LIBRARY CATALOGUE. CLAREMONT AND BATH. 1894. Only fifty copies privately printed. No. 10. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY AT CLAREMONT, CLEVEDON AND 16, ROYAL CRESCENT, BATH COLLECTED BY GEORGE WEARE BRAIKENRIDGE ARRANGED AND DESCRIBED BY REGINALD STANLEY FABER LONDON PRIVATELY PRINTED AT THE CH1SW1CK PRESS 1894 PREFACE. HE books included in this Catalogue belonged mainly to a library formed by my father, in the early decades of this century, at his house at Bris- lington, near Bristol. It has been thought well to classify them according to subjects, not only as more conducive to orderly arrangement, but also as showing the special atten- tion paid by the collector to Topography and all branches of Natural History, as well as his general love of literature. It will be seen that the books on Natural Science and British and Foreign Topography form the most prominent feature of the collection ; whilst the Bristol section may be more particularly mentioned, as the books, manuscripts, and numerous drawings com- prised in it were a great source of interest to my father during many years of his life. VI PREFACE. The Catalogue owes its existence entirely to the great kindness and unremitting industry of my friend Mr. Faber. Without his intelligent co-operation I should have been unable to undertake a work in- teresting to me on many grounds, but especially as affording an opportunity of linking the present with the past, and of giving expression, in the evening of life, to grateful feelings of filial affection and reverence. W. JERDONE BRAIKENRIDGE. June, 1894. CONTENTS. ATURAL SCIENCE: NATURAL HISTORY IN GENERAL . . NATURAL HISTORY OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES AND PLACES . . . CABINETS AND COLLECTIONS . . . GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND PAUE- ONTOLOGY . 16 BOTANY 27 ETHNOLOGY 64 ZOOLOGY ; Mammalia 65 Ornithology 65 Ichthyology 72 Amphibia and Reptilia 75 Entomology 77 Zoophytes, etc 88 CONCHOLOGY 89 TOPOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM : GENERAL 96 BEDFORDSHIRE 106 BERKSHIRE 106 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 107 CAMBRIDGESHIRE 108 CHESHIRE 109 CORNWALL no CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND 113 DERBYSHIRE 113 DEVONSHIRE 114 viii CONTENTS. TOPOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM DORSETSHIRE ................ 117 DURHAM .................. 118 ESSEX ................... 119 GLOUCESTERSHIRE ............... 120 HAMPSHIRE .................. 125 HEREFORDSHIRE ............... 127 HERTFORDSHIRE ............... 127 HUNTINGDONSHIRE .............. 128 KENT .................... 128 LANCASHIRE ................. 132 LEICESTERSHIRE ............... 134 LINCOLNSHIRE ................ 135 MIDDLESEX ................. 137 LONDON .................. 137 NORFOLK .................. 148 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE .............. 149 NORTHUMBERLAND .............. 150 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE .............. 151 OXFORDSHIRE ................ 151 RUTLAND ............ ...... 154 SHROPSHIRE ................. 154 SOMERSET .................. 155 STAFFORDSHIRE ................ 173 SUFFOLK .................. 174 SURREY ........... ........ 175 SUSSEX ................... 176 WARWICKSHIRE ................ 177 WILTSHIRE ..... ............ 178 WORCESTERSHIRE .............. .183 YORKSHIRE ................. 184 WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE .......... 187 SCOTLAND .................. 191 IRELAND .................. 200 ISLE OF MAN ................ 202 CHANNEL ISLANDS .............. 202 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION .......... 203 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, AND OTHER WORKS RELAT- ING TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES: GENERAL .................. 259 CONTENTS. ix VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. continued. EUROPE ; France 273 Germany and Austria- Hungary 276 Greece 278 Holland and Belgium 279 Italy 279 Russia, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark . . . 285 Spain and Portugal 288 Switzerland 289 Turkey 290 ASIA ; Western and Central 291 India 295 Burmah, Siam, etc 298 China and Japan 299 Siberia 301 AFRICA ; North 301 Central and Eastern 304 South 306 Western ..,..., 307 Islands, etc 308 AMERICA; North 309 Central and South 316 West Indies 320 AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, ETC 322 POLAR REGIONS 325 HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY 328 ART AND ARCHEOLOGY 339 HISTORY: GENERAL 394 ECCLESIASTICAL 397 ANCIENT 407 ENGLISH 409 FOREIGN 434 MILITARY AND NAVAL 440 BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, LETTERS, ETC 447 THEOLOGY 453 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY .... 469 b x CONTENTS. PACK GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS 474 POETRY 482 MISCELLANEA AND ADDENDA 502 INDEX 517 CATALOGUE. NOTE. A small B affixed to an entry denotes that the book referred to is at Bath. All books not so distinguished are at Clevedon. NATURAL SCIENCE. NATURAL HISTORY TN GENERAL. OCCONE, PAOLO. Recherches et Obser- vations Naturelles. Amsterdam, 1674. 1 2 mo. Plates. Calf. BRISSON, MATH. JACQUES. Regnum Animale. Lugduni Batavorum, 1762. Small 8vo. Calf. BRISTOL NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. Proceedings. New Series. Bristol, 1874-81. 8vo. Vols. I., II., in 3 parts each ; Vol. III., parts i, 2. CHARLETON, WALTER. Exercitationes de Diflferentiis et Nominibus Animalium, quibus accedunt Mantissa Anatomica, et quaedam de variis Fossilium generibus, deque differentiis et nominibus Colorum. Oxonia, 1677. Folio. Folding plates and engravings. Calf. DARWIN, CHARLES. Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle " round the World. London, 1860. Small 8vo. B 2 NATURAL HISTORY IN GENERAL. GESNER, CONRAD. Historia Animalium. Francofurti, 1603-4. Folio. 4 vols. in 3. Engravings. Velhim. Icones Animalium quadrupedum quae in Historiae Animalium Conradi Gesneri Libro I. et II. describuntur. Tiguri, excudebat C. Froschoverus, 1560. Folio. Calf with arms on sides. Contains the unnumbered leaf at end with ascription of glory to God in six languages, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, and German. HUMBOLDT, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH ALEXANDER, BARON VON, and BONPLAND, AlME. Voyage ; Deuxieme partie. Observations de Zoologie et d'Anatomie com- pare*e. Paris, 1811. Large 4to. Coloured plates. (Vol. I. only.) Aspects of Nature; translated by Mrs. Sabine. London, 1849. Small square 8vo. 2 vols. B. LAMARCK [JEAN BAPTISTE PIERRE ANTOINE DE MONET, CHEVALIER DE]. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres. Paris, 1815-22. 8vo. 7 vols. in 8. B. Another edition. Parts, 1835-45. Small 8vo. ii vols. LEACH, WILLIAM ELFORD, and NODDER, R. P. The Zoological Miscellany. London, 1814-17. 8vo. 3 vols. in 2. Coloured plates. Russia. Another copy of Vols. I., II. London, 1814-15. 8vo. Coloured plates. Calf. GESNERPERR Y. 3 LlNNE, CARL VON. Natursystem, ausgefertiget von Philipp Ludwig Statius Miiller. Nurnberg, 1773-75. 6 vols. in 8. Supplement und Register. Nurnberg, 1789. i vol. in 2. Plates. 3 vols. Together 13 vols. Small 8vo. LOUDON, J. C. The Magazine of Natural History. Vols. L-IX. London, 1829-36. 8vo. MAGAZINE OF ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY. Edinburgh, 1837-38. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. NATURALISTS' LIBRARY, THE. Ornithology. Edinburgh, 1833-43. 14 vols. (Duplicate copy of Vols. I.-IV.) Ichthyology. 1835-43. 6 vols. Entomology. 1835- 41. 7 vols. (Duplicate of Vol. IV.) Mammalia. 1833-42. 13 vols. (Duplicate of Vols. I., II., V, VII.) Together 40 vols. Small 8vo. Coloured plates. NATURFORSCHER, DER. (Edited by Johann Ernst Immanuel Walch.) Halle, 1774-79. 8vo. 13 vols. in 6. Coloured plates. NORFOLK AND NORWICH NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. Transactions. Norwich, 1869-82. 8vo. 14 parts. PAL^EONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. I.- XXXV. London, 1847-81. 4to. B. PALLAS, P. S. Spicilegia Zoologica. Berolini, 1767-72. 4to. 9 parts in i vol. Plates. Fasc. X.-XIV. are wanting to complete the work. PERRY, GEORGE. Arcana Naturae. (So lettered; wants title?) 8vo. Coloured plates. 4 NATURAL HISTORY IN GENERAL. PETIVER, JAMES. Catalogus Classicus et Topicus omnium rerum figuratarum in V. Decadibus seu primo volumine Gazophylacii Naturae et Artis. Londini, 1709. Folio. 50 plates. Gazophylacii Naturae et Artis Decades I.-V. Londini, 1702. I2tno. inlaid to folio. Musei Peteve- riani Centuriae IX., X. London, 1703. I2mo. inlaid to folio. 2 plates. Musei Peteveriani Centuria I. Londini, 1695. I2mo. inlaid to folio. Centuriae II., III. London, 1693. I2mo. inlaid to folio. Centuriae IV., V. London, 1699. I2mo. inlaid to folio. Centuriae VI., VII. Londini, 1699. 1 2mo. inlaid to folio. Centuria VIII. London, 1700. 12010. inlaid to folio. A Classical and Topical Catalogue of the Gazophylacium. London, 1706. I2mo. Catalogus Classicus et Topicus omnium rerum figu- ratarum in secundo volumine Gazophylacii. Londini, 1711. Folio. 50 plates. Gazophylacii Decades VL, VII., VIII., IX., X. London, no date. Folio. A Cata- logue of Mr. Ray's English Herbal. London, 1713. Folio. 50 plates. Plantarum Italiae Icones. London, 1715. Folio. 5 plates. Aquatilium Animalium Am- boinae Icones. London, 1713. Folio. 20 plates. Pteri- graphia Americana. No place or date. Folio. 20 plates. All bound together in I vol. Folio. Calf. Contains the book-plate of George Edwards, Librarian of the Royal College of Physicians, and an inscription stating that the book was given to him by Sir Hans Sloane. RAY SOCIETY. Publications ; Folio Series. London, 1845-74. ALDER, JOSHUA, and HANCOCK, ALLMAN, GEORGE JAMES. MO- ALBANY. Monograph of the nograph of the Gymnoblastic British Nudibranchiate Mol- orTubularianHydroids. 1871- lusca. 1845-55. 7 parts. 72. 2 parts. Coloured plates Coloured plates. PETIVERRA Y. RAY SOCIETY. Publications continued. ALLMAN, GEORGE JAMES. Mo- nograph of the Fresh-water Polyzoa. 1856. Coloured plates. BLACKWALL, JOHN. History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. 1861-64. 2 parts. Coloured plates. BROWN, ROBERT. Miscellaneous Botanical Works. Vol. 3. With atlas of plates. 1868. BURMEISTER, HERMANN. Orga- nization of Trilobites. 1846. Plate. CARPENTER, W. B. Introduction to the Study of the Forami- niferas. 1862. Plates. CETACEA, Recent Memoirs of the. 1866. Plates. FORBES, EDWARD. Monograph of the British Naked-eyed Medusae. 1848. Coloured plates. GUNTHER, ALBERT C. L. G. Reptiles of British India. 1864. Plates. HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY. The Oceanic Hydrozoa. 1859. M'lNTOSH. W. C. Monograph of the British Annelids. Part i in two parts. 1873-74. Coloured plates. NITZCH. Pterelography. 1867. Plates. PARKER, W. KITCHEN. Mono- graph of the Shoulder-girdle and Sternum in the Vertebrata. 1868. Plates. Publications ; Octavo Series. London, 1845-83. AGASSIZ, Louis. Bibliographia Zoologias et Geologias, enlarged by H. E. Strickland. 1848-54. 4 vols. BAIRD, W. Natural History of British Entomostraca. 1850. BOTANICAL and Physiological Memoirs. 1853. BOWERBANK, J. S. Monograph of the British Spongiadae. 1864-82. 4 vols. BRADY, G. STEWARDSON. Mo- nograph of the Copepoda of the British Islands. 1878-80. 3 vols. BROWN, ROBERT. Miscella- neous Botanical Works. 1866- 67. 2 vols. BUCKTON, GEORGE BOWDLER. Monograph of the British Aphides. 1876-83. 4 vols. CAMERON, PETER. Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. Vol. I. 1882. DARWIN, CHARLES. Monograph on the Cirripedia. 1851-54. 2 parts. DOUGLAS, JOHN WILLIAM, and SCOTT, JOHN. British Hemi- ptera. Vol. I. 1865. 6 NATURAL HISTORY IN GENERAL. RAY SOCIETY. Publications continued. HOFMEISTER, WiLHELM. Ger- RAY, JOHN. Correspondence. mination of the Higher Cryp- 1848. togamia. 1862. Memorials. 1846. LEIGHTON, W. A. British Species ofAngiocarpousLichens. 1851. REPORTS and Papers on Botany . LUBBOCK, SIR JOHN. Monograph 4 of the Collembola and Thysa- nura. 1873. MARTEN, M AXWELLT. Vegetable REPO RTS on Zoology and Botany. Teratology. 1869. MEYER, F. I. F. Geography of _ Plants. 1846. - I843 > I844 l847 ' OKEN, LORENZ. Elements of STEENSTRUP, JOHANN JAPETUS. Physiophilosophy, trans, by Alternation of Generations. Alfred Tuck. 1847. 1845. SAVIGNY, JULES CESAR. M Another copy. B. BROWNE, JAMES. Travels over England, Scotland, and Wales. London, 1700. Small 8vo. BRITTONCOOKE. 99 BUCKLER, J. C. Sixty Views of Endowed Grammar Schools. London, 1827. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. BURKE, J. BERNARD. The Historic Lands of England. London, 1849. Imp. 8vo. Plates. B. BYRNE, WILLIAM. Britannia Depicta. Parts 1-3, Beds. Berks, Bucks, Cambs, Chester. London, 1806-10. Oblong folio. 3 parts. Plates. CAMDEN, WILLIAM. Britannia; enlarged by Richard Gough. London, 1789. Folio. 3 vols. Portrait, maps and plates. Calf. B. CANTERBURY AND YORK, Accurate Description and History of the Metropolitan an<3 Cathedral Churches of. (With Appendix of Monumental Inscriptions.) London, 1755. Folio. Plates. B. Gough (" Brit. Top.," vol. ii., p. 423) calls this an abridgment of Drake's " History of York Minster" and Dart's " Description of Canterbury Cathedral," with the plates of each. CHURCH NOTES. (So lettered.} MS. memoranda relating to various counties. Small 4to. 2 vols. B. COLLECTANEA TOPOGRAPHICA ET GENEALOGICA. London, 1834-43. 8vo. 8 vols. COLLECTIONS AS TO MANORS, ETC. (So lettered.) MS. transcripts and memoranda relating to various counties. Small 4to. B. COOKE, W. B., and COOKE, G. Description of the Views on the Thames engraved by. London, 1822. Royal 8vo. ioo TOPOGRAPHY ; GENERAL. COUNTY MAGAZINE, THE, 1786-88 ; particularly dedicated to the inhabitants of Berks, Dorset, Hants, Somerset, and Wilts. Salisbury, 1786-88. 4to. 3 vols. in I. B. DAYES, EDWARD. Picturesque Tour through Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Second edition, with Notes by E. W. Brayley. London, 1825. Royal 8vo. Engraved title, portrait and plates. B. DESCRIPTION OF ENGLAND AND WALES. London, 1769-70. (Vol. I. is Second edition, 1775.) I2mo. 10 vols. DIBDIN [CHARLES]. Observations on a Tour through England and Scotland. London, 1801. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. DOMESDAY. Translated with Notes by Samuel Henshall and John Wilkinson. Kent, Sussex and Surrey. London, 1799. 4to. B. Dom Boc. A Translation of the Record called Domesday, so far as relates to the Counties of Middlesex, Hertford, Buckingham, Oxford, and Gloucester. By the Rev. William Bawdwen. Doncaster, 1812. 4to. DYER, G. A Restoration of the Ancient Modes of bestow- ing Names on the Rivers, Hills, Vallies, Plains, and Settlements in Britain, recorded in no Author. Exeter, 1805. 8vo. B. ENGLAND DELINEATED. London, 1804. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. in i. Plates. Calf. ENGLAND DESCRIBED. London, 1818. 8vo. COUNTY HILL. 101 ENGLAND ILLUSTRATED. London, 1764. 4to. 2 vols. Maps and engravings. B. ENGLAND, New Display of the Beauties of. London, 1772-74. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. FASHIONABLE GUIDE and Directory to the Public Places of Resort in Great Britain. London, no date. 4to. Plates. FINDEN, WILLIAM, and FINDEN, EDWARD. Views of Ports and Harbours on the English Coast. London, 1838. 4to. * FOSBROOKE, THOMAS DUDLEY. Tourist's Grammar, or Rules relating to Scenery and Antiquities. London, 1826. I2mo. B. HALL, ANNA MARIA. Pilgrimages to English Shrines. London, 1850. Second series. London, 1853. Square 8vo. Together 2 vols. Engravings. B. HALL, SAMUEL CARTER. The Baronial Halls and Pic- turesque Edifices of England. London, 1848. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. B. HARRAL, THOMAS. Picturesque Views of the Severn, from designs by Samuel Ireland. London, 1824. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. (2 copies) B. HILL, ROWLAND. Journal of a Tour through the North of England and Scotland. London, 1799. 8vo. 102 TOPOGRAPHY ; GENERAL. HOWITT, WILLIAM. Visits to Remarkable Places. Second edition. London, 1840. Second series. London, 1842. Together 2 vols. 8vo. JONES. Views of the Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Second series, comprising the Western Counties. London, 1829. 4to. Engraved title and plates. Another copy. B. [KING, RICHARD JOHN.] Handbook to the Cathedrals of England. Eastern Division ; Oxford, Peterborough, Norwich, Ely, Lincoln. London, 1862. Western Divi- sion ; Bristol, Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Lichfield. London, 1864. Together 2 vols. Small 8vo. KNIGHT, CHARLES. The Land we live in. London, no date. 4to. 2 vols. B. LAMBARDE, WILLIAM. Dictionarium Angliae Topographi- cum et Historicum. An alphabetical Description of the chief Places in England and Wales. London, 1730. 4to. Portrait. Calf. LEWIS, SAMUEL. Topographical Dictionary of England. London, printed Andover, 1831. 4to. 4 vols. Maps. B. LYSONS, DANIEL. The Environs of London. (Surrey, Middlesex, Herts, Essex and Kent.) London, 1792-96. 4to. 4 vols. in 8. Plates, and many additional plates inserted. Supplement to the first edition of the Environs of London. London, 1811. 4to. Plates. HOWITTNEALE. 103 LYSONS, DANIEL, and LYSONS, SAMUEL. Magna Bri- tannia. Vol. I. Beds, Berks, Bucks. Vol. II. Part I. Cambs. Vol. II. Part 2. Cheshire. Vol. III. Cornwall. Vol. IV. Cumberland. Vol. V. Derby. Vol. VI. in 2 Parts. Devon. London, 1806-22. 4to. Plates. B. To accompany Vol. IV. there is a Large Paper copy of the " Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Cumberland," with the arms coloured. MALCOLM, J. P. Excursions in Kent, Gloucester, Hereford, Monmouth and Somerset, 1802-5. Second edition. London , 1814. 8vo. Plates. Calf. MOULE, THOMAS. The English Counties delineated. London, 1837. 4to. 2 vols. Maps. B. Great Britain illustrated from Drawings by William Westall. London, 1830. 4to. Plates. Winkles's Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. London, 1836. 4to. 3 vols. Plates. B. NASH, JOSEPH. The Mansions of England in the Olden Time. London, 1839-41. 3 series in 3 vols. Atlas folio. Plates withoiit letterpress. NEALE, J[OHN] P[RESTON]. Views of the Seats of Noble- men and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1822-23. 8vo. 6 vols. Second series. London, 1824-29. 8vo. 5 vols. B. and LE KEUX, JOHN. Views of Churches in Great Britain. London, 1824-25. 8vo. 2 vols. B. 104 TOPOGRAPHY; GENERAL. NOBLE, T., and ROSE, T. The Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln and Rutland. London, no date. 4to. Plates. B. PENNANT, THOMAS. Journey from Chester to London. London, 1811. 8vo. Plates. Russia. B. ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD. Topographical Survey of the Great Road from London to Bath and Bristol. London, 1792. 8vo. 2 parts. Plates. Calf. ROSE, T. Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland, illustrated. London, no date. 4to. Plates. SEALY'S WESTERN MISCELLANY. Nos. 1-8. London, 1845. i2mo. B. SKRINE, HENRY. General Account of all the Rivers of Note in Great Britain. London, 1801. 8vo. Maps. B. STANFIELD, CLARKSON. Coast Scenery, the British Channel. London, 1836. Small 4to. Plates. B. TOLDEROY, WILLIAM. England and Wales described. Vol. I. (all published}. London, 1762. 8vo. Plates. Calf. B. TOPOGRAPHER, THE, for 1789, 1790. London. 8vo. 2 vols. B. TOPOGRAPHICAL MISCELLANIES. Vol. I. London, 1792. 4to. Plates. Contains " Notes " for Sussex, Kent, Hants, Berks, Cambs, Oxford, Stafford and Derby ; also " Collections " for Sussex and Berks. NOBLE YOUNG. 105 TOUR THROUGH GREAT BRITAIN, A. By a Gentleman. Sixth edition. London, 1761-62. I2mo. 4 vols. Calf. TUNNICLIFF, WILLIAM. Topographical Survey of Somer- set, Gloucester, Worcester, Stafford, Chester and Lan- caster. Bath, 1789. 8vo. Maps and coats of arms. B. TURNER, JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM. Picturesque Views on the Southern Coast of England. London, 1826. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. WARNER, RICHARD. A Walk through some of the Western Counties of England. Bath, 1800. Calf. B. WHITE, WALTER. Eastern England, from the Thames to the Humber. London, 1865. Small 8vo. 2 vols. WILLIS, BROWNE. Survey of the Cathedrals of York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Man, Litchfield, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Bristol, Lincoln, Ely, Oxford, Peterborough, Canterbury, Rochester, London, Win- chester, Chichester, Norwich, Salisbury, Wells, Exeter, St. Davids, Landaff, Bangor and St. Asaph. London, 1742. 4to. 3 vols. Plates. Calf. B. WINKLES, B. Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales, by Robert Garland and Thomas Moule. London, 1836-42. Imp. 8vo. 3 vols. Plates. Another copy. B. [YOUNG, ARTHUR.] Six Weeks Tour through the Southern Counties of England and Wales. Second edition. Dublin, 1771. 8vo. Calf. B. p 106 TOPOGRAPHY. BEDFORDSHIRE. ISHER, THOMAS. Monumental Remains and Antiquities in the County of Bedford. [London, 1828.] Folio. 37 coloured plates ; no letterpress. PERCY, J. O. History of Woburn and its Abbey. London [1831]. Small 8vo. Plates. B. SHAW, HENRY. History and Antiquities of the Chapel at Luton Park. London, 1829. Royal folio. Plates. B. WlGRAM, S[PENCER] R[oBERTJ. Chronicles of the Abbey ofElstow. Oxford, 1885. 8vo. Another copy. B. BERKSHIRE. AKEWILL, JAMES. History of Windsor and its Neighbourhood. London, 1813. Imp. 4to. Plates. B. HOFLAND, B[ARBARA]. Descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gardens of White-Knights. London, no date. Folio. Plates. B. NASH, F. Series of Views of the Chapel of St. George, Windsor. London, 1805. Elephant folio. [POTE, JOSEPH ?] History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle, with the Institution of the Order of the Garter. Eton, 1749. 4to. Plates. Calf. BEDS BUCKS. 107 READING. Views of Reading Abbey, with those of the Churches originally connected with it. London, 1805. 4to. Plates. B. ROCQUE, JOHN. Topographical Survey of the County of Berks. London, 1761. Royal folio. Engraved dedica- tion and maps. B. WILLEMENT, THOMAS. Account of the Restorations of the Collegiate Chapel of St. George, Windsor. London, 1844. Small 4to. Plates. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. ANGLEY, THOMAS. The History and An- tiquities of the Hundred of Desborough and Deanery of Wycombe in Buckinghamshire. London, 1797. 4to. Folding map. B. LlPSCOMB, GEORGE. History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham. Vol. I. London, 1831. 4to. Large Paper. B. SEELEY, B. Stowe ; a Description of the House and Gardens. Buckingham, 1777. Small 8vo. Folding plates. STOKER, JAMES. Rural Walks of William Cowper, in Views near Olney. London, 1822. 8vo. Large Paper. Plates. Calf. B. WESTON-UNDERWOOD, Bucks, Cowper illustrated by Views in. London, 1803. 4to. Plates. io8 TOPOGRAPHY. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. LOMEFIELD, FRANCIS. Collectanea Canta- brigiensia. Printed for the Author at his House in St. Giles's Parish in the City of Norwich, 1751. Small 4to. Calf. CAMBRIDGE, History of the University of. London, 1815. Large 4to. 2 vols. Coloured plates. Calf. B. CAMBRIDGESHIRE CHURCHES, Notes on the. London, 1827. 8vo. Plates. B. COTMAN, JOHN SELL. Antiquities of St. Mary's Chapel at Stansbridge, near Cambridge, etc., etc. Yarmouth, 1819. Folio. Plates. MALDEN, HENRY. Account of King's College Chapel, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1769. Small 8vo. Portrait and plate. B. MILLERS, GEORGE. Description of the Cathedral Church of Ely. London, 1808. 8vo. Plates. STORER, J., and STORER, H. S. Illustrations of Cam- bridge. Cambridge, 1834. 8vo. Plates. B. WATERBEACH in the Diocese of Ely, Short Account of ; by a late Vicar. Privately printed, no place, 1795. Small 8vo. Plate. Calf. CAMBS CHESHIRE. 109 CHESHIRE. HESTER, A Walk round the Walls and City of. Chester, no date. History of the Siege of Chester during the Civil Wars. Chester, no date. Together I vol. Small 8vo. CuiTT, G. Old Buildings in the City of Chester. 14 Etchings without letterpress. Small folio. B. [GOWER, FOOTE.] Sketch of the Materials for a new History of Cheshire, in a Letter to Thomas Falconer. Chester and London, 1771. 4tp. Calf. B. Third edition. London, 1792. 4to. Plate of Hugh Lupus's Sword of Dignity. B. ORMEROD, GEORGE. History of the County Palatine and City of Chester. London, 1819. Folio. 3 vols. in 10. Plates. B. [P., I. M. B.] History of the City of Chester. Chester, 1815. 8vo. Plates. PROUT, J. S. Antiquities of Chester. London, no date. Folio. Plates ; no letterpress. B. WILBRAHAM, ROGER. Attempt at a Glossary of Words used in Cheshire. Second edition. London, 1826. I2mo. (From the " Arc/uzologia") B. no TOPOGRAPHY. CORNWALL. (See also under Devon.} |OND, THOMAS. Topographical and Historical Sketches of East and West Looe. London, 1823. 8vo. Plates. BORLASE, WILLIAM. Antiquities of the County of Cornwall. London, 1769. Folio. Map and plates. CAREW, RICHARD. Survey of Cornwall, with Life by Hugh C * * * * London, 1723. Small 4to. Calf. Another edition, with Notes by Thomas Tonkin, now first published by Francis, Lord de Dunstanville. London, 1811. Royal 4to. Portrait. CIVIL WAR. Fairfax, Sir Thomas. Letter from Cornwall relating the whole businesse in the West. With the Articles at large concluded upon by his Excellencies Commissioners and Sir Ralph Hoptons. And an Order of both Houses for a day of Thanksgiving for the same. London, 1645. Small 4to. Title and five leaves. Garroway, Alderman. Speech at a Common- hall on Tuesday 17 January. With a Letter from a Scholler in Oxfordshire on a Book intituled A moderate and most proper reply to a Declaration .... also a Relation of the Victory [of] Sir Ralph Hopton neare Bodmin Jan. 19. 1642. No place, 1643. Small 4to. CORNWALL. in CIVIL WAR. Humble Petition of the Knights, Justices of the Peace, .... of the County of Cornwall, being the true copie of the Agrievances of the Countie delivered April 20, 1642, to the House of Commons. London, 1642. Small 4to. Roundhead Remembrancer, The ; a Relation of the Defeat [of] the Rebels by his Majesties good subjects of Cornwall under Sir Ralph Hopton, Tuesday May 1 6. 1643. No place, 1643. Small 4to. A Second, but more perfect, Relation of the great Victory obtained by Sir Ralph Hopton neare Bodmin in Cornwall, Thursday Jan. 19. 1642. No place, 1642. Small 4to. CONDY, NICHOLAS, and ARUNDELL, F. V. J. Cothele. London, no date, Folio. Plates. GILBERT, C. S. Historical Survey of the County of Corn- wall, [with] a complete Heraldry of the same. Plymouth Dock, 1817-20. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. GILBERT, DAVIES. Parochial History of Cornwall. Lon- don, 1838. 8vo. 4 vols. GUIDE TO THE MOUNT'S BAY AND LAND'S END, by a Physician. New edition. London, 1828. Small 8vo. HALLIWELL, JAMES ORCHARD. Rambles in Western Cornwall. London, 1861. Small 4to. HEATH, ROBERT. Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly. London, 1750. 8vo. Map and the plate of Upnor Castle, Kent. Calf. B. H2 TOPOGRAPHY. HEDGELAND, J. P. Description of the Decorations [in] the Church of St. Neot, Cornwall, [with] Collections respecting St. Neot by Davies Gilbert. London, 1830. Large 4to. Coloured plates. JOHNS, C. A. A Week at the Lizard. London, printed Oxford, no date. 12 mo. B. NORDEN, JOHN. Speculi Britannise Pars, a Topographical and Historical Description of Cornwall. London, 1728. 4to. Plates. Calf. POLWHELE, RICHARD. History of Cornwall. Falmoutk, 1803. 4to. 3 vols. Plates. PRYCE, WILLIAM. Archaeologia Cornu-Britannica, an Essay to preserve the ancient Cornish Language. Sherborne, 1790. 4to. [REDDING, CYRUS.] Illustrated Itinerary of the County of Cornwall. London, 1842. Royal 8vo. ST. NEOT'S. Some Account of the Church and Windows of St. Neot's in Cornwall. London, 1786. 4to. Folding plate. STOCKDALE, FREDERICK WILTON LITCHFIELD. Excur- sions in Cornwall. London, 1824. I2mo. Map and plates. WARNER, RICHARD. Tour through Cornwall. Bath, 1809. 8vo. WHITAKER, JOHN. The Ancient Cathedral of Cornwall. London, 1804. 4to. 2 vols. CORNWALL DERB YSHIRE. CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND. ILLINGS, ROBERT WILLIAM. Illustrations of Carlisle Cathedral. London, 1839. 4to. 3 vols. 15 plates. B. HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM. History of the County of Cum- berland. Carlisle, 1794. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. [JEFFERSON, S.] The History and Antiquities of Carlisle. Carlisle, 1838. 8vo. Plates. LAKES, COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE. With Wordsworth's Description of the Scenery, and five Letters on the Geology by Professor Sedgwick. Kendal, i^^. 8vo. B. NICHOLSON, JOSEPH, and BURN, RICHARD. The History and Antiquities of Westmorland and Cumberland. London, 1777. 4to. 2 vols. Maps. B. DERBYSHIRE. SH BOURN, History and Topography of. Ashbourn, 1839. &vo. Plates. BLORE, THOMAS. History of the Manor and Manor-house of South Winfield, Derbyshire. London, 1793. 4to. Plates. B. FAREY, JOHN. General View of the Agriculture and Minerals of Derbyshire. London, 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. Maps. B. Q ii4 TOPOGRAPHY. SIMPSON, ROBERT. A Collection of Fragments illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Derby. Derby ', 1826. 8vo. 2 vols. Engravings. DEVONSHIRE. LEWITT, OCTAVIA. Panorama of Torquay. Second edition. Torquay, 1832. Small 8vo. BRAY, A. E. Description of the Part of Devonshire bordering on the Tamar and the Tavy. London, 1836. Small 8vo. 3 vols. BRITTON, JOHN, and BRAYLEY, E. W. Devonshire and Cornwall Illustrated. London, 1832. 4to. Plates. CIVIL WAR. A most true Relation of the Victory obtained by the Parliaments forces under the Earle of Stamford in Devon against the Cavaliers [under] Sir Ralph Hopton, Tuesday 25 April 1643. London, 1643. Small 4to. DAVIDSON, JAMES. British and Roman Remains in the Vicinity of Axminster. London, 1833. Small 8vo. Plates. B. History of Axminster Church. Exeter, 1835. Small 8vo. B. DUNSFORD, MARTIN. Historical Memoirs of Tiverton. Second edition. Exeter, 1790. 4to. B. DEVONSHIRE. 115 ELLACOMBE, HENRY THOMAS. Bells of the Church, a Supplement to the Church Bells of Devon. Exeter, 1872. 4to. B. History and Antiquities of the Parish of Clyst St. George, alias Clyst Champernon, in the County of Devon. Exeter, 1865. 4to. Plates. B. EXETER, Essays by a Society of Gentlemen at. London [1796]. 8vo. HEWETT, J. H. History and Description of the Cathedral, Exeter. Exeter, 1848. 8vo. B. IZACKE, RICHARD, and IZACKE, SAMUEL. Remarkable Antiquities of the City of -Exeter. Second edition. London, 1724. Small 8vo. Folding plan and coats of arms. Calf. JONES, WILLIAM. Complete History of all the Religious Houses in Devon and Cornwall. London, 1779. Small 8vo. OLIVER, GEORGE. Historic Collections relating to the Monasteries in Devon. Exeter, 1820. 8vo. B. History of Exeter. Exeter, 1821. 8vo. Another copy. B. [OLIVER, GEORGE, and JONES, J. P.] Ecclesiastical An- tiquities of Devon. Exeter, 1828. Small 8vo. PAGE, JOHN LLOYD WARDEN. An Exploration of Dart- moor. London, 1889. 8vo. B. ii6 TOPOGRAPHY. POLWHELE, RICHARD. The History of Devonshire. Exeter, 1793-1806. Folio. 3 vols. Plates. B. Interleaved for extra plates, of which a few only have been inserted. Vol. I. is dated 1797, and wants the postscript and list of author's publications. Vol. II. is dated 1793, a d has the cancelled pages 247-8, Deanery of Plymtree, and the reprint ; also the cancelled pages 381-2, without the reprint. Vol. III. is dated 1806. PRINCE, JOHN. Danmonii Orientales Illustres, or the Worthies of Devon. Exeter, 1701. Folio. Calf. B. Another edition. London, 1810. 4to. B. RlSDON, TRISTRAM. Chorographical Description or Survey of the County of Devon. London, printed Plymouth Dock, 1811. 8vo. SPREAT, W. Picturesque Sketches of the Churches of Devon. Exeter, 1842. Oblong folio. Plates. VOWELL, JOHN, alias HOKER. The Antique Description and Account of the City of Exeter. Exon, 1765. Small 4to. B. [WATKINS, JOHN.] Essay towards a History of Bideford. Exeter, 1792. 8vo. WILLIAMS, T. H. Picturesque Excursions in Devonshire and Cornwall. Part I. Devonshire. London, 1804. Royal 8vo. Plates. Calf. DE VON SHIRE DORSETSHIRE. 1 17 DORSETSHIRE. OKER [JOHN]. A Survey of Dorsetshire. London, 1732. Small folio. Map and coats of arms. Calf. B. [HALL, PETER.] Ductor Vindogladiensis. Guide to Wimborne-Minster. London, 1830. Small 8vo. B. HUTCHINS, JOHN. History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset. London, 1774. Folio. 2 vols. Map and plates. Calf. History and Antiquities .of Milton Abbas, Dorset. No title. Folio. A revised extract from Hutchins' " Dorset " ; contains a View of Milton Abby, Stone Seats, etc., at Milton Abbas, and a Portrait of George Marsh, etc. History and Antiquities of Sherbourne in the County of Dorset. Augmented and continued by Richard Gough and John Bowyer Nicholls. London, 1815. Folio. Plates : (Plan of Sherbourne wanting) The Abbey House, Sher- bourne; Almshouse, Abbey House, etc., on one sheet ; South West View of the Church; Monks' Stalls, etc., on one sheet ; Abbey Barn and Monuments, on one sheet ; Monuments of Bishops Porre and Wyvil at Salisbury; Sherborne Castle, fold- ing plate ; folding Pedigree of Digby. Also extra plates of Sher- borne Lodge; New Inn, Sherborne; and Mr. Beates House. MILES, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS. Description of the Deverel Barrow. Also a Minute Account of the Kimmeridge Coal Money. London, printed Frome, 1826. Royal 8vo. Plates. ii8 TOPOGRAPHY. ROBERTS, G. History of Lyme Regis. Sherborne, 1823, Small 8vo. B. DURHAM. ILLINGS, ROBERT WILLIAM. Architectural Illustrations of Durham Cathedral. Parts I.-V. London, 1843. 4to. In a portfolio. B. Descriptive Account to accompany the Architec- tural Illustrations of Durham Cathedral. London, printed Durham, 1843. 4to. B. BREWSTER, JOHN. Parochial History and Antiquities of Stockton upon Tees. Stockton, 1796. 4to. Plates. B. [DAVIES, JOHN.] Ancient Rites, and Monuments of the Monastical, & Cathedral Church of Durham. Col- lected out of Ancient Manuscripts, about the time of the Suppression. Published by J. D. of Kidwelly. Tempora mutantur. London, printed for W. Hensman at the King's Head in Westminster-Hall, M.DC.LXXH. (1672.) I2mo. Calf. Another copy. B. HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM. The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham. Newcastle, 1780-94. 4to. 3 vols. Plates. B. RAINE, JAMES. North Durham. Part I. London, 1830. Folio. Plates. B. DURHAM ESSEX. 119 RAINE, JAMES. Saint Cuthbert ; with an Account of the State in which his Remains were found upon the open- ing of his Tomb in Durham Cathedral in the year MDCCCXXVII. Durham, 1828. 4to. Plates. RlTSON, JOHN. Northern Garlands. The Bishopric, Yorkshire and Northumberland Garlands, and the North Country Chorister. London, 1810. Small 8vo. B. SHERBURN HOSPITAL, Collections relating to ; shewing the Foundation thereof by Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, about the year 1181. . . . \Privatelyprintedat George Allan's Darlington press\, 1771. 4to. B. Contains the West View of- Sherburn Hospital and the facsimile of Bishop Pudsey's Charter. ESSEX. ROM WELL, THOMAS. History of Colchester. London, printed Witham and Maiden, 1825. 8vo. 2vols.ini. Large Paper. Plates. Another copy. Large Paper. 2 vols. B. DALE, SAMUEL. History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt, first collected by Silas Taylor, alias Domville. London, 1730. 4to. Plates (plate mii wanting}. Calf. B. FARMER, J. History of the Town and Abbey of Waltham, Essex, to which is added the History of Abbies, abridg'd. London, 1735. 8vo. Plates. Russia. B. Inserted is an extra folding plate of Waltham Cross, by Peter Tilleman of Antwerp, dated 1718. I2O TOPOGRAPHY. GOUGH, RICHARD. The History and Antiquities of Fleshy. London, 1803. 4to. Engravings. B. MORANT, PHILIP. The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. London, 1768. Folio. 2 vols. Plates. B. Vol. I. wants the List of Subscribers, and Vol. II. the Dedication to Lord Maynard. WALLEN, WILLIAM. History and Antiquities of the Round Church at Little Maplestead, Essex. London, 1836. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. bury. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. ATHURST, WILLIAM HILEY. Roman An- tiquities at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire. London, 1879. Imp. 8vo. Plates. BENNETT, JAMES. The History of Tewkes- Tewkesbury, 1830. 8vo. Illustrations. BONNOR, T. Perspective Itinerary. London, 1799. 8vo. (The Nos. relating to Gloucester Cathedral and Goodrich Castle.) BRAYLEY, E[DWARD] W[EDLAKE], and BRITTON, JOHN. Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Gloucester. London, no date. 8vo. Plates. (Part of tJie "Beauties of England and Wales."'} BREWER, J. N. Delineations of Gloucestershire. London, no date. 8vo. Engraved title and plates. B. ESSEX GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 121 BRISTOL AND GLOUCESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Bristol, 1877-94. 8vo. B. Analysis of the Domesday Survey of Gloucester- shire, by Charles S. Taylor. Bristol, 1887-88. 2 parts. B. BRITTON, JOHN. Graphic Illustrations with Historical and Descriptive Accounts of Toddington. London, 1840. 4to. Plates. B. BUCKMAN, , and NEWMARCH, C. H. Illustrations of the Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester. London, printed Cirencester, 1850. 4to. Coloured plates. CATCOTT, GEORGE SYMES. Descriptive Account of a Descent into Penpark Hole in 1775. Bristol, 1792. 8vo. B. Relation of Rev. Thomas Newnam's falling into Pen Park Hole, 17 March, 1775, his description of the place, and the manner how his body was found 25th April following ; also the description and drawings of Mr. William White. Folio. MS. B. CHARTERS. Antiquae Chartae. (So lettered?) Transcripts of Charters, etc., relating to various places in the counties of Gloucester and Somerset. Folio. 2 vols. MS. B. CHELTENHAM, A Tour to ; or Gloucestershire displayed. Bath, 1783. I2mo. B. CIRENCESTER CONTEST, THE ; containing all the Letters .... relative to the Election. Cirencester [1753 ?]. Small 8vo. R 122 TOPOGRAPHY. ClRENCESTER, HISTORY OF. Second edition. Cirencester, 1800. 8vo. Plates. (2 copies?) CIRENCESTER, HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF. Ciren- cester [1842]. I2mo. CIVIL WAR. Eben-Ezer, a Relation of the Proceedings of Colonell Massy, Governour of Gloucester, May 7 to May 25, 1644. London, 1644. Small 4to. Roberts, Daniel. Memoirs of John Roberts. Exon, 1746. 8vo. B. i COUNSEL, G[EORGE] W[ORRALL]. History of the City of Gloucester. Gloucester, printed Bristol, 1829. I2mo. (2 copies?) DOLMAN, JOHN. Contemplations amongst Vincent's Rocks. Second edition. London, 1772. I2mo. Calf. B. DYDE, W. History and Antiquities of Tewkesbury. Second edition. Tewkesbury, 1798. 8vo. Plates. ELLACOMBE, HENRY THOMAS. Church Bells of Gloucester- shire. Exeter, 1881. 4to. B. History of the Parish of Bitton. Exeter, 1881. 4to. Plates. Second Part. Exeter, 1883. 4to. B. FAIRFORD, An Account of the Parish of. London, 1791. 4to. Plates. FOSBROOKE, THOMAS DUDLEY. An Original History of the City of Gloucester. London, 1819. 4to. Plates. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 123 GLOUCESTER, A Collection of Coats of Arms borne by the Nobility and Gentry of the County of. London, 1792. 4to. Plates. General Regulations for the Government of the Gaol for the County of. Gloucester, 1790. 8vo. GLOUCESTER GUIDE, THE. London, 1792. i2mo. GLOUCESTERSHIRE NOTES AND QUERIES. Parts I.-XX. Stroud, 1879-84; and Parts XXIII -XXXVI. Stroud, 1884-87. 8vo. B. GRIFFITH, S. Y. New Historical Description of Chelten- ham and its Vicinity. Cheltenham, 1826. 4to. Plates. HARDING, I. D. ; O'NEILL, H., and ASHMEAD, G. L. Nine Lithographic Views of Blaise Hamlet. Bristol, no date. Atlas folio. LYSONS, SAMUEL. Account of Roman Antiquities dis- covered at Woodchester in the County of Gloucester. London, 1797. Elephant folio. Second title in French. Text in English and French. Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities. (De- scription of 'the plates:) London, 1804. Folio. MOFFATT, J. M. History of the Town of Malmesbury and its Abbey. Tetbury, 1805. 8vo. Plates. (2 copies!) [MOREAU, S.] A Tour to Cheltenham Spa. Bath, 1783. i uno, NlCHOLLS, H. G. The Forest of Dean. London, 1858. Small 8vo. 124 TOPOGRAPHY. POLL at the Election of a Knight of the Shire [Gloucester], May 17, 1776; the Hon. George Berkeley and William Bromley Chester, Esq., Candidates. Glocester, no date, 4to. B. POOLEY, CHARLES. The Old Crosses of Gloucestershire. London, 1868. Royal 8vo. Plates, RATIOCINIUM VERNACULUM, a Reply to Ataxiae Obsta- culum. A pretended Answer to certain Queries dis- persed in some parts of Gloucestershire. London, 1678. I2mo. Calf. B. RUDDER, SAMUEL. A new History of Gloucestershire. Cirencester, 1779. Folio. I vol. bound in 3. Plates. B. Interleaved with extra plates. Wants the postscript to Preface. RUDGE, THOMAS. History of the County of Gloucester. Gloucester, 1803. 8vo. 2 vols. SLYMBRIDGE. Notes on the Church of St. John the Evangelist. Bristol, printed Oxford, 1845. 4to. Plates. (Tract^ STORER, J. ; STORER, H. S., and BREWER, J. N. De- lineations of Gloucestershire. London, no date. 4to. Plates. WASHBOURN, JOHN. Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis. Tracts relating to the County and City of Gloucester during the Civil War. Gloucester, 1825. 4to. Calf. Presentation copy, with letter from the Editor inserted. GLOUCESTERSHIRE HAMPSHIRE. 125 HAMPSHIRE. ALL, CHARLES. Historical Account of Win- chester. Winchester, 1818. Royal 8vo. B. BARBER, T. Picturesque Illustrations of the Isle of Wight. London, no date. 8vo. Plates. BULLAR, JOHN. Historical and Picturesque Guide to the Isle of Wight. Southampton, 1806. Small 8 vo. Calf. B. COOKE, WILLIAM. A New Picture of the Isle of Wight. London, 1808. 4to. Plates. DUTHY, JOHN. Sketches of Hampshire. Winchester [1839]. Imp. 8vo. Plates. ENGLEFIELD, SIR HENRY C. A Walk through South- ampton. Southampton, 1801. 8vo. Plates. B. FERREY, BENJAMIN. The Antiquities of the Priory of Christ-Church, Hants. London, 1834. 4to. Plates. B. GALE, SAMUEL. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Winchester. London, 1715. Small 8vo. 1 8 plates. Calf. B. HILL, JAMES, Trial of, commonly called John the Painter, at the Castle of Winchester, 6th March, 1777, for setting fire to the Rope-House in his Majesty's Dock- Yard at Portsmouth. Winton, no date. The History and Last Dying Speech of John the Painter, executed at Ports- mouth, March 10, 1777. Salisbury, 1777. Together i vol. Small 8vo. B. 126 TOPOGRAPHY. HULLAH, JOHN. Historical Particulars relating to South- ampton. Southampton, 1820. 8vo. B. ISLE OF WIGHT, Exceeding good newes from the ; a Rela- tion of a quantity of ammunition taken from a ship going to the Rebels in Ireland .... With a discoverie of a plot neare Mayden-head .... [and] relation of a prodigious birth neare Fullers Rents, Jan. 30, 1641. London, 1641. Small 4to. [LOGGON, SAMUEL.] History of the Brotherhood or Guild of the Holy Ghost in the Chapel of the Holy Ghost near Basingstoke. Reading, 1742. Small 8vo. Calf. B. MlLNER, JOHN. The History and Antiquities of Win- chester. Winctiester, 1809. Second edition. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. PETERSFIELD. History of Churcher's College, Petersfield. London, 1823. 8vo. B. SOUTHAMPTON. Registre des Baptesmes, Manages et Mortz, et Jeusnes de 1'Eglise Wallonne. Edited by Humphrey Marett Godfray. Lymington, 1890. 4to. ( Huguenot Society of L ondon). B. WINCHESTER, PICTURESQUE MEMORIALS OF. Winchester, 1830. 4to. Plates. WISE, JOHN R. The New Forest. London, 1863. 4to. Illustrations. [WORSLEY, RICHARD.] The History of the Isle of Wight. London, 1781. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. HAMPSHIRE HER TFORDSHIRE. 127 HEREFORDSHIRE. RITTON, JOHN. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Hereford. London, printed Chiswick, 1831. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. DUNCOMB, JOHN. Collections towards the History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford. Hereford, 1804. 4to. B. Vol. I. only, and that slightly imperfect, wanting the Index and Corrections. GIBSON, MATTHEW. View of the ancient and present State of the Churches of Door, Home-Lacy and Hempsted. London, 1727. 4to. Folding plate. B. MEREWETHER, JOHN. Statement of the Condition of the Cathedral, Hereford. Hereford, 1842. 8vo. Plates. B. PRICE, JOHN. Historical and Topographical Account of Leominster. Ludlow, 1795. 8vo. Plates. HER TFORDSHIRE. SPEDEN CHURCH, A Survey of the Present State of; June, 1793. London, 1796. Small 4to. Plates. CHAUNCEY, SIR HENRY. Historical Antiqui- ties of Hertfordshire. Bishops Stortford, 1826. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. 128 TOPOGRAPHY. HODSON, GEORGE H., and FORD, EDWARD. History of Enfield. Enfield, privately printed, 1873. 8vo. Large Paper. Plates. NEWCOME, PETER. History of the Abbey of St. Alban. London, 1795. 4to. Plates. B. ROBINSON, P. F. Vitruvius Britannicus. History of Hatfield House. London, 1833. Elephant folio. Plates. ROBINSON, W. History and Antiquities of Enfield. London, 1823. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. SALMON, NATHANIEL. History of Hertfordshire. London, 1728. Folio. Calf. B. TURNOR, LEWIS. History of Hertford. Hertford, 1830. 8vo. Plates. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. OX, ROBERT. History of Godmanchester. London, 1831. Royal 8vo. KENT. MSINCK, PAUL. Tunbridge Wells and its Neighbourhood. London, 1810. 4to. Plates. B. BATTELY, JOHN. Opera Posthuma ; Antiqui- tates Rutupinae et Antiquitates S. Edmundi Burgi. Oxonice, 1745. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. HER TFORDSHIREKENT. 1 29 BATTELY, JOHN. Antiquities of Richborough and Reculver, abridged from the Latin. London, 1774. Small 8vo. Calf. B. BAVERSTOCK, J[AMES] H[INTON]. Some Account of Maidstone in Kent .... to which are added Genea- logical Tables of the Bosville Family. London, 1832. Imp. 8vo. Engraving of Maidstone Market-place and the Bosville Arms. BOYS, WILLIAM. Collections for an History of Sandwich in Kent, with Notices of other Cinque Ports and Members, and of Richborough. Canterbury, 1802. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. Russia. B. Contains the four additional pages headed " Collections for a History of Sandwich." BRAYLEY, E[DWARD] W[EDLAKE]. Delineations of the Isle of Thanet and the Cinque Ports. London, 1817. 1 2 mo. 2 vols. Engravings. Calf. B. BRITTON, JOHN. Descriptive Sketches of Tunbridge Wells and the Calverley Estate. London, 1832. Small 8vo. Plates. B. BUCKLER, JOHN CHESSELL. Historical and Descriptive Account of the Royal Palace at Eltham. London, 1828. 8vo. CANTERBURY. Registers of the Wallon or Strangers' Church. Edited by Robert Hovenden. Lymington, 1891-94. 4to. 2 parts. (Huguenot Society of London^} B. [COZENS, ZECHARIAH.] A Tour through the Isle of Thanet, and some other parts of East Kent. London, 1793- 4to. Plates. Calf. B. S 130 TOPOGRAPHY. DARELL, WILLIAM. History of Dover Castle. London, 1786. Folio. Plates. B. DART, JOHN. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury. London, 1726. Folio. Plates. Calf. [DENNE, SAMUEL.] History and Antiquities of Rochester. Second edition [ed. by W. Wildash]. Rochester, 1817. 8vo. Engravings. B. GOSTLING, WILLIAM. A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury. Second edition. Canterbury, 1777. 8vo. Calf. B. Another edition. Canterbury, 1825. 8vo. Plates. B. HASTED, EDWARD. The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent. Canterbury, 1778-99. Folio. 4 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. B. HENSHALL, SAMUEL. Specimens and Parts ; containing a History of the County of Kent, and a Dissertation on the Laws from the Reign of Edward the Confessour to Edward the First. London, 1798. 4to. 2 vols. in I. B. [LEWIS, JOHN.] History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Church of Favresham in Kent, of the Priory of Davington, Maison-Dieu of Ospringe, and Parish of Bocton subtus le Blayne. No place, 1727. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. KENT. 131 LEWIS, JOHN. History and Antiquities, Ecclesiastical and Civil, of the Isle of Tenet in Kent. London, 1723. Small 4to. Plates. Calf. B. Second edition. London, 1736. 4to. Portrait and plates. B. LYON, JOHN. History of the Town and Port of Dover, and of Dover Castle, with a short Account of the Cinque Ports. Dover, 1813. 4*0. 2 vols. Plates. B. The author of this work is buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas-at-Wade, Thanet ; where, on a stone slab covering a brick vault, is the following inscription : " Sacred / to the Memory of the / Rev d . John Lyon, B.A., F.L.S., &c. / nearly forty-five years minister of / St. Mary the Virgin Dover / He commenced his pil- grimage through / the world / in search of a better / September ist, 1734 / and closed it without reproach / June soth, 1817 / Reader / If distinguished by virtues or acquirements / Go thou and learn / to imitate his humility." For a short biography, see the "Thanet Magazine" for July, 1817 (where the date of his death is given as July 7). PARSONS, PHILIP. The Monuments and Painted Glass of upwards of one hundred Churches in Kent. Canterbury, 1794. 4to. Calf. B. PICTURESQUE BEAUTIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. KENT. London, no date. 4to. Plates. POCOCK, R. History of Gravesend and Milton. Gravesend, 1797. Small 4to. B. ROCHESTER, History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of. London, 1723. Small 8vo. Calf. B. 132 TOPOGRAPHY. SOMNER, WILLIAM. A Treatise of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, to which is prefixt the Life of Mr. Somner. Oxford, 1693. Small 8vo. Portrait and folding map, Russia. B. Separate pagination to the Life. S FRANCE, J. The Tunbridge Wells Guide. Tunbridge Wells, 1786. Small 8vo. Calf. B. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN (Dean of Westminster"). Historical Memorials of Canterbury. Second edition. London, 1855. 8vo. Calf. B. STOCKDALE, FREDERICK WILTON LITCHFIELD. Etchings from original drawings of Antiquities in the County of Kent. London, 1810. Small folio. WOOLNOTH, WILLIAM. Graphical Illustration of the Metropolitan Cathedral Church of Canterbury. London, 1816. 4to. Plates. Another copy. B. LANCASHIRE. IKIN, J[OHN]. A Description of the Country from thirty to forty miles round Manchester. London, 1795. Royal 4to. Maps and plates. B. BOBBIN, TIM. Lancashire Dialect and Poems. London, 1828. Small 8vo. Plates by G. Cruikshank. KENT LANCASHIRE. 133 BOBBIN, TIM. Miscellaneous Works, containing his View of the Lancashire Dialect. Manchester, 1775. I2mo. Portrait. Calf. B. [CLARK, C.j Historical and Descriptive Account of the Town of Lancaster. Lancaster, 1811. 8vo. Plates. [CORRY, J. ?] The History of Liverpool. Liverpool, printed Manchester, 1810. 4to. B. Imperfect ; wants the two maps and two of the 71 plates. [HlBBERT, S.] History of the Foundations in Manchester of Christ's College, Chetham's Hospital, and the Free Grammar School. Manchester, printed Edinburgh, 1 8 30-3 3- 4to. Plates. LANCASHIRE ILLUSTRATED. London, 1831. 4to. Plates. B. PRESTON. The History of Preston in Lancashire, together with the Guild Merchant and some Account of the Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster. London, 1822. 4to. Plates. B. [REDDING, CYRUS.] An Illustrated Itinerary of the County of Lancaster. London, 1842. Royal 8vo. B. The description of the Hundreds of Salford and Blackburn are by J. R. Beard, and that of Manchester and the cotton trade by W. C. Taylor. Part of an intended series entitled, " England in the Nineteenth Century." ROBY, J. Traditions of Lancashire. London, 1829. 8vo. 2 vols. Second series. London, 1831. 8vo. 2 vols. 134 TOPOGRAPHY. SIMPSON, ROBERT. History and Antiquities of Lancaster. Lancaster, 1852. 8vo. (2 copies?) STOCKDALE, JAMES. Annales Caermoelenses, or Annals of Cartmel. Ulverston, 1872. 8vo. TULKET, MARMADUKE. Topographical, Statistical, and Historical Account of Preston. Preston, \%2\. I2mo. B. [WEST, THOMAS.] The Antiquities of Furness, or an Account of the Royal Abbey of St. Mary. London, 1774. 4to. Folding map and plates. Calf. B. WHITAKER, JOHN. The History of Manchester. London, 1771-75. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. WHITAKER, THOMAS DUNHAM. The History of the Original Parish of Whalley and Honor of Clitheroe, to which is subjoined an Account of the Parish of Cartmell. Third edition. London, 1818. 4to. Large Paper. Portrait and plates. B. WRIGHT, G. N. Lancashire, its History, Legends and Manufactures. London, no date. 4to. Plates. LEICESTERSHIRE. URTON, WILLIAM. The Description of Lei- cestershire. Second edition. Lynn, 1777- Small folio. Coats of arms. B. CURTIS, J. Topographical History of the County of Leicester. Ashby de la Zouch, 1831. Royal 8vo. Map. LANCASHIRE LINCOLNSHIRE. 135 EVANS, ARTHUR B. Leicestershire Words, Phrases and Proverbs. London, printed Leicester, 1848. I2mo. FLOWER, JOHN. Views of Ancient Buildings in the Town and County of Leicester. Leicester, 1827. Folio. B. HUTTON, W. The Battle of Bosworth Field. Second edition, with additions by J. Nichols. London, 1813. 8vo. Plates. B. NICHOLS, JOHN. History and Antiquities of Hinckley in the County of Leicester. Second edition. London, 1813. Folio. Plates. Only 50 copies printed. LINCOLNSHIRE. UTCHER, RICHARD. Survey and Antiquity of Stamford. Calf. B. [BUTCHER, RICHARD.] Survey and Antiquity of Stamford in the County of Lincoln, and [Bedwell, Wilhelm.] Tottenham High-Cross in Middle- sex, with [Pilkington, Gilbert.] The Turnament of Tottenham. London, 1717. Small 8vo. Calf. Separate title to each work. [GOUGH, RICHARD.] The History and Antiquities of Croyland Abbey. London, 1783. 4to. Folding plate. (2 copies.} B. No. XI. of the " Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica." A Second Appendix to the History of Croyland, with the plates of the History of St. Guthlac. London, 1815. 4to. B. 136 TOPOGRAPHY. ILLINGWORTH, CAYLEY. Topographical Account of the Parish of Scampton, with Anecdotes of the Family of Bolle. London, 1810. 4to. Engraved title and plates. B. [JEWETT, ?] History of Lincoln. Lincoln, 1810. I2mo. B. LINCOLN, History of the County of. London, 1834. 4 to - 2 vols. Plates. B. An Historical Account of the Antiquities in the Cathedral Church of St. Mary, abridged from William of Malmesbury, etc. Lincoln [1771]- 8vo. B. LYSONS, SAMUEL. Figures of Mosaic Pavements dis- covered at Harkstow in Lincolnshire. London, 1801. Elephant folio. Coloured plates. OLIVER, GEORGE. History and Antiquities of the Con- ventual Church of St. James, Great Grimsby. Grimsby, 1829. 8vo. B. Monumental Antiquities of Great Grimsby. Hull, 1825. 8vo. B. PECK, FRANCIS. Academia tertia Anglicana, or the Antiquarian Annals of Stanford in Lincoln, Rutland, and Northampton Shires. London, 1727. Folio. Russia. B. A perfect copy, with all the plates and Butcher's " Survey." SLEAFORD. Sketches illustrative of the Topography and History of New and Old Sleaford in the County of Lincoln, and of several places in the neighbourhood. Sleaford, 1825. Imp. 8vo. Plates. B. LINCOLNSHIRE L ON DON. 1 37 STARK, ADAM. History and Antiquities of Gainsburgh, with an Account of Stow. London, 1817. 8vo. B. WILD, CHARLES. An Illustration of the Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. London, 1819. Royal 4to. Plates. B. MIDDLESEX. ICKHAM, GEORGE. Deliciae Britannicae, or Curiosities of Hampton Court and Windsor Castle. London, 1742. I2mo. Calf. B. LYSONS, DANIEL. An Historical Account of those Parishes in the County of Middlesex which are not described in the Environs of London. London, 1 800. 4to. Plates. OLDFIELD, H. G., and DYSON, R. R. History and Anti- quities of Tottenham High-Cross, Middlesex. London, 1790. 1 2 mo. Calf. A British Museum duplicate. Second edition. London, 1792. I2mo. Calf. B. LONDON. DDISON, C. G. The Temple Church. London, 1843. Small Svo. Plates. ALLEN, THOMAS. History and Antiquities of the Parish of Lambeth and the Archiepis- copal Palace. London, 1827. Svo. Plates. Calf. B. T 138 TOPOGRAPHY. ARCHER, JOHN WYKEHAM. Vestiges of Old London. Part I. London [1850]. Imp. 4to. Plates ; proofs on India paper. B. ARCHITECTURA ECCLESIASTICA LONDINI. Parts i, 2. London, 1814. Folio. Plates. B. ARNOLD, RICHARD. The Customs of London, otherwise called Arnold's Chronicle ; containing, among divers other matters, the original of the celebrated poem of the Nut-Brown Maid. Reprinted from the first edition, with the additions included in the second. London, 1811. 4to. B. BARTHOLOMEW FAIRE or Variety of fancies, where you may find a faire of Wares, and all to please your mind. With the severall Enormityes, and misdemeanours, which are there scene and acted. London printed for Richard Harper at the Bible and Harpe in Smithfield, 1641. 4to. 4 leaves. Woodcut on title. BAYLEY, JOHN. History and Antiquities of the Tower of London. London, 1821. 4to. 2 parts. Plates. BEARCROFT, PHILIP. Historical Account of Thomas Sutton and his Foundation in Charter-House. London, 1737. Svo. Plates. Calf. BILLINGS, ROBERT WILLIAM. Architectural Illustrations and Account of the Temple Church, London. London, 1838. 4to. B. BLACKBURN, EDWARD L. Architectural and Historical Account of Crosby Place, London. London, 1834. Svo. LONDON. 139 BLANCHARD, LAMAN. The Cemetery at Kensal Green, with a Memoir of the Duke of Sussex. London, no date. 8vo. B. BRAYLEY, EDWARD WEDLAKE. Londiniana. London, 1829. Small 8 vo. 4 vols. Plates. B. and BRITTON, JOHN. History of the ancient Palace and both Houses of Parliament at Westminster. London, 1836. 8vo. Plates. and NEALE, JOHN PRESTON. History and Anti- quities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster. London, 1818-23. 4to. 2 vols. Large Paper. Plates. BRITTON, JOHN. Union of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting, a Description of the House of John Soane, Lincoln's Inn Fields. London, 1827. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. and BRAYLEY, E[DWARD] W[EDLAKE]. Memoirs of the Tower of London. London, 1830. Small 8 vo. B. and PUGIN, AUGUSTUS. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London. London, 1825-28. 8vo. 2 vols. BURRINGTON, GEORGE (Governor of North Carolina\ Answer to Dr. William Brakenridge's Letter concerning the number of inhabitants within the London Bills of Mortality. London, 1757. 8vo. B. BURT, ISABELLA. Historical Notices of Chelsea, Kensing- ton, Fulham, and Hammersmith. Kensington, 1871. Royal 8vo. B. HO TOPOGRAPHY. BURTON, ROBERT. New View and Observations on the ancient and present State of London and Westminster. London, 1730. 12 mo. Engravings. Calf. B. BUSH, ROBERT WHELER. Canonbury Tower. [London] 1867. I2mo. C., J. Antiquities of St. Peter's Abbey, Westminster. London, 1711. Small 8 vo. Calf. B. CARLOS, E. I. Historical and Antiquarian Notices of Crosby Hall, London. London, 1832. I2mo. CHAMBERLAIN, HENRY. A New and Compleat History and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of South wark and Parts Adjacent. By a Society of Gentlemen, revised by Henry Chamberlain. London [1769]. Folio. Plates. CHRONICLE OF LONDON from 1089 to 1483, to which are added Contemporary Illustrations. London, 1827. 4to. B. GRACE, J. G. A Sketch of Old London before the Great Fire of 1666. London, privately printed ; no date. 8vo. CRITICAL REVIEW of the publick Buildings, Statues and Ornaments in and about London and Westminster. London^ 1734. Small 8vo. Calf. B. CROMWELL, THOMAS. History of the Parish of Clerken- well. London [1828]. 12 mo. Plates. DART, JOHN. Westmonasterium, or the History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, West- minster. London, no date. Folio. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. LONDON. 141 DOWNE-FALL OF DAGON, THE, or the taking downe of Cheap-side Crosse this second of May, 1643. wherein is contained these principalls following, viz. First, Cheap- side Crosse sick at the heart. Secondly, his Death and Funerall. Thirdly, his Will, Legacies, Inventory and Epitaph. Fourthly, the Reason why it was taken downe, and the authority for it. Fiftly, the benefit and profit that is made of the materialls of it, and the severall summes of money which is offered for it, likewise the satisfaction it will give to thousands of people. Sixtly, notes worthy of the Readers observation, that the Crosse should just happen to bee taken downe on that day which Crosses were first invented and set up. Small 4to. No place or date. B. 4 leaves. Woodcut on title. DUGDALE, SIR WILLIAM. The History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. London, 1658. Folio. Portrait and plates. Calf, B. Title and epistle dedicatory to Christopher, Lord Hatton, 3 leaves ; the history, pp. 1-136 (p. 40 blank, p. 50 blank, p. 58 blank), p. 59 title, A View of the Monuments .... London, 1658, pp. 157-160, 171-174 (174 printed 192), title, Appendix . . . Londini, 1658, pp. 177-8, 181-299 (293-97 printed 263-67), p. 300 blank ; Index, etc., 3 leaves. Imperfect, wants many of the plates. ELLIS, HENRY. History and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch and Liberty of Norton Folgate. London, 1798. 4to. Plates. B. FOSTER, BENJAMIN. History of ye Priory and Gate of St. John. London, 1851. Small 4to. B. GODWIN, GEORGE, and BRITTON, JOHN. The Churches of London. London, 1838. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. 142 TOPOGRAPHY. GWILT, JOSEPH. Historical Account of the Cathedral Church of St Paul, London. No place, privately printed, 1823. Imp. 8vo. Plates. HARE, AUGUSTUS J. C. Walks in London. London, 1878. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. HENSHALL, . Illustrated Topography of twenty-five miles around London. London, no date. Small 4*0. Plates. HERBERT, WILLIAM. History of the twelve great Livery Companies of London. London, 1834. 8vo. B. Another edition. London, 1836-37. 8vo. 2 vols. in i. HERNE, SAMUEL. Domus Carthusiana, an Account of the Charter-House in London. London, 1677. Small 8vo. Plates. Calf. HUGHSON, DAVID. Walks through London. London, 1817. I2mo. Plates. Calf. KEMPE, ALFRED JOHN. Historical Notices of the Colle- giate Church of St. Martin-le-Grand, London. London, 1825. 8vo. Plates. KNIGHT, CHARLES. London. \London\ 1841-44. Imp. 8vo. 6 vols. Illustrations. Another copy. B. LAMBERT, B. History and Survey of London and its Environs. London, 1806. 8vo. _4 vols. Portraits. Calf. LONDON. 143 LIECHTENSTEIN, PRINCESS MARIE. Holland House. London, 1874. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. LONDINA ILLUSTRATA. London, 1819. Folio. Plates. B. LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS. London, Dodsley, 1761. 8vo. 6 vols. Plates. Calf. LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS, SELECT VIEWS OF. London, 1805. 4*o. 2 vols. Plates, and a duplicate set on India paper. Russia. B. LONDON IN THE OLDEN TIME. London, 1825. Small 8vo. 2 vols. LONDON, MODERN. London,' 1805. 4*o. Plates. LONDON MUSEUM, Brydges Street, Covent Garden, General Catalogue of the. London, 1807. 8vo. LOYAL VOLUNTEERS of London and Environs, Infantry and Cavalry in their respective Uniforms. [London, 1798.] Large 4to. Coloured title and plates by T. Rowlandson. B. MACKENZIE, CHARLES. Crosby Place. London, 1842. 8vo. B. MAITLAND, WILLL\M. The History and Survey of London. London, 1756. Folio. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. MALCOLM, JAMES PELLER. Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London from the Roman Invasion to 1700. Second edition. London, 1811. 8vo. 3 vols. Plates. 144 TOPOGRAPHY. MALCOLM, JAMES PELLER. Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth century. Second edition. London, 1810. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. MURRAY, JOHN FISHER. Environs of London. Western Division. London, 1842. 8vo. r,. NELSON, JOHN. The History, Topography and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington. London, 1811. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER. Account of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of St. Katharine, near the Tower of London. London, 1824. 4to. Plates. B. NoORTHOUCK, JOHN. A New History of London, includ- ing Westminster and South wark. London, 1773. 4to Plates. PAPWORTH, JOHN B. Select Views of London. London, 1816. Small 4to. Coloured plates. Calf. PARK, JOHN JAMES. The Topography and Natural His- tory of Hampstead. With appendix, additions and corrections. London, 1818. 8vo. B. PEACHAM, HENRY. Dialogue between the Crosse in Cheap and Charing Crosse, comforting each other, as fearing their fall in these uncertain times. By Ryhen Pameach. No place, 1641. Small 4to. B. Woodcut on title. Four leaves including title. PENNANT, THOMAS. Some Account of London. Fifth edition. London, 1813. 8vo. Plates. Russia. B. Third edition. Dublin, 1791. 8vo. Calf. LONDON. 145 POST OFFICE. Illustrations of the Site and Neighbourhood of the New Post Office, St. Martin's-le-Grand. London, 1830. 8vo. B. ROCQUE, JOHN. Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark, and Country near ten miles round. London, 1746. Atlas folio. Eight folding maps. SHEPHERD, THOMAS H. London and its Environs in the Nineteenth Century. London, 1829. 4to. Plates. SMITH, JOHN THOMAS. Ancient Topography of London. London, 1815. Imp. 4to. 'Plates. B. Engraved title dated 1810. Antiquities of London and its Environs. London, 1791. Folio, ^plates; no letterpress. Antiquities of Westminster ; the Old Palace, St. Stephen's Chapel, etc. London, 1807. Imp. 4to. Plates. Russia. B. Plates to the Antiquities of Westminster, with the Supplement. London, 1804. I m P- folio. B. The Cries of London. London, 1839. 4to. Plates. SOUTHWARK. Proceedings of the Meeting for the Pre- servation of the Lady Chapel at St. Saviour's, South- wark, Jan. 28, 1832. London, 1832. 8vo. B. U i 4 6 TOPOGRAPHY. SPRAT, THOMAS. History of the Royal Society of London. London, 1667. Small 4*0. Calf. B. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN, Dean of Westminster. Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. London, 1868. 8vo. Another copy. B. STOW, JOHN. The Survay of London. London, 1618. Small 4to. Black Letter. Calf. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. . . . Corrected ... by John Strype. London, 1720. Folio. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. B. The History and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark and Parts Adjacent. The Whole being an Improvement of Mr. Stow's, by a Gentleman of the Inner Temple. London, 1753. Folio. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. STOW, W[ILLIAM]. Remarks on London, being an Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. London, 1722. I2mo. Calf. B. THAMES TUNNEL, Origin and Progress of the. Second edition. London, 1827. 8vo. 2 folding plates. B. Inserted is an excerpt from the " Monthly Magazine " of May i, 1824, with two plates. Sketches and Memoranda of the Works for the Tunnel under the Thames. London, 1827. Oblong 24mo. Engravings. B. LONDON. 147 [THOMSON, RICHARD.] Chronicles of London Bridge, by an Antiquary. London, 1827. Small 8vo. Illustrations. Calf. Another copy. Calf. B. Tales of an Antiquary, chiefly illustrative of the Manners, Traditions, and remarkable Localities of Ancient London. London, 1828. Small 8vo. 3 vols. B. TOWER OF LONDON, Historical Description of. London, 1767. 1 2 mo. TRADE, The Antiquity, Honor and Dignity of; particu- larly as connected with the City of London. Written by a Peer of England. Westminster, 1813. 8vo. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster. (Acker manri sedition.} London, 1812. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. WESTMINSTER ELECTION, History of the. To which is prefixed a summary Account of the Proceedings of the late Parliament. Second edition. London, 1785. 4to. Plates by Rowlandson. B. WIGHT, J. Mornings at Bow Street. London, 1824. Small 8vo. Illustrations by Cruikshank. WILSON, THOMAS. The Pyramid. A General Metropolitan Cemetery to be erected in the vicinity of Primrose Hill. [London} 1830. Large folio. Plates. 148 TOPOGRAPHY. NORFOLK. EDES WALPOLIAN^:. Description of the Pic- tures at Houghton Hall in Norfolk. Second edition. London, 1752. 4to. Plates. BLOMEFIELD, FRANCIS. Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk. London, 1805-10. 8vo. II vols. B. BROWNE, SIR THOMAS. Repertorium, or some Account of the Tombs and Monuments in the Cathedral Church of Norwich. London, 1712. Folding plates. Letters between Mr. Dugdale and Dr. Browne, Anno 1638. (No titled) Letter to a Friend. (No title.} Life of Sir Thomas Browne. No place or date. Miscellanies (Account of Ireland and Concerning Urnes found in Brampton-field). No place, 1712. Plate. Antiquitates Capellae D. Johannis Evangelistae, hodie Scholae Regiae Norwicensis. Londini, 1712. Folding plate. Small 8vo. Calf. COTMAN, JOHN SELL. Engravings of the most remarkable of the Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk. London, printed Yarmouth, 1819. Folio. Plates. DAWSON, J. Stranger's Guide to Holkham, Norfolk. Burnham, 1817. Small 8vo. B. MARTIN, THOMAS. The History of the Town of Thetford. London, 1779. 4to. Illustrations. B. MOENS, WILLIAM JOHN CHARLES. The Walloons and their Church at Norwich, their History and Registers, 1565-1832. Lymington, 1887-88. 4to. 2 parts. (Hu- giienot Society of London^} B. NORFOLK NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. 149 NORWICH, Topographical and Historical Account of. Nor- wich, 1819. 1 2 mo. Map. B. PARKIN, CHARLES. History and Antiquities of Norwich. Lynn, 1783. 8vo. Folding view of Norwich. B. Topography of Freebridge Hundred and Half in Norfolk. Lynn, 1762. Folio. B. TAYLOR, RICHARD. Index Monasticus, or the Abbeys and other Monasteries, alien Priories . . . formerly estab- lished in the Diocese of Norwich and ancient Kingdom of East Anglia. London, i%2i. Folio. View and plan of Norwich, maps of Norfolk and Suffolk, and coats of arms. WILKINSON, JOSEPH. Architectural Remains of Thetford in the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. London, 1822. Folio. Plates. NOR THAMPTONSHIRE. AKER, ANNE ELIZABETH. Glossary of North- amptonshire Words and Phrases. London, 1854. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. BONNEY, H. K. Historic Notices of Fother- inghay. Oundle, 1821. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. BURGHLEY HOUSE, the Seat of the Earl of Exeter, A History or Description of. Shrewsbury, 1797. 8vo. COLE, JOHN. History and Antiquities of Ecton. Scar- borough, 1825. 8vo. B. ISO TOPOGRAPHY. COLE, JOHN. History and Antiquities of Weston Favell. Scarborough, 1827. 8vo. (Only 50 copies printed?) B. HARTSHORNE, CHARLES HENRY. Sepulchral Remains in Northamptonshire. Cambridge, 1840. 8vo. Plates. B. WHALLEY, PETER. The History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, from the MS. Collections of John Bridges. Oxford, 1791. Folio. 2 vols. in I. Plates. Russia. B. Pp. 1-269 f Vol. II. are bound at end of Vol. I. Contains one plate only of Ecton Church. Extra maps inserted. NOR THUMBERLAND. EWICK, THOMAS. A Collection of Right Merrie Garlands for North Country Anglers. Newcastle, 1842. The Angler's Progress. Newcastle, 1820. The Tyne Fisher's Fare- well. Newcastle, 1824. The Fisher's Garland for 1821-26. Newcastle. The Fisher's Call. New- castle, 1827. The Fisher's Garland, 1828-42. Newcastle. Small 8vo. B. BRAND, JOHN. History and Antiquities of Newcastle upon Tyne. London, 1789. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. HUTCHINSON, W. View of Northumberland. Newcastle, 1778. 4to. 2 vols. Calf. Very imperfect. SOPWITH, T. Historical and descriptive Account of All Saints' Church, Newcastle - upon - Tyne. Newcastle, 1826. 8vo. Plates. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE OXFORDSHIRE. 151 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. EERING, CHARLES. Nottinghamia Vetus et Nova, or an Historical Account of Notting- ham. Nottingham, 1751. 4to. Calf. B. Folding plate of View of the Castle ; East Prospect of Nottingham ; South do. ; Plan of Nottingham ; East Prospect of the Castle ; Plan of the Castle ; Stocking-frame. HOLLAND, JOHN. History of Worksop. Sheffield, 1826. 4to. B. PlERCY, JOHN. History of Retford. Retford, 1828. Small 4to. B. RASTALL, W. DICKINSON. History of the Antiquities of Southwell. London, 1787. 4to. Plates. B. THOROTON, ROBERT. The Antiquities of Nottingham- shire. (With Additions by John Throsby.) Second edition. London, printed Nottingham, 1790. 4to. 3 vols. Portrait and plates. Calf. B. OXFORDSHIRE. UNKIN, JOHN. History and Antiquities of the Hundreds of Bullington and Ploughley. London, 1823. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. B. HANDBOOK TO OXFORD. Oxford, 1875. 8vo. Plates. B. HARRISON, JAMES PARK. Views and Details of St. Giles' Church, Oxford. Oxford, 1842. Folio. Plates. B. 152 TOPOGRAPHY. INGRAM, JAMES. Memorials of Oxford. Oxford, 1837. 4to. 3 vols. Large Paper. Plates. B. LASCELLES, ROWLEY. The University and City of Oxford in Views by J. and H. S. Storer. London, 1821. 8vo. Plates. Calf. B. LLOYD, EDWARD. Apud Oxonienses Cimeliarchae Ash- moleani Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia. Editio altera. Oxonii, 1760. 8vo. Plates. Calf. (2 copies.) LYTE, HENRY C. MAXWELL. History of the University of Oxford to 1530. London, 1886. 8vo. B. O'NEILL, HUGH. Six Etchings by W. Crotch from Sketches by H. O'N. of the Ruins of the late Fire at Christ Church, Oxford. Oxford, 1809. Folio. OXFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Oxford, 1885-93. 8vo. 25 vols. SKELTON, JOSEPH. Engraved Illustrations of the principal Antiquities of Oxfordshire. Oxford, 1843. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. B. Contains the cancelled leaf relative to Wootton Hundred, with engraving on India paper of Chimney at Woodstock Manor House. Oxonia Antiqua Restaurata. Oxford, 1823. 4to. 2 vols. Large Paper. Plates. B. Pietas Oxoniensis, or Records of Oxford Founders. Oxford and London, 1828. Imp. 4to. Plates. B. SMITH, WILLIAM. Annals of University College. New- castle upon Tyne, 1728. Small 8vo. Calf. OXFORDSHIRE. 153 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Calendar, 1835-40. Oxford. Small 8vo. 6 vols. B. Catalogue of Graduates, 1659-1770. Oxford, 1772. With Supplement to 1782. 8vo. Calf. Another copy without the Supplement. B. Catalogue of all Graduates in Divinity, Law, and Medicine, and of all Masters of Arts and Doctors of Music, between Oct. 10, 1659, and Oct. 10, 1800. To which are added the Chancellors . . . 1659 to 1800, the Burgesses for the University, 1603 to 1800, and the Matriculations and Regents, 1701 to 1800. Oxford, 1 80 1. Catalogue of all Graduates . . . between Oct. 10, 1800, and Oct. 10, 1810. Oxford, 181 1. Together I vol. 8vo. Calf. B. English Prize Essays. Oxford, 1830. Small 8vo. 4 vols. B. English Prize Poems. Oxford, 1828. I2mo. History of the University of Oxford. London, 1814. Large 4to. 2 vols. Coloured plates. Calf. B. Poll for a Member of Parliament, February 1829, Authentic copy of the. Candidates ; Sir Robert Peel, Sir Robert Henry Inglis. Oxford, 1829. 8vo. Terrae-filius, or the Secret History of the University of Oxford [by Nicholas Amhurst]. Second edition. London, 1726. I2mo. 2 vols. B. x 154 TOPOGRAPHY. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. University College. Letter from a Member of Convocation containing the Case of a late Fellow-elect of University College. London, 1699. Small 4to. Visit of the Prince Regent, the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia to Oxford, June 1814. Oxford, 1815. 4to. B. WARTON, T. Specimen of a History of Oxfordshire. Second edition. London, 1783. 4to. B. WOOD, ANTHONY. Athense Oxonienses. Second edition. London, 1721. Folio. 2vols. Calf. B. RUTLAND. LORE, THOMAS. The History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. Stanford [181 1], Royal folio. Plates. B. This work was not completed. WRIGHT, JAMES. History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. London, 1684 (?). Folio. Title mended ; plates and folding map. SHROPSHIRE. NDERSON, J. CORBET. The Roman City of Uriconium. London, 1867. Small 8vo. Plates. HAWKSTON, SALOP, Some Account of the Antiquities of. Shrewsbury, no date. 8vo. Plates. OXFORDSHIRE SOMERSET. 155 PEARSON, WILLIAM. Select Views of the Antiquities of Shropshire. London [1807]. Engraved title and plates. SHREWSBURY, Some Account of the ancient and present State of. Shrewsbury, 1808. I2mo. Calf. SOMERSET. BBOT'S LEIGH, a descriptive Poem. London, no date. 4to. B. ALFORD, ELIZABETH M. The Fair Maid of Taunton, a Tale of the Siege. London, 1878. Small 8vo. B. ANSTEY, CHRISTOPHER. New Bath Guide. Seventh edition. London, 1770. Small 8vo. Calf. B. New edition, by John Britton. London, 1830. 8vo. (2 copies?} B. An Election Ball in poetical letters from Mr. Incle at Bath to his wife at Glocester. By the Author of the New Bath Guide. Fifth edition. Bath, 1787. 4to. B. Poetical Works. London, 1808. 4to. B. ANTIQUE CHARTS. Folio. 2 vols. MS. B. ASSIZES, THE BLOODY, or History of George Lord Jefferies. London, 1689. Small 4to. Calf. B. The Merciful, or Panegyric on the late Lord Jeffreys. London, 1701. Small 8vo. Calf. B. 156 TOPOGRAPHY. ATLAS. Maps of Somerset. London, 1822. Atlas folio. Collection of Maps of Somerset, Bath and Wells. In an elephant folio album. B. BATH. The City Charter; List of the Mayors, 1655- 1775. [Bath, no date.] Small 8vo. B. New Prose Bath Guide for 1778. By the Author of "A Year's Journey through France and Spain." [P. Thicknesse.] London. I2mo. B. Reflections on the Post-master's demand of a half- penny for the delivery of each letter [in Bath]. Bath, 1766. 8vo. B. The Rival Ball Rooms. Bath [1774?]. I2mo. (2 copies?) B. Views of Lansdown Tower, the favourite edifice of William '.Beckford. Bath and London, 1844. Royal folio. Coloured plates. B. BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SOCIETY and Southern Counties Association for the Encouragement of Agri- culture. Journal. Third series. Vols. X.-XIX. Lon- don, 1878-88. 8vo. B. BEDFORD, ARTHUR. Sermon preached at the Assizes at Taunton, March 19, 1717. London, 1717. Small 8vo. B. BEDMINSTER. Office for the Consecration of St. Paul's, 24th Oct., 1831. Bristol. Small 8vo. B. SOMERSET. 157 BERE, THOMAS. Controversy between Hannah More and the Curate of Blagdon relative to the conduct of her teacher in the Sunday School. London, 1801. 8vo. B. BILLINGSLEY, JOHN. General View of the Agriculture of Somerset. Bath, 1797. 8vo. B. BOGER [C. G.]. Myths, Scenes, and Worthies of Somerset. London, 1887. Small 8vo. B. BOWLES, WILLIAM LISLE. Days departed, or Banwell Hill, a Lay of the Severn Sea. Bath, 1828. 8vo. B. BRITISH ASSOCIATION. Bath Meeting. Reports in the Bath Chronicle. Bath, 1864. Imp. 8vo. B. Report of the Bath Meeting, 1888. London, 1889. 8vo. B. BRITTON, JOHN. The History and Antiquities of Bath Abbey Church. London, 1825. 4to. Plates. (2 copies?) B. Bath and Bristol, with the Counties of Somerset and Gloucester. London, 1829. 4to. Plates. B. BROCKLEY HALL, Sale Catalogue of effects of John Hugh Smyth Pigott at. \Bath, no date.] Small 4to. (2 copies.} B. Sale Catalogue of the Library. London, 1847, 1853. 8vo - B. BROWN'S Historic and Local New Bath Guide. Bath, 1810. I2mo. B. 158 TOPOGRAPHY. BuTTERSWORTH, JANE. Inhumanity and barbarity not to be equal'd, a relation of the murder of J. B. by Elizabeth Branch and her daughter, near Philip's Norton. No place or date. I2mo. B. BYAM, EDWARD S. Chronological Memoir of Henry, John, and Edward Byam. /?jufr [1854], I2mo. B. C, S. History of the Cathedrall Church in Wells. Folio. MS. (The List of Bishops ends with Ken, 1684.) B. CHANDLER, MARY. The Description of Bath, a Poem. Fifth edition. London, 1741. 8vo. B. CHAPMAN, HENRY. Thermae Redivivae, the City of Bath described. London, 1673. Small 4to. B. CHINNOCK, FREDERICK. Particulars of sale of the Abbey House, Glastonbury. London, 1850. Folio. Plates. B. CIVIL WAR. Ashe, John. Second Letter to William Lenthall, Speaker, concerning messages and passages between his Majestie's Commissioners and the Com- missioners for Somerset London, 1642. Small 8vo. B. - Declarations of the Lords and Commons for the raising of all power and force in severall counties .... also the votes concerning Delinquents in Somersetshire. London [1642]. Small 4to. B. - Digby, Captain. Good News from Somersetshire of the Taking of Captaine D., son to the Earle of Bristow. {London'] 1642. Small 4to. B. SOMERSET. 159 CIVIL WAR. Fairfax, Sir Thomas. Sir T. F.'s entring Bridgewater by storming .... also the Termes tendred by Sir Hugh Cholmley for the Surrender of Scarborough Castle. London, 1645. Small 4to. B. Hertford, the Lord Marquesse of. His Letter to the Queen in Holland ; also a Letter from the Com- mittee in Sommersetshire to the Houses of Parliament with a copy of their message to Marquesse Hertford and his men in arms at Shepton-Mallet. . . . London, 164.2. Small 4to. (2 copies?) B. More Later and Truer Newes from Somersetshire, Boston, Nottinghamshire and Warwickshire, wherein is declared the cruelty of the Cavaleers in those parts by the Marquesse of Hartford. . . . London, 164.2. Small 4to. B. A Perfect Relation of all the Passages and Pro- ceedings of the Marquesse Hartford and Cavelleers in Wels. London, 164.2. Small 4to. (2 copies.} B. Hopton, Sir Ralph. Certain and true News from Somersetshire, with the Besieging of Sir R. H.'s House. . . . London, 164.2. Small 4to. (2 copies.) B. Letter from Exceter to the Deputy-Lieutenants of Sommersetshire subscribed George Chudley and Nich. Martin, shewing how Colonell Ruthen sallyed out of Plymouth and hath taken Sir Edward Fortescue and others prisoners. With the Covenant entred into by the Mayor of Exceter. Also a copy of a Letter from Bristoll declaring how that City was secured from the Cavaliers. London, 1642. Small 4to. (2 copies.) B. 160 TOPOGRAPHY. CIVIL WAR. True and sad Relation of divers Passages in Somersetshire concerning the Militia and Commission of Array, Aug. 5, 1642. London, 1642. Small 4to. (2 copies?) B. Sampford, H. Coppie of a Letter read in the House of Commons from Master [H.] S., High Sheriffe of Somerset [as to] searching Recusants' Houses. London, 1642. Small 4to. (2 copies?) B. The Somerset Petition ; with an Answer in Defence of the Parliament against the same. London, 1642. Small 4to. (2 copies?) B. Taunton. Humble Petition and grateful Acknow- ledgement of the Town of Taunton to the House of Commons, 9 Feb. 1647. London, 1647. Small 4to. B. Taunton. Narrative of the Expedition to Taunton, sent from a Commander in the Army, dated Chard, May 1 8, 1645. London, 1645. Small 4to. B. Wroth, Sir Thomas. Speech in the House of Commons upon Delivery of a Petition from the County of Somerset, Feb. 25, 1642. London, 1642. Small 4to. B. COCKERELL, CHARLES ROBERT. Iconography of the West Front of Wells Cathedral. Oxford, 1851. 4to. Plates. B. COLE, EDWARD S. Sketches of the Architectural Beauties of Wells and Glastonbury. No place or date. Small folio. B. SOMERSET. 161 COLLINSON, JOHN. History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset. Bath, 1791. 4to. 3 vols. Another copy. 3 vols. in 5. B. Another copy, expanded to 12 vols. folio by the insertion of numerous maps, prints, water-colour draw- ings, etc. B. The published plates only. B. COMPLETE HISTORY OF SOMERSETSHIRE. Sherborne, 1742. Folio. Red morocco. B. COOKE, GEORGE ALEXANDER. Topographical and Sta- tistical Description of Somerset. London, no date. I2mo. B. COTTLE, JAMES. Some Account of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton. London, 1845. 4to. Plates. Another copy. B. CRUTTWELL'S BATH GUIDE. New edition. Bath, no date. 1 2 mo. B. New Bath Guide. Bath, 1784. I2mo. B. DAVIS, JOHN. Concise History of the Cathedral of Wells. Salisbury [1809]. I2mo. (2 copies?) B. DAVISSON, JOHN. Funeral Discourse on the death of Mrs. Joan Allen of Froome-Sellwood. Bristol, 1719- Amory, Thomas. Sermon preached at Ilminster, May 25, 1738, on the death of Rev. James Strong. London, 1738. Amory, T. Sermon preached at Bridgewater on Y 1 62 TOPOGRAPHY. DAVISSON, JOHN continued. the death of Rev. John Moore. London, 174.9. Fawcett, Benjamin. Sermon on the death of Risden Darracott, preached at Wellington, Somerset. Second edition. Salop, no date. Together I vol. Small 8vo. B. DOMESDAY BOOK. Facsimile of the part relating to Somerset. Southampton, 1862. 4to. B. EARLE, JOHN. Guide to the Knowledge of Bath, Ancient and Modern. London, printed Bath, 1864. Small 8vo. B. EAST, T. Memoirs of Emma Humphries of Frome. Bath [1817]. I2mo. B. EBURNE, RICHARD. Sermon preached at Hengstridge, 1 6 Aug. upon Matt. 22, 21. London, 1613. Small 4to. B. EGAN, P. Walks through Bath. Bath, printed London, 1819. 8vo. (2 copies.} B. ELLACOMBE, HENRY THOMAS. The Church Bells of Somerset. Exeter, 1875. 4to. Plates. Another copy. B. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. History of the Cathedral of Wells. London, 1870. Small 8 vo. B. G., L. B. Poems composed at Clevedon Court. No place, 1866. 8vo. B. GIBBS, SAMUEL. Bath Visitant or New Guide. Bath, no date. 24010. B. SOMERSET. 163 GLASTONBURY, The Avalonian Guide to. Eighth edition. Bridgwater, 1839. Taylor, Thomas. Description of Farley. London, 1839. Some Account of Cheddar. Bristol, 1842. Together I vol. Small 8vo. B. Compleat and authentick History of the Town and Abbey of. By a Physician. London, no date. Small 4to. Calf. B. GODDARD, WILLIAM. Extract from the Sessions Rolls of Somerset. London, 1765. 8vo. Calf. (2 copies?) B. GOULDE, WILLIAM. The primitive Christian justified and Jack Presbyter reproved; a Sermon in the Abbey Church of Bath. London^ 1682. Small 4to. B. GREENWOOD, C, and GREENWOOD, J. Somersetshire delineated. London, 1822. 8vo. (2 copies?) B. GUIDOTT, THOMAS. Collection of Treatises relating to Bath, [with] Thermae Redivivae by Henry Chapman. London, 1725. Small 8vo. Plates. Calf. B. A Discourse of Bathe. London, 1676. Small 8vo. Engraved title and engravings. B. GURNEY, JOSEPH. Trial of Reginald Tucker for the murder of his wife at the Wells Assizes, Aug. 1775. Bath, no date. Small 4to. B. HALL, HERBERT BYNG. Exmoor. London, 1849. Small 8vo. Plates. [HARINGTON, EDWARD.] Schizzo on the Genius of Man, in which the merit of Thomas Barker, painter, of Bath, is particularly considered. Bath, 1793. Small 8vo. B. 164 TOPOGRAPHY. HEARD, WILLIAM. Sentimental Journey to Bath, Bristol, and their environs ; a descriptive poem. London, 1778. 4to. (2 copies?) B. HICKS, JOHN. Last Speech of that pious and learned Divine, J. H., executed at Glastonbury Oct. 1685. No place or date. Small 4to. (2 copies?) B. HOARE, SIR RICHARD COLT. Monastic Remains of the Religious Houses at Witham, Bruton, and Stavordale, Somerset. Frome, 1824. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. (Only 50 copies printed?) B. HOBHOUSE, THOMAS. Kingsweston Hill, a poem. Second edition. London, 1787. 4to. B. HOLLAND, SAMUEL. Sermon preached at the Opening of the Chapel of Partis College [Bath]. Second edition. Bath, 1828. 8vo. B. HOLMES, THOMAS SCOTT. History of the Parish and Manor of Wookey. Bristol, no date. 8vo. B. ILCHESTER. A Peep into a Prison, or the Inside of Ilchester Bastile. Fifth edition. London, 1821. JENNINGS, JAMES. Observations on Dialects of the West of England, particularly Somersetshire. London, 1825. I2mo. (2 copies.} B. JOURNEY OF DR. ROBERT BONGOUT and his Lady to Bath in the year 177 . London, 1778. Small 8vo. Calf. B. KING, AUSTIN J., and WATTS, B. H. Municipal Records of Bath, 1189-1604. London, no date. 4to. B. SOMERSET. 165 LEWIS, LEWIS. Sermon preached at the new Meeting- house near Chelwood, Somerset, Nov. 3, 1771, on the death of Rev. David Lewis. Bristol, no date. Small 8vo. B. LOCKE, RICHARD. Customs of the Manor of Taunton and Taunton Deane. New edition. Taunton, 1816. I2mo. (2 copies.) B. LUKINS, GEORGE (of Yatton}. Narrative of the Extra- ordinary Case of G. L., who was possessed of evil spirits ; also an account of his remarkable deliverance. Third edition. Bristol, 1788. Small 8vo. B. Narrative of. Bristol, 1788. Norman, Samuel. Authentic Anecdotes of G. Lukins. Bristol, no date. Easterbrook, Joseph. Appeal respecting G. Lukins. Bristol, no date. Norman, S. The Great Apostle unmask'd, a reply to Mr. Easterbrook's Appeal. Bristol, 1788. Criche, Powell Samuel. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. J. Easterbrook. Bristol, 1791. Hey, John. Sermon on do. Bristol, 1791. Moore, Henry. Sermon on do. Lottdon,ij()i. Barry, Edward. Epistle of Condolence. London, 1791. Authentic Narrative of the departure of the late Rev. John Wesley. Bristol, 1791. Transcript by G. Catcott of a paper on Spirits by Rev. Arthur Bedford. Together I vol. 8vo. B. MARTYROLOGY, THE WESTERN ; or Bloody Assizes. Fifth edition. London, 1705. Small 8vo. Calf. B. MEMORANDA relating to the Ecclesiastical History of Somerset. Folio. MS. B. 166 TOPOGRAPHY. MENDIP. Customs of Mendipp. Folio. MS. B. MINISTERS OF SOMERSET. Attestation of the Ministers of Somerset who declare against the Errors of the Times. London, 1648. Small 4to. (2 copies?) B. MORRIS, J. W. Handbook to Bath, on the Visit of the British Association, 1888. Bath, no date. Small 8vo. B. NASH, RICHARD, Life of. Second edition. London, 1762. 8vo. B. NEWSPAPER. The Bath Journal, Sept. 16, 1745, Sept. 21, 1747. -##//, 1745-47. 105 Nos. in one vol. Folio. B. Taunton Journal, Sept. 24, 1725, Jan. 5, 1727. 4to. B. NICHOLS, W. L. Horae Romanae, a Visit to a Roman Villa [at Newton St. Loe, Bath]. Bath, 1838. 4to. B. NIGHTINGALE, . Topographical and Historical De- scription of Somerset. London, no date. 8vo. (Part of the Beauties of England and Wales.) B. NORMAN, JOHN. Christ's Commission Officer, a Sermon preached before the Associated Ministers in Somerset at an Ordination at Sommerton, June 9, 1658. London, 1658. 1 2 mo. Calf. B. NORRIS, HUGH. South Petherton in the Olden Time. Revised edition. Crewkerne, 1882. Small 8vo. B. NOVELTY, TRIFLES, AND TRIFLERS. Poetical Amusements at a Villa near Bath. [By Lady Miller.] Bath, 1778. 4to. B. SOMERSET. 167 OLIVER, WILLIAM. Practical Dissertation on Bathe Waters. Fifth edition. London, 1764. I2mo. Calf. B. PAGE, JOHN LLOYD WARDEN. An Exploration of Ex- moor. Second edition. London, 1890. Small 8vo. B. PAUL, R. W. Account of incised and sepulchral Slabs of North-west Somersetshire. London, 1882. Folio. Plates. B. PEACH, R. E. M. Historic Houses in Bath. Bath, 1883. Small 4to. Second series. Bath, 1884. Small 4to. B. History and Antiquities of Bath Abbey Church by J. Britton, continued by R. E. M. P. Bath, 1887. Small 4to. B. PEIRCE, ROBERT. Bath Memoirs, or Observations in three and forty years practice at the Bath. Bristol, 1697. I2mo. Folding plan of Bath. Calf. (2 copies.} History and Memoirs of the Bathe. London, 1713. I2mo. Calf. B. PHELPS, WILLIAM. History and Antiquities of Somerset- shire. London, 1836. 4to. Large Paper. Vol. I. interleaved and bound in 2 vols. Plates. B. Vol. I., Parts 1-6. London, 1836-39. 4to. Plates. B. Vol. II., Parts 7, 8. London, 1839. 4to. Large Paper. B. 168 TOPOGRAPHY. PHELPS, WILLIAM. Observations on the Marshes and Turbaries of Somerset. Dorchester [1835], 8vo. B. POOLE, CHARLES HENRY. Customs, Superstitions and Legends of Somerset. London, printed Birmingham, 1877. Small 8vo. B. POOLEY, CHARLES. Historical and descriptive Account of the old Stone Crosses of Somerset. London, 1877. Imp. 8vo. Plates. B. POULTER, JOHN. The Discoveries of J. P., alias Baxter, apprehended for robbing Dr. Hanwell of Salisbury, near Bath. Sixth edition. Sherborne, 1753. 8vo. B. POWNALL, T. Description of Roman Antiquities dug up in Bath, 1790. Bath, 1795. 4to. (2 copies.} B. POYNTON, FRANCIS J. The Baves of Bath and of Barrow Court. London, 1885. 4to. B. Memoranda, Historical and Genealogical, relating to the Parish of Kelston in the County of Somerset. Privately printed, London, 1885. 4to. Plates. B. Four parts in one vol. Separate title to each part, the first being dated 1878. PROTESTANT MARTYRS, THE; or the Bloody Assizes. London, no date. Small 8vo. B. Contains a list of persons executed in the West of England in 1685. PUGIN, AUGUSTUS WELBY, and WALKER, THOMAS LARKINS. History and Antiquities of the Vicars Close, Wells. London, 1836. 4to. Plates. B. SOMERSET. 169 REED, ANDREW. Edgar Nelthorpe, or the fair Maids of Taunton. London, no date. Small 8vo. B. REGISTER OF FOLLY, or Characters and Incidents at Bath and the Hot-wells, by an Invalid. London, 1771. Small 8vo. B. REGISTER OF PERSONS entitled to vote for Knights of the Shire, Eastern Division of Somerset. London, 1832. Folio. B. RICH, S. Sermon preached at Chard, June 21, 1685, before the Rt. Hon. John, Lord Churchille and his Majestie's Forces. London, 1685. Small 4to. B. ROBERTS, ARTHUR. Mendip Annals. Third edition. London, printed Edinburgh, 1859. Small 8vo. B. RUTTER, JOHN. Delineations of the North Western Division of the County of Somerset, and of its Ante- diluvian Bone Caverns. London, printed Shaftesbury, 1829. 8vo. Plates, with coats of arms coloured by hand added in the margins. B. Another copy. Calf. B. Another copy. Large Paper, also with coats of arms coloured by hand added in the margins. Vellum. B. SAVAGE, JAMES. History of the Hundred of Carhampton. Bristol, 1830. 4to. Large Paper ; only 12 copies so printed. B. SCARTH, H. M. Aquae Solis ; Notices of Roman Bath. Bath, 1864. 4to. Plates. B. z 170 TOPOGRAPHY. SHAW, WILLIAM. Sermon preached at Bedminster, June 28, 1 8 10. Bristol. 8vo. B. SHEPHEARD AND BISSE. A full Answer to Shepheard the Assassine's Speech .... against his Majesty .... [and] an Account of the Treasonable Sermon of Edward Bisse, of St. George's, Somerset. Third edition. London, 1718. I2mo. B. SMITH, GEORGE CHARLES. The Custom House and the Bethel Flag, or the Minehead and Watchet Officers. London, no date. Small 8vo. B. SOMERSET RECORD SOCIETY. Calendar of the Register of John de Drokensford, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1309-1329. [London] 1887. Small 4to. B. Church- Wardens' Accounts of Croscombe, Pilton, Yatton, Tintinhull, Morebath, and St. Michael's, Bath. Edited by Bishop Hobhouse. [London] 1890. 4to. B. Kirby's Quest for Somerset. Nomina Villarum, l6th Ed. III. Exchequer Lay Subsidies, etc. [Edited] by F. H. Dickinson. [London] 1889. Small 4to. B. Pedes Finium, Feet of Fines for the County of Somerset. Richard I. to Edward I., 1196-1307. By Emanuel Green. [London] 1892. Small 4to. B. Rentalia et Custumaria. . . . By C. J. Elton and Bishop Hobhouse. [London] 1891. Small 4to. B. Survey and Rental of the Chantries, Colleges, and Free Chapels, Guilds, Fraternities, Lamps, Lights and Obits in the County of Somerset, 1548. By Emanuel Green. [London] 1888. Small 4to. B. SOMERSET. 171 SOMERSETSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HIS- TORY SOCIETY. Transactions, Vols. 1-20 and Index. Taunton, 1851-75. Vols. 21-26 (New Series). Taunton, 1876-81. 8vo. SPRINT, JOHN. Christian Loyalty revived, a Sermon preached at Temple Combe, Nov. 26, 1693. London, 1694. Small 4to. B. SQUIRE, FRANCIS (of Exford). Brief Justification of the Principles of a reputed Whigg with Remarks on Dr. Sach 1's late Sermon on Matt. 29, in an Epistle to the Tories of the West. Exon,iji^. Small 8vo. B. STAWEL, SIR JOHN. An Answer of the purchasers of the lands, late of Sir J. S., exposed to sale for his treason, to a pamphlet intituled The Humble Remonstrance of Sir J. S. ; together with the Answer of John Ashe to divers scandals in that Remonstrance ; also a Petition and Reasons for establishment of public sales tendred by Wil. Lawrence, one of the Judges in Scotland. London, 1654. Small folio. B. STURMY, SAMUEL. The Mariners' Magazine. London, 1669. (Preface dated from St. George's, Pill, Bristol, 1667.) Summary of Penalties relating to Customs and Navigation. London, 1669. Staynred, Philip. Com- pendium of Fortification. London, 1669. Engravings. TogetJter I vol. Folio. Calf. "The Mariners' Magazine" has the portrait, engraved title, fold- ing scale, plates, and woodcuts in the text, with separate titles to the Constant Kalendar, Mathematical and Practical Arts, Canon Logarithmicus, and Chiliades Logarithmorum. Another edition. London, 1679. Folio. Engraved title. Calf. B. TOPOGRAPHY. TAYLOR, THOMAS. Historical and Topographical Descrip- tion of Farley. London, 1839. Small 8 vo. B. TlllCKNESSE, PHILIP. The Valetudinarian's Bath Guide. Second edition. London, 1780. 8vo. B. TOULMIN, JOSHUA. History of Taunton. Taunton, 4to. Plates. B. - New edition by James Savage. Taunton , 1822. Royal 8vo. B. WARBURTON, WILLIAM. Sermon occasioned by the present unnatural Rebellion, preached in Mr. Allen's Chapel, Prior Park, Bath. Second edition. London, 1746. Small 8vo. B. - Sermon preached at the Abbey Church, Bath, for the General Hospital, Oct. 24, 1742. London, 1742. Small 8vo. B. WARNER, RICHARD. History of Bath. Bath, 1801. 4to. Plates. B. - New Guide through Bath. Bath,i^>\\. I2mo. B. - Illustration of the Roman Antiquities discovered at Bath. Bath, 1797. 4to. Engravings. (2 copies.) B. - History of the Abbey of Glaston and of the Town of Glastonbury. Bath, i%26. 4to. (A special privately printed edition of 250 copies?) B. WEAVER, FREDERIC WILLIAM. Visitations of the County of Somerset, 1531, 1573. Exeter, 1&S$. 4to. B. SOMERSET STAFFORDSHIRE, 173 WEB, GEORGE (Preacher at the Bathe]. Catalogus Protes- tantium, or the Protestants Kalendar, containing a sur- view of the Protestants Religion long before Luthers dayes, even to the time of the Apostles and in the primitive Church. London, for NatJianael Butler, 1624. Small 4to. Title in red and black. B. WELLS, ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES OF. Part I. The Bishop's Palace. Taunton, 1863. 4to. Large Paper. Plates only. (Somerset Archaeological and Natural His- tory Society.} B. WILLS. Abstracts of Somersetshire Wills, edited by the Rev. F. Brown. No place, > privately printed for F. A. Crisp, 1887-90. Imp. 8vo. 6 vols. B. WOOD, GEORGE. Loyalty the Ornament of Christianity, or Scripture proofs for Monarchy, with comments relating to the Rebellion in the West. London, 1686. Small 8vo. Calf. (T. J alley's book-plated) B. WOOD, JOHN. Essay towards a Description of Bath. Second edition. London, 1749. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. STAFFORDSHIRE. LEXANDER, W. A Journey to Beresford Hall, the seat of Charles Cotton, author and angler. London, 1841. 4to. (lithographed}. CLIFFORD, THOMAS, and CLIFFORD, ARTHUR. A Topographical and Historical Description of the Parish of Tixall in the County of Stafford. Paris, 1817. 4to. Plates and folding pedigrees. B. 174 TOPOGRAPHY. HARWOOD, THOMAS. History and Antiquities of the Church and City of Lichfield. Gloucester, 1806. 4to. Plates. Brown morocco. SUFFOLK. RAYLEY, E[DWARD] W[EDLAKE]. Views in Suffolk, Norfolk and Northamptonshire illustrative of the Works of Robert Bloom- field, with a Memoir. London, 1806. 8vo. B. CULLUM, REV. SIR JOHN. History and Antiquities of Hawsted and Hardwick, Suffolk. Second edition. London, 1813. Royal 4to. Plates. Only 230 copies printed ; 200 on royal, and 30 on imperial paper. GARDNER, THOMAS. An Historical Account of Dunwich, Blithburgh, Southwold, with Remarks on places con- tiguous thereto. London, 1754. 4to. Plates. B. GILLINGWATER, EDMUND. Historical Account of Lowes- toft, Suffolk. London [1790]. 4to. Calf. LODER, ROBERT. History of Framlingham, Suffolk. Woodbridge, 1798. 4to. Plates. MOOR, EDWARD. Suffolk Words and Phrases. Wood- bridge, 1823. Small 8vo. B. SUFFOLK, Topographical and Historical Description of the County of. Woodbridge, 1829. 8vo. Map. SUFFOLK SURREY. 175 SURREY. UBREY, JOHN. Natural History and Anti- quities of the County of Surrey. London, 1719. Small 8vo. 5 vols. Plates. Calf. B. DALLAWAY, HARRIET. Etchings of Views in the Vicarage of Letherhead, Surrey. London, 1821. Royal 8vo. Calf. B. Presented by the Author. 6 engravings inserted. DELAMOTTE, W. A. Illustrations of Virginia Water. London, no date. Folio. Engraved title and 7 plates. DUCAREL, . Some Account of Croydon. London, 1783. 4to. Plates. (No. XII. of the Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica.} GUILDFORD, HISTORY OF. Guildford, 1801. 8vo. B. [POWNALL, H.] Some Particulars relating to the History of Epsom. Epsom, 1825. 8vo. Plates. ROBINSON, P. F. An Attempt to ascertain the Age of the Church of Mickleham, in Surrey, with Remarks on the Architecture of that Building. London, printed Chiswick, 1824. 4to. Plates. B. STEINMAN, G. STEINMAN. A History of Croydon. London, 1834. 8vo. 176 TOPOGRAPHY. SUSSEX. ATTLE ABBEY, Sale Catalogue of the Muni- ments of. London, 1835. 8vo. COTTON, WILLIAM. A Graphic and Historical Sketch of Bodyam Castle, Sussex. London, no date. Imp. 8vo. Plates. DALLAWAY, JAMES. A History of the Western Division of the County of Sussex, including the Rapes of Chichester, Arundel and Bramber, with the City and Diocese of Chichester. London, 1815-19. Cartwright, Edmund. The Parochial Topography of the Rape of Bramber. London, 1830. Together 2 vols. bound in 3. Imp. 4to. Maps and plates. B. Vol. I. wants the portrait of Bp. Buckner. HORSFIELD, T. W. The History and Antiquities of Lewes and its Vicinity. With an Appendix on the Natural History of the District, by Gideon Mantell. Lewes, 1824. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. B. LYSONS, SAMUEL. Remains of a Roman Villa discovered at Bignor in Sussex. London, 1815. Imp. folio. Coloured plates. B. MOSS, W. G. History and Antiquities of Hastings. London, 1824. 8vo. Plates. (2 copies.} PARRY, S. D. Historical and Descriptive Account of the Coast of Sussex. London, 1833. Imp. 8vo. Plates. SUSSEX WAR WICKSHIRE. 177 SHOBERL. Topographical and Historical Description of Sussex. London, no date. 8vo. {Beauties of England and Wales.} B. WRIGHT, C. History and Description of Arundel Castle. Second edition. London, 1818. I2mo. B. WAR WICK SHIRE. [ISSET, J. A Poetic Survey round Birmingham, accompanied by a Directory engraved in emblematic plates. Birmingham [1800]. 8vo. Separate title to the Directory. COVENTRY, Description of St. Michael's Church. Coventry, 1815. Description of Trinity Church, Coventry. Coventry, 1815. Historical Sketch of Wisbech. Wis- beck, 1809. Short Account of Lichfield Cathedral. Second edition. Lichfield, 1818; and Supplement, 1821. Gostling, W. A Walk in the City of Canterbury. Canterbury, 1796. Folding plan. Together I vol. I2mo. FOWLER, WILLIAM. Engravings from subjects executed in ancient stained glass in the windows of the Hall at Aston near Birmingham. Winterton, 1808. Imp. folio. 9 coloured plates and a genealogy of the Earls of CJiester and Mercia with coloured coats of arms. B. [HAMPER, WILLIAM.] Two copies of Verses on the Meet- ing of Charles I. and Queen Henrietta Maria in the valley of Kineton, Warwickshire, July 13, 1643. (Edited from a MS. in Sir W. Dugdale's collection.) Birmingham, 1822. Small 4to. A A 178 TOPOGRAPHY. KENILWORTH ILLUSTRATED, or the History of the Castle, Priory and Church of Kenilworth, with a Description of their Present State. Chiswick, 1821. 4to. Plates. NICHOLS, JOHN GOUGH. Description of St. Mary's Church, Warwick. London, no date. Small 8vo. [ ?] Description of the Beauchamp Chapel adjoining to the Church of St. Mary at Warwick, and the Monu- ments of the Earls of Warwick in the said Church and elsewhere. London, 1804. 4to. Plates. RIDER, WILLIAM. Views of the Cottages, Lodges and Abbey of Stoneleigh. London, 1825. Six Views of Warwick and Kenilworth Castles, and of Guy's Cliff. London, 1825. Together I vol. Folio. B. Views in Stratford-upon-Avon and its Vicinity, illustrative of the Biography of Shakespeare. Warwick, 1828. Imp. 8vo. Plates. B. WHELER, R. B. History and Antiquities of Stratford- upon-Avon. Stratford-upon-Avon, no date. Small 8vo. Plates. Calf. WILTSHIRE. RITTON, JOHN. The Beauties of Wiltshire. London, 1801. 8vo. 3 vols. Plates. Calf. B. Graphical and Literary Illustrations of Fonthill Abbey, with Notices of the Beck- ford Family. London, printed Chiswick t 1823. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. B. WAR WICK SHIRE WIL T SHIRE. 179 BRITTON, JOHN. Historical Account of Corsham House, Wiltshire. London, 1806. 8vo. Another copy. B. Wiltshire. London, 1818. 8vo. Plates. B. BOWLES, W[ILLIAM] L[ISLE]. Parochial History of Bremhill, Wilts. London, 1828. 8vo. Plates. Another copy. B. BOWLES, W. L., and NICHOLS, JOHN GOUGH. Annals and Antiquities of Lacock Abbey, Wilts. London, 1835. 8vo. Plates. B. CHAFIN, WILLIAM. Anecdotes and History of Cranbourn Chase. Second edition. London, 1813. 8vo. B. CRANCH, JOHN. Brief Inquiry concerning Pen Pits, near Stourhead. Frame, 1820. 8vo. B. DODSWORTH, WILLIAM. An Historical Account of the See and Cathedral of Sarum or Salisbury. Salisbury, 1814. Royal 4to. Engraved title and plates. B. DUKE, EDWARD. Druidical Temples of the County of Wilts. London, 1846. Small 8vo. B. Prolusiones Historicae ; Essays illustrative of the Halle of John Halle of Salisbury. Vol. I. Salisbury, 1837. 8vo. B. FONTHILL ABBEY, Sale Catalogue of the Books, Furniture and Paintings at. 1823. 8vo. 3 catalogues in I vol. i8o TOPOGRAPHY. HALL, PETER. Picturesque Memorials of Salisbury. Salisbury, 1834. 4to. Plates on India paper. HOARE, SIR RICHARD COLT, BART. The History of Ancient Wiltshire. London, 1810-21. Folio. Plates. 2 vols. bound in 5. B. The History of Modern Wiltshire. Hundred of Mere. London,i$22. Hundred of Heytesbury. London, 1824. Hundred of Branch and Dole. London, 1825. Hundreds of Everley, Ambresbury and Underditch. London, 1826. Hundred of Dunworth and Vale of Noddre. London,i%2C). Hundred of Westbury. London, 1830. Hundred of Warminster. London, ^$1. Together I vol. Hundred of Chalk. London, 1833. Hundred of Downton. London, 1834. Hundred of Cawden. London, 1835. Together ivol. Hundred of Alderbury. London, 1837. Old and New Sarum. London, 1843. i vol. in 2. Hundred of Frustfield. Addenda and General Index. London, 1844. Altogether 12 vols. Folio. Plates. B. The Pitney Pavement discovered by Samuel Hasell, 1828. Second edition. London, 1832. Imp. 8vo. Plates. (2 copies. Only 100 were printed?) B. Registrum Wiltunense, Saxonicum et Latinum. Londini, 1827. Folio. (Only 100 copies printed?) B. Tumuli Wiltunenses, Guide to the Barrows of Stonehenge. Shaftesbury, 1829. 8vo. B. JACKSON, J. E. History of the Parish of Grittleton in the County of Wilts. With an Introductory Essay on Topo- graphical Literature, etc., by John Britton. London, 1843. 4to. Plates. (Wiltshire Topographical Society?) WILTSHIRE. 181 JONES, INIGO. The Most Notable Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-heng, on Salisbury Plain, restored. To which are added the Chorea Gigantum or Stone-Heng restored to the Danes by Doctor Charleton, and Mr. Webb's Vindication of Stone-Heng Restored in Answer to Dr. Charleton's Reflections, with Obser- vations upon the Orders and Rules of Architecture in use among the Antient Romans. Before the whole are prefixed certain Memoirs of Inigo Jones. . . . [Second edition.] London, 1725. Folio. Calf. Wants the portraits of Jones and Charleton. There are II plates and a special title to the " Notable Antiquity " ; I plate and a special title to the "Chorea" ; and a special title to the" Vindication." Inserted are two leaflets in folio by Sir R. C. Hoare descriptive of Stonehenge and Abury. [LEDWICH, EDWARD.] Antiquitates Sarisburienses. Salis- bury, 1771. 8vo. Plates. Calf. Antiquitates Sarisburienses, or the History and Antiquities of Old and New Sarum. New edition. Salisbury, 1777. Bodman, James. Concise History of Trowbridge. Bristol, 1814. Cranch, John. Brief In- quiry concerning Pen Pits. Frame, 1820. Chaumereix, de. Narrative of M. de C. who escaped from the Massacres of Aurai and Vannes, after the expedition of Quiberon ... to which is added a Prospectus for Pasi- graphy or Art of Printing and Writing in a language to be understood in all languages without translation. London, 1795. Disney, John, D.D. Remarks on the Bishop of Lincoln's Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, 1812. Bath, 1812. [Croft, John.] Annotations on Plays of Shakespear. York, 1810. Bound together in one vol. 8vo. kttered " Old & New Sarum Hist." B. 1 82 TOPOGRAPHY. MATON, WILLIAM GEORGE. Observations relating chiefly to the Natural History and Antiquities of the Western Counties of England. Salisbury, 1797. 8vo. Plates. B. MONASTICON WlLTONENSE, a List of Religious Houses in North and South Wiltshire, chiefly from Bishop Tanner's Notitia Monastica. Shaftesbury, 1821. Folio. B. N[iCHOLS], J[OHN] B[OWYER]. Historical Notices of Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire. London, 1836. 4to. Plates. (2 copies.') B. ORIGINES DIVISIAN^E, or the Antiquities of the Devizes. London, 1754. Small 8vo. B. PRICE, FRANCIS. A Series of Observations upon the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. London, 1753. 4to. Plates. (2 copies.) RUTTER, JOHN. Delineations of Fonthill and its Abbey. Shaftesbury, 1823. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. Description of Fonthill Abbey. Shaftesbury, 1822. Small 8vo. B. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Wardour Castle, Wilts. Shaftesbury, 1822. 8vo. SALISBURY GUIDE, THE. Third edition. Salisbury, 1774. I2mo. Thirty-first edition. Salisbury, 1830. I2mo. B. SALISBURY. A Description of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. Salisbury, 1787. 4to. Plates. B. Interleaved with blank leaves, and with MS. notes and plans inserted. WILTSHIRE WORCESTERSHIRE. 183 SCROPE, G. POULETT. History of the Manor and Ancient Barony of Castle Combe, Wilts, with Memoirs of the Families of Dunstanville, Badlesmere, Tiptoft, Scrope, Fastolf, etc. [London] Privately printed, 1852. 4to. Plates. B. SMITH, JOHN. Choir Gaur, the grand Orrery of the ancient Druids commonly called Stonehenge. Salisbury, 1771. 4to. Folding plates. STUKELEY, WILLIAM. Abury. London, 1743. Folio. Plates. (Vol. II. only.) Calf. Stonehenge. London, 1740. Folio. Plates. Calf. WlLTON. A New Description of the Pictures, Statues and Curiosities in the Earl of Pembroke's House at Wilton. Seventh edition. Salisbury, 1776. 8vo. New edition. Sarum, 1786. 4to. Plates. WYNDHAM, HENRY PENRUDDOCKE. Wiltshire, extracted from Domesday Book. Salisbury, 1788. 8vo. (2 copies.) B. WORCESTERSHIRE. ARD, H. Dissertation on the Antiquities of the Priory of Great Malvern. London, 1834. 4to. B. MAY, GEORGE. History of Evesham. Evesham, 1834. 8vo. B. TOPOGRAPHY. SKETCH OF THE ANTIQUITIES OF WORCESTER. London, no date. I2mo. Plates. B. TlNDAL, WILLIAM. The History and Antiquities of Evesham. Evesham, 1794. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. WILD, CHARLES. Illustration of the Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of Worcester. London, 1823. Atlas folio. Plates. B. YORKSHIRE. LLEN, THOMAS. New and complete History of the County of York. London, 1829-31. 8vo. 6 vols. Plates. BROWSHOLME. Description of Browsholme Hall, and the Parish of Waddington. Also a Collection of Letters from original MSS. in the Reigns of Charles I. and II. and James II. in the possession of Thos. Lister Parker. London, 1815. 4to. Illustrations. B. CAVE, H. Antiquities of York. London, 1813. Royal 4to. Engraved title and plates. COLE, JOHN. The History and Antiquities of Filey, in the County of York. Scarborough, 1828. 8vo. B. Historical Sketches of Scalby, Burniston,Claughton, Hayburn Wyke, and Stainton Dale. Scarborough, 1829. 8vo. B. WORCESTERSHIRE YORKSHIRE. 185 CRAVEN. Dialect of Craven in the West Riding of the County of York. Second edition. London, printed Leeds, 1828. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. FROST, CHARLES. Notices relative to the Early History of the Town and Port of Hull. London, 1827. 4to. Plates. B. GENT, THOMAS. Antient and Modern History of Rippon. York, 1733. Small 8vo. Folding view and engravings. Calf: B. The Ancient and Modern History of the famous City of York. York, 1730. I2mo. Two folding plates : Calf. GRAVES, JOHN. The History of Cleveland. Carlisle, 1808. 4to. Plates. B. HALFPENNY, JOSEPH. Fragmenta Vetusta, or the Remains of Ancient Buildings in York. York, 1807. 4to. Plates. HARGROVE, WILLIAM. History and Description of the City of York. York, 1818. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. in 3. Plates. B. HUNTER, JOSEPH. Hallamshire. The History and Topo- graphy of the Parish of Sheffield. London, 1819. Folio. Plates. B. The Hallamshire Glossary. London, 1829. Small 8vo. B. B B i86 TOPOGRAPHY. HUNTER, JOSEPH. South Yorkshire. The History and Topography of the Deanery of Doncaster. London, 1828-31. Folio. 2 vols. Portrait. B. KlRKSTALL ABBEY, Leeds. Historical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Account of. Leeds, 1827. Small 8vo. MILLER, EDWARD. The History and Antiquities of Don- caster and its Vicinity. Doncaster, no date. 4to. Plates. B. Inserted are three letters from the Author, a MS. pedigree of the Childers family, printed slip of names of additional subscribers, a cutting from the " Gentleman's Magazine," with corrections of the work, and an engraving of the arms of Henry Scot, Earl of Doncaster. POULSON, GEORGE. Beverlac, or the History and An- tiquities of Beverley. London, 1829. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. B. PRICKETT, MARMADUKE. Historical and Architectural Description of the Priory Church of Bridlington. Cam- bridge, 1831. 8vo. Large Paper. Plates on India paper. Another copy. Small Paper. Another edition. Cambridge, 1836. 8vo. Plates. B. SCATCHERD, NoRRISSON. History of Morley. Leeds, 1830. 8vo. B. SlSSON, J. L. Historic Sketch of the Parish Church, Wakefield. Wakefield, 1824. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. B. YORKSHIRE WALES. 1 87 THORESBY, RALPH. Ducatus Leodiensis, or the Topo- graphy of Leedes. Second edition, with notes and additions by Thomas Dunham Whitaker. Leeds, 1816. Folio. Portrait and plates. B. Vicaria Leodiensis, or the History of the Church of Leedes in Yorkshire. London, 1/24. Small 8vo. Two folding plates and folding map. Calf. B. TORR, JAMES. The Antiquities of York City. York, 1719. Small 8vo. ( View of York inserted?) Calf. (2 copies.} WHITAKER, THOMAS DUNHAM. History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven. Second edition. London, 1812. Folio. Plates. Loidis and Elmete. Leeds and Wakefield, printed Leeds, 1816. Folio. Portrait and plates. B. A History of Richmondshire. London, 1823. Folio. 2 vols. Plates. B. YORK. Accurate Description and History of the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St. Peter, York. York, 1768-70. Small 8vo. 2 vols. in I. Plates. B. WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE. E. S. [ERNEST SYLVANUS APPLEYARD, pseudonym of Miss Letitia Willgoss Stone.] Welsh Sketches, chiefly ecclesiastical, to the close of the twelfth century. London, 1851. Small 8vo. B. ARCH^EOLOGIA CAMBRENSIS. London, printed Tenby, 1846-52. 8vo. 7 vols. B. 1 88 TOPOGRAPHY. BATTY, CAPTAIN. Welsh Scenery. London, 1828. Small 8vo. Plates. Calf. BINGLEY, WILLIAM. North Wales. Second edition. London, 1814. Svo. Map and plates. Calf. COXE, WILLIAM. An Historical Tour in Monmouthshire. London, 1801. 4to. Two parts in one vol. Map and plates. Royal paper. Russia. B. Contains the bookplate of Joshua Smith. CUMBERLAND, GEORGE. An Attempt to describe Hafbd. London, 1796. Small Svo. Plan. Red morocco. Presentation copy from the Author. DILLWYN, LEWIS WESTON. Contributions towards a History of Swansea. Swansea, 1840. Svo. B. DONOVAN, E. Descriptive Excursions through South Wales and Monmouthshire in 1 804. London, 1805. 8vo. 2 vols. Coloured plates. Another copy. B. FENTON, RICHARD. Historical Tour through Pembroke- shire. London, 1810. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. FOSBROKE, THOMAS DUDLEY. Raglan Tour. Account of Raglan Castle, Abergavenny and Crickhowell. Monmouth, 1831. Small Svo. GOSSE, PHILIP HENRY. Tenby. London, 1856. Small Svo. Coloured plates. HEATH, CHARLES. Historical and Descriptive Accounts of Ragland Castle. Eighth edition. Monmouth, 1823. Svo. B. WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE. 189 HOARE, SIR RICHARD COLT, BART. The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, 1588, by Giraldus de Barri. London, 1806. 4to. Large Paper. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. IRELAND, SAMUEL. Picturesque Views on the River Wye. London, 1797. 4to. Plates. B. JONES, HARRY LONGUEVILLE. Illustrations of the Natural Scenery of the Snowdonian Mountains, accompanied by a Description of the County of Caernarvon. London, 1829. Folio. Plates. JONES. VIEWS IN WALES. (So lettered ; title wanting^ 4to. LANDENNY, RAGLAND AND ROCKFIELD, Abstract of a Deed of Trust for charitable purposes of estates in the parishes of; dated May 4, 1809. Bristol, no date. I2mo. B. LEE, JOHN EDWARD. Delineations of Roman Antiquities at Caerleon. London, 1845. 4to. Plates. B. MANBY, GEORGE W. The History and Antiquities of the Parish of St. David, South Wales. London, 1801. 8vo. Plates. (2 copies.} B. MEYRICK, SIR SAMUEL RUSH. The History and Anti- quities of the County of Cardigan. London, 1808. 4to. Plates. B. NICHOLSON, GEORGE. The Cambrian Traveller's Guide. Second edition. Stourport, 1813. 8vo. Calf. 190 TOPOGRAPHY. NORRIS, CHARLES. Etchings of Tenby ; including many ancient edifices which have been destroyed, and intended to illustrate peculiarities in early Flemish Architecture, with a short Account of that Town and the principal Buildings in its neighbourhood. London, 1812. 4to. B. PENNANT, THOMAS. Tours in Wales. London, 1810. 8vo. 3 vols. Plates. Russia. B. History of the Parishes of Whiteford and Holywell. [London'] 1796. 4to. Plates. PRICHARD, J. LLEWELLYN. New Aberystwyth Guide. Aberystwyth, 1824. Small 8vo. Map. ROSCOE, THOMAS. Wanderings and Excursions in North Wales. London, 1836. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. ROWLANDS, HENRY. Mona Antiqua Restaurata; Anti- quities of the Isle of Anglesey. Second edition. London, 1766. 4to. Plates. Calf. TENBY, ACCOUNT OF. Pembroke, 1820. Small 8vo. Fold- ing map and plates. THOMAS, W. H. Tinterne and its Vicinity. London, 1839. 8vo. B. TWAMLEY, LOUISA ANNE. An Autumn Ramble by the Wye. London [1838]. 8vo. Plates. B. WARRINGTON, WILLIAM. History of Wales. Third edition. London, 1788. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. WILLIS, BROWNE. Survey of St. Asaph ; with Life by Edward Edwards. Wrexham, 1801. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. WALES SCOTLAND. 191 WYNDHAM, HENRY PENRUDDOCKE. Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales. Second edition. Salis- bury, 1781. 4to. Plates. Calf. Another copy. Large Paper, with 250 additional plates inserted. B. WYNNE, W. History of Wales. London, 1697. Small 8vo. Calf. B. SCOTLAND. NTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, SOCIETY OF. Archaeologia Scotica. Vol. V., Part I. Edinbzwgh, 1874. 4to. Plates. Proceedings, Vol. VI., Pts. I, 2, and Appendix ; Vol. VII., Pts. I, 2 ; Vol. VIII. Pts. I, 2 ; Vol. IX., Pt. i ; Vol. X., Pts. i, 2 ; Vol. XL, Pts. i, 2 ; Vol. XII., Pts i, 2 ; Vol. XIII. ; Vol. XIV. Edin- burgh, 1866-80. Small 4to. Records of the Monastery of Kinloss. Edinburgh, 1872. Small 4to. Photographs. Records of the Priory of the Isle of May. Edin- burgh, 1868. Small 4to. Plates. Transactions. Vol. I. Edinburgh, 1792. 4to. B. ARGYLL, DUKE OF. lona. London, 1870. Small 8vo. Another copy. B. 192 TOPOGRAPHY. ATLAS. Twenty-nine Maps of Scottish Counties and Islands. From the "London Magazine" of 1777, etc. Bound togetJter in one vol. 4to. B. Inserted is a plan of proposed canals between Edinburgh and Glasgow. BARRY, JOHN. History of the Orkney Islands. Second edition. London, 1808. 4to. Plates. Calf. BEATTIE, WILLIAM. Scotland Illustrated. London, 1838. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. B. BILLINGS, ROBERT WILLIAM. The Baronial and Eccle- siastical Antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1845-52. 4to. 4 vols. Plates. BLACK, DAVID D. The History of Brechin to 1864. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1867. 8vo. Illustrations. [BRADLEY, EDWARD.] A Holiday Ramble in the Land of Scott, by Cuthbert Bede. London [1863]. Small 8vo. Illustrations. Glencreggan, or a Highland Home in Cantire. London, 1861. Small 8vo. 2 vols. BROWN, JAMES. Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions in Greyfriars Churchyard, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1867. Small 8vo. BUCHANAN, JOHN LANE. Travels in the Western He- brides, 1782-90. London, 1793. 8vo. Calf. CARDONNEL, ADAM DE. Picturesque Antiquities of Scot- land. London, 1788. 4to. Calf. Another edition. London, 1793. 8vo. Calf. SCOTLAND. 193 [CHAMBERS, ROBERT ?] Minor Antiquities of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1833. 12 mo. Illustrations. COLQUHOUN, JOHN. The Moor and the Loch. Third edition. 1851. 8vo. Plates. GUMMING, C. F. GORDON. In the Hebrides. London, 1883. 8vo. DENHOLM, JAMES. History of the City of Glasgow. Third edition. Glasgow, 1804. 8vo. Plates. EDINBURGH. Historical and Descriptive Account of George Heriot's Hospital. Edinburgh, 1827. 8vo. Plates. History of Holyrood-house. Edinburgh, 1819. 8vo. Plates. Historical and Descriptive Account of Holyrood- house. Edinburgh, 1826. 8vo. Plates. EDMONSTON, ARTHUR. A View of the Ancient and Present State of the Zetland Islands. Edinburgh, 1809. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. [FORSYTH, ROBERT.] The Beauties of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1805-1808. 8vo. 5 vols. Plates. Calf. GORRIE, DANIEL. Summers and Winters in the Orkneys. London, 1868. Small 8vo. GRAMPIAN CLUB. BEAULY. Charters of the Priory BOSWELL. Boswelliana. Lon- ofBeauly. \EdinburgK\ 1877. don, 1874. 8vo. 8vo. CC 194 TOPOGRAPHY. GRAMPIAN CLUB continued. CAMBUSKENNETH. Registrum Monasterii S. Marie de Cam- buskenneth, A.D. 1147-1535. Edinburgh 1872. 410. Plates. CHAPEL ROYAL. History of the Chapel Royal of Scotland, with the Register of the Chapel Royal of Stirling. Edinburgh, 1882. 8vo. COLDSTREAM. Chartulary of the Cistercian Priory of Cold- stream. London^ 1879. 8vo. CRAIL. Register of the Col- legiate Church of Crail. Lon- don, 1877. 8vo. CUPAR-ANGUS. Rental Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Cupar- Angus, with the Breviary of the Register. London, 1879-80. 8vo. 2 vols. EDGAR. Edgar, Andrew, and Rogers, Charles. Genealogical Collections concerning the Scottish House of Edgar. London, 1873. 4 to - CASK. Oliphant, T. L. Kington. The Jacobite Lairds of Cask. London, 1870. 8vo. GLASGOW. Liber Protocollo- rum M. Cuthberti Simonis Glasguensis, 1499-1513. Also Rental Book of the Diocese of Glasgow, 1 509-70. London, 1875. 8vo. 2 vols. KNOX. Rogers, Charles. Ge- nealogical Memoirs of John Knox and the Family of Knox. London, 1879. 8vo. LEITH. Historical Notices of St. Anthony's Monastery, Leith. London, 1877. 8vo. MONUMENTA. Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland. Vol. I. London, 1871. 8vo. NOBILITY. Estimate of the Scottish Nobility during the Minority of James VI. Lon- don, 1873. 8vo. SCOTLAND. Scotland, Social and Domestic. London, 1869. 8vo. GRANT, JAMES. Memorials of the Castle of Edinburgh. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1862. I2mo. HELME, ELIZABETH. The History of Scotland. Second edition. Brentford, 1815. I2mo. 2 vols. Calf. SCOTLAND. 195 HERON, ROBERT. Observations made in a Journey through the Western Counties of Scotland. Perth, 1793. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. HICKS, J. Wanderings by the Lochs and Streams of Assynt. London, 1855. Small 8vo. [JOHNSON, SAMUEL.] Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. London, 1775. 8vo. Calf. B. KIRK, ROBERT. Secret Commonwealth, a Treatise display- ing the Chief Curiosities, as they are in Use among diverse of the People of Scotland to this day . . . 1691. (Reprint of 100 copies, Edinburgh, 1815.) 4to. B. KNOX, A. E. Autumns on the Spey. London, 1872. Small 8vo. Plates. LAUDER, SIR THOMAS DICK. An Account of the Great Floods of August 1829, in Moray and adjoining districts. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1830. 8vo. Plates. Scottish Rivers. Edinburgh, 1874. Small 8vo. LESLIE, FORBES. The Early Races of Scotland and their Monuments. Edinburgh, 1866. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. M'CRiE, THOMAS ; MILLER, HUGH ; ANDERSON, JAMES ; FLEMING AND BALFOUR. The Bass Rock, its History, Geology, Martyrology, Zoology and Botany. Edin- burgh [1847]. 8vo. MARTIN, M. A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland. London, 1703. Small 8vo. Calf. 196 TOPOGRAPHY. MORTON, JAMES. The Monastic Annals of Teviotdale. Edinburgh, 1832. 4to. NEILL, PATRICK. A Tour through Orkney and Shetland. Edinburgh, 1806. 8vo. NlMMO, WILLIAM. A General History of Stirlingshire. Edinburgh, 1777. 8vo. Map. Calf. [PENNANT, THOMAS.] A Tour in Scotland. Fifth edition. London, 1790. 4to. 3 vols. Plates. Russia. PENNEY, JOHN. A Topographical and Historical Account of Linlithgowshire. Edinburgh, 1832. I2mo. REFORMERS. Three Scottish Reformers, Alexander Cun- ningham, Earl of Glencairn; Henry Balnaves; John Davidson. London, 1874. 8vo. (English Reprint Society?) RITCHIE, LEITCH. Scott and Scotland. London, 1835. 8vo. Plates. Red morocco. (Heath's Picturesque Annual?} B. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. The History of Scotland. Fifth edition, London, 1769. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. ROGERS, CHARLES. A Century of Scottish Life. Edin- burgh, 1871. Small 8vo. Traits and Stories of the Scottish People. London, 1867. Small 8vo. ROSSLYN CHAPEL AND CASTLE, Historical and Descriptive Account of. Edinburgh, 1827. 8vo. Plates. B. SCOTLAND. 197 ST. JOHN, CHARLES. A Tour in Sutherlandshire. London, 1849. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. SCOTLAND, THE HISTORIANS OF. Edinburgh, 1871-80. 8vo. 10 vols. " Fordun's Chronicle," edited by W. F. Skene, 2 vols. ; " Wyntoun's Chronicle," edited by D. Laing, 3 vols. ; " Lives of SS. Ninian and Kentigern," edited by Bishop Forbes of Brechin ; " Adamnan's Life of S. Columba," edited by Dr. W. Reeves ; " Liber Pluscardemis," edited by F. J. H. Skene, 2 vols. ; Innes' " Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland." HER SONGS AND SCENERY ; as sung by her Bards and seen in the Camera. London, 1868. Small 4to. Photographs. TRACTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE ANTIQUITIES OF. Edinburgh, 1836. 8vo. Vol. I. Engraved title and portrait. Hay's "Vindication of Elizabeth More" ; Gordon's "Disserta- tion on Elizabeth More " ; " Remarks on Innes's Ancient Inhabi- tants of Scotland " ; " Essay on Macduff's Crosse in Fyfe," by I.C.; Taitt's " Roman Account of Britain and Ireland " ; Lord Ruthen's "Relation of the Death of Rizzi" ; Johnston's "Historic of Scotland during the Minority of King James " ; " Accompt of the Baptism of Henry Frederick, Prince of Scotland and Wales, 30 Aug. 1594." SCOTT, SIR WALTER, BART. The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland. London, 1814-17. 4to. 2 vols. Large Paper. Plates on India paper. SHEPHERD, THOMAS H. Modern Athens, or Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century. London, 1829. 4to. Plates. SIBBALD, SIR ROBERT. The History of Fife and Kinross. New edition. Cupar-Fife, 1803. 8vo. Plates. ip8 TOPOGRAPHY. SKENE, WILLIAM F. The Highlanders of Scotland. London, 1837. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. Chronicles of the Picts and Scots, edited by W. F. S. Edinburgh, H.M. Register House, 1867. Royal 8vo. SMITH, ALEXANDER. A Summer in Skye. London, 1865. Small 8vo. 2 vols. SPOTSWOOD, JOHN (Archbishop of St. Andrews). The History of the Church and State of Scotland. Fourth edition. London, 1677. Folio. Portrait. Calf. Ap- pendix, with special title. London, 1677. STEWART, DAVID. Sketches of the Character, Manners, and Present State of the Highlanders of Scotland ; with Details of the Highland Regiments. Edinburgh, 1822. 8vo. 2 vols. B. STEWART, W. GRANT. The Popular Superstitions and Amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1823. I2mo. STIRLING. Lacunar Strevelinense. A Collection of Heads etched and engraved after the carved work which formerly decorated the roof of the King's Room in Stirling Castle. Edinburgh, 1817. 4to. STORER, JAMES, and GREIG, JOHN. Views in North Britain, illustrative of the Works of Robert Burns. London, 1811. 4to. Plates. B. SCOTLAND. 199 STOKER, J., and STORER, H. S. Views in Edinburgh and its Vicinity. London, 1820. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. Engraved titles, "Graphic and Historical Description of the City of Edinburgh," dated 1818-19. STUART, JOHN. Editor's Preface to the Spalding Club Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1398-1570. {Aberdeen, 1844 ?] Small 4to. Notice of Excavations in the Chambered Mounds of Maeshowe, Orkney. Edinburgh, 1865. Small 4to. Co ioiired plates. [SWARBRECK, SAMUEL DuKiNFlELD.] Sketches in Scot- land. London, 1839. Atlas folio. Plates. TEIGNMOUTH, LORD. Sketches of the Coasts and Islands of Scotland and of the Isle of Man. London, 1836. 8vo. 2 vols. Map. TOUR IN SCOTLAND, A. Third edition. Warrington, 1774. 8vo. ( The" Additions " vol) B. WEIR, DANIEL. History of the Town of Greenock. Greenock, 1829. 8vo. WILSON, JAMES. A Voyage round the Coasts of Scotland and the Isles. Edinburgh, 1842. Small 8vo. 2 vols. WOOD, WALTER. The East Neuk of Fife. Edinburgh, 1862. Small 8vo. WORDSWORTH, DOROTHY. Recollections of a Tour in Scotland, 1803. Edited by J. C. Shairp. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1874. Small 8vo. 200 TOPOGRAPHY. WRIGHT, G. N. Landscape Historical Illustrations of Scotland and the Waverley Novels. London, no date. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. IRELAND. ARTLETT, WILLIAM HENRY. Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland. London, no dale. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. BRADY, W. MAZIERE. The McGillycuddy Papers ; a contribution to the History of the County of Kerry. London, 1867. 4to. BREWER, J. N. Beauties of Ireland. London, 1825. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. BURKE, EDMUND. Letters, Speeches, and Tracts on Irish Affairs. London, 1881. Small 8vo. B. CARR, JOHN. The Stranger in Ireland. London, 1806. 