use,^ it has incorporated 7.000 words from the Norwegian dialects, enough to suf- tice almost for a hinguage. Indeed, other writers, like Aasen, insist on using only Norwegian dialectal forms. The Norwegian may, therefore, in ac- cordance with the language test, be considered a separate peoitle. A few facts bearing upon Norway's remarkable emigration may be reserved for the table which appears near the end of this article. In short, Norway has sent a larger per cent of its popu- lation to America than any other coun- Iry excepting Ireland. (\»nsidering the smallness of its populalion. hnl lilllc o\er L'.(M)0.(MM», as comparctl uitii tiic 72.00il.000 of (Germans and 40.00«),00() of English, Scotch, and Irish, it has 60813°— VOL 5—11 9 121 Scandinavian. (lone its full share in populating Amer- ica. Although Scandinavian immigra lion has greatly diminished in its rela- tive rank since ISSo, the TInitetl States census of 1900 gives 3;',('),9S5 of the poi>- ulation as of Noi-wegian birth and 4r)2,S9() as children of parents born in Norway. Counting these two genera- tions only, the Norwegian population of the United States is already nioie than one-third that of Norway. DANISH AND ICELANDIC. The two smallest in extent of the Scandinavian peoples may next be con- sidered, those of Denmark and her In- sular possession, Iceland. They are entirely different from each other in language, and therefore are distinct in race, according to the usual test. While Denmark gave its language in recent times to Norway, as has already been said, Iceland gave the Old Norse in written form to all Scandinavia. During that period of the northern literature, Norway took precalence of Denmark and of Sweden. The Sagas and the Eddas belonged in a sense to her as w^ell as to Iceland and gave to Scandinavia the proud distinction of bequeathing to posterity an older and more famous literature than any of the German tongues farther south. The population of Iceland is purely Scandinavian, but is so small in num- bers, about 80.000, as to be of no im- portance in immigration. Icelanders do, however, come to the United States and also to Canada. In Denmark it- self it is estimatetl that fully 97 per cent of the population is Danish, not- withstanding the closeness of its re- lations to (Jermany. On the other hand, there are at least 140,(K)0 Danes living on the other side of the bor- der in Germany. If one may contr.ist the three Scandinavian peo])Ies in a siighl ear mentioned only by tl)<>s(> of Slovak, Hebrew, Croatian ;iml Slii\ (Miiiin, nnd South Italian races. Tlie Irish, which liiid nearly the SAine rate, resembles it also in the large total innnigration it has sent out of a very small population. The Scandinavians, taken together, stood twice as far down the list of immigrant races in their rate of 5 per 1,000 of population. In absolute numbers, Scandinavian immigration is fifth in rank, 5S0,30(; for the twelve yi'ars 1S99-1910, being exceeded only by that from the much larger i)opulations of the Uermans, Italians, and IV)les, as also by the Dictionary of Races or People Scandinavian. lU'brews. The Kiiplish, Irish, and Scotch taken separately rank below it. The Scandinavians differ from the British, natnrally, in coming to the I'nited States ahnost entirely to the neglect of the British colonies. It is probable that more Scandinavian farmers per year now emigrate from our own Northwestern States into Can- ada than come direct to Canada from Europe. It is possible for the Scan- dinavian element to increase in future American immigration more than, for instance, the Irish, for there are 11.000.000 Scandinavians in Europe as against only 4.500,000 Irish. Scandinavian immigrants still go, as they always have gone, to the North Central States to a greater degree than almost any other people, although New York stood first in this regard with 107.775 during the twelve years under consideration. The other prin- cipal destinations during that period were: Minnesota. 89,093; Illinois, 75.669: Massachusetts. 43.427: Wiscon- sin. 36.4712; North Dakota, 26,447; Washington, 24,9.50: Iowa, 23,812; Michigan, 20.977 : Pennsylvania, 19,190. and South Dakota. 14,132. SCLAVE, SCLAVONIAN, and SLAVE. Same as Slav (see). . SCOTCH (including Highland Scotch or Gaelic). A term applied (1) in the wider sense to both races of Scotland, the Celts of the north (Highlanders) and the Anglo-Saxons of the south (Lowlanders) ; (2) in a narrower sense, only to the Celtic race of Scot- land, the Highland Scotch. Gaelic is another name for the latter. The word " Scotch," as a linguistic term, means the language si)oken by Scotch- men. When unqualified it means the dialect of p]nglish siwken by the Low- land Scotch. Highland Scotch is a synonym for Scottish Gaelic, the most northern branch of the Celtic group of Aryan or Indo-F]nropean languages (see these). The words " Scotch " and 123 Scotch. *• Scotchmen." used as terms of nation- ality, include all citizens of Scotland, and therefore other peoples besides the Highland Scotch and the Lowland Scotch. " Scots " is a synonym used in Scotland for Scotchmen generally. In deference to common usage this dic- tionary must deviate from the lin- guistic principle of classification else- where explained (see Introductory and EngVish) and consider Scotch to in- clude both the Highland and the Low- land Scotch. To avoid confusion, however, the term " Highland Scotch " will be generally used for the Celtic linguistic stock of the Highlands and "Lowland Scotch" for the English- sjteaking population of the Lowlands. HIGHLAND SCOTCH. The Highland Scotch language, the modern Erse or Gaelic, is s;\id to be a nmch more modern language than Irish. These two Celtic tongues are said to differ from one another no more than the English of the Lowland Scotch does from ordinary English. Highland Scotch is meager in its literature and is fast losing ground as a speech. English is rapidly re- placing it in commerce, in church serv- ices, in the schools, and even in the home. It is only in the most western part of Scotland and in the islands of the Hebrides that Highland Scotch is still spoken by a majority of the population. There are partisan views as to the origin and racial atlinities of the High- land Scotch. Some contend that they are descended from the ancient Cale- donian Picts; others that they are the descendants of the so-called "Scots" (Irish) who emigrated to Scotland from northern Ireland about the sixth century and gave their name and l.in- guage to the new country as did the Angles to England. Perhaps the more reasonable view is that of the iihys- ical ;iulLropoiogists. who say that tin- 124 The Immigration Commission. Scotch. Highlaiul Scotch are a mixed people, a product of Pict, Irish, aud Scan- dinavian. The prevailing type, as among the Irish, is tall, long-headed, and harsh-featured. But there is a greater proportion of blonds, especially of the red-haired and freckle-faced type. Dark eyes, rare among the Irish, are quite common among the High- landers. Contrary to the time-honored opinion of ethnologists of the linguis- tic school, physical anthropologists now state that the " Celtic " or "Al- pine " (see) physical type, one of the three great physical divisions of the races of Europe, is rarely found in either Scotland or Ireland. Most of the brunette individuals found in these countries are long-headed and are thought to be representatives of the " Southern " or " Mediterranean " rather than of the broad-headed "Al- pine" race. Geographically the Highland Scotch originally occupied the northern is- lands and all the territory north of the southern firths of Scotland, the firths of Clyde and of Forth; that is, the territory north of the cities of Glas- gow and Edinburgh. But as Saxons and Danes pressed upon them from the south and Norwegians from the north they were driven into the Highlands of Scotland. These are generally under- stood to comprise all the territory northwest of a line drawn diagonally from the Clyde to Aberdeen on the eastern shore. This territory occupies more than half the area of Scotland, but is sparsely settled. And even the entire eastern part of northern Scot- land has become Anglicized. Only about 5 per cent of the people of Scot- land can now speak Gaelic, and of this small number, about one-half, or 112,- 000, live in three counties in the heart of the Highlands. I>ess than 500 per- sons of the Lowlands speak Gaelic only. Ilighhuid Scotch is i)ractically extinct in the nortliern islands. LOWLAND SCOTCH AND NORTHERN 1SLA?JPERS. The people of the Lowlands and of the northern islands bear certain re- semblances to each other. Both have been Teutonic in language for cen- turies. Both have been much modified physically by Scandinavian elements. Both are often