BANCROFT LIBRARY ♦ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation Bti)ltotf)eca Americana* A Catalogue OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MANUSCRIPTS, MAPS, ENGRAVINGS, AND ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA, AND THE WEST INDIES, ALTOGETHER FORMING THE MOST EXTENSIVE COLLECTION EVER OFFERED FOR SALE. ON SALE AT THE AFFIXED READY MONEY PRICES, BY JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, S O H O S QJJ ARE, LONDON, (W.) MDCCCLXV. /Sk 07 X ERRATA. No. 672, price 6s., read 9s. „ 976, „ £1. is. 6d., read £1. us. 6d. „ 2657, th volume), plates, halfcf. 13* 6d 1722 148 BAILY (Francis, the Astronomer) Journal of a Tour in the Unsettled Parts of North America in 1796 and 1797, with Memoir of the Author by Professor De Morgan. 8vo, cloth. 6* 1856 149 BAILY (John) Central America, describing each of the States of Guate- mala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. 3 plates, and large folding map on canvas, in a case, cloth. 8* Qd 1850 150 BAIRD (Rev. Robert) Religion in the United States of America; or, an Account of the Origin, Progress, Relations to the State, and Present Condition of the Evangelical Churches in the United States, with Notices of the Unevangelicai Denominations. Large 8vo, maps, pp. 736, cloth. 4* 6d 1844 151 BALL (John) Answer to Two Treatises of Mr. John Cann, the Leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam. 4to, old calf 15* 1642 Connected with the Controversy in which John Robinson, the Pilgrim Father, was engaged. 152 BALLANTYNE (R. M.) Hudson's Bay Life; or, Every-Day Life in the Wilds of North America during Six Y'ears' Residence. Post 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 4* 1848 J. R. Smithy 36, Soho Square, London, 11 153 BALMIS (Francisco Xavier) Demonstration de las Efficaces Virtudes Nuevamente Descubiertas, en las Eaices de dos Plantas de Nueva Espana, especies de Agarve y de Begonia para la Curacion del Vicio Venereo, y Escrofuloso, y de otras graves Enfermedades que resisten, al uso de Mercurio, y demas reraedios conocidos. 4to, 2 plates coloured, Spanish calf (little stained). 5s Madrid, 1794 154 BALLON (Maturin M.) History of Cuba; or, Notes of a Traveller in the Tropics ; being a Political, Historical, and Statistical Account of the Island, from its First Discovery to the Present Time. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s fid Boston, 1854 155 BANCROFT (Dr. E.) Natural History of Guiana, with an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Indian Inhabitants. 8vo, plate, calf neat. 6s — Fine copy, russia, gilt edges. Ss 6d 1769 156 BANCROFT (A.) Life of George Washington, First President of the United States. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1808 157 BANCROFT'S History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, to the Declaration of Independence. In 1 vol. royal 8vo, plates, cloth. Is Qd 1847 158 Another Edition (Library one). 3 vols. 8vo, numerous plates, cloth. 14* Boston, 1841 159 BANCROFT (Aaron, Pastor in Worcester) Sermons on those Doctrines of the Gospel, and on those Constituent Principles of the Church, which Christian Professors have made the Subject of Controversy. 8vo, boards. 5* Worcester, U.S. 1822 160 BANDINEL (James) Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa, as Connected with Europe and America, from the earliest period. Royal 8vo, cloth. 4* 6d 1842 161 BANKS' (T. C.) Baronia Anglia Concentrata ; or, a Concentration of all the Baronies called Baronies in Fee, deriving their Origin from Writ of Summons, and not from any specific Limited Creation, showing the Descent and Line of Heirship, as well of those Families mentioned by Sir William Dugdale, as of those whom that celebrated author has omitted to notice, interspersed with Interesting Notices and Explana- tory Remarks, whereto is added the Proofs of Parliamentary Sitting from the Reign of Edward I. to Queen Anne ; also a Glossary of Dormant English, Scotch, and Irish Peerage Titles, with references to presumed existing Heirs. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. 1 5s (pub. at £3. 3s) 1844 Pages 210-300 contain an Historical Account of the first settlement of Nova Scotia, and of the foundation of the order of Nova Scotia Baronets, with the Charters in favour of Sir William Alexander, &c, &c. 162 BANVARD (Joseph) Novelties of the New World; or, the Adventures and Discoveries of the First Explorers of North America. Crown 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 2s Qd Boston, 1852 163 BARB A (Alvaro Alonso) Arte de los Metales, en que se ensena el Verdadero, beneficio de los de oro y Plata por Azogue el modo de fundirlos todos y como se han de Refinar y Aparbar unos de otros. 4to, cuts, clean copy, but wormed, old calf, 5s Madrid, n.d 164 BARB A (A. A., of Potosi) Art of Metals, in which is declared the Manner of their Generation, and the Concomitants of them ; Art of Refining Silver by Quicksilver, Translated by the Earl of Sandwich. Small Svo, plate, calf. 4s 6c? 1674 165 BARBADOES.— Short History of Barbadoes from its first Discovery & Settlement to the Present Time (by H. Frere). Svo, 15s 1768 With numerous MS. alterations and additions for a new edition. 12 Books relating to America, on Sale by 166 BARBADOES. — Short History of. Another copy. 8vo, boards, uncut, scarce. 8s 6d 1768 167 BARBADOES. — Instructions for the Management of a Plantation in Barbadoes, and for the Treatment of Negroes, &c. 8vo, privately printed, calf neat. 6s 1786 168 BARBADOES. — Laws of Barbadoes, collected in one volume, by Win. Rawlin, Clerk of the Assembly of the said Island. Folio, old calf. 6s Printed fur JF. Rawlin, Esq. 1699 169 BARBE— MARBOIS, Histoire de la Louisiane, et de la cession de cette colonie par la France. 8vo, map, sewed. 4* Paris, 1829 170 BARCLAY (A.) View of the Present State of Slavery in the W. Indies ; or, an Examination of Mr. Stephen's Slavery of the British W. India Colonies. 8vo, cloth. 3* 1826 171 BARING (A.) Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council, and Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America, 1808 — War in Disguise, or Frauds of the Neutral Flags (by J. Brown), 1807. In 1 vol. 8vo, halfcf. 5* 172 BARL^EI (Casp.) Rerum per Octennium in Brasilia Historia. Folio, large paper copy, numerous plates and maps, vellum. £1. 11* 6d Amst. 1647 173 BARLEUS (C.) Res Brasilia? imperante D. I. Mauritio Nassoviae, &c. Principe Accedit G. Pisonis, tractatus de sere aquis et locis in Brasilia?. 8vo, engraved title, portrait, maps and plates, good clean copy, vellum. 15* — An other, half calf gilt. 16* Clivis, 1660 175 BARLOW (Joel) Vision of Columbus, a Poem ; with the Conspiracy of Kings, a Poem. 8vo, portrait by Barbier Vaine, calf, a scarce edition. QsQd — Another, without portrait, 5* fid Paris, 1793 176 BARNUM (H. L) The Spy Unmasked; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the Hero of the Spy, a Tale of the Neutral Ground, by Mr. Cooper. 2 vols. 12mo, boards. 5* 1828 177 BARON'S History of the Colonisation of the Free States of Antiquity, applied to the present Contest between Great Britain and her Ame- rican Colonies, 1777 — Svmond's Remarks upon the above, 1758. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf. 1 6* Qd 178 BARRERE (Pierre) Essai sur l'Histoire Naturelle de la France Equi- noxiale. 12mo, calf 6s — sewed. 5* Paris, 1741 179 BARRERE, Nouvelle Relation de la France Equinoxiale, contenant la Description des Cotes de la Guiane, de l'Isle de Cayenne avec les Moeurs et Coutumes des Sauvages. 12mo, many plates, half calf, scarce. 10* 6d ib. 1743 180 BARR1NGTON (Daines) Miscellanies; containing Tracts on the pos- sibility of reaching the North Pole ; Account of Mozart and other eminent Musicians, of the Gwedir Family ; Othere's Voyage to the North in the 9th Century; a Spanish Voyage in 1775, to explore the Western Coast of N. America, he, &c. 4to, pits, calf nt. 8* 6c? 1781 181 BARRINGTON, on the possibility of reaching the North Pole, with Col. Beaufoy's Appendix. 8vo, boards. 2* — half calf 2* Qd 1818 152 BARROW (John) Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions, chiefly for Discovering a North East, North "West, or Polar Passage, between the Atlantic and Pacific. 8vo, map, boards. 6* — calf neat. 6* Qd— half calf \ 6s 6d 1818 153 BARROW (Sir John) Voyages of Discovery and Research within the Arctic Regions, from the Year 1818 to the Present Time. Large 8vo, portrait and large map, cloth. 8* Qd 1846 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 13 184 BARRY (Williain) History of Framinghara, Massachusetts, including the Plantation, from 1 640 to the Present Time. 8vo, cl. 6s 6d Boston, 1 847 185 BARTLETT (W. S.) The Frontier Missionary; a Memoir of the Rev. Jacob Bailey, Missionary at Pownalborough, Maine, Cornwallis, and Annapolis, N. S. ; with Illustrations, Notes, and Appendix. 8vo, map and portraits, cloth. 6s 6d Boston, 1853 186 BARTLETT (J. R.) Dictionary of Americanisms, a Glossary of Words and Phrases colloquially used in the United States. Royal 8vo, cloth. Is U 1849 187 BARTLETT (J. R.) Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua. 2 vols, roval 8vo, many plates and woodcuts, cloth. 18* 1854 188 BARTLETT (W. H.) The Pilgrim Fathers; or, the Founders of New England in the reign of James I. Royal 8vo, ma?iy fine plates and looodcuts, cloth. 10s Qd 1853 189 BARTOLOMEI (Girolamo) L' America; Poema Eroico. Folio, with numerous Manuscript Observations by Dr. Lazzeri, and his autograph on title, folio, engraved front, half mor. very scarce. J61. 15s Roma, 1650 190 BARTON (Rev. Thomas) Sermon preached at Carlisle and some other Episcopal Churches in the Counties of York and Cumberland, soon after Gen. Braddock's defeat. 8vo, half morocco. £1. 1* Printed and sold by B. Franklin and B. Hall, Philadelphia, 1755 191 BARTON (William) Dissertation on the Freedom of Navigation and Maritime Commerce, and such Rights of States relative thereto as are founded on the Law of Nations ; adapted more particularly to the United States. 8vo, half calf 5s Philadelphia, 1802 192 BARTRAM (John) Observations in his Travels from Pensilvania to Onondago, Oswego, and Lake Ontario, in Canada; with Kalm's curious Account of the Cataracts at Niagara. 8vo, map, bds. 6s 6d ] 751 193 BARTRAM (W.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, &c. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 6s $d— half calf Is — whole calf Is 6d 1792 194 BARTRAM (W.) Travels. Library marked copy, and wauting a plate, boards. 3s — boards, clean copy. Is ftd — half calf 8s 1794 195 BARTRAM (William) Voyage dans les parties Sud de l'Amerique sep- tentrionale traduit de l'Anglois, par P. V. Benoist. 2 vols. 8vo, map and plates, sewed. 4s 6d Paris, 1799 196 BASANIER, l'llistoire de la Floride situee es Indes Occidentalis con- tenant les trois Voyages faits en icelle par certains Captaines et Pilotes descrits par le Capitaine Laudonniere, a laquelle a este adjouste un quatriesme Voyage fait par le Capt. Gourges. 12mo, sewed. 7s Qd — red morocco. 8s &d 1586 — Reprinted 1853 A very interesting little book on the early History of Florida. The original edition is of the greatest rarity. 197 BASTTDE (Martin de la) Memoire sur la possibilite les avantages et les moyens d'ouvrir un Canal dans l'Amerique Septentrionale pour communiquer de la mer Atlantique ou du nord a la mer Pacirique ou du Sud. 8vo, large map, calf gilt. 9s Paris, 1791 198 BATES (W.) Narrative of the Conduct and Adventures of Henry Frederic Moon, a native of Brighthelmstone, Sussex, under sentence of imprisonment in Connecticut, N. America. 8vo, port, cf 3s 1817 199 BAYLEY'S (F. W. N.) Four Years' Residence in the West Indies, with a Chronology of the Principal Islauds, from their First Discovery. Thick 8vo, plates, hf mor. extra. 6s Qd— cl. 4s 6d—hf. 6s 1 830 14 Books relating to America, on Sale by 200 BEACH (John) A Second Vindication of God's Sovereign Free Grace, indeed, in a Fair and Candid Examination of the last Discourse of the late Mr. Dickinson. 8vo, half morocco. 7s 6d Boston, 1748 201 BEACH (J.) Attempt to Vindicate Scripture Mysteries, a Sermon preached before the Clergy of the Church of England, in Connecticut, at New Haven. 8vo, half morocco. Is 6d Boston, 1760 202 BEACH (John) A Friendly Expostulation with all Persons concerned in publishing a Pamphlet, entitled, "The real Advantages which Ministers and People may enjoy, especially in the Colonies, by con- forming to the Church of England." 8vo, half morocco. 7* 6d New York, 1763 203 BEACH'S Second Familiar Conference upon some Antinomian Tenets, occasioned by Mr. David Judson's Remarks upon the first. 8vo, half morocco. Is Qd New York, 1765 204 BEAMISH (N. L.) Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century, with Notices of the Early Settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. 8vo, maps, cloth. 6* 1841 205 BEATTY (Charles) Journal of a Two Mouths' Tour, with a view of Promoting Religion among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pensylvania ; with Remarks on the Language and Customs of the Indians. 8vo, calf. 6* 1768 206 BEAUFOY (Mark) Mexican Illustrations, indicative of the Present Condition of Society, Manners, Religion, and Morals among the Spanish and Native Inhabitants of Mexico. 8vo, map and plates, new, half calf gilt. 6s 1828 207 BEAUJOUR (Chev. F. de) Apercu des Etats Unis au commencement duXIX e . Siecledepuis 1800,jusqu'en 1810. 8vo, map, seiced. 2* 1814 208 BEAUJOUR'S Sketch of the United States of America, from 1800 to 1810, Translated with Notes, by Walton. 8vo, half calf . 3* U— boards. 3* • 1814 209 BEAUMONT'S (J. A. Barber) Travels in Buenos Ayres, and Adjacent Provinces of Rio de la Plata. 8vo, boards. 3s — half calf . 4s 1828 210 BEAUTIES of Fox, North, and Burke, selected from their Speeches, from the passing of the Quebec Act. 8vo, front, half bd. 2s Qd 1784 211 BEAUTIES and Deformities of Fox, North, and Burke, selected from their speeches, from the Year 1770 down to the Present Time. 1 2mo, two caricatures, half calf, from Mr. Crowninshield's library, 5s 1784 212 BECKFORD (W.) Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica, with Remarks upon the Cultivation of the Sugar Cane. 2 vols. 8vo, fine copy, calf neat. 6s 6^ 1790 213 BEECHEY (Capt. F. W.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Straits, to co-operate with the Polar Expeditions, in 1825 to 1828. 2 vols. 4to, maps, and plates, half green morocco, marbled leaves. £1. 18s 1831 214 BEECHEY'S Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Straits. 2 vols. 8vo, plates and maps, new, half calf gilt. I&s&d — whole calf . 18s 1831 215 BEECHEY'S Narrative of Capt. Buchan's Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, in the Ships Dorothea and Trent. 8vo, plates, cloth, 4s 6d— new, half calf gilt. Is 1843 216 BELCHER (Capt. Sir Edward) The last of the Arctic Voyages in Search of Sir John Franklin, during the Years 1852-3 and 1854; with Notes on the Natural History, by Sir John Richardson, Pro- fessor Owen, &c. 2 vols, royal 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 16s (pub. at £2. 2s) * 1855 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 15 217 BELKNAP (Jeremy) Discourse intended to Commemorate the Dis- covery of America by Columbus, delivered on October 23, 1792, being the Completion of the Third Century since that Memorable Event, and four Dissertations connected with the Discourse. 8vo, half calf. 1 5s Boston, 1792 218 BELKNAP (Jeremy) History of New Hampshire. 3 vols. 8vo, map, calf neat. £1. Is Boston, 1792 219 BELKNAP (Jeremy) History of New Hampshire. Vols. I and II, 8vo, map, half calf '. 6s 6d Philadelphia, 1784 220 BELLAMY (Joseph, Minister of the Gospel at Bethlem, New England) Sermons on the Divinity of Jesus Christ ; the Millenium ; the Wisdom of God in the permission of Sin. 8vo, calf. Ss 6d Boston, 1758 221 BELLAMY (Joseph) Essay on the Nature and Glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 8vo, calf Is 6d Boston, 1762 222 BELLIN (Le Sieur) Description Geographiques des Isles Antilles pos- sediees par les Anglois scavoir la Jamaique, la Barbade, Antigue, Montserrat, S. Christophe, &c. 4to, maps, calf. 6s 1758 223 BELLIN (N.) Description des Debouquemens qui sont au nord de l'lsle de Saint Domingue. 4to, maps, calf neat. 6s — half calf 5* Versailles, 1773 224 BELLOT (J. E.) Journal d'un Voyage aux Mers Polaires Execute a la Kecherche de Sir John Eranklin en 1851 et 1852 precede d'une notice sur la vie et les travaux de l'Anteur, par M. Julien Lemer. 8vo, portrait, map and facsimile, sewed. 5s Paris, 1854 225 BELLY (Felix) Percement de L'Isthme de Panama, par le Canal de Nicaragua. Eoyal 8vo, maps. 3s 6d Paris, 1858 226 BELTEAMI, La Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi et de laEiviere Sanglante, avec un Coup-d'ceil sur les campagnes Nord-ouest de la Baie d'Hudson, ainsi que sur la colonie Selkirk. 8vo, sewed. 5s Nouvelle Orleans, 1824 227 BELTEAMI'S Pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the Dis- covery of the Sources of the Mississippi, Bloody Eiver, and Ohio. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 6s 6d — half calf gilt. 9s — whole calf, marbled leaves. 12s 1828 228 BENEZET (Anthony) Historical Account of Guinea, its Situation, Pro- duce, and Disposition of its Inhabitants, with Enquiry into the Eise and Progress of the Slave Trade. 8vo, half calf '. 3s 1788 229 BENZONI, Novae Orbis Historiee, id est, rerum ab Hispania in India Occidentali gestarum, libri iii. ex italico latine facta opera Urbani Calvetonis ; adjuncta est de Gallorum in terram Floridam expeditione brevis historia. Small 8vo, vellum. 18s 1578 230 BENZONI, Novas Orbis Historise. 12mo, new, 18s Geneva,Ul$ 231 BENZONI.— Another edition. 8vo, half calf. 15s ib. 1660 232 BENZONI and MAETYEEM.— Der nevven Weldt und Indianischem Nidergangischen Konigreichs nevve und Wahrhaffte History vol alien geschichten, handiungen thaten, strengem und straftlichen regiment der Spanier gegen den Indianen unglaublichem grossem gut von Goldt sylber, edelgestein, parlein, schmaragdt und andern grossen reichthumb so die Spanier Darinn erobert sonder auch alle Inseln, Provintz, Konigreich Wildrussen, sampt derselbigen Volckern und wilden Leiithfressern WundeFbarlichen sitten bischrieben werden. Polio, fine copy, stamped pigskin. £2. 2s Basel. 1582 233 BENNETT.— Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and his Times, by a Journalist. Post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s 6d Neic York, 1855 16 Books relating to America, on Sale by 234 BERKELEY (Bishop) Miscellany, containing several Tracts on Various Subjects, & on the Prospect of Planting Arts in America, for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, &c. 12rao, cf. 3s Dublin, 1752 235 BERKLEY (Colonel) and his Friends, containing SKetches of Life South of the Potomac, a Tale. 3 vols, post 8vo, boards. 6s 1825 236 BERMUDA, a Colony, a Fortress, and a Prison; or, Eighteen Months in the Somers Islands. By a Field Officer. 8vo, map and plates, coloured, cloth. 6s 1857 237 BERMUDEZ (El. Doct. Don Jos. Manuel) Fama Postuma del Excell. Senor Doctor Don Juan Domingo Gonzalez de la Regura y Oracion Funebre. 4to, portrait, boards, Monument and curious folding vietc of the Cathedral of Lima. 5s Lima, 1805 238 BERNARD (Governor) Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America, and the Principles of Law and Polity applied to the American Colonies in the Years 1763 to 1768. 8vo, new, half morocco. 5s 6c? 1774 239 BERNAN (Rev. J. H.) Missionary Labours in British Guiana, with Remarks on the Manners, Customs, and Superstitions of the Abo- rigines. Post 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 4s 1847 240 BESSE (Jos.) Collection of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers for the testimony of a good Conscience, from 1650 to the Act of Toleration, 1689. 2 vols, folio, good clean copy, cf. neat. £1. 8s 1753 Pages 177 to 277 of vol. 2 relate to New England, and pages 277 to 391 to Barbadoes and other West India Islands. 241 BEST (\V.) Sermon preached before the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, in America. 4to, boards. 4s 1742 242 BESTE (J. R.) The Wabash; or, the Adventures of an English Gentle- man's Family in the Interior of x\merica. 2 vols, post 8vo, frontis- pieces, cloth. 8s 6t? 1855 243 BETAGH'S (Capt. W.) Voyage round the World (with Capt. Shelvocke.) 8vo, neat. 3s 6d 1728 — Another edition, neat. ±s—fine clean copy, calf. 6s 1757 244 BEVERIDGE (John, of Philadelphia) Epistolse familiares et alia quae- darn Miscellanea. Familiar Epistles and other Miscellaneous Pieces, with several Translations by different hands. 8vo, good copy, calf neat, very scarce. £1. Is Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1765 245 BEVERLEY'S (R.) History and Present State of Virginia, in four parts. 8vo, plates, morocco extra, gilt haves and joints. £1. 8s — new, calf gilt. £1. Is — in original binding. £1 — Another, as fresh inside as the day it was printed, old calf. £1. 8s 1705 246 BEVERLEY. — Another edition. 8vo, frontispiece and plates, good copy, calf. £1. 4s 1722 247 BEVERLEY. — Histoire de la Virginie traduite de PAnglois. 12mo, plates, old calf . 8s 6d 1707 248 BIBLIOTHECA Americana; or, a Chronological Catalogue of the most Curious Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, &c. in Print and Manuscript, upon North and South America. 4to, boards. £1. 4s — new, half calf £1. 8s— old half cf £1.5s— whole cf.nt. £1.10s 1789 249 BIBLIOTHECA Americana Nova, bv O. Rich ; Vol. 2, containing the Portion from the Year 1831 to 1844. 8vo, cloth. Ss 6d 1846 250 BIBLIOTHECA Americana ; a Catalogue of 3372 Books and Pamphlets relating to America, on sale by John Russell Smith. 8vo, cl. 3s 1853 Useful for bibliographical purposes, as it records the titles of many Books and Pamphlets not to be found elsewhere. The few articles which remained unsold have been incorporated in the present Catalogue. /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 17 251 BIBLIOTHEC^ AMERICANS PRIMORDIA; an Attempt towards laying the Foundation of an American Library, in a Catalogue of Books, Papers, and Writings. 4to, fine clean copy, calf gilt. £2. \2sQd 1713 252 BIBLIOTHECA Americo-Septentrionalis, a choice Collection of Books in Various Languages, relating to North America, from its First Dis- covery. (By D. B. Warden.) 8vo, sewed. 15s Park, 1821 253 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Miscellany. Edited by John Petheram. 8vo, Nos. 1 to 5 {all published) with general title and contents. Is 1859 Contents.— Particulars of the Voyage of Sir Thomas Button for the Dis- covery of a North-West Passage, a.d. 1612 — Sir Dudley Digges' Of the Cir- cumference of the Earth; or, a Treatise of the North-East Passage, 1611-13 — Letter of Sir Thomas Button on the North- West Passage, in the State-Paper Office — Bibliographical Notices of Old Music Books. By Dr. Rimbault — Notices of Suppressed Books — Martin Mar- Prelate's Rhymes — The Hard wicke Collection of Manuscripts. 254 BIDAURE. — Kurzgefaste geographische, naturliche und biirgerliche geschichte des Konigreichs Chile aus dem ltalienischen ins Deutsche iibersetzt von C. J. J. small 8vo, map, half calf . 5s Hamburg, 1782 255 BIDDLE'S (Rich.) Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery, from original documents. 8vo, boards {soiled). 5s — half calf, a very valuable book. 6s 1831 — Second Edition. 8vo, half calf extra. 9s 1832 256 BIET (Antoine) Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en lMsle de Cayenne enterpris par les Francois en l'Annee 1652, avec un Dictionnaire de la Langue du mesme Pais. 4to, calf neat, scarce. £1. 8* — Another copy. 4to, calf {a little stained). £1. 2s . Paris, 1664 257 BIGGS (Wm.) Military History of Europe, &c, from the Commence- ment of the War with Spain, in 1739, to the Treaty of Aix-la- Chapelle in 1748. 8vo, calf 3s Qd 1755 258 BIGSBY'S (Dr. John J.) The Shoe and Canoe, or Pictures of Travel in the Canadas, illustrative of their Scenery and Colonial Life. 2 vols, post Svo, maps and plates, cloth. Is Qd 1850 259 BILLINGS (Commodore Joseph) Sauer's Account of Commodore Bil- ling's Geographical and Astronomical Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia, and the Islands stretching to the American Coast. 4to, maps and numerous plates, half calf. Is Qd — boards. Is Qd 1 802 " The object of this Expedition was to explore those parts of the ocean lying between Asia and America, which Captain Cooke did not visit." — Coxe. 260 BINGLEY'S Travels in North America, compiled from Modern Writers. Post 8vo, boards. Is Qd . 1821 261 BIRCH (Thomas) Life of the Hon. Robert Boyle. Svo, port, cf 5s 1744 The Appendix contains the Charter of Corporation for propagating the G-ospel in New England — Letters of John Eliot, of New England, relating his services for the propagation of the Gospel in America — Thanks from the Governor of New England to Mr. Boyle for his services in that Colony, &c. 262 BIRKBECK'S Notes on a Journey from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. Svo, boards. 2s — half calf. 2s Qd 1818 263 BIRKBECK'S Letters from Illinois. Svo, boards. 2s 1818 264 BIS HOPE'S (George) New England Judged not by man's, but the Spirit of the Lord, and the sum sealed up of New England's Per- secutions ; being a brief relation of the Sufleiings of the people called Quakers in those parts of America, from 1656, the time of their first arrival at Boston from England, to 1660, with Whiting's Answer to Cotton Mather's Abuses of the Quakers. Thick 8vo, good copy, calf neat. £1. 8s — Another, new, calf gilt {slightly stained). £1. 5s — Another, calf, stained. £1. \s — Another, ditto. 18* 1703 2 18 Books relating to America, on Sale by 265 BIRKBECK (Morris) Notes of a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the territory of Illinois. Map, 1818 — Letters from Illinois, 1818 — Extracts from a Supplementary Letter from the Illinois, 1819. In 1 vol. Svo, calf. 4s 266 BISSELII (Jo.) Argonauticon Americanorum sive Historic periculorum Petri de Victoria, ac sociorum ejus Libri XV. Thick 18mo, pp. 500, front, and map, very clean, veil. rare. 10s 6c? Monachii, 1647 267 BISSELII. Another Copy. 18mo, whole bound in blue morocco, gilt edges, by Kay day. 15s Monachii, 1647 The adventures of Peter de Victoria and bis companions in various parts of South America. 268 BISSETT (R.) History of the Negro Slave Trade in its connection with the Commerce and Prosperity of the West Indies, and the Wealth and Power of the British Empire. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 6* — half morocco. 6s 6 d 1805 269 BLANC (Vincent le) The World Surveyed; or, the Famous Voyages and Travailes, from Fourteen to Seventy-Eight years of Age, through the East and West Indies, Persia, Pegu, Fez, Morocco, Guinny, and all African and Principal Provinces of Europe. Englished by F. Brooke. Folio, calf neat. Is &d 1660 The last 17 Chapters relate to America. 270 BLANCHARDIERE (l'Abbe Courte de la) Nouveau Voyage fait au Perou,auquel on a joint une Description des Aneiennes Mines d'Espagne, traduite de l'Espagnol, d'Alonso Carillo Lax. 12mo, plate, calf. 6s Gd Far is, 1751 271 BLAKE (Rev. Mortimer) Centennial History of the Mendon Association of Congregational Ministers, with the Centennial Addresses at Franklin Mass. and Biographical Sketches. Post Svo, cloth. 4s Boston, 1853 272 BLISS (Leonard) History of Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, comprising a History of the Present Towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Pawtucket, from their Settlement to this Time. 8vo, cloth. 5s Boston, 1836 273 BLODGET (Samuel) Economka ; a Statistical Manual for the United States of America. Svo, boards. 3s Washington, 1806 274 BLOME (R.) Description of the Island of Jamaica, with the other Isles and Territories in America to which the English are related. 8vo, fine portrait of Admiral de Ruyter by Vaughan, and maps, cf 15s 1678 275 Present State of his Majestie's Isles and Territories in America, viz., New England, Carolina, New York, Maryland, Pensilvania, &c. 8vo, maps {wanting title), new, half calf gilt. 6s 6d — Another (map of Jamaica torn), calf neat. 8s 1687 276 BLUETT (Thomas) Some Memoirs of the Life of Job, the Son of Solo- mon, the High Priest ol Boonda, in Africa, who was a Slave about Two Years in Maryland. Small 8vo, half bound. 3s 6d 1734 277 BOITEL (Ch.) Quelques mois de l'Existence d'un Fonctionnaire public aux Colonies de la Guadeloupe et de la Martinique. Svo. 2s Far. 1832 278 BOLINGBROKE'S (H.) Voyage to Demerary, Essequebo, the Berbice, and other contiguous Rivers of Guyana. 4to, boards. 5s — calf gilt. Is 1807 279 BOLIVAR (President of Colombia) Memoirs of; and of his principal Generals. By Gen. H. L. V. Ducondray Holstein. 2 vols, post 8vo, map and portrait, boards. 5s Qd — new, half calf gilt. Is Gd 1830 280 BONELLI (L. Hugh de) Travels in Bolivia, with a Tour across the Pnmpas to Buenos Ayres, &c. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d 1854 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 19 281 BONNYCASTLE (R. H.) Spanish America. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 4s 6c?— 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, new, half calf . 5s 1818 281*BONNYCASTLE'S (Sir R. H.) Newfoundland in 1842. 2 vols, post 8\o, plates, cloth. 5s Qd— half calf 'gilt. Is 6d J 842 282 — Canada and the Canadians. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 5s 1849 283 Canada as it Was, Is, and May Be, with considerable Additions, and Account of Recent Transactions, by Sir James Edward Alexander. 2 vols, post 8vo, 2 maps, cloth. 6s 1852 A different work from the preceding. 284 BOOK of the United States, exhibiting its Geography, Divisions, Con- stitution, Government, Natural History, Institutions, Literature, Bio- graphy, Statistics, &c. &c. Verv thick 8vo, many woodcuts, cloth. 5* New York, 1839 285 BOOK of Common Prayer as Revised and Proposed to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at a Convention in the States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, held in Philadelphia in 1785. 8vo, calf neat. 18* —Another copy (MS. Title), calf. 10s Qd 1789 286 BORDLEY'S (J. B.) Essays and Notes on Husbandry and Rural Affairs. Svo, calf neat. 6s Philadelphia, 1799 287 BORLAND (Rev. Francis, one of the Ministers who went along with the last Colony to Darien) History of Darien ; an Account of the Attempts of the Scotch Nation to settle a Colony in that place; the many Tragical Disasters and Reflections upon the whole. 8vo, boards, scarce. 15s Glasgow, 1779 288 BOSQUEXE del Comercio en Esclavos, y Reflexiones sobre este Trafico considerado, Moral, Politica, y Cristianmente. 8vo, folding plate, neat. 2s U 1814 289 BOSSU, Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales (sur le Mississippi). 2 vols, in 1, 12mo, very neat. 5s 1768 290 BOSSU (M.) Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amerique, septentrionale con- tenant une Collection de Lettres, ecrites sur les lieux. 8vo, plates, sewed. 4s Gd—cf. 5s Qd— A Fine Copy in cf. Is6d A continuation to the former work. 291 BOSSU'S Travels in Louisiana. Translated by J. R. Forster, with large Notes on the Natural History. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 8s 6c? — Good copy, calf neat. 10s Qd— half calf \ 10s Kd 1771 292 BOSTON. — Confession of Faith, owned and consented unto by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled at Boston, in New England, May 12, 1680, being the Second Session of that Synod. 12 mo, half calf, rare. £3. 3s Boston, 1680 293 BOSTON. — Local Loiterings and Visits in the Vicinity of Boston. By a Looker on. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 3s 1846 294 BOSTON.— Proceedings at the Dedication of the Building for the Public Library of the City of Boston (N.E.), Jan. 1, 1858. Royal Svo, plates, cloth. 4s Boston, by Authority of the City Council, 1858 295 BOSTON.— Trial of William Weraras, James Hartegan, and other Soldiers of the 29th Regt. of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, and others, on 5th March, 1770, at the Assize held at Boston, 27 Nov. 1770 ; taken in Short-Hand by J. Hodgson. Small 4to, new, half green morocco extra, edges uncut. J62. 2s Boston, J. Fleming, 1770 296 BOSTON Prize Poems, and other Specimens of Dramatic Poetry. Post 8vo, boards. 2s Boston, 1824 20 Books relating to America, on Sale by 297 BOSTON. — Orations delivered at the request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to Commemorate the Evening of the 5 March, 1770, when a number of Citizens were Killed by a party of British Troops, quartered among them in a time of Peace. Collected by Peter Edes. 12mo, neat, half calf , Mr. Croicnitishield's copy, scarce. £\. 4s Boston (1785) 298 BOTEEO (Gior) Relatione Universali, divise in quattro parti. 4to, old calf gilt. 6s 6d Venetia, 1640 The fourth part relates to America. 299 BOTTA (Carlo) Storia della Guerra dell' Independenza degli Stati Uniti, d' America. 4 vols. 8vo, boards. 6s Paris, 1809 300 BOTTA, Histoire de la Guerre de l'lnde'pendance des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, traduite, avcc notes par Sevelinges. 4 vols. 8vo, plans, calf gilt. 16s— Do, vols. 1 and 2 onlv, sewed. 3s 1812 301 BOTURINI BENUDUCI (El Car Lorenzo) Idea de una nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional, e Catalogo del Museo Historico Indiano. 4to, frontispiece and portrait, good clean copy, vellum. £2. 2s Madrid, 1746 One of the scarcest boots relating to Mexico. Lord Stuart de Rothesay's copy, sold for £3. 3s. in 1855. 302 BOUCHETTE'S British Dominions in North America; or, a Topogra- phical Account of the Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, New- foundland, &c, and a Topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada. 3 vols. 4to, boards. 18s 1832 303 BOUCHETTE (Jos.) British Dominions in North America, &c. Vol. I. 4to, plates, cloth. 4s 6 d 1832 Comprising the General History, and Lower Canada. 304 BOUCHETTE (Jos.) Topographical Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. 4to, portrait, boards. 6s 1831 305 BOUCHER (Jonathan) View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution in Thirteen Discourses, Preached in North America between the Years 1763 and 1775. 8 vo (pp. 597), boards, bs— calf neat. 6s 6d 1797 306 BOUDINOT (Elias) Star in the West ; or, Attempt to Discover the Long- Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to the Return to their Beloved City, Jerusalem. 8vo, lif. cf. gt. Is 6d Trenton, N. J. 1 8 1 6 307 BOUGAINVILLE.— Voyage autour du Monde en 1766, 1767, 1768, et 1769. 2 vols. 8vo, numerous maps, calf, bs Paris, 1772 308 BOUGAINVILLE'S Voyage round the World, 1766-69. Translated by J . R . Forster. 4to, maps, boards. 4s 6d — very neat. 6s 6d 1772 309 BOUGAINVILLE'S (Lewis de) Voyage round the World. Translated bv J. R. Eorster. 8vo, map and plates, calf neat. '6s 1772 310 BOUGAINVILLE'S History of a Voyage to the Malouine or Falkland Islands, in 1763-4, and Two Voyages to the Straits of Magellan, with Account of the Patagonians. 4to, maps and plates, boards. 5s —calf neat. Is 6d 1773 311 BOUNDARY QUESTION.— Right of the United States of America to the North Eastern Boundary claimed by them. Revised by A. Gallatin. 8vo, maps, boards. 2s 6d New Fork, 1840 312 BOUQUET (Henry) Relation Historique de l'Expedition contre les Indiens de l'Ohio en 1764, Commandee par le Chevalier Henry Bou- quet, traduit de l'Anglois par Dumas. 8vo, maps, cf. 10s 6d Amst. 1769 313 BOWDEN (James) History of the Society of Friends in America. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 16* 1850-4 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 21 314 BOWDOIN POETS (The) Edited by Edward P. Weston. 8*0, front. cloth. 2s Qd Brunswick, 1840 315 BOWEN'S Boston News.— Letter and City Record from January 1826, to January 1827, by Jerome V. C. Smith, M.D. 2 vols, in 1, thick 8vo, neio, half morocco, Mr. Crowninshield's copy. 12s Boston, 1826 316 BOWEN'S (Eli) United States Post Office Guide, Review of the Post Office establishment in the United States, Exposition of the Scheme of Distribution, List of all the Post Offices in the United States, the Mail, Railroad, Canal, and Steam Boat Routes. Royal 8vo, large folding map, cloth. 3s N.Y. 1851 317 BOYER (Paul) Veritable Relation de tout ce qui s'est fait et passe au Voyage que Mons, de Bretigny fit a l'Amerique Occidentale, avec Description des Mceurs de tous les Sauvages, et Dictionnaire de la Langue. 8vo, Large Paper, good copy, old cf. £1. lis Qd Par. 1654 318 BOYER PEYRELEAN (Le Colonel) Les Antilles Francaises particuliere- ment la Guadeloupe, depuis leur Decouverte jusqu' au 1 Janvier, 1823. 3 vols. 8vo, large folding map, half calf . 12s Paris, 1823 319 BRACKENRIDGE (H. H.) Gazette (Pittsburgh) Publications Collected. Crown 8vo, neat (the work not known to Mr. Allibone.) 6s Qd Carlisle (Pennsylvania), 1806 " It will serve to give some idea of what the town of Pittsburgh was at an early period, and the state of Society at that time, July, 1786." — Preface. 320 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) History of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. 1 2 mo, pits, bound. 3s Qd Baltimore, 1817 321 BRACKENRIDGE.— Another Edition. 8vo, plates, bound. 3s Philadelphia, 1836 or 1839 322 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Voyage to Buenos Ayres in 1817 and 1818, by order of the American Government. New, hf cf. 3s 1820 323 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Voyage to South America, by order of the v American Government, in 1817 and 1818. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 3s —half calf. 5 s 1820 324 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Views of Louisiana, together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1811. 8vo, half calf 6s Pittsburgh, 1814 325 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri 1811. Small 8vo, boards. 5s Baltimore, 1816 326 BRADBURY (John) Travels in the Interior of America in 1809, 10, and 11, including a Description of Upper Louisiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennesse. Swo, half calf. 4s Qd Liverpool, 1 817 — boards. 3s Qd Lond. 1819 327 BRADFORD (Alden) History of Massachusetts from 1764 to July, 1775, when General Washington took Command of the American Army. Royal 8vo, boards. Qs Boston, 1822 328 BRADFORD (Alden) History of the Federal Government for Fifty Years, from March 1789, to March 1839. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6c? Boston, 1840 329 BRADSTREETE (Mrs. Anne) The Tenth Muse lately sprung up in America, or Several Poems, compiled with great variety of Wit and Learning, full of Delight ; also, a Dialogue between Old England and New, concerning the Late Troubles. Small 8vo, good clean copy, in calf bound by Herring, very rare. £o. 15s Qd London, 1650 330 BRAND (Lt. Charles) Journal of a Voyage to Peru, a Passage across the Cordillera of the Andes, and Journey across the Pampas. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s Qd — half calf 5s — new, half calf gilt. Qs 1828 22 Books relating to America, on Sale by 331 BRAINERD.— Styles's Life of David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians. 12mo, boards. 2s &d — halfmssia. 3* — neat. 3s 6d 1808 332 BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (l'Abbe) Histoire des Nations Civilees du Mexique et de l'Amerique Centrale, durant les Siecles Anterieurs a Christophe Colomb. 4 vols. 8vo, sewed. £2. 5* Paris, 1858 333 BRAT. — Publick Spirit illustrated in the Life and Designs of the Rev. Thos. Bray, D.D., late Minister of St. Botolph Without, Aldgate, and Commissary of Maryland. 8vo, calf. 5* 1746 334 BRAY (Thomas) Apostolick Charity, its Nature and Excellence consi- dered ; a Discourse preached at St. Paul's at the Ordination of some Protestant Missionaries to be sent into the Plantations, with a general View of the English Colonies in America, with respect to Religion. 4to, boards. Is Qd 1700 335 BRAY'S (Dr. Thos.) Whole Course of Catechetical Instruction, with an introductory Discourse : being a Pastoral Letter to the Clergv of Maryland. Thick 12mo, calf. 6s 1704 336 BRAYTON (Patience, of Swansey, Massachusetts) Account of the Life and Religious Labours of. 12mo, new, half morocco. 4s 6d 1802 337 BRAZIL Extractos dos Discursos de J. Scoble e de J. J. Gurney acerca das Vantagens obtidas com a Emancipacao dos Escravos nas Colonias Britannicus. Bio de Janeiro, 1841 — Epistola dos Inglezes residentes no Imperio do Brazil. Portuguese and English, ib. 1841 — Pilking- ton's reply, to a Priest in Brazil, on the Catholic Religion. English and Portuguese in 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 3s 338 BRAZIL. — Exposicao Analytics e Justificativa da Conducta e Yida Publica do Visconde do Rio Secco. Rio de Janeiro, 1821 — Lem- brancas e Apoutamentos de Governo Provizorio da Provincia de S. Paulo para os seus Deputados, ib. 1 821, and other Pieces on Chili and Buenos Ayres. In 1 vol. fol. half russia. Is 6c? 339 BRECK (Samuel) Sketch of the Internal Improvements made by Penn- sylvania. 8vo, map, boards. 2s Philadelphia, 1818 340 BREEN (H. H.) St. Lucia, Historical, Statistical, and Descriptive. 8vo, map, cloth. 4s Qd (pub. at 12*) 1844 341 BREMER'S (Frederika) Homes of the New World; Impressions of America ; Translated by Mary Howitt. 3 vols, post 8vo, plates, cloth. Is Qd (pub. at £1. Us 6d) ' 1853 342 BRETT (Rev. W. H.) Indian Missions in Guiana. Post 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 3* 1851 343 BRICKELL'S (Dr. John) Natural History of North Carolina, with Account of the Trade, Manners, and Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants. 8vo, map and plates, calf neat. 18* Dublin, 1737— Another, half calf 15* Dublin, 1737 — Another Edition, 8vo, calf neat. 18* London, 1743 344 BRIDGES' (Rev. Geo. Wilson) Annals of Jamaica. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, scarce. 10* 6d— half calf '. 12* 1828 345 BRIEF Statement of Opinions under the Treaty of Amity with Great Britain and United States. 8vo, half calf. 3* Philadelphia, 1800 346 BRIEF Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Transport " Premier," near the Mouth of the River St. Lawrence, 4 Nov. 1843, having on board the Head Quarter Wing of the Second Battalion of the First or Royal Regiment, proceeding from North America to the West Indies. 4to, pits, from sketches made on the spot by G. R. Dartnell, cl. 5* 1845 347 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE'S Travels in the United States, 1788. 8vo, boards. 3*— calf. 3* Qd — Another, fine copy, in cf 4* 6c? 1792 J. R. Smith, 3(5, Soho Square, London. 23 348 BRISSOT DB WARVILLE.— Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats Unis de l'Araerique Septentrionale, 1788. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. 4s — sewed. 3 s Paris, 1791 349 BRISTED (John) Hints on the National Bankruptcy of Britain, and on Her Resources to maintain the Present Contest with France. 8vo, pp. 700, hoards. Is 6d New Fork, 1809 A very curious book, in some parts very severe on the Americans, with whom the author had made his home. It has escaped Mr. Allibone's notice. 350 BRISTED (John) America and Her Resources. 8vo, calf gilt. 3s 6c? —boards. 2s 1818 351 BRISTED'S (John) Thoughts on the Anglican and Anglo-American Churches. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1823 352 BRITAIN Preserved, a Poem, in seven Books (with Appendix of Notes). 8vo, boards, very scarce. 10* 6d 1800 The author in his preface says — " The poem is supposed to commence at the first breaking out of the American commotions, and after describing the principal actions and events, to end about the year 1789, when the war was really finished." The volume has escaped the notice of Mr. Rich. 353 BRITISH Empire in America, containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and State of the British Colonies on the Conti- nent and Islands of America (by J. Oldmixon). 2 vols. 8vo, second edition, old calf. 12s — calf neat. 14* — whole calf \ not quite uniform in the binding. 10s Qd — neat half calf , edges uncut. 15s 1741 354 BRITISH Spy, Letters of the, originally published in the Virginia Argus, August and Sept. 1803. 8vo, neat, half calf, from the Crown- inshield Library. 6s 66? Richmond, 1803 355 BRITISH Spy; or, Letters to a Member of the British Parliament, written during a Tour through the United States. By a young Englishman of Rank. 12mo, boards. 2s 6d Newbury -port, 1804 356 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA.— Papers relative to the Exploration, by Capt. Palliser, of that portion of British North America which lies between the Northern Branch of the River Saskatchewan and the frontier of the United States, and between the Red River and Rocky Mountains. Folio, map, and geological plates. 2s Qd 1859 357 BRITISH COLOMBIA.— Parliamentary Papers relative to the Affairs of British Colombia. Two Parts. Folio, large maps. 5s 1859 358 BROCK (Major- General Sir Isaac) Life and Correspondence of, with Notices of the celebrated Indian Chief, Tecumseh (and the War in Canada of 1812). Edited by his nephew, F. B. Tupper. Post 8vo, cloth. 5s 1845 359 BROCKWELL (Cha.) Natural and Political History of Portugal, with the History of Brazil. 8vo, maps of Portugal and Brazil, cloth. 3s 1726 360 BRODHEAD (John Romeyn) History of the State of New York, first period, 1609-1664. Very thick 8 vo, cloth. Is 6d 1853 361 BROMVVELL'S (Wm.) History of Immigration to the United States, showing the Number, Sex, Age, Occupation, and Country of Birth, of Passengers Arriving in the United States, 1819-55. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6rf New Fork, 1856 362 BROOKS (Dr. J. T.) Four Months among the Gold-Finders in Alta, California. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 3s 1849 363 BROUWER (Hendrick) Journal ende Historia verhael van de Reyse gedaen by Oosten de Straet le Maire, naer de Custen van Chili en Jare 1643. 4to, Black Letter, Fine Copy, in green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hay day. £\. 14s Amst. 1646 364 BROTHER Jonathan, or the New Englanders. 3 vols, post 8vo, boards. 5 s 1825 24 Books relating to America, on Sale by 365 BROWNE (Dr. Patrick) Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. Folio, with 50 plates, drawn by Ehret, boards, uncut. 14s 1756 366 BROWNE. — Another copv, from the Library of Dr. Pnlteney, the Botanist, with his MS. Notes. Folio, half calf . £1. Is 1756 367 BROWNE. — Another copy, with compleat Linncean Indexes, 49 plates and a new map. Folio, boards, uncut. 18s 1789 368 BROWN'S (S. R.) Western Gazetteer (Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri, &c.) 8vo, boards, 'its— calf, 3s Auburn, N. T. 1817 369 BROW 7 N (J. B.) Views of Canada and the Colonists during Eight Years' Residence. Thick 12mo, 2nd edition, map, cloth. 4s Edinb. 1851 370 BROWNE (J. Ross) Report of the Debates in the Convention of Cali- fornia on the Form of the State Constitution, in September and October, 1 849. 8vo, cloth. 4s N. Y. 1850 371 BROWNING (Samuel) Poems (including a Voyage to Quebec, in two Cantos). 8vo, portrait and icoodcuts, cloth. 3s 1846 372 BRUCE (P. H.) Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, a Military Officer, in the services of Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain; his Travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, America, the West Indies, &c. ; with Anecdotes of the Czar Peter 1., of Russia. 4to, calf. 4s &d 1782 373 BRUE (H.) Analyse Succinte de la Carte de l'Oceanique, ouCinquiemo partie du Monde sur quatre Grandes Feuilles. Paris, 1814 — Rapport sur une Carte des Etats-Unis, par M. Tanner — Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Brue, 1836, and others. In 1 vol. 8vo, hf. cf. 3s 374 BUCANIERS of America; or, a true Account of the most remarkable Assaults committed of late years upon the Coasts of the West Indies. The four parts complete in 1 vol. 4to, portraits, maps, and plates, very neat, in calf. £1. 15s 1684 375 BUCANIERS. — History of the Bucaniers of America, from their First Original down to this Time. Thick 8vo, maps and plates, good clean copy, in the old calf. £1. Is 1699 376 BUCANEERS of America, in four Parts, newly translated into English, and illustrated with 25 Copper-plates. 8vo, good copy, in calf neat, and gilt. 18s 1704 377 BUCANEERS of America. 2 vols. 12mo, plates, calf 12s 1741 378 BUCCANIERS of America, History of, four parts. 18mo, bds. 4s 6^1310 379 BUCHANAN (James) Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the American Indians. 8vo, map, boards. 4s 1824 380 BUCKINGHAM'S (J. S.) America, Historical, Statistical, and De- scriptive, viz., Northern States, 3 vols. ; Eastern and Western States, 3 vols. ; Southern or Slave States, 2 vols. Together 8 vols. 8vc*, fine plates, cloth. £\. 8s (pub. at £6. 10s) 1841-3 381 BUCKINGHAM'S Travels in the Slave States of America. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, cloth. 8s Qd 1842 381*BUCKINGHAM (Joseph T.) Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. 2 vols. 12mo, portrait, cloth. 4s 6c? Boston, 1852 382 BUENOS-AYRES.— A Relation of R. M.'s Voyage to Buenos-Avres, and from thence by land to Potosi. 12mo, map, very neat. 5s 6d — boards. 5s 1716 383 BUENOS-AYRES. — Correspondence between the Government of Buenos-Aires, with the Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Confede- ration, and Capt. J. B. Nicholson, Commander of the United States Naval Forces on the Coast of Brazil and River Plate, respecting the Question produced by the Agents of France. French and English. 8vo, morocco, gilt leaves. 3s Qd Buenos-Aires, 1839 J. R. Smith, 36 , Soho Square, London. 25 384 BUENOS- AYRES. — Authentic Narrative of the Expedition under Brigaclier-Genl. Craufurd, and Operations against Buenos-Ayres, under the command of Lieut. -Genl. Whitelocke. By an Officer of the Expedition. 8vo, maps, boards. 3s 1808 385 BUENOS-AYRES.— Five Years' Residence in Buenos-Ayres, 1820 to 1825, with Remarks on the Country and Inhabitants, and a Visit to Colonia del Sacramento. By an Englishman. 8vo, boards. 3s 1825 — Second Edition. 8vo, boards. 3s &d 1827 386 BUENOS-AYRES and CHILI. — Letters from Buenos-Ayres and / Chili, with an Original History of the latter Country. 8vo, coloured " plates, boards. 4s — half roan. 4s 1819 387 BULKELEY (Peter, Treacher in Concord, New England) The Gospel Covenant, or the Covenant of Grace opened. 4to, neat. 15s 1646 383 BULKELEY and Curamins's Voyage to the South Seas, 1740-1, con- taining a Narrative of the loss of the Wager, Passage through the Straits of Magellan, coasting Patagonia, &c. 8vo, neat. 3s 6d 1743 389 BULLETIN of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. Vols. 1 and 2, 8vo. 5s New Fork, 1852-57 390 BULLOCK (W.) Virginia impartially Examined; wherein lies the rich and healthfull Countries of Roanock ; the new Plantations of Vir- ginia and Maryland. Uo, half calf , rare. M. 16s 6d 1649 391 BULLOCK'S (W.) Six Months' Residence and Travels in Mexico. Thick 8vo, map and plates, some coloured, boards. 4s §d — half calf. 5s — new, half calf gilt. 6s — whole calf, marbled edges. 6s 6d 1824 392 BULLOCK'S (W.) Six Months' Residence and Travels in Mexico. 2 vols. 12mo', boards. 4s 6rf— 2 vols, in 1, half calf . 5s U 1825 393 BULLOCK'S Journey from New Orleans to New York, with Description of Cincinnati. 12 mo, plate, boards. 2s 6d 1827 394 BULOW (D. Von) Der Freistaat Von Nordamerika in seinem neuesten Zustand. 12mo, half calf . 3s Berlin, 1797 395 BUONAPARTE in the West Indies; or, the History of Toussaint Louverture, the African Hero of St. Domingo. In 3 parts, 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1803 396 BURGOYNE. — Substance of General Burgoyne's Speeches on Mr. Vyner's Motion, with General Washington's Letter to General Bur- goyne. 8vo, half calf . 5s 1778 397 BURGOYNE (Lieut.-General) State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, with Additions and Authentic Documents. 4to, folding maps, boards. 18s — half calf . 19s — whole calf. 20s 1780 398 BURGOYNE'S State of the Expedition to Canada. Plates. 1780 — Howe's (Lieut. -Gen. Sir William) Narrative relative to his Conduct during his Command of the King's Troops in North America, with some Observations upon a Pamphlet, entitled, " Letters to a Noble- man, 1780." 2 vols, in 1, 4to, calf neat. £1. 4s 399 BURKE'S (The celebrated Edmund) Account of the European Settle- ments in America. Sixth edit. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, calf neat. 4* Gd 1777 — Second Edition. 2 \oh. fine clean copy, in the original calf, us fresh as new. Is Qd 1758 400 BURKE'S Account of the European Settlements in America. 2 vols. 12mo, hafcalf 3s 6d Dublin, 1762 401 BURKE (E.) Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the Affairs of America, 1777 — Answer to ditto, 1777; and Seven other Tracts in the volume. 8vo, half calf. 4s v.Y. 26 Books relating to America, on Sale by 402 BURKE'S Tracts on the Colonies, viz., Observations on a late State of the Nation, 1769 — Thoughts on the Present Discontents, 1775 — Speech on American Taxation, 1775— Speech for Conciliation with the Colonies. In 1 vol. 8vo, cf. {with the autograph of James Boswell). 6s 403 BURKE'S Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America, 1777 — Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress at Philadelphia, 1775 — Remarks on the Review of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, 1769 — Letters from a Farmer in Pens) 1- vania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, 1774 — Considera- tions on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America, n. d. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . 10* 6d 404 BURNABY (Rev. A.) Travels through the middle Settlements in North America in V,b9 and 1700. 4to, hf. cf. 5$ bd— whole cf 6s 6d 1775 405 BURNABY (Rev. A.) Travels. Third Edition, 4to, map and tinted plates, sewed. 6s — neic half calf . 8s &d 1798 406 BURNEY r (Admiral James) Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. 5 vols. 4to, maps and plates, new, half calf £2. 2s— boards. £1. 14s 1803 A masterly digest of the voyages to the South Sea, displaying a rare union of nauticlal science and literary research. — Quarterly Review. 407 BURNEY'S History of Discoveries in the South Seas. 4to, vols. 1 and 2 {containing the early Voyages to 1620), calf. 9s 1806 408 BURNEY'S History of the Buccaneers of America. Ho, maps, boards. 9s —Another, half calf 10s Qd 1816 409 BURNEY'S Chronological History of North-Eastern Voyages of Dis- coverv. 8vo, map, boards. 3s — half calf . 4s 6c? 1819 410 BURNLEY (W. H.) Observations on the Island of Trinidad. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1842 411 BURNYEAT (John) The Truth Exalted in the Writings of that Eminent and Faithful Servant. 4to, good clean sowid copy, cf. scarce. £\. Is 1691 The author passed some years in various parts of America, viz., Barbadoes, New England, Virginia, and Maryland. 412 BURTON (R.) English Hero'; or, Sir Francis Drake revived, contain- ing his Voyages to the West Indies, South America, the Pacific Ocean, &c. 12mo, portrait inserted, and woodcuts, neat in brown calf 6s 6d 1710 413 BURTON (John) Sermon preached before the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, in America, and before the Associates of Dr. Bray, for Converting the Negroes in the British Plantations. 4 to, boards. 5s 1733 414 BUTLER (James) American Bravery displayed in the Capture of 1400 Vessels of War and Commerce since the declaration of War by the President. 8vo, calf {stained). 3s Carlisle. Pa. 1816 415 BUTLER'S (Mrs., formerly Fanny Kemble) Journal of a Residence in America. 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf . 3s — boards. 3s 1835 416 BUTLER (Frances Anne) Journal of a Residence in America. 8vo, half morocvo, uncut. Gs Paris, 1835 With eight satirical drawings by J. Auldjo, Esq., from designs by T. S., of Philadelphia. 417 BUTLER (Caleb) History of the Town of Groton, including Pepperell and Shirley, from the first grant of Groton Plantation in 1655, with Appendices containing Family Registers, Town and State Officers, Population, &c. 8vo, plates, cloth, an autograph presentation copy from Abbott Laxcrence. 8s 6d Boston, 1848 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 27 418 BUTLER (Frederick) Complete History of the United States of America from its Discovery to the year 1820. 3 vols. 8vo, portraits, calf (stained). 4s 6d Hartford, 1821 419 BUTTERWORTH (W., Engraver, of Leeds) Three Years Adventures of a Minor in England, Africa, the West Indies, South Carolina, and Georgia. 8vo, portrait, boards. 4s Leeds, n.d. {about 1820) 420 BUXTON (Thos. Fowell) The African Slave Trade and its Remedy. Thick 8vo ; map, cloth. 2s 1840 421 BYAM (George) Wanderings in some of the Western Republics of America, with Remarks upon the Cutting of the great Ship Canal through Central America. Post 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 3s 1850 422 BYAM (George) Wild Life in the interior of Central America. 12mo, frontispiece, cloth. Ss 1849 423 BYRON'S (Admiral Lord) Narrative of his Distresses and Shipwreck on the Coast of Patagonia, with a Description of St. Jago de Chili, and the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants. 8vo, neat. 2s 6d 1 768 424 BYRON'S Narrative of the Great Distresses of himself and companions on the Coast of Patagonia, 1768 — Voyage round the World of the Dolphin, commanded by Commodore Byron; Description of the Streights of Magellan and Patagonia, plates, 1767, in a volume. 8vo, calf neat. 5 s 425 BYRON'S VOYAGE.— Voyage round the World in His Majestie's Ship the Dolphin, commanded by the Hon. Commodore Byron. By an Officer. 8vo, plates, calf. 3s &d 1767 426 BYRON (Lord) Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands in / 1824, 1825. 4to, map and plates, half morocco, gilt. 8s 6d 1826 427 CABECA DE VACA'S Narrative and Shipwrecks (in Florida) now first Translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. Royal 4to, privately printed, curious maps, cloth. £2. 2s Washington, 1851 428 CABRERA Y QUINTERO (Cayetano) Escudo de Armas de Mexico celestial proteccion de esta nobilissima Ciduad, de la nueva Espagna y de casi todo el nuevo Mundo Maria Santissima en sa portentoso Imagen del Mexicano Guadalupe Milagrosamento apparecida en el ^ Palacio Arzobispal el ano de 1531. Folio, engraved frontispiece, good copy of this rare Book, Spanish calf. £h. 5s Mexico, 1746 429 CACCIA (Dr Antonio) Europa ed America scene della vita dal 1848 al 1850. 8vo, sewed. 3s Monaco, 1850 430 CALDCLEUGH (Alex.) Travels in South America in 1819 to 1821, , containing an Account of the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chili. 2 vols. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 6s — new, half calf gilt. 8s 5d— whole calf gilt. Q s 1825 431 CALDERON (Madame, de la Barca) Life in Mexico during a Residence / of Two Years in that Country, with Preface by W. H. Prescott. 1 8vo, new, half calf gilt. 4-i — cloth. 3s 1843 432 CALIFORNIA. — Life in California during a residence of several years / in that Territory. By An American. 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 6d >/ New Fork, 1846 433 CALIFORNIA.— Relacion de los Debates de la Convencion de Cali- fornia sobre la formacion de la Constitution de Estado, por «J. Ross Browne. 8vo, cloth. 4s Nueva Fork, 1851 434 CALLENDER (John) Historical Discourse on the Early, Civil, and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island, with Memoir of the Author by Romeo Elton. 8vo, cloth. 6s 6rf Boston, 1843 28 Books relating to America, on Sale by 435 CALLANDER (J.) Terra Australis Cognita ; or, Voyages to the Terra Australis, or Southern Hemisphere, during the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. 3 vols. 8vo, mops, calf. 15* Edinb. 1766 This collection comprises the Voyages of Vesputio, Magellan, Carjaval, Landvilleros, Simon de Alcazova, Camargo, Drake, De Silva, Winter, Sarmiento, Cavendish, Spilberg, Le Maire, Schouten, Nodal, Narborough, Dampier, Wafer, and many others pertaining to S. and N.W. America. 436 CALM and Dispassionate Enquiry into the Question of the Chesapeake, and the Necessity and Expediency of War. By a Yankee Parmer. 8vo, half morocco . 3s 6d Boston, 1807 437 CAMPAIGNS of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans in 1814 & 1815. By the Author of the Subaltern (Gleig). Post 8vo, boards. 2s U 1836 438 CAMPAIGNS and Cruises in Venezuela and New Grenada. 3 vols. 12mo, boards. 5s — new, half calf gilt. Is 6d 1831 439 CAMPBELL (Alex.) Sequel to Bulkeley and Cummins' Voyage to the South Seas in the Ship Wager, Wreck'd on a Desolate Island, South Seas. 8vo, last leaf stained, boards. 2s Qd 1747 440 CAMPBELL (Charles) Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. Royal 8vo, cl. 5s Richmond, 1847 441 CAMPBELL'S (P.) Travels into the interior Inhabited Parts of North America, 1791, 1792. 8vo, plates, calf extra, gilt leaves, scarce. £1. lis 6^ Edinb. 1793 A very curious and entertaining book, unnoticed by all the American bibliographers. "The author set out from the Highlands of Scotland with an intention to explore the interior inhabited parts of North America attended with an old faithful servant, a dog and gun, only, as he travelled much in wildernesses and in birch bark canoes, through lakes and rapid streams, where the mind could not at all times be inattentive to safety, he wrote in canoes and on the stumps of trees occasionally, as he went along." — Preface. 442 CAMPBELL (Win. W.) Historical Sketch of Robin Hood and Captain Kidd. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s U New York, 1853 443 CAMPILLO T COSTO (Don Joseph del) Nuevo Sistema de Gobierno Economico para la America. 8vo, Spanish calf. 8s Madrid, 1789 Written in 1748, but not printed till 1789, probably on account of the unpleasant truths on the treatment of the unfortunate Indians. 444 CANADA. — Political and Historical Account of Lower Canada, with Remarks on the Present Situation of the People. By a Canadian. 8vo, boards. 2s §d • 1830 445 CANADA. — Beview of the Government and Grievance of the Province of Quebec since the Conquest of it by the British Arms. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6c? 1788 446 CANADA. — View of the Political Situation of the Province of Upper Canada, with Notes and Appendix, 1S09 — Letter to Lord Castlereagh on the Province of Upper Canada, 1809 — Letters from an American Loyalist in Upper Canada to his Friend in England on a Pamphlet published by John Mills Jackson, entitled : A View of the Province of Upper Canada, 1810. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 4s 447 CANADA.— The Bubbles of Canada, by the Author of "The Clock- maker" (Judge Halibu Hon). 8vo, boards. 3s 1839 448 CANADA. — Debates of the House of Commons, in 1774, on the Canada Bill, drawn up from the Notes of Sir Henry Cavendish, now first printed. 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s 1 839 449 CANADA. — The Emigrant Churchman in Canada, by a Pioneer of the Wilderness, edited by the Rev. H. Christmas. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 6s (pub. at £1. Is) 1849 J. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 29 450 CANADA. — Short Topographical Description of Upper Canada, to which is annexed a Provincial Gazeteer. 8vo, half calf . 3s Gd 1799 451 CANADA. — Bettridge (William, Rector of Woodstock, tipper Canada) Brief History of the Church in Upper Canada. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1838 452 CANADA. — Affairs of the Canadas, in a series of Letters, by a Canadian. 8vo, privately printed, boards. 2* Qd Lond. 1837 453 CANADA. — Lord Glenelg's Despatches to Sir P. B. Head during his Administration of the Government of Upper Canada. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1839 454 CANADA.— Report of the State Trials before a general Court Martial held at Montreal in 1838-9, exhibiting a complete History of the late Rebellion in Lower Canada. 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 6s Montreal, 1839 455 CANADA. — Memoirs surle Canada, depuis 1749, jusqu'a 1760, publies sous la direction de la Societe Litteraire et Historique de Quebec. 8vo, maps and plans, sewed. 9s Quebec, 1838 456 CANADA. — Review of the Proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada in the Session of 1831. 8vo, boards. 4>s Gd Montreal, 1832 457 CANADA. — Tour through Upper and Lower Canada. By a Citizen of the United States, containing a View of the State of Religion, Learning, Commerce, Agriculture, Colonization, Customs, and Manners among the English, French, and Indian Settlements. Small 8vo, calf neat, rare. 10s 6d Litchfield, 1799 458 CANADx\. — Census of the Canadas, containing Personal Census, Agri- culture, Produce, Mills, Manufactures, Houses, Schools, Public Buildings, Places of Worship, &c. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. Is 6d Quebec, 1855 459 CANADA. — Britain redeemed and Canada preserved, by P. A. W T ilson and Alfred B. Richards. Thick 8vo, map and plates, cl. 3s 6d 1850 Bringing forward a gigantic plan of a railroad from Halifax to Vancouvers Island, and proposal to incorporate Canada with England, and otherwise to develope its resources. 460 CANADA.— Family Records containing Memoirs of Major-Gen. Sir Isaac Brock, K.B., Lieut. E. W. Tupper, R.N., and Col. W. De Yic Tupper, with the Life of Te-cum-sch ; Memoir of Col. Haviland Le Mesurer, &c. 8vo, frontispiece of Brock's Monument, and plates, cloth. 6 s Guernsey, 1835 461 CANADA. — Sketches of Canadian Life, Lay and Ecclesiastical Illus- tration of Canada and the Canadian Church. By a Presbyter of the Diocese of Toronto. Post 8vo, cloth. 3* 1849 462 CANADA. — Journal of the Bishop of Montreal during a visit to the Church Missionary Society's North- West American Mission, with an Account of the Formation and Progress of the Mission. 12mo, map and woodcuts, cloth. 2s 1849 463 CANADA. — Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France en l'Anne 1640. Par le P. Barthelmy Vimont, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Superior de la residence de Kebec. Small 8vo, new, half morocco, rare. £2. 2s Laris, 1641 464 CANADIAN Scenery, by N. P. Willis, illustrated in a series of Views, by W. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4to, 120 beautiful plates, half morocco. £\. 4s 1842 465 CANADIAN Freeholder, a Dialogue shewing the Sentiments of the bulk of the Freeholders of Canada on the Quebec Act. 8vo, vol. 1, calf. 3s 1776 30 Books relating to America, on Sale by 466 CANADIAN Freeholder, in two Dialogues between an Englishman and a Frenchman, settled in Canada. 2 vols. 8vo, new, hfvell.Qs Gd 1777-9 467 CANOVAI (Stanislao) Viaggi d'Amerigo Vespucci, con la Vita l'elogio, e la dissertazione giustificativa, di questo celebre Navigatore. 8vo, « fine copy, in new tree marbled calf, by Riviere, frontispiece. 14*, Firenze, 1817 — Another copy, sewed. Ss Firenze, 1817 468 CANOVAI, Elogio di Amerigo Vespucci, 8vo, port. Ss Firenzi, 1798 It is hardly possible to understand how the calumnies against Amerigo, which have so long been taught in every school, could have for many years survived this excellent refutation. 469 CAPE BRETON.— Lettres et Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire Naturella Civile et Politique du cap Breton depuis sou 'etablissiment jusqu'a la Reprise de cette Isle par les Anglois en 1758. 8vo, calf neat. 9s 1760 470 CAPE BRETON, &c— Genuine Letters and Memoirs relating to the Natural, Civil, and Commercial History of the Island of Cape Breton and Saint John, from the first settlement there to the taking of Louis- berg by the English in 1758, written by an Impartial Frenchman. 8vo, half calf. 9* — Another, very neat and clean. 10* 6d 1760 471 CARACAS. — Real Compania Guipuzcoana de Caracas Noticias His- toriales practicas de los sucessos y adelantamientos de esta Compania ues de su fundacion ano de 1728, hasta el de 1764, por todos los Ramos que Comprehende su Negociacion. 4to, vellum. 10s 6d 1765 472 CARDENAS Y CANO (Don Gabriel de) Ensayo Chronologico para la Historia General de la Florida des de el Ano de 1512, hasta el de 1722. Folio, vellum (a few leaves wormed in margin). £1. 5* — A fixe clean copy in vellum. £2. 2* Madrid, 1723 473 CAREY (H. C.) and LEA, Geography, History, and Statistics of America and the West Indies. Thick 8vo, map and plates, boards. 2*— half calf. 2s 6d ■ 1823 474 CAREY (Matthew) A Short Account of the Malignant Fever lately pre- valent in Philadelphia, and Proceedings on the subject in different parts of the United States. 8vo, boards. I0s6d Philadelphia,!'] 93 An Historical Account of the circumstances, with remarkable anecdotes, Meteorological Observations, and the names of nearly four thousand sufferers. 475 CARY (Thomas G.) Letter to a Lady in France on the supposed failure of the National Bank, the supposed delinquency of the National Government, the Debts of the several States and Repudiation. 8vo, half morocco. 2s Boston, 1844 476 CARIBBEANA, containing Letters and Dissertations, with Poetical Essays, on various subjects and occasions, chiefly written by residents in the West Indies, particularly Jamaica, with the Characters of the most eminent Men that have died of late years in that Island. 2 vols. 4to, neat. 18s — Another Copy, with the names of the authors of the articles added in MS., calf neat. J61. Is 1741 477 CARIBBEE ISLANDS.— Acts of Assembly passed in the Charibee Leeward Islands, from 1690 to 1730. Folio, calf. 5s 1734 478 CARLETTI (Franc.) Ragionamenti sopra le Cose da lui veduti ne' suoi Viaggi si dell' Indie Occidentali e Orientali come d'altri Paese. 5 parts, thick 8vo, very clean, in boards, scarce. 10s 6d Firenze, 1701 479 CARMARTHEN (Marquis of) Letter to the Rt. Hon. Charles Jenkinson (on American Affairs), 1781 — Address to the interior Cabinet {ditto), 17S2 — The Revolution in 1782 impartially considered {ditto) in one volume. 4to, boards. 6s Lend. J. Debrett, 1781-2 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 31 480 CARLI (Le Comte J. R.) Lettres Americaines dans lesquelles on examine l'Origine Mo3urs, Usages, &c, des Anciens Habitans de l'Araerique, les Grandes epoques de la Nature, l'Ancienne communication des deux Hemispheres, et la derniere Revolution qui a fait disapoitre l'Atlantide ; pour servir de suite aux Memoires de Ulloa, avec des Observations et Additions du traducteur. 2 vols. 8vo, sewed. Is 6d Paris, 1788 481 CARMICHAEL(Mrs.) Five Years in Trinidad and St. Vincent, a View of the Social Condition of the White, Coloured, and Negro Popula- tion of the West Indies. 2 vols, post 8vo, boards, is 6d — new, half calf, gilt. Is&d 1834 482 CAROLINA. — Historical Account of the Colonies of S. Carolina and South Georgia. 8vo, vol. 2, half calf. 3s 1779 483 CAROLINA (South).— Journal of the Convention of the People of Carolina. 8vo, boards. 2s Columbia, 1833 485 CAROLINA. — Brief Description of the Province of Carolina on the Coast of Florida, and more particularly of a new plantation begun by the English at Cape Feare, wherein is set forth the Healthfulness of the Air, the Fertility of the Earth and Waters, and the great pleasure and profit to accrue to those that shall go thither to enjoy the same. 4to, map, morocco extra. £5. 5s London, printed for Robert Home, 1666 486 CAROLINA, or a Description of the present state of that Country and the Natural Excellencies thereof, viz., the Healthfulness of the Air, Pleasantness of the Place, Advantage, and Usefulness of those rich Commodities there plentifully abounding which much increase and flourish by the industry of the Planters that daily enlarge that Colony. Published by T. A. Gent. 4to (three leaves cut close) half morocco. £1. Us 1682 487 CAROLINA.— The Present State of Carolina, with Advice to the Settlers. By R. F. 4to, morocco extra, very rare. £l.lls Qd 1682 Unknown to all the American Bibliographers. 488 CAROLINA (S.) — Letter from South Carolina, giving an Account of the Soil, Air, Product, Trade, &c, of that Province, with the Manner and Necessary Charges of Settling a Plantation there, and the Annual Profit it will produce. By a Swiss Gentleman. 8vo, boards, uncut, scarce. £1. Is 1710 489 CAROLINA (S.) — Comparison between the Doctrines taught by the Clergy of the Church of England and Mr. Whitefield, Seagrave, and others, and Wisdom of Fleeing from Persecution exemplified in the Conduct of Rev. Mr. Whitefield at Charles Town, in South Carolina. 8vo, half morocco. 6* 6d 1741 490 CAROLINA (South). — Report, and Appendix to the Report, of the Com- mittee of both houses of Assembly of the Province of South Carolina concerning the Disappointment of Success in the late Expedition against St. Augustine, under the Command of Gen. Oglethorpe. Fol. plan of the Harbour of St. Augustine and the adjacerit parts of Florida, half calf, rare. £3. 3s Charles-Town, printed by Peter Timothy, 1742 491 CAROLINA. — Observations concerning Indigo and Cochineal (dedicated to the Planters of S. Carolina), 1746 — Further Observations on the Culture and Curing of Indigo, &c, in South Carolina, 1746. Two pieces in 1 vol. 8vo, privately printed, calf 15* 492 CARTHAGENA. — An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Explanatory Notes and Observations. Third edition, 8vo, half mo- rocco. 4s 6d 1743 32 Books relating to America, on Sale by 493 CARTHAGENA.— Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Notes in answer to a late Pamphlet entitled: "An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena. 8vo, half morocco, 5s 1744 494 CARTHAGENA. — Authentic Papers relating to the Expedition against Carthagena, being the Resolutions of the Councils of War both of Sea and Land Forces. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1744 495 CARTHAGENA. — An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Explanatory Notes and Observations, 1743 — Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Carthagena, 1744 — Authentic Papers relating to the Expedition against Carthagena, 1744. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf, uncut. 18s 496 CARTWRIGHT (Geo.) Journal of Transactions and Events during a residence of nearly 16 Years on the Coast of Labrador. 3 vols. 4to, frontispiece and maps, boaj'ds (vol. 3 is stained). 12s — whole calf, pilt. £1. hs—neat, half calf . £1. 4s Newark, 1792 497 CARTWRIGHT'S LABRADOR. 3 vols, royal 4to, large paper, boards, very scarce. £2. 2s 1792 498 CARVER (J.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. 8vo, map and pits, calfnt. Is 1778 499 Second Edition. 8vo, neat. Is Gd — half calf gilt. 6s 6c? — Another (one plate wanting), neat. 6s 1779 500 Third Edition, with Life of the Author and Index. 8vo, portrait, and coloured plates, very neat. 9s Gd 1781 501 Another Edition. 8vo, fine copy, in brown calf, marbled leaves. 8s Edinb. 1807— board*. 6s Edinb. 1808 502 Another Edition. 8vo, neat. 6s Gd Dublin, 1779 503 CAS AS (Barth. de las) Narratio Regionum Iudicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastatarum Yerissima. 4to, many curious plates, engraved by Theodore de Bry, a beautiful large clean copy, in vellum. £2. 2s Francofurti, Be Bry, 1598 504 CAS AS (Barth. de las) Narratio Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastatarum Yerissima, curious plates by Theodore de Bry, 1614— Popery displayed in its Bloody Colours, or a faithful Narrative of the Horrid and Unexampled Massacres, and all manner of cruelties committed by the Popish Spanish party on the Inhabitants of West India. By Barth. de las Casas, 1689. In 1 vol. 4to, russia, marbled leaves. £2. 5 s 505 CASAS (Barth de las) Tyrannies et Crunutez des Espagnols perpetrees e's Indes Occidentals qu'on dit le Nouveau Monde, traduites par Jaques de Miggrode. Small 8vo, very fine clean copy in vellum wrapper. PA. lis Gd Anvers. 1579 506 CASAS (Bart.) Tyrannies et Cruantez des Espagnols commises en Indes Occidentales qu' on dit le Nouveau Monde, traduite en Francois. 4to, new, calf, gilt. 15s Rouen, 1630 507 CASAS. — La Decouverte des Indes Occidentales par les Espagnoles et les Moyens dont ils sesont servis pour s'en rendre Maitres. 12mo, frontispiece, calf, neat and clean. Is Gd Paris, 1701 508 CASE (Bartolomeo) Istoria della deistruttione dell' Indie Occidentali, Spanish and Italian, Venetia, 1626 — La Liberta pretesa dal Supplice Schiavo Indiani (Spanish and Italian), ib. 1640. In 1 vol. 4to. half calf. 18s 509 CASE (Bart, dalle) Istoria o brevissima Relatione della distmttione dell' Indie Occidentali, tradotta in Italiano (with the original Spanish text in opposite columns). 4to, boards. 10s Gd Venetia, 1630 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 33 510 CASE (Bart. Dalle) Conquista dell' Indie Occidentali. Spanish and Italian, 4to, new half calf . 14s Venetia, 1645 511 CASE (Bart. Dalle) Conquista dell Indie occidentali. — II supplice Schiavo Indiano. — La Liberta pretesa dal supplice Schiavo Indiano. Spanish and Italian, in 1 vol. 4to. {Title of the first work slightly torn.) Vellum. £1. 5s Venetia, 1644, 1636, 1640 512 CASE (Bart. Dalle) II Supplice Schiavo Indiano tradotto in Italiano per M. Ginammi, Ven. 1636. — La Liberta pretesa, id. 1640. — Conquista dell' Indie Occidentali, id. 1645. — Istoria della Distruttione dell' Indie Occidentali, id. 1643. (All with the Spanish text), in one vol. 4to, little stained, calf. £2. 10s 513 CASAS, Breve Kelacion de la Destruccion de las Indias Occidentales, por V. C. R. 12mo, privately printed, calf. 5s — Another, half morocco extra, gilt leaves. 6s Lond. 1812 513*CASAS (Barth. de Las) Warrhaftiger und grundlicher Bericht der His- panier grewlich und abschewlichen Tyranney Von ihnen in den West Indien die newe Welt genant begangen ins Hochtentsch ubergesezt. 4to, curious plates by Be Bry, good clean copy, cloth. £1. Is — Another. Fine copy, new calf extra. £1. lis 6d Oppenheim, 1613 514 CASAS (Barth. de Las) Speighel der Spaenschcher Tyrannye in West Indien, Amst. 1596. — Cort-Begrup vaude stucken der gheschicdenis- sen van Antonio Perez Iris, Gravenhaghe, 1596. — Tractact Parseneticg dat is te segghen Ondenvissinghe ofte Vermaninghe, 1598. 4to, all printed in black letter, calf. £1. Is 515 CASAS (Barth. de Las) Spieghel der Spaenschcher Tyrannye in West Indien. Map on the title, Amst. 1607. — Den Spieghel vande Spainsche Tyrannie, 18 plates by Theodore de Bry. In 1 vol. 4to, bds. £1. Is 5 16 CASE and Claim of the American Loyalists impartially stated and con- sidered. 8vo, half calf 3s &d 1783 517 CASPIPINA'S Letters, containing Observations on Literary, Moral, and Religious Subjects. Written by a Gentleman who resided some time in Philadelphia, with Life and Character of Wm. Penn. 2 vols. 12mo, calf. 4s 6d— Calf gilt, marbled edges. 6s — 2 vols, in one, half calf 5s 6d Bath, 1777 Written by the Rev. Jacob Duehe, Chaplain to General Washington. 518 CASPIPINA'S Observations on a variety of Subjects, Literary, Moral, and Religious, in a series of Original Letters. 8vo, calf, marbled leaves. 5s 1791 519 CASSINI (M.) Voyage fait (a rile S. Pierre, et Terre Neuve) par Ordre du Roi, en 1768, pour eprouver les Montres Marines inventees par M. Le Roy. 4 to, plates, old calf. 6s Paris, 1770 520 CAS WALL (Rev. Henry) The Prophet of the 19th Century, or the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Mormons or Latter-day Saints, with Analysis of the Book of Mormon. 8vo, front, cloth. 2s 6d 1843 521 CASWALL'S (Rev. H.) America and the American Church. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1839.— Second Edition, post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1851 522 CATALOGUE of the Library of the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia. 8vo, boards. 3s 1824 523 CATALOGUE of the Books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia, with a short Account of the Institution, and the Charter, Laws, and Regulations. 2 vols, large 8vo, boards. 6s fid Philadelphia, 1835 524 CATALOGUE of the New York State Library. Thick 8vo (550 pages), 3s Albany, 1846 3 34 Books relating to America, on Sale by 525 CATALOGUE of the extensive and valuable Library of the Count Mondidier, consigned from Germany, containing a great assemblage of Voyages, Travels, and Itineraries, and Works relating to America. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1851 526 CATALOGUE of a rare and interesting Library, containing Early Voyages and Travels, Works relating to America, the East and West Indies, &c. (Part of Col. Aspinwall's Collection). 8vo. Printed prices, fine paper copy, only 12 copies so printed, with a facsimile of the earliest wood engraving relating to the discovery of America. Cloth. Is6d 1854 527 CATALOGUE of Sales of American Books sold in London, comprising Collections by H. Stevens, G. E. Mason, Crowinshield, and various others, nearly 100 days' sales, bound in 4 thick vols. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. £>\. 15s 1856-61 A valuable lot of materials for American Bibliography; it is impossible such collections can ever be sold again. To form these, England and the Continent were ransacked for years by the collectors. 528 CATESBY (Mark) Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, containing the figures of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, Insects, and Plants. French and English. 2 vols, large folio, map, and 220 colored plates, good copy in whole calf, newly backed and gilt. £5.5* 1731 529 CATESBY'S Carolina. Third Edition, with an Index of Linncean names. 2 vols, royal folio, 220 colored plates, fine copy, in russia, marbled leaves. . £5 10* 1771 530 CATLIN (Geo.) Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians, written during eight years' Travel and Adventure among the wildest and most remarkable Tribes now existing. 2 vols, royal 8vo, map and numerous plates, elegant, in half morocco, marbled leaves. £1.4* 1841 531 CATLIN (Geo.) Adventures of the Ojibbeway and Ioway Indiaus in England, France, and Belgium ; being notes of eight years' Travels and Besidence in Europe with hi3 North American Indian Collection. 2 vols. 8vo, numerous etchings, cloth. 5* 1852 532 CATCOTT (Alexander) Treatise on the Deluge, containing Kemarks on the Lord Bishop of Clogher's Account of that Event, &c, and the time when and how America was first peopled. 8vo, calf neat. %sU 1768 533 CAULIN (Fr. Antonio) Historia Coro-graphica natural y evangelica de la Nueva Andalucia, Provincias de Cumana, Guayana, y Vertientes del Rio Orinoco. Folio, map and plates, good copy, calf neat. £2. 12* 6d Madrid, 1779 The Author was several years a missionary in the countries he describes. 534 CAVENDISH'S (Sir Henry) Debates of the House of Commons during the 13th Parlament of Great Britain, commonly called the unreported Parliament, 1768-70. Royal 8vo, Vol. I. (all printed), cl. Is6d 1841 It includes the stirring times of the Wilkes, the Letters of Junius, and the early stages of the dispute with America. 535 CENSUS (The Seventh) of the United States, 1850, with Appendix embracing Notes upon the Tables of each of the States, by J. B. De Bow. Royal 4to, very thick vol. (pp. 1022) half calf , 6* Washington, 1853 536 CENTRAL AMERICA. — Correspondence respecting Central America, 1856-60, printed by order of Parliament. Fol. (pp. 344.) 2*6rf 1860 J. R. Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. 35 537 CERTAIN CONSIDERATIONS relating to the Roval African Company of England, 1680— A View of the State of the Trade to Africa, 1708 — The Case of the Royal African Company of England, 1730 — Importance of effectually Supporting the Royal African Company of England Impartially Considered, shewing that a Free and Opon Trade to Africa, and the Support and Preservation of the British Colonies and Plantations in America, depend upon maintaining the Forts and Settlements, &c, map, 1745 — The African Trade, the Great Pillar and Support of the British Plantation Trade in America, 1745 — Case of the Royal African Company of England and their Creditors, 1748 — Seasonable Observations on the Trade to Africa, 1748 — A Short View of the Dispute between the Merchants of Lon- don, Bristol, and Liverpool, and their Advocates of a New Joint- Stock Company, concerning the Regulation of the African Trade, 1750, in 1 vol. 4to, half calf. £2. 2s A curious collection, as connected with the history of the African Slave Trade to America. 538 CHABERT, Voyage dans l'Amerique Septentrionale (l'Acadie, l'lsle Royale, et l'lsle de Terre-Neuve). 4tp, maps, neat. 12* 1753 539 CHALKLEY (Thomas, a Qaaker) Collection of his Works, with Journal of his Life, Travels, and American Christian Experiences. 8vo, calf, 2s bd 1751— Another edition, calf. 3* 1766 540 CHALMERS (Dr. Lionel) Account of the Weather and Diseases of South Carolina. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, calf. 8s Qd 1776 541 CHALMERS (Geo.) Estimate of the comparative Strength of Great Britain during the present and four preceding Reigns, 1794 — Opinions on interesting subjects of Public Law and Commercial Policy arising from American Independence, 1785. In 1 vol. 8vo {the first work pierced by a nail), calf neat. 3* Qd — — 542 CHALMERS (Geo.) Opinions on interesting subjects of Public Law and Commercial Policy arising from American Independence. 8vo, calf neat. 7* 6c? 1784— Another, half morocco. Qs Qd 1785 543 CHALMERS (Geo.) Political Annals of the present United Colonies, from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763. 4to, boards. £1. lis Qd — calf neat, scarce. £1.16* 1780 544 CHALMERS'S Political Annals. Book I. to page 328 (half the work). 4to, half calf. Is Qd 1780 A valuable and important work, but written with strong prejudices against the Americans. — Rich. 545 CHAMBERS (William, the Publisher, of Edinburgh) Things as they are in America. Post 8vo, cloth. 3* 3 854 546 CHAMPION (R.) Considerations on the present situation of Great Britain and United States of America, with a View to their future Commercial Connexions. 8vo, boards. 4* 1784 547 CHAM PLAIN (Sieur de) Les Voyages, ou Journal tres fidele des Ob- servations faites es Descouvertures de la Nouvelle France. 4to, curious plates and maps {little stained, but sound). £3. 15* Paris, 1613 548 CHAMPLAIN'S Canada. Another copy, new and elegant in green morocco, gilt edges. £5. 5* ib. 1613 549 CHAMPLAIN (Le Sieur) Vogages et Descouvertures faites en la Nou- velle France, depuis 1613, jusques 1618. 8vo, frontispiece and curious plates, good copy, in vellum, very rare. £5. 5* Paris, 1620 550 CHAMPLAIN (Samuel) Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in the years 1599-1602, translated by Alice Wilmere, edited by , Norton Shaw. Svo,coloured maps 8,' pits, cloth. 10 * Qd HakluytSoc. 1859 36 Books relating to America, on Sale by 551 CHANDLER (John) Brief Notices of Hayti, with its Condition, Resources, and Prospects. Small 8vo, cloth. 2* 1842 552 CHANDLESS (W.) Visit to Salt Lake, a Journey across the Plains, and Residence in the Mormon Settlements at Utah. 8vo, map, cloth. 4* 1857 553 CHANNING (Wm. Ellery) Discourses, Reviews, and Miscellanies. Thick 8vo, half calf. 4* Boston, 1830 554 CHANVALON (Thibault de) Voyage a la Martinique, contenant diverses Observations sur la Physique, l'Histoire NaturelJe, 1' Agricul- ture, les Moeurs, et les Usages de cette Isle faites en 1751, et dans les annees suivantes. 4to, map, half calf. 6* — neat. Is Qd — Another, in old red morocco, gilt. 9* Paris, 1763 555 CHAPPELL (Lieut. Edward) Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay, containing some Account of the North Eastern Coast of America, and of the Tribes inhabiting that remote region. 8vo, plates, boards. Zs Sd— half calf 4*— calf neat. 5* 1817 556 CHAPPELL (Lt. Edward) Voyage to Newfoundland and Labrador. 8vo, pits. bds. Ss— 3s 6d—?iew half calf gilt. 4s Qd 18 IS 557 CHARLEVOIX (Le P. de) Histoire et Description generale de la Xou- velle France. 6 vols. 12mo, numerous maps, calf £2. 2s Paris, 1744 557*CHARLEVOTX (P. de) Histoire, &c. 3 vols. 4to, maps, good copy, old calf gilt. £3. 3* ib. 1744 558 CHARLEVOIX'S Voyage to Canada, and Travels through that vast country and Louisiana, to the Gulph of Mexico. 2 vols. Svo, map, half calf. 12* — Another, fine copy, in calf. 14* London, 1761 5$9 CHARLEVOIX'S Canada. Another edition, in 1 vol. Svo, half calj \ 8s 6rf — whole calf 9s — a fine copy, in calf. 10* 6d 1763 560 CHARLEVOIX'S Canada. Another edition, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Is Gd— whole calf neat. 10* Dublin, 1766 561 CHARLEVOIX (R. P. P. F. Xavier de) Histoire du Paraguay avec plusieurs pieces pour servir de preuves et d'Eclaircissemens. 3 vols. 4to, maps and plans, best edition, old calf gilt. £1. 15 — Another, fine copy, French calf. £2. 15* Paris, 1756 The additional pieces form more than a third of the work, and include numerous important and valuable original documents, and "Journal d'un Voyage le long de la Cote de la Mer Magellanique." 562 CHARLEVOIX (Le Pere) Histoire du Paraguay. 6 vols. 12mo, maps, neat, half calf . 18* Paris, 1757 563 CHARLEVOIX'S History of Paraguay, containing many New, Curious, and Interesting Particulars of that Country, and of the Jesuits Esta- blishments there. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . 10* 6d — whole calf, neat. 14* London, 1769 564 CHARLEVOIX'S Paraguay. Another edition, 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 12* Dublin, 1769 565 CHARLEVOIX (F. de) Geschichte von Paraguay, und den Missionen der Gesellschaft Jesu in diesen Landern. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, map, boards. 5* 6c? Wien, 1830 566 CHARLEVOIX (P. F. Xavier de) Histoire de l'Isle Espagnole, ou de S. Domingue. 4 vols. 12mo, numerous maps and plates by Picart, fine copy, calf neat. £\. 8* Atnst. 1733 567 CHARTERS of the British Colonies in America. 8vo, half bound. 3* —whole calf. 3* 66? Lond. Almon, 1777 568 CHARTERS of the old English Colonies in America, with Introduction and Notes by Samuel Lucas, Esq. 8vo, boards. 3* &d 1850 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 37 569 CHAS et le Brun, Histoire Politique et Philosophique de la Eevolution de l'Amerique Septentrionale. 8vo, dedicated to Napoleon when first Consul, calf neat. 5-s Paris, An. IX. 570 CHASLES (Philarete) Etudes sur la Litterature et les Mceurs des Anglo- Americains aux XI X e Sieele. Post 8vo. 2* Qd Paris, 571 CHASLES (Philarete) Anglo-American Literature and Manners, trans- lated from the French. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d New Fork, 1852 572 CHASTELLUX (Marquis de) Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale dans les Annees 1780, 1781, and 1782. 2 vols. 8vo, map, neat. 4>s Paris, 1786 573 CHASTELLUX (Marquis de) Travels in North America, in 1780-1 and 1782. Translated from the French, with Notes by the Translator. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, boards. 5s — half calf. Qs 6d — new half calf gilt. Is — whole calf neat. Is — Another, very fine copy in old calf, gilt backs. 9s London, 11 &1 574 CHASTELLUX (Marquis de) Travels in North America. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, neat. 6* Lublin, 1787 575 CHATEAUBRIAND (Le Vicomte de) Voyages en Amerique et en Italic 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 3s 1828 576 CHATEAUBRIAND (Viscount de) Travels in America and Italy. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf 5* 1828 577 CHATHAM.— History of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. 8vo, half calf Ss ' 1783 578 CHATHAM.— Anecdotes of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, with his Speeches in Parliament. 3 vols. 8vo, neat. 8s 6d 1793 579 CHAULMER. — Le Nouveau Monde, ou l'Amerique Chrestienne. 12mo, vellum, very rare. £1. 11* bd Paris, 1659 580 CHAUNCY,— Retractation of Mr. Cha. Chauncy, formerly Minister of Ware in Harfordshire, wherein is proved the Unlawfulnesse and Danger of Ray ling in Altars or Communion Tables, written with his own hand before his going to New England in the year 1637. 4to, half calf , rare. £1. Is 1641 581 CHAUNCY (Isaac, Son of President Chauncy) Ecclesiasticum, or a plain and familiar Christian Conference concerning Gospel Churches and Order. 12mo, calf neat. Is Qd 1690 582 CHAUNCY (Isaac) The Divine Institution of Congregational Churches, Ministry, and Ordinances, Asserted and Proved from the Word of God. 12mo, good copy, in original calf 5s 1697 583 CHAUNCY (Isaac) Alexipharmacon, or a fresh Antidote against Neo- nomian Bane and Poyson to the Protestant Religion. 8vo {stained), old calf. 3* 1700 584 CHAUNCY (Isaac) A Plea for the Antient Gospel, 1697— Neono- monianism Unmask'd, or the Ancient Gospel pleaded against the other called the New Law, 1693 — Exaraen Confectionis Pacificae, or a Friendly Examination of the Pacifick Paper, chiefly concerning the Consistency of Absolute Election of Particular Persons with the Universality of Redemption, 1692 — A Rejoynder to Mr. Daniel Williams, his Reply to the first part of the Neonomianism Unmaskt, 1693 — A Public Testimony, being the Representation and Petition of a considerable number of Christian People within the bounds of several Synods in this Church, presented to the General Assembly met at Edinburgh, May 4, 1732, anent Grievances, Edinb. 1732 — A Letter from several Eiders, lovers of Peace and Moderation to their Brethren of the same Principles, 1752. In 1 vol. 4to, rough cf £\, Is 38 Books relating to America, on Sale by 585 CHAUNCT'S (Isaac) Nenomonianism Unmasked, or the Ancient Gospel Pleaded. Two parts, 4to, half calf. 7* Qd 1692-3 586 CHAUNCY (Charles, Pastor of the first Church in Boston) Appeal to the Public, answered in behalf of the Non-Episcopal Churches in America. 8vo, half morocco. Is Qd Boston, N.E. 1768 587 CHAUNCY (Charles) The Benevolence of the Deity fairly and impartially considered. 8vo, calf. 6* — Another, with manuscript notes in pencil, half calf 6* 6d Boston, 1784 588 CHAUNCY (Charles) The Salvation of all Men the great thing aimed at in the scheme of God. 8vo, calf neat. 5* 1784 589 CHAUNCY (Charles) Sermon preached at the request of a great number of friends to the Liberties of North America. 8vo, half morocco. 5* Boston, 1770 590 CHESTERTON (Col. Laval) Narrative of proceedings in Venezuela, in South America, in the Years 1819 and 1820. 8vo, boards. 3* — half calf gilt. 4* 1820 591 CHEVALIER (Michel) Lettres sur l'Amerique du Nord. 2 vols. 8vo, map, sewed. 4* 6c?— Paris, 1837— half calf. 5* ib. 1838 592 CHEVALIER (Michael) Society, Manners, and Politics in the United States, a series of Letters on North America, translated from the French. 8vo, cloth. 4s Boston, 1839 593 CHIDLEY (Katherine, a Quakeress) Justification of the Independent Churches of Christ, in answer to Mr. Edwards his Booke, which he hath written against the Government of Christ's Church, and toler- ation of Christ's publike Worship (containing several allusions to John Robinson and the New England Church Government). 4to, calf. 18s date cut off, about 1650 594 CHILI El Mercurio Chileno. 2 vols, small 4to, half calf . 12* Santiago de Chili, 1820 A Journal of Arts, Sciences, Belles Lettres, &c, not Political. 595 CHILI NEWSPAPERS.— Various Newspapers and Periodicals from 1835 to 1838. In 1 thick vol. folio {a curious collection), uncut. 15* 596 CHILI NEWSPAPERS.— El Semanario de Santiago, Nos. 1 to 31, from Julv 1841 to Feb. 1842. In 1 vol. folio. 9* 597 CHRONOLOGIE Septenare de l'Histoire de la Paix entre les Roys de France et d'Espagne contenant les choses plus memorables advenues en France, Espagne, Allemagne, Italie, Ang!eterre, Escosse, et autres endroits de l'Europe, avec le succez de plusieurs Navigations faites aux Indes Orientales, Occidentales et Septentrionales. 8vo, calf three leaves mended and made up in manuscript. 6* Paris, 1605 Containing 20 pages on the " Navigation des Francois en la Nouvelle France, dite Canada." 598 CHRISTIAN HISTORY, containing Accounts of the Revival and Pro- pogation of Religion in Great Britain and America, for the year 1743 (50 Nos. printed weekly). 8vo, calf neat arid clean. £1. lis Sd Boston, N.E. 1744 599 CHURCH'S (Thos.) History of Philip's War, commonly called the Great Indian War of 1675*-6, edited with Notes by S. G. Drake. Post 8vo, plates, neat. 8*66? 1827 600 CHURCH (Tho.) Another Edition. 8vo, frontispiece, but wanting the plates, calf 3* Qd Exeter, N. H. 1829 600*CHURCHMAN (John, a Quaker, of Nottingham, Pennsylvania) Account of his Gospel Labours and Experiences. 8vo, neat. 3* 1780 — calf. 3* Dublin, 1781 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 39 601 CHURCH Government and Church Covennnt discussed in an answer of the Elders of the severall Churches in New England, to two and thirty Questions sent over to them by Divers Ministers in England, 1643 — Apologie of the Churches in New England for Church Cove- nant, 1643 — Answer of the Elders of the several Churches in New England unto nine positions sent over to them, 1643. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf. £2 2s. 602 CIECA de LEON (Pedro de) Parte primera de la chronica de Peru que tracta la demarcacion de sas provincias la description dellas las fundaciones de las nuevas ciudades los ritos y costumbres de los Indios. Thick 12mo, woodcuts, calf rare. J64. 14* Qd Anvers, Juan Steelsio, 1554 The only Part published in Spanish. 603 CIEZA (Pietro) La Prima e Seconda parte, dell 'Istorie del Peru. 2 vols. small 8 vo, folding woodcut map, vellum, rare. £2 . 1 5s Venetia, 155 6-7 604 CLADERA (Don Christobal) Investigaciones historicas sobre losprinci- pales Descubrimientos, de los Espanoles en el mar Oceano, en el Siglo XV. y Principio del XVI. en respuesta a la Memoria de M. Otto sobre el verdadero Descubridor de America. 4to, portraits and large folding map by Martin Behaim, 1492, calf neat. 18s — boards. 15* Madrid, 1794 605 CLAIM of the American Loyalists reviewed and maintained upon incon- trovertible principles of Law and Justice. 8vo, half calf. 4* — whole calf, 5s 1788 606 CLARK (Sam.) New Description of the World, or a compendious Treatise of the Empires, Kingdoms, States, &c. of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 12mo, frontispiece, clean in old calf . 3s 1689 607 CLARKE (John) Memoir of Richard Merrick, Missionary in Jamaica. 12 mo, cloth. 2s 1850 608 CLARKSON (Thomas) Memoirs of the private and public Life of William Penn. 2 vols. 8vo, new, hfcf. gilt. 6s—bds. 4* Qd 1813 609 CLARKSON (Thos.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 4s 1808 610 CLAVIGERO (AbbeD. F. S.) History of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from MSS. and Ancient Paintings of the / Indians; with Critical Dissertations on the Land, the Animals, and Inhabitants of Mexico ; translated from the Italian by Cullen. 2 vols. 4to, maps and many plates, boards. 14s — calf neat. 16s 1787 611 CLAVIGERO. — Another Copy. 2 vols. 4to, plates (one wanting), new, half calf. 13s 1787 612 CLAVTGERO'S Mexico. Second Edition, 2 vols, in 1, 4to, plates, calf gilt. 16# —half russia. 15s 1807 613 CLINTON'S (Sir Henry) Narrative relative to his conduct during part of his command of the King's Troops in North America, and the unfortunate Campaign of 1781, London, 1783— Cornwallis's (Lord) Answer to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative, 1783. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 7s Qd 614 CLINTON'S (Hon. de Witt) Discourse before the New-York Hist. Soc. (a general Geographical, Political, and Historical view of the Red Men). 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6c? New York, 1812 615 CLINTON (De Witt) Memoir of, with an Appendix containing numerous Documents illustrative of the principal Events of his Life, by David Hosack. 4 to, portrait, boards. 15* New Fork, 1829 40 Books relating to America, on Sale by 615*CLUNY (Alex.) The American Traveller, or Observations on the present state of the British Colonies in America. 4to, large map andfrontis- / piece ', boards. 12s 1769 The Author was the first to give accurate intelligence of Hudson's Bay, and to institute an enquiry about a more successful commerce with the Americans. The book is said to have been published under the auspices of Lord Chatham, and both the English and the Americans at that crisis were so eager to possess it, that it was bought and read by one party with the same avidity that it was bought and destroyed by the other. — JDibdin. 616 COALE (Josiah) Books and Divers Epistles of the faithful Servant of the Lord Josiah Coale, collected and published as it was desired by him in the day of his departure out of this Life. 4to, new, calf gilt, rare. £2. 2s noplace, 1671 A curious Book by one of the Society of Friends, " he travelled by sea through many dangers, and preached the Gospel in many of the Western Islands, and in Maryland and Virginia, from whence he passed through the Wilderness on foot many hundred of miles to New England, p. 5." With his Epistles to his friends in New England, Maryland, and Jamaica, &c, also a Poem concerning John Coale, by the wife of George Fox. 617 COBBET'S (Thos. Teacher of the Church at Lyn, in New England) Just Vindication of the Covenant and Church Estate of Children of Church Members; as also their right to Baptisme. 4to, very neat. 12s 1648 618 COBBET (Thomas, Minister of the Word at Lyn, in New England) Practical Discourse of Prayer, wherein is handled the Nature, the Duty, the Qualifications of Prayer. 8vo, neat. 9s 1654 — Another Copy, calf neat. Is Qd 1657 619 COBBETT (W.) The Bloody Buoy thrown out as a warning to the Political Pilots of America, by Peter Porcupine. 8vo, bds. 3s n.d. 620 COBBETT (W.) Porcupine's Works, containing various writings and selections exhibiting a faithful Picture of the United States, characters of their Presidents, Governors, &c, and of the Customs, Manners, Morals, and Vices of the People, comprising also a complete series of Historical Documents and Remarks from 1783 to 1801. 12 vols. 8vo, complete, boards. £1. Is 1801 621 COBBETT (William) Letters on the late War between the United States and Great Britain, with the Miscelleanous Writings on the same subject. 8vo, new half calf. 8s 6c? New York, 1815 622 COBBETT (W.) A Year's Residence in the United States of America. Third edition, post 8vo, boards. 2s 1828 623 COBBETT'S Emigrant's Guide to the United States. 12mo, boards. Is 6c? 1829 624 COBDEN'S (Richard) England, Ireland, and America. By a Manchester Manufacturer. 8vo, calf gilt. 3s 1835 625 COCHRANE (Capt. C. Stuart) Journal of a residence and travels in Columbia during the years 1823 and 1824. 2 vols. 8vo, map and plates, boards, neio half calf gilt. 8s 6c? 1825 626 COCKBURN (John) Journey over Land from the Gulf of Honduras to the great South Sea, by John Cockburn and 5 other Englishmen, their Extraordinary Distresses and Adventures, Manners and Customs of Indians, and their disposition towards the Spaniards and English. 8vo, map, old calf '. 5s — very neat. 6s — without map, half calf. 3s 6c? 1735 — Second Edition, 8vo, very neat. 6s 6c? 1740 627 COOKING'S (George) The American War. A Poem, in which the Names of the Officers who have distinguished themselves are intro- duced. 8vo. Plate of the Attack on Bunkers Hill, hf cf 4s 6d 1781 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 41 628 CODE of 1650, a Compilation of the Earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut, with the "Blue Laws" of New Haven. 12mo, neat. 3s Hartford, 1842 629 CODRINGTON (Col.) Copy of the Articles Exhibited by Mr. Freeman to the House of Commons against Col. Codrington, and some obser- vations and remarks in answer to the same (relating to the Leeward Islands). 4to, fine copy, new calf, bound by Hay day. 9s 1702 630 COFFIN (Joshua) A Sketch of the History of Newbury, Newbury port, and West Newbury, from 1635 to 1845. Royal 8vo, cloth. Is Boston, 1845 631 COGGESHALL (Geo.) Voyages to various parts of the World, made between the years J1799 and 1844, selected from his M.S. Journal of 80 Voyages. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s New Fork, 1851 632 COKE (Hon. Henry J.) A Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon J and California, with a glance at some of the Tropical Islands, includ- " the West Indies and the Sandwich Isles. &vo, port, bds. Qs 1852 633 COKE.— Extracts of the Journals of the Rev. Dr. Coke's Five Visits to America. Small 8vo, neat. 6* 1793 634 COKE. — Extracts of the Journals of the Rev. Dr. Coke's Five Visits to America, 1790 — Journal of Dr. Coke's Third Tour through the West Indies, and Fourth Tour on the Continent of America, in Letters to John Wesley. 3 Parts, 1791-2 — Substance of a Sermon at Baltimore and Philadelphia on the Death of John Wesley by Dr. Coke, 1791. In 1 vol. 12mo, calf. 6s 635 COKE (Rev. Dr. Thomas) History of the West Indies, containing the Natural, Civil, and Ecclesiastical History of each Island, with account of the Missions in that Archipelago, by Rev. Jno. Wesley and others. 3 vols. 8vo, map and plates, bds. 9s Liverpool, 1808 636 COKE (Rev. Thomas) Life of, including his Travels and Extraordinary Missionary Exertions in England, Ireland, America, and West Indies, by Samuel Drew. 8vo, portrait, boards. 3s Qd 1817 637 COLBURN. — Memoir of Zerah Colburn, written by himself, containing an account of his remarkable powers, travels in America, with his peculiar methods of Calculation. Yost Svo, port. cl. 3s Springfield, 1833 638 COLDEN'S History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. 8vo, map, neat. 18s— Another Fine Copy in the original, calf. £1. Is 1750 639 COLDEN'S History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. 2 vols. 12mo, calf neat. 16s — neto calf, old style. 18s 1755 640 COLDEN'S Indian Nations of Canada. 12mo, vol. 2, half calf. 3s 6d 1755 641 COL DEN (Cadwallader D.) Life of Robert F'ulton, comprising an account of the Invention, Progress, and Establishment of Steam Boats, &c. 8vo, portrait, boards. 6s New York, 1817 642 COLD EN (Cadwallader D.) Memoir prepared at the request of the Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York, at the celebration of the completion of the New York Canals, Maps and plates, 1825 — Narrative of the Festivities observed in honor of the completion of the Grand Erie Canal, by W. J. Stone, Plates and facsimiles of Autograph Letters, by John Adams, Tho. Jefferson, &c, New Fork, 1825. 2 vols, in 1, calf gilt, Presentation Copy from the City of New Fork to Capt. Franklin, R.N., the celebrated Arctic Navigator. £1. 15s 643 COLETI (G.D.) Dizionario Storico-Geogranco dell' America Meridionale. 2 vols, in 1, 4to, map, sewed. 10s Sd Venezia, 1771 42 Books relating to America, on Sale by 644 COLERIDGE'S Six Months in the West Indies in 1825. Post 8vo, boards. 2a— half calf \ m. I. 2a 6d 1826 645 COLLECCAO dos Breves Pontificios e Leys Regias que Eoraro Expe- didos, e Publicadas desde o Anno de 174l,sobre a liberdade das Pessoas Bens, e Commercio dos Indios do Brasil. Fol. cf £1. Is Lisboa, 1759 Contains many particulars relating to the Jesuits. 646 COLLECTION of Original Voyages, viz., Captain Cowley's Voyage round the World, Captain Sharp's Expedition to the South Seas, Captain Wood's Voyage through the Streights of Magellan, and Mr. Roberts's Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant ; published by Captain Hacke. 8vo, maps, neat. 4* 6d 1699 647 COLLECTION of Voyages and Travels, some now first Printed from Original Manuscripts. 6 vols, folio, maps and plates, calf neat. £2. 2* Lond. Churchill, 1704-32 This collection is very rich in American matter. In addition to the details of a luminous introduction, the collection contains, as to America, Brewer's and Eackman's Voyage to Chili ; and MoncTcs Voyage to Green* land in Quest of a North- West Passage — Nieuhoff's Brazil — Capt. John Smith's Travels and Adventures — Several Greenland and North-West Pas- sage Voyages — The Life of Columbus, by his Son — Ovallo's Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Chili — Monsoris Naval Tracts — Gemellus Voyage round the World — Sapp's and Behmes's Voyage to Paraguay — Techo's History of the Provinces of Paraguay, &c. — Eerrera's Account of the Discovery of America, and of Columbus's Voyages — Norwood's Voyage to Virginia — M. W.'s Description of the Mosquito Kingdom in America ; and May's Account of the Preservation of the Ship Terra Nova, homeward hound from Virginia. 648 COLLECTION of the most remarkable Voyages and Travels to the East and West Indies, from the year 1246 to 1707 : m the Dutch Language. 30 vols. 8vo, maps and numerous jine plates, good copy, half calf. £1. la 1707 Containing translations of most of the Early Spanish Voyages to America. 649 COLLECTION of Voyages and Travels, consisting of Authentic Writers in our own Tongue, which have not before been collected in English, or have only been abridged in other collections, compiled from the curious Library of the Earl of Oxford. 2 vols, folio, maps, fyc.y good copy, very neat in half calf , blind tooled. J61. 5a. Lond. Osborne, 1745 650 COLLECTION of Voyages (containing the Portuguese and Spanish Voyages in the beginning of the 16th Century) for Discovery, Con- quest, Settlement, or Opening of Trade, from commencement of the Portuguese Discoveries to the Present Time. 4to, vol. 1 (no more published), map and plates, half calf . 7a 6d n.d. (1805) 651 COLLECTION of Voyages by the Dutch East India Company for Improvement of Trade and Navigation, containing their Discoveries in the East Indies, South Seas, N.E. Passage, Straits of Magellan, &c. 8vo, calf neat. 6a 1703 652 COLLECTION of Memorials concerning divers Deceased Ministers and others of the People, called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and parts adjacent, from nearly the first settlement thereof to the year 1787. 8vo, calf neat. 9a * 1788 653 COLLLECTION of Early Documents on Spitsbergen and Greenland. Edited with Notes by A. White. $vo, cloth. 9a 6d Hakluyt Soc. 185 6 654 COLLECTION of the most interesting Tracts on the subjects of Taxing the American Colonies and Regulating their Trade. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 15a Lond. J. Almon, 1766 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 43 655 COLLECCAO dos breves Pontificios e Leys regias que forao Expedidos e publicadas desde o anno de 1741, sobre a liberdade das Pessoas Beus e commercio dos Indios do Brasil. Folio, Spanish calf. £\.l\sftd Ulyssippone, 1755 656 COLNETT (Capt. James) Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean, for the purpose of Extending the ^ Whale Fisheries. 4to, portrait and plates, half calf gilt, 6s &d — Another, half morocco, marbled leaves. Is 1798 657 COLMAN (Benj ) Discourse held in the College Hall at Cambridge, N.E., before the Baptism of R. Judah Morris, with 3 Discourses written by Mr. Morris himself (a converted Jew). Small 8vo, boards, £i.4s Boston, 1722 658 COLMAN (Rev. Benj.) Life and Character of, late Pastor of a Church in Boston, New England, who deceased Aug. 29, 1747, by Ebenezer Turell, A.M. 8vo, neat, half morocco, scarce, from Mr. Crownin- shields Library. JE1. 1* Boston, 1749 659 COLONIAL Policy of Great Britain, considered with relation to her North American Provinces and We'st Indian Possessions. By a British Traaveiler. 12 mo, half calf '. 3s Philadelphia, 1816 660 COLOMBIA.— Present State of Colombia, Principal Events of its Revolutionary War, its Constitution, Financial and Commercial, Laws, Revenue, Expenditure and Public Debt, Agricultures, Mines, &c. By an Officer late in the Colombian Service. 8vo, map, boards. 3s Qd— half calf gilt. 4* 6d 1827 661 COLOMBIA.— Recollections of a Service of Three Years during the War of Extermination in Venezuela and Colombia. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 5* 1828 662 COLUMBIA. — Letters written from Colombia during a Journey from Caracas to Bogota, and thence to Santa Martha, in 1823. 8vo, large map, boards. 3s 1824 663 COLOMBIA. Being a Geographical, Statistical, Agricultural, Com- mercial, and Political Account of that Country. 2 thick vols, 8vo, maps and portraits, boards. 7s 6d 1822 664 COLOMBIA — Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and portraits, half -— calf. 9s— new half calf gilt. 10* 6c? 1822^' 665 COLON DE LARRIATEGUI (Don Felix) Juzgados Militares de Espana y sus Indias. 3 vols. 4to, vellum. £\. 4s Madrid, 1817 666 COLONIAL Policy of Great Britain, in relation to her North American Provinces, by a British Traveller. 8vo, half calf . 3s 1816 667 COLTON'S (Rev. Calvin) Life and Times of Henry Clay. 2 vols. royal 8vo, portrait and plates, cloth. 6s 1846 668 COLTON (Rev. Calvin) Tour of the American Lakes and among the Indians of the North- West Territory, disclosing the Character and Prospects of the Indian Race. 2 vols, post 8vo, hf cf 8s 6d 1830 669 COLTON (Rev. Calvin) History and Character of American Revivals of Religion. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 1832 670 COLOMBUS. — Vita di Cristoforo Colombo scritta e corredata di nuove osservazioni di note storico-critiche e di un' Appendici Documenti rari o inediti del Car. L. Bossi. 8vo, plates. 4* 6d Milano, 1818 671 COLUMBUS.— Vita di Cristoforo Colombo del Proffessore Anirelo Sanguineti. 12mo, portrait, sewed. 3s 6d Genova, 1846 672 COLUMBUS.— Select Letters, with other Original Documents relating to his Four Voyages to the New World, translated and edited by R. H. Major. 8vo, cloth. 6s Hakluyt Society > 1847 44 Books relating to America, on Sale by 673 COLUMBUS. — Delia Patria di Cristoforo Colombo dissertazione pubb- licata nelle memorie dell, Accadeinia Imperiale delle scienza di Torino, con giunte documenti lettere, &c. 8vo, calf gilt. 10s 6c? — se?ced, 7* 6d Firenze, 1808 674 CCLUMBUS. — Lettera rarissima di Cristoforo Colombo, riprodotta e illustrata dal Cav. Ab. Morelli. 8vo, half calf . 5s Bassano, 1810 675 COLUMBUS. — Memorials of Columbus, or a Collection of Authentic Documents of that celebrated Navigator. 8vo, plates, bds. 5s (pub. at 1 8s) 1823 676 COMMERCIAL Relations, containing digest of Imports, Exports, &c, of the Spanish Dominions in America, South American States, Mexican Republic, West India States, Central American States, Great Britain and her Possessions, Continental Europe, &c, &c. 4 thick vols. 4to, cloth. 18s Washington, 1857 677 COMMON SENSE, or Natural Ideas opposed to Supernatural, trans- lated from the French (Isaiah Thomas, the third of the district of Massachusetts, is registered as proprietor). 8vo, board* (a leaf torn). 5s New York (No Printer) 1795 678 COMPARATIVE Importance of our Acquisitions from France in America, with Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled " An Examination of the Commercial Principles of the late Negotiation in 1761." 8vo, boards. 5 s 1762 679 COMPENDIUM of Authentic and • Entertaining Voyages {containing the Early Voyages to America), digested in a Chronological Series. 7 vols, small Svo, maps and plates, calf. 12s 1766 ^ 680 COMPLEAT History of Spanish America, with an Exact Description of Paraguay. Svo, calf. 4s 6d 1742 681 COMPLETE History of the late War, or Annual Register of its Rise, Progress, and Events in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, with a detail of the Landing of the Forces at Cape Breton, the Progress of the Fleet up the St. Lawrence, Daily Account of the Siege of Quebec, taken from Capt. Knox's Journal. Thick Svo, 6th edition, folding maps, portrait, and plates, calf neat. 10s fid Dublin, 1774 Not mentioned by Mr. Rich. 682 CONCILTOS Provinciales celebrados en la muy noble Ciudad de Mexico, %/ en los Anos de 1555, 1565, 1585, cura et expensis F. A. Lorenzana, Archipraulis. 3 vols, in 2, calf, very scarce. £3. 3s Mexico, 1769-70 683 CONDAM1NE (M. de la) Journal du Voyage a l'Equateur (Isthmus of Panama, Quito, Peru, Guayaquil), avec PHistoire des Pyramids de Quito. 4to, maps, boards. 10s 6c? Paris, 1751 684 CONDAMINE. — Relation abregee d'un Voyage fait dans l'lnterieur de l'Amerique meridionale, depuis la cote de la Mer du Sud jusqu'aux cotes du Bresil et de la Guyane, augmente de la relation de l'Emeute populaire de Cuenca au Perou. Svo, front, and map, calf neat. 4s — Another copy, sewed. 3s 6t? Maestricht, 1778 685 CONDAMINE. — Another edition. 8vo, map, neat. 5s — Another printed on thick paper, fine copy infrench calf. 6s Paris, 1745 686 CONDAMINE (De la) Succinct Abridgment of a Voyage made within the inland parts of South America {from the South Sea down the Amazon, §rc.). Svo, map, calf neat. 4s Qd — half calf. 4s 1747 ^ 687 CONDER(Josiah) Mexico and Guatimala. 2 vols. \2mo, pis, cl. 3s 1831 688 CONNECTED VIEW of the whole Internal Navigation of the United States, natural and artificial, present and prospective. 8vo, maps, board*. 3s Philadelphia, 1826 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 45 689 CONDUCT of the late Administration examined, from July, 1765, to March, 1766. 8vo, boards. 4s &d 1767 690 CONNECTICUT.— A Confession of Faith, owned and consented to by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches in the Colony of Connec- ticut, New-England, assembled by Delegation at Say-Brook, Sept. 9, 1708. 12rao, moroceo extra, gilt leaves, very rare. £1. lis 6d New London, in N. E. Printed by Thomas Short, 1710 691 CONNECTICUT.— A General History of Connecticut, from its first Settlement by George Fenwick. By a Gentleman of the Province. 8vo. Very clean, in neat half calf, scarce. 12s 1781 692 CONNECTICUT.— The United States elevated to Glory and Honour. A Sermon preached before Governor Trumball and the General Assembly convened at Hartford, May 8, 1783, by Dr. Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College (an interesting and important historical discourse). 8vo, boards. dBl. Is Newhaven, 1783 693 CONNECTICUT.