4to. Plates. CROKER, T. CROFTON. Researches in the South of Ireland. London, 1824. 4to. Plates. B. Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland. London, 1834. Small 8vo. (Family Library?) B. Second edition. London, 1838. Small 8vo. B. DOWN, Antient and present State of the County of. Dublin, 1744. 8vo. Calf. ( Wants the map.} B. IRELAND. 201 HALL, SAMUEL CARTER, and HALL, MRS. S. C. Ireland, its Scenery, Character, etc. London, 1841. 4to. 3 vols. Plates. HAMILTON, WILLIAM. Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim. Dublin, 1790. 8vo. Folding map and plates. Calf. (2 copies!) HEAD, SIR FRANCIS BOND. A Fortnight in Ireland. London, 1852. 8vo. B. HOARE, SIR RICHARD COLT, BART. Journal of a Tour in Ireland, 1806. London, 1807. 8vo. (2 copies?) HOLMES, G. Sketches of Some of the Southern Counties of Ireland. London, 1801. 8vo. Illustrations. Calf. MACKENZIE, JOHN. Narrative of the Siege of London- Berry. London, 1690. Small 4to. RITCHIE, LEITCH. Ireland Picturesque and Romantic. London, 1837. Royal 8 vo. Plates. (Heattis Picttiresque Annual!) B. RYLAND, R. H. History, Topography, and Antiquities of the County and City of Waterford. London, 1824. 8vo. Folding map and plates. SAMPSON, G. VAUGHAN. Statistical Survey of the County of Londonderry. Dublin, 1 802. 8vo. B. STAFFORD, THOMAS. Pacata Hibernia, or a History of the Wars in Ireland during the Reign of Queen Eliza- beth. Taken from the original Chronicles. Second edition, Dublin, printed London, 1820. Imp. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. DD 202 TOPOGRAPHY. WALKER, JOSEPH C. Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards. Dublin, 1786. 4to. Calf. B. WARBURTON, J. ; WHITELAW, J., and WALSH, ROBERT. History of the City of Dublin. London, 1818. Royal 4to. 2 vols. Plates. WELD, ISAAC. Illustrations of the Scenery of Killarney and the Surrounding Country. London, 1812. 4to. Plates. WRIGHT, G. N. Guide to the Lakes of Killarney. London, 1822. I2mo. Plates. Calf. Ireland Illustrated. London, 1831. 4to. Plates. B. YOUNG, ARTHUR. A Tour in Ireland, 1776-78. Second edition. London, 1780. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. ISLE OF MAN. UMMING, JOSEPH GEORGE. The Isle of Man. London, 1848. 8vo. CHANNEL ISLANDS. ERRY, WILLIAM. The History of the Island of Guernsey, with particulars of Alderney, Serk and Jersey, compiled from the Collec- tions of the late Henry Budd. London, 1815. 4to. Map and plates. B. INGLIS, HENRY D. The Channel Islands. London, 1834. 8vo. 2 vols. B. THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. CTS OF PARLIAMENT. A Collec- tion of Acts of Parliament relating to Bristol, 1 7th, 1 8th, and iQth centuries, in 10 vols. folio, 5 vols. 8vo., and 8 vols. 1 2 mo. B. Copy of the Objections to the Bristol Gaol Act ; with the answers given thereto by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council. [Bristol} 1792. 4to. B. ALBUM of Letters, etc., relating to Bristol. 4to. MS. B. ALL SAINTS, Bristol, Extracts from the Account-Book of. MS. Small 4to. B. ANNALS OF BRISTOL. Folio. MS. No. 2. Small 4to. In 2 parts. MS. B. B. and Extracts from William of Worcester's MS. A MS. copy of MS. lately in the possession of Alderman Page, and now belonging to his son, Mr. Edward M. Page of Downend, who obligingly allowed me to take a copy of it. 2^th May, 1822. Small 4to. B. 204 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Memoirs of the History and Antiquities of Bristol, and the Western Counties. London, 1853. 8vo. Plates. ARTHUR, WILLIAM. The Successful Merchant ; Sketches of the Life of Samuel Budgett. Eleventh edition. London, 1854. Small 8vo. B. BALLOON. Account of the Voyage from Bristol, Sept. 24, 1820 [by Messrs. Sadler and Clayfield in a balloon]. Bristol, no date. New Song sung by Mr. Pinkney on the ascension, the fifteenth time, of Mr. Sadler. No place or date. Togetlier I vol. 8vo. B. BARKER, W. R. St. Mark's, or the Mayor's Chapel, Bristol. Bristol, 1892. 8vo. Large Paper. Plates. B. BARNES, MRS. (of Redland Hall}. Sale Catalogue of the Property of. Bristol, 1823. 4to. B. BARNES, WILLIAM (of Redland Hall}. Sale Catalogue of Carvings. [London] 1826. 8vo. B. BARRETT, WILLIAM. History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol. Bristol \if%()~\. 4to. Plates and MS. notes. Russia. B. Another copy. B. BEVAN, JOSEPH GURNEY. Refutation of modern Mis- representations of the Society of Friends. With a Life of James Nayler. London, 1800. 8vo. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMORANDA arranged alphabetically. Small 8vo. 3 vols. MS. (From the Innys Library, Redland Court. Dated 1774.) ARCHAEOLOGICAL BRISTOL. 205 BIRD, EDWARD. Catalogue of Pictures painted by the late E. B. Bristol, 1820. 8vo. With MS. notes, letters, etc., relating to Bird's works. B. BOSWELL, EDWARD. The Ecclesiastical Division of the Diocese of Bristol. Sherborne, no date. 8vo. B. BRISTOL AND ITS ENVIRONS, a descriptive Poem. Bristol, 1833. 8vo. B. BRISTOL AND ITS ENVIRONS. Bristol, 1875. Small 8vo. B. BRISTOL BRIDGE. [Wood, John.] Letter to the Com- missioners for rebuilding the Bridge at Bristol. Bristol [1760]. Bridges, James. Four Designs for rebuilding Bristol Bridge. Bristol, 1760. Stratford, Ferdinando. Short Account of the manner proposed for rebuilding Bristol Bridge. Bristol, 1760. [Wood, John.] Second Letter to the Commissioners for rebuilding the Bridge at Bristol. Bristol, no date. Bridges, James. Further Observations on a new stone Bridge. No place or date. i leaf folio. Short Description of Mr. Bridges' Drawings and Models. No place or date. 2 leaves folio. Mr. Bridges' Reasons for and against the single arch bridge. No place or date. 2 leaves folio. Stratford, Ferdinando. Observations on the Letter by a Bystander, with an explanation of building a single arch bridge. Glocester, 1762. Folding plate. Stratford, Ferdinando. Further Remarks on building a single arch bridge. No place or date. 2 leaves folio. Together I vol. Small 8vo. B. BRISTOL COLLECTIONS. Charter and Romsey Letters, 1665-78. Henley and Merchant Adventurers' Papers, 1680-1717. Romsey and Knight's Papers, 1679-88. 206 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. BRISTOL COLLECTIONS continued. Seizure of Postillion Ketch, 1693-97. Hon. Edward Southwell's Papers, 1738-76. 6 vols. A Collection of MSS. arranged in 10 vols. Folio. Russia. B. BRISTOL AND GLOUCESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes on Wills in the Great Orphan Book in the Council House, Bristol, by T. P. Wadley. Bristol, no date. 8vo. In 5 parts. B. BRISTOL SAVINGS BANK. Rules. Bristol, no date. Small 8vo. B. BRITISH ASSOCIATION Meeting at Bristol, 1836, List of Members, and Cuttings from the " Athenaeum " relative to the. 4to. B. BRITTON, JOHN. History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Bristol. London, printed Chiswick, 1830. 4to. Plates. (2 copies.} Two other copies. B. Another copy. Large Paper, with extra plates and drawings inserted. Another copy. Large Paper. B. Another copy. Largest Paper, folio (only 10 copies so printed}, with the plates on India paper, also proof s of the plates before letters on India paper, and the original drawings. B. Historical and Architectural Essay relating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol. London, 1813. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. Calf. B. BRISTOL CHARITIES. 207 BURDER, W. C. ; HINE, JAMES, and GODWIN, E. W. Architectural Antiquities of Bristol. Part I. Bristol, 1851. Folio. Plates. B. BUSH, HENRY. Bristol Town Duties. Bristol, 1828. 8vo. B. CALENDAR of Transactions in and about Bristol during the eighteenth century. Folio. MS. B. CARRE, JOHN. Transcript of the Will of J. C., Vintner, of St. Stephen's Parish, Bristol, dated I3th Sept., 1558. 4to. MS. B. CATHEDRAL, Bristol, Memoranda as to the Eagle in ; with engraving of the Eagle dated Bristol, 1802. MS. Small 8vo. B. CATHOLIC EMANCIPATION in Bristol, 1829. A folio vol. of broadsides, etc., so lettered. B. CATHOLIC QUESTION, THE. Sixth edition. London, no date. Bull of Pius V. excommunicating Queen Eliza- beth. Bristol, 1829. Speech of Mr. Sadler, M.P. for Newark [on Protestantism]. Bristol, no date. Attorney- General's Speech against the Catholic Claims. Bristol, no date. Letter to Rev. William Thorpe, Feb. 17, 1829. Bristol, no date. Address to Protestant Dissenters. Bristol, no date. Together I vol. 12 mo. B. CHARITIES. Account of the Asylum for the Indigent Blind in Bristol. Bristol, 1809. I2mo. B. Bristol Auxiliary Bible Society; Laws, Reports, etc. Bristol, 1810-15. Small 8 vo 208 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. CHARITIES. Bristol Charities. Bristol, 1822. I2mo. B. Bristol Infirmary. Rules. Bristol, 1779. Draft Rules and Circular to Subscribers. Bristol, 1806. Rules. Bristol, 1806. Circular and Reports. Bristol, 1811. Togetlier I vol. 8vo. B. Broad, John S. History of Sunday Schools in Bristol. Bristol, 1816. I2mo. (2 copies.} B. Catcott, Alexander] S[topford]. Exercises per- formed at a Visitation of the Grammar School of Bristoll, Thursday, 7th April, 1737. Verses spoken at a former Visitation. Bristoll, no date. Small 4to. Calf. B. Colston, Edward, Life and Times of. Bristol, no date. Small 8vo. B. Copies of Colston's Settlements. No place or date. 4to. B. Garrard, Thomas. Edward Colston, his Life and Times; edited by S. G. Tovey. Bristol, 1852. 4to. Large Paper. B. Goyder, D. G. Manual of Bristol Infant School Instruction. Second edition. London, 1823. I2mo. B. Hunt, H. Letter to the Freemen of Bristol on Estates left them under the name of Charities. London [1812]. I2mo. B. Jones, Joshua. Further Report on the Accounts of the Corporation of Bristol as the late Governors of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital. Bristol, 1840. 8vo. B. CHARITIES CHAR TERS. 209 CHARITIES. Manchee, T. J. Present State of the Free Grammar School of the City of Bristol. In a letter addressed to Sir James Scarlett. Bristol, no date. 8vo. B. Pole, Thomas. History of the Origin and Pro- gress of Adult Schools. Bristol, 1814. 8vo. B. Observations relative to Infant Schools. Bristol, 1823. 8vo. B. Queen Elizabeth's Hospital. Translation of the Charter of; and other documents relating to Bristol. Folio. MS. Report of the Commissioners for inquiring concern- ing Charities in England and Wales as to Charitable Institutions in Bristol. Bristol, 1831. 4to. 2 vols. B. CHARTERS. The City Charters .... to which are added the Bounds of the City. Bristol, 1736. 4to. Calf. B. Another copy, interleaved in a large 4to. vol. lettered Collections for Bristol. Charters. B. Bristol : an Abstract of the City Charter. . . . Bristol, 1792. 8vo. B. Abstract of the City Charter. Historical Account of the Lords, Constables, and Wardens of Bristol Castle. Bristol, 1832. 8vo. B. Charter of Queen Anne to the City of Bristol. No place or date. 4to. B. E E 210 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. CHARTERS. Seyer, Samuel. Charters and Letters Patent granted by the Kings and Queens of England to the Town and City of Bristol. Bristol, 1812. 4to. Calf. B. Another copy. B. Another copy, bound with Large Paper copies of Dalla way's William Wyrcestre Redivivus, and Anti- quities of Bristow. B. Another copy, interleaved and lettered Collections for Bristol. Charters, and with 1 5 coloured drawings of Seals inserted. B. CHATTERTON COLLECTION. Chatterton, Thomas. Works. London, 1803. 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. B. [Chatterton, Thomas.] Poems by Thomas Rowley and others. London, 1777. 8vo. Calf. B. Another edition. London, 1778. 8vo. Calf. B. Poems by Thomas Rowley and others. London, 1777. Warton, Thomas. Inquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems attributed to Rowley. London, 1782. Tyrwhitt, Thomas. Vindication of the Appendix to the Poems called Rowley's. London, 1782. Together I vol. 8vo. B. Poems by Thomas Rowley, with Commentary by Jeremiah Milles, D.D., Dean of Exeter. London, 1782. 4to. Calf. B. CHARTERS CHA TTERTON. 21 1 CHATTERTON COLLECTION continued. Another copy, with an autograph signature of Chatterton, and a folding view of St. Mary Redcliffe inserted. B. Chatterton, Thomas. Poetical Works, with Notices of his Life. Cambridge, 1842. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. Another edition, edited by W. W. Skeat, with Memoir by E. Bell. London, 1871. Small 8vo. 2 vols. (2 copies.} B. Another edition, with Memoir by F. Martin. London, no date. Small 8vo. B. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. London, 1778. Supplement. London, 1784. 8vo. Calf. B. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. London, 1778. [Greene, Edward Burnaby.] Strictures upon a Pamphlet intitled Cursory Observations on the Poems attributed to Rowley. London, 1782. Mathias, Thomas James. Essay on the Evidence relating to the Poems attributed to Rowley. London, 1783. Cuttings from the St. James's Chronicle, etc., relating to T. C. Together I vol. Small 8vo. B, Execution of Sir Charles Bawdin. London, 1772. Thistlethwaite, James. The Prediction of Liberty. London\\'j'j6\. [Baynes, .] Archaeological Epistle to the Rev. Jeremiah Milles, D.D., Dean of Exeter, editor of the Poems of Rowley. London. 1782. (2 copies?) MS. and printed articles relating to Chatterton. To- getfter I vol. 4to. B. 212 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. CHATTERTON COLLECTION continued. Prophecy of Queen Emma. London, 1782. [Heckford (?) and Fell, John.] Observations on the Poems attributed to Rowley. Remarks on the Appendix of the Editor of Rowley's Poems. London, no date. Chatterton, T. The Revenge, a Burletta. London, 1795. Rowley and Chatterton in the Shades. London, 1782. Genuine Copy of a Letter found Nov. 5, 1782, near Strawberry Hill, addressed to the Hon. Mr. H ce W le. London, 1783. Supplement to the Miscellanies of T. C. London, 1784. Gregory, G. Life of T. C. London, 1789. MS. notes relating to T. C. Together I vol. 8vo. B. Album with a few MS. verses and pieces of music inscribed "Francis Berkeley, her Booke, 1642," and "Thomas Chatterton, 1782 " (the poet's father). I2mo. Calf. B. Bryant, Jacob. Observations upon the Poems of Thomas Rowley. London, 1781. 8vo. Calf. B. Davis, John. Life of Thomas Chatterton. London, no date. I2mo. Calf. B. Dix, John. Life of Thomas Chatterton. London, 1837. 8vo. B. Gregory, G. Life of Thomas Chatterton. London, 1789. 8vo. Calf. (2 copies) B, Life of Thomas Chatterton. London, 1789. 8vo Warton, Thomas. Enquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley. London, CHATTERTON. 213 CHATTERTON COLLECTION continued. 1782. An Examination of the Poems attributed to Rowley and Canynge. Sherborne, no date. Tyrwhitt, Thomas. Vindication of the Appendix to the Poems called Rowley's. London, 1782. Observations on the Poems attributed to Rowley. London, no date. To- getJier I vol. 8vo. B. Letter to the Editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton. Strawberry Hill, 1779. 8vo. (Only 200 copies privately printed.} B. Letter to the Editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton. Strawberry Hill, 1779. Warton, Thomas. An Enquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems attri- buted to Thomas Rowley. London, 1782. [Malone, Edmund.] Cursory Observations on the Poems attri- buted to Thomas Rowley. London, 1782. Together i vol. 8vo. Calf. B. James Bindley's copy, with his book-plate and a MS. note by him. List of Works on Chatterton and other Memoranda. Folio. MS. B. Love and Madness, a Story too true. In a series of Letters. New edition. London, 1780. I2mo. B. Love and Madness. [Account of T. C. from Herbert Crofts.] Excerpt of pp. 125-244. Crofts, Rev. Sir Herbert, Bart. Chatterton and " Love and Madness." A Letter from Denmark to Mr. Nichols. Yarmouth, 1800. Davis, John. Life of Thomas Chatterton. London, no date. Together i vol. I2mo. B. 2i 4 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. CHATTERTON COLLECTION continued. Pryce, George. Memorials of the Canynges' Family and their Times .... to which is added Inedited Memoranda relating to Chatterton. Bristol, 1854. 8vo. Plates. B. Sherwen, John. Introduction to an Examination respecting the Authenticity of certain publications said to have been found in manuscripts at Bristol. Bath, 1809. 8vo. B. Thistlethwaite, James. The Consultation, a Mock Heroic. Bristol, 1774. Second edition. Bristol, 1775. Burgum, Henry. Narrative of facts in contradiction of James Thistlethwaite's Address to H. B. respecting the Consultation. Bristol, 1775. [Woodward, Dr. ?] Remarks on Warton's History of English Poetry. London, no date. Examination of the Poems attributed to Rowley and Canynge. Sherborne [1782]. [Malone, E. ?] Cursory Observations on the Poems attributed to Rowley. London, 1782. Excerpts from the Monthly Magazine, Critical Review, and European Magazine. Letter to the Editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton. Strawberry Hill, 1779. Together i vol. 8vo. B. CHILCOTT. History of Bristol. Third edition. Bristol, no date. I2mo. B. Fourth edition. Bristol, no date. I2mo. B. CHURCHES. Cursory Observations on the Churches of Bristol. Second edition. Bristol, 1843. Small 4to. Large Paper. Plates. . Another copy. Large Paper, with additional plates. Another copy. Small 8vo. B. CHATTERTON CIVIL WAR. 215 CHURCH GOER, THE. Sunday Visits to the Churches of Bristol. Bristol, 1845. Small 8vo. B. CIVIL WAR. Fiennes, Nathaniel. Speech in answer to the speech of Lord George Digby concerning Bishops and the Citty of Londons petition, Qth Feb. 1640. No place, 1641. Small 4to. The two State Martyrs, or the Murther of Robert Yeomans and George Bowcher of Bristoll by N. F. No place, 1643. Small 4to. B. " Very rare ; privately printed." MS. note. A Check to Brittanicus for his palpable flattery and prevarication in justifying condemned N. F. London, 1644. Small 4to. B. A Check to the Checker of Britannicus, or the Honour of Collonel Fiennes revived. London, 1644. Small 4to. B. Copie of the Articles agreed upon at the Surrender of the City of Bristol betweene Colonell N. F. and Colonell Charles Gerrard. London [1643 ]- Small 4to. B. Full Declaration concerning the March of the Forces under Collonel Fiennes to Bristoll. . . London, 1643. Small 4to. B. Relation made in the House of Commons concerning the Surrender of Bristoll. London [1643 ?]. Small 4to. B. 216 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. CIVIL WAR continued. Fiennes, Nathaniel. Col. Fiennes Trial. Prynne, William. The Popish Royall Favourite, or a full discovery of His Majesties extraordinary favours to and protections of notorious Papists, Priests, Jesuits. . . . London, 1643. Two similar titles, but varying on verso, one Jiaving the licence of the House of Commons for the printing of the book, and also "A materiall Observation " concerning the Rebels in Ireland and the Spanish Match; the other having tJie licence only. Eglisham, George. The Fore-Runner of Revenge, two Petitions [concerning] the Earle of Buckingham, the death of King James and the Marquesse Hamelton. London, 1642. Together I vol. 4to. Calf. B. Prynne, William, and Walker, Clement. A True and Full Relation of the Prosecution, Arraignment, Tryall, and Condemnation of Nathaniel Fiennes, late Colonel and Governor of the City and Castle of Bristoll, before a Councell of War held at Saint Albans Decem- ber 1643. London, Printed for Michael Sparks Senior, at the signe of the Blew Bible in Green-arbour, 1644. 4to. Calf. B. Fiennes, Nathaniel, Articles of Impeachment against, by Clement Walker and William Prynne. London, 1643. Small 4to. B. [Walker, C] Answer to Col. Nathaniel Fiennes' Relation concerning his Surrender of Bristol. No place, 1643. Small 4to. Calf. B. Fiennes, Nathaniel. Reply to a Pamphlet entitled An Answer to Col. N. F.'s Relation concerning his Surrender of Bristol, by Clem. Walker. London, 1643. Small 4to. B. CIVIL WAR. 217 CIVIL WAR continued. Briefe Relation of a Plot against the City of Bristoll hatched by the Malignants of the said City. London, 1642. Small 4to. B. An Extraordinary Deliverance from a cruell Plot contrived by the Malignants in Bristoll for delivering up the City to Prince Rupert, related in a Letter to Lord Say. London, 1642. Small 4to. Black Letter. B. Eben Ezer, as a Thankefull Remembrance of Gods great goodnesse unto the City of Bristoll, in preserving them from the forces of Prince Rupert without, and a Treacherous plot within, to betray the City to them the seventeenth day of March 1642. T. P. dedicates this. London, 1643. Broadside with 44 lines of verse in a 4to. album. B. Tombes, John. Jehovah Jireh. Two Sermons in the Citie of Bristoll on the Day of Thanksgiving, March 14, 1642, for deliverance from invasion without and the plot of malign ants within. London, 1643. Small 4to. B. The Severall Examinations and Confessions of the treacherous Conspiratours against the Citie of Bristoll. London, 1643. True Copie of a Letter from an Inhabi- tant of Bridgewater [concerning] the landing of 1000 Irish Rebels at Mynehead and of others at Bristol. London, 1643. Together i vol. Small 4to. B. His Maiesties Letter to the Maior of Bristol, with a Remonstrance and Protestation from the County of Nottingham. Oxford, 1642. Copie of a Letter from F F 218 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. CIVIL WAR continued. the Maior of Bristoll to a Friend in London relating the Defeat of the Cavaliers by Sir William Waller and Sir Arthur Haslerig. London, 1643. Together I vol. Small 4to. B. The Tragedy of the Kings Armies Fidelity since their entring into Bristol, together with the too late repentance of the Inhabitants. London, 1643. 4to. B. His Majesties Declaration after his Victories over Lord Fairfax, Sir William Waller, and the Taking of Bristoll. Oxford, 1643. Small 4to. B. Two other copies bound with A Declaration and Protestation of the Lords and Commons in Parlia- ment to this Kingdome and to the whole world [as to] Commissions granted to Papists [and] how Sir John Hinderson and Colonell Cockram were sent to Hamburg and Denmark to raise forces. . . . London, 1642. Small 4to. B. Declaration of his Highnesse Prince Rupert with a Narrative of the State of the City and Garrison of Bristoll. London, 1645. Small 4to. B. True Relation of the Storming of Bristoll by Sir Thomas Fairfax's Army, 11 Septemb. 1645. . . . London, 1645. Lieut. Generall Cromwell's Letter to the House of Commons of particulars of taking the City of Bristoll. . . . London, 1645. Declaration of his Highnesse Prince Rupert with a Narrative of the State of the City and Garrison of Bristoll. . . . London, 1645. Ordinance of CIVIL WARCOOLE. 219 CIVIL WAR continued. Parliament for constituting Sergeant-Major Generall Philip Skippon Governour of Bristoll. \_London~\ 1645. Together I vol. Small 4to. Calf. B. Kem, Major Samuel. Orders given out ; the Word, Stand fast. A farewell Sermon to his Regiment in Bristoll, Nov. 8, 1646. London, 164.7. Small 4to. B. Ordinances of Parliament for associating the counties of Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Corn- wall, and Bristol, Exeter and Poole, and putting them into a posture of defence. London [1644]. Small 4to. Black Letter. B. Three Letters ; the first from an Officer in his Majesties Army to a Gentleman in Glocestershire, upon occasion of certain Querees scattered about that country. The second, from a grave Gentleman once a Member of the House of Commons to his friend in London con- cerning his reason why he left the House ; the third to a Gentleman of Leicestershire shewing that all the overtures for peace have proceeded from his Majesty onely. Oxford, 1643. Small 4to. B. CLERGY. Apology for the Clergy of the City of Bristol in their petitioning an Act of Parliament for their better and more certain Maintenance. In a Letter to a Gentle- man of Bristol. London, 1712. Small 8 vo. B. COOLE, B. Honesty the truest Policy, shewing the sophistry, envy and perversion of George Keith in his three Books, Bristol Quakerism, Bristol Narrative, and Deism. No place, 1700. I2mo. B. 220 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. [COOMB, .] Clifton, a Poem. Bristol, 1775. 4to. (2 copies?) B. " I have searched for this Poem for many years without success for the purpose of presenting it to its Author, who expressed to me a strong wish to possess a copy ; but it has come into my hands too late my old friend is no more. G. B. Novemb. 1823." MS. note on title. CORRY, JOHN, and EVANS, JOHN. History of Bristol, Civil and Ecclesiastical. Bristol, 1816. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. Another copy. Large Paper. 4to. B. DALLAWAY, JAMES. Ancient Notices relating to Bristol. Bristol, 1830. 8vo. B. Antiquities of Bristow in the Middle Centuries : including the Topography of William Wyrcestre, and the Life of William Canynges. Bristol, 1834. 8vo. Plates. (2 copies.} Two other copies on small paper and two copies on Large Paper, the coats of arms in the latter coloured by hand. B. William Wyrcestre Redivivus. Notices of Ancient Church Architecture in the fifteenth century, particularly in Bristol. Bristol [1823]. 4to. (2 copies?) DANNBURIE, JOHNNE A. Account of the Poets of Bristol antecedent to 1396, by J. a D., Abbot of St. Augustine, Bristol. Bristol, 1815. i2mo. Calf. B. An imitation of Chatterton. COOMB DIRECTORIES. 22 1 DIRECTORIES AND GUIDES. Chilcott's Guide, 1826, 1831. Bristol. I2mo. 2 vols. New Guide. Second edition. Bristol, no date. 12 mo. B. Edwards's Guide. Bristol, 1802. 12 mo. (2 copies.} B. Evans, John. Companion for the Steam-packet. Bristol, 1824. I2mo. B. Picture of Bristol. Bristol, 1814. I2mo. Fourth edition. Bristol, 1828. I2mo. Another edi- tion. Bristol, no date. I2mo. B. Fares of Hackney Coaches .... for the City of Bristol. Second edition. Bristol, 1827. Small square 8vo. B. Hotwells, Handbook to. Bristol, no date. I2mo. B. Hunt and Co.'s Directory. London, 1850. Small Svo. B. Keene's Guide. Fourth edition. Bath, no date. I2mo. B. Mathew's Guide, 1794, 1815, 1819, 1825, 1828, 1829. Bristol. 1 2mo. 6 vols. B. Mathew's Directory, 1775, 1785, 1793-94, 1797-iSoi, 1803, 1807-8, 1813-23, 1826, 1836-38, 1845, 1848, 1850, 1852-66. Bristol. I2mo. 33 vols. B. Morgan's Guide. Bristol, 1851. I2mo. B. 222 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION, DIRECTORIES AND GUIDES continued. Philp and Evans's Guide. Bristol, 1842. I2mo. (2 copies^) B. St. Mary Redcliffe, Handbook to. Third edition. Bristol, 1848. I2mo. B. Scammell and Co.'s Directory. Bristol, 1853. Small 8vo. B. Shiercliff, Edward. Guide. Bristol, 1789. I2mo. B. Second edition. Bristol, 1793. Small 8vo. B. The Author's copy. Inserted are a MS. alphabetical List of Villages, etc., within twelve miles of Bristol, and original sketches of Bristol. Visitor's Guide. Bristol, no date. I2mo. B. Dix, JOHN. Local Legends and Rambling Rhymes. Bristol, 1839. I2mo. (3 copies?) B. DODSON, MICHAEL. Life of Sir Michael Foster, Recorder of Bristol. London, 1811. Royal 8vo. B. DRAWINGS. Views in Bristol and its Vicinity. Two folio albums of drawings and water-colours. B. Water-colour drawings by Hugh O'Neill and others, prints, maps, MS. notes, etc., to illustrate the topography and antiquities of Bristol, arranged in 20 folio albums and 36 4to. portfolios. B. About two thousand pieces, the greater number being original water-colour drawings made expressly for this collection. DIRECTORIES ELECTIONS. 223 DUES BILL. Evidence and Proceedings in Parliament on the Bristol Town and Mayor's Dues Bill. Bristol, 1825. 8vo. (2 copies?) B. Reasons for objecting to the proposed Bill for reduction and alteration of the Town Dues. Bristol, 1825. 8vo. B. DURBIN, HENRY. Narrative of extraordinary things that happened to Mr. Richard Giles's children at the Lamb, without Lawford's Gate, Bristol, supposed to be the effect of Witchcraft. [With] a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Bed- ford, Vicar of Temple, to the Bishop of Gloucester relative to Thomas Perks of Mangotsfield. Bristol, 1800. Small 8vo. Folding engraving. (Another copy without the engraving?) B. EARTHQUAKE. A Collection of Sundry Messages and Warnings to the Inhabitants of the City of Bristol con- cerning a Dreadful Earth-Quake to come upon them. Publish'd and Proclaim'd in the said City .... by divers of the Lord's Servants, of the People, call'd (in Scorn) Quakers. Note. This First Part was printed in London 1712. Part the Second contains I. An Ac- count of Prophesies II. A Collection of Earth- Quakes. . . . This Second Part is printed in Bristol, 1728. Small 4to. B. Second edition. Printed first in the year 1701, and Reprinted in the year 1712. Small 4to. B. ELECTIONS, MUNICIPAL. Gutch, John Matthew. Present Mode of Election of the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Common Council of Bristol. Bristol, 1825. 8vo. B. 224 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. ELECTIONS, MUNICIPAL continued. List of Burgesses who voted at the Election of Common Councilmen for the Bristol Ward, Nov. I, 1836. Bristol, 1836. 4to. B. Poll Book of the Bristol Ward, Municipal Election, 1 840. Bristol. 8vo. (Printed in blue ink.} B. ELECTIONS, PARLIAMENTARY. Bristol Contest, 1754. Bristol, no date. Poll Book, 1754. Bristol. Collection of Election notices, squibs, etc. Together I vol. 8vo. B. Another copy of the Contest and Poll Book, with The Unnatural Father or the Persecuted Son, A Narrative of the Sufferings of Robert Nugent. London, 1755. Together I vol. 8vo. Calf. B. Cuttings from Bristol Newspapers relative to Cruger's Election, 1781, in a small square I2mo. album. B. 1812. Folio album of broadsides, squibs, etc. B. 1812. Report of Committee of the House of Commons. Bristol, 1813. Account of a Public Dinner at Bristol, Jan. 28, 1813. Bristol, no date. I2mo. Broadsides relating to the Election. Together i vol. 8vo. B. Collection of Broadsides, etc., relating to the Elections, 1826, 1832, 1835, in a folio album. B. Collection of Broadsides, etc., relating to the Election, 1831, in a folio album. B. ELECTIONS GODWYN. 225 ELECTIONS, PARLIAMENTARY continued. Poll Books, 1734, 1739, 1754, 1755, 1774, 1781, 1784, 1832, 1835, 1847. Bristol. 8vo. 10 vols. B. Practical Instructions for the Registration of Voters as applies to the City and District of Bristol. Bristol, 1835. I2mo. B. Register of Electors for Bristol, 31 Oct. 1834. No place or date. Svo. B. Eo-NAUTS, THE ; or the Spirit of Delusion. Edited by Lemuel Gulliver and dedicated to the Mayor of Bristol. London, 1813. 8vo. Coloured folding plate. B. EVANS, JOHN. Chronological Outline of the History of Bristol, and the Stranger's Guide through its Streets and Neighbourhood. Bristol, 1824. Svo. Enlarged to 4 vols. by the insertion of prints. B. Two other copies. B. FARMER, RA. Sathan inthron'd in his chair of pestilence, or Quakerism in its exaltation, being a narrative of James Nailer's entrance into Bristoll, 24 Oct. 1656. London, 1657. Small 4to. B. Fox, FRANCIS F. Some Account of the ancient Fraternity of Merchant Taylors of Bristol. Bristol, 1880. 4to. Plates. Only 50 copies privately printed. B. [GODWYN, THOMAS.] Phanatical Tenderness, or the Charity of the Non-Conformists exemplified in the Practises of many of them in Bristol. London, 1684. Folio. B. GG 226 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. [GODWYN, THOMAS.] Phanatical Tenderness, or the Charity of the Non-Conformists exemplified in the Practises of many of them in Bristol. London, 1684. The Visor pluckt off from Richard Thompson of Bristol, Clerk. Noplace or date. 2 ff. Proceedings of the Grand Jury of Bristol upon an indictment against Edward Flower. London, 1680. I f. The Bristol Address to Sir Richard Hart and Thomas Earle Esq., representatives for Bristol. London, 1681. if. Together I vol. Small folio. B. GOLDWIN, WILLIAM. Description of the City of Bristol, a poem. With additions by I. Smart. London, 1751. 8vo. (2 copies?) B. - Poetical Description of Bristol. Folio. (Cuttings from the "Bristol Mirror," Dec., 1814, to June, 1815. Presented by Richard Smith, with a letter from him inserted?) B. [GUTCH, JOHN MATHEW.] Caraboo. A Narrative of a singular Imposition practised upon the Benevolence of a Lady in the vicinity of Bristol by a young Woman of the name of Mary Willcocks alias Caraboo, Princess of Javasu. Bristol, 1817. 8vo. Portraits. B. HANSARD KNOLLYS SOCIETY. Records of the Church of Christ meeting in Broadmead, Bristol, 1640-87, edited by E. B. Underbill. London, 1847. HEATH, GEORGE. History, Antiquities, Survey, and De- scription of Bristol. Second edition. Bristol, 1797. I2mo. (3 copies?) B. GOD WYNLE VERSA GE. 227 HOLLISTER, DENNIS. The Harlot's Vail Removed .... an Answer to a book published in the name of about 60 persons of the Independent Baptized and mingled peo- (sic) in the midst of Babylon, intit'led TJie Church of Christ in Bristol recovering her Vail. . . . London, 1658. Small 4to. B. HOOKE, ANDREW. Bristollia, Memoirs of the City of Bristol. London, 1748. Small 8vo. B. Bristollia, Memoirs of the City of Bristol. No place or date. Dissertation on the Antiquity of Bristol. London, no date. Togetlier I vol. Small 8vo. B. Bristollia, or Memoirs of the City of Bristol. Lon- don, 1748. Essay on Physick. Second edition. London, 1736. Dialogue concerning the Window-tax. Second edition. London, 1748. Don Quixote in miniature, a farce performed at the Theatre Royal, Bristol, by Merry Andrew. Bristol, no date. Christianity revived and Judaism subverted. London, 1734. Together I vol. Small 8vo. Calf. B. HOT- WELL. Characters at the Hot-well, Bristol, and at Bath, 1723. London, 1724. 4to. (British Museum duplicate?) B. JONES, HENRY. Clifton, a poem. Bristol, 1767. 4to. B. LATIMER, JOHN. Annals of Bristol in the Nineteenth Century. Bristol, printed Frome, 1887. 8vo. B. LEVERSAGE, PETER. History of Bristol Cathedral. Clif- ton, 1853. 8vo. Plates. B. 228 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. LIBRARIES. Bristol Library Society. Catalogues. Bristol, 1798 and 1834. Supplement. Bristol, 1843. 8vo. (The three works separated) B. Bristol Library Society. List of Books brought into the Library since March 25, 1814. since March 25, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821. Appendix to the Catalogue of the Bristol Library, 1824. List of Books brought into the Library since March 25, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827. Rules and Regulations. Bristol, 1828. List of Members, March 14, 1828. Circular as to Subscription, March 21, 1808. Together I vol. 8vo. B. Tovey, Charles. Bristol City Library. London, printed Bristol, 1853. 8vo. (2 copies.} B. LUCAS, SAMUEL. Illustrations of the History of Bristol and its Neighbourhood. Bristol, 1853. Small 8vo. B. MAID OF THE HAYSTACK. Narrative to throw light on the History of the Bristol Stranger, known by the name of the Maid of the Haystack. Translated from the French. London, 1785. I2mo. Calf. (2 copies} B. MANBY, G. W. Fugitive Sketches of the History and Natural Beauties of Clifton, Hot-Wells, and Vicinity. Bristol, 1802. 8vo. Illustrations. B. Two other copies, with no date, and a slightly different title. B. LIBRARIES MORGAN. 229 MAYORS, SHERIFFS, ETC., OF BRISTOL. Catalogue of all the Mayors .... in the City of Bristol from the first year of Henry III. 4to. 2 parts. MS. B. Catalogue of the Mayors .... since 1216. Transcript of a Roll belonging to Matthew Brickdale, M.P. Folio. MS. B. Formerly belonging to Samuel Seyer. Record of Mayors .... from 1216. Folio. MS. B. Transcript of Robert Picart's List. Folio. MS. B. Free Thoughts on the Offices of Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of Bristol. Bristol, 1792. 8vo. B. MEMOIRS illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Bristol and the Western Counties, with other Commu- nications made to the Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland held at Bristol, 1851. London, 1853. 8vo. Plates. B. MEMORANDA relating to Bristol. Folio. MS. Calf. B. Another collection. 4to. MS. B. Another collection. Small 4to. MS. Vellum. B. MORGAN, JOHN. Historical Sketch of Bristol. Bristol [1851]. Historical Sketch of Clifton. Bristol [1851]. Together I vol. I2mo. B. 230 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. NAYLER, JAMES. The Grand Impostor examined, or the Life, Tryal and Examination of J. N., with the manner of his riding into Bristol. London, 1656. Small 4to. B. The Grand Impostor examined : or the Life, Tryal, and Examination of James Nayler, the Seduced and Seducing Quaker, with the Manner of his Riding into Bristol. London, Printed for Henry Brome, at the Hand in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1656. James Nailors Recan- tation. . . . London, Printed for Edward Farnham and are to be sold at his Shop in Popes-head- Alley, 1659. Together i vol. Small 4to. B. Inserted are a woodcut of Nayler being whipped at the cart's tail and having his tongue bored on the pillory, and a portrait. NEWS. More Sad and Lamentable News from Bristol, in a Sober Letter from a Gentleman of that City to his Friend in London. London, 1682. Small 4to. B. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Almanacks, Bristol, 1837-39. i2mo. B. Bristol and Clifton, 1840. I2mo. B. Annual Anthology. Vols. I.-II. Bristol, 1799, 1800. I2mo. Calf. B. Baldwin's London Weekly Journal, 1809-11. Folio. B. Bath and Bristol Magazine, or Western Miscellany. Bath, 1832-34. 8vo. 3 vols. B. Bonner and Middleton's Bristol Journal. Jan. 4, 1783 Dec. 20, 1788, and Jan. 3, 1789 June 7, 1794. Folio. 2 vols. B. NA YLERNE WS PAPERS. 23 1 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS continued. Bristol Chronicle, 1760. 4to. B. Bristol Cornucopia. Vol. I., Nos. I, 2. Bristol, 1823. 8vo. B. Bristol Job-Nott or Labouring Man's Friend, Dec. 15, 1831 Dec. 26, 1833. Bristol. 4to. (2 copies.} B. Bristol Magazine, Nos. 1-52. Jan. 2 Dec. 25, 1841. Folio. B. The Bristol Memorialist. Bristol, 1823. 8vo. B. Interleaved in a large 4to. album with a few prints. Bristol Municipal Annual for 1838. Bristol, 1837. 8vo. B. The Bristol Protestant. Bristol, 1848-49. I2mo. 2 vols. B. The Bristolian ; May 28 June 18, 1827. Bristol. 4to. B. The Bristolian News Pamphlet, June 20 Sept. i, 1827. Bristol. 8vo. 2 vols. B. - Chronicle of Bristol. Nos. j-6; Aug. I, 1829 Jan. I, 1830. Bristol. 8vo. B. Commercial Chronicle. London, 1805-6. Folio. B. Country Constitutional Guardian and Literary Magazine. Vol. I. and Appendix. Bristol, 1822. 8vo. B. Farley, Felix. Bristol Courant, 1752-68 and 1771- 1808. Folio, i o vols. B. 232 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS continued. Farley, Felix. Bristol Journal, 1812-22. Folio. 3 vols. B. Farley, Samuel. Bristol Post-Man or Weekly Intelligence. Dec. 19 and 31, 1715 ; Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, 1716. 4to. B. The Mirror, late Bonner and Middleton's Bristol Journal, 1807-8. Folio. B. Monthly Blowing Heart's Ease. Jan. Dec. 1822. Bristol. I2mo. B. The Observer. Part I., being a transient glance at about forty youths of Bristol. Bristol, no date. 8vo. B. Pipes, Pumps and Conduits of Bristol ; Sparrows of the Crystal Cage, and the Derby Crisis. Reprinted from the Bristol Times and Felix Farley's Journal. Bristol, no date. 12 mo. B. Political Club, Journal of the, 1756. (An excerpt with no place or date.} 8vo. B. The Repository. Bristol, July 21 Nov. 17, 1827. 8vo. B. The Thespian; Jan. 6 April 14, 1823. Bristol. 8vo. 15 Nos. in i vol. B. The Visitor. Bristol, 1823. i2mo. 30 Nos. in i vol. B. West of England Journal of Science and Literature. Nos. I.-V. (No more published?) Bristol, 1835-36. 8vo. West of England and South Wales Magazine, March 12, 1832 March 4, 1833. Bristol. I2mo. B. NE WSPAPERS POPISH. 233 NICHOLLS, J. R, and TAYLOR, JOHN. Bristol Past and Present. Bristol, 1881-82. 4to. 3 vols.. Illustrations. (With Letter from Mr. Nicholls to the Rev. G. W. Braikenridge inserted?) Another copy. B. NOTT, JOHN. Hotwell Waters. Bristol, 1793. 8vo. B. PADDOCK, R. The Rencontre ; a poetic tale descriptive of the late violent proceedings in Bristol. Bristol, 1801. Small 4to. B. PEEP SHOW, THE; or Bristol Fairing. Bristol, 1823. I2mo. B. PENNY- WISE, POUND FOOLISH, or a Bristow Diamond set in Rings and both crack'd. Profitable for married men, pleasant for young men, rare example for all good women. London (date cut off by binder}. I2mo. Black Letter. Woodcut on title. B. PHARMACOPOEIA in usum Nosocomii Bristoliensis. Bristolii, 1777. I2mo. MS. notes. Calf. B. PHILOSOPHER IN BRISTOL, THE. Noplace or date. i2mo. B. POPISH PLOT. Strange and wonderful News from Bristol, being a true relation how several sheep were found killed near that City .... and their fat only taken .... in order to the kindling more dreadful fires for carrying on the .... popish plot and conspiracy for the destruc- tion of his Majesty and the Protestant Religion .... together with the examinations taken thereupon before Sir John Lloyd, Mayor. . . . No place or date. 2 leaves. Small folio. B. H H 234 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. PROUT, J. S. Picturesque Antiquities of Bristol. Bristol, no date. Folio. Plates on India paper, no letterpress. (2 copies.} Three other copies. B. Another copy bound with Skelton's Etchings of the Antiquities of Bristol. [Oxford, 1825.] B. PRYCE, GEORGE. Fact versus Fiction, a descent among writers on Bristol History. Bristol, 1858. I2mo. B. Notes on Ecclesiastical and Monumental Archi- tecture and Sculpture of the Middle Ages in Bristol. London, printed Bristol, 1850. Small 8vo. Engravings. (3 copies.) B. Popular History of Bristol. Bristol, 1861. 8vo. B. RANDOLPH, GEORGE. Enquiry into the Virtues of Bristol Water. London, 1750. Small 8vo. B. RAWLINS, JOHN. The Famous and Wonderfull Recouery of the Exchange of Bristow from the Turkish Pirats of Argier. Small 4to. [1621 ?] B. Title wanting. Dedication, signed by John Rawlins, to George, Marquise of Buckingham, Lord High Admirall of England, I leaf ; The Famous, etc., 17 leaves ; Names of Renegades, i leaf. REGISTER of Transactions in and near Bristol, beginning at the year 1799. Folio. MS. B. RIOTS. The Bristol Riot. London, 1714. Small 8vo. B. The Bristol Riots, by a Citizen. Bristol, 1832. 8vo. (2 copies?) B. PROUT SILVESTER. 235 RlOTS. Bristol Riots, 1831. Report of the Commissioners appointed under the Bristol Damages Compensation Act. Bristol, 1835. Folio. (2 copies.) B. ROGERS, HENRY. Calendars of Al-Hallowen, Brystowe. Bristol, 1846. Small 8vo. B. ST. MARY REDCLIFFE, Historical Account of; extracted from Evans's History of Bristol. Bristol, 1815. I2mo. B. SEYER, SAMUEL. Memoirs, Historical and Topographical, of Bristol and its Neighbourhood. Bristol, 1821-23. 4to. 2 vols. Plates, and ^nany additional plates inserted. Another copy, interleaved into 4 vols. B. Another copy. Proof plates on India paper. Calf. B. Another copy of Vol. II. only. Large Paper in sheets in a portfolio, without the plates. B. Proof plates on India Paper, with portraits of Seyer and Barrett. No letterpress. B. Another copy of the plates, but without the portraits. B. SHIRLEY, WALTER. Narrative of Wesley's Conference in Bristol, Aug. 6, 1771. Bath, 1771. Small 8 vo. B. SILVESTER, JOHN. 1691. Astrological Observations and Predictions for the Year of Our Lord 1691. Wherein is briefly shewn the Signification of the Earthquake that Hapned in March last in the City of Bristol. . . . London, 1690. Small 4to. B. 236 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. SMITH, G. C. Bristol Fair, but No Preaching. Bristol, 1823. I2mo. i o Tracts in i vol. B. STATE DEFENCE. List of Subscribers to the voluntary contribution raised in Bristol, 1798, in defence of the State. Bristol, 1800. 8vo. B. SUTHERLAND, A. Nature and Qualities of Bristol Water. Bristol, 1758. Small 8vo. (2 copies?) B. TANNER, WILLIAM. Lectures on the early History of the Society of Friends in Bristol and Somersetshire. London, 1858. 8vo. B. TAYLOR, JOHN. A Book about Bristol. London, printed Bristol, 1872. Small 8vo. B. THEATRE. Bristol Theatre, a poem. Bristol, 1766. 4to. B. Bedford, Arthur. Evil and Danger of Stage Plays. Bristol, 1706. Small 8vo. Calf. B. Serious Remonstrance against Playhouses. London, 1719. Small 8vo. B. The Consequences of a new Theatre to the City of Bristol considered, with Thoughts on Plays in general. Bristol, 1765. 8vo. B. Jacob's Wells Theatre, Bristol. Book of accounts, etc. Folio. MS. B. From Mr. Joseph Haslewood's Library, with a note by him. Jenkins, Richard. Memoirs of the Bristol Stage. Bristol, 1826. 8vo. A few portraits inserted. B. SMITH TRADE. 237 TONTINE WAREHOUSES. Conveyance in Trust by direc- tion of the subscribers to the Tontine Warehouses, Quay, Bristol, to Isaac Elton and Henry Hobhouse, dated 29 Sept. 1785. Bristol, no date. Folio. B. TRADE AND NAVIGATION. B., I. The Merchants Avizo. London, printed by John Bill, 1616. Small 4to. (Dedi- cated to the Mercliants of Bristow.) B. Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery. London, 1831. 8vo. B. Commercial Rooms, Rules and Regulations. Bristol, no date. 12 mo. B. Cooke, Edward. Voyage to the South Sea and round the world, 1708-11, by the ships Duke and Dutchess of Bristol. London, 1712. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates and maps. Calf. B. Donne, Benjamin. The British Mariner's Assistant. Second edition. London, 1785. 8vo. Calf. B. Import and Export Lists, 1773-1777 and 1801- 1818. Bristol. 4to. 7 vols. 1778-81. Bristol. 4to. 1778-1780. Bristol. Small 8vo. 1819-20. Bristol. Folio. B. Milton, William. Documents and facts relating to the improvement of the port of Bristol. [London'] 1806. 8vo. B. Railways. Extracts from the Minutes of Evidence given before the Committee of the Lords, on the London and Birmingham Railway Bill, in June 1832. Bristol, 238 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. TRADE AND NAVIGATION continued. 1833. before the Committee of the House of Commons on the Great Western Railway Bill. Bristol, 1834. Bound togetlur in I vol. 8vo. Newspaper cuttings, etc., inserted. Rogers, Woodes. A Cruising Voyage round the World, 1708-11. London, 1712. Small 8vo. Maps. Calf. B. Second edition. London, 1718. Small 8vo. Calf. B. Voyage autour du Monde. Amsterdam, 1716. I2mo. Maps and plates. Calf. Spolasco, Baron. Narrative of the Wreck of the steamer Killarney in Renny Bay. Cork, 1838. 8vo. B. Thirty Letters on the Trade of Bristol. Bristol, 1834. Small 8vo. (2 copies?) B. TRANSCRIPTS of legal documents relating to Bristol. Folio. MS. Calf. B. TRIALS AND CRIMES. Adkins, Joseph, money-coiner, Narrative of; and Account of Robberies by John Turner. Bristol, no date. Small 4to. B. Barker, Robert. The Unfortunate Shipwright, or Cruel Captain. Being a faithful Narrative of the un- parallel'd Sufferings of R. B., late Carpenter on board the Thetis Snow, of Bristol, in a Voyage to the Coast of Guinea and Antigua. London, Printed for, and Sold by the Sufferer, for his own Benefit ; and by no one else. No date. [1759?] Small 8vo. (3 copies!) B. TRADE TRIALS. 239 TRIALS AND CRIMES continued. Branch, Elizabeth. The Cruel Mistress, being the Genuine Trial of E. B. and her Daughter for the Murder of Jane Buttersworth. . . . London, 1740. Small 8vo. Plate. Calf. B. Contains the bookplate of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Grenville. Bristol Dock. Summary of the Proceedings .... in the case of the King against the Bristol Dock Company, 3d February 1827. Bristol, 1827. 8vo. B. Bristol Grand Jury Presentments, April 1681, March 1682. London, 1681-83. Folio. B. Britain, Jonathan, Trial of, convicted of forgery, Mar. 2, 1772, at the Guildhall, Bristol. Bristol, no date. 4to. B. Burdock, Mary Ann. Trial of M. A. B. for the murder of Clara Ann Smith. Bristol, 1835. I2mo. B. Calahan, Cornelius, Murder of. Case of the King against Alexander Broadfoot at the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer for the City of Bristol, 3Oth August, 1743 (for the murder of C. C., sailor of H. M.S. Mortar Sloop]. Oxford, 1758. 4to. B. Carberd, John. Vindication of Peaceable Robert Matthews from the charge of Mrs. Buscombe's Murder. Bristol, 1781. Small 8vo. B. Chauncy, Ichabod. Innocence Vindicated .... Narrative of the Proceedings of the Court of Sessions in Bristol against I. C., Physitian in that city. London, 1684. Small 4to. B. 240 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. TRIALS AND CRIMES continued. Child, Benjamin. Narra- tive of the Life of B. C., executed for robbing the Bristol Mail. London, 1722. I2mo. B. - Whole Life and History. London, 1722. Small 8vo. B. Doe, James. Extraordinary case of suicide of J. D. Bristol, 1809. I2mo. B. Fires. Narrative of Lawrence, of the Bear Inn, Devizes, respecting the late fires at Portsmouth and Bristol. London, 1777. Small 8vo. B. Goodere Murder. Genuine Trial of Samuel Goodere, Matthew Mahony, and Charles White, at the Sessions for Bristol, for the Murder of Sir John Dinely Goodere, Bt, on board the Ruby Man of War then lying at King-Road. London, 1741. 8vo. Plates. B. Trials of Samuel Goodere, Matthew Ma- hony, and Charles White for the Murder of Sir J. D. Goodere. London, 1741. Folio. (3 copies, in one of which is inserted a List of the Grand Jurors, March 17, 1740.) B. Trial of Samuel Goodere, Matthew Mahony and Charles White for the murder of Sir John Dinely Goodere. London, 1741. Small 8vo. B. Excerpt from the Penny Magazine, Sept. 1 1, 1841. Portrait of Sir J. D. Goodere from Kirby's Won- derful Magazine, 1803. Leaf of trade-card of Green, working cutler, of 29, Beck Street, Bristol. Portion of TRIALS. 241 TRIALS AND CRIMES continued. the gibbet of Mat. Mahony, certified by Rich. Smith. Sketch of the White Hart, 41, College Green, Bristol. Auction sale bill of do., May 13, 1841. Portrait of Capt. Goodere. Notice of Goodere and Dinely families [1839]. Together i vol. 4to. B. Goodere Murder. Foote, S. Genuine Memoirs of Sir John Dinly Goodere, Bart. With the Life and Tryal of Capt. Samuel Goodere. London, no date. I2mo. B. Smith, Richard. The Fratricide, or the Murderer's Gibbet, being the right tragical history of Sir J. Dinely Goodere, Bart., who was murdered by his brother Captain Samuel Goodere, Jan. 19, 1741, on board H.M.S. Ruby, lying in Kingroad, Bristol. [Bristol, 1842.] I2II10. B. The Fratricide. Bristol, 1839. I2mo. Presentation copy from the Author, with a letter from him and portion of the original MS., and two portraits of Sam. Goodere. B. Holloway, James. The Free and Voluntary Con- fession and Narrative of J. H also the Proceed- dings against him in King's Bench Court .... with a Particular Account of the Discourse as passed between the Sheriffs of London and the said J. H. at the time of his Execution for High Treason [Colophon.'] Printed by the appointment of Peter Daniel and Samuel Dashwood, Sheriffs, and Reprinted at Dublin by Mary Crook at Ormonde Key, 1684. Small 4to. (Title wanting.} B. I i 242 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. TRIALS AND CRIMES. Horwood, John. Short Narrative of the Life and Death of J. H., executed at Bristol, April 13, 1821. Bristol, no date. Small 8 vo. Jeane, Captain. Unparallel'd Cruelty : or the Tryal of Captain J. of Bristol .... for the Murder of his Cabbin-Boy .... London, 1726. Small 8vo. B. Keate, Eleanor. The Unfortunate Wife or Injured Widow, a Narrative of Mrs. E. K., wife of Benjamin Keate, joiner, of Christmas Street, Bristol. London, 1779. Small 4to. (2 copies} B. Lewis, David, and Morgan, William (of Bristol}. Account of the Case and Connexion of. No place, 1784. Small 8vo. B. Mooney, Nicholas. Life of N. M., executed at Bristol, April 24, 1752. London, no date. Small 8vo. B. [Nugent, Robert.] The Oppressed Captive, an historical novel in an Account of the Sufferings of Caius Silius Nugenius. London, Wrote by the Author and Sufferer in the Fleet Prison, 1757. 12 mo. Calf. B. Pedley, Joseph George (of Bristol]. Case of the Creditors of. Bristol, 1783. Small 8vo. B. Pinney, Charles, Trial of [for] neglect of duty as Mayor of Bristol during the riots. Bristol, 1833. 8vo. r.. TRIALS UNDERHILL. 243 TRIALS AND CRIMES. Thompson, Richard. Report from the Committee of the Commons in Parliament appointed to consider the petition of R. T. of Bristol, Clerk, and the Resolution of the Commons for his impeachment, Dec. 24, 1680. London, 1680. The Visor pluckt off from R. T. No place or date. Together I vol. Small folio. B. Toll case of the Mayor of Bristol v. Bush, July 1828. Bristol, 1828. 8vo. B. Wilson, Ralph. Full and Impartial Account of the Robberies committed by John Hawkins, George Sympson (lately executed for robbing the Bristol Mails), and their Companions. Fourth edition. Lon- don, no date. Small 8vo. B. Wood, Elizabeth. The Reprobate's Reward, or a Looking-glass for Disobedient Children. Being a full and true Account of a barbarous and cruel Murder com- mitted on the Body of Mrs. E. W., living in the City of Bristol, by her own Son, as she was riding to Chippen- ham Market .... Printed and Sold at the Print- ing-Office in Bow Church Yard, London. No date. Small 8vo. B. 4 leaves. Woodcut on title and on pp. 6 and 8. TROUBLES IN BRISTOL by Politicks, Fire and Pestilence, 1830-32. A folio album, so lettered, of broadsides, etc. B. UNDERBILL, JOHN. Thermologia Bristoliensis, or Account of the Bristol Hot-well-water. Bristol, 1703. I2mo. B. 244 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. VOLUNTEERS. Barnes, James. Words of Command for Review of a Battalion of Infantry. Bristol, 1813. Ob- long 24mo. B. Bristol Volunteer Association, Rules and Regula- tions. Bristol, 1803. I2mo. B. Brown, James. Rise and Progress of the Bristol Volunteers, with a List of the Officers and Privates. Bristol, 1798. I2mo. Calf. B. Military Exercises. (So lettered?) 22 plates without letterpress. Small 8vo. B. Mock Volunteers, or Bristol Heroes, a Satire. By Peter Pickle, Jun. London, 1795. Small 8vo. B. WALCOTT, MACKENZIE E. C. Memorials of Bristol. Bristol, 1865. 8vo. B. WATCH-BILL, The Bristol; A Dialogue between two Brothers, or the dismal Story of Jack and the Tory. Bristol, 1755. 8vo. B. WETHERELL, SIR CHARLES, and KNIGHT, JAMES LEWIS. Speeches on the Corporation Bill, July 30, 31 ; Aug. I, 1835. London, 1835. I2mo. B. WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM. Hymn to the Nymph of Bristol Spring. London, 1751. 4to. B. WONDERFUL NEWS FROM BRISTOL. A True yet Prodigious Relation how a Hen .... brought into the world a Killing or young Catt. . . . London, 1676. 4 leaves. Small 4to. B. APPENDIX. 245 WOOD, JOHN. Description of the Exchange of Bristol. Bath, 1745. 8vo. Plates. (2 copies.} B. WYNTER, JOHN. Essay on Diseases and the Waters of Bath and Bristol. Second edition. London, 1728. Small 8vo. B. APPENDIX TO THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. (Books indirectly relating to Bristol} ADDAMES, WILLIAM. Pettie Chronicle of the first Inhabi- tants of this famous Island, with all the Kinges that have raigned here since the time of Brutus .... collected from Thomas Languet and others. . . . Written in Bristoll by W. A. in anno 1625. 4to. MS. Calf. B. AlKEN, P. F. Memorials of Robert Burns. London, printed Bristol, 1876. Small 8vo. B. - War, religiously, morally and historically considered. London, printed Bristol, 1850. Small 8vo. B. AMORY, THOMAS. Sermon preached at Lewin's Mead, Bristol, at the Ordination of Mr. William Richards. Lon- Small 8vo. B. ANDREWS, G. P. (of Bristol}. Considerations of a National Plan for relieving the Landed Interest. London, 1818. 8vo. B. ARDEBEILI, ACHMED. A Series of Poems, with Notes by Charles Fox. Bristol, 1797. 8vo. . Calf. B. B., S.T. Remarks on the Necessity of conforming to order with respect to Clerical Vestments, and on the present delapidated State of Country Churches. Bristol, 1820. B., S. T. The Tears of Jerusalem, or Remarks on the delapidated State of Country Churches. Bristol, 1820. Together i vol. 8vo. B. BARRY, EDWARD. Epistle of Condolence on the Death of the Rev. Joseph Easterbrook, Vicar of Temple. London, 1791. 8vo. B. BATH, ELIZABETH. Poems. Bristol, 1806. I2mo. B. [BAYLY, BENJAMIN, Rector of St. James.] An Essay on Inspira- tion. London, 1707. Small 8vo. Calf. B. Contains the bookplate of John Hall, Bishop of Bristol. 246 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. APPENDIX continued. [BAYLY, BENJAMIN, Rector of St. James.'] An Essay on Inspira- tion. Second edition. London, 1708. Small 8vo. Calf. B. Fourteen Sermons. don, 1721. Small 8vo. trait. Calf. Lon- Por- B. BEDFORD, ARTHUR (Vicar of Temple). Defence of the Doc- trine of the Holy Trinity. Eight Sermons preached at the Lady Moyer's Lecture in the Cathedral- Church of St. Paul, 1739, 1740. London, 1741. 8vo. Calf. B. Fourteen Sermons. Lon- don, 1721. Harcourt, James, D.D. Sermon on the Death of Edward Colston. London, 1721. Hawkins, William. Sermon on the Anniversary Birth-Day of the late Edward Colston. Bristol [1755]. Rouquet, James. Sermon, do. Bristol, 1768. Love, Samuel. Sermon, do. Bristol, 1772. Hodges, John. Sermon, do. Bristol [1783]. Edwards, William Embury. Sermon, do. Bristol [1783]. Scott, James. Sermon, do. Bristol, 1784. Ford, Thomas. Ser- mon, do. Bristol, 1791. Biddulph, Thomas T. Sermon, do. Bristol, 1800. Together i vol. Small 8vo. B. Observations on a Sermon preached before the Corpora- tion of Bristol [by Alexander Stopford Catcott]. London, I 736. Answer to the Observa- tions. Bristol, 1737. Exami- nation of Mr. Hutchinson's Remarks and Mr. Catcott's Answer. London, 1738. State of the Case between Mr. Bedford and Mr. Catcott. London, 1738. Together \ vol. 8vo. B. The Temple Musick, an Essay concerning the Method of Singing the Psalms in the Temple before the Babylonish Captivity. London, 1706. Small 8vo. Calf. B. BAYNTON, THOMAS. Descriptive Account of a new Method of treating old Ulcers of the Legs. Bristol, 1797. 8vo. B. BIDDULPH, THOMAS T. The Theology of the Early Patri- archs. Bristol, 1825. 8vo. 2 vols. B. BECKET, J. B. Essay on Elec- tricity. Bristol, 1773. 8vo. Calf. B. BLACK, W. Letters on the Im- provement of the Mind. Bris- tol, 1823. i2mo. B. APPENDIX. 247 APPENDIX continued. BRENT, CHARLES (Rector of Christ Church and St. War- burge}. Essay concerning the Nature and Guilt of Lying. London, 1702. Small 8vo. Calf. B. BROOKS, JONATHAN. Antiquity, or the Wise Instructer. Bris- tol, 1770. I2mo. Calf. (2 copies.} B. " This book is wholly taken from a work intitled ' Poli- teuphnia, Wits Common- wealth,' 1674. The editor, Mr. Brooks, had cunning enough to change the title of the work, but he does not ap- pear to have possessed ability to write one. ... Mr. Brooks' share in the book is of a nega- tive kind, and consists wholly of omissions, and especially of every Latin sentence, which he probably could not read him- self, and therefore thought would be useless to his sub- scribers." MS. note on fly- leaf. BROUGHTON, THOMAS (Vicar of St. Mary Reddiff and St. Thomas). Fifteen Sermons. London, 1778. 8vo. B. BRYANT, JOHN FREDERICK (to- bacco-pipe maker at Bristol}. Verses, together with his Life by himself. London, 1787. 8vo. Portrait. B. BRYANT, JOHN FREDERICK. Verses. Second edition. London, 1787. 8vo. B. BUNYAN, JOHN. The Pilgrim's Progress. First Part, rendered into familiar Verse by Isaac James. Bristol, 1815. Small 8vo. (2 copies?) B. [BURY, SAMUEL.] Account of the Life and Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, chiefly out of her own Diary, with her funeral Sermon preach'd at Bristol by the Rev. Mr. William Tong, and her elegy by the Rev. Mr. C. Watts. Fourth edition. London, 1725. Small 8vo. Calf. B. [BUTLER, S. ?] Essay upon Edu- cation, by a Gentleman of Bristol. London, no date. Small 8vo. B. CAREW, THOMAS. Selection from the Poetical Works of. Bristol, 1 8 10. Small 8vo. B. GARY, JOHN (of Bristol}. Essay on the State of England in Relation to its Trade, its Poor, and its Taxes for carrying on the present War against France. Bristol, 1695. Small 8vo. Calf. B. 248 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. APPENDIX continued. GARY, JOHN (of Bristol ). Dis- course on Trade. London, 1745. Small 8vo. B. GARY, THOMAS. Sermon preached in the Parish Church of St. Philip and Jacob in the City of Bristol, Wednesday, l$th July, 1691. London, 1691. Small 4to. B. CATCOTT, ALEXANDER ( Vicar of Temple}. Treatise on the Deluge. London, 1761. 8vo. Calf. B. Second edition. London, 1768. 8vo. Calf. B. CATCOTT, A. S. (Rector of St. Stephen's). Sermons. London, 1753- 8vo. Calf. B. Tractatus in quo tentatus conamen recuperandi notitiam principiorum veteris et verae philosophiae. Londini et Bris- tollia, 1738. Small 4to. B. CAVE, JANE (afterwards Mrs. Winscom}. Poems. Fourth edition. Bristol, no date. 1 2 mo. B. CHAP-BOOKS. Joy upon Joy : or Here's all in a Hurry, Horse and away. Helter Schelter, the D 1 in a Fish Kettle. . . . Printed in the Year 1715. No place. 4 leaves. A most De- plorable and Astonishing Re- lation from Reading in Berk- shire concerning two Servant Maids. . . . Bristol, 1724. 4 leaves. The Crafty Miller's Garland, or the Mistaken Batchellor. Bristol, no date. 4 leaves. The Most Excellent History of Argalus and Par- thenia. Bristol, no date. 20 leaves, but leaves 2 and $ want- ing. Woodcut on title. The New Matrimonial Garland, or Who will buy a Wife ? Being a lumping Pennyworth for a Penny. London, no date. 4 leaves. Woodcut on title and on pp. 2 and 8. No Jest like a True Jest, Being a Com- pendious Record of the Merry Life and Mad Exploits of Capt. James Hind, the Great Robber of England. . . . Bristol, no date. 10 leaves. Woodcut on title. The History of Sir Richard Whittington, Thrice Lord Mayor of London. Bris- tol, no date. 10 leaves. Wood- cut on title and on pp. 2, 8 and 11. The Holy Disciple, or the History of Joseph of Ari- mathea. . . . No place or date. 4 leaves. Woodcut on title. The Pretty Green-Coat Boy's Garland, in Four Parts. No place or date. 4 leaves. Wood- cut on title and on p. 8. 1 2mo. but all inlaid to small 8vo. and bound together in one vol. lettered " Bristol Tracts, 1715 to 1724." B. APPENDIX. 249 APPENDIX continued. C[HETWIND] , E[DWARD]. Votiuae Lachrymas. A Vow of Teares, for the losse of Prince Henry. In a Sermon preached in the Citie of Bristol December 7, 1612, being the day of his Funerall. At London, Printed by W. H.for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Swanne. I2mo. Morocco. B. CHETWYND, JOHN (Vicar of Temple). A Thankful Memo- rial of God's Mercy in preserv- ing England from the Gun- powder Treason, a Sermon .... preacht at the Parish Church of Temple in the City of Bristol. London, 1682. Small 4to. B. COLLINS, EMANUEL. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. Bristol, 1762. Small 4to. (2 copies.} B. COLLINS, RICHARD (of Bristol}. The Countrey Gauger"s Vade- mecum. London, 1677. 241110. Portrait. Calf. B. COLSTON, EDWARD. Occasional Poem upon the Meeting of the Loyal Society on the anniver- sary birthday of. Bristol, 1711. Small 4to. B. COMBE, WILLIAM. Letters to Marianne. London, 1823. Small 8vo. B. CONYBEARE, W. D. Inaugural Address on the application of classical and scientific educa- tion to theology .... introduc- tory to a course of Lectures at Bristol College. London, 1831. Course of Lectures at Bristol College, 1832-33. London, 1834. I2mo. B. COTTLE, JOSEPH. The Heresi- arch Church of Rome. Lon- don, printed Bristol, no date. I2mo. B. Poems. Bristol, 1796. I2mo. Calf. B. CROSS, THOMAS. Account of the Deliverance of T. C., who was overset in a small boat crossing the New Passage. [Bristol] 1791. i2mo. B. CURNICK, THOMAS. Jehosha- phat and other Poems. Bris- tol, 1815. i2mo. B. DAVIES, WILLIAM (Curate of St. James's, and Chaplain to the Infirmary}. Sermons. Bristol, 1754. 8vo. (3 copies.} B. DECKER, THOMAS. The Gull's Hornbook. London, 1609. (Reprint, Bristol, 1812.) 4to. Calf. B. DE LA GARDE. Essays. Bristol, 1800. 24mo. B. K K 250 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. APPENDIX continued. DEVERELL, MARY. Sermons. Bristol '[177 '4]. 8vo. B. DONN, B. Epitome of natural and experimental Philosophy. Bristol^ no date. I2mo. B. ELTON, CHARLES A. Second Thoughts on the Person of Christ. Bristol, 1827. I2mo. B. FARR, SAMUEL. Aphorismi de Marasmo. Bnstolice, 1772. 24mo. Calf. B. FLETCHER, JOHN (of Madeley). An Appeal to matter-of-fact and common-sense, or a ra- tional demonstration of man's corrupt and lost estate. Bris- tol, 1772. I2mo. B. FOSTER, JOHN. Lectures de- EMRA, L. Scenes in the Life livered at Broadmead Chapel, and Death of a Missionary. Bristol. London, 1844. 8vo. Bristol, 1831. I2mo. B. B. EUMENES, Dialogues of. Bris- FREAME, JOHN. Scripture In- tol, 1779. I2mo. Bt struction. Third edition. Bristol [1769]. i2mo. Calf. B. EVANS, CALEB. Sermon preached at Broadmead, Nov. 5, 1788. Bristol, no date. Small 8vo. GARDNER> EDWARD. Liberty, a poem. Bristol, 1776. 4to. B. 1!. EVANS, JOHN. The Ponderer, a Series of Essays. Bristol, 1812. I2mo. B. Ex LEY, THOMAS (of Bristol}. Principles of Natura Philo- sophy. London, 1829. 8vo. Two other copies. Miscellanies. Bristol, 1798. i2mo. 2 vols. B. GILBERT, JOSEPH, and HOWELL, THOMAS. Pedestrianism. Journal of time occupied by Mr. John Stokes of Bristol during his walk of one thou- sand miles. Bristol, 1815. 