classed as " English " (see) in race. The term "Lowland Scotch" is a name given to the people of the Lowlands of Scotland. They speak a dialect of English known to every schoolboy through the ballads of Burns. It is closely related to the Northumberland dialect of the north- ern part of England, but contains more Celtic and Scandinavian elements. Physically the Lowland Scotch are very mixed, being descended chiefly from Scandinavians and Saxons, but also from Picts, Celtic-Scots, and Nor- man French. These various elements do not seem, however, to b6 as thor- oughly amalgamated as in the case of the English. A type largely repre- sented approaches that of the English- man, long-headed, wath light eyes, and with liair varying from light to brown, but taller, heavier, and more muscular. The features are rounder and the cheek bones less prominent than those of the Highland Scotch. This Low- lander is the type sometimes pointed out as the one toward which the American people is evolving. The chief racial elements of the mixture have been much the same in either case. The Norse type also has many representatives. It is tall (the tallest of all Europe, over 5 feet 8 inches), very long-headed, with light eyes and hair flaxen or sand colored. This tj-pe is found not only in the Lowlands, but is predominant in the norinern islands, the Slu'tlands, and the Orkneys. It is also found in tlu» Ilebridi's. So thor- oughly did the Norwegians invade these islands that not only were tliey Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 121 Scotch. (Iniiiiii.nil llioro for centuries, but Iheir l;ius;u:i.i.'o was in use in tlie Hebrides liDUi tiie ei^rlitb to tbe fourteentb cen- tury, wbeu it was replaced by Gaelic, and still lonjrer in tbe nortbern islands, wbere it survived until superseded by tbe Enjillsb iu tbe eigbteentb century. From wbat bas been said it will be seen tbat tbe Knjrlisb-speaklng popula- tions of Srotlnnd now occupy tbe en- tire lowlands, tbe Sbetland and Ork- ney islands, and tbe uortbeasternmost county of Scotland. Tbe> are boundeil on tbe west by tbe Higbland Scotcb and on tbe soutb by tbe Nortbumber- land dialect of Englisb. Tbe popula- tion of tbis territory is about 3,850,000, practically all of wbom except some nO.OOO (Higbland Scotcb) speak Eng- lish. Tbe Scotcb, both Higblauders and Lowlanders, are too well known in otber respects as American citizens to neetl further discussion bere. Topo- graphical conditions have bad much to do in developing their differences. Tbe Highlander, living in tbe unfer- tile mountains covered with rocks and heath and barren of mineral wealth, is given to sheep herding and cattle grazing. The Lowlander, having rich lields and mines of coal and iron, is an agriculturist, a miner, and a manufac- turer. The population of his district is five times as dense as that of the Highlander. The population of Scotland in 1001 was 4,472.103. Outside of Scotland, the Scotcb, using the term to include both Highlanders and Lowlanders, are found in considerable numbers in Ulster province in Ireland (see Irish), in Eng- land, in the United States, and in the British colonies. There are 000,000 of the first and second generation only in the United States. Longstaff says that Canada is to a great extent a Scotch country. He estimated th;it there were (1S81) about 700,000 Scotch in Can- ada. In religion the Scotch are for tbe Semitic-Hamitic. 'I'bc irc about most part Protest a n(; 400.0(X) Catholics. During tbe twelve years ISOiVIOlO. 130.S42 Scotch inunigrants were ad- mitted to the United States, 20..-1(; arriving iu 1007. Tbis places them seventeenth on the list of inunigrant races or peoples. Their rate of move- ment from Europe in 1907 was 4 jier l.(XX) of tbe population of Scotland. "This was nearly four times that of tbe English, but only about half that of tbe Irish or the Norwegian, whose i"ate of movement is the greatest of all northwestern European peoples. It was, however, less than one- fourth that of tbe races having the highest rate of movement, the Hebrew and tbe Slovak (18 per 1.000 of the population in 1907). The principal destinations of the Scotch during the twelve years considered were : New York, 34.917 ; Massachusetts, 18,295; Pennsylvania, 16.258; Illinois, 8,000; New Jersey, 7.855. and California, 6,067. SCOTCH-IRISH. (See Irish.) SELJUK TURK. A peasant class of Asia Minor. (See Tataric and Tiirk- ish. ) SEMITIC-HAMITIC. One of tbe four chief divisions or stocks of the Caucasian race. The others are the insignificant Basque and Caucasic stocks and the great Aryan division. The Semitic-IIamitic is considerable in extent, covering one-third of Africa ; but its population is only 50,000,000 as against 800.000,000 Aryans. They and the Aryans are the only peoples of the world having inflected languages. For this reason they may be grouped to- gether, perhaps with more propriety than because of their physical simi- larity. Many Ilamites would be taken bj- travelers to be Negroes; yet because of the regularity of their features, and certain otber characteristics, they are felt to be Caucasian rather than Negro. 126 The Immigration Commission. Semitic-Hamitic. The Semites may be deflned as that branch of the Caucasian race indige- nous to southwestern Asia, and the Ilamites as that branch indigenous to northern Africa ; but the Hamites also are supposed to have come originally from the Euphrates region, while one branch of the Semites, the Abyssin- ians, are found in Africa. While the Semitic-Hamitic. languages of the Hamites and the Semites are not very closely allied, there can no longer be any doubt that they should be grouped together. The linguistic relations of these peoples will be best seen in the following clas- sification from Brinton. (Some ex- tinct peoples are omitted and others are in italics.) The Semitie-Hamitic famiUj. stocks. Groups. Peoples and tribes. 1 Libyan IGuanches, Berbers, Rifians, Zouaves, Kabyles { Tuarelcs, Tibbus, Gliadumes, Mzabites, Etruscans, I. Hamitic I Assyrians (early), Hittltes. Copts, Fellaheen. (Gallas, Somalis, Danakils, Bedjas, Bilins. Afars \ Khamirs. 3 East African II. Semitic 2. Abyssinian 3. Chaldean /Amhamis, Tigris, Tigrinas, Gheez. Ethiopians, \ Harraras. 1 Assyrians (later), Babylonians, Israelites, Arameans \ (Syrians, etc.), Samaritans. Hovelacque classifies the Semites as follows : 1. Arabic group : Arabic proper and idioms of South Arabia and Abyssinia. 2. Canaanitic group : Hebrew and Phoenician. 3. Arameo-Assyrian group: Aramaic (Chaldee and Syriac) and Assyrian. The " East African " of the foregoing table is often called the " Etiiiopiau " group. It extends on the coast below Abyssinia as far south as the game regions visited by the Roosevelt hunt- ing expedition in 1909. These Ham- ites, and others bordering on the true Negro country, are naturally in large part of mixed blood. This is true also of the Arabs found everywhere in northern Africa and even of those of Arabia. It is due to the Arabs, how- ever, that we sometimes find a dis- tinctly light Berber or other tribe in this region. These are true Cauca- sians. They are sometimes even blonds. The Hamites are held by Sergi, the Italian anthropologist, to have been the original stock that peo- jiled .southern Italy and spread over the northern shore of the Mediter- ranean. The I.,ibyan group, said to present the purest type of the stock, extends to the western coast. In IMorocco they are known as Riffs and Berbers; in Algeria, as Zouaves and Kabyles; further south, as the Tuaregs and Tibus of the desert and as the Gha- dames, the Serkus, and the Mzabites. An extinct Riff tribe, the Guanches, once inhabited the Canary Islands. The Senagas, further south, have given their name to the French colony of Senegal. This lies upon the borderland of the tyiiical Negroes, the Sudanese, whose descendants are found in the United States. The Semitic-Hamitic family com- prises tribes and peoples as different in civilization as they are in color. As lias been said elsewhere, the Hebrews (see) are to-day European or Aryan rather than Semitic in residence, in civilization, and even in language and blood. Excepting them and the Chris- tianized Syrians and Abyssininns, practically all are Mohammedans, Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 127 Semitic-Hamitic. Irom 111.' Ar.il.s on the (\ist In llio iCilTs :iii(l StMicjiJis dii the west. .M:iiiy rjifiaii boliofs survive in i)!jic«'s. As to iimiiiyrntion, the chief race of this liujruistic groii]), the He- Itrews, are second only to the Italians ill point of numbers coming: to our sliores. Statistics concerninjx these, the Syrians, and the Arabs will be found inider their respective names in this dictionary. Indeed, if we con- sider the KSonth Italians, as does Sergi, to be of Ilamitic origin, we might rightly sjiy that the dominant type of recent immigration is Western Asiatic (Seujitic-Hamitic), where but recently it was Northern Enroi)ean (Aryan) ; for the South Italians and the Hebrews are now far iu the lead amongst immi- grants. All the Semitic-Hamitic im- migration tliat remains, aside from that mentioned above, is exceedingly small. It is included in the 4U immi- grants of " Other peoples " that came from Africa in 1907 as reported by the Bureau of Immigration. This, it will be remembered, does not include Negro immigration (see). SENAGA. (See Semitic-Hamitic.) SEPHARDIM. The Spanish-Portu- guese Jews as distinguished from the German-Polish Jews, called Ashkena- zim. They form only 10 per cent of the Jewish race. (See Jlehrcw.) SERB, SRP, SORB, or SERBO-HOR- VATIAN. Same as Croatian (see). SERBO-CROATIAN. Same as Croa- tian (sec). SERBO-LUSATIAN or SORBIAN (not Scrbo-Horvatian). Same as Wend ( see ) . SERVIAN or SERB. Same as Croa- tian (si'c). A political and ecclcsias- tic.il division of the Serbo-Croatians. SIAMESE. The principal people of Siam ; a division of th(^ Indo-Chiiu'se (sec) group of the Siuitic branch of the Mongolian race (see). They form Sicilian. nearly one (liinl of ||k> |(.