— Hart (Levi, A.M.) Discourse at the Ordination of the Rev. Abiel Holmes, addressed to the Rev. Clergy of Connec- ticut, at their Convention in New-Haven, Sept. 15,1785. 8vo, half morocco. 5s New Haven, 1787 694 CONNECTICUT.— Benedict (Noah, of Woodbury) Sermon at the Funeral of the Rev. Joseph Bellamy, D.D., of Bethlem, March 9, 1790. 8vo, half morocco. Is Sd New Haven, 1790 Presentation copy from Dr. Jonathan Edwards, of New Haven, to Rev. Mr. Eyland. 695 CONNECTICUT.— Examination of the President's Reply to the New Haven Remonstrance, with an Appendix, containing the President's Inaugural Speech, the Remonstrance, and Reply, together with a list of the Removals from Office and New Appointments, from the fourth of March, 1801. 8vo, half morocco. 5s New York, 1801 696 CONNECTICUT.— Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. I. Part I. (all printed), boards. 5s New Haven, 1810 697 CONNECTICUT.— Perkins (Charles) Oration pronounced at the request of the Citizens of Norwich, Conn., on the Anniversary of American Independence. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d Norwich, 1822 698 CONNECTICUT.— Sprague (Wm. B.) Historical Discourse, delivered at West Springfield, Dec. 2, 1824, the day of the Annual Thanks- giving. 8vo, half morocco. 5s Hartford, 1825 The Appendix gives a very complete Biographical History of the locality, with lists of the writings of Dr. Lathrop and others. 698*CONNECTICUT.— Kingsley (James L.) Historical Discourse before the Citizens of New Haven, April 25, 1838, the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Settlement of the Town and Colony. 8vo, half morocco. 5s New-Haven, 1838 699 CONQUERORS (The) of the New World and their Bondsmen, being a Narrative of the Principal Events which led to Negro Slavery in the West Indies and America. 2 vols, post 8 vo, baards. 9s 6d 1848 Vol. I. only, cloth. 3s 1848 Writteu by A. Helps, Esq., who withdrew the work from sale. 699*CONQUEST of Canada. By the Author of " Hochelaga." 2 vols. 8vo, two portraits, cloth. 8s Qd 1850 700 CONSIDERATIONS which may tend to promote the Settlement of our New West India Colonies, by encouraging individuals to embark in the undertaking. Svo, calf 2s 1764 46 Books relating to America, on Sale by 701 CONS TANT1NE and EUGENE, or an Evening at Mount Vernon, a Political Dialogue {qu. — if by Dr. Forster). 12rao sewed. 3s Brussels, 1818 702 COSNT1TUTIONS of the several Independent States of America, edited by Rev. W. Jackson. 8vo, portrait of TFashinyton, by Sharp, with the motto, " Don't tread on vie," half calf. 5s — boards. 4s —whole calf. 5s 6fi? 3 783 703 CONTEST in America between Great Britain and France, with its Con- sequence and Importance, the Situation of the British and French Colonies in all parts of America. 8vo, boards. 5s 1757 704 CONTESLACION, ou la Carta del Indis Patriotee, con algunas reflexiones sobre el dialogo, entre El Entusiasta Liberal, y Kle Filo- sophia Rancio, y sobre las notas anonymas con que La Salido reim- preao el manifesto de Dr. Jose Alvarez de Toledo. 8vo {six leaves of musickat the end), half bound russia. 3s Philadelphia, 1812 705 CONTRIBUTIONS to American Literature for 1858, or Memoirs of the Histoiical Society of Pennsylvania, Vol. VI., containing " Some Account of the Society of the Cincinnati, by Alexander Johnston — The Insurrection of the year 1794 in the Western Counties of Penn- sylvania, by Townsend Ward, 2 plates — Presentation to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania of the Belt of Wampum delivered by the Indians to W. Penn, with Penn's Letters to the Indians, plate — The Acadian Exiles, or French Neutrals in Pennsylvania, by W. B. Reed, and the Case of Major Andre, by Charles J. Biddle. Royal 8vo, cloth. 12s 6d Philadelphia, 1858 706 CONTROVERSY between Great Britain and her Colonies Reviewed. 8vo {wormed). 2s — A good copy, halflialf. 3s 6d 1769 707 COOK (Capt. James) Second Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World, in 1772-75. 2 vols. 4to, maps and many plates, calf neat. 16s— Fine copy, calf gilt. J61. Is 1777 708 COOK'S Second Voyage. A set of the 64 Plates and Maps to Cook's " Second Foyage," in an unfolded state and fine impressions, in a folio volume, half bound. 1 8s 709 COOK.— Wales (W.) Remarks on Mr. Forster's Account of Capt. Cook's last Voyage round the World, 1772 to 1775. 8vo, half calf. 4s Qd 1778 710 COOK and KING'S (Capts.) [Third] Voyage to the Pacific Ocean for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, to determine the position and extent of the North West of America, and the prac- ticability of a Northern Passage. 3 vols. 4to, maps {but no atlas of plates) half bound, uncut. 15s 1784 711 COOK'S (Capt.) Third Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. 3 vols, 4to, and folio of maps and plates {some of the latter wanting), boards. 14s 1785 712 COOKE (Capt. J. H.) Narrative of Events in the South of France, and of the Attack on New Orleans in 1814 and 1815. Post 8vo, new half calf gilt. 4s 1835 713 COOKE'S (Capt. Edward) Voyage to the South Sea and round the World, describing the American Coasts from Terra del Fuego to Cali- fornia. 8vo, Vol. L, maps, 8fc> half calf gilt. 4s — whole calf. 6s U 1712 Containing the first account of Alexander Selkirk's residence on the Island of Juan Fernandez. Dampier projected the expedition, and went as pilot in one of the ships. /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 47 714 COOKE'S Voyage to the South Sea. Complete in 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 18s — Another copy, calf binding, not uniform, and the second vol. stained. 12s 1712 715 Another, a remarkable fine copy, in the original calf binding, as fresh as when published. £1. 10s 1712 716 COONEY (Robert) Compendious History of the northern part, of the Province of New Brunswick, and of the District of Gaspe in Lower Canada. 8vo, boards. 4s 6 d 1832 717 COOPER (J. Fennimore) Notions of the Americans, picked up by a Travelling Bachelor. 2 vols. 8vo, neio half calf . 6s 6d 1828 718 COOPER (J. F.) Notions of the Americans. 2 vols. 8vo, title-page inked of vol. 1, with numerous manuscript notes in pencil by a former possessor. 4s 1828 719 COOPER (J. Fenimore) Letter to his Countrymen. 8vo, bds. 2s $d New Fork, 1834 720 COOPER (J. Fenimore) The American Democrat; or, Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s &d Cooperstown, 1838 721 COOPER (James Fenimore) Memorials of (by Eminent Americans). Small 4to, fine portrait and view of Otsego Hall, cloth. 3s 1852 722 COOPER (Miss) Journal of a Naturalist in the United States. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Is 6d 1855 723 COOPER (Tbos., late of Manchester, President of South Carolina College) Some information respecting America. 8vo, map, calf. 3* 1794— Second Edition, calf 3s Sd— boards. 3s 1795 724 COOPER (Thomas) Some information respecting America, 1795 — — Jardine (Dr. L. J.) Letter from Pennsylvania to a Friend in England, containing valuable information with respect to America, 1795 — St. John (J. Hector) Letter from an American Farmer on the British Colonies in North America. Maps, 1782, in 1 vol. 8vo, calf. Is^d 725 COOPER (Rev. W.) History of North America, containing a Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants, the First Settlement of the British Colonies, their Rise and Progress, from the Earliest Period to the time of their becoming United, Free, and Independent States. 12mo, plates, new half calf gilt. 6s &d Lond. E. Newberry, 1789 726 COOPER (William) The Doctrine of Predestination unto Life Explained and Vindicated in Four Sermons, Preached to the Church of Christ in Brattle Street, Boston, New England. 8vo, calf neat. 5s 1765 727 COPPIER (Guill.) Histoire et Voyage des Indes Occidentales et de plusieurs autres regions maritimes et eloignees. 8vo, frontispiece by Be Pas (wanting 4 pages), good clean copy, bds. 10s Qd Lyon, 1645 The author gives an account of Ireland and Great Britain in the latter part of the work. 728 COREAL (Francois) Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, contenant ce qu'il y a vue de plus remarquable pendant son sejour depuis 1666 jusq'en 1697. 3 vols. 12 mo, maps and plates, neat. 6s — boards. 6s. Amst. 1722 729 COREAL. — Another edition, in 2 vols, bound in 1. 12mo, plates, vellum. 6s Qd Paris, 1722 730 CORNELIUS (E., of Salem) The Little Captive, An Authentic Nar- rative, with some interesting Letters written by Indians. 12mo, frontispiece, boards. 2s York, 1821 . 10s Paris, 1671 1016 DWIGHT'S (Dr. Timothy) Travels in New England and New York. 4 vols. 8vo, neat, half calf 14s — boards. 8s 1823 1017 DWIGHT'S (Timothy) Conquest of Canaan, a Poem in Eleven Books. 8vo, boards. 3s— half calf '. 3s 6c? 1788 1018 D WIGHT (Timothy) Greenfield Hill, a Poem in Seven Parts. 8vo, boards. 5s — calf neat. 5s New Fork, 1794 1019 DVVIGHT (Timothy) Discourse on some Events of the last Century, delivered in the Brick Church in New-Haven. 8vo, half morocco. 5s New-Haven, 1801 66 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1020 D WIGHT (Theodore) History of the Hartford Convention, with Review of the Policy of the United States Government, which led to the War of 1812. 8vo, cloth. 4s N. Y. 1833 1021 Another, autograph presentation copy to Marquis Welleslev. Half calf gilt. 6s ^.1833 1022 "T1ASTMAN (Mrs. Mary H.) Chicora and other Regions of the Con- Pj querors and the Conquered. 4to, fine plates, cloth gilt. 8s pub. at £\. 5s Philadelphia, 1854 1023 EASTERN (John, of Mode Island) Contemporary Narrative of the Causes which led to Philips' Indian War of 1675-76, with other Documents prepared from the Originals, with Introduction, kc, by by E. B. Hough. 4to. 12* 1858 1 024 EATON (John Henry) Life of Major General Jackson, and History of the War in the South, from the commencement of the Creek Campaign, to the termination of Hostilities before New Orleans. 8vo. 5s Philadelphia, 1824 1025 EDDIS'S (W., Surveyor of Customs at Annapolis) Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive, 1769-1777. S\o,boards. 4s — half calf, bs— whole calf . 65 1792 1026 EDWARDS (Bryan) History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 3 vols. 8vo, many maps and plates, calf. 6* 1807 1027 EDWARDS (Bryan) History, Civil and Commercial of the British West Indies. 5 vols. 8vo, portrait and Atlas of plates, half russia. £1. OS-half calf gilt. £1.4* 1819 1028 EDWARDS (Bryan) Historical Survey of the Erench Colony in the Island of St. Domingo, and Military transactions of the British Army in that Island. 4to, large folding map, boards. 3s — half calf . 3s &d —whole calf. 4s 6d 1797 1029 EDWARDS (Bryan) Historical Survey of the Island of St. Domingo, with Account of the Maroon Negroes in the Island of Jamaica, and a Tour through Barbadoes, St. Vincent. Antigua, Tobago, and Grenada, in 1791 and 1792, by Sir W. Young. 4to, pits, half russia. 6s 1801 1030 EDWARDS (Bryan) Poems Written Chiefly in the West Indies, Kings- ton (Jamaica), 1792 — Edwards's Speech at a Conference between the Council and Assembly of Jamaica, on the Subject of Mr. Wilberforce's Propositions on the Slave Trade, ib. 1789. In 1 vol. 8vo, a presenta- tion copy from the author, calf neat. 6s 1031 EDWARDS (Morgan) Materials towards a History of the Baptists in Jersev. Vol. II. small 8vo, seiced. 2s 6d Philadelphia, 1792 1032 EDWARDS (Jonathan) The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God, applied to that uncommon operation that has lately appeared on the Minds of many of the People in New England, with Preface by Rev. Mr. Cooper, and Letters from Rev. Dr. Colman, giv- ing an Account of the present Work of God in those parts. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1742 1033 EDWARDS (Jonathan) Thoughts on the present Revival of Religion in New England. 12mo, clean and neat. 3s 1743 1034 EDWARDS'S Narrative of the Conversion of many hundred Souls, in Northampton, and neighbouring Towns and Villages of New Hamp- shire, in New England. Small 8vo, old calf . 2s 1738 1035 EDWARDS (Jonathan)Two Dissertations : First, Concerning the End for which God Created the World : and Secondly, the Nature of True Virtue. 8vo, first edition, good clean copy, bds. Is 6d Boston, 1765 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 67 1036 EDWARDS (Jonathan) Farewei Sermon Preached at the first Precinct in Northampton, after the People's Publick Rejection of him as their Minister {with a Preface detailing the circumstances), on June 22, 1750. 8vo, boards. 10s Qd Boston, 1750 1037 EDWARDS (Jonathan) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Samuel Hopkins, D.D., revised and enlarged by the Editors of Edwards's Works. 8vo, portrait, boards. 3* 1815 1032 EGEDE (Hans) Description of Greenland, its Natural History, Situa- tion, Boundaries, and Ancient and Modern Inhabitants. 8vo, map and plates, calf gilt. 5s Qd— plain calf. 4s 1745 1033 EGEDE'S Greenland, with an Historical Introduction. 8vo, map and boards. 3s— half calf. 4>s 5d 1818 1034 EGEDE, Description et Histoire Naturelle du Greenland traduite en Francois. 8vo. Is 6d Geneve, 1763 1035 EGMONT (John, Earl of) Memorial to the King for a Grant of the whole Island of St. John's, in the Gulph of St. Lawrence. 8vo, half morocco, scarce. Is 6d 1763 1036 ELLICOTT (Andrew) Journal in 1796 to 1800, for determining the Boundary between the United States and the King of Spain's Pos- sessions in America (the countries on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Gulf of Mexico). 4lo, maps, boards. 18* 1803 1037 ELLIOT (Professor) Manual of the United States History from 1492 to 1850. Thick post 8vo, cloth, is Qd Boston, 1856 1038 ELLIS (Samuel) History of the Order of the Sons of Temperance, from its Organization/ 29th Sept. 1842, to the commencement of 1848; also Account of its Formation and Introduction into the several States of the Union. 8vo, cloth. 2s Boston,l84iO 1039 ELLIS'S (Henry) Voyage to Hudson's Bay, in the Dobbs Galley and California, 1746-7, for discovering a North-west Passage. 8vo, map and plates, calf neat. 4* 6d 1748 1040 ELLIS, Voyage de la Baye de Hudson. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo, map and plates, neat. 2s Qd — Another, 8vo, neat. 3s 6c? 1750 1041 EL REPERTORIO AMERICANO. 4 vols. 8vo, plates (a periodical work, relating principally to South America). 6* 1826 No more published. 1042 ELY (Rev. E. S. of New Fork) Visits of Mercy, being the Journal of the stated Preacher to the Hospital and Almshouse in the City of New York. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, calf gilt. 3s Qd 1813 1043 EMERSON (Rev. W.) Historical Sketch of the first Church in Boston, from its formation to the present period. 8vo, calf. 4s Boston, 1812 1044 EMERY (Samuel Hopkins) The Ministry of Taunton, New England, with incidental Notices of other Professions, with Introductory Notice by Hon. Francis Baylies. 2 vols, post 8vo, portraits, cloth. 10« 6c? Boston, 1853 1045 EMMONS (Nathaniel, D.D.) Sermons on Various Subjects of Christ- ian Doctrine and Duty. 8vo, portrait, calf '. 4s Providence, 1823 L046 ENGEL, Memoires et Observations Geographiques et Critiques sur la situation des Pays Septentrionaux de l'Asie et de l'Amerique. 4to, maps, sewed. 4* — Another, in boards {litte stained). 3s &d 1765 1047 ENGEL (E. B. d') Essai sur cette Question quand et comment. l'Amerique, a-t-elle ete peuplee d'Hommes et d'Animaux. 5 vols. 12mo, old calf . Is &d J ms t. 1767 1048 ENGEL. Vols.J. to IV. calf neat. 2s bd ib. 1767 68 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1049 ENGLAND and AMERICA, A Comparison of the Social and Political State of both Nations. 2 vols, in l,"8vo, neic half calf . 9s Qd 1833 By E. Or. Wakefield, the Colonizer of New Zealand. 1050 ENS (Gasp) Indiae Occidentales Historia, in qua prima Regionuui istarum detectio Situs incolarum Mores aliaque eb pertineutia Expli- cantur. 8vo, vellum, scarce. £\. 5s 1612 1051 ENQUIRY into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British Interest, and into the Measures for recovering their Friendship ; with Notes by the Editor, explaining sundry Indian Customs, &c. 8vo, map, very scarce, uncvt. 15s 1759 1052 ENTICK (Rev. John) General History of the late War, its Rise, Progress, and Events in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 4 vols. 8vo, maps and plates {some wanting), calf. 12* — Another, wanting 2 portraits, calf, very neat. 14s — A Complete Copy, calf neat. 16s 1763 Containing many interesting particulars relative to the Catabaw, Cherokee, Chickesaw, Delaware, and other tribes of Indians. 1053 ENTICK. — Second Edition, 5 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, calf neat. Us6d 1765 1054 ENTICK.— Third Edition (so called), 5 vols. Svo, neat. 16s td 1766 1055 ENTICK.— Third Edition (so called), 5 vols. 8vo, cf. nt. 16s 1772 1056 ENTICK.— Third Edition, 5 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 16s 6d 1775 1057 ENTICK.— Eourth Edition, 5 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 17s 1779 1058 EPISTOLiE ad Pium Sixtum pro causa Beatificationis Ant. Margil a Jesu Missionairii Apostolici Ord. Min. S. Francisci de Observantia Trium Collegiorura de Propaganda Fide in America Septentrionale, ejusdem Missionibus Prsefecti in Indiis Occidentalibus. 4to, S/anish calf. 1 2s Romce, 1792 Containing Forty-six Letters on the progress of Christianity in Mexico, Guatemala, &c. 1059 EPITAPHS from the Old Burying-Ground in Cambridge, with Notes by W. T. Harris. 8vo, boards. 4s Cambridge, U.S., 1845 1060 ERCILLA (Alonso de) Primera parte de la Araucana. 8vo, vellum. 5 s Madrid, 1610 1061 ERCILLA Y ZUNICA (Alonzo de) La Araucana primera, segunda, y tercera parte, 1733. Quarta y Quinta Parte en que se prosique y acaba la Historia de Ercilla hasta la Reducion del Valle de Arauco en el Reyno de Chile, por Don Diego Santistevan Osorio. Folio, neat. £1. Is — Another, fine copy, in old calf gilt. £1. 5s — in vellum. £1. 2s Madrid, 1733-35 1062 ERCILLA (Don Alonso de) La Araucana. 2 vols, post 8vo, portrait, best edition, fine copy, calf neat. 12s — old calf. 10s Madrid, 1776 1063 ERCILLA Y ZUNIGA (A. de) La Araucana. 4 vols. 18mo, half calf. 4s Paris, 1824 The author was present at most of the transactions he states, and his truth may be relied on. — Ovalle. Cervantes says in his Don Quixote, that the Araucana of Ercilla was one of the best poems in heroic verse which the Castilians possessed, and might be compared with the most famous productions of Italy. Voltaire placed Ercilla by the side of Homer, Virgil, Tasso, Camoens, and Milton. 1064 ESCALONE (Gaspar de) Gazophilacium Regium Perubicum in quo oranes Materise Spectantes ad administrationem, calculationem, et consei •'. ationem jurium regalium Regni Peruani discutiuntur editum. Folio, fine copy on large paper, calfneat. £1. 5s Matritii, 1775 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 69 1065 EENST V BIBRA (Dr. Frhr.) Reise in Siidamerika (Brasil, Chili, and Peru). 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, cloth. 4$ Mannheim, 1854 1066 ESCHWEGE (W. L. Von) Pluto Brasiliensis eine reihe von Abhand- lungen uber Brasilicus Gold, Diamanten, und anderen Mineralischen Reichthura uber die Geschichte seiner Entdeckung. 8vo, pp. 622, maps and plates, half calf gilt. 9s Berlin, 1833 A valuable work on the G-old and Diamond Mines of Brazil. 1067 ESPINOSA (El Padre Fr. Isidro Felix de) El Peregrino Septentrional Atlante delineado en la Exemplarissima vida del Ven. Padre Fr. Antonio Margil de Jesus, Apostol. de Guatemala. 4to, vellum, scarce. £1. Is 1742 The greater part of his life was passed in Guatemala and Mexico, relating many surprising conversions to Christianity amongst the Indians. 1068 ESPRONCEDA (D. Jose de) Obras Poesias. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . 5 s Valparaiso, 1844 1069 ESQUIMAUX LANGUAGE.— Gospels translated into the Lauguage of the Esquimaux Indians on the Coast of Labrador; by the Mis- sionaries of the Unitas Fratrum. 8vo, calf. Ss 1813 1070 ESSAI sur les Interets du Commerce Maritime, par M. D* *. 12mo, calf neat. 2s A la Haye, 1754 From pages 96 to 181 relate to the Colonies in America. 1071 ESTRADA (Don A. F.) Examen Imparcial de las Disensiones de la America con la Espana. 4to, cloth. 5s Cadiz, 1812 1072 ETON'S (Amos.) Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District adjoining the Eric Canal in the State of New York, taken under the Direction of the Hon. Stephen von Rensselaer; Part I. containing the Description of the Rock Formations, with Geological Profile extending from the Atlantic to Lake Eric. 8vo, large folding map. embracing several views, boards. 5* Albany, 1824 1073 EV ANGEL IUM Okausek tussarnersok Gub Niarnanik, Sec. (the Gos- pels, translated into the Greenland Dialect by Paul Egede). 8vo, fine copy, calf, gilt leaves, rare. JB1. 1* Kiobenhavnme, 1744 1074 EVANS (Lewis) Geographical, Historical, Political, and Mechanical Essays, the first containing an Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, and of the Country of the Con- federate Indians. 4to, large map, fine copy, new calf gilt, by Bedford. £2. 2s Philadelphia, Printed by B. Franklin $- D. Hall, 1755 1075 EVANS'S MAP.— Another, new half calf . £1. 6s ib. 1755 1076 EVANS'S Life of Dr. W. Richards, of Lynn, in England, with some Account of the Rev. Roger Williams, Founder of the State of Rhode Island, as well as the first assertor of complete Religious Liberty in America. Small 8vo, boards. 4>s 6d 1818 Several curious matters relating to America in the Life of Mr. Richards, who left his Library to Brown University. 1077 EVERARD (John) Gospel Treasures, or the Holiest of all Unveiling, discovering yet more the Riches of Grace and Glory to the Vessels of Mercy. 4to, fine copy, calf gilt. £\. lis Qd London, 1653, and now reprinted in Germantown by Christ. Sower, 1757 1078 EVERARTE (Aegedio) De herba Panacea quam alii Tabacum alii petum aut Nicotianam Vocant Commentariolus — Compendiosa Nar- ratio de usu et praxi radicis Mechoacam en Hispania nova Indise Occidentalis nuper allata. 12mo, vellum. 10* Qd Antv. 1587 1079 EVERETT (Alex. E.) Europe; or, a General Survey of the Present Situation of the Principal Powers, with Conjectures on their Future Prospects. Svo, boards. 4* Qd Boston, 1822 70 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1080 EVERETT (Alex. E.) America ; or, a General Survey of the Political Situation of the several Powers of the Western Continent. Svo, boards. 4s 6d Philadelphia, 1827 1081 EVERETT (Edward) Oration delivered at Plymouth on the Anniver- sary of the Settlement of New England. 8vo, boards. 3s 6c? Boston. 1825 1082 EVERETT (Edward) Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855: an Oration delivered on the 4th July, 1855, and Account of the Proceed- ings in Dorchester at the Celebration of the Day. Royal 8vo : cloth, autograph presentation copy. 5* Boston, 1855 1083 EXAMINATION of Jos. Galloway, Esq., late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania before the House of Commons, in a Committee on the American Papers, with Explanatory Notes. 8vo, boards. 3s 1780 1084 EXPEDITIONS into the Valley of the Amazons, during the 16th and 17th Centuries; edited and translated by C. R. Markham. Svo, cloth . 1 2s Halduyt Soc. 1859 1085 EXPOSE upon existing Dissensions between Chile and the Peru- Bolivian Confederation; by a Peru-Bolivian. 8vo, half morocco. 2* Qd 1837 1086 Til ACTS relative to the Conduct of the War in the West Indies, col- J_ lected from .the Speech of Henry Dundas, and Documents laid before Parliament, Mo, half calf. 3* 1796 1087 FADEN'S (W.) North American Atlas, selected from the most Authentic Maps, Charts, Plans, &c. 38 maps {large), royal folio, half calf. 15* 1777 1088 PAGE (Robert) Cosmography, or a Description of the whole World (a great part relates to America). Small Svo, map, half calf. Is U 1663 1089 FAIRFIELD (Jane) Life of Sumner Lincoln Fairfield, Esq. Small 8vo, portrait, cloth. 2s New Yorlc, 1847 1090 FAIRFIELD (Sumner L.) Abaddon, the Spirit of Destruction, and other Poems. 8vo, boards. 2s New York, 1830 1091 FALCONER on the Discovery of the Mississippi, by De la Salle and Tonty. Post 8vo, large map, cloth. 4s — half calf gilt. 5s 1844 1092 FALCONER. — Voyages, Adventures, and Imminent Escapes of Capt. Rich. Falconer ; containing the Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Indians in America, his Marrying an Indian Wife, and Narrow Escape from the Island of Dominico. 12mo, frontispiece, old calf. 3s 1724 1093 FALKNER (Thomas) Description of Patagonia and adjoining Parts of South America, and particulars relating to Falkland Island. 4to, large maps, new half calf . 12s 6d Hereford, 1774 1094 FANCOURT (Charles) History of Yucatan, from its Discovery to the close of the 17th Century. 8vo, map, cloth. 5s (pub. at 10s Gd) 1854 1095 FARMER (Dr. Henry T.) Imagination, The Mancas Dream, and other Poems. 8vo, calf. 2s 6d New Fork, 1819 1096 FARNHAM (Thomas J.) Travels in the Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Territory. 2 vols, post Svo, new half calf gilt. Is 6d 1843 1097 FARNHAM (Tho. J.) Travels in the Great Western Prairies. Crown 8vo, boards. 2s Gd Ploughlceepsie, 1843 1098 FAUX'S (W.) Memorable Days in America, being the Journal of a Tour, to shew Men and Things as they are. 8vo, new half calf gilt. 4 s— boards. 3s 1823 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 71 1099 FARRAR (Timothy) Report of the Case of the Trustees of Dartmouth College against W. H. Woodward, argued and Determined in the Superior Court of Judicature of the State of New Hampshire. Royal 8vo, boards. 5* Portsmouth, N.H. 1819 1100 FEARON (H. B.) Narrative of a Journey of 5000 miles through the Eastern and Western States of America, with Remarks on Birkbeck's Notes and Letters. 8vo, boards. 2* — half calf gilt. 3s 6d 1818 1101 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Observations upon the Treaty of Washington, with the Treaty annexed, map, 1843 — Phillimore (B.) Letter to Lord Ashburton on International Law, 1842 — Case of the Creole considered, in a Second Letter to Lord Ashburton, 1842. In 1 vol. 8vo, new half calf . 5* 1102 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Excursion through the Slave States, from Washington on the Potomac to the Frontier of Mexico. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, cloth. Is 6d (pub. at £1. 8s) 1844 1103 FEDERALIST (The) on the New Constitution, written in 1788 by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay, and Appendix of the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius. 8vo, calf. 6* Hallowell, 1842 " The • Federalist ' ought to be familiar to the statesmen of every nation." De Toequeville. 1104 FELT (Joseph B.) Annals of Salem. 2 vols, post 8vo, portrait and maps, cloth. 9s 6d Salem, 1845 1105 FELT (J. B.) Ecclesiastical History of New England, Vol. I., 1517 to 1647. Thick 8vo, cloth. 10* U Boston, 1835 It everywhere discloses a thoroughness of research and an accuracy of statement in regard to matters of fact which the early history of New Eng- land never before had, and will never again need. 1106 FERGUSON (Adam) Practical Notes made during a Tour in Canada and a portion of the United States in 1831. 12mo, cl. 2s 6d 1833 1107 FERMIN (Philippe) Description generale Historique et Physique, de la Colonie de Surinam. 2 vols. 8vo {wanting map), plates, half calf . 4* Amst. 1769 1108 FERMIN (Philippe) Histoire Naturelle de la Colonie de Surinam. 8v '0, frontispiece, boards. 4* Amst. 1765 1109 FERRALL (S. A.) A Ramble of 6000 Miles through the United States of America. 8vo, facsimile, boards. 3* 1832 1110 FERRIS (Benj.) History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware, from its Discovery by Hudson to the Colonization under William Penn. 8vo, plates, cloth. 7* Wilmington, 1846 1111 FERRIS. — Memoirs of the Life of David Ferris, an Approved Minister in the Society of Friends, late of Wilmington, in the State of Dela- ware. Small 8vo, boards. 2* — half calf . 3* York, 1825 1112 FERRIS (Mrs. B. G.) The Mormons at Home, with ^.ome Incidents of Travel from Missouri to California. Post 8vo, cloth. 3* New York, 1856 1113 FERNANDEZ (P. Jo. P.) Historica relatio de Apostolicis Missionibus Patrum Soc. Jesu apud Chiquitos, Paraquarise populos. 4to, half calf, scarce. £1. 11* 6d Aug. Find, 1733 1114 FERNANDEZ (Juan Patricio) Relacion Historial de las Missiones de los Indios que Llaman Chiquitos que estan a Cargo de los Padres de . la Compania de Jesus de la Provincia del Paraguay. 4to, good copy, half russia, very scarce. £1.15* Madrid, 1726 72 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1115 FESSENDEN (Rev. Thos., Pastor at Walpole, N.H.) Theoretic Ex- planation of the "Science of Sanctity, according to Reason, Scripture, &c. 8vo, neat. 3s &d Erattleboro' , 1804 1116 FEUILLEE (R. P. Louis) Journal des Observations Physiques et Botaniques, faites par l'Ordre du Roy sur les Cotes Orientales de l'Amerique Meridionale et dans les Indes Occidentales, depuis l'Annee 1707 jusques en 1712. 2 vols, in 1, Mo, plates, old calf. 15* Paris, 1714 1117 FEVILLE (Ludwig) Beschreibung zur Arzeney dienlicher Pflanzen welche in den reichen des Mittagigen America, in Peru und Chili, Vorzuglish in Gebrauche sind. 4to, coloured plates, half calf. 15s Number g, 1766 1118 FIDLER'S (Rev. I.) Observations on Professions, Literature, Alanners, &c, in the United States and Canada. Post 8vo, bds. 2s 6d 1833 1119 FIRMIN (Giles, of Ipswich, N.E.) Weighty Questions discussed ; first, whether Imposition of Hands in separating a Person to the Work of the Ministry be necessary ; whether essential to the right Constitution of a particular Church that the Teaching Elders and Members meet alwayes in one place, with a Prediction of Mr. Dan. Rogers, Minister in Essex long before the Beheading King Charles I. and Archbishop Laud, Foretelling that they shonld not Dye a Natural Death. 4to, boards. 6* 1692 1120 FIRMIN (Giles, of Ipswich, New England) Real Christian, or a Treatise of Effectual Calling. 4to, half calf. 4* &d 1670 1121 FIRMIN (Giles) of Seism. Parochial Congregations in England, and Ordination by Imposition of Hands, with Examination of Mr. Noyes, of New England, his Arguments. 8vo, old calf. 1s6d 1658 1122 FISHER (Alex.) Journal of a Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions in the years 1819 and 1820. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 3s -new half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1821 1123 FITZGERALD'S (J. E.) Examination of the Charter and Proceedings of the Hudsons's Bay Company with reference to the Grant of Van- couver's Island. 12mo, map, cloth. 2s 6d 1849 1124 FLINT (James) Letters from America, Observations on the Climate and Agriculture of the Western States, Manners of the People, &c. 8vo, new half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1822 1125 FXINT (T.) History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley, and Physical Geography of the Atlantic, United States, and the whole American Continent. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, bound. 4s 6d — new half calf. 6s Cincinati, 1832 1126 FLINT (Timothy) Recollections of the last Ten Years, passed in occasional Residences and Journeyings in the Valley of Mississippi. 8vo (some pages marked with ink lines), boards. 4s — half calf gilt. 6s Boston, 1826 1127 FLINTER (Colonel) An Account of the Present State of the Island of Puerto Ricco. 8vo, boards. 5s — new half calf gilt. 6s Qd 1834 1128 FLINTER (Major) History of the Revolutions of Caracas, with Des- cription of the Llaneros, or People of the Plains of South America. 8vo, boards. 4s 6c? 1819 1129 FLORIDA.— Description of East Florida, by W. Stork; with a Journal kept by John Bartram, of Philadelphia, Botanist, upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John, as far as the Lakes. 4to, maps, half calf. 9s 1769 J. R. Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. 73 1130 FLORIDA.— Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida by Don Ferdi- nando de Soto and his 600 Followers. Translated from the Portu- guese by Kiehd. Haklayt, 1611, edited with Notes, by W. B. Eye. 8vo, map, cloth. 10s Qd Hakluyt Society, 1851 1131 FLORIDA. — Papers laid before Congress respecting claims to Land in East Florida. Thick 8vo, half calf . 5s Washington, 1824 1132 FORBES (Alex.) California. A History of Upper and Lower Cali- fornia, from their first Discovery to the Present Time. 8vo, plates, cloth. 6* 6d— half calf gilt. 8s 1839 1133 FORCE (Peter) Tracts and other Papers relating principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the year 1776. Vols. I. and II. Royal 8vo, boards. £1. Is Washington, 1836 1134 FORM of Discipline for the Preachers, Ministers, &c, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America, Considered and Approved at a Con- ference at Baltimore. 12 mo, neat. 4s 6d Philadelphia, 1791 1135 FORSTER (J. R.) Catalogue of the Animals, Plants, &c. &c. of North America, and Directions for Collecting and Preserving them. 8vo, frontispiece, boards. 5s 1771 1136 FORSTER'S (J. R.) History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North. 4to, maps, calf neat. 4s 6d 1786 1137 FOX (George) Journal or Historical Account of his Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love in the Work of the Ministry. 2 vols, thick post 8vo, cloth. 5s Leeds, 1836 Geo. Fox visited America in 1671 ; his account of the Colonial Life of that period is interesting. 1138 FOX and BURN YE AT.— A New England Fire Brand Quenched, being an Answer unto a Slanderous Book entituled, George Fox Digged out of his Burrows, &c, Printed at Boston in 1676, by Roger Williams, of Providence, in New England ; in Two Parts. As also an Answer to R. W.'s Appendix, &c. 4to, new calf, good copy, with Manuscript Title to the first part, remarkably well done, rare. £3. 3s Printed in the year 1679 1139 FOXE (Capt. Luke) North West Fox, or Fox from the North West Passage, with Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawk- '- ridge, Hall's Three Voyages to Greenland, &c. 4to, woodcut of a globe, and engraved map containing in the corner the Fox running away with the Goose, fine copy, half calf , rare. £10. 10s 1635 1140 FRANCHERE (Gabriel) Narrative of a Voyage to the North West Coast of America in the years 1811, 12, 13, and 14, or the first American Settlement on the Pacific, translated by J. V. Huntington. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s New York, 1854 1141 FRANCISCI (Erasmi) Guineischer und Americanischer Bluuien-Busch fremder Weisen sitten imgleichen aller Konige in Peru und Mexico geschichten, plates, Nurnberg, 1669 — Hommersam (M.) Guineische und West Indianische Reisbeschreibung, plates, ib. 1663. In 1 vol. 8vo, vellum. Is 6d 1142 FRANCISCI (Eras.) Ost und West Indischen wie auch Sinesischer Lust und Stats Garten. Thick folio (pp. 1762 and Index), numerous plates, fine copy, vellum, gilt leaves. £1. Is Nurnberg, 1668 1143 FRANKLIN (James) Philosophical and Political History of the 13 United States of America, Vermont, East and West Florida, West India Islands, &c. 8vo, calf. 5s 1784 74 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1144 FRANKLIN.— The Examination of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, relative to the Repeal of the American Stamp Act, 1766. Svo,cl. 12s6 Another edition, 12mo, {wanting 3 leaves) vel. 12s Tenet, 1576 1249 GOMARA (Francesco Lopez di) Historia di Don Ferdinando Cortes con le sue Maravigliosi prodezze, nel tempo che Discopri ed acquisto la nuova Spagua, tradotta per Agostino di Cravaliz. 8vo, old calf, very scarce. £1. 4s Venetia, 1576 1250 GOMARA (Lopez de) Historia General de las Indias. ¥ olio (imperfect, wanting the first two pages and Index after the letter T), sewed (from Barcias Collection). 3s 1251 GOODRICH (S. G., " Peter Parley") Recollections of a Lifetime, or Men and Things I have seen. 2 very thick vols, post 8 vo, plates, cloth. 6s 1856 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 81 1252 GOODRIDGE (C. M.) Narrative of a Voyage to the South Seas, and the Shipwreck of the Princess of Wales Cutter, with an Account of Two Years' Residence on an Uninhabited Island. 12mo, portrait and plates, half calf gilt. 3s bd Exeter, 1847 1253 GOODSIR (Robt. A.) Arctic Voyage to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound, in Search of Friends with Sir John Franklin. Post 8vo, folding map and plate, cloth. 3s 6d 1850 1254 GORDON'S (J. Bentley) Historical and Geographical Memoir of the North American Continent, its Nations and Tribes. 4to, boards. 1s6d 1820 1255 Large Paper, boards. 12s 1820 1256 GORDON (Dr. Wm.) Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America, including an Account of the late War, and of the 13 Colonies, from their Origin to that period. 4 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, boards. 15s — half calf , uncut. 16s 6d — new, half calf gilt. 18s — whole calf 18s 1788 1257 Another Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, neat. 14s New York, 1789 Dr. Gordon went to 'America in 1770, and remained there until 1786, and wrote a considerable part of hia work on the spot. Congress allowed him the inspection of such records as could with propriety be submitted to the perusal of a private person. Washington, Gates, Greene, Lincoln, and Otho Williams also allowed a liberal examination of their papers. " The accounts here given of American Affairs," says the author, " are so different in sevei'al respects from what have been the conceptions of many on each side the Atlantic, that it was necessary to insert a variety of letters, papers, and anecdotes, to authen- ticate the narrative." 1258 GOSSE (P. H.) The Canadian Naturalist. Post 8vo, cl. 6* 6d 1840 1259 GOSSE (P. H.) A Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica. Post 8vo, coloured plates, cloth. 9s (pub. at 14s) 1851 1260 GOTTFRIEDT (J. L.) Newe Welt und Amerikanische Historien inhaltende Warhafftige und Volkommene Beschreibungen aller West Indianischen Landschaften Insulen, Kbnigreichen und Provintzien. Folio, maps, and above 200 curious plates engraved by Matthew Merian after Be Bry, boards. £2. 2s 1631 1261 GOTTFRIEDT (J. L.) Historia Antipodum, oder Newe Welt. Folio, with upwards of 200 plates engraved by Matt. Merian (two sheets in MS. coeval with the publication), new half russia, a very curious volume. £2. 12s 6d Franckfurt, 1655 1262 GOTTFRIED (J. L.) De Aanmerkens-Waardige Voyagien door Fran- coisin, Italiaanen, Deenen, Hoogduytsen en andere vreemde Yolkeren gedaan na Ost en West Indien, comprising amongst others, Acostas' Travels in America, 1592, &c. — Monette's Voyage to America, 1670 — Marquetti's Travels in Illinois, Iroquoi, &c, in 1673 — Ulrich Schmidt's Travels in America, 1535 — De Soto's Travels in Florida, 1539 — Benzo's Voyage to the West Indian Islands in 1541 — Jan Stadens' Travels in the Brazils in 1547 — Lerius, Brazils in 1556 — Pontius, Ribald, and others, in Florida in 1562 — Caesar Frederick's Eight Years' Travels in Greenland and the East Indies in 1563 ; altogether, 28 various Voyages. 2 vols, folio, numerous maps, and MANY HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS AFTER De BbY AND OTHERS, fine copy, half calf gilt. £2. 2s Tot Ley den, 1705 1263 GOUGE'S (W. M.) The Fiscal History of Texas. 8vo, cloth. 3s Philad. 1852 1264 GOULD'S (Nat. D.) Church Music in America, its History, Pecu- liarities, &c. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s Boston, 1853 82 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1265 GOURLAY'S (Robt.) Statistical and Historical Account of Upper Canada. 3 thick vols. Svo, plates and maps, boards. Is 1822 1266 GOURLAY (Robert) Appeal to the Common Sense, Mind, and Man- hood of the British Nation {on Canadian Affairs, fyc.) 8vo, with autograph note of the Author when in prison, boards, 3s 6d 1826 1267 GRAAF (Nic. de) Reysen na Asia, Africa, America (Brazil), en Europa, mitsgarders syn Oostjndische Speigel. 4to, frontispiece and plates, half calf. 3s id Tot Hoorn, 1704 1268 GRAAH (Capt, W. A.) Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland, in Search of the Lost Colonies. 8vo, large map, cloth, 5s 1837 1269 GRAHAM'S Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont, one of the United States. 8 vo, portrait, neat. 4s — boards {no portrait). 2s 6d 1797 1270 GRAHAME'S History of the Rise and Progress of the United States till the British Revolution of 1688. 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 6s 6d 1827 1271 GRAHAME'S History of the United States of America to their Declaration of Independence. 4> vols. Svo, boards. 14s 1836 " This historical work is the fruit of more than eleven years of intense meditation, eager research, industrious composition, and solicitous revisal." — Author's Preface. 1272 GRAHAM'S (Maria, afterwards Lady Callcotf) Residence in Chili, and Voyage from Chili to Brazil. 4to, plates; bds. 6s — Another, half calf gilt. 8s— whole calf '. 9s 1824 1273 GRAHAM'S (Maria) Voyage to Brazil and Residence there, 1821 to 1823. 4to, plates, boards. 6s 1824 1274 GRAHAM (Maria) Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence there in 1821, 1822, and 1S23, plates, 18 2 4— Journal of a Residence in Chili in 1822, and Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823, plates. In I vol. 4to, calf gilt. 14s — half calf gilt. 12s 1275 GRAHAM (Mrs. Isabella, of New York) Power of Eaith Exemplified in the Life and Writings of. 8vo, portrait inserted, cf nt. 3s 1816 1276 GRANT'S (Mrs., of Laggaii) Memoirs of an American Lady, with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America as they existed previous to the Revolution. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf . 4s 1S09 — Another Edition. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf . 3a 6d 1817 1277 GRANT (Dr. Andrew) History of Brazil, comprising a Geographical Account and Remarkable Events. Svo, boards. 3s — 4s 1809 127S GRAY (Hugh) Letters from Canada during a Residence there, 1806 to 1808. 8vo, map, bds. 2s— half calf \ 2s 6d— calf gilt. 3s 1809 1279 GRAYDON'S (Alex.) Memoirs of his own Time, with Reminiscences of Men and Events of the Revolution, edited by Littell. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5 s 1846 1280 GRECE (Charles E.) Facts and Observations respecting Canada. Svo, half calf gilt. 3s 1819 1281 GREEN (Jacob) Spiritual Inability, a Sermon. 8vo, half calf 3s 6d New Fork, Printed by H. Gaine, 1767 1282 GREENE (Nat., Major- General) Life of, by G. W. Greene. Post Svo, cloth. 2s 6d Boston, 1846 1283 GREENLAND and ICELAND.— Relation du Groenland, map and plate, Paris, 1647 — Relation de l'lslande, par la Peyrere, map, Paris, 1663. In 1 vol. 12mo, old calf . 15s 12S4 GREENOUGH (Horatio) Memorial of, consisting of Selections from his Writings and Tributes to his Genius, by Henrv T. Tuckennan. Svo, cloth. 3s New Fork, 1853 /. R. Smithj 36, Soho Square, London. 83 1285 GREEN" MOW'S (EobL, Librarian to the Department of State) Memoir of the North-west Coast of America and adjacent Territories. Eoyal 8vo, large map, cloth. 4s Qd — half calf. 5s N. Y., 1840 1285*GREENHOW'S (Llobt.) History of Oregon and California, and the other Territories on the North- West Coast of America, accompanied by a Geographical View and Map, and a number of Proofs and Illustrations of the History. Thick 8vo, large map, cloth. Is Qd (pub. at 16s.) London, 1844 1286 GEEGG (Josiah) Commerce of the Prairies, or the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader during Eight Expeditions across the great Western Prairies. 2 vols. 12mo, map and plates, cloth. 6s 1844 1287 GREGOIRE (H.) De la Litterature des Negres, ou Eecherches sur leurs Facultes Intellectuelles, leurs Qualites Morales, et leur Litte- rature ; suivies de Notices sur la Vie et les Ouvrages des Negres qui se sont Distingues dans les Sciences, les Lettres, et les Arts. 8vo, sewed. 5 s Paris, 1808 1288 GREGOEY (William) Visible Display of Divine Providence, or Journal of a Captured Missionary designated to the Southern Pacific Ocean (his residence in Monte Video, Paraguay, fyc.) 8vo, map and plates, calf. 4s 6d 1800 — Second Edition. 8vo, half calf, wanting a plate. 3s 1801 1289 GRENADA. — Laws of the Legislature of the Island of Grenada and the Grenadines. 2 vols, folio, interleaved, calf. 15s Grenada, 1778 1290 GEENADA.— Laws of Grenada, from the Year 1763 to 1805, with Tables of all the Statutes, and Index of Contents, by Geo. Smith. 4to, boards. 10s 6^ 1808 1291 GRIMSHAW (W.) History of the United States, from their first Settlement as Colonies to the Peace of Ghent. 8vo, calf. 2s Qd Philadelphia, 1820 1292 GRISWOLD (Eufus W.) The Poets and Poetry of America, with an Historical Introduction. Eoyal 8vo, frontispiece of portraits, cloth. 6s 1842 1293 G[EOOME] (S.) A Glass for the People of New England, in which they may See themselves and Spirits, and if not too late, Eepent and Turn from their Abominable Ways and Cursed Contrivances. By S. G. 4to, boards, uncut, rare. £4. 14s 6c? 1676 1294 GEAVES (J.) Account of the Bahama Islands, their Situation, Product, Conveniency of Trading with the Spaniards, Benefit from the great quantities of Salt made by the Sun, and Safety of all Ships in Distress by the Harbour. 4to, half morocco. 15s 1708 1295 GEUND (Francis J.) The Americans in their Social, Moral, and Political Eelations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 4s (Sd 1837 1296 GEYNAEUS. — Novus Orbis regionum ac Insularum Veteribus Incog- nitarum. Folio (no map), half vellum. 16s — Anothek, German boards. 15s Basilecc, 1532 1297 GEYNAEUS. Another Edition. Folio, with the map, calf neat. £\. Is — Another. Without map, little wormed, cf. 16s ^.1537 Containing the Voyages of Columbus, Vespucius, Peter Martyr's " De Insulis nuper repertis," Cortes's Letters, &c, &c. It is the earliest collection of Voyages ever published. 1298 GEINiEUS (Simon) Novus Or>)is Eegionum ac Insularum Veteribus Incognitarum. Folio, good sound copy, calf gilt, marbled leaves. £1. Is Basilea, 1555 1299 Another. Wanting map and last leaf calf. 10s ib. 1555 84 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1301 GRTNEUS. — Die Nieuwhe Weerelt tier Landtschappen ende Eylanden die tot hicr toe alien onden Weerelt Bescrijvere onbekent geweest sign. Y olio, half calf . £1.1* Hantwerpen, 1 563 1302 Another copy. Title inlaid, vellum. £1.4* ££.1563 This edition is considerably augmented. 1304 GUATEMALA. — Statement of the important Grants conceded to the Eastern Coast of Central America Commercial and Agricultural Com- pany of the State of Guatemala. 8vo, maps, cloth. 2s 1839 1305 GUIANA. — Beschryving van Guiana en een Vericht van de Rivieren en Plantagien Berbice, Essequebo, en Demerary. 8vo, half calf, uncut. 3* Amst. 1794 1306 GUIANA. — Tableau de Cayenne, ou de la Guiane Francaise, contenant des Renseignemens Exacts sur son Climat, ses Productions, les Naturels du Pays, &c. 8vo, sewed. 3* Paris, 1799 1307 GUIANA. — Eight Years in British Guiana, with Anecdotes and Inci- dents illustrating the Social Condition of its Inhabitants, and State and Prospects of the Sugar Colonies. 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1850 1308 GUIANA. — Voyage a la Guiane et a Cayenne fait en 17 89, et Annees Suivantes, par L. M. B. 8vo, front, and map. SsQd Paris, 1798 1309 GUIANA. — Twelve Views in Guiana, from Drawings by C. Bentley, with Descriptive Letter-Press by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk. Royal folio, the plates beautifully coloured, map and many vignettes, new half morocco extra. £1. 15s (pub. at £4. 4s) 1841 1310 GUIANA. — Missionary Labours in British Guiana, with Remarks on the Manners, Customs, and Rites of the Aborigines. By J. H. Bernnu. Post 8vo, plates, boards. 3s 6^ 1847 1311 GUIBERT.— Eloge du Roi de Prusse, Londres, 1787— Condorcet Eloge de M. Eranklin en a la Seance Publique de l'Acaderaie des Sciences, Paris, 1791. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . 3s 1312 GUILLERMIN (G.) Preces Historique des derniers evenemens de la Partie de Test St. Domingue, depuis le 10 Aout, jusqu'a la Capitula- tion de St. Domingue. 8vo, sewed. 4s 6c? Paris, 1811 1313 GUMILLA (P. Joseph) El Orinoco ilustrado Historia Natural, Civil, y Geographica, de este gran Rio, Govierno usos y Costumbres de lo< Indios sus Habitadores. 4to, map and plates, calf gilt. 16s Mad. 1741 1314 GUMILLA. Another Spanish Edition. 2 vols. 4to, map and plates, vellum. £1. 8s Madrid, 1745 1315 GUMILLA. Another Edition. 2 vols, in 1, 4to, map and plates, new Spanish calf gilt, very scarce. £1. 15s Barcelona, 1781 1316 GUMILLA (P. Joseph) Histoire Naturelie Civile et Geographique de l'Orenoque, et des principales Rivieres qui s'y jettent, des usages et coutumes des Indiens qui l'habitent. 3 vols. 12mo, map and plates, calf neat. 10s 6d—fne clean copy in old calf. 14s Avignon, 1758 1317 GUNNISON (Lieut.) The Mormons in the Valley of the Great Slave Lake, during a residence among them. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6c? 1S52 1318 GURLEY (Rev.R. R.) Mission to England in Behalf of the American Colonization Society. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d Washington, 1841 1319 GURNEY (Jos. John) A Winter in the West Indies, described in familiar letters to Henry Clay, of Kentucky. 8vo, plates, cloth. 2s 1841 1320 TTACKETT'S (J.) Narrative of the Expedition which sailed from XX England in 1817, to join the South American Patriots. 8vo, board*. 2s— calf gilt. 3s 1818 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 85 1321 HACKE'S Collection of original Voyages ; containing Captain Cow- ley's Voyage round the Globe, Captain Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien and Expedition into the South Seas, Captain Wood's Voyage through the Straits of Magellan, and Mr. Eoberts's Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant. 8vo, maps, calf. 4s fid 1699 1322 HADFIELD'S Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands, also a Voyage up the Parana. 8vo, maps and many engravings, cloth. 5* (pub! at 15*) 1854 1323 HAIGH (Samuel) Sketches of Buenos Ayres and Chile. 8vo, boards. Zs fid— half calf gilt. 4s fid 1829 1324 HAKEWILL (James) Picturesque Tour of the Island of Jamaica. 4to, coloured plates, cloth. 9s fid 1825 1325 HAKJLUYT (Richard) The principal Navigations, Voyages, Train ques, and Discoveries, of the English Nation, by Sea or Overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth. 3 vols, in 2, folio, black letter, good copy, in new calf gilt, carmine edges. £8. 8* 1599-1600 This copy has not the suppressed Voyage to Cadiz. 1326 HAKLUYT'S Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America, and the Islands adjacent, edited with Notes by J. W. Jones. 8vo, cloth. 9* Hakluyt Soc. 1850 1327 HALE'S History of the United States, from their Settlement as Colonies. 8vo, boards. 3* 1826 1328 HALIBURTON (T. J., "Sam Slick") Historical and Statistical Account of Nova-Scotia. 2 vols. 8vo, plates and boards. 12* — calf gilt. 14* fid Halifax, 1829 1329 Another copy. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards (wants map and title to vol. 2). 4s 6c? 1829 1330 HALIBURTON'S (Judge) Bubbles of Canada, by the Author of " The Clock Maker." 8vo, boards. 2* fid— new half calf gilt. 4s fid 1839 1331 HALIBURTON (Judge) The Bubbles of Canada. 8vo, with auto- graph of the author, boards. 3* 1839 1332 HALIBURTON'S (Judge) The English in America (a General View of its History to the Independence). 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 9* (pub. at &\. 1*) 1851 1333 HALIBURTON'S (Judge) The Americans at Home, or Byeways, Backwoods, and Prairies. 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 6* fid 1854 1334 HALIBURTON'S (Judge) The Old Judge, or Life in a Colony (Nova- ' Scotia). Post 8vo, cloth. 3* fid 1850 1335 HALKETT (John) Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America, with Remarks on the attempts made to convert and civilize them 8vo, boards. 4* fid 1825 1336 HALL (Capt. Basil) Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. 2 vols, post 8vo, boards. 4s— half calf ' gilt. 5*— Another, 2 vols, in 1, half calf. 4* fid Edinb. 1824 1337 HALL'S (Capt. Basil) Travels in North America. 3 vols, post 8vo, half calf 4s fid 1829 1338 HALL (Capt. Basil) Forty Etchings, from Sketches made with the Camera Lucida in North America. 4to, coloured map of the United ' States and Canada, boards, fis 1829 1339 HALL (Col. Francis) Colombia, its present State, Climate, Soil Pro- ductions, Population, Government, &c. 8vo, map, boards. 2* fid — half calf. 3* fid 1827 86 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1340 HALL'S (Lieut. Francis) Travels in Canada and the United States- 8vo, boards. 3s fid—half calf. 3* 1818 1341 HALL (James) Sketches of History, Life, and Manners, in the West. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 4s fid Philadelphia, 1835 1342 HALL (James) Notes on the Western States, containing descriptive sketches of their Soil, Climate, Resources, and Scenery. Post 8vo,- cloth. 3* Philadelphia, 1838 1343 HALL'S (The Hon. Judge) Letters from the Western States of America. 8vo, boards. Ss— half calf. Ss fid 1828 1344 HALL1DAY (Sir Andrew) The West Indies : the Natural and Physical History of the Windward and Leeward Colonies. Post 8vo, maps, cloth. 4* 1837 1345 HAMILTON'S (Col. J. P.) Travels through the Interior Provinces of Colombia. 2 vols, post 8vo, plates by Finden, boards. 4s fid — new half calf gilt. 6s fid (pub. at £1. Is) 1827 134G HAMILTON. — Review of (Hamilton's) " Men and Manners in Amer- ica." 8vo, reprinted from the North American Review, half morocco. 2s fid 1834 1847 HAMILTON'S (Capt. S.) History of the National Flag of the United States. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s Phil. 1852 1348 HAMILTON (W.) Prodromus Plantarum India? Occidentalis hucusque cognitarum tarn in oris Americas Meridionalis, quam in Insulis Anti- cillis sponte crescentium. Post 8vo, coloured plate, Ids. sc. 5s 1825 1349 HAMILTON (W.) Conspectus Floras India? Occidentalis, or Catalogue of Plants growing in the West Indian Islands, and upon the adjacent Coasts of America. An Original Manuscript, very closely and plainly written, with some autograph letters of A. B. Lambert, Be Vaux, and other Botanists, with, some prints and specimens of rare plants inserted, 2 vols. 4to. £1. lis fid 1350 HAMLIN.— Light on the Dark Eiver, or Memorials of Mrs. H. A. L. Hamlin, Missionary in Turkey, by Margarette W. Laurence. Post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 2s fid Boston, 1856 1351 HAMOR (Ralph) A True Discourse of the present Estate of Virginia, with relation of the severall English Towns and Ports, the assured hopes of that Countrie, and the Peace concluded with the Indians, the Christening of Powhatan's Daughter, and her Marriage with an English Man. 4to, fine copy, elegantly bound in morocco extra by Riviere, very rare. £15. 15* London: John Beale, 1615 Lowndes mentions a copy in the British Museum, but no reference to a copy having been sold. 1352 HAMOR (Ralphe) Dreyzehente Schiffahrt nach Virginien, auch wie nunmehr de Friede mit den Indianern beschlossen Sampt einer relation wie Konig Powhatans in Virginien, Tochter Pocahuntas genant Christlichen getaufit, et mit einem Engelischen Verheurahtel worden. 4to, curious plates, cloth. £3. 13s fid Hanaw : L. Hulsius, 1617 1353 HAMPSHIRE (New) Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire, with the Speeches of Messrs. Webster and other celebrated Men. Royal 8vo, portraits, cloth, gilt. 3s Boston, 1850 1354 HAMPSHIRE (New) Second Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire, celebrated in Boston, including also an Account of the proceedings on the Funeral of Daniel Webster. Royal 8vo, ports. 3s Boston, 1854 1355 HANGER'S (Hon. George) Address to the Army in reply to Strictures by Rod. McKenzie, on Tarlton's History of the Campaigns of 1780-1. 8vo, boards. 15s 1789 I never met with another copy. It has escaped the notice of Rich. J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 87 1356 HANGER (Col. George, afterwards Lord Coleraine) Life, Adventures, and Opinions written by himself. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . 10* 6c? 1801 The eccentric Col. Hanger in a portion of his adventures gives much personal interesting information on the movements of the belligerent troops during the American War. 1357 HANNA(Rev. S. W.) Notes of a Visit to some parts of Hayti. 12mo, plates, cloth. 2* 1836 1358 HANSON (John H.) The Lost Prince, facts tending to prove the identity of Louis the 17th of France, and Revd. Eleazar Williams, Missionary, among the Indians of North America. 8vo, portrait*, cloth. 3s 6d New Fork, 1854 1359 HARDY (Lieut. R. W. H.) Travels in the interior of Mexico, 1825 to 1828. Svo, map and plates, boards. 4s 6c? — half calf . 5s — half calf {wanting a plate). 3s 6d — new half calf gilt. 6s 6d 1829 1360 HARLAN (Dr. Richard) Fauna Americana, being a Description of the Mammiferous Animals inhabiting North America. 8vo, boards. 5s —half calf. 6s Qd Philadelphia, 1825 1361 HARMON'S (Dan Will) Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of N. America, between Montreal and the Pacific Ocean, with Account of the Indians and Vocabularies of the Knisteneux and Car- rier Tongues. Svo, neat. 5s Andover, 1820 1362 HARPER (Robert G.) Observations on the North American Land Company, lately Instituted in Philadelphia, containing an Illustration of the Object of the Company's Plan, &c., in Two Letters to a Gen- tleman in Philadelphia. 8vo, boards. 5s 1796 1363 HARRIS (Wm. Tell) Remarks during a Tour through the United States of America, in 1817, 1818, and 1819. Post Svo, maps, boards. 2s 1821 1364 HARRIS (Dr. Thomas) Life and Services of Commodore William Bainbridge, United States' Navy. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s Philadelphia 1837 1365 HART (Levi, of Preston) Discourse at the Ordination of the Rev. Abiel Holmes. 8vo, half morocco, is 6d New-Haven, 1787 1366 HARTSINK (Jan Jacob) Besehryving Van Guiana of de Wildekurt in Zuid- America. 2 vols. 4to, maps andplates, half calf . 18s Te Amsterdam, 1770 1367 HARVARD COLLEGE.— Pietas et GratulatioCollegii Cantabrigiensis apud Nova Anglos, (on the Accession of K. George III.) 4to, old red morocco. £\. Is Bostoni-Massachusettensium, 1761 A rare collection of Congratulatory Poems, and containiug the first specimen of Greek Printing in America. 1368 HARVARD COLLEGE.— Statement of the Course of Instruction, Expenses at Havard University, 1823 — Report of the Committee of the Overseers, 1825 — Ticknor's Remarks on the Changes lately pro- posed or adopted in H. U., 1825— Twelfth and Thirteenth Report of the Expenditure of the City of Boston, 1824-5. In 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1369 HARVEY (VV. W.) Sketches of Hayti. 8vo, boards. 3s— half calf. 4s Gd 1827 1369*HATTERSLEY (John) The Conquest of America, and other Poem?, 12 mo, cloth. 2s 1831 1370 HA WES (Joel) Address at Hartford at the close of the Second Cen- turv from the First Settlement (1635) of th e City. Svo, cloth, da Hartford, 1 835 88 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1371 HAWES (Dr. Joel) Historical Sketches of the first Church in Hartford. 8vo, half morocco. 4s Hartford, 1836 1372 HAWKINS'S (E., Sec. of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel) Historical Notices of the Missions of the Church of England in the North American Colonies before the Independence. 8vo, cloth. 6s 1845 1373 HAWKINS (Sir Richard) Observations in his Voyage into the South Sea, Anno Domini 1593. Folio, new and very neat, in brown calf. £2. 10*— Another. Folio, half calf (stained). £1. 5s 1622 1374 HAWKINS (Sir Richard) Observations in his Voyage to the South Sea, in 1593, edited by C. R. D. Bethune. Svo/clolh. 9s Hakluyt Soc. 1847 1375 HAWKINS (Ernest) Annals of the Diocese of Quebec. 12mo, map and plate, cloth. 2s 1849 1376 HAWKINS (Ernest) Annals of the Diocese of Toronto. 12mo, map, cloth. 2s 1848 1377 HAWKS (Francis L.) Narrative of Events connected with the rise and progress of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia, with appendix of the Journals of the Conventions in Virginia, from the Commence- ment to the present time. 8vo 3 boards. 6s N(w York, 1836 1378 HAY (Joanne, Dalgaltiensi Scoto,Societatis Jesu) De Rebus Japonicis, Indicis et Peruanis Epistoke recentiores a Joanne Hayo, Dalgattiensi Scoto Soc. Jesu cum Index rerum. 8vo, new, green morocco, extra, by Aitkin. £1. 5s — Another copy. Calf neat. 18s Antw. 1605 1379 HAYES (Isaac I., Surgeon in the 2nd Grinnell Expedition) Arctic Boat Journey in the Autumn of 1854, with Introduction and Notes by Dr. N. Shaw. 12mo, cloth. 3s U 1860 1380 HAITI. — Code Henry, Loi de Commerce, Loi Penale, and various others. In 1 vol. post 8vo, half calf . 3s 6c? An Cap Henry, 1812 1381 HAITI. — Code des Colons de St. Domingue, avec des Notes par Vanufel et Villeneuve, avocats. 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d Par. 1S26 1382 HAITIAN PAPERS.— Collection of the very interesting Proclama- tions and the Official Documents, with the Rise, Progress, and Present State of Hayti. 8vo, boards. 3s 1816 1383 HAYW 7 ARD (John) New England Gazetteer, containing descriptions of all the States, Counties, and Towns in New England, also the Mountains, Rivers, &c, &c. 8vo, frontispiece and woodcuts, calf. 2s U Concord, N.H. 1839 1384 HEAD (Sir F. B.) Rough Notes during some rapid Journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. Post 8vo, boards. 3s 1828 —calf gilt. 3s 6c? 1826 1385 HEAD (Sii F. B.) Narrative of his administration in Upper Canada, and the Revolt. 8vo, cloth. 3s — calf extra. 5s 1839 1386 HEAD'S (Sir F. B.) The Emigrant (descriptive of Scenes and Trans- actions in Upper Canada). 8vo, boards. 4s &d 1846 — Another Edition. 12 mo, boards. 2s 1852 1387 HEAP (G. 11.) Central Route to the Pacific from the Valley of the Missisippi to California. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6c? Philad. 1854 1388 HEARNE (Samuel) Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort, in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean, for the Discovery of Copper Mines, a North- West Passage, &c. 4to, map and plates, calf neat. 14j — half ">'-(■. 13s Qd—half russia. 15s 1795 1389 H.LARNE — Another Copy. 4to {wanting two vietos and two leaves), has the maps and plans, boards. 6s 1795 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 89 1390 HEARNE'S Journey. Another Edition. 8vo, map and plates, neat. 6s Qd Dublin, 1796 1391 HELMS' (A. Z.) Travels from Buenos Ayres by Potosi to Lima. 12mo, boards. 2s a .d — half calf . 3s— new half russla. is fid 1806, 7 1392 HELPER (Hinton Rowan, of North Carolina) The impending crisis of the South; how to meet it. 8vo, cloth. 3s New York, 1857 1393 HENDERSON'S (James) History of Brazil, comprising its Geography, Commerce, Colonization, Aboriginal Inhabitants, &c. &c. &c. 4to, 30 plates, boards. 12s — half calf. Ids — whole calf gilt. 14s — Another, half green morocco. 14s 1821 1394 HENDERSON (Capt.) Account of the British Settlement of Honduras, its Commercial and Agricultural Resources, with sketches of the Musquito Indians. 8vo, map, boards. 5s 1811 1395 HENDERSON". Another Edition. Small 8vo, map, boards. 4s— half calf, 4s6rf 1809 1396 HENDERSON (Capt.) Account of the British Settlement of Honduras, with sketches of the Musquito Indians, map. 1811 — Coutinho's Essay on the commerce and products of the Portuguese Colonies in South America, 1807, in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . 6s 3 397 HENNEPIN (Louis) Description de la Louisiane nouvellement de- couverte. 12mo, (no map), old calf. 12s 6d Paris, 1683 1398 HENNEPIN (R. P. Louis) Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand Pays situe dans l'Amerique enlre le nouveau Mexique et la mer glaciale. 12mo, engraved Title, (lut wanting maps and plates), cf 6s Amst. 1 698 1399 HENNEPIN (L.) New Discovery of a vast Country in America, extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New France aud New Mexico, with Continuation. Both parts in 1 vol. 8vo, maps and plates (wants one map), calf, neat. 18s — Another, new and elegant, in calf. £1. Is 1698 1400 HENNEPIN and DE LA SALLE.— New Discovery of a vast Country in America extending above 4000 Miles between New France and New Mexico, with Continuation. 8vo, plates, including the first view of the Falls of Niagara (a map wanting and another torn), old calf, gilt. 10s 6rf 1698 1401 HENNEPIN (Lod.) Nievwe onldckkinge van een groot Land gelegen in America tusschen nieuw Mexico en de Ys. See Map. Amst. 1700 — Capine (Louis de) Aanhangsel behelzende een Reyze na een Gedeelte von de Spaonsche West Indies, n.d. In one vol. 4to, curious plates, including the first engraved view of Niagara, vellum. Is 6d 1702 1402 HENRY (J.) Report of the Criminal Law at Demerara and in*the ceded Dutch Colonies. 8vo, half calf '. 3s 1821 1403 HERBERT (Sir Thomas) Relation of some yeares travaile beganne in 1626, into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially the Territories of the Persian Monarchic Folio, engraved Title, curious plates, good copy, calf gilt. 15s 1638 With a revivall of the first discoverer of America 300 yeeres before Columbus. 1404 HERIOT (George) Travels through the Canadas, its picturesque scenery, productions, commerce, and the Indians. Thick 4to, many tinted plates, half calf . Is Qd — very neat in whole calf . 9s — a common bound copy at 6s 6d 180? 1405 HERIOT (Geo.) History of Canada, from its first Discovery, compre- hending an account of the Original Establishment of the Colony of Louisina. Vol. I. (all printed) thick 8vo, half calf 9s 1804 90 Books relating to America on Sale by 1406 HERNANDI (Francisci) Opera (Historia Plantarum Nova Hispania) cum Edita turn inedita ad autographi fidem et integritatem Expressa impensaetjussuregio. 3 vols. 4to, Spauishcalf £1. 1 os Matritl, 1790 1407 HERNDON'S (Lieut.) Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon. Thick 8vo, map and plates, cloth. Is Qd Washington, 1854 1408 HERRERA, Description des Indes Occidentales avec la Navigation du vaillant Jaques le Maire, &c. Folio, maps, vellum. 15s Amst. 1622 1409 HERRERA (Antonio de) Novus Orvis sive descriptio Indise Occiden- tal metaphrasti C. Barlaeo accesserunt et aliorum India Occidentalis descriptio nis et navigations. Folio, maps, vellum. 14s Amst. 1622 1410 HERRERA.— Another Copy, slightly stained, old calf. Is 6d 1622 1411 HERRERA (Ant. de) Nievwe Werell anders glieuaempt Weatlndieri. Folio, black letter (no maps), vellum. 6* 6d Amst. 1622 1412 HERRERA (Antonio de) Descripcion de las Indias Occidentales y historia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas y tierra firine del Mar Oceano. Folio, 8 vols, bound in 5, plates and maps, vellum. £o. 08 Madrid, 1730 1413 HERRERA (Ant. de) General History of the vast Continent and Islands of America called the West Indies from the first discovery thereof, translated by Capt. John Stevens. 6 vols. 8vo, maps and yS plates, good copy, calf, neat. £3. 3s 1725 " Of all the Spanish writers Herrera furnishes the fullest and most accurate informations concerning the conquest of Mexico, as well a3 every other trans- action of America ; his Decades may be ranked amongst the most judicious and useful collections." — Dr. Robertson. 1414 HERRERA (Cypriani de) Mirabilis Vita et Mirabiliora Acta dei Vener. servi Toribii Alfonsi Mogrobesii Limani Archiprsesulis. Folio, fine engraving of the Archbishop healing, vellum, gilt edges. £1. 15* Roma, 1670 "An interesting book relating to Peru; this was Cardinal "Barberini's copy, having his Arms stamped in gold on the sides." See an interesting MS. note in the volume by the late Mr. S. W. Singer. 1415 HERRERA (Dionysio de Alcedo y Presedente de Quito) Aviso His- torico, Politico, Geographico, con las noticias mas particulars del Peru, Tierra-tirrne, Chile, y Granada, en la relacion de los sucessos de 205, auos, por la Chronologia de los Adelantados, Presidentes, Governado ores, y Virreyes de aquel Revno Meridional, desde el ano de 1535. hasta el de 1740. Small 4to, veil. £1. lis 6d Madrid, 1416 HEWES (Geo. R. S.) Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party, with a Memoir of Hewes, a survivor of the party who drowned the Tea in x Boston Harbour, 1773. Post 8vo, portrait, Ids. 3* New York, 1834 1417 HEWITT'S Historical Account of the rise and progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo, map, calf. Us — half calf. 15s 1779 1418 HE WATT'S Carolina and Georgia. Vol. 2 only, 8vo, half calf 3*6rf 1779 1419 H1BBERT (G.) Narrative of a Journey from Santiago de Chile to Buenos Ayres in July and Aug. 1821. Small Svo, map, privately printed, vellum, extra gilt edges. 15s 1824 1420 HICKERINGILL'S (Capt. Edw.) Jamaica viewed with all the Ports, Harbours, and their several soundings, Towns and Settlements, with nature of its Climate, Fruitfulness of the Soil, and its suitableness to English Complexions. 12 mo, folding map, brown calf, gilt edges. 15* 1661 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 91 1421 HICKS.— Journal of the Life and Religious Labours of Elias Hicks (of Hempstead, Long Island), written by himself. 8vo, portrait, calf. 3s Qd New York, 1832 1422 HICKS (Elias) Extemporaneous Discourses at Meetings of the Society of Friends in Philadephia, Germantown, Arington, &c. 8vo, neat. 35 Philad, 1825 1423 HILDRETH (Richard) History of the United States of America from the Discovery of the Continent to the organization of Government under the Federal Constitution. 3 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 10s Qd 1850 1424 HIND'S (H. Youle) Reports on the Assinn and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition. Folio, maps and plates. 6s 1861 1425 HINMAN (R. R.) Letters from Charles IL, James II., William and Mary, &c, to the Governors of Connecticut, with the answers from 1635 to 1749. Small 8vo, plates andfac-similies, cloth. 3s Qd Hartford, 1836 1426 HIPPISLEY'S (Col.) Narrative of the Expedition to the Rivers Orinoco and Apure. 8vo, half calf '. 4s Qd — boards. 3s Qd 1819 1427 HIPPISLEY (Le Colonel) Histoire de l'Expedition aux Rivieres D'Orenoque et d' Apure dans l'Amerique meridionale, traduit de l'Anolais Par M ***. 8vo, seioed. 2s Paris, 1819 1428 HISTORICAL Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians in the year 1764, under the command of Col. Henry Bouquet, with his transactions with the Indians. 4to, maps and plates by Benjamin • West the Painter, boards, 15s 1766 1429 HISTORICAL Magazine and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America. Vol. 1, 4to, cloth. Is Boston, 1857 1430 HISTORICAL Account of all the Voyages round the World performed by English Navigators. 6 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, calf neat. 18s Lond. F. Newberry, 1774, 5 1431 HISTORY of the British Dominions in North America, 1497 to 1763, 2 vols in 1, 4to, map, boards. 6s — calf. Is Qd 1773 1432 HISTORY of the United States, from their First Settlement to the War of 1815. 8vo, boards. 3s 1826 1433 HISTORY of the Colonization of the free states of Antiquity applied to the present contest between Great Britain and her American Colonies, with reflections concerning the future settlement of these Colonies. 4to, fine copy, in calf. 10s Qd 1777 1434 HISTORY of the Bucaniers of America in four Parts, the whole written in several languages by persons present at the transactions. 2 vols, small 8vo, new and elegant, in calf '. 16s 1774 1435 PIISTORY of the Bucaniers of America. Thick 12mo, calf, marbled- leaves. 4s Qd 1810 1436 HISTORY of Kamtschatka and the Kurilsky Islands, with the Countries adjacent, translated from the Russian by Dr. Grieve. 4to, maps and plates, Gloucester, 1764 — Voyages from Asia to America for com- * pleting the discoveries of theN.W. coast of America, with a Summary of the Voyages made by the Russians in search of a North-East Passage, 1764. Maps, in 1 vol. 4to, very neat. 12s 1437 HISTORY of the United States (By Rev. H. Fergus). 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 4s Lardner's Cab. Cyclop.- IS32 1438 HISTORY of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies from its commencement to the end of the year 1778. 2 vols, 8vo, map, calf neat. 12s 6 d Dublin, 1779 92 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1439 HISTORY, &c. Another copy, with the third volume, bringing the History down to year 1783. {Wanting the map), calf neat. £1. 10? Dublin, 1679-85 1440 HISTORY. Another copy, perfect. 3 vols. Svo, neat £1. 15* 1779-85 The third volume escaped the notice of Mr. Rich. 1441 HISTORY. Another copy. 3 vols. Svo, neat, {vol. 3 wants title). £\. 10* id. 1779-86 1442 HISTORY of the Civil War in America, \ol. 1, comprehending the Campaigns of 1775, 1776 and 1777, by an Officer of the Army. Svo, vol. 1, no more published, map, calf. 15$ 1780 1443 HISTORY (An Impartial) of the War in America to 1779, with Appendix of interesting and authentic Papers. Thick 8vo. map, new half calf, (jilt. 10* 6. 14s 6c? 1543 HUTCHINSON. Another copy. 4 vols., new, uniform, and elegant in calf. £5. 5s v.Y. 1544 The Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. $1. 12s— Fine copy, brown calf, marbled leaves. £\. 18s Lond. 1760(5) ^1768 1545 HUTCHINSON'S History of the Colony of Massachusets Bay, from 1628 to 1691 (the first volume). 8vo, neat. 6s 6d—half calf gilt. 6s — boards. 6s 6d Lond. 1765 1546 Ditto, from 1749 to. 1774. 8vo, cloth. 6s Gd ib. 1828 This forms the fourth volume of the entire work. 1547 HUTCHINSON'S (Francis) Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft, with Observations upon Matters of Fact. Svo, good copy, calf. Is 6d 1720 Chap. V., pp. 95-122, Witchcrafts at Salem, Boston, and Andover, in New England. 1548 TARRICI (Petri, Soc. Jesu) Thesaurus Rerum Indicarum in quo X Christianas ac Catholicse Religionis tam in India Orientali quam aliis Regionibus Lusitanorum opera nuper detectus. Vol. II., thick 8vo of 808 pages, engraved title. 5s Colon. Agrip. 1615 From p. 296 to 369 relates to the Brazils. 1549 IBANEZ DE ECHAVARRI (Bernardo) Coleccion General de Docu- mentos tocantesa la tercera epoca de las Conmociones de los Regulares de la Compania en el Paraguay, contiene el Reyno Jesuitico del Paraguay, por siglo y Medio Negado y Oculto hoy Demostrado y Descubierto. Tome 1 V. 4to, old calf. 10s Qd Madrid, 1770 1550 ILLUSTRATED ARCTIC NEWS.— Facsimile of the Illustrated Arctic News, published on board H.M.S. Resolute, in Search of the Expedition under Sir John Franklin; edited by Osborne and McDougall. Folio, the whole lithographed, with numerous humourous drawings, plain and coloured, cloth. 10s 6d (pub. at £1. 5s) 1852 1551 IMLAY'S Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America. 8vo, half bound. 2s 6d 1792 1552 IMLAY'S Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America; to which is added, Filson's History of the Discovery and Settlement of Kentucky, the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, one of the first Settlers, Minutes of the Pinkashaw Council, and the Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations in the limits of the. Thirteen United Provinces. 8vo, maps, bds. 4s — calf neat. 5s 1793 1553 IMLAY'S America. The Third Edition, enlarged. 8vo, boards. 6s —half calf. 6s 6rf— neat. 7* 1797 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 99 1554 IMPARTIAL History of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commencement to the end of the Year 1779. Thick 8vo, map and portraits, good copy, old calf gilt, a scarce volume. JB1. Is — Another, without portraits, half calf \ 15s 178Q It contains interesting whole length portraits of Howe, Hancock, Sam. Adams, a Real American Rifle Man, Washington, Arnold, Hopkins, Lee, Ld. Howe, Putnam, Franklin, Worcester, and Gates. 1555 IMPORTANT Documents which accompanied the Message of the President of the United States at the Opening of the Second Session of the Eleventh Congress. 8vo, half calf . 2s New York, 1809 1556 INCHIQUIN the Jesuit's Letters, during a late Residence in the United States of America ; by some Unknown Foreigner. 8vo, half calf. 3s Qd New Fork, 1810 1557 INDIAN. — Narrative of the Early Days and Remembrances of Oceola Nikkanochee, Prince of Econhonatti, a Young Seminole Indian, with History of his Nation and Indian Life in Florida. 8vo, plates, cloth. SsQd 1841 1558 INDIAN.— Life of Black Hawk, embracing the Tradition of his Nation — Indian Wars, Travels through the United States, dictated by Himself. 12mo, portrait, cloth. 2s 8d 1836 1559 INDIANS.— Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for 1856. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d Wash. 1857 1560 INDIANS. — Account of the Customs and Manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets Savage Nations, now dependent on the Government of Cape Breton, written by a French Abbot who resided many Years as Missionary amongst them. 8vo, half calf scarce. 8s 3 758 1561 INDIAN NATIONS.— Account of Conferences Held and Treaties Made, between Major- Gcnl. Sir W. Johnson and the Chief Saghems and Warriours of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senekas, and other Indian Nations in North America, in 1755 and 1756. 8vo, new half calf '. 15* 1756 1562 INDIANS. — Essays on the Present Crisis in the Condition of the American Indians, first Published in the National Intelligencer under the Signature of William Penn. 8vo, half morocco. 4>s Boston, 1829 1563 INDIANS. — Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee in 1795, by the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, &c, for promoting the Improvement and Gradual Civilization of the Indian Natives. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 1806 1564 INDIANS. — Memorial and Remonstrance of theEriends of the Genesee, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, to the President of the United States, in Relation to the Indians in New York, 1839 ; and four other Tracts relating to the Indians, 1838-9. In 1 vol. 8vo, cl. 4s 1565 INGERSOLL (Cbas. J.) Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States of America and Great Britain, 1812-1815. Second Series, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 12s Philadelphia, 1852 1566 INGERSOLL (Chas. J.) Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States of America and Great Britain. 8vo, Vol. II. embracing the events of 1814, sewed. 3s 1849 1567 INGLEFIELD (Commander E. A.) A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin, with a Peep into the Polar Basin. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth. 6s 1853 1568 INQUIRY into the Present State of the British Navy, together wiih Reflections on the late War with America. 8vo, half calf '. 3s 1815 1569 INSTRUCTIONS for the Treatment of Negroes, &c. 8vo (from the Library of W. Wilberforce, with his Bookplate), calf neat. 3s Qd 1797 100 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1570 INSTRUCTIONS to the Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Pleni- potentiary from the United States of America to the French Republic. 8 vo, half calf. 2s 6d Philadelphia, 1798 1571 INTERESTING Narratives and Discoveries, including Life of James Bruce, Esq., Travels in South Africa by J. Barrow, Discovery of an English Colony on Pitcairn's Island in the South Sea, Maurice Griffiths' Discovery of a Nation of Welshmen in the Interior of America. 8 vo, half calf '. 2s Shrewsbury, 1817 1572 IRVING'S (Washington) Salmagundi. 2 vols. 18mo, an Early Edition, with 6 humourous plates, neat. Is 6d New Fork, 1814 1573 IRVING'S (Washington) Tour on the Prairies. Post 8vo, Ids. 2s U — half calf . ds — calf extra, marbled leaves. 4s 1835 1574 IRVING'S (Washington) Adventures of Captain Bonneville, or Scenes beyond the Rocky Mountains. 3 vols, in 1, post 8vo, half morocco extra. 5s — 3 vols., in boards. 4* — 3 vols., half calf 6s 1840 1575 IRVING (Washington) Life and Voyages of Columbus, with the Voyages of his Companions. 3 vols. 8vo, map, cloth. 15s 1849 1576 IRVING'S Life and Voyages of Columbus. 4 vols. 8vo, maps, calf gilt, marbled edges. 14* 1828 1577 IRVING (Washington) Irvingiana; a Memorial of Washington Irving. 4to, portrait and facsimile, cloth. 3* 6d New Fork, 1860 1578 IRVING'S (Theod.) History of the Conquest of Florida under Hernando de Soto, digested from Garcilasso de la Vega and Herrera. 2 vols, post 8vo, boards. 5* — new, half calf gilt. 8* — 2 vols, in 1, half morocco. Is 1835 1579 IRVING (John T.) Indian Sketches during an Expedition to the Pawnee and other Tribes of American Indians. 2 vols, post 8vo, boards. 6*— half calf gilt. 8s &d 1835 1580 ISABELLE (Arsene) Voyage a Buenos- Ayres et a Porto- Alegre (de 1830 a 1834). Royal 8vo, plates, sewed. 6s — new, half calf gilt. 8s Havre, 1835 1581 ISERT (P. E.) Voyages en Guinee et dans les lies Caraibes en Amerique. 8vo, plates, half calf 3s 6d Paris, 1793 1582 ISNARD (M.) Observations sur le Principe qui a produit les Revolu- tions de France, de Geneve, et d'Amerique dans le 18 Siecle. 8vo ; half morocco. 3* Evreux, 1789 1583 ISTHMUS of Tehuantepec, being results of a Survey for a Railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by the Scientific Com- mission under Major J. G. Barnard, with resume of the Geology, Climate, Geography, Fauna and Flora, of that region, by J. J. Williams. 8vo, coloured plates, and atlas of maps, cloth. 14* New Fork, 1852 1584 ITURRI (D. Francisco) Carta Critica sobre la Historia de America del Senor Juan Bautista Munoz. 12mo, vellum. Is 6d Madrid, 1 798 1585 TACKSON (Andrew) Life of, by James Parton. 2 vols, royal 8vo, O portrait, cloth. 12s New Fork, 1860 1586 JACKSON (President) Brief and Impartial History of his Life and Actions, by a Freeman (\V. J. Snelling). Crown 8vo, boards. 2s Qd Boston, 1831 1587 JACKSON Wreath, or National Souvenir; a National Tribute Com- memorative of the Great Civil Victory achieved by the People through the Hero of New Orleans, with Biographical Sketch of the General by Rob. Welsh and Dr. James McHenry. 8vo, plates, half morocco. 3* Philadelphia, 1829 J. R. 'Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 101 1588 JACKSON (Dr. Robt.) Treatise on the Fevers of Jamaica, with Obser- vations on the Intermitting Fever of America. 8vo, neat. 3s 1791 1589 JACQUEMIN (Le Citoyen) Memoire sur la Guiane Franchise. 12mo, half calf. 5« Paris, 1799 1590 JACQUIN (Nic. Jos.) Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Historia, quas in Insulis Martinica Jamaica, Domingo, aliisque et in Vicinu Continents parte Observavit Kariores. 8vo, calf neat. Is 6d Manhemiiy 1788 1591 JACQ.UIN (N. Jos.) Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Historia. Thick 8vo, interleaved with numerous manuscript notes, beautifully written, half russia. £ Manheim, 1788 The Manuscript Additions are by Dr. William Hamilton, author of the "Prodromus Plantarum Occidentalis." — Vide another work of his in Ma- nuscript, No. 1349. 1592 JAMAICA Viewed, with all the Ports, Harbours, Towns, and Settle- ments, with Nature of its Climate, by E. Hickeringill. 12mo, map, stained, half calf. 5s 1661 1593 JAMAICA. — Laws of Jamaica, Passed by the Assembly, and Con- firmed by the King in Council, with the State of Jamaica, as it is now under the Government of Sir Thomas Lynch. Folio, large folding map, calf. 10* 6d 1684 1595 JAMAICA. — Laws of Jamaica, passed by the Governours, Council, and Assembly in that Island, and confirmed by the Crown. 8vo, calf. 3s 1716 1596 JAMAICA. — New History of Jamaica, from the Earliest Accounts to the Taking of Porto Bello by Adm. Vernon. 8vo, two maps, calf, 4* 1740 1597 JAMAICA. — The State of the Island of Jamaica, chiefly in relation to its Commerce and the Conduct of the Spaniards in the West Indies. 8vo, half calf '. 2s 6d 1726 1598 JAMAICA. — Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Jamaica from 1681 to 1737. Folio, neat. 5s 1738 1599 JAMAICA. — Privileges of the Island of Jamaica Vindicated, with Narrative of the Dispute between the Governor and House of Repre- sentatives upon the Case of Mr. Olyphant. 8vo, hf. cf. 3s 1766 1600 JAMAICA. — Case and Appendix of John Campbell, Appellant, and William Beckford, Respondent, on two Appeals relative to a Mortgage on a Plantation called Strathbogie, in the Island of Jamaica. Folio, boards. Qs 1784-1801 1601 JAMAICA. — Importance of Jamaica to Great Britain Considered, with some Account of that Island from its Discovery in 1492, its Fruit, Drugs, Timber, Trade, and Commerce, in a Letter to a Gentleman — Warren (Dr. Henry) Treatise concerning the Malignant Fever in Bar- badoes and neighbouring Islands, 1740. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 5* 1602 JAMAICA. — The Merchants, Factors, and Agents residing at King- ston, in Jamaica, Complainants against the Inhabitants of Spanish Town, adjacent Parishes, and against the Planters, Settlers, and Chief Body of the People of the Island of Jamaica, Respondents — The Respondents' Case. 4to, calf. 6* Privately Printed, London, 1755 1603 JAMAICA. — Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Jamaica from 1770 to 1788 inclusive. 2 vols. 4to. 6s Kingston, Jamaica, 1786,9 1604 JAMAICA. — Proceedings of the Governor and Assembly of Jamaica, in regard to the Maroon Negroes, with Observations on their Dispo- sition, Character, nnd Habits of Life. 8vo, plates, neat. 3s 1796 102 Books relating to America on Sale by 1605 JAMAICA. — Proposal for introducing into Jamaica a quantity of Gold and Silver Specie, sufficient to carry on the internal Commerce of the Country without the Assistance of any Foreign Coin, by the Hon. F. Cooke (irapt. ending at p. 16), St. Jago de la Vega, 17*73 — Proceedings and Reports of the Assembly on the Subject of the Slave- Trade, St. Jago, 1789 — Proceedings of Do. on Sugar and Slave Trade, ib. 1792. And others on Jamaica, in 1 vol. 4to, half calf . 5s 1606 JAMAICA.— The Election, a Poem. 8vo, half calf 5s Kingston, Jamaica, 1788 With the names of the Characters introduced into the Poem written on the margin. 1607 JAMAICA.— The New Jamaica Magazine, Jan. 1798, to May, 1799. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf {not quite perfect). 6* St. Jago de la Vega, 1798-9 1608 JAMAICA. — Laws of Jamaica, comprehending all the Acts in Force Passed between the 32nd year of the Reign of King Charles the 2nd, and 42nd year of King George the 3rd, 1801, inclusive. 6 vols. 4to, the first 3 vols, in calf, the last 3 in boards. 18s St. Jago, 1802 1609 JAMAICA ACTS. — Abridgment of the Laws of Jamaica, from the 32nd year of King Charles 2nd to the 32nd year of King George the 3rd, inclusive. 4to, calf. 5s St. Jago, 1802 1610 JAMAICA. — Proceedings of a General Court Martial on Major Allan Cameron, held in Kingston Barracks, in the Island of Jamaica. 8vo, Privately Printed, fine copy, red morocco, gilt. 5s 1802 1611 JAMAICA. — An Account of Jamaica and its Inhabitants, by a Gentle- man long Resident in the West Indies. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1808 1612 JAMAICA ALMANAC for 1816. 12mo, bound. 2s U Kingston, 1816 Contains the names of all the proprietors of lands, the number of slaves, stock, &c. 1613 JAMAICA. — Lunan's Abstract of the Slave Laws of Jamaica (from 33 Car. II. to 59 Geo. III.), with Abstracts of Acts of Parliament on the Abolition of the Slave Trade. 4to, boards. 5s St. Jago de la Vega, 1819 1614 JAMAICA. — Slave Law of Jamaica, with Proceedings and Documents relating thereto. 8v o, half calf. 2s 6d 1828 1615 JAMAICA. — Case of William Ramsay, Esq., Inspector General of Police, a Special Justice over this Colony, on Charges preferred against him by Hon. Tho. J. Bernard, for a supposed Obstruction of the Law in Reference to an Alleged Riot at Spanish Town. 8vo, privately printed, boards. 3s 1836 1616 JAMAICA. — Agricola's Letters and Essays on Sugar Farming in Jamaica. 8vo, cloth. 5s Kingston, Jamaica, 1845 1617 JAMAICA MOVEMENT (The) for Promoting the Enforcement of the Slave Trade Treaties and Suppression of the Slave Trade, with Statements of Fact, Convention and Law, prepared at the Request of the Kingston Committee. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1850 1618 JAMES (William) Inquiry into the Merits of the Principal Naval Actions between Great Britain and the United States. 8vo, half calf. 4s Qd Halifax, 1816 1619 JAMES (Win.) Full and Correct Account of the Military Occurrences of the War between Great Britain and the United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo, maps end pfafl*, boards. \2s—calf. 14s — new half calf . 15s ' 1818 J. R. Smith, 36 , Soho Square, London. 103 1620 JAMES (Wm.) Full and Correct Account of the Chief Naval Occur- rences of the late War between Great Britain and America. 8vo, plates, boards, 10* 6l. Is — Another, fine large clean copy in the original neat calf. £\. 4s 1714 1667 JOUTEL'S Journal. 8vo, neat, (no map). 12s 1714 1668 JUAN Y ULLOA Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional con Observaciones Astronomica y Phisicas hechas en los Regnos del Peru. 5 vols. 4to, maps and plates, old Spanish calf gilt, (from Lord Stuart de Rothesay's Collection.) £2. 2s Madrid, 1748 1669 JUAN Y ULLOA. Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridionale. 4 vols, in 2, folio, (without the " Observaciones Astronomica," &c.) fine copy, calf, gilt and tooled sides. £\. Is Madrid, 1748 "Formerly belonging to the Earl of Shelbourne, at whose Sale it fetched 16 Guineas. 106 Books relatiny to America on Sale by — * — , __^_^___^___________________^_^^______^^__^_____ 1670 JUAN ET ULLOA. Voyage Hisiorique de l'Amerique Meridionale, et qui contiene une Histoire des "Yncas du Perou. 2. vols. 4to, front, maps and plates, fine copy, old calf , gilt. 14s Amst. 1752 1671 JUAN and ULLOA'S Voyages to South America, describing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, &c. ; together with the Natural History of that country. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, calf, very neat. 4s Qd 1758 — Another Edition, calf, neat. 5s 1760 Another, neat. 4* 6d 1772 1672 Fourth Edition, 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 4* — half calf. 4s 6d — whole calf, gilt, os 1673 Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s 6d — half calf, bs U 1807 1674 Another Edition. 2 vols. Svo, plates, neat. 4s Dublin,llbS Juan and TJlloa's Travels may be selected as the most interesting and satis- factory work of this kind ; they are the unacknowledged source of much that has been published in other forms. —Retrospective Review. 1675 JUAN Y ULLOA. Noticias Secretas de America sobre el estado naval, militar, y politico de los reynos del Peru y provincias de Quito, costas de Nueva Granada y Chile Gobierno y regimen particu- \f lar de los pueblos de Indios sacada a luz para el Verdadero conoci- miento del gobierno de los Espanoles en la America meridional por David Barry. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. 2 portraits, fine copy, new. half russia, gilt top. £2. 10« — in boards. £1.18* 1826 1676 JUNIENT (Manuel de) Amaty y Beglamento para el gobierno de la aduaua de Lima y metodo delos reales derechos de Almoxarifazgo y Alcabala del reyno del Peru en virtud de reales ordenes de S. M. con adaptacion de los que se formaron para el reyno de Mexico y Provincia de Goatemala. 4to, vellum, scarce, los Lima, 1773 1677 JUARROS (Domingo) Statistical and Commercial History of Guate- mala, containing particulars of its Productions, Manufactures, Cus- toms, &c. Translated by Lieut. J. Baily. 8vo, maps, boards, Gs — new, half calf gilt. Is ' 1823 1678 JUKES'S (J. B., the Geologist) Excursions in and about Newfound- land. 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf, gilt. Is 6d — cloth. Qs bd 1842 1679 JULIAN (Don Antonio) La Perla de la America, Provincia de Santa Marta reconocida observada y Expuesta en discursos historicos. 4to, map, Spanish calf. £1. 5s — Anotheb, half blue morocco, gilt leaves. £1. Ss ' Madrid, 1787 1680 JUNCTION of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Navigation \A across the Isthmus of Darien without Locks. 8vo, with 2 large folding maps on canvas, cloth. Ss Qd 1853 Presentation copy from Sir Chas. Fox to the Chevalier Bunsen. 1681 JUNIUS discovered by Frederick Griffin. 1 2mo, cl. 4s. Boston, 1854 It contains a good deal of interesting reading on the American War, the author attributes Governor Pownall to be the author of Junius's Letters. 1682 KALM (Peter) Travels into North America, containing its Natural History and Account of its Plantations, Manners of the Inhabitants, &c. translated by J. K. Forster. 3 vols. 8vo, maps, plates, very fine copy, in old calf , gilt backs. £\.\s Warrington, 1770 1683 KALM'S Travels. Vol. 1 and 2, calf. 4s ib. 1770 1684 KALM'S (Peter) Travels into North America. Complete in 2 vols. 8vo, plates, very neat. 14* 1772 1685 KEATING (W. H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the source of St. Peter's Biver, Lake Winnepeck, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, map and plates, hoards. <\s M— half calf . 7* M.-nac half calf ', gill. 9« 6c? 1825 /. H. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 107 1686 KEITH (George) The Presbyterian and independant visible Churches in New England and elsewhere, brought to the test and examination of the Holy Sripture. 12mo, new calf gilt, scarce. 18s 1691 1687 KEITH (George) The Christian Quaker, or George Keith's eyes opened good news from Pensilvania, containing a testimony against that false and absurd opinion that all true believers and saints immediately after the bodily death attain to all the resurrection they expect, and enter into the fullest enjoyment of happiness. 4to, boards. £1. 5s 1693 1688 KEITH. — Pretended yearly meeting of the Quakers, their nameless Bull of Excommunication against Geo. Keith, with his answer shewing that for his reproving the evil and wicked practices of them in Pensylvania, that party has excommunicated him. 4to, boards. 12s U 1695 1689 KEITH (George) Christian Catechism for the instruction of youth in the grounds of Christian lleligion, and practice of Christian Piety. 8vo, calf. 3s 1698 1690 KEITH (George) The Deism of William Penn and his Brethren destructive to the Christian Religion exposed and plainly laid open. 8vo, calf. 5s 1699 1691 KEITH (Geo.) Doctrine of the Holy Apostles and Prophets, the foundation of the Church of Christ, a Sermon at her Majesty's Chapel at Boston in New England, 14 June, 1702. 4to, boards. £1. Is Boston, S. Phillips at the Brick Shop, 1702 1692 KEITH (George) Journal of Travels from New Hampshire to Caratuck on the Continent of North America. 4to. new half morocco. £1. lis Qd 1706 1693 KEITH. — Some of the many false, scandulous, blasphemous, and self-contradictory assertions of William Davis, out of his Book printed anno 1700, entitled Jesus the crucified Man, &c. by George Keith and Evan Evans. 4to, half morocco. 15s (Philadelphia,) 1703 1694 KEITH (Sir William) History of the British Plantations in America Part 1, containing the History of Virginia. 4to, map, calf. £\. 10s — boards, edges smoothed. £\. 5s 1728 1695 KEITH'S (Sir George) Voyage to South America (Brazil) and the Cape of Good Hope. 4to, boards. 4s 1819 1696 KELLY (W.) Excursion to California over the Prairie, Rocky Mountains, Great Sierra Nevada. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. 6s 1851 1697 KENDALL (E. A.) Travels through the northern parts of the United States in 1807 and 1808. 3 vols, 8vo, calf 9s New York, 1809 1698 KENDALL (G. W.) Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition, and a Tour through Texas and across the great South-western Prairies, &c. 2 vols, map and plates, cloth. 5s Qd — new half calf , gilt, 8s Qd 184^ 1699 KENDALL. Another Edition. 2 vols, post 8vo, map and plates, cloth. Is 1844 1700 KENNEDY (W.) Texas, the rise, progress, and prospects of the Republic of Texas. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, cloth. 9s 1841 1701 KENNEDY (Capt. W.) Narrative of the Second Voyage of the Prince Albert in search of Sir John Franklin. Post 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 4s — without the map, cloth, 3s 1835 1702 KENNEDY (John P.) Memoirs of the Life of Wm. Wirt, Attorney- General of the United States. 2 vols, post 8vo, portrait and fac- simile, cloth. 4s U 1850 108 Books relating to America on Sale by 1703 KERR'S General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels. 8vo, vols. 1 to 8, neat, half calf. 10s Gd 1811 These volumes contain the History of America by the Northmen, Veapucius's Voyages, Columbus's Discoveries, Bernal Diaz's Mexico, Zarate's Peru, G-arcillasso de la Vega's Peru, the Discovery and Settlement of Florida, the Discovery and Settlement of Newfound and Canada by Cabot, Cartier, &c. &c. 1704 KERST (S. G.) Die Lander am Uruguay Vortrag gehalten in der sitzung des Berliner Vereins zur Centralisation deutscher auswanderang und Colonisation, and three other Tracts by the same Author, relating to the Brazils and La Plata. 8vo, map, neat. 4s Berlin, 1851 1705 KEY'S (Commander A. S.) Narrative of the Becovery of H. M. S. Gorgon (C. Hotham, Captain) stranded in the Bay of Monte Video, 10th May, 1844. 8vo, 18 plates, cloth. 4$ Gd 1847 1708 KIDD. — Full Account of the Proceedings in Relation to Captain Kidd, in two Letters, written by a Person of Quality to a Kinsman of the Earl of Bellmont in Ireland. Small 4to, boards, edges uncut. 10* Gd 1701 1709 KIDDER (Rev. Daniel) Sketches of Residence and Travels in Brazil, embracing Historical and Geographical Notices of the Empire and its several provinces. 2 vols, 8 wo, plates, cloth. 9s 1845 1710 KING'S (Col.) Twenty Years in the Argentine Republic, comprising the Author's personal Adventures with the Civil, Military, and Poli- tical History of the Country, before and during the administration of Governor Rosas. 8vo, boards. 5s (pub. at 14*) 1846 1711 KING (Richard, Surgeon and Naturalist) Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, under the command of Capt. Back. 2 vols, post 8vo, plates, half calf gilt. Is Gd 1836 1712 KING, Fitzroy, and Darwin's Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of H.M. Ships Adventure and Beagle between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their Examination of the Southern Shores of America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the Globe. 4 vols, medium 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. £2. 5$ 1839 1712*KING, See. Another Copy, 4 vols, medium 8vo, calf extra, marbled leaves. £3. 3s 1839 1713 KINGDOM (W.) Abstract of all the most useful information relative to the United States of America and the British Colonies. 8vo, boards. 2s — new half calf pilt. 3s Gd 1820 1714 KINGSTON (W. H. G.)We*stern Wanderings, or a Pleasure Tour in the Canadas. 2 vols. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 4s fid 1856 1715 KIP'S (W. Ingraham) Early Jesuit Missions in North America. 2 vols. post Svo, with Map of the Iroquois Settlements, 1 664, cloth. 4s Gd 1847 1716 KNAPP'S Life of Thomas Eddy, the American Philanthropist. 8vo, portrait, boards. 2s 1836 1717 KNOWLES (James D.) Memoir of Roger Williams, the founder of the State of Rhode Island. 12mo, facsimile of hand writing, cloth. 4s Boston, 1834 1718 KNOX (W. Agent for the Colony of Georgia) Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies reviewed. 8vo, half calf '. 5s 1769 1719 KNOX'S (W. Secretary of Stale for the American Department while that office lasted) Extra Official State Papers addressed to Lord Rawdon on promoting the Trade between England and the Continent of America. 8vo, boards. 6s — calf. Gs Gd 1789 /. R. Smith, 36 Soho Square, London. 109 1720 KNOX'S (W.) Another Copy, with the Second Volume, the two bound in one, 8vo, boards. 10* tid — calf extra. 12* 6c? 1789 The second volume rarely occurs, it was unknown to Mr. Rich. 1721 KNOX'S Observations on the Liturgy, with a proposal for its Reform, upon the principles of Christianity as professed by the Church of England. With the Journals of the American Convention, to prepare a Liturgy for the Churches in the United States. 8vo, calf. 4* Qd 1789 1722 KNOX (John P.) Historical Account of St. Thomas, West Indies, and incidental Notices of St. Croix and St. Johns. Post 8vo, frontisp. and map, cloth. 3* New York, 1852 1723 KNOX (H u gh D. D. in St. Croix) Moral and Religious Miscellany, or 61 aphoretical Essays on some of the most important Christian Doctrines and Virtues. 8vo, old calf . 8* &d New York, 1775 With a long list of Subscribers, or inhabitants connected with St. Croix. 1724 KNOX (John, Lieut. Gen. to Sir Jeff. Amherst) Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America, 1757-60, particularly of the two Sieges of Quebec, &c. 2 vols. 4to, plates, fine copy, in old calf, gilt. £2. 15*— Another Copy, calf neat. £2.10* 176y 1725 KOHL (J. G.) Kitchi-Gami Wanderings round Lake Superior. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5* 1860 1726 KOSTER (Henry) Travels in Brazil. Map and coloured plates, 1816 — Travels in Brazil, in the years 1815, 1816, and 1817. By Prince Maximiliam. Maps and plates, in 1 vol. 4to, calf gilt, marbled leaves, 1820. 12* 1727 KOSTER'S (H.) Travels in Brazil. 4to, plates, boards. Is Sd— calf gilt. 8s Qd 1816 1728 KOSTER (Henry) Travels in Brazil. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, boards. 5* — half 1817 1729 KOTZEBUE (Otto Von) New Voyage round the World in the years 1823 to 1826. 2 vols. Svo, plates, boards, 5*— new half calf. Is 1 830 1730 KOTZEBUE (Otto Von) Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Bering's Straits for the purpose of Exploring a North East Passage. 3 vols. 8vo, map and coloured plates, boards. 12s — calf gilt. Us 1821 1731 KUTSCHER (F. J.) America nach seiner Ehemaligeu und jetzigen Verfassung Dargestellt. 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 3s 6d Schleswig, 1803 1732 X ABAT (R. P.) Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique contenant I 1 l'Histoire Naturelle de ces pays l'Origine les Moeurs la Religion et la Gouvernement des habitans Anciens et Modernes. 8 vols, 12mo, portrait, maps and plates, fine copy, calf neat. £\. 1* Paris, 1742 1783 LABAT. — Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique. 6 vols. 12mo, numerous maps and plates, calf. 15* a la Haye, 1724 1734 LABAT (Pere) Voyage aux lies de l'Amerique avec l'Histoire Naturelle de ce pays, &c. 2 vols. 4to, many plates, neat. 14* 1724 1735 LA CASSETTE Verte de Mons de Sartine trouvee chez Madlle. du The. 8vo, calf neat. 3* Qd a la Haye, 1779 A Satirical work on the leading persons connected with American Affairs. 1735*LA BEAUMELLE (M. V.) Angliviel De l'Empiredu Bresil considere sous ses Rapports Politiques et Commerciaux. 8vo, sewed. 3* Paris, 1823 1736 LACROIX (Pamphile de) Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de la Revolution de St. Domingue. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf 5* Paris, 1819 110 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1737 LACY'S (B.) Miscellaneous Poems, composed at Newfoundland (con- taining a Poetical description of the Island). 8vo, calf. 2s Qd For the Author, 1729 1738 LAET (Joannis de) Notae ad Dissertationem Hugonis Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum, Amst. 1643 — Responsio ad Disser- tationem Secundam, ib. 1644. In 1 vol. 12mo, vellum. 12s f»d 1739 LAFITAU (J. F.) De Zeden der Wilden Van Amerika. 2 vols, in 1, folio, numerous Jine plates, fine copy, calf gilt. 9s Ins Gravenhage, 1731 1740 LAFITAU. — Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains Comparees aux Mceurs des premiers temps. 2 vols. 4to, curious plates, {one wanting'), good copy, old calf gilt. 16s Paris, 1724 1741 LAFITAU (J. Francois) Histoire des Deeouverte3 et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Noveau Monde. 2 vols. 4to, map and plates, old French calf, neat. 18s 1733 1742 LAFITAU. — Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes Portugais dans le Noveau Monde. 4 vols. 12mo, very neat and clean. 15s 1734 1743 LAFITAU. — Historia dos Descrobimentos e Conquistas dos Portu- guezes do novo mundo. 4 vols. 12mo, calf neat, scarce. 14s Lisboa, 1786 1744 LAHONTAN (Le Baron de) Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale I 703, Suite du Voyage de l'Amerique, avec un petit Dictionnaire de la Langue des Hurones. 2 vols, in 1, thick 12mo, many curious plates, old calf. 15s a la Haye, 1703, 4 1745 LAHONTAN'S (Baron, Lieut, of Placentia, in Newfoundland) New Voyages to North America, containing an Account of the several Nations of that vast Continent ; a Geographical Description of Canada, and a Dictionary of the Algonkine Language, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, calf, {not uniform, vol. 1 edition of 1735, vol. 2. edition of 1703). 8s 6d 1735-C3 1746 LAHONTAN'S New Voyages to North America. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, fine copy, in old calf gilt. £1. 5s — Another copy, newly bound calf gilt. £1. 4s — Another, calf gilt bach {stained). Us 1735 1747 LAING'S "Interesting" Voyage to Spitzbergen. 12mo, boards. 2s — Another Edition. 8vo, half russia. 3s 1815 1748 LAMB (R.) Original and Authentic Journal of Occurences during the late American War, from its commencement to the year, 1783. 8vo, calf. Is (>d Dublin, 1809 1749 LAMB (Gen. John) Memoir of the Life and Times of, an Officer of the Revolution, who Commanded the Post at West Point, at the time of Arnold's defection, and his Correspondence with Washington, Clinton, Patrick Henry, and others, by Isaac Q,. Leake. 8vo, portrait and plans, cloth. 6s Albany, 1S50 1750 LAMBERT (John) Travels through Canada and the United States of North America, with Biographical Notices and Anecdotes of some of the leading Characters in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, boards. 4s Qd — calf 6s 1813 1751 Another Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 5s 1814 1752 Another Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, plates half russia. 4s Gd 1753 L'AMERIQUE delivree Esquisse d'un Poeme sur l'lndependence de l'Amerique, avec Notes. Vol. I. half calf. 3s &d Amst. 1783 1 754 L'AMERICANA Ramminga cioe Memorie di Dcnnalnnez di Quebrada scritta da lei stessa. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, front. 5s Venezia, 1763 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. Ill 1755 LANGDON (Samuel, President of Harvard College) Sermon Preached before the Congress of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, in New- England, assembled at Watertown. 8vo, boards. 5* 6c? Water town, 1775 1756 LANMAN (Charles) Adventures of an Angler in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States. Post 8vo, port, and woodcuts, cloth. 4s 1848 1757 LANMAN (Charles) Dictionary of the United States' Congress con- taining Biographical Sketches of its Members from the foundation of the Government. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s Philadelphia, 1859 1758 LANG'S (Dr. J. D.) View of the Origin and Migrations of the Poly- nesian Nations ; demonstrating their Ancient Discovery and Pro- gressive Settlement of America. Post 8vo, boards. 3s Qd 1834 1759 LAPEYRERE (Isaac) Kelation du Groenland. 8vo, map and plates, new, calf gilt, rare. £1. Is Paris, 1647 1760 LA PLATA. — Notes on the Viceroy alty of La Plata, in South America, with a Sketch of the Manners and Character of the Inhabitants. 8vo, portrait, map and plans, calf neat. 5s 1808 1761 LAPHAM (J. A.) The Antiquities of Wisconsin, as Surveyed and Described. 4to, many plates, sewed. 15* 1853 1762 LARTIQUE. — Instruction Nautique sur les Cotes de la Guiane Fran- caise. Large folding map, 8vo, half calf presentation copy to Cuvier. 3s U Paris, 1827 1763 LASTEIRIE (C. P.) Tratado Sobre el Ganado Lanar de Espana su cria Viages, Trasquila, Lavado, y Comercio de las Lanas traducida de Frances al Castellano de orden del Supremo Gobierno, para fomento de este Ramo en la Republica Mexicana. 4to, wants all after page 136, new half calf. 3s 1831 1764 LATROBE (C. J.) The Rambler in North America. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 4s— half calf gilt. 6s— 2 vols, in 1, half calf gilt. 5s 6d 1835 1765 LATROBE'S (C. J.) Rambler in Mexico. Post 8vo, bds. 2s U 1836 -American Edition, boards. 2s JV. Y. 1836 1766 LAVAL (Le P.) Voyage de la Louisiane dans lequel sont traitees Diverses Matieres de Physique, Astronomie, Geographie, et Marine. 4to, many maps, calf gilt, scarce. £1. 4s Paris, 1728 1767 LAVAYSSE.— Statistical, Commercial, and Political Description of Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita, and Tobago, with Introduction and Explanatory Notes by the Editor. 8yo, map, boards. 5s — half calf gilt. 6s 1820 1768 LAVICOMTERIE (L.) Republique sans Impot. 8vo, boards. (The 9th chapter treats of America). 3s 1792 1769 LAWRENCE.— Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of the late Amos Lawrence, with brief Account of some incidents in his Life, edited by his Son, Dr. W. R. Lawrence. Royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 6s Boston, 1855 1770 LAWRENCE (Hon. Abbot) Memoir of, by W. H. Prescott. 4to, portrait, cloth, printed for private distribution. Is 6d 1856 1771 LAWRENCE (Robert F.) The New Hampshire Churches, comprising Histories of the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches in the State, with Notices of other Denominations. Thick 8vo, front, cloth. Is 1856 1772 LAWS of Jamaica, with an account of the Island, by W. Wood; as also Mr. F. Hanson's Account of the Island, wrote about 1682. 8vo, neat. 4s &d 1719 112 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1773 LAWS of Jamaica, to which is added a short account of the Island and Government thereof. 8vo, {no map), neat. 3s 1683 1774 LAWS of the United States of America, Vol. I. containing the Federal Constitution, the Arts of the Three Sessions of the first Congress, the Treaties existing between the United States and Foreign Nations, and the several Indian Tribes, also the Declaration of Independence, with complete Index. 8vo, calf gilt. 5s New York, [1791] 1775 LAW'S of the United States, Published by Authority. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1796 1776 LAWS of the United States of America. 10 vols, old law calf. 15s Philadelphia, 1706-1808. Washington City, 1803-1811 1777 LAWS of the United States of America, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 4th of March, 1815, including the Constitution of the United States, &c. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. 15* Philadelphia, 1815 1778 LAWS of the State of New York, in relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals, with the Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners, and History of those Works. 2 vols, royal 8vo, maps and plates, half calf. 12s Albany, IMS 1779 LAWSON'S (J., Surveyor General of N. Carolina) Voyage to Carolina, containing an exact Description of the Country, and a Journal of a Thousand Miles Travell'd thro' several Nations of Indians. 4to, {title in facsimile) map and plate, new half calf . £1. 5 s 1709 1780 LAWSON. — Life and Adventures of Henry Lawson, the only son of a Wealthy Planter in the West Indies, put on Shore at an Uninhabited Island, where he discovers the Ruins of an Ancient Temple, and near it the Oracle of the Sun, and a large rude carved Idol of pure Gold. 8vo, half calf . 5s London, N.D. 1781 LAWSON (Deodat) Christ's Fidelity, the only Shield against Satan's Malignity, asserted in a Sermon at Salem-Village, 2t March, 1692, at a time of Publick Examination of some suspected for Witchcraft. 12mo, old calf 15s 1704 1782 LAYA (Alex.) De la Republica en France et en Amerique. 8vo, new half calf. 3s 6c? Paris, 1850 1783 LE BEAN (Sr. C.) Avantures ou Voyage curieux et nouveau parmi les sauvages de 1' Amerique Septentrionale on trouvera une Description du Canada, &c. 2 vols. 12mo, map and curious plates, calf neat. £\. 4s — Another, 2 vols in 1, calf. £\. Is Amst. 1738 1784 LEDRU (Andre P.) Voyage aux lies de Teneriffe, La Trinite, St. Thomas, St. Croix et Porto Ricco, avec notes par Sonnini. 2 vols. 8vo, map, uncut. 5s Paris, 1810 1785 LEE (Samuel, first Pastor of Bristol, Rhode Island) Orbis Miraculum, or the Temple of Solomon, pourtrayed by Scripture Sight. Folio, frontispiece and curious plates, fine clean copy, calf 'neat. 18s 1659 1786 LEE (Samuel, Pastor of Bristol, Rhode Island) Triumph of Mercy in the Chariot of Praise, a Treatise of secret and unexpected Mercies, with some mixt Reflexions. 12rao, boards. 5s 1677 1787 LEE. — Life of Arthur Lee, L.L.D., with his Political and Literary Correspondence and Papers on the affairs of the United States during the Revolutionary War. By R. H. Lee. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 6s Boston, 1829 1788 LEE (Jonathan) Sermon before the general assembly of the Colony of Connecticut at Hartford on the day of the Anniversary Election. 4to, half morocco. 12s New London^ Tim. Green, 1766 J. R % Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 113 1789 LEE (General) Memoirs of theLife of the late Charles Lee, Esq., Second in Command in the Service of the United States of America, during the Revolution, with his Essays and Letters. 8vo, boards, bs— calf gilt. 6s 1792 1790 LEGEND (The) of Captain Jones, relating his Adventures by Sea and Land, {partly in America). Two parts, 12mo, new calf gilt. 10s 6d 1671 1791 LELAND (John) The Bible-Baptist. 8vo, half calf. 3s Baltimore, 1789 1792 LEON (Francisco Ruiz de) Hernandia, Triumphos de la Fe y Gloria de las Armas Espanolas, Poema Heroyco Conquista de Mexico, proezas de Hernan-Cortes. 4to, half calf . £1. 5s Madrid, 1755 1793 LEON (Antonio de) Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental i Occidental Nautica i Geografica. 4to, engraved title, fine copy, calf. £2. 2s Madrid, 1639 A valuable and rare book on the "Writers on America. 1794 LERIO. — Historia Navigations in Brasiliam quae et America, dicitur. 12mo, woodcuts, vellum. 15s Geneves, 3 594 1795 LERIO, Brasil. Another Edition. Small 8vo, woodcuts, including a curious folding one, " Tououpinambaultiorum cum Margaitibus certa- men?* vellum. £1. Is ib. 1586 1796 LESCALLIER (Daniel) Expose des Moyens de mettre en Valeur et d'Ad minister la Guiane. 8vo, map, sewed. 2s &d Paris, an. VI. 1797 LESCARBOT (Marc) Histoire de la Nouvelle France, Contenant les Navigations, Decouvertes et Habitations, faites 'par les Francois es Indes Occidentalis et Nouvelle France, with all the maps, (pp. 971), Paris, 1618 — Les Muses de la Nouvelle France, ib. 1618. In 1 vol. 8vo, beautiful copr of this rare volume, in calf extra, gilt leaves, ly Lewis. £6. 6s 1798 LESLIE (Professor) Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions, with Illustrations of their Climate, Geology, and Natural History. Thick 12mo, woodcuts, cloth. 2s Qd Edinb. 1830 1799 LESTER (C. Edwards) My Consulship. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd New York, 1853 1800 L'ESPION des Sauvages en Angleterre (relating to America). 8vo, calf, rare. 5 s Londres, aux depans de la Compagnie, 1764 1801 LETTER to the People of England on the Present Situation and Con- duct of National Affairs, (on the War in America — Penn the Quaker, $-c). 8vo, half calf 2s 6d 1755 1802 LETTERS of Governor Hutchinson and Lt. Governor Oliver, &c. Printed at Boston, and the Assembly's Address, also Proceedings of the Lord's Committee of Council. 8vo, calf. 5s 1774 1803 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. W. Bertie, High Steward of Abingdon and Wallingford, in which his candid and Liberal Treatment of the Earl of Mansfield is fully vindicated. 8vo, half morocco. Bs 6d 1778 1804 LETTER to Lord Viscount H e, on his Naval Conduct in the American War. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d 1781 1805 LETTERS on the Crimes of George the 3rd, Addressed to Citizen Denis, by an American Officer in the Service of France. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf 7s 6d Paris, 1794 An uncommon violent tirade, which contains curious particulars of American events and persons. The Author's name was J. S. Eustace. 8 114 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1806 LETTER from Alex. Hamilton, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of President Adams. 8vo, close cut, half morocco. 3s Gd New Tor 7c, 1800 1807 LETTERS (The) of Freeman, &c. 12mo, privately printed, half bound, scarce. 1 0s Qd London, 1771 These Letters were written in South Carolina by Christopher Gradsden, John Mackenzie, W. H. Drayton, and others, they originally appeared in Peter Timothy's South Carolina Grazette. The work is not noticed by Kich in his Bib. Americana. 1808 LETTERS (Copy of Three) the first by Dr. John Nicol, at New York, the second by a Dissenting Minister in England, the third from a Minister at Boston to his Friend at Glasgow, giving an Account of the Progress and Success of the Gospel in Foreign parts. Small 8vo, half morocco. 9s Edinb. 1740 1809 LETTERS descriptive of the Virginia Springs, the Roads leading thereto, and the Doings thereat, by Peregrine Prolix. 12 mo, map, boards. Is Qd Philadelphia, 1835 1810 LETTER on the Genius and Disposition of the French Government, including a View of the Taxation of the French Empire, by an American. 8 vo, ninth edition, half morocco. 3s 1811 1811 LETTER to Lord Geo. Germaine, giving an Account of the Origin of the Dispute between Great Britain and the Colonies, by a Gentleman for many years a resident in America. 8vo, half morocco. 6s 1778 1812 LETTER to a Gentleman in the Massachusett's General Assembly, concerning Taxes to support Religious Worship. 8vo, boards. 5s Printed in the year 1771 1813 LETTERS from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. Svo, boards. 5s Qd Boston, 1768 1814 LETTRES d'un Fermier de Pensylvanie aux habitans de l'Amerique Septentrionale tradaits de l'Anglois. 