8vo. B. FARLEY, FELIX. Rhymes Latin GILBERT, WILLIAM. The Hurri- and English by Themanin- cane [and] A Solitary Effu- themoon. Bristol, 1826. sion in a Summer's Evening. I2mo. B. Bristol, 1796. Small 8vo. B. APPENDIX. 251 APPENDIX continued. GOUGH, STRICKLAND (Minister at Bristol). Sermons. London, 1709. Small 8vo. B. GRINFIELD, THOMAS. Lectures on Imagination and Poetry delivered before the Bristol Church Society. Bristol, 1841. 8vo. B. The Mortality and Im- mortality of Man ; a Christian Elegy. Bristol, 1831. 8vo. B. The Visions of Patmos. Bristol, 1827. i2mo. B. HANCOCK, EDWARD. The Pas- tor's Last Legacy and Counsel. A Farewel Sermon preached at St. Philips in Bristol, August 24th, 1662. London, 1663. Small 4to. B. HARDCASTLE, THOMAS. Chris- tian Geography and Arithme- tick. Sermons preached in Bristol. London, 1674. I2mo. Calf. B. HARFORD, JOHN S. Account of Thomas Paine. Third edition. Bristol, 1820. 8vo. B. Account of the latter Days of Richard Vickris Pryor. Bristol, 1809. I2mo. B. HARVEY, HENRY. Colston an Example. Sermon preached in Bristol Cathedral before the Dolphin Society, Nov. 13, 1837. Bristol, 1837. 8vo. B. HAWKSWORTH, ABRAHAM RICHARD (of Bristol). Ele- giac and other Poems to the memory of; [with] Lines on Rebecca Smith of Nailsworth. Bristol, 1769. Small 4to. B. HERRICK, ROBERT. Select Poems from the Hesperides, with Remarks by J. N. Bristol, no date. Small 8vo. B. HOSKINS, JOSEPH. Hymns. Bristol, 1789. I2mo. Calf. B. [HOWELL, .] Mercurius Hiber- nicus, a Discourse of the late Insurrection in Ireland. . . . Bristoll, 1644. Small 4to. B. HUMPHREYS, JOSEPH. Account of Experience of the Work of Grace upon his Heart. Bris- tol, 1742. 1 2 mo. B. IRELAND. Letter to William Lenthall, Speaker in the Com- mons, from the Major of Bris- toll and others for the Relief of the Protestants in Ireland. London, 1643. Small 4to. B. THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. APPENDIX continued. IRELAND. More Brave and Good Newes from Ireland, a Rela- tion of the Battell fought by Collonel Lesly against the Re- bels near Cork, Mar. 2 ; also another Battell fought by Col. Douglas near Yoghall, Mar. I. with a Relation how a Spanish Ship was taken by a Bristoll Ship bound for Ireland, with the Names of the Commanders. London, 1641. Small 4to. B. JAMES, ISAAC. Providence dis- played, the Adventures of Alexander Selkirk. Bristol, 1800. I2mo. Calf. B. JAMES, JOSEPH. Poetry. Bristol, 1841. Small 8vo. B. JANES, THOMAS (of Bristol}. Beauties of the Poets. Fourth edition. London, 1792. I2mo. Calf. B. JONES, EDWARD T. English System of Book- Keeping. Bristol, 1796. 410. B. KNIGHT, SIR JOHN, of Bristol. Speech against the Bill for a general Naturalization in 1693. No title. 6 leaves. Small 8vo. B. LANGWORTHY, CHARLES CUN- NINGHAM. View of the Par- kinson Electricity ; an Inquiry into the Influence of Metallic Tractors. Bristol, 1798. 8vo. B. [LAUD] WILLIAM (Archbishop of Canterbury). True Relation of the Death of. With his last Speech and Prayer. Bristoll, no date. Small 4to. B. LAURENCE [SAUNDERS]. The Martyr. Bristol, 1829. I2mo. B. MARRYAT, THOMAS. Sentimen- tal Fables. Bristol, 1791. 8vo. B. Therapeutics. Bristol, 1806. I2mo. B. MARSH, THOMAS. Eighty-eight Lines by way of Elegy on the late Rev. Thomas Newnham, Minor Canon of Bristol Cathe- dral. London, 1779. 4to. B. MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS, Legend of; and other ancient Poems now first published. London, printed Bristol, 1810. 8vo. B. MILLARD, J. W. Outlines of British Entomology in prose and verse. Bristol, 1821. i2mo. B. MILTON, WILLIAM. Album of Drawings and Engravings by W. M. 410. B. MOORE, JOHN. The Banner of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram display'd and their Sin dis- cover'd, in several Sermons preach'd at Bristol. Bristoll, 1696. I2mo. (3 copies.} B. APPENDIX. 253 APPENDIX continued. NORTHBROOKE, JOHN. SpiritUS est Vicarius Christ! in terra. A breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith. London, by John Kingston for W. Wil- liamson, 1571. Small 4to. Black Letter. Russia. B. Dedication and Preface dated from "Redcliflfe, Bris- toll." Summe of the Christian Faith. London, 1587. I2mo. Black Letter. ( Title wanting. ) Calf. B. The Address to the Reader is dated "from Redcliffe in Bristowe." NORTON [FRANCES], LADY. A Miscellany of Poems, compos'd and work'd with a Needle on the Backs and Seats &c. of several Chairs and Stools, and humbly dedicated to Mrs. Elizabeth Freke of Billney in the County of Norfolk. Bristol, 1714. Small 4to. B. [P ARNELL, JOHN ?] Truth against the World. The Age of Light. By a Cornish Tinner. Bristol, 1818. I2mo. B. PATTISON, SAMUEL. The Golden Lamp yet burning. Bristol, 1799. 12010. B. [PEACE, JOHN, City Librarian] Apology for Cathedral Service. London, 1839. 8vo. (2 copies) B. PENROSE, LLEWELLIN (seaman of Bristol}. Journal, edited by John Eagles. London, printed Edinburgh, 1815. I2mo. 4 vols. B. PERKINS, JOSEPH. Elegia in Obitum Henrici Ducis de Beaufort. Bristolice, 1701. Small 4to. Calf. B. PHILOSOPHER IN BRISTOL, THE. Bristol, 1775. I2mo. 2 parts in i vol. B. PHOENIX MORIENDO REvixrr,or Britain's great Mourning for the late King William's Death turned into Rejoycing for the Happy Succession of Queen Anne on the Throne. Second edition. Bristol, no date. Small 410. B. [POCOCK, GEORGE.] The Aero- pleustic Art, or Navigation in the Air by the use of Kites or buoyant Sails. {Bristol, 1827.] 4to. Coloured plates. B. POEMS by a Lady. Bristol, 1792. 4to. B. John the Baptist, Sir Malcolm and Alia. Bristol, 1795. i2mo. B. 254 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. APPENDIX continued. POEMS on the Death of the Prin- cess Charlotte. Bristol, 1818. izmo. B. POETICAL ADDRESS to the Ladies of Bath and Bristol. [Bath f\ 1775. 410. B. PRIEST, ISAAC. Sermons. Bristol, 1753. 8vo. B. PRONUNCIATION and Gesture, Directions concerning. Bristol, 1770. I2mo. B. PURDY, VICTORY. Poetical Mis- cellanies. Bristol, 1825. 8vo. B. QUAKERS. Two Discourses and a Prayer delivered I7th and 1 9th May, 1767, at the Quakers Yearly Meeting at the Fryers in Bristol, taken down by a Member of the Church of Eng- land. Fourth edition. Bristol, no date. 4to. B. . Prayer of Agur, The ; illustrated in a funeral Dis- course .... by the Author of Two Discourses and a Prayer .... taken down by a Member of the Church of England. Bristol [1768]. 4to. B. QUARLES, FRANCIS. Emblems [and] Hieroglyphics. Bristol, 1808. I2mo. B. School of the Heart [and] Learning of the Heart. Bris- tol, 1808. I2mo. B. RANKIN, ROBERT. Familiar Treatise on Life Assurances and Annuities. Bristol, 1830. 8vo. B. RENOLDS, G. The State of the Greatest King set forth in the Greatness of Solomon and the Glory of his Reign. Bristol, 1721. Treatise concerning Gold and Silver. Bristol, 1721. Together i vol. 8vo. Calf. B. REYNER, KIRBY (Minister at Bristol}. Select Sermons. London, 1745. 8vo. Calf. B. ROBERTS, WILLIAM ISAAC (of Bristol). Poems. Birming- ham, i%u. Small 8vo. Calf. B. ROBINSON, MARY. Memoirs. London, 1826. i2mo. B. ROOTSEY, S. General Dispensa- tory. Bristol, 1815. I2mo. B. RUTTY, D. The Quintessence of Mirth. Bristol, 1763. I2mo. B. ST. HELENA, a patriotic metrical Sketch. Bristol, 1816. I2mo. B. SALOPIAN ZEALOT, THE ; by John the Dipper. Third edition. Bristol, no date. I2mo. B. APPENDIX. 255 APPENDIX continued. SANGER, J. T. Sermons. Bris- tol, 1819. 8vo. B. SEVER, SAMUEL. Serious Ad- dress to the Members of the Church of England. Bristol, 1772. I2mo. B. [SHAW, REV. DR.] Life of Han- nah More, by the Rev. Sir Archibald MacSarcasm, Bart. Bristol, 1809. 8vo. B, SHIPTON, JOHN NOBLE. Letter on the Subject of Tithes. Bris- tol, 1831. 8vo. (From the Gentleman 's Magazine.") B. SMITH, SYDNEY. Sermon on Rules of Christian Charity, preached in the Cathedral, Bristol, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1828. Second edition. Bris- tol, no date. 8vo. B. SOUTHWELL, RICHARD HAYES. Intellectual Freedom, an Es- say on Moral Evil. Bristol, 1798. I2mo. B. SQUIRE IN HIS CHARIOT, THE ; a dramatic Entertainment. London, 1775. 8vo. B. STANDFAST, RICHARD (of Bris- tol}. A Little Handful of Cor- dial Comforts. London, 1639. 24mo. Calf. B. Sermon preached at Christ Church, Bristol, before the Right Honourable Sr. Francis North .... at the Assizes held there, August 7th, Anno Dom. 1675. London, 1676. Small 4to. B. STIRLING, H. The Seasons. Bristol, 1824. i2mo. B. STOCK, JOHN EDMONDS. Me- moirs of Thomas Beddoes, M.D. Bristol, 1811. 410. SYMES, RICHARD. Fire analysed. Bristol, 1771. 8vo. B. SPEED, THOMAS. Reason against SYMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON, Rage ; Animadversions upon a Libel prefix'd to a Sermon preach'd nine and thirty years ago, and dedicated to Mr. Serj. Powlett, Recorder of Bristol, and Mr. Robert Yate, Mercht. London, 1691. Small 4to. B. M.D. Miscellanies. London, printed Bristol, 1871. 8vo. B. The Principles of Beauty. London, 1857. Royal 8vo. (2 copies.} 256 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. APPENDIX continued. [TALBOT, WILLIAM, Vicar of St. Giles's, Reading."] Narrative of Jonathan's Britain's Charges against. (No title. Introduc- tion headed "Bristol, May 4, 1772.") 8vo. B. TAYLOR, J. A Sling and a Stone ; a Defence of the Trinity. Bristol, 1742. I2mo. B. THISTLETHWAITE, JAMES. The Consultation, a Mock Heroic. Bristol, 1774. 8vo. B. Second edition. Bristol, 1775. 8vo. B. THOMAS, WILLIAM. Rayling Rebuked, or a Defence of the Ministers of this Nation : By way of Answer to the Calum- nies cast upon them by Thomas Speed Merchant of Bristol. London, 1656. Small 4to. B. Vindication of Scripture and Ministery in rejoynder to a reply by Thomas Speed of Bristol, Merchant and Quaker. London, 1657. Small 4to. B. THOMPSON, THOMAS. A Diet for a Drunkard. Delivered in two Sermons at Saint Nicholas Church in Bristoll, Anno Do- mini 1608. London, Printed for Richard Bankworth, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Sunne. 1612. Small 4to. B. THOMPSON, THOMAS. A Friendly Farewell from a Faithfull Flocke : taken in a Sermon preached in St. Thomas Church in Bristoll upon Easter-Tues- day, being Aprill 6, 1612. London, Printed by Thomas Snodham for John Hodgets. 1616. Small 4to. B. THORN, ROMAINE JOSEPH. Lo- don and Miranda. Bristol, 1799. izmo. B. TOLD, SILAS. Account of the Life and Dealings of God with S. T. By Himself. Salford, 1807. 8vo. B. TOVEY, CHARLES (of Bristol}. British and Foreign Spirits. London, 1864. I2mo. B. TUCKER, JOSIAH (of Bristol]. Essay on Trade. Fourth edition. Glasgow, 1756. i2mo. Calf. B. TYSON, WILLIAM. Sale Cata- logue of his Library. Bristol, 1852. 8vo. B. VASSALL, LIEUT.-COL., Elegiac Ode to the memory of. Bristol, 1808. 4to. B. WESLEY, JOHN, and WESLEY, CHARLES. Hymns on the Lord's Supper. Fifth edition. Bristol, 1762. i2mo. B. APPENDIX. 257 APPENDIX continued. WESTCOTT, HENRY JASPER, and WESTCOTT, ELIZA CAROLINE, Memoir of. Bristol, 1837. 1 2 mo. B. WESTFIELD, THOMAS (Bishop of Bristol}. Eleven Choice Ser- mons. London, 1655. Small 4to. B. WHITSON, JOHN (Alderman of Bristol). The Aged Christian's final Farewell to the World and its Vanities. Bristol, 1759. 8vo. B. The Aged Christian's final Farewell to the World and its Vanities. Bristol, 1759. Cat- cott, George Symes. Descrip- tive Account of a Descent into Penpark-Hole in the County of Gloucester in 1775. Also the Narratives of Captains Sturmey and Collins. Bristol, 1792. Plate. Together \ vol. 8vo. B. A Pious Meditation. Bris- tol, 1819. I2mo. B. Another edition, with Memoir by George Symes Catcott and John Eden. Bristol, 1829. Imp. 8vo. Portrait. B. [WILLIS, THOMAS.] Proteus Vinctus, sive aequivoca ser- monis anglicani ordine alpha- betica digesta et latine reddita. Londini, 1655. I2mo. Calf. B. WITHERSPOON, JOHN. Letters on Education. Bristol, 1798. 241110. Calf. B. WOOD, THOMAS. Sketch of the Life of James Bundy. Second edition. Bristol, no date. I2mo. B. WORGAN, JOHN D \VfVS (of Bris- tol). Select Poems. London, 1 8 10. Small 8vo. B. YEARSLEY, ANN (Milkivoman of Bristol). Poems on Several Occasions. Second edition. London, 1785. Poems on Various Subjects. London, 1787. Together I vol. 4to. B. Poems. London, 1785. Poems, Second work. London, 1787. Swift, Theophilus. The Temple of Folly in four Cantos. London, 1 787. [Dallaway, James.] Verses addressed to Sir G. O. Paul, Bart., on his scheme for the improvement of the County Prisons. Glocester, 1785. Gooch [Elizabeth Sarah Villa-Real]. Appeal to the Public on the conduct of Mrs. Gooch, wife of William Gooch, written by herself. London, 1788. Horsley, Samuel. Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Glocester at an Ordination, Sept. 9, 1787. Glocester, no date. Together I vol. B. LL 25 8 THE BRISTOL COLLECTION. APPENDIX continued. YEARSLEY, ANN. The Royal YEARSLEY, ANN. Stanzas of Captives. London, 1795. I2mo. 4 vols. Calf. B. Presentation copy to Jere- miah Hill, Esq. The Rural Lyre. London, 1796. 4to. Calf. B. Woe. London, 1790. Earl Goodwin, an historical Play. London, 1791. Poems, by a Lady. Bristol, 1792. Together I vol. 4to. B. VOYAGES, TRAVELS, AND OTHER WORKS RELATING TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES. GENERAL. BBOTT, GEORGE (Archbishop of Can- terbury], A briefe Description of the whole World. London, 1636. 1 2mo. Engraved title. Calf. ACCOUNT OF VOYAGES AND DISCO- VERIES. I. Sir John Narbrough's Voyage to the South Sea. II. Tasman's Discoveries. III. Wood's North West Passage to China. IV. Martin's Green- land. With Introduction and Supplement. London, 1711. Small 8vo. Maps and plates. Calf. B. ARNOLD, THOMAS (D.D.}. Travelling Journals. London, 1852. Small 8vo. B. ATKINS, JOHN. Voyage to Guinea, Brasil and the West Indies. London, 1735. Svo. Calf. ATLAS. Various Maps. In a I2mo. vol. lettered "Atlas." Calf. 260 VOYAGES, ETC.; GENERAL. ATLAS. Atlas Classica. London, Williams, 1808. Small 8vo. Orbis Terrarum, by Hogenberg ; no date. Europa; no name or date. Septentrionalium Regionum De- scriptio ; no name or date. Utriusque Frisiorum Re- gionis noviss : Descriptio ; 1 568. Frisia Occidentalis, by Sibrandus Leo Leovardiensis, 1579. Hassia, by Joannes Dryandrus. Holsatia, by Marcus Jordanus. Thietmassia et Holsatia, by Petrus Boeckel. Prussia, by Henricus Dellius. Bavaria, by Philippus Apianus. Gallia Vetus, by Abraham Ortelius. Hispania Vetus, by Abraham Ortelius. Hispania ; no name or date. Portugallia, by Vernandus Aluarus Seccus, 1560. Pedemontana, by Jacobus Castaldus. Ungaria, by Joannes Sambucus, 1579. Buchavia, by Wolfgang Regrwill, 1574 Waldeccensis Comitatus, by Justus Moers, 1575. Moravia, by Paulus Fabritius. Hun- garia, by Wolfgang Lazius. Schlavonia, etc., by Augustinus Hirsvogelius. Asia ; no name or date. India Orientalis ; no name or date. Africa ; Antverpice, 1570. 22 coloured maps. Small folio. B. Hall, Sidney. New General Atlas. London, 1830. Folio. [Kramer, Gerhard.] Historia Mundi, or Mercator's Atlas. Containing his Cosmographical Description of the Fabricke and Figure of the World. Lately rectified in divers places, as also beautified and enlarged with new Mappes and Tables ; By the studious industry of Ivdocvs Hondy. Englished by W[ye] S[altonstall]. London, Printed by T. Cotes, for Michael Sparke and A TLA SBETA GH. 261 ATLAS continued. Samuel Cartwright, 1635. (Privilege at end dated 1633). Folio. Calf. B. The map of Egypt is on a small leaf separate from the letter- press and inserted opposite the map of Barbary. Opposite the map of Virginia is inserted another (folding) map of that country by Ralph Hall, dated 1626, with the royal arms of England and " C R " in the centre of the upper part, and three small pictures of Indian subjects in the upper right and left and lower right corners. The folding map of New England is dated 1614, 'and has the portrait of Captain John Smith in the upper left-hand corner. This map is the same as that in Smith's " Virginia." BARROW, JOHN. A Voyage, to Cochinchina in 1792 and 1793, to which is annexed an Account of a Journey in 1 80 1 and 1802 to the Booshuana Nation in Southern Africa. London, 1806. 4to. Coloured plates. BATTY, ROBERT. Select Views of some of the principal Cities of Europe. London, 1832. 4to. B. BELTRAMI, J. C. A Pilgrimage in Europe and America. London, 1828. Svo. 2 vols. BENNET, JAMES HENRY. Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean. Fifth edition. London, 1875. Svo. BENNETT, GEORGE. Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore and China. London, 1834. Svo. 2 vols. BETAGH, WILLIAM. A Voyage round the World; an Account of an Enterprize begun in the year 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the Great South Ocean. London, 1728. Small Svo. Calf. 262 VOYAGES, ETC.; GENERAL. BROMFIELD, WILLIAM ARNOLD. Letters from Egypt and Syria. London, 1856. 8vo. BRUIN, GEORGIUS, and HOGENBERG, FRANCISCUS. Civi- tates Orbis Terrarum. \Colonia Agrippina, 1523-1618 ?] Folio. 2 parts in I vol. Engraved titles and plates. Calf. B. Inserted is a " True and exact prospect of the famous Citty of London before and after the Fire, 1666." BYRON, HON. JOHN. Voyage round the World in H.M.S. Dolphin commanded by the Hon. Commodore Byron. London, 1767. 8vo. Plates. Calf. Narrative of; being an Account of the Shipwreck of the Wager. Edinburgh, 1812. j2mo. Calf. B. CAMPBELL, LORD GEORGE. Log-Letters from the " Chal- lenger." Second edition. London, 1877. 8vo. CARNE, JOHN. Letters from the East. London, 1826. 8vo. B. Recollections of Travel in the East. London, 1830. 8vo. B. CARR, SIR JOHN. Tour through Holland to the South of Germany. London, 1807. 4to. Plates. Calf. (2 copies?) B. CHATEAUBRIAND, AUGUSTE FRANCOIS, VICOMTE DE. Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary. Translated by Frederic Shoberl. London, 1812. 8vo. 2 vols. B. BROMFIELDDILKE. 263 CLARK, HAMLET. Letters home from Spain, Algeria and Brazil. London, 1867. 8vo. Coloured plates. COCKBURN, LlEUT.-GENERAL G. Voyage to Cadiz and Gibraltar, Sicily and Malta, and an Excursion in Portu- gal. London, 1815. 8vo. 2vols. Coloured plates. Calf. COLNETT, JAMES. Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific for extending the Spermaceti Whale Fisheries. London, 1798. 4to. Maps. COMPENDIUM OF VOYAGES. London, 1756. i2mo. 7 vols. Maps. Calf. COOK, JAMES. Journal of the Resolution's Voyage in 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, on Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere .... also a Journal of the Adventure's Voyage in 1772, 1773, and 1774. London, 1775. 8vo. C/tart and plates. Calf. B. Voyages. London, 1842. 4to. 2 vols. Portrait, maps, and engravings. and KING, JAMES. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1776-80. London, 1785-86. 8vo. 4 vols. Plates. Calf. DAMPIER, WILLIAM. New Voyage round the World. London, 1697-99. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Maps. Calf. B. Continuation of a Voyage to New Holland, etc., in 1699. London, 1709. Small 8vo. Maps and engravings. Calf. B. DILKE, SIR CHARLES WENTWORTH. Greater Britain, a Record of Travel in English-speaking Countries, 1866- 67. Second edition. London, 1869. 8vo. 2 vols. 264 VOYAGES, ETC.; GENERAL. DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS (tiie Younger}. The World Encom- passed By Sir F. Drake, Being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios formerly imprinted : Carefully collected out of the notes of Master F. Fletcher .... and divers others [by Sir F. Drake, nephew to the Admiral]. London, printed for N. Bourne, 1628. (Title damaged ; portrait and plate wanting^} Nichols, Philip. Sir Francis Drake Riuiued : Calling upon this .... age to folowe his Noble Steps for Golde and Silver, by this .... Relation of the Rare Occurrances (never yet de- clared to the World) in a Third Voyage .... into the West Indies in .... [i$]72 & [i5]73. . . . Taken out of the Reporte of .... C. Ceely, E. Hixon, and others who were in the same Voyage with him. By P. N. .... Reuiewed .... by Sr. F. Drake himselfe .... & .... enlarged by diuers Notes, his owne hand. .... Set forth by Sr. F. Drake Baronet (his Nephew). London, printed for N. Bourne. (Date torn off ; ?i626.) Together i vol. Small 4to. Calf. DUPPA, R. Travels on the Continent, Sicily, and the Lipari Islands. Second edition. London, 1829. Royal 8vo. B. "The Author's own copy, with corrections in his own hand- writing. This volume appears to be made up from the first and second editions, and many plates are deficient." MS. note on fly- leaf. FALCONER, RICHARD. Voyages, Adventures and Escapes ; with the Voyages and Adventures of Thomas Randal of Cork. London, 1720. Small 8vo. Calf. B. DRAKE-FUNNELL. 265 FITZCLARENCE, LlEUT.-CoL. Journal of a Route across India, through Egypt, to England, 1817-18. London, 1819. Large 4to. Plates. B. Presentation copy to the Duke of Kent. [FlTZ-ROY, ROBERT.] Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of Her Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle, 1826-36. London, 1839. 8vo. 3 vols. Plates. Appendix to Vol. II. London, 1839. 8vo. FROGER, F[RANCOIS]. Relation of a Voyage made in the years 1695, 1696, 1697, on the coasts of Africa, Streights of Magellan, Brasil, Cayenne, and the Antilles, by a Squadron of French Men of War under the Command of M. de Gennes. London, 1698. Description of the Island of Jamaica with the other Isles and Territories in America to which the English are related. Together with the Present State of Algiers. London, 1678. To- gether i vol. Small 8vo. B. The first work contains an engraved title ; imperfect plate of Bird facing p. 10 ; chart of the River Gambia ; plate of fruit Taba Komba ; How monkeys carry infants up trees ; the Balaso ; the Bourse ; chart of River Janeiro ; Unknown fruit ; Mapou Pear ; folding chart of Straight of Magellan ; Snowy mountains ; chart of French Bay and Mouth of River Fennes ; Porcupine ; Capivard or water-hog ; Punishment of slaves. The second work contains a folding map of Jamaica, of Barba- dos, and of Carolina. FUNNELL, WILLIAM. Voyage round the World, containing an Account of Captain Dampier's Expedition into the South Seas in 1703 and 1704 .... together with the Author's Voyage from Amapalla to East India London, 1707. Small 8vo. Maps and engravings. Calf. B. M M 266 VOYAGES, ETC; GENERAL. GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD. Edinburgh [1850-56]. Royal 8vo. 14 vols. Plates, HAWKESWORTH, JOHN. Account of the Voyages for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere by Byron, Wallis, Carteret and Cook. Third edition. London, 1785. 8vo. 4 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. HEYLYN, PETER. Cosmographie in Four Books, containing the Chorographie and Historic of the whole World. Second edition. London, 1657 (engraved title dated 1660). Folio. Maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. B. The titles to the 1st and 3rd Books, and to Pt. I. of the 4th Book, are dated 1656 ; that to the 2nd Book, 1657 ; that to Pt. II. of the 4th Book is undated. HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of Voyages round the World. London, 1774. 8vo. 4 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. HOLCROFT, THOMAS. Travels from Hamburg through Westphalia, Holland and the Netherlands to Paris. London, 1804. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. HuiSH, ROBERT. Narrative of the Voyages and Travels of Captain Beechey to the Pacific and Behring's Straits, and of Captain Back to the Thlew-Ee-Choh River and Arctic Sea. London, 1839. 8vo. HUNTER, WILLIAM. Travels through France, Turkey and Hungary to Vienna. London, 1796. 8vo. Calf. KENNEDY, WILLIAM. The Continental Annual for 1832. London. Small 8vo. Illustrations from Front, Maroon morocco. GAZE TTEERMA TTHE WS. 267 KEYSLER, JOHANN GEORG. Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy and Corsica ; translated from the German. London, 1760. 8vo. 4 vols. Plates. Calf. [KiNGLAKE, A. W.] Eothen. Third edition. 8vo. B. LABILLARDIERE, - . Voyage in search of La Perouse. London, 1800. 8vo. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. LA PEROUSE, JEAN FRANCOIS GALAUP DE. Voyage round the World. London, 1798. 8vo. 3 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. LETTERS from an absent Brother; Account of a Tour through the Netherlands, Switzerland, North Italy and France. Second edition. London, 1824. Small 8vo. 2 vols. LIGHT, HENRY. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Libanon and Cyprus in the year 1814. London, 1818. 4to. Plates. B. LINDLEY, THOMAS. Authentic Narrative of a Voyage from the Cape of Good Hope to Brasil in 1802-3. London, 1808. 8vo. Calf. MARKHAM, CLEMENTS R. Travels in Peru and India. London, 1862. 8vo. MATTHEWS, HENRY. The Diary of an Invalid in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France. Second edition. Lon- don, 1820. 8vo. B. 268 VOYAGES, ETC.; GENERAL. MISSIONARY VOYAGE to the Southern Pacific Ocean in 1796-98 in the Ship Duff commanded by Captain James Wilson. London, 1799. 4to. Maps and plates. MOORE, JOHN. A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany. Third edition. London, 1780. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. NEW VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. London, no date. 8vo. vols. Plates. Vol. I. Fisher's Arctic Regions. Prior's Indian Seas. Dupin's Great Britain. Chateauvieux' Italy. Forbin's Greece and Holy Land. Fitzclarence's Journal from India. Bowdich's Ashantee. Rose's Italy. MacmichaeFs Journey from Moscow to Con- stantinople. Hoare's Italy and Sicily. Baillie's France. Russell's Sicily. Vol. II. Forbin's Egypt. M'Keevor's Hudson's Bay. Fremenville's North Pole. Dumont's Africa. Portenger's Red Sea. Burckhardt's Egypt and Nubia. Prior's South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Cordova's Strait of Magellan. Waller's West Indies. Vol. III. Sansom's Lower Ca- nada. Cornelius' Virginia. Mollien's Africa. Maximilian's Brazil. Graham's Portugal and Spain. Castellan's Italy. Brackenridge's Buenos Ayres. Vol. IV. Pertusier's Constanti- nople. Gourbillon's Sicily. Sommiere's Monte- negro. Pouqueville's Greece. Schoolcraft's Missouri. Re/s Cochin China. KelsalPs Rome to Ar- pino. NORDENSKIOLD, A. E. Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. London, 1881. 8vo. 2 vols. MISSION AR YROBER TS. 269 PAGES, DE. Travels round the World. Dublin, 1791. 8vo. Calf. POCOCKE, RICHARD. Beschreibung des Morgenlandes und einiger anderer Lande. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzet durch Christian Ernst von Windheim. Erlangen, 1754. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. B. PORTLOCK, NATHANIEL. A Voyage round the World, more particularly to the North-West Coast of America in 1785-88. London, 1789. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. PURCHAS, SAMUEL. Purchas, his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in al (sic) Ages and Places discouered, from the Creation vnto this Present. In foure parts. London, Printed by William Stansby, 1617. Small folio. Vellum. Title mended, and last leaf torn. RAFFLES, THOMAS. Letters during a Tour [in] France, Savoy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands. Liverpool, 1818. Small 8vo. Calf. B. RERESBY, SIR JOHN, BART. Travels and Memoirs. Third edition. London, 1831. Imp. 8vo. Large Paper. 2 vols. Calf. B. Numerous plates inserted. RITCHIE, LEITCH. Travelling Sketches on the Rhine, in Belgium and Holland. London, 1833. 8vo. Plates. Red morocco. {Heath's Picturesque Annual.) B. ROBERTS, GEORGE. The Four Years Voyages of Captain G. R. London, 1726. Small 8vo. Calf. B. 270 VOYAGES, ETC.; GENERAL. ROBY, JOHN. Seven Weeks in Belgium, Switzerland, Lombardy, etc. London, 1838. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Engravings. ROCHON, ABBE. Voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies. London, 1792. 8vo. (Wants the map?) Calf. ROSCOE, THOMAS. The Tourist in Switzerland and Italy. London, 1830. The Tourist in Italy. London, 1831- 33. The Tourist in France. London, 1834. The Tourist in Spain. London, 1835-37. The Tourist in Spain and Morocco. London, 1838. Together 9 vols. Small 8vo. Green morocco, not uniform, lettered " Land- scape Annual." SANDYS, GEORGE. Sandys Travels ; containing an History of the Turkish Empire, a Description of Greece, of Aegypt, of the Holy Land, Italy and the Islands adjoin- ing. Seventh edition. London, 1673. Small folio. B. Inserted is a damaged copy of the engraved title of 1670. SENIOR, NASSAU WILLIAM. Journals kept in France and Italy, 1848-52. London, 1871. Small 8vo. 2 vols. SHELVOCKE, GEORGE. Voyage round the World. London, 1 726. 8vo. Map and plates. Calf. SHILLIBEER, JOHN. Narrative of the Briton's Voyage to Pitcairn's Island. Second edition. London, 1817. 8vo. Illustrations. B. SLADE, ADOLPHUS. Turkey, Greece and Malta. London, 1857. 8vo. 2 vols. Coloured plates. ROBY VANCOUVER. 271 SMITH, SIR JAMES EDWARD. Sketch of a Tour on the Continent, 1786-87. London, 1798. 8vo. 3 vols. Second edition. London, 1807. 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. SPRY, W. J. J. The Cruise of the " Challenger." Fifth edition. London, 1877. 8vo. STANDISH, FRANK HALL. The Shores of the Mediter- ranean. London, 1837-38. 8vo. 2 vols. THOMAS, PASCOE. Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas and round the Globe in the Centurion under Commo- dore G. An son. London, 1745. 8vo. Calf. THOMPSON, CHARLES. Travels. Reading, 1744. 8vo. 3 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. THOMSON, SIR C. WYVILLE. The Voyage of the "Challenger": The Atlantic. London, 1877. 8vo. 2 vols. TYERMAN, DANIEL, and BENNET, GEORGE. Journal of Voyages and Travels in the South Sea Islands, China, India, etc. London, 1831. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates, VANCOUVER, GEORGE. Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the World. New edition. London, 1801. 8vo. 6 vols. View and charts. Calf. 272 VOYAGES, ETC.; GENERAL. VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD undertaken by some Mer- chants who afterwards proposed the setting up an East India Company in Flanders. London, 1725. 8vo. Plates. Calf. WALTER, RICHARD. A Voyage round the World in the years 1740-44, by George Anson, Esq., now Lord Anson. Twelfth edition. London, 1767. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. WARBURTON, ELIOT. The Crescent and the Cross. London, 1845. 8vo. 2 vols. B. WEBSTER, W. H. B. Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean, 1828-30, in the sloop Chanticleer. London, 1834. 8vo. 2 vols. WRIGHT, EDWARD. Some Observations made in France, Italy, etc. Second edition. London, 1764. 4to. Calf. B. WRIGHT, G. N. The Shores and Islands of the Mediter- ranean. London, no date. 4to. Plates. FRANCE. 273 EUROPE. AUSTRIA, See GERMANY. BELGIUM, See HOLLAND. DENMARK, See RUSSIA. FRANCE. LFORD, HENRY, D.D., Dean of Canterbury.] The Riviera. Pen and Pencil Sketches from Cannes to Genoa. London, 1870. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. ALLIEZ, ABBE. Les lies de Lerins, Cannes et les rivages environnants. Paris, printed Draguignan, 1 860. Royal 8vo. Histoire du Monastere de Le*rins. Paris, printed Draguignan, 1862. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. BATTY, ROBERT. French Scenery. London, 1822. Royal 8vo. Calf. B. BERKELEY, HON. GRANTLEY F. A Month in the Forests of France. London, 1857. Small 8vo. BlRKBECK, MORRIS. Notes on a Journey through France. Second edition. London, 1815. 8vo. BOURGET, JEAN. History of the Abbey of Bee. London, 1779. Small 8vo. Plates. Calf. B. BREWSTER, MARGARET MARIA. Letters from Cannes and Nice. Edinburgh, 1857. 8vo. Coloured plates. N N 274 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. EDEN, JOHN. Journey to the Druidical Monuments at Carnac in Brittany. (No title.) {Bristol, no date.} 8vo. Plate. FELLOWES, W. D. Paris during July, 1815. London, 1815. 8vo. Coloured plates. GAZETTEER OF FRANCE. London, 1793. i2mo. 2 vols. B. GlRAUD, J. B. Cannes et ses Environs. Paris, 1859. 8vo. GORE, MRS. Paris in 1841. London, 1842. Royal 8vo. Plates. (Heattts Picturesque Annual?) B. HUGHES, JOHN. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone made during 1819. London, 1829. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. JEFFERYS, THOMAS. Le Petit Neptune Francois : or the French Coasting Pilot, a Description of the Bays, Roads, Rocks .... on the Coast of France. London, 1761. 4to. Charts. Calf. MOORE, JOHN. Journal during a Residence in France, 1792. London, 1793. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. NORMANDY. Life in Normandy. Edinburgh, 1863. 8vo. 2 vols. Coloured plates. PARIS. Narrative of Memorable Events in Paris in 1814. London, 1828. 8vo. [PETIT, VICTOR.] Fr6jus, Forum Julii. Caen, no date. 8vo. Plan and engravings. (Extr ait du Bulletin Monu- mental?) FRANCE. 275 R., M. L. Curiosite"s de Paris, de Versailles, Marly, Vin- cennes, Saint Cloud, et des environs. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1771. 1 2 mo. 3 vols. Engravings. Calf. Nouveau Voyage de France. Paris, 1771. I2mo. Engravings. Calf. RITCHIE, LEITCH. Travelling Sketches on the Sea-coasts of France. London, 1834. 8vo. Plates. Red morocco. (Heaths Picturesque Annual?) B. Versailles. London, 1839. Royal 8vo. Plates. (Heath's Picturesque Annual.) B. SCOTT, JOHN. Picturesque Views of the City of Paris and its Environs. London, 1820. Large 4to. Plates. Text in English and French. Calf. B. SERRES, JOHN THOMAS. Picturesque Views of the Monu- ments in the Cemetery of Pere la Chaise. London, 1825. Atlas 4to. Coloured plates. B. STOTHARD, ANNA ELIZA. Letters written during a Tour through Normandy, Brittany and other parts of France in 1818. London, 1820. 4to. Plates. B. THICKNESSE, PHILIP. Journey thro' France and part of Spain. Fourth edition. London, 1738. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. TROLLOPE, THOMAS ADOLPHUS. A Summer in Brittany. London, 1840. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. A Summer in Western France. London, 1841. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. 276 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. TURNER, DAWSON. Account of a Tour in Normandy. London, printed Yarmouth, 1820. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. Lettered " Cotman's Normandy." VENTOUILLAC, L. T. Paris and 1 its Environs in a Series of Views by Mr. Pugin. London, 1829. (So engraved title ; the printed title slightly varies and is dated 1831.) 4to. 2 vols. B. VERSAILLES, LABYRINTHE DE. Amsterdam, no date. Small 4to. Plates ; text in French, Latin, Italian, and Dutch. B. WANSEY, HENRY. A Visit to Paris in 1814. Bath, 1814. 8vo. WRIGHT, G. N. France Illustrated. London, no date. 4to. 4 vols. Plates. B. YOUNG, ARTHUR. Travels during the Years 1787, 1788, and 1789, with a view of ascertaining the Revenues of the Kingdom of France. Second edition. London, 1794. 4to. 2 vols. in I. B. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. LLASON, THOMAS. Picturesque Views of the Antiquities of Pola in Istria. London, 1819. Folio. B. BATTY, ROBERT. German Scenery. London, 1823. Royal 8vo. Calf. B. FRANCE GERMANY. 277 BATTY, ROBERT. Hanoverian and Saxon Scenery. London, 1829. Imp. 8vo. Plates. Red morocco. EDWARDS, AMELIA B. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys in the Dolomites. London, 1873. 4to. En- gravings. [HEAD, SIR FRANCIS.] Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. Third edition. London, 1834. Small 8vo. Plates. B. LANGE, L. Malerische Ansichten der Cathedralen . . . am Rhein, Main, und an der Lahn. Frankfurt a. M., 1833. Folio. Part I in 3 parts. Plates. PAGET, JOHN. Hungary and Transylvania. New edition. London, 1850. 8vo. 2 vols. PLANCHE, J. R. Descent of the Danube from Ratisbon to Vienna, 1827. London, 1828. 8vo. PROUT, SAMUEL. Illustrations of the Rhine. London, no date. Folio. No letterpress. B. SCHOEPFLIN, JOHANN DANIEL. Alsatia illustrata, Celtica, Romana, Francica. Colmarice, 1751. Folio. Plates. TOMBLESON, . Views of the Rhine. London, 1832. 8vo. Views of the Upper Rhine. London, no date. 8vo. 278 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. GREECE. NSTED, T. D. The Ionian Islands in 1863. London, 1863. 8vo. CELL, SIR WILLIAM. The Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca. London, 1807. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. B. Narrative of a Journey in the Morea. London, 1823. 8vo. B. HOLLAND, HENRY. Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, etc. London, 1815. 4to. B. STUART, JAMES, and REVETT, NICHOLAS. The Anti- quities of Athens. London, 1762-1816. 4 vols. Anti- quities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily, etc., supplementary to the Antiquities of Athens by Stuart and Revett. By C. R. Cockerell, W. Kinnard, T. L. Donaldson, W. Jenkins, W. Railton. London, 1830. Togetfar 5 vols. Royal folio. Plates. B. WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER (Bishop of Lincoln}. Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. London, 1840. Royal 8vo. Plates. Second edition. London, 1844. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. GREECE ITALY. 279 HOLLAND AND BELGIUM. AGHE, LOUIS. Sketches in Belgium and Germany. London, 1840. Second Series. London, 1845. Atlas folio. Plates without letterpress. KAMPEN, N. G. VAN. The History and Topography of Holland and Belgium, translated by William Gray Fearnside. London, no date. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. ROSCOE, THOMAS. Belgium. London, 1841. Royal 8vo. Plates. (Heaths Picturesque Annual?) B. SIMPSON, JAMES. A Visit to Flanders in July 1815, being chiefly an Account of the Field of Waterloo. Sixth edition. Edinburgh, 1816. I2mo. TIRION, ISAAK. Twenty-five Maps of Holland. Amster- dam, no date. Folio. Atlas van Zeeland. Amsterdam, 1760. Folio. Maps, plans, portraits, and views. ITAL Y. RTARIA, FEDERICO. Description de la Cathe"- drale de Milan. Milan, 1823. 4to. Plates. BARBAULT [JEAN]. Les plus beaux Monu- ments de Rome Ancienne. Rome, 1761. Folio. En- gravings. B. 280 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. BARETTI, GIUSEPPE. Account of the Manners and Customs of Italy. Second edition. London, 1769. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. Journey from London to Genoa. Third edition. London, 1770. 8vo. 4 vols. Calf. B. BARTLETT, W. H. Pictures from Sicily. London, 1853. Royal 8vo. B. BEATEN TRACKS, or Pen and Pencil Sketches in Italy. London, 1866. 8vo. Engravings. BEATTIE, WILLIAM. The Waldenses or Protestant Valleys of Piedmont, Dauphiny, and the Ban de la Roche. London, 1838. 4to. Plates. BOGARDI, OTTAVIO ANTONIO. Catalogo degli antichi Monumenti di Ercolano. Napoli, 1755. Le Pitture antichc d'Ercolano e Contorni. Napoli, 1757-65. 4 vols. Bronzi di Ercolano. Napoli, 1767-71. 2 vols. TogetJter 7 vols. Folio. Plates. BOISGELIN, LOUIS DE. Ancient and Modern Malta, to- gether with the History of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. London, 1804. 4to. 3 vols. in 2. Plates. Calf. B. BOSIO, ANTONIO. Roma Subterranea novissima .... opera et studio Pauli Aringhi. Roma, 1651. Folio. 2 vols. Engravings. Calf. B. BRYDONE, PATRICK. A Tour through Sicily and Malta. New edition. London, 1776. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. ITALY. 281 BURN, ROBERT. Rome and the Campagna. Cambridge and London, printed London, 1871. 4to. Engravings. B. BURTON, EDWARD. Description of the Antiquities of Rome. Oxford, 1821. 8vo. B. CHACON, ALONSO. Historia utriusque Belli Dacici a Traino Caesare gesti, ex simulachris quae in columna eiusdem Romas visuntur collecta. Roma, 1616. Small folio. Calf. B. A series of engravings by F. Villamena, with descriptions by A. Chacon. COCHIN [CHARLES NICOLAS], and BELLICARD [JEROME CHARLES]. Observations sur les Antiquites d'Hercula- num. Paris, 1757. Small square 8vo. Plates. Calf. B. English translation. London, 1753. 8vo. Plates. Calf. B. English translation. Second edition. London, 1756. 8vo. Plates. Calf. COOKE, W. B., and HUMPHREYS, H. NOEL. Rome, and its surrounding Scenery. London, 1840. 4to. Plates. B. CRAMER, J. A. Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy. Oxford, 1826. 8vo. 2 vols. B. CRAVEN, RICHARD KEPPEL. A Tour through the Southern Provinces of the Kingdom of Naples. London, 1821. 4to. Engravings. B. oo 282 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. DAVID, FRANCOIS ANNE (graveur). Antiques d'Hercu- lanum. Paris, 17801803. Small 8vo. 12 vols.. Plates. B. Museum cle Florence. Paris, 1787-1802. 4to. 8 vols. in 4. Plates. B. DAVIES, WILLIAM. The Pilgrimage of the Tiber. London, 1873. 8vo. DICEY, EDWARD. Rome in 1860. Cambridge, 1861. Small 8vo. B. DICKENS, CHARLES. Pictures from Italy. London, 1846. Small 8vo. B. EUSTACE, JOHN CHETWODE. Classical Tour through Italy. London, 1841. 8vo. 3 vols. B. CELL, SIR WILLIAM, and GANDY, JOHN P. Pompeiana ; the Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii. London, 1817-19. 4to. Large Paper. Plates. Excavations since 1819. London, 1832. 4to. 2 vols. Large Paper. Plates. Another copy. Large Paper. B. GILLY, WILLIAM STEPHEN. Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Piedmont, and Researches among the Vaudois or Waldenses. Second edition. London, 1825. 8vo. Maps. B. GRAY, MRS. HAMILTON. Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria in 1839. London, 1840. 8vo. Plates. B. ITAL Y. 283 GUNN, W. Cartonensia, an historical and critical Account of the Tapestries in the Vatican. London, 1831. 8vo. B. HAMILTON, SIR WILLIAM. Observations on Mount Vesu- vius, Mount Etna, and other Volcanoes. New edition by T. Cadell. London, 1774. Small 8vo. Calf. B. HERCULANEUM. The Antiquities of Herculaneum, trans- lated from the Italian by Thomas Martyn and John Lettice. Vol. I., Part I., containing the Pictures. London, 1773. 4to. Plates. Russia. B. HOARE, SIR RICHARD COLT, BART. A Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily. Second edition. London, 1819. 8vo. 2 vols. B. ITALY, FROM THE ALPS TO MOUNT ETNA, translated by Frances Eleanor Trollope, and edited by Thomas Adolphus Trollope. London, 1877. Imp. 4to. Illus- trations. KING, S. W. The Italian Valleys of the Pennine Alps. London, 1858. 8vo. Map and engravings. KNIGHT, HENRY GALLY. The Normans in Sicily. London, 1838. 8vo. B. LEAR, EDWARD. Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica. London, 1870. Imp. 8vo. Engravings. MACPHERSON, ROBERT. Vatican Sculptures. London, 1863. i2mo. Vellum. B. 284 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. MANAZZALE, ANDRE. ItineraireinstructifdeRome. Rome, 1816. 1 2 mo. 2 vols. Engravings. B. MISSON, MAXIMILIEN. New Voyage to Italy. Second edition. London, 1699. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. MOORE, JOHN. A View of Society and Manners in Italy. Second edition. London, 1781. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. NEW OBSERVATIONS ON ITALY, written in French by two Swedish gentlemen, translated by Thomas Nugent. London, 1769. 8vo. 2 vols. NORTHALL, JOHN. Travels through Italy. London, 1766. 8vo. NORTHCOTE, J. SPENCER, and BROWNLOW, W. R. Roma Sotterranea. London, 1869. 8vo. Coloured plates. PHILLIPS, JOHN. Vesuvius. Oxford, 1869. Small 8vo. Plates. PlSTOLESI, ERASMO. Antiquities of Herculaneum and Pompeii. Naples, 1842. 2 vols. folio. Plates; text in English, French, and Italian. PONCE, NICOLAS. Description des Bains de Titus. Paris, 1786. Folio. Engravings. B. ROMA ANTICA E MODERNA. Roma, Gregorio Roisecco, 1745. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. Descrizione delli Riti . . . . degli Antichi Romani .... unita alia Descrizione di Roma Antica. Roma, 1745. Small 8vo. Calf. B. ITALY RUSSIA. 285 ROME AND ITS VICINITY. A Select Collection of Views and Ruins in. London, no date. 4to. Text in English and French. Calf. B. ROSSINI, LUIGI. [Vedute di Roma.] Roma, 1823. Oblong folio. 101 plates, no letterpress. B. SMYTH, WILLIAM HENRY. Sketch of the Present State of the Island of Sardinia. London, 1828. 8vo. Plates. SPALDING, WILLIAM. Italy and the Italian Islands. Third edition. Edinburgh, 1845. I2mo. 3 vols. B. STRUTT, ARTHUR JOHN. A 'Pedestrian Tour in Calabria and Sicily. London, 1842. Small 8vo. B. VASI, MARIAN. Itineraire de Rome a Naples. Rome, 1815. Small 8 vo. Plates. VIVIAN, GEORGE. Views from the Gardens of Rome and Albano. London, 1848. Royal folio. B. NOR WA Y, See RUSSIA. PORTUGAL, See SPAIN. R USSIA, NOR WA Y, S WE DEN, AND DENMARK. ILTON, W T ILLIAM ?] Two Summers in Nor- way. London, 1840. Small 8vo. 2 vols. BOISGELIN, LOUIS DE. Travels through Denmark and Sweden. London, 1810. 4to. 2 vols. in i. Plates. Calf. 286 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC COXE, WILLIAM. Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark. Dublin, 1784. 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. DASENT, SIR GEORGE WEBBE. The Story of Burnt Njal, or Life in Iceland at the end of the tenth century. Edinburgh, 1861. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. The Prose or Younger Edda, ascribed to Snorri Sturluson, translated from the Old Norse. Stockholm, 1 842. 8vo. B. The Story of Gisli the Outlaw, from the Ice- landic. Edinburgh, 1866. Small 4to. B. - Popular Tales from the Norse. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1859. 8vo. B. Theophilus, in Icelandic, Low German, and other Tongues, from MSS. in the Royal Library, Stockholm. London, printed Stockholm, 1845. 8vo. B. ELLIOTT, CHARLES BOILEAU. Letters from the North of Europe. London, 1832. 8vo. ENGLISHWOMAN IN RUSSIA, THE. London, 1855. Small 8vo. FELDBORG, A. ANDERSEN. Denmark delineated. Edin- burgh, 1824. 8vo. Plates. B. GUTHRIE, MARIA. A Tour in 1 795-96 through the Taurida or Crimea. London, 1802. 4to. Maps. Calf. HENDERSON, EBENEZER. Iceland. Edinburgh, 1818. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Presented by the Author. RUSSIA, ETC. 287 HOOKER, WILLIAM JACKSON. Journal of a Tour in Ice- land in the summer of 1809. Second edition. London, printed Yarmouth, 1813. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. LANDT, G. Description of the Feroe Islands. London, 1 8 10. 8vo. Calf. LAPLAND, A Spring and Summer in. By an old Bush- man. London, 1864. Small 8vo. MACKENZIE, SIR GEORGE STEUART. Travels in Iceland. Edinburgh, 1811. 4to. Plates. Calf. B. NEWLAND, HENRY. Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden. London, 1854. Small 8vo. OLIPHANT, LAURENCE. The Russian Shores of the Black Sea, 1852. Fourth edition. Edinburgh, 1854. 8vo. B. PALLAS, P. S. Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire. London, 1802. 4to. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. PORTER, ROBERT KER. Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden during 1805-1808. Second edition. Lon- don, 1813. 4to. 2 vols. in I. Coloured plates. Calf. RAIKES, THOMAS. A Visit to St. Petersburg in 1829-30. London, 1838. 8vo. B. SEEBOHM, HENRY. Siberia in Europe. 'London, 1880. Small 8vo. 2 vols. STORCH, HENRY. The Picture of Petersburg. Translated from the German. London, 1801. 8vo. Folding plans (2 copies.} 288 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. TEN YEARS IN SWEDEN, by an Old Bushman. London, 1865. 8vo. TOURGHENIEFF, IVAN. Russian Life in the Interior. Edinburgh, 1854. Small 8vo. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. RMSTRONG, JOHN. History of the Island of Minorca. London, 1752. 8vo. Map and plates. Calf. 1 BOURGOING, J. FR. Modern State of Spain, [translated from the French with] Essays on Spain, by M. Peyron. London, 1808. 8vo. 4 vols. in 2, and a 4to. vol. of plates. Calf. CHATELET, Due DE. Travels in Portugal. London, 1809. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. DILLON, JOHN TALBOT. Travels through Spain. Second edition. London, 1782. 4to. Map and plates. Calf. B. FISCHER, FRIEDRICH AUGUST. Travels in Spain. London, 1802. 8vo. Calf. [FORD, RICHARD.] Gatherings from Spain. London, 1846. Small 8vo. B. HARRISON, W. H. The Tourist in Portugal. London, 1839. Small 8vo. {Jennings'* Annual?) KlNSEY, W. M. Portugal Illustrated. No place, 1828. Royal 8vo. Coloured plates. R USSIAS WITZERLAND. 289 LEWIS, JOHN F. Sketches and Drawings of the Alhambra. London, no date, but after 1834. Royal folio. B. Sketches of Spain and Spanish Character. London, no date, but after 1834. Royal folio. B. LOCKER, EDWARD HAWKE. Views in Spain. London, 1824. Imp. 8vo. MATTHEWS, HENRY. Diary of an Invalid in Portugal. . . . Second edition. London, 1820. 8vo. Calf. RAMOND, . Travels in the Pyrenees, translated by F. Gold. London, 1813. 8vo, Another copy. B. ROBERTS, DAVID. Picturesque Sketches in Spain. London, 1837. Large folio. SCOTT, C. ROCHFORT. Excursions in the Mountains of Ronda and Granada. London, 1838. 8vo. 2 vols. (2 copies?) WALTON, WILLIAM. Present State of the Spanish Colonies, including Hispaniola. London, 1810. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. SWEDEN, See RUSSIA. SWITZERLAND. EATTIE, WILLIAM. Switzerland. London, 1836. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. BONNEY, T. G. Alpine Regions of Switzer- land. Cambridge, 1868. 8vo. P P 290 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. COTTAGES OF THE ALPS, or Life and Manners in Switzer- land. London, 1860. Small 8vo. 2 vols. COXE, WILLIAM. Travels in Switzerland, 1789. 8vo. 3 vols. SCHEUCHZER, JOHANN JACOB. Ou/oefft^otrrje HelvetlCUS, sive Itinera Alpina tria. Londini, 1708. Small 4*0. Portrait and plates. Calf. Separate title and pagination to each Itinerary. TSCHUDI, FRIEDRICH VON. Sketches of Nature in the Alps. Translated from the German. London, 1856. Small 8vo. WHYMPER, EDWARD. Scrambles amongst the Alps in the years 1860-69. London, 1871. Royal 8vo. Maps and illustrations. TURKEY. URZON, ROBERT. Visits to the Monasteries of the Levant. Second edition. London, 1 849. 8vo. DALLAWAY, JAMES. Constantinople, Ancient and Modern, with Excursions to the Shores and Islands of the Archipelago and to the Troad. London, 1797. 4to. Calf. B. GALT, JOHN. Letters from the Levant. London, 1813. 8vo. B. .S WITZERLANDTURKE Y. 291 [HOWARD, GEORGE WILLIAM FREDERICK, ?th Earl of Carlisle.'} Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. Fifth edition. London, 1855. 8vo. PASHLEY, ROBERT. Travels in Crete. Cambridge, 1837. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. POUQUEVILLE, F. C. Travels in the Morea, Albania, and other parts of the Ottoman Empire. London, 1813. 4to. Plates. B. TOURNEFORT, . Voyage into the Levant. London, 1741. 8vo. 3 vols. Map. Calf. ASIA. WESTERN AND CENTRAL ASIA. RUNDELL, FR. V. J. Visit to the Seven Churches of Asia, with an Excursion into Pisidia. London, 1828. 8vo. B. ATKINSON, JAMES. Sketches in Afghanistan. London, 1842. Atlas folio. Plates. BARTLETT, WILLIAM HENRY. Footsteps of Our Lord and His Apostles. London, 1851. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. Jerusalem Revisited. London, 1855. Royal 8vo. Plates. Another copy. B. 292 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. BARTLETT, WILLIAM HENRY. Walks about the City and Environs of Jerusalem. London [1844]. 8vo. Plates. B. BELL, JAMES STANISLAUS. Journal of a Residence in Circassia, 1837-39. London, 1840. 8vo. 2 vols. Coloured plates. BRYDGES, SIR HARFORD JONES, BART. Account of the Transactions of His Majesty's Mission to the Court of Persia, 1807-1 1 ; to which is appended a brief History of the Wahauby. London, 1834. 8vo. 2 vols. in i. Plates. BUCKINGHAM, J. S. Travels in Assyria, Media and Persia. Second edition. London, 1830. 8vo. 2 vols. B. Travels in Mesopotamia. London, 1827. 8vo. 2 vols. B. Travels among the Arab Tribes east of Syria and Palestine. London, 1825. 4to. B. BURNABY, FRED. A Ride to Khiva. Ninth edition. London, 1877. 8vo. BURNES, ALEXANDER. Travels into Bokhara, also a Voyage on the Indus. London, 1834. 8vo. 3 vols. Plates. CARNE, JOHN. Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, etc., illustrated. London, no date. 4to. 3 vols. in I . EGERTON, LADY FRANCIS. Journal of a Tour in the Holy Land in 1840. London, 1841. 8vo. Plates. B. WESTERN AND CENTRAL ASIA. 293 FRASER, J. BAILLIE. Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, etc. London, 1840. 8vo. 2 vols. Another copy. B. GRANT, ASAHEL. The Nestorians. London, 1841. 8vo. JOLLIFFE, T. R. Letters from Palestine and Egypt. Third edition. London, 1822. 8vo. 2 vols. KlTTO, JOHN, D.D. Palestine, the Bible History of the Holy Land. London, 1841. 4to. Illustrations. B. Palestine, the Physical Geography and Natural History of the Holy Land. London, 1841. 4to. Illustrations. B. LABORDE, LEON DE. Journey through Arabia Petraea to Mount Sinai and Petra. London, 1836. 8vo. Plates. B. LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Third edition. London, 1837. Small 8vo. 3 vols. B. LAYARD, SIR AUSTEN HENRY. Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. London, 1853. 8vo. B. Nineveh and its Remains. London, 1849. 8vo. 2 vols. B. MAYER, LuiGl. Views in Palestine. London, 1 804. Folio. Coloured plates. Calf. B. Views in Turkey in Asia, comprising Palestine and Syria, from the Collection of Sir Robert Ainslie, Bart. [London] no date. Imp. folio. Coloured plates. Calf. B. 294 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. MAYER, LUIGI. Views in Turkey in Europe and Asia, comprising Romelia, Bulgaria, Walachia, Syria, and Palestine, from the Collection of Sir Robert Ainslie. London, 1801. Imp. folio. Coloured plates. Calf. B. MlGNAN, ROBERT. Travels in Chaldaea. London, 1829. 8vo. Plates. B. PICTURESQUE PALESTINE, Sinai and Egypt. London, no date. 4to. 4 vols. Plates. B. PlEROTTl, ERMETE. Jerusalem Explored, translated by Thomas George Bonney. London, printed Cambridge, 1864. Imp. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. ROBERTS, DAVID, and CROLY, GEORGE. The Holy Land. London, 1842-43. Elephant folio. 2 vols. in 20 parts. Coloured plates on cardboard. SHAW, ROBERT. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand and Kcishgar. London, 1871. 8vo. SMITH, ELI, and DWIGHT, H. G. O. Missionary Re- searches in Armenia. London, 1834. 8vo. SOUTHGATE, HORATIO. Narrative of a Tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Mesopotamia. London, 1840. 8vo. 2 vols. SPENCER, EDMUND. Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartary, etc Second edition. London, 1838. 8vo. 2 vols. Coloured plates. WESTERN AND CENTRAL ASIA. 295 STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN (D.D., Dean of West- minster). Sinai and Palestine. Second edition. London, 1856. 8vo. Calf. B. Third edition. London, 1856. 8vo. WOOD, JOHN. Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Source of the River Oxus. London, 1842. 8vo. [WOOD, ROBERT.] Les Ruines de Balbec. Londres, 1757. Royal folio. Plates. B. Les Ruines de Palmyre. Londres, 1753. Royal folio. Plates. B. INDIA. DAMS, ANDREW LEITH. Wanderings of a Naturalist in India. Edinburgh, 1867. Small 8vo. BAKER, SIR SAMUEL WHITE. The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon. London, 1854. 8vo. Coloured plates. [BARTLETT, WILLIAM HENRY.] Gleanings, Pictorial and Antiquarian, on the Overland Route. London, 1851. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. BEVERIDGE, HENRY. Comprehensive History of India. Glasgow, no date. 4to. 3 vols. B. 296 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. CAMPBELL, COLONEL WALTER. My Indian Journal. Edinburgh, 1864. 8vo. Plates. The Old Forest Ranger. Second edition. Lon- don, 1845. Square 8vo. Plates. GARY, JOHN. Discourse concerning the East-Indian Trade. London, 1699. Small 4to. B. DlARY OF A TOUR through Southern India, Egypt, and Palestine in 1821-22, by a Field Officer of Cavalry. London, 1823. 8vo. B. HARLAN, J. Memoir of India and Avghanistan. Phila- delphia^ 1842. Small 8vo. HEBER, REGINALD (Bishop of Calcutta). Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, to Madras and the Southern Provinces. Fourth edition. London, 1829. 8vo. 3 vols. B. Another edition. London, 1844. Small 8vo. 2 vols. HIMALAYAS, A Summer Ramble in the. Edited by "Mountaineer." London, 1860. 8vo. .- '- HOOKER, SIR JOSEPH DALTON. Himalayan Journals. London, 1855. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Engravings. INDIAN ALPS, THE and how we crossed them. London, 1876. 4to. Coloured plates. JOHNSON, J. The Oriental Voyager ; a Voyage to India and China in H.M.S. Caroline, 1803-6. London, 1807. 8vo. Calf. INDIA. 297 L., H. A. The Forest and the Field. London, 1867. 8vo. The Old Shekarry. The Hunting Grounds of the Old World. First series. London, 1860. 8vo. Plates. LEGUAT, FRANCOIS. Voyage to the East Indies. London, 1708. Small 8vo. B. MARKHAM, FREDERICK. Shooting in the Himalayas. London, 1854. Royal 8vo. Plates. MOORCROFT, WILLIAM, and TREBECK, GEORGE. Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan and the Panjab .... and Bokhara. London, 1841. 8vo. 2 vols. NEWALL, J. T. Hog Hunting in the East. London, 1867. 8vo. PAST DAYS IN INDIA. London, 1874. Small 8vo. POSTANS, T. Personal Observations on Sindh. London, 1843. 8vo. Coloured plates. ROBERTS, EMMA. Scenes and Characteristics of Hindostan. Second edition. London, 1837. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. SEELY, JOHN B. The Wonders of Elora. Second edition. London, 1823. 8vo. Plates. B. SELKIRK, JAMES. Recollections of Ceylon. London, 1844. 8vo. Plates. SHAKESPEAR, HENRY. Wild Sports of India. London, 1860. Small 8vo. QQ 298 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. TENNENT, SIR JAMES EMERSON. Ceylon ; an Account of the Island, physical, historical, and topographical. Third edition. London, 1859. 8vo. 2vols. Maps and engravings. TERRY, EDWARD. Voyage to the East Indies. London, 1655. I2mo. Plates. BURMAH, SIAM, ETC. ICKMORE, ALBERT J. Travels in the East Indian Archipelago. London, 1868. 8vo. BOWRING, SIR JOHN. The Kingdom and People of Siam. London, 1857. 8vo. 2vols. Plates. BRADLEY, JOHN. Narrative of Travel and Sport in Bur- mah, Siam and the Malay Peninsula. London, printed Guildford, 1876. 8vo. BURBIDGE, F. W. The Gardens of the Sun. London, 1880. Small 8vo. CRAWFURD, JOHN. Journal of an Embassy to the Court ofAva. Second edition. London, 1834. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Journal of an Embassy to Siam and Cochin China. Second edition. London, 1830. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. FORREST, THOMAS. Voyage from Calcutta to the Mergui Archipelago. London, 1792. Large 4to. Portrait and plates. Calf. INDIA CHINA AND JAPAN. 299 KEPPEL, HENRY. Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido, with Extracts from the Journal of James Brooke of Sarawak. Second edition. London, 1847. 8vo. 2vols. MARSDEN, WILLIAM. The History of Sumatra. London, 1783. 4to. Map. Calf. B. MUNDY, RODNEY. Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes down to the occupation of Labuan, from the Journals of James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, with a Narrative of the Operations of H.M.S. Iris. Second edition. London, 1848. 8vo. 2 vols. ST. JOHN, SPENSER. Life in the Forests of the Far East. London, 1862. 8vo. 2 vols. Coloured plates. SYMES, MICHAEL. Account of an Embassy to the King- dom of Ava, 1795. London, 1800. 4to. Plates. Calf. VINCENT, FRANK. The Land of the White Elephant London, 1873. 8vo. WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. The Malay Archipelago. Second edition. London, 1869. Small 8vo. 2 vols. CHINA AND JAPAN. IRD, ISABELLA L. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. Third edition. London, 1880. Small 8vo. 2 vols. BRETON. China, its Costume, Arts, Manu- factures, etc., translated from the French. London, 1812. 8vo. 4 vols. in 2. Coloured plates. Calf. B. FORTUNE, ROBERT. A Journey to the Tea Countries of China. London, 1852. 8vo. Illustrations. 300 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. FORTUNE, ROBERT. A Residence among the Chinese. London , 1857. 8vo. Engravings. Yedo and Peking. Narrative of a Journey to the Capitals of Japan and China. London, 1863. 8vo. Engravings. KcEMPFER, ENGELBERT. History of Japan, translated by J. G. Scheuchzer. London, 1728. Folio. 2 vols. Plates ; engraved title to Vol. I. Calf. B. MEDHURST, W. H. China; its State and Prospects. London, 1838. 8vo. Engravings. OLIPHANT, LAURENCE. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, 1857-59. Edinburgh, 1859. 8vo. 2 vols. Maps and coloured plates. STAUNTON, SIR GEORGE. Historical Account of the Embassy to the Emperor of China. London, 1797. 8vo. Plates. Calf. THOMSON, J. The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China. London, 1875. 8vo. THOMSON, THOMAS. Western Himalaya and Tibet London, 1852. 8vo. WILSON, ANDREW. The Abode of Snow ; Observations on a Journey from Chinese Tibet to the Indian Cau- casus. Edinburgh, 1875. 8vo. WRIGHT, G. N. China, in a Series of Views drawn by Thomas Allom. London [1843]. 4to. 4 vols. Plates. CHINA AND JAPAN SIBERIA. 301 SIBERIA, TKINSON, THOMAS WITLAM. Oriental and Western Siberia. London, 1858. Royal 8vo. Coloured plates. Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor. London, 1860. Royal 8vo. En- gravings. AFRICA. NORTH AFRICA. ALDWIN, GEORGE. Political Recollections relative to Egypt. London, 1801. 8vo. BARTH, HENRY. Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, 1849-55. London, 1 857-5 8. 8vo. 5 vols. Coloured plates. BARTLETT, WILLIAM HENRY. The Nile Boat, or Glimpses of the Land of Egypt. London, 1849. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. BELZONI, G[IOVANNI BATTISTA]. Narrative of the Opera- tions and Recent Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. Second edition. London, 1821. 4to. Portrait and maps. Another copy. B. 302 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. BELZONI, G[IOVANNI BATTISTA]. Plates illustrative of the Researches and Operations of G. B. in Egypt and Nubia. London, 1821. Elephant folio. Coloured plates. Another edition. London, 1822. Elephant folio. Coloured plates. Both copies have the six extra plates. CAILLIAUD, FREDERIC. Travels to the Oasis of Thebes. London, 1822. 8vo. Plates. DENON, VIVANT. Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte. Paris, An X. (1802). 2 vols. 4to. of text, and i vol. folio of plates. Another edition. Londres, 1809. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt Translated by E. A. Kendal. Second edition. London, 1803. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. Viaggio nel Basso ed Alto Egitto illustrato dietro alle tracce e ai disegni del Sig. Denon. Firenze, 1808. Royal folio. Plates. Russia. B. EGYPT. Antiquities of Egypt. London, 1841. 8vo. Dissertation on the Pyramids of Egypt. London, 1833. 4to. Plates. GREAVES, JOHN. Pyramidographia, a Description of the Pyramids in ./Egypt. London, 164.6. Small 8vo. Plates. Calf. B NORTH AFRICA. 303 GROBERT, J. Description des Pyramides dc Ghize", de la Ville du Kaire et de ses Environs. Paris, An IX. [1801]. 4to. Plates. B. HAMILTON, WILLIAM. Remarks on several Parts of Turkey. Part I. Aegyptiaca. London, 1809. 4to., and an elephant folio vol. of plates. HAY, JOHN H. DRUMMOND. Western Barbary. London, 1844. Small 8vo. HAY, ROBERT. Illustrations of Cairo. London, 1840. Royal folio. B. HOGG, EDWARD. Visit to Alexandria, Damascus, and Jerusalem. London, 1835. 8vo. 2 vols. B. HOOKER, SIR JOSEPH D ALTON, and BALL, JOHN. Journal of a Tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas. London, 1878. 8vo. LANE-POOLE, STANLEY. Social Life in Egypt. London, no date. 4to. Plates. B. LEMPRIERE, WILLIAM. Tour from Gibraltar to Morocco. Third edition. London, 1804. 8vo. Calf. LYON, G. F. Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa in 1818-20. London, 1821. 4to. Coloured plates. MAYER, LUICI. Views in Egypt. London, 1801. Folio. Coloured plates. Calf. B. NORDEN, FREDERICK LEWIS. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, translated from the Danish by Peter Temple- man. London, 1757. Folio. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. 304 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. ROMER, MRS. Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nubia and Palestine. Second edition. London, 1847. 8vo - 2 vols. B. RUSSELL, MICHAEL. History and Present Condition of the Barbary States. Edinburgh, 1835. Small 8vo. B. SCOTT, C. ROCHFORT. Rambles in Egypt and Candia. London, 1837. 8vo. 2 vols. SONNINI, C. S. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. New edition. London, 1807. 8vo. Plates. TULLY, . Letters written at the Court of Tripoli. Third edition. London, 1819. 8vo. 2 vols. Coloured plates. WHITE,}. Aegyptiaca. Parti. The History of Pompey's Pillar. Oxford, 1801. 4to. Plates. B. Part II. containing Abdollatifs "Antiquities" is not in the Library. WILKINSON, SIR J. GARDNER. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. London, 1837 ' 8vo. 3 vols. Second series. London, 1841. 8vo. 2 vols. and I vol. of plates. B. CENTRAL AND EASTERN AFRICA. AKER, SIR SAMUEL WHITE. The Albert N'yanza, Great Basin of the Nile and Explorations of the Nile Sources. London, 1866. 8vo. 2 vols. The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. London, 1867. 8vo. CENTRAL AND EASTERN AFRICA. 305 CAMERON, VERNEY LOVETT. Across Africa. London, 1877. 8vo - 2 CHAILLU, PAUL B. DU. Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa. London, 1861. 8vo. Engravings. DRUMMOND, HENRY. Tropical Africa. London, 1888. 8vo. B. HARRIS, WILLIAM CORNWALLIS. The Highlands of Aethiopia. Second edition. London, 1844. 8vo. 3vols. ISENBERG, CHARLES WILLIAM, and KRAPF, JOHN LUD- WIG. Journals in Abyssinia. London, 1843. Small 8vo. LE VAILLANT, - . New Travels into Africa. London, 1796. 