|;iI iiopnla tion (.-..(HHMKnt) of Siam. Their lan- guage, ollirial throughout Siam, is, likti the Chinese, of the monosyllabic type. Physically they are much mixed through intermarriage with other peo- ples of Siam, especially the Chinese, of whom there are some (JUO.OOO. In re- ligion they are generally Huddhists. SIBIRIC. That branch of the Mon- golian race which comprises the Jap- anese, Arctic, Tungusic. Finnic, Ta- taric, and Mongolic groups (see these), and therefore all the Mongolian peo- ples which have invaded Eurojie, such as the Finns, Lapps, Magyars, and Osmaulis or Turks (see these). SICILIAN. Not the name of a race and not used by the Bureau of Immi- gration. Any native or inhabitant of the island of Sicily. This is inhab- ited for the most part by South Ital- ians, who speak a dialect peculiar to the island called Sicilian. The popu- lation is very mixed physically, being at bottom Ligurian or Iberic, but much modified by the many invading peoples, including even North Africans. The Sicilians are vivid in imagina- tion, affable, and benevolent, but ex- citable, snjierstitious, and revengeful. Prior to ISOO, when it became a part of United Italy, the Island of Sicily was a part of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. It is now a compartimento of Italy. In 3001 Sicily had a population of 3,.529,7nn, which was greater than that of any other compartimento ex- cept I.ombardy. The population of Sicily, excepting about l.'"),(K)0 Albanians, is Italian. About 50.000 speak the Lombard dia- lect. The Albanians (see), locally known as "Greet," speak their own language, and observe sjiecial religi«jus rites. The Sicilians jiroper are nearly all Catholic. The [Hipulation of the island is be- ing rapidly dei)leted of its younger blood by voluntary emigration. As 128 The immigralion Commission. Sicilian. many as 100,000 iu a single year have emigrated to the Americas. It is not known to what extent they are comins to the United States, as they are listed as " South Italian " in immigration statistics. Immigrants are not listed by provinces. SIKH. A politico-religious group in northern India. Not the name of a race. (See Hindu.) SILESIAN. A geographical term ; a name given to those living in the Ger- man and Austrian provinces called Silesia. Also the name applied to both Polish and German dialects spo- ken in Silesia. SINDI or SINDHI. A branch of the Indo-Aryan stock (see Hindu) living in the province of Sind, British India. It has a population of about .3,000.000, most of whom profess Mohamme- danism. SINHALESE (CINGAIESE). The principal native people of Ceylon. They live in the central and southern part of the island, and form nearly two-thirds of the entire population of 3,577,(X)0. They speak an Aryan tongue, sometimes called Ceylonese, al- though they are thought by some to belong physically to the Dravidian (see) stock. The other native peoples of the island are the Tamil and the Veddah, also branches of the Dra- vidian.' The Sinhalese are Buddhists in religion, while the Tamils are ad- herents of Hinduism. SINITIC. That branch of the Mon- golian race which comprises the Clii- nese, Indo-Chinese, and Tibetan groups. (See articles on these and on the Sibiric, the only other branch of the Mongolian race.) Not to be con- fused with the word " Semitic," a term referring to certain Caucasian stocks, as Hebrews and Arabs. The word "Sinitic" is derived from the late Latin " Sina," China. SIRYAN or SIRYANIAN (not Syrian). Same as Zyrian (see). Slav. SKIPETAR. The native name of the Albanians (see). SLAV (SCLAVE), SLAVIC, or SLA- VONIC; sometimes wrongly called in the United States "Hun" (see Mag- yar). To be defined as that Aryan "race" or linguistic group which occupies the greater part of Russia and the Balkans. The Russian and the Polish (see) are its leading tongues. (See below and table in In- troductory.) The Slavic, the Teutonic, and the Italic or " Latin " are the three great stocks that furnish the most of the population of Europe as well as of our annual flood of immigrants. Of these three, the Slavic and the Italic have been rapidly replacing the Teu- tonic in American immigration, and the Slavic is perhaps the most signifi- cant for the future because of its great population. (See also CaiicaMan and Aryan and cf. Slovenian.) Physically, and perhaps tempera- mentally, the Slavs approach the Asi- atic, or particularly the Tatar, more closely than do the peoples of western Europe. In language they are as truly Aryan as ourselves. Of course, lan- guages do not fuse by interbreeding; physical races do. There is some truth in the old saying, " Scratch a Russian and you find a Tartar," especially if he come from southern Russia, where once lived the Mongol conquerors of •the Russias. Yet the common concep- tion of the Slav as dreamy and im- practical does not seem to fit with the gre-ar is taught ; in one- half of them Magyar alone. One-eighth only of the schools of " Slovakland " are conducted entirely in the Slovak tongue. In the 200 or more higher schools the use of the Slovak tongue, even as a medium of conversation, is still more restricted. Forty per cent of the population .of North Hungary are counted as Magyars because they use that language. The Slovaks say that in this way the census misrepre- sents their actual number. Among a people so long and so largely deprived of a written language of their own, there is not only an ex- traordinary degree of illiteracy — 50 per cent — but a great divergence of spoken dialects. To an unusual extent Dictionary of Races or Peoples. ];;:; Slovak. (liese tUaitvts :iio iiuHlitiod l>y siii- rdundinj; laii.miairt's of tlio most oppo- site typo. Tluis we lind in tlio west. Mora via n-Slovalv; iu the north, Polisli- Sloval<, sometimes ealled Sotalc ; and iu the east, Rntlieulan-Slovak — all purely Slavic. Rut in the west, on the border of Austria, one finds the Ger- man-Slovak, a more heterogeneous com- position, and iu the south even Mag- yar-Slovak. The^e names indicate what hmguages border on the Slovak country. The Serbo-Slavic dialect is not so easily explained. Safarik, a competent linguist, although ultra patri- otic, finds three chief groups of dia- lects: (1) The pure Slovak, (2) the Moravian-Slovak, and (3) the Polish- Slovak. He includes among Slovak dialects not only the Trpak. the Kre- kach, and the Zahorak, but the Ilanak, the Walach. and the I'odhorak of Mo- ravia. (See article Bohemian and Mo- ravian (Czech) for these dialects and for a general view of Slovaks them- selves in their linguistic relations.) Serres, an older writer^ gives the name of Charvats to the " Slovaks of Mo- ravia," including the Walachs. who, in turn, include the Chorobats and the Kopauiczars. As explained iu the ar- ticle on the Bohemians and Moravians, these Walachs are considered, on the authority of Czornig, to be Moravians. The Charvats and Chorobats of Serres are probably fragments of the old Khrovats, or Carpaths — that is, "mountaineers" — from whom the uiodern Croatians (see) derive their name. Iu civilization " Slovakland " lies, as it does linguistically, between the east and the west of Europe — between the Teutonic and the Slavic worlds. Its culture is rather primitive. I^ss ad- vanced than Bohemia, its peoi)le par- take of some of the solid qualities of that aduurable branch of Western Slavs. Tliey are industrions, but thi-y are desperately poor, partly because of the character of their mountain home. Slovenian. In fact tliey have been called the poor- est people of Kurope. Their