12mo, calf. 2s Amst. 1769 1815 LETTRES d'un Cultivateur American addressees a W. S on, Esq., depuis l'Annee 1770, jusqu'en 1786, par M. St. John de Creve Coeur traduites de l'Anglois. 3 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, calf. 7s 6d Paris, 1787 1816 LETTERS to the Ministry from Governor Bernard, General Gage, and Commodore Hood, and also Memorials to the Lords of the Treasury, from the Commissioners of the Customs. 8vo, half calf. 5s 1769 1817 LETTER (A) to Lord Chatham concerning the present War of Great Britain against America, by a Gentleman of the Inner Temple (Matt. Dawes), 60 pp. — A Prospect of the consequences of the present Con- duct of Great Britain towards America, 98 pp. 1776 — A Discourse, preached December 15th, 1774, being the day recommended by the Provincial Congress, by William Gordon, 36 pp. 1775 — A Sermon, preached in Christ Church, July 7th, 1775, before the First Battalion of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, by the Rev. Jacob Duche, M.A.. All in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf neat. 9s Qd 1775 1818 LETTERS of Paul and Amicus, originally Published in the Christian Repository, a Weekly Paper printed at Wilmington, Delaware (on the Principles of the Quakers). Thick 8vo, neat. 4s Wilmington, 1823 1819 LETTERS to a Friend, in reference to some Defects in the Polity of the British Leeward Charibee Islands, inscribed to his Excellency the Captain General, by Philiarcus, (Jamaica), 1815 — Vastey's Re- marks upon a Letter by Mazeres to Sismondi, containing Observations on the Kingdom of Hayti, &c. Small 8vo, half calf . 3s J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 115 1820 LETTERS from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Illustrative of their Moral, Eeligious, and Physical Circumstances, during the years 1826-7, and 1828, Post 8vo, boards. 3s Edinb. 1829 1821 LETTEES, Edifiantes et Curieuses ecrites des Missions Etrangeres par quelque Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus. 32 vols. {wanting vol. 28), small 8vo, calf. £2. 2s Paris, 1703-1774 1822 LETTEES from Sir Geo. Brydges, now Lord Eodney, to the King's Ministers, relative to the Capture of St. Eustatius and its Depend- encies, and shewing the state of the War in the West Indies, with continuation of Lord Howe's Correspondence with the Governors and Admirals in the West Indies and America, during 1781, and until the time of his leaving the Command and Sailing for England. 4to, half calf. 4s fid 1789 1823 LETTEE to Sir Geo. Murray, Sec. for the Colonies relative to the deportation of Lecesne and Escoffery, from Jamaica. 8vo, privately printed, boards. 3s 1829 1824 LETTEES from the Virgin Islands, illustrating Life and Manners in the West Indies. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 3s fid 1843 1825 LEVASSEUE (A., Secret, du Gen. Lafayette) Lafayette en Amerique, en 1824-5, ou Journal d'un Voyage aux Etats Unis. 2 vols. 8vo, 11 portraits and map, sewed. 5s Par. 1829 1826 LEVINGE (Capt. E. G. A.) Echoes from the Backwoods, or Sketches of Transatlantic Life. 2 vols, post 8vo, plates, cloth. 6s 1846 1827 LEVINI Apollonii de Peru viae Eegionis inter novi Orbis Provincias Inventione et Eebus in eadem Gestis. 12mo, map, vellum. £1 . 1 Is fid Antw. 1567 1828 LEWIS (M. G.) Journal of a West India Proprietor. 8vo, boards. 3s -—new half calf gilt. 4s fid 1834 1829 LEWIS (Eev. G.) Impressions of America and the American Churches. 8vo, cloth. 4s Edinb. 1845 1830 LEWIS and CLAEKE (Captains) Travels to the Source of the Mis- souri Eiver, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, v in the years 1804 to 1806. 4to, maps, boards. 10s — whole bound. 14s — half calf . 16s — half calf , wanting the title page. 10s 1814 1831 LEWIS and CLAEKE'S Travels. Another edition. 3 vols. 8vo, v maps, boards. 14s — calf neat. 18s 1815 1832 LEWIS et CLAEKE.— Voyage des Capitaines, depuis l'embouchure , du Missouri, jusqu'a l'entree de la Columbia dans l'Ocean Pacifique, y dans 1804-5-6. 8vo, sewed. 3s 18 LO 1833 LIEBEE (Francis) The Stranger in America, comprising sketches of the Manners, Society, and National Peculiarities of the United States. 2 vols, post 8vo, boards. 3s fid — Another, 2 vols, in ], half calf gilt. 4s fid 1834 1834 LIGON (Eichard) True and Exact History of the Island of Barbadoes. Folio, map and plates, good clean copy, old calf. £X. 5s — half calf. £1. Is — Another, old calf, last leaf of Index containing a few words in MS. map wanting. 15s 1657 1835 LIGON. Another Edition, calf neat. £1. 5s — Another, new half calf . JE1. Is 1673 1S36 LILLINGSTON'S (Col. Luke) Eeflections on Mr. Burchet's Memoirs, or Remarks on his Account of Capt. Wilmot's Expedition to the West Indies. 8\o,neat. 5s 1704 116 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1837 LIMA. — Toribio Alfonso Mogrovesio II Santo Arcivescovo di Lima compendio di vita e di Massime con un ritiro Spirituale. 4 to, Engraved title and portrait ■, vellum. 6s 6d Roma, 1728 1838 LIMA. — Gozosa descripcion de las festibus demonstraciones con que esta Ciudad Capital de la America meridional celebro la real pro- clamacion de el nombre del Senor Don Carlos III. 4*to,jine copy, vellum. £1. 4s En Lima, 1760 1839 LIND'S (J.) Remarks on the principal Acts of the thirteenth Parlia- ment of Great Britian. By the Author of Letters concerning the present state of Poland. Vol. 1, (all printed) 8vo, containing remarks on the Acts relating to the Colonies, with a plan of recon- ciliation, boards. 5s 1775 1840 L'INDEPENDANCE absolu des Americains des Etats-Unis prouvee par l'etat actuel de leur commerce avec les Nations Europeennes. 8vo, half calf '. 4s Pan's, 1798 1841 LINDLEY (Tho.) Narrative of a voyage to Brazil, with Sketches of the Country and description of the City and Provinces of St. Salvadore and Porto Seguro. 8vo, boards. 3s— half calf '. 3s 6d 1805 1842 LINN (VV.) Legal and Commercial Common Place Book, containing the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, and respective State Courts on Bills of Exchange, Checks, and Promissory Notes. 8vo, calf. 3s Ithaca, N.Y. 1850 1843 LINSCOTANI (Jo. Hug.) Navigatio ac Itinerarium in Orientalem sive Lusitanorum Indiam. 4 parts, folio, port, and numerous maps and plates, vellum, 15s Hag. Com. 1599 1844 ! The same. 2 parts only, maps, fyc. 3s 6a 7 ib. 1599 1845 LINSCHOT (J. Hugues de) Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orientales et Occidentales avec annotations de B. Paludanus. Folio, many maps and curious plates, fine copy, in old French calf, gilt edges. &\. 5s 1638 1846 LINSCHOT.— Another. French Edition, folio, (wanting 2 plates) vellum. iOs 6rf Amst. 1610 1847 LINSCHOTEN (Jan Huyghen Van) Itinerarium ofte Schip-vaert naer dost ofte Portugaels Indien. Folio, containing a profusion of singular plates, good copy, old calf . £1. 8s T Amstelredam, 1623 1848 LINSCHOTEN (Jan. Huyghen Van) Itinerarium ofte Schip-vaert, naer post ofte Portugaels Indien. Folio, many curious plates, some wanting, vellum. 12s Amst. 1644 1849 LINSCHOT (J. H.) His Discourses of Voyages into the East and West Indies. The 4 parts, black letter, folio, many maps and plates {the last two leaves repaired), calf gilt. £3. 3s London, 1593 1850 LINSCHOTEN. Another copy. Folio, maps {title page reprinted), neat half calf. £\. 5s 1598 1851 LINSCHOTEN'S Voyages. In English, 4 parts, folio, with mops and plates, and also further illustrated with those from the Dutch and Latin editions, with Latin and Erench titles also inserted, but has not the English one, green morocco, extra, tooled on sides, fyc. {a very choice volume). £1. 17s 66? 1598 3 852 LIOT (VV. B.) Panama, Nicaragua and Tehuantepec or Considerations upon the Question of communication between the Atlantic and Paciiic Oceans. 8vo, two long folding views, cloth. 3s 6d 1849 185S L'ISLE (M. de) Nouvelles cartes des Descouvertes de 1'Amiral de Fonte et autres Navigateurs Espagnols Portugais Anglois Hollandois Francois et Busses dans les mers Septentrionales avec leur Explications. 4to, folding maps, slightly stained, old calf . 5s Paris, 1753 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 117 1854 LIVINGSTON. — Examen du Gouvernment d'Angleterre compare aux Constitutions des Etats Unis, traduit de l'Anglois. 8vo, half calf . 4s Paris, 1789 1855 LIVINGSTON'S (Edw.) Project of a New Penal Code for Louisiana. 8vo, boards, 'its—half calf . 3s 1824 1856 LIVINGSTON (W. Governor of New Jersey) Memoirs of his Life and Correspondence, by Theod. Sedgwick. 8vo, portraits, cloth. 5s New York, 1833 1857 LIVINGSTON (W., Gov. of New Jersey) Life, by Th. Sedgwick, Jun. 8vo, port, cloth {wants 4 leaves). 2s N. T. 1833 1858 LIVING Christianity, delineated in the Diaries and Letters of Hugh Bryan and Marv Hutson, both of South Carolina. 8vo, new half calf. 5s 1760 1859 LLOYD (Susette Harriet) Sketches of Bermuda. 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 3s 6^ 1835 1860 LOCKE. — Collection of several pieces of Mr. John. Locke, never before printed, with his Life. 8vo, calf. 5s — half calf . 4s fid 1720 Containing the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina, as drawn up by himself. 1861 LOCKMAN'S Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the World, {including Mexico, Peru, California, Hudson's Bay, fyc.) 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, fine copy, calf gilt. 12s 1743 1862 LOCKWOOD (Anthony) Brief Description of Nova Scotia, and a par- ticular Account of the Island of Grand Manau. 4to, maps, boards. 5s 1818 1863 LOGAN (James) Notes of a Journey through Canada, the United States of America, and the West Indies. Small 8vo, map, half calf gilt. 3s Edinb. 1838 1864 LONDON Missionary's Society's Report of the proceedings against the late Bev. J. Smith, of Demerara, on a charge of aiding in a Rebellion of the Negro Slaves. 8vo, boards. 2s 1821 1865 LONG'S (J.) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the Manners and Customs of the American Indians, with a Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language, a list of words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawnee, and Esquimeaux tongues. 4to, map, boards. 6s fid— half calf '. 7s 6 d 1791 1866 LONG (J.) Voyages chez differentes Nations sauvages de l'Amerique Septentrionale, traduits de l'Anglois avec des Notes et Additions interessantes, par Billecocq. 8vo, boards. 3s fid Paris, 1794 1867 LONG'S (Edw.) History of Jamaica, or General Survey of the Antient and Modern State of that Island. 3 vols. 4to, maps and plates, fine copy, calf neat. £1. 14s 1774 1868 LOPEZ (G.) Vita Condatta dal servo di Dio Gregorio Lopez nello nuova Spagna composta dal Fran. Losa gia curato della Chiesa Cattedrale del Messico, e poi suo Compagno. 4 to, folding plate, clean copy, in vellum. 10s fid Roma, 1740 1869 LOPEZ DE SEQUEIRA (Diego) Origemeena Sheeps-togten in de Oost Indien in't jaar 1518, maps and plates, Leyden, 11 07 — De Roem- Waardige Zee-en Land-Togten door cfen Vermaarden Ferdinandes '■ Cortes na Nieuw-Spanje en Mexico in de Jaaren 1518, en Vervolgens, maps and plates, but wanting the last leaf of Index, in 1 vol., 8vo, cf. 3s 1870 LOSKIEL'S (G. H.) History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians, in North America. Thick 8vo, boards. 8s — half calf. %s fid— whole calf . 8s fid 1794 118 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1871 LOBENZANA (Fr. Ant., Arzobispo de Mexico) Cartas Pastorales y Edictos. Polio, old calf. £2. 2s Mexico, 1770 Amongst other things, this volume contains a most minute account of the Portrait of the Virgin of Gruadalope, which appeared miraculously on the Filme, or blanket of Juan Diego, a converted Mexican, in the year 1531, and which was solemnly declared by a Commission of Painters and others in 1751 not to have been painted by the hand of Man. The good Archbishop comes to the conclusion that it must have been painted by millions of Angels. 1872 LOTT'S (Abraham) Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the Gen- eral Assembly of the Colony of New York, 1691 to 1743. Thick folio, neat. £5. 5* New York, 1764 This copy has the leaf of Appendix containing the Act of the English Parliament for reversing the Attainder of Jacob Leisler, Jacob Milbourne, and Abraham Governeur, who were executed for not delivering the Fort at New York to Richard Ingoldsby, 1690. The volume is very rare, no copy having occurred for sale in London during the last ten years. 1873 LOUISIANA. — Voyage a la Louisiane et sur le Continent de l'Ame- rique Septentrionale fait dans les annees 1794 a 1798, par B * * * D * * *. 8vo, folding map, boards. 5s Paris, 1802 1874 LOUISIANA. — Civil Code of the State of Louisiana, preceded by the Treaty of Cession with France, the Constitution of the United States of America, and of the State. Thick 8vo, calf. 4s 1825 1875 LOUISBOUEG. — An Authentic Account of the Beduction of Louis- bourgin June and July, 1758, by a Spectator. 8vo, hf.mor. Is &d 1758 1876 LOVE JOY. — Memoir of the Kev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was Mur- dered in Defence of the Liberty of the Press at Alton, Illinois, with Introd. by J. Quincy Adams. 8vo, cloth. 3s N. Y. 1838 1877 LOWE (Jo'seph) Inquiry into the State of the British West Indies. 8vo, half calf. 2s 6cf 1807 1878 LOWNDES (John) The Coffee Planter, or an Essay on the Cultivation and Manufacture of that article of West India produce. 8vo, plates, calf. 4s Qd 1807 1879 LOZANO. — Historia de la Compania de Jesus, en la Provincia del Paraguay. 2 vols, folio, fine copy, in russia extra. £3. 3s Madrid, 1754 1880 LOZANO (Pedro) Descripcion Chorographica del terreno, Bios, Arbolis, y Animalis de las Dilatadissimas Provincias del Gran Chaco. Gua- lamba y de Bitos y Costumbres de las Innumerables Naciones Bar- baras e Infieles que le Habitan. 4 to, no map, Spanish calf, very scarce. £3. 3s Cordoba, 1733 An interesting account of a country very little known, even a century after this book was printed. 1881 LOZIERES (Baudry des) Second Voyage a la Louisiane. 2 vols. 8vo, sewed. 5 s Paris, 1803 1882 LUCCOCK'S (John) Notes on Bio de Janeiro, and the Southern parts of Brazil, during Ten years residence. 4to, maps and plates, half calf gilt. 12s— whole calf gilt. 14s (pub. at £2. 12s 6d) 1820 1883 LUDWIG'S (Joh. Fried.) Neueste Nachrichten von Surinam mit Anmerkungen Erlauterfc von P. F. Binder. Small 8vo, curious map showing the divisions of property, boards. 4s 6c? Jena, 1789 1884 LUFFMAN (John) Account of the Island of Antigua, Customs and Manners of its Inhabitants. 12mo, map, half calf . 3s 6c? 17S9 1885 LUNAN (John) Hortus Jamaicensis, and Account of its Indigenous Plants and useful Exotics. 2 vols. 4to, (a few leaves stained), half calf 18s Jamaica, 1814 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 119 1886 LUNT (George) Lyric Poems, Sonnets, and Miscellanies. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Boston, 1854 1887 LUSHINGTON (W., Agent for Grenada) Interests of Agriculture and Commerce inseparable, [applied to the West Indies). 8 vo, half morocco. 2s 1808 1888 LUSHINGTON (Rt. Hon. S. E.) Life and Services of General Lord Harris, during his Campaigns in America, the West Indies, and India. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 5s 1840 1889 LYELL (Sir Charles) Second Visit to the United States of North America. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. Is 6d 1850 1890 LYMAN'S (Theod.) Diplomacy of the United States, from the first Treaty with France in 1778 to the Present Time. 2 vols. 8vo, second edition, boards. Is Boston, 1828 1891 LYON'S (Capt. G. F.) Private Journal, during Captain Parry's Second Voyage. 8vo, plates, by linden, boards. 4s 6d — new, half calf gilt. 5s 6d 1824 1892 LYON'S Narrative of an Unsuccessful Attempt to reach Repulse Bay, in the year 1824. 8vo, plates, boards. 3s— half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1825 1893 LYON (Capt. G. F.) Journal of a Residence and Tour in Mexico, with some Account of Mining Operations. 2 vols, post 8vo, boards. 3s Qd —half calf gilt. 5s 1828 1894 LYON. — Narrative of Patrick Lyon, who suffered Three Months' severe Imprisonment in Philadelphia Gaol, on merely a vague Sus- picion of being concerned in the Robbery of the Bank of Pensylvania, with his Remarks thereon. 8vo, portrait, half morocco. 6s Philadelphia, 1799 1895 TI/TABLY (Abbe de) Remarks concerning the Government and the JjKL Laws of the United States of America, in Four Letters addressed to Mr. Adams. 8vo, calf. 2s 6d 1784 1896 McCALLUM (P. F.) Travels in Trinidad during 1803. 8vo, map, boards. 3s— half calf '. 3s Sd 1805 1897 McCANN(W.) two Thousand Miles' Ride through the Argentine Provinces, Natural Products of the Country, and Habits of the People, with Historical Retrospect of the Rio de la Plata, Monte Video, and Corrlentes. 2 vols, post 8vo, plates, cloth. 8s Qd 1853 1898 MACAULAY (Catharine) Loose Remarks on certain positions in Mr. Hobbes' Philosop. Rudiments of Government, with Sketch of a Democratical Form of Government, and Two Letters, one from an American Gentleman, containing Comments on her Sketch and the Author's Answer. 4to, boards. 5s 1769 1899 McCLINTOCK (Capt.) Voyage of the Fox in the Arctic Seas, a Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin, and his Companions. Large 8vo, map and plates, cloth. Is — new half calf gilt. 9s Qd 1859 1900 M'CLUNG (John) Sketches of Western Adventure, containing an Account of the most interesting incidents connected with the Settle- ment of the West, from 1755 to 1794. 8vo, boards. 4s Philadelphia, 1832 1901 MACLURE (W.) Observations on the Geology of the United States of America. Svo, plates, half calf . 3s Philadelphia, 18 17 1902 McCORMICK'S.— Narrative of his Boat Expedition up the Welling- ton Channel in 1852, in search of Sir John Franklin. 4to, chart, illustrations, and plans of search, cloth. 1 5s Privately Printed, ]854 120 Books relating to America on Sale by 1903 McCOY (Isaac) History of Baptist Indian Missions, embracing Remarks on the Former and Present condition of the Aboriginal Tribes, their Settlement within the Indian Territory, and their Future Prospects. Large 8vo, boards. Is Qd Washington, 1840 1904 McCULLOCH (Dr. J. H.) Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, concerning the original History of America. 8vo, map, boards. Is 6d — Another copy, cloth (a few leaves stained). 6s Baltimore, 1829 1905 MACDOUALL'S Voyage to Patagonia and Terra del Fuego, through the Straits of Magellan. 12mo, boards. 2s Qd — calf neat. 3s 6d 1833 1906 McDOUGALL'S Eventful Voyage of H.M. Discovery Ship " Resolute," to the Arctic Regions, in search of Sir John Franklin, with Account of her Abandonment and of her Recovery, and Presentation to Q. Victoria from the Americans. Thick 8wo, plates, cloth. 12s (pub. at 21. Is) 185 7 1907 MACFADYEN (Dr. J.) Flora of Jamaica, a Description of the Plants of that Island, arranged according to the Natural Orders. 8vo, Vol. I. (all printed), cloth. Is Qd (pub. at 15s) 1837 1908 McGILLIVRAY (Simon) Narrative of Occurences in the Indian Countries of N. America, since their connexion with the Earl of Sel- kirk, 1817 — Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement of Kildonan and Massacre o/ Gov. Semple and his party, privately printed, 1817. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf r 5s 1909 Mc GREGOR'S (J.) Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Mari- time Colonies of British America. 8xo, boards. 2s 1828 1910 MACGREGOR (John) Commercial and Financial Legislation of Europe and America. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d . • 1841 Autograph Presentation Copy to Lord Brougham. 1911 MACKAY (Alex.) The Western World, or Travels in the United States in 1846-7. 3 vols, post 8vo, map, cloth. 8s 1849 1912 MACKAY (J.) Quebec Hill, or Canadian Scenery, a Poem in two parts. Uo, boards. 3s Gd 1797 1913 MACKENZIE'S (C. British Consul) Notes on Haiti, during a residence in that Republic. 2 vols, post 8vo, boards. 6s 6c? — new half calf gilt. 9s .1830 1914 MACKENZIE (Alex.) Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in 1789 and 1793. 4to, portrait and maps, boards. 6s — leather back, uncut. 7s Gd — new half calf gilt. 9s — half russia, marbled leaves. 8s 6c? 1801 1915 MACKENZIE.— Another, whole bound in calf, very neat. 9s Qd 1801 This very interesting work contains the second successful attempt to pene- trate by land to the Frozen Ocean. The Author discovered the Mackenzie River. 1916 MACKENZIE'S Strictures on " Tarlton's History of the Campaigns of 1780-81," to which is added a Detail of the Siege of Ninety-six, and Re-capture of the Island of New Providence. 8vo, boards, lbs calf. 16s Sd— half calf. 16s 1787 1917 MACKENZIE (W. Lyon) Sketches of Canada and United States. Post 8vo, boards. 3s — new half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1833 1918 McKINNEN (Daniel) Tour through the British West Indies, with a particular Account of the Bahama Islands. 8vo, map, half calf. 4s 1804 }919 MACKINNON (Captain) Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches Afloat and Ashore. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 6s 1852 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 121 19J9*MACKINNON'S (Captain) Account of the Falkland Islands. 8vo, map, cloth. 2s 1840 1920 McLEAN (John) Notes of a 25 years' service in the Hudson's Bay Territory. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 6s 1849 1921 McLELLAN (Isaac) The Fall of the Indian, with other Poems. 8vo, cloth. 25 Boston, 1830 1922 McLELLAN (Henry B., of Maidstone, Vermont) Journal of a Resi- dence in Scotland, and Tour through England, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, with Memoir of the Author. Svo. 3s Boston, 1834 1923 MACLEOD.— Memoirs of the Life and Gallant Exploits of the old Highlander Serjeant Donald Macleod, who returned wounded with the corpse of General Wolfe from Quebec, and now a Pensioner in the 1 03rd year of his age. 8vo, half calf, 3s 6d, whole calf, 4s 1791 1924 McKONOCHIE (Captain) Summary View of the Statistics and Exist- ing Commerce of the Principal Shores of the Pacific Ocean, with sketch of advantages from the Establishment of a Central Free Port within its limits. 8vo, coloured map, bds. 3s Qd — half calf, gilt. 5s 1818 1925 McMURTRIE (Dr. H.) Sketches of Louisville and its environs, and catalogue of nearly 400 Genera, and 600 species of Plants in the Vicinitv. 8vo, map, bds. 5s Louisville, 1819 1926 MACPHERSON'S (Chas.) Memoirs of his Life and Travels in Asia, Africa, and America, with particular investigations on the Negroes of the West India Islands. 12mo, bds. 3s Minb., 1800 1927 McQUEEN'S (Jas) The West Indian Colonies; the calumnies and misrepresentations against them examined and refuted. 8vo, bds. 2s 6c? — calf gilt. 3s 6d — new half calf gilt. 4s 1825 1928 MACTAGGART'S Three Years in Canada. 2 vols., post Svo, bds. 4s 6d— half bound 5s 1830 1929 McVICAR, (John) Early life and professional years of Bishop Hobart, with Preface, containing a History of the Church in America, by Rev. Dr. F. Hook. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1838 1930 MADISON'S (James) Examination of the British Doctrine, which subjects to capture a Neutral Trade not open in time of Peace. Svo. Privately Printed, half calf . 3s &d. N.D. 1931 MADISON. — Important Document which accompanied the Message of the President of the U.S. at the opening of the Second Session of the Eleventh Congress. Svo, half calf '. 3s 1809 1932 MADISON Agonistes ; or the Agonies of Mother Goose ; fragment of a Burletta as acting or to be acted on the American Stage. Svo, bds. 3s 1814 1933 MADDEN'S (Dr. R. R.) Twelve Months' Residence in the West Indies. 2 vols., post 8vo, half calf extra. 4s Qd 1835 1934 MADDEN (R. R.) The Island of Cuba, its resources, progress, and prospects considered in relation especially to the influence of its prosperity on the interests of the British West India Colonies, post Svo, cloth. 3s Q>d 1853 1936 MAFFEI (Jo. P.) Historiarum Indicarum libri XVI. selectarum item ex India Epistolarum accessit Ignatii Loiolae Vita. Fol. half calf. 8s Qd Col. Jgrip., 1589 1937 MAFFEI (Jo. P.) Another Edition, folio, pigskin with clasps. 10s 6d Col. Agrip., 1593 Contains a short account of the Brazils, Peru, and proceedings of the Jesuits in those Countries. 122 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1938 MAG AW (Samuel, D. D.) Discourse occasioned, by the Mournful Catastrophe, through Fire, which overwhelmed and destroyed Mr. Andrew Brown, his wife, and three children, delivered in St. Paul's Church, Feb. 5, 1797. 8vo, bds. 3s Qd Philadelphia, 1797 1939 MAGRATH (T. W.) Letters from Canada, and Canadian Field Sports. post 8vo. plates, by Samuel Lover. 2s fid — new half calf gilt. 3s Qd Dublin, 1833 1940 MAHOGANY TREE, its Botanical Characters, qualities and uses, y ys~ with suggestions for cutting it in the West Indies and Central America, with notices of Panama, Nicaragua, Tehuantepec. 8vo, plates and fold i7i g map in a case, cloth. 5s Liverpool, 1850 1941 MAILLARD'S (D. N.) History of the Republic of Texas. 8vo, map, bds. 6s (pub. at 14s) 1842 1942 MAINE.— Report of the Senate of the State of Maine on the North Eastern Boundary of the State. 8vo, half bound. 2s 6c? 1828 1943 MALCOLME'S Essay on the Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland designed as an introduction to a larger work, especially an attempt to shew an affinity betwixt the Languages, &c. of the Ancient Britains and the Americans of the Isthmus of Darien. 8vo, calf 'neat. 6s Edinb., 1738 1944 MALDEN. — The Bi-Centennial Book of Maiden, containing the Oration and Poem delivered on the two hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, May 23, 1849. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6c? Boston, 1850 1945 MALO (Charles) Histoire de L'lle de Saint-Domingue depuis sa decouverte jusqu' a ce jour, suivie de pieces justificatives. 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d * Paris 1819 1946 MALOUET, Collection de Memoires,sur l'Administration des Colonies, et notamment sur la Guiane, Francaise et Hollandaise. 5 vols., 8vo, sewed. Is Qd— whole calf. 10s Qd Paris, 1802 1947 MANBY (Capt. G. W.) Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in the year 1821. 4to, plates and woodcuts, bds. 5s 1822 1948 "MANBY (G. W.) Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in 1821. 8vo, plates, bds. 3s — half calf , carmine edges. 3s 6d. 1823 1949 MANTE (Thomas) History of the late War in North America and the Islands of the West Indies, including the Campaigns of 1763 and 1 764. 4to, numerous maps, calf neat and gilt, scarce, £1. lis 6d 1772 1950 MANTE. — Another copy {wanting the maps) very neat. 12s 1 772 1951 MANUAL. — Guide des Voyageurs aux Etats-Unis par F. D. G , American Naturaliste. 1 2mo, half 'morocco. 2s 1818 1952 MAP. — Mitchell's Large Map of the British and French Dominions in North America. Mounted on linen in a case. 6s 1755 1953 MAPS. — Popple's Map of the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto, on 20 sheets, with a number of interesting Views of Cities and Plans of Ports on the mar- gins, 1733 — Mortier's Maps of the opposite Coasts of England and France, also of Flanders and Holland, on a large scale {serviceable to illustrate the Campaigns of Marlborough,) 24 sheets — Dr. Pococke's Map of Egypt, on 8 sheets, with a Geographical Dissertation {in Latin), 1743 — Sanson's Maps of the Theatre of War in Bavaria, Italy, &c, 8 sheets — Placides' Map of the Course of the Po, 5 sheets Plan of the Harbour, Town and Forts of Carthagena, in New Spain, Porto Bello, Cumberland Harbour, in Cuba and Havana, 1739 ; and various other Maps in the same Volume. Folio, half bound. 16s J. R. Smithy 36, Soho Square, London, 123 1954 MAPS. — Carte de l'Amerique Meridionale par P. Lapie, Capt. Ingenieur Geographe, on two sheets — Carte des Indes Occidentals et du Golf'e da Mexique, together, 3 sheets, on canvas in a case. 4s 1814 1955 MARCH (Charles W.) Daniel Webster and his Times. Swo,fne por- trait, cloth. 2s Qd New York, 1859 1956 MARCH AIS (Chev. des) Voyage en Guinee, Isles voisines et a Cayenne, 1725-27. 4 vols., \2mo, pits., neat, half cf. 10s U 1730 1957 MARKHAM (C. R.) Cuzco, a Journey to the Ancient Capital of Peru, with the History, Language, Literature, and Antiquities of the Incas and Visit to the Capital and Provinces of Modern Peru. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth. 6s 1856 1958 MARMONTEL. — Les Incas, ou la destruction de l'Empire duPerou. 2 vols. 8vo, beautiful plates by Moreau, calf, gilt leaves. 5s — half calf 4s U Paris, 1777 1959 MARRY AT'S (Capt.) Diary in America, with remarks on its Institu- tions. 3 vols, post 8vo, bds. 5s 1839 1960 MARRY AT'S (Capt.) Diary in America, with remarks on its Institu- tions. 3 vols, post 8vo, port., cloth. 12s 1839 Inserted is a long and interesting autograph letter from Capt. Marryat to E. Ingrahara, Esq., of Philadelphia, several cuttings from newspapers respect- ing Capt. Marryat, also a satirical pamphlet, entitled, " Lie-ary on America and its Constitutions, by Capt. Marry-it, C. B." 1961 MARRYAT (Capt.) Diary in America, with remarks on its Institutions. both series, 6 vols, post 8vo, bds. 6s 6d 1839 1962 MARSH (Rev. James) The Remains of, late President of the Univer- sity of Vermont, with a Memoir of his Life. By J. Torrey. 8vo, cloth. 6s Boston, 1843 1963 MARSHALL'S (John, Chief Justice) Writings upon the Federal Con- stitution. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. 9s Boston, 1839 1964 MARSHALL'S (John, Chief Justice) Life of General Washington; with introduction containing a compendious Yiew of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North America. 5 vols. 8vo,maps and plates, half calf , uncut. 16s 1807 1965 MARSHALL'S Life of Washington. 5 vols. 4to, large paper, clean, in boards. £1. 4s 1807 1966 MARSHALL'S Life of General Washington. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, com- plete, plates, neat. 8s 6d 1834 1967 MARSHALL. — Passages from the Remembrancer of Christopher Marshall, 1774-1776. Edited by W. Duane, Jim. Post8vo, cloth. 2s Qd — Another Copy with the year 1777 added, with Autograph Letter of the Editor. *3s 6d Philadelphia, 1839 1968 MARSILLAC (J.) La Vie de Guillaume Penn, fondateur de la Penn- sylvania 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, half calf . 4s 6d Paris, 1791 1969 MARTENS (Fred.) Spitzbergische oder Groenlandische Reise Besch- reibung. 4to, folding plates, bds. scarce. 9s Hamburg, 1675 1970 MARTIN'S (R. Montgomery) History of the 'West Indies, comprising Jamaica, Honduras, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, Bahamas, and Vir- gin Islands. 2 vols. 12mo, plates, new half russia extra. Is 6d 1836 1971 MARTIN (E. M.) Hudson's Bay Territories and Vancouver's Island, with an Exposition of the Chartered Rights, Conduct, and Policy of the Hudson's Bay Corporation. 8vo, map, cloth. 4s Qd 1849 1972 MARTIN (R. M.) The British Colonies, their History, Extent, Condi- tion, and Resources. Royal 8vo. Division I. British North America. Portraits and coloured maps, cloth. 4s 6d 124 Books relating to America, on Sale by 11)73 MARTIN (R. M.) History, Statistics, and Geography of Upper and Lower Canada. 12mo, folding map, cloth. 2s 6d 1838 1974- MARTIN (Samuel) Essay upon Plantership, with Preface upon the Slavery of Negroes in the British Colonies. 8vo, calf gilt. 4s 1773 1075 MARTIN. Another edition. 8vo, calf. 3* Antigua, 1767 1976 MARTINI (Franc) Argo-Nauta Batavus sivi Expeditions Navalis quam alter noster Jason et Heros fortissims Petrus Heinius inclytae soc. Indiae Occidentalis ductu nuper Suscepit et Victoriae in sinu Matanzae divinitus reportatae historia Carmine heroico discripta. 4to, new calf elegant, by Pratt. £1. 5s Campis, 1629 1977 MARTINEAU'S (Miss) Retrospect of Western Travel. 3 vols, post 8vo, boards. 5s 1838 1978 MARTINEAU'S (Miss) Society in America. 3 vols, post 8vo, bdt. 5s 1837 1979 MARTIUS (C. F. P. De) Specimen Materia Medicae Brasiliensis Exhibens Plantas Medicinales. 4to, plates, bds. 5s 1824 1980 MARTYRIS (Petri) De rebus Oceanico et Orbe Novo, decades tres, eusdem praeterea Legationis Babylonica, libri tres. Folio, vellum, good copy, rare. £1 lis Qd Basilic, 1533 1981 MARTYR. Another, very fine copy. Calf extra, from Lord De Rothesay s Library. £2. 2s ib. 1533 1982 MARTYRIS (Petri) De Insulis nuper repertis et illarum gentium Moribus libellus. 4to, fine copy of this rare booh, with Hans Hol- bein's designs round the title-page, vellum. £2. 12s . 1986 MARTYR. Another Edition, 4to, good copy, neat, in half 7'ussia. _ £6. 16s. 6d Lond. 1628 Washington Irving has made great use of this Volume in his Life of Colum- bus. Martyr was acquainted with Columbus while making his application to Ferdinand and Isabella, and was present at his triumphant reception by them in Barcelona, on his return from his first voyage. 19S6*MARTYR. Extraiet ou recueil des Isles Nouvellement trouvees en la grand mer Oceane ou temps du roy d'Espagne Ferdinand et Eli- zabeth sa femme/faict premierement en Latin par Pierre Martyr de Millan et depuis translate en language Francoys. Item trois narra- tions dont la premiere est de Cuba. La seconde qui est de la mer Oceane. La tierce, qui est de la Prinse de Temistitan (Mexico). Small 4to, 12 pages in neat manuscript, otherwise a good copy of this rare booh, half calf . £i. 2s Paris, Simon de Colines, 1532 1987 MASERES (Francis) Collection of Commissions and public instruments relating to the Province in Quebec, since the Conquest of it by the British Arms in 1760. 4to, calf £1. Is 1772 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 1988 MASELtES. — Additional Papers concerning the Province of Quebec. 8vo, bds. 5s; half calf \ 5s; whole calf, 6s 1776 1989 MASERES. — Account of the proceedings of the British and other Pro- testant Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec to obtain an House of Assembly in that Province, with the Additional Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 12s 1775-6 1990 MASERES (Baron) Occasional Essays, chiefly Political and Historical. 8vo, bds. 5s dd; calf gilt, 6s Qd ; half calf , 5s Qd 1809 This volume contains several pieces relating to America : as a Proposal for a Eeeonciliation with the Revolted Colonies : Inexpediency of establishing Bishops in America ; Paraphrase on Archbishop Markham's Sermon for Pro- pagating the Gospel : State of North America after the Capture of Lord Cornwallis's army ; First and Second Charters of Massachusetts ; Proceed- ings of the Town of Boston, 1772 ; Account of the Noblesse or Gentry in Canada, &c. &c. 1991 MASON (R. H.) Pictures of Life in Mexico. 2 vols, post 8vo, etchings by the Author, cloth. Is (pub. at £1 Is) 185 L 1992 MASSACHUSETTS.— The Landing at Cape Anne, or the Charter of the First Permanent Colony on the Territory of the Massachusetts Company ; now discovered and first published lrom the original manuscript. By J. W. Thornton. Jtioyal 8vo, fac simile of the Charter, cloth. 4s Boston, 1854 1993 MASSACHUSETTS.— Revised Statutes of the Commonwealih of Massachusetts, passed Nov. 4, 1835, with the Constitutions of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Very thick volume, royal 8vo, calf. 5s Boston, 1836 1994 MASSACHUSETTS.— Official Report of the Debates and Proceed- ings in the State Convention, assembled May 4, 1853, to revise and amend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 3 vols, royal 8vo, law calf. £i. Is Boston, 1853 1995 MASSACHUSETTS.— Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay. Royal 8vo, thick vol. calf. Is M Boston, 1814 1996 MASSACHUSETTS.— Speeches of Governor Hutchinson to the Ge- neral Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay, with the Answers of his Majesty's Council and the House of Representatives. 8vo, bds. 9s Boston, New England, 1773 1997 MASSACHUSETTS.— Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Third Series. Vol. VII. cloth, 4s 1838— Do. Vol. IX. cloth. 5 s Boston, 1816 1998 MASSACHUSETTS.— Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Vol. III. of the Fourth Series, containing Governor Brad- ford's History of Plymouth Plantations, now first printed from the original M.S. Royal 8vo, cloth. 7s Gd Boston, 1856 1999 MASSE (E. M.) L'Isle de Cuba et la Havane. 8vo, sewed. 3s 6d Paris, 1825 2000 MATHER'S (Increase) Essay for Recording of Illustrious Provi- dences. 12 mo, green morocco, extra gilt leaves. £3. 13s 6d Boston, S. Green, 1684 2001 Another Copy. 12mo (title reprinted), new, morocco extra. M. 2s ib. 1684 2002 A New Edition, with Introductory Preface by George Offor. 12 mo, fine portrait, handsomely printed, cloth. 5s 1856 A very singular collection of remarkable Sea Deliverances, Accidents, Re- markable Phenomena, Witchcrafts, Apparitions, &c. &c, connected with the inhabitants of New England, &c. &c. See a long notice of the volume in the New Retrospective Review, No. 1, Nov. 1852. 126 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2003 MATHER'S (Increase) Doctrine of Divine Providence opened and applyed ; also Sunday Sermons ; to which is added Nathaniel Mather's Sermon on the Constant Exercise of Grace. 12mo, green morocco extra, gilt leaves. £2. 2s Boston, 1684 2004 MATHER (Increase) The Mystery of Israel's Salvation Explained and Applyed, or a Discourse concerning the General Conversion of the Israelitish Nation. 8vo, calf. £1. 5s 1669 2005 MATHER (Increase) De Successu Evangelii apud Indos Occidentales et Orientales in Nova Anglia, Epistola a Crescentio Mathero apud Bostonienses, V. D. M. nee. non Collegii Harvardini rectore. Small 8vo, vellum. £1. 4* Ultrajecti, 1699 2006 MATHER'S (Increase) History of King Philip's War; also a His- tory of the same War, by Dr. Cotton Mather, re-published with In- troduction and Notes, by S. G. Drake. 4to, nicely printed, cloth. ISs 6d Boston, 1862 2006*MATHER'S (Increase) Early History of New England, being a rela- tion of Hostile Passages between the Indians and European Voy- agers and first Settlers to the close of the War with the Pequots in 1637, with Introduction and Notes by S. G. Drake. 4to, nicely printed, cloth. 15s ib. 1864 2007 MATHER (Cotton) Alagnalia Christi Americana, or the Ecclesiastical History of New England from the first planting in the year 1620 unto the year 1698. Eolio, map, {part of it admirably supplied in facsimile), calf gilt good copy. £4. 10* 1702 2008 MATHER'S New England. Folio, good copy (no map) very neat. £3. Us&d 1702 2009 MATHER.— An Abridgment of the Life of the Rev. Dr. Cotton Mather, taken from the Account of him by his Son, by D. Jennings. 12mo, neat. 4s— fine copy, new, calf gilt. 9s 1744 2010 MATHER (Cotton) Life of Rev. John Eliot, the Missionary to the Indians in North America. 12 mo, Ids. 2s 1820 2011 MATHER'S (Cotton) Work Within Doors, an Essay to assist the Serious in the grand Exercise of Conversing with Themselves and Communing with their own Hearts. 12 mo, vel, Is 6d Boston, 1709 2012 MATHER (Cotton) The Christian Philosopher, a Collection of the best Discoveries in Nature, with Religious Improvements. 8vo, calf neat. 6s 1721 2013 MATHER'S (Cotton) Wonders of the Invisible World, being an Ac- count of the Tryals of several Witches in New England. 4 to, /we copy, calf extra,"by Tratt. £3. 13s U 1693 2014 MATHER'S (Increase) Further Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches. \lo,fine copy, calf extra, by Pratt. £3. 13s 6d 1693 2015 MATHER'S (Dr. Cotton) Wonders of the Invisible World, being an account of the Trials of several Witches lately executed in New England, and of the several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. To which are added Dr. Increase Mather's Further Account of the Tryals, and Cases of Conscience concerning Witchcraft-, and Evil Spirits Personating Men. Reprinted from the rare original edi- tions o/1693, with an Introductory Preface. Fcap, 8vo, cl. 6s 1861 2016 MATHER (Nathanael) Discussion of the Lawfulness of a Pastor's acting as an Officer in other Churches besides that which he is spe- cially called to take the Oversight of. 12mo, calf. 7s Gd 3 698 2017 MATHER (Nathanael) Twenty-three Select Sermons, preached at the Merchant's Lecture Hall and in Lime Street. 8vo, old cf. 4s 6d 1701 •^ J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 127 2018 MATHER (Richd. Teacher of the Church at Dorchester, and W. Tomp- son, Pastor of the Church at Braintree in New England) A Modest and Brotherly Answer to Mr. Charles Herle his Book against the Independency of Churches. Sent from thence (N. E.) after the Assembly of Elders were dissolved that met at Cambridge. 4to, boards. £\. 15s— half morocco. £2. 2s 1644. 2019 MATHER (Richard, of Dorchester, N.JE.) Reply to Mr. Rutherford, or a Defence of the Answer to Rev. Mr. Herle's Booke against the Independency of Churches, wherein such Objections and Answers as are returned to sundry passages in the said Answer by Mr. Ruther- ford are examined and removed. Small 4to, half calf . £\. 8s 1647 2020 MATTHISON (G. F.) Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chili, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, in the years 1821 and 1822. 8vo, map and coloured plates, boards. 3s Qd — new half calf gilt. 5s 1825 2021 MATTHIAS and his Impostures, or the Progress of Fanaticism Il- lustrated in the Extraordinary Case of Robert Matthews and some of his Forerunners and Disciples, by William L. Stone. 3rd edition, 12 mo, cloth. 2s New York, 1835 2022 MAUDE (John) Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800. Royal Svo, plates, boards. 10s 6c? — morocco, gilt leaves. 14s 1826 2023 Another, Printed Entirely on India Paper, with portrait and view of his residence inserted. Royal 8vo, mor. 15s 1826 2024 MAUDUIT (Israel) A Short View of the History of the New England Colonies, 131 pp. 1776 — An Humble Address on a Connection with the Continental Colonies of America, by Dr. Tucker, 93 pp. 1755 — By the same, a Series of Answers against Separating from the Re- bellious Colonies, 108 pp. 1776 — A Letter to the Noblemen, Gen- tlemen, &c, on the subject of the American Rebellion, 37 pp. 1776, &c. &c. all in I vol. 8vo, calf neat. 10s 6c? 1776 2025 MAURY (Sarah Mytton) The Statesmen of America in 1846. Thick Svo, cloth. 3s 1847 2026 MAURY (Sarah Mytton) An Engliswohman in America. Thick 8vo, cloth, ds&d 1848 2027 MAW'S (Capt. Henry Lister) Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the Northern Provinces of ^ Peru, and descending the River Maranon or Amazon. 8vo, map, bds. 6s — half calf {no map) 4s 1829 2028 MAWE (John) Travels in the Interior of Brazil particularly in the Gold and Diamond Districts of that Country. 4to, map and plates, some coloured, calf gilt. 6s 1812 2029 MAXCY (Rev. Jonathan) American Eloquence, consisting of Ora- tions, Addresses, and Sermons, being his Literary remains, with Me- moir of his Life by Romeo Elton, D.D. 8vo, bound. 2s 6c? New York, 1845< 2030 MAXIMILIAN (Prince) Travels in Brazil in the years 1815, 1816 and 1817. 4to, maps and plates, bds. 6s— half calf \ 6s 6c? 1820 2031 MAXWELL (Lt. Col.) A Run through the United States during the Autumn of 1840. 2 vols, post 8vo, portraits, cloth. 4s 6c? 1841 2032 MAY (Commander) Series of Fourteen Sketches made during Sir E. Belcher's Voyage up Wellington Channel in Search of Sir John Franklin. 4to, sewed. 6s 1855 2033 MAYER (Brantz) Mexico as it was and as it is. 8vo, numerous ^ plates and woodcuts, cloth. 6s 6c? New York, 1844 128 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2034 MAYER'S (Brantz) Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican, with Notes of New Mexico and California. 2 vols, royal 8vo, full of engravings, cloth. 15s 1853 2035 MAYHEW (Jonn. Pastor of the West Church in Boston) Seven Ser- mons Preached at a Lecture in the West Meeting House in Boston, and various other Pieces in the vol. 8vo, neat, bs London, 1750 2036 MAYHEW (Jonathan, of Boston) Sermons. 8vo {some leaves wormed?) '3s 6d 1756 2037 MAYHEW (Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church, Boston) Observa- tions on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, with Reflections on the State of Reli- gion in New England, 1763 — Defence of the Observations, 1764 — ■ Remarks on an Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations, 1765 — . Review of Dr. Mayhew's Remarks, by East Apthorp (Missionary at Cambridge, N. E.) 1765 — Chauncy (Charles, Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Boston) Letter to a Friend on certain Passages in a Sermon Preached by the Bishop of Landaff, in which the highest reproach is undeservedly cast upon the American Colonies, Boston, 1767. In 1 vol. 8vo, a rare collection, calf. £l.lls6d 1764-67 2038 MAYHEW'S (Dr. Jonathan, of Boston) Observations on the Charter and Conduct of Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, with Incidental Reflections relative to the Church of England and the State of Religion in North America, 1763 — Dr. Mayhew's Defence of his Observations against an Anonymous Author in New England, 1764 — Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations (said to be written by Abp. of Canterbury), 1764 — Dr. Mayhew's Second De- fence, in which the Scheme of Sending Bishops to America is parti- cularly Considered, &c, 1765 — Apthorp's Review of Mayhew's Defence, 1765 — A Further Appeal to the unprejudiced Judgment of Mankind in behalf of the Indians, 1766 — together 6 tracts, forming nearly 600 pages, in 1 vol. 8vo, original half calf, very scarce. £1. 5s 2039 MAYHEW (Bradford Alden) Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, Pastor of the West Church in Boston. Royal 8vo, portrait, cloth. 5* 1838 2040 MAYHEW (Experience) Letter to a Gentleman on that question, whether Saving Grace be different in species from Common Grace or in degree only. 8vo, half morocco. 65 Qd Boston, N.E. 1747 2041 MAYO (Dr. Robert) Political Sketches of Eight Years in Washing- ton. Part I. pp. 2 L4. 8vo, cloth. 3s Baltimore, 1839 2042 MAZZEI (M.) Recherches Historiques et Politiques but les Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentiionale, ou Ton traite des etablissemens des Colonies avant et apres la Revolution, &c, par un Citoyen de Virginie. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf . 10s 6d — whole calf. 12s Qd — Do. 4 vols, in 2, calf. 12s Colle, 1738 2043 ME ARES (John) Voyages from China to the North -West Coast of America, and Observations on the probable existence of a North- West Passage. 4to, maps and plates, wilhportait of the Author, neat. 9s— half calf. 8s 1790 2044 MEARES (John) Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789 from China to the N. W. Coast of America. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 5s — neat, 6s 1791 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 129 2045 MEARE'S (John) Voyage in 1788 and 1789 from China to the North- West Coast of America. Portrait and plates, 1790 — Dixon (Capt. Geo.) Eemarks on the above Voyages in a Letter to the Author, 1790. 1 vol. 4to, calf neat. ls'6d 2046 MEARES (John) Travels in the East Indies and America in 1786- 1789, translated into Swedish. 8vo, half calf . % s Stockholm, 1797 2047 MEASE (Dr. James) Picture of Philadelphia, its Origin, Increase, and Improvement. 8vo. frontispiece, calf. 3* Philadelphia, 1811 2048 MELANCHOLY Narrative of the Distressful Voyage and Miraculous Deliverance of Captain David Harrison, of New York, on his Voyage from Fyal, one of the Western Islands, written by himself. 8vo, calf, scarce. 5* 1766 2049 MELANGES de Litterature Publies, par J. B. A. Suard. 5 vols. 8vo, sewed. Is Qd Paris, 1804 Amongst other pieces in this amusing collection is " Du Caracteres des Moeurs et des Usages des Cheraquis Nation indigene de l'Amerique Septen- tionale." Also, " Voyage dans les Forets et les Rivieres de la G-uayane." 2050 MELII (J. R.) De Rebus Rusticis Brasilicis, Carminum libri quatuor, quibus accedit Prudentii Amaralii de Sacchari Opificio, singulare carmen. 4to, plates, half calf '. 5* 6c? Olysipone, 11 98 2051 MELISH (John) Military and Topographical Atlas of the United States, including the British Possessions .and Florida. 8vo, nume- rous folding maps, coloured, half calf . 5s Philadelphia, 1815 2052 MELISH (John) The Sina qua non, a Map of the United States, showing the Boundary Line, with the Documents relative to the Negotiation. Post 8vo, map, boards. 3s 6d Philadelphia, 1815 2053 MELISH'S Geographical Description of the United States. 8vo, maps, half calf . 2s Philadelphia, 1822 2054 MELLEN'S Book of the United States from its first discovery, Bio- graphy of the Leading Men, &c. Thick 8vo, numerous woodcuts, cloth. 4* &d New Fork, 1839 2055 MEMOIRE touchant l'Etablissement d'une Mission Chrestienne dans le troiseme Monde, autrement appelle la terre Australe, Meridionale, Antartique et Inconnue, par un Ecclesiastique originaire de cette mesme Terre. 8vo, fine copy, in russia, scarce. J61 11* fid Paris, 1663 2056 MEMOIRS of a Nullifier, written by himself. By a Native of the South. 8vo, boards. 3* r )d Columbia, S. C. 1832 2057 MEMOIRE Historique sur la Negociation de la France et de Angle- terre avec les Pieces Justificatives (relating the Cession of Canada, 8fc.) 1761 — Definitive Treaty between England, France and Spain {by which England obtained Canada, some of the West India Islands, and a definition of the French Buondary on the Mississippi) 1763 — Definitive Treaty between England and France, 3 Sept. 1783 (chiefly relating to Newfoundland and some of the West India Islands) 1783. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf. 6* 2058 MEMOIRE Historique sur la Negociation de la France et de l'Angle- terre depuis le 26 Mars. 1761, Jusqu 'au 20 Septembre de la meme annee avec les pieces justificatives. 12mo calf. 5s. Paris, 1761 2059 MEMOIRES et Observations Geographiques et Critiques sur la situ- ation des Pays Septentrionaux de T'Asie de l'Amerique auxquelles on a joint un Essai sur la route aux Indes par le Nord. 4to, maps, sewed. 4* 176& 9 130 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2060 MEMOIRS of an American Loyalist. Small 8vo, privately printed, boards. 3* 6c? 1826 2061 MEMOIRE8 des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de sa Majeste Bri- tannique sur les Possessions et les droits respectifs de deux Couronnes en Amerique, avec les Actes publics et Pieces Justificatives. 4 vols. 4to, fine copy, in yellow morocco, gilt backs, from Lord Stuart de Rothesay's Collection. £3. 3s Paris, 1755-57 Vol. 1 contains Acadia and the Island of St. Lucia. Vol. 2, Public Acts concerning America in General and Justificative Pieces on Acadia. "Vol. 3, Pieces relative to St. Lucia. Vol. 4, Further Remarks on Acadia and the Island of St. Tobago. 2062 Vol. 4, calf neat. 15* This volume is often wanting to complete sets. There is no English edi- tion of it. The Rev. Dr. Abiel Holme9, in his Annals of America, calls this " an in- valuable collection of official papers and documents." The Authors were Messieurs de Silhouette, Galissoniere, and particularly the Abbe de la Ville, an ex-Jesuit. 2063 MEMORIALS of the English and French Commissaries concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia, or Acadia, and St. Lucia. French and English. 2 vols. 4to, half bound. 14* — neat whole calf. 18* 1755 2064 MEMORIALS of the English and French Commissaries concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia. 4to, large folding map of Nova Scotia, half calf , uncut. Is bd 1755 2065 MEMORIALS concerning St. Lucia. 4to, half calf. 6* — whole calf. Is 1755 Some of the Memorials having been printed in Paris, it has been thought necessary to print at London all the Memorials upon these points, in the same form in which they were delivered. — Advertisement. 2066 MEMORIALS of the Courts of Great Britain and France since the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, relative to the Limits of the Territories of both Crowns in North America, and the right to the Neutral Islands in the West Indies. 4to, neat half calf. 14* — whole calf neat. 16* Hague, 1756 2067 MEN and Manners in America, by the Author of " Cyril Thornton " (Capt. Hamilton). 2 vols, post 8vo, boards. 4* 1834 2068 MENDOCA (Goncales de) Historia de las Cosas mas Notables ritos y Costumbres del gran reyno de la China, con un Itinerario del Nuevo Mundo. 8vo, fine copy, new red morrocco, gilt leaves. £2. 2* Anvers, 1596 2069 MENONVILLE (Thiery De) Traite de la Culture du Nopal, et de l'Education de la Cochinille, dans les Colonies Francaises de la Ame- rique, precede d'une Voyage a Guaxaca. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, calf gilt. 10* U 1787 2070 MENONVILLE (Thiery De) Reise nach Guaxaca in Neu-Spanien. Small 8vo, half calf. 4* 6d 2071 MERCURE Francois on Suitte de l'Histoire de nostre temps sous le Regne de Louis XIII. 1605-1644, par Renaudot. 25 vols. 8vo, plates and maps, good set, old calf £3. 13* 6d Paris, 161S-48 This work affords valuable materials for the early history of Canada, both after and before Champlain's voyages, of which it gives particulars. Mexico and other parts of the American continent are treated of, as well as Poland, Russia, the Thirty Years' War, &c. &c. It was, in fact, the "Annual Regis- ter " of its day. y J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 131 2072 MEEIAN (Mariae Sibillse) Dissertatio de Generatione Metamorphosibus Insectorura Surinaraensium. Large folio, 72 fine plates showing the insects of Surinam and the plants on which they feed ', old calf. JB1. Is Amst. 1719 2073 Another Copy, with plates coloured, old calf gilt. £2. 2s ib. 1719 This copy has a manuscript English literal translation of the Latin text, in very clear calligraphy. 2074 MERRILL (Daniel) Mode and Subjects of Baptism examined in Seven Sermons, with Brief History of the Baptists, Boston, 1805 — Eight Letters on Open Communion, ib. 1805 — Andrews' (Elisha) Vindica- tion of the Distinguishing Sentiments of the Baptists against the Writings of Cowles, Miller, and Edwards, ib. 1805 — in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. Qs 2075 MERRICK. — Memoir of Eichard Merrick, Missionary in Jamaica, by John Clarke. 12mo, cloth, 2s 1850 2076 MESANGE (Rev. Pere Cordelier, Pierre de) La Vie, les Avantures et le Voyage de Groenland. 2 vote in 1, 12mo, frontispiece, calf. 3s Amst. 1720 2077 MESSAGE from the President of the United States, with Report of the Secretary of the Navy and Proceedings or Court Martial for Trial of Beverly Kennow. Royal 8vo, boards. 3s Washington, 182 1 2078 MEXIA (Diego) Primera parte del Parnaso Antartico, de obras Aina- torias con las 21 Epistolas de Ovidio i el in Ibin en tercetos. 4 to, (M.S. title and corner of a leaf torn, otherwise good sound copy), vel- lum, scarce. 10* Qd Seville, 1608 The Discurso " en loor de la Poesia" was composed by a lady of high rank in Mexico. 2079 MEXICAN ANTIQUITIES.— Facsimile of a roll of Hieroglyphics, or Pictorial Writings of the Ancient Mexicans, anterior to the Conquest is of the Country by the Spaniards. A lithograph engraving, 19 feet in length, 8 inches broad. Is Qd 2080 MEXICO. — Antiquities, Mexicaines. Relation des trois Expeditions du Capt. Dupaix accompagnee des dessins de Casteneda et d'autres Documents par Lenoir, Warden, Earey, Baradere et de St. Preist, *" &c. 2 vols, royal folio, 166 most interesting plates, half green mo- rocco, uncut. £8. 18*. 6d Paris, 1834 This is almost an indispensable supplement to Humboldt's " Voyage dans l'Amerique," as it contains many interesting discoveries not in the latter work. 2081 MEXICO AND GUATEMALA.— Modern Traveller, a Popular De- /- scription of Mexico and Guatemala. 2 vols. 12mo, map and plates, " boards. 3s — calf neat. 4* 6c? 1825 2082 MEXICO ET GUATEMALA, par M. De Larenaudiere ; Perou par y M. Lacroix. 8vo, map and numerous plates, new half calf gilt. 5s Paris, 1843 2083 MEXICO.— The Other Side, or Notes for the History of the War between Mexico and the United States, written in Mexico ; trans- lated from the Spanish, and edited, with Notes, by Col. A. C. Ramsey, 8vo, portraits and plates, cloth. 5* New York, 1850 2084 MEXICO. — A Trip to Mexico, or Recollections of a Ten Months' , Ramble in 1849-50, by a Barrister (Mr. Eorbes). Post 8vo, cloth, : 3* &d 1851 2085 MEXICO. — Recueil de Pieces relatives a la Conquete du Mexique, l^ inedit. par H. Ternaux. 8vo, sewed. 4* 1838 i/ 132 Books relating to America on Sale by 2086 MEXICO. — Sketch of the Customs and Society of Mexico, and Journal of Travels in the Interior during the years 1824, 1825, and 1826. Post 8vo, boards, 'ds 1828 2087 MEXICO. — Concilios Provinciales Celebrados en la muy noble, y muy leal Cuidad de Mexico en los Annos 1555, 1565, 1585, cura et expensis, F. A. Lorenzana, Archiprcesulis. 3 vols in 2, folio, vellum, scarce. £3. 3s Mexico, 1769-70 2088 MEXICO. — Bosquejo Ligerisimo de la Revolucion de Megico des de el grito de Iguale hastu la Proclamacion Imperial de Iturbid. Por un Verdadero Americano. 12mo. 5* Philadelphia, 1822 2089 MEXICO. — Memoria de los Eamos del Ministerio de Relaciones Interiores y Esteriores de la Republica Mexico, 1826 — Memoria del Earao de hacienda Federal de los Estados unidos Mexicanos Mexica, 1826, and several others relating to Mexico. In 1 vol. folio, mo- rocco . 10s 6 rf 2090 MEXICO AND TEXAS .—Reports of the Secretary of War, with Recounaisances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by Lt.-Col. Johnston, Lieuts. Smith and Bryan, and Report of Lieut. Whiting's Reconnaisances of the Western Frontier of Texas. 8vo, many plates and maps, cloth. 5* Washington, 185 2091 MEXICO. — Memorandum des Negociations pendantes entre Le Mexique et l'Espagne. 8vo, pp. 365, not published, hf. cf. 4s Qd Poissy, 1857 2092 MEXICAN. — Coloured Plates Gf Mexican and Aztec Hieroglyphics, also Antiquities and Views ; in all 34 plates from Humboldt's great work on American Monuments. 6s 2093 MICHAUX (F. A.) Voyage a l'ouest des Monts Alleghanys dans les etats de l'Onio du Kentucky et du Tennessee et retour a Charleston par les hautes Carolines. 8vo, map, half calf . 3s 6d Paris, 1806 2094 MICHAUX (F. A.) Travels to the West of the Alleghany Mountains in the States of Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessea, and back to Charles- ton bv the Upper Carolines. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d — half calf. 4s —whole calf. 5s 1805 2095 MICHAUX (F. A.) Memoire sur la Naturalization des arbres forestiers de rAmerique Septentrionale. Svo, hf. morocco. 2s 6d Paris, 1805 2096 MIDDLETON'S (Capt.) Vindication of his Conduct in the Voyage for Discovering a North-West Passage to the Western American Ocean, in Answer to Dobb's Objections. 8vo, calf neat. 4s 6^ 1743 2097 MIERS' (John) Travels in Chile and La Plata, with the Mining Operations in Chile. 2 vols. 8vo, many plates, boards. 10s 6d — half calf gilt. 1 2s— whole calf. Ids 1826 2098 MILBERT (J.) Itineraire Pittoresque du Fleuve Hudson, et des V Parties Laterales de l'Araerique du Nord. Vol. I. royal 4to, map, and 49 Lithographic Vims, tieic, half calf. 10s 6d Paris, 1828 2099 MILES (Pliny) Advantages of direct Steam Communication between Europe and America, via Galway, Ireland. Svo, map, cloth. 2s 1859 2100 MILL (Nicholas) History of Mexico, from the Spanish Conqnest to the present iEra. 8vo, map, half calf. 3s 1824 2101 MILLAR (Robert, Minister of the Gospel at Paisley) History of the Propagation of Christianity and Overthrow of Paganism. 2 vols. Svo, calf neat. 12s Edinb. 1123 Contains interesting particulars relating to the introduction of Christianity into Isew England. J. R. Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. 133 2102 MILLER (General) Memoirs of, while in the Service of the Republic of Peru, by John Miller. 2 vols. 8vo, portraits and maps, boards. 6s Qd—new, half calf gilt. 9s 1828 2103 MILLER'S Memoirs.— Second Edition, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. IsQd new, half calf gilt. 10s Gd— whole calf gilt. 12* 1829 2104 MILLER (Professor) Letters on Clerical Manners and Habits. Third Edition, crown Svo, cloth. 2s Qd Princeton, 1835 2105 MILLER (Samuel) Discourse delivered in the New Church at New York, before the grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Birmingham, 1 802 2106 MILLER (Samuel) Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century, Part First, containing a Sketch of the Revolutions and Improvements in Science, Arts, and Literature during that period. 2 vols. 8vo, bound. 4s Qd New Fork, 1803 2107 MINA (General) Short Extract from the Life of General Mina, pub- lished by himself. 8vo (with the Spanish text opposite), half calf. 2s Qd— boards. 2s 1825 2108 MINING. — Reales Ordenanzas para la direction rejimen y gobierno del important cuerpo de la Mineria de Nueva Espana, y de su real * Tribunal jeneral. Folio, sewed. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1833 2109 MIRABEAU (Le Comte de) Considerations sur l'Ordre de Cincin- natus, ou Imitation d'un Pamphlet Anglo-American. 8vo, half calf. 6s 1784 2110 MIRABEAU (The Couut de) Considerations on the Order of Cincin- natus, with Letter from Mr. Turgot to Dr. Price on the Constitution of America. 8vo, boards. 6s 1785 2111 MIROIR Oost et West Indical auquel sont descriptes des deux derniers Navigations faictes en- Annees 1614 a 1618, l'une par G. de Spilbergen, l'autre par J. Le Mair (a Destroit de Magellan, &c.) Oblong 4to, curious maps and plates, perfect copy, half calf neat. £2. 2s Amst. 1621 " Cette edition est forte recherchee, quand l'exeruplaire est bien conserve et que les planches sont completes : il doit y en avoir vingt." — Richarderie. 2112 MISCELLANEA .CURIOSA, a Collection of some of the principal Phenomena in Nature accounted for by the greatest Philosophers of this Age; also Collection of curious Travels, Voyages, Antiquities, and Natural Histories of Countries, presented to the Royal Society. 3 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, old calf. 4s §d, 1705 — Another edition, 3 vols. 8vo, calf 4s, 1708 — Another, 3 vols, very neat, 5s 1726 Containing Mr. John Clayton's account of Virginia, particularly its Na- tural History, &c. ; also an account of New Caledonia, in the Gulf of Darien. 2113 MISCELLANEA Hispano- Americana de Ciencias Literatura i Artes. Tomo 1, 8\o,frontisp. bds. 2s Gd 1827 , 2114 MISSIONARY Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean in the Ship y « Duff,' Capt. Wilson. 4to, many plates, half calf . 2s U 1799 2115 MISSIONARY RECORDS, North America. 12mo, pp. 423, half calf. 3s about 1824 2116 MISSIONS. — The Church in the Colonies, Dioceses of Toronto, Quebec and Nova Scotia, Australia and New Zealand, Newfoundland, Fredericton, New Zealand, Nova Scotia, Australia, and Quebec. 3 vols. 12mo, maps, cloth. 3s 6d 1847 2117 MISSIONS to the Heathen, India and British America. 2 vols. 12mo, frontispiece, cloth. 2s 1847 134 Books relating to America on Sale by 2118 MISSIONS.— Monthly Record of Church Missions {chiefly in Nova Scotia) in connection with the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 12mo, engravings, cloth. 3s 1852 2119 MISSISSIPPI, View of the Valley of the, or the Traveller's Guide to the West. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 2s Philadel. 1854 2120 MISSISSIPPI.— Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi ou les Provinces de Louisiane, et Floride Occidental en 1802. 8vo, maps, calf neat. 6s 1803 2121 MITCHELL (Dr.) The Contest in America between Great Britain and France, with its Consequences and Importance. Svo, boards. 6s 1757 2122 MITCHELL. — Accompaniment to Mitchell's Distance and Reference Map of the U. States, containing an Index of all the Counties, Districts, &c, in the Union. 8vo, bds. 3s Philadelphia, 1839 2123 MITCHELL (C. A.) Die Vereinigten Staaten und die andern Lander Amerikas. Royal Svo, woodcuts, calf 3s Philadelphia, 1849 2124 MODERN HISTORY and Present State of all Nations, containing a Description of Brazil, the British Plantations of Virginia, Maryland, New England, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, French America, &c, with maps by Herman Moll. 4to {wants a leaf of index), neat. 5s Dublin, 1755 2125 Another Edition. 4to, map. 6s Qd ib. 1739 2126 MOHAWK LANGUAGE.— Book of Common Prayer and Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, also the Gospel of St. Mark translated into the Mohawk Language, by Capt. Jos. Brant, an Indian of the Mohawk nation (with the English Text). 8vo, curious plates, bound {wants 8 leaves). 10s €>d 1787 2127 Another Copy, perfect. 8vo, plates, calf. £1. 5s 1787 2128 MOHAWK.— The Gospel according to St. John in the Mohawk Lan- guage, with English opposite. 12mo, calf. 8s §d 1805 2129 MOLINA. — Compendio della Storia Geograiica Naturale e Civile del regno del Chile. 8vo, map and plates, fine copy, from Lord Stuart de Pothsay's Library, calf. 15s Bologna, 1776 2130 MOLINA. — Saggio sulla Storia Naturale del Chili. 4to, map and portrait, half calf . 6s Bologna, 1810 2131 MOLINA (J. I.) Compendio de la Historia Civil del Regno de Chile, traducida al Espagnol por Don Nicolas de la Cruz y Bahomonde. 2 vols, small 4to, maps and portrait, good copy, calf neat. 10s Qd Madrid, 1795 2132 MOLINA (Abbe) Essai sur l'histoire Naturelle du Chili traduit de l'ltalien et enrichi de notes par M. Gravel. Svo, cf. 6s Paris, 1789 2133 MOLINA (Abbe Don J. Ignatius) Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili, translated from the Italian, with Notes from the Spanish and French versions. 2 vols. Svo, bds. 4s Qd; — half calf , gilt, Is &d 1809 2134 MOLLIEN'S Travels in the Republic of Columbia. 8vo, map and plate, boards. 3s — half bound. 3s 6c? — whole calf . 4s 1824 2135 MONACHO (R.) Bellum Christianoram principum, praecipse Gallorum, contra Saracenos, a.d. 1088, pro terra sancta gestum — Verardus (Carolus) De expugnatione regni Granatoe — Coloni (Christop) De prima Insularum in Mavi Indico situarura lustratione qua sub rege Ferdinando Hispaniarum facta est. De legatione regis Aethicpise — Egnatius (To Bapt.) De origine Turcarum — Laetus (Pomp) De exortu Maomethis. In 1 vol. Folio, old cf £2. 2s Basil H. Petrus, 1533 Books relating to America, on Sale by 135 2136 MONAEDES Historia Medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias occidentals que sirven en Medicinse. 4to, wood cuts, good copy, old calf, rare. £1. 11* 6d Sevilla, 1574 2137 MONARDUS'S JoyfullNewes out of the Newfound Worlde; englished by John Frampton. 4to, black letter, woodcuts (2 leaves wanting) half calf. £1. 4* 1596 2138 MONROE'S View of the Conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States with the French Republic, with the Cor- respondence and other Authentic Documents. 8vo, half calf . 3s 6d Philad. 1797 2139 MONROE'S (President) Tour of Observation through the North- Eastern and North-Western States of America. 12mo, neat. 2s 1818 2140 MONTE VIDEO.— Narrative of the Operations of a small force under Gen. Sir. S. Auchmuty, employed in the Reduction of Monte Video. 4to, plan, calf '. 6s 1807 2141 MONTE VIDEO. — Apuntes historicos de la defensa de la republica. Vol. I., 4 to, sewed. 5* Monte Video, 1845 2142 MONTGOMERY (James) The West Indies, and other Poems. 12mo, calf extra. 2* 1814 2143 MONTGOMERY (G.W.) Narrative of a Journey to Guatemala, in Central America, in 1838. 8vo, cloth. 3* 6d Neio York, 1839 2144 MONTREAL.— Cane's Topographical and Pictorial Map of the City of Montreal. A large sheet, on canoas, in a case. 3s 1846 2145 MONTREAL.— New Guide to Montreal and its Environs. 12mo, map, cloth. Is 6d. 1851 2146 MOODIE (Mrs. Susanna) Roughing it in the Bush, or Life in Canada. 2 vols, post 8vo, new half calf gilt. Is 6d 1852 2147 MOODIE (Mrs.) Life in the Clearings, versus the Bush. (J sequel to the former) Post 8vo, cloth. 3* 6d 1853 2148 MOORE (Frank) Diary of the American Revolution from Newspapers and Original Documents. 2 vols, large 8vo, many portraits and plates, cloth. 14* New Fork, 1860 2149 MOORE'S (J. L.) Colombiad, an Epic Poem, in 12 Books, on the Discovery of America and the West Indies. 8vo, half hid. 4* 6d 1798 2150 MOORE (Geo.) Journal of a voyage across the Atlantic, with notes on Canada and United States, and return to Great Britain. Post 8vo, privately printed, cloth. 3* 1845 2151 MOORSOM (Capt. W.) Letters from Nova Scotia. Post 8vo, bds. os 6d half calf, gilt. 4* 1830 2152 MOREAU (Pierre) Klare en Waarachtige beschryving Van de leste Beroerten en Afval der Portugezen in Brasil in de Fransche taai beschreven door, J. H. Glazemaker Vertaalt. 4to. Vignette Map on Title, and Plates, in the style of Romain de Hooge, calf, by Hay- day. JB1. 1* Jhenst. 1652 2153 MORENO (Dr. Manuel) Late Military Revolution in Buenos Ayres, and Assassination of Governor Dorrego. 8vo, half morocco. 3* 1829 2154 MORGAN (Lewis H.) League of the Ao-de-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois. Royal 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 6s Rochester, 1854 2155 MORRELL (Capt. Benj.) Narrative of Four Voyages to the South f Sea, North and South Pacific, and Antarctic Ocean, &c, from 1822 to 1831. 8vo, portrait, boards. 6s New York, 1832 136 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2156 MORRIS (I.) Narrative of the Dangers and Distresses which befel Isaac Morris and seven more of the crew of the Wager Store Ship, which attended Anson in his Voyage to the South Seas. 8vo, half calf gilt. 3s 2157 MORRIS (Alex.) Canada and her resources ; an Essay, to which was awarded the second prize. 8vo, large folding maps, cloth. 3s 1855 2158 MORRIS.— Narrative of the Official Conduct of Valentine Morris, late Governor-in-Chief of the Island of St. Vincent and its depen- dencies ; written by himself. 8vo, bds., with interesting MS. note respecting Mr.. Morris on the fly-leaf. 6s 2159 MORSE (Jedidiah) American Gazetteer. 8vo, maps, cf., nt. Zs 1798 2160 MORSE (Dr. Jedidiah) The American Geography, or a View of the present situation of the United States of America. Thick 8vo, bound. 3* — Printed on fine paper, half calf. 3s 6d 1792 It contains much curious reading, which will never become obsolete. 2161 MORSE'S (Dr.) Report of a Tour for the purpose of ascertaining the Actual State of the Indian Tribes. 8vo, half calf . 4s Qd — Boards. 4s New Haven, 1822 2162 MORSE and PARISH'S Compendious History of New England. Post 8vo, boards. 2s— calf. 2* U 1808 2163 MORSE and PARISH'S Compendious History of New England. 8vo, large paper, boards. 3* 1808 2164 MORTON'S (Nath.) New England's Memorial, or a brief relation of the most memorable and remarkable passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New England, especially to the first colony of New Plimouth. 8vo, clean copy, {little wormed) morocco extra, gilt leaves. £2. 2s Boston, 1721 2165 MORTON (Nath.) New England Memorial, also Governor Bradford's Jlistory of Plymouth Colony, Portions of Prince's Chronology, Gov. Bradford's Dialogue, Gov. Winslow's Visits to Massasoit, with numerous articles relating to the Puritans and Pilgrims. Thick 8vo, portrait and plate, cloth. 9s Qd Boston, 1855 2166 MOSELY (Dr. Benj.) Treatise on Sugar, with miscellaneous medical observations. 8vo, half calf 5s 1800 2167 MOSELY (Dr. Benj.) Treatise on Tropical Diseases, and on the Climate of the West Indies. 8vo, half calf '. 3s 1787 2168 — : — - Another Edition. Half calf. 4s 1795 2169 MOUNTENEY (Barclay) Selections from the various Authors who have written concerning Brazil, especially the Gold Mines of that Province. 8vo, map, bds. 3s— New half calf gilt. 4s bd 1825 2170 MUHLENPFORD (Edvard) Versuch einer getreuen Schilderung der Republick Mejico. 2 vols. 8vo, seiced. 5s Hanover, 1844 2171 MULLER (S.) Voyages from Asia to America for completing the Discoveries of the North West Coast of America, with Summary of the Voyages by the Russians on the Frozen Sea in Search of a North East Passage. 4 to, maps, calf neat. 10s 6c? — half calf . 9s Another (wanting a map) calf, 4s 1761 2172 MULLER (G. P.) Voyages et Decouvertes faites par les Russes le long des cotes de la Mer Glaciale et sur l'Ocean Oriental tant Vers le Japon que Vers l'Amerique avec l'Histoire du Fleuve Amur. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, map, half calf . 4s §d Amst. 1766 2173 MURAT (Achille) United States of North America, with a Note on Negro Slavery, by Junius Redivivus. l2mo, folding map, cl. 2s 1833 J. jR. Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. 137 2174 MURAT'S (Achille) Moral and Political Sketch of the United States. Post 8vo, bds. 2a 1833 2175 MURATORL— Relation of the Missions of Paraguay, Translated from the Italian. 8vo, map, bds. 3s Qd — calf neat. 6s — half calf. 4a — calf, (no map) 3s . 1759 2176 MURPHY (Henry).— The Conquest of Quebec, an Epic Poem, in 8 books. 8vo, calf, neat. 5a Dublin, 1790 2177 MURRAY (Hugh) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America, including the United States, Canada, Shores of the Polar Sea, and Voyages in Search of a North West Passage. 2 vols. 8vo, map, bds. 10* 6d— half calf gilt. 14a 1829 2178 Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo, bds, (no map) 6a Qd 2179 MURRAY'S (Hugh) History of the United States of America, with Illustrations of the Natural History, by James Nicol. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 5a 1839.— 3 vols, cloth. 6a 1844 2180 MURRAY'S (Hon. C. Augustus) Travels in North America and Sum- mer Residence with the Pawnee Indians. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, half calf gilt. 10a Qd—bds. Is 1839 2181 MURRAY'S Travels. Another Edit. 2 vols, post 8vo, cl. 8a U 1854 2182 MURRAY (The Hon. C. A.) Prairie Bird. (A Novel, descriptive of Ohio) 3 vols, post 8vo, bds. 5a 1844 2183 MURRAY (Hon. Amelia M.) Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada. 2 vols, post 8vo, map, cloth. 6a 1856 2183*MURRAY'S (Rev. Jas.) Impartial History of the War in America. 2 vols. 8vo, ports, and maps, neat. 12a — Another Copy (wanting map) calf. 9a 1797 2184 MURRAY (Hugh) Historical and Descriptive Account of Canada, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, &c, with Illustrations of Natural History, by Wilson, Greville, and Trail. Cloth. 6a Edinb. 1839 2185 MYSTERY (The) Revealed, or Truth brought to Light, being a Dis- covery of some Facts in relation to the Conduct of the late M y ; by a Patriot. 8vo, calf. 4a 6 d 1759 2186 NAANKEURIGE Versameling der gedenk — Waardigste Reysen naar Oost en West-Indien yedert het Jaar 1518 tot 1519. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, maps and plates, old calf, (wants a leaf of Index) 3a Ley den, 1707 The second volume comprises, Zee en Land Togten door Firdinandes Cortes in 1519. 2187 NARBOROUGH, Tasman, Wood and Marten. An account of several late Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North towards the Streights of Magellan, the South Seas, Nova Zerabla, Greenland, &c. 8vo, maps and plates, (little stained), calf gilt. 5a — good clean copy, calf gilt. Is 6d 1694 2188 NARRATIVE of Lt.-Genl. Sir Henry Clinton, relative to his conduct during part of his Command of the King's Troops in North America, 1783 — reply to the above Narrative, 1783 — Clinton's observations on some parts of Earl Cornwallis's answer, 1783 — Comwallis's answer to that part of the Narrative relating to his conduct in the Campaign in North America in 1781-1783. In one vol. 8vo, half calf 14a 2189 NARRATIVE of the Captivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his Family, who were surprised by the Indians find taken from their Farms on the Frontiers of Pennsylvania in 17S0. 12mo half calf. 5 a 1785 138 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 2190 NARRATIVE of the Remarkable Deliverance of Robert Barron (a Quaker), with other persons shipwrecked, from the Devouring Jaws of the Inhuman Cannibals of Florida, 1790 — Captivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his Family who were surprised by the Indians and taken from their Farms on the Frontiers of Pennsylvania in the Spring, 1780 — Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson of Kachecky, in New England, who, with Four of her Children and Servant Maid, was taken Captive by the Indians and carried into Canada, 1760. In one vol. 8vo, half calf \ a curious and scarce col- lection. 12s 2191 NARRATIVE of the Official Conduct of Valentine Moms, Esq., late Governor of St. Vincent and its Dependencies, written by himself. 8vo, bds. 3s 6d — half calf . ^s— calf , neat. 5* 1787 2192 NARRATIVE of the Shipwreck of the Transport < Premier,' near the mouth of the River St. Lawrence, 4th November, 1843. 4to, with many engravings, from sketches made on the spot by G. R. Bartnell. cloth Al 6d • 1845 2193 NARRATIVE of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, under Generals Ross, Pakenham, and Lambert, in 1814 and 1815. (By G. R. Gleig). 8vo, half calf gilt. 3* 6d 1826 2194 NARRATIVE of the Captivity of Col. Ethan Allen, from the time of his being taken by the British near Montreal, 25 Sepr., 1775, to the time of his exchange, 6 May, 1778, his Voyages and Travels, and most remarkable occurrences written by himself. 8vo, new and elegant in calf, by Pratt. £1. Is Albany, 1814 2195 NARRATIVE of a Voyage to the Spanish Main in the Ship "Two Friends," Sketches of the Province of East Florida, and Anecdotes of the Habits and Manners of the Seminole Indians and Seminole War. 8vo, half calf gilt. 6s— bds. 5s 1819 2196 NATIONAL Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, with Memoirs by Herring and Longacre. 2 vols, royal 8vo, numerous fine portraits, half morocco, gill leaves, (binding not uniform) £1. Is New Fork, 1835 2197 NATIONAL Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans. Royal 8vo, Vol. I., many fine portraits, cloth, uncut. 8* New York, 1834 2198 NAUFRAGE et Aventures de Mons. Pierre Viaud, natif de Bordeaux Capitaine de Navire. 8vo, half calf '. Ss Bordeaux, 177 Viaud's Shipwreck and Adventures were in Florida. 2199 NAVAL Monument, containing Official and other accounts of all the Battles fought between the Navies of the United States and Great Britain, during the late year. Svo, plates, calf. 2s 6d Boston, 1816 2200 NAVARRETE (M. Fernandez de) Coleccion de los Viages y Des- cubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Espanoles desde fines del Siglo XV. 3 vols. 4to, maps, new half calf gilt. £1. 14* Madrid, 1825 220J Another copy, complete, 5 vols. 4to, calf neat. £3. 3s ib. 1825-37 2202 NAVARRETE (M. F. de) Relation des Quatre Voyages enterpris par Chr. Colomb. pour la decouverte du Nouveau-Monde 1492 a 1504, suivies de di verses, Lettres, et Pieces inedites, traduites del Espagnol, par Chalumean de Verneal. 3 vols. Svo, portraits, fac- simile, and map, half calf , marbled leaves. 12s Paris, 1828 J. R, Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. 139 2203 NEAL'S History of New England. 2 vols. 8vo, map, calf. 15* — Another, good copy, calf. 18* — Another, calf (no map), neat. 13* 6a? 1720 2204 NEAL'S New England. Second Edition, 2 vols. 8vo, map, calf neat. £1. 10* 1747 2204*NETTLE (Richard) Salmon Fisheries of the St. Lawrence and its Tributaries. Post 8vo, cloth. 4* Montteal, 1857 2205 NEVIS, &c. — Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Nevis, from 1664 to 1739 inclusive, 1740— Abridgement "of the same, 1740— Acts of the Assembly passed in the Charibbee Leeward Islands from 1620 to 1730. In 1 vol. folio, neat. 5* 1740 2206 NEW ENGLAND and her Institutions, by one of her Sons. Post 8vo, cloth. 3* 1835 2207 NEW ENGLAND'S first Fruits in respect of the Conversion of some, conviction of divers, Preparation of sundry of the Indians, of the Progresse of Learning in the College at Cambridge, in Massacusets Bay. 4to, boards, (cut close). £1.15* 1643 2208 NEW ENGLAND.— The Day-Breaking, if not the Sun-Rising, of the Gospell, with the Indians in New England. 4to, good copy, half morocco, rare. £4.4* London, 1647 2209 NEW ENGLAND Historical and Geanealogical Register, published under the Direction of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. 10 vols. 8vo, first series, complete, many portraits, arms, #-c, cloth. £5. 5* Boston, 1847-56 2210 NEWS from New England, being a True and last Account of the present Bloody Wars carried on betwixt the Infidels, Natives, and the English Christians, and Converted Indians of New England, 1676. Reprinted, 4to, cloth. 3* 1850 2211 NEW ENGLAND.— The Planter's Plea, or the Grounds of Planta- tions Examined, and usual Objections Answered ; together with a Manifestation of the Causes Mooving such as have lately undertaken a Plantation in New England. 4to, fine copy, in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. £1. 17* Qd Lond.: William lones, 1630 2212 NEW ENGLAND.— A True Relation of the late Battel Fought in New England, between the English and the Pequet Salvages. 4to, half bound, cut close by the binder. £3. 13* Qd 1638 2213 NEW ENGL AND.— Some Observations and Annotations upon the Apologeticall Narration, Humbly submitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament, the Most Reverend and Learned Divines of the Assem- bly, and all the Protestant Churches here in this Island, and Abroad. Small 4to, boards. 10* Qd 1644 Contains many references to New England Writers. 2214 NEW ENGLAND.— Declaration of the Sad and great Persecution of the People of God, called Quakers, in New England, for the Worship- ping of God. 4to, boards, (title printed in red and black), rare. £5. 5* 1660 2215 NEW ENGLAND.— A Call from Death to Life, and out of the Dark Waves and Worships of the World, written by Marmaduke Stephen- son, who, together with another dear Servant ot the Lord, called Wm. Robinson, hath since the writing hereof, Suffered Death, for bearing Witness to the same Truth amongst the Professors of Boston's Juris- diction in New England. 4to, half morocco, rare. £2.12s6d 1660 140 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2216 NEW ENGLAND.— An Invitation of Love unto the Seed of God, throughout the World, with a word to the Wise in Heart, and a Lamentation for New England, by Jone Brooksop. 4to, boards. £1. 5s London :" Printed by Robert Wilson, 1662 2217 NEW ENGLAND.— Klijah's Mantle, a Faithful Testimony to the Cause and Work of God in the Churches of New England, and the great end and interest of these Plantations, dropt and left by Four Servants of God, famous in the Service of the Churches. Small 8vo, half morocco . £1. 5s Boston, 1722 2218 NEW ENGLAND.— Letter from a Gentleman in Boston to Mr. Geo. Wishart, one of the Ministers of Edinburgh, concerning the State of Religion in New England. 8vo, half morocco. Is Qd Edinb. 1742 2219 NEW ENGLAND.— Present State of New England, with respect to the Indian War, 1675. 12mo, half calf. 4s Reprinted at Boston, 1833 2220 NEW ENGLAND TRACTS.— Copy of the Charter for Propagation of the Gospel in New England, &c, 7 Feb. 1662— Report of Com- mittee for the Civilization and Conversion of Indians, Blacks, and Pagans in the British Colonies in America and West Indies, 1829 — and 3 more Tracts in the volume. Svo, cloth. 3s 2221 NEWELL.— Memoirs of Mrs. Harriet Newell, Wife of the Rev. S. Newell, American Missionary to India, with a Sermon on her Death, preached at Haverhill, Mass, by Leonard Woods. Post 8vo, port, boards. 2s 6d 1816 2222 NEW HALL (James R.) The Essex Memorial for 1836, embracing a Register of the County. 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d Salem, 1836 2223 NEW Maid of Oaks, a Tragedy as lately Acted near Saratoga, by a Company of Tragedians, under the Direction of the Author of the Maid of the Oaks, a Comedy, by Ahab Salem (the Rev. John Murray of Newcastle-Tyue). 8vo, half calf. 5* 1778 2224 NEWFOUNDLAND.— Whitbourne (Capt. Richard, of Exmouth) Discourse and Discovery of Newfoundland, with many reasons to prove how worthy and beneficial a Plantation may there be made after a better manner than now it is, together with laying open cer- tain enormities and abuses committed by some that Trade to that Country, and the means laid down for Reformation thereof, a neat Transcript from the verg rare work published in 1620 — Whitbourne, Discourse containing a Loving Invitation, both Honourable and Profitable to all such as shall be Adventurers, either in Person or Purse for the Advancement of His Majesty's most hopeful Plantation in the Newfoundland, lately undertaken, from the rare printed edition of 1622 — Wynne (Capt. Edw., Governor of the Colony of Ferryland, Neicfoundland) Three Letters to Sir George Calvert, 1622, &c. All neatly written, in 1 vol. 4to, calf neat. £2. 2* 2225 NEWE Unbekanthe Landte und ein Newe Weldt in Kurtz Vergan- ger Zeythe erfunden (of the New Unknown Lands and New World, recently discovered). Folio, fine clean copy, in limp vellum. £5. 5s Nurnburg, 1508 A German translation by Ruchamer, of the rare collection usually called Cadamosto's. £226 NEW ESSAY (by the Pennsylvanian Farmer) on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America. Svo, half calf 3s 6d 1774 J. R. Smith, 36 Soho Square, London. 141 2227 NEW Universal Collection of Voyages and Travels, containing every- thing Remarkable in the various parts of the Known World. 3 vols. 12mo, maps and plates, calf neat, 5s Loud., W. Owen, 1755 2228 NEW YORK in the Year 1695 described, with Plans of the City and Forts as they then existed, by the Rev. John Miller, now first printed from the original manuscript. 8vo, bds. 4s Qd 1843 " As it contains some curious particulars respecting the state of society in the province at that time, and is moreover of particular local interest, as giving plans of the town and the several forts, the Publisher thought he would be rendering an acceptable service to those persons who take an interest in tracing the rise and growth of the great commercial emporium of the western world, by causing a few copies to be printed, and thus preserving it from the chance of being lost or destroyed." — Preface. 2229 NEW YORK.— The Documentary History of the State of New York, arranged under the direction of the Hon. Christ. Morgan, Secretary of State; by E. B. O'Callaghan, M.D. 4 very thick 8vo vols. (more than 1000 pages each), many maps, views, and portraits, auto- graphs, fyc, cloth. J63. 13s 6d JPrinted at the expense of the State, 1849-51 A most valuable collection, consisting of manuscript documents connected with the early history of the colony, the Indian Aborigines and its affairs , down to the year 1803, also reprints of rare historical memoirs, &c. 2230 NEW YORK.— Account of the State Prison or Penitentiary House in the City of New York, by one of the Inspectors of the Prison. 8vo, boards. 2s New York, 1801 2231 NEW YORK.— Journal of the Proceedings in the Detection of the Conspiracy found by some white people in conjunction with Negro and other Slaves for burning the City of New York in America, and murdering the inhabitants, and narrative of the trials, &c, of the criminals. 8vo, pp. 432, bds. uncut. £2. 2s 1747 2232 NEW YORK.— Auchmuty (Samuel) Sermon preached at the Opening of St. Paul's Chapel in the City of New York, 30 Octr. 1766. 4to, half morocco. 5* New York (1766) 2233 NEW YORK. — Laws and Ordinances ordained and established by the Mayor and Aldermen of New York for the Government of the said City. 8vo, bds. 3s New York, 1812 2234 NEW YORK State Register for 1843, containing an Almanac, &c. edited by O. L. Holley. 8vo, bds. 2s Albany, 1843 2235 NEW YORK.— Final Report of J. Romeyn Brodhead, Agent for the State of New York, to procure and transcribe Documents in Europe relative to the Colonial History of that State. Royal 8vo, half calf . 2s U >. Albany, 1845 2236 NEW YORK.— Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, procured in Holland, England and France, by J. R. Brodhead, edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. 11 thick vols. 4to„ complete, maps, fyc, cloth (presentation copy to Lord Macaulay). £6. 6s Albany, 1856-58 2237 NEW YORK.— Catalogue of the Cabinet of Natural History of the State of New York, and of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection annexed thereto. 8vo. cloth. 3s Albany, 1853 2238 NEW YORK STATE.— Commissary Wilson's Orderly Book in the Expedition of the British and Provincial Army under General xVm- herst against Ticonderago and Crown Point, 1759, now first printed by J. Watts de Peyster. bio, very few printed. 15s 1857 142 Books relating to America on Sale by 2239 NEW YORK.— Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Con- vention of 1842, assembled for the purpose of Amending the Con- stitution of the State of New York. Thick 8vo, closely printed, half coif, 5* Albany, 1 821 2240 NEW YORK Gazetteer of the State of New York, Survey and Description of its Counties, Towns, and Cities, &c. 8vo, map, calf, 3* Albany, 1824 2241 NICOLAI (Eliud) Navagationes in den West and Ost Indien der Holland Engellandischen Compagnien. 4to, map, fine copy in russia, £\. 15* Munchen, 1619 2242 NICOLAI. — Another Copy. 4to, map, fine copy, in red morocco, extra gilt edges, by Hay day. £2. 2* z5. 1619 2243 NILES'S Weekly Register, containining Political, Historical, Geogra- phical, Scientifical, Biographical, &c. Documents, Essays, and Facts, being a Record of the Events of the Times 1811 to 1831, with Index to the first series, together 41 vols. Royal 8vo, half bound. £5. 5* Baltimore, 1811-31 2244 NODAL. — Relacion del Viage que Hizieron los Capitanes Bartoleme Garcia de Nordal Hermanos al descubrimiento. 4to, engraved title with the scarce map, calf. £7. 17* Qd (Col. Stanley's copy sold for 30 Guineas.) Madrid, 1621 2245 NODAL (Los Capitanes) Relacion del Viage al descubrimiento del Estrecho mevo de San Vicente que hoy es Nombrado de Maire y reconocimiento del de Magallanes Cleva Anadido las denotas de la America occidental de unos Puertos a otros que dio a luz Don Manuel de Echavilar. 4to, map, vellum (title wormed). £1. 10* Cadiz, 1766 2246 NOLTE (Vincent) Fifty Years in both Hemispheres, or Reminiscences of the Life of a former Merchant. Post 8vo, cloth. 3* Qd 1854 2247 NORRIS (R.) Memoirs of the Reign of Bossa Ahadee, King of Daho- my, with a Short Account of the African Slave Trade. Map, 1789 — Francklyn's Observations on the Slave Trade in the British Colonies in the West Indies, 1789. In 1 vol. 8vo. calf. 3* 2248 NORRIS (John, of Charleston) Profitable Advice for Rich and Poor, in a Dialogue between James Freeman, a Carolina planter, and Simon Question, a West-Country farmer, containing a description or true relation of South Carolina. Small 8vo, pp. 110, rare. £5. 5* London, printed by J. How, and sold in parcels by Robert Davis, Book- seller in Bridgwater, Somersetshire, 1712 The author appears to be a native of Somersetshire, and very desirous to encourage emigrants to South Carolina, where he was settled. 2248*NORTH AMERICA (British).— Reports for the year 1847 of the past and present state of the Colonial Possessions in North America, West Indies, &c. Folio, map of the Bahamas and St. Lucia, by Arrowsmith. 2* 1848 2249 NORTH GEORGIA GAZETTE and Winter Chronicle (as published during Capt. Parrv's Voyage). 4to, bds. 4* 6d 1821 2250 NORTH-WEST PASSAGE.— Account of a Voyage for the Disco- very of North- West Passage, by Hudson's Straits, performed in the Ship California (written by Drage). 2 vols. 8vo, calf 8* &d 1748 Another. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, very neat copy. 10* 6d 2251 N. W. PASSAGE.— The Impracticability of a North- West Passage for Ships impartially considered. 8vo, privately printed, bds. 2* U—half calf 3* 1 824 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 143 2252 N. W. PASSAGE.— Letters written .luring the late Voyage of Disco- very in the Western Arctic Sea, by an Officer of the Expedition. 8vo, boards. 3s 1821 2253 N. W. PASSAGE.— Narratives of Voyages towards the North-West in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631, with Selections from the Early Records of the East India Company, &c, edited by Thos. Rundall, Esq. 8vo, maps, cloth. 8* Hakluyt Society, 1849 2254 N. W. PASSAGE.— Discovery of the North-West Passage by H.M.S. "Investigator," Capt. R. M'Clure, 1850-54, edited by Commander Sherard Osborn. 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 6* 1856 2255 N. W. PASSAGE.— Great Probability of a North-West Passage, deduced from Observations on the Letter of Admiral De Fonte, who sailed from the Callao of Lima on the discovery of a communication between the South Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. 4to, maps, cf. neat. 10s U 1768 2256 NORTHERN COLONIES.— Observations on the importance of the Northern Colonies under proper regulations. 8vo, half morocco. 8* New York, 1750 2257 NORTHMORE (Thomas) Washington, or Liberty Restored, a Poem, in 10 books, with notes. ]2mo, bds. 3s — half calf. 3s Qd 1809 2258 NORTON (John, Ttacher of the Church at Ipswich in New England) The Orthodox Evangelist, wherein many evangelical truths are briefly discussed, cleared, and confirmed. 4to, a little stained, old calf. 6s Qd — good copy, old calf. 9s 1654 2259 NOTICE respecting the boundary between the King's Possessions in North America and the United States, exhibiting the principal Trading Stations of the North-West Company. Royal 8vo, large map, boards. 3s 1817 2260 NOVEAU Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique contenant, l'histoire na- turelle de ces Pays, l'origine, les moeurs, la religion et le gouverne- ment des habitans anciens et modernes. 6 vols. 12mo, maps and plates, old calf . 12s 1724 2261 NOVA FRANCIA ; or the description of that part of New France which is one continent with Virginia ; described in the three late voyages and plantation made by Monsieur de Monts, M. du Pont- Grave, and M. de Poutrincourt into the countries called by the Frenchmen La Cadie, lying to the S. W. of Cape Breton. Trans- lated out of French into English by P. E. 4to, no title, being con- tents 12 pages, and pp. 1-307, also little wormed, new, calf gilt. £2. 2s 1609 2262 NOVA SCOTIA.— Account of the Present State of Nova Scotia. 8vo, boards. 5s — half calf. 5s Edinb. 1786 2263 NOVA SCOTIA.— Statutes at large passed in the several General Assemblies held in Nova Scotia from the First Assembly in 1758 to 1804 inclusive, with complete Index and Abridgment, by R. J. Uniacke. 4to, calf. 12s Halifax, 1805 2264 NOVA SCOTIA.— Charge delivered to the Clergy of Nova Scotia at the Triennial Visitation holden in the Town of Halifax, by the Rt. Rev. Charles Bishop of Nova Scotia. 4to, boards. 4s 6d Halifax, 1792 2265 NOVA SCOTIA.— General Description of Nova Scotia. 8vo, map, half calf. 3s &d — whole calf . 4s Qd Halifax, 1825 144 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2266 NOVA SCOTIA.— Letters from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, illustrative of the moral, religious and physical circumstances during the years 1826, 1827, and 1828. Post 8Vo, bds. 2s Edinb. 1829 2267 NOYES (D.) History of Norway, Mass., containing a minute account of its first settlement, &c. 8vo, cloth. 4s Norway, 1852 2268 NUIX (Don Juan) Reflexions Iraparciales sobre la humanidad de los Espanoles en las Indias, tracudidas con algunas notas. 4to, old calf. 6s Madrid, 1782 2269 NUTTALL (Thomas) The Genera of North American Plants and Catalogue of the Species to the Year 1817. 2 vols, post 8vo, new half calf gilt. 9s Philadelphia, 1818 2270 NUTTALL (Thomas). Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Terri- tory, with observations on the manners of the Aborigines. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 6s Philadelphia, 1821 2271 /RESERVATIONS sur le Commerce Maritime dans lesquelles on \J discute quelques points relatifs a l'lndustrie et au Commerce des Colonies Francoises. 12mo, neat. 2s fid Amst. 1755 2272 OBSERVATIONS upon the Liturgy, with proposals for its reform, and Journals of the American Convention appointed to frame an Ecclesiastical Constitution and prepare a Liturgy for the Episcopal Churches in the United States. 8vo, red morocco, gilt leaves. Is 6d 1789 2273 OEXMELIN (A. 0.) Histoire des Avanturiers qui se sont signalez dans les Indes avec la vie les moeurs les coutumes des Habitans de Saint Domingue et de la Tortue et une Description exacte de ces lieux. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo, engraved title and maps, old calf. 6s Paris, 1688 2274 OFFICIAL LETTERS of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States during the War with Great Britain in 1812 to 1815, collected and arranged by John Brannan. 8vo, calf gilt. 6s Washington City, 1823 2275 OGILBY'S Accurate Description of the New World, with the remark- able Voyages thither and conquest of the vast empires of Mexico and Peru. Royal folio, full of plates and maps, neat in calf. £\. As 1671 2276 OGILBY'S America. Another Copy. Folio, numerous plates, fine large copy, old calf, £1.14* 1671 2277 OHIO. — Annual Report of the Commissioner of Statistics to the General Assembly of Ohio for the year 1857. 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd Columbus, 1858 2278 OHIO. — Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana, comprehending the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and Indian Tribes West of the Mississippi, by a late Officer in the U. S. Army. Small 8vo, curious plates, half calf 3s 6d Boston, 1812 2279 OHIO INDIANS.— Historical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians in the year 1764, under the command of Col. Bouquet, including his transactions with the Indians in the preceding Campaign and Battle of Bushy Run. 4to, map and plates , halfmor. 18s 1766 2280 OJIBWAY INDIANS. — Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation. By George Copway. 12mo, woodcuts, cloth. 3* 1850 J. R. Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. 145 2281 OLD ENGLAND for ever, or Spanish Cruelty displayed, wherein the Spaniard's right to America is impartially examined, and found de- fective. 8vo, half calf (wants a leaf). 5s 1740 It contains some curious particulars of the then British- American Colo- nies. Not mentioned by Rich. 2282 OLDFIELD (Traverse) " To Daimonion," or the Spiritual Medium, its nature illustrated by the history of its uniform mysterious mani- festation when unduly excited. 12mo, cloth. 2s Qd Boston, 1852 2283 OLDMIXON'S (J.) British Empire in America, the History of the Discovery, Settlement, and Progress of the British Colonies. 2 vols. 8vo, maps by Herman Moll, half calf neat. 12* — whole calf, very neat. 13* Qd 1708 2284 OLIPHANT (Edw.) History of North America and its United States, including a distinct History of each State. 8vo, half calf. 3s Edinburgh, 1800 2285 OLIPHANT (Laurence) Minnesota, and the Far West. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1855 2286 OLIVA (Le P. Anello) Histoire du Perou, traduite de l'Espagnol sur le Manuscrit inedit, par Ternaux Compans. l2mo, cl. 4s Par. 1857 2287 OLIVER (Peter) The Puritan Commonwealth, an Historical Review of the Puritan Government in Massachusetts, in its Civil and Eccle- siastical Relations, from its rise to the Abrogation of the First Charter. Royal 8vo, cloth. Is fid Boston, 1856 2288 OLLIFFE (Chas.) Scenes Americaines, dix-huit Mois dans le Nouveau Monde, 1750-51. 8vo, sewed. 2s Qd Par. 18 5 2 2289 OLMSTED (F. Law) Journey in the Seabord Slave States, with Remarks on their Economy. 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd 1856 2290 O'NEIL'S (Lieut.) Account of the Escape of the Royal Family of Portugal to the Brazils. 8vo, boards. 2s 1810 2291 ONIS (Luis de) Memoir upon the Negotiations between Spain and the United States of America, which led to the Treaty of 1819, translated from the Spanish, by T. Watkins. 8vo, new 4s Qd Baltimore, 1821 2292 OPINION of Judge Copper, on the effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty, by Alexander Jas. Dallas. 8vo, boards. 2s Philadelphia, 1810 2293 ORDENANZAS del Consejo Real de las Indias Nuevamente Recopi- ladas y por el Reg D. Phelipe IV., para sa Govierno Estableeidas ano de 1636, Reimpressas en Madrid. Folio, Spanish calf. 10s Qd 1747 2294 ORDERSON (J. W.) Creoleana, or Social and Domestic Scenes and Incidents in Barbadoes. Small 8vo, cloth. 3s 1842 2295 O'REILLY'S Greenland and Adjacent Seas, and the North West Pas- sage, illustrated in a Yoyage to Davis's Strait. 4 to, plates, boards. 4s Qd—half russia. Is Qd— half calf gilt. 7 s 1818 2296 O'REILLY'S Voyage to Greenland, plates, 1818— Ross's (Sir John) First Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, plates, 1819. Bound in 1 vol. 4to, calf, marbled leaves. £1. Is 2297 OREL L ANA (Estevan de) Instruccion de la Lengua Latina, o arte de Adquirirla por la Traduccion de los Autores Compuesta para la Par- ticular Ensenanza de unos ninos. 4to, sewed. 5s En Lima, 175 9 2298 ORIBE (D. Manuel) Manifesto sobre la Infamia, Alevosia y Perfidi* con que el Contra- Almirante Frances M. Leblano y demas Agentes de la Francia Residentes en Montevideo, han Hostillizado y sometido a la Tirannia del Rebelde Fructuoso Rivera al Estado Oriental del Uruguay. Small 4to, half morocco , gilt top. 10s Qd Buenos Ayres, 183& 10 146 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2299 OSBORNE (John) Guide to the Madeiras, Azores, British and Foreign West Indies, Mexico, and Northern South America. 12mo, map cloth. 2s — Another Edition. 12mo, cloth. 2s &d 1846 2300 OSBORN (Selleck) Poems. 12mo, neat, 2s Boston, 1823 2301 OSBORN (Lt. Sherard) Stray Leaves from the Arctic Journal, or Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Frank- lin's Expedition, 1850-1. 8vo, map and coloured plates, cloth. 4s 6d 1852 2302 OSGOOD (Mrs.) Memorials written by Friends of the late Mrs. Os- good, and edited by Mary E. Hewitt. 8vo, fine plates, cloth. 4s New York, 1821 2303 OSLER (Edward) The Voyage, a Poem written at Sea and in the West Indies, and illustrated by papers on Natural History. Small 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1830 2304 OSORII (Hier.) de Rebus Emmanuelis Lusitanise Regis, sive Commen- tarius de reperta ab Hispania et Lusitanis Navagatione in Occidentis et Orientis Indiam et Populorum ejus vita, Moribus, ac Ritibus. Thick small 8vo, vellum. 12$ Colon. 1597 2305 OSORII (Hier.) de Rebus Emmanuelis Regis Lusitaniae annis sex ac Viginti domi Forisque Gestis, Libri Duodecim. 8vo, vellum. 9s Colon. Agrip. 1576 — Another Edition. 8vo, vellum,. 10* £6.1586 2306 OSORIO (Jerome) History of the Portuguese during the Reign of Emanuel, all their Discoveries from the Coast of Africk to the farthest parts of China, their Battles by Sea and Land, and Discovery of the Brazils, and War with the Moors. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. 10* 6d 1752 2307 OSSERA Y ESTELLA (El Doct. D. Joseph Miguel de) El' Fisico Christiano parte primera de la Entrada a su Noble Exercicio obra Politica. 4to, fine copy, in blue morocco, gilt leaves, by Hayday. £1. Is Impresso in Lima, 1690 2308 OSTERWALD (John Fredk.) Compendium of Christian Theology, trans, into English from the Original Latin, by the Rev. John M'Mains, with List of Subscribers. Svo, calf. 6s Hartford {Connect.), 1788 2309 OUSELEY'S (W. Gore, H. M. Charge d 'Affaires at Brazil) Views in S. America, Brazil, the River Plate, the Parana, &c. Royal folio, 27 fine tinted lithographs, cloth. £\. lis 6d (pub. at £4>. 4s) 2310 OUSELEY'S Remarks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the United States. 8vo, boards. 2s 1832 2311 OUTLINE of the Revolution in Spanish America, the Origin, Pro- gress, and State of the War between Spain and Spanish America, by a South American. 8vo, boards. 3s — calf. 3s fid 1817 2312 OVALLE (Alph. d') Historica Relation del Regno di Cile (Chile). Small folio, curious plates and woocduts, vellum. £2. 5s Roma, 1646 2313 OVALLE. Another copy, wanting title and plates, vellum. 10s ib. 1646 2314 OVIEDO (Luis Antonio de) Vida de Santa Rosa de Santa Maria, Natural de Lima y Patrona del Peru, Poema Heroyco. 4to, plate, fine copy, vellum. £1. 4s Madrid, 1711 2315 P)ADILLA (Fr. Aug. Davila) Historia de la Fundacion y Discurso JT de la Provincia de Santiago, de Mexico, de la Orden de Predi- cadores, por las Vidas de sus Varones Insignes y Casos Notables de Nueva Espana. Folio, good sound copy, vellum, scarce. £3. 3s Brusselas. 1625 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London* 147 2316 PAGAN'S (Count of) Historical and Geographical Description of the Great Country and River of the Amazones, with a Map of the River and its Provinces, being that place which Sir W. Raleigh intended to Conquer and Plant, when he made his Voyage to Guiana. 12mo, map, fine copy, red morocco extra, by Aitkin. £2. 12* 6c? 1661 2317 PAGE (T. J., Commander U. S. Navy) La Plata, the Argentine Con- iederation, and Paraguay, being a Narrative of the Exploration of the Tributaries of the River La Plata, 1853-56, by Order of the United States Government. Royal 8vo, many engravings. 10* 6c? 1859 2318 PAGE (F.) Traite d'Economie Politique et de Commerce des Colonies {chiefly in respect to the West Indies). 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 3s 6c? Par. 1801 2319 PAINE'S (Thos.) Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America, 1776 — Plain Truth, in answer to " Common Sense," 1776 — Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress, 1776 — Adams (Samuel) Oration at the State-house in Philadelphia, 1776 — Journal of the proceedings of the Congress at Philadelphia, 1776. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf neat. 9* 2320 PAINE'S Common Sense, 1776— Plain Truth, addressed to the In- habitants in answer, by Candidus. In 1 vol. 8vo, bowds. 3* 6d Lond. 3 Almon, 1776 The public have been amused by many extracts from the pamphlet entitled Common Sense, which have been held up as a proof positive that the Americans desire to become independent ; we are happy in this opportunity of publishing Plain Truth, which we take to be as good a proof that the Americans do not desire to become independent. — Publishers' s Advertisement. 2321 PAINE (Tho.) Letter to the Abbe llaynal, on the Affairs of North America. 8vo, boards. 2« 1783 2322 PAINE (Thos.) Letter to the Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America, 8vo, 1783, and 4 others on America, by Paine, Franklin, Price, and Hey. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . Is v.y. 2323 PAINE (Thomas) Letter to Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America, in which the Mistakes in the Abbe's Account of the Revo- lution of America are corrected and cleared up. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1817 2324 PALAIRET (J.) Concise Description of the English and French Possessions in North America. 8vo, half calf. 5s — boards. 6s 6c? 1755 2325 PALLISER'S (Capt.) Journals relative to the Exploration of that portion of British North America between Lake Superior and the ' • Pacific Ocean. Folio, map and many geological sections. 5s 1863 2326 PANOPLIST (The) and Missionary Magazine. 13 vols. 8vo, half calf. £1. 10s Boston, 1806-1817 2327 PANORAMA {\Z feet long) of the Hudson River from New York to Albany. 12mo, cloth. Is &d 1845 2328 PAPERS Relating to America, Presented to the House of Commons 1809. 8vo, boards. 2s 1810 2329 PALLISER'S (Capt.) Report of his Exploration on the River Sas- katchewan, and between the Red River and the Rocky Mountains. v ' Folio, maps. Is 6c? 1860 2330 PALMER (Albert G.) Discourse at the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Organisation of the First Baptist Church in North Stonington. 12mo, cloth. 2s Boston, 1844 2331 PANAMA. — Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Panama, ^ 8vo, pp. 224, boards, scarce. £\. 4s 1744 V 148 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2332 PAPERS relating to America ; Presented to the House of Commons 1809. 8vo, half calf '. 3s 1810 2333 PAPERS (Parliamentary) relating to West India Colonies and Mauritius, Part I., British Guiana, Jamaica, and Trinidad. Folio, pp. 600. 4* 1859 2334 PAPELES VARIOS ESPANOLES.— Noticias Sagradas de Sant Madre del Kosario en esta Ciudad de los Angeles de Puebla en esta Nueva Espana, por el Nicholas Alvarez, (about 1650) — Vide de Snu Alexo Compuesto por el Maestro Juan Basilio Santora, woodcvt on title, Sevilla, 1656 — Relation de lo Suzedido en esta Cindad de la Trenidad Puerto de Buenos Ayres des de qui se tubo la primera Notizia de la Ynvasion qui Pretendia hacer en estas Provinzias del Rio de la Plata el Enemigo Portugues, in manuscript of §1 pages, neatly written in the year 1680 — Villancicos que se Cantaron en las S. Iglesia, Metropolitana de Sevilla en los Maytines del Nacimiento de Christo N. S. Ano de 1647, and various other pieces in prose and verse. In 1 vol. 4to, Spanish calf, from Lord Stuart de Rothesay 's Library. £2. 2s 2335 PARAGUAY.— Decreto di sua Maesta II Re Cattolico Filippo V. Sopra Varie Accuse Portate al suo Real consiglio delle Indie contro i Gesuite del Paraguay, in Italian and Spanish. 4to, vellum. 15* Napoli, 1744 2336 PARAGUAY.— Narrative of Facts connected with the Change in the Political Condition and Relations of Paraguay, under the Directions of Dr. Thomas Francia (by Vicente Pazos). 8vo, half calf . 3* 1826 2337 PARISH'S (Sir Woodbine)" Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of Rio de la Plata. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d — new half calf . 5s 1839 This contains information not to be found in the second edition. 2338 PARISH (Sir Woodbine) Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, from the Discovery and Conquest by the Spaniards to the Establishment of their Political Independence. Thick 8vo, portrait and plates, second edition, enlarged with a large new map by Arrowsmith, cloth. Is 6c? (pub. at 14s) 1852 " Among the contributions to the geography of the South American Con- tinent, the work of our Vice-President, Sir Woodbine Parish, holds a very important place. Prolessing to be a second edition of a former book, it is, in reality, almost a new work, from the great quantity of fresh matter it contains on the geography, statistics, natural history, and geology of this portion of the world." — President of the Royal Geographical Society's Address. 2339 PARKES (Joseph) Statutes and Orders of the Court of Chancery, and Statute J jaw of Real Property of the State of New York. 8vo, boards. 3 s 1830 2340 PARKINSON (Richard) The Experienced Farmer's Tour in America, Exhibiting the American System of Agriculture and Breeding of Cattle. 8vo, board*. 3s 1805 2341 PARKINSON (Richard) Tour in America, 1798 to 1800, exhibiting Sketches of Society and Manners, with Account of American System of Agriculture, with recent improvements. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 3s half calf . 4s — Another, 2 vols, new half calf gilt. As 6d 1805 2342 PARKMAN (Francis) The California and Oregon Trail, being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6c? New Fork, 1849 2343 PARKMAN (Francis) History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac and War of the North American Tribes against the English Colonies, after the Conquest of Canada. Royal 8vo, maps, cloth. Is 6d Boston, 1851 /. R. Smith, 36, So/to Square, London. 149 2344 PARKMAN (Francis) History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 7s (pub. at £1. Is) London, 1851 2345 PARRY'S (Capt. Sir W. E.) First Voyage for the Discovery of a North West Passage. 4to, many fine plates by Finden, boards. 10s 6d — half calf. Us— calf gilt. 15s 1821 2346 PARRY'S First Voyage. 4to, half russia, rather cut, poor copy, 5s 1821 2347 PARRY'S First Voyage, 1821— The North Georgia Gazette and Win- ter Chronicle, 1821. Bound in 1 vol. 4to, calf gilt. 15s 1821 2348 PARRY.— Supplement to the Appendix of Capt. Parry's First Voy- age (containing an Account of the subjects of Natural History). 4to, plates, boards. 5s — half calf . 6s 1^24 2349 PARRY'S Second Voyage towards the North Pole. 4to, many plates, boards. 10s — half calf. 14s — half russia. 15s — calf gilt. 16s 1824 2350 PARRY'S Fourth Voyage towards the North Pole. 4>to, fine plates, boards. £\. 4s— calf gilt. £1. 10s 1828 2351 PARRY (Capt. Sir W. E.) Journals of the First, Second, and Third Voyages for a Discovery of a North West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in 1819 to 1825. 5 vols. 12mo, plates, cloth. 6s 1828 2352 PARRY (Capt. W. E.) Journals of his Four Voyages. 6 vols, 12mo, maps and plates, cloth. 8s 6d 1828 2353 PARSONS (Jonathan, of Newbury-Port) Infant Baptism from Heaven, Two Discourses delivered at Haverhill West Parish, with Appendix. Second edition, 8vo, half morocco. 5s Boston, 11 §1 2354 PASQUAL (Ant. Raymundo) Descubrimiento de la Aguja Nautica, dela Situacion de la America, del arte de Navegar, con un Apendice. 4to, uncut. 18s Madrid, 1789 This work contains some curious notices respecting the Early Majorcan Cosmographers, with others relating to the celebrated Benedictine, Fr. Ber- nardo Basil, who, with 12 companions, was sent with Columbus in his Second Voyage to Convert the Indians. 2355 PARTICULARS of the Capture of the Ship Olive Branch, laden with Cannon, Muskets, &c, by H. M. Ship the Andacious, commanded by Capt. Gould. 8vo, pp. 405, sewed. 5s 1797 2356 PATRON (M. Felix) De quelques Questions relatives aux Colonies Francaises. 8vo, half morocco. 2s Qd Paris, 1832 2357 PATTIE.— Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie, of Kentucky, during an Expedition from St. Louis through the vast regions between that place and the Pacific Ocean, his various Conflicts with the Indians, edited by Timothy Flint. 8vo, plates, calf 3s 6d Cincinnati, 1833 2358 PAULDING (J. K. and W. J.) American Comedies, 8vo, boards. 2s Philadelphia, 1847 2359 PAULDING (J. K.) The Backwoodsman, a Poem. 8vo, boards. 2s U Philadelphia, 1818 2360 PAVIE (Theodore) Souvenirs Atlanjtiques, Voyage aux Etats Unis et au Canada. 8vo, new half calf, marbled leaves. 5s Angers, 1832 2361 PAYNE (A. R. M.) The Geral-Mileo, or the Narrative of a Residence in a Brazilian Valley of the SiPirn-Pazricis. Post 8vo, plates, boards. 3s 1852 2362 PENN (W.) Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers, 12mo, half calf 5s 1694 2363 PENN (William) Primitive Christianity Revived in the Faith and Practice of of the People called Quakers. 12mo, oil calf . 5s 1696 150 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2364 PENN (William) Beply to a pretended Answer by a Nameless Author, to W. P's Key, in which the Principles of the People of God called Quakers are further Explained and Confirmed. 12mo, lialfcf. 3s 1695 2365 PENN. — A Paper to W. Penn at the Departure of that Gentleman to his Territory, for his Perusal in Pensilvania, by a Eriend unknown. 4to, boards. 10s Qd 1700 2366 PENN. — La Vie de Guillaume Penn, Eondateur de la Pennsylvanie, ouvrage coutenant l'Historique des Premiers Fondements de Phila- delphie, des Principes de la Societe des Amis (Quakers), &c, par J. M. Marsillac. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, half calf , marbled leaves. 6* Pans, 1791 2367 PENN.— Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn, by T. Clarkson. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 4* Qd — calf neat. 5s &d 1813 2368 PENN (William) The General Address in two parts, of the Outinian Lecturer to his Auditors. 8vo, boards. 5s 1822 Relating to the Penn family, with two portraits of the Founder of Penn- sylvania, and others of the family, and view of the remnant of the great tree under which the treaty was held. 2369 PENNSYLVANIA.— HistoricalEeviewof the Constitution and Govern- ment of Pensylvania from its origin, 1769 — Speech of John Dickin- son in the House of Assembly, Pennsylvania as to change of Govern- ment for that Province, 1764 — Speech of Jos. Galloway in Answer to the above, 1765 — Dickinson's Reply to Galloway's Speech, 1765. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 8s 6 d 2370 PENNSYLVANIE.— Histoire Naturelle et Politique de la Pensylvanie et de l'Etablissement de Quakers dans cette Contree, traduite de l'Allemand. 12mo, map, calf. 7s Qd — Another, without tfa map, calf neat. 6s Qd Paris, 1768 2371 PENNSYLVANIA.— Charters of the Province of Pensilvania and City of Philadelphia. Folio, half morocco, {from Crowninshield 's Library). £2. 2s Printed and sold by B. Franklin, Philadelphia, 1742 2372 PENNSYLVANIA.— The Charters of the Province of Pensilvania and City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Printed and sold by B. Frank- lin, 1742 — Collection of all the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania now in Force, with Appendix of such Acts formerly in Force, for Regulating of Descents and Transferring the Property of Lands, &c, Phil., Printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1742. In 1 vol. folio, beautiful clean copy, in the original law calf binding. £o. 5s 2373 PENNSYLVANIA.— Humble Apology for the Quakers, addressed to Great and Small, with Observations on a new Pamphlet intituled " A Brief View of the Conduct of Pensylvania, for the year 1755," with a much fairer Method pointed out to prevent the Incroachments of the French, and restore quiet to the Province. 8vo, half morocco. 6s Qd 1756 2374 PENNSYLVANIA.— Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, Conduct of their Assemblies for several years impartially Examined, and True Cause of the continual Encroachments of the French displayed, especially the Invasion and Settlement upon the River Ohio, in a Letter from a Gentleman who resided many years in Pennsylvania to his Friend in London. 8vo, boards. 10s Qd 1755 2375 PENNSYLVANIA.— A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, third edit. 1756— An Answer to the "Brief State," 1755— Several Conferences between the principal Quakers in Pennsylvania and the Deputies from the Six Indian Nations, Newcastle, 1756. In 1 vol. 8vo, neat and clean. <£!. Is J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 151 2376 PENNSYLVANIA.