8vo. 3 vols. Map and plates. Calf. MOORE, FRANCIS. Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa. London, 1738. Small 8vo. Plates. Calf. PARKYNS, MANSFIELD. Life in Abyssinia. London, 1853. 8vo. 2 vols. PETHERICK, JOHN, and PETHERICK, B. W. Travels in Central Africa. London, 1869. 8vo. 2 vols. SCHWEINFURTH, GEORG. The Heart of Africa. Second edition. London, 1874. 8vo. 2 vols. Engravings. SPEKE, JOHN HANNING. What led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. Edinburgh, 1864. 8vo. R R 306 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. SOUTH AFRICA. NDERSON, CHARLES JOHN. Lake Ngami. London, 1856. Royal 8vo. Plates. The Okavango River. London, 1861. 8vo. Engravings. BALDWIN, WILLIAM CHARLES. African Hunting from Natal to the Zambesi. London, 1863. 8vo. CAMPBELL, JOHN. Travels in South Africa. London, 1815. 8vo. Plates. Calf. GUMMING, RONALEYN GORDON. The Lion-Hunter in South Africa. London, 1855. Small 8vo. 2 vols. DRAYSON, ALFRED W. Sporting Scenes amongst the Kaffirs of South Africa. London, 1858. 8vo. Coloured plates. Tales at the Outspan ; Adventures in Southern Africa. London, 1862. 8vo. GALTON, FRANCIS. Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa. London, 1853. Small 8vo. GARDINER, ALLEN F. Narrative of a Journey to the Zoolu Country. London, 1836. 8vo. Plates. HARRIS, WILLIAM CORNWALLIS. Wild Sports of Southern Africa. London, 1839. Small 8vo. SOUTH AND WESTERN AFRICA. 307 KOLBEN, PETER. Present State of the Cape of Good Hope, translated from the German by G. Medley. London, 1738. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. LIVINGSTONE, DAVID. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. London, 1857. 8vo. and LIVINGSTONE, CHARLES. Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries, 1858-64. London, 1865. 8vo. MOHR, EDWARD. To the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi. London, 1876. 8vo. GATES, FRANK. Matabele Land. London, 1881. 8vo. PERCIVAL, ROBERT. An Account of the Cape of Good Hope. London, 1804. 4to. B. SELOUS, FREDERICK COURTENEY. A Hunter's Wander- ings in Africa. London, 1881. 8vo. SEMPLE, ROBERT. Walks and Sketches at the Cape of Good Hope. Second edition. London, 1805. Small 8vo. WESTERN AFRICA. LEXANDER, SIR JAMES EDWARD. Excur- sions in Western Africa and Narrative of a Campaign in Kaffir-Land. Second edition. London, 1840. 8vo. 2 vols. B. 308 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. BAIKIE, WILLIAM BALFOUR. Narrative of an Exploring Voyage up the Rivers Kw6ra and Bfnue, commonly known as the Niger and Tsadda, in 1854. London, 1856. 8vo. BENEZET, ANTHONY. Some Historical Account of Guinea. Philadelphia, 1771. 12 mo. Calf. BOSMAN, WILLIAM. New and accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea ; translated from the Dutch. London, 1705. Small 8vo. Map and plates. Calf. SNELGRAVE, WILLIAM. A New Account of some Parts of Guinea, and the Slave-Trade. London, 1734. I2mo. AFRICAN ISLANDS, ETC ., T. History of the Azores. London, 1813. 4*0. Plates. Calf. BORY DE ST. VINCENT, J[EAN] B[APTISTE] M[ARIE] G[EORGE]. Essais sur les Isles Fortune'es, et 1'Antique Atlantide. Paris, An XI. (1803). 4to. Maps. B. BROOKE, T. H. History of the Island of St. Helena. London, 1808. 8vo. BULLAR, JOSEPH, and BULLAR, HENRY. A Winter in the Azores. London, 1841. 8vo. 2 vols. DRURY, ROBERT. Madagascar; Journal during fifteen years Captivity on that Island. London, 1729. 8vo. Folding map. Calf. AFRICAN ISLANDS NORTH AMERICA. 309 JOURNAL OF AN AFRICAN CRUISER, by an Officer of the United States Navy ; edited by Nathaniel Hawthorne. London, 1845. Small 8vo. PIKE, NICHOLAS. Sub-tropical Rambles in the Land of the Aphanapteryx, the Island of Mauritius. London, 1873. 8vo. SAINT PIERRE, J. H. B. DE. Voyage to the Isle of France. London, 1800. 8vo. Calf. SAUGNIER AND BRISSON. Voyage to the Coasts of Africa. London, 1792. 8vo. Map. Calf. SIBREE, JAMES. The Great African Island ; Chapters on Madagascar. London, 1880. 8vo. SMYTH, C. PIAZZI. Teneriffe. London, 1858. Small 8vo. AMERICA. NORTH AMERICA. DAMS, A. LEITH. Field and Forest Rambles, with Notes on the Natural History of Eastern Canada. London, 1873. 8vo. BARTLETT, WILLIAM HENRY. The Pilgrim Fathers, or the Founders of New England. London, 1853. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. BARTRAM, WILLIAM. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia .... Philadelphia, 1791. (Reprint, London, 1792.) 8vo. Plates. 310 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. BELL, WILLIAM A. New Tracks in North America. Second edition. London, 1870. 8vo. BRACKENRIDGE, H. M. Views of Louisiana. Pittsburgh, 1814. 8vo. Calf. BRADFORD, T. G. An Illustrated Atlas, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the United States and the adjacent countries. Boston and New York, no date. Imp. folio. B. BROWNE, J. ROSS. Adventures in the Apache Country. London, 1869. Small 8vo. BRYANT, EDWIN. What I saw in California. London, 1849. Small 8vo. B. BUCKINGHAM, J. S. America, Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive. London [1841]. 8vo. 3 vols. B. BULLOCK, W. Six Months Residence and Travels in Mexico. London, 1824. 8vo. Plates. BUTLER, W. F. The Great Lone Land, a Narrative of Travel in North America. Third edition. London, 1872. 8vo. The Wild North Land, a Winter Journey across northern North America. Fourth edition. London, 1874. 8vo. CAMPION, J. S. On the Frontier. Second edition. London, 1878. 8vo. CARVER, JONATHAN. Travels through North America. London, 1781. 8vo. Plates. NORTH AMERICA. 311 CHASTELLUX, MARQUIS DE. Travels in North America, translated from the French. London, 1787. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. GOLDEN, CADWALLADER. History of the five Indian Nations of Canada. London, 1747. 8vo. Calf. Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River. London, 1831. 8vo. 2 vols. DIXON, GEORGE. A Voyage round the World, more particularly to the North- West Coast of America in 1785-88. London, 1789. 4to. Maps. DOMENECH, EM. Missionary Adventures in Texas and Mexico. Translated from the French. London, 1858. 8vo. Map. Du LAC, PERRIN. Travels thro' the two Louisianas. London, 1807. Folding plate. Macdonald, James. Travels thro' Denmark and Sweden. London, 1810. Tour through the Island of Riigen. (Wants title?) Stranger in Ireland. (Wants title?) Fischer's Travels to Hyeres. ( Wants title?) Reuilly, J. Travels in the Crimea. London, 1807. Together I vol. 8vo. Calf. ELLIS, HENRY. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. London, 1748. Small 8vo. Map and plates. Calf. GILLMORE, PARKER. A Hunter's Adventures in the Great West London, 1871. 8vo. H., T. Men and Manners in America. Edinburgh, 1833. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. 312 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC HAMILTON, J. P. Travels through Columbia. London, 1827. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. HARDY, CAMPBELL. Forest Life in Acadie. London, 1869. 8vo. HARDY, R. W. H. Travels in Mexico, 1825-28. London, 1829. 8vo. Plates. HEAD, SIR FRANCIS. Narrative [of Events in Canada]. London, 1839. 8vo. B. HELLIER, THOMAS. The Vain prodigal Life and tragic penitent Death of T. H., born at Whitchurch, Dorset- shire, who for murdering his master, mistress, and a maid, was executed at Westover in Charles City, Vir- ginia, $th August 1678. London, 1680. Small 4to. [HELPS, ARTHUR.] The Conquerors of the New World and their Bondsmen. London, 1852. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. HINDE, HENRY YOULE. Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857, an d f the Assinni- boine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition of 1858. London, 1860. 8vo. 2 vols. Coloured plates. IMLAY, GILBERT. Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America. Third edition. London, 1797. 8vo. Maps. Calf. B. JOUTEL, . Journal of the Last Voyage by Monsr. de la Sale to the Gulph of Mexico. London, 1714. Small 8vo. Folding map. Calf. KANE, PAUL. Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America. London, 1859. 8vo. NORTH AMERICA. 313 KEITH, SIR WILLIAM. History of the British Plantations in America. Parti. History of Virginia. London, 1738. Small 4to. Maps. Calf. KING, CLARENCE. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. London, 1872. Small 8vo. KOHLMEISTER, BENJAMIN, and KMOCH, GEORGE. Journal of a Voyage from Okkek on the coast of Labra- dor to Ungava Bay. London, 1814. 8vo. LAMBERT, JOHN. Travels through Canada and the United States. Second edition. London, 1814. 8vo. 2 vols. Map and coloured plates. LAS CASAS, BARTOLOME DE (Bishop of Chiapd}. Account of the first Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America ; to which is added the Art of Travelling. London, 1699. Small 8vo. B. Separate pagination to the " Art of Travelling." LATROBE, CHARLES JOSEPH. The Rambler in North America. London, 1835. 8vo. 2 vols. The Rambler in Mexico. London, 1836. 8vo. LYELL, SIR CHARLES. Travels in North America. London, 1845. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Coloured plates. MACKAY, ALEXANDER. The Western World ; Travels in the United States, 1846-47. London, 1849. Small 8vo. 3 vols. B. MAYNE, R. C. Four Years in British Columbia and Van- couver Island. London, 1862. 8vo. Illustrations. SS 3H VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. MEARES, JOHN. Voyages from China to the North-West Coast of America. London, Logographic Press, 1791. 8vo. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. MURRAY, AMELIA M. Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. London, 1856. Small 8vo. 2 vols. [OLDMIXON, J.] The British Empire in America. London, 1708. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Maps. Calf. B. PALLISER, JOHN. Solitary Rambles and Adventures in the Prairies. London, 1853. Small 8vo. ROBERTS, LEWES. The Treasure of Trafficke, or a Dis- course of Forraign Trade. London, 1641. Bullock, William. Virginia impartially examined. London, 1649. Togetlier I vol. Small 4to. Calf. ST. JOHN, MOLYNEUX. The Sea of Mountains, an Account of Lord Dufferin's Tour through British Columbia in 1876. London, 1877. Small 8vo. 2 vols. SMITH, JOHN. The Generall Historic of Virginia, New- England, and the Summer Isles : with the names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours from their first beginning An : 1584 to this present 1626. With the Proceedings of those Severall Colonies and the Accidents that befell them in all their Journyes and Discoveries. Also the Maps and Descriptions of all those Countryes, their Commodities, People, Government, Customes, and Religion yet knowne. Divided into sixe Bookes. By Captaine John Smith sometymes Governour in those Countryes & Admirall of New England. London, NORTH AMERICA. 315 SMITH, JOHN continued. Printed by I D and I H for Edward Blackmore Anno 1632. Small folio. Olive morocco. B. Engraved title by John Barra with portraits of Q. Elizabeth, K. James and K. Charles, i leaf; dedication to "the Lady Francis Duchesse of Richmond and Lenox," i leaf; preface and compli- mentary verses, 3 leaves ; contents, 2 leaves ; the work, pp. 1-96, pp. 105-248. Plates : Folding map of Virginia by William Hole ; Folding map of Ould Virginia by Robert Vaughan and Capt. Smith's Adventures ; Folding map of Summer Us and Views of Forts ; Folding map of New England with portrait of Capt. Smith. SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA, Historical Account of the Colonies of. London, 1779. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. SPRINGER, JOHN S. Forest Life and Forest Trees. London, 1852. Small 8vo. STITH, WILLIAM. History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. Williamsburg, 1747. 8vo. Calf. B. VENEGAS, MIGUEL. Natural and Civil History of California. London, 1759. 8vo. 2 vols. Map and plates. Calf. VIRGINIA. The History and Present State of Virginia, by a Native and Inhabitant of the place. (Engraved title says " by R. B.") Second edition. London, 1722. Small 8vo. Plates. Calf. The same work in French. Amsterdam, 1707. 1 2 mo. With an engraved title and the same 14 plates. Calf. VIVIAN, A. PENDARVES. Wanderings in the Western Land. London, 1879. 8vo. 316 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. WANSEY, HENRY. Journal of an Excursion to the United States. Salisbury, 1796. 8vo. Calf. [WARBURTON, GEORGE.] The Conquest of Canada. London, 1849. 8vo. 2 vols. Hochelaga, or England in the New World. London, 1846. 8vo. 2 vols. Another copy. B. WELD, ISAAC. Travels through the States of North America and Canada. Fourth edition. London, 1800. 8vo. Plates. Calf. WHYMPER, FREDERICK. Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska. London, 1868. 8vo. WILLIS, N. P. American Scenery. London, 1840. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. B. Canadian Scenery illustrated. London, 1842. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. B. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. GASSIZ, Louis, and AGASSIZ, MRS. A Journey in Brazil. Boston, printed Cam- bridge, U.S.A., 1869. 8vo. BOLINGBROKE, HENRY. A Voyage to the Demerary, containing an Account of the Settlements there, and of those on the Essequibo, the Berbice, and others rivers of Guyana. London, printed Norwich [1807]. 4to. Map. B. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. 317 BRACKENRIDGE, H. M. Voyage to South America per- formed by order of the American Government in 1817 and 1818 in the Frigate Congress. London, 1820. 8vo. 2 vols, Calf. B. BROWN, C. BARRINGTON. Canoe and Camp Life in British Guiana. London, 1876. 8vo. Coloured plates. BYAM, GEORGE. Wild Life in Central America. London, 1849. Small 8vo. COCKBURN, JOHN. Journey over land from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea .... to which are added the Travels of Nicholas Withington. London, 1735. 8vo. Map. Calf. FREZIER, . Voyage to the South Sea and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, 1712-14. London, 1717. 4to. Maps and plates. Calf. Another copy. Calf. B. HINCHLIFF, THOMAS WOODBINE. South American Sketches. London, 1863. Small 8vo. Coloured plates. M., R. Relation of Mr. R. M.'s Voyage to Buenos- Ayres, and from thence by Land to Potosi. London, 1716. Small 8vo. Folding map of tJie River de la Plata by H. Moll. Calf. B. MUSTERS, GEORGE CHAWORTH. At Home with the Patagonians. London, 1871. 8vo. NORMAN, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan. Second edition. New York, 1843. 8vo. Plates. B. 3i8 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. PAEZ, RAMON. Travels and Adventures in South and Central America. First Series. New York, 1868. 8vo. PROCTOR, ROBERT. Narrative of a Journey across the Cordillera of the Andes, and of a Residence in Lima. London, 1825. 8vo. ROBINSON, J. H. Journal of an Expedition up the Orinoco and Arauca. London, 1822. 8vo. Plates. SCHMIDTMEYER, PETER. Travels into Chile. London, 1824. 4to. Coloured plates. SMITH, EDMOND RENEL. The Araucanians ; Notes of a Tour in Southern Chili. London, 1855. 8vo. SMYTH, W., and LOWE, F. Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para. London, 1836. 8vo. B. SNOW, W. PARKER. A Two Years' Cruise off Tierra del Fuego .... a Narrative of Life in the Southern Seas. London, 1857. Small 8vo. 2 vols. SQUIER, E. G. Nicaragua. London, 1852. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. B. STEPHENS, JOHN L. Incidents of Travel in Central America. London, 1841. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. London, 1843. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. TEMPLE, EDMOND. Travels in Peru. London, 1830. 8vo. 2 vols. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. 319 ULLOA, JORGE JUAN DE, and ULLOA, ANTONIO DE. Voyage to South America. London, 1760. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. WAFER, LIONEL. New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. London, 1699. Folding map and three folding plates. Sharp, Captain Bartholomew. Voyages and Adventures in the South Sea. . . . Captain Van Horn with his Buccanieres surprizing of the Vera Cruz. . . . The true relation of Sir Henry Morgan his expedition against the Spaniards in the West Indies, his taking Panama, with the President of Panama's account of the same expedition .... and Col. Beeston's adjustment of the Peace between the Spaniards and English in the West Indies. London, 1684. Together I vol. Small 8vo. B. WALLACE, ALFRED R. Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. London, 1853. 8vo. WALSH, R. Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. London, 1830. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. WATERTON, CHARLES. Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles. Third edition. London, 1836. Small 8vo. Another copy. B. 320 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. WEST INDIES. TWOOD, THOMAS. History of the Island of Dominica. London, 1/91. 8vo. Calf. BAYLEY, F. W. N. Four Years Residence in the West Indies. London, 1830. 8vo. BECKFORD, WILLIAM. Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica. London, 1790. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. CHARLEVOIX, PIERRE FRANCOIS XAVIER DE. Histoire de 1'Isle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue. Paris, 1730. 4to. 2 vols. Maps. Calf. DAY, CHARLES WILLIAM. Five Years' Residence in the West Indies. London, 1852. Small 8vo. 2 vols. EDWARDS, BRYAN. The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. Second edition. London, 1794-1801. 4to. 3 vols. Maps and plates. GURNEY, JOSEPH JOHN. A Winter in the West Indies. Second edition. London, printed Norwich, 1 840. 8vo. HlCKERiNGlLL, EDMUND. Jamaica Viewed : with all the Ports, Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns, and Settlements. Third edition. London, 1705. Small 4to. Portrait and map. B. JAMAICA. Account of Jamaica and its Inhabitants. By a Gentleman long Resident in the West Indies. London, 1808. 8vo. Calf. WEST INDIES. 321 JAMAICA. The truest and largest Account of the late Earthquake in Jamaica, June /th, 1692. Written by a reverend Divine there to his friend in London, with improvement by another hand. London, 1693. Small 4to. A New History of, from the earliest accounts to the taking of Porto Bello by Vice- Admiral Vernon. In thirteen Letters from a Gentleman to his friend. London, 1740. Small 8vo. B. Contains the General Map of the West Indies, but wants that of Jamaica. History of. London, 1774. 4to. 3 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. At end of Vol. III. is "A Treatise upon the Trade from Great Britain to Africa. By an African Merchant London, 1772." The Laws of, passed by the Assembly and con- firmed by His Majesty in Council, April 17, 1684. To which is added the State of Jamaica under the Govern- ment of Sir Thomas Lynch. London, 1684. Folio. Folding map. Calf. FOYER, JOHN. The History of Barbados, 1605 to 1801. London, 1809. 4to. SLOANE, SIR HANS. A Voyage to Madera, Barbadoes, Nieves, St. Christophers and Jamaica, with the Natural History of the last of those Islands. London, 1725. Folio. Plates. (Vol. II. only.') Another edition. London, 1707-25. Folio. 2 vols. of text and 2 vols. of plates, mounted on guards throughout. T T 322 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. TOBAGO, Acts of the Legislature of; 1768-75. London, 1776. Folio. Calf. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. The West Indies and the Spanish Main. Fourth edition. London, 1860. Small 8vo. WEST INDIA COLONIES. Slave meliorating Provisions enacted in the British West India Colonies, Statement of the various. No place or date. 8vo. WEST INDIA SKETCH BOOK, THE. London, 1834. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. WILLIAMS, CYNRIC R. Tour through Jamaica in 1823. Second edition. London, 1827. 8vo. B. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, ETC. ACKHOUSE, JAMES. Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. London, 1843. 8vo. BARKER, LADY. Station Life in New Zealand. London, 1870. Small 8vo. BIRD, ISABELLA L. Six Months among the Sandwich Islands. London, 1875. 8vo. BULKELEY, JOHN, and CUMMINS, JOHN. Voyage to the South Seas. London, 1743. 8vo. Calf. WEST INDIES AUSTRALIA, ETC. 323 D'ALBERTIS, L. M. New Guinea. London, 1880. 8vo. 2 vols. DAVIS, JOHN. Tracks of McKinlay and Party across Australia. London, 1863. 8vo. Coloured plates. ELLIS, WILLIAM. Polynesian Researches. London, 1830. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. GREY, SIR GEORGE. Journals of two Expeditions of Dis- covery in North- West and Western Australia. London, 1841. 8vo. Plates. Polynesian Mythology, and ancient traditional His- tory of the New Zealand Race. London, 1855. Small 8vo. HAWKINS, SIR RICHARD. Observations in his Voyage to the South Sea, Anno Domini 1593. London, printed by I. D. for loh. laggard, 1622. The Historic of Xenophon translated by Joh. Bingham. London, printed by John Haviland for Ralph Mabb, 1623. TogetJier I vol. Small folio. JACKSON, ANDREW. Robert O'Hara Burke and the Aus- tralian Exploring Expedition of 1860. London, 1862. Small 8vo. KENNAWAY, LAURENCE J. Crusts, a Settler's Fare due South. London, printed Exeter, 1874. Small 8vo. LAWSON, J. A. Wanderings in New Guinea. London, 1875. Small 8vo. 324 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. LEICHHARDT, LUDWIG. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia. London, 1 847. 8vo. Plates. MITCHELL, T. L. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia. London, 1838. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. MORESBY, JOHN. New Guinea and Polynesia. London, 1876. 8vo. NEW ZEALAND, HANDBOOK FOR. London, 1848. i2mo. POOLE, FRANCIS. Queen Charlotte Islands. London, 1872. 8vo. SAVAGE, JOHN. Some Account of New Zealand. London, 1807. Small 8vo. Plates. STUART, JOHN McDouGALL. Explorations in Australia ; Journals during 1858-62. Second edition. London, 1865. 8vo. TURNER, GEORGE. Nineteen Years in Polynesia. London, 1 86 1. 8vo. Engravings. WARBURTON, PETER EGERTON. Journey across the Western Interior of Australia. London, 1875. 8vo. Plates. AUSTRALIA POLAR REGIONS. 325 POLAR REGIONS. ARROW, JOHN. Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions. London, 1818. 8vo. Calf. FRANKLIN, SIR JOHN. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-22. London, 1823. 4to. Maps and plates. Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-22. London, 1829. I2mo. 4 vols. GOODSIR, ROBERT ANSTRUTHER. An Arctic Voyage to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound. London, 1850. 8vo. HALL, CHARLES FRANCIS. Life with the Esquimaux. London, 1864. 8vo. 2 vols. Maps and plates. JAMES, THOMAS. The strange and dangerous Voyage of Captaine T. J. in his intended Discouery of the Northwest Passage into the South Sea . . . [with] a platt or card for the sayling in those Seas. Diuers little tables of the variation of the Compasse, etc., with an appendix concerning Longitude by Henry Gelli- brand, and an Aduise concerning these discoueryes by W[illiam] W[atts]. London, by John Legatt for John Partridge, 1633. Small 4to. Red morocco. B. Title mended. Folding "platt " with portrait of Captain James. The Appendix on Longitude is followed by an Address " to the venerable Artists and younger students in Diuinity in the famous Vniversity of Cambridge," signed "X. Z." There is no " Aduise " so called. 326 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, ETC. JAMES, THOMAS. Dangerous Voyage of Captain T. J. in his intended discovery of a North-West Passage into the South Sea. Second edition. London, 1740. Map. Hacke, William. Collection of Voyages (Cowley's, Sharp's, Wood's, and Roberts 's). London, 1699. Maps. TogetJter I vol. Small 8vo. LAMONT, JAMES. Yachting in the Arctic Seas. London, 1876. 8vo. MACGAHAN, J. A. Under the Northern Lights. London, 1876. 8vo. MARKHAM, ALBERT HASTINGS. Northward Ho! Lon- don, 1879. Small 8vo. A Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay and the Gulf of Boothia, and an Account of the Rescue of the Crew of the " Polaris." London, 1874. 8vo. MARKHAM, CLEMENTS R. The Threshold of the Un- known Region. Third edition. London, 1875. Small 8vo. NORTH GEORGIA GAZETTE AND WINTER CHRONICLE. London, 1821. 4to. A Paper produced by officers employed in the expedition for discovering a North- West Passage, 1819-20, and edited by Captain Edward Sabine. PARRY, W. E. Journals of the first, second and third Voyages for the Discovery of a North- West Passage, 1819-25. London, 1828. 5 vols. Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole. London, 1829. TogetJier 6 vols. 12 mo. POLAR REGIONS. 327 PAYER, JULIUS. New Lands within the Arctic Circle, translated from the German. London, 1876. 8vo. 2 vols. PHIPPS, JOHN. Voyage towards the North Pole. London, 1774. 4to. Plates and c/tarts. Calf. RICHARDSON, SIR JOHN. The Polar Regions. Edinburgh, 1 86 1. 8vo. Ross, JOHN. A Voyage of Discovery for exploring Baffin's Bay. London, 1819. 4to. Coloured plates. Calf. SEEMAN, BERTHOLD. Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald, 1845-51, being a circumnavigation of the globe and three cruizes to the Arctic Regions in search of Sir John Franklin. London, 1853. 8vo. 2 vols. SNOW, W. PARKER. Voyage of the " Prince Albert " in search of Sir John Franklin. London, 1851. Small 8vo. HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY. [LBERT, ARCHDUKE OF AUSTRIA. Pompe funebre du Prince Albert, Archiduc d'Autriche, represented en tailles douces par Jacques Francquart et Corneille Galle, avec une Disser- tation d'Eryce Puteanus. Bruxelles, 1729. Folio. Calf. B. ALBUM of Coats of Arms drawn and coloured by hand, with MS. notes. Small 8vo. ANDERSON, JAMES. Royal Genealogies, or the Genea- logical Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes from Adam to these Times. London, 1732. Folio. ANSTIS, JOHN. Observations introductory to an historical Essay upon the Knighthood of the Bath. London, 1725. Small 4to. Red morocco. ASHMOLE, ELIAS. The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter. London, 1672. Folio. Engravings and 3 1 plates. Russia. Privilege dated March 31, 1670, i f. Title, i f. Dedication, i f. Preface, i f. Contents, 2 ff. The work, pp. 1-720. Appendix, 51 ff. Minute of Chapter of the Order, i f. Errata, i f. ALBER TBOSSE WELL. 329 BANKS, T. C. History of the Family of Marmyun. London, 1817. 4to. Plates. BERKELEY PEERAGE, Narrative of Minutes of Evidence respecting the claim to the. London, 1811. 8vo. BERRY, WILLIAM. Encyclopaedia Heraldica. London, no date. 4*0. 4 vols. BETHAM, WILLIAM. Genealogical Tables of the Sove- reigns of the World. London, 1795. Folio. B. BLASON, ou ART HERALDIQUE. No place or date. 33 plates of coats of arms with a MS. Index of names. Folio. Lettered " Baron's Art of Heraldry." [BLOME, RICHARD.] The Art of Heraldry. London, 1685. I2mo. Calf. Imperfect, having only 44 plates instead of 52. BOLTON, SOLOMON. The Extinct Peerage of England, from the Conquest to 1769. London, 1769. 8vo. Calf. B. BORGIA [STEFANO], CARDINAL, and YORK, CARDINAL OF. Letters, 1799-1800. [Addressed to, translated and edited by Sir J C. Hippisley, with facsimiles.] No place or date. Privately printed. 4to. B. Inserted are pp. 327-360 of another work (? title) relating to the family of Hippisley of Warfield Grove, Berks. BosSEWELL, JOHN. Workes of Armorie deuided into three Bookes, entituled, the Concordes of Armorie, the Armorie of Honor, and of Cotes and Creastes, collected and gathered by J. B., Gentleman. At London, printed by Henrie Ballard, 1597. Small 8vo. Calf. Woodcuts, some coloured by hand. U U 330 HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY. BRYAN, PHILIP. A new and correct Collection of Arms, Crests, etc. London, no date. Folio. B. No letterpress. 16 pp. of coats of arms, and 7 loose leaves of subscribers' arms, numbered i, iv, vi, vii, viii, xiii, and one unnumbered. BRYDSON, THOMAS. Summary View of Heraldry. Lon- don, 1795. 8vo. Calf. B. BURKE, JOHN, and BURKE, JOHN BERNARD. Heraldic Illustrations, comprising the Armorial Bearings of the principal Families of the Empire. London, 1844-46. 4to. 3 vols. Plates. BURN, JOHN SOUTHERDEN. Registrum Ecclesiae Paro- chialis. The History of Parish Registers in England. London, 1829. 8vo. B. CARTER, MATTHEW. Honor Redivivus, or an Analysis of Honor and Armory. London. 8vo. Engravings. B. The title is wanting. (?) edition of 1655, 1660, 1669, or 1673. C[HICHELE], A. S. Stemmata Chicheliana, or a Genealogical Account of some of the Families derived from Thomas Chichele of Higham Ferrers in the County of North- ampton. Oxford, 1765. 4to. B. CLAREMONT VISITORS' BOOK. Album of Visitors' Auto- graphs with their coats of arms drawn and coloured by hand. Small 4to. MS. Crimson velvet. CLARK, HUGH. A Concise History of Knighthood. Lon- don, 1784. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. Introduction to Heraldry. Ninth edition. London, 1 8 1 8. 1 2mo. Plates, some coloured by hand. BRYAN DOUGLAS. 331 COATS, JAMES. New Dictionary of Heraldry. Second edition. London, 1735. 8vo. Calf. B. COLLINS, ARTHUR. The Peerage of England. Fifth edition. London, 1779. 8 vols. Supplement by B. Longmate. London, 1784. TogetJter 9 vols. 8vo. Coats of arms. Calf. B. Another edition, continued by Sir Egerton Brydges. London, 1812. 8vo. 9 vols. Calf. CRESTS, THE HERALDRY OF. London, 1829. i2mo. Plates. DALLAWAY, HARRIET. Manual of Heraldry. London, 1828. I2mo. Coats of arms coloured by Jtand. Olive morocco. (2 copies.) B. DALLAWAY, JAMES. Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, with explanatory Observations on Armorial Ensigns. Gloucester, 1793. 4to. Plates. B. DAWSON, THOMAS. Memoirs of St. George and of the Order of the Garter, an Introduction to an intended History of Windsor. London, 1714. Small 8 vo. Calf. B. DEBRETT, JOHN. The Baronetage of England. Fourth edition. London, 1819. I2mo. 2 vols. in 4. Plates of arms. DOUGLAS, SIR ROBERT. The Baronetage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. Folio. Engravings. Another copy. B. 332 HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY. DOUGLAS, SIR ROBERT. The Peerage of Scotland. Second edition, by John Philip Wood. Edinburgh, 1813. Folio. 2 vols. Plates. DUGDALE, SIR WILLIAM. The Antient Usage in bearing of such Ensigns of Honour as are commonly call'd Arms. With a Catalogue of the Nobility of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc. Oxford, 1682. 12 mo. Calf. EDMONDSON, JOSEPH. A Complete Body of Heraldry. London, 1780. Folio. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. Historical and Genealogical Account of the noble Family of Greville. London, 1766. Royal 8vo. Plates. The Present Peerages with Plates of Arms revised by J. E. London, 1785. 8vo. B. FERNE, JOHN. Jhe Blazon of Gentrie : Deuided into two parts. The first named The Glorie of Generositie. The second, Lacyes Nobilitie. Comprehending dis- courses of Armes and of Gentry. Wherein is treated of the beginning, parts, and degrees of Gentlenesse, with her lawes : Of the Bearing, and Blazon of Cote-armors : of the Lawes of Armes, and of Combats. Compiled by lohn Feme Gentleman, for the instruction of all Gentle- men bearers of Armes, whome and none other this worke concerneth. At London. Printed by John Windet, for Andrew Maunsell, 1586. Small 8 vo. Calf. GOFF, JOHN, and PENSON, THOMAS. Somersetshire. A Collection of Armes of that County. The first part done by Ino. Goflf, and continued by Tho. Penson. Small 4to. Calf. B. Original drawings of arms, emblazoned and in trick, with MS. notes and pedigrees. DOUGLAS HOLME. 333 GUILLIM, JOHN. A Display of Heraldry. Sixth edition. With large additions . . . Sir George Mackenzie's Tract of Precedency ... A Treatise of Honour Military and Civil ... by Capt. John Logan. . . . London, 1724. Folio. Portraits and coats of arms. Russia. Precedency paged 1-65 ; Honour paged 59-65 and (Second Part} 65 again 276 ; Honour Civil, Second Part, with the Collection of Tracts paged 1-58 ; Dictionary of Terms paged 1-24 ; Table, sigs. a-f. [HARSDORFFER, GEORG PHILIPP ?] Das erneuerte und vermehrte teutsche Wappenbuch, in vvelchem des H. Romschen Reiches Hohe-Potentaten . . . Wappen auss- gebildet zuersehen. Nurnberg, 1657. Oblong I2mo. 4 vols. Engraved titles and plates of arms. Calf. HENNIKER, JOHN. Letters on Norman Tiles stained with Armorial Bearings. London, 1794. 8vo. Plates. B. HERALDIC MISCELLANIES. Lives of Sir William Dugdale and Gregory King, written by themselves. With an exact copy of the third part of "The Boke of St. Albans," first printed in 1486. London, no date. 4to. HOARE, SIR RICHARD COLT, BART. Hungerfordiana : or Memoirs of the Family of Hungerford. \Colophon.~\ Shastonice, Typis Rutterianis, 1823. 8vo. Calf. B. Only 100 copies printed. HOLME, RANDLE. The Academy of Armory, or a Store- house of Armory and Blazon. Chester, 1688. Folio. Engraved title and engravings. Calf. Imperfect. Engraved title, I f. Printed title, I f. Commen- datory verses, i f. Contents and verses, 4 ff. Books I., II., pp. 1-488. Table, 4 ff. Book III., pp. 1-470 only. MS. Index inserted. 334 HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY. HOLME, RANDLE. Index of Names of Persons in the Academy of Armory and Blazon by R. H. printed at Chester in 1688. London, 1821. Folio. HOWARD, CHARLES. Historical Anecdotes of the Howard Family. London, 1769. Small 8vo. B. HOZIER, Louis PIERRE D'. Armorial General de la France. Parts, 1738-52. Folio. 7 vols. Portrait of Louis XV. and coats of arms. Calf. B. [JHONES, RICHARD ?] The Booke of Honor and Armes. At London, Printed by Richard Jlwnes, 1 590. Small 4to. Second title in woodcut border. [JONES, H. ?] A Tour in quest of Genealogy through Wales, Somersetshire and Wiltshire, by a Barrister. London, 1811. 8vo. KIMBER, E., and JOHNSON, R. The Baronetage of Eng- land. London, 1771. 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. B. KNIGHT, F. Heraldic Illustrations. [London, 1834?] 4to. Plates witJiout letterpress. [LEGH, GERARD.] The Accedens of Armory. [Colophon.} Imprynted at London in fletestrete within temple Barre at the signe of the hand & starre by RycJtard Tottel An. 1 568. Small 8vo. Calf. B. Engraved title, coats of arms, and folding plate facing fol. 127. LODGE, JOHN. The Peerage of Ireland. London, 1768. 8vo. 2 vols. Coats of arms. Calf. B. HOLME NICHOLS. 335 LODGE, JOHN. The Peerage of Ireland. Revised and continued by Mervyn Archdall. London, 1789. 8vo. 7 vols. Coats of arms. Calf. B. LOWER, MARK ANTONY. Curiosities of Heraldry. London, 1845. 8vo. B. LYNDSAY, SIR DAVID. Fac-simile of an ancient Heraldic Manuscript emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King of Armes, 1542. Edinburgh, 1822. Folio. Coloured plates. MACLEAN, SIR JOHN. Historical and Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Poyntz. Part I. Exeter, privately printed, no date. 4to. B. MOULE, THOMAS. Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnae Britan- niae, an analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogy, Heraldry. . . . London, 1822. 8vo. [NARES, EDWARD.] Heraldic Anomalies. London, 1824. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. NEUFFORGE, JACQUES DE, et JOBARD, J. A. M. Armorial du Royaume des Pays-Bas. 4to. No title ; 3 leaves of letterpress ; i leaf of prospectus ; 66 coloured plates of arms. The complete work was to contain 1 50 plates. [NICHOLS, FRANCIS.] The British Compendium or Rudi- ments of Honour. Seventh edition. London, no date 24mo. (Vol. I. in 2 parts.) Plates. Calf. n. 336 HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY. NOBLE, MARK. A History of the College of Arms, and the Lives of all the Kings, Heralds and Pursuivants from the Reign of Richard III. London, 1805. 4-to. Por- trait. B. POCKET HERALD or Gentleman's Companion. London, printed Bristol, no date. I2mo. MS. notes and plates coloured by hand. B. PORNY, M. A. Elements of Heraldry. Fifth edition. London, 1795. 8vo. Calf. B. PRYCE, GEORGE. Memorials of the Canynges' Family and their Times. Bristol, 1854. Royal 8vo. The plates are wanting. ROGERS, CHARLES. The Scottish Branch of the Norman House of Roger, with a Genealogical Sketch of the Family of Playfair. London, 1872. 100 copies privately printed. Memorials of the Earl of Stirling and House of Alexander. Edinburgh, 1877. 8vo. 2 vols. Illustra- tions. - Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise. {Edinburgh] 1877. Small 4to. Privately printed. [RUEXNER, G., - Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Letters to Charles Butler, comprising Essays on the Romish Religion and vindicating the Book of the Church. London, 1826. 8vo. Calf. B. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN (Dean of Westminster). Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church. Lon- don, 1 86 1. 8vo. Calf. B. 406 HISTORY; ECCLESIASTICAL. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN (Dean of Westminster). Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. London, 1863-76. 8vo. 3 vols. B. STEPHEN, SIR JAMES. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. Fourth edition. London, 1860. 8vo. B. STILLINGFLEET, EDWARD (Bishop of Worcester). Origines Britannicae ; Antiquities of the British Churches. Lon- don, 1837. 8vo. Origines Sacrae. London, 1675. Small 4to. Calf. B. STRYPE, JOHN. Ecclesiastical Memorials. London, 1816. 4to. Large Paper. 7 vols. TALON, NICOLAS. The Holy History, translated by the Marquess of Winchester. London, 1653. Small 4to. B. TAYLOR, JEREMY (BisJiop of Down and Connor), and CAVE, WILLIAM. Antiquitates Christianas. Ninth edition. London, 1703. Folio. Calf. B. Engraved title and engravings. Separate titles, dated 1702, to the ist, 2nd, and 3rd parts of the Life of Jesus, and to the Lives of the Apostles. THEOCRITUS AND EVAGRIUS. Emtxnneurrutaiffropia; Hen- ricus Valesius illustravit. Moguntice, 1679. Folio. Calf. USSHER, JAMES (Archbishop of Armagh}. Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates, accedit Gravissimae Quaes- tionis de Christianarum Ecclesiarum Successione et Statu Historica Explicatio. Londini, 1687. Small folio. Calf. B. HISTORY; ANCIENT. 407 VALOR ECCLESIASTICUS temp. Henr. VIII. auctoritate regia institutus. No place, 1810. Folio. Vol. I. B. WALKER, JOHN. An Account of the Numbers and Suffer- ings of the Clergy of the Church of England who were sequester'd in the Grand Rebellion. London, 1714. Folio. Calf. B. WHITE, JAMES. The Eighteen Christian Centuries. Edin- burgh, 1858. Small 8vo. WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER. Ecclesiastical Biography. London, 1810. 8vo. 6 vols. ANCIENT HISTORY. RNOLD, THOMAS. History of Rome. Fifth edition. London, 1848. 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. B. - History of the later Roman Common- wealth. Second edition. London, 1849. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. PETRUS. De Republica Hebrseorum. Lugd. Batavor. Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1632. 481110. En- graved title. Calf. B. GIBBON, EDWARD. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. London, 1821. 8vo. 8 vols. Maps. Calf. B. - Another edition, by T. Bowdler. London, 1826. 8vo. 5 vols. Calf. 408 HISTORY; ANCIENT. GROTE, GEORGE. History of Greece. Fourth edition. London, 1872. 8vo. 10 vols. B. JAHN, JOHANN. History of the Hebrew Commonwealth. London, printed Oxford, 1829. 8vo. 2 vols. KEIGHTLEY, THOMAS. History of Rome. Second edition. London^ 1837. Small 8vo. B. MERIVALE, CHARLES (Dean of Ely). History of the Romans under the Empire. Second edition. London, 1852. 8vo. 7 vols. Calf. B. MITFORD, WILLIAM. History of Greece. London, 1822. 8vo. 10 vols. B. MOMMSEN, THEODOR. History of Rome, translated by William P. Dickson. London, 1881. Small 8vo. 4 vols. B. NIEBUHR [BARTHOLD GEORG]. History of Rome, trans- lated by Julius Charles Hare and Connop Thirl wall. London, 1 837-42. 3 vols. Edited by Leonhard Schmitz. London, 1844. 2 vols. Together 5 vols. 8vo. Calf. B. [PHILIPPSON, JOANNES, SLEIDANUS.] De Quatuor Sum- mis Imperiis. A mstelodami, Apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1678. 24mo. Engraved title. Calf. B. ROLLIN [CHARLES]. Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium. Second edition. London, 1754. 8vo. 16 vols. Maps and plates. Calf. B. HISTORY; ENGLISH. 409 THIRLWALL, CONNOP (Bis/top af St. David's}. History of Greece. London, 1835-44. I2mo. 8 vols. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia.) B. - TREVOR, GEORGE. Rome, from the Fall of the Western Empire. London [1868]. 8vo. ENGLISH HISTORY. |CTS OF PARLIAMENT. Anno Regni Caroli Regis Angliae . . . Decimo septimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the third day of November, 1640. London, 1641. [An Act for disenabling all persons in Holy Orders to exercise any temporal jurisdiction or authority.] Anno XVII Caroli Regis. An Act for repeal of a Branch of a Statute primoElizabethae concerning Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiasticall. An Act for regulating of the Privy Council and for taking away the Court commonly called the Star-Chamber. An Act for the better Propagation and Preaching of the Gospel in Wales and redress of some Grievances. London, 1649. An Act for setting apart Thursday the Thirtieth day of January 1650 for a Day of Publique Thanksgiving, together with a Declaration of the Grounds and Reasons thereof. London, 1650. The Government of the Com- monwealth ... as it was publickly declared at West- minster the 1 6 Day of December, 1653. London, 1653. An Act for the Better Observation of the Lords-Day, At the Parliament begun at Westminster 17 Sept. 1656. London, 1657. An Act and Declaration touch- ing several Acts and Ordinances made since the twen- 3 G 410 HISTORY; ENGLISH. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT continued. tieth\>f April 1653 and before the Third of September 1654, etc. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the i/th Sept. 1656. London, 1657. His Majesties Decla- ration to all His loving Subjects December 26, 1662. London, 1662. Bound togetJier in I vol. Small folio. B. AIKIN, LUCY. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. London, 1818. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. Fifth edition. London, 1823. 8vo. 2 vols. Memoirs of the Court of King James the First. London, 1822. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First. London, 1833. 8vo. 2 vols. B. BACON, FRANCIS (Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Albans). The Historic of the Reigne of King Henry the Seuenth. London, 1622. Small folio. Portrait (damaged) and engraved title. Calf. BASSOMPIERRE, FRANCIS, MARSHAL DE. Memoirs of Embassy to the Court of England in 1626. Translated with Notes. London, 1819. 8vo. B. BATES, GEORGE. Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia, a short Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the late troubles in England. Skinner, Thomas. Motus Compositi, the History of the Composing the Affairs of England [trans, from Latin]. London, 1685. Small 8vo. Calf. B. BENGER, Miss. Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn. London, 1821. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT BROOKE. 411 BENGER, Miss. Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia. London, 1825. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. Memoirs of the Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. London, 1823. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. BENTLEY, SAMUEL. Excerpta Historica, or Illustrations of English History. London, \%y.. Royal 8vo. B. [BLOUNT, .] Boscobel, the History of his sacred Majesties most miraculous preservation after the battle of Worcester, 3 Sept 1651, introduc'd by an exact Relation of that Battle. London, 1660. I2mo. Portrait of Charles II. Reprint London, 1832. I2mo. B. BRISTOL, JOHN. A Discourse, shewing the great Happi- nesse that hath, and may still accrue to his Majesties Kingdomes of England and Scotland by re-uniting them into one Great Britain. In two parts. London, printed by R\ichard~\ H\earri\ for Thomas Slater dwell- ing in Duck Lane, 1641. 48mo. Engraved title. Another copy. Calf. B. BROMLEY, SIR GEORGE, BART. Collection of Royal Letters by Charles I. and II., James II., King and Queen of Bohemia, etc., from 1619 to 1665. London, 1787. 8vo. Portraits. B. BROOKE, RALPH. A Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquesses, Earles and Viscounts of this Realme of England since the Norman Conquest to this present yeere 1622. Together with their Armes. No place, 1622. Small folio. Title in woodcut border; coats of arms. 412 HISTORY ; ENGLISH. BROUGHAM, HENRY, LORD. Historical Sketches of States- men in the time of George III. London, 1853. I2mo. 6 vols. in 3. B. BUCHANAN, GEORGE. Rerum Scoticorum Historia. Ediinburgi, 1700. I2mo. Calf. BURNET, GILBERT (Bishop of Sarum). History of his own Time. London, 1818. 8vo. 4 vols. B. CAMDEN, WILLIAM. The History of the most Renowned and Victorious Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of Eng- land. Third edition, London, 1675. , Small folio. Portrait of Elizabeth, GARY, HENRY. Memorials of the Great Civil War in England, edited from original Letters in the Bodleian Library. London, 1842. 8vo. 2 vols. CATALOGUE of the Lords, Knights and Gentlemen that have compounded for their Estates. London, printed for Thomas Dring, 1655. 12 mo. Calf. B. CHALMERS, GEORGE. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. Second edition. London, 1822. 8vo. 3 vols. B. CHARLES I. (King of England}. BASIAIKA. The Works of King Charles the Martyr: with a Collection of Declarations, Treaties, and other Papers concerning the Differences betwixt his said Majesty and his two Houses of Parliament. With the History of his Life ; as also of his Tryal and Martyrdome. Second edition. London, 1687. Folio, Engraved title and royal arms. Calf. B. BROUGHA M CLARENDON. 41 3 CHARLES I. (King of England). Eutuv Bau*j. The Pour- traicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his Solitudes and Sufferings. Rom. 8. More than Conquerour, &c. Bona agere & mala pati, Regium est No place or date. 1 2mo. Calf. B. The Porvtraictvre (sic} of his sacred maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Together with his Maiesties Praiers delivered to Doctor Juxon immediatly before His death. Also His Maiesties Reasons Against the pretended Jurisdiction of the high Court of Justice, which he intended to deliver in Writing on Munday January 22, 1648. Rom. 8. More than Conquerour, &c. Bone agere, & mali pati, Regium est. MDC.XLIX. The Papers which passed at New-castle betwixt His Sacred Majestic and Mr. Alex: Henderson : concerning the Change of Church-Government. Anno Dom. 1646. London, printed for R. Royston, at tlie Angel in Ivie Lane M.DCXL.IX. A Perfect Copie of Prayers, Used by His Majestic In the time of His Sufferings. De- livered to Doctor Juxon, Bishop of London, Immediatly before his Death. Also a Copy of a Letter from the Prince. Printed Anno Domini 1649. Together I vol. Small 8vo. Frontispiece, " Fidei Defensor" Calf, with crown and C R on sides, and a clasp. B. CHURCHILL, SIR WINSTON. Divi Britannici, being a Remark upon the Lives of all the Kings of this Isle from the Year of the World 2855 unto the Year of Grace 1660. London, 1675. Folio. Coats of arms. Calf. CLARENDON, EDWARD, EARL OF. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. Oxford, 1807. 8vo. 3 vols. in 9. Many plates inserted. Morocco. B. Another edition. Oxford, 1826. 8vo. 8 vols. B. 4H HISTORY; ENGLISH. CLARENDON, EDWARD, EARL OF. Life, written by Himself. Oxford, 1760. 8vo. 2 vols. Many plates inserted. Morocco. B. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Ireland. London, 1720. 8vo. Portrait. CLARKE, J. S. Life of James II. London, 1816. 4to. 2 vols. B. [COTTON, SIR ROBERT BRUCE, BART.] Short View of the Long Life and Raigne of Henry the Third. Pre- sented to King James, 1627. (Reprint of 100 copies ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1817.) Small 8vo. B. CRAIK, GEORGE L., and MACFARLANE, CHARLES. The Pictorial History of England. London, 1841. 6 vols. Reign of George III. London, 1841. 3 vols. Together 9 vols. Imp. 8vo. B. Only 2 vols. of " Reign of George III." [DANIEL, SAMUEL.] Memoirs of the Peers of England during the Reign of James I. London, 1802. 8vo. Plates. B. Vol. I. only. Vol. II. was not published. DUDLEY, ROBERT (Earl of Leicester}. Secret Memoirs. London, 1706. Small 8vo. Calf. B. DYING SPEECHES and Behaviour of State Prisoners exe- cuted the last 300 years. London, 1720. Small 8vo. B. [EGLESFIELD, FR.]. Monarchy revived ; the personal History of Charles II. London, 1822. 8vo. B. CLARENDON ENGLAND. 415 ELLIS, SIR HENRY. Original Letters illustrative of English History. London, 1824. 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. B. Second Series. London , 1827. 8vo. 4 vols. Calf. B. ELTON, CHARLES I[SAAC]. Origins of English History. London, 1882. Royal 8vo. B. ENGLAND IN 1588, The State of; in a Letter from a Priest at London to the Spanish ambassador at Paris. London, 1588. (Reprint 1746). 8vo. ENGLAND, KINGS OF. A Catalogve of the Kinges of England ever since it was so called. (Pp. 1-242 in- cluding title in -woodcut border). A Catalogve of the Ancient Princes of Wales, their Wiues and Issue. As also, A Continuation of the Princes of Wales of the bloud-Royall of England. (Pp. 289-3 1 6). A Catalogve of the Dvkes, Earles and Palatines of Lancaster. Together with their seuerall Armes, Wiues and Issue. (Pp. 317-340). . . . Dvkes of Yorke, and Earles of Cambridge . . . (Pp. 341-356). . . . Dvkes and Earles of Gloucester and Hertford . . (Pp. 357-416). . . . Dvkes and Earles of Buckingham and Stafford . . . (Pp. 417- 450). . . . Dukes, Marquesses and Earles of Devonshire, Exeter, and the Isle of Wight . . . (Pp. 452-496). . . . Dukes and Earles of Norfolke . . . (Pp. 497-546). . . . Earles of Cornewall . . . (Pp. 549-558). . . . Earles Palatine of Chester . . . (Pp. 559-584).. . . Earles of Richmond . . . (Pp. 587-632).. . . Earles of Arundell and Sussex . . . (Pp. 633-672). . . . Earles of Oxford . . . (Pp. 673-702). . . . Earles of Northumberland . . . 416 HISTORY; ENGLISH. ENGLAND, KINGS OF -continued. (Pp. 703-734).. . . Earles of Shrewsbury . . . (Pp. 735- 754).. . . Earles of Kent . . . (Pp. 755-822).. . . Earles of Leicester . . . (Pp. 823-874). . . . Earles of Nottingham and Derby ... (Pp. 875-896). . . . Earles of Hunting- don . . . (Pp. 897-934). . . . Earles of Lincolne . . . (Pp. 935-952). . . . Marquesses and Earles of Winchester, Wilshire (sic} and Bath . . . (Pp. 953-972). . . . Earles of Rutland . . . (Pp. 973-1004). . . . Earles of Worcester . . . (Pp. 1005-1016). . . . Earles of Northampton and Southampton . . . (Pp. 1017-103!). . . . Earles of Salisbury . . . (Pp. 1032-1078). '. . . Earles of Pem- broke . . . (Pp. 1079-1114). . . . Earles Rivers, Ken- dall, Albemarle, Bridgevvater, Montgomery . . . (Pp. 1115-1130). Errata, I f. London, Printed by William laggard, M.Dc.x. [1610.] Folio. Woodcuts of coats of arms. ENGLAND'S GLORY, an exact Catalogue of the Lords of his Majesties Privy Council. . . . London, 1660. I2mo. Frontispiece. ENGLAND'S TRIUMPH ; an Account of the Rejoicings which have lately taken place in London and else- where, including the Restoration of Louis XVIII., the Proclamation of Peace, etc. London, 1814. 8vo. B. ENGLAND'S WORTHIES under whom all the civil! and bloudy Warres since Anno 1642 to Anno 1647 are related. London, 1647. (Reprint 1817). 12 mo. Por- traits. B. FABYAN, ROBERT. The New Chronicles of England and France, named the Concordance of Histories. London, 1811. 4to. B. ENGLAND GEOFFREY. 417 [FlENNES, NATHANIEL?] Monarchy asserted to be the best, most ancient, and legal form of government in a Conference had at White-Hall with Oliver Cromwel. London, 1679. I2mo. Calf. FORD, LORD GREY. The Secret History of the Rye- House Plot ; and of Monmouth's Rebellion, written by Ford, Lord Grey, in 1685. Now first published from a MS. sign'd by himself, before the Earl of Sunderland. Second edition. London, 1754. Small 8vo. Plates. B. Fox, CHARLES JAMES. A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second. London, 1808. 4to. 2 vols. Green morocco. B. Largest Paper, with many portraits and plates inserted. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. English Towns and Districts. London, 1883. 8vo. B. History of the Norman Conquest of England. Oxford, 1877-79. 8vo. 6 vols, Vols. I., II., 3rd ed. ; Vols. III., IV., 2nd ed. Growth of the English Constitution. London, 1872. Small 8vo. B. G., W. The Faithful Analist, or the Epitome of English History. London, 1660. I2mo. Calf. B. Engraving of heads of sovereigns and map of the British Islands. Inserted at the end is another title dated 1666. GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH. British History, by Aaron Thompson. London, 1718. 8vo. Calf. B. 3H 4 i 8 HISTORY; ENGLISH. GlLDAS. The Epistle of Gildas . . . Faithfully Translated out of the Originall Latine [with an Introduction, by J. Habington]. London, printed by T. Cotes, for W. Cooke, 1638. 1 2 mo. Portrait. Calf. B. GODWIN, FRANCIS (BisJtop successively of Llandaff and Hereford}. De Praesulibus Angliae Commentarius. Cantabrigia, 1743. Folio. Portrait. Calf. B. Another copy, with the edges uncut, but wanting the portrait. B. [GOLDSMITH, OLIVER.] History of England, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. Sixth edition. London, 1780. I2mo. 2 vols. GRAFTON, RICHARD. Chronicle, or History of England, to which is added his Table of the Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of the City of London, 1189-1558. London, 1809. 4to. 2 vols. B. GREEN, JOHN RICHARD. The Conquest of England. Second edition. London, 1884. 8vo. B. History of the English People. London, 1887-80. 8vo. 4 vols. B. The Making of England. London, 1881. 8vo. B. GUIZOT [FRANCOIS PIERRE GUILLAUME]. History of the English Revolution of 1640. London, 1846. Small 8vo. B. History of Oliver Cromwell and the English Commonwealth, translated by Andrew R. Scoble. London, 1854. 8vo. 2 vols. GILDASHARINGTON. 419 GUIZOT [FRANCOIS PIERRE GUILLAUME]. History of Richard Cromwell and the Restoration of Charles II. Translated by Andrew R. Scoble. London, 1856. 8vo. 2 vols. B. GUTCH, JOHN. Collectanea Curiosa, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to the History and Antiquities of Eng- land and Ireland. Oxford, 1781. 8vo. 2 vols. B. H., T. (of Malmesbury). Behemoth. The History of the Civil Wars of England from 1640 to 1660. No place, 1680. I2mo. Calf. B. HALL, EDWARD. Chronicle; containing the History of England during the Reign of Henry IV. to the end of the Reign of Henry VIII. London, 1809. 4to. B. HALLAM, HENRY. Constitutional History of England. Fourth edition. London, 1842. 8vo. 2 vols. Eighth edition. London, 1867. 8vo. 3 vols. B. HALLIWELL, JAMES ORCHARD. Letters of the Kings of England. London, 1848. Small 8vo. 2 vols. HALSTEAD, CAROLINE A. Life of Margaret Beaufort, Mother of Henry VII. London, 1839. 8vo. HARDYNG, JOHN. The Chronicle of; with the Continua- tion by Richard Grafton. London, 1812. 4to. B. HARINGTON, SIR JOHN. Nugae Antiquae, Original Papers written during the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James. London, 1779. I2mo. 3 vols. Calf. Another edition, with Notes by Thomas Park. London, 1804. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. 420 HISTORY; ENGLISH. HARLEIAN MISCELLANY, THE. A Collection of Tracts found in the Earl of Oxford's Library. London, 1 808- II. 8vo. 12 vols. HEARNE, THOMAS. Works. London, 1810. Vols. I., II. Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle; Vols. III., IV. Peter Langtoft's Chronicle. Together 4 vols. 8vo. Russia. B. Reliquiae Hearnianae, edited by Philip Bliss. Ox- ford, 1857. 8vo - * vol. in 2. HEARNE, WILLIAM. Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of James I. Second edition. London, 1772. 8vo. Calf. B. Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of Charles I. Second edition. London, 1772. 8vo. Calf. B. Life of Oliver Cromwell. Second edition. London, 1772. 8vo. Calf. B. Life of Charles II. London, 1776. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. HEATH, JAMES. A Chronicle of the late Intestine War in the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Second edition. To which is added a Continuation to this present year 1675. London, 1676. Folio. Frontis- piece with 22 portraits. Calf. HEYLYN, PETER. Help to English History, edited by Paul Wright. London, 1773. 8vo. Coats of arms. HARLEIAN IRISH MASSACRE. 421 HITCHCOCK, ROBERT. A Pollitique Platt for the honour of the Prince, the greate profite of the publique state, relief of the poore, presentation of the riche, reformation of Roges and Idle persones, and the weal the of thou- sandes that knowes not howe to Hue. Written for an New-yeres gift to Englande, and the inhabitantes thereof ; by R. H., late of Cauersfeelde in the Countie of Buckyngham, Gentleman. Imprinted at London by IJion Kyngston. I Januarie 1580. Small 4to. Black Letter. Title in woodcut border with arms on verso. 2 folding plates of fishing operations. HOLINSHED, RAPHAEL. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1807-8. 4to. 6 vols. B. HOWARD, GEORGE. Lady Jane Grey and her Times. London, 1822. 8vo. Calf. B. Wolsey the Cardinal and his Times. London, 1824. 8vo. Calf. B. HOWELL, JAMES. Epistolae Ho-Elianae. Ninth edition. London, 1726. 8vo. Calf. B. HUME, DAVID. History of England. London, 1767. 8vo. 8 vols. Calf. B. IMPEACHMENTS. The Case of the Impeached Lords, Commons and Citizens truely stated. No place, 1648. Small 4to. IRISH MASSACRE set in a clear light, The ; wherein Mr. Baxter's account of it ... and the abridgement by Dr. Calamy are considered, with two letters from Mr. Chandler, dissenting teacher in Bath, to the Rev. Thomas Cart, with his replies. Second edition. Lon- don, 1715. 4to. B. 422 HISTORY; ENGLISH. JAMES I. (King of England). Secret History of the Court of James I., containing I. Osborne's Traditional Memoirs ; II. Sir Anthony Weldon's Court and Character of King James ; III. Aulicus Coquinariae ; IV. Sir Edward Peyton's Divine Catastrophe of the House of Stuart. With Notes and Introductory Remarks. Edinburgh, 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. JAMES II. (King of England). Memoirs of James the Second. London, 1821. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. JAMES VI. (King of Scotland). Historic and Life of King James the Sext, edited by M. L. Edinburgh, 1804. 8vo. B. JAMES, GEORGE PAYNE RAINSFORD. Life and Times of Edward the Black Prince. London, 1836. 8vo. 2 vols. History of the Life of Richard Cceur de Lion. London, 1841. 8vo. 3 vols. JOHNSTONE, CHEVALIER DE. Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745 and 1746. Second edition. London, 1821. 8vo. Calf. B. KEIGHTLEY, THOMAS. History of England. London, 1837. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. KEMPE, ALFRED JOHN. The Loseley Manuscripts . . . illustrative of particulars of English History from the Reign of Henry VIII. to that of James I. London, 1835. 8vo. B. LARREY, DE. History of the Reign of Charles I. London, 1716. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. JAMES LMERCURIUS. 423 LETTERS OF EMINENT PERSONS in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries ; Hearne's Journeys to Reading and Whaddon Hall ; Lives of Eminent Men by John Aubrey. From the Originals in the Bodleian Library and Ashmolean Museum. London, 1813. 8vo. 2 vols. in 3. B. LlNGARD, JOHN. History of England. London, 1819-30. 4to. 8 vols. B. LYTTELTON, GEORGE, LORD. History of Henry the Second. London, 1769-73. 8vo. 6 vols. Calf. B. Vols. I.-IV., third edition ; Vols. V., VI., second edition. MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON, LORD. History of England from the Accession of James II. Third edition. London, 1849. 8vo. 5 vols. Calf. B. MAHON, LORD. History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. London, 1836- 54. 8vo. 7 vols. B. History of England comprising the Reign of Queen Anne until the Peace of Utrecht. London, 1870. 8vo. B. The Forty-Five. London, 1851. Small 8vo. MERCURIUS RUSTICUS, or the Countries Complaint of the barbarous Outrages committed by the Sectaries of this late flourishing Kingdom. Together with a brief Chronology of the Battels, Sieges, Conflicts . . . from the beginning of this unnatural War to the 25th of March, 1646. London, 1685. Engraved title. Mer- curius Rusticus, or the Countries Complaint of the 424 HISTORY; ENGLISH. MERCURIUS, RUSTICUS continued. Sacrileges . . . committed by the Schismatiques on the Cathedral Churches of this Kingdom. London, 1685. (By B. Ryves.) (Title and preface, 7 pp. ; Mercurius Rusticus, etc., pp. 116-165.) Querela Cantabrigiensis, a Remonstrance by way of Apologue for the banished members of the University of Cambridge. London, 1685. (By J. Barwick.) (Title and preliminary matter, 13 pp. ; Querela, etc., pp. 178-210; Mercurius Rusticus, etc., pp. 211-216.) Mercurius Belgicus, a briefe Chronology of the Battels . . . from the beginning of this Rebellion to the 2 5th of March, 1646. With a Catalogue of the Persons of Quality slain on both sides. No place, 1685. (No pagination ; title and preface, 2 leaves ; Memor- able Occurrences, sigs. Y-Z 8, Aa-CC 2, C 3, Cc 4 ; Tables to Mercurius and Querela, 4 leaves ; General Bill of Mortality or Brief Martyrology, 4 leaves ; Cata- logue of Heads of Colleges ... of the University of Cambridge . . . ejected, plundered, imprisoned or banished ... 4 leaves.) In I vol. Small 8vo. Calf. B. Engraved title, I leaf; Title, i leaf; Preface, 6 leaves ; Mer- curius Rusticus, pp. 1-206 ; Title (Mercurius, Cathedral Churches), I leaf; Preface, 3 pp. ; Mercurius, pp. 116-165. MONTANUS, A., and VERWEY, JACOBUS. Leven, Bedryf, en Oorlogs-daaden van Wilhem den derden Koning van Engeland, Schotland, Vrankryk en lerland, Prince van Orangien. Amsterdam, 1703. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. (Vol. I. has portrait and engraved title) Vellum. B. NARES, EDWARD. Memoirs of Edward Cecil, Lord Burghley. London, 1828. 4to. 3 vols. B. MERCURIUS POPISH PLOT. 425 NAUNTON, SIR ROBERT. The Court of Queen Elizabeth, originally written by Sir J. N. under the title of " Frag- menta Regalia," with Additions by James Caulfield. London, 1814. 4to. Portraits. B. Engraving of Mary, Queen of Scots, at Fotheringhay, inserted. Another edition. London, 1824. Small 8vo. B. NICOLAS, NICHOLAS HARRIS. Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII. London, 1827. 8vo. B. NOBLE, MARK. Memoirs of the Protectorate House of Cromwell. Birmingham, 1784. 8vo. 2 vols. B. PARLIAMENT. A Second Narrative of the late Parliament (so called) .... Printed in the fifth year of England's Slavery under its New Monarchy. No place, 1658. Small 4to. [PASTON LETTERS.] Original Letters written during the Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV, and Richard III. (Collected by John Fenn.) Second edition. London, 1787. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. New edition by A. Ramsay. London, 1840. Small 4to. 2 vols. Calf. B. POPISH PLOT. Life and Death of Captain William Bedloe, one of the chief discoverers of the Popish Plot. London, 1 68 1. Small 8vo. Calf. A True, Exact, and Impartial History of the horrid and detestable Plots and Conspiracies contrived . . . by the Papists ... for the death of ... King William III. . . . Second edition. London, 1697. 321110. En- graved title slightly varying. B. 31 426 HISTORY; ENGLISH. POPISH PLOT. Tryals of Robert Green, Henry Berry and Lawrence Hill for the Murder of Sir Edmondbury God- frey. London, 1679. Folio. Bedloe, William. Narra- tive and Impartial Discovery of the Horrid Popish Plot. London, 1679. Folio. Portrait. Dangerfield, Thomas. Narrative of the Popish Design to charge the Presbyterian Party with Conspiracy. London, 1679. Folio. Tryals of Sir George Walleman, William Mar- shall, William Rumley, and James Corker for High Treason. London, 1679. Folio. The Tryall of Richard Langhorn for conspiring the Death of the King. Lon- don, 1679. Folio. Smith, John, of Walworth, Durham. Narrative, containing a further Discovery of the Popish Plot. London, 1679. Folio. Proceedings in Parliament relating to the Popish Plot. London, 1679. Folio. Collection of Orders and Conferences in Parliament relating to Thomas, Earl of Danby. London, 1679. Folio. Mansell, Roderick. Narrative of the Popish Intrigue. London, 1680. Folio. Gates, Titus. Narra- tive of the Conspiracy of Thomas Knox, William Osborne and John Lane to invalidate the Testimonies of Titus Gates and William Bedlow. London, 1680. Folio. Information of Robert Jenison relating to the Popish Plot. London, 1680. Folio. Examination of William Bedlow relating to the Popish Plot. London, 1680. Folio. Information of Edward Turbervill, London, 1680. Folio. Information of Francisco de Faria. London, 1680. Folio. Information of Stephen Dugdale. London, 1680. Folio. Examination of Edward Fitzharris. London, 1681. Folio. Debates in the House of Commons at Oxford, March 21, 1680. London, 1681. Folio. Letter to a Friend in the Country. Noplace or date. Folio. Informations of John Sergeant POPISH PLOTRAPIN. 