rate of inmiigration, 18 per 1,(XX) of the Slovak population iu 1907, surpassed even th:it of the Hebrews and was double that of any other race or people excejiting the Croatian- Slovenian group (13 per l.tKiO) and the South Italian (12 per 1,000), and treble that of most Slavic peoples, although the last named are now among the chief contributors to the movement of population from Europe to the Uiuted States. Like the Irish population, however, the number of Slovaks that remain, in the old country is small. They can not long continue coming at the present rat6. There are less than 3.000,(KK) Slovaks in all- only 2.000.000 iu Hungary, according to a census that is accused of partiality. The population is smaller than that of the Irish or the Flemish, perhaps nearly half that of Holland. There are said to be already one-fourth as many Slovaks iu the United States as iu Europe. Slovak emigration affects its own country more than it does America. As in Italy, some villages are becoming depopulated; others are living largely ou American money. In places wages have increased 100 per cent. And, finally, the Hungarian Government is taking steps to regulate, if not to re- strict, the exodus. During the twelve years 1S99-1910, 377,527 Slovaks were admitted to the T'nited States. Dur- ing that period their princiiial destina- tions were as follows: Pennsylvania, 195.032; New York, 48,310; New Jersey, 35,729; Ohio, 30,785. and Illinois, 20,351. Although so small a people, the Slovak stands only eighth down the list as regards the total lumiber of immigrants. (See article fiohrniian and Moravian for other details, especially Slovak population statistic!*.) SLOVENIAN; calle.l also, in part, Krainer and Carinthian (Khorutan) ; 134 The Immigration Commission. Slovenian. by Germans, Wind or Wend; and by Magyars sometimes, but wrongly. Vandal; also sometimes called, together with the Croatian (see), Illyrian. The westernmost branch of the Southern or Balkan Slavs ; located in southern Aus- tria between Hungary and the Adri- atic, especially in the province of Car- niola (Ger. Kra'tn). The Slovenians or Southern Winds are, with the ex- cei)tion of the Northern Wends of Ger- many, the smallest "race" in num- bers of the Slavic (Slavonic) division of Aryan peoples, and are therefore of little consequence in American immi- gration although their rate of immigra- tion is high. There is considerable confusion of thought concerning the above terms and the relation of the Slovenians to other Slavs. In the iirst place, the Slove- nians are not to be confounded with the Slovaks, an entirely different people. They are separated from the latter by the Magyars, the Slovenians living southwest of Hungary between the Magyars and the Adriatic, while the Slovaks live on the northern border of Hungary. In language they belong to different branches of the Slavs — the Slovenians to the Southern Division, with the Servians and the Croatians, and the Slovaks to the Western Divi- sion, with the Poles and the Bohe- mians. In America Slovenians are some- times called Slavonians under the mis- taken impression that they come from the neighbor hig province of Slavonia. The word Slavonian may be used in two senses. It may mean any inhabit- ant of Slavonia, but it is then a politi- cal term, denoting nationality, not an ethnographical term denoting race; and the Slavonians in this sense are Serbo-Croat ians (see Croatian), not Slovenians, although closely related to the latter. In the second and more usual sense." Slavonian is the equiva- lent of Slavic, and refers to the great race of eastern Europe of wlildi the Slovenian. Russians and the Poles are the north- ern branches and the Slovenians, Ser- vians, and Bulgarians are the southern divisions. Of course, the words Slo- venian, Slavonian, Slovak, and Slav all come from the same early name of the Slavic race. But the Slovenians are by no means to be taken as the best modern representatives of that race, although they claim to be one of the first branches of it to be intro- duced to western civilization in the middle ages. It is, at the least, confusing to call the Slovenians Winds or Wends (see), as some scientific writers do. For this word is generally used to designate a distinct people of the Slavic group which belongs, with the Poles, to the Western Division, not to the Southern, as the Slovenian does. The Wend population is found only in Germany, where it is also called the Sorb, or, from its location, the Lusatian. It has dwindled to only a fragment. It is, of course, not Serb, that is, Servian. The name Illyrian is a still greater misno- mer, although used in the last century by the Slavs themselves in this region. The name comes from that of the an- cient province of Illyria and was given great vogue under Napoleon, when the national spirit of the Slovenians, in union with the Croatians and the Dalmatians, received a great impetus. An older name, Corutani. corresponds to that of a modern province of Aus- tria, Carinthia, which is now more liiiii l'"iiniisli, ilicir laiiLMiML't' is now kiiDwii to re- s.-inl)l.' tlu> r.t'rluT of North Africa, 'lliey itresent a peculiar face form, \t>ry wide at the temples and narrow at the chin. The (Talicians and the Catalans liave much larper populations. The former, also called " Gallegos." live ill the provinces in the northwestern part of Spain north of Portugal. They speak a dialect of Portuguese (see) which is quite closely related to Span- ish. Even Portuguese was once consid- ered a dialect of Spanish, although it has now attained rtvognition as an inde- pendent idiom. The population of the Galician provinces is about 2,000,000. The Catalans (see) occupy a narrow strip along the eastern coast of Spain and the Balearic Isles. Their language is unintelligible to the Castilian-speak- ing peasants. It is considered by some to be a sepai'ate Romance tongue on an equal with Spanish and Proven<;al. by others as an otishoot of the latter, w^hich it resembles much more than it does Castilian, the neighboring dialect of Spanish. It has quite a rich litera- ture of its own which is especially fos- tered by the people of Barcelona. It is the language of over 3,r)00,000 per- sons of eastern Spain and the Balearic Isles. Moors (00.000) and Gypsies (.50.000) are scattered throughout Spain but are comparatively unimpor- tant. The total population of Spain is nearly 20.000.000. Physically the Castilians, Catalans, Galicians, and even Basques and Moors, of Spain, are quite homogene- ous. The entire Iberian Peninsula is. in fact, one of the most uniform in phys- ical type of any large region in Eu- rope. The head form of the people of to-day is apparently that of their pre- historic ancestors, the ancient Iberi- ans. They are among the most long- headefl of all Europe. 'I'hey resemble the South Italians more than the French, but are taller and less bru- 60813°— VOL 5—11 10 Spanish American. nelte than the ffirmer. The Catalans are the tallest of Spaniards and the (Jalicians are the heaviest. The typ- ical Spaniard is long-headed, of me- dium stature (average, 5 feet 5 inches), rather brunette, and spare. Ripley places him in the " Mediterranean " group along with the South Italian, the Greek, a;ud the Berber of North Africa. The Spanish are put in the '* Iberic division " by the Bureau of Immigration. The Spanish liave long been an emi- grating and colonizing people, but seem to have reached their zenith in this di- rection. Less than 100,0(»0 emigrate annually. Most of these naturally go to Spanish-speaking countries. Immi- gration to the United States from Spain has never been large, only about 09.000 for the entire period 1819-1910. A total of 51.0.51 immigrants of the Spanish race were admitted during the twelve years 1899-1910. One-third of these came from Cuba. The race ranked twenty-sixth in point of num- bers admitted during the period. Im- migration to the Ignited States from Spain has increased somewhat since the Spanish-American war, 5,784 per- sons from that country having been ad- mitted in 1907, w^hile before the war the number rarely reached l.OOO annually. It is said that the Basques form one of the most imimrtant groui>s of workmen in the Canal Zone. The principal destinations of Spanish immi- grants during the twelve years con- sidered were: New York. 16.278; Florida, 11,355; Porto Rico, 5,222; California, 4,324. and Haw^nii. 2,283. Of the total number destined to Hawaii 2.251 were admitted in the fiscal year 1907. None went there in 1906. (Cf. Portuguese.) SPANISH AMERICAN. Defined by the Bureau of Immigration, "the peo- l.le of Central and South America of Spanish descent." Those of Negro or 138 The Immigration Commission. Spanish Americans. of Indian descent (see) are listed sep- arately, as are also Mexicans, West