PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRX BY WEBSTER WELLS, S.B. AUTHOR OF A 8EHIES OF TEXTS ON MATHEMATICS AND WALTER W. HART, A.B. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS, UNIVERSITY OF WMO^WIN COURSE FOR THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS o>Hc D. C. HEATH & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO aA4 3 WELLS AND HAKT'S MATHEMATICS First Year Algebra A one year course New High School Algebra A three semester course Second Course in Algebra Appears in a brief and in an enlarged edition. Suitable for a one or a two semester course following a first year course Plane Geometry Provision is made for a brief or an extended course Solid Geometry D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS EDUcAT«ojv< i)epf: Copyright, 1915, 1916, By D. C. Heath & Co. I a6 PREFACE Greek Geometry, the finest product of deductive thinking which high school pupils encounter, has come down to us through twenty-two centuries practically unchanged in essen- tial content or form. It has been presented in texts, each built upon a preceding one and each good in its day, which have sought to present the great science in accord with the ideals of their time. This text is a thorough revision of Wells's Essentials of Geometry in accord with current scientific and pedagogical thought. The scientific ideal is represented the world over by Hilbert's Foundations of Geometry. (Translated by Town- send, Open Court Pub. Co., Chicago.) The pedagogical ideals are represented in this country by the Report of the National Committee of Fifteen. (See Mathematics Teacher, Dec, 1912 ; School Science and Mathematics, 1911 ; Proceedings of N. E. A., 1911.) These ideals and the personal experience of one of the authors in teaching high school geometry in recent years have been the determining factors in the making of this text. Permit us to direct attention to some of its features. In each Book, the fundamentally important theorems are given first. These theorems present a safe and sane minimum course. These are followed in each Book by one or more groups of theorems or applications which are strictly supple- mentary, — material which either has long appeared in geom- etries in some form or has been introduced in recent years to add to the pupils' interest. Teachers will find no difficulty in 54 X an 8 IV PREFACE making selection from this material, and, on the other hand, will not be embarrassed by omitting any of it. (See pp. 172, 210, and 245.) The introduction presents only the immediately necessary concepts, notation, and terminology. Emphasis is upon the acquisition of these and of skill in the use of tools, and above all upon the acquisition of the important point of view pre- sented in §§ 48-50. The fundamental constructions are placed early in Book I so that pupils can be required to construct their figures ; they are not placed earlier because they cannot be proved earlier. Authorities and details of demonstrations which pupils can supply are increasingly omitted from the demonstrations, and often only suggestions are given. The resulting proofs are an incentive to real thinking for all the members of the class ; they do not consume time that can be spent more profitably upon exercises and other valuable supplementary material. Pupils are encouraged to plan their proofs instead of plung- ing blindly into a demonstration. (See §§69 and 117.) Unnecessary corollaries have been omitted, and dignity and importance is given to those which are included in the text. (See §§ 71, 96, 101.) The stages of the proof are plainly marked, the steps are numbered, the reasons are given in full, and the proofs are arranged attractively on the page. Carefully selected exercises follow most of the propositions. Notice exercises such as Exercises 2, 23, 45, 63, of Book I, de- signed to teach concretely and inductively the theorems which immediately follow. Notice also the illustrative exercises which set a standard for the pupils' solution. (See pp. 31, 32, 157.) Enough exercises are provided for a minimum course. Besides these, there are miscellaneous exercises at the close of each Book, depending upon only the theorems of the minimum course. Finally there will be found from time to time a note like that on page 52, referring to supplementary exercises at the end of the text. (See pp. 52, 59, 83.) Suggestions are PREFACE V given with exercises where experience has shown that a ma- jority of a class require such assistance in order to do effective work. (See Book 1, Ex. 128, 131, etc.) Simple applied problems (see Book I, Ex. 15, 37, 39, 40, 41, etc.) and artistic designs (see pp. 1, 47, 50, etc.) exhibit to the pupils some of the uses of geometry. Only simple applica- tions are included in the minimum course. Other applications are introduced among the supplementary exercises at the end of the text and among the supplementary topics at the close of certain of the Books. (See pp. 138, 172, 174, 246, etc.) A brief history of geometry is included in the introduction, and other historical references are introduced from time to time throughout the text. (See pp. 29, 36, 46, 240, etc.) Axioms are defined in the accepted modern form (p. 22). They are introduced only as they become necessary. (See pp. 22, 29, 50, 82.) In the introduction, their meaning is made clear by suitable preliminary exercises. (See Introduction, Ex. 22, 23, 24, 37, etc.) The definitions also are modern and con- sistent, 'even though they are in some cases different from those ordinarily given. (See § § 1,2, 4, 5, 47, the note on p. 27, etc.) For example, after defining a circle as a line, which is correct, there is every reason for also defining a polygon as a line, instead of defining it as a portion of a plane. It may seem strange at first also not to find in the first paragraph of the text the attempted distinction between a physical and a geo- metrical solid, — something that is psychologically impossible for beginners, — but the authors believe firmly that there is much to recommend their own informal statements in § 1. The incommensurable cases are dismissed with a mere re- mark on pages 113, 149, and 194, and are treated fully only after the theory of limits is given on page 260. The mensuration of the circle is treated informally at first on page 238. The treatment involves nevertheless the basic ideas which are developed more fully in the formal treatment of the same topic which appears as one of the supplementary topics of Book V on page 248. This treatment is as elemen- VI PREFACE tary as the difficulty of the subject permits ; to give less would render the treatment either incomprehensible or incomplete. On the other hand, the treatment is as sound as an elementary presentation renders possible ; to give more would certainly render the subject distasteful to an average high school class. In the treatment of the mensuration of the cylinder and the cone, the fundamental limits theorems are assumed on the ground that rigorous proofs are beyond the scope of an elementary course. In the enunciation of the area theorems for portions of the surface of a sphere, changes have been made which enable pupils both to learn and to remember the theorems more readily. The course in Solid Geometry is practical in the sense that the mensuration theorems for the common solids are given the place of prominence. Por example, in Book IX the mensu- ration of the sphere is treated in the minimum course, — the mathematically interesting theorems about spherical geometry being grouped as a supplementary topic. Besides this empha- sis given to the mensuration theorems, some natural applica- tions of solid geometry are touched upon in the exercises. CONTENTS PAOB Introduction 1 Book I. Rectilinear Figures 29 Supplementary Theorems 87 Miscellaneous Exercises 91 Book II. The Circle 93 Measurement of Angles and Arcs 1 12 Loci 124 Supplementary Topics 128 Miscellaneous Exercises 139 Book III. Proportion — Similar Polygons 141 Supplementary Topics 172 Miscellaneous Exercises 189 Book IV, Areas of Polygons 191 Supplementary Topics 210 Miscellaneous Exercises 219 Book V. Regular Polygons 221 Mensuration of the Circle — Informal Treatment . . . 238 Supplementary Topics 245 Supplementary Exercises — Book I 273 Supplementary Exercises — Book II 283 Supplementary Exercises — Book III 289 Supplementary Exercises — Book IV 294 Supplementary Exercises — Book V 299 vn viii CONTENTS PAGE Book VI. Lines and Planes — Polyedral Angles .... 307 Supplementary Topics o 339 Supplementary Theorems . . . . o . . . 343 Book VII. Polyedra ........ e 346 Supplementary Topics . . 376 Miscellaneous Theorems .... .... 380 Book VIII. The Cylinder and the Cone . . . . , .388 Measuring the Cylinder 392 The Cone 396 Supplementary Topics 405 Book IX. The Sphere 409 Spherical Polygons 415 Volume of a Sphere . 434 Supplementary Topics 438 Supplementary Exercises — Books VI to IX 454 Index 463 PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRY SYMBOLS = , is equal to ; equals. >, is greater than. <, is less than. II , is parallel to ; parallel. ±, is perpendicular to. J_, perpendicular. ~, is similar to. ^, is congruent to. Any symbol representing plural by affixing the letter s Z, angle. A, triangle. O, parallelogram. □, rectangle. O, circle. .'., therefore. = , is identically equal to. = , approaches as limit. a noun is converted into thus A means angles. the ABBREVIATIONS Adj., adjacent. Ex., exercise. Alt, alternate. Ext., exterior. Ax., axiom. Hom.^ homologous. Con., conclusion. Hyp/, hypothesis. Cong., congruent. Int., interior. Const., construction. Rect., rectangle. Cor., corollary. Rt, right. Corres. , corresponding. St., straight. Def., definition. Supp. , supplementary. It is not necessary to learn any of these symbols until they are introduced in the text. m- i( m iWg^' ifH A View in the Congressional Library, Illustrating the Use OF Geometry in Architecture GEOMETRY INTRODUCTION In arithmetic and algebra, frequent reference is made to the rectangle, the square, the triangle, and the circle. These are geometrical figures, and in geometry a careful study of them and of many others is made. Geometrical figures are used constantly in architecture. Plans of a House They often form the basis of artistic designs. A Textile Pattern An Autistic Tbay 2 PLANE GEOMETRY Our playgrounds are often laid out in geometrical forms. A Football Field Familiarity with such figures and their properties, and ability to construct and measure them, is both interesting and worth while. It is interesting also to know how man has developed his knowledge of such figures and his skill in using them. HISTORY OF GEOMETRY Geometry as it is now studied has been handed down to us from the Greeks. The word " geometry " is derived from two Greek words meaning the earth and to measure; this fact is evidence that the Greeks believed that geometry was inti- mately associated with or else had been developed out of the practical business of measuring the earth, — surveying. The. Greeks receiyed thei? start in geometry from the Egyp- tians, 'tkales Qf'*3^iiilcs''(.feO-550 b.c.) is given special credit for tBans^ Conclusion. A ABC ^ A BCD. ^^O^ Proof. 1. In A ABC and A BCD: J) AB=CD', Hyp. Z1 = Z2; Hyp. BC = BC. See note below. 2. .'^A ABC ^ A BCD, [If two A have two sides and the included Z of one equal respectively to two sides and the included Z of the other, the A are congruent.] Note. — The symbol = is read. " is identically equal to." thority is required, for any magnitude is equal to itself. Ex. 8. Hyp. Zl=Z2; AB = EC. Con. AABD^ABCD. ' No other au- ■^' Ex. 9. Hyp. Con. Suggestion. Why? AD and BC are st. lines. A0= OD] B0= OC. AABO^ACDO. What do you know about Zl and Z2? Ex. 10. Hyp. Con. Ex. 11. Hyp. Con. XY = XW. XZ bisects Z X. AXYZ^AXZW. DBC is a St. line. ABA. DC) DB = BC. A ADB ^ A ABC. 65. Homologous parts of congruent figures are parts which are similarly located ; they are the parts which coincide when 32 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I the figures are made to coincide. It follows that : homologous parts of congruent figures are equal. Thus, in § 63, Z O is homologous to Z F^ and side J5(7 is homologous to side EF. It follows that AC = A F and BC = EF. Note. — In congruent triangles, homologous sides lie opposite equal angles and homologous angles lie opposite equal sides. Q6. Principle I. To prove that two segments are equal or two angles are equal, try to prove them homologous parts of congruent triangles. Illustrative Exercise Hyp. BG is a st. line. j AB±BC', DC±BG; \ AB=DC. 1 ^\o rf is mid-point of BC. 2 \-/ Con. AO = OD. \J T) Plan. Try to prove AO and OD homologous sides of congruent A. Proof. 1. Since ABA.BC, Al = 2^ rt. Z. 2. Since DC 1. BC,Z2 = ^ rt. Z. 3. .-. Z1=Z2. Def. Def. [All rt, Zs are equal.] 4. In A^jBOand A7)C0: AB^DC; Hyp: Z1 = Z2; Step 3 BO=OC. Hyp. 5. .'. AABO^ADCO. [If two A have two sides and the included Z of one equal respectively to two sides and the included Z of the other, the A are congruent.] 6. .'.AO=OD. [Homologous sides of cong. A are equal.] Note. — AO lies opposite Z 1 and OD lies opposite Z2; hence they are homologous sides of the congruent triangles. RECTILINEAR FIGURES Ex. 12. Hyp. AB±BC; DC±BC; O bisects BC; AB = DC. Con. A0= OD. Ex. 13. Hyp. NO bisects Z PNM. MN=NP. Con. Zilf = ZP. Ex. 14. Hyp. AB = BC= CD ZB = ZD. Con. AC = CE. DE. Ex. 15. To obtain tlie distance AB. (1) Locate point O from which OA and OB may be measured. (2) Extend AO and 50, making OC=AO and 0D = BO. Then DO = ^i?. Prove it. Ex. 16. If AB and CD are two diameters of a circle, prove that AD must equal BC. Review Exercises Ex. 17. If, in the adjoining figure, Z 3 = Z 7, prove Z 2 = Z 7. ~ Ex. 18. If Z 4 = Z 5, prove Z 1 = Z 8. ^~ Ex. 19. If Z 3 = Z G, prove Z 1 = Z 5. ^' Suf^gestioiis. —1. Recall §41. 2. Of what angle is Zl the supplement? 3. Of what angle is Z 5 the supplement? Ex.20. If Z4 = Z8, proveZ3 = Z6. Ex. 21. When are two figures congruent ? Ex. 22. What method of proof is employed in proving Proposition I ? Ex. 23. Draw a A ^50, having ^B=4 in., ZA = 60°, and Z 5=80°. Cut your triangle from the paper and compare it with the triangles made by other members of your class. What do you conclude must be true about all triangles made according to the directions given ? 34 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Pkoposition II. Theorem 67. If two triangles have two angles and the included side of one equal respectively to two angles and the irv- eluded side of the other, the triangles are congruent c A B D Hypothesis. In A ABO and A DEF: AB = DE; ZA=ZD; Z.B=ZE. Conclusion. A ABC ^ A DEF. Proof. 1. Place A ABC on A DEF, with point A on point D and AB on DE. 2. Point B will fall on point E. [Since AB = BE, by hypothesis.] § 13 3. AC will fall on DF, C falling somewhere on line DF. [Since ZA=ZD,\)y hypothesis. ] § 21 4. BC will fall on EF, falling somewhere on line EF. [Since /.B = AE^hy hypothesis.] § 21 5. .*. point C must fall on point F. [Two St. lines can intersect at only one point.] § 11 6. .-. A ABC coincides with AZ>^Fandis congruent to it. [Two A are congruent if they can be made to coincide. ] § 60 Ex. 24. Where would AC fall if Z A, above, were less than /.D'> Ex. 25. Draw freehand the approximate figure which would result from superposing A ABC on A DEF if AB = DE, AA = ^ZD, and ZB = iZE. Ex. 26. After proving A ABC congruent to A DEF, what do you know about : (a)ZC? Why ? (6) About AC? (c) About BC? § 65 RECTILINEAR FIGURES 35 Ex. 27. In Propositions I and II, how many parts (§ 47) of one triangle are given equal to parts of the other triangle ? ^ Ex.28. Hyp. Z1=Z2. /^^"^>^ Con. A ABC ^ A BCD. ^^^^ Ex. 29. Hyp. AE and BD are st. lines. ZB= ZD: C bisects BD. t^ Con. ZA = Z£. ^^^ Suggestion. — Read § 66. ^ Ex.30. Hyp. ^C bisects Z a /, BG±AD. Con. AB = BD. Ex. 31. If the line which joins two opposite vertices of a quadrilateral (four-sided figure) bisects the angles whose vertices it joins, then the other two angles are equal. b^ Hyp. Z1 = Z2; Z3 = Z4. Con. ZB = ZD. D Note. — Supplementary Exercises 1 and 2, p. 273, can be studied now. 68. A triangle is Scalene when no two of its sides are equal ; Isosceles when two of its sides are equal ; Equilateral when all its sides are equal ; Equiangular when all its angles are equal. Scalene Isosceles Equilateral A triangle can be made to " stand upon " any one of its sides. Hence any side of a triangle can be considered its Base. When a side has been selected as base, the opposite vertex is called the Vertex of the triangle, and the angle at that vertex is called the Vertical Angle of the triangle. In an iso.sceles triangle, the side which is not one of the equal sides is usually taken as the base ; and then the angle formed by the equal sides is the vertical angle of the isosceles triangle. 36 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Pkoposition III. Theorem 69- In a7i isosceles triangle, the angles opposite the equal sides are equal. Proof. 2. B Hypothesis. In A ABC, AC= BC. Conclusion. /.A = /.B. Plan. Prove ZA and Z B homologous A of cong. A. 1. Let CD bisect Z O. In A ACDsLTid A BCD: AC=BC; Hyp. CD = CD. See Note 1, § 64. Z 1 = Z 2. Def . [Since CD bisects Z O. ] r.AACD^ABCD. [If two /^ have two sides and the included Z of one equal respectively to two sides and the included Z of the other, the A are congruent. ] .'.ZA = ZB. [Homologous A of cong. ii are equal.] Note 1. — Principle I (§ 66) is used. To get two triangles, a construc- tion line, CD, was drawn. This is often necessary. Note 2. — This theorem is ascribed to Thales, although this may not be his proof. The proof for this theorem which was given by Euclid ap- pears as Ex. 3, p. 273. It can be studied after § 73. Ex. 32. Why are ZA and ZB homologous angles of the congruent triangles in the proof of Proposition III ? 70. Cor. An equilateral triangle is also equiangular. (Read § 71 at this time.) 3. 4. 63 §65 RECTILINEAR FIGURES 37 71. A Corollary is a theorem which is easily deduced from the theorem with which it is given. For each corollary, draw a figure, form the hypothesis and conclusion, and give the proof. Ex. 33. Hyp. AB = AC. Zl =Z2. Con. AABX^AAYC. Suggestion. — Does Z.3 = Z'^'! Why? Ex. 34. If AB = AC and if D is the mid-point of BC, Eoi AB, and F of AC, prove that ED=FD. Suggestions. — Form the hypothesis and conclusion. Read § (56. Does ^A' = CF ? Why ? Ex. 35. After proving DE =DF in Ex. 34, draw EF and prove that ZDEF=ZDFE. Ex. 36. In the figure drawn for Ex. 35, prove that Z AFE = Z AEF. Ex. 37. If AB and CB are two rafters of equal length in a roof, and if DF and EG are supports, perpendicular to the floor AG, at points equally distant from A and C respec- tively, prove that DF must equal EG. (Form the hypothesis and conclusion first. ) Ex. 38. In an isosceles triangle ABC, having AB = AC, point D is any point in the base BC. E ia taken on AC and F on AB so that EC = BD and BF = DC. Prove that DE = DF. (Draw the figure as it is described.) Ex. 39. To obtain the distance AB. (1) LayoffjBCJLto^^. (2) Lay off (7jE:± to ^O. (3) Place a stake at 0, the mid-point of BC. (4) De- termine, by sighting, a point D on CE so that A, O, and D will be in the same straight line. Then CD = AB. Prove it. Ex. 40. To obtain the distance AB. (1) Let AC he any convenient segment. (2) Lay off AD, making ZS = Zl. (3) Lay off CD, making Z 4 = Z 2. Then AB = AD. Prove it. 38 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition IV. Problem 72. Construct a triangle, having given its three sides. Given m, n, and p, the three sides of a triangle. Required to construct the triangle. Construction. 1. Draw AB = m. 2. With A as center, and n as radius, draw an arc. 3. With B as center, and p as radius, draw a second arc, in- tersecting the first arc at C. 4. Draw AC and BO. Statement. A ABC is the required triangle, as it has the given sides. Discussion. If one side is equal to or greater than the sum of the other two sides, the construction is impossible. Ex. 41. A piece of ground is triangular in form. Its sides measure 100 rd., 150 rd., and 200 rd., respectively. Make a scale drawing of the triangle, letting 1 in. represent 100 rd. Ex. 42. Construct an isosceles triangle whose base is 2 in. and whose equal sides are each 3 in. Ex. 43. A girl wants an equilateral triangle whose sides are each 3 in. long, to be used as a pattern in making a patch-work pillow-cover. Con- struct the equilateral triangle. Ex. 44. Try to construct a triangle whose sides are 1 in., 3 in., and 4 in., respectively. Ex, 45. Construct a triangle whose sides are 2 in., 3 in., and 4 in., respectively. Cut the triangle from the paper and compare it by super- position with the triangles made by other members of your class. What do you conclude must be true about all triangles made according to the directions given ? RECTILINEAR FIGURES 39 Proposition V. Theorem 73. If two triangles have the three sides of one equal respectively to the three sides of the other, the triangles are congruent. Hypothesis. In A ABC and A DEF : AB = DE', BO=EF; B,ndAC=DF. Conclusion. A ABC ^ A DEF. Proof. 1. Place A DEF so that DE will coincide with AB, E falling on B, and so that F falls at G, on the opposite side of AB from C. Draw CG. 2. In A ACG, Z 1 = Z 2, since AC= AG. [In an isosceles A, the A opposite the equal sides are equal.] § 69 3. In A BCG, Z 3 = Z 4, since BC= BG. 4. .•.Z1 + Z3=Z2 + Z4. [If equals be added to equals, the sums are equal.] Ax. 3 ; § 51 5. .'.ZC=ZG,ovZC = ZF. Ax.7;§51 6. In A ABC and A DEF: AC= DF, and BC= EF; Hyp. ZC = ZF. Step 5 7. .-. A ABC ^ A DEF. [See Note 1 and §63.] Note 1. — From now on, an authority which should be familiar to the student will be omitted from demonstrations in the text. The paragraph reference will be given for the present. The student should supply the authority in full, without consulting the authority quoted, if possible ; otherwise he should look up the reference. When writing out a demon- 40 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I stration or giving the demonstration orally, give all authorities in full as has been done in the text heretofore. Note 2. — Three sides determine a triangle ; that is, the shape and size of the triangle cannot change unless one or more of the sides is changed. Practical use is made of this fact as illustrated in the figures below. In each case, three lengths deter- mine a triangle which makes some part of the object rigid. ...^^^^f^. Roof Truss P^^ -innnnnnnru Gate lOE^ Ex. 46. If MN= iVPand MO = OP, then NO bisects /.MNP. (Form the Hyp., Con., and give the proof. See § 52.) Ex. 47. If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral ABGD are equal, then /.A = ZG. pf ^0 Ex. 48. In quadrilateral ABCD in Ex. 47, can you prove that /.B = ZD? Ex. 49. Why is a shelf bracket made in the form of a triangle ? Ex. 50. Can you give any other practical uses of Proposition V ? Ex. 51. On segment XY construct isosceles A XYZ and a second isos- celes AXYW. Draw ZW. Prove that AXZW^ A YZW. Ex. 52. In the adjoining figure, if AB = DC, and b^ AC = BD, then Z A must equal Z D. Suggestion. — Prove A ABC ^ A BCD. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 3 to 5, p. 273, can be studied now. ,^< Review Questions Ex. 53. What is a theorem ? an axiom ? Ex. 54. State three theorems by which two triangles can be proved congruent. Ex. 55. What are homologous parts of congruent triangles ? Ex. 56. State Principle I. Ex. 57. What does it mean to bisect an angle ? RECTILINEAR FIGURES 41 Proposition VI. Problem 74. Bisect a given angle. Given Z^O-B. Required to bisect Z AOB. Construction. 1. With as center and a convenient radius, draw an arc intersecting AO a,t C and BO at D. 2. With C and D as centers and with equal radii, draw arcs intersecting at E. 3. Draw OE. Statement. OE bisects Z AOB. Proof. The proof is to be given by the pupil. Suggestions. — Draw CE and DE. Recall § 66. Note. — For construction problems, the regular form is to give the statement of the problem, the parts which are "given," that which is "required," the "construction," the "statement," and the "proof." Also it is important to " discuss " the solution finally, in order to decide when the solution is possible, etc. In this problem it is evident that the solution is always possible. Ex. 58. Draw an obtuse angle. Divide it into four equal parts. Ex. 59. Construct the bisectors of the three angles of a large triangle. What seems to happen ? Ex. 60. Three pieces of wood are to be joined as in the figure on the right. Construct to scale (letting 1'' =4") an equilateral triangle ; bisect its angles; on each bisector lay off a point 4" from the vertex ; connect these points. 42 PLANE GEOMETRY - BOOK I Proposition VII. Problem 75. At a given point in a line, construct an angle equal to a given angle. ^. By PC o Given / P, and point in line OA. Required to construct an angle equal to Z P, having as vertex and OA as side. Construction. 1. With P as center and a convenient radius, draw an arc intersecting the sides of Z Pat (7 and D, Draw CD. 2. With as center and PC as radius, draw arc FE. 3. With F as center and CD as radius, draw an arc inter- secting arc FE at B. 4. Draw OB. Statement. Z.AOB = ZP. Proof. Draw FB. Proof to be given by the pupil. Ex. 61. Construct /\ABC with side AB = 4 in., and ZA and ZB equal to the angles given in the adjoin- ing figure. Measure AC. Should the triangles made by different pupils be congruent ? Ex 62. Construct A ABC having Z A equal to the Z A given in Ex. 61, AB = 3 in., and AC = 2 in. Measure BC. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 6-9, p. 273, can be studied now. 76. A line perpendicular to a segment at its mid-point is the Perpendicular-bisector of the segment. Ex. 63. Draw a line BC, 3 in. in length. With compasses, locate a point A above BC which is 2 in. from B and 2 in. from C. Locate simi- larly a point D below BC which is 3 in. from B and 3 in. from C. Draw AD, cutting BC at E. (a) Compare BE with EC by means of your dividers, (b) Measure Z BE A. (c) What kind of lines are AD and BC? RECTILINEAR FIGURES Proposition VIII. Theorem 43 77. If two points are each equidistant from the ends of a segment, they determine the perpendicular-bisector of the segment Hypothesis. C and D are equidistant from the ends of seg ment AB. CD intersects AB at E. Conclusion. AE = EB; CD± AB. Proof. 1. In A ACD and A CBB : AC=CB,kndAD = DB', CD = CD. .'. A ACD ^ A BCD. .-. Z3 = Z4. AACE^AECB. (Give the full proof.) .-. AE = EB. Also Z1=Z2. .-. CD±AB. [If one straight line meets another straight line so that the adj. A formed are equal, the A are rt. A, and the lines are ±.] §§ 20, 29 Note. — It is often necessary, as in this proof, to prove one pair of tri- angles congruent in order to obtain two equal angles or two equal segments which are required in turn to prove another pair of triangles congruent. Ex. 64. If XZ is the perpendicular-bisector of ABj and Y is a point on XZ, prove A AXY^ A BXY. First prove /\AXZ^/\BXZ to get AX=XB; then prove A ^Z F ^ A BZ T to get ^ F = YB. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hyp. Why? §65 § 63 Why? Why? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 10-11, p. 274, can be studied now. 44 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I . Proposition IX. Problem 78. Construct the perpendicular-bisector of a given segment. x1 V a4 N \A \ ■^B I / Given line segment AB. Required to construct the perpendicular-bisector of AB. Construction. 1. With A and B as centers, and with equal radii, draw arcs intersecting at Q and also at Z>. 2. Draw CD intersecting AB at B. Statement. E bisects AB. Proof. 1. AC= BO, and also AD = BD. [Radii of equal circles are equal.] § 17 2. .*. CD is the perpendicular-bisector of AB. [If two points are each equidistant from the ends of a segment, they determine the perpendicular-bisector of the segment.] § 77 Ex. 65. Divide a given segment into four equal parts. Ex. 66. Draw a triangle of large size. Construct the perpendicular- bisectors of the three sides. What happens ? 79. A Median of a triangle is the line drawn from a vertex to the mid-point of the opposite side. Ex. 67. Draw a triangle of large size. Construct the three medians of the A. What happens ? Ex. 68. Prove that the median drawn to the base of an isosceles triangle bisects the vertical angle. (Construct the figure.) Note. — Supplementary Exercises 12-14, p. 274, can be studied now. RECTILINEAR FIGURES 45 Proposition X. Problem SO. At a point in a line, construct a perpendicular to the line. A-J- \ Given O, any point in line AB. Required to construct a perpendicular to AB at (7. Construction. 1. With C as center, and any radius, draw- arcs intersecting AB at D and E respectively. 2. With D and E as centers and a radius greater than one half DE, draw two arcs intersecting at F. 3. Draw CF. Statement. CF± AB at C. Proof. 1. Draw DF and EF. 2. C is equidistant from D and E. Why ? 3. F is equidistant from D and E. Why ? 4. .-. CF is the perpendicular-bisector of DE. Why ? 5. .-. CFJ_^J5at a [Since AB and i>^ are the same straight line.] 81. Proposition X proves that one perpendicular can be draivn to a line at a point in the line. It can be proved that only one perpendicular can be drawn to a line at a point in the line. For, if CP and DP were both perpendicular to AB at P, then Z 1 and Z 2 ^ ^ would both be right angles and hence would be equal. But Z 1 is greater than Z 2, for the whole is greater than any of its parts. -^ Ex. 69. Prove CF perpendicular to DE (§80) by proving that Z FCD = Z FCE, and then using § 26. 46 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XI. Problem 82. Construct a perpendicular to a line from a point not in the line, G •^"i^ -fi Given line AB and point C not in AB. Required to construct a ± to AB from C. Construction. 1. With C as center and a convenient radius, draw an arc intersecting AB at D and E respectively. 2. With D and E as centers, and equal radii, draw two arcs intersecting at F. 3. Draw CF. Statement. CF±AB. Proof. 1. C is equidistant from D and E. Why ? 2. F is equidistant from D and E. Why ? 3. .-. CF is the perpendicular-bisector of DE. Why ? 4. .-. Ci^±^S. [Since AB and J>£' are the same straight line.] Historical Note. — This construction is attributed to Oenipodes of Chios (466 B.C.) 83. Proposition XI proves that one perpendicular can be drawn to a line from a point not in the line. It will be proved later (§ 88) that only one perpendicular can he drawn to a line from a point not in the line. It will also be proved (§ 164) that the perpendicular is the shortest segment from the pfoint to the line. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 15-16, p. 274, can be studied now. RECTILINEAR FIGURES 47 84. The Distance from a point to a line is the length of the perpendicular from the point to the line. 85. An Altitude of a triangle is the per- pendicular drawn from a vertex to the opposite side or the opposite side extended ; as, AD. Ex. 70. How many altitudes does a triangle have ? Ex. 71. Construct a triangle whose sides are 2 inches, 3 inches, and 4 inches, respectively. Construct the three altitudes of the triangle. Ex. 72. Construct an angle of 45°. (Use Prop. XI and Prop. VI.) Construct an angle of 135° ; of 22^° ; of 67^°. Note. — The second and third designs below are drawn upon the first figure as a background. Can you discover how the first figure is con- structed ? Can you make an original design similar to these designs ? 86. An Exterior Angle of a triangle is the angle at any vertex formed by a side of the triangle and the adjacent side extended ; as, Z DC A. One interior angle is adjacent to the exterior ^ angle and the other two are remote interior angles, are the remote interior angles of exterior A DC A. Ex. 73. Draw a large figure like that in § 86. Measure the exterior Z.DCA and each of the remote interior angles. How does the exterior angle compare with the remote interior angles ? • Ex. 74. In the figure for Prop. IX, p. 44, Z. CEB is an exterior angle of what triangles ? O D Thus, Z .A and Z.B 48 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition^ XII. Theorem 87. A71 exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either remote interior angle. Hjrpothesis. Conclusion. Z BCD is an exterior Z of A ABC. Z BCD >ZB; also Z BCD > Z A. Part I. Proof. 1. Through 0, the mid-point of BC, draw AG. Extend AO to E, making OE equal to AG. Draw CE. 2. .-. AABG^AGCE. [Give the full proof.] .-. Z4 = Z1. Z BCD > Zl. [The whole is greater than any of its parts.] .'.ZBCD>Z4.. (Substitute Z4 for its equal, Z 1.) Part IL Proof. 1. Extend BC to F. Why? Ax. 8, § 51 Ax. 2, § 51 2. Z ACF > ZA. [By a proof similar to that for Part I.] 3. ZBCD = ZACF. Why? 4. .'. ZBCD>ZA. (Substitute Z 5 (7i> for its equal, ZAGF, in step 2.) Ex. 75. In the figure for Prop. XII, prove that ZBOE is greater than Z 4. (Use §87.) Ex. 76. Prove also that Z AOC > Z 1. Ex. 77. Compare Z ECF with Z 3. RECTILINEAR FIGURES ' 49 88. Cor. Tliere can he only one perpendicular from a point to a line. ^ If AB ± DE, then AC cannot be ± DE, for Z2 > A\ and hence Z2 is an obtuse angle. ^- V B Ex. 78. If straight lines be drawn from a point with- 2 in a triangle to the extremities of any side, the angle in- cluded by them is greater than the angle included by the other two sides. (Prove Z AXC >ZABC.) ^'^ ^C Suggestions. — 1. Compare Z AXC with Z A YC. 2. Compare Z A YC with ZABC. Review Questions Ex. 79. What is the perpendicular-bisector of a segment ? Ex. 80. What is a median of a triangle ? How many medians does a triangle have ? Ex. 81. What is an altitude of a triangle ? Ex. 82. What is the distance from a point to a line ? Ex. 83. (a) What is an exterior angle of a triangle ? (b) How many exterior angles can be formed at one vertex of a triangle ? (c) How do they compare ? Ex. 84. (a) How many perpendiculars can be drawn to a line from a point not in the line ? (6) How many at a point of the line ? Ex. 85. Five fundamental construction problems have now been taught (§§ 74, 75, 78, 80, 82). (a) State each of them. (6) Are you able to make each of these constructions quickly with ruler and compass alone ? Note. — Straightedge and compass alone are employed in making the constructions in elementary geometry. This practice was initiated by Plato (429-348 b.c). Naturally some constructions cannot be made with these tools alone. For example, it is impossible to trisect an angle by ruler and compass alone. 50 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I PARALLEL LINES ill ill iji ifi ifi fli -^^ Some Parallel Line Border Designs 89. Two straight lines are Parallel (II) if they lie in the same plane and do not meet however far they are extended. Note. — Two straight lines in the same plane either intersect or are parallel lines. 90. Ax. 16. Axiom of Parallels. TJirough a ^ -^.^p^ ^ given point there can he only one parallel to a given line. Thus, XFII MN. M N 91. Cor. If two lines are parallel to a . „ third line, they are parallel to each other. Hyp. ABWGD) EFWCD. ^ ^ Con. AB II EF. Proof. If AB and EF are not parallel, they must meet at a point. Through this point there would then be two lines parallel to CD. But this is impossible by the Axiom of Parallels. Hence AB must be paral- lel to EF. 92. If two lines are cut by a third line, AB, called a Trans- versal, the angles are named as follows : A 3, 4, 5, and 6 are called Interior Angles. A 1, 2, 7, and 8 are called Exterior Angles. AS and 6 are called Alternate-interior Angles ; also A 5 and 4. Al and 8 are called Alternate-exterior Angles ; also zi 2 and 7. A 2 and 6 are called Corresponding Angles ; also /4 1 and 5, A 3 and 7, and A 4 and 8. PARALLEL LINES 51 Proposition XIII. Theorem 93. If two lines are cut hy a transversal so that a pair of alternate-interior angles are equal, the lines are parallel. >o Hypothesis. AB and CD are cut by EF-, Z 1 = Z 2. Conclusion. AB II CD. Proof. 1. Suppose that AB is not parallel to CD, and that it meets CD at point O on the right of EF, forming A MNO. 2. Then Z 1 is an exterior angle of A MNO. 3. .-. Z 1 > Z 2 [An ext. Z of a A is greater than either remote int. Z.] § 87 4. ButZl = Z2 Hyp. 5. .*. AB cannot meet CD on the right of EF. 6. Similarly it can be proved that AB cannot meet CD on the left of EF. 7. .-. AB II CD [Two lines are II if they lie in the same plane and do not meet however far they are extended.] § 89 Note. — Read the next paragraph at this time. 94. The method of proof used in §§91 and 93 is called the Indirect Method of Proof. Notice : (a) it starts by assuming the negative of the conclusion ; (b) it follows up the conse- quences of this assumption until a statement is reached which contradicts a known fact ; (c) this contradiction is made the basis for asserting that the desired conclusion is true. 52 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I 95. Principle II. To prove two lines parallel, try to prove a pair of alternate-interior angles equal. 96. Cor. 1. If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of corresponding angles are equal, the lines are parallel. Hyp. AB and CD are cut by EF\ Z2= Z6. Con. AB li CD. Plan. Try to prove Z 3 = Z 6. Then use § 93. 97. Cor. 2. If two lines are perpendic- ular to a third line, they are parallel. Hyp. AB±XY; CD A. XY. Con. AB II CD. Plan. Try to prove Z 1 = Z2. Then use § 93. X— f- -M- B D 98. Cor. 3. If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary, the lines are parallel. Hyp. AB and CD are cut by EF ; Z 4 + Z 6 = 1 st. Z. Con. AB II CD. Plan. Try to prove Z 3 = Z 6. Proof. 1. Z3 + Z4 = 1 St. Z. 2. Z4 + Z6 = 1 St. Z. 3. .-. Z3 + Z4 = Z4 + Z6. 4. .-. Z3 = Z6, and hence^^ll CD. §39 A Hyp. C Why? Why? Ex. 86. If tw^o lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of alternate-exterior angles are equal, the lines are parallel. Ex. 87. A carpenter wants a board of length AC v^ith parallel ends, AB and CD. He marks AB and CD by means of his square as in the figure. Why must AB and CD be parallel ? Assume that edge ^O is a straightedge. TZyp A B CD Ex. 88. If sides BA and CA of any A ABC are extended their own lengths through vertex ^ to Z> and E respectively, then DE is parallel to BC. Suggestion. — Apply § 95 and § 66. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 17-21, p. 274, can be studied now. PARALLEL LINES 53 Proposition XIV. Problem 99. Construct a parallel to a line through a point not in the line. e Given line AB and (7, any point not in line AB. Required to construct a parallel io AB through C. Construction (a). 1. Draw FE through (7, meeting AB at O. 2. At (7, construct Z 2= Z 1. Statement. MN II AB. Why ? Proof. To be given by the pupil. Construction (6). A second construction is based upon § 96. This construction is left as an exercise for the pupil. Ex. 89. The figure adjoining shows how a draughtsman draws a line through C parallel to AB. Why is DE parallel to ABf Ex. 90. The adjoining figure shows how a draughtsman draws parallel lines by means of his T-square. Why are the lines parallel ? Ex. 91. Construct the figure for § 07 ; then construct the bisectors of A 1 and 2. Prove that these bisectors are parallel. Ex. 92. In the figure for Prop. XII, p. 48, prove that CE \a parallel to AB. 54 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XY. Theorem 100. If tivo parallels are cut hy a transversal, alter- nate-interior angles are equal. Hypothesis. EFcuts lis AB and CD at G and H. Conclusion. Z AGH = Z GHD. Proof. 1. Suppose that Z AGH is less than Z GHD. 2. Then draw i^l^ through H, so that Z (7^3f = Z ^(^^. 3. .'.LMWAB. [If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of alt.- int. A are equal, the lines are II.] 4. But this is impossible, for CD II AB, by hypothesis. [Through a given point, there can be only one II to a given line.] 5. .-. Z AGH cannot be less than Z GHD. 6. Similarly, Z AGH cannot be greater than Z GHD. 7. .'. Z AGH = Z GHD. Note. — Review § 94. 93 90 E Ex. 93. If EF cuts parallels AB and CD so ^ that ZS = 30°, how many degrees are there in each of the other angles of the figure ? G Ex. 94. If EF, joining two parallels, be bisected and GH be drawn through the mid-point and included between the parallels, then GH will also be bisected by the point. 1/2 j> 3/4 5/6 j\ 7/8 F G E K PARALLEL LINES 55 101. Cor. 1. If two parallels are cut by a transversal^ cor- responding angles are equal. Hyp. AB II CD; Z2 and Z.Q are corresponding angles. Con. Z 2 = Z 6. [What do you know about Z 3 and Z 6 ?] 102. Cor. 2. If a line is perpendicular to one of two parallels, it is perpendicular to the other also. Hyp. AB II CD ; XY ± AB. Con. XT±CD. [What must be proved about Z 2 ?] 103. Cor. 3. If two parallels are cut by a transversal, intenor angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary. Hyp. AB II CD ; Z 4 and Z 6 are int. A on the same side of the transversal. (Fig. § 101.) Con. Z 4 + Z 6 = 1 St. Z. Proof. 1. Z 4 + Z3 = 1 St. Z. § 39 2. Z6 = Z3. Why? 8. .-. Z4 + Z6 = l St. Z. [Substituting for Z 3 its equal, Z 6.] Ax. 2, § 51 \ Isi Ave. ' ^%\ 2nd Ave, Ex. 95. If N. W. Street crosses 1st Ave. at an angle of 45°, at what angle does it cross the parallel avenues ? Ex. 96. In the adjoining figure, if AB II CD^ and EFWGH, prove: (a) Z 1 = Z 13 ; (6) Z 3 + Z 16 = 1 St. Z. " 11/12 15/16 F H Ex. 97. If a line be drawn parallel to the base of an isosceles triangle, cutting the two sides of the triangle, it makes equal angles with these sides. 56 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I 104. One theorem is called the Converse of another when the hypothesis and conclusion of the one become the conclusion and hypothesis of the other. Thus, Prop. XV is the converse of • Prop. XIII. In Proposition XIII In Proposition XV Hyp. EFcMtsABsiud Hyp. FF cuts AB and A CD. CD. Z3 = Z6. AB 11 CD. C Con. ABWCD. Con. ZS=Z6. The converse of a given theorem is not always true. Thus, all right angles are equal. The converse would be all equal angles are right angles. Evidently this is not true. Ex. 98. Of what statement is Cor. 1 (§ 101) the converse ? Cor. 2 (§ ]02) ? Cor. 3 (§ 103) ? Ex. 99. In the figure for § 101, prove Z 3 = Z 7. Ex. 100. In the figure for § 101, prove Z 3 + Z 5 = 1st Z. Ex. 101. If two parallels are cut by a transversal, alternate exterior angles are equal. Ex. 102. State the converse of Ex. 101. Is it a true statement ? Ex. 103. If two parallels are cut by a transversal, bisectors of a pair of corresponding angles are parallel. Ex. 104. If two parallels are cut by a transversal, exterior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary. Suggestion. — The proof is like that for § 103. Ex. 105. State the converse of Ex. 104. Ex. 106. If two lines are perpendicular to parallel lines, then they are either parallel or coincide. Ex. 107. What is the axiom of parallels ? Ex. 108. What are parallel lines ? Ex. 109. Is the following a correct statement ? When two lines are cut by a transversal, alternate interior angles are equal. Note. — The various theorems about angles made by a transversal of two parallels are found in Euclid. They were probably formulated by the Pythagoreans. PARALLEL LINES 57 Proposition XVI. Theorem 105. If tioo angles have their sides i^espectively par- allel, they are equal, provided both pairs of parallels extend in the same directions from their vertices, or in opposite directions. / '-7 E Fig. 1 Fig. 2 I. (Fig. 1.) Hypothesis. A ABC and DEF have AB II DE and BC II EF. Conclusion. Z B = /. E. [Proof to be given by the pupil.] Suggestion. — Extend BC and ED until they intersect at G. Compare Z. B with Z 2 and Z E with Z 2. Then compare Z B with Z £". II. (Fig. 2.) Hypothesis. ^ ABC and i>^i^ have ^B II DE and 5C II EF: Conclusion. Z B = ZE. Note. — The sides extend in the same direction if they are on the same side of a straight line joining their vertices, and in opposite directions if they are on opposite sides of this line. Ex. 110. If two angles have their sides respectively parallel, one pair of parallels extending in the same directions but the other pair extending in opposite directions from their vertices, the angles are supple- f-*- mentary. (Prove Z B -\- Z E = I at. Z.) Ex. 111. Two streets cross as in the adjoining figure. If the lot lines at corner C make an angle of 70°, determine the number of degrees in the angle formed at each of the other corners. J^ 58 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XVII. Theorem 106. The sum of the angles of any triangle is one straight angle. Hypothesis. A ABC is any triangle. Conclusion. ZA-\-ZB-\-ZO=lst Z. Proof. 1. Extend AC to D, and construct CE parallel to AB. 2. Z 1 + Z 2 + Z 3 = 1 St. Z. [The sum of all the successive adj. A around a point on one side of a st. line is one st. Z.] § 34 3. Z ^ = Z 1. Const. 4. Z B = Z2, since BC cuts lis AB and CE. Why ? 5. .'.ZA + ZB + ZC=lst.Z. [Substituting ZAtor Zl.ZB for Z 2, and Z C for Z 3.] Ax. 2, § 51 Note. — This theorem is attributed to Eudemus, a pupil of Aristotle. Ex. 112. If Z ^ = 70°, and Z 5 = 35°, how large is Z C ? Ex. 113. How large is each angle of an equiangular triangle ? Ex. 114. Prove Prop. XVII by constructing a line through B parallel to^C Ex. 115. The rafters of a "saddle roof " make an angle of 40° with a level line. What angle do the rafters form at the ridge ? Ex. 116. AB so that AD = AB. AC in A ABC. BA is extended to D Prove that CD is perpendicular to BC. Suggestions. — 1. Z 1 + Z 4 must be proved a right Z. 2. Whatpartof Zl + Z2 + Z3 + Z4isZH-Z4? Note. — This is a very important exercise. It may be expressed thus: if the median to one side of a triangle is one half of that side, the angle from which it is drawn is a right angle. PARALLEL LINES 59 107. A triangle is a Right Triangle when it has one right angle. The Hypotenuse of a right triangle is the side opposite the right angle ; the Legs of a right triangle are the two sides of the triangle including the right angle. If the legs of a right triangle are equal, the triangle is called an Isosceles Right Triangle. Corollaries to Proposition XVII 108. Cor. 1. A triangle cannot have two right angles or two obtuse angles. 109. Cor. 2. The acute angles of a right triangle are com- plementary. 110. Cor. 3. An exterior angle of a triangle /-^^ equals the sum of the two remote interior angles. 14 Prove Zl = Z3 + ^4. [Z2 + Z1 = ? Z2 + Z3 + Z4 = ? Form an equation.] 111. Cor. 4. If two angles of one tri- angle equal respectively two angles of another triangle, the third angles are equal. Hyp. Z 1 = Z 4, and Z 2 = Z 5. Con. Z3 = Z6. 112. Cor. 5. If two triangles have a side, the opposite angle, and another angle of the one equal re- „ spectively to a side, the opposite angle, and another angle of the other, the tri- angles are congruent. Hyp. AB = DE\ Z.C = ^F; ZB = ZE. Con. AABC^ADEF. Suggestions. — 1. Prove LA = LB. 2. Then prove /S ABC^/^ DBF by § 63. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 22-35, p. 275, can be studied now. 60 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Propositiot^ XYIII. Theorem 113. If two angles have their sides respectively per- jpendicular, they are either equal or supplementary. v" \ JB G Hypothesis. A ABC and EDF have ABJuDE and BC±FG. Conclusion. Z7 = Z.1. Z 7 + Z 2 = 1 St. Z. Proof. 1. Extend DE until it meets BA at B. until it meets EG at S and intersects DB at 0. 2. In A BBO said A ODS : Z6 = Z5; Z 3 = Z 4. 3. .-.ZT^Zl. 4. Z 1 -h Z 2 = 1 St. Z. 5. .-. Z7 + Z2== 1 St. Z. [Substitute Z 7 for its equal Z 1.] Extend BO Why? Why? §111 Why? Ax. 2, § 51 They Note. — The angles are equal if both are acute or both obtuse are supplementary if one is acute and one is obtuse. Ex. 117. If two right triangles have the hypotenuse and an acute angle of one equal respectively to the hypotenuse and an acute angle of the other, they are congruent. (§ 112.) Ex. 118. If two right triangles have a leg and the opposite acute angle of one equal respectively to a leg and the opposite acute angle of the other, they are congruent. PARALLEL LINES 61 Proposition XIX. Theorem . 114. If two right triangles have the hypotenuse and a leg of one equal respectively to the hypotenuse and a leg of the other , the triangles are congruent. Hypothesis. In rt. A ABC and DBF-. hypotenuse AB = hypotenuse DE ; BC= EF. Conclusion. AABC^ADEF. Proof. 1. Place A ABjO beside A DEF so that BC will coincide with its equal EF, B falling on E, and so that A falls at Gj on the opposite side of EF from D. 2. .-. Zl + Z2 = 1 St. Z. Why? 3. .-. DFG is a straight line. § 40 4. .-. figure EDFG is a triangle. .6. .'. ^G = ZD, ov Z.A=Z.D. §69 6. In A ABC and A DEF: AB = DE: Z1 = Z2: ZA=ZD. A ABC ^ A DEF. §112 115. Cor. If two equal oblique segments are di'awn to a line from a point in a perpendicular to the line : (1) they cut off equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular. (Prove AD=DB.) (2) they make eqtial angles with the per- pendicular. (Prove Z 1 = Z 2.) (3) they make equal angles with the given line. (Prove Z 3 = Z 4.) Note. — Supplementary Exercise 36, p. 276, can be studied now. 62 PLANE- GEOMETRY — BOOK I SUMMARY 116. The student will liave constant use for the foregoing theorems, problems, and facts. A. Two triangles are congruent if : 1. Two sides and the included Z. of one are equal respectively, etc. § 63 2. Two A and the included side of one are equal respectively, etc. § 67 3. The three sides of one are equal respectively, etc. § 73 4. A side, the opposite Z, and another Z of one are equal respectively, etc. § 112 B. Two right triangles are congruent if : 1. The hypotenuse and a leg of one are equal respectively, etc. § 114 2. The hypotenuse and an acute A of one are equal respectively, etc. Ex. 117 3. A leg and the opposite acute Z of one are equal respectively, etc. Ex. 118 C. Two lines are parallel if : 1. Alt. -int. A made by a transversal are equal. § 93 2. Corresponding A made by a transversal are equal. § 96 3. Int. A on the same side of the transversal are supp. § 98 4. They are parallel to, or perpendicular to, the same line. §§ 91, 97 D. If a transversal cuts two parallels : 1. Alt. -int. A are equal. § 100 2. Corresponding A are equal. § 101 3. Int. A on the same side of the transversal are supp. § 103 E. To prove two line segments are equal : Try to prove them homologous sides of congruent A. § 66 E. To prove two angles equal, try to prove that they : 1. Are homologous A of congruent A. § 66 2. Are supplements or complements of the same or equal A. §§ 37, 41 3. Are right A or vertical A. ' §§ 27, 54 4. Are opposite the equal sides of an isosceles A. § 69 5. Are alt. -int. A or corresponding A made by a transversal of two parallels. §§ 100, 101 6. Have their sides respectively II or ±, etc. §§ 105, 113 G. To prove an angle is a right angle, try to prove : 1. It is equal to its supplement. § 26 2. It is the angle formed by two lines which are -L by § 77. 3. It is equal to an angle known to be a right Z. SUMMARY 63 117. Success in demonstrating unproved theorems comes as a result of knowledge of the facts summarized in § 116, system- atic methods of studying a theorem and planning its demon- stration, and experience and perseverance. Directions 1. Read the theorem carefully, making certain that each word is thoroughly understood. 2. Draw the figure carefully, constructing it when possible. Make the figure general. Thus, if the figure is based upon a triangle, do not draw a right triangle or an isosceles triangle unless told to do so. 3. Decide upon the hypothesis and conclusion. (a) Remember that the hypothesis states the facts about the figure which are assumed, and that the conclusion states the facts which are to be proved. (6) If the theorem is stated in the " if . . . then . . ." form (§ 52), the hypothesis and conclusion are evident at once. (c) If the theorem is not stated in the " if . . . then ..." form, the declarative sentence in its simplest form will give the conclusion, and the subject of the sentence with its modifiers will give the hypothesis. 4. Decide upon a plan for the demonstration. For the present, the suggestions in § 116 will aid the pupil in solving most exercises. Ask " what does the conclusion mean ? " or " how can I prove the conclusion ? " The answers will suggest a plan for the proof. Thus, suppose that the conclusion is : EA = EB. Question. How can I prove EA = EB ? Answer. By proving them homologous parts of congruent ^. This means that two triangles of which EA and EB are sides must be selected. Question. How can I prove two triangles congruent? Answer. By one of the methods given in § 116, A and B. This leads to the comparison of the sides and angles of the triangles. Question. What do I know about the sides and A of the ^ ? How can I prove these two angles equal ? Answer. § 116, E and F suggest possible answers. 64 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition^ XX. Theorem 118. I. Any point in the p)erpendicular-bisector of a segment is equidistant from the ends of the segment. Hypothesis. CD 1. AB -, AD = DB ; E is any point in CD. Conclusion. EA — EB. Plan. Try to prove EA and ^5 horn, sides of cong. A. [Proof to be given by the pupil.] IT. (Converse.) Any pohit equi- distant from the ends of a segment lies in the perpeyidicular-hisector of the segment. Hypothesis. AB is a st. line. PA = PB. Conclusion. F lies in the perpendicular-bisector of AB. Plan. Let C be the mid-point of AB. Try to prove PC A. AB, by proving Z 1 = Z 2. Proof. 1. AAPC^APCB. [Give the full proof.] 2. .-. Z1 = Z2. Why? 3. .:PC±AB. [If one St. line meets another st. line so that the adj. A formed are equal, the A are rt. A and the lines are ±.] §§ 26, 29 119. Cor. Two obliques, drawn to a line from a point in a perpendicular to the line and cutting off equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, are equal. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 37-38, p. 276, can be studied now. TRIANGLES 65 120. Proposition XXI. Theorem I. Any point in the bisector of an angle is equi- distant from the sides of the angle. Hypothesis. BD bisects ZABC; Pisin BD'yPM±AB; PjSr±Ba Conclusion. PM = PN. Plan. Try to prove PM and P^hom. parts of cong. A. Suggestion. — Recall § 112. II. (Converse.) A?i2/ point equidistant from the sides of an angle lies in the bi- sector of the angle. Hypothesis. P lies within Z ABC\ PM1.AB', PN±BC; PM=PN. Conclusion. P lies in the bisector of Z ABC. Plan. Draw PB. Try to prove PB bisects Z ABC^ by proving Z 3 = Z 4. 121. Cor. Any point not in the bisector of an angle is unequally distant from the sides of the angle. Note. — Supplementary Exercise 39, p. 276, can be studied now. • ISOSCELES AND EQUILATERAL TRIANGLES 122. Review the definitions of isosceles and equilateral triangles in § 68; also review Prop. Ill, § 70, and Ex. 113. Notice that an equilateral triangle is a special form of isosceles triangle. Hence, for each theorem about an isosceles triangle there is a corresponding theorem about an equilateral triangle, which may be considered a corollary of the former. Thus, § 70 follows at once from Prop. III. 66 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XXII. Theorem 123. If two angles of a triangle are equal, the sides opposite are equal, and the triangle is isosceles. Hypothesis. In A ABC, ZA = ZB. Conclusion. AC = EC. Plan. Try to prove AG and BC horn, sides of cong. A. Proof. 1. Construct CD bisecting Z ACB, [Complete the proof in good form. ] • 124. Cor. If a triangle is equiangular, it is also equilateral. Ex. 119. Prove that the bisector of the vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to and bisects the base. Ex. 120. Prove that the altitude to the base of an isosceles triangle is also the median to the base and bisects the vertical angle. Ex. 121. Prove that the altitudes drawn to the eqaal sides of an isosceles triangle are equal. Ex. 122. Prove that the medians drawn to the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are equal. Ex. 123. A boy wishes to make a saw-buck. Assume that B0= OD and that Z EPF = 40°. Determine the angles at B and D so that the pieces AB and CD will stand firmly upon the ground. Determine the angles at C and A so that CE and FA will be parallel to the ground line. Ex. 124. Construct an angle of 60°. (Construct an equilateral triangle.) Also construct an angle of : 30° ; 120° ; 150°. Ex. 125. If one angle of an isosceles triangle is 60°, the triangle is equilateral. TRIANGLES 67 Ex. 126. The bisectors of the equal angles of an isosceles triangle form with the base another isosceles triangle. Ex. 127. If the bisector of the exterior angle at one ^^ ^B vertex of a triangle is parallel to the side joining the other two vertices, the triangle is isosceles. Ex. 128. If one acute angle of a right triangle is 30°, the side opposite is one-half the hypotenuse. Suggestion. — Extend BC to Z), making CD equal to BC. Prove A ABD is equilateral. _ B Note. — This is a very important exercise. Pupils should endeavor to remember it, as it will be required in the proofs of certain exercises in geometry. Ex. 129. Prove that the perpendiculars drawn from the mid-point of the base of an isosceles triangle to the sides of the triangle are equal. Ex. 130. If the equal sides of an isosceles triangle be extended beyond the base, the exterior angles so formed are equal. Ex. 131. Prove that the bisector of the exterior angle at the vertex of an isosceles triangle is parallel to the base of the triangle. Suggestion. — Comi^2ire LBCD with LA-^ LB (§ 110). Ex. 132. In the gable in the front of a garage, the two boards whose upper edges are AB and A C are of equal length and meet at a point .<4 on a line 'b AD which is perpendicular to BC. If ZACD = 30°, how large are Z ABD, Z CAD, and Z BAD ? Ex. 133. If the perpendiculars drawn from the mid-point of one side of a triangle to the other two sides are equ^, the triangle is isosceles. Ex. 134. If the altitudes drawn to two sides of a triangle are equal, the triangle is isosceles. r- / E \ .1 / \. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 40-49, p. 276, can be studied now, 68 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I POLYGONS 125. A Polygon is a dosed (§ 6) broken line ; as ABCDE, Points A, B, C, etc., are the vertices of the polygon ; A A, B, C, etc., are the angles ; AB, BC, CD, etc., are the sides ; the sum of the lengths of the sides is the perimeter oi the polygon; a line joining any two non-consecutive vertices is a di- agonal of the polygon ; as ^C. A polygon incloses a portion of the plane called the in- terior of the polygon. 126. A polygon is Convex if no side, when extended, will pass through the inte- rior of the polygon ; as ABCDE of § 125. A polygon is Concave if at least two sides, when extended, will pass through the interior of the polygon ; as FGHIK. 127. Only convex polygons are considered in this text. A convex polygon having n sides has n vertices. 128. An Equilateral Polygon is one whose sides are all equal. An Equiangular Polygon is one whose angles are all equal. 129. Two polygons are mutually equilateral if the sides of one are equal respectively to the sides of the other ; and mutu- ally equiangular if the angles of one are equal respectively to the angles of the other. If two polygons are both mutually equiangular and mutually equilateral, they are congruent. 130. The principal polygons are named as follows : No. OF Sides Name of the Polygon No. OF Sides Name of the Polygon 3 4 6 6 Triangle Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon 7 8 10 n Heptagon Octagon Decagon w-gon QUADRILATERALS 69 QUADRILATERALS 131. A Parallelogram (O) is a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel. A pair of parallel sides are called bases; / 7 the perpendicular distance between them is / / called the altitude. 132. Cor. Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram are suiyplcmentary. For, in the figure of § 131, since AB cuts the parallels AD and J5(7, ZA+ZB=l8\../.. (§103.) Ex. 135. Construct a CJ ABCD, making ^ / g \ AD = 2 in., AB = S in., and B = 60°. After you / ~7 have constructed the figure, compare the opposite /\\ /3\ sides by means of your dividers. e""' Proposition XXIII. Theorem 133. A diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two congruent triangles. Hypothesis. ABCD is a parallelogram. AC is a diagonal. Conclusion. A ABC ^ A ACD. [Proof to be given by the pupil.] Suggestions. — 1. Since AD \\ BC, compare Z 1 and Z 2. 2. Compare Z3 and Z4. What are the parallels? 134. Cor. 1. Tlie opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal. 135. Cor. 2. TJie opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal. ^~7 y ^ 136. Cor. 3. Segments of parallels in- Z-^ ^^^ eluded between parallels are equal. 70 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XXIV. Theorem 137. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. Hypothesis. ABCD is a O. Diagonals AC and BD intersect at E. Conclusion. AE = EG\ BE = ED. [Proof to be given by the pupil.] Note. — The point of intersection of the diagonals of a parallelogram is the Center of the parallelogram. Ex. 136. If one angle of a parallelogram is 100°, how large is each of the other angles ? Ex. 137. If one angle of a parallelogram is a right angle, the others are also, Ex. 138. If two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are equal, all its sides are equal. Ex. 139. Two parallels are everywhere equidistant. Hypothesis. CD || AB. EF and GH are any two Js to CD and AB. Conclusion. EF = GH. A- F K " Ex. 140. If perpendiculars BE and DF are drawn to the diagonal ^O of a parallelogram ABCD, then BE = DF. (Construct the figure with ruler and compasses.) Ex. 141. If a line be drawn through the center of a parallelogram and terminated by two opposite sides of the parallelogram, it is bisected by the center. Ex. 142. Construct the parallelogram whose diagonals are 2 in. and 3 in. respectively if the included acute angle is 45°. Measure the longer and shorter sides of the parallelogram. QUADRILATERALS 71 Proposition XXV. Theorem 138. If two sides of a quadrilateral are equal and parallel, the figure is a parallelogram. rmC Hypothesis. AB=CD', AB II CD. Conclusion. ABCD is a parallelogram. Plan. AD must be proved II to BC. Try to prove Z 1 = Z 2. Proof. 1. lu A ABC and A ACD : AB = CD and AC = AC\ Why ? Z3 = Z4. [Since lis ^B and CD are cut by ^C] Why ? 2. .-. A ABC ^ A ACD. Why? 3. .-. Z1 = Z2. Why? 4. .-. ^Z> II BC Why ? 5. .-. ABCD is a parallelogram. § 131 B, Ex. 143. The line joining the mid-points of two opposite sides of a parallelogram is parallel to \^y^ v /p. the other two sides. /^*^ / ^ (Prove AEFD \s Hl O and therefore EF || AD) ^ ° Ex. 144. li ABCD is a parallelogram, and E and i^are the mid- points of AB and CD respectively, then AECF is also a parallelogram. Ex. 145. Prove that two straight lines are parallel if any two points of one are equidistant from the other. C Recall § 84.) Ex. 146. If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, the figure is a parallelogram, Ex. 147. If from any point in the base of an isosceles triangle parallels to the equal sides be drawn, the perimeter of the parallelogram formed is equal to the sum of the equal sides of the triangle. A^ ^ Note. — Supplementary Exercises 50-52, p. 277, can be studied now. 72 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XXYI. Theorem 139. If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the figure is a parallelogram. 2.' -^0 Proof. 2. 3. 4. Note. - Hypothesis. AB=CD; BC = AD, Conclusion. ABCD is a parallelogram. Plan. Try to prove AB II CD, and AD II BC. 1. A ABC ^ A ACD. Give the full proof. .-. Z 1 = Z 2, and hence BC II AD. Why ? Also Z 3 = Z 4, and hence AB II CD. Why ? .-. .4^ CD is aO. Why? Another proof may be given, which is based upon § 138. Ex. 148. If E, F, G, and H are mid-points of sides AB, BC, CD, and AD respectively of parallelogram ABCD, then EFGH is a parallelo- ^^^"^- ( Prove EF = HG and EH= FG.) Ex. 149. Construct a parallelogram having sides 2 in. and 3 in. re- spectively, and with included angle of 45°. Measure its longer diagonal. 140. There is an important applica- ^. __^^ tion of parallelograms in science. If an ^^/ x^ object is being pulled in the direction AB with a force of 50 lb. and in the direc- ^ ^^^ tion AC with a force of 100 lb., it will actually move in the direction AD and as if pulled by a force which bears to 100 lb. the same relation that AD bears to AC. Thus, AC= 1" and AD = 11"-, since AC represents 100 lb., AD represents 125 lb. Ex. 150. A steamer is being propelled east at the rate of 15 mi. an hour ; the wind is driving it north at the rate of 5 mi. an hour. Deter- mine by a construction the direction in which the steamer will travel and its rate. QUADRILATERALS 73 SPECIAL PARALLELOGRAMS 141. A Rectangle is a parallelogram one of whose angles is a right angle. It can be proved and it is impor- tant to remember that all the angles of a rectangle are right angles. * Note. — Since a rectangle is a special parallelogram, every theorem true about parallelograms is true about rectangles. Thus, the diagonals of a rectangle bisect each other. On the other hand, theorems true about a rectangle are not necessarily true about a parallelogram, since a rectangle is a special parallelogram. Ex. 151. State some other properties of a rectangle which follow at once from properties of a parallelogram. (See §§ 133-137.) Ex. 152. Construct a rectangle whose sides are 1.5 in. and 2 in. respectively. Draw and measure its diagonals. Ex. 153. Prove that the diagonals of a rectangle are equal. Ex. 154. Prove that a quadrilateral whose angles are all right angles is a rectangle. Ex. 155. Prove that a parallelogram whose diagonals are equal is a rectangle. B Plan. Try to prove one of its ^i is a right angle. (Recall § 116, G 1, and also § 103.) Ex. 156. When laying out the lines for the foundation of a rec- tangular building, as ABCD, contractors often measure off AD and DC at riglit angles and of the required lengths. Then AB is measured off equal to CD and at right angles to AD. (See figure for Ex. 155.) (a) Why should ABCD then be a rectangle ? (6) To test whether ABCD is a true rectangle, AG and BD are measured. If they prove to be equal, it is concluded that the figure is a rectangle. Is this a safe test ? Why ? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 53-64, p. 278, can be studied now. 142. A Rhombus is a parallelogram having two adjacent sides equal. It can he proved and it is important / 7 to remember that all the sides of a rhombus are / / equal ; also it is usually implied that the angles Z / are not right angles. (See § 143.) Ex. 157. State properties of a rhombus which are evident at once because the rhombus is a special parallelogram. (See Note, § 141.) 74 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Ex. 158. Prove that the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular to each other. Ex. 159. Prove that the diagonals of a rhombus bisect the angles. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 55-57, p. 278, can be studied now. 143. A Square is a parallelogram having two adjacent sides equal and one angle a right angle. It can he proved and it is important to remember that All the angles of a square are right angles and all the sides are equal. Note. — The square is a special rectangle and also a special rhombus. Hence every theorem true about a rectangle or a rhombus is true about a square. (See Note, § 141.) 144. Many artistic designs are made on a network of squares as illustrated below. !"S SI Iri: "SP H"ss:s H«.. .HHH. ir-!:- in. i-f:.! l:i is!:! :g; Bs'nil t^^• m\n ^■■■■■■■■■■niSaai id>« SS 1 1 1 «,7,t [hhh. jgS hi S.! ij !i li loo M Corner and Border Four Border Designs Rug Designs QUADRILATERALS 75 Ex. 160. Make a list of facts about the square which may be inferred from known facts about the parallelogram, the rectangle, and the rhombus. Ex. 161. How large are the angles into which a diagonal of a square divides its angles ? Ex. 162. Construct a square whose diagonals shall be 2 in. in length. Ex. 163. Prove that the lines drawn from the ends of one side of a square to the mid-points of the two adjacent sides are equal. Ex. 164. Prove that if the diagonals of a quadrilateral ate perpen- dicular to and bisect each other, the figure is a rhombus. Ex. 165. If E, F, G, and H are points on the sides, AB, BC, CD, and AD respectively of square ABCD, such that AE = BF = CG = DH, prove that EFGH is a square. Suggestions. — 1. Try to prove EFGH i& a O, having two adj. sides equal, and having one Z{Z^) a right angle. (§ 143.) 