427 POPISH PLOT continued. and David Maurice. London, 1681. Folio. Proceed- ings in the Old Baily against Anthony, Earl of Shafts- bury. London, 1681. Folio. The Mystery of Iniquity unfolded. No place or date. Folio. Bound together in i vol. PRESTWICH, SIR J. Respublica, a Display of the Honors, Ceremonies and Ensigns of the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell. London, 1787. 4to. RAE, PETER. History of the Rebellion against George I. Second edition. London, 1746. Small 8vo. B. [RAGUENET, .] Histoire d'Oliver Cromwel. Part's, 1691. I2mo. Vellum. RALEIGH, SIR WALTER. New History of England. [London} 1751. I2mo. 2 vols. Engravings. Calf. B. RAPIN DE THOYRAS [PAUL]. Acta Regia, being the Account which Mr. R. de T. published of the History of England by authority of the Lords the States-General. London [1733]. Folio. Calf. B. Title in red and black, and a second title in black only. The first title is followed by Stephen Whatley's dedication to William of Orange. History of England, translated with Notes and Continuation by N. Tindal. London, 1728-31. Small 8vo. 15 vols. Portraits. Calf. Second edition. London, 1732-47. Folio. 5 vols. Plates. Calf. B. Maps to Rapin's History. Folio. 428 HISTORY; ENGLISH. RASTELL, JOHN. The Pastime of People, or the Chronicle of Divers Realms ; and most especially of the Realm of England. Now first reprinted and systematically arranged. London, 1811. 4to. Engravings. B. RAY, JAMES. A Compleat History of the Rebellion, 1745- 46. Bristol, 1750. I2mo. RECORDS, Reports from the Commissioners respecting the Public; 180019. [London] 1819. With Appendix of facsimiles. Folio. 2 vols. B. REGICIDES. An exact and most impartial Accompt of the Indictment, Arraignment, Trial, and Judgment (accord- ing to Law) of twenty-nine Regicides, the Murtherers of his late Sacred Majesty. . . . Begun at Hicks-Hall on Tuesday, the pth of October, 1660, and continued (at the Sessions House in the Old Bayley) untill Friday the nineteenth of the same Moneth. . . . London, 1660. Small 4to. B. Between pp. 148 and 153 is inserted the following MS. note : " There is nothing wanting in this place. The irregularity both in the signature and in the paging is an error of the Printer, and was no doubt occasioned by the latter part of the work com- mencing with p. 153 having been put to press before the preced- ing part, which did not extend to that page by half a sheet. In the large paper copies the half sheet of signature V ending with page 143 in the small paper was reset so as to form a whole sheet ending with page r 52, by which means the paging in those copies is made regular." RlCRAFT, JOSIAH. Survey of England's Champions and Truth's faithfull Patriots. London, 1647. (Reprint.} Small 8vo. Portraits. B. RASTELLSIMNEL. 429 ROBERTS, GEORGE. Life of James, Duke of Monmouth. London, 1844. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. RYE HOUSE PLOT. True Account and Declaration of the Conspiracy to assassinate King Charles II. at the Rye House. Fourth edition. In the Savoy, 1696. Small 8vo. Folding plate. B. [S., G.] Anglorum Speculum, or the Worthies of England in Church and State, alphabetically digested into the several shires and counties. London, 1684. Small 8vo. Calf. B. S., J. Life of Sir Thomas Smith, principal Secretary of State to Edward the Sixth and Elizabeth. London, 1698. Small 8vo. Portrait, folding map and tables. Calf. B. SANDFORD, FRANCIS. A Genealogical History of the Kings of England from 1066 to 1677. In the Savoy, 1677. First edition. Folio. Plates. Calf. B. Contains the book-plates of James Tobin and William Huggins. SCOT, SIR JOHN, OF SCOTSTARVET. The Staggering State of Scottish Statesmen from 15501650. With Memoir by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Edinburgh, 1872. 8vo. loo copies printed. SEYMOUR, EDWARD. The Complete History of England. London, 1764. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. SIMNEL. History of the two Impostors Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck .... with some Account of the Intrigues of the Jesuits. London, 1746. Small 8vo. B. 430 HISTORY; ENGLISH. SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. History of England. London, 1817. 8vo. 5 vols. Calf. B. SPEED, JOHN. The Historic of Great Britaine. Second edition. London, 1623. Folio. Calf. [STAGE, MACHELL.] Cromwelliana. A Chronological Detail of Events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged, 1642-1658 ; with a Continuation of other Transactions to the Restoration. Westminster, 1810. Small folio. Portraits. Russia. B. Another copy. B. STATE PAPERS, Calendar of. Domestic Series ; Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, 1547-1580. London, 1856. Imp. 8vo. STATUTES. Statuta, Ordinationes, Acta, et Provisiones, edit, in prima sessione Parliamenti Elizabethae .... Statuta .... edit, in secunda sessione. . . . Londini [1585]. Small folio. Black Letter. B. STOW, 'JOHN. Annales, or a Generall Chronicle of England. Continued by Edmund Howes. Londini, 1631. Folio. Russia. B. Engraved title and Epistle dedicatory mended. Imperfect, but completed from another edition on smaller paper. STRICKLAND, AGNES. Lives of the Bachelor Kings of England. London, printed Ipswich, 1861. 8vo. Por- traits. Lives of the Queens of England. London, 1841-48. Small 8vo. 12 vols. Portraits. SMOLLETT TRIALS. 43 1 STRICKLAND, AGNES. Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses connected with the Royal Suc- cession of Great Britain. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1852-59. Small 8vo. 8 vols. Portraits. Lives of the Tudor Princesses. London, 1868. Small 8vo. Lives of the Seven Bishops. London, 1866. Small 8vo. STRUTT, JOSEPH. The Chronicle of England. (Vol. I. only.} London, 1777. 4to. Plates. STUBBS, WILLIAM (Bishop of Oxford], Constitutional History of England. Oxford, 1883. Small 8vo. 3 vols. B. Vol. I., 4th ed. ; Vol. II., 3rd ed. ; Vol. III., 2nd ed. SYMMONS, EDWARD. Vindication of King Charles I. Republished by Richard Hollingworth, D.D. London, 1693. Small 8vo. Calf. B. THOMSON, MRS. A. T. Memoirs of the Court of Henry the Eighth. London, 1826. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. THOMSON, RICHARD. An Historical Essay on Magna Charta. London, 1829. 8vo. TREVOR, ARTHUR. Life and Times of William the Third. London, 1835. 8vo. 2 vols. B. TRIALS. Historical Account of all the Tryals and At- tainders of High Treason from the beginning of the reign of Charles I. [to 1684]. London, 1716. 12 mo. B. 432 HISTORY; ENGLISH. TRIALS of Arthur Thistlewood and others for High Treason, 1820. London, 1820. 8vo. Portraits. B. TRUTH BROUGHT TO LIGHT, or the History of the first 14 years of King James I. London, 1692. Small 8vo. Engraved title. Calf. B. TURNER, SHARON. History of England during the Middle Ages. London, 1823. 3 vols. B. History of the Reign of Henry the Eighth. London, 1826. 4to. B. History of the Reigns of Edward the Sixth, Mary, and Elizabeth. London, 1829. 4to. B. TYLER, J. ENDELL. Henry of Monmouth ; Memoirs of Henry V. London, 1838. 8vo. 2 vols. B. VlRGILIUS, POLYDORUS. Historiae Angliae Libri XXVII, ex nova editione Antonii Thysii, J. C. Ltigduni Bata- vorum, 1651. Small 8vo. Vellum. B. W., SIR A. The Court and Character of King James. London, 1650. (Reprint, London, 1817.) Small 4to. B. WAGE. Chronicle of the Norman Conquest, from the Roman de Rou, trans, by Edgar Taylor. London, 1837. 8vo. B. WALPOLE, HORACE. Memoirs of the Reign of George III., edited by Sir Denis Le Marchant. London, 1845. 8vo. 2 vols. TRIALS YONGE. 433 WARBURTON, ELIOT. Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers. London, 1849. 8vo. 2 vols. WARWICK, SIR PHILIP. Memoires of the Reigne of Charles I., with continuation to the Restoration of Charles II. London, 1701. Small 8vo. Calf. B. Another edition. Edinburgh, 1813. 8vo. Calf. B. WELWOOD, JAMES. Memoirs of the most material trans- actions in England for the last hundred years preceding the Revolution in 1688. Sixth edition. London, 1718. I2mo. B. WiNNEj. H. Compleat History of Ireland. New edition. London, 1774. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. WRIGHT, MICHAEL. An Account of his Excellence Roger Earl of Castlemaine's Embassy from James II. to His Holiness Innocent XI. Published formerly in Italian and now made English. London, 1688. Folio. Plates. Calf. B. WRIGHT, THOMAS. England under the House of Hanover, illustrated from the Caricatures and Satires of the Day. London, 1848. 8vo. 2 vols. Illustrations. B. Queen Elizabeth and her Times. London, 1838. 8vo. 2 vols. B. YONGE, WILLIAM. England's Shame, or the Unmasking of a politick Atheist, being a fresh and faithful Relation of the Life and Death of that grand Impostor, Hugh Peters. London, 1663. 24mo. Frontispiece. 434 HISTORY; FOREIGN. FOREIGN HISTORY. SSIGNY, MARIUS D\] History of the Earls and Earldom of Flanders. London, 1701. Small 8vo. Calf. B. B[RAIKENRIDGE], ISABELLA] M. Some Memorials of Ren^e of France. London, 1859. Small 8vo. B. Second edition. London, 1859. Small 8vo. B. BURKE, EDMUND. Reflections on the Revolution in France. London, 1793. 8vo. Calf. B. BUSSEY, GEORGE MOIR. History of Napoleon. London, 1840. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. and GASPEY, THOMAS. Pictorial History of France. London, 1843. Royal 8 vo. 2 vols. CALCOTT, MARIA. Short History of Spain. London, 1828. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. COSTELLO, LOUISA STUART. Memoirs of Anne, Duchess of Brittany. London, 1855. Small 8vo. COXE, WILLIAM. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, from the Accession of Philip V. to the Death of Charles III., 17001788. Second edition. London, 1815. 8vo. 5 vols. Calf. B. CRONYCKE, Die, van Hollant, Zeelant ende Vrieslant beghinnende van Adams tijden tot den Jare MCCCCC ende XVIII. Tot Delf, by Aelbrecht Heyndricxsz, 1591. ASSIGNY FREER. 435 CRONYCKE continued. Het Tweede Deel vande Hollandtsche ende Zee- landtsche Cronycke. In s'Gravenhage, by Aclbrecht Heyndricxsz, 1591. Historic ofte wilder Verclaringhe van de Nederlantsche gheschiedenissen oorloghen ende veranderinghe in der Religie. Tot Delft, by my Aelbrecht Heyndricxz, 1590. Folio. Woodcuts. Calf. The Address to the Reader on verso of first title is dated from Dordrecht, April i (no year). A slip has been pasted over this. On the first title is a portrait of Dirck, Count of Holland ; on the second, a portrait of the Emperor (?), not named ; on the third, a portrait of Philip II. (?), not named. The Preface to the second part is signed Ellert de Veer, and dated from Amsterdam, May DUNLOP, JOHN. Memoirs of Spain, 1621-1700. Edin- burgh, 1834. 8vo. 2 vols. B. ESTE. History of the House of Este. London, 1681. Small 8vo. Calf. B. FARIA I SOUSA, MANUEL DE. Epitome de las Historias Portuguesas. Madrid, 1628. Small 4to. Portraits. Calf. B. [FiSHER, P.] Epinicion, vel Elogium Lodovici XII 1 1., Galliae et Navarae Regis pro Victoriis in Flandria, praecipue pro Reductione Dunkirk?. No place or date. Small folio. Title and text within engraved borders. Portrait of Louis XIV. and Cardinal Mazarin. B. FRANCIS I. (King of France), Life and Times of. London, 1829. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. FREER, MARTHA WALKER. Life of Marguerite d'An- goule'me, Queen of Navarre. London, 1854. Small 8vo. 2 vols. 436 HIS TOR Y ; FOREIGN. GOUDEMETZ, H. Judgment and Execution of Louis XVI., King of France. Noplace or date. 8vo. B. Judgment and Execution of Louis XVI. Second edition. No place or date. Impartial Relation of the Military Operations in Ireland in consequence of the landing of French troops under General Humbert, August, 1798. London, 1799. Morier, J. P. Memoirs of a Campaign with the Ottoman Army in Egypt, Feb. -July, 1800. London, 1801. Wright, William. Narrative of the Situation and Treatment of the Eng- lish arrested by order of the French Government, with the Transactions on the arrival of the First Consul at Boulogne, Calais, and Dunkirk, and an Account of the Author's Escape from Calais in a trunk. London, 1803. Together I vol. 8vo. B. GUIZOT [FRANCOIS PIERRE GuiLLAUME]. Democracy in France, January, 1849. London, 1849. 8vo. B- HAECHT GOIDTSENHOVEN, LAURENS VAN. Chroniicke vande Hertoghen van Brabant. T'Antwerpen, Is te Koope inden Plantiinschen Winckel by de Weduwe ende Soncn van Ian Moerentorf, M.D.C.XII. (1612). Small folio. Black Letter. Portraits. HENRY IV. (King of France). Memoirs of Henry the Great and of the Court of France during his Reign. London, 1824. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf, B. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON. Researches concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America. Translated by Helen Maria Williams. London, 1814. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. GOUDEMETZMULLER. 437 J., D. History of the House of Brunswick-Lunenburgh. London, 17 1$. Small 8vo. Portrait. Calf. JAMES, GEORGE PAYNE RAINSFORD. History of Charle- magne. London, 1832. 8vo. B. Life and Times of Louis XIV. London, 1838. 8vo. 4 vols. KINGTON, T. L. History of Frederick the Second, Emperor of the Romans. London, 1862. 8vo. 2 vols. B. LE CLERC [JEAN]. Histoire des Provinces-Unies des Pays-Bas. Amsterdam, 1723-28. Folio. 3 vols. in 2. Allegorical plate ; folding map ; folding plate of the Sale d*Attdience de La Haye ; engraved title to vol. 3. Vellum. At the end is, Explication Historique des principales Medailles frape'es pour servir a 1'Histoire des Provinces- Unies des Pays-Bas. Amsterdam, 1723. Plates of medals. MACHIAVELLL, NICOLO. History of Florence. Glasgow, 1761. I2mo. 2 vols. Calf. B. MAHON, LORD. Spain under Charles II., or Extracts from the Correspondence of the Hon. Alexander Stanhope, British Minister at Madrid, 1600-1699. London, 1840. 8vo. B. History of the War of the Succession in Spain. London, 1832. 8vo. B. MULLER, WILLIAM. Sketches of the Age of Francis I. London, 1841. Large folio. Plates. 438 HISTORY; FOREIGN. ORANGE, Lives of the Princes of the House of. London, 1734. Small 8vo. Portraits. Calf. B. [PHILIPPSON, JOANNES, Sleidanus.] A Famouse Cro- nicle of oure time, called Sleidanes Commentaries, concerning the state of Religion and commonwealth, during the raigne of the Emperour Charles the fift (sic). . ' . . Translated out of Latin into Englishe by Ihon Daus. Here unto is added also an Apology of the Authoure. [Colophon.'] Imprinted at London by Ihon Day e for Abraham Veale and Nicholas England, 1560, the 25 of 'September. Small folio. Black Letter. Calf. B. Wants the portrait. De Statu Religionis et Rei-publicae, Carolo Quinto Caesare, Commentarii. [Argentoratt] 1555. Folio. Stamped pigskin. PORTUGAL, History of the Revolutions of, with Letters of Sir Robert Southwell to the Duke of Ormond. London, 1740. 8vo. Calf. B. PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H[ICKLING]. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. London, 1838. 8vo. 3 vols. B. History of the Conquest of Peru. Second edition. London, 1847. 8vo. 2 vols. RANKE, LEOPOLD. Civil Wars and Monarchy in France in the i6th and I7th Centuries, translated by M. A. Garvey. London, 1852. Small 8vo. 2 vols. ORANGE ULFELDT. 439 ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. The History of America. Lon- don, 1808. 8vo. 2vols. Plates. Calf. B. Another edition. London, 1826. I2mo. 3 vols. B. History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. London, 1769. 4to. 3 vols. Calf. ROSCOE, WILLIAM. The Life of Lorenzo de" Medici, called the Magnificent. London, 1825. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. RYCAUT, PAUL. History of the Present State of the Otto- man Empire. Fourth edition. London, 1675. Small 8vo. Engraved title. Calf. B. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Life of Napoleon. Edinburgh, 1827. 8vo. 9 vols. STIRLING-MAXWELL, SIR WILLIAM. Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V. Second edition. London, 1853. Small 8vo. Third edition. London, 1853. Small 8vo. B. Don John of Austria. London, printed Edinburgh, 1883. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Engravings. B. [ULFELDT], LEONORA CHRISTINA, daughter of Christian IV. of Denmark. Memoirs written during her im- prisonment in the Blue Tower at Copenhagen, 1663-85. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. London, 1872. Square 8vo. 440 HISTORY ; MILITARY AND NAVAL. VALDOR, JEAN. Les Triomphes de Louis le Juste, XIII. du Norn, Roy de France et de Navarre. Paris, 1649. Folio. Plates and maps. Calf. WATSON, ROBERT. History of the Reign of Philip the Second of Spain. Seventh edition. London, 1812. 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. LEXANDER, SIR JAMES EDWARD. Life of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington. London, 1839-40. 8vo. 2 vols. Portraits. B. ALLEN, I. N. Diary of a March through Sinde and Afghanistan. London, 1843. 8vo. ANDERSON, AENEAS. A Journal of the Forces which sailed from the Downs in April 1800, on a secret Expedition under the command of Lieut. Gen. Pigot, till their arrival in Minorca, and the subsequent transactions of the Army in the Mediterranean and Egypt to the surrender of Alexandria, with an Account of Malta. London, 1802. 4to. Plan of Malta and engravings. B. BARROW, SIR JOHN, BART. Life of Richard, Earl Howe. London, 1838. 8vo. Life of Sir Francis Drake. London, 1843. 8vo. ALEXANDER CLARKE. 441 BLAKE, ROBERT, of Bridgewater, Admiral, History of. London, no date. 12 mo. Calf. B. BRACKENBURY, GEORGE. The Campaign in the Crimea. London, 1855. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. BRENTON, EDWARD PELHAM. Life and Correspondence of John, Earl of St Vincent. London, 1838. 8vo. 2 vols. B. BURGHERSH, MAJOR-GENERAL LORD. Memoir of the Operations of the Allied Armies under Prince Schwarzen- berg and Marshal Blucher, 1813-14. Second edition. London, 1822. 8vo. B. B[URTON], R., pseudonym of N. CROUCH. The English Hero, or Sir Francis Drake Reviv'd. Fifteenth edition. London, 1756. 12 mo. Calf. B. CHARRON, WILLIAM. Description of the Freedom Box voted by the City of London to the Hon. Augustus Keppel, Admiral of the Blue. To which is prefixed a succinct Account of his Public Services. London [1779]. 4to. Coloured plates. Red morocco. Inserted is a folding plan of " The Sea Engagement fought July 27, 1778, between the British Fleet commanded by Admiral Keppel and the French Fleet under ye Comte d'Orvilliers, the Comte Du Chassaut and the Due de Chartres. This engagement happened between Ushant and the Scilly Islands. [By an Officer.] London, 1778." CLARKE, JAMES STANIER, and M'ARTHUR, JOHN. The Life of Admiral Lord Nelson. London, 1809. Imp. 4to. 2 vols. Calf. B. 3L 442 HISTORY; MILITARY AND NAVAL. COLLINGWOOD, G. L. NEWNHAM. A Selection from the Public and Private Correspondence of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood, with Memoirs of his Life. Fourth edition. London, 1829. 8vo. 2 vols. B. DEATH, WILLIAM. Genuine and faithfull Narrative of the unfortunate Captain W. D., commander of the Terrible privateer, who on the 23rd December last engaged the Great Alexander from St. Domingo bound to Nantz . . . and was taken by the Vengeance privateer and carried into St. Maloes. London, 1757. Small 8vo. EVENTFUL LIFE OF A SOLDIER during the late War in Portugal, Spain, and France. By a Sergeant of the XX Regiment of Infantry. Edinburgh, 1827. Small 8vo. B. EYRE, VINCENT. Military Operations in Cabul, 1842. Second edition. London, 1843. 8vo. B. GlFFORD, C. H. History of the Wars occasioned by the French Revolution from 1792 to 1816. London, 1817. 4to. 2 vols. [GLEIG, G. R.] Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, 1814-15. London, 1821. 8vo. B. Sale's Brigade in Afghanistan. London, 1846. Small 8vo. Story of the Battle of Waterloo. London, 1847. Small 8vo. HOUGH, MAJOR W. Narrative of the March and Operations of the Army of the Indus in the Expedition to Affghanistan, 1838-39. London, 1841. 8vo. COLLING WOOD MILLS. 443 JAMES, WILLIAM. The Naval History of Great Britain from 1793 to 1820. London, 1826. 8vo. 6 vols. LABAUME, EUGENE. Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia, translated by Edmund Boyce. Fifth edition. London, 1815. 8vo. Calf. B. LEDIARD, THOMAS. Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. London, 1736. Small 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. B. LETTERS FROM SPAIN AND PORTUGAL written during the March of the British Troops under Sir John Moore, by an Officer. London, 1809. 8vo. LEVER, DARCY. The Young Sea Officer's Sheet-anchor, or Key to the Leading of Rigging and Practical Seaman- ship. London, printed Leeds, 1808. 4to. Plates. MAITLAND, CAPTAIN FREDERICK L. Narrative of the Surrender of Buonaparte and his residence on board H.M.S. Bellerophon. London, 1826. 8vo. B. [MATTHEW, J. M.] Nine Letters from a very young Officer serving in India under the Marquis Cornwallis, contain- ing particulars of the Operations of the Army to the Capture of Bangalore and its subsequent movements to May 28, 1791. London, 1793. 4to. MEMOIRS RELATING TO THE ROYAL NAVY for the years determin'd December, 1688. London, 1690. Small 8vo. Calf. B. MILLS, CHARLES. The History of Chivalry. London, 1825. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. Another copy. B. 444 HISTORY; MILITARY AND NAVAL. MILLS, CHARLES. The History of the Crusades. Second edition. London, 1821. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. NAPOLEON. Copies of original Letters from the Army of General Bonaparte in Egypt intercepted by the Fleet under the command of Admiral Lord Nelson. With an English translation. London, 1798. 8vo. (2 copies) B. Copies of the Letters and Despatches of the Gene- rals, Ministers, etc., at Paris to Napoleon at Dresden intercepted by the Allies in North Germany. London, 1814. 8vo. B. NARRATIVE of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington, Baltimore and New Orleans, 1814-15. Philadelphia, 1821. 8vo. NAVAL MAGAZINE, THE ; December, 1798 December, 1799. London, 8vo. NELSON, HORATIO, ADMIRAL EARL. Despatches and Letters. With Notes by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. London, 1845-46. 8vo. 7 vols. PHILIPPART, JOHN. Northern Campaigns, 1812-13. Lon- don, 1813. 8vo. 2 vols. B. Campaign in Germany and France, 1813-14. Lon- don, 1814. 8vo. 2 vols. B. QUARANTE-HUIT HEURES DE GARDE au Chateau des Tuileries pendant les journees des 19 et 20 Mars 1815, par un Grenadier de la Garde Nationale. Paris, 1816. 4to. Plates. ROBINSON, H. B. Memoirs of Lieut-General Sir Thomas Picton. London, 1835. 8vo. 2 vols. B. MILLS TRIUMPHS. 445 Ross, SIR JOHN. Memoirs and Correspondence of Ad- miral Lord deSaumarez. London, 1838. 8vo. 2 vols. SALE, LADY. Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan, 1841-42. London, 1843. 8vo. B. SEGUR, GENERAL COUNT PHILIP DE. History of the Expedition to Russia by Napoleon in 1812. Fifth edition. London, 1826. I2mo. 2 vols. SIGNAL BOOK for the Ships of War. No place or date. Folio. Flags coloured by hand. Inserted is a memorandum as to sig- nalling arrangements addressed to Captain Keppel, Fortitude, dated "Royal George, 6th May, 1782," and signed " R. Kem- penfeldt." SiMCOE, LlEUT.-COLONEL. Journal of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers, from the end of the year 1777, to the Conclusion of the late American War. Exeter, printed for the Author. No date. 4to. Plates. B. SPRIGGE, JOSHUA. Anglia Rediviva ; England's Recovery, being the History of the Army under Sir Thomas Fairfax, Kt, Captain General of all the Parliaments Forces in England. London, 1647. Folio. Fairfax arms facing the title. Calf. STUBBE, HENRY. Justification of the Present War against the United Netherlands. London, 1673. Small 4to. Calf. B. TRINITY-HOUSE. Royal Charter granted by James II. to the Trinity-House. London, 1715. Small 8 vo. Calf. B. TRIUMPHS OF EUROPE in the Campaigns of 1812-14, London, 1814. Folio. Coloured plates. 446 HISTORY; MILITARY AND NAVAL. UBALDINO, PETRUCCIO. Genuine and impartial Narrative of the glorious Victory by her Majesty's Navy over the Armada of Spain, 1588 ; translated from the Italian by A. Ryther. London, 1740. Small 8vo. VANE, CHARLES WILLIAM, LIEUT.-GENERAL (Marquess of Londonderry). Narrative of the War in Germany and France in 1813 and 1814. London, 1830. 4to. WALSH, THOMAS. Journal of the late Campaign in Egypt, including Descriptions of Gibraltar, Minorca, Malta, Marmorice, and Macri. London, 1803. 4to. Plates. WATERLOO, THE BATTLE OF ; containing the series of Accounts published by Authority, British and Foreign ... to which is added a List of the Officers killed and wounded ... by a Near Observer. Seventh edition. London, 1815. 8vo. Coloured plans. An Authentic Narrative of the Campaign of 1815 ... by a Staff Officer in the French Army. London, 1815. Bower- bank, John. Extract from a Journal kept on board H.M.S. Bellerophon . . . during the period Napoleon was on board that ship. London, no date. Truchses- Waldburg, Count. Narrative of Napoleon's Journey from Fontainebleau to Paris in April 1814. London, 1815. Keller, Major Baron von. Description of the Military Carriage of the late Emperor of France. Lon- don, 1816. Together I vol. 8vo. WATERLOO, THE CAMPAIGN OF. London, 1816. Folio. Coloured plates. WRIGHT, G. N. Life and Campaigns of Arthur, Duke of Wellington. London, no date. 8vo. 4 vols. Portraits. B. BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, ; - LETTERS, ETC. AKER, DAVID ERSKINE ; REED, ISAAC, and JONES, STEPHEN. Biographia Dramatica. London, 1812. 8vo. 3 vols. in 4. 8. BALZAC, QEAN Louis GUEZ]DE. Letters, translated by Sir Richard Baker. London, 1654. (En- graved title, 1655.) Small 8vo. Calf. B. BETHUNE, MAXIMILIAN, Due DE SULLY. Memoirs. Translated [by Charlotte Lennox]. Third edition. London, 1761. 4to. 3 vols. Calf. B. BORUWLASKI, JOSEPH. Memoirs of the celebrated Dwarf, J. B., translated by M. des Carrieres. London, 1788. 8vo. Portrait ; text in English and French. B. BOSWELL, JAMES. Life of Samuel Johnson, with Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. New edition by Alexander Napier. London, 1884. Small 8vo. 5 vols. B. 448 BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, ETC. BRITTON, JOHN. Autobiography. ( I st portion of Part I. ; presented by tJie Autlior to the Rev. G. W. Braikenridge^) London, 1849. Plates. The Britton Testimonial. Account of a Public Dinner given to J. B. at Richmond, July 7, 1845. No place, 1845. TogetJter i vol. 4to. Continuation of Part I. in sheets, L 2 I. CAULFIELD, JAMES. Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Remarkable Persons from the Reign of Edward III. to the Revolution. New edition. London, 1813-20. 8vo. 4vols. bound in 3. Plates. Calf. B. CHALMERS, ALEXANDER. General Biographical Dic- tionary, and Index. London, 1812-17. 8vo. 33vols. B. CHANDLER, RICHARD. Life of William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester. London, 1811. Royal 8vo. Plates. COWPER, WILLIAM. Letters. London, 1820. 241110. Calf. B. Memoir of the Early Life of. By Himself. Lon- don, 1816. I2mo. Calf. B. Private Correspondence. Edited by John Johnson. London, 1824. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. / DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY, Vols. 1-38. Lon- don, 1885-94. 8vo. (To be continued?) B. DUGDALE, SIR WILLIAM. Life, Diary, and Correspondence, edited by William Hamper. London, 1827. Royal 4to. ELMES, JAMES. Memoirs of the Life and Works of Sir Christopher Wren. London, 1823. 4to. Portrait. Calf. B. BRITTONHA YLE Y. 449 EVELYN, JOHN. Memoirs, edited by William Bray. Lon- don, 1827. 8vo. 5vols. Plates. Calf. B. FOSBROOKE, THOMAS DUDLEY. Berkeley Manuscripts. Abstracts and Extracts of Smyth's Lives of the Berke- leys, to which are added a History of the Castle and Parish of Berkeley and Biographical Anecdotes of Dr. Jenner. London, 1821. 4to. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Private Correspondence. Second edition. London, 1817. 8vo. 2 vols. B. GRANGER, JAMES. Letters between the Rev. J. G. and Eminent Literary Men of his time, with Miscellanies and Notes of Tours in France, Holland and Spain. London, 1805. 8vo. Calf. B. Numerous plates inserted. GREATHEED, S. Memoirs of William Cowper. London, 1816. 241110. Calf. B. H., J. Tho. Mori Vita et Exitus ; the History of Sir Thomas More. London, 1652. Small 8vo. B. HAMILTON, ANTHONY. Memoirs of Count Grammont. A new edition. London^ 1811. 4to. 2 vols. Crimson morocco. B. Large Paper copy with proofs of the plates. HAYLEY, WILLIAM. The Life and Letters of William Cowper. New edition. London, 1812. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper. Chichester, 1803-4. 4to. 3 vols. 3M 450 BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, ETC. HAYLEY, WILLIAM. Memoirs, edited by John Johnson. London, 1823. 4to. 2 vols. JOHNSON, CHARLES. General History of the Lives and Adventures of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers, etc., to which is added a Genuine Account of the Voyages and Plunders of the most notorious Pyrates. London, 1734. Folio. Plates. Calf. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. Lives of the British Poets. London, 1827. I2mo. 4 vols. Calf. B. KlPPlS, ANDREW. Biographia Britannia. Second edition. London, 1778-92. Folio. 5 vols. (Letters A F.) LELAND, JOHN ; HEARNE, THOMAS, and A WOOD, ANTHONY ; Lives of. Oxford, 1772. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1837-38. Small 8vo. 7 vols. B. PENNANT, THOMAS, Literary Life of, by Himself. Lon- don, 1793. 4to. Portrait and plates. (2 copies?) B. Inserted in Appendix I. of one copy is an engraving of a Pata- gonian Woman and Boy and Admiral Byron. PEPYS, SAMUEL. Memoirs, edited by Lord Braybrooke. Second edition. London, 1828. 8vo. 5 v l s - Plates. Calf. B. PIOZZI, HESTER LYNCH. Letters to and from the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. London, 1788. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. HAYLEY WALTON. 451 PITMAN, HENRY. Relation of the great Sufferings and strange Adventures of H. P., Chyrurgion to the late Duke of Monmouth. . . . London, 1689. Small 4to. B. PlUS VI., POPE, Historical and philosophical Memoirs of. London, 1799. 8vo. 2 vols. B. ROBERTS, WILLIAM. Memoirs of Hannah More. London, 1834. Small 8vo. 4 vols. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM. The Life of Poggio Bracciolini. Liverpool, 1802. 4to. Calf. B. STRYPE, JOHN. Historical Collations of the Life and Acts of John Aylmer, Bp. of London. London, 1701. Small 8vo. Calf. B. STUKELEY, WILLIAM. An Account of Richard of Ciren- cester and his Works. London, 1757. 4to. Map. B. TALFOURD, THOMAS NOON. Final Memorials of Charles Lamb. London, 1848. 8vo. 2 vols. B. TAYLOR, THOMAS. Life of William Cowper. Third edition. London, 1833. Small 8vo. B. TONKEN, JOHN. A True Account of a strange and wonderful Relation of one John Tonken of Pensans in Cornwall, said to be bewitched. London, 1686. Small 4to. WALTON, IZAAK. Lives of Hooker, Herbert, and Sander- son. London, 1825. Small 8vo. Calf. B. 452 BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, ETC. WENTWORTH, THOMAS (Earl of Strafforde). Letters and Dispatches, with an Essay towards his Life by Sir George Radcliffe. London, 1739. Folio. 2 vols. Calf. B. WHETSTONE, GEORGE. Metrical Life of George Gas- coigne. Bristol, 1815. Small 4to. Only loc copies printed. WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER. Memoirs of William Wordsworth. London, 1851. 8vo. 2 vols. B. THEOLOGY. NDREWES, LANCELOT (successively Bishop of Chic/tester, Ely, and Win- chester). The Morall Law expounded. London, 1642. Folio. Calf. B. ARMINIUS, JACOBUS. Opera Theologica. Francofurti, 1655. Small 4to. Calf. BAMPTON LECTURES for 1780 (Bandinel), 1782 (Holmes), 1784 (White), 1785 (Churton), 1786 (Croft), 1787 (Hawkins), 1793 (Williamson), 1794 (Eveleigh), 1795 (Veysie), 1799 (Barrow), 1801 (Faber), 1802 (Nott), 1804 (Laurence), 1807 (Le Mesurier), 1809 (Carwithen), 1 8 10 (Falconer), 1811 (Bidlake), 1812 (Mant), 1814 (Van Mildert), 1816 (Spry), 1817 (Miller), 1819 (Morgan), 1824 (Conybeare), 1825 (Chandler), 1826 (Vaux), 1 829 (Burton), 1839 (Conybeare), 1856 (Litton), 1858 (Mansel), 1859 (Rawlinson), 1876 (Alexander). Oxford and London. 8vo. 31 vols. BASTWICK, JOHN. Small 4to. Confession of Faith. London, 1641. 454 THEOLOGY. BAXTER, RICHARD. Reliquiae Baxterianae. London, 1696. Folio. Portrait. Calf. B. BEVERIDGE, WILLIAM (Bishop of St. Asaph). Works. London, 1720. Folio. 2 vols. Portrait. Calf. BIBLE. English. Coverdale's, 1535. (Reprint, London, 1838.) 4to. Blue morocco. London, Christopher Barker \i^^>\. Folio. Black Letter. Engraved title. Bound with this is an imperfect copy of the Book of Common Prayer. Oxford, 1795. 4to. Ornamented with engravings by James Fittler from celebrated pictures by Old Masters. The letterpress by Thomas Bensley. London, 1795. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. With Commentary by Adam Clarke, LL.D. London, 1817-25. 4to. 8 vols. B. Bagster's Comprehensive. London [1826]. 4to. Black morocco. With Notes, etc., by Thomas Scott. New edition. London, 1835. 4to. 6 vols. Maps. Calf. The Pictorial Bible. London, 1836-38. 4to. 3 vols. Calf. Another copy. Calf. B. London, 1862. 4to. Calf. Arms on sides with " The Gift of Doctor John Hall, late Lord Bishop of Bristoll " : " Northfield's Trust" BAXTER BIBLE. 455 BIBLE. English. With Notes by Christopher Wordsworth, D.D. London, 1864-71. Imp. 8vo. 12 Parts and Index. According to the Authorized Version, A.D. 1611, with an explanatory and critical Commentary. London, 1871-81. lovols. inn. Apocrypha. London, 1888. 2 vols. Together 13 vols. B. " The Speaker's Commentary." The Version set forth A.D. 1611 . . . . revised. Cambridge, 1881-85. 8vo. 4 vols. Morocco. B. French. Paris, 1850. Royal 4to. Purple morocco. Latin. Amstelodami^ apud Joannem Jenssonium, 1648. 1 2 mo. Engraved title. Calf. Old Testament. Greek. Vetus Testamentum Graece secundum Septuaginta Interpretes. Cura Leander van Ess. Lipsice, 1868. 8vo. Vellum. B. New Testament. English. Edinburgh, Printed by the Printers to to (sic) the Kings most excellent Majestie, 1633. (At end) The Whole Booke of Psalmes collected into English Meeter by Th. Sternhold, J. Hopkins, W. Whittingham, and others. London, Imprinted for the Company of Stationers, 1635. 241110. In contemporary embroidered binding of the style usually attributed to the Nuns of Little Gidding. An Improved Version, upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome's new Translation. Lon- don, 1808. 8vo. B. 456 THEOLOGY. BlBLE. New Testament. English. The New Testament published in 1526. Tyndale's Translation, with Memoir by George Offor. London, 1836. 8vo. The English Hexapla exhibiting the Six important English Translations of the New Testament Scriptures, Wiclif, 1380; Tyndale, 1534; Cranmer, 1539; Genevan, 1557 ; Anglo-Rhemish, 1582 ; Authorised, 1611 ; [with] the original Greek Text. Lon- don, 1841. 4to. Another copy. B. The Parallel New Testament ; Authorised Version, 161 1 ; Revised Version, 1 88 1. Cam- bridge, 1882. 4to. B. Greek. With Notes by S. T. Bloomfield, D.D. Third edition. London, 1839. 8vo. 2 vols. B. The Greek Testament, with Com- mentary by Henry Alford, D.D. Vol. I. Seventh edition. London, 1874. Vol. II. Sixth edition, 1871. Vol. III. Fifth edition, 1871. Vol. IV. Fourth edition, 1871. 8vo. 4 vols. Calf. B. Psalter. The Book of Psalms in Blank Verse, by the Rev. John Eden. London, 1841. 4to. Another copy. B. Pseaumes de David, mis en Rhythme Franchise par Clement Marot et Theodore de Besze. Par Pierre Dauantes. [Lyon,i$6o.] Small 8vo. Vellum. Printed in lettres de civilitt with musical notation. At the end is " La Forme des Prieres ecclesiastiques, avec la maniere d'ad- ministrer les Sacremens et celebrer le mariage, et la visitation des malades " ; also " Le Catechisme." BIBLE COMMENTARY. 457 BIBLE. Psalter. Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophe- tarum libri quinque, vario carminis genere expressi a Th. Beza .... accessit paraphrasis poetica authore Georgio Buchanano. (Title wanting?) Small 8vo. Vellum. B. Psalterium. MS. on vellum of I4th century French execution, containing one full-page illumination and illuminated capitals. Small 4to. Brown morocco. B. The Holy Gospels, with illustrations engraved under the superintendence of Charles Heath. London, 1849. Small folio. BRAKENRIDGE, WILLIAM. Sermons. London, 1764. 8vo. Calf. B. BULL, GEORGE (BisJiop of St. David's). Opera omnia. Londini, 1721. Folio. Calf. BUTLER, JOSEPH (BisJwp of Durham}. Works. Oxford, 1844. 8vo. 2 vols. B. CALMET, AUGUSTE. Dictionary of the Holy Bible. Fourth edition. London, 1827. 4to. 5 vols. Plates. B. CALVIN, JEAN. Institutio Christianae Religionis. Geneva, 1637. Small 8vo. Calf. Institution of Christian Religion, translated by Thomas Norton. Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautrollier for William Norton, 1578. Small 8vo. Calf. COMMENTARY WHOLLY BIBLICAL, THE. London, no date. Small 4to. 3 vols. Purple morocco. 3 N 458 THEOLOGY. CONYBEARE, W. J., and HOWSON, J. S. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. London^ 1869. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. B. CRANMER, THOMAS (Archbishop of Canterbury). An Answer unto a crafty and sophisticall Cauillation deuised by Stephen Gardiner, late Bishop of Winchester, against the .... Doctrine of the moste holy Sacrament. . . . Anno M.D.LI. Imprinted at London by Reynolde Wolfe. 4to. Partly Black Letter. Calf. CYPRIANUS, S. QECILIUS. Opera, recognita et illustrata per Joannem Oxoniensem Episcopum ; accedunt Annales Cyprianici chronologice delineati per Joannem Castrien- sem. Oxonii, 1682. Folio. Frontispiece. Calf. FULLER, THOMAS. The History of the Holy Warre. Cambridge, 1639. Small folio. Engraved title and folding map. First edition. Calf. B. The Holy State. London, 1663. Small folio. Engraved title. Calf. B. GOODE, WILLIAM. Essays on the Names and Titles of Christ. London, 1822. 8vo. 6 vols. Calf. GREATHEED, SAMUEL. Sermon on the Decease of William Cowper, preached at Olney, 18 May, 1800. Newport- Pagnel, no date. 8vo. B. GROTIUS, HUGO. De Veritate Religionis Christianae. Editio novissima. Amstelodami, ex officina Elseviriana, 1680. 24mo. Calf. B. CONYBEAREHOR^E. 459 HALE, SIR MATTHEW. Tracts. I. Discourse of Religion. II. Provision for the Poor. III. Letter to his Children. IV. Letter to one of his Sons. London, 1684. Small 8vo. Calf. B. HALL, JOSEPH (successively Bishop of Exeter and Norwich). Works. Oxford, 1837-39. 8vo. 12 vols. B. - Meditations and Vowes, Divine and Morall. London, 1617. Small folio. B. [HALSEY, JAMES.] Divine Considerations upon Sin, Death, Judgment, Heaven, Affliction, Riches, Contentation. London, 1676. I2mo. Calf. B. HAMMOND, HENRY. Paraphrase and Annotations upon all the Books of the New Testament. London, 1681. Folio. HENRY, MATTHEW. An Exposition on the Old and New Testament. Fourth edition. London, 1737-38. Folio. 5 vols. Portrait. Calf. B. HOOKER, RICHARD. Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, with Life by Isaac Walton. London, 1705. Folio. Portrait and engraved title. Calf* B. Heures a lusaige de Romme tout au long sans riens requerir. Avec les figures de la Vie de 1'Homme et la Destruction de Hierusalem. Tout pour le mieulx. [Colophon.'] Les presentes Heures a lusaige de Romme tout au long sans rien requerir : nouvellement imprimees a Paris par Gillet Hardouyn Imprimeur demourant au 460 THEOLOGY. H OR^E continued. bout du pont nostre Dame devant sainct Denis de la chartre : a lenseigne de la Rose. Tout pour le mieulx. 8vo. B. Printed on vellum, with woodcut borders and 18 illuminations. The almanack is for the years 1512-24. In red morocco ; bound, probably, by Antoine Ruette for Pierre Seguier, Chancellor of France, whose arms are on the sides. Heures a lusaige de Paris tout au long sans riens requerir auecques plusieurs sufrages et oraisons nouvelle- ment imprimes a Paris par Germain hardouyn libraire demourant deuat sainct Denis de la chartre alenseigne de la Rose dor. 8vo. Vellum. B. Printed on vellum, with illuminated title and 8 miniatures. The almanack is for the years 1522-34. Horae B. V. M., secundum usum Romanae Curiae. MS. on vellum of I5th century French execution, with 5 full-page illuminations and several borders with flowers, birds, animals, etc. Small 4to. Black morocco. B. MS. on vellum of I5th century French execution, with 12 full-page illuminations. Small 4to. Red velvet. B. MS. on vellum of I5th century French execution, with many illuminated borders. 4to. Green velvet. B. MS. on vellum of 15th century French execution, with 13 large miniaturesandmany illuminated borders, but not illuminated throughout. 8vo. Green morocco. B. HOR&. 461 Horae B. V. M. MS. on vellum of i $th century French execution, with illuminated borders and initials. 4to. Green morocco. B. , secundum usum Rothomagensem. MS. on vellum, written in Normandy in the I5th century, and containing illuminated borders with arabesques, flowers and animals. The calendar is illustrated with the occupations of the months. 8vo. Red velvet. B. , secundum ritum monasterii de Doulas. MS. on vellum of I5th century French execution, with 1 1 large miniatures, in some of which are the arms of the original owner, Argent ', a chief gules, a lion rampant vert. 4to. Blue morocco. B. Probably written in the Abbaye de Doulas in Brittany. MS. on vellum of i6th century French execution, with 12 large miniatures and several smaller ones ; illuminated borders, and the calendar illustrated with the occupations of the months. Small 4to. Brown morocco. B. MS. on vellum of i6th century French execution, containing 10 miniatures, and illuminated borders with flowers, birds, animals, etc. Small 4to. Red morocco, with tJte monogram I. G. on t/ie sides and back. B. MS. on vellum of i6th century French execution, with 3 full-page illuminations. 4to. Calf, with the initials C. G. on the sides. B. 462 THEOLOGY. Horae B. V. M. MS. of i6th century French execution, with 13 large miniatures, and the calendar illustrated with the occupations of the months. Small 4to. Vellum. B. JEWELL, JOHN (Bishop of Salisbury). Works. London, 1609. Folio. Calf. KEELING, WILLIAM. Liturgiae Britannicae. London, 1842. 8vo. KlTTO, JOHN. Gallery of Scripture. Engravings. Lon- don, no date. 4to. 3 vols. LEGENDS. (Begins] Incipit tabula super legedas. (Colo- phon} Impressu diligent p me Johez Koelhoffde Lubeck Ciuem sacte felicis % Colonie agrippine. ac Dsumatu feli- citer : Anno salutis ac gfe MCCCCXC I vigilia scissimoi; triu Regu. pfate Ciuitatis patronoit ac ptecto^ iugit. 4to. Black Letter. Tabula, 1 1 ff. ; Prologue and subjects of capitula, I f. ; Legenda i,de adventu Domini, begins on ci ; Legenda clxxvii, de Dedicatione templi, ends on N j ; De visitatione Marie ad Elizabeth begins on N ij ; Legenda de presentatione Marie ends on N v ; Mar- tyrologium, a-h viij. LEIGHTON, ROBERT (Archbishop of Glasgow]. Expository Works. Edinburgh, 1748. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. L'ESTRANGE, HAMON. The Alliance of Divine Offices, exhibiting all the Liturgies of the Church of England from the Reformation, as also the late Scotch Service- book. Second edition. London, 1690. Small folio. Calf. B. LlGHTFOOT, JOHN. Works. London, 1684. Folio. 2 vols. Calf. HOR^E NEWMAN. 463 LlMBORCH, PHILIP A. Theologia Christiana. Editio tertia. Amsteladami, 170x3. Folio. Portrait. Calf. MANTON, THOMAS. Complete Works. London, 187075. 8vo. 22 vols. MAP OF MAN'S MISERY, or the Poor Man's Pocket-Book, being a perpetual almanack of spiritual meditations. London, 1690. I2mo. B. MEDE, JOSEPH. Works. London, 1664. Folio. 2 vols. Calf. MISSALE ROMANUM. MS. on vellum, written for Philip Kingston, merchant, of Bristol, 1479. The capitals painted in red and blue. Small 4to. Vellum. B. NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY (Cardinal}. Apologia pro Vita Sua. London, 1890. Small 8vo. B. The Arians of the Fourth Century. London, 1833. 8vo. B. Discourses addressed to Mixed Congregations. London, 1849. 8vo. B. Lectures on Difficulties felt by Anglicans in sub- mitting to the Catholic Church. London, 1850. 8vo. B. Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church. Second edition. London, 1838. 8vo. B. Loss and Gain. Tenth edition. London, 1891. Small 8vo. B. 464 THEOLOGY. NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY (Cardinal). Parochial Sermons. London, 1842-44. 8vo. 6 vols. B. Sermons on the Theory of Religious Belief. Second edition. London, 1844. 8vo. B. Sermons bearing on Subjects of the Day. Second edition. London, 1844. 8vo. B. Mr. Kingsley and Dr. Newman. London, 1864. Kingsley, Charles. What, then, does Dr. Newman mean? Third edition. London, 1864. Newman, J. H. Apologia pro Vita sua. London, 1864. In one vol. 8vo. B. NEWTON, THOMAS (Bishop of Bristol). Dissertations on the Prophecies. Fourth edition. London, 1771. Small 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. NICHOL'S SERIES or COMMENTARIES. Edinburgh, 1864- 69. Small 4to. 1 5 vols. PALEY, WILLIAM. Works, with Life by the Rev. Edmund Paley. New edition. London, 1830. 8vo. 6 vols. Calf. B. PARKER SOCIETY. Publications. Cambridge, 1841-55. 8vo. 53 vols. Another copy. B. POCOCKE, EDWARD. Commentary on Hosea. Oxford, 1685. Folio. Calf. Commentary on Joel. Oxford, 1691. Folio. Calf. NE WMANPRA YER. 465 POWELL, T. The Young Mans conflict with and victory over the Devil by Faith, or a true and perfect relation of the Experiences of T. P. ... London, 1675. i2mo. B. PRAYER, THE BOOK OF COMMON. London, ? date. Black Letter. Title within woodcut border and damaged ; leaves of Kalendar torn. Contains MS. entries of birtJis of James and Anne Cardiff e, 1607 and 1643. The Psalms are followed by Certaine Godly Prayers, and at tfo end is The Booke of Psalmes in English Meeter by Tho. Sternhold, Joh. Hopkins and others. London, 1612. Title in woodcut border and MS. note of laying the foundation stone of Longmoor Bridge. Small 4to. Calf. London, 1660. Small 4to. Black Letter. Title in black and red. London, 1662. Small folio. Black Letter. Brown morocco with arms on the sides. At the end are the Services for the Consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons, the Gunpowder Treason, King Charles the Martyr, and the Birth and Return of King Charles II., and on the fly-leaf is written : " Memorandum, Jan. ye 7th, 1692. King William came to Cant, and layd at ye Countesse of Coventrys at ye dungeon (sic ; i.e. Dane-John) house and went ye next day back for London ye winde being contrary, being bound to take shipping in the Hand of Thannett to meet the Congresse in Holland, to carry on ye war against the french King." " Memo- randum Octob. iQth, 1691. King Willam (sic) returned from Holland and landed at Marget and came throu Canterbury at ii a (sic) clocke the same day and was carried to Sitten- bourne in the Lord Strangforth coach." 30 466 THEOLOGY. PRAYER, THE BOOK OF COMMON. University of Oxford, Printed by John Baskett, 1716. Rubrics in red. At end, The Book of Psalms in English Metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and others. London, 1716. Small 8vo. Red morocco. The Diamond Pocket Prayer. London, 1824. 48mo. Illustrations. Red morocco. B. London, 1863. Small 4to. Title within woodcut borders. Brown morocco. Pictorial Edition, with Notes and a History of the Liturgy by the Rev. Henry Stebbing. London, no date. Royal 8vo. Red morocco. B. PRECES. MS. on vellum of i6th century French execution, containing a great number of miniatures and borders illuminated with arabesques, figures of men and mon- sters, etc. Small 4to. Green morocco. B. MS. on vellum of i6th century French execution, with several illuminated borders. Small 4to. Calf. B. MS. on vellum of i8th century French execution, with 12 miniatures and 2 coats of arms. Presented to Cardinal Bouillon, Prince de la Tour d'Auvergne, by the Fathers of the Jesuit College at Lyons, 1701. Small folio. Red velvet. B. REYNOLDS, EDWARD {Bishop of Norwich). Works. London, 1826. 8vo. 6 vols. PR A YER TA YL OR. 467 RITUALE ROMANUM Pauli V. Pontificis maximi jussu editum, nunc ver6 a SS. D. N. Benedicto XIV. auctum et castigatum. Venetiis, 1771. Small 4to. Calf. Printed in black and red ; woodcut on title. ROCK, DANIEL. Hierurgia, or the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. London, 1833. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. SANDERSON, ROBERT (Bishop of Lincoln). XXXVI Ser- mons. Eighth edition [with] Life by Isaac Walton. London, 1689. Folio. Portrait, Calf. Special title to " Life" dated 1686. SHERLOCK, R. The Practical Christian. London, 1677. 1 2 mo. Engraved title and frontispiece. Red morocco. SMITH, WILLIAM. Dictionary of the Bible. London, 1863. 8vo. 3 vols. B. STACKHOUSE, THOMAS. New History of the Holy Bible. London, 1733. Folio. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. SuiCER, JOHANN CASPAR. Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus. Editio secunda. Atnsteladami, 1728. Folio. 2 vols. Frontispiece. Calf. TAYLOR, JEREMY (Bis/top of Down and Connor). A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying. London, 1647. Engraved title. A Discourse concerning Prayer ex tempore. No place, 1646. Of the sacred Order of Episcopacy. Oxford, 1642. Sermon preached in Saint Maries, Oxford, upon the anniversary of the Gunpowder Treason. Oxford, 1638. Small 4to. Calf. 468 THEOLOGY. TAYLOR, JEREMY (Bishop of Down and Connor}. Ductor Dubitantium, or the Rule of Conscience. London, 1660. Folio. Calf. B. The Great Exemplar of Sanctity and Holy Life. London, 1849. Small 8vo. 3 vols. B. Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. London, printed Chiswick, 1840. Small 8vo. B. Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying. London, printed Chiswick, 1840. Small 8vo. B. TlLLOTSON, JOHN (Archbishop of Canterbury). Works. Sixth edition. London, 1710. Folio. Portrait. Calf. Another edition. London, 1712. Folio. 2 vols. Portrait. Calf. TURRETTIN, FRANCOIS. Compendium Theologiae. Francquertz, 1702. Small 8vo. Calf. Another edition. Geneva, 1736. Small 8vo. Calf. I nstitutio Theologiae. Parssecunda. Lugd. Batavor., 1696. Small 4to. Calf. De Satisfactione Christi. Lugd. Batavor., 1696. De Necessaria Secessione nostra ab Ecclesia Romana, accessit Disputationum Miscellanearum Decas. Lugd. Batavor., 1696. Together i vol. Small 4to. Calf. VlTRlNGA, CAMPEGIO. Commentarius in librum prophe- tiarum lesaiae. Leovardia, 1714-20. Folio. 2 vols. Vellum. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY. NDERSON, CHRISTOPHER. Annals of the English Bible. London, 1845. 8vo. 2 vols. BlBLIOTHECA ANGLO-POETICA ; or a Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Early English Poetry in the possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. London, 1815. Royal 8vo. Coloured plate. Calf. B. BlBLIOTHECA HEINSIANA. Lugduni in Batavis [1682]. I2mo. Vellum. B. BRIGHT, BENJAMIN HEYWOOD. Sale Catalogue of his Library. London, 1845. 8vo. MS. prices. BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library. \London\ 1802. Folio. BRUNET, JACQUES CHARLES. Manuel du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres. Troisieme Edition. Bnixellcs, 1821. 8vo. 4 vols. 470 BIBLIOGRAPHY, ETC. BRYDGES, SIR EGERTON. Restituta, or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature revived. London, 1814-16. 8vo. 4 vols. Calf. B. BURTON, JOHN HILL. The Book Hunter. Edinburgh, 1862. Small 8vo. COLLIER, J. PAYNE. The Poetical Decameron, or Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. London, 1820. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. DARLING, JAMES. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. London, 1854. Do. Subjects. Holy Scriptures. London, 1859. i vol. in 2, interleaved. Together 3 vols. 4to. DIBDIN, THOMAS FROGNALI* The Bibliographical De- cameron, or Ten Days Pleasant Discourse upon Illumi- nated Manuscripts, and Subjects connected with Early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography. London, 1817. Royal 8vo. 3 vols. Plates. B. Contains the extra plate of the Presentation in the Temple, Vol. I., p. cxlii, but not " Tom Payne in Spectacles." Bibliomania or Book-Madness. London, 1809. 8vo. Calf. B. This copy has the words "Book-Madness" on the title-page printed in red. Another edition. London, 1811. 8vo. I vol. bound in 4. Russia. B. Interleaved with numerous plates. This copy has the words " Book Madness " on the title printed in red. BR YDGES IRELAND. 471 DIBDIN, THOMAS FROGNALL. An Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, together with an Account of Polyglot Bibles, Polyglot Psalters, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Bibles and Testaments, the Greek and Latin Fathers. Fourth edition. London, 1827. 8vo. 2 vols. B. The Library Companion, or the Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. London, 1824. 8vo. Calf. B. Contains the story of Cracherode and the buck-skins, but wants the second title. DIRECTOR, THE ; A weekly Literary Journal. London, 1807. 8vo. 2 vols. in i. Calf. B. [FRY, JOHN]. Bibliographical Memoranda in illustration of Early English Literature. Bristol, 1816. Small 4to. HALLAM, HENRY. Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Fifth edition. London, 1855. 8vo. 3 vols. Portrait. Calf. B. HARLEIAN LIBRARY. Catalogus Bibliothecae Harleianae. London, 1743-45. Small 8vo. 5 vols. in 4. Calf. B. HUNTER, JOSEPH. English Monastic Libraries. I. A Catalogue of the Library of the Priory of Bretton, York- shire. II. Notices of the Libraries belonging to other Religious Houses. London, 1831. Small 4to. (Tract.} IRELAND, WILLIAM HENRY. Confessions of his Fabrica- tion of the Shakspeare Manuscripts. London, 1805. I2mo. B - 472 BIBLIOGRAPHY, ETC. IRELAND, WILLIAM HENRY. Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the hand and seal of William Shakspeare, including the tragedy of King Lear and a small fragment of Hamlet, from the original MSS. in the possession of Samuel Ireland. London, 1796. Imp. folio. Plates. B. LOWNDES, WILLIAM THOMAS. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. London, 1 834. 8vo. 4 vols. B. MARTIN, JOHN. Bibliographical Catalogue of Books privately printed. London, 1834. 8vo. MERRYWEATHER, F. SOMNER. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages .... with Anecdotes of the Monastic Libraries of Great Britain. London, 1849. Small 8vo. B. NICHOLS, JOHN. Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century. London, 1817-58. 8vo. 8 vols. Plates inserted. B. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. London, 1812-15. 8vo. 9 vols. B. Numerous plates inserted, of which there is a MS. list in Vol. I. ORME, WILLIAM. Bibliotheca Biblica; Select List of Works on Sacred Literature. Edinburgh, 1824. 8vo. ROXBURGHE, JOHN (Duke of}. Sale Catalogue of his Library. London, 1812. 8vo. SAVAGE, JAMES. The Librarian. London, 1808-1809. 8vo. 3 vols. B. SMITH, THOMAS. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Cottonianae. Oxonii, 1696. Folio. Por- trait. IRELAND WOOD. 473 STEEVENS, GEORGE, Sale Catalogue of the Library of. [London, 1800.] 8vo. Prices inserted in MS. STEPHENS, JAMES FRANCIS. Bibliotheca Stephensiana, being a Catalogue of the Entomological Library of the late J. F. S. London. 1853. 4to. Proof impression, unbound. TAYLOR, ISAAC. History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times. New edition. Liverpool, 1875. Small 8vo. B. WALPOLE, HORACE (Earl of Orford). A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, with Lists of their Works. London, 1796. 8vo. B. Another edition, enlarged and continued by Thomas Park. London, 1806. 8vo. 5 vols. Plates. Calf. B. WATT, ROBERT. Bibliotheca Britannica. Edinburgh, 1824. 4to. 4 vols. B. WOOD, WILLIAM. Catalogue of a Collection of the best Works on Natural History. London, 1832. 8vo. Coloured plates. GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. ESCHYLUS. The Agamemnon, trans- lated [with] a Dissertation on Grecian Tragedy by John S. Harford. London^ 1831. Royal 8vo. Plates. B. coforti, 1610. and Latin. Calf. AESOPUS. MTthologia Aesopica. Fran- Small 8vo. Engravings ; text in Greek B. The Fables of Aesop. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. London, 1793. Imp. 8vo. B. APHTHONIUS. Progymnasmata. Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum & Danielem Elsevirios, 1655. Small I2mo. Engraved title dated 1649. Vellum. B. APOPHTHEGMATA Graeca regum et ducum ... ex Plutarcho & Diogene Laertio. Cum Latina interpr. Anno M.D.LXVIII. (1568) excudebat Henricus Stephanus, illustris viri Huldrichi Fuggeri typographus. 24m o. Calf. B. AESCHYLUS CURTIUS. 475 APULEIUS MADAURENSIS PLATONICUS. Amstelodami, apud Joann. fanssonium, 1628. Agenda 241110. En- graved title. Calf. B. ARISTOPHANES. Comcedise. Recensuit Immanuel Bekke- rus. Londini, 1829. 8vo. 5 vols. Russia. B. ARISTOTELES. Walaeus, Antonius. Compendium Ethicae Aristotelicae. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Isaacum Else- vierum, 1620. Small I2mo. Vellum. B. CAESAR. C. Julii Caesaris quae extant, ex emendatione Jos. Scaligeri. Lugduni Batavorum, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1635. Small I2mo. Engraved title. Calf. B. Another edition. Amstelodami, Typis Ludovici Elsevirii, 1650. 24010. Engraved title and 3 folding maps. Vellum. B. The Commentaries, translated by Clement Ed- monds. In t/te Savoy, 1677. Folio. Plates. Calf. B. CICERO. Opera Omnia, ex Recensione Jo. Augusti Ernesti. Londini, 1819. 8vo. 8 vols. Calf. B. Epistolae Familiares. Parisii, Ex officina Roberti StepJiani, 1550. Small 8vo. Calf. B. CLAUDIANUS. Claudiani quae exstant. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1647. 241110. Engraved title. Calf., B. CURTIUS. Historia. Lugd. Batavorum, Ex officina Elsevi- riana, 1633. Small I2mo. Engraved title. Calf. B. . Another edition. Amstelodami, Ex officina Elsein- riana, 1664. Small 8 vo. Engraved title. Calf. B. 476 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. DIOSCORIDES. Petri Andreas Matthioli Commentarii se- cundo aucti in Libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de Medica Materia. Venetiis, In officina Valgrisiana, 1560. Folio. Woodcuts. Vellum. EURIPIDES. Hecuba, edidit Ricardus Porson. Cantabrigice, 1802. Orestes. Londini, 1798. Phcenissae. Loiidini, 1799. Medea, edidit Ric. Porson. Cantabrigia, 1801. In 1 vol. 8vo. Russia. B. Supplices Mulieres. Iphigenia in Aulide et in Tauris, cum Notis Marklandi. Oxonii, 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. in i. Calf. B. FLORUS. Rerum Romanarum libri quatuor, annotationibus illustrati Johannis Min-ellii. Roterodami, typis Regneri Leers, 1698. 241110. Engraved title. Calf. B. GELLIUS, AULUS. Noctes Atticse. Amstelodami, Apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1665. Small I2mo. Engraved title. Calf. B. HERODOTUS. Historiarum Libri IX. ed. Thomas Gaisford. Oxonii, 1824. 8vo. 4 vols. Calf. B. HOMERUS. Ilias, curante C. G. Heyne. Oxonii, 1821. 8vo. 2 vols. B. Iliad, translated by George Chapman. London, 1843. 8vo. 2 vols. B. Iliad, translated by William Cowper. Third edition. London, printed Weybridge, 1809. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf.B. Odyssey, translated by William Cowper. Third edition. London, printed Weybridge, 1809. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. DIOSCORIDESLIVIUS. 477 HOMERUS. Iliad. Illustrations to Cowper's Translation London, 1810. 8vo. 4 parts. B. Iliad, rendered into English Blank Verse by Edward, Earl of Derby. Fifth thousand. London, 1865. 8vo. 2 vols. B. Iliad, translated by Alexander Pope. London, 1720. I2mo. 3 vols. Calf. B. Odyssey, translated by Alexander Pope. London, 1763. I2mo. 3 vols. Calf. B. HORATIUS. Works, with a Life by the Rev. Henry Hart Milman. London, 1849. 8vo. Engravings. B. - Vaenus, Otho. Emb^emata Horatiana. Amstela- dami, 1684. I2mo. Engravings. Text in Latin, Ger- man, French, and Dutch. Calf, B. JUSTINIANUS. Institutionum sive Elementorum libri quatuor. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1652. Small i2mo. Calf. B. Another edition. Amstelodami, Ex officina Elsevi- riana, 1669. I2mo. Engraved title. Calf. B. JUSTIN US. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1669. Small 8vo. Engraved title. Calf. B. JUVENALIS. Satirae. Sulpiciae Satirae. Lutetia, Ex offi- \ cina Rob. Stephani, 1616. I2mo. Red morocco. B. Livius. Historia cum notis Drakenborchii. Oxonii, 1825. 8vo. 4 vols. 478 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. LUCANUS. Pharsalia. Amstelodami, apud Joanmm Jans- sonium, 1636. 48mo. Calf. B. MARTI ALIS. Amstelodami, typis Ludovid Elzevirii, 1650. 241110. Calf. B. MARULLUS. (Title wanting.) Secundus, Johannes. Opera. Parisiis, apud Andream Wechelum, 1561. In i vol. 32mo. Calf. B. OVIDIUS. Opera. Amstelodami, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1 66 1. I2mo. 3 vols. Red morocco. B. Engraved title to Vols. I., III., dated 1661 ; to Vol. II. dated 1659. Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, gravies sur les desseins des meilleurs peintres frangais, par le Mire et Basan. Paris, no date. 8vo. Engraved title and plates ; no letterpress. B. PATERCULUS. Amstelodami, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1664. Small I2mo. Engraved title. Calf. B. PERSIUS. Wedderburn, David. Persius Enucleatus, sive Commentarius in Persium. Amstelodami, apudDanielem Elzevirium, 1664. 12 mo. B. PH^EDRUS. Fabulae. Notis illustravit David Hoogetratanus. Amstelodami, 1701. 4to. Portrait and plates. Calf. B. PLATO. Opera. Lipsia, 1829. i2mo. 8 vols. Calf. B. PLAUTUS. Comcedise. Amstelodami, typis Ludovici Elze- virii, 1652. 24mo. Engraved title. Calf. B. L UCANUSPOL YBIUS. 479 PLINIUS. Historia mundi naturalis .... labore impen- sisque Sigismundi Feyerabenij restituta. Francoforti ad Manum, 1582. Folio. Calf. (Junior.} Epistolae. Oliua Pauli Stephani, 1611. I2mo. Calf. B. Another edition. Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1634. 24mo. Engraved title. Vel- lum. B. Another edition. Amstel&dami, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1659. Small I2mo. Vellum. B. Letters, translated by William Melmoth. Fifth edition. London, 1770. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. PLUTARCHUS. Lives, translated by John and William Langhorne. Eighth edition. London, 1803. 12 mo. 6 vols. Calf. B. POLYBIUS. Historiarum libri quinque. Lugduni, apnd Seb. Gryphium, 1548. 24mo. Stamped calf , dated 1552 on sides. B. Fragment of the Sixth Book of Polybius, translated with Notes, by a Gentleman [Robert Hoblyn]. Lon- don, 1743. 8vo. Calf. B. " Robert Hoblyn Esq., member in this present Parliament for the City of Bristol, 1743. He was bred at Eaton. Was afterwards Gent". Commoner of the C. C. C. Oxon. and having sat in two Parliaments for Bristol, retired and in a few years died at his seat . Nanswhidden in Cornwall." MS. note on flyleaf. 480 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. PRUDENTIUS. Prudentii quae exstant. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1667. Small 12 mo. Calf. B. QUINTILIANUS. De Institutione Oratoria, curante Jacobo Ingram. Oxonii, 1809. 8vo. SALLUSTIUS. Opera. Lugduni Batavorum ex officina Elzeviriana, 1634. Small I2mo. Engraved title. Vellum. B. Another edition. Londini, 1833. 8vo. SENECA, Lucius ANN^EUS. Opera omnia Senecae; Mannaei, quae exstant. Amstelodami, apud Elzevirios. Vol. I., 1659; Vols. II., III., IV., 1658. Small I2mo. 4 vols. Engraved title to Vol. I. Calf. B. , et SENECA, MARCUS ANN^US. Opera. Lugd. Batav. Apud Elzevirios, 1649. Small I2mo. Engraved title. Calf. B. SOPHOCLES. Tragcediae. Recensuit Gulielmus Linwood. Londini, 1846. 8vo. Calf. B. STATIUS. An Essay upon Statius, or the five first books of his Thebais, by T[homas] S[tephens]. London, 1648. Small 8vo. Calf. STRABO. Geographicorum Lib. XVII. ed. Ccnrad Heres- bachius. Basilece, apud loan. Vimlder, 1639. Folio. Title within woodcut border. Calf. B. SULPITIUS. Opera. Lugd. Batavorum, Ex officina Elze- viriana, 1635. Small I2mo. Vellum. B. PR UDENTIUSXENOPHON. 48 1 SULPITIUS. Opera. Lugd. Batavorum, Ex offidna Elze- viriana, 1643. Small I2mo. Engraved title. Vellum. B. THUCYDIDES. De Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri VIII. ex editione Jo. Christ. Gottleberi, Caroli Ludov. Baveri. Lending 1819. 8vo. 4 vols. Russia. B. - History of the Peloponnesian War, with Notes by Thomas Arnold. Oxford, no date. 8vo. 3 vols. Calf. B. VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Amstelodami, typis Danielis Else- virii, 1671. 241110. Engraved title. B. VlRGILlUS. Opera. Amstelodami, Ex offidna Elseviriana, 1676. Small 1 2 mo. Engraved title. Calf. B. - Another edition, with a Commentary by John Conington and Henry Nettleship. London, 1865-71. 8vo. 3 vols. (Second edition of Vol. I.) B. XENOPHON. KTPOrriAIAEIAS B<^a , 0, . De Cyri In- stitutione Libri I., II., VIII. Lugduni Batavorum, Ex offidna Bonaventurcs & Abrahami Elzevir, 1647. 8vo. Vellum. B. 3Q POETRY. DDISON, JOSEPH ; GAY, JOHN; SOMER- VILLE, WILLIAM. Poetical Works, with Memoirs by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1859. 8vo. AKENSIDE, MARK. Poetical Works. London, 1835. Small 8vo. (Pickering's Aldine edition.) B. Another edition, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1857. 8vo. ANCIENT POETRY. Pieces of Ancient Poetry from Un- published Manuscripts and Scarce Books. Bristol, 1814. Small 4to. (6 copies only printed on blue paper, and 36, of which this is one, on ivhite.