Indians, and Cubans (see). The defi- nition apparently excludes the chief people of Brazil, the Portuguese, as it does the Italians, Germans, and the like, of all South American countries. IJke other terms applied to immi- grants from the Americas, it does not connote, strictly speaking, a race, but a geographical subdivision set apart for practical convenience. The race, of course, is Spanish (see), although the language may have changed, as in Brazil, to Portuguese. Among the 2J79 emigrants from South America to the United States in 1907, only 430 were Spanish Ameri- cans. Six hundred and sixty were Italians. In the twelve years 1899- 1910, 10,669 Spanish American immi- grants were admitted to the United States, a number exceeded by every other race or people except the Koreans, East Indians, and Pacific Islanders. Their principal destinations during the period were: New York, 5,382; (.California, 1.833 ; Porto Rico. 946, and Louisiana, 836. So far as the im- migration law is concerned, the Canal Zone is a part of Central America. Aliens coming from it are not offered the same facilities as those entering from Cuba, Mexico, and Canada or from the insular possessions of the I'nited States. Their immigration being so small, no extended discussion of the Spanish Americans is necessary at this i»oint. The South American countries are im- migrant receiving rather than emigrant furnishing nations. In fact, if the migration from European Russia to Siberia be excepted. South America, next to the United States, receives more immigrants than any other part of the world. In this resi>ect the Argentine Republic stands far in the lead of other South American republics, with an oversea immigration of approxi- mately 250,000 annually, about one- Swiss. fourth as great as the movement to tJie United States. Italians and Spaniards predominate in immigra- tion to Argentina. Brazil comes next among the immigrant-receiving coun- tries of South America, with 67.787 in 1907. Among these, Italians, Portu- guese, and Spanish predominate. Chile receives a much smaller number of immigrants per year. The races men- tioned are the chief elements in the population of the Argentine Republic and Chile. The population, about 5.700,000 and 3,400,000, respectively, is almost entirely white. In Brazil, on the contrary, less than one-half of the total population of 17,000,000 is white, about 30 lier cent being of mixed blood, 15 per cent or more of Negro blood, and S per cent (1,300,000) of Indian blood, STEPOVIKI, A subdivision of the Ruthenians (see) living in the plains (steppes) of Russia. STYRIAN. A geographical term, not the name of a race. A native of Styria, a duchy of Austria. The pop- ulation of Styria numbers 1.356,000, of whom about 68 per cent are Germans and the remainder Slovenians (see these). SUDANESE. (See ^emitic-Ha initio and Negro.) SULTT. A language of the southern Philippines. (See Filiiiinn.) SUOMI or SUOMALAISET. Finns of Finland. (See Finnish.) SWABIAN. Same as Alemanni. A division of the Germans (see). A native of Suabia, a former duchy of southwestern Germany. SWEDISH. (See S!c(indin(n-i(in.) SWISS. The term Swiss simply means a native or inhabitant of Swit- zerland. It has no significance as to race. There is no Swiss race in the sense in which we use the terms Frenchman. German, Italian, but only a Swiss nation. The Swiss are repre- Dictionary of Races or Peoples. i;}0 Swiss. sciilod by four lin;;uistic frroups, tuie Teutonic (Gerumn) and three Italic ( French, Italian, and Ronmnsh). Two- thirds of the population of Switzer- land are (;»>rnian. about one-fourth are French, aud only oue-tifteenth are Italian. Besides these larjre popnla- tions of German, French, and Italian there are about 40,000 R«uiaush (see these). The total population of Swit- zerland is 3.465.000. The Romansh live in the .sequestered valleys of the canton of (Jrisons, the Italians in the valley of the Ticiuo, aud the French in the western part of Switzerland. In the greater part of Switzerland the s]ieech is German. About two-fifths of the Swiss are Catholics aud three- fifths Protestants. SYRIAN ( not SIRYAN ) . The native Aramaic race or people of Syria. Xot Arabian, although practically all Syrians to-day speak Arabic and a considerable part of the present popu- lation of Syria is Arabian. Most often distinguished from Arabs by their religion. Syrian immigrants gen- erally being Christians, although many of their kinsmen in Syria are Moham- medan. The influence of American mis.sionaries and schools in Syria evidently explains in part why our immigration from that country is of Syrians rather than of Arabs. Physic- ally the modern Syrians are of mixetl Syrian. Arabian, and even Jewish blood. They belong to the Semitic branch (see") of the Caucasian race, thus widely differing from their rulers, the Turks (seel, who are in origin Mongolian. Linguistically they are not so closely related to the Aryans or Indo-Euro- peans as are their fellow-subjects of Turkey, the Armenians. Their ancient language, the Syriac, a form of the Eastern Aramaic, has Hebrew for its nearest relative. A little more distant is the Arabic tongue. Even the Abys- sinian speech is more closely related to it than is the ancient Assyrian, Syrian. with wiiicli it is sonielinies confounded. The.se. with the Coptic dialects of Kgypt, are the chief languages of the non-Aryan, Semitic-IIamitic stock (see) of Syria. Chaldee. Chaldaie, and Syro-Chaldaic are other names applied to the form of this language which was spoken by Chrisr and His disciples. The Xeo-Syriac, Palmyrene, and Xabatean dialects are said to be the only modern forms of the Ara- maic, and are spoken by only a small population of villagers under the stim- ulus of missionary zeal. These resid'.' for the most part east of the main population of Syria (see Ay^sorv in article Assyrian). Syria is an ancient rather than a modern term, although used, in a nar- rower sense, by the Turkish Govern- ment. It properly comprises all the region lying between the eastern end of the Mediterranean and the desert and is about 430 miles long by 100 wide. Palestine constitutes only one- tenth of it. Of the 3.000,000 (esti- mated) population of Syria, the Syr- ians probably outnumber the Arabs, Turks, aud Jews, although there are more Mohammedans than Christians in Syria. The Christians number 900.000. The population of Palestine, 800.000, consists mainly of Arabs (see), notwithstanding the recent coloniza- tion of Jews in the Holy Land. Among other inhabitants of Syria closely related to the Syrians, if not of the same blood, are descendants of the Phoenicians, inhabitants of the coast districts: the Maronites. Chris- tians of the Lebanon; the Druses, half pagan and unfriendly neighbors of the Maronites; and the Nusarieh or An- sa rich, descendants of the Nazarini. who are called Fellahin in Syria, and NAho do not seem to be orthodox in their Mohammedanism. The Syrian immigration to the United States for the twelve years 1S09-1910. was r>6.900. Their principal destinations in the United States dur- 140 The Immicrration Commission. Syrian. iuf^ the period were: New York, 18,370; Massachusetts, 8,652 ; Pennsylvania, 7,318, and Ohio, 2,780. About 1,000 annually come from European Turkey. They stand twenty-fifth in rank among immigrants, smaller in number than the Russians, Roumanians, or Portu- guese, but more numerous than the ►Spanish, Armenians, or Welsh. SYRMIAN. (See Croatian.) SYRO-CHALDEAN. Same as Chal- dee language (see). (See also Ayssore in article Assyrian.) SZEKLER. A subdivision of the Magyars (see) living in Transylvania. TAGALOG. (See Filiinno.) TAJIK. (See Persian.) TAKTAJI. A name given certain Yuruk Turks. (See TurJcish.) TALYCH. A small Iranian (Aryan) people living in the Caucasus. (See Caucasus peoples.) TAMIL. A branch of the Dravidians (see) living in southern India and northern Ceylon. (Cf. Sinhalese.) It has a population of over 16,500.000. TAT. A Tajik or Persian living in the Ciiucasus. Sometimes improperly called Tatar. (See Caucasus peoples.) TATARIC (TARTARIC^, TURKIC, or TURKO-TATARIC. One of the six linguistic groups which constitute the Sibiric or Ural-Altaic branch of lan- guages spoken by Mongolians, as di- vided by P.rinton. The group includes the Turks, the Tatars in the narrower sense of the word, the Kazaks or "Cossacks" (Kirghiz), the Turko- mans, the Huns of history (not the Magyars), and less important tribes still living in Asia, such as the Yakuts and TJzbegs. (See all these terms.) All these are supposed to have had their origin in Chinese Tartary. Their importance to the student of Immigration consists in the fact that Tataric. they constitute more than 6,000,000 of the population of eastern Russia who, if they are not at present coming to the United States under the name of " Russian," are of interest as a possi- ble source of immigration. They may fairly be said to be the most backward in civilization of any large population of Europe. Although filling the best )!ortion of eastern Russia from north to south, they are but little known and their strength and possibilities but little suspected by the ordinary reader. They are perhaps the largest body of non-Caucasians in Europe, about equal in numbers to the Magyars or the Jews. The only other European popu- lations of JNIongolian origin are the Ugro-Fiunic stoc^ (Magyars, Lapps, etc.) and the Kalmuks or " Calmucks " (see these) . The latter is only a small, isolated tribe of Mongols near the Caspian, in close contact with Tatars and not greatly unlike them. Joined with the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan, the Tatars have written their name large on the history of the East- ern world. Indeed, these Mongol founders of dynasties have generallj, but wrongly, been known to history as Tatars. Their descendants still possess Turkey and dominate the Mo- hammedan world. As has been explained in the article on the Ural-Altaic stock, of which they form a part, the Tatars, Kazaks, and Turks are closely related in language to the Magyars and Finns, and more distantly to the Japanese and Kore- ans. All these have agglutinative " Turanean " languages, as contrasted with the monosyllabic Chinese and the • Inflected Aryan speech of India and western Europe. The dialects of Turkey are very closely related to those of the eastern Russian people who call themselves "Tiirki", that is, TiM'ks.but who are more properly called "Tatars." Physically and socially the 'I'ataric group have not become so fully Europeanizod as the Finnic. As a rule the Turks are the farthest ad- Dictionai R< People 141 Tataric. \;iiu('(l of tlie group, and are thonglil (>r ;is luiuh like oiirsolvos; hut they hy uo luoaiis so closely resenihle Western Kuroi leans as the blond Finns, or even the darker Magyars, the Finnic stock of Hungary. The greater part of the Tataric popuhitions of Russia are Mo- hununedau iu faith, although Sham- anism still persists among them, as it (Ini's among their kinsmen of Asia. Some are still polygamists. Since the Turks are discussed in a v«:eparate article, it remains to speak here oid.v of the more backward Tataric stock, and especially of the t;.t»i(t.(M»() Tui-ko-Tatars of eastern Rus- sia. (}eogra|)hicalIy they all live south of the Finnic stock of Russia. With Tataric. I lie lall(>r they give one the impression of being simply a part of Asia that has everywhere pushed over the line and settled upon Kurojjean soil. in some provinces the competing Rus- sian stock has entirely surrounded them. The Mordvinian and Bashkir connnuniiies dot the map like little islands in the Russian flood. Tt is iu such districts that the Tataric I)opulations are becoming most raiiidly ('hristiani/.ed and Russilied by inter- marriage. The relative numerical importance of the Tataric peoples of the Russian Empire, both in I^urope and in Asia, will be seen from the following table, taken from the census of 1S97. Distrihiition of Turko-Tniarfi. Pvacc (hy lungiuige). European Russia. Poland. Caucasus. Siberia. Central Asia. Total. Tatar Bastikir 1,953,155 l,310,7(i4 53, 799 117,734 837.872 4,330 80 1,509,785 948 210, 154 924 40 14 4,232 1 13 172 60,197 2,047 8 17 311 3,737,027 1,321,303 Mesteheriak 53,847 3 929 5 411 27,222 83,389 04,048 139,419 29,902 24,522 98 159 117,773 Chuvash . 843,755 Karatchai 27,223 6 30 208 83,408 Nogai 04,080 Osmaiiii-Turk 08,807 150 208,822 29,902 Turkoman.. 7,9.38 204,0.59 093 123 124 32,037 227,820 248, 707 3,787.222 2,519,277 281,357 Kirghiz-Kazak Others 4,084.139 2,747,955 Total 4,020,821 S,r).33 1,879,908 470,139 0,018,750 13,001,251 The total Turko-Tataric population of the world is about 2ri,0(X),(KK). if w(> include the lO.WO.OOO Turks of Turkey, about 2.000.000 of Persia, and 1,000.000 Tataric subjects of Chimi iu Eiisteni Turkestan. As is evident from the foregoing ta- ble, the most importtmt division by f;\r of the Turko-Tatars of the Russian Empire is that of the Tatars proper, using this term in the narrow sense. They call themselves " Tiirki," not "Tatars." but they are distinct from the Turks of Turkey. They are scat- tered widely throughout Russia, espe- cially in the large cities, but tire most numerous on the Volga (700,000 in Ka- zan province) and about the Caspian Sea, in southeastern Russia. Only about 270,000 live in Asia. About 200.- 000 others live north of the Black Sea. This number probably includes the " Xogai " Tatars of the Crimea, still iMohammedan, who are mentioned by various authorities. The census shows I none there, but (J4,rt00 in the Caucasus. I About 17,000 Tatars located north of I the Crimea have embraced the Greek I faith and are Caucasian rather than Tiitaric in physical type, no doubt be- cause of interm.irriage with the sur- I roimding Tittle Russiiin population. The Karaits. •fiimn^ of whom come to I the United States, are a small group 142 The Immigration Commission. Tatario. of r>,000 or 6,000 people, also in the Crimea. They are said to be Tatar in origin, but to have been long ago con- verted to the Jewish faith. They Sijiealc a Tatar dialect. Leaving the better-known Kazaks to a separate article (see Cosmck^), we need to consider here only the Bashkirs, the Chuvasbes, the Tnrko- nians, and a few less familiar tribes, mainly of Asiatic residence. Of these the F.ashkirs (1,300,000) are by far the most nnmerous. They do not extend over the line into Asia in such num- bers as do the Tatars, although they live on both sides of the Ural Moun- tains, in the easternmost province of Russia, Orenburg, and in Ufa, which joins the latter on the west. They therefore are locatetl farthest toward the northeast of all the Tataric peoples of Russia, with the exception of a small group called " Mestcheri^iks " (.W.OOO). The Tepyaks (117,000) lie close to these in Ufa and the province of Samara, next to Asia. There remains to be noted in eastern Russia the more important branch known as the " Chu\ashes," 800,000 strong. They extend farthest west of the Tataric populations, into Central Russia, being quite surrounded by Great Russians and Eastern Finns (Cheremisses and Mordvinians). Like the Bashkirs, they are really a mixed Finno-Tataric stock. The Kazan Ta- tars live on the eastern bank of the Upper Volga, opposite the Chuvaslies. The Turkomans proper (280,000), closely related to the Osmanlis of Tur- key, live for the most part east of the Caspian, in Central Asia. Less than 8,000 are found in eastern Russia. They are for the most part a wild pop- ulation of nomads. The name Turko- man is sometimes used in a wider sense to include the related peoples of Persia (such as the Adorbaijani Turks, Kajars. and Afshars) and of Asia Minor (Kizil-Bashis, Yuruks, and Cot- chebes— " Seljuk Turks," as the peas- Tch-. ant classes are called). Some of these, as the Kizil-Bashis, are largely Aryan (see) in descent rather than Mongo- lian. The Kazaks (see) live north of the Turkomans in Russian Asia. Passing now to the Tataric peoples of the Caucasus provinces, the most numerous and important are the Os- manlis, the proper name of the Turks of European Turkey (see Turk- ish). They number 200,000 in Rus- sia, living mainly near the Black Sea and including some 68,000 scattered throughout southern and eastern Rus- sia. Neighboring them are the Nogais, already mentioned, and the small pop- ulations of the Karatchais and the Karapapakhs. More numerous are the Kumyks ( 88,000 ). who live on the Cas- pian side of the Caucasus. They, like the Nogais, are no doubt a blend of Tatar and Caucasian. Most of the Caucasus peoples (see) are not Turko- Tataric, that is, of Mongolian origin, but are Caucasians who generally speak non-Aryan languages. The remaining Tataric tribes, num- bering 2,700,000, are confined to Asia and need no especial notice here. Among them are the Kara-Kirghiz, or " black " Kirghiz, the Kara- Kalpaks, the Sartes, and the Uzbegs, all of Central Asia, and the Yakuts of Siberia. Although, as above indicated, Tatar immigrants to the United States may be an important factor in the future, but few of them are known to come as yet. Such as do come are probably counted as "Russian" or " Rnthe- iiian," because they speak these lan- guages. If any speak the old " Tiirki " dialect they may be counted as " Ta- tars" and go to make up the column of " Other peoples " in the tables of the Bureau of Immigration. TAVASTIAN or TAVAST. A division of the Western Finns. (See Finnish.) TCH-. (See "Ch-" for words be- ginning with " Teh.") Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 143 Telugu. TELUGTJ. A subdivision of the l>niviiliaiis (si'iM ii\iii.ii north of the Tiiiuils. in southorn India. They liavo a i.oi)uhition of ovor :iU.(KH).()()0. TEPYAK. A Tatar people (see) in eastern Knssia. TEUTONIC. A jrreat l)ranch of the Arvan (see) family of hmjiuases and Tripolitan. "races," inclndinR all those of north- western Europe excepting the Celtic isoo). Its many subdivisions are shown in the following table from l\o:in(', with the exception of Dutch and Flemish, which are variously classed as Low Prankish or Low Saxon : The Tcutiinic (iroiip. LOW GEU MAN- MI EDEK-PEUTSCH. TITOTI GEKMAX MTTTEL-DEUTSOT )HEK-nEUTSCH. \ndo - Saxon (KiU'- lish) f Icelandic. Iw. Daleearllan. ■yiilmetlandish. (.Faroic. iBornholm. Noniiaiiiio-.Tutlsh. Daiio-.Tiiiisli. E. Dalecurlian. Gothic. Scanian. fW. Fr. Gronlngen. E. Fr. Saterland. N. Fr. Helgoland, Svlt, etc. Old Saxon of the "Hel- iand." Wfistphalian. Hanoverian. I Brunswick. IPomeraiiiau.etc. jNorthninliriaii. Vndisc (Xorthern)....'^ Lowland Scotch. IShfitland.etc. Lincoln. Midlanr IimihI. tli(> 'I'urkish rnce is in tln' majority. 'I'lu' M()lmii)nH> MoliamnuHlan popu- lation of Bosnia and Ilerzosovina — .".-)().(X)0 out of a total of l.C>(X),000— is mainly Slavic rather than Turkish. In Scrvia and (Jrcocc there is itractically no 'I'urkish po|)ulatlon. Only 1 out of r. of our Turkish Im- misrants conies from Turkey in Asia. The total immigration of this race is very small — only 12.954 during the twelve years 1890-1010. They stand thirty-fourth in point of numbers, or lower than the Armenians, riiinese, or Welsh. Their ])riiicipal destinations in the T'nited States during the iieriod were: Massachusetts. .3.073; New York. 2.0.32. and Pennsylvania, 1,412. Occa- sionally an immigrant from Macedonia may insist that he is not a Turk, Bul- garian. Creek, or Albanian, but a Mace- (loiilau : he may be Tsintsar. Vlach, nv Aromun, names applleil to those who speak a Macedonian di:ilect of the lioumanian. The Tsintsars number about 00.000, of whom about .1.000 are Mohammedans. TURKOMAN. An important Tataric Iieople of Asia closely related to the Osmanli Turks. (See Tataric and 7';/;-A/.v//.^ TURKO-TATARS. (See Tataric.) TUSCAN, i^^ee Italian.) TYROLESE. Xot the name of a race and not used by the Bureau of lininigrntioii. Any native or inhabit- .iiit of the province of Tyrol, Austria. There is no Tyrolean race in the sense th:it we use the terms French, German, or Slovak race, Tyrol has a popula- tion of about S-^LOOO. The Tyrolese reitresent two very different linguistic divisions of the -\ryan f.imily. Teutons and Latins. About n.". per cent of the Ural-Altaic. p(>pul;ition ari' (ierman. (Jf the re- mainder, about threi'-t'onrths are llal- ii.n and one-fourth Ladin (see these) or Kha'to-Komansh (see). There an; .some 2,(M)0 Czechs and Slovenians. The inhabitants of Tyrol show marked diO'erences physically. Ki])ley says that rarely is so close a relation- ship found between physical charac- ters and language. The Hermans are long-headed, tall, and light, the ma- jority being above .^» feet inches, while the Italians and Ladins to the south are broad-headed and brunette, and less than onestifth of them attain the height of their Teutonic neighbors. Mo.st of the Tyrolese are Catholic in religion. It is not known how many come from Tyrol to the United States, as the Tyrolese are listed according to the language^ they si)eak. TZINTZAR (TSINTSAR). (See/i'o»- iiianiati.) U. UGRO - FINNIC, UGRIAN. UGRO- SCYTHIAN, FINNO-UGRIC, sometimes FINNIC. The equivalent of " Fin- nish " when used in the widest sense to include both the Finnic and the T'gric branches of the I^ral-Altaic divi- sion of Mongolian languages. The chief immigrant peoples speaking Fin- nic languages are the Magyars and the Finns. (See all the above terms, es- pecially Ural-Altaic, for further de- tails.) UIGURIC. A branch of the Tataric (see) group of languages, including the Turkoman (see) and the Jagatai. From the ancient TMgurs is derived the name of the great Fgro-Finnic (see) group of northern Mongolians. UKRANIAN. A geographical term: a name apjilied to the Little Russians of I'kraine. (See Riifhcnian.) URAL-ALTAIC; synonyms. Finno- Tatnric. Mong-olo-Turkic. S i b i r i c , Scythian, Turko-Ugrian, Altaic, Uralic, 146 The Immigration Commission. Ural-Altaic. Mongolo-Tataric, Ugro-Altaic (in widest sense), and formerly Tataric or Turanian. (See Ugro-Finnic for narrower terms.) The family of ag- glutinative languages, which distin- guishes the Sibiric division of the Mongolian race from the remaining or Sinitic division (Chinese, etc.), the lat- ter possessing a monosyllabic speech. (See Classification of Races, in Intro- ductory, Mongolian and Finnish.) These are more properly linguistic than ethnical terms, although " Finno- Tataric," which is used in both senses, might well be reserved to des- ignate the peoples and " Ural-Altaic " to designate the languages they speali. This is a subject of which the or- dinary student of immigration may know but little, and yet it is indispen- sable to a proper understanding of im- portant immigrant peoples like the Magyars, Finns, Turks, and Japanese. (See articles on these peoples.) It is not commonly known that these all derive their origin from the same primitive Mongolian stock of northern Asia, and that, although the western members of the stock have become Ural-Altaic. more or less Europeanized in blood, they still have languages of absolutely different origin and type from our own. They are thus cut off from par- ticipation in our literature, and neces- sarily, to a certain extent, from our ideals and institutions. The Ural- Altaic languages are agglutinative, while our Indo-European languages are inflected and the Chinese is mono- syllabic. The only remaining primary division or family of languages in the world is that of the American Indians, the polysyuthetic. The term " Tu- ranian," now generally discarded, was applied by INIax Miiller to nearly all Old World languages that are neither Indo-European nor Semitic. It was soon loosely applied to all poorly un- derstood languages and ethnical stocks of Europe. Nor is the term " Scyth- ian" in common use, although care- fully limited by Whitney to the group now under discussion. The remaining terms suggest localities and peoples of which the relations will be made clearer by the following classification from Keane (somewhat condensed in Asiatic portions) : CloHsificntlon of Ural-Altaic l(in(jiioew-Chew) Islands; doubtful. Corea; doubtful. Both douiitful and extinct. The foregoing clnssificatinn will be found to ag^ree fairly well with that of Brinton, adopted in this dictionary (see Introductory), which runs as fol- lows: (1) Tungusic, (2) Mongolic, (3) Tataric. (4) Finnic. (.".) Arctic, and (0) Japanese. By Castreu the first three were called the "Altaic" branch; the fourth, the " Uralic." Others divide (lie Ural-Altaic into the Northern di- vision (groups 3 and 4) and the South- ern (1 and 2). Brinton follows the Trench authors Lefevre and Ilove- lacque. as well as Whitney, in combin- ing the Finnic and the T'gric, while he probably improves upon all these in putting the Samoyedic also into this group. The connection of the Japan- ese and the Arctic groups with the re- mainder is not now considered by Keaiie to be so doifbtful as when he made the above classification. It is but fair to say that this doubt was formerly expressed by the other au- thors mentioned. While the aggluti- native speech of the Japanese differs ^ery widely, like the rest, from the monosylhibic Chinese, it is by no means so closely related to the Ural-Altaic languages of Europe in vocabulary or in its .grammar as are the other Sibiric languages. The physical differences existing to- day between the Fiuno-Tataric i)ei)ples can be best discussed in separate arti- cles. (See Jaimncne. and the rest.) Their geogra|thical extent is immense, being .second only to that of the Indo- European stock. As will be seen from the foregoing table, tliey extend from tlio Atl.intif (t]i(> I,Mi>ps of northern Norway) to tiic I'acilic (the Jajian- ese), filling not only all of northern and western Asia down to India, but 148 The Immigration Commission. Ural-Altaic. much of eastern aud southeastern Europe (the "Hungarians," Turks, Finns, and various peoples of eastern Russia). The population of this stocli is never- theless small, perhaps 60,0(X),000. not counting the 60,000,000 Japanese and Koreans. They are very thinly spread out over 10,000,000 square miles, largely in frigid and desert regions of Siberia and central Asia. Their mi- gratory instinct threatened to sub- merge Europe in the middle ages, but their numbers novp coimt for little even when the proportion that leave their homes is abnormally large, as in the case of the Magyars and the Finns to-day (see). The entire Finnish pop- iilation numbers less than G.OOO.OOO ; the Magyar population about S,.^00,000. URALIC. Same as Ugro-Finnic, a division of the T'ral-Altaic (see these). •URUGUAYAN. ( See Spo n is/j A m eri- cun.) V. VEDDAH. A primitive branch of the I)ra vidians (see) living in southeast- ern Ceylon. VELIZO-RUSSIAN. Same as Great Russian (see). VENETIAN. (See Italia)}.) VENEZUELAN. ( See ^imnuh Amrr- irini.) VEP or SOUTHERN CHUDE. A di- vision of the Finnish (see). VICOL or BICOL. (See Filipino.) VISAYAN or BISAYAN. (See FiU- Vinn.) . VLACH. Same as Wallachian. (See I'ltiniKiiiian.) VLAH or WLACH. Same as Mor- lak. (See Croatian.) VOGUL. A Finnish people (see) liv- ing partly in Siberia. VOT, VOD, or VATJALAISET. A Soul hern Chude. (See Finnish.) VOTYAK. (See Finni.^h.) W. WALACH. A division of Moravians. (See Bohemian.) Not the Wallachians of Roumania. (See Roumaman). WALLACHIAN. Same as Rou- manian (see). (Cf. ^VaUich.) WALLOON. A name applied to French Belgians and to their language, a dialect of French (see). They num- ber over 3,000,000 in the southeastern provinces of Belgium and the neigh- boring district of northern France. They are supposed to be descended from the ancient Belgian Gauls of C«sar. Walloons do not emigrate in large numbers, although colonies are to be found in the large cities of Hol- land, and the first permanent settle- ment of New Amsterdam contained a number of them. They are counted as French in immigration statistics. Only 0C)4 " French " came from Belgium to the United States in 1907. Most of these were, no doubt, Walloons. WALSER. A name applied to cer- tain Germans (see) living in Austria. WELSH". The principal people of Wales; linguistically, a division of the Cymric branch of the Celtic group of Aryans (see) ; physically, a mixed race. The term " Welsh " is also used to mean any native or naturalized in- habitant of Wales, but thus used it is a term of nationality, not an ethnical one. The Welsh language is the most im- jiortant member of the Cymric division of Celtic tongues (see). It is an an- cient and distinct tongue so far as his- tory carries us, and since the eighth century has had a literature nearly, if not quite, as rich as that of the Irish, which is the most important division of the other branch of Celtic tongues, the (Jaelic. In modern litera- ture the Welsh excels all other Celtic languages, for there are several quar- terlies, monthlies, and weeklies print- ed in it, some of which have thou- sands of subscribers. It is the fire- Dictionary of Races or Peoples. 149 Welsh. shU> spiHVli of Hourly linlf the popnla- lioii of Wales, and is u.-ietl iu the tluuvhes and the church schools, riu' Welsh eisteddfod, or mnsieal and literary nieetiiifr, Is very i)opular, not ut homogeneous, for Beddoe finds at least two physical races in AVales not yet thoroughly amalgamated. One is the " Northern," whose representa- tives are tall, long-headed, light-eyed, darkish haired — a type that reminds one of the Irish (see). The other pre- sents quite a contrast. It is short, c-ompactly built, broader-headed, of dark complexion, with dark eyes. This type is thought to belong to the "Al- pine " race, called by some, perhaps hastily, the "Celtic" (see) physical type. Here again is a difference be- tween the Cymric people of Wales and the Gaelic peoples of Ii-eland and Scot- land, for in the latter physical anthro- pologists fail to find evidence to war- rant an "Alpine" origin. In religion the Welsh are, for the most part. Protest- ants, dissenters from the Church of England. (Jeo-niplii.-.illy, tlie Welsli .•in- found in AVales and in that piirt of England Wend. immediately adjoining Wales, esite- cially in ^lonmouthshire. The popu- lation of Wales in 11)01 was ],72o,(;(m> and that of Mouniouthsliin! was SiOr 800. Not all of these, howeviu-, are Welsh, for many of English blood now reside in Wales. Nearly 1,000,000 per- sons speak the Welsh hmguage. The Welsh do not f<»rni numerically an important element in American im- migration. Only 20,752 came to the United States in the twelve years lsnn-1910. This places (hem near the end of the list of inunigrants. Their rate of movement is low, 1.4 per 1,(X)0 of the population of Wales, iia 1907. This is but little more than that of the Germans or of the English, about one- sixth that of the Irish or of the Nor- wegian, and one-thirteenth that of the races which stand at the head of the list, the Slovak and the Hebrew. Their chief destinations in the United States during the twelve-year period referred to were: Pennsylvania, G,779 : New York, 4,119; Ohio, 1,440, and Illinois, 955. WEND, LUSATIAN, or SORABIAN. A small branch of the Western Slavs living iu Lusatia, a name formerly ap- plied to a part of Germany, now form- hig parts of the provinces of Silesia and Brandenburg (Prussia) and of the Kingdom of Saxony. The Wends call themselves " Serbs." They are now restricted to a region about 40 by 75 miles in extent and are entirely sur- rounded by Germans, by whom they are being rapidly absorbed. They num- ber about 115,000. Their language, which has two dialects — a High and u Low — is called " Lusatian " or " Sora- bian." It was nearly extinct as a lit- erary language when revived by the efforts of a society about the middle of the last century. The Wends are peas- ant farmers and for the most part Lutherans. Only a few thousand ;iit' Cjilhoiics. The term "Wind" Is sonu'times im- properly uyed to aiiply lo Slovenians 150 The I mmigration Commission. Wend. ( see) . " Wend " was formerly used by Germans to mean any Slav (see). WENDIC. A term given by Max Miiller to the Letto-Slavic (see) group of languages. Not Wend (see). WERCHOWINCI. A geographical term applying to mountaineers of dif- ferent stocks ethnically in the Car- pathians, in eastern Austria ; it in- cludes the Boikos, the Tuholtses, and the Huzuls. (See these in article Ruthenian.) WEST INDIAN. Defined by the Bureau of Immigration thus: "'West Indian ' refers to the people of the West Indies other than Cuba (not Negroes)." Those of Indian blood also are counted separately. (Cf. Indian, ]V<'(/ro, Cuban, Mexican, Spanish *\n)cri- cun.) "West Indian" is therefore rather a geographical term than strictly ethnological. It does not in- clude the original West Indian aborig- ines but only the native whites or " Creoles " of the island, and does in- clude such dissimilar ethnical elements as Dutch, English, French, and Span- ish colonists. The last named have given the dominant character to the civilization of this tropical country, and have left their language not only in the islands which initil recently be- longed to Spain, as Cuba and Porto Kico, but >ilso in Santo Domingo and portions of the Les.ser Antilles. Eng- lisli, French, and Dutch are spoken in some of the smaller islands. lieclus says that three-tifths of the population of the West Indies are mulattoes. Ex- cluding the 3,000,000 inhabitants of Cuba and Porto Ilico, the rest of the West Indies contain about 3,0(X),(X)0 Nearly one-half of these are in tiie three English islands of Jamaica, Trinidad, and Barbados. Nalurally the white immlgi'ation to the TTnited States from these i)opulations is small. Only 11,509 West Indians were ad- Zyrian. mitted to the United States as immi- grants in the twelve years l.S'.J!J-1910. They ranked thirty-fifth among the va- rious races or peoples in point of num- bers. Of the number admitted during the period specified. 6,238 were des- tined to New 'York, 1,503 to Porto Rico, 1,490 to Florida, and 638 to ^lassachu- setts. The number of Cubans and Ne- groes (see) arriving from the West Indies was nearlj- six times greater than the number of " West Indians " admitted. WESTPHALIAN. (See German.) WHITE RUSSIAN. (See Ru.s.sian.) YEZIDI. A branch of the Kurds (see). YIDDISH. A modern language of the Hebrews (see). YUGO-RUSSIAN. Same as South Russian. (See Ruthenian.) YUGO- SLAVIC. Same as South Slavic. (See Croatian.) YURUK. A section of nomadic Os- manli Turks living in Asia Minor. ( See Turkish and Tataric.) ZABECACI. (See Bohemian.) ZIGEUNER. A name by which Gypsies (see) are known in Germany. ZINGARO. A name by which Gyiv sies (see) are known in Italy and Spain. ZINZAR. Same as Tsintsar. (See Kiitzo-Maeh and Bulgarian.) ZIP. A name applied to Germans (see) in northern Hungary. ZULU. (See Xef/ro.) ZYRIAN, ZIRYENIAN. SIRYAN, or SIRYANIAN. A division of the East- ern Finns (see Fimiish) of Russia. (Not Syrian.) o RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the I NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JAN 06 1937 ^^^^-- -^ . jyH- 12004 NOVOgZUUb'oPNI . JUN 1 2005 DEC 6 2005 -DUE JAN a 2007 -UBJETTH ' JUN 4 200? J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. 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