v^ GIFT OF ^i^y^^^C^An^ OJ^i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from iVIicrosof* Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/conipliedcharterrOOhartrich THE COMPILED CHARTER AND REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HARTFORD INCLUDING ALL AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER AND ALL ORDINANCES IN FORCE OCTOBER 1, 1907, WITH AN APPENDIX CON- TAINING ALL ORDINANCES ENACTED FROM OCTOBER 1, 1907, TO MAY 1, 1908 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY / HARTFORD The'|_Case, Lockwood & Brain ard Company 1908 ao INTRODUCTION. This publication comprises the ordinances of the City of Hart- iord revised to October 1st, 1907. The revision of the ordinances is official. The charter is not official and is a compilation made originally in 1906 by Arthur L. Shipman, corporation counsel of the city at that date, and subsequently brought to date with the assistance of Lawrence A. Howard and James W. Knox of the Hartford Bar. This volume i& published under the authority of the Court of Common Council of the City. The compilers trust that, for practical purposes, this publica- tion will be found far more convenient than reference to previous revisions, fragmentary pamphlets containing the ordinances and the various volumes of special laws. It cannot be expected that this publication is entirely free of errors and omissions. The work, however, has been carefully done, and it is hoped that the volume is as free from defects as are most works of like character. The new arrangement of sections, with head notes or catch-words attached thereto, the compilers feel sure will be regarded as an improvement over previous arrangements of the charter and ordinances. Hartford, June 1st, 1908. 296189 CHAPTEK I. BOUNDARIES AND WARDS. § 1. Boundaries. The territorial limits of the body politic gg.^Rie. and corporate heretofore existing under the name of " The Mayor. Aldermen and Common Council, and Freemen, of the City of Hart- ford," shall hereafter be the following, vi-z. : The territorial limits of the town of Hartford with Keney Park addition. Original Boundaries— 1784, Vol. 1, S. L. p. 368. Boundaries extended, 1853, Vol. 3, " p. 392. 1859, Vol. 5, " p. 316. 1871, Vol. 7, " p. 136. 1873, Vol. 7, " p. 620. 1881, Vol. 9, " p. 245. § 2. Keney park addition. All that part of the town ^^ s.^hti. of Windsor embraced within the following described lines, viz.: Beginning at a stone bound at the intersection of the southerly line of lands of the trustees under the last will of Henry Keney with the westerly line of Windsor avenue, being the southeast comer of lands formerly belonging to Wellington Deming; thence in said westerly line of Windsor avenue, north eighteen degrees forty-two minutes thirty seconds east, one hundred and twenty-one and seventy-two one-hundredths feet; thence in said westerly line north five degrees thirty-eight minutes east, one hundred and forty- two and forty one-hundredths feet; thence in said westerly line, north one degree twenty-eight minutes thirty seconds west, three hundred and eighty-three feet to a stone bound at the intersection of the northerly line of lands of said trustees with the westerly line of Windsor avenue, or howsoever the said westerly line of Windsor avenue may hereafter be found to be, the westerly line herein de- scribed being the apparent line as determined by fences and other data ; thence south eighty-seven degrees twelve minutes thirty sec- onds west, seven thousand five hundred and thirty-eight and twenty- six one-hundredths feet to a stone in the boundary line between ^ BOljif'DARIES AND WARDS. Windsor and Bloomfield, being the northwest corner of lands of said trustees ; thence in said boundary line, south seven degrees twenty- four minutes thirty seconds west, nine hundred and forty-two and fifty-nine one-hundredths feet to a brownstone bowlder, said stone being the corner-stone between Bloomfield and Windsor, and in boundary line between Windsor and Hartford; thence in said boundary line between Windsor and Hartford, south eighty-three degrees thirty-four minutes east, six thousand two hundred and fifty-five and thirty-three one-hundredths feet to the intersection of said boundary line with the easterly line of lands of said trustees; thence in said easterly line, north twenty degrees thirteen minutes east, four hundred and nine and ninety-two one-hundredths feet to a stone bound; thence in said easterly line, north nineteen degrees forty-four minutes east, five hundred and nineteen and sixty-four one-hundredths feet to a stone bound, which is the southwest corner of land of Mrs. Mary A. Marsh ; thence in said easterly line, north three degrees fifty-five minutes thirty seconds east, four hundred and sixty and seventy-two one-hundredths feet to a stone bound, which is the northwest corner of lands of Mrs. Mary A. ^larsh ; ,. ' thence north eighty-eight degrees forty minutes thirty seconds east, in the southerly boundary line of lands of said trustees, seven hun- dred and ninety-six and fifty one-hundredths feet to a stone bound ; thence in said southerly line, south seventy-three degrees twenty- nine minutes thirty seconds east, two hundred and forty-seven and seventy-one one-hundredths feet to the point of beginning, contain- ing two hundred and twenty-two and eighty-eight one-hundredths acres, more or less, is hereby annexed to, incorporated with, and made part of the Town of Hartford; conditioned that the same is to become a part of and to be used only as a part of the Keney Park, to be established and maintained as provided by the terms of Henry Keney's will. 5sSi7. § 3- General powers of city. All the inhabitants of the state of Connecticut, being electors tliereof, dwelling within said limits, shall continue forever hereafter, to be a body politic and cor- porate, in fact and in name, by the name of " The City of Hart- ford '' ; and by that name they and their successors shall and may have perpetual succession, and be persons in law, capable of su- ing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all suits of BOUNDARIES AND WARDS. what nature soever; and also to purchase, hold, and convey any estate, real and personal; and may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at pleasure ; and shall be electors of said city ; and by virtue of this act, shall become and be absolutely vested with, possess, and enjoy, all the lands, tenements, hereditaments, property and rights, choses in action, and estate whatsoever, which since the time of the original incorporation of said city have be- come vested in the inhabitants of said city in their corporate capa- city, and which in that capacity are still vested in and belong to said inhabitants, that is to say, in the said city ; and said city shall have jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters on the Connecticut river opposite the town of Hartford; and the marshal and deputy marshals of said city shall have authority to execute legal process on said river opposite said town; it being provided^ that said city shall in no manner regulate or interfere with the navigation thereof, or impose any tax, toll, or duty, on the commerce upon said river. § 4. Limitations on corporate powers. No tax exceed- ^^gisos. ing six mills on a dollar of the grand list shall be laid or levied by said city of Hartford upon any land within its limits unless said land has an assessed value of at least six hundred dollars per acre ; no tax exceeding said rate shall be laid or levied upon any land or the buildings thereon which was added to the limits of the city of Hartford by resolutions of the general assembly, approved July ninth, 1873, and April fourteenth, 1881, so long as said land has an assessed value not exceeding six hundred dollars per acre exclusive of the buildings thereon, and all farming produce, and all stock used in farming, and all implements of husbandry belonging to persons " residing on said territory so added, so long as they shall continue to reside thereon, shall be exempt in the same manner and to the same extent ; provided, that this resolution shall not be so construed as to exempt from liability any property invested in business outside of said added territory ; no tax exceeding six mills on a dollar of the grand list shall be laid or levied by said city upon those meadow lands included in the addition made to said city by the act of the general assembly approved July twenty-sixth, 1871, lying on the east side of Wethersfield avenue and not protected by a dyke; or upon that tract of land known as Hartford north meadows, the boundaries of which were established by a decree of the superior BOUNDARIES AND WARDS. court for Hartford county, passed at its March term, 1868, upon the petition of Henry Drake and Samuel Mather, so long as the same shall remain a common field, and the roads thereon shall be kept and maintained by the proprietors of said meadows. All other lands within the limits of said city subject to taxation shall be liable to pay such tax as shall be levied thereon upon the grand list of said city. 1881. § 5. Idem. The said city of Hartford shall not have power ■ ■ to order to be made any new street, sewer, curb, gutter, sidewalk, or other public improvements of any kind, within or upon the territory added to the limits of said city by resolution, approved April 14, 1881, except upon the written" application of not less than twenty- five real estate owners residing and owning land within the terri- tory so added to the limits of said city. 9s.^i!^246. § 6- Idem. The ordinance of said city relating to building lines and to building permits shall not be applicable to the territory so added to said city while said territory shall be used for farming purposes. 12 S. L. 504. § 7. Wards. The city of Hartford shall be and it is hereby divided into ten wards, as follows : First Ward. Beginning at a point on Main street, opposite the center of Charter Oak street, thence running easterly through the center of Charter Oak street to the Connecticut river, thence northerly along the west bank of the Connecticut river to a point opposite the center of Talcott street, thence westerly through the center of Talcott street to the center of Main street, thence southerly through the center of Main street to the place of beginning. Seooio) Ward. Beginning at a point in the center of Main street opposite Tal- cott street, thence running easterly through the center of Talcott street to the Connecticut river, thence northerly by the Connecticut river to the city line, thence westerly by the northern boundary line of the city to a point where the New York, New Haven and Hart- ford railroad crosses, thence southerly along the center of the track BOUNDARIES AND WARDS. of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad to the center of Canton street, thence westerly through the center of Canton street to the center of Main street, thence southerly through the center of Main street to the place of beginning. Third Ward. Beginning at a point on Main street opposite Canton street, thence running easterly through the center of Canton street to the center of the track of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, thence northerly along the center of the track of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad to the northern boundary line of the city, thence westerly by the northern boundary line of the city to a point opposite the center of Vine street, thence south- erly in a straight line coincident with Vine street produced, to the center of Vine street, thence southerly through the center of Vine street to the center of Albany avenue, thence easterly through the center of Albany avenue to the center of Belden street, thence easterly through the center of Belden street to the center of Main street, thence northerly to the place of beginning. Fourth Ward. Beginning at a point on Little river, opposite the center of Union place, thence running northerly through the center of Union place to the center of Church street, thence easterly through the center of Church street to the center of High street, thence north- erly through the center of High street to the center of Main street, thence northerly through the center of Main street to the center of Belden street, thence westerly through the center of Belden street to the center of Albany avenue, thence westerly through the center of Albany avenue to the center of Vine street, thence northerly through the center of Vine street to Holcomb street, thence northerly in a straight line coincident with Vine street produced, to the northern boundary line of the city, thence westerly on the north- ern boundary line of the city to the western boundary line of the city, thence southerly on the western boundary line of the city to the center of Asylum avenue, thence easterly through the center of Asylum avenue to the center of Woodland street, thence northerly through the center of Woodland street to the center of Collins BOUNDAKIES AND WARDS. street, thence easterly through the center of Collins street to the center of Garden street, thence southerly through the center of Garden street to the center of Asylum street, thence easterly through the center of Asylum street to the center of Union place, thence southerly in a straight line to the place of beginning. Fifth Ward. Beginning at a point on Main street, opposite Mulberry street, thence running westerly through the center of Mulberry street to the center of Little river, thence westerly by the Little river to a point opposite the center of Union place, thence northerly through the center of Union place to the center of Church street, thence easterly through the center of Church street to the center of High street, thence northerly through the center of High street to the center of Main street, thence southerly through the center of Main street to the place of beginning. i Sixth Ward. Beginning at a point on Main street, opposite Mulberry street, thence westerly through the center of Mulberry street to the center of Little river, thence westerly by the center of Little river to a point opposite the center of Hungerford street, thence southerly through the center of Hungerford street to the center of Park street, thence easterly through the center of Park street to the center of Main street, thence northerly through the center of Main street to the place of beginning. Seventh Ward. Beginning at a point on Main street, opposite the center of Charter Oak street, thence easterly through the center of Charter Oak street to the Connecticut river, thence southerly by the Connec- ticut river to the southern boundary line of the city, thence westerly by the southern boundary line of the city to the center of Maple avenue, thence northerly through the center of Maple avenue to the center of Webster street, thence northerly through the center of Webster street to the center of Washington street, thence northerly through the center of Washington street to the center of Park street, thence easterly through the center of Park street to the center of BOUNDARIES AND WAEDS. Main street, thence northerly through the center of Main street to the place of beginning. Eighth Ward. Beginning at a point on Park street, opposite the center of Washington street, thence southerly through the center of Wash- ington street to the center of Webster street, thence southerly through the center of Webster street to the center of Maple avenue, thence southerly through the center of Maple avenue to the southern boundary line of the city, thence westerly by the southern boundary line of the city to the western boundary line of the city, thence northerly by the western boundary line of the city to a point where the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad crosses, thence northerly along the center of the track of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad to the center of Park street, thence easterly through the center of Park street to the place of beginning. Ninth Ward. Beginning at a point on Little river, opposite the center of Union place, thence running northerly to the center of Asylum street, thence westerly through the center of Asylum street to the center of Garden street, thence northerly through the center of Garden street to the center of Collins street, thence westerly through the center of Collins street to the center of Sigoumey street, thence southerly through the center of Sigourney street to the Little river, thence southerly in a straight line coincident with Sigourney street produced, to the center of Park street, thence easterly through the center of Park street to the center of Hungerford street, thence northerly through the center of Hungerford street to the Little river, thence easterly along the center of Little river to the place of beginning. Tenth Ward. Beginning at a point on Sigourney street, opposite the center of Collins street, thence running westerly through the center of Collins street to the center of Woodland street, thence southerly through the center of Woodland street to the center of Asylum ave- nue, thence westerly through the center of Asylum avenue to the 10 BOUNDARIES AND WARDS. western boundary line of the city, thence southerly along the western boundary line of the city to a point where the New York New Haven and Hartford railroad crosses, thence northerly through the center of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad track to the center of Park street, thence easterly through the center of Park street to a point opposite the center of Sigourney street, thence northerly in a straight line coincident with Sigourney street produced, to the center of Sigourney street, thence northerly through the center of Sigourney street to the place of beginning. ELECTIONS AND ELECTORS MEETINGS. 11 CHAPTER 2. ELECTIONS AND ELECTORS MEETINGS. § 8. Date of annual meetings, and city officers. The ^^^i^^ date of the annual meetings of the town and of the city of Hartford shall be the Jfirst Tuesday of April in each and every year, beginning in April, 1906. Annual meetings shall be held in wards, and at such annual meetings there shall be chosen by said city by a plural- ity of votes, a mayor, a city marshal, a clerk, a treasurer, a col- lector and a controller. 14 s. L. 1859. 5 S. L. 318. 5 S. L. 318. § 9. Terms of office. The mayor and city marshal shall ^^i^a hold their respective offices for two years from and after date of election and until their successors have been chosen and qualified. ^^g^ The freemen of the city chosen in the annual city meeting on the ^"^ ^- ^- ^.^• first Tuesday of April, 1906, and biennially thereafter as collector, controller and treasurer shall respectively hold office for two years from and after the first Monday of June next succeeding their elec- tions and until their respective successors are chosen and qualified. The term of any officer chosen to fill out an unexpired term shall expire upon the expiration of the terai of office of his predecessor. § 1 0. Members of court of common council, election and 1905. terms of. At the annual meeting of the city of Hartford to jggg be holden on the first Tuesday of April, 1906, there shall be chosen by plurality vote in each of said ten wards, from among the electors entitled to vote therein, four councilmen, to hold office for one year, and one alderman, to hold office for twp years, and at all sub- sequent city meetings there shall be chosen in each of said ten wards one alderman, to hold office for two years, and four councilmen, to hold office for one year, and until their (respective) successors are chosen and qualified. In case of a tie vote, the vacancy in the office of alderman or common councilman shall be filled at a new election to be held on the next day for the special purpose of filling such vacancy. 5S. L. 318. 12 12S.T.626. § ^^" "'"^W" officers, election of. The town of Hartford shall elect no officers except its selectmen, town clerk, assessors, grand jurors, registrars of voters, high scliool committee, board of school visitors and constables, and except also such officers as are by law voted for at the biennial electors^ meeting in November. An- nual meetings of said town for the choice of town officers shall be held at the same place provided for holding the city meeting, which meeting of said town shall be warned and held in the same manner as is now provided for warning and holding town meetings in the town of Hartford. There shall be chosen (at such annual meet- ings) six grand jurors, of whom no person shall vote for more than three; five persons to constitute a high school committee, of whom no person shall vote for more than three; three members of the board of school visitors, of whom no person shall vote for more than two; seven constables, of whom no person shall vote for more than four. At (the anniuil) meeting in 1896, and biennially thereafter, there shall be chosen a town clerk and two registrars of voters, of whom no person shall vote for more than one. At such meeting held in 1898, and triennially thereafter, there shall be chosen three assessors, of whom no person shall vote for more than two. All said officers shall hold their several offices for terms of the same length as their respective terms would have been had this resolution not been passed, and each of said terms shall begin on the first Mon- day ' of June next following their respective elections. All ex- ^ penses of said town election shall be paid by said city. 1907, s.L. § "12. Election of selectmen. At the annual town meeting in Hartford in the year 1908, and biennially thereafter, there shall be chosen five selectmen, of whom no person shall vote for more than three, to hold office for the term of two years from and after the first Monday in June next following their election and until their respective successors are elected and qualified. 5 S. L. 318. § 13. Residence required in wards. No person shall vote in any ward meeting held for the choice of city officers unless he shall have resided in such ward sixty days next preceding the day of said ward meeting. If any person otherwise qualified to vote in a city meeting shall have removed from one ward to another within sixty days preceding such meeting he shall be entitled to vote in the ward in which he last resided before his removal. ELECTIONS AND ELECTOEs' MEETINGS. 13 § 14. Registration of electors. The registrars of the town ^^ ^ 1905^ ^^^ of Hartford shall, on the Thursday of the third week before the ' ' annual meeting held in said town on the first Monday of April, 1904, and biennially thereafter, complete a correct list of all electors in said town who will be entitled to vote therein at such meeting, and shall hold a meeting at some place within said town and the voting districts therein, at which meeting they shall place on the list, under the title " to be made,'' the names of those by whom or in whose behalf a claim is made to either registrar, in the manner provided in section 1602 of the Revised Statutes of 1902, that they will be entitled to be made electors before the day of such annual town meeting. Such lists shall be prepared in the manner provided in chapter 103 of the General Statutes, and no person shall fee registered on the list " to be made" unless a written application is made in the manner pro- vided in section 1602. A copy of their said list certified by them to be correct shall by the registrars of Hartford be put upon the public signpost in said town, and a like copy filed with the town clerk of said town. Such registrars shall, before filing said lists, add thereto the names of those persons who have formerly been admitted or registered as electors in said town, and who have resided in this state the one year and in said town the six months next preceding such town meeting. ^ § 15. Voting districts. The town of Hartford is hereby i^g^^^^o^ divided into ten voting districts, as follows : So much of said town as is included within the boundaries of the first ward in the city of Hartford, shall be and remain the first voting district of said town of Hartford, and, in like manner, so much of the territory of said town of Hartford, as is included within the boundaries of the sec- ond, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth wards, respectively, of the city of Hartford, shall be and remain re- spectively the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth voting districts of the town of Hartford, and the registrars of said town of Hartford shall appoint election Officers in each of said ten election districts in the same manner now provided by law. § 16. Additional voting districts. The mayor and com- mon council of the city of Hartford may, whenever they shall deem it desirable, provide by ordinance for additional voting districts in 1901. 13 S. L. 830. 14 ELECTIONS AND ELECTORS' MEETINGS. any of the wards in said city in which there are more than twenty- five hundred electors, by dividing each of such wards into two or more such districts; provided, that no district so established shall contain less than one thousand electors. issTsOT. § 17. Presiding officer at town and city meetings. The moderator of the fifth voting district shall be presiding officer for the purpose of declaring the result of the ballot of the whole town or city of Hartford, and of making returns to the secretary of the state and to the town clerk of the town of Hartford, as now required by law ; and the moderators of the other districts shall be assistant pre- siding officers and shall make return of their polls as required by law. CITY AND TOWN OFFICIALS. 15 CHAPTER 3. CITY AND TOWN OFFICIALS. §18. Mayor. General powers. The mayor shall be the ss.T.m chief executive officer of the city, and conservator of the peace therein, and have for that purpose, and especially for the suppres- sion of riots and tumults within the limits of said city, all the powers of a sheriff of the; county of Hartford including due author- ity to raise the power of the county and the militia thereof, which authority shall be obeyed, in the same manner, and under the same penalties as that of sheriffs in like cases ; and the mayor shall also have all the power necessary to the due execution of the ordinances of said city, when in such ordinance he shall be directed to execute the same. § 19. Presiding officer of board of aldermen. The ^^^^\^^ mayor shall be the presiding officer of the board of aldermen and of all joint conventions of the court of common council, and be em- powered to give a casting vote in all cases where the action of either said board or convention shall result in a tie. § 20. Mayor's message, it shall be the duty of the 1879. mayor of said city, from time to time, to furnish a statement to the court of common council of the condition of municipal affairs, and to communicate such recommendations in relation thereto as may seem to him proper. § 21. Mayor may administer oaths. The mayor is here- by authorized and empowered to administer oaths within the cor- porate limits of the city of Hartford. § 22. Special policemen. The mayor may from time to ^^^^1%^^ time appoint one or more suitable persons to be designated by the Cedar Hill cemetery association, to be and act as policemen, upon the grounds and at the expense of the association. They shall 5 S. L. 535. 16 CITY A^'D TOWN OFFICIALS. wear in plain sight a suitable shield, marked " Cemetery Police/^ shall enforce the rules of the association, and may arrest any persons violating, or who shall have violated said rules; and they shall have within the grounds the power of the police of the city of Hartford. Eesistance to such policemen shall be punished in the same manner as is now provided by law for resistance to constables. 1893 11 s. L.'46a He may appoint special policemen to act upon street railway cars, upon amusement grounds, and in parks and other places within the limits of the city whenever any unusual precautions are necessary to preserve order or the public peace, and such special policemen so appointed shall have all the powers during their term of service and in the performance of the duties specially assigned to them now by law conferred upon the regular police oflBcers of the city, and shall be under the control and direction of the chief of police of said city and shall receive the same compensation as super- numerary policemen for special services. i4s!l^'641. ^^ ™^y^ from time to time, upon the application of any finan- cial or manufacturing corporation, or upon the application of the board of park commissioners, located within the said city, appoint and commission in writing as special policemen, one or more per- sons designated by such financial or manufacturing corporation or by said board of park commissioners, which person or persons, hav- ing made the oath required of members of the police force of the city of Hartford, may act as policemen in and upon the buildings, grounds, and premises in charge of such financial or manufacturing corporation or the park department, at whose instance the appoint- ment or appointments shall be made. All appointments so made, shall be revokable at the pleasure of the mayor, and such appointees shall receive no pay for their services as such special policemen ex- cept from such financial or manufacturing corporation, or park de- partment. Each special policeman so appointed shall, when on duty, wear in plain view a shield bearing the words " Special Police- man^' and the name of the financial or manufacturing corpora- tion, or department for which he is appointed. Each special policeman so appointed shall, in 'or upon the buildings, grounds and premises in the city of Hartford in charge of the financial or manufacturing corporation, or department for which he is ap- pointed, have the same powers as to the maintenance of the peace, CITY A^"D TOWX OFFICIAl^S. J. service of criminal process, and arrest of offenders, as are pos- sessed by policemen of the city of Hartford, or by constables of towns, and shall have power to bring such offenders before the proper authority. § 23. Marshal. General powers. {The) city marshal ss.Tbis. shall have within the limits of said city the same power and au- thority as sheriffs of counties, and be liable for neglect of duty in the same manner, and shall, in case of riots within said city, be sub- ject to the direction of the mayor ; and said marshal shall be em- powered to appoint deputy marshals with like power not exceeding two in number. The marshal and deputy marshal of said city shall have authority to execute legal process on {the Connecticut) river opposite the town {of Hartford). 1859. 5 S. L. 318. § 24. Clerk. General powers. {The) clerk shall record all the votes and proceedings of said city, and {his) records shall have like validity, as evidence and otherwise, with those of town clerks. The town clerk of said town {of Hartford), shall continue to ^^ ^^-^ discharge all the duties required of him by law and shall be ex- officio city clerk of said city. The city clerk shall be ex-offlcio clerk of the board of aldermen. 5 s^ l^'824 In case of the temporary absence or inability of any city clerk, the court of common council are hereby empowered by concurrent vote to appoint a city clerk pro tempore, whose official acts while he 5g^L'"436. continues in said capacity, shall be of the same binding authority as the official acts of said city clerk. 5 S. L. 318. 1905. § 25. Treasurer. General powers and duties. There shall be a treasurer of the city of Hartford. He shall have the same and like power and authorit}^ as have town treasurers, and shall be accountable to said city. He shall have the custody and disbursement of all funds belonging to the city, and shall be treas- urer of the town deposit fund, which fund is vested in the city of ^^ ^- ^- ^^ Hartford. He shall have an office provided by the city, which shall be kept open during such hours as may be by ordinance prescribed. He shall be allowed his actual office and clerical expenses as herein- after provided. He shall give bonds to the city in the amount of fifty thousand dollars. 18 Idem. CITY AND TOWN OFFICIALS. § 26. Treasurer's clerks. The treasurer may employ such clerical assistance as the court of common council shall by ordinance provide, and said court of common council shall limit the compensa- tion of such clerks. Idem §27. Deposit of city funds. All city funds shall be de- posited in such banks and trust companies as shall be designated by the board of finance. The treasurer shall pay all orders drawn on him by the controller. No money, except on account of trust and park funds and for the payment of notes, scrip, or certificates of debt of the city or of interest on the same, shall be paid from the city treasury except on the written order of the controller specify- ing the classification of the claim or account for which said order is drawn. Idem. § 28. Treasurer's reports. Must countersign negoti- able instruments. The treasurer shall report to the board of finance, on or before the fifteenth day of each month, his current ex- pense account for the next preceding month, properly audited and certified by the controller, and shall annually close all of his ac- counts on the thirty-first day of March, and annually, on or before the fifteenth day of April, make out his report and deliver the same, duly audited, to the mayor, who shall transmit the same to the court of common council v^ith his annual message. The treasurer shall countersign all bonds and notes of the f city. i4s^L^53. § 29. Collector. General powers and duties. There shall be a collector of the city of Hartford. He shall have all of the powers and be subjected to all the duties imposed by law upon collectors of town taxes and specially conferred on the collector of city taxes for Hartford. He shall receive and collect all taxes due to said city, and no discount shall be allowed thereon. All taxes shall be due on the first day of July, and on all taxes remaining due and unpaid after the first day of August next after the same are laid, one-half of one per centum shall be added and made collectible *as a part of such taxes, and a further sum of one-half of one per centum shall be added in like manner and made collectible on the first day of each succeeding month thereafter until such tax is paid. CITY AND TOWN OFFICIALS. 19 He shall receive and collect all assessments of every kind made by said city and all license fees payable to said city. All licenses is- sued by any city department or officer, excepting the health depart- ment, shall be presented to the city collector or his authorized agent in the collector's office, who shall receive the fee prescribed therefor and shall countersign each license before the same shall be in effect. He shall cause a record of each license so countersigned to be kept in his office. The mayor, or in his absence, the acting mayor, shall have power to issue a warrant for the collection of any of said taxes or assessments. § 30. Report to corporation counsel, it shall be the wem. duty of the collector to report to the corporation counsel during the month of April in each year a detailed statement of the amounts of all taxes and assessments upon real property which have not been abated according to law and which have been due and unpaid for the period of three years, and all taxes assessed only on personal property which have not been abated according to law and which are due and unpaid. It sliall be the duty of the corporation counsel to proceed forthwith to collect the same, bringing suit when necessary. Whenever any tax or assessment due to said city is abated, the au- thority making such abatement shall cause notice thereof to be given forthwith to the collector. § 31. Collector of poll etc. taxes. Payments to treas- wem. urer. Clerical assistance and bond, it shall be the duty of the collector to collect all poll and military taxes from persons liable to pay the same and submit to tlic court of common council in the month of January in each year a statement showing the total num- ber of persons liable to such tax, the total amount assessed, and the amount collected. The said collector shall promptly pay to the treasurer all said moneys collected by him and shall take the treasurer's receipt for the same in duplicate, one copy of which he shall file with the con- troller's office forthwith. The collector may employ such clerical assistance as the court of common council shall by ordinance provide, and said common council shall limit the compensation of such clerks. Said collector shall give bonds to the city in the sum of fifty thousand dollars. 20 CITY AND TOWN OFFICIALS. i2s^L^"628. § 32- One collector for city and town. On and after the first da}^ of June, 1896, all sums due or thereafter to become due to the town of Hartford for taxes, and all liens to' secure the same, shall belong to said city, and shall be payable to the city collector, and liens for the security of said taxes may be filed and enforced, and every suit or proceeding for the collection or security of said taxes instituted, in the name of said city. One rate-bill shall here- after be made by the rate-maker of said city, and shall be delivered annually on or before the tenth day of June to the city collector. The office of rate-maker for the town of Hartford is hereby abolished. The city collector shall perform all other duties which but for the passage of the consolidation act the town collector would have been required to perform. 1 5 S. L. 318. § 33. Controller. General powers and duties. There shall be a controller of the city of Hartford (formerly known as 14 8^T'598. ^^^^itor of city accounts. He shall keep, in books provided for that purpose, accounts with each of the city departments, with such of the city officers as may be designated by the board of finance, and such other accounts as the ordinances of the city or said board of finance may direct. He shall prescribe the form of all accounts and of all financial reports to be rendered by the respective city depart- ments and officers, and shall have the inspection and supervision thereof, and may administer oaths in the course of such duties; he shall audit, or cause to be audited, the accounts of the several de- partments and of all city officers at least once in every six months ; he shall keep such accounts as will enable him to classify the expenditures of the various departments and officers, to the end that each item shall be charged against the amount set apart for the specific purpose for which the expenditure was incurred, as appropriated by the court of common council on the recommendation of the board of finance; he shall not allow any appropriation to be overdrawn, or the appropriation for one item of expense to be drawn upon for any other pur- pose or by any department other than that for which the appropria- tion was specifically made. When any department or official shall . desire to secure a transfer of funds in its or his appropriation from funds set apart for one specific purpose to another, before incurring ^ny expenditure thereof such department or official shall make ap- CITY AND TOWN OFFICIALS. plication to the board of finance, whose duty it shall be to examine into the matter, and upon approval by said board of finance such transfer may be made, but not otherwise. § 34. Controller's orders. Every claim or account against idem, the city, certified to be correct and justly due by the department or officer by whom or under whose authority the same was contracted, shall be transmitted to the controller for approval and by him sub- mitted to the court of common council for final action. The con- troller shall draw his orders on the treasurer for the payment of salaries, claims, or accounts, and such orders shall specify the de- partment under which such orders for such salary, claim, or account are drawn. No order shall be drawn without a previous vote of the court of common council authorizing the same and evidenced by a certi- fied copy thereof imder the hand of the city clerk or assistant clerk, except as follows: (1) moneys payable by the city treasurer from the city treasury under the authority of state statutes; (2) moneys due from the city on claims evidenced by judgment of a competent court and approved in writing by the corporation counsel; (3) salaries of officers and employes fixed by the charter and ordinances ; (4) moneys annually appropriated by the court of common council for the following purposes: vacation schools, public library, teachers and employes of high, evening and manual training schools, public bath employes and employes of the board of street commis- sioners. § 35. Controller's bonds, office, clerk. His absence; ^^«°^ audit of accounts. The controller shall give bonds to the city in the amount of twenty thousand dollars. He shall have an office pro- vided by the city and shall keep the same open during such hours as the court of common council by ordinance may direct. He shall be allowed his actual office and clerical expenses as hereinafter pro- vided. In case of the absence, inability, or disability of the con- troller, the mayor shall appoint some person to perform the duties of his office. The controller shall, at the end of each fiscal year, or of tener if so required by the mayor, and in all cases upon the death, resigna- tion, removal, or expiration of the term of any officer, audit or cause to be audited, examine, and settle the accounts of such officer. 21 22 CITY A^'D TOW:S OFFICIALS. The controller may employ such clerical assistance as the court of common council shall by ordinance provide, and said court of common council shall limit the compensation of such clerks. 6s/l^325. § 36. Corporation counsel. Appointment and general duties. There shall be an attorney of the city who shall be coun- sel to the corporation and whose duties and compensation shall 1901. be fixed by a by-law or ordinance of said city. After the first Mon- 13 S T llSl 'J J •/ day of April, 1902, the corporation counsel of the city of Hartford shall be appointed by the mayor of said city, subject to the approval of the board of aldermen of said city. He shall be an attorney at law of at least five years' practice, and shall be a resident of said city. He shall hold his office for the term of two years from and after the first day of May next succeeding his appointment and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The mayor of said city shall within ten days after the first Monday of April, 1902. and biennially thereafter, appoint said corporation counsel, subject to the approval of the board of aldermen. In case the board of aldermen shall fail to approve the appointment of corporation counsel within four weeks after the date of appointment, the mayor shall, within ten days thereafter, again appoint a corporation counsel, subject to the approval of the board of aldermen as in the first instance. Any vacancy in said office of corporation coimsel of said city, which may occur, shall be filled by the mayor of said city (in the manner Thereinbefore set forth.) 14 sT 554. § 37. Surety on official bonds. On or before July 1, 1905, all surety bonds heretofore furnished by city officials of the city of Hartford and now held by said city shall be surrendered for can- cellation, and the treasurer of said cit\^ is hereby instructed to pro- cure in behalf of the city of Hartford good and sufficient surety bonds for all city officials requiring the same, such bonds to be taken to the city of Hartford and conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of the respective officers according to law. The premiums and expense of all such bonds shall be paid by the city treasurer from the funds of said city. The form and sufficiency of such bonds shall be approved by the mavor of said city, and no personal surety shall be accepted by said mayor, but the surety on such bonds shall be a corporation au- CITY AND TOWN OFFICIALS. 28 12 S. L. thorized under the laws of the state of Connecticut to transact with- in said state the business of surety on obligations of persons or cor- porations. § 38- Selectmen. Powers and duties. The powers and duties of selectmen shall be limited to those powers vested in and those duties imposed upon them by the constitution and laws of the state in relation to the admission of persons to the privileges of elec- tors in the town {of Hartford), and to the erasure from the registry- list of the names of those who have forfeited the privileges of electors. The selectmen shall be paid by the city for the time actually spent in the discharge of said duties and their necessary ex- penses, and their compensation shall be fixed by ordinance. § 39. Admission of electors. The selectmen and town Rev.stim clerk of the town of Hartford shall hold a session to examine the ^®^** ^^^^' qualifications of electors, and to admit to the elector^s oath those who shall be found qualified, on Wednesday and Thursday of the second week before the annual town meeting held in said town in 1904, and biennially thereafter, and from nine o'clock in the forenoon until seven o'clock in the afternoon of each of said days. § 40. Selectmen. Other duties. The court of common ^^^^^-^ council of the city of Hartford is hereby authorized to provide by ordinance for the performance of all duties of selectmen in the town of Hartford except as already provided for by the constitution of this state and the act consolidating the governments of the town and city of Hartford approved July 9, 1895. § 41. Duties of registrar of vital statistics to be dis- 1895. charged by clerk of board of health. After the first Monday i^s.Less. of October, 1895, no registrar of vital statistics for said town shall be elected. From and after the first Monday of June, 1896, all duties now required of said registrar by law shall be discharged by the clerk of the board of health commissioners. All fees heretofore required to be paid to said registrar shall thereafter be collected by said clerk and paid over to the treasurer of said city and a monthly report of the same shall be made by said clerk to the controller of said city. The salary of said clerk shall be fixed by city ordinance or a vote of the common council. 24 CITY AND TOWN OFFICIALS. 13 S. L. 829. 12 S. L. 627 12 S. L, The clerk of the board of health commissioners of the city of Hartford, shall, with the approval of said board of health commis- sioners, appoint in writing an assistant, who, on being sworn, shall have the powers and perform the duties of such clerk relating to vital statistics in said city conferred upon said clerk by the Con- solidation Act of 1895. § 42. Board of relief, how appointed. There shall be a board of relief of said city, with the same powers and duties which 1897. the board of relief of the town of Hartford would have had if the consolidation act of 1895 had not passed. Said board shall con- sist of four members, not more than two of whom shall belong to the same political party. In the month of May, 1899, and bienni- ally thereafter, the common council shall elect four members of said board to serve for two years from the first day of June next fol- lowing their election. Each member of said board shall receive a salary to be fixed by ordinance or vote of the common council. The clerk of the board of assessors shall be the clerk of said board of relief. 12 8T982. § 43. Committee on abatement of taxes, how appoint- ed. The court of common council of the city of Hartford shall an- nually, in the month of May in each year, elect a committee on the abatement of taxes, consisting of three electors of said city, not more than two of whom shall belong to the same political party, who shall hold office for one year from the first day of June next after their appointment and until their successors are chosen. Each member of said board shall receive a salary to be fixed by or- dinance or vote of the common council, i^o member of the court of common council shall be eligible to appointment on said com- mittee. Idem. § 44^ Committee on abatement of taxes. General powers and duties. Said committee shall have all the powers and duties in respect to the abatement of taxes in the city of Hartford hitherto by law vested in the mayor and aldermen of said city and in the selectmen of the town of Hartford, and shall annu- - ally in the month of March report to the court of common council a list of all the persons whose taxes they have abated in the pre- ceding year. CITY AND TOWN OFFICIALS. 25 § 45. Ratification of acts of committee. All the acts of ^^«°^ the committee on the abatement of taxes appointed prior to April 29, 1897, by the court of common council of said city are hereby ratified and confirmed. § 46. Other town officers to be chosen by common i^g^f^g^ council. Constables, election of. All other officers of the town of Hartford, which would but for the consolidation act of 1895 be elected by said town, shall hereafter be chosen by the common council of said city, in so far as said officers are necessary under the laws, and they shall have the same powers and be charged with the same duties that would otherwise devolve by law upon such officers in said town. At the annual town meeting for the choice of town chap.'is. PL 1899 officers to be held in Hartford on the first Monday in April, 1899, ' g. and quadrennially thereafter, there shall be chosen seven consta- q^®^-.?L bles, of whom no persons shall vote for more than four, who shall hold their several offices for the term of four years, beginning on the first Monday of June next following their respective elections. § 47. Vacancies in town or city office. The court of ^^ common council of the city of Hartford is hereby authorized to 12 s. l. 982. provide by ordinance or otherwise for the filling of vacancies in any office that may become vacant by a failure to qualify, or resignation or death of the incumbent of any town or city office, or may exist in consequence of a tie vote at any city election, for the unexpired term of such office. 5 S. L. S2S. 26 7 S. L .255. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. CHAPTER 4. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. 1859. § 48. Board of water commissioners.' Number, terms, 5 s. L. 329. gtQ_ There shall be a board of water commissioners of the city of Hartford, consisting of six persons who shall hold office until their 5 s. L. 770. respective successors shall be appointed and qualified. 1872. The Mayor shall annually appoint by and with the advice and consent of the board of aldermen, two persons to be members of said board of water commissioners who shall hold their offices for the term of three years. 6S.L.329. § 49. General duties and powers of board of water commissioners. Said board shall continue to be empowered to take and convey for and in behalf of said city, from the Con- necticut river, at some point near or within the city of Hartford, such supply of water as the convenience and necessity of the inhabitants of said city may require ; and to take and hold for and in behalf of said city, lands or other estate, necessary for the construction of any canals, aqueducts, reservoirs, or other works for conveying or con- taining water, or for the erection and construction of any buildings or machinery, or for laying any pipes or conductors for conveying water into or through said city, or to secure and maintain any por- tion of the waterworks; and in general, to do any other act neces- sary or convenient for accomplishing the purposes of supplying said city with water ; and to distribute said water through said city ; to establish public hydrants; to prosecute or defend any action or process at law or in equity, by the name of the board of water commissioners of the city of Hartford, against any person or persons or corporation, for the breach of any contract, express or implied, relating to the performance 'of any work or labor upon said waterworks, or the management of the same, or the distribution of the water, or for money due for the use of the water, or for any injury, or trespass or nuisance affecting the water, machinery, pipes, * buildings, apparatus or other things under their superintendence, or for any improper use of the water, or any wasting thereof, or upon any contract or promise made with and to them as water BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. commissioners, or with their predecessors or successors in office, and said board shall be regarded as a corporation for the purpose of suing and being sued. Said board are hereby authorized to enter in and upon any land or water for the purpose of making surveys, and to agree with the owner or owners of any property or franchise, which may be required for the purposes of this section, as to the amount of compensation to be paid to such owner or owners for the same. And in case of disagreement between said board and any owner or owners, as to such compensation, or as to the amoimt of damages which ought to be awarded to any person claiming to be injured in his estate by the doings of said commissioners, or in case any such owner shall be an infant, or married woman, or insane, or absent from this statCj or unknown, or the owner of a contingent or uncer- tain interest, either judge of the supreme court of errors, may, on the application of either party, cause such notice to be given of said application as said judge shall see fit to prescribe, and after proof thereof may nominate and appoint three disinterested persons to examine such property as is to be taken for, or damaged by, the doings of said commissioners, and they being duly sworn to a faith- ful and impartial discharge of their duty, shall estimate the amount of compensation which said owners shall receive and report the same in writing to the clerk of the superior court for Hartford county, to be by him recorded. Said judge of the supreme court of errors may thereupon confirm the doings of said appraisers, and direct whether said commissioners shall pay the same in such man- ner as said judge may prescribe, in full compensation for the prop- erty acquired or the injury done by said commissioners; and on compliance with the order of said judge, said commissioners may proceed with the construction of their works without any liability to any further claim for compensation for damages. § 50. Commissioners empowered to use certain grounds^ etc. Said commissioners shall also be empowered to make use of the ground or soil under any road, railroad, highway, street, private-way, lane or alley within this state, for the purpose of constructing the waterworks; but shall in all such cases cause the surface of such road, railroad, highway, street, private-way, lane or alley, to be restored to its usual condition, and all damages done thereto to be repaired, and all damages sustained by any person or 27 5 8. L 28 5 8. L BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. corporation, in consequence of the interruption of travel to be paid to such person or corporation. It shall be the duty of the court of common council of said city to make ordinances, prescribing the duties of the board of water commissioners not expressly prescribed herein; their powers over the water fund of the city of Hartford, and duties relative thereto ; the officers of said board and their com- pensation, and bonds and oaths, and the powers of said board over the watenvorks of said city; and the mode in which water rents or taxes shall be secured by lien on lots, houses, tenements, or other- wise, or shall be collected; also, relative to the proper number of said commissioners to constitute a quorum. § 51. Trout brook and other water source in West Hartford whereas, doubts have arisen whether, under and by virtue of the charter of 1859, the board of water commis- sioners thereby constituted have the power to take and convey, for and in behalf of said city, a supply of water from Trout brook (so- called) in the town of West Hartford, or from any other source than the Connecticut Eiver : therefore, Eesolved By This Assembly, .... The said act which this is an addition to, and in explanation of, shall be con- strued in the same manner as if the said Trout brook, or any other source of water supply within the towns of West Hartford, or Hartford, had been expressly named therein. . . . s^L% § ^2. Idem. Whereas, doubts have arisen whether the char- ter of said city confers upon the board of water commissioners therein constituted the power to take and convey, for and in behalf of said city, a supply of water from any other source than the Connecticut river: therefore, Eesolved By This Assembly, That said charter shall be construed in the same maimer and said board of water commis- sioners shall have the same powers as if the stream in West Hart- ford, called Trout brook, or any other stream or water source within the towns of West Hartford or Hartford, had been expressly named therein; and any land or water right, title, privilege or franchise * which may be required, taken, or impaired for the purpose of supplying said city or said towns with water, under said charter, shall be compensated for and the damages ascertained, liquidated BOAKD OF WATEK COMMISSIONERS. and paid in the same manner as is provided in the 49th section of this chapter. If said city shall approve this resolution ..... and said board of water commissioners shall introduce water into said city from said Trout brook or other water source as aforesaid, it shall be lawful and shall be the duty of said board of water commissioners to supply said water to the inhabitants of the aforesaid towns living within a reasonable distance from the line of main pipes at the same rate of water rents and upon the same terms and conditions that the inhabitants of said city are or may be from time to time supplied; and the said water rents shall constitute a lien on lots, houses and tenements within said towns and be collected and enforced in the same manner that water rents are or may be collected and enforced in said city of Hartford. § 53. Regulations for use of water, rates, etc. • • . 5 8^456. The board of water commissioners of the city of Hartford, are here- by empowered to make such by-laws or regulations for the preserva- tion, protection, and management of the waterworks of said city as may be deemed advisable, and enforce the same by suitable penal- ties; and when said by-laws or regulations have been approved by the court of common council, and shall have been published ten days at least in two or more daily papers issued within said city, they shall be of binding validity ; and said commissioners may bring, in their own name, actions of debt on such by-laws, before the city court for said city, to recover any penalty for the breach of the same. The city police court of said city shall also have jurisdiction over any breach of said by-laws or regulations, and may punish the offender by a fine not exceeding thirty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by a fine and imprisonment both. The board of water commissioners shall have power to establish rates for the use of water, subject to the approval of the court of common council ; and whenever any water-rent shall remain unpaid after the time prescribed and limited for payment by the rules of said board, it shall be lawful for said board to charge and receive additional per- centage for collecting the same: provided, the conditions of said percentage be published as aforesaid in the rules of said board. 29 54. Extensions of water mains into Wethersfield. The board of water commissioners of the city of Hartfopd, 6 S. L. 713. 30 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. with the consent of the mayor and common council, shall be, and they are hereby authorized to extend their water main from the Hartford and Wethersfield towTi line north of the bridge known as Folly Bridge, over and across said bridge through the highway in the town of Wethersfield to the Connecticut state prison, and from thence to such points as may be agreed upon by said commissioners and the selectmen of said town of Wethersfield. The said water commissioners to have control of said main and its connections the same as if laid in the town of Hartford. 7 8^682. § 55. Additional reservoirs in West Hartford and addi- tional water main. The board of water commissioners of the city of Hartford, with the consent of the mayor and common council of said city, are authorized and empowered to extend and improve the waterworks of said city, by the construction of a new main from the reservoir in West Hartford to said city; and by the con- struction of a new reservoir or reservoirs in the town of West Hartford, and by such other improvements in and about said waterworks in the towns of Hartford or West Hartford, as they shall deem proper : provided, that the amount expended by author- ity of this section shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. 7s.f^m. § 56. Additional water supplies from Avon, Farmington, and BlOOmfield. The board of water commissioners of the city of Hartford, for the purpose of improving and increasing the water supply of said city, are hereby authorized and empowered, in behalf of said city, to take and hold any stream or water source, and any land necessary or convenient for constructing aqueducts and reser- voirs within the limits of the towns of Avon, Farmington, and Bloomfield, and any land or water right, title, privilege, or franchise which may be required, taken, or impaired for the purpose aforesaid, shall be compensated for, and the damages therefor ascertained, liquidated, and paid in the same manner provided in section 49 of this chapter. 12 81^494. § 57. Rights of West Hartford residents to water from mains laid in that town, it shall be the duty of the board of water commissioners of the city of Hartford to lay connecting pipes and furnish water to any of the residents of the town of West Hart- ford or to owners of land or buildings in said West Hartford, 13 S. L. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. who may apply to them for the same, from the pipes which conduct water through said town to the city of Hartford, whenever such residents or owners will guarantee that ten per centum of the cost of the additional necessary connecting pipes and of the ex- penses of laying the same shall he annually paid to said board as water rents or otherwise; and any of snch residents or owners shall be furnished with water by said board whenever such owners or residents shall themselves lay the pipes for that purpose; and the rates so paid for water so furnished as above shall be the same as are from time to time established by said board and approved by the common council of said city for the inhabitants of said city. § 58. Authorizing use of west or south branch of Salmon brook in Granby. • • • The board of water commissioners of .^^^\ the city of Hartford, for the purpose of improving and increasing the water supply of said city, is hereby authorized and empowered in ^^^ behalf of said city to take and hold the stream known as the south or west branch of Salmon brook, a stream entering the Farmington river at or near Tariffville, Connecticut, together with the streams and water sources connecting with said south or west branch of said Salmon brook, above a point on said stream three thousand feet northeasterly from the point where the highway leading from Bushy Hill corners southward between said Barn Door hills, so- called, into the town of Simsbury crosses said stream. And said board of water commissioners is further empowered to take and hold any lands which may be necessary or convenient for constructing aqueducts and reservoirs for the purpose of utilizing such water supply and conveying the same to the city of Hartford, under the provisions of section 49 of this chapter ; provided, however, that no authority is hereby given to take water from the Farmington river or any of the ponds and streams tributary thereto, which lie to the northward of and flow through the southern boundary of the town of Canton; and further provided, that no authority is hereby given to take water from the stream from which the town of Granby now receives its supply of water for domestic purposes, or from any other tributaries of said Salmon brook which enter said brook or any of its branches below the point on said stream above described. Before any highway is overflowed by reason of a dam erected under the authority given by this resolution, said board of water 31 32 BOAKD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. commissioners, if it cannot agree with the selectmen of any town interested in the layout, grading, or alteration of such highway, as to the change in the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway, and as to the payment of the cost of the construction thereof, shall prefer its application to the superior court of the county in which such highway is located, accompanied by a summons signed by proper authority to be served, in the same manner as civil process, on one of such selectmen to appear and be heard thereon, and unless the parties shall agree as to the judgment to be rendered, said application shall be heard and decided by a com- mittee of three disinterested persons to be appointed by the court. Upon such hearing said committee shall make such alterations in such highway as it may judge to be necessary, and survey and lay out the same, and, having given at least three days' notice to the owner or owners of all the land affected by such alteration, personally or by leaving a written notice at their respective places of abode, if residents of this state, or if non-residents, by like notice to the persons having charge of the land, of the time and place of their meeting for this purpose, shall under oath estimate the damages sustained by or the special benefits accruing to each person by such change in the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway, and report in writing their doings to said court. All persons and parties interested in the alteration of such highway may appear before said court and remonstrate against the acceptance of said report for any irregularity or improper conduct on the part of the committee, and for that cause the court may set aside said report. And if the court shall be of the opinion that said report ought to be accepted the court shall accept it, and the damages so assessed with the costs of the application shall be paid by the town, and the amount assessed for special benefits shall be paid to the town by the persons upon whom they were assessed, and all assessments of benefits may be collected in the same manner as town taxes. Said committee shall also estimate the cost of the construction of said new highway by reason of the change in the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway as determined by said committee; and when said board of water commissioners shall have paid to said town * the amount of damages paid by said town to the persons found to be specially damaged by the change of the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway, less the amount of special benefits 88 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. assessed against persons found by said committee to be specially benefited by said change in the layont, grading, or other alteration of said highway, together with the costs of such application and estimated cost of the construction of the change in the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway, such payment shall be in full of any and all claims on the part of any person, individual, or corporation against said board of water commissioners on account of damages to such highway by reason of the erection of said dam. § 59. Rights of Granby residents to water from mains 1897. laid in that town, if said board of water commissioners shall in- ^^ ^- ^- ^• troduce water into said city under the authority given by the pre- ceding section it shall be lawful and shall be the duty of said board ' to supply said water to the inhabitants of said town of Granby upon the same terms and conditions that water is now supplied by said board to the inhabitants of the town of West Hartford. If said board of water commissioners shall introduce water into said city under the authority given by section 58 of this chapter, it shall be lawful and shall be the duty of said board of water com- missioners to supply said water to the inhabitants of any towns through which the line of main pipes conducting said water to the ^ city of Hartford shall pass, who live within one half of a mile of said line of main pipes, upon the same terms and conditions that water is now supplied by said board to the inhabitants of the town of West Hartford. § 60. Extension of water mains into Bloomfield. The ^^^^-^^ board of water commissioners of the city of Hartford is hereby authorized and empowered to extend its water mains from the Hart- ford and Bloomfield town line through the highway known as Blue Hills avenue northerly into the town of Bloomfield, and to the sec- ond or main entrance to Mount St. Benedict's cemetery, and thence to such other points in the town of Bloomfield as may be agreed upon by said board of water commissioners and the selectmen of the town of Bloomfield. Said board of water commissioners shall have con- trol of said water mains, and of the connections thereto, and shall have the same rights and be subject to the same duties and obliga- tions in respect thereto, and to the laying and the repair thereof, as though the same were within the limits of the city of Hartford. 34 5 S. L. 331. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. It shall be lawful and it shall be the duty of said board of wat^r commissioners to supply water from such extended mains to any of the inhabitants of said town of Bloomfield living within one-half mile of said line of main pipes, so extended, upon the same terms and conditions under which water is now supplied to inhabitants of the town of West Hartford. § 61. Offenses against water property, how punished. If any person shall maliciously and wilfully corrupt the water collected or conducted in or into any reservoir, cistern, hydrant, con- ductor, engine, pipe, or any portion of the waterworks of the city of Hartford, or destroy or injure any work, machinery, materials, or property, erected, constructed, used, or designed to be used, with- in the city of Hartford or elsewTiere for the purpose of procuring and keeping a supply of water, the city police court of said city shall have jurisdiction of said offense, and may punish the offender by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both fine and imprisonment. And said offerder shall also be liable to treble damages in an action of tres- pass brought by said commissioners. BOARD OF HEALTH COMMISSIONERS. 815 CHAPTEK 5. BOARD OF HEALTH COMMISSIONERS. § 62. Board of health commissioners. General powers i9ob and duties. The ordinances of the city of Hartford relating to the health department of said city are hereby validated and con- firmed, and the powers conferred upon and delegated to the present board of health commissioners, and their successors, nnder said ordi- nances are hereby established and ratified ; and said board of health commissioners and their successors are hereby exclusively vested with the exercise, within the limits of the city of Hartford and upon the Connecticut river adjacent thereto, of all the jurisdiction, powers, privileges, and duties now by law vested in and imposed upon town health officers within towns of this state. No appeal from any pending order or determination of said board of health commissioners to the county health officer for Hartford county shall hereafter be allowed. § 63. By-laws, rules and regulations of the board of health. Said board of health commissioners may from time to time make such by-laws, rules, regulations, and orders as in its judgment the preservation of the public health shall require, pro- vided the same be not inconsistent with the constitution or laws of this state, of the United States, or with the charter or ordinances of the city of Hartford ; and said board shall cause to be exercised and enforced such by-laws, rules, regulations, and orders, and the health ordinances of the city, and generally shall do and cause to be done whatever now is or may hereafter be prescribed by the ordinances of said city or by the court of common council to preserve the health of said city. 14 S. L. 887. Idem. 36 BOARD OF OHAEITY COMMISSIONERS. CHAPTER 6. BOARD OF CHARITY COMMISSIONERS. 1895 § ®*' Bo^^^ ^^ charity commissioners. General powers 18 s. L.«24. and duties. All the powers and duties now vested in the board of selectmen of the town of Hartford, or which shall hereafter be 1903. 14 8. L 89. vested by law in the selectmen of the several towns of this state, in relation to soldiers' orphans, the support of paupers, licenses for the sale of spirituous and intoxicating liquors, the care of the insane and indigent, the adoption of children, the commitment of imbecile children to proper institutions, the indenture of appren- tices, the appointment of overseers and conservators, and duties rela- tive to the deaf, dumb, and blind, and concerning all other matters affecting the defective and dependent classes, shall, after the fif- teenth day of June, 1896, be vested, so far as the town of Hartford is concerned, in a board of commissioners to be known as the board of charity commissioners. Idem. § 65. Appointment. Terms. Said board shall consist of six electors of the city of Hartford, not more than three of whom shall be of the same political party; and shall be appointed upon nomination by the mayor and confirmation by the court of common council, and the court of common council may by ordinance duly passed prescribe such other duties of said board of charity commis- sioners as it may deem necessary and expedient. The first appoint- ment of said board shall be for two members of said board to serve for one year, two members to serve for two years, and two members to serve for three years, and thereafter two members of said board shall be appointed aimually to serve for three years, and until their successors are duly appointed and qualified. The terms of ofiBce of said commissioners shall begin on the fifteenth day of June of the year of their appointment. § 66. Officers and employers. Notices. Said board Idem. shall appoint one of its number to be president thereof, and may appoint a clerk of said board, and a superintendent of charities and BOAKD OF CHARITY COMMISSIONERS. such assistants or other employes as may be authorized by the com- mon council, whose compensation shall be fixed by city ordinance or by vote of the common council. Notices to the president of paid board, in the maimer provided by law, concerning any pauper claimed to be chargeable to said city, shall be valid and sufficient notice to bind said city as towns are bound by a notice to a selectman thereof, and notice to the selectmen of the town of Hartford shall also be sufficient notice to said city, and it shall be the duty of said selectmen to forthwith transmit to the said board of charity com- missioners all such notices received by them, and the members of said board shall act in connection with the Justices of the peace upon all questions concerning which selectmen of towns with such justices now have authority. All powers relating to the establishment of work-houses which would at any time except for the consolidation act of 1895 belong to said town are hereby conferred upon said city. All work-houses of said city and their inmates shall be maintained and controlled by said board of charity commissioners, and said city shall have the use and benefit of the labor of all inmates of its work-houses. All general laws concerning town work-houses, 6o far as they are con- sistent with this chapter, shall apply to said city. 37 38 BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS. CHAPTER 7. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS. issTgt § ^7. General powers and duties. Number of commis- sioners, terms, etc. The public parks of the city of Hartford, now in existence, and those which may hereafter be established, whether within or without the corporate limits of said city, together with all park property which may be acquired, shall be under the management, care, and control of a board under the name and style of the board of park commissioners. Said board shall consist of ten persons to be appointed as hereinafter provided, and the mayor of the city, who shall be ex-officio a member of said board. Five members of this board shall be the park commissioners of the present commission, who shall serve out the term of oflBce to which they have hitherto been appointed. These five commissioners, with the mayor of the city, shall, on or before the first day of May, 1895, by a majority vote, appoint five other members of said board, with the advice and consent of the board of aldermen, and whose several terms of oflBce shall begin at the date of their appointment; the first to serve for a term of six years, the second for a term of seven years, the third to serve for a term of eight years, the fourth to serve for a term of nine years, the fifth to serve for a term of ten years, and until their successors in ofiice have been appointed and qualified. At the expiration of the term of ofiice of each of the aforesaid ten commissioners, his successor in office shall be appointed by a majority vote of the board, by and with the consent and advice of the board of aldermen, to serve for a term of ten years, and until his successor in office has been appointed and qualified. But any member of said board who shall be hereafter appointed to serve for the full term of ten years shall not, at the expiration of such full term, be eligible for reappointment to succeed himself. Any vacancy which may occur, through death, resignation, or other- wise, may be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the commission and the approval of the board of aldermen. No compensation for services on said commission shall be allowed to BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS. 39 any member thereof, except to the secretary. Each commissioner, however, shall be entitled to receive his actual disbursements for necessary expenses in the performance of any duty imposed upon him by the direction of the said board of commissioners. The office of anj^ one of the said park commissioners who shall not attend the meetings of the board for three successive montlis, after having been duly notified of such meetings, without reason therefor satisfactory to said board, or without leave of absence from said board, shall by said board be declared vacant; and they shall pro- ceed to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term, as hereinbefore _J895^ provided. Upon the expiration of the term of office of that member of the board of park commissioners whose term expires in April, 1895, the remaining commissioners, with the mayor of the city, may appoint his successor in office, by and with the consent and advice of the board of aldermen, to serve for a term of five years and until his successor in office has been appointed and qualified. 12 S. L. 307. § 68. Officers, meetings, records, and accounts. The said board of park commissioners shall annually, in May, choose one of their number to be president of the board, and another as vice- president ; and the said board shall elect a secretary, who, in the dis- cretion of the board, may be one of their own number, at a salaiy not exceeding five hundred dollars per annum ; but the said salary, and all other expenses of the commission, shall be paid out of the annual appropriation. At all meetings, except such as are specially called for the appointment of a commissioner, six shall constitute a quo- rum for the transaction of business. At no meeting shall it be proper to proceed to the appointment of a new commissioner unless the mayor of the city be present; and at all meetings called for this purpose the mayor shall preside and certify to the appointment before it be transmitted to the board of aldermen for their consent. The said board of park commissioners shall have full and exclusive power to make rules and by-laws for the orderly transaction of their business. The board shall keep an accurate record and books of account, and shall annually transmit to the court of common coun- cil a full and detailed report and statement of all its acts and doings, together with a complete and itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. The books of account and records of the board shall at all times be open to the inspection of the mayor, and sub- ject to an annual audit by the proper municipal officer. It shall be 12 S. L. 68. 40 BOABD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS. the duty of the mayor, or otlier proper municipal officer, to assign a suitable and convenient office, in some public building, to the use of the board of park commissioners, with proper vault or safe for the protection of their books and papers; and until such office is provided, to the satisfaction of said board, they are hereby author- ized to rent an office at an expense of not more than fifty dollars per month. Said board shall have power to appoint or employ such superintendents, engineers, architects, and other officers and employees as it may deem necessary, and shall prescribe and define their respective duties, powers, and authority, and shall fijc and regulate the compensation to be paid to the several persons 80 employed. It S. L. 69. § 69. Particular powers. The board constituted as afore- said shall have the care, management, and control of all parks and grounds used for park purposes, all boulevards, connecting parks and structures thereon, and parkways, now or hereafter owned by or in the control of the city of Hartford, within or with- out the corporate limits of the city and may give proper designat- ing names thereto. The board shall have power to acquire, and the city of Hartford to hold, property, whether within or without the corporate limits of said city, for the purpose of establishing public parks and public squares or the enlarging of existing parks, or for boulevards, connecting parks, or park-ways, by condemnation, or by contract for the same; to accept conveyances thereof; to receive gifts, donations, or devises of land or other property for park purposes; to lay out and to improve with walks, drives, and roads, to build necessary culverts and bridges, to drain, plant, and other- wise at their discretion to improve and adorn the parks and other park property thus held or acquired by said board, to erect such buildings as may be needed for the purpose of administration, or for the use, protection, and refreshment of the public ; provided, how- ever, that in no case shall any expenditure be made in excess of the amount previously appropriated. The said board shall have power to make and alter, from time to time, all needful rules and regulations for the maintenance of order, safety, and decency in "said parks, both within and without the limits of the city, and to affix penalties for disobedience thereto ; which rules and regulations shall have the force of ordinances of the city of Hartford; provided. BOABD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS. ' 41 that no such rule or regulation shall be of any ejffect unless it shall have been first approved by the board of aldermen, and then pub- lished in full in one or more of the daily newspapers published in Hartford, and also printed and posted in conspicuous places within the limits of the property to which such regulation is intended to apply. For the purpose of enforcing such rules and regulations, all such parks and property, whether within or without the limits of said city, are hereby placed under the police jurisdiction of the city of Hartford: and complaints for the violation of such regula- tions may be made by the prosecuting attorney to the police court of said city. Any member of the police department may arrest, without warrant in any of such parks or places, whether within or without the limits of the city of Hartford, any person who has broken any park rule, or committed any other offense in said park ; and the police court of Hartford shall have jurisdiction of all misdemeanors committed within the limits of said parks. § 70. Parkways. Location of public service pipes, ^*^«» wires, etc. The said board of commissioners shall have sole power to determine the places in said parks and park-ways, and in other property under their control, Fhere sewers, gas, and water pipes shall be laid; and no trench, for these purposes, shall be opened until the commissioners shall have designated the location of the same, and given permission in writing. No telegraph, telephone, or electric light wires, or other wires, or posts or supports therefor, shall be erected in, upon, through, or over said parks or park-ways, without the consent in writing of said board, who shall designate the place and the manner of erecting and maintaining the same, to be altered at such time and in such manner and under such con- ditions as the said board may deem best. § 71. Exemption of taxation of park property. All real ^^sTtd and personal estate of the city used for park purposes within the limits of any other town shall be exempted from taxation. § 72. Bonds. For the purpose of providing necessary funds idem, for the purchase or improvement of lands for park property, and for such other purposes as are herein provided for, the city of Hart- ford is hereby authorized and empowered to issue its bonds to an 42 BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS. amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars, payable in not more than fifty years from their dates, and bearing interest not exceeding four per centum per annum, payable semi-annually in such manner and form as shall be determined by the mayor and the court of common council of said city. And within thirty days after the passage of this act, the mayor of said city shall submit to the qualified electors of the city the proposition to issue the bonds of the city to the amount aforesaid, the proceeds of the sale of which shall be exclusively applied, under the direction and at the discretion of the board of park commissioners, to the acquisition, layout, and improvement of land for public parks, park-ways, or boule- vards established as approaches to or for the purpose of connecting parks, and for the other purposes set forth in section sixty-nine ; l)ut the said board shall make no expenditures of said proceeds, or contract of expenditure thereof, involving liability to the city of Hartford exceeding the amount of the bonds thus issued. Such election shall be conducted, and the result determined, as in other cit}^ elections. Idem. g 73^ Special tax for support of parks. For the purpose of providing necessary funds for the care and improvement of park property, and to meet the expenses of the board of park com- missioners, the court of common council of the city shall, in each year, levy, and cause to be collected, a tax of not less than five cents upon each one hundred dollars of value of all the property within the city taxable for municipal purposes. All moneys collected and arising from the said tax shall be paid by the tax collector, or other officer collecting the same, into the treasury of the city; and shall be deemed, thereupon, appropriated and set apart for the main- tenance, preservation, and improvement of said parks and grounds ; and shall be paid out by the city treasurer upon warrants signed by at least three members of the said board of park commissioners. Idem. g 74_ Park-ways and boulevards. The said board of park commissioners shall have power to connect any public park under its control with any other park over which it has jurisdiction, by * a boulevard or park-way; and whenever, in their judgment neces- sary, they may designate, as such, any existing highway, or parts thereof, which shall thereupon be deemed a part of said park-way; BOAKD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS. but the same shall remain under the control of the city authorities now having jurisdiction thereof. § 75. Definition of 'park property/' The term "park w«"» property " includes all parks, squares, and areas of land within the management of said board; and all buildings, structures, improve- ments, seats, benches, fountains, boats, floats, walks, drives, roads, trees, plants, herbages, flowers, and other things thereon, and in- closures of the same; and all resting places, watering stations, play-grounds, parade-grounds, or the like ; and all connecting park- ways and roads or drives between parks; and all avenues, roads, ways, drives, walks, with all trees, shrubbery, vines, flowers, and or- naments of any description ; and all birds, animals, or curiosities, or objects of interest or instruction, and all tools and implements placed in or on any of such inclosures, ways, park-ways, roads, or places; and said included terms shall be liberally construed. § 76. Members of park board prohibited from being 1895. interested in property or contracts connected with parks. ^^^ '^^^ No member of the said board of park commissioners shall be con- cerned in any contract with the said board, or any of its departments or institutions, either as contractor, sub-contractor, bondsman, or party directly or indirectly interested. If any member of the board be the owner of, or interested in, any property necessary, in the opinion of a majority of the other members of the board, to be taken for park purposes, then proceedings shall be by condemnation, and such facts of ownership and interest shall be fully set forth in the petition. § 77. Board not compelled to accept gifts. The board uem. shall not be compelled to accept any gift or offer of land which, in its judgment, is unsuited to park j^urposes, or the improvement of which would entail an injudicious outlay. § 78. May lease property not needed for immediate wem. improvement. The said board shall, at its discretion, have power to lease any buildings or land not needed for immediate improve- ments, for a term not to exceed three years ; the proceeds to be paid 43 44 BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS. Idem. into the city treasury, and to be placed at the disposal of the said board as an addition to the annual appropriation. § 79. Trust property incidentally connected with parks to be under management of commissioners. Real and personal property may be granted, bequeathed, devised, or conveyed to the said city, for the purpose of the improvement or ornamentation of said parks or approaches, or for the establishment or maintenance therein of museums, zoological or other gardens, collections of natural history, observatories, monuments, statues, fountains, or other works of art, upon such trusts and conditions as may be pre- scribed by the grantors or devisors thereof, and accepted by the common council of said city. All property so devised, granted, bequeathed, or conveyed, and the rents, is&ues, profits, and income thereof, shall be subject to the exclusive management, direction, and control of the said board of park commissioners. ^*°* § 80. Powers of condemnation. The said park commis- sion, on behalf of the city of Hartford, shall have power to take, by condemnation, land for park or park-way purposes; and if the said park commission cannot, for any cause, agree with the owner or owners of any land which they shall decide to take for public park purposes, whether within or without the limits of the city of Hartford, as to the compensation to be paid therefor, the damages which will accrue to such owner or owners by such purchase and the compensation to be paid for such lands in view thereof, shall be estimated and determined by three appraisers to be appointed by the superior court of Hartford county, or any judge thereof, on application of said park commissioners, after reasonable notice of such application shall have been given to such owner or owners. Sard appraisers shall notify all parties in interest of the time and place of hearing, and shall make return in writing of their appraisal and award to the clerk of the superior court, who shall record the same; and the amount of such award shall be paid by said park commission within sixty days after the filing of such award, .or, in case of an appeal, after the final award in the premises, out of any funds at their disposal, other than the annual appropria- tion, to the person or persons entitled thereto, or deposited to the order of such person or persons with the treasurer of the city of BOARD OF PABK COMMISSIONEBS. 46 Hartford. But either party may, within sixty days, appeal to the superior court, or to any judge thereof, to set aside such award, and to order a re-hearing for irregularity, or improper conduct connected with such hearing and appraisal. The fees of the ap- praisers and of the clerk shall be paid by the park commission from the funds aforesaid; and the lands embraced in the application shall not be occupied by the park commission, nor sequestered for park purposes, until the compensation therefor as finally awarded or agreed upon shall have been paid to the person or persons entitled thereto, or received to his or their satisfaction, or deposited with the treasurer of the city of Hartford to his or their use. All the owners of different tracts of land which are contiguous or which are to be included in the same park may be joined in the same application if convenient, and the court or judge may appoint a single board of appraisers to determine and award the compensation to be paid to the owners of each tract in the same report of their findings. § 81. Park bonds. How prepared and issued. The 12 ^^.^j. bonds authorized in section severity-two shall be prepared by the 12 s. l. sot. city treasurer of Hartford, and shall be issued by him, from time to time, in such amounts as the park commission shall require. Such bonds shall in no case be sold or disposed of for less than par, and the avails of such as shall be issued shall be kept by the city treasurer as a special fund, subject to the order of the park commis- sion, and shall be paid by him only on such orders. 46 SPECIAL COMMISSIONS. CHAPTER 8. SPECIAL COMMISSIONS. 14 3^564 §82. Department of finance. Membership. There shall be in the city of Hartford a department of finance, being a board consisting of the mayor, who shall be its presiding officer; the treasurer; the controller; two citizens, neither of whom shall hold any other office in said city government; one member of the board of aldermen ; and one member of the common council board ; to be appointed as hereinafter provided. The necessary expenses of said board shall be paid by the city, but no member of the board shall be paid for his services as a member thereof. 8. L. 1907. § 83. Appointment of. During the month of April, 1905, the mayor shall appoint one citizen member of said board of finance to hold office for two years, and one citizen member to hold office for three years, from the first day of May then next ensuing, and in the month of April, 1907, and in April in the years thereafter when the terms of such citizen members respec- tively expire, the mayor shall appoint one citizen member of said board of finance for the term of three years from the first day of May then next ensuing. During the month of April, 1905, the board of aldermen and the common council board of said city shall each appoint one member of said/ board to be a member of said board of finance to hold office for one year from the first day of May then next ensuing, and in each April thereafter said board of aldermen and said common council board shall appoint one member from each of said boards as members of said board of finance for the term of one year from and after the first day of May then next ensuing. The members of said board of finance shall hold office until their respective successors are elected and qualified. 14 s^^L^W § 84. Depositories. Said hoard of finance shall designate the depositories in which all city funds shall be kept and may desio^nate the method and manner in which the controller shall SPECIAL COMMISSIONS. keep the accounts of the various city departments and the accounts of said city with its various officers. § 85. Special duties. Whenever it may become necessary Mem. for said city to borrow money, either upon its notes or by the issuance of bonds, or to refund any of its existing indebtedness, the court of common council shall not act thereon finally except after investigation, recommendation, and report of said board of finance. Said board of finance shall in the month of February in each year make estimates of the moneys necessary to be appro- priated for the expenses of said city for the year ensuing, beginning April 1, and of the rate of taxation required to meet the same, and shall classify the said expenses under appropriate heads and depart- ments. At all such meetings the mayor shall preside and in his absence such person as said board shall select. In the preparation of said estimates, said board shall give notice to each board or department of a definite time and place where they will meet to consider the needs of such board or department, and said body shall recommend such tax upon the polls and ratable estates within the limits of said city as it shall deem necessary to meet such expenses. Said estimates, and the rate of taxation recommended shall be submitted to the court of common council at its first regu- lar meeting in the month of March next succeeding, and during said month of March said court of common council shall proceed to consider and act upon the said estimates ; the court of common coun- cil of said city for the year ensuing shall not make any appro- ^ priations or authorize the expenditure of any sum in excess of the estimates made as aforesaid, except upon a two-thirds vote of said court of common council, nor shall any of the departments of said city expend any sum in excess of said estimates unless the same be authorized by a two-thirds vote of said court of common council. § 86. Meetings. Meetings of said board of finance shall 1905 be held when called by the mayor, and reasonable personal notice of said meetings shall be given to the members thereof, or written or printed notice shall be sent to the residence of each member or mailed to him by the clerk appointed by said board at least twenty- four hours before the time of holding such meeting. 4 47 14 S. L 565. 48 SPECIAL COMMISSIONS. § 87. General tax for schools. Apportionment by board of finance- The board of finance of the city of Hartford is hereby 14 s!^'685. authorized and directed to apportion and divide, among the school districts of the town of Hartford, an amount not to exceed one-half of the amount raised by the tax of one mill on its grand list laid in accordance with section 2271 of the general statutes of 1902, which said sum, not exceeding one half, shall be apportioned and divided among said school districts in accordance with the needs of each district, so as to equalize the taxation for school purposes as nearly as possible; but no district shall receive any of said apportionment unless the tax laid in said district for the maintenance and support of schools is at least five mills ; and provided, that no district laying a tax of at least five mills as aforesaid, shall receive a less total amount from said one mill tax than it would receive if said one mill tax was divided as a whole in accordance with section 2271 of the general statutes. The balance of the amount raised from the tax of one mill, after deducting the total amount apportioned by said board of finance, shall be divided among all the school districts of said town, as provided in said section 2271 of the general stat- utes. Idem. Idem. Idem. § 88. Estimate by chairmen of school districts. The chairmen of each of said school districts shall, on or before the first day of October in each year, present to said board of finance an estimate of the amount required for school purposes by the district of which he is chairman, over and above the amount received from other sources and the amount which would be raised from a five mills district tax, and, if required by said board of finance, shall make an itemized estimate of the money to be ex- pended by the district during the ensuing year. § 89. Action by board of finance. Said board of finance, at its first meeting in October of each year, shall proceed to make the division and apportionment in accordance with section 87, and shall take up the matter at each meeting thereafter until it has completed such apportionment and division. § 90. Report by chairman of board and payment. As soon as said apportionment is made, the chairman of said board ♦ of finance shall report to the city treasurer of the city of Hart- ford the amount that each district is entitled to receive under SPECIAL COMMISSIONS. said apportionment and division, and the city treasurer shall thereupon remit to the chairman of each school district the amount to which said district is entitled, together with the amount due said district under section 2271 of the general statutes for the balance of the amount raised by said one mill tax, after deducting the sum so apportioned and divided by said board of finance. § 91. Limitation of powers of joint standing committee ^^q^^- on ways and means. From and after the organization of said board of finance, all duties of the committee of the court of common council known as the joint standing committee on ways and means conflicting with sections 84 and 85 of this chapter shall cease and determine. 49 665. 14 S. L. 657. § 92. Board of contract and supply. Composition of. ,,^^^^ There shall be in the city of Hartford a board of contract and supply, consisting of the mayor, the president of the board of street commissioners, the president of the board of charity commissioners, the president of the board of fire commissioners, and the president of the board of police commissioners. 1905. § 93. Special duties of board of contract and supply. It shall be the duty of said board, after public notice, and in i4s. l. loee. accordance with regulations to be prescribed by ordinance or ordi- nances of the court of common council, to let to the lowest bidders who shall give adequate security for the performance of their several contracts, all contracts for the performance of any work or the supplying of any materials, or both, for the use of any department of the city, except the water and park departments, in all cases where such work and materials will cost a sum exceeding five hundred dollars, unless, by a resolution passed by a two-thirds vote of each branch of the court of common council, it shall be determined in a special instance or instances to be impracticable to procure such work or materials by contract, or unless emergency requires the appropriate department of the city to secure, forthwith, the repair of property in its charge or materials for such repair or the use of such department. Said board, in the performance of its duties, shall have power to reject any and all bids. § 94. Committee on abatement and assessments, etc. ^^^^%q2. Composition of, etc. The mayor of the city of Hartford is hereby authorized and directed to appoint, subject to the approval of 14 S. L. 50 SPECIAL COMMISSIONS. 1907. S. L. the board of aldermen, on or before June 1, 1905, two persons, citizens and taxpayers of the city of Hartford, and in case of the death, resignation, or disability of either or both of said persons, a successor or successors, also so qualified, to serve, together with the mayor, city collector, and corporation counsel, until June 1, 1909, as a committee of abatement of assessments, for public improve- ments within the city of Hartford, now due and unpaid. Said committee is hereby authorized and empowered to col- lect, adjust, compromise, settle, and abate any and all assessments for public improvements laid upon real estate by the city of Hart- ford, or any department thereof, now due and unpaid, and to dis- charge certificates of lien filed against such property to secure the payment of such assessments. The members of said committee shall receive no compensa- tion for the performance of their duties under this appointment, but shall be allowed their reasonable expenses for clerical assistance and incidentals, as approved by the court of common council of said city. 1907. Special Laws. § 95. Commission on the city plan. iVIembership. There shall be in the city of Hartford a commission on the city plan, which shall consist of the mayor, who shall be its presiding officer, the president of the board of street commissioners, the presi- dent of the board of park commissioners, the city engineer, two citizens, neither of whom shall hold any other office in said city government, one member of the board of aldermen, and one member of the common council board, to be appointed as hereinafter pro- vided. The necessary expenses of said commission shall be paid by the city, but no member thereof shall be paid for his services as such member. Idem. § 9g_ Appointment of. During the month of April, 1907, the mayor shall appoint one citizen member of said commission to hold office for two years, and one citizen member to hold office I for three years from the first of May then next ensuing, and in the month of April, 1909, and in April in the years thereafter when the terms of such citizen members respectively expire, the mayor * shall appoint one citizen member of said commission for the term of three years from the first day of May then next ensuing. Dur- ing the month of April, 1907, and in each April thereafter, the SPECIAL COMMISSIONS. 61 board of aldermen and .the common council board of said city shall each appoint from its own number a member of said commission to hold office for the term of one year from and after the first day of May then next ensuing. The members of said commission shall hold office until their respective successors are elected and qualified. § 97. Duties and powers of. All questions concerning the location of any public building, esplanade, boulevard, park- way, street, highway, square, or park shall be referred to said com- mission by the court of common council for its consideration and report before final action is taken on such location. The court of common council may refer to said commission the construction or carrying out of any public work not expressly within the province of other boards or commissions of said city, and may delegate to said commission all powers which the said council deems necessary to complete such work in all details. Said com- mission may make or cause to be made a map or maps of said city, or any portion thereof, showing locations proposed by it for any new public building, esplanade, boulevard, parkway, or street, and grades thereof, and street, building, and veranda lines thereon, or for any new square or park, or any changes by it deemed advisable in the present location of any public building, street, grades and lines, square or park, and may employ expert advice in the making of such map or maps. Said city of Hartford, acting through said commission or otherwise, shall have power to appropriate, enter upon, and hold in fee real estate within its corporate limits for establishing esplanades, boulevards, parkways, park grounds, streets, highways, squares, sites for public buildings, and reserva- tions in and about and along and leading to any or all of the same; and, after the establishment, layout, and completion of such improvements, may convey any real estate thus acquired and not necessary for such improvements with or without reserva- tions concerning the future use and occupation of such real estate so as to protect such public works and improvements and their environs, and to preserve the view, appearance, light, air, and use- fulness of such public works. Idem. 52 COMMISSIONERS IX GENERAL. CHAPTER 9. COMMISSIONERS IN GENERAL 7 8.^255 § 98. Appointment of commissioners and terms. The mayor of said city of Hartford shall, by and with the advice and consent of the board of aldermen of said city, appoint the mem- bers of the several boards of water commissioners, street commis- sioners, police commissioners, fire commissioners, and park commis- sioners of said city, and when members of any of said boards of commissioners are to be appointed for different terms, the term for which each member is to serve shall be designated by the mayor at the time of making the appointments as aforesaid. Idem. g 9g_ Political composition of boards. The appointment of the members of the said several boards of commissioners as aforesaid shall be made in such a manner as to divide the member- ship of each of said boards as nearly as may be equally between the two leading political parties for the time being. ^^®™ § 100. Vacancies; how filled. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any of said several boards of commissioners, it shall be filled in the manner provided aforesaid for the appointment of members. Idem. § 101. Removals. The mayor of said city of Hartford, by and with the advice and consent of any four members of the board of aldermen, may remove any member of either of said boards of commissioners for cause. 7s^L.^259 § 102. No member of common council to be a commis- sioner. No member of either branch of said court of common council shall be chosen or appointed to serve upon any of the several commissions having charge of the various departments or public works of said citv. 6 S. L. 743. BOARD OF STREET COMMISSIONERS. CHAPTER 10. BOARD OF STREET COMMISSIONERS. § 103. Composition of board of street commissioners. There shall be a board of street commissioners of the city of Hart- ford, consisting of six freeholders of said city, who shall not be members of the court of common council. [The mayor shall appoint two each year and] they shall respectively hold office for the term of three years from the second Monday of April of the year in which they are appointed and until their respective successors shall be appointed and qualified. The members of said board may be paid from the city treasury such sums as shall g 8.^k^744. be fixed by the court of common council. In case of vacancy in said board by death, resignation or otherwise, there shall be ap- pointed in the manner provided in section 98 a freeholder not a member of the court of common coimcil for the unexpired term. 53 6 S. L. 744. § 104. Records, appointment of clerk, superintendent of streets, etc. Said board shall keep a record of all their acts and proceedings, and an account of expenditures and receipts, which shall be open to the inspection of any member of the court of common council. Said board may, if they see fit, appoint a clerk to keep such record and accounts, and shall appoint a superintend- ent of streets, to hold office during the pleasure of said board, and to act under the instructions thereof, in the immediate care and management of such works as may be under the charge of said board; and said clerk and superintendent of streets shall receive such compensation for their services as the court of common council may grant. § 105. General powers and duties of board of street esTm commissioners. Said board shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to cause to be executed all orders of the court of common ^^ s^*l%52 council, for the construction or alteration of highways, streets, avenues, bridges, curbs, and all public ways and grounds, the care of which is not expressly imposed upon other departments, sewers, gutters, sidewalks, and crosswalks, the exchange or sale of highways, the establishmejit of building lines, the erection of street 64 BOARD OF STREET COMMISSIO]S^ERS. lamps, the raising, filling up or draining of low grounds, and all other orders of said court, for the construction, alteration or repair of other public works not expressly ordered to be executed or superintended by other officers or persons. Said board shall also cause the prompt completion of all necessary repairs of streets, highways, sewers, and public works within the limits of the streets, highways, and thoroughfares of the city, other than public build- ings; shall keep all public places, streets and highways clear of obstructions and nuisances; shall cause the prompt removal of all filth, encroachments, incumbrances, and obstructions, and shall require all persons to conform to the city ordinances in the use of such streets, highways, and public places; shall superintend and provide for the lighting of the street lamps, and the repair of the same; and in general, may do all acts necessary or proper in the execution of the powers and duties aforesaid. Said board shall have power, in behalf of said city, to employ the corporation counsel to prosecute or defend any action at law or in equity, civil or crimi- nal in its nature, whenever, in their judgment, it may be necessary in carrying out the powers and duties of their office. § 106. Reports of board of street commissioners. Said board shall, on the 31st day of March, in eax^h year, make a report 14 s^T'853 *^ ^^® court of common coimcil of said city of all receipts, and from what sources, and of all expenditures, and for what purposes, which have been received and expended during the previous year, and shall also specify what orders of said court have been complied with, and what orders have not been carried out, and the reasons for the same ; and shall present said report, with such recommenda- tions as they may deem best, concerning the management of their department, to said court of common council, at its first regular meeting after said 31st day of March. 6 S. L. 746. 7 S. L. 673 T^kva § 107. Disqualification of members of board. Whenever two or more members of the board of street commissioners of the city of Hartford shall be disqualified by reason of interest or other cause from acting upon any assessment or other matter pending before said board requiring the action of a majority of the whole of said board, the mayor of said city may appoint two or more free- holders of said city, not members of the court of common council, BOARD OF STREET COMMISSIONERS. to serve in the places of said members while so temporarily dis- qualified; and the persons so appointed by the mayor shall have, while acting as temporary members of said board, the same powers and duties as are by law conferred upon the regularly appointed members thereof. 56 66 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEEMNG. CHAPTER 11. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING. s*l' § 108. Establishing a department of engineering. There shall be in the city of Hartford a department of engineering, the head of which shall be called the city engineer, and shall be appointed by the mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the board of aldermen, and shall hold his office during good be- havior or until removed for cause. Idem. g 1 Q9_ QutJeS. Said department of engineering, under the direction of the court of common council or the board of street commissioners, the board of park commissioners, the board of fire commissioners, the board of police commissioners, the board ol charity commissioners, the board of health, the board of assessors, the board of contract and supply, the board of finance, or such other boards or commissions hereafter created as the court of common council shall designate, shall make all surveys, maps, plans, drawings, specifications, and estimates relating to the work of said boards or any bureau or division thereof, or for the court of common council or any committee thereof, or for the board of assessors; shall superintend the construction of all public works of the city of Hartford or any department thereof not especially entrusted to other officers, and do any other engineering work which said council or said boards may require, and shall perform such other duties as may be designated by said court of common council. Idem. § 110. Maps, etc. The city engineer shall have the custody of all maps of the city of Hartford, or any department thereof, not especially entrusted to other city officials under the general statutes. He shall also furnish to the corporation counsel a copy of any map, drawing, or memorandum in his possession which said corporation counsel may require for the trial of any case • or for the preparation of any opinion. Idem. § 111. Employees and salaries. All employees of the engineering department shall be appointed and may be removed by the city engineer. The salaries of the city engineer and of all DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING. 57 employees in said department which exceed one hundred dollars per month shall be determined by the court of common council, by ordinance. The salaries of all employees of said department which do not exceed said amount shall be fixed by the city engineer; pro- vided, that the whole expense of administering said department shall not exceed the sum appropriated therefor by the court of common council of said city. 68 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. CHAPTEE 12. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 12 8.^624. § 112. Powers of common council, highways, building 6 3^314. lines, openings, low grounds, sewers, and sidewalks, etc. VfaL-'m All the powers, duties and liabilities of the town of Hartford respecting highways, private ways and bridges are hereby trans- ferred to and imposed upon the city of Hartford. The court of common council of the city of Hartford shall have exclusive power to lay out, make and establish within said city new high- ways, streets, public parks, walks and dykes necessary to prevent the water of the Connecticut or Mill Eiver from inundating or overflowing said city or any part thereof whenever they deem it for the public good to do so, or to alter the lines and location of those already laid out and discontinue the same, and exchange highways for highways, or sell highways for the purpose of pur- chasing other highways, to establish building lines on the land of proprietors adjoining any street, highway, alley, park, or walk, within said cit}% between which and such street, highway, alley, park, or walk, no building or part of a building or appurtenance thereof shall be set up or erected. Also to order and establish open- ings between buildings, for the purpose of free circulation of air for the benefit of the public health ; to cause low ground where water at any time becomes stagnant, to be raised, filled up or drained; also to lay out, construct and alter public sewers through the highways, streets (including turnpike roads), alleys, and public grounds within said city, and also through the private enclosures within the same ; to order and construct and alter sidewalks, curbs, gutters and crosswalks in and upon all highways, streets (including turn- pike roads) , alleys and public grounds within said city, according to the grade and plan and of such materials as shall be designated by said court. § 113. Park River, wharves, leases, fire districts, high- way repairs, etc. Said court of common council shall also have 14 8. L.'863. exclusive power to take from time to time, lands and improvements HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WOKKS. 69 thereon, and easements and privileges connected therewith lying on either bank or both banks of the Park River westerly of Com- merce Street within the city of Hartford, and to improve the same by the establishment and construction of public wharves, docks, or ways thereon; to establish and maintain uniform building or bulkhead lines in the waters adjoining the said river's banks; to lease riparian rights or privileges now owned by said city of Hart- ford under such rules and regulations and on such terms as may be hereafter, from time to time, prescribed by the court of common council of said city (such leases, however, shall in no case be made for a longer term than three years from the date of the resolution of the court of common council authorizing the same), also to estab- i867. lish and designate districts of said city, within which it shall not be lawful to erect, enlarge, or elevate, or into or within which it shall not be lawful to remove any wooden building, except by license of said court; also to cause to be made, and repaired and altered, highways, streets, parks, and public grounds within said city, and sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and crosswalks, upon said highways, streets or public grounds; to assume for said city the duty of making and repairing any part of any turnpike company's road within said city. § 114. Taxes, assessments for public works, agree- ^^^f^^^ ments as to damages, appraisal notice. Whenever any public work (including dykes, wharves, docks, etc.) shall have ui^.'85s. been lawfully laid out or altered by the court of common council, said court may assess the whole or any part of the expense of laying out, altering, and making such public work (including highways, streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, sewers, parks, public walks, open- ings between buildings, the establishment of building lines, side- walks, and crosswalks, draining low grounds, or filling up the same), upon persons whose property is, in the judgment of said <30urt of common council, specially benefited thereby, and estimate the proportion of such expense which said persons shall respectively •defray, or enforce the collection of the same, or may, if they deem proper, assess the expense of any such public work directly upon land benefited thereby, describing said land in said assessments by metes and bounds, and specifying the amount assessed on each piece so described respectively, which said land, on default of payment of said assessment within six months after public notice thereof shall have been given, shall be liable to be sold for the 60 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. payment of the same; and said court shall prescribe by ordinance the manner of giving notice of said assessment, and the time, man- ner, and places of sale of said land; provided always, that before taking any land or private property for any of the public uses aforesaid, said court shall agree with the owner or owners thereof as to the damage done thereby, or shall cause to be made a fair ap- praisal of such damage, which shall be the actual damage done to the property of such owner or owners, by taking such land or pri- vate property, without deducting therefrom any benefits on account of such public work, and shall pay to or deposit the same [less benefits assessed, see section 133] for the benefit of such owner or owners; and provided further, that it shall be the duty of said court to enact ordinances, containing suitable provision for giving notice to all persons interested in any property so taken, of the proceedings of said court in that behalf and of the appraisal of damages. }^-a.c § 115. Veranda, porch and bay-window lines, in ad- dition to the authority vested in the common council of the city of Hartford to establish and change building lines, said common council is hereby empowered to establish veranda, porch, and bay- window lines, and to change the same after such have been estab- lished in the same manner as now provided for building lines. 12 S. L. 948 G S. L. 745. § 116. Board of street commissioners as commis- sioners of assessment. Said board shall act as a court for the assessment of betterments and appraisals of damages, and all powers at all times heretofore vested by the charter in the court of common council in reference to the appraisal of damages and as- sessment of betterments, shall hereafter be exercised by said board ; provided, that the court of common council shall continue to have power to prescribe, by ordinance, the manner of proceeding in such assessment and appraisal, and that an appeal shall be allowed to any person aggrieved by any appraisal of damage or assessment of betterments to the tribunal, and in the time and manner which may be by law provided. 1877. ♦ § 1 1 7. Cost of improvement ascertained before lay-out, 8S.L. 111. fY^anner of assessment. Before any public work or improve- ment, for the cost of which the city of Hartford under its charter HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WOBKS. 61 may assess benefits, shall be laid out or constructed, the cost of the same, including damages to be paid, shall be ascertained by the court of common council of said city, and all benefits to be paid by the persons benefited thereby, shall be ascertained as fol- lows: The vote or resolution proposing the laying out or con- struction of such work or improvement shall be, by said court of common council, referred to the board of street commissioners of said city, who shall first estimate the cost of the construction of such work or improvement, and shall also appraise the damages to be paid to any person for land, or any interest therein, taken for such improvement, and shall also assess the said cost of construction, and the amount of said damages upon the persons benefited thereby in the manner now provided by the charter and ordinances of said city, and all appeals therefrom shall be taken, and all proceedings had thereon, as now by law provided. Upon the completion of such proceedings the board of street commissioners shall report the same to said court of common council with their recommendations, and said court of common council may thereupon direct the lay-out or construction of such work or improvement at its discretion. § 118. Limitation of counoil in respect to public works. m^. The court of common council shall pass no vote laying out, estab- ^ ^ ^- '^^^^ lishing, or ordering to be constructed any new street, avenues, ^^^ bridges, curbs and gutters, building and veranda lines, sidewalk or ^^ s. l. 852. sewer, or any alteration or improvement, relating to streets and sew- ers, until such vote, or the petition asking for the passage of such vote, shall have been referred to said board of street commission- ers for investigation. § 119. Notice of payment of benefits and liens; record of.. Upon the final lay-out or completion of the construction of any such public work, the board of street commissioners shall give notice thereof, and that said benefits are due and payable, by publication twice in two daily newspapers published in said city, and all benefits assessed therefor shall be immediately due and payable. If the actual cost of the construction of any public work shall be less than the sum estimated by the board of street commissioners and assessed upon the parties benefited, each of the parties so assessed shall be entitled to a proportionate deduction from his assessment. Said benefits shall be a lien upon the land 8 S. L. 111. 62 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. on axjcount of which they were assessed, which said lien shall com- mence and attach to said land from the time of the passage by the court of common council of the vote laying out or ordering the con- struction of said work: provided, that the same shall not remain a lien thereon for a longer period than three months from the final lay-out, or completion of such work or improvement, unless the board of street commissioners shall within that time lodge with the town clerk of the town of Hartford for record, a certificate, signed by the clerk of said board describing the premises, the amount assessed, and the improvement for which it was assessed. 7 S. L. 778. ^V^f^ § 120. Diversion of streams not navigable, whenever it shall be necessary for the proper construction of any bridge, sewer, culvert, highway, embankment, or other public work in the city of Hartford, or for the protection and security of any such public work already constructed, it shall be lawful for the court of common council of said city to direct, and for the board of street commis- sioners of said city to cause any stream or water-course, not navi- gable within the limits of said city, to be changed and diverted from its natural or present channel into a new or different channel. ^^^"^ § 121. Compensation. Before causing any stream or watercourse to be diverted as provided in the preceding section the said board of street commissioners shall agree with the owner or owners of any property or franchise, which may be required for the said purpose, as to the amount of compensation or damage to be paid to the said owner or owners for the same; and in case of disagree- ment between said board and any such owner or owners, as to the amount of such damage or compensation, then the same shall be appraised in the same manner as damages are now appraised for the laying out of highways in said city; and any person aggrieved by said appraisal, shall have the same right of appeal as is now had by parties aggrieved by the appraisal of damages in laying out- highways in said city. Idem. § 122. Sections above. The two foregoing sections shall not be so construed as to impose any new liability for damages upon . the said city for any change in any watercourse, indirectly or necessarily resulting from the legal lay-out and construction of any public work already built or hereafter to be built. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. § 123. Power over streams, dams, etc., for sewerage ^^^f^: and health. The court of common council of the city of Hartford are hereby authorized, whenever in their opinion the public health or the proper sewerage of said city shall require such action, to take, occupy, and appropriate, in such manner as they shall from time to time deem expedient, any stream or part of a stream, natural or artificial, running in or through said city, and to straighten, deepen, or lower the same, or lower, alter, or remove any or all walls, dams, flumes, or other obstruction to the free and healthy flow of such stream or part of a stream, or raise any of said dams or build and maintain other dams where the public health or convenience may require, or to cover any such stream or part thereof by arches, cul- verts, or other structures, or to divert the water from such stream or part thereof and cause it to flow through a sewer or other aque- duct built in and upon the bed of such stream, or laid in the earth in or near either bank thereof, or to remove or cause to be removed or altered any or all structures which at any season of the year cause the accumulation of stagnant water, or interrupt in any manner the free and healthy flow of any part of said stream. 63 § 124. Survey and estimates, notes and agreement as to damages, whenever said court of common council shall take action under the foregoing power, the vote or resolution proposing said improvement shall be referred to the board of street commis- sioners of said city, who shall prepare a descriptive survey of the improvement proposed, with a careful estimate of the cost of com- pleting the same, and agree if possible with the parties intere^^ted upon the damages and special benefits on account of such improve- ment. They shall give notice ten days prior to the time appointed in said notice for said hearing in two daily newspapers published in said city, of a time and place for meeting all parties interested in said improvement, and if at such meeting no agreement can be made^ said city may proceed in the manner provided in the next succeeding section. But if such agreement shall be made by said board and ratified by said common council, the sums agreed upon having been paid to the parties entitled thereto, or deposited to their credit in the city treasury, said city may proceed with and complete said improvement, and do all things necessary or convenient for that purpose without further liability. 419. Idem. 64 HIGHWAYS AJJD PUBLIC WOKKS. Idem. g ^25. Condemnation and appraisal, if said board of street commissioners shall be unable to agree with the parties in- terested upon the damages or benefits to be paid on account of such improvement, the Superior Court for Hartford county may, on ap- plication of said city, after causing such notice to be given of the pendency of such application as such court shall order, appoint three judicious and disinterested freeholders of the county of Hartford to estimate the damages and benefits resulting from said improve- ment; and said committee having been duly sworn, and having given notice of the time and place of their meeting for the purpose aforesaid, by publishing the same not less than three times in two newspapers published daily in said city at least ten days prior to said meeting, shall meet at the time and place designated, and hav- ing heard all parties in interest who shall appear before them, shall determine what parties will be damaged by said improvement in excess of special benefits and the amount thereof; also what parties owning or interested in lands, easements, or franchises within a reasonable distance of said improvement will receive special benefit over all damage and the amount thereof ; and also what parties will receive an equal amount of damage and benefit ; and thereupon said committee shall report in writing to said court, which may confirm, correct, alter, or set aside said report, and decide all questions that may be raised in the proceedings. If said report shall be set aside, said committee, or a new one to be appointed by said court, shall proceed as before, and their report being finally accepted by such court shall be confirmed by the order or decree of said court; and said report and order or decree shall be recorded by the clerk of the Superior Court for Hartford county, and the award of damages and benefits therein contained shall be final between the parties, and said damages being paid or deposited as before provided, said city may proceed with and complete said public improvement, and do all acts necessary or convenient for that purpose without further liability. Idem. § 126. Collection of benefits, liens, record of. All amounts due to said city as special benefits under the two preceding ^sections, whether reached by agreement or assessment, may be col- lected by warrant under the hand of the mayor or acting mayor of said city, directed to the collector thereof, who shall enforce the HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WOEKS. 66 same in the same manner as tax warrants are served and enforced. Every such amount shall also be and remain a lien upon the land or other property on account of which it was assessed, which said lien shall commence and attach to said land from the time the com- mon council shall take action, laying out or ordering said improve- ment : provided that the same shall not remain a lien thereon for a longer period than three months after the final completion of said work or improvement, unless the board of street commissioners shall within that time lodge with the town clerk of the town of Hart- ford, for record, a certificate signed by the clerk of said board, describing the premises, the amount assessed, and the improvement for which it was assessed. § 127. Notice of payment of benefits. Upon the com- we°> pletion of said work or improvement, the said board of street commissioners shall give notice thereof, and that said benefits are due and payable, by publication twice in two daily newspapers published in said city, and all benefits assessed thereon shall be immediately due and payable. If the actual cost of the construc- tion of such improvement or public work shall be less than the sum assessed upon the parties benefited, each of the parties so assessed shall be entitled to a proportionate deduction from his assessment. § 128. Assessment for public improvements on land not ^g^J^g^g abutting; right of appeal. The court of common council of the city of Hartford, by the board of street commissioners of said city, may assess a proportional sum of the expense of laying out, altering, and making any highway, street, sewer, or park, lawfully laid out or altered, upon any person or persons in the judgment of said board specially benefited thereby, whether the land of such person or per- sons abuts upon such highway, street, sewer, or park, or not. This section shall not affect the right of appeal from the action of said board. § 129. Appeals, where to be taken and to whom. An igg^. appeal shall be allowed to any person aggrieved by any appraisal ^s. l. sie. of damages or assessment of benefits to the judge of the court of 1873. common pleas for the county of Hartford. Such appeals may be ^ ^' ^" ^^" heard by said judge, but shall upon the motion of any party 66 HIGHWAYS AIN'D PUBLIC WORKS. thereto or persons intereste'd therein be referred to a committee for hearing. § 130. Joinder in appeal: one cause. As many of the 7 s^ L^527 P^i'ti^s interested as may choose to do so, may join in such appeal ; and, when separate appeals are taken by different parties from one assessment and appraisal, all such appeals shall be heard and tried as one cause. § 131. Appeals, how taken. Appeals may be taken from Idem. the assessment of benefits only, but, if taken from the appraisal of damages shall be from the said appraisal and also from the assess- ment of benefits made at the same time and for the same public work. Such appeals shall be taken within ten days after public notice shall be given of such appraisal or assessment, and shall be by a suitable petition in writing, setting forth the whole of said assessment or appraisal and assessment appealed from, and asking for a reappraisal and reassessment, or for a reassessment only, with a citation attached thereto, signed by any authority authorized to sign writs, and returnable before said judge at two o'clock in the afternoon on the day three weeks subsequent to the day on which public notice of said appraisal shall have been given ; and said cita- tion shall be served upon the clerk of said city at least six days be- fore the return day thereof. Idem. § 132. Reapportionment, if, upon the hearing of any ap- peal, the judge or committee shall find cause to alter said appraisal and assessment, or assessment of benefits only, then said judge or committee shall proceed to reapportion the whole amount of the damages and benefits, or benefits only, upon the persons or land specially benefited. If the judge or committee hearing said appeal shall be of the opinion that persons other than those who appear upon the record are interested in the subject-matter of said appeal, said judge or committee shall cause the appellants to give notice of the pendency of the proceedings to such other persons; which notice shall be by publication in one or more newspapers published in said city, for such time and in such form as said judge or com- mittee shall direct. Such judg6 shall have, for the purpose of dis- posing of said appeal, all the power of the Superior Court, and may HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WOKKS. 67 render judgment thereon, and may tax costs in favor of either party and issue execution for said costs, to be taxed as upon civil process in the Superior Court. Said judge shall, when the proceedings in any case arising under this and the preceding three sections are closed, return all the papers connected with the case to the clerk of said city, to be by him kept on file. § 133. Benefits set off against damages, in all cases where the court of common council of the city of Hartford shall pubik Acts, have agreed upon with, or appraised to any person or persons, ^^•^^• damages for taking any land or private property for any public work in said city, and shall also have assessed betterments on account of the same public work upon the owner or owners of such land or private property, or upon such land or private property, the amount of such assessment shall be an offset against such damages ; and the city treasurer may credit such owner or owners with the amount of such assessment so assessed upon or payable by him or them, and the entry of such credit upon the books of said treasurer shall have the same effect as the payment to such owner or owners so credited in whole or part payment as the case may be, of the sum appraised for such damages; but the court of common council may in any individual case, where they see fit, pay the whole of such damages and collect the assessments of betterments as heretofore. § 134. Condemnation of land for sewerage purposes. ^^ The court of common council of the city of Hartford may, whenever lo s. l. 211. in their opinion the proper sewerage or drainage of any portion of said city shall require such action, construct any structure, me- chanical appliance, or apparatus to artificially or mechanically sewer or drain the same, and may maintain and operate such means of drainage, and for said purposes said court may take any land which may be needed therefor. § 135. Proceedings for condemnation. The proceedings wem. under any resolution to construct such means of sewerage or drain- age shall be the same as those provided by the charter and ordinances of said city for the lay-out and construction of sewers by said city, and the cost of constructing the same, including the damages by 68 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. reason of any property taken therefor, may be assessed upon the persons or property specially benefited thereby, in the same manner as is provided by said charter and ordinances for the assessment of benefits for other public improvements. Idem. §136. Assessment of cost of maintenance. The cost of maintaining such means of sewerage or drainage may at any time after the same is incurred, and whenever said court of common council shall judge proper, be assessed upon the persons or property specially benefited thereby upon a resolution directing such assess- ment, which shall be referred to the board of street commissioners of said city for such assessment, which shall be made in the same manner as is provided by the charter and ordinances of said city for the assessment of benefits by reason of public improvements. Idem. §137. Assessment how collectible and lien. Any assess- ment for the cost of constructing or maintaining such means of sew- erage or drainage shall be collectible in the same manner, and shall be a lien upon the land on account of which it was assessed, and may be continued and enforced as such lien in the same manner as assessments for benefits by reason of other public works. isslTsor. § 138. Construction of intercepting sewer across State lands. The city of Hartford is hereby authorized to construct a sewer, known as the " Intercepting Sewer," across the lands of the State of Connecticut, along the south and east bank of the Park River, on what is known as the State Capitol Grounds, and to continue the construction of said sewer across other grounds of said State of Connecticut, upon what is known as the land of the First Regiment, Connecticut National Guard; the said sewer to be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in the ofiice of the board of street commissioners of said city. 11 S. L. 1086. § 139. West Hartford may connect with Hartford system. The city of Hartford may by vote of its common council permit the town of West Hartford to connect any of its sewers with any sewer which is or may hereafter be constructed in said city. No such permission shall be granted unless and until the board of street commissioners of the city of Hartford and the commission to lay out and construct public sewers in said town 69 1901. 13 S. L. HIGHWAYS AXD PUBLIC WORKS. of West Hartford shall fix and determine the amount to be paid by said town of West Hartford to said city of Hartford therefor, including the proportion of the cost of any new sewer in said city to be borne by said town, and no connection with any sewer or sewers of said city shall be made under such permission until said town shall have paid to said city such amount so agreed upon, or shall have secured the payment thereof to the satisfaction of said city. § 140. Wethersfield may connect with Hartford system. The city of Hartford may, by vote of its common council, permit the town of Wethersfield, or its selectmen, to connect any of its sewers with any sewer which is or may hereafter be constructed in said city. No such permission shall be granted unless and until the board of street commissioners of the city of Hartford and the selectmen of the town of Wethersfield shall fix and determine the amount to be paid to said city of Hartford therefor, including the proportion of the cost of any new sewer in said city to be bo^ne by said town, and no connection with any sewer or sewers of said city shall be made under such permission until the amount so agreed upon shall have been paid to said city or the payment thereof secured to the satisfaction of the board of street commis- sioners. § 141. Authority to widen Capitol Avenue, if the com- jas^g^joog mon council of the city of Hartford shall hereafter vote to widen and pave Capitol Avenue, between Trinity Street and Broad Street, the Secretary of State, Treasurer, and Comptroller, shall be em- powered to represent the State's interest therein, and, if they deem best allow said street to be widened by the taking of a portion of the land belonging to the State, not more than two and one-half feet in width, upon such conditions and terms as they shall deem best. § 142. Extension of Benton Street through Old South Burying Ground. The city of Hartford is hereby empowered to take lands now a part of the Old South Burying Grround, in said city, and south of the line herein named, and to use the same for the extension, straightening, and widening of Benton Street. The northerly line of said tract to commence at the westerly end of Benton Street as now laid out from Wethersfield Avenue west- erly, at a point at the southwest corner of the land of John Coombs, 13 8. L. 329, 70 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. thence northerly in a straight line which shall be a prolongation of the northerly line of Benton Street, as now laid out from Maple Avenue to Webster Street. Said city may acquire, by pur- chase or condemnation, the title of such private owners as there may be to lots within said tract, and in the removal of bodies from graves, and monuments from said tract to other cemeteries or other portions of said cemetery, shall bear all expense of the reinterment of said bodies and of the removal of said monuments. The common council of said city is hereby authorized to dispose of any surplus lands within said tract as shall be for the best interests of the city, and to take such other action as may be necessary to carry out all the provisions of this section. iis!l^62. § 143. Improved pavement laid on petition of abutting owners. The common council shall have power to cause the i2s!T*6i7. streets of said city to be paved and re-paved with paving material other than the macadam in general use; and whenever the owners or proprietors of one-half of the land abutting upon any street or portion of a street shall petition for such paving or re-paving thereof, specifying in said petition the street or portion of a street to be paved or re-paved, and the city council shall have before it the action of the board of street commissioners approving and ordering a pavement of the kind and style it may deem proper, said city council shall have power to assess the whole cost of said paving or re-paving, including that portion contiguous to lateral and intersecting streets, and excluding that portion of the street which, by law or contract, a street railway is under obligation to pave, one-third of such cost upon the said city of Hartford, which shall be paid out of the treasury of said city upon the order of the city council, and two-thirds of such cost upon the owners of the property abutting on the line of such improvement, and shall have power to enforce the collection of such assessments in the manner provided by the charter or ordinances of said city for the collec- tion of assessments. On the completion of the work and assess- ment for the cost of the same, such assessment shall be final and conclusive on all parties in interest; and said assessment shall be a lien upon the land on account of which it was assessed, in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided in the charter of said city in the case of assessment for beneiits arising from other public works and improvements. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 71 § 144. Improved pavement laid without petition. The ^^^^l^^^^ city of Hartford may cause to be paved with granite, asphalt, or other substantial pavement, other than the macadam in general j3s^^^^534 use, not exceeding one-half mile of highway in each year without petition therefor, in addition to the amount petitioned for by the ^g g^^^^gsi. property owners, and the board of street commissioners shall select the streets to be paved, and after notice to the property owners in- terested, by publication in tlie daily newspapers of the city, and, so far as practicable by a written or printed notice addressed to the property owners interested, at their last-known place of abode, and deposited in the post-office, postage paid, at least ten days before taking the action herein contemplated, may pass votes to be sub- mitted to and approved by the city council ordering such pavement, and assessing the aforesaid share of the expense upon the abut-, ting owners. § 145. Pipes and conduits in streets to be paved. Tiie board may make reasonable regulations relative to pipes and con- duits of all kinds which are in the streets to be paved with perma- nent pavement, and as a preliminary to such paving may order all such pipes and conduits to be relaid, renewed, repaired, placed and located in such manner and to such extent as in their judg- ment will best protect such pavement, when laid, from being dis- turbed in the future, and will best secure the uninterrupted use of such streets as public highways. It shall be the duty of all persons, commissions, and corporations to obey and comply strictly with all such orders of the board within such time as the orders shall specify. Such orders shall be in writing, signed by the board of street commissioners, or by the clerk of such board under their authority, and attested copies of such orders shall be served upon such person or persons, commissions, or corporations at least forty-eight hours before the work specified therein shall be required to be begun. Should any person, commission, or corporation neglect or refuse to obey and comply with any such order of said board, the board may apply in its own name to the Superior Court of Hartford County, or to any judge of the Superior Court in vaca- tion, for a mandamus to enforce compliance with any such order or regulation provided for in this section. 12 S. L. 618. 72 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 12 8.^619. § 146. Deferred payments of assessments and certifi- cates therefor. The common council of said city is also further 13 s!T'504. authorized and directed to provide by ordinance for the extension of time for and the manner of payment of all assessments made for any public improvement not including taxes, and may issue and dispose of assessment certificates covering the amounts of any extended assessments, under such rules, regulations, and in such form as the court of common council may by ordinance prescribe. 13 S. L. 504. § 147. State and school district lands may be assessed for benefits on public improvements, in making assessments of benefits and appraisals of damages for any public improvement, the city of Hartford is hereby authorized and empowered to assess such benefits or appraise such damages as it may deem just upon or in favor of the real estate belonging to the State of Connecticut, or to any school district situated within the limits of the city of Hartford, and specially benefited or damaged by such public improvement, subject to appeal by either party as provided by law in such cases, and in the case of assessments of benefits against or appraisals of damages in favor of the state it shall be the duty of the state treasurer to pay any and all assessments of benefits upon the certificate of the clerk of said city that the same are due and payable, and he shall receive any damages assessed in favor of the state and give a receipt for the same upon a like certificate. §148. Assessments may bear interest. All assessments made for public improvements and street watering within the city of Hartford shall bear interest from the date when the same become due and payable, at such rate as the court of common council of said city shall by ordinance prescribe. Idem. § 149^ Highway improvements on Prospect avenue in West Hartford. Said city of Hartford is hereby authorized to order, construct, maintain, and to keep free from defects and obstruction all sidewalks, curbs, and gutters in the town of West Hartford on the east side of Prospect avenue between Farmington avenue and New Park avenue, and to assess the expense of such construction, maintenance, and care upon adjoining lands and proprietors in the city of Hartford in the same manner and to the 13 S. L. 505. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 73 same extent as if said sidewalks, curbs, and gutters were situated in the city of Hartford; provided that any order for the construc- tion of such sidewalks, curbs, and gutters shall be approved by the selectmen of the town of West Hartford. 1893. § 150. Street sprinkling. The court of common council lis. L. of the city of Hartford shall have power to cause any or all of the streets of said city to be sprinkled or watered, and may 12 s. l. '976. assess the expense thereof upon the persons, and upon the land of persons whose property is, in the judgment of the court of common council, specially benefited thereby. The said court of common council shall by ordinance prescribe the mode in which the expense of sprinkling or watering the streets of said city shall be assessed upon the persons or the land specially benefited thereby, and also the mode in which the said expense shall be collected, or secured by lien, upon the land specially benefited. § 151. Authority to lay out highway through Pope HsT^a. park. The court of common council of the city of Hartford shall have power to lay out, make, establish, and maintain a public highway connecting Laurel street with Hillside avenue, formerly called South Laurel street, in a general southerly direction, through Pope park in the city of Hartford, in accordance with law and with the provisions of section one of the resolution amending the charter of the city of Hartford, approved July 24, 1867. Such portion of said Pope park as may be taken under such proceedings is hereby declared to be taken for a necessary public use, superior to the use for park purposes of said land so to be taken. Said court of common council of said city shall have the power, by proceedings in accordance with its charter and ordinances, to order, construct, and maintain sidewalks, gutters, and crosswalks, and to make and maintain sewers and drains on and under said highway and con- nected therewith, as if the said highway had been constructed through private lands in accordance with the charter of said city of Hartford. § 152. Status of highways, west approach to Con- uiT neotiCUt river bridge. Nothing in the resolution, approved June 20, 1899, entitled a resolution " Concerning the Approaches to the 853. 74 Idem. HIGHWAYS A^B PUBLIC WORKS. Bridge of The Connecticut Kiver Bridge and Highway District," shall be construed to relieve the city of Hartford from its statutory duty of maintenance and repair, and its right of control of the high- ways, public grounds, and improvements thereon forming the west- ern approach of the Connecticut river bridge within the corporate limits of said, city. § 153. Lay out of public improvements within said dis- trict. Any and all proceedings for the construction, lay-out and establishment of said approaches, including therein the lay-out and discontinuance of highways, the establishment of building and vjeranda lines thereon, and the lay-out, establishment, and construc- tion of sewers, dykes, and other public works and improvements connected therewith, shall be taken under and in accordance with the provisions of the charter of the city of Hartford. Said mty shall have the power, in the lay-out, establishment, and construction of such approaches, highway lines and grades, building and veranda lines, and public works connected therewith, to appraise the damages occasioned thereby, and to assess benefits upon the property found to be specially benefited thereby, and to secure the payment of the same by lien in accordance with the provisions of said charter and the ordinances of said city concerning public works and improve- ments. Idem. g i54_ ^Q highway to be dedicated unless 40 feet in width, etc. No street, highway, or alley in the city of Hartford shall hereafter be opened to the public by dedication or otherwise by any person or private corporation unless such street, highway, or alley be at least forty feet in width and so laid out as to connect two existing highways. 14 8^691. § 155. Care of trees, etc., in highways. The court of common council of the city of Hartford is hereby authorized by ordinance to delegate to and impose upon a board or department of the city any and all powers, duties, and authority of the city in reference to the care, control, preservation, and removal of trees now or hereafter standing in the highways within said city, and the setting out of additional trees, shrubs, and vines within such high- ways, to the end that the care and control of trees, shrubs, and vines in highways, and the planting and maintenance thereof, shall HIGHWAYS AXD PUBLIC WORKS. 75 255. be placed in a public commission for the purpose of beautifying the - •city in accordance with a well-defined plan or system. § 156. Expense of removing snow and ice from side- jos.T Y/aik and lien therefor. Any expense incurred by the city of Hartford in pursuance of the ordinances of the city in removing snow, ice, or sleet from any sidewalk upon any street or highway within said city, or in keeping any such sidewalk safe and con- venient for public travel, together with the interest thereon, shall be and remain a claim against the owner or proprietor of the land adjacent to such sidewalk, which may be collected and enforced at law, and a lien and real encumbrance in favor of said city upon said land. Said lien shall not continue to be valid against such land for a longer period than six months after said expense has been incurred, unless a certificate thereof, signed by the treasurer of said city, and particularly describing the amount of such lien and the land upon which it is claimed, shall, before the expiration of said six months, be lodged for record in the office of the town clerk of the toAvn of Hartford. §157. Underground wires. The common council of said los^Tm ■city may provide by ordinance for the placing of all electric wires underground when, in the judgment of said council or the board of street commissioners of said city, public interests require the same to be done, under such restrictions as said council may pre- scribe. Said common council may also provide penalties for failure -of any person or persons to carry out all reasonable orders under this section regarding such wires. § 158. Streets not to be excavated without notice to 9 8^1^2. street board, ^o person or corporation shall disturb the surface of any street or highway in the city of Hartford by digging or mak- ing excavation, or cause the same to be so disturbed, without first giving notice to the board of street commissioners of said city, and said board of street commissioners shall have the power to super- vise and direct any such digging or excavating, and may prescribe the manner in which the same shall be done and the condition to ^which said street or highway shall be restored ; provided, however, that no such person or corporation shall be compelled to do more ihan to restore said street or highway to its usual condition. If 76 HIGHWAYS A^D PUBLIC WORKS. any person or corporation so distiirl)ing or causing to bo disturbed the surface of any street or highway as aforesaid, shall fail to comply with the directions of said board of street commissioners in restor- ing the same to its usual condition, said board may, after reasonable notice to such person or corporation if known, otherwise without notice, restore the same, and collect and recover from such person or corporation double the cost of such restoration. Any person or corporation who shall neglect to comply with the provisions of this section as to notice shall forfeit and pay to the city of Hart- ford, for the use of the city treasury, a penalty of not less than five and not more than twenty-five dollars, the same to be recovered in an action brought in the name of said city in the manner provided in the charter of said city for the recovery of fines and penalties. Idem. § 159_ Water board exempt. The board of water commis- sioners of said city shall be exempt from such of the provisions of the foregoing section as pertain to the notice required to be given t© the board of street commissioners and the penalty prescribed therein. 12 S. L. 619. § 160. Private gas pipes to be relaid before improved pavement is laid. Whenever the city of Hartford has in con- templation the paving of any street, alley, or highway within said city, the board of street commissioners of said city, in addition to the powers conferred and duties now imposed upon it by law, is hereby authorized and empowered to give notice to the residents, occupants, and owners of property abutting upon such street, alley, or highway that all private gas supply pipes shall be laid, repaired, replaced, or removed, within a reasonable time to be stated in said notice, and that thereafter for a period to be stated in said notice but not exceeding ten years, no permits will be granted, except by special vote of the board of street commissioners of the city of Hartford, for the opening of such street or highway for any pur- pose connected with the laying, repairing, replacing, or removal of any such private gas supply pipes. In case any resident, occupant, or owner of property shall neglect or refuse to cause to be repaired or replaced, within the time specified in such notice, any gas supply pipe which is stated in said notice to be in a dangerous or defective condition, or liable to become dangerous or defective, said board of street commissioners shall notify the Hartford City Gas Light HIGHWAYS A]N'D PUBLIC WORKS. Company to cut off said supply pipe from its main without further or other notice to said resident, occupant, or owner of said property, and said Hartford City Gas Light Company shall have the right so to do. § 161. Extension of Franklin avenue sewer. The city of Hartford is hereby authorized to extend the sewer situated in said city, and known as Franklin avenue sewer, into and through lands lying in the town of Wethersfield to the Connecticut river, for the purpose of discharging the contents of said sewer. And for the purpose of extending, constructing, and using said sewer, to take such lands or easements in said Wethersfield as may be or become necessary, most safely and economically to accomplish said purpose. Said city of Hartford is hereby authorized to enter in and upon any land in said town of Wethersfield for the purpose of making sur- veys, and to agree with the owner or owners of any property or fran- chise which may be required for the purposes of this section, as to the amount of compensation to be paid to such owner or owners for the same. And in case of disagreement between said city and any owner or owners, as to such compensation or as to the amount of damages which ought to be awarded to any person claiming to be injured in his estate by the doings of said city, or in case any such owner shall be an infant, or married woman, or insane, or absent from this state, or unknown, or the owner of a contingent or uncer- tain interest, either judge of the Supreme Court of Errors may, on the application of either party, cause such notice to be given of said application as said judge shall see fit to prescribe, and after proof thereof, may nominate and appoint three disinterested per- sons to examine such property as is to be taken for or damaged by the doings of said city, and they being duly sworn to a faith- ful and impartial discharge of their duty, shall estimate the amount of compensation which said owners shall receive, and report the same in writing to the clerk of the Superior Court for Hartford county, to be by him recorded. Said judge of the Supreme Court of Errors may thereupon confirm the doings of said appraisers, and direct whether said city shall pay the same, in such maimer as said judge may prescribe, in full compensation for the property acquired or the injury done by said city; and on compliance with the order of said judge said city may proceed with the construc- 77 1876. 7 S. L. S 78 lliUUVVAYS xVND PUBLIC WORKS. tion of said sewer without any liability to any further claim for compensation for damages for any property or franchise so taken or damaged: provided, that said sewer shall not empty into the river within two hundred feet of the center of the mouth of the outlet of Wethersfield cove into said river. It shall be the duty of the city of Hartford, after said sewer shall be built, to thereafter keep the same in proper repair. 79 COUBT OF COMMON COUNCIL. CHAPTER 13. COURT OF COMMON COUNCIL § 162. Composition; powers. There shall be a court »f gg^ff^ common council of said city, which shall consist of two separate branches, a board of aldermen and the common council board, who shall convene separately, except in the cases otherwise specified; and in whom shall be vested the government, control and manage- ment of said city, its property and its affairs, subject to the ex- ceptions otherwise set forth. The board of aldermen shall be com- posed of all the aldermen of said city, and the common council board of all the common councilmen of said city ; and each branch of said court shall be final judge of the election returns, and validity of elections, and qualification of its own members. Neither the mayor nor any member of either branch of the ^g^L^gsj) court of common council of the city of Hartford shall be chosen or appointed to any other office by such court of common council of said city. § 1 63. Passage of a corporate act. Every- vote, resoiu- wem. tion, ordinance or by-law, in the passage of which both the branches . of said court shall have concurred by a majority of each, shall be submitted to the mayor for liis approval; and if not by him dis- approved, the same shall become valid and effectual as a corporate act of said city : if disapproved, the same shall be by him returned to the next court of common council, each board of which shall thereupon reconsider the vote, resolution, ordinance or by-law, and if a majority of each board shall thereupon concur in again adopting or enacting the sam^, it shall thereupon become a valid corporate act; it being expressly provided that no vote or resolu- tion of said common council, ordering a public work or improve- ment, which shall require an expenditure of more than ten thou- sand dollars, shall be obligatory on said city, unless approved by a majority vote of a city meeting, duly warned and holden for that purpose; which vote shall be by ballot or voting machines. § 164. Officers; quorum. The mayor shall be the pre- ^gi^®^ siding officer of the board of aldermen, and of all joint conven- tions of the court of common council, and be empowered to give 80 12 B. L. 689, COURT OF COMMON COUNCIL. a casting vote in all cases where the action of either said board or convention shall result in a tie. The city clerk shall be, ex- officio, clerk of the board of aldermen; and the common council board may choose a clerk who shall not be a member of said board. It shall be the duty of the board of aldermen to choose one of their own number as acting president of said board ; who shall have all the powers and discharge all the duties of the mayor during the absence of the mayor, or any temporary vacancy in the office of mayor. One-half of either board of the court of common council shall constitute a quorum thereof. iTw § 1^5. Compensation of town and city officers. The compensation to be paid the selectmen, the town clerk, and the registrars of voters of the town of Hartford, except as provided (in the consolidation act, 1895, Vol. 12 S. L., p. 624) or by the statute law of this state, shall be fixed by the common council, which shall also prescribe the compensation of all city and town officers not in said consolidation act or by legislative enactment otherwise provided for, and all said officers shall be paid from the city treasury. 6sT32i. § 166. Power to mal^ viiTiai. present, shall have authority, in case the duties of the depart- ment require it, to interrupt and prevent travel upon any high- way or highways or portion thereof for such period as he may deem necessary, and to remove any person or property from such highway or highways or portions thereof or from private property in the vicinity of the fire. If any person shall remove or assist in removing any property or obstruction placed in, upon or across any such highway or highways or portions thereof, or premises in the care of the fire department during a fire, by the fire department in the course of its duties, or if any person shall neglect or refuse to obey any order or command of any officer of the fire department in charge at a fire, he shall be fined five dollars. § 171- Duties of electrical inspectors, lineman, it Rev.isgs. shall be the duty of the electrical inspector and the assistant electrical inspector to have charge of the fire alarm service and of the police telegraph system. It shall further be their duty to inspect as often as may be necessary, all wires or conduits for carrying currents of electricity within the city of Hartford, and to report forthwith to the party owning or operating such wires or conduits any and all structural and other defects in the placing, location or operation of the same, and which, in the judgment of such inspector or assistant are, or may become, dangerous to person or property, and to suggest such remedy for amy such defects as they may think best suited to meet the circumstances of the case. They shall also cause to be removed all wires not in service, and such as are commonly known as dead wires, and shall report to the court of common council for action all cases in which the party owning or controlling the same shall refuse or neglect to remove them, after notice from the electrical inspector or his assistant in writing so to do, and they shall require the parties ownihg or operating any dangerous or defective wire or wires to remedy the difficulty immediately, in accordance with their suggestion, or to their satisfaction. In case of emergency the electrical inspector or his assistant may 62 FIRE DEPARTMENT. take summary measures for removing such wires as may be, from their continued existence, dangerous to persons or property. There shall be a lineman who shall assist the electrical in- spector and be subject to his orders. Rev. 1898. § 172. Repoft by electrical inspector of neglect to Chap. VIII, §27. QQjy^piy ^jj]^ i^jg ()p(j9ps. Should any party refuse or neglect to comply within a reasonable time with such requirements of the electrical inspector or his assistant, he shall report that fact to the court of common council at its next meeting, and request action thereon, and shall submit with such report a draft of such order as, in his judgment, shall be required in the premises, and shall recommend the passage of the same; and the common council, at the same, or its next subsequent meeting, shall act upon such order, pursuant to the provisions of the general statutes of the state relating to the direction and control of electrical construction by municipal bodies. See E. S. 3905. Rev. 1898. § 173. FiPC COmpanleS. There shall be the following Chap, vni, §7. ^ . fire companies : Engine Companies Nos. 3 and 4. Two steam self-propelling fire-engine companies, each consisting of the following em- ployees : One foreman, one engineer, one stoker, one tillerman, one hose driver, and four hosemen. Engine Companies Nos. 1 and 2. Two steam fire-engine companies, each consisting of the following employees: One foreman, who shall also be a pipeman, one engineer, one stoker, one engine driver, one hose driver, and three hosemen. Engine Companies Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8. Four steam fire-en- gine companies, each consisting of the following employees: One engineer, one engine driver, one hose driver, and one stoker, who shall be permanent men ; and one foreman, two bunkers, and six hosemen, who shall be callmen. Engine Company No. 12. A steam fire-engine company con- sisting of the following employees: One foreman, who shall also ORDINANCES. 68 be a pipeman, one engineer, one engine driver, one hose driver, and an additional pipeman, all of whom shall be permanent men; and three bunkers and three hosemen who shall be call- men. Engine and Truck Company No. 14. Consisting of the fol- lowing employees: One foreman, who shall also be a pipeman, one engineer, one engine driver, one hose driver, one truck driver, one stoker, two hosemen, and four laddermen. Chemical Companies Nos. 9, 10, and 11. Consisting of the following employees: One driver, one assistant driver, and two pipemen, who shall be permanent men. One of said men shall be designated as foreman of his company by the board of fire commissioners. One truck company consisting of the following employees: One foreman, two drivers, one assistant driver, two tillermen, and nine laddermen who shall be permanent men. § 174. Additional men. The board of fire commission- Mar.is, i906. ers are hereby authorized to employ from time to time addi- tional men for such work in the fire department as they shall respectively be assigned to perform to act in the place and stead of regular employees and permanent substitutes when such per- manent men and substitutes are absent on vacation, provided however, that at no time the number of such additional men in the employ of the fire department shall exceed ten. The pay of such additional men while so employed shall be at the rate of eight hundred dollars per year. Said board is authorized to employ thirteen permanent sub- Feb. 26, 1907. stitutes. § 175. Foremen of engine companies. All foremen juiy 10,1907. of engine companies who are callmen shall hereafter during the hours from 11 o'clock P. M. to 5 o'clock A. M on all days, vaca- tion time excluded, remain in their respective engine houses except when called outside by their duties as firemen. § 176. Engineers of fire engines to be machinists. ^^chfp!Vii?s9. person shall hereafter be appointed to the position of engineer 12 64 FIRE DEPARTMENT. of any steam fire-engine company unless he shall be a practical machinist. cS^yni, § 177. Equipment of fire companies. The steam fire- engine companies shall each have one steam fire-engine, one hose wagon, and necessary horses, hose and apparatus. The Steam Engine and Truck Company ISTo. 14 shall have one steam engine, one hose wagon, and one truck and necessary horses, hose, and apparatus. The chemical engine companies shall each have one chemical engine and necessary horses and apparatus. Said companies shall be located at such points as the commis- sioners shall designate. ch^\iiT§22. § 178. Demolition of buildings. Whenever it shall be necessary to demolish any building in said city, in order to stop the progress of fire, the chief may cause the same to be done, having first obtained the consent of the mayor thereto, or, in the absence of the mayor, the consent of any fire commissioner. cha^!viii%. §179. Gifts; penalty. No officer or member of the fire department shall demand or accept from any person or persons, directly or indirectly, any money, present, or other valuable article for any services rendered or to be rendered, except the pay or legal charges as prescribed by the ordinances of said city ; and every person violating the provisions of this section shall be immediately discharged from the service of said department, and shall forfeit all claim to any money due him from said city for services rendered. chapVinV § ^^^' ^^^^^ alarm; penalty. if any person shall knowingly give a false alarm of fire in said city, or shall know- ingly proclaim that any fire is extinguished or out when it is not, such person shall be fined twenty dollars. cha?viiM25. § 181. Naked light in barn; penalty, if any person shall carry into any barn or hayloft any lighted candle or lamp not enclosed in a lantern, or any lighted cigar or pipe, such person shall be fined five dollars. Rev. 1898.^ § 182. Ponalty for wrongfully wearing uniform, if any person not a member of the fire department shall use the 0BDINANCE3. 65 uniform determined upon by the fire commissioners, or any part thereof, such person or persons shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. § 183. Penalty for injury to apparatus, if any person ^j^ev^g98.^^g or persons shall injure, deface, or in any manner destroy any city fire apparatus, or if any person or persons shall hinder or obstruct any city fire company, hose, or truck company or any member thereof, from freely passing along the streets of the city to or from a fire, or in any manner hinder or prevent any of said fire companies, or any member of the same, from operat- ing at any fire, each and every person or persons so hindering, obstructing, or preventing, shall be fined not less than five dol- lars, nor more than twenty dollars for each offense. § 184. Treatment of injured firemen. The necessary jmyio, im expenses hereafter incurred by any member of the fire depart- ment in being treated for injuries sustained while in the actual performance of duty shall be paid by the city of Hartford out of the general appropriation for the fire department as herein- after provided. Such expenses, except first aid and minor in- juries, shall not be paid unless they be incurred by or on account of such injured fireman for treatment at a regularly incorporated hospital and in accordance with the report and recommenda- tions of the board of fire commissioners to the court of com- mon council. Upon such recommendation of the board of fire commissioners the court of common council shall order the controller to draw his order upon the treasurer for the payment of the amount so recommended. ft6 ' POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chapter X. POLICE DEPAKTMENT. Rev 1898 §185. PolJCe boapd. There shall be a board of police commissioners of the city of Hartford, consisting of six electors of said city, and each commissioner shall hold his office for three years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. cSpiT§2. § ^^^' P^yniSnt of expenses. No pay shall be allowed to members of the board of police commissioners for any service rendered by them, but the actual expenses and disbursements of said board incurred in the performance of its duties shall be paid from the city treasury when allowed by the court of com- mon council. Rev. 1898. § 187. PoWCrS. Said commissioners shall have the gen- eral management of the police department of said city, and make all needful rules and regulations for the government thereof, not contrary to law, and subject to the orders of the court of common council, and said board may prescribe suita- ble penalties, including suspension or removal from office for the infringement of its rules. chap.iT§4. §188. Mayor presiding officer. The mayor shall be ea;- officio, the presiding officer of the board of police commission- ers, and shall have the casting vote in all cases where there shall be a tie vote of said board ; p-ovided, that he shall have no vote in the appointment of any member of the police force. Rev. 1898. ^ 1 39_ ClorR. The board of police commissioners shall Chap. IX, §5. '^ (••TiTi'un appoint some person to act as clerk of said board, who shaii *- keep the records thereof. § 190. Police department, how constituted. The police department shall consist of one chief of police, one cap- ORDINANCES. 6V tain, one lieutenant, two detective sergeants, who shall perform general detective service, not more than six sergeants, one of Mar. 12, i90i. whom, under the direction of the mayor, may be assigned as inspector of licenses and public vehicles, one police matron, ninety regular policemen, and not more than 100 supernumer- ary policemen, any of whom may be called into service by the chief of police, whenever, in the opinion of the board of police june 29, i8»8. commissioners, their services may be needed. Hereafter all ap- pointments as regular policemen shall be from the supernum- erary force. No supernumerary policeman shall be appointed to the permanent force until he has performed active service for at least six months. The board of police commissioners may appoint and employ in addition to the ninety regular policemen ^^^- ^^ ^^^ above provided for, ten additional regular policemen who shall serve as patrolmen. § 191. Appointments, term, removals, suspensions, ch^ap!il!V penalties. AU members of the police department named in the preceding section shall be appointed by the board of police commissioners, and shall hold their office during good behavior, and until removed for cause. But no person shall be appointed to any office in the department without the assent of at least four members of said board. And no member of said depart- ment shall be removed unless upon a complaint in writing (a copy of which shall be furnished to him), and after he shall have had a reasonable time, not less than six days, to prepare a defense thereto; such complaint shall be made to the board of commissioners, and may be made by any person whomsoever; provided, that any four members of said board may remove or suspend for cause any member of said department without changes being preferred. The chief of police, the captain of police, the mayor, and the police judge, or any member of the board of police commissioners shall have power to suspend policemen from office for cause; but such suspension shall not continue for more than twenty-four hours thereafter, unless the person ordering such suspension shall, within ' that time, 68 POLICE DEPARTMENT. notify the said board in writing of such suspension, the ground of such suspension, and the names of witnesses to sustain such charges. After notice shall have been given to the accused, the said board, or a committee of their own number, to be appointed by them, shall hear and examine witnesses, under oath or af- firmation, upon the charges and in defense; and said board may continue the suspension, remove the accused from office, or re- store him to duty. In all cases in which the suspension is con- tinued, the person suspended shall be deprived of his pay and of all the rights, privileges, and powers of a police officer, from the date of his suspension. The violation of any law of the state, of any ordinance of the city, or of any rule or regulation of the police department, shall, if proved, be punished by sus- pension or dismissal from the force. ch^'^'ifV § 192. Residence of policemen. The office of any member of the police force shall become vacant whenever said member ceases to reside within the limits of said city. ^^Bey.im § 193. Policemen must not engage in other occupa- tion. No person, while employed as a regular member of the police force, or an officer of the same, shall engage directly or indirectly, in any other occupation for pay, hire, reward, or compensation of any kind whatsoever, and no officer, police- man, or supernumerary policeman, shall demand, accept, or re- ceive any compensation, present, or reward, for services rendered or to be rendered, except as hereinafter provided. cS^'^So. § 194. Regulation of service not for city. Charge. Whenever the services of any member or members of the police force may be required by persons, other than the city of Hart- ford, the chief of police may, if, in his judgment, the interests of the city will not suffer thereby, " detail such member or mem- bers of the force as he shall judge expedient, and shall charge such persons for said services so rendered such sums as may be established by the board of police commissioners, and which sums shall not be less than three dollars a day for each police- OllDINANCES. 69 man so employed, in addition to the necessary expenses. The chief of police shall keep in a book kept expressly for that pur- pose a true and correct account of all such services performed, the names of the persons for whom, and the names of the police- men by whom performed, the time spent, and expenses incurred, the sums charged, the amount and dates of payment, together with such other memoranda as, in his opinion, may be proper. § 195. Penalty for receiving presents or reward; for ch^^'^i^xfjn. failure to report outside service, etc. No member of the police force shall perform any services as above specified except by order of the chief, captain, or lieutenant of police, and any officer or member of the force who shall demand, accept, or re- ceive, directly or indirectly, any money, presents, or valuable articles for services so rendered, or to be rendered, except the legal charges as fixed by the police commissioners, or who shall neglect for more than twenty-four hours after the performance of such service to report the same in writing to the chief of police, with his legal charges and expenses, or who shall neglect, for more than twenty-four hours after receiving such payments, to pay over the full amount so received to the clerk of the board of police commissioners, shall be dismissed from the force. And it shall be the duty of the clerk of the. board of police com- missioners to deposit on the first day of each month, with the city treasurer, all moneys received by the police force, in accord- ance with this and the preceding section, and to take from the city treasurer a receipt therefor. § 196. Fund for payment of supernumeraries. All Jan. 26.1904. moneys received by the treasurer of the city of Hartford for services rendered by members of the police force, under the pro- visions of sections 194 and 195 of the revised ordinances, shall be and the same are hereby constituted a special fund for the payment of all supernumerary policemen rendering special services as provided in said sections; and all the moneys here- after and from time to time so received by said treasurer shall 70 POLICE DEPARTMENT. be and the same are hereby appropriated to the police depart- ment for the pay of its members so employed, in the same man- ner as is provided in section 197 of the revised ordinances. chSrix?|i9. § 197. Payment of salaries. Vouchers. Assignment of fees. The controller shall draw his order on the city treas- urer semi-monthly, for the pay of each member of the police force, and the certificate of the chief of police, countersigned by a member of the board of police commissioners, shall be his sufficient voucher therefor, except in the case of the chief of police, when the certificate of a member of the board shall be sufficient. No fees or compensation, other than is herein pro- vided, shall be charged or received by any member of the police department; but each member of said department shall, before being qualified for the discharge of the duties of his office, exe- cute, in writing, a transfer and assignment of all his interest in any fees which may be taxed in his favor, in the police court of the city, to the treasurer of the city, for the benefit of said city; and no member of the department shall be entitled to re- ceive any salary for any services rendered by him until such transfer and assignment shall have been executed by him to the satisfaction of the board of commissioners, and lodged on file in the office of the city treasurer. Sept. 14, 1898. g ^qq Leave of absence. Each member of the regular force of policemen shall hereafter have a leave of absence of two days in each month of every year. Sept. 14, 1898. g ^ gg^ VacationS. Each member of said regular force of policemen shall have in addition to said leave of absence five days^ vacation in every year. Such leave of absence and vaca- tion shall be without deduction of pay. Aug. 13, 1907. g 200. Leave of absence for supernumerary police- men. The board of police commissioners are hereby authorized to grant supernumerary policemen of the city of Hartford, who are doing regular police duty, two days^ leave of absence with- ORDINANCES. 71 out loss of pay during any one month, while so employed. J^othing in this section, however, shall be deemed to authorize such grant unless such supernumerary policeman is assigned to pertorm and is performing regular police duty for a continuous period of at least one calendar month. § 201. Powers of policemen. Each officer and member (.^^^^Ji^^qs.^ of the police force shall have, within the city, the same powers as to the service of criminal process and the arrest of offenders that constables of towns have within their respective towns. § 202. Duties of chief. Quarterly report. Records, Rev.i898. complaints, etc. it shall be the duty of the chief of police, under the direction of the police commissioners, to superintend, command, and be responsible for the police department, and once in three months or oftener to report its state to the court of common council through the board. The court of com- mon council shall provide him with an office, wherein he shall keep all the records of the police department, and shall also keep a roster of all the officers and members of the police force, and all reports shall be made to him at said office, which shall be the headquarters of the department. He shall receive from any subordinate member of the police force, and from every other person, all complaints of violations of any law of the state, or ordinance of the city, and shall see that the same are prose- cuted according to law. He .shall, from time to time, designate the officers to attend the police court, and to serve notices; and in case of the absence of any regular policeman from duty, shall appoint a supernumerary policeman to take his place. § 203. Duties of captain. The captain of police, in idem, case of the absence or disability of the chief of police, shall dis- charge the duties of said chief. He shall also, at all times, under the direction of said chief, have the management and con- trol of said police force. He shall be on duty at such times and places as shall be ordered by the board of police commissioners, and shall receive and execute all orders received from them through the chief of police, when said chief of police shall be 72 POLICE DEPARTMENT. on duty. He shall, in connection with the lieutenant, have charge of the station house, and all persons who shall be com- mitted to or confined in said station house, shall be in his custody and control, by whomsoever arrested; and it shall be his duty to inquire into the charges made against any person so committed; and he shall cause them to be legally brought be- fore the police court for trial, and shall see that the witnesses against them are duly summoned. Mar. 12, 1901. § 204. DutJes of detective sergeants, it shall be the duty of the detective sergeants to assist in the detection of criminals, to investigate complaints, to aid in the preparation of cases for trial, and otherwise to assist in bringing offenders to justice. ch^yix?§i5. § 205. Detention in and discharge from station house. No person shall be committed to or detained in the station house, or discharged therefrom, without the knowledge or consent of the chief of police, or captain, or the lieutenant, when acting in his place, and then only as provided by law. chTix?§i6. § 206. Duties of lieutenant. Station house. Either the captain or lieutenant shall be at the station house, except when both are necessarily absent, in which case a sergeant or policeman shall be deputed by the chief of police to take charge of the same ; and while so taking charge, he shall have the same authority over and shall discharge the same duties in relation to the station house as the captain when on duty. The lieu- tenant of police shall, in the absence or disability of the captain of police, discharge all the duties incumbent on said captain, and also such special duties as shall be required of him by the board of police commissioners, the chief of police, or captain of police. Chap. IX, § 17. .h^r-TY ii7 § 207. Duties of policemen, it shall be the duty of policemen to obey such lawful orders and directions as they shall receive, from time to time, from their superior officers re- ORDINANCES. 78 specting their duty; and it shall be their duty to guard the city day and night ; to report to the chief of police, through the captain, all violations of city ordinances, all suspicious persons, all houses of ill-fame, all pawnbroker shops, and shops for the purchase and sale of second-hand articles, all gaming houses, and all disorderly and suspicious places of resort. They shall preserve the public peace, and render all possible assistance to the ministers of the law. They shall direct strangers the nearest way to their places of destination, and when necessary shall see that they are accompanied by a member of the force. They shall, when necessary, attend the police court, and shall serve the process of said court, and shall be subject to the orders and directions of said court. They shall especially attend to keeping the streets and sidewalks of the city clear of all unlaw- ful obstructions, and shall report such obstructions to the chief of police, who shall take immediate steps to remove the same. § 208. Duty at fires. All policemen not otherwise ch^pTixftis. specially employed shall, on the breaking out of a fire, imme- diately repair to the vicinity thereof, and use their best en- deavors to save and secure property. § 209. Qualifications of policemen. Oath. Every ch^a^ixfiw. person appointed to an office in the police department shall be, at the time of his appointment, a citizen of the United States, and a qualified voter of the city, and capable of speaking, read- ing, and writing the English language; and shall, before exer- cising any functions of his office, make oath or affirmation, be- fore some competent authority, that he will support the consti- tution of the United States, and the State of Connecticut, and that he will faithfully discharge the duties of the office to which he shall have been appointed; and shall cause a certificate of such oath or affirmation to be lodged in the office of the board of police commissioners. § 210. Discipline. Penalty. Every member of the ch^^^i^jo force who shall, while on duty, enter any drinking, or bawdy, or otherwise disorderly house, unless to suppress disturbance, or 74 POLICE DEPARTMENT. upon the order of his superior officer, or shall interfere in any caucus or primary election, or shall attempt, either directly or indirectly, to influence any elector in the exercise of his right of voting or shall attend at any poll or voting place unless so directed by his superior officer, shall be removed from his place in said department, and be ineligible to reappointment for the term of one year. c5p^ix?§'2i. § 211. Police power of mayor. The mayor and the chief of police shall each have authority, with force and strong hand when necessary, to suppress all tumults, riots, and unlaw- ful assemblies, and to arrest without warrant and commit to the station house, for any time not exceeding twenty-four hours, any person or persons who shall be detected in behaving in a disorderly manner, to the disturbance or annoyance of the peaceable inhabitants of the city ; each of them shall have power to enter any house or building which he has reasonable cause to suspect to be inhabited by persons of ill-fame, or to which per- sons of dissolute, idle, or disorderly character are suspected to resort; and if any dissolute, disorderly, or vagrant persons are found assembled in any such house or building he shall com- mand all such persons immediately to disperse, if in his opinion the good order of any portion of the city require it; and in case of neglect or refusal to obey such command, he is hereby authorized and empowered to commit without warrant, any per- son or persons so disobeying, to the station house for a term not exceeding twenty-four hours; and each of them shall have and exercise, within the limits of the city, all the powers given to sheriffs or other officers by section 1277 of the revised statutes, and may at all times, if necessary, require the aid of any city or deputy marshal, constable, policeman, or any and all of them, or any other person or persons. Rev 1898 § 212. Resistino officer. Penalty. Every person who Chap. IX,-§23. '^ '^ . shall hinder, obstruct, resist, or abuse the mayor, or any city or deputy marshal, or constable, police officer, or policeman in the Ckap. IX, §24. ORDINANCES. "^5 execution of his office, or, when commanded to assist him there- in, shall refuse or unreasonably neglect to do so, shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. § 213. Crowds. Refusal to disperse. Penalty, it ^r^; shall not be lawful for persons to assemble idly and remain in crowds or for any person to stand or remain idly upon the side- walks, crosswalks, or walks upon the public parks, or before ^ churches, or before or within the cemeteries within the city, and all persons, to the number of three or more, so assembling and refiising to disperse when commanded by the mayor, the city marshal or his deputy, or by any police officer or policeman, special constable, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or justice of the peace, and any person so standing or remaining idly, may be arrested and forthwith brought before the police court, or, if it be not in session, such person or persons may be confined in the station house until the next day upon which it shall be holden; and every such person shall be punished by a fine not exceeding thirty dollars. chap. ix, §25. § 214. Peddlers. Licenses. No person who is not a resident of the city of at least three months' standing shall sell or offer for sale within the city any goods, wares or merchandise, unless he shall have obtained a license so to do from the chief of police. This section, however, shall not apply to occupants of stores or shops within the city or to persons selling charcoal or the produce of farms or gardens of this state. Rev. i898. Chap. IX, §2( § 215. Fees for same. The license required by the pro- visions of section 214 shall be in addition to any other license required by the existing laws of this state, or of the United States, and the party licensed shall pay therefor the following license fees, viz.: 4 Single team and hand-cart, Double team, For foot peddlers, . Non-residents doing business outside of highway and not ■occupying a shop or store : Day. Week. 6 Mo. 12 Mo. $1.00 $4.00 $10.00 $15.00 $1.50 $6.00 $15.00 $20.00 $1.00 $3.00 $4.00 $6.00 76 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Transient, $5 a night, $20 a week. Permanent, $2D six months, $25 a year. c5rix?§*27. § 216. Rag pickers. Licenses. No person shall en- gage in the business of collecting rags, paper, glass, old metals, junk, cinders, or other waste matter within the city of Hart- ford, or go about in the streets, alleys, and public places in said ^ city, for the purpose of collecting, purchasing, or bartering for the same, without first having obtained a license so to do from the chief of police, which said license may contain such condi- tions as he may deem expedient, and shall be revocable at his pleasure, upon notice. The fee for such license shall be two ' dollars. Ch?p.''ix!?27. § 217. Regulation. No person 80 licensed as a rag picker shall pursue his said business between the hours of six in the evening and seven in the morning. chS^'ixT§28 ^ ^^^' Bootblacks. Licenses. No person shall engage '^- ' in the business of boot or shoe black in any of the streets, alleys, or public places in the city of Hartford, without first having obtained a license so to do from the chief of police. Said license shall be issued without fee and in the discretion of said chief, and shall be revocable at his pleasure. All applications for such license, if by a minor, shall be made in his behalf by his, parent, guardian, or next friend. Chap. IX, Rev 1898. § 219. Pemiisslon to use regular place on street. No person so licensed as bootblack shall adopt or use as a regular place for exercising his vocation, any part of the streets, alleys, or other public places of the city, without first having filed with the chief of police the consent in writing of the owner or tenant of the building or premises adjoining which he intends to exer- cise his vocation. ORDINANCES. 77 § 220. Expiration and revocation of licenses. All ch^'p^ilfssi. licenses, granted as aforesaid, shall, unless sooner revoked, ex- pire on the first day of April after the date thereof, and the chief of police shall have -the power to revoke any license already given at any time, for cause. §221. Badges; marks on wagons. Every person ^^Rey.^i^soa^ licensed as aforesaid shall, while exercising his vocation, wear conspicuously upon his left breast a suitable badge designed and furnished by the chie"f of police, with the words " Licensed Ven- der,^^ " Eag Picker," or " Bootblack,'' as the case may be, and the number of his license plainly inscribed thereon, of which badge the person licensed shall pay the cost when the same is furnished, and each such licensed vender, when using, for the purpose for which he is licensed, a wagon, cart, or vehi- cle, shall have plainly displayed upon both sides of such wagon, cart, or vehicle, the words " Licensed Vender," and the number of his license. § 222. Record of licenses, it shall be the duty of the o^J^j^^Igg chief of police to keep a record of all licenses granted under this chapter in a book provided for the purpose, giving the number and date of each license, the name, age, and residence of the person licensed, and the amount of license fee paid ; and also the date of all licenses revoked. And said chief shall further keep a detailed account of all his receipts from such licenses, and make a return thereof annually to the city treas- urer. § 223. Penalty. Any person who shall violate or fail to Rev. i898. 1 •.-, / ., . . . Chap. IX, §84. comply with any of the provisions of sections 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, or 221 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, fined not more than fifty dollars for each and every offense. § 224. Permit to carry concealed weapons; record, Mar. 27,1906. revocation. The chief of police shall, in his discretion, issue permits to carry concealed weapons. When issuing any such per- 78 POLICE DEPARTMENT. mit, he shall take a full description of the person to whom the permit is granted with name, address, and the particular reason why such permit is asked for, and shall state in the permit the term for which it is to continue, and the said chief of police shall keep a numbered duplicate in book form of the original permit. Said chief may revoke for cause any permit granted by him under this section before the expiration of the same, and when said permit is revoked said chief shall give or cause to be given written notice of said revocation. May 13, 1902. § 225. Enfopcement of dog laws. The powers and duties relating to the administration and enforcement of the laws concerning dogs, vested by law in the selectmen of the town of Hartford prior to the act consolidating the town and city of Hartford, shall be vested in and exercised by the chief of police. Feb. 18, 1906. § 226. DoQS to bo muzzled, when. No dog, unless securely muzzled, shall run at large through or in any part of the corporate limits of the city during such time or times as the chief of police shall by proclamation have forbidden the same. Such prohibition shall not become effectual until such time as said proclamation shall specify, not less, however, than forty-eight hours after publication in a daily newspaper pub- lished in the city of Hartford. § 227. Impounding dogs. All dogs running at large Idem. during such time or times and not securely muzzled shall be im- pounded by the officers of the police department in a secure and proper place for six calendar days, at the end of which such dogs shall be killed unless the owner, keeper, or harborer thereof shall, before the expiration of said six days, have paid to the chief of police or his deputies the sum of three dollars as an impounding fee for each dog belonging to, kept or harbored by him and so impounded. ORDINANCES. 79 § 228. Removal from pound. Upon payment of such "*"* fee and upon due proof that the dog so impounded belongs to him or is kept or harbored by him, such owner, keeper or har- borer may remove the same from such pound.* § 229. Offering of rewards; duties concerning. Here- Mayisim. after the powers and duties formerly vested by law in the select- men of the town of Hartford, relating to the offering of re- wards, shall be vested in and exercised by the chief of police. * See 1907 Public Acts, Chapter 167. 13 80 WATBB DEPABTMBNT. Chaptbk XI. WATER DEPARTMENT. chlp.xf§i! § 230. Water board; duties, depositaries. The board of water commissioners, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum, shall be trustees of the obligations issued by the city of Hartford, as its water fund (except where a trustee thereof is designated in the act, or acts, authorizing such issue), and under the direction of the court of common council, may sell such obligations at par, or any higher rate, or pledge the same for loans to meet all lawful appropriations on account of the city water works; and shall keep a duplicate record of all transactions relative to such obligations, and deliver one copy thereof to the city treasurer. And all moneys received or held by said commissioners, from the avails of the sale or pledge of such obligations shall be deposited in a bank or banks in said city, subject to be drawn out only upon the written order of the city treasurer. chip.x?i2. § 231. President, election and duties. Said board shall elect a president, subject to approval by the court of common council, who shall devote his whole time and atten- tion to the construction, extension, supervision, care, and man- agement of the water works, under the general advice and direc- tion of the commissioners, and to such other duties connected with said water works as shall be assigned to him by the court of common council; and no salary or fee shall be allowed to any other member of the board for services as commissioner, except a remuneration for actual expenditures. chf T^iQ § ^^^' Contracts, advertisements. Said board of com- missioners may make contracts for labor and materials for the construction of water works, which, when ratified by the court r OBDINANCES. ^1 of common council, shall be valid and binding on said city; and all contracts for such labor and materials shall be in writing and executed in triplicate, of which triplicates one shall be kept by the commissioners, one shall be delivered to the city clerk, and one to the contractor, and no member of any depart- ment of the city governmerit shall have any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any such contract; and no such contract shall be executed unless good and satisfactory security for the faithful performance of the same shall be given by the con- tractor and approved by the commissioners. Said commission- ers, when not otherwise specially authorized by the court of common council, shall advertise in accordance with the ordi- nance relating to city advertising for sealed proposals for all such contracts, specifying the time and place when and where the same shall be received; and such proposals, in order to be received and acted upon, shall set forth a specified sum or price to be paid for all such labor and materials, or for either, with- out condition, limitation, or alteration, and shall be accompanied by a bond, satisfactory to the commissioners, conditioned for the faithful execution of the proposal, if the same shall be ac- cepted; and no contract shall be assigned or transferred with- out the written assent of the commissioners. Nothing in this section contained shall be applicable to ordinary extensions of street mains, or repairs of the water works. § 233. Duties of commissioners; report, accounts, nev.im. claims. The commissioners shall superintend all construction ^^»p-^'84. connected with the water works, and keep a record of their official proceedings in the matter; and report to the court of common council annually, and at such other intermediate times as said court may require, a general exhibit of the state of the works, including an estimate of needful expenditures for new and additional works in progress and all such other matters of information as they shall deem of importance to the public, or as said court of common council may require. And the commissioners shall keep regular books of account, and all 82 WATER DEPARTMENT. claims against the commissioners or the city, on account of the construction of the water works, other than those for ordinary extensions, expenses, and repairs, shall be presented to said com- missioners; and when approved by them shall be laid before the court of common council, which may allow the same, and direct the controller to draw his order on the city treasurer for the amount of any such claim. Sept. 14, 1898. § 234. Watering troughs. The care, control, and main- tenance of the public watering troughs in the city of Hartford shall be vested in the board of water commissioners of said city. chlp.xfis § 2^^- Regulation of use of water; rates; collection. The board shall regulate the distribution and use of the water throughout the city ; and shall establish, subject to the approval of the court of common council, prices, terms, or rates upon which the water shall be furnished to consumers; shall regulate the time of payment, and collect all water charges. No con- tract shall be made by said commissioners for the use of water, at any fixed rate, for a longer time than three years. chapixfle § ^3^" Register; accounting to council; expenses, surplus. The commissioners shall keep a register of the names of all persons contracting for the use of water, the location where the same is used, and the price payable therefor; they shall faithfully account, semi-annually, to the court of com- mon council for the avails of all water charges and other in- come of the water department received by them. They shall apply such parts of said avails or income as may be nei^essary in payment of the expenses of repairs, ordinary extensions, salaries of officers, hire of labor and agents, rents, fuel, and all other current and ordinar}^ expenses, and shall hold the sur- plus, if any, in trust, subject at all times to the order of the city treasurer. Chap. X, §7. Sx^^^V. § 237. Deficiency, how met. Whenever the resources from water charges in any year shall be inadequate to meet the ordinary necessary extensions, repairs, and current expenses of OBDINANOES. 88 the water works and the interest on the water fund obligations, the deficiency shall be supplied by a tax on the grand list of all persons liable to city taxation for such purpose, and such tax shall be collected in the same manner as other city taxes. § 238. Lien, foreclosure. Any claim or debt due for the c?aj.'x%. use of the water shall be and contitute a lien upon the land, building, tenement, or premises upon or in connection with which said water was used, against the owner of the same, his heirs and assigns, until such claim or debt is fully paid, but the same shall not remain a lien for a longer period than three months after the same becomes due, unless a certificate shall be lodged by the president of the board of water commissioners with the town clerk of the town of Hartford, signed by said president, describing the premises and the amoimt claimed un- der said lien. And said lien may be foreclosed in the name of the board of water commissioners at any time after said debt or claim is due and payable, before the city court of said city, in the same manner as a mortgage is foreclosed, or may be col- lected of the person or persons liable th'erefor in an action be- fore the city court. r SI ORDINANCES. Chapter XII. LEGAL AND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENTS. Rev. 1898 § 239. Corporation counsel; duties, accounts, additi- tional counsel. The corporation counsel shall bring all neces- sary suits for the recovery of penalties and forfeitures accru- ing to the city treasury for violations of city ordinances, before the city court; shall prosecute and defend, as the attorney and counsel of the city, all suits or actions brought by or against the city; shall draft all instruments, process or forms of pro- ceeding required of him by the officers of said city, or the court of common council, or any committee thereof; shall be at- torney for said city, for each of the boards of commissioners of said city; and shall pay into the city treasury, as often as once in three months all sums received or collected by him, and at the same time ^deliver an account thereof to the con- troller, deducting from the amounts thereof any necessary disbursements which he shall have made on account of the city. The last account for the current year shall be by him delivered to the controller at least three weeks before the annual city election. He may employ such additional counsel to aid him in the prosecution of his duties as he shall deem advisable, and the fees for the services of said assistant counsel shall be paid by the city upon the approval of the same by the court of common council. Rev. 1898. § 240. Docket; report to council. The corporation Chap. XI, $3. ^ • T 1 1 J' counsel shall keep a register of all wnts and legal proceedmgs to which the city is a party or in which the city shall have as- sumed the defense, and at the expiration of each year, or sooner if required, make a full report to the court of common council of all suits or other legal procedings, in which the city is inter- ested, whether finished or pending, the names of the parties and the progress or results of the suits. ORDINANCES. 85 § 241. Expenses of City Court. The contingent ex- o^Tx^^m. penditures of the city court including jury fees, shall be paid by the treasurer on the warmnt of the controller in the same manner as the expenses of other departments of the city govern- ment. § 242. Expenses of Police Court. Accounting of cJa^xMs. clerk. The clerk of the city police court shall supervise and defray all contingent expenditures in behalf of the court, and shall be entitled to be reimbursed for the same, after being allowed and certified by the judge of such court, out of the fees, fines, penalties, costs, or moneys accruing to the city treasury from said court. And all such fees, fines, penalties, costs, or moneys, shall be paid to the clerk of the court. The clerk shall, quarterly, on or before the tenth day of January, April, July, and October in each year, render an account to the con- troller of all the receipts and expenditures of said police court for the quarter ending on the first day of said months, and thereupon pay over to the city treasurer such sum as may be due to him from the city upon said account. The controller shall audit said account, comparing the same with the books and papers of said clerk, and submit said account with the result of his said audit endorsed thereon, to the court of common council. § 243. Accounts of clerks. Each of said clerks shall ^^p^^f^jg keep a faithful and detailed account of all sums accruing to and due to the city treasury on account of his said court, dis- tributing the items thereof according to the various kinds of sources of expenditure or income. § 244. Assistant clerk of Police Court. There shall June 11,1907. be an assistant clerk of the city police court of the city of Hartford who shall act in the place of the clerk of said court in the absence of said clerk. Said assistant clerk shall be appointed by the judge of said court for a term co-extensive with that of the clerk of said court. 86 LEGAL AND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENTS. Jan. 2«, 1901 § 245. Uiiclaimed fees in Police Court. All witness fees due witnesses for attendance at the police court of the city of Hartford, which shall remain unclaimed three (3) months after the day the same shall have become due and payable, shall be and become the property of the city of Hartford. ORDINANCES. 87 Chapter [Jtlll. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. § 246. Board of health; constitution. There shall be as a departmeHt of the city government a board of health com- missioners, which shall consist of six persons (two of whom shall be physicians) , all residents of said city, together with the mayor of said city, who shall be, ex officiOj a member, but shall have no vote, except in case of a tie. The appointment of the members of said board shall be made in such manner as to divide the membership, as nearly as may be, equally between the two leading political parties for the time being. The members of said board shall serve without compensation, except as pro- vided by ordinance. § 247. Appointments, removal, vacancies. The mem- bers of said board shall be appointed in the same manner and under the same restrictions, and may be removed in the same manner, as now provided by law for the appointment of mem- bers of the other boards of commissioners of the city. Persistent neglect to perform the duties required, or to attend the meetings of said board, shall be deemed good cause for the removal of any member thereof. Vacancies in said board may be filled at any time in the same manner as is above provided for the appoint- ment of members thereof. Rey. 1898. Chap. XII, §1. Rev. 1898. Chap. XII, $9. § ,248. President, duties. Said board of health shall ap- Rev. i898. point one of their members as president, who shall be the execu- tive officer of the board, and serve at their discretion, with such powers and duties as they shall prescribe. He shall serve Mch. 12, 1907. without pay. § 249. Superintendent of health, duties. The board of Mch. 12, iwr. health commissioners are hereby authorized and instructed to Idem. 88 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. appoint some suitable person, resident within the city, a physi- cian of at least three years' practice in the city or elsewhere, who shall, under the direction of the board, perform such duties in carrying out the provisions of the statutes of the state and ordinances of the city relative to health and sanitation, as may be from time to time required of him by such board. He shall be ex-officio^ its clerk, and the registrar of vital statistics for the town of Hartford. Said officer shall be known as superintendent of health and shall give his entire time to the duties of the office, and shall serve during good behavior and until removed for cause. Said superintendent of health shall, in the interim between meetings of the board of health commissioners, have all the executive powers of said board and the president thereof heretofore and now vested in said board and its president by virtue of the ordinances of the city. § 250. Assistant clerk. Said board of health commis- sioners are hereby authorized and instructed to appoint some suitable person, resident within the city, to the office of assistant clerk, who shall, under the direction of said board, perform such duties as are especially assigned to him by said board. He shall give his entire time to the duties of his office, shall serve during good behavior and* until removed for cause. ch^rmV § 251. Assistants, expenses. Said board of health shall employ at the expense of said city such assistants as it may deem necessary to the efficient and economical discharge of the duties devolved upon it, and shall fix their compensation; provided, that the whole expense of administering said depart- ment shall not exceed the sum appropriated therefor by the court of common council of said city; and all expenditures so incurred, and for whatever purpose, shall be duly approved by said board, and made and met in the same manner as provided for in other departments of the city government. Rev. 1898. § 252. Meetinos. Report. Room. Said board of health Chap. XII, §6. "^ » I 1 i» 1 XT. shall meet regularly during the first week of each month. 89 ORDINANCES. and oftener if necessary. During the month of IMarcli in each 3^ear they shall make a report in writing to the court of com- mon council upon the sanitary conditions of the city, which report shall contain the proceedings of the board and its officers and agents, and the names thereof for the past year, and the statistics of death as reported by their clerk, with such deduc- tions as shall make clear the influences that affect the health of the city as therein disclosed, and with such recommendations as they may deem advisable. There shall be a room provided by the court of common council, for the use of this board, properly furnished, for safe keeping of its records and library. § 253. Powers, rules, and orders. The board of health shall have and exercise throughout the city of Hartford, and over the navigable waters adjacent thereto, all the jurisdiction, powers, privileges, and duties which were by law vested in, and imposed upon, the health committee of the city of Hartford, and the court of common council of the city of Hartford, or either of them, and may from time to time make such by-laws, . rules, regulations, and orders, not contrary to law, as, in their judgment, the preservation of the public health may demand. Before such by-laws, rules, regulations and orders shall be operative they shall be published by said board in accordance with the ordinance relating to city advertising. Said board of health shall submit such ordinances to the court of common council as, in their judgment, are necessary for the protection of the public health. § 254. Penalty. The violation of any rule, regulation, cSf^'xn'w or by-law of the board of health made and published as afore- said, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and each such violation shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. § 255. Order to abate nuisances, when any building, chap^xiM«. excavation, premises, matter, or thing, or the ventilation, sewer- age, or drainage thereof is, in the opinion of the board of ^ HEALTH DEPARTMENT. health, iu a condition dangerous to life and health, the board shall declare the same, to the extent it may specify, a public nuisance, or dangerous to life and health; and the board may order the same to be removed, abated, suspended, altered, or otherwise improved or purified, as in its order shall be speci- fied; and shall cause the order, before its execution, to be served on the agent, owner, occupant, or tenant, or such of them as are in the city and can be found. It shall be the duty of the police of the said city to execute the orders of the board of health, when so requested by said board. ch^'VitV. § 256. Hearing on order, if the party served with an order by the board of health, before the execution of the order is commenced, apply to the board to have its order or its execu- tion stayed or modified, it shall be the duty of the board to suspend temporarily or modify it, and give the party, as the case may require, a reasonable and fair opportunity to be heard, and to present proofs and facts against the execution of the order, or in favor of its modification. chSj^Vi^jis. § 257. Abatement of nuisance. Inspections, Pen- alty. It shall be the duty of the board of health to cause all matters and things which are or shall be, by any ordinance of this city relating to health, declared to be nuisances or pro- hibited, to be removed or suppressed, and from time to time to report all violations thereof to the prosecuting attorney, that the same may be prevented or abated; and said board shall cause the public streets and squares and private ways and courts and all wharves and landing places to be frequently and care- fully inspected and purified from filth and animal and vegetable putrefaction, at the expense of the city ; and it shall be the duty of said board or its inspectors to inspect, as often as tkey shall deem necessary, all slaughter houses, tanneries, tallow chandleries, soap boilers, curriers' shops or works, and all other places of like nature in said city, and if they shall find filth or putrefaction in any shop or place by them visited, which, in ORDINANCES. ^1 their opinion, may prove detrimental to the health of the in- habitants of this city, said board shall give orders to the person or persons owning or occupying said shop or place in which said filth or putrefaction shall be found, to remove or bury said filth or putrefaction, or to cleanse or purify said shop or place in such other way or manner as such board may deem advisable; and the said board are hereby empowered to give orders to the person or persons owning or occupying said shops or places, in relation to the ways and means to be by them used for keeping the same continually cleansed and purified from filth and putre- factioa. All orders and directions which shall be given by said board shall be in writing; and every person who shall neglect to obey and conform to any of the orders or directions, or any part thereof, so given by said board, in conformity to any ordinance of this city, shall forfeit and pay a fine not ex- ceeding ten dollars for every day that such person shall neglect or refuse to comply therewith. § 258. Certain trades, licenses. Penalty. Any person ct^p^VirsH. who shall, without permission of the board of health, build or set up, within the limits of this city, any kiln or furnace for burning or baking any stone or earthenware, or other pottery, brick or tile, or any distillery, or shall build or assist in building any fire in any such kiln or furnace, or distillery, or shall en- gage in the manufacture or refining of kerosene or other oil, or set up or use any gas house or gas manufactory, or erect or use any building for making or boiling varnish, or for a black- smith shop, potter's shop, tallow chandler's shop, or for boiling soap, or for rendering tallow, or for tanning leather or skins, or for receiving or storing green hides or skins, or for any similar purpose, or keep or sufi'er to be kept in any building or place in this city, any guano, or other land fertilizer, or shall use any ' building or lot of ground for a vinegar yard, or set up or carry on any of s^id kinds Of business in said city, or shall engage in any business which shall be prejudicial to public health, with- out such permission, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not more 92 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. than fifty dollars, and a further fine of not more than twenty dollars for every week the same shall be so used or continued. Oct. 10, 1906. § 259. Milk inspection, it shall be the duty of the board of health commissioners of the city of Hartford through its officers, agents and employees to inquire into and investigate the quality of milk which may be sold or kept, offered or ex- posed for sale, within said city, and they shall make or cause to be made such examination and inspection thereof as may be necessary to ascertain whether or not adulterated or impure milk is sold or kept, offered or exposed for sale in said city con- trary to the statutes of the State of Connecticut, or to the pro- visions of this ordinance, and shall also report all such viola- tions to the prosecuting attorney for prosecution forthwith. Oct. 10. 1905. § 260. Powers for inspection of milk. Said board of health commissioners shall, by its officers, agents and employees, for the purpose of the foregoing section, have the power to enter into any store house, building or yard, and upon any premises within said city where milk is or is believed to be sold or kept, offered or exposed for sale, at any reasonable time, for the pur- pose of making examinations and inspections as provided in the preceding section, and it shall be lawful for such board of health commissioners, by its officers, agents and employees, for the purpose of inspection and examination, to stop and detain any team, wagon or vehicle within said city which is used in the sale of milk or for the transportation of milk which is to be sold or kept, offered or exposed for sale or to be delivered on sale, and to stop and detain any person carrying milk which is to be sold or kept, offered or exposed for sale, or to be delivered on sale. oct.10,1905. § 261. Places of supply; inspection. Said board of health commissioners, by its officers, agents and employees, is hereby empowered to inspect all animals producing such milk, the buildings and places where such animals are kept, and the dairy and other places where such milk is kept, handled, sold, OEDINANOES. 93 or produced, whether the same are within the limits of the city of Hartford or not. § 262. Licenses. Every person who conveys milk in oct.10, i905. vehicles or otherwise in said city of Hartford, for the purpose of selling the same in said city, or who produces milk within the city limits for the purpose of selling the same within the city limits, shall annually on the first day of April, or within thirty days thereafter, procure a license from the clerk of the board of health commissioners of said city to sell milk within the limits thereof, and shall pay to said clerk for the use of said city the sum of twenty-five cents for every such license. The said clerk of the board of health commissioners shall pay over quarterly to the treasurer of such city all such sums collected by him. §263. Licenses (con.). The licenses herein provided Oct. io,i906. for shall be issued only in the names of the owners of the vehicles, by means of which the business is carried on, and shall, for the purpose of this chapter, be conclusive evidence of owner- ship, and no license shall be sold, assigned or transferred. Every license shall bear its special number and shall state the name, residence and place of business of the licensee; whether or not the milk sold by him is of his own production, and if not, the name of such other producers and where any and all milk sold by him is produced, livery such license shall also state the number of wagons or other vehicles used by such licensee in his milk business, and the name and residence of every driver engaged in carrying, selling or delivering milk for him. § 264. Vehicles to be marked. Each licensee shall, be- Oct. 10, 1905. fore engaging in the sale of milk, as aforesaid, cause his name, r the number of his license, and his place of business to be placed in legible characters, to the satisfaction of the clerk of the board of health commissioners, in such conspicuous place or places as said clerk of the board of health commissioners may designate, on the outer side or sides of all carriages or vehicles used by him in the conveyance and sale of milk. 94 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Oct. 10, 1906. § 265. Change of drivers. Report. Every such li- censee shall report to the clerk of the board of health commis- sioners any change of driver or other person employed by him in the business aforesaid during the term of his license, to- gether with the name and address of every such substitute driver and employee, arid of any or all additional employees. Oct. 10, 1905. § 266. Licenses for part of term. Said clerk of the board of health commissioners may, at any time after the first day of April in any year, issue licenses in the form and upon the terms herein provided, to continue in force from the date thereof until the first day of April next, to parties who may begin the business aforesaid after the first day of April in the current year. Oct. 10, 1906. § 267. Record. Said clerk of the board of health com- missioners shall keep a record of all licenses issued, in a book prepared for that purpose, which shall set forth the matters and things specified in the license. Oct. 10, 1905. § 268. Penalty. Any person who shall engage in the business aforesaid without being first licensed as herein pro- vided, or who shall violate any of the provisions of sections 363, 363, 364, or 365 shall, for the first offense, pay a fine not exceed- ing ten dollars, for the second offense, a fine of not less than ten dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, and for each sub- sequent offense shall pay a fine of not less than twenty-five dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars, and may be imprisoned not more than thirty days. Oct. 10, 1905. § 269. Duties of police, it shall be the duty of the members of the police department to assist the board of health commissioners, its agents, servants and employees, when required, in the performance of the duties of said board prescribed herein, and to report to the clerk of said board, or other person desig- nated by said board to receive such notices, any violation hereof, or of the laws of the state in respect to the handling, transporta- tion or sale of milk within the knowledge of said police depart- ment or of any member thereof. ORDINANCES. 95 Oct. 10, 1905. § 270. Sale of milk otherwise than by team. No person or persons shall, in the city of Hartford, sell or offer for sale milk at a shop, store, booth, stand or market-place nntil he shall have made written application to the board of health com- missioners and shall have furnished to such board such particu- lars as to his or their business as may be required on stated forms to be prepared by said board for such purpose. §271. License, suspension or cancellation. The oct. 10,1905. president of the board of health commissioners shall have power, and is hereby directed, to suspend or cancel any license issued or to be issued hereunder, when in his opinion just cause exists for so doing. § 272. Examination of measures, it shall be the duty Mayi.im of the board of health through its officers and agents to inspect from time to time the jars, bottles, and measures used by any person, firm or corporation in the city of Hartford in selling milk or cream, for the purpose of determining whether or not such jars, bottles or measures do in fact contain and are capa- ble of holding the quantity of milk or cream, wine measure, which is represented by the vendor of such milk or cream to be contained therein. § 273. Powers for examination. For the purposes of Mayi,i906. such inspection said board of health commissioners by its officers and agents shall have the right to stop any vehicle used by a licensed vendor of milk and cream, and to enter the place of business of any such licensed vendor to determine the true capacity of the jars, bottles, and measures for milk and cream ■ used by him. In case such jars, bottles or measures are found incapable of holding the quantity of milk or cream, wine meas- ure, that they are represented by the vendor of such milk or cream to contain, said board of health commissioners through its officers and agents shall have the right, and it shall be their duty, to mark such jars, bottles or measures " Condemned," or the letters " Cd.," unless the same are delivered to such officers or agents for destruction. 14 96 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Idem. § 274. Penalty. 4^y person, firm or corporation who shall use within the city of Hartford, for the purpose of sale of milk and cream, any jars, bottles or measures which have been marked as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than two dollars and not more than twenty dollars for each oft'ense. Any person who shall, within the limits of the city of Hartford, knowingly and with intent to defraud, sell milk or cream as of a greater measure or quantity than actually contained in such jars, bottles or measures, shall be fined not less than two nor more than twenty dollars. ^ Key 1898 § 275. Contagjous diseases, report. Any physician On&P. All, §15a who shall be called upon to attend any person afflicted with any contagious or infectious disease within the limits of the city of Hartford, or who shall in his professional capacity of a physi- cian acquire knowledge of any person within said limits who is so afflicted, shall immediately give notice and information in writing to the board of health commissioners of the name and location of such person, of the nature of the disease with which he is afflicted, and of all other facts within the knowledge of said physician bearing upon the origin and history of said case, and which might affect the spread of said disease. Ch?^^xn*8i6 § 2"^^" Penalty. Any physician who shall neglect or fail to conform to the provisions of the foregoing section shall be .deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined not less than twenty •dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Mar. 11, 1902. § 277. PoultPy IJCense. The board of health shall have power to issue licenses permitting the keeping of live poultry within the limits of the city of Hartford, when such a license shall be requested by any person, upon the payment of fifty cents for such license. When, in the opinion of the board of health, the said keeping of poultry in any specific place, or by any specific person, becomes a nuisance, the board may order the said poultry to be removed, or the conditions creating such ORDINANCES. ®? nuisance abated or improved or purified, as in their order shall be specified, and shall cause the order before its execution to be served upon the person maintaining such a nuisance. If the party served with an order by the board of health, before the execution of the order is commenced, apply to the board to have such order stayed or modified, it shall be the duty of the board to suspend temporarily or modify it, and give the party, as the case may require, a reasonable and fair opportunity to be heard and to present proofs and facts against the execution of the order, or in favor of its modification. § 278. Nuisances. The following acts shall be deemed ^j^Re^^iSM.^^^^ acts of nuisance : Keeping swine in any sty or pen,* or other place in this city, without a license from the board of health; Casting of filth of any kind in or upon any street, sidewalk, highway, private way or court, or green or park in said city; Allowing any dung,, filth, manure, offal, wash, dirty water, or brine, or any rubbish to accumulate in any building, yard, outhouse, or enclosure, so as to be offensive; Keeping or allowing to accumulate any heap or quantity of manure or compost exposed outside of any building within thirty feet of any street, highway, walk, or dwelling-house; Keeping or maintaining, or using any privy within the dis- tance of fifty feet from any street or building line in said city in such a manner as to be unwholesome or offensive to any per- son, or injurious to health, or offensive to the public; Setting up or maintaining any privy, without leaving a vault under it, made and sunk in the earth to a depth of six feet, and of the length and width of said privy, or such tight boxes as shall be approved by the board of health, or without having the contents of said privy carried off by such suitable drains as shall be approved by said board : Setting up or maintaining any privy upon any land front- ing upon any street in this city containing a sewer, without a license from the board of health; 98 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Dressing or cleaning fish in any public place in this city ex- cept on the margin of Connecticut Eiver, at the foot of Ferry street, or below low water-mark upon said river; Permitting wash or dirty water to pass from yards or houses into the streets, or throwing or permitting the same to be thrown into the streets; Obstructing or altering the course of any stream or run of water. Rev. 1898. § 279. Penalty. Any person who shall commit, or aid. 'advise, abet, or encourage the committing of any of the acts of nuisance enumerated in the preceding section shall, on convic- tion thereof, be fined not less than one nor more than twenty- five dollars for each and every offense. And the continuance of any of the enumerated acts of nuisance which are of a con- tinuing nature, for a day of twenty-four hours after the day of the commencement thereof, shall be deemed a separate and single offense. chfp^Vnf§i9. § 280. Penalty for neglect to remove nuisance after notice. Any proprietor or occupant of any premises in this city who shall neglect or refuse to remove therefrom anything which, in the opinion of the board of health, expressed in a written notice, shall be considered a nuisance injurious to health, within the time and in the manner specified in such notice given to such proprietor or occupant by said board, shall be fined two dollars for each and every day that such proprietor or occupant shall neglect to comply with said notice. chf^JxiT'm. § 281. Penalty for violating order as to disposition of filth. Whenever the board of health shall have given the occu- pant of any dwelling-house or tenement in said city written or printed notice, that no person residing or employed in said dwelling-house or tenement shall throw any water or filth, or any animal or vegetable matter, liable to become a nuisance injurious to health, into or upon any premises or place within ORDINANCES. 99 this city, and said order shall be violated by any person residing or employed in such tenement or dwelling-house, such occupant shall be fined three dollars for each and every time the same shall be violated. § 282. Slaughter-house, license, penalty. No person (,j;,^:Vii,§2i. shall, without a license from the board of health, occupy or use any building or other place in the city as a slaughter-house, or place to slaughter animals. Any person so licensed shall wash and thoroughly cleanse the said building or place once each day and every day it shall be so occupied. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined five dol- lars for each day such violation shall continue. § 283. Removal of night soil. Any person who shall ^^f^^j^lgg remove or cause to be removed, without permission of the board of health, the contents of any privy vault or box, except in the night season, between the hours of eleven o'clock in the evening and five o'clock in the morning, and between the first day of November and the first day of April, and in a tight receptacle, or shall deposit the contents of any privy vault or box within the limits of this city, or shall cause or allow any night-soil cart to be within the limits of said city, except during the times and seasons mentioned in this section for the removal of night soil, shall be fined ten dollars. § 284. Stagnant water, penalty. When any grounds in ch5j.Vnfsa3. this city shall be so situated that water shall become stagnant thereon, thereby endangering the public health, the same shall be deemed a nuisance, and may be abated by draining or filling up; and the board of health may order the same to be done within such time as they shall think proper, notice of which shall be given to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, by the said board, by causing a copy of such order to be left forthwith with such owner or owners, occupant or occupants, or at his or their place of abode. In case said order shall not be complied with within the time specified in said notice, said party 100 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. or parties so neglecting shall be fined not more than thirty dol- lars, and further fined two dollars for each day thereafter, until such nuisance shall have been abated. And the board of health may cause said nuisance to be abated at the expense of the per- son or persons so neglecting to comply with said order in ac- cordance with the provision of the following section. ch?p.Vff,V § 285. Expense of abating nuisance, if any person or persons, upon whom an order shall be made for removing a nuisance, or for cleaning and purifying the land, building, or place where such nuisance shall be found, shall neglect to obey such order, in the manner and time appointed by the board of health, as aforesaid, said board may cause such nuisance to be removed or abated, and such land, building, or place to be cleansed and purified, and the expense thereof shall be collected from such person or persons, by the corporation counsel in an action in the name of the city. chSVir§25. § 286. Water-closets in certain buildings, penalty. The owner of every building situated in the city of Hartford, occupied for dwellings or for any mechanical or manufactur- ing purposes, or for stores, ofiices, or lodging rooms, who shall neglect or refuse, while said building is so occupied, to .provide suitable and convenient privy or water-closet accommodations for the occupants of the same, shall be fined thirty dollars; and further fined ten dollars for every week that said owner shall neglect or refuse to provide the same. Chap. XII, §26. i^^VilV § 287. Pollution of Park River, penalty, ^o person or persons shall, within the limits of said city, discharge, deposit, or place in Park River any rubbish, stone, clam or oyster shells, bones, refuse iron or any other substance which may tend to ob- struct or fill up the channel of said river; or leave or place any putrid fish, clams, or oysters, or any animal or vegetable sub- stance likely or liable to putrefy, in or upon the shore or margin of said river, or in the waters thereof; or discharge or place in ORDINANCES. * 1^1 said river any acid or other noxious substance likely to kill fish ; or drown any dog, cat, or other animal therein. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than thirty dollars for each and every offense. § 288. Sale of immature veal. The selling, keeping, ohSf^xSV offering or exposing for sale, as an article of food in any form, by any person within the limits of the city of Hartford, of any meat of any calf which shall have been killed before it has reached the age of five weeks, shall be deemed a nuisance; and any person who shall hereafter so sell, keep, offer or expose for sale, as an article of food in any form, any such meat, within the limits of the city, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars for each offense. § 289. Manure, license to unload, penalty. No cor- chfp'Vn^V poration controlling or having the charge of any car, vessel, or other means of conveyance by rail or water, used for the trans- portation of manure in bulk, shall cause, suffer, or allow such manure to be unloaded from such car, vessel, or means of con- veyance, within the limits of the city of Hartford, without a permit therefor having first been obtained from the board of health of said city. Any corporation violating the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay to said city a penalty of not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars for each of- fense, and any person who shall unload or cause to be un- loaded within said limits any manure from any car, vessel, or other means of conveyance by rail or water used for the trans- portation of manure in bulk without a permit first having been obtained from said board of health, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, a^d, upon conviction thereof, fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense. § 290. Burial of dead animals. No person shall, within chJjjVn^g the limits of the city of Hartford, bury any dead horse, mule, donkey, or neat cattle, other than such as he owned or kept 102 * HEALTH DEPARTMENT. when alive, without first obtaining a license therefor from the board of health. And no person shall bring any of the aforesaid animals within the city limits for burial from any other town or city. chap.Viif§30. § ^^^" P6"^'ty for leaving Unburied. No person own- ing, keeping, or having the care or custody of any animal shall suffer or allow its body to lie exposed or unburied in any place in the city of Hartford for a longer period than twelve hours after its death. Any person violating the provisions of this or the preceding section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars. chS^Vnfssi. § ^^^" Collectors of bones, etc., license. No person shall, within said city, collect refuse fats, bones, or soap-grease, without first obtaining a license therefor from the board of health; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to persons licensed by the board of street com- missioners for the collection of garbage, while they are engaged in such employment. ch?p*Vnf§82. § 293. Soap makers, license. Any person who shall engage in or carry on the business of boiling or malting soap^. or boiling bones, or rendering tallow or fat of any kind, within the limits of this city, shall obtain annually from the court of common council a permit to carry on such business, and such permit shall be granted only on recommendation of the board of health commissioners. Every permit granted in accordance herewith shall designate the premises where said business shall be carried on, and any permit so granted may be revoked by the court of common council at any time. Rev. 1898. § 294. ConclitionS, etc., in license. The board of health *^* ' 'are hereby authorized and empowered to embody in said license such conditions and limitations, and to make and establish such rules and regulations governing the conduct of persons licensed ORDINANCES. 103 by them as aforesaid, and for the conduct and management of the business carried on by persons licensed under the require- ments of this and the two preceding sections as they may deem proper, and all licenses granted by them shall be revocable by them at any time for cause. § 295. Penalty. The violation of any provision of the cj^fp«7x\|f §83. three preceding sections shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each offense, and each week's continuance of such violation, after notice from the board of health, shall be deemed a separate offense. § 296. Plumbers, registration. Every master or jour- cha^p^Viif §34. neyman plumber carrying on his trade in the city of Hartford shall, under such rules and regulations as the board of health shall prescribe, register his name and address at the office of the said board of health; and it shall not be lawful for any person to carry on the trade of plumbing in the said city unless his name and address be registered as above provided. § 297. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of the ^j^^^^^^ggg foregoing section, or of the provisions of the rules and regula- tions prescribed by the board of health with reference to the registration of plumbers, shall be deemed a misdemeanor and punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. § 298. List of plumbers. A list of the registered ^jj^R^V^os^ plumbers of the city of Hartford shall be published annually in the city year book. § 299. Inspection of new buildings. No building in-ch^.Vi?^88T. tended for human habitation shall hereafter be erected, or in any material manner altered or repaired, unless the owner or the person having charge of such erection, alteration, or repairs shall have first submitted the plans, specifications, and details therefor, in so far as the same shall relate to ventilation, light, 104 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. and drainage, to the board of health, and shall have received from said board an approval thereof. Said board shall have power to approve, reject, or modify such plans, specifications, and details, and to issue such written instructions relating to said work as it shall deem proper for the protection of health. ci^^'^'m- § 300- Inspection and approval of plumbing. No plumber or contractor for plumbing work upon any building shall construct any work requiring approval as aforesaid, until such approval has first been obtained, and in the construction of all such work strict conformity shall be had to the plans, specifications, and details approved and the instructions issued therefor, and before any such work shall be covered up or con- cealed in the process of building, reasonable notice shall be given by the person having said matter in charge to the board of health, who shall forthwith proceed to inspect said work and approve or reject the same. ReT.1898. § 301. Certificate of approval. When the plumbing *^* ' ^ ■ work upon any building requiring inspection and approval as aforesaid shall be completed to the satisfaction of the board of health, it shall issue a written certificate of approval, a copy of which and of all other proceedings in the matter shall be kept on file or recorded, and until such certificate is issued it shall not be lawful for the owner, manager, or agent of said property to allow the same to be occupied for human habitation. ch5^Vir§40. § 302. Penalty. The violation of any of the provisions of the three preceding sections shall be deemed a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not less than one or more than fifty dollars for each offense. ch?p'Vii!V. § 303. Sale of coffins, certificate of death, forms. No person shall sell and deliver or suffer to be taken from the place of sale or from his custody, any coffin, burial case, or casket, to be used for the burial of any one deceased within the city limits, unless he shall be furnished by the person applying ORDINANCES. * ^^^ for such coffin with a certificate of death, signed by the attend- ing physician of such deceased person, or (in case there was no attending physician) by some other physician or substantial inhabitajit residing in said city, and in the form required by law. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the board of health to provide blank forms of such certificate at the expense of the city, and to distribute them, free of cost, to persons wishing to use the same. § 304. Penalty for refusing to sign certificate. Any ch?p*.ViiI V physician, or substantial inhabitant, residing in said city, cog- nizant of the death of any person dying within the city limits, who shall refuse, on application, forthwith to fill and sign the certificate of death, prescribed in the foregoing section, shall be fined ten dollars. § 305. Return of certificate. Each coffin vender shall cha^p'Vir§48. return to the clerk of the board of health on Saturday of each week, all certificates of death that shall have come into his hands in conformity with the requirements of section 303, from and including the Saturday of the preceding week. § 306. Penalty for selling coffin without certificate. chfp*Viif §44. Any coffin vender who violates or neglects to comply with any provision of sections 303 and 305, shall be fined ten dollars for each oifense, and every person who shall sell, or furnish for use any coffin, burial case, or casket, shall be deemed to be a coffin vender within the meaning of this chapter. § 307. Reports of deaths by clerk to council. The^" '^'^'• clerk of the board of health shall, on the second Monday of each month, prepare and submit to the court of common coun- cil a report of the deaths occurring during the preceding month, which report shall exhibit in a tabular form the age, sex, and color of the deceased; shall embrace in distinct classes those under one year of age, those from one to five, those from five to ten, those from ten to twenty, and so on from each decennial 106 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. period, shall show the rate per cent, of mortality for the city, and contain a summary of the causes of death. On the second Monday of March in each year, said clerk shall prepare and sub- mit to the court of common council a report of the deaths which have taken place in the city and its several wards during the previous year, showing the age, sex, color, civil condition, occupation, and nativity of the deceased, the cause of death, and rate per cent, of mortality, classified in tabular form. If said clerk shall neglect to submit to the court of common council such monthly report for three days, or such annual report for one week after the time required to file the same, he shall be fined ten dollars for each offense; and if he shall neglect to- submit such monthly report for more than three days, or such annual report for more than one week after the time required to file the same, he shall be fined, in addition to the fine of ten dollars, three dollars for each day of such continued neglect. Mar. 14,1906. § 308. AnPUal PepOPt of biPths. Said clerk shall, on the second Monday of March in each year, submit to the court of common council a record of the births which have taken place within the city and within its several wards during the preced- ing year, which report shall exhibit in tabular form the rate per cent, of births in the city, the number of each sex born dur- ing the year and during each month of the year, the number still-bom, the color of all in each class, and the nativity of the parents. ORDINANCES. 107 Chapter XIY. CHARITY DEPARTMENT. § 309. Records. Care of books formerly kept bychfp'xiifsi. selectmen. Care of almshouse. The board of charity com- missioners shall keep a record of all its proceedings and acts, and an account of its expenditures and receipts, which shall be and remain the property of the city, and shall be open to the in- spection of any member of the court of common council. Said l)oard shall also have the custody of all books and accounts re- lating to charities formerly kept by the selectmen of the town of Hartford. The board shall have the care of the almshouse and all property, real and personal, belonging to the city, and used for charitable purposes. § 310. Appointment of employees. The board of char- Mayi4,i907. ity commissioners may appoint and employ a superintendent, a ■clerk, an assistant clerk, an investigator, and a city physician, and such other employees as may be deemed by said board necessary to carry on the work of the department. § 311. Superintendent, duties. The superintendent of ch?p* xiiif §2. ^charities shall devote his whole time to the duties of his office, under the direction of the board, and shall discharge in respect to the almshouse and outdoor alms the same general duties formerly performed by the first selectman of the town of Hart- ford. The superintendent shall also perform such other duties and report to the board at such times and in such manner as it may direct. § 312. Clerk, duties. The clerk shall keep the records d^^xm/sa. ;and accounts of said board, and a record of the official acts of "the superintendent of charities, and perform such other duties ::as said board mav direct. 108 CHARITY DEPARTMENT. ch2)*Vii^§6. § 313. Members may not receive compensation. No member of said charity commission shall be eligible to any com- pensated office or employment in the gift of said board, nor shall any compensated official or appointee of said board be eligible to membership therein. ch^^VI^%^ § 314. Rules. The board shall from time to time pre- scribe such reasonable rules and regulations as it may deem best, relative to the duties of the president, the clerk, the superin- tendent of charities, and such assistants and other employees a& it may be authorized to appoint. chS*Viif's8. § 315. Annual report. The board shall annually, on the first day of April, report in detail to the court of common council all its proceedings and acts for the year preceding, in- cluding its receipts and disbursements; and shall make special reports whenever required by said court of common council. May 18, 1909. § 316. MlnorS. The powers and duties formerly vested by law in the selectmen of the town of Hartford, relating to the marriage of female minors, and guardians of orphan minors, shall be vested in and exercised by the board of charity com- missioners. ORDINANCES. 109 Chapter XV. BUILDING DEPARTMENT. § 317. Definitions, in this chapter the following terms ch^/xivfji. shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them : "Alterations" means any addition or change from the original plan of the building. " Cellar " means a lower story of which one-half or more of the height from the floor to the ceiling is below the level of the ground adjoining. " Foundation Wall " means that portion of a wall below the levefof the outside finished grade; but if under party or parti- tion walls, means that portion below the cellar floor. " Footings " means the lower course of stone under a founda- tion or other wall, projecting beyond the face of the wall each side to increase the area of the base.- " Inspector " means the building inspector. " Party Wall " means every wall used, or built in order to be used, as a separation of two or more buildings. " External Wall " means every outer wall or vertical en- closure of a building other than a party wall. " Partition Wall " means any interior wall of masonry in a building other than a party or external wall. " Partition " means any interior wall in a building other than of masonry. " Repairs " means the reconstruction or renewal of any exist- ing part of a building, and not made, in the opinion of the in- spector, for the purpose of converting the building, in whole or in part, substantially into a new one. " Stories " are counted from the first tier of beams at or above the level of adjoining ground. 110 BUILDING DEPARTMENT. "Half story '^ means that portion of a story immediately under the roof whose inside height does not exceed five feet at the plate. " Wooden Building " means any building the structural part of whose outside walls is of wood. "Building of brick or other Fireproof Material" means any building the structural part of whose outside walls is of such material. Mar. 29, 1898. " Block of Dwellings " means a series of three or more houses used mainly for dwellings, such houses being separated by party walls and having separate entrances and stairways. Rev. 1898. « Shed " means a structure not exceeding one story in height, at least one of whose sides is open. Mm. 28, 1899. "Veranda'' means an open gallery, one or more stories, with or without roof, and no portion of the sides of which on streets where veranda lines are established shall be enclosed beyond the building line except as may be hereinafter provided. Storm porches may be placed and maintained on verandas on streets where veranda lines are established, and such verandas may be enclosed with sash and glass between the first of De- cember and the first of April of the year following, special permit having been obtained from the inspector; but if, in the judgment of the inspector, such storm porch or enclosure is, or may be, a matter of obstruction to the view adjoining pro- prietors, he shall modify the plans of the applicant as he may deem best, or refuse to grant permit therefor. Rev. 1898. " Cement Mortar " means a mortar composed of not more than three parts of sand to one part of good fresh cement. " Lime Mortar " means a mortar composed of not more than four parts of sand to one part of fresh-burned lime. " Cement and Lime Mortar " means a mortar composed of one part of lime, one part of cement, and six parts of sand. " Concrete for Foundations "means a mortar of one part of cement, two parts of sand, carefully mixed with five parts of small, clean, broken stone not larger than an egg. ORDINANCES. Ill § 318. Building inspector and deputy, qualifications, ^or. 13,1901. Powers of deputy. The mayor, by and with the approval of the board of aldermen, shall appoint a building inspector and a deputy building inspector. Said deputy building inspector shall assist the building inspector in the performance of his duties, and shall exercise, subject to the control and direction of the building inspector, all the powers of said inspector, and shall, in case of the death of said building inspector while in office, perform all the duties of said office until the vacancy in said office is filled. Said building inspector and deputy build- ing inspector shall be competent persons with practical experi- ence in the construction of brick and wooden buildings, and shall not be interested directly or indirectly in any building con- tract or in furnishing material for the same, and shall hold office for the term of two years from the first day of January next following their appointment, unless said appointment be made to fill a vacancy, in which event the appointee shall hold office for the balance of the unexpired term only, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. § 319. Permit to build after submission of plans, etc.,ci,fp"^xiv.V to inspector. Before the erection, construction, alteration, or extension of any building or part thereof in the city is begun, the owner, builder, or architect shall submit to the building inspector a clear statement of the material to be used and the mode of construction of the proposed building or alteration, with the plans and specifications (if any there are), said state- ment to be in writing on suitable blanks furnished by the in- spector for that purpose, and no building or part thereof, al- teration or extension, shall be commenced until the owner shall receive from the inspector a certificate of permit specify- ing the material of which the outer walls and outer covering of the roof of said building is to be composed, and the street upon which and the distance therefrom at which said building is to be placed, a copy of which shall be filed in the office of the inspector under the date of its issue, and such certificate 15 112 BUILDING DEPARTMENT. of permit shall not be granted until the inspector is satisfied from an examination of the plans and specifications, or the detailed memoranda of the proposed building or alteration, that said structure when completed will be safe and secure, and built in the best manner to escape the dangers of fire, explosion, and disease. If a building or alteration or extension of a building shall be begun without said certificate of permit, the builder and owner shall both be deemed to have violated this chapter. sept.27,i»04. § 320. Inspection of buildings, it shall be the duty of said inspector to examine the condition of all buildings within the city limits, and to serve notice in writing upon the builders, owners, or architects of such structures as he deems to be unsafe or insecure by reason of the mode or manner of construction or the materials used in the construction thereof, and to order such changes in the mode or manner of construction and the materials used as he may deem necessary for public safety. chapViTis. § 32^- ^'9*^* *^ ®"*^''- ^^^ ^^^^ inspector is hereby em- powered to, and whenever, in his judgment, occasion may re- quire, shall enter into and upon any building, premises, staging, or other structure for the purpose of examining the same in reference to its safety, and attending to the performance of his duties as required by law, and shall order the same altered to his reasonable acceptance at the expense of the owner thereof, or of the owner of the land upon which the same is located. ch?p?xiTs6. § 322. Appeals, in case any person shall feel aggrieved by any order of the building inspector, he, or his architect, or builder, shall have the right of an immediate appeal to a board of arbitrators appointed in the manner hereinafter set forth, or to the city court of Hartford, at his election. The said board of arbitrators and said city court shall have the power to annul, amend, modify, or affirm such order of the building inspector. Such appeal must be taken within five days after the date of the receipt of the inspector's notice and order by the aggrieved party, or his architect or builder. Said notice of appeal must OBDINANCES. 118 specify the appellant's election of the tribunal to which such ap- peal is taken, and in case of an election of an appeal to the board of arbitrators, it shall be deemed perfected by a written notice of appeal left with the building inspector personally or at his office. In case of the election by the aggrieved party of an appeal to the city court, a copy of said notice, with an affidavit of service endorsed thereon, shall be filed with the clerk of said court, and said appeal to that tribunal shall be thereupon perfected. § 323. Arbitrators. Costs of appeal. The board of ^^Rev^j^se^^ arbitrators in each appeal shall be composed in the first in- stance of two disinterested persons residing in the city of Hart- ford, one of whom shall be appointed by the appellant and one by the building inspector, and, if they cannot agree, a third member shall be chosen by the two persons thus appointed; and the decision of a majority of the board of arbitrators thus chosen, when reduced to waiting, swora to and filed in the in- spector's office, shall be final and conclusive upon the parties. Upon the filing of such decision work may immediately be re- sumed in accordance therewith. The expense of such arbitra- tion shall in every case be paid by the appellant. § 324. Appeal to City Court. Costs, when an appeal Rev. i898. is taken to the city court of Hartford as above set forth, the judge thereof shall forthwith inquire into the facts himself or by a committee appointed by him, and may make such order as he may deem proper in the premises, and may, at his discretion, tax costs in favor of the prevailing party, and may issue execu- tion therefor. Upon the entry of judgment in said court, work may immediately be resumed in accordance therewith. § 325. Appeal to City Court on disagreement of arbi- chfp'Vivfes trators. in case of an election by the appellant of an appeal to a board of arbitrators and the failure by the two persons to agree upon a third member, the appellant may thereupon appeal to the city court in the manner hereinbefore provided within 114 BUILDING DEPARTMENT. two days after the receipt by him of notice of such disagreement, signed by either of the arbitrators already chosen. Caa^p' xiv?§io. § 326. RepOft of inspector. The said inspector shall ' make a detailed report of his doings to the court of common council at least as often as once in six months, showing the number of certificates of permit granted and the number re- fused, and such other facts as may be of importance relating to the discharge of his duties. Mem § 327. Violations of ordinance. He shall diligently inquire into and report to the prosecuting attorney for prosecu- tion all violations of the orders of said inspector and of the building laws of the city, and may also apply in his own name, as building inspector of the city of Hartford, to the city court for an injunction or other legal or equitable remedy in aid of his powers as he may be advised by the corporation counsel to be necessary in the premises. ^ ReVr^ci. § 328. Suspension of inspector. Hearing. Removal. The mayor, by and with the advice and consent of any four members of the board of aldermen, may suspend said building inspector for cause, and if, within three days thereafter, the mayor shall not prefer charges in writing against him and cause a copy thereof to be served on him, then he shall be restored to his said office, but if charges are preferred they shall be speedily heard before the. mayor and board of 'aldermen, and if upon hearing had it shall appear to the mayor and aldermen, or to a majority of those present, that the best interests of the city re- quire the removal of said building inspector, he may be so re- moved by a majority vote of those present and voting. Rev. 1896. § 329. FlVQ llmltS. The fire limits of the city of Hart- ' ford shall be as follows : Beginning at the junction of the Park river and Commerce street, thence following the Park river to a point two hundred feet east of Main street; thence south by a line parallel to Main street to a point opposite the OBDINANOES. 115 north end of Barnard Park; thence by a straight line to a point on Park street two hundred feet west of Main street; thence by a line parallel to Main street to Park river; thence following. Park river to a point two hundred feet south of Asylum street ; thence west by a line parallel to Asylum street to a point op- posite its junction with Farmington avenue; thence by a straight line to a point two hundred feet north of Asylum street opposite said junction; thence by a line parallel to Asylum street to the New York, New Haven & Hartford Eailroad tracks; thence following the said tracks to a point two hundred feet south of Albany avenue; thence westerly by a line parallel to Albany avenue to a point on Edwards street two hundred feet south of Albany avenue; thence by a straight line to a point two hundred feet north of Albany avenue opposite the center of Edwards street; thence by a line parallel to Albany avenue to the New York, New Haven & Hartford Eailroad tracks: thence by the Valley Division of said railroad to Commerce street ; thence by said street to the place of beginning ; embrac- ing all the territory lying within said limits. § 330- Buildings in fire limits. Within the aforesaid ^^^^v^im^^ fire limits it shall be unlawful to erect, enlarge, or elevate any wooden building, or to build any structure, unless it be of brick, stone, or iron, or other fireproof material. The inspector may, however, permit the removal of a wooden building from one part of a lot within said fire limits to another part of the same lot, when in its new position it shall not be within twenty-five feet of any building. The inspector may permit the erection of wooden sheds with metal roof, when such structures will not endanger other property, and may permit the erection of one- story wooden buildings within said limits, not to exceed twenty- four by thirty feet in area, and eleven feet at the highest point, the same to be covered with corrugated iron or other fireproof material, to the satisfaction of the inspector. The inspector Rev. i898. ^ ^ Chap. XIV, §18. may permit temporary structures in connection with the erec- tion of*buildings. 116 BUILDING DEPARTMENT. § 331. Fire marshal. The building inspector and his assistant shall have all the powers formerly vested in, and per- form all the duties formerly performed by the fire marshal of the city. Rer. 1898. § 332. ExcavatiOHS. All excavations shall be properly ' guarded and protected so as to prevent the same from becoming dangerous to life or limb, and shall be sheet-piled whenever necessary to prevent the adjoining earth from caving in. Idem. g 333^ Footing courses. Broad and heavy footing courses of stone or concrete are to be provided whenever, in the opinion of the inspector, the condition of the soil or the height of the building may demand them, and in all cases such footing courses shall be set under brick foundations. Idem. § 334_ Foundation wails. The thickness of foundation walls shall not be less than indicated by the diagrams of walls. Dwellings of wood not exceeding one and one-half stories in height, and wooden barns and buildings for light work not ex- ceeding two stories in height may rest upon brick piers, if ap- proved by the inspector. Whenever foundations are unusually deep or serve as bank walls, the thickness must be proportion- ately increased. All foundation walls shall be properly bonded as often as once in each square yard. Idem. § 335. Footings for piers and chimneys. All piers and chimneys shall have footings not less than six inches thick, and proportionately thicker wherever, in the opinion of the in- spector, the soil or the load shall require, and shall project not less than two-thirds of the thickness. Idem. § 336, Wooden posts in cellar. No wooden post or column shall be used in any cellar as a structural support, mill construction excepted. ch^'' xivVs § ^^^- Mortar. No lime mortar shall be used until the lime therein is thoroughly slaked, and all cement mortar shall be used immediately after being mixed. Mortar for stone or brick walls below the level of water shall be cement mortar. Foundations where the weight of building requires a wall two ORDIN-ANCES. 117 feet thick shall be laid in cement mortar. All foundations less than two feet thick shall be laid in cement or cement and lime mortar. Brick walls above ground over sixteen inches thick and more than four stories or forty-five feet high shall be laid in. cement mortar, but the stories over said height may be laid in cement and lime mortar. All walls, other than walls in dwellings, shall be laid in cement and lime mortar. Dwellings not exceeding three stories or thirty-five feet in height may be laid in lime mortar. Underpinning to wooden buildings shall be laid in cement and lime mortar. § 338. Bearing load. The safe bearing load to apply i<*«™- to good brick-work shall be estimated at eight tons for each superficial foot, where good lime mortar is used, and eleven and one-half tons where cement and lime mortar is used, and fifteen tons where good cement mortar is used, and eleven tons where good concrete is used. § 339. Weight of masonry. Each cubic foot of brick- Idem, work shall be deemed to weigh one hundred and fifteen pounds ; sandstone, marble, and granite shall be deemed to weigh one hundred and sixty pounds per cubic foot. § 340. Rock-face work bonded. No rock-face work in Rev. 189S walls below the water table or the superstructure above, in any building, shall be less than four inches thick, and it shall have a bond stone running into said wall at least twelve inches once in every square yard of surface of wall. § 341. Ashlar anchored, in buildings faced with ash- Idem, lar each face-stone shall be anchored into the backing with wrought-iron anchors, at least one-eighth of an inch thick by one inch wide, or one-eighth of an inch in diameter, and of suitable length. § 342. Cornices secured. Where a wall is finished with idem, a stone cornice, or where any stone projects beyond the face of the wall, the greatest weight of material shall be on the in- side of the face of the wall or it shall be otherwise properly secured. 118 BUILDING DEPARTMENT. ch?p'Vi??§i7. § 343. Brick walls, thickness. Bonding. The thick- ness of brick walls shall not be less than indicated by the dia- grams of walls, except in special cases to be approved by the in- spector. Brick used in all buildings shall be good, hard, well- bumed brick, except where used for firestops or for backing the inside of wooden buildings. All brick walls shall be well bonded at least every seventh course throughout the thickness of the wall. Where face or ornamental brick-work is used, a blind header may be used by cutting off the inner comers of the face-brick and laying a diagonal header, or by laying a course of headers and stretchers. Idem. Idem. § 344. Party walls. Beams therein. Within the fire limits no party wall shall be less than twelve inches thick. Every dwelling in a block of dwellings shall be separated from the one adjoining by a brick party wall running from front to rear; such walls shall be without openings (and outside of fire limits be built out to boarding of sides and up to underside of roof boarding), and of thickness specified in this section. Outside the fire limits, when the party wall averages over thirty- five feet, and under forty-five feet in height, estimating from the level of cellar floor, the cellar part of said wall shall not be less than twelve inches thick, and the remainder of said wall shall not be less than eight inches thick; but when such wall averages thirty-five feet or less in height, estimating from the level of the cellar floor, it may be eight inches thick the full height ; other party walls to be as indicated by diagram of walls. Where eight-inch party walls are used, the floor Joists or beams shall be separated or spaced, so that there shall be not less than four inches of brick-work between said joists or beams. § 345. Hollow walls. Outside walls may be hollow when necessary, but where hollow walls are used, the air spaces are not to be included in the thickness required; slots or chases in the wall shall not come within four inches of the opposite side of wall, and no two slots shall be within eight feet of each OBDINANCES. 119 other. If any brick building already built, or which may be built hereafter, shall be altered, enlarged, raised, built upon, repaired, or rebuilt, such alterations shall be made to conform to the requirements of this section. Idem. § 346. Underpinning, thickness of. Underpinning to wooden buildings not over two and one-half stories high, under twenty-four feet wide, and thirty-two feet long, may be eight inches thick; all other underpinning shall be not less than twelve inches thick; the inside course to be built up to top of first floor joist; where eight-inch walls are used, the brick-work shall be built on top of the wood-sills to top of first floor joist, and shall be not less than four inches thick. § 347. Frame-work of large openings, fire-proof. ^^«™ Whenever more than half the area of any brick wall is occu- pied by window or other openings, the constructive frame-w(^k shall be of iron or other fireproof material, and the remaining, portions of wall shall be suitably thicker. No wooden lintels shall be used to support brick walls. § 348. Adjoining walls anchored. All walls of a build- chi^^iirsifi. ing meeting at any angle shall be anchored to the adjoining wall, every eight feet in height, by anchors made of at least one- inch by one-eighth of an inch wrought-iron, securely built into the side or partition walls not less than thirty-six inches, and into the front or rear walls at least one-half the thickness of such walls, except where the walls are carried up together and bonded at the point of contact. § 349. Beams anchored to walls and together. All walls of a building shall be anchored to each tier of beams or joists at intervals of not more than six feet apart (except in mill construction, where each timber shall be anchored), with good wrought-iron anchors not less than one and a half inches wide, by one-quarter of an inch thick, fastened to the sides of the beam or joist by three wrought-iron spikes, one-fourth of an Idem. 120 BUILDING DEPARTMENT. f inch in diameter. WHiere beams are supported by girders or partitions, the beams shall be butted together end to end and strapped by wrought-iron straps of the same size and distance apart and on the same beam as the wall anchors, and fastened in the same manner, or the joists may lap each other at least twelve inches and be well spiked or bolted together; every pier or wall, front or rear, shall be anchored to the beams of each story; front and rear beams shall have hard wood anchor strips between the beams to support the anchor, which shall pass over at least three beams. Idem. § 350, Sills and plates bolted to brickwork. SiUs of wooden structures which are set at a greater height than the first floor, and the plate supporting roofs upon brick buildings shall be bolted to the brickwork with wrought-iron bolts not less tl^in two feet long, one-half inch in diameter, secured at the bottom to a horizontal plate or washer of iron not less than four inches square, and not less than one-eighth of an inch thick, the top of bolt to be provided with proper washer, screw threads, and nut. Rev. 1898. § 351. Chlmneys and openings therein. The jambs of '^" every fireplace, range, or grate opening shall be at least eight inches wide, and the backs of such openings shall be at least eight inches thick; and brickwork over fireplaces, grates, or other openings shall be supported by iron bars, or brick or stone arches. All hearths shall be supported by trimmer arches of brick or stone, or by iron construction. Hearths and trimmer arches shall be at least eight inches longer on either side than the width of such openings, and at least eighteen inches wide in front of chimney breast. No chimney shall be corbelled from a wall more than eight inches, nor hung from a wall less than twelve inches thick unless it projects equally on each side of the wall, nor started nor built upon any wooden floor or beam. All chimneys shall be built of brick, stone, or other fire- proof materials. Brick chimneys, including foundation, shall OBDINANCES. 121 have walls eight inches thick, unless terra cotta flue linings are used, in which case the walls may be four inches outside the lining. Where chimneys are built in outside walls, the tile shall start not less than two feet below the underside of the first floor joists at fireplaces. The tile over fireplaces shall commence within two feet of the throat of chimney. When chimneys are built inside without fireplaces they shall be built plumb from the foundation and the tiles shall start at the cellar floor, or the chimney shall be built with eight-inch walls. Ventilating flues or ducts may, by special permit of the in- spector, be built with four-inch walls, if the outside wall be eight inches thick, in which case they need not be tiled, and may be topped out as chimneys. Smoke-pipe holes shall have thimbles of iron or terra cotta ; no tile shall be used for chimney unless enclosed with four inches of brick work; all chimneys shall be topped out at least four feet above the highest point of contact with roof; no nail shall be driven into the masonry of any chimney; flues of ranges or heating boilers and other similar flues shall have the outside exposed to the height of the ceiling, or be plastered directly upon the brick. § 352. Smoke-pipe, protection. No smoke-pipe in any^^Rev^iM8.^ building with wooden or combustible floors or ceilings shall enter any flue, unless the pipe shall be at least eight inches from either the floors, ceilings, or partitions ; and where smoke- pipes pass through a stud or wooden partition or floor of any kind, whether plastered or not, they shall be protected by a double collar of metal, with two inches of air space and holes for ventilation, or by a terra cotta thimble, with four inches of ■ brickwork around for the full thickness of the studding ; where the woodwork is protected by a shield of metal a less distance may be allowed, but not less than four inches. § 353. Brick furnaces. Brick-set hot-air furnaces shall Rev. i898. , Chap. XIV, 881. have two covers, with an air space of four inches between them ; the inner cover of the hot-air chamber shall be a brick arch, or two courses of brick, laid on galvanized iron or tin, supported by 122 BUILDING DEPAETMENT. iron bars. The outside cover or top of furnace shall be made of brick or metal supported by iron bars, and constructed so as to be perfectly tight. The walls of furnaces shall be built hol- low, viz. : one inner and one outer wall, each four inches thick, properly bonded together, with air space of not less than two inches between them. All furnaces shall be built at least four inches from any woodwork. Idem. g 354^ Cold-air boxes. Cold-air boxes shall be of metal or brick for a distance of three feet from the furnace. Idem. Idem. § 355. Portable furnaces. Portable hot-air furnaces shall be kept at least sixteen inches from any woodwork or ceiling, unless they are protected by a metal shield, in which case they may be kept not less than eight inches from said woodwork or ceiling. Wooden floors under any portable furnace shall be protected by a course of brick laid in mortar, said brick to extend twenty inches at least in front of the ash- pan. § 356. Registers and hot-air pipes. Registers over a brick furnace shall be supported by a brick shaft from cover of furnace, with a metal pipe inside. Eegisters placed in any wood floor shall have either stone or iron borders. Register-boxes shall be made of tin, with a flange on top to fit in the rabbet in the border, and the register shall rest upon same; there shall be not less than one-inch open space on all sides of box; where but one register is connected to a furnace, said register shall have no valves. Horizontal pipes, and hot-air pipes in floors or stud partitions, shall have the woodwork lined with tin plate, and the outside faces covered with metal or slate. Horizontal pipes shall be kept six inches below the floor-beams or ceiling, unless plastered or protected by a metal shield, in which case the distance shall not be less than three inches; where hot- air pipes pass through stud or any wooden partitions, they shall be protected by a double collar of metal, with one-inch air space and holes for ventilation, or surrounded by four inches of brickwork. , ORDINANCES. 123 § 357- steam boilers in public buildings. No steam ch5>^Vi^§22. boiler or boilers shall be installed for heating purposes in or under any public building or place of public assembly, nor in any hotel, building for offices, nor apartment building, with- out the approval of the building inspector ; and the steam pres- sure allowed on such boilers shall in no case exceed ten pounds per square iiich. § 358. Hot-water systems. Hot- water systems shall idem, be provided with open tanks; or if closed system is used, safety valves shall be provided ; said valves to be set at a pressure not exceeding five pounds above the water pressure of the boiler, and in no ca^e shall the expansion of any system be provided for by back pressure into the city water mains. § 359. Boilers for power. Inspection, in buildings wem. where boilers are used for elevators or ventilators, a permit for the installation of a steam boiler or boilers must first be ob- tained from the building inspector; but the pressure of steam per square inch allowed must be regulated and limited by an inspector authorized under the laws of this state to make in- spections of steam boilers. All boilers used in the buildings hereinbefore named must be thoroughly inspected at least once in each year. No boiler used for steam heat or motive power, nor any hot-water heater, shall be placed on any floor above the cellar floor, unless the same is set on fireproof beams and arches, and in no case without a permit from the inspector. § 360. Steam pipes. No steam pipe shall be placed Wem. within one and a half inches of any woodwork or timber unless the woodwork or timber is protected by a metal shield. All steam pipes passing through floors or ceilings, or lath and plaster partitions, shall be protected by a metal tube with an air space between. All wooden boxes enclosing steam pipes or radiators, and all covers to recesses, shall be lined with metal; all steam and hot-water pipes shall be supported by iron brackets or hangers. I 124 BUILDING DEPARTMENT. • chS'VivV § 361. Pipes may be let into beams, when. No gas, water, or other pipes shall be let into the beams or joists unless the same be placed within thirty-six inches of the end of beam or joists; nor shall the pipes be let into the beams or joists more than two inches in depth. Idem. g 3g2. Stop COCl