*) B. Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry. London, 1791. Small 8vo. Calf, B. ANTI-JACOBIN. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. Fourth edition. London, 1801. 4to. Large Paper. B. ADDISONBEA TTIE. 483 ARMSTRONG, JOHN ; DYER, JOHN, and GREEN, MATTHEW. Poetical Works, with Memoirs by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1858. 8vo. ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Early Poems. .Narrative Poems. Sonnets. London, printed Edinburgh, 1875. Small 8vo. B. Poems, Lyric and Elegiac. London, printed Edin- burgh, 1875. Small 8vo. B. Dramatic and Later Poems. London, printed Edin- burgh, 1875. Small Svo. B. ASHMOLE, ELIAS. Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum ; Poeticall Pieces of English Philosophers, collected by E. A. London, 1652. Small 4*0. Portrait. AYTOUN, SIR ROBERT. Poems. With a Memoir by the Rev. Charles Rogers. London, 1871. Svo. Only 1 50 copies privately printed. AYTOUN, WILLIAM EDMONDSTOUNE. Bothwell. Edin- burgh, 1856. Svo. B. BAILEY, PHILIP JAMES. Festus. Fifth edition. London, 1852. Svo. B. BEATTIE, JAMES. Poetical Works. London, 1831. Small Svo. (Pickerings Aldine edition?) B. BLAIR, ROBERT, and FALCONER, WILLIAM. Poetical Works, with Lives by the Rev. George Gil- fillan. Edinburgh, 1854. Svo. 484 POETR Y. BLAIR, ROBERT. The Grave, a Poem. London, 1808. Large 4to. B. Etchings by Schiavonetti after Blake ; portrait of Blake, and engraved title. BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT. Poems. London, 1845. 8vo. B. BOURNE, VINCENT. Poemata. Oxonii, 1826. Small 8vo. Calf. B. BOWLES, WILLIAM LISLE. Poetical Works, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1855. 8vo. 2 vols. [BRAIKENRIDGE, ISABELLA M.] The Lady's Bay and other Poems. London, 1853. I2mo. B. BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT. Poems. London, 1844. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. Aurora Leigh. Third edition. London, 1857. 8vo. B. Poems before Congress. London, 1860. Small 8vo. B. BROWNING, ROBERT. Poetical Works. London, 1868-79. Small 8vo. 6 vols. B. Asolando. Second edition. London, 1890. Small 8vo. B. Balaustion's Adventure. London, 1871. Small 8vo. B. Dramatic Idylls. London, 1879. Small 8vo. B. BLAIR BURNS. 485 BROWNING, ROBERT. Ferishtah's Fancies. London, 1884. Small 8vo. B. Jocoseria. London, 1882. Small 8vo. B. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. London, 1871. Small 8vo. B. The Ring and the Book. Second edition. Lon- don, 1872. Small 8vo. 4 vols. B. Strafford, a Tragedy, with Notes by Emily H. Hickey. London, 1884. Small 8vo. B. BUCHAN, PETER. Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1828. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Another copy. B. BUCHANAN, GEORGE. Poemata. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1676. 24mo. Engraved title. Calf. BURBIDGE, THOMAS, and CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH. Ambarvalia, Poems. London, 1849. Small 8vo. B. BURNS, ROBERT. Poetical Works. London, 1804. 12010. 3 vols. Calf. B. Another edition, edited by R. A. Willmott. Lon- don, 1856. 8vo. B. Another edition, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1856. 8vo. 2 vols. 486 POETRY. BURNS, ROBERT. Select Scotish Songs, edited by R. H. Cromek. London, 1810. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. Songs, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. London, 1824. I2mo. Engravings. Calf. (2 copies.) BUTLER, SAMUEL. Hudibras, with Annotations by Zachary Grey. Cambridge, 1/44. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1854. 8vo. 2 vols. Posthumous Works. With a Key to Hudibras by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Second edition. London, 1715. 32mo. Calf. B. BYRON, LORD. Works, with Letters, Journals, and Life by Thomas Moore. London, 1832-33. Small 8vo. 17 vols. Plates. B. CAMPBELL, THOMAS. Poetical Works. London, 1839. Small 8vo. B. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Works, edited by John Urry. London, 1721. Folio. Plates. Calf. The Canterbury Tales. With Notes by Tho. Tyr- whitt. London, 1830. Small 8vo. 5 vols. Calf. B. Another edition, by Tyrwhitt and Gilfillan. Edin- burgh, 1860. 8vo. 3 vols. CHURCHILL, CHARLES. Poetical Works, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1855. 8vo. CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH. Poems. London, 1862. Small 8vo. B. B URNS CO WL E Y. 487 COLERIDGE, HARTLEY. Poems. London, 1851. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Poetical Works. London, 1836. Small Svo. 3 vols. (Pickering's Aldine edition.) B. Poetical Works. London, 1885. Small Svo. 2 vols. B. COLLECTION OF POEMS (Dodsley's). London, 1770. Small Svo. 6 vols. Calf. B. (Pearch's). London, 1770. Small Svo. 4 vols. Calf. B. Another collection. London, 1782. I2ino. 6 vols. Calf. B. COLLINS, WILLIAM. Poetical Works. London, 1830. Small Svo. (Pickering's Aldine edition.) B. CONYBEARE, JOHN JOSIAS. Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Edited, with additional Notes, by William Daniel Conybeare. London, 1826. Svo. Calf. B. [COOMBE, WILLIAM.] The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque in Search of Consolation in Search of a Wife. London, 1812-21. Svo. 3 vols. Coloured plates. Calf. B. COWLEY, ABRAHAM. Works. Tenth edition. London, 1707. Small Svo. 2 vols. u. 488 POETR Y. COWPER, WILLIAM. Poems. London, 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Posthumous Poetry, edited by John Johnson. London, 1815. 8vo. Plates. Together 3 vols. Calf. Another copy, with plates inserted. Calf. Poems, the Earliest Productions of. With Anec- dotes collected from Letters of Lady Hesketh. London, 1825. Small 8vo. B. Poetical Works. London, 1830-31. Small 8vo. 3 vols. (Pickering's Aldine edition.) B. Works, edited by Southey. London, printed Chis- ^vick, 1835-37. Small 8vo. 15 vols. Plates. Works, edited by Hayley and Grimshawe. London, 1835. Small 8vo. 8 vols. Plates. Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1854. 8vo. 2 vols. The Task. London, printed Edinburgh, 1855. Small 4to. Engravings. CRABBE, GEORGE. Poetical Works, with Letters, Journals, and Life. London, 1834-37. Small 8vo. 8 vols. Plates. B. CRASHAW, RICHARD. Poetical Works; and QUARLES, FRANCIS. Emblems ; with Memoirs by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1857. 8vo. CO WPERGRA Y. 489 DODD, JAMES WILLIAM. Ballads of Archery. London, 1818. Small 8vo. B. DRYDEN, JOHN. Poetical Works. London, 1852. Small 8vo. 5 vols. (Pickering's Aldine edition?) B. Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1855. 8vo. 2 vols. FALCONER, WILLIAM. The Shipwreck. With Notes and a Life by J. S. Clarke. London, 1811. 8vo. Engrav- ings. Calf. B. GAY, JOHN. Works. London, 1772. I2mo. 2 vols. Calf. B. GILBERT, DAVIES. Ancient 'Christmas Carols, with the tunes to which they were sung in the West of England. London, 1822. 8vo. GILFILLAN, GEORGE. Specimens, with Memoirs, of the Less-known British Poets. Edinburgh, 1860. 8vo. 3 vols. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER ; COLLINS, WILLIAM, and WARTON, THOMAS. Poetical Works, with Lives by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1854. 8vo. GRAY, THOMAS. Poetical Works. With Life, and Poems addressed to him. Second edition. London, 1800. 1 2 mo. Calf. B. Poems, with Notes, Life, and Essay by the Rev. John Mitford. London, printed Weybridge, 1814. 8vo. Plates inserted. Calf. B. 3R 490 POETR Y. GRAY, THOMAS. Poetical Works. London, 1836. Small 8vo. (Pickerings Aldine edition.} B. GUTCH, JOHN MATHEW, and FAIRHOLT, F. W. The Robin Hood Garlands and Ballads. London, 1850. Small 4to. 2 vols. B. HALL, SAMUEL CARTER. The Book of British Ballads. London, 1842-44. Small 4to. 2 vols. HALLAM, ARTHUR HENRY. Remains in Verse and Prose. London, 1863. Small 8vo. B. HAYLEY, WILLIAM. Poems and Plays. London, 1785. I2mo. 6 vols. Calf. B. Ballads, with Prints by William Blake. Chichester, 1805. I2mo. HEMANS, FELICIA. Works. Edinburgh, 1843. Small 8vo. 7 vols. Plates. HERBERT, GEORGE. Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1853. 8vo. HOOD, THOMAS. The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, Hero and Leander, Lycus the Centaur, and other Poems. London, 1827. Small 8vo. Poems. London, 1846. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. JAMES I., King of Scotland. Poetical Remains, with a Memoir by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Edinburgh, 1873. 8vo. Only 1 50 copies privately printed. GRA Y LAN DON. 49 1 JAMIESON, ROBERT. Popular Ballads and Songs. Edin- burgh, 1806. 8vo. 2 vols. JOHNSON, SAMUEL ; PARNELL, THOMAS ; GRAY, THOMAS, and SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. Poetical Works, with Me- moirs by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1855. 8vo. KEATS, JOHN. Poetical Works. London, 1841. Small 8vo. B. Poetical Works, edited by W. M. Rossetti. London, no date. Small 8vo. Calf. B. KEBLE, JOHN. The Christian Year. Oxford, 1827. Small 8vo. 2 vols. in i. (First edition?) Calf. B. Seventy-fourth edition. Oxford, 1863. Small 8vo. Black morocco. B. Lyra Innocentium. Oxford, 1846. Small 8vo. Calf. B. Miscellaneous Poems. Oxford, 1869. Small 8vo- B. KiNGSLEY, CHARLES. Andromeda and other Poems. London, 1858. Small 8vo. B. The Saint's Tragedy. London, 1848. Small 8vo. B. L[ANDON], L[ETITIA] E[LIZABETH]. The Golden Violet and other Poems. London, 1827. Small 8vo. B. The Improvisatrice and other Poems. London, 1827. Small 8vo. B. 492 POETR Y. L[ANDON], L[ETITIA] E[LIZABETH]. The Troubadour, Catalogue of Pictures, and Historical Sketches. Lon- don, 1827. Small 8vo. B. LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE. Hellenics. London, 1847. Small 8vo. B. LINDSAY, ANNE, Baroness Nairne. Life and Songs. Edited by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Second edition. London, 1869. Small 8vo. LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH. Poetical Works. London, no date. Small 8vo. Calf. B. New England Tragedies. London, 1868. Small 8vo. B. MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON, Lord. Lays of Ancient Rome. Third edition. London, 1843. Small 4to. B. MILNES, RICHARD MONCKTON (afterwards Lord Houghton}. Memorials of many Scenes. London, 1844. Small 8vo. B. Palm Leaves. London, 1844. Small 8vo. Calf. B. Poems of many Years. London, 1844. Small 8vo. Calf. B. MlLTON, JOHN. Poetical Works, edited by Sir Egerton Brydges. London, 1835. Small 8vo. 6 vols. Plates. B. Another edition, with Memoir by James Mont- gomery. London, 1843. 8vo. 2 vols. B. LANDONMOORE. 493 MILTON, JOHN. Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1853. 8vo. 2 vols. Paradise Lost. Fifth edition. London, 1692. Folio. Calf. Paradise Lost, from the text of Thomas Newton, D.D. [Bishop of Bristol], Birmingham, Baskerville, 1758. 8vo. Plates inserted. Calf. B. Seventh edition. London, 1812. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. The Fall of Man, or Milton's Paradise Lost in prose. A new translation from the French. London, no date. 8vo. Plates. Calf. Paradise Regained, from the text of Thomas Newton, D.D. [Bishop of Bristol}. Birmingham, Bas- kerville, 1758. 8vo. Plates inserted. Calf. B. Latin and Italian Poems, translated into English Verse, and a fragment of a Commentary on Paradise Lost, by the late William Cowper. London, printed Chichester, 1808. 4to. Plates. B. Samson Agonistes et Comus graece. Interpretatus est Edvardus Greswell. (2zwm, 1832. 8vo. B. MOORE, THOMAS. Epistles, Odes, and other Poems. Sixth edition. London, 1822. I2mo. Calf. B. The Epicurean and Alciphron. London, 1839. Small 8vo. B. Contains all the four vignettes by Turner : the Garden, the Ring, the Nile, the ChapUt. 494 POETRY. MOORE, THOMAS. Lalla Rookh. London, 1837. Small 8vo. B. MORRIS, WILLIAM. The Earthly Paradise. London, 1872. Small 8vo. 10 parts. B. NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY, Cardinal. Verses on various Occasions. London, 1880. 8vo. B. [NEWTON, JOHN.] Olney Hymns. London,i%i6. Small 8vo. Calf. B. OSSIAN. Poems, translated by James Macpherson. New edition. London, 1790. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. OXFORD ENGLISH PRIZE POEMS. Oxford, 1828. i2mo. Calf. B. PATMORE, COVENTRY. Poems. London, 1844. Small 8vo. B. Poems. Second collective edition. London, printed Edinburgh, 1886. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. The Angel in the House. London, 1854. Small 8vo. B. - Florilegium Amantis. London, printed Edinburgh, no date. Small 8vo. B. [PERCY, THOMAS, Bishop of Dromore.} Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Second edition. London, 1767. I2mo. 3 vols. Calf. B. Another edition, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1858. 8vo. 3 vols. MOORE ROGERS. 495 POPE, ALEXANDER. Works. London, 1776. 12010. 6 vols. Calf. B. Another edition. London, 1855. Small 8vo. 3 vols. (Pickering's A Idine edition.) B. Another edition, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1856. 8vo. 2 vols. PRIOR, MATTHEW. Poetical Works, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1858. 8vo. PROCTER, ADELAIDE ANNE. Legends and Lyrics. Second edition. London, 1858. Small 8vo. B. RAMSAY, ALLAN. Poems. London, 1750. i2mo. 2 vols. Calf. B. The Gentle Shepherd. Glasgow, 1797. 241110. B. Another edition, with Illustrations of the Scenary (sic), Glossary, Life, etc. Edinburgh, 1 808. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. [RiTSON, JOHN.] Robin Hood, a Collection of all the ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads relative to that celebrated Outlaw, [with] Historical Anecdotes of his Life. London, 1795. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. ROGERS, SAMUEL. Italy. London, printed Chiswick, 1848. Small 8vo. B. Poems. London, printed Chiswick, 1839. Small 8vo. B. 496 POETR Y. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Poetical Works. Edinburgh, 1830. I2mo. ii vols. B. Another edition. Edinburgh, 1833-34. I2mo. 12 vols. Illustrations by Turner. B. Another edition, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1857. 8vo. 3 vols. SCOTTISH MINSTREL, THE; a Selection of Songs of Caledonia adapted for the Voice, German Flute, and Violin. London, 1808. 241110. SCOTTISH TRAGIC BALLADS. London, 1781. Small 8vo. Calf. B. SELECT SCOTTISH BALLADS. London, 1783. i2mo. 2 vols. Calf. B. SHAKSPEARE, WILLIAM. Plays, from the corrected text of Johnson and Steevens. London, 1807. I m P- 4 to - 6 vols. in 9. Plates, and extra plates inserted. Russia. B. Another edition, edited by Alexander Chalmers. New edition. London, 1811. 8vo. 9 vols. B. Another edition, with Notes by S. W. Singer. London, 1875. Small 8vo. 10 vols. (Bell's Aldine edition?) Calf. B. Another edition, the Pictorial, edited by Charles Knight. London, no date. Royal 8vo. 7 vols. Bio- graphy, by Charles Knight. London, no date. Royal 8vo. i vol. TogetJier 8 vols. B. SCOTT SPENSER. 497 SHAKSPEARE, WILLIAM. Poems. London, 1832. Small 8vo. (Pickering's Aldine edition?) Red morocco. B. and HOWARD, HENRY, Earl of Surrey. Poetical Works, with Memoirs by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1856. 8vo. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. Poetical Works, edited by Mrs. Shelley. London, 1839. Small 8vo. 4 vols. Green morocco. B. SHENSTONE, WILLIAM. Works in Verse and Prose. Third edition. London, 1768. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1854. 8vo. SOMERVILE, WILLIAM. The Chace. Fourth edition. London, 1757. Small 8vo. Calf. B. SOUTHEY, ROBERT. Poetical Works. London, 1837-38. Small 8vo. 10 vols. Plates. B. All for Love and the Pilgrim to Compostella. London, 1829. Small 8vo. SPENSER, EDMUND. Poetical Works. London, 1839. Small 8vo. 5 vols. (Pickering's Aldine edition?) B. Poetical Works, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1859. 8vo. 5 vols. The Faerie Queene, with an exact co llation of the two original editions, a Life and Glossary. London, 1751. 4to. 3 vols. Plates. Calf. B. 35 498 POETRY. TALFOURD, THOMAS NOON. Ion. Fourth edition. Lon- don, 1837. 8vo. B. Tragedies. London, 1844. I2mo. Calf. B. TAYLOR, SIR HENRY. Edwin the Fair. London, 1842. Small 8vo. B. The Eve of the Conquest. London, 1847. Small 8vo. B. The Virgin Widow, a Play. London, 1850. Small 8vo. B. Philip van Artevelde. Second edition. London, 1834. Small 8vo. 2 parts. B. Third edition. London, 1844. I2mo. Calf. B. St. Clement's Eve. London, 1862. Small 8vo. B. TEMPLE, NEVILLE, and TREVOR, EDWARD. Tannhauser. London, 1861. Small 8vo. B. TENNYSON, ALFRED, Lord. Ballads and other Poems. London, 1880. Small 8vo. B. The Cup and the Falcon. London, 1884. Small 8vo. B. Enoch Arden. London, 1864. Small Svo. B. Gareth and Lynette. London, 1872. Small Svo. B. Harold. London, 1877. Small Svo. B. The Holy Grail. London, 1870. Small Svo. B, TA L FO URD THOMSON. 499 TENNYSON, ALFRED, Lord. Idylls of the King. London, 1859. Small 8vo. B. In Memoriam. London, 1850. Small 8vo. B. The Lover's Tale. London, 1879. Small Svo. B. Maud. London, 1855. Small 8vo. B. Poems. London, 1842. Small Svo. 2 vols. Calf. B. Fifth edition. London, 1848. Small Svo. B. The Princess. London^ 1847. Small Svo. B. Queen Mary. London, 1875. Small Svo. B. Teiresias and other Poems. London, 1885. Small Svo. B. THOMSON, JAMES. The Seasons. London, 1768. I2mo. Calf. Another edition, with Life and Notes by Percival Stockdale. London, 1793. Royal Svo. Plates and extra plates. Calf. B. Another edition. Illustrated with engravings by Bartolozzi and Tomkins. London, 1797. Imp. folio. B. Poetical Works. London, printed Chisunck, 1847. Small Svo. 2 vols. (Pickerings Aldine edition?) B. . Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1853. Svo. Soo POETRY. TRENCH, RICHARD CHENEVIX (Archbishop of Dublin). Sabbation, Honor Neale, and other Poems. London, 1838. Small 8vo. B. Story of Justin Martyr and other Poems. Third edition. London, 1851. Small 8vo. B. VAUGHAN, HENRY. Silex Scintillans. London, 1847. Small 8vo. B. WALLER, EDMUND. Works in Verse and Prose. London, 1729. 4to. Portrait. Calf. B. and DENHAM, SIR JOHN. Poetical Works, with Memoirs by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1857. 8vo. WHITE, HENRY KIRKE. Poetical Works. London, 1840. Small 8vo. (Pickering's Aldine edition?} B. and GRAHAME, JAMES. Poetical Works, with Memoirs by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1856. 8vo. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Poetical Works. London, 1832. I2mo. 4 vols. Calf. B. Poetical Works. Centenary edition. London, 1870. Small 8vo. 6 vols. Calf. B. Poems, including the Borderers. London, 1842. Small 8vo. B. The Excursion. London, 1851. Small 8vo. Ma- roon morocco. B. TRENCH YOUNG. 501 WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Lyrical Ballads, edited by Edward Dowden. London, 1890. Small 8vo. B. The Prelude. London, 1850. 8vo. B. Sonnets. London, 1838. Small 8vo. B. Yarrow Revisited and other Poems. Second edition. London, 1836. I2mo. Calf. B. Lettered " Poetical Works. V." WYATT, SIR THOMAS. Poetical Works, with Memoir by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1858. 8vo. YOUNG, EDWARD. Night Thoughts, with Life by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1853. 8yo. MISCELLANEA AND ADDENDA. DDISON, JOSEPH. Miscellaneous Works, with Life by Tickell. Lon- don, 1765. 8vo. 4 vols. Calf. B. ANSELMUS (Abbot of Ratisbon). Ratis- bona Politica. Staatisches Regens- purg das ist : erster Theil der erneuerten Mausolei des Bayrischen Apostels und Blut-Zeugens Christi S. Emmerami. Regenspurg, 1729. Small 4to. Plates. Calf. B. BAILEY, NATHANIEL. Dictionarium Britannicum, or a more compleat Universal English Etymological Dic- tionary. London, 1736. Folio. Calf. B. BEAUMONT, JOHN. An historical, physiological and theo- logical Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts. . . . London, 1705. Small 8vo. Frontispiece. BEVERWYKS, J. V. Schat der Gesondtheyt en Ongesondt- heyt. [Amsterdam, 1651 ?] Wants title. Lof der Medicine. Bergh-val, oste Wederlegginge van Michiel de Montaigne. Inleydinge tot de Hollandtsche Genees- ADDISONBROCKETT. 503 BEVERWYKS, J. V. continued. Middelen. Amsterdam, 1651. Steen-Stuck. Amster- dam, 1651. Heel-Konste. Amsterdam, 1651. Ver- volgh van de Heel-Konste. Amsterdam, 1651. TogetJier I vol. 4to. Engravings. BLOUNT, THOMAS. A Law Dictionary and Glossary. Third edition. In the Savoy, 1 7 1 7. Folio. B. BOHN, HENRY G. Handbook of Proverbs. London, 1855. Small 8vo. (Boluis Antiquarian Library!) B. BORROW, GEORGE. The Bible in Spain. London, 1843. Small 8vo. 3 vols. Lavengro. London, 1851. Small 8vo. 3 vols. The Romany Rye. London, 1857. Small 8vo. 2 vols. The Zincali, or Gypsies of Spain. Third edition. London, 1843. Small 8vo. 2 vols. BRAIKENRIDGE, WILLIAM. Exercitatio Geometrica de Descriptione Linearum Curvarum. Londini, 1733. 4to. B. [BRANT, SEBASTIAN.] Sextus Decretalium ; cu certis additionib' Johanis Andree. [Colophon.] Basilee, M.cccc.xciiij. (1494.) Small 4to. Black Letter. B. BROCKETT, JOHN TROTTER. Glossary of North Country Words. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1829. Small 8vo. B. 504 MISCELLANEA AND ADDENDA. BROWN, JOHN, M.D. Horae Subsecivae. First, Second, and Third Series. Edinburgh, 1861, 1861, 1882. Small 8vo. 3 vols. B. BROWNE, SIR THOMAS. Religio Medici. Hydriotaphia. With Notes by J. A. St. John. London, 1838. I2mo. B. Religio Medici. Christian Morals. London, 1844. 8vo. B. CAMDEN SOCIETY. Publications, Old Series. London, 1 838-73. Small 4to. 106 vols. New Series. London, 1874-93. Small 4to. 49 vols. (To be continued.} B. CANNES. Me*moires de la Socie'te des Sciences Naturelles, des Lettres, et des Beaux Arts de Cannes. Cannes, 1869-75. Royal 8vo. 5 vols. in 4. [CAUSSIN, NICHOLAS.] Historicall Observations upon the four Principall Passions, which are as four Devils, Disturbers of the Holy Court. No place, 1650. (Title and Address to the Reader, I f. ; Mary Stuart and Cardinal Pool, with 2 portraits, pp. 291-319.) The Holy Court, the Command of Reason over the Passions. Written in French by F. N. Caussin, and translated into English by Sir T. H. With Historicall Observa- tions upon it. No place, 1650. (Second title!) The Holy Court. The Second Tome, treating of The Prelate, Souldier, Statesman, Ladie. Written in French by Nicholas Caussin, of the S. of Jesus. Translated into English by Sir T. H. London, printed by William Bentley, 1650. (Half title, I f. ; Dedication to Q. BROWN COLERIDGE. 505 CAUSSIN, NICHOLAS continued. Henrietta Maria, I f. ; Author's Letters to the K. of France, and to the Nobilitie of France, Design and Order of the Book, 4 ff. ; Justinian and Charlemagne, with 2 portraits, I f.) Small folio. CAVENDISH, WILLIAM (Duke of Newcastle}. A General System of Horsemanship in all its branches. London, 1743. Folio. Plates. (Vol. I. only.} B. CERVANTES DE SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL. The Life and Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman, Don Quixote de la Mancha, translated by Charles Jarvis. Third edition. London, 1756. 4to. 2 vols. Plates. Calf. B. COLERIDGE, HARTLEY. Essays and Marginalia. London, 1851. Small 8 vo. 2 vols. B. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Aids to Reflection. Lon- don, 1839. Small 8vo. B. Biographia Literaria. London, 1817. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. London, 1840. Small 8vo. B. Constitution of the Church and State. Lay Sermons. London, 1839. Small 8vo. B. The Friend. Third edition. London, 1837. Small 8vo. 3 vols. Morocco. B. Hints towards the Formation of a more comprehen- sive Theory of Life. London, 1848. 8vo. B. 3 T 506 MISCELLANEA AND ADDENDA. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Literary Remains, edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge. London, Pickering, 1836-39. 8vo. 4 vols. B. Specimens of the Table- Talk of. Second edition. London, 1836. Small 8vo. B. [COLERIDGE, SARA.] Phantasmion. London, 1837. Small 8vo. B. COLLIER, JEREMY. The Great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical, and Poetical Dictionary. London, 1701. Folio. Calf. COTTLE, JOSEPH. Early Recollections chiefly relating to the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London, 1837. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. D'ANVILLE, . Complete Body of Ancient Geography. London, 1785. Atlas folio. DASENT, SIR GEORGE WEBBE. Jest and Earnest, a Collec- tion of Essays and Reviews. London, 1873. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. DEFOE, DANIEL. Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. London, 1820. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. Plates by Stothard. ENCYCLOPEDIA, THE LONDON, or Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics. London, 1829. Royal 8vo. 22 vols. B. ENGLAND. Description of England, Scotland, Ireland. (No title?) Oblong I2mo. Maps of the Counties and Three Kingdoms. Calf. B. COLERIDGE EPHEMERIDES. 507 ENGLAND. England exactly described, or a Guide to Travellers in a compleat sett of Maps of all the Counties of England . . . according to Mr. Ogilby's Survey. . . . Printed by Tho. Taylor at ye Golden Lyon in Fleet-street [1715]. Small 8vo. Folding title. Calf. B. Impartial Historical Narrative of momentous Events in this Country from 1816-23. London, 1823. Royal folio. Plates. B. EPHEMERIDES. Almanac Genealogique de Brunsvick Lunebourg pour I'ann6e 1773. Lanenbmirg. 481110. Engravings. B. Partridge, John. Merlinus Liberatus, an Almanack for the Year 1708. London. Portrait of Partridge. The Ladies Diary, or the Womens Almanack for the Year 1708. \LondonI\ Portrait of Queen Anne on title. Together I vol. I2mo. Blue morocco. B. Rider, Cardanus. British Merlin for the year 1758. London, 1758. Small I2mo. Red morocco with clasps. B. The Shepheards Kalendar. Newly augmented and corrected. London, Printed by Robert Ibbitson, And are to be sold by Francis Grove, neer the Sarazens-ltead on Snow-Hill, witlwut Newgate. MDCLVI. (1656.) Small folio. Black Letter. Woodcuts. Title mended. Calf. The Virginia Almanack for the year 1767. . . . By Theophilus Wreg. Williamsburg, Purdie and Dixon. 1 2 mo. B. 508 MISCELLANEA AND ADDENDA. ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS. Adagiorum Epitome. Amstelo- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzeviriutn, 1650. 241110. Calf. B. Colloquia. Lugd. Batav. et Roterod. Ex officina Hackiana, 1664. Small 8vo. Engraved title. Vellum. B. FULLER, THOMAS. Gnomologia ; Adages and Proverbs . . . Ancient and Modern, Foreign and British. To which is added Ramsay's Collection of Scottish Proverbs. London, 1819. Small 8vo. (Interleaved with MS. additions?) B. Introductio ad Prudentiam. Second edition. Lon- don, 1726. I2mo. Calf. B. Second Part. London, 1727. I2mo. B. GAMBADO, GEOFFREY {pseudonym of Sir Henry Bunbury or Francis Grose). The Academy for Grown Horsemen. Fourth edition. London, 1812. 4to. Coloured plates. B. GENTLEMAN'S RECREATIONS, THE. Second edition. London, 1710. Folio. Plates. Russia. B. GLADSTONE, WILLIAM EWART. The State in its Relations with the Church. Fourth edition. London, 1841. 8vo. 2 vols. B. Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age. Oxford, 1858. 8vo. 3 vols. B. GLANVIL, JOSEPH. Sadducismus Triumphatus, a full and plain Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions. Fourth edition. London, 1726. 8vo. Calf. B. ERASMUS HELPS. 509 GUARDIAN, THE. London, 1779. i2mo. 3 vols. Calf. B. GUEST, LADY CHARLOTTE. The Mabinogion, from the Llyfr Coch o Hergest and other ancient Welsh Manu- scripts. London, printed Llandovery, 1838-49. Royal 8vo. 3 vols. in 6 parts. Plates. GuiDO-PAPA. Decisiones per .... dominum Guidonem pape olim composite: nee non cum additionibus Anthonii Rambaudi et Johannis de gradibus. Lugduni, 1511. Small 4to. Black Letter. Calf. Jacques Huguetan's edition. Title with woodcut printed in red. MS. notes in an old hand. HALLIWELL [afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps], JAMES OR- CHARD. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. London, 1847. 8vo. 2 HALMA, FRANCOIS. Le Grand Dictionnaire Francois et Flamand. Het Groot Fransch en Nederduitsch Woor- denboek. Leideet Utrecht, 1758-61. 4to. 2 vols. [HARE, AUGUSTUS WILLIAM, and HARE,; JULIUS CHARLES.] Guesses at Truth. First Series. London, 1838. I2mo. Second Series. Second edition. London, 1848. 1 2 mo. B. HARGROVE, E. Anecdotes of Archery. York, 1792. i2mo. B. [HELPS, SIR ARTHUR.] Companions of my Solitude. London, 1851. Small 8vo. B. - Essays written in the Intervals of Business. Third edition. London, 1843. Small 4to. Calf. B. 5io MISCELLANEA AND ADDENDA. HELPS, SIR ARTHUR. Friends in Council. London, 1847. Small 8vo. 2 parts. Calf. B. New Series. London, 1859. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. [JA'FAR IBN MUHAMMAD (ABU MA'SHAR) Al-Balkhi.} Albumazar de magnis oiunctionibus ; annos reuoluti- bibus : ac eos profectionibus ; octo otines tractatus. [Colophon.'] Opus albumazaris de magnis coniunctionibus explicit feliciter. Impressum Venetiis Mandato & ex- pensis Melchiorem Sessa. Per Jacobum Pentium de leucJw. Anno domini 1515. Pridie Kal. Junij. Small 4to. Black Letter. Woodcuts. The Sessa Cat and Mouse device at end. KELHAM, ROBERT. Dictionary of the Norman or Old French Language, to which are added the Laws of William the Conqueror. London, no date. 8vo. Calf. KELLY, JAMES. A Complete Collection of Scotish Pro- verbs explained to the English Reader. London, 1721. Small 4to. Calf. LAMB, CHARLES. Essays of Elia. London, 1843. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE. Pericles and Aspasia. Lon- don, 1836. 8vo. 2 vols. B. LANE, EDWARD WILLIAM. The Thousand and One Nights, commonly called The Arabian Nights' Enter- tainments. London, 1839. Royal 8vo. 3 vols. Illus- trations. B. HELPS MORE. 511 LONDON MAGAZINE, THE; or Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer. London, 1732-36. 8vo. 5 vols. Calf. MAIER, MICHAEL. Tripus Aureus ; tres tractatus chymici selectissimi, nempe, I. Basilii Valentin! Practica. II. Thomse Nortoni Crede mihi seu Ordinale. III. Cremeri cujusdam Abbati Westmonasteriensis Angli Testamentum. Francofurti, 1618. Small 4to. En- graving on title; portrait of Maier on p. 6 ; engravings; separate title to each treatise. Calf. [MARKHAM, GERVASE.] The Art of Archerie, shewing how it is most necessary in these times for this King- dome, both in Peace and War. Printed by B. A. and T. F. for Ben: Fisher, London, 1634. Small 8vo. Calf. , B. MEYER, H. L. Coloured Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs. London, 1842-50. 8vo. 7 vols. MILNER, JOSEPH, and MILNER, ISAAC. History of the Church. London, 1834. 4 vols. Continuation by John Scott. Second edition. London, printed Thames Ditton, 1836. 3 vols. Together 7 vols. 8vo. B. MILTON, JOHN. Prose Works, edited by George Burnett. London, 1809. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. MORE, HANNAH. Bible Rhymes. London, 1821. Caelebs in Search of a Wife. London, 1808. 2 vols. Christian Morals. Seventh edition. London, 1813. 2 vols. Essays on the Writings of St. Paul. Second edition. London, 1815. 2 vols. Essays for Young Ladies. London, 1777. Manners of the Great and Religion of 512 MISCELLANEA AND ADDENDA. MORE, HANNAH continued. the Fashionable World. New edition. London, 1809. Moral Sketches. London, 1819. Repository Tracts. New edition. London, 1827. 3 vols. Strictures on Female Education. Fourth edition. London, 1799. 2 vols. in i. Together 14 vols. Small 8vo. B. MORE, SIR THOMAS. Utopia. With Notes by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. London, 1808. Small 8vo. 2 vols. Calf. B. NARES, ROBERT. A Glossary of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions, in the Works of English Authors, particularly Shakspeare. London, 1822. 4to. Calf. B. NICOLAS, NICHOLAS HARRIS. Testamenta Vetusta. Lon- don, 1826. Royal 8vo. 2 vols. B. OXFORD ESSAYS. London, 1855-58. 8vo. 4 vols. B. PALMER, SAMUEL. Moral Essays on English, Scotch and Foreign Proverbs. London, 1710. Small 8vo. Calf. B. PENNY MAGAZINE of the Society for Diffusing Useful Knowledge. London, 1832-44. 4to. 13 vols. POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Nos. 1-61. London, 1861- 76. 8vo. Plates. R., J. Collection of English Proverbs. Cambridge, 1670. Small 8vo. Calf. B. RAMBLER, THE. Fourteenth edition. London, 1801. i2mo. 4 vols. Calf. B. MORE SCOTT. 513 SATURDAY MAGAZINE. London, 1833-44. 4to. 25 vols. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Novels and Tales. Edinburgh, 1825. I2mo. 1 6 vols. B. Vol. i, 2. Waverley. 3> 4- Guy Mannering. 5, 6. Antiquary. 7, 8. Rob Roy. 9. Black Dwarf ; Old Mortality. 10. Old Mortality. 1 1. Old Mortality ; Heart of Midlothian. Vol. 12, 13. Heart of Mid- lothian. 14. Heart of Mid- lothian ; Bride of Lammermoor. 15. Bride of Lammer- moor; Legend of Montrose. 1 6. Legend of Mont- rose. Historical Romances. Edinburgh, 1822. I2mo. 8 vols. B. Vol. I, 2. Ivanhoe. 3, 4. Monastery. Vol. 5, 6. Abbot. 7, 8. Kenilworth. Novels and Romances. Edinburgh, 1824. I2mo. 9 vols. B. Vol. I, 2. Pirate. 3, 4. Fortunes of Nigel. 5. Fortunes of Nigel ; Peveril of the Peak. Vol. 6, 7. Peveril of the Peak. 8, 9. Quentin Durward. Tales and Romances. Edinburgh, 1827-33. I2mo. 17 vols. B. Vol. i, 2. St. Ronan's Well. 3, 4. Redgauntlet. 5> 6, 7. Crusaders. 8, 9. Woodstock. 10. Highland Widow. Vol. u, 12. Fair Maid of Perth. 13. Anne of Geierstein. 14, 15. Count Robert of Paris. 1 6. Castle Dangerous. 17. Surgeon's Daughter. 514 MISCELLANEA AND ADDENDA. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Introductions, Notes, and Illus- trations to the Novels, Tales, and Romances. Edinburgh, 1833. I2mo. 3 vols. B. The Waverley Novels. Edinburgh , printed London, 1842-47. 8vo. 12 vols. Engravings. Illustrations to the Novels and Tales of the Author of Waverley, by William Allan. Edinburgh, 1820. Royal 8vo. B. SHAIRP, JOHN CAMPBELL. Aspects of Poetry. Oxford, 1 88 1. 8vo. B. Poetic Interpretation of Nature. Edinburgh, 1877. Small 8vo. B. Studies in Poetry and Philosophy. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1872. Small 8vo. B. SIMEONIS, SYMONIS, ET WILLELMI DE WORCESTRE, Itineraria. Ed. James Nasmith. Cantabrigia, 1778. Royal 8vo. Calf. B. SOUTHEY, ROBERT. The Doctor. London, 1834-47. Small 8vo. 7 vols. B. Omniana, or Horae Otiosiores. London, 1812. 1 2 mo. 2 vols. B. Sir Thomas More, or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society. London, 1829. 8vo. 2 vols. Plates. B. SCOTT WALPOLE. 515 SPECTATOR, THE. London, 1765. 8 vols. Vol. 9. Fourth edition. London, 1724. Together 9 vols. I2mo. Ctf^f. B. SPECTATORS, TATLERS, AND GUARDIANS, General Index to the. Second edition. London, 1760. I2mo. Calf. B. SPY, LETTERS BY A TURKISH. London, 1753-54. i2mo. 8 vols. Calf. B. STERLING, JOHN. Essays and Tales, edited by Julius Charles Hare. London, 1848. Small 8vo. 2 vols. B. SWIFT, JONATHAN (Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin]. Works, with Life and Notes by John Hawkesworth, LL.D. London, 1768. 8vo. 22 vols. Calf. B. TATLER, THE. London, 1759. 8vo. 4 vols. Calf. B. TATLER AND SPECTATOR, Motto's of the, translated into English. [With] a Complete Index to the Spectator. London, 1712. I2mo. B. TAYLOR, SIR HENRY. Notes from Books. London, 1849. 8vo. B. Notes from Life. London, 1847. 8vo. B. THOMS, WILLIAM J. Collection of Early Prose Romances. London, 1828. Small 8vo. 3 vols. B. WAGSTAFFE, JOHN. The Question of Witchcraft Debated. London, 1671. I2mo. Calf. B. WALPOLE, HORATIO (Earl of Orford}. Works. London, 1798. 4to. 5 vols. Plates. Calf. B. 5 i6 MISCELLANEA AND ADDENDA. WOOD, WILLIAM. The Bow-mans Glory : or Archery Revived, giving an Account of the many signal Favours vouchsafed to Archers and Archery by those renowned Monarchs, King Henry VIII., James, and Charles I. London, 1682. Small 8vo. Calf. B. INDEX. ., E. S., 187. A., T., 308. Abbeville, 378. Abbots Leigh, 155. Abbott, Arch- bishop, 259. Aberdeen, 199. Abergavenny, 188. Aberystwyth, 190. Abury, 181, 183. Abyssinia, 304, 305. Acadie, 312. Accum, F., 1 6. Acharius, E., 27. Acheta Domestica, 79. Acts of Parliament, 203, 409, 410. Adam, R., 339. Adamnan, 197. Adams, A., 8. Adams, A. L., 8, 295, 309. Adanson, M., 89. Addames, W., 245. Addison, C. G., 157. Addison, J., 482, 502. Adkins, J., 238. Adolphus, J., 339. Adventure, ship, 263, 265. Aedes Walpolianae, 148. Aeschylus, 474. Aesop, 343, 474. Afghanistan, 291, 296, 440, 442, 445- Africa, 32, 69, 260, 261, 265, 268, 301-309, 321. Agassiz, L., 5, 1 6, 316. Agassiz, Mrs., 316. Aiken, P. F., 245. Aikin, J., 132. Aikin, L., 410. Aix la Chapelle, Peace of, 423. Akenside, M., 482. Akerman, J. Y., 339. Alaska, 316. Albania, 278, 291. . Albano, 285. Albemarle, Earl of, 416. Albert, Archduke, 328. Albert N'yanza, 304. Albi Cathedral, 348. Albigenses, 399. Albin, E., 65, 72, 77, 82. Album, 328, 330, 355. Albumazar, 510. Alder, J., 4. Alderbury, 180. Alderney, 202. Aldinus, T., 27. Alexander family, 336. Alexander, Sir J. A., 307. Alexander, Sir J. E., 440. Alexander, W., 173. Alexandria, 303, 440. Alford, E. M., 155. Alford, H., 273, 456. Algeria, Algiers, 35, 263, 265. Algerine pirates, 234. Al-Hallowen, Bristol, 235. Alhambra, 289. Alison, Sir A., 394. Allan, W., 514. Allason, T., 276. Allen, I. N., 440. Allen, J., 161. Allen, T., 137, 184. Si8 INDEX. Alliez, Abbe", 273. Allioni, C., 27. Allman, G. J., 4, 5. Allom, T., 300. All Saints, Bristol, 203. Almanack, 340, 351, 507. Alpes Maritimes, 28. Alpino, P., 8, 27. Alps, 283, 289, 290. Alsace, 46, 277. Alston, J. W., 340. Amapalla, 265. Amazon, 8, 319. Amboyna, 12, 76. Ambresbury, 180. America, 10, 32, 44, 66, 93, 261, 265, 269, 309-322, 436, 439- Ames, J., 340. Amhurst, N., 153. Amiens Cathedral, 348. Amman, J., 28. Amman, P., 28. Amoor, 301. Amory, T., 161, 245. Amsinck, P., 128. Amsterdam, 33. Anderson, J., 440. Anderson, C., 469. Anderson, C. J., 306. Anderson, J., 195, 328. Anderson, J. C., 154. Andes, 318. Andreas, J., 503. Andrewes, Bishop, 453. Andrews, G. R., 245. Andrews, H. C., 28. Angerburg, 41. Angerstein, J. J., 392. Anglesey, 190. Angling, 73, 150. Anne, Queen, 253, 349, 396, 423. Anne Boleyn, Queen, 410. Anselmus, Abbot of Ratisbon, 502. Anson, Lord, 271, 272. Ansted, T. D., 278. Anstey, 155. Anstis, J., 328. Antigua, 238. Antilles, 265, 319. Antiquae Chartae, 155. Antiquarian Itinerary, 340. Antiquarian Repertory, 340. Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, 341. Antiquaries of London, Society of, 34i, 353- Antiquaries of Scotland, Society of, 191. Antrim, 201. Antwerp, 344. Apache country, 310. Aphanapteryx, 309. Aphthonius, 474. Apianus, P., 260. Appleyard, E. S., 187. Apuleius, 475. Arabia, 293. Arauca river, 318. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 187. Archaeological Institute, 204, 229. Archdall, M., 335. Archer, J. W., 138. Archery, 509, 511, 516. Archipelago, Greek, 290. Archipelago, Indian, 298. Archipelago, Malay, 299. Archipelago, Mergui, 298. Arctic Regions, 266, 268, 324-327. Ardebeilli, A., 245. Ardene, Pere d', 28. Ardoino, H., 28. Argenville, D. d', 16, 89. Argier pirates, 234. Argyll, Duke of, 191. Aristophanes, 475. Aristotle, 475. Aries Cathedral, 348. Armada, Spanish, 446. Armenia, 294. Arminius, J., 453. Armstrong, J., 288, 483. Arnal, P., 342. Arnold, M., 483. Arnold, R., 138. Arnold, T., 259, 394, 407, 481. Arpino, 268. Arran, 17. Artaria, F., 279. Arthur, W., 204. Artis, E. T., 16. Arundale, F., 342. Arundel, 176, 177. Arundell, Earls of, 415. Arundell, F. V. J., in, 291. INDEX. 519 Arundell, Lady, 392. Arrowsmith, E., 401. Ashantee, 268. Ash bourn, 113. Ashby, 21. Ashe, J., 158, 171. Ashe, T., 17. Ashmead, J. L., 123. Ashmole, E., 328, 483. Asia, 260, 268, 291-295. Aspeden, 127. Assigny, M. d', 434. Assinniboine, 312. Assizes, Bloody, 155, 165, 168. Assynt, 195. Assyria, 292, 293. Aston Hall, 177, 356. Athens, 278. Atkins, J., 259. Atkinson, C., 342. Atkinson, J., 291. Atkinson, T. W., 301. Atlantic, 263, 268, 271, 272. Atlantis, 308. Atlas, 96, 156, 192, 259-261, 279, 310. Atlas Mountains, 35, 303. Atwood, T., 320. Aubrey, J., 8, 175, 423. Audebert, J. B., 65. Aulicus Coquinariae, 422. Aurai massacre, 181. Australes insulae, 37. Australia, 9, 68, 79, 322-324. Austria, 44, 45, 84, 276, 384. Autun Cathedral, 348. Auxerre Cathedral, 348. Ava, 298, 299. Avon, 25, 26. Axminster, 114. Aylmer, Bishop, 451. Ayton, R., 97. Aytoun, Sir R., 483. Aytoun, W. E., 483. Azara, F. de, 8. Azores, 10, 308. B., I., 237. B., R., 315. B., S. T., 245- Babington, C. C., 28. Babylon, 293. Back, Capt., 266. Backhouse, J., 322. Bacon, F., 410. Badlesmere family, 183. Baffin's Bay, 325-327. Bagster, S., 454. Baikie, W. B., 308. Bailey, N., 502. Bailey, P. J., 483. Baillie, 268. Baird, W., 5. Baker, A. E., 149. Baker, D. E., 447. Baker, H., 88. Baker, Sir R., 447. Baker, Sir S. W., 295, 304. Balbec, 295. Baldwin, Archbishop, 189. Baldwin, G., 301. Baldwin, W. C., 306. Balfour, 195. Balfour, J. H., 28. Ball, C., 125. Ball, J., 303. Ballantine, J., 342. Balloon, 204. Balnaves, H., 196. Baltic, 369. Baltimore, 444. Balzac, J. L. G. de, 447. Ban de la Roche, 280. Bandinel, B., 354. Bangalore, 443. Bangor Cathedral, 105. Bankes, Sir J., 397. Banks, Sir J., 356, 357. Banks, J. C., 329. Barbados, 10, 265, 321. Barbary, 261, 262, 303, 304. Barbault, J., 279. Barber, T., 125. Barbut, J., 75, 77- Bardwell, W., 342. Baretti, G., 280. Barker, B., 97. Barker, E. H., 384. Barker, Lady, 322. Barker, R., 238. Barker, T., 163. Barker, W. R., 204. Barnes, J., 244. Barnes, Mrs., 204. 52O INDEX. Barnes, W., 204. Baron, 329. Barozzi, G., 342. Barr, J., 342. Barra, J., 315. Barrelier, J., 29. Barrett, W., 204. Barri, G. de, 189. Barrow, J., 261, 324. Barrow, Sir J., 440. Barrow Court, 168. Barry, E., 163, 245. Barry, J., 192, 354, 372. Bartell, E., 343. Earth, H., 301. Bartholomew Faire, 138. Bartlett, W. H., 200, 280, 291, 292, 295, 301, 309. Bartolozzi, 499. Barton, J., 29. Bartratn, W., 309. Barwick, J., 424, Basan, 478. Basingstoke, 126. Bassompierre, Marshal de, 410. Bass Rock, 195. Bastwick, J., 453. Batavia, 261. Bates, G., 410. Bates, H. W., 8. Bath, 26, 28, 156-158, 161-164, 166-170, 172, 254, 421. Bath Abbey, 157, 167, 172, 176. Bath Guide, 155. Bath, Marquesses of, 416. Bath Road, 104. Bath and Wells, Bishops of, 398. Bath and West of England Society, 156. Bath, Order of the, 328. Bath, E., 245. Bathurst, W. H., 120. Batsch, A. J. G. C., 29. Battarra, G. A., 29. Battely, J., 128, 129. Batty, R., 188, 261, 273, 276, 277. Bauhin, C., 29. Bavaria, 260, 378. Bave family, 168. Baver, L., 481. Baverstock, J. H., 129. Baxter, 421. Baxter, alias Poulter, J., 168. Baxter, R., 454. Baxter, W., 29. Bayeux tapestry, 341. Bayley, F. W. N., 320. Bayley, J., 138. Bayly, B., 245, 246. Baynes, 211. Baynton, T., 246. Beagle, ship, I, 265. Bearcroft, P., 138. Beattie, J., 483. Beattie, W., 192, 280, 289. Beaufort, Duke of, 253, Beaufort, M., 419. Beauly Priory, 193. Beaumont, J., 502. Beauvais, 378. Bee, 273. Beche, H. T. de la, 17. Bechstein, J. M., 65. Becker, 404. Becket, J. B., 246. Beckford family, 178. Beckford, W., 320. Beddoes, T., 255. Bede, C., 192. Bedford, A., 156, 165, 223, 236, 246. Bedford, Duke of, 359. Bedfordshire, 27, 97, 99, 103, 106. Bedloe, W., 425, 426. Bedminster, 156, 170. Bedwell, W., 135. Bee and the Wasp, 351. Beechy, Capt., 266. Beeston, Col., 319. Behring's Straits, 266. Belgium, 269, 270, 279, 358, 404. Bell, J., 394. Bell, J. S., 292. Bell, T., 65, 73, 75- Bell, W. A., 310. Bellamy, J. C., 9. Bellerophon, ship, 443, 446. Bellicard, J. C., 281. Belon du Mans, P., 73. Belt, J., 9. Beltrami, J. C., 261. Belzoni, G. B., 301, 302. Benedict XIV., Pope, 467. Benezet, A., 308. Benger, Miss, 410, 411. INDEX. 521 Bennet, G., 271. Bennet, J. H., 261. Bennett, G., 9, 261. Bennett, J., 120. Bennett, J. W., 73. Bensley, T M 454. Benson, G., 397. Benson, W., 397. Bentham, J., 389. Bentley, S., 411. Berbice, 316. Berce, E., 77. Berchem, 355. Bere, T., 157. Beresford Hall, 173. Berkeley, 449. Berkeley family, 449. Berkeley, F., 212. Berkeley, G., 124, 273. Berkeley peerage, 329. Berkshire, 99, 100, 103, 106, 248, 329, 392. Bermuda, n. Bernal Collection, 344. Berners, Lord, 395. Berry, H., 426. Berry, W., 202, 329. Betagh, W., 261. Betham, W., 329. Betta, E. de, 93. Bevan, E., 77. Bevan, J. G., 204. Beveridge, Bishop, 454. Beveridge, H., 295. Beverley, 186. Beverwyks, J. V., 502. Bewick, J., 343. Bewick, T., 66, 1 50, 343. Bze, T. de, 456. Bible, 454-457- Bible illustrations, 343. Bicester, 374. Bickersteth, E., 402. Bickham, G., 97, 137. Bickmore, A. J., 298. Biddulph, T. T., 246. Bideford, 116. Bignor, 176. Billings, R. W., 113, 118, 138, 192. Billingsley, J., 157. Billney, 253. Bilton, W., 285. Bindley, J., 213, 343. Bmgham, J., 323, 397. Bingley, W., 188. Binns, R. W., 343. Binue river, 308. Bird, E., 205. Bird, I. L., 299, 322. Birkbeck, M., 273. Birmingham, 177, 356. Bisse, E., 170. Bisset, J., 177. Bitton, 122. Black, D. D., 192. Black, W., 246. Blackburn, E. L., 138, 343. Black Prince, 422. Black Sea, 287. Blackstone, J., 29, 30. Blackwell, E., 30. Blackwell, J., 5, 66. Blainville, H. M. D. de, 88. Blair, R., 483, 484. Blaise Hamlet, 123. Blake, Admiral, 441. Blake, W., 484, 490. Blanchard, L., 139. Blewitt, O., 114. Bliss, P., 420. Blithburgh, 174. Bloch, M. E., 73. Blome, R., 329. Blomefield, F., 108, 148. Bloomfield, R., 174, 484. Bloomfield, S. T., 456. Blore, E., 343. Blore,T., 113, 154. Blount, 411. Blount, T., 503. Bloxam, M. H., 344. Blucher, Marshal von, 44 1 . Blunt, J. J., 397. Boate, G., 9. Bobbin, T., 132, 133. Boccone, P., i, 30. Bocton subtus le Blayne, 130. Boddaert, P., 76. Bodman, J., 181. Bodmin, no, in. Bodyam Castle, 176. Boeckel, P., 260. Bogardi, O. A., 280. Boger, C. G., 157. 522 INDEX. Bohemia, 267. Bohemia, King of, 411. Bohemia, Queen of, 411. Bohn, H. G., 344, 53- Boisgelin, L. de, 280, 285. Bokhara, 292, 297. Bolingbroke, H., 316. Bolle family, 136. Bologna, 22, 49. Bolton, J., 30, 66. Bolton, S., 329. Bonaparte, C. L., 66. Bonaparte, L., 344. Bond, T., no. Bone, R. T., 391. Bonney, H. K., 149. Bonney, T. G., 289, 294. Bonnor, T., 120. Bonpland, A., 2. Booshuana, 261. Boothia, Gulf of, 326. Borgia, Cardinal, 329. Borlase, W., no. Borneo, 12, 299. Borrow, G., 503. Boruwlaski, J., 447. BorydeSt.Vincent,J.B.M.G.,3o8. Boscobel, 411. Bosio, A., 280. Bosman, W., 308. Boston, 159. Bosville family, 129. Bossewell, J., 329. Boswell, E., 205. Boswell, J., 193, 447. Bosworth, Battle of, 135. Bouillon, Cardinal, 466. Boulogne, 436. Bourchier, J., 395. Bourget, J., 273- Bourgoing, J. F., 288. Bourne, H., 344. Bourne, V., 484. Boutell, C., 344. Bowcher, G., 215. Bowden, J., 9. Bowditch, 268. Bower, A., 397. Bowerbank, J., 446. Bowerbank, J. S., 5. Bowles, W. L., 157, 179, 484. Bovvring, Sir J., 298. Boyce, E., 443. Boys, T. S., 344. Boys, W., 89, 129. Braam, van, 30. Brabant, Duke of, 436. Bracciolini, P., 451. Brackenbury, G., 441. Brackenridge, 268. Brackenridge, H. M., 310, 317. Bradford, T. G., 310. Bradley, E., 192. Bradley, J., 298. Brady, G. S., 5. Brady, W. M., 200. Braemar, n. Braikenridge, I. M., 434, 484. Braikenridge, W., 503. Brakenridge, W., 139, 457. Bramber, 176. Brampton field, 148. Branch and Dole, 180. Branch, E., 239. Brand,J., 150,345. Brander, G., 17. Brant, S., 503. Braunschweig, H., 61. Bray, A. E., 1 14. Bray, W., 97, 449. Braybrooke, Lord, 450. Brayley, E. W., 97, 114, 120, 129, 139, 174- Brazil, 259, 263, 265, 267, 268, 316, 319. Brechin, 192. Bredow, G. G., 394. Bree, C. R., 66. Bremhill, 179. Brent, C., 247. Brent, Sir N., 405. Brenton, E. P., 441. Breslau, 395. Breton, 299. Bretton, 471. Brewer, J. N., 120, 124, 200. Brewster, J., 118. Brewster, M. M., 273. Breyn, J., 30. Brez, J., 31. Brickdale, M., 229. Bridel, S. E. A., 31. Bridges, J., 150, 205. Bridges, N., 73. INDEX. 523 Bridgwater, 159, 161,217. Bridgewater, Earl of, 416. Bridlington, 186. Bright, B. H., 469. Brislington, 31. Brisson, 309. Brisson, M. J., I, 66. Bristol,23, 58,73, 157, 159, 164,203- 255, 353, 373, 393, 454, 463,479- Bristol Cathedral, 98, 102, 105,206, 207, 227. Bristol Institution, 75. Bristol Naturalists' Society, I. Bristol Road, 104. Bristol Stranger, 228. Bristol and Gloucester Archaeo- logical Society, 121, 206. Bristol, J., 411. Britain, J., 239, 256. Britannicus, 215. British Association, 157, 166, 206. British Columbia, 11, 313, 314. British Guiana, 317. British Institution, 345. British Museum, 337, 338,345, 348, 383, 469- Briton, ship, 270. Brittany, 274, 275, 395, 461. Brittany, Duchess of, 434. Britton, J., 97, 98, 114, 120, 121, 127, 129, 139, 141, 157, 167, 178- 180, 206, 345, 346, 448. Broad, J. S., 208. Broadfoot, A., 239. Brockett, J. T., 503. Brockley Hall, 157. Broderip, W. J., 89. Brodie, P. B., 17. Brodrick, W., 70. Bromfield, W. A., 31, 262. Bromley, H., 346. Bromley, Sir G., 411. Brooke, Rajah, 299. Brooke, R., 411. Brooke, T. H., 308. Brooks, J., 247. Brougham, Lord, 412. Broughton, A., 31. Broughton, T., 247, 397. Broussonet, P. M. A., 73. Browall, J., 39. Brown, C. B., 317. Brown, J., 192, 244, 504. Brown, J. R., 310. Brown, P., 67. Brown, R., 5. Brown, T., 90. Browne, J., 98. Browne, P., 9. Browne, T., 397. Browne, Sir T., 148, 504. Browning, E. B., 484. Browning, R., 484, 485. Brownlow, W. R., 284. Browsholme, 184. Bruin, G., 262. Brunet, J. C., 469. Brunnich, M. T., 18. Brunswick- Lunenburgh family, 437, 57- Bruton, 164. Bryan, M., 346. Bryan, P., 330. Bryant, E., 310. Bryant, J., 212. Bryant, J. F., 247. Bryce, J., 17. Brydges, Sir E., 331, 470, 492. Brydges, Sir H. J., 292. Brydone, P., 280. Brydson, T., 330. Buchan, P., 485. Buchanan, G., 412, 485. Buchanan, J. L., 192. Buchanan, W., 346. Buchavia, 260. Buchoz, 31. Buckingham, Duke of, 415. Buckingham, Earl of, 216. Buckingham, J. S., 292, 310. Buckingham Palace, 366. Buckinghamshire, 97, 99, 100, 103, 107, 392,421. Buckland, W., 17. Buckler, C., 346. Buckler, J. C., 99, 129, 346. Buckman, 121. Buckman, J., 31. Buckton, G. B., 5. Budd, H., 202. Budgett, S., 204. Buenos Ayres, 268, 317. Bulgaria, 294. Bulkeley, J., 322. 524 INDEX. Bull, Bishop, 457. Bullar, H., 308. Bullar, J., 125, 308. Bulliard, P., 31, 32. Bullington, 151. Bullock, W., 310, 314. Bunbury, Sir H., 508. Bundy, J., 257. Bunnett, F. E., 439. Bunyan, J., 247. Burbidge, F. W., 32, 298. Burbidge, T., 485. Burckhardt, 268. Burder, W. C., 207. Burdock, M. A., 239. Burgess, H. W., 32. Burgess, J. C., 346. Burghersh, Lord, 441. Burghley House, 149. Burghley, Lord, 424. Burgum, H., 214. Burke, E., 200, 434. Burke, J., 330. Burke, J. B., 99, 330. Burke, R. O'H., 323. Burmah, 298, 299, 375. Burmann, J., 32. Burmann, N. L., 32. Burmeister, H., 5, 77. Burn, J. S., 330. Burn, R., 113, 281. Burnaby, F., 292. Burnes, A., 292. Burnet, Bishop, 397, 412. Burnet, J., 346. Burnett, G., 511. Burney, C., 346. Burniston, 184. Burns, R., 198, 245, 485, 486. Burrington, G., 139. Burt, L, 139. Burton, E., 281, 397. Burton, H., 398. Burton, J. H., 470. Burton, R., 140, 441. Burton, S., 346. Burton, W., 134. Bury, E., 247. Bury, S., 247. Bury St. Edmunds, 128. Buscombe, Mrs., 239. Bush, H., 207. Bush, R. W., 140. Bussey, G. M., 434. Butcher, R., 135. Butler, A,, 398. Butler, Bishop, 457. Butler, C., 398, 405. Butler, S., 247, 486. Butler, W. F., 310. Buttersworth, J., 158, 239. Byam family, 158. Byam, G., 317. Byrne, W., 99. Byron, Admiral, 266, 450. Byron, J., 262. Byron, Lord, 486. C., I., 197, 239. C., J., 140. C., S., 158. C., T., 347. Cabot, S., 237. Cabul, 442. Cadiz, 263. Caerleon, 189. Caernarvon, 189. Caesar, Julius, 388, 475. Cailliaud, F., 302. Cairo, 303. Calabria, 83, 285. > Calahan, C., 239. Calais, 378, 436. Calamy, Dr., 421. Calcott, M., 434. Calcutta, 298. Caley, J., 354. California, 310, 315. Callot, J., 360. Calmet, A., 457. Calonne, de, 372. Calverley, 129. Calvin, J., 457. Cambridge, 36, 48, 54, 108, 325. 348, 380, 400, 424. Cambridge, Camden Society, 347. Cambridge, Earls of, 415. Cambridgeshire, 28, 99, 103, 104, 108. Cambuskenneth, 194. Camden, W., 99, 412. Camden Society, 504. Cameron, P., 5. Cameron, V. L., 305. INDEX. 525 Cametti, O., 25. Campagna, 281. Campbell, J., 306. Campbell, Colonel W., 296. Campbell, Lord G., 262. Campbell, T., 486. Campion, J. S., 310. Canada, 10, n, 268, 309, 311-314, 316. Canary Islands, 308, 375. Candia, 304. Cannes, 273, 274, 504. Canonbury Tower, 140. Canova, A., 347. Canterbury, 129, 132, 177, 465. Canterbury Cathedral, 98, 99, 105, 13, 130, 338. Cantire, 192. Canynges family, 214, 336. Canynges, W., 220. Cape of Good Hope, 32, 267, 307. Cape Horn, 263. Caraboo, 226. Carberd, J., 239. Card, H., 183. Cardiffe, A., 465. Cardiffe, J., 465. Cardigan, 189. Cardonnel, A. de, 192. Carew, R., no. Carew, T., 247. Carhampton, 169. Carlisle, 113. Carlisle Cathedral, 105. Carlisle, Earl of, 291. Carlos, E. I., 140. Carnac, 274. Carne, J., 262, 292. Carnipla, 56, 84. Carolina, 265, 309, 315. Caroline, Queen, 349. Caroline, ship, 296. Carpenter, W. B., 5. Carr, J., 200. Carr, Sir J., 262. Carre, J., 207. Carrieres, des, 447. Cart, T., 421. Carter, J., 347. Carter, M., 330. Carteret, 266. Cartmel, 134. Cartwright, E., 176. Carver, J., 310. Gary, H., 412. Gary, J., 247, 248, 296. Cary, T., 248. Cassan, S. H., 398. Castaldus, J., 260. Castellan, 268. Castle Combe, 183. Castlemaine, Earl of, 433. Catcott, A., 248. Catcott, A. S., 208, 246, 248. Catcott, G., 165. Catcott, G. S., 121, 257. Cathedrals, English, 103, 105 (see also under separate entries). Cathedrals, French, 391. Cathedrals, German, 277. Callow, A., 90. Caucasus, Indian, 300. Caulfield, J., 425, 448. Caussin, N., 504, 505. Cavalcaselle, G. B., 351. ' Cave, H., 184. Cave, J., 248. Cave, W., 398, 406. Cavendish, W., Duke of New- castle, 505. Caversfeelde, 421. Cawden, 180. Cayenne, 265. Cederhielm, J., 77. Ceely, C., 264. Celebes, 299. Cellini, B., 347. Centurion, ship, 271. Cerutus, B., 14. Cervantes, M., 505. Cetacea, 65. Ceylon, 13, 32, 73, 295, 297, 298. Chacon, A., 281. Chaffers, W., 347. Chafin, W., 179. Chaillu, P. B. de, 305. Chaldaea, 294. Chalk Hundred, 180. Challenger, ship, 262, 271. Chalmers, A., 448, 496. Chalmers, G., 412. Chamberlain, H., 140. Chambers, R., 17, 193. Champion, R., 373. 526 INDEX. Chandler, 421. Chandler, M., 158. Chandler, R., 348, 353, 448. Channel Islands, 28, 202. Chanticleer, ship, 272. Chapbooks, 248. Chapel Allerton, 55. Chapel Royal, 194. Chapman, G., 476. Chapman, H., 158, 163. Chapuy, N. M. J., 348. Chard, 169. Charing Cross, 144. Charlemagne, 437, 505. Charles I., King of England, 177, 3*5, 376, 388, 409-4 i 3> 420, 422, 43i, 433> 51- Charles II., King of England, 369, 388, 396, 410, 411, 414, 419, 420, 429, 433. Charles II., King of Spain, 437. Charles III., King of Spain, 434. Charles V., Emperor, 438, 439. Charles City, 312. Charleton, Dr., 181. Charleton, W., i. Charlevoix, P. F. X. de, 320. Charlotte, Princess, 254. Charlotte, Queen, 386. Charron, W., 441. Charterhouse, 138, 142. Charters, 121, 209, 210. Chartres Cathedral, 348. Chartres, Due de, 441. Chastellux, Marquis de, 311. Chateaubriand, Vicomte de, 262. Chateauvieux, 268. Chatelet, Due de, 288. Chatterton, T., 210-214. Chatto, W. A., 348, 364. Chaucer, G., 486. Chaumereix, de, 181. Chauncey, Sir H., 127. Chauncy, I., 239. Cheapside Cross, 141, 144. Cheddar, 163. Chelsea, 139. Cheltenham, 31, 121, 123. Chelwood, 165. Cherler, J. H., 29. Cheshire, n, 99, 103-105, 109. Chester, 109. Chester Cathedral, 105. Chester, Earl of, 177, 415. Chester, W. B., 124. Chetwind, E., 249. Chetwind, J., 394. Chetwynd, J., 249. Chichele family, 330. Chichele, A. S., 330. Chichele, T., 330. Chichester, 176. Chichester Cathedral, 105. Chilcott, 214, 221. Child, B., 240. Childers family, 186. Chili, 317, 318. China, 30, 31, 259, 261, 271, 296, 299, 30, 314. China Sea, 9. Chinnock, F., 158. Cholmley, Sir H., 1 59. Christ Church Priory, 125. Christian IV., King of Denmark, 439-. Christina, Queen, 361. Chudley, G., 159. Church of Christ, 226, 227. Church Notes, 99. Churchill, C., 486. Churchill, Lord, 169. Churchill, Sir W., 413. Cicero, 475. Cinque Ports, 129, 131. Circassia, 292, 294. Cirencester, 121, 122. Cirencester, Richard of, 451. Civil War, 412-414. Civil War Tracts, no, in, 114, 122, 124, 158-160, 215-219. Claremont, 330. Clarendon, Lord, 413, 414. Clark, C., 133. Clark, H., 263, 330. Clarke, A., 454. Clarke, C., 348. Clarke, E. D., 348. Clarke, J. S., 414, 441, 489. Clarke, S., 398, 399- Clarke, T. H., 348. Claudian, 475. Claughton, 184. Clausentum, 389. Clayfield's balloon, 204. INDEX. 527 Clayton, J., 33. Clergy, 219. Clerk, C., 82. Clerkenwell, 140, 141. Clermont, Lord, 9. Clevedon Court, 162. Cleveland, 185. Clifford, A., 173. Clifford, T., 173. Clitheroe, 234. Clough, A. H., 485, 486. Clusius, C., 33. Clydesdale, 17. Clyst St. George, 1 1 5. Coats, J., 331. Cochin, C. N., 181. Cochinchina, 261, 268, 298. Cockburn, J., 317. Cockburn, Lieut.-General, 263. Cockerell, C. R., 160, 278. Cockram, Col, 218. Coghill, Sir J., 369. Coker, J., 117. Colchester, 119. Golden, C., 311. Coldicutt, J., 348. Coldstream Priory, 194. Cole, E. S., 1 60. Cole,]., 149, 150, 184. Coleridge, H., 487, 505. Coleridge, S., 506. Coleridge, S. T., 487, 505, 506. Coles, W., 33. Collier, J., 506. Collier, J. P., 470. Collingwood, C., 9. Collingwood, G. L. N., 442. Collingwood, Lord, 442. Collins, A., 331. Collins, Capt., 257. Collins, E., 249. Collins, R-, 249. Collins, W., 487, 489. Collinson, J., 161. Collyns, C. P., 9. Colmate, 25. Colnett, J., 263. Colquhoun, J., 193. Colston, E., 208, 246, 249. Columbia, 312. Columbia river, 311. Columna, F., 33. Colvolo, G. dal, 33. Combe, W., 249. Commelinus, C., 33. Commelinus, J., 33. Condy, N., in. Coney, J., 349. Congress, ship, 317. Conington, J., 481. Conrad, T. A., 90. Constantine, 365. Constantinople, 268, 290. Conybeare, J. J., 487. Conybeare, W., 17. Conybeare, W. D., 17, 249. Conybeare, W. J., 458, 487. Cook, J., 263, 404. Cook, T., 362. Cook, W., 266. Cooke, E., 237. Cooke, E. W., 349. Cooke, G., 99. Cooke, G. A., 161. Cooke, W., 125, 349. Cooke, W. B., 99, 281. Cookery, 34 1, 389. Coole, B., 219. Coomb, 220. Coombe, W., 487. Cooper, Miss, 9. Copenhagen, 439. Cordova, 268. Cork, 25, 252, 264, 355. Corker, J., 426. Cornelius, 268. Cornwall, 23, 25, no, 114-116,219, 45i, 479- Cornwall, Earl of, 415. Cornwallis, Marquis of, 443. Coronations, 349, 386. Corrozet, G., 365, 366. Corry, J., 133, 220. Corsham House, 179. Corsica, 267, 283. Costa, E. M. da, 18, 90. Costello, L. S., 434. Costume, 346, 349, 350, 356, 363, 368, 369, 372, 375, 376,378, 384. Cothele, in. Cotman, J. S., 108, 148, 350. Cottle, J., 161, 249, 506. Cotton, C., 74, 173. Cotton, Sir R. B., 414. 528 INDEX. Cotton, W., 176. Cottonian Library, 469, 472. Couch, J., 73. Counsel, G. W., 122. Coventry, 177, 383. Coventry, Countess of, 465. Coverdale, M., 402, 454. Cowley, A., 325, 487. Cowper, W., 107, 448, 449, 451, 458, 476, 477, 488, 493. Cox, R., 311. Cox, W., 399. Coxe, W., 1 88, 286, 290, 434. Cozens, Z., 129. Crabbe, G., 488. Grace, J. C., 140. Craik, G. L., 414. Crail, 194. Cramer, J. A., 281. Cranbourn Chase, 179. Cranch, J., 179, 181. Cranmer, Archbishop, 456, 458. Crantz, H. J. N., 33. Crashaw, R., 488. Craven, 185, 187. Craven, R. K., 281. Crawford, Lord, 356, 357. Crawfurd, J., 298. Creed, C., 350, 351. Cremer, Abbot, 511. Crests, 331. Crete, 291. Criche, P. S., 165. Crichton, A. W., 9. Crickhowell, 188. Crimea, 286, 311,441. Croft, J., 181. Crofts, Sir H., 213. Croker, T. C., 200. Croly, G., 294. Cromek, R. H., 486. Cromwell family, 425. Cromwell, O., 218, 388, 404, 417, 418,420,427,430. Cromwell, R., 419. Cromwell, T., 119, 140. Cronstedt, A. T., 18. Cronycke van Hollant, 434. Croscombe, 170. Crosby Hall or Place, 138, 140, 143. Cross, T., 249. Crouch, E. A., 90. Crouch, N., 441. Crowe,J. A., 351. Croydon, 175. Croyland Abbey, 135. Cruikshank, G., 351, 352. Cruiser, African, 309. Cuba, 314. Cuitt, G., 109. Cullum, Sir J., 174. Cumberland, 103, 104, 113. Cumberland, G., 18, 188, 352. Gumming, C. F. G., 193. Gumming, J. G., 202. Gumming, R. G., 306. Cummins, J., 322. Cunaeus, P., 407. Cunningham, A., 352. Cunningham, Earl of Glencairn, 196. Cunningham, R. O., 10. Cupar Angus, 194. Curnick, T., 249. Curtis, H., 34. Curtis, J., 77, 134. Curtis, W., 34. Curtius, 475. Curzon, R., 290. Cuthbert, St., 119. Cutts, E. L., 352. Cuvier, Baron, 18, 77. Cyprian, St., 458. Cyprus, 267. D, R. W., 34. D'Albertis, L. M., 323. Dale, S., 119. Dalechamps, J., 34. Dallas, W. S., 78. Dallaway, H., 175, 331. Dallaway, J., 176, 210, 220, 257, 290, 331, 352, 353, 389- Dalmatia, 339, 384. Damascus, 303. Dampier, W., 263, 265. Danby, Earl of, 426. Dane-John, 465. Dangerfield, T., 426. Daniel, P., 241. Daniel, S., 414. Danneburie, J. A., 220. Danube, 277. INDEX. 529 D'Anville, 506. Darell, W., 130. Darling, J., 470. Darracott, R., 162. Dart, J., 130, 140. Dartmoor, 115. Darwin, C., i, 5, 34, 75. Dasent, Sir G. W., 286, 506. Dashwood, S., 241. Daubeny, C., 18. Dauphiny, 280. Daus, J., 438. David, F. A., 282, 353. Davidson, J., 114, 196. Davies, E., 353, 399. Davies, J., 118. Davies, W., 249, 282. Davis, J., 161, 212, 213, 323, 405. Davisson, J., 161. Davy, H., 353. Davy, J., 73. Dawson, J., 148. Dawson, T., 331. Day, C. W., 320. Dayes, E., 100. Death, W., 442. Debrett, J., 331. De Bye, 355. Decandolle, A. P., 54, 90. Decker, T., 249. Deering, C., 151. Dee Side, 11. Defoe, D., 506. De la Garde, 249. Delamotte, W. A., 175. Delaroche, P., 387. Deleuze, 14. Dellius, H., 260. Demerary, 316. Democritus, 404. Denham, Sir J., 500. Denholme, J., 193. Denmark, 51, 218, 285, 286, 311, 439- Denne, S., 130, 353. Denny, H., 78. Denon, V., 302. Derby, 103. Derby, Earls of, 416, 477. Derbyshire, 11, 22, 43, 97, 100, 104, 113, 114. Derham, W., 77. Desborough, 107. Descartes, 404. Desfontaines, R., 35. Deshayes, G. P., 18, 90. Dethick, H., 337. Deuchar, D., 362. Deverel Barrow, 117 Deverell, M., 250. Devizes, 182, 240. Devonshire, 9, 10, 23, 25, 44, 103, 114-116, 219. Devonshire, Dukes of, 415. Dibdin, C., 100. Dibdin, T. F., 340, 470, 471, 5 12. Dicey, E., 282. Dickens, C., 282. Dickson, J., 35. Dickson, W. P., 408. Dido, ship, 299. Digby, Capt, 158. Digby, Lord G., 215. Dijon Cathedral, 348. Dilettanti Society, 353. Dilke, Sir C., 263. Dillen, J. J., 35- Dillon, J. T., 288. Dillwyn, L. L., 12. Dillwyn, L. W., 18, 19, 35, 60, 78, 1 88. Diocletian, 339. Dioscorides, 476. Disney, J., 181. Dix, J., 212, 222. Dixon, E. S., 67. Dixon, F., 19. Dixon, G., 31 1. Dodd, J. S., 74. Dodd, J. W., 489. Dodoens, R., 35. Dodson, Mrs , 222. Dodsworth, W., 179. Doe, J., 240. Dollman, F. T., 353. Dolman, J., 122. Dolomites, 277. Dolphin, ship, 262. Dolphin Society, 251. Domenech, E., 311. Domesday, 100, 121, 162, 183. Dominica, 320. Domville alias Taylor, S., 119. Donaldson, T. L., 278. 530 INDEX. Donati, A., 49. Doncaster, 186. Doncaster, Earl of, 186. Donn, B., 250. Donn, J., 36. Donne, B., 237. Donovan, E., 74, 78, 91, 188. Door, 127. Dorsetshire, 100, 117, 118, 219, 312. Douce, F., 353, 354. Douglas, Col., 252. Douglas, J. W., 5, 78. Douglas, Sir R., 331, 332. Doulas Abbey, 461. Dover, 131. Dover Castle, 130, 131. Dovercourt, 119. Dovington Priory, 130. Dowden, E., 501. Down, 200. Downefall of Dagon, 141. Downton, 180. Drake, Sir F., 264, 440, 441. Drakenborch, 477. Drayson, A. W., 306. Dresden, 444. Dreves, F., 36. Drokensford, Bishop, 170. Druids, 179, 183, 274, 387, 399. Drummond, H., 305. Drury, D., 78. Drury, R., 308. Dryandus, J., 260. Dryden, J., 489. Dublin, 202. Ducarel, 175. Du Chassaut, Comte de, 441. Duck, J. N., 10. Dudley, R., Earl of Leicester, 414. Duff, ship, 268. Dufferin, Lord, 314. Dugdale, S., 426. Dugdale, Sir W., 141, 332, 333, 354, 448. Duke, E., 179. Duke, ship, 237. Du Lac, P., 311. Dumont, 268. Duncan, J., 87. Duncomb, J., 127. Dunkin, J., 151. Dunkirk, 435, 436. Dunlop, J., 435. Dunn, R., 67. Dunsford, M., 114. Dunstanville family, 183. Dunwich, 174. Dunworth, 180. Dupin, 268. Du Pin, L. E., 399. Duppa, R., 36, 264. Durbin, H., 223. Durham, 104, 118, 119, 426. Durham Cathedral, 105, 118. Dusseldorff Gallery, 354, 372. Dutchess, ship, 237. Duthy, J., 125. Du Val, J, 78. Dwight, H. G. O., 294. Dyde, W., 122. Dyer, G., 100. Dyer, J., 483. Dyer, W. T. T., 59. Dyson, R. R., 137. Eagles, J., 253. Earle, J., 162. Earle, T., 226. Earthquakes, 23, 223, 235, 321. East, T., 162. Easterbrook, J., 165, 245. East India Co., 272. Eaton, 479. Eben-Ezer, 217. Eburne, R., 162. Echard, L., 399. Ecton, 149, 150. Eden, J., 257, 274, 456. Edgar family, 194. Edinburgh, 28, 87, 192-194, 197, 199. Edmonds, C., 475. Edmondson, J., 332. Edmonston, A., 193. Edward the Confessor, 386. Edward L, 341, 388. Edward III., 341, 448. Edward IV., 425. Edward VI., 386, 419, 429, 430, 432. Edwards, 221. Edwards, A. B., 277. Edwards, B., 320. INDEX. 