2. To prove Z4 a right angle: (a)Zl+Z2=? (6) DoesZ3 = Z2? (c) 2:i + Z3 + Z4= ? (d) .■.Zi= ? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 58-60, p. 278, can be studied now. TRAPEZOIDS 145. A Trapezoid is a quadrilateral which has one and only one pair of parallel sides ; AB and CD are ^ called the non-parallel sides. / \ The parallel sides of a trapezoid are called the / \ Bases. ^^ ^^ The perpendicular distance between the bases is called the Altitude. The line joining the mid-points of the non-parallel sides is called the Median of the trapezoid. 146. An Isosceles Trapezoid is a trapezoid the non-parallel sides of which are equal. Ex. 166. Construct the trapezoid having lower base of 4 in., one of its non-parallel sides 2 in., the angle between these two sides being 60°, and the upper base being 1.6 in. Ex. 167. If the angles at the ends of one base of a trapezoid are equal, the angles at the ends of the other base are also equal. 76 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Ex. 168. If a" trapezoid is isosceles, the lower base angles are equal. (If AB= CD, prove ZA = ZD. Draw BE || CD. g Compare Z AEB with Z D and Z A.) A \ Ex. 169. If one pair of base angles of a trape- / \ \ zoid are equal, the trapezoid is isosceles. ^ E ^ Ex. 170. Prove that the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are equal. Ex. 171. Prove that the opposite angles of an isosceles trapezoid are supplementary. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 61-63, p. 278, can be studied now. Proposition XXYII. Theorem 147. If three or r)%ore parallels intercept equal lengths on one transversal, they intercept equal lengths on all transversals. Al \B \L )ih\D M r^l^F Gl kf\H Hypothesis. AB !1 CD || EF II GH. AG cuts the lis at A, C, E, and G. BH cnts the lis at' 5, D, F, and H. AC=CE = EG. Conclusion. BD = DF= FH. Plan. Try to prove BD, DF, and FH homologous sides of cong. A. Proof. 1. Draw BI, DJ, F/f parallel to AG. §91 EG. Why ? Hyp. Ax. 1, § 51 [Complete the proof by proving ^ jBZ)/, DJF, and FHK are congruent, and then proving that BD =. DF -— FH.'] 2 .'.BIWDJWFK 3. Also BI=AC, DJ= CE, and FK 4. But AC=CE=EG. 5. .-. BI=DJ=FK. QUADRILATERALS 77 148. Cor. 1. If a line bisects one side of a triangle, and is parallel to a second side, it bisects the third side also. Hyp. I) is on AB of A ABC ; AD = DB; DEWBG. Con. AE = EC. Proof. 1. Assume X4r II ^C 'K c f::A \ 149. Cor. 2. If a line is parallel to the bases of a trapezoid and bisects one of the non-parallel sides, it bisects the other also. B ' O Note. — Supplementary Exercises 64-66, p. 278, can be studied now. Proposition XXVIII. Problem 150. Divide a given segment into any number of equal parts, ^ Ct)(< ^V< I '1 P\' I I I "--^.v IF Given segment AB. Required to divide AB into five equal parts. Construction. 1. Draw line AC, making a convenient Z with AB 2. Upon AC, lay off AD=DE = EF= FG = GIL 3. Draw IIB. 4. Through D, E, F, G, and H, draw lines parallel to IIB, meeting? .17? at X, Y, Z, and W. Statement. AX=XY=^YZ=Z W= WB. Proof. 1. Assume RS through A parallel to HB. 2. .'. RSW DXWEYWFZWGWWHB. Why? 3. .-. AX=XY= YZ= ZW= WB. Why? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 66-67, p. 279, can be studied now. 78 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XXIX. Theorem 151. If a line joins the midpoints of two sides of a triangle, it is parallel to the third side and equal to one half of it. Hypothesis. D is the mid-point of AB, and E is the mid- point of AC in A ABC. Conclusion. DE W BG; DE = \ BC Plan. Extend DE its own length to F. Try to prove FE = BC, and FE II BG. To do this, try to prove FECB is a lJ. Proof. 1. Extend DE to F, making DF= DE. Draw BF. 2. .-.A FBD ^ A DAE. Give the proof. 3. .-. Z 1 = Z 2 ; and also BF =AE. Why ? 4. .-. BF II AC, and .-. BF II EC. Why ? 5. AhoBF=Ea Why? 6. .-. ^2^£;(7 is a parallelogram. - Why ? 7. .-. i^^ or DE is parallel to ^C. Why ? 8. Aho FE = BC, 3ind .: DE = i BC. Why? Note. — This theorem is very important. 152. The proof of Proposition XXIX illustrates another valuable device for proving theorems. Principle III. To prove that one segment is double another, either double the shorter and prove the result equal to the longer, or halve the longer and prove the result equal to the shorter. The first of these plans is followed in the proof of Proposition XXIX; the second plan will be used in Propo- sition XL. QUADRILATERALS 79 Ex. 172. The lines joining the mid-points of the sides of a triangle divide it into four congruent triangles. Ex. 173. If J57, F, G, and ^are the mid-points of the sides AB, BC, CD, and AD respectively of a quadrilateral ABCD, then EFGH is a parallelogram. (Draw AC and use Proposition XXIX.) This theorem appeared in a book on geometry by Th. Simpson in 1760. a Ex. 174. The lines joining the mid-points of the oppo- site sides of a quadrilateral bisect each other. Ex. 175. The mid-point of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equidistant from the vertices of the triangle. (Let AE = EB. Vroxe ED ±AB. Then complete the proof. ) B Proposition XXX. Theorem 153. The median of a trapezoid is parallel to the bases and equal to one half their sum, A B 52^_^::_^:^., Hypothesis. ABCD is a trapezoid. E is the mid-point of AD and F of BC. Conclusion. . EF II AB and DC. EF=i(AB-\-DC). Proof. 1. Extend DC to G, making CO = AB. Draw AC, BG, and AG. 2. .'.ABGCissLCJ. Why? [Since CG = AB, and CG II AB.-\ 3. .-. AG passes through i^and is bisected by it. § 137 4. .-. in A ADG, AE = ED and AF = FG. 5. .-. EF II DG ; and EF = i; DG. Why ? 6. .'. EF W DC B,nd AB. 7. Also EF = i (DC 4- AB), since DG= DC-\- AB. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 68-74, p. 279, can be studied now. 80 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XXXI. Theorem 154. The sum of the interior angles of a i^olygon having n sides is (n — 2) straight angles. Hypothesis. Assume a polygon of n sides, like ABCD ••• . Conclusion. The sum of its int. A={n — 2) st. A. Proof. 1. Draw diagonals from B to each of the other vertices. 2. Each side of the polygon, excepting AB and BC, becomes the base of a triangle whose vertex is at B. Hence there are (n — 2) A formed. That is, when n is 4, there are 2 A ; when w is 5, there are 3 A ; when n is 6, there are 4 A ; etc. 3. The sum of the int. A of each A is 1 st. Z. Why ? 4. . • . the sum of the int. A of the (n — 2) A is {n — 2) st. A. 5. But the sum of the int. A of the A = the sum of the int. A of the polygon. 6. .*. the sum of the int. A of the polygon is (n — 2) st. A. Ex. 176. Express in straight angles, in right angles, and in degrees the sum of the angles of a polygon having : {a) four sides ; (6) five sides ; (c) six sides ; (d) eight sides. Ex. 177. How many degrees are there in each angle of an equi- angular : {a) quadrilateral? (6) pentagon? (c) hexagon? {d) octagon? Ex. 178. If two angles of a quadrilateral are supplementary, then the other two are also. Ex. 179. How many sides has a polygon the sum of whose angles is 16 right angles ? 7 straiglit angles ? 1620 degrees ? POLYGONS 81 Proposition XXXII. Theorem 155. If the sides of any polygon he extended in order to form an exterior angle at each vertex, the sum of these exterior angles is two straight angles. Hypothesis. Assume a polygon of n sides. Extend the sides as in the figure. Conclusion. The sum of ext. A like Z 1, Z 2, Z 3, etc. = 2 St. A. Proof. 1. The sum of the int. Z and the ext. Z at each vertex = 1 st. Z. § 39 2. .'. the sum of all the int. and ext. A = n st. A. Why? 3. But the sum of all the int. Z =(?i - 2) st. A. § 154 4. .*. the sum of all the ext. Z = 2 st. A. Note. — Propositions XXXI and XXXII were proved in their general form by Regiomontanus (1436-1476), although the theorems were known to earlier mathematicians and were proved by them for special cases. Ex. 180, Prove the theorem of § 154 by drawing lines from any point within the polygon to the vertices. ^,^^'''T^"""~~--^ (Recall § .35.) ^-- i--'^ Ex. 181. State and prove the converse of § 135. \ / ' n / Suf/f/estion. — Apply § 154 and § 98. \/'' -J Ex. 182. How many sides are there in the polygon the sum of whose interior angles exceeds the sum of its exterior angles by 540^^ ? Ex. 183. How many sides has a polygon the sum of whose interior angles equals four times the sum of its exterior angles ? 82 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I INEQUALITIES 156. The symbol for " less than " is < ; for ^^ greater than " is >. 157. Order of Inequalities, a 6, and c < 6 — d. Arithmetical Example. — Since 12 > 7 and 3 < 5, then 12 — 3 should be greater than 7 - 5. Is it ? Ax. 21. Ifa>b and b > c, then a > c. Ex. 184. Given an arithmetical example for each of the axioms. 159. Fundamental Inequalities for Segments. (a) Any side of a triangle is less thari the sum of the other two sides. This follows from Ax. 11, §51. Thus BC AC. Subtracting AB from both members of the inequality, BO AC— g AB, by Ax. 18, § 158. Note. — Ex. 188, p. 86, and Supplementary Exercises 75-84, p. 280, can be studied now. 160. Fundamental Inequality for Angles. An exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either remote interior angle of the triangle. (§ 87.) Proposition XXXIII. Theorem 161. If hvo sides of a triangle are unequal, the angles opposite are unequal, the angle oppjosite the greater side being the greater. Hypothesis. In A ABC, AC > AB. Conclusion. ZB > Z.C. Proof. 1. Since AC > AB, take AD = AB. Draw BD. § 13 2. .-. Z1=Z2. Why? 3. Z 2 is an exterior angle of A BDC. Def. 4. .-. Z2> Z C. Why? 5. .-. Z1>ZC. Why? 6. But ZABC>Z1. Ax. 8, §51 7. .-. Z ABC > ZC Ax. 21, § 158 Ex. 185. If a triangle is scalene, all its angles are unequal. 84 PLAJNTE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XXXIV. Theorem 162, If tivo angles of a triangle are uJiequaL the sides opposite are uneqiml, the side opposite the greater angle being the greater. Hypothesis. Jn A ABC, Z.C < Z B. Conclusion. AB < AC. Proof. 1. Since Z B > Z C, construct BD, making Z1=ZC. 2. .'.BD = DC. §123 3. In A ABD, AB < AD -{- BD. § 159, a 4. .-. AB BF. Con. CE > CF. Suggestions. — 1. Take DH= BF, and draw CH. 2. Prove CH= CF. 3. Prove Z 2 > Z 1, by comparing eacb with Z 3. 4. Then complete the proof. % \ ^ ^ i INEQUALITIES 85 Ex. 186. If is any point in the base BC oi isosceles triangle ABC^ then AO is less than AC. (Prove Z^OOZ^CO.) Ex. 187. Prove that the median to any side of a triangle is greater than the altitude to that side unless the side is the base of an isosceles triangle. Proposition XXXV. Theorem 166. If two triangles have tioo sides of one equal respectively to two sides of the other, hut the included angle of the first greater than the included angle of the second, then the third side of the first is greater than the third side of the second. D Hypothesis. In A ABC, and A DEF: AB=DE', AC=DF', /.BAOZ.D. Conclusion. BC > EF. Proof. 1. Place A DEF in the position ABG, side DE coinciding with its equal AB. 2. DF falls within Z BAC, taking the position AG. Why ? 3*. Construct AH bisecting Z GAC, and meeting BC at H. Draw GH. A GAH ^ A ACIL Give the full proof. .-. GH= CH. In A BUG, BH+ GH>BG. BH+CH> BG, or BC > BG. Note. — If (r falls on BC, then EF is at once less than BC. within A ABC, the proof is similar to that given in the text. Why? Why? Wliy ? If G falls 86 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XXXYI. Theorem 167. If two triangles have two sides of one equal respectively to two sides of the other, hut the third side of the first greater than the third side of the second, then the angle opposite the third side of the first is greater than the angle opposite the third side of the second. B Hypothesis. In A ABC and A I)EF: AB = DE, AC = BF', BOEF. Conclusion. ^A>Z B. Proof. 1. Suppose that Z Ais not greater than Z D ; that is, that Z A either equals Z D or is less than Z D. 2. li ZA Why? Hyp. §94 §166 Hyp. Z B, then A ABC ^ A BEF. [Give the full proof.] ThenBC=EF. But BC> EF. .-. Z A cannot be equal to Z B. liZA EF. .-. Z A cannot be less than Z B. Since Z A cannot be equal to Z B or less than Z B, then Z A must be greater than Z B. Ex. 188. If is any point within A ^J5C, then ^0+0(7 <^^+^ (7. Suggestions. — 1. Extend CO until it intersects AB at R. 2. Compare BO with BR + RO. 3. Add OC to both members of the inequality. 4. Compare RO+OC with RA-jrAC, and com- ^ — a^ ^ plete the proof. SUPPLEMENTARY THEOREMS 87 SUPPLEMENTARY THEOREMS 168. Three or more lines ordinarily do not pass through a common point. Three or more lines which do pass through a common point are called Concurrent Lines. Proposition XXXVII. Theorem 169. The bisectors of the interior angles of a tri- angle meet at a point ivhich is equidistant from the sides of the triangle. Hypothesis. In A ABC : AD bisects Z^ A, BE bisects Z B] Ci^ bisects Z C. Conclusion. AD, BE, and CF meet at a point which is equidistant from the sides of A ABC. Proof. 1. Let AD and BE meet at point P. Note 1 2. Since P is in AD, it is equidistant from AC and AB. § 120, I 3. Since P is in BE, it is equidistant from AB and BG. 4. .-. P is equidistant from AC and BC. Ax. 1, § 51 5. .-. P lies in CF, the bisector of Z C. § 120, II 6. Hence AD, BE, and CF meet at P, which is equidistant from AB, AC, and BC. Note 1. — This fact may be assumed as evident from the figure, or may be proved as follows : - 1. If AD does not intersect BE, then AD II BE. 2. Then Z DAB + Z EBA = 1 St. Z. (§ 103.) ' 3. But this is impossible, since Z DAB + Z EBA < 1 st. Z. Why ? Note 2. — The point of intersection of the bisectors of the interior angles of a triangle is called the In-center of the triangle. (See § 226.) 88 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XXXVIII. Theorem 170. The perpendicular-bisectors of the sides of a tri- angle r)ieet at a point which is equidistant from the vertices of the triangle. Hypothesis. In A ABC, FK, DO, and EH are the perpen- dicular-bisectors of AB, BC, and AC, respectively. Conclusion. FK, DO, and EH meet at a point which is equidistant from A, B, and C. Proof. 1. Let FK and DO meet at point 0. Note 1 2. Since is in FK, O is equidistant from A and B. Why ? 3. Since is in DO, is equidistant from B and C Why ? 4. .•. is equidistant from A and C. Ax. 1, § 51 5. .-.0 lies in EH, or ^^ passes through 0. § 118 6. Hence the perpendicular-bisectors are concurrent at a point which is equidistant from A, B, and C Note 1. — This fact may be assumed or be proved as follows : 1. If i^^does not intersect GD, then FKW GD. 2. .-. AB, which is ± to FK, is also ± to GD. 3. But BD ± GD. 4. .-. either AB 11 jBZ>, or AB coincides with BD. 5. But this is impossible, since AB and BD intersect. Note 2. — The point of intersection of the perpendicular-bisectors of the sides of a triangle is called the Circum-center of the triangle, for a circLe can be drawn with il as center which will pass through the vertices of the triangle. Ex. 189. Construct a circle which will pass through the vertices of the triangle the sides of which are 3 in., 3 in., and 4 in., respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY THEOREMS 89 Proposition XXXIX. Theorem 171. The altitudes of a triangle meet at a point. Hypothesis. In A ABC^ AD, BE, and CF are the altitudes from A, B, and C respectively. Conclusion. AD, BE, and CF meet at a point. Proof. 1. Drawjy/rthrough^llto^C; 7t 6^ through 5 II to AC; and GH through C II AB. These parallels form A HKG. 2. Since AD 1 BC, then AD ± HK. Why ? 3. KACB and ABCII are [U. Why ? 4. KA = ^(7, and ^£^ = -BO. Why ? 5. .'. /f^ = AH, and ^Z) is the perpendicular-bisector of KH. 6. Similarly BE and 02^ can be proved to be the perpendicu- lar-bisectors of KG and GH respectively. 7. .-. AD, BE, and CF in A HKG meet at a point. § 170 Note. — The point of intersection of the altitudes of a triangle is called the Ortho-center of the triangle. Ex. 190. If /is the ortho-center (Note, § 171) and J is the circum-center (Note, § 170) of triangle ABC^ then BI=2JK and AI=2 JL. Suggestions. —1. Recall § 152. 2. Prove 3/iV^II KL, BIW JK, and AIW JL. 3. Recall §105. Ex. 191. Does the ortho-center of a triangle necessarily fall inside the triangle ? Note. — Supplementary Exercise 86, p. 281, can be studied now. 90 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Proposition XL. Theorem 172. The medians of a triangle meet at a point which lies tivo thirds the distance from each vertex to the mid-point of the opposite side, C Hypothesis. AD, BE, and CF are the medians of A ABC. Conclusion. AD, BE, and CF meet at a point which lies two thirds the distance from each vertex to the mid-point of the opposite side. Proof. 1. Let AD and BE meet at point 0. Note 1, § 169. 2. Let Gf and H be the raid-points of AG and BO respec- tively. Draw ED, GH, EG, and DH. 3. Then, in A AOB, GH^^AB and GH II AB. Why ? 4. Similarly, ED = \AB and ED II AB, 5. .'.EDHG is 2i a. Why? 6. .-. GD and EH bisect each other. Why ? 7. .-. OD=OG = AG, and EO=OH= HB. 8. HcQce AD and BE meet at a point which lies two thirds the distance from ^ to D and from B to E. 9. In like manner, AD and CF meet at a point which lies two thirds the distance from A to D and from C to F. On AD, this is point 0. 10. Hence the three medians meet at point 0, which is two thirds the distance from each vertex to the mid-point of the opposite side. Note. — The point of intersection of the medians of a triangle is called the Center of Gravity of the triangle. This theorem was known to Archimedes. MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES 91 Exercises Solved by Indirect Proofs Ex. 192. If two straight lines are cut by a transversal, and a pair of alternate interior angles are unequal, the lines are not parallel. Suggestion. — Review § 94. Ex. 193. If two lines are cut by a transversal and the sum of the interior angles on the same side of the transversal is not equal to two right angles, the lines are not parallel. Ex. 194. If a point is unequally distant from the ends of a segment, it is not in the perpendicular-bisector of the segment. Ex. 195. If a point is not equidistant from the sides of an angle, it is not in the bisector of the angle. Ex. 196. Prove that the two altitudes of a parallelogram which has two unequal sides are unequal. Ex. 197. If two unequal oblique segments be drawn from a point to a straight line, the greater cuts off the greater distance from the foot of the perpendicular from the point to the line. Suggestion. — Recall § 165. Miscellaneous Exercises Ex. 198. If D, E, and JP'are points on the sides AB, BC\ and AC respectively of equilateral triangle ABC^ such that AD = BE = CF, then A DEF is also equilat- eral. '"'"T Ex. 199. Prove that the bisectors of a pair of vertical angles form a straight line. Ex. 200. If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of exterior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary, the lines are parallel. Ex. 201. If perpendiculars be drawn to the sides of an acute angle from a point outside of the angle, they form an angle equal to the given angle. Ex. 202. If through any point D in one of the equal sides AB of isosceles A ^-BC, DFhe drawn perpendicular to base BC, meeting CA extended at E, then A ADE is isosceles. SuqgeHtion. — Compare LE with Z C, and LBDF vj'Mh LB.' B Ex. 203. Prove that the altitudes drawn to homologous sides of con- gruent triangles are equal. 92 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK I Ex. 204. If D is mid-point of side BG of A ABC, and BE and CF are perpendiculars from B and C to AD, extended if necessary, prove BE = CF. Ex. 205. If a line be drawn through the vertex of an isosceles triangle parallel to the base, it bisects the exterior angle at the vertex. Ex. 206. Prove that the segments bisecting the base angles of an isosceles triangle and terminating in the opposite sides are equal . Ex. 207. If a line be drawn through a point in the ' bisector of an angle parallel to one side of the angle, the bisector, the parallel, and the other side of the angle form an isosceles triangle. qi^^ q Ex. 208. If the median to the base of a triangle is perpendicular to the base, the triangle is isosceles. Ex. 209. Prove that the sum of the perpendiculars drawn from any point in the base of an isosceles tri- angle to the equal sides of the triangle is equal to the altitude drawn to one of the equal sides. Prove 0D+ 0F= CE. Suggestions. — 1. Draw OG 1 CE. 2. Compare OD and EG ; also OF and CG. Ex. 210. If two parallels are cut by a transversal, the bisectors of the four interior angles form a rec- tangle. Suggestions. — 1. EFGH must be proved a O and one Z. must be proved a right angle. 2. Recall §§ 93, 103, 106. Ex. 211. If the mid-point of any side of a square is joined to the two vertices of the opposite side, the lines so drawn are equal. Ex. 212. Prove that the lines drawn from the mid-point of the base of an isosceles triangle tcr mid-points of the sides of the triangle form with the half sides a rhombus. Ex. 213. If the lower base AD of trapezoid ABCD is double the upper base BG, and the diagonals intersect at E, prove that GE'm | ^^and that BE \^ I ED. (§152.) Ex. 214. If D is any point in side ^(7 of A ABC and E, F, G, and H are the mid-points of AD, CD, BG, and AB, respectively, then EFOH is a parallelogram. Suggestion. — Draw BD. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 86-108, p. 281, can be studied now. BOOK II THE CIRCLE 173. Review the definitions given in § 16 and § 17, and the Exercises 31--34, Introduction. The symbol for circle is O. The circle whose center is 0, is denoted by O 0. 174. Since a circle is a closed line (§ 6), it incloses a portion of the plane called its interior. Ex. 1. Draw a circle with radius 1 in. Where will a point lie : («) if its distance from the center is f in. ? (6) If its distance from the center is 1.5 in. '? Ex. 2. Draw a circle with diameter 5 in. Cut the circle from paper. Prove, by folding it, that any diameter bisects the circle and the surface within the circle. Ex. 3. Draw two circles which intersect. From one of the points of intersection draw the radius of each circle. How does the distance be- tween their centers compare with the sum of their radii ? Ex. 4. Prove that a diameter of a circle is greater than any other chord of the circle. Suggestion. — Compare CD with AO and OB. Also, compare A0-\- OB with AB. Ex. 5. If two circles intersect, the distance between their centers is greater than the difference of their radii. 175. From the exercises following § 17 and § 174, the fol- lowing facts are evident : (a) If a straight line cuts a circle, it intersects it in two and only two points. (b) If two circles intersect , they have two and only two points of intersection. 93 94 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II (c) A point is within, on, or outside a circle if its distance from the center is less than, equal to, or greater than the radius. (d) A diameter of a circle bisects the circle and the surface with- in it; also, if a line bisects a circle j it is a diameter of the circle. The theorem (d) was known to Thales. 176. One half of a circle is called a Semicircle. A quarter of a circle is called a Quadrant. Circles having the same center are called Concentric Circles. Peoposition I. Problem 177. Construct a circle ivhich loill pass through three points which are not in a straight line. Given points A, B, and G which are not in a straight line. Required to construct a circle which will pass through A, B, and a Construction. 1. Draw AB and BC. 2. Construct the JL bisectors oi AB and BC, meeting at 0. Statement. A circle drawn with as center and OA as radius will pass through A, B, and C. Proof. OA=OB= Oa Why ? Note, — Only one circle can be drawn through three points, for the center must lie on each of the perpendicular-bisectors (§ 118, II) and these lines can intersect at only one point. Ex. 6. What would happen if the three points in Proposition I were in a straight line ? THE CIRCLE 95 Ex. 7. (a) Construct a circle which will pass through two given points. (6) How many circles can be constructed through two given points ? (c) Where do the centerp of all these circles lie ? Eac. 8. Construct full size the design for a four-inch square tile. Make the decorative arcs f in. wide. 178. A polygon is said to be inscribed in a circle when its vertices lie on the circle ; as ABCD. The circle is said to be circumscribed about the polygon. CHORDS, ARCS, AND CENTRAL ANGLES 179. Two points on a circle are the ends of two arcs ; a Minor Arc, as AMB, and a Major A Arc, as ANB. Unless the contrary is stated, the minor arc will always be understood when an arc is indicated by means of its extremities. Thus, arc AB means minor arc AB. An arc AB will be indicated by a small arc drawn over AB ; as AB. 180. A Central Angle is an angle whose ver- tex is at the center and whose sides are radii of the circle ; as Z ^OC Z ^OC is said to intercept AC. AC is said to be iiitercepted by Z. AOC, " Intercept " is derived from two Latin words meaning between and "to take," so that it means " to take between." Eac. 9. Construct a circle with radius 2 in. (a) Construct two cen- tral angles which are equal, and a third central angle which is greater than each of the equal central angles. (6) Cut from the paper the two equal central angles. Compare their intercepted arcs by superposition. (c) Cut from the paper the third central angle; compare its inter- cepted arc with the arc intercepted by one of the other two angles. (d) What do you conclude must be true about the arcs intercepted by equal central angles of a circle ? By unequal central angles ? 96 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Proposition II. Theorem 181. In the same circle or in equal circles^ if central angles are equal, they intercept equal arcs. Hypothesis. © = O i? ; Z AOB = Z CRD. Conclusion. AB ^ CD. Proof. 1. Place O on Q R, with point on point R, and so that Z AOB coincides with its equal, Z CRD. 2. Then O will coincide with Q) R. § 17 3. Point A will fall on point C, since OA = RC § 17 4. Point B will fall on point D, since OB = RD. § 17 5. .-. AB coincides with CD and hence AB = CD. Ex. 10. Divide a circle into four equal arcs. What kind of central angles must be constructed ? Ex. 11. Divide a circle into eight equal arcs. Ex. 12. Divide a circle into -six equal arcs. How large must the central angles be ? Recall § 70 and Ex. 113, Book I. Ex. 13. Using the construction made in Ex. 12, /^TV^ draw a six-pointed star. A"/ ' ^/\ Ex. 14. Tell how you can divide a circle into five \/\ /\j equal parts by means of your protractor and straight- \/\'7'y edge. Ex. 15. By means of compass, ruler, and protractor, L- — / \ — A draw a five-pointed star in a circle with 2 in. radius, to I ^ ^ j be used as a pattern for a star on a sailor collar. \ //\\/ THE CIRCLE 97 Proposition III. Theorem 182. In the sam,e circle or in equal circles, if arcs are equal, the central angles ivhich intercept them are equaL Hypothesis. Q 0= Q B, AB= CD. Conclusion. Z AOB = Z CRD. Proof. 1. Since O = O i2, and J2 = CD, the O can be made to coincide with the O Rj and AB with CD, A falling on C, B on D, and on R. 2. .-. AO will fall on CR and BO on DR. Ax. 10, § 15 3. .-. Z AOB= Z CRD. Why ? Ex. 16. If a radius bisects an arc, it is perpendicular to and bisects the chord which subtends the arc. Ex. 17. The twelve spokes of a wheel are spaced so that the points at which they are attached to the rim divide the rim into equal arcs. How many degrees are there in the angle formed by two adjacent spokes ? 183. It may be proved that : in, the same circle or in eqxtal circles, (a) The greater of two unequal central angles intercejits thi greater arc; (b) The greater of two unequal arcs is intercepted by the greater central angle. 184. A chord AB is said to subtend arc AB. Arc AB is said to be subtended by chord AB, *' Subtend " is derived from Latin words meaning " to stretch under." 98 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Pkopositiois' ly. Theorem 185. In the same circle or in equal circles, if chords are equal, they subtend equal arcs. Hypothesis. O = Q R) AB= CD. Conclusion. AB = CD. Plan. 1. Draw AO, OB, RC, RD. 2. Prove Z = Z i?, and apply § 181. [Proof to be given by the pupil.] Ex. 18. Construct an equilateral triangle. Circumscribe a circle about the triangle. (§ 177.) Prove that the vertices of the triangle di- vide the circle into three equal arcs. Proposition V. Theorem 186. In the same circle or in equal circles, if arcs are equal, the chords which subtend them are equal. Hypothesis. QO = Q R; AB=CD. (Fig. § 185.) Conclusion. AB = CD. Plan. Try to prove AAOB^A CRD. Compare Z and Z R. § 182 [Proof to be given by the pupil.] Q Ex. 19. If C is the mid-point of arc AB, prove that AC is greater than one half AB. j^ Draw CB. Compare AB with AC + CB. THE CIRCLE 99 Proposition VI. Theorem 187. In the same circle or in equal circles, if two minor arcs are unequal, then their chords are unequal, the greater arc heing subtended by the greater chord. Hypothesis. O = O /2 ; AB> CD. Conclusion. AB > CD. Proof. 1. Draw radii AO, BO, CR, and DR. 2. In A^O^and AC/eZ>: AO=CRsind BO = DR', but since AB> CD, Z 0> ZR. 3. .-. AB > CD. Hyp. § 183, b §166 Proposition VII. Theorem 188. In the same circle or in equal circles, if two chords are unequal, then they subtend unequal minor arcs, the greater chord subtending the greater arc. Hypothesis. Q = Q R; AB> CD. (Fig. § 187.) Conclusion. AB > CD. Plan. Prove ZO>ZR(% 167) and apply § .183, a. D Ex. 20. Prove that the straight line which bisects the arcs subtended by a chord bisects the chord at right angles. Suggestion. —CompaiTe AD and BD; also AC and BC. Apply § 77. 100 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Pkoposition Yin. Theorem 189. If a diameter is perpendicular to a chord, it bisects the chord and its subtended arcs. D /i ix V / 3 4 X ^K — Y~~y Hypothesis. In O 0, diameter CD ± AB at E. Conclusion. AE = EB; AC=CB', smd AD = DB. Proof. 1. Draw AO and OB. 2. A AEO ^ A OEB. Give the full proof. 3. .'. AE = EB, and Z.1 = A2. Why? 4. ,\AC=GB. §181 5. Also, AD = DB. Why? 190. Cor. 1. A line through the center of a circle perpen- dicular to a chord bisects the chord. 191. Cor. 2. The p>erpendicular-bisector of a chord passes through the center of the circle, and bisects the arcs subtended by the chord. A Compare AO and OB. Then use § 118, II Ex. 21. If a radius of a circle bisects a chord, it is perpendicular to the chord and bisects the subtended arcs. Ex. 22. Determine the center and the radius of the circle of which AB is an arc. Draw any two chords and erect the ± bisectors. These must pass through the center. (§ 191.) A B THE giRCLE 101 Proposition^' 'IX.. Xu^o,rsm, 192. In the same circle' or in equal circles , if chords are equal, they are equidistant from the center. Hypothesis. In OABC: AB=GD; OE±AB', OF A. CD. Conclusion. OE = OF. Proof. 1. Draw OA and 0(7. 2. AE = \AB,CF^\CD,zxiiiAB=CD. Why? 3. .'.AE=CF. Ax. 6, §51 4. .-. A AEO ^ A CFO. Give full proof. 6. .'.OE=OF. Why? Ex. 23. If two intersecting chords are equal, the radius drawn through the point of intersection bisects the angle between them. Ex. 24. If a straight line bisects a chord and its subtended arc, then it is perpendicular to the chord. (§ 186. ) Ex. 25. If a straight line is drawn cutting two concentric circles in the points A, B^ C, and D, respectively, then AB equals CD. Ex. 26. Prove that the perpendicular-bisectors of the sides of an inscribed polygon are concurrent. (§ 168.) Ex. 27. On equal chords of a circle, points are taken at equal distances from the ends of the chords. Prove that all these points are equidistant from the center of the circle. 102 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Propqsitiok . X. Theorem 193. In the same circle or in equal circles, if chords are equidistant from the center, they are equal. ^^ — "^^^ Hypothesis. In O^BC: OE^^AB; 0F1.CD) OE=OF. Conclusion. AB = CD. Proof. 1. Draw OA and OC. 2. Then A OEA^AOCF 3ind AE = OF. [Give the full proof.] 3. But AB = 2AE and CD = 2 CF. Why? 4. .-. AB = CD. Why? tJx. 28. If a straight line be drawn parallel to the line connecting the centers of two equal circles, and intersecting the circles, then the chords formed in the two circles are equal. Ex. 29. If two chords, intersecting within the circle, make equal angles with the radius passing through their point of intersection, they are equal. Suggestion. — DrsiW Js to the chords from the center; prove the Js are equal ; then use § 193. Ex. 30. If two equal chords of a circle intersect, the segments of one equal respectively the segments of the other. 194. A straight line which intersects a circle in two points is called a Secant of the circle. Ex. 31. If ABE and DCE are two secants of a circle which make equal angles with the line connecting E with the center of the circle, then chord AB = chord DC. (Use § 193.) THE CIRCLE 103 Proposition XI. Theorem 195. In the same circle or in equal circles^ the less of tivo unequal chords is at the greater distance from the center of the circle. E Hypothesis. In O : AB OG. Proof. 1. Since AB < CD, AB < CD. § 188 2. Let CE = AB. Draw CE. 3. .\CE = AB. Why? 4. Draw OH A, CE, intersecting CD at K. 5. .-. 011= OF. § 192 6. But OH > OK. Why ? 7. .\OF>OK. Why? 8. OK>OG. Why? 9. .\OF>OG. Why? Ex. 32. All equilateral tiiani^'le and a square are inscribed in a circle. Prove that the sides of the triangle are nearer the center than the sides of the square. Ex. 33. Chord BY is drawn through one extremity of a diameter AB of circle 0. Radius OX is drawn in Z^BF parallel to BY, inter- secting arc ^ F at X Prove arc ^X equals arc XF. Suggestion. — Draw radius OY. Ex. 34. AB is a diameter of a circle and XF is an intersecting diameter of a smaller concentric circle. Prove AXB Y is a parallelogram. 104 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Proposition XII. Theorem 196. In the same circle or in equal circles, if tivo chords are unequally distant from the center, the more remote is the smaller. Hypothesis. In O O : OELAB', OF±CD, 0E> OF. Conclusion. AB < CD. Proof. 1. Suppose that AB is not less than CD ; that is, suppose that AB = CD or AB > CD. 2. If AB = CD, then OE = OF. But OE > OF. .'.AB is not = to CD. 3. liAB> CD, then OE < OF. But OE > OF. .'. AB is not greater than CD. 4. ..AB 00. Why ? point D lies outside of the ©. § 175, c 5. .*. every point in AB except lies outside the circle, and hence AB is tangent to the circle. § 197 199. Cor. 1. A tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of contact. Since all points in AB except C lie outside the circle, OC Is the shortest segment to AB from 0. Hence OCXAB. 200. Cor. 2. A line perpendicular to a tangent at its point of contact passes through the center of the circle. By Cor. 1, the radius 00 is ± to AB. Hence OC and CD must coincide. (Why?) .• passes through the center of the circle. CD 201. Cor. 3. A line from the center of the circle perpen- dicular to a tangent passes through the point of contact. 106 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Proposition XIV. Theorem 202. The tangents to a circle from an outside point are equal. Hypothesis. AB and AC are tangents to O 0. Conclusion. AB = AC. [Proof to be given by the pupil. Recall § 114.] Note. — The proof of Prop. XIV is attributed to a mathematician Fink, with the date 1583. The theorem does not appear in Euclid at all. It appears first as a definite theorem in writings of Hero, although it was apparently used by Archimedes. Ex. 35. Prove that the tangents to a circle at the extremities of a diameter are parallel. ^ Ex. 36. If two circles are concentric, any two chords of the greater which are tangents of the smaller are C equal. Ex. 37. Prove that all tangents drawn from the larger of two con- centric circles to the smaller are equal. Ex. 38. Prove that the line joining the center of a circle to the point of intersection of two tangents : (a) bisects the angle formed by the radii drawn to the points of contact ; (6) bisects the angle formed by the tangents ; (c) bisects and is perpendicular to the chord joining the points of contact. c Ex. 39. Prove that the sum of two opposite sides of ^ a circumscribed quadrilateral is equal to the sum of the e other two opposite sides. THE CIRCLE 107 203. A straight line tangent to each of two circles is called a Common Tangent of the circles; as AB. If the circles lie on opposite sides of AB, AB is called a common in- ternal tangent. If the circles lie on the same side of AB, AB is called a common ex- ternal tangent. The length of a common tangent is the length of the segment between the two points of contact. Some uses of common tangents are pictured in the figures below. Belts abound Pulleys Chain around Wheels Ex. 40. Prove that the coniraon internal tangents of two circles are equal. Ex. 41. Trove that the common external tangents of two circles are equal, when the circles are unequal. Note. — The theorem is also true when the circles are equal. This might be solved as an optional exercise. 204. Two circles are tangent when they are tangent to the same straight line at the same point. They are tangent externally if they lie on opposite sides of the common tangent. They are tangent internally if they lie on the same side of the tangent. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 1-6, p. 283, can be studied now. 108 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Proposition XV. Theorem 205. If two circles are tangent to each other, their line of ceyiters passes through the point of co7itact. Hypothesis. (D and 0' are both tangent to AB at A. 00' is the line of centers. Conclusion. St. line 00' passes through A. Proof. 1. Draw the radii OA and O'A. 2. Then OA J_ AB and also O'A _L AB. Why ? 3. .-. OAO' is a st. line. § 40 4. .-. St. lines 00' and OAO' coincide. Ax. 10, § 51 5. .-. 00' passes through A. Note. — The theorem has been proved for two © tangent externally. As an optional exercise, it is suggested that the theorem be proved when the (D are tangent internally. 206. Cor. If the distance between the centers of two circles equals the sum of their radii, the circles are tangent externally. For then a point A can be taken on 00' so that OA = one radius and then O'A = the other radius. A perpendicular to 00' at J. will then be tangent to each of the circles. Hence the circles are tangent (§ 204). Ex. 42. Study the adjoining figure to determine how to construct it. Construct a figure like it, having the radius of the large circle 1 in. and that of the small circles | in. Ex. 43. How many common tangents do two circles have (a) Which are tangent internally ? (&) Which are tangent externally ? THE CIRCLE 109 Proposition XVI. Theorem 207. If tivo circles intersect, the straight line joining their centers bisects their common chord at right angles. Hypothesis. (D and 0' intersect at A and B. AB is the common chord and 00' is the line of centers. Conclusion. 00' A. AB and 00' bisects AB. Suggestion. — Btslw 6 A, OB, O'A, and O'B. (Apply § 77.) Ex. 44. If two circles and 0' intersect at points A and B^ and if 00' intersects O O at Xand O 0' at F, then Xand Fare each equidis- tant from A and B. Ex. 45. If a straight line be drawn through the point of contact of two circles which are tangent externally, terminating in the circles, the radii drawn to its extremities are parallel. Note. — The theorem is stated for two circles which are tangent exter- nally. Investigate its truth for two circles which are tangent internally. Ex. 46. If two circles are tangent to each other externally at point A, the tangents to them from any point in their common tangent which passes through A are equal. Ex. 47. If two circles are tangent to each other externally at point A, the common tangent which passes through A bisects the other two common tangents. Ex. 48. AB and AC are the tangents to a circle from point A^ and D is any point in the smaller of the arcs subtended by the chord BC. If a tangent to the circle at D meets AB at F, and AC at F, prove the per- imeter of A AFF = AB + A'^. no PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Proposition XYII. Theorem 208. Parallel lines intercept equal arcs on a circle. Case I. When one line is a tangent and one a secant: E Hypothesis. Conclusion. AB is tangent to O CED at E ; secant CD li AB. CE = DE.' Proof. 1. 2. 3. 4. Draw diameter EF. ..EF±AB. .'. EF± CD. .: CE = DE. Why? Why? § 189 Case II. When both lines are secants . Hypothesis. AB and CD are II secants of O ABDC. Conclusion. AC = BD. Proof. 1. Assume J5;6^i^ tangent to the O at 6r, and parallel to CD. E O F (Complete the proof. Compare AG and BG ; also CG and D^. ) E Case III. When both lines are tan- gent: q Hypothesis. AEB and CFD are 1! tangents to the O at JS' and F. Conclusion. EGF= EHF\ [Proof to be given by the pupil.] C" THE CIRCLE 111 Ex. 49. Prove that the straight line joining the points of contact of two parallel tangents of a circle is a diameter of the circle. Ex. 50. Prove that an inscribed trapezoid must be isosceles. Q Ex. 51. The adjoining figure gives the method of b^^^^^^^^'^^^^^^d construction of one form of mansard roof. The chords AB, BC, CD, and DE are equal. (a) Construct such a figure for a roof whose span AE is 28', using the scale J" = 1'. (6) Is the line BD parallel to AE ? Prove it. 209. Theorems concerning tangents and tangent circles have unusually wide application in design. Direction is naturally indicated by a straight line. On a circle, the direction is constantly changing. It is con- venient in both pure and applied mathematics to speak of the direction of a curve at a point ; also it is agreed that this direction shall be the same as the direction of the tangent to the curve at the point. It is this fact which is used in a variety of ways. If a road turns a corner as pictured, there is an abrupt change of direction. If a street car line runs along the road, such an abrupt change in direction in the tracks is impossible. For that reason, the arrange- ment of tracks indicated in the adjoining figure is employed. A car running from C ^_^ towards D passes readily from CA to the arc ^_ AB, for on both the straight line and the arc the direction at A is the direction of line CA ; similarly at B. Ex. 52. Where must the center be lo- cated in order that the circle will be tangent to both CA and BD in the last figure for § 209 ? Ex. 53. What kind of circles should circles AB and EF be ? Ex. 54. Determine how to construct the figures at the right. Construct such figures in circles with diameter 3 in. ~7| B -'O 112 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND ARCS 210. To measure a given magnitude, two steps are necessary. (a) Select a quantity of the same kind to be used as the unit of measure. (b) Determine the number of times the given magnitude con- tains the unit of measure. This number is called the Numerical Measure of the quantity in terms of the unit employed. If the quantity contains the unit itself or any part of it an integral number of times, the quantity can be measured exactly. If the quantity does not contain the unit of measure an in- tegral number of times, the quantity can be measured only approxi7nateli/. Thus, the diagonal of a square whose side is 1 in. is known to be 1.414 + in., where the decimal is a "never ending " decimal. 211. Two magnitudes of the same kind are said to be Com- mensurable when each contains the same unit of measure, called a Common Measure, an integral number of times. Thus, two segments whose lengths are 2| in. and 3\ in. respectively are commensurable, for the common measure ^ in, is contained in the first segment 10 times and in the second 13 times. Two magnitudes of the same kind are said to be Incommensur- able when no unit of measure can be found which is. contained an integral number of times in each. The diagonal and the' side of a square are incommensurable. 212. The Ratio of two magnitudes of the same kind is the quotient of their numerical measures in terms of a common measure. Thus, the segments of lengths 2^ in. and 3| in., in § 211, have the ratio \^ . Ex. 55. What is the measure of a yard in terms of the unit : {a) 1 ft. ? (6) 1 in. ? (c) \ in. ? Ex. 56. What is the measure of 1 gallon in terms of the unit : (a) 1 qt.? (ft) 1 pt.? (c) 1 gill? Ex. 57. What is the ratio of 2 yd. to 1^ ft.? MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND ARCS 113 Proposition XVIII. Theorem 213. In the same circle or in equal circles, two central angles have the same ratio as their intercepted arcs. Case I. When the angles are commensurable : Hypothesis. In O 0, Z AOB and Z BOC are commensur- able. ConclusioD. ^QB^AB, ZBOC ^ Proof. 1. Z AOB and Z BOC have a common measure. §211 2. Let the common measure be Z AOD, and let it be con- tained in Z.AOB 4 times and in Z BOC 3 times. 3. ...^^^ = 1 2^2 ZBOC 3 _ 4. The radii drawn from in step (2) divide AB into 4 and BC into 3 arcs which are all equal. Why ? 6. .-.^ = 1 §212 6. .*. from steps (3) and (5), Z BOC BC Case II. TF^e^i the angles are incommensurable : The theorem is true also in this case. The proof presents certain difficulties which it is wise to postpone at this time. This proof is taken up in § 423. 114 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Ex. 58. In the adjoining figure, compare AB and BC. Also compare AB and DC; also BC and DC. Ex. 59. A right central angle is what part of a straight angle ? What part therefore is its intercepted arc of a semicircle ? Ex. 60. A 60° angle is what part of the perigon ? What part therefore is its intercepted arc of the whole circle ? Ex. 61. If a circle is divided into 5 equal parts, what part of the perigon is the central angle which intercepts one of the parts? How many degrees are there in the central angle ? Ex. 62. If AB^ any chord of circle O, is extended to a point C so that BC equals the radius of the circle, and CO is drawn, cutting the circle at Z and E respectively, then AE = 3 • BZ. Suggestions. — 1. Draw OA and OB. 2. FroYe A AOE = 3 jLBOC. Use § 87 and § 69. 214. Measuring Angles and Arcs. In § 28, the unit for measuring angles is given as 1 degree, J^- of a right angle or g-^-g- of the perigon. This will be called for the present one angular-degree. Let Z AOB represent 1°. Similarly, we shall speak of angular-minutes and angular-seconds. Thus, 60 angular-seconds equal one angular- minute ; and 60 angular-minutes equal one angular-degree. Let a circle be drawn around point as center, and the radii which divide the perigon into 360 equal central angles be imagined. These angles are angular-degrees. They will intercept 360 equal arcs on the circle. Let AB represent one of these arcs. It is the unit for measuring arcs on this circle and on any equal circle. It will be called one arc-degree. Evidently on a circle with longer radius, the arc corresponding to AB will be longer. In similar manner, each arc-degree could be divided into 60 equal parts, called arc-minutes, and each arc-minute into 60 equal arc-seconds. A central angle of one angular minute intercepts an arc of one arc-minute. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND ARCS 115 215. A central angle has the same measure as its inter- cepted arc, ivhen angular-degrees and arc degrees are used as the respect ice units of measure. Let Z AOB represent 1 angular-degree and AAOC any- other central angle. Then ZAOC ^AC ^ 213 ZAOB ^ ^ Z. AOO AC But — is the numerical measure Z AOC, and — — is ZAOB ^ ^ the numerical measure of AC, by the definition. Hence the measure of Z AOC equals the measure of AC. Thus, if Z AOC = 57.29 angular-degrees, then AV= 57.29 arc- degrees. From now on, it will be understood that angles are measured in terms of angular-degrees, and arcs in terms of arc-degrees. Also, the following statement of the theorem of § 215 will be employed for convenience : A central angle is measured by its intercepted arc. Ex. 63. What is an arc-degree ? An angular- degree ? Ex. 64. Are all angular-degrees of the same size ? Are all arc-degrees of the same size : (a) on the same or on equal circles ? (6) on Unequal circles ? Ex. 65. If ABCD is an inscribed square and is the center of the circle, how may degrees are there in AB ? in Z AOB ? Ex. 66. A ABC is an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle with center O ; how many degrees are there in AB ? in ZAOB ? 216. An angle is said to be an Inscribed Angle when its vertex is on the circle and its sides are chords of the circle ; as Z ADC. Z ABC intercepts the AC; ^C is intercepted hyWxQZABC. Such an angle is said to be inscribed in a g circle or may be said to be inscribed in the arc ABC 116 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Proposition XTX. Theorem 217. An inscribed angle is measured hy one half its intercepted arc. Case I. Wlieu 07ie side of the angle is a diameter : A Hypothesis. Conclusion. Proof. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. i^l. Why? Why? §215 AC is a diameter ; AB is any other chord of OO. _ Z BAC is measured by i BC. Draw BO. Z1 = ZB+ZA, ZB = Z A. .-. Z 1 = 2 . Z ^, or Z ^ = But Z 1 is measured by BC. .-. Z A is measured by ^ BG. Case II. When the center of the Q is within the angle : Hypothesis. Center lies within . scribed Z BAC. Conclusion. Z.BAC is measured iBC. Proof. 1. Draw diameter AD. 2. Then Z 1 is measured by | BD, and Z 2 is measured by i DC Case I 3. .-. Z 1 + Z 2 is measured by | (BD + DC), Ax. 3, § 51 or Z BAC is measured by | BC, MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND ARCS 117 Case III. When the center of the O lies outside the angle : Hypothesis. Center lies outside in- scribed Z BAC. Conclusion. Z BAC is measured by \BC. Suggestions. — 1. Z BAD is measured by what ? 2. LCAD'i 218. Cor. 1. An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle. (If BCis a diameter, prove Z A = \ri. A.) Inscribed angles which intercept the sayne arc 219. Cor. 2. are equal. Ex. 67. Three consecutive sides of an inscribed quadrilateral sub- tend arcs of 82°, 90°, and 60° respectively. Find each angle of the quad- rilateral. Ex. 68. Construct a line perpendicular to a given segment at one extremity of the segment. Take any point not in segment AB and draw a circle with as center and OB as radius, cut- ting AB at D. Draw DO meeting the circle at E. Then EB ± AB at B. Prove it. Ex. 69. If chords AB and CD intersect at E within the circle, prove that A AEC and A BDE are mutually equiangular. Ex. 70. If chords AB and CD extended meet outside the circle at point E^ prove A ADE and A BCE are mutually equiangular. Ex. 71. Prove that the opposite angles of an in- scribed quadrilateral are supplementary. (Z B is measured by what ? Z 2) ? .'. /. B + /.D'}) Note. — Supplementary Exercises 9 to 20, p. 284, can be studied now. 118 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Proposition XX. Theorem 220. TJie angle formed hy a tangent and a chord draivn to the point of contact is measured hy one half its intercepted arc. A ^..^^ E Hypothesis Conclusion. Proof. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why? Why? Why? AE is tangent to O CBB at B ; BC is a chord. Z ABC is measured by \ BC. Draw diameter BD\ then BT) J_ AE. Z ABD = 90°, and BCD = 180°. .*. Z ABD is measured by \ BCD. Z CBD is measured by ^ CD. Z ABD - Z CBD is measured by i ^OT- i CD. Ax. 4, § 51 6. .-. Z J.5(7 is measured by i ^O. 7. Similarly, Z.EBC is measured by i J3Z>0. Ex. 72. If, in the figure for Prop. XX, BC = llO'^, how many- degrees are there in Z ABC and Z ^50 ? Ex. 73. If tangents are drawn to a circle at the extremities of a a chord, they make equal angles with the chord. Ex. 74. If two tangents drawn from a point to a circle form an angle of 60°, then each of the tangents equals the chord joining the points of contact. (Prove the triangle is equilateral.) Ex. 75. If a tangent be drawn to a circle at the extremity of a chord, the line joining the mid-point of the intercepted arc to the point of con- tact bisects the angle formed by the tangent and the chord. Ex. 76. Prove that a tangent to a circle at the mid-point of an arc is parallel to the chord of the arc. (§ 93.) MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND ARCS 119 Proposition XXI. Theorem 221. TJie angle formed hy two chords intersecting within a circle is measured by one half the sum of the arcs intercepted hy it and its vertical angle. Hypothesis. Chords AB and CD intersect at E within OO. _ _ Conclusion. Z 1 is measured by ^ {AC + DB). Proof. 1. Draw CB. 2. Z1 = Z3 + Z2. Why ? 3. Z 3 is measured by J AG. Why ? 4. Z 2 is measured by | DB. Why ? 6. ,-. Z 1 is measured by ^ {AC + DB)- Ax. 3, § 51 Es. 77. li AC= 70° and Z)J5 = 50°; how many degrees are there in AAECf Ex. 78. liAC= 74° and A AEC = 50°, how large is ^ ? Suggestion. — Let DB = z°. Ex. 79. If two chords intersect at right angles within a circle, the sum of one pair of opposite intercepted arcs is equal to a semicircle. B Ex. 80. If AX = (fr &nd AB = CB, prove A iif iVJ5 is an isosceles triangle. „j Note. — Supplementary Exercises 21 to 23, p. 286, can be studied now 120 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Proposition XXII. Theorem 222. The angle formed hy tivo secants intersecting outside the circle is measured hy one half the differ- ence between its intercepted arcs. Hypothesis. Secants AB and CD intersect at E outside Q 0. _ _ Conclusion. Z ^ is measured by ^ (AC — DB). Proof. 1. /.l = /.A-\-Z.E. Why? 2. .-. Z.E = Z 1 — Z A By algebra. [Complete the proof. Obtain the measures of Z 1 and Z.A and then determine the measure of Z -E".] 223. Cor. 1. The angle formed hy a A secant and a tangent is measured by one half the differeyice between its intercepted arcs. Prove Z ^ is measured by i (BC - DB). 224. Cor. 2. The angle formed by two tangents is measured by one half the difference between its intercepted arcs. Prove Z ^ is measured by ^ l(BFD BCD). MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND ARCS 121 Ex. 81. If in § 222 J^ = 100° and BD = 40°, how large is ZE? Ex. 82. K in § 222 AC is a quadrant, and ZE is 40°, how large is BD ? Suggestion. — Let BD = z°. Ex. 83. If AC in the figure of Prop. XXII is 120°, and ZA = 15°, how large is ZE? Ex. 84. If in the figure for ^ 22S Z E = 50° and BD = 70°, how how large is BFC ? Ex. 85. If in the figure for § 224, BED = | of the circle, how Urge isZ^? Ex. 86. If in § 223 BEG = 100°, and CD = 200°, how many degrees are there in angle E ? Ex. 87. If ^B is the common chord of two inter- secting circles, and AC and AD are diameters drawn from A, prove that line CD passes through B. Suggestioji. — Draw CB and BD, and try to prove CBD a straight line. Ex. 88. A square ABCD is inscribed in a circle. A tangent is drawn to the circle at point A. How large is the angle formed by the tangent and side AB? Ex. 89. The line joining the mid-points of the arcs subtended by the sides AB and ^C of inscribed A ABC cuts AB at F and AC at G. VToyeAF = AG. Ex. 90. If AB and AC are two chords of a circle making equal angles with the tangent at A^ prove AB = AC. Ex. 91. If ABCD is an inscribed quadrilateral, and AD and BC ex- tended meet at P, the tangent XY at P to the circle circumscribed about the A ABP is parallel to CD. Suggestions. — 1. XY\\ CD if ZDCP = ? 2. Compare each of these angles with LB AD. Recall Ex. 73. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 24 to 30, p. 286, can be studied now. 225. A circle is said to be inscribed in a polygon when it is tangent to each side of the polygon. The polygon is said to be circumscribed about the circle ; as EFGH, 122 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Pkopositioi^ XXIII. Problem 226. Inscribe a circle in a given triangle. A Given A ABC. Required to inscribe a O in A ABG. Construction. 1. Construct the bisectors BE and AD oi Z.B and Z A respectively, meeting at point 0. 2. Construct OMl^AG. 3. With as center and OiJf as radius, draw a O. Statement. This circle will be tangent to AB, BC, and AC. Proof. 1. is equidistant from the sides of the triangle. §169 2. .'. Js from to the sides are all equal to OM. 3. .-. AB, BG, and AG are tangents of O 0. § 198 Note 1. — Point is the point which was called the In-center of the triangle in § 169. The reason is clear now. Note 2. — A circle can be constructed which is tangent to the sides AB and AC prolonged and to BG as in the adjoining figure. It is called an Escribed Circle and its center is called an Ex- center of the triangle. There are three ex-centers for each triangle. Ex. 92. Consti-uct a triangle and construct Its three escribed circles. Ex. 93. If is the center of the circumscribed circle of A ABC and OD is drawn perpendicular to BC, prove Z BOD — /.A. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND ARCS 123 Proposition XXIY. Problem 227. I. Construct a tangent to a circle at a point on the circle. Given O and point A on it. Required to construct a tangent to O at A. Construction indicated in the figure. [Description and proof to be given by the pupil.] II. Construct a tangent to a circle from a 2^oint outside the circle. Given. O and point A outside O 0. Required to construct a tangent to O from point A. Construction. 1. Draw AO. 2. Construct a O on ^0 as diameter intersecting O at J5 and C. 3. Draw AB and AC. Statement. AB and AC are both tangent to O O. [Proof to be given by the pupil.] Suggestion. — Draw OB and OC. Prove LB and Z. C are rt. A. 124 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II LOCI 228. Illustrative Problem 1. — Where are all jioints J in. from 0.? Evidently the place of points \ in. from is the circle with center and radius iin. Instead of using the word " place '^ it is customary to use the word locus — a Latin word meaning place. So the preceding sentence becomes The locus of points \ in. from is the circle with center and radius \ in. It is evident that : (a) Every point "i in. from 0'' is on the circle. (6) Every point on the circle is " \ in. from 0.'' " ^ in. from '' is the condition which the points satisfy. Ex. 94. Draw the locus of points which are 2 in. from a given point. Ex. 95. Draw the locus of the end of a pump handle which is 33 in. long from its end to the point about which it turns, if the handle may be moved through an angle of 100°. (Let 1 in. represent 11 in.) Ex. 96. Draw any line of indefinite length. (a) Locate freehand three points above the line which are 1 in. from the line. (6) Draw the line which contains all points which are 1 in. from the line and lie above the line. (c) Are there any other points which are 1 in. from the line ? (d) Draw the line showing where they are to be found. Ex. 97. Where are, that is, what is the locus of all points on this page which are ^ in. from the left-hand edge of the page ? Ex. 98. A rectangular lot is 100 ft. wide and 300 ft. long. Shrubs are to be planted 5 ft. from the lot line along the two sides and the back of the lot. What is the locus of the shrubs ? Ex. 99. Draw two parallel lines. (a) Locate freehand three points which are equidistant from the two parallels. (&) Draw the locus of all points which are equidistant from the parallels. LOCI 125 Ex. 100. (a) Draw a line AB and locate on it a point C. Construct three circles, all tangent to AB at C (6) What is the locus of the center of a O which will be tangent to a given line at a given point ? Ex. 101. Draw a circle with radius 1 in. Draw five radii of the circle. On each radius locate a point J in. from the circle. Draw the locus of all such points. Ex. 102. Draw the locus of all points outside a circle with 1 in. radius and \ in. from the circle. 229. Def. If a single geometrical condition is given, the Locus of Points satisfying that condition is the line or group of lines such that : (a) Every point in the line (or lines) satisfies the condition. (6) Every point which satisfies the condition lies in the line or group of lines. 230. Problem. Determine the locus of points equidistant from tico given points. .^^,„ Solution. (a) 1. E is located so that ^'^ EA=:EB. Similarly, S and Tare located. ^ ^ 2. Their position suggests that the locus of such points is the _L bisector of AB. ^"-'^ (6) 1. Assume that CD, the ± bisector ABy ^:a is the locus of points equidistant from A and B. 2. Is every point on CD equidistant from A and B? Yes, by § 118, I. 3. Is every point equidistant from A and B in line CD? Yes, by § 118, II. (c) .-. Tlie locus of points equidistant from two given points is the perpendicular-bisector of the segment between the points. Note. — In solving a locus problem, first locate three or more points satisfying the condition ; then decide what you think the locus is ; then try to prove that the supposed locus is the required locus. In doing this last, prove theorems (a) and (b) of § 229, as is done in part (6) of the solution in § 230. A- 126 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Ex. 103. Locate two points Xand F which are 2 in. apart. Construct the locus of points equidistant from X and Y. Ex. 104. What is the locus of the vertex of an isosceles triangle which has a given base ? Ex. 105. What is the locus of the center of a circle which will pass through two given points ? 231. Problem. Determine the locus of points within an angle which are equidistant from the sides of the angle. [The solution is to be given by the pupil.] Suggestions. — Model your solution after that for the problem in § 230. Recall § 120, I and II. At the end of your solution complete the following sentence : The locus of points within an angle which are equidistant from the sides of the angle is . . . . Ex. 106. Construct the locus of points equidistant from the sides of a right angle and within the angle. Ex. 107. What is the locus of the center of a circle which is tangent to the sides of a given angle and lies within the angle ? Note. — For additional discussion of loci see § 238. CONSTRUCTION OF TRIANGLES 232. In a A ABC, the sides op- posite angles A, B, and C are marked by the small letters a, b, and c, re- spectively. The letter h denotes an altitude. h^ (read h — sub — a) denotes the alti- tude to side a. Similarly, there are the altitudes h^, and h^. The letter m denotes a median. The medians to sides a, b, and c are denoted by m^, m^,, and m^ respectively. The letter t is used to denote the length of the bisector of an angle between the vertex and the opposite side. The bisectors of angles A, B, and C are denoted by t^, t^, and tg. Note. — This notation was introduced by Euler (1707-1783). 233. A triangle is determined when three independent parts are known. CONSTRUCTION OF TRIANGLES 127 General Suggestions 1. Draw freehand a triangle which represents the desired Jig- iwe, marking with heavy lines the parts which correspond to the given parts. Use this figure as a guide in constructing the desired triangle. It is rwt the desired triangle, and the parts marked are not necessarily equal in size to the given parts. 2. Make the construction, using the given parts. 3. Prove that the resulting triangle has all the given parts, and is the kind of triangle specified. 4. Discuss the construction, determining whether there are con- ditions under which it may he impossible to construct a triangle having the given parts. {See Prop. IV, Book I, Discussion.) 234. The following seven problems are the fundamental con- struction problems for triangles : Ejc. 108. Review Proposition IV', Book I. Ex. 109. Construct a triangle having given two of its sides and the inchided angle. Suggestion. — Let a and 6 be two given segments and Z C a given Z, — drawn at random ; then construct the triangle. Ex. 110. Construct a triangle having given two of its angles and the included side. Discussion. — Can the triangle be constructed always : (a) If both A are acute ? (&) If both zi are rt. zl ? (c) If both A are obtuse ? (d) If one Z is obtuse and one is acute ? Ex. 111. Construct a right triangle having given its hypotenuse and a leg. Ex. 112. Construct a triangle having given a side, the opposite angle, and another angle. Suggestion. —If «, Z^, and Z A are given, then Z C may be determined by subtracting AA+ /.B from 180°. Then A ABC can be constructed. Ex. 113. Construct a right triangle having given a leg and the op- posite acute angle. Ex. 114. Construct a right triangle having given the hypotenuse and an acute angle. Note. — For further discussion of construction of figures see § 235 and § 241. 128 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Note. — be omitted SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS The rest of Book II is supplementary material and may safely 235. Triangles may be constructed when numerous other combinations of three independent parts are given, besides those mentioned already in § 234. Illustkative Problem. — Construct a triangle having given an angle, the length of its bisector, and the length of the alti- tude drawn from its vertex. Given <^A Hence t\ABE can be con- Required to construct A ABC. Analysis. 1. Let A^^C, with AD ± BC and AE bisecting A A represent the required figure. 2. The known parts are marked with heavy lines, including Z.BAE = AEAG = l/.A. 3. A ADE is a rt. A with a known leg {—ha) and known hypotenuse {=1^). structed. (Ex. 111.) 4. B is on DE extended and A BAE = J Z A 5. G is on ED extended and Z EA C = ^ZA. Construction. 1." Construct rt. A ADE with leg = ha and hypotenuse = Ia- 2. Extend DE in both directions. 3. Bisect ZA, and construct AB, making Z EAB = ^ Z ^ ; let AB meet DE extended at B. 4. Construct AC, making Z EAC = ^ ZA, and meeting DE extended at C. 5. Then A ABC is the required triangle. Proof. 1. Z BAC = given Z A, since it equals 2(| Z A). Const. CONSTRUCTIONS 129 2. AD = given ha and is an altitude since Z D = rt. Z. Const. 3. AE = given tj, and is the bisector of Z A. Const. Discussion. The construction is impossible if t^ < ha. Note. — Observe that the final triangle may appear quite different from the triangle drawn for the first step in the analysis. 236. Analysis of Construction Problems. 1. Draw a figure which represents the desired figure. (a) Make this figure general. For example, if a triangle is to be drawn, do not draw a right or an isosceles triangle unless such a triangle is specified. (b) Remember that this is not the final figure and that the parts in it are not necessarily the given parts. 2. IVIark with heavy lines or with colored lines the parts which are known and also those which may be readily deter- mined from the known parts by fundamental constructions. For example, if a known line is bisected, then each of the halves is known. 3. Try to determine some part of the figure which can be constructed by known methods. Usually this is a triangle. This part can usually be made the basis for the rest of the construction. In this connection, remember the first five fundamental triangle con- structions given in § 234. 4. Try to determine how the remaining parts can be obtained from the figure constructed in step 3. 5. Make the construction, following the points rioted in steps 3 and 4. 6. Prove that the resulting figure satisfies the conditions of the problem. 7. Discuss the resulting figure, determining, in particular, whether the construction is or is not always possible. Note. — Systematic use of this form of analysis is attributed to Plato. The method of analysis has been described as one of the four great steps in mathematics. Plato also introduced the restriction that constructions should be made by ruler and compass alone. 130 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II Illustrative Problem 1. — Construct A ABC having given Z B, h^, and the radius r of the circumscribed circle. Given ^B= Required to construct A ABC. Analysis. 1. Let the adjoining figure repre- sent the required figure. 2. A ABD is a rt. A, with known leg ( = ha) and known acute angle {^B). .-. it can be con- structed by Ex, 113. 3. Point is equidistant from A and B^ a dis- tance equal to r. Hence O can be located. 4. The circle can then be drawn, and BD^ extended, will meet the circle at C. Construction left to the pupil. Follow up the steps 2, 3, and 4. 1. Construct a rt. ^ with side = ha and opposite Z = Z J5. 2. Locate the point O and draw the circle. 3. Extend BD and thus determine point C. Proof and Discussion left to the pupil. Illustrative Problem 2. tangents of two circles. Analysis. 1. Let the circles unequal. Let the adjoining Construct the common external be assumed figure represent the desired figure. 2. Evidently ABCO' is a O. 3. .•.AB=CO'. 4. .. A0= OB- CO'. 5. Also, AO' and A' 0' are tangents to circle AA'. Construction. 1. Construct a circle with radius equal to the difference between the radii of the two circles, and concentric with the larger circle. 2. Draw tangents to this circle from the center of the smaller circle, meeting the constructed circle at points A and A'. 3. Draw OA and OA' meeting the large circle at B and B'. Complete the construction. Give the Proof and the Discussion- CONSTRUCTION OF TRIANGLES 131 Ex. 115. Construct the common inter- nal tangents of two unequal circles. Constmct the triangle ^5C having given : Ex. 116. b, c, he. Ex. 117. a, c, and wig. Ex. 118. a, 6, and hg. Ex. 119. 6, he, B. Ex. 120. Construct an isosceles triangle having given one base angle and the altitude to the base. Ex. 121. Construct an isosceles triangle having given one side and the altitude to one of the sides. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 31-49, p. 287, can be studied now. Proposition XXV. Problem 237. Ujoon a given segment as chord, constricct on arc of a circle such that every angle inscribed in it shall equal a given angle. \ N Given segment AB and Z T. Eequired to construct an arc upon AB as chord such that every angle inscribed in the arc shall equal Z T. Construction. 1. Construct Z BAC= Z T. 2. Construct DE J_ AB at its mid-point. 3. Construct AFl. AC at A, intersecting DE at 0. 4. Construct a circle with center and OA as radius. Statement. AMB is the required arc. Proof. (The pupil should now prove that any Z AGE = Z T.) 132 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK II FURTHER DISCUSSION OF LOCI* 238. Method of Attacking a Locus Problem. 1. Locate either freehand or by construction three or more points which satisfy the given condition. These points should suggest the probable locus. 2. Draw the probable locus and try to prove that it is the real locus. To do this, try to prove either (a) and (6) below, or else (a) and (c) : (a) Every point on the locus satisfies the given condition. (6) Every point which satisfies the given condition lies on the locus. (c) Every point not on the locus does not satisfy the given condition. Note. — (6) is the converse of (a) and (c) is the opposite of (a). The opposite of (&) is : (d) every point which does not satisfy the given condition does not lie on the locus. When (a) and (6) are known, then (c) and (d) can be proved by the indirect method ; when (a) and (c) are known, then (6) and (d) can be proved in the same manner. Illustrative Problem. — Determine the locus of the ver- tex of the right angle of a right triangle having a given seg- ment as hypotenuse. ^ q Solution. 1. Let A ABC be right tri- 9y^/^^\^. (a) Examine the figure to discover a pair of similar triangles ; (&) prove the triangles similar ; (c) from these triangles determine the three equal ratios of sides of the triangle. Ex. 59. Z ABC is an acute angle. CD is perpendicular to AB and AF is perpendicular to BC. (a) Discover a pair of similar tri- angles ; (&) prove the triangles similar ; (c) write down three equal ratios of sides of these triangles. Ex. 60. The shadow of a chimney is 36 yd. long. At the same time the shadow of a stake 2 yd. long is 1.5 yd. in length. How high is the chimney ? SIMILAR POLYGONS 159 Proposition VII. Theorem 281. Two triangles are similar if their homologous sides are proportional. Hypothesis Conclusion. Proof. 1. Draw XY. 2. Then 3. 4. 5. 6. But In A ABC and A DEF: AB^AC^BC DE DF EF A ABC '^ A DEF. On AB, take AX = DE : on AC take A Y= DF. AB AX .'. XT .'. AAXY AB^BC AX AB DE , or XY DE AC AY BC. A ABC Give the AB^BC xy' BC ef' ~T^ = -^p^- By hyp. and step 1 Why? full proof. Why? Why? Then .-. XY=EF. AAXY^ADEF. . A DEF ^ A ABC. Note. — Notice that A DEF is not superposed on A ABC ; A AXY is constructed, and is proved similar to A ABC and A DEF. §251 Give the full proof. Why? that, rather, congruent to Ex. 61. Construct any scalene triangle. Then construct a triangle whose sides are double the corresponding sides of the first triangle. Are the two triangles similar ? Ex. 62. Determine three segments which shall bear to the sides of a given triangle the ratio 3:2. Then construct the triangle having the new segments as sides. Are the two triangles similar ? 160 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Proposition YIII. Theorem 282. Homologous altitudes of similar triangles have the same ratio as any two homologous sides, 4 X Hypothesis. AABC^/^XYZ. AD and XTTare homologous altitudes. Conclusion. ^ = ^=^ = ^. XW XY YZ XZ Proof. 1. In rt. A ABD and rt. A XYW: 2. .'./\ABD^/\XYW. " XW XY 4. But^ = ^ = ^. XY YZ XZ g . AD ^AB ^ BO ^AG YZ ' XW XY XZ §272 Why? Why? Why? Ax. 1, § 51 Note. — It can be proved that any two homologous lines of similar triangles are proportional to any two homologous sides. Ex. 63. The base and altitude of a triangle are 5 ft. and 3 ft. re- spectively. If the homologous base of a similar triangle is 7 ft., find its homologous altitude. Ex. 64. Prove that the bisectors of homologous angles of similar tri- angles have the same ratio as any two homologous sides. Suggestion. — The length of the bisector is the length of the segment of the bisector between the vertex of the angle and the opposite side of the triangle. Ex. 65. Prove that two homologous medians of two similar triangles have the same ratio as any two homologous sides of the triangles. Suggestion. — Use § 280. SIMILAR POLYGONS 161 Proposition IX. Theorem 283. If tivo chords are draion through a fixed point within a circle, the product of the segments of one is equal to the product of the segments of the other. Hypothesis. AB and CD are any two chords of O inter- secting at point P. Conclusion. APPB^DP- PC. Analysis. 1. ltAP'PB = DP- PC, then AP : PC = DP : PB. §252 2. .-. try to prove A APD ~ A PBC. § 279 Proof. 1. Draw AD and BC. 2. A APD ~ A PBC. Give the full proof. 3. ...^=^. Why? PC PB ^ 4. .-. AP'PB = PC' DP. Why ? 284. Principle V. To prove that the product of two seg- ments equals the product of two other segments, first derive from the equation a proportion by § 252 and then try to pro- ceed as in § 279. This principle is illustrated in the proof of § 283. Ex. 66. Two chords of a circle intersect so that the segments of one are 4 in. and 5 in. respectively. If the shorter segment of the other is 6 in., what is the longer segment ? Ex. 67. In a circle whose diameter is 16 in., a chord 14 in. long is drawn through a point which is 4 in, from the center. What are the two segments of the chord ? (Represent one segment by x.) 162 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III 285. If a secant PA is drawn to a circle from a point P, cutting the circle at point B, then PA is called the whole secant, PB the external segment, and AB the internal segment. Propositio:n" X. Theorem 286. If any two secants are drawn through a fixed point outside a circle^ the product of one and its ex- ternal segment equals the product of the other and its external segment. Hypothesis. ABP and CDP are two secants of O 0. Conclusion. AP'BP= CP- DP. Suggestion. — Make an analysis and a proof similar to that for Proposition IX. Ex. 68. From a point P, a secant 18 in. long is drawn to a circle ; the external segment is 3 in. The external segment of a second secant from the same point is 6 in. long. How long is the whole secant ? Ex. 69. A secant is drawn from point P to a circle. The external segment is 4 in. and the internal segment is 6 in. How long must a second secant be in order that its internal segment shall be 3 in. ? Ex. 70. If from an exterior point P, any number of secants be drawn, the product of the whole secant and the external segment is constant. Note. — The conclusion means that the product of the whole secant and the external segment is the same for each secant. Ex. 71. Prove that the product of the segments of one diagonal of an inscribed quadrilateral is equal to the product of the segments of the other diagonal. SIMILAR POLYGONS 163 Proposition XI. Theorem 287. If a secant and a tangent are draioii to a circle from the same point outside a circle, the square of the tangent is equal to the product of the whole secant and its external segment. H3rpothesis. PC is a tangent to O ; secant PA intersects the O at ^ and A. Conclusion. CP"^ = AP - BP. (Analysis and proof left to the pupil.) Note. — Proposition XI maybe stated: If a secant and a tangent are drawn to a circle from the same point outside the circle, the tangent is the mean proportional between the whole secant and its external segment. For, when CP = AP BP, AP : CP = CP : BP. Why ? Ex. 72. The length of the tangent to a circle from a point outside is 12 in. What must be the length of a secant from the same point in order that the external segment will be 8 in. ? Ex. 73. If altitudes AD and BE of A ABC intersect at F, prove that the product of the segments of one is equal to the product of the segments of the other. (Apply § 284.) Ex. 74. If AD and BE are two altitudes of A ABC, then AD BC = BE.AC. Ex. 75. If Z J. of A ABC is a right angle and ED is drawn perpen- dicular to CB from any point E of AB, meeting CB at D, then EB AB = CB . DB. Ex. 76. If altitudes AD and BE of A ABC intersect at F, then : (a) BE • EF= AE'EC; (6) AD DF = BD • DC. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 14 to 18, p. 290, can be studied now. 164 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Proposition^ XII. Theorem 288. If the altitude he draivn to the hypotenuse of a right triayigle : I. The altitude is the mean proportional hetiveen the segments of the hypotenuse ; II. Each leg is the mean propo7'tional hetioeen the whole hypoteiiuse and the adjacent segment. Hypothesis. In A ABC, Z (7 is a rt. Z. CD ± AB, Conclusion. I. ^^ = ^. CD DB Proof. 1. Z 3 and Z 1 are each complements of Z 2. Why? .-. Z 1 = Z 3. Why ? 2. .-. A ADC ~ A DCB, Give the full proof. "CD db' See § 278 Conclusion. II. (a) Plan. For («) prove A ABC '^ A ACD. AB^AC, ... AB^BC AC AD' ^ ^ BC db' Cor. If a perpendicular be drawn from any point on a circle to a diameter : (a) The perpendicular is the mean propor- tional between the segments of the diameter. (b) The chord joining the point to either extremity of the diameter is the meayi proportional between the whole diameter and the segment of it adjacent to the chord. SIMILAR POLYGONS 165 Hx. 77. Find the altitude drawn to the hypotenuse of a right tri- angle if it divides the hypotenuse into two segments whose lengths are 3 in. and 12 in. respectively. Find each leg of the riglit triangle. Ex. 78. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 20 in. and the perpen- dicular to it from the opposite vertex is 8 in. Find the segments of the hypotenuse, and the two legs of the triangle. Ex. 79. C and D are respectively the mid-points of a chord AB and its subtended arc. If J.i> = 12 and CZ>=8, what is the diameter of the circle ? Suggestion. — DC extended passes through the center of the circle. Ex. 80. A chord of a circle is 20 in. in length. Its mid-point is 5 in. from the mid-point of its arc. Find the diameter of the circle. Proposition XIII. Theorem 290. Construct the mean proportional between two given segments. j) A'- \ 1 B'' C ^.4_n_-...l_._._E Given segments m and n. Required to construct the mean proportional between m and n. Construction. 1. On line AE take AB = m and BC = n. 2. Construct semicircle ADC on AC as diameter. 3. Construct DB _L AC, meeting the semicircle at D. Statement. DB is the mean proportional between m and n. (The proof Ls to be given by the pupil. See § 289.) Ex. 81. Construct a segment equal to aV3 where a is any segment whatever. Analysis. 1. Let a; = a V3. Then x^ = 3 a^. Why ? 2. .-. 3a : X =a;:a. § 262 3. .-. X is the mean proportional between a and 3 a. (Construction is to be given by the pupil.) Ex. 82. Construct a segment equal to VZab where a and b are any given segments. 166 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III • Proposition XIV. Theorem 291. The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. Hypothesis. In A ABC, Z (7 is a right angle. Conclusion. c^ = a^ + b\ Proof. 1 . Draw CD ± AB. Let AD = r, and DB = s. 2. Then as h r § 288, II 3. .'. a^ = cs and ¥ = cr. Why? 4. 5. .-. a^ -\- b"^ = cs -\- cr = c(s-^r). ... ct2 + 62 = c • c, or a2 + 62 ^ c^. Note. — This theorem is called the Pythagorean Theorem, after Pythag- oras, who formulated it. The theorem was evidently known even to the Egyptians. This proof of the theorem is attributed to Hindu mathema- ticians. In Book IV, we shall study Euclid's proof of the theorem — a strictly geometric proof, whereas this is more an algebraic one. 292. Cor. TJie square of either leg of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse minus the square of the other leg. Ex. 83. How long must a rope be to run from the top of a 12-foot tent pole to a point 16 ft. from the foot of the pole ? Ex. 84. The diameters of two concentric circles are 14 in. and 60 in., respectively. Find the length of a chord of the greater circle which is tan- gent to the smaller. Ex. 85. A baseball diamond is a square whose sides are each 90 ft. Ions;. What is the distance from " first" to " third" ? SIMILAR POLYGONS 167 Ex. 86. Find the formula for the diagonal of a square whose side is s. By this formula determine the diagonal when : (a) s = 10 ; (b) s = 15. Ex. 87. The equal sides of an isosceles trapezoid are each 10 in. long. One of the bases is 30 in., and the other is 42 in. in length. What is the altitude of the trapezoid ? Ex. 88. Find the length of the altitude of an equilateral triangle if each side is 10 in. Ex. 89. Derive the formula for the length of the alti- tude of an equilateral triangle if each side of the triangle is s. By this formula determine the altitude when : , ^ {a) s = 6in. ; (6) 8 = 13 in. Ex. 90. A piece of silk 27 in. wide is folded " on the bias " along the line AB. How long is AB ? Ex. 91. Find the length of each side of a rhombus if the diagonals are 6 in. and 8 in. respectively. Ex. 92. If AD is the perpendicular from A to BC of A ABC, prove AB^ - 'AO^ = DB^ - CD^. Plan. Find an expression for Alf and AC^ ; then subtract the latter from the former. Note. — This might be called a "common sense" plan. After form- ing in this manner the left member, if the right member is not obtained at once, then proceed to form in the same manner the right member, and afterwards try to prove the two values obtained are equal. Ex. 93. If D is any point in the altitude from A to side BC ot A ABC, prove that A^ - AC^ = ~DB^ - DC\ Suggestion. — Read the note under Ex. 92. Ex. 94. If a parallel to hypotenuse AB of right triangle ABC meets AC and BC at D and E respectively, prove that 'AE'^ 4- BD^ ='AB^ + DE^. Ex. 95. If perpendiculars PF, PD, and PE be drawn from any point P within an acute-angled tri- angle ABC to sides AB, BC, and CA respectively, F prove that AF^ -^ BB^ -\-CE^ = AE^ +^F^ + CJD^. " D Note. — Supplementary Exercises 19 to 40, p. 291, can be studied now. 168 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Proposition XY. Theorem 293. Two polygons are similar if they are composed of the same number of triangles, similar each to each, and similarly placed. Hypothesis. A AEB ^ A A'E'B' ; A EBD ~ A E'B'D' ; ABCD^AB'C'D'. The triangles are similarly placed. Conclusion. Polygon ABODE ~ polygon A'B'C'D'E'. Analysis. The homologous A must he proved equal, and the homolo- gous sides must he proved proportional. § 272 Proof. 1. Z1 = Z1'; Z2 = Z2'; Z3 = Z3'. Why? 2. .-. ZjB = Z5'. Why? 3. Similarly, Z Z> = Z Z)' ; ZE = ZE'', ZA^ZA'; z c=za. BE 4. 5. 6. Similarly, 7. Also 8. AE_^BE^ ^^^ ED^^ A'E' B'E'' E'D' B'E' AE ED Prove it. Why? A'E' E'D' ED ^ CD E'D' CD' ' ^ = ^,and^ A'B' A'E" B'C CD AB AE ED CD CD' ^ ^ ^ ^ BC A'B' A'E' E'D' CD' B'C' 9. .-. Polygon ABCDE ^ polygon A'B' CD' E'. Ax. 1, § 51 Why? Ax. 1, § 51 Why? SIMILAR POLYGONS 169 Proposition XVI. Problem 294. Upon a given segment ^ homologous to a given side of a given polygon, construct a polygon similar to the given polygon. Given polygon ABCDE and segment A'B'. Required to construct upon A'B' as side homologous to AB a polygon similar to ABCDE. Construction. 1. Divide ABCDE into triangles by draw- ing EB and BD. 2. Construct A A'B'E' similar to A ABE, by making Z A' = ZA, andZl' = Zl. 3. Construct A E'B'D' similar to A EBD. How ? 4. Construct A D'B'C similar to A DBC. How ? Statement, polygon A'B'CD'E' ~ polygon ABCDE. Why? Ex. 96. ABCD is the shape of an irregular piece of groimd. Make a figure similar to ABCD such that each side of the resulting figure shall be three times as long as the corresponding side of the given figure. Ex. 97. An ordinary shed roof is said to have a the distance AB is one third of the distance CD. A carpenter wishes to order some " two by fours "" for the rafters AE of a garage which is to be 24 ft. wide and have a one-third pitch. He allows \ ft. for cutting at the end A^ and wants the rafters to project beyond the wall at C so that CE will be 2 ft. What length of " two by fours " must he order if they can be obtained only in even lengths ? one-third pitch 170 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Pkoposition XVII. Theorem 295. Tivo similar polygons can he divided into the same number of triangles, similar each to each, and similarly placed. Hypothesis. Polygon ABODE ~ polygon A'B'C'D'E', ho- mologous vertices being indicated by corresponding letters. Conclusion. The polygons can be divided into the same number of triangles, similar each to each and similarly placed. Construction. Draw BE, BD, B'E', and B'D'. Statement. A ABE ~ A A'B'E' ; A EBD ~ A E'B'D' ; A BCD ~ A B'C'D'. AB AE Proof. 1. 2. 3. 4. ZJ. = Zyl'and , ^, , A'B' A'E' .-. A BAE ~ A B'A'E'. ZE = ZE' Sind Z 4: = Z 4'. .-. Z5 = Z5'. BE AE -, T ED AE B'E' AE . 1 ED — ; — -, and also -^ A'E'' E'D' A'E' BE ED 5. 6. Similarly B'E' E'D' .'. A EBD ~ A E'B'D'. A BCD ~ A B'C'D'. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Note. — If X and T are any two points of one polygon and X' and Y' are the homologous points of a similar polygon, then XZand XT' are homologous segments and XY : X'Y' equals the ratio of similitude. SIMILAR POLYGONS l7l 296. Fundamental Theorem about Equal Ratios. In a series of equal ratios^ the sum of the antecedents is to the sum of the consequents as any antecedent is to its consequent. If -=- = - = 1 b d f h' then ^±_^+l+^ = « = ^ = etc. h-{-d-\-f-^h b d Proof. 1. Let r = - and hence br = a. b 2. .-. dr = c, fr = e, hr = g. Prove it. 3. .'. br -\- dr -\- fr -^ hr = a -\- c -^ e + g. Why? 4. ...,.=:!L±A+i+Lg. Prove it. b + d+f-hh 5. Hence ^Jl^_±l+5 = « = £ = etc. b + d-{-f-{-h b d Proposition XVIII . Theorem 297. JTie perimeters of two similar polygons have the same ratio as any tioo homologous sides. B b' D E U Hypothesis. ABCDE and A'B'C'D'E' are similar polygons with homologous vertices indicated by corresponding letters. Conclusion. AB + BC+CD + DE-^EA ^ AB ^ BO ^ A'B' + B'C + CD' + D'E' + E'A' A'B' B'C ^ ^' Proof. 1. -^ = ^ = -^ = etc. A'B' B'C CD' (Complete the proof. Apply §296.) Note. —Supplementary Exercises 41 to 44, p. 293, can be studied now. 172 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS Five groups of theorems follow, — all of which appear in modern geometries. It is not necessary, — in fact, it may be unwise to study all of them in every class. The teacher should feel free to select the group or groups which appear to be of most value to the class. Each group is independent of each of the others. None of these theorems is required as an authority in the main lists of theorems of -succeeding Books. Group A, — Scales and Scale Drawing. Group B. — Trigonometric Ratios and their Application. These two groups are interesting and valuable applications of Book III. Group C. — Proportional Division of a Segment. Group D. — External and Harmonic Division of a Segment. Group ^. — Numerical Relations among Segments of a Triangle. These last three groups have long appeared in geometries. A. Scales and Scale Drawing 298. Scale drawings are a common and useful application of similar polygons. The adjoining figure represents a lot 150' x 276'. It is drawn to the scale of 1" to 200 ' ; that is, AB, I" in length, represents 150' and jBC, If" in length, represents 275'. If the corners of the lot itself are denoted by J.', B', C, and D' respectively, then AB : A'B' =-. 1 : 2400, and 5(7 : 5' C = 1 : 2400. (1" to 200' is 1" to 2400" or 1 : 2400.) ABCD is similar to A'B' CD', for the two figures are mutually equiangular (being rectangles) and their homologous sides are proportional (the ratio of similitude being 1:2400). Since, in similar figures, the ratio of any two homologous sides equals the ratio of similitude (Note, § 295), it is possible to determine from ABCD the approximate length of any segment on the field itself. SCALES AND SCALE DRAWING 173 299. Scales. The construction and use of scale drawings are made easy by the construction in advance of the scale it- self, unless such a scale is already at hand. Example. — Below is the scale of 1" to 100' to measure 350 ft. Scale r = 100 The segment extending from the zero mark to any division point represents the number of feet indicated above that point. Notice that the left-hand section is divided into ten equal parts. To determine the number of feet represented by a given segment according to the given scale : take the segment on the dividers ; place one point of the dividers on a division mark at the right of the zero mark, so that the other point of the dividers will fall on the scale either at the zero mark or to the left of it. The length represented by the segment may then be read to the nearest 5 feet. Thus, the segment a below represents 235 ft. if drawn to the scale of 1" to 100'. Ex. 98. Determine the length represented by each of the following segments, assuming that they are drawn to the scale of 1" to 100'. Ex. 99. Determine the approximate number of feet represented by the diagonal ^C in the figure of § 298. Ex. 100. Determine the approximate distance of the tree, T, from each of the comers of the lot ABCD in the figure of § 298. Ex. 101. Construct the scale of 1" to 1' to measure 5 ft., having the left-hand section show the segments corresponding to 2", 4", etc., to 12". What length, in feet and inches, do segments a, 6, and c of Ex. 98 represent if it is assumed that they are drawn to the scale of 1" to 1' ? 174 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Ex. 102. Construct the scale of 1" to 25', to measure 100 ft., having the left-hand section show segments corresponding to 5', 10', etc., to 25', What length do segments a, 6, c of Ex. 98 represent if it is assumed that they are drawn to the scale of 1" to 25' ? Ex. 103. Draw to the scale of 1" to 25' the ad- joining figure. From the figure so drawn, determine the approximate height of AB. Ex. 104. Draw to the scale of 1" to 25' a figure similar to the adjoining one. From the resulting figure, determine the approximate dis- tance represented by AB. Ex. 105. Draw to the scale of 1" to 25' a figure similar to the adjoining one. From the resulting figure, determine the approximate length of AB, if CD =60', ZACB = QQ°, ZADC=ZO'', said Z ABC = 90°. Ex. 106. The perimeters of two similar polygons are 119 and 68 ; if a side of the first is 21, what is the homologous side of the second ? (§ 297.) Ex. 107. Draw to the scale of 1" to 100' a figure similar to the adjoining one. From the resulting figure, determine the approximate perime- ter of the field having the dimensions indicated. B. Trigonometric Ratios and their Application 300. Sine of an Angle. Let Z ABO be any angle, on BC any points Pi and Pg- Draw per- pendiculars PiEi and P2R2 to AB. Then ABP^R.^ABPA- (Why?) . R\P\ -K2P2 ** 'BPi~'BP,' That is, the ratio of the perpendicular BP to the distance BP is the same, regardless of where P^ and P^ are located onjBC TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS 175 This constant ratio is called the Sine of Z B. (Sin B.) When the angle is acute, its sides and the perpendicular form a right triangle. In this triangle, sine of acute angle = side opposite -f- hypotenuse. The sine of a given angle may be computed as in the fol- lowing Example. — Let Z B= 60°. Determine sin 60°. Solution. 1. Draw Pi? ±^A DrawPT^P^. 2. Then APBT^A PBB, and Z T = 60°. (Why?) 3. .-. A PP7'is equilateral, and BB = ^ BP. (Why ?) 4. Let BP = 2 m and hence BB = m. 5. In A BPB, BP^ = 4 m^- m2 = 3 m2._ (Why ?) 6. .-. i?P = »nV3. ...sin 60° = ^=??^ =1^232 BP 2 m 2 .866+. Ex. 108. Determine as in the example the value of sin 45° and of sin 30°. Ex. 109. Construct a figure similar to the ad- joining one making : /. ABC = 35° ; Z ABD = 50° ; Z ABE = 65° ; and Z ABF = 75°. Draw the per- pendiculars from C, D, E, and F to AB. Measure these perpendiculars and also the radius. Then com- pute the approximate values of the sine of each of the angles indicated ; that is, of sin 35°, sin 50°, sin 65°, and sin 75°. (If you have a metric scale, make AB = 100 mm. and measure the perpendiculars in mm. ; if you do not have a metric scale, make AB = 3| in., and measure the perpendiculars in sixteentlis of an inch. If you use metric measures, your sines should be approximately correct to the second decimal place ; if you use the English scale, the values should be correct to the first decimal place. Keep your figure for use in a later exercise.) Ex. 110. Construct the acute angle : (a) Whose sine is J ; (6) whose sine is f. Ex. 111. BC, 40 mm. long, is on one side of Z ABC, whose sine is ^. How long is CA, the perpendicular to side AB ? i?j /?2 176 PLANE GEOMETRY— BOOK III 301. Cosine and Tangent of an Angle. It is easily proved that the ratio -~ ^'^^ is constant for all positions of P on J5(7, as in § 300 ; and also that is constant. „ ~ is called the Cosine of Z B, (Cos 5.) ^ is called the Tangent of Z B. (Tan B^ BR In the right triangle formed when Z 5 is an acute angle : cosine of acute angle = adjacent side -^ hypotenuse ; tangent of acute angle = opposite side -v- adjacent side. Example. —When Z5 = 60°, if BP=2m, then BR = m and EP = m V3. (See Example, § 300.) Hence, Cos 60° = ^^ = - = .500. 2m 2 Tan 60° =V12^ = Vs = 1.732. m Ex. 112. Compute the cosine and the tangent of 45° and 30° respec- tively. Ex. 113. In the figure constructed for Ex. 109, measure BM, BN, BB, and BS. Then compute the approximate values of : (a) cos 85° ; cos 50° ; cos 65° ; cos 75° ; (6) tan 35°; tan 50°; tan 65°; tan 75°. 302. Table of Values of Trigonometric Ratios. The values of the sine, cosine, and tangent of certain angles have been computed. See the table opposite. To determine the sine of 37° from the table : in the first column find 37° ; on the same line with it, and in the column headed by the word Sin, is found .602. This is the sine of 37°. Similarly the cosine or tangent of a given angle may be determined from the table. TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS Table of Values of Trigonometric Ratios 177 Anolr Sin Cos Tan Angle Sin Cob Tan 10^ .174 .985 .176 45° .707 .707 1.000 11° .191 .982 .194 46° .719 .696 1.036 12° .208 .978 .213 47° .731 .682 1.072 13° .226 .974 .231 48° .743 .609 1.111 14° .242 .970 .249 49° .755 .656 1.150 16° .259 .966 .268 60° .766 .643 1.192 16° .276 .961 .287 61° .777 .629 1.236 17° .292 .956 .306 62° .788 .616 1.280 18° .309 .951 .326 63° .799 .602 1.327 19° .326 .946 .344 64° .809 .588 1.376 20° .342 .940 .364 66° .819 .674 1.428 21° .358 .934 .384 66° .829 .659 1.483 22° .376 .927 .404 67° .839 .646 1.640 23° .391 .921 .424 68° .848 .630 1.600 24° .407 .914 .446 69° .867 .516 1.664 26° .423 .906 .466 60° .866 .600 1.732 26° .438 .899 .488 61° .876 .486 1.804 27° .454 .891 .610 62° .883 .4t)9 1.881 28° .469 .883 .532 63° .891 .454 1.963 29° .485 .875 .654 64° .899 .438 2.050 30^ .500 .866 .677 66° .906 .423 2.144 31° .515 .857 .601 66° .914 .407 2.246 32° .530 .848 .625 67° .921 .391 2.356 33° .545 .839 .649 68° .927 .376 2.476 34° .559 .829 .675 69° .934 .358 2.606 36° .674 .819 .700 70° .940 .342 2.747 36° .588 .809 .727 71° .946 .326 2.904 87° .602 .799 .754 72° .961 .309 3.078 38° .616 .788 .781 73° .956 .292 3.271 39° .629 .777 .810 74° .961 .276 3.487 40° .643 .766 .839 76° .966 .259 3.732 41° .656 .756 .869 76° .970 .242 4.011 42° .669 .743 .900 77° .974 .226 4.331 43° .682 .731 .933 78° .978 .208 4.706 44° .696 .719 .966 79° .982 .191 6.146 48° .707 .707 1.000 80° .986 .174 6.671 Ex. 114. Obtain from the table : (a) sin 40*^ (b) cos 37° ; cos 76° ; cos 64° ; (c) tan 29° sin 63° ; sin 26° ; tan 68° : tan 71°. Ex. 115. What is the angle x if : (a) sin X = .454 ; sin a; = .829 ; sin x = .978 ; (6) cos X = .966 ; cos a; = .719 ; cos x = .368 ; (c) tan X = .424 ; tan x = 1.111 ; tan x = 3.732. 178 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III 303. Application of Trigonometric Ratios. Example 1. — Assume that at point B ZCBA = 34° and that BC=125 ft. How high above ground is point A? Solution. 1 . ^ = tan 34°, ot AC = BC xta,B. 34°. ^ ' 225^ 2. .-. ^C= 125 X .68=85ft. Note. — Z CBA is called the Angle of Elevation of A at point B. Example 2. — AB represents a lighthouse j).. 250 ft. high. DA is an imaginary line paral- lel to BO. C represents the position of a ship. Z DAC= 31°. How far from B is C? Solution. 1. ZBCA = S1°. 2. T&nSl" -"^^^ or BC-AB : tan 31°. BC 3. .•.BC=: 250 - .601 = 415.9 ft. Why? That is, BCis about 416 ft. Note. — ZDACis called the Angle of Depression of C at A. Ex. 116. In the adjoining figure, ii AC ± CD, CD = 100 ft., and ZD = 62°, what are the distances AC and AD ? Ex. 117. rind the angle of elevation of the sun when a monument whose height is 360 ft. casts a shadow 400 ft. in length. Ex. 118. Determine the length of one side of an equilateral polygon having nine sides which is inscribed in a circle of radius 10 ft. Determine the distance of each of the sides from the center of the circle. Ex. 119. A boy flying a kite knows that he has 500 ft. of twine. Another boy stations himself approximately below the kite. The angle made by the string with an imaginary line running from the first boy to the second is approximately 50°. Determine the approximate height of the kite. Ex. 120. At a point 169 ft. from the foot of a tower surmounted by a pole, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 35° and that of the top of the pole is 47°. Find the length of the pole. DIVISION OF A SEGMENT 179 C, Proportional Division of a Segment Proposition XIX. Theorem 304. Parallel lines intercept proportional segments on all transversals. X Hypothesis. Parallels AB, CD, EF, and GH intercept seg- ments a, b, and c, on XY and d, e, and/ on ZW, respectively. Conclusion. - = - = -. d e f Suggestions. — 1. Draw TK II Z W. Let the lU intercept the segments r, s, and t on TK. 2. Compare r, s, and t, with d, e, and /, respectively. 3. In A TKL, compare a : r with TL : TK. 4. In A TKL, compare c : t with TL : TK 5. In A TMX, compare a : r with b : s. 6. Then compare a :r, c :t, and b : s. Complete tlie proof, using the facts obtained in step 2. Ex. 121. Divide a segment into parts proportional to any number of given segments. Given segment AB, and segments w, n, and p. Required to divide AB into segments x, y, and z, so that — = ^ = -. m n p Suggestion. — Base the construction on Proposition XIX. 180 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Ex. 122. Divide a segment 6 in. in length into segments proportional to 2, 3, and 4. Ex. 123. Construct a triangle similar to a given triangle, having given its perimeter. Ex. 124. A line parallel to the bases of a trapezoid, passing through the intersection of the diagonals, and terminating in the non-parallel sides, is bisected by the diagonals. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 45 to 46, p. 293, can be studied now. D. External and Harmonic Division of a Segment 305. External Division of a Segment. If P is a point on line AB but not located between A and B, then P divides AB externally into segments AP and PB. FA B A^ B P Fig. 1 The following justification is given for calling AP and PB segments of AB. Direction on a segment may be indicated by reading the seg- ment from its beginning point to its end point ; thus AB =A >- B, and BA = A -^ B. Direction from left to right is regarded as positive and from right to left as negative. Hence BA =— AB and AB + BA = 0. Clearly then the algebraic sum of JP and PB in Fig. 1 equals AB, for AP+ PB=AP+ PA-\- AB and AP + PA ^ 0. The consequence is that the algebraic sum of AP and PB is AB, no matter where P is located on the line AB. (See figures below.) A. P B p A B A B P Fig. 2 Note. — Prove that AP + PB = AB in each case in Fig. 2. ;^ BCD E^- 125. What segment represents the alge- ' •"• braic sum of : (a) AB + J5C? (b) AD -{■DC'} (c) BA^- AG -\- CB'} DIVISION OF A SEGMENT Proposition XX. Theorem 181 306. In any triangle, the bisector of an exterior angle at any vertex divides the opposite side externally into two segments whose ratio equals the ratio of the two adjacent sides of the triangle. D B Hypothesis. AD bisects ext. Z BAE of A ABC, meeting CB extended at D. Conclusion. BD:DC= BA : AC. Proof. 1. Draw BF II DA, meeting AC at F. 2. Then BD : DC = FA: AG. It remains to prove that FA = BA. Try to prove that Z3=Z4, using the hypothesis and construction. Proof left to the pupil. Note. — The converse of Proposition XX is also true. It may be proved by laying off AF = AB. Ex. 126. The sides of a triangle are AB = 5, BC = 7, and CA = 8 ; find the segments into which side 8 is divided by the bisector of the ex- terior angle at the opposite vertex. 307. A segment is divided harmonically if it is divided inter- nally and externally into seg- j_ X B Y ments having the same ratio. i \ I Thus. MAB=\,AX= -, and JIF = % then ^ = ^, since each 4 2 JlB YB ratio equals -. Hence Xand F divide AB harmonically. Ex. 127. Prove that the bisector of an interior angle of a triangle and the bisector of the exterior angle at the same vertex divide the op- posite side harmonically. Ex. 128. If Xand F divide AB harmonically, then A and B divide Xr harmonically. (Use § 263. Verify afterwards for the figure in § 307. ) 182 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III E. Numerical Relations among Segments of a Triangle ./> 308. The Projection of a Point upon a given line is tlie foot of the perpendicu- lar drawn from the point to the line. j ^. ^^^ Thus, B is the projection of P on AB. 309. The Projection of a Segment upon a given line is the distance between the projections of its end-points. Thus, the projection of AB on line CD is A'B'. The symbol " jo^^ " is read "the projec- tion of AB on CDr C A B D Ex. 129. Draw a segment AB and also four straight lines not paral- lel to AB but also not crossing AB. (a) Determine the projection of AB on each of the straight lines. (b) Are the projections all of the same length ? Ex. 130. Draw an acute scalene triangle. Show by means of a drawing the projection of the shortest side upon each of the other sides. Ex. 131. Repeat the preceding exercise for an obtuse triangle. Ex. 132. Draw an obtuse triangle. Obtain the projection of the longest side upon each of the other sides. Ex. 133. If AB, extended, makes an acute angle with a line m, prove that p^^ is less than AB. Ex. 134. If AB II ?7i, how does p^ compare with segment AB ? Ex. 135. If AB ± m, what is the length oip'l^ ? Ex. 136. What part of the base of an isosceles triangle is the pro- jection upon the base of one of the equal sides ? Ex. 137. If the equal sides of an isosceles trapezoid be projected upon the lower base, the projections are equal. Ex. 138. Draw a right triangle and draw the median to the hypotenuse. Prove that the projection of the median upon either leg of the triangle is one half of that leg. NUMERICAL RELATIONS AMONG SEGMENTS 183 Propositiox XXI. Theorem 310. In any triangle, the square of the side opposite an acute angle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, minus twice the product of one of these sides and the projection of the other upon it. Fig. 1 Hypothesis. In A ABC, Z 5 is acute. Conclusion. 6^ = a^ + c'^ — 2 a • ^^. Proof. 1. Draw^Z)±50. Then ^i>=i9^=i). 2. In Fig. 1, ?>2 = /i2 4- DC". Why ? 3. But i)0 = a - p, and /i^ = c^ - p\ Why ? 4. .-. 62 = c2 - />2 -f (a - j))\ Ax. 2, § 51 (Complete the proof.) Note 1. — A similar proof may be given from Fig. 2. In Fig. 2, DC = p — a. Note 2. — The conclusion of Proposition XXI is a formula connecting the three sides of a triangle with the projection of one side upon one of the otlier two sides. Altogether four different numbers are involved. Hence, when three of these numbers are known, the fourth may be determined by substituting in the formula and solving the resulting equation. In the right member, there appear the squares of two sides and the projection of one of these upon the other ; in the left member, there appears the square of the third side. Ez. 139. Determine : (a) ;)« when a = 13, & = 14, and c = 15. (6) 6 when a = 10, c = 12, and jo« = 9. (c) c when a = 11, 6 = 16, and p^ = 7. (d) a when 6 = 18, c = 12, andp^ = 4. 184 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Proposition XXII. Theorem 311. In any triangle having an obtuse angle, the square of the side opposite the obtuse angle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, plus twice the product of one of these sides and the projection of the other side upon it. A Hypothesis. In A ABC, Z (7 is an obtuse Z. Conclusion. c^=^a''+b^-\-2 a-pl Proof. 1. Draw AD ± BC extended. Then p^c =CD=p. 2. Then in A ABD, ^ = li^ + Bff- Why ? 3. But 7i2 = ?>2 _p2 . and BD = a+p. 4. .-. c' = (b''-p'')^{a+pf. (Complete the proof.) 312. Cor. If a, b, and c are the sides of a triangle : Z ^ is acute if a^ < b'^^c}\ Z.Ais obtuse if a^ > 6^ + c^ ; Z A is Si right Z if a^ = 6^ + c\ (Proof is indirect in each case.) Ex. 140. Is the greatest angle of the triangle whose sides are 8, 9, and 12 acute, right, or obtuse ? Ex. 141. Is the greatest angle of the triangle whose sides are 12, 35, and 37 acute, right, or obtuse ? Ex. 142. Prove that the sum of the squares of the diagonals of a parallelogram equals the sum of the squares of the sides of the parallelo- gram. (Use § 310 and § 311.) Ex. 143. If AB and A C are the equal sides of an isosceles triangle, and BD is drawn perpendicular to AC, prove 2AC X CD = BC^. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 47 to 51, p. 293, can be studied now. NUMERICAL RELATIONS AMONG SEGMENTS 185 313. When the three sides of a triangle are known, the altitude to each side can be computed. A 1. Assume AD = /i„, and Z ^ to be an acute angle. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 62=;a2 + c2-2a .p^ or ¥ = a^ -\' c^ - 2 ap. .-. p = 2a /l2 = c2-p2=(c4-p)(C-p). K= ;+ 2a r ^^~"J 2 a JL 2 a J 4a2 ^ (g -h c 4- &) (q + c - 6)(& 4- g - c) (& - g H- c) 4g2 9. Let g4-6 + c = 2s. 10. .-. g + 6-c = 2s-2c = 2(s-c). Similarly, 6-|-c — g = 2(s — g); and c -f- g — 6 = 2 (s — 6). -,. . ^2 _ 2/?. 2 (8 -6) '2. (a-c) '2{s-a) J. J.. . . /i^ — 4g* _ 4 8(8 — g)(/t — 6)(8 — c) 12. .-. ^„ = -Vs(8-g)(s-6)(s-c) g Similarly, and K = -y/s{s-a) (s - 6) (s - c) ; o h^ = - Vs(« — g) (s — 6) (s — c)- c Ex. 144. Find the three altitudes of the triangle whose sides are 13, 14, and 16, getting the results correct to one decimal place. 186 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Proposition XXIII. Theorem 314. In any triangle, the sum of the squares of two sides equals twice the square of half the third side plus twice the square of the median drawn to that side. O L .^..A _J Hypothesis. In A ABC, CD is the median to side AB. Conclusion. a^-{-¥ = 2 ^^ Y + 2 mf. Note. — A ABC is either a rt. Z, an acute Z, or an obtuse Z. When it is a rt. Z, the proof is quite easy. Proof. 1. Assume that Z ABC is obtuse and hence Z BBC is acute. 2. Draw CE ± AB, so that BE=pll. (Complete the proof.) Suggestion. — Determine a^ from ABCDhj^ 310 ; 62 from AACDhy^ 311 ; then add, so as to obtain a^-{- b^. Note. — By Proposition XXIII, it is possible to determine the three medians of a triangle when the three sides of the triangle are known. 315. Cor. The difference between the squares of tzvo sides of a triangle equals tivice the product of the third side and the pro- jection of the media}! upon that side. Con. b^-a^ = 2G' p'^c. Suggestion. — Determine 6^ and a^ and then subtract the value of a^ from that of 62. Ex. 145. Determine m^ when & = 12, c = 16, and a = 20. Deter- mine also m^ and rric. Ex. 146. Prom the conclusion of § 314 derive a formula for m^ in terms of a, 6, and c. NUMERICAL RELATIONS AMONG SEGMENTS 187 Proposition XXIV. Theorem 316. In any triangle, the product of two sides equals the product of the diameter of the circumscribed circle and the altitude upon the third side. Hjrpothesis. A ABC is inscribed i n O ; AD is a diameter of O 0; AE = h,. Conclusion. b - c = d -h^. Analysis and proof left to the pupil. See analysis of § 283. 2 317. By § 313, h, = - Vs(s - a)(s - b)(s - c). 2d Hence, by § 316, b - c = — Vs(s — a){s — b){s — c). a .'. 2 dVs(s — a){s — b)(s—c) = abCj d= ^^^ 2Vs(s-a)(s-b){s-c) Hence, when the sides of a triangle are known, the diameter of the circumscribed circle can be computed. Ex. 147. Determine the diameter of the circle circumscribed about the triangle whose sides are 13, 14, and 15. Ex. 148. If two adjacent sides and one of the diagonals of a parallelo- gram are 7, 9, and 8 respectively, find the other diagonal. (§ 314.) Ex. 149. The sides AB and ^C of A ABC are 16 and 9 respectively, and the length of the median drawn from C is 11. Find side BC. (§ 314.) Ex. 150. If the sides oi £\ABC are 10, 14, and 16, find the lengths of the three medians. Determine also the diameter of the circumscribed circle. 188 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Proposition XXV. Theorem 318. In any triangle, the product of any two sides is equal to the product of the segments of the third side formed by the bisector of the opposite angle, plus the square of the bisector. ■~-v^ Hypothesis. AD bisects Z J. of A ABC, meeting BC at D. (Let BD=r, and DC = p.) Conclusion. b-c^tl + r-p. Proof. 1. Circumscribe a circle about A ABC. Extend AD to meet the circle at E. Draw CE. 2. A ABD ~ A AGE. Give full proof. 3. •••;^=i'°^'"'= AE ' t^. Give full proof. 4. 5. 6. 7. ••• bc=^t\'(tj, + s). .:bc = t\ + tj,'S. But t^- s = r 'p. .'. bc = t\-\-r'p. {AE = t^ + s) §283 Note. — This proposition makes it possible to compute tlie bisectors of the three angles of a triangle when the three sides of the triangle are known. Ex. 151. If c =: 4, 6 = 5, and a = 6, find Ia- Suggestions. — 1. It is necessary to find r and p first. This may be done by using § 270. r ^4 6-r 5 2. Then substitute in the conclusion of § 318 Whence r=? and p = 6 — r = ? mclusion of § 318. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 52 to 56, p. 294, can be studied now. MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES 189 Miscellaneous Exercises Ex. 152. The vertices of quadrilateral ABCD are joined to a point lying outside the quadrilateral. Points A', B' , C, and D' are taken on OA, OB, OC, and OD, respectively, so that A'B' II AB, B'C II BC\ and CD' II CD. Prove A'D' II AD. Ex. 153. Two circles are tangent externally at point C. Through C, a straight line is drawn, meeting the first circle at A and the second at D ; another straight line through C meets the first circle at B and the second at E. Prove AC: CD = BC: CE. Suggestion. — Draw the common tangent at C, and also chords AB and ED. Ex. 154. If P and 8 are two points on the same side of line OX such that the perpendiculars PB and /ST drawn to OX have the same ratio as OB and OT, then points 0, P, and SWq in a straight line. Suggestion. — Frove L ROP = L TOS by proving A OPR ~ A OST. Ex. 155. If two parallels are cut by three or more straight lines passing through a common point, the corresponding segments are propor- tional. Prove ^-=.^ = ^^. -y A'B' B'C CD' /' Ex. 156. If three transversals intercept proportional lengths on two parallels, the transversals meet at a point. Suggestion. — Let A' A and B'B meet at and draw OC and OC"; then prove A OBC&nd OB'C similar. (Fig. Ex. 155.) Ex. 157. Derive a formula for the altitude to the base of an isosceles triangle if the base is b and the equal sides are each a. By means of the formula determine the altitude when : (^a) a = 12 and b =6; (b) a = 15 and 6=7. Ex. 158. Find the length of the common external tangent to two circles whose radii are 11 and 18, if the distance between their centers is 25. Suggestion. — See the figure for Problem 2, § 236. Ex. 159. If BE and CF are the medians drawn from the extremities of the hypotenuse of right triangle ABC, prove 4 BE^ + 4 CY'^ = 5 BC'\ Ex. 160. Prove that the projections of two parallel sides of a paral- . lelogram upon either of the other sides are equal. 190 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK III Ex. 161. BC is the base of an isosceles triangle ABC inscribed in a circle. If a chord AD is drawn, cutting BG at E, prove AB^ = AE^ + BE X CE. Suggestions. — 1. The proof is like that for § 318. 2. Prove A ABD ~ A ABE. Ex. 162. Prove that the non-parallel sides of a trapezoid and the line joining the middle points of the parallel sides, if extended, meet in a com- mon point. Review Questions 1. What is meant by taking a proportion by (a) inversion? (b) composition ? (c) alternation ? . 2. Complete the following theorem : "If the product of two numbers equals the product of two other numbers, one pair, .- " 3. Define: (a) mean proportional; (6) fourth proportional; (c) similar polygons ; (d) ratio of similitude. 4. Are mutually equiangular triangles similar ? Are mutually equiangular polygons similar ? 5. State all of the theorems, by which two triangles can be proved similar. 6. How do you select the homologous sides of similar triangles ? What do you know about them ? 7. What do you know about the ratio of homologous altitudes of similar triangles ? What about the ratio of the perimeters of similar triangles ? What about the ratio of the areas of similar triangles ? 8. What is the Pythagorean theorem ? 9. Find the mean proportional between 5 and 15. Construct the mean proportional between segments r and s. 10. What are the two conclusions which follow from the hypothesis that the altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle ? BOOK IV AREAS OF POLYGONS 319. A polygon, being a closed line (§ 7), incloses a limited portion of the plane. In measurement theorems, the words "rectangle," "parallelogram," *' polygon," etc., mean the surface within the figure mentioned. 320. The Area of the surface within a closed line is the ratio of the surface to the unit of surface measure. Thus, in the adjoining figure, if the unit of surface is one small square, the area of the rectangle is 30. It has become customary, when speaking of the area of a figure, to mention at once the unit of sur- face ; thus, in the foregoing example, it is customary to say that the area is 30 small scjuares. Remember, however, that the area is 30. -^ 321. The usual Unit of Surface is a square whose side is some linear unit : as, a square inch or a square centimeter. In this text, it will be assumed that the unit always is such a square unit. Ex. 1. In the following figures, assume that the unit of surface is a small square, (a) What is the exact area of Figs. 1 and 2 ? i._.H.._4 — J.-_4--- 1...4.— ^--4._.^._- — -i— T— I-— f-- -f— Fig. 1 FiQ. 2 191 192 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV 2 7 - /^-. ^" ""—^ L t / ^^ t A i 7 V ^^ V -^ ' Jl f ^ ^^Jli -^ ^ Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 (?)) What is the approximate area of Figs. 3, 4, and 5 ? (Include the square in the area if half or more than half of it lies within the figure ; do not include it otherwise.) 322. Two limited portions of a plane are Equal (=) if their areas are equal when they are measured by the same unit. Since the test of the equality of two figures is the equality of two numbers, the usual axioms apply when equal figures are added or sub- tracted, or when they are multiplied or divided by the same number. Thus, if equal figures are added to equal figures, the sums are equal ; also halves of equal figures are equal. Ex. 2. Of the figures in Ex. 1, are any two or more equal ? 323. Two congruent figures are necessarily equal, hut two equal figures are not necessarily congruent. Also, two figures which consist of parts which are respectively con- gruent are equal. Thus, the parallelogram and the kite- shaped figure made from it by placing mm^^^ the two triangles together as hi the fig- //////////§i ure adjoining are equal. Ex. 3. If E is the mid-point of one of the non- parallel sides of trapezoid ABCD, and a parallel to AB drawn through E meets BC extended at F and AD at G, prove that parallelogram ABFG is equal ^ to trapezoid ABGD. Suggestion. — Fvoye A CEF ^ A GED, and apply § 323. Ex. 4. In the adjoining figure, D and E are the mid-points of ^B and ^C; AJA.BG; BF ± DE extended at F; CG ± DE extended at G. ^. ,^ Prove th at A ^^ O equals un BFGC. Suggestion. — Prove A BDF ^ A DAH, and A CEG ^/\AEH. \L AREAS OF POLYGONS 193 Ex. 5. In the adjoining figure, E and F are the mid-points of sides AB and CD of trapezoid ABCD ; XY and Z \V are drawn througli E and F respectively ± AD, meeting BC extended at X and irrespectively. VvovQih2Lt XYWZ=ABCD. "^ .^ " Ex. 6. Let K be the mid-point of side 5Cand if the mid-point of side AD of CD ABCD ; let FE, drawn through the mid-point G of KH, intersect BC and AD at F and E respectively. Prove that FE divides ABCD into two equal quadrilaterals. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 1-3, p. 294, can be studied now. MEASUREMENT OF RECTANGLES 324. The Dimensions of a rectangle are the Base and Altitude. 325. Area of a Rectangle. (Informal treatment.) If the base of a rectangle measures 6 and its altitude 5 linear units, the area is evidently 6 x 5 or 30 surface units. If the base measures 6 units and the alti- tude measures 3^ units, the area is evidently 6 X 3.5 or 21 surface units. These two examples suggest the theorem : The number of surface units in the area of a rectangle is the product of the number of linear units in its base and the number in its altitude. More 'briefly, this theorem is expressed : the area of a rectangle is the product of its base and its altitude. The theorem is proved in the following three propositions. T w — I— r----|-T J_.L4.J__I .4-1-^-1-4 X 326. Comparison of Rectangles. Rectangles may be com- pared without computing their areas. Two rectangles having equal bases and altitudes are equal, for it is evident that they can be made to coincide by superposition. 194 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Pkoposition I. Theokem 327. Two rectangles having equal altitudes are to each other as their bases. K c D E G H Hypothesis. Rectangles ABCD and EFGH have equal altitudes AB and EF, and bases AD and EH, respectively. Conclusion. ABCD ^ AD ^ EFGH EH Case I. Assume that AD and EH are commensurable. §211 Proof. 1. Let AK, a common measure of AD and EH, be contained in AD 5 times and in EH 3 times. Draw Js to AD and EH at the points of division. 2. Then ABCD and EFGH are divided into equal rec- tangles. Why ? (Complete the proof.) Suggestions. — What is the value of ^-^ ? of - ? Then compare these ratios. ^^ ^^^H Case IL When AD and EH are incommensurable, the theorem is still true. The proof is given in § 425. 328. Cor. Two rectangles having equal bases are to each other as their altitudes. Ex. 7. Construct a rectangle which will be three times a given rec- tangle ; ' also one which will be three fourths a given rectangle. Ex. 8. Two rectangles M and T have equal bases b and altitudes r and s respectively. What is the ratio of J^f to 2'? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 4 to 5, p. 295, can be studied now. AREAS OF POLYGONS 195 Proposition II. Theorem 329. Two rectangles are to each other as the products of their bases by their altitudes. M B h' Hypothesis. Rectangle M has base h and altitude a ; rec- tangle N has base V and altitude a'. Conclusion . — = -— • N a'b' Proof. 1. Let rectangle R have base 6' and altitude a. 2. .-. — = — , since M and E have equal altitudes. Why? 7? n 3. Also — = — , since R and iVhave equal bases. Why? , M ^R ab ^ M ah .^ttj. ^ 4. ••• — X -T^=— :t-., or — = -^rT- Why? . =-x- = — or^=-^ " R N a'b'' N a'b' Ex. 9. What is the ratio of rectangles B and S if their dimensions are as follows ? (A ) (B) (C) Ji s li s It *s- Altitude k X Altitude 4 6 Altitude 12 20 15 18 Base w y Base 10 16 Base Ex. 10. If i?, 8, T, and X are rec- tangles having the dimensions indicated in the adjoining table, determine the ratio of each rectangle to each of the others. (Thus, determine B : 8, B : T, Qiz.) Altitl-de Base B 10 6 8 5 12 T 10 8 X 10 12 196 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Proposition III. Theorem 330. The area of a rectangle is the product of its base and altitude. N Hypothesis. Eectangle M has altitude a and base b. Conclusion. Area oi M=ab. Proof. 1. Let square ^be the unit of surface measure. 2. Then area of M= the ratio of Mto N. § 320 M_ ab N~lxl' 4. .-. area of M= ab. 3. Why? Note. — Remember that this theorem means that the number of square units in the area equals the product of the number of linear units in the base by the number in the altitude. A similar interpretation must be given for each of the measurement theorems of this Book. Ex. 11. A business corner 50 ft. x 120 ft. is valued at .$9000. What is the value per square foot ? Ex. 12. The area of a square is 590.49 sq. ft. Find its perimeter. Ex. 13. A rectangle has the dimensions 30 ft. and 120 ft. Compare its perimeter with that of an equal square. Ex. 14. An ordinary eight-room house costs approximately $4.75 per square foot of ground covered by it. What is the approximate cost of a house 27 ft. x 36 ft.? Ex. 15. The area of a rectangle is 147 sq. ft. Its base is three times its altitude. What are its dimensions ? Ex. 16. What are the dimensions of a rectangle whose area is 168 sq. ft. and whose perimeter is 58 ft ? Suggestion. — Let the base = x and the altitude = y. Form two equations and complete the solution algebraically. Ex. 17. What is the length of the diagonal of a rectangle whose area is 2640 sq. ft., if its altitude is 48 ft.? AREAS OF POLYGONS 197 Proposition IV. Theorem 331. TJie area of a parallelogram equals the product of its base and altitude. E B Hypothesis. ABCD is a parallelogram. Its altitude DF= a : its base AD b. Conclusion. Area of ABCD = ah. Proof. 1. Draw AE \\ DF, meeting BC extended at E. 2. .-. AEFD is a rectangle. Why ? 3. A AEB = A FCD. Give the full proof. 4. .-. O ABCD = □ AEFD. Why ? 5. But area of □ AEFD = ah. Why ? 6. .-. area of ABCD = ah. Ax. 1, § 51 332. Corollaries. Let O P^ have base ftj and altitude a/; and O P., have base &2 and altitude ag. (1) Parallelograms having equal hases and equal altitudes are equal. (2) Two parallelograms are to each other as the products of their hases hy their altitudes. For, since O Pi = ai6i and O r^ = a-rbi, then ^^ = ^ • O P2 0262 (3) Parallelograms having equal altitudes are to each other as their hases. For, in (2), if ai = ao, then O Pi : O P2 = 61 : 62. (4) Parallelograms having equal bases are to eojch other as their altitudes. 198 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK lY Ex. 18. What is the area of OB, of O S, and ofUT? (a) O B has altitude 4 in. and base 9 in. (b) JU S has altitude 15 ft. and base 20 ft. (c) CJ T has altitude 3 a; in. and base 11 y in. Ex. 19. What is the altitude of a parallelogram whose area is 56 sq. in., if its base is 14 in. ? Ex. 20. Construct a parallelogram equal to twice a given parallelo- gram. Ex. 21. Construct a rectangle equal to two thirds a given parallelo- gram. Ex. 22. Divide a parallelogram into two equal parallelograms ; into four equal parallelograms. Ex. 23. What is the ratio oi O P to O B \i the base of each is 10 in. and the altitudes are 5 in. and 8 in. respectively ? Ex. 24. Construct a CJ ABCD having AB = 3 in. and BG = 4 in., and having : (a) ZB = 30^; (6) ZB = 45°. (c) Determine the area of each of the parallelograms. Ex. 25. The base of A ABC is 10 and the alti- a d tude is 5. What is the area of A ABC ? Suggestion. — Draw AD \\ EC and CD \\ AB to form O ABCD. Compare A ABC with EJ ABCD. Then determine the area of O ABCD and finally ot AAB G. Propositiq]^ v. Theorem 333. The area of a triangle equals one half the prod- uct of its base and altitude. Hypothesis. A ABC has altitude AE = a and Conclusion. Area of A ABC= ^ ah. [Proof to be given by the pupil.] Suggestion. — Construct CJ ABCD and proceed as in Ex. 25. BC = h. AREAS OF POLYGONS 199 334. Corollaries. By proofs similar to those given in § 332, it follows that : , (1) Triangles having equal bases and equal altitudes are^equal. (2) Tioo triangles are to each other as the products of their bases by their altitudes. (3) Triangles having equal altitudes are to each other as their bases. (4) Triangles having equal bases are to each other as their altitudes. (5) A triangle is one half a parallelogram having the same base and altitude. Ex.26, (a) CompsLTeCJ ABCD with A BCE. a x d (6) Compare A BOX with A BCE. (c) If Xis the mid-point of AD, compare A ABX with A XCZ>; also compare A XCD with A 5 O-E. Ex. 27. Determine the area of an isosceles right triangle whose leg is 9 in. Ex. 28. Determine the area of an equilateral triangle whose side is 10 in. Ex. 29. (a) Prove that the area of an equilateral triangle whose side is s is — v3. (Memorize this formula.) 4 (&) Using the formula developed in (a), obtain the area of an equi- lateral triangle whose side is: (1) 12 in. ; (2) 15 in. Ex. 30. Find the area of the front of the garage whose K('y\ lo' dimensions are indicated in the adjoining figure. Ex. 31. What is the area of the rhombus whose diago- nals are 10 and 16 respectively ? Ex. 32. What is the length of the side of a square whose area equals that of a triangle whose base is 24 and whose altitude is 12 ? Ex. 33. If BD is the median to side AC of A ABC, prove that A ABD = ABDC. (Draw the altitude BF to side AC. ) Ex. 34. Prove that the diagonals of a parallelogram divide the par- allelogram into four equal triangles. Ex. 35. If segments are drawn from two opposite vertices of a quad- rilateral to the mid-point of the diagonal joining the other two vertices, the broken line so formed divides the quadrilateral into two equal parts. 200 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Ex. 36. Through the vertex ^ of A ABC, draw a line MN parallel to BC. On MN^ take any point X and prove that A XBC = A ABC. Ex. 37. Construct a triangle twice as large as a given triangle : (a) having the same base as the given triangle ; (&) having the same altitude as the given triangle. Ex. 38. Construct a rectangle equal to a given triangle. Ex. 39. Construct a triangle equal to a given rectangle. Ex. 40. Construct a right triangle equal to a given triangle and hav- ing the same base as the triangle. Ex. 41. Construct an isosceles triangle equal to a given triangle and having the same base as the given triangle. 335. The Area of a Triangle can be expressed in Terms of its Sides. Solution. 1. If a, 5, and carethe sidesof A^iiC, ands = ^(a + & + c), it can be proved that the altitude drawn to side a is given by the formula : ha=-Vs{s-a){s-b){s-c) §313 a Note. — The proof may be read if desired. Often in mathematics, we use provable formulae which we may not have proved ourselves. 2. Areaof A^^C = ia- /i„. 3. .-. areaof A^i?(7 = - a- - >/s(s - a)(s- b)(s-c), 2 a 4. or area of A ^j5C = vs(s — a)(s— 6) (s — c). Eemember that s is one half the perimeter of the triangle. Example. — Find the area of the triangle whose sides are 13, 14, and 15. Solution. 1. Let a = IS, 6 = 14, and c = 15. 2. .-. 8 = 1(13 + 14+15) =21. 3. . •. area = V2I x 8 x 7 xli ■= V3x7x2x4x7x3x2 4. • = 3 X 7 x 2 X 2 = 84. Ex. 42. The sides of the lots A and B in the adjoining figure have the lengths indicated. Find the area of each of the lots. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 6 to 30, p. 295, can be studied now. AREAS OF POLYGONS 201 Proposition VI. Problem 336. Construct a triangle equal to a given polygon. G D Given polygon ABODE. Required to construct a A = ABODE. 1. Change ABODE into an equal quadrilateral. Construction. 1. Draw diagonal AO, cutting off A ABO. 2. Draw BF II AO^ meeting DC extended at F. Draw AF. Statement. AFDE = ABODE. Proof. 1. A ABO and A AOF have the same base, AO, and equal altitudes, — the distance between the lis AO and BF. 2. .: AABO=^AOF. Why? 3. AFDE = AODE + A AOF-, and ABODE = AODE -h A ABO. Ax. 3, § 51 4. .-. AFDE = ABODE. Ax. 7, § 51 II. OJiange AFDE into an equal triangle. Construction. 1. Draw AD ; draw OE II ADy meeting FD extended at 6?; draw AG, Statement. A AFG = quadrilateral AFDE. Prove it. Ex. 43. (a) Make a reasonably large pentagon, and construct a tri- angle equal to the pentagon. (6) Measure the base and altitude of the triangle, and compute the area of the triangle, (c) What is the area of the pentagon ? D 15 C -e Ex. 44. Determine the area of the trapezoid /j ""^-^ \ J ABCD whose dimensions are indicated in the ad- /l'^ ^"^^ \! joining figure. A F B Suggestions. — Area of A ABD = ? Area of A BCD = ? 202 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Proposition^ VII. Theorem 337. Tlie area of a trapezoid equals one half its alti- tude multiplied hy the sum of its bases. A D b' 1 \i B Hypothesis. Trapezoid ABCD has its altitude DE = a, its base AB = h, and its base CD = b\ Conclusion. Area ABCD = ^a(b + b'). Proof. 1. Draw BD and altitude BF of A DBC. Complete the proof. See Ex. 44. 338. Cor. Tlie area of a trapezoid equals the product of its altitude and its median. (Recall § 153.) Ex. 45. Determine the area of the trapezoids A and B whose dimen- sions are given in the table below : Altitude Lower Hase Upper Base Trapezoid A Trapezoid B 10 in. 20 in. 9 in. 15 ft. 30 ft. 20 ft. Ex. 46. Find the lower base of a trapezoid whose area is 675 sq. ft., upper base 35 ft., and altitude 15 ft. Ex. 47= The non-parallel sides, AB and CD, of a trapezoid are each 25 in., and the sides AD and BC are 33 in. and 19 in., respectively. Find the area of the trapezoid. A Suggestions. — Draw through jB a 1| to CD, and al to AD. Ex. 48. Prove that the straight line joining the mid-points of the bases of a trapezoid divides the trapezoid into two equal trapezoids. AREAS OF POLYGONS 203 Ex. 49. How many square feet of wood will be re- quired for 100 waste-paper boxes like the one pictured in the adjoining figure, — allowing 15% extra for wood wasted in cutting ? Note. — Assume that each side is an isosceles trapezoid having the dimensions indicated in the figure. Ex. 50. The adjoining figure represents the end of a barn. If the barn is 85 ft. in length, determine the expense of painting its sides, its end, and its roof at 4 j^ per square foot. Ex. 51. The longest diagonal AD of pentagon ABODE is 44 in., and the perpendiculars to it from B, C, and E are 24, 16, and 15 in. respectively. If AB = 25 in. and CZ) = 30 in., what is the area of the pentagon ? Ex. 52. Find the lower base of a trapezoid whose area is 9408 sq. ft., whose upper base is 79 ft., and whose altitude is 96 ft. Ex. 53. Construct a triangle equal to a given trapezoid and having the same altitude as the trapezoid. Ex. 54. Draw through a given point in one side of a parallelogram a straight line, dividing the parallelogram into two equal parts. Ex. 55. Construct a parallelogram equal to a given trapezoid, having the same altitude as the trapezoid. Ex. 56. If AD is the median to side BC of A ABC and E is the mid-point of AD, then A BEC = ^ A ABC. Ex. 57. If E and F are the mid-points of sides AB and AC respec- tively of A ABC, and D is any point in side BC, prove quadrilateral AEDF=^AABC. Ex 58. If E is any point in side BC oi CJ ABCD, then A ABE -H AECD^^/DABCD. Ex. 59. Draw a straight line perpendicular to the bases of a trape- zoid which will divide the trapezoid into two equal parts. 339. The following Proposition is an alternative demon- stration of the Pythagorean Theorem given in Proposition XIV of Book III. 204 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Proposition VIII. Theorem 340. The square upon the hypotenuse of a right tri- angle is equal to the sum of the squares upon the two legs of the triangle. Hypothesis. Z C of A ABC is a right angle. ABEF, ACGB, and BGKL are squares. Conclusion. Area ABEF = area ACGH+ area BCKL. Proof. 1. Draw CD ± AB and extend it to meet FE at M. 2. Draw BH and CF. 3. • A ACF ^ A ABH. (Give the full proof.) 4. BCO is a st. line and parallel to AH. § 40. 5. .-.A ABH and D ACGH have the same base, AH, and eqiial altitudes, — the distance between the lis BO and AH. 6. .-. area ACGH = 2 area A ABH. Why ? 7. Similarly area ^Z)3fi^= 2 area A ACF. (Give the full proof.) 8. .-. area ACGH = area ADMF. Why ? [From steps 6 and 7.] 9. Similarly it can be proved that area BCKL = area BDME. 10. .-. area ACGH + area BCKL = area ABEF. [From steps 8 and 9.] AREAS OF POLYGONS 205 Note. — Many other proofs of this important theorem can be given. The proof suggested in Ex. 00, which follows, is an extremely suggestive one ; the one in Ex. 61 has of course special interest. i Ex. 60. Prove the Pythagorean Theorem, us- ing the adjoining figure. (Note. Square AH is " turned in " over A ABC.) Prove [JAD = UBF-\-U AH. Suggestions. — 1. Draw J5^X" and prove HKE is a St. line, by proving LAKE is a rt. Z. 2. Prove [J AH = CJ AXYE, by comparing each with A ABE. 3. FroyeOBF = CJCXYD. Note. — The Pythagorean Theorem can be proved from figures obtained by " turning in " any of the squares, one at a time, two at a time, or all three of them. ~~^E Ex. 61. Garfield's Proof of the Pjrthagorean a Theorem. Hyp. In AABC,ZB =90^". Con. b' = (fi + c2. Suggestions. — 1. Extend BC to D, making CD = An. Draw DEIBD at D, making DE = BC. Draw CE and AE. 2. Prove ABDE is a trapezoid. 3. Express the area of ABDE in terms of a and c. 4. Prove £2 = 90°, and that CE = b. 5. Express the area of A ABC, CDE, ACE in terms of a, b, and c. 6. Form an equation based on the fact that the trapezoid consists of the three triangles. 7. Complete the proof algebraically.' Ex. 62. Prove C, H, and L lie in a st. line. (Fig. § 340.) (Draw CH &nd CL, and prove Z HCL = 1 st. Z.) Ex. 63. Prove AG || BK. Ex. 64. Prove that the sum of the Js from H and L to AB extended equals AB. Suggestion. — Compare AD and DB with Jfe. 1 A number of alternative proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem, and other interesting theorems, are given in Heath's Mathematical Monographs, Num- bers 1-4. Published by D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, New York, Chicago. 10/* each. 206 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Proposition IX. Problem 341. Construct a square equal to the sum of two given squares. N A B Given squares M and N. Required to construct a square equal to the sum of M and N. Construction. 1. Construct ^(7 _L^-B, making ^C= n and AB = m. Draw BC. Statement. The square constructed on J50 as side ==M-{-N. [Proof to be given by tlie pupil.] 342. Cor. Construct a square equal to the difference between two given squares. A yC D Given squares M and N. Required to construct a square equal to M— N. Construction and proof to be given by the pupil. [Construction suggested by the figure.] Ex. 65. Construct a square equal to the sum of three given squares. Ex. 66. The area of an isosceles right triangle is equal to one fourth the area of the square described upon the hypotenuse. Suggestion.— Com^2iYe the right triangle with the square on one leg. Ex. 67. In the figure for § 340, prove that A AFH, BEL, and CGK each equals A ABC. AREAS OF POLYGONS 207 Proposition X. Theorem 343. The areas of two similar triangles are to each other as the squares of any- two homologous sides. Hypothesis. AB and A^B' are homologous sides of similar A ABC and A'B'C respectively. Conclusion. A ABC AB' AA'B'C JT^i'' Proof. 1. Draw altitudes CD and CD'. A ABC lAB'CD AB - CD AA'B'C ^AB'CD . A'B' ' CD' A ABC ^( ^B\ AA'B'C \A'B'J But . A ABC CD\ CD')' CD A'B' . CD' § 333; Ax. 6, § 51 An algebraic change AB CD' A'B' AB AB AB^ A A'B'C A'B' A'B' §282 Ax. 2, § 51 A'B'' Note. — Since the ratio of two homologous lines of two similar tri- angles equals the ratio of any two homologous sides, the areas of two similar triangles are to each other as the squares of any two homologous lines. Ex. 68. A ABC ~ A A'B'C and AB = 2 A'B'. (a) Compare the area of A ABC with the area of A A'B'C. (b) Draw a figure to illustrate the correctness of your result. Ex. 69. What is the ratio of A ABC to A A'B'C, if they are similar, and: (a) itAB = S A'B' ? (b) if AB = A'B' ? (c) it AB = ^ A'B' ? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 32 to 35, p. 297, can be studied now. 208 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Proposition XI. Theorem 344. The areas of two similar polygons are to each other as the squares of any two homologous sides. Hypothesis. AB and A'B' are homologous sides of similar polygons AC and A'C. Conelusion. Area of polygon AO ^ AW^ Area of polygon A'C A'B'^ Proof. 1. Draw the diagonals EB, EC, E'B', and E'C. 2. Then A ABE ~ A A'B'E' ; A BCE ^ A B'G'E' ; etc. _ §295 . A ABE AB" A A'B'E' A BCE A'B'' ^ BCf ^ AB" AB'C'E' B^'"" A'W [Since AB__BC_^ L A'B'~ B'C J 3. 4. Similarly 5. Similarly 6. A A'B'E' A B'OE' A C'D'E' Complete the proof, applying § 296. §343 ACDE CD" A C'B'E' c'j)'^ A ABE A BCE AW JJb'^ A CDE Why 345. Since the perimeters of two similar polygons have the same ratio as any two homologous sides (§ 297), then the areas of two similar polygons must have the same ratio as the squares of their perimeters. AREAS OF POLYGONS 209 Proposition XII. Theorem 346. Two triangles having an angle of one equal to an angle of the other are to each other as the jproducts of the sides including these angles. Hypothesis. A ^IBC and A AB'C have Z A common. Conclusion. AABO^ABxAC^ A AB'C AB'xAC Proof. 1. Draw B'C; also draw CD±AB'. 2. A ABC and A AB'C have the common altitude CD. 3. . AABC^AB^^ Cor. 3, §334 A AB'C AB' 4. A AB'C and A AB'C have as common altitude the ± from B' to AC. 5. ,AAB!C^AC ^, AC ^ A AB'C 6. Multiplying the equations of steps 3 and 5, A ABC A AB'C ^ AB x AC A ABC ^ AB x AC A AB'C ' A AB'C AB' x AC' °^ A AB'C AB' x AC' Ex. 70. If the area of a poly^fon, one of whose sides is 16 in., is 375 sq. in., what is the area of a similar polygon whose homologous side is 18 in. ? Ex. 71. The longest sides of two similar polygons are 18 and 3 in. respectively. How many polygons, each equal to the second, will form a polygon equal to the first ? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 36 to 41, p. 298, can be studied now. 210 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS Three groups of supplementary material follow. This material appears in some form in most geometries. All of it is interesting and instructive mathematically; none of it is strictly necessary in subsequent parts of geometry. The teacher should feel free to select the group or groups which best meet the needs of the class. Group A. — Constructions based upon Algebraic Analysis. This group is especially instructive and interesting. Group B. — Constructions without Formal Analysis. Group C. — Miscellaneous Problems. The first two problems of this group are usually studied. Teachers often omit the remaining ones. A. Constructions based on Algebraic Analysis Proposition XIII. Problem 347. Construct a square equal to a given parallelogram. 1 1 1 s —Ir ^ Given O ABCD having base h and altitude a. Required to construct a square equal to O ABCD. Analysis. 1. Let x — the side of the required square. 2. Then x^ = the area of the required square, Why ? and ah = the area of the given parallelogram. Why ? 3. .'.x'^ah. Why? 4. .'.a:x = x:h. § 252 5. .-. X is the mean proportional between a and 6, and can be constructed by § 290. CONSTRUCTIONS 2 1 1 Construction. 1. Construct a;, the mean proportional between a and b. § 290 2. On X as side, construct the square S, Statement. Square S = CJ ABCD. Proof. 1. Area of S = x^y and area of O ABCD = ab. 2. a : X = X : by OT x^ = ab. Why ? 3. .-. area of /S = area of O ABCD, Discussion. The construction is always possible, for the mean proportional between a and b can always be found. Note 1. — The analysis gives the pupil an idea of how such a construc- tion is discovered. In many cases the proof of the correctness of the resuking construction is ratlier trivial after such an algebraic analysis, — and in such cases the teacher may decide to omit the proof. Note 2. — The algebraic solution of such a problem as that proposed in §347 would duplicate the analysis as far as step 3. Then the 4th step would be: .-. x =Vab, After x had been computed, the square would be constructed upon a line of the length determined. Theoretically the geometric solution is preferable, for x as constructed actually equals the mean proportional between a and 6, so that the square on side x actually equals the parallelogram ; whereas, in the case of the algebraic solution, the value of x is determined only approximately (in most cases) when the square root is found, and hence the square will be only approximately equal to the parallelogram. 348. Cor. Construct a square equal to a given triangle. Analysis. 1. Let x = the side of the required square, b = the base of the given triangle, and h = the altitude of the triangle. 2. .•.x^=ihb. 3. .'. \ b : X = X . h, or X is the mean proportional between ^ b and h. Construction to be given by the pupil. Ex. 72. Construct a square equal to twice a given triangle. Ex. 73. Construct a square equal to twice a given square. Ex. 74. Construct a square which will be twice a given parallelogram. Ex. 75. Construct a square which will be three times a given triangle. Ex. 76. Construct a square which will be two thirds a given rectangle. Ex. 77. Construct a square which will be equal to a given pentagon. (First construct a triangle equal to the pentagon, and then a square equal to the triangle.) 212 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Ex. 78. Construct a parallelogram which will equal a given rectangle and have a given segment as base. Analysis. 1. Let a — the altitude and h = the base of the given rec- tangle, and let c = the given base of the parallelogram. Let x — the re- quired altitude of the parallelogram. 2. Then ex = ah. Why ? 3. .'. c : a = & : X, or X is the 4th proportional to c, a, and 6. Why ? Construction left to the pupil. Suggestion. — Construct the fourth proportional x and then construct the ZZ7. Ex. 79. Construct a rectangle equal to a given rectangle, having a given segment as base. (Analyze as in Ex. 78.) Ex. 80. Construct a triangle equal to a given triangle, having a given segment as base. Suggestion. — Determine the altitude as in Ex. 78, then construct the triangle. How many such triangles can be constructed ? Ex. 81. Construct a line parallel to the base of a triangle dividing the triangle into two equal parts. Analysis. 1. Assume 5' C to be the required line : ht let AB' =x. / ^\ 2. ,^AABC^2^^^AABC^AB\ ,3 b/ \c' Complete the analysis and then make the construction. That is, de- termine X first and then draw B'C at the distance x from A on AB. Ex. 82. Construct a rectangle having a given base and equal to f a given square. (Analyze as in Ex. 78.) Ex. 83. Construct a triangle having a given base and equal to a given parallelogram. Ex. 84. Construct a parallelogram having a given altitude and equal to a given triangle. Ex. 85. Construct a parallelogram having a given altitude and equal to a given square. Ex. 86. Construct a parallelogram having a given altitude and equal to a given trapezoid. Ex. 87. — Construct a triangle having a given altitude and equal to a given trapezoid. Ex. 88. Construct a square equal to a given trapezoid. CONSTRUCTIONS 213 B. Construction without Formal Analysis 349. Clearly, if MN\^ a line parallel a X to BO through Aj and X is any point /^^SxT' '\ on MN, then A XBC = A ABC. /-""^'^^^^V In fact, it is clear that : The locus of the vertex of a triangle equal to A ABC and hav- ing the base BC is a pair of lines parallel to BC at the distance of A from BC. This fact aids in making numerous constructions. Ex. 89. (a) Construct a triangle equal to a given triangle, having the same base BC but having the Z XBC = 60^. (6) Make a similar construction if Z XBC = 45°. (c) Make a similar construction if Z XBC = 30°. Ex. 90. Construct a A XBC equal to a given A ABC, having tlie same base BC and side XB equal to a given segment d. Ex. 91. Construct a A XBC equal to a given A ABC, and having the median from Xto BC equal to a given segment m. Ex. 92. Construct a parallelogram XBCYeqnaA to a given O ABCD^ having the same base BC : (a) having Z XBC = a given angle ; (6) having side XB = a given segment ; (c) having diagonal YB = a given segment. Ex. 93. Construct a triangle equal to a given triangle and having two of its sides equal to given segments m and n. Suggestion. — Select m as base, and determine the altitude to m as in Ex. 78. Continue as in § 349. Ex. 94. Construct a triangle equal to a given triangle and having one side equal to a given segment m, and one angle adjacent to that side equal to a given angle, Z T. Ex. 95. Construct a triangle equal to a given square, having given its base and an angle adjacent to the base. Ex. 96. Construct a triangle equal to a given square, having given its base and the median to the base. Ex. 97. Construct a rhombus equal to a given parallelogram, having one of its diagonals coincident with a diagonal of the parallelogram. 214 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV C. Miscellaneous Supplementary Problems Proposition XIV. Problem 350. Construct a rectangle equal to a given square, having the sum of its base and altitude equal to a given segment. C D,. ~ -"F M N A E Given square M and segment AB. Required to construct a rectangle = M, having the sum of its base and altitude = AB. Construction. 1. On AB as diameter construct semicircle ADB. 2. Draw AC 1.AB, making AC = side of M. 3. Draw CF il AB, intersecting arc ADB at D. 4. Draw DE ± AB. 5. Construct □ N, having its base = BE and its altitude = AE. Statement. Rectangle N= square M. Proof. 1. AE:DE = DE: BE. § 289 2. .-. DE^ = AEx BE. Why ? 3. .-. area oi M= area of N. Why ? Discussion. The construction is impossible when the side of the square is more than i AB. Why ? Note. — § 350 suggests a geometrical solution of a quadratic of the form x'^-tx + m^ = 0. From this equation, 7/1"^ = x(t — x). Clearly, w corresponds to a side of the square, x(t — x) corresponds to the area of the rectangle equal to the square, and t corresponds to the given segment, for x + (t — x) =^ t. Solve ic^ — 10 X + 16 = geometrically and check the solution alge- braically. CONSTRUCTIONS 215 Proposition XV. Theorem 351. Construct a rectangle equal to a given square, having the difference between its base and altitude equal to a given segment. kC M i ')p, ..^ A\ \ 1 D N E Given square M and segment AB. Required to construct a rectangle equal to Jf, having the difference between its base and altitude equal to AB. Constmction. 1. On AB as diameter, construct O ADB. 2. Draw ACl. AB, making AC=2i side of M. 3. Through the center 0, draw CO, intersecting the O at D and E. 4. Construct □ N, having its base = CE and its altitude = CD. Statement. □ -A^ is the required rectangle. Proof. 1. CE-CD = DE = AB', that is, the base of ^— the altitude of -^= AB. 2. AC is tangent to the circle. Why ? 3. .-. CExCD= C7l\ § 287 4. .-. area of ^= area of M, Why ? Discussion. The construction is always possible, since a secant can always be drawn through the center of the circle from an exterior point. Note. — § 351 suggests a geometrical solution of a quadratic of the form x^ ■}- tx — m^ = 0, for this equation may be written, m^ = x(t + x). Solve the equation x^ + Sa; — 9 = geometrically, and check the solu- tion algebraically. 216 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Proposition XVI. Problem 352. Construct a square having a given ratio to a given square. R i a X ^ S ^a b '^>C}\ V o Given square R and the segments a and h. Required to construct a square S such that S : B = a : b. Analysis. 1. Let x = one side of the required square. 2. . •. x^ : r'^ = a: b. 3. 4. .-. r : x = x .'. bx'==ar\ ovx' = [~]xr. ar r and b 5. Let Algebra or x is the mean proportional between Why? ar y = —,OT by = ar. 6. .'.b :a = r :y, ov y is the fourth proportional to b, a, and r. Why ? Construction. 1. Construct y as determined in step 6. 2. Construct x as determined in step 4. 3. Construct square S having x as side. Statement. S:R = a:b. Proof. 1. S:R = x'':r^ 2. But x"^ = ry, and 2/ = ar ^ b ' Construction 3. « '(f) R- r' ' Algebra 4. , S_ar^ l_a " R b ' r^ b' CONSTRUCTIONS 217 Proposition XVII. Problem 353. Construct a polygon similar to a given polygon and hav- ing a given ratio to it. V A B Given polygon AC and segments a and 6. Required to construct a polygon A'O similar to AC and p olygon A C a such that —, yrvy, = T • polygon A'C o Analysis. 1. Let x = the side homologous to AB. 2. Then yolygon AC ^AW_ ^ 344 polygon A'C x' o AW a Complete the analysis as in Prop. XVI, thus determining x in terms of AB^ a, and h. Then construct upon x as side homologous to AB a polygon similar to polygon AC, by § 294. This will be the required polygon. Note. — Notice that § 362 is a special case of § 363, for all squares are similar. Ex. 98. Construct a rectangle similar to a given rectangle and having to it the ratio 2:1. Ex. 99. Construct an equilateral triangle equal to a given triangle. Suggestion. — Determine the side s (Ex. 29, Book IV) as in § 348. Recall Ex. 81, Book III. Ex. 100. Construct a triangle equal to the sum of two given triangles. Suggestion. — First construct squares equal to the given triangles. Ex, 101. Construct a triangle equal to the difference of tvv^o given triangles. Ex. 102. Draw a line parallel to the of a triangle which will divide the triangle into two parts which will have the ratio 1 : 2, Suggestion. — A.xxq\jz% as hi Ex. 81, Book IV. 218 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Proposition XYIII. Problem 354. Construct a polygon similar to one of two given polygons and equal to the other. m Given polygons iWand N. Required to construct a polygon similar to M and equal to N. Analysis. 1. Let m= the side of the square equal to J/, and n = the side of the square equal to N. Let x= that side of the required polygon P which is homologous to AB. 2. ...^=^. Why? 3. But ^,= ~ = —• Since P = N. Why 5. r.- = ^^-. Why? n X 6. Hence x is the fourth proportional to m, n, and AB. Construction. 1. Construct the squares equal to M and N, thus determining segments m and n. See Ex. 77 2. Construct x as determined in step 6. 3. Upon X as side homologous to AB, construct a polygon P similar to Jf. § 294 Statement. P ^ M, and P=N. Proof. 1. P-^M. Why? 2. P: Jf=a;2:ZB2. Why? 3. But X = ^^^^ . Construction 2 m 4. .*. P : Jf = 71^ : ml Substituting in step 2 5. .-. P: il^= iV': J/, or P = iV: ■•£= M ^. Since P m^ m^ X^ AB" m a; ^5 m n ^5 MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES 219 Miscellaneous Exercises Ex. 103. A road CO ft. wide runs from one corner to the opposite corner of a square field measuring 500 ft. on a side, the diagonal of the field running along the center of the road. What is the area of that portion of the field occupied by the road ? (Carry out the results to two decimal places.) Ex. 104. What is the length of the side of an equilateral triangle equal to a square whose side is 15 in.? Suggestion. — Recall Ex. 29, Book IV. Ex. 105. From one vertex of a parallelogram, draw lines dividing the parallelogram into three equal parts. Ex. 106. The sides AB, BC, CD, and DA of quadrilateral ABCD are 10, 17, 13, and 20 respectively, and the diagonal ^O is 21. Find the area of the quadrilateral. Ex. 107. If diagonals ^Cand BD of trapezoid ABCD intersect at E, then AAEB = A DEC. {BC and AD are the bases of ABCD.) Suggestion. — Compare A ABD and A ACD. Ex. 108. If Xis any point in diagonal AC of O ABCD, then AABX=AAXD. Suggestion. — Draw the altitudes from B and D to base AX. Ex. 109. If E and F are the mid-points of sides AB and ^C of A ABC, then A AEF ;= J A ABC. Ex. 110. If E is any point within O ABCD, then A ABE + A CDE equals I the parallelogram. Suggestion. —Throngh E draw a line parallel to AB. Ex. 111. If Z ^ of A ABC is 30°, prove that the area of A ABC = \ABx AC. Suggestion. — Draw BD 1 AC. Recall Ex. 128, Book I. Ex. 112. Prove that the area of a rhombus is one half the product of its diagonals. Ex. 113. If E is the mid-point of CD, one of the non-parallel sides of trapezoid ABCD, prove that ABE = ^ ABCD. Suggestion. — Through E, draw a line parallel to AB. Ex. 114. Construct an isosceles triangle equal to a given triangle, having given one side of length m. Suggestion. — Use m as the base. Determine the altitude to m as in Ex. 78, Book IV. Then follow § 241. 220 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK IV Ex. 115. Draw through a given point in one base of a trapezoid a straight line which will divide the trapezoid into two equal parts. Ex. 116. If the diagonals of a quadrilateral are perpendicular, the sum of the squares on one pair of opposite sides of the quadrilateral equals the sum of the squares on the other pair. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 42 to 46, p. 298, can be studied now. Review Questions 1. Define area of a plane figure. 2. Distinguish between congruent, similar, and equal figures. 3. State the rule for determining the area of : (a) a rectangle ; (c) a triangle ; (6) a parallelogram ; (d) a trapezoid. 4. State the formula for the area of any triangle in terms of its sides a, 6, and c, and the number s. What is the number s ? 5. State the formula for the area of an equilateral triangle in terms of its side s. 6. State the corollaries by which the areas of two rectangles are compared : (a) If the rectangles have equal altitudes. (&) If the rectangles have equal bases. (c) When no known relation exists between the altitudes or the bases. 7. State the corresponding corollaries for two parallelograms. 8. State the corresponding corollaries for two triangles. 9. State a theorem connecting the areas of a triangle and a parallel- ogram having equal bases and equal altitudes. 10. State a theorem connecting the areas of two similar polygons. BOOK V REGULAR POLYGONS. MEASUREMENT OF THE CIRCLE 355. Review the definitions given in § 125, § 128, and § 178. 356. A Regular Polygon is a polygon which is both equi- lateral and equiangular. The figures below illustrate some uses of regular polygons : Two Linoleum Patterns Notice the regular triangles, hexagons, squares, and octagons. Ex. 1. Prove that the exterior angles at the vertices of a regular polygon are equal. Ex. 2. What is the perimeter of a regular pentagon one of whose sides is 7 in. ? of a regular octagon one of whose sides is 6 in. ? Ex. 3. In § 154, we have proved that the sum of the angles of any polygon having n sides is (n — 2) st. A. IIow large is each angle of a regular polygon having : (a) 3 sides ? (6) 4 sides ? (c) 6 sides ? (d) 6 sides ? (e) 8 sides ? (/) 10 sides ? Ex. 4. (a) Four square tile can be used to cover the space around a point. (Why?) (6) In the shape of what other regular polygon can tile be made in order that the surface around a point can be completely covered by using tile of the same shape ? 357. Each angle of a regular polygon having n sides is Cv^) A. (See Ex. 3.) 221 222 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Proposition I. Theorem 358. A circle can he circumscribed about any regu- lar polygon. Hypothesis. ABODE is a regular polygon. Conclusion. A circle can be circumscribed about ABODE. Proof. 1. A O can be constructed through A, B, and O. Let be its center and OA, OB, and 00 be radii of it. 2. It can now be proved that this circle passes through D by proving OD — OA. (Draw OD.) Suggestions. — 1. Compare Z. AB C and L B CD ; Zl and Z 2 ; then Z 3 and Z4. 2. Prove A AOB ^ A OCD, and then OD = OA. 3. Hence the passes through D. 3. Similarly the circle can be proved to pass through E. 4. Hence a O can be circumscribed about ABODE. 359. Cor. 1. A circle can be inscribed in any regular polygon. Proof. 1. AB, BO, OD, etc. are equal chords of the circle which can be cir- cumscribed about ABODE. 2. Hence these sides are equidistant from 0. Why ? 3. Hence a circle can be drawn tangent to each of the sides of ABODE. § 198 REGULAR POLYGONS 223 360. The Center of a regular polygon is the common center of the circumscribed and inscribed circles ; as 0. The Eadius of a regular polygon is the distance from its center to any vertex ; as OA. The Apothem of a regular polygon is the distance from its center to any side ; as OF. The Central Angle of a regular polygon is the angle between the radii drawn to the ends of any side; as Z AOB, The Vertex Angle of a regular polygon is the angle between two sides of the polygon. q/»AO 361. Cor. 2. The central angle of a regular n-gon is . n 362. Notation. The following notation will be employed : (a) s^, Sg, or s„ will denote one side of a regular inscribed polygon of 4, 6, or n sides respectively. (6) a^j ttg, or a„ will denote the apothem of a regular in- scribed polygon of 4, 6, or ri sides respectively. (c) P4j Pq, or p„ will denote the perimeter of a regular in- scribed polygon of 4, 6, or n sides respectively. (d) 7Ci, k^ or k^ will denote the area of a regular inscribed polygon of 4, 6, or n sides respectively. To denote the corresponding quantities for a regular circum- scribed polygon, a capital letter with the appropriate subscript will be employed. Thus, S^ = one side of the regular circumscribed pentagon. A^ = the apothem of the regular circumscribed pentagon. Pg = the perimeter of the regular circumscribed pentagon. /ig = the area of the regular circumscribed pentagon. Ex. 5. Find the number of degrees in the central angle and in the vertex angle of a regular polygon of : (a) 3 sides ; (6) 4 sides ; ^(c) 5 sides ; (d) 6 sides ; (e) 8 sides ; (/) 10 sides. Find also the sum of the central angle and the vertex angle in each case. Do the results suggest any theorem ? Ez. 6. Prove that any radius of a regular polygon bisects the angle to whose vertex it is drawn. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 1 to 2, p. 299, can be studied now. 224 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Pkoposition II. Theorem 363. The area of a regular polygon is equal to one half the product of its apothem and its perimeter. A F B Hypothesis. The perimeter of regular polygon AC is p and the apothem OF is r. Conclusion. Area of ABODE = | rp. Plan. From the center of polygon AC, draw the radii OA, OB, OC, etc. forming A having the common altitude r. Determine the area of each triangle and add the results. Proposition III. Theorem 364. If a circle he divided into any number of equal arcs, the chords of these arcs form a regular inscribed polygon of that number of sides. Hypothesis. AB=BC= CD=BE^EA in O 0. Conclusion. ABODE is a regular pentagon. [Proof to be given by the pupil.] Note. — Supplementary Exercise 3, p. 299, can be studied REGULAR POLYGONS 225 365. Cor. 1. If from the mid-point of each arc subtended by a side of a regular polygon lines be drawn to its extremities^ a regular inscribed polygon of double the num- ber of sides is formed. 366. Cor. 2. An equilateral polygon inscribed in a circle is regular. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 4 to 5, p. 299, can be studied now. Proposition IV. Theorem 367. If a circle is divided into any number of equal arcs, the tangents at the points of division form a regu- lar circumscribed polygon of that number of sides. Hypothesis. O ACD is divided into five equal arcs, AB, BCj etc. X T, YZ, etc. are tangent to O ACD at A, B, etc., form- ing pentagon XTZWK. Conclusion. X YZ WK is a regular pentagon. Suggestions. 1. Draw ^B, ^C, (7Z>, etc. 2. Prove ^ AXE, A YB, etc. congruent isosceles A. 3. Prove AX = AY= BY= BZ, etc. 4. Prove XY = YZ = ZW, etc. Recall § 356. Complete the proof. Ex. 7. Prove that any apothem of a regular polygon bisects the side to which it is drawn. Ex. 8. Prove that the diagonals drawn from one vertex of a regular hexagon divides the angle at the vertex into 4 equal angles. 226 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Corollaries to Proposition. IV 368. Cor. 1. Tarigents drawn to the cir- cle at the mid-points of the arcs iiicladed be- tween two consecutive points of contact of a regular circumscribed polygon form, with the sides of the original circumscribed polygon, a regular circumscribed polygon having double the number of sides. YoT the circle is divided into double the number of equal arcs. The theorem follows by § 367. 369. Cor. 2. Tangents drawn to the circle at the mid-points of the arcs sub- tended by the sides of a regular inscribed polygon form a regular circumscribed polygon of the same number of sides. If ABODE is regular, and F, G, H, K, 3ind L are the mid-points of -arcs AB, BC, etc., then LF = FG, etc. Hence A'B'C'D'E' is regular. Note. — Supplementary Exercise 6, p. 299, can be studied now. 370. Construction of Regular Polygons is based upon Prop- ositions III and IV. In order to divide a circle into any number of equal parts, it is sufficient to be able to divide the total angle around the center into that same number of equal angles. Ex. 9. By using your compass, ruler, and protractor, draw a regu- lar inscribed pentagon within a circle of radius 2.5 in. Ex. 10. Draw a regular polygon of 9 sides within a circle of 2.5 in. as in Ex. 9. 371. It is customary in geometry, however, to use only the comjjass and straightedge in making constructions. It is in- teresting therefore to inquire what regular polygons can be made by using only these tools. REGULAR POLYGONS 227 Proposition V. Problem 372. Inscribe a squai^e in a given circle. Given circle 0. Required to inscribe a square in circle 0. Construction. 1. Draw AG and BD, perpendicular diameters. 2. Draw chords AB, BC, CD, and AD. Statement. ABCD is the required square. Proof. 1. AB=BG=CD = DA. Why? 2. .-. ABCD is an inscribed square. . § 364 373. Cor. 1. Regular inscribed x>olygons of 8, 16, 32, etc. sides can he constructed. § 365 Note. — Hence, by § 372 and § 373, regular inscribed polygons the number of whose sides is a number of the form 2" where n is an integer ^ 2, can be constructed by ruler and compass alone. Thus, when n = 2, 2" = 4 ; when n = 3, 2'» = 8 ; etc. Ex. 11. Construct within a circle having a 3-in. radius an eight-pointed star like the one which forms the central unit of the adjoining linoleum pattern. Ex. 12. A designer wishes to make a pattern for the octagonal top of a taboret whose longest diag- onal is to be 18 in. Make a scale drawing of the octagon, letting 1 in. represent 3 in. Ex. 13. A square is inscribed in a circle of radius 10 in. Compute S4, 04, 7)4, and kj^ to two decimal places. (See § 362.) Ex. 14. A square is circumscribed about a circle of radius 10 in. Compute /S'4, P4, and K^. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 7 to 14, p. 299, can be studied now. 228 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Proposition VI. Problem 374. Inscribe a regular hexagon in a circle, -^.^^ ^ C 1^^- ^^^E Given circle 0. Required to inscribe a regular hexagon in circle 0. Analysis. The central angle of a regular hexagon is 60°. Construction. Draw any radius OA. With A as center and Oxi as radius draw an arc cutting the at B. Statement. AB = \ oi the O, and may be applied 6 times to the circle. The chords of these arcs form the regular inscribed ^ ' [Proof to be given by the pupil.] Suggestions. — Prove Z AOB = 60° and that AB = | of the circle. 375. Cor. 1. Chords joining the alternate vertices of a regu- lar inscribed hexagon, starting with any vertex, form a regular inscribed triangle. 376. Cor. 2. Regular inscribed polygons of 12, 24, JfS, etc., sides can be constructed. (§ 365.) Note. — By §§ 374, 375, and 376, regular inscribed polygons the number of w^hose sides is a number of the form 3 • 2« can be constructed with ruler and compass alone, where n is an integer ^ 0. (What is 3 . 2^ when w = 0?l?2?3?) Ex. 15. Prove that the diagonals joining alternate vertices of a regu- lar hexagon are equal. Ex. 16. Prove that the radii of a regular inscribed hexagon divide it into six congruent equilateral triangles. REGULAR POLYGONS 229 Ex. 17. Prove that diagonals AD, BE, and CF of a regular hexagon ABCDEF are the diameters of its circumscribed circle. Ex. 18. Prove that the opposite sides of a regular hexagon are parallel. Ex. 19. Prove that the diagonal FC of regular hexagon ABCDEF is parallel to sides AB and DE. Ex. 20. Prove that the diagonal AD of regular hexagon ABCDEF is perpendicular to diagonal BF and bisects it. Ex. 21. A regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius 10 in. Compute the lengths of se, «6» P^^ and k^. (See § 362.) Ex. 22. A regular triangle is inscribed in a circle of radius 10 in. Compute the lengths of as, Ss, Pa, and kz. Ex. 23. Find the area of a regular hexagon whose apothem is 6 in. Ex. 24. Construct one of the following designs : AB = 6" CD = 4" AB = b" CD = 3" CD = 6" EF = 2" Ex. 25. Construct a pattern for a doily like the one adjoining, making the dimension AB = 9 in. and having the radius of the outer arcs ^ in. longer than the radius of the inner arcs of the scallops. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 15 to 31, p. 301, can be studied now. 377. A segment is divided by a given point in Extreme and Mean Ratio when one part is the mean proportional between the whole segment and the other part. Thus G divides AB internally in extreme ^ and mean ratio if C AB:AC= AC: CB. Notice that in this case the whole segment is to its longer part as the longer part is to the shorter part. 230 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Proposition YII. Problem 378. Divide a given segment in extreme and mean ratio. ^ ^ A' 5 'B A^ e^-J^ Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Given segment AB — m. Required to divide AB in extreme and mean ratio. Analysis. 1. Let x = AQ and .•. m — x= CB. 2. .'. m:x = x: {m — x). 3. .*. x^ = m{m — x). 4. .*. a;2 + mx = m^. 6. ,.(.+|J = ^.+f^ 2^ X =w,^4-f'- 7. ,'.x-\ is the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose base is m and whose altitude is — . z Construction. (Fig. 2.) 1. Draw EB ± AB, making AB = m, and^^ = ^. 7)1 2. Draw ^^ and on it take EF=EB = ^. 3. On AB, take yl e = AF. Statement. AB : AC = AC : CB. Note. — If the equation of step 6 of the Analysis is solved for x : ^ 4 2 2 > 2 .•.i» = -(V5-l)=- (2.236-1) =-(1.230)=. 6 m. 2 ^ ji REGULAR POLYGONS 231 Proof.* 1. Complete the circle with center E and radius EB, and extend AEj cutting the circle at G. 2. AB is tangent to O BFG. Why ? 3. ... :^=:^. §287 AB AF 4. ... ^ = ^. Why? AB AC _ 5 . AG-AB ^ AB-AG ^.^ " AB AC ^' 6. But AB=: 2 EB = FG. Const. 7. .-. ^G - yl£ = ^(? - i^G^ = AF= AC. g . AC^CB ' ' AB AC (Substituting in step 5.) 9. ...4^ = ^. Why? AC CB ^ Note 1. — A point D divides a segment AB externally (see § 305) in extreme and mean ratio if AB : AD = AD : DB. This form of division is not used in this text. Note 2. — The Greeks called this method of division of a segment Golden Section. It represented to them the most artistic division of a segment into two parts. Ex. 26. Find AC and CB in § 378 algebraically if AB = 10 in. (Let AC =x, and hence CB = 10 — x. Continue algebraically.) Ex. 27. (a) What is the relation between the area of the inscribed and of the circumscribed squares of a given circle ? (6) What is the relation between the perimeter of the inscribed and of the circumscribed squares of a given circle ? Ex. 28. Prove that the opposite sides of a regular octagon are parallel. Ex. 29. Prove that diagonals HC and DG of regular octagon ABCDEFGH are parallel . Ex. 30. Prove that figure ACDF of regular octagon ABCDEFGH is an isosceles trapezoid. * This proof may be omitted if desired. 232 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Proposition VIII. Problem 379. Inscribe a regular decagon in a given circle. Given o ACD. Required to inscribe a regular decagon in O ACD. Construction. 1. Draw any radius OA and divide it internally at M in extreme and mean ratio so that OA: 0M== OM.AM. 2. With A as center and OM (the longer segment) as radius, draw an arc cutting the given circle at B. Statement. AB is -^^ of the circle, and AB is the side of the regular inscribed decagon. Proof. 1. Draw OB and BM. 2. In A OAB and A ABM: Z.A=AA; OA:AB = AB: AM. [Substituting AB for OM in the proportion of step 1, Construction.] 3. .-. A OAB ~ A ABM § 280 4. .'. Z1 = ZA0B. Why? 5. A OAB is isosceles, and hence A ABM is isosceles. 6. .-. 0M= AB = BM, or A 0MB is isosceles. Why ? 7. .:ZA0B=Z2. 8. Z 4 = Z 2 + Z AOB, or Z 4 = 2 • Z AOB. Why? 9. .'. Z3 = 2'ZAOB. Why? 10. .: ZAB0 = 2'ZA0B. Why? 11. ZAOB + Z3 + ZABO=1SO°. Why? REGULAR POLYGONS 233 12. .',5-^A0B = 180°. Why ? 13. ..ZA0B=S6°. 14. Hence AB = y^^ of the circle and AB is one side of the regular inscribed decagon. Note. — This construction is attributed to Pappus. 380. Cor. 1. Chords joining the alternate vertices of a regu- lar inscribed decagon, starting ivith any vertex, form a regular inscribed jyentagon. 381. Cor. 2. Regular inscribed polygons of 20, Jf.0, 80, etc., sides can be constnicted with ruler and compass alone. Why ? Note. — By §§ 879, 380, and 381, regular inscribed polygons the num- ber of whose sides is a number of the form 5 • 2" can be constructed with ruler and compass alone. ( What is 6 . 2» when ?iisO? 1? 2? 3? etc.) Ex. 31. In a circle having a 3 in. radius inscribe a regular decagon making all of the constructions, (Keep the resulting figure for use in later exercises.) Ez. 32. Construct the adjoining figure, having the points A 2 1 in. from the center and the points B 3 in. from the center. (From Ex. 31, obtain the arcs which are ^^ of the larger circle.) Ex. 33. Prove that the diagonals of a regular pentagon are equal. [Construct the pentagon in a circle of radius 3 in., using the arcs ob- tained in Ex. 31. J Ex. 34. Prove that diagonal AC oi regular pentagon ABODE is parallel to side BE. (Circumscribe a O about the pentagon.) Ex. 35. If ABODE is a regular inscribed pentagon in circle O, prove that a diameter perpendicular to side DE passes through B and is also the perpendicular-bisector of the diagonal AG. Ex. 36. If the diagonals AC and BE of a regular inscribed pentagon ABODE intersect at F, prove that A ABF is isosceles. Prove also that A AEF is isosceles. Ex. 37. Construct by ruler and compass alone an angle of 36° ; also an angle of 18°. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 32 to 37, p. 301, can be studied now. 234 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Proposition IX. Problem 382. Inscribe a regular pentadecagon (15-^ow) in a circle. Given O MN. Required to inscribe in O MN a pentadecagon. Analysis. 1. The central Z of a pentadecagon = ^-— = 24°. 2. But 24° = 60° -36°. ^^ 3. This suggests a combination of the constructions of § 374 and § 379. Construction. 1. Draw chord AB, a side of a regular in- scribed hexagon, and chord AC, a side of a regular inscribed decagon. 2. Draw chord BC. Statement. BC is one side of the regular inscribed penta- decagon. Proof. 1. BC = {\ — yV) or tt of the circle. Const. 383. Cor. Regular polygons of 30, 60, etc., sides can he in- scribed in a circle by ruler and compass alone. Note. — Regular polygons, the number of whose sides is a number of the form 15 • 2", where n is an integer, can be constructed with ruler and compass alone. (§§382 and 383.) 384. Combining the results of §§ 373, 376, 381, and 383, it can be said that regular polygons of 2", 3 • 2% 5 • 2", and 15 • 2" sides (n = an integer) can be inscribed in a circle by ruler and compass alone. Eac. 38. How large is the vertex angle of a regular pentadecagon ? Ex. 39. What regular polygons having a number of sides less than 100 can be constructed by ruler and compass alone ? REGULAR POLYGONS 235 Proposition X. Theorem 385. Regular polygons of the same number of sides are similar. Hypothesis. ABODE and A'B'C'iyE^ are regular polygons of 5 sides. Conclusion. ABODE - A'B'O'D'E', Proof. 1. The polygons are mutually equiangular. [Since each Z of each polygon is (^)° or 108°.] 2. Since AB = 5(7 = OD, etc., and A'B' = B'C = O'D', etc. .,^^ = ^=_^,etc. Ax. 6, §51 A'B' B'O' CD'' 3. .-. the polygons have their homologous sides proportional. 4. .-. ABODE - A'B'O'D'E'. Why ? Ex. 40. Construct a square having given one of its diagonals. Ex. 41. A square is inscribed in a circle of radius B. Prove : (a) s, = EV2', (c) a4 = |V2; (6) p4 = 4:By/2; (d) *4 = 2 i?^. Ex. 42. In the figure for § 369, prove that the apothem of the in- scribed polygon becomes, when extended, the apothem of the circum- scribed polygon. Ex. 43. In the figure for § 367, prove that the radius drawn to any vertex Y is the perpendicular bisector of the side AB of the inscribed polygon. Ex. 44. Prove that the sides of a regular x)olygon circumscribed about a circle are bisected by the points of tangency. 236 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Proposition XI. Theorem 386. The perimeters of two regular polygons of the same number of sides have the same ratio as their radii, or as their apothems. F' B Hypothesis. P and P' are the perimeters, R and P' are the radii, and r and r' are the apothems respectively of the regular polygons AC and A'C of the same number of sides. Conclusion. -^ = ^ = L, P' M' / Proof. 1. Let and 0' be the centers of polygons AC and A^C respectively. Draw radii OA, OB, O'A', and O'B', and apothems OF and O'F'. Polygon AC ^ polygon A'C\ ' ' P' A'B'' A OAB - A O'A'B'. AB' 6. AB _R ~ R" P P' and also AB A'B' R' §385 §297 §295 Why? Why? Ex. 45. The perimeters of regular inscribed polygons of 6 and 12 sides respectively inscribed in a circle of diameter 2 are approximately 6 in. and 6.21 in. respectively. What are the perimeters of regular in- scribed polygons of 6 and 12 sides respectively in a circle of diameter 4 ? of diameter 7 ? of diameter 10 ? REGULAR POLYGONS 237 387. Cor. The areas of two regular polygons of the same number of sides have the same ratio as the squares of their radii or as the squares of their apothems. 1. Let K and K' represent the areas of the polygons AC and A'C respectively. Then 4^=4^. §344 K K' AB" A'B'' K K' 2. j^ = fi- = :!_. See step 5, § 386 Eac. 46. The perimeters of regular polygons of 4 and 8 sides respec- tively circumscribed about a circle of diameter 2 in. are 8 in. and 6.63 in. respectively. What are the perimeters of regular circumscribed polygons of 4 and 8 sides respectively circumscribed about a circle of diameter 6 ? of diameter 5 ? Ex. 47. The area of a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle of radius 3 in. is 23.38 sq. in. What is the area of a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle of radius 6 in. ? of one in a circle of radius 1 in. ? Ex. 48. The area of a regular octagon circumscribed about a circle of radius 1 in. is 1.656 sq. in. What is the area of a regular octagon cir- cumscribed about a circle of radius 2 in. ? of radius 5 in. ? Ex. 49. Prove that the square inscribed in a semi- circle is equal to two fifths the square inscribed in the entire circle. Sugrjestions, — Let R = the radius of the circle. Com- pute the areas of the two squares. Ex. 50. Prove that the perimeter of any regular inscribed polygon is less than the perimeter of the regular circumscribed polygon of the same number of sides. Ex. 51. In a circle of 2 in. radius, inscribe a square, a regular octa- gon, and also a regular 16-gon. Prove thatp4 < p% Pg > Pie- Ex. 53. (a) Prove that p4, pg, Pie, etc., are each less than P4. (6) Prove that P4, Pg, Pie, etc., are each greater than ^4. Suggestions. — 1. Compare pi^ with Pig. See Ex. 50. 2. Compare Pie with P4. 238 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V MENSURATION OF A CIRCLE. INFORMAL TREATMENT 388. Length of a Circle. We have defined the length of a straight line segment as the ratio of that segment to the unit of linear measure, — another straight line segment. Clearly we cannot define the length of a circle, in that manner, because we cannot lay off the linear unit of measure along a circle. In defining the length of a circle therefore, an entirely new pro- cedure is necessary. The treatment which follows, while in- formal, involves nevertheless the ideas which underlie the formal treatment of this same topic given in § 401 to § 413 inclusive. (a) In the adjoining circle are inscribed a square and a regular octagon ; imagine that the regular inscribed polygons of 16, 32, etc., sides also are drawn. The perimeters of these polygons have been denoted by p^, p^, piQ, etc. (§ 362). We have proved (Ex. 51) tliSit p8> p^; that piQ > ps ; that ^32 > PiQ ; etc. In other words, the perimeters of the regular inscribed polygons increase as the number of sides increases. (6) About the adjoining circle there are circumscribed the regular polygons of 4 and 8 sides. Imagine that those of 16, 32, etc., sides also are drawn. The perimeters of these polygons have been denoted by P4, Pg? Pm etc. (§ 362). We have proved (Ex. 52) that P,> Ps; that Pg > P16 ; that Pig > P32 ; etc. In other words, the perim- eters of the regular circumscribed polygons decrease as the number of sides increases. (c) From the figure it is evident that the successive inscribed polygons come closer and closer to the circle ; likewise that the successive circumscribed polygons come closer and closer to the circle. MEASUREMENT OF THE CIRCLE 239 It is evident also that the length of the circle is greater than the perimeter of any inscribed polygon and that the length of the circle is less thay the perimeter of any circumscribed polygon. It is natural therefore to regard the successive perimeters of the regular inscribed polygons and also of the regular circum- scribed polygons as better and better approximations to the length of the circle. (d) By careful computation it has been found that when the diameter of a circle is 1 : p, =2.82843. P, =4. ^8 =3.06147. Pg =3.31371. j9i6 = 3.12145. Pi6 = 3.18260. ^32 = 3.13655. P32 = 3.15172. p^ = 3.14033. P64 = 3.14412. i)i28 = 3.14128. Pi28 = 3.14222. jP26e = 3.14151. P256 = 3.14175. 2)512 = 3.14157. P512 = 3.14163. Apparently when the diameter of a circle is 1, the length of the circle is approximately 3.1416. If we let C=the length of the circle and d = the length of the diameter, then C -i-d — 3.1416. (e) By Proposition XI, § 386, the perimeters of regular poly- gons of the same number of sides have the same ratio as their radii, and hence as their diameters, and also as their apothems. If we double the diameter of the circle considered in part (d), then we shall obtain for the successive perimeters of the inscribed and of the circumscribed polygons exactly double the lengths given in part (d). Evidently then the length of a circle of diameter 2 is approximately double that of a circle of diameter 1 ; that is, C = 2 x 3.1416 = 6.2832. Again, C-^d = 3.1416. Similarly the length of a circle of diameter 5 is approxi- mately 5 X 3.1416, or 15.7080. Again G^d = 3.1416. 389. The relation derived in parts (d) and (e) of § 388 is not only apparently true but can be proved to be true. We 240 PLANE GEOMETRY ~ BOOK V shall assume it for the present. It amounts to assuming that the length of a circle bears to the length of its diameter a con- stant ratio. This fact is proved in § 415. The Greek letter tt (pi) is used to denote this constant ratio. That is, C^d=7r, or C=7rd. Two useful approximations of tt are 3.1416 and 3^. The length of a circle is called the Circumference of the circle. Note. — The determination of the value of ir and of what sort of num- ber TT is has been one of the most famous problems of mathematics. The Egyptians early recognized that C -^ d i^ constant, and obtained for this ratio a value which corresponds to 3.1605. The Babylonians and Hebrews were content with the much less accurate value, TT = 3. (See I Kings, vii. 23.) The method employed in this text was introduced by Antiphon (469- 399 B.C.), improved by Bryson (a contemporary, probably), and finally carried out arithmetically in a remarkable manner by Archimedes (287- 212 B.C.) in a pamphlet on the mensuration of the circle. Antiphon suggested the use of inscribed regular polygons of 4, 8, etc., sides as a means of approximating the length of the circle, and Bryson suggested using at the same time the corresponding circumscribed regular polygons. Archimedes employed inscribed and circumscribed regular polygons hav- ing 3, 6, .-.96 sides in his computation, and showed that tt >3^^ and <^. The methods employed by Archimedes remained for a long time the standard procedure in efforts to compute tt. As mathematical skill in- creased, formulse for ir were derived, particularly in trigonometric form, which enabled diligent computers to obtain the value to more and more decimal places. Vieta (1540-1603) was the first to derive a formula for tt (not, however, a trigonometric one). He gave for tt the value 3.141529653. Others car- ried out the computation to as many as 700 decimal places. A Holland mathematician, Huygens (1629-1695), at the age of twenty- five, proved some theorems which made it possible to improve greatly on the methods of Archimedes, He was able to obtain from a regular hexagon as accurate a value for tt as Archimedes obtained from the regular 96-gon. Mathematicians were particularly interested in determining what kind of number tt is. In 1766-1767, Lambert proved that it is not rational ; I.e., that it cannot be expressed as the quotient of two integers. In 1882, through methods introduced by Hermite in 1873, Lindeman proved that MEASUREMENT OF THE CIRCLE 241 IT is a transcendental number ; i.e. , that it cannot be the root of an ordinary algebraic equation. This was the goal toward which previous efforts had been directed, and thus completely solved a problem to which many of the great mathematicians had given some attention. 390. Cor. 1. The circumference of a circle equals 2 ttt, where r equals the number of linear units in the radius. 391. Cor. 2. The circumferences of tivo circles have the same ratio as their diameters or as their radii. Proof. Let r„ cZj, and Oj be the radius, diameter, and circum- ference of one circle ; and let r^, d^, and Cg be the radius, diam- eter, and circumference of another circle. 2. Then C\ = ttc^i = 2 vTi, and Cj = 7rc?2 = 2 Trrg. o (7, Trdi 2 7rr. Ci f7i r, O. .•.—! = i = 4, or — i=:— i = -^« Ca TTfZz ^Trrg C2 di r^ Note. — Remember that this proof is based on an informal treatment. For the customary formal treatment of this theorem, read, if it seems desirable, § 414. Ex. 54. Find the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 5 in. ; 8 in. ; 10 in. Ex. 55. How long is the piece of rubber for the tire of a buggy wheel 4 feet in diameter ? Ex. 56. If the diameter of a circle is 48 in., what is the length of an arc of 85° ? Ex. 57. How long must the diameter of a circular table be in order to seat 20 people, allowing 30 in. to each person ? (Express the result correct to the nearest inch.) Ex. 58. A fly wheel in an engine room has a diameter of 10 feet. Through how many feet does a point on its outer rim move in a minute if the wheel makes 100 revolutions per second ? Ex. 59. (a) What is the diameter of a circular race track whose length along its inside edge is one mile ? {h) If the track is 100 feet wide, determine the distance around it in the middle of the track. Ex. 60. Draw any circle. Construct the circle : (a) Whose circumference is 3 times that of the given circle. See § 391. (6) Whose circumference is \ that of the given circle. 242 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V 392. Area of a Circle. In the adjoining circle are inscribed a square and a regular octagon. The area of the square is one half the product of its apothem and its perimeter. In symbols (§ 362) : Similarly the area of the regular octa- And the area of the regular inscribed 16-gon would be ^ "'16 = yPi6 X Ct-16- It is evident that the surface within each successive polygon is more nearly equal to the surface within the circle. On the other hand, it is clear that each successive apothem is more nearly equal to the radius and that the length of the polygon is more nearly equal to the length of the circle. (See § 388.) It is reasonable therefore to conclude that the area of a circle is one half the product of its radius and its circumference. Letting K represent the area of the circle, then 393. Cor. 1. Since (7 = 2 Trr, then 7^ = 1 r x 2 ttt- = ttt^. 394. Cor. 2. Since C = nd, and r = -, then K=lxix7rd = ^7rd\ 2 2 4 395. Cor. 3. Tlie areas of two circles have the same ratio as the squares of their radii or of their diameters. Letting K^ and K^ represent the areas of the circles whose diameters are d^ and c?2j ^^id whose radii are ri and rg respec- tively, then ^, ^ ^ ^ i^.^ ^^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^_ ^2 Trrj^ \Trd^^ 7^2 r^ d^ Note. — This theorem was proved by Hippocrates (450-400 b.c. ). Look • up his history. MEASUREMENT OF THE CIRCLE 243 396. A Sector of a Circle is the portion of the interior of a circle which is within a given central angle. The central angle is called the angle of the sector. 397. Cor. 4. Tlie area of a sector is one half the i)Toduct of the radius and the length of the arc intercepted by its angle. Let c = the length of the arc and k = the area of the sector of a circle whose area, circumference, and radius are K, C, and r, respectively. Prove that k = ^r X c. Proof. The area of a sector has the same ratio to the area of the circle that the length of its arc has to the circumference ; that is, ^=^, orJfc But, since Substituting in (1), K K '"^ C (1) ^-•f=i^- k = c X ^r, or ^r x c. 398. A Segment of a Circle is that portion of the interior of a circle which is between a chord of the circle and its subtended arc ; as segment AXB, in- dicated by the shaded part of the adjoining figure. The area of a segment AXB may be deter- mined by subtracting the area of A AOB from the area of sector OAXB. Ex. 61. Find the circumference and area of a circle whose diameter is 6 in. ; 8 in. ; 10 in. Ex. 62. Find the radius and area of a circle whose circumference is 20 TT in. ; 38 tt in. ; 15 tt in. Ex. 63. Find the radius and circumference of a circle whose area is 64 T sq. in. ; 81 tt sq. in. ; 225 tt sq. in. ; 289 tt sq. in. Ex. 64. Find the side of a square equivalent to a circle whose diame- ter is 12 in. 244 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Ex. 65. The diameters of two circles are 6 and 8 respectively. (a) What is the ratio of their areas ? (6) What is the ratio of their circumferences ? Ex. 66. The radii of three circles are 3, 4, and 12, respectively. What is the radius of a circle equal to their sum ? Ex. 67. rind the area of a segment having for its chord a side of a regular inscribed hexagon, if the radius of the circle is 10. See § 398 Ex. 68- If the radius of a circle is 4, what is the area of a segment whose arc is 120°? Ex. 69. Draw any circle. (a) Construct the circle whose area is four times that of the given circle. § 395 (6) Construct the circle whose area is i that of the given circle. Ex. 70. Two pulleys in a machine shop are connected by a belt. One has a radius of 9 in. and the other a radius of 1 in. For each revolution of the large pulley how many revolutions will the small pulley make ? Ex. 71. What is the area of the ring between two concentric circles whose radii are 8 in. and 10 in. respectively ? Ex. 72. A circular grass plot, 100 ft. in diameter, is surrounded by a walk 4 ft. wide. Find the area of the walk. Ex. 73. How many tulip bulbs will be required for a circular flower bed 6 feet in diameter, allowing 16 sq. in. to eacli bulb ? Ex. 74. In a steam engine having a piston 20 in. in diameter, the pressure upon the piston is 90 lb. to the square inch. What is the total pressure upon the piston ? Ex. 75. A woman had a number of potted plants with which to plant a circular flower bed. She planned to make the bed 4 feet in diameter and found that she used up in that way just one half of her plants. Approximately how large should she make the bed to use up all of her plants ? Ex. 76. Prove that the area of the ring included be- a /^IIA^Xc tween two concentric circles is equal to the area of a f 'yC \ ^^\\ circle whose diameter is that chord of the outer circle j i n j j which is tangent to the inner. V V J j (To prove area of ring = \ irAC'-^-) \.^^^^ MEASUREMENT OF THE CIRCLE 245 Ex. 77. In erecting a hot air furnace for dwellings, certain pipes are installed for carrying the air to the various rooms of the house, and one or more other pipes are put in to convey cold air to the furnace. The cross section area of tlie cold air supply pipes must equal approximately tlie sum of the cross section areas of the warm air pipes. A house is to have four warm air pipes 9 in. in diameter, and three 12 in. in diameter. One cylindrical cold air duct is to be installed. How large, approximately, must its diameter be ? Ex. 78. Prove that the area of a circle is equal to four times the area of the circle described upon its radius as a diameter. Ex. 79. In the adjoining semicircular arch con- structed about center 0, the distance AB is 10 ft. If the arch is to be constructed of 13 stones of equal size, how long is each of the arcs like arc DE ? Ex. 80. The adjoining figure represents a segmen- tal arch. The method of construction and the dimen- sions are indicated in the figure. If the arch is made of 11 stones of equal size, what is the length of the arc Xr? What is the height of the arch ? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 38 to 58, p. 302, can be studied now. SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS Four groups of supplementary topics follow. Each is inde- pendent of the others. Teachers should feel free to select the group or groups which appear to meet the needs of the class. Group A. — Inscription of Circles within Regular Polygons and within Circles. A topic of considerable interest because of its frequent application in artistic design. Group B. — Variables and Limits together with the Formal Treatment of the Mensuration of the Circle and of the Incom- mensurable Cases. The treatment of this topic is scientifically correct, but is nevertheless as elementary and pedagogical as the nature of the subject renders possible. Group C. — Symmetry in Plane Figures. Group D. — Maxima and Minima of Plane Figures. 246 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Group A 399. Inscription of Circles within Regular Polygons and within Circles is a characteristic feature of art wIdcIow and other designs. Many of the necessary constructions are based upon the fol- lowing illustrative problem or may be discovered by means of an analysis similar to that employed in this problem. Illustrative Problem. — Inscribe a circle in a given sector of a circle. Analysis. Let O XTZ be tangent to radius OB at Z, to OA at Y, and to arc /j\ AXB at X. Let CD be the common tan- / | \ gent to arc AXB and O XYZ at X. /H"~^ 2. Then O XFZ is inscribed in A OOZ). YJ i Az 3. Hence the center P of Q XYZ lies A J:j )\ on the bisectors of Z COD and Z OCD. ^,/<< I ^JJ^ The radius is the distance from P to X. O X ^ The construction is evident at once. Rs. 81. Construct a circle with radius 2 in. ; and within it construct a sector whose angle is 90°. (a) Within this sector inscribe a circle. (?)) Compare the area of this circle with the area of the sector itself when the radius of the given circle is r instead of 2. Ex. 82. Construct six equal circles within a circle of radius 2 in., each tangent internally to the given circle and tangent externally to two of the inner circles. Ex. 83. (a) If the radius of the given circle in Ex. 82 is r, what is the radius of the inscribed circles ? (&) Compare the circumference of one of the inscribed circles with the circumference of the given circle. (c) Compare the total area of the inscribed circles with the area of the given circle. Ex. 84. Construct a circle which will be tangent to each of the con- structed circles in Ex. 82. How does the radius of this circle compare with the radius of the six inscribed circles ? INSCRIBED CIRCLES 247 Ex. 85. Construct six equal circles tangent externally to a circle of radius ^ in. such that each circle is also tangent externally to two of the constructed circles. Ex. 86. If the radius of the given circle in Ex. 85 is r: (a) What is the radius of the escribed circles ? (6) Compare the circumference of the given circle with the circumfer- ence of one of the escribed circles. (c) Compare the area of the given circle with the area of one of the escribed circles. Ex. 87. In an equilateral triangle inscribe three equal circles, each tangent to two sides of the triangle and tan- gent externally to the other two circles. Ex. 88. In a regular hexagon inscribe six equal cir- cles, each tangent to two sides of the hexagon and tangent externally to two of the circles. Ex. 89. In a regular octagon inscribe eight equal circles, each tangent to two sides of the octagon and also tangent externally to two of the circles. Ex. 90. In a regular hexagon inscribe six equal circles, each tangent to one side of the hexagon and tangent externally to two of the circles. Ex. 91. Inscribe in a regular hexagon three equal circles each tangent to two sides of the hexagon and tangent exter- nally to two circles. Ex. 92. In a regular octagon inscribe four equal circles each tangent to two sides of the octagon and also tangent ex- ternally to two circles. Ex. 93. The adjoining design appears in a floor pattern in a corridor of the new Congressional Li- brary. Construct such a figure, making a 5-in. square, the radius of the inner O 1.5 in., and the radius of the concentric O 1.76 in. Ex. 94. The adjoining curve is a trefoil. (a) Construct such a figure based upon an equilateral triangle whose side is 2 in. long. (b) What is the length of the trefoil if the side of the equilateral triangle is s inches ? (c) What is the area within the trefoil if the length of the side of the equilateral triangle is s inches ? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 59 to 63, p. 304, can be studied now. 248 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Group B. Mensuration of a Circle 400. The formal treatment of the mensuration of a circle involves the use of certain ideas which are fundamental in mathematics. 401. Variable, Constant, and Limit. Example 1. — Consider the numbers 1, -, -, -, ... ' 2' 4' 8' Each number is one half the preceding; while each number is greater than zero, the numbers ultimately become very small. Imagine a literal number x which has these values successively. Then ultimately x — becomes less than an}^ small positive number, and thereafter remains less than that number. Thus, ultimately, a; — becomes and remains less than , or 1 •^' _ 1000' , or any other small positive number. 1,000,000 -^ ^ This is clear, since x takes successively the values .1111111 1 1 1 J _ _ . etc ' 2' 4' 8' 16' 32' 64' 128' 256' 512' 1024' Example 2. — Consider the numbers 1, 1^, 1|, l-J, 1||, ... Although each number is less than 2, the numbers are constantly increasing. Imagine a literal number x which has these values succes- sively. Then ultimately 2 — x becomes and remains less than any small positive number ; thus 2 — x becomes and remains less tinan ■yq o o7' (Write down enough of the successive values of x to make certain of this last statement.) A Variable is a number which assumes different values during a particular discussion. Thus, in Example 1, a; is a variable ; it is a decreasing variable. In Example 2, x is an in- creasing variable. Note. — Variables do not either always increase or always decrease. Thus, the variable which takes the values 1, — |, + \^ — |, etc., al- ternately decreases and increases. VARIABLES AND LIMITS 249 A Constant is a number which has a fixed value tliroughout a particular discussion. Thus, in Example 2, 2 is constant ; in Example 1, is constant. A Limit of a Variable is a constant such that the numerical value of the difference between the constant and the variable becomes and remains less than any small positive number. We say that a variable approaches its limit. Not every variable has a limit. 402. Axiom of Limits. If an increasing variable is always less than some constant^ then it. approaches a limit which is less than or equal to that constant. Jf a decreasing variable is always greater than some constant, then it approaches a limit ivhich is greater than or equal to that constant. We may represent the foregoing definitions and axiom geo- metrically as follows : X A z (J B Let the distance from A to X as X moves toward B represent a variable x. Let it be agreed that X never passes beyond B. Then ^X must approach a limit such as AC which is less than or equal to AB. (In the figure, AC is made less than AB.) This means that ultimately point X comes and remains as close to C as we please, possibly even coinciding with C. 403. Two Limits Theorems. (a) If a variable x approaches a finite limit I, then ex, where c is a constant, approaches the limit d. For cl — cx = c(l — x). As X approaches the limit Z, the numerical value of Z — X becomes and remains less than any small positive number. Hence the numerical value of cl — ex becomes and remains less than any small positive number. Therefore ex approaches the limit cl by definition. (b) If two variables are constantly equal and each approaches a finite limit, then their limits are equal. 250 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Let X approach the limit I and y approach the limit m. If x always equals y, then / must equal m. A ^ ? ^ L ^- y P ^ Let the distance AX represent the variable x, approaching AL. Let the distance B Y represent the variable y, approach- ing the limit BM. Point X ultimately must come and remain close to the point L ; point Y ultimately must come and remain close to the point M. If AL were greater than BM, then AX would ultimately become greater than BY. But this is impossible, for the vari- able X must always equal the variable y. Similarly if AL were less than BM. Hence the limit I equals the limit m. 404. Sequences of Regular Polygons. Let AB be a side of a regular inscribed polygon in a circle of radius ^ -^ r; let AC be a side of the regular polygon /^ \ having double the number of sides of the (?) first; let AD be a side of the regular polygon V /j J having double the number of sides of the ^X>^i ^^^ second; etc. Such regular inscribed polygons, the number of whose sides is successively doubled, will be called a sequence of regular inscribed polygons. Similarly, we shall have occasion to speak of sequences of regular circumscribed polygons. 405. In a sequence of regular inscribed polygons, the length of the side of the polygon is a decreasing variable which approaches zero as limit, as the number of sides increases indefinitely. For 3^rc AC = I arc AB (see Fig. § 404) ; arc AD = J arc AB ; etc. Hence the arcs decrease indefinitely, approaching zero as limit. (See Ex. 1, §401.) The chords are less than the corresponding arcs. Hence the chordg decrease indefinitely, approaching zero as limit. VARIABLES AND LIMITS 251 Evidently, also in a sequence of regular circumscribed poly- gons the length of the side is a decreasing variable which approaches zero as limit as the number of sides increases indefinitely. 406. In a sequence of regular inscribed polygons, the length of the apothem is an increasing variable which approaches the radius of the circle as limit. If ^5 is a side of any regular inscribed polygon and 00 is the apothem of the polygon, then AO- 0C< AC, or AO- 00 <^AB. (§160.) As the number of sides increases indefinitely, AB decreases indefinitely in numerical value. Hence AO — 00 must also decrease indefinitely in numerical value. Therefore, 00 must approach AO as limit by definition. LENGTH OF A CIRCLE 407. Consider the sequences of regular inscribed and circum- scribed polygons having 4} S, 16, etc., sides in a circle of radius r. Let p denote the variable perimeter of the inscribed poly- gon, assuming the values p^, pg, pi^, etc. ; let P denote the variable perimeter of the circumscribed polygon, assuming the values of P^, Pg, P^,, etc. i ' . ^ >- -r^v r ^ X •0 z V wy K 408. The perimeter p approaches a limit as the jiumber of sides increases indefinitely. Proof. 1. Pi 4, P8, Pi6, etc. are all less than P4. See Ex. 63, (a) 3. .-.p approaches a limit as the number of sides increases indefinitely. Call this limit ^4. § 402 252 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V 409. The j^erimeter P (see § 407) approaches a limit as the number of sides increases indefinitely. Proof. 1. P4 > Pg > P16, etc. See Ex. 52 2. P4, Pg, P16, etc. are each greater than jt)4. See Ex. 53, (6) 3. .'. P approaches a limit as the number of sides increases indefi- nitely. Call this limit L^. § 402 410. The perimeters p and P of the sequences of regular in- scribed and circumscribed polygons described in § 407 approach one and the same limit ; that is, the limit l^ equals the limit L^. Proof. 1. Let AB = a side of one of the inscribed polygons, and AD and DB halves of two consecutive sides of the circum- scribed polygon having the same number of sides. OD and OA are the radii of these polygons, p and P de- note their perimeters. 2. The two polygons are similar. 3. .-. P:p= OD: OA. 4. .-. (P-p) :p=(OD- OA): OA. 5. ,',P-p = J^(^OD- OA) . By Algebra OA 6. .'.P-p<^x AD. r (Since J9 < P4 ; r = OA; smd OD - 0A< AD.) 7. Successively double the number of sides, letting the inscribed and the circumscribed polygons always have the same number of sides. The length of each side of the polygons will decrease, approaching the Umit zero ; in particular, AD will approach as limit. 8. .'. -i X AD will approach as limit, since -^ is constant. ^ ^ § 403, (a) 9. P — p will approach as limit. Def., § 401 10. .-. X4 = Z4. For suppose that X4 > ^4, and that ^4 — ^4 = m, a number > 0. Ulti- mately,' P differs but little from X4 and p but little from h ; hence P — p ultimately differs but little from m. But P — p approaches the limit 0. Similarly if ^4 < ^4. 11. Let C represent the common value of L\ and l^. Then, as the number of sides increases indefinitely, the perimeters p and P of the regular inscribed and circumscribed polygons respectively approach the limit C. VARIABLES AND LIMITS 253 411. If now, instead of starting with the sequences of regu- lar polygons having 4, 8, 16, etc. sides, we start with any other sequences of regular inscribed polygons and circumscribed polygons, such as those having 3, 6, 12, etc. sides, it can be proved that the perimeters p and P again approach this same limit C obtained in § 410. This fact justities the following definition. 412. The Length of a Circle is the limit of the perimeter of any regular inscribed polygon as the number of sides is in- definitely increased. Remember that the length of a circle is called the circum- ference of the circle. 413. The perimeter of any regular circumscribed polygon ap- proaches the circumference of the circle as limit if the number of sides is indefinitely increased. §§ 410, 411, and 412 Ex. 95. What is a constant ? Ex. 96. What is a variable ? Ex. 97. What is the limit of a variable ? Ex. 98. If a "sequence" of regular inscribed polygons be formed (§ 404) in a circle : (a) What magnitude is constant ? (h) What magnitudes are decreasing variables, and what are their limits ? (c) What magnitudes are increasing variables, and what are their limits ? Ex. 99. What limit is approached by the variable which assumes the values given in the note at the bottom of page 248 ? Ex. 100. Suppose a variable assumes the values 1, — 1, 1, — 1, .... Does it approach a limit ? Ex. 101. What is the limit of — as n assumes the values 1, 2, 3, 3n ' ' ' 4...? 254 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Proposition XII. Theorem 414. Tlie circumferences of two circles have the same ratio as their radii or their diameters. Hypothesis. Ci and 64 are the circumferences of two circles whose radii are r^ and r^ and whose diameters are d^ and c?2 respectively. Conclusion. O, ^ n ^ d^ Proof. 1. Inscribe in the circles regular polygons having the same number of sides. Let p^ and p2 be the perimeters of the polygons inscribed in the circles whose radii are 7\ and rg respectively. 2. The polygons are similar. § 385 3. Pi = h. §386 P2 ^2 4. .-. p^ X r2 = P2 X n. Why ? 5. Let the number of sides of each polygon be successively doubled, the two polygons continuing to have the same num- ber of sides. 6. Then pi x 7*2 will approach the limit 0^ X ?*2 and P2 X Ti will approach the limit C^ X r^. (§411, §403, (a)) 7. .-. Ci X ^2 = (72 X ?'i. § 403, (6) 8. •••^=-- §252 62 ^2 9. .-. ^l^^Ti^di^ ^^^^ O2 ^ ^2 ^2 VARIABLES AND LIMITS 255 415. Cor. Since ^^ = ^,then ^=^^ di d^ That is, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the length of the diameter of the circle is constant for all circles. Note. —This proves the fact assumed in § 389. We recall that the constant value — is denoted by tt. d 416. Area of a Circle. The formal treatment of this topic is exactly like that for the length of a circle. Consider the sequences of regular inscribed and circum- scribed polygons in a circle of radius r, having 4, 8, 16, etc. sides. (§ 407.) A\ ^ - ^ E \B L Let k denote the variable area of the inscribed polygon, and K the variable area of the circumscribed polygon as the num- ber of sides increases. The following theorems can then be proved : (a) The area k approaches a limit as the number of sides in- creases indefinitely. Call this limit i^. (b) The area K approaches a limit as the number of sides increases indefinitely. Call this limit I^. (c) The limit ii = the limit I^; that is, the areas of the regu- lar inscribed and circumscribed polygons approach the same limit as the number of sides increases indefinitely. Call this area S. (d) If any other sequence of regular inscribed or circum- scribed polygons of the same circle be formed, the areas of the inscribed and of the circumscribed polygons approach the limit S obtained in the theorem (c). 256 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V 417. The Area of a Circle is the limit of the area of a regular inscribed polygon as the number of sides increases indefinitely. 418. Tlie area of any regular circumscribed polygon ap- proaches the area of the circle as limit as the number of sides is increased indefinitely. This follows at once from theorem (d) of § 416. Proposition XIII. Theorem 419. The area of a circle is the product of one half its radius and its circumference. Hypothesis, r is the radius, C is the circumference, and S is the area of the circle. Conclusion. zS = | r x C. Proof. 1. Circumscribe about the circle any regular polygon. Let P denote its perimeter and ^its area. 2. Then, since its apothem is r, /f=irxP. Why? 3. Let the number of sides of the circumscribed polygon be indefinitely increased. Then /^will approach the limit 8\ § 418 P will approach the limit (7; § 411 i rP will approach the limit | rO. § 403, (a) 4. .:S = ^r-C. §403,(5) 420. The Value of tt. In § 389, the approximate value 3.1416 for TT was given. This value was derived from a table of values of perimeters of regular inscribed and circumscribed polygons. The following proposition provides a means of computing such tables of perimeters. LIMITS AND VARIABLES 257 Proposition XIV. Problem 421. Given p^ and P„, the perimeters of the regular inscribed and of the regular circumscribed polygons having n sides ; find ;)2„ and Po^j ^^^^ perimeters of the regular inscribed and the regular circumscribed polygons having double the number of sides. a! M F V p' A. yB O (a) To find P^^. . Solution. 1. Let ^B be one side of the regular inscribed polygon having n sides and F the. mid-point of arc AB, 2. Draw the tangent to the circle at F, meeting OA and OB extended at A' and B^ respectively. Then A'B^ is one side of the regular circumscribed polygon having n sides. Also A'F= ^ A'B', and hence 2nA'F= P„. 3. Let tangents to the circle at A and B meet A'B' at 3f and ^respectively. Then MNis one side of the regular cir- cumscribed polygon having 2 n sides; MF=^MN2ind hence §270 nMF=P^,. 4. A'M OA' MF OF (Since Oilf bisects Z ^' OF. ) 5. But ^-^■ 6. . P,_A'M rr P,+p, A'M+MF P., MF 8. P.. + P. A'F 2K MF §386 Why? Why? Why? 258 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V A' M F N B' A'\ Pn+Pn_^nA'F_2P^ or Pn 4:nMF I Multiplying num. and denom. of ^^ by 4 w."| 10. .•.i^2„(P.+K)=2PA. 11. 1. 2. (b) To find p2,.. A ABF and A AFM are isosceles triangles ZABF:=ZAFM. 3. .-. A ABF ^ A AFM. 4. AF:AB = MF:AF. 5. .'. AF' = AB X MF. 6. But AF- ^'- ; AB-^'^; and MF = ^^^ . 2n n An . [Steps 2 and 3, part (a)] P2^V_ jP2„ 4/^2 P_n n 4tn^ ••• P2„ = yp„P2, Why? Algebra Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Ax. 2, § 51 Algebra Algebra Note. — The formulae P2„ = ^^ and ^2n = y/pnPin are quite re- Pn + Pn markable. If the perimeters of the regular inscribed and regular circum- scribed polygons of say 4 sides are known, then the perimeters of the regular circumscribed and regular inscribed polygons of 8 sides can be computed by mere substitution ; then those of 16 sides ; and so on. VARIABLES AND LIMITS 259 Proposition XV. Problem 422. Compute an approximate value o/tt. Solution. 1. If the diameter of a circle is 1, the side of an inscribed square is ^ V2, and hence the perimeter of the square is 2 V2, or p4 = 2.82843. 2. The side of a circumscribed square is 1, and P^ = 4. q p_ 2P 4 Xi?4 . tJ. /-g— -^- „ 2 X 4 X 2.82843 §421 Hence 4. Hence 4 + 2.82843 3.31371. P% = Vi)4 X Pg- §421 Ps = V2.82843 X 3.31371 = 3.06147. 5.- Similarly P^^ 2P,xps _ 2 X 3.31371 x 3.06147 Pg + ^8 3.31371 + 3.06147 = 3.18260. And p,8 = Vj98 X P16 = V3.06147 x 3.18260 = 3.12145. 6. In this manner, we compute the following table ; No. OP Perimeter of Perimeter of Sides Reg. Giro. Polygon Reg. Inso. Polygon 4 4. 2.82843 8 3.31371 3.06147 16 3.18260 3.12145 82 , 3.15172 3.13655 64 3.14412 3.14033 128 3.14222 3.14128 256 3.14176 3.14151 512 . 3.14163 3.14157 7. The last results show that the circumference of the circle whose diameter is 1 > 3.14157 and < 3.14163. Hence an approximate value of tt is 3.1416, correct to the fourth decimal place. 260 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V THE INCOMMENSURABLE CASES* Proposition XVI. Theorem 423. In the same circle or in equal circles^ central angles have the same ratio as their intercepted arcs. (When the angles are incomm ensurable.) Hypothesis. In O ABC, Z AOB and Z BOC are two in- commensurable central angles intercepting the arcs AB and BC respectively. Z BOC arc BC Conclusion. ZAOB arc ^5 Proof. 1. Divide Z AOB into two equal parts and let one of these be applied as unit of measure to Z BOC. 2. Since Z AOB and Z BOC are incommensurable, a certain number of angles equal to J- Z AOB will equal Z BOX^, leav- ing a remainder Z X^OC which is less than the unit of measure. 3. Z AOB and Z BOX^ are commensurable. ^ Z BOX^ ^ arc BX , Z AOB arc AB *Note. — There are three incommensurable cases. (§423-§425.) These propositions complete the proofs of the theorems given in § 213, § 261, and § 327 respectively. If it is desired to read § 423 when studying § 213, then it will be necessary to read also § 401 to § 403 inclusive, which give an introduction to the theory of limits. VARIABLES AND LIMITS 261 5. Take now as unit of measure \ Z AOB. This measure will be contained an integral number of times in Z AOB and also in /. BOX^^ further, the unit of measure may be con- tained once in Z XiOC, leaving a remainder Z X^OC which is less than the new unit of measure. Again Z^OX, ^arc^X,. 6. Continue in this manner to decrease indefinitely the unit of measure. The remainder Z XOC, being always less than the unit of measure, will approach the limit 0. Using the symbol = to express "approaches the limit,'' Z BOX = Z BOC, and hence yTS^ZJ^' ^ ^^^' ^^^ arc BX = arc BC, and hence ^I^_BX^^c^C ^ ^^^ , . arc^S arc^B ' ^ ^ 7 ZBOX . SLTcBX . ,, , . , , '• -^ — 7w^ ^-^d -— are variables which are always ZAOB arc AB ^ equal. o . Z BOC are BC ,, .^o /i.x 262 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Proposition XVII. Theorem 424. A parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other two sides proportionally, when the segments of one side are incom- mensurable. A Hypothesis. In A ABC, segments AD and BD are incom- mensurable ; DE II BC, meeting AC at E. Conclusion. ^^9^. AD AE Proof. 1. Divide AD into any number of equal parts (say- two), and apply one of these parts to BD as unit of measure. 2. Since AD and BD are incommensurable, a certain num- ber of segments equal to the unit of measure will extend from D to Xj, leaving a remainder XiB which is less than the unit of measure. 3. Draw X^Y^ II BC, meeting AC at Y^. Then :5^ = ^S. §261 AD AE [Since AD and DX^^ are commensurable.] 4. Take now as unit of measure \ AD. This measure will be contained an integral number of times in AD and also in i>Xi ; further, the unit of measure may be contained once in XiB, leaving a remainder X.^B which is less than the new unit of measure. | Draw X2Y2 11 BC, meeting ^Oat Y^. Then DX^^^^Ii. AD AE 5. Continue in this manner to decrease the unit of measure indefinitely. The remainder XB, being always less than the unit of measure, will also approach as limit. VARIABLES AND LIMITS Then DX = BB, amd hence ^ = ^ AD AD Also EY= EC, and hence 6. 7. EY^EC AE AE 263 § 403, (a) § 403, (a) and are variables which are always equal. AD AE . ^ ^ DB^EG AD AE 403, (5) Proposition XVIII. Theorem 425. Two rectangles having equal altitudes are to each other as their bases, when the bases are incommensurable. Hypothesis. Rectangles ABCD and EFGH have equal al- titudes AB and EF, and incommensurable bases BC and FG. Conclusion. EFGH^FG ABCD BC' Proof. 1. Divide BC into any number of equal parts (say two), and apply one of these parts to FG as unit of measure. 2. Since BC and FG are incommensurable, a certain num- ber of segments equal to the unit of measure will extend from Fto Xi, leaving a remainder XiG which is less than the unit of measure. 3. Draw X^Yi±FG, meeting EH at Y^. Then rectangles EFXi Yi and ABCD have equal altitudes and commensurable bases. , . EFX, Y, ^ FXi ' " ABCD BC' Complete the proof. Suggestion. — Model the proof after that for § 424. 264 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V Group C. Symmetry in Plane Figures 426. Two points are symmetrical with respect to a third point, called the Center of Symmetry, when the latter bisects the segment which joins them. Thus, if is the mid-point of segment AB, points A and B are sym- metrical with respect to as center. A O B 427. Two points are symmetrical with respect to a straight line, called the Axis of Symmetry, when the latter bisects at right angles the segment which joins them. c- B Thus, if CD bisects segment AB at right angles, points A and B are symmetrical with respect to CD as an axis. 428. A figure is symmetrical with respect to a center when every straight line drawn through the center cuts the figure in two points which are symmetri- cal with respect to that center. 429. A figure is symmetrical with respect to an axis when every straight line perpendicular /'^^V j 7/^ to the axis cuts the figure in two points which ^- Mui//^ ^ are symmetrical with respect to that axis. \fF^^ Ex. 102. Does a circle have a center of symmetry ? Does it have an axis of symmetry ? Does it have more than one axis of symmetry ? Ex. 103. (a) Locate upon a sheet of paper a point and four other points X, r, Z, and W. (b) Construct the points X', Y', Z', and W, which are symmetrical respectively to X, Y, Z, and W, with respect to as center. Ex. 104. (a) Draw any straight line AB of indefinite length and upon one side of it locate at random points X, Y, and Z. (b) Construct the points X, Y', and Z', which are respectively sym- metrical to X, Y, and Z, with respect to AB as axis. SYMMETRY 265 430. Theorem. Tioo segments wliicli are symmetrical with respect to a center are equal and parallel. .." "O" Hypothesis. Segments AB and A'B' are symmetrical with respect to center 0. Conclusion. AB and A'B' are equal and parallel. Proof. 1. Draw lines AA' and BB' intersecting at 0; draw AB' and A'B. § 428 2. bisects AA' and BB'. Prove it. 3. .-. AB'A'B is a O. Prove it. 4. .'. ^5 and A'B' are equal and parallel. Ex. 105. (a) Draw a figure something like the adjoining one. (Let ^B and FG be perpendicular to AG, and let BCDEF be a curved line. ) (6) Construct the figure symmetrical to ABCDEFG with e\ respect to u4(t as axis. F Ex. 106. Prove that two segments which are equal and parallel are symmetrical with respect to a center. Ex. 107. Prove that the bisector of the vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is an axis of symmetry of the triangle. Ex. 108. How many axes of symmetry does an equilateral triangle have ? Ex. 109. Prove that the intersection of the diagonals of a parallelo- gram is the center of symmetry of the parallelogram. Ex. 110. Does a rhombus have a center of symmetry ? Ex. 111. Does the rhombus have an axis of symmetry ? Ex. 112. Does a rectangle have an axis of symmetry ? Does it have a second axis of symmetry ? Does it have a center of symmetry ? 266 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V 431. Theorem. If a figure is symmetrical with respect to each of two perpendicular axes, it is symmetrical with respect to their intersection as center. c A / /--, \p It D H > Q / < B o F Hypothesis. Figure AE is symmetrical with respect to axes XX' and YY\ XX' is perpendicular to YY' at 0. Conclusion. AE is symmetrical with respect to as center. Proof. 1. From P' any point of AE draw P'Q A. to XX' at Q, and meeting AE again at P. Then PQ= P'Q. 2. From P draw PR± YY' meeting YY' at R and meet- ing AE again at P". Then PR = RP". 3. Draw P'P". 4. YY' II PP' and bisects PP". .-. YY' passes through the mid-point of P'P". Why ? 5. Similarly, XX' passes through the mid-point of P'P". 6. Hence O, the intersection of XX' and YY', must be the mid-point of P'P". 7. In the same manner, for any other point like P' of AE there is a corresponding point P" of AE, such that P'P" passes through and is bisected by it. 8. .-. AE is symmetrical with respect to as center. Ex. 113. Ex. 114. in Ex. 112. Ex. 115. Ex. 112. Ex. 116. Answer for a square the questions proposed in Ex. 112. Answer for an isosceles trapezoid the questions proposed Answer for a regular hexagon the questions proposed in Answer for a regular pentagon the same questions. MAXIMA AND MINIMA 267 Group D. Maxima and Minima of Figures 432. Two figures are Isoperimetric when they have equal perimeters. 433. If one geometric magnitude of a number which satisfy certain given conditions has a value greater than that of any of the others, it is called the Maximum ; if it has a value less than that of any of the others, it is called the Minimum. Thus, of all segments drawn from a given point to a given line the perpendicular is the minimum ; again, of all chords of a circle^ the diame- ter is the maximum. 434. Theorem. Of all triangles ivith two given sides, that in which these sides are perpendicular is the maximum. Hypothesis. In A ABC and A A'BC; AB = A'B ; and AB ± BC. Conclusion. Area of A ABC > area of A A'BC. Proof. 1. Draw A'D ± BG, 2. A'B > A'D. 3. .-. AB > A'D. 4. .-. AB'BC> A'D ' BC [Multiplying both members by BG.'\ 6. But area A ABC= \ AB • BC, and area A A'BC =\A'D.BG. 6. .-. area A ABC > area A'BC Why? Why? Ex. 117. Of all parallelograms having two given adjacent sides, that is the maximum in which these sides include a right angle. 268 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V 435. Theorem. Of isoperimetric triangles having the same base J that which is isosceles is the maximum. Ay --j:: r Hypothesis. A ABC and A A!BQ are isoperimetric and have the common base BQ\ A ABQ is isosceles. Conclusion. Area of A ABQ > area of AA'BC. Analysis. We must prove the altitude AD > altitude A'D/ Proof. 1. Extend BA to E, making AE = BA. Draw EO. 2. Z BGE is a rt. Z, for it can be inscribed in a semicircle whose center is A and whose radius is AB. 3. Extend J5;(7 to X. Btslw A'E' = A'C] dvsiW BE\ Con- struct A'F' and AF both perpendicular to EE'. 4. BA' + A'E' = BA' -f A'C. 5. BA + AE = BA-{- AC. 6. ' But BA'+ A'C = BA + AC. 7. .-. BA' + A'E' ==BA + AE. 8. .-. BA' + A'E' = SE-. 9. But BA' + ^'^' > jB^'. 10. .-. BE > J5^'. 11. «•. (7^ > (7J5;'. [Since BC±EE', and 5^ > BE'.^ 12. .'.CF>CF'. [Since Oi^= i 0^, and C2^' = i CE'.^ 13. .% ^D > A'D'. (Prove it.) 14. .-. area of A ABC > area of A A'BC. Why? Why? Hyp. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? MAXIMA AND MINIMA . 269 436. Theorem. Of isoperimetric polygons having the same number of sideSy the maximum is equilateral. Hypothesis. ABCDE is the maximum of polygons having the given perimeter and the same number of sides as ABCDE. Conclusion. ABCDE is equilateral. Proof. 1. Assume that AB and BC are unequal. Draw AC. 2. Let A AB'C be the isosceles triangle on base AC having its perimeter equal to that of A ABC. 3. Then the area of A AB'C > area of A ABC. § 435 4. Then the area of AB'CDE > area of ABCDE. 5. But this is impossible for ABCDE is the maximum of all polygons having the same perimeter and the same number of sides as ABCDE. 6. .-. AB and BC cannot be unequal. 7. Similarly BC = CD ^ DE, etc. 8. .-. ABCDE is equilateral. 437. Cor. Of all isoperimetric triangles, the maximum is equilateral. Ex. 118. A parallelogram and a rhombus each have a perimeter of 40 in. Which has the greater area ? Ex. 119. A man is planning for himself a house. He has a rectan- gular plan, the dimensions of which are 30 ft. and 20 ft., making the perimeter of the base 100 ft. Will such a house cover a greater or a less number of square feet than a square house whose perimeter also is 100 ft. ? 270 . PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V 438. Theorem. Of isoperimetric equilateral polygons of the same number of sides, the maximum is equiangular. H .'^D Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Hypothesis. Consider an equilateral polygon of which AB, BC, and CD are any three consecutive sides, and whose re- maining part is denoted by P. Assume that this polygon is the maximum, of all equilateral polygons isoperimetric with the given polygon, equal in area to it, and having the same number of sides as it. Conclusion. This polygon is equiangular. Plan. We shall assume that Z ABC > Z BCD. We shall consider the three cases : Case I. AB II CD. Case II. AB meets CD at H. Case III. AB meets CD at K. Proof. Case I. (Fig. 1.) 1. Let E be the mid-point of BC. Draw EF meeting AB prolonged at F, making EF = BE. Then EF extended will meet CD at G. 2. Then A BEF ^ A ECG. Prove it. .-. BF = CG, and EF = EG. Why ? .-. EG = BC Why ? .-. AB-\-BF+FG-\-GD=AB-\-BC+CG-\-GD. Why? Hence the polygon composed of AFGD and P has the same perimeter as the given polygon, composed of ABCD and P. 7. Also AFGD and ABCD have the same area. Step 2 MAXIMA AND MINIMA 271 8. Hence the polygon composed of AFOD and P has the same area as the given polygon, composed of ABCD and P. 9. But the given polygon was the maximum of polygons having the given number of sides. Hence the polygon com- posed of AFGD and P is equal to the maximum of polygons having that number of sides. 10. Hence the polygon composed of AFOD and P is equilateral. § 436 11. But this is impossible since AF > DO. • 12. Hence Z ABC cannot be > Z BCD. Case II. (Fig. 2.) Assume that AB meets CD at H, 1. Let HE bisect Z BHC, meeting BC at E. 2. Revolve A BCH on HE as axis until it takes the position oiAFGH. 3. Then FG=BC\ BF= CO ; and A BEF=A CEO. Why ? 4. .'. AB+BF-\-FG-\-GD=AB-{-BC-^CG-hGD. Why? Complete the proof as in steps 6 to 12 inclusive, of Case I. Case III. (Fig. 3.) Assume that AB and CD meet at K. 1. Let KE bisect Z BKC, meeting BC at E. 2. Revolve A BCK on KE as axis until it takes the position of A FOK 3. ThenFO^BC; BF=CO', 2indABEF=ACEO. Why? 4. .: AB-^BF-^FG-\-GD=AB + BC-i-CO+GD. Why? Complete the proof as in steps 6 to 12 inclusive, of Case I. It follows from Cases I, II, and III that Z ABC cannot be > Z BCD. In the same manner, it can be proved Z ABC cannot be < Z BCD. Hence Z ABC = Z BCD. Since these are any two consecutive angles of the given polygon, then the given polygon must be equiangular. 439. Cor. Of isoperimetric polygons having the same num- ber of sides, the maximum is regular. (§ 436 and § 437) 272 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK V 440. Theorem. Of two isoperimetric regular polygons, that which has the greater number of sides has the greater area. Hypothesis. ABQ is an equilateral triangle, and M is an isoperimetric square. Conclusion. Area of Jf > area of A ABC. Proof. 1. Let D be any point in side AB of A ABC. 2. Draw DO, and construct upon it as base isosceles A CDE isoperimetric with A BCD. 3. Area of A CDE > area of A BCD. 4. .-. area of ADEC > area of A ABC 5. But ADEC and square M are isoperimetric, and hence area of Jf > area of ADEC § 439 6. .-. area of M> area of A ABC In like manner it can be proved that the area of a regular pentagon is greater than that of an isoperimetric square ; etc. 441. Cor. The area of a circle is greater than the area of any polygon having an equal perimeter. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 273 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES BOOK I Ex. 1. Two quadrilaterals are congruent if three sides and the two included angles of one are equal respectively to three sides and the two included angles of the other. Suggestion. — Prove by superposition. Ex. 2. Two quadrilaterals are congruent if three angles and the two included sides of one are equal respectively to three angles and the two included sides of the other. Ex, 3. Prove that the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal, using the following construction. Hypothesis. AB = AC. Conclusion. ZABC = ZA CB. Construction. Extend AB to D. Extend AC to E, making CE = BD. Draw DC and BE. Plan. 1. Prove A ADC ^ A ABE in order to prove DC= BE. 2. Prove ADBC^ABCE. 3. Prove ZDBC = ZBCE. 4. Prove ZABC=ZACB. Ex. 4. If AB and ^C are two equal chords of the circle whose center is O, then the radius OA bisects ZBAC. Ex. 5. Books for carpenters give the follow- ing method of bisecting an angle by means of the " square " alone. Make OD and OC of equal length. Place the square so that DP= CP. Then OP bisects ZAOB. Prove that the method is correct. Ex. 6. Prove that the bisectors of homologous angles of congruent triangles are equal. Suggestions. — 1. Recall § 66. 2. Remember that the homologous sides and angles of two congruent triangles are equal. Ex. 7. Construct the angle which is double ZJ5 of Ex. 61, Book I. Ex. 8. Construct the angle which is the sum of Z ^ and Z B of Ex. 61. Ex. 9. Construct an isosceles triangle having its equal sides 3 in. in length and the angle included by them equal to ZB given in Ex. 61, Book I. 274 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 10. If a diagonal of a quadrilateral ABCD bi- sects two of its angles, it is perpendicular to the other diagonal and bisects it. Suggestions. — 1. Let AC bisect Z.A and ^C; prove AC 1 BD and AC bisects BD. 2. Try to prove AB = AD and BC=DC. Ex. 11. In the adjoining figure, if J.0, BO, and CO are extended to Z, F, and X respectively, so that AO=OZ, BO=OY, and C0= OX, then CiABC^/\ZYX. (First prove AB = ZY, BC = XY, and AC=XZ.) After proving /\ABC '^ A XYZ, vi^hat angle does /.BCA equal ? Ex. 12. Prove that homologous medians of congruent triangles are equal. Suggestion. — Read the suggestions for Ex. 6, p. 273. Ex. 13. If two triangles have two sides and the median to one of them equal respectively to two sides and the corresponding median of the other, the triangles are congruent. Suggestion. — Read the note following § 77. Ex. 14. Construct the perpendicular-bisector of a segment taken along the lower edge of the paper. Ex. 15. Draw any angle and construct its bisector. Through its vertex construct a line perpendicular to the bisector. Prove that this last line makes equal angles with the sides of the given angle. Ex. 16. Construct a line through a given point within a given acute angle, which will form with the sides of the angle an isosceles triangle. Suggestion. — If A ABC represents the desired triangle, and AH bisects Z CAB, then CB 1 AH. Try now to work toward this figure if only I. FAG and point D within it are given. Ex. 17. Prove Cor. 1 (§ 96) if Z 3 = Z 7. Ex. 18. Prove Cor. 3 (§98) ifZ3 + Z5 = 1 St. Z. Ex. 19. Prove that AB \\ CD (Fig. § 98) if Z4 + Z7 = lst. Z. Ex. 20. If ^5 = CZ) and Z 1 = Z 2 in the ad- joining figure, prove ABW CD and also AGW BD. Suggestion. — UecSiW § 95. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 275 tread -S A<^^ y^ tread < ^ 1 Ex. 21. In building stairs two or more stringers are required. To make a stringer having a 9-in. tread and a 6-in. riser, a car- penter uses his square as in the figure below. For each step he places his square so that the 9-in. mark and the 0-in. mark fall along the edge of the board from which he is cutting the stringer. Will the treads all be parallel ? Why ? Will the risers all be parallel ? Why ? Will each riser be perpendicular to its tread ? Why? Ex. 22. One triangle used by draughtsmen has an angle of 90° and an angle of GO"". Why should it be called a " 60-30 " triangle ? Ex. 23. The other triangle used by draughtsmen has an angle of 90=^ and an angle of 45°. How large is the remaining angle ? Ex. 24. In a A ABC, it ZA = 90°, and Z B = Z C, how large are ZB and ZC? Ex. 25. Find the three angles of a triangle if the second is four times the first, and the third is seven times the first. (Algebraic solution.) Ex. 26. Find the three angles of a triangle if the second exceeds the first by 40°, and the third exceeds the second by 40°. Ex. 27. The vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is n degrees. Ex- press each of the base angles. Ex. 28. One base angle of an isosceles triangle is n degrees. Ex- press each of the other angles of the triangle. Ex. 29. Determine by construction the angle C of a A ABC if ZA and Z B are the angles given in Ex. 61, Book I. Ex. 30. Prove that two isosceles triangles are congruent when the vertical angle and the base of one are equal respectively to the vertical angle and the base of the other. Suggestion. — Prove the homologous base angles also are equal. Ex. 31. If one acute angle of a right triangle is 35°, how large is the other acute angle ? Ex. 32. If perpendiculars be drawn from any point in the base of an isosceles triangle to the equal sides, they make equal angles with the base. Suggestion. —The proof i.s based on § 37 and § 109. Ex. 33. Prove that the altitude drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle divides the right angle into two parts which are equal respectively to the acute angles of the right triangle. 276 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 34. If two opposite angles of a quadrilateral are equal and if the diagonal joining the other two angles bisects one of them, then it bisects the other also. Ex. 35. If two triangles have two angles and the bisector of one of these angles equal respectively to two angles and the corresponding bisector of the other, the triangles are congruent. Suggestion. — Recall the note following § 77. Ex. 36. If two triangles have two sides and the altitude drawn to one of them equal respectively to two sides and the corresponding altitude of the other, the triangles are congruent. Suggestion. — Read the note following § 77. Ex. 37. Construct a pattern for the pointed end of a belt, assuming that the belt material is 2 in. wide, and ^ '2' kj^ that the point is to project 1 in. beyond the square end '^ of the belt. Ex. 38. Draw any straight line of indefinite length and select two points not in it. Find the point in the line which is equidistant from the two given points. Ex. 39. Find a point in one side of a triangle which is equidistant from the other two sides of the triangle. ^^ Ex. 40. Prove that either exterior angle at the base of an isosceles triangle is equal to the sum of a right angle and one half the vertical angle. A^ E- Ex. 41. If from the vertex of one of the equal angles of an isosceles triangle a perpendicular be drawn to the opposite side, it makes with the base an angle equal to one half the vertical angle of the triangle. Suggestion. — Construct the bisector of Z C. Ex. 42. A ABC is an equilateral triangle. BP, the bisector of Z B, meets ^C at P; CM, the bisector of exterior angle ACB, meets BP extended at M. MNis perpendicular to CB. Prove MN = BP. Ex. 43. If the equal sides of an isosceles triangle be extended be- yond the base, the bisectors of the exterior angles so formed form with the base another isosceles triangle. Ex. 44. If A ABC and A ABD are two tri- angles on the same base and on the same side of it, such that AC = BD and AD = BC, and AD and BC intersect at 0, then A OAB is isosceles. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 277 Ex. 45. If CD is the bisector of Z C of A ABC, and DF be drawn parallel to ^O meeting BC 2it E and the bisector of the angle exterior to C at F, prove DE-EF. B- Sugrjestion. — Compare BE and EF with EC. .^ Ex. 46. If equiangular triangles be constructed upon the sides of any triangle, the lines drawn from their outer vertices to the opposite vertices of the given triangle are equal. Suggestion. — Recall § 124. ^D Ex. 47. If -4C be drawn from the vertex of the right angle to the hypotenuse of right A BCD so as to make Z ACD = ZZ>, it bisects the hypotenuse. Suggestion. — Prove ^B = Z.ACB hy ^ 109 and § 37. Ex. 48. If the angle at the vertex of isosceles A ABC is equal to twice the sum of the equal angles B and C, and if CD is perpendicular to BC, meeting BA extended at 2), prove A ACD is equilateral. Suggestion. — Determine the number of degrees in each angle of A ABC. aC Ex. 49. If the bisectors of the equal angles of an isosceles triangle meet the equal sides at D and E re- spectively, prove that DE is parallel to the base of the triangle. a^ :ab Suggestions. — 1. Compare Z CED + L CDE with Z ^ + Z ^ (§ 106) . 2. Is LCED=^CDE? 3. Is ZC£Z> = Z^? Ex. 50. Prove that two parallelograms are congruent if two sides and the included angle of one are equal respectively to two sides and the included angle of the other. Suggestion. — Prove by superposition. Recall § 132. Ex. 51. Prove that the sum of the perpendiculars drawn from any point within an equilateral triangle to the sides of the triangle is equal to the altitude of the triangle. Prove OR -\- 0F+ 0D = BG. Suggestions. — 1. Let KM be II ^C and KE 1 AB. 2. Compare EK and BL. 3. Prove 0/J + 0F= EX. Ex. 52. An ironing board is supported on each "^ side as shown in the adjoining figure. If ^0 = OB and DO = OC, prove that AC is always parallel to the floor DB. " G R 278 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 53. What angle is formed by the bisectors of two consecutive angles of : (a) a rectangle ? (6) an equilateral triangle ? (c) a parallel- ogram ? B^ _,C Ex. 54. Prove that the bisectors of the in- terior angles of a parallelogram form a rectangle. Ex. 55. Construct a rhombus whose sides are each 3 in. and whose acute angles are each 45°. Draw and measure its diagonals. Ex. 56. Construct a rhombus, having given one side and one diagonal. Ex. 57. Prove that the two altitudes of a rhombus are equal. Ex. 58. If on the diagonal BB of square ABCD a distance BE is taken equal to AB, and if EF is drawn perpendicular to BD meeting AD at F, then AF = EF = ED. Suggestion. — What kind of angle is angle EDF? Ex. 59. If AD and BD are the bisectors of the exterior angles at the ends of the hypotenuse AB of right triangle ABC, and DE and Z>jPare perpendicular respectively to CA and CB extended, prove CEDE is a square. Suggestion. —Ilecall § 143. Prove DE = DF, using § 120, I. Ex. 60. Prove that the bisectors of the angles of ^ a rectangle form a square. Suggestions. — 1. Make a plan based upon § 143. 2. To prove EF = EH, prove AF=BH and AE = ^^ BE. Ex. 61. If the non -parallel sides of an isosceles trapezoid are extended until they meet, they form with the base an isosceles triangle. Ex. 62. If the line joining the mid-points of the bases of a trapezoid is perpendicular to the bases, the trapezoid is isosceles. Ex. 63. If the bisectors of the interior angles of a trapezoid do not meet at a point, they form a quad- rilateral, two of whose angles are right angles. Suggestion.— Frove Z.FEH and ^FGH are right A' angles. Ex. 64. If D is the mid-point of side ^C of isosceles A ABC, and DE is perpendicular to base BC, then EC is \ BC. Suggestion. — Draw DF parallel to AB. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 279 Ex. 65. A BCD is a trapezoid whose parallel sides AD and BC are perpendicular to CD. If Eis the inid-point of AB, prove EC = ED. Suggestion. — Br&w EF parallel to AD. Recall A § 149. Ex. 66. The following method of dividing a segment into equal seg- ments may be used. To divide AB into five equal parts. "H,,—^''^ 1. Draw ^ C making with ^5 any con- X-^'X''' \ \ venient angle. a .--''^" \ \ \ ,}-^ 2. Draw BD parallel to AC. \ \ \ ^,,^—'''0" 8. Lay off on 40 five equal segments, \ ^ "■-){"" ^ and on BD five other segments of the same ^ length. 4. Connect the points of division as in the figure. Prove now that AB is divided into five equal segments. Ex. 67. If the base of an isosceles triangle be trisected, the lines joining the points of trisection to the vertex of the triangle are equal. Ex. 68. Prove that the line which joins the mid-points of two sides of a triangle bisects any segment drawn to the third side from the opposite vertex. Ex. 69. If E and F are the mid-points of BC and AD respectively of parallelogram ABCD, prove that AE and CF trisect BD. Suggestion. — Frove AE || FC, by proving AECF / ^^ is a parallelogram. Then prove that AE bisects BH a aud CF bisects GB. Ex. 70. If E and i?'are the mid-points of sides AB and AC respec- tively of t^ABC, and AD is the perpendicular from A\.o BC^ prove /.EDF^AEAF. Suggestion. —Recall Ex. 175, Book I. Ex. 71. If ^and G are the mid-points of AB and CD respectively of quadrilateral ABCD, and /rand L are the mid-points of diagonals AC and BD respectively, prove that EKGL is a parallelo- gram. Suggestion. — ^cdkW § 161. 280 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 72. Prove that the lines joining the mid-points of the opposite sides of a quadri- lateral and the line joining the mid-points of the diagonals of the quadrilateral meet in a point. Suggestion. — Recall Ex. 71. Ex. 73. Prove that the line joining the ^ mid-points of the diagonals of a trapezoid is parallel to the bases and equal to | their difference. Suggestions. — 1. Dravr EG II AD meeting CD at G. 2. Prove EG passes through point F. 3. Compare EG with AD and FG with BC. Ex. 74. If the perpendiculars AE, BF, CG, and DH be drawn from the vertices of parallelo- gram ABCD to any line in its plane not intersecting its surface, prove that AE + CG = BF -»- DH. Suggestion. — See adjoining figure. Apply § 153. Ex. 75. Prove that the sum of any three sides of a quadrilateral is greater thau the fourth side. Suggestion. — Draw a diagonal. Ex, 76. Prove that the sum of the lines drawn from any point within a triangle to the vertices is less than the sum of the three sides. Suggestion. — 1. Let within A ABC be joined to A, B, and C 2. OA-\-OB DC. Suggestion. — Compare BC-\r AB with AC. Ex. 78. Prove that each of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle is, greater than one half the base. Ex. 79. If is any point within triangle ABC, then AO-\-BO-\-GO > \ perimeter. Suggestions. — 1. Apply § 159 (a) to each side of the triangle. 2. Add the inequalities and divide by 2. Ex. 80. Prove that any side of a triangle is less than one half the perimeter of the triangle. Suggestions. — 1. Apply § 159 (a) to one side. 2. Add that side to both members of the inequality. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 281 Ex. 81. Prove that the median to any side of a triangle is l^s than one half the perimeter of the triangle. Suggestion. — The median lies in each of two As. Apply § 159 (a) to the median in each A, and add. Ex. 82. Prove that the median to any side of a triangle is less than one half the sum of the other two sides of the triangle. Suggestion. — 1. Extend the median its own length, through the side of the triangle. Connect the end of the new segment with one of the other vertices of the triangle. Ex. 83. Prove that the median to any side of a triangle is greater than one half the sum of the other two sides diminished by the* side to which it is drawn. Ex. 84. Prove that the sum of the medians to the sides of a triangle is greater than one half the perimeter of the triangle. Suggestion. — Apply Ex. 83 to each of the medians. Ex. 85. The bisectors of the exterior angles at two vertices, and the bisector of the interior angle at the third vertex of a triangle are concurrent. Suggestion. — The proof is like that for § 169. Ex. 86. If two medians of a triangle are equal, isosceles. Ex. 87. Prove that the line joining the ortho- center of a triangle to the circum-center of the tri- angle passes through the center of gravity (§178) of the triangle. Suggestions. — 1. Draw AR, and try to prove that K is the center of gravity, by proving that AK = 2 KR. . 2. Recall § 152, and Ex. 190, Book I. Ex. 88. If is the point of intersection of the medians AD and BE of equilateral triangle ABC, and OF is drawn parallel to AC, meeting BC at F, prove that DF ial BC. Suggestion. — Let G be the mid-point of OA, and draw GH || AC; also imagine a line through D II AC. Apply § 147. Ex. 89. If the exterior angles at the vertices A and J5 of A ABC are bisected by lines which meet at D, prove Z D = ^ /IB -\- ^ZA. 282 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Proof. 1. ZD = lSO- ZDAB- ZABD. Why? 2. ZDAB=lZEAB = l(iZC+ZABG). Why? 3. Similarly Z ABD = ? 4. 180° = ZBAC + ZC + ZABG. Why? 5. Substitute in step 1, and complete the proof. Note. — This proof is typical of many that involve" ^^ numerical relations among angles of a figure. In triangles, the facts in §§ 106, 109, and 110 are used frequently. Ex. 90. Prove that the exterior angle at the base of an isosceles triangle equals the angle between the bisectors of the base angles. Ex. 91. D is any point in the base BG ol isosceles triangle ABG. The side ^C is extended from G to E, so that GE equals CD, and DE is drawn, meeting AB at F. Prove Z AFE = 3 Z AEF. Suggestions. — l.Z AFE is exterior to A BDF. 2. ZB = ZA CD, which is exterior to A ODE. Ex. 92, If GD is the altitude to the hypotenuse AB of right triangle ABC^ and E is the mid-point of AB, prove ZDCE=ZA-ZB. Suggestions. — 1. ZDCE is the complement of ZDEC. ^ Why ? 2. Express Z DEC. 3. Recall Ex. 175, Book I. Ex. 93. If GD is the altitude to the hypotenuse AB of right triangle ABC, and GE is the bisector of Z C, meeting AB at E, then ZDGE=\ (ZA- ZB). Suggestions. — 1. ZDCE = Z ACE - ZACD. 2. ZACE=^h90°. 3. 90°= ZA-\-ZB Ex. 94. If ZB oi A ABG is greater than Z C, and BD is drawn to AG making AD equal to AB, prove Z ADB = 1{ZB + Z G), and Z GBD = l(ZB-Z and E are the mid-points of sides q BG and AG respectively, of l^ABG, and AD hQ extended to F and BE to O, making DF -. AD and EG = BE, prove that GGF is a straight line and that GG = GF. Suggestion. — 'Recsill Ex. 146, Book I, and § 90. Why? Why? C '^N \ A \ 'w / ^ >< > are four points in a straight line, B lying between C and D ; EF is a common tangent to the circles drawn upon AB and CD as diameters. Prove Z BAE = Z DCF. Ex. 6. If ABCD is a quadrilateral circumscribed about a circle whose center is 0, prove that ZAOB + Z COD = 180°. SuggesHo7i.~Com]^8iTe ZEOB and ZBOF; LEO A and ZAOH, etc. Ex. 7. Construct a figure like the one adjoin- ing, using for the equal circles from which it is constructed the radius 1 in. Notice that the cir- cles are tangent circles. Ex. 8. A very small triangular piece of ground AB G lies in the inter- section of three streets. Make a drawing to scale (1" =20'). Then construct corners which will be both more useful and more artistic than the sharp corners. Indicate on your drawing the radii of the circles you construct in the corners. Ex. 9. Prove that an inscribed angle whose intercepted arc is less than a semicircle is an acute angle ; and one whose arc is greater than a semicircle is an obtuse angle. Ex. 10. If any number of equal angles are inscribed in an arc, their bisectors pass through a common point. Ex. 11. If the diagonals of an inscribed quadrilateral intersect at the center of the circle, the figure is a rectangle. Ex. 12. Prove that a parallelogram inscribed in a circle is a rectangle. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 285 Ex. 13. If AB and AF are tangents to the circle whose center is and E is any point in major arc Z>jP, then, Z DEF = 90° — \Z.A. Suggestions. — 1. Draw OD and OF. 2. Compare LE \\\ih. LDOF, and ADOF with LA. Ex. 14. If AB and AC are tangents to a circle whose center is O from a point A, touching the circle at B and C respectively, and D is any point on the minor arc BC, then ZBDC = 90'' -h^ZA. (Ex. 71, p. 117.) Ex. 15. ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle. Another circle is drawn upon AB as chord, meeting AB and CB at JS^ and F re- spectively. Prove chords BC and ^F parallel. (Ex. 71, p. 117.) Ex. 16. If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral ABCB are supple- mentary, a circle can be circumscribed about the quadrilateral. Suggestions. — 1. Assume that D falls outside the O through A, B, and C, and that the cuts CD at E. 2. Derive two contradictory facts about LD and Z.AEC, using the hypothesis and Ex. 71, p. 117. 3. Next, assume that D falls inside the ABC and complete the indirect proof. Ex. 17. If a right triangle has for its hypotenuse the side of a square and lies outside the square, the straight line drawn from the center of the square to the vertex of the right angle bisects the right angle. Suggestio7i. —The on the hypotenuse as diameter must pass through the center of the square and also through the vertex of the right angle. (Ex. 16, p. 285.) Draw this circle. Ex. 18. The perpendiculars drawn from the vertices of a triangle to the opposite sides are the bisectors of the angles of the triangle formed by joining the feet of the perpendiculars. Suggestions. — 1. © can be circumscribed about quadrilaterals BDOF, CDOE, and AEOF. (Ex. 16, p. 285.) 2. Compare Z ODF with L OBF, and Z ODE with Z.OCE. 3. Compare Z OBF with Z OCE, by connecting each with Z^^C 4. Then AD bisects Z EDF. 5. Similarly for Z DEF and Z DFE. Ex. 19. Construct the triangle having given the feet of the perpen- diculars from the vertices to the opposite sides. (Recall Ex. 18, p. 286.) Ex. 20. If sides AB and BC of inscribed hexagon ABCDEF are parallel to sides 2)^ and EF respectively, prove side AF parallel to side CD. 286 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 21. If a circle be drawn upon the radius of another circle as diameter, any chord of the greater circle passing through the point of contact of the circles is bisected by the smaller circle. Suggestion. — Recall § 148. Ex. 22. Prove Prop. XXI, Book II, by drawing through B a chord parallel to CD. (Recall § 208. ) Ex. 23. If sides AB and BC of inscribed quadrilateral ABCD subtend arcs of 69'' and 112° respectively, and Z AED between the diagonals is 87°, how many degrees are there in each angle of the quadrilateral ? Suggestions. — 1. Let x = AD and y = I)C. Determine these arcs alge- braically. 2. Then determine the size of each of the required angles. Ex. 24. Prove Prop. XXII, Book II, by drawing through B a chord parallel to (7i>. (Recall §208.) Ex. 25. Prove that the measure of the angle between two tangents is the supplement of the measure of the smaller of the two intercepted arcs. Suggestion. — After obtaining the measure of the angle, substitute in it for the larger arc the value of that arc in terms of the smaller arc. Ex. 26. If sides AB., BC, and CD of an inscribed quadrilateral sub- tend arcs of 99°, 106°, and 78° respectively, and sides BA and CD extended meet at E^ and sides AD and 5(7 at F., find the number of degrees in Z AED and Z AFB. Ex. 27. li A A., B, and C of circumscribed quadrilateral ABCD are 128°, 67°, and 112°, respectively, and sides AB, BC, CD, and DA are tangent to the circle at points E, F, G, and H respectively, find the number of degrees in each angle of the quadrilateral EFGH. Ex. 28. If AB and AC are the tangents to a circle from a point A, and D is any point on the major arc subtended by chord BC, prove that Z ABD + Z ^ CD is constant. Suggestions. — !. AABD -{- AACD = 360° - /lA - /.D. Why? 2. Substitute for Z.A and Z.D their measures. Ex. 29. If ABCD is a circumscribed quadrilateral, prove that the angle between the lines joining the opposite points of contact equals \{/.A-\- Z.C) or is supplementary to it. Suggestion. — Find the measure of each of the angles. Add the measure of /^and ZC SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 287 Ex. 30. ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle. If sides AB and DC extended intersect at JF, and AD and BC extended inter- sect at F, prove that the bisectors of Z E and H^ Z F are perpendicular. Suggestions. — 1. AM+ AH+ KC ■\-(jL must aN = 180°. 2. ^3/ enters in the measure of Z AEM, and u4^in that of LAFH. Express these measures and add the results. This will give a start on the proof. Construct the A ABC having given : Ex. 31. a, K, he. Ex. 32. a, he, to. Ex. 33. A, C, to. Ex. 34. c, he, nic' Ex. 39. Construct a Ex. 35. a, &, A. Ex. 36. A, B, he. Ex. 37. b, ma, C. Ex. 38. A, tA, ha. Construct a right triangle having given the altitude upon the hypotenuse and one of the legs of the triangle. Ex. 40. Construct a right triangle having given the altitude upon the hypotenuse and one of the acute angles. /^ Ex. 41. Construct a triangle having given the / Nv mid-points of its sides. ^;" /v Suggestion. —Kow does C'B' compare with BC? / \/ \ ^ Ex. 42. Construct a tangent to an arc of a circle at a given point of the arc without using the center of the circle. Ex. 43. Construct a tangent to a given circle which will be perpen- dicular to a given straight line. Ex. 44. Given the mid-point of a chord of a circle, construct the chord. Ex. 45. Construct a parallel to side BC of A ABC meeting AB and ^C at D and E respec- tively, so that DE will equal the sum of BD and CE. Ex. 46. Inscribe a square within a given right triangle having one of its angles coincident with the right angle of the triangle and the opposite vertex lying on the hypotenuse. Suggestion. — In the analysis figure, draw the diagonal from the vertex of the right triangle. 288 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 47. Construct a rhombus within a given tri- angle, having one angle coincident with an angle of the triangle, and the opposite vertex lying on the opposite side of the triangle. Ex. 48. Construct a square which will have its ver- tices on the sides of a given rhombus. Suggestion. — Make an analysis based upon the adjoining figure. Ex. 49. Construct two tangents to a given circle which will make a given angle with the circle. Suggestion. — Draw the given angle at the center of the circle. Ex. 50. Given an angle of a triangle and the segments of the opposite side made by the altitude drawn to that side. Construct the tri- angle. Ex. 51. Construct a A ABC having given c, 6, and Wo. Make an analysis based upon the adjoining figure. Ex. 52. Through a given point outside a circle, construct a secant whose internal and external segments will be equal. Suggestion. — For the analysis figure, connect the center of the circle with the given point, and also with the points of intersection of the secant and the circle. Recall Ex. 51, p. 288. Ex. 53. Given the base, an adjacent acute angle, and the difference between the other two sides of the triangle, construct the triangle. Suggestions. — 1. LetCD=CB. Then AD=AC-BC. 2. Then A ABB can be made the basis of the con- struction. Ex. 54. Given the base of a triangle, an adjacent angle, and the sum of the other two sides, construct the triangle. Suggestions. — 1. Let AD = AC+ CB. Draw CB 1 BD. 2. A ABB can be made the basis of the construction. /^' SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 289 Ex. 55. Construct full size the pattern for the faces of a mission lamp as shown in the adjoining figure, using the dimensions indicated. om Ex. 56. Construct a circle tangent to a given line and having its center at a given point not on the line. Ex. 57. Construct a circle which will be tangent to each of two parallels and will pass through a given point lying between the parallels. Ex. 58. Construct a circle having its center in a given line, and pass- ing through two points not in the line. Ex. 59. Construct a circle with given radius which will be tangent to a given circle and will pass through a given point outside of the circle. Ex. 60. Construct a circle with given radius which will be tangent to a given circle and pass through a given point inside of the circle. Ex. 61. Construct a circle with a given radius which will be tangent to a given line and also to a given circle. Ex. 62. Construct a circle which will be tangent to a given circle at a given point on it and also tangent to a given straight line. Ex. 63. Construct a circle which will be tangent to a given circle at a given point on it and also pass through a given point outside of the circle. BOOK III Ex. 1. Prove the theorem of § 268 on the hypothesis that AD : DB = AE : EC. Suggestion. — Use the same construction. Write the hypothesis by com- position, and use § 262. Ex. 2. Let P be any point not in line AB and B any point in AB. Let ^ be a point in segment PB, such that FS : PB = 1:3. Suppose that B moves along AB. What is the locus of point S ? Ex. 3. XY is parallel to the side AB of A OAB, meeting OA at X and OB at Y. Point C is taken between X and A of OA, and ^C is drawn. XZ is drawn parallel to BC, meeting YB at Z. Prove CY\\ AZ. Suggestion. — Try to prove OC • OZ = OA OY; then use § 252. Ex. 4. State and prove the converse of Prop. IV, § 270. (Fi§. of Prop. IV. Prove Z BAD=Z CAD. Extend CA to E^ making AE=AB.) 290 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 5. The sides of a triangle are a, &, and c, respectively. Derive formulae for the segments of side c made by the bisector of Z G. Ex. 6. AB is the hypotenuse of right A ABC. If perpendiculars be drawn to AB at A and B^ meeting AC extended at 2>, and BG extended at jE', prove ^ ACE and BCD similar. Ex. 7. If altitudes AB and GE of A ABC intersect at F, prove AF:AB = EF.BD. Ex. 8. ^^ is a chord of a circle, and CE is any chord drawn through the middle point C of arc AB, cutting chord ^^ at D. Prove ^O is a mean proportional between CD and CE. Ex. 9. Two circles are tangent internally at C. GA is drawn meet- ing the smaller circle at B and the larger at A ; CE is drawn meeting the smaller circle at Z> and the larger at E. Prove GB : GA = CD : GE. Ex. 10. The diagonals of a trapezoid, whose bases are AD and BG, intersect at E. If AE =9, EC= 3, and BB = 16, find BE and ED. Suggestion. — Fvoye AE : EC= DE : EB. Ex. 11. Let ^C be the hypotenuse of right A ABC, and E and F be any points on AB and BG respectively ; let JE'i> and FO be perpendic- ulars to AC, meeting ylC at Z> and G respectively. Prove AE : FC = ED : GC. (Recall § 109.) Ex. 12. Z ^ of A ABC is a right angle. DEFG is a square having E and F on BG, D on AC, and G on AB. Prove GE: EF= EF : FB. Suggestion. — Compare A (7i)jE; and A BFG. Ex. 13. AB and ^C are the tangents to a circle from point A. If CD is drawn perpendicular to OB produced at D, then AB : OB = BD : CD. Suggestion. — Draw OA and BG. Prove OA 1 BG. Ex. 14. AABCis^Lu isosceles triangle. If the perpendicular to AB at A meets base BG, extended if necessary, at E, and D is the mid-point of BE, then AB is the mean proportional between BG and BD. Suggestion. — Recall §284 and Ex. 175, Book I. Ex. 15. Let r be the radius of a circle and c be the distance from the center of the circle to a point P outside the circle. Express the length of the tangent to the circle from P, in terms of r and c. Ex. 16. What is the length of the tangent to a circle whose diameter is 16, from a point whose distance from the center is 17 ? SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 291 Ex. 17. Prove that the tangents to two inter- secting circles from any point in their common chord produced are equal. (Figure adjoining.) Ex. 18. If two circles intersect, their common chord produced bisects their common tangents. Ex. 19. If the altitude be drawn to the hypot- enuse of a right triangle, the segments of the hypotenuse have the same ratio as the squares of the adjacent legs. Ex. 20. What is the length of a chord of a circle which is 6 in. from the center, if the radius is 10 in. ? Ex. 21. The equal angles of an isosceles triangle are each 30°, and the equal sides are each 8 in. in length. What is the length of the base ? Suggestion. — Recall Ex. 128, Book I. Ex. 22. Find the altitude to the base of an isosceles triangle if the base is 8 inches and the sides are each 10 inches in length. Ex. 23. If the equal sides of an isosceles right triangle are each 18 in. in length, what is the length of the median drawn from the vertex of the right angle ? Ex. 24. One of the non-parallel sides of a trapezoid is perpendicular to the bases. If the length of this side is 40, and of the parallel sides 31 and 22, respectively, what is the length of the other side ? Ex. 25. If the length of the common chord of two intersecting circles is 16, and their radii are 10 and 17, what is the distance between their centera ? Ex. 26. If BC is the hypotenuse of right triangle ABC, prove (a + 6-|-c)2 = 2(a + c){a + b). Ex. 27. If the diagonals of a rhombus are m and n respectively, derive a formula for the perimeter of the rhombus. Ex. 28. The diameter which bisects a chord 12 in. long is 20 in. in length. Find the distance from either extremity of the chord to the extremities of the diameter. Suggestions. — 1. Let x represent one segment of the diameter made by the chord. 2. Recall § 289. Ex. 29. The radius of a circle is 16 in. Find the length of the chord which joins the points of contact of two tangents, each 30 in. in length, drawn to the circle from a point outside the circle. Suggestions. — 1. Draw the radii to the points of contact. 2. Recall § 288. 292 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 30. Two parallel chords on opposite sides of the center of a circle are 48 in. and 14 in. long, respectively, and the distance between their mid-points is 31 in. What is the diameter of the circle ? Suggestion. — Let x represent the distance from the center to the middle point of one chord, and 31 — x the distance from the center to the middle point of the other. Then the square of the radius may be expressed in two ways in terms of x. Ex. 31. The parallel sides, AD and BC, of a circumscribed isosceles trapezoid are 18 and 6 respectively. Find the diameter of the circle. Suggestions. — 1. Recall Ex. 35, Book II. 2. Through B, draw BE II CD, meeting AD at E. Ex. 32. The diameters of two circles are 12 and 28, respectively, and the distance between their centers is 29. Find the length of the common internal tangent. Suggestion. — Find the 1 drawn from the center of the smaller to the radius of the greater extended through the point of contact. Ex. 33. Prove that the square of the common tangent to two circles which are tangent to each other externally is equal to 4 times the product of their radii. Ex. 34. If D is the mid-point of leg BC of right triangle ABC, prove that the square of the hypotenuse AB exceeds 3 times the square of CD by the square of AD. Ex. 35. If AB is the base of isosceles triangle ABC and AD is perpendicular to BC, prove AB^ + BC^ + AC^ = 3 AD^ + 2 CD^ + BD^ Ex. 36. If D is the mid-point of leg BC of right triangle ABC, and DE is drawn perpendicular to hypotenuse AB, prove AE — BE = ACT. Ex. 37. If in right triangle ABC, acute angle B is double acute angle A, prove AC^ = S BC^. Suggestion. — Recall Ex. 128, Book I. Ex. 38. Prove that the sum of the squares of the distances of any point on a circle from the vertices of an inscribed square is equal to twice the square of the diameter of the circle. Ex. 39. If ABC and ADC are angles inscribed in a semicircle, and AE and CF are drawn perpen- dicular to BD extended, prove E BE^ + BF'^ = DE^ + DF\ SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 293 Ex. 40. If lines be drawn from any point P to the vertices of rectangle ABCD^ prove that PA^ + PC^ = P& + Plf. A t Ex. 41. Inscribe in a given circle a triangle similar to a given triangle. Suggestion. — Circumscribe about the given A a 0, and draw radii to the vertices. Recall § 293. Ex. 42. Construct a right triangle having given its perimeter and an acute angle. Suggestion. — Any right triangle containing the given acute angle will be similar to the required triangle. The sides of the required triangle can be de- termined by § 297. Ex. 43. The perimeter of one of two similar polygons is 153 in. ; the shortest side of this polygon is 18 in. The shortest side of a similar polygon is 24 in. ; what is the perimeter of the second polygon ? Ex. 44. The adjoining figure is similar to the „ boundary of an irregular field of a farm ; the ratio of similitude of the figure and the boundary of the field is 1 : 2400. Determine the perimeter of the field itself by first finding the perimeter of the ad- joining figure and then applying § 297. Ex. 45. If JE7 is the mid-point of one of the parallel sides BC, of trapezoid ABCD, and AE and DE extended meet DC and AB extended at i^and G respectively, then FO is parallel to BC. Suggestion. — GF II BC if GB :GA = FE: FA. Ex. 46. A ABC and yl'i?C have their vertices KT" ----^A' A and A' in a line parallel to their common base d \ ^v — y ' / ^' BC. If a parallel io BC cuts AB at i) and ^O at \ ^X^ / E, A'B at D' and ^'C at E\ then DE = D'E'. q^ — -^ Suggestion. — Prove DE : BC = D'E' : BC. Ex. 47. If AB and CD are equal and parallel segments, prove that p^^ equals p^^, where m is any line. Ex. 48. If AD and BE are the perpendiculars from vertices A and B, respectively, of acute-angled triangle ABC to the opposite sides, prove ACxAE + BCxBD = AB\ Suggestion. — Find 2ACx AE by § 310, and in like manner find 2BCx BD Then add. 294 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 49. In triangle ABC, if angle C equals 120°, prove AB^^ = BC^ + AC^ + BCx AC. Suggestion. — Recall § 311. Bx. 50. If a line be drawn from vertex C of isosceles triangle ABC, meeting base AB extended at D, prove CB^ — CB^ = AD x BD. Suggestion. — Apply § 311 in A BCD. Ex. 51. From the conclusion of § 311, derive a formula for pj in terms of a, 6, and c. Ex. 52. In any triangle, the product of any two sides is equal to the product of the segments of the F>^ '-'P^'^'n third side formed by the bisector of the. exterior ^^^>fC; \ '^' angle at the opposite vertex, minus the square of /^'^J\\ \ ; the bisector. q ^ X — — 4'q Prove AB X AC = DB X DC - AD\ ^ "~ " Suggestions. — 1. The solution is similar to that of § 318. 2. Firstprove A^£Z)~ A^C^. Ex. 53. DEFG is a square having its vertices D and E on sides AB and BC respectively of triangle ABC and its vertices F and O on side AC. Let BH be II to AC, meeting AE extended at G ; let UK he ± AC and BT±AC. Prove BHKT is a square, Ex. 54. In a given triangle, construct a square which shall have two vertices lying on one side of the triangle and having its other two vertices on the other two sides of the triangle, one on each side. Ex. 55. Construct a square which will have two of its vertices on a diameter of a given circle, and the remaining two vertices on the semicircle constructed on this diameter. Ex. 56. Circumscribe about a given circle a triangle similar to a given triangle. Suggestion. — Inscribe in the given triangle a circle and draw radii to the points of tangency. BOOK IV Ex. 1. The sides of a triangular field are 10 rd., 8 rd., and 9 rd. respectively. Make a scale drawing of the boundary of the field on coor- dinate paper, and estimate the area of the field. Ex. 2. Angle B of A ABC is a right Z. D and E are the mid-points of AB and AC respectively. CF, perpendicular to BC at C, meets DE extended at F. Prove A J-jSC = □ BCFD. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 295 Ex. 3. E is any point on diagonal ^C of O ABCD. Tlirough E, parallels to AD and AB are drawn, meeting AB and CD at F and irrespectively, and BC and AD at G and K re- spectively. Prove CJFBGE = CD EHDK. Ex. 4. All the lots of a certain city block are rectangular and 125 ft. in depth (from front to back). Compare two lots A and B if the frontage of Lot A is 40 ft. and that of Lot J5 is 60 ft. (Do not obtain their areas.) Ex. 5. Two rectangles B\ and B<2 have equal altitudes. (a) What part of B-z is B\ if the base of Bi is 5 and the base of 7^2 is 8 ? (6) What is the ratio of ^i to B2 if the bases are 25 and 10 respec- tively ? Ex. 6. Divide a given triangle into three equal parts by lines drawn through one of its vertices. Ex. 7. Determine the area of the triangle whose sides are 25, 17, and 28. Ex. 8. If h is the base and s is one of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle, prove that the area is ^ 6 V4 s^ — ft^. Ex. 9. The area of an isosceles right triangle is 81 sq. in. Deter- mine its hypotenuse. Suggestion. — I^iet x represent one of the sides. Determine x and then de- termiue the hypotenuse. Ex. 10. The area of an equilateral triangle is 9V3. Determine its side. Suggestion. — Use the formula proved in Ex. 29, Book IV. Ex. 11. The altitude of an equilateral triangle is 3. Determine its area. Suggestion. — Let x represent one side. Determine x and then determine the area. Ex. 12. The area of an equilateral triangle is 16 V3. Determine its altitude. Ex. 13. The area of a rhombus is 240 sq. in. and its side is 17 in. Find its diagonals. Suggestion. — Represent the diagonals by 2 a; and 2 y. Proceed algebraically. Ex. 14. One diagonal of a rhombus is five thirds the other; the dif- ference of the diagonals is 8 in. Determine the area of the rhombus. Ex. 15. The segments of the hypotenuse of a right triangle made by the altitude drawn to the hypotenuse are 5^ and 9f respectively. Deter- mine the area of the triangle. (§ 288.) 296 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 16. The sides of A ABO are AB = 13, BC = 14, and AC = 15. Bisector AD ot Z A meets BG ?itD. Find tlie areas of ^ ABD and ACD. Suggestion. — 1. Compute the altitude Aa. (§313.) 2. Determine BD and i>(7 by § 270. Ex. 17. If Z> and E are the mid-points of sides BC and AC respec- tively of A^^O, prove A ABD =. A ABE. Suggestion. — Compare the altitudes to AB from D and E, ' Ex. 18. If diagonal AC of quadrilateral ABCD bisects diagonal BD^ thenAJJ5a = A^D(7. Ex. 19. Two equal triangles have a common base, and lie on opposite sides of it. Prove that the base, extended if necessary, bisects the line joining their vertices. (Prove CD = CD.) Ex- 20. If EF is any straight line drawn through the point of intersection of the diagonals oi O ABCD, meeting sides AD and BC at E and F respectively, then A BEE = A CED. Suggestion. — Does BF = ED ? Ex. 21. If E, F, G, and ^ are the mid-points of sides AB, BC, CD, and DA, respectively, of quad- rilateral ABCD, prove ^i?'(y/i" a parallelogram equal to one half ABCD. A Ex. 22. Prove that the sum of the perpendiculars from any point within an equilateral triangle to the three sides is equal to the altitude of the triangle. Suggestions. — -i. A J5PC+A BPA-^A APC=A ABC. 2. Express the area of each triangle and substitute in this equation. Ex. 23. If E is any point in side BCoi CJ ABCD, and DE is drawn, meeting AB extended at F, prove A ABE equals A CEF. Suggestion.— Comp2kTe AFCD with O ABCD. Ex. 24. Prove that the area of a triangle is equal to one half the product of its perimeter by the radius of the inscribed circle. De SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 297 Ez. 25. A circle whose diameter is 12 is inscribed in a quadrilateral whose perimeter is 50. Find the area of the quadrilateral. Ex. 26. If the sides of a triangle are 15, 41, and 52, determine the radius of the inscribed circle. Suggestions. — 1. Find the area of the triangle. 2. Make use of the fact proved in Ex. 24. Ex. 27. If Z> is the mid-point of side BC of A ABC, E the mid-point of AD, F of BE, and G of CF, then AABC = %A EFG. Suggestion. — Draw EC. Ex. 28. If BE and CF are medians drawn from ^ vertices B and C of A ABC, intersecting at D, prove / Nv A BCD equals quadrilateral AEDF. p/ ..\e Suggestion. — Compare A ABE with A BEC and /^-''^^^D^^"«v^\ with A BFC. B^=^— — - — -^^c Ex. 29. Any quadrilateral ABCD is equivalent to ^^F a triangle, two of whose sides are equal to diagonals -'"'y \ AC and BD, respectively, and include an angle equal ^f\/^ '• \ to either of the angles between AC and BD. / y^s. \ / 1 Prove A EFG = ABCD, where EF=AC, and J/ X\[ I EG = BD. D\J^ G Suggestion. — ComjpSiTe A DFG with A BEF and then with A ABC. Ex. 30. Prove that two triangles are equal if two sides of one equal respectively two sides of the other and the included angles are supple- mentary. Suggestion. — Place the triangles so that the supplementary angles are adjacent and so that one pair of equal sides coincide. Ex. 31. On coordinate paper, draw the pentagon whose vertices are ^ = 0, ; B = 5, ; C = 8, 3 ; Z> = 4, 9 ; ^ = 0, 6. Determine its approximate area as in Ex. 1, and Ex. 2, Book IV. Construct a A equal to the pentagon. Then construct its base and alti- tude, and compute its approximate area. Ex. 32. If, in the figure of Prop. X, AB = 9 in., A'B' = 7 in., and the area of A A'B'C is 147 sq. in., find the area of A ABC. Ex. 33. The area of a certain triangle is f the area of a similar triangle. If the altitude of the first is 4 ft., what is the altitude of the second ? 298 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 34. If, in §343, area of AA'B'C =147 sq. in., AB = 9 in., and A'B' = 3 in., find the area of A ABC. Ex. 35. The sides AB and ^C of A ABC are 15 and 22, respectively. From a point D in AB^ a parallel to BC is drawn meeting AC a.t E, and dividing the triangle into two equal parts. Find AD and AE. Ex. 36. If similar polygons be drawn upon the legs of a right tri- angle as homologous sides, the polygon drawn upon the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the polygons drawn upon the legs. Suggestions. — 1. Compare the polygon on each leg with the one on the hypotenuse by § 344. 2. Add the resulting equations and simplify. Ex. 37. Construct a triangle similar to two given similar triangles and equal to their sum. Ex. 38. Two similar triangles have homologous sides of 8 in. and 15 in. respectively. Find the homologous side of a similar triangle equal to their sura. Ex. 39. Construct a triangle similar to two similar triangles, and equal to their difference. Ex. 40. If the area of a polygon, one of whose sides is 15 in., is 375 sq. in., what is the area of a similar polygon whose homologous side is 10 in. ? Ex. 41. If the area of a polygon, one of whose sides is 36 ft., is 648 sq. ft,, what is the homologous side of a similar polygon whose area is 392 sq. ft. ? Ex. 42. Construct a rectangle having a given altitude and equal to a given parallelogram. Suggestion. — Recall Ex. 78, Book IV. Ex. 43. Construct a parallelogram equal to a given parallelogram and having two adjacent sides equal to given segments m and n respec- tively. Ex. 44. Construct a parallelogram equal to a given parallelogram and having one side equal to a given segment m, and one diagonal equal to a given segment n. Ex. 45. Construct a right triangle equal to a given square, having given its hypotenuse. Suggestion. — Determine the altitude to the hypotenuse as in Ex. 78, Book IV ; then construct the triangle, using the methods of § 241. Ex. 46. Construct a right triangle equal to a given triangle, having given its hypotenuse. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 299 BOOK V Ex. 1. Prove that the diagonals drawn from one vertex of a regular polygon having n vertices to each of the other vertices divides the angle at that vertex into (n — 2) equal parts. Ex. 2. Prove that the central angle of any regular polygon is the supplement of the vertex angle of the polygon. Ex. 3. Prove that the sum of the perpendiculars drawn from any point within a regular polygon to the sides of the polygon is equal to the apothera multiplied by the number of sides of the polygon. Suggestions. — Connect the point with each vertex. Notice that the sum of the triangles so formed equals the polygon. Express the area of each tri- angle and form an equation. Ex. 4. In the figure for § 365 prove that : (a) S4 > S8 > «i6, etc. (See § 362. ) (6) a4 < as < aie, etc. (c) ki < ^8 < A:i6, etc. Ex. 5. Prove that an equiangular polygon inscribed in a circle is reg- ular if the number of sides is odd. Ex. 6. Prove that an equiangular polygon circumscribed about a cir- cle is regular. Suggestions. — 1. Draw the chords joining the points of tangency. 2. Prove the resulting As : (a) are isosceles; (6) are mutually equiangular; (c) that XY= YZ, etc. See diagram in § 3G7. Complete the proof. Ex. 7. Repeat Ex. 14, p. 227, for a regular octagon circumscribed about a circle of radius 10. Ex. 8. Prove that diagonal AE oi regular octagon ABCDEFGH is the perpendicular-bisector of diagonal BH. F Ex. 9. In the adjoining figure, ABCD and /O'y^ '< ^v\ EFOH are squares inscribed in the circle, such (/\ ^^\!y' Y\\ that AF= FB = BO, etc. Is BSTUVWXY a ^t\r"7,'^;"""'br regular octagon ? \Nc' ' H 300 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 10. Construct a Maltese cross having the dimen- sions indicated. Ex. 11. Prove that the construction indicated in the adjoining figure serves to inscribe a regular octa- gon in the square. Ex. 12. A regular octagon is inscribed in a circle of radius 10. Com- pute S8, i?8, «8, and ^'8. Ex. 13. Prove that for a regular octagon inscribed in a circle of radius i? : (a) SB = -BV2-V2 B (c) a8=^V2+V2; 2 (&) i)8 == 8 i? V2 - V2 ; {d) ki=2 i?2v'2. Ex. 14, Construct a regular octagon having its sides 1 inch long. Ex. 15. What is the relation between the area of the inscribed and of the circumscribed equilateral triangles of a given circle ? Ex. 16. What is the relation between the perimeter of the inscribed and of the circumscribed equilateral triangles of a given circle ? Ex. 17. A regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius r. Prove : (a) s^ = r) (6) ae = rVS (c) j96 = 6 r ; (d) Tc^ = 3rV3 2 ' ^ ' ^" ' " ' " 2 Ex. 18. A regular triangle is inscribed in a circle of radius r. Prove 3rVS; (d) kz (a) S3 = rVS ; (&) as=-r; (c) ps 2 3r2V3. Ex. 19. Prove that the apothem of an equilateral triangle is one third the altitude of the triangle. Ex. 20. (a) In a circle of radius 2.5 in., inscribe a regular hexagon. (b) Also inscribe in the same circle a regular triangle and a regular 12-gon. (c) Prove that S3 > se > S12, etc. (d) Prove that as < ae < «i2, etc. (e) Prove thatps and BC = B'C. Prove it. 6. .-. A iJZ>C ^ A 5'Z)a Prove it. 6. Revolve A B'DC on DC as axis until ^' falls on B. 7. Then B'E = BE. Why ? 8. .'.A and JE7 are both equidistant from B and B'. 9. .-. ^^ ± BB', or 5B' ± ^^. § 77 10. But ^£7 is any st. line in iJ-S' through A. 11. .*. ^B ± every st. line in RS through A, and hence AB± plane RS. §452 Ex. 13. If a line is perpendicular to a line of a plane, is it perpendic- ular to the plane ? 312 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI 454. Cor. 1. Through a point of a line a plane can he drawn perpendicular to the line. Suggestion. — Draw BC and BD, any two per- pendiculars to AB. Note. — Through a point of a line only one plane can he drawn per- pendicular to the line. If ME and BE were both ± to AB at J5, a plane AD through AB would intersect ME and BE in two lines BF and jBZ>, each ± to ABT at B. But this is impossible, for, in a plane {AB)., only one line can be drawn perpendicular to a given line at a point of the line. 455. Cor. 2. Through a point outside a line, ^ a plane can he drawn perpendicular to the line. (See Fig. § 454.) Suggestion. — Draw CB 1 AB from C; then draw BD 1 AB at D. Note. — Through a point outside a line, only one plane can he drawn perpendicular to the line. If planes BT and 8T through C were both ± to AB., the plane ABC determined by AB and C, would intersect BT and ST in lines XC and YC, each ± to AB. But this is impossible, for, in a plane., only one line can be drawn perpendicular to a given line from a point outside the line. 456. Cor. 3. At a point in a plane, a straight line can he drawn perpendicular to the plane. Construction. 1. Draw CD any line in iifiNT through O. 2. Draw plane BB ± to CD at O, meet- ing MN in line AB. 3. Draw EO in plane BB, ± to AB at O. Statement. EO ± plane MN at 0. Note. — At a point of a plane, only one straight line can be drawn perpendicular to the plane. If EO and E'O were both ± to plane MN at O, they would de- termine a plane BB which would intersect MN in line AB. EO and E'O would both be ± to AB at 0, and that is impossible. Why ? I LINES AND PLANES 313 457. Cor. 4. Any point in the plane ichich is perpendicular to a segment at its mid-point is equidistant from the ends of the segment. Ex. 14. Each of three concurrent lines is perpendicular to each of the other two. Prove that each is perpendicular to the plane of the other two. Ex. 15. If two oblique lines, drawn to a plane from a point in a perpendicular to the plane, cut oflE equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, they are equal. Ex. 16. State and prove the converse of Ex. 15. Ex. 17. If two oblique lines, drawn to a plane from a point in a perpendicular to the plane, cut off unequal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, the more remote is the greater. If BE > BD, prove AE > AD. Suggestion. — Take BF = BD, and draw AF. Recall § 165 Ex. 18. State and prove the converse of Ex. 17. Suggestion. —Give an indirect proof, basing it upon Ex. 15 and 17. Ex. 19. If a circle be drawn in a plane and at its center a perpen- dicular to the plane be erected, any point in this perpendicular is equi- distant from the points of the circle. Ex. 20. A line segment of fixed length, having one extremity at a fixed point lying outside a plane, has its other extremity in the plane. What is the locus of the extremity which lies in the plane ? Ex. 21. IIow many different planes can be passed through one straight line '? Ex. 22. How many different planes are determined by : (a) Three concurrent lines which do not all lie in one plane ? (6) Three parallel lines which do not all lie in one plane ? (c) Two intersecting lines and a point which does not lie in their plane? {d) Four points, no three of which are collinear and which do not all lie in one plane ? Ex. 23. Prove that two parallels and any transversal of them are co-planar. Ex. 24. How many lines of intersection are determined, in general, by three planes ? 314 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Proposition IV. Theorem 458. All the perpendiculars to a straight line at a point of the line lie in a plane perpendicular to the line at the point. Hypothesis. AC, AD, and AE are any three Js to AB at A. Conclusion. AC, AD, and AE lie in a plane A. to AB at A. Proof. 1. Let AC and AD determine plane MN. 2. .-. xiB A. plane MN. Why ? 3. Let AB and AE determine plane ABE, intersecting MN in AE\ 4. .-. AB ± AE, since AE^ is in MN. § 453 5. .-. AE and AE, both in plane BE, must coincide. [/)i a plane, only one _L can be drawn to a line at a point in the line.] §81 6. .-. AE must lie in MN. Why ? 7. Hence all Js to AB at J. must lie in MN. Why ? 3f. 459. Cor. 1. Any point equidistant from the eyids of a seginent lies in the plane per- pendicular to the segment at its midpoint. 460. Cor. 2. TJie locus of points in space equidistant from the ends of a segment is the plane perpendicular to the segment at its mid-point. D y-. Suggestion.— Reyiew, if necessary, § 229 of the Plane Geometry and apply §§ 457 and 459. LINES AND PLANES 315 Proposition V. Theorem 461. If through the foot of a perpendicular to a plane a line he drawn at right angles to any line in the plane, the line drawn from its intersection with this line to any point in the perjyendicidar will he perpen- dicular to the line in the plane. Hypothesis. AB ± plane MN\ CD is any line in MN\ AE J_ CD ; BE is drawn from any point B of AB to E. Conclusion. BE A. CD. Suggestions. — 1. Take CE = DE, and draw BD, BC, AD, and AC. 2. Compare ^C and ^Z). 3. Compare 5Z) and 56'. 462. Cor. 1. From a point outside a plane, a straight line can^be drawn per- pendicular to the plane. Construction. 1. Draw DE, any st. line in MX. 2. Draw AF ± to DE at F, and BF, in Jf iV, ± to DE at F. 3. Draw AB ± to BF. Statement. AB ± plane MN from A. Proof. 1. Draw BE. 2. EF ± the plane determined by AF and BF. Why ? 3. .'.BE±AB. §461 [Since BF, through the foot of EF, is ± to AB in plane ABF.^ 4. .•.AB±3IN. [See step 3 of the Construction and of the Proof.] Note. — From a point outside a plane only one straight line can he drawn perpendicular to the plane. If AC and AB were both ± to plane J/iVfrom A, A ABC would have two right angles in it. 316 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI 463. Cor. 2. The perpendicular is the shortest segmerit that can be drawn from a point to a plane. 464. The Distance from a point to a plane is the length of the perpendicular from the point to the plane. PARALLEL LINES AND PLANES 465. A straight line is parallel to a plane if it does not meet the plane however far they are extended. Two planes are parallel if they do not meet however far they are extended. Proposition VI. Theorem 466. If a line outside a plane is parallel to a line of ^ the plane, it is parallel to the plane. Hypothesis. AB II CD. Plane MN contains CD but not AB. Conclusion. AB II plane MN. Proof. 1. AB and CD lie in a plane AD. § 89 2. This plane intersects MN in line CD. Why ? 3. If AB were to intersect MN, the point of intersection would be in plane MN and also in plane AD, and therefore in CD. 4. Hence AB would intersect CD. 5. But, AB cannot meet CD. Why ? 6. .*. AB cannot meet JOT" and hence AB II MW. PARALLEL LINES AND PLANES 317 467. Cor. 1. TJirough a given straight line, a plane can be drawn parallel to any other straight line. Prove a plane can be drawn through CD II AB. Suggestion. — Bra.w CE \\ AB. Note. — Discuss the solution when AB II CD and when AB is not II CD. A B M ^C T1 / / / '^ ^^^^ / N 468. Cor. 2. Through a given point, a plane can he drawn parallel to each of two given straight lines in space. Prove a plane can be drawn through point A, parallel to straight lines BC and DE. Suggestion. — DTa\r AG \\ DE and AF BC. B- D\ c M ^^E A ^ / y \ \(? / N Note. — Discuss the solution when BC II 2)^ and when BC is not II DE. Ex. 25. Can more than one perpendicular be drawn to a line at a point of the line in a plane ? in space ? Ex. 26. Through a given point outside a line, a plane can be drawn parallel to the line. How many such planes can be drawn ? Ex, 27. I*rove that a straight line and a plane, both perpendicular to the same straight line, are parallel. AB±AC; plane MN'± A C. Hyp. Con. AB II plane MN. 7 Suggestion. — Let the plane determined by AB and AC intersect MN in line DE. Ex. 28. Through a given point outside a plane, a line can be drawn parallel to the plane. Can more than one line be drawn parallel to the plane ? Ex. 29. Through a given point, a line can be drawn parallel to each of two intersecting planes. 318 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Pkoposition VII. Theorem 469. If a straight line is parallel to a plane, the intersection of the plane tvith any plane draivn through the line is parallel to the line. Hypothesis. AB li plane MJSf. Plane BCj through AB, intersects JfiV in CD. Conclusion. AB II CD. Proof. 1. AB and CD lie in the same plane BC. 2. AB and CD cannot intersect, for if they did, AB would intersect plane MN, which is impossible. 3. .-. AB II CD. § 89 470. Cor. If a Uyie and a plane are parallel, a parallel to the line through any point of the plane lies in the plane. Hyp. AB II plane MN. C is any pt. in MN. -^I 1^ CI) II AB. / / Con. CD lies in MN. i + — ^/ 7^" Proof. 1. The plane determined by AB and / ^ ^ / G intersects MN in a line CE., through C, -^^ parallel to AB. Why ? 2. But CD, through O, II AB. Why ? 3. .'.CD and CE coincide. Why ? 4. .'. CD lies in plane MN. Ex. 30. Prove that three non-concurrent straight lines, each of which intersects the other two, lie in a plane. . PARALLEL LINES AND PLANES 319 Proposition VIII. Theorem 471. If two parallel planes are cut hy a third plane, the intersections are parallel. 31 n // ^\ ^ P ^ \ V c Q Hypothesis. Plane MN li plane PQ. Plane AD intersects MN in AB and PQ in CD. Conclusion. AB II CD. Suggestion. — Recall § 89. Ex. 31. Prove that parallel segments between parallel planes are equal. Ex. 32. If two planes are parallel, a line parallel to one of them through any point of the other lies in the other. (Fig. of Prop. VIII.) Suggestion. — Given parallel planes MN and P Q, and AB through any point A of MN \\ PQ. Prove that^J? lies in MN. Through AB pass a plane intersecting MN in a line AB' and PQ in line CD. Consider the relation of lines AB' and CD, and also of AB and CD. Ex. 33. From a line parallel to a plane, two parallels are drawn to the plane and terminated by the plane. Prove that the segments are equal. Review Exercises Ex. 34. When is a line perpendicular to a plane ? Ex. 35. Where do all lines lie which are perpendicular to a given line at a given point of the line ? Ex. 36. What is true about two lines in the same plane which are perpendicular to the same line ? Ex. 37. Line AB is perpendicular to plane iHf.V at A. A line is drawn from B meeting any line CB of plane MN at E. If line BE is perpendicular to CD, prove AE perpendicular to CD. (Fig. Prop. V.) 320 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Peopositiois' IX. Theorem 472. Two lines perpendicular to the same plane are parallel. A \ G M / / B / D / Hypothesis. AB^MN^\.B', CDI.MN2XD. Conclusion. AB II CD. Proof. 1. Draw AD from any pt. A of AB. Draw BD. In plane MN, draw FD ± BD. 2. CD1.FD. Why? 3. AD ± FD. § 461 4. .-. AD, BD, and CD lie in a plane ABDG. § 458 5. .'. AB and CD lie in the same plane, ABDC. 6. But AB A. BD and CD ± BD. Why ? 7. .*. ^J5 II CD. § 97 473. Cor. 1. If one of two parallel lines is perpendicular to a plane, the other is also perpendicular to the plane. A O Hyp. Con. AB II CD. AB ± plane MJST. CD ± MN. Suggestions. — 1. Assume CE 1 MN. 2. Prove CE \\AB. 474. Cor. 2. If each of two straight lines is parallel to a third straight line, they are parallel to each other. Hyp. ^J5II CD; EFW CD. Con. AB II EF. Suggestion. — Let plane MNhe 1 CD. I \ /I / ^ / BED/ M'- ' PARALLEL LINES AND PLANES 321 Ex. 38. Through a given line which is parallel to a given plane, a number of planes are passed intersecting the given plane. Prove that the lines of intersection with the given plane are all parallel. Ex. 39. If two parallel planes intersect two other parallel planes, the four lines of intersection are parallel. Ex. 40. Prove that a line parallel to a plane is everywhere equidis- tant from it. Ex. 41, If two points are equidistant from a plane, and on the same side of it, they determine a line parallel to the plane. Ex. 42. If two points lie on opposite sides of a plane and equidistant from it, the segment joining them is bisected by the plane. Ex. 43. If one of two parallel lines is parallel to a plane, the other is also, unless it lies in the plane. Suggestion. — Through the line which is 1| to the plane, pass a plane inter- secting the given plane. Use § 466. Ex. 44. Prove that the lines joining in order the mid-points of the sides of a quadrilateral in space form a parallelogram. Proposition X. Theorem 475. Two planes perpendicular to the same straight line are parallel. My N Hypothesis. Planes MN and PQ are _L to AB, Conclusion. MN \\ PQ. Suggestion. — Prove it by the indirect method, using § 455. Ex. 45. Are lines in space which are perpendicular to the same line necessarily parallel ? 322 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Propositiois' XI. Theorem 476. If each of tivo intersecting lines is j^ctrallel to a plancj their plane is pai^allel to the given plane. Hypothesis. AB II plane PQ ; AC 11 plane PQ, AB and AO determine plane MN. Conclusion. MN II PQ. Proof. 1. . From A draw AD ± PQ. 2. AC and AD determine a plane which intersects PQ in a line DF parallel to AC. Why ? 3. Similarly, DE II AB. 4. AD A. DF and also AD ± DE. Why ? 5. .-. ^Z> ± AC and also J.Z> ± AB. Why ? Complete the proof, using § 475. Proposition^ XII. Theorem 477. A straight line perpendicular to one of tioo parallel planes is pferpendicular to the other also. Hypothesis. Plane MN II plane PQ. AD A. PQ. (Fig. § 476.) Conclusion. AD A. MN. Proof. 1. Through AD pass two planes intersecting MN in AB and ACy and PQ in DE and DF, respectively. 2. .-. AB II DE and AC II J9i<^. Why ? 3. ^D J. i)£; and also AD ± Di^. Why ? • Complete the proof. / -/ JS p / ' / y PARALLEL LINES AND PLANES 323 478. The distance between two parallel planes is the length of the segment perpendicular to them and lying between them. 479. Cor. 1. Two parallel planes are everywhere equally distant. 480. Cor. 2. Through a given point, a plane can be drawn parallel to a given plane. Note. — TTirough a given point only one plane can he draion parallel to a given plane. For, if two planes through A were parallel to PQ, each would be ± to AB at A, and that is impossible. Proposition XIII. Theorem 481. If two angles not in the same plane have their sides parallel and extending in the same direction, they are equal, and their planes are parallel. M / iH\ / / ^iT" 1. / .V A \ \ /\^ -^\ / / y-^ ^c'X Q Hypothesis. Z BACis in plane MN; Z B'A!C' is in plane PQ. AB II A'B^ and extends in the same direction. AC II A'C and extends in the same direction. Conclusion. Z BAC = Z B'A'C ; MN II PQ. Proof. 1. AB II plane PQ and AC I! PQ. § 466 2. .-. MN II PQ. 3. Lay off AB = AB', and AC = A'C ; draw BC, B'C, AA', BB', and GO. 4. ABB:A' i^d. O, QXidi. '. BBf ^AA^iTidiBB' WAA'. Why? 6. Similarly, CC = AA and CC II ^^.' 6. .-. BB'C'C is a O. Prove it. Complete the proof. 324 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Proposition XIV. Theorem 482. If two straight lines are cut by three or more parallel planes, the corresponding segments are pro- portional. Hypothesis. Planes MN, PQ, and RS are parallel. AC intersects the planes at A, B, and C respectively. A^C intersects the planes at A\ B', and C respectively. Conclusion. 4^ = 4^. BC B'C Proof. 1. Draw AC cutting PQ at D, 2. Plane CAC intersects PQ at BD and RS at CC Plane AC A' intersects PQ at DB' and MN Sit AA'. 3. .-. BD II CC and also BB' \\ AA', Why ? Complete the proof, using § 265. Ex. 46. Discuss Prop. XIII : (a) if BA and B'A' extend in opposite directions and CA and C'A.' in the same direction ; (&) if both pairs extend in opposite directions from their vertices. Ex. 47. If each of two intersecting planes be cut by two parallel planes, not parallel to their in- tersection, their intersections with the parallel planes include equal angles. Suggestion. — FroYB Z ABC= Z DBF. Ex. 48. If two planes are parallel to a third plane, they are parallel to each other. (§ 477 and § 475.) DIEDRAL ANGLES 325 ZDZ7 DIEDRAL ANGLES 483. It is evident that a straight line divides a plane into two parts, each indefinite in extent. A ^ part of the plane, like BCD, is called a Half-plane. BG is called the Edge of the ^, half-plane. ^ ^ 484. A Siedral Angle is the figure formed by two half-planes which have a common edge. The common edge is the Edge and the two half-planes are the Faces of the diedral angle. Thus, half-planes BF and BD form the diedral angle whose edge is BE, and whose faces are FBE and DBE. The diedral angle may be read : diedral Z BE, or diedral Z ABEC. 485. Two diedral angles are Adjacent when they have the same edge and a common face be- tween them : as Z ABEC and Z CBED. Two diedral angles are Vertical when the faces of one are the extensions of the faces of the other. 486. A Plane Angle of a diedral angle is the angle formed by two straight lines one in each plane, drawn perpendicula.r to the edge at the same point. Thus, if lines AB and ^O be drawn in faces DE and DF respectively, of diedral angle DG, perpendicular to DO at A, Z BAC is a plane angle of the diedral angle DG. 487. Cor. 1. All p/ane angles of a given die- dral angle are equal. 488. Cor. 2. A plane loerpendicular to the edge of a diedral angle intersects the faces of the angle in lines which form the plane angle of the diedral angle. 489. Two diedral angles are equal if they can be made to coincide. 326 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Proposition XY. Theorem 490. Tioo diedral angles are equal if their plane angles are equal. Hypothesis. Z ABC and Z A'B'C are the plane A of die- dral A BD and B'D' respectively ; Z ABC = Z A'B'C Conclusion. A BD = A B'D'. Proof. 1. Apply A B'D' to Z BD so that A'B' will coincide with AB and 5'(7' will coincide with BC. 2. 5i) ± plane ABC, and JB'D' ± plane A'B'C. Why? 3. .-. B'D' coincides with BD. Note, § 456 4. .-. ^'D' coincides with AD, and 0'i>' with CD. § 447, ll 5. .-. Z J5'Z>' = ABD. § 489 491. Cor. 1. i/* tico diedral angles are equal, their plane angles are equal. For the diedral angles can be made to coincide. Then a plane, per- pendicular to the common edge, will intersect in each its plane angle, and evidently these plane angles coincide. 492. Cor. 2. If two planes intersect, the vertical diedral angles are equal. Suggestion. — Compare their plane angles. Ex. 49. Prove that a plane can be drawn bisecting a diedral angle. 493. A diedral angle is right, acute, or obtuse according as its plane angle is right, acute, or obtuse. Two diedral angles are supplementary or complementary according as their plane angles are supplementary or complementary. DIEDRAL ANGLES 327 Ex. 50. If one plane meets another plane, the adjacent diedral angles formed are supplementary. Ex. 51. If two parallel planes are cut by a third plane, the alternate- interior diedral angles are equal. Suggestion. — Prove the plane A of the alt. -int. diedral A equal. p 494. Two planes are perpendicular if the diedral angles formed are right diedral angles. Proposition XVI. Theorem 495. If a straight line is perpendicular to a plane, every plane drawn through the line is perpendicular to the plane. Hypothesis. AB _L plane MN. PQ is any plane through AB. Conclusion. PQ ± MN. Proof. 1. Let PQ and MN intersect in line QR. 2. 3. 4. 6. Draw C'BC in MN± QR at B. AB±QR. Why? .-. Z ABC is the plane angle of the diedral Z PQRN. Def. But Z ABC is a rt. Z. Why ? Complete the proof, recalling §§ 494 and 493. Ex. 52. (a) Prove that a plane can be drawn through a point per- pendicular to a given plane. (b) How many such planes can be drawn ? Ex. 53. Prove that a plane perpendicular to the edge of a diedral angle is perpendicular to the faces of the angle. 328 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Propositiois^ XVII. Theorem 496. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a straight line drawn in one of them perpendicular to their intersection is perpendicular to the other. M^ C'A Why? Why? Q N Hypothesis. Plane PQ ± plane MN. PQ intersects MN in QR. Line AB in PQ is ± QR. Conclusion. AB ± MN. Proof. 1. Draw OBC in plane MN 1. QR. 2. .'. Z ABC is the plane Z of diedral Z PQRN. 3. But ZPQi^ 2V^ is art. diedral Z. Complete the proof. 497. Cor. 1. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a perpendicular to one of them at a7iy point of their intersection lies in the other. Hyp. Plane PQ ± plane MN, intersecting it in QB. AB, drawn from any pt. B of QB, is ± to MN. Con. AB lies in PQ. Suggestions. — 1. A line in PQ 1 Q7? at £ is 1 MN. Why ? 2. Prove that it and AB coincide. 498. Cor. 2. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a perpendicular to one of them from any poi7it of the other lies, in the other. Hyp. Plane PQ ± plane MN, intersecting it in QB ; AB, drawn from any pt. A of PQ, is ± to MN. Con. AB must lie in PQ. Suggestions. — In PQ draw a 1 to QR from A. Prove that AB must coin- cide with this perpendicular. DIEDRAL ANGLES 329 Proposition XVIII. Theorem 499. A plane perpendicular to each of tivo intersect- ing planes is perpendicular to their intersection. Hypothesis. Plane MN A. planes RS and PQ. RS intersects PQ in line AB. Conclusion. MN ± AB. Suggestion. — Assume a line 1 MN from A. Where will this line lie ? (§498.) Ex. 54. Are two planes which are perpendicular to the same plane necessarily parallel ? Ex. 55. If a plane is perpendicular to a line of a plane, it is perpen- dicular to the plane. ^ Ex. 56. If a straight line is parallel to a plane, any plane perpendicular to the line is perpendicular to the plane. Hyp. AB II plane MN. Plane PB ± AB at C. Con. PB ± MN. Suggestions. — 1. Draw line CD in PR 1 QR. 2. Let the plane determined by CB and CD intersect MNin line DE. 3. Prove CD 1 MN. Ex. 57. Prove that any point in the plane through the bisector of an angle and perpendicular to the plane of the angle is equidistant from the sides of the angle. j^- Suggestions. — I. Draw Pi? 1 OC, RT 1 OA, and RS L OB. Draw PT and PS. 2. Prove PR 1 MN (§ 496), PT 1 OA (§ 461), PS 1 OB. 330 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Pkoposition XIX. Theorem 500. Every point in the plane hisecting a diedral angle is equidistant from the faces of the angle. Hypothesis. Plane BE bisects diedral Z ABDC. P is any point in plane BE. PM ± plane AD', PN ± plane DC. Conclusion. PM = PN. Proof. 1. The plane determined by PM and PN intersects planes AD, BE, and CD in lines FM, FP, and FN respectively. 2. Plane PMFJSf ± AD and also ± CD. Why ? 3. .-. PMFN ± BD. Why ? 4. .-. APFMsiiid PEN are the plane A of diedral AABDE and CBDE. Why ? 5. .'.APFM=APFN. Why? Complete the proof. 501. Cor. Any point loithin a diedral angle and equidistant from its faces lies in the plane bisecting the diedral angle. Suggestions. — 1. Let BE be the plane determined by P and BD. 2. Prove that BE bisects Z ABDC by proving A PFM and PEN are the plane angles of the diedral angles and are equal. Ex. 58. If perpendiculars are drawn to the faces of a diedral angle from any point within the angle, they lie in a plane perpendicular to the edge of the diedral angle and form an angle which is the supple- ment of the plane angle of the diedral angle. Suggestion. — Wha,t is the sum of the angles of a plane quadrilateral? DIEDRAL ANGLES 331 Proposition XX. Theorem 502. Tlirough a given straight line not jjerpendicular to a given 2^lcine, one and only one plane can he drawn peypendicular to the given plane. AB is not ± to plane MN. A plane can be drawn tlirough AB ± MN, and Hypothesis. Conclusion. only one. Proof. 1. Draw AC 1. MN, from point A. 2. AC and AB determine a plane ± MN. Why ? 3. If a second plane through AB were J_ MN, their inter- section AB would also be X MN. Why ? 4. But AB is not ± MN. 5. .*. Only one plane can be drawn through AB A. MN. Note 1. — If AB lies in MN, the theorem is still true. Note 2. — If AB ± MN, an infinity of planes can be drawn through AB±MN{^495). 503. The projection of a point on a plane is the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point to the plane. The projection of a given line on a plane is the line which contains the projections of all the points of the given line. Thus, A'B'C is the projection of ABC on MN. 504. Cor. The projection of a straight line on a plane is a straight line. (Fig. § 502.) Suggestions. — 1. Through AB pass a plane AD 1 MN. 2. Prove that the feet of the J2 to MN from AB lie in CD. (§ 498.) 332 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Proposition XXI. Theorem 505. The acute angle between a straight line and its projection on a plane is the least angle ivhich it makes ivith any line drawn in the plane through its foot. Hypothesis. BC is the projection of AB on plane MN. BD is any other line in MN through B. Conclnsion. Z ABC < A ABB. Suggestions. — 1. Take -BZ) = £C. 2. Compare J. Z) and ^C. 3. Then compare A ABC and ABD, recalling § 167. 506. The angle between a line and a plane is the acute angle made by the line with its projection on the plane. This angle is called the Inclination of the line to the plane. Ex. 59. If two equal segments are drawn to a plane from a point outside the plane, they make equal angles with the plane. Ex. 60. If two parallels meet a plane, they make equal angles with it. Suggestion. — Giwen AB || CD; A A' 1 JfiV, and CC 1 'm2^. Prove Z ABA' = ACDC'. Ex. 61. Prove that a straight line and its projection upon a plane lie in a plane which is perpendicular to the given plane. Ex. 62. If a straight line-segment is parallel to a plane, it is parallel to its projection upon the plane, and is equal to it. Ex. 63. If two parallel lines are oblique to a plane, their projections upon the plane are parallel. (§ 481 and § 471.) Ex. 64. Prove that the ratio of two parallel line-segments is the same as the ratio of their projections upon a given plane. u K /f // >/. Jc/ / ^ / ^ D / -^N POLYEDRAL ANGLES 333 Ex. 65. Can the projection upon a plane of a curved or broken line be a straight line ? Ex. 66. If the projection upon a plane of a given figure is a straight line, then the figure lies in a plane. Ex. 67. Let the projection upon a given plane M of a segment I be de- noted by v. What is tlie relation between I and V if : (a) Z ± itf ? {h) IWM? (c) I and Jf form an angle of 45° ? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 1-17, p. 454, can be studied now. POLYEDRAL ANGLES 507. The figures below represent polyedral angles. B C A 0-ABCDE Notice that each is formed of portions of three or more inter- secting planes ; these planes are the Faces of the polyedral angle. The faces intersect in one common point; this is the Vertex of the polyedral angle. Each face has two edges which pass through the vertex of the angle ; these are the Edgesl of the polyedral angle. On each face, the two edges form an angle, whose vertex is also the vertex of the polyedral angle ; these angles are the Face Angles of the polyedral angle. Each pair of consecutive faces intersect in an edge, forming a diedral angle; these diedral angles are the Diedral Angles of the polyedral angle. The edges and the faces are unlimited in extent. It is con- venient to indicate the polygon which results if a plane is drawn, not through the vertex, but intersecting all the faces ; this polygon aids in picturing the number of faces of the polyedral angle. 334 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI 508. A Triedral Angle is a polyedral angle having three faces. A Tetraedral Angle is a polyedral angle having four faces. Ex. 68. If a polyedral angle has 4 faces, how many vertices, edges, face angles, and diedral angles does it have ? Ex. 69. Name the edges, face angles, and the diedral angles of triedral angle O-ABC. (Fig. § 507.) 509. Two polyedral angles are vertical if the edges of one are the prolongations of the edges of the other. 510. Two polyedral angles are congruent if they can be made to coincide. Ex. 70. (a) Construct two triedral angles which have the face angles of one equal respectively to the face angles of the other and in the same order. Determine whether they can be made to coincide. (b) Construct a third triedral angle whose face angles are equal to those of the triedrals of part (a), but arrange them in order opposite to that in part (a). (See Fig. §511.) Can this triedral angle be made to coincide with either of those in part (a)? 511. Two polyedral angles are symmetrical if the face angles and the diedral angles of one are equal respectively to the face angles and the diedral angles of the other, provided these parts occur in opposite orders. Thus, if face AAOB, BOC, and COA are equal respectively to face AA'O'B', B'O'C, and CO' A', and diedral A OA, OB, and 00 to die- O' dral A O'A', O'B', and O'C, triedral /A /v\ A O-ABC and O'-A'B'C are sym- // \ / \\ metrical, since the parts in Z 0'- / \ / \ \ / A'B'C occur in opposite order to the A<^-h---^C Ci^:^^--Ar--^A' equal parts of Z O-ABC; that is, to jb^ ^B^^ pass from OA to OB to OC, one moves from left to right, whereas, to pass from O'A' to O'B' to O'C, one moves from right to left. It is evident that, in general, two symmetrical polyedrals cannot be placed so that their faces will coincide. POLYEDRAL ANGLES 335 Proposition XXII. Theorem 512. Tioo vertical polyedral angles are symmetricaL H3rpothesis. 0-ABC and O-A'B'C are vertical triedral angles. (Fig. 1.) Conclusion. A 0-ABC and O-A'B'C are symmetrical. Proof. 1. Face A AOB, BOC, etc. equal respectively face AA'OB', B'Oa, etc. Why ? 2. Diedral A BOAC and B'OA'C are vertical ; for AOB and A' OB' are parts of the same plane, as also are AOC and A' 00'. Similarly, A OB and OB' are vertical, etc. 3. .•. Diedral A OA, OB, etc. equal respectively diedral angles OA', OB', etc. § 492 4. The parts of 0-ABC occur in opposite order to the equal parts of Z O-A'B'C. This may be understood by moving O-A'B'C parallel to itself to the right, and then revolving it about an axis through (as shown in Fig. 2) until face OA'C comes into the same plane as before. OB' is then in front of plane C OA' instead of back of that plane as in Fig. 1. Now, in Fig. 1, to pass from ^0 to OB to OC, one moves from left to right; in Fig. 2 to pass from OA' to OB' to OC , one moves from right to left. 5. .-. A 0-ABC and O-A'B'C are symmetrical. § 511 Note. — The theorem may be proved for any two vertical polyedral angles in the same manner. 336 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Proposition XXIII. Theorem 513. The sum of any tioo face angles of a triedral angle is greater than the third. Note. — The theorem requires proof only in the case when the third face angle is greater than either of the others. Hypothesis. In triedral Z 0-ABC Z. AOC > Z AOB, and also Z AOC > Z BOC Conclusion. Z AOC AD-{- DO. Why? .'.BC>DC. § 158, Ax. 18 .'. in A ^OC and A COD ZBOC>ZCOD. §167 AOB + Z BOC > Z AOD + Z COD. Why ? .-. Z AOB + Z BOC > Z AOC. POLYEDRAL ANGLES 337 Proposition XXIV. Theorem 514. The sum of the face angles of any convex poly e- dral angle is less than four right angles. Hypothesis. 0-ABCDE is any convex polyedral Z. Conclusion. AAOB+ A BOC + etc. < 4 rt. A. Proof. 1. Pass a plane cutting the faces in the polygon ABCDE. Let 0' be any point within ABCDE, and draw OA, O'B, O'G, O'D, and O'E. 2. Then, in triedral Z A-EOB, Z OAE + Z OAB >ZEAO' -\-Z O'AB. § 513 3. Similarly Z OB A + Z OBC > Z ABO' + Z O'BC', etc. 4. Adding these inequalities, the sum of the base A of the A whose common vertex is is greater than the sum of the base A of the A whose common vertex is 0'. § 158, Ax. 19 5. The sum of all the A of the A with vertex equals the sum of all the A of the A with vertex 0'. ^Vhy ? 6. .*. the sum of the A a^t is less than the sum of the A at 0'. § 158, Ax. 20 7. .-. the sum of the z^ at < 4 rt. A. Why ? Note. — The pupil's understanding of this theorem will be increased if a pasteboard model of the figure of § 514 is at hand when this theorem is first studied. Notice that the inequality in step 2 does not mean that ZEAO >ZEAO' and Z OAB > Z O'AB ; rather, the sum of Z EAO diud Z OAB is greater than the face angle EAB of triedral Z A-EOB. 338 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Proposition XXV. Theorem 515. If two triedral angles have the face angles of one equal respectively to the face angles of the other, their homologous diedral angles are equal. C'C Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Hypothesis. In triedral A 0-ABC and O'-A'B'C ZAOB = ZA'0'B'', ZBOC=ZB'0'C'', Z 00A = Z C'O'A'. Conclusion. Diedral Z OA = diedral Z OA'; etc. Proof. 1. Lay off OA, OB, 00, O'A', O'B', and O'C all of the same length, and draw AB, BO, OA, A'B', B'C, and C'A'. 2. .-. A OAB ^ A O'A'B' and AB = A'B'. Prove it. 3. Similarly BO = B'C and AO = A'O'. 4. AlsoAABC^AA'B'C'sindZBAO=ZB'A'C'. Why? 5. On OA and O'A', take AD = A'D' ; draw DE in face OAB±OA, D'E' in A'0'B'±A'0', DF in A0G1.A0, D'F' in A'0'0' ± A'O', EF in face ABC, and E'F' in face A' B'C. 6. Then A ADE ^ A A' D'E'. Prove it. .-. AE = A'E' and DE = D'E'. . 7. Also AF = A'F' and DF = D'F'. Prove it. 8. Then A AEF ^ A A' E'F' and EF = E'F'. Prove it. 9. Then A DEF ^ A D'E'F'. Prove it. 10. .-. Z EDF = Z ^'i)'i^'. Why ? 11. .-. diedral Z ^0 = diedral Z ^'0'. Why ? Note. — The above proof holds for Fig. 3 as well as for Fig. 2. In Figs. 1 and 2, the equal parts occur in the same order, and in Figs. 1 and 3 in the reverse order. SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS 339 516. Cor. If two triedrcU angles have the face angles of one equal respectively to the face angles of the other ^ 1. They are congruent if the equal parts occur in the same order. 2. They are symmetrical if the equal parts occur in the reverse order. SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS The following topics, theorems, and exercises of Book VI are supplementary. Each group is independent of each of the others. None of this material is required in the main parts of subse- quent Books. Group A. — Analogy between Triedral Angles and Triangles. Group B. — Loci in Space. Group C. — Consists of two supplementary theorems usually given in texts. Group A. Analogy between Triedral Angles AND Triangles 517. The analogy between triangles and triedral angles is very striking. Many propositions of plane geometry about tri- angles may be changed into propositions about triedral angles by substituting for the word angle of the former diedral angle, and for the word side the words /ace angle. Ex. 72. Two triedral angles are congruent when a face angle and the adjacent diedral angles of one are equal respectively to a face angle and the adjacent diedral angles of the other, if the parts are arranged in the same order. Suggestion. — Prove by superposition. Note. — If the parts of one are arranged in reverse order to the parts of the other, the triedral angles are symmetrical. Ex. 73. Two triedral angles are congruent if two face angles and the included diedral angle of one are equal respectively to two face angles and the included diedral angle of the other, if the parts are arranged in the same order. 340 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Ex. 74. If two face angles of a triedral angle are equal, the opposite diedral angles are equal. Suggestion. — Recsdl the proof of § 69. Ex. 75. An exterior diedral angle of a triedral angle is greater than either remote interior diedral angle. Suggestion. — Model the proof after that in § 87. Ex. 76. — If two triedral angles have a face angle, the opposite diedral angle and another diedral angle of one equal respectively to the corre- sponding parts of the other, they are congruent if the parts are in the same order. Suggestion. — Superpose the equal face angles, so that the equal diedral angles adjacent to the faces superposed also coincide. Prove that the faces opposite these diedral angles also coincide by an indirect proof, based upon Exercise 75. Note. — If the parts are in reverse order, the figures are symmetrical. Ex. 77. State and prove the converse of Ex. 74. Suggestion. — The proof is based upon Ex. 76, Note. Group B. Loci in Space 518. The following more general definition of locus will be employed in solid geometry. The locus of points satisfying a given condition consists of all points which satisfy the condi- tion, and. of no other points. The points which constitute a locus may form one (or more) lines, or one or more surfaces. To prove that a particular assumed locus is actually the locus satisfying a given condition, or conditions, prove either (a) and (b) below or else (a) and (c). (a) Every point of the locus satisfies the conditions. (h) Every point not of the locus does not satisfy the conditions. (c) Every point which does satisfy the conditions lies m the locus. Ex. 78.' As a consequence of § 457 and § 459, what is the locus of points equidistant from the extremities of a line ? Ex. 79. As a consequence of § 500 and § 501, what is the locus of points equidistant from two intersecting planes ? SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS 341 Ex. 80. What is the locus of points in space at a given distance from a given plane ? Ex. 81. What is the locus of points in space equally distant from two parallel planes ? Ex. 82. What is the locus of points in space equidistant from the points of a given circle ? Ex. 83. What is the locus of points in space equidistant from the vertices of a given triangle ? 519. Intersection Loci. — When two conditions are imposed upon a point in space, each condition determines a locus for the point, and the desired point lies in the intersection of the loci. It is often inadvisable to attempt to draw the two loci, for that demands considerable skill in drawing. The following form of solution brings out all the mathematical value of such a problem quite as well, if not better, than if a figure were drawn. Illustrative Problem. — What is the locus of points in space at a given distance from a given plane and equidistant from two given points ? Solution. 1. The locus of points at a given distance from a given plane consists of two planes parallel to the given plane and at the given distance from it. Call this Locus 1. 2. The locus of points equidistant from two given points is the plane perpendicular to and bisecting the segment between the two points. Call this Locus 2. 3. The desired locus is the intersection of Locus 1 and Locus 2. Discussion. 1. Generally the plane of Locus 2 will intersect the planes of Locus 1 in two straight lines. 2. Locus 2 may be parallel to the planes of Locus 1. In this case, there will not be any points satifying the given conditions. 3. Locus 2 may coincide with one of the planes of Locus 1. In this case, the plane common to Loci 1 and 2 will be the desired locus. Ex. 84. What is the locus of points in a given plane equidistant from two parallel planes ? Ex. 85. What is the locus of points in a given plane at a given dis- tance from another given plane ? 342 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Ex. 86. What is the locus of points in a given plane equidistant from two given points not in the plane ? Ex. 87. What is the locus of points in a given plane equidistant from two intersecting planes ? Ex. 88. What is the locus of points equidistant from two given points and also equidistant from two parallel planes ? Ex. 89. What is the locus of points equidistant from two given points and also equidistant from two intersecting planes ? Ex. 90. What is the locus of points equidistant from two parallel planes, and also equidistant from two intersecting planes ? Ex. 91. What is the locus of points equidistant from two intersect- ing planes, and also at a given distance from a given plane ? Ex. 92. Find all points which are at a given distance from a given plane, equidistant from two other parallel planes, and equidistant from two given points. Ex. 93. Find all points which are equidistant from two given inter- secting planes, equidistant from two parallel planes, and equidistant from two given points. Ex. 94. Prove that the three planes bisecting the diedral angles of a triedral angle meet in a common straight line. o Snggestion. — Planes OAD and OBE intersect in / i /O:. 15. .-. EK > AG. 16. .-. AG is the shortest segment from AB to CD. §470 Why? Why? §496 Why? Why? Why? 344 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VI Proposition XXVII. Theorem 521. Two diedral angles have the same ratio as their plane angles. Case I. When the plane angles are commensurable. c Ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ [^ Hypothesis. A ABC and A'B'C, the plane A of diedral A ABDC and A'B'D'C respectively, are commensurable. Conclusion. = • Z ABCD Z ABO Proof. 1. Let Z ABE, a common measure of Z ABC and Z A'B'C, be contained 4 times in Z ABC and 3 times in Z A'B'C. Z. A'B'C 3 4* 2. Then ZABC 3. Passing planes through the edges BD and B'D', and the division lines of ZABC and Z A'B'C, respectively, diedral Z ABCD is divided into 4 parts, and Z A'B'D'C into three parts, all of which are equal. W^hy ? Z A'B'D'C 3^ 4* 5. ZABDC Z A'B'D'C Z A'B'C Why Z ABDC Z ABC Case II. When the plane angles are incommensurable. Hypothesis. Z ABC and Z A'B'C, plane A of diedral A ABDC and A'B'D'C, respectively, are incommensurable. Conclusion. SUPPLEMENTARY THEOREMS Z A'B'D'C Z A'B'C 345 Proof. 1. Let Z x\BC be divided into any number of equal parts, and let one of these parts be applied to Z A'B'C as unit of measure. Since Z ABC and Z A'B'O' are incommensurable, the unit will not be contained exactly in Z A'B'C A certain number of equal parts will extend from A'B' to B'E, leaving the remainder Z EB'C less than the unit of measure. 2. Pass a plane through B'D' and B'E. Then Z A'B'D'E Z A'B'E ZABDC A ABC Case I 3. Now let the number of subdivisions of Z ABC be in- definitely increased ; then the unit of measure will be indefi- nitely decreased, and consequently the remainder Z EB'C will approach the limit 0. § 401 Z A'B'D'E . Z A'B'D'C 4. 6. Also 6. ZABDC ZABDC [" =," means " approaches the limit."] Z A'B'E . Z A'B'C ZABC Z A'B'D'C ZABC Z A'B'C ZABDC ZABC § 403, (a) § 403, (a) § 403, (h) BOOK YII POLYEDEA 522. Surfaces. So far only plane surfaces have been con- sidered. A Curved Surface is a surface no part of which is plane. The surface of a spherical object is a familiar example of a curved sur- face. It is evident that there may be surfaces of which part is plane and part is curved ; as surface S. Also there are surfaces consisting of two or more parts each of which is plane ; as surface T. 523. Closed Surfaces. Let a plane ABC intersect the facfes of triedral angle 0-XYZ, and consider the sur- face consisting of triangles OAB, GAG, GBG, and ABC, and the portions of planes within them. This surface incloses a finite portion of space. Such a surface is a closed surface. A closed surface is such that the intersection of it made by evei-y intersecting plane is a closed line. 524. A closed surface is convex if the intersection with it of every intersecting plane is a convex closed line. It will be assumed that all closed surfaces considered in this text are convex. 525. A Solid is the finite portion of space inclosed by a closed surface. The surface is called the surface of the solid, and is said to bound the solid. 346 POLYEDRA 347 In the remaining part of solid geometry a detailed study is made of certain common solids. 526. A Polyedron is a solid bounded by portions of planes, called the Faces of the polyedron. The faces intersect in straight lines, called the Edges of the polyedron. The edges intersect in points, called the Vertices of the polyedron. The straight line joining any two vertices of the polyedron which do not lie in the same face is a Diagonal of the polyedron. 527. The least number of planes that can form a polyedral angle is three. Then the least number of planes that can form a polyedron is four. A polyedron of four faces is a Tetraedron ; one of six faces is a Hexaedron ; one of eight faces is an Octaedron ; one of twelve faces is a Dodecaedron ; and one of twenty is an Icosaedron. The cube is a familiar hexaedron. Tetraedron Pentaedron Hexaedron Ex. 1. Verify for a tetraedron, a peDtaedron, and a hexaedron, the foniiula F-\- V=E + 2, where F is the number of faces, V is the number of vertices, and E is the number of edges. Note. — This theorem is due to the mathematician Leonard Euler. A Ex. 2. If E, F, G, and H are the mid-points of edges BD, BC, AC, and AD, respectively, of tetraedron ABCD, prove EFGII a. parallelogi'am. D 348 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Ex. 3. If ABCD is a tetraedron, the section made by a plane parallel to each of the edges AB and CD is a parallelogram. Note. — Remember that by § 468 a plane can he drawn parallel to each of two straight lines in space. Ex. 4. The lines joining, by pairs, the mid-points of opposite edges of any tetraedron, intersect in a com- mon point. Ex. 5. In tetraedron ABCD, a plane is drawn through edge CD perpendicular to AB, intersecting faces ABC and ABD in CE and ED, respectively. If the bisector of Z CED meets CD at F, prove CF : DF = area ABC : area ABD. Suggestion. — Recall § 270. PRISMS AND PARALLELOPIPEDS 528. A Prism is a polyedron, two of whose faces lie in parallel planes, and whose remaining faces, in order, intersect in parallel lines. The parallel faces are the Bases; the other faces are the Lateral Faces; the edges which are not sides of the bases are the Lateral Edges ; the perpendicular be- tween the bases is the Altitude ; the sum of the areas of the lateral faces is the Lateral Area. If a plane is perpendicular to the lateral edges of a prism, its intersection with the prism is called a Right Section of the prism. 529. The following Important Facts about a Prism should be proved by the pupil : I. TJie lateral faces of a prism are inclosed by parallelograms. Prove BCHG is a O, using § 471. Fig. § 528 PRISMS AND PARALLELOPIPEDS 349 II. The lateral edges of a prism are parallel and equal. III. The bases of a prison are inclosed by congruent polygons. Suggestion. — Recall § 481. IV. Sections of the lateral surface of a prison made by two parallel planes cutting all the lateral edges are congruent polygons. Suggestion. — Let planes CF and C'F' he paral- lel. Prove CDEFG ^ C'D'E'F'G'. V. A section of a prism made by a plane parallel to the base is congruent to the base. 530. Kinds of Prisms. A prism is triangular, quadrangulary etc., according as its base is triangular, quadran- gular, etc. A Right Prism is a prism whose lateral edges are perpendicular to its bases. An Oblique Prism is a prism whose lateral edges are not perpendicular to its bases. A Regular Prism is a right prism whose base is inclosed by a regular polygon. A Truncated Prism is that portion of a prism bounded by the base and a plane not parallel to the base, cutting all the lateral edges. Ex. 6. Prove that every pair of lateral edges of a prism determines a plane which is parallel to each of the other lateral edges of the prism. Ex. 7. Prove that the lateral edges of a right prism are equal to the altitude. Ex. 8. Prove that the lateral faces of a right prism are inclosed by rectangles. n' c r~- — yf~~-^H Ex. 9. Prove that the section of a prism made by ^- ^ ^ a plane parallel to a lateral edge is inclosed by a par- allelogram. Suggestion.— Jjet plane EF' be || AA', a lateral edge of prism AC. .-L., 350 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Proposition I. Theorem 531. The lateral area of a prism equals the perimeter of a right section multiplied by the length of a lateral edge. Hypothesis. DEFGH is a rt. section of prism AO. P= perimeter of DEFGH', L = length of A A' ; S = the lateral area. Conclusion. S = LP. Proof. 1. Area of O AB' = Lx DE. Why ? 2. Similarly, area of CJ BC' = Lx EF. Why ? Complete the proof. 532. Cor. TJie lateral area of a right prism equals the perim- eter of the base multiplied by the length of the altitude. Ex. 10. Find the lateral area of a regular hexagonal prism, each side of whose base is 3 and whose altitude is 9. Ex. 11. There are upon a porch six columns having the form of regu- lar octagonal prisms. If the side of the base is 4 inches and the altitude of the column is 7 feet, find the total of the lateral areas of the columns. 533. The Volume of a Solid is a number which indicates the measure of that solid in terms of a unit of solid measure ; it is the ratio of the solid to the unit of solid measure. 534. Two solids are equal if they have equal volumes. Evi- dently two congruent solids are equal ; likewise two solids which can be divided into parts which are respectively congru- ent are equal. PRISMS AND PARALLELOPIPEDS 351 Proposition II. Theorem 535. An oblique prism equals a right prism which has for its base a right section of the oblique prism, and for its altitude a lateral edge of the oblique prism. Hypothesis. Fir is a right prism. Its base FKis a right section of oblique prism AD'. Its altitude FF' = AA\ a lateral edge of AD'. Conclusion. FK' = AD'. Proof. 1. ABCDE^A'B'C'D'E', and FGHKL ^ F'O'H'K'L'. § 529, IV 2. AF= A'F' ; BG = B'G' ; CH = G'H' ; etc. Prove it. 3. Slide polyedron AK upward, letting AF, BG, etc., move along lines AF', BG', etc., until ABODE coincides with A'B'C'D'E'. 4. Then F, G, H, etc., fall upon F', G', H', etc. Step 2 5. .-. FGHKL will fall upon F'G'H'K'L'. 6. .-. polyedron AK ^ polyedron A'K'. 7. .♦. prism AD' = prism FK'. § 534 536. Cor. Two right prisms are congruent, and hence equal, when they have congruent bases and equal altitudes. For the bases can be made to coincide. Then the lateral edges of one will coincide with the homologous edges of the other by § 530 and Note, § 456. Then the upper bases must coincide. 352 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII 537. A Parallelepiped is a prism whose base is inclosed by a parallelogram. As a consequence, all the faces of a parallelopiped are inclosed by par- allelograms. A Eight Parallelopiped is a parallelopiped whose lateral edges are perpendicular to its bases. A Rectangular Parallelopiped is a right par- allelopiped whose base is inclosed by a rec- tangle. Consequently all the faces are inclosed by rectangles. (See Ex. 8, p. 349.) A Cube is a rectangular parallelopiped whose six faces are inclosed by squares. Ex. 12. How many faces of a right parallelopiped are rectangles ? Ex. 13. Is a cube a prism ? Proposition III. Theorem 538. The opposite lateral faces of a parallelopiped are congruent and parallel. Hypothesis. AC and A'C are the bases of parallelo- piped AC. Conclusion. Eaces AB' and DC are congruent and II. Suggestions. — 1. To prove AB' ^ DC , prove them mutually equiangular and mutually equilateral. 2. To prove AB' \\DC', recall § 481. 539. Cor. Any pair of opposite faces of a parallelopiped may he taken as its bases. PRISMS AND PARALLELOPIPEDS 353 Proposition IV. Theorem 540. The plane through tivo diagonally opposite edges of a parallelopiped divides it into two equal tri- angular prisms. Hypothesis. Plane AC passes through, edges AA' and CC of parallelopiped A'C. Conclusion. Prism ^'-^B(7= prism ^'-^CZ>. Proof. 1. Let EFGH be a right section of the parallelo- piped, intersecting plane AA'C'C in EG. 2. EFGH is a O. Prove it. 3. .-. AEFG^AEGH. Why? 4. Prism A'- ABO = a right prism with base EFG and altitude AA\ Prism A'-ACD = Si right prism with base EGH and altitude AA'. § 535 6. But these right prisms are equal. § 536 6. .-. A'-ABC = A'-AGD. Ex. 14. Prove that the diagonals of a rectangular parallelopiped are equal. Ex. 15. Prove that the diagonals of a parallelo- / yz^^f^ piped bisect each other. \/^y'~'^^\^ B Suggestion. — Prove that each of the other diagonals bisects BG. Note. — The point Of intersection of the diagonals of a parallelopiped is called the center of the parallelopiped. 354 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Ex. 16. Prove that any line drawn through the center of a parallele- piped, terminating in a pair of opposite faces, is bisected at that point. Ex. 17. Prove that the line joining the center of a parallelepiped to the center of any face is parallel to any edge of the parallelopiped which intersects that face, and is equal to one half of it. Ex. 18. Prove that the centers of two opposite faces of a parallelo- piped and the center of the parallelopiped are collinear. Suggestion. — Recall Ex. 17 and § 90. Ex. 19. If the four diagonals of a quadrangular prism pass through a common point, the prism is a parallelopiped. Plan. — Prove BCHE is a O. Suggestion. — DE and ^Zf determine a plane (why?) which intersects planes DF and BH in lines AD and ^ HE, respectively. Compare AD and HE; also compare AD 2iX\dBC. Then compare BC and HE. Ex. 20. Recall that the diagonals of a square are equal, bisect each other, and are perpendicular to each other. What questions about the diagonals of a cube do these facts suggest ? Prove the answers to your questions. 541. The Dimensions of a rectangular parallelopiped are the lengths of its three edges which meet at any vertex. The Volume of a rectangular parallelopiped is readily deter- mined when the three dimensions are multiples of the linear unit of measure. Thus, if the dimensions of P are 5 units, 4 units, and 3 units, respectively, the solid can be divided into 60 unit cubes. In this case 60, the number which expresses the area, is the product of 3, 4, and 5, the three dimensions. /-/-/--/-/-A A-/--/--/--/- -A\. -l-j-l-i- 1 1 ' 1 ___ — I — , — ) — A 1 A 1 ! 1 i V The following three propositions prove that this is the correct formula for determining the volume of any rectangular parallelopiped. Before taking up these propo- sitions, certain necessary new ideas are introduced.* * The class may have studied limits in Plane Geometry (§ 401 and follow- ing) . In that case the following two paragraphs constitute a review of those paragraphs of the Plane Geometry. PRISMS AND PARALLELOPIPEDS 355 542. a. A Variable is a number which assumes different values during a particular discussion. Thus a number x which assumes successively the values 1, ^, \j \y ••• is a decreasing variable, assuming ultimately values which differ by as little as we please from zero. A number y which assumes successively the values 1, 1^, 1|, 1 J, ••• is an increasing variable^ assuming ultimately values which differ V)y as little as we please from 2. h. A Constant is a number which has a fixed value through- out a particular discussion. c. A Limit of a Variable is a constant such that the numeri- cal value of the difference between the constant and the varia- ble becomes and remains less than any small positive number. We say that a variable approaches its limit. If a variable has a limit, it has only one limit. The symbol = means " approaches the limit." Thus, X above = 0, and y = 2. 543. Limits Theorems. It can be proved that : a. If a variable x approaches a finite limit I, then ex, where c is a constant, approaches the limit cl. § 403, a b. If two variables are constantly equal and each approaches a finite limit, then their limits are equal. § 403, b c. If a variable x approaches a finite limit a, and a variable y approaches a limit 6, then : (x ± y) approaches the limit a±b\ xy approaches the limit a • 6 ; and - approaches the limit -, provided b is not zero. y & Ex. 21. Find the length of the diagonal of a rectangular parallelo- piped whose dimensions are 8, 9, and 12. Ex. 22. Prove that the square of a diagonal of a rectangular paral- lelopiped is equal to the sum of the squares of its edges. Ex. 23. Determine the length of the diagonal of a cube whose edge is of length s. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 18-22, p. 456, can be studied now. 356 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Proposition Y. Theorem 544. TiDO rectangular parallelopipeds having congru- ent bases have the same ratio as their altitudes. Case I. When the altitudes are commensuraUe, />-- ■A Q / 1 / / 1 A / A -/-7 / i- B / 1 'A y 1 / J V / v Hypothesis. P and Q are rectangular parallelopipeds with congruent bases, and commensurable altitudes AA! and BB'. Conclusion. - = 4^!- P AA Proof. 1. Let AC^ a common measure of AA and BB'^ be contained 4 times in AA and 3 times in BB'. BB' J^ " AA 4 * 2. Through the points of division of AA and BB' draw planes ± AA and BB' , respectively. 3. Then P is divided into 4, and Q is divided into 3, parts which are all congruent. § 536 4. • 5-5. P 4 Q^BB' P AA Why? Case II (Fig. p. 857). cojumensurahle* When the altitudes are in- Hypothesis. P and Q are rectangular parallelopipeds with congruent bases and incommensurable altitudes AA' and BB'. * This proof may be omitted if desired. PRISMS AND PARALLELOPIPEDS 357 Conclusion. P AA' A P A / L A / / A / A // / 1 / / / Proof. 1. Divide AA! into any number of equal parts, and apply one of these parts to BB! as unit of measure. Since A A and BB' are incommensurable, a certain number of these parts will extend from B to O, leaving a remainder CB' less than the unit of measure. 2. Draw plane CD J_ BB', and let parallelopiped BD be denoted by Q'. Then % = ^.' Case I P AA [Since A A and BC are commensurable.] 3. Let the number of subdivisions in AA! be indefinitely in- creased. The length of each subdivision will then diminish indefinitely, and hence CB' will approach the limit 0. § 542, c Also and 4. Qt Q -^ will approach the limit -^, - will approach the limit — — AA AA' Q^BB' P AA' § 543, a § 543, a § 543, b 545. Cor. If tivo rectangular parallelopipeds have two dimen- sions of one equal respectively to two dimensions of the other j their volumes have the same ratio as their third dimensions. Ex. 24. Compare the volumes of two rooms having the same floor space if their heights are 8' 6" and 9' respectively. 358 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Proposition VI. Theorem 546. Two rectangular parallelopipeds having equal altitudes have the same ratio as their bases. p Q n A c A) /\ c A / 1 ! 1 / } C X J Hypothesis. Eectangular parallelopipeds P and Q have equal altitudes c and bases with dimensions a, b, and a', b', respec- tively. n^^ -.!«-: P Ct X b Q a'xb' Proof. 1. Let i2 be a sions c, a', and b. rectangular parallelopiped with dimen- 2. Then P a R-a" §545 and R b Q b'' Why? 3. Then, multiplying the equations P ab Q a'b' of step 2, Ax. 5, §51 Note. — Two rectangular parallelopipeds having a dimension of one equal to one dimension of the other, have the same ratio as the products of their other two dimensions. Ex. 25. Two rectangular parallelopipeds, with equal altitudes, have the dimensions of their bases 6 and 14, and 7 and 9, respectively. Find the ratio of their volumes. Ex. 26. Compare each of the following rectangular parallelopipeds with each of the others : i2, having dimensions 5, 7, and 9 ; ^, having dimensions 9, 5, and 4 ; T, having dimensions 4, 0, and 7. PRISMS AND PARALLELOPIPEDS 359 Proposition VII. Theorem 547. Two rectangular parallelopipeds have the same ratio as the products of their three dimensions. F R A > Q /V /\ /\ / /\ / /\ / i ] — / c / c V / A) / Hypothesis. P and Q are rectangular parallelopipeds having dimensions a, 6, c, and a', 6', c', respectively. Conclusion. ^=-^- q a'b'c' Suggestions. — 1. Let ^ be a rectangular parallelepiped with dimensions a', b', and c. 2. Find - and - by § 546 and § 545. Then multiply - by -• R Q R Q Proposition VIII. Theorem 548. If the unit of solid measure is the cube ivhose edge is the linear unit, the volume of a rectangular par- allelopiped equals the product of its three dimerisions. /\ / 1 1 / c 7 A / 1 >— /i Hypothesis, a, 6, and c are the dimensions of rectangular parallelopiped P, and Q is the unit of measure. Conclusion. Volume of P = a x 6 x c. Proof. 1. Volume of P = Complete the proof, applying § 647. 533 360 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII 549. Cor. 1. Tlie volume of a cube is equal to the cube of its edge. 550. Cor. 2. The volume of a rectangular parallelopiped is equal to the product of its base and altitude. Note. — Corollaries 1 and 2 are expressed in their commonly abbreviated form. Expressed more accurately, the second would be " the volume of a rectangular parallelopiped is equal to the product of the area of the base and the length "of the altitude." The brief form of statement will be employed in the remaining theorems of solid geometry. Remember that volume of a solid means the number of cubic units in it. In all succeeding theorems relating to volumes, it is understood that the unit of solid is the cube whose edge is the linear unit, and the unit of surface the square whose side is the linear unit. Ex. 27. Find the ratio of the volumes of two rectangular parallele- pipeds whose dimensions are 8, 12, and 21, and 14, 15, and 24, respectively. Ex. 28. Find the volume and the area of the entire surface of a cube whose edge is 4 in. Ex. 29, (a) If the edge of a cube is e, express by formulae the total area, the volume, and the length of a diagonal. (6) Using the proper formula, determine the edge when the diagonal is 12. (c) Using the proper formula, determine the edge when the total area is 150 sq. in. Ex. 30. Find the altitude of a rectangular parallelopiped, the dimen- sions of whose base are 21 and 30, equal to a rectangular parallelopiped whose dimensions are 27, 28, and 35. Ex. 31. What must be the height of a tank having the form of a rectangular parallelopiped whose base has the dimensions 5 ft. and 8 ft., in order that the tank will contain 1800 gal. of water when the water rises to within one foot of the top ? (One cu. ft. of water = 7^ gal. approxi- mately. ) Ex. 32. How many barrels of water will run into a cistern during a ^ in. fall of rain from the roof of a barn whose total roof area is 800 sq. ft. (One cu. ft. of water = 7| gal. ) Ex. 33. (a) How many cubic yards of concrete are required for the foundation walls of a house 25 ft. x 35 ft., if the walls are 10 in. thick and are 8 ft. high ? (6) How many bags of cement are required if the mixture contains 4 bags of cement to one yard of gravel ? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 23-28, p. 456, can be studied now. PRISMS AND PARALLELOPIPEDS 361 Proposition IX. Theorem 551. TJie volume of any parallelopiped is equal to the product of its hose and altitude. H3rpothesi8. ^C is an oblique parallelopiped. Let the length of altitude AE be H, the area of base ABCD be B, and the volume of AC be V. Conclusion. V=BH. Proof. 1. Extend edges AB, A'B', D'C, and DC. On AB extended, take FG = AB. Draw planes FK' and GH' 1. FG, forming right parallelo- piped FH'. 2. .-. prism FH' = prism AC. § 535 3. Extend edges HG, H'G', K'F, and KF. On HG extended, take NM=HG; draw planes NP and ML' 1. NM, forming rectangular parallelopiped LN^. 4. .-. prism L'N= prism FH'. 5. .'. prism L'N= prism AC. 6. But volume L'N = LMNP x 30f . 7. .-. volume AC = LMNP x MM. 8. But the length of MM' = H and area LMNP = area ABCD = B. 9. .-. vol. AC = BH. Why? Why? Note, p. 362 , Note. — The student's understanding of this theorem will be increased greatly if a model of the above figure is at hand. 362 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Note 1. — Proof that LN' (step 3, § 551) is a rectangular parallelopiped. 1. Since FG ± plane GH', .-. plane LH± plane MH'. § 495 2. Since MM' ± MN, .-. MM' ± plane LH. § 496 3. .-. Z LMM' = a rt. Z. 4. .'. LM' is a rectangle. § 141 5. .-. LN' is a rectangular parallelopiped. § 537 Note 2. — Proof that LMNP = ABCD. LMNP = FGHK, since Os having equal bases and equal altitudes are equal. Similarly FGHK= ABCD, and .-. LMNP = ABCD. Proposition X. Theorem 552. The volume of a triangular prism is equal to the product of its base and altitude. Hypothesis. C'-ABC is a triangular prism. Length of altitude AE = H ; area of A ABC = B ; volume oi C'-ABC =V. Conclusion. F= BH. Suggestions. — 1. Consider the parallelopiped D'-ABCD, having its edges parallel to AB, BC, and BB' respectively. 2. Compare volume of C'-ABC with that of D'-ABCD. 3. Express the volume of D'-ABCD, and then of C'-ABC. Note. — At this point, the pupil should memorize the following formulae if they are not already known. 1. Area of a A = V s(s - a)(^s -h){s- c), § 335 where the sides are a, 6, and c, and s = |(a + & + c). 2. Area of an equilateral A of side s = ^^-^. (Ex. 29, p. 199, Book IV.) 4 sV3 3. Altitude of an equilateral A of side s = PRISMS AND PARALLELOPIPEDS 363 Ex. 34. Find the volume of a regular triangular prism the side of whose base is 6 and whose altitude is 10. Ex. 35. Derive a formula for the volume of a regular triangular prism the side of whose base is s and whose altitude is h. Ex. 36. Find the lateral area and volume of a right triangular prism, having the sides of its base 4, 7, and 9, respectively, and the altitude 8. Suggestion. — To determine the area of the base, use the first formula in the note of § 552. Ex. 37. Prove that the volume of a right triangular prism is equal to the product of the area of any face and one half the altitude to that face. Ex. 38. The volume of a triangular prism is QQVE, and one side of its base is 8. Find its lateral area. Proposition XI. Theorem 553. The volume of any prism is equal to the prod- uct of its base and altitude. Hjrpothesis. Let H = the length of altitude AMj B = the area of base FGHJK, and V= the volume of prism AJ. Conclusion. F= BH. Suggestions. — 1. Through edge AF mid diagonals FH and FJ of the base, pass planes AFHC and AFJD dividing prism P into triangular prisms P\y P2, and Ps, whose base areas are Bi, B^, and B^, resj)ectively, and whose com- mon altitude is of length H. 2. Express the volumes of Pj, P^, and P^. Add the results and simplify, thus obtaining an expression for the volume P. 364 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII 554. Cor. 1. Two prisms having equal bases and equal alti- tudes are equal. Suggestion. — Let prisms P and P' have equal bases B and B' respec- tively, and equal altitudes H and H' . Prove P = P' . 555. Cor. 2. Tico prisms haviiig equal altitudes have the same ratio as their bases. 556. Cor. 3. Two prisms having equal bases have the same ratio as their altitudes. 557. Cor. 4. Two prisms have the same ratio as the products of their bases and altitudes. Ex. 39. Find the volume of a regular hexagonal prism the side of whose base is 4 in. and whose altitude is 9 in. Ex. 40. Express by formulae the total area and the volume of a regular hexagonal prism whose base edge is e and whose height is h. Ex. 41, A contractor agreed to dig a cellar at 35^ per cubic yard. The lot was located upon a hillside so that the depth of the cellar at the back was 9 ft. and in front 5 ft. If the cellar was 38 ft. from the front to back, and was 25 ft. wide, how much did the contractor receive ? Ex. 42. How many cubic yards of concrete are re- quired for a retaining wall 2 ft. thick whose dimensions are indicated on the adjoining figure ? " ' W Note. — Supplementary Exercises 29-33, p. 457, can be studied now. PYRAMIDS 558. A Pyramid is a polyedron bounded by three or more triangular faces wliicli have a common vertex, and one other plane face, the Base, which intersects each of the triangular faces. The common vertex of the triangular faces is the Vertex of the pyramid ; the triangular faces are the Lateral Faces ; the edges terminating at the vertex are the Lateral Edges ; the sum of the areas of the lateral faces is the Lateral Area; the perpendicular from the vertex to the plane of the base is the Altitude. PYRAMIDS 365 559. A pyramid is called triangular, quadrangular, etc., ac- cording as its base is triangular, quadrangular, etc. A Regular Pyramid is a pyramid whose base is inclosed by a regular polygon, and whose vertex lies in the perpendicular to the base at the center of the base. A Truncated Pyramid is the part of a pyramid included between its base and a plane cutting all the lateral edges. The base of the pyramid and the section of the cutting plane are called the bases of the truncated pyramid. 560. A Frustum of a Pyramid is a truncated pyramid whose bases are parallel. The Altitude of a frustum is the perpendic- ular between the planes of the bases. 561. The following important facts about pyramids should be proved by the pui)il : I. The lateral edges of a regular pyramid are equal. II. The lateral faces of a regular pyramid are inclosed by congruent isosceles triangles. III. TJie lateral faces of a frustum of any pyramid closed by trapezoids. IV. The lateral faces of a frustum of a regular pyramid are inclosed by congruent trapezoids. Suggestion. — Superpose A OAB on A OBC. Prove ABB' A' ^ BCC'B'. V. TJie lateral edges of a frustum of a regular pyramid are equal. Note. — It will be assumed that the boundary of the base of the is a convex polygon. 366 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Proposition^ XII. Theorem 562. If a pyramid is cut hy a plaiie parallel to the base : I. The lateral edges and the altitude are divided proportionally. II. The section is sir)iilar to the base. B Hypothesis. Plane A'C^, parallel to the base of pyramid 0-ABCD, intersects faces OAB, OBC, OGD, and ODA in lines A'B', B'C, CD', and D'A', respectively, and altitude OP at P'. Conclusion. I. M'^ M'= 0^= OP'. OA OB on OP II. A'B'O'D' ~ ABCD. Proof of I. 1. Through 0, pass plane MN || ABCD. 2 . OA^^OB^^^qc^qD^^qp^ ..^^ " OA OB OC OD op' Proof of n. 1. Z A'B'C = Z ABC, Z B'CD' = Z BCD, etc. Prove it. § 481 ^ A^^OAi B^C^OB: ^^^ AB OA' BC OB' ^ ^ . A^^B^C^OD^^D^A^^ ^^., " AB BC CD DA ^ ' 4. .'.A'B'C'D'^ABCD. Why? PYRAMIDS 367 563. Cor. 1. Tfie area of a section of a pyramid parallel to the base is to the area of the base as the square of its distance from the vertex is to the square of the altitude of the pyramid. Proof. 1. 2. But ArQ2L A' B' C D' A'B'' 3. Area ABCD AB' A'B> AB OA' OA OP' OP Area, A' B' CD' OP'^ §344 Area ABCD OP 564. Cor. 2. If two pyramids have equal altitudes and equal basesi sections parallel to the bases at equal distances from the vertices are equal. Hypothesis. Pyramids 0-ABC and O'-A'B'C have the common altitude //, and equal bases, ABC and A'B'C. DEF and D'E'F' are sections of the pyramids parallel to the bases at the distance h from the vertices O and 0', respectively. Conclusion. DEF= D'E'P. Area DEF h^ _„^ Area. D' E' F^ h^ Proof. 1. ^ and Area D'E'Ff §563 Area ABC m Area A'B'C Complete the proof. Ex. 43. Prove that the areas of sections of a pyramid made by planes parallel to the base have the same ratio as the squares of the dis- tances to the planes from the vertex. Ex. 44. The altitude of a pyramid is 12 in., and its base is a square 9 in. on a side. "What is the area of a section parallel to the base, whose distance from the vertex is 8 in. ? Ex. 45. What part of the area of the base of a pyramid is the area of a section made by a plane which is parallel to the base and bisects the altitude ? Note. — Supplementary Exercises 34-37, p. 457, can be studied now. 368 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII 565. The slant height of a regular pyramid is the altitude of any lateral face. (See II, § 561.) The slant height of a frustum of a regular pyramid is the altitude of any lateral face. (See III, § 561.) Ex. 46. Prove that the perimeter of the mid-section of a frustum of a pyramid is one half the sum of the perimeters of the bases. Ex. 47. What is the slant height of a regular quad- rangular pyramid whose altitude is 12 and the side of whose base is 4 ? Suggestions. — 1. Let ABV be one face, VC be the alti- tude, and (7 the center of the base. 2. Determine the length of AC, and of DC; then of VD. Ex. 48. What is the slant height of a regular hexagonal pyramid whose altitude is 10 and whose base edge is 4 ? Proposition XIII. Theorem 566. The lateral area of a regular pyramid is equal to the perimeter of its base multiplied by one half its slant height. Hypothesis. 0-ABCDE is a regular pyramid. P = perimeter of its base ; L = length of its slant height S= the lateral area. Conclusion. Proof. 1. S=iPL. iLx AB. Area of A OAB Complete the proof. Why? PYRAMIDS 369 567. Oor. Tlie lateral area of the frustum of a regular pyra- mid is equal to one half the sum of the perimeters of the bases multiplied by the slant height. Hypothesis. AD' is a frustum of a regular pyramid. L = the length of the slant height ; p and P = the perimeters of the upper and lower bases respectively ; and S = the lateral area. Conclusion. S=^L(^p + P). Proof. 1. Aresiof ABB' A' = ^L(AB + A' B'). Why? Complete the proof. Ex. 49. What is the slant height of a regular triangular pyramid whose altitude is 10 and whose base edge is 4 ? Suggestion. — Recall § 172. Ex. 50. Express the lateral area of a regular pyramid in terms of the length of the slant height and the perimeter of the section midway between the base and the vertex. Ex. 51. Prove the lateral surface of any pyramid greater than its base, when the perpendicular from the vertex to the base falls within the base. Suggestion. — From the foot of the altitude draw lines to the vertices of the base ; each A formed has a smaller altitude than the corresponding lateral face. Ex. 52. Determine the lateral area of each of the pyramids in Exer- cises 47 to 49. Ex. 53. In each of the Exercises 47 to 49 pass a plane parallel to the base at a distance of 5 in. from the vertex. Determine the lateral areas of the resulting frustums. Ex. 54. Determine the total areas of the pyramids of Exercises 47 to 49. Ex. 55. The edges of the bases of a frustum of a regular square pyramid are 5 in. and 10 in. respectively, and the altitude is 6 in. Deter- mine the slant height and then the lateral area. 370 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Pkoposition XIV. Theokem 568. Two triangular pyramids having equal altitudes and equal bases are equal. Hypothesis. 0-ABC and O'-A'B'C have equal altitudes and equal bases ABC and A'B'C. Conclusion. 0-ABC = O'-A'B'C. Proof. 1. Place the pyramids with their bases in the same plane, and let H represent their common altitude. Divide H into 3 equal parts. Through the points of division pass planes II to the plane of the bases, cutting 0-ABC in sections DEF and GHK, and O'-A'B'C in sections D'E'F' and G'H'K'. .'. DEF = D'E'F' and GHK= G'H'K'. §564 3. With ABC, DEF, and GHK as lower bases, construct prisms X, Y, and Z with their lateral edges equal and II to AD ; with D'E'F' and G'H'E^ as upper bases, construct prisms F' and Z', with their lateral edges equal and II to A'D'. 4. .-. prism Y= prism F' and prism Z = prism Z'. Why? PYRAMIDS 371 6. Hence the sum of the prisms circumscribed about 0-ABC exceeds the sum of the prisms inscribed in O-A'B'O by prism X. 6. Evidently, 0-ABO Y + Z\ Likewise O'-A'B'C F' -h Z\ 7. .-. 0-ABC and O'-A'B'C differ by less than the differ- ence between the sum of the circumscribed prisms and the sum of the inscribed prisms ; i.e. 0-ABC and O'-A'B'C differ by less than the lower prism X. 8. By increasing indefinitely the number of subdivisions of H, the volume of X can be made less than any assigned number, however small. 9. Suppose now that the volume of 0-ABC and 0- A'B^O differ by any amount k. Since X > the difference between 0-ABC and 0'-A'B'C\ then X would be > k. 10. But this contradicts step 8. 11. .-. O'-A'B'C and 0-ABC cannot differ at all ; i.e. O'-A'B'C = 0-ABC. Note. — An interesting and instructive exercise at this point is that of proving the equality of two triangles which have equal bases and alti- tudes, by a proof like that given for Proposition XIV. In fact, it aids in understanding Proposition XIV if the exercise proposed is studied before taking up § 668. The two triangles are compared with two sets of parallelograms, one inscribed in one triangle, the other circumscribed about the other triangle. The resulting figures are like the triangles AOB and A'O'B' of the figure of § 668. 372 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Proposition XV. Theorem 569. TJie volume of a triangular pyramid is equal to one third the product of its base and altitude. Hypothesis. 11= the length of the altitude ; 5= the area of the base ; and V= the volume of pyramid 0-ABC. Conclusion. V^l HB. Proof. 1. Let EOD-ABC be the triangular prism having base ABC, and its lateral edges equal and parallel to OB. 2. Prism EOD-ABC is composed of pyramid 0-ABC and pyramid 0-ACDE. 3. Divide 0-ACDE into two triangular pyramids, 0-ACE and 0-CDE by passing a plane through E, 0, and C. 4. In pyramids 0-ACE and 0-ECD : The altitudes are common. Why ? Base ACE = base ECD. Why ? .-. 0-ACE = 0-ECD. Why ? 5. Pyramid 0-ECD is the same as pyramid C-EOD. 6. In pyramids 0-ABC and C-EOD : The altitudes are equal. Why ? Base ABC = base EOD. Why ? .-. 0-ABC = C-EOD. Why ? 7. .-. O-ABC = 0-ECD = 0-ACE. 8. .-. 0-ABC = i prism EOD-ABC. 9. The altitude of prism EOD-ABC = H, and base = B. 10. .-. vol. EOD-ABC = HB. Why ? 11. .-. vol. 0-ABC = i HB. PYRAMIDS 373 Ex. 56. If the base of a pyramid is a parallelogram, the plane deter- mined by the vertex of the pyramid and a diagonal of the base divides the pyramid into two equal triangular pyramids. Ex. 57. Determme the ratio to a given parallelopiped of the pyramid whose lateral edges are the three edges of the parallelopiped which inter- sect at any one corner. Ex. 58. Each side of the base of a regular triangular pyramid is 6, and its altitude is 4. Find its lateral edge, lateral area, and volume. Suggestion. — In the figure, C is the center of the base. Ex 59. Find the area of the entire surface and the volume of a triangular pyramid, each of whose edges is 2. Proposition XVI. Theorem 570. The volume of any pyramid is equal to one third the product of its base and altitude. B C The proof is like that for § 553. Proof to be given by the student. 571. Cor. 1. Any two pyramids having eqttal bases and equal altitudes are equal. Cor. 2. Two pyramids having equal altitudes have the same ratio OS their bases. Cor. 3. Two pyramids having equal bases have the same ratio as their altitudes. Cor. 4. Any two pyramids have the same ratio as the products of their bases and altitudes. 374 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Proposition XYII. Theorem 572. The volume of a frustum of any pyramid is equal to one third of its altitude multiplied hy the sum of its upper base, its lower base, and the mean pro- portional between its bases. Hypothesis. F=the volume, B = the area of the lower base, b = the area of the upper base, and H = the length of the altitude of AC, a frustum of any pyramid 0-AC. Conclusion. V=iH(B-\-b-{- VBb). Proof. 1. Draw altitude OP, cutting A'C at Q. 2. V= vol. 0-AC - vol. O-A'C = i^B{H+oq)-\h{oq) = iHB-^iOQ(B-b). 3. But B:b= OP: OQ^ § 563 4. .-. VB :Vb= OP: OQ. Algebra 5. .-. (VB-VI) : V6= (OP - OQ) :OQ = H: OQ. § 256 6. .-. OQ (VB - Vb) = HVb. 7. Multiplying both members by V-B -f- V6, ... OQ {B-b) = H(VBb + b). 8. Substituting in step 2 for OQ(B — b) its value from step 7, V=\HB + \H{-\/Bb^+b) = i H{B + ?> + V56). 1 PYRAMIDS 375 Ex. 60. Find the volume of a regular quadrangular pyramid each side of whose base is 3, and whose altitude is 6. Ex. 61. Find the volume of a regular hexagonal pyramid each side of whose base is 4, and whose altitude is 9. Ex. 62. The slant height and lateral edge of a regular quadrangular pyramid are 25 and \/674, respectively. Find its lateral area and volume. Ex. 63. Prove that the lines joining the center of a cube to the four vertices of one face are the edges of a regular quadrangular pyramid whose volume is ^ that of the cube. Ex. 64. Express the volume of a pyramid in terms of its altitude and the area of its mid-section parallel to the base. Ex. 65. Find the lateral area and volume of a regular quadrangular pyramid, the area of whose base is 100, and whose lateral edge is 18. Ex. 66. Find the area of the base of a regular quadrangular pyramid, whose lateral faces are equilateral triangles, and whose altitude is 5. Suggestion. — Represent the lateral edge and the side of the base by x. Ex. 67. Find the volume of a frustum of a regular quadrangular pyramid, the sides of whose bases are 9 and 5, respectively, and whose altitude is 10. Ex. 68. Find the volume of a frustum of a regular triangular pyra- mid, the sides of whose bases are 18 and 6, respectively, and whose alti- tude is 24. Ex. 69. Find the volume of a frustum of a regular hexagonal pyramid, the sides of whose bases are 8 and 4, respectively, and whose altitude is 12. Ex. 70. A monument is in the form of a frustum of a regular quad- rangular pyramid 8 ft. in height, the sides of whose bases are 3 ft. and 2 ft., respectively, surmounted by a regular quadrangular pyramid 2 ft. in height, each side of whose base is 2 ft. What is its weight, at 180 lb. to the cubic foot ? Ex. 71. The areas of the bases of a frustum of a pyramid are 12 and 75 respectively, and its altitude is 9. What is the altitude of the pyramid ? Suggestion. — Let the altitude of the pyramid D' ^C ' = z ; then a; — 9 is the 1 from its vertex to the /; ^1__^/A upper base of the frustum ; then use § 564. f^ Y ' /^] ^c \ \ Ex.72. The lateral edge of a frustum of / Dil..|__A.l.V--Ac a regular hexagonal pyramid is 10, and the / / j\ [ \[ \/ sides of its bases are 10 and 4, respectively. 1/ V/C^ \/^ Find its lateral area and volume. A p g Note. — Supplementary Exercises 38-42, p. 457, can be studied now. 376 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS Five groups of supplementary material follow. None of this material is needed for subsequent parts of solid geometry. Each group is independent of each of the others. The groups are arranged in order of importance and of interest. The teacher should select from this material such parts as seem best to meet the needs of the class. Group A. Prismatoids 573. A Prismatoid is a polyedron bounded by two parallel faces called Bases, and by a number of lateral faces which are bounded by either triangles, trapezoids, or parallelograms. The Altitude of a prismatoid is the perpendicular between the bases. The Mid-section of a prismatoid is the section of the plane parallel to the base and midway between them. Proposition XVIII. Theorem 574. . If the areas of the lower and upper bases of a prisma- toid are B and b, respectively, the area of the mid-section is m, the length of the altitude is H, and the volume is V, then, V=\H{B^b-\-4.m). Proof. 1. Through any point Fof the mid-section and each edge of the prismatoid, pass planes. These planes divide the PRISMATOIDS 377 prismatoid into pyramid V-ABC, pyramid V-DEFO, pyramids like V-BCFy and polyedra like V-ABED. (a) Volume V-ABC =^\'\ H h = \ Ub. (b) Similarly, volume V-DEFG = | IIB. (c) To compute the volume of V-BCF : 1. Draw VE and VS^ thus forming A VRSy which is a part of the mid-section. 2. Draw plane VBS. 3. V-BCF = V-RSF + V-BRS + V-BCS. 4. V-RSF=\-^H'AVRS = \H'AVR1S. Prove it. 5. V-BRS = \-^H'AVRS = \H'AVRS. Prove it. 6. V-BCS=^2 . V-BRS, for A BGS=2 • A BRS. § 571, Cor. 2. .-. F-J5C>S'=f ^.AFie.S'. 7. .-. V-BCF =iH'A VRS. Similarly, the volume of any triangular pyramid with vertex V and as base a triangular lateral face is equal to |^ ^ multi- plied by that part of m which is in the triangular pyramid. (d) V-ABED can be divided into two triangular pyramids by passing a plane through V, A, and E. Hence its volume can be obtained as in part (c). (c) Hence, the sum of all pyramids with vertex F, whose bases are lateral faces of the prismatoid, is ^ H^m. (/) .-. volume of the prismatoid = ^ HB -f ^ Hb + J Hm = iH(B-^b-\-4.m). Note. — This Proposition is particularly interesting not alone because it enables us to determine the volumes of many irregularly shaped figures, but because it includes many previous propositions as special cases. Ex. 73. Is a prism a special case of a prismatoid ? In a prism, what relation is there between J5, 6, and m ? Does the formula of § 674 reduce to the usual formula for the volume of a prism ? Ex. 74. Answer the same questioiw for a pyramid. 378 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VII Group B. Truncated Prisms Proposition XIX. Theorem 575. A truncated triangular prism is equal to the sum of three pyramids having as common base the lower base of the given prism, and having as their vertices the three vertices of the upper base of the truncated prism. p Hypothesis. DEF-ABG is a truncated triangular prism. Conclusion. DEF-ABG = E-ABC + D-ABC + F-ABO. Proof. 1. Pass planes through A, E, and O, and through D, E, and C, thus dividing DEF-ABQ into E-ABC, E- ADC, and E-DFC. 2. E-ABC is one of the required pyramids. 3. E-DAC= B-DAC. Cor. 1, § 571 [For the altitudes from B and E to ADC are equal.] -Bvit B-DAC = D-ABC .-. E-DAC = D-ABC, the second required pyramid. 4. E-DFC=B-AFC. §571 [For A DFC = A AFC, and the altitudes from E and B to DFC and AFC, respectively, are equal.] But B-AFC = F-ABC .'. E-DFC = F-ABC, the third required pyramid. 5. .-. DEF-ABC = E-ABC + D-ABC + F-ABC. 576. Cor. 1. The volume of a truncated right triangular prism is equal to one third the base multiplied by the sum of the lateral edges. TRUNCATED PRISMS 379 577. Cor. 2. Tlie volume of any tnincated triangular prism is equal to the product of one third the area of a ^f right section by the sinn of the lateral edges. jy^ Suggestions. — 1. Let XYZ be the right section whose area is r. 2. Apply § 676, to DEF-XYZ, and to ABC-XYZ. 3. Prove DEF-ABC = l^r {AD -\- BE + CF) . Ex. 75. Find the volume of a truncated right triangular prism, the sides of whose base are 5, 12, and 13, and whose lateral edges are 3, 7, and 5, respectively. Ex. 76. Find the volume of a truncated right triangular prism whose lateral edges are 11, 14, and 17^ having for its base an isosceles triangle whose sides are 10, 13, and 13, respectively. Ex. 77. Find the volume of a truncated regular quadrangular prism, a side of whose base is 8, and whose lateral edges, taken in order, are 2, C, 8, and 4, respectively. Suggestion. — Pass a plane through two diagonally opposite lateral edges, dividing the solid into two truncated right triangular prisms. Ex. 78. If ABCD is a rectangle, and EF is any line not in its plane parallel to AB, the volume of the solid bounded by figures ABCD, ABFE, CDEF, ADE, and BCF, is Ih X AD x(2AB-\- EF), where h is the perpendicular from any point of EF to ABCD. § 577 Ex. 79. If ABCD and EFQH are rectangles lying in parallel planes, AB and BC being parallel to EF and FQ, respectively, the solid bounded by the figures ABCD, EFGH, ABFE, BCGF, CDHQ, and DAEH, is called a rec- tangular prismoid. ABCD and EFGHa.Te called the bases of the rectangular prismoid, and the perpendicular dis- tance between them, the altitude. Prove the volume of a rectangular prismoid equal to the sum of its bases, plus four times A B a section equidistant from the bases, multiplied by one sixth the altitude. Suggestion. —Pass a plane through CD and EF, and find the volumes of the solids ABCD-EF and EFGH-CD by Ex. 78. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 43-47, p. 468, can be studied now. — f e/- 1 J Inscribe in a circular cylinder a prism \x/ ..■';^ having its base inclosed by a regular poly- gon ; then inscribe a second prism whose base is inclosed by a regular polygon having double the number of sides ; imagine that this process is continued indefinitely. Pass a plane form- ing right sections of the cylinder and the prisms. It will be assumed evident that the prisms come nearer and nearer to occupying the same space as the cylinder. As a consequence : (a) The Volume of the Cylinder is defined to be the limit of the volume of the inscribed prism as the number of faces in- creases indefinitely. (h) The Lateral Area of a Cylinder is defined to be the limit of the lateral area of the inscribed prism as the number of faces increases indefinitely. (c) The length of a right section of the lateral surface of the cylinder is defined to be the limit of the length of the right 394 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VIII section of the lateral surface of the inscribed prism as the number of faces increases indefinitely. (d) It is evident that the edge and altitude of the inscribed prism equal respectively the element and altitude of the cylinder. Proposition III. Theorem 598. The lateral area of a circular cylinder is equal to the perimeter of a right section multiplied by the length of an element. Hypothesis. 8 = the lateral area, P = the perimeter of a right section, E = the length of an element of a circular cylinder. Conclusion. S = E x F. Proof. 1. Inscribe in the cylinder a prism whose base is inclosed by a regular polygon. Let S' = the lateral area and P' = the perimeter of a right section. 2. Then S' = E x P'. Why? 3. Let the number of faces of the prism increase indefinitely. Then S' = S, and P' = P. § 597, 6 and c ; also Note, § 595, 4. .'. ExF^ExP. § 543, a 5. .: S = E xP. § 543, 6 599. Cor. 1. The lateral area of a right circular cylinder is equal to the circumference of its base multiplied by the length of the altitude. MEASURING THE CYLINDER 395 600. Cor. 2. If R = the length of the radius of the base, 11 = the length of the altitude^ S = the lateral area, and T = the total area of a right circular cylinder, then (a) S = 2irRH. (6) T=27rE^ + 27rRH=27rR(E + H). Ex. 10. Find the lateral area of a right circular cylinder whose alti- tude i.s 16 and the diameter of whose base is 18. Ex. 11. Find the total area of a cylinder of revolution whose altitude is 15 and the radius of whose base is 5. Ex. 12. Determine the cost at 15^ per square yard of painting the vertical surface and top of a gas holder whose diameter is 30 ft. and wliose height is 20 ft. Ex. 13. How many square feet of tin are required to make 30 sec- tions of hot-air furnace pipe 10 in. in diameter and 30 in. in length ? Proposition IV. Theorem 601. The voluine of a circular cylinder is equal to the area of its base multiplied by the length of its altitude. Hypothesis. V = the volume, B = the area of the base, and // = the length of the altitude of a circular cylinder. Conclusion. V= H x B. Proof. 1. Inscribe in the cylinder a prism having its base inclosed by a regular polygon. Let F'= the volume and J5' = the area of the base. 2. .-. F' = //X i?'. Why? 3. Increase indefinitely the number of faces of the prism. Then V^ = V, and 2J' = B. 4. .'.HxB' = HxB, §543, a. 5. .'.V=HxB. §543,6. 602. Cor. If V = the volume, H = the length of the altitude, and R = the radius of the base of a circiUar cylinder, then F= wR'H. 396 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VIII Ex. 14. What is the cost of digging a dry well 5 ft. in diameter and 15 ft. deep at 50 f per cubic yard ? Ex. 15. What is the capacity in gallons of a water tank 12 ft. in length and 36 in. in diameter, estimating 1\ gal. of water to a cubic foot ? Ex. 16. How many cubic feet of metal are there in a hollow cylin- drical tube 18 ft. long, whose outer diameter is 8 in. and whose thickness is 1 in. ? Ex. 17. Determine the number of cubic yards of concrete required for the wall and floor of a circular cistern 8 ft. in outside diameter, and 12 ft. deep, if the walls and floor are 8 in. thick. Ex. 18. Determine the diameter of a 2-bbl. water reservoir having the form of a right circular cylinder if the length is 4 ft. (2 bbl.=63 gal. ; 1 cu. ft. contains 7| gal.) Note. — Supplementary Exercises 48-58, p. 459, can be studied now. THE CONE 603. A Conical Surface is the surface generated by a moving straight line, which constantly intersects a given plane curve and constantly passes through a given point not in the plane of the curve. Thus, if line OA moves so as constantly to in- tersect plane curve ABC, and constantly passes through point O, not in the plane of the curve, it generates a conical surface. The moving line is called the Generatrix, and the curve the Directrix. The given point is called the Vertex, and any position of the generatrix, as OB, is called an Element of the surface. If the generatrix be supposed to be indefinite in length, it will generate two conical surfaces of indefinite extent, 0- A'B'C and 0-ABC. These are called the upper and lower nappes, respectively, of the conical surface. It will be assumed that the directrix is a closed plane curve so that each nappe of the surface separates an infinite portion of space from surrounding space. THE CONE 397 604. A Cone is a solid bounded by a portion of one nappe of a conical surface and that part of a plane cutting all the elements of the surface which lies within the surface. The plane is called the Base of the cone, and the conical surface the Lateral Surface. The Altitude of a cone is the perpendicular from the vertex to the plane of the base. 605. Kinds of Cones. A Circular Cone is a cone whose base is inclosed by a circle. The Axis of a circular cone is a straight line drawn from the vertex to the center of the base. A Right Circular Cone is a circular cone whose axis is per- pendicular to its base. A Frustum of a Cone is a portion of a cone included between the base and a plane parallel to the base. The base of the cone is called the lower hose, and the section made by the plane the upper base, of the frustum. The altitude of a frustum is the perpendicular between the planes of the bases. Ex, 19. Prove that the elements of a right circular cone are equal. Ex. 20. Prove that the elements of a frustum of a right circular cone are equal. Ex. 21. If a right triangle be revolved about one of its legs as an axis, it generates a right circular cone. 606. As a consequence of Ex. 19, the distance from the ver- tex to any point of the circle bounding the base of a right cir- cular cone is called the Slant Height of the right circular cone. As a consequence of Ex. 20, the portion of the slant height of a right circular cone between the base and a plane parallel to the base is called the Slant Height of the frustrum of the right circular cone. As a consequence of Ex. 21, a right circular cone is also called a cone of revolution. 398 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VIII Pkoposition y. Theorem 607. If a plane passes through an element of a cone and through at least one other point of the surface of the cone, the intersection with the total surface of the cone is a triangle. Hypothesis. Plane M, passing through element OC of cone 0-AB, intersects the surface again in point D, not in OC. Conclusion. Section OCD is a A. Proof. 1. CD is a straight line. Why ? 2. Since the base AB is inclosed by a closed line, line CD intersects it in two points C and D which lie in the conical surface. 3. Lines OC and OD are elements of the surface. Def . 4. Also OC and OD lie in the plane OCD. Why ? 5. .'. the complete intersection of the surface and the plane is the triangle OCD. Ex. 22. Find, correct to one decimal, the slant height of a right cir- cular cone whose altitude is 9 in. and the radius of whose base is 3 in. Ex. 23. Find the slant height of a right circular cone whose altitude is h and the radius of wjiose base is r. Ex. 24. The radii of the upper and lower bases of the frustum of a right circular cone are 3 in. and 5 in. respectively; the altitude of the frustum is 6 in. Determine the slant height correct to one decimal place. Ex. 25. Find the altitude of a right circular cone whose slant height is 13 and the radius of whose base is 5. Ex. 26. Kepeat Ex. 24 when the radii are r and B respectively and the altitude is if. THE CONE 399 Proposition VI. Theorem 608. TJie section of the lateral surface of a circular cone made by a plane 2Mrallel to the base is a circle. Hypothesis. A'B'C is the section of circular cone S-ABC, made by a plane II base ABC whose center is O. Conclusion. A'B'C is a ©. Proof. 1. Draw axis O/S, intersecting A'B'C at O'. 2. Let A' and B' be any two points in curve A'B'C. Let planes A'O'S and B'O'S intersect the base in radii OA and OB, the cutting plane in lines O'A' and O'B', and the lateral surface in lines SA'A and SB'B respectively. 3. SA'A and SB'B are straight lines. 4. A SA'O' ~ A SAO, and A SB'O' - A SBO. 5 . O'^' ^ O'B' " OA OB' .-. O'A' = O'B'. § 607 Prove it. Prove it. Prove it. 6. 7. Since A' and B' are any two points of curve A'B'C and are equidistant from O', curve A'B'C is a circle and 0' is its center. 609. Cor. The axis of a circular cone passes through the center of every section parallel to the base. Ex. 27. Prove that the radii of the upper and lower bases of a frus- tutn of any cone have the same ratio as the distances of the bases from the vertex of the cone. 400 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VIII MEASURING THE CONE 610. A pyramid is inscribed in a cone when y its lateral edges are elements of the cone and /I the bounding polygon of the base of the pyra- / / mid is inscribed in the boundary of the base y^-'-'---y'''''^ of the cone. The vertex and altitude of the f \ / \ j pyramid coincide with the vertex and the ^"^-^^^U:::!':::^^^^ altitude of the cone. 611. A frustum of a pyramid is inscribed in a frustum of a cone when its lateral edges are elements of the frustum of the cone, and the boundaries / S^ ^"T k of the bases of the frustum of the pyramid /k \ M J . are inscribed in the boundaries of the bases // / / / / of the frustum of the cone. The altitude //- -/ ,. / / / of the frustum of the pyramid coincides with /' i / \ k/ the altitude of the frustum of the cone. \l/ '{/ 612. Application of limits to the Cone. Inscribe in a circular cone a pyramid having a base inclosed by a regular polygon ; then inscribe a second pyramid whose base is inclosed by a regular polygon having double the num- ber of sides ; imagine that this process is continued indefinitely. It will be assumed evident that the pyramids come nearer and nearer to occupying the same space as the cone. As a consequence : (a) The Volume of a Cone is defined to be the limit of the volume of a regular inscribed pyramid as the number of faces is increased indefinitely. (6) The Lateral Area of a Cone is defined to be the limit of the lateral area of a regular inscribed pyramid as the number of faces is increased indefinitely. (c) It can be proved that the slant height of a right circular cone is the limit of the slant height of a regular inscribed pyra- mid as the number of faces is increased indefinitely. (d) The volume and lateral area of a frustum of a cone are MEASURING THE CONE 401 defined to be the limits of the volume and area respectively of the frustum of a regular inscribed pyramid, having its base inclosed by a regular polygon, as the number of faces is in- creased indefinitely ; also, .the slant height of a frustum of a right circular cone can be proved to be the limit of the slant height of the frustum of a regular inscribed pyramid as the number of faces is increased indefinitely. Proposition YII. Theorem 613. The lateral area of a right circular cone is equal to the circumference of its base multiplied by one half its slant height. Hypothesis. S = the lateral area, C = the circumference of the base, and L = the slant height of a right circular cone. Conclusion. >S — ^ CL. Proof. 1. Inscribe in the cone a pyramid whose base is inclosed by a regular polygon. Let S' = the lateral area, P'= the perimeter of the base, and L' = the slant height of the pyramid. 2. Then S' = ^ P'lJ. Why ? 3. Let the number of faces of the pyramid increase indefi- nitely, keeping the pyramid always a regular pyramid. Then S' = iS, P' = C, and V ^ L. § 612, 6, c 4. .-. \P'L' ^\CL. § 543, c 5. .'. S=^\CL § 542, 6 402 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VIII 614. Cor. If S denotes the lateral area, T the total area, L the slant height, and R the radius of the base of a right circular cone, then 8 = 2 .R^^^ L = .RL. Also, T = ttRL + irR'' = irR^L + R). Ex. 28. Find the lateral area and the total area of a right circular cone, the radius of whose base is 7 in. and whose slant height is 25 in. Ex. 29. How many square yards of canvas are required for a circus tent having the form of a right circular cylinder, surmounted by a right circular cone, if the diameter of the tent is 100 ft., the height of the vertical wall 15 ft., and the height of the highest point of the tent 50 ft. ? Ex. 30. The diameter of the base of a right circular cone is equal to its altitude. Determine its lateral and total area. Proposition YIII. Theorem 615. The volume of a circular cone is equal to the area of its base multiplied hy one third the length of its altitude. Hypothesis. F'= the volume, ^ = the area of the base, and H = the altitude of a circular cone. Conclusion. V= J BH. Proof left to the pupil. Suggestion. — Model the proof after that in § 601 . Use Fig. § 613 616. Cor. // V denotes the volume, H the altitude, and R the radius of the base of a circular cone, F= i ttR'H. Ex. 31. Determine the volume of a right circular cone, the radius of whose base is 7 in. and whose slant height is 25 in. Ex. 32. Determine the volume of the solid generated when a right triangle of base b and altitude h (a) revolves about its side h; (h) revolves about its side b. Ex. 33. Determine the ratio of a circular cone and a circular cylin- der having the same base and altitude. MEASURING THE CONE 403 Proposition IX. Theorem 617. The lateral area of a frustum of a right circu- lar cone is equal to the sum of the circumferences of its bases, multiplied by one half its slant height. Hypothesis. S = the lateral area, C and c the circumfer- ences of the lower and upper bases respectively, and L = the slant height of a frustum of a right circular cone. Conclusion. S = ^L(0-\-c). Proof. 1. Let aS" = the lateral area, C and c' the circum- ferences of the lower and upper bases, and L' = the slant height of the frustum of a regular pyramid inscribed in the frustum of the cone. 2. .'.S' = iL'(C+c'), Why? 3.. Let the number of faces of the frustum of the pyramid be increased indefinitely, keeping the pyramid always a regular pyramid. Then S' = S, C'=0, c'=c, L'=L. Why? 4. .-. J L\C' H- cO = 4 i>(0 -h c). § 543, c 5. .'.S=\L{C + c). §543,6 618. Cor. 1. If S denotes the lateral area^ L the slant height^ and R and r the radii of the bases of a frustum of a right cir- cular cone, /S = (2 7ri2 -f 2 irr) X 4 -L = Tr(R + r)L. 619. Cor. 2. Jlie lateral area of a frustum of a right drcidar cone is equal to the circumference of a section midway between the bases, multiplied by the slant height. 404 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VIII Proposition X. Theorem 620. The volume of a frustum of a circular cone is equal to the stem of its bases and the mean proportional between them, multiplied hy one third the length of its altitude. Hypothesis. V= the volume, B and h = the areas of the lower and upper bases respectively, and II = the length of the altitude of a frustum of a circular cone. Conclusion. V= -J H(B + 6 + V^). Proof. 1. Inscribe in the frustum of the cone a frustum of a pyramid having its base inclosed by a regular polygon. Let V = the volume, and B' and b' = the areas of the lower and upper bases respectively of the frustum of the pyramid. 2. Then F' =i H(B' + 6' + VW). § 572 Complete the proof as in § 601 and § 615. 621. Cor. If V denotes the volume, H the altitude, and R and r the radii of the bases of a frustum of a circular cone, then V=\iT{B^+r'+Rr)H. Ex. 34. Find the lateral area, the total area, and the volume of a frustum of a cone of revolution, the diameters of whose bases are 16 in. and 6 in., and whose altitude is 12 in. Ex. 35. Determine the contents in quarts of a water pail having the form of a frustum of a cone of revolution, if the diameters of the bottom and top are 9 in. and 12 in. respectively, and the height of the pail is 14 in. (One quart occupies about 231 cu. in.) Note. — Supplementary Exercises 59-71, p. 459, can be studied now. TANGENT PLANES 405 SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS A. Planes Tangent to a Cylinder or a Cone 622. A plane is tangent to a circular cylinder or to a circular cone when it contains one and only one element of the cylinder or of the cone. Proposition XI. Theorem 623. A plane drawn throtigh an element of a circular cylinder and a tangent to the base at its extremity is tangent to the cylinder. Hypothesis. AA' is an element of the lateral surface of cir- cular cylinder AB', line CD is tangent to the base AB at Aj and plane CD' is drawn through AA' and CD. Conclnsion. CD' is tangent to the cylinder. Proof. 1. Let E be any point in plane CD', not in AA', and draw through E a plane II to the bases, intersecting CD' in line EF and the cylinder in FII. 2. Draw axis 00' ; then 00' is II AA'. Ex. 8, p. 392. 3. Let the plane of 00' and A A' intersect the planes of AB and FH in radii OA and OF, respectively. 4. Then, GF II OA and FE II AD. Why ? 6. .-. Z GFE = Z OAD. Why ? 6. .'. FE± OF, and tangent to O FH. Prove it. 406 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK VIII 7. Whence, point E lies outside the cylinder. 8. .-. all points of CD', not in AA', lie outside the cylinder, and CD' is tangent to the cylinder. Proposition XII. Theorem 624. A plane determined by an elemerit of the lateral surface of a circular cone and a tangeyit to the base at its extremity, is tangent to the cone. Hypothesis. OA is an element of the lateral surface of cir- cular cone OAB, line CD is tangent to base AB at A, and plane OCD is drawn through OA and CD. Conclusion. OCD is tangent to the cone. (Prove that E lies outside the cone.) Suggestion. — Model the proof after that of § 623. B. Similar Cylinders and Cones of Revolution 625. Similar cylinders of revolution are right circular cylin- ders generated by the revolution of similar rectangles about homologous sides as axes. Similar cones of revolution are right circular cones generated by the revolution of similar right triangles about homologous sides as axes. SIMILAR CYLINDERS AND CONES 407 Proposition XIII. Theorem 626. The lateral or total areas of two siinilar cylinders of revolution are to each other as the squares of their altitudes, or as the squares of the radii of their bases ; and their volumes are to each other as the cubes of their altitudes, or as the cubes of the radii of their bases. \H .""» Hypothesis. S and s are the lateral areas, T and t are the total areas, V and v are the volumes, // and h are the altitudes, and M and r the radii of the bases, of two similar cylinders of revolution. S T H' R' _,, V IP^^ h^ r^* Conclusion. Proof. 1. 2. 3. - = -— = -—, and — t h^ r^ V Since the generating rectangles are similar. Why? II h r h '' II + R h + r' § 255, § 253 2z^ = 5x^ = ^ = ^'. Whv^ 2 7rrh r r 7^ h^ ^ ' 6. T_ 2 7rR(H-\-R) ^R^^R_R_II^ t 2 irr{h -f- r) r r r^ h^ ' V ttRH^R^R^R^IP TtrVi h^ Why? Why? 408 PLANE GEOMETRY — BOOK VIII Proposition XIV. Theorem 627. The lateral or total areas of two similar cones of revolu- tion are to each other as the squares of their slant heights, or as the squares of their altitudes, or as the squares of the radii of their bases; ayid their volumes are to each other as the cubes of their slant heights, or as the cubes of their altitudes, or as the cubes of the radii of their bases. Hypothesis. S and s are the lateral areas, T and t the total areas, "Fand v are the volumes, L and I are the slant heights, H and h are the altitudes, and R and r the radii of the bases, of two similar cones of revolution. (§ 625.) Conclusion. ^=2'=^ = ^ = «^,a„di: = ^ = ^=^. s t P h^ r^ V P h' 7^ The proof is left to the pupil ; model it after that of § 626. Ex. 36. At what distance from the vertex of a right circular cone with altitude H must a plane parallel to the base be passed so that the lateral area will be bisected ? BOOK IX THE SPHERE 628. A Spherical Surface is a closed surface all points of which are equidistant from a point within, called the Center. 629. A Sphere is the solid bounded by a spherical surface. 630. A Radius of a sphere, or of its surface, is the straight line drawn from its center to any point of its surface. A Diameter of a sphere, or of its surface, is the straight line drawn through the center having its extremities in the surface. Proposition I. Theorem 631. The intersection of a spherical surface and a plane is a circle. ~~^\ 0'"'.:!\n /^l^."-"'' "''•^.S^^^ '^^«s &'■' Hypothesis. ABC is the intersection of the spherical surface whose center is and a plane. Conclusion. Curve ABC is a O Proof. 1. Draw 00' ± plane of ABC. 2. Let A and B be any two points in curve ABC. Draw OA, OB, O'A, and O'B. Suggestion. — Now prove that O'A = O'B, and ABC is a O. 409 410 SOLID OPTOMETRY — BOOK IX 632. A Great Circle of a sphere is the in- tersection of its surface and a plane passing /^ through its center ; as O ABQ. A,-— - A Small Circle of a sphere is the intersec- J-t;:;;;;^ tion of its surface and a plane which does \ ^ not pass through its center. ^^J_-^-^ The Axis of a circle of a sphere is the diameter of the sphere which is perpendicular to the plane of the circle ; as axis POP\ The Poles of a Circle of a sphere are the extremities of the axis of the circle. 633. Cor. 1. Tlie axis of a circle of a sphere passes through the center of the circle. 634. Cor. 2. All great circles of a sphere are equal. 635. Cor. 3. Every great circle bisects the sphere and its surface. For if the portions of the sphere formed by the plane of the great circle be separated, and placed so that their plane surfaces coincide, the spheri- cal surfaces falling on the same side of this plane, the two spherical sur- faces will coincide throughout ; for all points of either surface are equally distant from the center. 636. Cor. 4. Any tivo great circles bisect each other. For the intersection of their planes is a diameter of the sphere, and therefore a diameter of each circle. 637. Cor. 5. Between any tivo points on the surface of a sphere, not the extremities of a diameter, one and only 07ie arc of a great circle, less than a semicircle, can be draion. For the two points, with the center of the sphere, determine a plane which intersects the surface of the sphere in the required arc. 638. Two spheres are equal ivhen their radii are equal. All radii and diameters of the same sphere or equal spheres are equal. 639. A spherical surface may be generated by the revolu- tion of a semicircle about its diameter as an axis. For all points of such a surface are equally distant from the center of the circle. THE SPHERE 411 640. Through two points of a spherical surface, an infinity of small circles of the sphere can be drawn. Why ? Through three points of a spherical surface, one and only one small circle of the sphere can be drawn. Why ? Ex. 1. Prove that a great circle of a sphere which passes through one pole of a circle must pass through the other pole also. Ex. 2. How many great circles can be passed through two points which are the extremities of a diameter of a sphere ? Ex. 3. What kind of circles of the earth are the parallels' of latitude ? Ex. 4. What kind of circles of the earth are the meridians ? Ex. 5. What kind of circle of the earth is the equator ? Ex. 6. Speaking strictly, is it accurate to speak of the North Pole of the earth ? Of what circle or circles is it a pole ? Ex. 7. Into how many parts do two great circles of a sphere divide the surface of the sphere ? Ex. 8. Into how many parts do three great circles of a sphere divide the surface of the sphere, if they do not all have a common diameter ? Ex. 9. Prove that all circles of a sphere made by parallel planes have the same axis and the same poles. Ex. 10. Given a point of a spherical surface. Prove that it is the pole of one and only one great circle. Ex. 11. Prove that circles of a sphere made by planes equidistant from the center of the sphere are equal. Suggestion. — Use the Pythagorean Theorem. (§ 291.) Ex. 12. State and prove the converse of Ex. 11. Ex. 13. Prove that circles of a sphere made by planes unequally dis- tant from the center of the sphere are unequal, the more remote being the smaller. Ex. 14. State and prove the converse of Ex. 13. Ex. 15. In how many points can two straight lines intersect ? In how many points on one hemisphere can two great circles intersect ? 641. The great circles of a sphere in sphencal geometry cor- respond to the straight lines of a plane in plane geometry. § 637 and Ex. 15 are two instance's pointing to this similarity of great circles and straight lines ; others will appear in the remaining paragraphs of Book IX. 412 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX 642. It can be proved that the length of the arc of the great circle, less than a semicircle, between two points of a spherical surface is less than the length of any other curved line on the surface between the two points. Consequently, the distance between two points on the surface of a sphere^ measured on the surface, is defined to be the arc of the great circle, less than a semicircle, drawn between them. Proposition II. Theorem 643. All points in a circle of a sphere are equidistant from each of its poles. •p' Hypothesis. P and P' are the poles of O ABC of sphere M. Conclusion. All points of O ABC are equidistant from P, and also from P'. Proof. 1. Let A and B be any two points of O ABC, and draw great circle arcs PA and PB. Draw axis PMP', intersect- ing the plane of ABC at 0. Draw OA, OB, PA, and PB. 2. .'.PA = PB. Prove it. 3. .♦. PA = PB. Prove it. 4. Since A and B are any two points of O ABC, .'. all points of O ABC are equidistant from P. 5. Similarly all points of O ABC are equidistant from P\ 644. The Polar Distance of a circle of a sphere is the dis- tance from the nearer of its poles to the circle, or from either pole if they are equally near. Thus, in the figure of Proposition II, the polar distance of O ABC is arc PA. THE SPHERE 413 645. Cor. All points of a great circle of a sphere are at a quadranfs distance from either of its poles. Note. — The term quadrant in Spherical Geom- etry, usually signifies a quadrant of a great circle. Hypothesis. P is a pole of great circle ABC of sphere AFC; B is any point in QABC, and PB is an arc of a great O. Conclusion. Arc PB = a quadrant. Swjgestion. — Draw radii OA, OB, and OP. Note. — An arc of a circle may be drawn on the surface of a sphere by placing one foot of the compasses at the nearer pole of the circle, the dis- tance between the feet being equal to the chord of the polar distance. Proposition III. Theorem 646. A point on the surface of a sphere at a quad- rant's distance from each of two points^ not the extremi- ties of a diameter of the sphere, is a pole of the great circle through those points. Hypothesis. P is on the surface of the sphere whose center is 0. AB is an arc of great O ABC, not a semicircle. PA and PB are quadmnts. Conclusion. P is a pole of AB. Suggestions. — 1. Recall the definition of " pole of a 0." 2. Draw PO, AO, OB, and prove PO 1 plane ABC. "Ex. 16. If a point lies at a quadrant^s distance from the ends of a diameter of a sphere, is it necessarily a pole of the great circle through those points ? 414 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX 647. The angle between two intersecting curves is the angle formed by the tangents to the curves at the point of inter- section. A Spherical Angle is the angle between two intersecting arcs of great circles. Propositiois^ IV. Theorem 648. A spherical angle is measured by an arc of a great circle having its vertex as a pole, included be- tween its sides extended if necessary. Hypothesis. ABO and AB'C are arcs of great (D on the surface of the sphere whose center is ; lines AD and AD' are tangent to ABC and AB'C, respectively, and BB' is an arc of a great O having ^ as a pole, included between arcs ABC and AB'C. Conclusion. Z BAB' is measured by arc BB'. Proof. 1. Draw diameter AGO and radii OB and OB'. 2. Arcs AB and AB' are quadrants. Why ? 3. .-. A AOB and AOB' are rt. A. Why ? 4. OB II AD and OB' II AD'. Why? 5. .-. Z DAD' = Z BOB'. § 481 6. But Z BOB' is measured by arc BB'. Why ? 7. Then, Z DAD' is measured by arc BB'. Why ? 8. .-. Z £^5' is measured by arc BB'. § 647 THE SPHERE 415 649. Cor. 1. Tlie angle between two arcs of great circles is equal to the diedral angle formed by their planes. 650. Cor. 2. An arc of a great circle drawn to another great circle from the latter^ s pole is popendicular to that great circle. Suggestions.— 1. What Z does OA form with plane BOB'? 2. What kind of Z is diedral Z AOB'B? (§ 495.) Ex. 17. If a spherical blackboard can be had, construct a spherical angle and measure it. Ex. 18. The chord of the polar distance of a circle of a sphere is 6. If the radius of the sphere is 6, what is the radius of the circle ? Ex. 19. What is the locus of points in space at a given distance d from a fixed point, and equidistant from two given points ? SPHERICAL POLYGONS Note. — Recall at this point the definition of a polygon in plane geom- etry as a closed broken line lying in a plane. (§ 125.) Recall also § 641, calling attention to the similarity in the rdles of the straight line in plane geometry and the great circle in solid geometry. 651. A Spherical Polygon is a closed line on the surface of a sphere consisting of arcs of three or more great circles ; as polygon A BCD. Just as in plane geometry we considered only convex polygons, so we shall consider only convex spherical polygons. (See § 126.) It will be assumed as evident that a simple spherical polygon iucloses a por- tion of the surface of the sphere. The bounding arcs are the Sides of the polygon ; they are usually measured in arc-degrees. (§ 214.) The angle formed by two consecutive sides of a polygon is an Angle of the spherical polygon, and its vertex is a Vertex of the polygon. A Diagonal of a spherical polygon is the arc of the great circle joining two non-consecutive vertices of the polygon, and lying withia the polygon. 416 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX 652. A Spherical Triangle is a spherical polygon having three sides. A spherical triangle is Isosceles when it has two equal sides ; it is Equilateral when it has three equal sides ; it is Right-angled when one of its angles is a right angle. 653. The planes of the sides of a spherical polygon form a polyedral angle, whose vertex is the center of the sphere, and whose face angles are measured by the sides of the spherical polygon. Thus, in the figure of § 651, the planes of the sides of the spherical polygon form a polyedral, Z 0-ABCD, whose face angles AOB, BOC, etc., are measured by arcs AB, BC, etc., respectively. Ex. 20. Prove that the angles of a spherical polygon have the same measures as the diedral angles of the corresponding polyedral angle. 654. If great circles be drawn with the vertices of a spheri- cal triangle as poles, they divide the surface of the sphere into eight parts whose boundaries are tri- angles. Thus, if circle B'C'B" be drawn with vertex A of spherical A ABC as a pole, circle A'C^A" with ^ as a pole, and circle A'Bf'A"B' with (7 as a pole, the surface of the sphere is divided into eight spheri- cal A ; namely, A'B'C, A'B"Q', A'B'C, and A'B"C' on the hemisphere represented in the figure, and four others on the opposite hemisphere. Of these eight spherical A, one is called the Polar Triangle of ABO, and is determined as follows : Of the intersections. A! and A' of circles drawn with B and C as poles, that which is nearer to A, i.e. A', is a vertex of the polar triangle ; and similarly for the other intersections. Thus, A'B'C is the polar A of ABC. Ex. 21. The polar distance of a circle of a sphere is 60°. If the di- ameter of the circle is 6, find the diameter of the sphere, and the distance of the circle from its center. Suggestion. — Represent the radius of the sphere by 2 x. (§ 288.) SPHERICAL POLYGONS 417 Proposition V. Theorem 655. If one spherical triangle is the polar triangle of another, then the second sjjherical triangle is the polar triangle of the first. Hypothesis. A'B'C is the polar A of the spherical A ABC; Af B, and C are the poles of arcs B'C\ O'A', and A'B', respectively. Conclusion. ABC is the polar A of spherical A A'BfC. Proof. 1. A' is at a quadrant's distance from B. § 645 (Since B is the pole of arc A'C.) 2. A' is at a quadrant's distance from C. Why ? 3. .-. A' is a pole of the great O arc BC. Why ? 4. Similarly Bf and C are the poles oi AC and AB, respectively. Prove it. 5. .-. A ABC is the polar A of A A'BfC. (For of the two intersections of the great (D having B^ and C, respectively, as poles, A is nearer to A' ; similarly for B and C. § 654 Note. — Two spherical triangles, each of which is the polar triangle of the other, are called polar triangles. Ex. 22. How many degrees are there in the polar distance of a circle whose plane is 6V2 units from the center of the sphere, the diameter of the sphere being 20 units ? Suggestion. — The radius of the is a leg of a rt. A, whose hypotenuse is the radius of the sphere, and whose other leg is the distance from its center to the plane of the 0. 418 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Proposition VI. Theorem 656. In two polar triangles, each angle of one has the same measure as the supplement of that side of the other of which it is the pole. Hypothesis. A ABC and A'B'C are polar A, point A being the pole of B^', etc. Let a, a', etc. be the measures in degrees of BO, B'C, etc., respectively ; let A, A', etc. be the measures in degrees of A A, A', etc. Conclusion. ^ = 180 - a' ; JB = 180 - &' ; (7 = 180 - c'. ^' = 180 - a ; B'== 180 -b ; C = 180 - c. Proof. 1. Extend AB and AC to meet B^ at D and E, respectively. 2. Since B' is the pole of AE, B'E = 90°. Why ? 3. Similarly, CD = 90°. 4. .-. B'E + CI) = 1S0°. 5. .'. m) + DE-^CD = 180°, OY DE-{-B^' = 1S0°. 6. But DE is the measure of Z ^. § 648 7. .-. A-\-a' = 180, or ^=180 -a'. 8. Similarly for each of the other angles of either triangle. Ex. 23. Prove on the figure for § 656, that A' = 180 — a. Ex. 24. If the sides of a spherical triangle are 77°, 123^, and 95°, how many degrees are there in each angle of its polar triangle ? Ex. 25. If the angles of a spherical triangle are 86°, 131°, and 68°, how many degrees are there in each side of its polar triangle ? SPHERICAL POLYGONS 419 Proposition VII. Theorem 657. Tlie sum of the sides of a convex spherical poly- (jon is less than 360°. Hypothesis. ABCD is a convex spherical polygon. Conclusion. AB + BC+ CD -\- DA < 360°. Proof. 1. Let polyedral angle 0-ABCD be the polyedral angle which corresponds to spherical polygon ABCD. 2. Then the measure of AB equals the measure of central angle AOB. Why ? 3. Similarly for arcs BC, CD, and DA. 4. But Z AOB + Z BOC + Z COD + Z DO A < 360°. _ ^ ^ ^ §614 5. .-. AB + BC-^CD-\-DA< 360°. Note I. — The pupil should recall at this point that one arc-degree is ^^^ of a circle. Since arcs AB, BC, CD, and DA are arcs of great circles, Proposition VII means that the sum of the sides of any spherical polygon is less than 300 arc-degrees of a great circle — i. e. is less than a great circle. Note 2. — Proposition VII is one of many theorems about spherical polygons which can be formulated from corresponding theorems about polyedral angles by replacing in the latter the words "face angle" and "diedral angle" by "side" and "angle" respectively. Ex. 26. If two sides of a spherical triangle measure 80° and 70° respec- tively, between what two values must the remaining side lie ? Ex 27. What is the greatest possible length for the sum of the sides of a convex spherical polygon on a circle of radius 12 inches ? 420 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Proposition VIII. Theorem 658. Tlie sum of the angles of a spherical triangle is greater than 180° and less than 540°. Hypothesis. A, B, and C are tlie measures in degrees of the A of spherical A ABC. Conclusion. A + B + C> 180° and < 540°. Proof. 1. Let A A'B'C be the polar triangle of spherical A ABC, A being the pole of B^, B of A^, and C of A^'. Let the measures in degrees of B'C, C'A', and A'B' be a" b', and c', respectively. 2. .-. ^ = 180 - a', 5 = 180 - 6', and = 180 - c'. Why ? 3. .♦. ^ + ^H-C=540-(a'+6' + c'). Why? 4. .-. ^-h^+C<540°. 5. But a' + b' + c' < 360°. § 657 6. .'.A + B+C> 180°. Ax. 20, § 158 659. Cor. Tlie sum of the angles of a spherical polygon of n sides is greater than (n — 2) x 180°. Consider ABCD a spherical quadrilateral. Draw great O arc BD, dividing the quadrilateral into two spherical i^, ABD and BBC. The sum of the angles of the triangles equals the sum of the angles of the quadrilateral. In each triangle the sum of the angles is > 180°. Hence for the quadrilateral, the sum of the angles is greater than 2 X 180^ ; that is, the sum >(4 - 2) x 180°. In like manner, if there are n sides, the polygon can be divided into (n— 2) spherical triangles, in each of which the sum of the angles is gi-eater than 180°. Therefore, in the polygon the sum of the angles is greater than (n — 2) x 180°. SPHERICAL POLYGONS 421 660. The Spherical Excess of a spherical triangle, measured in degrees, is the diii'erence between the sum of its angles and 180°. The Spherical Excess of a spherical polygon of n sides, meas- ured in degrees, is the difference between the sum of its angles and (n - 2) X 180°. Note. — In each case, the spherical excess is the amount by which the sum of the angles of the spherical polygon exceeds the sum of the angles of a plane polygon of the same number of sides. Ez. 28. Prove that a spherical triangle may have one, two, or three right angles, or one, two, or three obtuse angles. 661. A spherical triangle having two right angles is called a Bi-rectangular Triangle, and one having three right angles a Tri-rectangular Triangle. Ex. 29. Prove that the sum of the angles of a spherical hexagon is greater than 8, and less than 12, right angles. Ex. 30. What is the spherical excess of a triangle whose angles are 100°, 95°, and 65^ respectively ? Ex. 31. What is the spheiical excess of a tri-rectangular triangle ? Ex. 32. Prove that the spherical excess of a bi-rectangular triangle is the measure of the remaining angle of the triangle. (§ 048.) Ex. 33. What is the spherical excess of a triangle if the sides of its polar triangle measure 80°, 85°, and 95° ? Ex. 34. What relation exists between a tri-rectangular spherical triangle and its polar ? Ex. 35. Prove that the sides opposite the equal angles of a bi-rectaii- gular triangle are quadrants. Suggestion. — Recall § 499 and the definition of "pole." Ex. 36. Prove that each side of a tri-rectangular triangle is a quadrant. Ex. 37. Prove that in a bi-rectangular spherical triangle, the third angle has the same measure as the side opposite it. 662. If a ^lane or a line has only one point in common with the surface of a sphere, it is said to be Tangent to the Sphere. The sphere is said to be tangent to the plane or line. The point common to the plane or line and the spherical sur- face is called the Point of Contact or Tangency. 422 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Proposition IX. Theorem 663. A plane perpendicular to a radius of a sjjJiere at its outer extremity is tangent to the sphere. ^^^^ \y f > / y y^\ ,' \ y X / / ~— L-^^ / / ^ A y M Hypothesis. Plane MN~ ± radius OA at A. Conclusion. Plane MN is tangent to the sphere. Suggestion. — Let B be any poiut of MN except A. Prove that B lies outside the sphere. 664. Cor. A plane tangent to a sphere is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of contact. (Fig. of Prop. IX.) 665. Two Spheres are Tangent to each other when each is tangent to the same plane at the Same point. Ex. 38. Prove that a straight line perpendicular to a radius of a sphere at its outer extremity is tangent to the sphere. Ex. 39. How many straight lines can be tangent to a sphere at a point of the sphere ? Ex. 40. If two straight lines are tangent to a sphere at the same point, their plane is tangent to the sphere. Ex. 41. Prove that all lines tangent to a sphere at a point of the sphere lie in the plane tangent to the sphere at that point. Ex. 42. How many straight lines can be tangent to a sphere from a point outside the sphere ? Compare the lengths of these tangents. Ex. 43. Prove that the points of contact of all lines tangent to a sphere from an exterior point lie in a circle. Ex. 44. Is the circle in Ex. 43 a great circle or a small circle ? Ex. 45. If two spheres are tangent to the same plane at the same point, the straight line joining their centers passes through the point of contact. MEASUREMENT OF SPHERICAL POLYGONS 423 MEASUREMENT OF SPHERICAL POLYGONS 666. A Zone is the portion of a spherical surface included between two parallel planes. The circles which bound the zone are its baseSj and the dis- tance between their planes is its dUitude. A zone of one base is a zone lying between one plane and a parallel plane tangent to the sphere. 667. If semicircle ACEB be revolved about diameter AB as an axis, and CD and EF are lines ± AB, then arc CE generates a zone whose altitude is DF, and arc AC a. zone of one base whose altitude is AD. 668. Application of Limits to Zones. Let be the center of AGB, and OMhe any diameter of the circle. Let AA' and BB' be _L OM. Let C bisect arc AB, and draw broken line ACB. If arc AB is ,, revolved about OM as axis, it gener- ates a zone, and broken lines AC and CB generate curved surfaces. It will be assumed as evident that the sum of the areas of the surfaces generated by AC and CB is less than the area of the zone generated by ACB. Assume arcs AC and CB to be bisected at X and Y", and imagine the broken line AXCYB. It will be assumed as evi- dent that the area of the surface generated by line AXCYB is greater than that generated by ACB but is still less than that of the zone generated by AB. If the process of subdividing arc AB by successively halving the subdivisions of arc AB be continued indefinitely, it will be assumed evident that the sur- face generated by the resulting broken line approaches as limit the zone AB ; also, as the chords like AC decrease indefinitely in length, their distance from center increases and approaches the radius of arc AB as limit. 424 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Proposition X. Theorem 669. The area of the surface generated hy the revolu- tion of a straight line about a straight line in its plane, not parallel to a7id not intersecting it, as an axis, is equal to its projection on the axis, multiplied hy the cir- cumference of a circle, whose radius is the perpendicu- lar erected at the mid-point of the line and terminating in the axis. Hypothesis. Straight line AB is revolved about straight line FM in its plane, not ± to and not intersecting it, as an axis ; lines AC and BD ± FM, and EF is the ± erected at the mid- point of AB terminating in FM. Conclusion. Area AB'^=CDy.2 irEF. Proof. 1. Draw line AG ± BD, and line EH ± CD. 2. The surface generated by AB is the lateral surface of a frustum of a cone of revolution, whose bases are generated by AC and BD. 3. .-. area AB=ABx2 ttEH 4. A ABG and EFH are similar. g . AB^EF ' ' AG EH 6. .\ABxEH = AG xEF = CDx EF. 1. Substituting in Step 3, area AB=CDx2 ttEF. §619 Prove it. Why? Why? Why? *The expression generated by AB. area AB " is used to denote the area of the surface MEASUREMENT OF SPHERICAL POLYGONS 425 Proposition XI. Theorem 670. The area of a zone is equal to its altitude multi- plied by the circumference of a great circle. Hypothesis. AB is revolved about diameter OM as axis ; AA' and BB' ± OM', R is the radius of AB. Conclusion. Area of zone generated by AB = ^'jB' x 2 irR. Proof. 1. Bisect ^^ at C; draw AG and GB] also draw CC J. 03f and OELAG. 2. Revolve the ligure about OiHf as axis. 3. .•.area^a = ^'C" x2 7rO^. §669 area GB = O'jB' x 2 ttOE. Why ? 4. Adding, the surface generated by AGB = (A'G' + CB')x2 7rOE. 5. Continue to bisect the subdivisions of AB, indefinitely. 6. Then, the area of the surface generated by revolving the inscribed broken line approaches as limit the area of the zone generated by AB, and OE=R. '. area of zone = A'B' x2 wR. §668 §403* Note. — The proof of § 670 holds for auy zone which lies entirely on the surface of a hemisphere ; for, in that case, no chord is II OM, and § 669 is applicable. Since a zone which does not lie entirely on the surface of a hemisphere may be considered as the sum of two zones, each of which does lie entirely on the surface of a hemisphere, the theorem of § 670 is true for any zone. 426 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX 671. Cor. 1. If Z denotes the area of a zone, h its altitude, ayid R the radius of the sphere^ Z=2 irBh. 672. Cor. 2. The area of a spherical surface equals the square of its radius multiplied by 4 tt. Proof. A spherical surface may be regarded as a zone whose altitude is a diameter of the sphere. Letting S represent the area of the spherical surface, 673. Cor. 3. The area of the surface of a sphere equals the area of four great circles of the sphere. 674. Cor. 4. The areas of two spherical surfaces have the same ratio as the squares of their radii or the squares of their diameters. 675. A Lune is the portion of a spherical surface bounded by two semicircles of great circles ; as ACBD. The Angle of a Lune is the angle between its bounding arcs. It is evident that two lunes on the same sphere or equal spheres are congruent if their angles are equal. 676. It is evident that lunes on the same sphere or on equal spheres may be added by placing them so that their angles become adja- cent angles ; thus lune ACBE + lune AEBF = lune ACBF. When two lunes are added, the angle of the sum equals the sum of the angles of the given iunes. If Lj^ is used to denote the lune whose angle is Z X, then Lj[-{- Ly= L(^x+r) 5 i.e. lune of Z X + lune of Z F= lune of Z(X + Y). Note. — It is very important that the symbol Lx he understood and remembered. MEASUREMENT OF SPHERICAL POLYGONS 427 Proposition XII. Theorem 677. Two lunes on the same sphere or equal spheres ham the same ratio as their angles. Case I. When the angles are commensurable. Hjrpothesis. ACBD and ACBE are lunes on sphere AB, having their A CAD and CAE commensurable. Conclusion. ACBD^Z^CAD^ ACBE Z CAE Proof. 1. Let Z CAa be a common measure of Z CAD and CAE, and let it be contained 5 times in Z CAD, and 3 times in Z CAE. 2 . ZC^D ^5 ... ' ' Z CAE 3* ^ ^ 3. Extending the arcs of division of Z CAD to JB, lune ACBD will be divided into 5 parts, and lune ACBE into 3 parts, all of which parts will be equal. Why ? . ACBD^5 "ACBE 3* 4. 6. From (1) and (2), ACBD ^ Z CAD ACBE Z CAe' (2) Why? Note. — The theorem may be proved in a similar manner when the given lunes are on equal spheres. Case II. Wheii the angles are incommensurahle. Suggestion. — Model the proof after that in § 544. 428 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX 678. The surface of a hemisphere may be regarded as a lune of angle 180° and the surface of the sphere, a lune of angle 360°. 679. Cor. 1. The surface of a lune is to the surface of the sphere as the measure of its angle in degrees is to 360. 680. Cor 2. If the radius of the sphere is R, and the angle of the lune, measured in degrees, is A, and the area of the lune is de- noted hy L^, then ^ 360 90 Ex. 46. Prove that the areas of two zones on the same sphere, or equal spheres, are to each other as their altitudes. Ex. 47. Determine the area of a zone whose altitude is 13, if the radius of the sphere is 16. Ex. 48. Prove that the area of a zone of one base is equal to the area of the circle whose radius is the chord of its generating arc. (§ 288.) Ex. 49. Determine the area of the surface of a sphere whose radius is 12. Ex. 50. If the radius of a sphere is i?, what is the area of a zone of one base, whose generating arc is 45° ? Ex. 51. Find the radius of a sphere whose surface is equivalent to the entire surface of a cylinder of revolution, whose altitude is lOi, and ra- dius of base 3. Ex. 52. What is the area of a lune whose angle is 40° on the surface of a sphere whose radius is 15 in. ? Ex. 53. What part of the surface of the earth is included between the 30th and 35th meridians ? Ex. 54. The area of a lune is 28f . If the area of the surface of the sphere is 120, what is the angle of the lune ? Ex. 55. Prove that the surface of a sphere is equal to two thirds the entire surface of the right circular cylinder circumscribed about it. Ex. 56. Compare the surface of a sphere with the lateral surface of the right circular cylinder circumscribed about the sphere. Ex. 57, What circles of the earth bound the North Temperate Zone ? What part of the earth's surface lies within that zone ? Ex. 58. What zones of the earth are zones of one base ? MEASUREMENT OF SPHERICAL POLYGONS 429 681. Two spherical polygons, on the same or equal spheres, are Symmetrical when the sides and angles of one are equal, re- spectively, to the sides and angles of the other, if the equal parts occur in opposite orders. Thus, if spherical ^ABC and A'B'C\ on the same or equal spheres, have sides AB^ BC, and CA equal, respectively, to sides A'B'^ B'C\ ^^ ^ and C'A', and A A, B, and C to^ A', B', and C", and the equal parts occur in the opposite orders the A are symmetrical. Proposition XIII. Theorem 682. TJie spherical triangles corresponding to a pair of vertical triedral angles are symmetrical. Hypothesis. AOA', BOB', and COC are diameters of the sphere with center 0; the planes determined by them inter- sect the spherical surface in® ABA' B', AC A' C, and BCB'C. Conclusion. Spherical A ABC and A'B'C are symmetrical. Suggestions. — 1. Prove A' B' = AB ; B'C = BC, etc. 2. Prove Z BCA = L B'C'A' ; Z BAG = Z B'A'C ; etc. 3. Prove that the parts of A ABC occur in C' opposite order to those of A A'B'C . y'"'^^/' /*^\ The adjoining figure will aid in doing h\^,jL..A^,\B'\ this. A'B'C has been slid around the ^ ^J!^/_.__ir::ir.llVJ^' sphere until it occupies the position in- \l7h~~~/- — / dicated in this figure. Determine the \ l / / direction from A to B to C ; and also \\ / y^ the direction from A' to B* to C. p" 430 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Pkoposition XIY. Theorem 683. Two symmetrical spherical triangles, of lohich one is isosceles, are congruent and hence equal. 1 Hypothesis. A ABC is symmetrical to AA'B^C^-, that is, AB = A^, AC = A^y BC=B^, ZB = ZB', ZC==ZG', Z A= ZA', with the equal parts arranged in opposite orders in the triangles ; also AB = AC. Conclusion. A ABC ^ A A'B'C Proof. 1. Since AB = A^, and AB= AC, .-. A^= AG. 2. In like manner A^C = AB. Complete the proof by superposing AA'B'C on A ABC, making A'C coincide with AB, with point A' on point A. 684. Cor. If one of two symmetrical spherical triangles is isosceles, the other is also. Proposition XV. Theorem 685. Two spherical triangles corresponding to a pair of vertical triedral angles are equal. Hypothesis. AOA', BOB', and COC are diameters of sphere 0; also, the planes determined by them intersect the surface in arcs AB, BC, AC, A'B', B'C, and A'C. (Fig. p. 431.) MEASUREMENT OF SPHERICAL POLYGONS 431 Conclusion. Area of A ABC = area of triangle A'B'C. A Proof. 1. Let P be the pole of the small circle passing through points Aj B, and C ; draw arcs of great circles PA, PB, and PC. 2. ..PA = PB=PC. §643 3. Draw PP\ a diameter of the sphere, and P'A', P'B', and PC arcs of great CD ; then spherical A PAB and P'A'B' are symmetrical. § 682 4. But spherical A PAB is isosceles. 5. .-. A PAB = A P'A'B', Why ? 6. In like manner, A PBC = A P'B'C and A PC A = A PC A'. 7. Then the sum of the areas of A PAB, PBC, PAC equals the sum of the areas of A P'A'B', P'B'C, and P'CA'. 8. .-. area A ABC = area A A'B'C. 686. Cor. Two symmetrical triangles on the same or equal spheres are equal. 1. ljQtAA"B"C" be symmetrical to /S ABC', let A A'B'C be the spherical triangle on the same sphere as A ABC, such that A', B', and C are diametrically opposite to A, B, and C, respectively. 2. Then A A'B'C is also symmetrical to A ABC, and equal to A ABC. 3. .-. the parts of A A"B"C" and A A'B'C are equal and are arranged in the same order. Hence A A"B"C" ^ A'BC". 4. .'.AABC==AA"B"C". 432 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Proposition XVI. Theorem 687. A spherical triangle of a sphere equals one half j a lune of that sphere whose angle in degrees equals the 1 spherical excess of the triangle. Hypothesis. A, B, and C are the measures in degrees of the angles of spherical A ABC. E represents the spherical excess of the triangle. Conclusion. A ABC = \Le ; that is, A ABC = one half a lune whose angle is E. Proof. 1. Complete the ® ABA'B', BCB'C, smd AGA'C, and draw diameters AA', BB', and CC. 2. A ABC -^AACB' = lune of Z B, or Lb- 3. A ABC -irAA'CB = lune of Z A, or Lj,. 4. A ABC + A ABC = lune of Z (7, or Lc. But A A'B'C = A ABC, so § 685 5. A ABC -f- A A'B'C = lune of Z C, or X^. 6. Adding the equations of steps 2, 3, and 5, 2 A ^5(7 + (A ABC + A ACB' ^AA'CB-\-A A'B'C) 7. But A ^50+ A ^05' + A J[' 05 + A ^'^'0 = surface of hemisphere = Aso- § 6^^ 8. .-. 2 A ABC-]- Li8o = i^^+^+c. 9. .*. 2 A ^5(7 =i^+5+c' — Aso =-^ (^+5+0-180' 10. But J + 5 + (7- 180 = E. 11. .-. 2 A yl^C = X^, or A ABC = i L^. i MEASUREMENT OF SPHERICAL POLYGONS 433 688. Cor. 1. If the radius of the sphere is Rand the sjjherical excess of A ABC in degrees is E, then 689. Cor. 2. The area of any spherical polygon whose excess IS E ts 180 Suggestion, — Divide the polygon into A by drawing diagonals from one vertex. Express the area of each triangle. Remember that the excess of the polygon equals the sum of the excesses of the triangles, when the polygon is divided as suggested. Note. — A spherical degree may be defined as being a bi-rectangular spherical triangle whose third angle is one spherical angular degree. The area of a spherical triangle in spherical degrees can be proved to equal its spherical excess in degrees. Ex. 59. Determine the area of a spherical triangle whose angles are 125°, 133°, and 156°, on a sphere whose radius is 10 in. Ex. 60. What is the ratio of the areas of- two spherical triangles on the same sphere whose angles are 94°, 135°, and 146°, and 87°, 105°, and 118°, respectively. Ex. 61. Determine the area of a spherical triangle whose angles are 103°, 112°, and 127° on a sphere whose area is 160. Ex, 62. Find the area of a spherical hexagon whose angles are 120°, 139°, 148°, 155°, 162°, and 167°, on a sphere whose radius is 12. Ex. 63. The sides of a spherical triangle on a sphere whose radius is 15 in. are 44°, 63°, and 97°. Find the area of its polar triangle. Ex. 64. Determine the part of the area of the surface of a sphere in- tercepted by a triedral angle whose face angles are 89°, 55°, and 100°. Ex. 65. Express the ratio of a spherical triangle to the surface of the sphere in terms of the spherical excess E of the triangle, when (a) the excess is measured in degrees ; (b) the excess is measured in right angles. Ex. 66. The area of a spherical pentagon, four of whose angles are 112°, 131°, 138°, and 168°, is 27. If the area of the surface of the sphere is 120, what is the other angle ? Ex. 67. What part of the surface of a sphere is a tri-rectangular triangle of the sphere ? Ex. 68. Compare the area of a tri-rectangular spherical triangle of a sphere whose radius is 10 in. with the area of the plane triangle formed by the chords of the sides of the spherical triangle. 434 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX VOLUME OF A SPHERE 690. If a semicircle be revolved about its diameter as an axis, the solid generated by any sector of the semicircle is called a Spherical Sector. A Thus if semicircle ACDB be revolved about diameter AB as an axis, sector OCD generates a spherical sector. The zone generated by the arc of the circu- lar sector is called the base of the spherical sector. Note. — In the following pages, the expression "Vol. OCD'^ will be used to denote the volume of the solid generated by revolving the portion of the plane within OCD around some axis specified. 691. Application of Limits to Spherical Sectors. Let O be the center of arc AB, and OM be any diameter of the circle whose center is O. Let G bisect arc AB, and draw radii OA, OB, and 00. Draw OE ± AC; draw broken line ACB. If the sector OAB is revolved about OM as an axis, it generates a spherical sector. The portion of the plane bounded by polygon OACB generates a solid which is less than the spherical sector generated by circular sector OAB. If arcs AG and GB are bisected at D and F respectively and broken line ADGFB is drawn, then when the figure is revolved about OM, the part of the plane bounded by polygon OADGFB generates a solid more nearly equal to the spherical sector. If the process of halving the arcs be continued indefi- nitely, it will be assumed evident that the solid generated by the part of the plane bounded by the inscribed polygon ap- proaches the spherical sector as limit. Notice that the surface generated by broken line ADGFB approaches as limit the zone generated by arc AGB. (§ 668.) VOLUME OF A SPHERE 435 Proposition XVII. Theorem 692. If a portion of a plane inclosed hy an isosceles triangle he revolved about a straight line in its plane as axis, ivhich passes through its vertex ivithout inter- secting its surface and ivithout being parallel to its base, the volume of the solid generated is equal to the area of the surface generated by its base multiplied by one third its altitude. Hypothesis. Isosceles A OAB, and the surface inclosed, are revolved about straight line OF in its plane ; OF is not II base AB; OC±AB. Conclusion. Vol. OAB = area AB x ^ 00. Proof. 1. Draw AD ± OF and BE A. OF; extend BA to meet OF at F. 2. Vol. OBF= vol. OBE -f vol. BEF = \TrB^ X 0^ + i ttBE" X EF § 616 = \7rBE'{0E 4- EF)=^7rBE X BE x OF. BE X OF = OCX BF. Prove it. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. But But •. vol. OBF= \ ttBE X OC X BF. area BF x ^ OC. vol. OAF = area AF x ^ OC. ttBE X BF is the area BF. .;. vol. OBF Similarly Subtracting 9 from 8, vol. OAB = (area BF - area AF) x ^ OC. = area AB X ^ OC. §614 436 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Pkoposition XYIII. Theorem 693. The volume of a spherical sector is equal to the area of the zone which forms its base, multiplied hy one third the radius of the sphere. Hypothesis. Sector OAB of O is revolved about di- ameter OM as an axis ; E is the radius of the sphere. Conclusion. Vol. of the spherical sector generated by cir- cular sector OAB = area of zone generated by AB X ^B. Proof. 1. Let C bisect^. Draw AC, CB, OC \ and draw OEl.Aa 2. Vol. OAC = area AG x \ OE. § 691 3. Vol. OCB = area CB x \ OE. 4. Adding, vol. 0^05 = (area AC + area CB) x \ OE = area ACB x \ OE. 5. Let the subdivisions of AB be bisected indefinitely. 6. Then vol. OACB = vol. generated by sector OAB, and area ACB = area of zone generated by AB and OE = R. 7. .*. vol. generated by sector OAB = area of zone generated by AB x ^B. § 403 694. Cor. 1. If V denotes the volume of a spherical sector, h the altitude of the zone which forms its base, and R the radius of the sphere, V = 27rRh xiR = lirR'h. § 671 695. Cor. 2. The sphere may be regarded as a spherical sector whose base is the entire surface of the sphere. Letting VOLUME OF A SPHERE 437 V denote the volume of the sphere, and M its radius, The volume of a sphere is equal to the cube of its radius multi- plied by j^TT. 696. Cor. 3. The volumes of two spheres have the same ratio as the cubes of their ludii. Ex. 69. Find the volume of the sphere whose radius is 12. Ex. 70. Determine the volume of metal in a spherical shell 10 in. in diameter and 1 in. thick. Ex. 71. A spherical cannon ball 9 in. in diameter is dropped into a cubical box filled with water, whose depth is 9 in. How many cubic inclies of water will be left in the box ? Ex. 72. If a sphere in. in diameter weighs 351 oz., what is the weight of a sphere of the same material whose diameter is 10 in.? Ex. 73. The outer diameter of a spherical shell is 9 in., and its thick- ness is 1 in. What is the weight, if a cubic inch of the metal weighs one third pound ? Ex. 74. Find the area of the surface and the volume of the sphere inscribed in a cube the area of whose surface is 486 sq. in. Ex. 75. Find the radius and the volume of a sphere, the area of whose surface is 324 ir sq. in. Ex. 76. Prove that the volume of a sphere is two thirds the volume of its circumscribed cylinder. Ex. 77. "Within a sphere of radius E is inscribed a right circular cylinder whose altitude equals the diameter of its base. (a) Determine its lateral area and compare the result with the area of the surface of the sphere. (b) Compare its volume with the volume of the sphere. Ex. 78. Given a spherical surface of radius R and its circumscribed right circular cylinder. From the center of the sphere, draw lines to the points of the circles bounding the bases of the cylinder, thus forming the two right circular cones. Compare the volume of the sphere with the dif- ference between the volume of the cylinder and the sum of the volumes of the two cones. Ex. 79. A cylindrical vessel, 8 in. in diameter, is filled to the brim with water. A ball is immersed in it, displacing water to the depth of 2 J in. Find the diameter of the ball. Note. — Supplementary Exercises 72-85, p. 460, can be studied now. 438 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS Group A. Construction of Spheres Proposition XIX. Theorem 697. Through four points not in the same plane, one and only owe spherical surface can be passed. Hypothesis. A, B, O, and D are four points, not in the same plane. Conclusion. One and only one spherical surface can be passed through A, B, C, and Z>. Proof. 1. Every point equidistant from O and D must lie in a plane EKFl. CD at its mid-point K\ and conversely. §§457; 459 2. Every point equidistant from B and G must lie in a plane IJFJ^BG 2it its mid-point J-, and conversely. 3. These planes intersect in a line HF, which is ± plane BCD at F, the circumcenter of A BCD. § 499 Also, by steps 1 and 2, every point equidistant from B, G, and D must lie in HF-, and conversely. 4. Similarly, every point equidistant from A, G, and D lies in line OE, which is ± plane ACD at E, the circumcenter of AACD. 5. Since E and F are in plane EKF, then OE and HF lie in plane EKF. § 497 CONSTRUCTION OF SPHERES 439 6. .-. OE intersects HF at a point 0. 7. .'. is one and the only point which is equidistant from A, B, C, and D. Steps 3 and 4 8. .-.a sphere with center and radius OA is the one and only sphere through Af B, C, and D. 698. Cor. A sphere may he circumscribed about any tetror edron. Ex. 80. What is the locus of the center of a sphere which will have a given radius r and will pass through a given point P ? Ex. 81. What is the locus of the center of a sphere which will pass through each of two given points ? Ex. 82. What is the locus of the center of a sphere which will pass through each of three given points ? Ex. 83. What is the locus of the center of a sphere which will pass through all the points of a given circle ? Ex. 84. Is it possible for a sphere to pass through all the points of a given circle and also through a given point outside the plane of the circle ? If so, tell how to determiue its center and its radius. Ex. 85. Prove that a sphere can be circumscribed about a cube. Ex. 86. What is the locus of the center of a sphere which is tangent to a given plane at a given point ? Ex. 87. What is the locus of the center of a sphere which will have a given radius r and will be tangent to a given plane ? Ex. 88. What is the locus of the center of a sphere which will be tangent to each of the faces of a given diedral angle ? Ex. 89. Is it possible for a sphere to be tangent to each of the faces of a given triedral angle ? If there is more than one such sphere, what is the locus of the center ? Ex. 90. Find the area of the spherical surface passing through the vertices of a regular tetraedron whose edge is 8. Suggestion. — Draw DOE and AOF perpendicular to &^ ABC and BCD respectively. C Ex. 91. Prove that a sphere can be inscribed in a given tetraedron. 440 solid geometry — book ix Group B. General Theorems of Spherical Geometry 699. Special interest attaches to the following theorems because of their similarity to certain theorems of plane geom- etry. In each case, the pupil should recall the corresponding theorem of plane geometry, if there is one, or should note the difference between the theorem of spherical geometry and the corresponding situation in plane geometry. Proposition XX. Theorem 700. The intersection of two spherical surfaces is a circle, whose center is in a straight line joining the centers of the spheres and whose plane is perpendicular to that line. Hypothesis. and 0' are the centers of two intersecting spherical surfaces. Conclusion. The intersection of the surfaces is a circle whose center is in line 00' and whose plane is A. 00'. Proof. 1. Through and 0' and any point A of the inter- section, pass a plane. This plane cuts the two surfaces in two intersecting great (D. Let AB be the common chord of these two (D, intersecting 00' at C. 2. .'. 00' bisects AB at right angles. § 207 3. If the entire figure is revolved about 00' as an axis, the (D will generate the spherical surfaces whose centers are and 0'. Point A will generate a O whose center is C and radius AC, which is common to the two spherical surfaces. 4. The plane of O ^C is ± 00'. § 458 THEOREMS OF SPHERICAL GEOMETRY 441 6. No point outside O ACB can lie in both surfaces ; for, if there were such a point, the two surfaces would necessarily coincide. § 697 Ex. 92. What is the locus of points at the distance ri from a given point Pi and at the distance rg from a given point Pa ? Ez. 93. The distance betveeen the centers of two spheres whose radii are 25 and 17, respectively, is 28. Find the diameter of their circle of intersection, and its distance from the center of each sphere. Suggestion. — Recall § 313. Proposition XXI. Theorem 701. Any side of a spherical triangle is less than the sum of the other two. A Hypothesis. AB is any side of spherical A ABO. Conclusion. AB < AC 4- BC. Suggestions. — ■[. Compare /L AOB with A AOC+ ABOC. 2. What is the relation of the measure of AB and that of /L AOB'i Of iC'and AA0C1 etc. Ex. 94. Prove that any side of a convex spherical pojygon is less than the sum of the remaining sides. Ex. 95. Prove that the sum of the arcs of great circles drawn from any point within a spherical triangle to the extremities of any side, is less than the sum of the other two sides of the triangle. 702. Two spherical polygons on the same sphere or equal spheres are mutually equilateral or mutually equiangular when the sides or angles of one are equal respectively to the sides or angles of the other, whether taken in the same or in opposite orders. 442 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Proposition XXII. Theorem 703. If two spherical triangles on the same sphere, or equal spheres, have two sides and the included angle of one equal respec- tively to two sides and the included angle of the other, I. They are congruent if the equal parts occ^ir in the same order. II. They are symmetrical if the equal parts occur in opposite orders. 1. Hypothesis. ABC and DEF are spherical A on the same sphere, or equal spheres, having AB = DE, AC = DF, and /.A=/.Dy, and the equal parts occur in the same order. Conclusion. A ABC ^ A DEF. Suggestion. — Prove it by superposition as in § 63. II. Hypothesis. ABC and D'E'i' are spherical A on the same sphere, or equal spheres, having AB = D'E\ AC = D'F', and AA = ZD'; and the equal parts occur in opposite orders. Conclusion. ABC and D'E'F' are symmetrical A. Proof. 1. Let DEF be a spherical A on the same sphere, or an equal sphere, symmetrical to AD'E'F', having DE = UE\ DF= UF', and Z Z> = Z D', the equal parts occurring in opposite orders. 2. Then in spherical A ABC and DEF, AB = DE, ACJ = DF, and Z A = Z D; and the equal parts occur in the same order. 3. .-. A ABC ^ A DEF. 4. .-. A ABC is symmetrical to A D'E'F'. THEOREMS OF SPHERICAL GEOMETRY 443 Ex. 96. Prove that the arc of a great circle bisecting the vertical angle of an isosceles spherical triangle is perpendicular to the base and bisects the base, Ex. 97. Prove that the angles opposite the equal sides of an isos- celes spherical triangle are equal. Proposition XXIII. Theorem 704. If two spherical triangles on the same sphere^ or on equal spheres J have a side and two adjacent angles of one equal respec- tively to a side and two adjacent angles of the other, I. They are congruent if the equal parts occur in the same order. II. They are symmetrical if the equal parts occur in opposite orders. The proof is left to the student. • Proposition XXIV. Theorem 705. If two spherical triangles on the same sphere, or on equal spheres, are mutually equilateral, they are mutually equiangular. -"^0 Hypothesis. ABC and DEF are mutually equilateral spherical A on the equal sphere ; BC and EF are homologous. Conclusion. A ABC and DEF are mutually equiangular. Suf/f/estioiis. — 1, Let O and 0' be the centers of the respective spheres, and draw the radii to A,B, C, D, E, and F. Consider the two triedral angles O- ABC And O'-DEF. 2. Compare the face angles of triedrals 0-ABC and O'-DEF. 3. Compare the diedral angles of O-ABC and O'-DEF. 4. Now compare the A A and D ; also the A B and /; ; also A C and F. Note. — The theorem may be proved in a sinnlar manner when the given spherical ^ are on the same sphere. 444 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX 706. Cor, If two spherical triajigles on the same sjjhere, or on equal spheres, are mutually equilateral, I. They are congruent if the equal parts occur in the same order. II. Tliey are symmetrical if the equal parts occur in opposite orders. Ex. 98. Prove that the arc of a great circle drawn from the vertex of an isosceles spherical triangle to the middle point of the base, is per- pendicular to the base, and bisects the vertical angle. Proposition XXV. Theorem 707. If two spherical triangles on the same sphere, or equal spheres, are mutually equiaiigular, their polar triangles are mutually equilateral. i Hypothesis. ABC and DEF are mutually equiangular spherical A on the same sphere or equal spheres, A A and D being homologous ; also, A A'B'C is the polar A of A ABC, and A D'E'F' of A DEF, A being the pole of mj', and D of E'F'. Conclusion. A A'B'C and D'E'F' are mutually equilateral. Suggestions. — 1. Compare the measure ot Z. A and B'C"; oi Z. D and E^'. Then compare B^' and E^'. 2. Proceed similarly for the other pairs of homologous sides. 708. Cor. If two spherical triangles on the same sphere, or equal spheres, are mutually equilateral, their polar triangles are mutually equiangular. Suggestion. — Model the proof after that of § 707. THEOREMS OF SPHERICAL GEOMETRY 445 Proposition XXVI. Theorem 709. If two sjjherical triangles on the same sphere, or on equal spheres, are mutually equiangular, they are mutually equilateral. D' Hypothesis. ABC and DEF are mutually equiangular spher- ical A on the same sphere or equal spheres. Conclusion. A ABC and DEF are mutually equilateral. Proof. 1. Let A A'B'C be the polar A of ABC, and D'E'F of DEF. 2. Since A ABC and A DEF are mutually equiangular, A A'B'C and A D'E'F' are mutually e(iuilateral. § 707 3. .'. A A'B'C and A D'E'F' are mutually equiangular. 4. .-. But A ABC is the polar A of A'B'C and DEF of D'E'F. § 655 5. .*. A ABC and A DEF are mutually equilateral. Why ? 710. Cor. Iftv:o spherical triangles on the same sphere or on equal spheres are mutually equiangular, I. They are congruent if the equal parts are arranged in the same order. II. They are symmetrical if the equal paHs are arranged in opposite orders. Ex. 99. Compare the theorem of Proposition XXVI with the corre- sponding theorem about two plane triangles. Ex. 100. If three diameters of a sphere be drawn so that each is per- pendicular to the other two, the planes determined by them divide the surface of the sphere into eight congruent tri-rectangular triangles. Note. — Recall at this point all the theorems by which two spherical triangles can be proved congruent. 446 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Proposition XXVII. Theorem 711. In an isosceles triangle, the angles opposite the equal sides are equal. D *C Hypothesis. In spherical triangle ABC, AB = AG. Conclusion. ZB= ZC. Suggestion. — Let AD, an arc of a great circle, bisect BC Use § 705. Proposition XXYIII. Theorem 712. If two angles of a spherical triangle are equal, the sides opposite are equal. Hypothesis. In spherical A ABG, Z.B= Z.C. Conclusion. AB = AG. Suggestions. — 1. Let A A'B'C be the polar A of ABC, B being the pole of iX",and CoiA^'. 2. Compare A'C and A'B' by using § 656. 3. Compare Z B' and Z C, and from them determine the relation between /b and Id. Ex. 101. Prove that the great circle arcs drawn to the extremities of an arc of a great circle from any point on the great circle perpendicular to and bisecting it are equal. Ex. 102. State and prove the converse of Ex. 101. THEOREMS OF SPHERICAL GEOMETRY 447 Proposition XXIX. Theorem 713. If tivo angles of a spherical triangle are unequal, the sides opposite them are unequal, the side (ypposite the greater angle being the greaier. .'.BD = Da Why? Ab^Bb>AB. Why? \Ab-\-DC>AB. .\AC>AB. Hypothesis. In spherical A ABC, Z ABC > Z C Conclusion. AC > AB. Proof. 1. Let BD, an arc of a great circle, meeting AC at D, make Z CBD =ZC 2. ^ ^ 3. 4. 5. 714. Cor. If turn sides of a spherical tnangle are unequal, the angles opposite are unequal, the angle opposite the greater side being the greater. An indirect proof based upon §§ 712 and 713 is quite easy. Bac. 103. What is the locus of points on the surface of a sphere which are equidistant from the extremities of an arc of a great circle of that sphere ? Ex. 104. Prove that the great circle arcs perpendicular to and hisecting the sides of a spherical triangle intersect in a point which is equidistant from the vertices of the triangle. Ex. 105. Prove that a circle can be circumscribed about a spherical triangle. 448 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Proposition XXX. Theorem 715. The shortest line on the surface of a sphere between tivo given points is the arc of a great circle, not greater than a semi- circle which joins the two points. Hypothesis. Points A and B are on the surface of a sphere, and AB is an arc of a great O, not greater than a semicircle. Conclusion. AB is the shortest line on the surface of the sphere between A and B. Note. — The following proof is divided into four parts, (a), (6), (c), and (d). Proof, (a) 1. Let C be any point in AB. 2. Let DCF and ECG be arcs of small (D with A and B respectively as poles, and AC and BC as polar distances. (b) DCF and ECG have only point C in common. 1. For let F be any other point in DCF and draw AF and BF, arcs of great circles. 2. .-. i?=iC. §643 3. But AF-\-BF>AC + BC. Why? 4. Subtracting AF from the first member of the inequality and its equal AC from the second member, BF>BC, or BF>BG. 5. .-. i?^lies outside small QECG, and DCF and ECG have only point C in common. (c) The shortest line on the surface of the sphere from A to B must pass through C. THEOREMS OF SPHERICAL GEOMETRY 449 1. Let ADEB be any line on the surface of the sphere be- tween A and B^ not passing through C, and cutting DCF and ECG at D and E respectively. 2. Then, whatever the nature of line AD, it is evident that an equal line can be drawn from A to C. 3. In like manner, whatever the nature of line BE, an equal line can be drawn from B to C. 4. Hence a line can be drawn from AtoB passing through O, equal to the sum of lines AD and BE, and consequently less than ADEB by the part DE. 5. Therefore no line which does not pass through C can be the shortest line between A and B. (d) AB is the' shortest line from ^ to JB on the surface of the sphere. 1. But C is any point in AB. 2. Hence the shortest line from ^ to i^ must pass through every point of AB. 3. Then the great circle arc AB is the shortest line on the surface of the sphere between A and B. Ex. 118. Prove that any point in the arc of a great circle bisecting a spherical angle is equally distant (§ 573) from the sides of the angle. (Prove PM = PN. Let ^ be a pole of arc AB, and F of arc BC. Spherical A BPE and BFF ^^-' are symmetrical by § 702, XL, and PE = PF.) Ex. 119. Prove that a point on the surface of a sphere, equally distant from the sides of a spherical angle, lies in the arc of a great circle bisecting the angle. (Fig. of Ex. 118. Prove Z ABP = Z CBP. Spherical ^ BPE and BPF are symmetrical by § 706. ) Ex. 120. What is the locus of points on the surface of a sphere equally distant from the sides of a spherical angle? Ex. 121. Prove that the arcs of great circles bisecting the angles of a spherical triangb meet in a point equally distant from the sides of the triangle. Ex. 122. Prove that a circle may be inscribed in any spherical tri- angle. 450 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX Gkoup C. Spherical Segments, Pyramids, AND Wedges 716. A Spherical Segment is the portion of a sphere included between two parallel planes which intersect the sphere. The portions of the planes bounding the segment are the bases of the segment ; the perpendicular between the planes is the altitude of the segment. A spherical segment of one base is the spherical segment one of whose bounding planes is a tangent to the sphere. If a semicircle ACEB be revolved about diameter AB as an axis, and CD and EF are perpendicular to AB, the portion of the plane bounded by FECD generates a spheri- cal segment whose altitude is DF, and whose bases have radii CD and EF respectively ; the portion ACD generates a spherical seg- ment of one base wjiose altitude is AD. lYJ. If r and r' are the radii of the bases, h the altitude, and V the volume of a spherical segment, then Let O be the center of ADB ; let AA' and BB' be ± to the diameter OM; let AA' = v' , BB' = r, A'B' == h. Let the whole figure revolve about OM as an axis. Let v = the volume of the resulting spherical segment. Solution. 1. Draw OA, OB, and AB ; draw OC ± AB, and AE ± BB'. Let OA = R. SPHERICAL SEGMENTS AND WEDGES 451 2. Now, vol. ADBB'A' = vol. ACBD + vol. ABB' A'. (1) 3. Also, vol. ACBD = vol. OADB - vol. OAB. 4. vol. OADB = I Tram. § 694 5. And, vol. OAB = a^renAB x i 00 § 691 6. =hx2 ttOC X i OC § 668 7. =1 TrOO'/i. 8. .-. vol. ACDB = 1 7r727i - | ttOO'A 9. = J 7r(i22 - OC^)h. 10. But, Ii^-OC^ = AC^^ Why? 11. = a^)2 12. = \ Alf, 13. " .'.\ol ACDB = ^TrXiA&x h = iwA&h. 14. Now, Zb' = 5^' + 3E' 15. =(r-r')2+A2. 16. .-. vol. ^(7Z>i^ = i 7r[(r - r')2 + Ji^yi. 17. Also, vol. ABB' A' = J 7r(r2 + r"' -\- rr')h. § 621 18. Substituting in step 2, vol. ADBB'A' = i 7r[(r - r'y + 7i2]/i + I ^(2 r2 + 2 r'2 + 2 rr')/* 19. = J 7r(r2 - 2 rr' + r'2 -\- h^ -^ 2 r^ -{- 2 r'^ -{- 2 rr')h 20. = -J 7r(3 7-2 + 3 r'2)/4 4- -^ nh^ 21. =i7r(r2+r'2)A + i7r/il Ex. 123. Find the volume of a spherical segment, the radii of whose bases are 4 and 5, and whose altitude is 9. 718. A Spherical Wedge is a solid bounded by a lune and the planes of its bounding arcs. Evidently, two spherical wedges in the same sphere, or equal spheres, are congruent when their angles are equal. Also, it is evident that two wedges in the same sphere can be added by placing them so that they have one common bounding plane. The angle of the sum is equal to the sum of the angles of the wedges. Note. — Review at this time § 675 and § 676, noting the analogy be- tween wedges and lunes. 452 SOLID GEOMETRY — BOOK IX 719. It can be proved as in § 677 that two wedges have the same ratio as their angles. (Cf. § 677.) 720. A sphere may be regarded as a wedge whose angle is 360°. (Cf. § 678.) Therefore, a wedge of a sphere whose radius is r, whose angle contains A degrees has a volume v determined as follows : or V = TTT^A irr 360' 270 721. Since the lune whose angle is A degrees, on a sphere whose radius is r, has its area expressed by the formula ^^^-^ (§ 680) .*. the volume of a wedge equals one third the radius of the sphere multiplied by the area of the lune which forms its base. 722. A Spherical Pyramid is a solid bounded by the spherical polygon and the planes of its sides ; as 0-ABGD in the ad- joining figure. The center of the sphere is the vertex of the pyramid, and the spherical polygon is its base. Two spherical pyramids are congruent when their bases are congruent, for they can be made to coincide. 723. Two spherical pyramids whose bases are symmetrical isosceles spherical triangles are congruent, for their bases are congruent by § 683. 724. Two spherical pyramids corre- sponding to a pair of vertical triedral angles are equal. (Cf. § 685.) Suggestions. — 1. Kecall the proof of § 685. 2. Compare spherical pyramids 0-APB, 0-BPC, and 0-CPA with spherical pyramids 0-A'P'B', O-B'P'C, and 0-C'P'A\ respectively. SPHERICAL PYRAMIDS AND WEDGES 453 725. Tlie volume of a triangular spherical pyramid equals one half the volume of a spherical wedge whose angle is the spherical excess of the base of the pyramid. Tlie proof is exactly like that for § 687. 726. If the radius of the sphere is r and the excess of the base of a triangular spherical pyramid is Ey and the volume of the spherical pyramid is v, then iTT^f^^^rr^. §720 2 270 540 727. The same formula may be employed to find the volume of any spherical pyramid, with the understanding that E is the spherical excess of the base of the pyramid, measured in degrees. 728. In the case of any spherical pyramid, the area of the base is — — "^ (§ 689). Hence the volume of any spherical pyra- loO mid is one third the area of its base multiplied by the radius of the sphere. Ex. 124. Find the volume of a triangular spherical pyramid the angles of whose base are 92°, 119^, and 134°, if the volume of the sphere is 192. Ex. 125. Find the volume of a quadrangular spherical pyramid, the angles of whose base are 107°, 118°, 134°, and 146°, if the diameter of the sphere is 12. Ex. 126. The volume of a triangular spherical pyramid, the angles of whose base are 105°, 126°, and 147°, is 60^. What is the volume of the sphere ? Ex. 127. Find the volume of a pentagonal spherical pyramid the angles of whose base are 109°, 128°, 137'', 163°, and 168°, if the volume of the sphere is 180. Ex. 128. The volume of a quadrangular spherical pyramid, the angles of whose base are 110°, 122°, 136°, and 146° is 12 J. What is the volume of the sphere ? Ex. 129. What is the angle of the base of a spherical wedge whose volume is Y" """^ i^ ^^6 radius of the sphere is 4 ? 454 SOLID GEOMETRY SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES Ex. 1. Two planes DEF and GEF intersect in line EF. A is any point in plane GEF. If ylC be drawn perpendicular to EF^ and AB perpendicular to plane DEF^ prove the plane determined hy AC and BC perpendicular to EF. Ex. 2. Prove that the line joining the mid-points of one pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral in space bisects the line joining the mid- points of the other pair of sides. Ex. 3. If two intersecting planes pass through two parallel lines, their intersection is parallel to the parallel lines. Ex. 4. If three planes intersect in pairs, the lines of intersection are either parallel or concurrent. Suggestions. — Case (a) 1. Assume that two lines of intersection meet at a point P. 2. Prove that P is on the third line of intersection. Case (6) 1. Assume that two lines of intersection are parallel. 2. Prove that the third line of intersection is parallel to the other two by an indirect proof. Ex. 5. Prove that a line parallel to each of two inter- secting planes is parallel to their intersection. Hyp. AB is II planes PR and QS. Con. AB II QB. Suggestion. — Pass a plane through AB\\PR; then use ^ §471. Ex. 6. If a plane be drawn through a diago- nal of a parallelogram the perpendiculars to it from the extremities of the other diagonal are equal. Hyp. ABCD is a O. BG and DH 1. plane AECF. Con. BG = DH. Ex. 7. D is any point, in perpendicular AF from A to side BC ot triangle ABC. If line I)E be drawn perpendicular to the plane of ABC, and line GH be drawn through E parallel to BC, prove line AE per- pendicular to GH. Suggestion. — FroYe BC 1 to plane AED and then GH 1 plane AED. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 455 Ex. 8. (a) Through a line which is parallel to a plane, a plane can be drawn parallel to the given plane. (6) Is the construction possible if the given line is not parallel to the given plane ? Ex. 9. If a plane, parallel to the edge of a diedral angle, intersects ilie faces of the angle, its intersections with the faces are parallel to the edge and to each other. Ex. 10. If a straight line and a plane are both perpendicular to a given plane, they are parallel, un- less the line lies in the plane. Hyp. CB ± plane PB ; plane MN 1. plane PB. Con. CBWMN. / 1 f- -,E / B , / ^- y E Suggestions. — \. Draw CD 1 RQ, and let the plane determined by CB and CD meet MN in DE. R ^ 2. Prove CB \\ DE and hence || plane MN by § 466. Ex. 11. If a plane is perpendicular to one of two perpendicular planes, its intersection with the other plane is also perpendicular to the first plane. Ex. 12. From any point E within diedral angle CABD., EF and EG are drawn perpendicular to faces ABC and ABD^ respectively, and G^IZ" perpendicular to face ABC at //. Prove i^^is perpendicular to AB. Suggestion — Prove that FII lies in the plane of EF and EG, by § 498; also consider the relation of AB and plane GEF. Ex. 13. If 7? C is the projection of line AB upon plane MN, and BD and BE be drawn in the plane making Z CBD = Z GBE, prove ZABD = ZABE. Suggestions. — 1. Lay off BD = BE, and draw lines AD, AE, CD, and CE. 2. Prove A ABD and ABE congruent. Ex. 14. If a line is perpendicular to one of two intersecting planes, its projection upon the other is perpendicular to the intersection of the two planes. Suggestion. — U EG 1 plane AD, and FII is the projection of EG on plane BC, prove FH 1 AB. Ex. 15. If a straight line intersects two parallel planes, it makes equal angles with them. 456 SOLID GEOMETRY Ex. 16. The base of a rectangle ABCT) is 10, and its altitude 8. Side 10 is parallel to plane QB. Side 8 makes an angle of 60° with QB. Find the area of the projection of O ABCD on plane QR, correct to three decimal places. Ex. 17. An equilateral A ABC, whose area is 25, has its side BC parallel to a plane QB. The plane of A ABC makes an angle of 45° with plane QB. Find the area of the projection of A ABC on plane BQ. Ex. 18. Find the lateral area of a regular triangular prism each side of whose base is 5 and whose altitude is 8. Ex. 19. Prove that the upper base of a truncated parallelepiped is a parallelogram. Ex. 20. Prove that the sum of two opposite lateral edges of a truncated parallelopiped is equal to the sum of the other two lateral edges. Suggestions. — 1. What kind of figure is AA'C'C? 2. Compare AA' + CC with 00'. Ex. 21. Prove that the perpendicular drawn to the lower base of a truncated right triangular prism from the intersection of the medians of the upper base, is equal to one third the sum of the lateral edges. Suggestion. — Let P be the mid-point of DL, and draw PQ 1 ABC', express LM in terms oi FQ and GN. Ex. 22. Prove that the sum of the squares of the four diagonals of a parallelopiped is equal to the sum of the squares of its twelve edges. Suggestion. — 1^C2A\ Ex. 142, Book III, p. 184. Ex. 23. Determine the approximate area of the base of a bin 6 ft. deep that will hold 250 bu. of grain. (One bu. = 2150.42 cu. in.) Ex. 24. Find the edge of a cube equivalent to a rectangular parallelo- piped whose dimensions are 9 in., 1 ft. 9 in., and 4 ft. 1 in. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 457 Ex. 25. Find the volume of a rectangular parallelopiped, the dimen- sions of whose base are 14 and 9, and the area of whose entire surface is 620. Ex. 26. The diagonal of a cube is 8 VS. Find its volume, and the area of its entire surface. Suggestion. — Represent the length of the edge by x. Ex. 27. Find the dimensions of the base of a rectangular parallelo- piped, the area of whose entire surface is 320, volume 336, and altitude 4. Suggestion. — Represent the dimensions of the base by x and y. Ex. 28. Find the area of the entire surface of a rectangular parallelo- piped, the dimensions of whose base are 11 and 13, and volume 858. Ex. 29. A trench is 124 ft. long, 2\ ft. deep, 6 ft. wide at the top, and 5 ft. wide at the bottom. How many cubic feet of water will it contain ? Ex. 30. Prove that the volume of any oblique prism is equal to the product of the area of a right section by the length of a lateral edge. Ex. 31. Prove that the volume of a regular prism is equal to its lateral area multiplied by one half the apothem of the base. Ex. 32. The volume of a right prism is 2310, and its base is a right triangle whose legs are 20 and 21, respectively. Find its lateral area. Ex. 33. The lateral area and volume of a regular hexagonal prism are 60 and 15 VS, respectively. Find its altitude, and one side of its base. Suggestion. — Represent the altitude by x, and the side of the base by y. Ex. 34. The altitude of a pyramid is 20 in., and its base is a rectangle whose dimensions are 10 in. and 15 in. , respectively. What is the distance from the vertex of a section parallel to the base, whose area is 54 sq. in.? Ex. 35. At what distance from the altitude must a plane parallel to the base be drawn so that the area of the section will be one half the base ? Ex. 36. In Ex. 35, replace the fraction ^ by the fraction ^ and solve the resulting exercise. Ex. 37. In Ex. 35, replace the fraction ^ by the fraction ^ and solve the resulting exercise. Ex. 38. Prove that the volum/B of a regular pyramid is equal to its lateral area, multiplied by one third the distance from the center of its base to any lateral face. Suggestion. — Pass planes through the lateral edges and the center of the 458 SOLID GEOMETRY Ex. 39. Find the lateral edge, lateral area, and volume of a frustum of a regular quadrangular pyramid, the sides of whose bases are 17 and 7, respectively, and whose altitude is 12. Suggestion. — Let ABB' A' be a lateral face of the frustum, and and 0' the centers of the bases; draw lines OC 1. AB, O'C 1 A'B', CD 1 OC, and A'E 1 AB\ also lines 00' and CC. Ex. 40. The bases of a frustum of a pyramid are rectangles, whose sides are 27 and 15, and 9 and 5, respectively, and the line joining their centers is perpendicular to each base. If the altitude of the frustum is 12, find its lateral area and volume. Ex. 41. Find the lateral area and volume of a frustum of a regular triangular pyramid, the sides of whose bases are 12 and 6, respectively, and whose lateral edge is 6. Ex. 42. The altitude and lateral edge of a frustum of a regular triangular pyramid are 8 and 10, respectively, and each side of its upper base is 2\/3. Find its volume and lateral area. Ex. 43. Find the volume of the rectangular prismoid the sides of whose bases are 10 and 7, and 6 and 5, respectively, and whose altitude is 9. Ex. 44. The volume of a triangular prism is equal to a lateral face, multiplied by one half its perpendicular distance from any point in the opposite lateral edge. Suggestion. — Draw a rt. section of the prism, and apply § 577. Ex. 45. Prove that the volume of a truncated parallelopiped is equal to the area of a right section multiplied by one fourth the sum of the lateral edges. Ex. 46. Prove that a plane passed through the center of a parallelopiped divides it into two equal solids. Ex. 47. The volume of a truncated parallelo- piped is equal to the area of a right section, mul- tiplied by the distance between the centers of the Suggestion. — By Ex. 45, the distance between the centers of the bases may be proved equal to one fourth the sum of the lateral edges. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 459 Ex. 48. How many square feet of heating surface are there in a hot- water conducting pipe 9 feet long and 2 inches in outside diameter ? Ex. 49. Determine the lateral area of the right circular cylinder formed by revolving a rectangle, having base b and altitude h, (a) about its base ; (6) about its altitude. Ex. 50. The lateral area of a cylinder of revolution is 120 tt. The area of the base is 36 tt. Find the altitude. Ex. 51. The cross section of a tunnel, 2^ mi. in length, is in the form of a rectangle yd. wide and 4 yd. high, surmounted by a semicircle whose diameter is equal to the width of the rectangle ; how many cubic yards of material were taken out in its constniction ? (tt = 3.1416.) Ex. 52. What must be the length in inches of a 10-gal. gasoline tank which is 10 in. in diameter ? Ex. 53. Determine the volume generated when a rectangle of base b and altitude h (a) revolves about its side b ; (6) revolves about its side h. Ex. 54. Two right circular cylinders have equal altitudes, but the radius of the base of the one is double the radius of the base of the other. Compare (a) their lateral areas ; (6) their volumes. Ex. 55. A regular hexagonal prism is inscribed in a right circular cylinder whose altitude is 10 in. and the radius of whose base is 3 in. Determine the difference between the volumes of the prism and cylinder. Ex. 56. Prove that the volume of a cylinder of revolution is equal to its lateral area multiplied by one half the radius of its base. Ex. 57. . Express by a formula the volume of a round cast-iron column of length I ft., thickness t in., and outside diameter d in. Ex. 58. Given the radius of the base B and the total area T of a cylinder of revolution, find its volume. (Find S'from the equation T=2 irEH + 2 -n-R^.) Ex. 59. Given the diameter of the base D and the volume Fof a cylinder of revolution, find its lateral area and total area. Ex. 60. The volume of a circular cone is F. What is the effect upon the volume : (a) if the radius of the base is doubled ? (6) if the altitude is doubled ? (c) if both the radius and the altitude are doubled ? Ex. 61. The altitude of a cone of revolution is 27 in., and the radius of its base is 16 in. What is the diameter of the base of an equal cylin- der, whose altitude is 16 in. ? 460 SOLID GEOMETRY Ex. 62. A plane is passed parallel to the base of a circular cone so as to bisect the altitude. What is the ratio of the two parts into which the given cone is divided ? Ex. 63. Determine the lateral area of a right circular cone whose volume is 320 tt cu. in., and whose altitude is 15 in. Ex. 64. Determine the volume of a cone of revolution whose slant height is 29 in., and whose lateral area is 580 tt sq. in. Ex. 65. If the altitude of a cone of revolution is three fourths the radius of its base, the volume is equal to its lateral area multiplied by one fifth the radius of its base. Ex. 66. Given the altitude H and the volume T of a right circular cone. Derive the foi-mula for the lateral area in terms of V and H, Ex. 67. Given the slant height L and the lateral area S of a right circular cone. Derive the formula for its volume in terms of S and L. Ex, 68. Find the lateral area of the frustum of a right circular cone, whose altitude is 8 in., if the radii of its bases are 6 in. and 3 in., respec- tively. Ex. 69. A tapering hollow iron column, 1 in. thick, is 24 ft. long, 10 in. in outside diameter at one end and 8 in. in diameter at the other. How many cubic inches of metal are there in it ? Ex. 70. Prove that a frustum of a circular cone is equal to three cones whose common altitude is the altitude of the frustum, and whose bases equal the lower base, the upper base, and the mean proportional between the bases of the frustum. Ex. 71. The area of the entire surface of a frustum of ,a cone of revolution is 306 ir sq. in., and the radii of its bases are 11 in. and 5 in., respectively. Find the lateral area and the volume of it. Ex. 72. The volume of a frustum of a right circular cone is 6020 tt cu. in., its altitude is 60 in., and the radius of its lower base is 15 in. Find the radius of the upper base and its lateral area. Ex. 73. Find the diameter and the area of the surface of a sphere whose volume is ^^^-^ir cu. in. Ex. 74. The altitude of a frustum of a cone of revolution is 3^, and the radii of its bases are 5 and 3 ; what is the diameter of an equal sphere ? Ex. 75. Find the area of the surface and the volume of a sphere cir- cumscribing a cylinder of revolution, the radius of whose base is 9, and whose altitude is 24. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 461 Ex. 76. A cone of revolution is inscribed in a sphere whose diameter is ^ the altitude of the cone. Prove that its lateral surface and volume are, respectively, f and /^ the surface and volume of the sphere. Ex. 77. Given the area of the surface of a sphere S to find its volume. Ex. 78. Given the volume of a sphere V to find the area of its surface. Ex. 79. A portion of a plane bounded by an eqiiilateral triangle, whose side is 6, revolves about one of its sides as an axis. Find the area of the entire surface, and the volume of the solid generated. Ex. 80. A circular sector whose central angle is 45° and radius 12 revolves about a diameter perpendicular to one of its bounding radii. Find the volume of the spherical sector generated. Ex. 81. A portion of a plane bounded by a right triangle, whose legs are a and 6, revolves about its hypotenuse as an axis. Find the area of the entire surface, and the volume of the solid generated. Ex. 82. A portion of a plane bounded by an equilateral triangle, whose altitude is h, revolves about one of its altitudes as an axis. Find the area of the surface, and the volume of the solid generated. Ex. 83. A portion of a plane bounded by an equilateral triangle, whose side is a, revolves about a straight line drawn through one of its vertices parallel to the opposite side. Find the area of the entire surface, and the volume of the solid generated. (The solid generated is the difference of the cylinder generated by BCUG, and the cones generated by ABG and ACH.) Ex. 84. If a portion of a plane bounded by any triangle be revolved about an axis in its plane, not parallel to its base, which passes through its vertex without intersecting its surface, the volume of the solid gen- erated is equal to the area of the surface generated by the base, multiplied by one third the altitude. Ex. 85. If a portion of a plane bounded by any triangle be revolved about an axis which passes through its vertex parallel to its base, the volume of the solid generated is equal to the area of the surface generated by the base, multi- plied by one third the altitude. Ex. 86. Find the volume of a spher- ical sector, the altitude of whose base is 12, the diameter of the sphere being 25. IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS AND THEOREMS OF PLANE GEOMETRY § 8. {a) One and only one straight line can be drawn through two points. (h) A straight line can be extended indefinitely in each direction. § 11, Two straight lines can intersect at only one point. § 14. The straight line segment is the shortest line between two points. § 16. A circle is a closed curved line (in a plane) all points of which are equidistant from a point within called the center. § 17. All radii of the same circle or of equal circles are equal. § 20. An angle is the figure formed by two rays drawn from the same point. § 24. Adjacent angles are two angles that have a common vertex and a common side between them. § 26. If one straight line meets another straight line so that the adjacent angles formed are equal, each of these angles is a right angle. § 27. All right angles are equal. § 29. Two lines are perpendicular if they form a right angle. § 34. The sum of all the successive adjacent angles around a point on one side of a straight line is one straight angle. § 35. The sum of all the successive adjacent angles around a point is two straight angles. § 36. Two angles are complementary if their sum equals a right angle. § 37. Complements of the same angle or of equal angles are equal. § 38. Two angles are supplementary if their sum is equal to a straight angle. § 39. If two adjacent angles have their exterior sides in a straight line, they are supplementary. § 40. If two adjacent angles are supplementary, their exterior sides are in a straight line. § 41. Supplements of the same angle or of equal angles are equal. 462 i INDEX Altitude, of a O, § 131 ; of a trape- zoid, § 145 ; of a A, § 85. Analysis, § 236, § 347. Angle, § 20; acute, § 30; central, § 180 ; diedral, § 484 ; inscribed, § 216 ; intercepted, § 180 ; obtuse, § 30 ; polyedral, § 507 ; right, § 26; spherical, § 647 ; straight, § 31 ; triedral, § 508 ; tetraedral, § 508 ; between two intersecting curves, § 047 ; between a line and a plane, § 506 ; bisector of, § 23 ; cosine of, § 301 ; measure of, § 28; sides of, § 20 ; sine of, § 300 ; tangent of, § 301 ; vertex of, § 20 ; bisect an, § 74 ; construct an, § 75 ; meas- ure an, by protractor, § 44 ; ex- terior, of a A, § 86 ; of elevation, § 303 ; of depression, § S03. Angles, adj., § 24; alt. -int., § 92; alt.-ext. , § 92 ; complementary, § 30 ; corresponding, § 92 ; equal, § 21 ; exterior of lis, § 92 ; homolo- gous of /S^, § 65 ; interior of lis, § 92 ; supplementary, § 38 ; supp.- adj., § 39 ; vertical, § 42. Antecedent, § 242. Apothem, § 360. Arc, § 179 ; minor, § 179 ; major, § 179 ; measure of, § 214 ; inter- cepted, § 180 ; subtended, § 184. Area, § 320 ; of a O, § 392, § 416, § 417 ; of a O, § 331 ; of a Q, § 330 ; of a sector, § 397 ; of a segment of a O, § 398 ; of a spher- ical surface, § 672 ; of a trapezoid, § 337, § 338 ; of a A, § 333, § 335 ; lateral, of a prism, § 531 ; lateral, of a regular pyramid, § 566 ; lat- eral, of a rt. circ. cylinder, § 599 ; lateral, of a rt. circ. cone, § 613. Axiom, § 51 ; of congruence, § 61 ; of limits, § 402 ; of lis, § 90. Axioms, list of, § 51, § 61, § 90, §158. Axis, of a circle of a sphere, § 634 ; of a circ. cone, § 605 ; of a circ. cylinder, § 593; of symmetry, § 427. Base, of a O, § 131 ; of a A, § 68 ; of an isosceles A, § 68. Bases, of a O, § 131 ; of a trape- zoid, § 145. Bisect a segment, § 78 ; an angle, §74. Broken line, § 5. Center, of a O, § 16; of gravity, § 172 ; of a O, § 137 ; of a regu- lar polygon, § 360 ; of symmetry, § 426. Chord, § 184. Circle, § 16 ; arc of, § 179 ; area of, § 392, § 416, § 417 ; center of, § 16 ; chord of, § 16 ; circumfer- ence of, § 389 ; diameter of, § 16 ; interior of, § 174 ; radius of, § 16 ; 463 464 INDEX sector of, § 396 ; segment of, § 398 ; circumscribed, § 178 ; great, of a sphere, § 634 ; in- scribed, § 225 ; small, of a sphere, § 634. Circles, concentric, § 176 ; equal, § 17 ; tangent, § 204 ; tangent internally, § 204; tangent ex- ternally, § 204. Circumcenter, § 170. Circumference, § 389. Circumscribed, circle, § 178; poly- gon, § 225. Commensurable, § 211. Complement, § 36. Conclusion, § 52. Concurrent lines, § 168. Cone, § 604 ; altitude of a, § 604 ; axis of a circular, § 605 ; base of a, § 604 ; circular, § 605 ; frustum of a, § 605; lateral surface of a, § 604; rt. circ, § 605. Cones of revolutipn, § 625. Congruence, § 59 ; axiom of, § 61. Conical surface, § 603 ; directrix of a, § 603 ; element of a, § 603 ; generatrix of a, § 603 ; vertex of a, § 604. Consequent, § 242. Constant, § 401, § 542. Converse, § 104. Co-planar, § 444. Corollary, § 71. Cosine, § 301. Cylinder, § 588 ; altitude of a, § 588 ; bases of a, § 588 ; circular, § 589 ; elements of a, § 588 ; lateral area of a, § 597 ; lateral area of a rt. circ, § 599 ; lateral surface of a, § 588 ; total surface of a, § 588 ; right, § 589 ; volume of a, § 597, §601. Degree, of angle, § 28 ; of arc, § 214. Diedral angle, § 484 ; edge of a, § 484 ; faces of a, § 484 ; plane A of a, § 486. I Diedral angles, adj., § 485; equal, | § 489 ; vertical, § 485. ^ Dimensions of a rect. parallelopiped, §541. Directrix, of a conical surface, § 603 ; of a cylindrical surface, § 586. Distance, between II planes, § 478 ; between points on the surface of a sphere, § 641 ; from a point to a line, § 84 ; polar, § 644. Dodecaedron, § 527. Edge, of a half plane, § 483. Equal angles, § 21 ; ©, § 17 ; seg- ment, § 13 ; surfaces, § 322. Exterior angle, § 86. Extreme and mean ratio, § 377. Extremes, § 244. Foot of a line on a plane, § 449. Frustum, of a pyramid, § 560; of a cone, §604 ; of a pyramid in- scribed in a frustum of a cone, §611. Generatrix, of a conical surface, § 603 ; of a cylindrical surface, § 586. Great circle, § 634. Half-plane, § 483 ; edge of a, § 483. Hexaedron, § 527. Homologous parts, § 65 ; sides of similar triangles, § 278. Hypotenuse, § 107. Hypothesis, § 52. Icosaedron, § 527. In-center, § 169, § 226. INDEX 465 Inclination of a line to a plane, § 50(). Incommensurable, § 211 ; cases, § 423, § 424, § 425. Indirect method, § 94. Inscribed, angle, § 216 ; polygon, §178. Interior of closed line, § 6. Intersection, of lines, § 10 ; of two surfaces, § 448. Isoperimetric, § 432. Lateral area, of a frustum of a reg. pyramid, § 667 ; of a frustum of a rt. circ. cone, §617; of a cylinder, § 698 ; of a prism, § 631 ; of a reg. pyramid, § 566 ; of a rt. circ. cone, § 613. Legs of a rt. triangle, § 107. Length of a circle, § 388, § 407, §412. Limit, § 401. Line, broken, § 5 ; curved, § 5 ; II to a plane, § 464 ; ± to a plane, § 452 ; straight, § 6 ; of centers, § 206. Lines, concurrent, § 168. Loci, method of attacking, § 238 ; intersection of, § 340 ; construc- tion by, § 241. Locus of points, § 229, § 518. Lune, § 675 ; angle of a, § 675. Maximum, § 433. Means, § 244. Measure, numerical, §210 ; common, § 211 ; of arc, § 214 ; of central angle, §216; of inscribed angle, §217. Median, of A, § 79 ; of trapezoid, § 145. Mid-point of a segment, § 16. Minimum, § 433. Octaedron, § 527. Ortho-center, § 171. Parallel lines, § 89 ; axiom of, § 90 ; construction of, § 99. Parallelogram, § 131 ; altitude of a, § 131 ; bases of a, § 131. Parallelopiped, § 537 ; rt., § 537 ; rect., § 537 ; center of a, Ex. 15, p. 353. Perpendicular, § 29 ; construction of, § 80, § 82. Perpendicular-bisector, § 76 ; con- struction of, § 78. Plan of a proof, § 117. Plane, § 443 ; determined, § 444 ; Z of a diedral Z, § 486 ; ± to a line, § 452 ; tangent to a cylinder and to a cone, § 622. Planes, parallel, § 465 ; perpendicu- lar, § 494. Point, § 4, note p. 27 ; mid-, § 15 ; of contact, § 197 ; of tangency, § 197 ; projection of a, § 308, Points, of intersection, § 10 ; locus of, § 228, § 229. Polar distance, § 644. Poles of a O of a sphere, § 634. Polyedra, similar, § 582. Polyedral angle, § 507 ; diedral A of a, § 507 ; edges of a, § 507 ; faces of a, § 607 ; face A of a, § 507; vertex of a, § 507. Polyedral angles, congruent, § 610, symmetrical, § 511 ; vertical, § 509. Polyedron, § 626 ; diagonal of a, § 526 ; edges of a, § 526 ; faces of a, § 526 ; regular, § 679 ; vertices of a, § 526. Polygon, § 126 ; .4 of, § 126 ; diag- onal of, § 125 ; interior of, § 125 ; perimeter of, § 126 ; sides of, 466 INDEX § 125 ; vertices of, § 125 ; circum- scribed, § 225 ; concave, § 126 ; convex, § 126 ; equiangular, § 128 ; equilateral, § 128 ; in- scribed, § 178 ; mutually equi- angular, or equilateral, § 129 ; regular, § 356 ; similar, § 272. Postulate, § 56. Postulates, list of, § 56, § 62. Prism, § 528 ; altitude of a, § 528 ; bases of a, § 528 ; lateral area of a, § 528 ; lateral edges of a, § 528 ; lateral faces of a, § 528 ; oblique, § 530 ; regular, § 530 ; right, § 530 ; truncated, § 630. Prismatoid, § 573 ; altitude of a, § 573 ; bases of a, § 573 ; mid- section of a, § 573. Problem, § 55. Projection, of a point on a line, § 308 ; of a point on a plane, § 503 ; of a segment on a line, § 309 ; of a line on a plane, § 503. Proportion, § 244 ; by alternation, § 253 ; by inversion, § 254 ; by composition, § 255 ; by composi- tion and division, § 257 ; by divi- sion, § 256. Proportional, fourth, § 246 ; third, § 247 ; mean, § 248. Proposition, § 57. Protractor, § 43 ; use of, § 44, §46. Pyramid, § 58 ; altitude of a, § 658 ; base of a, § 568 ; lateral area of a, § 558 ; lateral edges of a, § 558 ; lateral faces of a, § 568 ; vertex of a, § 658 ; frustum of a, § 560 ; regular, § 559 ; truncated, § 559 ,• inscribed in a cone, § 610. Quadrant, of circle, § 176. ] Radius, of a O, § 16 ; of circum- scribed O of a A, § 177 ; of in- scribed O of a A, § 226 ; of a regular polygon, § 360. Ratio, § 212, § 242 ; of similitude, § 272 ; extreme and mean, § 377. Ray, § 19. Rectangle, § 141. Regular polyedron, § 579 ; pyramid, §559. Regular polygon, § 356 ; apothem of, § 360 ; central A of, § 360; ra- dius of, § 360 ; construction of, § 370 ; vertex Z of, § 360. Rhombus, § 142. Scales, § 299. Secant, § 194 ; whole, § 285. Segment of a circle, § 398 ; of a line, § 12 ; external, § 286 ; internal, §386; spherical, §716; projec- tion of a, § 309 ; divided exter- nally, § 306 ; divided harmoni- cally, § 307 ; divided internally, §269. Segments, equal, § 13 ; divided pro- portionally, § 260. Semicircle, § 176. Sequence of polygons, § 404. Sine of an angle, § 300. Slant height, of a frustum of a reg. pyramid, § 562 ; of a frustum of a rt. circ. cone, § 606 ; of a reg. pyramid, § 562 ; of a rt. circ. cone, § 606. Solid, § 529 ; volume of a, § 533. Solids, equal, § 534. Sphere, § 629 ; radius of a, § 630 ; diameter of a, § 630. Spheres, tangent, § 665. Spherical, angle, § 647 ; excess, § 660; pyramid, § 722; sector. INDEX 467 § «90 ; segment, § 716 ; surface, § 027 ; triangle, § 662 ; wedge, § 718. Spherical polygon, § 651 ; angle of a, § 051 ; diagonal of a, § 651 ; sides of a, § 651. Spherical polygons, symmetrical, §681. Square, § 143. Subtend, § 184. Superposition, § 62 ; postulate of, §62. Supplement, § 38. Surface, § 442 ; closed, § 523 ; coni- cal, § 603 ; convex, § 524 ; curved, § 522 ; cylindrical, § 586 ; gen- erating a, § 585 ; spherical, § 628. Symmetrical spherical polygons, §681. Symmetry with respect to, a straight line, § 429 ; a center, § 428. Tangent, § 197 ; common, § 203 ; external, § 203; internal, § 203; of angle, § 301. Tangent to a sphere, a plane, § 662. Tetraedral angle, § 508. Tetraedron, § 527. Theorem, § 52 ; proved formally, § 54 ; proved informally, § 53. Transversal, § 92. Trapezoid, § 145 ; altitude of, § 145 ; area of, § 337 ; bases of, § 146 ; isosceles, § 146; median of, §146. Triangle, § 47 ; altitude of, § 85 ; base of, § 68; median of, § 79; parts of, § 47 ; sides of, § 47 ; ver- tical Z. of, § 68 ; vertices of, § 47 ; bi-rectangular, § 661 ; circum- scribed, § 225 ; equiangular, § 68 ; equilateral, § 68 ; inscribed, § 178 ; isosceles, § 68 ; isosceles right, § 107 ; right, § 107 ; scalene, § 68 ; tri-reetangular, § 661 ; construc- tion of, § 232. Triedral angle, § 508. Trigonometric tables, § 302. Trigonometry, § 300. Unit, of surface, § 321 § 28 ; of arc, § 214. of angle, Variable, § 401, § 542 ; limit of a, §542. Vertical angle, of a A, § 68 ; of an isosceles A, § 68. Volume of a cone, § 612 ; of a rt. circ. cone, § 615 ; of a frustum of a rt. circ. cone, § 620 ; of a cylinder, defined, § 597 ; of a cylinder, § 601 ; of any parallele- piped, § 651 ; of any prism, § 553 ; of a solid, § 633; of a sphere, Zone, § 666. UNIVERS NIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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