— Serious Address to the People called Quakers on the Continent of North America, as profess Scruples to the present Government, written before the Departure of the British Army from Philadelphia, 1778, by a Native of Pennsylvania. Second edition, 8vo, boards. 10* Qd Philadelphia, 1778 At the back of the title is the following MS. contemporary note, "The Friends buying up the first edition in order to suppress it induced Mr. Ebenezer Hazard to re-publish it. — W. GL" 2377 PENNSYLVANIA State Trials, containing the Impeachment, Trial, and Acquittal of Francis Hopkinson and John Nicholson, Esq., the former being Judge of the Court of Admiralty, and the Comptroller General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Thick 8vo, boards. Is 6d—calf 8s Gd Philadelphia, 1794 2378 PENNSYLVANIA.— Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie, et dans l'Etat de New York, par un Membre Adoptif de la Nation Oneida, traduit et Publie par l'Auteur des Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain. 3 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, calf gilt. 14* Paris, 1801 2379 PENNSYLVANIA.— Short Introduction to Latin Grammar for the Use of the University and Academy of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Small 8vo, calf. 4s Alexandria, 1805 2380 PENNSYLVANIA.— Proceedings relative to calling the Conventions of 1776 and 1790, the Minutes of the Convention that formed the present Constitution of Pennsylvania, with the Charter to W. Penn, the Constitutions of 1776 and 1790, and View of the Proceedings of the Convention of 1776, and the Council of Censors. 8vo, boards. Is Qd Earrisburg, 1825 2381 PENNSYLVANIA.— Collection of Memorials concerning Divers Ministers and others of the Quakers in Pennsylvania, and New Jer- sey, to 1787. 8vo, boards, bs York, 1824 2382 PENNSYLVANIA.— Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the last sixty years (by William Graydon). Edited by Gait. 8vo, boards. 3s- — half morocco. 3s 6d Ed'mb. 1822 2383 PENNSYLVANIA.— Concise History of the Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 2,9 Qd 1835 2386 PERALTA BARNUEUO (Pedro de) Lima Eundada o Conquista del Peru, Poema Heroico en que se decanta toda la Historia del Descu- brimiento y Sugecion de sur Provincias, por Don Erancisso Pizarro. 2 vols. 4to, Spanish calf, scarce. £3. Si Un Lima, 1732 2387 PEREZ DE RIBAS (El Padre Andres) Historia de los Triumphos de Nuestra Santa Fee entre gentes las mas Barbaras y Fieras del Nuevo Orbe, conseguidos por las Soldados de la Milicia de la Com- pania de Jesus en las Missiones de la Provincia de Nueva Espana, y las Costumbres, Ritos, y Supersticiones que usavan estas gentes. Eolio {wanting 2 leaves, otherwise good sound copy of this important work for the history of the New World), vellum. £2. 2s Madrid, 1645 2388 PERNAMBUCO.— A Gratidao Pernambucana s*. seu Bemfeitor D. Jose Joaquim da Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho Bispo d'Elvas os Socios da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboe, &c. Prose and Verse, 4to, calf neat. 6s Lisbon, 1808 2389 PERNETY (Dom) Journal Historique d'un Voyage fait aux lies Malouines en 1763 et 1764, pour les Reconnoitre et y former un Etablissement, et de deux Voyages au Detroit de Magellan, avec une Relation sur les Patagons. 2 vols. 8vo, half ruseia. 4* 6d Berlin, 1769 152 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2390 Another Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half bound. 3s Paris, 1770 2391 PERNETY (Dom) History of a Voyage to the Malouine or Falkland Islands in 1763 and 1764, under the Command of M. de Bougainville in order to form a Settlement there. 4to, maps and plates, calf. 6s 6d 1771 2392 PERNETY, Examen des Recherches Philosophique, sur l'Amerique et les Americains et de la Defense de cet ouvrage. 2 vols. 12mo, calf. 4s Qd Berlin, 1771 2393 PERNETY. — Dissertation sur l'Amerique et les Americains, contre les Recherches Philosophiques de M. de P * * *. 12mo, half calf. 4* Berlin, 2394 PERU.— True and Particular Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake at Lima, and Port of Callao, 28 October, 1746, with a Description of those places. Thick 8vo, map and plates, calf. Ss 6d 1748 2395 PERU. — Histoire du Tremblement de Terre de Lima, et Callao, avec la Description de Perou. \2mo, folding plates, neat. 2* 6d 1752 2396 PERU. — Exposicion de Don Jose de la Riva Aguero acerca de su conducta Politica en el tiempo que ejercio la Presidencia de la Re- publica del Peru. 8vo, privately printed, boards. 5s 1824 2397 PERU.— The Sixteen Years Travels of Peter de Cieza, through Peru and the large Provinces of Cartagena and Popayan, now first Trans- lated bv Capt. Stevens. 4to, folding plan of the city of Cusco, half calf. 15s 1709 2398 PERU. — Histoire des Pyramides de Quito, elevees par les Academi- ciens envoyes sous l'Equateur per Ordre du Roi. Plans and very large folding map of the Province of Quito on canvas, calf gilt. 15* 1751 2399 PERU.— Voyage to Peru performed by the (Ship) Conde of St. Malo, 1745-49, written by the Chaplain (Abbe Count de la Blanchardiere). 12mo, calf. 3s 6d 1753 2400 PERU. — Present State of Peru, comprising its Geography, Topography, Natural History, &c, the whole drawn from Authentic Documents, chiefly Written and Compiled in the Peruvian Capital (by Jos. Skinner). 4>to, plates, coloured, boards. 6s — hf russia. Is 6 d 1805 2401 PERU. — Manifesto en que el Virey del Peru Don Joaquin de la Pezuela refiere el Hecho y Circunstancias de su Seperacion del Mando. Sm. 4to, half morocco. 5s Madrid, 1821 2402 PERU. — Cuenta General de la Adniiiristracion de las Rentas, de la Republica, en el ano de 1846, y Presupuesto de Gastos Para el bienio de 1847 y 1848. 4to, seiced. 5s Lima, 1847 2403 PETAY1US (Dion) History of the World, or an Account of Time to the year 1659, with Geographical Descripton of Europe, Asia, Africa, and xVinerica. Folio, map and remarkable portrait, calf neat. 10s U 1659 2404 PETERS (Richard) Sermon on Education, wherein some Account is given of the Academy established in the City of Philadelphia, Preached at its Opening. 8vo, calf. £\. Is Printed and Sold by B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1751 2405 PETERS (Richard) Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia, Argued and Determined at the Supreme Court of the United States. 8vo, cloth. 5s Philadelphia, 1831 2406 PETIT.— Droit Public, ou Gouvernement des Colonies Francoises d'apres les Loix faites pour ces Pays 2 vols. 8vo {some leaves stained), calf . 4s Paris, 1771 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 153 2407 PHILADELPHIA.— Act of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Aca- demy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Royal 8vo, boards. 2s Philadelphia, 1836 2408 PHILIPS (John) Authentic Journal of the Expedition under Commo- dore Anson to Madeira, St. Catharine's, St. Julian's, St. Juan Fer- nandez, the taking the rich Spanish Gallion, and Extraordinary Hardships of the Voyage. 8vo, calf. 4s Qd 1744 24C9 PHILLIPS (John) Authentic Journal of the late Expedition under Commodore Anson, with Narrative of the Extraordinary Hardships in this Voyage. 8vo, old calf, scarce. Is Qd Hull, 1745 2410 PHILLIPPO (James M.) Jamaica, its Past and Present State. 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 1843 2411 PHILO j An Evangeliad, by the Author of Margaret, a Tale of the Real and Ideal. 8vo, cloth. 2s Boston, 1850 2412 PHILOPONO (Fr. Don Honorio) Nova Typis transacta Navigatio Novi Orbis, Indise Occidentalis. Polio, engraved title and fine plates by Kilian, good large and clean copy, boards. £2.28 1621 2413 PHILOPONO. — Another copy. Folio, frontispiece and plates, half calf. £\. 5s 1621 2414 PHILOPONO. — Another copy. Folio, with frontispiece and only one plate, also wanting the last leaf, boards. 10s Qd 1621 2415 PHILOPONO.— Another Edition. Folio, good copy, half russia. £3. Us 6d 1621 This copy has various alterations from the edition of 1621 (although the date is the same) ; it has two extra plates, one of them very large and curious, representing Columbus landing in the New World, dated 1622. 2416 PHIPS (Sir Wm.) Pietas in Patriam. The Life of his Excellency Sir William Phips, late Capt. General and Governour in Chief of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, New England. Written by one intimately acquainted with him. Small 8vo, fine copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, very scarce. £2. 2s 1697 2417 PHIPPS' (Lord Mulgrave) Voyage towards the North Pole. 4to, plates, bds. 4s — neat, 5s — Fine Copy, old calf, gilt back. 6s &d 1774 2418 PICKERING (John) Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases peculiar to the United States of America, with Essay on the Present State of the English Language in the United States. 8vo, boards. 5s — half calf. 5s Boston, 1816 2419 PIDGEON (W.) Traditions of De-coo -dah, and Antiquarian Researches, comprising Extensive Explorations, Surveys, and Excavations of the Wonderful and Mysterious Earthen Remains of the Mound-Builders in America. 8vo, plates and woodcuts, cloth. Is 1853 2420 PIGAFETTA (Le Chev.) Premier Voyage Autour du Monde pendant les Annees 1519, 20, 21, and 1522, et d'une Notice sur le Chev. Martin Behaim. 8vo, plates, sewed. 6s Paris, 1801 2421 PIGOTT (Charles) Political Dictionary. 12mo,c/. 2s New York, 1796 2422 PIKE (Z. M.) Exploratory Travels through the Western Territories of North America, comprising a Voyage from St. Louis on the Mississippi to the Source of that River, and Journey through the Interior of Louisiana. 4to, map, bds. Is &d—hf cf. 9s 6c? 1811 2423 PILGRIM FATHERS.— A Relation or Journal ol the Beginning and Proceedings of the English Plantations settled at Plimouth, in New England, 1622, reprinted from the original volume with local Illus- trations and Notes. By Dr. Cheever. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s (kl New Fori-, 1848 2424 Another Edition. Small 8vo, cloth. '6s Glasgow, 1819 154 Books relating to America on Sale by 2425 PILGRKIM FATHERS.— Collections concerning the Church or Congregation of Protestant Separatists, formed at Scrooby, in North Nottinghamshire, in the time of James I. The Founders of New Plymouth, the parent Colony of New England. By the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A., and an Assistant Keeper of her Majesty's Records. Svo, cloth. 8* 1854 This Work contains some very important particulars of these personages, and their connections previously to their leaving England and Holland, which were entirely unknown to former writers, and have only recently been discovered through the indefatigable exertions of the Author. Prefixed to the volume are some beautiful Prefatory Stanzas, by Richaed Monckton Milnes, Esq., M.P. (now Lord Houghton). * # * To the recently issued copies a frontispiece has been added, of " A View of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Scrooby, the residence of William Brewster, the Pilgrim Father," drawn by J. Moore, Jun., from a Sketch by Mrs. Raine. 2426 PIMENTEL (Manoel) Brazil Pilot; or, a Description of the Coast of Brazil, translated from the Portuguese, with Charts of some of its most considerable Ports. 4to, 14 maps, boards, scarce. 15s 1809 2427 PINDARI Opera Gr. et Lat. cura Erasmi Schmidii. Very thick 4to, old calf. Is6d 1616 Eight pages towards the end of the book are devoted to America in 1602. 2428 PINELO (Ant. de Leon) Epitome de la Bibliotheca Oriental y Occi- dental Nautica, y Geografica Annadido, y Cumendado Nuevamente en que se contienen los Escritores de Geographica de todos los Reynos y Senorios del Mundo, y Yiages Diversos, y sus Appeudicis por mano de el Marques de Torre Nueva. 3 vols, folio, vellum, scarce. £2. 5* Madrid, 1737-8 The seeond volume contains the works relating to America, and its greatest value consists in the notices it gives of Spanish manuscripts on the subject, most of which are still existing in Spain. — Rich. 2429 PINKARD'S (Dr. Geo.) Notes on the West Indies, with Observations on Barbadoes, the Coast of Guiana, the Creoles and Slaves of the Western Colonies, and the Indians of South America. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 5*— half calf. 6* 6d 1806 2430 Second Edition. Complete in 2 vols. Svo, half bound. 6s 6d leather backs, uncut. 7s 6d — calf elegant. Ss 6d 1816 2431 PINKERTON (John) General Collection of the Best and most In- teresting Voyages and Travels in various parts of America, many now first Translated. 4 vols. 4to, many plates, half calf gilt, leaves uncut. JB1.145 1819 2432 PINKNEY (William) Some Account of his Life, Writings, and Speeches, by Henry Wheaton. Svo, portrait, half calf . 6s New Fork, 1826 2433 PIRATAS de la America, y luz a la Defensa de las Costas, de Indias Occidentales traducido del Flamengo en Espanol por el Doctor de Buena-Maison. 4to, Spanish calf. 6s Madrid, 1793 2434 PISONIS (Gul.) De India Utriusque et Naturali et Medica libri Quatuordecim [chiefly relative to Brazil and Chili). Folio, engraved title and numerous woodcuts, calf neat. 14* Amst. 1658 2435 Large Paper, boards. 12* 1658 2436 PISTORIUS (Thomas) Korte en Zakelyke- Beschryvinge van de Colonie van Zuriname. 4 to, plates, and manuscript notes in Butch, sewed. 6s Amst. 1763 J. R. Smith , 36, Soho Square, London. 155 2437 PITKIN'S (T.) Political and Civil History of the United States of America, from 1763 to 1797. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. fis New Haven, 1828 2438 PITMAN (R. B.) Succinct View and Analysis of Authentic Informa- tion on the Practicability of Joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans \f by a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of America. 8vo, map, boards. 4* fid— new, half calf gilt. fis 6c? 1825 2439 PITTMAN'S (Capt. P.) Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi, with Geographical Description of that River. 4to, maps and plates, new half calf . 18s 1770 2440 Another, uncut. 16s — Another, half bound, cut close. 14s 1770 2441 PITOU (L. A.) Voyage a Cayenne dans les deux Ameriques et chez les Antropophages. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . 5s Paris, 1805 2442 PITOU (L. A.) Reise nach Cayenne in Nord und Sud Amerika und zu den Menschen fressen nebst deszen leben von ihm selbst besch- rieben nach dem Franzosischen. 8vo, % plates, half russia. 3s Leipzig, 1838 2443 PIZARRO y Orellana, Varones Illustres del Nuevo Mundo Descubri- dores, Conguistadores y Pacificadores del Opulento Dilato y Poderoso Imperio de las Indias Occidentales. Folio, new, half calf {stained). £1. 10s Madrid, 1639 2444 PIZARRO. — Discurso en que se Muestra la Obligacion qui su Mages- tad tiene en Justicia, Conciencia y Razon a Cumplir y Mandar Executar la Merced que le rey hiso a Don Francisco Pizarro del titulo de Marques con Veinte Mil Vassallos en la parte doude mas bien le Estieviesse como a Descubridor, Conquistador y Pacificador de los Opulentissimo Reynos del Peru en favor y Gracia de los Successores de su casu y Mayorazgo para qui de tan Grandes hechos no se Obscuresca la Memoria. Folio, boards, a most interesting and important work (from Ternaux's Collection). £1. Is n.d. 2445 PL ACIDE- JUSTIN, Histoire de lisle d'Hayti, ecrite sur les Docu- ments Ofticiels et des Notes Communiquees, par Sir James Baskett. 8vo, map, sewed. 3s fid — half calf. 4s Paris, 1826 2446 PLAN for Establishing and Disciplining a National Militia in Great Britain, Ireland, and in all the British Dominions of America. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1745 2447 POEMS by a Slave in the Island of Cuba, recently liberated, translated from the Spanish by Dr. R. R. Madden, with the early Life of the Negro Poet written by Himself. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1840 2448 POEMS, Moral and Divine, by an American Gentleman, with some Account of the Author. 4to, poor copy, boards. 3s fid 1756 2449 POEM AS de la Unica Poetisa Americana Musa Dezima Soror Juana Ines de la Cruz. 4to, a few leaves wormed, vellum. 10s fid Valencia, 1709 2450 POEPPIG (Eduard) Reise in Chile, Peru, und auf den Amazonenstrome Wahrend der Jahre 1827-1832. 2 vols. 4to, map {but no Atlas), boards. 10s fid Leipzig, 1835 2451 POETICAL Picture of America, being Observations during a Resi- dence of several Years at Alexandria and Norfolk, in Virginia. By a Lady. 1 2 mo, boards. 3s fid — calf neat. 4s 1809 2452 POINSETT (J. R.) Notes on Mexico, with Sketch of the Revolution, and Translations of Official Reports on the Present State of that Country. 8 vo, map, boards. 4s — half russia. 4s fid — new half calf gilt, fis 1825 2453 8vo, map, half calf \ 4s fid Philadelphia, 1824 y 156 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2454 POLITICAL Essays concerning the Present State of the British Empire, particularly respecting Natural Advantages and Disad- vantages, Constitution, Agriculture, Manufactures, the Colonies, and Commerce. 4to, calf neat. 6* 1772 From pp. 226 to 242 relate to America. 2455 POLYANTHEA, or a Collection of Interesting Fragments. 2 vols. 8vo, illustrated with 37 portraits, calf neat. 15* 1804 2456 Another Copy, (without the extra portraits), 2 vols. 8vo, new half calf gilt. 8*— or 2 vols, in 1, half calf Is 1804 Containing many pieces relating to America, as Dr. Stile3's " History of the three Regicides who were secreted in Massachusets and Connecticut for nearly thirty years ;" " An American Indian's Letter to Queen Anne ;" Dr. Belknap's " Life of Capt. John Smith," with notes, &c. &c. 2457 POMPONII Melae de Orbis Situ, una cum Commentariis Joach. Vadiani. Folio, curious frontispiece, fine clean copy, new half morocco. 12* Basil, 1522 Important for the study of American History. See Humboldt's Cosmos. Vol. II. 2458 PORCACCHI (Thomaso) L'Isle piu famose del Mondo descritte. Folio, maps neatly engraved by Girolamo Porro, several relating to America, vellum. 9* Venetia, 1576 2459 PORCACCHI. — Another, fine copy, in old red morocco, ruled with red lines. 15* ib. 1576 2460 PORCACCHI.— Another Edition, half calf {little stained). Is Qd— Another, fine clean copy in vellum (wants 2 leaves). Is 6rf ib. 1604 It describes Hispaniola, Cuba, and the Island of Santa Croce, or Monde Novo, Jamaica, Porto Rico, and the great city of Temistitum (Mexico) with very neat copper-plate maps. 2461 PORCACCHI (Tomaso) L'Isole Piu famose del Mondo, arretino e Intagliate da Girolamo Porro Padovano con nova aggionta dedicate All' Illmo. et Revmo. Mons. Gio Francesco. Folio, vellum. 10* &d In Padova, 1620 2462 PORRES— Vita del B. Martino de Porres, Terziario Professo dell' Ordine de' Predicatori nella Provincia di S. Giovanni Battista del Peru. Mo, portrait, half bound. 5* Roma, 1837 2463 PORTER (Lt. and Mrs.) Views in the Island of Dominica. 4to, 11 plates. 5* 1849 2464 PORTER'S (Capt. David) Journal of a Cruise to the Pacific Ocean, in the U.S. Frigate Essex, in 1812, 13, and 14. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, map and plates, calf. 6* Philadelphia, 1815 2465 PORTLOCK and Dixon's Voyage round the World, but more parti- cularly to the North- West Coast of America. 4to, maps and plates, boards. 5* — very neat. 6* 6d — half calf. 5* Qd 1789 2466 PORTLOCK (Capt. N.) Voyage. Another copy, Large Paper, with the plates of Natural History, coloured, boards. 7* 6c? 1789 2467 PORTLOCK and DIXON'S Voyage round the World in 1785-1788, abridged. 8vo, map and plate, calf 2* 1789 2468 POUCHOT. — Memoires sur la derniere Guerre de l'Amerique Sep- tentrionale, entre la France et l'Angleterre, suivis d'Observations dont plusieurs sont Relatives du Theatre, actuel de la Guerre, et de Nouveaux Details sur les Moeurs et les Usages des Sauvages. 3 vols. 12mo, maps, clean as when first printed, and entirely uncut, rare. £2. 2* Yverdon, 1781 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 157 2469 POUCHOT. — Another copy, 3 vols. 12mo (wants the general map), seiced. £1. 10s z*5. 1781 This work relates to the War in Canada from 1754 to 1760. The Author was Commandant of the French Forts at Niagara and Levis, in Canada. The Third Volume is devoted to a Topographical Account of what was at that time called Canada. 2470 POUSSIN (Guillaume Tell, French Minister in the U.S.) The United States ; its Power and Progress, translated by Dr. Du Barry. Royal Svo, cloth. 4s Qd 1851 2471 POWELL'S (Thos.) Living Authors of America, first series containing J. F. Cooper, Emerson, Willis, Poe, Longfellow, Prescott, and 7 others. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s New Fork, 1850 2472 POWER (Tyrone) Impressions of America during the years 1833, 1834, and 1835. 2 vols. 8vo, frontispiece, new, half calf gilt. Is Qd — Another, in boards. 4* 6d 1836 2473 POWNALL (T.) Topographical Description of such parts of North America as are contained in the annexed Map of the Middle British Colonies in North America. Folio, large folding map, boards. £1. 4s half calf. £1. 5s 1776 2474 POWNALL (Thomas) Administration of the Colonies. 8vo, third edition, calf. 3s (id 1766 2475 POWNALL (Thos.) Administration of the Colonies, wherein their Rights and Constitution are Discussed and Stated. Fourth edition, 8vo, boards. 4s fid 1768 2476 POYER'S (John) History of Barbadoes, from the first Discovery of the Island, in the year 1605, to the Accession of Lord Seaforth, 1801. 4to, boards. 4s 6d — half calf . 6s &d — whole bound. 7s Qd 1808 2477 POYNTZ'S (Capt. John) Present State of the famous and Fertile Island of Tobago to the Southward of the Island of Barbadoes, to which is added Proposals for Encouragement of all those that are minded to settle there. 4 to, neat, in brown calf, rare. 12s 1695 2478 PRATZ (Le Page du) Histoire de la Louisiane, contenant la Decou- verte de ce Vaste Pays, deux Voyages dans le Nord du Nouveau Mexique. 3 vols. 12mo, maps and plates, French calf gilt. 14s Paris, 1758 2479 PREFONTAINE.— Maison Rustique a l'Usage des Habitans de Cayenne. Svo, plates, half russia. 6s 6d Par. 1763 2480 PRESCOTT'S History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization. 3 vols. Svo, library edition, new half calf gilt. 18s 1843 2481 PRESCOTT'S (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Peru, with a Pre- liminary View of the Civilisation of the Inoas. 2 vols. 8vo, best library edition, 2 portraits, cloth. £1. Is (pub. at £1. 12s) 1847 2482 PRESCOTT (Henrietta) Poems, written in Newfoundland, (some des- criptive). 12mo, cloth. 2s 1839 2483 PRESENT State of Great Britain and North America, by Dr. John Mitchell. Svo, neat. 4s 1767 2484 PRESENT State of North America, Part I., no more published. 4to, half calf . 15s Lond., R. and J. Dodsley, 1755 2485 PRESTON'S (T. R.) Three Years' Residence in Canada, from 1837 to 1839. 2 vols, in 1, post Svo,bds. 4s— half calf gilt. 6s 1840 2486 PREVOST (Lt. Gen. Sir Geo.) Some Account of his Public Life, particularly his Services in the Canadas. 8vo, calf, very neat, with marbled leaves. 6s — boards. 5s 1823 158 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2487 PRICE'S (Dr. Rich.) Additional Observations on Civil Liberty and the War with America. 8vo, half calf. 2s 1777 2488 PRIEST (Josiah) American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West, being an Exhibition of the Evidence that an Ancient Population of partially Civilised Nations, differing entirely from those of the present Indians, peopled America many Centuries before its Discovery by Columbus, and Enquiries into their Origin, and Description of many of their Stupendous W T orks now in Ruins. 8vo, plates, calf. 6* Albany, 1841 2489 PRIEST (Wm., a Musician) Travels in the United States of America, 1793 to 1797. Svo, plate, half calf. 3* 6d 1802 2490 PRIME (Benj. Young, Hunting donia Nov-Eboracensis, Americanus) Dissertatio Medica InauguraHs de Fluxu Muliebro Menstruo. 4to, fine copy, calf gilt. 7* &d Lug. Bat. 1 764 2491 PRINCE (Thomas) Sermon at the South Church in Boston, N. E., on the General Thanksgiving occasioned by taking the City of Louis- bourg by New England Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 4s 6c/ 1746 2492 PRINCE (Thos.) Sermon at the South Church in Boston, N. E., on the General Thanksgiving, Thursday, July 18, 1745, occassioned by taking the City of Louisbourg on the Isle of Cape Breton, by New England Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron, 1746 — Sermon at the South Church in Boston, New England, Aug 14, 1746, the day of the General Thanksgiving for the Glorious and Happy Victory uear Culloden, 1747 — Sermon at the South Church in Boston, Aug. 24, 1749, the day of the General Thanksgiving in the Province of Massa- chusetts for the Extraordinary Reviving Rains after the most Distres- sing Drought which has been known among us in the Memory of any -Living, Boston, printed 1750. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf, gilt leaves, with autograph of the Rev. John Prince, of Sion College. 1 5s 2493 PRINCE (Thos., Minister of the South Church in Boston) Six Sermons published from his MSS., with Life by John Erskine, D.D. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d Edinb. 1785 2494 PRINCE (Thomas) Chronological History of New England, in the, form of Annals. Vol. I., all printed, 8vo, calf neat. 10* 6d Boston, N. E., 1736 2495 PRINCE (Thomas) Chronological History of New England, in the form of Annals, from its Discovery in 1602 to 1730, third edition, with additions, and with Memoir of the Author, by Sam. G. Drake. Royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 16* Boston, 1852 2496 PRITTS (J.) Mirror of Olden Time Border Life, embracing a History of the Discovery of America of the Land of our Forefathers at Ply- mouth, and their Remarkable Engagements with the Indians, and History of Virginia. Royal Svo, plates, calf. 5* Abingdon, Va. 1849 2497 PROBATIONARY Odes of Jonathan Pindar, Esq., a Cousin of Peter's and Candidate for the post of Poet Laureat to the C. U. S. In two parts, 12mo, boards. 4s 6d Philadelphia, 1796 2498 PROCEEDINGS at the Dedication of the Building for the Public Library of the City of Boston, Jan. 1, 1858. 8vo, plate, cloth. 4s Boston, 1858 2499 PROCEEDINGS of the Assembly of Jamaica, in regard to the Maroon Negroes, with Observations on their Manners and Habits, by B. Edwards. Svo, front, by Abr. Raimbach, the friend of Wilkie, very neat. 4s Gd 1796 J. R % Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. ] 59 2500 PROCLAMATION (A) by Queen Anne, for Settling the Current Rates of Foreign Coins in the Colonies and Plantations in America. Folio, black letter, bound in 8vo, half morocco. 2* 1704 2501 PROCTOR (Robert) Narrative of a Journey across the Cordillera of the Andes. 8vo, boards. 3s — new half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1825 2502 PROTESTANT Episcopal Church in America, various sermons on the Subject, and Journal of Conventions of this Church, by American Divines, from the year 1827 to the year 1847. In 6 thick vols. 8vo, boards. 18* Collected by the Chevalier Bunsen and Chas. W. Huckley, of Columbia College, N. Y. One of the vols, contains the Trial of Bishop Onderdonk. 2503 PROUD (Robert) History of Pennsylvania, from the Original Institu- tion and Settlement of that Province, the First Proprietor and Governor William Penn in 1681. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait and map, clean copy in boards, and uncut. JB1. 15* Philadelphia, 1798 2504 PSALTERIUM AMERICANUM.— The Book of Psalms in a Transla- tion exactly conformed unto the Original, but all in Blank Verse, fitted unto the Tunes used in our Churches {attributed to Cotton Mather). 12mo, fine copy, blue morocco, extra gilt leaves, very rare. £6. 6* Boston, 1718 At the end are the original "proposals for printing by subscription," " price to subscribers 5*. per book, unto others 5*. 6d., and he that procures a subscription for six books shall have a seventh gratis which reduce the price to 4s. 4d." 2505 PSALTERIUM AMERICANUM.— Another copy, without the Pro- posals at the end. 12mo, new calf neat. J65. 5* Boston, 1718 2506 PTOLEMAEI (CI.) Geographia et Commentaria. 4to, neatly engraved maps, several of America, curious as showing the progress of Geography, half calf 6s Venetiis 1564 2507 PTOLEMY.— Tolomeo (Claudio) Geografia tradotta di Greco nell Idioma Yolgare Italiano du Gir. Ruscelli. 4to, imperfect in Italy, but having all the neatly engraved maps belonging to America, vellum. Is bd Venetia, 1599 2508 PUGH'S (Ellis, a Quaker of Pennsylvania) Salutation to the Britains, to call them from the many Things to the One Thing needful for the Saving of their Souls, translated from the British (Welsh) Language by Rowland Ellis, revised by David Lloyd. 12mo, neat, scarce. JB1. 1* Philadelphia, Printed by S. Keimer, 1727 2509 PUGH. — The Second Edition (with an Account of the Author, and % the Testimony of his Memory at the Monthly Meeting at Gwynedd, in the County of Pennsylvania). 12mo, neat. 10* fid London, 1739 2510 PULSZKY'S (Fracis and Theresa) White, Red, and Black Sketches of Society in the United States. 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 7* 6d 1853 2511 PULTENET (W.) Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation. 8vo, half morocco. 3* 1778 2512 PURCHAS his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World, containing a Theologicall and Geographieall Historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the Islands Adjacent. Folio, calf neat. 14* — Another, calf. 10* 6d 1613 2513 PURCHAS his Pilgrimage, the third edition much enlarged. Folio, neat, (a leaf wanting in Africa). 15* 1617 The portion relating to America occupies more than two hundred pages. 2514 PURDON (John) Abridgement of the Laws of Pennsylvania from the year 1700 to the 2nd April 1811, with References to Reports of Judicial Decisions in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 8vo, calf 6* Philadelphia, 1811 160 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2515 PURSH (Fred.) Flora America Septentrionalis, or Systematic Arrange- ment and Description of tbe Plants of North America. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, coloured plates, half calf. 16s 1816 2516 PUTNAM. — Essay on the Life of the Honourable Major General Israel Putnam, by Col. David Humphreys. 12mo, calf extra, gilt edges, rare. £1. 5s Hartford, 1788 2517 PUTNAM (Geo. Palmer) American Facts ; Notes and Statistics Relative to the Government, Resources, Engagements, Manufactures, Education, Religion, Literature, Manners, and Customs of the United States, of America. 8vo, map and partraits, cloth. 2s — half calf gilt. 3s U > 1845 2518 /QUAKERS.— Ellwood's (Thos.) Answer to Geo. Keith's (the Penn- VvJ sylvanian Quaker) Narrative of his Proceedings at Turner's Hall, 1696 — Pennington (Edvv.) Some Brief Observations on Geo. Keith's Ernest Expostulation, 1696 — Ellwood's Epistles to Friends, briefly Commemorating the Gracious Dealings of the Lord with them, and Warning them of that Spirit of Contention and Division which hath appeared of late in Geo. Keith, and some few others who have made a breach and separation from Friends in America, 1694 — Ellwood's Further Discovery of Geo. Keith, 1694— Ellwood's Truth Defended from the Foul Charges of Geo. Keith, 1695 — Pennington's (John) Apostate Exposed, or Geo. Keith contradicting himself and his Brother Bradford (of Philadelphia), 1695 — Pennington's (J.) The People called Quakers cleared by Geo. Keiih from the False Doctrines charged upon them by G. Keith, 1696 — More Work for Geo. Keith, being Geo. Keith's Vindication of the Quakers with himself against the Forgeries and Abuses of Thos. Hicks and Will. Kiffin, called Anabaptists, (by TF. Penn, not in his collected works), 1696. In 1 vol. 8vo, fine clean copies, calf neat, a very rare collection. £2. 12s U v.y. 2519 QUAKERS. — Collection of Memorials concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and parts adjacent, from nearly the First Settlement thereof to the year 1787. 8vo, calf. 7s 6d 1788 2520 QUAKER (The) Soldier, or the British in Philadelphia, an Historical Novel. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 3s Philadelphia, 1858 2521 QUAKERS. — William Penn and the Quakers, either Impostors or Apostates, which they please, proved from their avowed principles and contrary practices, 1696 — The Foxonian Quakers, Dunces, Lyars, and Slanderers, proved out of Geo. Fox's Journal and other Scribblers, 1797. 12mo, half calf 8s Qd 2522 QUEBEC. — Estat present de l'Eglise et de la Colonie Francoise dans la Nouvelle France, par M. l'Eveque de Quebec. 8vo, fine cony, calf. £1. lis 6d Paris, 1688 2523 QUEBEC— Letter to the Earl of Chatham on the Quebec Bill, 1774 — Appeal to the Public, stating and considering the Objections to the Quebec Bill, 1774 — Thoughts on the Act for making more Effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, 1774 — Justice and Policy of the late Act of Parliament lor the Government of Quebec, 1774. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf neat. 12s 2524 QUEBEC. — Plan of a Code of Laws for the Province of Quebec, reported by the Advocate General, (with appendix on the Estates of the Jesuits in Canada). 8vo, bds. 10s &d Privately Printed, 1774 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 161 2525 QUEBEC. — Catechisme du Diocese de Quebec, par Jean de la Croix de Saint Valier, Eveque de Quebec. 12mo, vellum. 10s Qd Paris, 1702 2526 QUESNE (J. S.) Memoires du Capitaine Landolphe, contenant l'His- toire de ses Voyages pendant 36 Ans aux Cotes d'Afrique et aux deux Ameriques, rediges sur son Manuscrit. 2 vols. 8vo, map and 2 portraits, half calf. 4s 6d Paris, 1823 2527 QUINCY. — Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Junr., of Massa- chusetts ; by his Son Josiah Quincy. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges, {presentation copy to Lord Macaulay). 6s Boston, 1825 2528 QUINT ANA (Manuel Josef) Vidas de Espanoles celebres. 3 vols. small 8 vo, portraits, Spanish calf. Is 6d Madrid, 1833 Containing the Lives of Vasco de Nunez de Balboa, Francisco Pizarro, Bartholme de las Casas, and other eminent Spaniards, with appendices of original documents. 2529 QUITO. — Sobre la Execucion de los Autos de Consejo en que se Mando que D. Alonso restituyessi 151807, pesos que se Presupuso a via Percibido de mas en los Salarios de la Eesidencia que tomo a Don Francisco. Folio, title mended, extra boards. • Is Qd (1660) 2530 T) . . . (Maria) Voyages to the Madeira, and Leeward Caribbean X\j Isles, with Sketches of the Natural History of these Islands. Post 8vo, half morocco. 4« Edinburgh, 1792 2531 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Manual of the Grape Vines and the Art of making Wine, including an Account of 62 Species of Vines, with nearly 300 Varieties, by C. S. Rafinesque. 8vo, 2 plates containing % figures of Vines, half morocco. 2* Philadelphia, 1830 2532 RAFTER (Col.) Memoirs of Gregor McGregor, a Sketch of the Revolu- tion in New Grenada and Venezuela, with Biographical Notices of Generals Miranda, Bolivar, Morillo, and Hore. 8vo, map and plates,, half calf gilt, scarce. 10* 6d 1820 2533 RAGUENEAN (R. P. Paul) Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Mis- sion des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus aux Hurons, et aux pais , plus bas de la Nouvelle France depuis Teste de l'annee 1649, jusques a TEste de l'annee 1650. 8vo, half russia, rare. £2. 2s Paris, 1651 25*33*RAINE'S (J., Vicar) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Blyth„ in the Counties of Nottingham and York, comprising Accounts of the Monastery, Hospital, Chapels, and Ancient Tournament Field of the Parish of" the Castle and Manor of Tickhill, and *>f4he Family Possessions of De Buili, the first and Norman Lord thereof, together with the Biographical Notices of Roger Mowbray, Philip of Olcotes, Bishop Sanderson, John Cromwell, and others, with Appendix of Documents, &c. 4to, plates and pedigrees, cloth. 15$ (original- price £1. 6*) i860 To Americans this volume will prove of great interest, as it describes the- localities of the birth places and residences of Brewster and Bradford, two of the most prominent of the " Pilgrim Fathers." The late Rev. Joseph Hunter was the first to point out these places in his " Collections on the Founders of New Plymouth," (pub. in 1854, price 8s), "and hence," says Mr. Raine, "it is that educated and accomplished men from America are perpetually visiting with feelings of deep filial affection and veneration the villages of Austerfield and Scrooby." To the copies issued by J. R. Smith an extra print has been added of " a View of the present state of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Scrooby, the residence of William Brewster, the " Pilgrim Father." 11 162 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2534 RAINSFORD (Marcus) Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti, and Principal Transactions in the Revolution of Saint Domingo, its Ancient and Modern State. 4to, maps and plates, boards. 6s 6c? — half calf gilt. Is 6c? — new ditto. 9s 6c? — whole calf gilt, marked leaves. 10* 6c? 1805 2535 RALEIGH (Sir Walter) Discoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana, with a relation of the Golden Oitie of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El Dorado), and of the Provinces of Erneria, Arromaia, Amapaia, and other Countries, with their Rivers adjoining. 4to, first edition, red morocco extra, gilt edges. £o. 5s Lond., Robert Robinson, 1596 2536 Reprinted with some unpublished Documents relative to that Country, with Notes, &c, by Sir Robt. Schomburgk. 8vo, map, cloth. 12s EaHuyt Soc. 1848 2537 RALEGH (Sir Walter) Discoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana, in the yeare 1595, London, 1596 — Declarationn of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Ralegh, as well in his Voyage as in and sithence his return, 1618. In 1 vol. 4to, new half morocco, gilt leaves. £4. 14s 6c? 2538 RALEIGH. — Declaration of the Demeanor and Carriage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knt., as well as in his Voyage as in, and sithence his returne. 4 to, half calf. 6s — half morocco. 7s 6c? 1618 2539 RALEIGH (Sir Walter) Judicious and Select Essays and Observations upon the first Invention of Shipping, the Misery of Invasive War, the Navy Royall and Sea Service, with his Apologie for his Voyage to Guiana. 12mo, old calf, scarce. Is Qd 1650 2540 RALEIGH (Sir Walter) Abridgement of the History of the World, with his Remains, including his Unlucky Voyage to Guiana. 8vo, neat and clean. 3s 6c? 1702 2541 RAMBLES in the United States and Canada, by Rubio {very severe on the Americans). Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1846 2542 RAMEL (General) Relation de la Deportation a Cayenne des Citovens Barthelemy, Pichegru Willot, La Rue, Uc.,Hambourg, 1799 — Anec- dotes Secretes sur la Revolution du 18, Eructidor et Nouveaux Memoires des Deportes a la Guiane (faisant suite au Ramel), Paris, 1799. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . 4s 2543 RAMEL. — Journal de l'Adjutant-General Ramel, Tun des Deportes a la Guiane, avec des Details Circonstancies de la fin Terrible du Gen- eral Murinais, &c. 8vo, portrait, half calf. 3s 1799 2544 [RAMSAY (Allan)] Letters on the Present Disturbances in Great Britain and her American Provinces. 8vo, boards, privately printed. 6s Rome, 1777 2545 RAMSAY (Dr. David) History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, neat. 14s Trenton, 1785 2546 RAMSAY (Dr. David) History of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 9s— calf neat. 10s Qd 1793 2547 RAMSAY'S (Dr. D.) History of the American Revolution. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, half calf. Is Lond. 1791 2548 RAMSAY (David) History of the United States from their First Settlement as English Colonies in 1607 to the year 1808, continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith. 3 vols. 8vo, neat. 15s Philadelphia, 1818 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 163 2549 RAMSAY'S (Dr. David) History of South Carolina, 1670 to 1808. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 18* Charleston, 1809 2550 RAMSAY (Dr. David) Memoirs of the Life of Martha Laurens Ram- say, who Died in Charleston, S. C, with extracts from her Diary, Letters, &c. Small 8vo, half calf . Zs— boards. 2* 1815— Another, calf extra. 3* 1818 2551 RAMSAY (Rev. James) Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies. 8vo, boards. 3* — bound. 35 6c? 1784 2552 RAMUSIO (G. R.) Delle Navagationi et Viaggi Raccolte. 3 vols. folio, good copy, maps, very neat in calf, {from Lord Stuart de Rothesay's Collection). M. 4$ Venetia, 1613, 1583, 1556 2554 RANKING (John) Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, and Talomeco, in the Thirteenth Century, by the Mongols. 8vo, maps and ports., boards. Is 6d — russia, extra gilt leaves. 12s— calf extra. 10s U 1827 2555 RANKIN (John, of Ohio) Letters on American Slavery, addressed to Mr. Thos. Rankin, of Middlebrook, Augusta, Va. 12mo, boards. 2s Boston, 1833 2556 RAUMER (Ered. Von) America and the American People, translated by Turner. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4* 1846 2557 RAYNAL. — Histoire de la Revolution de l'Amerique. 12mo, half calf. 2s — boards. Is §d— 8vo, whole calf. 2s 6d 1781 2558 RAYNAL (Abbe) Revolution of America. 8vo, half calf. 2s 1781 2559 RAYNAL (Abbe) Philosophical and Political History of the Settlement and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies, translated by Justamond. 4 vols. 12mo, maps, calf gilt, bs Edinb. 1776 2560 RAYNAL. Another edition. 5 vols. 8vo, portrait and maps, calf neat. 9s 1777 2561 RAYNAL. Another edition. 6 vols, small 8vo, 6s Edinb. 11 $2 " The works of Abbe Eaynal treat of everything that can be sought for connected with the East and West Indies, and if the student will peruse the work, and the great leading historical events, there can be no doubt these celebrated volumes will be found not only agreeable, but highly interesting and useful." — Peoeessoe Smyth. 2562 RAYNAL (Abbe) Philosophical and Political History of the British Settlements and Trade in North America. 2 vols 3 2mo, calf. 4* Edinb. 1776 2563 REALES Exequias por el Senor Don Carlo III. Rey de las Espanas y Americas y Real Proclamacion de su Augusto. hijo El Senor D. Carlos IV. por la Muy noble y Muy leal Cindad de Granada Provincia de Nicarragua Regno de Guatemala. 4to, plates, fine copy, calf gilt. 15* Granada, 1790 2564 REALES Ordenanzas para la Direccion Regimen y Gobierno del im- portante Cuerpo de la Mineria de Nueva-Espana y de sa Real Tribunal \j General. Folio, boards. 12* Madrid, 1783 2565 RECHERCHES Historiques et Politiques sur les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, par un Citoyen de Yirginie. 4 vols. 8vo, half bound. 8* a Colle, 1788 2566 RECUEIL de Divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en l'Amerique qui n'ont point este publiez. 4to, maps and plates, calf neat. 15* Paris, 1684 The Maps of Jamaica, Barbadoes, Coasts of New England, are curious : the volume relates principally to Barbadoes, Jamaica, Graiana, Customs of the Caribs, &c. 164 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2567 RECUEIL de Voiages au Nord, contenant divers Memoires tres utiles au Commerce et a la Navigation. 7 vols. 12mo, maps and plates , vellum. 14* Amst. 1715 Two of these volumes relate to America. 2568 EECUERDOS sobre la Rebelion de Caracas. 4 to, Spanish calf. 10« 6d Madrid, 1829 2569 EED RIVER COLONY.— Report of the Proceedings connected with the Disputes between the Earl of Selkirk and the North West Com- pany at the Assizes held at York, in Upper Canada. 8vo, boards. 5« 1819 2570 REDI (Francesio) Esperienze intorno a diverse cose Naturali e par- ticolarmente a quelle, che si son portate dab" Indie {East and West Indies). 4to, plates, vellum. 5s Firenze, 1671 2571 REED and MATHESON'S (Drs.) Narrative of a Visit to the American Churches, as a Deputation from the Congregational Union. 2 thick vols. 8vo, map, new half calf gilt. 9s (pub at £\. 4s) 1835 2572 REED and MATHESON.— Narrative of the Visit to the Americau Churches, by Deputation from the Congregational Union of England and Wales. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 6s 1836 2573 REESE (Dr. David M.) Letters to the Hon. William Jay, being a reply to his Enquiry into the American Colonization and American Anti Slavery Societies. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s New York, 1835 2574 REEVES (John, Chief Justice of Newfoundland) History of the Government of the Island of Newfoundland, with an Appendix con- taining the Acts of Parliament made respecting the Trade and Fishery. 8vo, half calf '. 2s &d— calf neat. 3s 1793 2575 REGLAMENTO y Aranceles Reales para el Comercio Libre de Espana alndias de 12. de Octubre de 1778. 4to, calf extra, bs Madrid, 2576 REGNAULT-WARREN.— Histoire du General Lafayette en Amerique precedee d'une Notice sur sa Vie. 8vo, sewed. 3s 6d Paris, 1832 2577 REGULATIONS lately made concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes imposed upon them considered {by Br. Campbell), 1765 — Considera- tions on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies for raising a Revenue by Act of Parliament {by Mr. Belancy), 1766. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 4* 2578 RELACAO do Sitio da Nova Colonia do Sacramento. 4to, maps of Buenos Ay res, Monte Video, Sacramento, and La Plata, calf {no title). 10« 6d 1740 .2579 RELACION del ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes en los Anos 1785 y 1786, y Noticia de los Habitantes Suelo, Clima y Producciones del Estrecho. 4to, portrait of Magallanes, and large folding maps, boards. Ss 6d— fine copy, calf gilt. 12$ 6d — half" calf . 8s Madrid, 1788 2580 RELACION. Another copy, on fine paper, red morocco, gilt leaves. 165 ib. 1718 2581 RELACION del Viage hecho por las Goletas Sutil y Mexicana en el ano de 1792, para Recouocer el Estrecho de Fuca. 4to, without the Atlas, calf. Is 6d Madrid, 1802 2582 RELATION d'un Voyage du Pole Arctique, au Pole Antarctique, par le centre du monde, avec la description de ce perilleux passage et des choses Merveilleuses et Etonnantes qu'on a Decouvertes sous le Pole Antartique. 12mo, plates, old calf gilt. 5s Paris, 1723 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 165 2583 RELATIONS de la Louisiane et dii Fleuve Mississipi, ou Ton voit l'etat de ce grand Pais et les Avantages qu'ii pent produire, &c. 12ino, map and plates, fine copy, new calf y lit, carmine edges. 15s Amst. 1720 2584 RELATIONS Veritables et Curieuses de l'lsle de Madagascar et du Bresil avec l'Histoire de la derniere Guerre faite au Bresil entre les Portugais et les Hollandois par Pierre Moreau. 4to, with the fold- ing plate of " Le Recijf" old calf gilt, good copy, rare. £1. lis Qd Paris, 1651 2585 RELATORIO du Reparticao dos Negocios da Fazendu a Assemblia geral Legislativa na Sessao ordinaria de 1835, pelo Ministro e Secre- tario de Estado Manoel de Nascimento Castro a Silva. 8vo, half calf 3s Qd Bio Janeiro, 1835 2586 REMARKS on a War with America and its probable consequences to that Country. 8vo, half morocco. Is Qd 1840 2587 REMARKS on the Different Opinions relative to the American Colonies. 8vo, boards. '6s Qd 1776 2588 REMARKS on the Principal Acts of the 13th Parliament of Gt. Britain, Vol. I. (all printed), containing Remarks on the Acts relating to the Colonies, with a plan of Reconciliation. 8vo, boards, scarce. Is Qd 1775 Written by John Lind, a friend of Jeremy Bentham. Dr. Parr said it was the ablest book he had ever read in defence of the American War. 2589 REMEMBRANCER (The) or Impartial Repository of Public Events from 1775 to 1782, 16 Vols., Prior Documents from 1764 to 1775, 1 vol., Journal of the Proceedings of Congress at Philadelphia, 1775 and 1776. In all 16 vols. 8vo, half bound, uncut. £5. 5* Lond., J. Almon, 1775, &c. 2590 REMEMBRANCER (The), or Impartial Repository of Public (Ame- rican) Events, for the years 1775 and 1776. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. 6s 1776 2591 RENGGER et LONGCHAMPS.— Essai Historique sur la Revolu- * tion du Paraguay, et le Gouvernement dictorial du Dr. Francia. 8vo, large map, sewed. 3s Par. 1827 2592 RENGGER and LONGCHAMPS.— Reign of Dr. Jos. Gaspard Rode- rick de Francia, in Paraguay, being an Account of six years residence iu that Republic. 8vo, boards. 3* 1827 2593 RENGGER e LONGCHAMP.— II Dotter Francia ed il Paraguay. 12mo. 2s Milano, 1837 2594 RENNY'S (Robt.) History of Jamaica. Uo, map, boards. 3s 1807 2954*REPLY to the Observations of Lt. Gen. Sir Win: Howe, on a Pamph- let entitled " Letters to a Nobleman," in which his Representations are detected, and those Letters are supported by a variety of New Matter and Argument, by the Author of Letters to a Nobleman. 8vo, boards. 4s Qd 1781 2595 REPLY to an American's Examination of the "Right of Search," by an Englishman. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1842 2596 REPORTS of the Board of Trade on the Petition of the Hon. Thos. Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, John Sargent, Samuel Wharton, and their Associates, for a Grant of Lands on the River Ohio, for the purpose of Electing a New Government, 1772 — Substance of the Evidence of the West India Planters before the House of Commons, as it was introduced and summ'd up by Mr. Glover, 1775. In I vol. 8vo, very neat. 9s Qd 166 Books relating to America on Sale by 2597 REPORTS of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, to which are prefixed the Reports of Alex. Hamilton on Public Credit, National Bank, Manufactures, and the Establishment of a Mint. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 10s 6d Washington, 1828 Published by order of the Senate of the U. S. The most authentic his- tory of the Finances of America, comprising the Reports of Hamilton, Gallatin, Dallas, Crawford, and Rush, from 1790 to 1828. 2598 REPORTS of the Secretary of War, with Reconnaisances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by Lt. Col. J. E. Johnston, &c, also Report of Capt. R. B. Marcy's Route from Port Smith to Santa Fee, and Report of Lt. J. H. Simpson of an Expedition into the Navaji Country. Large 8vo, maps and plates, some coloured, cloth. Is 6d Washington, 1850 2599 REPORT of the Board of Commissioners of Internal Improvement, in Relation to the Examination of Sundry Routes for a Railway from Boston to Providence {the first in the United States). 8vo, with a map a yard long, half morocco. 5s Boston, 1828 2600 REPORTS on South America, by Rodney and Graham, Commissioners to Buenos Ay res, sent by the Government of the United States. 8vo, boards. 2s— half calf [ ds 6d 1819 2601 RESTREPO (Jose Manuel) Historia de la Revolucion de la Republica de Colombia. 10 vols, post 8vo, atlas and maps, sewed. £[. Is Paris, 1827 2602 REUSS (W. F.) Calculations and Statements relative to the Trade between Great Britain and the United States of America. Royal 8vo, cloth. 3s 1833 2603 REVERE (J. W.) Tour of Duty in California, with Description of the Gold Region. Post 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 3s 1849 2604 REVIEW of the Laws of the United States of North America, the British Provinces, and West India Islands. 8vo, half calf. 3s 1790 2605 REVIEW of the Military Operations in North America from the commencement of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia, in 175S to the Surrender of Oswego, 1756. 4to, half morocco, uncut, scarce. £\. lis 6d 1757 Illustrating the Life of Washington. 2606 REVOLUTIONARY Memorials, embracing Poems by Rev. Wheeler Case, published in 1778, and Appendix containing General Bur- goyne's Proclamation in Burlesque, &c, edited by Rev. Stephen Dodd, of East Haven. Small 8vo, cloth. 2* 6 d New Fork, 1852 2607 RHODE ISLAND.— Short Confession of Faith of the Church at New- port, in Rhode Island, under the care of Mr. Daniel White. 8vo, half morocco. 10s 6^ 1731 2608 RIBADENEYRA (Don Ant., Alogado de Mexico) Manual Compendio de el Regio Patronato Indiano. Small folio, boards. 10s 6c? Madrid, 1755 2609 RICH'S (O.) Supplement to the " Bibliotheca Americana Nova," Part I. being Additions and Corrections, 1701 to 1800. 8vo, cloth. 10s Qd Rich, 1841 2610 RICH'S (O.) Bibliotheca Americana, Vol. II. comprising 1801 to 1844, with a Supplement to Vol. I. 8vo, cloth. 15s 1846 2611 RICH'S (O.) Catalogue of Books relating to America, 1500 to 1600. 8vo. cloth. 10s 6d 1832 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 167 2612 KICHARDSON (Dr. John), W. Swainson, and W. Kirby's Fauna Boreali Americani; or the Zoology of the Northern parts of British America. — The Quadrupeds. 4to, many plates, boards. 15s — cloth, edges smoothed. 13s 6c? 1829-37 2613 Quadrupeds and Birds, by Richardson and Swainson. 2 vols. 4to, many plates, cloth. £2. 5s (pub. at dB5. 15s 6c?) 1829-31 2614 Another Copy, with the Birds coloured. 2 vols. 4to, half russia, uncut. £3. 3s 1829-37 2615 Insects, by the Rev. W. Kirby. 4to, plates, cloth. 16* (pub. at £1. 5s) 1837 2616 RICHARDSON'S (Sir John) Arctic Searching Expedition, a Journal of a Boat Voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea in search of Sir John Franklin, with Appendix on the Physical Geo- graphy of North America, and Vocabularies of Dialects. 2 vols. 8vo, many coloured plates, cloth. 9s 6c? (pub. at £1. lis 6c?) 1851 An exceedingly interesting record of this most adventurous expedition, and particularly valuable for its Scientific Eesearches and Discoveries, the Physical G-eography of America, Natural History, &c. likewise copious Vocabularies. 2617 RIGHTS of the English Colonies established in America Stated and Defended, their Merits and Importance to Great Britain Displayed, with Illustrations of the Benefits of their Union, and of the Mischiefs and Dangers of their continued Dissension. 4to. 15* 1774 26^8 RIGHT of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America, being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. 8vo, half morocco. 5 s 1776 2619 RILAND (Rev. John) Memoirs of a West India Planter, published from an Original Manuscript, with Preface and additional details. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s— calf neat. 2s 6 c? 1827 2620 RIO DE LA PLATA.— Historical, Political, and Statistical of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata. 8vo, maps, cloth. 5s 1825 2621 RIPPERDA. — Memoirs of the Duke de Ripperda, with an Appendix containing some Papers on the Consequences of a War in America. 8vo, calf neat. 3s 6c? 1740 2622 RIVERO (M. E.), and J. J. VON TSCHUDL— Peruvian Antiquities, translated by Francis L. Hawks. 8vo, many engravings, cloth. 6* 6c? 1853 2623 ROACH (John) Surprising Adventures of John Roach, Mariner of Whitehaven, his Cruel Treatment during a long Captivity amongst the Savage Indians, and Imprisonment by the Spaniards in South America, and return to the place of his Nativity, after being 13 years amongst his Inhuman Enemies. 8vo, bds. 5s Whitehaven, n.d. 2624 ROBERTS' (Capt. George) Four Years Voyages, being a Series of Uncommon Events which befel him in a Voyage to the Islands of the Canaries, Cape de Verde, and Barbadoes, from whence he was bound to the Coast of Guiney. 8vo, map and plates, neat. 4s 6c? 1726 2625 ROBERTS' (Orlando W.) Voyages and Excursions on the East Coast and in the interior of Central America {Nicaragua, §°c.) with Notes and Observations by Edward Irving. 12 mo, half morocco. 4s — half calf. 3s 6c? Edinb. 1827 2626 ROBERTS' (W.) An Account of the First Discovery and Natural His- tory of Florida, with Detail of the Expeditions and Descents made on that Coast. 4to, maps, new half calf . 10s — old calf 10s 6c? 1763 2627 ROBERTSON (Dr. W.) History of the Settlement and Discovery of America. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d Abeerdeen, 1848 168 Books relating to America on Bale by 2628 ROBERTSON (VV.) History of America, Books IX. and X., containing the History of Virginia to the year 1688, and of New England to the year 1652. 8vo, calf. 3s Philadelphia, MM 2629 ROBERTSON'S (Dr. William) History of America, 1 3th Edition, including Virginia and New England. 4 vols. 8vo, library edition, maps, clean in cloth. 5s 1817 2630 ROBERTSON'S History of America. 4 vols. 8vo, boards. 3* Cadell, 1803 2631 ROBERTSON (Ignatius Loyola) Sketches of Public Characters, drawn from the Living and the Dead, with Notices of other Matters. 8vo, boards, 3s 6d New York, 1830 2632 ROBERTSON (J. P. and W. P.) Letters on Paraguay, comprising an Account of Four Years' residence in that Republic. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, map and plate, cloth. 5s 1838 2633 Another Copy, with Dr. Francia's Reign of Terror, making 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth. Is Qd— half calf gilt. 9s Qd 1839 2634 ROBERTSON (J. P. and W. P.) Letters on South America, com- prising Travels on the Banks of the Parana et Rio de la Plata. 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth. Is 6d 1843 2635 ROBERTSON (W. Parish) Visit to Mexico, by the West India Islands, Yucatan, and United States, with Observations and Adven- tures on the Way. 2 vols, post 8vo, frontispiece and map, cloth. 8s 6d 1853 2636 ROBERTSON'S (Rev. James) History of the Mission of the Secession Church to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward's Island, from its com- mencement in 1765. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d 1847 2637 ROBIN (C. C.) Voyages dans l'lnterieur de la Louisiane de la Floride Occidentale et dans les Isles de la Martinique et de Saint Domingue suivis de la Flore Louisianaise. 3 vols. 8vo, large folding map and portrait, new half calf gilt. 15s Paris, 1807 2638 ROBIN (L'Abbe) Nouveau Voyage dans l'Amerique Septentrionale en l'annee 1781, et Campagne de l'Armee de M. le Comte de Rochambean. 8vo, half calf '. Is Qd Philadelphie, 1782 2639 ROBINSON (A.) A Short History of the Persecution of Christians by Jews, Heathens, and Christians, with the Present State of Religion in the United States of America. 8vo, hf. mor. 4s 6d Carlisle, n.d. 2640 ROBINSON (Conway) Account of the Discoveries in the West until 1519, and of Voyages to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America from 1520 to 1573. 8vo, cloth. 10s Qd Richmond, 1848 2641 ROBINSON'S Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America. 3rd Edition, with Additions and Appendix, 8vo, boards. 6s London, n.d. 2642 ROBINSON (J. H.) Journal of an Expedition 1400 Miles up the Orinoco and 300 up the Arauca, with an Account of the Country, &c. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s 1822 2643 ROBINSON'S (Dr. S.) Catalogue of American Minerals, with their Localities. Royal 8vo, boards. 4s £7.£. 1825 2644 ROBINSON (W. D.) Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, including a Narrative of the Expedition of Gen. Mina, and Observations on the Practicability of a Passage between the Pacific and the Atlantic. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait and map, boards. 5s — new half calf gilt. 7s — 2 vols, in 1, calf gilt. Is 182] 2645 Another copy, 2 vols. Svo, boards, with the Autograph of Southty the Pod on the title. 6s 1821 J. R. Smith, 36 Soho Square, London. 1C9 2646 ROBINSON (John, Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers) Works of, with a Memoir and Annotations by Robert Ashton. 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth* Us 1851 2647 ROBINSON (John, "Pilgrim Father") Observations, Divine and Morall, for the furthering of Knowledge and Vertue. Uo, calf neat. 15* Printed in the year 1625 2648 ROBINSON (John, "Pilgrim Father") Essayes, or Observations, Divine and Morall, collected out of Holy Scriptures, Ancient and Moderne Writers, both Divine and Humaine. 12mo, second edition, clean copy, old calf gilt. 15s 1638 2649 ROBINSON (John, "Pilgrim Father") Birth of a Day, being a Treatise Theological, Morall, and Historical, representing the Vicissi- tudes of all Humane Things, with their several Causes and Sacred Uses. 12mo, old calf {on the fly leaf" Ex dono authoris ") Is Qd 1655 2650 ROBINSON (John, "Pilgrim Father") Triumph of Truth and Unity of Truth, in Two Treatises, intended as a Preservative against the many Errours, and Unhappy Divisions of these Times in point of Religion. 12mo, calf. 7s Qd 1657 2651 ROBSON (Joseph) Account of Six Years' Residence in Hudson's Bay. V 8vo, maps, neat. 3* — boards. 3* Qd — half calf. 3s Qd — whole bound. 4* 1752 2652 ROCHEFORT, Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles de l'Amerique avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. 4to, engraved title and plates, good clean copy, neat. 10s Roterdam, 1658 2653 Another copy {wanting a leaf in the preface), vellum. hsQd — Another, complete {little wormed), calf. 8* 1658 2654 Second Edition, 4to, calf neat. 12* 1665 2655 ROCHEFORT (Le Sieur de) Relation de lisle de Tabago, ou de la Nouvelle Ovalcre l'une des Isles Antilles de l'Amerique. 12mo, good copy, morocco, gilt leaves. Qs Paris, 1666 2656 ROCHEFOUCAULT.— Liancourt (Duke de la) Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. 2 vols. 4to, maps, calf. \%s—half russia. 10* 6c? 1799 2657 ROCHEFOUCAULT. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. 12* 1799 2658 ROCHEFOUCAULT. Another Edition, 4 vols. 8vo, maps, new half calf gilt. 14* 1800 265'J ROCQUE'S Set of Plans and Forts in America reduced from actual Surveys. Oblong 4to, 30 plates, very interesting, neat. £1.1* 1765 2660 RODRIGUEZ (El Padre Manuel) El Maranon y Amazonas Historia de los Descubrimientos, entradas y Reduccion de Naciones en las dilatadas Montanas y Mayores Rios de la America. Folio, good clean copy, vellum, rare. J85. 5* Madrid, 1684 A scarce, as well as important volume, containing nearly the whole of Auunha's rare work on the discovery of the Amazon Rivers, copies of which were destroyed, lest it should guide other European Nations than the Spanish to the Eldorado of America. 2661 ROEBUCK (J. A.) The Colonies of England, a Plan for the Govern- ment of some portion of our Colonial Possessions. 8vo, cloth. 5* 1849 2()62 ROGER (Chas.) Rise of Canada from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilization. 8vo, Vol. I. {all printed) cloth, 5* Quebec, 1856 1 70 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2663 ROGERS' (Major R.) Concise Account of North America, to which is subjoined an Account of the Iudians, &c. 8vo, half calf. 4s Qd — calf neat. 5s 1765 2664 ROGERS' (Major Robert) Journals; containing an Account of several Excursions he made under the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of North America during the War. 8vo, calf. 12s 1765 2665 ROGERS' Journals. —Another Edition. 12mo, half calf . 6* Dublin, 1769 2666 ROGERS (Major) Concise Account of North America, 1765— Journals of Major Rogers in several Excursions he made under the Generals who commanded during the late War, 1765. In 1 vol. 8vo, neat. 12* 2667 ROGERS' Journal, Dublin, 1769— Historical Account of the Expedi- tion against the Ohio Indians in 1764, under Henry Bouquet, Dublin, 1769. In 1 vol. 12mo, neat. 9* 2668 ROGERS' (Woodes) Cruising Voyage round the World, 1708-11, with an Account (the first) of Alex. Selkirk's living Four Years in an Uninhabited Island. 8vo, neat. 4* Qd—flne clean copy in calf. 6* 1712 2669 Another Edition, 8vo, maps, neat. 5s 1718 2670 ROGERS (Woodes) Voyage Autour du Monde commence en 1708 et fini en 1711, traduit de l'Anglois ou Ton a joint quelques Pieces Curieuses touchant la Riviere des Amazones et la Guiane. 2 vols. 12mo, map and curious plates, half calf . 6* Amst. 1716 2671 ROLPH (Thomas, of Canada) Emigration and Colonization, Descrip- tive Accounts of various parts of the British American Provinces. 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd 1844 2672 ROLT'S New and Accurate History of South America, containing a Particular Account of the Discovery of the New World. Thick 8vo, boards. 3s — half calf. 3s 6c? — whole calf. 4* 1756 2673 ROMANS' (Capt. Bernard) Concise Natural History of East and West Florida, containing an Account of the Natural Produce of the Southern part of British America, likewise the Artificial Produce now raised, or possible to be raised and manufactured there, with some Commercial and Political Observations in that part of the World, and a Chorographical Description of the same, also easy Directions for Navigators. 8vo, plates and maps rudely etched by the author, morocco extra, gilt leaves, very rare. £4<. 4s Neio Fork, 1775 2674 ROSE (Aquila) Poem to the Memory of Aquila Rose, who Dy'd at Philadelphia, Aug. 22, 1723, JStat 28, by Elias Brockett. Small 8vo, half morocco. 7s 6d 1723-4 2675 ROSS (Alex.) Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River, and Account of some Indian Tribes on the Coast of the Pacific. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 4s 6d 1849 2676 ROSS (Alex.) The Red River Settlement, its Rise, Progress, and Present State, with Account of the Native Races and its General History to the present day. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 7s 6d 1856 2677 ROSS (H. J.) Thoughts on the Objectionable System of Labour for Wages in the West India Colonies. 8vo, half morocco. 2s 1842 2678 ROSS (John) First Voyage of Discovery for the purpose of Exploring Baffin's Bay, and Inquiring into the probability of a North- West Passage. 4to, maps and plates, boards. 14s — half calf (jilt. 16s — whole calf, marbled edges. 1 8s 1819 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 171 2679 ROSS'S (Sir John) Second Voyage in Search of the North- West Pas- sage, and Five Years Residence in the Arctic Regions. 4to, many plates* cloth. 10s 1835 2680 ROSS. Another copy, royal 4to, large paper, cloth. 12s 1835 2681 ROSS. — Appendix to Sir John Ross's Second Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage. 4to, portrait and plates, cloth. 6s Qd — Large Paper, cloth. Is 6c? 1835 2682 ROSS (Sir John) Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a N.W. Passage during 1829, 30, 31, 32, and 33. 8vo, plates, cl. 3s 2683 ROSS (Capt. Sir James Clark) Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, during the years 1839 to 1843. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, cloth. 9s (pub. at £1. 16s) 1847 2684 ROUGHLEY'S Jamaica Planter's Guide: a system for Planting and Managing a Sugar Estate in that Island. 8vo, boards. 4s 6c? 1823 2685 RUIZ (Ant.) Conquista Espiritual hecha por los Religiosos de la Com- pania de Jesus en las Provincias del Paraguay, Parana, Uruguay y Tape. 4to, vellum, rare. £3. 3s Madrid, 1639 2686 RUIZ DE LEON (Don Francisco, Hijo de la Nueva-Espana) Hernan- dia, Triumphos de la Fe y Gloria de las Armas Espanolas Poema Heroyco, Conquista de Mexico. 4to, good clean copy, vellum. £1. 2s Madrid, 1755 2687 RUIZ Y PA VON.— Florae Peruviana*, et Chilensis Prodromus. Fol. plates, boards. 10s 6c? Madrid, 1794 2688 RUIZ Y PAVON.— Systema Vegetabilium Florae Peruvianas et Chi- lensis. 4 to, Spanish calf \ 9s M adrid K 1798 2689 RUNDALL'S Narratives of Voyages towards the North- West, in search of a Passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631 ; from early Records and MSS. 8vo, maps, cloth. 9s Hakluyt Soc. 1849 2690 RURAL Socrates, or an Account of a celebrated Philosophical Farmer lately living in Switzerland, and known by the name of Klyogg. 8vo, half bound, curious. 5s Hallowell {district of Maine), 1800 2691 RUSH (Dr. Benj.) An Account of the Bilious Remitting Yellow Fever as it appeared in the City of Philadelphia in 1793. 12mo (pp. 248), calf neat. 2s 6c? Edinb. 1791 2692 RUSH (Benjamin) Eulogium on the Memory of David Rittenhouse, late President of the American Philosophical Society. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d Philadelphia, 1796 2693 RUSH (Richard, American Minister) Narrative of a Residence at the Court of London. 8vo, new half calf gilt. 4s 6c? 1833 2694 RUSH (R.) Residence at the Court of London from 1819 to 1825. Second Series, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 6s 1845 2695 RUSSELL (Robert) North America, its Agriculture and Climate, con- taining Observations on the Agriculture and Climate of Canada, the United States, and the Island of Cuba. Thick 8vo, maps and wood* cuts, cloth. Is 6c? (pub. at 14s) Edinb. 1857 2696 RUSSELL (W.) History of America from its Discovery by Columbus to the conclusion of the late War, with an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Unhappy Contest between Great Britain and her Colonies. 2 vols. 4to, map and plates, calf neat. 15s — boards* 12s 177& 2697 RUSSELL. Another copy, 2 vols. 4to {wanting a leaf in Vol. II. ) half calf. 6s 1778 172 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2698 RUTHERFORD (Professor) The Due Sight of Presbyterie, or a Peaceable Plea for the Government of the Church of Scotland. 4to, {wanting pages 19 to 22), half calf . 12* 1644 It forms part of the Controversy on Church Government by Cotton, Robinson, and others. 2699 RUXTON (G. F.) Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. Square 8 vo, half calf 2s 1847 2700 RUXTON'S (G. F.) Life in the Far West. 12mo, cloth. 3s 1851 2701 RYAN'S ( VV. R.) Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848-9, with the Author's Experience at the Mines. 2 vols, post 8vo, plates, cloth. 8s (pub. at £1. is) 1850 2702 QAABYE (Hans Egede) Greenland, being Extracts from a Journal IO kept in that Country in the years 1770 to 1778, with Fries's Account of the Greenlanders, and of the Mission in Greenland. 8vo, map, boards. 3s J 818 2703 SACK'S (Baron) Voyage to and Residence in Surinam. 4to, plates, boards. 5s — half calf gilt. Is 1810 2704 SAILING Directions for the North American Pilot, containing the Gulph and River of St. Laurence, Newfoundland, Straits of Bell-Isle, and Labrador. 4to, boards. 3s 1775 2705 ST. CLAIR (Col. Thomas Staunton) Residence in the West Indies and America. 2 vols. 8 vo, plates, boards. 5s — half calf gilt. 7s 1834 2706 ST. CLAIR'S CAMPAIGN.— Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in the year 1791 was conducted, under the Command of Major-General St. Clair. 8vo, boards. 8s 6d Philadelphia, 1812 2707 SAINTE CROIX, de l'Etat et du Sort des Colonies des Anciens Peuples, avec des Observations sur les Colonies des Nations Modernes, et la Conduite des Anglois en Amerique. 8vo, half calf '. 4s 1779 2708 ST. DOMINGO.— Considerations sur l'Etat present de la Colonie Francaise de Saint-Domingue, par M. H. D[auberteuil]. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 4s U Paris, 1776 2709 ST. DOMINGO.— Reflexions sur la Colonie de Saint Domingue, ou Examen approfondi des causes de sa Ruine et des mesures adoptees pour la Retablir. 2 vols. 8vo, sewed. 4s Paris, 1796 2710 ST. DOMINGO.— History of the Island of St. Domingo, from its first Discovery by Columbus to the present period. (By Sir James Braskett.) 8vo,'bds. Zs—half czlf. 3s 6d— whole calf \ 4s 1818 2711 ST. DOMINGO.— Almanach Royal d'Hayti pour l'Annee 1815, dou- zieme de l'lndependance et la Quatrieme du Regne de sa Majeste, par P. Roux. 8vo, red morocco gilt. 3s Au Cap Henry, 2712 ST. JOHN'S (Hector) Letters from an American Farmer, describing- certain Provincial Situations, and Manners and Customs not generally known. 8vo, plates, neat. 4s Qd 1782 — Another Edition, with Lndex, 8vo, plates, neat. 5s 1783 2713 SAIXT THOMAS.— Colonie de Santo-Thomas (om the Bay of Hon- duras, settled by the Belgians) Enquete de M. Bloudel van Cuelebrouk Charge d' Affaires, Commissaire Extraordinaire du Gouvernement. Fol. with six large folding plans and charts. 10s Qd Bruxelles, 1846 2714 SA1NT-VENANT, des Colonies Modernes sous la Zone Torride, et Particulierement de celle de St. Domingue. 8vo, boards. 3s bd Pork. 1802 J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 173 2715 ST. VINCENT.— Account of the Number of Slaves Employed, and Quantity of Produce Grown on the several Estates in the Island of St. Vincent and its Dependencies from the year 1801 to 1824. 8vo, 8vo, boards. 3s Kingstown, 1825 2716 SALAZAR (Juan Joseph de) Vida del V. P. Alonso Messia de la Compania de Jesus fervososo Missionero y Director de Almas en la Cuidad de Lima. 4to, fine copy, veil. 10* Impressa en Lima, 1733 2717 SALMON.— Modern History of the Present State of all Nations, their Situations, Persons, Habits, Buildings, Manners, Laws and Customs, Religion and Policy, Arts and Sciences, &c. 3 vols. 4to, numerous maps and plates, calf neat. 10s fW 1739 Above 500 pages of the 3rd vol. are devoted to America and the West Indies. 2718 SALMON. Another Edition, 3 vols, folio, maps and plates, calf neat. 12s 1746 Nearly 500 pages of the 3rd vol. are devoted to America. 2719 SALVIN'S (Rev. H. S.) Journal written on Board of H.M.S. Cam- bridge from January, 1824, to May, 1827 (to Buenos Ayres, Chili). Small 8vo, frontispiece, cloth, privately printed. Is &d Newcastle, 1839 2720 SANDEMAN (Robt., Founder of the Sect " Sandemonians ") Discourses on Passages of Scripture, with Essays, Letters, and Life. 12mo, cloth. 4s 1857 The author was invited from Scotland to Forth America, where he founded a church at Banbury, Connecticut, and died there. 2721 SANDERSON'S (J. P.) Republican Landmarks; the Views 'and Opinions of American Statesmen on Foreign Immigration. 8vo, cloth. 3s Phil. 1856 2722 SANDOVAL (D. P. Prudencio de) History of Charles the 5th, Emperor and King of Spain, the great Hero of the House of Austria, his Conquest of Peru, Mexico, &c, translated by Capt. John Stevens. 8xo, calf neat. 6s 1703 2723 SANDFORD (Robert) Surinam Justice in the Case of several Persons Proscribed by certain Usurpers of Power in that Colony, being a Publication of the Beginning, Contiuuance, and End of the late Dis- turbances in the Colony of Surinam, set forth under that Title by William Byam, Esq., sometime Governor of that Colony, and Vindi- cation of those Gentlemen Sufferers by his Injustice. 4to, boards, very scarce. £3. 3s 1662 2724 SANFORD (Ezekiel) History of the United States before the Revolu- tion, with some Account of the Aborigines. 8vo, boards, neat. 4s 6d Philadelphia, 1819 2725 SANDYS' TRAVAILES, containing a History of the Originall and Present State of the Turkish Empire, of Egypt, and Holyland, Italy, and adjoining Islands, plates, 1652 — Gage's New Survey of the West Indies, containing a Journall of 3300 miles within the Main Land of America, 1648. In 1 vol, folio, calf. £1. 4s 2726 SANDYS' TEAVAILE in the Turkish Empire, Greece, Egypt, Italy, and the Holy Land, engraved title, maps and plates, 1652 — History of the Warres of the Emperour Justinian, by Procopius, and Englished by Sir Henry Holcroft, engraved title by Cross, 1653 — Gage (Tho.) New Survey of the West Indies, or the English American, his Travail by Sea and Land, maps, Second Edition, 1655. In 1 vol. folio, fine copies in the original calf binding. £2. 2s 1 74 Books relating to America on Sale by 2727 SANSOM (Joseph) Sketches of Lower Canada, Historical and Des- criptive. Post 8vo, boards. 3s New York, 1817 2728 SANSOM (Jos.) Travels in Lower Canada. 8vo, half calf. 3s 1820 2729 SANTA CRUZ.— Co'digo Mercantil Santa Cruz, dado por el Congreso Constitucional de 1834. Small 4to, Spanish calf 5s Paz de Ayacucho, 1835 2730 SANTA TERESA (P. F. Gioseppe di) Istoria delle Guerre del Regno del Brasile accadute tra la Corona di Portogallo e la Republica di Olanda. Small folio, maps and folding plate (two are wanting), good copy, vellum, very scarce. £2. 2s Roma, 1698 2731 S AH ATE (Augustine) Strange and Delectable History of the Discoverie and Conquest of the Provinces of Peru, in the South Sea, and of the Bloodie Civill Warres which there happened for Government, and also of the ritche Mines of Potosi. 4to, Black Letter, woodcuts, new mor. extra, gilt leaves, very rare. £10. 10s London, R. Jhones, 1581 This copy possesses a second title-page which is perhaps unique, containing a woodcut view of the " Riche Mines of Potossi." 2732 SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA, Viage al Estrecho de Magellanes en los anos de 1579 y 1580, y Noticia de la Expedicion. 4to, plates, Spanish calf. 10* &d Madrid, 1768 2733 SAVAGE (James) Gleanings for New England History. Royal 8vo, half morocco (with autograph letter of H. G. Somerby to Dr. Bliss, about John Prince). 6* 2734 SAXE-WEIMAR EISENACH (Bernhard, Duke of) Travels through North America during 1825 and 1826. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, boards. 5« Philadelphia, 1828 2735 SAY'S (Thomas) American Entomology, or Descriptions of the Insects of North America. 3 vols, in 1, royal 8vo, 54 coloured plates, half morocco. £2. 2* Philad. 1824 2736 SCARLETT (Hon. P. Campbell) South America and the Pacific, comprising a Journey across the Pampas and the Andes, from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso, Lima, and Panama. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 6s — half calf. 8* fid — Another, wanting frontispiece to Vol. I., half calf gilt. Is 6d 1838 2737 SCHAPENHAM (Admiral Gheen Huygen) Journal vande Nassausche Vloot ofte Beschryvingh vande Voyagie om dem Gantschen Aerd Kloot Ghedaen met elf Schepen in de Jaren 1623-1624, en een Beschryvinghe vande Regeringe van Peru door Pedro Madriga Gebooren tot Lima. 4to, Black Letter, maps and curious plates of the Natives, calf extra, by Riviere, very scarce. £3. Ss Amst. 1643 Containing also an Account of the Discovery of Australia by Pedro F. de Quir. 2738 SCHERZER'S (Dr. Carl) Travels in the Free States of Central America, Nicaragua, Honduras, and San Salvador. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 8« U 1857 2739 SCHMIDT (Ulrici) Beschreibung etlicher Indianischen Landschafften und Insulen (besonders Brasilien) an Tag gebracht durch D. von Bry. Folio, vellum. £\. \s Franckfort, 1597 2740 SCHMIDTMEYER (Peter) Travels into Chile over the Andes in 1820 and 1821, with Sketches of the Productions and Agriculture, Mines and Metallurgy, Inhabitants, History, and other features of America, particularly of Chile and Arauco. 4to, numerous plates, mostly coloured, boards, is 6d— new half calf. 9s 1824 Books relating to America, on Sale by 175 2741 SCHOMBURGK (Sir Robt. H.) History of Barbados, comprising a Geographical and Statistical Description of the Island, Sketch of Historical Events since the Settlement, and Account of its Geology and Natural Productions. Thick royal 8vo, map and coloured plates, cloth. 18s (pub, at £1. lis Gd) 1847 2742 SCHOMBURGK (Sir Robert H.) Description of British Guiana, Geographical and Statistical, exhibiting its Resources and Capa- bilities. 8vo, map, cloth. 8s 1840 2743 SCHOOLCRAFT'S (H. R.) Journal of Travels from Detroit, North- West through the great chain of American Lakes to the sources of the Mississippi. 8vo, plates, boards. 6s — neat. Isbd Albany, 1821 2744 SCHOOLCRAFT (Henry R.) View of the Lead Mines of Missouri, with Observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, Antiqui* \/ ties, Soil, Climate, Population, and Productions of Missouri and Arkansas, and other Sections of the Western Country. 8vo, plates, calf. 6s Qd New York, 1819 2745 SCHOOLCRAFT'S (H. R.) Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual Source of this River, in 1832. 8vo, plates, cloth. 6s New York, 1834 2746 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Algic Researches, comprising Inquiries respecting the Mental Characteristics of the North American Indians, First Series containing Indian Tales and Legends. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 6s New York, 1839 2747 SCHOOLCRAFT (Henry R.) Oneota, or Characteristics of the Red Race of America. 8vo, cloth. 7s Gd New York, 1845 2748 SCHOOLCRAFT'S (H. R.) Ethnological Researches respecting the Red Man of America, Historical and Statistical Information respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, collected and prepared under the direction of the Beaureau of Indian Affairs. Part I. thick vol. 4to, with 76 Chromo- Lithographic plates, bds. {a splendid volume). £2. 12s Gd 1851 2749 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas [first traversed by De Soto in 1541]. 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s Gd Philadelphia, 1853: 2750 SCHOUTEN (Guilliaume) Journal, ou Description du Merveilleux. Voyage faite es Annes 1615, 1616, et 1617, comme (en Circum- navigeant le Globe Terrestre) il a Descouvert vers le zud du destroit de Magellan un Nouveau Passage jusqua a la Grande Mere de Zud.. 4 to, maps, fine clean copy, vellum, rare. £3. 3s Amst. 1618 2751 SCORESBY (W.) Account of the Arctic Regions, with History and Description of the Northern Whale Fishery. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, calf extra, marbled leaves. £2. 2s " Edinb. 1820- 2752 SCORESBY'S Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery. 8vo, plates, half calf gilt. 12s — in boards. 12s 1823 2753 SCORESBY'S Arctic Regions, and Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, uniform, half calf gilt. £2. 5s. 1820-23 2754 SCOTT (John, a Quaker of Providence) Journal of the Life, Travels, and Gospel Labours of that Faithful Servant and Minister of Christ. 12mo, half calf. 2s Gd 1815. 2756 SCOTT (Jonathan M.) Blue Lights, or the Convention, a Poem in. Pour Cantos. 12mo, half russia. 4s New York, 1817 176 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2756 SEEMAN (Berthold) Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald, during the years 1845-5 L, under the Command of Capt. Henry Kellett, being a Circumnavigation of the Globe, and Three Cruises to the Arctic Regions in Search of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo, frontispiece and map, cloth. 12s 6(2 1853 2757 SELECTION of Curious, Rare, and Early Voyages, and Histories of Interesting Discoveries, chiefly Published by Hakluyt, or at his sug- gestion, not included in his Celebrated Compilation. 4to, boards. £1.5* 1812 This volume contains (relating to America) Peter Martyr's Decades of the New World, by Hakluyt, Eden, aud Lok — Davis's (the Discoverer of the Straits) World's Hydrographical Description, 1595 — Virginia richly valued, 1609— Discovery of the Bermudas, 1610 — Galvano's Discoveries of the World, 1601. 2758 SELECT Tracts on the Subject of Taxing the British Colonies in America. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 12s Lond. Almon, 1775 2759 SELLER (John) Atlas Minimus, or a Book of Geography shewing all Empires, Monarchies, Kingdoms, Regions, Dominions, Principalities, and Countries in the whole World. 12mo, maps, engraved title, old calf. 6s N.D. Contains 13 curious maps pertaining to America. 2760 SEMPLE (Robert) Sketch of the Present State of the Caracas. Post Svo, boards. 2s — new half calf gilt. 3s &d 1812 2761 SERMON at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, who had been guilty of Murder, Preached at New Haven in America by Samson Occom, a Native Indian, and a Short Account of the Spread of the Gospel among the Indians ; also Observations on the Language of the Mahbekanee Indians, by Jonathan Edwards. Svo, half morocco. 6s Bd 17S8 2762 SERMONS to Gentlemen on Temperance and Exercise. Small 8vo, cloth. 3s Philadelphia, 1772 2763 SEW ALL (Joseph) Desires that Joshua's Resolution may be Revived, or Excitations to the Constant and Diligent Excercise of Family Religion, Boston in N. E. 1716 — The Certainty and Suddeness of Christ's coming to Judgment, a Sermon at the Lecture iu Boston, 1716. In 1 vol. small 8vo, calf, original binding, with wooden boards. £\. 12s 2764 SEWARD'S (Miss) Monody on Major Andre (with his Letters to her), and Elegy on Capt. Cook. 12mo, plate boards. 2s 1821 2765 SEYBERT (Dr. Adam) Statistical Annals, embracing Views of the Population, Commerce, Navigation, Fisheries, Public Lands, Post- Office Establishment, Revenues, Mint, Military and Naval Establish- ments, Expenditures, Public Debt, and Sinking Fund, of the United States of America. 4to, Russia gilt. Is map, cloth. 6s — new half calf gilt. Is 6d — Another, without the map, cloth. 3s 6d 1843 2806 SIMPSON (Thomas, the Arctic Discoverer) Life and Travels of, by his Brother Alex. Simpson. 8vo, portrait and map, cloth. 5* — half calf. 6* 1845 2807 SIMPSON'S (Sir George) Narrative of a Journey round the World (from London through Canada, across the American Continent, Sand- wich Islands, Siberia, and Russia). 2 vols. 8vo, map and portrait, boards. 18* 1847 2808 SINGLETON (J.) Description of the West Indies, a Poem in Four Books. 1 2mo, calf, ds 6 d— half calf. 3s 1777 2809 SIMON (Mrs.) The Ten Tribes of Israel Historically identified with the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere. 8vo, folding plate, cloth. 5* 1836 2810 SKETCH of Old England, by a New England Man. 2 vols, post 8vo, boards. 5* New Fork, 1822 This book must have been written by an American in America, and made up from books, conversations, and newspapers, the writer never was in England. — From MS. Notes by the late Francis Place, on the fly-leaf. " The United Colonies of America were made part of the Manor of Green- wich, in Kent." — Vol. II. p. 13. (A fact? tohich may be new to many). 2811 SKETCHES Accompanying Report of Coast Survey of the United States for 1851. 4 to, 58 sketches (maps), cloth. ' 51. Is —calf. 18s 1708 A very interesting catalogue, which contains the titles of many curious early tracts relating to America — their sizes, number of sheets, and where the authors were born or resident. 3313 WIFE of Leon, and other Poems, by two Sisters of the West. 8vo, boards. 2s New Fork, 1844 3314 WIGGLESWORTH (Michael, Teacher of the Word at Maldon, in New Eugland) Day of Doom : or a Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgment. 12mo, (stained), half calf . Is Qd Newcastle upon Tyne, 1711 3315 WILKINSON.— Debate in the House of Representatives of the Terri- tory of New Orleans, on a Memorial to Congress respecting the Illegal Conduct of General Wilkinson. 8vo, bds. 5s New Orlans, 1807 3316 WILLARD (Joseph) Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester, County Massachusetts. 8vo, half calf , presentation copy. 3s 6d Lancaster, 1830 3317 WILLARD (Joseph) Address in Commemoration of the Two-Hun- dredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of Lancaster (Mass.) 8vo, new calf gilt. 7s 6d Boston, 1853 318 WILLARD (S.) Plans and Sections of the Obelisk on Bunker's Hill, with details of Experiments made in Quarrying the Granite. 4to, plates, boards. 6s Boston, 1843 3319 WILLIAMS (Helen Maria) Peru, a Poem in Six Cantos. 4to, calf aut. 4s Qd London, 1784 212 Books relating to America, on Sale by 3320 WILLIAMS (Eel ward) Virgo Triumphans, or Virginia truly valued ; more especially the South part thereof, viz., the Fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isle of Roanoak, of Latitude from 31 to 37 Degr., relating the meanes of raising infinite profits to the Adventurers and Planters. 4to, a beautiful clean copy, as fresh as when printed, green morocco extra, gilt leaves. £15. 15s 1650 3321 WILLIAMS (John) Enquiry into the Truth of the tradition concern- ing the Discovery of America, by Prince Madog ab Owen Gwynedd, about the year 1170 — Farther Observations on the Discovery. 8vo, calf scarce". 18s ' 1791-2 8322 WILLIAMS (Wm. Frith, of Bermuda) Historical and Statistical Account of the Bermudas, from their Discovery to the present time. 8vo, map, cloth. 4s 1848 3323 WILLIAMS (Samuel) Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 8vo, map, neat. 6s Walpole, 1794 3324 WILLIAMS'S (Samuel) Vermont. Second Edition, greatly enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . 14s Burlington, 1809 3325 WILLIAMS'S (Itoger) Bloody Tenent of Persecution for cause of Con- science Discussed, and Mr. Cotton's examined and answered, edited byUnderhill. Swo, cloth. Is 6d 1848 An interesting book relating to the religious disputes of the " Pilgrim Fathers," by the honoured Founder of the State of Rhode Island. 3326 WILLIAMS (Cynric E.) Tour through the Island of Jamaica, from the Western to the Eastern end. 8vo, boards. 3s 1827 3327 WILLIAMS (S. W.) Biographical Memoir of theKev. John Williams, first Minister of Deerfield, Massachusetts, and Account of the Indian Wars in that vicinity. Small 8vo, cloth. 3* Greenfield, Mass. 1837 3328 WILL YAMS (Bev. C.) Account of the Campaign in the West Indies in 1794, with the reduction of the Islands of Martinique, St. Lucia, Gaudaloupe, Marigalante, Desiada, &c. 4to, map and plates, half i'ussia. 6s — boards. 4s Qd 1796 3329 WILLIAMSON (Peter) Life and curious Adventures of Peter William- son, who was carried off from Aberdeen and Sold for a Slave, con- taining the History of the Author's surprising Adventures in North America, Captivity among the Indians, and manner of his Escape. Small 8 vo, boards. 3s 6d 1812 3330 WILLIS'S (N. P.) Letters from under a Bridge, and Poems. 4to, fine plates from drawings, by Bartlett, of American Scenery, cloth, gilt. 6s 1840 Illustrative of the Vale of Wyoming. 3331 WILLIS (Thos.) Doctrine and Principles of the Quakers explained and vindicated in a reply to Hibbard's Address to the Quakers. 12mo, half calf. 2s New York, 1812 3332 WILMORE. — Case of John Wilmore truly and impartially related, or a Looking Glass for all Merchants and Planters concerned in the American Plantations. Folio, vellum, rare. 10s 6c? 1682 3333 WILMOT (John Eardley) Historical View of the Commission for Enquiring into the Losses, Services, and Claims of the American Loyalists at the close of the War in 1783, with compensation granted by Parliament in 1785 and 1788. 8vo, boards. 6s 1815 3334 WILSON'S (Bishop) Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians, (dedicated to the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia). 12mo, half calf. 2s 1740 J, R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 213 3335 WILSON (Thomas, Bishop of Sodor and Man) The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity made easy, an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians. Svo, fine copy, calf. 3s 6d 1743 3336 WILSON (Robert A.) Mexico and its Religion, with incidents of Travel in that Country during parts of the years 1851, 52, 53, 54. 8vo, plates, cloth, 5s 1856 3337 WILSON (Samuel) Sermons, with Abstract of Consul Dean's Narra- tive of his Sufferings, Shipwreck, and Wonderful Preservation, while proceeding to New England in the year 1710. 8vo, calf, 'ds 1735 3338 WILSON'S and BONAPARTE'S American Ornithology, or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States, edited by Professor Jameson. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. 10s fid — half calf . 12s Edinb. 1831 3389 4 vols, royal 12mo, large paper, cloth, 12s ib. 1831 3340 WILSON (Thos., a Quaker) Brief Journal of his Life and Travels (in Carolina, Virginia, Barbadoes, fyc.) 12mo, neat. Is 6d 1784 3341 WIMPFFEN'S (Baron de) Voyage to St. Domingo, 1788-90, translated by Wright. Half calf, ds— cloth. 2s 6d 1797 3342 WINES (E. C.) Two years and a half in the American Navy. 2 vols. Svo, half calf gilt. 6s 1833 3343 WINSLOW (Rev. Octavius) Memoir and Select remains of Rev. W. Nevins, D.D., of Baltimore, with introductory Essay. 12mo, new halfrussia. 3* 1839 3344 WINSOR (Justin) History of Duxbury, Massachusetts, with Genea- logical Registers. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 106*66? Boston, 1849 Autograph inscription copy to the Rev. Joseph Hunter. 3345 WINTHROP (Robert C.) Addresses and Speeches on various occasions. Royal 8vo, (pp. 773), cloth. 5s Boston, 1852 3346 WINTERBOTHAM (W.) Historical, Geographical, and Philosophical View of the American United States, and European Settlements in America and West Indies. 4 vols. Svo, plates (maps wanting), calf. 4s Qd — half calf, with maps. 6s 6d 1795 3347 WINTERBOTHAM (W.) Another Edition, 4 vols. Svo, plates, half calf. 8s — new half calf gilt. 10s 6c? n.d. 3348 WINTERBOTHAM'S America, the Vol. of Maps belonging to. 8vo, half calf. 3s 3349 WIRT'S (W.) Letters of the British Spy. 12mo, calf neat. 3s 6d Richmond, 1805 No American literary production had before so rapid and extensive circu- lation as this had for a few years. 3350 Another Edition. 12mo, boards. 2s London, 1812 3351 WIRT.— Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt, Attorney General of the United States, by John P. Kennedy. 2 vols, post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 6s 6d Philadelphia, 1850 3352 WIRT (W.) Life of Patrick Henry. Svo, portrait, calf. 4s Philadelphia, 1836 3353 WISE (Lieut.) Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cali- / fornia, with Wanderings in Peru, Chili, and Polynesia. Post 8vo, ^ cloth. Zs— half bound. 3s 6d 1849 3354 WITHERSPOON.— Series of Letters on Education, ascribed to John Witherspoon, D.D., with Dr. Cotton's Poem on Education. 24mo, neat. 2s Bristol, 1798 3355 WIX (Archdeacon) Journal of a Newfoundland Missionary, from Feb- ruary to August, 1835. Post 8vo, boards. 3s 1836 214 Books relating to America on Sale by 3356 WOLCOTT (Oliver) An Address to the People of the United States, on the Subject of the Report of a Committee of the House of Repre- sentatives, appointed to examine and report whether Monies drawn from the Treasury have been faithfully "applied to the objects for which they were appropriated, and whether the same have been regularly accounted for. 8vo, half morocco. 5s Hartford, 1802 3357 WOLFE. — Life of General James Wolfe, the Conqueror of Canada, or the Elogium of that renowned Hero, attempted according to the rules of Eloquence, by J*** p ***** *. 4 t o, halfmor. 15s 1760 With a curious caricature etching of a monument inserted. 3358 WOLFE (General) Instructions to Young Officers, also his Orders for a Battalion and an Army, with the Orders and Signals in Embarking and Debarking an Army by flat-bottomed Boats, &c, and a Placart to the Canadians. 8vo, second edition, new calf gilt, very scarce, {not in the British Museum). 1780 It contains the daily general orders and directions of Wolfe during the American Campaign. 3359 WOLFE (General).— Sabine's (Lorenzo) Address before the New Eng- land Historic Genealogical Society of Massachusetts, on the Death of Major General Wolfe, with passages omitted in the delivery, and illustrative Notes and Documents. 8vo. 2s 6d Boston, 1859 3360 WOLLEY (Rev. C.) Two Years' Journal in New York and part of its Territories in America, 1679, edited with Historical Notes, by E. B. O'Callaghan. 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd N. Y. 1860 3361 WOOD'S (W.) New England's Prospect, a True, Lively, and Experi- mentall Description of that part of America commonly called New England, discovering the state of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters, and to the old Native Inhabitants. 4to, with the rare folding woodcut map, netc, morocco extra, gilt leaves, {cut close by the binder). £6. 6s 1635 3362 WOOD (W.) Survey of Trade, with some considerations of our Money and Bullion, with the great advantages of our Colonies and Planta- tions to Great Britain. 8vo, calf. 3s 6d 1718 3363 WOOD (William) A Survey of Trade, in four parts. 8vo, calf neat. 4s 1722 Part III. has 66 pages relating to the Colonies in America. 3364 WOODS (John) Two liars' Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie, in the Illinois Country, United States, with Habits and Customs of the Back- Woodsmen. 8vo, map, boards. 2s — new half calf. 3s 6d 1822 3365 WOODBURY (Miss Fanny) Memoirs and Writings, who Died at Beverly, North America, 15 Nov. 1814, Aged 23 years, by the Rev. Joseph Emerson. Post 8vo, portrait, boards. 3s 1816 3366 WOODMAN'S (H.) Reports of Criminal Cases Tried in the Municipal Court of the City of Boston (U.S.), before Peter Oxenburgh Thacker, Judge of that Court, edited by H. Woodman. 8vo, calf 6s Boston, 1845 3367 WOOLMAN. — Journal of the Life, Gospel Labours, and Christian Experiences of that Faithful Minister John Woolman, of Mount Holly, New Jersey. 8vo, calf. 2s 6d 1775 3368 WOOLMAN'S (John) Journal. Another Edit., 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1824— 12mo, boards. 2s 1847 3369 WOOLMAN (John) Works of, in two parts. 8vo, the original and scarce edition, calf neat. 5s Philadelphia, 1774 /. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 215 3370 WORCESTER (Noah) Bible News, or Sacred Truths. Post 8vo, calf (a leaf torn). 2s Qd Boston, 1812 " I am not insensible that publishing my Views exposes me to attacks from every denomination of ..Christians." — Letter VIII. 3371 WORCESTER (Dr.) The Friend of Peace, by Philo Pacificas. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 9s Boston, 1821 3372 WORKMAN (Giles, Master of Hie Colledge School in Gloucester) Private Men no Pulpit Men, or a Modest Examination of Lay-Men's Preaching, discovering it to be neither warranted by the Word of God, nor allowed by the Judgment or Practice of the Churches of Christ in New England. 4to, boards. £\. 5s 1646 3373 WORKMAN (James, late Judge of the County of Orleans) Letters to the Inhabitants and Governor Claiborne, relative to the Extraordinary Measures lately pursued in this Territory. 8vo, boards, scarce. 4« Sd New Orleans, 1807 3374 WORLD DISPLAYED, or a Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels selected from the Writers of all Nations. Vols. I. and II. comprising " America." 12mo, plates and maps, calf. 4s Lond. J. Newberry, 1759 3375 WORSLEY'S (Israel) View of the American Indians, showing them to be the Descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 1828 3376 WORTLEY (Lady E. S.) Travels in the United States, &c, during 1849 and 1850. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1851 3377 WRANGELL (Admiral Von) Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea in 1820 to 1823, edited by Lt.-Col. E. Sabine. \2mo, portrait and map, cloth. 4s 1844 3378 Another Edition, 8vo, new half calf gilt. 5s 1840 3379 Another Edition, 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d New York, 1841 3380 WRIGHT (Prances, afterwards Madame B'Arnsment) Views of Society and Manners in America. 8vo, half calf gilt. 3s — Another, half calf, with autograph of Miss Sedgwick. 3s Qd 1821 3381 Another Edition, 8vo, boards. 3s New York, 1821 3382 WRIGHT (Miss) Voyage aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique, ou Observations sur la Societe les Moeurs les Usages et le Gouvernement de ce Pays, traduit par J. T. Parisot. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . 3s 1822 3383 WRIGHT (Frances) Course of Popular Lectures delivered in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Louis- ville, and other Cities and Towns and Districts of the United States. 8vo, boards. 2s New Fork, 1829 3384 WYNNE'S General History of the British Empire in America. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1770 3385 WYSE (Francis) America, its Realities and Resources, comprising Important Details connected with the Social, Political, Agricultural, Commercial, and Financial State of the Country, its Laws and Customs. 3 vols. 8vo, cl. 12s— hf. cf gt. 14s (pub. at £2. 2s) 1S46 3386 WYTFLIET (Corn.) Descriptions Ptolemaica Augumentum sive Occi- dents Notitia. Folio, curious maps of the different countries of America {illustrating Hakluyt, Brake, Raleigh, $*c), vellum. 15s Lovanii, 1597 3387 WYTFLIET.— Histoire Universale des Indes Occidentals et Orien- tates et de la Conversion des Indiens. In 3 parts, folio, curious maps, neat. 14s — Another,?^ vellum, good copy. 16s Boway, 1611 3388 WYTFLIET. Another copy, folio, maps, wanting the last leaf con- taining afeio lines of Index, neat. 9s 1611 216 Books relating to America, on Sale by 3389 "\TOUNG'S (Sir W.) West India Common Place Book. 4to, half X calf. 2s 6d 1807 3390 YOUNG (Sir W.) Some Observations of the Nature, Importance, and Settlement of our New West India Colonies, 1764 — Considerations which may tend to promote the Settlement of our New West India Colonies, by encouraging individuals to Embark in the Undertaking, 1764. 8vo, calf gilt {autograph presentation copy from Sir W. Young). 3* §d 3391 YOUNG (G. R.) Letters to the Rt. Hon E. G. S. Stanley, upon the existing Treaties with France and America, as regards their " Rights of Fishery " upon the Coasts of Nova Scotia, Labrador, and New- foundland. 8vo, map, boards. 4s 1834 3392 YOUNG (Thos.) Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore, with an Account of Truxillo and adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan, and Vocabulary of the Mosquitian Language. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s U 1847 3393 YOUNG (John) Letters of Agricola on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage, written for Nova Scotia, and first published in the Acadian Recorder by John Young. Thick 8vo, boards. 6* Halifax, N.S. 1822 3394 YUCATAN.— Case of the Agent to the Settlers on the Coast of Yucatan and the late Settlers on the Mosquito Shore, stating the whole of his Conduct in soliciting Compensation for the Losses sustained, 1793 — Case of his Majesty's Subjects settled on the Coast of Yucatan, 1789 — Case of those on the Mosquito Shore, with Supplement, 1789. In 1 vol. 4to, half bound. £1. lis 6d 3395 HTARATE (Aug. de) Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conqueste du LA Perou. 2 vols. 12mo, map and plates, calf. 7* 6c? Amst. 1717 3396 ZAVALA (D. Lorenzo de) Viage a los Estados-Unidos del Norte de America. 8vo, sewed. 3* Paris, 1834 3397 ZENGER.— Case and Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New York, Printer, for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Government. 8vo, half morocco. 5* 1750 3398 ZENGER.— Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger, Printer of the New York Weekly Journal. 4to, boards. 6s §d (New Fork, n.d.) Pages 32, printed in double columns without title-page. 3399 ZEVALLOS (Pedro Ordonez de) Historia y Viage del Mundo a las cinco partes de la Europa, Africa, Asia, America, y Magalenica con el Itinerario de todo el. 4to, vellum, rare. £2. 12s 6d Madrid, 1691 3400 ZILIA, a Poem in Three Cantos. 8vo, boards. 2s New Fork, 1830 3401 ZIMMERMAN (E. A. W. de) Essai de Comparaison entre la France et les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, traduit de TAllemand avec des Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, served. 3* Leipzig, 1797 3402 ZORGDRAGUS (C. G.) Groenlandsche Visschery met eene Historische Beschryving der Noordere Gewesten,Groenlandt,Yslandt, Spitzbergen, Nova Zembla, &c. 4to, maps and plates, vellum, hs Amst. 1720 3403 ZORRILLA (J.) Poesias. 3 vols. 8vo, hf. cf 6* Valparaiso, 1843 3404 ZUBLY (John J.) Sermon on American Affairs, preached at the Open- ing of the Provincial Congress of Georgia. 8vo, hf. mor. 5* 1775 3405 ZURLA (D. Placido) Dissertazione intorno ai Viaggi e Scoperte Settentrionali di Nicolo ed Antonio fratelli Zeni. 8vo, folding map, calf gilt. 6s Venezia, 1803 PAMPHLETS, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. 1590 to 1700. 3406 NARRATIONES Duas admoduui memora- biles quarum prima continet Diarium expe- ditionis Francisci Draki, Equitis Angli in Indias Occidentales Susceptse emendatius quam an tea editse additis insuper tabulis Geographicis accuratissimus {which are wanting). 4to, fine large copy. £4. 4s Norimberga, 1590 An edition unnoticed by American bibliographers. 3407 GYFFARD (George, Minister of God's Word in Maldon) A Plain Declaration that our Brownists be full Donatists by Comparing them together from Point to Point out of the Writ- ings of Augustine, also a Replie to Master Greenwood touching Real Prayer. 4to, fclacft Utter. 15s 1590 Connected with the Brownists — the profession of the early Colonists. 3408 DAVIS (John, Discoverer of the Straits so named) Worldes Hydrographical Description, whereby it appears that from England there is a Short and Speedie Passage into the South Seas by Northerly Navigation. 4to (reprint from the Supp. to HaHuyt, 1812). 3s 1595 3409 BREVE Relatione del P. Diego de Torres della Compagnia di Giesu Procuratore della Provincia del Peru circa il frutto che si raccoglie con gli Indiani di quel regno Dove si raccontano anche alcuni particolori notabili successi gli anni prossimi passati al fine s'agguinge Ja lettera annua dell Isole Filippine del 1600. Small 8vo. 15s Venetia, 1604 3410 DE TORRES (Dieghi) de Rebus Peruanis Commentarius, a Joanne Hayo, Dalgattiensi Scoto ex Italo in Latinum conversus. 12mo, a rare edition. 15s Antv., 1604 3411 THE Relation of the Rt. Hon. Lord de la Warre, Lord Gouernour and Captaine Generall of the Colonie Planted in Virginea. 4to, only 50 copies printed in facsimile. 5s 1611, Rep., 1858 3412 DECLARATION of the Demeanour and Carriage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knt., as well as in his voyage as in, and sithence his return. 4to. 5s 1618 3413 Another, fine large clean copy. 7s 6d 1618 3414 PETITION and Information of Sir Lewis Stucley, Vice Admirall, of Devon, touching his own behaviour in the charge committed unto him for the bringing up of Sir Walter Raleigh, and the scandalous aspersions cast upon him for the same. 1618. 4to (no title, doubtful if one ever printed, as the blank leaf forms part of the first sheet). 7s 6d 3415 AUSZ America das ist ausz der newen Welt Underschlidlicher Schreibung Extract from den Jaren, 1616, 1617, 1618, Ausz Frantzosischer Sprach in die Teutsche Ubergesetzt (relating principally to Mexico, Peru and Paraguay). 4 to. 15a Augsburg, 1620 3416 DE LASCASAS(Bartholonie)DenVermeer- derden Spaensche tierrannije geschiet in West Indien. 4to, curious plates, imperfect. 5s Amsterdam, 1621 3417 NICHOLS (Philip) Sir Francis Drake Re- vived, calling upon this Dull or Effeminate Age to Follow his Noble Steps for Gold and Silver, by this Memorable Relation of the Rare Occur- rences in a Third Voyage into the West Indies, Revised by Sir Francis Drake himself, and enlarged by his notes, and set forth by Sir Francis Drake, Baronet, now Living. 4to, port- rail and arms on title page, rare. £2. 5s 1628 3418 THREE Severall Treatises concerning the Truce at this Present Propounded, translated from the Dutch. 4to. 5s 1630 Relating to the Dutch West India Company, their prizes taken from Spain, the taking of St. Salvador, in Brazil, ransacking Porto Rico and St. Margarita, and hindering of Spain in the transportation of "Blackmoors." 3419 HEYLYN'S Description of America (cufc out from his Little Description of the Great World). 4to. Is 6d 1636 3420 BLAS DE ACOSTA (Fr.) Sermon a las Exequias del Ilustrissimo Senor Don Fr. Gabriel de Zalate de la Orden de Predicadorea Obispo electe de Guamanga. 4to. 15s Impresso en Lima, 1637 3421 JOURNAEL van de Wonderlijcke Reyse gedaen door W. Corn. Schouten van Hoorn in 1615-16-17, Verhaelende hoe dat by bezuyden de Straet Magalanes. 4 to, Illaefc letter, curious woodcuts. £1. Is Amst., M. Qroot, n.d. (about 1643) 3422 SHORT Story of the Rise, Reign, and Ruin of the Antinomians, Familists and Libertines that Infected the Churches of New England, and how they were Confuted by the Assembly of Ministers there, and Magistrates' Proceedings against them. 4to. 7s 6d About 1640 Wants a leaf, and in several places the bottom line has been cut off by the binder. 3423 COTTON (John, Teacher to the Church at Boston) The Church's Resurrection, or the Opening of the 5th and 6th Verses of the 20th Chapter of the Revelation. 4to. 5s 1642 3424 COTTON'S Churche's Resurrection, or the Opening of the 5th and 6th Verses of the 20th Chapter of Revelation. 4to, beautiful clean copy. 7s 6d 1642 3425 CHURCH Government and Church Covenant Discussed in an Answer to the Elders of the Several Churches in New England to 32 Ques- tions Sent over to them by Divers Ministers in England to Declare their Judgments therein. 4to (pp. 84), uncut edges, a little wormed. 15s 1643 3426 ANSWER of the Elders of the Several Churches in New England unto Nine Positions sent over to them to Declare their Judgments therein. 4to. 9s 1643 15 218 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 3427 CHURCH Government.— Church-Covenant Discussed in an Answer of the Elders of the several Churches in New England to 32 Ques- tions Sent over to them by Divers Ministers in England to Declare their Judgments therein. 4to, three parts (wants a leaf). £1. Is 1643 3428 JOANNIS de Laet, Antwerpiani, Notse ad Dissertationem Hugonis Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum. 12mo. 3s 6d Amst., 1643 3429 AN APOLOGIE of the Churches in New England for Church Covenant sent over in Answer to Master Bernard, in the Year 1639. 4to (pp. 66), scarce. 15s 1643 3430 LETTER of Many Ministers in Old England Requesting the Judgment of their Rev. Brethren in New England concerning Nine Positions with their Answer, and Reply to the Answer, by S. Ash and W. Rathband. 4to. £1. lis 6d London, 1643 3431 NEW,England's First Fruits, in Respect to the Conversion, etc., of the Indians, and the Progress of Learning in the College at Cam- bridge, in Massacusets Bay. 4to, rare. £3. 3s 1643 3432 ANATOMY of Independency, or a Brief Commentary and Moderate Discourse upon the Apologetical Narration of Mr. Thos. Goodwin and Mr. Philip Nye, &c. 4to. Corner off last leaf. 7s 6d 1644 Connected with the disputes about Church Govern- ment, with allusions to those in New England. 3433 COTTON's (John, Teacher of the Church at Boston) Doctrine of the Church to which is com- mitted the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. 4to. 7s 6d 1644 3434 COTTON's (John, of Boston, New England) Doctrine of the Church to which is committed the Keys of the Kingdome of Heaven. 4 to. 7s 6d 1644 3435 BRIEF Narrative of some Church Courses held in Opinion and Practice in the Churches lately erected in New England. Presented to Publike View for the Good of the Church of God, by W. R. 4 to. £3. 13s 6d London, printed for Edward Brewster, 1644 3436 Another, a fine large copy, entirely uncut. £4. 4s 1644 3437 A MODEST and Brotherly Answer to Mr. Charles Herle, his Book against the Indepen- dency of Churches. By Richard Mather, Teacher of the Word at Dorchester, and Wm. Tompson, Pastor of the Church at Braintree, in New England. 4to. £2. 2s 1644 3438 LETTER, Discovering the Cause of God's Continuing Wrath against the Nation, notwith- standing the Present Endeavours of Reforma- tion. By Mr. Nathaniel Rogers, a Godly and Learned Divine, now in New England, to a Worthy Member of the House of Commons. 4to. 10s 6d 1644 3439 CASE of Mainwaring, Hawes, Payne, and others, concerning a Depredation made by the Spanish West India Fleets upon the Ship Eliza- beth, going on a Trading Voyage to Virginia. 4to. 15s 1646 3440 REPLY of Two of the Brethren to A. wherein you have his Considerations, Annota- tions, &c, upon the Apologetical Narration, with some Modest and Innocent Touches on the Letter from Zeland, and Mr. Parker's, from New England. 4to, rare. £1. Is 1644 An interesting Tract, of 112 pages, on the Controversj about the Settlement of Church Government. 3441 WORKMAN (Giles, Master of the Collcdgc School in Gloucester) Private Men no Pulpit Men, or a Modest Examination of Laymen's preaching, discovering it to be neither warranted by the Word of God, nor allowed by the Judgment or Practise of the Churches of Christ in New Eng- land, in Answer to a Writing published by John Knowles. 4to. 7s 6d 164t 3442 NO YES (James, Teacher of the Church oj Newberry \ in New England) The Temple Mea- sured, or a Brief Survey of the Temple Mys- tical, which is the Instituted Church of Christ. &c. 4to. £1. lis 6d 1647 Published on occasion of the disputes about the settle- ment of the Church Government in New England 3443 THE Simple Cobler, of Aggawamm, in America, Willing to Help Mend his Native Country with all the Honest Stitches he can take. By Theodore de la Guard. 4to. Fourth edition, good copy. £2. 2s 1647 3444 The Third Edition. 4to. £ 1 . 1 1 s 6d 1647 3445 DEFENCE of the Answer made unto the Nine Questions or Positions sent from New England against the Reply thereto by that Rev. Servant of Christ, John Ball, intituled a Tryall of the New Church- way in New England and! in Old. By John Allen, Pastor of Dedham, in New England, and Thos. Shepard, pastor of Cambridge in New England. 4to,edges uncut. £3. 3s 1648 3446 SHEPARD (Thos., Minister at Cambridge, in New England) The Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England. 4to. Good clean copy, rare. £2. 5s 1648 3447 HOOKER (Thomaa) Covenant of Grace Opened, being several Sermons preached at Hartford, in New England. 4to. 15s 1649 3448 COTTON (John, Teacher of the Church in Boston) Of the Holinesse of Church Members. 4to. 10s 6d 1650 3449 COPY of a Letter written by Thomas Parker, Pastor of the Church of Newbury, in New England, to his Sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Avery, sometime of Newbury, Berks, touching Sundry Opinions by her Professed and Main- tained. 4to. £1. Is 1650 3450 COTTON (John, Teacher of the Church at Boston in New England) Singing of Pealms a Gospel Ordinance. 8s 6d, 1647— Another Edi- tion, 4to. 7s 6d 1650 3451 WILLIAMS (Edward) Virgo Triumphans, or Virginia Richly and Truly Valued, more es- pecially the South Part thereof. 4to. Imper- fect, ending at page 16. 10s 6d 1650 3452 PINCHION (William, of Spring feild, in New England) The Jewes Synagogue, or a Treatise concerning the Ancient Orders and Manner of Worship used by the Jews in their Synagogue Assemblies. 4to. Fine large copy. 15a 1652 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 219 3453 CLARK (John, Physician of Rode Island, in America) 111 News from New England, or Narrative of New England's Persecution, wherein is declared, that while Old England is becoming New, New England is becoming Old. 4to. Imperfect, ending on p. 72. £1. Is 1652 3454 FIRST, a Bitt and a Knock for Under- Sherift's, Serjeants, Bayliffs, Setters, and such Vermin, Catterpillars, and Varlets or Catch- poles, fallen from twenty to one, secondly, with a Preservative against Fraudulent Executors and Administrators. Written by William Leach, of the Middle Temple, and explained by Edmund Leach, of New England, Merchant. 4to. Edges uncut. £1. 5s 1652 3455 STRENGTH out of Weaknesse, or a Glorious Manifestation of the Further Progress of the Gospel among the Indians in New Eng- land, set forth in sundry Letters from divers Ministers and others to the Corporation esta- blished by Parliament for Promoting the Gospel among the Heathens in New England. 4to. £2. 2s 1652 3456 STRENGTH out of Weaknesse, or a Glorious Manifestation of the Further Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians in New Eng- land. 4to. Stained. 15s 1652 3457 ASPINWALL (William, of New England) A Brief Description of the Fifth Monarchy, or Kingdome, that shortly is to come into the World and a Prognostick of the Time when this Fifth Kingdome shall begin. 4to, rare. £1. Is 1653 3458 ASPINWALL (William, late of New Eng- land) A Premonition of Sundry Sad Calamities yet to Come, grounded upon an Explication of the 24th Chapter of Isaiah. 4to. 15s 1655 3459 A (W.) The Legislative Power is Christ's peculiar Prerogative, proved from the 9th of Isaiah, verses 6—7. Sm. 4to. 12s 1656 By William Aspinwall, who was a, Fifth Monarchy man, who resided some time in New England, where he edited Cotton's Abstract of Laws. 3460 ABSTRACT of Laws and Government, col- lected and digested by that godly, grave and judicious Divine, Mr. John Cotton, of Boston, N.E., in his Lifetime presented to the General Court of the Massachusetts. Now published, after his Death, by W. Aspinwall. 4to. 15s 1656 3461 THE REFORMED Commonwealth of Bees, presented in Several Letters to Saml. Hartlib, Esq., with the Reformed Virginian Silk-Worm, or a Rare and New Discovery for the Feeding of Silk- Worms in the Woods on the Mulberry Tree Leaves in Virginia, also the Good Hopes that the Indians will readily set upon it. 4 to. £2. 2s 1655 3462 HEYLIN (Peter) Cosmographie, the Fourth Book, part 2, containing the Cuorography and Historie of America and all the Principal King- doms, Provinces, Seas and Islands of it, 1656 — An Appendix to the Former work endeavouring a Discovery of the Unknown Parts of the World, especially of Terra Australis Incognita, or the Southern Continent, 1656. Folio. 3s 3463 SCRIPTUM Dom. Protectoris Reipublicse Anglise, Scotina), Hiberniae, &c, ex consensu atque sententia concilii sui editum in quohujus Reipublicas causa contra Hispanos jussu esse Demonstratur. 4to, rare. 7s 6d 1655 3464 SEASONABLE Treatise for this Age occa- sioned by a Letter, written by one Mr. Woolsey, Prisoner in Norwich, to the then Exiled Church at Amsterdam, in which he endeavours to prove it Unlawful to Eat Blood, Things Stran- gled, and Things Offered to Idols, now in the Times of the Gospel. 4to. 7s 6d 1657 Connected with the controversy of the Brownists. 3465 NORTON (John, Teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston, New England) Life and Death of that Deservedly Famous Man of God, Mr. John Cotton, at Boston, New England. 4to, good clean copy, scarce. £2. 2s 1658 3466 DRAKE (Sir Francis) History of, expresfc by Instrumental and Vocal Musick, and by Art of Perspective in Scenes, &c, the First Part represented Daily at the Cockpit in Drury Lane, at 3 Afternoon punctually. Part 1 , all printed, no front. 4to, scarce. 15s 1659 3467 A CALL from Death to Life, written by Marmaduke Stephenson, who with William Ro- binson {Quakers), hath since suffered Death for bearing Witness to the Truth amongst the Pro- fessors of Boston's Jurisdiction in New England, with Copies of Two Letters writ a little while before their Death, also a Letter from a Friend in New England, which gives a brief relation of their Martyrdom, and the Words they Exprest at the Time of their Suffering. 4to, very rare. £2. 2s 1660 3468 ELLIOTT'S (John) A Further Account of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, being a relation of the Confes- sions made by several Indians in order to their Admission into Church Fellowship. 4to. £2. 2s 1660 3469 AN EPISTLE General to them who are of the Royal Priesthood and Chosen Generation . given forth from the Movings of the Power and Spirit of Truth, and now made Public to be sent Abroad among the Saints scattered in Old and New England, Germany, Holland, Barba- does, and Virginia. 4to. 10s 6d 1660 3470 Another. Imperfect, wanting last leaf. 5s 1660 3471 ROFE (George, a Quaker) Cherubims (a Broadside, written in Barbadoes). Folio. 7s 6d London, 1661 3472 BROOKSOP (Jone) Invitation of Love unto the Seed of God throughout the World, with a Word to the Wise in Heart and a Lamentation for New England. 4to. £1. 5s Bond. 1662 3473 A SONG of Sion, by a Citizen thereof, whose outward habitation is in Virginia, and being sent over to some of his Friends in Eng- land, the same is found fitting to be published for to warn the Seed of Evil Doers (by John Grave), with an additional Postscript from Ano- ther Hand. 4to, in Verse, curious and rare. £2. 2s 1662 220 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 3474 EDIT du Roy pour l'Establissement de la Compagnie des Iudies Occidentalles {la terre ferme de VAmerique autrement appellee France Equinoxialle). 4to. 5s Paris, 1664 3475 ANSWER of the Company of Royal Adven- turers of England trading into Africa to the Petition to the House of Commons, by Sir Paul Pindar, Ferdinando Gorges, and others con- cerned in his Majesties Plantations in America. 4to. £1. 5s 1667 3476 SEVERALL Epistles given forth by Two of the Lord's Faithful Servants (W. Robinson and W. Leddra), whom He sent to New England to bear Witness to His Everlasting Truth, and were there (at Boston) by the Priests, Rulers and Pro- fessors, put to Death for no other Cause but for Keeping the Commandments of God and Testi- mony of Jesus. 4to, rare. £2. 2s 1669 3477 DESCRIPTION of America. (Pages 422 to 493 of " Blomes Britannia") Folio, maps of N. and S. America. 2s 1673 347S FOX (George, the Quaker) Epistle to all Professors in New England, Germany, and other parts of the called Christian World, also to the Jews and Turks throughout the World, that tbey may see who are the True Worshippers of God that he Seeks, and in what he is Worshipped. 4 to. 15s 1673 3479 HEYLYN's (Peter) Chorography and Histo- ry of America (extracted from his " Cosmogra- phy.") Folio. 2s 6d 1673 3480 EIN KURTZEN Discours von der Schiff Fahrt bey dem Nord Pol nach Japan, China und so Weiter ausz dem Englischen in Hochdeutsche ubersezt. 4to, woodcut map. 7s 6d Hamburg, 1676 3481 ACCOUNT of the Province of Carolina in America, together with an Abstract of the Pa- tent and several other Necessary aud Useful Particulars to such as have Thoughts of Trans- porting Themselves thither, by Samuel Wilson. 4to, rare. £2. 2s 1682 3482 CAROLINA, or a Description of the Present State of that Country, and the Natural Excel- lencies thereof. Published by T. A. Gent. 4to. £2. 2s 1682 3483 CASE of John Wilmore Truly and Impar- tially Related, or a Looking-Glass for all Mer- chants and Planters that are concerned in the American Plantations. Folio. 10s 6d 1682 3484 FRAME of the Government of Pennsylvania, in America, &c. Folio, 12 pages, (rather ten- der). £1. Is 1682 3485 TRUE History of the Captivity (among the Indians) aud Restoration of Mrs. Mary Row- landson, a Minister's Wife in New England, with a Sermon preached at Weathersfield by Mr. Joseph Rowland son, husband to the same Mrs. Rowlandson, it being his last Sermon. 4to. £2. 2s Lond., 1682 3486 ABSTRACT of a Letter from Thos. Paskell, of Pennsylvania, to his friend J. J. of Chippen- ham. Folio, single leaf, (perhaps unique). £1. lis 6d 1683 3487 INFORMATION and Direction to such per- sons as are inclined to America, more especially those related to the Province of Pennsylvania. Folio, 4 pages. £1. Is (1683) I date this 1683, as I found it bound up in a volume with the following article. 3488 LETTER from William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of Penusylvania in America, to the Committee of the Free Society of Traders in that Province, residing in London, to which is added an Account of the City of Philadelphia, newly laid out. Folio, pp. 10 (wants the plan of the City). £2. 12s 6d 1683 3489 MATHER (Increase) Discourse concerning Comets, in which their Origin and True Matter are enquired into, and the most remarkable Earthquakes, Famines, and Wars, attending their appearance, from the beginning of the World. 8vo, Boston. 1683, reprinted 1811. 2s 6d 3490 GODWIN (Morgan) Trade preferred before Religion, and Christ made to give place to Mam- mon, a Sermon relating to the Plantations, preached in Westminster Abbey. 4to. 4s 6d 1685 3491 HAYNES (S., Navigation Surveyor of Devon and Cornwall) Abstract of all the Statutes made concerning Aliens Trading in England, from the first year of King Henry the Seventh, and Laws for securing our Plantation Trade to ourselves; with Observations proving the Jews break them all, to the great damage of the Customs and his Majestie's Plantations in America. 4to. An in- teresting Tract. 5s 1685 3492 TREATY of Peace, Good Correspondence, and Neutrality, in America, between James II. King of Englaud and Loui3 XIV. King of France. 4to. 3s 6d 1686 3493 BINGLEY (William) An Epistle of Love and Tender Advice, to Friends and Brethren in America or elsewhere. 4to. 15s 1689 3494 GROANS of the Plantations, or True Ac- count of their Grievous and Extreme Sufferings, by the heavy Impositions upon Sugar, and other hardships, relating more particularly to the Island of Barbadoes. 4to. 7s 6d 1689 3495 A SIXTH COLLECTION of Papers relating to the present Juncture of Affairs in England. 4to. 5s 1689 It contains a Narrative of the Miseries of Xew Eng- land, by reason of an arbitrary Government erected there. 3496 PALMER (John) Impartial Account of the State of New England, or the Late Government there Vindicated in Answer to the Declaration which the Faction set forth when they Over- turned that Government. 4to. £2. 10s 1690 3497 SPENCER (Thomas) True and Faithful Re- lation of the Proceedings of the Forces of King William and Queen Mary in their Expedition against the French in the Caribby Islands in the West Indies, in 1689 and 1690. 4 to. £1. 5s 1691 3498 COVENANT (The) of Grace not Absolute but Conditional, and the Preachers thereof Vindicated from the unjust Aspersions of Arminianism and Popery. 4to. 7s 6d 1692 A curious Tract, in which the Antinoinians of New England are referred to. John Russell Smith, 36, 8 oho Square, London. 221 (3499 A SHORT STORY of the Rise, Reign, and Ruin of the Antiuomians, Familists and Liber- tines that infected the Churches of New Eng- land, how they were confuted there, with God's Strange Remarkable Judgments, and the La- mentable Death of Mrs. Hutchinson. 4to. £1. llsGd 1692 3500 MATHER'S (Cotton) Wonders of the Invi- sible World, being an Account of the- Tryals of Several Witches lately Executed in New Eng- land, and of several remarkable Curiosities therein occurring. 4to, FINE clean copy, uncut. £3. 13s 6d 1693 3501 MATHER (Increase) a Further Account of the Trials of the New England Witches, and cases of Conscience concerning Witchcraft and Evil Spirits personating Men. 4to, good clean copy, very scarce. £4. 14s 6d London, 1693 3502 TRYALS of Peter Boss, Geo. Keith, Thos. Budd, and W. Bradford, Quakers, at Philadel- phia, before a Court of Quakers, giving also an Account of the most Arbitrary Procedure of that Court, December, 1692. 4to. £1. Is 1693 3503 KEITH (George) Further Discovery of Falshood and Persecution in Sam. Jennings and his Party that joined with him in Pensylvania, and some Abettors that Cloak and Defend him here in England, in Answer to his Scandalous Book called The State of the Case. 4to. 15s 1694 3504 CERTAIN Certificates received from Ame- rica on behalf of Samuel Jennings, tending to clear him from Scandals cast on him by George Keith and others, made Publick by John Pen- nington. 12mo, rare. £1. 5s 1695 Contains spmted account of Quaker Quarrels in New England, New Jersey, Philadelphia, etc. , with curi- ous bickerings about nick-names and slang terms, such as " Prick-louse Taylor," " Cut me in Collops," etc. 3505 POYNTZ (Capt. John) Present Prospect of the Famous and Fertile Island of Tobago. 4to (first and last leaf scribbled on). 6s 6d 1695 3506 DRYDEN (John) Indian Emperour, or the ■ Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, being the Sequel of the Indian Queen. 4to. 2s 1696 3507 THE People called Quakers Cleared by Geo. Keith from False Docrinea charged upon them by G. Keith, and his self Contradictions laid open in the ensuing Citations out of his Books, by John Pennington. 8vo, scarce. 15s 1696 Connected with Keith's Quarrels with the Friends in America. 3508 BRAY (Thomas) Bibliotheca Parochialis, or a Scheme of such Theological Heads as are more peculiarly requisite to be well Studied by every Pastor of a Parish. 4to. 5s 1697 The latter part relates to the present state of the Protestant Religion in Maryland, and the whole tract generally on promoting Religion in the Planta- tions. 3509 BRAY (Thomas) Apostolic Charity, its Na- ture and Excellence considered in Discourse on Dan. 12. 3, at Ordination of Protestant Mis- sionaries to be 'sent into Plantations, with a General View of English Colonies in America with respect to Religion, &c, with Proposals for Promoting the same, and the Author's Circular Letter to the Clergy there. 4to. 5s Lon. 1699 3510 A TRIP to Jamaica, with a True Character of the People and Island, folio. 5s 1698 3511 DEFENCE of the Scots Settlement at Darien, with an Answer to the Spanish Memori \\ against it, and Arguments to Prove that it is the Interest of England to join with the Scots and Protect it, with a Description of the Country and a Particular Account of the Scots Colony. 4to. £2. 2s [Edinburgh], Printed in the year 1699 This first edition in 4to, presumed to have been printed in " Edinburgh, is unnoticed by all American biblio- graphers, on the title of a copy of the 8vo edition, in my possession, is written in a coeval hand ' By Mr. Fletcher, of Salton.' " 3512 Another edition. 8vo. 7a 6d. — Another, cut close. 5s Edinb., 1699 3513 Another Edition. Printed in smaller \ type. 12mo. 5s lb., 1699 3514 JUST and Modest Vindication of the Scots Design for the having Established a Colony at Darien. 8vo, pp. 214. 15s 1699 3515 SOUTHERNE (Thos.) Oroonoko, a Tragedy (the Scene laid in Surinam). 4to. 2s 6d 1699 1700 3516 BRAY (Thos.) Apostolick Charity ; its Na- ture and Excellence considered in a Discourse upon Daniel xii. 3, preached at St. Paul's, at the Ordination of some Protestant Missionaries to be sent into the Plantations, with a General View of the English Colonies in America, with respect to Religion. 4to. 5s 1700 3517 ACTS of Dr. Bray's Visitation, held at An- nopolis, in Mary Land. Folio. Scarce. 18s. 1700 3518 BRAY (Thomas) Memorial, representing the present state of Religion on the Continent of North America. Folio. 16s. 1700 3519 DEFENCE of the Scot's Abdicating Darien, including an answer to the Defence of the Scot's Settlement there. 8vo. 7s 6d 1700 3520 ENQUIRY into the Causes of the Miscar- riage of the Scot's Colony, at Darien, or an An- swer to a Libel, entituled a Defence of the Scot's Abdicating Darien. (Impt. wants 4 last leaves.) 8vo. 5s. Glasgow, 1700 3521 Another Copy, perfect. 9s 1700 3522 HESKITH (Thos.) Sermon of the Funeral of the Hon. Col. Francis Collingwood and of his Lady, who were both interred in St. John's Church, in the Island of Nevis, in America, May 29th and May 31st, 1699. 4to. 2s 6d 1700 3523 KEITH (George, the Pennsylvania Quaker) Sermon preached at Turner's Hall, giving an account of his joining in Communion with the Church of England. 4to. 2s 6d 1700 3524 KEITH (George) Two Sermons preached at the Parish Church of St. George, Botolph Lane, London, May 12th, 1700. 4to. 5s. 1700 Being his first Preaching after Ordination in the Church of England. 3525 PETITION of William Armstrong and others, relating to the Coinage for the Settle- ment in America. Folio. Broadside. 2s. (About 1700) 222 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 3526 WYETH (Jos., a Quaker) Answer to a Let- ter from Dr. Bray, directed to such as have contributed towards the Propagating Christian Knowledge in the Plantations. 4to. Stained. 7s 6d 1700 1701. 3527 HESKITH (Thomas) Sermon preached for the Reformation of Manners in St. John's, at Nevis, in America. 4to. 3s 1701 3523 FULL Account of the Proceedings in rela- tion to Captain Kidd, written by a person of quality to a Kinsman of the Earl of Bellemont, in Ireland. Folio. (Extracted from the State Tracts.) 3s. 1/01 3529 FULL Account of the Actions of the late famous Capt. Kidd. 4to. 7s 6d Dublin, 1701 Capt. Kidd was employed by the Earl of Bellemont to go against the Pirates which infested the Coast of North America in 16f>6, but turned Pirate himself. He was afterwards taken at Boston, sent to England, and hung with several others. There are many tra- ditional stories of Kidd extant in New England. 1702. 3530 GREAT News from Jamaica in the West Indies, giving an Account of a Bloody Fight between Admiral Bembow and the Spanish Plate-Fleet. Folio. Single Leaf. 2s 6d 1702 3531 HESKITH (Thomas) Farewell Sermon preached in St. John's, at Nevis, in America, 25th May, 1701. 4to. 3s 1702 3532 SERMONS Preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, by the Bishop of Chester, Dean of Canterbury, Bishop of St. David's, Bangor, Oxford, St. Asaph, &c, 1702, 1708, 1709, 1714, 1736, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1741, 1742, 1744, 1748, 1754, 1755, 1759,1764, 1777, 1779, 1780, 1783, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1796, 1798, 1810, 1818. 4to. 8vo. Is each The Appendixes to these Sermons show the progress of the Gospel in various parts of America. 1703. 3533 ACCOUNT of the Arraignments and Tryals of Col. Rich. Kirkby, Capt. Constable, & others, at a Court Martial at Port Royal, Jamaica, for cowardice and neglect of duty in a Sea fight near the main land of America, between Admiral Benbow and Admiral Du Casse. Folio. 4s 6d 1703 3534 Another Edition. 4to. 4s 6d 1703 1704. 3535 EURCHETT'S Justification of hia Naval Memoirs, in answer to the reflections of Capt. Lillingston on that part which relates to Cape Francois, and Port de Paix, with some short Observations on our West India Expeditions. 8vo. 3s 6d 1704 3536 PROCLAMATION of Queen Anne for sett- ling the Current Rates of Foreign Coins in the Colonies and Plantations in America. Folio. Broadside, curious. Is 1704 3537 DENNIS'S (John) Liberty Asserted, a Tra- gedy, (the Characters Canadian, and the Scene in Canada). 4to, fine clean copy. 7s 6d 1704 3538 DENNIS'S (John) Liberty Asserted, a Tra- gedy, (the Scene laid in Canada). 4to. 3s 6d 1704 1705. 3539 JAMAICA Viewed, with all the Ports, Har- bours, and their several Soundings, Towns, and Settlements thereunto belonging, by Captain Hickeringill. 4to, map, fine clean copy. 7s 6d 1706. 3540 KEITH (George) Journal of Travels, from New Hampshire to Caratuck on the Continent, of North America. 4to, fine copy. £1. lis 6d 1706 3541 KORT Verhael van Pieter Carden, gebooren . tot St. Veriaan, in Coruwal, 1578, of z>jn Reys, 4/ mit Francois Drake overyckomen. Small 8vo, maps and plate. 2s Leyden, 1706 3542 SHARP (John) Sermon at Trinity Church in New York, at the Funeral of Rt. Hon. Lady Cornbury. 8vo. 23 1706 1707. 3543 ARC HD ALE (John, late Governor) Descrip- tion of that Fertile and Pleasant Province of Carolina. 4to. £2. 123 6d 1707 3544 CASE of the Poor and Distressed Planters and other Inhabitants of Nevis and St. Christo- phers, in America. Folio, single leaf. 2s 1707 1708. 3545 CASE of the Petitioner, Richard Budge, late Commander and Part Owner of the Ship "Hope," and Sole Owner of her Cargo of Log- wood, respecting Condemnation of the said Ship and Cargo at New Jersey. Folio, (3 pages) 2s (1708) 1709. 3546 MATHER (Cotton) Sermon at the Funeral of the Hon. John Winthrop, late Governor of Connecticut in New England, who died at Bos- ton, Nov. 27, 1707. 8vo. 10s 6d 1709 3547 SOME Remarks on a Pamphlet called " Re- flections on the Constitution and Management of the Trade to Africa, how it may best be main- tained for the benefit of this Nation and the Plantations in America. 8vo. 2s 1709 3548 USEFUL Transactions for the Months of May, June, &c, 1709, containing a Voyage to the Island of Cajamai in America (a Satire on Sir Hans Sloane's Voyage to Jamaica, &c.) 8vo, front. 2s 1709 3549 CASE of Thos. Lewie, Elizabeth Jorden, Owen Griffith, Elizabeth Mackay, and Thos. Joy, and others (respecting the non-payment of Money for Service in Newfoundland in Capt. Moody's Company). Folio, single leaf. Is (1709) 1710. 3550 THE Four Kings of Canada, being a suc- cinct Account of the Four Indiau Princes lately arrived from North America, with a particular Description of their Country, &c. 8vo, v:ani- lag title. 2s 1710 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 223 1 3551 PRESENT State of the Tobacco Plantations in America. Folio, single leaf. Is about (1710) 1711. 3552 TRUE Account of the Design and Advan- tages of the South Sea Trade. 8vo. 2s 1711 3553 LETTER to a Member of Parliament on the Settling a Trade to the South Sea of America. 8vo. Is 1711 1712. 3554 ALLEN (Robert, who resided some years in the Kingdom of Peru) Essay on the Nature and Methods of carrying on a Trade to the South Sea. 8vo, large paper copy. 3s 1712 3554* Small paper, 8vo. 2s 3555 DEFOE's Essay on the South Sea Trade, with enquiry into the grounds of the present dislike of the Company. 8vo. 2s 6d 1712 3556 LETTER from a West Indian Merchant concerning that part of the French Proposals which relates to North America, particularly Newfoundland. 8vo. 2s 6d 1712 3557 THE Case of William Sharpe, Esq. (relating to the Island of Barbadoes). 8vo, poor copy. 2s 1712 1713. 3558 THOMPSON'S (Thos.) Salutation of Love and Tender Invitation, especially to the Inha- bitants of New England, Road Island, and Long Island to come to Shiloh. 8vo. 7s 6d 1713 1714. 3559 SOME Observations shewing the Danger of losing the Trade of the Sugar Colonies offered to the Consideration of the Parliament, by a Planter. Small 8vo. 2s 1714 1715. 3560 BILTON'S (Capt.) Journal of his Unfortu- nate Voyage from Lisbon to Virginia in 1707. 8 vo, scarce. 15s 1715 3561 THE Case and Proceedings for and against Mr. Jeronimy Clifford, Merchant and Planter of Surinam. Pp. 55. May, 1715 — Another Case of Jeronimy Clifford. Pp. 12, May, 1714, folio. 15s 1716. 3562 CONFESSION of Faith of Mr. W. Cooper, with his Answers previous to his Ordination. Small 8vo, scarce. 7s 6d Boston, 1716 3563 THE Representation and Memorial of the Council of the Island of Jamaica, with a Pre- face by Mr. Wood. 8vo. 2s 1716 1717. 3564 DISCOURSE concerning the Designed Es- tablishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina, in the most delightful Country of the Universe, by Sir Robert Montgomery, Baronet. 8vo. 15s 1717 3565 SERMON before the Governor and Assembly of Barbadoes, on the Thanksgiving Day, for the Suppression of the late unnatural Rebellion (in Scotland), with Preface, respect- ing the Charges brought against the Author, by the Gov. Robert Lowther, Esq. 8vo. 2s 17 1 1718. 3566 TRYALS of Major Stede Bonnet and other Pirates, viz. :— Tucker, Robinson, Virgin, Lopez, and many others, also the Tryals of Thomas Nichols, Rowland Sharp, J. Clarke, and Thos. Gerrat, for Piracy, at the Admiralty Sessions, at Charles Town, South Carolina, October and November, 1718, with an Account of the Cap- ture of Major Bonnet. Folio. 7s 6d 1718 1719. 3567 A LEGACY for Children, being some of the last Expressions and Dying Sayings of Hannah Hill, Jun., of the City of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pensilvania, in America. 12mo. 10s 6d 1719 3568 FRENCH'S (George) Answer to a Scurrilous Libel, entitled a Letter to Mr. G. French, occasioned by his History of Col. Park's Admin- istration of the Leeward Islands. 8vo, pp. 239. 4s 1719 3569 HISTORICAL Account of the Voyages and Adventures of Sir Walter Raleigh, with his Discoveries and Conquests for the Crown of England, and Attempts for Discovery of the Gold Mines in Guiana, and an Account how that rich country might now be planted. 8vo. 5s 1719 1720. 3570 COLMAN (Rev. Benj.) Sermon at Boston, on the Funeral of Hon. Joseph Dudley, Gov. of Massachusets, and New Hampshire. 8vo. 10s 6cl Boston, 1720 3571 FULL and Impartial Account of the Com- pany of Mississippi, otherwise called the French East India Company, projected and settled by Mr. Law, in (French and English), with a Des- cription of the Country and a Relation of its first Discovery. 8vo. 5s 1720 3572 PROJECTO para Galeones y flotas del Peru y Nueva Espana y para navios de registro y avisos que Navigaren a ambos regnos. Folio. 3s Madrid, 1720 3573 SOME Considerations on the Consequences of the French Settling Colonies on the Missis- sippi with respect to the Trade and Safety of the English Plantations in America, and the West Indies, from a Gentleman of America to his Friend in London. 8vo, map. 5s 1720 3574 THE CHIMERA, or the French way pf Paying National Debts, laid open, being an Im- partial Account of the Proceedings in Franco for Raising a Paper Credit and Settling the Mississippi Stock. 8vo. 2s 6d 1720 3575 THE Considerable Advantages of a South Sea Trade to our English Nation. 8vo. Is About 1720 224 Pamphlets reletting to America, on Sale by 1721. 8576 THE CASE of the Present Possession of the French Lands in the Island of St. Christophers. 8vo. 2s 6d 1721 1722. 3577 VIEW of the Greenland Trade and Whale Fishery, with the National and Private advan- tages thereof. 8vo. Is 6d 1722 1723. 3578 A MOST humble Proposal to the Lords Regents, &c, of Great Britain, for an effectual method to prevent Piracy, and make the Trade of America more secure. 4to. 3s 6d 3579 A SERMON on the truly virtuous and reli- gious Mrs. Jane Steel, Consort of Thos. Steele, Esq., by Benj. Colman, Pastor of a Church in Boston. 8vo. 5s Boston, 1723 1727. 3580 EVIDENT Advantages to Great Britain and its Allies, from the Approaching "War, to which is added two curious plans of the Port and Bay of Havana and Porto Bello. 8vo. 3s 1727 3581 GIBSON (Bishop of London) Two Letters to the Masters and Mistresses of the English Families in the English Plantations abroad, Ex- horting them to Encourage and Promote the Instruction of their Negroes in the Christian Faith, and to the Missionaries there to distribute the Letter and for their Assistance towards Instruction of the Negroes within their Parishes. 4to. 5s 1727 1728. 3582 ANSWER to a Calumny, with some remarks upon an anonymous Pamphlet on the Assiento Trade, as exercised by the South Sea Company, &c, by the Factor to the South Sea Company, at whom the calumny was aimed. 8vo. Is 6d 1728 3583 SOME Observations on the Assiento Trade as exercised by the South Sea Company, proving the damage to accrue to British Commerce and Plantations in America, particularly Jamaica. 8vo. 2s 1729. 3584 OBSERVATIONS on the conduct of Great Britain with regard to the negociations and other transactions abroad {relating to the Spanish Disputes in the West Indies). 8vo. Is 6d 1729 3585 OBSERVATIONS upon the Treaty between the Crowns of Great Britain, France, and Spain, concluded at Seville. 8vo. Is 6d 1729 3586 SOME farther Remarks on a late Pamphlet, entitled Observations on the Conduct of Great Britain, particularly with Relation to the Spanish Depredations, and Letters of Reprisal. 8vo. Is 6d 1729 3587 STATE of the Rise and Progress of our disputes with Spain (respecting the Trade, &c, of S. America, by Lord Polwarth). 8vo. Is 6d 1729 3588 THE CRAFTSMAN Extraordinary, being remarks on a pamphlet, entitled " Observations on the conduct of Great Britain, &c." 8vo. Is 1729 3589 TRADE and Navigation of Great Britain considered, by Joshua Gee. 8vo. 2s 1729 — Second edition. 2s 1730 A great part of it relates to the Trade of the Planta- tions in America. — Rich. 3590 TREATY of Peace, union, friendship, and mutual defence between the Crowns of Great Britain, France, and Spain. 8vo. Is 1729 3591 TRUE Account of the Aloe Americana, or Africana, upwards of 20 feet high, now in blos- soms in Mr. Cowell's garden, at Hoxton. 8vo. 2s 1729 3592 TWO Letters of the Bishop of London to the Masters and Mistresses of Families in the English Plantations abroad, exhorting them to encourage and promote the instruction of their Negroes in the Christian faith, and directing the Missionaries to give their assistance towards instruction of the Negroes in their several parishes. 8vo. 3s 1729 1730. 3593 A LETTER to a Member of Parliament, setting forth the value of the St. Christophers Land. 8vo. 2s 1730 3594 PRESENT state of La Plata, or Paraguay, the Amazons, Spanish Islands, Brazil, Virginia, Maryland, New England, New Britain, New York, New Jersey, Pensylvania, Carolina, British America Islands, French America. 4to, 10 maps (from Moll's "Atlas Geographicus"). 3s 6d 1730 3595 PRINCE (Thomas) Sermon at Cambridge, before the great and general assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts. 8vo. 5s Boston, 1730 3596 SOME Objections against the Treaty of Seville, considered in a Letter to a noble Peer. 8vo. 1730 3597 OBSERVATIONS on the Treaty of Seville examined. 8vo. Is 1730 3598 REVIEW of a Pamphlet entitled " Obser- vations on the Treaty of Seville Examined." 8vo. Is 1730 3599 SHORT View of the state of affairs with relation to Great Britain for four years past, with remarks on the " Observations." 8vo. Is 1730 3600* THE English Cotejo, or the Cruelties, De- predations, and illicit Trade charg'd upon the English, in a Spanish libel lately published, compared with the Murders and Robberies of the Spaniards, by a Sufferer (R. Copithorne). 8vo. 2s (1730) 3601 WALSINGHAM (Francis) The Free Briton Extraordinary, or a short review of British affairs, in answer to a pamphlet intitled " A Short View, with remarks on the Treaty of Seville, &c." 8vo. Is 1730 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 225 S601*TREATY of Seville, and the measures that have been taken for the last four years impar- tially considered. 8vo. Is 1730 1731. 3602 CASES of some English Ships taken by the Spaniards, (in Barbadoes, Jamaica, &c.) 8vo. Is 6d 1731 3603 IMPORTANCE of the Sugar Colonies to Great Britain stated. 8vo. Is 6d 1731 3604 IMPORTANCE of the British Plantations in America to the Kingdom, with the state of their Trade, and methods for improving it, as also a description of the several Colonies. 8vo. 5s 1731 1732. 3605 COLLIN's (Ruth, Quakeress) The Friendly Writer, and Register of Truth, for the Eleventh Month, (stiled by Pagan Rome January) 1732. 8vo, portrait. 2s 1732 Contains tidings of barbarous murders committed in New England, etc. 3606 LETTER from South Carolina, giving an Account of the Soil, Air, Product, Trade, Government, Laws, Religion, People, and the Province, written by a Swiss Gentleman to his Friend at Bern. 8vo, scarce. 7s 6d 1732 3607 MATHER (Sam., Chaplain to his Majesties Castle William) Essay concerning Gratitude. 8vo. 5s Boston, N.E., 1732 3608 NEW and Accurate Account of the Pro- vinces of South Carolina and Georgia. 8vo. 10s 6d 1732 3609 PULLEN (John, Governor of Bermuda) Memoirs of the Maritime Affairs of Gt. Britain, especially in relation to our concerns in the West Indies. 8vo, scarce. 7s 6d 1732 3610 TATE (R.) Practical Treatise upon several Different and Useful Subjects, viz. an Effectual Method to Augment Small Livings, Scheme for the Relief of the South Sea Sufferers in Distress, with Proposals to buy Lands in America, and Rational way for Promulgation of the Gospel in America, &c. 4to. 5s 1732 1733. 3611 CASE of the Planters of Tobacco in Vir- ginia, as represented by themselves, with Vindi- cation of the same. 8vo. 2s 1733 3612 DISCOURSE on Trade, more particularly on Sugar and Tobacco, shewing the true and natural means of their support. 8vo. Is 6d 1733 3613 ANSWER to the Considerations occasioned by the Craftsman upon Excise, so far as it re- lates to the Tobacco Trade. 8vo. Is 1733 36U PROPOSALS offered for the Sugar Planters' Redress, and for reviving the British Sugar Commerce, in a further letter from a Gentleman of Barbadoes to his Friend in London. 4to. 3s 6d 1733 3615 REASON for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, with regard to the Trade of Great Bri- tain, with some Account of the Country. 4to, front, and map. 10s 6d 1733 3616 RE PRESENTATION of the Board of Trade, relating to the Manufactures set up and Trade carried on in the Plantations in America. Folio. 3s 6d 1733 1734. 3617 RUNDLE (T.) Sermon, to recommend the Charity for establishing the New Colony of Georgia. 4to. 2s 6d 1734 3619 WHITE (John, Pastor of the first Church in Gloucester) New England Lamentations, under these three heads, the Decay of the Power of Godliness, the Danger of Arminian Principles, the Declining State of our Church Order, Government, and Discipline, with the methods of our Recovery. 8vo. 10s 6d Boston, 17-34 1735. 3620 A SHORT Account of the first Settlement of the Provinces of Virginia, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania by the English, to which is annexed, a map of Mary- land, according to the Bonds mentioned in the Charter, and also of the Adjacent Couatry Anno 1630. 4to, rare. £1. Is Lond., no publisher' 's name, 1735 3621 PATTERN for Governours' Exemplified in the Character of Scroop, late Lord Viscount Howe, the Governor of Barbadoes, is gratefully attempted by several of the most Ingenious Pens of that Island. 4to. 5s 1735 3622 PARTICULARS of the Inquiry into Mr.Ben- jaminWooley's Conduct, and his being stationed by the Court of Directory of the South Sea Company, First Factor at Porto Bello and Pa- nama. 8vo. 3s 6d 1735 3623 TEMPLEMAN (D.) Secret History of the late Directors of the South Sea Company, con- taining a particular Account of their Conduct with regard to the Assiento Treaty, &c. 8vo. 2s 6d 1735 1736. 3624 PASTORAL, Lamenting the Death of Lord Viscount Howe, Governor of Barbados. Folio. 3s Cambridge, 1736 3625 WATTS (George) Sermon Preached before the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America. 4to. 2s 6d 1736 3626 YARICO to Inkle, an Epistle, (founded on the Story in Ligon's Hist, of Barbados). Folio. 2s 1736 1737. 3627 REASONS for a War against Spain, in a Letter from a Merchant of London trading to America. 8vo. Is 6d — 1737; Second Edition, Is 6d, 1738 1738. 3628 BENNETT'S (— Agent of the Assiento Com- pany) Two Letters and Calculations on the Sugar Colonies and Trade of the West Indies. 8vo. Is6d 1738 226 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 3629 THE MERCHANTS' Complaint against Spain. I Tbeir Behaviour in the Time of James I. II Letter from a Gentleman in the West Indies, concerning the Pretensions of Spain to Georgia, &c. 8vo {corner off the last leaf.) Is 6d 1738 3630 MISERABLE Case of the British Sugar Planters. By a Well-wisher to the Trade and Navigation of Great Britain. 4to. 4s 6d 1738 3631 TRYALL of John Peter Zenger, of New York, Printer, for a Libel against the Govern- ment. 4to. 3s 6d 1738 3632 REMARKS on the Tryal of Peter Zenger. 4to. 4s 1738 3633 WHITEFIELD (Geo.) Journal of a Voyage from Gibraltar to Georgia. Svo. Is. 1738 3634 WHITEFIELD's Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah, in Georgia. 8vo. 3s 6d 1738 3635 WHITEFIELD (Rev. Geo.) Farewell Ser- mon on board the Whitaker, near Savannah, Georgia, on Sunday, May 17th, 1738. 8vo. 2s 1738 1739. 3636 ADDRESS to the Electors and other Free Subjects of Great Britain, occasioned by the late Secession, with a particular Account of all our Negotiations with Spain for Ten Years past. Svo. Is 6d 1739 3637 APPEAL to the Unprejudiced on the Dis- contents occasioned by the late Convention with Spain. 8vo. Is 1739 363S BERRIMAN (W.) Sermon preached before the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia. 4to. 2s 1739 3639 HIS CATHOLIC Majesty's Manifesto, justi- fying his Conduct in relation to the Convention, with hi3 Reasons for not paying the £95,000, French and English. 8vo. Is 6d 1739 3640 EXAMINATION of a Pamphlet entitled, * His Catholic Majesty's Manifesto, &c, with Reasons for not paying the £95,000." 8vo. Is 1739 3541 CONSIDERATIONS upon the Present State of our Affairs at Home and Abroad. By Lord Lyttleton. 8vo. 2s 1739 3642 FARTHER Considerations on the Present State of Affairs at Home and Abroad, with a True State of the South Sea Company's Affairs in 1718 (by Lord Lyttleton). 8vo. 2s 1739 Both of the above pamphlets chiefly relate to the dis- putes with Spain about the Trade to America. 3643 BRITISH Sailor's Discovery, or the Spanish Pretensions Confuted, containing a Short His- tory of the Discoveries and Conquests of Spain in America. Svo. 2s 1739 3644 CONTINUATION of the Rev. M. White- field's Journal from his Arrival at Savannah to his Return to London. 8vo. 2s 6d 1739 3645 CONVENTION between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain, concluded 14 January, 1739 {regulating the Limits of Florida and Caro- lina) in Sjjanish, French, and English. 4 to. 2s 1739 3646 THE Convention, an excellent New Ballad,; to which is added the King of Spain's Protest and a new Epitaph. Folio. 2s 1739' 3647 THE House of Lords' Protest against the! Convention Treaty. Folio. Is 1739' 3648 THE Convention Vindicated from the Mis- representations of the Enemies of our Peace (re- lating to the Spanish Possessions). 8vo. Is 6d 1739 3649 DESCRIPTION of the Windward Passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the Course of the British Trading Ships to and from the Island of Jamaica, also an Account of the Trade Winds, etc. Small 4to, chart of the Coast of Florida. 5s 1739 3650 THE Grand Question, Whether War or no War with Spain ? impartially considered. 8vo. Is 1739 3651 THE King of Spain's Reasons for not pay- ing the £95,000, stipulated in the Convention signed at the Pardo, 14th January, 1739, ex- amined. 8vo. Is 1739 3652 KING of Spain's Declaration of War against Great Britain, done at Buen Retiro, Spanish and English. 8vo. Is 1739 3653 KING of Spain's Conduct compared with that of his Britannick Majesty's respecting the Reprisals in Jamaica, Carolina, etc., Spanish and English. 8vo. 2s 1739 3654 LETTERS from a Spaniard in London to his Friend at Madrid. 8vo. Is 1739 3655 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Sir R— W— , &c., upon the present Posture of Affairs, wherein, amongst other things, the Convention will be set in a clear light. 8vo. Is 1739 3656 OBSERVATIONS upon the Manifesto of his Catholick Majesty, with an Answer to his Rea- sons for not paying the £95,000, in Vindication of the honour of Great Britain. 8vo. Is 1739 3657 OBSERVATIONS on the Present Conven- tion with Spain. 8vo. Is 6d 1739 3658 POPULAR Prejudices against the Conven- tion and Treaty with Spain, Examined and An- swered. 8vo. Is 1739 3659 REPLY to a Pamphlet entitled "Popular Prejudices against the Convention and Treaty with Spain." 8vo. Is 1739 3660 REPLY to a Pamphlet entitled " Observa- tions arising from the Declaration of War against Spain, &c." Svo. Is 1739 3661 REVIEW of all that hath passed between the Courts of Great Britain and Spain, relating to our Trade and Navigation, from the year 1721 to the present Convention. Svo. Is 6d 1739 3662 SERIES of Wisdom and Policy, being a full Justification of all our Measures since 1712, and especially of our late most honourable Conven- tion with Spain. 8vo. Is 1739 3663 SPEECH of Viscount Gage, in Parliament, against the Convention with Spain. 4to. Is 1739 3664 STATE of the Rise and Progress of out- Disputes with Spain, and of the Conduct of our Ministers relating thereto. 8vo. Is 6d 1739 John Russell Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. 227 3665 SOUTHERNER (Thos.) Oroonoko, a Tra- gedy (Scene, Surinam). 12mo. la 6d 1739 3666 WHITEFIELD's Continuation of his Journal during the Time he was detained in England by the Embargo— Journal of his Arrival at Savan- nah — Voyage from Gibraltar to Georgia— Jour- nal in England, and Departure to Georgia, with a fai thful Narrative of his Life and Character, 4 piece?. 5s 1739 3667 WHITEFIELD's (Rev. Geo.) Journal from his arrival at Savannah to his return to London. 8vo. Is 1739 1740. 3668 ADDRESS to the Merchants of Great Bri- tain, or a Review of the Conduct of the Admi- nistration with regard to our Trade and Navi- gation, with a Justification of the Convention with Spaiu. 8vo. 2s. N.D. (1740) 3669 ASHLEY'S (John) Memoirs and Considera- tions concerning the Trade and Revenues of the British Colonies in America. 8vo. 2s 1740 3670 BRITAIN'S Mistakes in the Commence- ment and Conduct of the Present War. By a Merchant and Citizen of London. 8vo. Is 6d 1740 3671 CARRANZA'S Geographical Description of the Coasts, Harbours, and Sea Ports of the Spanish West Indies, particularly of Porto Bello, Cartagena, and Island of Cuba. 8vo, maps. 3s 6d 1740 With an Appendix, containing Capt. Parker's own account of the taking of the Town of Porto Bello, in the year 1001. 3672 CONDUCT of the D— ke of Ar— le, for the Four Last Years, reviewed, with his Speech upon the State of the Nation, with regard to the War with Spain, in the West Indies. 8vo. Is 1740 3673 CONTIN U AT I O N of Mr. Whitefield's Journal, from his Embarking, after the Em- bargo, to his Arrival in Georgia. 8vo. 2s 6d 1740 3674 COPIA de la Real Cedula de su Magestad, expedida para que en la Ciudad de San Chris- toval de la Habana se forme una Compania a cuyo Cargo este la Conduccion de Tabacos, Azucar, Corambres, y otros Frutos de la Ida de Cuba, con la Direccion, Reglas, Exempciones, y Obligaciones que se expressan. 12mo. 6s Madrid, 1740 3675 ESSAY on the Management of the Present War with Spain. By an Impartial Hand. 8vo. Is 1740 3676 FRENCH Influence upon English Counsels, demonstrated from au Impartial Examination of our Measures for Twenty Years past (chiefly on the English Designs on Spanish America). 8vo. 2s • 1740 3677 GREAT Britain's Complaints against Spain Impartially Examined (chiefly relating to Ame- rica). 8vo. Is 1740 3678 NOTICIA de la Compania formada en la Provincia de Guipuzcoa, para embiar dos Na- vios cada Ano, con Registro, a la Provincia de Benezuela, y conducir Carga de Cacao y otros Frutos de ella a estos Reynos. 12mo, scarce. 5a AboutViO 3679 LETTER from Rev. Geo. Whitefield to the Religious Societies lately set on foot in several Parts of Englaud and Wales, wrote on board the " Elizabeth," Capt. Stevenson, bound from London to Philadelphia, 8vo. 2s 1740 3680 OPERATIONS of the War for the First Twelve Months Examined and Accounted for. 8vo. Is 6d 1740 3681 POINTIS (Sieur) Authentic Account of the Taking of Carthagena by the French and Buc- caniers, in 1697. 8vo. 3s 6d 1740 3682 Another copy, with large map not be- longing to the vjorlc, inserted. 7s 6d 3682* PRESENT State of the Revenues and Forces, by Sea and Land, of France and Spain, compared with those of Great Britain, with a View of those Countries of the Spanish West Indies, that will probably be the Seat of the Present War. 8vo. Is 6d 1740 3683 SERMON before the Trustees for Establish- ing the Colony of Georgia. By Dr. W. Crowe. 4to. 2s 1740 3684 SEWARD'S (A., Companion of Whitefield) Journal of a Voyage from Savannah to Phila- delphia, and from Philadelphia to England. 8vo, title soiled. 3s 1740 3685 SOME Useful Observations on the Conse- quences of the Present War with Spain. 8vo. Is n.d. (1740) 3685 *T WO Letters to Mr. Wood, on the Coin and Currency of the Leeward Islands, &c. 8vo. 2s 1740 1741. 3686 ACCOUNT shewing the Progress of the Colony of Georgia in America, from its first Establishment. Folio. 15s 1741 3687 COLMAN (Dr.) Sermon preached to a very Crowded Audience at the Opening an Evening Lecture in Brattle Street, Boston. 8vo. 3s 1741 3688 CONDUCT of Adml. Vernon Examined and Vindicated. By an Officer present at the Ex- pedition to Carthagena. 8vo. 3s 1741 3689 COXE'S (Daniel) Description of the English Province of Carolana. 8vo, no map. 5s 1741 3690 GENUINE Speech of the Truly Honble. Adm 1 V n to the Sea Officers, at a Council of War, just before the Attack of C a. 8vo. 2s 1741 3691 IMPARTIAL Enquiry ioto the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia. 8vo. 7s 6d "Avery well written Tract, defending Georgia from the many reports propagated to the disadvantage of that colony. " — Rich. 3692 LIFE of Faith Exemplified and Recom- mended, in a Letter found in the Study of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Belcher, late of Dedham, in New Englaud, since his Decease. 8vo. 4s 1741 3693 PROFIT and Loss of Great Britain in the present War with Spain, July 1739 to July 1741, in a Letter to a Friend. 8vo. Is 6d 1741 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 2'2S 3694 LIST of Copies of Charters from the Com- missioners for Trade and Plantation?, viz., Maryland, Conoecticut, Rhode Island, Pensyl- vania, Massachusetts Bay and Georgia Charters, folio. 7s 6d 1741 3695 SPANISH Cruelty and Injustice a Justifi- able Plea for a Vigorous War with Spain, and a Sure Ground for Hopes of Success. 8vo. Is 6d 1741 3696 WHITEFIELD (George) Account of Money Received and Disbursed for the Orphan-House in Georgia. 8vo, folding 'plate. 4s 6d 1741 1742. 3697 APPLETON (Nathaniel, Pastor of the first Churchin Cambridge) Sermon before Governour Shirley, Council, and House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England. 8vo. 7s 6d Boston, 1742 3698 ARTE o Cartilla del Nuevo Beneficio de la Plata, en todo Generb de Metals Frios y Ca- lientes, hallado por D. L. Philipe de la Tone Barrio y Lima. 4to. 5s Lima, 1738 ; reprinted, Madrid, 1742 Relates to the Mines in Peru. 3699 BARNARD (John, Pastor of a Church in Marblehead) A Zeal for Good Works Excited and Directed at the Publick Thursday Lecture in Boston, 25 March, 1742. 8vo. 3s 1742 3700 CALDWELL (John) Impartial Trial of the Spirit operating in this Part of the World. A Sermon preached at New Londonderry. 8vo. 2s Glasgoio, 1742 A reprint of the Boston edition, with a second anti- Wesley and Whitefield preface. 3701 HIRELING Artifice Detected, or the Profit and Loss of Great Britain in the Present War with Spain set in its True Light, with a List of the British Ships that have been taken. 8vo. Is 6d 1742 3702 IMPARTIAL Account of the late Expe- dition against St. Augustine, under General Oglethorpe, occasioned by the Suppression of the Report by a Committee of the General As- sembly in South Carolina. 8vo, no plan, 5s 1742 3703 LETTER from a Member of the Last Par- liament concerning the Conduct of the War with Spain. 8vo. Is 6d 1742 3704 STATE of the Province of Georgia attested upon Oath in the Court of Savannah, Nov. 10th, 1740. 8vo. 5s 1742 3705 THE Profit and Loss of Great Britain and Spain, from the Commencement of the Present War to this time, Impartially Stated. 8vo. Is 6d 1742 A different pamphlet from Nos. 3693 & 3701. 3706 WHITEFIELD (Geo.) Vindication and Con- firmation of the Remarkable Work of God in New England, being some Remarks on a late Pamphlet, entitled " The State of Religion in New England since the Rev. Geo. Whitefield's Arrival there." 8vo, 2s 1742 1743. 3707 ACCOUNT of the Expedition to Cartha- gena, with Explanatory Notes and Observations. 8vo. 3s 1743 3708 Another copy, with 3 maps inserted. 4s 3709 BRIEF Account of the Causes that have retarded the Progress of the Colony of Georgia attested upon Oath, being a proper contrast to a State of the Province of Georgia attested upon Oath and some Misrepresentations on the same Subject. 8vo. 7s 6 d 1743 3710 BURRINGTON (George) Seasonable Con- siderations on the Expediency of a War with France and Comparison between British and French Dominions {relating partly to the Ame- rican Colonies). 8vo. 3s 1743 3711 BULKELEY and Cummin's Voyage to the South Seas, the loss of the Wager on the Coast of Patagonia, Voyage through the Straits of Magellan, &c. 12mo. 23 Dublin, 1743 3712 FULL Reply to Lieut. Cadogan's Spanish Hireling, &c, and Lieut. Mackay's Letter con- cerning the Action at Moosa wherein the im- partial Account of the Expedition to St. Au- gustine is clearly Vindicated by plain Facts and Evidence, by the Author of the Impartial Account. 8vo. 5s 1743 3713 SHORT Account of the Application to Parliament by the Merchants of London upon the Neglect of their Trade (in the American Seas) with the Substance of the Evidence there- upon, by Mr. Glover. 8vo, 3rd edit. Is, 1743 —5th edit., Is, 1751 3714 TENNENT (Gilbert, Minister of the Gospel, New Jersey) Some Account of the Principles of the Moravians. 8vo. 3s 1743 3715 TRUE and Impartial Account of the Rise and Progress of the South Sea Company, by a Gentleman now resident in Jamaica. 8vo. 2s 1743 3716 TRIAL of Sir Chaloner Ogle, Rear Admiral of the Blue, before the Chief Justices in Jamaica, for Assault on the person of Mr. Trelawney, Governor. 8vo. 2s 6d 1743 3717 A DUEL and no Duel, or the Skirmish of the West Indian Heroes, a Burlesque Account (in Verse) of the Cause, Rise, and Progress of the Quarrel between Sir C — r O — le and Governor T ey, and Assault on his Excellency in his own House in Spanish Town, by an Honest Sailor. 8vo. 5s 1743 1744. 3718 AUTHENTIC Papers relating to the Expe- dition against Carthagena. 8vo. 3s 1744 3719 BRUCE'S (Lewis) Sermons before the Trus- tees of the Colony of Georgia. 4 to. 2s 1744 3720 MOORE (Francis) Voyage to Georgia begun in the year 1735, containing an Account of the Settling the Town Frederica in the Southern Part of the Province,, and description of the Soil, Air, Birds, Beasts, Trees, Rivers, Islands, &c, also description of the Town and County of Savannah. 8vo, very scarce Tract. £1. Is 1744 John Russell Smithy 36, Soho Square, London, 229 3721 CONSIDERATIONS against any New Duty upon Sugar. 8vo. Is 6d 1744 Shewing that a new Imposition will be ruinous to the Sugar Colonies and aggrandize France. 3722 LETTER from Dr. John Lining at Charles Town in South Carolina serving to accompany some Additions to his Statistical Experiments on the Climate. 4to (from Philo. Trans.) Is 6d 1744—5 3723 JOURNAL of the Expedition to la Guira and Porto Cavallos in the West Indies, in a letter from an Officer on board the Burford, to a friend in London. 8vo. 2s 1744 3724 JOURNAL of the Expedition to Cartbagena, with Notes, in Answer to a late Pamphlet, en- titled an " Account of the Expedition to Cartba- gena." 8vo. 2s 6d 1744 3725 ORIGINAL Papers relating to the Expedi- tion to Cartbagena. 8vo. 2s 6d 1744 A different Pamphlet from No. 3724. 3726 ORIGINAL Papers relating to the Expedi- tion of Panama. 8vo, very scarce. 10s 6d 1744 3727 PRESENT State of the Country and Inha- bitants, Europeans and Indians, of Louisiana, on the North Continent of America, by an Officer at New Orleans to his friend at Paris. 8vo. 5s 1744 1745. 3728 COMPENDIO General de las Contribuciones que en particular ocasionan las Mercaderia?, Candales, fratos y efectos que se trafican entre Espana y la America. 4to. 3s Cardiz, 1745 3729 DUMMER(Jer.) Defence of the New Eng- land Charters. 8vo. 3s Boston, 1745 3730 EDWARDS (Jon.) On the Present Revival of Religion in New England, abridged by John Wesley. 12mo. Is 6d 1745 3731 IMPORTANCE of Cape Breton to the Bri- tish Nation humbly represented by Robert Auchmuty, Judge of H.M. Court of Vice Ad- miralty for the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire in New England. Fob, pp.7. 7s 6d 1745 3732 TESTIMONY of a number of New England Ministers met at Boston 25 Sept. 1745, pro- fessing the Ancient Faith of these Churches. 8vo, scarce. 10s 6d Boston, N.E., 1745 1746. 3733 ACCURATE Journal and Account of the Proceedings of the New England Land Forces during the late Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape Breton to the time of the Surrender of Louisbourg. 8vo. 7s 6d 1746 3734 CONSIDERATIONS relating to a New Duty upon Sugar, second edition, with a Sup- plement. 8vo. Is6d 1746 3735 EDWARDS' (Jonathan) Sermon at the In- stalment of the Rev. Sam. Buel as Pastor of the Church at East Hampton, Long Island. 8vo. 5s Boston, 1746 3736 LETTRE a Madame *** sur l'emeute popu- late excitee en la Ville de Cuenca au Peron le 29 d'Aout 1739, contre les Academiciens des Sciences Envoyes pour la mesure de la Terre et Pieces Justificatives. 8vo, folding plate. 2b 6d 3737 ORIGINAL Letters to an Honest Sailor (by Admiral Vernon after he was dismissed, prin- cipally relating to the Expeditions against the Spanish Possessions in America). 8vo. 2s 6d 1746 3738 A LETTER to an eminent British Sailor, occasioned by his " Specimen of Naked Truth." 8vo. 2s 1746 3739 PRINCE (Thomas) Sermon at the South Church in Boston, N. E. on the General Thanks- giving, July 18, 1745, occasioned by taking the City of Louisbourg on the Isle of Cape Breton, by New England Soldiers assisted by a British Squadron. 8vo. 3s 6d 1746 3740 PUBLICK Spirit illustrated in the Life and Designs of the Rev. Thos. Bray, late Minister of St. Botolph without Aldgate (and Commissary of Maryland). Small 8vo. 3s 1746 3741 RIDLEY'S (Glouc.) Sermon before the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia. 4to. 2s 6d 1746 3742 TWO Letters concerning some farther Ad- vantages and Improvements that may seem necessary to be made on the taking and keeping of Cape Breton. 8vo, curious and scarce Tract of 12 pages. 3s 6d 1746 3743 WHITEFIELD (Rev. G.) Sermon at Phila- delphia, Sunday Aug. 24, 1746, on the Suppres- sion of the Rebellion. 8vo. 2s 1746 1747. 3744 CAMPBELL (Alen) Sequel to Bulkeley and Cummin's Voyage to the South Seas, Wreck of the Wager and Sufferings of the Crew. 8vo. 3s 1747 3745 COND AMINE (De la) Succinct Abridgment of a Voyage made within the Inland Parts of South America. 8vo, (no map) 2s — with map, 3s 6d 1747 3746 CONSIDERATIONS relating to the laying any additional Duty on Sugar from the British Plantations. 8vo. Is 1747 3747 PRINCE (Thomas) Sermon at the South Church in Boston Nov. 27, 1746, the Anniver- sary Thanksgiving in the Province of Massa- chusetts Bay in New England, wherein the most remarkable Salvations of the year past, both in Europe and North America, are considered. 8vo. 5s 1747 3748 PRINCE (Thos.) Thanksgiving Sermon in the South Church, Boston, on the Glorious Vic- tory near Culloden. 8vo. 2s 1747 3749 SHORT Description of the American Colo- nies belonging to the Crown of Great Britain, from Bickham's Art of Penmanship. Folio, the text engraved with vignettes, curious. 5s 1747 3750 TENNENTS (Gilb.) the late Association for Defence Encouraged or the lawfulness of a Defensive War, represented in a Sermon at Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1747. 8vo. 5s Philadelphia, W. Bradford 3751 TRYALS of Col. Kirkby, Capt. Wade, &c, at a Court Martial, in Jamaica, for Cowardice, Neglect of Duty, with their Behaviour and Execution. 8vo. 2s 1747 230 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 1748. 3752 LETTER from W. Shirley, Esq., Governor of Massachusets Bay, to the Duke of Newcastle, with a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg. 8vo. 5s 1748 3753 NATIONAL Prejudice opposed to National Interest, candidly considered in the Detention or Yielding up Gibraltar and Cape Breton. Svo. 2s 6d 1743 3754 THE Pr— t— st— of the M— ch— ta of G— B — n against the Pr — , — m— ry A — t— s for a Peace lately signed at A — x la— Ch — pp — le (relating principally to America) 8vo. 2s 1748 3755 REASONS grounded on Facts, Showing that a New Duty on Sugar must fall on the Planter, and probably cause the Desertion of our Sugar Islands. 8vo. Is 1748 3756 STATE of the Trade in the Northern Colonies considered, with an Account of their Produce and a particular Description of Nova Scotia. 8vo. 3s 6d ■ 1748 1749. 3757 ADVANTAGES of the Definite Treaty to the People of Great Britain demonstrated, to which is added a copy of our Treaty of Com- merce with Spain in the year 1715. 8vo. Is 6d 1749 375S BOTH Sides of the Question, or a Candid and Impartial Enquiry into a certain doubtful Character, in a Letter to a General Officer, acquitted by Court Martial. 8vo. 3s n. d. (1749) Relating to the Siege of St. Augustine, Georgia, and S. Carolina. 3759 COPY of a representation of the Board of Trade to the house of Lords, in relation to the Laws made, Manufactures set up, and Trade car- ried on in his Majesty's Plantations in America. Folio. 5s 1749 3760 DEFENCE of Capt Digby Dent, to the Complaint made against him by Rear Admiral Knowles, concerning his behaviour in the Ex- pedition against Saint Jago de Cuba. 8vo. 2a 1749 3761 ENTERTAINMENT for a Winter's Even- ing, beiug a full and true account of a very strange and wonderful sight seen at Boston, 27th Dec, at noon day. 8vo. 5s Boston, G. Rogers, 1749 A Satirical Poem on the Freemasons. Vide Drake's His- tory of Boston, p. C2:>. 3762 REASONS to shew that there is a great probability of a Navigable Passage to the Wes- tern American Ocean through Hudson's Streights and Chesterfield Inlet. 8vo. 5s 1749 3763 SHORT Narrative and Justification of the proceedings of the Committee appointed by the Adventurers to prosecute the discovery of the Passage to the Western Ocean of America, and to opeu and extend the Trade, and settle the Countries beyond Hudson's Bay. Svo. 5s 1749 3764 SHORT State of the Countries and Trade of America, claimed by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, under pretence of a Charter for ever of Lands without bounds or limits, and an exclu- sive trade to those unbounded Seas and Conn- - tries. Svo, scarce. 7s 6d 1749' ' 1750. 3765 BACON's Four Sermons on the Duty of bringing up Slaves in the Knowledge of God, preached in the Church of St. Peter, Talbot County, Maryland. 12mo. 2s 6d 1750 3766 DESCRIPTION of the English and Irish Territories, in North America, with Account of the Great Fall of Niagara, the Five Indian Nations, and 8vo map of Nova Scotia. 5s Dublin, about 1750 With the Leaf containing " Plan of Fort Frederick at Crown Point. " 3767 EPISTLE of Yarico to Inkle, a Poem (founded on the Barbadoes story). 8vo. Is 6d Glasgow, 1750 3768 GENUINE Account of Nova Scotia, its Situation, its Air, Climate, Soil, and Produce, also Rivers, Bays, Harbours, and Fish with which they abound. 8vo. 3s London, 1750 3769 HUME (Sarah, a Quakeress) Exhortation to the Inhabitants of South Carolina. 8vo. 2s 6d Bristol, 1750 3770 MAYHEW's (Rev. Dr. Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church in Boston, New England) Seven Sermons, preached in the West Meeting House. 8vo. 3s 1775 3771 PRINCE (Thomas) Sermon at the South Church in Boston, August 24th, 1749, being the Day of the General Thanksgiving in the Pro- vince of Massachusetts, for the Extraordinary Reviving Rains. Svo. 2s 1750 3772 ROYAL African, or Memoirs of the Young Prince of Annamaboe, Account of his Country and Family, his Elder Brother's Voyage to France, and his Condition while a Slave in Bar- badoes. Svo. 2s 6d (about 1750) 3773 SHOWER (John) Reflections on the Earth- quake in Europe and America. 8vo. Is 1750 3774 TABAGO, or a Geographical Description, Natural and Civil History, with a full Repre- sentation of the Produce, and other Advantages arising from the Fertility, Excellent Harbours, and Happy Situation of that Famous Island. 8vo. 4s Od About 1750 3775 TREATY (the Assent io) concluded and signed at Madrid, 5 Oct. 1750, between two Ministers Plenipotentiaries of their Britannick and Ca- tholic Majesties. 4to. Is 6d 1750 1751. 3776 BACON (Rev. Thos.) Six Sermons, Preached at the Parish Church of St. Peter, in Talbot County, Maryland, on the Duties of Masters, Mistresses, Slaves, &c. Svo. 4s 6d 1751 3777 BARTRAM (John) Observations on the In- habitants, Climate, Soil, Rivers, Productions, and other Matters, in his Travels from Pennsyl- vania to Onondago, Oswego, and the Lake On- tario, and a curious Account of the Cataracts at Niagara, by Peter Kalm. 8vo. plan. 5s 1751 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 231 3778 DISCOURSE concerning the Currencies of the British Plantations in America, especially with regard to their Paper Money. 8vo. 2s fid 3779 EDWARD (Jonathan) Farewell Sermon, Preached at the first Precinct in Northampton, after the People's Public Rejection of their Minister. 8vo. 5s Boston, 1751 3780 HISTOIRE des Pyramydes de Quito elevens, par les Academiciens envoyes sous PEquateur par ordre du Roi. 4to. plate, scarce. 5s 1751 3781 IMPORTANCE of Settling and Fortifying Nova Scotia, with a particular Account of the Climate, Soil, and Native Inhabitants of the Country, by a Gentleman lately arrived from that Colony. 8vo. 3s 6d 1751 1752. 3782 ANSON.— Supplement to Lord Anson's Voyage round the World, by the Abbe" Coyer. 8vo. 2s 1752 3783 DE L'ISLE, Explication de la Carte de Nouvelles Decouvertes, au Nord de la Mer du Sud. 4to. 2s Paris, 1752 3784 MADDOX's (Bishop) Sermon for the Small- Pox Hospital, with a Postscript giving an Ac- count of the Small-Pox and Inoculation at Bos- ton, in New England. 4to. Is 6d 1752 3785 TRIAL of John Peter Zenger, of New York, Printer, for Libel against the Government. 8vo. 3s 1752 1753. 3786 A GENUINE Letter from Mr. John Brainard, a Missionary to the Indians in America, at Bethel, in East Jersey, giving an account of the success of his labours among the Savages. 8vo. 3s 6d 1753 3787 TRYAL of John Barbot, Attorney-at-Law, for the Murder of Mathew Mills, Esq., at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Basseterre, in and for the Island of St. Christopher, Friday, Jan. 5, 1753, before the Hon. Wm. M. Burt, with the Prisoner's narrative. Folio. 5s 1753 3788 VOYAGE to Peru, performed by the Conde of St. Malo, in the years 1745, 6, 7, 8, and 1749 written by the Chaplain. 12mo. 3s 1753 1754. 3789 THE Conduct of the French with regard to Nova Scotia, from its first settlement to the present time. 8vo. 5s 1754 3790 SHORT Account of the Interest and Con- duct of the Jamaica Planters. 8vo (soiled). Is 1754 3791 LETTER from a Russian Sea Officer, con- taining his Remarks upon De L'Isle's Chart, ^,/and Memoir relative to the New Discoveries northward and eastward from Kamtschatka, with some Observations on that Letter, by A. Dobbs, Governor of North Carolina. 8vo. 2s 6d 1754 3792 NORTH American Indians, their Genius, Characters, Customs, and Dispositions towards the French and English nations, to which are added Indian Miscellanies. 8vo, little soiled. 4s (1754) 1755. 3793 LETTER to the People of England on the present situation and conduct of National affairs (relating principally to America). 8vo. 2s 6d 1755 3794 MISCELLANEOUS Essay concerning the courses pursued by Great Britain in the affairs of her Colonies, with some observations on the great importance of our Settlement in America, and the Trade thereof. 8vo. 3s 1755 3795 PRESENT State of North America, &c, part 1 (all published). 4to. 15s 1755 3796 RAZON de lo acaecido en la Cuidad de San Francisco de Quito el dia, 29 de Abril de 1755, hasta el dos de Mayo inclusive. 4to (pp. 4). 3s En Seville, 1755 3797 STATE of the British and French Colonies in North America, with respect to the number of people, forces, forts, Indians, trade and other advantages. 8vo, pp. 190. 7s 6d 1755 1756. 3798 ACCOUNT of the Conference held and Treaties made between Major General Sir Wm. Johnson and the chief Sachems and Warriors of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondages, and eleven other Indian Nations in North America, at Fort Johnson, in Albany County. 8vo. 10s 6d 1756 3799 APPEAL to the sense of the People on the present posture of Affairs, wherein the nature of the late Treaties are enquired into, with regard to M — n — ca, A — r— ca, &c, considered. 8vo. 2s 1756 3800 BELLAMY (Jos., Minister at Bethlem) The Law our School Master, preached at Litchfield, before the Association at Litchfield County. 8vo. 5s New Haven, 1756 3801 CONDUCT of the Ministry impartially Ex- amined, in a Letter to the Merchants of London (chiefly relating to America). 8vo. Is 6d 1756 3802 DAVIES (Samuel) Religion and Patriotism the constituents of a good Soldier, preached to Capt. Overton's Independent Company of Vo- lunteers, raised in Hanover County, Virginia, Aug. 17, 1755. 8vo. 2s 6d 1756 3803 Another edition. 12mo. Is 6d 1756 Speaking of martial spirit, lie says, "As a remarkable instance of this, I may point out to the public that heroic youth, Col. Washington, whom I cannot but hope Providence has hitherto preserved in so signal a manner for some important service to his country." p. 12. 3804 A FOURTH Letter to the People of Eng- land on the conduct of M rs in Alliances, Fleets, and Armies since the first differences on the Ohio. 8vo. 5s 1756 3805 REMARKS on the French Memorials, con- cerning the Limits of Acadia. 8vo, 2 maps. 4s 6d 1756 3806 VOICE of the People, a collection of Ad- dresses to the King and Instructions to Members of Parliament, by their constituents, upon the unsuccessful management of the present War, both by Land and Sea, and the establishment I of a National Militia. 8vo. 2s 1756 23: Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale hy 1757. 3807 LETTERS from the Rev. Samuel Davies, &c, shewing the state of Religion in Virginia. 12mo. 3s 1757 3808 PEMBERTON's (James) Apology for the People called Quakers, published by the meet- ing for sufferings of the said People in Phila- delphia. 8vo. 2s {Philadelphia, 1757) 1758. 3809 ACCOUNT of Two Missionary Voyages, the one to New Jersey in America, the other from America, to the Coast of Guinney. By T. Thompson, Vicar of Reculver, in Kent. 8vo. 2s 1758 3810 RELATION Abrege'e concernant la Repub- lique des Jesuites, etablie dans les Pays et Domaines d'outre Mer (in Paraguay, &c.,) et de la Guerre qu'ils y ont excitee. 12mo. 2s 1758 3811 THEATRE of the present War in North America, with candid reflections on the great importance of the War in that Part of the World. By A. Y , Esq. 8vo. 3s 6d 1758 1759. 3812 BOSTWICK (David) Sermon at Philadel- phia, before the Rev. Synod of New York. 8vo. 2s 6d 1758 3813 BULKLEY (Charles) Sermon preached on occasion of the surrender of Quebec to his Majesty's forces. 8vo. 2s 1759 3814 FLORA Jamaicensis submittet Car-Gust Sandmark. 4to. 2s Upsalice, 1659 3815 MASSIE (J.) State of the British Sugar Colony Trade. 4to. 3s 6d 1759 3816 SMITH (W., Provost of the College, Phila- delphia) Discourses on several public occasions, during the "War in America. 8vo. 2s 1759 3817 SOUTHERNE'S (Thos.) Oroonoko, a Tra- gedy {the scene at Surinam) 8vo. Is 1759 3S18 TOWNLEY (James) Thanksgiving Sermon, for signal successes by Sea aud by Land, parti- cularly the defeat of the FrenchArmy in Canada, and taking of Quebec. 4to. 2s 1759 3819 WINTER (Richard) Thanksgiving Sermon for Signal successes over the French, & taking of Quebec. Svo. Is 6d 1759 1760. 3820 ACCOUNT of the Designs of the Associates of the late Dr. Bray, (for the Concession of the Negros acd founding Libraries in the British Plantations) with an abstract of their proceed- ings. Small 8vo. Is 6d 1760 3821 BELSHAM (Jacobus) Canadia, Ode (in Latin) 4to. 5s Impcnsts Autoris, 1760 3822 DAWSON (Rev Eli) Discourse delivered at Quebec in the Chappel belonging to the Con- vent of the Ursulins, occasioned by the success of our Arms in the reduction of that Capital. 4to. Dedicated to the Mother of General Wolfe. 2s 6d 1760 3823 DEFENCE of the Conduct of Barbadoes, during the late Expedition to Martinique and Guadaloupe. 8vo. 3s 1760 3824 THE Interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her Colonies and the acquisi- tions of Canada and Guadaloupe. (By Dr. Benj. Franklin). 8vo. 3b — Another (without title). Is 6d 1760 3825 Second Edition. 8vo. 3s 1760 3826 JACQUIN (N. J.) Enumeratio Systematica Plantarum quas in Insulis Caribacis Vicinaque Americes, continente detexit novas aut jam Cognita emendavit. Svo. 2s 6d 1760 3827 LETTER to an Hon. Brigadier General (Lord Geo. Townsend) Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in Canada, {no title) 8vo. 2s 1760 Written by Junius six years before the publication of his celebrated Letters, and unknown to all the edi- tors.— See Britton on the Author of Junius, 8vo, London, 184S. 3828 A LETTER addressed to two Great Men, on the Prospect of Peace, and on the Terms neces- sary to be insisted upon in the Negociation. 8vo. Is 6d 1760 3829 REMARKS on the Letter addressed to two Great Men, in a Letter to the Author of that Piece. 8vo. Is 6d (1760) 3830 RELACION fielmente Sacada Sobre los Documentos originates de los meritos politicos y Militares hecho en Europa y America, por Don Jos. Joach, de Viana, en el rio de la Plata. 4to. 7s 6d (about 1760) 3831 WOODWARD (Samuel) Sermon preached October 9tb, 1760, on occasion of the reduction of Montreal and the entire Conquest of Canada, by the troops of his Britannic Majesty, under theCommand of General Amherst. 8vo. 7s 6d Boston, N. E., 1760 1761. 3832 DIRECTIONS for Navigating the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence, with Particular Account of the Bays, Rocks, Shoals, &c, by order of Charles Saunders, Vice-Admiral and Com- mander of the Expedition against Quebec, 1759. 4 to. 3s 6d 1761 3833 GIBBONS (Thos.) Two Discourses on the Decease of Rev. Sam. Davies, President of tbe College of Nassau Hall, New Jersey, to which is added some Memoirs of Mr. Davies, and Ex- tracts from his Letters. Svo. 2s 1761 3834 MEMOIRE Historique sur la Negociation de la France et de l'Angleterre, avec les Pieces Justincatives {relating to the cession of Canada and Louisiana), 4to. 2s 6d 1761 3835 MULLER (S.) Voyages from Asia to Ame- lica, for completing the Discoveries of the North-West Coast of America. 4to, maps. 7s 6d 1761 3836 TV. PENN's Letter to his Wife and Children a little before his First Voyage to America (priuted from tbe London Chronicle, Jan. 1, 1761). 8vo, pp. 8. Is (1761) John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 233 1762. 3837 AUTHENTIC Journal of the Siege of the Havana. By an Officer. 8vo, map and plan. 3s 1762 3838 AN Examination of the Commercial Prin- ciples of the late Negociation between Great Britain and France in 1761, in which the System of that Negociation with regard to our Colonies and Commerce is considered. 8vo. 2s 1762 3839 DIALOGUE on the Christian Sacraments, wherein the Nature and Import of an Atten- dance on them are inquired into, from the Scrip- tures. 8vo. 5s Boston, 1762 By Jos. Bellamy, written on the dismissal of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards from his Pastoral Office, at Northampton. 3840 LETTER to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, the Merchants, Citizens, &c, of the City of London. From an Old Ser- vant. 8vo. Is 6d 1762 Entirely relating to the Trade with America and the West Indies. 3841 LETTER, Her R 1 H s the P s D — w — g — r of. W. on the Approaching Peace {itith France and Settlement of the Colonies). 8vo. Is 6d 1762 3842 PAPERS relative to the Rupture with Spaiu, laid before both Houses of Parliament, 29th Jan., 1762. 4to. 2s 1762 3843 PRELIMINARY Articles of Peace between His Britannick Majesty and the Kings of France and Spain. 4to. Is 6d 1762 3844 SMITH and Jay's Humble Representation for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New York. 4to, pp. 4. 2s 6d 1762 3845 UNFORTUNATE Shipwright, or Cruel Captain, being a Faithful Narrative of the Un- paralleled Sufferings of Robert Barker, in a Voyage to the Coast of Guinea and Antigua. 8vo. 2s 1762 3846 WILLIAMS (Abraham) Sermon at Boston, before the General Court, on the Anniversary Election of Counoellors. 8vo. 2s 6d Boston, 1762 1763. 3847 BELLAMY (Jos., Minister of the Gospel at Bethlem) A Blow at the Root of the Refined An- tinomianism of the Present Age. 8vo. 5s Boston, 1763 3848 BROWN's (J.) Sermon at St. Paul's Ca- thedral, on occasion of the Brief for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New York, with an Address to the Inhabitants of the North American Colonies. 4to. 2s 6d 1763 2849 CASTELFRANC (Gideon) Sermon at St. Andrew's, 2 Septr., 1763, the Day appointed by his Excellency the Governor, " for a General Thanksgiving on Account of the Peace, with the Author's MS. dedication. 4 to. 2s Kingston, Jamaica, 1763 3850 CONSIDERATIONS on the Present Peace, as far as it is relative to the Colonies and the African Trade. 8vo. 2s 1763 3851 REPLY to Mr. Heathcote's Letter from an Honest Man (respecting the Peace with France), in which the Arguments are proved to be de. lusive, and the Facts Untrue. 8vo. Is N. d. (1763) 3852 REVIEW of Mr. Pitt's Administration. 8vo. 2s 1763 3853 REVIEW of Lord Bute's Administration. By the Author of Mr. Pitt's. 8vo. 2s 1763 3854 ROBERT'S (W.) Account of the First Dis- covery and Natural History of Florida, with Par- ticular Detail of the Expedition and Descents made on that Coast. 4to, maps. 10s 6d 1763 3855 Another copy {wanting one of the maps). 6s 1763 3856 SOME Hints to People in Power on the Present Melancholy Situation of our Colonies in North America. 8vo. 2s 1763 3857 TRUE State of the Case in an Address to all the Good People of England, from a Well- wisher to his Country {respecting the negocia- tions with France and Spain about America). 8vo. Is 176 3858 WATSON (Daniel) Sermon preached on oc- casion of the Brief for the American Colleges. 8vo. 2s 6d 1763 3859 WHEELOCK (Eleazor, Pastor of a Church in Lebanon) Plain and Faithful Narrative of the Original Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Indian Charity School, at Lebanon, in Con- necticut, Boston, 1763 ; Continuation of the Narrative. 4to. Hartford, 1775. 2 Tracts, very scarce. 10s 6d 1764. 3860 CONSIDERATIONS which may Tend to Promote the Settlement of our New West India Colonies. By Mr. Young. 8vo. Is 6d 1764 3861 COPY of a Letter from Charles Read, Esq., Chief Justice of New Jersey, to the Hon. John Ladd and his Associates, Justices of the Peace for the County of Gloucester {relating to the Massacre in Lancaster County). 8vo. 5s Philadelphia, A. Stuart {price 3 old Pennies), 1764 3862 NARRATIVE of the Massacres in Lan- caster County of a Number of Indians, Friends of this Province, by Persons Unknown, with some Observations on the Same. 8vo. 5s No place {Philadelphia ?), 1764 3863 DICKINSON (John) Speech in the House of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania. 8vo. 2s 1764 3864 ESSAY on the Trade of the Northern Colonies of Great Britain in North America. 8vo. 2s 1764 3865 ESSAY in Vindication of the Continental Colonies of America from a Censure of Mr. Adam Smith, in his Theory of Moral Senti- ments, with some Reflections on Slavery in General. By an American. 8vo. 2s 6d 1764 3866 ESSAY on the more Common West Indian Diseases, and the Remedies which that Country itself produces. By a Physician in the West Indies. 8vo. 2s 1764 16 2U Pampldets relating to America, on Sale Ly 3867 GRAINGER (Dr. James) The Sugar Cane, a Poem, with Notes, ±to, plate. 3s 1764 3868 MULLER'S Voyages from Asia to America, for Completing the Discoveries of the N. W. Coast of America, with a Summary of the Voyages made by the Russians. Edited by Jeffreys. 4 to, maps. 3s 6d 1764 3869 PROCEEDINGS of a General Court-Martial on a Charge preferred by John Campbell, Esq., against Major Gen. Monckton {relating to trans- actions in the Island of Martinique). 8vo. 2s 1764 3870 REMARKS on an Anonymous Tract, en- titled, " An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observa- tions on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, by Jon. Mayhew, Pastor of the West Church, Boston." 8vo. 2s 6d Boston, 1764 1765. 3871 ACCOUNT of the Late Success of the Gos- pel in the Province of New York, contained in the Letters of Rev. Messrs. Buell, Hazard, and Prime. 8vo. 2s 6d Coventry, 1765 3872 ARGUMENT at a Court of Grand Ses- sions, and Oyer and Terminer in one of his Ma- jesty's Islands. By a Member of the Inner Temple. 4to, privately printed. 2s 1765 3873 CASE of the Canadians, by a Dreadful Fire at Montreal, 18th May, 1765* 8vo. 2s 6d Montreal, 1765 3874 CLAIM of the Colonies to Exemption from Internal Taxe3 imposed by Authority of Parlia- ment, examined. 8vo. 2s 1765 3875 COOPER (William) Doctrine of Predestina- tion, with life explained and vindicated, in Four Sermons, preached at the Church of Christ, in Brattle Street, Boston, in New England. 8vo. Is 6d 1765 3876 CONSIDERATIONS relative to the North American Colonies. 8vo. 2s 1765 3877 DUMMER (Jer.) Defence of the New Eng- land Charters. 8vo. 3s 1765 3878 HISTORY of a Corporation of Servants dis- covered a few years ago in the Interior parts of South America, containing some very surprising events and extraordinary Characters. 8vo. Is6d 1765 £879 THE late Regulations respecting the British Colonies on the Continent of America, con- sidered, (by Mr. Dickinson, of Pennsylvania). 8vo. 2s 1765 3880 MOTIVES for a Subscription towards the Relief of the Sufferers at Montreal in Canada, by a Dreadful Fire, 18 May, 1765. 8vo. 3s 1765 3881 THE Objections to the Taxation of our American Colonies, by the Legislature of Great Britain briefly considered (by Soame Jenyns). 8vo. 2a 1765 3832 T H E Regulations lately made concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes imposed upon them considered, (by Mr. Campbell.) 8vo. 2s— Another, little iwnud. Is 1765 3883 THOUGHTS on a Question of Importance proposed to the Public. 8vo. Is 6d 1765 " Whether the immense extent of Territory acquired in America by this Nation at the late peace will operate towards the prosperity or ruin of Great Britain." 3884 TRIAL of John Peter Zenger, of N. York, Printer, for a Libel against the Government, with Narrative of his case, and Trial of Wm. Owen, Bookseller, near Temple Bar, also charged with publication of the Libel. 8vo. 3s 1765 1766. 3885 ACCOUNT of a late Conference on the occur- rences in America, in a Letter to a Friend. 8vo.. 2s 1766 3886 THE Answer at large to Mr. P— tt's Speech. 8vo. 2s 1766 3887 APPLICATION of some general political rules to the present state of Great Britain, Ire- land, and America, in a letter to Earl Temple. 8vo. 2s 1766 3888 THE Celebrated Speech of a Celebrated Commoner. 8vo. Is 6d 1766 3889 CONSIDERATIONS on the American Stamp Act, and on the Conduct of the Minister who planned it. 8vo. 2s 1766 3890 CONSIDERATIONS on the Propriety of Im- posing Taxes in the British Colonies, for raising a Revenue by Act of Parliament, (by Mr. Be- lancy, of Maryland.) 8vo. 2s 1766 3891 COOK's (James) Directions for Navigating on part of the South Coast of Newfoundland. 4to, (no chart) 3s 1766 3892 CORRECT Copies of the two Protests against the Bill to repeal the American Stamp Act. With lists of the Speakers aiid Voters. Svo. Is 6d Paris, 1766 3893 AN Enquiry into the Conduct of a late Rt. Hon. Commoner (W. Pitt). 8vo. Is 6d 1766 3894 EXAMINATION of the Rights of the Colo- nies, upon Principles of Law, by a Gentleman at the Bar. 8vo. 3s 1766 3895 HUME (Sophia, of South Carolina) Caution to such as observe Days and Times. 8vo. Im- perfect at pages 7 and 8. Is 6d 1766 3896 JONES (Capt.) Wonderful, Surprising, and Uncommon Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Jones to Patagonia, (in verse). 8vo. 3s 1766 3897 JUSTICE and Necessity of Taxing the American Colonies, demonstrated with a vindi- cation of the Authority of Parliament. Svo. 2s 1766 3898 THE Late Occurrences in North America, and Policy of Great Britain considered. 8vo. 2s 1766 3899 LETTER from a Merchant in London to his Nephew in North America, relative to the pre- sent Posture of Affairs in the Colonies. 8vo. 3a 6d 1766 3900 LIST of the Minority in the House of Com- mons who Voted against the Bill to Repeal the American Stamp Act. Svo. Is 6d Paris, 1766 John ftussell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 235 3901 L E T T E R to the North American, on occasion of his Address to the Committee of Correspondence in Barbadoes. By a Native of the Island. 8vo. 3s 6d Barbadoes, 1766 3902 M (J.) Legislative Authority of the British Parliament, with respect to North America, and the Privileges of the Assemblies there, briefly considered. 8vo. 3s 1766 3903 MAYHEW (Rev. Dr. Jonathan) Discourse at the West Church of Christ, in Boston, on his Decease. By Ebenezer Gay. 8vo. 2s 6d Boston, 1766 3904 MELANCHOLY Narrative of the Distress- full Voyage and Miraculous Deliverance of Capfc. David Harrison, of the "Sloop Peggy," of New York, on his Voyage from Fayal, one of the Western Islands, to New York, written by him- self. 8vo. 5s 1766 3905 POLITICAL Debates. 8vo. Is 6d R Paris (i. e.) London, 1766 pon the whole, I will beg leave to tell the House what is really my opinion. It is, that the Stamp Act be repealed absolutely, totally, and immediately. — The Great Commoner, Motto on title page. PROTEST against the Bill to Repeal the American Stamp Act of last Session. 8vo. 2s Paris, 1766 3907 SECOND Protest, with a list of the Voters against the Bill to Repeal the Stamp Act. 8vo. Is 6d ib. 1766 SHORT History of the Conduct of the Pre- sent Ministry with regard to the American Stamp Act. 8vo. 2s 1766 3909 SPEECH of Mr. P— and Several others in a certain August Assembly, on a late important debate. 8vo. Is 6d —6Q 3910 FOUR Dissertations on the Reciprocal Ad- vantages of Perpetual Union between Great Britain and her American Colonies, written for Mr. Sargent's Prize Medal. 8vo. 3s 6d 1766 3911 TRUE Interest of Great Britain with respect to her American Colonies, stated and impartially considered. By a Merchant of London. 8vo. 2s 1766 1767. 3912 AUTHENTIC Account of the Proceedings of the Congress held at New York, in 1765, on the Subject of the American Stamp Act. 8vo. 3s 1767 3913 BENEZET'S (Ant.) Caution to Gt. Britain and her Colonies on the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. 8vo. 2s 6d 1767 3914 CONDUCT of the late Administration Re- lative to the American Stamp Act Examined, with Appendix containing Original and Au- thentic Documents, ovo, pp. 214. 3s 1767 3915 DOSSIE (R.) Observations on the Potash brought from America, with Respect to its Goodness, Sophistication, &c, Verified by Ex- perimental Examination. 8vo. Is 1767 3916 EXAMINATION of Dr. Benj. Franklin Re- lative to the Appeal of the American Stamp Act in 1766. 8vo. 4s 6d 1767 3917 LETTRE au Docteur Maty, Secretaire dela Societie Royale de Londres sur les Geants Patagons. 12mo. 2s 6d Bruxelles, 1767 3918 LEWIS (W.) Experiments and Observations on American Potashes, with an Easy Method of Determining their Respective Qualities. 8vo. Is 1767 3919 TWO Papers on the Subject of Taxing the British Colonies in America. 8vo. 2s 1767 1768. 3920 BEATTY (Charles) Journal of a two months' Tour, with a View of Promoting Religion among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pensylvania. 8vo. 3s 6d 1768 3921 BYRON's (Lord) Narrative of the Great Distresses of Himself and Companions on the Coast of Patagonia. 8vo. 2s 1768 3922 CARTA Pastoral que el illo Senor Doctor D. Diego Rodriguez Rivas obispo de la Cuidad de Gundalajara en el nuevo regno de Galicia escribio a su clero secular y regular Encargandole el complimiento de su oblizacion en la ensenanza de la Doctrina de Christe en el Pulpito y los Confesionarios y el Exercicio de la Cuidad con los pobres y personas miserables. 4 to. 5s Madrid, 1768 3923 CARTA Pastoral del Illustrisimo Senor D. Miguel Anselmo Alvarez de Abreu y Valdes, Obispo de Antequera en el Valle de Oaxaca. 4to. 3s Madrid, 1768 3924 CONTINUED Corruption, Standing Armies and Popular Discontents considered, and the Establishment of the English Colonies in America, with various Subsequent Proceedings, and the present contests Examined (by W. Bollan). 4to. 3s 6d ' 1768 3925 Another Copy, with the fine front. designed by Cipriani and engraved by Bartolozzi. 4to. 5s 1768 3926 LETTERS from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, by Mr. Dickinson, of Philadelphia, with a Preface by the English Editor. 8vo. 2s Lon., 1768 3927 SHUTE (Daniel) Sermon Preached before Governor Bernard, etc., and House of Represen- tatives of the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay, May, 25, 1768, the Anniversary for the Election of His Majesty's Council for that Province. 8vo. 2s 6d Boston, New England, 17 '68 3928 SMITH (Josiah) Substance of Five Short Sermons contracted into one, Delivered 1760 at Charlestown, South Carolina. 8vo. 2s 6d Charlestown, 1768 3929 VOYAGES d'un Philosophe ou Observations sur les Moeurs et les Arts des Peuples de l'Afrique de l'Asie et de l'Amerique. 12mo. 2s a Yverden, 1768 3930 TRUE Sentiments of America, in a Collec- tion of Letters sent from the House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, with Papers relating to a supposed Libel on the Governor of that Province. 8vo. 3s 6d 1768 23G Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 3932 WHITEFIELD (G.) Letter to Governor Wright, giving an Account of the Steps taken Relative to the Converting the Georgia Orphan- House into a College, with the Literary Corre- spondence upon that Subject between the Abp. of Canterbury and Mr. Whitefield. 8vo. 3s 6d 1763 1769. 3933 AMERICAN Traveller, or Observations on the Present State, Culture, and Commerce of the British Colonies in America, by an Old and Experienced Traveller (Alex. Cluny). 4to, front, and map. 15s 1769 3934 APPEAL to the World, or a Vindication of the Town of Boston from many false and malicious aspertions contained in certain Letters and Memorials, by Governor Bernard, &c. 8vo. 2s 6d 1769 3935 BANCROFT (Edward) Essay on the Natural History of Guiana. 8vo. 3s 6d 1769 3936 BARTRAM (John) Description of East Florida. 4to, map, large and uncut copy. 10s 6d 1769 3937 BLAND (Richard, of Virginia) Enquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies, intended as an answer to " the Regulations lately made con- cerning the Colonies and the Taxes Imposed upon them Considered." 8vo. 2s 6d 1769 3938 CASE of Great Britain and America, addressed to the King and both Houses of Parliament. 8vo. 2s 1769 3939 CONTINUATION^ of the Narrative of the Indian Charity School in Lebanon, Connecticut, New England.founded and carried on by the Rev. Dr. EleazerWheelock. 8vo(cm« close). 2s 6d 1769 3940 THE Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, reviewed. 8vo, pp. 262. 3s 1769 3941 KNOX (W., Under Secretary of State for American Affairs) Present State of the Nation, with Respect to its Trade, Finances, etc., with Appendix (treating incidentally of the American Colonies). 8vo. 2s 6d 1769 3942 LETTERS to the Earl of Hillsborough from Governor Bernard, General Gage, and his Ma- jesty's Council for the Province of Massachu- setts Bay. 8vo. 3s 6d 1769 3943 LETTER to Rt. Hon. Earl of H— b— h (Hillsborough) on the present situation of affairs in the Island of Gr— n— da (Grenada). 8vo. 2s 6d 1769 3944 OBSERVATIONS on several Acts of Par- liament passed in the 4th. 6th, and 7th Years of his Majesty's Reign, and also on the Conduct of the Officers of the Customs since, and Board of Commissioners appointed to reside in America. Published by the Merchants of Boston. 4to. 6s 6d Boston, 1769 3945 REFUTATION of a False Aspersion first thrown out upon Saml. Vaughan, Esq., in the Public Ledger of the 23rd August, 1769, and since that time industriously propagated with an intent to injure him in the eye of the Public (relating to Jamaica). 8vo. Is 6d 1769 3946 St. CHRISTOPHERS.— Petition & Remon- strance of W. Wharton, Jos. King, W. Feuille- tean, Aretus Akan, Christr. Mardenbrough, sen., Anthony Bryan, and Henry Seaton, Esqs., to bis Excellency W. Woodley, Capt. General and Governor in Chief of H.M. Leeward Charibee Islands in America. Folio. 4s 6d (St. Christopher's), 1769 3947 SECKER (Bishop) Letter to Rt. Hon. Ho- ratio Walpole, concerning Bishops in America. 8vo. Is 6d 1769 3948 SMITH (W., Provost of the College and Aca- demy of Philadelphia) Some Account of the Cor- poration for the Relief of the Widows and Chil- dren of Clergymen in the Communion of the Church of England in America, with Copy of their Charters, and Sermon preached in Christ Church,Philadelphia. 4to. 6s Philadelphia, 1769 3949 THREE Tracts respecting the Conversion and Instruction of the Free Indians and Negro Slaves in the Colonies. 8vo. 2s N.D., about 1769 3950 VINDICATION of the British Colonies, by James Otis, Boston. 8vo. 3s 1769 1770. 3951 ACCOUNT of the Designs of the Associ- ates of the late Dr. Bray, with an Abstract of their Proceedings (for Promoting the Gospel in America). 8vo. Is 6d 1770 3952 APPEAL to the World, or Vindication of the Town of Boston from many False and Ma- licious Aspersions in certain Letters and Me- morials written by Governor Bernard, General Gage, etc., published by order of the Town 8vo. 7s 6d 1770 3953 AUTHENTIC Copy of Lord Ch m's Speech in the Ho— se of L — ds in Eng — nd in the D— e on the Present State of the Nation, Nov. 22, 1770. 8vo. 2s 3954 CRITICAL Commentary on Archb. Seeker's Letter to the Rt. Hon. Horatio Walpole, con- cerning Bishops in America. 8vo. 3s 6d 1770 3955 DOYLE (W.) Some Account of the British Dominions beyond the Atlantic, containing chiefly what is most interesting and least known, particularly about the North West Passage. 8vo, map. 6s 6d (1770) 3956 EXTRACT of a Letter from a Gentleman in Jamaica to his Friend in London. 8vo. It 3957 IMPORTANCE of the British Dominions in India compared with that in America. 12mo. 2s 1770 3658 NARRATIVE of the Proceedings upon the Complaint against Governor Melvill (of Gren- ada). 8vo, pp. 131. 5s 1770 3659 OBSERVATIONS of the Merchants at Bos- ton, in New England, upon several Acts of Parliament made in the 4th, 6th, and 7th Year? of his Majesty's Reign, respecting American' Commerce and Revenue, and their Military aud ; Civil Execution. 8vo, privately printed. 3s 177C 3960 Another edition. 8vo. 2s London, G. Kearsley, 177( John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 2'67 3961 KNOX (Hugh, Minister of the Gospel in the Island of Saba, in the West Indies) Letter to Rev. Jacob Green, of New Jersey, pointing out some of the Difficulties in the Calvinistic Scheme of Divinity, 8vo. 2s 1770 3962 PITTMAN (Capt. Phillip) Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississipi, with description of that River. 4to, plans, &c. 12s 1770 3963 PROCEEDINGS of the Council and House of Representatives of the Province of the Mas- sachusetts Bay, relative to the convening, hold- ing, and keeping the general assembly, at Har- vard College. 8vo. 3s Boston, 1770 3964 REFLECTIONS, Moral and Political, on Great Britain and her Colonies (by Capt. Matt. Wheelock). 8vo. 3s 1770 3965 St. CHRISTOPHER.— Argument or Speech of John Gardiner, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, who stood committed by the pretended assembly of this Island for a pretended contempt. 8vo. 3s 6d St. Christopher, 1770 3966 SHORT Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, perpetrated by Soldiers of the 29th Regiment quartered there, with some observa- tions on the state of things prior to that Catastrophe. 8vo, plate. 10s 6d 1770 3967 ADDITIONAL observations to a short nar- rative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, perpe- trated 5 March, 1770, printed by order of the Town of Boston. 8vo. 3s 1770 3968 A FAIR Account of the late unhappy dis- turbances at Boston, in New England, with an Appendix containing some affidavits and other evidence relating to this affair, not mentioned in the Narrative of it published at Boston. 8vo, pp. 31. 10s 6d London, 1770 3969 VIAUD (Pierre) Naufrage et aventures {on the Coast of Florida). 12mo. 3s Bordeaux, 1770 1771. 3970 THOUGHTS on the late Transactions re- specting Falkland Islands. 8vo. 2s 6d 1771 3971 HENLEY (S.) Sermon at Williamsburg, May 5, 1771, for the Benefit of a Fund to sup- port the Widows and Orphans of Clergymen in Virginia. 4to. 2s 6d Williamsburg, 1771 3972 PARSON's (Jona., Minister of the Presbyte- rian Church, Netvbury Port) Funeral Sermon on the death of the Rev. Geo. Whitefield. 8vo 2s 1771 3973 PEMBERTON (Ebenezer) Sermon, at Bos- ton, on the sudden and lamented Death of Rev. George Whitefield, with an Elegiac Poem on his death, by Phillis, a Negro Girl of 17 years of age, belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley, of Boston. 8vo. 2s 1771 1772. 3974 ATLANTIC Pilot. 8vo, maps. 3s 1772 3975 CASE of Mr. John Gordon, with respect to the Title to certain Lands in East Florida, pur- chased of his Catholic Majesty's subjects by him and Mr. Jesse Fish. 4to, plan, privately fritted. 7s 6d 1772 3976 CONSIDERATIONS on the Negro Cause, commonly so called, addressed to Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, by a West Indian. 8vo. 2s 1772 3977 HARGRAVE's Argument in the Case of Jas. Sommersett, a Negro, determined by the Court of King's Bench, with a state of the Case. 8vo. 2s 1772 In tlic case of Somersett it was decided that every Negro was tree when he landed in England. 3978 HENLEY (S., Professor in William and Mary College) Sermon preached before the House of Burgesses, at Williamsburg in Vir- ginia. 4to. 3s Cambridge, 1772 3979 MA SERES (Francis) Collection of several Commissions and other Public instruments rela- ting to the State of the Province in Quebec since the conquest of it by the British Arms in 1760. 4to, scarce. 16s 1772 3980 PLAN for the Abolition of Slavery in the West Indies. 4to, 3s 6d 1772 3981 POSTLETHVVAYTE (Malachy) National and Private Advantages of the African Trade Considered {chiefly on the advantages of the Slave Trade). 8vo, map. 2s 1772 3982 THOUGHTS upon Liberty, by an English- man. 12mo. Is 1772 There are many nations in America, those particularly that border on Georgia and Carolina, wherein if one disapproves of what another says, or perhaps dislikes his looks, he scorns to affront him before his face, neither does he betray the least dissatisfaction. But as soon as opportunity serves, he steps from behind a tree and shoots him, and none calls him that does it to an account. 3983 VOTES and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting Assembled, according to Law (published by order of the Town), to which is prefixed as Introductory, an Attested Copy of a Vote of the Town at a Preceding Meeting. 8vo, very scarce. £1. Is Boston, 1772 1773. 3984 ADVANTAGES of a Settlement upon the Ohio in North America. 8vo. 5s 1773 3985 AUTHENTIC Papers relative to the Expe- dition against the Charibbs, and Sale of Lands in the Island of St. Vincent. 4to. 4s 6d 1773 3986 CASE of the Scotch Presbyterians of the City of New York. 8vo. 2s 6d New York, 1773 3987 DE CHAMPIGNY (Le Colonel Chevalier) La Louisiane ensanglantee avec toutes les Par- ticularites de cette horrible Catastrophe. 8vo. 10s 6d 1773 3988 ESTTWICK (Samuel, Assistant Agent for the Island of Barbadoes) Considerations on the Negroe Cause, commonly so called, addressed to Lord Mansfield. 8vo. 2s 1773 3989 LETTER from Mr. Dalrymple to Dr Hawkesworth, occasioned by some Groundless Imputations in his Account of the late Voyages to the South Sea. 4to, map. 2s 6d 1773 See Rich's Bibliotheca, vol i. p. 193. 3990 MEMORIAL of Peter Livius, Esq., one of His Majesty's Council for the Province of New Hampshire in New England, to the Lords Com- missioners for Trade and Plantations, with the Governor's Answer and Memorialist's Reply. 8vo. 5s 1773 238 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale hy 3991 MEMORIALISTS Reply. 8vo. 5a 1773 3992 Another copy, wanting title. 8vo. 2s 3993 WHEATLEY (Phfflis, Ntgro Servant to Mr. John Whcatlcy, of Boston in New England) Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. 8vo, portrait, edges uncut. 7s 6d 1773 1774. 8994 ADDRESS to Protestant Dissenters on the State of Public Liberty in General and of Ame- rican Affairs in particular. 8vo. Is 1774 S?9o APPEAL to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the present Disputes with America, by an old Member of Parliament {Mr. Glover). 8vo. 2s 1774 AMERICAN (The) Querist, or some Ques- tions proposed relative to the present Disputes between Great Britain and her American Colo- nies, by a North American. 8vo. 3s New York, 1774 This pamphlet on the 8th day of September last, was in fall conclave of the sons of liberty in New York, committed to the flames bj* the hands of the common executioner, as it contains some queries they cannot, and others they will not answer.— Note an title. 3997 AMERICAN Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain, or Arguments to Prove that not only in Taxation, but in Trade, Manu- factures and Government, the Colonies are en- titled to an Entire Independency on the British Legislature, with Notes on the Boston and Que- bec Acts, and Full Justification of the People of Boston. 8vo. 4s 1774 3998 ANSWER to Considerations on certain Po- litical Transactions of the Province of South Carolina. 8vo. 3s Gd 1774 3999 APPEAL to the Public, Stating and Con- sidering the Objections to the Quebec Bill. 8vo. 3s 1774 4000 AN ARGUMENT in Defence of the Exclu- sive Right claimed by the Colonies to Tax themselves, to which is added an Account of the Rise of the Colonies. 8vo. 3s 1774 4000*ASSOCIATION, etc. of the Delegates of the Colonies at the Grand Congress held at Phi- ladelphia, Sept. 1, 1774, Versified and adapted to Music, calculated for Grave and Gay Dispo- sitions, with Introduction, by Bob Jingle, Esq., Poet Laureat to the Congress. 8vo, scarce and curious. 5s 1774 4001 BERNARD {Governor at Boston) Select Let- ters on the Trade and Government of America, and the Principles of Law and Polity applied to the American Colonies, with Petition of the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay against the Governor, his Answer and Order of the King in Council thereon. 8vo. 3s 6d 1774 4002 CONSIDERATIONS on Certain Political Transactions of the Province of South Carolina, containing a View of the Colony Legislatures (under the Description of that of Carolina in Particular) with Observations shewing their Resemblance to the British Model. 8vo. 5s 1774 4003 CONSIDERATIONS on the Measures car ing on with Respect to the British Colonies North America, by Matthew Robinson. 2s 6d 4004 Second Edition, with Additions and an Appendix. 8vo, 3s 6d, 1774; Another, little wormed. 2s 4005 THE Congress Canvassed, or an Examina- tion into the Conduct of the Delegates at their Grand Convention in Philadelphia, Sept. 1st, 1774. 8vo. 3s No Place, 1774 4006 DEBATES at the Robin Hood Society, in the City of New York, on Monday Night, 19th July, 1774. 8vo. 5s New York, 1774 4007 DYING NEGRO (The) a Poetical Epistle fi-om a Black who Shot himself on Board a Vessel in the River Thames, to his intended Wife. 4to. 5s 1774 With many MS. alterations and additions, probably by the author (Thomas Day), being a presentation to J. Buckland. 4008 AN EPISTLE from Our (the Quakers) Yearly Meeting held at Philadelphia. Folio, 4 pp. 2a 1774 4009 ESSAY (by the Pennsylvanian Farmer) on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies, with the Resolves of the Com- mittee for the Province of Pennsylvania (by John Dickinson, of Philadelphia). 8vo. 2s 6d Philadelphia, 1774 4010 EXTRACTS from the Votes and Pro- ceedings of the American Continental Congress held at Philadelphia, 5th Sept., 1774. 8vo. Is 6d 1774 4011 FRIENDLY Address to all Reasonable Americans, on the Subject of our Political Con- fusions, in which the necessary consequences of violently opposing the King's Troops are fairly stated. 8vo. Is 6d 1774 4012 FUNERAL Sermon by Francis Gilbert, at St. John's, Antigua, on the Death of Nath. Gilbert, Esq. of the said Island. 4to. 4s Antigua, 1774 4013 THE Interest of the Merchants and Manu- factures of Great Britain in the Present Contest with the Colonies Stated and Considered. 8vo. 2s 1774 4014 JAY (Sir James, M.D.) Letter to the Univer- sities of Oxford and Cambridge, and in respect to the Collection made for the Colleges of New York and Philadelphia. 8vo. 2s 6d 1774 4015 JOHNSTONE'S (Gov.) Snreoh on the Ques- tion of recommitting the Address declaring the Colony of Massachusetts Bay in Rebellion. 8vo. 2s 1774 4016 JUSTICE and Policy of the late Act of Par- liament for making more effectual Provision for the Government of Quebec, asserted and proved. 8vo. 3s 1774 4017 A LETTER from a Virginian of the members of the Congress, to be held at Philadelphia, Sept. 1st, 1774. 8vo. 5s Boston, Printed in the Year 1774 4018 Another Edition. 3a London, 1774 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Squw% London, 239 4019 LETTERS of Governor Hutchinson & Lieut. Gov. Oliver, printed at Boston, and remarks thereon, with the substance of Mr.Wedderburn's Speech. 8vo. 3a 1774 4020 LETTERS from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, (by Dickinson). 8vo. 2s 1774 " My Lord Hillsborough mentioned the Farmer's Let- ters to me, said he had read them, that they were well written, and he believed he could guess who was the author, looking in my face at the same time, as if he thought it was me. He censured the doc- trines as extremly wild, &c. I have read them as far as No. 8 : I know not if any more have been pub- lished. I shoidd have thought they had been writ- ten by Mr Delancy, not having heard of the others you point out as .joint authors ;" then follow some remarks, and giving his opinion that the British Goyernment should make no Laws at all for the Colonies, and recommending a relationship similar to that of Scotland before the Union. — FranJdin's Letter to his Son, Memoirs, vol. Hi. r>. 306, March, 1768. 4021 LETTER to a Member of Parliament, on the Present unhappy dispute between Great Britain and her Colonies. 8vo. 2s 1774 4022 LETTER (A) to the Earl of Chatham, on the Quebec Bill. 8vo. 3s 1774 4023 LETTER from Thomas Lord Lyttleton to W. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, on the Quebec Bill. 8vo. 3s 6d Boston, 1774 4024 Second London Edition. 8vo. (stained) Is 1774 4025 MAUDUIT's (Israel) View of the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo, Second Edition, with the Original Charter of King Charles I, never before printed. 3s 1774 4026 MIDDLETON (H.) A clear Idea of the genuine and uncorrupted British Constitution, in an address to the Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, from the 49 Delegates in the Conti- nental Congress at Philadelphia. 8vo. 3s 6d 1774 4027 PHIPPS (Commodore) and Lutwidge (Capt.) Journal of a Voyage for making Discoveries towards the North Pole, and Account of the several Voyages for Discovery of a North-East Passage to China and Japan. 8vo, maps. Is 6d 1774 4028 PLAN of a proposed Union between Great Britain and the Colonies. 8vo. 2s Ncio York, 1774 4029 POOR (The) Man's advice to his poor Neigh- bours, a Ballad to the tune of Chevy Chace. 8vo. 3s New YorJc, 1774 4030 QUINCY (Josiah) Observations on the Act of Parliament called the Boston Port-Bill, with thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. 8vo. 3s Boston, 1774 4031 REPORT of the Lords Committees ap- pointed to Enquire into the several proceedings in the Colony of Massachusets Bay, in opposi- tion to the Sovereignty of his Majesty over that Province, and also what hath passed in the House of Lords, relative thereto from the first of January, 1764. Folio, rare. £1. Is Eyre $* Strahan, King's Printers, 1774 4032 REPORT of the Lords Committees to En- quire into the several proceedings in the Colony of Massachusets Bay, in opposition to the Sovereignty of the King. 8vo. 5s 1774 4033 RIGHT of the British Legislature to tax the American Colonies vindicated, and means of asserting the right proposed. 8vo. 2s 1774 4034 SPEECH of Lord Mansfield in the Cause of Campbell against Hall, respecting the King's Letters Patent for raising a Duty of 4.^ per cent, on all Exports from the Island of Grenada. 8vo. Is 6d 1774 4035 SPEECH (A) Intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo. Is 6d 1774 4036 ST^EHLIN's Account of the New Northern Archipelago, lately discovered by the Russians in the Seas of Kamtschatka and Anadir, with the Narrative of the Adventures of Four Rus- sian Sailors who were cast away on the desert Island of Spitzbergen. 8vo, map. 3s 6d 1774 This narrative of the Russian Sailors has been referred to by several writers on Sir John Franklin's Expedi- tion, as showing the provender likely to be found in high latitudes for the preservation of life. 4037 STiEHLIN (Von) Das von den Russen in den Jahren, 1765, 6, 7, ent-dekte Nordliche Insil Meer zwischen Kamtschatka und Norda. merika. Small 8vo, map. 2s 6d Stuttgart, 1774 4038 SUMMARY View of the Rights of British America set forth in some resolutions intended for the inspection of the present delegates of the People of Virginia, now in convention, by a native and member of tho House of Bur- gesses. 8vo. 2s 6d 1774 4039 THE Thoughts of a Traveller upon our Ame- rican disputes (by SirW. Draper). 8vo. 2s 6d 1774 4040 TRUE State of the proceedings in Parlia- ment, and in the Province of Massachusetts Bay relative to the giving and granting the money of the people of that Province, and of all Ame- rica in the House of Commons, in which they are not represented. Folio (incomplete after page 22) 2s London, n. d. (1774) 4041 TUCKER (Josiah) Four Tracts, with Two Sermons on Political (American) and Commer- cial Subjects. 8vo. 2s Gloucester, 1774 4042 TUCKER (Josiah) Tract V. The respective pleas and arguments of the Mother Country & of the Colonies, second edition. 8vo. 2s 6d Gloucester, 1774 4043 TUCKER (Nathaniel) Tho Bermudian, a Poem. 4to. T2s 1774 4044 YARICO to Inkle, a Poem. By a Young Gentleman of Trinity College, Dublin. 8vo, Is 6d Dublin, 1774 1775. 4045 ACT of Parliament, offering Rewards of £20,000 for the North Passage, and £5000 for approaching the North Pole. Folio. Is 1775 4046 ALM (Jacob) Planteo Surinamensis. 4to. plate. 2s Upsal,1775 2J40 Pamphlets relating to Ainericd, on Male by 4050 Another Copy, without map. 4047 THE ADDRESS of the People of Great | Britain to the Inhabitants of America. (Said to be written by Sir J. Dalrymplc, and printed at the public expense for distribution in America.) 8vo. Is 6d 1775 4048 ADDRESS to the Right Honourable L— d M — sf — d, in which the Measures of Government respecting America, are Considered in a New Light, with a view to his Lordship's Interposi- tion therein. 8vo. 3s 1775 4049 AMERICAN Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain, with Copious Ap- pendix, and Letter to Burke controverting his Principles of American Government. 8vo. 6s 6d 1775 With a map dividing America into 19 States, with their names and boundaries. 8vo. 4s 1775 4051 APPEAL to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the present Dis- putes with America, by an old Member of Par- liament. Svo. 2s 1775 4052 SECOND Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People on the Measures respecting America by the Author of the First. 8vo. 2s 1775 4053 AUTHENTIC Papers from America, sub- mitted to the Dispassionate Consideration of the Public. 8vo. 2s 1775 4054 BARRINGTON (Dames) The Probability of reaching the North Pole Discussed, with Sup- plement. 4to. Is 6d 1775 4055 BARRIXGTONs additional Instances of Navigators who have reached high Northern Latitudes. 4to. Is 1775 4056 BRIEF Extract, or a Summary of Important Arguments advanced by some Distinguished Writers, in support of the Supremacy of the British Legislature, and their Right to Tax the Americans, by a Liveryman. 8vo. 2s 6d 1775 4057 BURKE (Edmund) Speech on Moving his Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies. March 22, 1775. 4to. Is 1775 4058 Another Edition. 8vo. Is 1775 4059 Another Edition. 8vo. Is Dublin, 1775 4060 BURKE (Edmund) Speech on American Taxation, April 19, 1774. 4to. Is 6d 1775 4061 BURKE's (Edmund) Speech on American Taxation, April 19, 1774. 8vo. Is 1775 4062 ANSWER to the Printed Speech of Edm. Burke, April 19, 1774. 8vo, pp. 222. 2s 6d 1775 4063 LETTER to Edmund Burke, controverting the Principles of American Government, as laid down in his Speech, 19 April, 1774. 8vo. 2s 1775 4064 LETTER to Edmund Burke, M.P. for Bristol, and Agent for the Colony of New York, in answer to his printed Speech, said to be spoken in the House of Commons, March 22, 1775, by Dean Tucker. 8vo. 1b 6d 1775 4065 BURNABY (Rev. Andrew) Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, in 1759 & 1760, with Observations upon the state of the Colonies. 4to. 4s 6d 1775 4066 Second Edition. 8vo. 4s 6d 1775 4067 CANDID Examination of the Mutual claims of Great Britain and the Colonies, with a plan of Accommodation on Constitutional Principles. 8vo. 3s New York, 1775 4068 CLARKE (Lt. John) Impartial and Authen- tic Narrative of the Battle fought 17 June, 1775, between His Britannic Majestie's Troops and the American Provincial Army, on Bunker's Hill. 8vo. 4s 6d 1775 4069 COMMON SENSE, iu Nine Conferences between a British Merchant and a Caudid Mer- chant of America, in their Private Capacities aa Friends. 4to. 4s 6d 1775 4070 A COMPLAINT to the of , against a Pamphlet entitled, " A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay." Svo. Is 6d 1775 4071 CONCISE Historical Account of all the British Colonies of North America, Compre- hending their Rise, Progress, and Modern State, particularly of the Massachusetts Bay, (the Seat of the present Civil War) together with the other Provinces of New England. 8vo. 3s 1775 4072 CONSIDERATIONS on the state of the Coffee Trade. 4to. 2s 1775 4073 COOMBE (Thos.) Sermons at Christ Church and St, Peter's, Philadelphia, 20th July, 1775, the day recommended by the Continental Con- gress for a General Fast. 8vo. 2s 6d Philadelphia, 1774 4074 CURE for the Spleen, or Amusement for a Winter's Evening, being the Substance of a Con- versation on the Times, over a Friendly Tankard aud Pipe, taken in Short-hand by Sir Roger de Coverly. 8vo. 6s 6d America, Printed and sold in tJie year 1775 4075 CUTTINGS from Newspapers relating to America, 1775 to 1793, laid down on 4to paper. 2s 4076 DECLARATION by the Representatives of the General Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of taking up Arms. Svo. Is 6d 1775 4077 DUCHE's Duty of Standing fast in our Liberties, a Sermon before the first Battalion of the City of Philadelphia. 8vo. Is 6d 1775 4078 FRIENDLY Address to all Reasonable Americans on the Subject of our Political Con- fusions, in which the Necessary Consequences of violently opposing the King's Troops and of a general Non-importation are fairly stated. Svo. 3s Dublin, 1775 4079 FURNEAUX (Philip) Sermon at Salter's Hall, for Propagating Christian Knowledge in the Highlands and Islands, and for spreading the Gospel among the Indians in America. 8vo. 2s 1775 4080 GORDON'S (W., Pastor in Roxhury) Dis- course, Dec. 15, 1774, being the Day recom- mended by the Provincial Congress. Syo. 2s 6d 1775 John Mussell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 241 4081 GORDON (Win., Pastor of the Third Church in Roxbury) Sermon before the House of Repre- sentatives on the Day intended for the Choice of Counsellors agreeable to the Advice of the Continental Congress. 8vo. 5s Watertov.n, 1775 4082 HARTLEY (David) Speech and Motions in the House of Commons, 27 March, 1775, with Draught of a Letter of Requisition to the Colo- nies. 8vo. 2s 1775 4083 HISTORY of American Taxation, from 1763 to the end of the last Session. 8vo. 2s 6d Dublin, 1775 4084 JOHNSON'S (Dr. Samuel) Taxation no Tyranny, or an Answer to the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress. 8vo. 2s 1775 4085 ANSWER to a Pamphlet entitled " Taxa- tion no Tyranny," addressed to the Author and to persons in power. 8vo. 2s 1775 4086 TYRANNY Unmasked, an Answer to a Pamphlet entitled " Taxation no Tyranny." 8vo. 2s 1775 4087 TAXATION Tyranny, addressed to Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 8vo. 2s 1775 4088 JOURNAL of the Proceedings of the Con- gress held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5th, 1774, with authentic copy of the Petition to the King. 8vo. 2s 1775 4089 LETTER to Lord Camden on the Bill for restraining the Trade and Fishery of the Four Provinces of New England. 8vo. 2s 6d 1775 4090 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Lord M on the Affairs of America, from a Member of Par- liament. 8vo. 2s 6d 1775 4091 LYTTLETON (Lord) Speech in the House of Lords for Repeal of the Canada Bill. 4to. Is 6d 1775 4092 MACAULAY's (Catherine) Address to the People of England, etc., on the present Impor- tant Crisis of .Affairs (with America). 8vo. 2s 1775 4093 LORD MANSFIELD's Speech in the Cause of Campbell against Hill, respecting the Duty of 4g per cent, on all Exports from the Island of Grenada. Svo. Is 6d 1775 4094 MOTIONS made in the House of Commons 27th March, 1775, together with a Draught of a Letter of Requisition to the Colonies. 4to. 3s 6d (1775) 4095 PLAIN State of the Argument between Great Britain and her Colonies. 8vo. Is 6d 1775 4096 PLAN offered by the Earl of Chatham to the House of Lords for settling the Troubles in America, which was not suffered to lie upon the Table. Folio. 3s 1775 4097 Another edition. 4to. 2s 1775 4098 A PROPOSITION for the Present Peace and Future Government of the British Colonies in North America. 8vo. Is 6d 1775 4099 THE Plea of the Colonies on the Charges brought against them by Lord M d and others 8vo. Is 6d 1775 4100 REMARKS on the Principal Acts of the 13th Parliament of Great Britain to the Colo- nies, with a Plan of Reconciliation. Vol 1, thick 8vo, pp. 500. 5s 1775 4101 RESISTANCE no Rebellion, in which the right of a British Parliament to Tax the Ameri- can Colonies is fully considered, and the in- famous fallacies in John Wesley's Address to the American Colonies exposed and censured. 8vo. Is 6d 1775 4102 REMARKS on the New Essay of the Penn- sylvanian Farmer, and on the Resolves and Instructions prefixed to that Essay. By the Author of the Right of the British Legislature Vindicated. 8vo. Is 6d 1755 4103 SCOTT (Rev.Wm.) O Tempora ! O Mores ! or the Best New Year's Gift for a Prime Minister, a Sermon, with large Additions and alterations both in the Dedication and Sermon occasioned by the Ingenuity, amazing Dexterity, and Hu^ mane Proceedings of a Scotch Ministry towards the Dreadful Confusion, Distresses, Massacre and Carnage, now Rioting in America. 8vo. 2a 1775 Presentation copy, with autograph note, to the Lord Mayor (Wilkes). 4104 SHORT Address to the Government, the Merchants, Manufacturers and Colonists in Ame- rica and the Sugar Islands, by a Member of Parliament. 8vo. 2s 1775 4105 SMITH (W.) Sermon on the Present Situa- tion of American Affairs, preached in Christ Church, Philadelphia. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1775 4106 Another edition, 12mo. Is 6d Ibid. 1775 4107 Another edition, 8vo. Is 6d London, 1775 4108 SPEECH intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons in support of the Pe- tition from the General Congress at Philadel- phia, by the Author of an Appeal to the Justice and Interests of Great Britain. 8vo. 2s 1775 4109 STRONG (Joseph) Sermon at the Ordina- tion of the Rev. Alexander Gillet, to the Work of the Gospel Ministry at Farmingbury, 29th Dec, 1773. 8vo. 2s 6d Neio Haven, 1775 4110 SUBSTANCE of the Evidence on the Peti- tion by the West India Planters and Merchants, 16th March, 1775, as summed up by Mr. Glover. 8vo. Is 6d n. d. 4111 TUCKER's (Dean) Address to the Landed Gentry, whether a Connection with, or a Sepa- tion from, the American Colonies, be most for the National Advantage of these Kingdom. 8vo. Is 6d 1775 4112 TRACT V.— The Respective Pleas and Ar- guments of the Mother Country and of the Co- lonies set forth, by Dean Tucker. 8vo, 2s 1775 4113 VIEW of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, by A. W. Farmer. 8vo. Is 6d 1775 242 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 4114 WESLEY'S (John) Calm Address to our American Colonies. 12mo. Is 1775 4115 THE OLD FOX Tarr'd and Feather'd, oc- casioned by what is called Mr. John Wesley's Calm Address to our American Colonys, by an Hanoverian. 12mo. 2s 1775 4116 A CONSTITUTIONAL Answer to Mr. John Wesley's " Calm Address." 12mo. 2s 1775 4117 LETTER to the Eev. John Wesley, occa- sioned by his Calm Address to the American Colonies by Caleb Evans. 12mo. Is 1775 4118 WHAT Think ye of the Congress now? or an Enquiry how far the Americans are bound to abide by, and execute the, Decisions of the late Continental Congress, with a Plan, by Sam. Galloway, for a proposed Union between Great Britain and the Colonies. Svo. 2s 6 d 1775 4119 ZUBLY's (Dr. J.) Law of Liberty, a Sermon on American Affairs, preached at the Opening of the Provincial Congress of Georgia. 8vo. 2s 6d 1775 1776. 4120 A PAPER supposed to have been written by Dr. Benj. Franklin at Paris, for the purpose of Borrowing Money for the Use of the United States. 8vo. 5s about 1776 4121 ADAM's (Sam., the American Cicero) Ora- tion delivered at the State House, Philadelphia, 1st Aug. 1776. 8vo. 2s 1776 4122 ADDRESS to the People of Great Britain in General, the Members of Parliament and the leading Gentlemen of Opposition in Particular on the Present Crisis of American Politics. 8vo. 2s 6d Bristol, 1776 4123 AMERICANS against Liberty, or an Essay on the Nature and Principles of True Freedom, showing that the Design and Conduct of the Americans tend only to Tyranny and Slavery. 12mo. Is 6d 1776 4124 ANCIENT Testimony and Principles of the People called Quakers, renewed with re- spect to the King and Government, and Touch- ing the Commotions now prevailing in these and other parts of America. 4to, pp. 4. 3s 6d Philadelphia, 1776 4125 ANSWER to the Declaration of the Ameri- can Congress. Svo, pp. 132. 2a 1776 4126 APPEAL to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain in the present Dis- putes with America, by an Old Member of Par- liament. 8vo. Is 6d 1776 4127 BOSTWICK's (David) Sermon at Philadel- phia before the Rev. Synod of New York, Mav 25, 1758. 8vo. 2s 1776 4128 CH M's (Lord) Prophecy, an Ode ad- dressed to Lieut.-Gen. G ge, with Explana- tory and Critical Notes, by the Editor. 4to. 2s 1776 4129 COMMON Sense, addressed to the Inhabi- tants of America, a new edition, with Appendix and Address to the Quakers. 8vo. 3s Philadelphia, 1776 4130 COMMON Sense, addressed to the Inbabi- tants of America. 8vo. 2s Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1776 Various names and passages inserted in MSS., as some! English printers were afraid to issue it in England, as printed in America. 4131 COMMON Sense, addressed to the Inhabi- tants of America, with an Address to the People called Quakers. 8vo. 2s London, 1776 4132 ADDITIONS to Common Sense addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo. 2s 1776 4133 CONSIDERATIONS on the American War, addressed to the People of England. Svo. 2s 1776 4134 THE Constitutional Advocate, concerning the Justice and Policy of the Present War with America. 8vo. Is 6d 1776 4135 CRITICAL Moment, on which the Salva- tion or Destruction of the British Empire De- pends, containing the Rise, Progress, Present State, and Consequences of our American Dis- putes, by Janus. 8vo. 2s 1776 4136 THE Devoted Legion, a Poem addressed to Lord Geo. Germaine and the Commanders of the Forces against America. 4to. 2s 6d 1776 4137 DIALOGUE on the Principles of the Con- stitution and Legal Liberty compared with Despotism, applied to the American Question and probable Events of the War. 8vo. 2s 6d 1776 4138 ESSAY upon the King's Friends, with an Account of some Discoveries made in Italy and found in a Virgil concerning the Tories, to Dr. S U n. 8vo. 2s 1776 4139 ESTWICK (Saml.) Letter to the Rev. Josiah Tucker, Dean of Gloucester, in Answer to his humble Address and earnest Appeal, &c, with postscript on the War in America. 2s 1776 4140 EXTRACTS from the Votes of the House of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, with Rules and Regulations for the better Go- vernment of the Military Association in Penn- sylvania and the Mode of levying Taxes on non- Association, published by the Committee of Safety. 8vo. 7s 6d Philadelphia, W. and T. Bradford, (1776) 4141 FLETCHER (J., Vicar of Maddey, Salop) American Patriotism farther confronted with Reason, Scripture, and the Constitution, with a Scriptural Plea for the Revolted Colonies. 8vo. 3s 6d Shreicslury, 1776 4142 FLETCHER'S (Rev. J.) Arguments con- tained in his Vindication of the Calm Address in Defence of the assumed right of the British Parliament to Tax America considered, by a Member of the Rev. W. Wesley's Society. Svo. 3s 6d 1776 4143 FRIENDLY Dialogue on the Political Pub- lications of Mr. W. Mason, interspersed with general remarks on our American Affairs, by J. Towers. 12mo. Is 1776 4144 GLASCOTT'S Best Method of putting an End to the American War, a Sermon on the Fast Day. 8vo. 2s : 1776 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 243 4145 FURTHER Examination of our Present American Measures, and of the Reasons and Principles on which they are Founded. 8vo, pp.256. 2s 1776 4146 HARTLEY (David) Substance of a Speech in Parliament upon the State of the Nation and the Civil War with America. 4to. 2s 6d 1776 4147 INDEPENDENCY the Object of the Con- gress in America, or an Appeal to Facts. 8vo. 2s 6d 1776 4148 JOURNAL of the Proceedings of the Con- gress held at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. 8vo. 7s 6d Wilmington, J. Adams, 1776 4149 JOURNAL of the Congress held at Phila- delphia, May 10, 1775. 8vo. la 6d London, 1776 4150 JOURNAL of the Provincial Congress of South Carolina, 1776. 8vo. 3a 1776 4151 LETTERS and Dissertations on various Subjects (mostly on America) by the Author of the Letter Analysis A. P. on the Disputes between Great Britain and America. 8vo, pp. 258. 4s (1776) 4152 LETTER to the Noblemen, Gentlemen, &c, who have addressed his Majesty on the Subject of the American Rebellion. 8vo. 2s 6d 1776 4153 LETTER from an Officer retired to his Son in Parliament (respecting the American War). 8vo. 2s 1776 4154 LETTERS on the American Troubles, trans- lated from the French of M. De Pinto. 8vo. 2s 1776 4155 McFINGAL, a Modern Epic Poem, or the Town Meeting. 8vo. 2s 1776 4155*MASSACHUSETTENSIS; a Series of Let- ters, containing a faithful Statement of many Important Facts which laid the Foundation of the present Troubles in Massachusetts Bay (by Daniel Leonard, Council of this Province). 8vo. 3s 6d 1776 4156 MAUDUIT (Israel) Short View of the His- tory of the New England Colonies with Respect to their Charters and Constitution. 8vo, fourth edition. 3s 1776 4157 PAINE'S (Tom) Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo. Is 1776 4158 ADDITIONS to "Common Sense," addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo. Is 1776 4159 PLAIN Truth addressed to the Inhabitants of America, containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet intitled " Common Sense," written by Candidus. 8vo. 2s 1776 4160 PLAN of Reconciliation between Great Britain and her Colonies founded in Justice and Constitutional Security, by which the Rights of Englishmen in Matters of Taxation are Preserved to the Inhabitants of America, by the Author of the Historical Essay on the Eng- lish Constitution. 8vo. 3a 1776 4161 THE Plea of the Coloniea on the Chargea brought against them by Lord M d, and others. 8vo. 2s 1776 4162 POETICAL Legends, containing the American Captive and the Fatal Feud, the Fall of Faction, a Poetical Vision, by the Author of the Cave of Morar. 4to. 2s 6d 1776 Dedicated to the Committee for Managing the Fund for the Relief of the Sick and Wounded Troops in America. 4163 PRICE'S (Dr. Rich.) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. 8vo. Is. — 12mo. Is 1776 4164 CURSORY Remarks on Dr. Price's " Ob- servation on Civil Liberty." 8vo. Is 6d Nicoll, 1776 4165 LETTER to Dr. Price, wherein his " Ob- servations on Civil Liberty" are Candidly Examined. 8vo. Is 6d 1776 4166 STEWART (James) Total Refutation and Political Overthrow of Doctor Price, or Great Britain successfully vindicated against all American Rebels and their Advooates. 8vo. 2s 1776 4167 OBSERVATIONS on Dr. Price's Theory of Civil Liberty, preceded by a Letter to a Friend on the pretensions of the American Colonies, in Respect of Right and Equity, by Henry Good- ricke. 8vo. 2a York, 1776 4168 WESLEY (John) Some Observations on Liberty occasioned by a late Tract, by Dr. Price, on the American War. 12mo. Is 6d 1776 4169 REFLECTIONS on the Present State of the American War, by the Rev. J. Hampson. 8vo. 2s 1776 4170 REMARKS on the Proposed Plan of a Federal Government, addressed to the Citizens of the United States of America, and particularly to the People of Maryland, by Aristides. 8vo (wants after 340). 2s 6d Annapolis, about 1776 4171 REMARKS on the Different Opinions Re- lative to the American Colonies. 8vo. 2s 6d 1776 4172 RIGHTS of Great Britain Asserted against the Claims of America, being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. 8vo. Is 6d 1776 4173 ROBINSON (Matt.) Peace the Best Policy, or Reflections upon the Appearance of a Foreign War, Present State of Affairs at Home and Commission for Granting Pardons in America, 8vo. 2s 1776 4174 ROBINSON'S (M. M.) Elegaic Verses to a Young Lady on the Death of her Brother in the late Engagement at Boston. 4to. 2s 6d 1776 4175 ROEBUCK (Dr. John) Inquiry whether the Guilt of the Present Civil War in Amerioa ought to be Imputed to Great Britain or America. 8vo, 2s 1776 4176 SECONDE Lettre de M. de Pinto a l'occasion des troubles des Colonies. 8vo. 2s 6d A la Haye, 1776 4177 SENTIMENTS of Lord Chatham on the American Measures, Delivered in his Speech on the Provisional Bill. 12mo. 2s Newcastle, 1776 2U Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 4178 SHORT Appeal to the People of Great Britain, upon the Unavoidable Necessity of the Present War with our Disaffected Colonies. 12mo. Is 1776 4179 SINGLETON (Mr.) Description of the West Indies, a Poem, in Four Books. 4to. 2s 6d 1776 4180 SMITH (W., Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia) Oration in Memory of General Montgomery, and of the Officers and Soldiers who Fell with him, Dec. 31, 1775, before Quebec. 8vo. 2s 6d 1776 4181 STRICTURES upon the Declaration of the Congress of Philadelphia. 8vo. 2s 6d 1776 il 82 SUMMARY Observations and Facts collected from Authentic Accounts of Russia and other Navigators to Discover the Practicability of a Northern Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. 4to. Is 6d 1776 4183 TEARS (The) of the Foot Guards upon their departure for America, written by an Ensign of the Provincial Army (a Poem). 4to. 2s 6d 1776 4184 ANSWER to Tears of the Foot Guards, in which that respectable Corps are vindicated from the charges of Puppyism and Cowardice (in Verse). 4to. 2s 6d 1776 4185 TUCKER's (Dean) Four Tracts on Political and Commercial Subjects (Two of the Tracts relate to the American Colonies). 8vo. 2s Gloucester, 1776 4186 SERIES of Answers to Certain Popular Ob- jections against the separating from the Rebel- lious Colonies and discarding them entirely, being the concluding Tract of the Dean of Glou- cester (Tucker) on the subject of American Affairs. 8vo. 2s 1776 1777. 4187 ADDRESS to the Inhabitants of Pennsyl- vania, by those Freemen of the City of Phila- delphia, now confined in the Masons' Lodge, by virtue of a general Warrant, signed in Council by the Vice-President of the Council of Penn- sylvania. 8vo. 3s 1777 4188 BUTLER's (T.) Sermon before the House of Commons on the Fast Day for the Rebellion in America. 4to. Is (3d 1777 4189 BURKE's (Edmund) Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the Affairs of America. 8vo. Is 1777 4190 ANSWER from the Electors of Bristol to the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq., on the Affairs of America. 8vo. 2s 1777 4191 ANSWER to Edmund Burke's Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol. 8vo. 2s 1. Cadell, 1777 4192 THOUGHTS on the Letter of Edmund Burke to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America, by the Earl of Abingdon. 8vo. Is 6d 1777 4193 TOPHAMs (Edward) Address to Edmund Burke, Esq., on his Letter relative to the Affairs of America. 4to. 2s 6d 1777 4194 SECOND Thought?, or Observations upon Lord Abingdon's Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq., to the Sheriffs of Bristol, by the Author of the Answers to Mr. Burke's Letter. 8vo. 2s 6d 1777 4195 CAMPBELL'S (Dr. Geo.) Sermon at Aber- ' deen on the Fast Day, on account of the Rebel- lion in America. 4to. 2s 1777 4196 COMPENDIOUS description of the Thirteen Colonies in British America. 8vo. 3s 6d 1777 4197 CONSIDERATIONS addressed to all per- sons of property in Great Britain, concerning the present disposition of the Americans towards this country. 8vo. 2s 1777 4198 COOPER'S (Myles, President of King's Col- lege, Neio York) Sermon at Oxford on the Fast Day for the Rebellion in America. 4to. 2s 1777 4199 DESOLATION (The) of America, a Poem. 4to. 2s 1777 4200 DIALOGUES in the Shades between Gene- ral Wolfe, General Montgomery, David Hume, Geo. Grenville, and Chas. Townsend. 12mo. 3s 6d 1777 4201 ESSAYS, Commercial and Political, of the real and relative Interests of Great Britain and her Dependencies, displaying the probable causes of the disputes with the American Colo- nies, with Appendix on the means of emanci- pating the Slaves without loss to the Proprietors. 8vo. 2s 6d Newcastle, 1777 4202 FALKLAND Islands.— State papers rela- tive to the late negotiation with Spain, and the taking of Falkland Island and Port Egmont from the English, in 2 parts. 4to. 6s 1777 4203 FRANKLIN (B.) Philosophical and Miscel- laneous papers. 8vo, plates. 2s 1777 Information to those who would remove to America ; Remarks on the Savages ; Internal state of America, the Gulf Stream, &c. 4204 GESCHICHTE der Kriege in und ausser Europa von anfange des auffstandes der Brittis- chen Kolonien in Amerikaan (achter theil). 4to, map of the Campaign of the White Plains. 3s 6d Nuremburg, 1777 4205 HISTORY of the Colonization of the free states of Antiquity, applied to the present con- test between Great Britaiu and her American Colonies, with reflections concerning the future settlement of these Colonies (by R. Baron) 4to. 5s 1777 4206 HURD's (Bishop) Sermon before the Lords on the Fast Day for the Rebellion in America. 4to. Is 6d 1777 4207 JAMAICA, a Poem in three parts, written in that Island in the year 1776. 4to. 2s 1777 4208 LETTERS from the Marquis de Montcalm. Governor General of Canada to Messrs. De Berryer Delamole, in the years 1757, 1758, and 1759. with an English Translation. 8vo. 3s 1777 4209 LETTERS on the Present Disturbances in Great Britain and her American Provinces. 8vo. 3s 6d Rome {Italy) 1777 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 245 (4210 LETTERS to the English Nation on the Officer returned from that Service. 8vo. Present War with America, with a Review of our Military Operations in that Country, by an 3a 6d 1777 4211 LIST of the General and Staff Officers, and of the Officers in the several Regiments serving in North America, under the Command of Sir W. Howe, K.B. 8vo. 2s New YorJc, 1777 4212 MANIFESTO de la Justicia de D. Abraham y Don Jacob Franco, Comerciantes delaCiudad de Londres en el Pleyto que tienen pendiente en Sala de Justicia del Supremo Consejo de las Indias de Vista con les herederos de Don Jos. Aguerre Acharan y otros. Folio. 5s Madrid, 1777 Respecting the transportation of the Negroes of Guinea to Buenos Ayres. 4213 MASERES (Francis) Paraphrase on a Pas- sage in a Sermon by Dr. Markham, before the Society for Propagating the Gospel, when it was expected by the Persons who have advised the American War that the Revolted Colonies in America would soon be entirely subdued. 8vo. 2s 6d 1777 4214 PEACE, the Best Policy, or Reflections upon the Appearance of a Foreign War, the Present State of affairs at Home, and the Commission for Granting Pardons in America, by Matt. Robinson. 8vo. 2s 1777 4215 PRICE'S (Dr. R.) Additional Observations on Civil Liberty, and the War with America. 8vo. Is6d 1777 4216 REFERENCES to the Plan of the Island of St. Vincent as surveyed 1765-1733, by John Byers. 8vo. 2s 1777 4217 REFLECTIONS on our present Critical Sit- uation, in a Letter from a Landed Proprietor. 8vo. Is 6d 1777 4218 REMARKS on the Conduct of Opposition, with regard to America, shewing their Inconsis- tency by a short Review of their own Measures. 8vo. 2s 1777 4219 REMARKS on the Evidence delivered onthe Petition by the West India Planters and Mer- chants, to the House of Commons so far as the same respects the Barbadoes and Leeward Is- lands. 8vo. 2s Gd 1777 4220 SHORT Account of the Motives which de- termined John the Painter (an American) and Justification of his Conduct, written by himself. 4to. 2s 1777 His apology as an American for setting Fire to Ports- mouth Dock Yard while England was at War with America. 4221 TRATADO preliminar sobre I03 limites de los Paises pertenecientes en America Meredional a las Coronas de Espana y Portugal. 4to. 5s Madrid, 1777 4222 AN Unconnected Whig's Address to the Public upon the Present Civil War, the State of Public Affairs, and the Real Cause of the National Calamities. 8vo. 2s 6d 1777 4223 WESLEY (John) Calm Address to the In- habitants of England. 12mo. la 6d 1777 4224 WASHINGTON (General) Letters to several of his Friends, in which are set forth a fairer and fuller view of American Politicks than ever yet transpired. 8vo. 3s 6d 1777 1778. 4225 THE American Crisis, Number V, addressed to Gen. Sir W. Howe, by the Author of Common Sense. Sm. 8vo, first edition. 5s Lancaster, 1778 4226 AMERICAN Annals, or Hints and Queries for Parliament Men, (against General Howe). 4to, privately printed. 2s 1778 4227 ANTICIPATION, containing the substance of his M y's most gracious Speech to both H s of P 1 1. 8vo. Is 6d 1778 Chalmers, speaking of Richard Tickell, says, "That which raised him to immediate celebrity was his ad- mirable political pamphlet called Anticipation, in which, with the most successful humour, he imitated the manner of the principal speakers in Parliament, and defeated the force of the opposition, by pre-oc- cupying them. — Biog. Dictionary. 4228 BURGOYNE (Gen.) Substance of his Speeches on Mr. Vyner's Motion, and Mr. Hart- ley's Motion, with an Appendix, containing Gen. Washington's Letter to Gen. Burgoyne. 8vo. 3s 1778 4229 Another copy, with manuscript NOTES BY THE CELEBRATED JOHN WlLKES. 8vo. 7s 6d 1778 4230 BURKE's Speech on moving his Resolution for Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775, 3rd edition. 8vo. Is 1778 4231 CAMPBELL'S (Dr. Geo.) Duty of Allegiance, a Sermon preached at Aberdeen, Dec. 12th, 1776, being the Fast Day/on account of the Rebellion in America {the notes are curious). 12mo. Is 1778 4232 THE Cobbler Politics, a Country Dialogue on the Present Times (the A merican War). 4to, in verse. 2s Manchester, n.d. 4233 THE Conciliatory Bills considered. 8vo. 2s 6d 1778 4234 CONQUERORS (The) a Poem, displaying the Glorious Campaigns of 1775, 1776, 1777, &c, &c, (with the blanks filled up with names in MS.) 4to. 4s (1778) 4235 CONSIDERATIONS on the Mode and Terms of a Treaty of Peace with America. 8vo. 2s 1778 4236 DALRYMPLE'S (Sir John) Three Letters to Lord Barrington, late Secretary at War (re- specting raising Troops in Scotland to assist in the American War). 8vo. 2s 1778 4237 D'AUTEROCHE's Voyage to California, and Route through Mexico. Folding plan of Mexico. 8vo. 3s 6d 1778 4238 DELUSIVE and Daugerous Principles of the Minority Exposed and Refuted, in a Letter to Lord North. By a Friend to the Public. 8vo. 2s 1778 4239 HARTLEY'S (David, the Metaphysical Writer) Letters on the American War, addressed to his Constituents at Hull. 4to. 5s 1778 With the nntn^rnph of the author in pooh letter. 246 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 4240 EXAMINATION into the Conduct of the Present Administration, from the Year 1774 to the Year 1778, and Plan of Accommodation with America. By a Member of Parliament. 8vo. 2s 6d 1778 4241 FAITHFUL Abstract of Lord Chatham's Last Speech in Parliament. 4to. Is 1778 4242 LETTER to the Hon. Mr. C s F x, upon his Proceedings in P 1, upon that Memorable Day, Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1778. 8vo. Is 6d 1778 4243 LETTER to the Right Hon. Willoughby Bertie, by descent Earl of Abingdon, and in which his Candid and Liberal Treatment of the Earl of Mansfield is fully Vindicated. 8vo. 2s 1778 It relates to his lordship's reply to Burke's letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol. 4243* PRESENT State of the West Indies, con- taining an Accurate Description of what Parts are possessed by the several Powers in Europe, with Account of the First Discoveries of those Islands. 4to, map. 3s 6d 1778 4214 PROCEEDINGS of a Court-Martial held at Cambridge (Mass.) by order of Major-Genl. Heath, commanding the American Troops for the Northern District, for the Trial of Col. David Henley, accused by General Burgoyne of 111 Treatment of the British Soldiers, &c. 8vo. 3a 6d 1778 4245 PULTENEY (Wni.) Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation. 8vo. 2s 1778 4246 REFERENCES to the Plan of the Island of St. Vincent, as surveyed by J. Byers. 8vo. Is 1778 4247 REFLECTIONS upon the Military Prepara- tions which are making at present in Scotland {to oppose the Americans). 8vo. 2s 1778 4248 REMARKS upon Genl. Howe's Account of his Proceedings on Long Island in the Extra- ordinary Gazette of October 10, 1776. 8vo. 3s 6d 1778 4249 REPORT from the Select Committee to con- sider and examine the Accounts of Extraordi- nary Services incurred and paid, and not pro- vided by Parliament {relating to the Supplies furnished to Gen. Gage, Gen. Howe, etc., daring the American xoar). Folio, pp. 158. 3s 1778 4250 SHORT Defence of the Opposition, in Answer to a Pamphlet entitled, * A Short His- tory of the Opposition." 8vo. 2s 1778 4251 SYMOND'S (John) Remarks upon an Essay, entituled, " The History of the Colonisation of the Free States of Antiquity," applied to the Present Contest between Great Britain and her American Colonies. 4to. Z&{vide No. 4205) 1778 4252 THE Church an Engine of the State, a Sermon not preached on the late General Fast, 1778. By a Layman. 8vo. Is 6d 1778 4253 VACA de Guzman (Jos. M.) Las Naves de Cortes destruidas, Canto Premiero, por la Real Academia Espauola. 4to. 3s Madrid, Ibarra, 1778 4254 WEST India Merchant, a series of Paper originally printed under that Signature in th( London Evening Post, with Corrections anc Notes by the Author. 8vo. 3s 6d 17/ 4255 WIGGLESWORTH (Edward) The At thority of Tradition Considered at the Lectui founded by Judge Dudley, in Harvard College. 8vo. 3s 6d Boston, 1778 1779. 4256 BRIEF Examination of the Plan and Con- duct of the Northern Expedition in America in 1777, and of the Surrender of the Army under the Command of Lieut.-Genl. Burgoyne. 8vo. 3s , 1779 4257 BURGOYNE (Lt.-Genl.) Letter to his Con- stituents upon his late Resignation, with Corre- spondence between the Secretaries of War and him relative to his return to America. 8vo. 2s 6d 1779 4258 REPLY to Lieut.-Gen. Burgoyne's Letter to his Constituents. 8vo. 2s 6d 1779 4259 LETTER to Genl. Burgoyne on his Letter to his Constituents. 8vo. 2s 6d 1779 4260 CABINET (The) Conference, or Tears of the Ministry ; present, the King, Duke of Richmond, Earl of Shelburne, Lord North, Lord G. Ger- maine. 8vo. 2s 6d 1779 4261 CANDID and Impartial Narrative of the Transactions of the Fleet under the Command of Lord Howe, with Observations by an Officer then serving in the Fleet. 8vo, icith plan of the Fleet within Sandy HooTc. 4s 6d n.d. (1779) 4262 another edition. 8vo, published without map. 3s London, 1779 4263 CARVER (Jonathan) Treatise on the Culture of the Tobacco Plant, with the Manner in which it is usually Cured, adapted to Northern Cli- mates. 8vo. 2s 1779 4264 LA Cassette Verte de Mons. de Sartine, trouvee chez Mademoiselle du The. 8vo. 2s La Haye, 1779 Relating to the American War. 4265 GREEN Box of Monsieur Sartine found at Mademoiselle's du The^s Lodgings. 8vo. 2s 1779 4266 CONSIDERATIONS upon the American Enquiry. By Rob t. Dallas, Jun. 8vo. 2s 1779 4267 CONSIDERATIONS sur l'Admission des Navires Neutres aux Colonies Francaises de l'Amerique en Terns de Guerre. 12mo. 2s 1779 4268 CONSIDERATIONS upon the French and American War, in a Letter to a Member of Par- liament. 8vo. 2s 6d 1779 4269 EXAMINATION into the Conduct of the present Administration, from the year 1774 to 1778, and a Plan of Accommodation with Ame- rica. By a Member of Parliament. 8vo. 3s 1779 4270 EXAMINATION of Joseph Galloway, late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Penn- sylvania, before the House of Commons, in a Committee on the American Papers, with expla- natory notes. 8vo. 2s 1779 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. U7 4271 GENUINE Abstracts from Two Speeches 14287 ULLOA (Ant. de) El Eclipse de Sol con el _ £ a1._ T_j__ T^ _ __1 _ P /"tl. _ J_l J Li— T> _—.!■.» 4-jr, A »-» il 1 /-» Knfnn nfAtiiA r\ t\ cut ct rntTAO in liir/ rl a aala of the late Earl of Chatham, and his Reply to the Earl of Suffolk, with some Introductory Observations and Notes. 8vo. 3s 1779 4272 JAMAICA Mercury, and Kingston "Weekly Advertiser, Nos. 1 to 10, with Supplements, curious, 7s 6d Kingston, 1779 4273 LETTERS to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. (By Joseph Galloway.) 8vo, map. 3s 1779 4274 LETTER to the Right Hon. Viscount H— e, on his Naval Conduct in the American "War. 8vo. 3s 1779 4275 LETTERS of Papinian, in which the Con- duct, Present State, and Prospects of the Ameri- can Congress are examined. 8vo. 23 1779 4276 MEMOIRE JustiEcatif pour servir de Re*- ponse a l'Expose', &c, de la Cour de France : {relating to the assistance given by France to the Americans). 4to. 5s 17 79 4277 OBSERVATIONS sur la Memoire Justifica- tif de la Cour de Londres. Par P. A. Caron de Beaumarchais, Armateur et Citoyen Frangais. 8vo. 2s 1779 4278 OBSERVATIONS on the Answer of the King of Great Britain to the Manifesto, &c., of the Court of Versailles. By an Independent Whig. 4to. 2s 1779 4279 OBSERVATIONS upon the Conduct of S— r W m H e at the White Plains, as re- lated in the Gazette of Dec. 30, 1776. 8vo. 3s 1779 4280 PROCEEDINGS between Sir Guy Carleton, K.B., late Governor of the Province of Quebec, and Peter Livius, Esq., Chief Justice of the said Province. 8vo. 3s 1779 4281 PULTENEY's (W., afterwards Earl of Bath) Considerations on the Present State of Public Affairs, and the Means of raising the necessary Supplies. 8vo. Is 6d 1779 4282 SHORT History of the Opposition during the last Session of Parliament {attributed to Gib- bon, the Historian). 8vo. 2s. (See No. 4250) 1779 4283 A SHORTER Answer to the Short History of the Opposition. 8vo. 2s 1779 4284 SPEECH on some Political Topics, the Substance of which was intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons when the Estimates of the Army were agreed to in the Committee of Supply. 8vo. 2s 6d 1779 4285 STRICTURES on the Philadelphia Mischi- anza, or Triumph upon leaving America Un- conquered, with Extracts containing the prin- cipal part of a Letter, published in the " Ame- rican Crisis." 8vo. 3s 1779 4236 VIEW of the Evidence relative to the Con- duct of the American War under Sir W. Howe and General Burgoyne, as given before Com- mittee of the House of Commons, and collec- tion of fugitive pieces on that important enquiry. Svo. 3a 1779 Anillo refractorio de sus rayos la luz de este astro, observado en el occeano en el navio Es- pana. Sm. 4to, folding plates. 2s Madrid, 1779 1780. 4288 CANDID Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies, with a plan of accommodation on constitutional principles. By the Author of " Letters to a Nobleman." 8vo. 2s 1780 4289 COMMON-PLACE Arguments against Ad- ministration, with obvious Answers (intended for the use of the New Parliament.) 8vo. Is 6d 1780 By Tickell, author of "Anticipation." Vide No. 4227. 4290 COOL Thoughts on the consequences to Great Britain of American Independence, on the Expense of Great Britain in the Settlement and Defence of the American Colonies, and on the Value and Importance of the American Colonies and West Indies to the British Em- pire. 8vo. 2s 1780 4291 DETAIL and Conduct of the American War under Generals Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and Vice-Admiral Lord Howe. 8vo. 3s 6d 1780 4292 ESSAY on Modern Martyrs, with a Letter to General Burgoyne (supposed to be by Dallas). 8vo. 2s 1780 4293 ESSAY on the .Interests of Britain in regard to America, or an outline of the terms on which Peace may be restored to the two countries. 8vo. 3s 1780 4294 EXAMINATION of Joseph Galloway, late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Penn- sylvania, before the House of Commons, in a Committee on the American Papers. 8vo. 3s 6d 1780 4295 HISTORICAL and Political Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebel- lion. By Joseph Galloway. 8vo. 2s 1780 4296 HOWE's (Sir Wm.) Narrative relative to his Conduct during his late Command of the King's Troops in North America, to which are added some observations upon a Pamphlet en- titled " Letters to a Nobleman." 4to. 4s 1780 4297 REPLY to the Observations of Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Howe on a Pamphlet, entitled " Letters to a Nobleman," by the Author of the " Letters." 8vo. 3s 1780 4298 LETTERS to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. (By Joseph Galloway.) Svo, map. 3s 1780 4299 MEMORIAL to the Sovereigns of Europe on the present State of Affairs between the Old and the New World. 8vo. 3s 1780 4300 POEMS by a Young Nobleman (jf. Lord Lyttleton) of Distinguished Abilities, lately De- ceased, particularly the State of Englacd and once Flourishing City of London, in a Letter from an American Traveller, dated from the Ruinous Portico of St. Paul's, a.d. 2199, to a Friend Settled in Boston. 4to. 3a 1780 248 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 4301 REFLECTIONS on the Rise and Progress of the American Revolution. 12mo. Is 6d 1780 4302 REMARKS on General Burgoyne's State of the Expedition from Canada. 8vo. 2s 6d 1780 4303 SHORT History of the Last Session of Par- liament, with Remarks {mostly relating to Ame- rica). 8vo. 2s 1780 4304 SPEECH of Edmund Burke, Esq, at the Guildhall, Bristol, on certain Points relative to his Parliamentary Conduct (on the American War, &c.) 8vo. Is 1780 4305 SPRING (Samuel, Pastor of the Xorth Church in Newbury Port) The Substance of a Discourse at Wesford. 8vo. 2a 6d Newbury Port, 1780 4306 SUCKLING (George) Historical Account of the Virgin Islands in the West Indies. 8vo. 2s 1780 4307 THREE Letters to Lord Viscount Howe, with Remarks on the Attack on Bunker's Hill. 8vo. 3s 1780 4308 WAY to Wealth, as clearly shewn in an Old Pennsylvania Almanack, intitled Poor Richard Improved. 8vo. Is 6d n.d. (afout 17S0) 1781. 4309 CUI Bono ? or an Inquiry what Benefits can Arise either to the English or the Ameri- cans in the present War. By Dean Tucker. 8vo. 2s 1781 4310 DANCER (Dr. Thomas) Brief History of the late Expedition against Fort San Juan so far as it relates to the Diseases of the Troops, with Observations on Climate and Endemial Complaints of the West Indies. 4to. 3s Kingston, 1781 4311 FOWLER'S General Account of the Calami- ties of the late Hurricanes and Earthquakes in the West India Islands. 8vo. 2s 1781 4312 FREE Thoughts on the Continuance of the American War and Necessity of its Termina- tion. By a Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. 3s 1781 4313 GALLOWAY'S (Jos.) Reply to the " Ob- servations of Sir William Howe on the Letters to a Nobleman." 8vo. 3s 1781 4314 HORXE (George) Fast-day Sermon, Feb. 21, 1781. 4to. Is Oxford, 1781 4315 LETTER to the Right Hon. Charles Jenkin- son (relating to America). 4to. 2« 1781 4316 LETTERS from Cicero to Cataline the Se- cond, with Corrections and Explanatory Notes, by Joseph Galloway. 8vo. 2s 1781 4317 LETTER from Cicero to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount H e, occasioned by his late Speech in the H e of C s. 8vo. 2s 1781 4318 POETICAL Epistle to Rev. Dr. Robertson, occasioned by his History of America. 4to. 2s 17S1 4319 RAYNAL (l'Abbe") Revolution de l'Ame- rique. 8vo. Is6d 1781 4320 The same translated into English. 8vo. Is 6d 1781 4321 RELIQUIAE Houstounianse sen Plantarum in America Meridionali a Gul. Houston, M.D., Collectarum Icones manu propria aere incisse cum De8criptionibus. 4to, many plates (one wanting). 4s 6d 1781 4322 REMARKS on Com. Johnstone's Account of his Engagement with a French Squadron under the Command of Moris, de Suffrein, 16 April, 1781, in Port Praya Road, in the Island of St. Jago. 8vo. 2s * 1781 4323 SEWARD'S (Miss) Monody on the Death of Major Andrd, with the Major's Letters to her in 1769. 4to. 2a Lichfield, 1781 4324 STENNETT (Samuel) Sermon on occasion of the General Fast (on account of the American War), Feb. 21, 1781. 8vo. Is 1781 1782. 4325 ACCOUNT of the Important Debate in the House of Commons on Mr. Fox's Resignation, and the Great Question of American Indepen- dence. 8vo. 2s 1782 4326 ADDRESS to the Interior Cabinet on the Affairs of America. 4to. 2s 1782 4327 ANDERSON'S Interest of Great Britain with regard to her American Colonies consi- dered. 8vo. 2s 1782 4328 BLAKE'S Remarks on Com. Johnstone's Account of his Engagement with a French' Squadron in Port Praya Road in the Island of St. Jago. 8vo, map. 2s 1782 4329 COLLECTION of State Papers relative to the First Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the United States of America, by an Ameri- can. 8vo. 3s 1782 4330 CONDOLENCE, an Elegiac Epistle from Lt.-Gen. Burgoyne, Captured at Saratoga, to Lt.-Gen. Earl Cornwallis, Captured at York Town, with Notes by the Editor. 4to. 3s 6d 1782 4331 CONSIDERATIONS on the Attorney-Ge- neral's Proposition for a Bill for the Establish- ment of Peace with America, by an Old Member of Parliament. Svo. 2s 6d 1782 4332 CONSOLATORY Thoughts on American Independence, shewing the great Advantages that will arise from it to the Manufactures, the Agriculture and Commercial Interest of Britain and Ireland^ by a Merchant. 8vo. 2s Edinb., 1782 4333 DAY'S (Thomas, Author of Sandford and Morton) Reflections upon the Present State of England, and the Independence of America, Svo. 2s 1782 4334 OBSERVATIONS and Reflections on an Act passed in the Year 1774 for the Settlement of the Province of Quebec, now first published, by a Country Gentleman. Svo. 2s 6d 1782 4335 POWNALL (Governor) Two Memorials (on the Affairs of America), not originally intended for publication, now published with an Expla- natory Preface. 8vo. 3s 6d 1782 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 249 4336 REMARKS upon the Report of a Peace in Consequence of Mr. Secretary Townshend's Letter to the Lord Mayor of London, Bank Di- rectors, &c, by the Author of the Defence of the Earl of Shelburne. 8vo. 2s 1782 4337 REPRESENTATION on behalf of the Peo- ple called Quakers to the President and Execu- tive Council and the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, &c. 8vo. 2s York, 1782 4338 THE Revolution in 1782 impartially con- sidered. 4to. 2s 6d 1782 4339 TWO Letters from W. Graves, Esq., respect- ing the Conduct of Rear Adml. Graves in North America. 4to, pp. 40, privately printed. 5s 1782 4340 Another Edition, with considerable alterations and additions. 4to, pp. 68, privately printed. 7s 6d 1782 An important publication in the Naval History of the American War. 4341 TREATIES (The) between his most Chris- tian Majesty and the 13 United States of Ame- rica. 8vo. 2s 1782 4342 TUCKER (Josiah) Cui Bono ? or an Inquiry what Benefits can arise either to the English or the Americans, the French, Spaniards or Dutch from the greatest Victories or Successes in the present War, second edition, with a Plan for a General Pacification. 8vo. 2s Gloucester, 1782 4343 PREFACE to the third Edition of Cui Bono. 8vo. Is 6d Gloucester, 1782 4344 VON den Hessen in Amerika ihrem Fursten und den Schreyern. 8vo, a scarce Tract. 2s 6d 1782 4345 A WORD at parting to the Earl of Shel- burne. 8vo. 2s 1782 1783. 4346 ADDRESSES and Recommendations to the States, by the United States in Congress as- sembled. 8vo. 2s 6d 1783 4347 AUTHENTIC Copies of the Provisional and Preliminary Articles of Peace between Great Britain, France, Spain, and the United States of America. 8vo. Is 6d 1783 4348 AYSCOUGH'S Remarks on " Letters from an American Farmer," or a Detection of the Errors of J. Hector St. John. 8vo. Is 6d 1783 4349 BURKE (Edmund) Speech on American Taxation, April 19, 1774. Fourth Edition, 8vo. Is 1783 4350 CANDID and Impartial Considerations on the Preliminary Articles of Peace with France and Spain, and the Provisional Treaty with the United States of America. 8vo. 2s 1783 4351 CASE and Claim of the American Loyalists Impartially Stated & Considered. 8vo. 3s (1783) 4352 CASE of our Fellow Creatures the oppressed Africans recommended to the serious Conside- ration of the Legislature of Great Britain, by the People called Quakers. 8vo. Is 1783 4353 CONSIDERATIONS on the Provisional Treaty with America, and Preliminary Articles of Peace with France and Spain. 8vo. 2s 1783 4354 COFFIN (Paul, Pastor of the Church in Buxton) Sermon preached at the Instalment of the Rev. John Thompson in the Pastoral Office over the first Church of Christ in Berwick. 8vo. 3s 6d Newbury Port., 1783 4355 DAY'S (Thos.) Reflections upon the present State of England and the Independence of America. 8vo. 2s 1783 4356 EXAMINATION into the Principles, Con- duct, and Designs of the Minister. 8vo. 2s 1783 4357 FULL and Faithful Report of the Debates in both Houses of Parliament on the Articles of Peace (with America). 8vo. 2s 6d 1783 4358 LAURENS (Mr.) the State of the Case, by which his Candour to Mr. Edmund Jenings i3 Manifested, and the Tricks of Mr. Jenings de- tected. 4to, PRIVATELY PRINTED. 5s 1783 4359 FULL Manifestation of what Mr. Henry Laurens falsely denominates Candour in him- self and Tricks in Mr. Edmund Jenings. 4to, privately printed. 5s London, 1783 4360 A LETTER to the Earl of Shelburne on the Peace. 8vo. 2s, without a title, Is 1783 4361 LETTER on the Preliminaries of .Peace. 4to. 3s 6d 1783 Presentation copy from the author, Sir Win. Meredith. 4362 MATHER's (Dr.) Answer to an Insidious Pamphlet entitled "Salvation for all Men." 8vo. 2s 6d Boston, N.E., 178$ 4363 NARRATIVE of Lt. Gen. Sir Henry Clin- ton, relative to his conduct during part of his Command of the King's Troops in North Ame- rica. 8vo. 3s 6d 1783 4364 ANSWER to the Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Clinton relating to the Conduct of Earl Corn- wallis. By Earl Cornwallis. 8vo. 5s 1783 4365 OBSERVATIONS on the 5th Article of the Treaty with America, and on the Necessity of appointing a Judicial Enquiry into the Merits and Losses of the American Loyalists. 8vo. 2s 1783 4366 OBSERVATIONS on the Commerce of the American States. {By Lord Sheffield). 8vo. Is 1783 4367 Second Edition, with Appendix. Is 6d 1783 4368 PAINE's (Thos.) Letter to the Earl of Shel- burne on his Speech respecting the Acknow- ledgment of American Independence. 8vo. Is6d 1783 4369 PAINE's Letter to the Abbe" Raynal on the Affairs of North America, in which the Mis- takes in the Abbe"s Account of the Revolution are cleared up. 8vo. Is 6d 1783 4370 PAINE (Thomas) Thoughts on the Peace and the probable Advantage thereof to the United States of America. 8vo. 2s 1783 4371 PARTICULAR Case of the Georgia Loyal- ists in addition to the General Case and Claim of the American Loyalists. 8vo. 2s 6d 1783 4372 PITT (Rt. Hon. William) Speech in the House of Commons (on American affairs). 8vo, Is 6d 1783 i7 250 Pamphlets reletting to America, on Sale by 4373 PHILADELPHIEN (Le) a Geneve ou Let- tres d'un Americain sur la derniere revolution de Geneve sa constitution nouvelle l'emigration en Irelande, &c. 8vo, privately printed, uncut. 7s 6d Dublin {Geneva ?) 1783 4374 PRENTIES (S. W.) Narrative of a Ship- wreck on the Island of Cape Breton, in a Voy- age from Quebec, 1780. 12mo. 3s 1783 4375 REMARKS on the Letter addressed to Two Great Men, in a Letter to the Author of that Piece. 8vo. Is 6d n\d. 4376 SERIOUS Address to the Rulers of America on the Inconsistency of their Conduct respect- ing Slavery, forming a Contrast between the Encroachments of England on American Li- berty and American Injustice in tolerating Slavery. 8vo. 2s 1783 4377 SERMON at the Ordination of the Rev. M. Seth Payson to the pastoral care of the Church in Rindge, by his Brother, Phillips Payson, with the Charge on that Occasion by Rev. W. Farrar, of New Ipswich. 8vo. 2s 6d Boston, 1783 4378 SPEECH of the Earl of Shelburne in the House of Lords, 13 Feb., 1783, on the Articles of Peace. 4to. 2s Ipsioich, — 4379 TRUMBULL (Benj., Pastor of the Church in Northhaven) Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Nehemiah Prudden to the pastoral care of the Church in Enfield. 8vo. 3s Springfield, 1783 4380 TUCKER's (Dr. Josiah) Four Letters on Important National Subjects. 8vo. 2s Gloucester, 1783 Tract III. Letter from a Merchant in London to his Nephew in America, concerning the late disturbances in the Colonies. Tract IV. True interests of Great Britain in regard to the Colonies. 4381 WASHINGTON'S (Geo.) Circular Letter to William Greene, Esq., Governor of the State of Rhode Island. 8vo. 3s 1783 4382 WOODWARD (Saml., Pastor of the Church in Weston) Sermon preached on Occasion of the Death of his Son, CyrusWoodward, who departed this Life Sept. 10, 1782. 8vo. 3s 6d Boston, 1783 1784. 4383 THE Beauties and Deformities of Fox, North, and Burke, selected from their Speeches. 8vo, two caricature plates. Is 6d 1784 4384 BENEZET (Ant.) Caution to Great Britain and her Colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. 8vo. Is 6d 1784 4385 BURKE's Speech on his Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22nd, 1775. 8vo. Is 1784 4386 CASE of Peter du Calvet of Montreal, con- taining an account of the long and severe Im- prisonment he suffered by order of Gen. Haldi- mand, the Governor. 8vo. 4s 6d 1784 4387 CASE of our fellow- creatures the oppresed Africans, recommended to the consideration of the Legislature of Great Britain by the Quakers 8vo. Is 1784 4388 CHALMERS (Geo.) Opinions on Interesting Subjects of Public Law and commercial Policy, arising from American Independence. 8vo. 4s 6d 1784 4389 CONSIDERATIONS on the present situa- tion of Great Britain and the United States of North America, with a View to their future Commercial connections. 8vo. 2s 1784 4390 CONSIDERATIONS on the present state of the intercourse between the Sugar Colonies and Dominions of the United States of America 8vo. Is 1784 4391 DAY's (Thos.) Fragment of an original Let- ter on the Slavery of the Negroes. 8vo. Is 6d 1784 4392 EDWARD'S (Bryan) Thoughts on the Pro- ceedings of Government, respecting the Trade of the West India Islands, with the United States. 8vo. 2s 1784 4393 FRANKLIN (Benj.) Two Tracts, Informa- tion to those who would remove to America, and remarks concerning the Savages of North America. 8vo. 2s 1784 4394 FREE and Candid Review of a Tract en- titled " Observations on the Commerce of the American States, shewing the pernicious conse- quences, both to Great Britain and to the British Sugar Islands, of the Systems recom- mended in that Tract." 8vo. 3s 1784 4395 HENDY (Dr. James) Treatise on the Glan- dular Disease of Barbadoes, proving it to be seated in the Lymphatic System. 8vo. 1784 4396 INQUIRY into the effects of putting a stop to the African Slave Trade, and of granting liberty to the Slaves in the British Sugar Colo- nies, by the author of the Essay on the treat- ment and conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies. 8vo 2s 1784 4397 LETTER from an American, on the subject of the restraining Proclamation, and containing; Strictures on Lord Sheffield's Pamphlet, on the Commerce of the American States. 8vo. Is 6d 1784 4398 MABLY'S (Abbe") Remarks on the Govern- ment and Laws of the United States of Ame- rica, addressed to J. Q. Adams. 8vo. 2s 1784 4399 MODERN View of the Thirteen United States of America, containing a concise account of their first Settlement, Principal Cities and Towns, &c, with a short account of the Inde- pendent State of Vermont and of East and West Florida. 8vo. 5s (1784) 4400 REMARKS on Lord Sheffield's Observa- tions on the Commerce of the American States. By an American. 8vo. Is6d 1784 4401 RODGERS (John, D.D.) Sermon preached in New York, Dec. 11th, 1783, appointed by Con- gress as a day of public thanksgiving through- out the United States. 8vo. 3s New York, 1784 John Russell Smith, 36, Soko Square, London. 251 4402 SOME Observations on the situation, dis- position and character of the Indian Natives of ( this Continent. 8vo. 6s Philadelphia, 1784 By Anthony Benezet, his autograph on the title. 4403 STEVENSON'S (John) Address to Bryan Edwards, containing Kemarks on his Pamphlet, entitled, " Thoughts on the late Proceedings of Government, respecting the Trade of the West India Islands with the United States of Ame- rica. 8vo. 2s 1784 4404 VINDICATION of Governor Parr and his Council against the Complaints of several Per- sons who sought to engross 270,000 Acres of Land in Nova Scotia, &c, &c. 8vo. 3s 1784 1785. 4405 ADDRESS from the Presbytery of Newcastle to the Congregations under their care, setting forth the Declining State of Religion in their Bounds, published by Order of the Presbytery convened at Upper Octorara, Aug. 11, 1784, Wm. Smith, Moderator. 8vo. 2s 6d Wilmington, 1785 4406 BENEZET (N.) Caution to Great Britain and her Colonies, in a Short Representation of the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. 8vo. Is 6d 1785 4408 ESSAY delivered in a Competition r of the Students of the College of New Jersey for the Annual Medal given by John Dickinson, Presi- dent of the State of Pennsylvania, by Jos. Clay, Junr., adjudged Victor for the year 1784. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1785 4409 MAUDUIT (Israel) Substance of a Speech at a General Court of the Company for Propa- gation of the Gospel in New England and Parts adjacent in America. 8vo. 3s 1785 4410 NATURE and Extent of the Apostolical Commission, a Sermon at the Consecration of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Sam. Seabury, Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, by a Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Scotland. 8vo. 2s Aberdeen, 1785 4411 OBSERVATIONS on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the Means of making it a Benefit to the World, by Dr. R. Price. 8vo. 2s 1785 4412 PILON (F.) Fair American, a Comic Opera, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. 12mo. 2s 6d Dublin, 1785 4413 PROCEEDINGS of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, to which is prefixed the Gene- ral Institution of the Order as originally framed and afterwards altered at the General Meeting in May, 1784. 8vo, front. 5s Philadelphia, 17 '85 4414 THE PROSPECT, or Re-union of Britain and America, a Poem, by an American Officer. 4to. 2s 6d 1785 4415 SHORT Address to the Citizens, Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain, on the Im- portance of the Trade of this Country with the United States of America, by a Manufacturer. 8vo. Is 6d 1785 1786. 4416 AN ACCOUNT of the Present State of Nova Scotia. 8vo. 4s Mini. 1786 4417 ELY (Zebulon, Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Lebanon) Sermon preached at the Fu- neral Solemnity of his Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esq., late Governor to the State of Connecticut. 8vo. 3s 6d Hartford, 1786 Autograph presentation copy to Rev. W. Gordon, D.D., from Jona. Trumbull. 4418 FITZROY (Alex.) The Discovery, Purchase, and Settlement of the County of Kentuckie, in North America. 8vo, wanting map. 3s 1786 4419 GEOGRAPHY Epitomised, or a Tour Round the World (in Verse, the portion relating to America, curious), by an American. 12 mo. 2s 1786 4420 LETTERS written in London, by an Ameri- can Spy from the year 1764 to 1785. 12mo, of about 180 pp., scarce. 4s 6d Printed for the Editor, 1786 4421 OPPOSITION Politics Exemplified. 8vo. Is 6d 1786 4422 PRESENT (The) Crisis of the Colonies considered with some Observations on the Ne- cessity of properly connecting their Commercial Interest with Great Britain and America. 8vo. 2s 1786 4423 RUSH'S (Benj.) Oration before the American Philosophical Society on the Influence of Physi- cal Causes upon the Moral Faculty. 4to. 2s Philadelphia, 1786 4424 Another edition. 8vo. 2s London, 1786 4425 SMITH (William Moore) Poems on several occasions, written in Pennsylvania. 8vo. 2s 6d 1786 4426 TREATY of Amity and Commerce between the United States of America and His Majesty the King of Prussia. 8vo. 2s 6d 1786 1787. 4427 ACCOUNT of the Loss of H.M.'s Ship Deal Castle, commanded by Capt. James Hawkins, off the Island of Porto Rico, during the hurri- cane in the West Indies in the year 1780. 8vo. 2s 6d 1787 4428 BOWNAS (Samuel) Account of the Capti- vity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky, in New England, who with four of her children and servant-maid was taken captive by the In- dians and carried into Canada, setting forth the remarkable occurrences, sore trials, and wonder- ful deliverences. 8vo. 3s 1787 4429 BUELL (Samuel, of East Hampton, Long Island) Sermon at the Funeral of his Son in the 16th year of his age, with Memoirs of his Life. 8vo. 2s 6d New London, 1787 4430 COXE (W.) Comparative View of the Rus- sian Discoveries with those made by Cook and Clerke, and sketch of what remains to be ascer- tained by future Navigators. 4to. 2s 1787 4431 FRANKLIN (Benj.) Philosophical and Mis- cellaneous Papers. 8vo, plates. 3s 1787 252 4432 HAMERSLEY (Gulielmus, Reip. Novi. Ebo- ■rati Civis) Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis, de Rachitide, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S.S.T.P., pro Gradu Doctoris, ad diem 12 Septembris. 8vo. 2s Edinburgh 1787 4433 POWXALL's (Governor) Hydraulic and Nau- tical Observations on tbe Currents of the Atlan- tic Ocean, to which are added some Notes by Dr. Franklin. 4to. 2s 6d 1787 4434 Another copy, with a Chart of tbe Ocean added. 4to. 3s 6d 1787 4435 REMARKS on tbe Travels of tbe Marquis deCbastellux in North America. 8vo. 2s 6d 1787 4436 RITTENHOUSE (David) Philosophical Papers. 8vo. Is 6d 1787 4437 STONNINGTON Association.— Sentiments and Plan of the Stonnington Association, 1787 — Minutes of the Association held at Elder Simeon Brown's Meeting-house in Stonnington, 1790 — Minutes held at same place, 1794, ib.— Minutes of tbe Association convened at Groton, 1796 — Minutes held at Lebanon, 1809— Minutes of do. held at New London, 1810. Together 5 Tracts, 8vo. 3s 6d New London and Hartford 4433 WEST Indian Eclogues. 4to. 2s 1787 1788. 4439 AN ACCOUNT of tbe Island of Jamaica, to which is added a Description of the Animal and Vegetable Productions of the Island. 8vo. 2s 6d Newcastle, 1788 4440 ^BRADFORD (John) Address to the Inha- bitants of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, occa- sioned by the Mission of two Ministers, John James and Charles William Milton, sent out by the Countess of Huntington from her College in South Wales. 8vo. 2s 1788 4441 CLAIM of the American Loyalists, reviewed and maintained upon incontrovertible princi- ples of Law and Justice. 8vo. 2s 6d 1788 4442 CLARKSON on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade. 8vo. Is 6d 1788 4443 CONSTITUTION of the Pennsylvania So- ciety for promoting the abolition of Slavery, and the relief of Free Negroes unlawfully held in bondage. 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1788 4444 DANNETT (Rev. H., of Liverpool) Exami- nation of Mr. Harris's Scriptural Researches on the Licitness of the Slave Trade. 8vo. 2s 1788 4445 EPISTLE of Tender Caution and Counsel from the Monthly Meetings of Friends of Phila- delphia, addressed to the Members of our Reli- gious Society in the said City. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1788 4446 HARGRAVE's Argument in the Case of James Somersett (a Virginian Negro) to demon- strate the unlawfulness of Domestic Slavery in England. 4to. Is 6d 1788 The case of Somersett decided the freedom of every man of colour on his landing in Great Britain. 4447 NEUFC BATEAU (M. Francois de)Me'moire en forme de discours sur la disette du numeraire a Saint Domingue et sur les moyens d'y reme - - dier. 8vo. Is 6d Paris, 1788 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 4448 NEWTON (John, Rector of St. Mary Wool- noth) Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade. 8vo. Is 1788 4449 OCCOM (Samson, a Native Indian) Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, for Murder at Newhaven, with Rev. Jonathan Edwards' Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew T Indians. 8vo. 2s 6d 1788 4450 RAMSEY (Rev. James) Objections to the Abolition of the Slave Trade, with Answers. 8vo. Is 6d 1788 4451 REVIEW of the Government and Grievances of the Province of Quebec since the Conquest of it by the British Arms, with Appendix. 8vo. 5s Logographic Press, 1788 4452 SHAFTESBURY Association.— Minutes at their Annual Convention held at the Meeting House in Shaftesbury, 1788 — Minutes held in Hillsdale, 1789 — Minutes of do. held in Adams, 1790— Minutes of do. held in Stockbridge, 1791 — Minutes at Pownal, 1794 — Minutes of same at Stillwater, 1795 — Minutes of do. at Bottskill, 1797 — Minutes of do. at Elder Niles Meeting House, 1799 — Minutes of do. held at Schodack, 1809, together 9 Tracts. 8vo. 5s Printed at Bennington, Canaan, Lansingburgh, Waterford, Pittsfield, v.y. 4453 STANFIELD (J. F., Father of the Painter) Observations on a Guinea Voyage, in a series of Letters addressed to Rev. Thomas Clarkson. 12mo. Is 1788 1789. 4454 CODE of Laws for the Government of the Negro Slaves in the Island of Jamaica, published by S. Fuller. 4to. 3s 6d 1789 4455 FRANCKLYN (G.) Answer to Rev. Mr. Clarkson's Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, particularly the African, showing the Antiquity, Universality, and Law- fulness of Slavery. 8vo. 2s 1789 4456 FRANCKLYN (G.) Observations on the Attempts made in England to effect the Aboli- tion of the Slave Trade, showing the manner in which Negroes are treated in the British Colonies in the West Indies. 8vo. Is 6d 1789 4457 LETTERS from Sir Geo. Brydges, now Lord Rodney, relating to the Capture of St. Eustatius and its dependencies, and showing the state of the War in the We3t Indies at that period. 4to. 5s 1789 4458 NEW Code of Laws for the Government of the Negro Slaves in the Island of Jamaica, passed on Dec. 6, 1788, by Stephen Fuller. 4to. 2s 1789 4459 NO ABOLITION, or an attempt to prove that the abolition of the Slave Trade would be a measure as unjust as unpolitic, &c. 4to. 2s 1789 4460 OBSERVATIONS upon the Liturgy, with a Proposal for its Reform, to which is added the Journals of the American Convention to pre- pare a Liturgy for the Episcopal Churches in the United States. 8vo. 2s 1789 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 253 4461 SECOND Dialogue of the Dead, between Ferdinand Cortez and Wm. Penti, with. Speech of W. Wilberforce and debate on the Slave Trade. 12mo. 2s Worcester, 1789 4462 POOR (The) Soldier, an American Tale, founded on a recent fact, inscribed to Mrs. Crespigny. 4to. 3s 1789 4463 EOGERS (Rev. W.) Oration, July 4th, at the Presbyterian Church, in Arch Street, Phila- delphia. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1789 4464 SHORT representation of facts and circum- stances relative to the sufferings and losses of the Merchants residing iu Great Britain, who carried on trade with the United States of America previous to the late War. 8vo. 2s 1739 4465 SMITH'S (W.) Two Sermons delivered in Christ Church, Philadelphia, before the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 8vo. Is Philadelphia, 1789 4466 STATE of the present form of Government of the Province of Quebec, with a large Appen- dix, investigating the administration of Justice instituted by Lord Dorchester. 8vo. 5s 1789 4466a TWO REPORTS from the Assembly of Jamaica, on the subject of the Slave Trade, Treatment of Negroes, &c, published by Stephen Fuller. 4to. 2s 1789 1790. 4466& AN ACCOUNT of the Surveys of Florida, &c, with directions for sailing from Jamaica, or the West Indies by the West End of Cuba and through the Gulph of Florida, illustrative of Mr. Gauld's surveys. 4to, map. 4s 1790 4466c ANSWER to an Introduction to the Obser- vations by the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas for the District of Quebec, with Remarks on the Laws and Government of the Province of Quebec. 8vo, privately printed. 3s 1790 U66d AUTHENTIC Copy of the Memorial to the Rt. Hon. W. Wyndham Grenville, Secretary of State, by Lieut. John Mears, R.N., contain- iny every particular respecting the capture of the vessels in Nootka Sound. 8vo. 3s 1790 4466e BENTLEY (William) Sermon preached at the Stone Chapel, in Boston. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1790 4466/ COKE (Rev. Dr.) Extracts of the Journal of his three visits to America. 12mo. 3s 6dl790 4466# COPY of the Letter of the Bishop of Copsa, Coadjutor of Quebec, and to the President of the Committee on Education in French and English. 8vo. 2s {Quebec) 1790 4466A DIXON (Capt. George) Remarks on the " Voyages of John Mears." 4to. 2s 1790 4466i DIXON (George) Remarks on the Voyages of John Mears, Esq., 1790— Farther Remarks, 1791, 2 pamphlets. 4to. 5s U66k ERRORS of the British Minister in the Negociations with the Court of Spain (on the affair of NootJca Sound). 8vo. 3s ] 790 4467 EXTRACTS and Remarks on the subject of Punishment and Reformation of Criminals. 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1790 4468 FLEET'S Pocket Almanack for 1790, calcu- lated chiefly for the use of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 12mo. 5s Boston, 1790 4469 GOD's Protecting Providence Man's Surest Help and Defence in Times of Difficulty, Evi- denced in the Remarkable Deliverance of Robt. Barrow and other Persons from the Devouring Waves of the Sea, and also from the Cruel De- vouring Jaws of the Inhuman Cannibals of Florida, faithfully Related by one of the Persons Concerned therein, Jonathan Dickinson. Sm. 8vo. 5s 1790 4470 LETTERS Lately Published in the Diary on the Subject of the Present Dispute with Spain, under the Signature of Verus. 8vo. 2s 1790 4471 MEAR'S (Lt. John) Memorial to the Secre- tary of State, 30 April, 1790, respecting the Cap- ture of Vessels in Nootka Sound by the Spaniards. 8vo. 3s.— A copy without title. 2s 1790 4472 MINUTES of the Baptist General Com- mittee at their Yearly Meeting held in the City of Richmond, May 8th, 1790. 8vo. Is Richmond 4473 OFFICIAL Papers Relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and Spain on the Sub- ject of the Ships Captured in Nootka Sound. 8vo. 3s (1790) 4474 OBSERVATIONS on the Project for Abolishing the Slave Trade, and on the Reasonableness of Attempting some Practical Mode of Relieving the Negroes (by Lord Sheffield). 8vo. Is 6d 1790 4475 OUABI; or the Virtues of Nature, an Indian Tale, in four Cantos, by Philenia, a Lady of Boston. 8vo. Curious front. 3s Boston, 1790 4476 PINKNEY (Wm.) Speech in the House of Delegates of Maryland (against Slavery). 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1790 4477 REPORT, Resolutions, and Remonstrance of the Council and Assembly of Jamaica on the Slave Trade, October 20, 1790, published by Stephen Fuller. 4to. 2s 1790 4478 REVIEW of the Laws of the United States, the British Provinces, and West India Islands, with a Comparison of the Courts of Law and Practice there, with that of Westminster Hall. 8vo. 2s 6d 1790 4479 SHORT Account of the Naval Actions of the late War in order to Prove that the French Na- tion never gave such Slender Proof of Maritime Greatness as during that Period. 8vo. 3s 1790 4480 SMITH (Wm.) Sermon in Christ Church, Philadelphia, before the Pensylvania Society of the Cincinnati. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1790 4481 WOODSTOCK ASSOCIATION.— Minutes of the Association held in Canaan, 1790. — Minutes at their Annual Convention held at Woodstock (Vermont), 1 792.— at Lebanon, 1793 — at New London in the State of New Hamp- shire, 1795.— at Newport, 1798.— at the Baptist Meeting House, in Cornish, 1808.— at Alstead, 1810, together 7 Tracts. 8vo. 5s Printed at Windsor, Walpole, &c. 254: Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 4482 THE Spanish Pretensions fairly Discussed, by Alexander Dalrymple {respecting Nootka Sound). 8vo. 2s 1790 4483 STATE of the Present Form of Government of the Province of Quebec, with a Large Appendix. 8vo. 6s 6d 1790 1791. 4484 ADAM'S (J., Vice-President of America) Observations on Paine's Rights of Man. 8vo. Is Glasgow, 1791 4485 ATWOOD (Thomas) History of the Island of Dominica, its Situation, Extent, Climate, and Natural Productions. 8vo. 3s 1791 4486 AUSTIN (Samuel) Disinterested Love the Ornament of the Christian and the Duty of Man, a Sermon at New York. 8vo. 2s New York, 1791 4487 BOISNEUF (Payen de) Rapport fait a l'Assemblee Nationale sur les evenemens arrives a Cayenne. 4to. Is 6d Paris, 1791 44S8 BRIEF Examination of Lord Sheffield's Observations on the Commerce of the United State?, with two Supplementary Notes on American Manufactures. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1791 4489 HART (Oliver) Sermon Preached in Phila- delphia at the Opening of the Baptist Associa- : tion. 8vo. 2s Trenton, 1791 4490 HART (Oliver) America's Remembrancer, a Sermon at Hopewell, New Jersey, Nov. 26th, 1789. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1791 4491 MALLET (Philip) Remarks on a Speech made to the National Assembly of France by the Deputies from St. Domingo, with Observa- tions. 8vo. 2s 6d 1791 4492 MAXCY (Jonathan) Funeral Sermon in the Baptist Meeting House at Providence, on the Death of Rev. James Manning, D.D., President of Rhode Island College. 8vo. 2s Providence, 1791 4493 MEMOIRS of the Life and Gallant Exploits of the Old Highlander Serjeant Donald Macleod, who having Returned "Wounded with the Corpse of General "Wolfe from Quebec, was admitted an Out Pensioner of Chelsea Hospital in 1759, and is now in the 103rd year of his age. 8vo. 3s 6d 1791 4494 2s Another Copy. 8vo, wants a leaf. 1791 4495 MINUTES of the Vermont Association at their Annual Convention holden at Wallingford, Vermont, Oct., 1790. 8vo. Is 6d Bennington {Vermont), 1791 4496 PAINE.— Oldy's (Francis, of the University of Pensylvania) Life of Thomas Paine, with a Defence of his Writings. 8vo. Is 1791 4497 PAINE (Thos.) Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America, a new edition, with an Address to the Quakers. 8vo. Is 1791 4498 PAINE '(Thomas) Letter Addressed to the Abbe Raynal, on the Affairs of North America. 8vo. Is 6d 1791 4499 PARTICULAR Account of the Insurrection of the Negroes of St. Domingo, in 1791, trans- lated from the French, with Notes. 8vo. Is 6d 1791 4500 PORTER (Robt.) Oration, July 4th, at Zion Church, in Fourth Street, Philadelphia. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1791 4501 RETURN of the Whole Number of Persons within the Several Districts of the United States. 8vo. 3s Philadelphia, 1791 4502 STILLMAN (Samuel) Sermon preached 31st May, 1791, in Providence, Rhode Island, on the Death of Nicholas Brown, Esq. 8vo. 2s'' Providence, 1791 | 4503 SUTHERLAND (James, late Judge of the Admiralty, at Minorca) Letter to the Electors of Great Britain, complaining of the Conduct of General James Murrav, Governor of Minorca. 4to. 3s 1791 Charging the Judge with secretly corresponding with Dr. Franklin. 4504 THOUGHTS on the Canada Bill now de- pending in Parliament. 8vo. 3s 1791 4505 VIRGINIA PORTSMOUTH BAPTIST AS- SOCIATION.— Minutes of the Association hoi- den in Portsmouth 1791 — holden at Muddy Creek Meeting House, Powhatan County, Vir- ginia, 1793 — Minutes holden at Black Creek Meeting House, Southampton County, 1793 — Minutes holden at London Bridge Meeting House, Princess Anne County, 1796 — Minutes holden at Rackoon Swamp Meeting House, Sus- sex County, Virginia, 1806, together 5 Tracts. 8vo and 4to. 3s 6d 1792. 4506 CLARKSON (Thos.) True State of the Case of the Insurrection at St. Domingo. 8vo. Is Ipswich, 1792 4507 DEBATE on a Motion for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, in the House of Commons, April 18 & 19, 1791. 8vo. Is 1792 4508 A DESCRIPTION of Kentucky in North America, with Miscellaneous Observations res- pecting the United States. 8vo, some leaves tender from damp. 2s Printed in Nov. 1792 4509 IMLAY (G,) Topographical Description of the "Western Territory of North America. 8vo. ' 2s 1792 4510 INQUIRY into the Causes of the Insurrec- tion of the Negroes in the Island of St. Domingo, with Observations by M. Garran Coulor. 8vo. 2s 1792 4511 IRVIN (Nathaniel) Sermon in the Presbyte- rian Church of Deep Run, on the Death of Rev. Jas. Grier, Pastor of that Church. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1792 4512 MEMORIALS presented to the Congress of the United States of America, by the different Societies instituted for promoting the Abolition of Slavery, &c. in the States of Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Mary- land, and Virginia. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1792 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 255 4513 MINUTES of the Meredith Association held at Sandbornton, Sept. 1792 — Minutes of same, held at Sandbornton 9 & 10th Sept. 1795. 2 Tracts. 2s Concord, 1796 4514 MOORE (Dr. Benj.) Sermon at St. George's Chapel, New York, on Regeneration. 8vo. Is New Yorl, 1792 4515 NO RUM— No Sugar, or the Voice of Blood, being half an hour's Conversation between a Ne- gro and an English Gentleman, shewing the hor- rible nature of the Slave Trade, and 5 other con- temporary Pamphlets on the Slave Trade. 12mo. Is6d 1792 4516 PARTICULAR Account of the Commence- ment and Progress of the Insurrection of the Negroes in St. Domingo in August 1791. 8vo. 2s 1792 4517 PAINE (Thomas) Common Sense Addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo. Is 1792 4518 PLAN of the New Constitution for the United States, with Preface by the Editor. 8vo. Is 6d 1792 4519 REASONS why the People called Quakers cannot so fully unite with the Methodists in their Missions to the Negroes in the West India Islands and Africa, by Catherine Phillips. 8vo. 2s 1792 4520 RIPLEY (Ezra) Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. W. Emerson to the Care of the Congregational Church and Society in Harvard. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1792 4521 RUSH (Dr. Benj.) Considerations on the Injustice and Impolicy of Punishing Murder by Death. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1792 4522 SMITH (W.) Eulogium on Benj. Franklin in the German Lutheran Church, Philadelphia. 8vo. 2s 6d Printed by Benj. Franklin Bache, Philadelphia, 1792 4523 SMITH'S (Dr. W.) Eulogium on Dr. Frank- lin. 8vo. Is. 1792 4524 TAPPAN (David, Pastor of a Church in Newbury) Sermon preached before the Gover- nour, &c, of Mussachusetts, 30 May, 1792, the Day of General Election. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1792 4525 TRUMBULL (J., of Connecticut) McFingal, a Modern Epic Poem, in Four Cantos, with Notes. 8vo, 5th edition. 4s 6d 1792 4526 WINCHESTER (Elhanan) Oration on the Discovery of America, delivered in London, Oct. 12, 1792, being 300 years from the Day on which Columbus landed in the New World, with Appendix, containing a Description of the City of Washington. 8vo, with folding plan of Washington. 5s 1792 4527 WINCHESTER (Elhanan) Oration on the Discovery of America, second edition. 8vo, plan of the City of Washington. 4s 6d 1792 4528 another copy, map rather soiled. 2s 6d 1792 1793. 4529 ACTS and Proceedings of the General Ag. sembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1793 4530 ADAMS (John Quincy) Oration at Boston, July 4, 1793, in Commemoration of the Anni- versary of American Independence. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1793 4531 ADAMS'S (John) Answer to Paine's Rights of Man. 8vo. Is 1793 4532 ADDRESS and Petition of the Quakers Ad- dressed to the Legislature of the State of Penn- sylvania, folio, 2 pages. 2s Philad. 1793 4533 ADDRESS and Petition of a number of the Clergy of various Denominations in Philadel- phia to the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Pennsylvania relative to the Passing of the Law against Vice and Immorality, especially Theatrical Exhibitions. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1793 4534 BUCHANAN (Dr. Geo.) Oration upon the Moral and Political Evil of Slavery, Delivered at a Public Meeting of the Maryland Society. 8vo, cut close. Is 6d Baltimore, 1793 4535 CAREY (Matthew) Short Account of the Malignant Fever lately Prevalent in Philadel- phia. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1793 At the end is a List of the Names of the Persons Bu- ried (several hundreds) in the Graveyard of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, from Aug. 1, to Nov. 9th, 1793— still the Pamphlet has a number of lively Anecdotes to counteract so mournful a subject. 4536 DAY'S (Thos.) Dying Negro, a Poem with a Fragment of a Letter on the Slavery of Ne- groes, written at the request of an American Gentleman. 8vo, front. Is 6d 1793 4537 FILSON (John) Discovery.'.Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky, also Col. D. Boon's Narrative of the Wars of Kentucky, with Ac- count of the Indian Nations within the Limits of the United States. 8vo. 3s 1793 4538 HARDIE (James) Philadelphia Directory and Register, containing the Names, Occupa- tions and Places of Abode of Citizens, arranged in Alphabetical Order. 8vo. 7s 6 d Philadelphia, 1793 4539 HOLCOMBE (Henry) Sermon occasioned by the Death of M. Cha. Bealer, delivered at Eu- haw. 8vo. 2s Charleston, 1793 4540 HOLCOMBE (Henry) Sermon, containing a Brief Illustration and Defence of the Doctrines commonly called Calvinistic, preached before the Charleston Association|of Baptist Churches. 8vo. 2s Charleston, 1793 4541 LA FAYETTE'S (Marquis de) Statement of his own Conduct and Principles, with a compa- rative View of the French and American Revo- lutions, the Character of Washington, &c, &c. 8vo. 2s 1793 4542 LINN (W.) The Character of Simon the Sorcerer, a Sermon designed to Prove that Bap- tism is not Regeneration. 8vo. 2s New York, 1793 256 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale hy 4543 MOORE (Benj.) Address to the Members of the Protestant Episcopal Church of New York, occasioned by the Appendix to Dr. Linn's Sermon on the Character of Simon the Sor- cerer. 8vo. Is 6d New York, 1793 4544 LINN (W.) Remarks on Dr. Moore's Address to the Members of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the City of New York. 8vo. 2s New Yorl, 1793 4545 MILLER (Samuel) Sermon preached in New York, July 4, 1793, the Anniversary of the In- dependence of America, at the request of the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order. 8vo. 3s 6d Nev: York, 1793 4546 RETURN of the Whole Number of Persons within the several Districts of the U. States. 8vo. 2s 1793 4547 REPORT of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States on the Subject of Manufac- tures. 8vo. Is 6d 1793 4548 RICE'S Speech against Slavery at the Dan- ville, Ky. Convention. 12mo. Is 1793 4549 NEMBHARD (J. F.) Treatise on the Nature and Cure of the Yaws. 4to (corners torn). Is 6d Kingston, Jamaica, 1793 4550 VIRGINIA Almanack for the Year 1793, the 17th Year of American Independence, by Robert Andrews. Small 8vo (containing some curious American Jests). 5s Puchmond, 1793 4551 WEBSTER (Noah) Effects of Slavery on Morals and Industry. 8vo (wormed). Is 6d Hartford, 1793 1794. 4551*AUTHENTIC Copies of the Corespondence of Thomas Jefferson and George Hammond on the non-execution of existing Treaties for de- livering Frontier Posts. 8vo, part 2 (only). Is 1794 4552 BUELL (Samuel, Pastor of East Hampton) Sermon at Bridge Hampton, on the Funeral of Samuel Buell Woolworth. 8vo. 2s Sagg Harbour, 1794 4553 COLLECTION of the Penal Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1794 4554 DUNN (Thomas) Discourse delivered in the New Dutch Church, Nassau Street, before the New York Society for the Information and Assistance of Persons Emigrating from Foreign Countries. 8vo. Is 1794 4555 CONSTITUTION of the United States of America, established 4th March, 1789, and De- claration for separating from this Country. 8vo. Is 1794 4556 CONTRAST (The), being the Speech of King George III. at the Opening of the Parlia- ment, 1794, and the Speech of President Geo. Washington, at the Opening of the Congress of the United States of Am erica, Dec. 3,1793. 8vo. Is 6d 1794 4557 CUTBUSH (Edward) Inaugural Dissertation on Insanity. 8vc. 2s Philadelphia, 1794 4558 COOPER's (Thomas, President of South Carolina College) Information respecting Ameri- ca. Svo, large map. 2s.— without a map, Is 6d 1794 4559 COUTINHO.— Ensaio Economico sobre o Comercio de Portugal e suas Colonias. 4to. 2s Lisbon, 1794 4560 FURMAN (Rich.) Sermon preached at the High Hills of Santee before the Charleston As- sociation of Baptist Churches. 8vo. Is 6d Charleston, 1794 4561 GRANT (Charles, Viscount de Yaux) Adresse a toutes les Puissances de l'Europe sur l'etat present et future de la Noblesse et du Clerge Frangoise et sur les Moyens d'Assurer un plan dans le Canada les plus Avantageux Possibles. 8vo, portrait. 5s 1794 4562 GREEN (Ashbel) Sermon occasioned by the Death of Rev. Dr. James Sproat, late the Senior Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Congregation, in the City of Philadelphia. 8vo, wants last leaf. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1794 4563 NARRATIVE of the Proceedings of the Black People during the late Awful Calamity in Philadelphia in 1793, by A. J. and R. A. Sm. 8vo. Is 6d 1794 4564 PAINE (Thos.) Le Sens-Commune ouvrage addresse aux Americans, traduit de l'Anglois. 8vo. 2s Paris, 1794 4565 RELIQUIAE Houstounianse seu Plantarum in America Meridionali Collectarum Icones. 8vo, 14 plates. 5s Norimb. 1794 4566 RAMSAY (David, President of the Senate of South Carolina) Oration delivered in St. Michael's Church, Charleston, 4th July, 1794, in Comme- moration of American Independence. 8vo. 2s Charleston (1794) 4567 SERMON preached in the Parish Church of St. Paul at Halifax, 25 April, 1/94, the Day appointed by Proclamation for a General Fast and Humiliation in H.M. Province of Nova Scotia, by Rt. Rev. Charles, Bishop of Nova Scotia, 8vo. 2s 6d Halifax, 1793 4568 SPEECHES of Mr. Smith of South Carolina in the House of Representatives, Jan. 1794, on certain Commercial Regulations proposed by Mr. Madison. 8vo. 2s 1794 4569 THOUGHTS on Emigration, in a Letter from a Gentleman in Philadelphia to his Friend in England. 8vo, privately printed. Is 1794 1795. 4570 BALDWIN (Thos.) Sermon at Bridgewater, at the Ordination of Rev. David Leonard to the work of an Evangelist. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1795 4571 CONSIDERATIONS on the Present State of Affairs as it Respects the West India Colo- nies and Probable Effects of French Decree for Emancipating the Negroes. 8vo. 2s 1795 4572 CONSTITUTION of the Humane Society of the State of New York. 8vo. Is 6d Xcv: Yorl; 1795 John Russell Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. 257 4573 DINGLEY's (Amasa) Oration in the Federal Hall, New York, on the Improvement of Medi- cine. 8vo. Is New Yorl, 1795 4574 ENQUIRY how far the PuDishment of Death is necessary in Pennsylvania, with Notes and Illustrations by Wm. Bradford. 8vo. Is 6d 1795 4575 FRENCH (Jonathan) Sermon at the Ordina- tion of Rev. Abiel Abbot to the Pastoral Care of the First Church and Society in Haverhill. 8vo. 2s Haverhill, 1795 4576 JARDINE (Dr. L. J.) Letter from Pennsyl- vania to a Friend in England, containing Valu- able Information with respect to America. 8vo Is 6d 1795 4577 A LITTLE Plain English, addressed to the People of the United States, on the Treaty ne- gociated with his Brittanic Majesty, by Peter Porcupine ( W. Cobbett). 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1795 4578 M'KNIGHT (John) The Divine Goodness, a Thanksgiving Sermon preached in New York. 8vo. 2s 6d New York, 1795 4579 MESSAGE of the President of the United States to Congress relative to France and Great Britain. 8vo, pp. 292, with the Papers therein referred to. 5s Philadelphia, 1795 4580 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Second and Third Conventions of Delegates, from the Abolition Societies assembled at Philadelphia. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1795—6 4581 PLAN of Association of the North American Land Company. 8vo, with Notary Clement Bid- die's Certification, signed and sealed. 2s Philadelphia, 1795 4582 REAL Cedula de Ereccion del Consulado de Chile, expedida en Aranjuez. 8vo. 2s 6d Madrid, 1795 4583 SMITH'S (Dr. S. Stanhope) Divine Good- ness towards the United States of America, a Discourse at Philadelphia. 8vo. Is 6d 1795 4584 SMITH (Mr., of South Carolina) Speech in the House of Representatives of the United States of America on the Subject of the Reduc- tion of the Public Debt. 8vo. 2s 1795 4585 VINDICATION of Mr. Randolph's Resig- nation. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1795 1796. 4586 ADDRESS and Constitution of the New York Missionary Society. 8vo. Is 6d New Yorl, 1796 4587 ADDRESS of George Washington to the United States of America, on his Resignation. 8vo. 2s Edinb., 1796 4588 AMES (W.) Speech in the House of Repre- sentatives of the United States on the Laws to carry into Effect the Treaty concluded between the United States and the King of Great Bri- tain. 8vo. 2s 6d Philadelphia, 1796 4589 CHRISTIAN (Fletcher) Narrative of the Transactions on Board H.M. Ship the "Bounty," before and after the Mutiny, with his Subse- quent Travels in South America. 8vo, in- teresting. 2s 6d 1796 4590 FURMAN (Richard) Oration Delivered at Charleston Orphan House before the Intendant and Wardens of the City and a large Assem- blage of Benefactors to the Institution. 8vo. 2s Charleston, 1796 4591 KICK for a Bite, or Review upon Review, with a Critical Essay on the Works of Mrs. S. Rowson, in aLetter to the Editors of theAmerican Month- ly Review, by Peter Porcupine. 8vo. Is 1796 4592 INTERESTING State Papers from Presi- dent Washington, M. Fauchet and M. Adet, likewise Conferences with George Hammond, Minister Plenipotentiary from Great Britain. 8vo. 2s 1796 4593 LIANCOURT's (Duke of) Comparative View of the Mild and Sanguinary Laws, and the Good effects of the former exhibited in the present Economy of the Prisons of Philadelphia. 8vo. Is 1796 4594 LOOK before you Leap, or a Few Hints to such Artizans, Mechanics, Labourers, Farmers, and Husbandmen, desirous of Emigrating to America, being a Genuine Collection of Letters from Persons who have Emigrated. 8vo. 2s 6d 1796 4595 MORSE (Dr. Jed.) Sermon at Charlestown on the Death of Hon. Thos. Russell, Esq. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1796 4596 NEW YEAR'S Gift to the Democrats, or Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled " Vindi- cation of Mr. Randolph's Resignation." By Peter Porcupine. 8vo. Is Philadelphia, 1796 4597 OBSERVATIONS on the North American Land Company, lately instituted in Philadelphia, and Remarks on American Lands in general. 8vo. 3s. — A copy little stained. 2s 1796 4598 THE President's (Washington) Address, announcing his design of retiring from Public Life. 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1796 4599 PROCEEDINGS of the Governor and Assem- bly of Jamaica in regard to the Maroon Negroes, origin, progress, and termination of the War. 8vo, plate, 3s 1796 4600 RUSH (Benj.) Eulogium to perpetuate the Memory of David Rittenhouse, late President of the American Philosophical Society. 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1796 4601 SERMON before the Quakers at the Borough Market (on Slavery) by William Savery, of North America. 8vo. 6d 1796 4602 THACHER (Peter) Sermon preached to the Society in Brattle Street, Boston, April 17, 1796, occasioned by the Death of the Hon. Thomas Russell, Esq. 4to. 2s Boston, 1796 4603 THREE Sermons (on Slavery) preached at the Meeting-house of the Quakers in Houns- ditch, by W. Savery and George Dillwyn, of North America. 8vo. Is 1796 4604 TURNBULL (Gordon) Narrative of the Re- volt and Insurrection in the Island of Grenada, with Addenda. 8vo. 3s 1796 4605 WASHINGTON'S Address to the People of the United State?, announcing his intention of retiring from Public Life. 8vo. Is 6d 1?96 258 PampUets relating to America, on Sale by 1797. ■ 4606 ADAMS (President) Speech to both Houses of Congress, May 16, 1797. 8vo. Is Philad. 1797 4607 BONE to Gnaw for the Democrats (of Ame- rica). By Peter Porcupine. Two parts, 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1797 4608 BURDER (George) Welch Indians, or a Collection of Papers respecting a People whose Ancestors emigrated from Wales to America in the year 1170 with Prince Madoc. 8vo. 7s 6d (1797) 4609 EXILE of Major-General Eustace, a Citizen of the United States of America (of the State of Georgia) from Great Britain, by order of the Duke of Portland. 8vo. Is 6d 1797 4610 HAMILTON'S (Alexander) Observations on certain Documents contained in No. 5 and 6 of the History of the United States for 1796, in which the charge of Speculation against him as late Secretary to the Treasury, is fully refuted. 8vo. 5s Philadelphia, 1797 4611 HARPER'S (R. G.) Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France, May, 1797. 8vo. Is 6d 1797 4612 MACKAY (J.) Quebec Hill, or Canadian Scenery, a Poem, in Two Parts. 4to. 3s 1797 4613 MASON (John M., Pastor of the Scots Presby- terian Church in the City of New York) Sermon preached in the Old Presbyterian Church before the New York Missionary Society. 8vo. 2s New York, 1797 4614 MINUTES of New Hampshire Association held at the Baptist Meeting House in Water- borough, 1797. Ditto, at Elder Roberts, Second Parish in Wells (Maine), 1811. 8vo. 2s Portsmouth and Dover, 1811 4615 OBSERVATIONS on the Debates in Con- gress on the Addresses to Washington on his Resignation. By Peter Porcupine (W. Cobbett). 8vo. Is 1797 4616 PAINE (Thomas) Letter to George Washing- ton on the subject of the Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America. 8vo. 2s 1797 4617 COBBETT (William) Letter to the infamous Tom Paine, in answer to his Letter to General Washington. 8vo. Is 1797 4618 TURNBULL'S (R. J., of South Carolina) Visit to the Philadelphia Prison. 8vo. Is 6d 1797 1798. 4618*ABERCROMBIE'S Sermon at Philadelphia, May 9, 1798, being the day appointed by the President as a day of Fasting &c. in the United States, (for fear of a war xcith France). 8vo. 2a Philadelphia (1798) 4619 ADDISON (Alex.) Oration on the Rise and Progress of the United States of America, to the Present Crisis, and on the Duties of the Citizens. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1798 4620 AUTHENTIC Copies of the Correspondence of C. C. Pinckney, John Marshall, and E Gerry, Esqrs., Envoys Extraordinary to the Republic of France, as presented to both Houses of Con- gress, by President Adams. 8vo. Is 6d 1798 4621 RYLES (Matthew) Sermon delivered at St. John's, New Brunswick, 2 December, 1798, on the late Signal Success granted to his Majesty's Arms. 8vo. 2s Saint John, 1798 4622 COPIES of Original Letters, recently written by persons in Paris to Dr. Priestley, in America, taken on board of a Neutral Vessel. 8vo. Is 6d 1798 4623 EMMONS (Nat.) Discourse delivered May 9, 1798, being the day of Fasting and Prayer throughout the United States. 8vo. 2s 6d Wrentham (Mass.) 1798 4624 FRENCH Arrogance, or "the Cat let out of the Bag," a Poetical Dialogue between the En- voys of America and X. Y. Z. and the Lady. 8vo. Is. 1798 4625 HARPER'S (Robt. Goodloe) Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France. 8vo. Is 6d 1798 4626 HARPER'S Short Account of the Principal Proceedings of Congress in the late Session, and Sketch of the State of Affairs between the United States and France, July, 1798. 8vo. Is 6d 1798 A different Pamphlet from the preceding. 4627 Another Copy. 8vo, with a curious Caricature. 2s 6d 1798 4628 HOUSE of Wisdom in a Bustle, a Poem Descriptive of the noted Battle lately fought in C — ng — ss, by Jeffrey Touchstone. 2s Philadelphia 1798 4629 IMPORTANT Documents and Dispatches which accompanied the Message of the President of the United States of America, to both Houses of Congress, respecting Differences between America and France. 4to. Is 6d 1798 4630 JOHNSON'S (J. B.) Discourse, 4th July 1798, on the Dealings of God with Israel and America. 8vo, indifferent copy. Is Albany, 1798 4631 MESSAGE of the President (Adams) relating '^to the French Republic, May 4, 1798. 8vo. Is 4632 MESSAGE of the President (Adams) to both Houses of Congress, April 3, 1798, with the Despatches from the Envoys to the French Republic. 8vo. Is 6d 1798 4633 MONROE (James) View of the Conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, as Connected with the Mission to the French Republic, 1794, 5, and 6. 8vo. Is 6d 1798 4634 PORCUPINE'S (Peter) Republican Judge ; or the American Liberty of the Press, as ex- plained and exposed in the base and partial prosecution of William Cobbett, for a supposed Libel against the King of Spain and his Ambas- sadors, before the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania. 8vo. Is 6d 1798 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 259 4635 OBSERVATIONS on the Emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, by Peter Porcupine. 8vo, 2s 1798 4636 THE Politicians, or a State of Things, a Dramatic Piece, written by an American and Citizen of Philadelphia. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1798 4637 PROUDFITT (Alex.) Sermons before the Northern Missionary Society, New York, at their First Annual Meeting, in Troy. 8vo. 2s Albany, 1798 4638 RAPPORT fait aux Citoyens Hugues et Lebas, sur la situation du Volcan de la Guade- loupe, et les effets de l'eruption qui a eu lieu dans la nuit, 7 au 8 du mois la vendemiaire. 4to. 2s Guadeloupe, an vi. (1798) 4639 SPEECH of John Allen, in the House of Representatives, relative to employing the armed Vessels as Convoys. 8vo. Is 6d Phil, 1798 4640 SPEECH in the House of Representatives, of Mr. Bayard, on the Foreign Intercourse Bill. 8vo. Is 1798 4641 S P E E C H of R. Goodloe Harper, on the Foreign Intercourse Bill, delivered in the House of Representatives, March 2nd. 8vo. Is 1798 4642 STORY's Sermon at Hamilton at the Ordi- nation of Rev. D. Story to the Pastoral Care of the Church, at Marietta, North West of the Ohio. 8vo. 2s Salem, 1798 4643 TESTIMONY of the Monthly Meeting of Friends at Pyrmontin Westphalia, Germany, concerning John Pemberton, of Philadelphia. 8vo. 2s 1798 4644 TURNBULL (Robert J.) Visit to the Phila- delphia Prison, containing an Account of the Wise and Humane Administration adopted there. 8vo. 2s Dublin, 1798 4645 WHAT is our Situation, and What our Prospects ? A few pages for Americans, by an American. 8vo. Is 6d About 1798 4646 THE Whole Official Correspondence between the Envoys of the American States and Mons. Talleyrand, on the Subject of the Disputes between the Two Countries, and also the pur- port of some Private Conversations between the American Commissioners and an Unaccredited Agent of the French Government. 12mo. Is 6d 1798 1799. 4647 BARTON (Dr. Benj.) Fragments of the Na- tural History of Pennsylvania. Folio, part 1, all published. 6s Philadelphia, 1799 4648 COBBETT's (W.) Remarks on the Expla- nation lately published by Dr. Priestley, res- pecting the intercepted letters of his friend and disciple, John H. Stone. 8vo. Is 6d 1799 4649 DESCRIPTION of the Settlement of the Genesee Country in the State of New York. 8vo (little damaged in the margin). Is 6d 1799 4650 EMMONS (Nath.) Discourse Delivered on the National Fast, April 25, 1799. 8vo, 2s 6d Wrentham (Mass.), 1799 4651 DETECTION of a Conspiracy formed by the United Brethren, with the Evident intention of aiding the Tyrants of France in Subverting the Government of the United States of America, by Peter Porcupine. 8vo. Is 6d 1799 4652 MEMOIRE sur la Guiane Francaise par le Citoyen Jacquemin qui a reside dans la Guiane Francaise pendant vingt deux ans. 12mo. 2s Paris, an vii. (1799) 4653 PRIESTLEY (Jos.) Letters to th e> Inhabi- tants of Northumberland and its Neighbour- hood, on Subjects interesting to the Author and to them, part 2. 8vo. Is 6d Northumberland, 1799 4654 ORATION, written at the request of the Young Men of Boston, in commemoration of the Dissolution of the Treaties between France and the United States, by Thos. Paine. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1799 4655 RAMEL (General) Relation de la Deporta- tion a Cayenne des Citoyens Barthelemy, Pichegru, Willot, La Rue, &c. 8vo. 2s Hambourg, 1799 4656 RAMEL (General) Narrative of the Depor- tation to Cayenne, of Barthelemy, Pichegru, Willot, &c, &c. Translated from the French. 8vo. 2s 1799 4657 RAPPORT du Commite du Conseil sur l'objet d'augmenter les moiens l'Education, French and English. 8vo, close cut. 3s Quebec, 1799 4658 REFLEXIONS sobre el Comercio de Espana con sus Colonias en America en tiempo de Guerra, por un Espanol en Philadelphia. 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1799 1800. 4659 BRIEF Account of the Revivals of Religion among the Congregationalists and Baptists, in a number of Tours in the New Eogland States, and also Nova Scotia, small 8vo. Is Halifax, 1800 4660 Another edition. 8vo. Is Bristol, Eng., 1800 4661 BRIEF Statement of Opinions given in the Board of Commissioners under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navi- gation with Great Britain, by One of the Com- missioners under the Sixth Article. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1800 4662 CHEETHAM'S (Jas.) Dissertation on Poli- tical Equality and the Corporation of New York. 8vo. 2s 6d Neio York, 1800 4663 EPISTLE (in Verse) from the Marquis de la Fayette to General Washington. 8vo. 2s 6d Edinb., 1800 4664 FRIE'S (John) Two Trials of John Fries, on an Indictment for Treason and Insurrection in the Counties of Bucks, Northampton, and Montgomery, United States. 8vo, 277 pp. 3s 6d Philadelphia, 1800 4665 FUNERAL Oration on the Death of Wash- ington, by Major-Gen. Henry Lee, with an Eulogy by Judge Miuot. 8vo. 3s 1800 260 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 4666 HOLCOMBE (Henry, Minister of the Word of God in Savannah) Sermon occasioned by the Death of Lt.-Gen. Washington, President of the United States of America. 4to. 2s 6d On the Bay (1800) 4667 LETTERS from Paris to the Citizens of the United States on their Commercial Intercourse with England, by Joel Barlow. 8vo. Is 6d 1800 4668 LINN (Wm, Minister of the Reformed Dutch Church in the City of New York) Discourse deli- vered in the Brick Presbyterian Church before the New York Missionary Society. 8vo. 2s New York, 1800 4669 MORE'S (Dr. Jedidiah) Prayer and Sermon at Charlestown, Dec. 31, 1799, on the Death of President Washington, and Proceedings of the Town in Testimony of his Talents. 8vo. 2s 1800 4670 MADISON (Dr., Bp. of Virginia) Discourse on the Death of General Washington, on Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo. 2s 1800 4671 THE Narrative of Mr. John Soren, a Native of the United States, piratically Captured on the High Seas in requital for an Act of Huma- nity in Saving a British Transport with near 300 Troops on Board from Sinking, with Appen- dix of Documents and Letters from the Ame- rican Minister. 8vo, not 2>ublished. 2s 1800 4672 PAINE'S (Seth, Jun.) Eulogy on General George Washington. 8vo. 2s Charlestown, 1800 4673 RUSSELL (Jon.) An Oration pronounced in the Baptist Meeting House in Providence, on the Anniversary of American Independence. 8vo. 2s Providence, 1800 4674 SKETCH of a Discourse occasioned by the Death of Gen. Washington. 8vo. 2s Dublin, 1800 4675 SOTHEBY (W.) Siege of Cuzco, a Tragedy. 8vo. Is 6d 1800 4676 WASHINGTON'S (General) Letters to Sir John Sinclair on Agricultural and other Inter- esting Topics, engraved in facsimile, on 36 pages. 4to. 5s 1800 4677 WEEM'S (Rev. M. L.) History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits of Gen. Geo. Washington. 8vo, oval -portrait by Tanner. 3s 6d Philadelphia, 1800 4678 WHITNEY (Phineas) Sermon at the Ordi- nation of the Rev. Nicholas Bowes Whitney to the Care of the Second Church Society in Hingham. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1800 1801. 4679 COUTHINO (J. J. da Cunha de Azeredo, Bishop of Pernambuco) Essay on the Commerce of Portugal and her Colonies, particularly of Brazil. 8vo. 2s 1801 4680 LATHROP (Jos.) Sermon at Harvard at the Ordination of the Rev. Stephen Bemis to the care of the Congregational Church and Society in Harvard. 8vo. 2s Harvard, 1801 4681 VOTES of the House of Assembly of the Bahama Islands. Folio. 2s Nassau, 1801 :t a 4681* MEMOIRE justificatif de la conduite de Grande Bretagne en arreHant les Navires E rangers et les munitions de Guerre destinies aux Insurgens de l'Amerique. 8vo. 2s 1801 4682 PRIESTLEY (Joseph) Lettersto the Inhabit- ants of Northumberland, and Letters to a Friend in Paris, on Liancourt's Travels in the North American States. 8vo. 2s 6d Philadelphia, 1801 4683 SPEECH of Thos. Jefferson, the newly elected President to the Senate of the United States, with a few Remarks by an^Englishman. 8vo. Is 6d 1801 4684 THACHER (Thos. C.) Sermon at Lynn, on the Death of Mrs. Anne Carnes. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1801 4685 WASHINGTON'S Letters to Arthur Young, containing an Account of his Husbandry, his Opinions on Various Questions of Agriculture, and Particulars of the Rural Economy of the United States. 8vo, map of Washington's Farm. 4s 6d 1801 1802. 4686 ACCOUNT of the Skeleton of the Mammoth, a nondescript Carnivorous Animal, of immense size, found in America, by R. Peale. 8vo. Is 6d 1802 4687 BARRY (Thos.) Singular Adventures and Captivity among the Monsipi Indians of North America. 8vo, front,, (a Shilling pamphlet). 3s 1802 46S8 CRISIS of Sugar Colonies, an Enquiry into the Objects and Probable Effects of the French Expedition to the West Indies, with a Plan for settling the vacant Land of Trinidada. 8vo. 2s 1802 4689 FUNERAL Panegyric on George Washing- ton, 22 Feb., 1800, in the United Churches of St. Paul's and Christ Church, Baltimore, by Rev. John Ireland. 8vo. Is 6d 1802 4690 THE Georgia Analytical Repository, by Henry Holcombe, Pastor of the Baptist Church in Savannah. 8vo, No. 1 of vol 1, title torn. 2a Savannah, 1802 4691 HENDERSON (Geo.) Short View of the Ad- ministrations in the Government of America, under Washington and Adams, and Present Ad- ministration under Jefferson. 8vo. Is 6d 1802 4692 HISTOIRE Diplomatique du Chev. Behaim de Nuremburg avec la description de son globe terrestre par M. Christophe Theophili de Murr traduite de l'Allemand par H. J. Jansen. 8vo. Plate. 4s 6d Strasbourg, 1802 4693 MACLAURIE's Narrative, or Journal of Voyages and Travels through the Noith West Continent of America in 1789 and 1793. 12mo. 3s 6d 1802 4694 MONGROLE, La France Equinoxiale ou Expose-sommaire des possessions de la Re- publique sous l'Equateur, comprenant une refu- tation en faveur de la Guayane Francaise. 8vo. 2s Paris, 1802 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 261 4695 MALLET's (Captain) Descriptive Account of the Island of Trinidad. 4to, map. 2s 1802 4696 PETER's (Rev. C.) Two Sermons, preached at Dominica, with Appendix, containing Minutes of Three Trials at Roseau and Strictures on the Slave Trade. 8vo. Is 6d 1802 4697 PRIEST'S (Will, a Musician) Travels in the United States, 1793-7. 8vo. 2s 1802 4698 RAINSFORD's (Capt.) Memoir of Transac- tions that took place in St. Domingo, 1799. 8vo. Is 6d 1802 4699 WASHINGTON (President) Life of, by J. Corry. 12mo, portrait. Is 6d 1802 1803. 4700 BILKNAP's (Jeremy) Life and Extraordi- nary Adventures of Capt. John Smith. 12 mo, frontispiece of Pocahontas saving his life. 2s Lond., 1803 4701 CAMPE (M. J. H.) Columbus oder entdec- kung von Westindien. 3s Paris, 1803 4702 CRESSON (Joshua) Meditations during the Prevalence of the Yellow Fever, in Philadelphia in 1793. 12mo. 2s 1803 4703 DICKINSON (Jonathan) Narrative of a Shipwreck in the Gulph of Florida, shewing God's protecting Providence Man's surest help and defence in Times of greatest difficulty and most eminent danger. 12mo. 2s Stanford, State of New York, 1803 4704 KOLLOCK (Henry) Sermon before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1803 4706 HISTORICAL Disquisition on the Mammoth, or Great American Incognitium, whose fossil remains are to be found in North America. By R. Peale. 8vo. Is 6d 1803 4706 POWNALL (Gov.) Memorial Addressed to the Sovereigns of Europe and the Atlantic, (different from the one of 1780). 8vo. 3s 6d 1803 4707 PRIESTLEY'S (Joseph) Second Letter to the Rev. John Blair Linn, Pastor of the first Presbyterian Congregation in Philadelphia, in reply to hie Defence of the Doctrines of the Divinity of Christ and Atonement. 8vo. Is 6d Northumberland, U. S., 1803 4708 SAVANNAH Baptist Association.— Minutes of the Association held in the City of Savannah, State of Georgia, 1803; Minutes of same in Savannah, from Jan. 14th to 17tb, 1804 ; Minutes held at Black Swamp, in South Caro- lina, from Saturday 24th to 27th, Nov. 1834, Three Tracts. 8vo. 3s 1804. 4709 GLAD TIDINGS; or, an Account of the State of Religion within the Bounds of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1804 4710 PICTON's (Col.) Letter to Lord Hobart {respecting his administration of the Island of Trinidad). 8vo. Is 6d 1804 4711 MASON's (Dr. J. M.) Oration Commemora- tive of the late Major General Alex. Hamilton, with Appendix of Particulars of his Duel with Col. Burr, and a Copy of the paper left by the General. 8vo. 3s 1804 4712 MINUTES of the Georgia Association, taken at Whattey's Mill, 1803 ; Ditto, at Newford, in Wilkes' County, 1804, Two Tracts. 8vo. 2s Augusta, 1804 4713 PRIESTLEY'S (Timothy, Brother of the Dr.) Funeral Sermon on Dr. Joseph Priestley, who Died at Northumberland, in Pennsylvania. 8vo. 2s 6d 1804 4714 PUGNET (J. F. X.) Essai sur la Topogra- phie de l'lsle de Sainte-Lucie. 4to. 2s 6d Paris, 1804 4715 ST. DOMINGO. — The Opportunity or Reason for an Immediate Alliance with St. Domingo, by the Author of the Crisis of the Sugar Colonies. 8vo. 2s 1804 4716 THORNTON'S (Dr. W.) Political Economy, founded in Justice and Humanity (as applica- ble to America). 8vo. Is Washington, V. S., 1804 1805. 4717 BOULTON's (D'Arcy) Sketch of Upper Canada. 4to, coloured map. 2s 1805 4718 CONSIDERATIONS for and against a South American Expedition. 8vo. 2s 1805 4719 FULLARTON's (Col.) Refutation of Col. Picton's Pamphlet, lately Addressed to Lord Hobart (on his Governorship of Trindad). 4to. 2s 1805 4720 LETTER from the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, to Lord Mulgrave. 8vo. Is 1805 4721 NOTT's (Elip.) Address to the Candidates for the Baccalaureate, in Union College, May 18th, 1805— Ditto, July, 1806.— Ditto, July, 1807. 8vo. Is each Albany and Schnectady, 1805—7 4722 POPKIN's (John Snelling) Discourse at Haverhill, on the Funeral of Jabez Kimball, Attorney at Law, with Memoir of his Life. 8vo. 2s Neioburyport, 1805 4723 TALLEYRAND.— Memoire sur les Rela- tions Commerciales des Etats Unis avec l'Angle- terre. 8vo. Is 1805 4724 WAR IN DISGUISE ; or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags, pp. 216. 2s 1805 By John Brown of Yarmouth, a writer of other Trea- tises on Maritime International Law. Mr. Allibonc almost ignores him. 4725 WARE (Henry) Sermon, Occasioned by the Dissolution of his Pastoral Relation to the First Church of Christ in Hingham. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1805 1806. 4726 ACCOUNT of the Massachusetts State Prison, containing a Description and Plan of the Edifice, the Law, Regulations, Rules, & Orders, with State of the Institution. 8vo, plates. Is 6d Charlestown, 1806 262 Pamphlets relating to Amet'ica, on Sale by 4727 ACCOUNTS of Two Attempts towards the Civilization of some Indian Nations in North America. 12mo. Is 6d 1806 4728 ADAMS (John Quincy) Inaugural Oration, delivered at the Author's Installation as Boylston Professor of Rhetorick and Oratory, at Harvard University. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1806 4729 BRIEF Account of the Proceedings of the Committee by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, &c, for Promoting the Improvement and Gradual Civilization of the Indian Nations. 8vo. Is 6d 1808 4730 AN EXAMINATION of the British Doc- trine, which Subjects to Capture a Neutral Trade not open in the time of Peace. 8vo. 2s 1806 4731 CASE in the House of Lords respecting the Scotch Estates of the late William Shedden, Merchant of New York, both Appellant and Respondent's Cases. Folio. 2s 6d 1806-8 4732 EVIDENCE taken at Port of Spain, Island of Trinidad, in the Case of Louisa Calderon, with Letter to Sir Sam. Hood, by Col. Thomas Picton. 8vo. 2s 1806 4733 FAIRBURN's Authentic and Interesting Description of the City of Buenos Ayres and adjacent Country on the River Plate, shewing the Manners, Customs, Produce and Commerce of that Important Country. Small 8vo, map. Is 6d 1836 4734 FULLARTON's ( Col.) Letter to Lord * * * * * * *, on the Subjects of Torture introduced into the British Colonies, as connec- ted with the Laws of Old Spain. 4to. Is 6d 1806 4735 LEE (Jos., Pastor of the Church in Royalston) Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. W. B. Wesson to the Pastoral Office over the Church and Society in Hardwick. 8vo. 2s Northampton, 1806 4736 MEMOIRS of Mammoth, and Various other Extraordinary and Stupendous Bones of Incog- nita or Nondescript Animals, found in the Vicinity of the Ohio, Illinois, &c, by Thos. Ashe. 8vo. Is 6d 1806 4737 NOTT's Sermon before the Presbyterian Church, on Missions. 8vo. Is Phil, 1806 4738 PIDGIN (Wm, Minister at Hampton) Two Discourses, on the Sudden Deaths of Joseph Brown and James Jenness, drowned near Rye- Beach, Sept. 9th. 1806. 8vo. 4s Xev:huryport, 1806 4739 QUINCY (Josiah) Speech, on Fortifying the Ports and Harbours of the United States. 8vo, small piece cut out of last leaf. Is 1806 4740 SPEECH of Hon. J. Randolph, Representa- tive for the State of Virginia, in the Congress, on a Motion for the non-importation of British Merchandize pending the Disputes between Great Britain and America. 8vo. Is 6d 1806 4741 TALLEYRAND'a Memoirs concerning the Commercial Relations of the United States with England. 8vo. 2s 1806 4742 TRIAL of J. D. R. Rouvellet, Esq. of tl Island of St. Christopher, for Forgery. 8a portrait. Is 6d 18( 4743 TRIAL of Thomas Picton, late Governor Trinidad, for Torturing Louisa Calderon, in the Island of Trinidad, too, front. Is 1806 4744 WAR in Disguise, or the Frauds of the Neutral Flags.- 8vo. 4tk edition. 2s 1806 4745 WELCH (Moses C.) Sermon at the Installa- tion of the Rev. Elijah Waterman to the Pas- toral Care of the Presbyterian Church in Stratfield (Connec.) 8vo. 2s Bridgeport, 1806 1807. 4746 BUENOS AYRES.— Truth and Reason versus Calumny and Folly, in which the leading Cir- cumstances of Gen. Whitelocke's Conduct in S. America are explained. 8vo. 2s 6d 1807 4746* NARRATIVE of the Expedition to and the Storming of Buenos Ayres. 8vo, plate. 2s 1807 4747 CONCESSIONS to America the Bane of Britain, or the Cause of the present Distressed Situation of the British Colonial and Shipping Interests Explained, and Remedy Suggested. 8vo. Is 6d 1807 4748 TRIAL of John Wilson, alias Jenkin Ratford, for Mutiny, Desertion, and Contempt. 8vo. Is 6d Halifax, (1807) 4749 DE PONS (F. J. , Ex- Agent du Gov. Francais a Caracas) Perspective des Rapports Politiques et Commerciaux de la France dans les deux Indes sous la Dynastie Regnante. 8vo. 2s Paris, 1807 4750 EMANCIPATION in Disguise, or the Crisis of the Colonies, and Observations upon Colonial Monopoly, shewing the different Effects of its Enforcement and Relaxation, Exposing the Ad- vantages derived by America from Louisiana. 8vo. 3s 1807 4751 LAWS of Union College. 8vo. Is Schenectady, 1807 4752 LETTER to W. Manning, Esq., M.P., on the Progressive Depreciation of West India Pro- perty. 8vo. Is 1807 4753 MEDFORD's (Macall) Oil without Vinegar, and Dignity without Pride, or British American and West India Interests Considered. 8vo Is 6d ' 1807 4754 MINUTES of a Court Martial in Portsmouth Harbour, for the Trial of Sir Home Popham {for taking Buenos Ayres and Monte Video) with his Defence. 8vo. 3s 1807 4755 REMARKS on the British Treaty with the United States, and Reflections on the Characters of the President and other leading Members of the Government. 8vo. 2s 1807 4756 TRUE Picture of the United States of America. By a British Subject. 8vo. Is 6d 1807 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 263 1808. 4757 AUTHENTIC Narrative of the Expedition under Gen. Crauford until its Arrival at Monte Video, with Account of the Operations against Buenos Ayres under Gen. Whitelocke. By an Officer. 8vo, plates. 5s For the Author, 1808 4758 BARING'S (Alex. Lord Ashburion) Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council, and the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America. 8vo. Is 6d 1808 4759 BROUGHAM (Henry) Speech before the House of Commons in support of the Petitions from London, Liverpool, and Manchester against the Orders in Council. 8vo. Is 6d 1808 4760 THE British Treaty; with Appendix of State Papers, which are now first published. 8vo. 3s America, printed unknown where, or by whom sold; Lond. reprinted 1808 4761 BURKE (William) Additional Reasons for our immediately emancipating Spanish America, deduced from the Circumstances of the present Crisis, with valuable Information of Events at Buenos Ayres and the Caraccas. 8vo. 2s 1808 4762 THE Country Seats of the United States, with some Scenes connected with them. By W. Birch. Oblong 4to. Part I. {and last?), 20 plates. 6s Springland Pa. 1808 4763 LETTERS of Decius, in answer to the Criticism upon the Political Account of Trini- dad, and upon the Defence of the Crimes of Governor Picton. 8vo. Is 6d 1808 4764 LETTER to Hon. T. Pickering, exhibiting a view of the imminent Danger of an unneces- sary and ruinous War. 8vo. Is 1808 4765 LIFE of Lieut. Gen. Whitelocke (published during his Trial). 8vo, no title. Is 1808 4766 LOWE (Jos.) Inquiry into the State of the British West Indies. 8vo. Is 6d 1808 4767 MORSE and Parish's Compendious History of New England. 8vo. 2s 1808 4768 OBSERVATIONS on the American Treaty, in Eleven Letters, published in " The Sun," under the Signature of Decius. 8vo. 2s 1808 4769 ORDERS in Council, or Examination of the Justice, Legality, and Policy of the new System of Commercial Regulations, with Appendix of State Papers, Statutes, and Authorities. 8vo. 2s 1808 4770 PARISH'S (Dr. Elijah) Sermon in the Presbyterian Church, Schenectady. 8vo. Is Schenectady, 1808 4771 PAYSON (Seth, Pastor of the Church in Rindge, N. H.) Discourse at the Ordination of the Rev. Edward Payson, as Colleague Pastor of the Second Congregational Church in Port- land. 8vo. 2s Portland, 1808 4772 PORTER (Eliphat) Discourse before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, 5th Nov. 1807. 8vo. Is 6d Boston 1808 4773 REPORT of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of Public Roads and Canals. 8vo. Is 6d Washington, 1808 4774 RITCHIE'S (Andrew) Oration on the Anni- versary of American Independence. 8vo. Is Boston, 1808 4775 ROBBERY of the Bank of Pennsylvania in 1798, the Trial in the Supreme Court, when the President and Directors were sentenced to pay P. Lyon 12,000 dollars damages for a false Pro- secution. 8vo. 3s 1808 4776 RUSSELL'S (John) Address to the Mem- bers of the Faustus Association in Boston at their Annual Celebration. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1808 4777 STEINHAUER on the Geology of Labra- dor (from Linnsean Soc. Trans). 4to. 6d (1808) 1809. 4778 ADDRESS to the Congress of the United States on the Utility and Justice of Restrictions upon Foreign Commerce. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1809 4779 ADDRESS of the Bible Society of Maine to the Public, with the Constitution and Regula- tion of said Society. 8vo. Is Portland, 1809 4780 BUCKMINSTER's (J. S.) Sermon at the Church in Brattle Street, Boston, on the Fune- ral of His Excellency, Jas. Sullivan, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1809 4781 CHANNING's (W. E.) Sermon at the Ordi- nation of Rev. John Codman, to the Second Church in Dorchester. 8vo. Is Boston, 1809 4782 COLOMB (Christophe) Comedie Historique, par N. Louis Lamercier. 8vo. Is 6d Paris, 1809 4783 CORRESPONDENCE between the United States of America and Great Britain. 8vo. Is 6d 1809 4784 FERNAND Cortez, ou la Conque*te du Mexique, Opera en trois actes. 8vo. Is Paris, 1809 4785 MARRY AT (Jos.) Substance of a Speech in the House of Commons upon the second read- ing of the Martinique Trade Bill. 8vo. Is 1809 4786 POLITICAL, Commercial, and Statistical Sketches of the Spanish Empire in both Indies, and review of the question between Spain and the United States, respecting Louisiana and the Floridas. 8vo. 2s ' 1809 4787 REPORT of the Committee appointed, on the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, to enquire into the Farmer's Ex- change Bank, at Gloucester. 8vo. 2s 1809 4788 TOWNSEND's (Alex.) Address to the Mas- sachusetts Charitable Fire Society, on the prin- ciples of their Institution. 8vo. Is 1809 4789 VIEW of the Political Situation of Upper Canada. By J. M. Jackson. 8vo. 2s 1809 264 Pamphlets relating to A mertca, on Sale by 1810. 4790 A BRIEF View of the Policy and Resources of the United States. 8vo. Is 6d 1810 4791 CAREY (M.) Nine Letters to Dr. Adam Sey- bert, representative in Congress for Philadel- phia, on the United States Bank, &c. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1810 4792 CORRESPONDENCE between Mr. Secre- tary Canning and the Hon. D. Erskine, as printed and laid before the House of Lords. 8vo. Is 6d 1810 4793 DIPLOMATIC Policy of Mr. Madison un- veiled in Strictures upon the late correspon- dence between Mr. Smith and Mr. Jackson. By a Bostonian. 8vo. 2s 6d 1810 4794 GOLDSMITH (Lewis) Exposition of the Conduct of France towards America, illustrated by Cases decided in the Council of Prizes iu Paris. 8vo. Is 6d 1810 4795 GUILDING (Rev. John) Sermon before the Governor and Council, &c, of the Island of St. Vincent, 28 Dec, 1809, the day appointed for observance of the Jubilee. 4to. 2s St. Vincent, 1810 4796 HOBART (John Henry) Sermon at the consecration of Trinity Church, Newark, New Jersey. 8vo. Is 6d New York, 1810 4797 LETTER on the genius and dispositions of the French Government, including a view of the taxation of the French Empire. By an American. 8vo, 5th edition. 2s 1810 4798 O'NEIL's Account of the proceedings of the Squadron under Admiral Sir Sydney Smith in effecting the escape of the Royal Family of Por- tugal to the Brazils. 8vo. 2s 1810 4799 ROGERS' Voyage of Columbus, a Poem. 4to, with alterations in two places by Mr. Rogei's. 3s 6d 1810 4800 ROGERS (Samuel) Voyage of Columbus, a Poem. 4to, with 19 MS. lines by Mr. Rogers, in alteration of -passages. 7s 6d 1810 Bought at the poet's sale, overlooked by the Cataloguer. 4801 SMITH (Sam. Stanhope, President of the College of New Jersey) Sermon on the Love of Praise. 8vo. Is New Brunswick, 1810 1811. 4802 CATALOGUE of the Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Maps, Charts, Manuscripts, &c, in the Library of the Massachussets Historical Society. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1811 4803 CHURCH (The) of England and in America Compared. 8vo. Is 6d Neio York, 1811 4804 CONSTITUTION of the Society of Teachers of the City and County of New York. 8vo. Is New York, 1811 4805 CRISIS of the Dispute with the United States, by a celebrated public writer, with ex- planatory Preface by a Merchant of the Old School. 8vo. Is 6d 1811 4806 HARRIS (F. M.) Sermon oh the Death of the Hon. James Bowdoin, Esq. 8vo, only 100 privately printed. Is 6d Boston, 1811 4807 INQUIRY into the past and present Rela- tions of France with the United States. 8vo. Is 6d 1811 4808 SMITH (Hon. Robert) an Address to the People of the United States. 8vo. Is 1811 4809 SPEECH of John Emote in Congress, Feb. 6, 1811, in relation to Non-Intercourse. 8vo. Is 1811 4810 TRIAL of Arthur Hodge, late one of the Members of H.M. Council for the Virgin Is- lands at the Island of Tortola, for the Murder of his Negro Man Slave. 8vo. 3s 1811 1812. 4811 ABSTRACT of the Evidence against the Orders in Council. 8vo. Is 6d 1812 4812 CLINTON (De W.) Discourse delivered be- fore the New York Historical Society, December 6, 1811. 8vo. 2s New York, 1812 4813 COLMAN (Henry) Sermon in Hingham and Quincy, the Day of the National Fast on ac- count of the War with Great Britain. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1812 4814 CONSTITUTION and Canons of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church in the State of New • York. 8vo. Is New York, 1812 1 4815 DOWDALL (Commander P. S.) Narrative of the Loss of the Brigg Charles, on her Passage from Liverpool to Newfoundland, and Miracu- lous Delivery of the Master and two of the Crew in an open boat. 8vo. 2s Liverpool (1812) 4816 EXTRACTS from a Journal kept during a Voyage from Philadelphia to Calcutta, by way of the Isle of France. By W. J. 8vo, privately printed. 2s Serampore, 1812 4817 A KEY to the Orders in Council. 8vo. Is 1812 4818 MACLAY (Archibald) Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Mary Delezenne, of New York. 8vo 2s x. y. 1812 4819 ORATION by Mr. Custis, of Arlington, with Account of Funeral Solemnities in honour of Gen. James N. Lingan. 8vo. 2s Washington City, 1812 4820 REMARKS on the Theatre, and on the late Fire at Richmond, in Virginia. 8vo. 2s York, 1812 4821 SKETCH of the further Proceedings of the Committees appointed by the Yearly Meetings of Friends of Pennsylvania and Maryland for Improvement and Gradual Civilisation of the In- dian Natives in some parts of North America. 8vo. Is 6d 1812 4822 SKEY (Dr.) on the Geology of Barbadoes (from Linnsean Soc. Trans.) 4to. 6d 1812 4823 THREE Messages from the President of the United States of Congress, in November, 1811, with Documents accompanying the same. 8vo. 2s 6d 1812 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 265 4824 WHITNEY (Peter) Discourse delivered in the Morning at Quincy, and in the Afternoon to the third Religious Society in Hingham, on the Day of the State Fast, July 23rd, 1812. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1812 1813. 4825 CARSON (Dr. W.) Reasons for Colonizing the Island of Newfoundland. 8vo. 2s 6d GreenocJc, 1813 4826 GLADSTONE (John, of Liverpool) on the Inexpediency of permitting Cotton Wool from the United States during the present War. 8vo. Is 1813 4827 LYNE (Chas.) Letter to Lord Castlereagh on the North American Export Trade during the War. 8vo. Is 1813 4828 ON the past Relations between Great Bri- tain and the United States. 8vo. Is 1813 4829 THE Shannon and Chesapeake, a Poem. 8vo. Is 6d 1813 4830 SKETCH of the Church Solemnities at the Stone Chapel and Festival at the Exchange, in honour of Russian Achievements over their French Invaders. 8vo. Is Boston, 1813 4831 SWEDEN'S (King of) Custom House and Excise Ordinance for the Island of St. Bartho- lomew. 8vo. Is Stockholm, 1813 4832 WASHINGTON'S Farewell Address to the People of the United States, Hudson, 1813 — the Constitution of the United States of America, with the Amendments, ib., 1813, 12mo, port. 2s 1814. 4833 ADDRESS of the Managers of the Bible Society of Virginia to the Public. 8vo. Is Richmond, 1814 4834 ANNUAL Report of the Baptist Education Society of the United States, Philadelphia. Small 8vo. Is Philadelphia, 1814 4835 BOSTON Baptist Association.— Minutes of the Association held at the Baptist Meeting House in South Reading, 1814 — Minutes held at the Meeting House of the Third Baptist Church in Boston, 1815 — Minutes held at the Baptist Meeting House in Dan very, 1817. Three Tracts, 8vo. 2s 6d Boston 4836 COMPRESSED View of the Points to be discussed in treating with the United States of America (relating to the Boundary Question), 1814. By N.Atcbeson. 8 vo, 2 maps. 2s 6cl 1814 4837 DOCUMENTS relative to the Negociations for Peace between the United States and Great Britain. 12mo, folding map. 2s Philadelphia, 1814 4838 HAYTL— Manifesto du Roi (Henri Christo- phe.) 8vo. Is Cap Henry, Sept. 1814 4839 HISTORY of Toussaint Louverture (the Hero of St. Domingo). 8vo. Is 6d 1814 4840 HOBART (John Henry) Origin, General Character, and Present Situation of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church in the United States. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1814 4841 ORIGINATION and Constitution of the Sansom Street Baptist Female Society for Pro- moting Foreign Evangelical Missions. 8vo. Is Philadelphia, 1814 4842 PROCEEDINGS relative to the Establish- ment of a Presbyterian Place of Worship in the City of Kingston. 4to. 2s Jamaica, 1814 4843 PROCEEDINGS in the Assembly of Lower Canada on the Rules of Practice in the Courts of Justice, and the Impeachments of Jonathan Sewell and James Monk, Esqrs. 4to. 2s 1814 4844 RIGHT and Practice of Impressment as concerning Great Britain and America Con- sidered. 8vo. Is 6d 1814 4845 SISMONDI (J. C. C. Sismonde de) De l'in- te*ret de la France h l'dgard de la traite des Negres. 8vo. Is 6d 1814 4846 TREATY of Peace between England and America, signed at Ghent, Dec. 24, 1814. 4to. Is 1815. 4847 D'AUBIGNY (M.) Washington, ou l'Orphe- lina de la Pensylvanie, Melodrame en trois actes. 8vo. Is Paris, 1815 4848 DECRET Portant Organisation du Governe- ment de rile de St. Barthelemy, Swedish and French. Stockholm, 1811— Port Regulations of St. Bartholomew. 4to. Is 6d Gustavia, 1815 4849 EXPOSITION of the Causes and Character of the late War with Great Britain, published by the Authority of the American Government. 8vo. 2s 1815 4850 LARRIVA (Don Josd Joay de) Elogio del exemo e illmo Senor D. D. Bart, Maria de las Heras. 12mo. 2s Lima, 1815 4851 LETTSOM (Dr.) Recollections of Dr. Rush, of Philadelphia. 8vo, privately printed. Is 6d 1815 4852 LETTER to Albert Gallatin, Esq., on the Doctrine of Gold and Silver, and Evils of the present Banking System. By Publicola. 8vo. Is New York, 1815 4853 MILLS and Smith, Report of a Missionary Tour through that part of the United States West of the Allegany Mountains, performed under the direction of the Massachusetts Mis- sionary Society. 8vo. 3s Andover, 1815 4854 OUTLINES of a Constitution for United North and South Columbia. By Dr. W. Thorn- ton. 8vo. Is Washington, 1815 4855 PIXERECOURT (R. C. Guilbert de) Chris- tophe Colomb, ou la Decouverte du Nouveau monde, Melodram Historique, 8vo. Is 6d Paris, 1815 4856 REPORT of the Executive Committee of the Bible Society of Massachusetts, prepared for the Anniversary of the Society. 8vo. Is Boston, 1815 1816. 4857 BOLLMAN's (Dr. Erick) Plan of an Im- proved System of the Money Concerns of the Union. 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1816 18 2GQ Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 4858 BONNET (M. E.) Tableau des Etats-unis de l'Amerique au commencement du XIXe Siecle. 8vo. 2s Pans, 1816 4859 HOLCOMBE (Henry, D.D.) Letter to Thos. Gillison, Esq., of South Carolina, on the silence of the Second Annual Report of the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions relative to their Ex- change of Yice Presidents. 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1816 4860 MACDONALD (Archibald) Narrative re- specting the Destruction of the Earl of Selkirk Settlement upon the Red River. 8vo. Is 6d 1816 4861 MADISSON (Jas.) Manifeste du Gouverne- ment Americain' ou causes et caractere de la derniere guerre d'Anierique avec l'Angleterre traduit de l'Anglaise. 8vo. 2s Paris, 1816 4862 PROTEST against the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Baptist Association by the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, with prefatory and concluding Extracts and Remarks. By Henry Holcomb, D.D., their Pastor. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1816 4S63 SELKIRK (Earl of) Sketch of the Fur Trade in North America, with Observations relative to the North "West Company of Montreal. 8vo. 3s 1816 4864 STRACHAN (John, Rector of Yorl; Upper Canada) Letter to the Earl of Selkirk on his Settlement at the Red River, near Hudson's Bay. 8vo. 2s 1816 4865 THOUGHTS on the Abolition of the Slave Trade and Civilization of Africa, and Examina- tion of Report recommending a General Registry of Slaves in the British West India Islands. 8vo. Is 6d 1816 1817. 4866 BATES (W., High Sheriff in New Brunswick) Narrative of the Conduct of Henry Frederick Moon, under Sentence of Imprisonment in Con- necticut, North America, his unparalleled Arti- fices, Impostures, &c, &c. %vo,port. 3s 1817 4867 BOUNDARY Question.— Notice respecting the Boundary between the United States and Canada. 8vo, folding map, not printed for sale. 3s 1817 4S68 COMPARATIVE View of the British and American Constitution, with Observations on the present state of British Politics. By a Gen- tleman some years resident in the United States. 8vo. Is 6d 1817 4869 DE PRADT (M.) Des trois derniers mois de l'Amerique Meridionale et du Bre*sil. 8vo. Is 6d Paris, 1817 4870 GORHAM (John, Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University) Inaugural Address in the Chapel of the University at Cambridge. 8vo. Is Boston, 1817 4871 HINTS to Emigrants from Europe who intend to make a permanent Residence in the United States. By the Shamrock Society of New York. 8vo. Is 1817 4872 MACLURE (William) Observations on the Geology of the United States of America. 8vo, 2 coloured plates. 2s Philadelphia, 1817 4873 MARRYAT (Jos.) Examination of the Re- port of the Berbice Commissioners, and Answer to James Stephen, Esq. respecting the Crown Estates in the West Indies. 8vo. Is 6d 1817 4874 NARRATIVE of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America, since the connec- tion of Lord Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company. 8vo. 3s 1817 4875 NOEL (8. B. J.) L'Amerique Espagnole, ou Lettres Civiques a M. de Pradt. Svo. 2s 6d 7 Paris, 18 if 4876 SHARP (Rev. Daniel) Report of the Union Committee of the Sunday Schools of the Three Baptist Societies in Boston. 8vo. Is Boston, 1817 4877 PAINE (Thomas) Public Good, an Exami- nation into the Claim of Virginia to the vacant Western Territory, and right of the United States to the same. 8vo. 2s 1817 4878 TRIAL of John Hatcbard for a Libel on the Aides-de-Camp of Sir James Leith, Governor of the Leeward Islands, and the Grand Jury of the Island of Antigua. Is 6d 1817 4879 WATSON's (Rev. Richard, Secretary of the Wesleyan Missions) Defence of the Wesleyao Missions in the West Indies, with Facts and Anecdotes. 8vo. 2s 1817 1818. 4880 BIRK BECK'S (Morris) Letters from Illinois. 8vo. Is 1818 4881 BIRKBECK'S (Morris) Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. 8vo, map. Is6d 1818 4882 BURNEY'S (Capt. James) Memoir on the North Eastern Part of Asia, and on the Ques- tion whether Asia and America are contiguous or are separated by the Sea. Royal 4to. 2s 6d 1818 4883 DE PRADT Les six derniers mois de l'Amerique et du BreBil, faisant suite aux Ouv-j rages du meme auteur sur les Colonies. 8vo.j 2s 6d Pans, 1818 4884 FRISBIE (Professor L.) Inaugural Addresil at Cambridge. 8vo. Is 6d Camb. 1818 4885 GODWIN'S (William) Letter to a Young American, on the course of studies most advan- tageous to pursue. 8vo. Is ISIS 4886 HOBART'S (J. H., Bishop of the Protestant Epis. Church in the State of Neio Yorl) Address on the benefit of Sunday Schools. 8vo. 2s New Yorl; ISIS 4887 HOSACK'S (Professor) Funeral address at the Interment of Doctor James Tillary. 8vo Is 6d New Yorl:, 181S 4888 IMPORTANT Extracts from recent Letters from the United States. By Emigrants. 8vo, second series. Is 18 IS John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 267 4889 LAMBRECHTSEN VAN RITTHEM (N. C.) Korte Beschrijving Van de Ontdekking en der Verdure Lotgevallen Van Nieuw-Nederland. 8vo, map of the state of New York. 5s Te Middleburg, 1S18 4890 MARRYAT'S (Jos.) More Thoughts still on the State of the West India Colonies. 8vo. Is 6d 1818 4891 REPORT of a Committee of the House of Assembly of Jamaica, relative to the state of the Island, with respect to its population, agri- culture and commerce. 8vo. 2s 1818 4892 SMITH (Thomas) The Emigrant's guide to the United States of America, including the substanoe of the Journal of Thos. Hulme, Esq. 8vo. Is 6d 1818 4893 SOUTH AMERICA.— Letter on the Present State of that Country, addressed to James Munroe, President of the United States. By an American. 8vo. Is 6d 1818 1819. 4894 BALDWIN'S (Lewis) Candid Development of Facts tending to Exhibit the real grounds of difference Existing between the first Baptist Church of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Association. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1819 4895 BIRKBECK'S (Morris) Letters from Illinois. 8vo. Is Cork, 1819 489G CHANNING's (E. T.) Inaugural Discourses at Cambridge. 8vo. Is 6d Camb. 1819 4897 FLINT (Abel, Pastor of a Church in Hart- ford) Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. W. B. Sprague, a Colleague Pastor with the Rev. Jos. Lathrop, at West Springfield. 8vo. Is 6d Hartford, 1819 4898 HUMPHREY (Herman) The Promised Land, a Sermon delivered at Goshen {Conn.) at the Ordination of the Rev. Messrs. Hiram, Bingham, and Asa Thurston, as Missionaries to the Sandwich Islands. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1819 4899 INSTRUCCAO para os Viajantes e Empre- gados nas Colonius sobre a maneira de colher e conservar os objectos de historia Natural e pre- cedida de alguma3 reflexoes sobre a historia natural de Brazil. 8vo. 3s Rio de Janeiro, 1819 1900 JAMES (Wm., Author of the Naval History) Wardeu Refuted, being a Defence of the British Navy against Warden's Pretensions for the Americans. 8vo. 2s 6d 1819 1901 LETTERS from Lexington and Illinois. By R. Flower. 8vo. Is 1819 1902 LETTER to John Barrow, on the subject of the Polar Expeditions, or the Reviewer Re- viewed. 8vo. Is 6d 1819 1903 LYMAN'S (Jos.) Sermon preached at Bos- ton before the American Board of Commission- ers for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Is Boston, 1819 1904 NORTON'S (Professor Andrews) Inaugural Discourse at Cambridge. 8vo. Is 6d Camb. 1819 4905 ODES on the Bones of the Im-mortal Thomas Paine, newly transported from America to England by the no less Im»mortal William Cobbett, Esq. 4to. 6d 1819 "These lines, and several hundred more, were written by Joshua Marshall, Esq. , Brother of the Rev. Ed- mund Marshall, of Charing, in Kent, one of the supposed authors of Junius's Letters. " Page 4. 4906 PETITION of John Pritchard, of the Red River Settlement, [relating his dangers and dis- tresses while there}. Folio, 8 pages, 2s 1819 4907 REMARKS on the Account of the late " Voyage to Baffin's Bay, published by Capt. J. Ross." By Capt. Edward Sabine. 8vo. Is 6d 1819 4908 EXPLANATION of " Capt. Sabine's Re- marks on the late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay." By Capt. J. Ross. 8vo. Is 6d 1819 4909 SAVAGE's (Will.) Observations on Emigra* tion to the United States, illustrated by Origi- nal Facts, 8vo. Is 1819 4910 TWISS (Horace) The Carib Chief, a Tragedy, 8vo ; presentation copy to Rogers the Poet. Is 6d 1819 1820. 4911 AGRICULTURAL Almanack for 1820, Small 8vo, woodcuts. Is 6d Philadelphia 4912 AMERICA, an Epistle in Verse, with other Poems. Small 8vo. 2s 1820 4913 BLAND'S {Judge, Commissioner to Chili) Present State of Chili from the Report laid be- fore Congress. 8vo. 2s 1820 4914 BURNEY's (James) Memoir on the Voyage of D'Entrecasteaux, in search of La Perouse. 8vo. Is 1820 4915 DOCUMENTS respecting the Protestant Episcopal Theological Society, in the State of New York, established for the purpose of Founding and supporting Theological Semina- ries. 8vo, Is New York, 1820 4916 NARRATIVE of Capt. Cranebrook, who for assisting in the elopement of Miss Baxter from Fayal, and conveying her across the Atlantic, suffered two years imprisonment at St. Salvador in Brazil, with Account of their Shipwreck. 8vo. Is 1820 4917 REVIEW of the Colonial Slave registration Acts, in a report of Committee of the African Institution. 8vo. Is 1820 4918 WURTZ, Memoire sur le Moyen de reparer les torts faits au commerce de France par l'in- surrection de l'isle de Saint-Domingue. 8vo. Is Paris, 1820 1821. 4919 ADAMS (John Quincy) Address delivered at the request of a Committee of the Citizens of Washington, on the occasion of reading the De- claration of Independence, 4th July, 1821. 8vo. 2s Wash., 1821 4920 CORTES (Fernand) ou la Conquete du Mexique, Opera en trois actes. 8vo. Is Paris, 1821 268 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale hy 4921 MIRANDA (Jose Ant. de) Memoria consti- tutional e Politica sobre o estado presents de Portugal e do Brasil. 4to. 3s Rio de Janeiro, 1821 4922 ONIS's (Dr. Luis de) Memoir upon the Ne- gotiations between Spain and United States of America, which led to the Treaty of 1819. Translated from the Spanish, with Notes by Watkins. 8vo. 3s Washington, 1821 4923 QUESTION of Population as it relates to the Increase in the Inhabitants of the United States, carefully considered, in Answer to God- win. 8vo. 2s 1821 4924 SPOONER (Capt. A.) The Bonassas, an account of this wonderful Animal, taken 2,700 miles in the Interior of America. 8vo. Is 1821 4925 TEMPLE'S (Rev. Daniel) Sermon preached in the old Church, Boston, just before his de- parture as a Missionary to Western Asia. 8vo. Is Boston, 1821 1822. 4926 ALLERTON (Isaac) The Communion of all Saints demonstrated, a Sermon addressed to the Baptist Denomination. 8vo. Is 6d Mount Pleasant, N. Y., 1822 4927 CHABERT'S (X.) Historical Account of the Life and Adventures of the Botocudo Chieftain and Family (from Brazil), exhibited in New Bond Street. 8vo. Is 1822 4928 CROPPER'S (James) Letters to W. Wilber- force, M.P., recommending the encouragement of the cultivation of Sugar in the East Indies, a3 the certain and natural means of effecting the Total Abolition of the Slave Trade. 8vo. Is ' 1822 4929 ESCHWEGE (W. Von) Geognostisches Gemalde von Brasilien und Wahrscheinliches Muttergestein der Diamanten. 8vo, geological map. 3s Weimar, 1822 4930 FLETCHER'S (Thomas) Letters in Vindi- cation of the rights of the British West India Colonies, in answer to Mr. James Cropper's Letters to W. Wilberforce, Esq. 8vo. Is 1822 4931 FLOWER'S (Richard) Letters from Illi- nois, 1820, 1821, containing an Account of the English Settlement at Albion and its Vicinity. 8vo. Is 6d 1822 4932 HENDERSON (James) Address to the South Americans and Mexicans. 8vo. Is 6d 1822 4933 LIFE of T. H. Bowden Lambirth (native of Boston), one of the largest men in the World. 8vo. Is (1822) 4934 MILLER'S (Samuel) Sermon in the Middle Church, New Haven, at the ordination of the Rev. Messrs. W. Goodall, W. Richards, and Artemus Bishop as Evangelists and Missionaries to the Heathen. 8vo. Is Boston, 1S22 4935 PROUDFIT'S (Alex.) Sermon at New Haven, before the American Board of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Is Boston, 1822 4936 REGLAMENTO de Aduanas y resguardos del Estado de Chile. Folio. 2s Valparaiso, 1822 4937 REMARKS on the Indians of North Ame- rica in a letter to an Edinburgh Reviewer (by Bannister). 8vo. Is6d 1822 493S TRIAL.— Commonwealth v. J. C. Bucking- ham for a Libel before the Municipal Court of the City of Boston. 8vo. Is 6d Boston (IS 22) 4939 TWO Letters to the Marquis of Londonderry and Sir James Macintosh on Columbia. By a Merchant. 8vo. Is 6d 1822 / 4940 WARE'S (Henry) Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. William Ware, to the First Con- gregational Church, New York. 8vo. Is Liverpool, 1822 1823. 4941 ACCOUNT of the designs of the Associates of the late Dr. Bray, with an Abstract of their Proceedings. 8vo. Is 6d 1823 4942 BRIDGES (Rev. George Wilson) A Voice from Jamaica, in reply to W. Wilberforce. 8vo. Is 6d 1823 4943 BRIEF Remarks on Scriptural Notices, re- specting Bondmen and Plan for the gradual Manumission of Slaves. By a British Planter. 8vo. 6d 1823 4944 COLOMBIAN State Papers, translated and published from Official Copies. 8vo. Is Gd 1823 j 4945 COMMUNICATION from Sir Charles Bris- bane, Governor of St. Vincent, to the House of Assembly of that Colony, and letter of the In- surrection in Demerara. 8vo. Is 6d 1823 4946 CORNELIUS (Elias) Sermon at Salem,: Mass, at the ordination of the Rev. E. Frost, a^ a Missionary to the Heathen, and Revs. A. Wl Warner, A. D. Eddy, N. W. Fiske, Isaac Oakes, and Geo. Sheldon, as Evangelists. 8vo. Is Boston, 1823 4947 DAY (Jer., President of Yale College) Ser- mon in Boston, before the American Board oi Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Is Boston, 1823 4948 DECLARATION of the Objects of the Liverpool Society for promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Mar. 25, 1823.— Debate in the House of Commons, 15th May, 1823. With Appendices. 248 pages, and 7 other pamphlets on Slavery, by Cropper, Barham,Rose, Clarkson Baring, &c. 2s 4949 EDWARDS (Bryan) Poyais. An Accoun of the British Settlements on the Musquit< Shore. 8vo. 2s 1821 4950 HODGSON'S (Adam) Letter to M. Jeai Baptiste Say on the comparative expense o Free and Slave Labour. 8vo. Is 1825 4951 INSTRUCTIONS to the Missionaries abou to embark for the Sandwich Islands, and to th Revs. W. Goodellaud J. Bird, attached to th! Palestine Mission. 8vo. Is Boston, 182. John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 269 4952 INGERSOLL's (C. J.) Discourse concerning the Influence of America on the Mind. 8vo. Is 6d Phil. 1823 4953 LOWENOIN (M. de) Extrait de la Relation d'un Voyage, pendant l'annee 1786, pour la Decouverte de la Cote Orientale du Groenland. 8vo, map. 3s Paris, 1823 4954 NEGRO Slavery, or a View of some of the more prominent features of that state of Society as it exists in the United States and the Colo- nies of the West Indies. 8vo. Is 6d 1823 4955 OBSERVATIONS on the present State of Newfoundland in reference to its Courts of Justice, Local Government, and Trade. By an Inhabitant of the Colony. 8vo. ^ 2s 1823 4957 REPORT of the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of the State of New Jersey for the purpose of exploring the Route of a Canal to unite the River Delaware near Easton with the Passaie near Newark, with accompany- ing Documents. 8vo, map. 2s 66. Morris Town, 1823 4958 REPORT of a Debate in the Council of Barbadoes on a Despatch from Lord Bathurst ontheSlaves. 8vo. la 1823 4959 SABINE's Zoological Appendix to Captain Franklin's Journey to the Polar Sea. 4to. 3s 1823 4960 SABINE (Rev. James) Sermon in the Old Church, Boston, before the Foreign Mission Society of Boston and its Vicinity. 8vo. Is Boston, 1823 4961 SOME Considerations on the present dis- tressed State of the British West India Colonies. 8vo. Is 1823 4962 WILBERFORCE (W.) Appeal to the Reli- gion, Justice, and Humanity of the Inhabitants of the British Empire in behalf of the Negro Slaves in the West Indies. 8vo. Is 1823 4963 MARTIN (Sir Henry Wm, Bart.) A Counter Appeal, iu answer to the above. 8vo. Is 1823 1824. 4964 AFFAIRE des De"porte*s de la Martinique, Memoires, consultation, pieces justificatives,&c. 8vo. Is 6d Paris, 1824 4965 APPEAL on behalf of the Diocese of Ohio. — Letter to Lord Kenyon respecting the Pro- testant Episcopal Church, U.S. — Statement re- lative to a Theological Summary at Ohio. 3 Tracts. Is 6d 1824 4966 BOUVET DE CRESSE (A. J. B.) Histoire de la Catastrophe de Saint Domingue. 8vo. 2s 6d Paris, 1824 4967 CROPPER (James) The Support of Slavery investigated. 8vo. Is 1824 4968 EMANCIPATION of the Negro Slaves in the West India Colonies considered, in answer to Mr. Wilberforce's Appeal. No. 1. 8vo. Is 1824 4969 IMPOLICY and Injustice of Emancipating the Negro Slaves in the West Indies. 8vo. Is 1824 4970 GEOLOGICAL and Agricultural Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal in the State of New York, taken under the direction of the Hon. Step. Van Rennselaer. Part 1, Rock Formations. 8vo. 3s Albany, 1824 4971 INGERSOLL (C. J.) Discourse concerning the Influence of America on the Mind, with an Account of the English Settlements in the Illinois. By R. Flower. 8vo. Is 6d 1824 4972 JOURNAL of the principal Occurrences during the Siege of Quebec by the American Revolutionists, 1775, with many Anecdotes never before published. By an Officer. With Preface and Notes by W. T. P. Shortt. 8vo. 3s 1824 4973 KEENE's (Richard Raynal) Letter of Vin- dication to Colonel Munroe, President of the United States. 8vo, privately printed. 2s 6d 1824 4974 LETTER to the Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church, Cincinnati, in reply to theirDe- claration and Protest against the Proceedings of Bishop Hobart in relation to the Mission of Bishop Chase to England. By a Presbyter of the Diocese of New York. 8vo. 1 s 6d Neio York, 1824 4975 MOTT (W., of Marrineclc) Consolation under Affliction, in a Letter addressed to Clements Willetts, of Bethphage, in Long Island, North America. 12mo. Is 6d Leeds, 1824 4976 NORTH-WEST PASSAGE.— The Imprac- ticability of a North-West Passage for Ships impartially considered. 8vo, privately printed. 2s 1824 4977 PROJECTO de Constituicao para o imperio do Brasil. 8vo. Is 6d 1824 4978 QUEBEC— Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, founded January 6, 1824. Vol. 3. 8vo. 3s Quebec (1837) 4979 REPORT of the Trial of an Action by Mr. W. Dawe against Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Hamilton, Governor of Newfoundland. 8vo. 2s 1824 4980 REPLY to the Edinburgh Review on Clark- son's Treatise on the Improvement and Eman- cipation of Slaves in the British Colonies. 8vo. Is 1824 4981 RICE (Professor John H.) Charity at Home, a Sermon preached for the benefit of the United Domestic Mission Society in the Church in Murray Street, New York. 8vo. Is New York, 1824 4982 STATEMENT of the Principal Events in the Public Life (in Mexico) of Augustin de Iturbide, written by himself. 8vo. 2s 6d 1824 4983 TAYLOR'S Negro Emancipation and West Indian Independence. 8vo. Is 1824 4984 VIEWS in Theology, No. 2, The Desires of the'Deity in regard to the conduct of Mankind. 8vo. Is New York, 1824 4985 WHITE'S (Rev. J.) Two Sermons on the Trinity, preached in the first Presbyterian Con- gregational Church, Monroe, Orange County, New York. 8vo. Is 6d 3fount Pleasant, 1824 270 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 4986 WINN's (T.) Emancipation, or Advice to British Slaveholders. 8vo. Practical Is 1824 4987 YATES (John Ashton) Letters to Rt. Hon. Will. Huskisson on Colonial Slavery. 8vo. Is 6d Liverpool, 1824 1825. 4988 ADAM's (Sir Wm.) Actual State of the Mexican Mines, and Appendix of original Mexi- can Documents. 8vo. 2s 6d 1825 4988*ADDRESS from the Directors of the Peru- vian Mining Company to the Shareholders. 8vo. Is 1825 49S9 ANALYSIS of the Memorial presented by the Secretary of the Treasury of the First Con- stitutional Congress of the United Mexican States on the Finances. 8vo. Is 6d 1825 4990 AUTHENTIC Report of the Debate in the House of Commons relative to the demolition of the Methodist Chapel and Mission House in Barbadoes. 8vo. Is 6d 1825 4991 BATES (Joshua) Sermon preached in North- ampton, Mass, at the meeting of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Is Boston, 1825 4992 BUDD's (Rev. Henry) Anniversary Sermon and Report of Committee of Proceedings of the Society for Educating the Poor of Newfound- land. 8vo. Is 1825 4993 CATASTROPHE de Don Aug. de Yturbide proclame" Empereur du Mexique, 18 Mai, 1822, ou Relation exacte des circumstances qui ont accompagne le Debarquement et la Mort de cet homme celebre. 8vo. Is 6d 1825 4994 DE LA BECHE'S (Sir H. T.) Notes on the Present Condition of the Negroes in Jamaica, 8\o, coloured plate. ■ Is 6d 1825 4995 HILHOUSE (William, late Quarter Master General of Indians) Indian Notices, or Sketches of the Habits, Characters, Languages, Supersti- tions, Soil and Climate of the several Nations, 12mo, privately peinted. 5s (Demerara) 1825 With a Vocabulary of eighty-two Nouns and Numerals in the four Indian Languages of British Guiaua, also the Icthyology of the fresh waters of the interior. 4996 HOBART's (Bp.) United States of America compared with some European Countries, par- ticularly England. 8vo. Is 1825 4997 AN INQUIRY into the Plans, Progress, and Policy of the American Mining Companies. 8vo. Is 6d 1825 4998 INSTRUCCION sobre el cultivo del Nopal y cria de la Cochinilla de America. 4to Is 6d 1825 4999 JONES's (J. Gale) Oration on General Wash- ington. 8vo. Is 1825 5000 JUSTIFICATION de la conducta publica seguida por D. Juan Garcia del Rio i D. Diego Paroissien ex ministros Plenip. del Gobierno del Peru cerca de las Cortes de Europa. 8vo. Is 1825 6001 MEMORIA presentada a las dos Cameros del Congreso general de la Federacion Por el Secretario de Estado al abrirse las Sessiones del ano de, 1825. 8vo. Is 6d Mexico, 1825 ce of itain. 5002 OBSERVATIONS upon the Importance the North American Colonies to Great Brit By an Old Inhabitant of British America (Hal- liburton). 8vo. Is 6d Halifax, 1825 5003 PRESENT Operations and Future Pros- pects of the Mexican Mine Associations Analysed. By Sir W. Rawson. 8vo. Is 6d 1825 5004 POWLES (J. D.) Letter to Alex. Bariog, Esq., on the Subject of his Observations re- lating to the Foreign Mining Associations. Svo. Is 1825 1 5005 REPORT of the Soil and Mineral Produc- tions of Chili, extracted from the Italian of the/ Abbe Molina. 8vo. Is 6d 1823 5006 SEGUR (Le Comte de) Memoires, ou Sou- venirs et Anecdotes. 8vo (much of this volume relates to the American War) facsimile. 2s Paris, 1825 1826. 5007 ACCOUNT of the Loss of the Wesleyan Missionaries in the Maria Mail Boat off the Island of Antigua, by Mrs. Jones, the only Sur- vivor. 8vo. Is 1826 5008 ADDRESS to the Christian Public, Minis- ters, &c, throughout the United States, on the subject of the proposed Union between the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions and the United Foreign Missionary Society. 8vo. Is Boston, 1826 5009 ASHMAN (S.) History of the American Colony of Liberia, from December, 1821 to 1823. 8vo. 2s Wash. 1826 5010 BANNISTER (John William) Sketches of Plans for settling in Canada a portion of the Unemployed Labourers of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Is 1826 5011 BOULTON (Henry John) Short Sketch of the Province of Upper Canada. 12mo. Is 1826 5012 BURKART'S (Joseph) Report, containing the Result of the Preliminary Examination of the Mines in the possession of the Real Tlalpu- ' xahua Mining Association, and Sketch of the Mining Operations of the Company. 8vo. Is 6d 1826 5013 CORNELIUS (E.) Sermon on the Doctrine of the Trinity. 8vo. Is Salem, 1826 5014 EDWARDS (J.) Sermon on the Manner of formiug and conducting Bible Classes, delivered in the Chapel of the Theological Seminary, And- over. 8vo. Is Andover, 1826 5015 FAY (Warren) Sermon at Springfield at the Ordination of Rev. Rufus Anderson as an Evan- gelist, and Rev. J. Brown, Eli Smith, Cyrus Stone, and J. Stow, as Christian Missionaries 8vo. Is Boston, 1826 5016 GRIFFIN (Edward D.) Sermon preached before the American Board of Missions at Middletown, Connecticut. 8vo. Is Middletown, 1826 5017 HUMPHREY (Herman) Sermon preached in the City of Boston before the Pastoral Associa- : tion of Massachusetts. 8vo. Is Amhurst, 1826 John Hussell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 271 5018 HOBART (John Henry) United States of America, compared with some European Coun- tries, particularly England. 8vo. Is New York, 1826 5019 A LETTER to John Barrow, F.R.S., on the late extraordinary and unexpected Hyperborean Discoveries. 8vo, privately printed. 2s 1826 5020 ORACIAO Funebre nas Exequias do Senhor D. Joaovi Imperador do Brazil Rei de Portugal e Algarves por Ign. Jose de Macedo. 4to. Is 6d Porto, 1826 5021 POWERS (G.) Brief Account of the Con- struction, Management, and Discipline of the New York State Prison at Auburn, with Com- pendium of Criminal Law. 8vo. 2s Auburn, 1826 5022 PROJECT of the Constitution for Republic of Bolivia, with Address of the Liberator. Translated. 8vo. Is 1826 5023 REFLECTIONS upon the Value of the British North American Provinces. 8vo. Is 1826 5024 SERGEANT (John) Oration delivered in In- dependence Square, Philadelphia, in Commemo- ration of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. 8vo. 2s Phil 1826 5025 SPRAGUE (W. B., Pastor of the 1st Church in West Springfield) Sermon at the Interment of Samuel Leonard and Mrs. Harriet Leonard, the former of whom Murdered the latter and then committed Suicide, with an account of the Transactions. 8vo. 2s Springfield, 1826 5026 STEPHEN (James) England Enslaved by her own Slave Colonies. 8vo. Is 1826 5027 STORY (Joseph) Discourse Pronounced before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at the Anniversary Celebration on the 31st day of Au- gust, 1826. 8vo. 2s 6d 1826 With autograph letter of the author inserted. 5028 STUART (M.) Sermon Preached at the Dedi- cation of the Church in Hanover Street, Boston. 8vo. Is Andover, 1826 5029 THOMSON (M.) Speech on the Subject of a Penitentiary for the District of Columbia. 8vo. Is 1826 5030 WEBSTER (Daniel) Discourse in the Com- memoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thos. Jefferson, delivered in Faueuil Hall, Boston. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1826 5031 WIRT (William) Discourse on the Lives and Characters of Thos. Jefferson and John Adams, who both died on the 4th of July, 1826. 8vo. 2s 6d Wash. 1826 5032 VAUX (Roberts) Notices of the Original and Successive Efforts to Improve the Discipline of the Prison at Philadelphia, and to Reform the Criminal Code of Pensylvania. 8vo. 2s Phil, 1826 1827. 5033 ADAMS (John) Memoir of his Life, Cha- racter and Writings, Read 16 March, 1827, in the Capitol, City of Washington, by Wm.Cranch. 8vo. 2s Washington, 1827 5034 ATKINSON (S.) Effects of the New System of Free Trade upon our Shipping, Colonies, and Commerce. 8vo. Is 1827 5035 BEECHER (Lyman) Sermon Preached before the American Board of Missions at New York. 8vo. Is Boston, 1827 5036 BUNSTER (Lt. Grosvenor) Observations on Captn. F. B. Head's Reports Relating to the ? Failure of the Rio de la Plata Mining Associa- * tion. 8vo. 2s 1827 5037 EXAMINATION of Charges against the American Missionaries at the Sandwich Islands, as alleged in the Voyage of the Ship Blonde v and in the London Quarterly Review. 8vo, pri- vately printed. Is 6d Cambridge, 1827 5038 JOHNSTON (J. S.) Speech on the Bill to Regulate the Commercial Intercourse between the United States and the British Colonies. 8vo. Is 6d Wash. 1827 5039 LETTERS from the Bahama Islands, written in 1823-4. 12mo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1827 5040 MEDICAL Statistics, or Comparative View of the Mortality in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Boston, for a Series of years, by Drs. Niles and Russ. 8vo. Is New York, 1827 5041 MORRIS (P.) Remarks on the State of Society, Religion, Morals and Education at Newfoundland. 8vo. Is 6d 1827 5042 NOTES and Reflections on Mexico, its Mines, Policy, &c, by a Traveller. 8vo. Is 6d 1827 5043 QUEBEC'S (Bishop of) Letter on the Dif- ferences of Opinion Respecting the Clergy Reserves, and other points. 8vo. Is Quebec, 1827 5044 REMARKS on the Policy and Practice of the United States and Great Britain in their treatment of the Indians. 8vo (reprinted from the North American Review). 2s Boston, 1827 5045 STORRS (Richard S.) Spirit of the Pilgrims, a Sermon at Plymouth. 8vo. 2s Plymouth, 1827 5046 VILLANEUVA (Jo. Lorenzo) Juicio de la obra del Senor Arzobispo Depradt Intitulada Concordato de Mejico con Roma. 8vo. 2s 1827 1828. 5047 ADDRESSES and Memorials from the House of Assembly, at Jamaica, voted in the years 1821 to 1826, inclusive. 8vo. Is 1828 5048 BEECHER (Lyman) Sermon delivered at Plymouth in Commemoration of the landing of the Fathers. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1828 5049 BUCHANAN (A. C.) Emigration practically Considered with detailed Directions to Emi- grants proceeding to British North America. 8vo. Is 1828 5050 JENNYNS (J. Clayton) on the Unconstitu- tional Continuance of Foreign Laws iu the Colonies ceded to Great Britain. 8vo. Is 6d 1828 5051 MEMOIR of John Gallison, Esq., of Boston, in New England, Counsellor at Law. 12mo. Is 5052 NEW Slave Laws of Jamaica and St. Chris- topher's examined. 8vo. Is 1828 272 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 5053 OBSERVATIONS on the Penitentiary Sys- tem and Penal Code of Pennsylvania. By J. Mease, M.D. 8vo. Is Philadelphia, 1828 5054 REPLY to the Speech of Dr. Lushington on the Condition of the Free Coloured People of Jamaica. 8vo. Is 1828 5055 REPORTS on Punishments and Prison Dis- cipline, by the Commissioners appointed to Revise the Penal Code of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Is 6d 1828 5056 REPORT and Observations on the Banks and other incorporated Institutions in the State of New York, with Appendix and Notes. 8vo. 2a New York, 1828 5057 STATEMENT of the Claim of Rear-Admrl. R. Graves, and Louisa Carolina his Wife, on the Bahama Islands. 8vo. 2s 6d Brussels, 1828 5058 STRACHAN'S (John, Archdeacon of York) Speech in the Legislative Council, on the sub- ject of the Clergy Reserves. 8vo. Is York, U. C, 1828 5059 THAYER (Nathanial) Discourse delivered at Hubbardston, at the Ordination of the Rev. Abner D. Jones. 8vo. Is 6d Lancaster, 1828 5060 TWO Letters to the Colonial Secretary, from Hector Mitchell, in Answer to the Yellow Book. 8vo. Is Jamaica, 1828 1829. 5061 ALLEN (Rev. Benj.) Some Account of the Bible Classes of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. Sm. 8vo. Is 1829 5062 CORRESPONDENCE between Gt. Britain and the United States on Territorial and Boun- dary Question, and the Arrest and Trial of John Baker, 1825 to 1828. 8vo. 2s 1829 5063 COX (Samuel H.) Sermon preached at the Funeral of Rev. Matthias Bruen, late Pastor of the Blecker Presbyterian Church, New York. 8vo. Is 6d New York, 1829 5064 INQUIRIES relating to Negro Emancipa- tion. 8vo. Is 1829 5065 LINES occasioned by the death of the late Rev. Dr. Henry J. Feltus, with Notes Biographi- cal and Explanatory. By a Friend. 8vo. Is 6d New York, 1829 5066 MEDICAL Statistics, or Comparative View of the Mortality in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Boston, for a series of years. By Drs. Miles and Russ. 8vo. Is NewYork, 1829 5067 OBSERVATIONS upon the State of Negro Slavery in the Island of Santa Cruz, the prin- cipal of the Danish West India Colonies. 8vo. Is 6d 1829 5068 REPORT of the Incorporated Society for the Conversion and Religious Instruction and Education of the Negro Slaves in the British West India Islands, for 1829. 8vo. Is 5069 REPORT of the Proceedings of the New England Company for the Civilisation of the Indians of the British Colonies in America and West Indies. 8vo, icith maps of the country of the five nations, etc. Is 6d 1829 5070 SPANISH America.— Observations on the Instructions given by the President of the United States of America to the Representatives of the Republic at Panama, in 1826, on the Con- duct of Mr. Poinsett, Minister of the United States in Mexico. 8vo. 2s 1829 5071 TAZEWELL'S (Hon. L. W.) Review of the Negociations between the United States and Great Britain, on the Commerce of the two Countries. 8vo. 1b 6d 1829 1830. 5072 ABSTRACT of the British West Indian Statutes for the Protection and Government of Slaves. 8vo. Is 1830 5073 AMERICAN Silk and the Best Means of rendering it a Source of Individual and National Wealth, with Instructions for Raising Silk Worms, by John d'Hombergue and P. S. Dupon- ceau. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1830 5074 BARCLAY (Alex.) Effects of the late Colo- nial Policy of Great Britain described. 8vo. Is 1830 5075 BLISS (Henry) On Colonial Intercourse, and Appendix. 8vo. Is 1830 5076 BRITISH Colonial Slavery compared with that of Pagan Antiquity. 8vo. Is 1830 5077 CUBA, or the Policy of England, Mexico and Spain, with regard to that Island. 8vo. Is 1830 5078 DEFENSA del Derecho Constitucional que todo Chileno tiene para Publicar por la Prensa suo Ideas y Pensamientos sin la Menor censu- ra. Sm. 4 to, pp. 20. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1830 5079 THE DELUGE, a Demi-Serious Poem, Canto the first, containing eight Nice Little Chapters entirely Founded upon Facts, not alluded to by any Ancient or Modern Historical or Geological Authors, by a Mr. Smith. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, printed for the Author, 1830 5080 DUNCAN (Rev. Henry, o/ Rothwcll, founder of the Savings' Banks) Presbyter's Letters on the West India Question. 8vo. Is 1830 5081 FLORAE Columbianse Prodromug, or the Flora Columbiana, exhibiting a List of all the Plants yet collected, compiled by Dr. J. A. Brereton. 12mo. 2s Washington, 1830 5082 FORENSIC Eloquence of America.— Web- ster's Speeches, by A. Hay ward, from the Law Magazine, presentation copy, uith autograph note, to Rogers tlie Poet. 8vo. Is 6d 1830 5083 A HISTORY of the American Revolution. 8vo, two parts. Is Lib. Useful Know., 1830 5084 HORTON (Rt. Hon. R. Wilmot) Two Let- ters to the Freeholders of the County of York on Negro Slavery. 8vo, 2 pamphlets. Is 1830 5085 LETTER to the Marquis of Chandos, by a West Indian Planter. 8vo, long MS. note by Ad- miral Sir T. Byam Martin. Is 6d 1830 5086 M'ELROY (Joseph, D.D.) Sermon in the Scotch Presbyterian Church, Cedar Street, New York, on the Death of Rev. John M. Mason. 8vo. Is 6d New York, 1830 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 273 5087 MEMORIA de la conducta publica y ad- /lninistrativa de Manuel Jose Arce durante el ' Periodo de su Presidencia, escrita in Defensa de las Caluranias que contra su Persona, han verti- do los Mismos que se Rebelaron contra el Gobi- erno y la Nacion de Centro America. 4to. 4s Mexico, 1830 5088 PAPERS on the Colonial Questions, extrac- ted from Fraser's Magazine. 8vo. Is 1830 5089 REMARKS of General Harrison, late Envoy Extraordinary of the United States to the Re- public of Columbia, on certain Charges made against him by that Government, to which is added an Unofficial Letter from General Harri- son to General Bolivar on the Affairs of Co- lumbia. 8vo. 3s 6d Washington, 1830 5090 REVIEW of Capt. Basil Hall's Travels in North America in 1827 — 28, by an American. (N. JBiddle— presentation copy, with autograph). 8vo. 2s 1830 5091 SPRING (Gardiner) Sermon occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Joseph S. Christmas, late Pastor of the Bowery Presbyterian Church. 8vo, portrait. Is 6d ' New York, 1820 1831. 5092 BLISS (Henry) On the New Colonial Trade Bill 8vo. Is 1831 5093 CHASE (Rev. Dr. P.) Defence of Kenyon College. 8vo. 2s Columbus, Ohio, 1831 5094 WEST (Rev. Geo. M.) Remarks on certain Statements purporting to be Bishop Chase's De- fence. 8vo. Is 6d Liverpool, 1831 5095 CODIGO penal Boliviano. Small 4to. 3s Paz de Ayacucho, 1831 5096 CODIGO civil, Sante-Cruz Presideute. Sm. 4 to. 3s. Ibid. 1831 5097 CONSTITUCION Politica de la Republica Boliviana. Small 4to, pp. 30. Is 6d Paz de Ayacucho, 1831 5098 DOUGLAS'S (Major Gen. Sir Howard) Con- siderations on the Value and Importance of the British North American Provinces. 8vo. Is 6d. 5099 EXTRACT of a Letter from Lieut. Chris- topher Claxton, R.N., to the House of Assembly of Jamaica. 8vo. Is 6d Saint Christopher, 1831 5100 FOUR Essays on Colonial Slavery, by John Jeremie, Esq., President of the Royal Court of St. Lucia. 8vo. Is 6d 1831 5101 FOURTEENTH Annual Report of the Ame- rican Society for ColonisiDg the Free People of Colour of the United States. 8vo. Is Washington, 1831 5102 HISTORICAL Eulogium on Don Hippolito Ruiz Lopez, First Botanist and Chief of the Expedition to Peru and Chili, translated from the Spanish by A. B. Lambert. 8vo. Is 6d Salisbury, 1831 5103 ONDERDONK (Bishop) Sermon on the Excellence, the Benefits, and Obligations of the Divine Law, preached at the Consecration of the Mission Church of New York. 8vo. Is New York, 1831 5104 WEST'S (Mr.) Claim to the Episcopate (from the Protestant Episcopalian). 8vo. Is N. Y., 1831 1832. 5105 ADDRESS to Manufacturers, Traders, and Others, on tho Importance of Preserving the Colonies. Sm. 8vo. Is 1832 5106 BANKS (Sir Thos.) Analytical Statement of the Case of Alexander Earl of Stirling and Dovan, his Official Dignities, peculiar Territo- rial Rights and Privileges in the British Colonies of Nova Scotia and Canada, with Notes and Ob- servations. 8vo. 3s 6d 1832 5107 BEECHER (Lyman) Sermon preached before the American Board of Missions at New York. 8vo. Is Derby, 1832 5108 COOPER (Dr. Thomas) The Case of Thomas Cooper, M.D., President of the South Carolina College, submitted to the Legislature and People of South Carolina. 8vo. 2s Colombia, 1832 5109 DOCUMENTS in Proof of the Climate and Soil of Florida, particularly the Southern Sec- tion. 8vo. Is 6d New York, 1832 5110 EAST (Sir E. H.) Short Review of Leading and Operating Causes of the Distress of the British West India Colonies. 8vo. Is 1832 5111 JACKSON and Alger's Remarks on the Mi- neralogy and Geology of Nova Scotia. 4to, co- loured plates. 7s 6d Cambridge, U. S., 1832 5112 JEREMIE (J., of St. Lucia) Four Essays on Colonial Slavery. 8vo. Is 6d 1832 5113 REPLY to Mr. Jeremie's Pamphlet, by an Inhabitant of St. Lucia. 8vo. Is 6d 1832 5114 REMARKS on Mr. Jeremie's Conduct as President of the Royal Court of St. Lucia, by an Inhabitant of that Island. 8vo, privately printed. 2s 1832 5115 JONES (E.) Review of Facts and Observa- tions made by Naturalists, Botanists, Travellers, &c, on the Properties and Productions of the Sugar Maple Tree. 8vo, privately printed. 2s 1832 5116 MARTIN'S (Dr. C. P., Ph. von) Von dem Rechtszustande unter den Ureinwohhnern Bra- siliens, eine Abhandlung. 4to, map. 5s Munchen, 1832 5117 NARRATIVE of certain Events connected with the late Disturbances in Jamaica, and the Charges preferred against the Baptist Mission- aries. 8vo. Is 1832 5118 STRACHAN (John) Letter to Rev. Thomas Chalmers on the Life and Character of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Hobart, Bishop of New York. 8vo. Is 6d New York, 1832 1833. 5119 ACUSACION pronunciada ante el Tribunal de Jurados de Lima por El Dr. D. Juan, Ascen- oio contra el " Alliance al Mercurio Peruano " y denuncido por el gran Mariscal del Peru D. Barnardo O'Higgins. 8vo. 3s Lima, 1833 5120 AMERICAN Criticisms on Mrs. Trollope's " Domestic Manners of the Americans." 8vo. Is6d 1333 274 Pamphlets reletting to America, on Sale by 6121 BLISS's Statistics of the Trade, Industry, and Resources of Canada and the other British Plantations. 8vo. 2s 1833 5122 BURN (J. J.) Case of the Rt. Hon. Alexander Earl of Stirling and Dovan, respecting his Title to Nova Scotia and other Territorial possessions in North America. 8vo, map. 3s 6d 1833 5122* Another copy without the map. 2s ib. 5123 BURNLEY's (W. H., Deputy from Trinidad) Opinions on Slavery and Emancipation in 1823. 8vo. Is 1833 5124 CARTA de Antonio Jose de Irisarri a los EE. del Mercurio de Valparaiso, small 4to, pp. 8. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1833 5125 CORRECTED Report of the Speech of Vis- count Howick in the House of Commons on Colonial Slavery, with Appendix, containing a Plan for the Abolition of Slavery. 8vo. Is 1833 5126 EMPRESTITO de Chile por Antonio Jose de Irisarri. Small 4to. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1833 5127 HODGKIN's (Dr. Thomas) Inquiry into the merits of the American Colonization So- ciety, and reply to the charges against it, with account of the British African Colonization Society. 8vo. Is 1833 5128 IRVING's (Edward) Statement of the Causes which affect the decrease or increase of the Slave population in the British Colonies. 8vo. Is 1833 5129 JOURNAL of the Proceedings of the 59th Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocese of New Jersey, 1833, and Journals of the Proceedings, 1830 and 1832. 8vo, three pamphlets. Is 6d 5130 MEMORIA de la Direccion General de la Renta del Tabaco en 1832. 8vo. Is Caracas, 1833 5131 REGLAMEXTO de Aduanaspara los Alma- cenes de Deposito y comercio Maritimo de transito. Folio. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1833 5132 REMARKS on African Colonization and the Abolition of Slavery, by a Citizen of New England. 8vo. Is Windsor, Vt., 1833 6133 SMITH (Geo. W.) Defence of the System of Solitary Confinement of Prisoners adopted by the State of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Is 6d Phil, 1833 5134 TRIAL of Miss Prudence Crandall, on an Information Charging her with Teaching Col- oured Persons not of the State of Connecticut. 4to. Is 6d Brooklyn, 1833 5135 VINDICATION of the Conduct of Col. Grignon, and of the Western Interior Regiment under his Command, during the Rebellion of 1831 and 1832. 8vo, map. 3s Jamaica, 1833 5136 WHITELEY (Henry) Three Months in Jamaica in 1832, comprising a Residence of some Weeks on a Sugar Plantation. 8vo. Is 1833 1834. 5137 ADDRESS of the Literary and Philosop. Society of South Carolina to the People of the State on the Objects and Advantages of the Lyceum System. 8vo. Is 6d Cliarlcstown, 1834 513S BIRNEY (James G.) Letter to Rev. Thorn- ton, J. Mills, Corresponding Secretary of the Kentucky Colonization Society. Small 8vo. Is New York, 1834 5139 COOPER'S (Dr. Thomas, of Colombia Col- lege) Introductory Lecture to a course of Law. 8vo, presentation copy to Rogei'S the Poet. 8vo. Is 6d Colombia, 1834 5140 FELTON's (Corn. C.) Inaugural Discourse at Harvard. 8vo. Is 6d Camb. 1834 5141 MANIFESTO Legal por D. Maximo Men- dicta en el sigue contra D. Carlos Bispham Socio director de la casa consignataria de Alsop y Compania pidiendole cuenta con pago del cargamento del Bergantin Occeana pata que la lima Corte, en Sala de comercio confirme en segunda instancia la sentencia que el Juez de Comercio y colegas de Valparaiso pronuncia von con dictamen del Asesor titular del Consulado. Small 4to. 2s Santiago di Chili, 1834 5142 MATHER (James) The Constitutions of Great Britain, France, and the United States of America, from the most Authentic Sources. 8vo. 2s 1834 5143 MEADE's (Rev. W.) Pastoral letter to the Ministers and Friends of the Protestant Episco- pal Church in the Diocese of Virginia, on the Duty of affording Religious Instruction to those in Bondage. 8vo. Is Alexandria, I). C, lSdi 5144 NARRATIVE of the Life of David Crockett, of the State of Tenessee, by himself. 12mo (very amusing). Is 1834 5145 NEW-HAVEN Theology, alias Taylorism, alias Neology, in its own Language. With Notes appended, by Daniel Dow. 8vo. 2s Thompson (Conncc.) 1834 5146 RAZON Motivada que el Presidente Provi- sional de la Convencion Nacional sobre el uso que la hecho de las facultaade3 Extraordinarius que se le confirieros en 17 de Febrero y qui de- volvio en 11 de Junio. Small 4to. 2s Lima, 1834 5147 THE Power of Congress over the District of Columbia. Svo. Is 6d New York, 1834 5148 REPORT on the New Map of Maryland. 8vo, maps. 2s 1834 5149 TEORIA de un sistema administrativo y economico par la republica de Chile. 4to. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1834 5150 TYSON'S (J. R.) Discourse before the Young Men's Colonization Society of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Is Philadelphia, 1834 1835. 5151 BATALLA de Yanacocha canto Heroico al triunfo de las Armas Pacificadoras. 8vo. 2s Arcquipa, 1835 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 275 5152 BELLO (D. Andres) Priucipios de la Orto- lojia y Metrica de la Lengua Castellana. Sm. 4to. 3s Santiago de Chity, 1835 5153 BINNEY (Horace) Eulogy on the Life and Character of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. 8vo. 2s Philadelphia, 1835 5154 BRAITHWAITE'S Supplement to Sir John Ross's Second Voyage. 4to. 2s 1835 5155 CATALOGUE of the Pictures which formed the Collection of J. C. Latro, formerly Archbp. of Taranto, Exhibited in the City Dispensary, New York. 8vo. Is New York, 1835 5156 CONSTITUTION of the State of Michigan, as adopted in Convention in the City of Detroit, 11th May, 1835. 8vo. Is Detroit, 1835 5157 DELLA Xhiesa Cattolica negli Stati Uniti d'America Memoria compilata da un Membro della Societa Leopoldina. 8vo. 3s Verona, 1835 5158 EXPOSICION que hace el Preside nte Pro- visional de la Republica Peruana Luis Jose Orbegoso de las razones que le obligaron a Solicitar de la Republica Boliviana Auxilios para Pacificar el Peru. Sm. 4to. 2s Arequipa, 1835 5159 EXPOSICION de mi dictamen en el com- promiso y consulta legal que nos encargaron los SS. hijos del difunto S. D. Miguel Antonio Bravo de Saravia Irarrazabul Bobre si debian reconocer como subsistente el mayorazgo de la casa de Bravo de Saravin que poseia el difunto y legal la posesion en que se halla el hijo primo- jenito. 8vo. Is 6d Santiago, 1835 5160 FLEMING (Dr. Wm.) Four Days at the Falls of Niagara. Sm. 8vo, map and 2 plates on india paper, 3s Privately printed, Manchester, 1835 5161 GOUGE'S Short History of Paper-Money and Banking in the United States. 8vo. Is 6d. {Contains as much reading as two 8vo vols). n. y. 1835 5162 LETTERS of J. Downing, Major, Downing- ville Militia, to his old friend Mr. Dwight, of the New York Daily Advertiser. 12rao. Is 1835 5163 MEMORIA que el Ministro de Estado en el departmento del interior presenta al Congreso Nacional Ano de 1835, 1845, 1846. 4to. Is 6d each Santiago de Chile, 1835, &c. 5164 MEMORIA que el Ministro de Estado en el departamento de hacienda presenta al congreso nacional ano de, 1835, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843. 4to. 2s each Santiago de Chile, 1835, &c. 5165 MEMORIA que cl Ministro de Estado en los departamentos de Guerra y Marina presente al Congreso Nacional ano de 1835, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1847. 4to. 2s each Santiago, 1835, &c. 5166 OJIBUE Language.— Old Testament, Bible Stories, Story of Joseph and Natural History, in the Ojibue Language. 12mo, woodcuts. 3s Boston, 1835 5167 ROSS's Explanation and Answer to Braith- waite's " Supplement," etc. 4to. 2s 1835 5168 ORACION funebre que en las solemnas ecsequias que el Jeneral de Division y Presi- dente de la Rep. Peruana D. Luis Jose Orbegoso Mando se hicieran con asistencia de todas las corporaciones en honor delos valientes Guerreros Muertos en el Campo de Yanacocha Pronuncio en la Santa Iglysia Catedral de Arequipa. Sm. 4to. 2s Arequipa, 1835 5169 TABLA de los cursos de Gramatica, Jeo- grafia, Aritmetica, Algebra, Jeometria et que han seguido los alumnos de la Academia Militar de Chile. 8 vo. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1835 1836. 5170 ADDRESSES Presented to Major General Sir John : Colborne, Lt. Governor of Upper Canada. 8vo. Is 6d Toronto, 1836 5171 CORRESPONDENCE oficial sobre la negativa del S. Gobernador de Valparaiso a poner su pase al Pasaporte del Ministro Pleni- potenciario nombrado por el Gobierno del Peru cerca de el Ecuador Jeneral D. Domingo Nieto. Sm. 4to. 2s Santiago de Chile, 183G 5172 DEFENSA del Gobernador politico y militar de la isla de Juan Fernandez, sarjento mayor de Caballeria Don Tomas Sutcliffe. Folio pp. 23. 3s Santiago, 1836 5173 DOANE (Geo. Washington) Sermon in Com- memoration of the Rt. Rev. William White, Preached in St. Mary's Church, Burlington, N.J. 8vo. Is Burlington, 1836 5174 DU PONCEAU (P. S.) and Fisher (J. F.) Memoir on the History of the Celebrated Treaty made by Wm. Penn with the Indians, under the Elm Tree, at Shackamaxon in 1682. 8vo, stained. Is Philadelphia, 1836 5175 ELOGIO del Senador don Juan Egaua pronunciado en la Capella del instituto nacional de Chile por Buena Ventura Marin. Sm. 4to Is 6d Santiago, 1836 5176 EL JENERAL do Brigada Ramon Castilla a sus Concindanos. Sm. 4to. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1836 5177 INFORME de la Comision del Camino de Nuevitas. 4to. 2s Puerto Principe, 1836 5178 MANIFIESTO que da en su despedida de Chile el Contra Almirante, D. C. W. Wooster. Folio. 2s 6d Santiago de Chile, 1836 5179 MEMORIA que el Ministro de Estado en el departmento de Relaciones Exteriores presenta al Congreso Nacional ano de 1836, 1845, and 1846, 4to. 2s each Santiago de Chile, 1836—45—46 5180 MENSAJE que hace el Presidente 'de la Republica de Chile al Congreso Nacional, expo- niendo las razones justificativas de la presenta guerra con el Peru. Folio, pp. 25. 2s 6d Santiago de Chile, 1836 5181 PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Relating to Lord Aylmer's Administration of the Government of Lower Canada. 8vo. 2s Privately printed, 1836 276 Pamiihlets relating to America, on Sale by 5182 TESTIMONY taken by the Committee appointed by the House of Representatives to Investigate the Evils of Freemasonry. 8vo. 3s Harrisburg, 1836 5183 VAN BUREN (Martin) Letter Relative to the Book of the United States, with Explanatory Introduction. 8vo. Is6d 1836 1837. 5184 BOWLES'S (Capt.) Suggestions for the speedy and secure conveyance of our Reinforce- ments to Canada. 8vo. Is 1837 5185 BREVE exposition que hace Jose Antonio Alemparte de algunos excesos y abusos come- tidos por El Ministro de Justicia Don Mariano Egana. 8vo. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1837 5186 CANADA.— Correct Account of the Rise and Progress of the recent popular Movements in Lower Canada (Tract of 12 pages)— What shall we do with Canada? (Tract of 8 pages), together. 6d 1837 5187 A few Words on the subject of Canada, by a Barrister. 8vo. Is 1837 5188 CHANNING (Rev. Dr. W. E.) Letter on the Annexation of Texas to the United States. 8vo. Is— 12mo, 6d 1837 5189 CHANNING (W. Ellery) Discourse deli- vered at the dedication of the Unitarian Congre- gational Church in Newport, Rhode Island. 8vo. Is 6d 1837 5190 CUENTAS de D. Felipe Pardo con el Te- soro del Peru Legacion de la Confederacion Peru- Boliviana, en Chile. 8vo. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1837 5191 DISCURSO pronunciado por Don Ioaq To- cornal Ministro da Estado en los departamentos del interior y relaciones exteriores y encargado accidentalmente de los detnas ramos del despa- cho al recibir el Cadaver del Senor Don Diego Portals, perfida y ferozmente asesinado en las alturas del Baron. 8vo. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1837 5192 GOUGE on the Expediency of dispensing with Bank Agency and Bank Paper in the Fiscal Contracts of the United States. 8vo. Is 1837 5193 HOMENAJE de gratitud a la memoria del benemerito Ministro Don Diego Portales [por Dr. Mercedes Maria de Solar]. Svo. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1837 5194 HUMBOLDT (Alex, von) On two Attempts to Ascend Chimborazo, translated from the German by Dr. Barry. 8vo. Is 1837 5195 LIBERTY. 8vo, pp. 231, with woodcuts. 2s 6d Privately printed in America, 1837 A curious compilation to be put into contrast with N. America during the Civil War. 5196 MANIFESTE des Motifs qui legitiment la declaration de Guerre contre le gouvernement du general Andres Santa Cruz soi disant Presi- dent de la confederation Perou-Bolivienne tra- duit de l'Espagnol (French and English). 4to. 3s Buenos Aires, 1837 5197 MURATORI Relation des Missions du Pa- raguay, traduite de l'ltalien. 8vo, tewed. 2s Paris, 1837 5198 MANIFESTO de las razones que legitiman de la Declaracion de Guerra contra el Gobierno del-General Santa Cruz, titulo presidente de la Confederacion Peru-Boliviana. 4to. 2s Buenos Ay res, 1837 5199 NOTIC1A de la Causa seguida al Senador Diego Jose Benevente. 8vo. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1837 5200 PATRON (Fel.) Discours sur les causes qui ont fais etablier l'esclavage dans les Colonies. 4to. Is Paris, 1837 5201 REMARKS on the Proceedings as to Canada in the Present Session of Parliament, by One of the Commissioners. 8vo. Is 6d 1837 5202 SANTA CRUZ. Tratado con el Jeueral Santa Cruz, por Senor Rudolf o. sm. 4 to. 2s Guayaquil, 1837 5203 UNICO Asilo de las Republicas Hispano Americanas dedica estas reflexiones a sus Com- patriotaB un Chileno. small 4to. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1837 5204 VINDICLE AMERICANS. -Letter to Sir Robert Peel, in refutation of the Calumnious Attacks on America, in his Speech at the Glas- gow Peel Banquet. 8vo. Is 1837 1838. 5205 ASHBURTON (Lord) Speech on the Second Reading of the Canada Government Bill. 8vo. Is 1838 5206 BENTHAM (G.) on some Plants connected with the Flora of Guinana (from Linnrean Soc. Trans.). 4to, 3 plates. Is 1838 5207 BRIEF History of the Church in Upper Canada, W. Bettridge, Rector of Woodstock, U. C. 8vo. Is6d 1838 5208 BROUGHAM'S (Lord) Speech on the Mal- treatment of the North American Colonies. Svo. Is 1838 5209 CANADIAN Controversy, its Origin,Nature, and Merits. 8vo. 2s. 1838 5210 CANADIAN Portfolio, conducted by John Arthur Roebuck, and other Friends of Canada, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 8vo. 1838 5211 CANADA (The) Baptist Magazine, vol 1 & 2. 8vo. 3s Montreal, 1838-9 5212 CANADA. 8vo. Is Lond., Roalc and Varty, 1838 5213 CANADA. — Memoirs sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'a 1760. 8vo, maps. 4s Quebec, 1838 5214 CHANNING (William E.) Self-Culture, an Address introductory to the Franklin Lectures, at Boston, Sept., 1S38. 8vo. Is Boston, 1838 5215 DEFENSA de la Vinda e hijos de D. Jose Foribio Larrain en el Pleito que les sigue el S. Senador D. Est. Portales sobre devolucion de la Bacienda de Molina restitucion de los frutos de un Vinculo en dos Anos, dies meses y cinco dias yposesion hereditaria en Viluco Campusano. 4to. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1838 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 277 5216 DEFENSA de los Tratados de Paz de Pan- carpata por Ant. Jose de Irisarri hecha en Are- quipa. sm. 4to. 2s 6d Arequipa, 1838 5217 DOCUMENTOS relativos a las conferencias en Jalapa entre el Ministro de relaciones exterio- res Plenipotenciario de la republica y il Contra Almirante Plenipotenciario de Francia sobre el arreglo de las diferencias entre ambas Naciones. 8vo. 3s Mexico, 1838 5218 ESPOSICION que hace el Jeneral Blanco al supremo Gobierno sobre su conducta en la Cam- pana del Peru. Folio, pp. 16. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1838 5219 ESPOSICION de los Motivos qui ha tenedo el Presidente de Chile para desaprobar el tra- tado de Paz celebrado in Paucarpata en 17 de Novembre de 1837 y renovar las hostilidades interrumpidas por el. Fol. 2a Santiago, 1838 5220 FORREST (Edwin) Oration delivered at the Democratic Republican Celebration of the 62nd Anniversary of the Independence of the United States in New York/July 4th, 1838. 8vo. Is 6d New York, 1838 5221 FUNDAMENTOS de hecho y de derecho por la Testamentaria del Presbitero D. Sib. Le- caros para que la di D. Jose Toribio Larrian le devuelva la hacienda de Molina con sus frutos los del vinculo di Viluco en dos anos diez mesis cinco dias y se le declane posesion proindeviso en Viluco y tierra de Campasano hasta ser rein- tegrado de la parte hereditaria con frutos que tiene en ellas. Small 4to. 2s 6d Santiago de Chile, 1838 5222 GLADSTONE (W. E.) Speech in the House of Commons, for the ^Abolition of the Negro Apprenticeship. 8vo. Is 1838 5223 HOWICK (Viscount) Speech for Abolition of Negro Apprenticeship. 8vo. Is 1838 5224 IMPUGNACION a los Articulos publicados en el Mercurio de Valparaiso sobre la Campagna del ejercito restaurador por Antonio Jose de Irisarri. Small 4to. 2s Arequipa, 1838 5225 IRISARRI (Ant. Jose de) Dialogos segundo, tercero quinto e sexto sobre la defensa del tra- tado de Pancarpata contestando al Arancon. N. 401, 402, 404, 405. 4 Tracts. Sm. 4to. 3s Arequipa, 1838 5226 MANIFIESTO del Gobierno Protectoral sobre el decreto del Gobierno de Chile de 18 de Deciembre de 1837, en que reusa su ratificacion al tratado di Paz de 17 de Novimbre del mismo ano. Small 4to. 2s Paz de Ayacucho, 1838 5227 MENSAGE (de S. E.) El Presidente de la Republica dirijido al Congreso Extraordinario de Bolivia. Small 4to, pp. 12. Is 6d Paz de Ayacucho, 1838 5228 NUEVAS Ordenenzas de Minas para el Reino de Chile qui de orden de su Majisdad ocribi Don Francisco Garcin de Hindobro, 1754. Folio. 3s 6d Reimpresas Santiago de Chile, 1838 5229 PLAIN Statement of the Quarrel with Canada, in which is considered who first infringed the Constitution of the Colony. 8vo. Is 1838 5230 OFFICIAL Note from the Consul charged ad interim of the General Consulate of France in Buenos Aires to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Confederation, reclaim- ing, on the Authority of International Law, that the French be not considered as domiciliated in the place in which they have established them- selves. The Answer from the Minister and other Documents upon the same Subject. French and English. Small 4to. 3s Buenos Aires, 1838 The same hr Spanish. 4to. 2s 5231 ,1838 5232 PLEA for Authors and the Rights of Lite- rary Property. By an American. 8vo. Is • New Yorh, 1838 5233 POWER of Congress over the District of Columbia. 8vo, reprinted from the New York Evening Post, with Additions by the Author. 8vo. 2s. Nexo Yorh, 1838 5234 PRACTICA de testamentos o tratado en que se resuelven las cuestiones que mas frecu- entemente se ofrecen en la disposicion de las ultimas voluntades. Small 4to, pp. 47. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1838 5235 RECUERDO Biografico de la illustre Hero- ina Argentina Senora Dona Encarnacion Ezcurra de Rosas. 8vo, portrait. 2s Buenos Ayres, 1838 5236 REFUTACION del Folleto escrito en Arequipa por Don Antonio Jose de Irisarri en defensa del tratado de Paz de Pancarpata. 12mo. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1838 5237 REPORT from the Select Committee of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada on the state of the Province. 8vo. Is 6d {Toronto) 1838 5238 REVISTA de los escritos publicados en Chile contra los Tratados de Paz de Pancarpata, por Antonio Jose de Irisarri. small 4to. 2s 6d Arequipa, 1838 5239 SOBRE obligar a los estranjeros a pagar emprestitos Forzosos y contribuciones estraor- dinarias. 4to, pp. 6. 2s San Salvador, 1838 5240 SUCCINCT Account of the Treaties and Negociations between Great Britain and the United States of America, relating to the boun- dary question. 8vo, map, privately printed. 3s 1838 11 Lord Fitzroy Somerset, from Mr. Gillespie" (on the cover). 5241 SUPPLEMENTOS 1 to 6, al Diario del Gobierno de Megico contienes el ultimatum remitido, por Baron Deffandis, Ministre de Francia. Small 4to, 6 tracts. 3s Megico, 1838 5242 SUPPLEMENT to the Private Correspon- dence between the Governor and Capt. General of Buenos Ayres and the Rear Admiral of the French Naval Forces on the station of Brazil and South Seas. French and English. Small 4to. 2s Buenos Ayres, 1838 5243 THREE Letters to Lord Brougham on the execution in Upper Canada of the Traitors, Lount and Matthews. By a British Subject. 8vo. Is 1838 278 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 5244 ULTIMATUM of M. Aime* Roger, Consul of France, addressed to the Government of Buenos Ayres charged with the foreign Affairs of the Argentine Confederation, its answer, & relative Documents. Small 4to. French and EDglish. 2s 6d Buenos Ayrcs, 1838 5245 ■ The same in Spanish. Small 4to, 2s lb., 1888 5246 MESSAGES, Addresses, etc., to Sir Francis B. Head on ^his resignation of the Government of Upper Canada. 8vo. Is Toronto, 1838 5247 YULE (Major P.) Remarks on the disputed North Western bouudary of New Brunswick, bordering on the United States of North Ame- rica. 8vo. Is6d 1838 1839. 5248 BRIEF Statement, supported by original Documents of the important Grants conceded to the Eastern Coast of Central America Com- mercial and Agricultural Company, by the State of Guatemala. 8vo, 2 maps. 2s 1839 5249 CANTO a la Campana del Ejercito Chileno Libertador del Peru en 1838 y principios de 1839. 4to, pp. 20. 2s Santiago, 1839 5250 CHANNING (W. E.) Lecture on War. 8vo. Is Boston, 1839 5251 THE CLERGY Reserve Question, as a Matter of History, a Question of Law, and a Subject of Legislation. By Egerton Ryerson. 12mo/ Is Toronto, 1839 5252 CONSTITUTION, Canons, and Regulations of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Is 6d Philadelphia, 1839 5253 CONSTITUCION Politica de la Republica Peruana dada por el Congresso Jeneral el dia diez de Noviembre de 1839. 8vo. Is 6d Lima, 1839 5254 CONSTITUCION Politica de la Republica Boliviana eancionada por el Congreso Jeneral constituyente de 1839. Small 4to, pp. 40. 2s Imprenta de la Ciudad Sucre 5255 CORRESPONDENCE sustained between the Government of Buenos Aires, charged with the Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Confedera- tion and Capt. John Nicolson, Commander of U. States Naval Forces on the Coast of Brazil and River Plate, respecting the questions pro- duced by the Agents of France. French and English. Small 4to. 2s 6d Buenos Aires, 1839 5256 DAUBENY'S (Dr. Charles) Sketch of the Geology of North America. 8vo, map. Is 6d Oxford, 1839 6257 DEFENSA del derecho constitucional que todo Chileno tiene para publicar por la prensa sus ideas y pensamientos sin la menor censura. 4to. Is 6d Santiago de Chili, 1839 5258 DENMAN (Commander) Practical Remarks on the Slave Trade, and on the Existing Trea- ties with Portugal. 8vo. Is 1839 5259 EUROPE and America in 1839. 8vo, pri- vately printed. Is Gd 1839 5260 EXPOSITION of the Causes and Conse- quences of the Boundary differences between Great Britain and the United States, subse- quently to their Adjustment by Arbitration (by David Urquhart). 4to, map, not published. 3s Liverpool, 1839 5261 GO WAN's (Lieut.-Col., M. P. for Leeds, U.C.) Important Letter on Responsible Government. 8vo. Is 6d Toronto, 1839 5262 HEAD'S (Sir Francis) Narrative. Supple- mental Chapter. 8vo. Is 1839 5263 MANIFESTE sur l'infamie, la trahison et la perfidie employees par le contre Admiral Francais M. Le Blanc a Montevideo pour atta- quer et gonmettre a la Tyrannie du rebelle Frac- tuoso Rivera, l'etat oriental de 1' Uruguay. 8vo. 2s Buenos Ayres, 1839 5263* The same, in Spanish. 8vo. 2s ib., 1838 5264 MEMOIRES de la Societe des Antiquaries du Nord, 1836 — 9. 8vo. 3s Copenhagen, Containing Memoiro sur la decouverte de l'Amerique au lOe Siecle par Eafn, with maps— Importance de la Literature Islandaise. — Ancient Scandinavian Di- vision of the Times of the Day, &c, &c. 5265 MENS AGE del Gobierno de Buenos Aires a la decima-septima legislatura. 8vo. Is 6d Buenos Aires, 1839 5266 RAFN (C. C.) Memorie sulla scoperte dell' America nel secolo decimo dettata in Lingua Danese e tradotta du J. G. Da Heinso. 8vo. 4s Pisa, 1839 5267 REPORT on the Indians of Upper Canada, by a Sub-Committee of the Aborigines' Protec- tion Society. 8vo. Is 1839 5268 REPORT from the Select Committee of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, appointed to Report on the State of the Provinces. Royal 8vo. 2s Toi-onlo, 1839 5269 REPORT of the Case of the Canadian Pri- soners. With Introduction on the Writ of Habeas Corpus, by Alfred A. Fry. 8vo. 2s 1839 5270 REPORT on the Affairs of British North America, from the Earl of Durham, her Ma- jesty's High Commissioner. 8vo. 2s Montreal, 1839 5271 SCOBLE (John) Texas, its Claim to be re- cognised as an Independent Power by Great Britain Examined. 8vo. Is 1839 5272 SHORT Account of Prince Edward Island. 8vo, map. Is 6d 1839 5273 SLIGO (Marquis3 of) Letter to the Mar- quiss of Normanby, relative to the Present State of Jamaica. 8vo. Is 1839 5274 STOKES (C.) A few Notes respecting the United States of North America, in relation to their Constitution, their Progress, and the Stocks of the different States. 8vo. Is 1839 5275 SUTCLIFFE'S (Thos., Governor of the Is- land) Account of the Earthquake that occurred on the Island of Juan Fernandez and Talca- huana, 1839. Royal 8vo, 5 plates. 2s John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 279 5276 TAWSE and Lyon's Report to the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Know- • ledge of a Visit to America, by their appoint- ment in reference to the Fund under their charge for the Education of Native Indians. 8vo, map. Is 6d Edirib., 1839 5277 TARIFA de Avaluos para las aduanas de la republica que ha formabo la comision nom- brado por el supremo gobierno. Folio. Is 6d Santiago di Chile, 1889 1840. 5278 THE American Churches the Bulwarks of American Slavery. 8vo, privately printed. Is Loud., 1840 5279 CARTAS de tin Polaco sobre la Politica de Chile. Num.1. 8vo. Is6d Santiago de Chile, 1840 5280 CONTESTACION que da Trinidad Moran a los Manifiestos de los Jenerales Orbegoso y Nieto en la parte que se ocupan de el. Small 4to. 2s Valparaiso, 1840 5281 COOTE'S Address at Washington on the Life and Character of Abraham Howard Quincy. 8vo. Is 6d 1840 5282 DESCRIPTIVE Catalogue of Catlin's Indian Gallery, containing Portraits, Landscapes, &c, of the American Indians. Small 4to. Is 1840 5283 DISPOSICIONES commerciales vijentes en la Republica Boliviana. 4to, pp. 30. Is 6d Sucre, 1840 5284 DOCUMENTOS relativos a reclamos al gobierno del Peru sobre propriedades Britanni- cas tomadas por autoridades Peruanus saquea- das durante commociones Militares o Civiles o robadas de los Almacenes de la Aduana del Callao. Small 4to. 2s 6d Lima, 1840 5285 EL ESPEJO de mi Tierra— Lima contra el Espejo de mi Tierra. 2 Tracts, 8vo. 2s Lima, 1840 5286 ESPIRITU de los mejoreB Diarios que se publican en Europa y America, (on the Argen- tine Confederation). 8vo. Is 6d {Buenos Ayrcs), 1840 5287 ESCRITO Presentado a la Corte Suprema de Justicia por parte de la viuda y albacu de D. Francisco Anto Valdivieso y Vargas oponiendose a la propuesta hecha por D. Manuel Cifuentes de pagar a todos los acreedores de la Testamen- taria SentenciaPronuncinda por laExma Corte en este asunto y contestacion a la suplica inter- puesta por el Contrario. Sm. 4 to, pp. 27. Is 6d Santiago, 1840 5288 ESTRADA (J. M. G.) Carta dirigida al signor Presidente de la republica sobre la necessidad de buscar en una Convention el posible remedio de los males que aquejan a la Republica y Opiniones del auctor acerca del mismo asunto. 8vo, with view in Mexico. 2s 6 d Mexico, 1840 5289 GREEN HOW'S Memoir, Historical and Political, on the North West Coast of America, and the adjacent Territories. Royal 8vo, map. 2s Cd Washington, 1840 y ; 5290 HANCOCK (Dr. John) Observations on the Climate, Soil, and Productions of British Guiana and on the Advantages of Emigrating there. Second Edition, 8vo. 2s 1840 5291 LETTER to W. E. Channing, DD., in reply to one addressed to him by R. R. Madden on the Abuse of the Flag of the United States in the Island of Cuba, for promoting the Slave Trade, by a Calm Observer. 8vo. Is 1840 5292 LIEBER (Francis) On International Copy- right. 8vo, presentation copy from the Author to Rogers the Poet. Is New York, 1840 5293 LUNT'S (W. P.) Two Discourses on the Occasion of [the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Gathering of the First Congregational Church at Quincy (with large appendix of the Early Ecclesiastical History of New England). 8vo, woodcuts. 2s 1840 5294 MARTYRAGE of the United States of America, with an Appeal on behalf of the Ober- lin Institute in Aid of the Abolition of Slavery. 8vo. Is 6d Newcastle on Tyne, 1840 5295 MEMOIRES Relatifs a l'Imprisonnement de l'Honorable D. B. Viger. 8vo. 2s 6d Montreal, 1840 5296 MEMORIA que presenta el Ministro de la Guerra a los Cameras Legislativas del Pueblo Bolivano en el Ano de 1840. 4to. Is 6d Sucre, 1840 5297 PROSPECTUS of the Colonisation of the County of Beauharnois, on the South Bank of the St. Lawrence, near Montreal. 8vo, two very large maps. 2s 1840 5298 OBSERVATIONS on the Union of the Canadas and on the Canada Government Bill. 8vo, privately printed. 2s Qreenock, 1840 5299 PAZ Perpetua a los Chilenos. Small 4to, pp. 10. Is 6d Valparaiso, 1840 5300 RAPPORTS sur les Travaux Scientifiques Execute's pendant le Voyage de la Fregate La Venus a Rio Janerio, Valparaiso Callao, &c. 8vo. Is 6d 1840 5301 ROBINSON (John Beverley, Chief Justice of V. C.) Canada and the Canada Bill, an Exa- mination of the proposed Measure for the Future Government of Canada. 8vo. 2s 1840 5302 ROGERS (V. D.) Fourth Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Pennsyl- vania. 8vo. 2s Harrisburg, 1840 5303 SUTCLIFFE's Information"^ all connected with the Republic of Chili, comprising the Financial History of that Country, from 1822— 39. Royal 8vo. 2s 1840 5304 URQUHART (David) Exposition of the Boundary Differences between Great Britain and the United States subsequently to their Ad- justment by Arbitration. 8vo, map. 2s Glasgow, 1840 5305 WEST INDIES.— Extracts from the Journal Part I. 8vo. Is 1840 5306 WHITTINGTON'S (G. T.) Account of the Falkland Islands. 8vo, maps. 2s 1840 280 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 5307 WINTHROP'S Address to the New Eng- land Society in the City of New York (on the Pilgrim Fathers). 8vo. Is 1840 1841. 5308 ALGUNAS Observaciones Arregladas a los Principios y a la opinion de los pueblos de Chile. Small 4to, pp, 20. 1b 6d Valparaiso, 1841 5309 AUSILIOS del Ecuador Solicitados para- pasto esponsion Consiguiente y sucesos poste- riores. 4to. 2s 6d Quito, 1841 5310 BARBEY (Theod.) Le Texas. Royal 8vo. Is 6d Paris, 1841 5311 BOSQUE JO de la Marcha de la Republica y de la influencia Militar en sus destinos. Sm. 4to, pp. 16. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1841 5312 CHANNING (W. E.) Discourse on the Life and Character of the Rev. Jos. Tuckerman. 12mo. Is Boston, 1841 5313 CURTIS (John, of Ohio) America and the Corn Laws. 8vo. Is Manchester, 1842 5314 DAY (W.) Slavery in America shown to be peculiarly abominable as a political anomaly and outrage on Christianity. 12mo. Is 1841 5315 CLARKSON (Thomas) Letter to the Clergy of various Denominations, and to the Slave- Holding Planters in the Southern parts of the United States of America. 8vo. 2s 1841 5316 ESTRADA (J. M. Gutierrez) Lettre adrese*e a Mons. le Redacteur, du Courrier des deux Mondes (de Mexico) 8vo. Is Gd Paris, 1841 5317 EXPOSICION que dirige al Congreso del Ecuador en 1841 el Ministro de Estado en los despachos del ynterior y relaciones exteriores, 4to. 2s Quito, 1841 5318 EXPOSICION que el Presidente de la Republica Ioaq Prieto dirije al a Nacion Chilena el dia 18 de Setiembre de 1841, ultimo de su administracion. 4to. Is 6d Santiago, 1841 5319 KOCH's Description of the Missourium or Missouri Leviathan, with Indian Traditions. 8vo. Is 6d 1841 5320 LEGAL Opinions on the Title of Richard S. Hackley to Lands in East Florida, with Docu- ments in relation ,to the Climate and Soil of Florida. 8vo. 2s 6d New York, 1841 5321 LOMBARD (Alex. Banquier) Notice sur la position Financiere actuelle des Etats de l'Ame- rique du Nord, accompagnee de quelques de- tails sur les dettes des principaux Etats Euro- peens. 8vo. 2s Geneve, 1841 5322 LOS SINDICOS del Concurso de Unburn Beeche y Compania Espresando agravios ante la Illma Ccrte de Apelaciones de la sentencia deljuzgado Consular de Valparaiso en la Causa que siguen con los SS. Lezica y Waddington, sobre la garantia de una especie vendida. Sm. 4to, pp. 58. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1841 5323 MEMORIA presentada al Congreso Nacional en por el Ministre de Estado en el departamento de Justicia, Culto, e Instrucion publica, en 1841, 1843, 1844. 4to. 3s 6d Santiago, 1841, &c. 5324 MEMORIA que presenta el Ministro de Hacienda al Congreso del Ecuador de 1841. 4to. 2a Quito, 1841 5325 MENSAGE del Gobierno de Buenos Aires a la Decima Nona Legislatura. 8vo. la 6d Buenos Ayres, 1841 5326 POINSETT (Joel R.) Discourse on the Objects and Importance of the National Institu- tion for the Promotion of Science, Established at Washington. 8vo. Is Washington, 1841 5327 PRATT (O.) Interesting Accounts of several Remarkable Visions, and of the late Discovery ^ of Ancient American Records (by Joe Smith, the Mormon) 12mo. Is 6d New York, 1841 5328 STATEMENT of - the Satisfactory Results of Emigration to Upper Canada, from the Establishment of the Canada Company to the present time. 8vo. Is 1841 5329 THE Church of England, and in America, compared. Is 6d New York, 1841 5330 URQUHART (David) Case of Mr. McLeod, in whose person the Crown of Great Britain is Arraigned for Felony (in the Case of Burning the Caroline Steamer in the Canadian Insurrec- tion). 8vo. 2s 1841 1842. 5331 ABDY (E. S.) American Whites and Blacks in reply to a German Orthodernist. 8vo. Is 6d 1842 5332 BELLO (Carlos) Los Amores del Poeta Drama en dos actos y tres cuadros. 8vo. 2s Santiago, 1842 5333 CASWALL (Rev. Henry) the City of the . Mormons, or three days at Nauvoo, in 1842. ' 12mo. Is 1842 5334 CATALOGUE of the Library of Viscount Kingsborough [containing rare books and MSS. relating to America). 8vo. 2s Dullin, 1842 5335 CATALOGUS Senatus Academici, &c, in Universitate Harvardiana. 8vo. 2s Cantabrigian, 1842 5336 COLTON (George H.) Tecumseh, or the West thirty years since, a Poem. 8vo. Is 6d Bond., 1842 5337 CONFERENCIAS y comunicaciones tenidas en Quito entre los Ministros Plenipotentiaries del Peru y del Ecuador nombrados para tran- sijir las diferencias que existen entre una y otra republica. 8vo. 2s Lima, 1842 5338 HAMILTON (W. R.) No Mistake, or a Vin- dication of the Negotiations of the Treaty of 1783, respecting the North Eastern Boundary of the United States, in a Conversation between John Bull and Jonathan. 8vo, privately printed. Is6d ' 1842 5339 INFORMATION for Emigrants to British America. 8vo, second edition. Is 1842 3340 MEMORIA que el Ministro del despacho en los departamentos de Guerra y Marina presenta al Congreso Nacional de 1842. Fol. 2s Santiago de Chili, 1S42 5341 OPUSCOLO sobre la hacienda publica de Chile, 2 parts. Small 4to. 2s 6d Santiago, 1842 John Russell Smith, 36, Solio Square, London. 281 5342 PHILLIMORE (Robert) the Case of the Creole considered, in a Second Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Ashburton. 8vo. Is 1842 5343 PHILLIMORE's Letter to Lord Ashburton, suggested by Questions of International Law raised in the Message of the American President. 8vo. Is 6d 1842 5344 PROPOSED New Plan of a General Emi- gration Society, by a Catholic Gentleman. 8vo, map of United States. Is 1842 5345 REPLY to an American's Examination of the Right of Search, with Observations on some of the Questions at Issue between Great Britaiu and the United States. By an Englishman. 8vo. Is 6d 1842 5346 ROSS (H. J.) on the Objectionable System of Labour for Wages in the West India Colonies. 8vo. Is 1842 5347 SAVAGE (James) Gleanings for New En- gland History. 8vo. 5s 1842 5348 EL SEMANARIO de Santiago, No. 1 to 31. 4to. 5s Santiago, 1842 — 3 5349 SPEECH of Hon. Oliver H. Smith, of In- diana, on the Sale of the Public Lands. 8vo. la Wash. 1842 5350 STATEMENT of Satisfactory Results of Emigration to Upper Canada. 8vo, map. Is 1842 5351 STREET (Alfred B.) the Burning of Sche- nectady, and other Poems. Post 8vo. Is 6d Albany, 1842 5352 TYSON (Job R.) Discourse on the Colonial History of the Eastern and some of the South- ern States. 8vo. 2s 1842 1843. 5353 ARANCEL general de Aduanas Maritimas y Fronterizas. 8vo. Is 6d Mexico, 1843 5354 BROUGHAM (Lord) Speech upon the Ashburton Treaty, delivered in the House of Lords, 7 April, 1843. 8vo. Is 6d 1843 5355 DISCOURSE on the Character and Writings of Rev. W. Ellery Channing, by Orville Dewey. 8vo. Is New York, 1843 5356 DOUGLAS (Lt. Gen. Sir Howard) Speech on Lord Palmerston's Motion for an Address to the Queen for Copies of Communication refer- ring to the Treaty of Washington. 8vo. Is 6d 1843 5357 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Observa- tions on the Treaty of Washington, signed Aug. 9th, 1842, with the Treaty annexed. 8vo, fold- ing map. 2s 1843 5358 FEW Words on the Objects and Prospects of the Bolivian Association. 8vo, map. Is 1843 5359 FURMAN's Address to the American In- stitute during the 16th Annual Fair. 8vo. 6d N. Y, 1843 5360 HOOKER (Sir W. J.) Notes on the Botany of the Antarctic Voyage conducted by Capt. J. C. Ross, with Observations on the Tussac Grass of the Falkland Islands. 8vo, 2 plates. Is 6d 1843 5361 HILLARD (Geo. S.) Relation of the Poet to his Age, discourse before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Aug. 24, 1843. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1843 5362 HOPKINS (President) Address delivered before the Society of Alumni of William Col- lege, at the Celebration of the Semi-centennial Anniversary. 8vo. Is Boston, 1843 5363 OGDEN's Lecture on National Character. 8vo. Is N. Y., 1843 5364 PALMERSTON (Viscount) Speech in the House of Commons, 21 March, 1843, on the Treaty of Washington. 8vo. Is 6d 1843 5365 PETITIONERS Case of certain Inhabit- ants in the Island of Cape Breton against the Annexation of that Island to the Province of Nova Scotia. Folio. 2s 1843 5366 PROCESO sovre tentativa de Conspiracion y de asesinato As E. El Presidente de la Re- publica. 4to. 3s Sucre, 1843 5367 REPUBLICATION de la serie de Articula Editoriales dados a luzpor "LaGaceta Mercan- til " de Buenos Ayres sobre los avances del Comodore Ingles Purvis en el Rio de la Plata. 8vo. 3s Buenos Ayres, 1843 5368 SARMIENTO (Don F.) Memoria sobre Orto- grapia Americana leida a la facultad de humani- dades. 8\o. 3s Santiago, 1843 5369 SMITH (Rev. Sydney) Letters on American Debts (first printed in Morning Chronicle) 8vo. Is 1843 5370 WEBSTER (Daniel) Address Delivered at Bunker Hill, on the Completion of the Monu- ment. 8vo, presentation copy to Rogers the Poet. Is 6d Boston, 1843 1844. 5371 AUBRE (Paul D') Colonists and Manufac- turers in the West Indies, translated from the French. 8vo, plans. Is 6d 1844 5372 BRODHEAD (J. Romeyn) An Address Delivered before the New York Historical So- ciety at its 40th Anniversary. 8vo. 2s 6d New York, 1844 5373 CHURCH (The) in Canada, Journal of Visitation to the Western portion of his Dio- cese by the Bishop of Toronto, in the Autumn of 1842. 12mo. Is 1844 5374 CRISE Ministerielle et Mr. Denis Benjamin Viger and Co. 8vo. 2s 6d Kingston (Canada) 1844 5375 DOANE's (Bp. of New Jersey) Four Sermons and Charges. Is 6d Burlington, U. S., 1844-5 5376 EXPOSICION que dirijen al Congreso Nacional y al publico algunos proprietarios de fundos Colindantes con las riberas del mar en El puerto de Valparaiso Manifestando su derecho a los terrenos abandonados por el mar en Ese puerto. Folio. 2s 6d Santiago de Chile, 1844 5377 ESTADISTICA Comercial de la Republica de Chile correspondiente al primer trimestre de 1844. Folio. 2s Valparaiso, 1844 19 282 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 5378 DOCUMENTS officiels sur le Penetencier de 1'Est, ou de Cherry Hill h Philadelphie. 8vo. Is 6d Paris, 1844 f 379 FALCONER (W. ) I. on the Nomination of Agents for the Colonies of N. America. II. Statement of the Dispute between Sir C. Met- calf and the Canada House of Assembly. Sm. 8vo, privately printed. 2s 1844 5380 FOURTEEN Ioway Indians, from the Mis- souri, in Vauxhall Gardens. 12mo. Is 1844 5381 GARAY (Don Jose de) Survey of the Isth- mus of Tehuantepec, executed in 1842 and 1843, to establish a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 8vo, maps. 2s 1844 5382 GARAY, the same in Spanish. 8vo, maps. 2s 1844 5383 LETTERS from the United States of Ame- rica, exhibiting the workings of Democracy in that Country for the last 20 years. By an Anglo-American of several years' residence. 8vo. 2s 1844 5384 MEMORIA que el Ministro del despatcho en el departmento del Interior presenta al Con- greso Nacional de 1844. Folio. 2s Santiago de Chile, 1844 5385 PATRIOTICA iniciativa que la Escma Asamblea Departamental de Jalisco eleva a las Augustas Camaras y otros Documentos de la misma importancia. 8vo. 2s Guadalajara, 1844 5386 ROSAS and the River Plate, a Letter to the Earl of Aberdeen, by a Gentleman resident in Monte Video. 8vo. 2s Monte Video, 1844 5387 SHORT (Charles W.) Remarks on the posi- tion of Barracks in the West Indies, as affecting the health of Europeans, on the health and management of European Soldiers serving in the tropics, advantages of an increase of the West Indian Corps considered. 8vo. Is 1844 5388 TARIFA que debe rejir en las Aduanas de republica pam el ano de 1845. Folio. Is 6d Valparaiso, 1844 5389 THOM (Adam, Recorder of Rupert's Land) The claims to the Oregon Territory considered. 8vo. Is 1844 5390 WHEELWRIGHT (W.) Observations on the Isthmus of Panama, and on various routes pro- posed for connecting the two oceans. 8vo, map. 2s 1844 1845. 5391 BAINES (Thomas) Observations on the pre- sent state of the affairs of the River Plate. 8vo, Is 6d • 1845 5392 CATALOGUE of a splendid and unequalled collection of choice and rare books on America, ancient and modern, sold by Auction, by Howe, Leonard and Co., at Boston. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1845 5393 CATALOGUE of the Private Library of Sam. G. Drake, of Boston, chiefly relating to the Antiquities, History, and Biography of Ame- rica, and especially to the Indians. 8vo 3s Boston, 1845 5394 FALCONER (Thomas) The Oregon Ques- tion, or statement of the British claims to the Oregon Territory in opposition to the preten- sions of the Government of the United States of America. 8vo, map. 2s 1845 5395 HAMMOND (J. H.) Two Letters on Slavery in the United States. 8vo. Is 6d Columbia, 1845 5396 HILL (H. R.) Succinct View of the import- /ance and practicability of forming a Ship Canal * across the Isthmus of Panama. 8vo, map and plan. Is 6d 1845 5397 LIVES and Opinions of Benjamin Franklin Butler, United States District Attorney, and Jesse Hoyt, Counsellor at Law, formerly Col- lector of Customs at New York. By W. L. Mackenzie, (the Canadian Rebel). 8vo. 2s Boston, 1845 5398 LUNT (George) Address delivered before the Massachusett's Horticultural Society on the de- dication of Horticultural Hall. 8vo. Is Boston, 1845 5399 MEADE'S (Rev. W.) Brief Review of the Episcopal Church in Virginia from its first Establishment. 8vo. Is Richmond, 1845 5400 MEMORIA quae presenta al Congreso na- cional de 1845 el ministro de Estado en el de- partamento del interior. 4to. Is 6d Santiago de Chile, 1845 5401 The same, 1845. Is 6d ib. 1845 5402 MEMORIA que el Ministro del Despacho en el departamento de relaciones exteriores presenta al Congreso nacional de 1845. 4to. Is 6d Santiago, 1845 5403 The same, 1845. 4to. Is 6d ib. 1845 5404 MESSAGE of the Government of Buenos Ayres to the Twenty-third Legislature. 8vo. Is 6d Buenos Ayres, 1845 5405 MORO's (Gaetano) Abstract of a Report and Additional Observations on the Communication / between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. 8vo, map. Is 6d 1845 5406 PEABODY (Andrew) Anti-Supernaturalism, a Sermon in Harvard University. 8vo. Is Cambndge, 1845 5407 PROCEEDINGS of a Convention of Dele- gates chosen by the People of Massachusetts to consider the Annexation of Texas to the United States. 8vo. Is Boston, 1845 5408 PROCEEDINGS of the Court convened under the Canon of 1844 at New York, for the Trial of the Right Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, {for improper conduct to Females). 8vo. 3s N. Y., 1845 5409 THE Sugar Question, West India Question, African Question, Slave Trade Question, Finance Question, the Trade Question, and the Ministe- rial Question. 8vo. Is 1845 5410 SUMNER (Charles) The true grandeur of Nations, an Oration delivered before the Au- thorities of the City of Boston. 8vo, presenta- tion copy to Rogers the Poet. 2s Boston, 1845 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 283 1846. 5*11 ACCOUNT and History of the Oregon Ter- . /ritory (by J. Bryant) together with a Journal of an Emigrating Party. 12mo. Is 1846 5412 ADDRESS at the Inauguration of the Hon. Edward Everett, LL.D., as President of the University at Cambridge. 8vo. la 6d Boston, 1846 5413 BIOGRAFIA del. Jeneral Don Manuel Bulnes, Presidente de la Republica de Chile. 8vo. 2s 6d Santiago, 1846 5414 CRAIK'S Sermon at Louisville, with Ap- pendix on Newman's Development of Christian Doctrine. 8vo. Is x Louisville, Ky., 1846 5415 CORRESPONDENCE relative to the Nego- ciation of the Question of Disputed Right to '' the Oregon Territory subsequent to the Treaty of Washington. Folio. Is 6d 1846 5416 DISSOLUTION of the American Union de- rnanded by Justice and Humanity, by H. C. Wright. 12mo. 3d 1846 5417 DE BOIS (W. E.) Brief Account of the collection of Coins belonging to the Mint of the United States, more particularly of the Antique Specimens. 12mo, frontispiece. 2s Philadelphia, 1846 5418 FREMONT'S Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California. 8vo. Is 6d New Yorh, 1846 5419 GARAY'S (Don Jose de) Account of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico, with Pro- posals for Establishing a Communication be- tween thegAtlantic and Pacific Oceans. 8vo, maps. 2s 1846 5420 HOWE's (G. S.) Essay on separate and con- gregate Systems of Prison Discipline, and re- port made to the Boston Prison Discipline Society. 8vo, presentation copy to Rogers the Poet. 2s Boston, 1846 5421 LOCAL Loiterings and Visits in the Vicinity of Boston, by a Looker-on. Post 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1846 5422 THE Memory of the late James Graham, the Historian of the United States, Vindicated from the Charges Preferred against him by M. Geo. Bancroft, by Josiah Quincy. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1846 542Sf OREGON; the Cost and the Consequences, • .-'by a Disciple of the Washington School. 8vo. 6d 1846 5424 PALMER (Rev. Henry) Letters on the Slave Trade. 8vo. Is 1846 5425 REYES (D. Ant. Garcia) Memoria sobre la primera Escuadra Nacioual leida en la sesion publica de la Uuiversidad de Chile. Sm. 4to, /pp.109. 3s 6d Santiago, 1846 . 5426 SAMPSON (M. B.) The Oregon Question as it Stands. 8vo, map. Is 1846 5427 SIMPSON (Alex.) The Oregon Territory, . • claims thereto of England and America con- sidered, its Condition and Prospects. 8vo. 2s 1846 5428 SMITH (J. W.) Report of the Chief Engineer to the Directors of the Mexico Gulf Railway Company. 8vo, large folding plans. Is 6d 1846 5429 STATISTICAL View of the Population of Massachusetts, from 1765 to 1840, by Jesse Chickeriug. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1846 5430 SUMNER (Charles) The Scholar, the Jurist, the Artist, the Philanthropist, an address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard Uni- versity at their Anniversary. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1846 1847. 5431 ADDRESSES to Lord Aylmer from Public Bodies in Lower Canada on his Removal from the Administration of the Government of that Province, in the year 1835, with his Answer. 8vo. Is 6d Privately printed, 1847 5432 BRITISH Diplomacy in the River Plata. 8vo. Is 6d 1847 5433 DEFENSA de Don Alejandro Cross en primera instancia eu una causa de Comisa. 8vo. 2s Valparaiso, 1847 5434 GAUNETT (Ezra S.) A Good Old Age, a Sermon on the Death of Hon. John Davis, LL.D. Preached in Federal Meetinghouse in Boston. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1847 5435 GARDINER (Capto. A. F.) A Voice from South America. 12mo. Is 1847 5436 LIEBER (Professor) The Character of the Gentleman, an Address to the Students of Miami University, Ohio. 8vo, presentation copy from the author to Rogers the poet. Is 6d Colombia, 1847 5437 MEASURES adopted in Boston, Massa- chusetts, for the Relief of the Suffering Scotch and Irish. 8vo. Is Boston, 1847 5438 MEMORIAL que eleva al Soberano congreso Chileno Juan Francisco Mur accompanado de algunos documentos i reflexiones que prueban el justo titulo con que pido a la nacion Chilene la indemnizacion de todos i perjuicios que ha sufrido a consecuencia del importante servicio que le hizo el ano de 1836. 8vo. 2s Santiago, 1847 5439 MEMORIA que Presenta el Ministro de Hacienda de Peru al Congreso de 1847. 4to. 2a Lima, 1847 5440 MUR (Juan Francisco) Discurso que dirige a los Elejidos del Pueblo Chileno. 4to, pp. 18. 2s Santiago, 1847 5441 PFETL (Adolph R.) the Anglo-French Inter- vention in the River Plate, considered espe- cially with reference to the Negociations of 1847, under the conduct of Lord Howden. 8vo. Is 6d 1847 5442 REPORT of the Joint Library Committee of the Legislature of New York on the subject of International Exchanges of Books. 8vo. Is 6d Albany, 1847 5443 SLAUGHTER (Rev. Philip) History of St. George's Parish, in the County of Spotsylvania and Diocese of Virginia. 8vo, frontisp. Is 6d New Yorh, 1847 284 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 5444 SUMNER (Charles) White Slavery in the Barbary States, a Lecture before the Boston Mercantile Library Association. 8vo, Presenta- tion Copy to Rogers the Poet. 2* Boston, 1847 5445 WALTON ( H. ) De l'Esclavage dans les Colonies pour servir d'introduction a l'histoire de l'esclavage dans l'antiquite. 8vo. 2s Paris, 1847 1848. 5446 ADDRESSES in the Congress of the United State3, and Funeral Solemnities on the Death of John Quincy Adams. 8vo, portrait. Is 6d Washington, 1848 5447 ANNUAL Report of the Trustees of the State Library for 1848. 8vo. Is 6d Albany — 5448 BRIEF View of the Enterprise proposed by Mr. V. Ellis to Navigate the Orinoco and Apure Rivers with Steamboats. 8vo, folding maps. 2s (1848) 5449 BRYANT (William Cullen) Funeral Oration occasioned by the Death of Thos. Cole, delivered before the National Academy of Design, New York. 8vo. Is6d 1848 5450 CELEBRATION of the Introduction of the Water of Cochituate Lake into the City of Bos- ton. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1848 5451 COLUMBUS in Chains, a Prize Poem, re- cited in the Theatre, Oxford. 12mo. Is Oxford, 1848 5452 DENMAN (Hon. Capt.) West India Inter- ests, African Emigration, and Slave Trade. 8vo. Is 1848 5453 EVERETT (Edward) Eulogy on the Life and Character of John Quincy Adams. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1848 5454 EXAMINATION of the Evidence before Select Committee to enquire into the Present Condition and Prosperity of Sugar and Coffee Planting iu the East and West Indian Posses- sions and the Mauritius. 8vo. Is 1848 5455 GORE (Montague) Reflections on the Present State and Prosperity of the British West Indies. 8vo. Is 1848 5456 GRAY (Francis C.) Prison Discipline iu America. 8vo. 2s 1848 5457 IMMIGRATION into the United States, by Jesse Chickering. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1848 5458 LINCOLN.— Memoir of William Lincoln, of Massachusets, by Joseph. Willard. 8vo. Is6d Cambridge, 1848 5459 MURPHY (C. Thomas) Memoria sobre la deuda esterior de la Republica Mexicana desde su creacion hasta fines de 1847. Roy. 8vo. 3s Paris, 1848 5460 ON Sugar Cultivation in Louisiana, Cuba, and the British Possessions, by an European and Colonial Sugar Manufacturer. 2 parts, 8vo. 2s 1848 5461 SMITH (Rev. George) The Case of our West African Cruisers and West African Settlements fairly considered. 8vo. Is 1848 5462 RYLAND'S Case.— Documents relative to Mr. Ryland's Claim on Government, with Ex- tracts from the Secretary of State's Instructions to the Governor of Canada. 8vo. 2s Montreal, 1848 5463 SUETHEN (W. G.) The Black Code of the District of Columbia in Force, 1st Sept., 1848. 8vo. 2s New York, 1848 5464 WINTHROP (Hon. Robert) Oration on Laying the Corner Stone of the National Mo- nument to the Memory of Washington. 8vo. 2s Washington, 1848 Presentation copy to Rogers, the Poet. 1849. 5465 ABRAHAM (R.) Some Remarks upon the French Tenure of " Franc alen roturier," and on its Relation to the Feudal and other Tenures (in Canada). 8vo. Is 6d Montreal, 1849 5466 BETHUNE (Geo. W.) Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, July 19, 1849. 8vo. Is 6d Cambridge, 1849 5467 BOWDITCH (W. J.) Slavery and the Con- stitution (containing many most remarkable advertisements and facts respecting Slavery in America). 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1849 546*8 COUP d'ceil sur la Republique de Costa Rica. 8vo, map. Is 6d Paris, 1849 5469 CRUMMELL (Rev. Alex., an African clergy- man) Eulogium on the Life and Character of Thomas Clarkson, at New York, with Introduc- tion by W. T. Blair, Esq. small 8vo. Is 6d 1849 5470 ENDERBY (Charles) Account of the Cli- mate, Soil, and Productions of the Auckland Islands. 8vo, map, and panoramic view two yards long. Is6d 1849 5471 EVERETT (Edward) Speech in support of the Memorial of Harvard, Williams, and Am- herst College. 8vo. Is Cambridge, 1849 5472 GREENOUGH (Will. W.) Oration before the Municipal Authorities of the City of Boston on the Anniversary of the Independence of the United States. 8vo. Is Boston, 1849 5478 HOPPE, Californiens Gegenwart und Zu- v . kunft nebst beitragen von A. Erman, ueber die klimatologie von Californien. 8vo, maps. 2s 1849 5474 HUNTER (Rev. Jos.) Collections concerning the Early History of the Founders of New Plymouth, the First Colonists of New England. Post 8vo, only 250 printed, very scarce. 5s 1849 A new and enlarged edition, vide No. 2425. 5475 KEILY's Brief Description and Statistical Sketch of Georgia. 8vo, map of Irwin County. Is 1849 54W MARTIN (R. M.) Hudson's Bay Territories / and Vancouver's Island, with an Exposition of the Chartered Rights, Conduct, and Policy of the Honble. Hudson's Bay Corporation. 8vo. 3s Y 1849 5477 REMARKS on a British Railway and its Construction by the British Government from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, commencing at the Gulph of Honduras, proposed by an En- gineer. 8vo, map. Is 1849 John Russell Smith, 3G, Soho Square, London. 285 5478 SHALL we Keep the Canadas ? 8vo. lsGd 1849 5479 WINTHROP (Rob. C.) Address before the Maine Historical Society at Bowdoin College. 8vo, presentation copy to Rogers the Poet. 2s 6d Boston, 1849 1850. 5480 ARCH^EOLOGIA America.— Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society. Vol 3, part 1, 8vo. 3s 6d Cambridge, 1850 5481 ARCHIVO Americano yEspiritudelaPrensa del Mundo. No. 21, 8vo, pp. 241. 2s Buenos Ayres, 1850 5482 BRIEF Notice of Wm. Shurtleff, of Marsh- field, by Nath. B. Shurtleff. 4to, privately prin- ted. 5s Boston, 1850 5483 THE Brazilian Slave Trade and its Remedy, shewing the Futility of Force Measures, by T. R. H. Thomson, R.N. 8vo. Is 6d Douglas, 1850 5484 BY-LAWS and Rules of the Tampa Lodge of Freemasons. 8vo. Is Tallahassee, Florida, 1850 5485 CATALOGUE of Books relating to America, including a large number of Rare Works printed before 1 700, and a nearly complete Collection of the Dutch Publications on New Netherland from 1612 to 1820, on Sale at F. Muller's, Am- sterdam. Small 8vo. 2s 1850 5486 THE Copy of a Valedictory and Monitory Writing left by Sarah Goodhue of Ipswich, N.E. Small 8vo. Is 6d Camb., N.E., W%l—repr. Boston, 1850 5487 DONA Maria Loretto Martinez, the Black Malibran, Native of Cuba (her Memoirs). 8vo. Is (1850) 5488 GALLAGHER (W. D.) Facts and Conditions of Progress in the North West, the Annual Dis- course before the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. 8vo. 2s Cincinnati, 1850 5489 KEEFER (Thos. C, Civil Engineer) Prize Essay on the Canals of Canada, their Prospects and Influence. 8vo. Is Toronto, 1850 5490 LLOYD (Lt. Col. J. A.) On Facilities for a Ship Canal Communication between the Atlan- tic and Pacific Oceans through the Isthmus of Panama. 8vo, map. Is 6d 1850 5491 PLAN for Shortening the Time of Passage between New York and London, including the Proceedings of the Railway Convention at Port- land, Maine. 8vo, folding map. 2s Portland, 1850 5492 PROCEEDINGS of the American Antiqua- rian Society, Annual Meetings at Worcester and Boston, 1849 and 1850. 8vo. Is 6d Camb., 1850 5493 REPORT on the Expediency of Celebrating in Future the Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers on Dec. 21, instead of 22nd of Dec. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1850 5494 SHURTLEFF (N. B.) Private, Historical, and Antiquarian Tracts — Passengers in the May Flower, 1620. Small 4to. 5s 1850 Only 100 privately printed. 5495 SKETCH of the Life of the Apostle Eliot, prefatory to a Subscription for Erecting a Mo- nument to his Memory, by H. A. S. Dearborn. 8vo, plate. 2s 6d Roxbury,1850 5496 SQUIER (E. G.) The Volcanos of Central America, and the Geographical and Topogra- phical Features of Nicaragua, as connected with » the proposed Interoceanic Canal. 8vo. Is 6d 1850 5497 STANLEY (Hon. E.) Claims and Resources of the West India Colonies. 8vo. Is 6d 1850 5498 STATE of the Great Ship Canal Question Convention between Great Britain and the United States, by the Author of " Mosquito, Y Nicaragua, and Costa Rica." 8vo. Is 1850 5499 TRIAL of Dr. J. W. Webster for the Murder of Dr. Parkman, of Boston. 8vo. Is 1850 5500 WEBSTER (Hon. Daniel) Speech upon the Subject of Slavery, delivered in the United States' Senate. 8vo. Is Boston, 1850 5501 WEBSTER (Hon. Daniel) Speech on Mr. Clay's Resolutions in the Senate of the United States. 8vo. Is 6d Washington, 1850 1851. 5502 ANDERSON (David, Bishop of Rupert's Land) Seal of Apostleship, an Ordination Ser- mon, preached at St. Andrew's Church, Red River. 8vo. Is 1851 5503 ANNUAL Report of the Trustees of the State Library of the State of New York, made to the Legislature, 1851 & 1852. 8vo. 2s each Albany, 1851—2 5504 BAIRD (R.) Progress and Prospects of Chris- tianity in the United States of America. Svo. Is 1851 5505 BATHURST (Edward) Hispaniola, Hayti, Saint Domingo. 8vo. With letter of the au- thor inserted. PRIVATELY PRINTED. 3s 1851 5506 CATALOGUE of the Extensive and Valu- able Library of the Count Mondidier, consigned from Germany, an Extraordinary Voyage and Travels in America. 8vo. 9 days' sale at Messrs. Puttick and Co's. Is 6d 1851 5507 CONTROVERSY touching the Old Stone Mill in the Town of Newport, Rhode Islaud, with Remarks. Small 8vo, woodcuts. 2s Neioport, 1851 5508 CORRESPONDENCE between Mr. Hulse- mann, Austrian Charge d' Affaires, and Mr. Web- ster, Secretary of State of the United States. 8vo. Is Washington, 1851 5509 ENGLAND'S Western, or America's Eas- tern Shore? Old Ireland a New State? with their various Complexities discussed, by an Al- most Obsolete Loyalist. 8vo. Is 6d Dublin, 1851 5510 HISTORIC Certainties respecting the Early History of America developed in a Cri- tical Examination of the Book of the Chronicles of the Land of Ecnarf (by Archbishop Whately). 8vo. 2s 1851 286 Pampldets relating to America, on Sale by 5511 HOWE (Hon. Jos., of Nova Scotia) Speech on the Importance and V T alue to Great Britain of her North American Colonies. 8vo. Is 1851 5512 HOWE (Hon. Jos.) Speech on Inter-Co- lonial Railroads and Colonization, delivered at Halifax, Nova Scotia. 8vo. Is Halifax, 1851 5513 JEWETT (Charles, Librarian of the Smith- sonian Institution) Notices of Public Libraries in the United States of America. 8vo. 3s Washington, 1851 5514 STEVENS (H.) Account of the Proceedings at the Dinner given by Mr. Geo. Peabody to the Americans connected with the Great Ex- hibition, at the London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, 27th Oct., 1851. 8vo, privately printed. 2s 1851 5515 WEBSTER (W.) Speech at the Celebration of the New York New England Society. 8vo. 2s Washington, 1851 Ircsentation copy, with autograph note to Rogers the poet. 5516 ZESTERMAN's Memoir of the European Colonization of America in Ante-Historic Times, with Observations by Squier. 8vo. Is 6d Lond. 1851 1852. 5617 CATALOGUE of Books in the Library of Parliament. 8vo. 2s Quebec, 1852 5518 CRITIQUES (by Lord Denman) on Uncle Tom's Cabin. From the " Standard Newspaper." V2mo, printed for private circulation. Is 1852 5519 HUNTINGTON (J. V.) America Discovered, a Poem. Small 8vo. Is New York, 1852 5520 HISTORY and Statistics of the State of Maryland, according to tbe returns of the 7th Census of the United States, 1850. By Job. C. G. Kennedy. Folio. 3s 6d Washington, 1852 5521 FIVE Years' Progress of the Slave Power, a series of Papers first published in the Boston Commonwealth in 1851. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1852 5522 KENDALL'S (Hon. Amos) Full Exposure of Dr. C. T. Jackson's Pretensions to the Inven- tion of the American-Magnetic Telegraph. 8vo. Is 1852 5523 LIST of Light-Houses, Lighted-Beacons and Floating Lights of the United States. 8vo. Is 1852 5521 SPARKS (Jared) Letter to Lord Mahon, being an answer to his letter addressed to the Editor of Washington's Writings. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1852 5525 SPARKS (Jared) Reply to the Strictures o f Lord Mahon and others, on the mode of editing the Writings of Washington. 8vo. Is 6d Cambridge, 1852 5526 Another edition, with a Review of Lord Mahon's history of the American Revolu- tion, from the North American Review for July, 1852. Svo. Is 6d London, 1852 5527 MAHON (Lord) Letter to Jared Sparks, Esq., being a rejoinder to his reply to the stric- tures of Lord Mahon and others on the mode of editing the writings of Washington. 8vo. Is 1852 5528 MATHEWS (Cornelius) Witchcraft, a Tra- gedy in 5 acts (relating to Witchcraft in New England in 1645, &c.) 12mo. Is 1852 j 5529 MEXICO.— A Memorial setting forth the j rights and just reasons which the Government v/ of the United States of Mexico has for not re- coguising the validity of the privilege granted to D. Jose Garay for opening a way of commu- nication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Translated from the Spanish. 8vo. 2s New York, 1852 5530 SUMNER (Hon. Charles) Speech on his motion to repeal the Fugitive Slave Bill in the Senate of the United States. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1852 5531 WARREN (Owen G.) Supernal Theology and Life in the Spheres, deduced from alleged spiritual manifestations. 8vo. Is 6d New York, 1852 1853. 5532 ACCOUNT of the Pilgrim Celebration at Plymouth, with List of the Decorations in the Town, and Correct Copies of the Speeches made at the Dinner Table. 8vo. 2s 6d Boston, 1853 5533 BRITISH West India Colonies in connec- tion with Slavery Emancipation, by a Resident of the West Indies for 13 Years. 8vo. Is 1853 5534 BROWN (Rev. H. S.) Pilgrim Fathers, a Lecture Illustrative of the Picture by C. Lucy. 12mo. Is Manchester, 1863 5535 COLLECCION de Leyes I. Decretos de la Nueva Granada. 8vo, pp. 400. 2s 6d Bogota, 1853 5536 DENMAN (Lord) Uncle Tom's Cabin, Bleak House, Slavery and Slavery Trade. 12mo, re- printed from the Standard. Is 1853 5537 EVERETT (Hon. Edward) Address before the New York Historical Society, with Intro- duction by the Hon. Jos. R. Ingersoll. 8vo. Is 6d 1853 5538 FARLEY (Fred. N.) Funeral Sermon at Brooklyn, N.Y., on Seth Low, Esq. 8vo. Is New York, 1853 5539 GUIDE from Montreal and Quebec to the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada and to Portland (Maine). 12mo, map and woodcuts. Is Montreal, 1853 5540 LENDRICK (W. E.) Sugar Trade and Slave Trade, the We3t India Question Considered. 8vo. Is 1853 5541 OCCASIONAL Discourse on the Nigger Question, communicated by T, Carlyle. Small 8vo. Is 1853 5542 SPARKS (Jared) Remarks on a u Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Jos. Reed during the American Revolution, referred to in the Pamphlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks." 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1853 John Russell Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. 287 5543 TORREY (John) Plantse Fremontianro, or Description of Plants Collected by Colonel J. C. ' Fremont, in California. 4to, 10 plates. 4s 6d Washington City, 1853 5544 TORREY (John) on the Darlington Califor- , , "nica, a new Pitcher Plant from Northern Cali- ' fornia. 4to, plate. 2s Ibid, 1853 5545 TORREY (John) Observations on the Batis Maritima of Linnaeus (a shrubby plant of the West Indian Islands). 4to, plates. 2s lb. 1853 5546 VELASQUEZ (P.) Memoir of an Eventful Expedition into Central America, to Iximaya, the Discovery of the Aztec Children, &c. Post 8vo, engravings. Is 6d 1853 5547 WHITING (W.) Address to the Historic Genealogical Society, Jan. 12, 1853. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1853 1854. 5548 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL and Historical Essay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to New Netherland, and to the Dutch West India Company, as also on the Maps, Charts, &c. of New Netherland, by G. M. Asher. 4to, part 1. 4s 1854 5549 BREWSTER (B. H.) Address before the American Whig and Eliosophic Societies of the College of New Jersey, June 28, 1853. 8vo. Is Philadelphia, 1854 5550 CATALOGUE of an Extensive and Ex- tremely Rare and Curious Library of Early Voyages and Travels, Works relating to Ame- rica, being part of the well known Collection of Col. Aspinwall. 8vo, 5 Days' Sale by Puttick and Simpson, ivith printed prices. 2s 6d 1854 5551 CATALOGUS Senatus Academici, et eorum qui muuera et Officia gesserunt quique alicujus gradus, laurea Donati sunt, in Universitate Harvardiana. 8vo. 2s 6d Cantab. 1854 5552 DANE (John, of fysivich, 1682) Declaration of Remarkable Providences in the Course of my Life, with Pedigree of the Dane Family, by a Member of the New England Historic-Genea- logical Society. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1854 5553 KENNEDY (James) Probable Origin of the Americau Indians, with Particular Reference to the Caribs. 8vo. Is 1854 5554 PRICE (Thos.) on the Finances of the Is- land of Antigua. 8vo. Is Antigua, 1854 5555 RAFFLES (Rev. Thomas) Lecture on the Pilgrim Fathers, Illustrative of the Picture by C. Lucy. Sm. 4to, folding plate. 2s Manchester, 1854 5556 SUMNER (Hon. Charles) Speech against the Repeal of the Missouri Prohibition of Slavery North of 36o 30' in the Senate. 8vo. 6d 1854 5557 TWISTLETON (Hon. Edwd.) Evidence as to the Religious Working of the Common Schools in Massachusetts. 8vo. Is 1854 5558 WINTHROP (Robert C. ) Algernon Sidney, a Lecture before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, 21 December, 1853. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1854 5559 WINTHROP (Robert C.) Archimedes aud Frauklin, a Lecture, Introductory to a Course on the Application of Science to Art, delivered before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. 8vo. 2a Boston, 1854 1855. 5560 CATALOGUE of a Valuable Collection of Books, the Property of a Gentleman, Voyages and Travels, many Relating to America, a large Collection of American Printed Tracts and Sermons, &c. 8vo, 4 days' sale at Sotheby's. Is 6d 1855 5561 CONDITION and Prospects of Canada in 1854, as Pourtrayed in the Dispatches of Lord Elgin. 8vo. Is 6d Quebec, 1855 5562 EXAMINATION of Joseph Galloway, Esq., by a Committee of the House of Commons, 1779, edited by Thomas Balch. 8vo, only 250 printed. 3s Philadelphia, Seventy Six Soc, 1855 5563 FINANCES and Trade of Canada at the Beginning of 1855, by W. Cay ley, Inspector General of Canada. 8vo. Is 1855 5564 GUIZOT.— Report upon the International Exchanges, undertaken by M. Alexander Vatte- mare, and upon the Actual State of Letters, and Especially of Historical Investigations in the United States of America, French and English. 8vo. 2s Paris, 1855 5565 HALL Family, Settled at the Town of Med- ford, Mass., compiled by W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, not printed for sale. 2s Boston, 1855 5566 PROCEEDINGS on the Laying the Corner- stone of the Public Library of Boston, Sept. 17, 1855. 8vo. 2s Boston, 1855 Autograph presentation copy to Lord Lynclliurst from R. C. Winthrop. 5567 REMARKS in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 31, 1855, Vindicating the late James A. Bayard, of Delaware, from the Charges in the " Anas" of Thomas Jefferson, aspersing his Character. 8vo. Is 6d Washington, 1855 5568 TACHE (J. C.) Esquisse sur le Canada con- sidere sous le point de vue Economiste. 12mo. 2s Paris, 1855 5569 TRANSACTIONS, including the 18th Annual Report of the American and Foreign Bible Society for the year ending April 30th, 1855. 8vo. x ls 1855 5570 WINTHROP (Hon. R. C.) Address on Lay- ing the Corner Stone of the Public Library, Boston, Sep. 1855. 8vo. Is Boston, 1855 1856. 5571 BOMBARDEMENT et entire Destruction de Grey Town. 8vo. Is Paris, 1856 5572 CATALOGUE of a Portion of the Rare and Curious Library of an Eminent Collector in Edinburgh, (David Laing) particularly rich in Works relating to America, (4 days' sale) 8vo. 2s 1856 5573 FRANKLIN (Sir John) Notice Biogra- phique sur l'Amiral Sir John Franklin, par M. dela Roquette, 4to, portrait and maps, fac- simile, 5s n. D. [1856] 283 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 5574 CLAYTON and Bulwer Convention, 19th April, 1 850, between the British and American Governments, concerning Central America, with Correspondence. 8vo. Is 6d 1856 5575 THE Great Arctic Mystery. 8vo. Is 1856 5576 HOWE (Hon. Jos.) Letter to Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, being a Review of the Debate on the Foreign Enlistment Bill and our Relations with the United States. Svo. Is 1856 5577 LETTRES du Delegue" de la Population Francaise de Grey Town, Amerique Centrale. Two pamphlets. 8vo. 2s 6d Pan's, 1856 65 78 MARITIME LAW, Correspondence relative to Neutral Rights, between the Government of the United States and the Powers represented in the Congress at Paris, 1856. Svo. Is 6d Washington, 1856 5579 MEMOIR of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence, prepared for the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, by Hon. A. Appleton. 8vo. Is 6d 55S0 NEW GRANADA, and the United States of America, final Diplomatic Controversy rela- tiing to the Occurrences that took place at Panama on the 15th April, 1856. 8vo. Is 6d Liverpool, 1S56 5581 NICARAGUA.— The Destiny of Nicaragua, Central America, as it was, i3, and may be, by an Officer in the Service of Walker. 8vo, por- trait of Waller. 2s Boston, 1856 5582 SAINTHILL's Suggestions for a Medal to Record the Discovery of the Passage by the North Pole. Svo, privately printed. Is Cork, 1856 5583 THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT OF CA- NADA — The Compositions and Functions of Legislative Council, and " The Double Majority" Question. By Dunbar Ross, Esq. 8vo. Is 6d Quebec, 1856 5554 TEMPLE AND BOWDOIN FAMILIES— Account of the Temple Family, with Notes, & Pedigrees of Bowdoin Family, by W. H. Whit- more. 8vo, privately printed. 2s 6d Boston, 1856 1857. 5555 ALEXANDER'S (J. H.) International Coin- age for Great Britain and the United States. Post 8vo, privately printed. Is 6d 1857 v 5586 CASE of the Hudson's Bay Company. By Andrew Freeport. 8vo. Is 1857 5588 THE SHEDDEN CASE.— A Collection of Pamphlets and Papers on the Proceedings in New York, Scotland, and House of Lords, re- specting the Property of William Shedden, Merchant of New York, who died there in 1798. 8vo, 4to, and folio (from Lord Lyndhurst's Li- brary). In all 15 pieces. £1. Is 1S56, 7, &c. 5589 CASE of Mr. Shedden (the Claimant of the Property). The Debate in the House of Lords, reprinted from Hansard's Parliamentary De- bates. 8vo. 2s 1857 5590 THE Petition of William Patrick Ralston Shedden, Esq., to the House of Lords. Folio. 5591 STATEMENT on behalf of R. Shedden Patrick, of Trearne, and W. Cochran Patrick, of Ladyland, his Guardian. 8vo. 2s May, 1857 One of the most remarkable cases ever brought before a legal tribunal. Duplicates of the three last arti- cles are included in No. 658S. 5592 CATALOGUE of an Extraordinary Collec- tion of Documents connected with the British Army in the American Revolutionary War, on sale by J. G. Bell. 8vo. Is 6d Manchester, 1857 5594 CATALOGUE of a Large and Interesting Collection of Rare Books and Tracts, English and Foreign Versions of the Scriptures, Curious Books and Tracts relating to America, Auto- graph Letters of Americans, &c. 8vo, 4 days' sale at Messrs. Puttick's. Is 6d 1857 5595 FESTIVAL of the Connecticut Association at the Revere House, Boston, Jan. 14, 1857. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1857 5596 HALIBURTON'S (Hon. Mr. Justice) Ad- dress on the Present Condition, Resources, and Prospects of British North America, delivered by special request at the City Hall, Glasgow. 8vo. Is 1857 5597 HUDSON, Wisconsin, and its Tributory Region, by T. Dwight Hall. 12mo, map. 6d Hudson, Wis.. 1857 5598 GUIDE Book to Mr. Washington Friends great American Tour, with the words of the Songs and Melodies sung by him in his unri- valled Entertainment. 8vo, cuts. Is Nottingham (1857) 5599 LEGAL Review of the Case of Dred Scott, as decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. Svo. Is Boston, 1857 5600 OBITUARY Addresses on the Death of the Hon. J. M. Clayton, of Delaware, in the United States Senate, Dec. 3, 1856. 8vo, portrait. Is Washington, 1857 5601 SPEECH of Hon. James Bayard, of Dela- ware, on the Bill for the Admission of Kansas into the Federal Union under the Lecompton Constitution. 8vo. Is Washington, 1858 5602 STAPLETON (A. G.) The Affair at Grey Town. 8vo. Is 1857 5603 STRAZNICKY'S (E. R.) Catalogue of the . Library of the American Geographical and Sta- tistical Society. 8vo. Is Neio York, 1857 1858. 5604 BUSTEED'S (Geo. W.) Letters to the Mem- bers, comprising the Parliament of Great Bri- tain and Ireland, complaining of the most Atro- cious Cruelties exercised towards the Slaves and Free People of Colour in the West Indies. 8vo. Is 6d Brooklyn, 1858 5605 CATALOGUE of the Curious Library of the late Herman E. Ludewig, comprising Eth- nology, Bibliography, and American History. 12mo. Is. Do., Svo. Is 6d N. Y., 1858 5606 CONTINUATION of Mr. Ryland's {Regis- trar of the District of Quebec) Case. 8vo. Is Montreal, 1858 John Russell Smith, 36, Solio Squcvre, London. 289 1859. 5607 CATALOGUE d'une Collection de Livres Rares sur l'Amerique, de Voyages, &c, dout la vente se fara, 14 Mai, 1859. 8vo. Is Paris, 1859 5608 CATALOGUE of a curious and valuable Library, containing a larger collection than has hitherto ever been offered in one sale of Rare, Curious, and important Works in Anglo-Ame- rican Literature (10 days' sale). 8vo. 2s Lond., 1859 5609 CATALOGUE of an extremely interesting collection of Books (Anglo-American Literature, Spanish MSS. relating to Mexico, Peru, Guate- mala, and Quito, also the MS. Collections of SignorNavarette for the continuation of his "Co- leccion de Viages") 3 days' sale. 8vo. Is 1859 5610 CATALOGUE of the Library of Edward A. Crowninshield, Esq., of Boston, (comprising a rare assemblage of Books on America). 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1859 5611 CATALOGUE of the Hartley and Franklin MSS., relating to America, sold in London, April 6, 1859, with prices. 8vo. Is 6d 1859 5612 CATALOGUE of the extensive Collection of Coins, Medals, and Numismatic Works of Henry Bogert. 8vo. Is N. Y., 1859 5613 EVERETT (Edward) Eulogy, at the dedi- cation of the Statue of Daniel Webster, at Bos- ton, Sept. 17, 1859. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1859 5614 MEMOIR of Mrs. Macready, the celebrated Dramatic Reader. 8vo. Is New York, 1859 5615 PROCEEDINGS of the Massachusetts His- torical Society, in Respect to the Memory of William Hickling Prescott, Feb. 1, 1859. 8vo. 2s Boston, Mass. Hist. Soc, 1859 5616 REMARKS on Popular Sovereignty, as maintained and denied respectively by Judge Douglas and Attorney-General Black. By a Southern Citizen. 8vo. Is Baltimore, 1859 5617 MR. RYLAND's Case, Correspondence be- tween Mr. Ryland and Mr. Murdoch. 8vo. Is London, 1859 5618 SABINE (L.) Address before the New Eng- land Historic-Genealogical Society, Sept. 13th, 1859, the 100th Anniversary of the Death of General James Wolfe. 8vo. 2s 6d Boston, 1859 I860. 5619 CANADA, a Brief Outline of her Geogra- phical Position, Productions, &c, published by authority. 8vo. Is Quebec, 1860 5620 CATALOGUE of a Superb Collection of rare and fine Books, including the larger portion of the Library of the late Edward A. Crown- ingshield, Esq., consigned from Boston. 8vo, 9 Days' Sale by Messrs. Puttick & Co. 2a 1860 5621 CATALOGUE of a Valuable Collection of Books, containing numerous Articles relating to the Discovery, Early History, and Religious and Political Controversies of America and the West Indies, 8 Days' Sale. 8vo. 2s 1860 5622 CATALOGUE of the Extensive Collection of Books (mostly relating to America) collected by Mr. G. E. Mason, sold by Puttick and Co., 3 parts. 8vo. 3s 1860 5623 CATALOGUE of an extensive and valu- able Collection of rare and interesting Books and Tracts, wholly relating to America and the West Indies, collected by G. E. Mason, 5 days' sale. 8vo. Is 6d 1860 5624 CATALOGUE of a small Collection of cu- rious Books and Tracts, comprising many Arti- cles of extreme rarity, printed in America, and others relating to that Country, 1 day's sale. 8vo. Is 1860 5625 CATALOGUE d'une Collection de Livres rares sur l'Amerique, &c. (vente en Paris, Dec, 1860). 8vo. Is Paris, 1860 5626 CATALOGUE of the Theatrical and Mis- cellaneous Library of William E. Burton, of New York, 8vo, pp. 472, with portrait. 2s 6d New York, 1860 5627 CONSIDERATIONS relative to a Southern Confederacy, by a Citizen of North Carolina. 8vo. Is Raleigh, 1860 5628 DEBATE in the House of Commons on Mr. Ryland's Case, with Documentary Evi- dence. 8vo. Is Montreal, 1860 5629 EVERETT'S Speech on American Institu- tions in reply to the Discussion in the British House of Lords, in the City Hall, Boston, July 4, 1860. 8vo. Is 1860 5630 NELSON (Joseph) Political and Commercial Importance of Completing the Line of Railway from Halifax to Quebec. 8vo, map. Is 1860 5631 PETITION of Charles Richard Ogden, Esq., late Attorney-General of Canada, to Her Ma- jesty. 8vo. Is 6d Liverpool (1860) 5632 PLAN for Securing to British North-Ame- rica a larger share of Emigration from Great Britain, Germany, &c, by the Construction of a Railway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 870. Is 6d Berlin, 1860 5633 SPEECH of Hon. Charles Sumner, on the Bill for admission of Kansas as a Free State. 8vo. Is 1860 1861. 5634 BASSETT (G. W.) Discourse on the Wicked- ness and Folly of the present War, delivered in Ottawa Court House, 111. Aug. 11th, 1861. 8vo. Is 5635 BIBLIOTHECA Americana, a Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America, collected by H. Stevens. 8vo, 2 parts, 8 days' Sale at Messrs. Puttick's. 4s 1861 5636 CATALOGUE of a very curious Collection of Books and Tracts relating to America, from the Library of the late Rev. Dr. John Ripon, eminent Baptist Minister. 8vo. Is 1861 5637 CATALOGUE of the Choice Library of Zelotes Hosmer, Esq. of Cambridge, Mas?. 4 days' Sale. 8vo. Is Boston, 1861 290 Pamphlets relating to America, on Sale by 5638 CATALOGUE of the Private Library of Judge Clapton (cont. rare Books on America, and an extraordinary collection of Pamphlets). 8vo. Is N.Y.,186l 5639 HOPKINS (J. B.) Peace or War, an Un- biassed View of the American Crisis. 8vo. 6d 1861 5640 THE NORTH Atlantic Telegraph, via the Faroe Isles, Iceland and Greenland, Preliminary Reports of the Surveying Expeditions of 1860. 8vo, maps. Is 1861 5641 PETZHOLT, " Das Buch der Wilden " (an Exposure of the "Manuscrit Pictorgraphique Americain " lately pub. at Paris). 8vo, curiovis facsimiles. Is 6d Dresden, 1861 1862. 5642 ADDERLEY (Rt. Hon. C. B., M. P.) Letter to the Rt. Hon. Benj. D'Israeli on the present Relation of England with the Colonies, with preface on Canadian Affairs. 8vo. Is 1862 5643 ADDRESSES, &c., to Sir Arthur Rumbold, principally with respect to his administration of the Government of the Island of Nevis. 8vo, privately printed. Is 6d 1862 5644 CARIBOO, the newly discovered Gold Fields of British Columbia, fully Described. Sm. 8vo. Is 1862 5645 CATALOGUE of a Collection of valuable Book?, comprising a large number of extremely rare and interesting Books relating to America, (belonging to H. Stevens) 5 days' sale. 8vo. Is 6d 1862 5646 CORRESPONDENCE (between Edwin W. Field and Charles G. Loring) on the present relations between Gt. Britain and the United States of America. 8vo, Privately Printed. 3s Boston, 1862 5647 GRATTAN (Thos. Colley) England and the Disrupted States of America. 8vo. Is 1862 5648 EPITOME of Proceedings at a Telegraphic Soiree on the great advantages for Communica- tion with America, by Samuel Gurney, M.P., Princes Gate, Hyde Park, March 26th, 1862. 8vo, -privately printed. Is 5649 PARKER's (Joel) Domestic and Foreign Relations of the United States. Svo. Is 6d Camb. V. S., 1862 5650 PYCROFT'S (J. W) Correspondence with Government on the Construction of the Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canadian Intercolo- nial Railway. 8vo, only 50 privately printed. Is 6d 1862 5651 QUINET (Edgar) L'Expedition du Mexique. 8vo. Is 1862 5652 SOUTHERN SECESSION.— A Letter to Capt. M. T. Maury, Confederate Navy, on his Letter to Admiral Fitzroy. By John W. Cowell. 8vo. Is 6d 1862 5653 THOUGHTS for the Times, addressed to the Considerate People of the Northern States. By Americus. Royal, 8vo, privately printed. 2b 1862 . 5654 WHITE (Captn. Melville) Britons Torture Robbed and Murdered in Peru. 8vo. Is 6d 1862 5655 WOES OF WAR ; A Letter of Sorrow. By a Southern Lady. 8vo. Is 1862 1863. 5656 ADDRESS to Christians throughout the World. By the Clergy of the Confederate States in America. 8vo. Is [1863] 5657 BARROWS (Rev. W.) The War and Slavery, Discourse in the Old South Church, Reading, Mass. Dec. 28, 1862. 8vo. Is Boston, 1863 5658 BRAZIL. — Correspondence on the Plunder of the Wreck of the Barque " Prince of Wales " and ill-treatment of Officers of H. M. S. " Forte." Folio, three Parliamentary Papers. 2s 1863 5659 BRISTED (Chas. Astor) A Few Words, of Warning to New Yorkers on the Consequences of a Railroad in Fifth Avenue. 8vo. Is ^ New York, 1863 5660 CALIFORNIA and the Union, by E. B. -' Eaton, of California. 12mo. Is 1863 5661 CAR WELL (H. de W.) Insecurity of British Property in Peru, an Appeal to the Representa- tives of the British Nation. 8vo, Is 6d 1863 5662 CATALOGUE d'une Collection de Livres Rares, sur l'Orient et les Indes Occidentales, dont la vente a Maison Sylvestre, Mai 1863. 8vo. 6d Pans, 1863 CATALOGUE of a large Collection of Rare, Interesting, and Valuable Books and Tracts, re- lating to the History, Language, and Literature of America and the Indies. (Collected by Mr. Stevens). 8vo. 3 days' Sale at Messrs. PuUidSs in May 1863. Is 1863 5664 ENGLISH NEUTRALITY.— Is the Ala- bama a British Pirate ? 8vo. Is Philadelphia, 1863 5665 ENGLISH NEUTRALITY.— Is the Ala- bama a British Pirate? 8vo. Is New York, 1863 5666 EVERETT'S Address before the Boston Union Club, Thursday, April 9, 1863. 8vo. Is Liverpool, 1863 5667 A FAMILIAR Epistle to Robert J. Walker* formerly of Pennsylvania, late of Mississippi' more recently of Washington, from an old Ac- quaintance. 8vo. Is 1863 5668 GIBBS (Fred. Waymouth) Recognition, a Chapter from the History of the North Ameri- can and South American States. 8vo. Is 1863 5669 HEARNE (Canon de) The American Ques- tion. Translated by Tho?. Ray. 8vo. Is 1863 5670 HOWE'S (Hon. Joseph, Premier of Nova Scotia) Letter to the Rt. Hon. C. B. Adderley, M.P., on the relations of England with her Colonies. 8vo. Is 1863 5671 HOWARD'S (F. K.) Fourteen Months in American Bastiles. 8vo. Is Bond. 1863 5672 JACKSON.— Prospectus for a Statue to the late General Thos. J. "Stonewall" Jackson. 4to. 3d London, 1863 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 291 5673 LEGAL View of the " Alabama" Case and Ship Building for the Confederates, Speech of Samuel Pope, Esq., at the Public Meeting in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester. 8vo. Is 1863 5674 JAMES (Edwin, the English Barrister) Ora- tion at Brooklyn, N. Y., on the 4th of July, 1863. 8vo. Is New York, 1863 5675 NELSON (Henry) The Sugar Duties Dis- cussed. 8vo. Is 1863 5676 PEACE.— Speech of Benjamin Wood, of New York, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 27, 1863. 8vo. Is 5677 PEACE the sole chance now left for Re- union. A Letter to Professor Moore, from L. O'Sullivan. 8vo. Is 1863 5678 "PETERHOFF," Seizure of; being a Statement of the Facts, Reason, Law, and Con- sequences. 8vo. Is 1863 5679 RECOGNITION of the Southern Confede- racy, indispensable for resolving the American Question. 8vo, map. Is 1863 5680 RECOGNITION, its International Legality, its Justice, and its Policy. A Letter to Lord Palmerston, by J. O'Sullivan. 8vo. Is 1863 5681 SECOND Annual Message of his Excellency the President of the Confederate States to Con- gress, Jan. 12, 1863. 8vo. Is 1863 5682 THE Slavery Quarrel, with Plans and Pros- pects of Reconciliation. By a poor Peacemaker. Small 8vo. Is 1863 5683 SYNGE (Capt. Millington Henry) a Dialogue on England, her interests in North America, and in free intercourse against certain contra ry pretensions on. the part of the Hudson Bay Company. 8vo, map. Is 6d 1863 5684 UNITED States Diplomacy in China and Japan Unveiled. From the Hong Kong " Daily Press." 8vo. Is Hong Kong, 1863 5685 WALKER's (Robt.) American Finances and Resources, letter 2 — Jefferson Davis, Repudia- tion, Recognition, and Slavery, letter 2. Two pamphlets, 8vo. Is 1863 5686 WHITING (William) The War Powers of the President and the Legislative Powers of the Congress in relation to Rebellion, Treason, and Slavery. 8vo. Is 6d Boston, 1863 1864. 5687 " THE CHESAPEAKE."— The Case of David Collins and others, prisoners, arrested under a charge of Piracy, with all the arguments . on the return of Habeas Corpus. 8vo. Is 6d St. John, N. B., 1864 5688 EDGE (R. M.) On the destruction of the American Carrying Trade. 8vo. Is 1864 5689 THE Hudson's Bay Company; What is it ! • 8vo. Is 1864 Without Dates. 5690 ACT for importing Salt from Europe into the Colony of New York iu America. Folio, pp. 3, Is {About 1730) 5691 THE American Times, a Poem, a Satire on the Rebellion, (wanting title). 4to. Is 6d (1770) 5692 REASONS offered to the House of Com- mons against laying any imposition on Whale- Bone caught and imported by the Greenland Company. Folio, single leaf. Is (About 1740) 5693 BRIEF Sketch of the Religious People called Shakers (in America), by W. S. Warder, of Phi- ladelphia. Royal 8vo. Is 5694 HUMBOLDT surquelques points importants , de la Geographie de la Guyane (extraite des Nouvelles An. des Voyages). 8vo. Is 6d 5695 HULL (John Simpson) Remarks on the United States of America, drawn up from his own observations, and from the observations of other Travellers. 8vo. Is 6d Dublin 5696 TOD et Francklyn, Adresse a l'Assemblee Nationale de France pourles Angloise Creanciers des habitans de Tabago. 4to. Is 5697 ENGLISH Voyages to America, with many strange and dangerous adventures of English- men amongst the Americans (cut out of Harris's Collection of Voyages). Folio. 4s Omitted. 5698 FULL Account of the Proceedings in rela- tion to Capt. Kidd. 4to. 5s London, 1701 5699 SOME Memoirs of the Life of Job the Son of Solomon the High Priest of Boonda in Africa, a Slave about two years in Maryland. By Thomas Bluett. 8vo. Is 6d 1734 5700 ACCOUNT of the Trial of Francis Delap, Esq., late Provost Marshal, for a Misdemeanor at a Supreme Court of Judicature at Kingston. Jamaica. 8vo. 3s 1755 5701 VIEW of the Evidence relative to the Con- duct of the American War, under Sir W. Howe and General Burgoyne as given before Com- mittee of the House of Commons, and Collec- tion of Fugitive Pieces on that important en- quiry. 8vo. 3s 1779 5702 PLAIN Truth, or a Letter to the Author of "Dispassionate Thoughts on the American War " (by Jos. Galloway) 8vo. 2s 1780 5703 SEWELL (Hon. J.) Essay on the Juridical History of France, so far as it relates to the Law of the Province of Lower Canada. 8vo. Is 6d Quebec, 1824 5704 PROCEEDINGS of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada, on the Act to amend the Jury of this Province. 8vo. Is 183G 5705 CHARGE of the Hon. J. B. Robinson, Chief Justice of Upper Canada, to the Grand Jury at Toronto, Thursday, March 8th, 1838, at the Trial of Prisoners for High Treason. 8vo. Is Toronto, 1838 5706 MESSAGES, Addresses, etc. to Sir Francis B. Head, on his resignation of the Government of Upper Canada. 8vo. Is Toronto, 1838 5707 REPORT from the Select Committee of tho Legislative Council of Upper Canada on the State of the Province. 8vo. Is 6d Toronto, 1838 MANUSCRIPTS. 5708 A JOURNAL of Transactions iu Canada, commencing 12 July, 1786, ending June 1787. 8vo, pp. 50, bds. 15s Apparently the journal of a military officer, as it is chiefly occupied with his visits to various forts in Upper Canada. " May 4th, 17S7— Signified to Lord Dorchester my feelings at being absent from my Regt. at a time when the complexions of affairs in the upper country appears rather gloomy his Lordship would not allow of its making any al- teration in my situation with him, and said he had business at Detroit to charge me with." 5709 ANNAPOLIS and Boston.— Correspondence between the Board of Ordnance, Ed. Howe, Messrs. Bastidi, Bury, Smyth, and others, re- specting Ordnance Stores wanting at Annapolis between the years 1719 and 1723, and Letters of Lt. Washington, the Store-keeper, in Expla- nation of the Deficiencies. — Thoughts on the Expedition to Minas humbly offered to Gov. Shirley, by J. H. Bastide, &c, &c. — Letters re- specting the War with the French and Indians, a curious lot. 10s 6d 5710 ANSPACH (L. A.) "Additions to my His- tory of Newfoundland, begun at Harbour Grace, July, 1803." 8vo. 3s 6d 5711 ASTRONOMICAL Observations by order of the Royal Society at Prince of Wales's Fort, on the North-West Coast of Hudson's Bay, by William Wales and Joseph Dymond, in 1768, 1769. Very neatly written. 4to, 22 pages. 5s 5712 AUTOGRAPH Letter from Alex. Cunning- ham, Ship Northumberland, at Halifax, Aug. 8th, 1762. 3s 6d " I am sorry to acquaint you that on the 24th of June last, the French landed 1500 troops at the Bay of Bulls, destroyed all the Fishing there about, and marched from thence to St John's, and took it on the 27th," &c, &c. 5713 AUTOGRAPH Letter from D. Gordon, Philadelphia, 24 Jan. 1778. 2s 6d " In tills town you might as well pretend to dispose of the Dutchess of Devonshire's clothes after a birth day, as such finery to our demures. The Rebels have threatened burning our Shipping— Deserters came in daily in tens and twentys," &c, 5942 MAP of the Inhabited part of New Eng- land, containing the Provinces of Mass, New Hampshire, and the Colonies of Konetikut and Rhode Island, large sheet coloured on canvas in a case. 5s Jcjfcrys, 1755 5943 Another copy, "Konetikut" of the former altered to " Coueticut," on canvas in a case. 5s ib. 5944 MAP of the most inhabited part of New England, with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, by T. Jeflferys. 2 sheets. 3s 1774 5945 THE Provinces of New England, New York, and Canada. 4to. Is Gibson. 5946 CHART of the Sea Coast of Newfoundland, New Scotland, (Nova Scotia,) New England, New York, New Jersey, with Virginia, and Maryland, by Mount and Page. Folio. 2s 1702 5947 NEW and Accurate Map of the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, and An- ticosta, together with the Neighbouring Coun- tries of Nova Scotia, Canada, etc., by E. Bowen. Folio. Is6d 1752 5948 CHART of the Banks of Newfoundland, by Chabert, Cook, and Fleurieu, single sheet. Is 1775 5949 MAP of the Island of Newfoundland, by Cook and Lane, single sheet. Is 6d 1775 5950 MAP of the Island of Newfoundland, from Surveys by Order of the Admiralty, by Lieut. Michael Lane, large slieet Faden, 1790 5951 TERRA Nova ac Maris tractus circa Novam Franciam, ADgliam, Belgium, etc. Folio. Is Amst. Renard, 1715 5952 NEW Jersey and Pensylvania. 8vo. 6d R. Morden, about 1680 5953 NEW and Accurate Map of Jew Jersey, Pensylvania, New York, and New England, by E. Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 5954 PROVINCE de New Jersey divisee en Est et Ouest traduit a Paris chez le Rouge Iogenieur. Coloured on large sheet. 2s Paris, 1782 5955 NEW Orleans, Plan of. 4to. 6d 1761 5956 HISPANIA Novse sive Magnse recens et vera descriptio, 1579. Folio, clean. 3s 6d 5957 NOVA Hispauia et Nova Gallicia. Folio, coloured. 2s 6d {H. Hondius) 5958 NOVA Hispania et Nova Galicia. Folio, coloured. Is 6d Amst. Janson 5959 COAST of New Spain, from Vera Cruz to Triste Island, by T. Jeflferys. Large sheet. Is 1775 5960 NOVI Belgii novaque Angliae nee non partis Virginia;, a Nic. J. Vischer. Folio, with small view of Xcio York at the bottom, coloured. 5s About 1640 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 299 5961 SAUTHIER (C. L.) Coloured Map of tbe Province of New York, reduced from the large drawings of that Province, from actual surveys. Large sheet on canvas, in a case. Is 6d Faden, 1776 5062 SAUTHIER (C. J.) Topographical Map of the Northern part of New York Island, exhi- biting the plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Kuyphausen, with the Rebels lines to the Southward. A sheet. 2s Faden, 1771 5963 MAP of the Provinces of New York and New Jersey, with part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec, by Jefferys and Pownall. 2 sheets. 2s 1776 5964 NEW York Province and adjoining colonies. 4to. 3d Kitchin 5965 DE WITTE (Simeon) Map of the State of New York, on 6 large sheets. 6s 1802 5966 TANNER (H. S.) Map of New York, coloured large sheet on canvas, in a case. Is Philadelphia, 1810 5967 MAP of the North Pole, with all the adjacent Countries yet discovered, by E. Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 5968 NORTH West America. 8vo. 6d R. Morden, about 1680 5969 MARE del Nord (including the Coast of N. and S. America) autore P. M. Coronelli. Folio. 2s Venetia, 1695 5970 NOVA Scotia and Cape Britain (sic) with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada, on canvas in a case. Is 6d Jefferys, 1755 5971 NEW Map of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada, large sheet. 2s 6d Jefferys 5972 PLAN of the Rapids in the River Ohio, by T. Hutchins. 4to. 6d 5973 MAP of Lake Ontario to the Mouth of the St. Lawrence, by Kitchen. 4 to. Is 5974 MAP of the Oregon Districts and the ad- jacent country, on a large sheet, coloured. 2s 1843 5975 ORLEANS (Isle of) and the environs of Quebec. 8vo. 3d 1759 5976 PANAMA.— Map of the Isthmus of Panama, from a Spanish Draught, by J. Cowley. A very curious and interesting drawing in pen and Indian inJc. Folio. 5s 5977 PANAMA, with the Coasts from Great River, on the Mosquito Shore to Cartagena, by T. Jefferys. Large sheet. Is 1775 5978 SANSON (N.) Le Paraguay, le Chili, la Terre et le3 Isles Magellanicques. Fol., coloured. 2a Paris, 1656 5979 CARTE du Paraguay, du Chili de detroit de Magellan, etc., par de De L'Isle, fol. Folio. 2s 1703 5980 NEW and Accurate Map of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, Tugumania, Guaria, etc., by Eman Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 5981 PLANO del puerto de Santa Elena en la costa Patagonica — Piano del puerto de melo en la parti notre del golfo de San Jorge, on 1 sheet. Is 6d 1795 5982 A MAPP of ye improved part of Pensilvania, divided into countyes, townships, and lotts, sur- veyed by Thomas Holme, dedicated to W. Penn, Esq., Proprietor, by Jno. Harris (with references to the settlements in the Counties of Chester, Bucks, and Philadelphia, and the names of the owners. Folio. £1. Is Long., G. Willdey (about 1690) 5983 MAP of Pennsylvania, exhibiting not only the Improved Parts of that Province, but also its extensive Frontiers, chiefly from the Map of W. Scull, published in 1770. 3 sheets. 2s 1775 5984 PERU. Folio, coloured. Is 6d Amst., Janson 5985 SANSON (N.) Le Perou, et le cours de la riviere Amazone depuis ses sources jusques a la Mer. Folio, coloured. 2s Paris, 1656 5986 CARTE de la Terre Ferme du Perou du Bresil, et du Pays de Amazones par Gul. De L'lale. Folio. 2s 1703 5987 NEW and Accurate Map of Peru and the Country of the Amazones. By Eman Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 5988 CARTA esferica de una parte de la costa del Peru desde el paralelo de 7 grados hasta el de 21 grados 45 minutos de Latitud S., por Juan de Langara. On 3 large sheets. 6s 1798 5989 PERU. Large sheet. Is 6d Neele, 1809 5990 PHILADELPHIA and Parts adjacent. Fol. Is 6d Scull and Heap (1760) 5991 PLAN of the Lots laid out at Pittsburgh and the Coal Hill, being part of the Manor of Pittsburgh belonging to John Penn, jun., Esq., and to Governor Penn, taken in 1787. A draw- ing on canvas, curious. 7s 6d 5992 CHURRACA (Cosme de) Piano geometrioo del Puerto, Capital de la Isla de Puerto Rico. Single sheet. Is 6d 1794 5993 MAP of the Province of Quebec, according to the Royal Proclamation, 7 Oct., 1763, by Capt. Carver and others. Single sheet. Is 6d 1776 5994 CARTA de la Provincia de Quito y de sus adjacentes opera posthuma de Don Pedro Mal- donardo. On 4 sheets. 6s 1750 5995 AMERICA Meridionalis a Rio de la Plata per Fretum Magellanicum ad Toraltum. Folio. Is Amst., Renard, 1715 5996 CARTA esferica del Rio de la Plata desde su desembocadura hasta Buenos Ayres, por Juan de Langara. Large sheet. Is 6d 1798 5997 CHART of South America, from the River Real to Cape Horn, according to Wright's Pro- jection. By Mount and Page. Folio. Is 1702 5998 ROUATAN, or Rattan, Surveyed by Lieut. H. Barnsley, improved by Thomas Jefferys. large sheet. Is 6d 17 75 5999 CHART of. the Saintes (two Islands near Guadaloupe Island). By Arrowsmitb, large sheet. Is 6d 1798 300 Maps relating to America, on Sale by 6000 CARTE de l'lsle de Sainte Christophe. Folio, coloured. 2s Paris, P. Mariette (1664) 6001 ACCURATE Map of the Island of St. Chris- topher, or St. Kits. By E. Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 6002 ST. CHRISTOPHER'S, Surveyed by An- thony Ravell, Esq., engraved by T. Jefferys ; and Nevis, by T. Jefferys, on one large sheet. Is 6d 1775 6003 RAVELL (Ant.) Isle St. Christophe, or St. Kitts, par Le Rouge, large sheet. Is 6d Paris, 1779 6004 CARTE de l'lsle de St. Dominique, par Gul. De L'lsle. Folio. 2s 1725 6005 FADEN's Map of St. Domingo, large sheet, coloured. Is 6d 1794 6006 ISLE of St. Domingo, after the Survey of Don J. Solano, on canvas, in a case. 2s Faden, 1796 6007 LA DOMINGUE, large sheet. 2s 6d Paris, Le Rouge 6008 SOUTH Part of St. Domingo, by T. Jefferys Large sheet. Is 1775 6009 FADEN's Map of the Island of St. Eusta- tius, corruptly St. Eustatia. Large sheet coloured. Is 6d 1795 6010 MAP of the Island of St. John in the Gulf of St. Laurence, divided into Counties, Parishes, Lots, &c, from the Survey of Captain Holland. Single sheet. Is 6d 1775 6011 RIVER St. Laurence, from Tillery to the Fall of Montmorenci, with the Operations of the Siege of Quebec under Saunders and Wolfe, drawn by a Captain in the Navy. Royal 4to, 5s 1759 6012 LAURENCE River, from Sillery to Mont- morency. 8vo. 3d 1759 6013 CHART of the River St. Laurence from the Island of Anticosti, by T. Jefferys. Single sheet. Is 6d 1775 6014 ST. LUCIA, by T. Jefferys. Large sheet. Is 1775 6015 MAP of the Island of St. Michael, Azores, by Cooper. 4to. Is 6016 ST. VINCENT, from an Actual Survey in 1773. Large sheet. Is 1775 6017 MAGNUM Mare del Zur, cum Insula Cali- fornia. Folio. Is Amst. Renard, 1715 6018 CARTA Esferica del Oceano meridional desde el Equador Hasta 60 grados de Latitud y desde el Cabo de Hornos hasta el Canal de Mozambique, por Don Ant. Cornel. Large sheet. Is 6d ' 1800 6019 NEW and Accurate Map of Terra Firmaand the Caribee Islands, by E. Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 6020 TENNASSE Government, formerly part of North Carolina. 4to. 6d Imlay 6021 TOBAGO, by T. Jefferys. Large sheet. Is 6d 1775 6022 TURKS Islands, from a Survey made in 1753. Is 1775 6023 UNITED States, with the British and Span- ish Territories according to the Treaty, folio. Is 6d Faden, 1763 6024 CARTE des Etats-Unis de 1'Amerique sui- vant le traite de Paix de 1783, par Luttre, dediee et presentee A. S. Excellence, Mr. Benjamin Franklin, large sheet coloured. 2s Paris, 1784 6025 MAP of the United States, with the British Territories and those of Spain, according to the Treaty of 1784, large sheet coloured. 2s 6d 6026 MAP of the United States, by A. Arrow- smith, on 4 large sheets. 2* 6d About 1802 6027 UNITED State.', Northern Part, large sheet. Is Neele, 1809 6028 UNITED States Southern Part, large sheet. Is Neele, 1809 6030 ARROWSMITH's Map of the United States from a number of Critical Researches, on 4 sheets, coloured. 4a 6031 MAP of the United States and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, & Nova Scotia, by J. & A. Walker. 4 large sheets coloured. 4s 1827 6032 MAP of the United States, compiled from the latest Survey?, by Amos Lay, very large, mounted on canvas in a case. 5s N. Y. 1833 6033 COLTON's Map of the Southern States of America, very large sheet. Is 6d 1862 6034 WESTERN Territories of the United States. 4 to. 6d Imlay 6035 MAP of the Principal Seat of War in Ame- rica in 1756. 4to. 3d • 1756 6036 PLANO del Puerto de Valdivia en la costa oeste de la America Meridional. On single sheet. Is 6d 1788 6037 ORTA (Bernardo de) Piano del puerto de Vera Cruz in la costa ocidental del seno Mexi- cano. On single sheet. Is 6d 1798 6038 JEFFERY (Jno.) Map of the Virgin Islands, from English and Danish Surveys. Sheet on canvas in a case. Is 6d 1794 6039 THE Virgin Islands from English and Da- nish Surveys, by T. Jeffreys, large sheet. Is 6d 1775 6040 VIRGINIA item et Florida America) Pro- vinciarum, nova descriptio. fol. coloured, curi- ous. 5s 6041 VIRGINLE tabula, fol. coloured. 5s Amst., H. Hondius, n.d. 6042 VIRGINIA, Map of, by Capt. John Smith 1606. Graven by William Hole, folio. 10s 6d 6043 VIRGINIA. 8vo. 6d R. Morden, about 1680 6044 A NEW Map of the English Empire in America, viz. Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, &c, by J. Senex, 1719. Large sheet. 2s 6045 NEW and Accurate Map of Virginia and Maryland, by E. Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 John Russell Smith, 36, Solio Square, London. 301 6046 VIRGINIA, Map of. 4to. 3d Kitchin, 1761 6047 MAP of the most inhabited parts of Vir- ginia, containing the whole Province of Mary- land, with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey, and North Carolina. Drawn by Fry and Jefferson in 1775. Two sheets. 2s 6d 6048 PLAN of the City of Washington, by Mr. Ellicott. Is 6d About 1810 6049 ARCHIPELAGI Americani delineatio Geo- graphica. 4 to. Is About 1640 6050 INSULiE Americana) in Oceano Septentrio- nali. Folio. Coloured. Is 6d Amst., Janson 6051 SANSON (N.) Les Isles Antilles &c, entre lesquelles sont les Lucayes et les Caribes. Fol. coloured. 2s Paris, 1656 6052 MAP of the West Indies and adjacent Parts, by N. Vischer of Amsterdam, done into Eng- lish. Sheet coloured. 2s Lond., H. Overton, about 1680 6053 WEST India Islands. 8vo. 6d R. Morden, about 1680 6054 CHART of the West Indies, from New- foundland to the River Oronoque, by Mount and Page. Folio. Is 1702 6055 INDIANAM Occidentalium cum Insulis Caribicis. Folio. Is Amst., Renard, 1715 6056 CARTE des Antilles Francoises et des Isles voisines par Gul. de L'Isle. Folio. 2s 1717 6057 ACCURATE Map of the West Indies, by E. Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 6058 COMPLETE Chart of the West Indies. Large sheet. Is Jefferys, 1775 6059 CARTE des Isles Antilles et du golfe du Mexique avec la Majeure partie de la Nouvelle Espagne par M. Bonne. Coloured, on 3 sheets. 2s 1780 6060 THE West Indies, by Bryan Edwards. On two large sheets. 2s 6d StocTcdale, 1793 6061 CARTA esferica que comprehende una parte de las Islas Antillas las di Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, Jamaica, y Cuba, por Juan de Lan- gara. Large sheet. Is 6d 1799 6062 ARROWSMITH's Chart of the West Indies and the Spanish Dominions in North America. Two very large sheets, on Cauvas, 5s 1803 6063 The same, on four loose sheets. 5s 6d 1803 6064 SPHERICAL Chart of the Sea of the An- tilles and of the Coast of Terra Firma, from the Island of Trinidad to the Gulf of Honduras. On large sheet. 2s Faden, 1806 6065 ARROWSMITH's Chart of the West India Islands and adjacent Coasts. 4 large sheets. 4s 1809 6066 GENERAL Chart of the Western Ocean, by Mount and Page. Folio. Is 1702 6067 WINDWARD Passage, with the several Passages from the East End of Cuba and the North Part of St. Domingo, by T. Jefferys. Large sheet. Is 1775 6068 COAST of Yucatan, from the Bay of Cam- peche to Bahia del Ascension, with the West End of Cuba, by T. Jefferys. Large sheet. Is 1775 6069 A NEW and Exact Map of America, on the Margins are Representations of the Manners, Customs, and Habits of the Natives of Virginia, and of divers other parts of America, and View of the Cataract of Niagara. Large sheet (little stained). Is 6d Lond., J. Bowles, about 1730 6070 A GENERAL Map of North America, taken from actual surveys, 1754 to 1761, by John Rocque. Two large sheets, coloured. 2s 6d 6071 CHART of North America, from New- foundland to Hudson's Bay. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 6072 THE Principal Forts, Ports, &c, of North America and the West Indies. 18 on a large folio sheet. 2s about 1730 6073 MAP of the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. Folio. Is 6d 77. Popple, 1733 6074 AMERICA, Meridionalis. Folio. 6d Ilondius, 1635 6075 DRAFT of the Island of Antegua. 4to. 6d about 1700 6076 CHART of Barbados. 4to. 6d about 1750 6077 CHART of Bermuda. 4to. 6d about 1750 6078 SUMMER Islands (Bermuda). Folio. Is Hondius, 1635 6079 HARBOUR of Boston and Surrounding Country, by Des Barres. Folio, very large sheet, coloured. 2s 1775 6080 HARBOUR of Casco Bay and Islands Ad- jacent (District of Maine). Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 6081 LA NOUVELLE France, ou le Canada per le Sieur Robert de Vaugondy. Folio. 2s 1755 6082 SOUTH Carolina and a Part of Georgia, composed from surveys taken by Hull, Bryand, and W. de Brahm, with a List of the Names of the Proprietors of Land in S. Carolina and Georgia. Folio, 2 very large sheets, coloured. 3s 6d 1757 6083 NORTH and South Carolina, with their In- dian Frontiers, the whole from actual surveys, by Henry Mouzon, and others. Folio, 2 very large sheets, coloured. 3s 6d 1775 6084 CHART of S. Carolina, from Cape Roman to Port Royall. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 6085 CHART of the Carribee Islands. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 6086 PLAN of the Harbour and Town of Carta- gena in which is exhibited a perfect view of the English Fleet as they anchored all along the Bay. Folio, large sheet. 2s 6d 1741 6087 CUBA, Hispaniola, &c. Folio. 6d Hondius, 1635 6088 CHART of Cuba, Straights of Bahama, &c. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 302 Maps relating to America, on Sale by 6089 PLANS of Amelia Island, East Florida, Cumberland Island, Georgia, Chart of the Nassau River, &c, by W. Fuller. Fol, coloured. 2s 1779 6090 GRANADA and Popyan. Folio. 6d Hondius, 1635 6091 HISPANIA Nova. Folio. 6d Hondius, 1635 6092 CHART of the Island of Jamaica, -with the Parishes. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1706 6093 CARTE reduite des Costes de la Louisiane et de la Floride, par le Sieur Bellin. Folio, large sheet, coloured. 2s 6d 1764 6094 STRAITS of Magellan. Folio. 6d Hondius, 1635 6095 VIRGINIA, Maryland, Pennsilvania, East and West Jersey. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 6096 DRAUGHT of the Bay of Matanzas, by R. Pearson. Folio. Is About 1700 6097 COURSE of the River Mississippi from the Balize to Fort Cbartres taken on an Expedition to the Illinois in 1765, by Lieut. Ross. Folio, large sheet, colored. 2s 6098 NEW ENGLAND Observed and Described by Captayn John Smith (with hi3 portrait in the top corner.) Folio, the margins cut off. 7s 6d S. Pass, sculp. 6099 COAST of New England from-Staten Island to the Island of Breton, as Surveyed by Capt. Southack. With plan of Boston in the corner, folio. Is 6d Mount and Page, about 1700 6100 SEAT of the War in New England by an American Volunteer, with the Marches of the Several Corps sent by the Colonies towards Boston, with the Attack on Bunker's Hill. Fol. colored. 2s 1775 6101 GENERAL Chart of the Island of New- foundland from Surreys by Cook, Lane and others. Folio, colored. Is 6d 1775 6102 COAST of Newfoundland from Cape Raze to Bonavista, with Chebucto Harbour, Nova Scotia. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 6103 from the Bay of Bulls to Little Pla- centia, by John Gaudy. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 6104 CHART of the Banks of Newfoundland, by Chabert, Cook, and Fleurieu. Folio, colored. Is 6d Sayer, 1775 6105 MAP of the Province of New York, with Part of Pensilvania and New England, from an Actual Survey by Capt, Montresor. Folio, 2 very large sheets, colored. 4s 1775 6106 DRAUGHT of New York, from the Hook to New York Town, by Mark Tiddeman. Folio, Is 6d Mount and Page, about 1700 6107 PLAN of the City of New York and its Environs, Surveyed in the Winter of 1775 by Captain Montresor. Large sheet, colored, curi- ous. 5s I775 6108 PLAN of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island, and East Jersey, with a Particular Description of the Engage- ment between Flatbush and Brooklyn, 27 Aug. 1776. Folio, colored, 3s 6d 1776 6109 MAP of Nova Scotia or Acadia, with the Islands of Cape Breton and St. John's, from Actual Surveys made by Capt. Montresor, 1718. Folio, 2 sheets, colored. 3s 6110 PLAN of Shegnekto Bay, Nova Scotia, and the Circumjacent Country, with the Forts and Settlements of the French, till dispers'd by the English in June, 1755. Folio, large sheet, co- loured. 2s 6111 DRAUGHT of the West End of Porto Rico, and the Island of Zachee. Folio. Is Mount and Page, 1700 6112 MAP of Pennsylvania, exhibiting not only the Improved Parts, but also its Extensive Frontiers laid down from Actual Surveys, and chiefly from the late Map by W. Scull published in 1770. Folio, very large sheet, colored. 3s 1775 6113 PERU. Folio. 6d Hondius, 1635 6114 PLAN of the Environs of Quebec and of the Battle fought 13th Sept. 1759, by Thomas Jfcfferys. Large sheet, colored. 2s 6d 6115 MAP of St. Christopher's, from Mr. Andrew Norwood's Survey. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 6116 MAP of the Island of St. John in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, divided into Counties, Parishes and Lots, from a Survey by Captain Holland. Folio, colored. Is 6d 1774 6117 CHART of the Gulph of St. Laurence, com- posed from a Great Number of Actual Surveys. Folio, colored. Is 6d About 1770 6118 AN EXACT Chart of the River St. Law- rence, from Fort Frontenac to the Island of Anticosti, by Thos. Jefferys. Large sheet, co- lored. 2s 1775 6119 PLAN of the Town and Forfc of Carillo at Ticonderoga, with the Attack made by the Bri. tish Army, 8th July, 1758, by T. Jefferys. Fol., colored. 2 s 6120 CARTE des Etats Unis, avec l'Epoques de l'Etablissement des Europeans dans les Etats Unis. 4to. 6d 6121 VIRGINIA and Florida. Folio. Is Hondius, 1635 6122 VIRGINIA. Folio. 3s 6d Ralph Hall, scidp. 1636 6123 DRAUGHT of Virginia, from the Cape to York in York River, and to Kimquaton in James River, by M. Tiddeman. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 6124 THE Ylandes of the West Indies. Folio. 6d Hondius, 1635 6125 CHART of the West Indies. Folio. 6d , Mount and Page, about 1700 6126 CHART of the Trading Part of the West Indies. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. MISCELLANEOUS ENGRAVINGS. 303 6127 FIRST LandiDg of Colombus in the New World, an etched copy of the unique woodcut in Datis's Italian Poetical Translation of Colum- bus's First Letter, 1493, in the British Museum. 4to, only 150 printed. 6d 6128 WILLIAM PENH'S Treaty with the In- dians when he Founded the Province of Penn- sylvauia, 1681, Painted by Benjamin West, En- graved by J. Hall, Published by J. Boydell, 1775, size of the plate 24 inches by 18 inches, 5s 6129 Another, choice old impression, 7s 6d 6130 An Unfinished Artist's Etching, shewing the progress of the work before the Figures were filled in. A curiosity. 7s 6d 6131 WOLFE (General), Design for a Monument to. 4to. 3d 1789 6132 QUEENSTON. ment. 4to. 3d General Brock's Monu- Bartlett 6133 RAPIDS, near the Village of Cedars. 4to. 3d Barllett •6134 " THE Conversion of the South Americans to Christianity," a neat drawing by the celebrated Bernard Picart. Small 4to. 5s 6135 A CURIOUS Colored Manuscript Caricature of Captain Edward Sabine, " The Polar Astro- nomer Learning to take a Lunar Observation," illustrating Sir John Ross's Voyage to Baffin's Bay. 2s 6d 6136 TWO large coloured prints representing the Naval Action between the " Chesapeake " and the " Shannon." 3a 6d R. Dodd 6137 BUFFALO, Tippecanoe Log Cabin at. 4to. 6d 1840 6138 St. JOHN's on the River Sorell, in Canada, with the Redoubts, &c, 1776. 4to. 9d 6139 CHARLOTTE Ville in Virginia, Encamp- ment of the Convention Army. 4to. 9d 6140 WEST BANK of the Hudson, 3 miles above Still Water, Burgoynes Post, 1777, with Gen. Fraser's Funeral. 4to. 6d 6141 SAW MILL and Block House, upon Fort Acne Creek, 1777. 4to. 6d 6142 AMERICAN (an) Rifleman. 8vo. 6d 1780 6143 LANDING of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 8vo. 3d Schoff 6144 NEW YORK from the South. Oblong folio. Is 1761 •6145 A View of New York, about 1720, with Re- ference key to the buildings, oblong 8vo. Is 6d 6146 Sir W. RALEIGH "s conquest of the city of St. Joseph, in Triuidade. 4to. 6d Hinton, 1750 6147 CHARLESTOWN S. Carolina, S. Phillips Church. 8vo. 3d 1753 •6148 BUNKER'S HILL (curious for its unlikeness) 8vo. 3d 1790 6149 FORT JOHNSON, from the South, drawn on the spot by Mr Guy Johnson. 4to. 6d Nalctt 6150 PHILADELPHIA, east prospect of, with vignettes of the State House and battery. Oblong folio. Is 1761 6151 VOYAGE of the Sable Venus from Angola, to the West Indie3, (an Allegorical design), by Stothard. 4to. 6d 6152 AN INDIAN CACIQUE of the Island of Cuba, addressing Columbus concerning afuture state, designed by Benj. West, P.R.A., and en- graved by Bartolozzi. 4to. 6d 6153 A TRIBUTE to the Memory of Washington. A folio broadside, entirely engraved, with a vignette at the top, of waves dashing against a rock inscribed " Washington." Little soiled. 5s Bond. W. S. Blake, June 7, 1 800 6154 LE PRESIDENT du Congres partage la Couronne. — Franklin a la Chambre des Com- munes a Londres, and 7 other prints relating to America. Designed by Jeune and engraved by David. Is 6d 1800 6155 VIEW of the Pierced Island, a Remarkable Rock in the Gulph of St. Laurence. Folio. 2s Hervey Smyth, 1760 6156 VIEW in Hudson River, of the Entrance of what is called the Top an Sea. Folio. 2s Peter Benazech 6157 NORTH View of Fort Royal, in the Island of Guadaloupe, when in Possession of his Majesty's Forces in 1759. Folio. 2s Lieut. Campbell 6158 MONTREAL, taken from St. Helen's Island. 4to, coloured. 6d Sproide 6159 Notre Dame Street. 4to, coloured. 6d Ibid 6160 A VIEW of Quebec, about 1720, with Reference Key to the Buildings. Oblong 8vo. Is 6d 6161 QUEBEC, from Cape Diamond. 8vo. 2d Heriot 6162 Point Levi. Ob. 4to. 6d Heriot 6163 4to. 6d Walton 6164 2d 6165 — The Distillery at Beaufort. 8vo. Heriot — Square and Churches. 4to. 6d Walton 6166 QUEBEC, taken partly from Pointe des Peres, and partly on Board the Vanguard Man of War. Folio. 2s Hervey Smyth, 1760 6167 View of the Landing Place above the Town, describing the Assault of the Enemy's Post, Sept. 13, 1750. Folio. 2s Ibid 6168 CAPE Rouge, Nine Miles above Quebec, from this Place 1500 Troops went down the River St. Laurence to the Place of Landing, 13 Sept., 1759. Folio. 2s Hervey Smyth, 1760 6169 FALL of Montmorenci, and the Attack made by Gen. Wolfe, July 31, 1759. Folio. 2s Hervty Smyth, 1760 6170 CATARACT of Niagara. Folio. 2s Drawn by Pierce, 1768. — Engraved by Byrne, 1774 6171 BIRDS-EYE View of the River Niagara, from Lake Erie to Ontario. Folio, coloured. Is 1837 304 Engravings relating to America, on Sale by 6172 COSTUMES of the Inhabitants of Monte- viedo, Patagonia, Mexico, &c. 9 Plata. Is 6d 1764 6173 FACSIMILES of the Signatures to the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. 4to. 3d 6174 A VIEW of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Scrooby, Notts, the Residence of William Brewster " the Pilgrim Father,"|before he left England. 8vo. 6d JRainc and Moore 6175 ■ Printed on 4to paper. 9d 6176 A VIEW of Mexico. Ob. 8vo. Is About 1720 6177 PENN's Treaty with the Indians. 4to, woodcut by J. Jackson, from West's picture. 4d 6178 A PROSPECTIVE View of the Battle Fought near Lake George, 8th Sept., 1755, between the English and Mohawks, under Gen. Johnson, against the French and Indians. Folio. 5s S. Blodgct, delin. 6179 A VIEW of Savanah as it stood 20 March, 1734, by Peter Gordon, dedicated to the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia. Folio, large sheet, curious. 5s 6180 A LARGE Folio Engraving of the Seven Indian Kings or Chiefs which were brought over from Carolina, by Sir Alexander Cumming, to enter into Articles of Friendship and Commerce with his Majesty Geo. II. (a fciv words from the inscription at the bottom have been nibbled off by a rascally mouse since 1 bought it). 7s 6d Markham and Basire, 1738 6181 PRISE de Tobago.— Prise de la Dominique. Two 4to plates. Is Grave par Godefroy et Ponce 6182 AN OBLONG 4to Coloured Caricature of the French Directory Robbing Europe, and about to Pluck " Madame Amerique." Is S. W. Fores, June 1, 1798 6183 A VERY Curious Old Engraving of Americus Vespucius Standing on the Fore Part of a Ship on the Ocean, with Mermaids, Sea LionB, &c, sporting about. Small folio. 2s 6d 6184 THE REPEAL ; or the Funeral Procession of Miss Americ Stamp. A curious caricature engraving. 5s 1776 Views from " Hinton's History and Topography of the United States." ALL 4TO PROOFS OX INDIA. PAPER, 6d EACH. 6186 Boston Exchange Coffee House, burnt 1818 6187 New York (distant view) 6188 Lake Cham plain, Timber Raft on 6189 New York. — Colman's Literary Rooms, Broadway 6190 Masonic Hall, Broadway 6191 City Hall 6192 Ruins of Fort Ticonderoga 6193 Niagara, distant view 6194 Rapids and Bridge above 6195 Mass, Northampton, Residence of Jos. Bowers 6196 Ohio.— Kenyon College 6197 Pensylvania. — Head Waters of the Juniata Alleghany Mountains 6198 Catskill Mountain House 6199 Catskill Fall 6200 N. Hampshire. — White Mountains 6201 Charlottesville. — University of Virginia 6202 Rhode Island.— First Baptist Church and Unitarian Church at Providence 6204 Washington, the President's House 6205 Providence, the Arcade 6206 New York, thr Merchant's Exchange 6207 St. Paul's Church, Broadway of the Old Fort, 6208 Columbia College 6209 Rhode Island, Ruins Connanicut 6210 Baltimore, the Battle Monument 6211 Interior of the Catholic Cathedral 6212 Baltimore, Interior of the Unitarian Church 6213 Georgia, the City Hall, Augusta 6214 Albany, from Van Rennselaera Island 6215 Amherst College, Mass. 6216 Boston, Hancock House 6217 State House 6218 Bunker's Hill Monument 6219 Mass., Harvard University 6220 Washington, the Capitol 6221 the Department of State 6222 Neburgh 6223 Newport Theatre 6224 Newhaven (Conn.) View looking across the Green towards Yale College 6225 Yale College and State House 6226 Newport, State House 6227 Deaf and Dumb Asylum 6228 Windmill, &c. 6229 Washington, the Capitol 6230 View from Mount Washington 6231 Virginia, Natural Bridge 6232 Shamindale Springs 6233 Richmond, State Capital 6234 Episcopal Church 6235 The Palisade Rocks on the Hudson River 6236 Boston General Hospital 6237 Hartford (Conn.) 6238 Monte Video, near 6239 Harper's Ferry 6240 Hanover (N. H.) Dartmouth College 6241 Lake George 6242 Philadelphia, Stephen Girard's Bauk 6243 Arcade 6244 Chesnut St., Theatre 6245 Hall of the Academy of Natural Sciences 6246 Franklin Institute 6247 Upper Ferry-bridge and Fairmouut Waterworks 624 S Deaf and Dumb Asylum 6249 Source of the Passaic Falls 6250 Philadelphia, Penitentiary 6251 United States Bank 6252 The Canal at Little Falls, Mohawk River 6253 Middletown (Conn.) Residence of S. Russell 6254 Saratoga Springs, Piazza of Congress Hall 6255 West Point Military Academy 6256 Saugerties, Barclay's Iron Works 6257 Savannah, Branch of the U. S. Bank 6258 Interior of the Presbyterian Church 6259 Schenectady, distant view John Russell Smithy 36, Soho Squwe, London. 305 6260 Philadelphia, Race Bridge, Fairmount Water- works 6261 Unitarian Church 6262 — Theatre, Walnut St. 6263 N. Carolina, Capitol at Raleigh 6264 Washington, Interior of the House of Repre- sentatives 6265 N. Hampshire, view near Conway ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 62G6 Abernetiiy (Rev. John) 8vo. 6d 6267 Adams (Samuel) delegate of Mass. 8vo. 6d 1780 1783 6268 Adams (John) President. 8vo. 6d 6269 8vo, oval. 3d 6270 Adams (John) Vice President. 4to. 9d Hall 6271 Adams (John Quincy) President. 8vo. 6d Hunt 6272 Alexander (Rev. J. W.) 8vo. 3d Sartain 6273 Allen (Rev. Thos.) of Pittsfield. 8vo. 3d Ridley 6274 Allen (Wm.) of Ohio. 8vo. 6d Hatpin 6275 Alsop (George) author of " Account of Mary- land, 1666." 8vo. 6d Richardson 6276 American Presidents. — Zach. Taylor, sur- rounded by eleven others, ovals, on one sheet, fol. Is Read 6277 Ames (Fisher). 8vo. 6d Prudhommc 6278 4to. 6d. 8vo. 4d Boyd 6279 Amherst (Sir Jeffery) Gov. of "Virginia, Gen. of H. M. Forces in America. Folio, mezzotint. 2s Watson 6280 Amherst (Lord). 8vo. 3d 1782 6281 Amherst (Lord). 8vo. 3d Wooding 6282 Andre (Major John). 4to. Is Sherwin, 1784 6283 Arnold (General). 8vo. 6d Du Simitier 6284 8vo. 3d after Du Simitier 6285 full length. 8vo. 6d 1780 6286 oval 8vo. 3d 6287 Audubon (John J.) the American Ornitholo- gist. 4to, engraver's touch proof. 3s Turner, after Crukhshanh 6288 4to, proof before letters. 4s 6288*Baltimore (Cecil Calvert, Lord) proprietor of Maryland. Fol. 5s A. Blotling 6289 Barlow (Joel) Poet ofthe {< Colombiad " 8vo. 6d Durand. 6290 Poet. 12mo. 3d 6291 Barnum (P. T., noted Museum Keeper) 8vo. . 4d Teel. 6292 Barre (Col.) 8vo. 3d 6293 Bayard (James A.) 8vo. 6d Goodman and Piggot. 6294 Beck (J. B., Physician) 8vo. 6d D" Avignon. 6295 Beck (Theod. R., M. D.) 8vo. 6d Prudhomne 6296 Biddle (H.) President of the U.S. Bank, mez- zotint, little crumpled. 4to. Is Davie 6297 4to, on folio paper. 2s Dawe 6298 the same on 4to paper, proof. 2s 6d Daice 6299 Bidwell (W. H.) 4to. la 6300 Blakeley (Johnston) U. S. Navy. Sartain 8vo. 6d Oanbrcde roy 8vo. Longacre 6301 Boone (Daniel) American Pioneer 6d 6302 Bouchette (Joseph) Surveyor Gcnl. of Lower Canada. 4to, oval. 6d Englehart 6303 Bouchette (Jos.) Canadian Geographer. 8vo. 6d Thomson 6304 Baudinot (Elias) Author. 8vo. 6d Paradise 6305 Brooks (P. Chardon) Merchant of Boston. 8vo. 3d Smith 6306 Brown (Maj. Gen.) U. S. Army, 1815. 8vo. 6d Ganbrede 6307 roy. 8vo. 6d Jarvis 6308 12mo, oval. 3d 6309 8vo. 6d Maverick 6310 Bryant (Wm. Cullen) Poet. 8vo. 3d Hogg 6311 Bungeneur, Divine. 8vo. 3d Alais 6312 Burqoyne (General) 12mo. 3d 6313 A Caricature Etching. 8vo. 6d 1782 6314 oval, 8vo. 3d 6315 Burr (A.) VicePresident,lS02. 4to. 6d O'Neil 6316 Burritt (Elihu) the learned Blacksmith. 4bo. Is 6d Dicksec 6317 Burton (W. E.) as Capt. Cuttle, played 200 times in Chamber Street, Nexo York. 4to. 9d Meade 6318 as Aminadab Sleek, in the "Serious Family," played 250 times in Chamber Street, New York. 4to. 9d ib. 6319 Byron (Admiral in American War) 8vo. oval. 3d 6320 Calhoun (J. C.) Proof on india paper, folio. t 2s D' Avignon 6321 Calvert (George, first Lord Baltimore, the founder of Maryland) 4to, fine. 2s /. Caldwell 6322 Carleton (General Sir Guy) 8vo. 3d Bcio 6323 oval, 8vo. 3d Robson 6324 Carroll (Chas., of Carrollton) 8vo. 6d Durand 6325 8vo. 6d Mote 6326 Cass (Lewis) 8vo. 6d Welch 6327 Chandler (Jos. R.) 8vo. 6d Whepley 6328 Chase (Bishop) folio. Is 6d Prudhomme 6329 Chatham (Lord) 8vo. 3d Holl 6330 Chatham (Lord) Death of, 8vo. 3d Lightfoot 6331 Clay (Henry) 8vo. 6d Longacre 6332 4to. 9d Brady 6333 4to, India paper, Is Ritchie 6334 Clinton (Gen. in Amencan War) 8vo, oval. 3d 6335 Clinton (De Witt) 8vo. 3d. 4to. 6d Lency 6336 Codman (Rev. John) of Boston, 8vo. 3d Blood 6337 Colen (Jos., Chief of York Factory, Hudson's Bay) 4to. 6d Orme, 1796 6338 Collock (Rev. H.) of Savannah, 12mo. 3d Roffc 6339 Colombus and his Sons, Diego and Ferdi- nand, from an Ancient Spanish Picture. 4to. 6d 6340 Colton (Rev. Calvin) 8vo. 3d Andrews 6341 Cook (Capt. James) Navigator, 4to. 6d Bartolozzi 6342 8vo, oval. 3d 306 Portraits relating to America, on Sale by 6343 Cooper (Rev. Samuel) Ministci' of Boston, 6b., 1783, 4to, mezzotint, fine. 2s 6d V. Green 6344 Cooper (J. Fennimore) Novelist, 8vo. 6d Thompson 6345 Proo/ on India paper. Is 76. 6346 8vo. 3d Groom 6347 Cornwallis ( Charles, Second Marquis ) General, 4to. 9d Meyer 6348 Dallas (Hon. George Mifflin) Minister from the United States to St. James's, 4to. 9d Pound 6349 Deane (Silas) Commissioner from Congress to France, 4to, oval. 6d B. B. E., 1783 6350 8vo. 6d Dusimetiere 6351 Dickinson (John) Member of Congress, 4to, oval. 6s B. B. E., 1783 6352 Dorset (John Lyng) Anatomist. 8vo. 6d Goodman 6353 Drayton (W. H.) Member of Congress, 4to, oval. 6d B. E. B., 1783 6354 Dunlop ( W. ) Author of " Sketches of Canada," 8vo. 6d Croquil 6355 Dwight (Rev. Timothy) President of Yale College, 8vo. 6d Forrest 6356 8vo. 6d Freeman 6357 Edwards (Dr. Jonathan) 8vo. 3d 6358 3d Knott 6359 3d Melville 6360 4to, proof before letters. Is Jones 6361 Ellsworth (Oliver) Chief Justice, 8vo. 6d Edwin 6362 Emory (Rev. John) Methodist, 8vo. 3s 6363 Endecott (Jo.) Gov. of Mass, 8vo, 3d Glover 6364 Etow-oh-Koam (King of the River Nation) folio, fine full length mezzotint, 2s Simon, 1710 6365 E. Tow 0. Koam.— One of the Four Indian Kings brought to England in 1710, 4to. Is Schenck 6366 Everett (Edward) 8vo. 2d Parker 6367 Ewing (Chas.) Judge, 8vo. 6d Wellmore 6368 Fanning (Edmund) Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia, 4to. 6d Beading 6369 Farmer (John) Genealogist, 8vo. 3d 6370 Franklin (Dr. Benjamin) royal 8vo. 6d Duplessis and Thomson 6371 Sitting in his Study, fine proof on 4to paper. Is Turner 6372 Engraver's touch proof, 4to. Is 6d Turner 6373 4to, mezzotint, curious. 2s LTaid, 1780 — 8vo, india paper, proof before letters. 6374 6d 6375 6d 6376 6377 6378 6379 — Three quarters sitting in chair, 8vo. 1780 — 8vo, vrith fur cap, and specs. 3d — 8vo. 6d CooTc — 8vo. 6d Goldar — 4to, oval. 6d Neil 6380 Franklin (Sir John) Arctic Navigator, folio, proof. Is Negelen 6381 Fulton (Robert) Engineer, 8vo. 6d Leney 6382 Gage (General) 8vo, oval. 3d Robson 6383 Gaston (William) 8vo. 6d Durand 6384 Gates (Major) Gen.) 4to, oval, 6d B. B. E, 1783 6385 full length. 8vo. 6d 1780 6386 8vo, oval. 3d Robson 6387 Graham (Mrs. Isabella) of New York. 8vo. 3d Ogle 6388 Giolo (Prince) Son to the King of Moangis, or Gitoto, lying under the Equator, Long. 152. Deg. 30, shewing the manner of tattooing, folio, full length, very curious. 5s Savage, about, 1720 See Dainpier's Voyages for the History of this Prince. 6389 Graham (John A., of Vermont) 4to. Is Evans, 1796 6390 Grant (Sir William, once Attorney General of Quebec) 4to. 6d Meyer 6391 Greene (Maj. Gen. Nathaniel) 8vo. 6d Forrest 6392 Grey (Gen. in American War) 8vo, oval, 3d 6393 Grigg ( John) 4to. Is Welch 6394 Griswold (Bishop) 8vo. 3d 6395 Halliburton (Judge) " Sam Slick." folio. Is Gaud 6396 when older, folio. Is Ilullmandel 6397 Hancock (John) Presid. of Congress. 8vo. 6d 6398 6399 6400 6401 — 8vo. 3d — oval, 8vo. — 8vo. 3d — 8vo. 6d 2d 1780 Fielding Pollard Rogers 6402 Hartley (David) Plenipotentiary to Paris from the English Government to treat with Dr. Franklin at the definitive Treaty with the Uni- ted States, folio. Sqrs. mezzotint, proof before inscription. 7s 6d Walker, after Romncy, 1784 6403 Hayne (Robt. Y.) Lawyer. 8vo. 6d Longacre 6404 8vo. 6d Forrest 6405 Henry (Patrick) Gov. of Virginia. 8vo. 6d Wellmore 6406 4 to, proof on India paper. Is CNcil 6407 Hill (Mr.) American Comedian, as " Major Wheeler." 4to. 9d Childc 6408 as Hiram Dodge, in the " Yankee Pedler." 4to. 9d ib. 6409 Hiscox (Rev. Thos.) late Pastor of the Bap- tist Church in Westerley. 4to, curious, mezzo- tint. 2s 6d Okey, 1773 6410 Ho-nee-yeath-taw-no-row (King of the Gerrerethgarich) folio, fine full length mezzotint. 2s Simon, 1710 6411 Honyman (Rev. James, late Rector of Trinity Church, Newport, R. I.) folio, mezzotint. 5s Gains pinxt., Okey scidp. 1774 6412 Hopkins (Commodore) fidl length. 8vo. 6d 1780 6413 oval, 8vo. 3d Robson 6414 Howard (John Eager) 8vo. 6d Prudhomme 6415 Howe (Admiral Lord) full length, 8vo. 6d 1780 6416 Howe (Gen. Sir W.) fidl length, 8vo. 6d 1780 6417 8vo, oval. 3d Robson 6418 8vo. 3d Goldar 6419 Howse (Jos.) Author of a Grammar of the Chippeway Language. 8vo. 6d 6420 Hull (Isaac) U. S. Navy, 12mo, oval, 3d 6421 Humphreys (David) Poet and Warrior, 8vo, 6d G. Parker 6422 Hunt (Freeman) 8vo, 3d Dunnd 6423 Huntingdon (S.) President of Congress, 4to, oval, 6d B.B.E., 1783 6424 Hutchinson (Thos.) Gov. of Mass., 8vo, 3d 6425 James (Capt. Thos.) Early Arctic Explwer, 4 to, from a rare print, 6d John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 307 6426 Irving (Washington) Novelist, 8vo, 3d Sherwood 6427 4to, India paper, 6d Sherwood 6428 8vo, proof on India paper, 6d 6429 8vo, 3d 1822 6430 Jackson (Andrew) 8vo, 6d Longacre, 1824 6431 Jay (John) President of Congress, 4to, oval, 6d B.B.E., 1783 6432 8vo, 6d Durand 6433 8vo, 3d Leney 6434 Jefferson (Thomas) royal 8vo, 6d Desnoyers and IIoll 6435 8vo, 3d Hamburger 6436 Job (Son of Dgiallo of Bonda, in Foota Af- rica) and Wm. Ansah Lessarakoo, of Ana- moboe, 8vo, two ovals, 6d 6437 Job (Son of Soliman Dgiallo) of Bonda, in Africa, 4to, Is 6d For the Biography of "Job" see No. 5699. 6438 Johnson (Sir W.) General of the English Forces, 8vo, 3d 6439 Johnston (Josiah Stoddard) 8vo, 6d Longacre 6430aJoNES (Jacob) U. S. Navy, 12mo, oval, 3d 64316 Jones (John Paul) Commodore in the U.S. Service, 1779, 4to, creased, 2s 6d Guttenberg 6432c fine impression, 5s 6433cZKeith (Rev. J. Stockton) of Charleston, 8vo, 3d Blood 6434cKeppel (Adm. in Amer. War) 8vo, oval, 3d Robson 6435aKiNG (Capt. James) Companion of Captain CooJc, 4to, 6d Bartolozzi 6436aKiRKE (Rev. Edward) 8vo, 3d Cook 6437aKNiGHT ( Admiral ) taken prisoner by the Americans at Bunker's Hill, 8vo, 4d 6438aLAURENS (Henry) President of Congress, 4to, oval, 6d B.B.E., 1783 6439 Lawrence (James) U. S. Navy, 8vo, 6d Rollinson 6440 Lewis (Morgan) 8vo, 6d Durand 6441 Lisle (Joe) Punster ? 4to, 9d 6442 Longfellow (Henry W.) Poet, 4to, Is Mote 6443 folio, proof, a nice print, Is 6d ib. 6444 _ 8vo, 3d Hogg 6445 Loudon (Earl of) General of the English Forces, 8vo, 3d 6446 Lyon (Nath.) Brigadier General, 4to, 6d 6447 Mac Donough (Thos.) U. S. Navy, 8vo, 6d Grinbrede 6448 8vo, 6d Forrest 6449 Mac Intosh (Gen. L.) 8vo, 6d Meyer 6450 Mc Lane (Louis) 8vo, 6d Kelly 6451 Macomb (Major-Gen. Alex.) U.S. Army, 8vo, 6d Longacre 6452 Madison (Mrs. D. P.) 8vo, 6d Prudhommc 6453 Marshall (John) Chief Justice, 8vo, 6d Durand 6454 8vo, 3d Kearny 6455 Mason (Rev. Dr. John M.) royal 4to, 2s Durand 6456 12mo, 3d, india paper, 6d Chapman 6457 8vo, 3d Freeman 6458 Mather (Dr. Cotton) folio, fine mezzotint, 5s Pelham 6459 >- copy of foregoing, 8vo, 9d Alais 6460 printed on 4to paper, proof on india paper, only 25 taken, Is 6d ib. 6461 4to, 6d Hopwood 6462 Mather (Increase, D.D.) President of Har- vard College, 8vo, 3s 6d White, 1688 6463 copy of do, 8vo, proof before lettei's, unique, 2s 6d Swaine 6464 8vo, proof on India paper, printed ito size. Is 6d ib. 6465 8vo. 3d 6466 Mataoka (Rebecca) Daughter of the Indian Prince Powhattan, married to Mr. Joh. Rolff, 8vo. 6d After a rare print, 1616 6467 Maudutt (Israel, American Writer) 8vo. 6d Holloway 6468 Mayhew (Jonathan) Pastor of the West Church in Boston, 4 to. Is 1767 6469 4to. Is Cipriani 6470 Milnor (Rev. James) of St. George's Church, New York, 1819, 4to. Is 6d Durand 6471 Mitchell (Samuel L.) 8vo. 6d Gimber 6472 Mitchell (Dan. G.) 8vo. 6d Capswell 6473 Monckton (Robert) Gov. of New York, 8vo. 3d 6474 Montgomery (General) oval, 8vo. 3d Robson 6475 Morris (Governeur) Member of Congress, 4to, oval. 6d B. R. E. 1783 6476 Morris (R.) Financier, 8vo. 3d 6477 Moultrie (Major Gen. Wm.) 8vo. 6d Scriven 6478 Munroe (Jas.) President, 8vo. 6d Holl 6479 Norris (W. Esq.) Insane, confined in Beth- leham Hospital 12 years, 8vo. 3d 6480 Ogden (Aaron) 8vo. 6d Durand 6481 Oglethorpe (General, Governor of Georgia) sitting reading a book without Spectacles in his 102nd year 4 to. Is 6d Ireland 6482 8vo. 6d Smith 6483 O Koam (E. Tow) one of the four Indian Kings who, on 2nd May, 1710, had an au- dience of the King of England respecting Neio England and Canada, 8vo. Is P. Shenck 6484 Ostinaco (Skiagusta) the Cherokee King. 8vo. 3d 6485 Otis (James, of Boston) 8vo. 3d 6486 Outacite, King of the Cherokees, 8vo. 3d 6487 Parsons (Enoch) of Hartford, 12mo. 3d Pelton 6488 Parsons (Hon. Theophilus) Chief Justice of Massachusetts) 8vo. 6d Leney 6489 Paul (Rev. Thos.) of Boston. In the pulpit. 8vo, india papa'. Is 6d Hopwood 6490 Penn (W.) Founder of Pennsylvania. 12mo. 3d Holl 6491 8vo. 3d Stainer, sc. 6492 8vo. 2d 6493 4to. 6d Chapman 6494 Percz (Earl) Gen. in American War. 8vo, oval. 3d Robson 6494 Perry (Oliver Hazard) Commodore U.S. Navy. 8vo. 6d Forrest 6496 folio, india paper. 2s Meyer 6497 not on india. Is 6d Ib. 6498 8vo. 6d Edwin 6499 Phipps (J. Constantino, Lord Mulgrave) Arctic Voyager. 8vo. 3d Walker 6500 Pickens (Gen. Andrew) 8vo. 6d Longacre 6501 Pickering (Timothy) Colonel. 8vo. 6d Longacre 6502 8vo. 6d Welch 6503 Pierce (Frank) 4to. Is Buttre, 1825 6504 Poinsett (Joel R.) 8vo. 6d Longacre 308 Portraits relating to America, on Sale by 6505 Polk (Jas. R.) President. Svo. 6d Edwards 6506 Porter (David) U.S. Navy. 12mo, oval. 3d 6507 Porter (J. M.) 8vo. 6d Sartain 6507* 4to, 6d 6508 Prescott (W. H.) Historian. 4to. 3d 6509 Priestley (Dr. Joseph) died at Northumber- land, Pa. 8vo. 6d ' Eoll 6510 Pro yoost (Bishop) 8 vo. 3d 6511 Putnam (General) full length. 8vo. 6d 1780 6512 oval, 8vo. 3d Robson 6513 8vo. 6d. Humphreys — Another,4to.6d 6514 Ramsay (Daniel) 8vo. 6d Longacre 6515 Reed (Gen.) Member of Congress and Com- mander of the State of Virginia. 4to, oval, 6d B. B. E. 17S3 6516 Rtttenhouse (David) Philosopher. Roy. 8vo; 6d Longacre 6517 RoDGERs(Rev. John) of New York. 12mo. 3d Blood 6518 Rogers (Governor) and Family, of Provi- dence. 8vo. 6d Hogarth 6519 Ross (James) 8vo. 3d Goodman 6520 Ross (Sir John) Arctic Explorer. 8vo. 4d Hart 6521 8vo. 6d Croquis 6522 Ross (Sir James Clark) Arctic and Antarctic Explorer. Fol. fine. 2s 6d Cook 6523 Rush (Benjamin) M.D. 8vo. 3d Edwin 6524 Russell (Jonathan) U. S. Minister. 12mo, oval. 3d 6525 Sa-ga-yeatu-qua-pieth-tow (King of the Maquas) Folio, full length, fine mazzotint. 2s Simon, (1710) 6526 Sa Ga Yeau Qua Rash Tow, King of the Maguas, alias King Brant. 4to. Is Faber 6527 Sandwich (John, Earl of) 8vo. 4d 6528 Santa Anna (General) 8vo. 3d Weber 6529 Scott (Winfield) General. 4to. Is Buitrc, 1852 6530 8vo. 6d Holl 6531 Seabury (Rev. Dr. Samuel) Bishop of Con- necticut. Folio. 5s T. S. Duche, pinx, W. Sharp, sculp. 6532 Svo. 3d 6533 Sedgwick (Catharine M.) Svo. 6d Durand 6534 Sewall (Hon. Sam.) Chief Justice. Svo. 3d Pelton 6536 Seward (W. H.) 8vo. 6d Hunt 6536 Sewessi-ssing, Chief of the Eowah Indians. 8vo, colored. Is Grimth 6537 Shelby (Isaac) 8vo. 6d Durand 6538 Shippen (Edwd.) 8vo. 6d Wcllmore 6539 Shrubuck (Lieut. John T.) U. S. Navy. 8vo. 6d Ginibrede 6540 Smith (Capt. John) of Ncvj England. Svo. 6d Richardson 6541 Spring (Rev. Dr. Gardiner, of New York) Svo. 3d Scars 6542 Steuben (Baron) General in the American War. 4to, oval. 6d B. B. E, 1783 6543 Stowe (Mrs. H. Beecher) Novelist. 4to. 9d Ball 6544 Stuart (Gilbert Chas.) 8vo. 6d Durand 6545 Sullivan (General) oval. Svo. 3d Robson 6546 Tallmadge (Col. Benjamin) 8vo. 6d Parker 6547 Taylor (Zac.) President. Roy. 4to. 2s D 'Avignon 6548 4to, india proof. Is Ritchie 6549 Tee-yee-neen-ho-ga-row (Emperour of the Six Nations). Folio, full length mezzotint. 2s Simon, (1710) 6550 Thayendaneken (Joseph) Mohawk Chief. 8vo. 3d Hogg 6551 Thompson (Charles) Secretary to American Congress. 4to, oval 6d B. B. E. 1783 6552 12mo. 3d Reading 6553 Thorburn (Grant) Seedsman of New York, the original of " Laurie Todd." 8vo. 4d 6554 Tompkins (Daniel D.) 8vo. 6d Woolnoth 6555 Trumbull (Jon.) Gov. of Connecticut. 8vo. 3d Pelton 6556 Van Ness (Mrs. Martha) 8vo. 6d Welch 6557 Van Santvoord (Rev. Stats) 4to, proof be- fore letters. Is G. F. S. 6558 Warren (Joseph) Svo. 6d Illman 6559 Wayne (Anthony) 8vo. 6d Prudhommc 6560 Washington (George) 4to. Is Fennci', after Stuart 6561 Folio, proof on india paper, (a nice print) Is 6d Fenner, after G. Stuart 6562 8vo. 3d Holl, after Stuart 6563 4to. 6d Filtler, after Stuart 6564 Royal 8vo. 6d Humphrey, after Stewart 6565 — 4to. 2s 6d Holloway, after Stuart 6566 4to, oval. 6d B. B. E. 1783 6567 whole length, with Fame crowning him, and in his hand a scroll "American Freedom, ^^c^/\AA^VV'JV\AA/^y^J ,^ HJ ^ "AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Thomas ' Wright, of Birkenshaw, in the County of York, 1736- 1797. Edi- ted by his Grandson, THOMAS Wright, M.A., F.S.A. Fcp. 8vo, pp. 376, cloth. 5s 1864 Particularly interesting about Bradford, Leeds, Halifax, and their neighbourhoods, and a curious picture of manners and persons in the middle of the last cen- tury. A Biographical Memoir of Samuel Hart- lib, Milton's familiar Friend, with Biblio- graphical Notices of Works published by him, and a reprint of his pamphlet entitled "An Invention of Engines of Motion." By Henry Dircks. Post 8vo, <:/^. 3s. 6d. 1865 History of the Convocation of the Church of England, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1742. By the Rev. Thomas Lathbury, M.A. Second Edition, with considerable Additions, thick 8vo, cloth. 5s. (pub 12s) 1853 Eusebius Salverte's History of the Names of Men, Nations, and Places, in their Con- nection with the Progress of Civilization. Translated by the Rev. L. H. MORDACQUE, M.A., Oxon. "Notre nom propre c'est nous-memes." " Nomina si nescis periit cognitio rerum." 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. £1. 4s. 1864 Three Notelets on Shakespeare : I. Shakes- peare in Germany ; II. The Folk-lore of Shakespeare; III. Was Skakespeare a Soldier ? By William J. Thoms, F.S.A. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s. 6d. 1865 Notices illustrative of the Drama, and other Popular Amusements, chiefly in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, inci- dentally illustrating Shakespeare, and his Contemporaries; extracted from the Chamberlain's Accounts and other Manu- scripts of the Borough of Leicester, with an Introduction and Notes by William Kelly. Post 8vo, cloth. 9s. 1865 Large Paper Copies in 4to, only 25 printed, half morocco, Roxburghe style. £l- 5s. The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Blyth, in the Counties of Not- tingham and York, comprising Accounts of the Monastery, Hospitals, Chapels, and Ancient Tournament Field, of the Parish of the Castle and Manor of Tickhill, and of the Family Possessions of De Buili, the First and Norman Lord thereof, together with Biographical Notices of Roger Mowbray, Philip of Olcotes, Bishop Sanderson, John Cromwell, and others, with Appendix of Documents, &c, by the Rev. John Raine, Vicar. 4to, plates and pedigrees, cloth, REDUCED TO 15s., ORIGINAL PRICE £\. 6s.) i860 large paper, royal 4to. £1. 5s. Rambles in Western Cornwall, by the Footsteps of the Giants ; with Notes on the Celtic Remains of the Land's End District and the Isles of Scilly. By James Orchard Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S. Fcp. 4to, elegantly printed by Whittingham, cloth. 7s. 6d. 1862 John Russell Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. Legendary Tales of the Ancient Britons, rehearsed from the Early Chronicles. By Mrs. Louisa J. Menzies. Fcp. 8vo, cloth. 3s. 1864 Contents: — 1. Esyllt and Sabrina.— 2. Lear and his Three Daughters. — S. Cynedda and Morgan. — 4. The Brothers Beli and Brrn. — 5. Ellidure the Compas- sionate. — 6. Alban of Verulam. — 7. Vortigern. — 8. Cadwallon and the Final Straggle of the Britons. The Dialect of Leeds and its Neighbour- hood, illustrated by Conversations and Tales of Common Life, etc. To which are added a Copious Glossary, Notices of the various Antiquities, Manners, and Cus- toms, and general Folk-Lore of the Dis- trict. Thick i2mo, pp. 458, cloth. 6s 1862 " This is undoubtedly the best work hitherto published on the dialects of Yorkshire in general, and of Leeds in particular. The author, we believe one of our fellow townsmen — for his introductory remarks are dated » Leeds, March, 1S61/— has used not only great industry, but much keen observation, and has pro- duced a book which will everywhere be received as a valuable addition to the archaeological literature of England."— Leeds Intelligencer. Liber Albus : the White Book of the City of London. Compiled A.D. 1419, by John Carpenter, Common Clerk j Richard Whittington, Mayor. Trans- lated from the original Latin and Anglo- Norman by H. T. Riley, M.A. 4to, pp. 672 (original price 1 8s.), the few remaining copies offered, in cloth, at gs. — half morocco (Roxbuighe style), 10s. 6d. — whole bound in vellum, carmine edges, 12s. — whole mo- rocco, carmine edges, 1 33-. 6d. 1 862 Extensively devoted to details which must of necessity interest those who care to know something more about their forefathers than the mere fact that they have existed Many of them— until recently eon- signed to oblivion ever since the passing away of the remote generations to which they belonged — inti- mately connected with the social condition, usages, and manners of the people who — uncouth, unlearned ill-housed, ill-fed, and comfortless though they were, still formed England's most important, most wealthy, and most influential community throughout the chequered and troublous times of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. During this period, in fact, there is hardly a phase or feature of English national life upon which, in a greater or less degree, from these pages of the " Liber Albus," some light is not reflected. The Land's End District : its Antiquities? Natural History, Natural Phenomena, and Scenery ; also a Brief Memoir of Richard Trevithick, C.E. By Richard Edmonds (late of Penzance). 8vo, maps, plates, and woodcuts, cloth. 7s. 6d. 1862 KynanGe Cove; or, the Cornish Smugglers, a Tale of the Last Century. By W. B. Forfar, author of " Pentowcm," " Penger- sick Castle" dr'c, dr'c. Fcap. 8vo, boards, 2s. 1865 A Perambulation of Kent, containing the Description, Hystorie, and Customs of that Shire. Written by William Lambard, of Lincoln es Inne, Gent. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5s. (original price 12s) 1826 The first county history published, and one of the most amusing and naive old books that can be imagined. Annals of Windsor, being a History of the Castle and Town, with some Account of Eton and Places adjacent. By R. R. Tighe and J. E. Davis, Esqrs. In 2 thick vols, royal 8vo, illustrated with many eu- gravifigs, coloured and plain, extra cloth. £1. 5s. (original priced 4s.) Longmans, 1858 An early application is necessary, as but few copies re- main on sale. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ANGLIA CHRISTIANA SOCIETY. Giraldus Cambrensis, De Instructione Principum, with a Preface, Chronological Abstract and Marginal Notes (in English), by the Rev. J. S. Brewer. 8vo, boards, 5s. 1846 Now first printed from the Manuscript in the Cottonian Library, particularly illustrating the Reign of Henry II. Among our earlier chroniclers, there is not a more lively writer than Giraldus de Barri. Chronicon Monasterii de Bello, with a Preface, Chronological Abstract, and Mar- ginal Notes (in English), by the Editor. 8vo, boards. 5 s. 1846 A very curious History of Battle Ahbey, in Sussex, by one of the Monks. Printed from a MS. in the Cot- tonian Library. Liber Eliensis, ad fidem Codicum Va- riorum. Vol. I. (all printed), with English Preface and Notes, by the Rev. D. Stewart, of the College, Ely. 8vo, boards. 5s. 1848 An important chronicle of the early transactions conj nected with the Monastery of Ely, supposed to haval been compiled by Richard the 3Ionk, between 11081 and 1131. The above three volumes are all the Society printed They are well worthy of being placed on the samdl shelf with the Camden, Caxton, Surtees, and Che-1 tham's Societies' publications. From the limited! number of members of the Society, the bonks arel little known. J. R. Smith having become the pro-J prietor of the few remaining copies, recommends aaj early purchase. John Russell Smithy 36, Retrospective Review (New Series) ; confuting of Criticifms upon, Analyfis of, and Extracts from, curious, ufeful, valuable, and fcarce Old Books. 8vo. Vols. 4. and II. {all printed) cloth. 10s. 6d. (original price £1. is.) 1853-54 Tf'yefe two volumes form a good companion to the old feries of the Retrofpective, in 1 6 vols. ; the articles are of the lame length and character. Matter Wace, his Chronicle of the Nor- man Conqueft, from the Roman de Rou. Tranflated into EnglifrrProfe, with Notes and Illuftrations by Edgar Taylor, F.S.A. 8vo. many engravings from the Bayeux Tapes- try, Norman Architecture, nominations, &c. cloth, 15s. (original price £i. 875.) 1837 Only 250 copies printed, and very few remain unfold; the remain- ing copies are now in J. R. Smith's hands, and are offered at the above low price, in confequence of the death of Mr. Pickering ; hitherto no copies have been fold under the publifhed price. Contributions to Literature, Hiftorical, Antiquarian, and Metrical. By Mark An- tony Lower, M.A., F.S.A., Author of " Eflays on Englifh Surnames," " Curiofities Bofworth,and Stoke, and genealogical and other particulars of the powerful, warlike, and distinguished perfonages who were the principal actors in thofe ftirring and eventful times; with plans of fome of the Fields of Battle; and an Appendix, containing the principal Acts of Attainder relative to the Wars of the Rofes, and Lifts of the Noblemen, Knights, and other perfonages attainted by them. Family Topographer, being a compen- dious Account of the Ancient and Prefent State of the Counties of England. By Samuel Tymms. 7 vols, nmo. clotb, 6s. 6d. (pub. at £l. 15s.) 1832-4. This work contains an excellent fummary of the Ancient and Modern Hifiory and Topography of each County, Biographies of eminent Nations, Notes of remarkable Events, and a great variety of ufeful and Siatiftical information j altogether a very trustworthy work. The Tourift's Grammar, or rules rela- ting to the Scenery and Antiquities incident to Travellers, including an Epitome of Gil- pin's Principles of the Pi<5r.urefque. By the Rev. T. Dudley Fosbroke. Poft 8vo. bds., 2S. (original price 7s.) 1826 Annals and Legends of Calais ; with Sketches of Emigre Notabilities, and Memoir of Lady Hamilton. By Robert Bell Calton, author of " Rambles in Sweden and Gottland," &c, &c. Poft 8vo. with frontifpiece and vignette, cloth, 5s. 185a Principal Contents -.— History of the Siege by Edward HI. in 1346-7, with a Roll of the Commanders and their Followers prefent, from a contemporary MS. in the British Mufeum; The Allotment of lands and houfes to Edward's barons j Calais as an English borough ; LiSi of the Streets and Householders of the fame ; Henry VHIth's Court there; Cardinal Wolfey and his expenfes; the English pale, with the Names of Roads, Farmfteads, and Villages in the English Era; the Sieges of Therouenne and Toumai; the Pier of Calais ; Pros and Cons of the place; the Hotel DeSEn; Sterne's Chamber j Churches of Notre Dame and St. Nicholas; the Hotel de Ville; Ancient Staple Hall ; The Chateau and Murder of the Duke o. Gloucester; theCourgain; the Field of the Cloth of Gold; Notice of the Town and Caftle of Guifnes, and its furprise by John de Lancaster; the Town and Seigneurie of Ardres; the Sands and Duelling; Villages and Chateau of Sangatte, Coulonge, Mark, Efchalles, and Hammes ; Review of the English Occupation j Calais; its Recapture by the Duke de Guife, the lower Town and J its Lace Trade; our Commercial Relations with France; EmigriH Notabilitie Charles and Harry Tufton, Capt. Dormer and EdidB Jacquemont, Beau Brummel, Jemmy Urquhart and his frienfl Fauntleroy, "Nimrod," Beikdey Craven, Mytton, DucheSs of Kingfton; a new Memoir of Lady Hamilton, &c.,&c. Altogether an iitereSiing volume on England's firft Colony. 3 2 John RuJJell Smithy 36, Soho Square., London. Druce Family. — A Genealogical Ac- Patronymica Britannica, a Dictionary of Family Names. By Mark Antony Lower, M.A., F.S.A. Royal 8vo. pp. 500, with illuflrations, cloth, £1. 5s. i860 This work is the rcfult of a ftudy of Britifh Family Names, ex- tending over more than twenty years. The favourable recep- tion which the Author's "Englifh Surnames'' obtained in the fale of Three Editions, and the many hundreds of communica- tions to which that work gave rile, have convinced him that the fubjeft is one in which confiderable intereft is felt. He has therefore been induced to devote a large amount of attention to the origin, meaning, and hiftory of our family defignations — a fubjett which, when inveftigated in the light of ancient records and of modern philology, proves highly illuftrative of many habits and cuftoms of our anceftors, and forms a very curious branch of Archaeology. The prefent work is by no means intended to fuperfede the " Eng- lish Surnames." That publication bears the fame relation to the Patronymica as the grammar of a language does to its di&ionary. There the principles upon which furnames were a/Turned are difcuffed, and a confiderable number of them are clafiified, but here many thoufands of family names are treated individually and alphabetically. Englifh Surnames. An Eflay on Fa- mily Nomenclature, Hiftorical, Etymological, and Humourous. With several illuftrative Appendices. By Mark Antony Lower, M.A. 2 vols, poft 8vo. Third Edition, enlarged, woodcuts, cloth, 12s. 1849 This new and much improved Edition, befides a great enlargement of the Chapters, contained in the previous editions, comprifes feveral that are entirely new, together with Notes on Scottifh, Irifh, and Norman Surnames. The " Additional Prolufions," befides the articles on Rebufes, Allufive Arms, and the Roll of Battel Abbey, contain diflertations on Inn Signs, and Remarks on Chriftian Names, with a copious Index of many thoufand Names. Thefe features render "Englifh Surnames" rather a new work than a new edition. Pedigrees of the Nobility and Gentry of Hertfordfhire. By William Berry, late, and for fifteen years, Regiftering Clerk in the College of Arms, author of the " En- cyclopaedia Heraldica," &c, &c. Folio (only 125 printed). Bds,, £1. 5s. {original frice £3. 1 os.) 1844 Pedigrees and Arms of Devonfhire Families, as recorded in the Herald's Vifita- tion of 1620, with additions from the Har- leian MSS. and the Printed Colkaions of Weftcote and Pole. By John Tuckett. 4to. Parts I. to VI., each 5s. 1859-60 Archer Family. — Memorials of Fami- lies of the Surname of Archer in various Counties in England, and in Scotland, Ire- land, Barbadoes, America, &c. 4to. but few copies printed, cloth, 12s. 6d. i860 Scrafe Family. — Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Scrafe, of SulTex. By M. A. Lower. 8vo., is. 6d. 1856 3 count of the Family of Druce, of Goring, in the County of Oxford, 1735. 4 t0 « only 50 Copies PRIVATELY PRINTED, bds, JS. 6d, 1853 Hiflories of Noble Britifh Families, with their Genealogies, and Biographical Notices of the moft diftinguifhed Individuals in each. By Henry Drummond, M.P., Illuftrated with Portraits, Views, Armorial Bearings, Monuments, Seals, &c. (the ARMS, SEALS, AND PORTRAITS MOST BEAU- TIFULLY COLOURED, MANY LIKE MINIA- TURES). 2 vols, imperial folio, half-bound in morocco, top edges gilt, hy Hay day, £%. 8s. 1842, &c. The fame, in Parts. £6. 1842, &c The families are thofe of Afhburnham, Arden, Compton, Cecil, Harley, Bruce, Perceval, Dunbar, Hume, Dundas, Drummond, and Neville. No genealogical book has ever been, up to the prefent time, fo fumptuoufly got up in England. Published by the late Mr. Pickering at Twenty-four Guineas. Genealogical and Heraldic Hiftory of the Extintt and Dormant Baronetcies cf England, Ireland, and Scotland. By J. Burke, Esq. Medium 8vo. Second Edi- tion, 638 clofely printed pages, in double columns, with about 1,000 arms engraved on wood, fine portrait of James I., cloth, 10s. {original price £1. 8s.) 1844 This work engaged the attention of the author for feveral years, comprifes nearly a thoufand families, many of them amongft the moft ancient and eminent in the kingdom, each carried down to its reprefentative or rcprefentatives ftill exifting, with elaborate and minute details of the alliances, achievements, and fortunes, generation after generation, from the carlieft to the lateft period. The Blazon of Epifcopacy. Being a complete Lift of the Archbifhops and Bifhops of England and Wales, and their Family Arms drawn and defcribed, from the flrft Introduction of Heraldry to the prefent time. By the Rev. W. K. Riland Bed- ford. 8vo. pp. 144, and 6z pages ofdraw- ings of Arms, cloth, 15s. 1858 This work depicls the arms of a great number of Englifh Families not to be found in other works. "There has been an amount of induftry beflowcd upon this curious work which is very creditable to the author, and will be found beneficial to all who care for the fubjeft on which it has been employed." — jithenaum. A Plea for the Antiquity of Heraldry, with an Attempt to Expound its Theory and Elucidate its Hiftory. By W. Smith Ellis, Efq., of the Middle Temple. 8vo. fewed, is. 6d. x g 5 j 34- John Rujfell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, A Manual for the Genealogift, Topo- grapher, Antiquary, and Legal Profeflbr, confiding of Defcriptions of Public Records ; Parochial and other Regifters ; Wills ; County and Family Hiftories ; Heraldic Col- lections in Public Libraries, &c, &c. By Richard Sims, of the Britijh Mufeum, Com- piler of the " Index to the Heralds" Vifita- lions" the " Hand-book to the Library of the Britijh Mufeum," &c. 8vo. Second Edi- tion, pp. 540, cloth, 15s. 1 86 1 This work will be found indifpenfable by thofe engaged in the ftudy of Family Hiftory and Heraldry, and by the compiler of County and Local Hiftory, the Antiquary and the Lawyer. In it the Public and other Records moft likely to afford information to genealogical inquirers are fully defcribed, and their places of prefent depofit indicated. Such Records are— The Domefday Books— Monaftic Records— Carts Antiquse— Liber Niger— Liber Rubcus— Tefta de Nevil— Placita in various Courts— Charter Rolls— Clofe Rolls— Coronation Rolls— Coroners' Rolls— Efcheat Rolls— Fine Rolls — French, Gafcon, and Norman Rolls— Hun- dred Rolls — Liberate Rolls — Memoranda Rolls — Oblata and other Rolls— Inquifitions Port Mortem— Inquifitions ad quod Damnum— Fines and Recoveries— Sign Manuals and Signet Bills — Privy Seals— Forfeitures, Pardons, and Attainders— Par. liamentary Records — County Palatine Records — Scotch, Irifh, and Welfh Records— alfo Wills— Parochial and other Regifters — Regifters of Univerfities and Public Schools — Heraldic Col- lections — Records of Clergymen, Lawyers, Surgeons, Soldiers, Sailors, &c, &c. The whole accompanied by valuable Lifts of Printed Works and Manufcripts in various Libraries, namely : — attheBritifh Mufeum — The Bodleian, Afhmolcan, and other Libraries at Oxford — The Public Library and that of Caius College, Cambridge— The Colleges of Arms in London and Dublin — The Libraries of Lin- coln s Inn, and of the Middle and Inner Temple— at Chetham College, Manchefter; and iu other rcpofitories too numerous to mention. The more important of thefc Lifts are thofe of Monaftic Cartularies — Extracts from Plea and other Rolls — Efcheats — Inquifitions, &c. — Tenants in Capite — Rccufants— Subfidies — Crown Lands — Wills— Parochial and other Regifters — Heralds' Vifitations — Royal and Noble Genealogies — Peerages, Baronetages, Knight- ages — Pedigrees of Gentry — County and Family Hiftories — Monumental Infcriptions — Coats of Arms — American Genea- logies — Lifts of Gentry — Members of Parliament — Freeholders — Officers of State— Juftices of Peace— Mayors, Sheriffs, &c. — Collegians, Church Dignitaries— Lawyers— The Medical Pro- feffion — Soldiers — Sailors, etc. To thefe is added an " Appendix," containing an Account of the Public Record Offices and Libraries mentioned in the work, the mode of obtaining admiffion, hours of attendance, fees for fcarch- ing, copying, &c, Table of the Regnal Years of Englifh Sove- reigns ; Tables of Dates ufed in Ancient Records, &c. Baronia Anglia Concentrata, or a Con- centration of all the Baronies called Baronies in Fee, deriving their Origin from Writ of Sum- mons, and not from any Specific Limited Crea- tion,fho\ving the Descent and Line of Heirfhip, as well of thofe Families mentioned by Sir William Dugdale, as of thofe whom that celebrated Author has omitted to notice j in- terfperfed with Interefting Notices and Ex- planatory Remarks. Whereto is added, the Proofs of Parliamentary Sitting from the 35 1 alfo, a Reigri of Edward I. to Queen Anne ; «, Gloffary of Dormant Englifi, Scotch, and Irijk Peerage Titles, with reference to prefumed exijling Heirs. By Sir T. C. Banks, a vols. 4to. cloth, 15s. (pub. at £3. 3s.) 1844. Large Paper Copy {very few printed), a vols., £1. is. 1844 A book of great lefearch, by the well-known author of the "Dor- mant and Extinct Peerage," and other heraldic and hiftorical works. Thofe fond of genealogical purfuits ought to fecure a copy while it is fo cheap. It may be confidered a supp'emerri to his former works. Vol. ii. pp. 210-300, contains an Hifto- rical Account of the firft Settlement of Nova Scotia, ar«d the foundation of the Order of Nova Scotia Baronets, diftinguifliing thofe who hadjeizin of lands there. Calendar of Knights, containing Lifts of Knights, Bachelors, Britifh Knights of the Garter, Thiftle, Bath, St. Patrick, the Guelphic and Ionian Orders, from 1760 to 1828. By F. Townsend, Windsor Herald. Poft 8vo. cloth, 3 s. {original price, 9s.) 1828 A very ufeful volume for Genealogical and Biographical purpofes. On the Nobility of the Britifh Gentry, or the Political Ranks and Dignities of the Britifh Empire compared with thofe on the Continent. By Sir James Lawrence. Poft 8vo., is. 6d. 1825 Ufeful for Foreigners in Great Britain, and of Britons abroad, particularly of thofe who defireto be prefented at foreign courts, to accept foreign military fervice, to be inveftted with foreign titles, to be admitted into foreign orders, to purchafe foreign property, or to intermarry with foreigners. A Difplay of Heraldry. By William Newton. 8vo. many hundred engravings oj Shields, illujlrating the Arms of Englifi Fami- lies, cloth, 14s. 1846 Curiofities of Heraldry, with Illuftra- tions from Old Englifh Writers. By Mark Antony Lower, M.A., Author of "Ef- fays on Englifh Surnames." With illumi- nated Title-page, and numerous engravings from defigns by the Author, 8vo. cloth, 14s. 1845 "The prefent volume is truly a worthy fequel (to the 'SUR- NAMES') in the fame curious and antiquarian line, blending with remarkable facls and intelligence, fuch a fund of amufing anecdote and illuftration, that the reader is almoft furprifed to find that he has learned fo much, whilft he appeared to be pur- fuing mere entertainment. The text is fo pleafing that we fcarcely dream of its fterling value; and it feems as if, in unifon with the woodcuts, which fo cleverly explain its points and adorn its various topics, the whole defign were intended for a relaxation from ftudy, rather than an ample expofition of an extraordinary and univerfal cuftom, which produced the moft important effeel upon the minds and habits of mankind." — Literary Gaxette. "Mr. Lower's work is both curious and inftruclive, while the manner of its treatment is fo inviting and popular, that the fubjed to which it refers, which many have hitherto had too good reafon to confider meagre and unprofitable, affumes, undef the hands of the writer, the novelty of ficlion with the import, ance of hiftorical truth." — Athenaum. 36 John Rujfett Smithy 36* Playing Cards. — Facls and Speculations on the Hiftory of Playing Cards in Europe. By W. A. Chatto, author of the " Hiftory of Wood Engraving, with Uluftrations by J. Jackfon." 8vo. profusely illujirated with engravings, both plain and coloured, cloth, £1. is. 1848 * The inquiry into the origin and fignification of the fuits and their marks, and the heraldic, theological, and political emblems piftured from time to time, in their changes, opens a new field of antiquarian intereft ; and the perfeverance with which Mr. Chatto has explored it, leaves little to be gained by his fucceflbrs. The plates with which the volume is enriched add confiderably to its value in this point of view. It is not to be denied that, take it altogethei , it contains more matter than has ever before been collected in one view upon the fame fubjeft. In fpite of its faults, it is exceedingly amufing ; and the molt critical reader cannot fail to be entertained by the variety of curious outlying learning Mr. Chatto has fomehow contrived to draw into the inveftigations.'' — Atlas. ** Indeed the entire production deferves out warmeft approbation." ^•Literary Gaxette. " A pcrfeft fund of antiquarian refearch, and moft interefting even to perfons who never play at cards." — Tait^s Magaxine. *' A curious, entertaining, and really learned book."— Rambler. Holbein's Dance of Death. With an Hiftorical and Literary Introduction, by an Antiquary. Square poft 8vo. with 53 en- gravings — being the moft accurate copies ever executed of thefe Gems of Art — and a frontif- piece of an ancient bedftead at Aix-la-Chapelle , with a Dance of Death carved on it, engraved by Fairholt, cloth, 9s. 1849 " The defigns are executed with a fpirit and fidelity quite extra- ordinary. They are indeed moft truthful.''— Athenaum. " Ces 5 j planches des Schlotthauer font d'une exquife perfection." — Langlois, Ejfaifur Us Dances des Marts. " Biblia Pauperum." One of the Earliefr and moft Curious Block-Books, reproduced in facfimile from a Copy in the Britifh Mu- feum. By J. Ph. Berjeau. Royal 410. half -bound, £2. 2s. 1859 he Biblia Pauperum, known alfo by the title of Hijloria Veteris et Novi Tejlamenti, is a fet of woodcuts, in which the Old and New Teftament are both brought to memory by pictures, and fome lines of text in Latin. This name, Biblia Pauperum, is derived from its ufe by Monks of the poorer orders, commonly called Pauperes Chrifii. As a fpecimen of the earlieft woodcuts and of printed block-books, deftined to fuperfede the manufcripts anterior to the valuable invention of Giittenberg, the Biblia Pauperum is well worthy the attention of the Amateur of Fine Arts as well as of the Biblio- grapher. It confifts of forty engravings, printed on one fide only of the leaves, and difpofed fo as to have the figures oppofite each other. The engravings were printed by friftion, with a fubftance of a brownifh yellow colour, inftead of printing ink, which was un- known at this early period. — To imitate, as near as poffible, the original, the plates in this facfimile are difpofed oppofite each other, and printed in a brownifh colour. — Various Editions of this Block-book have been difcovered, without any writer being able to fay which is the firft one. A review f them is given in the printed Introduction of the book. Befides the rhymed Latin Poetry— of which part was given by 37 Soho Square^ London, Heinecken, and after him by Ottley— the Introduction gives, for the firft time, the wole of the Text printed on both fides in the upper compartment, as well as an Englifh Explanation of the Subjects. Only 250 copies have been printed, uniformly with Mr. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY'S " Principia Typographical The Bayeux Tapefhy Elucidated. By the Rev. Dr. John Collingwood Bruce, Author of the " Roman Wall." 4to. a hand- fome volume, illujirated with 17 coloured plates, representing the entire Tapeftry, extra bds., £1. is. 1856 Memoirs of Painting, with a Chrono- logical Hiftory of the Importation of Pictures by the Great Mafters into England fince the French Revolution. By W. Buchanan. 2 vols. 8vo. bds., 7s. 6d. (original price £i.6s.) 1824 Catalogue of the Prints which have been Engraved after Martin Heemfkerck. By T. Kerrich, Librarian to the Univerfty of Cam- bridge. 8vo. portrait, bds., 3s. 6d. 1821 Titian. — Notices of the Life and Works of Titian the Painter. By Sir Abraham Hume. Royal 8vo. portrait, cloth, 6s. 1829 Sir Jofhua Reynolds' Notes and Ob- fervations on Pictures, chiefly of the Venetian School, being Extracts from his Italian Sketch Books j alfo the Rev. W. Mafon's Obferva- tions on Sir Jofhua's Method of Coloring, with fome unpublifhed Letters of Dr. Johnfon, Malone, and others j with an Appendix, con- taining a Tranfcript of Sir Jofhua's Account Book, mowing the Paintings he executed, and the prices he was paid for them. Edited by William Cotton, Efq. 8vo. cloth, 5s. 1859 " The fcraps of the Critical Journal, kept by Reynolds at Rome, Florence, and Venice, will be eftcemed by high-clafs virtuofi."' — Leader. Catalogue of the Portraits painted by Sir Jofhua Reynolds, in whofe pofleflion they are, and whether engraved, &c. Compiled from his autograph memorandum books, printed catalogues, &c. By William Cot- ton. Svo. fewed, 5s. 1857 Ecclefiaftical Architecture of the County of EfTex, from the Norman Era to the Six- teenth Century, with Plans, Elevations, Sec- tions, Details, &c, from a Series of Meafured Drawings and Architectural and Chronologi- cal Defcriptions. By James Hadfield, Architect. Imperial 4to. 80 plates, leather back, cloth fides, £1. us. 6d. 1856 33 John Rttffell Smithy 36, Soho Square, London, Hiftoire de F Architecture Sacree du quatrieme au dixieme fiecle dans les anciens eveches de Geneve, Laufanne, et Sion. Par J. D. Blavignac, Archite&e. One vol. 8vo. (pp. 450), and 37 plates , and a 4to. Atlas of 82 plates of Architecture, Sculpture ', Frefcoes, Reliquaries, &c. &c, £z. 10s. 1853 A very remarkable Book, and worth the notice of the Architect, the Archseologift, and the Artift. Hiflory of the Origin and Eflablifhment of Gothic Architecture, and an Inquiry into the mode of Painting upon and Staining Glafs, as pra&ifed in the Ecclefiaftical Struc- tures of the Middle Ages. By J. S. Haw- kins, F.S.A. Royal 8vo. 11 plates, bds., 4s. (original price 12s.) 18 13 Handbook to the Library of the Britifh Mufeum ; containing a brief Hiftory of its Formation, and of the various Collections of ■which it is compofed j Defcriptions of the Catalogues in prefeni ufe j Claffed Lifts of the Manufcrips, &c. j and a variety of infor- mation indifpenfable for Literary Men ; with fome Account of the principal Public Libra- ries in London. By Richard Sims, of the Department of Manufcripts, Compiler of the Manual for the Genealogijl, &c. Small 8vo. (pp. 438), with map and plan, cloth, 5s. 1854 It will be found a very ufeful work to every literary perfon or pubb'c infiitution in all parts of the world. " A little Handbook of the Library has been publifhed, which I think will be moft ufeful to the public."— Lord Seymours Reply in the Houfe of Commons, July, 1 854. " I am much pleafed with your book, and find in it abundance of information which I wanted."— Letter from Albert Way, Efq., F.S.A., Editor of the " Promptorium Parvuhrum,* &c. ■ I take this opportunity of telb'ng you how much I like your nice little ' Handbook to the Library of the Britifh Mufeum,' which I fincerely hope may have the fuccefs which it deferves.''— Letter from Tbos. Wright, Efq., F.S.A., Author cf the « Biographia Britannica Literariaf (sfc. "Mr. Sims's 'Handbook to the Library of the Britifh Mufeum' is a very comprehenfive and inftru&ive volume. ... I venture to predift for it a wide circulation.* 9 — Mr. Bolton Corney, in "Notes and Queries,'* No. 2IJ„ Catalogue {Clajftfied) of the Library of the Royal Inftitution of Great Britain, with Indexes of Authors and Subjects, and a Lift of Hiftorical Pamphlets, chronologically arranged. By Bent. Vincent, Librarian. Thick 8vo. pp. 948, half morocco, marbled edges, 15s. ,g 57 It will be found a very ufeful volume to book collectors, and indif- penfable to public librarians. A Diaionary of Old Englifh Plays, exifting either in print or in manufcript, from the earlieft times to the clofe of the 17th century, including alfo Notices of Latin Plays written by Englifh Authors during the fame period, with particulars of their Authors, Plots, Characters, &c. By James Orchard Halliwell, Efq., F.R.S. 8vo. cl, 12s. i860 *#* Twenty-five copies have been printed on THICK PAPER, price £1. is. Catalogue of a unique Collection of 400 Ancient Englifh Broadfide Ballads, printed entirely in the Mack letter, lately on fale by J. Russell Smith. With Notes of their Tunes, and Imprints. Poft 8vo, a handfome volume, printed by Whittingham, in the old Jlyle, half bound, 5s. 1856 A copy on thick paper, without the prices to each, and a different title-page, ONLY IO COPIES SO PRINTED, IOS. 6d. Bibliotheca Cantiana. — A Bibliographi- cal Account of what has been publifhed on the Hiftory, Topography, Antiquities, Cuf- toms, and Family Genealogy of the County of Kent, with BiographicaLNotes. By John Russell Smith. In a handfome 8vo. vol. (pp. 370) with two plates of facfimiles of Au- tographs of 33 eminent Kentijh Writers, 5 s. (original price 14s.) 1837 A Bibliographical Lift of all the Works which have been publifhed towards illuftrating the Provincial Diale&s of England. By John Russell Smith. Poft 8vo., is. 1839 " Very ferviceable to fuch as profecute the ftudy of our provincial dialefls, or are colle&ing works on that curious fubjefl. . . . We very cordially recommend it to notice.'' — Metropolitan. A Bibliographical Catalogue of Englifh Writers on Angling and Ichthyology. By John Russell Smith. Poft 8vo., is. 6d. 1856 Bibliotheca Madrigaliana. — A Biblio- graphical Account of the Mufical and Poetical Works publifhed in England during the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Centuries, under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzo- nets, &c. &c. By Edward F. Rimbault, LL.D., F.S.A. 8vo, doth, 5s. 1847 It records a clafs of books left undefcribed by Ames, Herbert, and Dibdin, and furnifhes a moft valuable Catalogue of Lyrical Poetry of the age to which it refers. The Manufcript Rarities of the Univer- fity of Cambridge. By J. O. Halliwell, F.R.S. 8vo. bds., 3s. (original price 10s. 6d.) 1841 A companion to Hartfhome's "Book Rarities" of the P»me Uni- verfity. 40 Some Account of the Popular Tracts, formerly in the Library of Captain Cox, of Coventry, a.d. 1575. By J. O. Halliwell. 8 vo. (only «, o printed) , feived, is. 1 849 Catalogue of the Contents of the Codex Holbrookianus (a Scientific MS., by Dr. John Holbrook, Mafter of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, 1418-1431). By J. O. Halli- well. 8vo., is. 1840 Account of the Vernon Manufcript. A Volume of Early Englifh Poetry, preferved in the Bodleian Library. By J. O. Halli- well. 8vo. {only 50 printed), is. 1848 Shakefperiana, a Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakefpeare's Plays, and of the Commentaries and other Publications illuf- trative of his Works. By J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. cloth, 3s. 1 841 ''Indifpenfable to everybody who wiflies to carry on any inquiries connected with Shakefpeare, or who may have a fancy for Shakefperian Bibliography.''— Speflator. Catalogue of the Manufcripts in the Li- brary of Gonville and Caius Coll., Cambridge. By Rev. J. J. Smith, Fellow and Librarian. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. ^49 Bibliographical Mifcellany. Edited by John Petheram. 8vo. Nos. 1 to 5 {all publijbed), nvith general title, is. 1859 Contents.— Particulars of the Voyage of Sir Thomas Button for the Difcovery of a North- Weft Paflage, A.D. 1612— Sir Dudley Digges' Of the Circumference of the Earth, or a Treatife of the North-Eaft Paflage, 1611-13— Letter of Sir Thomas Button on the North- Weft Paflage, in the State-Paper Office— Bibliographi- cal Notices of Old Mufic Books. By Dr. Rimbault— Notices of Suppreffed Books— Martin Mar-Prelate's Rhymes— The Hard- wicke Collection of Manufcripts. " The Game of the Cheffe," the Firft Book printed in England by William Cax. ton, reproduced in facfimile, from a Copy in the Britifh Mufeum, with a few Remarks on Caxton's Typographical Productions, by Vincent Figgins. 4to. pp. 184, with 23 curious woodcuts, half-morocco, uncut, £1. is. — or, in antique calf, nvith bevelled boards, and carmine edges, £1. 8s. 1859 Frequently as we read of the Works of Caxton and the early Englifh Printers, and of their Black-Letter Books, very few perfons ever had the opportunity of feeing any of thefe productions, and form- ing a proper eftimate of the ingenuity and fkill of thofe who firft praftifed the " Noble Art of Printing." The Type has been carefully imitated, and the Woodcuts facsimilied by Miss Byfield. The Paper and Water-marks have alfo been made exprcfily, as near as pofli- ble, like the original ; and the Book is accompanied by a few remarks of a practical nature, which have been fuggefted during the progrefs of the fount, and the neceffary fludy and comparifon of Caxton's Works with thofe of his contemporaries in Germany, by MR. V. Figgins, who fpent two years " labour of love" in cutting the matrixes for the type. 4* ujfell Smithy 36, Soho Square, London. Hiftorical Sketches of the Angling Literature of All Nations. By Robert Blakey. To which is added a Bibliography of Englifh Writers on Angling. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 5s. 1856 Bibliotheque Afiatique et Africane, ou Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a TAfie et a TAfrique qui ont paru jufqu'en 1700. Par H. Ternaux-Compans. 8vo. a The Cornifh Thalia, being original Comic Poems, illuftrative of the Cornifh Dialect: By J. H. Daniel. Poft 8vo. 6d. i860 A GlofTary of the Words and Phrafes of Cumberland. By William Dickinson, F.L.S. i2mo. cloth, zs. 1859 Nathan Hogg's Letters and Poems in the Devonfhire Dialect. The fourth edition, nvith additions, poft Svo.feived, is. i860 u Thefe letters, which have achieved confiderable popularity, evince an extenfive acquaintance with the vernacular of the County and its idioms and phrafes, while the continuous flow of wit and humour throughout, cannot fail to operate forcibly upon the rifible faculties of the reader. In the Witch ftory Nathan has excelled himfelf, and it is to be hoped we have not feen his laft effort in this branch of local Englifh literature. The fuperftitions of Jan Vaggis and Jan Plant are moll graphically and amufingly pourtrayed, and the various incidents whereby the influence of the * Evil Eye,' is fought to be counteracted, are at once ludicrous and irrefiftible."— Plymouth Mail. Poems of Rural Life, in the Dorfet Dia- lect, with a Differtation and GlofTary. By the Rev. Wm. Barnes, B.D. Second edition, enlarged and correcled, royal i2ino. cloth, 10s. 1847 Hwomely Rhymes ; a Second Collection of Poems in the Dorfet Dialect. By the Rev. W. Barnes. Royal i2mo. cloth, 5s. 1859 "The author is a genuine poet, and it is delightful to catch the pure breath of fong in verfes which affert themfelves only as the modeft vehicle of rare words and Saxon inflections. Wc have no inten- tion of fetting up the Dorfet pathos against the more extended provincialifm of Scotland, ftill lefs of comparing the Dorfetlhire poet with the Scotch ; yet we feel lure that thefe poems would have delighted the heart of Burns, that many of them are not unworthy of him, and that (at any rate) his beft produftioni cannot exprefs a more cordial fympathy with external nature, or a more loving intereft in human joys and forrows." — Literary Gaxette. John Noakes and Mary Styles : a Poem, exhibiting fome of the moft ftriking lingual localifms peculiar to EfTex 3 with a GlofTary. By Charles Clark, Esq., of Great Tothara Hall, EfTex. Poft 8vo. cloth, as. 183$ 18 jfohn Rujfell Smithy 36, Soho Square^ London, A GlofTary of Words ufed in Teefdale, in the County of Durham. Poft 8vo. with a map of the dijlricl, cloth, 2s. 6d. (original price 6s.) 1849 " Contains about two thoufand words. ... It is believed the firft and only collection of words and phrafes peculiar to this diftri£t, and we hail it therefore as a valuable contribution to the hiftory of language and literature ... the author has evidently brought to bear an extenfive perfonal acquaintance with the common language." — Darlington Times, Dialect of South Lancafhire, or Tim Bobbin's Tummus and Meary ; revifed and corre&ed, with his Rhymes, and an enlarged GlofTary of Words and Phrafes, chiefly ufed by the Rural Population of the Manufacturing Diftricls of South Lancafhire. By Samuel Bamford. iamo. fecond edition, cloth, 3s. 6d. 1854 Leicefterfhire Words, Phrafes, and Pro- verbs. By A. B. Evans, D.D., Head Majler of Market-Bofworth Grammar School, nmo. cloth, 5s. 1848 A GlofTary of Northamptonfhire Words and Phrafes ; with examples of their colloquial ufe, with illuftrations from various Authors ; to which are added, the Cuftoms of the County. By Mifs A. E. Baker. 2 vols, poft 8vo. cloth, 16s. (original price £1. 4s.) 1854 " We are under great obligations to the lady, fifter to the local hiftorian of Northamptonfhire, who has occupied her time in pro- ducing this very capital Gloffary of Northamptonfhire pro- vincial Urns." — Examiner. "The provincial dialects of England contain and preferve the ele- ments and rudiments of our compound tongue. In Mifs Baker's admirable ■ Northamptonfhire Gloffary,' we have rather a reper- tory of archaifms than vulgarifms. But it is much more than a vocabulary ; it preferves not only dialectical peculiarities, but odd and difappearing cuftoms; and there is hardly a page in it which does not throw light on fome obfcurity in our writers, or recal old haKts and practices." — Chrifiian Remembrancer, Quarterly Review. A GlofTary of the Provincialifms of the County of SufTex. By W. Durrant Cooper, F.S.A. Poft 8vo. fecond edition, enlarged, cloth, 5s. 1823 Weftmoreland and Cumberland. — Dia- logues, Poems, Songs, and Ballads, by varous Writers, in the Weftmoreland and Cumber- land Diale£te ; now firft collected ; to which is added, a copious Gloffary of Words peculiar to thofe Counties. Poft 8vo. (pp. 408), cloth, 9 s. 1839 A GlofTary of Provincial Words and Phrafes in ufe in Wiltfhire, mowing their Derivation in. numerous inftances, from the Language of the Anglo-Saxons. By John Yonge Akerman, Esq., F.S.A. nmo. cloth, 3s. 1843 19 Spring Tide ; Friends. By J. cloth, 3s. 6d. or, the Angler and his Y. Akerman. i2mo. plates, 185a Thefe Dialogues incidentally illuftrate the Dialeft of the Weft of England. The Yorkshire Dialed!:, exemplified in various Dialogues, Tales, and Songs, appli- cable to the County j with a Gloffary. Poft 8vo. is. ^39 A GlofTary of Yorkfhire Words and Phrafes, collected in Whitby and its Neigh- bourhood ; with examples of their colloquial ufe and allufions to local Cuftoms and Tradi- tions. By an Inhabitant, nmo. cloth, 3s. 6d. 1855 The Hallamfhire [diftrla of Sheffield) Gloffary. By the Rev. Joseph HuNTER,author of the Hiftory of " Hallamfhire," " South Yorkfhire," &c. Poft 8vo. cloth, 4s. (original price 8s.) 1829 Archaeological Index to Remains of Anti- quity of the Celtic, Romano-Britifh, and Anglo-Saxon Periods. By John Yonge Akerman, Fellow and late Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries. 8vo. illujlrated with numerous engravings, comprifing upwards of Jive hundred obj eels, cloth, 15s. 1847 This work, though intended as an introduction and a guide to the ftudy of our early antiquities, will, it is hoped, alfo prove of fervice as a book of reference to the pra&ifed Archaeologift. " One of the firft wants of an incipient Antiquary is the facility of comparifon ; and here it is furnifhed him at one glance. The Plates, indeed, form the moft valuable part of the book, both by their number and the judicious fele&ion of types and examples which they contain. It is a book which we can, on this account, fafely and warmly recommend to all who are interefted in the antiquities of their native land." — Literary Gaxette. Remains of Pagan Saxondom, principally from Tumuli in England, drawn from the originals. Defcribed and illuftrated by John Yonge Akerman, F.S.A. One handfome volume, 4to. illujlrated with 40 coloured plates, half-morocco, £3. 1855 The plates are admirably executed by Mr. Bafire, and coloured under the direction of the Author. It is a work well worthy the notice of the Archaeologift. Veftiges of the Antiquities of Derby- fhire, and the Sepulchral Ufages of its In- habitants, from the moft Remote Ages to the Reformation. By Thomas Bateman, Esq., of Youlgrave, Derbyfhire. In One handfome volume, 8vo. with numerous woodcuts of Tumuli and their contents, Crojfes, Tombs, &c, clothy 15s. 1848 20 John Rujfell Smith, 36, Defcriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities and Mifcellaneous Objects preferved in the Mufeum of Thomas Bateman, Efq., at Lom- berdale Houfe, Youlgrave, Derbyshire. 8vo. plates and woodcuts, cloth, (very few printed) 10s. 6d. 1855 Reliquiae Antiquiae Eboracenfis ; or, Relics of Antiquity, relating to the County of York. By W. Bowman, of Leeds, aflifted by feveral eminent Antiquaries. 4-to. 6 Parts (complete), plates, 15s. 1855 Reliquiae Ifurianae ; the Remains of the Roman Ifurium, now Aldborough, near Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, illuftrated and defcribed. By Henry Ecroyd Smith. Royal 4to. with 3 7 plates, cloth, £ 1 . 5s. 1852 The moft highly illuftrated work ever publifhed on a Roman Station in England. Eboracum ; or, York under the Romans. By the Rev. C. Wellbeloved, of York. Royal 8vo. with 19 plates, cloth, 6s. (original price 12s.) 1842 Roman Sepulchral Infcriptions ; their Relation to Archaeology, Language, and Religion. By the Rev. John Kenrick, M.A., F.R.S. Poll 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. 1858 Defcription of a Roman Building, and other Remains, difcovered at Caerleon, in Monmouthfhire. By J. E. Lee. Imperial 8vo. cloth, with 20 interejling etchings by the Author, fewed, 5s. J 8 50 Selections from an Antiquarian Sketch Book. By John Edward Lee, of Caerleon. Imperial Svo. fewed, 2s. 6d. 1859 Compriftng 15 Sketches lithographed from the Author's drawings of objefts in Switzerland, Scotland, Ireland, Yorkfhire, Hereford. fhire,.and Monmouthfhire, with fhort defcriptions. Ulfter Journal of Archaeology; con- duced under the fuperintendence of a Com- mittee of Archaeologifts at Belfaft. Hand- fomely printed, in 4to. with engravings. Publifhed Quarterly. Annual Subfcription, 12s. Nos. 1 to 28 are ready. Defcriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Antiquities and other Objects illuftrative of Irifh Hiftory, exhibited in the Belfaft Mufeum, at the Meeting of the Britifh AfTo- ciation, Sept. 1852, with Antiquarian Notes. %vo. fewed, is. 6d. 1853 Report of the Tranfacrions of the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Inftitute held at Chichefter, July, 1853. 8vo. many plates and woodcuts, cloth, 7s. 6d. 1856 21 Soho Square, London* Archaeologia Cambrenfis.— A Record of the Antiquities, Hiftorical, Genealogical, To- pographical, and Architectural, of Wales and its Marches. Firft Series, complete, 4 vols. 8vo. many plates and woodcuts, cloth, £2. 2s. 1846-49 Odd Parts may be had to complete Sets. Second Series, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, £l> 3s. Third Scries. Vol. I. cloth, £1. 10s. ; Vol. II. } Vol. III. . : } Vol. IV. £1. ios.j Vol. V. £1. 10s. Publifhed by the Cambrian Archaeological Aflbciation. The Cambrian Journal, illuftrative of the Hiftory, Topography, and Literature of Wales. 8vo. Vol. I. 12s. j Vols. II., III., IV., V., and VI. 10s. each, cloth i854-6< Publifhed under the aufpices of the Cambrian Inftitute. Suggeftions on the Ancient Britons, ii 3 Parts. By G. D. Barber, M.A. (com monly called G. D. Barber Beaumont) Thick 8vo. cloth, 14s. 185. A Manual for the Study of the Sepul- chral Slabs and CrofTes of the Middle Ages. By the Rev. E. L. Cutts. 8vo. 300 fine woodcuts, cloth, 6s. (original price 12s.) 1849 Notices of Sepulchral Monuments in Englifh Churches from the Norman Conqueft to the Nineteenth Century. By the Rev. W. Hastings Kelke. 8vo. many woodcuts, 2s. (original price 3s. 6d.) 1850 Cyclops Chriftianus ; or, an Argument to difprove the fuppofed Antiquity of the Stonehenge and other Megalithic Erections in England and Brittany. By the Hon. Al- gernon Herbert. 8vo. cloth, 4s. (original price 6s.) ^49 Introduction to the Study of Ancient and Modern Coins. By J. Y. Akerman, F.S.A. Foolfcap 8vo. with numerous wood engravings from the original Coins (an excellent introduclory book), cloth, 6s. 6d. 1848 Contents: — SECT. I. — Origin of Coinage. — Greek Regal Coins. — 2. Greek Civic Coins^ — 3. Greek Imperial Coins. — 4. Origin of Roman Coinage. — Confular Coins. — 5. Roman Imperial Coins.— 6. Roman Britifh Coins. — 7. Ancient Britifh Coinage. — 8. Anglo-Saxon Coinage. — 9. Englifh Coinage from the Conqueft. — 10. Scotch Coinage. — 11. Coinage of Ireland. — iz. Anglo- Gallic Coins.— 13. Continental Money in' the Middle Ages. — 14. Various Reprcfentativcs of Coinage. — 15. Forgeries in An- cient and Modern Times.— 16. Table of Prices of Englifh Coins realized at Public Sales. 22 John Rujfell Smith, 36 Effays, Philological, Philofophical, Eth- nological, and Archaeological, connected with the Prehiftorical Records of the Civilized Na- tions of Ancient Europe, efpecially of that Race which firft occupied Great Britain. By John Williams, A.M., Oxon, Archdeacon of Cardigan. Thick 8vo. with 7 plates, cloth, 16s. 1858 Tradefman's Tokens ftruck in London and its Vicinity, from 1648 to 1671, defcribed from the originals in the Britifh Mufeum, &c. By J. Y. Akerman, F.S.A. 8vo. with 8 plates of numerous examples, cloth, 1 5s. — large paper in 4to. cloth, £1. is. 184.3 This work comprifes a lift of nearly 3000 Tokens, and contains occafional illuftrative, topographical, and antiquarian notes on peribns, places, ftreets, old tavern and coffee-houfes figns, &c. &c. &c, with an introductory account of the caufes which led to the adoption of fuch a currency. Tokens iflued in the Seventeenth Cen- tury in England, Wales, and Ireland, by Corporations, Merchants, Tradefmen, &c. Defcribed and illuftrated by William Boyne, F.S.A. Thick Svo. 42 plates, cloth, £z. is. — Large Paper, in 4to. cloth, £3.3. 1858 Nearly 9500 Tokens are defcribed in this work, arranged alpha- betically under Counties and Towns. To the Numifmatift, the Topographer, and Genealogift, it will be found extremely ufeful. Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, Geographically Arranged and Defcribed — Hifpania, Gallia, Britannia. By J. Y. Aker- man, F.S.A. 8vo. with engravings of many hundred Coins from aclual examples. Cloth, 8s. 6d. (original price 18s.) 1846 Coins of the Romans relating to Britain. Defcribed and Illuftrated by J. Y. Aker- man, F.S.A. Second Edition, greatly en- larged, 8vo. with plates and woodcuts, cloth, 1 os. 6d. 1844 7he "Prix de Numifmatique " was awarded by the French Inftitute to the author for this work. u Mr. Akerman's volume contains a notice of every known variety, with copious illuftrations, and is publifhed at a very moderate price; it fhould be confulted, not merely for thefe particular coins, but alfo for fa&s moft valuable to all who are interefted in Romano-Britifh Hiftory." — Anhad. Journal. Numifmatic Illuftrations of the Narrative Portions of the New Teftament. By J. Y. Akerman. 8vo. numerous woodcuts from the original Coins in 'various public and private Colleclions, cloth, $s. 1846 •* And to him (Mr. Akerman) more efpecially, the caufe of religion can bring its tribute of commendation for light thrown upon Holy Writ, through the medium of l the unrighteous Mammon.' The New Teftament has, it appears, in the compafs of the Gofpels and Ads, no lefs than J2 illufions to the coinage of Greece, Rome, and Judaea ; and thefe, beautifully engraved and learnedly defcribed, give Mr. Akerman an opportunity of ierving the good caufe of truth in the way of his peculiar avocation." — Chunk of England "^Xmal, , Soho Square, London, Numifmatic Chronicle and Journal- o* the Numifmatic Society. Edited by J. Y. Akerman. Nos. it.079. Publifhed Quarterly, at 3s. 6d. per Number, This is the only repertory of Numifmatic intelligence ever publifhed in England. It contains papers on coins and medals, of all ages and countries, by the firft Numifhutifts of the day, both Engliih and Foreign. Odd parts to complete feto. Lift of Tokens iflued by Wiltfhire Tradefmen in the Seventeenth Century. By J. Y. Akerman. %\o. plates ,fewed t is. 6d. 1846 Lectures on the Coinage of the Greeks and Romans, delivered in the Univerfity of Oxford. By Edward Cardwell, D.D., Principal of St. Alban's Hall, and Profeffor of Ancient Hiftory. 8vo. cloth, 4s. (original price 8s. 6d.) 183a A very interefting hiftorical volume, and written in a ple.-vfing and popular manner. Hiftory of. the Coins of Cunobeline, and of the Ancient Britons. By the Rev. Bealh P o s t e . 8 vo . with numerous plates and wood- cuts, cloth (only 40 printed), £1. 8s. 1854 Celtic Infcriptions on Gaulifh and Britifh Coins, intended to fupply materials for the Early Hiftory of Great Britain. By the Rev. Beale Poste. 8vo. with plates and wood- cuts, i860 Numifmatic Atlas of the Roman Empire, exhibiting on one large fheet a complete Series of the Heads of the Emperors, EmprefTes, Tyrants, Kings, &c, a.c 44 to a.d. 476, copied from fpecimens of their a6lual coins, with a Table of their comparative rarity. By W. Whelan. Mounted on cloth, folded in a cafe, and lettered, 8s. 6d. i860 *»* To the collectors of Roman Coins this Chart will prove Oi great intereft and value, as it gives, at one view, moft authentic reprelentations of 216 Coins, from Casfar to Romulus Augufius j and to the ftudent of Roman hiftory, a valuable vade-mecum to affift his memory. Cambridge. — Hiftoria Collegii Jefu Can tabrigieniis, a. J. Shermanno, olim praes. ejufJl dem Colegii. Edita J. O. Halliwell. 8vo jj cloth, 2S. 1S4.0/ j The Foreft of Dartmoor and its Borders!! in Devon/hire, an Hiftorical Sketch. By|| Richard John King. Foolfcap Svo. clothM 3 s - l8 5*I' 24 John RuJJell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, Critical DifTertation on Profeflbr Willis's " Architectural Hiftory of Canterbury Cathe- dral." By C. Sandys, of Canterbury. 8vo. 2s. 6d. . 1846 "Written in no quarrelfome or captious fpiritj the higheft compli- Some Account of the Ancient Borough Town of Plympton, Devon. With Memoirs of the Reynolds Family. By William Cotton. Fcap. 8vo. folding plan of Plymp- ton Cajlle, and Photograph Portrait of Sir Jojhua Reynolds ; cloth, 5s. 1859 Journey to Berefford Hall, in Derbyfhire, the Seat of Charles Cotton, Efq., the cele- brated Author and Angler. By W. Alexan- der, F.S.A., F.L.S., late Keeper of the Prints in the Britifti Mufeum. Crown 4-to. printed on tinted paper, with a fpirited frontifpiece, repre- fenting Walton and his adopted Son, Cotton, in the FiJIiihg-houfe, and 'vignette title-page. Cloth, 5s. 1 841 Dedicated to the Anglers of Great Britain fcnd the various Walton and Cotton Clubs. Only ioo printed. A Brief Account of the Deftrucrive Fire at Blandford Forum, in Dorfetfhire, June 4, 1731. By Malachi Blake, reprinted from the edition ofi 7 3 5, with a plan and two views. 4to. cloth, 2S. 6d. i860 Helps to Hereford Hiftory, Civil and Legendary, in an Ancient Account of the Ancient-Cordwainers' Company of the City, the Mordiford Dragon, and other Subjects. By J. D. Devlin, nmo. (a curious volume), cloth, 3s. 6d. 1848 " A feries of very clever papers." — Spectator. "A little work full of Antiquarian information, prefented in a pleafing and popular fovm."—NonconformiJf. Notes on the Churches in the Counties of Kent, SufTex, and Surrey, mentioned in Domefday Book, and thofe of more recent Date ; with fome Account of the Sepulchral Memorials and other Antiquities. By the Rev. Arthur Hussey. Thick 8vo. fine plates, cloth, 1 8s. 1853 Kentifh Cuftoms. — Confuetudines Kan- cise. A Hiftory of Gavelkind, and other remarkable Cuftoms, in the County of Kent. By Charles Sandys, Efq., F.S.A. (Can- tianus) illujlrated 'with facfimiles, a very handfome volume, cloth, 15s. 1 8 5 1 Hiftory and Antiquities of Richboro«gh, Reculver, and Lymne, in Kent. By C. R. Roach Smith, Efq., F.S.A. Small 4to. vjith many engravings on vjood and copper, by F. W. Pair holt, cloth, £1. is. 1850 " No antiquarian volume could difplay a trio of names more zealous, fucceflful, and intelligent, on the fubjeft of Romano-Britifh remains, than the three here reprefcnted — Roach Smith, the ardent explorer} Fairholt, the excellent illuftratorj and Rolfc,the indefatigable colle&or."— Xton^ Gaxcttt, ment is paid to Profeflbr Willis where it is due. But the author has made out a clear cafe, in fome very important inftances, of inaccu- racies that have led the learned Profeflbr into the conftrudion of ferious errors throughout. It may be confidered as an indifpen- fable companion to his volume, containing a great deal of extra information of a very curious kind." — Art-Union. Hiftory of Romney Marfh, in Kent, from the time of the Romans to 1833 j with a DifTertation on the original Site of the Ancient Anderida. By W. Holloway, author of the " Hiftory of Rye." 8vo. with maps and plates, cloth, 12s. 1849 Hiftory and Antiquities of the Town of Lancafter. Compiled from Authentic Sources. By the Rev. Robert Simpson. 8vo. cloth, 8s. 185a A Defcription of Blackpool, in Lanca- ftiire. By W. Huttqn, of Derby. 8vo. Third Edition, 1 s. 6d. 1 8 1 7 A Defcriptive Account of Liverpool, as it was during the laft Quarter of the Eighteenth Century, 1775 — 1800. By Richard Brooke, F.S.A. A handfome volume. Royal 8vo. with illuftrations, cloth, 12s. 6d. (original price £i.5s.) 1853 In addition to information relative to the Public Buildings, Statiftics and Commerce of the Town, the work contains fome curious and interefting particulars, which have never been previoufly publifhed, refpeflin'g the purfuits, habits, and amufements of the inhabitants of Liverpool during that period, with views of its public edifices. Hand-Book of Leicefter. By James Thompson, nmo. Second Edition, woodcuts, bds., ft*. 1 846 Hiftory and Antiquities of Bofton and the Villages of Skirbeck, Fifhtoft, Friefton, Butterwick, Benington, Leverton, Leake, and Wrangle. By Pishey Thompson. Royal 8vo. pp. 900, illujlrated with 100 engravings, cloth, £1. us. 6d.~ Folio, large taper, cloth, £$. 3s. 1856 Hiftory of the Bifhopric of Lincoln, from its origin to and endowment at Sidnacefter until the removal of the Seat of the See to Lincoln. Thick 8vo. (very few printed) cloth, 12s. (original price £1. is.) 182$ Hiftory and Antiquities of the Parifh of Hackney, Middlefex. By William RobiNv son, LL.D. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. man.* fates, cloth, 14s. (original price £2. 2s.) 26 1824 John Rujfell Smith, 36 Memorials of the Hamlet of Knightf- bridge, with Notices of its Immediate Neigh- bourhood. By H. G. Davis, poll 8vo. plates, cloth, 5s. 1859 London in the Olden Time ; being a Topographical and Hiftorical Memoir of Lon- don, Weftminfter, and Southwark ; accom- panying a Pittorial Map of the City and Suburbs, as they exifted in the reign of Henry VIII., before the Diflblution of the Monas- teries ; compiled from Authentic Documents. By William Newton, Author of a Difplay of Heraldry. Folio, with the coloured map, 4 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 3 inches, mounted on linen and folded into the 'volume, leather back, cloth fides, £1. is. (original price £1. us. 6d.) 1855 The Cries of London, exhibiting feveral of the Itinerant Traders of antient and modern times, copied from rare engravings or drawn from the Life. By John Thomas Smith, with Memoir and Portrait of the Author. 4to. plates, bds., 10s. 6d. (original price £1. us. 6d.) 1839 Hiftory of the Royal Foundation of Chrift's Hofpital, Plan of Education, Internal Economy of the Inftitution, and Memoirs of Eminent Blues. By the Rev. W. Trollope, +to. plates, cloth, 8s. 6d. (original price £3. 3s.) 1834 Analyfis of Domefday Book for the County of Norfolk. By the Rev. George Munford, Vicar of Eajl Winch. In 1 vol. 8vo. with pedigrees and arms, cloth, 10s. 6d. -1857 " Many extracts have been made, at various times, for the illuf- tration of local defcriptions, from the great national (but almoft unintelligible) record known as Domesday Book j but Mr. Mun- ford has done more in the cafe of his own county, for he fur*, plies a complete epitome of the part of the furvey relating to Norfolk, giving not only the topographical and fiatiftical fafts, but alfo a great deal that is inftruclive as to the manners and con- dition of the people, the ftate of the churches and other public edifices, the mode of cultivation and land tenure, together with a variety of points of intereft to the ecclefiologift and antiquary." — Bury PoJ). Gleanings among the Caftles and Con- vents of Norfolk. By Henry Harrod, F. S. A. 8vo. many plates and woodcuts, cloth, 17s. 6d. — Large paper, £1. 3s. 6d. 1857 " This volume is creditable to Mr. Harrod in every way, alike to his induftry, his tafte, and his judgment. It is the remit of ten years' labour. . . . The volume is fo'full of interefting matter that we hardly know where to Degm our extracts or more detailed notices," — Gentleman's Magazine, November, 1857. *7 , Soho Square, London, River Tyne. — Plea and Defence of the Mayor and Burgefles of Newcaftle againft the Malevolent accufations of Gardiner, (author of " England's Grievance on the Coal Trade,") 1653 ; with Appendix of Unpub- lifhed Documents refpe&ing the River Tyne. By M. A. Richardson. 8vo. {only 150 printed), 2s. 1849 Hiftory of the Parish and Town of Bampton, in Oxfordshire, with the Diftricl and Hamlets belonging to it. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 8vo. plates, Second Edition, cloth, 7s. 6d. 1848 A Parochial Hiftory of Enftone, in the County of Oxford. By the Rev. John Jordan, Vicar. Poft 8vo. a clofely printed volume of nearly 500 pages, cloth, 7s. 1856 Roman Remains difcovered in the Parifhes of North Leigh and Stoneffield, Ox- fordmire. By Henry Hakewtll. 8vo. map and 2 plates, 2s. 1836 Topographical Memorandums for the County of Oxford. By Sir Gregory Page Turner, Bart. 8vo. bds., 2s. 1820 Survey of Staffordfhire, containing the Antiquities of that County. By Sampson Erdeswick, with additions and corrections by Wyrley, Chetwynd, and others. Edited by Harwood. Thick 8vo. plates, bds., 13s. 6d. (original price £1. 5s.) 1844 The Hiftory and Antiquities of Lambeth. By John Tanswell, Efq., of the Inner Temple. 8vo. with numerous illuflrations, cloth, 4s. 6d. (original price 7s. 6d.) 185* Hiftory of Winchelfea, in SufTex. By W. Durrant Cooper, F.S.A. 8vo. fine plates and woodcuts, 7s. 6d. 1850 Chronicle of Battel Abbey, in Suflex ; originally compiled in Latin by a Monk of the Eftablifhment, and now firft tranflated, with Notes, and an AbftracT: of the Subfequent Hiftory of the Abbey. By Mark Antony Lower, M.A. 8vo. with illuflrations, cloth, 9s. 1851 This volume among other matters of local and general intereft, em- baces — New Facls relative to the Norman invafion ; The Founda- tion of the Monaftery; The Names and Rentals of the Original Townfmen of Battel ; Memoirs of feveral Abbots, and Notices of their Difputes with the Eifhops of Chichefter refpdling Jurifdic- tion ; The Abbey's Pofleflions ; A Speech of Thomas a Bccket, then Chancellor of England, in favour of Abbot Walter dc Lucij Several Miracles; Anecdotes of the Norman Kings; and Hiitorical Sketch of the Abbey from 1 1 76 to the prefent time Z8 ^ \->-2l/ 3^r^ )3b /6 2jf7< J /// 3 3