53i Edwards, E., 354. Edwards, G., 26, 67. Edwards, S., 36. Edwards, W. E., 246. Egan, P., 162. Egerton, Lady, 292. Eglesfield, F., 414. Eglisham, G., 216. Egypt, 8, 10, 27, 261, 262, 265, 267, 268, 270, 293, 296, 301-304, 354, 375, 376, 381, 388, 393, 436, 440, 444, 446. Eikon Basilike, 413. Elections, 223-225. Elgin, Lord, 300, 354. Elizabeth, Queen, 207, 315, 348, 352, 358, 365, 37i, 376, 379, 409, 410, 412, 419, 425, 429, 430, 432, 433, 470. Elizabeth's Hospital, Queen, 208, 209. Ellacombe, H. N., 36. Ellacombe, H. T., 115, 122, 162, 354. Elliot, C. B., 286. Ellis, H., 141,311,345,354,415. Ellis, J., 88. Ellis, W., 323. Elmes, J., 354, 448. Elmete, 187. Elora, 297. Elstow Abbey, 106. Eltham, 35, 129. Elton, C. A., 250. Elton, C. I., 415. Elton, I., 237. Ely Cathedral, 102, 105, 108. Emblems, 355, 365. Emmeram, St., 502. Emra, L., 250. Encyclopaedia, London, 506. Enfield, 128. England, T. R., 355. England, Description of, 506, 507. England in 1588, 415. England, Kings of, 415. England's Glory, 416. England's Triumph, 416. England's Worthies, 416. Englefield, Sir H. C., 125, 355. Eo-Nauts, 225. Epsom, 175. Erasmus, 508. Ernesti, J. A., 475. Esquimaux, 325. Ess, L. van, 455. Essequibo, 316. Essex, 62, 102, 119, 120, 400. Este family, 435. Etchings, 355. Ethiopia, 305. Etna, 283. Etruria, 282. Eumenes, 250. Euripides, 476. Europe, 260, 261, 268, 273, 394, 396. Eusebius, 399. Eustace, J. C., 282. Evagrius, 399, 400. Evans, A. B., 135. Evans, C., 250. Evans, J., 220-222, 225, 250. Evelyn, J., 36, 449. Everley, 180. Evesham, 183, 184. Exeter, 115, 159, 219. Exeter Cathedral, 98, 105, 115. Exeter Essays, 1 1 5. Exeter, Marquis of, 415. Exley, T., 250. Exmoor, 163, 167. Eyre, V., 442. Eyton, T. C., 66, 67. Faber, G. S., 399. Fabritius, P., 260. Fabyan, R., 416. Fagianaja, La, 25. Fairfax, Lord, 218. Fairfax, Sir T., no, 159, 445. Fairford, 122. Fairholt, F. W., 490. Falconer, R., 264. Falconer, W., 483, 489. Farey, J., 113. Faria, F. de, 426. Faria i Sousa, M. de, 435. Farley, 163, 172. Farley, F., 250. Farmer, J., 119. Farmer, R., 225. Farr, S., 250. Fashionable Guide, 101. 532 INDEX. Fastolf family, 183. Faversham, 44, 130. Fawcett, B., 162. Fearnside, W. G., 279. Feldborg, A. A., 286. Fell, J., 212. Fellovves, W. D., 274. Fenn, J., 425. Fennes, river, 265. Fenton, R., 188. Ferdinand, King of Aragon, 438. Feme, J., 332. Feroe Islands, 287. Ferrari, G. B., 36. Ferrey, B., 125. Feyerabend, S., 479. Field of the Cloth of Gold, 391. Fiennes, N., 215, 216, 417. Fife, 197, 199. Figken, B., 404. Filey, 184. Finden, E., 101. Finden, W., 101. Fischer, 311. Fischer, F. A., 288. Fisher, 268. Fisher, P., 435. Fisher, J., 106, 355. Fittler, J., 454. Fitton, W. H., 19. Fitzclarence, Col., 265, 268. Fitzharris, E., 426. Fitzroy, R., 265. Flanders, 272, 279, 377, 395, 435- Flanders, Earl of, 434. Flaxman, J., 355. Fleming, 195. Fletcher, F., 264. Fletcher, J., 250. Florence, 282, 380, 437. Florus, 476. Flower, E., 226. Flower, J., 135. Fontainebleau, 446. Fonthill Abbey, 178, 179, 182. Forbes, E., 5, 74- Forbes, J. D., 19. Forbin, 268. Ford, E., 128. Ford, Lord Grey, 417. Ford, R., 288. Ford, T., 246. Fordun, 197. Forest of Dean, 123. Forrest, T., 298. Forster, E., 355. Forster, G., 37. Forster, J. R., 10, 37. Forster, T., 67. Forsyth, R , 193. Fortescue, Sir E., 159. Fortitude, ship, 445. Fortune, R., 299, 300. Fortunees, Isles, 308. Fosbrooke, T. D., 101, 122, 188, 356, 449- Foster, B., 141. Foster, J., 250. Foster, Sir M., 222. Fothergill, C., 67. Fotheringhay, 149, 425. Fowler, W., 177, 356, 357. Fox, C. J., 417. Fox, F. F., 225. Fox, J., 400. Fox, R., 128. Framlingham, 174. France, 12, 23, 29-32, 64, 260, 266-270, 272-276, 334, 349, 358, 377, 395, 4i6, 434, 436, 43^, 442, 444, 446, 449, 55- Francis I., 387, 435, 437- Francis, G. W., 37. Francquart, J., 328. Franklin, B., 449. P'ranklin, Sir J., 325, 327. Franks, A. W., 357. Fraser, J. B., 293. Freame, J., 250. Freebridge, 149. Freeman, E. A., 162, 357, 394, 417. Freeman, G. E., 67. Freemasons, 352. Freer, M. W., 435. Frejus, 274. Freke, E., 253. Fremenville, 268. French Bay, 265. Frezier, 317. Friedrichsthal, 50. Friesland, 434. Frisch, J. L., 79. Frisia, 260. INDEX. 533 Froger, F., 265. Froissart. J., 395. Frome, 161, 162. Frost, C, 185. Frustfield, 180. Fry, E., 357. Fry, J., 471- Fuchs, L., 37. Fuessly, J. G., 79. Fulham, 139. Fuller, T., 357, 400, 458, 508. Fuller's Rents, 126. Funnell, W., 265. Furness, 134. Furniture, 357. Fuseli, H., 375. G., L. B., 162. G., W., 417. Gaertner, J., 37. Gainsburgh, 137. Gaisford, T., 476. Gale, S., 125. Galle, C., 328. Galle, J., 358. Gait, J., 290. Gallon, F., 306. Gambado, G., 508. Gambia, 265. Gandy, J. P., 282. Gardiner, A. F., 306. Gardiner, Bishop, 458. Gardner, E., 250. Gardner, T., 174. Garrard, T., 208. Garroway, Alderman, no. Garter, Order of the, 328, 331. Garvey, M. A., 438. Gascoigne, G., 358, 452. Cask, Lairds of, 194. Gaspey, T., 434. Gay, J., 482, 489- Gazetteer, 266, 274. Geikie, Sir A., 19. Cell, Sir W., 278, 282. Gellibrand, H., 325. Gellius, A., 476. Gems, 358, 359. Gennes, De, 265. Genoa, 49, 273, 280. Gent, T., 185. Gentleman's Recreations, 508. Geoffrey of Monmouth, 417. George 1 , 349, 427. George II., 349. George III., 380, 386, 412, 414, 432. George IV., 371. Georgians, 309, 315. Gerarde, J., 37. Germany, 19, 42, 63, 64, 79, 262, 267-269, 276, 279, 336, 349, 358, 377, 39, 444, 446. Gerrard, Col., 215. Gersaint, 358. Gesner, C., 2. Ghent, 344. Ghizeh, 303. Gibbon, E.. 407. Gibbs, S., 162. Gibraltar, 44, 263, 303, 446. Gibson, M., 127. Gifford, C. H., 442. Gilbert, C. S., in. Gilbert, D., iir, 489. Gilbert, J., 250. Gilbert, W., 250. Gildas, 418. Giles, R., 223. Gilfillan, G., 482-486, 488-491, 493- 497, 499-501. Gillingwater, E., 174. Gillmore, P., 311. Gilly, W. S., 282. Ginanni, Comte, 38. Giovio, P., 358. Giraud, J. B., 274. Giseke, P. D., 38. Gisors, 378. Gissa, 35. Gissing, T. W., 38. Gladstone, W. E., 508. Glanvil, J., 508. Glasgow, 193, 194. Glass, 342, 357, 358, 375, 379, 39>. Glastonbury, 1 58, 160, 163, 164, 172. Gleig, G. R., 442. Glencairn, Earl of, 196. Glomy, 358. Gloucester, 103. Gloucester, Bishop of, 223. Gloucester Cathedral, 98, 102, 105, 120, 367. Gloucester, Duke of, 415. 534 INDEX. Gloucester, Robert of, 420. Gloucestershire, 100, 105, 120-124, 219, 257. Gmelin, J. G., 38. Godalming, 10. Goddard, W., 163. Godefroy, F., 359. Godfrey, Sir E., 426. Godman, F. du C., 10. Godmanchester, 128. Godwin, Bishop, 418. Godwin, E. W., 207. Godwin, G., 141. Godwin, W., 359. Godwyn, T., 225, 226. Goedaert, J., 79. Goff, J., 332. Gold, F., 289. Goldfuss, A., 19. Goldsmith, O., 418, 489. Goldwin, W., 226. Gonsalvius Montanus, R., 400. Gooch, E. S. V. R., 257. Gooch, Mrs., 257. Gooch, W., 257. Goode, W., 458. Goodere, Sir J. D., 240. Goodere, S., 240, 241. Goodrich Castle, 120. Goodsir, R. A., 325. Gordon's Eliz. More, 197. Gore, Mrs., 274. Gorlaeus, A., 359. Gorrie, D., 193. Gosse, P. H., 10, 67, 68, 188. Gostling, W., 177. Gottingen, 39, 63, 64. Gottlieb, J. C., 481. Gouan, A., 38. Goudemetz, H., 436. Gough, R., 120, 135, 359. Gough, S., 251. Gould, J., 68. Gould, W., 79. Goulde, W., 163. Gourbillon, 268. Gower, F., 109. Goyder, D. G., 208. Gradibus, J. de, 509. Grafton, R., 418, 419. Graham, 298. Grahame, J., 500. Grammont, Count, 449. Grampian Club, 193, 194. Granada, 289. Granger, J., 359, 360, 449. Grant, A., 293. Grant, J., 194, 360. Graves, J., 185. Gravesend, 131. Gray, G. R., 79. Gray,J.F., 38. Gray, Mrs. H., 282. Gray, T., 489-491- Great Alexander, ship, 442. Great Grimsby, 136. Greatheed, S., 449, 458. Greaves, J., 302. Greece, 262, 268, 270, 278, 291, 408, 409. Green, J. H., 360. Green, J. R., 418. Green, M., 483. Green, R., 426. Greene, E. B., 211. Greenhill, T., 360. Greenland, 259. Greenock, 199. Greenwood, C., 163. Greenwood, J., 163. Gregory, G., 212. Gregory, J. M., 360. Greig, J., 198. Greswell, E., 493. Greville family, 332. Greville, R. K., 43. Grew, N., 14, 38. Grey, Lady J., 421. Grey, Lord, 417. Grey, Sir G., 323. Grey, Z., 486. Griffith, E., 65. Griffith, S. Y., 123. Griffiths,;., 366. Grimshawe, 488. Grinfield, T., 251. Grittleton, 180. Grobert, J., 303. Gronovius, J. F., 38, 39. Gronovius, L. T., 14, 33. Grose, F., 360, 361, 389, 508. Grosvenor House, 393. Grote, G., 408. Grotius, H. 458. INDEX. 535 Gualtieri, N., 91. Guardian, 509, 515. Guernsey, 202. Guest, Lady, 509. Guiana, 316. Guido Papa, 509. Guidott, T., 163. Guildford, 175. Guillemeau, 39. Guillim, J., 333. Guinea, 238, 259, 308. Guizot, F. P. G., 395, 4i8, 4 '9, 436. Gunn, J., 361. Gunn, W., 283. Giinther, A. C. L. G., 5. Gurney, J., 163. Gurney, J. H., 10, 68. Gurney, J. J., 320. Gustavus, King of Sweden, 399. Gutch, J., 419. Gutch, J. M., 223, 226, 490. Guthrie, M., 286. Guy's Cliff, 178. Gwilt, J., 142. H ., J., 449. H., T., 311,419- H., Sir T., 504. Habershon, M., 361. Habington, J., 418. Hacke, W., 325. Haecht Goidtsenhoven, L. v., 436. Hafod, 1 88. Hagen, K. G., 39. Haggitt, J., 361. Haghe, L., 279. Hakewill, J., 106. Hale, Sir M., 459. Halfpenny, J., 185. Halifax, 30. Hall, A. M., 101, 201. Hall, Bishop, 454, 459- Hall, C. F., 325. Hall, E., 419. Hall, H. B., 163. Hall, P., 117, 1 80. Hall, R., 261. Hall, S., 260. Hall, S. C., 101, 201, 490. Hallam, A. H., 490. Hallam, H., 395, 419, 471. Hallamshire, 185. Halle, 24. Halle, J., 179. Halle, J. S., 39. Haller, A. v., 39, 40. Halliwell, J. O., in, 419, 509. Halma, F., 509. Halsey, J., 459. Halstead, C. A., 419. Hamburg, 218, 266. Hamilton, A., 449. Hamilton, G., 361. Hamilton, G. E., 361. Hamilton, J. P., 312. Hamilton, Marquis of, 216. Hamilton, Sir W., 283, 387. Hamilton, W., 201, 303. Hammersmith, 139. Hammond, H., 459. Hamper, W., 177, 448. Hampshire, 100, 104, 125, 126. Hampstead, 144. Hampton Court, 137. Hancock, A., 4. Hancock, E., 251. Hanham, F., 40. Hanley, S., 74, 91- Hanover, 277. Hansard Knollys Society, 226. Hanwell, Dr., 168. Harcourt, J., 246. Hardcastle, T., 251. Harding, I. D., 123. Hardwick, 174. Hardy, C., 312. Hardy, R. W. H., 312. Hardyng, J., 419. Hare, A. J. C., 142. Hare, A. W., 509. Hare, J.C., 408, 509, 515. Harefield, 29. Harford, J. S., 251, 361, 474. Hargrove, E., 509. Hargrove, W., 185. Harington, E., 163. Harington, Sir J., 419. Harkstow, 136. Harlan, J., 296. Harleian Miscellany, 420. Harral, T., 101. Harris, B., 396. Harris, M., 79. 536 INDEX. Harris, Major, 305, 306. Harrison, J. P., 151 Harrison, W. H., 288. Harsdorffer, G. P., 333. Hart, Sir R., 226. Harting, J., 68. Hartshorne, C. H., 150. Harvey, H., 251. Harvey, W. H., 40. Harwich, 119. Harwood, T., 174. Hasell, S., 180. Haslerig, Sir A., 218. Hassell, J., 361. Hassia, 260. Hasted, E., 130. Hastings, 19, 176. Hatfield House, 128. Havercamp, S., 361. Haweis, J. O. W., 400. Hawker, P., 20. Hawkesworth, J., 266, 515. Hawkins, E., 362. Hawkins, J., 243. Hawkins, Sir J., 362. Hawkins, J. S., 362. Hawkins, Sir R., 323. Hawkins, T., 20. Hawkins, W., 246. Hawkston, 154. Hawksworth, A. R., 251. Haworth, A. H., 40, 79, 80. Hawsted, 174. Hawthorne, N., 309. Hay, J. H. D., 303. Hay, R., 303. Hay's Eliz. More, 197. Hayburn Wyke, 184. Hayley, W., 449, 450, 488, 490. Hayter, C., 362. Head, Sir F. B., 201, 277, 312. Heard, W., 164. Hearne, T., 366, 420, 450. Hearne, W., 420. Hearne's Journeys, 423. Heath, C., 188, 457. Heath, F. G., 40. Heath, G., 226. Heath, J., 401, 420. Heath, R., in. Heber, Bishop, 296. Hebrides, 192, 193, 195, 447. Heckford, 212. Hedgeland, J. P., 112. Hedwig, J., 41. Helle, 358. Hellier, T., 312. Helme, E., 194. Helps, Sir A., 312, 509, 510. Helwing, G. A., 41. Helyot, P., 401. Hemans, F., 490. Hempsted, 127. Henderson, A., 413. Henderson, E., 286. Henderson, P. C., 41. Hengstridge, 162. Henley Papers, 205. Hennah, R., 20. Henniker, J., 333 Henrietta Maria, Queen, 177, 505. Henry I., Emperor, 336. Henry II., King of England, 376, 423- Henry III., King of England, 414. Henry IV., King of England, 376, 419. Henry V., King of England, 432. Henry VI., King of England, 359, 425. Henry VII., King of England, 410, 419. Henry VIII., King of England, 347, 374, 376, 386, 387, 407, 419, 422,425,431,432, 516. Henry IV., King of France, 370, 436. Henry, Prince, 249. Henry Frederick, Prince of Scot- land, 197. Henry, M., 459. Henshall, S., 130, 142. Henslow, J. S., 41. Herald, ship, 327. Heraldry, 123, 328-338. Herbert, G., 451, 490. Herbert, W., 142, 340. Herborn, 45. Herbst, 81. Herbst, J. F. W., 80. Herculaneum, 280-284. Hereford, 103. Hereford Cathedral, 97, 102, 105, 127, 367. INDEX. 537 Herefordshire, 127. Heresbach, C., 480. Heriot's Hospital, 193. Hermann, P., 42. Herne, S., 142. Herodotus, 476. Heron, R., 195. Herrick, R., 251. Herst, R., 401. Hertford, 128. Hertford, Earl of, 415. Hertford, Marquis of, 1 59. Hertfordshire, 97, loo, 102, 127, 128. Hervey, T. K., 362. Hesketh, Lady, 488. Hewett, J. H., 115. Hewitson, W. C., 68. Hewitt, I., 362. Hey, J., 165. Heylyn, P., 266, 420. Heyne, C. G., 476. Heytesbury, 180. Hibbert, S., 133. Hickeringill, E., 320. Hicks Hall, 428. Hicks, J., 164, 195. Hierusalem, 336. Higham Ferrers, 330. Highland Regiments, 198. Highlands, The, 12. Hill, J., 42, 80, 125. Hill, L., 426. Hill, R., 101. Himalayas, 296, 297, 300. Hinchliff, T. W., 317. Hinckley, 135. Hind, J., 248. Hinde, H. Y., 312. Hinderson, Sir J., 218. Hindustan, 297. Hine, J., 207. Hippisley family, 329. Hippisley, Sir C., 329. Hirsvogelius, A., 260. Hispaniola, 289, 320. Hitchcock, R., 421. Hixon, E., 264. Hoare, Sir R. C., 164, 180, 181, 189, 201, 268, 283, 333. Hobbes, T., 404. Hobhouse, H., 237. Hobhouse, T., 164. Hoblyn, R., 479. Hodges, J., 246. Hodson, G. H., 128. Hoelzel, J. G., 55. Hoet, 343. Hofland, B., 106. Hoffmann, G. F., 42. Hofmeister, W., 6. Hogarth, W., 362, 364, 371. Hogenberg, F., 260, 262. Hogg, E., 303. Hoker alias Vowell, J., 116. Holbein, H., 349, 362. Holbrook, J. E., 75. Holcroft, T., 266. Hole, W., 315. Holinshed, R., 421. Holkham, 148. Holland, 262, 266, 269, 279, 349, 434, 449, 465- Holland, Count of, 435. Holland, H., 278, 363. Holland House, 143. Holland, J., 151, 363. Holland, S., 164. Hollar, W., 349, 362, 363, 372, 388. Hollingworth, R., 431. Hollis, G., 363. Hollis, T., 363. Hollister, D., 227. Holloway, J., 241. Holme, R., 333, 334. Holmes, G., 201. Holmes, T. S., 164. Holsatia, 260. Holy Land, 267, 268, 270, 291-293, 296, 304. Holyrood, 193. Holywell, 190. Home Lacy, 127. Homer, 476, 477, 58- Honduras, 317. Hondy, J., 260. Hood, T., 490. Hoogetrat, D., 478. Hooke, A., 227. Hooker, R., 45'. 459- Hooker, Sir J. D., 296, 303. Hooker, W. J., 43, 287. Hope, F. W., 80. Hope, T., 363. Hopkins, J., 455465, 466. 538 INDEX. Hopton, Sir R., no, in, 114, 159. Horace, 477. Horae, 459-462. Horn, Capt. van, 319. Horsfield, T. W., 176. Horsley, S., 257. Horwood, J., 242. Hoskins, J., 251. Hot-wells, 169, 221, 227, 233, 234, 236, 243-245. Houbraken, A., 343, 364. Hough, J., 401. Hough, Major, 442. Houghton Hall, 148. Houghton, Lord, 492. Howard family, 334. Howard, C., 334. Howard, Earl of Surrey, 497. Howard, G., 421. Howe, Lord, 440. Howe, W. E., 43. Howell, 251. Howell, J., 364, 421. Howell, T., 250. Howes, E., 430. Howitt, W., 102. Howson, J. S., 458. Hozier, L. P. d', 334. Huber, P., 80, 391. Hudson's Bay, 268, 311. Huggins, W., 429. Hughes, G., 10. Hughes, J., 274. Hughson, D., 142. Huguetan, J., 509. Huish, R., 80, 266. Hull, 185. Hullah, J., 126. Humbert, General, 436. Humboldt, Baron von, 2, 436. Hume, A., 68. Hume, D., 421. Humphrey, G., 91. Humphreys, D., 370. Humphreys, H. N., 281, 364, 395. Humphreys, J., 251. Humphries, E., 162. Hungary, 24, 260, 266, 267, 276, 277. Hungerford family, 333. Hunt and Co., 221. Hunt, H., 208. Hunt, T. F., 364. Hunter, J., 185, 186, 471. Hunter, W., 266. Huntingdon, Earl of, 416. Huntingdonshire, 128. Hussey, Mrs., 43. Hutchins, J., 117. Hutchinson, 246. Hutchinson, W., 113, 118, 150. Hutton, W., 21, 135. Huxley, T. H., 5. Hyeres, 311. I., A., 52. Iceland, 286, 287. Ilchester, 164. Illingworth, C., 136. Illyria, 384. Ilminster, 161. Imlay, G., 312. lona, 191. Ionia, 353. Ionian Islands, 278. India, 12, 32, 33, 68, 260, 265, 267, 268, 270, 271, 295-298, 401, 443. Indian Ocean, 268. Indian Seas, 268. Indus, 292. Indus, Army of the, 442. Inglis, H. D., 202, 351. Inglis, Sir R. H., 153. Ingpen, A., 80. Ingram, J., 152, 480. Innes, 197. Innocent XL, Pope, 433. Inquisition, 400. Ireland, 9, 13, 48, 56, 60, 63, 126, 148, 200-202, 2l6, 251, 252, 311, 332, 334, 335, 36o, 375, 39, 4M, 419-421, 433, 436, 506. Ireland, J., 364. Ireland, S., 189, 472. Ireland, W. H., 471, 472. Iris, ship, 299. Irish Rebels, 217. Isabella, Queen of Castile, 438. Isenberg, C. W., 305. Isle of France, 309. Isle of Man, 199, 202. Isle of May, 191. Isle of Sheppey, 44. Isle of Thanet, 129, 131, 465. Isle of Wight, 13, 22, 31, 125, 126. INDEX. 539 Isle of Wight, Earl of, 415. Islington, 144. Isthmus of Panama, 319. I stria, 276. Italy, 29, 30, 64, 267, 268, 270, 272, 279, 349, 365, 377, 386, 391, 4oi. Ithaca, 278. Izacke, R., 115. Izacke, S., 115. J-> D-, 437. J., L., 80. Jackson, A., 323. Jackson, J., 364. Jackson, J. E., 180. Jacob, E., 44. Jacquin, N. J., 44. Jahn, J., 408. Jamaica, 9, 10, 31, 48, 56, 67, 68, 265, 320-322. James I., 216, 247, 315, 348, 371, 376, 379, 4io, 414, 419, 420, 422, 432,470, 516. James II., 349, 382, 396, 411, 414, 417, 422, 423, 433, 445. James VI., 422. James I., King of Scotland, 490. James, G. P. R., 422, 437. Barnes, I., 252. ames, J., 252. ames, T., 325. ames, W., 443. ameson, A., 364, 395. amieson, R., 491. aneiro river, 265. apan, 8, 59, 299, 300. ardine, Sir W., 68. arvis, C., 505. avasu, Princess of, 226. ay, J. C., 91. eane, Capt., 242. eflferson, S., 113. efFerys, T., 274. ena, 40. enison, R., 426. enkins, R., 236. enkins, W., 278. enner, Dr., 449. ennings, J., 164. enyns, L., n. ersey, 202. erusalem, 291, 292, 294, 303. esuits, 429, 466. ewell, Bishop, 462. "ewitt, L., 136, 365. hones, R., 334. obard, J. A. M., 335. John of Austria, Don, 439. Johnes, T., 395, 396. Johns, C. A., 112. Johnson, C., 58, 450. Johnson, G. W., 72. Johnson, J., 296, 448, 450, 488. >hnson, R., 334. Johnson, S., 195, 447, 450, 491. Tohnston, G., 44, 88. ohnstone, Chevalier de, 422. olliffe, T. R., 293. ones, E. T., 252. ones, H., 227, 334. ones, H. L., 189. _ones, Inigo, 181. Jones, J., 208. Jones, J. M., n. Jones, J. P., 44, 115. Jones, O., 364. Jones, S., 447. Jones, T. E., 346. Jones, W., 115. Jones's Views, 102, 189. Jordanus, M., 260. ~outel, 312. ustin, 477. ustinian, 477, 505. uvenal, 477. uxon Bishop, 413. Kaempfer, E., 300. Kaffirs, 306, 307. Kampen, N. G. van, 279. Kane, P., 312. Kashgar, 294. Keate, B., 242. Keate, E., 242. Keats, J., 491- Keble, J., 491. Keeling, W., 462. Keene, 221. Keightley, T., 408, 422. Keith, G., 219. Keith, Sir W., 313. Kelaart, E. F., 44. Kelham, R., 510. Keller, Baron von, 446. INDEX. Kelly,]., 510. Kelsall, 268. Kelston, 168. Kem, Major, 219. Kempe, A. J., 142, 422. Kempenfeldt, Admiral, 445* Kendal, Earl, 416. Kendal, E. A., 302. Kenilworth, 178, 358, 365. Kennaway, L. J., 323. Kennedy, J., 372. Kennedy, W., 266. Kensal Green, 139. Kensington, 139. Kent, 44, 100, 102-104, 128-132. Kent, Earls of, 416. Keppel, Admiral, 441. Keppel, Capt, 445. Keppel, H., 299. Kerry, 200. Ketch, Postillion, 206. Keysler, J. G., 267. Khiva, 292. Kiener, L. C., 91. Killarney, 202. Killarney, ship, 238. Kimber, E., 334. Kimmeridge coal money, 1 1 7. Kineton, 177. King, A. J., 164. King, C., 313. King, G., 333. King, J., 263. King, R. J., 102. King, S. W., 283. King, W. R., n. Kinglake, A. W., 267. Kings of England, 415. Kingsley, C., 464, 491. Kingston, J. F., 44. Kingston, P., 463. Kings weston, 164. Kinloss, 191. Kinnard, W.. 278. Kinross, 197. Kinsey, W. M., 288. Kippis, A., 450. Kirby, W., 80, 81. Kirby's Quest, 170. Kirk, R., 195. Kirkstall Abbey, 186. Kitto, J., 293, 462. Klein, J. T., 20, 65, 68, 91. Klein, T., 88. Kmock, G., 313. Knapp, F. H., 44. Knapp, J. L., 45. Knight, C., 102, 142, 496. Knight, F., 334. Knight, H. G., 283, 365. Knight, J. L., 244. Knight, Sir J., 252. Knight, W., 365. Knight's Papers, 205. Knorr, G. W., 20, 91, 92. Knox family, 194. Knox, A. E., 68, 195. Knox, J., 194. Knox, T., 426. Kob, J. A., 45. Kohlmeister, B., 313. Kolben, P., 307. Kollar, V., 81. Kraff, J. L., 305. Krafft, J., 45. Kramer, G., 260. Krasinski, Count, 401. Kratzenstein, H., 404. Krocker, A. J., 45. Kurdistan, 293, 294. Kwora river, 308. L., H. A., 297. L., J. B., 365. L., M., 422. Labadie, J., 404. Labaume, E., 443. Labillardiere, 267. Laborde, L. de, 293. Labrador, 313. Labuan, 12, 299. La Chau, Abbd de, 365. Lacock Abbey, 1 79. Lahn, 277. Lakes, English, 73, 113. Lamarck, Chevalier de, 2, 21. Lamartine, A. de, 293. Lamb, C., 451, 510. Lambarde, W., 102. Lambert, A. B., 45. Lambert, B., 142. Lambert, J., 313. Lambert, Miss, 381. Lambeth, 137. INDEX. 541 Lament, J., 326. Lamouroux, J. V. F., 88. Lancashire, II, 105, 132-134. Lancaster, 134, 401. Lancaster, Duke and Earl of, 415. Lancaster Sound, 325. Landenny, 189. Landon, L. E., 491, 492. Landor, W. S., 492, 5 10. Landsborough, D., 88. Land's End, in. Landt, G., 287. Lane, E. W., 510. Lane, J., 426. Laneham, R., 365. Lane-Poole, S., 303. Lange, L., 277. Langhorn, R., 426. Langhorne, J., 479. Langhorne, W., 479. Langley, T., 107. Langtoft, P., 420. Languet, T., 245. Langworthy, C. C., 252. La PeYouse, J. F. G. de, 267, 365,366. Lapland, 47, 287. La Plata, 8, 317. Larrey, de, 422. La Sale, de, 312. Las Casas, B. de, 313. Lascelles, R., 152. Latham, J., 69. Latham, R. G., 64. Latham, S., 69. Lathbury, T., 401. Latimer, J., 227. Latrobe, C. J., 313. Laud, Archbishop, 252. Lauder, Sir T. D., 195. Laurence, S., 252. Lawrence, 240. Lawrence, W., 171. Lawson, J. A., 323. Layard, Sir A. H., 293. Lazius, W., 260. Lea, I., 21. Leach, W. E., 2. Lear, E., 283. Lebanon, 267. Le Clerc, J., 437. Lediard, T., 443. Ledwich, E., 181. Lee, J., 45- Lee, J. E., 189. Leeds, 187. Leers, J. D., 45. Lees, E., 21, 45. Legendae, 462. Legh, G., 334. Leguat, F., 297. Leicester, Earl of, 414, 416. Leicester, Sir J. F., 392. Leicestershire, 97, 104,134,135,219. Leichhardt, L., 324. Leigh, C., 1 1. Leigh Court, 393. Leighton, Archbishop, 462. Leighton, W. A., 6, 46. Leipzig, 28. Leith, 194. Le Keux, J., 65, 103. Leland, J., 366, 450. Le Marchant, Sir D., 432. Lemery, N., 46. Lemoine, H., 366. Lempriere, W., 303. Lennox, C., 447. Lenoir, A., 366. Lenthall, W., 158, 251. Leo Leovard., Sibr., 260. Leominster, 127. Leonora Christina, Princess, 439. LeVins, 273. Leslie, F., 195. Lesly, Col., 252. L'Estrange, H., 462. L'Estrange, Sir R., 486. Letherhead, 175. Lettice, J., 283. Lettsom, J. C., 26. Le Vaillant, 305. Le Vaillant, F., 69. Levant, 290. Lever, D., 443- Leversage, P., 227. Lewes, 176. Lewin, J. W., 69. Lewin, W., 69, 81. Lewis, D., 165, 242. Lewis,J., 130, 131,401. Lewis, J. F., 289. Lewis, L., 165. Lewis, S., 102. Leyden, 42. 542 INDEX. L'Heritier de Brutelle, C. L., 46. Liber Pluscardensis, 197. Libraries, 228. Lichfield Cathedral, 98, 102, 105, 174, i77,4oo. Lichtenstein, 81. Liechtenstein, Princess, 143. Light, H., 267. Lightfoot, J., 46, 462. Liguanea Mountains, 31. Lima, 318. Limborch, P., 463. Lincoln, 136. Lincoln, Bishop of, 181. Lincoln Cathedral, 102, 105, 136, 137- Lincoln, Earl of, 416. Lincolnshire, 104, 135-137, 338. Lindern, F. B. von, 46. Lindisfarne, 44. Lindley, J., 21, 46. Lindley, T., 267. Lindsay, A., 492. Lingard, J., 423. Linlithgowshire, 196. Linnaean Society, 46. Linne", C. von, 3, 14, 47, 81. Linnell, J., 366. Linwood, W., 480. Lipari Islands, 264. Lipscomb, G., 107. Lister, M., 81, 92. Lister, Sir M., 392. Lithuania, 398. Little Gidding binding, 455. Little Maplestead, 120. Liverpool, 133. Livingstone, C., 307. Livingstone, D., 307. Livy, 477- Llandaff Cathedral, 105. Lloyd, E., 152. Lloyd, L., 69. Lloyd, Sir J,, 233. L'Obel, M. de, 47, 52. Lochner, J. H., 14. Locke, R., 165. Locker, E. H., 289. Lockhart, J. G., 450. Loder, R., 174. Lodge, E., 367. Lodge, J., 334, 335- Logan, Capt, 333. Loggon, S., 126. Lombardy, 270. London, 32, 58, 102, 137-147,262, 367, 393, 4i8. Londonderry, 201. Londonderry, Marquis of, 446. Longfellow, H. W., 492. Longmate, B., 331. Looe, no. Lord, J. K., n. Lorenzo di Medici, 439. Loseley MSS., 422. London, J. C., 3, 47. London, Mrs., 47, 48. Louis XIII., 440. Louis XIV., 368, 384, 435, 437. Louis XVI., 436. Louis XVIII., 416. Louisiana, 310, 311. Love, S., 246. Lovell, M. J., 74. Low, G., 48. Lowe, E. J., 92. Lowe, F., 318. Lowe, R. T., ii. Lower, M. A., 335. Lowestoft, 174. Lowndes, W. T., 472. Lubbock, Sir J., 6, 48. Lubbock, R., n. Lucan, 478. Lucas, S., 228. Ludwig, C. G., 48. Lukins, G., 165. Lunan, J., 48. Luton Park Chapel, 106. Luxembourg Palace, 374. Lydney Park, 120. Lyell, Sir C., 21, 313. Lyme Regis, 18, 118. Lynch, Sir T., 321. Lyndsay, Sir D., 335. Lyon, G. F., 303. Lyon, J., 131. Lyons, 466. Lysons, D., 102, 103, 137, 367. Lysons, S., 103, 123, 136, 176. Lyte, H. C. M., 152. Lyttelton, Lord, 423. M., R., 317. INDEX. 543 McArthur, J., 441. Macaulay, Lord, 423, 492. McCrie, T., 195, 401. Macdonald, J., 311. MacduflPs Cross, 197. Macedonia, 278. Macfarlane, C., 414. MacGahan, J. A., 326. Macgillivray, W., n, 69. Machiavelli, N., 437. M'Intosh, W. C., 5. Mackay, A., 313. Mackay, J. T., 48. M'Keevor, 268. Mackenzie, C., 143. Mackenzie, J., 201. Mackenzie, Sir G., 333. Mackenzie, Sir G. S., 287. McKinlay, 323. Maclaine, A., 402. Maclean, Sir J., 335. Macmichael, 268. Macpherson, J., 494. Macpherson, R., 283. Macri, 446. Madagascar, 270, 308, 309. Madden, Sir F., 383. Madeira, u, 87, 321. Madras, 296. Maeshowe, 199. Magellan, Strait of, 10, 265, 268. Magna Charta, 431. Mahon, Lord, 423, 437. Mahony, M., 240, 241. Maid of the Haystack, 228. Maidenhead, 126. Maidstone, 129. Maier, M., 511. Main, 277. Maitland, Capt, 443. Maitland, S. R., 395. Maitland, W., 143- Malabar, 54. Malacca, 300. Malay Archipelago, 299. Malay Peninsula, 298. Malcolm, J. P., 103, 143, 144, 396- Maiden, H., 108. Mallet, P. H., 367. Malmesbury, 123. Malone, E., 213, 214. Malta, 8, 30,263, 270, 280, 440, 446. Malvern, 21, 183. Mammatt, E., 21. Man Cathedral, 105. Manazzale, A., 284. Manby, G. W., 189, 228. Manchee, T. J., 209. Manchester, 132-134, 367. Manchuria, 8. Mangotsfield, 223. Manning, C. R., 367. Manors, 99. Mansell, R., 426. Mantell, G. A., 21, 22, 89, 176. Manton, T., 463. Man wood, J., 367. Margate, 465. Marguerite, Queen of Navarre, 435- Markham, A. H., 326. Markham, C. R., 267, 326. Markham, F., 297. Markham, G., 511. Markland, 476. Markland, J. H., 367. Marlborough, Duke of, 443. Marly, 275. Marmorice, 446. Marmyun family, 329. Marocco, 303. Marot, C, 456. Marryat, J., 368. Marryat, T., 252. Marsden, W., 299. Marseilles, 49. Marsh, T., 252. Marshall, W., 426. Marsham, T., 81. Marsigli, L. F., 22, 25. Marten, M. T., 6. Martial, 478. Martin, 259. Martin, C., 368. Martin, J., 472. Martin, M., 195. Martin, N., 159. Martin, T., 148. Martin, W., 22. Martyn, T., 48, 51, 82, 283,368. Martyrs, 401, 402. Marullus, 478. Mary I., 398, 4 '9, 43. 432- Mary II., 341, 349, 32. 544 INDEX. Mary, Queen of Scots, 252, 411, 412,425, 504. Massacre, Irish, 421. Masey, Col., 122. Matabele Land, 307. Maton, W. G., 182. Mathew, 221. Mathias, T. J., 211. Matthew, J. M., 443. Matthews, H., 267, 289. Matthews, R., 239. Matthioli, P. A., 48, 476. Maund, B., 48, 49. Maurice, D., 427. Mauritius, 309. Mawe, J., 92. Maximilian, 268. Maximilian, Emperor, 336. May, G., 183. Mayer, L., 293, 294, 303. Mayne, R. C., 313. Mazarin, Cardinal, 435. Mead, Dr., 392. Meares, J., 314. Mecklenburg, 59. Mede, J., 463. Medhurst, W. H., 300. Media, 292. Mediterranean, 261, 271, 272, 440. Medley, G., 307. Melksham, 26. Melmoth, W., 479. Menestrier, C. F., 368. Mendip, 166, 169. Mentone, 49. Mercati, M., 368. Merchant Adventurers, 205. Merchant Taylors, 225. Mercia, Earl of, 177. Mercurius Belgicus, 424. Mercurius Rusticus, 423, 424. Mere, 180. Merewether, J., 127. Mergui Archipelago, 298. Merian, M. S., 82. Merivale, C., 408. Merle d'Aubigne*, J. H., 402. Merly Library, 372. Merrett, C., II. Merryweather, F. S., 472. Mesopotamia, 292-294. Meteyard, E., 368. Meyer, F. I. F., 6. Meyer, H. L., 69, 511. Meyrick, L., 369. Meyrick, Sir S. R., 1 89, 368,369,384. Mexico, 310-313. Michael Angelo, 361. Michelius, P. A., 49. Mickleham, 175. Middlesex, 59, 68, 100, 102, 135, 137, 337- Mignan, R., 294. Migneaux, J., 78. Milan Cathedral, 279. Miles, W. A., 117. Millard, J. W., 252. Miller, E., 186. Miller, H., 22, 195. Miller, J., 49. Miller, J. S., 22, 89. Miller, Lady, 166. Millers, G., 108. Milles, J., 210, 211. Millin, A. L., 369. Millingen, J., 369. Mills, C., 443, 444. Milman, H. H., 402, 477. Milner, I., 511. Milner, J., 126, 369, 389, 402, 511. Milnes, R. M., 492. Milton, J., 492, 493, 511. Milton, W., 237, 252. Milton Abbas, 117. Milton, Kent, 131. Minehead, 170,217. Minehead Doctrine, 397. Minellius, J., 476. Minorca, 4, 40, 288, 440, 446. Mire, Le, 478. Mirys, S. D., 369. Missal, 463. Missionaries, 268, 294, 311. Misson, M., 284. Missouri, 268. Mitchell, T. L., 324. Mitford, J., 489. Mitford, W., 408. Moens, W. J. C., 148. Moers, J., 260. Moffatt, J. M., 123. Moggridge, J. T., 49, 82. Mohr, E., 307. Moir, T., 396. INDEX. 545 Molineux, T., 9. Moll, H., 317. Mollien, 268. Mommsen, T., 408. Monceau, Du H. du, 49. Monmouth, 103. Monmouth, Duke of, 4 17, 429, 451. Monmouthshire, 187, 188, 191. Monstrelet, E. de, 396. Montagu, G., 70, 82. Montaigne, M. de, 502. Montanus, A., 424. Montenegro, 268. Montfaucon, B. de, 370. Montgomery, Earl of, 416. Montgomery, J., 492. Monti, G., 22, 49. Montpelier, 38. Mooney, N., 242. Moor, E., 174. Moorcroft, W., 297. Moore, F., 305. Moore, H., 163. Moore, J., 162, 252, 268, 274, 284, 370. Moore, Sir J., 443. Moore, T., 486, 493, 494. Morandus, J. B., 49. Morant, P., 120. Moravia, 260. Moray, 195. More, E., 197. More, H., 157,255,451, 511, 512. More, Sir T., 449, 512, 514. Morea, 278, 291. Moreau, S., 123. Morebath, 170. Moresby, J., 324. Morgan, 221. Morgan, Sir H., 319. Morgan, J., 229. Morgan, W., 242. Morier, J. P., 436. Mori son, R., 50. Morland, G., 361. Morley, 186. Morley, T., 370. Morocco, 270. Morris, F. O., 70, 82. Morris, J., 23. Morris, J. W., 166. Morris, L., 96. Morris, W., 96, 494. Mortar, ship, 239. Morton, J., 196. Mosaics, 342. Moscow, 52, 268. Moses, H., 355, 390. Mosheim, J. L. von, 402. Mosley, Sir O., 1 1. Moss, W. G., 176. Motley, J., 12. Moufet, T., 82. Moule, T., 103, 335, 370. Mount's Bay, m. Mowbray, Lady, 392. Moxon, J., 342. Mudie, J., 370. Mudie, R., 70. Muller, J. C., 404. Muller, O. F., 50, 75. Miiller, P. L. S., 3. Muller, W., 437. Mummies, 360, 375. Mundy, R., 299. Munting, A., 50. Murchison, Sir R. I., 23. Murdock, J., 402. Murray, A. M., 314. Murray, J. F., 144. Musgrave, W., 371. Music, 346, 361, 362, 370, 374. Musters, G. C., 317. N.,J.,2 5 I. Nag's Head Tavern, 397. Nailer, J., 204, 225, 230. Nailsworth, 251. Nairne, Lady, 492. Nanswhidden, 479. Nantz, 442. Napier, A., 447. Naples, 93, 281, 285. Napoleon, 434, 436, 439, 443-446. Narbrough, Sir J., 259. Nares, E., 335, 424. Nares, R., 512. Nash, F., 106. Nash, J., 103. Nash, R., 1 66. Nasmith, J., 514. Nassau, 277. Natal, 306. Naunton, Sir R , 425. 4 A 546 INDEX. Nayler, J., 204, 225, 230. Nayler, Sir G., 371. Neale, J. P., 103, 139. Neander, A., 402. Neander, J., 50. Necker, N. J. de, 50. Needlework, 371, 381. Neill, P., 196. Nelson, J., 144. Nelson, Lord, 441, 444. Nenci, P., 25. Nestorians, 293. Netherlands, 84, 266, 267, 269, 335, 364, 384, 437, 445- Nettleship, H., 481. Neufforge, J. de, 335. Neuss, H. G., 404. Nevis, 321. New England, 261, 309, 314, 315. New Forest, 126. New Guinea, 323, 324. New Holland, 263. New Orleans, 442, 444. New Passage, 249. New South Wales, 69, 261. New Zealand, 322-324. Newall, J. T., 297. Newcastle, 150, 413. Newcastle, Duke of, 505. Newcome, Archbishop, 455. Newcome, P., 128. Newland, H., 287. Newman, Cardinal, 463, 464, 494. Newman, E., 50, 83. Newmarch, C. H., 121. Newnham, T., 252. Newspapers, 166, 211, 226, 230, 326. Newton, Bishop, 464, 493. Newton,]., 51, 494. Newton, T., 51. Newton St. Loe, 166. Ngami, Lake, 306. Nicaragua, 9, 318. Nice, 273. Nichols, 213. Nichols, F., 335. Nichols, J., 135, 371, 472. Nichols, J. B., 144, 182. Nichols,]. G., 178, 179, 355, 371. Nichols, P., 264. Nichols, W. L., 166. Nicholls, H. G., 123. Nicholls, J. F., 233. Nicholson, G., 189. Nicholson, ]., 113. Nicolas V., Pope, 402. Nicolas, Sir N. H., 396, 425, 444. 512. Niebuhr, B. G., 408. Niger, 308. Nightingale, 1 66. Nile, 8, 301, 304, 305. Nimmo, W., 196. Nineveh, 293. Nitzch, 5. Nixon, J. H., 372. Nobility, Scottish, 194. Noble, M., 336, 359, 425. Noble, T., 104. Nodder, F. P., 7, 51. Nodder, R. P., 2. Noddre, Vale of, 180. Nombre di Dios, 264. Non, Valle di, 93. Noorthouck, J., 144. Norden, F. L., 303. Norden, J., 112. Nordenskiold, A. E., 268. Norfolk, ii, 59, 71, 148, 149, 174, 253, 35. Norfolk, Duke and Earl of, 415. Norman, B. M., 317. Norman, J., 166. Norman, S., 165. Norman Conquest, 417, 432. Normandy, 274-276, 345, 35, 35- Normans, 283. Norris, C., 190. Norris, H., 166. North, Sir F., 255. Northall, J., 284. Northampton, 330. Northampton, Earl of, 416. Northamptonshire, 97, 149, 150, 174. Northbrooke, J., 253. Northcote, J. S., 284. Northern Garlands, 119. Northfield's Trust, 454. North Georgia Gazette, 326. Northumberland, 104, 150. Northumberland, Earl of, 415. North-west Passage, 259, 325, 326. INDEX. 547 Norton, F. L., 253. Norton, T., 457, 511. Norton Folgate, 141. Norway, 9, 51, 69, 285, 287. Norwich, 68, 148, 149. Norwich Cathedral, 98, 102, 105 148. Nott, J., 233. Nottingham, 92, 151. Nottingham, Earl of, 416. Nottinghamshire, 54,97, 151, 159, 217. Nubia, 267, 268, 301-304. Nugent, R., 224, 242. Nugent, T., 284, 347- Numismatics, 339, 349, 355, 36i, 362, 364, 370, 378, 380, 386-389, 393- Nuremberg Chronicle, 382. Nut-Brown Maid, 138. Gates, F., 307. Gates, T., 426. Oeder, G. C., 51. Offpr, G., 456. Ogilby, 507. Ohio, 17. Okavango river, 306. Oken, L., 6. Okkek, 313. Olcorn, 392. Oldfield, H. G., 137. Oldham, T., 371. Oldmixon, J., 314. Oliphant, L., 287, 300. Oliphant, T. L. K., 194. Oliver, G., 115, 136. Oliver, W., 167. Olivier, G. A., 83. Olney, 107, 458. O'Niell, H., 123, 152, 222. Orange, Princes of, 438. Orcades, 9. Ord, C., 353- Orford, Earl of, 473. 5 T 5- Orinoco, 318. Orkney, 9, 48, 67, 192, 193, 196 199. Orleans Cathedral, 348. Orleans Gallery, 372. Orme, W., 472. Ormerod, G., 109. Ormond, Duke of, 438. Ortelius, A., 260. Ortus Sanitatis, 51. Orvilliers, Comte de, 441. Osborne, W., 426. Osborne's Memoirs, 422. Ospringe, 130. Ossian, 494. Ottley, W. Y., 372, 387. Overland Route, 295. Ovid, 478. Owen, E., 23. Owen, H., 373. Owen, J., 96. Owen, L., 402. Owen, Sir R., 23. Oxus, 295. Oxford, 151-154, 348, 368, 374, 380, 426. Oxford Cathedral, 98, 102, 105. Oxford, Earl of, 415, 420. Oxford Essays, 512. Oxford Historical Society, 152. Oxford Prize Poems, 494. Oxford University, 151-154, 479. Oxfordshire, 12, 62, 100, 104, 151- 154. P., A., 373. P., F. E., 373- P., I. M. B., 109. P., T., 217. P., W., 52. Pacific, 263, 266, 268, 271. Paddock, R., 233. Paez, R., 318. Page, J. L. W., 115, 167. Pages, de, 269. Paget, C. J., 12. Paget,J., 12,277. Pagitt, E., 403. Paine, T., 251. Palestine, 262, 267, 268, 270, 291- 296, 304. Paley, E., 464. Paley, F. A., 373. Paley, W., 464. Pallas, P. S., 3, 52, 83, 287. Palliser, J., 314. Palmer, S., 373, S> Palmer, W., 403. Palmyra, 295. 543 INDEX. Panama, 319. Panjab, 297. Papa, G. del, 39. Papendick, C. E., 341. Papworth, J. B., 144. Para, 318. Paraguay, 8. Paris, 1 8, 62, 266, 274-276, 344, 366, 374, 444, 446. Paris Cathedral, 348. Parishes, Names of, 97. Parival, A., 396. Park, J. J., 144. Park, T., 419, 473. Parker, J. H., 374, 388. Parker, T. L., 184. Parker, W. K., 5. Parker Society, 464. Parkin, C., 149. Parkinson, J., 23, 52. Parkyns, M., 305. Parnell, J., 253. Parnell, R., 70. Parnell, T., 491. Parry, S. D., 176. Parry, W. E., 326. Pars, W., 353. Parsons, P., 131. Partis College, 164. Partridge, J., 507. Pashley, R., 291. Passaeus, C., 52. Paston Letters, 425. Pastorini, 339. Patagonians, 317, 450. Paterculus. 478. Patmore, C., 494. Pattison, S., 253. Paul II., Pope, 403. Paul V., Pope, 467. Paul, R. W., 167. Paul, Sir G. O., 257. Paulli, S., 52. Paullus, O., 404. Paxton, J., 46, 52. Payer, J., 326. Peace, J., 253. Peach, R. E. M., 167. Peacham, H., 144. Peacock, R. A., 23. Peale, R., 23. Pearce, T., 374. Pearson, W., 155. Peek, F., 136. Pedir Coast, 261. Pedley, J. G., 242. Peel, Sir R., 153. Peep-Show, 233. Pegge, S., 374, 375, 401. Peirce, R., 167. Peking, 300. Pellatt, A., 375. Pembroke, Earl of, 350, 372, 416. Pembrokeshire, 188. Pena, P., 52. Pennant, T., 12, 104, 144, 190, 196, 450. Penney, J., 196. Penny Magazine, 512. Penny-wise, pound-foolish, 233. Penpark Hole, 121, 257. Pen Pits, 179, 181. Penrose, L., 253. Penson, T., 332. Penzance, 45 1 . Pepys, S., 450. Percival, R., 307. Percy, Bishop, 494. Percy, J. O., 106. Pere la Chaise, 275. Periodicals, 230. Perkins, J., 253. Perks, T., 223. Perry, G., 3, 93. Persia, 292, 294. Persius, 478. Persoon, C. H., 53. Perthshire, 52. Pertusier, 268. Peru, 267, 317, 318, 375, 438. Petagna, V., 83. Peterborough Cathedral, 98, 102, 105. Peters, H., 404, 433. Petersfield, 126. Petherick, B. W., 305. Petherick, J., 305. Petit, V., 274. Petiver, J., 4. Petra, 293. Petrie, G., 375. . Petrus Crescentiensis, 53. Pettigrew, T. J., 375. Peyron, 288. INDEX. 549 Peyton, Sir E., 422. Phaedrus, 478. Pharmacopoeia, 233. Phelps, W., 53, 167, 168. Philip I., King of Spain, 370. Philip II., King of Spain, 435, 440. Philip V., King of Spain, 434. Philippart, J., 444. Philippe, 53. Philippson, J., 408, 438. Philips, H., 53. Philips, J., 23, 284, 396. Philip's Norton, 188. Philp and Evans, 222. Phipps, J., 326. Phoenix, 253. Picart, 343. Picart, R., 229. Picton, Sir T., 444. Pidgeon, E., 24. Piedmont, 27, 260, 280, 282. Piercy.J., 151. Pierotti, E., 294. Pigot, General, 440. Pigott, J. H. S., 157. Pike, N., 309. Pilkington, G., 135. Pilkington, M., 375. Pill, 171. Pilton, 170. Pinelli, B., 375. Pinkerton, J., 24. Pinkney's Balloon Song, 204. Pinney, C., 242. Piozzi, H. L., 450. Pisa, 25. Pisidia, 291. Piso, G., 12. Pistolesi, E., 284. Pitcairn's Island, 270. Pitman, H., 451. Pitney pavement, 180. Pius V., Pope, 207. Pius VI., Pope, 451. Planche", J. R., 277, 375, 376. Plancus, J., 25. Platina, B., 403. Plato, 478. Plautus, 478. Playfair family, 336. Plendesheath, W. C., 376. Pleshy, 120. Pliny, 384, 479. Plot, R., 12. Ploughley, 151. Plukenetius, L., 53. Plutarch, 479. Plymouth, 20, 159. Plymtree, 116. Pocock, G., 253. Pocock, R., 131. Pococke, E., 464. Pococke, R., 269. Pola, 276. Poland, 286, 401. Polar Regions, 268, 324-327. Polaris, ship, 326. Pole, Cardinal, 504. Pole, T., 209. Politeuphnia, 247. Polwhele, R., 112, 116. Poly bi us, 479. Polynesia, 323, 324. Pomerania, 63. Pompeii, 282, 284, 348. Pompey"s Pillar, 304. Ponce, N., 284. Poole, 219. Poole, C. H., 168. Poole, F., 324. Pooley, C., 124, 1 68. Pope, A., 477, 495. Popish Plot, 233, 425-427. Popular Science Review, 512. Porny, M. A., 336. Porson, R., 476. Portenger, 268. Porter, R. K., 287. Portishead, 10. Porto Bello, 321. Porto Santo, II. Portland Museum, 376. Portsmouth, 240. Portsmouth Dockyard, 125. Portlock, N., 269. Portraits, 339, 340, 343, 346, 358- 360, 362, 363, 367, 373, 376, 378, 379, 392. Portugal, 260, 263, 267, 268, 288, 289, 384, 395, 435, 438, 442, 443. Postans, T., 297. Postumus, 388. Pote, J., 1 06. Potosi, 317. 550 INDEX. Potter, 355. Pottery, 343, 344, 346, 368, 373. Poulson, G., 1 86. Poulter alias Baxter, J., 168. Pouqueville, F. C., 268, 291. Powell, T., 465. Powlett, Serjeant, 255. Pownall, H., 175. Pownall, T., 168, 376. Poyer, J., 321. Poynton, F. J., 1 68. Poyntz family, 335. Prayer, Book of Common, 454, 465, 466. Preces, 466. Prescott, W. H., 438. Preston, 133, 134. Prestwich, Sir J., 427. Prevost, 351. Price, F., 182. Price, J., 127. Price, L., 376. Prichard, J. C., 64, 376. Pri chard, J. L., 190. Prickett, M., 186. Prideaux, H., 403. Priest, L, 254. Primrose Hill, 147. Prince, J., 116. Prince Albert, ship, 327. Prior, 268. Prior, M., 495. Pritchard, A., 89. Procter, A. A., 495. Proctor, R., 318. Prout, J. S., 109, 234. Prout, S., 277, 377. Provence, 274. Prudentius, 480. Prussia, 260. Pryce, G., 214, 234, 336. Pryce, R. V., 251. Pryce, W., 112. Prynne, W., 216. Psalter, 455-457, 465, 466. Ptolemy dynasty, 388. Pugin, A., 139, 377- Pugin, A. W., 168, 377, 3?8. Punch and Judy, 352. Purchas, S., 83, 269, 403. Purdy, V., 254. Puteanus, E., 328. Pye, C., 378. Pyne, W. H., 378. Pyramids, 302, 303. Pyrenees, 53, 289. Quakers, 204, 219, 223, 225, 230, 236, 254, 256, 403, 404. Quarles, F., 254, 488. Quatrefages, A. de, 12. Queen Charlotte Islands, 324. Querela Cantabrigiensis, 424. Quiberon, 181. Quintilian, 480. Quixote, Don, 351. R., J., 512. R., M. L., 275. Radcliffe, Sir G., 452. Rader, M., 378. Rae, P., 427- Raffles, T., 269. Raglan, 188, 189. Raguenet, 427. Raikes, T., 287. Railton, W., 278. Railways, 237, 238. Raine, J., 118, 119. Raleigh, Sir W., 427. Ralfs, J., 53. Rambaud, A., 509. Rambler, 512. Ramond, 289. Ramsay, A., 425, 495. Ramsay's Proverbs, 508. Randal, T., 264. Randolph, G., 234. Rang, S., 93. Ranke, L., 438. Rankin, R., 254. Rapin de Thoyras, P., 427. Rashleigh, P., 24. Rastall, W. D., 151. Rastell, J., 428. Ratiocinium Vernaculum, 124. Ratisbon, 227. Ratisbon, Abbot of, 502. Ravelingen, J. van, 50. Ravenna, 38. Rawlins, J., 234. Ray, J., 6, 70, 428. Ray Society, 4. Reading, 107, 248, 423. INDEX. Reaumur, R. A. F. de, 83. Records, Public, 428. Red River, 312. Red Sea, 268. Redding, C., 112, 133. Redoutd, P. J., 54. Reed, A., 169. Reed, I., 447. Rees, R., 404. Reeve, L., 93. Reformers, 196. Regicides, 428. Regrwill, W., 260. Reichard, 54. Reims Cathedral, 348. Relhan, R., 54. Relton, H. E., 379. Rembrandt, 358. Renee of France, 434. Renny Bay, 238. Renolds, G., 254. Reresby, Sir J., 269. Resolution, ship, 263. Retford, 151. Reuilly, J., 311. Reumann, J. J., 54. ReVeil, 383. Revett, N., 278, 353. Revolution, French, 396, 442. Rey, 268. Reyner, K., 254. Reynolds, Bishop, 466. Reynolds, Sir J., 340. Rhede, H. van, 54. Rhine, 269, 277. Rhone, 274. Rich, S., 169. Richard I., 422. Richard II., 338, 374, 388. Richard III., 336, 425. Richard, L. C., 54. Richards, W., 245. Richardson, C. J., 379. Richardson, J., 372. Richardson, Sir J., 327. Richborough (Rutupiae), 128, 129. Richmond, Duchess of, 315. Richmond, Earl of, 415. Richmondshire, 187. Rickman, T., 379. Ricraft, J., 428. Rider, C., 507. Rider, W., 178. Rielves, 342. Rimini, 25, 29. Rio Negro, 319. Ripon, 185. Risdon, T., 1 16. Ritchie, L., 196, 201, 269, 275. Ritson, J., 119,495- Rivers, Earl, 416. Riviera, 49, 273. Rivius, T., 379. Rizzi, 197. Roberts, 325. Roberts, A., 169. Roberts, D., 122, 294. Roberts, E., 297. Roberts, G., 118, 269, 429. Roberts, J., 122. Roberts, L., 314. Roberts, P., 379. Roberts, W., 451. Roberts, W. I., 254. Robertson, A., 104. Robertson, J. C., 405. Robertson, W., 190, 439. Robin Hood, 490, 495. Robinson, H. B., 444. Robinson, J. H., 318. Robinson, M., 254, 340. Robinson, P. F., 128, 175, 379. Robinson, W., 128. Roby, J., 133, 270. Rochester, 130. Rochester Cathedral, 105, 131. Rochon, Abbe, 270. Rock, D., 467. Rockfield, 189. Rocque, J., 107, 145. Rodd, H., 379. Roesel v. Rosenhof, J., 76. Roger family, 336. Rogers, C., 194, 196, 336, 429, 483, 490, 492. Rogers, H., 235. Rogers, S., 495. Rogers, W., 238. Rollin, C., 408. Roman Empire, Holy, 333, 336. Roman Wall, 379. Rome, 27, 268, 279-282, 284, 285, 349, 369, 385, 407-409. Romelia, 294. 552 INDEX. Romer, J. J., 54. Romer, Mrs., 304. Romsey Letters, 205. Ronda, 289. Rooke, H., 54. Rootsey, S., 254. Rose, 268. Rose, T., 104. Roscoe, T., 190, 270, 279, 347. Roscoe, W., 439. Rosel, A. J., 83. Ross, A., 405. Ross, J., 327. Ross, Sir J., 445. Rossetti, W. M., 491. Rossini, L., 285. Rosslyn, 196. Rouen, 344, 378. Rouquet, J., 246. Rousseau, J. J., 54. Rowlands, H., 190. Roxburghe, Duke of, 472. Roy, W., 380. Royal George, ship, 445. Royal Society, 14, 146. Rubens, 374. Ruby, ship, 240, 241. Rudbeck, O., 55. Rudder, S., 124. Rudge, T., 124. Ruding, R., 380. Ruetti, A., 460. Ruexner, G., 336, 337. Riigen, 63, 311. Rumley, W., 426. Rumph, G. E., 12. Rupert, Prince, 217, 218, 433. Ruskin, J., 380, 381. Russell, 268. Russell, M., 304. Russia, 28, 83, 285-288, 384, 443, 445- Ruthen, Col., 159. Ruthen, Lord, 197. Rutland, 104, 154. Rutter, J., 169, 182. Rutty, D., 254. Rutupiae, 128, 129. Rycaut, Sir P., 403, 439. Rye House Plot, 417, 429. Ryland, R. H., 201. Ryley, W., 337. Ryther, A., 446. Ryves, B., 424. S., F M 381. S., G., 429. S., J., 429. Sabatai-Sevi, 404. Sabine, Capt, 326. Sadeler, R., 378. Sadler, 207. Sadler's Balloon Voyage, 204. St. Alban's, 216. St. Alban's Abbey, 128. St. Alban's, Boke of, 333. St. Anthony's Monastery, Leith, 194. St Asaph, 190. St. Asaph Cathedral, 105. St. Christopher's, 321. St. Cloud, 275. St. Columba, 197. St. David's, 189. St. David's Cathedral, 105. St. Domingo, 320, 442. St. George's, 170, 171. St. Guthlac, 135. St. Helena, 87, 254, 308. St. James's Chronicle, 211. St. John's, Clerkenwell, 141. St. John, C., 12, 197. St. John, M., 314. St. John, S., 299. St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of, 280. St. John of Jerusalem, Priory of, 141. St. Katharine's Hospital, 144. St. Kentigern, 197. St. Leonard, Shoreditch, 141. St. Maloes, 442. St. Mark's, Bristol, 204. St. Martin-le-Grand, 142, 145. St. Mary's Abbey, Furness, 134. St. Mary's, Redcliffe, 206, 211, 222, 235. St. Neot's, 112. St. Ninian, 197. St. Paul's Cathedral, 105, 141, 142. St. Petersburg, 77, 287. St. Pierre, J. H. B. de, 309. St. Stephen's, Bristol, 207. St. Vincent, Earl, 441. INDEX. 553 St. Vincent Rocks, 122. Sale, Lady, 445. Salisbury, 180, 181. Salisbury, Bishops of, 398. Salisbury Cathedral, 98, 105, 179, 182, 369. Salisbury, Earl of, 416. Salisbury, near Bath, 168. Salisbury, R. A., 55. Sallust, 480. Salmon, N., 128, Salmon, W., 55, 381. Salopian Zealot, 254. Salt, H., 381. Salter, T. F., 74. Saltonstall, W., 260. Salvin, F. H., 67, 70. Sambucus, J., 260. Samouelle, G., 84. Sampford, H., 160. Sampson, G. V., 201. Samson, 268. Sancroft, Archbishop, 405. Sanders, W. B., 381. Sanderson, Bishop, 451, 467. Sandford, F., 429. Sandwich, 89, 129. Sandwich Islands, 322. Sandys, G., 270. Sanger, J. T., 255. Sarawak, 299. Sardinia, 285. Sarpi, P., 405- Saskatchewan, 312. Saturday Magazine, 513. Saugnier, 309. Saumarez, Lord de, 445. Savage, J., 169, 324, 472. Savigny, J. C., 6. Savoy, 269. Saxby, H. L., 71. Saxby, S. H., 71. Saxony, 277. Say, Lord, 217. Say, T., 93. Scacchi, A., 93. Scalby, 184. Scaliger, J., 475- Scammell and Co., 222. Scampton, 136. Scarborough Castle, 159. Scarlett, Sir J., 209. Scarth, H. M., 169. Scatcherd, N., 1 86, 381. Schedel, H., 382. Scheuchzer, J., 55. Scheuchzer, J. G., 300. Scheuchzer, J. J., 55, 290. Schiavonetti, 484. Schinz, S., 55. Schleiden, M. J., 55. Schlosser, J. A., 76. Schlotheim, Baron von, 24. Schmidtmeyer, P., 318. Schmiedel, C. C., 24, 55. Schmitz, L., 408. Schnebbelie, J., 340, 382. Schoepff, J. D., 76. Schoepflin, J. D., 277, 381. Schoolcraft, 268. Schoonebeck, A., 382. Schranck, F. de P., 84. Schreber, J. C. D., 24, 55. Schwarzenberg, Prince, 441. Schweinfurth, G., 305. Schwinckhardt, 355. Scilly Islands, in, 441. Sclater, P. L., 71. Sclavonia, 260. Scoble, A. R., 418, 419. Scopoli, G. A., 6, 24, 56, 84. Scot, Sir J., 429. Scotland, 12, 19, 43, 46, 70, 71, 191-200, 331, 332, 361, 395, 412, 420, 421, 485, 506. Scott, C. R., 289, 304. Scott,J., 5,246,275,402, 511. Scott, T., 454. Scott, Sir W., 192, 196, 197, 352, 439,450,496,513,514- Scrope family, 183. Scrope, G. P., 183. Sealy's Western Miscellany, 104. Seba, A., 6. Seccus, V. A., 260. Secundus, J., 478. Seebohm, H., 287. S.eeley, B., 107. Seely, J. B., 297. Seeman, B., 327. Segar, Sir W., 337. Seguier, Chancellor, 460. Segur, Comte de, 445. Selborne, 13. 554 INDEX. Selby, P. J., 71. Selden, J., 382. Selkirk, A., 252. Selkirk, J., 297. Selous, F. C., 307. Semple, R., 307. Sendel, N., 24. Seneca, L. A., 480. Seneca, M. A., 480. Senegal, 89. Senior, D., 383. Senior, N. W., 270. Senlis Cathedral, 348. Sepp, J. C., 84. Sergeant, J., 426. Serk, 202. Serres, J. T., 275. Seven Churches of Asia, 291. Severn, 101. Seyer, S., 210, 235, 255. Seymour, E., 429. Shaftsbury, Earl of, 427. Shairp, J. C., 514. Shakespear, H., 297. Shakspeare, W., 178, 181, 354, 375,471,472,496,497, 512. Sharp, 325. Sharp, Capt., 319. Sharp, T., 383. Sharp, W., 383. Sharpe, E., 383. Sharpe, R. B., 71. Shaw, Dr., 255. Shaw, G., 7, 1 5. Shaw, H., 1 06, 383, 384. Shaw, R., 294. Shaw, W., 170. Sheffield, 185. Shelley, Mrs., 497. Shelley, P. B., 497. Shelvocke, G., 270. Shenstone, W., 497. Shepheard, 170. Shepherd, T. H., 145, 197. Shepherd, W., 451. Shepherd's Kalendar, 507. Shepton Mallet, 159. Sherborne, Bishops of, 398. Sherbourne, 117. Sherburn Hospital, 119. Sherlock, R., 467. Sherwen, J., 214. Sherwood Forest, 71. Shetland, 48, 67, 71, 193, 196. Shiercliff, E., 222. Shillibeer, J., 270. Shipton, J. N., 255. Shirley, W., 235. Shoberl, F., 177, 384. Shrewsbury, 155. Shrewsbury, Earl of, 416. Shropshire, 46, 154, 155. Shuckard, W. E., 84, 85. Siam, 298, 299. Sibbald, Sir R., 197. Sibbold, R., 12. Siberia, 38, 83, 287, 301. Sibree, J., 309. Sicily, 12, 30, 263, 264, 268, 278, 280, 283, 285. Siebold, C. T. E. von, 84. Sierra Nevada, 313. Silesia, 45. Sillig, J., 384. Silvester, J., 235. Simcoe, Col., 445. Simeon, S., 514. Simnel, L., 429. Simon, T., 388. Simpson, F., 384. Simpson, J., 279. Simpson, R., 114, 134. Sims, R., 337. Sinai, 293-295. Sinclair, A. G., 340. Sinclair, G., 56. Sinde, 297, 440. Singapore, 261. Singer, S. W., 496. Sisson, J. L., 1 86. Sittenbourne, 465. Skelton, 234. Skelton, J., 152. Skene, W. F., 198. Skepper, E., 41. Skinner, T., 410. Skippon, General, 219. Skrine, H., 104. Skye, 198. Slade, A., 270. Slaney, R. A., 71. Slave-trade, 322. Sleaford, 136. Sleidanus, 408, 438. INDEX. 555 Sloane, Sir H., 56, 321. Slymbridge, 124. Smart, I., 226. Smee, A., 56. Smith, A., 198. Smith, C., 71. Smith, C. A., 239. Smith, C. H., 369. Smith, C. J., 384. Smith, E., 294. Smith, E. R., 318. Smith, F. W., 56. Smith, G. C., 170, 236. Smith, H., 385. Smith, J., 183, 426. Smith, Capt. J., 261, 314, 315. Smith, Sir J. E., 56, 57, 85, 271. Smith, J. T., 145. Smith, R., 251. Smith, S., 255. Smith, T., 472. Smith, Sir T., 429. Smith, W., 24, 152, 385, 467. Smollett, T., 430, 491. Smyth, C. P., 302. Smyth, W., 318, 396. Smyth, W. H., 285. Snelgrave, W., 308. Snow, W. P., 318, 327. Snowdon, 189. Soane's House, J., 139. Soave, P., 405. Socrates, 399, 405. Soldanus, A., 93. Sole, W., 57. Somerset, 9, 23, 71, 100, 103, 105, 121, 155-173, 219, 236, 332, 334. Somerset Archaeological Society, 171. Somerset Record Society, 170. Somerville family, 337. Somerville, Lord, 337. Somerville, W., 482, 497. Sommerton, 166. Sommiere, 268. Somner, W., 132. Sonnini, C. S., 304. Sophocles, 480. Sopwith, T., 150. South Downs, 21. South Kensington Museum, 385. South Petherton, 166. South Sea, 259, 265, 271, 317-319, 322, 323, 325. South Winfield, 1 13. Southampton, 125, 126. Southampton, Earl of, 416. Southey, R., 405, 488, 497, 514. Southgate, 294. South wark, 140, 144-146. Southwell, 151. Southwell Papers, 206. Southwell, Sir R., 438. Southwell, R. H., 255. Southwold, 174. Sowerby, G. B., 25, 89, 93, 94. Sowerby, J., 7, 25, 57, 94. Sowerby, J. de C., 94. Sowerby, J. E., 58. Sozomen, 405. Spada, G. G., 25. Spain, 12, 29, 260, 263, 268, 270, 275, 288, 289, 384, 395, 400, 401, 434, 435, 437, 442, 443, 449- Spalatro, 339. Spalding, W., 285. Spalding Club, 199. Spanish Main, 322. Spanish Match, 216. Spectator, 512. Speed, J., 430. Speed, T., 255, 256. Speke, J. H., 305. Spence, J., 385. Spence, W., 8r. Spencer, E., 294. Spenser, E., 497. Spey, 195. Spinoza, 404. Spolasco, Baron, 238. Spotswood, Archbishop, 198. Sprange, J., 132. Sprat, T., 146. Spreat, W., 1 16. Sprengel, K., 58. Sprigge, J., 445. Springer, J. S., 315. Sprint, J., 171. Spry, W., 85. Spry, W. J. J., 271. Spy, Turkish, 515. Squier, E. G., 318. Squire, F., 171. Squire in his chariot, 255. 556 INDEX. Stace, M., 330. Stackhouse, J., 58. Stackhouse, T., 467. Stafford, Earl of, 415. Stafford, Marquis of, 372. Stafford, T., 201. Staffordshire, 12, 104, 105, 173, 174, 365. Stainton, H. T., 85. Stainton Dale, 184. Stalkaart, M., 385. Stamford, 135, 136. Stamford, Earl of, 114. Standfast, R., 255. Standish, F. H., 271. Stanfield, C., 104. Stanhope, A., 437. Stanley, A. P., 132, 146, 295, 405, 406. Stansbridge, 108. Star Chamber, 409. Stark, A., 137. State Defence, 236. State Papers, 430. Statius, 480. Statutes, 430. Staunton, Sir G., 300. Stavordale, 164. Stawel, Sir J., 171. Staynred, P., 171. Stebbing, H., 466. Steenstrup, J. j., 6. Steevens, G., 473. Steinman, G. S., 175. Stephen, Sir J., 406. Stephens, J. F., 85, 473. Stephens, J. L., 318. Stephens, T., 480. Sternhold, T., 455, 465, 466. Sterland, W. J., 71. Sterling,;., 515. Stevenson, H., 71. Stevenson, J., 398. Stewart, D., 198. Stewart, W. G., 198. Stillingfleet, B., 7. Stillingfleet, Bishop, 406. Stirling, 194. Stirling Castle, 198. Stirling, Earl of, 336. Stirling, H., 255. Stirling- Maxwell, Sit,W., 439. Stirlingshire, 196. Stith, W., 315. Stock, J. E., 255. Stockdale, F. W. L., 1 1 2, 132. Stockdale, J., 134. Stockdale, P., 499. Stockton-on-Tees, 1 1 8. Stokes, J., 250. Stone, L. W., 187. Stonehenge, 180, 181, 183. Stoneleigh, 178. Storch, H., 287. Storer, H. S., 108, 124, 152, 199. Storer, J., 107, 108, 124, 152, 198, 199. Stothard, A. E., 275. Stothard, C. A., 385. Stourhead, 179. Stow, 137. Stow, J., 146, 430. Stow, W., 146. Stowe, H. B., 352. Stowe House, 107. Strabo, 480. Strachan family, 336. Strafford, Earl of, 452. Strange, R., 372. Strangforth, Lord, 495. Strasburg, 378. Strasburg Cathedral, 348. Stratford, F., 205. Stratford-on-Avon, 178, 355. Strawberry Hill, 386. Street, G. E., 386. Strickland, A., 430, 431. Strong, J., 1 6 1. Strutt, A. J., 285. Strutt, J., 386, 431. Strutt, J. G., 58. Strype, 146, 406, 451. Stuart, E., Queen of Bohemia, 41 r. Stuart, J., 199, 278. Stuart, J. M., 324. Stuart, R., 386. Stubbe, H., 445. Stubbs, Bishop, 431. Stukeley, W., 183, 451. Sturmy, S., 171. Sturmey, Capt., 257. Suffolk, 41, 149, 174, 353. Suicer, J. C., 467. Sully, D. de, 447. INDEX. 557 Sulpitius, 480, 481. Sulzer, J. H., 85. Sumatra, 299. Summer Isles, 314, 315. Sunderland, Earl of, 417. Surrey, 100, 102, 175. Surrey, Earl of, 497. Sussex, 19, 21, 68, 100, 104, 176, 177- Sussex, Duke of, 139. Sussex and Arundell, Earl of, 415. Sutcliffe, J., 25. Sutherland, A., 236. Sutherlandshire, 197. Suttpn, T., 138. Swainson, W., 7, 94. Swammerdam, J., 85, 86. Swansea, 78, 188. Swarbreck, S. D., 199. Swartz, O., 58. Switzerland, 39, 40, 62-64, 267- 270, 289, 290, 377. Sweden, 27, 69, 285-288, 311, 397: Sweet, R., 58. Swete, E. H., 58. Swift, Dean, 515. Symes, M., 299. Symes, R., 255. Symmons, E., 431. Symonds, J. A., 255. Symonds, W. S., 25. Sympson, G., 243. Syria, 262, 292-294. Talbot, W., 256. Talfourd, T. N., 451, 498. Talon, N., 406. Tamar, 114. Tanner, Bishop, 182, 386. Tanner, W., 236. Taplin, W., 340. Tartary, 294. Tasman, 259. Tatler, 515. Taunton, 155, 160, 161, 165, 166, 172. Tavy, 114. Taylor, Sir H., 498, 515. Taylor, Bishop, 406, 467, 468. Taylor, E., 432. Taylor, I., 473- Taylor, J., 233, 236, 256. Taylor, R., 149. Taylor alias Domville, S., 1 19. Taylor, T., 43, 163, 172, 45*- Teignmouth, Lord, 199. Temple, E., 318. Temple, N., 498. Temple Church, London, 137, 138- Temple Combe, 171. Templeman, P., 303. Tenby, 188, 190. Teneriffe, 309. Tennent, Sir J. E., 13, 298. Tennyson, Lord, 498, 499. Terrae Filius, 153. Terrible, ship, 442. Terry, E., 298. Teviotdale, 196. Tewkesbury, 120, 122. Texas, 311. Thames Tunnel, 146. Thebes, 302. Theocritus, 406. Theophrastus, 59. Thessaly, 278. Thetford, 148, 149. Thetis, ship, 238. Thicknesse, P., 172, 275. Thietmassia, 260. Thirlwall, Bishop, 408, 409. Thistlethwaite, 211, 214. Thistlethwaite, J., 255. Thistlewood, A., 432. Thlew-ee-choh river, 266. Thomas, P., 271. Thomas, W. H., 190. Thompson, A., 417. Thompson, C., 271. Thompson, J. V., 25. Thompson, R., 226, 243. Thompson, T., 256. Thompson, W., 13. Thorns, W. J., 515. Thomson, J., 300, 499. Thomson, Mrs., 431. Thomson, R., 147, 386, 431. Thomson, Sir C. W., 271. Thomson, T., 300. Thomson, W., 59. Thoresby, R., 187. Thorn, R. J., 256. Thornhill, Sir J., 392. 558 INDEX. Thorold, J., 337. Thoroton, R., 151. Thorpe, W., 207. Throsby, J., 151. Thucydides, 481. Thunberg, K. P., 59. Thysius, A., 432. Tiber, 282. Tibet, 300. Tickell, 502. Tierra del Fuego, 318. Tilgate Forest, 21. Till, W., 386, 387. Tillotson, Archbishop, 468. Tindal, N., 427. Tindal, W., 184. Tinterne, 190. Tintinhull, 170. Tiptoft family, 183. Tirion, I., 279. Tischbein, W., 387. Titus, 365. Titus, Baths of, 284. Tiverton, 114. Tixall, 173. Tobago, 322. Tobin, J., 429- Toddington, 121. Tode, H. J., 59. Toland, J., 387. Told, S., 256. Tolderoy, W., 104. Tombes, J., 217. Tombleson, 277. Tomkins, 499. Tong, W., 247. Tonken, J., 451. Topham, J., 387. Torquay, 114. Torr, J., 187. Tottenham High Cross, 135, 137. Toulmin, J., 172. Tour d'Auvergne, Princedela, 466. Tourghenieff, I., 288. Tournefort, 291. Tournefort, J. P., 59. Tovey, C., 228, 256. Tower of London, 138, 139, 147. Townley, C., 387. Townsend, G., 400. Tozzetti, G. T., 25. Tradescant, Mrs., 392. Trajan's Column, 281. Transylvania, 277. Trebeck, G., 297. Trench, Archbishop, 500. Trent, Council of, 405. Tresham, H., 387. Trevor, A., 431. Trevor, E., 498. Trevor, G., 409. Trew, C. J., 59. Trials, 238-243, 431, 432. Trimen, H., 59. Trimmer, K., 59. Trinity House, 445. Tripoli, 304. Troad, 290. Trollope, A., 322. Trollope, F. E., 283. Trollope, T. A., 275, 283. Trowbridge, 181. Truchses-Waldburg, Count, 446. Tsadda river, 308. Tschudi, F. von, 290. Tucker, J., 256. Tucker, R., 163. Tugwell, G., 59. Tuileries, 444. Tulket, M., 134. Tully, 304. Tunbridge Wells, 128, 129, 132. Tunis, 35. Tunnicliff, W., 105. Turbervill, E., 426. Turberville, G., 72. Turkey, 266, 270, 290, 293, 294, 303, 384, 439. Turkish pirates, 234. Turner, D., 60, 276, 350. Turner, G., 324. Turner, J., 238. Turner, J. M. W., 105, 493. Turner, L., 128. Turner, S., 432. Turner, T. H., 387, 388. Turner, W., 60-62. Turretin, F., 468. Turton, W., 94. Tut bury, 1 1. Twamley, L. A., 190. Tyerman, D., 271. Tyler, J. E., 432. Tyndale, W., 456. INDEX. 559 Tyrwhitt, T., 210, 213, 486. Tyson, W., 256. Ubaldino, P., 446. Ulfeldt, L. C., 439. Ulloa, A. de, 319. Ulloa, J. J. de, 319. Underditch, 180. Underbill, E. B., 226. Underbill, J., 243. Ungava Bay, 313. United States, 9, 21, 75, 90, 310, 313, 314, 316, 319, 359. Upsala, 47. Uriconium, 154. Urry, J., 486. Ursatus, S., 388. Ushant, 441. Ussher, Archbishop, 396, 406. Usteri, P., 54. Utrecht, Peace of, 423. Vaenus, O., 477. Vaillant, J. F., 388. Vaillant, S., 62. Valdinievole, 25. Valdor, J., 440. Valentine, B., 511. Valerius Maximus, 481. Valesius, H., 399, 405, 406. Valor Ecclesiasticus, 407. Valle di Non, 93. Vallenses, 399. Vancouver, G., 271. Vancouver Island, ir, 313. Vandyke, 349. Vane, General, 446. Vannes massacre, 181. Vasi, M., 285. Vassall, Lieut.-Colonel, 256. Vatican, 283. Vaudois, 282. Vaughan, H., 500. Vaughan, R., 315. Veer, E. de, 435. Vega, ship, 268. Velletri, 393. Venegas, M., 315. Vengeance, ship, 442. Venice, 49, 376, 381. Venne, A. van de, 388. Ventouillac, L. T., 276. Venus, 365. Vera Cruz, 319. Vernon, Admiral, 32 r . Verona, 25. Versailles, 275, 276. Vertue, G., 388, 389. Verwey, J., 424. Vesuvius, 283, 284. Vicat, P. R., 62. Victoria, Queen, 386. Vienna, 266, 277. Vignola, 342. Villamena, F., 281. Vincennes, 275. Vincent, F., 299. Vincent, L., 15. Vinci, L. da, 389. Vintner, J. C., 207. Virgil, 481. Virgil Polydore, 432. Virginia, 33, 39, 261, 268, 312-315, 507. Virginia Water, 175. Visconti, E. Q., 347. Vitringa, C., 468. Vivian, A. P., 315. Vivian, G., 285. Visseler, 355. Volunteers, 244. Vowell alias Hoker, J., 116. W., Sir A., 432. Wace, 432. Waddington, 184. Wadley, T. P., 206. Wafer, L., 319. Wager, ship, 262. Wagstaffe, J., 515. Wakefield, 38, 186, 346, 381. Wakefield, P., 86. Walachia, 294. Walaeus, A., 475. Walauby, 292. Walcott, J., 26, 62, 76. Walcott, M. E. C., 244. Walch, J. E. I., 3. Waldeck, 260. Waldenses, 280, 282. Wales, 25, 60, 187-191, 334, 344, 347, 360, 379, 409- Wales, Princes of, 415. Walker, C., 216. INDEX. Walker, J., 407. Walker, J. C., 202. Walker, R., 62. Walker, T. L., 168, 377. Walker-Arnott, G. A., 43. Wallace, A. R., 299, 319. Wallace, W. A., 7. Walleman, Sir G., 426. Wallen, W., 120. Waller, 268. Waller, E., 500. Waller, Sir W., 218. Wallis, 266. Walpole, H., 212, 389, 432, 473, SIS- Walsh, R., 202, 319. Walsh, T., 446. Waltham, 119. Waltham Abbey, 400. Walter, R., 272. Walton, I., 74, 451, 459, 467. Walton, W., 289. Walworth, 426. Wansey, H., 276, 316. Warbeck, P., 429. Warburton, E., 272, 433. Warburton, G., 316. Warburton, J., 202. Warburton, P. E., 324. Warburton, W., 172. Ward, N. B., 62. Warder, J., 86. Wardour Castle, 182. Warfield Grove, 329. W r aring, J. B., 367, 389. Warminster, 180. Warner, R., 62, 105, 112, 172, 389. Warrington, W., 190. Warton, T., 154, 210, 212, 389, 489. Warwick, 178. Warwick, Sir P., 433. Warwickshire, 97, 159, 177, 178, 392. Washbourn, J., 124. Washington, 442, 444. Watch-bill, 244. Watchet, 170. Waterbeach, 108. Waterford, 201. Waterhouse, G. R., 65. Waterloo, 279, 442, 446. Waterton, C., 7, 319. Watkins, J., 116. Watson, P. W., 63. Watson, R., 440. Watt, R., 473. Watts, B. H., 164. Watts, C., 247. Watts, W., 325. Waynflete, Bishop, 448. Weale, J., 389, 390. Weaver, F. W., 172. Weaver, R., 390. Web, G., 173. Webb, 181. Weber, G. H., 63. Weber, J. C., 63. Webster, W. H. B., 272. Wedderburn, D., 478. Wedgwood family, 365. Wedgwood, J., 368. Weever, J., 390. Weigel, C. E., 63. Weir, D., 199. Weis, F. W., 63. Welbeck, 54. Weld, I., 202, 316. Weldon, Sir A., 422. Wellington (Somerset), 162. Wellington, Duke of, 440, 446. Wells, 156, 159, 160, 168, 173. Wells Cathedral, 98, 105, 158, 160- 162. Welwood, J., 433. Wendland, J. C., 63. Wentworth, T., 452. Werner, A. G., 26. Wesley, 235. Wesley, C, 256. Wesley, J., 165, 256. West, B., 390. West, T., 134. West Indies, 12, 33, 259, 264, 268, 319-322. Westbury, 180. Westcott, E. C., 257. Westcott, H. J., 257. Westfield, T., 257. Westmacott, C. M., 390. Westminster, 140, 144-147, 391. Westminster Abbey, 139, 140, 146, 147. Westminster Palace, 139. Westmorland, 104, 113. INDEX. 561 Weston, R., 63. Weston Favell, 150. Weston Underwood, 107 Westover, 312. Westphalia, 266. Westwood, J. O., 86, 390 Wetherell, Sir C., 244. Whaddon Hall, 423. Whale fishery, 263. Whalley, 134. Whalley, P., 150. Wharton, H., 401. Whatley, S., 427. Wheler, R. B., 178. Whetstone, G., 452. Whewell, W., 390. Whitaker, J., 112, 134. Whitaker, T. D., 134, 187. Whitchurch, 312. White, C., 240. White, G., 13. White, H. K., 500. White, J., 63, 304, 407. White, W., 105. Whiteford, 190. Whitehead, W., 244. White- Knights, 106. Whitelaw, J., 202. Whitson, J., 257. Whittingham, W., 455. Whittington, G. D., 390. Whittington, Sir R., 248. Whymper, E., 290. Whymper, F., 316. Wiclif, 456. Wight, J., 147. Wigram, J. R., 106. Wightwick, G., 391. Wilbraham, R., 109. Wild, C., 137, 184. Wilkins, E. P., 13. Wilkinson, J., 149. Wilkinson, Sir J. G., 304. Wilkinson, J. J., 86. Willcocks, M., 226. Willement, T., 107, 338. William I., 510. William III., 253, 341, 349, 382, 396, 424, 425, 431, 465. Williams, C. R., 322. Williams, H. M., 436. Williams, H. W., 384, Williams, R. F., 391. Williams, T. H., 1 16. Willis, B., 105, 190, 391. Willis, N. P., 316. Willis, R., 391. Willis, T., 257. Willmott, R. A., 485. Wills, Bristol, 206, 207. Wills, Somerset, 173. Willoughby, F., 72, 74. Wilmshurst, T., 391. Wilson, A., 300. Wilson, J., 87, 199, 268. Wilson, O. S., 87. Wilson, R., 243. Wilson, T., 147, 391. Wilton, 183, 350, 372, Wiltshire, 8, 26, 100, 178-183, 219, 334- Wiltshire, Marquis of, 416. Wimborne Minster, 117. Winchester, 125, 126. Winchester, Bishops of, 398. Winchester Cathedral, 98, 105. Winchester, Marquis of, 406, 416. Windsor, 106, 107, 137, 331, 387. Wingfield, W., 72. Winkelmann, J., 391. Winkles, B., 103, 105, 391. Winne, J. H., 433. Winscom, J., 248. Winston, C., 391. Wisbech, 177. Wise family, 336. Wise, F., 392. Wise, J. R., 126. Witham, 164. Witham, H. T. M., 26. Withering, W., 63, 64. Witherspoon, J., 257. Withington, N., 317. Woburn, 56, 106. Wodarch, C., 95. Wolff, J. F., 64. Wollaston, T. V., 87. Wolsey, Cardinal, 421. Wood, 259, 325. Wood, A., 154, 450. Wood, E., 243. Wood, G., 173. Wood, J., 173, 205, 245, 295. Wood, J. P., 332. 4C 562 INDEX. Wood, R., 295. Wood, T., 257. Wood, W., 87, 95, 199, 473, 516. Woodburn, 392. Woodchester, 123. Woodford, 62. Woods, H., 26. Woods, J., 64. Woodstock Manor, 152. Woodville, W., 64. Woodward, Dr., 214. Woodward, J., 26, 27. Woodward, S., 27. Wookey, 164. Woolnoth, W., 132. Wooster, D., 64. Wootton Hundred, 152. Worcester, 184, 343. Worcester, Battle of, 411. Worcester Cathedral, 97, 102, 105, 184, 367. Worcester, Earl of, 416. Worcester, William of, 220, 353, 514. Worcestershire, 105, 183, 184. Wordsworth, C., 278, 407, 452, 455. Wordsworth, D., 199. Wordsworth, W., 452, 500, 501. Worgan, J. D., 257. Worksop, 151. Worsley, R., 126. Wreg, T., 507. Wren, Sir C., 448. Wright, A., 392. Wright, E., 272. Wright, G. N., 134, 200, 272, 276, 300, 446. Wright, J., 154. Wright, M., 433. Wright, P., 420. Wright, J., 433. Wright, W., 436. Wroth, Sir T., 160. Wurffbain, J. P., 76. Wyatt, M. D., 392. Wyatt, Sir T., 501. Wycombe, 107. Wye, 189, 190. Wyndham, H. P., 183, 191. Wynne, W., 191. Wynter, J., 245. Wyntoun's Chronicle, 197. Wyrcestre, William of, 220, 353, 514. Xenophon, 323, 481. Yarkand, 294. Yarmouth, 12. Yarrell, W., 72, 75. Yate, R., 255. Yate, W. H., 15. Yatton, 170. Yearsley, A., 257, 258. Yeats, T. P., 87. Yedo, 300. Yeomans, R., 215. Yonge, W., 433. York, 184, 185, 187. York, Cardinal, 329. York, Duke of, 415. York Minster, 98, 99, 105, 187. Yorke, J., 338. Yorkshire, 97, 100, 184-187, 471. Youghal, 252. Young, A., 105, 202, 276. Young, E., 392, 501. Young, J., 392, 393. Young, T., 393. Yucatan, 317, 318. Zambesi, 306, 307. Zanonius, J., 64. Zeeland, 279, 434. Zetland, 193. Zimmermann, J. C., 55. Zinanni, Conte, 72. Zinn, J. G., 64. Zoega, G., 393. Zoolu country, 306. CHISWICK PRESS: CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND co., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON.